The origination of sacrament ceremony of the Christianity is deeply rooted With Indo-Iranian...

1 The origination of sacrament ceremony of the Christianity is deeply rooted With Indo-Iranian religion of Mitra-Mithraism: By: Bipin Shah

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The origination of sacrament ceremony of the Christianity is deeply rooted

With Indo-Iranian religion of Mitra-Mithraism:

By: Bipin Shah


The origination of sacrament ceremony of the Christianity is deeply rooted

With Indo-Iranian religion of Mitra-Mithraism:

By: Bipin Shah


Previously, I wrote and posted on my academia page three articles that describe the

formulation and the rise of the early Christianities and they are listed here for reader’s

further review.

The major cause of the rise of early Christianity was related to massive rejection of Roman

Paganism in non-Roman world of Asia and Orthodox Jewish belief on the arrival of new

messiah to free them from the Roman oppression. Emperor Vespasian while serving his first

imperial assignment in Egypt and Judas witnessed the rebellious mood of newly conquered

territories and spent considerable time fighting the various rebellions. The division among

Jewish priestly class and Jewish common people witnessed the split in Jewish society. At the

siege of Gamla in Israel, Commander Vespasian captured Josephus while killing rebellious

leader Yeshua. We do not know if this is the Yeshua who was crucified along with others by

Vespasian or there was another Yeshua who lived in 100 BC from essence tribe who revolted

against Aristobalus and who was hung to tree and put to death. Josephus was captured as

Vespasian slave and then freed in return of cooperation. Because of this back ground in

history, he wrote the history during Roman siege under Josephus Flavian, taking on Vespasian

Flavian name. What role Josephus played in creating early gospels and historicity of Jesus is a

matter of debate.

One school of thought believes that Vespasian emperors developed the political strategy by

creating a messiah like figure from the rebels group who essentially can be described as a

member of Nazarean pacifists sect of Judaism and who believed in eastern religious principle

that combined India’s powerful asceticism features of Jainism and Buddhism. My earlier

writing along with this article provides the evidences to support the above conclusion.










Sun worshipping Tradition of the ancient World

We find the common elemental traits that bind all these religious traditions of the ancient

world were sun worshipping that was known among Indo- Iranian as Mitra-Mithraism. The

presence of the Mitraism (Mithraism) of Indo-Iranian Aryans already found its presence in

Anatolia, prior to Achemenians arrival in Anatolia and Greece. Mitanni, Hittite and Hurrians

and Chaldeans embraced some form of Mithra’s rituals. Ionian Greeks were very familiar with

it and gave it to Semites of Asia. The Greeks gave it to Roman. Jews during their Babylonian

captivity got acquainted with it through Persians as evidenced by the archeological discovery

at Dura Europa. There were some modifications from early Mitraism or Mithraism of Indo-

Iranians. The new discovery of Mithraum near London, England suggests that the tradition of

Mithraeum existed throughout the Roman Empire during early common eras before and after

Anno Domini.

London Mithraeum Plaques and Archeological Ruins-England


Mithraeum in crypt, Poland Eastern Europe

Egypt and Greece:

After the marriage of Egyptian pharos to Mitanni princess, the pharos himself adopted sun

worshipping. Indian have plethora of evidence in history starting with Mahabharata to more

recent Rajput clans that worshipped sun, our closest star who provide the life and energy.

Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher was a big believer of Mithraism and worshipped the sun

every day, nearly the same way Maitrakas of Saurashtra, Bappa Rawal, sisodiya of Rajasthan

and Sassanian emperors of Persia did.

Jesus Christ of Christianity is regarded as a son of God (God here equated to Sun or Aditya).

One can argue that this early worship can go back to early ages of the cave man. A cave man

always waited for early arrival of sun, so he can organize his hunting party for next days’


kitchen requirement. The sun was the sole supporter of the life, food and water. The sun

provided the agriculture and continues to remains the provider and supporter of all life forms

on this planet. No wonder, our bio rhythm synchronized at 4.00 AM and 4.PM every day that

automatically raises our blood pressure may have something to do with our previous

evolutionary life from cave dwelling to modern life.

Indo-Iranians and Proto Indo-Europeans

Up on closer examination, one can conclude that Vedic and Persian Aryans have either

perfected or introduced the ritual of the worship of Sun God Mitra (Sanskrit) and Mithra

(Avestan & Latin). The spread of Mithra may have accelerated prior to Xerexes or after

Xeroxes’ world conquest. It cannot be new unknown element either to Mitanni and other

people who succeeded them. The archeological evidence from old synagogue suggests that

Middle East Semite group that included Arabs, Jews and Greeks from Syria and Palestine that

adopted this practice along with other gods and Goddesses. How this practice coexisted with

other Gods of Semites, Jews and Greeks are not exactly well defined. The early knowledge of

astronomical observation and star gazing by great Rishis of Indo-Iranians are believed to have

contributed to this worship ritual of sun and mythological sun Mitra-Mithra.

Invocation 0f Mitra in Rig Veda of India:

The sources of our information comes from India’s Rig-Veda and the pre-Zoroastrian Persian

book of Avesta, both approximately dated to 1500 to 1800 BC, around the same time the

various Aryan tribes appeared in Anatolia. The present Armenians, Northern Persian

(Medians) and Kurdish people are connected with these early central Asian Proto-Aryan

tribes. The linguist connections are fuzzy but Indo-Iranians connected them through

similarities of culture and worshipping. The various Sanskrit text and middle Persian text

Shahnamah provides some references to Mithra. Although, there are no uniformity in various

texts due to modification and changes created by their migration over centuries and infusion

of local culture, the interpretation of writers, a common theme emerges that gives away their

ancestral connection.

The sacrament ceremony of Christianity is very similar to Mithraism or Mithraism of early

Indo Europeans of Asia. Hopefully, we will demonstrate the strong link of Mitra (Mithra) and

Jesus Christ of Christianity. In its earliest period of 7th

century BC, the human and animal

sacrifice was said to have existed. In India, 6th

century religious renaissance by Mahavira and

Budhhas diminished and later abolished this gruesome practice. However, the references can

be found in old texts.


Medha and Mazda:

Medha mentioned in Sanskrit Rig Veda is now equated to Persian “Mazda”. Avesta mentions

in the book of yasht-13.87, the first Aryan king Gaya Mare Tan (may be holy city of Gaya takes

his name) worshipped the God Mazda (source-Sacred Text). The Vedic people interpreted the

same God as a 'Medha' in Sanskrit, meaning intelligent and wise God, who caused creation

through wisdom the divine thought. The present Hinduism may call him “Brahma”. Avestan

literature further tells us that Gaya Maretan and his associate Avestan priest called them

Mazdayasni and “paoiryo-tkaesha” or we can equate that in Modern Sanskrit (Purva Dharma)

meaning keepers of the “original ancient law”.


The priest Zarathustra reformulated this earlier thought of the original Aryan tribes of

subcontinents and proclaimed that as “Ahura-Tkaesha” or the laws of the Lord Ahura who

has the dominion over creation that already exists after creation. He argued that If the word

'Mazda' related to the creative aspect of the divinity grounded in an ultimate concept of

wisdom, the word 'Ahura' related to the aspect of having dominion over creation through

order and laws that are innate in every part and particle of creation. Zarathustra used these

two concepts to reform the primitive belief and described as “Mazdayasni Daeni” as opposed

to Vedic Aryan’s “Brahma-Yojna”. So, we can conclude that “Mazda Daeni” equated to Vedic

“Brahma Yojna” and both equated to Indian “Dharma” or Buddhist “Dhama” in Pali.

However, Ahura’s opposite will be Vishnu who performs the same function after the creation

that has occurred in Vedic Hinduism. Krishna, his incarnation, a great trickster in

Mahabharata epic was responsible for killing Ahura who was miraculously revived.

Zarathustra’s teachings were different enough for him to have initially experienced great

difficulty in getting others to listen to him. Similar experience of Buddha and Mahavira can be

cited over here to wean away people from ancient rituals of Brahmanism.

This brief over view on the theology differences of Indo-Iranian Aryan’s religion further

illustrates the radical nature of the great teacher’s teachings, regardless of the words used for

divinity. The labeling from ancient texts often leads to the wrong conclusion; one can argue

that Varuna worship of ancient Indians, Mitanni and others was nearly the same as Ahura

Mazda of Persian or Deva worship of Vedic Aryans.


Deva and Daeva

Deva in Sanskrit equates to Daeva in Avestan religion. The Devas are the gods of the Hindu

scriptures like ancient Rig Veda. The Rig Veda provides the details about Pre-Zoroastrian

Aryan worship. The Daeva and Div in the Avesta and other Persian texts are described as

personification of evil qualities and demons. Similarly, Ahura (Sanskrit-Asura) are defined as

demons and evils by Vedic people. They created opposing religious ideologies to differentiate

their worship rituals.

The demonization of the Rig Vedic Deva singularly focuses on warrior Dev “Indra”. As per the

Avestan Vendidad, Indra was an ancient person with his famous Vajra and thunderbolt

weapon (similar to “Nordic Thor”) brought terrors in the heart of ancient Avestan Persians.

There is a strong probability that Indra was a living person on this planet as a human warrior

and inflicted great causality and defeated the Avestan rebels and pushed them out to west as

described in Rig Veda, when one of the hymns says “Danu went west”. Atri Rishi

representing Iranians and Vishwamitra Rishi representing Vedic people created the opposing

religious ideologies. Rig-Vedic Hymns refers to the destructive power of Indra. His death

immortalized him as “Deva” very common practice observed by Hindus of today who

worshipped their ancient martyred ancestors as Deva either for good cause such as the

Rajput warriors of medieval age or noble acts in defending the clan’s honor. Some of the

“Kshatri” described as a memorial tombs are still present as a shrine or monument. Jaswant

singh Thada at Jodhpur is one example of his memorial. Rathod clan of India goes there every

year to offer their prayers and homage to Iconic forebears of Rathore clan Raja Jaswant Singh

at Jaswant Thada.


Jaswant Thada in Jodhpur-Jaswant singh died in the battle and a memorial was erected.

“Kshatri” of Samma Rajput-Bhuj, Kachha, India –A memorial for who shed life in the battle.


The word “Daeva” to Persian became a generic term to mean all demonic forces of evil. For

Vedic Aryan, “Asura” similarly (Ahura) became a generic word for the personification of evils

that was later expanded to include other non-Vedic or non-Aryan people’s Gods. Rig-Veda

hymn states:

“Deva Indra, Indra riding his elephant, Aryavarta “

Interestingly, Indra is a principle deva in the Rig Veda where he has more verses addressed to

him than any other Deva. Indra was very important person for Vedic people and leaves

credence to some belief that so called ancient “Arya Varta” the land of Aryans existed

somewhere else, probably outside the boundary of present Geographical India and the name

was later adopted or applied to the region of India where Aryan settled. Obviously, this a

much debated and controversial subject and casual reference will suffice to illustrate the

opposing arguments.

In the image below to the right, Indra is seen riding his elephant whose name is “Aryavarta”

same as the land of Arya. Unlike the invisible, non-anthropomorphic, genderless, non-iconic

Ahura-Mazda, the Devas are represented and worshipped as idols or given iconic images. The

painting on the right depicts the cosmic war between Deva and Asura.

Cosmic war between Asura and Devas Indira with Vajra in his hand and riding

Lord Vishnu (Krishna) shows the way for Indra Elephant Arya varta


By interchanging the word “S” with “H”, the word Ahura becomes Asura to Indians as the way

word Sindhu becomes Hindu to the Persian, The word “Ahu,” means lord that equates in

Sanskrit to “aša-asha” or “arta”. One can assume that the land of “Ararat”, “Aratta” may have

something to do with this as Armenians maintains their assumption that their land was

Urheimat for Indo-Europeans. At one time, greater Armenia included Turkmenistan and south

east Turkey.

Some of these words mentioned in Sanskrit can be found in the Judeo-Christian Bible. Besides

the biblical five books of Moses (Pentateuch), there are other ... It has strong Christian

elements, though partially masked from the pseudo-Jesuit text. ..... 41:1. In the New

Testament many dreams are mentioned through which God ... “It is also referred to as the

“Ahura vairya” or “Ahunwar” prayer, i.e. “Yatha ahu vairyo”, similar to Ahura Mazda off from

Persian. Sometime, the history reveals itself by connecting the dots. The presence of Swastika

in Armenia and other places signifies that connection as Swastika was the original symbols of

Aryans and is found in India, Buddhism, Jainism and other places in Asia.

Roman and Greek Swastika in Mosaic and Swastika in Gandazasar monastery in Armenia


Aryan with pony tail-“Shakhas” in Turkey Maps of Tribes Vedic Brahmin Depiction

Mitra and Mithra and Mithras (Latin):

Mitra-Mithras appears to be common to both the Avesta and Vedas. In the Avestan, Mithra

is often addressed together with the Asura Varuna. While the Vedas tend to

anthropomorphize all its deities, it is probable that the Asura, Varuna, Mithra and Agni were

originally invisible, non-anthropomorphic, Genderless, non-iconic deities who may have been

worshipped together as Ahura-Deva by Indo-Iranians.


Zoroaster of Persia Assumed Spread based on Genetic evidence and place of Importance

If the worshippers reflect the qualities of their God as they knew, the building and

maintaining a peaceful society based on law and order was a priority for Asura Persian


The deva worshipping on the other hand is reflected by Indra’s aggressive portrayal of

“exercise of power through might and fear” to enforce the law and order in Vedic Aryan

society. The Asura to Persians are more ethical where the Devas were materialistic. While in

the Rig Veda both deities and their respective allies are worshipped, Indra and deva worship

clearly take precedence. The largest numbers of Rig Vedic hymns are dedicated to Indra -

nearly 250 out of a total of 1028. Strangely, in Buddhism, the Asura were seen as lesser

quality deities as compared to Devas based on Buddha’s comments while observing the

construction of walls of Patliputra. We also find that Non-Vedic Kshatriya were called “Vrtya”

Kshatriya and both Mahavira and Buddha’s family belonged to that group.

The Agni, a prime deity of Zoroaster ritual is considered to be of Asura category by Brahmins

of India and Rig Veda devotes only 200 hymns, but still a greater number than the number of

hymns dedicated to Varuna.

You can conclude than those sun worshippers of India of early Common Era and middle age

Rajput warriors migrated from Iranian influence zone practiced probably more of Iranian

religious tradition. Therefore, most historians labeled them of scythic or Saka origin.

Simultaneously, “Indian Mitra”, described as Asura by Persian are included in the Zoroastrian

scriptures, the Avesta, as angels (Yazata) and guardians of the lords (Ahura/Asura) of core

Zoroastrian values and ideals. Indian Mitra on the other hand was Deva and Yaksha or


(Yazata) are considered to be the guardian of Brahma. Interestingly, Jaina and Buddhist

temples assign the duties of the guardian to their Tirthankaras or Buddha to Yaksha and

Yakshini. As per Jainism, the Tirthankaras are a superior deity and so are Budhhas so the

guarding duties are taken over by Yaksha (Yajnas) of lower ranks of divinity. This further

confirms the opposing religious beliefs of the same gods. In the mythical story, Vrtya Asura

was slain by Indra with help of Vishnu.

Due to strong Iranian Influence and rule over Western Asia, Mithra became the guardian of

the values and qualities associated with friendship just like Indian “Mitra”. In day-to-day

Indian languages, Mitra means a friend. Mitra displays the loyalty, trustworthiness, empathy,

piety, benevolence, promises and keeper his commitment. Mithra in Persian religion displays

the same values as Indian Mitra.

For the reason cited above central Asia became a primarily a Persian cultural influence zone.

"Mithras” travelled through Egypt, Asia and ended up in Rome. Mithra becomes a worldwide

God of prominence ever present in all the ancient civilization and whose name first appears

in writing in a peace treaty between the Hittite empire and the Mitanni in approximately

1450BC in Anatolia (Turkey). Mithra was often invoked in contracts and treaties as a binding

force and witness to the commitment made. The Hittites and the Mitanni who were both

Indo-European Aryan peoples mentioned in the Old Testament of Bible. In Bible, the Mitanni

are known as Hurrians, because they lived in the area called “Hurri” in south east Turkey and

as per Biblical and Egyptian sources, they were the best horsemen and Charioteers and inked

the manual on chariot that still survives as an archeological evidence of their presence in


During the rise of Zoroastrianism in Persia, the ancient cult of Mithra was suppressed for a

short duration by Persian emperors but it rose again due to the efforts of Magi Brahmins and

conquest of Persia by Parthians and Sassanians. Ionian Greek kingdom of Bactria also ruled

Judah and Syria and brought the Mithra worship to the Middle East. After the conquest of

Persia by Alexander the Great; the cult of Mithra also spreads deep into the Greek heartland

of Europe and Egypt and later travelled to the Roman world and was extremely popular with

warriors. For a limited duration, the Romans tried to suppress the Mithras cult as a Persian

subversion of the Roman Empire but the history ran far deeper before the Romans set foot in


Cult of Mithra and its popularity with Roman Legions:

The Mithra cult survived the Roman persecution and began to spread with stronger intensity

among all levels of the Roman Empires, especially among the legions of the Roman Empire.


The Romans who were stationed into the farthest reaches of the empire and beyond took

local wives, mistresses and their religious traditions especially in Asia Minor and Egypt,

Britain and Gaul.

The cult of Mithras held its meetings and ceremonies, in small underground chambers called

“Mithraeum”. These chambers could only accommodate perhaps small number of people;

when the numbers of people became too large for that Mithraeum to hold, another

Mithraeum was established. This became the main Pagan religion under Emperor Vespasian,

Titus and Empress Julia Domino. Both of these emperors came from Military ranks vs. Julio-

Claudian dynasty who were Roman aristocrats and member of the Roman senate.

The Mitra cult was strictly confined to male members like their later version displayed

through “Knights Templar” or “Masonic Order”. The cult of Mithra survived and there is no

evidence of its persecution and it was a political decision of inclusion by Flavian Emperors to

hold on to the empire in Asia and Egypt who already practiced that religion. Roman emperors

tried to adapt to this as a “counter religious revolution” against their Jewish subjects who

were resisting their integration to Roman suzerainty on the false belief that Messiah was

arriving again to liberate Jews from the Roman occupation. The Pharisee Jew named

Josephus assisted Roman Empire in propagating counter religious culture with the help of

another Roman Greek named Apollonius of Tyana known otherwise as Apostle Paul of New


I do understand that some experts will disagree with me on my analysis but I stick to my

research and try to make objective interpretations of the available history and sources of

Gnostic Text that portrays the true history of early Christianity than advocated by new

testament and Vatican that were the creation of Emperor Constantine of Constantinople

(Now Istanbul Turkey).

Josephus was captured and enslaved by Vespasian at Gamla, Judah. In return of his

cooperation, he became freed man and earned Roman citizenship and unprecedented access

to the Roman emperor that was neither an accident nor a coincidence. As a matter of fact,

the research done by Robert Atwill suggests that the all gospels corroborate the campaign

and journey of Emperor Titus throughout Asia when Josephus and Apostle Paul may have

accompanied Titus to this far out provinces to obey this new roman laws and Mithra worship.

The facts that are discovered at Nag Hamadi library in Egypt describing early Christianity was

long suppressed by Eusibius the right hand priest and councilor to the emperor Constantine.

The ability of the Mithras cult to stay in small personal groups and still expand their total

numbers was a key to their survival throughout the various prosecution periods. With the


change in emperors, there were various attempts were made to resurrect the ancient Roman

Gods and the persecution of other religious practice followed.

However, the cult of Mithras does not appear to be persecuted to any larger extent due to its

popularity with the Roman soldiers. The Constantine’s victory over Rome simply merged Cult

of Mithra into early Christianity. Everything remains same except Jewish Yeshua (Jesus) took

the place of mythical Mithra.

Many modern Christians do not understand the tremendous influence of the official version

of Roman Mithraism that was passed on to the early Christianity and their influence still

exists today.

Every Christmas; Christians, celebrate the birth of Mithras, on December 25, and every

Sunday, they worship on Mithra’s sacred day. However, they believe that they are celebrating

Jesus. Most of the very old Christian Churches, in Europe and the Middle East, are built on top

of even older Mithraeum. The Vatican’s Saint Peters Basilica, has an ancient Mithraeum in its

basement. Literally and physically, the Soma God Mithras (Indian Mitra), and the ancient

religion of Aryans forms the main foundation stones of the early Christianity. Supporting this

astonishing conclusion is the Stella of Mithra existing throughout the different corners of

Roman Empire.

Mithraum at Dura Europa-Syria Sol-Invictus Rome Pythagoras school worshipping of sun Italy


Disegno Ricostruttivo della cerimonia Mitraica- Italy depiction of Roman Mithrium

The birth of Mithras from the Cosmic Egg. A winged Mithras wrapped in a Serpent encircled with the Zodiac

Soma is born from the Golden Embryo. On the right Mithra and Bull at Louver Lance-sacrificing Bull


Mitra (Mithra), Soma (Hoama), Yojna (Yasna) ceremonies:


Vedic Varuna and Mitra are the gods of the blood oath and tribal contracts often twinned as

Mitra–Varuna. Mitra is often invoked together with Varuna, as Mitra-Varuna in Rig Veda. In

some of their aspects, Varuna is lord of the cosmic rhythm of the celestial spheres, while

Mitra brings forth the light at dawn, which was covered by Varuna. Mitra together with

Varuna is the most prominent deity and the chief of the “Aditya” Sun or “Surya” While

Iranians calls them Asura, Mitra and Varuna are also addressed as “Devas” in Rigveda (e.g.,

RV 7.60.12).

Blood oath ceremony-Indian Royal court Blood Oath ceremony- Persian Royal Court

Rig Veda 3.59.6. Hymn refers Mitra as a Deva (Mitrasya-Devasya). The pairing of Mithra with

Varuna, a god unknown to Iranian religion (known to Mitanni) during the sacramental use of

"Hoama" in the form of a special "Sacramental Wine" and the "Living Bread" by the various

Mithra cults is unique to Vedic religion. Reflecting his status as a solar deity, Mitra has long

been worshipped in the sunrise prayers of the Hindus, sometimes called Aditya. The morning

“Upasthaana” prayer, recited to the morning of the rising sun after contemplation on the

sacred Gyatri Mantra is a collection of RV verses addressing God Mitra-Varuna jointly as a


Soma Plant:

Sanskrit “soma” or Persian “Hoama” was the name given to the Reddish yellow colored plant,

from which a juice was pounded and extracted and consumed in the Yasna or “Yojna”

ceremony of the ancient Aryans (Vedic and Avestan). This alcohol type, “ephedrine” drink

was accompanied the general sacrifice of animals in honor of all the deities. “Asvamedha”

ceremony where horse was sacrificed by Vedic Aryan was part of the similar rituals. It may be

hard to believe but Vedic Aryans were meat eaters that included Brahmins as well as other

Varnas and this practice was later abandoned by the reformist movements of Mahavira and


Budhhas. The Vedic literature is full of the stories of killing of deer, boar, horse and bird.

Other domestic animals were included except cows. Mauryan loved the peacock meats as per

Asokan pillar edict.

The Vedic Yojna ceremony was a remarkable comparison of Sunday mass of Christianity.

“Hoama was regarded by Zoroaster as the son of the Wise Lord and Creator (Ahura Mazda)

and the chief priest of the Yasna cult”. Hoama similarly considered a sacred plant that was

pounded to death in order to extract its life-giving juice so that those who consumed it might

be given immortality. Soma-Hoama was used exclusively for sacrificial-sacramental offering in

Mitra-Mithra worship. The modern Christianity has replaced that with red colored wine and

not white colored wine as the color red supposed to represent the color of the blood.

Mithra as a son of God was the intermediary between God and mankind, Soma-Hoama

acquired a place and sacramental significance in the worship of Mitra-Mithra (an Indo-Iranian

god of light). Yojna-Yasna ceremony also implies that joining of Mitra-Mithra worship and

ceremony granted them the rebirth right or as Hindu call it as “Twice born”.

Like Roman soldiers, the Rajput warriors earned the right of reborn more than ordinary

human, as per the belief as they became the martyr of the cause they were fighting for.

Mithra (Persian, Greeks Roman and Asians and followers of Christianity)

From Gnostic Text, entire description is reproduced: http://www.sacred-

“ The principal rites of the worship of Mithras bore a very curious resemblance to those

subsequently established in the Catholic church; they likewise furnished a model for the

initiatory ceremonies observed by the secret societies of the Middle Ages, and by their

professed descendants in modern times. The Neophytes were admitted by the rite of

Baptism; the initiated at their assemblies solemnly celebrated a species of Eucharist: whilst

the courage and endurance of the candidate for admission into the sect were tested by

twelve consecutive trials, called "The Tortures," undergone within a cave constructed for the

purpose; all which "tortures" had to be completely passed through before participation in the

Mysteries was granted to the aspirant. The two distinguishing Rites or "Sacraments" (to use

the technical term) are thus alluded to by Justin Martyr (Apo. II); in the earliest description

which has been left us of their character. "The Apostles in the Commentaries written by

themselves, which we call “Gospels”, have delivered down to us that Jesus thus commanded

to them: He having taken bread, after that He had given thanks, and said: Do this in

commemoration of me; this is my body. Also having taken a cup of wine and returned thanks,

He said: This is my blood, and delivered it unto them alone. Which things indeed the evil

spirits have taught to be done, out of memory, in the Mysteries and Initiations of



For in these likewise a cup of water, and bread, are set out, with the addition of certain

words, in the sacrifice or act of worship of the person about to be initiated: a thing which he

either know by personal experience or may learn by inquiry." Again, Tertullian, writing in the

following century, has in the same connection: "The Devil, whose business it is to pervert the

truth, mimics the exact circumstances of the Divine Sacraments, in the Mysteries of idols. He

himself baptizes some that is to say, his believers and followers; he promises forgiveness

of sins from the Sacred Fountain, and thereby initiates them into the religion of Mithras: thus

he marks on the forehead his own soldiers: there he celebrates the oblation of bread: he

brings in the symbol of the Resurrection, and wins the crown with the sword."

Hindu- Yama ( Death God) Persian- Yama (Death God) Devils of West (Death God)

By the "symbol of the Resurrection" Tertullian clearly means that "simulation of death" or

“twice born concept” of Hindu reincarnation, mentioned by Lampridius and others (of which

more hereafter), and which is typified on so many talismans by the corpse bestridden by the

Solar Lion.

The final ceremony he has himself explained in another passage: "Blush, my Roman fellow

soldiers, even though he be not to be judged by Christ, but by any 'Soldier of Mithras,' who

when he is undergoing initiation in the Cave, in the very Camp of the Powers of Darkness,

when the crown (garland, rather) is offered to him (a sword being placed between, as though

in semblance of martyrdom), and about to be set upon his head, is instructed to put forth his

hand, and push the crown away, transferring it perchance, to his shoulder, saying at the same

time: My crown is Mithras. And from that time forth he never wears a crown (garland), and

this he has for the badge of his initiation, for he is immediately known to be a 'soldier of


Mithras,' if he rejects a garland when offered to him, saying that his crown is his god. Let us

therefore acknowledge the craftiness of the Devil; who copies certain things of these that are

Divine, in order that he may confound and judge us by the faithfulness of his own followers."

As to the ceremony here mentioned, unimportant as it may seem to the modern reader, it

may be remarked that as the wearing a garland was indispensable among the ancients on all

festive occasions, the refusal of one upon such occasions would be a most conspicuous mark

of singularity, and of unflinching profession of faith. But every dispassionate observer will

perceive that these over-zealous Fathers proceed to beg the question when they assume that

the Mithraic rites were devised as counterfeits of the Christian Sacraments: inasmuch as the

former were in existence long before the first promulgation of Christianity; unless indeed to

imitate by anticipation be considered as merely another proof of the mischievous sagacity of

its diabolical opponent.

On the other hand, there is good reason to suspect that the simple commemorative, or

distinctive, ceremonies, instituted by the first founder of Christianity, were gradually invested

with those mystic and supernatural virtues which later ages insisted upon as articles of faith,

by the teaching of unscrupulous missionaries, anxious to outbid the attractions of long-

established rites of an apparently cognate character. By this assimilation they offered to their

converts through the performance of, as it were, certain magical practices, all those spiritual

blessings of which the rites themselves were, at their institution, the symbols only, not the

instruments. A very instructive illustration of such union of Mithraicism and Christianity, in

the celebration of the Eucharist, is afforded by the Pistis-Sophia's description of the great one

celebrated by the Savior himself upon the shore of the Sea of Galilee, which will be found

given at length in its proper place.”

Vedic and Avestan literature mentions that the priest offered “eating the flesh and drinking

the blood" of an animal and sometimes human sacrifice. Mahavira and Buddha both opposed

those rituals.

When it came to Roman, it was far from being a mere figure of speech in certain of these

mystic celebrations. Pliny gives high praise to Emperor Claudius for having suppressed the

worship of the Druids (whom he considers as identical in their religion with the Magi of Persia

that is involved in sacrifice), He describes that in those Celtic druid rites "it was esteemed the

highest act of religion to slaughter a man, and the most salutary of proceedings to eat the

flesh of the same." And in this notion, which necessarily became attached by suspicion to the

proceedings of all secret societies, lay most probably the root of the belief so widely diffused

amongst the Roman vulgar, that the real Eucharist of the first Christians at their nocturnal

meetings was the sacrifice, and the feasting upon, a new-born child, concealed within a vessel

of flour, into which the catechumen was directed by his sponsors to plunge a knife. In the

particulars preserved to us of the Mithraic Sacrament, certain very curious analogies to those

of the Christian rite cannot fail to arrest our attention. The "Bread therein used was a round

cake," emblem of the solar disk, and called Mizd. In this name Seel discovers the origin of


Missa, as designating the Bloodless Sacrifice of the Mass, assuming that this Mizd was the

prototype of the Host (hostia), which is of precisely the same forum and dimensions.

Representation of solar disk used now and in ancient time.

Catholic /Protestant sacraments ceremonies:


Several ceremonies of Mithraism is depicted in present Christianity-solar disk, wine and forehead

Death Baptisms Confirmation

The religious theology of Christianity is nearly the same as ancient Mithra worship. Animal

flesh replaced by the bread, Christ replaced Mithra as the Sun of God, an intermediary

between God and mankind. Under basilica of Saint Peter in Venice lies the ruin of an old

Roman Mithraum and some of the names of the prominent Roman pagan senators are listed

there. I am sure lots of people are unaware of these details. Constantine’s conquest of Rome

and subsequent proclamation of adopting Christianity as a state religion brought about

overnight conversion from the practice of Mithraism to early Christianity.

C.E. Olmstead wrote: “Mithraism took on the form of a mystery religion, with elaborate

rights and ceremonies. It came into the ancient Roman world about 75 B.C., and ranked as a

principal competitor of Christianity for 200 years.” That is from Flavian emperors to

Constantine of Byzantium. The encyclopedia of Britannica further declares that “The liturgy of

the Yasna was a remarkable anticipation of the mass in Christianity...The Mithraic

sacramental banquet was derived from the Yasna ceremony, wine taking the place of the

Hoama and Mithra that of Ahura Mazda. (James EO. Sacramental ideas and practices in the

Indo-Iranian world.”


Charles F. Aiken, a catholic scholar and researcher wrote:

“Ahur Mazdaism, of whose teachings and rites we have extensive and accurate knowledge,

was a great national religion, which in its worship of the supreme god Ormazd, attained to a

high level of religious and moral excellence. It was a near approach to monotheism, and

deserves to rank first among all the religions of the pagan world. Mithraism on the other

hand, was an heretical and more or less degenerate offshoot of Mazdaism transplanted in

Phrygian soil, in which worship was centered not on Ormazd but on a deity honored in

Mazdaism as one of Ormazd's heavenly creatures, Mithra, the ancient light-god, destined in

this new cult to assume the position of supreme god and to be identified with the sun.

Yasna/Yojna ceremony was replaced by Sunday mass. The donation procedure to the priest

and place of worship continued except the currency is different at different location.

Origin and mystery of Soma/Hoama Plant:

Armenian researcher makes a case for the plants grown in Armenia, that land of Ararat,

Uaratu, Ararat, supposed alternate urheimat of Indo-European migration theory. “Peganum

Hermala” (see below) and Cannabis are native to Armenia. But Gautama Buddha’s episode of

pork Mushroom curry (Supakka) that made him sick but was intended to relieve his pain,

permanently put him into the path of Nirvana by intoxicating him . Although this or similar

plant may be available somewhere in the foot hill of Himalaya or north west of Afghanistan

where most of Buddhist ruins are found. The curry prepared with Amanita Muscaria could be

intoxicating and deadly if not prepared and cooked right and may make Buddha to breadth

his last breadth. Although, the sufficient details are lacking to express a certified medical

opinion as to what soma plant or wild mushroom plant his disciple Ananda may have used.

Ambrosia Society research has shown that the sacred wine and bread of the modern

Christianity and Communion was a direct descendant of ancient Yasna-Yojna ceremony of

Indo-Iranian Aryans. An ethno mycologist, R. Gordon Wasson proposed that the “Fly Agarics”

or “Fly Amanita”, known also as (Amanita Muscaria) was the soma of the ancient Rig Veda

texts of India. Amanita Muscaria is generally considered poisonous mushroom variety but

prepared properly it was noted for its hallucinogenic properties, with its main psychoactive

constituent being the compound muscimol. The mushroom was used as an intoxicant and

entheogen by the peoples of Siberia. According to Gautama Buddha’s story as reported,

Gautama ordered Ananda to prepare the mushroom laden pork curry that went bad may

have poisoned him for which text implies that Ananda was so remorseful that he cannot be


The modern cannabis has similar properties but they are not identical. The subsequent

migration of Aryans toward Afghanistan where the opium puppies are grown in abundance

may have replaced the place of original soma plant. There are other candidates that have

similar properties are called “Perganum Hermala” as mentioned earlier and Ephedra Sinica-


Ma Huang of Chinese. Ephedra used in various cold medicines and Asthma inhalers are now

banned in USA due to its negative side effects but China still uses it in various formulation for

curtain of the disease. It does produce the euphoria and release of the energy that Vedic

people describe as “Kundalini”

Amanita Muscaria Peganum harmala Ephedra sinica 'Ma Huang

Interestingly and with some relevance, we must mention the recent discovery of Arkaim culture of Russia here where Amanita Muscaria is found. According to Victoria Lepage:

“In Russia’s more mystical quarters there is intense interest in the ancient town, seeing it as the city

temple built by the legendary King “Yama” mentioned in Veda and Avesta, ruler of the Aryans in the

Golden Age, which will once again become the centre of the world. However, the discovery of the

settlement has opened a historical aperture onto far more than the battles and conquests of an

aggressive Indo-European people waged across Eurasia and south into the Mediterranean lands,

where their war chariots shattered the peace of Old Europe. What the Land of Cities has revealed in

its very structure and history is above all the still earlier past of the Ural-Altaic peoples – a past of such

enormous antiquity that it presents more mysteries than it solves. This can be considered as another

urheimat candidate for migrating nomadic people.

So, like Indra, Yama may be again the living person and ruthless warrior who did not hesitate to kill his

enemies and so he acquires the status of death who we call now devil-the bad one, who brings the

death, a terminal process of life. Buddhist literature names him or similar divinity as “Mara” meaning

Indian word “Mrtyu” or death. The English word martyr may have been derived from Sanskrit based



Russia’s Arkaim site- a very cold region of Aryans per Avestan-Vendidad that propelled them south

Swastika’s interpretation:

Arkaim site also discovered Swastika seals. Swastika generally relates to all indo-Europeans.

Indians still use the Swastika abundantly in all their rituals, and it is always present in their

rituals and faiths of Jainism, Buddhism and Hinduism.

The normal interpretation and understanding of Swastika as per WIKI

“The swastika (卐卐卐卐) (Sanskrit: �वि�तक) is a symbol that generally takes the form of an

equilateral cross, with its four arms bent at 90 degrees. There are many similarly-shaped

symbols that westerners refer to as swastikas (see examples below), but the indigenous users

of these symbols never called them by this name. The earliest archaeological evidence of

swastika-shaped ornaments dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization as well as the

Mediterranean Classical Antiquity and Paleolithic Europe. Swastikas have also been used in

various other ancient civilizations around the world including Turkic, India, Iran, Nepal, China,

Japan, Korea and Europe. It remains widely used in Indian religions, specifically in Hinduism,

Buddhism, and Jainism, primarily as a tantric symbol that invokes Laxmi - the Hindu goddess

of wealth, prosperity and auspiciousness. The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit

svastika - "su" (meaning "good" or "auspicious") combined with "asti" (meaning "it is"), along

with the diminutive suffix "ka." The swastika literally means "it is good." It is a common

practice for Hindus to draw Swastika symbol on the doors and entrances to their houses

during festivals like Diwali, marriage and other auspicious occasions, which is believed to

symbolize an invitation to goddess Laxmi. “


Swastika in Korea Swastika in solar relief of Roman temple Helios-Syria Japanese Swastika

Swastika in Arkaim, a new interpretation:

According to new interpretation by Russian archeologist and experts based on Arkaim


“The swastika, thought to be the exclusively Aryan symbol of sun-worship misappropriated by the

Nazis, and found depicted on many of the clay pots unearthed in Arkaim, is an older religious and

metaphysical symbol than that attached to the Aryan Sun God Mitra-Mithra, its roots lying in

totemic shamanism. René Guénon, the eminent French esotericism, points out that the swastika,

symbolizing eternal motion around a motionless centre, is a polar rather than a solar

symbol, and as such was a symbol central to the Pole star cult, originally dedicated to a

planetary deity connected to Ursa Major, the Great Bear. This centre, Guénon stresses,

“Constitutes the fixed point known symbolically to all traditions as the ‘pole’ or axis around which the

world rotates” The swastika is therefore known world-wide as the -sign of the pole.”

This is certainly an interesting but alternative take. See my article on my Academia Page on

“sacred Numerology of Indian Texts and cosmos”.


Robert Bedrosian, an Armenian Historian describes the cult of Mithra as practiced in the land

of Armenia. Mithra was also called “Mher” in Armenian and appeared as “Mihir” in various

Indian literatures as a name of the person. Mithra-Mehr was a popular Indo-Iranian deity


among Armenians (ancient Ararat, Uaratu). Mitra is "pleased by soma". In the Avesta, Hoama

is offered to Mithra (Yasht X.6). Mithra's weapon is the mace or thunderbolt (vazra), similar

to Indra's bolt (Vajra). The raven, an Amanita marker, was sacred to Mithra as it was to

Verethragna, Vahagn's Iranian cousin. According to Greek legend, Mithra was born in

Armenia by the banks of the Arax River where, presumably, his killing of the bull of plenty

took place.

Arax River as marked Arax River of Armenia

According to Pliny the Elder, in 66 A.D., when the Armenian king Trdat- I travelled to Rome to

receive coronation from the emperor Nero, he may have initiated Nero into certain "Magian"

(Mithraic) rites, involving a secret sacrament. The medieval Armenian epic, David of Sasun

(Sassan) is full of Mithraic imagery, contains several interesting delusion and reference to

soma-drinking, and use of wild mushrooms.

Yojna ceremony of today and Vedic period.


Yasna Ceremony of Zoroaster (Parsee) Iranians

According to Plutarch, the first knowledge which the Romans had of this oriental cult was

derived from the pirates of Cilicia (Present Armenia) when, in the year 67 B.C. Pompey

subdued them with a Roman fleet. The first positive evidence we have of the presence of

Mithraism in the West is an inscription of a freedman in the household of one of the Flavian

emperors, and hence dating somewhere in the years 70-96 A. D. It was most likely in the

latter part of the reign of Vespasian (69-79) or in the short reign of Titus (79-81) that the cult

of Mithra made its way to Rome. (Source: Aiken CF. Mithraism. Catholic University Bulletin,

Volume 19, 1913. Original from the University of Michigan, Digitized Dec 19, 2008, pp. 251,


Old kingdom of Cilicia- Ancient Armenia (Home of Hurrians)


With the rise of the Christianity with the victory over Rome by the eastern Roman emperor

Constantine, the Roman cult of Mithras that had picked up the momentum with Flavian

dynasty died out with no known surviving texts, most stone inscriptions on Mithra are

dedications of donated statuary by individuals.

Here is a larger list of some non-original doctrines that mainstream "Christianity" "share"

with Mithraism:

1. Birthdays

2. Christmas (and the birth in a cave)

3. Confirmation (within Catholicism mainly)

4. Dress of the clergy (mainly the Roman and Orthodox clergy)

5. Father being a name for the clergy (mainly the Roman and Orthodox clergy)

6. Heaven as a reward of the saved

7. Idols and icons

8. Immortality of the soul

9. Liturgy (mainly parts of the Roman and Orthodox liturgy)

10. Military service

11. Mystical Eucharist

12. Monks

13. Roman pope (the Roman Church only, with some similarities within the Orthodox


14. Seven sacraments

15. Sunday

16. A form of Trinitarians (Like Hindu God of Trinity-Brahma, Vishnu and Krishna)

Was Jesus a Replacement for Foreign Mithra to bind the Roman Empire under

single religion?

Jesus and Mithra-similarities:

A first reading of these similarities is startling and for many Christians, these descriptions

have caused them to stumble and doubt the true historicity of the man, Jesus Christ. In my

earlier work, we discussed various claims and counter claims and doubts related to historicity

of Jesus. There are two sides of the arguments and the people should make up their mind

what they believe. The religion is about one’s faith. Every religion has their mythologies. The

similarities’ of Mithraic and Jesus mysteries are surrounded by the following identical events

in their life, and it applies to both of them that if nothing else raises the repeated inquiries

and curiosity of the scholars both religious and Academic.

1. Both were born of a virgin on December 25th, in a cave, attended by shepherds


2. Both were considered a great traveling teacher and master

3. Both had 12 companions or disciples

4. Both promised their followers immortality through rebirth, resurrection and twice born.

5. Both Performed miracles.

6. Both sacrificed themselves for world peace.

7. Both were buried in a tomb and after three days they resurrected or reborn.

8. Both were celebrated each year at the time of their resurrection (later to become Easter).

9. Both were called “the Good Shepherd”.

10. Both were identified with both the Lamb and the Lion.

11. Both were considered to be the “Way, the Truth and the Light,” and the “Logos,”

“Redeemer, Savior and Messiah”.

12. Both were celebrated Sunday as His sacred day (“Lord’s Day”).

13. Both Celebrated a Eucharist or “Lord’s Supper”.

Eusibius distortion of Christian history Gnostic Text at Nag Hamadi in Egypt



1. Soma among the Armenians, Ethno botany, Anthropology, Armenian Mythology.

2. Sacred Text Rig Veda in English

3. Sacred Text Zend Avesta in English

4. Vedic Mitra

5 Mithraic mysteries

6. Pagan Christ and Mitra by Acharya S.

6. Mithra Hibernian God

7. The History of Central Asia: The Age of the Steppe Warriors by Christopher Baumer

8 Arkaim: Russia’s Ancient City & the Arctic Origin of Civilization, November 1, 2008 David



9. Soma/Hoama

10. Hoama

11. Hoama and Harmaline: The Botanical Identity of the Indo-Iranian Sacred plant.

By David Stophlet Flattery, Martin Schwartz

12. Soma Revealed


13. Mithraic sacraments- Gnostic text –sacred Texts

14. Indian Varuna

15. Catholic and protestant practice of Mithraism

16. Yasna ceremonies

17. Yojna ceremony of Vedic Brahmins

18. Do you practice Mithraism?

19. The G. R. S. Mead Collection of Gnostic Text and Library