Senate Demoerats


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Transcript of Senate Demoerats

»|Nfl AND l,OMrRsrsUMn vucmM In

-uM r««nl»»U •**» Ikf wrrkrn*Itnnlni •«« #"a *»««•" •"« !»»*••»« »e«»#rt»jJ,.npc<l pnr«nnlpr» nhllr flu*,tro HflrroMi.'

, »<«rt Irem linn wins), pukd\ irlorlrt. nuinrtii|» anil

an PM" « •"« *

\(VI. tft No. 118


I iltill rt.iv «Mli 11 ««rU ill• (••lilt* I hr lrni|M'r.»liif.« m ill ti<*rrl.lllt rlv rim%M«M llmmcliimlIIip rtsv mill iIipii inilime riilrtcrtumormtv-

CAST I.ANSINC, MICIIKiAN — MuNllAY, J AN't'Alii M. lli'.s

French LiftExplosivesFrom ShipKt'licl Munition*IIiiimiiI for AlgiiTK,ili \ N . AIisitIH l/fi

fVmh iiiilhi'rlllw »»i'l Sim,v luivo m>l7cil fnmi »^ie,wli\\ ship mon* Hum

nullum ilollnr* wiiilli nfirm, „ml cxpl.inlv.'s tlirv

n.'iv ili'sl in.'.l for AIp-run ivIm'I*.[•,, slvl|V till' IHtS-Ullf'lM cargo

s'.m'iii>«. hud been sh Hia,.,i i » .i French plnnr cvi'i

, • trli lis Inmir pol l ofVnposlnvlrt. on 'I vovnge

, , i-to New Yoiki. inii'ifrpltHt In two 1'iptn h

W Itl'lt II tlll'd lo pilSS

. ! , ii tutorial water* nil,in Saturday• i.,- Kirtn h fornsl Ihi' WM-

lor vr*scl into port here Satin,i, \ night tout unloaded a I mi

K,, ,>f arms (tint nmtnunijuuKcd in 3.2RH cases Tin vthis mis enough munitions,

,hf * and light nuns to equipfivr battalionsI tiling H the bigteni *rtm

tunl Ihrjt have NlMlr Mwrr HieWrritn rfklllwi brgnn Hirerimn •«<*. they f»llnitlfH therirtu stlna nl n bllltun franc*iltJUO.lHMIl.

I f it in h intelligence hoard!!u iitms were to have boon do.-turned »t Casablanca, Morocco

I afr-r nn Intermediary was l«»i^ii" iht-tn on to the rebel#.\nn.mtnomon! of tho scifnti;

here coincided Willi rt Flenchti*.- urn t iuotit in Algiers thai•^•u»n« ioIh'Is were planningi in-* pouVrful offensive in. tin

»g using Sttvu l weaponsfhr I rrnrh autharMte* refused

It nlfniif> Ihr trlcln of Ihr timsvitrd ihntnl the SlovrnljaAuthorilntivr sourors saul ihr

» manifest hslist Yomon a

t d^tinntioii of the sel/od on

T'w slnp mid iU 30 imumcihoor*rc*t ot them Anu-runns, urn

pmndted to nail today towaul

* * *

Yugoslavskeep Mam(hi Seizure

i t ..MAPI P Vug..* av.a"a n the seizure Noiti •

* ■ «'l»o n<rr ihc of fu wt!'' 'O'irt mentioned H ni i

■ •<v official h t-n

. oopnent on Uie nffao

■" ' n niphimntie Miu .ij,I'un.'h Ambassador '•>a, Vinrcni Mrotistr t

on Vtigoslnv I H p. .'* " »■ V nistrr Mladen I\«s

s !a\. probably t» demand*' »*i atum n! arms h uivi4 • < SlnvemjaNil tuihoriiie* tl Rlieka Mitl^hornlJa baa rtttinrg a fullfii Ihe mcMenl b«( rr-

bs^t It. di»rl««e the mnlrnu■ a» no nut at ;-»n

| ■* •' '' 'hi arms weir \ ug"' 4i . ;,s are fretjunul> u--:* > ovagia and Hunga.'A

' • rxfxirlsI ■ a a.* growing hi u thaij w ia would ptotesi the *i • A.bon && a violation of| "'*• gatjon.


tusliitrii Trviiulsj Nairil Tliiirtaluyi i/*s rtxw iryoula will be*"• urndajr frnrn 7.30-10 00'* ** T-'AtT Rcmm of the UnionI** •"v> only. Thorc MJlerlrdI r'flshion fthow will appear\ th~"* the Union Hn«rd weekI tr' • 3

,'^ ! i»g to Ler Kwai n y ,I !•- *.ng ar . general chair-'it-re have been 23 men

I . husea tor this fashiotI w* ,

1 trJ^ who are going to*;• t^»jld wear heels, skirts•Xi k-. cater*. •*

Wot A '.S' elanshill Film Showt B—it coffee h«>ur will

I * *•' i tadijr M6>| 30 in OldI ***" 'or *'1 nietnbers ofI

t ;■ '■^ and the junior class.J " °' ^ card tak"I i .4* 4" hv* of the home foot-'* s-me* fall term, will be

4 and 3 p.m.

I p, ^ Fflhk, chairman ofI. activities, will be present

I m1!?' meeting to comment onI

Senate Demoerats

I I N.i*. I'lMlt. l.» IMli Ufl vimfmn tlood I'm soptt slud.-tti tlttlimut talks uitli Hrtds

It.'h .iiul Mm- Jitnr \tItilii-otr (l««osso Jr. about llir work Itrlmdour li> Ihr t ttunril for I litisiiait Hoik a I .t iiirrtin* smidtv nulil

*1 iiirt'i'sili t ntlrr boil*

(XrlJ . Italy Itenia•* H

Religious SeriesPt II III IHXON

l i t i miui (I tor i ht, 11.,' U . 11* -.jM.nt.\ II u lipt'OHt«» gaill'ill Ion-, on cotoja: i - s ! * ♦ ii'inp a ft\t tla\ #nos,

' I tuvti-iM I inii'i t..- a 'I'tm l».t'- ..oiinr tin.' I.ti'u!t i th o ip.- ions

\ • -H • •• •'Hi* poiitlrd toil Htil IohI h.ts

to lib Ihr unlxrrsr llir<<| its llr irsprris uhil lie hasp. uie .mil dors liol hfrjk or

dtsli.o it 4i mi j Mine. Ilow •i > ri llr iltHt do fchirtlincii iue» hoi ihrsr ihtitss are i»rr»

Ihr rwtisrnsiis Aliotitg Ihosr |"«nd lor ahead •»! timeronrrrned sifins lo hr lit .1while there 'strong, hr.ilih*.illrml i I t at tnet'lings sindrills air »»o| par tiripabn* lothru lirst aihaltlasr

I v.

. In do


'(•iiiilt'iualiiiiM Tr\N't'inid l.lrrlioii

II . \ o«»:d'l Md• tsiiii'e a t»il| e«-

! <Mb.htni; .i ili p n lit'i nl nf si I ~

• •. • aii.i b«hiiologi titxh'r a■ «•*«• o '« n'd tin i t ! Hit;

i • 111 in... to i iv iii in si i« nee mu-

I.V ,?!.

t h« Nl ' I 'M , • t niliiiils

I; I 1 H -•P i In- ll III' 1*1 14 ll III tho. » .)• (miIiiiinl .Pniig with Ihe

. •t i Si i> ii • h'oirui.iiii.n, the\..ip*!i»i! I tu > *-.iii .1 SlanilrtKls.

, |'.»*i u! i if t n , .Hi I •»!hei• » o ■ • • i .1 - * "I .* .w oepmu

. > ' H 1-1,'ii' i.'t:

til addllioii, llir oirasiirr

would anthorlrr illirrl govern

inriit loins o| .'•*<! million dollarstor st Irnllfli si liol,it ships millRoirrnnient Imiirauee of one Ml*lion dollars ninth «»l prliatrlouts lo rollrgr anil giaduaiesluilrnls

• Mini . * 11 ' "t till* I'll' p( t.VItUf..r osloliliahtng >a'1entlflr m-sr.if h «a idol colhs ling st i-t tin. m.| It. I n.i ai M.f.irm^lM'M

V V, ill I If | ' II I I I p. Ihp!■ id » i ngit -• .rial AI or. 11 I* .

• t • iiultr. w ith '•♦'porolotl• M.i'i .111 ' < mi . i-»||t!| i 'Ot

. H in » .ii: ! tii Mtohip v

V.l .1. 11' f . f.'l '■ 'it I r i

.in > ! • ti • hip . in.;;. I • i I ■ 'lull :. I: ,| p|

■ I Ns| I. I . I l> ll!

1 ' • • .I'll >«.' . I* (MS 11

•'••.* • ii'-i .« '• 111 *i dti* v

l inlri Ihr \|i 4 Irliait Itnmphtit hill loans ni»t lo evereilSI .fin a lear would to* made hrllir gturiumrul lo sludruls oftnoirrriiiR matheniMlli-s an.)ihr pin siral and hmloghal sii-* n. o

slatr NiMH |'h•>!o In I'llio Pimtsicma Nlptia lpih.ii a;"» stionc |r<| ollirr M -I toolii mil ihr tram ou to virtorv in I vgnilnil,

III. Salurdli nulil is Illr S|Milaiis wia|i|»r*l up No ihwrslrili HI 7H *s|iu ) ou |MRi* a.

I If laiiiilirc

Klaiisnirii ('"arc ImlicliucnlFor liiriliiig Maxlou Is lot

. /"

should this Powrr hair an>liraiins oh a I M.rrsi|» sliidrnl *.Nrrnfding in IVilv there is adefinite i onnn lion hrlwrrn ihr4 hrislian ladh and Ihr rdura*lional world

dlt•s-'uhi tit

' on tfi vt .iis'

. a a1- i -• J.I 'I • I « Ho 'l! pi i• ■ i d tu t! 3 pi'I >

.•», .-•? .iiidrrm

I ■>' .»('« i '..ill ■« it I •! i •'

to. Up up « Km ; i i,) ii-',Ua-! lira boi u. i,i

\>lr. MSI"IVtitiouiii*4ISi'ititis TimIiinl'f « • • •

I. M-. •" • ■

Ol ' '-I M II .„l . . • ■ • U

Ma - 11|| . . pun ■ ■ ' .

v.. P. --I >••! Y

'•iM'ts «'<-|io(irs and stalehi!'Mm iv pal 1 oliifu In nl. r up Ihe•ti* iiu ti tin e with leat n«»s andesi ortrd ihr doreu or so ktalismen tr» Ihrtf itntovriiihtfes The• .is pint ■ I out ol Ihr f)rhlv her.- Ihr i ills w is sehrdulril asheof|IIR IllflllllS lllll'l'd II|MI||On hi o ftii shotgun hulls llntitine of llir Klaiisitiru was ndird

.mi M.ii ' ii. It.iph ville- N 11 ,

' I l. • pi III! « i ii Ht t ' till 'A .Pi*'■. ...n'N ..Ml in.' t.-.| ,.lhi l|p*: .1. >!• pi I ail

\ Iwo urrk .riiimial lerm ofMii|ierior eoiirl opens in I iimherIon Mundnv and the snlMtnrsuhl il would he possible lo aWkliidii'linents at thai Irrtn if lielloiiicht neressarv.

I in itlllji i 'i'.l i> .1 .ni . h " a ill. it. N"l til ' aiuliM i, i>lll11■ h.ihip

. 'u • s« «» Iinpi I

up ,It .op i *|.•»«'In ii l'i> tun. •• at.

I lidi a u " a' "t i«I ill 11 'Oil

, . iI ,d .1. d hi .ii I. • I '<Hp i d I 'In lu'ti in . -

! A 11.4

< l'f . . • up.



»h« tnicrio rnf

t Id nultt !-• .it

».) II MM)

f" up

37 v < •

>1 fil 't

» Mil PisUraii. t pa *'he E« v. i r rrwrsl

• '.•idta U.t pas mi nf■ in ? anv inn' s i"

duv-risitu.-.s .did »•'!-'it' pi .salt suoi • # ol

•on in tiie dpin uf •uO'lltlfll <■' i»<i ■


Soiif! (.avali-atlcFralnvt's I arit'ly.ll tail Toaifililru jrti Huntt r ^nd 'C o-.-

.I'l'anr .-sf S. -i 'Nil! ap»-w at;;.r aurtHWium U-mght at R J.' n. thf p:«*raf.: i

I'oroi Jon* ?, mi/to *f'rano. «a^aart-rt -*H HnMrtw»> m 'hen .isival My Darhi. A.da " As>u*i»;>4. with »he R-»»«crt Srw.*'Churaie she ir.a<w three A'ta- i*r;,n Unir* a.Kt an e veti-we■■■ *.tour 'rf F.ui'npi' and the M.dd.e

"Hre gn.hip wt.J cater '■« ma/.vm'uMeal Ur'.ts with a soiuip.-ugram f 'lis !Mh century -Crt nvf bv Mtwrtrvr -ii an t S* j-bert And will hiih!:gtH the :i *fsa f of their pn*r»m with S»r*vmiky s operatic-oratorio. O. t-ito(a Hex *" Mr Hunter ;ya *ta;-cfl this particular selection mai..-ing u*e of the tra.iitiooai Greekmask*.The choral group wm en;-

clude the corurert with songs ofthe American Revolutionary ejaand a tril>u'e to the laic JcronivKern.

•. , • .. *1 < t 0

j , ! , r _ ft .. ! i IPuio'P-Us; . V dig lip". I- pi .>).;*(. vv -.h t l.a in t.u'p t'i« f lid •:»« ')>••

In'i -nr. f'rr-d i» « ' <#uu ; p-.O

t , A', i-wiatiu put the Attr.y



w d! Ip.du e V\«. *i Its »)| s .. !. I > :"l - . • ..

..( Ml MM \J \-I'l M V

I i hr < ! ii •' '

i >. «i.' gi nit' ; ! ■ ■ ■■.;•

r. . ••

Pl-lkl >4 1 • ' ' *12 III ifo* Itruift • ' ' • •

,i! ■ p. 'a ■ U" ■. . I P '

l»»l#t is *'' «»*' t' I! * . I Id f' 1Ton AJp.o to,.I*. ♦" 1« !"filial «t«l • A! . a • I. .IVrstWiai.* s appp.irufd'i-. pit

ipjl ill u 1 . I"' ♦ ,r'u ■*-aie ttiv 'juoiit •** Aiu'ir jir.g * i ; t •• im «<1Advisi.'- ..f l eaf h.Mi I.

Morui Hoard ..n.i :*s)=.»,'.P:men's , pan •" "f *i"1'"hpirt, vsiil .<» jU-'fge-.v withf.n-li ts OP . .. uusiUta li'ipnvi.H

Iin il s (.nirralSlum* (.rrnuinI! II -1 I

* N. ' . Id ft,of 111 • ..

■ .. pa, k i >| Ii. nl.\ r..v » . . i..p to d hi 11V, i ' . ,.f I . I' ..

■ "• tK'tl .III • "IU

. !««p do'. . • lull i|i.til f .a '■

> tut* Ml u,',tibi"I fl'l ill I. .»•»*! » I .»» t UOVI

:A. ;• *, • *• .d 'i 'rt!

%P. A 1. • ,'c-t b,.I'l flMJ.M* 1 ' 114 I'm

•" M .MM .•lit .md ; •

ii- , '■ <% !?.. i,ft; '.f Km. '•

i. i A . 1 14. !*' UP *I . 4 r The um ''t'.NI ■ 14* . f> rr . ll- ' :

' 4 "i //iu gforty ci •* '

Drbairns II inIn (irumlSImn

. p v.di.i do . -,! On ' M||.» Mo'f■ > • fluff' I tlO'ia I 'i I rhn. n.4 '"in —

p ,. ■! v ,P .lit O! dial ildtlvp!d " lip i i ' I ll.t 'to!., fur

IncreaseSeek HikeIII MissileProduction

Say Mttsl KeepS \< \ F.ffirit'ttryWASH IMi'Tt >N' « l|» Sim

iifi' IhmtocTtit i in' imrkutf.imp ti ili'li'ti p biitlihip pro

pram t Hilt inuilil .ulil a - m'irltai two billion dollars lo Himiti'W miltlarv futids rmpn-slI'll b\ I't'dsjili'Ml I'dsl'ldloWi'l'.Si'll .lark soli (I) Wo-Ii i old i

pi opus.-.1 MIlKll' porkop." filli» i♦llll'lll to till* th f.dia ippioptiatloipi lull pi*> v ill • .11 I "1114*11'lpU'd pi'tallli I loM "I lot."range bmnhei*-. .1and range in< i!<Hie N.o n ' i iiu lei " it. i fiiail p..till If. mi lie olid Hie pi . lol d..i.oi iiii" tu hum. ii it.larkMilt • jtul Itu pi op., .u.

tluW Ml Itu lol in.dp • '.age ti .

yet to lip rleaieit try I rinriijerMt >l. o.hd '. Hill tie kill if .«»?i •-«

itit-nt i'. ia a. lied tin on m i • I

appi "pi i.dioii. rill i aidoil) i *. !•■•nioie Iliiift a lilllioti doll.ii andmay mil on to I'u. l.iilioM dot

the |iin|u>srit tmeiiilmrnt i|iparrutlv rrtlrrls stnuig Hmuorr iltf hrlti f • | isfiihuw rrtint nut isk fur stiffh-irnt I unit,ill his M.MdtlMHUMHI rri|iirs| f..|I'lnrraruev mmirv or hi* vp»NIMMMMI IMM) lli'frlisr hllltl*i*l furllir llsral yr.«r hrgliilliiig lull IJo* k on. ,-f i.•• ii.I., i d ip.

Sennit* Armed '.emu. iou...dtie, etnpliani/i d 'tie tV*ii.«o i ,d i.(iro|io».ii| will i.e dlrerfed too n tinakiliM fund ' iivoilnhle f«u luiutl.illge inililotv pi ogi .nil' . at hi IHum for on int. i .

||. . JO'II.Iltill. . -Old H|.. . pi O

griuiimrd bv H>. odmiit lial.uii« Mil of Hi. uImi . |p . on

1 Itu t. In- ipp' .il. 'l ti p •taillli ii 11» mo. ...In n p p 'v "Illd I'l Ml Hi > p tollg > IIIRItio.iilo i • to. On Sf I d. 'M. N .

1 oiu.tiaiid f *i.\i ' . ioIIiiij; .it Hi.pi toiiii lion Hip* . t.iiv in 11-,■ m lieilig pi a h ' ti <|Nrns Sviiiillgliui 'It Mui and

Nlrnnls 1 ll Miss, soul iu sr|»nr-nIr interviews lliev have lieeumerunt merit bv lestimmiv iiefurethe •senate I'rriMrerliiess Nuh-i iiuimtltee that N %4 must tie'ke|»l at 4 high level uf effirieirrvfu mitnbiu I s retalUturyjurwer until missiles are lullv• •I'l l oliuual.'ill HHP . in . tu.i, (u.p , .1 ' hellllO.IMtiilll-l on! ijf p ; 111. . -

i di d .tr a i ihr p. oHint tin l>iiie «• ft'po.'M irttd'O • ii • • id do a ii •<..» • ..put on

piofp.4 Hop 1,1 j,. , , .(11 -.of Opt inilxlli 'I'. 4. r||i':-.:!i (l V I !

i *i-i|il *i.4 oImp

- piei id -

Tile, ami t •(. "io oki »miiij to -uk >tl . ..

•or mniidi loin, r i■ ■>.. ,

! Mu ' pi aid

S> rrong'oe aid Hud *■■>> • ,.m• f 'tie rpri • •• ...tin ..p. ,

• ' he- i'l • i »* ? pi ...if ion "i ■

iioHiil.g troilid in tit a.* '•> w-.ikii SA<

I think (mi *i.i r<1 f i, •

ytrrt *f have «•<» «» s-i mia.'

\b i


rde.fdi' i Hie


01 d '

. nod

,|*llo|» Feature* Morrow, Winding

It's two Bands for One at the Taj Mahal

at ilMi ii'O' Ian-pig fir t -

afftrn ■ I .' A ' p »

!'<»!•*» H*igh!' iuiuui md fre.di (.j. . ' fip'r Uf ga'ivv.he M, < .nltr. <ii IhI jae.ilp.. ♦ mmii n ihr C'.ilUu* "f•> • innate.ii Art', u. diie«tord< tndr o'i'i u • 'linpatpi tl VtW

Ttif .i» »S J-Hop •' Irt-Urr Shartil "2 f'.'T I so!rIi a;'! sjurthtftd rw4 }u#t one.

bu: t*o mtTcirn: natiorirtllv-k*w»wn r?-;ui<-ai en-<*rr.btrs dueins IT> vwo "right sUbd. Fto.7 aral 8,The -'.-'on fesdurf of the eve;>-

i.-C a-i iie The H.g Ih*al r.(I "It:; Momw a.'Wi ha ffltrh-eftrn.An o-Virsi nura'-tion wdl br

llir interm;.--.on npfenranee ofHat V*,..rfetjng *nd he* Srptet.Mori "a . w ho pra-*-idrd ov er

the SpiMstrr Sp*n twt> yean ago,i> noted for hi* recording work,especial' y hi* hit number»,• N*ight Tirt*n" «ivl "Orie Mir4Julc.p.".He received hn iur"y orchci-Ua UwiujJi Rum tKiuw of "tire

top* ranking Icoder# in the fic'ai.A-> r*\u thwn wire Falrty Duehi/i«Pau! Whitman and Jhnmy D«p»•c-v

n> IS'wt he had #ignetl wdhfit*A VioW and was o-r hi# waytv» roc*»rrtt?vtf »r»d Ufuring fame.Morrow's nppearan«TH ore

i' •• «*4*fi for the variety of muaiealfoiniR he promt?, includ«"4I' s o and. rtrvtftm and b!wvfi'sMr^n' Hell, and jan.

inijnntant lo fi.r couple*attending the Hop will be. hr*

f»n (tameable rhythm*K.ii ha* ccmftstenlly b»'rn

a ? >».rg the top three trmnboidst*e l!»47, according t^i annual

polU by the Downbeat andy.!. 'fon-nneTnite M'»nw, he was »•««*•:'-

u;od with some uf the gri.aU

early »fi he tuner, |w«Tb«-ularlyStan Kerib.n, IV thaxlmiinand Gerry Mulligan.fh lft$4 br ba.p'M vdh un-

othcr trufi'iicmijd.. J f J.rlinMKilo form tin* J A K <eunt<*4Within a vf .»i Midforyonip a- . .

TaggTTSrsfsA K -p tire m'*H wuie*.Jy rwordei dui in ja/v h!#v»ry,aid "The Tnrtntyme Seun-t'*was wri' e.*tabliidied

• fVec.rntS K.o vorkmg w dhhi* own group, w-bleh incJwrie*ftaif tptrmbmf • -ir.d, ihrre rhy¬thm pieces, all combining toproJuci* "The Trornb»me Sound"a; As peak.J-Hhp ticket f wg»n Tr-

<ft.y for ail (jua'dU'd juiuoii.1,13 p.m., jyeeoi'id floor Union,OcnoiSil sa'fv v. ;U h«- hcMi M-ll a.m. uii Wixmubday.

After Wit m; date* the l.w kef*.•a f.u ♦» are at it>. will <«?

ai the Union ticket of lice.


| »u ' 'udson.d inter.*fl-;;.ii!f dpl.ute uiijr'rt 1 . Ke-

...:vr<i that ti»; requirement of»?>< uitH rsFup in a labor organi-/.dp»n ,i ,omtdi"M "I inploy-rnrrd viinuhi be illegal "I* «.!»* Hu* firnt time in th*j hi»-

b>ry of thr Ohio State tourna¬ment that one team made *u< k areto»d and the four-man *qui*dwas given an ovution by theaudience Taking part in thetournament were JR collegesand universd;r-. from ih state -

Kentucky Ohio. Indiani, WotVirginia, Illinois aitd Michigan.The Michigan StJde University

dgbktcrs php ed third in o>mpe-t.bon for the swewpsfakr#" :r*>--phv. missing first place by onlyfour point#.An eight-man squad Ie£>ve«

Friday. Jan 24, for Muaeio. Ind ,f". n tournament at Ball StateCoiicgc.

SAC and, in put nl! of oui14 nam e mi rn..uil. • '

Taylor Setl or A» Vi'orklb! ff, Tipiur, U'rrtvcr»-ttv >t

Wlimnng duecbir >»f irvfosvn.i-tHii» and agriculturai lyidor. ha#t.'iii fi.iM.4-d t(i Uh- -rt.ifT of if-.*Nahmr-p f'r4.)4*»t p. AgruuhuralC'ooimunica'uMpi I VPAC I here,Tayioi {» ,» journ,< c>ii. grad-

iuilc of the Univrrnt'y nf Miv<-riiri ajwi w n.< orr etiitorial i.tah#uf New Mexico A A M Coiirgeuqd t*hio State Uiivmity I*-foic going to tire University ofWyoming.At NT'AC. Taylor will direct

th»> devekipirirtit »f trainingnmrMs in writing and vi>u.tlaid* for cooperalivr ex'.enMoril»cr*.4»finel Tho projevt. whirhoperate under a grant from theKellogg Foundation, seek* tonnpixrvv ttrc akaltty nt cxtrnuionorkerx to communicate infot-

n atipn to fann purple and thusshorten the time it take* for an

improved pinctict to rmch farmpvoplo after laboratory develop-lUCfli. '

■V '.Hi



Michigan State News*V I' tin* tW'M>«ulil ill i\ r .4

u- utmofMii..I Dull Pn

tsii\ ..r mi i'IllllMfl* of lift1'iiiil»!r hewrett I In,.i irom intitule**. fitter,'tdlriiMte

!• -V •

M i u? I

ttve in

m,«cc tigOn* i»»i«

Agriculture. r»tortbr»by W s»'i Slivt ' nn-n. »

is*• Ik** Corpvtotixx.fnMkxial men . *

W ith i'V \ O t mom •.

on thv-c A»hi*»»rv U ;»r

?*r> of A11 ii uituiv • .

the farm j*>W> Uvtuv1* tiivi 'Mi i I t h:*nbN -C Of 4 tht \x '• bebihfx

ht*\ ii »t their weight felt* • - v. \\<«n%i«r that the S«vroi k s-ivh a'! HUxiUhjiuUP b'b Before

•* fiiiri,,. • t.< the farmer, it will• v'a.n t*j»!VM\n?i*th>n in the farmi*a;' i . '» v-.-night economic *!.i-

UIO>V1 Si* kt kH-*\ .

4 Sr.*:. h» Sr...;pfKt»

12 lr\?\Hk*..r.r*o- • e »• ■

!> bt i* -.*(


it Starv r«4»:s Fretted:: w*r<s -71 S.-W!!r- -J:♦ «4.,e»» ite>* *


A:P> i

*. 1 1

>4 W '-."a.?. ■: ? f>-.- at. .-.n

4* v »*«,' v

34 Ta :.-.g

37 Pttvt,iHM

4s* He awept*Me

4 5 rru vKirtJ-/'42 Repeat*4? r.rvh a!

e t lTT >■»'»>■» !

•'DOi'ilMeel'/Vk*i V< oy'o'i N 4 r'tU 'lVaMrVft'l * tMA t «VsTBP|oVw R O

lf't R A NVLVH!•». ItWTml

vilmion |« tridn i

4A lb»U>r>c*lper sod

4? W»i -IjvwJ5, -StMuw-n. ISi Nat « ot

IH1W Nt SpO<)«Ni

o : }\ !fUh 3 Meddler

T" i " J* r - T- *5 '

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1 *7f"l•e

1 ! 1g ii

4 CoOifdf5 Cirv>t6 rim7 MinorUflfl) ofpeeri OVAT anditwe

9 MrUlu rt*cddurst , n

It OvuleIt IV*erv*>0 Weapon2 J Tom:: fu!:or":s wjjaruTna'j

13 Rude hull24. For fa*-*72 SuMXdft,"f l.A'ct defn Dry3X Kindlf•4 Solo't F*pk>iSe

FVe*ente434 Hartr.frrlimd

'3 Teru v4 Birttr forJMiRft

42 Aflemooarepe>t

44 Bsur.rirr44 Spru* "

The Hard Way Inforninlion Pillr by MSI"* 73.004 student* mid FaeultyTin- Mu'-Kjo si ar Nrui i« la studenl-. Milholil ill reel f<> •

llll.l «m»ri \ '«li»M I' a ""I "In. tttl ' ** ' " "* " *• uuiriil I«.hIi l»ut wliitr *nrKHi|! lo *=•

■ tr oM lo ImIiH* mi* luoir «livi,In ii. whrthei M ii«n»r« from wllhiii 'Sir MIUM «'i Ihi" A»»iH*mtrd 1'inw I'*'| -r i Aim.h i.iiiiin .mil Avsfi.ili'd C.'llrKf 1'ir**

\ »1 i<i. So. US Stonrlnv. Jimimrv 20. IMS I'm'1' Two

• Editorial.* •

Ezra's ProblemsCome From InsidePoor K/f»! Kit tioiiili n iiumlli our Sii'ivtiil-.v of Al'l'i-

cnllim' hml m.'iiuiri'il I tin- WaMtiinirlon .loirhoiHo,|jy iloiop <o. ho hii.l all.' i-olitii|iiishiil hi" t it If of "most "H-jmpulai' man on l'a|'il»'l Hill" lo hi" Statu IVpartmontcoiiPtotpait. 'h 11 Koslor llulloa.Cut aftut Kriiiay'." |ii'ifol tnatioo. ohen ho apponroil hoforo

Sou Alio a Klli'iulor'" Aorionltiiro anil Korostiy t'ntnmittoo.K.roa Taft ItouJoii look" like a "liro hot to riH'laito hi" ilti-hi«»us hotint'sKllrttilrr. ;i 1 .ouisirina Ivniivnit. showmt no mcrcv us he

lneeil" tin- |ten*ott fH»lit■> \\ hen he hml fitiishetl, nary al»uve . f K/lii's pie-in the >Kv proirram remain nnmolestetl.The M jwiint- plan, the surplus, the H»57 prospects, the>ear-lo tear conipit-rative statistics - all t:iH*eivetl a thor-«»neh i*<'iio' »'lor.

AHer ohservinr . Itensonistn in practice for the pastfive years, we ask one ijties-tion. N Itenson. who's statioiunl in what must heculled the Cahinet hot sjs»tjmsition. capable of earryinyout .*» satisfactory farm pro¬gram ?After h e a r i n y Charles

Itrannan. leyal council to theNational Farmers' t'nionatnl his sidekick, WesleyMcCune. author of "Who'sBehind the Farm |#olic>rii<cussin»r the situation he-fore ;i croup of .MSI Agri¬cultural »H'om.»mistv Fridayluyld. one would alim»sth.iM- to .s.i\ tin* answer is

l/Rt 111 I I1I3MW \|l

Itrannan. you may rememK r w.c. Inmsrlf of A enculture twin B*1S t.« l!».Yi, ami as a tm iula i of "the I'ru-tnati cany" won no |*«»ptil:ttit> awards for hi< controversial* Itranrtan plan"While Brannan made m> outricht attempt to «)tiestion

Be it son s |*e rsoual motives 41* rhaps out of remembrancet his own datk «la> » tin « harht's woiit*.. "I would have

UhUi nm ;d ! office, it d hadn't U'en for that wonderfulman trom Indeo* Ttden» e "». he did euest iou seriously F 'ra'-}o;u I, " ■ e the surplus al t IteViUle price -upj^rtIf Brannan w.e- m«Hlerate m anv ciitui>m of his mic

ce«*» r. hi« former press ay»*nt. We* .McCune, was notI'hourh more suited to loumahsrn than ayricultural tvo

tU'Utn s when he first worked with Bratmau. after followinyever* word that lira lias uttered (inline the BeliscUl recime. \t»a une nu»v l*e rrcatded as somethmc of an expertor the p?«• t poiicv \- hetmHTatic parti Worker. MeCan m.iv v >f have lna n rv.uili impartial in his comivI' d h« *»\ ei th,« h •. raided some ir.teivstmy |H»intsBells'- s v e-t mist.iki M. I life so ;f. has U-eM

t«- s.irrouml t>uu*» t with businessmen rather than farm\ con oi at ion • f tl e tw > w.-.C 1 !-i jHTtni-s^bie,

.. d. Vnd this never hapfa-f -p 1 t.o • ..ciand r.i iuitea 1, for instance, is

: 1.0 k« • s ..• thiei insnra'H'e men Andis jet isolated It, ranks f the Ihpartment «-f•••. :uc»Ttbny ' Mvi une. aie Urce.v representedStreet no n. diiavfoio * hoUimy companies and

lidnstriahsts and some pro*

lor Mistakes (Ian Ite Busily

File Your Tax Returns Earlyil lllTOR V NOII this I* the

first in * series of eicbt storiesen nun ituome lax. ileslcttei! losave you time ami money in lit1 lie rout return on P>.">7 inromrt In* antl me etch of the rlilitarthtes for ready re Iereore yyheny»»u bet in (ahulalinc your Uv 1

n< <i. s iitiin vriii n%|* Neyyleatures Wrilri

Diere's It - to,- t >if.»; *• m \ 1'Htfei It's ttvat time .uj.unWhen t'lwle Sun e*|sx*ts .*)! Ins

untku ii iinw't an.t iiif lra J:., t|i. : * .li.s- , tax I.

tul f'.»l'h.» yej.Uif. pill uf.liS nil

liiith? nt Vuesilas. April J.« lt«<we\ ; 1T vi'u have i lefulvt von

iiik ivhl'• aie 1 tie "ii,r you fde>.'pi u l.iin the sihUH i

net voui imtiii K\Vn »t y,ni owet'li. 'e more than he > a'reaOst.«K, 1 it* wise to ml *1.0l»utu X Floe who wait villi, the»a>t mmu't .be m.-ir apt tomake mistakes af.t i >stake* a*v

the Intel Hevenuee -le itletl thai the publicIssMt mven eiuuii'h warn-

• the iteails mvolveit, so

1 t» .1 xon .e e not |e<|titieU;he new liny A later ;»r-

a UJ • xplne. this new line• tesojneU fo.

lU'loy e I |«eison hut it at'plies *tolhri t ikpaxAM stid have income t o nit' th.



• »l tax ttiatHun th.

tint» la-

■Heil«er 11 roup?

Tinw Bomb-Bv MFI. llFITF.It-

rty ■ \

all for vnstlv yrenter federalicrifie* in our livmy standanl

• VF.i ♦to


iiMci men! attitmlV torat ng slow > -rvn i! '. • e- ti

■ • isn't tine th.o Prude *>..:•aft* all m\x n.k-nex an! th,-1 ' eff o x K«-x :■♦ only

en s that wax •Millions Krlundrd

\ tiiaU.i. I he lax ,aw* pn y oeW ax If! XV til, h \ Oi,

e th ox, -timent an• ..»' l-i'h Tie lax c,y(1rvt«>r« in-

*i • th,'x xv ,1 t »«hi what * ,H»«

a' : not a cent nun* Tlu-y prov-to Tat 'act xem h% refu'wt:n«miiii-'l;* « t dollars to *utp :se tlaxpa'fic who (*a t made are.

it- •- mistaken n f-(.t ' , .

. This «,-■ i\ss .1? a: ti. lex is de

x.c'.mM pi .'»xanH to help the x ,*I ".if > f Ame 1 .an- w » deal. !•",*'x sy.tfi the yfeverhme* I on

tax,* So*. I of >a O »* ar, t• dur o-,»; ls»5?

Mho Mu»t Tile

t! vow are m der fiS and hadan ino *"f I'fev- n? e , iv- dur -

n« 144". vets must file a return,rrfa, Oca* ef whether at;, taxi* due If >shj are 45 or iver,x-Hi must fS'e if y,mir jri>cx tn-iW'f vat $t.?04 ,-r more

tr mconte w a« txrlow*these minimum*, vou doflft oweany tax Jy- .1 vour employeror eciph xei« withheld «nx Urmdurmt the .mi you mutt filea mturn In nHn • ret a refundYou ;-«n fill - t your form

and mad! It in iu«t #<1 *»*nn .**

your erunjover for empleeer*. ifen 1 wnrVed for m in> t^wn one

the vear > nrovkfet y<>uw ith his record at htm much ecu""r tx*id and hex* much «u

deductadl for taxe* daring the♦ fxr in'orma'- n » •" rvex- toxr»u cxn fhrn W? and a eooyfx»v ID of thi* f-»rm rruo b»*attaches! to your rvt.vrn whenyon fIV-it.There have htn rv- rea^or

chttnee* in the tax law# since

lavt year. There has been or.lvone major chance in the form1044 — the udditi'xe ef a line onthe finu pare for the listin* eftravel and reimbursed expense*,etc.However, after the forms were

oil* |„»tefitiacxjwndituti ". athl cnormouis likewise Mt'iuida! v

These are judcn»cnt> t«> debate once the finding*are released, thev max turn »uit to le not a* clear 115 ru¬mor (mint* them there t* uothinp infallible ahuit the authorxi of the reportWhat strikes me a* the most frichteninc aspect nixuit

the diH-ument »s it> allecexl implicativin that the only surett.iv to catch up with the Soviets in the mad race for de¬structive powrr 1* to attack them fir«t in the ht»|H» of de-stroyitnr thetn Tefore l.hey destroy u<

ASH>F FKHM TIIK TOW FRINB question of moralityinvoiviki. and beyond the fact that such madness rnivrhtwed bail to our own construction as a nation, if not «»ur

annihilation a* a people, there is this to-ponder: What ifthe KU.s-Mans Iwlieve the rumor*

How would we react if w. heanl that a "secret" studybv hiyh Kusvian leavlers en tain,si even a vague inferencethat a preventive war i- preferable to an unfavorable stale¬mate *

The longer the Gaither re(»ort remains wrapped in offi¬cial silence, the more the Bussian# may b«»ein to wonder Ifwe are really plotting a sudden, undeclared onslaught. Giv¬en their dark imaginations, the prospect ts not one to treatlightly.In their case, moreover, moral compunctions are, from

the record, unlikely to le inhibition. Once thev convincethemselves our leadership is seriously contemplating sucha course, what is to prevent them frixm taking it first?The "Balance of terror" could thus be upset overnight

bv a fatal Kremlin misreading of the news about the Gai¬ther study. For this reason, if for no other, the Gaither re¬port should ta released at once, acecmpanievl by a vigorousdeclaration from the President that the U.S..will underno circumstances undertake a "preventive" war.

HTR IIAVR NO 1K)1'BT this Is President Eisenhower'sposition: we dare not let the world have any doubt aboutit, or tolerate any uncertainty as to whether he is in fullcommand on this issue. Too many men in too many placeshave already placed this grim construction on the story.Unless the whispers are ended, the report will turn Into

a time bomb, its fateful ticking more ominous each day.And the tighter the Administration's rtpprossion of thestory, the faster it will tick.

4At many crucial moments the President has been silent

when his voice needed to be heard; rarely was there a timeas crucial as this.

This Week on Campus

ItlS to i'ovcj thr Uiffrrrnn*•'txxix'ti thv rxtim.itiM total t.i\! . .k i t th. .tiimutil |Mid through

. hh.i|itiflgv'!»•■ i ll-.) U to k»M-,» tAXprtvs'f*

t |UX II* haul*It xou fin.I !at» ' that v«»u hwv

I'lilvrrxtiiiiatPtt voui lax. x,.ur<•.,1 ,»»♦ * Ills off its* «an toll v,hi

.x l fits* ar aM's iotixl itecla• •

\m«i vim g»'t your fa«t* amiikMiir* logi-'.fn*! oli )iHit 1W37 Hi•tin ifxi tlung to decidexxlkirh of thf vmious foim*k . Thai xx il! Is tl\«' sublvi t

• ! ik IH*Xl .111It'll-


s p 111. ;»1 Union4 III ATM. FOR(TlltlsriAN WORK

. 1 :fi» pan . Union IlallrooniTPFKMAY

At.PllA PI SMIMAV p in . Quonsot I

PKOMtA'AIIKRS!''xerutivt» lloaixt Moetinrt

• 7 pin. W.oinen'x I'SymYIHA'II kRPl'BI K ANS I I I It

t) 30 p.m. Old Culler Hal)I VFttORRICN WIVCfllI ORKSTRY HTI'MKVrMlVIM Cl.t'N

» p.m . Forestry CabinMKV WOMEN'S ITAC'INM


TEAM4 pin . Women's (#,vm


7 la pin. IVoplin Chu'ehChapel

KAPPA PHI C.ROI PH p in . 4:* Union

It %l»MINTON CU »tR 30 pin, Women's fJvm


H 3d p ni. UnionFORESTRY rLI'll

7 30 p.m.. Forestry CabinWKUNESIIAV

PRMMENAMERS7 p.m., Women's flxm


7 30 p in . Forxxitrv CabinFNHINKERINU CMI NCII

7 pm. Heading lh«»mOUt* Hall

A I.Pll A ifFTA713 p.m.. I2t Anthony

FINANCE (T i ll7 30 p tn . 31) Union

MEMMEAY'S7 . 33 Union

PI SIMMA EFSIMINii 30 p m . Unixm I'irl.M .


IlkMlO0 4a pm. WotiuMi'*. (IxmFntin* gixrup7 15 pm. Wiwnen' f»yiri


I . Cinninttfre M e 1* I i n «|tiM»n. 31*I loor. Student Set.viem

PRK-YFT Cl.CH7 30 p m.. Bllttier

t IRCl.i: KOpen Kuril Smoker7 p m., Union l*o loi A



7 p.m . 32 UnionFRIDAY


0 30 pin.. IVnples Church'MvlaJ hall


10 am. Bethel ManorSUNDAY


f» am . College lhm*e


WAFTIMOHK «d*v An,Jtitehle, 50, brought into p,Court on a ill link ehnu;.n Uevt why he didn't hi.,home.KlUhie impntielitly t„i,i

i' tiafe dailies F. F.mseen l ■

out lid* chatter and get ,h ,

husiners." Fatvuxm ei»ini,ipuekly by sayitiR, "."o

Mi,-lii|CHii Slut,, ix,, lisI*iih|ii4i*tf on rfen nav(

throufti Prldav Im-luaivr. .iMri, .. . ,!■winter and nirln« frrn,«Xoll'tax • wrrVIv diirltir .

Thr AwMirlal«<1 Trr«« i.ex, lualv#ly #0 the u«r for t . ■ration of «U the tornl tir,„ ,

In ttlta new •neper u \,r|| ,A P Nrw» OlaiiatrlieaMatt ritiwrlntlona fXAVaHc

vante. f«i| one term $:• f,,, ,trnna 49 90. f«»r tlirre trri*<« «nxer term end one ,«|ie«|nlI*«ue hetwern aiimmer >

lerma Itiiteirsi ex aciund »-l,, •

ter under e<"t «•( Ver. Ii .1 p ,

pi«i nfflix Ea 1 ,'hiik m„.k

Niplit StaffSir til Kdlliit lo I,V*%'l \lahi litltm lulki, ,X n ki All XI III nun It,,.1

1 114kW lie I rttliO 1.1M«hl *1-11 III ViltMik.l .• Hear**

Or' Awl As ; >v.^ - 7bA C A. I *'v -. - * '

v.y ^

' jfe.' -

ki"A A M:: J vk _ "vEXftrv.: EIATHCRS

^3"°-^ro. <:

Campus ClassifiedsKl) 2-1511 Kxi. 261."i

Deadline 1 P. M. Everyday

SUte Nrwx lilllor ln t hirf

Till: Ml I'll IMSCI SSI'.B but still "To|»-*ecret" Gaitherf<*(H»rt 1 rapidly biitnmc up explosive (rower behind theM bite Hoipc curtain that hide* i!. Unless it i* releasisl. and-H'i , the price of suppression tnnv far outweigh any dam-

1 ■ ful! public dp-pin) villi! (nissjtilx create

1 hat the re(H»it max i nk the nation with alarming dis-ilo-mre* aU»:it our defen.x*- (k -itioii is not its most danger

jo That it max


- 4*y ....... tOc14*1* $1.00I day, fl.M4 day, $1.50- $1.56


dc p*> 4*1..II.,, dWH 16c


line* Hire II l» lake lie* and tr*«..ii«i,U (trued fhowe Ct> 3-41 II*

|i»V. «;rSTNAL tlOPORTRAttJCN11 I eel Tloee-ikier* belh Sell• liaai iv n-Msj

HAIIV felTTIMi XlWilliharretW* .Omrtrren! ►*'!« »

olivine leetiiil»* ,x tAtolone t 1 •


r»«axTTHri» si nrasAKn u.rOI rdirliir (rained 19 m<kiilh< ,»|dI'ltitne | l» | .V»k2 l-elor* imr urn ,,rafter ^ *' •• ipx

MilDU s W ANtiftottt loMV XIS.1 ex«e*. ,.k«i C<*>d , >nditiitn

M'ovom n ,4*t veil PhikM ri» l-jee*

1VPINC. INevi»!.en»e Phni IV

AUTOMOTIVEHi" IM X Mi *< '1 11

I S.irri 1 !,*»■ (VitliM 1 T



j ihxi r«»Ki> MAiMivr ciigerj mi 1a* k»»Ur« r*ieUetii .v>ml»$r»ir» #>»»I id* Ail>erl Avrntie tietiind 1.„.<•••I f|l I-W1I II#

est man cue ..«,$^ i*w m,.

j t»»t itUi - heat*4 t<>r>l->n>ati,' li o»«-I n'»a* Hr,»-,kii*'-lr |V 4 l«J? 4fnj three III

; MM IhXNTlAi C ATA I IN A t.»f *ale; b» j'*net \3~.v at1n»1 intlee F.illvj rvixi)b$ied full ix»e*e,1 excellent'j o-ndttton !»,• lunr «"ld ivuev IV-;j5-*»r» 1 IP

VH» mVVtOfTH RADIO heaieirv.ellenl n>< lot (i --1 l'an«p,.ri«.

j t4,*R |?S Pli<t§e.. IV...1-1049, r*r>kinf«

I l«Sl CHPVROI l:T RADIO healerfit* KtmUrl |i*k«i» Jurrirli IX

; » *'4.1 afiei *.v p m 11w

Employmenti I.Anir.H TO WORK |«rl-dmr «lPKftV |»l»rv fi»r »h...jH>er «hv>*« Phone

i T" > 4NW •••


itent* «,r emnl- ved ir e- Ten him k<enlieer IXi-are Hi f-4>#n# after

i A- i> it, «.r airy lime »>n *reken.»«4L3 t1r, *e |X1

OKK-ItAI I DOl'RLJt r.ann (inpl*»»x i- Nuelv fn*n4ahed ^.i e( Nl»nenltl A\ em.-e »T> J 4(47 IR

pr.Xt CXH1P VACANCY Maledent* fdim.e Fl> t-S4A.x ] |«

ONr IIAI $ tRK'Bir TwoM«rV« t""\ t"»,nn a-d IX. • hr■ #X• eekl* Ph.>».e |"D J-feUi I la

knotty rrriAR - PAsn.t.rnUr#» Shore *ith man *r»d-•.late otudent Private entrarxe park-t»e •»•*!-» *e"i-nr.\*ie h»(S fi.n-»x4*t Olen ,»r Daxe TO 5 VCU aper«n p m $•


•<rt a TV !.*♦ • tfc c>pt>u* N- hj»-S—* affl.) v$ '4


Ope* e»try titn.rq t J tea p •*

W3IOU»AtX M V A T S POURmonths locker rent risen (*r* with•4* minimum order All meat guar-• "'eed Terma Rem*er rood lorkerxflflf Aureltua Rood Holt OX 4-3M1



erllent .xmdit.on M>< Phone VtVTdW* nt

NEW PENDLETON REVERSIBLEplant skirl ore it Men's new Nar-r'« t*eed $4«poaat. sire M PhoneED I WW ,l9

MIDNIGHT BLUE TUXEDO T>n*Martin akvle art L>np CMmhrrhundtie. MMfiendeex studs link* shirtIS', . 34 $.» Ph"ne IV arte-M* pm l'.|

STAINLESS STEEL WATER *nfV—e-x Hner-.l dl*rrnmt to Mil*sUfT fend faculty Phone TV 4-4144

DCUORATRD fAKM DDLATRCDm rem fete parhea M*«Mays Man*Mhee deUrtmi* pjtstnea K«

1#M EDITION ENCYCLOPEDIAAmericana 30 volumes t**ed txramonth# Inquire 11R Apartment-!Spartan Villfege ui

IHHH PORTABLE POUB-apeadrecord (slayer and radio eoenbma-toon, four month# old E>cedent con-

1MB Apartment-I.114

tUWBAKp AND W tr? .,f none*Orhnnl *r- l.t ie ? I anwe

, home Take rharce t*h,|e naree'sa*-a> t. r f-ur *e-k» Tor »<*•

•v.kk4»n.ent and utter* »t* pn«.ne f\*.; III

MODERN R'XIMk POD rent «n-erklr l?l? ? Grand B.xrr ED

Tree parkin# jji

ATTENTION XtEN FOUR "roomI m.vern-*« »—k*oved ••-a-'.-ant *,thI la e* livinr-,v rr, t rer ;»«e $%*n-hedrwrn i-n* »te h«th e^»h er*li nr.vale One Mnek f-om Rer-

I Xet Hal! »*h,me ?D S-J104 lP»

I ON? SINGLE" RAOM"* anp-n*edh.vma Cn—r-tr'ahl*. f-irni«hed out**I «l*»«.n( IVw*rd Sf> Alter! ?D-

|_ iio

J VACANCV «rrAR^IVG r?nRo.XRV 1« WVU #urrn«hed rrw-in »-»•--»!» i-«le h-oih*-,** #r*i-

I •♦.** ReascmaMe price Phone IV-'• xm \&


*"W»act lame* Baumm ED t-IHTl !J4

COMVfNiiNT'TO CAMPUS• loratrd «e-.t# t'ujr Ma'T Co.rt

F'axirv tiep M Ct-trr• F*r« m U-« « l-oef 0$• On» are eedrr Aa»a*i ke«rs

♦ #m.4#pm Mi- Tw^n f--f t m. -1 ».m W*d SiL.WJRam M. Niapm, J*«$lp»?>*$« awa^t*

sahafpcSoa o-i-cbtf(V HTR

rot'R MILLION I'AH Iborn in 147' Hundred* w : 'net* lit the Ytf» I. »- 1Hie new I n ation «•! M. k♦ e'ilr«l *lei tj, tor>u • • *drlr Xtai.h 31 N«> rnl't '«•e"trtir*|f xwir t'r.t I I Xreive une .1%" rv.<il -*'Hj-ii ,i■ .»»klk*4ic.n One » •

he vhiMen a* ft-*' i>i • <

J3-er» mil he ten h ..linn* ui nitre* i i >

hntM,r-*hle tfieulh'ii* »

fHkUnieal la'rt l'i •

idi.d'.i.j H,e Tim* Tut* i >S'.idl' * P ll f-4144

441 Ml LI ION r«?N»IIWfxwmntf hut I* C»rr»a i -••nlulelv flfht when " • iPlaxteiv* ' tu l-:«44


Capdai CN? Airped

TYPING T?RM PAI KH'retK»r*s Eener1l> done Rr?D ?-«*43 Keep thi* n«ture use

NO PABULOUH CLAIM <f«**d muatc experienk-e H •er Ciwnbn A Rand DeW " 1

SEWING ALTEBAnuN- I•aamatrese Children » cM' ••enable ED I-4BI

.*w ^ PARTY* HIRE the hand•1th the eerwmal pound Tnr* ff.1.*ex Orchotra Phone IV 4-fRS. IV-

PAVCPCq Smith -

.rnta «■ *«*•. l**


to nmrua -mto-M «mOl.-

IV 4*4* IK * Orid L£2CJW

rk,*kk jim vof.«nr:«availaM* fnr hnohtnds' *'••♦*» *hat date n«t* Shniv i-«tu


TV. IADIO Pt»ONO< A 'Guaranteed fervW T\'Xfnnfes Radio Rh«*o •*.4-B xx ,Une Phone ED LRU

▼Ol? THINK »fof the Mel-O-Stater.


Cpea Isr k-raUstt lv k

H caCrt brib

tU MAC 10 7-W"

mm nmv* prV-SM4 Cleetrfe tynewriter "naoeei and there*, aten gihiraltnd

WTO LIKE TO five themht|4 owe editor tronT let u«Wolveetne ims1

TIHSU DONE IV rv 'Teem p»ie*s theses rtr Re..* -

MARY JANE Iu»*n <7e-Jreal typmc TC l-BR

NEWSRtEB AT fTTTDEVT •»»!! 4»nl? » per *e"h Wh* .

mare* Phone v»ur order tcda 1Garden PM CD l-»l

JACK RRADM AND hts errhe*"' IMtsMr for psntT denelns pieasu*'IBIT Refhart IV MBII

STAN OUT*.. Tenor ..,

srw kimox. . . I.mulct . .

\\ jlil Wi'hI Reborn

2 Illinois Gunmen(by iVIaiiliiinl|i\SVII.I.K. Ill (/in A »u|mtiimikcl mliliery IimicIiisI

, if j schiiciicp «'f klilnnphiK, mimlimil* mi.l ,nih|>liiy will., /vi'mii cli-im-tit-. of mi iilil tailiiniii'il uestcrn movit* t lirilli-r-tiurility.

|,l/'f. >pottsorsScholarshipI'lotlgo Meet

I IOMI. MAMMON... Vibe*. ..

t.kRRV MI1J.KIANThe Nwinging Man .

.■,. (.iinmpti were enplmi'd in, it,- '.hootIn* climaxes nhd

• ' ,| tn'lll was sel/ed fni <!»»•■.-. • / Three hnstii'tes «»f cue

.,- turned on hpn to urn. mi unlutrmod today nftvi .1

P • , ntit" flight elided ill :), 1 mul block in ('1 aw fid ,!>

1 !'nl •

!i u identified a* Walter•

, iti, «»f Muncie, Ind, .1 fni•■.-. ( "tivlrt

i 1. n gunman Identified h> • Djefenhntlgh, 47, id Plaio-

. HI., »in; shot in thn 1 nth!and captured after ho

pled to shoot it out With• v JIM) policemen in .1 no it

r-./iith of Danville I'k'i.on h man had about $l.:»o0. i uhttri > loot

Ottr XUlliniiU. Itun«|>. walkedthrough an armed (mitre rontonMftti I pin lot at Van Itmn'x headptrr railing to officer*. "yon«|iiNit, ami I'll xhnoL

•». \ Iniyn .is hostage■ ;» pushed into thr il,im■ I w here Itulsfi. l.t'Vin. thru., ,, .01.1 five children wen*

■ i: the living mom.:' , .h ,im* -darted jit !» 30 p n->. tt .01 linnienttiivd unmant. , t taw Van Hujrll fol<

.-.*.• 1,' by olio or tnntv mm. ti it t as hi- was I" king up

; • ru; lit She phoned Dau¬ber headquarters

ii lint Masnr Immediatrl*dopal. lint three radio »n«tad* *«•thr ilorr and telephoned theIMtmaikrt Dump answered,

m. told to* was Mirroondrd. andt-s«lif,l. "I'm coming out with .1tillage. Thh guy with me'* deadIdir irrnnd aitvwne almnliv."At f* av* tni (i*vll!e. 40 »ruj- sl . 1 1 hmvdlf*. jmiIho ,

• .1 iNinmngham spot',*! I < -

at K"in* slowly east insiiixt. i s la tat:, iitii

. ti • p -11,t '11.111 .larnt-s So ' ■1 'ah manntiut a ma t

. < k .ill, 1 I'

• w ho was driving. <.n<t,i • • to st-'o as s,min a- w ••

'?!,• mad hl'Hk. and Hump•< 1« to got i.ut of tin* 1 ar'. •. i. and the point* rat am,.*

• Iminnd They shoidf IIn Kill if out. I roUidn't

1','UII.S,' ot fUllilps gullthe poJiif stalled

•1 ; Ted (Holster) gral»h<d. .11.mnd the Hi k. and

i luni^Hnt in and hn>k th«*• ti ngtiAMi saUl Clump had

5 ■ 11 his pockets.

Satirist to . l/i/x'firt or I'iuiio lirriliit

MSU Music Department, rec'iit iumi Takacs in »

i * iti* piano recital Jan 24 at,n the Music And

* A xiii.iejvt of Ernst ViHof' •' Miss Takacs won the

A id. st's award of the^ Mown Symphony ami ap-i1* • ; is piano solotf»t with that( In 11457 she appeared as

Aulh the Michigan Statev

nv Oreht*«tra in the an*1 Honor* Concert.

T> program will open *'dh .•' "a In C minor" by J S.

&■■■■' < »thcr number* includebv Prokofiev atvi "Carni-

VSl by Schumann.

Mll'IM AIIMSTRONfi.. .Satctiino

I'R ANK SIN %TR A. . finlden I

IHVl: Itltl III ('oinlm

SIIH.I.V MANNF.. . Drum* ...

25,610 I ote for Artistshi 2n<l Annual Music (hottest

Mil Illt.W M ilk NM4*.1 tntiarv hi.

The Intel • k't :iti-i tut) 1 .a,tn dS. h.'l;»iship, t ointnittn' M

m.mtig .1 • > li.d.tiship m» «'tiiu» l"r«ll tiat.Mut) pledgi"; fiitugtit at7 I a p m in the Music Andidle d spi-Nkfi ; will iti, Uido

Vie Piesident lot Aoidcmli Aftail Thu'lia I lamiltriii T.,|i|Kmg. Dean id Men. Itogei k'oihu h. I'li'sidee.t <>l Ik't' and I' 1!Itm ke Selilui t'l.i'A Pre-iiti i.H\ a 1 |*i<•• i.ii-nt 11 it.,dt..n will

.1 Mtf t * w llltif ll i Ml pi. I• •ti What tlii- A.h'i in !i ah. n

k'»|i*it. id ntuiifti! and l"• dgi-%,1 H • k't let till) Sx - I. w if. < it'll- •

Dm.n Pirn King will inak ..r»' WI1.1: Kmpl.oiM Kv|m.I mt'.Ulege I if adllut.' k a dig I »• «•»

I. .eg. I{,«1 i-l t "l I'l A di itlx . I,' I.'. tt hp ' k 1 .ill-ill

Ntiti* Ni-a * I'lrttiil tiv Pilot WIltili'k men test t!n* f icltttic* nf Krlloi't < enter'* I rntrnnUI Himmii

at llir hiniiiu-t lor Ilir tiotrl school'* aunt)er*.»ry. which ivnatieinted li) A. now it id IR'!. ' • •

Alpha Kiz/.les

Navv Aids Hockplpcrs0


Til Uot kt'l Laiiiit liiii<r

The si.dipg tin*, -i .1 .1JohllSdti. the d.Mie i\ . •tiel 1 .- Mulli,' 1 1. ait I !v .„ il

l/ing i»f Pi in.. Small a ire thi .•

top fivoiite of Amu'iiim' . 1 t. »for. according '» Ileal l.tloil.,lam of IMatlH'v mag i.-im-' .

oil Annual J i.v P.,'I,Thirty out-1.indie (' s |•

artel wen* eln.-a1. I.y a I,.'.1of iDi.lMtl coinplctisl Ui'liits nil

1al*iiie{ inoi • tli ill allll.lMirt ,n

dividual e.g.- M«>ie than it

time, a. man> <i • .- i t inthe. pull tll.lll .1m\ Oil-..!

The |*»!| r- to it., f I'M- e iiili-u":! ,.|

m u.i 1, m• I ' - poll

I. lilll -.1

•d the 11

li tt" r u

tlu P'


An Si 1 Alliuii.

1.1 lief Well knownIII I lie I h.t I Ink 1-I , I 'I -,'SI, ,.i- Shot's |{.'l'#l . .11ti 1111,|»i-t-. K ii Wimtiiiif /in ti. in- 1 K n is i'oiii;; to p! ivmi' M -l I Hop iiitfi meI,;..I k't 1 oil ( ; 11 Mei on pi.itiu


< ';iiimiu ; t 'In **jf ictls I .n\v !t


I -8x10 PORTRAIT:m.l siltinit nf

f. Proof.. $|| offrrI or only $5.!l.">Itrinir I Hi.-, Ad

Ol I Kit VOID JAN. J.*,

K»r Appointmentt A I.I. KD 2-HI11211:. .M.A.I'. AYR.

turiilly MfinhrrsI trull) innnhrrs. both mm

ami wwiien. who are interr*!r*| In curling should rontart Alhlrtir llirnior lltggieMilnn at I \l "IS'ii, *0 thai a

possible league r « it 1 d to*started

1 . t o l» * 1 . »•\V» the k -del I il . t. g

ptvts it .1 Pledge fi lbl-.nall). Pa( Kutke Pit

id Ho S,-e. -i 1and <

• I fh, Spal halt t- lis..: '•a.' He

m. \';, III*

A, t.\ die 1:

S> kio ,l s|;ip

g|e t'

..! k ill a I

NEW It A VKN. «•miii t.1*»Pi 01* | Alpha w ill g<* foi a tk'01.11 young Wtillmgfoid llmk.-' -

eel • V* h* • • lit "Ml! • w en! lip dlirii.ll e at t't:l|,. nh e.Jll. , \ .1 . Siit'll . .1,1, !./ m m 1 ha! 'od.n

tt e Ituitt I'., n> vt alleinp!u ill ,i i k " ud !»• ve u oldDavid l.e alt, a tie and hiIhiee , fn|,.o ion. ahgtile.t froma N.iv\ PIl'X a! He municipalat i" • i

Ii.'ivid .'i hi i itnpatiioii ,

N. ,'| llu ; !. - 17. <'ha. le Svee -

In : I,, did \Vi':!|.,ni Itiviic. If,,"

v » i i i ,!ul 11!v n. .ip|*.mt,a|oyet 'Inn (inline

Pur' ; ,- , ifnitted. t.idav . ••t, .. i.. I ., I,a I i • ■ Hepriaioii.a. i • , I V- 11 v .> !he> W oiAnd ' a ''" , tia I the ivm

j .,' ,, '1.- i , lp -d the Navy M)!».. , h •' 1 an: attempt, at'.-,

■ 1*1- „r .t .IN a! p. h < an 1 foe,. iMi-.i it i Is. l vi '■ •» .1 i' dan •

g, i 1. . n.ev II have the NCV> «. ,• i p'lt'.ng !< geUi, | their, - *• »o"

1 ? ' « .hi ■ i h Med. l|,' .1;' (if " Na\ ,1 H< IIV"'

I. .11! a.g . eid' • hrtr told I'm•

, ' i . ,n n « t a, ildu i

the,,|, v# , IV ; At o he - .1 n i e

the ,h 'appointmot. t which can.c1.. the t»o when fate andheal aulhoiitw re!tl*ed to a I -

|. , Ih.-m hi I nun h Iti'*if t"i» ketin t '■ life, tn utll.-ll a ked Penfaipn D|kprvn ,1

• a a pi in ' . h iv e the nflvv pt<,V I. :• i t., 'til .1.1 m« Id 1o the young•d.M-.

With p.'ld-ij'otl ipprnvii! !hebig Navv Neptune iion.her i tiI II d the I.•Ill' to lint from 'he1, S» • It, N IV v I i kHl v expi i''id t 111,a ■ t, K'ne. Hie lH»yv gill,I,did evei v thing po' sihli t,» makethe te | , ui ee-


RENTALcomi'i.kti: oi ri i r

DO SPEED AND SPACE EXCITE YOU?T«» c«n b« « ll'H' fCHiikqil if y*v •• o* •i»g.««»» *-JU

Mi mokt tp**<i k'ld ckoov* Ch«n.« nhto C'wi«./#r

figkw kol M* fh»M nofit.**! ••<or*t ofci-l •M'Hng•« •«' I 000 glu* ll »'.j on »thor p-*#-

fi«e«o4 f»r •*' 1 liC i«p* wind Unnoi ,

OUI IIPtlllNfAflVI Will II IN YOUt PlAffNINT OMICI- fciiiu \in m.

C*4«D(J£>€>ugmv /» mf-it t pt

Stud*Tu* • Shiftt iimmet tuinit

su«prn«trr • lie$g«TheTogShopI ui on Theater Hldg F.I,




I 11IM 111 S

your fcivorilt roll-tUnv* clon¬ic vhirlwaltlnr with bullon-lo-

woivf, full-skirl ease. . .now at

a low pro-season prico! smart

stripes, cheeks, or patterns inpretly pastels or dark shades,sues 10 to 16. sportswear




All llirii-



EnergyWills our convenient

One-Stop Plan

COLLEGE CLEANERSCauls * Carry 620 W- Mirhi8anHRS. Mea. thru Frl. 8• 6 laundry Service Coavraicel Drop-le Hoi



rw low

"If I'

irlf f



BiMi V

Mmnr.AN ntatk >rw*January !ft. IMI Fair F«ir

Wine aiiclLoiws -

Roundup of H ockchd Spurtan SportswttrsTi.twu

\ : .eh of uij.iru4* and .1 ;*»ii.linn »\n tv,- Hm ;

..s'ni!-'. ;n 4miwv|; tJw«rn| *tv ,tu-M mutch !ov- :

M ch n SMIj' s vv i t- i •.The tnutmen Mifictr.t < '

I! -Made hi • I

•!'.!1k }'!•>*' » '

it if!: hi* *%

v.WS ..! t. IITiM.-hvrs

» . }\d hall


month fate

i> of


char.! lli'Vosv.»-•.

f'ltC 5:t i» t VO

c v lie "ye ', i ' Itto- t K. V-1 .fein

mi I» MI \

i ;


Flaitsr. h hm thr I r i (It n ;point trllri ImI s i si»»i andnrn uimi 4 hr»M_«fUlil match

three of tliar four lir*t-stri»Hrft «i-ir Urlnflflii* Thr 'Mhfr.*.<phomarr Huh Xtiisrr, ahu»ihnta Imish h»ss In the N^llim.ilC »|lrct4tr s third Ir.idinc V»7-P'Mindri Riohaiil llrilim

W . .• ,, •„.*.

Thr summat*


JAM! S RCUU RTSON Jl'STK'l1 ».*. • ».- —• • .—»«• »•


I \f I I *1X1 I IK** I »;i V

tiR*i 11 xt i n» xtMum : 11

» on r *t «» ;t *

Ml |»M *,|*X\1*41ttoone APRIL LOVE

'lirl Murf Hut of I Ifr (in Out t.i a Xtmir

Milltr *


M M I •**


epardsH(DE S

present... at theirCAMPLS STOKE ONLY

Note. \li *hoo* taken (torn our regular hUhL No special runhat^ *»r Manu-(atluiri •» t k*«r-OuK. AH >htparil s Quality >hiM> taken right oil our *hrly<r*and gtong at pints *ou won't twite* r!



1 ur turn down tuff, ripper front, khrrtins lined. t»\rr*the-*t«Hkins U«c*t. Jatefa*e >-» * r on !> 8.88



ON I V Nnepard!/H(pE s

317 E.AM

UKAXP !U\ i t:



j opex thirs. elf. till m\e . z* —

m javl ju »m t us &axl m »\\t m saxl m s>AVt m >\xl m s.v\i >» »axt $

• to matches ' • . < ,i » n s tt»i\, - Nidiottil

lt!r K.u! l*t>.ouj»loir Jir.oi• x now vt innitti: six- •! > . !ii .nut Hip, '' • h.ix .i I '

(u ei til it* of his two winsS..?'n M.»i*.i !.i.T ho; %«•

• s--: The Vols 1,

iV i i'V

• »'•

the M*»l \'hu KttM «•»««

|hf injlrh Mllh 4 s»'«fr ct 1X*»!.ti,|' , ( 4 illinsl

.j M'»»r if ITT* I.'lriln1. . , .

. Ms1


.» • »i- , . • •••.

• K. f. t- ■ Nt •'N | . - * I >;

.*« r4 ■ •• h ' .

he:;SfwH iii tx

tv I to I! y tin


1». v «cst :i" 1 |*h'l«fttl.,v .

thr K|M»t

I-U ftnv.s. |.v N I)' nut-itm,fo.dr.t m

'• n • K l

Thr U»- >

F l K »'

itirhiii"iri Trr

.* i'!! ' 'otillOil

.Trh tt.M

. ' t \ '

t MmMill r»i\« h


loi|t! OU'


%l*r>«rrnflt |ilr.t*rd t»t thi»ruli iM-rfwttiaiirr-* of ilOhtur^iiinirt I rjwlHiil Kroopds nn«tif, dtsUnrr r»infirr% l»4tr Iranait.I fhr link tr4im 4* 4 tthole;•rhUdrnian prrtlliird 4 imn h*it««nce« tram than lot tear'*.

.*Ulf» two iiins In thr foiltsrir hs I mirM Milkand II » r o I el * t m •» n s ot rf

Hon* s 1 oin 1 unmnihim. pir-imNt tmdrirtlrd

" H


N' he

I K Will ",

kit'i* Kri.i.■da * nior

:o d d i

10: ,M:."i

1U| ss**\\» nsv\|| m 01 s\\| t<» HUt (M ts» *UI fS* *\tl 1*1 *HI *

on \ wi it>. m. nil \i\i i

I'VsIh Slarw

(iynmastsII in 2nd()vi>r Ohiot rii in i*«r Girartt ami Atigle

I t with :t3 jmints. thr Mirh-St.itr (Jvinnnats won their

1, nut inrrt n.s they crushed. 10 State. 71-41. Siiturikiiyli riid srnroil tH points and

1 ileals and Kr.s-ta accounted1 l.» iMii it.M ami one Mini m: near rout

i'ne Sii.ul.uis swepit two illw iiini live oi sevrn events.

. im-k IWvkci placet! 111"*! whilec .uyo lloprlt ami Kr.ta tooktil and fourth places hit the'x 11 i.m ,1 they won the free1 r rvetd. 11 a

ItueKcye 1'on llai*|K*r was llrstthe uainpoline Tom 'Pemple

|{ >:n tCumi planxt third. fourth hchind the former

. > m11mc .d-iv ri The Hurks vttm: s rvrhl 11-5MuhiK'.m State awi'pt fhr aide

l . -.r. 13-it. a* (iirartl; Feshi... ■ i t oin \\ cfihmann p 1 a r c di • i. MHiithl' aikt thiol

».ufan Stall Tardus, who• week wohM 2J10 on thr hor-

i! ha«>, -Alippetl on lit.-* llrst..n! to place tlftli tlifant,

■ rvri, to «k first and Kesi.u.i to (M|»tuir the event for

• s id.or-, in (»

i..1.1I'd. t apUiu^ IJuss Paul• .1 • i .k>i, | stk thr in't

r | i i> i • in ' ii (MCiillrl I to ■

. ■ .■ On Spartans \t t»|M it,

Michigan stair almost twrjilihr still riitfs rirnt in w limineI ' .!' • I rsta ami t ook plarrdt (x| and srroiiil while lloprliIo d for third with Hm keye AlMrilln .

r?-.,- Hurks won Ihr tumtiluii!... '>': »• .. Harpri plans!

tnd loanunatr l*a\r IhitlerI. 11'; i • f«• i tlfth ll'iju-lsI'.vi'iti pi.i. e.I >r« ond a alto: thr ?spartansh 4 »• 1 K« S. IMll t W IS

p'iMViM With the tis.ui' x.. "u t. . o \s ». mui'h

o i o\ ri last . week. I.r

• ittsl on the'•much of (,I and Kes-itMiiinnixi stradv work ot

( oil tin tapid i:npn»vrof i ooki weik'th. Spa id a n:- f i, ••

♦ 'i.- Ni'AA and lit* l". , VN i ! ti..V r to l»e"nr.. ..I.d S/pul^.




81I0KS 8IIOK8 SHOES )MIA . . . MOMtA ... 1 llll Illtt X


CLEARANCE SALE ItRlet-s on I* national!* iiritrr!tM*d qiialil* I«h»|w*,u imltultng "IIJIEMW" ^*nd NNHliit \\ hlMII M\N lot mm and sVMU ! K III tlt»>IOV ^"Kit h i RIMI "and HI \\h! Id rt. lor women. m» Iodine wedgr*. *artou-heel hi.ghi-s. and all l*pe* o( inalrttaU *

\l I ONDE MOLAY'Siampil<s will meet

K.OIII :t:i. i..linn iiuiitiiiiBT-t!;.'tll till XX «*<lot—*«l;is.

Jilllliars 22til memlM't- ha*e an* qtirsdioips i |hni HimtnhUh l*«N>m I .hid. Ralhei Hall)

II . , . ion li.m am ulal ly |»a*Mril.T , . v,111.1 MHIll .1 XI'.W ailic

It.,,, Ii.l. ,i m n.,« lor ,1 Im.,,,.1 ,»»'»,

VOSS precision portable•*rar mtrinlrfi

f.r *|'s«' met U*r«

Now onl* *i\i\itit in<!. hite*' Iand an* «W l*pewr»lfr)

. omei .bio I tow keyboard*\a innnri dowr I %*>\ II KM*'t»K Irt us repair your old marhiue

like new al lower prlee*

We puk tip and drlt%#r I REE'> \ELN . . . M |;\ H i; . . . »U.NT\US

ai! makes typewriters A artdmc-nt.ichincs

UNIVERSITY TYPEWRITER CO.ou- i:. Muint.,H n .vij.hi

DO MECHANICAL BRAINS INTRIGUE YOU?tV '*••• *,»,,» ftw »-y-»•»"»•$ I'V'StS' Tkee

%s. 9* <M •«'—f Y hfwnN| d •• »<i e* w«iedr,»« i« 0*t+r »s» el «»• bt«l teeth#***#! C»ee*e

fffvr f«s e" » »• iO' » «*'• |Va«s« Itm4 »a I «keW 9*CkaM* V*v$M »e |>e» <sf (odd-


. FKKKl'AKY 3-1. 19.VS......r,4 —FKKKl'ARY 3-1. 19.'M/ouottt 4/IICiM4Te ..a,...*....

leers Top Tech TwiceMaroney's'Hat Trick-Bags Win

IU HAVE: nvKiiinTilt* Miehipan Stale > ,-k

vy team swept into *) tl,|'

place in the Went era Itcolleirinle Hockey I •

Saliirtlay niaht with .. u\cnisltintf viclory o\ei \j,STiiti Tech liefore a , ,Dem Hall ciowd oi ■ }: •

The .Spartans al-o (I lie Huskies u t :i p,|. , ,

tuck ilet'ent Eriila* nn •

I'hr tw in ti i.iiupit* .

Spot huts .it ' ,ni ri t',I lost mink III tin- \V|iI;I nr.rd thru' i'V* i.i 11 ia

7 \

Sna,Ian* Mrl l lirhlnfr.r...n ,nd l!n*« I'"1'' •'« ''"rkMrnlirlnl llirlila.n Ira* |,U.r, In.* I.,»l 1,1. •llrk "I' |,u>'

02-t.i V i.r lor*

Tankers Top loivaOil 8 First l*laees

U* M%UV h VlkUN

Defeating the I'd*.* Miuti Sipuol. here Nitunla* iutheir first cotiferettee meet ot I tie -<• i "i> J.Spar! alts ateon their **a* in an attempt I" retain I he 1'ip I en title.Ihr «dirntfth •»! » ' 1 *1 1 •

Aimhi r U l-o*1 a»'. . ! €»:** a *ll»:l. !So i' • ti drp?1 I

• it', .-*'»•!:» Si'

|,v»K Mi ' p!,» • ,

til ; . -•* !j.fhi.d. Murium l"

I 1 1 • 1 •

.. . ■ i i • ok '** t.t 'O ,.( II ,*. MSi '. !0 I

T . • ■ W.m hv■

a . it ' H"|l 1*1- Itt ' I ' .

r ,;t, • IMSi • TaiiC


t; wi n? .'.ik, iJim «Fi ink M" i « nott r ..

St iM.1l ■ U ** "> t'TOO VI , tl-"k» \* .•»'

■ i fli, II" !*' It.iv* • i * • •

I \ ' ! " i ■ V* i Va V. ." ■

y\ illi Ihihlrr ro r.ip»4lnhiokr 4 »rrond dtltl mrrl rr«*ord*Hlnillimi Ihr TWO *4id hullri11* lit ' I'M* I Ion |'*llrrson fo>Ishrd the too i«rd Itrrslilr onl*4 iliokr ,ihe id ol t olr lo set4 urn du-il' riMSird tor Ili4tevenl M I

l »•!«' i»; S1 . 'a M|a ' «*.,

u .OT , ,«n|.» , \y . . ! *'» a.".iv rarmdl o.^phu? tun

! a", •: • I 4* I 4" v..

I ' I

M.sf.r* "

I . , MSI' .

Ms; ■ 3 ii.r\'i ! .1 . I \«ni

.lakV Qtll.sM . ■- .1 T •: • v Wi?.-'., p., .(


H i V*.. , ' »< MSI ■ T • i

• MS!' ■' l-a' ,h»FM".; .. "• . ••* • • •:

• ■ • i i ■ ■ ■ •• >: I i'v J.t! n■ v ' ' ' ' " Mini!

}1*> * ,0*al h * ♦**-■? |a Won h*• 1 • !.'!* I. 'MSI 4 •: .1 Ml

-i ItivT, Frail «|l\l A d , , 11;, ad

; >rd (*'*i Fltalk "' t» I < v (ii'|l|i!i'

. , MSl " '


(1 t I

I Mstp..

\ a ! ..

MSt ... * ; T V


!. .


p. .IV. 1

• i;.i MSI

W'N'St .

Wr 1

id 3 2m: MO-

. ■ . H *

Be "I ir*»t ltu|tr<*w*tiin IVrfrrl"Keep your clothing Ihotoughh clean and

well pressed withnur expert dry cleaning.

>' i.£*^ndry • 6-» (IpsnsjC*l ♦'<*«* nf-a

<SV"» »f> . r» b'cj

E. (>rand Ritff

Married Students



(all ED 2-4759

Terry M*rmtr*. smthim omsophomore, led the field In |i,„,„ptodiirtlon with four e«>iis |„rthe lene*. rlhiMXed Ji* |,„three «oul "h.»t Irlrk" siln«,i(lmIrIiI — two of them ruiiuii(the Ihlrd pet toil I If* four p,.n,uMlsed his lejRiie otilpul In «-«K|,|plieini him in 4 lie wait H,k>I'urke lor Ie4in tr,iders|iipI'iiike haitiueil Ihr in ?

y.'.d .Old olle iivslsl i, •

liuvkie"Kl ula* s «,.•>•. •

iiiin h inoir i \en!> n-.e ' , ■■

s*ittii dav's unit, as sp.ii > .•

I.m .Atn»' tles-.oiir s.iiai ! . , •

SCI ICS. We'll halve (,'.-, ,

I hi ••uuhotil the game in • . • ,

haiudh- Hie tliiskn". 1* ,

Unit thai brought tvun >

toi u s

I pHonilfhit tills h ii s | | r* thiiiiichout Mie series ami p*

pretally Salurda* nulu W4i thrlittle redhriid. X|rl ( hrlsl.ifirtsou who ronst.iiilli ptessnl p,hon Ihetl own ire and mail* 11mrstied lip Ihetf offense wlirii *nirw .is xhort a man

Mel also shall ed Hi S',

voting spiee w it.ty !l i •,•* •,£goal ot the yii'M to .(»» • „,

first period Hi t.s.k ( . l1t.|in 11«'"ur of 11','h i: ■ » i< i ,j.i

("ueiltick. by w»ph,iii,:.'. !«r.1 I, k !*.■ i T* ,»nd • •!

Ki d llistlli; of t' a- 1'.''V • . i II he netmindei g-.i i

|M.i\uir o»i the ', ■ •<

Mr4 and hustling a'iv» is Fred t eVuon.. ,v' .. .


* eted a Itotn-l t *.«" * • Tgaiee t*i Vliom • ' Hr-j'lalsi- tor hi* land n, i k it

M:diig.m contestMefmseman Id Pollesel Irll |

the lee tu the first peiiod to »'relie *tltrhr* reuutred t«» il1^'the i ul Hp he reieiird Imm »eollision with leih's \n«pla( oinmi Me also had two irrihflipped in the annli-ntIn Frida*

avi"f1**i a (iioImI'V •.• w hell ha s i, .

•, V F a n.t t .f -

v • .Ol d it to t»u a

■|» -.1 a "lids a

Spa;'.in goa ie ' sVat »lipC,l, ,|, !*.?• , ,

'»> saves Saturd.i* n •* of a ,* !•

K ai»a to w a ■ • 'i; .1 and Fail' i I

v ' * i a m rand'Y i» 'in* )it<Htueixl a H"The Huskies who wrrr P«'

flail* a hie to rontain the *!»•.'tan trer* Irtda* nlthtable to nialeh thr loioto'i Ispent thrusts of the *|url.nw |Saturday nltht I'"1 iv"|;in« and overall spent pr..du-f«t jtwo timrli Hi tones tm u -

the wlnniiuest Mate h«*elIrani tu lustor*('a»nonrr>tum '

ti'.g'it s ,*in, ('<•«»'' !"'•VV, licrij iwo'-r pi

Ft,- Tli't * LhK d >» *'• .

!' « " "l a- wane had Sj e.

,h>r Setiiigrr wh-- h ■-? r eric* »mi « F*

" ,«»1l stops W tv 11 UappIauM* from theIt it (s rhaps the

■•ant thing Ikssonr «after thought, throw r.slioulrter as he w a-r ink I gur»s I he ( •

a'lrc that the 15 Up* •

rink after rach r<". ff ir. the fa't pave 'ablf -o maintain "


TUX RENTALCviii|il<-li'7J6

Shirt • J«*rlryTuv * Su^pppd'^



333 E. Crd. RiverEast I Jin»in*

, 83-74 Big 10 Standings

John (JrcMMi Stars,Scores 22 PointsDijji'f'n Meet I lie Wisconsin •

Ik,liters ;i| Minlison I <ii•• liIr*

n* i \RR* to IIOHII H sMSpecial In IIip state

r\ WSXON. Ill Mil hii MM Stale's etii'PI'i M.I off a.. -ur.U* ili^pofatinn I»HI t U \oi t Ii w iv-.|ri m Sat ur.lav

: to win tlnnr omohi! **•»*%- in utis»• innli'trnrr mine.

. x i n | !t„- .

I'h.Illl|>|.>M'l i ■!

I'l.l. ** Mli leu title rneein .' l.»: oi i •

1 is.*»!. now » p!idl'I'Hlll'd Sill!

I'll, WSS i

loiUiltll .i? I'


A- >>»;*• Ill'l l-V.l! 'he*

• ' 10-7 , 1 ...

AArrr 1*4' 1 - j>» hioul.hf , ,f fj. • Mttie *pt; 1 Hand. h.,AA,'v.M -»td

Airrr in* I ah» 4x1 .'.biblt,l I1 ' • P i- fit A JO '

S|!,4»ll"» IIM,.n p.x- 1 r-hvti in,,*;! . !t ixr.-ilu-'ii IHA : , "J hl> X 4 „jV«'j

lot 'If,< 1 f Ac xtr.iiRht baxge-tr h.w k* • ■ .five nuruifi' *: ■/• '

I».4f:» ,! ♦:>. Jit-' ill.'i'i, gin

• »r».1 N»'As,.»ii f-« v i-i> fh. jpimni «h«»*A ut " f. f isr firs! b*!f•*«in, paced fix - Vs'.it- n Willie I •

-•i«k 1J pi'inf - a? i f- i to nam a s- ••• •,

•il xAlth 11 02 i- ,

I 'he> were a smnf fit- ■1 * ■i-.i

H'dgfle, oftrn h*ilril a«f,awh iH>rfurmrr •nuffed out

Na» ihr»*i t»% qu.rklt rnmlnc upK'fc three imnoriant fir Id goaUVt »t IN1 eager-. were «n

tflev wnhrned if.-)i* >nf* with " H W"

♦isle's two fielders andamp shot hooded the

« «!' 'em was far fremyet and a pair e.f foul

r>: by N'jck Mantis plusjeft'i *and Jones field' ed the gap to only 10

[ Arrow (he Slrert

SBARTANII VRBER SHOP"• •*>'. Pino—. 1 Mack

*•"* * UkN CM*

' S\ «,'uu:»o<- ,|htiII. iM.'h . .niji'cd « ir»»

I .1:1

. k |

• < I

I. h to tallv .-. ■lit

.J.'hn tli.-ftl led t *!«•. . ! ,t f... 'i" I" .MS !;

ii.iit The ti A i'lMilct" Ilj.l k't^'.o d-. "ll •

, : hi i«•!> *..11.1 .1*1*1i

, ; iMsnii total i" i'.'lllunr m fill ennlrnllitiK the re

| soi.-.t .li-Ptirtnienl, State malt< fin.p total uf "»l In Ninth

|»r»|prt»s I'! »> : .i.i* " And. .' %.>m'

: ' .VI' playrl • III 0;..oaa .hit llli-eli II.

-a . ipt. .1 irk tfuig-,:o aa f >

(mints mm eight g'»i-?! «**■ thl'ovV N, t'MAA I O

|;.* . ' i • it'll A* t»o filed MlI ' ( TVA.iid 11..!» A M l.II

IOIIN f.mcrNMr. H.vkribjll

put in 14 points on si*and two fiw throwsout the iMtanri'ii *ciir.

l .UI' At T.l't'i tt.lM t AA •

-• mxN.nd Hid 10 K-iMio..'•-ran an(i n. tt< i tod'me tour two po:i '« r-

'•''find -• pair d p...:

opetutit a iiudi 'i. I hand* <.n f*\»• ,

\r 4 ' ! >'• 1 >*« I'A IM m

! I o. 'III.-.A .Old s.Mi; .J ||H. VA it,

*1 he raaers AAerr diMtonmt III

IM iit tlealli pa en phasr «»• theKitur The nAer.ill vhinMinr prt• • III.tkp tiiini the Ihn.f mas .A rr

spei tahle II. I rum Itir toutline the SpaitAit* hn»ki> rvmhilling || uui uf tries

I h. • I i% 4'dgl I t to 'W V* it \A o. II' ttli' totll ..fkH't

: i^-- • II. m' Hi«->

A': I M -. OUltlt t. . ,

• . • •: oi.i at. l .i • i . *.t. > i ; k V -I I f IA A ,

i i *11< ■on .im ' ! : ,n u-1

lu.t. V ... k o..n M h \tt .

|» ' VX 1 •

A;Str U . . n • . i.'. . •' i.l' ?. gl't un-'IMVA.IA « ,

t si VN K At. f A. <

I4A*S|iartiiiiRover W insS|ir. l it In Ihr stale New*i M|i \to • It.a. .t •• • » i

,t, u • .• IH - ot M . ••* - • u • -. 1.. a . - O-.

%' ' ' pro'. . 'j ■, Ill :A -i. -A. t 'W I VA -I. I 'A O I ' , fU« 4 •

fhr l>»ul w o'* Ciptsl i».»ij.i' i t'n.'.Ajjo Nun Ti" >*» the

V • 4v e. iv ., • of the fiveI, *\it iV.1 vA ' •• dui-eti I. ' tieIVrh v i 1 ... k Vise .ti *4•' AIM.' r- k. AA. • '-.atI'M". * ' ! • IM'* K "4*

W t. pit PU HpI I tSil •*; J: iif I 441.7 "1 •" i

• i • liiio mi i.<iMill '.l| "IS

. ! 1. MM. Its III:? • Ami 'si •*s»? * Mill "O VI

1 t I "All 'S|

SporllllHlf! •#. !•»",*

*. ., M » » .1.1 *1 o I, , lt..t .

MM Illl. %\ si \ |l MASSPace I Ivr

l orililv Savs-

l*ressbox Sidelights. r *. ' - .4

y : MA V.


' ».ri-1 fin- Noilli-* h, i, , t- i I i 11,i ... ..lid l .iiirhI'l'.l \ .| II A ) S|. Ill

< ■= ; Kill thei . . >ii.I 11 njilit

h.lll . U-* till OiliUA •uMit.-i • lid.

' • * h In' doubleA, Aid AA I Ifl'Ml'

' ' tint .IS• ! hutii h of Ii... a

A |'« I I »J11III'• AA «l •

. *' '. 't * list |\' '

• h. 'h.. v juud

\\ <

v* .11 ■ I

1 • K'h •


.llut thieo »•'111*1.'! ' ' '*•

4 . .. W -

K'-st. ( * A -

> 1,4 .t ,v

th-»t . , :« VS i.

\.. , i.

Ihr r i|rr* pltinl lit(.Wr |i,r .iiu1 - >1 * iu«i.| this Aear The 0 IMiilMt allrndaiire mm attributed t« irvniinl trlrininn rut rime nf lliesamp lhi« the Inst IS 4 pp. a ion. toi lh< **|MiUn* this searIhr» will |»I*» again t»rl«r« a Htlftiul* .»inli»nrc on |.'<riiirt |Sami March * whm the* h ..i llllinus un| Indiint reaperttvelv


*.*, , lie ^t-d IW-yo .. i

\t.. y r > •

J* J ■!( !':»!•> »* »♦ e t Wo!■ • .A |t.M t !'.<*■" M« • N! ". . " ll .,!. i A e 1 A* h . ' .x . * ' 'e .-A « t natiou-i ■ •>

Drop Second Strai"lil

A »• Id.? «• ■ N O ? .

*h. ! f. !•«

, l » h'U to, ! I

Mi.n k ft.. .*«!Ii■ uirinMy ho!4 .

. h.n,- ft .f.. to

i'e AM. .-lie (Mlllltill. ill id i'Uldlie, Hie )' . '0.

Rangers Beat Red Wings, 6-1t»TTKi>lT '4 Tf.c New V :K

K.thtfet* (•oufiet it on rvdi"d r. JSut.dav r».»?h ' Ateaim* '»>« R**d\S *Jifc> Hu ii M N.-i'- n.«!H*i Hey la-ague Si-tt..e k ,vnight* Nix diffetud N« a ^ ,-k. . t v.s g'd the g«>aU.f>,. : Hsitnun l<". F n'. m

h got m'o " ■ S. vl H g .4. t A thei'.o »t ! ,A piusi up ti- • ti1 *

V ■ P. thud-period ru?h F ntma-M, i • ho ftrvt go.»i -d the *,•»•

• ,n wdh «n!> IT »ec..n*ln re-• j.M.'r.g in the . *>nfi •' H« t.s-ka Mint AAjpe at a !r pqek at•he blue line and g' t P-*t '-beW Tig'- Ten.- Sawehuk

The Rangers t,u. t up a 3-«lead tH'Jore Detiuit wort I «n a

pi w. r j. «v • t ' * ■■f ' 1 •-.*♦ d•4"-n4-t "• * — r. -*

,ng . fi • l>"I : I «-Vl - *v »* .■. :f Sa a ■ hvik •• * '

(■at (iriMlr-in vtartr.1 the hea\ r fleirig la the third peiuwliraiiui fr«m ctove t»«i» «it aatrip vet up In <»r*r» t*»l»*Iron* ihiff .hi in It wax. eas*for the \e** \ .»eker%

Alll 111-,; ,|«|aim ii srs rrl' .! i

v.'.i, i. IAMirrnI' Mil.AA im .ii.s||lA11 Ii iir si.i ,|

Spnrhm SkiilccIn Silxi'i- SkiilesMike ti.iii'V. MM IIUMM S'r

ill- vk.iter, riventl.A po ti.-ip it • iin Silver Skiitiv; eo'inneiiiioi,in 1 ' .it St l.otii:;, Mt •• out i

Supliuinoie Mike avIim aa.i

HponMiled by Hie Mleiug.iu Sti»S• •

IllitllMiUl.ll S|M»lls t'lu'l. iMiferedHie 4 id .ind HHO- v.nxl e'\eii1s If.-nl-ii .'irinpetisl in the .>ue .m ttaao imte events, avim uiig p.ptx-lindtun v hint in tin- ,»n.nule. imi fading t.» |»i.n-e m u,.P.iki! I'uirelitlv. Mike hold' thefie-te-ct indoor mile ie. n IMi.'i.u'iii

Iwrd/py Wh i' /

IMsiotis LoseTn Lakers,IIIMI VIiiikII<*NMINK >1 IS f pi if „

'.. p..!.t I do , " • •*.'

i t 11il.iI ti I to ! i. I ■ , (*;I ! ! Slilid iA .. l ooki. j j •• ;

Ilundli s b;,4. •. d •i'< I N i'ioii u Mil, ih.iii \ i,

I 'el ,, .1 in. ! i ! * .

t r- 0411* •

Male w . I'hnlii Iiv *» PrnxtS| itr\ IV. \ndrtf-i »| .>» t* i; u nits Vutthii rslcrn'x M illie .fotteH,ij' in Saturdt* » *1 ** e oi.jitest u( the M illicit* In Hie tiaekgrmmil»% !•»»»* Kaeil 'e and Jot.n i.rren • 'I .(urtkilh uhirureil)


ron \ atl A *K I I II A I I

I Ml III IH III II III.'* I . s Itllll'A .


A 1*1 III A .III 'as III a Ml I.• .IA in A III S AS MM .11 11 1,1 lit A.Ill I as III A AM . *

I IM I! I 'it tit I minute. I is l immu.iis x1 'A I NIlMAA I A* I * ll 1 IA #.< IH I Alll 411 | A s I SIMM*1.1 HIlillA -'AS I S III IA III• ID II Mill t I A A Haiti IM

I Ml II I I4 111 tv SllMH I AS AA S Ii i AA, '. AA shaA* I AS AA Sli i m i.i in AA SIlllAA 'as AA s ll . M 'II AA A tillsirnil K I is A l itisl ■ umi;i 1,1 AA Hll.llA "A AA S|l I AA '

IM A| HAIIa i.i trmvlt.itu: • a •• AiiiA.iii.ii.': '. 11:1 lit' A I A . fl llll'sI 111 A, lllsl fltllr Ii \s A I Mist I ..InI A A ll.iilix * , s It i.l, a i.• In It iill'V x a* It.illeA I


P.lliie tellUK en'l'ie- lie hit

i> oi to »i«n up d Hie IMt Ug e t'ompi t ,1 ion ty ill In' he'd.1.1.' 111.11 A ' ' t I'l.l 'I .1 Itlod ■

H.ill!*'ie It . ke'tnil h ■ oe PhoMA

e\ .',!t va >i; i»o.• >• i " ■ • i'11 u, Jen1 ( i A IV.

>\ 11 .S, tin ■. • : i., ,ii I ,'in ■,

•S ,ld\ S , < I J I

I*.',..;' p ol

<;ee»»«it*, i i>. ,t i.idti A .indsfpliMiuiite Pliil Imd in m| |j..trnh Imi •.ciuiiu: liuhpis a* It Ii *111 Ml.ll tc A . AA till it I //led tile I I il'l (t• It I,IIIMI AA 'III Ills III IA ".ll til Pis" fiiiiilt* mi the I iv| Hire.' jicitods

•■I I. ... , '

Ootid 1 . : .

I i "lod ,tt "• |- . |.


W I > I t ll\ IMA I a|I»\AA I I*

"I ! 41! X


A|iiiiu-4|...lis 11 i i;

Big 10 Basketball Scores"• I .'I I lull.III.• . .

Mi. !i.«•.<i* s« :i :

« it •» -'si do t , ,1 ' * '

I'MI I.|i ' U 1 f, in Ito ' . > I.. I. ,, . , ,\l I.) t I, , ■ '

« WII't'H I I A' SI! M l e.I ' »W ' " t

ilii !• 'MM, ... .


Mi l . Ml.' . I..-d tta-ketUdi• ft4 II " "I >'-•!

lllil 111

nlo o| mli i

.1,1,414 ill lieeVAMllllg |.l


'f I »«*!• h«tl|| l!.st ilting ''Hbf> Ifdruteuitil • Mil. e in Jo*u>«AA ill be fioir, 11 i m, to H ,'tu (• ,

7 <■fill J'

M •-.'»* bi- - u'cl < M' i

. A .i. f • i musc fob,il)'.A • 1 j,-,,, g. •

• ■ I'. " »;♦•• M I-; Ut'h be-

?*. be v., m.i f,< r .-id the RedU s M, li sted % Igor,Hill V, .

>■ K'iMMl. d'. V sb-.t •

'• •'!" Ho/d" of the• '

■ ' ...«iil t|. . ilfld ' >fl: n' ton

LOOKING FOR A GOOD-FITTING JOB?§»0tlf »«, «#» !-•»♦ «| • (.1(11 lifts,g •ngr«««#f * M.»« !*•»• s .1 • .ggs.l.-.f.

1 f«sit fng.M»,.ng t|i»t.f|l4f 1st stkol Vougl.l ulls.i ... *sn rus,Am 4»o« VougM ins* kalp »«.« *.»»•' '»>• l-at.l f.-v >• s«e svt

•w W« ho* fMI «kol« lll'lt! Mn«l.4| fnu Al.lfl ik# ,«»!•

Ill INI VOUANV fltiillNlllltl IN TOUf PUCIMINI 0,1,44'

'*. I KIIKI AItA I I. I'l'o •

c * A * e »M J*• / ttfityt/'t' -i/iir /iMif

(age Top 10I'A t ilt ISAIM I A t i ll Vtll ss

More', huvv the toil Ml le.uitsM. \ iviti-d pit'-,.; |.,i>ket-

i " ,11 ;11.! I.l' t 'A ,.. d oll

■ < ot 11 ■ III! ! nil ill,' uf-• in e in (i*u eiilhesi' ■

A ,, ■ int.* 111 Hi t'.eal I'ttt•A.

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•ivnynioN Jt® iichisu*,*f< HK CRFGS0N ANTMONT QUATLC

n.StarlN Tlnirs.

\-dMosriwt h»»i:J. lllf!Ki»KJSi»(^|

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Hi-bfo kel S*a }■*. ;}. g, a »rt *?.'4

He 1 - V-* aI**; kr*

> * Uf.({ b.A *!,' R ■:.!!der ob Harry H * <

Av .' .A J- lN - V'.i i

M. i. *




I'M •Mi pa.



Today e S«tupChfcf Salad with Freni h Dre- uru:Cteafny Whipjted poUtcx^iHut Dinner K"Hs and FlutterI'nffew—Desert

A COMPLETE RIMNEK AT 9I.7Sf -r* S«l'>rtiay Host Prime Hib of UnlKvtry I f*«Klay—CIOMHIl.f.Wflnesday - Buck* to-fhe-Farm- Chicken

(c'Mtked >n butter)tvt-rjr Thuraday Succulent Barbecued Spare ftd>sF . *r> F riday—Broiled Steak or Fried ShrimpI Saturday—It roiled Choice 10 at. Steak

A CompUtr I .inner 4'or 11.7.*.Evfry Sunday Frwn 4;00 p.m. to 8 00

ITALIAN SPMKTTI BUFFET\n EYE and TASTE appaaliiMr Buffat Table of

ftc&i Italian Style SpaghettiJelio mold or chef'r saladsTFioujuni Island or French DressingsFrench Bread and Butter or hot garlic butterCoffea and Dwsert

ALL YOr CAN EAT FOR SI.2SDinner Served Each Sunday From 12 00 to 8 00 p.m...


IM* K OrnnN Blew CO I-NT4

K.iy trlflrr Jl|pu.l<|iiurlri> l or . . .

J-I [OP'Tlixeilu Henlals

*9.50 ,

Inrludinv: Tuxedo, Shirt. TU, Jewelry('unim.'rt.und nnd S.i-p*nd«ra

(Our NeKuUr $I2..*>0 Tuxedo Kontal)






. /


•X' ••• "



; vV I'flmMr.j 1 slay*

3D >ahci'J» vs< V.,-mr $ Nru»« IS St. -.*» in t!tr

. f S.'l.ip t»i>.-ki S/l t I *■ .1

S »A Sons* l»» Kr nc" 1*1 K. ..

s .v ih-i t;» ; .**!' M,vric!v.akrs > S!I Ho- •

. Sue V,, » « T •*.-!*

I,i .« Ti«v%> ilitr V..WU1' Mi.'i|c. .T-st.e


«' I ■

a! M■

JO l* V.;-,,It *1 '•'Mif* •

OUT C>U'ltlljl




s: •> v.. Sun

r„ u.

\.» ctV

JU! \ > <

\« ,

On the Air'


WKAR AnnouncesJanuary ProgramsWKAR and WKAR-FM. a mnttlvr of the N.ifl As«n. of Fduro-

tionat nitudcwrtfin and the Mult A*sn of R.ufto ,md fe.evtsionBrwideaslers has announced ft# progr.»m fchedu-ic foi the remainderof JanuaryPrograms from Sunday through Sihnd.u exn jvt when |ndtr«H\l


L.S. WorkIn MissilesI'ars Red s

Ki *• . .

W VSllINtlTON rV) IVp-11! \ Sevretary of' DefenseijM.'irlt's snitl, Sunday the1 *ni!« .1 Stntes is about on a with Russia in ballistic •missile jtf<m'ross anil, gener¬ally i- ahead of ' he Sovietsin raided missiVslhilhstu miwitrs >'f to" '

v-<; if,,, m ,.p ••-. w hi. h. o r «• aim¬ed. like ,vi of::.".v •hoil. ;m ff.»M«>w a ptedicnbl# P.rectoryt. i f« A • • '»■ ' te.i Ulj; ».| i-\ i. control.-Tltr of missile prv-

Itrc**. l»» the No 1 I'rnlatnn offi-} riil in a filmed trlr* l«ion inirr-

vlrtt willi Hep listerias <1*-N \ (itr a more rneonr.acinepicture of I s strens.Ui llianlias rome mil of some rerntltrstimout hrfnrr rwngrrxxloit.itrommilters

H. li n ii:e? to \mn u-a's ;trik. -

, i Im. k p.-tfOo.d ho s.t ii 1 beho\o vs. wh.d tt takes t.<prevent oar .o*d mo tall con-• ' V • it \vo thi(»W out

j h< 11 H ' ■ 'I feel thai otlf program is

' tic hi up to scratch." lie said "Iem't syt And I don't believeAinMt c.iii s.»». whether it is

s . tsaetb ahead or rx irtk he-sipd. ft til it is about mi a par

with thelt* In the long-rangehallistie field and senerallt

» speaklnc In cuidc,I missiles. |N

w on id sas our ptogram i« aheadof Iheirs "

Im* -.a t Jupiter .»« i Til-v I' ¬

ll mediate Range Jlo::t*»i, M - ->'!o ,i11 cmsi to ' he coming

•' to. ' V • * i

. f ii • se a t ' • .V. . an t 1 .


. " t: '• •. ■ lit ' . "1.: ! '■ • a > 'v t a'* eg t ,

MiniKIAN OTAT1 NtWflIrtnuars !•, IV59 Ntil

Democrals Pnahiiig 17-Jt.'tcr> (ails

Congress Hot on Small Business Tax Chopping

r M

i.' t*t r.t •

r.-i >•*

i"is >

y.w.. tt

l MutM: s' \:r^t

J tt ,

• Sun 'g tin s

n g'

und •

Inmiiiti I rilml (liircil>«•••/.« II omfii't liiulits

\\. \i

Campus DRIVE-IN CleanersUltoss llfllM iikkkiA

* CHlcr > on |

Cjudhts Hand I intshrd 1 icdmnc f.

I mr^t I ;tunitr i >rn ice . .

I ice Minor Mirr ttmn-

t fee M«»t h|>t «m*( in .

1 rrr Ih'hs rn

hriM »n Wtnrfi's*

One-Hour snitr

Call 10 2-0972 Today

<;w--Slort Tbo Oay

Oft RightWith




t t-1 — T \STA — HI VMI\ \|l| I


mi ll« TORKOr. nursing . . .

l'rnclical NursesHear (Jovernoi*

Speak al Kelloji"governor t". Mcnnch Witljnms

was tin* principal •.spoakp; at a

ii.ttciusvi uprnmg a t'cifii'ndworksiwvp on nursingf et ! a! t' e Kol'og,: CV'ttet' tort'onhnmng Fducatiun SutHtayThe ,w ai kvi*>;» :s sl^ynfhywt by

.tite NiPona' As-.e f.Praette .iN.-.- c KAiuMtiie-.. tlte Mieing inpiacti.Ai! V.u'-i-s ASsti . and theM ,r ll.sspftul As» nPresiding over the opening

session ww Miss I'ern A. timilding of Indianapolis. Indiana.President of the National %*sne-riaiion for Practical Nurse I I-iieatiou.Tile wsaiktehi'p for the d;<eiis-

Meei. of current pruhlcto.i ri; ietn'al nurse isiucation w .11»v» •utile utS.! Tu.svi.,% Nt-sI'dvt.t Torrop. F*x<scvitt\-v Pur ■-!■" of the Nation.', A-sii forPt.actieal Nurse K.iueat wi'.lhi' t?i«' gtii-st spe.'ko: Tuesday■.and wt'.i a.i,in -s the fseifcreneeat its Una' session

WASHINGTON t.41 — Propos-nls for small business tax rebelgenerated new steam in Con¬gress Monday and prospects forlegislative action this session ap¬peared stronpeiTopping off a week of twin •

tiess tax developments. Rep. rol¬ler (!>-NY> hi- is tn-

trodueing a bill to provide t.t\cuts ranging ftom ti to K3 petcent for business#--, earningX!00,n00 a vear or less(Viler, ehaitman of the Hon ••

Judiciary t'oninutfee and the anthrust .Mihcominitte«v got behinda gtaduateit small Inisitiess in¬come tax already Iwiekivl bv

Sons Sparkntan mid Hill ofAlabamu, Morse and Neuhergerof Oregon, Kefativer of Teniies-see. Humphrey of Wisconsin, andKennedy of Massachusetts allDemocrats.last week Rep. Pa Iman i|l-

TrO. ehtlrman of the HouseSmall Riisiness t ummittee. in-tinduced * hill ctnhodvlng taxproposals of the President's rah-Inel eommlttee on nmtll business.las rebel prospeets foi siuall

bu'-inessmen took a sharp up*turn Thursday when Secretaryof the Treasury Anderson rec¬ommended a four-point programfor. them. Anderson ruled out

general tax cuts at this timebut conceded, in testim ^o he-t.ue a House committee, that1110 might he.cbnsule'ied '.I busi¬ness conditions woisetud.Chairman Mills (DAik'.'t

t!*i House Ways and MeansCommittee said Sun-lav Cutigi- s

r-:j hi find p v t. re lucetaxes before the end of Ihuyear And he said tie would

••very definitely oppose ' any taxi,t» t eases

The Way* and Means Com¬mittee Initiates all U\ a television interview film¬

ed toi luoade»s! in New OrleansMilk said the nation's economyi - Pi .. "downt-uru" whuh m.vhtl.i t 1 ng t than admtnrst: 'I. •'»4 11 ' • ftnttn. aie

Before the end of p.. .

M.'.h said. "It may h»- ,.;-to all of tut lhat thecan not come backdepths to which ;t hasder existing rates of t.nAnd we may lv thmkir , ,v .

time in terms of lifting . ..

'ho: e existing burdenthough it would mean ii»n meing "

fOOto 3«30 dally (

• hur>d«> til 9>{/////]J

John Harvard !»v 400 !>,>okv• - the univeisifv that w»i« n.m-i 'for him. This was the Ivginningof the largest university librai vm ti\* world which now hasl"\?5n.00t> volumes



• ' » tt Mli!, ,*. T! ,-t »• in- levV *e| V |«'i* bill ,

I Ml •• • U« II, . H i tin d bu.tgi


I i|imrl of^ Hairy I oiii|i.iuy VIilkm illi

1! ri'itiilar or I kin;: »i/r |ii/v.ior

I fool lonj: hot ilu|>«El) 2-6517

VARSITY DRIVE-IN(|iltiin rhfc*f cvcrplcd)


('.tvsplV. New 'Herman ami EnirlUh »»r I'rench anil EnglishNoitvrau IVlll Idinniwwe or Numo l'r«|iirno IJinmssf

|lrVrlf!v~l*Tenrh-Enul»j»li «»r lirrman KttKlishScience lliclionarics

I'atlcison. Herman or Trench Dictionaries for ChemistsMansion's. Shorter I rrnrh and Tnglish Dieltonar>

4 ttxas Spanish DictionaryTill lard. The Key to Herman Translation

Literary ToolsIJogct's 'I hrsrtnts

Wrhsier's Dictionary of S*n»nymxiVrhster'k lliographical Dictionary.| owler—Mmlern llngltsh I •wiget rahh's — English Synom ms

\\(N»d — i omplele llhyming Dictionary



(III the People"#. ( Iiureli Block)





1. : ,

t \ B r'"

DENIS IUIARriiivh ediici»t«>r (nxriphrr.theologUn, author . . . Vi*itiuc1 eciurrr in political wirnrc atKen von t oitC{r. iihio

Moiday, Jg—try 20"Tin Fait of Christ"

T—tday, #1—wry 21"TIm Pmr Md Km filsry"

Wtd—sday. J——ry 22"Tb« Faith mi Nn IMvarsRy""

Thgrsday, Ja—ry 23"Tha Christian aid tha CaniMs'


The tkrin hs wm■■Mid bythe C o—rM far CkrhvUan

Hark al MM far Ike tmutrt'iivmity r iww■My II affm yan a tha— la relatecurrent rrltftaott faHfc andthought, la pratMeows afrawipps llfr a— 1he Mr afthe mind. Ya« are tarMrd hMlrnd #aay ml Ike rvrnU af.the scrim