students' strategies to solve speaking difficulties: a case study ...


Transcript of students' strategies to solve speaking difficulties: a case study ...






SIN. 11714202339




1444 H / 2022 M






SIN. 11714202339

A Thesis

Submitted as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Bachelor Degree of English Education






1444 H / 2022 M



In the name of Allah SWT, the most Gracious and the most Merciful, all

praises belong to Allah SWT Almighty, The lord of the Universe, for all the

blesses, the researcher had completed her academic requirements for the award of

Bachelor degree in English education at the Faculty of Education and Teacher

Training, State Islamic University (UIN) of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Then the

researcher says peace be upon to Prophet Muhammad SAW, may peach and

salawat salam be given to him.

In this opportunity, the researcher would like to express her greatest

gratitude to her beloved family, her parents Paino and Supiyanti, and her sister

Desi Tri Ayuni, who have given greatest love, prayer, and encouragement. It

also will be expressed to the whole of her family for their biggest love and

kindness to support her in finishing this thesis. always give me uncountable love,

care, advices, and supports.

This thesis was written and intended to fulfill one of the requirements

forgetting an Undergraduate degree of the English Education Department of

Faculty Education and Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan

Syarif Kasim Riau. The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from being

perfect; therefore, constructive criticisms and suggestions are needed to improve

the paper. The researcher wishes to express her sincere thanks and deep gratitude



1. Prof. Dr. Hairunas, M.Ag., the rector of State Islamic University of

Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Prof. Dr. Hj. Helmiati,M.Ag., as Vice Rector I,

Dr. H. Mas’ud Zein, M.Pd., as the Vice Rector II, Prof. Edi Marwan,

S.Pt,Ph.D., as the Vice Rector III, and all staffs. Thanks for the kind ness

and encouragement.

2. Dr. H. Kadar, M.Ag., the Dean of Education and Teacher Training, State

Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. H. Zarkasih, M.Ag.,

as Vice Dean I, Dr. Zubaidah Amir, MZ, M.Pd., as Vice Dean II, Dr.

Amirah Diniaty, M.Pd, Kons., as Vice Dean III and all staff. Thanks for

the kindness and encouragement.

3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, S.S. M.Hum, the Head of English Education

Department who has given me correction, suggestion, support, advice and

guidance in completing the thesis.

4. Dr. Nur Aisyah Zulkifli, M.Pd., as the secretary of English Education

Department. Thank you very much for your suggestion, support, advice,

guidance and kindness in completing the thesis.

5. Dr. Riza Amelia, S.S., M. Pd., the researchers' supervisor who has been

patient in providing a lot of knowledge, support, guidance, and motivation

to the researcher from the beginning of writing the thesis until its

completion. Thank you so much, Sir.


6. Siswandi, M.Pd., the researcher's academic advisor who has given

motivation, support, and suggestion.

7. All lecturers of English Education Department of State Islamic University

of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, who have given knowledge and information

of this project paper and thanks for their contributions and support during

the courses.

8. My best friends, Muzi, Ulfa, Uci, Rani, Halimah, Susi, Rohmah, Annisa,

Yeni and all of English Education Department students especially for C

class and ex-classmates B Class. Thank you for your help, motivation,

support, patience, laughs and love.

9. My best partner, Desi Triayuni, who always be on my side to give support

in every condition even in the hardest time.

10. All of the people whom cannot the researcher mention one by one who

have the role on finishing this thesis.

The perfection only belongs to Allah. Criticisms, comments and suggestions

are really appreciated to improve the thesis. May Allah Almighty, the lord of

universe bless us.

Pekanbaru, July 20th


The Researcher,

Erika Agustia

SIN. 11714202339



Erika Agustia (2022): Students' Strategies to Solve Speaking Difficulties: A

Case Study at the Eleventh Grade of a Public Senior

High School 2 Kandis

The strategies to solve speaking difficulties are needed to fluent needed to

improve students' fluency in speaking. This study aims to investigate the students'

difficulties in speaking and their strategies to solve the difficulties at eleventh

grade of a public senior high school 2 Kandis. This research employed a case

study design. Data collection techniques used was observation and interview. The

research was purposive sampling. The participants of the research was selected

was through purposive sampling. The total number of the participants was eight

(8). The findings of this research revealed that (1) students' difficulties are

inhibition, nothing to say, un-even participants, and mother tongue used. (2)

Students strategies to solve speaking difficulties are social-affective strategy,

fluency-oriented strategy, meaning-negotiation strategy, accuracy-oriented

strategy, message-reduction-and-alteration strategy, nonverbal strategy, message-

abandonment strategy, attempt-to-think-in-English strategy.



Erika Agustia (2022): Strategi Siswa untuk Mengatasi Kesulitan Berbicara

dalam bahasa inggris: Sebuah Kasus Belajar di SMA

Negeri 2 Kandis

Strategi untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam berbicara bahasa inggris sangat

di butuhkan untuk meningkatkan kelancaran siswa dalam berbicara bahasa

inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki kesulitan siswa dalam

berbicara dan strategi mereka untuk memecahkan kesulitan di kelas 11 SMA

negeri 2 Kandis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi kasus. Teknik

pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara. Jenis

penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Partisipan penelitian dipilih secara

purposive sampling. Jumlah peserta sebanyak delapan (8). Temuan penelitian ini

mengungkapkan bahwa (1) kesulitan siswa adalah hambatan, tidak ada yang perlu

dikatakan, peserta yang tidak merata, dan penggunaan bahasa ibu. (2) strategi

siswa untuk mengatasi kesulitan berbicara adalah strategi sosial-afektif, strategi

berorientasi kefasihan, strategi negosiasi makna, strategi berorientasi akurasi,

strategi pengurangan-dan-perubahan pesan, strategi nonverbal, strategi

pengabaian pesan, strategi upaya-untuk -berpikir-dalam-Inggris.



للتغلب على الصعوبة يف التحدث التالميذ ةسرتاتيجيإ(: 2222)إريكا أغوستيا، ثانوية الدرسة املابللغة اإلجنليزية: دراسة حالة يف


صعوابت التحدث لدى التالميذ استكشافإىل بحثال اهدف هذينديس. يستخدم هذا كااحلكومي ثانوي الدسس املواسرتاتيجياهتم حلل الصعوابت يف

البحث تصميم دساس حال . تقنيات مجع البياانت املستخدم هي التقاسير الشفوي هذا ادة . م اختياس املشاسك ن يف اهلعينات الواملقابالت. هذا النوع من البحث هو أخذ

ا. كشفت نتائج هذتلميذا ادة . عدد املشاسك ن اماني اهلالبحث عن طريق أخذ العينات مشاسك ن غري و شيء ميكن قوله، وعدم ( صعوابت التالميذ كانت عوائق، 1أن ) بحثال

سرتاتيجيات التالميذ للتغلب على صعوابت إ( 2متساوي ن، واستخدام اللغ األم. ) سرتاتيجيإموجه بطالق ، سرتاتيجيوإعاطفي اجتماعي ، سرتاتيجيإالتحدث هي

تقليل الرسائل وتغيريها، سرتاتيجيإملوجه بدق ، و ا سرتاتيجيالتفاوض على املعىن، واإلحماوالت التفكري يف سرتاتيجيوإجتاهل الرسائل، سرتاتيجيإغري اللفظي ، و سرتاتيجيواإل

اللغ اإلجنليزي .



SUPERVISOR APPROVAL ......................................................................... i

EXAMINER APPROVAL ............................................................................ ii

ACKNOWLEDMENT ................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vi

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... vii

viii .............................................................................................................. ملخص

LIST OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... ix

LIST OF TABLE............................................................................................ xi

LIST OF FIGURE.......................................................................................... xii

LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................ xiii


A. Background of the Study .................................................... 1

B. Problem of the Research .................................................... 4

1. Identification of the Problem ....................................... 4

2. Limitation of the Problem ............................................ 4

3. Formulation of the problem ......................................... 4

C. Objectives and Significance of the Research ..................... 5

1. Objectives of the Research ............................................ 5

2. Significance of the Research ......................................... 5

D. Definition of the Term ....................................................... 6


A. Theoretical Framework ...................................................... 8

1. Speaking Definition ..................................................... 8

2. Types of Speaking ........................................................ 9

3. Characteristic of a successful speaking ........................ 12

4. Speaking activities ....................................................... 12

5. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance ................ 15


6. Speaking Difficulties .................................................... 16

7. Speaking Strategies ...................................................... 23

B. Relevant Research .............................................................. 30

C. Theoritical Framework ....................................................... 33


A. Research Design ................................................................. 35

B. Time and Location of the Research ................................... 36

C. Subject and Object of the Research ................................... 36

D. Participants and Sample of the Research .......................... 36

1. Participants .................................................................... 36

2. Sample ........................................................................... 36

E. Technique of Data Collection ........................................... 37

F. Technique of Data Analysis ............................................. 38

G. Trustworthiness .................................................................. 39


A. Findings .............................................................................. 40

1. Types of difficulties that EFL students have in

speaking........................................................................ 40

2. Types of strategies the EFL that students solve in

speaking........................................................................ 43

B. Discussion .......................................................................... 50


A. Conclusion.......................................................................... 53

B. Suggestion .......................................................................... 54






TABLE III.1 Participants of the Research ................................................... 36



FIGURE II.1 Conceptual Framwork of Factors of the Students' Strategies 33



Appendix 1 Instrument of the Research

Appendix 2 Transcript of Interview

Appendix 3 Recommendations Letter

Appendix 4 Documentation





A. Background of the Study

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that

involves producing and processing information or expressing one's

thoughts and feelings in spoken language. Nunan (2000) in Sari (2017)

said that speaking is very important in our life because without speaking

we cannot know what the others are thinking and speaking is a way used

to interact with other people. Besides, interact with other people help the

learner develop their vocabulary and grammar skills and then better their

writing skill.

The condition in our country, however, shows that only a few

students can speak in the target language with confidence even after

learning the language for six years or more. Most of the students can

understand English text, but they cannot speak and communicate in

English. As a foreign language in Indonesia, learning English very

seriously to get a project or job in the future because English is an

international language which is one of the requirements in accepting a job

in particular field.

According to the curriculum 2013, speaking is one of the

productive skills that must be learned by the students. The standard

competence of learning English refers to the attitude, knowledge, and

skills (affective, cognitive, and psychomotor) that must be displayed by


the students in a school, class, and learning material. Standard competence

has to show good balance between hard skill and soft skill, especially in

speaking skill.

In reality, speaking in English is more difficult than writing and

reading (Ahmad, 2020). It is also shared by the researchers themselves.

The most often experienced difficulties when speaking in English is

because of the discrepancy between the spelling and pronunciation of the

word or phrase (Putri et al., 2020). The students have created some ways

or strategies to solving their problems in learning speaking.

According to Ur (1996) students have difficulties in their speaking

such as inhibition, nothing to say, low or uneven participation and mother

tongue use. Inhibition is where the student worries about making mistakes,

fearful of critism or shy. Nothing to say is the student have no motive to

express themselves to say when speaking. Low or uneven participation it

means the student have only little speaking time. Mother-tongue use is the

student feel less to speak a foreign language.

At school the students have some difficulties in speaking English;

some of these factors are related to the learners themselves, the teaching

strategies, the curriculum, and the environment. For example, many

learners lack the necessary vocabulary to get their meaning across, and

consequently, they cannot keep the interaction going (Hosni, 2014).

Therefore, need the strategy to solve the students' difficulties in speaking.


There are some research describing students' strategies in solving

speaking difficulties, especially in the Indonesian context. For example, a

previous study by Crarisha (2009) reported about students' learning

strategies in solving speaking difficulties. Meanwhile, Hanunah (2009)

studied about students' strategies in overcoming speaking problems. In

addition, Sofyan (2018) also conducted a study on students' strategies in

solving speaking barriers it can be assumed previous research explained

students find out the strategies to solving speaking difficulties.

SMAN 2 Kandis is one of the good schools in Kandis. In this case,

the students unrealized did the strategies when they speaking English in

the classroom. So, the researcher to correlate with the inventory by

Nakatani (2006) that the students have strategies to solve their speaking

difficulties in speak English. The inventory by Nakatani (2006) has 8

indicators as factors to analyze the students strategies used.

Based on the write's preliminary study it was revealed that the

student could speak English but they had some difficulties which they tried

to solve by them selves. The researcher is interested to study about this

issue more intensively because it can improve some information which

unfolds the thinking process conducted in speaking. In the context of

schools in Riau, there are very few research on this subject. The researcher

is interested in conducting a research entitled: “Students’ Strategies to

Solve Speaking Difficulties: A Case Study at The Eleventh Grade of a

Public Senior High School 2 Kandis"


B. Problem of the Research

1. Identification of the Problems

Based on a preliminary study conducted to investigate the

potential speaking problems at the Public senior high school in

Kandis, some problems are identified as follows: .

a. What make the students lack of self-confidence when they

speak English at the eleventh grade of a public senior high

school 2 Kandis?

b. Why do the students mix the bahasa Indonesian and English

when they speak English to communicate with others at the

elevent garade of a public senior high school 2 Kandis?

c. What make the students are afraid to make mistake when they

speak English at the eleventh grade of a public senior high

school 2 Kandis?

d. Why do the students speak English confidently even though

they make many mistakes in speaking at the eleventh grade of a

public senior high school 2 Kandis?

2. Limitation of the problem

After identifying the problems stated above, the researcher

needs to focus on the student's strategies in solving speaking

difficulties at the eleventh grade of a public senior high school in



3. Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher

formulated the problems as follows:

a. What are the speaking difficulties encountered by the EFL at

the eleventh grade of a public senior high school 2 Kandis?

b. What activities are taken by the EFL students to solve the

speaking difficulties at the eleventh grade of a public senior

high school 2 Kandis?

C. Objectives and Significance of the Research

1. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research are as follows:

a. To know the students' speaking difficulties at the eleventh grade

of a public senior high school 2 Kandis.

b. To investigate how students' strategies for solving speaking

difficulties at the eleventh grade of a public senior high school 2


2. Significance of the Research

The significances of this research in writer's contribution are as


a. The researcher hopes this study can be useful for the English

Education Department, especially in ways of solving speaking



b. The researcher hopes this study can give information to the

reader about speaking difficulties that are faced EFL students in

the local context of Riau.

c. The researcher hopes through this research the teacher can be

suggested, noticed, and encouraged the strategies revealed from

this study to their students that have difficulties in speaking

English to be able to communicate in English well.

d. Finally, the research can be referred by future researcher.

D. Definition of Term

1. Speaking

Speaking is defined as literary to say things, express

thought aloud, and use the voice (Brown, 2008). In this research

speaking skill means that the ability of students to speak, to say or

express something and use voice aloud in English language.

2. Difficulty

According to Merriam Webster, difficulty is quality or

state of being hard to do, deal with, or understand: the quality or

state of being difficult. In this study, difficulty refers to the

difficulty in speaking English.

3. Speaking Difficulties

Students’ difficulties are something hard to do or to

understand faced by the students who have behavioral or

emotional disorder or specific difficulties in learning (Paris, 2004


in (Sari, 2017). In this study, students’ difficulties refer to the

factors that cause students’ difficulties in English speaking at a

Public Senior high school in Kandis.

4. Strategy

According to Peter F Drucker (1954), Strategy is analyzing

the present situation and changing it whenever necessary.

Incorporated within this is finding out what one’s resources are or

what they should be. In this research, the strategy refers to

students' strategy in speaking English.

5. Speaking Strategies

Speaking strategies are those devices used by students to

solve any communication problem when speaking in English

Lopez (2011). In this case, speaking strategies can be said some

ways used by the student when they find some difficulties in

speaking English. In this study, speaking strategies refers to the

students' strategies in solving difficulties in English speaking at a

public senior high school in Kandis.





A. Theoretical Framework

1. Speaking Definition

Speaking is a key to communication. The speaking activity

involves producing and receiving information that is influenced by

participants, experiences, physical environment and purposes

(Wahidah, 2016). Is assumed through speak we can understand

each other in daily communication.

According to Nunan (1991) in Prasetyaningrum (2020),

speaking is the same as oral interactions that is a convenient way of

delivering information; expressing an idea and wish we bear in our

mind. Generally, speaking is spoken communication where both

the locator and interlocutor need to consider the meaning of ideas

during a conversation, the ideas are used to confirm that someone

has understood something or they are doing something. It means

that the interaction between speaker and listener occurs when they


According to Nakhalah (2016), speaking is the delivery of

language through the mouth. To speak, we create sounds using

many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract, vocal

cords, tongue, teeth, and lips. Speaking is one of that we learn

(listening, speaking, reading, writing).


Ahmad (2013) said that speaking is different from singing.

Speaking is using language most simple way by producing

ordinary sound. Speaking in not only to communicate with other

people but by speaking we can get new information or we can

share our idea with other people. It just possessed the human

beings to interact with each other. Communication can be done at

least by two people, there are speaker and hearer. The hearer must

listen and understand what the speaker says, and then gives a


From some definition above it can be concluded it that

speaking always related to communication. Speaking itself can be

always expressed as the ability to utilize the language precisely to

express meanings in order or order to transfer or get knowledge

and information from other individuals within the whole situation.

2. Types of Speaking

Richards (2008) in his book entitled “Teaching Listening

and Speaking” mentions some types of speaking. Those are talk

as interaction, talk as a transaction, and talk as performance.

a. Talk as Interaction

Talk as interaction refers to the word “conversation”.

It describes an interaction that serves a primarily social

function. When people meet, they exchange greetings, engage


in small talk, recount recent experiences, and so on, because

they wish to be friendly and to establish a comfortable zone

of interaction with others. The focus is more on the speakers

and how they wish to present themselves to each other than

on the message. The main features of talk as interaction can

be summarized as follows:

1) Create social interaction

2) Focus on participants and their social needs

3) Interactive, requiring two-way participations

4) It may be casual or formal

5) Reflects speaker's identity

It usually shows in greeting, small talk, and chit chat,

recounting recent experiences, and compliment.

b. Talk as Transaction

Talk as transaction refers to situations where the focus

is on what is said or done. The message and making oneself

understood clearly and accurately is the central focus, rather

than the participants and how they interact socially with each

other. The main features of talk as a transaction are:

1) Giving or obtaining information, or getting goods and services

2) Focus on message

3) Making oneself understood completely

4) Grammatical accuracy may not be a priority


5) Communications strategies

Talk as a transaction usually happens in classroom

group discussion and problem-solving activities, discussing

needed repairs to a computer with a technician, making a

telephone call to obtain flight information, asking someone

for directions on the street, and ordering food from a menu in

a restaurant.

c. Talk as Performance

Talk as performance refers to the public talk, that is,

talk that transmits information before an audience, such as

classroom presentation, public announcements, and speeches.

The main features of talk as performance are:

1) A focus on both message and audience

2) Predictable organization and sequencing

3) Important of both form and accuracy

4) Language is more like written language

5) Often monologist

Examples of talk as performance are giving a class

report about a school trip, conducting a class debate, giving a

speech of welcome, making a sale presentation, and giving a



3. Characteristic of a successful speaking

As a foreign language, speak English that has

classifications is ideal as speaking activities. According to Ur

(1996), stated that there is some characteristic of successful

speaking activities such as:

a. Learners talk a lot

As much as possible of period time allotted to the

activity is occupied by learner talk. This may seem obvious,

but often most are taken up with teacher talk or pause.

b. Participation is high

Classroom discussion is not dominated by a

minority of talkative the participant. All get a chance to

speak, and contributions are fairly contributed.

c. Motivation is high

Learners are eager to speak because they are

interested I the topic and have something to say about it.

d. English is of an acceptable level

Learners express themselves in utterances that are

relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, and of

acceptable level language accuracy.

4. Speaking activities

Speaking learning activities should be conducted to

improve their speaking ability. O'Malley and Chamot (1990) state


that learning strategies are special thoughts or behaviors that

individuals use to help them comprehend, learn, or retain new

information. These activities can involve some styles. According to

Kavi (2018) in Sofyan (2018), several activities can be used in

learning to speak, such as discussion in a group, storytelling, role-

play, speech in front of the audience, debate, etc.

a. Discussion in Group

The students are divided into two groups to discuss

any interesting topic. They may aim to conclude, share

ideas about an event, or find the solution in the discussion.

b. Storytelling

Students’ can briefly summarize a tale or story

heard from somebody beforehand, or they create their own

stories to tell their classmate. Storytelling fosters creative

thinking, it also helps students express ideas in the format

of beginning, development, and ending, including the

characters and setting a story has to have.

c. Roleplay

In this activity, the teacher gives information to the

learner such as who they are and what they think or feel, the

teacher can tell the students that they are David, you go to a

doctor and tell what happen last night.


d. Speech in front of the audience

This is a rather hard activity to be done by students.

In this case, the students should be able to make a paper to

be presented in front of the audience, and then students will

present one of the topics of their idea.

e. Debate

In this activity, students are divided into two groups,

teachers will give one topic to debate. They will be free to

express their opinion on the topic. At the end of it, the

teacher might like to put the issues to vote or make

conclusions about the topic that has been already debated.

f. Dialogue

This traditional language learning technique has

gone somewhat out of fashion in recent years. The learners

think of a brief dialogue and they might learn by heart.

They perform privately in pairs or publicly in front of their

friends. Learners can be asked to perform the dialogue on

different topics such as their relationship with their family,

culture, and other ideas.

g. Reporting

It can be used to make students' speak up. In this

activity teacher asked students to read a newspaper or

magazines before coming to the class, in the class, they


report to their friends what they find as the most interesting


5. Types of Classroom Speaking Performance

There are many types of classroom speaking performance that

students are expected to carry out in the classroom. Brown (2001)

explained six types of classroom speaking performance, as follow:

a. Imitative

Students practice an intonation or try to identify a

certain vowel sound. The elements of language form are the

focus of this activity.

b. Intensive

This is a speaking performance that is designed to

practice some phonological or grammatical aspects of

language. It is done by the individual or even in pairs.

c. Responsive

It means that students practice their language by

answering someone's questions. This activity uses simple

utterances that can meaningful and authentic.

d. Transactional (Dialogue)

Interpersonal dialogue seeks to maintain social

relationships than for the transmission of facts and

information. Students are usually asked to have a dialogue

about their feeling.


e. Extensive (monologue)

Students are asked to give extended monologues in the

form of oral reports, summaries, or speeches.

f. Other interactive techniques

These include interviews, games, jigsaw, and problem-

solving activities, role play, and discussion.

6. Speaking Difficulties

Mastering speaking skills for Indonesian learners is not so

easy since as a foreign language, English is not be used in their daily

activity. Even for most of the students in State Senior High School 2

Kandis where English is their major aspect of learning, that they still

have little skill. There must be some factors that cause it. One of the

factors is because they face some difficulties in speaking English.

According to Ur (1996), there are some factors in speaking

difficulties they are:

1) Inhibition

Unlike reading, writing, and listening activities,

speaking requires some degree of real-time exposure to

an audience. Learners are often inhibited about trying

to say things in a foreign language in the classroom.

The student worried about making mistakes, fearful pf

critism or losinf face, simply shy of the attention that

their speech attracts.


2) Nothing to say

Even if they are no inhibited, you often hear

learners complain that they cannot think of anything to

say, the have no motive to express themselves beyond

the quality feeling that they should be speaking. Not

many students know the vocabulary and the grammar

so they should be able to motivate themselves to have to

speak to train their skill.

3) Low or uneven Participation

Only one participant at a time can talk if he is to

be heard and in large groups, this means that everyone

will have only very little speaking time. This problem

is compounded by the tendency of some learners to

dominate, while others speak very little or not at all.

4) Mother - Tongue use

The phenomenon of students we see today a

number of students are accustomed to using mother

tongue, they tend to use his mother tongue because it is

indeed familiar since they were small, so it's easier to

talk to their fellow. They feel less to speak a foreign

language so that lack of motivation. They are so

accustomed to using Foreign Languages.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that difficulty


in speaking is students difficulty in fluency when speaking

English, and lack of vocabulary in speaking English. They are less

confident when speaking English and often use mother tongue

every day. Moreover, Ur also gave some solutions used by the

teacher to solve those problems: use group work, base the activity

on easy language, make a careful choice of topic an task to

stimulate interest, give some instruction or training in discussion

skills, keep students speaking the target language.

According to Brown (2001), some that make speaking

difficult as follow:

1) Clustering

Fluent speech is phrasal, nor word by word. Learners

can organize their output both cognitively and physically in

breath group through such clustering.

2) Redundancy

The speaker has opportunity to make meaning clearer

through redundancy of language. Learners can capitalize on

this feature of spoken language.

3) Reduce form

Contactions, elision, reduced vowels, etc., all form

special problems teaching spoken English. Students who do

not learn colloquial contras sometimes can develop a

stilted, bookish quality of speaking that in turn stigmatizes



4) Performance variable

One of the advantages of spoken language is that the

process of thinking as you speak allows you to manifest a

certain number of performance hesitations, pauses,

backtracking, and corrections. Learners can actually be

thaght how to pause and hestitate. For example, in English

our "thinking time" is not silent; we insert certain "fillers

such as ub, um, well, you know, I mean, like, etc. one of

the most silient difference between native and nonnative

speakers of a language is in their hesitatation phenomenal.

5) Colloquial language

Make sure your students are reasonably well

acquainted with the words, idioms, and phrases of

colloquial language and those they get practice in

producing these forms.

6) Rate of delivery

Another silent charactheristic of fluency is rate of

delivery. One of your tasks in teaching English is to help

learners achieve an acceptable speed along with other

attribute of fluency.

7) Stress, rhythm, and intonation

This is the most important characteristic of English


pronunciation, as will be explained below. The

stress=timed rhythm of spoken English its intonation

patterns convey important messages.

8) Interaction

As noted in the previous section, learning to produce

waves of language in a vacuum-without interclocutors-

would rob speaking skill of its richest component: the

creativity of conversaional negotiation.

According to Nakhala (2006), some difficulties in speaking

such as:

1. Fear of mistakes

As many theorists argue, the fear of making mistakes

is becoming one of the main factors that students are

reluctant to make mistakes speak English in class.

Regarding the fear of making mistakes, this fear is related

to the issue of correction and negative evaluation. It is also

strongly influenced by the fear that students will be

laughed at by other students and criticized by teachers.

2. Shyness

Shyness is an emotional thing that many students

suffer from at some time when they are required to speak in

English class. This indicates that shyness could be a source

of problem in students` learning activities in the classroom


especially in the class of speaking. Therefore, paying

attention on this aspect is also quite important in order to

help the students do their best in their speaking

performance in the classroom. In line with this,further

explains that speaking in front of people is one of the more

common phobias that students encounter and feeling of

shyness makes their mind go blank or that they will forget

what to say. This theory is also supported by the result of

this research in which most students fail to perform the

speaking performance at their best. As they say, their

inability to show their ability to speak is greatly influenced

by their sense of shyness. In other words, shyness plays an

important role in the speaking performance of students.

3. Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling of tension, apprehension and

nervousness associated with the situation of learning

language. Further that, among other affective variables,

anxiety stands out as one of the main blocking factors for

effective language learning. In other words, anxiety in

fluences students in learning language. Therefore, paying

attention to this factor of learning should also be taken into

consideration. The fact that anxiety plays an important role

in students’ learning is also. Anxiety about speaking a


certain language can affect students’ performance. It can

influence the quality of oral language production and make

individuals appear less fluent than they really are. This

explanation suggests that teachers should make an attempt

to create a learning atmosphere which gives students more

comfortable situations in their learning activity.

4. Lack of confident

It is well known that a student's lack of self-

confidence usually occurs when the student recognizes it.

Whether their interlocutors did not understand them or

they did not understand other speakers. In this situation,

they prefer to stay silent while others are speaking,

indicating that the student is not confident in

communicating. Students who are not confident in

themselves and in English will suffer from communication

anxiety. This shows that increasing student self-confidence

is an important part of the teacher's attention.

5. Lack of Motivation

It is mentioned in the literature that motivation is a

key to students’ learning success. Motivation is important

to notice in that it can affect students’ reluctance to speak

in English. In this sense, motivation is a key consideration

in determining the preparedness of learners to


communicate. Motivation is an inner energy. Besides, no

matter what kinds of motivation the learners possess it will

enhance their study interest. It has been proven in many

studies that students with a strong motivation to succeed

can persist in learning and gain better scores than those

who have weaker motivation of success showing that

building students' motivation to learn is urgent for every


7. Strategies to Solve Speaking Difficulties

In solving speaking difficulties, the students should have

the strategies to encounter them. This paper will concern with the

students' strategies that they used when they are speaking inside or

outside class.

All of the difficulties faced by the learners are firstly

showed inside the classroom. Thus, the learners should have some

strategies to be used when those difficulties block their speaking

performance inside the classroom or during the teaching-learning

process or when communicating with someone outside there.

On other hand, Nakatani (2006) said that those who had

previously developed an Oral Communication Strategy Inventory

(OCSI) divided oral communication strategies (OCS) into


strategies covering strategies for coping with speaking. Below is a

brief description of the strategies according to Nakatani (2006):

1. Social-affective strategy involves learners’ affective factors in

social contexts. Socio –affective strategies are strategies that

are not academic in kind and are related to learning that attracts

ready levels of understanding between instructors and students.

2. Fluency-oriented strategy is related to the fluency of


3. Meaning-negotiation strategy while speaking is relevant to the

participants’ attempts to negotiate with their interlocutors.

4. Accuracy-oriented strategy is concerned with a desire to speak

English accurately.

5. Message-reduction-and-alteration strategy involves avoiding a

communication breakdown by reducing an original message,

simplifying utterances, or using similar expressions that can be

confidently used.

6. Nonverbal strategy while speaking requires using eye contact,

gestures, or facial expressions to give hints and to help the

listener guess the intended meaning.

7. Message-abandonment strategy is associated with message

abandonment by learners in communication.

8. Attempt-to-think-in-English strategy involves thinking as much

as possible in the L2 during actual communication.


Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that the

Oral Communication Strategy Inventory (OCSI) have some

strategy that students used to overcome their problem in speaking

English. The strategies are social-affective strategy, fluency-

oriented strategy, meaning-negotiation strategy, accuracy-oriented

strategy, message-reduction-and-alteration, nonverbal strategy,

message-abandonment strategy, attempt-to-think-in-English


According to Dorney (1997), there are some strategies in

speaking English as follow:

1. Message abandonment

Leaving a message unfinished because of some language


2. Message reduction (topic avoidance)

Reducing the message by avoiding certain language

structures or topics considered problematic language wise or by

leaving out some intended elements for a lack of linguistic


3. Message replacement

Substituting the original message with a new one because of

not feeling capable of executing it.


4. Circumlocution (paraphrase)

Exemplifying, illustrating or describing the properties of

the target object or action.

5. Approximation

Using a single alternative lexical item, such as a

superordinate or a related term, this shares semantic feature

with the target word or structure.

6. Use of allpurpose words

Extending a general, “empty” lexical item to contexts

where specific words are lacking.

7. Word coinage

Creating a non-existing L2 word by applying a supposed L2

rule to an existing L2 word.

8. Restructuring

Abandoning the execution of a verbal plan because of

language difficulties, leaving the utterance unfinished, and

communicating the intended message according to an

alternative plan.

9. Literal translation (transfer)

Translating literally a lexical item, an idiom, a compound

word or structure from L1/L3 to L2.


10. Foreign zing

Using a L1/L3 word by adjusting it to L2 phonology (i.e.,

with a L2 pronunciation) and/or morphology.

11. Code switching (language switch)

Including L1/L3 words with L1/L3 pronunciation in L2

speech; this may involve stretches of discourse ranging from

single words to whole chunks and even complete turns.

12. Use of similar sounding words

Compensating for a lexical item whose form the speaker is

unsure of with a word (either existing or non-existing) which

sounds more or less like the target item.

13. Mumbling

Swallowing or muttering inaudibly a word (or part of a

word) whose correct form the speaker is uncertain about.

14. Omission

Leaving a gap when not knowing a word and carrying on as

if it had been said.

15. Retrieval

In an attempt to retrieve a lexical item saying a series of

incomplete or wrong forms or structures before reaching the

optimal form.

16. Self-repair

Making self-initiated corrections in one’s own speech.


17. Self-rephrasing

Repeating a term, but not quite as it is, but by adding

something or using paraphrase.

18. Over explicitness (waffling)

Using more words to achieve a particular communicative

goal than what is considered normal in similar L1 situations.

19. Mime (nonlinguistic/ paralinguistic strategies)

Describing whole concepts nonverbally, or accompanying a

verbal strategy with a visual illustration.

20. Use of fillers

Using gambits to fill pauses, to stall, and to gain time in

order to keep the communication channel open and maintain

discourse at times of difficulty.

21. Selfrepetition

Repeating a word or a string of words immediately after

they were said.

22. Feigning understanding

Making an attempt to carry on the conversation in spite of

not understanding something by pretending to understand.

23. Verbal strategy markers

Using verbal marking phrases before or after a strategy to

signal that the word or structure does not carry the intended

meaning perfectly in the L2 code.


24. Direct appeal for help

Turning to the interlocutor for assistance by asking an

explicit question concerning a gap in one’s L2 knowledge.

25. Asking for repetition

Requesting repetition when not hearing or understanding

something properly.

26. Asking for clarification

Requesting explanation of an unfamiliar meaning structure.

27. Asking for confirmation

Requesting confirmation that one heard or understood

something correctly.

28. Guessing

Guessing is similar to a confirmation request but the latter

implies a greater degree of certainty regarding the key word,

whereas guessing involves real indecision.

29. Expressing non-understanding

Expressing that one did not understand something properly

either verbally or nonverbally

30. Interpretive summary

Extended paraphrase of the interlocutor’s message to check

that the speaker has understood correctly.


31. Comprehension check

Asking questions to check that the interlocutor can follow


32. Own-accuracy check

Checking that what you said was correct by asking a

concrete question or repeating a word with a question


33. Response: repeat

Repeating the original trigger or the suggested corrected

form (after an other-repair).

B. Relevant Research

Some previous researches are relevant to this study. First, Putri et

al. (2020) did research the students' difficulties factors in speaking

difficulties by a senior high school student. From a theoretical

perspective, the present study describes there are difficulties in speaking.

The researcher using questionnaires and interviews which have been

described previously. The result of the research confirms that there are

some factors in speaking difficulties such as own personal factor

(learners themselves), the teaching strategies, the curriculum, and the

environment. Based on questionnaires, the values of these four factors

were 62.5% for personal factors, 95% for teaching strategies, 90% for

curriculum factors, and 57.5% for environmental factors. It can be

concluded that the dominant factor is teaching strategies.


Second, Laura et al. (2020) researched students' strategies in

learning speaking skills. This research was conducted at SMP 3 Medan.

The population of this research was the students of the 9th grade. For

chosen sampling, the researcher used random sampling techniques

because the students are different from their intelligence. The result

researcher got by test, observation, and interview. The students realize

their difficulty in speaking. Difficulties that the students have are less

confidence, not good in grammatical points, lack of vocabulary. On

other hand, the students can find out the strategies in overcoming it. To

solving less confidence, the students trained to speak in front of the

class, in front of a mirror, and prepare the topic before beginning to

speak. The students buy a grammatical book to increase their

understanding of grammatical points in English. Speaking with their

classmates, listening to English songs, watching various types of movies

the student used to overcome lack of vocabulary. All these strategies

surely can increase their speaking skill in the classroom.

Third, Safitri (2019) researched analysis on students' strategies in

speaking English with Students University. The technique of collecting

data using observation and interview. In this research, the researcher

finds out three kinds of strategies that students used. First, metacognitive

strategy, the strategies that students used five strategies (planning,

selective attention, self-monitoring, self-management, and self-

evaluation). Second, deduction, imaginary, auditory representation,


keyword, elaboration, contextualization are cognitive strategies that

students used to solve speaking difficulties. The last strategy is socio-

affective, the function of this strategy for explaining more the detail

about the material. Socio-affective consists of asking the question,

encouraging yourself, and taking your emotional temperature.

Fourth, Isa (2017) studied about a study of English oral

communication strategies that the students used. The population of this

research is from eleventh grade with ninety participants. They were

asked to fill in a questionnaire related to speaking and listening strategies

and the challenges and solutions they used to communicate using

English. Through qualitative descriptive analysis, it was noted that in

speaking strategies, negotiation for meaning and nonverbal strategies

showed that both had the same percentage resulting them as the two

most frequently used speaking strategies. On the other hand, negotiation

for meaning became the most frequently used listening strategy. The

findings also implied that the most common challenge and solution the

students had was associated with a lack of vocabulary and how to

improve it. This study might lead to a better understanding of a better

communicative language learning resulting in a more comfortable and

engaging English class.

Five, Clarisha (2019) did research about students' learning

strategies in solving speaking difficulties. The population of this research

is eighth-grade students' junior high school. Based on the questionnaire


and observation present that all of the respondents (100%) agree that the

nonlinguistic factor is their dominant problem, while the second

dominant problem encountered by students is the linguistic factor (76%).

This is followed by grammar 46%, 42% vocabulary, teacher and material

30%, and method facilities 26% percentage as the students' problem.

Two factors difficulties in speaking there are a linguistic and

nonlinguistic factor.

The difference between these researches and my research is on the

variable, subjects of the study, participants, and methodology used. This

research aims to identify students' strategies in solving speaking

difficulties. The participants were students of Public Senior High School

in Kandis. This research used descriptive qualitative research. Those

researches are relevant to this study because those research also

examining about strategies in solving difficulties thus, they can be used

as references.

C. Theoritical Framework

Figure II.I theoretical framework of students' strategies

Students ' speaking trategies in

speaking English by Nakatani (2006)

Social affective strategy

Meaning negotiation strategy



Nonverbal strategy

Fluency-oriented strategy







Speaking is one of the important skills used to convey the meaning,

feeling, or opinion to each other. However, from the long explanation

above, there are some difficulties in speaking. The difficulties dealing

with inhibition, nothing to say, un-even participants, and mother-tongue

used. Besides, the speaking students can use many speaking strategies to

overcome those problems. Those strategies are the use of social affective

strategy, fluency-oriented strategy, meaning negotiation strategy,

accuracy-oriented strategy, message-reduction-and-alteration, nonverbal

strategy, message-abandonment, attempt-to-think-in-English.





A. Research Design

The design of the research was a case study. A case study is based

on an in-depth investigation of a single individual, group, or event to

explore the causes of underlying principles. It belongs to qualitative

research. According to Creswell (2013), qualitative research explore and

understands the meanings individuals or groups ascribe to a social or

human problem. Meanwhile, Paton & Cochran (2002) stated that

qualitative research is characterised by its aims, which (in general)

generate words, rather than numbers, as data for analysis.

According to Gay and Airasian (2012), a case study is a qualitative

approach. Case study of considered relevant to the present research

because the aim of the research is to explore the EFL students' strategy for

solving their speaking difficulties in their own context.

In conclusion, this research is a qualitative research. This research

is qualitative since the data are in the form of words. This research is

intended to describe about the students' strategies to solve speaking

difficulties in speaking English at eleventh grade of a public senior high

school 2 Kandis.


B. Location and Time of the Research

Thsis research was conducted at a senior high school 2 Kandis. It is

located on Jl. Sekolah, Belutu village, Kandis Regency. It was conducted

on Februari - March 2022.

C. Subject and Object of the Research

The subjects of this research were the eleventh grade of a public

senior high school 2 Kandis in academic year 2021/2022. The objects of

this research were students' strategies to solve speaking difficulties in

speaking English.

D. Participants and Sample of the Research

1. Participants

The participants in this research were the students of the eleventh

grade at a public senior high school 2 Kandis. The numbers of

participants are 153 students as described in the following:

Table III.I

The participants of sample this research at a Public Senior High

School 2 Kandis

No Class Number of Students

1 XI A 33

2 XI B 30

3 XI C 30

4 XI D 30

5 XI E 30

Total 153

2. Sample

The researcher used purposive sampling in this research. According

to Bernard (2002) in Erikan (2015) purposive sampling technique, also


called judgment sampling, is a way to select a participant due to the

qualities that the participant possesses. In purposive sampling, the

researcher selected some intentionally select individuals who can provided

the information intended by this research.

E. Technique of the Data Collection

In this research, the researcher used two types of techniques in

collecting the data. Two typse of techniques in collecting the data were

observation and interview (one-to-one interview).

1. Observation

Observation was one of the oldest and most fundamental

research method in collecting the data and observation or a form of

primary data, to be highly cherished (Yin, 2010). Next on Creswell

(2012) stated that, process of gathering open-ended. The researcher

was used non participant observer. It means an observer who visits

a site and records notes without becoming involved in the activities

of the participants. It aims to prove between theory and the real

situation. The function of this observation is to cross-check the

data and to make sue that the data for interview are valid.

2. Interview

Interview was done since interview was a best way to collect

the data in this study. Dornyei (2005) stated that interview is a

frequent part of social life surrounding among us and interview is a

good way in interaction to get an answer. Meanwhile, according to


Hadi (1993), the interview can be thought of as a process of data

collecting that involves asking and answering questions in a

methodical and effective way based on the investigation’s purpose.

The interview was used to elicite the participant's speaking

strategy to solve speaking difficulties. The researcher asked open-

ended questions and recorded to the participants and tecorded their

answers. The questions that were asked to the participants , such


1. How do you feel about speaking just now?

2. What kinds of difficulty did you find in speaking?

3. What strategies did you use in solving speaking difficulties?

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher analyzed the data collected from interview as the

following. This analysis was to identify the students' speaking difficulties

and strategies in speaking difficulties in speaking. In this research, the

researcher used 4 steps of analyzing data by Creswell (2012). First,

transcribe and organize the data for analysis. The researcher transcribing

all data from interview. Second, coding to built descriptions and themes.

The data categorized into speaking problems and speaking strategies as

indicated by the research questions. Third, representing and reporting

qualitative findings. The data is written to answer the research question.

The finding of the research is interpreted by consulting the literature

riview. Fourth, the result of the analysis were validated by using


triangulation a long the process of data analysis where result of interview

compared and indentified for data consistency.

G. Trustworthiness

The trustworthiness this study was achieved by triangulation. There

are four types of triangulation (Uwe flick, 2004). First, triangulation of

theories. The researcher compared the findings of the study with the

literature body in the process of data discussion. Some similarities with

previous theories and studies were identified. Second, triangulation of

investigator. The researcher collaborated with the supervisor to analyze the

data. Therefore, the results of analysis become more trustworthy where

different point of views was involved in interpreting the data. Third,

triangulation of methodologies. The researcher compared data from think-

aloud protocol and data from the interview to check their consistency data

which believed to be consistence are used in the research and those wear

not were dropped. Fourth, triangulation of participants. The researcher

gave the results of the analysis to the participants and asked them to

confirm the data were accurate.





The chapter consist of the conclusion based on research findings desired

interview in describing and explorig strategies in solving students' speaking

difficulties in eleventh grade of a public senior high school 2 Kandis. In the

second part, the researcher also provides the suggestions for future researchers.

A. Conclusion

The present research investigates the students' difficulties in

speaking and their strategies to solve the problem. Classification of

speaking difficulties by Ur (1996) was used to identify the speaking

difficulties. The researcher used the inventory of speaking strategies by

Nakatami (2006) in differentiating the strategies used by students in the

process of learning to speak in the classroom.

The findings of the students speaking difficulties revealed that the

students had problems in terms of inhibition, nothing to say, un-even

participants, mother tongue-used.

The findings of the students' strategies to solve speaking difficulties

revealed that the students used social-affective strategy, fluency-oriented

strategy, meaning-negotiation strategy, accuracy-oriented strategy,

message-reduction-and-alteration strategy, nonverbal strategy, message-

abandonment strategy, attempt-to-think-in-English strategy.

The researcher concludes that strategies are important to stain the

fluency in speaking. Not all participants had sufficient strategies to applied


when they encountered speaking difficulties. In other words, knowing

sufficient speaking strategies can empower students.

B. Suggestion

This study has some weaknesses. Therefore, future researchers are

given some suggestions. First, the interview can be improved by preparing

the participants well so that they can come up with accurate description of

their thinking process. Second, the number of interview can be expounded,

so that the participants can be asked to collaborate their previous answer in

the thinking aloud technique. Third, future researchers are suggested to

recruit varied participants, so that they can report some comparative





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Interview with the Students

List of questions

1. How do you feel about speaking just now?

2. What kinds of difficulty did you find in speaking?

3. What strategies did you use in solving speaking difficulties?

a. What do you do when you feel nervous when you speak English?

b. Are you forcing yourself to speak English?

c. Do you use simple sentences or short sentences?

d. Do you speak in a clear and loud voice?

e. Do you use synonyms when you forget the vocabulary you want to say?

f. What do you do when you are wrong in speaking English?

g. Do you always used famous words in speak English?

h. Do you use gestures and facial expressions when speaking English?

i. Do you ask your friends for help when you can't communicate well?

j. Do you compose English sentences from your mother tongue and then

translate them into English or vice versa?

Daftar pertanyaan

1. Bagaimana perasaanmu saat berbicara bahasa inggris sekarang?

2. Kesulitan apa saja yang kamu temui saat berbicara bahasa inggris?

3. Strategi apa yang kamu gunakan untuk mengatasi kesulitan tersebut?

a. Apa yang kamu lakukan saat kamu merasa gugup saat berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?

b. Apakah kamu memaksakan diri untuk berbicara bahasa inggris?

c. Apakah kamu menggunakan kalimat sederhana atau kalimat pendek?

d. Apakah kamu berbicara dengan suara yang keras dan jelas?

e. Apakah kamu menggunakan sinonim saat kamu lupa dengan kata yang

ingin kamu katakan?

f. Apa yang kamu lakukan saat kamu sadar melakukan kesalahan dalam

berbicara bahasa inggris?

g. Apakah kamu menggunakan kalimat yang akrab?

h. Apakah kamu menggunakan gerak tubuh dan ekspresi wajah saat

berbicara bahasa inggris?

i. Apakah kamu meminta bantuan saat kamu tidak bisa berkomunikasi

dengan baik?

j. Apakah Anda membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris dari bahasa ibu Anda

dan kemudian menerjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa Inggris atau


Student 1

Think Aloud Protocol (verbal report) and Interview

Interviewer: Aisyah, kira-kira apa yang kamu rasakan saat kamu berbicara bahasa


Interviewee: hemm..ini kalo boleh jujur ni kak, saya tuh sebebnernya takut kak,

takut salah…beneran. Teruskan kak, kadang kadang tu saya ga

punya ide kak, terus kosa kata saya kurang, terus malu kalau

misalnya berbahsa inggris itu pasti salah ya kak, masih terbawa

logat, terus kan kita tinggal sama orang tua ya kak, yang otrang

tuanya tu bahasanya campur-campur, kadang bahasa jawa- kadang

bahasa Indonesia. Kalau di explore ke bahasa inggris tu agak susah

kak, karna ga ada kebiasaan di dalam rumah, terus di lingkungan

juga ga ada sama sekali membiasakan berbahasa inggris, jadi yang

saya rasain lebih ke eee ga ingin berbahasa inggris karna takut di

bilang sok inggris kali sih, gitu kak.

Interviewer: Iya, tapi kan keren ga sih kalau kita bisa berbahasa inggris, yakan?

Interviewee: Nah itu kak, bagi kita kan keren ya kak, tapi namanya kita temen-

temen gitu kadang sering di ledekin, gitu. Kan malu kak, jadi takut

untuk bahasa inggris, padahal pengen karnakan gaul ya kak, keren.

Interviewer: Iya keren. Entar kuliah bahasa inggris ya biar keren.

Interviewee: Iya kak, ok. Aman.

Interviewer: Oke, kakak boleh tanya-tanya sedikit ya.

Interviewee: Boleh dong kak.

Interviewer: Kamu selalu berbicara keras dalam berbahsa inggris?

Interviewee: Pengennya sih gitu kak, karna ga ada motivasi aja kak.

Interviewer: Kenapa ga ada motivasi? Kan keren.kamu bilang bahsa nggris keren.

Interviewee: Ga ada yang bombing kak.

Interviewer: Kamu kalau berbicara bahasa inggris, menggunakan kalimat pendek

atau langsung panjang gitu?

Interviewee: Kak, yang pendek aja susah kak, apalagi yang panjang kak, saya

harus mikir keras kak.

Interviewer: Kalau misalnya kamu ngomong panjang nih, gimana ya kamu


Interviewee: Mending saya bahasaindonesia kak, lebih aman.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu berbicara bahasa inggris dengan artikulasi yang jelas

atau suara yang cukup? Kalau misalnya iya kenapa, kalau tidak


Interviewee: Tentang artikulasi ya kan kak, saya aja kalau untuk berbicara keras

tapi salah, saya malu kak.

Interviewer: Kalau kamu erasa benar, kamu menggunakan suara yang jelas dan


Interviewee: Kalau saya pengucapan dan artikulasinya benar, saya ngomong keras


Interviewer: Apakah kamu sering menggunakan sinonim dalam bahasa inggris

ketika kamu tidak mengektehui kata yang ingin kamu ucapkan dalam

bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Saya akanberusaha dulu kak, karena ga mungkin dari kata sehari-

hari kita ga tau. Nah pastinya saya adangomong, di mix kak

ngomong bahasa inggrisnya. Namanya orang belajar pasti ada

usahanya ya kak.

Interviewer: Kalau misalnya kamu lupa saat inging mengucapkan kata yang ingin

kamu lakukan, itu kamu bagaimana?

Interviewee: Ya kalau lupa pakai bahasa Indonesia kak.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu menydari saat melakukan kesalahan dalam berbahasa


Interviewee: Kalau dalam sadar ga sadarnya tentu ga sadar, karna kita yang

berucapkan kak, nah salah satunya teman yang menyadarkan atau

teringat dari kejadian itu baru sadar, oh tadi bahasa inggrisnya salah.

Interviewer: Apa yang kamu lakukan saat kamu salah?

Interviewee: Terdiam kak, malu.

Interviewer: Terus, bagaimana dengan vocabulary kamu kalau ngomong bahasa

inggris itu pakai kata kata yang itu itu aja atau kamu explore?

Interviewee: Yang itu-itu aja kak.

Interviewer: Ketika kamu berbicaa bahasa inggris, apakah kamu menggnakan

gerak tubuh kamu, biar supaya teman kamu itu paham dengan apa

yang kamu ucapkan?

Interviewee: Perlu kak, itu perlu banget.

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Karena biar mereka paham apa yang saya bilang.

Interviewer: Terus temen kamu paham ga?

Interviewee: Ada yang paham ada yang tidak kak.

Interviewer: Kalau tetep ga paham?

Interviewee: Hehehe…kalau mereka tetep ga paham juga, ya tentu pakai bahasa

sehari hari dong kak, bahasa Indonesia.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu meminta bantun kepada teman kamu ketika kamu


Interviewee: Saya lebih mencari teman yang paham dulu kak. Yang paham

tentang bahasa inggris, pasti ada dong. Nah, tanya teman dulu.

Interviewer: Nah kalau misalnya kamu berbicara bahasa inggris ni, kamu

menyusun kalimatnya dari indoke inggris atau inggris ke indo?

Interviewee: Itu tergantung situasi kak, kalau ngomong yang sehari hari kita, tentu

kita bahasa inggris langsung dong, karna kita paham dengan apa

yang kita ucapkan. Kita tidak perlu merangkai kata dalambahasa

Indonesia, tapi kalau misalnya kita mengatakan yang agak sulit baru

kita rangkai dari bahasa indonesi, baru ke bahasa inggris kak.

Interviewer: Thank you ya Aisyah atas tanya jawabnya.

Interviewee: sama sama kak.

Interviewer: Have a nice day.

Student 2

Think Aloud Protocol (verbal report) and Interview

Interviewer: Coba kamu ceritakan saat kamu berbicara bahasa inggris dan

kesulitan apa yang biasanya kamu rasakan saat berbicara bahasa


Interviewee: Jadi yang saya rasakan saat berbahasa inggris itu… satu saya merasa

takut salah, karena saya belum terlalu pandai berbahsa inggris. Saya

merasa bingung untuk berbicara dalam bahasa inggris. Kemudian, di

lingkungan saya, khususnya di rumah itu menggunakan bahasa

sehari-hari bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa daerah, jadi kurangnya

berinteraksi menggunakan bahasa inggris itu membuat saya tidak

percaya diri.

Interviewer: Kalau misalnya kamu disuruh cerita dalam bahasa inggris dengan

tema tertentu, apa kamu selalu punya ide untuk bercerita?

Interviewee: Kalau ide sih selalu punya, tapi kan kalau kita mau menyampaikan

sesuatukan kadang kita gatau bahasa inggrisnya, jadi itu yang buat

kita tuh agak sulit untuk mengerjakan tugas itu

Interviewer: Kalau lagi speak English, pernah merasa malu, gugup atau takut

salah..dan seberapa sering? Dan kenapa?

Interviewee: Kalau malu sih engga kak, cuma kalau gugup ya sering banget.karna

kadangkan kita tu ga pernah dengar kata yang kita dengar itu.

Interviewer: Jadi kalau misalnya kamu lagi gugup, gimana kamu mengatasi rasa

gugup itu?

Interviewee: Ya percaya diri aja sih kak, terus kayak yakin kalau saya itu bisa,

cuman ngomong bahasa inggris doang aja ga bisa sih, gitu sih


Interviewer: Apakah lovmi memaksakan diri untuk selalu bisa berbicara dalam

bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Ya harus di paksa kak, biar bisa dan biar tahu Karna sesuatu yang

terbiasa itu kan harus dari paksaan.

Interviewer: Kalau misalnya kamu ingin menyampaikan sesuatu dalam bahasa

inggris, apakah kamu menggunakan kata kata yang pendek tapi

gampang,? Kalau iya kenapa? Kalau engga kenpa? Dan kalau

kalimatnya panjang, gimana kamu menyiasatinya supaya kamu bisa

ngomong apa yang pengen kamu omongin?

Interviewee: Bukan pendek sih kak, tapi lebih pilih kata yang panjang aja, kalau

ada kata yang panjang dan sulit di ucapkan sih biasanya saya

ngomog apa yang saya bisa aja kak. Biasanya sih ngasal aja.

Interviewer: Apa kamu selalu berbicara dengan jelas dan keras saat ngomong

bahasa inggris? Kalau iya kenapa kalau ngga kenapa?

Interviewee: Selalu berusaha buat ngerasin suara dan memperjelas suara juga biar

para audience bisa mendengar apa yang saya katakan.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu berbicara dengan jelas dank keras walau sebenarnya

kamu sebenarnya tidak confident dengan apa yang kamu ucapkan?

Soalnyakan kalau merasa benar, suaaranya keras, kalau ragu ragu

suranya pelan.

Interviewee: Ya selalu keras sih kak.karnakan kalau kita gak yakin kan suara kita

ga jelas. Jadi kalau suara kita ga jelaskan bisa memperjelas apa yang

kita katakana.

Interviewer: Apa yang kamu lakukan kalau kamu lupa kosa kata yang ingin


Interviewee: Biasanya nyari katanya di kamus, atau kalau engga sempet untuk

nyarik kaka lain atau sinonim dari kata itu.

Interviewer: Seberapa sering kamu menggunakan sinonim dari kamu dari apa

yang ingin kamu katakan, karna kalau kita menggunakan sinonim,

berarti kita harus banyak tahu vocabulary.

Interviewee: Ya engga terlau sering sih kak, karena kalau kita mau ngucapkan

atau mencari katanya, pasti kita menyiapkan dulu kata kata apa yang

udah untuk di ucapkan.

Interviewer: Apa yang kamu lakukan saat lovmi tau bahwa bahasa inggris kamu

itu salah? Dan kesalah apa yang paling sering terjadi dan kamu


Interviewee: Biasanya sih enjoy aja, biasanya sih enjoy gitu ya walaupun

pengucapannya salah itu tetep aja di ucapin, dan kesalahan yang

sering terjadi pasti di speaking.

Interviewer: Emmm..kan kesalahan yang sering di speaking, biasanya salah

dimananya di grammarnya, pronounciationnya, di vocabularynya

atau yang lainnya atau nothing to say (ide) seringnya di mana?

Interviewee: Lebih sering di vocabulary dan pronounciation sih kak

Interviewer: Oke baik.apa lovmi menggunakan kata yang itu itu saja? Dan


Interviewee: Biasanya iya. Karna kosa kata yang saya tau cuma sedikit aja sih.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu punya cara tersendiri ga untuk improve atau

memperbanyak kosa kata?

Interviewee: Kalau cara tersendiri untuk memperbanyak kosa kata sih engga kak,

cuma kalau untuk belajar speaking kaya pronounce gitu ada

Interviewer: Apakah saat berbicara bahasa inggris, kamu menggunakan gerak

tubuh agar lebih maik maksud kamu kepada audience dan seberapa


Interviewee: Sangat sering, dan entah kenapa tangan itu mau bergerak aja gitu

ketika mengucapkan bahasa inggris.

Interviewer: Ketika kamu menggunakan gerak tubuh untuk menyampaikan

maksud kamu, apakah teman teman kamu mengerti denan apa yang

kamu sampaikan?

Interviewee: Terkadang ngerti, terkadang engga kak, karenakan ga semua ngerti

bahasa isyarat kak.

Interviewer: Saat lovi kesulitan bahasa inggris, apakah lovmi meminta bantuan

pada orang lain?

Interviewee: Pasti iya kak. Bakal ada temen saya yang bantu saya dalam untuk

menyamppaikan bahasa inggris yang ingin saya bilang.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu selalu minta bantuan atau sometimes? Apakah

bantuan temen kamu membuat kamu bisa lancar berbahsa inggris?

Interviewee: Tidak selalu. Karna terkadang apa yang saya katakan dengan apa

yang ada di otak saya itu berbeda. Jadi saya makin bingung.

Makanya tidak sering bertanya kalau tidak butuh sekali.

Interviewer: Hmm oke. Kalau lovmi speak in English biasanya dari indo ke

English atau sebaliknya?

Interviewee: Pastinya dari indo dulu ke English kak.

Interviewer: Kalau dari indo ke inggriskan pastinya harus ada ya…gimana

dengan grammarnya, apakah sudah benar atau yang penting speak

aja yang penting temen ngerti?

Interviewee: Patinya belum bener sih kak, kalau mialnya speaknya itu ya kalau

temennya ga ngerti ya itu urusan mereka, kalau misalnya temen saya

belum ngerti ya saya juga ngerti ya kak.

Interviewer: Oke gimana rasanya bisa ngomong bahasa inggris. Eee… karnakan

kita biasanya ngomong di rumah pake bahasa ibu atau bahasa

Indonesia. Ada rasa asing atau kesulitan dalam berbahasa inggris

Interviewee: Kalau sulit sih ada.tapi kalau ngerasa asing sih engga kak.soalnya

juga ngomong bahsa inggris kan dah dari sd juga, jadi ya walaupun

ada kesulitan ya seneng gitu bisa ngucapin bahsa inggris gitu

Interviewer: Okee..sepertinya Tanya-tanyanya sudah banyak nih yaa

hehehe….terimakasih banyak ya kamu sudah mau menjadi

responden kaka, semoga sekolahnya lancar dan kuliahnya nanti

lancar. Assalamualaikum

Interviewee: Iya kak sama sama. Aamiin karena juga di doain .waalaikumsalam.

Student 3

Think Aloud Protocol (verbal report) and Interview

Interviewer: Apa yang kamu rasakan saat speaking?

Interviewee: Saya merasa gugup kak.

Interviewer: Kesulitan apa saja yang kamu rasakan saat bebicara bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Ya banyak ya kak, kurang percaya diri salah satunya kak. Kemudian

karena tebiasa dengan bahasa indonesi, jadi kalau ngomong bahas

inggris agak susah luudahnya kak, jadi kalau ngomong bahasa

inggris harus ekstra usahanya. Terus juga kita kana kalau berbicara

bahasa inggris Cuma di kelas ya kak, jadi saya rasa waktunya itu

kurang sih kak. Gitu kak

Interviewer: Oh gitu ya. Ada lagi yag lain?

Interviewee: Engga sih kak. Paling karna vocabnya kurang, takut salah grammar

dan banyak lagi kak.

Interviewer: Biasanya kalau disekolah nggomongnya di kasih script atau spontan?

Interviewee: Karena pandai, jadinya ga ada ngomong kak, tapi kalau di kelas ya di

tanya langsung sama gurunya.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu berbicara dengan jelas dank keras ketika berbicara bahasa


Interviewee: Tergantung keadaan kak. Kalau ngerti ya keras kalau engga ya pelan.


Interviewer: Menurut kamu, apakah vocabulary yang kamu ketahui sudah banyak?

Interviewee: Belum sih kak. Tapi tetep harus belajar dan masih banyak lagi yang

perlu di ketahui. Karna biar enak kalau gomong bahasa inggris. Soalnya

kalau di sekolah temeten tu suka ga nyambung kak kalau rudi ngomong

bahasa inggris.jadi agak malu sih.

Interviewer: Ngapain malu, bahasa inggrisnya bagus loh. Gimana cara mengatasi biar

vocabnya banyak?

Interviewee: Sering speaking. Karena kalau kita ga tau bahasa inggrisnya hari ini,

besok kalau ngomong lagi dah tau bahasa inggrisnya.

Interviewer: Jadi kalau isalnya rudi pengen ngomong, tapi lupa sam kosa katanya


Interviewee: Ga jadi ngomong kak. Skip aja kak.

Interviewer: Kamu sering lagi ngomong bahasa inggris.sadar ga?

Interviewee: Sadar.

Interviewer: Apa yang kamu lakukan kalau kamu salah?

Interviewee: Ya di koreksi kak, di pikir lagi.abis tu ngomong lagi. Kadang-kadang.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu menggunakan kosakata yang itu itu saja?

Interviewee: Iya kak. Yang basic basic aja. Iya kak yang sehari hari. Karna kan

bedakan bahsa inggris yang dasar sama yang tinggi.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu menggunakan gerak tubuh untuk menyampaikan maksud

yang rudi katakan lebih tersampaikan kepada audience? Kenapa?

Interviewee: Jarang sih kak kalau pakai gerak tubuh.paling cuma ngomong aja sih

kak. Tergantung konteks yang di omongin.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu meminta bantuan kepada teman ketika kesulitan?

Interviewee: Engga kak. Karnakan teman teman juga kadang ga ngerti kak.

Interviewer: Jadi kamu kalau mau ngomong bahasa inggris itu dari bahasa indo ke

inggris atau bahsa inggris ke indo?

Interviewee: Yang pasti dari bahasa indonesia ke bahasa inggris kak.

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Ya lebih mudah aja kak. Kalau dar indo ke inggris. Karna kan bahasa

Indonesia bahasa kita.

Student 4

Think Aloud Protocol (verbal report) and Interview

Interviewer: Oke dandi, kakak mau nanya, apa yang kamu rasakan saat berbicara

bahasa inggris dan kesulitan apa yang kamu rasakan saat berbicara

bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Terkadang itu kak, pengucapannya itu kaya bersalahan, kaya gimana

ya, kayak penyebutan terkadang salah, kadang kesalahan itu kita

sadari, terkdang tidak.ya kalau pas kita sadar, ya mungkin agak

sedikit termenung gitu kak, kayak berdiam, ya agak malu lah, tapi

ketika ga sadar, yaudah lewatin aja.

Interviewer: Terus kamu kalau misalnya ngomong bahasa inggris itu selalu punya

ide atau tidak?

Interviewee: Saya inikan kak, kalau untuk bahasa inggris tidak terlalu hobi sih,

mungkin kosa-kosa katanya aja, ya kalo memang lagi pengen

pengembangan mungkin ada penambahan-penambahan kata yang


Interviewer: Kamu sering merasa takut salah ga dalam berbicaa bahasa inggris?

Biasanya kan tu anak-anak takut salah jadi mereka kurang ingin

berbicara bahasa inggris.

Interviewee: Kalau untuk takut salah sih engga kak, soalnya pun terkadang saya

ga tau juga penyebutan saya benar atau salah, ya mungkin kalau

menurut saya benar, dan menurut orang salah, ya saya ga peduli.

Soalnya apa yang saya sebutkan itulah kemungkinan menurut saya


Interviewer: Terus, waktu yang di berikan di kelas itu cukup atau tidak, atau

membantu kamu dalam mengimprove dalam bahasa inggris kamu?

Interviewee: Kalau di kelas sish waktunya kurang ya kak, karena mengejar waktu

itu, jadi tergesa-gesa, terus agak sulit untuk mikir, jadi kadang ya

yang pinter-pinter aja yang ngomong gitu kak.

Interviewer: Dandi kalau sedang berbicara bahasa inggris itu sering merasa

gugup, cemas atau apa gitu?

Interviewee: Kalau untuk gugup sih, sering sih kak, soalnya kan kita belom

menguasai banget gitu tentang bahasa inggris, belajarpun belum

mahirlah kak dalam bahasa inggris.

Interviewer: Kamu cukup percaya diri ga?

Interviewee: Untuk percaya diri pasti ada kak, namnanya juga belajarkan selalu

harus berani.

Interviewer: Kamu selalu berusaha keras untuk selalu berbicara dalam bahasa


Interviewee: Kalau untuk berusaha keras, ya mungkin tetep di usahakan. Lagian

kak, bahasa inggris di saya ini kurang berminat banget sih. Tapi saya

tetap melakukannya untuk meenuhi syarat di sekolah saya ini.

Interviewer: Dandi kalau misalnya ngomong itu, mengunakan kalimat yang

sederhana atau yang panjang gitu?

Interviewee: Kalau menggunakan kalimat itu, seringnya itu kalimat yang

sederhana, tapi ketika lagi mood, kaya pengen pengembangan

ataupun untuk mendapatkan nilai yang lebih bagus, ya mungkin

agak di tambah pengebangannya.

Interviewer: Jadi kalau ada kalimat-kalimat panjang yang harus di ucapkan

panjang gitu, gimana menyiasatinya?

Interviewee: Kalau untuk kalimat yang panjang, ya jelasnya pertama itu

menghafal apa yag kita rangkum, ya kemudian kalau memang

adyang salah, ya mau gimana lagi.

Interviewer: Terus, dandi kalau bebicara bahasa inggris itu selalu menggunakan

suara yang keras dan jelas?

Interviewee: Tergantung yakin atau engganya kak, kita ni udah merasahafal

banget, baru kemungkinan kita pakai nada keras atau suara yang

keras, ketika kitabelum terlalu hafal, atau di beri waktu yang

singkat, mungkin pelan supaya teman yang mendengar agak-agak

gimana gitu kak. Biar ga terlalu malu gitu kak.

Interviewer: Dandi sering enggunakan sinonim atau contoh kata lain ketika tidak

bisa menggungkapkan kata yang ingin dandi katakan?

Interviewee: Kalau itu sih, sering kak.

Interviewer: Kalau dandi ngomong bahasa inggris itu, dandi sadar ga melakukan


Interviewee: Keseringan sih ga sadar kak, terkadang selesai berbicara itu kak,

kadang ga inget nih ada yang salah, yaudah yang udah berlalu mau

gimana lagi.

Interviewer: Terus guru kamu ada yang ngoreksi ga? Atau kau ngoreksi diri

sendiri, oh aku salah ni, gitu?

Interviewee: Keseringan untuk belajarnya tu kak menggunakan apa ya, di

rangkum dulu, tapi kalau biasanya Tanya ke temen. Lebih seringnya

Tanya ke guru yang lebih tau dalam pengucapannya.

Interviewer: Apakah danndi selalu menggunakan kata-kata yang berbeda atau itu-

itu saja?

Interviewee: Biasanya kak, untuk pengembangan, contohnya lagi praktek ni, terus

untuk berbeda dari yang lain, kita memakai bahasa yang berbeda

juga kak.

Interviewer: Berarti dandi selalu meningkatkan vocabulary dandi ya?

Interviewee: Ya seperti itulah kira-kira kak.

Interviewer: Jadi kalau dandi bebicara bahasa inggris sekarang nih, dandi

menggunakan gerak tubuh untuk menyampaikan dandi dengan benar


Interviewee: Kalau gerak tubuh sering di gunakan kak, soalnyakan kadang kita

reflek tuh, gerak tubuh tanpa kita sadari ya gerak juga dalam

menggunakan bahasa inggris tadi atau penyebutannya, tanpa kita

sadari tubuh kita juga bergerak gitu, entah tangannya, atau tubuh

yang lain.

Interviewee: Apakah dengan menggunakan gerak tubuh, maksud yang ingin dandi

sampaikan, bisa di menegrti oleh teman ddandi?

Interviewee: Saya kurang tau sih kak, temen-temen mengerti atau tidak.

Interviewer: Jadi kalau misalnya dandi kesulitan dalam bahasa inggris nih, dandi

meminta bantuan sama temen-temen dandi?

Interviewee: Meminta bantuan juga sih kak kepada teman teman untuk

mengoreksi saya apa ada yang kurang dengan penyebutan saya.

Interviewer: Ketika dandi berbicara bahasa inggris, dandi menyusun katanya dari

bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa inggris, atau bahasa inggris ke bahasa


Interviewee: Kalau untuk menyusun bahasa inggris sih kak, biasanya memakai

bahasa Indonesia dulu kak, jelaskan merangkum katanya itu lebih

enak memakai bahasa Indonesia dulu baru kemungkinan kalau sudah

jadi di kalimat kalimatnya, baru di terjemahkan ke bahasa inggris.

Interviewer: Labih susah dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa inggris, atau bahasa

inggris ke bahasa Indonesia?

Interviewee: Kalau untuk menerjemahkan kalimat yang sudah ada sih lebih

gampang dari bahasa inggris ke bahasa ndonesia kak, tapi kalau

untuk merangku itu lebih mudah dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa

iggris. Gitu sih kak

Interviewer: oke dandi, terimakasih atas waktunya, terimakasih banyak.

Interviewee: iya kak, sama-sama.

Student 5

Think Aloud Protocol (verbal report) and Interview

Interviewer: Bagaimana perasaan dan kesulitan apa yang kamu rasakan saat

berbicara dalam bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Saya merasa bahasa inggris saya kurang bagus kak, apalagi kalau di

suruh speaking dadakan seperti ini. Saya takut banyak salah, terus

juga bingung mau ngomong apa kak.

Interviewer: Terus apalagi yang kamu rasakan?

Interviewee: Ya bahasa inggriskan susah ya kak..heheh..tulisan sama bacaan itu

beda gitu. Terus juga di rumahkan kita pake bahasa daerah atau juga

bahasa Indonesia, jadi ucapannya ituloh yang susah kak.

Interviewer: apa kamu menyukai bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Sedikit kak.. hehe

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Agak susah sih kak

Interviewer: Hem okey, seberapa sering kamu berbicara bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Ya kalo di kelas aja kak, kaolo di suruh baca atau ngomong di depan

kelas sama guru.

Interviewer: Apa kamu merasa nervous saat bicara bahasa inggris di kelas?

Interviewee: Iyaa kak

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Karna ga pandai bahsa inggris kak

Interviewer: Terus kalau kamu gerogi, kamu ngapain?

Interviewee: Biasanya sih kalau gerogi ya tarik napas dalem dalam terus tetep

berusaha ngomong bahsa inggris walau pun salah, nanti lama lama

ga nerves lagi.. eheheh.tapi kadang kalau nerves malah lupa

semuanya kak hhehe

Interviewer: Apa kamu berusaha keras untuk bisa berbicara dalam bahasa


Interviewee: Iyaa kkak, agak maksa sih

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Ya kan kalo kita bisabahsa inggris gitu kayanya keren aja gitu kak

Interviewee: Apa kamu menggunakan kalimat yang pendek-pendek tapi


Interviewee: Iya kak

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Ya kalo panjag panjang ga tau kak bahasa inggris nya, soalnya kosa

katanya kurang juga, jadi tambah bingug

Interviewer: Kalau ada kaliat yang panjang, gimana kamu menyiasatinya?

Interviewee: Kalau panjang, dan saya ga tau bahsa inggrisnya ya, saya skip aja

kak, ganti yang lain.atau saya minta kasih tau temen temen yang lain

Interviewer: Apa kamu berbicara dengan artikulasi yang jelas dan suara yang

cukup saat berbicara bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: iya kalau saya merasa bahsa inggris saya benar saya berani ngomong

kuat kak, kalau ragu-ragu ya pelan kadang malah sampe ga


Interviewer: Apa yang kamu lakukakn saat kamu lupa kata bahasa ingrgisnya

yang mau kamu bilang? atau menggunakan sinonim?

Interviewee: Engga kak. Biasanya sih ganti kata lain kak, yang tau aja.

Interviewer: Apa yang kamu lakukan saat bahasa inggris kamu salah?

Interviewee: Mencari bantuan kak, ehehhe,..kan ada akawan kak, kaddang di

bantu juga sama gurunya

Interviewer: Apa kau meggunakan kosa kata yang itu itu aja?

Interviewee: Iya kakak

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Ya itu tadi kak, miskin kosa kata bahasa banyak tau.

Interviewer: Kenapa ga di perbanyak kosak katanya supaya mudah ngomong

bahasa inggrisnya?

Interviewee: Kadang kak, udah nambah satu hilang satu gitu, eh tau yang ini nanti

yang lain lupa gitu…ehhe

Interviewer: Apa kamu sering emnggunakan gerak tubuh kamu saat supaya kamu

bisa menyampaikan maksud yang kamu sampaikan?

Interviewee: Iya kak,,,,soalnya kan kadang pengucapann saa tulisan itu kan beda,

jadi temen kadang ga ngeri ,jadi kalo di bantu pake gerak gitu, aak

ngerti eheheheh

Interviewer: Saat kamu kesulitan, apa kamu meminta bantuan?

Interviewee: Iya kak

Interviewer: Sama siapa?

Interviewee: Sama temen yang pintar di kelas, ya guru juga ngasih tau juga sih


Interviewer: Pada saat kamu mau ngomong ni, kamu menterjemahkan dari bahasa

indo ke inggris atau inggris ke indo?

Interviewee: Ya indo ke inggris kak.

Interviewer: Kenapa gitu?apa mempermudah kamu?

Interviewee: Iya kak. Kalau ngomog, enaknya indo ke inggris, kalau terjemahin

inggris ke indo.

Student 6

Think Aloud Protocol (verbal report and Interview)

Interviewer: Adek suka ngomomg bahasa inggris biasaya dimana?

Interviewee: Di sekolah.

Interviewer: Adek suka bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Suka. Cuma kadang ga tau apa yang mau d bilang.

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Karna ga tau vocabnya kurang banyak, terus cara ngomongnya juga

ga tau.

Interviewer: Biasanya adek kalo ngomong bahasa inggris tu dimana aja sih?

Interviewee: Di sekolah, di rumah sam temen.

Interviewer: Gabung sama temen. Kalau gabung sama temen itu maksudnya di

dalam kelas ya?

Interviewee: Ya di dalem kelas, di luar sekolah juga.

Interviewer: Kalo di rumah ngomong bahasa inggrisnya sama siapa?

Interviewee: Sama kakak.

Interviewer: Kaka kamu bisa bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Bisa.

Interviewer: Jadi kalo di suruh speaking, speaking di depan kelas, kalo di suruh di

depan kelas itu kamu gugup ga?

Interviewee: Gugup.

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Karna kadang takut salah cara ngomongnya dan kurang percaya diri.

Interviewer: Jadi gugup gitu, terus kalo gugup, kamu gimana? Biasanya kamu

ngapain baru ga gugup?

Interviewee: Hmmm…diem dulu.

Interviewer: Diem dulu..ngapain?

Interviewee: Heheh.. meningkatkan percaya diri.

Interviewer: Kamu kalo gugup gitu lupa ga apa yang mau kamu bilang, pengen

ngomong ini, eh ternyata lupa sangking gugupnya?

Interviewee: Kadang iya.

Interviewer: Jadi kalo kamu udah diem, diem nginget nginget udah ga gugup lagi?

Interviewee: Udah mulai berkurang.

Interviewer: Oh berarti kurang percaya dir ya

Interviewee: Berarti kalau percaya diri bia mgomong bahasa inggris dong?

Interviewer: Engga juga sih kak

Interviewee: Kenapa gitu?

Interviewer: Itu tadi takut salah juga kadang, tapi tetep bisa ngmong kan?

Interviewee: Bisa.

Interviewer: Kamu sering maksa ga, aku nih harus bisa bahasa inggris, bisa

ngomong bahasa inggris.

Interviewee: Kadang iya.

Interviewer: Kenapa kadang, kenapa ga selalu, karna kan di depan kelas, karna di


Interviewee: Karna agak susah juga kak, kadang ada yang kaya sama gitu artinya,

tapi tujuannya itu beda.

Interviewer: Tapi kamu tetap usahan yaaa?

Interviewee: Iya.

Interviewer: Menurut kamu kalo ngomong bahasa inggris itu susah ga?

Interviewee: Susah susah gampang kak.

Interviewer: Kamu kalo ngomong sering pake kata-kata tu itu aja atau

mempelajari kata-kata baru?

Interviewee: Sering pake kata kata itu aja. Tapi kadang pake kosa kata baru biar

banyak vocabnya

Interviewer: Misalnya nih kamu mau ngomong kalimat pendek tapi gampang

Interviewee: Iya.

Interviewer: Kenapa? kamu ga tau kalimatnya atau ga tau menyusunnya, gatau


Interviewee: Ga tau nyusunnya.

Interviewer: Apanya yang disusun?

Interviewee: Bahasa inggrisnya, kadang suka kebalik gitu kak.

Interviewer: Kalo misalnya nih ada kalimat yang panjang yang maukamu bilang,

bagaimana cara kamu ngomongnya, kamu mau bilang ini, kok ga

bisa ya..gimanatu?tetep pake kalimat pendek atau ga jadi ngomong?

Interviewee: Pake kalimat yang lebih pendek.

Interviewer: Kamu kalo ngomong itu artikulasinya jelas atau pelan.kalau iya

kenapa kalau enggaaa kenapa?

Interviewee: Kalo merasa itu bener, itu jelas, kalo merasa itu agak itu biasa agak


Interviewer: Jadi kalo kamu resa itu benar bahasa inggrisnya bener, kamu keras

ya ngomongnya

Interviewee: Hehe…iya kak.

Interviewer: Tapi kalo salah kenapa tetep kamu bilag? atau kamu ragu ragu?

Interviewee: Raguu…dari pada ga dilang, nanti malah diem aja

Interviewer: Kalo kamu lupa atau kosa kata yang lupa apa yang kamu lakukan?

Interviewee: Kamu pake sinonimkah, karnakan bahasa inggris tu banyak banyak

kosa kata dan punya arti yang sama.atau ga jadi mau ngomog itu

Interviewer: Karna di ganti juga.

Interviewee: Karna gatau apa yang mau di bilang.

Interviewer: Apa yang kamu lakukan lakukan saat tau kalau bahasa inggris yang

kamu bilang itu salaj?

Interviewee: Di koreksi sih kak.

Interviewer: Gimana caranya?apa yang kamu lakukan?

Interviewee: Berusaha.

Interviewer: Atau kamu ga ada usaha?

Interviewee: Kadang di bantu juga sama guru.

Interviewer: Kamu sering berimprovisasi ga? Karna biasanya kita ngomong pake

kosa kata yang itu-itu aja.

Interviewee: Pake kata-kata yang itu itu aja.karna kadang kurang ngerti sama

yang lain lainnya.

Interviewer: Waktu kamu ngomong di depan kelas atau sama temen kamu, apa

kamu pake bahasa tubuh saat kamu ga tau kata yang mau ngomong


Interviewee: Iya kak.

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Biar yang lain itu ngerti sama yang ingin saya sampaikan.Itu selalu

terjadi sama saya. Engga sih, kalo sudah hafal.

Interviewer: Terus kalo kamu menggunakan gerak tubuh atau kode, temen kamu

ngerti ga?

Interviewee: Untuk yang pinter maksud kak..hehehe.

Interviewer: Maksudnya yang pinter gimna? Yang memperhatikan kamu

Interviewee: Yang mengerti dan memperhatikan saya. Tapi kadang mereka

memperhatikan tapi tetep ga tau. Hehehe. Karna miskin vocab kak

Interviewer: Kalau kamu kesulitan untuk mengungkapkan apa yang mau kamu

bilang, kamu nanya sam temen apa guru kamu untuk membanu


Interviewee: Iya.

Interviewer: Kamu percaya ya sama temen kamu?

Interviewee: Kalau sama yang pnter percaya, Tapi lebih sering guru yang ngasih


Interviewer: Gurunya lebih aktif ngasih tau ya. Terus kalau kamu kalau mau

ngomong gitu, gimanacaranya? Kamu pikirkan dalam bahasa

Indonesia ke bahasa inggris atau sebaliknya?

Interviewee: Di kelas? biasanya ke bahasa indonesia dulu baru ke bahasa inggris,

tapi kalau udah tau bahasa inggrisnya, bisa langsung ngomong.

Interviewer: Jadi lebih gampang mna bahasa inggris ke bahasa Indonesia atau


Interviewee: Bahasa inggris ke bahasa Indonesia.

Interviewer: Kenapa gitu?

Interviewee: Karna kalo misalya dari indo ke inggris kaya nanti kaya ga

nyambung gitu.

Interviewer: Takut kena di grammarnya?

Interviewee: Kadang kala ada tugas gitu, mau gitu salah kalau indonesia ke


Interviewer: Jadi menurut adek, sebenarnya apasih kesuitan yang bener susah

untuk speaking?

Interviewee: Kadang kak, bacaan sama cara bacanya itu bedajadi kadang susah,

jadinya kalau misalnya salah baca sala arti juga.

Interviewer: Tapi kalau kamu tau cara baca yang bener dan cara ngucapin yang

bener, itu kamu percara diri?

Interviewee: Percaya diri kak, kata kata salang sih kak. Sopan sedikit sedikit.

Interviewer: Oke. Sepertinya tanya-tanya cukup ni. Terimakasih ya udah mau jadi

responden kaka.

Interviewee: Hehehe…iya kak sama-sama.

Student 7

Think Aloud Protocol (verbal report) and Interview

Interviewer: Apa yang kamu rasakan saat berbicara bahasa inggris pada saat ini?

Interviewee: Eee…gerogi sih kak. Karena gap inter bahasa ingris. Jadi ya agak

ragu-ragu kaya gitu.

Interviewer: Ada kesulitan tertentu tidak?

Interviewee: Banyak kak.

Interviewer: Salah satunya?

Interviewee: Kayak…apa ya, kayak bingung aja gitu mau ngomong apa, ga ada

idegitukan, karna kan kadang kita kosa katanya kurang.

Interviewer: Terus kesulitan apalagi yang kamu rasakan?

Interviewee: Apa ya kak, terus kadang misalnya di kelas gitu kan, waktunya itu

sedikit gitu, jadi kurang maksimal gitu. Teruskan biasanya kan kita

di rumah ngomong bahasa sehari-hari itu bahasa Indonesia, ya kalo

ke bahasa inggris tu susah kak. Kadang pengucapannya banyak yang

salah kak, banyaklah kak.

Interviewer: Apa yang kamu lakukan saat berbicara bahasa inggris namun

sebenarnya kamu merasa gugup?

Interviewee: Mencoba rilex aja sih kak, coba santai aja. Karnakan temennya

temen sendiri.

Interviewer: Kalo misalnya di hadapan orang lain, kamu merasa gugup atau kamu

apply dengan bahasainggris kamu?

Interviewee: Ya karna di depan orang lain itu kak gugup.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu selalu berusaha keras untuk selalu berbicara bahasa


Interviewee: Berusaha keras sih kak, soalnyakan itu pelajaran di sekolah juga. Ya

kalo misalnya kita bisa bahasa inggris gitu, kayanya keren aja gitu.

Ya usaha sih kak.

Interviewer: Jika kamu berbicara bahasa inggris, apakah kamu menggunakan

kalimat sederhana? Kenapa?

Interviewee: Iya kak, soalnya yang kita tahu aja. Makanya pendek pendek.

Interviewer: Terus kalau kamu mau mengeksplore kata-kta yang lebih, terus nanti

ketemu yang panjang gimana kamu menyiasatinya?

Interviewee: Ya kalo misalnya panjang, ya mungkin di mix sih kak, bahasa

Indonesia sama bahasa inggris.

Interviewee: Biasanya nih, kalau kamu berbicara dalam bahasa inggris, kamu

menggunakan artikulasi yang jelas atau tidak?

Interviewee: tergantung sih kak, kao misalnya aku merasa benar bahasa inggrisya

ya aku keras,ya kalau suaranya engga ya. Tapi ya harusnya keras dan

jelas ya kak.

Interviewer: Berarti lingkungannya itu mempengaruhi ya kamu berbicara keras

atau tidak.

Interviewer: Ini nih ya, kalau misalnya kamu mau berbicara dalam bahasa inggris,

terus kamu lupa kosa kata yang mau kamu bilang, terus kau gimana?

Interviewee: Eee… kan kosa kata itu banyak ya kak dan punya arti yang sama

juga, ya kalo misalnya lupa ya ga jadi ngomonglah kak. Ya engga

tau, skip aja.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu sadar kalau kamu melakukan kesalahan?

Interviewee: Sadar kak. Sadar banget.

Interviewer: Sadarnya sadar sendiri atau di sadari temen?

Interviewee: Sadar sendiri kak.

Interviewer: Kalo sadar kenapa di ucap?

Interviewee: Biasanyakan kak, salah penyebutan, salah konteks gitu sih.

Interviewer: Terus kalau udah slah gitu kira-kira di ulang lagi ga?

Interviewee: Biasanya sih di koreksi sam temen atau guru gitu kak. Ya abis itu di

ulang lagi kadang-kadang lanjut aja.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu menggunakan kosa kata yang itu-itu saja?

Interviewee: Iya kak. Karena ya biasa itu yang di pakai, ya itu-itu saja.

Interviewer: apakah kamu menggunakan gerak tubuh untuk menyampaikan apa

yang kamu maksud?

Interviewee: Sering kak.

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Kadang bahasa inggrisnya itu ga jelas ya kak, jadi kalau di bantu

gerak tubuh itu lebih ngerti gitu kak.

Interviewer: Jadi untuk memudahkan temen-temen itu lebih paham, kamu

menggunakan bahasa tubuh ya?

Interviewee: Iya kak.

Interviewer: Kamu sering meminta bantuan kepada teman kamu?

Interviewee: Jarang sih kak, karna kita tau kan temen kita juga ga tau. Jadi kalau

mau nanya sama gurunya langsung.

Interviewer: Bagaimana cara kamu menyusun kalimat bahasa inggris, apakah dari

bahasa Indonesia dulu ke bahasa inggris atau dari bahasa inggris ke

bahasa indonesia?

Interviewee: kalau untuk ngomong sih kak dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahsa inggris

dulu, tapi kalau misalnya kita nerjemahin, enaknya tu dari bahasa

inggris ke bahasa indonesi.

Interviewer: terimakasih ya waktunya, semoga bahasa inggris kamu lebih lancar

lagi vocabnyanlebih nambah lagi, terus bisa di ekplore ke lain.

Student 8

Think Aloud Protocol (verbal report) and Interview

Interviewer: Kamu suka bahasa inggris ga?

Interviewee: Tidak begitu suka.

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Karena menurut saya balajar itu membuat otak kita berfikir keras.

Karena kita tuh harus memhami kosa katanya, vocabnya, terus…udah

gitu kalau belajar bahasa inggris membosanan.

Interviewer: Biasanya kamu kalau ngomong bahasa inggris itu di kelas aja atau di luar

kelas juga?

Interviewee: Di kelas.

Interviewer: Di luar engga?

Interviewee: Kadang-kadang kak.

Interviewer: Kamu suka gerogi ga kalau ngomong bahasa inggris di kelas?

Interviewee: Kalau di kelas klau saya berbahasa inggris saya gerogi.karena cara

pengucapannya tidak pas (tepat)

Interviewer: Kalau kamu gerogi, apa yang kamu lakukan saat gerogi

Interviewee: Biasanya kalau saya lagi gerogi saya sering main pena? Hahha.

Interviewer: Main pena? Supaya apa?

Interviewee: Untuk mengatasi kegerogian saya. Seperti buka tutup pena.

Interviewer: Apa itu bisa mengatasi gerogi kamu?

Interviewee: Bisaaa.karna kalau saya gerogi, itu yang saya lakukan.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu berusaha keras untuk selalu ngomong bahsa inggris?

Interviewee: Biasanya kalau saya pengen ngomong, kaya hafalan, kitakan ga pandai

cara mengucapkannya, biasanya sering liat cara pengucapannya gimana,

di google, dan dengar dengar dari media social bar terbantu untuk


Interviewer: Apakah kamu memaksakan diri untuk berbicara bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Emm maksanya seharusya bahsa inggris itukan bahasa international,

kalau maksa sih pengen, tapi ya gimana, pengen kaya orang orang yang

bisa bahasa inggris, ya intiya kalau kita berusaha ya kita bisa .

Interviewer: Kamu menggunakan kalimat yang pendek atau yang panjang?

Interviewee: Yang pendek.

Interviewer: Kalau kamu pengen ngomong bahasa inggris yang panjang, tapi kamu

gatau ngomongnya gimana, terus kamu gimana?

Interviewee: Kalau ada kalimat yang panjang, saya tidak tau ngomongnya, ya saya

bantai (ngomong terus) aja, kalau salah pasti di koreksi sama gurunya.

Interviewer: Apakah kamu berbicara dengan artikulasi yang jelas? Kalau iya kenapa?

Kalau engga kenapa?

Interviewee: Kan kaya ibaratkan kaya cara pengucapannya benar, kalau benar suara

saya kuat, kalau salah sya akan memelankan suara saya karna saya ga

pede karna salah hehehe…

Interviewer: Kalau misalnya kamu pengen ngoong amu lupa kosa kata yang ingin

kamu bilang, kamu gimana?

Interviewee: Caranya kalau saya pengen ngomong lupa, caa ngucapnya lupa, saya "itu

ha..itu ha ..itu..(body langue).

Interviewer: Apa yang kamu lakukan saat bahasa inggris kamu salah?

Interviewee: Pertama,dengan bahasa tubuh, kedua minta bantuan gimana cara


Interviewer: Kamu sering improve bahasa inggris kamu atau kosa kamu atau kamu

pakai bahasa inggris kamu yang itu itu aja.

Interviewee: Pakai bahasa inggris kamu yang itu itu aja.

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Karena kalau bahasa yang itu itu ajakan sering kita dengar, jadi untuk

ngucapinnya gampang aja cara bacanya,

Interviewer: Karena udah tau yaa?

Interviewee: Iya karna udah tau gitu. Ohh cara bacanya tu gini…

Interviewer: Hemmm apa saat berbicara bahasa inggris kamu menggunakan gerak

tubuh kamu itu bisa menyampaikan maksud dari apa yang ingin kamu


Interviewee: Iyaaa.

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Karna kalau kita menggunakan bahasa tubuh, yang mendengar teman

teman gitu, pasti lebih memahami dan kita juga gatau memakai juga

paham gitu.

Interviewer: Kalau kamu kesulitan ngomong kamu, kamu bertanya sam temen ang

lain atau kamu skip?

Interviewee: Bertanya sama teman untuk membantu.

Interviewer: Apa teman kamu juga tau?

Interviewee: Kita bertanya kepada orang yang tepat…hehehe.

Interviewer: Kalau kamu mau ngomong bahasa inggris kamu sering dari bahasa

inggris dulu atau ke bahsa Indonesia dulu?

Interviewee: Bahasa Indonesia ke bahsa inggris dulu.

Interviewer: Kenapa?

Interviewee: Di terjemahkan dulu .lebih mudah dari bahsa inggris ke bahasa

indonesia.kalau ngomongnya dari Indonesia ke bahasa inggris.

Interviewer: Menurut kamu apa yang paling susah dalam berbicara terutama dalam

bahasa inggris?

Interviewee: Pengucapannya.

Interviewer: Kalau kosa katanya?

Interviewee: Kamu cukup percaya diri dengan bahasa inggris kamu di luar dari benar

dan salah

Interviewer: Pasti dari pengucapannya lagi?

Interviewee: Terlintas sih ini cara bacanya, tapi pas terkeluarkan engga sesuai.

Interviewer: oke. Thank you yaaa untuk waktunya.

Interviewee: Iya kak, sama-sama.












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Nomor : Un.04/F.II.4/PP.00.9/7185/2022 Pekanbaru,13 Juni 2022

Sifat : Biasa

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Hal : Pembimbing Skripsi (Perpanjangan)


Yth. Dr. Riza Amelia, SS., M.Pd.

Dosen Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Suska Riau


Assalamu’alaikum warhmatullahi wabarakatuh

Dengan hormat, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Suska Riau menunjuk Saudara

sebagai pembimbing skripsi mahasiswa :


NIM : 11714202339

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul : Student's Strategies To Solve Speaking Difficulties : A Case Study at A Public

Senior High School Kandis

Waktu : 3 Bulan terhitung dari tanggal keluarnya surat bimbingan ini

Agar dapat membimbing hal-hal terkait dengan Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dan dengan

Redaksi dan Teknik Penulisan Skripsi sebagaimana yang sudah ditentukan. Atas kesediaan

Saudara dihaturkan terima kasih.

W a s s a l a m

an. Dekan

Wakil Dekan I

Dr. Zarkasih, M.Ag.

NIP. 19721017 199703 1 004

Tembusan :

Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Suska Riau





Jl. H. R. Soebrantas No.155 Km.18 Tampan Pekanbaru Riau 28293 PO. BOX 1004 Telp. (0761) 561647 Fax. (0761) 561647, E-mail: [email protected]

Nomor : Un.04/F.II.4/PP.00.9/5543/2021 Pekanbaru, 04 Juni 2021 Sifat : Biasa

Lamp. : -

Hal : Mohon Izin Melakukan PraRiset


Yth. Kepala Sekolah

SMAN 2 Kandis



Assalamu’alaikum warhmatullahi wabarakatuh

Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau dengan ini

memberitahukan kepada saudara bahwa :


NIM : 11714202339

Semester/Tahun : VIII (Delapan)/ 2021

Program Studi : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Suska Riau

ditugaskan untuk melaksanakan Prariset guna mendapatkan data yang berhubungan dengan

penelitiannya di Instansi yang saudara pimpin.

Sehubungan dengan itu kami mohon diberikan bantuan/izin kepada mahasiswa yang


Demikian disampaikan atas kerjasamanya diucapkan terima kasih.

a.n. Dekan

Wakil Dekan III

Dr. Drs. Nursalim, M.Pd.

NIP. 19660410 199303 1 005


Erika Agustia is the first daughter of Mr. Paino and Mrs.

Supiyanti, She was born on August 13th

1997 in Dusun

Bangunan, Medan. She was graduated from SDN 010

Belutu and continued her study in SMPN 5 Kandis. In

2013, she entered SMAN 2 Kandis for continuing her study

and she finished it in 2016. In 2017, she wasaccepted as

one of students in Department of English Education, Faculty of Education and

Teacher Training of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. On

July until August 2020 she was doing Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) at Desa

Belutu Kandis and also field teacher practice (PPL) on October until December

2020 in SMA Taruna Pekanbaru. Finally, she passed thesis examination for her

undergraduate program entitled “Students' Strategies To Solve Speaking

Difficulties: A Case Study At A Public Senior High School”.