T - Daily Iowan: Archive - The University of Iowa


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Transcript of T - Daily Iowan: Archive - The University of Iowa

NIJh~!,.., Except Monday, by

Student Publicatioaa Incorporated

FIIII~r at Boston, MUll. II IWPl'nr)l' Fuller, Clarence Chamber.

[,ieutenant lIl'gClIberger, ... (;hamberlin, MAl, Byrd, and lin.

~ .. .•• r~ •

THE WEATHER' Meetly rl&udy 8"y uti .. ....,: .

probably .ho ..... ; DOt IIIUeh chan,e In temperatu .....

.~T~ .... I Pta~ FIfth lat tl' "Pro"

Teu .. " .. ) !,< , I e I L-________ ~ ___ __

6 PAGES · Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, July 31, 1927 ,.." IMNI RIft ..... .. TIlle A, rll'" Pre. Number 53

aces ow o (alol , Maintains Hereditary Rights tQF~ther's ~rOrie

Remains Loyal Patriot With Authority to

Intervene rAI118, July 30 (AP~Former

£IOWII Prince. Carol of Roumanla In· "",. the AMOclated Press thllt he (II maintains his hereditary rll!,'ht8 ~ l~ Rbumanlun throne,

ChamberUh Chaniea flana for F'litht

NEW: YORK. July 10 (AI)-C1ar' enco D, Chamberlin, tran_Uantlc n viator haa been too ,bUlY flying to learn to Iwlm.

Thl. '11'8.1 advanced u one of the !"Cl\8On. for '- cbange toclay tn his pi""" tor hll "lhlp'lhore' fll,hl trom tho Leviathan Monday.

lnltea4 III 'the tin, Bellanca Iport \llanq In which he had planned to mnke tho llIgbt Cbamberll" will UIl8. a Wright llervlce . plane equipped with a whirlwind motor of the type thnt carried him on bll flight to Germany. '

Tho plane WIUI hollted aboard ~he Leviathan 1IoCIay and will ~ tuned up tomorrow.

OLD FRIEWDS MEET AGAIN ....................... , Pilot, Student Die

in Blazing Plane ClllCAOO. July 30 (11')-

Trapped In 1\ blal'-Ing monopln.ne 700 reet above the ground a fly· In, instructor n.nll student avln­tor Were killed tonight when they Jllmlled rrom the ship to eHCl'po

' the tire. The pln.ne a blaldng. twillteil

mass ot wreckage crnshed In Oak l,awn. " suburb. besl<le the bodies of the victims berore the horrl· tied gaze of a Hcore of the vil· lage's resldenta, •

Ford Set Against Trade War Among . Car Manufacturers Car Wizard Laughs at

'Saturation Point' on Birthday

' -'I

'Choctaw Wishes IEnglish Adamant Lindbergh N t

ST. LOUIS • .ruly 30 (A')-A c:. in Stand; America taw Indian ot Oklahoma today wrole W 't Gi 111 Colonel Charles A. Undbervb conter· on ve" aV InK on him lhe name ot "TohbloMllI J I

Chltoklc.a" meaning the g"""le.t. whllest eagle and wlBhed him great euccea.

The letter read "I. Choctaw Indian I no talk much ",htte man may ~ you Bee what I tell you. paper he tell me you fly acroa big water like big earle [ !rIve you new name Toh· blonul Chlttokka great ... t white ""gl~.

"iJope 80 you have good time and tlnd mother eagle build nest In high tree and some time drop little ea,le he ny and make big name Indian Ilk. brave men . Ooodbye. 1 QUit."

Many Expect Ruptur~ to Come at PlenaI')

Sesaiqn Monda~ OENEVA, July SO ~Tb. trl.

partite naVld confe .... nce rae... &

8how down at the plenary ...... Oll ocheduled for Monday.

()Nt through nn authorlz@d agent ... of hl8 ' acceptance of hi. reo , .. \ltlona of the throne which was ,Ittd by the nOllm~nlan govern· ... t January 4, 1926 Il.1I a foreed JIIIon, Aimee's Approach

Drives Ma Away

The vlcUms at the crMh. lhe I!eCOnd hero within a week. were Identltled "" George Gabrl.kl. 28. Instructor, antI James ROHe, 39, 8.

~tudent. both of hlcago, ,'e •••••• , •• ,., '..L..L.L.L .......... ..a. ..

DETROfT. July, 30 (A')-Henry Ford believes an aulomoblle trade war would be w .. t~tul and bad pol· Icy for all companl ... concerned. and that the dreaded .. turatlon point In automobile production Is a myth, lie doel not plan to abandon the low

priced car field and believes his com·

The letter ",III be d.e\lvered to Colo· nel Lindbergh when he alTl VN here trom hl8 preaent alr tour at tbe

pany will sur_ Its own record of country.

Ettort today to obtain ad,Jouro­ment ot 81x months Or & year In Order to give thl' oonterence time for fur­ther ren , lUll ~Id not auccMd and nothing ho ,1 I~ ..,n done to.u.bt to p .... vent t.h.· holilln, of the pIeaary Beulon Mon,I,,), which many per­IOns fear nM ~ he marked by It&Ieo ments trom Ut1Uah and AmerloaJl dele .. t ... at .. natu .... to provok_ im­mediate rupture of the cont ..... nce.

'carol considered hllTlllelt n.ut'hor. ~ 10 Intervene Ji)ersonally It was .. Ifd although "reJl1"lnlng a lo:l'al pAlrl.\." .U II o'clock thlA evening 'the

dfCl"<! ot the AlIlIOcl "ted PreR8 a telephone call and a boy'.

.. ked ' 18 Mr, Topping 'there'I" T. Topping at the Parla

Wa5 sllmmone<\ to the home and given the following meMlllJe:

Carol of Roumanl" nuthor· dKlare that hl8 letter ot

l ... ,uncl,aU(m of the th,'one signed by year and hulf ugo was 1m·

hi. dignity under gra.ve 1~Ir,umI8U1. nC1'8 and by pereona upon

,11011\ he preterroo to abstain frum pUllnt ludgment or givIng details ,"

Pr\nee Carol nfflrmed that he hns 10 Inlentlon of provoking any oglta· tIon In his country but as a father lid Roumanian he has the right lid duty to IIBte guard and watch ,m the pr08perlty of his own na· don, He con.ld .. ·• hlmaelt 08 au­dIorired personally to Intervene 08 ~ alway. ha. been and will remain .. ardent patriot and loyal Rouman· III whOle only deBlre Is to be uBCful It bII country.

"Should the Roumanian people ad· ... In appeal to him he belleve. I would be bl8 duty to obey that

Recover War Dead After Nine Years Searchers Find Seven

Yanks Buried by Enemy in 1918


Evangelistic Fortunes, Family, Still High

in Ozone '

Iowa Finances in Promising Shape

Banking Group Shows Situation Best

Since 1920

producln!r 15.000.000 cara In nineteen years with the new Ford car !lOOn to be put on the market.

The Induat"lal wlmrd exprell8ed hi. views on lOme pertinent subjects willch have been the basi. or ""nllB' tlonal rumourll within and without the automObile Indu.try during the past tew montha to a group of ...,. elate. here tocIay on the occallon ot his Billty·tourth birthday.

In referenc .. to the trade war rU' mour. Mr. Ford declared:

LOS ANOELES. July 10 (il')-The tlnanclal and rllll\lIy Htrlte at · Ange· lua Temple tailed of settlement here lato tooay, DES MOINES. July 30 (JP)-Iowa's "We have no deaJre to take busl·

The approach of eVanl,lIst Aimee financial Institution" are In the best ness away trom any automobile Semple McPber8lln to an altorney·. position they have occupied since manutacturer. Our thought haa al· conference resulted In the hU8ty de· J920. The state banking depnrtment waY8 been that the automobile bUBI· parture ot her mother Mrs. Minnie nesl I. p,'olperoua only when all Kennedy. and to the report that I'('vealed today In making public 8ta· makes at cant are bu~y. 1t any par· Mrs, Kenn&!y·. plans for agreement tlstlca which ha ve hitherto becn licular automobile company's MUC' had gone unapproved to the Temple withheld. The widely advertised de· cess meant put tin, O\lt of buslnesa leaders, p .... l!8lon IB retlected In the statistics some other lIutomoblle manutactur·

It Willi the second . time today that b I h er there would be no gain to tI,at; ut the department 8tatlst Cit s ow It would only mean putting thous' tbe mother. who hlUl been ohorn of that the comeback Is 8tClldlly beln, ands of men out of work. letting her title of bUllneBB manager of tbe four &Quare lIolpel _t by her acc/l.,pllshed, valuable power go to w ... te. and.

<In.".ht a par ntly hAA a Id~' The record published In detail to· maybe throwing a great Indus· ... er. p e ._ va ~ 0. Raymond POincare, French minister of financc, is ~rcctl'd by tryout of balance,"

meeting with M.rI. )(cPlIeroon, B I I night showa that Iowa lost 0. small· nI ___ New .. --0 .... -The conference of tbe two women Queen Elizabeth of Belgium as he arrives at rnsse s to atten( .. _.. --.; """

th d di t ' f th . ltd' th Big' cap' tal t er percentage ot It. banks botweon DI.cuaalnu tl18 I--tu-tlon point WlUI called by their reapectlve nt. e ' e ca ron.IO e memorlH eree e III e e I6n I 0 " I"" ,.

tl U k F I S Id' t' f t h tl d f 1918 and 1924 than either Mlnnesut!\. bugaboo. Mr, Ford said the beat ex· torneys at the office ot Lester M. Ie n nown rene 1 0 ler, l'epresen fttJve 0 e 101IImn S 0 Roth. repre88ntlng the evangelist. poilus who 'died on Belgian SOlI in defense of the gallant little Montana. North Dakot" and Soutll preMlon of hla vlew8 on that Mub·

DIlkotll. ject would be ,leaned trom the fact F, H, Whitefield. councll .tor Mrs, country's neut~ality. that he planne4 to go far beyond

Kennedy. had decln.red that nil de· ===================""========== AsIl8'. Exceed Uabilltiee l)revloU8 production recorda In lhe talla tor a Bcttlement of the conlt'O· N b Ad F the f I Totlll depo.slts decreased only sill coming y .... t, veray which blUl raled at the rell.:· ews oy mOts a r 0 owa pe,' cent between 1920 ana ]927. but "We \;Ium 16.000.000 model "T" IoUI OHItar (or more than a week 1 k P __ I1.~ ____ liJlelU ba,{'k bCll'rowlnJrB were decre4lied cars In leu than nineteen yean ancl had been war ed out and tbe IICII:0tl· S' . al0 ° P ~ nInety 11"'-' cent we "!leet to bull4,nUlny more tluln ~~~~. al'P<lllred 011 (pc bring Gl sue· te . log u- 'rse 15,000.000 of the new cal'll In mucb . I I Word wos received yesterday of Tl'e bo.nklng department estimateH less than nineteen yearl,"

Earlier In the day Mrs, Kennedy . the death oC Martin Plum. fnther of that b"nks In IlroceS!! of IIqul<Jation Mr . • 'ord would not dlllcU8ll the dc· hUrl'ledly depllrted the 'I'emple home H H ' B f had a88ets of $4.000.000 more than t II t d I f hi f

1 P"ot Ilurve, Q Plum or tho depnrt tllc tOlal of their alalnl liabilities, a a e8 gn 0 8 coming new ca . when her evangelist daughter ho\'e as ear ng e ore· · ' He !!Illd he expectod to announce a in sight In her IImouolne and attuch· Ott M d mont of history. at the home oC ' hls 'rhe majority of tho clo"ed banks complete delCrlption ot the new mod· es 811ld the mother apjlDorently did 0, on ay daughter. 1\[rs. T, F, Williams of will puy Cirty per cent ot their el within a fe1\' week8. Mr. }t'ord not wl»h to meet Mrs. McPherson, Morning Lincoln. Neb. clllinu. some seventl'·flve per cent revealed that he had been teo ling

The body will be brought to the the dep".'tment estimates, out his new car for the past Beveral

Aimee Picks Iowa Man as Manager

"Cross my hellrt nnd hope to die. Hohenschuh funeral homo about" F,'om 1915 to July 15 1927 the months over Mlchlgun roads, Wed· I'll never do It again." Said 0. 12". closings totlllled 254 st~te banks. ' nesday and Thursday of this week

noon MOJldo.y, Funeral services will 62 p,'lvlltQ ~"nks ond 68 'Iatlonal. were opent In long motor und .peed year·old newsboy to Patrolman Ch8l" "" les Bocek. On the steps olthe library' be held Inter In the afternoon, The Th d t h tests In drives through upper Michl·

b ""II b e ep:1l'tmen nolV III super· gan with hili ~on. Edsel. lhe mllg·

annex yesterday afternoon. when he urlal will be mude In the • g y vlslol1 of 166 recelve,·shlpa. nate snld, He I18.ld he "had been ex' admitted the theft of 0. pocketbook cemetery southeast oC town, l'I'OIIpecta Promlslnr perlmentlnK with new and Improved

WASI1lNOTON. July 30 {;\ p~ DES MOINES. July 30 (il')-Mar· containing $50 from the Frank Fry· I' rofe.sol' Plum Is In Europe, At the beginning oC the banking types of automobiles tor several I'toat the shell tortured earth aoout shall B. Crolg will become ' bu.lne .... aut and Son hnrness shop at 4 S. dlrtlcultles In 1920. Iowa hod a bank years, Iootttaueon. wh~r. nine years ogo manaler oC Aimee McPherson In 1..08 Dubuque street. B I for e" cry 1.600 persons. while the But It Is something to build ex· A-'can nnd Oerma n linea we,'@ Angelea without u doubt of Wilton ' He was def'lant. not tearful as he ur ington Liquor avcraga for the countt'y 10 one for perlmental models In a laboratory lItktll In the grit" .trugrl~ of the IV, Strickler attorney here. Who to· ' led the way to the east ontrnnce of R8I'dera Arreat 14 e:tch 3.800 persons. and a very dlrterent thing to retool 1_·Argonn .. drlW' th bodlet\ oC nlght.ald he had been In almost COil' the ·bulldhig. whe,'e he disclosed his Tho department disclosed that title the blgge~l ~anufaclurlng plants .. rtn young Amer! on. or the 79th otant communication with Craig III loot cleverly' hidden· benenth a pl~e to 86.862 acres ot land wnl! held by to,' mns" production oC new models. DMJjon who g v tbelr IIve8 for california. at broken gl.8s and some lea.ves. BURLINGTON. July 30 (AP~ tho recelVet'8hljl department which Ford dlscU8~o!d regretfully the lilt n.g In tha t tig ht have I~n btrlckler who haa been acting a8 The boy was IBken Immediately Fourteen men are . being arraigned also took over 470 nc res of elty pro· paaslng of his famoul model "T" car rJoIded UP at lost to "nd the long aUorney tor Craig added the De. to the city police station where he hero tonight beforo U. S, Comml.· pel'ty and thnt by carrYing Interest upon ,,;hlch the foundation of his ...... _ of grieving relative. , Moine. man would probobly lUl8ume was questioned by Mrs, Mabel .Ioller Mllx Conrad as the resillt of on [11'101' liens , taxes. Insu'·llnces. etc.. huge fortune 1089 built. ~te In Jun~. ""warding a search hll dutle8 aa buslne .. maniller of Evans. county probation officer. Il concentl'tlted raid today on "lIeged at IL net cost of $184.000. prospects BIrthday. BUB, One

... t had In ~ted almost n d<'Mde. the Anrelul Temple Immediately He ndmltted breaking Into" 16ca1 liquor vendors at Wingfield and Mt. wcre promIsing for liquidation of "The old car built the experience IIIW workerl of th~ l!:1'ftVe8 regll~rn · without returnlnl \0 thll city. candy shop about eight days ago Pleasant. these assets at a nenr normal figure, and earned the money to make the Ion tervlce In PoriA rome UI)On Il . The IIttorney decllUed that Cralg's an(l to.kll1S" some candy. but denied new car po .... lble, The company has ftlltd In ~hell hole where th bodies record of two divorces would not the theft of several more valuuble Sa V D' ° W d d paid $647,000.000 Into the cotters ot k,. prevent hi. aelactlon to the AligeluH ArtIcles that were .found mls~lng. ceo.. anzettlO eClslon e nes ay the treasury In IBnl on tbYe cara

Burled It, Elltm, Temple pOsition, The boy was paroled to his parentp "nd has expended bllllono of dolla .... 'I'II~y were rnnged In their com· Craig who has been ,eneral pas· to appear In juvenile court tomor· E d Dr 'Se Y S I In snlarles to employee •.

"" grove In on ordp"ly row laid Benller a,ent of the Chlc.,o Great ro ... betore Judge Ralph Otto, n s amatlc yen ear trugg e In addition. Mr. Ford estimated t1"r.1I.1m08t beyonO Ooubt by enemy WlliItern Re.llway lett bere Cor Los "Is that ,PQckelbook gone?" Frank $4.888.4%7.012 had been expended In 1.lICis, Angeles laet week, Fryaut. sr,, ' asked his "on at 8:30 p. this country. Canada. and abroad

In th a •• - f t rd' " h h t d hi durin, the put nineteen years tor e group were q num""r 0 m. yea eo" 'W en e en ere 8 BDITOn'S "NO. TE- The following I Bacco·YanzettJ deCense ' committee .... · 'tl f I f Ste b T_1L- . S D b H materlala UJed In conatructlon at the .... tuu ... e~ o. a II Moon 0 compo p enaon ~ ~hop at. , u uque street, 18 revIew of the So'Wco·Vanzettl case, which had been organl%ed to finance • ., F-I15lh Infantry. IMlu.,lnll' J,.leu· Son stepped quickly, to the IInte Itt a legltl struggle thM hnt! aR8umed their defense Ililserted that the jur. cars, .... ht William C, Sheehan of thl8 for Five Hour. the back of the store. gave one intern:tUonal proportions during the I 9r" had convicted the men bec:tuse Before the laat of the model ''T'' tIt1. platoon ('ommand~r. "u'loin~c1 G d' Ju glance nt the open door ond empty I seven yea,'s It has drugged through th<,y were rlldlcllis an<J not beCause ears have IrOn .. Into the junk heap .. th. morning of Sept@mbet 29. to ran rora ohelr. (LOll dL\8hed out hurriedly In the coul'ls. cove"s the cuse complete' the evidence had shown that they the enUre fleet of 15.000.000 will 1111. On thnt mornlnll". th. four put'sult of the newsboy wllo had Iy since the two IItlle known Mu.... had committed the murders. have consumed G'allon~ .. "dvance of the Dlvl.lon woo held INDIANAPOLIS. lnd" July 80 JURt left, achusetls radlcru. became InVOIVed'l T'rollble S.-~.~ In lAol ot galOllne and 1.800.000.000 gallons II heck b hOI ~ ..... .,.... of 011 and will have travelled more

e y t e erm~n rea atlnce ~D, C. StephenlOn "talked" for The boy had entered the shop The tlnal decision of Oov. Alvin T , Judge Webster Tha"er o· the 8U' .... I'" I th oocI h " thlln $ miles. Mr. - ph..... n e w • nl'llr IV ro five hour8 today, Into jU8t whllt nearly 0. halt hour before and under F'uller Is eXllected Wednesday, prelor cou,·t. whose home Is In Wor· Ford 88.ld. 1M bodl ... W rc found . phlllM'H of the complex Indiana po· pretext at using the phone. mn'naged I cester. presided ut the trial, "'l'ed ... _. (B TI A--~"- "Mr. Ford lpent his birthday en· _han a"nd hl~ platoon were a IItlcal corruption Inqury In earneat to open the we door and remOVe y Ie aov\lOAted IVesa) H. Moore of Sltn .'rancI8oo Willi gaged In hla ulual bu.y routine of

IIIIe be,ond the IIncl at the othpr gelltlculatlnl convel'll8t1on with the • lenthe,' pocketbook contnlnlng '60. A criminal case which has echoed chIef counsel for the defense. Sen· buslne88 artalra, He had no time to ~oon. In the luat atta ck In tile.., "Ix Marlon county ,rand jurors c"r· Frank Fryauf. 11' .• w, 08 bUBY at the throughout the world began when tence W88 8tuyed pending motions celebrate. he eald. but deolared him· ...... The youn. orrlcer and 8111 rled. him I. a malter that only the Iront or the store with two custom· F.'ede,·lck A. Pa,·menter. paymute.· tor a new trln.l. selt tQ be In the beet ot health and .... of hill l\etMhtn~nt who..., badiN _ret otrJclal recordl will lIlumln· ers, The boy met the elder Mr, Fry· at the shoe factory ot the Slater and On December 2.. 1921. Judge II

planning an even bl.,er tlllk than , with him had already be<'n or· ate but. at any rate. bo talked, auf at the door R8 he was leaving, Morrill Company In South Brain· Thayer denied the tlrst at these mO' ...... he h ... o.ccompl .. hed thuB far, Con·

_ back for reorjflnlllltlon of the lIavtnr done the talklnJr which Ile When the former aaked the question. tree. Muss .• and his g\l4rd. Alexan· tlons. A t about the same time lhore ... gratulatory telegrams from old _ -lMn they tell . hns threatened to do Intermittently the In" broke Into a run, del' Uerardelll, were ohot to death occurred the tlrst of a series Ot demo frlenda. amon. them Thomaa A, Edl.

....... to ~te Orave (or a year he WBI whlaked back to When 'Frank Fryaut. jr.. could at the door of the factory on April onstr:ttloh8 In foreign 'Countries by 80n and Harvey Flre.tone. came duro 'l\er., wos no chnnee tor ihelr the cell at th'e Indiana state prleon find th~ boy nowhere In sight after 15, 1920. BandllB who ha4" driven sympathizers with Sacco and Van· Ing the <In.y.

IIIIradH to carry them bCi~k !II' to at Mlch"an City where be h ... been discovering the 1088 be went Imme· to the factory In an nutomoblle zettl. In the form of IL protest by a ______ _ III; lbem Cor the ground they lett t",enty month. tor murderlnr (llately to the pallce .tatlon, Patrol· seized the tnctory payroll of sev""81 labor committee at Milan. Italy. IUetd at onc to German control, Malltte Oberholtller. mon Charles Bocek recognlze.1 the. thou'lIBnd. dolla .... which Parmenter In Ihe years thnt the caae dragged

Not until otter the Ilrml.lh~8 did Foilowlnl examination at Steph. lad trom the delCrlptlon ' given. and, I had brought from n bank and ea· along there were 8Ilcco·Yanzetti .... han.A brother otrlcel'll reich the eneon. the Irr8nd jur)'. the third a .hort llme Inter In company 'wlth caped. demonstrations. 8OII1e at them ac· .. apln, Thrre trlJ)l! f.lled to ro' l'lnce lael rail to InvuUgate allela. Fryauf. located the boy. gulng In· . Al'I'1!Sted III It!O companied by the placing of bombs. .... the grave, Twice Again trl.n411 tionA of corrupt bnr,alnlnp for the wlndow8 at the Strub store. 120 NicolI! Sacco and Bartolomeo Yan· In the 'vlclnlty ot the AmerIcan em· 111\ ... latln,. went trom the Ullited public ottlce. reported to Judge South Clinton. ' zettl entered the case with their "1" baSSles at Paris and Buenos Aires • ..... but with no better AUC_, Jnm ... A, COlllnl In criminal oourt The three walked around town for .'est on charge,. oC murder on May the American legation nt Montevl·

tbRt It woulel ellamlne no wltn_ 80me time QI the que8t1qnlng went 0, 1920. AI~ost Immediately there deb and other places In Europe. Mex·

Nirthwutem Siant Brother of uDick"

Hanle, .. C .. h cntCAQO. July 10 (~nl'Othlllr

til aid brflthpr In the development If Northw~ltarn·. footbAll ts"l -.1 tal\,

tor a month, It will remain In .el· on. but It will not until t"e boy be· sturted the efforts to b.ing about Ico and South America. alon bowe"er ,0111, OVer the 7000 \Ieved that he was to be tRken to their liberation which spread over Several supplement.:u-y motions for par ... of evtdence tsken by Its pre4. the police court that be confesled more than seven yenrs and elltendod a new trial were tiled trom time to l'CelllOr' "n4 .e~lnlnr document. hi. theft. to Europe, Centl'lll and South Amer· time. In March. 1923. Arthur Hili. ary ."Id,nce recenUy obtalne<l by The boy hOd heen In the habit of tca. one at Sneco's counsel. said thot WJIllam Remy. pJOtIICutlnlt attor, loafing about the place and on th~ MJltaken Identity was the claim Judge Thayer was Itl no way respon · ney. pre~lou. Thuraday WRI caught In set rorth by supporlers of tho two Ilble tor the delays In the cas".

the nct of a,ttemptlng to ateal a mell. Even betore they were brougbt Lengthy argumentA on lhe motions paIr of .hoe lacel, It I. believed to trial It became known lhat Sacco. were made In 'October and Novem· thllt "t 'that Ume he noticed the a Stoughton shoe worker. and Yan· ber. 1923, In October. 192., Judge I ..... -. Oil

DETROIT, Jul, 10 (A')-E41\'ard pocketbook depbsl~ed In the unlocked zettl. Il Plymouth f1ah dealer, had Thayer refused all the motlon8. t04ay that Leo 1'. IIcb .... pI'8IIdent of the Waco ute when the ohange w ... made. ,'adlcal aftlllation.. Vauaettl & Convld

"PIIt" Hanley. brother of lU\lb· 011 cvrporatlon who will attempt a They 'wero Indicted on September Meo.nwhlle Yanzettl Will In the " .. ity, head football mentor at rou,,~ the world n.,ht with WIlIla\ll SACRAM1!lNTO. Cal" July 80 (AI) 11. 1920. anit at their trial which atate priMm. Before hll Indictment

• had *" alped _\ Bracli u hll pilot tonJrht .. nnounced -BUlter Keaton. film comedian, Ruf •• tarted at Dedham on Ma, II, 1811. for murder he had been convicted __ h tor the lIlI."en. that tM ' IIllure of . ob a,,4 JIUI<)llne fered a broken nOlle In a bueball both admitted tbat they "lfe,. rad· I)t the attempted robbery of a slH18

l'the bi'Othe... worlt.. .~ul\J _t to RUllI. .... Gfolllled him to gall\e here Io.t. yeeterdaY and the leal.. Wben tbe JUry on July 14. factory paymaater In Brl4rewlt\H ~lar capaelt'" .. I the Huktl drop that ClOllalr7 froID hIJ IUn.. Inlury mil)' t~mporarll' holel up fUm· 1921, broUght In a verdict vot ,ullty ~ art, la, ot lela .. In whloh he appeatl. of mUl'der In the tll'lt 411"" the (CONTINUIlD, P4011 I, COLUKN D~

Committee of 100 Silent u Efforts to Obtain Reports Fall

Alth'ou,h lItat. preu dlepatchee yesterday Intimated that the Inveatl· gatlon carried on b, the committee of 100 to a_rtaln the strength of chargel made lalt week Ilgalnlt moral condition. In Iowa City atu· dent clrel... would probably be dropped. memben of the committee remained stoically allent on lhe IUb­ject lalt nigh t.

The allecatJon~ were made In a report to Gov. John Hammill by State Agent A. E. Nurent la.t No· vember aad ertorla to obtain a COpy of the report have thus far appar· ently faUed, Membel'll of the com· mlttee . IkJllfully vaded tbe q ueetlon lut nl,ht but It .. beUeved that a oomplet. report ,of the 1n" .. tIp.tloD 0.1 the cbarpl 'will be DaIoM _n.

Canadians Greet Princes, Premier

Ohio Wesleyan Glee Club Signs Wales

Over Side QUEBEC. Qinada. July 10 (AP~

Two princes and a prime mlnleter today londed here and while the greeting to the trio Willi tumultou~ the gladdelt of the glad hands Wll~ (or "the Prince,"

A cconlPonled by hiM younger brother Prince Oeorge. and Stanley Baldwin. the first prime minister In

In the mc··,ntlme the Brltllh and Ame"lcan viewpoints on methocla of naval armament limitation .... m .. DII tar apart aa ever wltb Indlcatlonl that unleN tbe Briliah grant -the American demand of complete lib­erty to bUild aecondary cru"'n armed wllh 1·lnch·guna within the limit at total eruleer tonna,e to be fixed by the conference, then nqo­tln.tJonl are headed to collapole.

Thero are no algna wha'-ver that the Brilleh will a,ree to aucll a provlalon In tho treaty alnee tbey teel they muat know definitely at this moment ho" many eruJaera with 8·lnch"una th" United Statu will build durin, tile life of the treaty.

Jo'urthermore. they hol4 that the number of theae ve ... " ahould ~ limited to the loweat poulble ilK' ure.

Japan_ M.y lIIedIate oftlce to visit Conada. the prince Intormutltlfl In ;"" horltaUve Qua ... came ashore trom the steamer teMl tonllh ' t~n,h'u lu show that "Empre8s of Aufttralla" to find the either Yiscou nt I"hll "" A4mlral BaI, Canadians primed to do him every to of Japan \\ oulll .'n.h-.tVor to medl, honor. The Prince of Wale. wore ate to the ,.,tent 01 Ilrrln, W. C. a I18rlous look under hIs bright Olen· Bridgeman 111111, II ,Iele,ate, an4 garry. a part of his colonel'" unl · lIugh 8, ( ;))"'11 haad of tbe Amerl· form of the Beato,' th Hlghltlnder9, can dele!:" lion. to keep Monday'.

Aa he left the liner to board JI, tug plenary !Ill iun within moderate for the Klnl's wharC and the formal rounds, • welcome waltlng there girls and ' M., . .£il-Iclgeman may be uked to bo:r~ In IIIW1lI craft about tlle huge contine his romarq to al\ QJlPJapa· three-tuonllled "EmpreBB of AU81,1'01. lion of the lateat Bt1tlsh plan and III." broke Into chee ... and be smiled Mr. Gibolon limply to explain) why brightly at them. the Americana coulel not accept tb.

There was an AmerIcan Dn.le to British scheme If they have defl· the Prlnce's reception. the glee club nltely deolded that the cannot. Ne~, of Ohio Wesleyan university return. ertl;oleas. It II believed a apectaou­Ing from England on the Emprl!l!8 In.r public 88 .. lon Ia likely Monday, of AustraU" sang him over the side parUcularly It the British crlUcllle with "OOd Save the King" an,l the IicnHnd of the Americana tor "Conada." I,'('pel,,,,; I .. bu!\d lal/le lize crutllen

The Princes aloPI)8d IUlhore In ,n,l In " !;enernl \\l.IY aeek to put company with McKenzie King, I 'll' .I" . "11,11'" tor failure of the confer· nadlan premIer Ilnd Narcisse P OI'". ·U(.,· upon the AmerlcalUl. <leau lieutenant governor at the pro. l>hould thll happen. AIr. 01b800 vince oC Quebec as the royal IIIllutc undoubtedly would reply In vlgoroua ot 21 guns boomed trom the citadel terms and It '18 thl. argumentative high above the whart. duel which many pereonl· wl.h to

Tho royal 22ncl regiment stood at prevent on tbe ground that It rigId "ttentlon !1.8 their reglmentol threatenl the Immediate breakIng bsnd played the first bars ot "Ood ~own of the conference. Since the save the King," Illenary Beulqn aeeD18 Inevitable It

Arter Inspoctlon ot the regiment 18 likely all)() that the 'Japaneae ",m Mayor Valmont Martin of Quebec make a statement on that ocC8llo", exteDlled " welcome to the vtsltors. Britain No& Down HIIIII1M

Publicity Draws Fifty Inquiries

More than t1rty Inqulrlea have heen received by the Chamber of Commerce during the week In reo gard to the o.dvertlsemenUl which ILP' peared In twenly·slx Iowa newlpa· pers lut Sunday. telling at the a(J. vantares of living In Iowa City.

The advertisements will appear nine consecutive weeke In twenty· 1111 Iowa papers, They advertille a. booklet to be otf the pl'8llll thl. week. which atrenel the tact that low" City II elL8l1y acceBIIlble. has a popu· latlon neither too large nor too amo.lI. has numerous actlvilles In the line of sports and other recreation. has "IIractlve plo.ygrounds and PlLrke. and II an Ideal home city,

The book contains sixteen pages of reading matter and cuts. plctur· Ing the city. It makes 0. point of In· vltlng parents of students to come here to IIvC!.

Among the Inquiries which have been received are queetiolUl about the price of real estate. rentala. vac· ant ho_, ILnd available jobe.

City Signs Air

An additional sug,eBUon whIch ,... c.,lvc4 lome consideration toclay WQl

that arter Mondo.y'l plenary _Ion the plenlpotehtln.rlee bold a meatiq Tuesday and 4etermlne whether any good could be achieved by conUnu· Ing the negoUallonb III preeent and whether adjournment ~hould be tak. en to 80me later Il!\le.

The three deir.,;"lIu' lli then agree, Ing on a common communIque to be .... ued.

British spokesmen Insist there Itill I. hope tor agreement and Brltlab delegate. laId friends today that they certalnl, do not con.lder tbat Monday', _Ion will mark the end of the confeNnce,

WASHINOTON. July 10 Io")-In· ability ot the AmerlcaJl and BrItillb governments to agree upon two mao jor probleml_118 ot guna and total tonnere at crulll8n-conatltutea the rock toward which the Oeneva naval IImltstion conterence appeara to be demlnltell he,l ded,

AI usual III "uch ca.eee It f .. lul'll comea each ",,\~rnment will _k to justlty Its 0\\ n polltlon In the .,. of the world,

The view hel'e Is thai the Brltllh will contend that a breakup Will due to the American Inal.tence that the cruLsen carry guna up to the mazt· mum 1118 defined In the Wuhlnl(toD agreement. 1·lnches In dlamet.r.

The viewpoints of the AmerleaD


Service Contract State Commiuion '

Although the Hubbard·Boelng Air Transport company hal been operating mall and paseenger aerv· Ice at Smith Field sInce July I, the contract between tbe company, the City of low" City. and the Cham· ber of Commerce wrut not formally drawn up until thl. week.

By the conll"act. the Hubbard· Boeing company will operate air traneport I18rvtce at Smith FIeld tor a period of four years. tlr8 earne length of time for which It holda the government alr mall contract. It baa tull charge of the IIgbts, bulldlnrl, and eqlpment .

The contract WIl8 aimed after a delay In working out the detaUs .. t· Jatactorll, to all partl... Th. city bu a ten year option on the land wbere the f1e14 .. located.

Orden Gravellina of Air Mail Road

U. S. h1rhway No. 1&1 win ~ gn.velel1 from the \lIIYlnr to the all' rJeld. aocordlJlIr to " letter 1W!elve4 today by Poltmas ter Chaa. C. Schroeder from C. n. L1v1nptone, IUI8IIstsnt dlatJ:lct elll'lMer of tile ltate hlghwa,. commlaeioD. Approld­mately 160 cablc yardII of mat.rIal will be ul8!1 I,, ' the col\ltl"uctJon.

Oeorge AI/ Orltnth, Johuon _a­ty elllinell' and molntelllDCe n.,.... Intendent, of Ih" ~omml88lOn hu been IDlltru~ted 1.0 I>ute care of tile work bDmedlntcly.

It II b.urleorl lha this ___ of ..... v.1 wiD moke the field a~' to JIOI~ truclu! at aU _ 0( the fDU'.



OI'FICJlAr. l"UD.1fT ".WI ... " VNIVJlla,)Tf 01' IOWA

PUbllahec! aver,. mom In, '1I~ Wonda,. tile ... tl ... • ., II, Cftudent }'ubllqaUonl 1aoorJ)Ql'~lt4 ~, 1H-l~' '

')OW& Avenue. iowa Cit,. Iowa.

IIntered .. looond Gl __ tt .. at tIM p<* oftloe at Jcrw& Cit'. Iowa. •

8ubocrlptlon rat.11 b,. carrier, U.,I_O for 11 DlODtU; b,. mall ,5.00 Cor 11 month.. 81nlle 00111 .. , oeDlI.

,,1'l1llJ''':8 01' T"" 41110Q T.~ "WI ~u AalOclllled PI' ..... 'll""",lv~I' enlll~ to lilt,

~e reliuhh(jj,<lIOIl or alII newl dl.",,,,tchlHI or dl\ d to It IIr nol '.11 hPJ' I(oI." ~n· 'lIt." In ttlla pal) r, 1UjJ! aJ.o the loc~1 ..... p wllilibell 1 betllD. '

All rlll'll,. of 1'""u1I1cat1oll of ~ 411\l&tGbM b_1II .,. al80 r "nell.

APV R'I'UIIIW __ r_UliIrA'l'IVEI Oon .. RothCllbllrll I: NOI, Inc. •• Ma., 311, 81., Ne'"

Y""k; 310 NOlth MlchllAD ,Ave., CbIO&IO. ut; an Vic­t orlu BUill .• St. l4Iul.. Mo. ; Land II&IIk IIldl' .• KulI11U1 CI~ •• fo.; D07 Donoyan Bld,. ; UU WoQ(lward Av .... De. tr t. Mich. ; COIIIllllIUlI1I BldI~ AlIanl". 01.: Jlolbrook lSi I ., San )o'rlUldllco. Cal.: ,01 I'elroleum heW-lllM BIIII .• Lot Altil I •• Cal. ; Roy Barn/llll. Inc .• 40 Eo 84th I

~• ~ow "I:'ork; Coli rlate 8»10 .. 1 Adye,Ulln, A.~ncy,

, nOI Fltt" Ave., N.w York; US N. Mlch"u BIVII. CAIlO, 111.

Ec!,Itorlal Offle., SU'. Bu.ln.. We.. UO. III.

80".P 01' 'f.(JII~ICIC. lIwen If. MI.IlEwon. obalrman; ~1'\I4frlf)ll J . Laaell:

R"'(JIfl"tI fI. Klltr <hI . i !:I1'ln I' U. WitH' ; Earl M. H -DIan; Alnalee E . HICJ(erlCn; Joly) VAl_if: "".rlo IIcIuIaUu: 1111 Kirwin.

D.a.try iii. Bunker, G netal .........

¥1>1'10 ...... ITjll. ",toll or. ... KOO\l_._ ................. ___ .. ~ ......... _ .... __ .. Edllor Il_U Wllll(ln ............ _."" ...... _._ .. ,, __ ._lUnqlnr Edllor Ko.lhrrlno J .. O'MIU'II ..... _ ......... _" .. " lIocl~\y ~;'IIIQr Jalll4!' M. Lonr ........ __ .... _ .. __ ...... _ ... Campu. J:l(IllQr )i~~n H ""I ' r ____ ....... Cily FJdllor J._I JileUle .. _ ... _ .... "._ .. ____ .. ___ .. _-'1IOI'1i Editor rr..,klln 4 Or ro.,_ ... ___ ........ _. __ ......... ~OOluDlnl.t

IIUIiNE • ITA .. . trtUlalll T. H"re flk .............. " ... _,,_ .... 'Ou.ln_ Manaler W. Harry I:Iarl)tr .... ..... __ ............... _ ClrcuIalJOII Manql!l'

Sunday, July 31, 1927 XIQllT NEW. BIUTOa ...........

Rules for Rush W ee~

FR~ TER ITI E at Ib "iwn;ity 01 IlIi­noi wiU a Jopt tui fall It n!'w y I m

D[ unj[ofm Ttl, hing rnll' . All Ilat l! with fr{' lln]('n ru. h e lI'ill pIa d on card lIuel m 'll ,\ith Ihl' eI an of m n. ful biag \I ill lalit from pL 13 t11rough r fl ' Irati n " k.

All,hough it is too lat 10 on irler Rim­jllll'SY h'm slthe I niY r ity (lowa r r III eowing y r, it i 11'1'11 t ton ider th pra ­Ii ability of lliinoi ' new plan. P rhap 'foiUlilar rlll may e" nl"ally 1:w in forte on tll iJ arupU!.

I no r til lllilloi;; pr po I, not m r 1b:1Il tll'O uule~ inll~ (' ion may bI' mad "ith 0111' frlllHnily by II. Ir !\Iuuan. 'rltt' ear 1 indl'x mok{'s JlOl'.~ibll' t hI' knowledl{l! 01' whl'r any man i al a cerlain timr. 1 n 8<lditi n, rul tbat a Ir milan mu, I II 1 ~itcred in th d an'~ oW lor t 1 8 ... t til 1\'1' hour!l l)('forl' II{' ii, 1)leug (1 \1 ill II'm1 to II' ~('n ha Iy p\('d)!in' and th(' u.' of " 'Il'ong nrm" m thod".

'1'1. t. IlIl'wh t IInl'lhi III lactic or frl' -quel ,II.\ employ ~ in frantic err rt. to )II I'fI~(' n rll hl'l' mll I hi, a lmittl'U. Any Tull' \hl\l wiU aid in R mor(' rational, mor fllir Mr. I m IIr 10 be welcomed.

TI c int rMir rity olin il at th niver-ity 0.£ lown has for v ral yrllJ' carrird Oll

Til hing for womell' Greek letter ('Iubs un· dl'r lIlI ('xl 'nHi Vl' RY I 00 of ru ICi! and pen· al i .. widening f th id 8 to inclnd Iraternili is a logicnl t p.

Man Enters the First Grade

TllE1'\£ ) aD old. t fY I\~\\t II. man who r , ignrd hi work III t"" plltt'nt office

lJe(!IIU (I III' tllOltglll rv rylping bad be n illl'Plltrd /11111 IhM be \\'ollid Don he Ollt or II job. , 'ill (' tnrn, 811toJtlohilr I airplan('. , ami rn(l i()~, \)(,~itl.... thotlliftnd ot lUlloller things, hnvr Iwrll dl'vrlo)lrd, or~n w find p!'SOn among tI who

I~I that the human animal hill! conquered th "wId, tllIll 11 i mil terof Ihl' univl'1'!I6. 1Ii t nll nAture i nna('r bi thumb. 1v IlrgUlIll'lIt tllry williI'll yOIl thal d tors Ui' t8pi(lIy IItlllllping Ollt t1i'Wli (', Ihat Lind­I rlth tl \I' (0 J>ari io thirty-thr(,(l hOllr , alld I hill ~rowtl ill J.J08 Ang I· hellrd tht' I,'ounl mo!lr in I h(' rl'(,1'1I1 Dl'lllP!!I.'Y knockollt lit tht.' l>8U\\' lim(' a. did tl\f' fRU who at· !t'nt!t'd lim fight.

And whil Ib y 8ft' fir ening them'Wh'c III)(L boo ling of the rll ill1 aC' ompli hIli nt , "w ('omr IhHt Ihl' interior of ('hina Wi wiped oul hy An rarlhquakr IHMt May, ]00,-000 IiVI' I I, and the 'Iorld "" ilnlorant of thl' rlj a ter for month. fo:vcn 110W, de· tllil~ nr(' IUt'og('r.

Al8rlMi~t "'11 t1 . that Ih world popula­tion mllHI he ('onlrolh·d or th("1'(' will1:w 8111'h ongr~lioll thlll Iht' face will d t riorat

lind diK/IIlI,,'"r. .\(eanwhill', ('olllnUlIldl'l' Uyrd pr ' ))ar 10 fly to th(' rnd or th ('arlh whert' unknowlI land.1I await th illv(' tigll­I ion or mlln .

Th r{' Hre million or II r ill Ih!' world which. ", 118\'1' flot eOhQllc.r d I thcro Irc hllndr('d~ of proc('!III('PI which Wl' hue not ~1iIlCO"ef(~" ; Iher arc Iil('rlllly cotlntl~ fa<'t abollt Ill, univcrMt' of which mllll ha no )n)cling ; tlll'rr nrc fortl'lI of 1181ur' which ho ho!! not ,'WII l)('gl1n to 8I1blluC'.

lJi [I' hli~ ('xi ted upon tlli 1IIIlllci for mll­lionH of Yl'lIrH, And till Ih higbellt form iM 0111. n'ltl'ty 10 ('nt4'r fil'llt gradt'o Why w~p ijnd \\lIilllllllll til(' 1'lIfllli of life, or boMt of tilt' mllA'"il,,!I!' o. "tlvAlIel' WI' lunll mllde "h"11 110 IJI1Ich rrlllRin to bo llIl ovt'M'<l, tndl,'d , IIl1d utili"l'(11 Tlwrl' I~ !ltill plclIly

of work ffIT I'\'rr on(, to (10, lind pl'lIly of lU·Ol(r('. ~ ror Ihe world 10 "IRk.

Tht Toll 0/ Automobilts

S1'A'I' 11'11'\ ('~ Ill'(' III",a), rill her prrl)OA­InA', but In tit I't'port of the National

;\111 OIn 01li It, ('hll,lI1:wr or ('ommrret' on th )IIIIIJ 1~ 'r or Jl('r~ll· killed by tlut mobil!' Ih,'r,' I till' "'NIl h4'lm,ih noli' fir IIIN'Nllit . ' } 'r 1m .It n. I. 1!l1 • I nl'(', :11, l()~ In,OJ7 P' 1Il h , I Ih"ir Ii '(' hl'UII of tl11t'""~ IJlI. il' th!' IInlh'd tllil' . Ihl' report ho"lC.

'illl (I!lurt' i 100 l"flrl' to hI' ~rll llel1 Mil­l1j , I,'\llltl'n ·it i,' tit, i~(' of Iowa Cit

wO\lld hn"(' 1\(1 n will"d 0\1_ b~' t'lMl IIHI/!. !I't1c toll il\ neRdy aM lfir, 11K he \l<Il\ul.t!o/\ of J)('H loint's, IUl.IL it I" 11I,1''''~ than ~\k' \eil\l ('1I~\lnlt iCR of lh war in tho Am(ll'icHn III'mcd fol'l'(, .

~ n I hI' 'W orJd "'iiI', 120,000 An rMlfl .. HOI. (liel'K lost tl](lir liv('s, 17,000 Il'l!Il Ihlln Ihe 1011 of Illltomohill'H ill HI'v('n yl'HI'II. 'rIll' ift­jlll'('d in fiutomobil IIccid lltH, Kin co Iho nrmi~tie(', l'l'HChl'd :I,6()O,OOO, It million moro Pl'I'HOIIM t hllll 111'(, l'('~i*,"t>l o~ 10wlI.

rpwentY·Kix ]11'1' C('nt of I hI' klll('d 1111,1 in­jur'd 11"(,1'0 cl1.ldl'l'lI IlIl(lor I [, Y~\lIrK old, Itc·

cOI'ding 10 Ule killti~(ics. IJIIHI y Ill' the lArg­r~1 10U I'VH rl'("Ql'dc~1 hy QIltomobill'K \\'8 ,

rpll'iRtrl'l'd , 2:1,000 pcrflOnH 10Hing Ol(lir lives. Ail'plntle HI'C lll compnroti\'ely !lHre, dlcl'


Awake to Nature's 8e~uties

STun MX1' 0' lilt I 111'(' 10/'0 wiIJ H()t'1l11 fO\lr pl'ol'itnblt· nnll t'nIl11·taining day thlH

lI'!'rk rlill ing tho wild lift' Rlll1 COIlHIJrvllt.ion confr1'cllcl' lit tl1l' IInil·PfHily. .ndoor h'('­I Ul'('H onrt (li~CH . ionl\ Rnd ollldoor fil'h1lripR \I ill mbill( to A'i\'t' bolh prlleticalllnd 1he­oretical 1I ~1)(,l' t~. I Jl'lIrn cI bot.ni I al1d 1I('hol"I'" of wilrl lifo will 1l'lld thl'ir knowl­('rig!' 10 tho lll.v viRitorH.

ANidl' ft· Dl Ihl' tpchnicnl Ridr of Ihl' con­f ' r 11("', thl' progrom>i will,o(((,I' IUll'h of illtl'rl'~ t to Iho (I who ho only a ellllual Rcqllllinllln(',' with flo\\,('I'H lind birdH. Little CliO gi\' morl' flll'a IIrt' t hRn an lInd .. r tllllll­il1ll ot' Ihl' halHliwol'k of nat u 1'(', ho\\'c," r POllulllrizcd Rnel IIn!K'ientific tb knowl dg lIIay il('. Pllrti ulllrly iN tbiK trllt' of th I1ntllrnl hihlQr,r of one'K own !ltote.

rr lhl' ('onfrrl'l1 rIO(' nothill/o( mor I han Il1llkl1 '111~ I'ing, IMI rial mind~l Jll'rsol1~ Ofll'l1 tlwit· c~' to tbe b .niie Il lit Ih U1, i l \I ill hlll'{' Il('('olllplishrtl II purllO worthy of lb ulwo!!1 I1rRi '. =::::::::::::-====

bllllk !'nNhil'f in M i,ouri (,Ii "hilt, IlIlkillf.( to II palron of hi Ulluk y('~. t e~d ll\, . Wt' Ii'll t Ibi incid nl will Ip8d ot/wr hauk orri ilil. to talk calmly lind kind­ly to t1 l'ir plltr \)~ IlCeiltlly 011 th ub-jeel of rwrwsl .-KaOJ 'ity 'tUl·.


(From The SIW ~odc TImte)

Tit" lIim of thl' public I;('hool, 0 far a Ilirl~ 81'(' COTl('l' rn(ld. hould be to gi\'l' prAe· tie 1 j tru ti n i th II' tI art ha\'iu to ,10 "ilb OJ rrill)! , cbi ldr{,l1 and 8 mfortll­hll' rlom ,til' lidn/t. This ill Ihl' I'irw oelvo-It I in 11 11 Rrtiel in thl' currl'nl numlx'r

of Tit! /o'Orlllll . " I) io~ Right by Our Nell," n Homily for 11 rn 'Iy Oirls, by Albert arr.

Phs .j 'nl efeet", .·uch a bow('tl le~ IInrl knol·k.kncr", ~houltl be ott no d to. orreet (,1Ir1'illg 1I11r,1. II grocefui wal,k; IlrO!Wl' po -hlr' und('\, II ronrlil ion 8l l1i\' as th of thl' llnlhin,:: bench and t b lea IOllngp ;" modl'rn 111111Ciull; Ilrllmmati nll!jW h ; polit on\'!' lIOn; how to 1'11\ ; how to (1 be­omingly ; all tbat g 10 8n \\'('r 1b rr·

'Iuir ' Ill 'nt, of good t , t bould bo tllugh ~irl. lit III'hool.

A C(\1' tbe (le . n qualiti d to tea h in 111.(' d"flllrimrnt of thllrm, Mr. 'rr atlmi thft too many 1('Ilch n, would .\lot be up to it lind ~"g~ ,t. that p ciali!it!l in charm b(' u~ht every" b r. Well·hr"d and aUrac·

I in' \lomrn \I Ito would not b int r t d in orllinAry prclIlJtO(rY .. \\ill flock to the t nd· arll of charm." h think.

Jl I'm. a bit o"eroplimilic to b<-li ye that tb hj~h-pri(' tt' or cluirm wotdd be oLI 10 find tim' to [ly from th It ltU\nru of Camih' and Ildmir I'!I and devote them· (·h·1' lo'impllrliog th ir ret.& to th bud-

ding "<'11('rati II. On(' Nl'lIip ,)on('!1 i, Ink,'n aN the pl'()III 0-

Jli~t of I b ' pI a for hHrm. Pretty, hut d 1I rub, ,itb bad tab) manners and wor 'rllmmer, • hp bo 1\01811 rhanc of mllrrying hRppily {Inn \\,pll. ,he hIlS 11\'0 or thr "llO) frirnd " who c~nnot afford to ma.rry 8nll hr haR h8d Il prop<)/\/\l from II t rll~k dri,' r. Hh work in {In orri OJ' 'Iciory. \\ itll uall (·haue,· for bllPllin abelld. ~lr. ' IIrr 1)('1Il0HrtR h('[ .rHt HIllI thinks thllt the

II I .. in 't don right hy Ollr Nell." nut j[ Hll llll' Kirl who f.'( to pubJi h l arl' to 1)(' IIII'n(l1l inlo charming J.di('. who will hI' I("fl 10 mllrry Ih poor Inl k dri\' ~ WOllld nol tho '~1\oletlllle manu,faclllTer of harm rnufI(' D ghlt on th mHrk of III rut;'­

liv,' lllllidl'll", with 1I0t helf uotl~h likable IIlNl "ilh m{)(l"rR\t' ineom~ to ~ I'()umlf N xt "ould Iw ueCt'lWIrl a camp.ign for l·harm lind affllll'n c added to the curricu­hun for boys in Ih public hool.

CORN (t'mlll TIM! "Ion Ot, till....,

10\\811 "ho orc Hlill worryina "bout thl' orn crop ban not bel'li Ollt in the ('Ollnlry

1'!'r 'ntly. II trill an 1 th y will Illlil wor­rying, for ('orn hIlI! IIltllill('d 8 heigbt and 1\ IMcngth of lalk bonnd 10 ~t IIlfy Ihr m/)l\ ('ucting rcqulr<'lllcnt tor th(' tim or Yl'Hr. J.aHt IIl1dllY corn h"d another wClik left in July, b\ll va t field '" rc in 1IU4ICI, and mUch of I ht' corn WBH leu feet high. Ah~ad or corn ill the month of An!l:Hst

when "arm weatlM-r Dot only i t'''j)('Cted but ill pra til'ally c('rt8in. ].'i"c weeks from now th wetltller probAbly ",ill be "'Irm, 110 eorn !til pll'nly or Ilmc in whklh to tlni h 8'l'()W­

injt Rnd I'nter the hIIrtll'nin~ PI'Oel'lll!. Th(, crOll j not behind het!\lle CICCI)t now 1\I11l

I h"" 8 fielll iM lIl't'n wb!'l'O the corll iii ~ot IMi hljth. Bllt. Ih 11114' corn ill jUIII)'Jjn~. n lit lind moi ture al't' doing the work. Th lAte (~()rll he rOllfidcntl. expected to ",,,tnr abCl hardl'lI belor!' rro t COllies.

I'r 1m! lie remarkll about the need of rain hAve been heard for the leat two or three \ ·l't"k. no~ froh1 pel'8On who Ilre familiar \ Ith lIOiI condition. orn haH not be!,!11 hllft ill nortllw,.,.('rn (OW8 by lack .r moiMtur,'. 'I'''' 0 it I till mol .... Ihlll. to Uw f"'Ol­illl' III' 'Int('r Ilod thl' .blln,l8ht rlljml of 1I11t' pring 'Y"d Nlrly Intmmrr. (10111 in [OW8, IlIkinM th tlltp "" II whnll', ill (1()lnlt I'll nu,l tit crop I)fOIllI • to be a 00<.1 on ,

¢ ; e i j j 4] ... ,-T'f"I" ... ..,.. ............... ,.. ... TT ........ T .. y·.· .. ~ ... ,. ·rTTT.,.TTTT ... T'I' ................. ,.....Tf'TT

What Are the DutifJ of a Colltgt OeaR? From The lIall)' ('.,db..,. l l nlv~I'IIUl' of "'111'0111111


In nn 111'111'1 wlthlt np llf'lll'NI III 0.

f(·ren1 IM"UO fir 'rl \( 1\"" ItPIIIII,II l', II. 1)I'of~HII(>(1 e1f'lln fi r lI\(on In It 1111',1· lum·811.~{ 1 Anll" Ira n ( 'u l kl{~ lIul/,· rynlcnlly- m' u 'uth!ull)'-«nv. Il ron ' t Ion ut hi "[H'," 1'. I It · II'UN 1l4t "ptlmIMti( ', II .... 1I01)(>(ul : ho Illd no t u~t~mpt H, 1lI1int hll1l (I( u unl\ uf Lh(lNe Iplletuilu 'y <I,'a IlH, wlto ort III Inial lOfU (~ I" llnl' nt to t1'om [\\0 to tour thnuflll ntl IlInl unl\'rl'~ lly . tu· d /l ts; III Mhorl. h 1·"""8. I·(l r<1 hlmH"lt 08 n pollrrmlll1. U Im rt ot Wilt hl1\l\l1 who IIUlY It I to B t ha t rPI'lul n rule •. Iflld dOI\ n by ih IInlv I' Ily's l UI) r\'IIiIQl',Y bolll'd , ur .. t'nCol'cPu.

hrlnll' It 10 11I1"" thllt lho (·ollpI'(I'14 118 they 1l1'0 con. lIlut,' d 101111), ('Iill k~~11

Killnlt, clln ('III'ry on wlLh"ut ollVloUd hnllk<I<\\I'II IInel ""11 1111 .. 1 II. IVoullI (01" '. I'po l·go nl .. allon or thl" whol bWllm'"~ ut hlllhPl' p(W, · .. IU;U, "

W A "9nd~ I'-I~ IhlH n onC Hlon on Amel'lcll ll coli II' a eona 01' Ulll,,.. Amm'I('1\11 collel( s lu(I(IIlt8'/ I " " '~ th~ ra~t lhut tllN' I. (l IW"'~ Ity ro,· Il Ilollerm n on evpry ('PIUII\18 "11111, rlPI)t Iwoot thllt Ihr"~ No·cnllrll ~'u · d nIl of IIb:h J' educatlol1 \II' nolh· Inl'( 1I14rc VI' I ~8 liUln " I,lll ~k of I'" ~ ta lly 11'1'\ 1I0nollli chll(ll'en wh OM I'(ll'onl. hll y~ glvrn thrm /I bit t .. " ",uel! 11111111,')'1 \\'ould It ho II r ei'll' "urI' lit hllvo II lIun"dlan wllte h OV~I: lIwl!' Il l!~"' CI'I , 111 01'''', find mPlll\11 <.lo· vpI0Ilm~III" It IIwKC 1)~I}h .. who Cdl'·

I'Y ,Iwlt· fXlu~lltl'lI\ bcyon(l th" bIll' .."hool Rta e w '1'0 r('oJl), In\ I' 1I1!'d In gol'll r ing II!)m lhhta whl h 'wou.ld "Iv tltem that II!)I11 Wn. I'IIU.('(\ cuI· tUI'(!. or Ihut lrflininll fOI' 11,\ r lIf 1

AmOnK tiw I'ul' d " II/eh. hI' ~ Inlltl~ . It I. hi. <hIll'. "" " IIOItCl·l\1U II . 10 CnrOr(',1 M'·., Llw r" lIl1\l l ng:

]. 'ru milk utull(llitH "pon,' , HI1UH· m()dlellil y til ""HI, I' ('(>I'lai n 1111,,1· lilum ot lImo In 8LU<l)'.

2.'1'0 III k hi. ehon; 8 atiend rill

3. To IIlrt" I tull ilia II\lPl1tl chnp I. 4. '1'0 m k 1111'111 Itttrl1d mlltu.lI·y

drill lind 10 lull n'l(uhll' flh)'MI 'u l ~lt· rei . ~. Ttl mnk Htu(h·ut. r!'f,·,, 11I tmlll

groM chrll.lIng In (£0) flnH ! "xnlllln[l' lion . (h) mhl ·lit·nll·Ml!'r (IUIZZ~M, (r) th I)l it, 01(',.,,". !.ulll 0(11(\1' \\ rIU(IJ) work Ilr~IlIlI'~\1 OUIHhl1l lIw {' lnHlll'OOnl.

e. 1'0 make ItlN ('hru'II'~R r~frnl n from IlLll nlr drunk, a t IPIUlL In IlUIl· II . lid to re(r lIn t(,OIll Bmokl nll' In

011 II' bu Ihlltl e. 7. To c lo collrsl.' dnncl'fJ Rt me ' pretrt!'d hO\ll' Ix-rlll'\! (hlyl)r!'tI k.

Ilnd to I .. "". lit h'llij l n0ll1111111 ChllP' ('ronM "rCHI' lll III OU('" 'hnc'· ..

. 'r" III k" .lu!1(·nta !lay Llwlt' bll ... to Ih (·,,11.·. a nd 10m! m~r h · nn'o, 10 r ' frolln fl'OIll wrlUn h kll wllh n(' mull )' In tll bank a.nd to kft'p off Lhe I '

In r '1l1'a to thea regula tions which h mu t tntorce. h II:IY":

" J't L< not m)' omtulon 01' tllll· ,ur I 118 n ~'\run lor "hi 11 prick I11Y con ef<rnc and mQYe 111 nt thl. tim (0 cont Ion. Hnth(.r It I. my 1111 •

III n poll IIIAn. I am. 1 Ix'il ve. a p tty I((){)d Oltl ""lie 1111111. I nc· tually do nCoret'. 10 n rl'lleonlthlf rJ(· Int. ull th rCl(ul lIon3 clt<'d nllll\'o I\n,I n numlH'r oC othl'l. Ko do tit, 1'1 n 8 or olll r 1.'011('111'11. (.\ d an "ho I.. not n lrOI od 1101"'t'llla n ",IOn lOll( H

hi. job,) And It 1ft thlIo (·Well'ncy IIr u tI 11ft \\ hll'1I dONI Ihe m~hl~l. By our tlr I finll ~klll(ul laboN!, our a~um n . rl or und & aJ. ,w --I

Official Daily BUlletin

7:00 P.M.

8:00 A.M.

1:10 P.M.

7:00 P. t

7:00 P.M.

5:00 P.l\f.

8:00 A.M.

1:10 P.M.

4:10 P.M.

4:10 P.M.

7:00 P.M.

8:00 A.M.

1:10 P.M.

4:00 P.M.

7:00 P.M.

6:00 A.M.

8:00 A.M,

1:10 P.M,

7:00 P.M.

7:00 A.M.

7:80 P.M.

The University of Iowa Dull~lIn a.nd anIKlUArmt~nt. for tbe OIne ... Dall,

nullelln rolullItI mUllt be ID the _er It!IIIioD ott~ room 6. Old Ca"l\ol, by <I p. m. to appear Ia tbe fo .. 10\\1111 morn!n • nall, lo"an. \'()tJ\'~W I . :-'0. 246

WEEKLY CALENDAR londay, Aug. 1

Public Lecture: "tory of Lead" (illustrat d with moving pictur ), by Prof. N. O. To)' lor.

hcmi try auditorium. Tuesday. Aug, 2

Illustrated. Lectur : "The Tr and hrub of Iowa," by Prof. B. Shimek. Room 314, pharma y­botany building. Ficld-work ilIu Hating 1'0 ibiLiti of work on ity 8l1'e t and lot. Meet at rance of Old Capi I.

nfcr nec on t nchcrs' outdoor problems: Di ­U .• ion led by Profe or himek and lr.' hit.

1 y. enate chamber, Id Capitol. horu, R h ar, al: R gular rehearsal of Univ

sUy choru . Liberal arts a emblY. Wednesday, Aug. 3

Bird-hike: Direct d by Prof 8Or.Laz 11. at casl ntrance of Id Capitol. lliu. lrat d I ctur: "The on ervation of ur Antiquitie ," by Dr. harles R. Kcyc. Room 314, pharmacy·botany building. Fi ld-trip to th city park. Me tat ea t ntranc of Id "pito!.

amptls xcur ion lo radio broadca!\Ung stA­tion. Meet at ast eotran(' of Old apitol. Historical onfer nc: "Church and tate in Latill' America," by J. L. Me<!ham, Univ ity of Texa . enal chamber, Old CarUol.

onf r nc on cout outdoor ex n:i : Di Ctl -sion I d by Mr. Pall I McGuire and MI s G n va Millet. cnate hamber, ld Capitol.

Thursday. Aug. 4 llIU Rtrated lecture: "Iowa State Park, ' by Dr. L. 11. Pammel. Room 314. pharmacy-botan)' building. Fi 1<1 e cursion to prairi remnant! ncar Iowa

ily. ?If et at a t ntrane of Old Capitol. laR. ieal lub: Round table discu ion of th

teaching of thircl y ar Latin. Liberal arts draw. ing room. ('onf r nc on g n ral onservatlon prohl m : Discussion JIld by Dr. Pammeland Mrs. Whitley.

nnte chamber, Old spitol. Friday, Aug, 5

Blrd-hik : Dir ted hy Pl'Ofcl! or La1.ell and Mr. ROil n. M t at a t ntrance of Old capilol. Illustrated leetllr : "Some Iowa lU~ ," hy Dr.

harlCll R. Keyc. Room 314, pharmacy.botsny building. Field-trip to Finkblne field: Meet at cllIIt ~n-lronc of Id pitol. lllustrat d lectut': "Birds and Birds' Nellt ." by Professor Laz II, Discusilioh of bird IItud~' I d by Mr. Ro en and Dr, Keyes, Room 314, pharmacy-botAny building.

Saturday, Au,. 8 ExcuJ'slon to ~ock I land: Arsenal at Rock Ts­land, III. Automobiles from 80uth end of liberal art building; t~an8portatlon cxpcns " ,4; Mr, Brue Mahan director. Regi tratlon at ummer SCSlllon office, room 6, Old C~itol, before Friday noon ill required. Co mopolitan Club: Liberal arli! drawIng room.


r •• VPlJfAL I!:Dl'( '~T.OS (GUM. 11M lOntlU .. In ~ TwIll ..... "HI

11tH. Tit" 1~~'ltr.1lI (UI' I'b,.IOlII 1~I1UCAtloll . '1.'1t~ t"lklwltlII probl UI will n lIlul th tu.ndoIm.~ntl\ll of lh'" rou :

lhe pia. e or \lhy,1 al t'dueallon In til Ill'OfRt1m of Itltdlwl: lh ollJ\'C1i 8 oC "h)l81".11 dut'a U n : thp r Ie uf lIh ,inti t'durolloll In Ih. hMMh pro~m; thp IIl'111fl'!lm ot "til uk- for thfo "'rlllllll ... hoot tlAlII!, tlllml'ntllr),. ,u,nlnr

THEOLDHO=M~E~T=OW~N ______ --~====~~ Hows"'me FoLKS MAIt'"rnA--'? -' DID '1'OU PUT uP AN'Y eEMS '(ET- · )....---1

- \ HEAR. L 1"TT\..e.Joe. swopes liaT TIo+E MeASL.I!!S ... DID '1'oU ~eAA ABouT DAN 008811!5 DO" - • -YeS HE DIED- -- IS "'~AT SO· _. I DID NT I(NOW Hje ~NIC- .. • •

_ ,.14' ,OQD F~ NO'l11IH'. - s",e pID? .-tiq0D LANt>~ "'IViT~ Naws 'ToMC­

- _. - 0,", I spas. IL.L. "',,'15' To liANG uP -O,t..cs ~el!:N FIt>faETTIN"

'ROUND "ERe FoR.. ,-wo "ourt~ - --

PARTY LIM ".WS-ONE OF 'fMC ~OU81..I!!~ ABoUT A PtWmE CAI..L IS <ilETTll'itir iME O~eR. PAIU'(' TO IIIIN4 0..,,-

, ' .... -.. ... "- -. --


1>l1l'1I.1~ M M~W -I WAS .OIHtf 'To ~L\' UP "04' Nc oePARTMENT BUT ,00 I-ATe ,NOW - .... ,.H' MRNS BUR~l' OQWN-- - --_.-...

The BookWorW Oy HdUh M. ~

New York Today Oy DVlC'l'ON RA o.B FEVER

:-lEW \'OHK. Ju.ly 30 (f;k' ).-1.llLl Jrol1l 01 N W YOI'll. Ih 101. Ex Librit l!I';inL II), : '!Th"

In 1>110 \It thl' til hlon bl, Long I .. lund ftll~Uth,. mQl!l ot th r.:lIld nil "",k lin thl' r/lY Ilnd «0 th re I), III ItU_lnc • I'r uma I)' Ih Y a r a. II11Kh 01 .' Yo' York u aClual rul-

A fIll tho " lr!'. "·l.Il1tallol1 ~ l 'OIt' ;o"'d. th .,p ttl· 111 '1")1 KId. In thll lown whol!l) IJf.' hllv lor I. by "" 111 ns c. nwillry, Whal Ihr du 18 ,IUIl~ dll!Cl'(!~Uy. II Jld eV n If rlilllV'8 hlllli n lu drltt IIhll ut. 110 attention Is puld to th In . Uut r rdl vt how trll Ihe rlllllOfII aN In lit I"t· I r • til !I'1 1I hi r uf Ih tlU" dl'lv r will be h ld r ~1KIf1"1I1 (III' /lnflhlng thlll I 1Il1d nhllut h r. Kh 1M t~101l1 II (I'llm blrlh. b)' I' I!Il n uf lh poliin o( N w York. alk'd lit <i' ut loluan .

• • • I hl\,1 tit IIII'M 'hll.\ Ih r ltY '4! lUll'

Illy or mc"t wile "11\lIl!h(~t:1'd OUlokkl III" \'!(y. 'l'1\('rer,,~ I wu~ .. UI·"rl""" III tl'uckful ot IIv "tl'l'r" (In l~lI.ln tOri avellue I\t Thlrly· lmll I (r .. ~t. My olirlOllIl), urled m to uk lh" dd" .. r of Ih~ lru k, wbll Il 1\1

"tolll I In ttattl , when {'AllIe th& uu", luld Wblth hO\lIlIl. lie ~I ' p\lllnell tlllI t IMy N drlv .. n from Sew J nM'y Into (he ~lt)' '"' "" to 1I1\1~t1 b orthoOO rabbl~ II nd thull ~untllrll\ \0 IIw ""lIulllloll. thnl th

, (CONTINUIlD, 1'.\011 t,

••• :~tltnttU.l:rt." 11,1 Ihnl \\R Ihr. ( lull, Ir

'lIIUIUO "t IIU< 11'),' • • •

" Uow a l )Uu~tl '" ~ u.k t1 hnrtltll.

Ithl " Nil (\f" I" \Il( II IIlIn

lh' INn ... ·u<I • "'rh,·" 'ou ~

• • • WI' a ndered 0 r

I J' "ilium . A a.rd Ild: " I,IIIM Lit .. tu rt -

'I'ourh ," " 0 nllmlt , •• Wt IUlk@d. " Ii" III Ih pon . " W., 'l\ould Uke 10 <eh Ik Qhl 'JUt·

\'" .' " " 1l11l k·1I81 (I." tI 'Klnl C'tHd, t It .. lR(J blt\ k - ••• It " 11ould lJIo."

" Uut millhi , WORllln .u

• • •

" ~'or In~ltln (,.n

'C'IlureblU', 'TIt CrIAII.' ., "Oh, lord \" " Or III'rh91)11 IlUhl 'lltlll "

Wallet !!roll ' " Or ha.t h \' flU I" " .... \'('1) "'\0'1 Tra ela.' ,. " I~t\y n~ ," r lulmlUMl

nu',H~hf'(I In 12 ~ A.Il:' • • •

" It .,~ tlret )' II 40n' \ "'N' I'd," ~h

an hu

'" liT" " '\1111 t fort· .... aIietL ' "

I a lib rlan T" • "Nol )' kne... ., tint !III: mt lM! 'k th wuman, ""

rOil III that be did II ~j I w ·'

" Wha t I wroo \IN IlIL J'Th 011 lhat -11 .." ""

'Pll rln, on Iowa CII1 ..... 1.11'),1 Inm~811, cta4 ... a Ii' ""III.PlI I()r II." I

" lIut IInw In the de ... ~ 1.11 wh,' n n, .trHt or aile, ..

U d df"

'Social Nuptials Unite II Graduates From ~ Iowa University ,

Two tormer students ot the unl· · 1'""t,. were married on Sa.turday. IllY II. Misl Mabel Rickey, daugh' , t.Ir at Mr. lind Mr •. 1. W. Rickey ., Woodward WIUI ma.rrlOd to Da.vld

,. Jamel. .on ot Mr. Ilnd Mn. ~"d' James ot Des Moines. nt her I ..,."t.· home by tho Rev. J. n. ~ley, pastor or the Methodist JlIIllCOpai church ot Woodwltl'd. , lin. Jamea wos gradulLtOd from lite unlveralty In 192G nnd during !Ii. put yenr hM been teaching 1I"'hemaUcs a.nd nctlng as prlnclplLl III Sa ... eant Blurt high school. '. \>1'. James was gl'Muated from * coUege at medicine nnd took hie 1!1,.",.hlp In St. Marks hospital, " Salt Lake Cit,. He 18 now prac. IIdnI medicine In ColumbIa, Utah.

~'r.IMM!t.+ + '" JIloItf&e Tuellda¥ I TUeaday at 2:30 p. m. the Elk6' t.dIee will have" bUSiness meeLlng. ",towing the meeting bl'll)ge will

" played. , + + + 1IJII1ary of Onler II &tiler. Meetll ':.:fbe Ladles Auxlllilry of the tra­pi Order or Eagles will meet ,ondaY evening In thplr hall. All IJtlllbeTIJ are urged to attend.

+++ ..... Ea&ertaln at ..........,. I)lnner f Mr. and Mrs. Claude W. Lafler flltertalned lit So dinner IMt night at ,\II~ Red Ball lnn celebrating their I1'tIIty·tI(lh wedding anniversary and Ihe Iwenty-rlrst b/rthda, or ~r IOn, Cla.ude W.

CoveTIJ were 180111 ror .twenty·four .t one long tilble decorllted In 'sliver aD4 pink. Plnll tlowera were con· tilned In II allver bowl and- plnll tapel'l In sliver candle holders.

The guests Included twenty memo 11111 of a plnQchle club. Mr. and Mrs, Prink Thomp80n ot Des MOines. &lid Mrs. W. A. Lun~r ot Des J!olnes, Mr. Luller's mother. , + + + ==..e* • The Little Brown church 11' the ..... rivalling In pOPlilarlty for mar· _ the "Little Church Around tIM Corner." was the !!Cene or the ftddlng ot & former student of the uPlnnlty Jut Bnturduy when Miss 1ft11n Barnett lind Alfred L . Am· llli'man wert married.

Tht. Rev. 1. L. McCorllOn. jr" "nor ot the LIllie Brown church ..ar Nuhua otnclated. MI88 Camtlle Ijlll1lJ8.n and Harold MI88mlln of 'Toden were lhe allendent! ' The brIde 18 lhl' da,ughte of JIll'.

IJl4 111'1. B. F. Barnett ot 08kll~oosa. ,I{r' Ammennon 18 the .on ot Mr. aM. IIrs. H. H . Ammerman ot Alex, lIMIer. He atten(led the Unlvel'8lty 0/ rowa Ilnd wae graduated from Ramllton bll8lne88 coli ge of Mason Clly. He ls now a cMhler In the Peoplel raB and electric company of Muon Cit,.

+++ ... Mt.ther WUI . r - ;. ~ IaIa1aJn W. O. T. U. lin. Ellen Mlllh~r, of SprIngdale.

11111 be hOlltllflll n.t an all·My meeting or th" county W'. C. '1". U. at her Item, Thursday. August • . The local thapter will holll Its regular busl· _ meeting at 11 a . m .. atter which , picnic lunch wlll be ""ell,

lIembers d airing to go are rO' ~lIHted to noUty M ra. C. F. Chase. telephone 807. or Miss L. ClIstf'r. I .... They arl! reQuesled to bring U1e1r own II.ndwlches. II. cupbonrd &II, and lbelr own table servIce.

.... o.nwe + + +

.... no-, II1II Helen Olll'lllde of the child ftlfare reeearch 8tAtlon lea.ves today tar her bome In CharlottE'. Before .... returns 8he wll\ a.ttend the wed· till of her brother wh Ich Ie to take )IIee In Dubuque AUI!. 10.

Dr. A. A. Ollt8lde wll\ marry MIllS \IarJ B\aJce of Dubuqu~. Dr. Oar· It4e Ie .. Kl'adullte of the University 01 St. Loula.)l1 Bla.ke Is ft grad· .. of the Northw •• t rn IIChool of .WIIe.

+ + + . ...... II .... 8hJe ... PlItt, , ~ ....... at IIH. V.mon

1I.,.a. .. t VirginIa. Shl~ld8. dllugh· .... at Ilr. a.nd )Ira. 1. F . Shields of Onllan. a.nd Randol Ooode Pally II low .. City were mllrrled at Mt. VlfIIOn Tlturllllay, July 28.

The ceremony took place Ilt the , MItIl0411l FJplllCopai parsonage with -. Rev. Bylvelter E. Bllen ott!Clat· ~ ..... r+ + +.

rIo! Personals I Tt I ~. Ro.. Walker h .. returned

""' a trip 10 Bolton. ,Dr. and lin. Thoen, Kirkwood

' .. nue. h .. ". returned from a trl!) .. De. Molnee and Fort ])o(Igl.

IIatt& 8c.u1a .. unltw (JoDere DU MOINES, July .0 tA'?--The

,",i of Brttt, wl\I have a new Junior 1IIIIIp, I'Iept. 1. MI88 Arnee 8amllel­_, flUtII luperlolenden! of public IMtrtaetlon announ I. A rroup or ",t <:11I"n •• Int fllllt d In the new­_I_re. consulted lhe atale boord If lIluca.tlon and MIIIII 8ft muelllOTa IhIII week with reference lo the con­~ at the ... ark.


:10:4 5-Sennon-' • 6:30-Chrilltian E ProEeaaor Mutsch ...

liThe Relillon Ot

NIIiV-1I!. MtHl> NOW MAW -I WAS fiOIH~ 'TO CA L.\.. Up. ~/1f_ oePAR'TMI!NT BUT 100 &-ATe NOW --. ' ,H ' ~RNS 8UIt~1' paWN --- --"."

... " , , / J ~ , , .

.. ~-:I'tttj ~,..... ....

.. The BookWor~

ER Dr EdUII til. ~

! '


N]," 'h

OF T,II: ntU, b)' Ora.t Oytri ... Fl"t'dfrirk A. S40kee (IN,..,.

" No, not lllI .. ctly,'· ..... a4 aM" ta IMl.-"bul )'ou'... a ..". m ll n. llId OU hfjlr about ~ .. aU .. Iou wa. arrHled ....., ..

flk t" " \\1ml for 7" .... aN-. ' "It

h A IIlonulan f" . , " Nol)ody knew at tint .. .

rom oork lhe WOIIIIII, ... .. Id 11",1 be did II ~,

t~~J If vJIII. ,.If'.! '""?, ~y, July 31, 1927. ~

Nuptials Unite ' ~:!;=: Graduates From Albert O. Kvale ot Decorah who

"No. I don't think the attItude of tbe United Stat. toward t~e Latto· AmerIcan countrlee Ia entlJjtly JuaL But I am not & radical on f1be auJ>. ject. I am rather InclinM to a middle cou_." Tbu8. prof. 1. L. Mecbam. of the hIstory department ot the Unlv.rslty of TulUI. who will addres8 the weekly blator~ cont.r· ence next WednNclay at 4:~0 P. m., expreeaeo hla vIews on tb'e rJlgleua &I tuatlon In Medco.

can towns and live In safety. Bome bave been Bent to the Las Marina Illandl off the weat cout Of tbe Pnelflc wbere the condemned crlm­Ina19 are taken. 1/ hus been attending Bummer 8chool

r;: Iowa UniverSity will be marrIed I/-t 1:30 o'clock today, 't _ Ito Miss Cleora Dietrick. • 'I'wo tormer students of the unl. · The wedding wUl take place at

Profeesor Mecbam lIIlYs that the chureb brougbt tbta trouble upon Itself. but that tbe state baa acted too barsbly In tbe matter. . , jthe home of the brIde's parents, Mr.

"..ty were married on Saturday, and Mrs. c. H. Dletnck ot Hanlon-lilly II. MIs8 Mabel Rickey, daugh' . town. Mlas DietrIck t8 11 graduate tit of Mr. and Mro. J. W. Rlokey I <ll the borne economics department ~. Woodward .... IUI marrIed to DavId ot the Iowa State College at Ames.

Proteeaor Mecham speclallzee In La.tln·AmerlCl8.D hIstory. particularly In the relaUona of tbe cburch and state. He has done researcb work on the subject In Jlfexlco.

M A M Mr. Kvale wHl be 8uperlntendent ". Jam... son of r . an" " •. at Dunbar next yenr.

Tbe lecture will be on the 8ub' ject. "The Churcb and Stute In Latln·Amerlca" In the Renate cham· ber of Old CapItol.

StudJed In Spain ~"~" Jame8 of Des ]'lolnes, lI.t her I + + + ,.,.111&' home by tho Rev. J. H • . PI- Lambda Theta No Settlement Soon

He hM recently publlsbed a book. "FrancllJCe de Idarra. ond Nueva Vlzeayn," his doctor'8 dlsflCrtat.ion. He W"B In Seville. SpaIn. from 1921 to 19%2 studying the Spanish gov· emment'8 colonlal archives In prep­aration for the book.

~I_y, pastor ot the Methodist ' . ,'f!PIIcOpal church ot Woodwo.ra. I Memberl Attend Professor Mecbam tblnks thnt tbe

situation exlotlng between the cburch nnd atate In Mexico 18 not likely to reacb a aettlement In tbe near tuture. "Botlr &Ides muat make coneoll8lons. and botb have become so stubborn tbat I doubt If tbey' will ever give wayan Incb." be declared.

lire. James WflS gra.duated from • • t.,. university In 1926 and during National Meebng Ibe past year bus been teaching Jlialhornatlc8 and uctlng us prinCipal Miss Maude McBreom. principal hi Sargeant Blutf blgh achool., ef tho university elementary acbool.

The book dea1a with the tortun811 of De IdaI'm. a"Conqulstadol''' of the 8lxteentb century In Nueva V\scaya. now a state In nortbwest· ern Mexl(lO.

pro James was graduated trom !lit college of rnedlcl ne and took biB ~lern.8hlp In St. Marks hospItal, III Salt Lake City. He Is new prac­dclDl medIcine In O>lumbla, Utab. .i\, +++ ... ·J.-..Meet, ~ lllid&e TlIeIIda¥ I

'Tuillday at 2:30 p. m. the Elks' ...... wUJ have a bU81ness meeting. J'OIlowlng the meeting brlqge will

" played. + + + ,PIIIIar7 of Onler ", lie. Meets "4'be Ladles Auxiliary ef the fra· ~I Order of EagleR will meet lIondJl,y evening In lIlPlr hall. All JMlllbel'll are urged to G,ttend.

+++ ~ Enterta1n at ~Dln .. er ' llr. and Mrs. Claude W. Lafler ,.tertalned nt a dinner IMt night at til, Red Ball Inn celebrating theIr

'~entY·fltth wedding anniversary and the twenty·flrst blrtbday ot tIl-1r eon, Claude W .

Coye .. were laId for . twenty·tour alone long table decorated In allver ~ Illnk. PInk Clowers were con· talned In a slive r bowl and_ pink IJI)eI'II 10 ellver candle holder •.

The guests Included twenty memo bin of a pinochle club. Mr. und Mrs. 1!ink Thompson of Des MOines. aa4 M... W. A. Lnn r oC Des Moines, Mr. Lafler's mother.

+++ "..,... Barnett Wedl AIfNII Alnmerman • The Little Brown church Ir the til., mailing In popularity tor mar· rlacea the "Uttle Church Around ~ Corner." was tho scene ot th e _n& Clf a tormer student of the uAlYll'lllty last Saturday wben Miss i.'lyn Barnett and Alfred L. Am· ~an were married.

The Rev. J. L. JlfcCorl80n. jr., putor of the Little Brown church .... Nasbua ofnclated. JlfI88 CUmille JllIornan and Harold MIR8mnn ot lfoMn were the attendents. . The bride 18 the daughtet or Mr. • 1Id Mrs. B. 'F. &rnett of OskalOOlln. .Jlr. Ammerman Is the 80n or Mr. 1114 IC ... H. H. Ammerman of Alex· .Dder. He attended the University of Iowa and WIUI graduated (rom HamIlton bualne8ll college of Maaon City. He Is new II. cM hler In the ~Ie. gas and electric company of Muon CIty.

+ ++ .... Mather WUI IMerWn W. O. T. U.

Ill'll. Ellen Mather , ot Springda le, lflll be hOlltess at an nll·day l\'II!etlng or the county W . C. T. U. at hcr 1tGm, Thureday. August 4. The locul tbapter will hold Its regular busl· _ meeting at 11 0.. 10 .. atter wblch & picnic lu nch will be .. rved.

lIembe.. desiring to go are ...,. ,Vllted to notlty M r8. C. F. Chase, Itlephone 107. or III IS8 L . Custer. lUI. They are requested to bring \hell' own sandwl he.. 0. cupboard M, and tbelr own table service.

+++ ...... GamcJe .... Home \ Ill. Helen Ga.l'IIlde of the chJ\d welrtlre rel!<'arch station leaves today far ber home In Charlott . Betore .... hturns .he will a ttent! th~ wed­_ ot her brotber which 10 to take JIIct In Dubuque AUf!. 10.

Miss Mame R. Pre88er, head of CUl"­rler hall, Esther Vegera. and Fran· ces Hungertord ol tbe uolverslty will attend the national convention of PI Lambda Theta, national honorary woman's educatlenal tratemlty, at Seattle. Wash:. Aug. 8 til. 11.

THey will leave Monday nlgbt, jOining the group rrom the enet In Chlcngo Tuesday rnornlng, and go In Il special CUr to Vancouver where they will take boat to Seattle.

Miss McBroom 18 national presl· ·aent ot the organization. and Mis. P"osser Is national cor res pending secretary. Mrs. Vegors Is president and delegate ot the local chapter.

Atter the convention MIllS Mc· Broom will visit In the west (or the I'emalnder of the Bummer. Miss Prosser will return by way of Yel· lowstone park. M ..... Vegors plnn. to return by way of Salt Lake City and Denver. IIIISB Hungerford will return by way of Portland and Los Angeles.

+ + + Virginia Ayres,

George Anderson Marry. in Tampa

He believe. that the common peo. pie are Inclined to Iide wltb the church. Many of the prIests have tllken refuge In one or two Meltl·

Profe_or Mecham hao aleo writ· ten a blbllograpby of the colonial • xpanolon of the SpanIsh govern· ment.

• • • • • • • • •

Religious "War" Anniversary Today MEX1CO CITY. luly 80 (A')-For In charge of citizen.' commIttees.

one year tomorrow, MexIco has Worsblppers enter tbem at will. been witbout priestly ceremonial In Bervlces al'e conducted by the lalty, uny Cathellc church', a8 a result of both men and women. InsoCal' as the government'. religious regula- It 1.0 poll8lble for tbem to replace tlena. prle.ts. Religious servIces aro Se·

Probably no otber country over· cretly perfermed In prlvo.ta resl· wbelmlngly Ca\holJc has ever dences. ulthough priests and par· known a twelvemonth wbereln no tlclpant8 are subject to arrest. prIest of that faith bu offIciated catholic church property In Mex· In any ef Its churche.. Ico was declllred natlonn.llze<l In

The MexIcan Episcopate ordered 1856. Tbo constitution ot 1857 and Ita prleots to withdraw trom tbelr tho "reform laws" thereunder ae­cburches and to cease .ervlce8 prlved th'e Catholic church ot mucb withIn concurrently with tbe tak' property, '(llaced sharp restrictions Ing etfect or' the religlou8 regula- ' upon Its activities, and cAuSed the tlons. as a protest against tbem. "rdorm war8" which lasted tbree Until that time Catholic 8ervlce8 by years and "mounted to 0. rellgleu8 prIests In Its cburcbea bad never war. Juarez, reform leruler, won. been slllled tor 0. day since tbe In 1861 he bnnlshed CUthelic blsh· Spanish Cenqulstadore8 breught tbe ops and the PapaJ NuncIo trom Crosa to the western world tour MexiCO and turned over grant trncta

Vlrglnl:l Ayres, daughter of Mr. centurIes ago and planted It In tbe ot churCh land to he people. a.nd Mrs. George North' Ayres of ruins ot the Aztec Empire whcb Then lhe pendulum swung the Des Molncs, wns married Thursday. tbey overtbrew. otber way. There Will! tbe French July 28 , to George H. Anderson. The Made Acute by Calles Intervention. Mo.xlmllln.n's 111 fated weddlng took place In Tampa, Flor· MexIco's rellglou8 problem has ex- empire. the rise to power of POI" Ida. Isted since the mIddle ot the last tire Dlaz, The bitterness ot rellg·

II1rs. Anderson attended Monticello century, but It hn<! slumbered fer lous war subsIded. The religious seminary at Godfrey, lIl., and was several decades until mado acute laws became den<! lelters. In 1911. graduated from tbe university. Sho again last year by President Calles' Dlaz, who hod been prllalde nt of Is 11 mcntber of Gamma Phi Beta promulgation of the pre8ent regu\n.. Mexico for twenty·seven consec·u, sorority. tions. • live years, and tor all practical pur.

Mr. Anderson. who also attended Tbose regulations limit and 8U' poses dIctator. was overthrown by tbe university, has . been In FlorIda. pervlse activIties ot tbe cburch and the Madero' revolution. Dla~ hod fer the last tWt> years In the employ I Its priests and require the latter to not molested the Catbollc churcb. of the Sun Ol\'company. register wIth the civil authorlUea. Tom by Civil \Var

Mr. end II1r8. Anderson will be nl Catbollcs mantnlned that such reg· From the beginning ot tho Mo· homc In Tampa after Aug. 15. Istratlons weuld be acceptance ot dero revolution oJn 1910 until Gen·

-------'-' the Mexican government In8ten<! ot erul AlvllJ'o Obregon became pres I·

En I· h Adamant the Pope as tbe supreme authority dent In 1920, Mexico was constantly g II . ot tbe cburcb'; tbat tbe . ,~gulallon8 torn by civil wllr and 110 attention

in Stand; America menaced rellglou8 Creedom. censti· was paid to the religIous problem .

W tuted Ca.thollc persecution. nnd Obregon's admInistration knew Won't Give ay would destroy that churcb In Mex· some revival of the problem but


government on tbe latest BrltlBb prOpOsals as regards crulsera and submarines Is now well detlned.

It l, that not only are the Brit­Isb persisting teward 11 cruiser e:o;· panslon progfllm but are Insisting upOn sharply limiting the type ot cmCt best suited to the geographIcal reqUirements ef the United States. the 10,000 Lon craft with 0. wide · crUising rlldlus.

Introduction of tho 600 teo sub· marine Into the discussions alse hll8 met dlsnpproval In naval circles bero whero It Is held that the country's long coost line. distant lalund pOs· sMalons, and lack of bases make the submarine of little value to this countl·Y.

Some nnval oplnlen Ia that Great Britain weuld estabUsh the 6,000 ton CrUllMlr8 wltb 6·lnch·guns ILS tbe standard and therefOl'e could achIeve supremacy ot the sens by mounting similar guns on tbe Corty merchant ships of 18 knots Or beLter desIgned a. naval auxiliaries.

Ice. Calleo Insisted that his only stul there was nil. acute Issue. purpose WIUI to entorce tbe Mexl· Meunwhllo the 1917 censtltutlon. can constitution. NeIther 81de has embOdiment ot the principles Of tbe yIelded. . revolution that overthrew DlIlz, reo

Callea term of oWce explrea De· wrete 11.11 the old "refol'm war" reo cember 1, 1928. catholics hope the IIglous regulations and mnde them controversy may be adjuste<l under more drastic und COml)l·ehenslve. his successor, If no comproml86 can (Tbat conaUtution USO produced the be accompllsbed sooner. 011 ,and allen land laws which bave

During tbl8 year of deadlock be· made tense Mexlce's relations wltb tween the government nnd churcb'. tbe United States. In order to pre· a 80·called Cathollo revelutlen bas vent another Dlnz dlctator8hlp It been slJPpre88ed by the tederal aU· said no presIdent ot MexIco should thorltle8; tbe foremost Archblshopa bo re·elected. Last year cQngress and Bisbops of the CUthollc cburch amended the consUlutlon to pe<-mlt hnve been expelled Crom M/lxlco Te·electlon "aCter an Intervening and are exiles In the United States. term." Th'Us Obregon Is now 0. can· moally In San AntonIo. Tex.. and dldate to succeed Calles und the mllny Catbolic laymen have been Issue has ansen ot "re·electlon 0" arrested en cbnrges by the gevern- nil. re·electlon,'·) ment tbat they plotted revolution. Last year Calles construed the

Releale& Prlaonen con.t1tutlon to mean thllt tho long Recently President calles ordered dormant religious laws should be

the release of Catl\ollcs Imprisoned revIved, and the Issued a decree en sedition charges. Tbe pre81. promulgating the regulations. dent's announced reason was that catbollcs !!OUght IlLSt year to since the attempted Catholic revo· amend the religious articles ot tho lutlon bad falled. the alleged lay constitution, but th'e effort falled. plotters were no Ionl'er a menace to tbe government, and did not de· PARAOOULD. Ark.-MrB. Josle

RAPID CITY. S. D., July 80 (JPj_ serve further ImprlsoDment. Rlcberson. 86 years old, mother· of Deeply concerned ' tbat tbe Geneva With the exception of the great, 81xteen children, wbo Is resIding here conferenco 80ems to fall In Its pur- blstorlc Mexico CIty catbedral, with her stepdaughter. Mrs. John p08& of effecting lurther reduction oth'er place. of worsblp have con· L. Baldwin, hlUl cut two teeth of her ot naval armaments ·Presldent Cool. tlnued open. The cathedral blUl tblrd set, and Indlcutlons are that

Committee Notes Falling Off in Church Members "

Many Things Includ­ing War Blamed

for Condition PBlLADELPHIA, July 30 (.4')-'

An "alartnlng" Calling off In cburch membership In protestant communI· ties at the I'Ilt. of 500,000 n. year Is noted In th~ report of the continua· tlon committee to the Inter·church conference made public here today by the forces or tho Presbyterian church In the United States of AmerIca.

The conterence was beld bere April 19th last.

Tbe report ot Dr. H. K . carroll. Blalnsfield. N. J .. the committee sec· retary, bas been IS8Ued In antlclpa· tion of a movement In whIch all the churcbes atreated by the 10lllles are expected to join In an etfort to reo lIeve the .ltUAtlon.

"In thIrteen cemmunltlea wltb 0.

grand totnl of 16.100.170 members." the report l3ummllrlze8, "tho losses aggregate 268.065. As the total of pvnngellcnl membership Is upward ef 29 .000,000 th~ total yeurly 1088 In ether "ommunltles be.!!ldcs the thlr· teen were Included would upprexl· male about hnlt a mllllen,"

The lower moral tone n nd "Itl! benumbing Influence upon the alllrlt· ual lire or chrlstalnlty" thut resulted from the world war. the prnctlce of chuJ"IChee Ifin pruning" their mem­bership. the "negligence" of clergy· men In failing to r.,atore members wbo .tray fl'em the flock. and tbe trequent mlgNl.tlens ef fnmllies from one community 10 8potber are found the basic causes ef membership lossos.

Mahan Conducts Last Amana Tour

Fifty·foul· persons In cars Crom seven dlCferent atates, Including Cal. Ifornla. nnd ono from CUnada made the trll) to the Amo.nu colonies under the dlrectlen of Bruce E . Muhan of the Iowa Hls torlcnl society yestc r. day. Th1R WItS the lnst of tho ex· curslons to Amana this summer.

The mornIng was spent at Ola Amann, where tho WOolen mills , the community store, and the school house were the chief places ot Inter· est. From Old AmuM tho group made a tOUI' thrOUgh Mlddlo Antuna High Amana. 'Ve8t Amana, n.nd South Amana.

In the atlcl'noon tbo group visited tho communlt), bake s hop. kitchen. and ch'Urcb, and made n trip to tho cemetery. -

Preparatory to leaving Iewa City PI·oresser Muhan go.vp 0. ehort sketch of tho blstory and charneter of the Amanaa In Iho liberal arts n.u· dltorlum. Hts talk was concluded In the afternoon In tbe Amana churCh where he answered questions concernIng tho community.

Next saturday an excuralon will be made to the United States Arsen· 11.1 at Rock Island. The parly will leave Old Capitol at 7:00 a.m. Pl'Q. fessor MahOn will conduct the trip.

A sqUinting. scowling face repelS. - cenect glasses relieve strain. bring vl8ual ease. and pleasnptness.

Dr. A. A. G8I'IIIde will marry MIg 1111')' Blake ot Dubuque. Dr. Gar· Ilde la .. l1'a4uate of the UnlveMilty II st. Loul.. MII!II Blake Is a gI'tld· lata of. the Northwe8tern ach901 of auale.

+ + +. +'""" II IIIMfilh~"""'''" , ~ IIIntIp M Mt. Vemon

Idge waited every detail from Wash· ~be~en~~CI~O~Bed~~a~y~ear~~. ~Cb§u:r:c~be~s~a:re=:8:b::e=w:U:I:C~U:t:,,=c:u;1I::8:et:.::=:;::=::::~::::::::===::===~11 Ington. wblch virtually excluded 11.)1 .other matters. Altbeugh there wu I no ortlcllll pronouncement, Mr. Ceol· Idge was repre!lented as hoping noth· Ing would occur to disturb the frIend· Iy relations of the countnes partlcl·

IIqaret Virginia Shl~ldA, rlnugh· Itr of Jir ... nd Ml'II. J. F. Shleld~ ot DIllion, and Randol Ooods Patty II Iowa CIty were married at loll. VlI'1IOn Thursday. July 28.

The ceremony took plllce a.t the , lItthoiliat Ephlcopal parsonag with .... Rev. Sylvester E. Ellen ottlclal·

paUng should the Monday meetlnl' SUNDAY DINNER of the trl·perllle conference prove to be an adjournment wltbout baving reached an Iltp'eement.

.... . ...... 1+++.


r,tj'1 Personals I 11 ~. RON Willk r hu returned

frHt .. trip to BoIIton. ,Dr. and Mrw. Thoen. KirkwOOd

'ftIllle. h .. " returned frQm a trIll II bea MoinM and F'Drt Dodge.

IIItU IItu1It .lunlnr Oollep 1l£8 MOINES, .July 10 (JP»-The

Inri of Britt, will ha" a new Junior ....... Sept. l. MI88 Agnes Samuel· _. I\A\A .uperlntenc1ent Qf public blatruc!tlon .. nnouncee. A group or lirtu dUaI"8, Int r~ted In the new _t_"" consulted the "tate bocml at Iducatlon Clnil MI811 RllmuelllOn ihll week with reference to tbe con­diet of the 'Work.



UNB A fubloa ..... raq. 01 'un M popular prIeeI DOW NIIII7_

R. D. BROWN 'l'IIMIu, .... at .....

of JI'Lie Fur 0006t 10' 8. 1111 1M. B. VeW ..,..., la,.

~ CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH :10:45-Sermon-"Making Facta Live,"

~ , 6:30-Christian Endeavor \. Profeuor Mutechmann will speak on,

"The Rell,lon Of The Middle Ares"


.' !\t"" ,


. I

~I , !..J , ~

75c Chicken A La Sevig1l6

Baked Virginia Ham 'Demi Glace Jlried Spring Chicken - Corn Fritters

Breaded Cutlets of Chicken - Sauce Supreme Roast Prime R·ibs of Beef - Au Jus

Duchesse Potatoes or A1' Gratin·Potatoes Carrots and Peas - En Cream

Lettuce ana T~mato Salad - Mayonnais8 Bread and Butler

Seolck Mal101l Sundae - Cake or



Fresh Peach Short Cake - Whipped Cream "' , Coffe or lee Tea '..III~ ~~ . ~:

Di~ner served from 12 to 2 o'clock and from 5 :30 to 7 P M.

Memorial Union Grill e... .

Sacco-Vanzetti DeciaioD Wedneaday


earlier In tbe lIIl.me yenr and lM!n· tanned to a term of 13 to 16 Yeo<nL Judge Thayer pl'Ulded at that trilIJ aJ.o.

Sacco brul been held In the Nor· tolk county jail at Dedbam. There In February and Marcb. 1923_ be conducled a month·s buoger strike . Finally tbree allenlats were called In to examine blm and on their re­port be was removed to tbe P8Ycho­patblc hosplup In Boston. There he was forcibly fed once. then aband­on d the strlJ<e from wblcb he ap' peared to ba ve suUered DO serious effects.

While In tho nosten Institution Saeco attfropted s uicide by strIking bls head against a pIece of furnl· ture. Only" slight wound '11'&8 In· flicted. The alleolBts on March 27. 1923. declared blm lIUne . and he wall recommitted to the Dedham jail.

In December, 1924. the question of VllJlzettl·s sanity ,,:as I)rought up. fn January; 1925, he was taken to tbo Bridgewate r state bosplta l tor observation. FJe was founa sane In April or that year li nd WIlJI re turned i.o the s lllte 11I·lson.

Mudelrotl A ..... ltted Crime Moore wltbdrew WI counael tot'

the two men in Novcmool·, t ;J ~". lln.J Tbomaa F. and N. 1. McAnarney. who bad beeD IIS80ClIlted with blm. withdrew a ' month Illter. WIllia m O. Thompeon of D08ton wus ngnged as coun",,1 ~o nrg u beforo tl,,) Mass· a chu!letts Bupr me court an appeal from Jud!{e Thnye.'s rofullUl ot 0.

new trial. Celestino Mnd~ros entered the

cw;e In January, 1926. Madelr08 was In the state l1rIson, under sent­ence oC death (or th e mur<! r of James E. CUrpent"r, a Wrentham bank cus hlet' . In November, 1924. In a lengthy slatom nt he a 88Crted that members et the "Mor('11i gong" of PI'Ovldence, R. I .• with Wllich ho ho.d b on associated. committed tho South Bralnlree murdel's nntl thal Sa co and Vllnl. tLi had ntltblng to do wIth the shOvtlng.

On tho busls ot tbls . tnteme nt dc· Cense counsel tiled tunher moLlon.q ror 0. new trial. which were denied by .Judge Thayor In October. 1926. On the representation th n.t he mlghL be needed IlJI 0. wit ness. Madelros thrice was gl'llnled rcspll 8 bcfOl'e the Massn.chu8etts Hupl'eme court, which previously had ovelTuled ex­ceptions to Judgo Tha yer's re tusal to grunt II. now tl'lol on oth er grounds, tlnally on April 6. 1927, til)' beld bls decision on the ],fa (l" lros moUons.

CRlI6 Cenlers on Fuller On April 9 Sacco und Vanzetti

weJ'{l taken to tho Dedha m cour l· houae a.ni! scntencM by J lIdgo Tltn.y. er to die In th e electric chMr at the s tato prison In lbe week oC July 10. In tho ceuhl-oom beth maile ilramut­Ie pleas. a sserting their Innocenc". Th.ey epenly nccuscd th e judge of preju(lIc~ nnd ot Intlu nclng th jury agnlnst thenl.

Then Oovorl1or Alvan T. Fulle r becallle lhe' cenlN' of Interes t In til CIlSt:'. His oWce wn s deluged with I tters, t e\eglilmA a nel cablcgl'ams fl'om all purts of tho world. The ma jority of lhese comm unl catlons. Which ca)no frem perso ns of all classes Including ma ny clergyme n and college proCessors. urgQd the governor cUh er La pa l'don ttl two men, commute their senLen~e8 Or ap­point /l. committee ot citizens to make_un J!!:l.PIll'lIal Investlgntlnll Into

' .. ..

I the whole cue. Some of them. ho ... · Van_ttl and Madetro8 "to and 1ft. ev • aaked him not 10 Interfere with eluding AugUR 10." In a 8tatemeDt the coun'H decree. Occa.slooally be said thlB was dODe "tor tbe rea· there came a threat ot violence. eon tbat the \AU of reviewing the

In due course. COlllllM!1 tor the con· evidence and record (approximately delUDed meD carried petiUo..., to the 1,000 pages' and Interviewing wit· governor. aak:Ina totervention. In nesaetl (nearly %00) cannot well be a long. wrltteD plea. V .. n_ttl aBked completed by luly 1<.:' not for a "pardon" but for ·'justlce." Tbe .... parate In" .... tlgaUOna pro­sacco mUlled 1.0 atco the pet.itlon ceeded. a large number ot wJtnelliea to bla beball ana Mr. Tboml*>D. In beln~ called betore the governor and filing the plea tor clemency, ex' the adviaory conunlttee. plnlned that be telt the long nervous Tbe governor'. advisory commIt. strain bad brougbt about a mental tee tovlled counsel tor the govern· attitude for wblcb Sacco Wa. Dot aI· ment and the defenlle to call wit· together responsible. An aIIenlat in· neases wbo bad not t"tlDed during dlcated tbat be found Sacco abnor- tbe trial. This action "'as con· mal In certain respects. aod the I'ov· strued as opeDlng to the defen" ernor WQ.8 a&ked to conalder the plea. lines ot e vidence thllt were barred even It Sacco bad refused to Blgn It. under tecbnlcalltleB In the court pro-

N...- AdvJsol)o Committee cedure. Acoompanytog the peUUOD of tbe Fuller Visits PrIson

counsel ror t.be defense were five On July 17 Sacco and Vanzeltl be-affidavits by neWBpaper write ... wbo gan 0. hunger s lI'lke. They re(ulled bad been IUl8lgned to the trial. and tOOd lor a week. Th~ n Vnnzettl par. olhers. ,,'ho aUirmed that Judge took ot a BIngle mea.l and thpren.!· 'l'lta)'er, durlnl' the trial. had spoken t r I' joined SaC(lO In bls re(ueal to outside the court room In Iangu"l'e accept food. that sbowed be was prejudiced Governor Fuller vlBlted the Rtate a galnst the defendants. prison on July 22 and Interviewed

The govttrnor began a peraonal 10' Sacco. Vnnzettl n nd M..'ld lros. Van· ,'esUgutlo'l Into tbe case. On June zeltl. the lrun of Lhe three to be 1 he a nnounced that he hod appoint· broug ht Into the w" rden's OWCR. ed nn Il.d\'lsory commIttee 10 make a talked with the governor tor an hour. separate Investigation. Thla com' Afterward the gov rnor announced mince Willi composed of President that he would make a secona visit A. Lawr nce Lowell or Harvard unl· Lo Lhe prison. verslty. l ' resldent Samuel W . St .... t · The a dvisory committee complet • ton of tbo MassachuflCtta fnalllute ed Its hearing of wlt nellS<'s on July of TechnolQgy and former Judge 21. It hl'al'tl nrg uments Qn July 2li Hobe!'L Gro nt ot the l}J'obate court. by Attorney Thompson. HertJ,rt G. who a lso was widely known IlJI nn Ehrma nn. 118soc lute '1' fenlle counCil. a ULhor. a nd Dudlpy r . Ranney. a sslstanL dl,,·

On June 29, with the al)llrovn.1 of trl t attorn y ot N or! III. counly. and the execuUvo counCil, Governor lben was rcndy to (lraw up Its reo ~ranted a res pite to Succo. ~ __ _

Save and

Invest! Our bonds yield a return on

your investment from 4 to 670 .

They are all personally in vest­

igated by us before we offer

them for sale,

Write or Call fOT OUT list


Iowa City Savings Bank "You Will Like Our Service"

• . , ..

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EVERY HOUR, the fast comfortable elec­tric trains leave for Cedar Rapids, Mt.

Vernon, and Lisbon. Daily, regardless of weather, these trains leave and arrive on schedule---dependable. An additional serv­ice to patrons is the reduced fare ticket. available in many forms for the conveni- . ence of those who travel frequently or onlY' occasionally. Ask us about these worth-while savings 1 , .. ,

Dyer Williams City Passenger Agent .

Cedar Rapids Fair and Exposi.

tion, August 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 • .13.

Reduced Fares from all points.

. " til - q 'll'

, ... 1

New Baptist H~&d B ~ i J d s Bij~ipess

''sijCCes$ from Zef.o S~jlrted With Only an

J,dea But C,Hmbed Over Obstacles

It)' HAI\GIS f; ,\ICJ.\'WINE WI IIlTA, Kiln ., Jul)' ~O (D~'fI).­

When tho Nm'lh rn l inptlHt eOIW n· thm r ccnUy eho W. O. 'olrmun uf WlC'hJt (t (0 Irlld IIH "(rllit'" fQI' t~1 J)~xt )leu,' It llIu"k~d Iho clln"l of

, on(' pha e ot n lllnl\)'·~I\kd (·U'·I'~'·.

(11111(0111111',,, ~u"l.lI'~. "~J1'UH, "om' 1111,"lI y 1"Il(IH, lll,d 111)'" 'Willi OJf OnA ot tho mo"t powp.·tul C'/lU"Pj,(O (I(

Am~rl~8, 'V. C. qh' m n n 'H IIt~ ~to,')' 18 B. pert t bualn ,wodd romance, )1 atllrt d w'th nQthln hut lin IdNI. lind ho .urmo\lnt~(\ muny obstacle. 10 wllch lh(l hclghlil.

A onc·rO<lm HhQll In " 'Ichlla \\11' Ih" IlI'glnnlng ot tho ('olemlln tI" r,

• in' tWI'I\ty·tl"~ Y(O ,." hi on "'oom whop hll. g"own to 11 Inri farto"y .

" III\'lng pmplo),m nt 10 700 KllnfltlH • Ul n and woml'n , wllh brallch oWl' "

In hi a o. La. Anlr I ,and [,hllll' • 1I1'lphlu, nnel anoth r tR"t ry In T r· "bnlo, Canatl,,'. Till" YNlr·. lClllIruilon

Pl'oj;"llIn C II tor I'XllNlIlIlur ot mo .... thun $1,000,000, S<'I'PrIll ul\lt. '11'" I.>\'lng Ild,INl lO III Toronto plllnt. hN'e, hnlt million dollar r{lCIO"), tnr manutoclur of C8mp atovl'S 18 bpln!!, built In hi IIIfO and thr 8Lorl~8 ~re Pl'ln~ ard(\ed to Ih Toronto plant.

_" From Ih. monuCoc:tul'l' of on

Here'N (,hnrlrL('\'illl', tlw firlit ])0 •. onjl'cr 10 rly nero, lIt(' At· IlInlic l ('onf'rrring lI'ilh fllrcd Droubin, th fnlllollH Pr Ilcb u\d· Mor, 1'(,~lIl'dill~ hi plnnR 10 fly Ihe B('Jlonco plnl1(" " 'ohllnhin," bock 10 t hi QUlllry. Levin'l) ambition i~ 10 b) th fir t I mtlke tbe l'OUllll trip by oir.

.. 1"

Bind Brennenlan t

to Grand Jury I F:lmPl nl'()lIl1rmnn, 'VnHhlllilto n

tllwn"hl ll, ull"Hrd )'(\pl~l , wlIlvE!\'! I'~ 1I1l1llJlI"y II nl'ln~ In I'll lip" Juilg ' I'ltu) l1Ht~r'~ l 'O lll·t Itt 0 ,I. m. :V~M' lel'tlfi~', find th C'l" IK hound ovp\· 10 til SOllt 1)1001' tel'lII of tho Ilmnd ju,')'.

nOll.l wa" ell< ~ til tn,IlOII, whlrh n,· nll(lllIOn WU_ ulIfll,,,, I,) "uI'nIHIl.

'rh rn. ot WlIll'nl fllwttl , .. Brent, mBI1'. COllllluIllon nn th\1 "11111\ 01 ~h 1l1l"1I~t1"IIlI'k, WIIK (11K' ml""cl.1 tor l[,,'k oC vl(1 nco.

~'hn twu yuuihH l'rlul'nrd YlIlul\· IUI'II)' 10 10\1'1\ City 1,'rIl1(1) ntle"I\IIJn tQ ,I,e lIlQ h",·!:~ IJI·ot~'Ted alfnlnlt thrm bl' Ow ,.h·I'1i l"thol' un July 23, )oJ, A. n Iltlwln , uttom 'I tu,' lho tjofrnd'''II. lId r('HI ,·!lO).

J.epb Zika Die. After LOJII Ill~a

JO!!I'llh ZIIIU, JI y~or~ old, or l 'lm· hllll tll' nil". til 1\ Itt his hODl~ 1\1 4:Hi (I. nt . )'r!<i I'duy ntt I' an Illn of th'c II II .

1I ~ 1& fturl'll'oo 11'1 hl~ wlt~, :A1t·~. M I'Y Zlko , ol1d two /taught r", Mt'iI. Mill I " '111 h. ot 316 m. IlUrllnA't.on I Htr!'l!t . "nd MI'I. Jo phll1 rOl'Ub, 720 N, Linn Htrert.

MI'. Zlka wae a alon 01 n. II has III' II In thl It)' ror sIx n )'~arl.

Thll run~r I h I'\'Ic~H \I III pl'ohahly II(' h III 410nlloy, It wo"" Ntl1 I)(> Il('nt I~ . t'. t<orub. hla IIOn·ln·law, who Is on a tlahlnll lrlp In north to MInna· ota.

., ........ ................ --- ... -..


I r

way La EnglUnd.

pre. IIgent. to llrol'jl thllt Ihe IRHt

i.h ll]g 110 fl Ir It , 11K IllIbllcl!y, lent out III I()ut II nQ \l\ouHltntl ~rtJj/18 'it ,'xpl pllLlo,n 118 \I) JU~t Why Mr. llonl)f wllnt"dno nollct) . Ana 1If101' 1J1Q~t of the ,\IIIlt"'1\ Henl rCpOl'tcl'8 to Intp,' vlQw him, lind t,t ll of Ihe s h~ct,j I'tIII s lOl'lel about hla nr rlvlIl , no tloul t /10 deport II Ih lwkflll tOI' th IhoUllht thut h8 11M COli] Ihrough th c it y moll(,Htly £lna (Iulrtly, a~ be· COllICK II mOtion 1)lctu" e HL/U·.

• • • SIlW 1\ mun tollll¥ with 11 1\000 fill'


hllll' ~hool . Iwd nl'lr )]111" school; the progr.m or Bludi'ee ~I"~ I' ""Ive ('It!tH; 1·I' .. parch lnv IU!!'IlUol1li In "hysical cIIucfttlon. . . ..

wJII 00 nfroril~ fOl' the cOl\oltrucUon ot prollrn~ r~r '1YI~ -:.'I!'jI '. 1lft. J. 'II.

_ J. i,"

Elvery Ludl'nt who ex, III to j. dve t~ degree, or" \!eft" " ,"AI 8TUIIEN'J'I!I WIJO Ii:x,I'EVT TO GRADUATE '~

unll' rally clmvqcaU~n Au,.. 20. 1027. 811o;uld make hIs f0"'!'1 ... · \ on II. (lTd IIfo"ld (\ Cor tlJ punlOB. 01 th I"I/!'Ielrar'. otflce, 0II 'Oj.~, , flaturtlRY. July 30. It I. of lho ulmo t Imporlance that each -'I~I ' c rnl'd comlll), with (1)1, r que t hnmcdhltcly tor olherl"~ II Ia' '''''~' Iy Ihatn II\U(l ot who nUl)' bo In Olh r rel'lllcc18 qualified wUl bOt ~ omm('lld(,(\ ror IImdu'lIlon Ilt th clolMi of thl) prceent term. . ,.

1tlaklng 8Pllllrn tioll tor Ihn d~gr('r, or rertlfl oto, In.ol_ !be ~ of the gmdlullion rl'{l 1,16) tit th~ Illne the IIppllcatlon Ie' made, ~ ~. < ot this ( 1\ hl'lng. n C \l'y pnrt of tho aplillcatlon. Call at Ih\-ortl~ tor th CArd. • ,,_,!

Th ee,'Unl,'nt f II U. H. C. DORCAS, lIo.t.._

• lnmll 0\ It lime. which Wll8 taken out ronil IIOld by Ih~ Im'eolol', b hM

:,wm to I)() hl'od DC a concern Ihut lurns oul lhoulIIlnd of Innw • Itln·

Church Services I Arreat Bail Jumper

~'Ol' III firhl lime in hi. life th Arcb.t1uk U }told ot Au trin i \lol'king'. 011 Ii motion pielul'!' lot in Hollywood. th,' archduke, >'hown hel'!' nn tlte ri .ltl, wilh his fri"nel, '/l pL Curl Von Hnrl ­

Jnllll, is punching a time clock with n hunch of motlon l)i('tul'() cxtrD~. J1. /1(' tl mOJ1I'Y, hoy, t bllt h mllY g to ~~tII' pc to fjght hi. <lm'[" jtlt 'ount Hz hcnyi, HUngarian Ilmba lIOl' to tb l nile" Htatc , but ))0 \'0 'I um~ hltVt' 80 fllr oc'('n wag!.'!' II thnt th duel will ('\'cr tnk(' pIne ClARE OF Itl 'K STUDENTS

f -.\.''''~.

" t erns Bnd ~to" dlilly, lIntl "ho. •. IIIlIe.nwn orc bnsy In f l' r)' count.,)' •• In tba world. Wh r on tlndi! mill' •.•. llIonorl 8, one 180 find.!! olemnn

IlroducUl. N~IV En(land locok

, ., Vr. 01 man 1.'1 II. J" nan. a t),pl· c&! mlddl II' ill rOl'r. Fltty-odd Yeai'll 8g0 h tl l'l!t 8I\W KIln I. DI t 1110 of nlnl' monlh. Ii" I th

~ /!On ot old N w Enlliond 'tock. III, bo)'lIood wu I'P nl on th t I'm, nnil 'II N,rll' t'ducnllon " <'<IUIrt'd In UI<' rU'1\1 II('hool I'()()m. \\' hE'n h "'nJl "I('v n)' ... 01(1 hili fn\J1"r dl('(l, nd

. th boy we, tON:M to Ul!um the • dull ~ ot man. TIilI NluC'aUon was Jol rruptl'll many Urn tQf fin nclal ~n .. onl. At th alf of rlgbt n h tnught I'IChool. !.AIt r h" enlpred th Emporia, !(an ,norm I .,hool 01\11

lbpn. flltpr \\'orklnlr 10 raIse th rn0l\t')'. Olltntlell rlnkl'l' un!\' I'tIlty nt 'Bnldwln. lU.n. Flnall' hI' took tb low cou ot the l'nl\'('ralty ot K n· 15118.

'" Ill<! JL l1li1 mnn Ihnn.u;h forro oC rlrcum.\:ln ," llI\y fro CQI(,Jnan totl'IY. "I found Ihn! T could mok mor monry ~ lUng Ihlnlr3. <JO 1 lnuq-ht m) If th Ort ot

lIInll' to tht l,ubll('. "My yea" re w nil "'h n r wnll

a boy. and 1 aJwa)" 1I1K'ri ncfll dlf· IkuJUe wllh my 1 n at night by th e In(lItt!'",n! Ul';ht of k ro pn h,ml'" \\,h~n I WBI quill' young r ullCd to dl'('l1m of IIOm~ kind ot a lIGht thnl would m ke lb room M /Jrlght hy ntRhl It willi by y. 1 "'11.8 In 0. 1Il1l town tn AI bama. on a dark I1I/:'hl. whpn 1 Clntl W 1\ Ullht •• IIrlght no those In m)' (l"e8.ma."

('onqul'ffil Sktplk'!l This IIl1ht, InQulr ' d vl,'loped, c m

(rom n 111'"' 1 mp thot u~t'd ill IIno for It ru I. In t d ot k ro n. lost POOpl at th t Um wpre sk('ptlc.nl about ,""eh nn Jdc.>n. Mr. Col mnn not only IUIII' the mnny dcrpct~ In

, the IIlDl)l. but Ilil!o vl~lonMl lUI IlOIIAl­bUill . A fl'w month Illl r h ob­tained the ale right for tbl n w

• light In \hG territory ot klahom. Ir. 01('m8n worked long and dill·

If nUy Irylng to put hi lamp Inlo the 8tOl'('S oC l~ 8mall town In Okln­homo. Th slo"ck l)Cra mnnl(!' led

~ Int~,'('st, I)ul \\'oul(\ nOl I)U), olYln<\, 10 dlrrlculllee thl'Y h d had with oth r gl1liOlln Inm)lf. Wh n bls (untl" w r 11\ th 101lli lit Nlb, lIlI' young <JOlin pion r C<)nl,' Ivl'd an

,. Id II; h ,,' ould II light If h could nOl sell Imps. H contra l.NI wilh the 01 rchanU! ot lh lown to pllK th IlInlp In tb. BLore, and h CUI d th m, ·manlpul ll'il th m and cnrl'il ( r lh m by h11Jllle1t. " 'Ilb ln a ( W

• mont./ul II wns t ~dlnr II hili In v· ral klnhomn townl, nnd had I18V,

ernl WIlli ta nt •• t th UIlIO Mr. 01 ma,n ntered

b la thill g1UIOlln \' nlure, be W811 ,. tor ~ \0 hql'l'l)W ,'.Oell trom 1\ rei .

th·,· t WI hltll. T()(1ay lhat $2.000 hOI! roWIl to 001\ ~hllr In Ih.· Ie' Dlll.ll Lamll ('(II1l[)iln ' w.,.rth ,000.OOO.

SOl""'" 'J)'eu.1cl The ul IIllln omllllny, lin or aD-

1II!IIIon vf ., vel'lll huntlr~d ,_,Ill. ' hllft II Yl'f /10.(\ 1\ "labor problem."

"We talk thllll!l ov r," Mr. '01-DIan r:rplaln d. "W Illlked. thing. ov r "'h n til ro were only t n of UB, Rnd "e talk thinK" ovrr now. Th nlnnlUlem nt (lO<'"n'\ /10 thin l' Jl th em ... loy. ; \\ tlv Ihln . V ITII the l1l . '1'1\ "')luI II.Dcral a.tUtud. o[ tho nIlI1101[('11\ nL trivet 10

• Irllly drmocl'lltl '. ur 1'1111)10)'1'" ar , mt'fl . not mIl hlne , lind 1\1' tre/tled

118 .ueh. Our COOper lion la of DI n

FInd napU t £I rl Jt rnlnlatcr.

IIn(\ hll (ellowmen. rath r thlln DI' ~;;;';;;_~;;:;=~;;;:=;;;;;;:;~ ploy rand mplo)·. ~

"A lucceMCul labor policy Is UIU'

• ally e \·olvM. Our OIannrem nt has , 'no ralth In N'ody·mnde II('hem • or .yelNn~. ompl~t rOllrJde,w I. UI"

• trult ot )lNtrll ot experience In r.11' I dellllng. Tho evolution vr our p()Uc), : l)Cgnn hack In the do I wh D, In til I pvl!ltIon of owner a nd mana lief. I WIUI , proud to don ov ro.ll, aDd Work ,10

b ,Ide with my m n. WI were Ill! n.mhlUolll! to "ucclH'Cl. There weI'\)

rn. De

Pam Cleaners r~tMP



John Gilbert In

"Twelve Mile. Out" Allin f'-",

"IU' lUll l '1'RE"

UlIII1lnl!' "'"""'"

'TIle Gorilla H .. t"

"""" .. II". ~ ", • + 4 , •••

Iln!rI'('Il',Ullnal 1m. J . HOU810n. postor. RundaY

.ehlllli . ~Ion. 8:30 8;ln. StUllt·nt cln. ,9:45 .m. Mo'nlnlr WONlhlll, IO:4G. • rmon b), thl pastor: th m "M kIng Fn l8 Live." Durlnar lh ),our of nl0rnlnlr worship Ih re 1'111 I)() nur ry (or chlldnn und r alll; )'t'&J'tJ of "II In ih prlmnry I'()()m ot tho church. Society ut 'hrIMlIt\n 1;n· drtlVOr, 6:30 )l .m. Prof. Hrlnrlc,1 .1ut/l('hm nn wIll c1ve an nd(h~ on "R~U Ion 0 tth 'M Iddl A .', PIl­grIm lOCI 1'1 of hrl I n End avor, 6:30 p.m. TopIc." m of th Hard· ('at Thlnp to ~'orehe." Ell n Ford la In chlt.,.~. nlon rvlc nt lhe 1'1'1 byterl"n church, g p.l1\. Th~ H v ElhI'rt J. ~mlth \\111 he th Pl'ak~r.

Trlnll)' F.pl8coopal Th R v. ltarry IIh rman Lon

pilIItor. The holy I'Ommuolon, a.tU. rDln • nIce and rmoll, 10:4 •.

Chrt Ibto Stolent ... SUnWlY IChool, 0:30 a .m .; • unday rvlr., lJ •. 01., uhJ ct "1..oI·c."

WcdJ\c ... IJlY, Aug. 3. )l .rn ., tuU· 1110nlol 111 Un . Iteadlng room OJIII.'n 6all), from ~ to u p.m.. (Oxl'(')JUn' 'und )" Ind I I holldl )'~.

M",hod'" \\'. '. J,<.cel r, mJnllt r.

lIChool, 1/:1 lI.m. Lee N • l uper­Int nd nl. Un\vcl'tllt)' clruls rn l8 '" cb\'rch audItorium. J>roC. W. J. D lI· nls will ,!Ieak on " J~ellgl n nnd NI\· Uonllll.m In Moxlco." MornlnK wor·

hll), 10:fii. crm D. "n Layrnlln I\nd Ill. hurcb." by 1'1'01. j,J. U . Lauer. Weh echool l>pworth Waitt 6:30 p.OI. EllWorlh LeR.gu 1 p.m. Ml\rJllrie &100, I d r. TOIII. "R . 1~1 \I and W'ork." 'nlon rvl ••

p .m" In l'reJbyl.eri!ln chuN:lt wltb n ". Ell!crt J. ~1lI1 preachlnr.

II ,mon ftubJ t, "Ure', V rdI I."

to Plllt .. Lallleran JullUll A. FriedrIch, paltor. Sev­

ellth !lund y att I' TrinllY. nerulA~ .(" vkc B.l 10:4G 1\.11\, 1'''11, J ICZI'klt" ,U:!,·21. subJ t of sermon. ;'O()d Alon J~ th A ulhol' I.nd li'lnl"hl!r ile Our 'onVer lon," All" mOil dIIlllY "I mo. -----W"".~t~

'tile 3\'~h qulr~t, C<)1111)()M.... (if Tom 1)1.",-, rltBt ttnot. John W, Howell. ('\/I\(i t nor, I, N. ltowun ... lJl\ll8. alld j,;lIns J. 11 u h I. lui 1'1 tone. will brolldeaet "FamllllU' lh'rnnl" ov r W8 1 at • p. m, toda

To-Day and To-morrow


l 0 ( 'tIIIIN, "Brooke In a-Ina"

~T., ... y "'111"' I(Il,al!!I1WII'

Harold LIo,d hi •

"For Heaven'" Sake" '¥ •• 4'~ •• '¥'.~¥'4 f'>'

at Local Ho.pital J o"e(lh J.)av~ro., 38 yrnl'li old. wnB

nrr "t('(\ by Orne rl Jo Vh 1,)01 7.11 on4 W~"ley &'<11111 at n I I hOI-11ltnl at . 11m. Yl' trrOw on Intor­muUon trom Ih Dubuqull ~hle[ of 11OUl'e. JI I. chltrg d with Jllmpl"" a .20,000 h' Ii hoM lI.t l'Own Polnl, Luko county, I 111110 nil,

Ac('or()lng to a '..,Ike counly <1"lrc· th' who wus hero July 27, the orill' Innl ChurA" wM th 1111 ot a 1:· y ar·old gIrl.

Dal' r08 wa nl red at tbo hOI· plill July !8 Rml Will to hnve' n 1'1'1 lomo,'row. Th DubuQu pollee camo nt midnIght h\M nl!;ht to IAk blm Inlo cuoloely.

Owen Pay. Coata on Runaway Car

H. paId $%.00

Six Teacher. Take

= Professor Giles

Replaces Clapp in Muaic School

Prot. Thom 011 Ibfl mu ,. (1"I .. rlnll'nt "t th "Ol''''t · (If \ wh, \\ h hliN !H,,'n In· 1111'1.\ II), P ... ·lllJe' J u ,Ilnl 01 lOll)' to conlinuI' hi mual ttl , ' .. Teh In nom@. wll\ b@ In lud!(1 nullt ~·llIt·

Qn til (tlCulty of Ih hOol ot )DU II • Ilrof or of pl.," .

11 kQ Ihe plac., ot Prot. Philip O. Cl'IPfl. IlI'ild ot the dell.rlm nt, \1 h II llC'Cn 1;1'II.lIt,·II " YclU"d I .1\'0 or ah lnre-.

Prote ... or Oil WPI n ()upll I,t IA!OllOIII Ood 1\\' kyo tamou III nlol, anll I,I"Y'~I for Eml ,"1( Fl'i>llz

Want to Marry a Mayor 7 Hurry Up

TElN1NO. Wo h .. July 30 (II')­Thuma lJ. nlchnr"-', hi\cljrlor m\\yor ot T nll1o. who noounccd r ~nlll thaL In ordrr to g I pulillclty (or Ih' ThUl'!lton 'ounty ralr h rt'. 51·pte,n· I " 5 10 7, b" wouhl otrrr him_rIC aM II. hrltl tnr a IlubJlc \\'(,('hllnl(, fInd th"t Ih lI"bll Ily nd I workIng vut I~tt('r IMn hr PXI)PCtt'd.

Ortl'l'1I of 0\ trlmtlny hy th.. t Ir px tlrlhhlPtl al ttl'Jll; no .... th~y nr

!\Ourln" In nnd to till .. II requ f I' hili pkLUI'~ tbo 10<'01 I)hoto MlPO I' \\'ouhl h1\\1 to work oyortlm . po t am bldl tall' 10 van I no tv 11 (J l cl MlunFt.

Jo ·t (OC AUMtr". l"Ft ·th(·r \11th olh'r ========-=::-:::::=== or (JPtlol' ky·. IIUIII"'. 11 .. Iudlrd ror elc\'en Y""" In '"ondurl, " .. ri.. \'I"l\na, nnd IlPrlln. II. well II' In man), or tl,,' he. t mu Ie hool. .. r 1 lh l nitI'd HI1tI~.. ==============

11 h" •• 1Irt·lf'J on ~"llt~h wO"k

New York Today In th Brltl.h mm ... um In IAntlun, III l>nrl , nntl WM n ked ". ))pl'urh­I11l1nn. wodd·tamoutl pla.nl t. ll> ('ome t .. \(um~ til .[lhl • Ih 8"chlv there. ·!th til( nuth"rll)' vi !llua­."lInl.

:Prvf or all \\111 arrll'lI 101l'a It)' In :rpl"mhl'l' 1\'lth hb \llfu nnd four elllldr,n.

[CONTrNUIlD FROM. 1' .. 011 II

on th ootlne of ,

uld boob.

The office or Ih Unlv~nlty Phy lclan. to 8tutlelltl wHI be ~~ ;30 a. m. to , p. m. Kondaya to 8a.turda),.. 8un")'11 teIIp""'.""

c.laM to men .tud nlII. Dr. her, Dr. MllJer, 817. Ph,....." ~ Ilu",.enll, Dr. Fr IMn. JiGS. Rerlstrante at the unlwl'lllty .,, __ _ medical <1'" at Ih Om!!". I'n ~ I

C08110POLlf N CtAJB The lud nLa (ronl hiM t III OIImo\JOUlan ol~b ,,111 II" 'III

Irrnlll In tll .. an rul rt. drnll'lng room at '7:80 p. m. Saturday: r_ita. Th pullll I, l'IJrdla1)y In\'~. . ..•



IUI)OI I11rnl to Iha unh,(' ... lIy IIll'('('tory I ued the f!nl tun I no a,'olmbl ut Ih fumm r ,Ion oftl~, qI,l

d [,\,'H;f.!~ +. _&::- •

Eat! I .

Drink! ~~ Pe N.~! At the A(adem]

EduC4tion Quizzea SavIDgf> Account., A luncheon service tween-meal hollowness.

for that Rt-

Barr.w ...... Lie .... n m<\rrl g~ \ll,'en Wtlll I u ,t

b' Waller J. narrow .'1 rk or eourl y sl rdJI.y, to LI' II I). I)(onny. 31. Y('8" old, .M Eldorll 1;;. s .... \I. fIeld, H y TI old. both of J \I" City. , ............ ,

t;d Murph),. no &llllh .Mnllll!Oll .treet, ",u orrl'«lt d In l nlJlltt on n

harl{ of InloxJ on and tIl.turbl th JJIlI\C. Th Inlormll lion oguin t him WU IIworn out by hla wI!. "hall! It iii all lh t b bet\t..

&.e.k .1 VaCtti'l oftt .. r lind, IJoc('k I 'WI'"

(Ill), tOI' a. IWO-\\ ~k' .. vllCJltlon Irll1 II lIlotor. III" wIfe 11'111 a m ... ny him tu hlcQl!1l nd will IIlny t"trt', no 'k lind William Kn.nak III u on to Mllwllukl'c and I>rol)llbl)' Madl· 80n.

Now Hittina

"Cradle Snatchers"

For the Adult Mind Only

Thtl ~_ are UJ/l'lltlrlulllllr

'.n"" lI.t alto nrr de, .... ,!!.

We till IIfIf Il4h_ tile .. ee~

of COhlWrfll.


II. C. Witwer eomedy


Deposita lncreue

PI'Ilf. Nllrrl . TIlylor of th .. II milltry d PIIrtmrnt will tl II "TI.

tory ot !.I·ad" Ilt 1 p .m . In U,( chl'ml-tr)' udllorJuOl. "111'

Ik will be Ulu.lrl\tetl with mo"\ng plctur ,and Is oillen to th puhlle.

Rqitter T w. Births

li-'iIW To-Day and

Monday 3 Big Race. ;n

On£' Bil Picture Your "beFIt bot" in movie ent rtainm nt this w k· nd,

,,"II Mary Astor.

WiD CctlJier, j ... ft IMt 8111'""111

Our Oanl{ Comed.y Paehe News

rahl ... Mlpmlllln. %:k'. ''''

!'!, ........... PI"",Ia), ah,rrnn- . 4~· tllr

'------------- f' ••••••• .,41 .. " •••••••••••••




a. n In nU lh ou· I

A soda fountain serving del~ ice cold drinb to Jcill the heat. ' ...

Billiard tabl tion.

for an hour'. ceqq-

You'll find all the regular Eellen _ the Academy.

W-htn You Want to K'IPII Ctdl8LO

,~red Ice Pure ice is the SUfUmer'. mOltW4J1ted p~c~~ty, not q.,l,Y for keeping fqqd~ .. Ei • .frel9h ~Dd tefY'~ing f~r w~ ,It' petites but a1,0 fpr miJiJMI ~ an~ refr~JI).a ~nl)~.

Full \\;~ -~ s.mc.

IOW;l City l~e eo. ttCompare '1"' let W~h tbt ke You rh;nk is ben"

Phone 710 324 E. Market

.Varulerb •

f~ ·B~~y Wi~ ~[ junio~ Singles' From Rapids QQY

Eagle . Grove Si~tefs ., -M~t' D~fe~t lir' , I

, .,Dq~b,leS '~\~~ . -- , 'DES MOINJilS, July 80 (.4')-V. B/

I I Wald, Des Moines, dcfCf1ted Louis, Beckerman, lIlso of Dt's .Mojnes, ' 6.3,' ~I, 6·1, to win Ihe . men's' s ingle t\tle I

II the clo"" o~ the state tennIs tou\,­aament Ilei'o tooaY, The s,Lng1ea ~wn was tonnQFly held by linrrla COueshaU of D es Moines, whO WB.B unt.ol. IQ defend 1 l)ecaul!C 'of hl.s' I

tplh In Ihe Illinois tourMm.ent B.t ' Chicago. '

"'ank Brody, DCR Moines, Wlllko~ th\ough Udell LlebSohn', of Cedlll-. RaPI"", In eMY f(lshl01l to win In· 'tho' junior menta 8Inl)"05. I Set calJ8 wer& '03, '·2, ' ;1. "

)Ilss ~arjorle M(lCe, of Des }4;olJ;les, ' IJIII Mrs. Thel'elii~ Ebcl'll, of ' podnr' FaUs,. teamed tOGether to. d~r~t the; Itenetlck s1St01'6, Tl)elma ant! ,Rutl): Ii Ii<\lgle OI'OVO h~ tbe "11<11 0( lhe. ... men'. dQuble~. ' The sct caUa were lO~; 0·6, ' and 6·3. ,. • ft1,nk Br9dy [lnd Max EV\l~~tt oS ' I/IIIl Moines dO(~il.tcd Udell ·Llebaohn. , IJl!I W\Ua\'d Baurn,gartner, or Cedal) ~~Ids: In tile ' lUl.llor, dotlbles 6,4,1, 3'~"H, 2·6, nnd ' G·I. '

" ~ ,1f1.!'J ~It ,~ .~~ .. ~.3; ~. ;ijI ,~ ~~ .

/, qnCAGO, July 30 (A")-PhUadelj

phla hit opportunely behInd' ChlQ8.' aT go's etrore and Blako'8 ' wlldmie8 t~ D defeal ehlcago 5 to 3 In' the C1r$t Bt ",me of the ' sel·lea. Th;!splte tbelr' 10 d~eal Iho Cubs 108t no 'ground I", '"",, the pennant race lUI Ihe Pirates ah!o. ;tu wero d~fellled by Boslon. . ih Phllade(pbla. ... : .. 101 l~O 110-5112 1 ~I Chicago ............. XO{lO 001 002-8 8 l '

U\l:lcb and Wilson; :al~k~ and Il! Hartnell. It


U (!i •• Walk Away Fro .. II

Ch~p Cardi,nals 13·2 III 01


ST. LOUIS. July 30 lIP) - The el II Giants whipped Ihe world clUlm()10D tI

cardlnols today 1 y J3 io 2 In the op· enlng game of Ihe ~erle~. pounding I\'

Rinehart and McQ~a\Y for sixteen bit.. j New 1'ork ........ 003 400 123-13 16 0 St. Louis ........ 000 OJ 0 100- 2' 7 5

F'ltZillmmons and Taylor; Relnllnl't, )I(,Graw and S hulte.

• A', Ev .•• . Set"'~"" ., I

~alf I~Y S-~ ~~,w.r. ~ \

PlilLADELP:fIIA. July 30 (IP) -; The AlhlellClt ev~"Q(l tbe s~~ i..". with! the Ohlcago Wh1te Soli; today win· nlng bYIl score of 6 to 3. ' \ I Chicago ...... : ...... .10t 000 001-3 10 I I PhllaMlpltl1l 002 (110 02'-5 & 0 .

Connolly and Cross; Grovo' n nd , Cochrane.

~IG I;E"~ 1 ~ J<l <:OSS\ft On thelr recent rOlld lrlll ot

,Imes the C\lrtlinaiJI had 1\n un· ulun) record. They falle~ ~o Mn a game In' Ihe wesl, losIng f6ur In Clnclnna\! Alld three eacll In Chi· cago ~nd Pittsburgh. In the eut . they captured 1B out of 18.

• • • Tri:J Speaker. ,,110 usuaU, III

,oed (or b" haru ot hI>l1l1\ ruo., about I! per 8ea!OOu. dld , .JOI> ' let Ollt! Ihk year until I., play"'''" hh lllnelf·tlnt gable. It t&llte fa St. JA) ••• rallUlt Southpaw ~wari. . '. • • •

On June 6 the White Sox wel'e one gUllle behind' Ihe Yllnkeea, . matchIng a percentage ot 3J'l!' .646, with 31-1 5 .674. aeven wee later th6 Sox wel'e In fifth with n mB.rk of 48-19 .493, showing 34 ~etents lad 17 victories In thaI time. Dur· Ing the IIllln pcrlod the 'l'anks woi, 18 Qnd I""t nine.

Why' When you can have ~

Th~~ classes ~ fam

work and money theSE Ii' ~.

17 IPOU~~S ~~t _

1 0 Pounds \Rou~ , I , I I ..

1 0 Poun~s .~~"i~t:"I


NewPrOce "OUI' ~ed Carl •

2,l,1 lowa A v,e,

prosrftm df .tu~reio !D i f 'II"u"",,, In .,hyslcal etluC8tlo~. . , .

ot pru,rnflj tor 'ty!l'l ochacll Dft.r.'1.1

I .; •

IT. c. ~nCAS. R~.

I(,K 8TUHI'JNT8 Phyolclan. to 8tudelltl will be .. ~ to IlatUrilA)'l. 8un"yw telqhliie:1'!i

• Dr. lllller. 887. Ph>'*llnl III ~ Rel'llltrant. of tbe uDlYel'lllty a~ til __

I . .., ~

OIImolJOlltftn Club w\ll ., •• III room ut 1:30 p. m. Batirday: ~l1l . .



1I1"l'<'t,orv I ued the fI~ \PI'!:" ~ .. Ion office. QId ~Iti( " CIJAIlLl:S + ~lmc.

Eat! .l?e ~~!

for that ,..

serving delicim&a to kitl the heat. ".

for an hour'l rec.rea-

11 the reiUl~r feUcn it

ant to Knoll Ctdl8LO

lee f1~~!tY, not q~J,Y

fbr wanipa ~p­

freshilJi dril}~:

See ....

Think is btst" )2. E. Market

.;' \

~,JIJJ1 31, .\9:21 ) , ~~~'~--~'~I-'~~-----ri --------------------------~--~~~""----------~.~ •• ~~~~~~--.. ----~ .. ~~~~----... --~~----~--------------~------------__ ----------------------------~----~~-----.--~~--~---

.V ~ader~1t a Ward Capbtres $tate. Net Crown , - ! ." P

',"".. ij~'$ No.w a ' H~'I!eigh( - - ~lHo Hum! Yankees Fr~ ,B~~y, Wi~ ju n i 0' Singles' From Rapids .QQY

Eagle . Grove Siaters , . -Meet Defe~t ir'

.Do~~lel!l ~F:w~

c------~--- ... -...}.,.~-. ~ _____ ---J Wi n Pair .... Indians Set v e as "Fish" ~ri8 CoU~cta Two ! More 4~PIY8; Haa.

I Total of 35 , ' ---4-

Rwming Methuselah Race for Age HOl\4;)I'1

"Bunnies" Sign New Manager for SeasOI\

CEDAR' RAPIDS. Jul)' 30 (iP) -11 . E. ItSooke' · Emorl' . former mana.,.. ger ot tha Merldlan twm or Cotton States loog-ue. hru. been signed to manuge the Cedar Rapid!< club oC the MI .... isslppl \'l\iley leugu r"pln~·

Ing Pete Hughea who rel!l ned lhls weel~ .

~:nl Ory w OP a p<>nnanl at Meridian In 1 ~;; IUld flnLsh'ed In second PmC\) I""t year.

Lowly Bostomaps Sock It to Bues 3-2 iQ 10 Frames

Add Insult to Injury by Coming From

Behind to Cop "DES lIIOINES. Suly 30 (A')·-v. D.: Ward. Dc. Molne@. defellted 'LoUIIJ[ ~eckermaD, lilso of Des .Molnes. · 8·:;: ' .3. 8·J, to win the men's' single t\t1e .t the close o! the state tenn,. tbur-. nament hoi'c tode,)' , Tho II!nglea crown was fo .. m~rly held hy }farris COjUIe8hail at .oe.. MolDes, who waR u~'ble to delend I beeau8. 'ot ht.s • entry In the Wlnol. toul"llament at

NElW YORK. July 30 (If) - The Yunkeu deleotcd the In(}lans twIce

• todil~1'7 to 3 anti 5 to 2.

HUGhes may 8ta)' \\'Ith the tearn lUI

3 HCOOn(' haseman. P1TT BmG II, Suly 30 (l1'I-llOfl'

ton rnm from be~lnd to detc:1t

Ball reCuS<'d to name the four Plttsbu"gh lL!In.> 3 to ~ In t en In·

Chkago. ' .... ank Brod)'. Dc_ Molne8, wal~ed,

th~ygh Udell Lleblli>hn~ ot Cedat' RaPids. In casy t;lshloi. 10 win In ' 'the: Junior men,'a 81~!!le8. ,. Set 00.118 were ..,. 6·% , 6·1.

Jl,1M ~a'rJorla !\Inca. of Dli'e lo\i;ol~es. ao~ Mrs. ThercSlll ]O;bero. ot , ,codur' ,.118, teamed tose\hllr to d.~~t ~~e. ]{ene!lck .Istel's, Thelma Dnct ,nutb, of ~gle Grovo In. tI~e fl"",] ~ tl;w. ""men', dQuble.. The set call. were 10-8, ~·6, and C·3. .' ' frank 131'Ody and Max Ev~~,tt o~

Dee M.olnes defeated \Jd~h I..llIbsQhn and Willard llaumgartnCr, 'o( COOa Rapids, In thn junior· oollbles 6·4.' 1-1. 7-5. 2·6. aO(l 1).1. ,

Lou Oehrl,. ' by ' addlnll' two home run. to hl8 collection In tbe first en· COUIlLer, r eaeh(>() a grand toUtl of tlltrty·nve to,' tho 8(!aJlon and a Ie..d

, ot ono over Babe Ruth. First game:

Cleveland ...... .... 030 000 000-3 8 0 New York .......... LOL 020 002-7 II I

Uble and sewelt; I1euthcr and Ben· gough.

Secon,l game: Clevelnnd ......... 000 000 000-0 6 2 New 'York .......... 000 C02 03'-5 10 1

Shaul" and ,,"utray; Hoyt and Col· Uni.

,'~~. Wiu ~~er FrOID Detroit; ~O.l Cout

playcrs who would remain with tho club but admitted he would listen 10 Prol>O. IUons tor Georg SIsler.

BuebaU StUdiaCI

I\MERle.\S ". ], l' l .

Xew \'Qrk ........................ - 73 !7 .730 \\'a8hlnglQn ................ " .. 58 39 .597 Detroit ...... , ....................... 52 43 .lin Philadelphia ............. _ ....... 51 H .5~0 O1l1cngo _ ............. , .... __ .. 60 61 .4'~

Clevell\nd ................. _ ....... ..41 59 .no HI. 1,OU\8 .... " ...................... 41 5~ .410

llQ ton y;t~~;.; .... ~~~ 09 .2~

CI \' land ~-4l New YO\·\< "·5 St. Loui s ~·U : 130910n &·2 C'hl'·l\ltc· S' Phll"delphla ~ Detroit I; 'Yaahlngton 10

0lw1H TooIa)' I v.laml aL Nl.'w York

WASIUNOTOl\' . July iIQ (iP) - })Qtrolt at WIlIIhlngton Long dlatance hilling that jarred No othe\'L scheduled two pitc hers gave WlUlhlngton a. 10 N,\TIONAL

, I to 1 victory ovcr Detroit today In 'V L Pel. • . IIaq.lt ~t. the I!Ccond game of the aeries. lIe is a Kurd, an ' usher of Pittsburgh .............. ........ ,,57 S .COl)

. ' .' r,' 'j , Jack DelaneY ., a.nd his favorIte l>et desert the IIght·heavy division tor MI'. Rickard and Oeno Tunney. Detroit' 100 000 000- 1 G 1 'hi n" 56 3" 5"0 r ",, ,rL: I • 'ID C_:" __ ..I," .............. l\ruslaphll Kemel's cOllrt and C 0 0 ...... ....................... " •• '"" ~'¥"""'" " WlUJhlngton .... oao 302 31'-10 13 2 St. Louie, ............................ 55 41 .512 • , ,.,. I ~':!?iy/ 'l.,~\(~ 1.'hl8. certain Mr. FH" ,,-ard, being ns With Demllqey as Ws ollpon.nt It CollIne and Woodall; lIadley and his all' is 145 yeal·s. ix wivcs New 1'Ol'l< ........ " .. " ............ ~3 ~7 .630

CHICAGO, July 30 (A')-PhUadeI1 ' r.. Ovllo. ~ ped" .... ..,e, ot/lerwlsc us ,he Is. thn head or things o.t the will \>(1 a two mllllon·dol1o,· cxtrava· Andl·u~. __ Zaro Aga-that's hi : name-has Cincinnati .................... .. .43 53 .44

Phla hit oPpoI·tunely behincl Chll,llt, and more .tamHlafly lC'Ibwn 'ai! . JaCk., mo~ent Is the IndJvldual Crom pan..... llrooklyn ............................ 4. 58 .442 ,o's Cfrot'8 and BJa~e'e ' wlldne"" te> Delaney. {he noh" man at d~stlny. \l~¥' ' \d ' t hi f ' ~ l~f t'l -d I t 1 b II h 11 Br Dr n- t 4::__ l\In-i ,"cd, 8 nd his present wife is I' hllndelphln ................ 39 5~ .415 dot .... t Chicago 6 to 3 In' tbe; tlrstlllB.ek of th~ nnl)oQPcelnent l1)!lt De· IV m you wou expee t s ore· Ie <:'cP.l! a. Dnc( 0 ow s c .' OWIII op vue c ~ '17 . , 11!) . . 1 h ." Boston ... "., ..... _ .......... 35 U .393

deceat the Cubs 108t no 'g~ound In; weight cbli.nil)lon~hlp ~ and wll~ do ~lls his dOlhg!> o(· th~ 'po1.t h can vel'y his lost la ur Is In hls Sel>tembcr a ~n 0 In ell bonu's JUnto\,. New York 13: St. Louis 2 the penna~t race M the Pirates alt.o future nose buotlnk. I( anYI among easily be suspected 6t owning just clash with the fOl'mer marine Rick · ~ IMo C Dooton 8: Pittsburgh 2 wern ""tested by Boston. the heavyweights. can be seen the • BOSTON, July 30 v' I-A ter th" 'lho first !\""v"nc~lIIent of reo P hlladelphln 5; Chicago a

nlngs. Boston ... _._ .. 100 oor 010 1-3 I! 0

1' lll1!burgh .... 002 000 0 0 0-2 0

G'"eenflcld [lntl 110 mn ; and Smith.

M ado .....

Ralllnr treak~ ... ,." Ihl'lr ups an.1 down8. Joe .I.e wa. sHth,8' on'" an O('«!aakiauJl hit for • "'"", when \ae poled out elshl dun IIrl,,«'8 III U

oIuubll-~r ,,1tb til«' "'bite Sox.. He Il\ucked thtee out of (out' .~I C'onnall)' !lDd five ollt of 11111 ofr ... .,.. Dlaltken"hlp anll nan.alNoe. - r=='

The small 0" Inrgc Dm· mond bought he"e will be pert('Ct In cut nnd purity a n<l eloeely priced.

pme oC the serle.. Despite tbelr laney has glvcn up his IIght·l)eavy· s ight. An':! Juaging 1>1,·. RIckard by I co uld be depended upon 19' ~eg,ln l i " 'Bat Aw k tWiN t \' ~ CIII~ 0.(, ~ elll S lcr us 1:e terday's R\'Sults

Philadelphia. .... .. L01 100 110-5.12 1 ~nn<1lwol'k of a certain Tex Rickard. SUCh . Vision. <I"d s worl'le. would be ended. But Red Sox hud defeated the B"own9 ~lJlldlng fOr 19%' IIII M been mac]e by \ Inclnnntl·BroOklyn (Rain) Chicago ............. XI()O 001 002-8 8 l ' Tbe heavywelgpt tight b1/81ne88. DeluDey. so (he a,~~ouncement t1110 Is fal' f"om n cerUlI nt)' · In foet, ' G to 4 In te n Innlnll'" In the fh'st PrClllllflnt P. no c. Bnll ot the (linnet TodllY I

Ul\'lcb and \."ll8on; BI~ke and as YOU perhall~ have .urmI8~ by suld. walked out of his throne:room It Is not much better than u one·lo· game of a dQublO heade,' tQday the J1t'OWn8 II'ho 8Uy8: " 1'11 be open to Now York nt St. Louis I Hartnell. this · time. has become a serious because he can no longer' pring' his four chan~e . . And since one·to·four ,.V


2tOI'& took tho second contcst D tmrle orters IllUMllg Ihe will tel' frolll1

1 l'l"ooklyn ILt Inclnno.U I'

rackel. It no longer Is 0. business weight down to "175 pounds. )lou sho s nrc oat considered ood thin 8 o. • ",ajor unci 111 IIOr rlub5 for nil of 111)' l'hllo.delphl!l at Chlcngo

&.W.hq~~ ~t~~~m_a~~M~n~t~~~UMm~~· . g g " It~~~~ct~M~';1;8;Y;~;;W~It~h~II;w~e;~;c~p;H~o~n~O;f~fu~~;";'~~N~O~O~~~~~~~h~. ~~U;~;d~.=====~~~~;;~~;;;;;;~ "'" • one or twq mllllol).1'Iolla,· spectacles adulterated hoole. or apple sauce. or on whlcll to Btake mllllon·dollar Loula a(te .. dropping seven games c==--- __ ChJOlP Cardiula 1~-2 pcr year. The man who Is to run whale vel' ydu call plain everyday ~pectacle~ RICkttl'd has a cause to 1n a row.

Buch things must have fore81ght hol)kum. More likely Delnney Is de· WO"I'y ol>out 1928. FIrst game:

ST. LOUIS, July 30 (A') - Tha Giants whipped the wortd ham plan Cardinals today by 13 to 2 In the op· • nlng gamE> oC the "erles. poundlog Rinehart and McO~aw for sIxteen hits. New York ........ 003 400 123-U 16 0 st. Louis .... .. .. 000 010 100- 2 ' 1 6

t'lwlmmon. nnd Taylor; ~nbart. )lcGru,y and Schulte.

enough \0 see mu~h rarthe~ than !le" Ung the division he ruled Q~lte Nell' J\lan of Destlny , BC. 1.oul8 ...... 111 100 000 0-4 11 1 the end of his nose. He must picture llobly beeause this certain Mi'. Rick· Tunney Is gQJng to need 0. lot of Boston ............ 000 002 0('2 1-5 0 0 things as they might be [\ full 12 urd has Inform~ him thltt h. de· help In drawing a million 01' more, Gaston and O'NeIU; Russell and :;.m=0=n=th=8=I=n=.=d=v-=a=n=ce='======~ I.lrCS his services for the more Iuc,·a· ' next yell". And It Is C1ulto l ikely, HofCman . - Uve heuvywelgllt class. ·.rhe New Rlckar<1. nbove every thing else, Second go.me:

Art Andrews Wins State Pro Crown

York boxing commlSf,!lon, having an· knows thl8. Thot'. why I. for one.. St. Louis .... ... .... 103 100 103-9 13 1 nounced that Delane)l must fight suspect Rlekn"<1's noble hund behlndl Boston .. ............. 000 000 0 ·2-2 0 1 only IIght·heavywelghts as long 'as Delaney's latest move. Already', Van Gliller aml Scbung; \VlngClold he held the champlonshh), lert noth· natural dr1\WI'I.. ' g "ard. a m allne t ' and Ha,·tley. Ing fol' hanllsonle Jock to do ' but pl'ob" bly 8aCOl), only to the hollow' =====""-===:===== give UII hls tlile ' If he wanted to "h~1I f rom ' Hollywood, Delaney! play with the bigger boys. should Ile easy to build up for the

Future Seem. JJari( 1928 battle. or the century. , Peering 12 months Into the future He's about the only one left ror

,A'. E'e • . Sefia ~~ . , Charles Kennett Ends C¥eal,o 1~1 s.~ v:~~.,! , 'inP" filth')' Place


, PHlLADELP~IA. July 30 (A') ...,

The Athletle& evened the s.e.I~ wlthl the OhlcagQ Wb1l& Soli today win· nlns bya .cor 01 5 to 3. • Chicago .............. 101 000 OOI-~ 10 1 Phlladelph,,, .... 002 (110 01'-5 8 0

(JonnoHy and Cross; Groyo' and Cochrane.

!UO LK'(:l'E GOS81.,. , 7'

SPEI'CER. July 30 (A')-Art An· (lreW8, DilvennOl'l pro won the I owa J)rogo l ~ oha.mllionship here today when · he t4l'ned in a eo.rd of 296 iltrokes tor ,tho 72 hole8.

The flr~t 36 holes of the touma· mcnt were Illuyed at Ilflltcnport In connection with' the state amateur tournament. FICteen profes.ionals competed here b)ll not all wel'l! ell· fl1hlo' fO'!' the mle as several of them hUd not played the first 36 hol~s .

MI'. Rickard apparently sees nothing RlckaJ;d to center his a ttentions on. aboot which lie can enthuse. And Jack Sharkey had his ClIng and was you can't blame hlm for that, be· (ound lacklDg. He may come back eaus. Ihe crop ot up and /Iolng 200· to be the cbal1enget· at sOme late" :>oUlld gents who might be 'bullt Into ,lIlY. , But then ho may not. It Is mll1lon·dollur attractions Is nothing, (loublful It the public will ever tuke,

not surprisingly scarce. Paulino Uzcudun, tll. Basque wood·' If Rickard were doing business chopper. sel·lously. " 'hon I say sel"

with a c humplon capable. on his lously I mean •• l'IouBly enough to ~e~t a own account. of dmwlng the fans rush up to th" llcket wln(lows and, '~NEW U:NllE:k'\VI()()DrS through the tUl'llsUlcs In rccorel pa,y a mlillon or two t" see him tight, nUlllilors. his t~sk would he an 'funney. . easy one. But such Is not the case. But Delancy. a s Ullerb boxer. pos.i CORON~S. While Gene TUMe)' has alt-cady sessor of a dynamic right h a nd. REMINGTONS mude his 'mark us ,, ·fighter. he stili color[ul and u picture oC rhythm Special Rates to Studenta hus to prove himself a mag.net at und grace In nellon , should rellch.' • ,.

The Daily Iowan

Classified Advertising RATES:

One or two days . . ____ • • 100 line Three to fIve days .. .. 70 per line Biz day. or longer __ .. 60 per line lllnlmum charge ... __ .•..••.. SOo


W A N'r J~ O-S'flIDENT OlRL TO wOI'k (or I)oa"d and room through

August 0,' lonf: ,'. Cull 2020·\V.

WANTElD TO DO-EMBROlDERY and crocheling. Phone 3065. 323

Se. Mll(llson.


"etic Indies to work locaUy ulso students who wIsh vacnlJon emp loy­ment. GUU"nlltOO $3.00 per day and bonus, addl'ess A·35-Dully lownn

Count ttve .om to the U ... Eacb word In tbe e4nrUwemeat mU8t be counted.

To Find Lost Articles


Claultled <1lepla, .. Uo per lacb One Inch car<1a POr month • • u.oe

Classllied aOvertieln, tu by I p. m. will be pubUabed the fol· lowing mornln,_


LOST-A.N ENAMELleD llANO · bng during reglSlrtltlon on )j'I1<1I1/.

July 22. Call 8001·J.

l"OU~D-DLACI{ I<EY CASE CON· tnlnlng soveral keys. Found 011

~'Inkblne field SundllY. wncr muy


have same by paying Cor this ad.

LOST-ELGIN WHIST WATCH. whlto gold wi th link brocelct.

FInder nouty Englert '.rheatcr. On their recent roaa trip or 21 ,Imes the c>,r<1lnal8 hall an un· ulunl recol'~ . They [ailed to win a gAme In'lhe \l'eat, losi ng r&ur In Cinclnnntl and thr"e each In Chi· cago and Pittsburgh. In the east Ihey captured 13 out of 18.

Score& 01 'Ihe CI,."t five follow: A"I Andrews. Davenport; 153·143


the gate) Tl;te stUdious !If ... Tunney, the ch .... l1enger·s ' "eut wltliout any: w'lLLIAMS' agai nst any heavyweight In the great trouble. j I ' ~. 'il~p.pJly WANTED-REFINED UNI NCUM. country except Jack Dempsey, could Jack Dell\ney may not be the new' ~owa '.. bered laily to tro.vel in ehlld wei.



LOST-KFlY RlNG AND BUNCH of key". July 3 or 4. Finder call

3.88'V. and I'ecelvc(l reward.

LOST-BLACK LEATHER KEY case with two Yalo keys a.nd two

IQcker keys. Call 2764. • • • Dave Bonella. OttUIjlW8; 153·145-298.

TrIo Speakfr. ",ho U811alJy 18 ' Waldo Johnson, Davenp<>rt; 152· ,oed fot bls hUll of hOflle ruJli. 147-239. nout .I! JM'r AU on, dill' laot · ,,, nObe~t Elderton, Waterloo; 165.148 - 11th ),ear Ulltll ht pla)'e4 Ju his -303. lIInetf·n ... 1 gaale. II UI1Ni ... 8&. I.cMtIt! apJnst Southpaw Slewan. Charlie Kennett. [ow" City;

100-305. • • •

On June G th While So~ we~e one gam behind the l'ankeeft. matching a llC,'cent8ge ot 811:' '.646 with 81·15 .674. Seven wee latcr the Sox we,· In Clrth with Ii \nark ot 48-49 .493, 8howlng 34 ~eteats aDd 17 victories In Ihpt time. Dur· Ing the IIluno period lhe Yanks woil IS and 1000l nIne.

Wltb Uoytl Waner pI.)·lng Ule pan lit a Jllvenlle' star. Donie Bush .-ef1lM>Cl to mlll'e the youllJr!lter trom cellter' fleW "Id llellt Cu)'1er to left ~" KIItI ~Yeredl fronl a recent InJury. ~ ),ear ago It Ioolled! as \I CII,ior ')0" , not be tqIIea~. from the Plralea' mfddI1! IWd fop ... least 18 Jell",.

Wh¥ Worry? When you can have your laundry done by us.

Th~~e classes ~ family 8~rvit;e .t~~.t .s8,ve .you work and money 0 theae hot summer ~ays. . .. ,',., :

• 17 ,Pou~d. ~e.t )\':~"' i~~r ~~t,Q9 .,

.1,0 Pound. J~o~~~ ,!?ry ~~r ~ I.Q9 1 0 J?oun~1 f~~~~~ f ~~~\y .~~~,~d

,fo.r J:I.~9

~, Wate .. Ueetl ~'!iu8ivClly. \' I· ~, . 1 '( tl \ t~·! \

hardly be expected to d'~lW much man of i1estlny. But It's illY own' On ~lli .. f..... (a,'o work, guaranteed $21 pcr week :a ' mUllon·dolla,· te. I hunch thaa't~h~e~l~s;", ===::!:;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, I IOWAN

Phone 290 '," above expcn8e~ ilrst year. No sell·

Ing In tmvellng work. Position per­manent with ollportunily fo,' o.d· \'nnccment. Answer Imnledlately; Address A·34. Dany Iowl\n.

CrJ;nking t~ ~td Bucke.t Ftee~er

, . "

LADIE:S-l~ARN 517 DOZEN SEW· In g uprons home; experlcnce un·

neccs80.'·y; matCI'lals cut; Instructions Curnlshed. Add"es8~ envelope brv>g!t pnr·!lculo,'8. Milo Garment, 23. Brondwn,y, Rnyonnc, N . .T.

WANTED: HIOH School und grade. OUI' only fee

Enroll today. Quick service. Universal Teachers' Agency. 29 Schmidt Bldg., Davenport, Iowa.


WANTED-WARDRonl:~ TRUNH'. FOR SALE: 1925 FORD SEllAN. condition. Call HartJld Cllah 01' tcrm8. Phono 840·W.

POUND - PHI ALPHA DELTA pin. Owne~ may have sumo bv

paying Cal' tbls «d.

LOB1'-P[ BETA Plil ARROW. Name and dute eniraved on back.

Return to Iowl\n.

L S'I'-SATUHDAY Ab'TI!; HtoiOON. lG·lnch atrnnd of 11Cl\"1 beada. Re·

ward. Call 1228.


FOR,' RENT~DURING BUMM.!1R II<:hool. Fumlebed or Un(~rnl.berl

a~tment.. Inquire at low," apart· Inent office qn.balt block lOuth oC _lortlce.

LOT FOR SALE-ATTRAC'l'lVlil FOR RE;qT - ~EW M9DERN SECOND HAND REAflNOTON 10caUon. price o.nd nelgbborbood. apartments. Pbone 431 Of 2612J.

Portable typewriter for sale. Tel. Phono 3523. . Fi:>R'nENT-FURNISH;~D APART. Landis, 1572. m~t. C10ae 10. Call 714 ·J or

WANTED LA,TT'"""RY FOR SALE-R R TRANSPORTA, 2816·",. ~ l'U 11011 to PaclCIc Nortbweat. P. 0 , ~:=;::======-,=====-

WANTED-STUDENT LAUNDRY, Bo __ X_l_09_. _________ _ Phonn 626J. .

FOR SALE-BABY B GOY AND WANTED - WASHING. PlION~ baby bed In excellent condltlon.

398·J. Phone 2821·J.


Bacen. Steam PermaDIIa& Wavea IUO.OO

BIaek.toDe lJeaut, 8hoppe 123 So. DaJJuque

PIIone 1%119 ... Marcell 7IIe

Save the Differente

$1.00 Suits Cleaned and

Preased WHY PAY l\10RE'

F,:<perh are at ),our ,",",Ice here. WE CALL FOR AND HELIVER

~ONcm;a II'r~Mh 0'7 Cleanla,

alerc'hanl · ...... 109 Sonth' Cllaton PhODe II

b h r!' t • • \ I S



JOE ALBERT (Aeroll from BqIer1)



1% CARS .. ~18 Read)' to ~

1Il1eage" . TeL Z'25 '

LOLA. CUB KIO"'·', -.D. ';"""'er if ...

Car Storftle $IS.OO Per Moofb.· Cars CaDed< fOr

and Deliveted THE ,AtJTO INN

81'1' E. BlboinibltoD • Phobe 910-W I

I .. ---~~~~--------------------Lat. City, Spo~, Campa.

and Wire Newt Report. T e)-Lon.. {BU"D_ 1.0. III

"IJII - JCdItortaJ IIH Iowa City, Iowa, Sunday, July 31, 1927

Pubij11d 'E,., Sit'" Except Monday, II, I 1

Student Publicatioas Incorporated

, ', I

Today's News Events Told. in Pictorial Form OH FOR THE LIFE OF A CHIROPRACTOR


Whl'll tb chil'oprl\('tor,' com"ntion m('l'l at I, . Ang'I' in Augn t Ihl' girl \I ilh Uw pr('ttirHt back willi,.. erowl1l'd <1"('('11 of Rom thing or olher. 'fIll' pi(·tnrr l-IH)\\S Dr. { t, n. '\ 1)0(1, pr('idrnt of Ihe flO Ang II' ('olll'lf" or 'hil'oprnrl iI', givil1lt Ihl' onCl' O\'l'r 10 1\ group 0' Ih l'n(rant. in Ih pr tty bock eon! t. .


On morc tL anei nt Hawoiiall I'oleano of KilRlIPR hll hadoll' (·ar 11 di8llst('r or mlljor proportion,. Th!' I)i 1m" 11011', at tb~ bottom, the mountAin in

protil with Waikiki bea h in III r r'ground. At the tOJl. h·n, one of thl' IlI'ClIliar dihll't COI1l'. cre­ated by tb' molten lava j at tho top, right th "LilliI' B IfgHr" liplltll'r con(', aud below Ibat two o[ th cratcrli of III JIol mUlimuu pit, th nt r of th )11' nt 0 tivity.


Veterana' Globe of Flower.

'I hiN ullll.'ttal rlm'll l Ill.' igll, 0 "Iohl', with ('\'c ry Coulltry on 'till' arlh olltlilll'll, bill! 1)(>l'n modI' l'lllirl'ly or growinA' rlolI'l.'rs at 'lhl'

old ~lclil'rN' hOtn(' at fJI'O\'Pllworth , Kiln, Thp globe i, ightp!'n fpl't in diom('l('r, and taml riftN'n r t from the ground. Th two v I ran pi lured hoy • p iol harg of it, and tlike enormous pride in til dif£j(mlt task o[ ~ ping it ill condition.


r " ~ LI yd 1I'rhHIII, hortly to attl'mpt II 'I'll' York to Romr nO/l-: RtOI) f1il(ht , Hhllk(·~ LOllli. with Bt'rJlflt Holl'hpn, 0 ml'tnlX'r or ('om· I monder Byrd' r \V wili h hopp I to Fronr in th "Am 'rio, /I

Ruin of tht' govl'rnml'nl hOIl"" In .11'1'11 (I,'m, lofl, nnd I hI' wrrek of thfl Wintrr PlI.ll1C1' At Jrri ho b.all n into" "ill' or t1"bri b th rt nt Nltlh'lllak ill l'ale tin. n low, a grouJI of r tugcc re t·

.", under lbe uUvc OIlUle MQun~ 01 Ol'vea. • __ _ • ____ .. ___ ~ __

by "Il)' of ratif)ing on np:rl'l'tn nl "iIl'rchy Hlllrltl'lI will milk Ihe fir'l Ie t flight in B 'rtllUcl' lllon , allro" I<l Glory."


Thl'fC hlMtoric MtOIlC prl'HCnlt'll to I bo neW ational Cathl'dral at W8IIh ington, nr IIhown here wilb lJi hop Jam N H. Freema11, in wh08C earr th relic have been plac d. The one on the lett came from Ih' T('",))I' of 1\10 8 on [ount Sinai, th ond i,from an 1,"{'il'IIt ,Jrwillh lIynllgogue in wr lrrn China, Itnd tbe third WIIA originAlly a Jlllrt of tb Cbrlstian chllrch. in North America, buill I1I)i\uto DOlUiD~. _~. ___ .. ________ _

General Predicta Next War in 1932

l~O\ll' more Y{'llrll or ))('11<'<', and th('1\ til Unit d !4tnt!'iI will b at \I IIr ogain, \luI . humnn nature 1111 14 grl'ally c-halll(rcl HinCI' 191 . 'I'hiR clN'lnrnl inll rnnw from Mil. jor O('l1c-ral Il nllRQn B. Bly, eommondRut at I be army wur coll!'/{c (allol'('), II" II cnll for grl'Rlrr prrpnrPllnl' . .

Latest Picture of Thomu A. Edison

Thi ~(,I't1('nt pi.,t nrl' f I h {a lliO II illv'!llor \\ m lIl' tb,' otlll'r day ill Wa hillgloll \I'lli'M' .fr, Edison 1\'('11 for 1\ I'lJnrl'r· ,'nee WIth h (III t Ib u('Jlllrt· ml'llt or Ctllnllll'N'c', rOllrrrllillg thl' rll hlX' r illlll t ion. Rill I a ViR­lion.

Woman in Karuu Direcb Budget


M rning ntl l'~ ning 11I'W'II< 1 I'!I nrl' !l Ihwcu to 'holiday-Pli ing uh ril)!, in Ihe tli Iri I aronnd n rUn by this reeeDtlr .. ,·i d .irJlI.tll', "hirh, \I illt n Irnp !loor in thr cockpit, is 8b1e ~ drop bondl or thl' " i1y [Ill n Ihl' various resort tO~1 (i'll' minHII . "rtl r t h h 'I art rr th pI' .

, More Fun With The Prince


Arven pN'1!On" lI'el'll rilling in thll Intomohil on the l l1l1l~ I 1,,"(1 mohlr parkwaY, w:.J:l no IM .... I Hmit, whl!n .nother eat fol'ffiJ it off th road to roll tift) rl' (10\10 all .... None 01 tIlt' occull.nta were killed or rio ... I, Illjured bUl lh hi biu., the pMt1lll_ "" ~ t9!&1 I .. _ . _ ._~., ____ _

.. mE WEA 1lIE!

Ilartl, tloud, Tue~a" showel'll Tuelld., ntJill;lt; n

chan,8 In t8m~c

v;i.une 27 6 pj

.ap ~nator Capper \ B

iUrges ReGef for r ' Fa~ers to Cal Saya McNary-H~ugen ! Bill Demand Still

I r Persistent JlAFID CITY. S. D" Aug. 1 (II")

..,....dent Coolidge turned Crom (lit perplexities of naval armament 'loft' enough today to hear (rom sei-1or Cappel' at Kan88.11 tbat the 'taJ'mers urge tl>l' tho, McNary·Qu.ug· ,,' relJet bll\ penlite while "an ad· IIIlItc lubatllute" remaIns u~an.

J.nced. ieDator Capper assured Mr. Cool· ~ tbat the farmer stili wants the eqUalllatlon feo provisIon lind ""hUe III, was convInced tha~ the tlumers wio 'favored tho McNary·Rallgen lit, are "ready to listen to real!lm" ~ did not thInk they would lIve 1111 ,round 80 tllr II tbe tee .wns co/lterned.

To Continue FIg).t 1I01l;t wInter In congre", he add·

III; Ihe fIght for tho c,",entlal pravl. !IOn , of the, meaR\lrO would be can­dilled which, If Ih& Kansas llena· tor, prophesies correctly, would be lAt · fourth _Ion In whIch h'lJ! _, hard fight has been curled ttlr'ftrd.

IIr. Capper confirmed reporla tIat the admlnlstra.tlon's coopera· dYe marketing bill was beIng 1'e. l\

mode1ed under the dlreotion at Sec· mary Jardl ne.

Similar to admInistration propos· IlIi In the pIlst thIs new bill would III up a federal farm board wllh ",.-er to loan up to $300,000,000 to tooperatlvo Ilnd farmers. 'Allhough Senti tor Capper long

baa been an exponent Of coopera-1\1. markeLlng h e declared thIs -.oure would not meet tho prc.­.. I need .,

Acalnst Speelal 841881011 " It would be a (Ine piece of leg­

illation," he said, "but It does nol .., fai, enoulltr."

The aenator joined with hIs Kan· .8 colleal!1le Senator Curtis!!, I'e­pabllcan leadel' In tho senate iplnll the special 1l881!Ion of con· .". , declaring he HIlW IIttlo need ·tt' ,lt Ilnce In hls opinion congre .... !elkI carry out Its program by be, rlnnlng of t!ae regular time In Do· .. moo" .

Ho brought Mr. CooJldge an op­timistic report on crOp condltl <1ns

, II(IeClally as to wheat and corn which he said we.-.e t\ve n excee\llng early favorabl e pl'aspecte.

Veauviu. Eruption Coqtinue.; Scores

of Citizens Flee NAPLES, Italy , Aug. 1 (A") -

Countleq thousand, Of lono of mol· ten lava tonIght contin ued to pour from the "Valley of ]Jell " under tbe cl'lller of Mount Veeuvlu8 Into Itvlnee leadIng to tbe town of Ter· I !llno. many of whose Inhabitants already have (lpd (rom the reawak· aaed activIty of the greal vol<)I\no.

De.plte omlnau. explosions and tJae, movelnent of lava at a rapid rate, Pro(e81lOr Malllldra, director (; f tho obllervatory. declared there was ' 110 danger. except In ase the hl(ht of the gathering materIal liIould caU88 a break In the sldo or the mountain rrom tho Inl er·ornter 10 the "urface facing Torzlgno.

The present phD lie oC the vol· eano'c activity, 1"'I'0(e860r Malladm .Id, would ("'t! probably withIn l r ... days,

B • .:lnnlng y 8t rdllY Dlornlnb' the eruption of MI. V l uvlus ,.>ro· ._t! Iteadlly until early thl. IIOrnlng when tho I va which oJ­re.dy tilled the " Vall y of H ell ' roB lboyo tho dlken erected to check Its flew Into th e Villi y.

Company'. Colla.,. Invql.. Manager

of Coast Oil Firm NEW YORK, Aug. I (II") _ . A .

..... lIIIOn, manalter of tho New fork o(fIce. OC th Julian Petroleum com· PiIIy of' California W"S l,rr88led here ' today In connection wltb the -,.ny'e cullllpl() I1n,l cOnlleQuellt ,..,ted 108e oC $100,000,000 to In· -on.

He Wile held In $20,000 ball on • ehal1JO or gr(Uid 'Inrrl'ny to ."'l1lt 1Jwrd from JJOII Anrele. where he III named In I·o<:.mt Orand Jury -.etment~, ,

Aeoordlng to Lee Angolee auth, erlt!1IQ 8,wanf!()n slgne(\ n stattfllent ... only 48&.000 Bhar I of Julian IIocII wero out.tendlng JUlt bero", lilt company Cl'n.hed.

Ife wa3 quoted by th e New \'ork Alllrican 18ftt wctlk OU 11&)11111 he lII!IlIol tryln, to e.iJlI.lJIl Ilfl'llll o.nd .... not khuW (I. thing aoout the "" icIouo ot JuHlin Btock."

City Beam. Curb Work, AUey PaTini

Qurb Rnd Jutler work on tbe num· ""a~ I!&vln, proJect8 throuaholll Ibo olty 8tAI'tl'll ,,,,tertIA, mornlll8 ~l' In, to cit,. .. n,netr, ,.... E, .U~ .

......, 011 ... pflvln, will be,ln the -'*I, of the 11'"11, Mr. to_III ..JcJ.