Saint Rose Reads

Saint Rose Reads 2019-2020 1956

Transcript of Saint Rose Reads

Saint Rose





Table of Contents Reading Good Literature......................................................................................................................................... 2

Using Saint Rose Reads .......................................................................................................................................... 3

The Reading Expectations ...................................................................................................................................... 3

The Grade Levels .................................................................................................................................................... 3

Rearing a Reader ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

What Good Literature Does .................................................................................................................................... 4

Is This a Book for Saint Rose Reads? ..................................................................................................................... 5

THE BOOK LISTS ................................................................................................................................................. 6

Animals ............................................................................................................................................................... 6

Art and Architecture ........................................................................................................................................... 7

Biography ............................................................................................................................................................ 7

Fables and Fairy Tales ........................................................................................................................................ 9

Fantasy .............................................................................................................................................................. 10

Fiction: Realistic ............................................................................................................................................... 12

Fiction: Historical ............................................................................................................................................. 14

Fiction: Other .................................................................................................................................................... 17

History and Geography ..................................................................................................................................... 20

Holidays ............................................................................................................................................................ 21

Humor ............................................................................................................................................................... 21

Math .................................................................................................................................................................. 22

Mystery ............................................................................................................................................................. 22

Myths, Legends, and Folktales ......................................................................................................................... 23

Poetry ................................................................................................................................................................ 25

Science and Engineering ................................................................................................................................... 25

Spiritual Reading/Moral Teaching .................................................................................................................... 26

Sports ................................................................................................................................................................ 27

Any Books by the Following Authors .............................................................................................................. 27

Resources/Works Cited ......................................................................................................................................... 28


The Purpose of Saint Rose Reads

Saint Rose Academy seeks to nourish the intellectual gifts of its students, teaching the children the truths of the faith supported by right reason. An integral part of this formation is the reading of quality literature.

In order for children to think according to the truth, they need first to learn the truths of the faith

and of themselves as creatures made in the image of God. Yet more than that: children must also have their imaginations fed by enriching, edifying, and nourishing literature. Children whose minds are nourished with truth, goodness, and beauty through excellent books will have the tools necessary to navigate through the philosophical errors of our time and culture, the imaginative power necessary to build a culture of life, and the strength of character to become what God wants them to become. Simply stated, children who read great literature will be able to think clearly, choose wisely, and love rightly.

A child’s mind is formed as he/she grows. If that mind is not formed deliberately according to truth,

goodness, and beauty by reading quality literature it will be formed by and according to the errors present in our modern culture and in the popular media. Saint Rose Reads is a means of providing that quality literature to children and to their families. Since it would not be wise to read poor or even mediocre literature when there are so many good books to read, and since it would be a waste of time to pass over good books simply in favor of what is new because it is new, Saint Rose Reads is to be an easy reference guide in finding worthy books to read.

Saint Rose Reads is a thoughtfully-crafted list of inspiring literature for children in grades K-8. As an

important part of the reading program at Saint Rose Academy, its main goals are four-fold: 1. To help Saint Rose students think according to truth, goodness, and beauty; 2. To develop in Saint Rose students a great love of reading; 3. To provide Saint Rose students with a means of becoming well-read and culturally literate

children and youths; and 4. To encourage children to become life-long readers.

Reading Good Literature “Good literature increases our resistance to cheapening influences. Children who read have broader sympathies and a larger picture of life. They develop more powerful, healthy, and discerning imaginations. And imagination is one of the keys to virtue” (Kilpatrick 23). “Great stories give us the grace of a mystical experience, on the level of the imagination” (Kreeft 18). Great children’s literature is marked by the following qualities:

It has a captivating plot; that is, a good work, something worth doing. It has great characters (or at least one great character) with whom readers can identify. It has a great setting, an interesting world—whether it is small or grand in scale, whether it is

familiar or new in scope. It is written with great style, including word choice, tone, and syntax. Its philosophy—infused with the light of truth, goodness, and beauty—provides insight into

ourselves, our lives, and our world (Kreeft 19-20). It has the capacity to intrigue not only children, but also adults. It has withstood—or will be able to withstand—the test of time (Bennett 108).


Using Saint Rose Reads

The books on the lists below have been chosen specifically for their literary and moral qualities and their high “likability.”

While many of these books are available at the Saint Rose library, they are also available at public libraries, at local book stores, and through the Internet.

Small boxes have been placed next to each book title, allowing for an easy way for you to mark what books you have read and how well you liked them.

The book lists included in Saint Rose Reads are by no means comprehensive, as there are plenty more wonderful books in the world to read than you will see herein. However, if a child reads what is on these lists, he/she (and his/her parents) can be sure that what he/she is reading is of high literary and moral quality.

The Reading Expectations

Saint Rose students are encouraged to begin using this book list immediately upon receiving it, as a hungry child would be inclined to step right up to the table to enjoy a fabulous meal.

The children ought to read for pleasure through the summer and throughout the school year. Since the books that are recommended are pieces of truly good literature, it should not be a struggle to get children to read them. Just as a child heads towards the kitchen when he/she smells something delicious cooking, so will he/she be attracted to “delicious” books when he/she senses their goodness.

A good book is always worth reading more than one time. Just as a child may want a second or third cookie to eat simply because they are so scrumptious, so a child may want a second or third reading on a particularly “tasty” book.

The Grade Levels "No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally—and often far more—worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond." - C.S. Lewis Next to each book on the list is a designated grade range at which the book would likely be most

suitable for reading. The grade levels indicated denote for a given book not only its difficulty of vocabulary, number of

words, and average number of words in a sentence, but also they reflect the maturity level required for thoroughly enjoying the book.

The grade levels indicated are a general—not rigid or restrictive—guide. Because readiness to read a given book varies widely among children, suggested grade levels should not be used in a way that will either discourage or limit a child’s reading. Similarly, the grade levels ought not push a child ahead of his/her individual readiness (Wilson 17).

It would be better for a child to read broadly at his/her grade level—and so become more well-read—than to read at a higher grade level and to, thereby, miss some outstanding literature.

The children should feel free to read any books on the lists, since all the books are worthy of reading. If a book is too difficult for a child to read or if it exceeds a child’s maturity level (thereby preventing

the child from thoroughly enjoying it), he/she ought to wait to read it until his/her reading skills improve and his/her maturity develops.

Books that are too difficult for a child to read can be read aloud to him/her with great pleasure and success.


The books that are listed as K-2, K-3, etc. are not specifically books that kindergarteners are to read on their own. While some kindergarteners may be able to read some of these books themselves, they are chiefly to be read aloud to the children.

Older students who have not read books marked for lower grades would do well to read those books so that they can be more well-read and culturally literate.

Anyone who is too old to be read to is too old. Similarly, anyone who is too old to read a book written for young (or younger) children is also too old.

Rearing a Reader Parents will find the following lists helpful as they seek to help their children to develop a great love of reading and to become life-long readers (see Hunt 36-37).

What Good Literature Does Good literature:

Instructs children about the ways of the wide and unfamiliar world they are entering; Offers lessons about how to live a good life; Educates children in the history, beliefs, and aspirations that we Americans hold as a people; Teaches children the images, symbols and expressions that Americans hold in common—

knowledge that is indispensible to a rich intellectual life; Puts children in contact with the great and long conversation that echoes through the ages,

embodying mankind’s greatest ideas and achievements, making the children heirs to a grand tradition. (Bennett 102-105)

At Saint Rose we wish to offer our children truly good literature, the best of what has been thought or said because of the impact it has—and the lasting impression it makes—upon the child’s heart, mind, and soul. With this in mind, we present the following lists of books for your child. First, please find below the guiding principles and questions that are considered to determine if a book qualifies for Saint Rose Reads.

Ten Ways to Raise a Reader

1. Restrict television watching drastically.

2. Keep the computer under control and where it can be

monitored. Don’t allow too many hours on pointless computer

games or in chat rooms.

3. Have books and other good reading material with easy

reach, an enticement to read.

4. Let your children see you reading.

5. Read books aloud together regardless of age.

6. Talk about books together; play games together.

7. Have well-lit rooms with comfortable chairs that invite


8. Balance activity schedules with reading time. Let your kids

know the library is as important as the gymnasium.

9. Encourage reading in bed with good lights to do so.

10. Visit the library often, and listen to books-on-tape when


Ten Ways to Raise a Nonreader

1. Have the television on at all times. Make sure

you put a television set and a computer in every

room. (Don’t forget the kitchen!)

2. Keep the place neat—no books or literary

magazines in sight.

3. Never let you children see you read a book.

4. Never take your kids to the library.

5. Never read stories aloud past age two.

6. Never talk about ideas while eating meals.

7. Keep the lights down low. Buy only forty-

watt light bulbs.

8. Schedule your children for every activity you

can think of so they won’t be bored.

9. Never play any table games together.

10. Absolutely no reading in bed or good lamps

to make it easy to do so.


Is This a Book for Saint Rose Reads? How a Book Qualifies for the List “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Phil. 4:8 “Do not conform yourself to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will

of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.” Rom. 12:2

Guiding principles: To implement, enrich, and support the instructional program of Saint Rose Academy. To build a collection that supports the Catholic school curriculum and is balanced with representation of various

points of view on different subjects. To select reading materials that are rich in literary merits that will excite students to discover the joy and beauty

of the literary world, which will inspire readers to seek truth and wisdom, and that will encourage moral and ethical rectitude.

Questions to consider: General:

1. God is represented as the source of everything that is true, good, and beautiful. a. In this book, which of these qualities is reflected? How?

2. What is the purpose of this book: to entertain, inform, inspire? a. Given the purpose of the book, how does it communicate information? Is it well-written? Does it have a

hidden message? 3. What in this book is worthy of praise?

a. Why is it worthy of praise? 4. What in this book is beautiful? 5. What in this book is excellent? 6. Are good and evil portrayed as clearly distinct or are they confused? 7. Does the book glorify goodness or evil? Which is shown in a more favorable light? 8. Does the book present as true anything that is actually false? 9. Does the book contradict Church teaching or Christian doctrine in any way? Does it support striving for the ideal

in a fallen world? 10. If the book mentions God or the Church, does it do so according to the truth of God and of His Church?

Characters & dignity of the human person:

11. The true dignity of the human person is that he/she was made by God and destined for life in Heaven with Him. a. How does this book present the true dignity of the human person? b. Is it ennobling of or demeaning of the human person? If it is ennobling, how so? c. If the book mentions anything about human sexuality, does it do so in a noble and pure way?

12. Characters in fiction are the way that the reader gains information. a. Are the characters presented as ignoble or base in any way? How so? b. Are the protagonists in the book truly honorable and virtuous or are they merely “nice”? Are they

vicious to no purpose? c. Is evil presented in such a way that suggests that it should be tolerated or embraced? d. Do the characters that choose to do evil in the book get their due justice? e. Do they get away with their sins? f. Do they repent?

Philosophy & Mechanics

13. The philosophy of a book (fiction or nonfiction) is summarized as the way that reality is presented as such. The philosophy of a book greatly influences the way characters or facts are presented.

a. Is the philosophy/worldview behind the book in accord with reality? b. Is it easily discernible? c. Is it materialistic, relativistic, or nihilistic?

14. Is the book well written? Excellently written?



Title Author Grade Levels

Animals Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears Aardema, Verna K—2 Fritz and the Beautiful Horses Brett, Jan K—2 Stellaluna Cannon, Jannell K—2 Swimmy Lionni, Leo K—2 Make Way for Ducklings McCloskey, Robert K—2 Barry, the Bravest Saint Bernard Hall, Lynn K—3 Tale of Peter Rabbit, The (series) Potter, Beatrix K—3 Complete Tales, The Potter, Beatrix K—3 Biggest House in the World, The Lionni, Leo K—4 There’s a Babirusa in My Bathtub! Schur, Maxine Rose K—5 James Herriot’s Treasury for Children Herriot, James K—8

Balto and the Great Race Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 2—4

Hundred and One Dalmations, The Smith, Dodie 2—5 Brighty of the Grand Canyon Henry, Marguerite 3—6 Justin Morgan Had a Horse Henry, Marguerite 3—6 King of the Wind: The Story of the Godolphin

Arabian Henry, Marguerite 3—6

Lassie Come Home Knight, Eric 3—6 Charlotte's Web White, E.B. 3—6 Trumpet of the Swan, The White, E.B. 3—6 Incredible Journey, The Burnford, Sheila 3—7 Big Red Kjelgarrd, Jim 3—7

Sounder Armstrong, William H. 4—6 Black Stallion, The Farley, Walter 4—6 Stone Fox Gardiner, John Reynolds 4—6 Misty of Chincoteague Marguerite Henry 4—6 Stickeen Muir, John 4—6 Shiloh Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds 4—6

Rascal North, Sterling 4—6 Inside the Zoo Nursery Smith, Roland 4—6 Story of Dr. Doolittle, The Lofting, Hugh 4—7 Black Beauty Sewall, Anna 4—8 Classic Horse and Pony Stories Pullein-Thompson, Diana (ed.) 4—8 Where the Red Fern Grows Rawls, Wilson 4—8

Old Yeller Gipson, Fred 4—8 I Want to Be a Veterinarian Maze, Stephanie and Catherine O’Neill

Grace 5—8

Call of the Wild, The London, Jack 6—8 White Fang London, Jack 6—8 My Friend Flicka O'Hara, Mary 6—8 National Velvet Bagnold, Enid 7—8 Yearling, The Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan 7—8


Art and Architecture

Towers Reach High Hill, Lee Sullivan K—3

How a House is Built Gibbons, Gail K—3 The Brooklyn Bridge

(Wonders of the World series) Mann, Elizabeth K—4

Empire State Building (Wonders of the World series)

Mann, Elizabeth K—4

Great Pyramid, The (Wonder of the World series)

Mann, Elizabeth K—4

Looking at Pictures: An Introduction to Art for Young People

Richardson, Joy 2—8

Boy Named Giotto, A Guarnieri, Paolo 2—5 Story of the Orchestra, The Levine, Robert 2—6 There Goes the Neighborhood: Ten Buildings

People Loved to Hate Rubin, Susan Goldman 3—7

Alphabetical Order: How the Alphabet Began Samoyault, Tiphaine 4—7 World of Architectural Wonders, The Corbishley, Mike 4—8

Lumberjack Kurelek, William 4—8 Prairie Boy’s Winter Kurelek, William 4—8 Prairie Boy’s Summer Kurelek, William 4—8 Building the Impossible Aaseng, Nathan 5—8 Alphabet Art Fisher, Leonard Everett 5—8 Old House, New House: A Child’s Exploration of

American Architectural Styles Gaughenbaugh, Michael and Herbert Camburn


Round Buildings, Square Buildings, Buildings that Wiggle Like a Fish

Isaacson, Philip M. 5—8

Building Big Macaulay, David 5—8

Castle Macaulay, David 5—8 Cathedral Macaulay, David 5—8 City: A Story of Roman Planning and Construction Macaulay, David 5—8 Mill Macaulay, David 5—8 Pyramid Macaulay, David 5—8 Unbuilding Macaulay, David 5—8

Underground Macaulay, David 5—8 Medieval Cathedral, A MacDonald, Fiona 5—8 Story of Architecture, The Milo, Francesco 5—8


Abe Lincoln’s Hat Brenner, Martha K—2 Hello Amigos! Brown, Tricia K—2 George Washington’s Teeth Chandra, Deborah K—2 Helen Keller: Courage in the Dark Hurwitz, Johanna K—2 Thundercake Polacco, Patricia K—2 Keeping Quilt, The Polacco, Patricia K—2 Thank You, Mr. Falker Polacco, Patricia K—2 Tallchief: America's Prima Ballerina Tallchief, Maria with Rosemary Wells K—4 Twenty Children of Johann Sebastian Bach, The Arkin, David K—5 George Washington Harness, Cheryl K—5


Columbus d'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar Parin K—6 George Washington d'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar Parin K—6 Florence Nightingale Armentrout, David and Patricia 1—3

Horn for Louis, A Kimmel, Eric A. 1—3 Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie Roop, Peter and Connie 1—3 Peter the Great Stanley, Diane 1—3 Benjamin Franklin d'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar Parin 1—4 Home Run: The Story of Babe Ruth Burleigh, Robert 1—5 Brendan the Navigator Fritz, Jean 1—5 Snowflake Bentley Martin, Jacqueline Briggs 1—6 Peter the Great Stanley, Diane 1—6 Irena Sendler and the Children of the Warsaw

Ghetto Rubin, Susan Goldman 2—5

George Washington Carver Carey, Charles W., Jr. 2—6 I Have a Dream: The Story of Martin Luther King Davidson, Margaret 2—6

Helen Keller Graff, Stewart and Polly Anne 2—6

Bard of Avon: The Story of William Shakespeare Stanley, Diane and Peter Vennema 2—8 Ben and Me Lawson, Robert 3—5 America's Robert E. Lee Commager, Henry Steele and Lynd

Ward 3—6

America’s Paul Revere Forbes, Esther 3—6 Young Abe Lincoln: The Frontier Days Harness, Cheryl 3—6 Young Teddy Roosevelt Harness, Cheryl 3—6 Mr. Revere and I Lawson, Robert 3—6 Amelia Earhart: Pioneer of the Sky Parlin, John 3—6 Martin Luther King, Jr.: Dreams for a Nation Quayle, Louise 3—6 Nothing is Impossible Aldis, Dorothy 3—7

Lost in the Fjord Sveinsson, Jon 3—7 Whistle, The Franklin, Benjamin 3—7 William Shakespeare & the Globe Aliki 3—8 Trial by Ice: A Photobiography of Sir Ernest

Shackleton Kostyal, K.M. 3—8

Librarian Who Measured the Earth, The Lasky, Kathryn 3—8 Out of Darkness: The Story of Louis Braille Freedman, Russell 4—6 Harriet and the Runaway Book: The Story of

Harriet Beecher Stowe Johnston, Johanna 4—6

Ben and Me Lawson, Robert 4—6 Day of Pleasure, A Singer, Isaac Bashevis 4—6 Magellan: First Around the World Syme, Ronald 4—6

Alexander Graham Bell Fisher, Leonard Everett 4—7 What’s the Big Idea, Ben Franklin? Fritz, Jean 4—7 Where was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? Fritz, Jean 4—7 Will You Sign Here, John Hancock? Fritz, Jean 4—7 Charles A. Lindbergh: A Human Hero Giblin, James Cross 4—7 Great Brain, The (series) Fitzgerald, John D. 4—8 Randolph Caldecott, the Children’s Illustrator Lewis, Marguerite 4—8 Louis Pasteur: Disease Fighter Smith, Linda Wasmer 4—8 J.R.R. Tolkien: Master of Fantasy Collins, David 5—7 Story of Thomas Alva Edison, The Cousins, Margaret 5—8


Escape from Slavery: The Boyhood of Frederick Douglass in His Own Words

Douglass, Frederick; ed. By Michael McCurdy


Kidnapped Prince: The Life of Olaudah Equiano Equiano, Olaudah. Adapted by Ann Cameron


Freedom Fighter: The Story of William Wilberforce

Everett, Betty Steele 5—8

Thomas Jefferson: Father of Liberty Ferris, Jeri Chase 5—8 Flying Scotsman, The Magnusson, Sally 5—8 Virginia's General: Robert E. Lee and the Civil

War Marrin, Albert 5—8

Commander in Chief: Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War

Marrin, Albert 5—8

Little Britches Moody, Ralph 5—8 Archimedes and the Door of Science Bendick, Jeanne 6—8 Abigail Adams Bober, Natalie S. 6—8 Great Little Madison, The Fritz, Jean 6—8

Miracle Worker, The: A Play Gibson, William 6—8

Leonard of Pisa and the New Mathematics of the Middle Ages

Gies, Frances and Joseph 6—8

Bach Holst, Imogen 6—8 Invincible Louisa Meigs, Cornelia 6—8 Abraham Lincoln: From Log Cabin to White

House North, Sterling 6—8

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas Douglas, Frederick 7—8 Diary of a Young Girl Frank, Anne 7—8 Endless Steppe, The Hautzig, Esther 7—8 From Slave to Priest Hemesath, Caroline 7—8 Story of My Life Keller, Helen 7—8

Carry On, Mr. Bowditch Latham, Jean Lee 7—8 Man for All Seasons, A Bolt, Robert 8 Hitler Marrin, Albert 8

Fables and Fairy Tales

Little Red Ant and the Great Big Crumb, The Climo, Shirley (retold by) K—2

Empty Pot Demi K—2 Paul Bunyan (On My Own Folklore) Krensky, Stephen K—2 Fables Lobel, Arnold K—2 Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters Steptoe, John K—2 Little Match Girl, The Andersen, Hans Christian K—3

Beauty and the Beast Brett, Jan (retold by) K—3 Stone Soup Brown, Marcia K—3 Golden Book of Grimm’s Fairy Tales, The Carruth, Jane (retold by) K—3 Hare and the Tortoise, The Castle, Caroline K—3 Irish Cinderlad, The Climo, Shirley K—3 Egyptian Cinderella, The Climo, Shirley K—3 Korean Cinderella, The Climo, Shirley K—3 Persian Cinderella, The Climo, Shirley K—3 Pied Piper of Hamelin Corrin, Sara and Stephen (retold by) K—3 Dear Mili Grimm, Wilhelm K—3


Pied Piper of Hamelin, The Lemieux, Michèle (retold by) K—3 Sleeping Beauty, The Mayer, Mercer K—3 Beauty: A Retelling of Beauty & the Beast McKinley, Robin K—3

Cinderella Perrault, Charles K—3 King of the Golden River, The Ruskin, John K—3 Selfish Giant, The Wilde, Oscar K—3 Emperor and the Kite, The Yolen, Jane K—3 Rumplestiltskin Zelinsky, Paul O. (retold by) K—3 One Grain of Rice Demi K—4 Fables Aesop K—8 Cautionary Verses Belloc, Hillaire K—8 Cautionary Tales for Children Belloc, Hillaire K—8 Aesop's Fables Pinkney, Jerry and Aesop K—8 Aesop’s Fables McGovern, Ann (retold by) K—8 Emperor's New Clothes, The Andersen, Hans Christian (retold by

Virginia Lee Burton) 1—4

Hans Andersen: His Classic Fairy Tales Andersen, Hans Christian; Illus. by Michael Hague


Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales, The Grimm 1—8 Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known Tales, The Wiggin, Kate Douglas and Nora A.

Smith 1—8

Barefoot Book of Princesses, The Matthews, Caitlín (retold by) 2—6 Perrault's Complete Fairy Tales Perrault, Charles 2—6 Little Bookroom, The Farjeon, Eleanor 3—7 Gudgekin the Thistle Girl and Other Tales Gardner, John 3—7 Shadowmaker, The Hansen, Ron 3—7 Light Princess, The MacDonald, George 3—7

Wonder Clock, The Pyle, Howard 3—7 Red Fairy Book, The (also Blue, Yellow, etc.) Lang, Andrew 3—8 Beauty and the Beast Lamb, Charles 4—6 How Djadja-Em-Ankh Saved the Day Manniche, Lise 4—6 Pinocchio Collodi, Carlo 4—7 Boy Apprenticed to an Enchanter, The Colum, Padraic 4—7 Rose Daughter McKinley, Robin 5—8 Little Prince, The Saint-Exupery, Antione de 7—8


Where the Wild Things Are Sendak, Maurice K—2

Good Night, Good Knight Thomas, Shelley Moore K—2 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins Seuss, Dr. K—3 Bartholomew and the Oobleck Seuss, Dr. K—3 Six by Seuss Seuss, Dr. K—3 Your Favorite Seuss: A Baker's Dozen by the One

and Only Dr. Seuss Seuss, Dr. K—3

Reluctant Dragon, The Grahame, Kenneth K—6 Many Moons Thurber, James 2—5 Babe: The Gallant Pig King-Smith, Dick 2—6 Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH O'Brien, Robert C. 3—6


Rescuers, The Sharp, Margery 3—7 Tuck Everlasting Babbitt, Natalie 4—6 0 Time, A L'Engle, Madeleine 4—6

Phantom Tollbooth, The Norton Juster 4—6 Over Sea, Under Stone Cooper, Susan 4—7 Boggart, The Cooper, Susan 4—7 Borrowers, The Norton, Mary 4—7 Field of Dogs, The Paterson, Katherine 4—7 Bark of the Bog Owl, The (The Wilderking Trilogy

#1) Rogers, Jonathan 4—7

Way of the Wilderking, The (The Wilderking Trilogy)

Rogers, Jonathan 4—7

Secret of the Swamp King, The (The Wilderking Trilogy)

Rogers, Jonathan 4—7

Castle in the Attic, The Winthrop, Elizabeth 4—7

Magician's Nephew, The Lewis, C.S. 4—8 Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Lewis, C.S. 4—8 Horse and His Boy, The Lewis, C.S. 4—8 Prince Caspian Lewis, C.S. 4—8 Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Lewis, C.S. 4—8 Silver Chair, The Lewis, C.S. 4—8 Last Battle, The Lewis, C.S. 4—8 At the Back of the North Wind MacDonald, George 4—8 Secret of Pooduck Isand, The Noyes, Alfred 4—8 Redwall (series) Jacques, Brian 5—7 Mouse of Amherst, The Spires, Elizabeth 5—7 Indian in the Cupboard, The Banks, Lynne Reid 5—8

Peter Pan Barrie, J.M. 5—8 Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Baum, Frank 5—8 Five Children and It Nesbit, E. 5—8 Phoenix and the Carpet, The Nesbit, E. 5—8 Egypt Game, The Snyder, Zilpha Keatley 5—8 Gullliver's Travels Swift, Jonathan 5—8 Farmer Giles of Ham Tolkien, J.R.R. 5—8 Hobbit, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 5—8 Letters from Father Christmas Tolkien, J.R.R. 5—8 String in the Harp, A Bond, Nancy 6—8 Thief Lord, The Funke, Cornelia 6—8

Redwall (series) Jacques, Brian 6—8 Gammage Cup, The Kendall, Carol 6—8 Book of Three (The Chronicles of Prydain series) Alexander, Lloyd 6—8 Black Cauldron, The Alexander, Lloyd 6—8 Castle of Llyr, The Alexander, Lloyd 6—8 Taran Wanderer Alexander, Lloyd 6—8 High King, The Alexander, Lloyd 6—8 Golden Key, The MacDonald, George 6—8 Lost Princess, The MacDonald, George 6—8 Princess and Curdie, The MacDonald, George 6—8


Princess and the Goblin, The MacDonald, George 6—8 Hero and the Crown, The McKinley, Robin 6—8 Blue Sword, The McKinley, Robin 6—8

Watership Down Adams, Richard 7—8 High King, The Alexander, Lloyd 7—8 Black Cauldron, The Alexander, Lloyd 7—8 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis 7—8 Through the Looking Glass Carroll, Lewis 7—8 Out of the Silent Planet Lewis, C.S. 7—8 Perelandra Lewis, C.S. 7—8 That Hideous Strength Lewis, C.S. 7—8 Lord of the Rings, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 7—8 Silmarillion, The Tolkien, J.R.R. 7—8 Giver, The Lowry, Lois 8 Animal Farm Orwell, George 8

Frankenstein Shelley, Mary 8

Fiction: Realistic

Pancakes, Pancakes Carle, Eric K—1 Madeline (series) Bemelmans, Ludwig K—2 How Many Days to America? A Thanksgiving

Story Bunting, Eve K—2

Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel Burton, Virginia K—2 Little House, The Burton, Virginia K—2 Miss Rumphius Cooney, Barbara K—2 Art Lesson, The dePaola, Tomie K—2

Nana Upstairs and Nana Downstairs dePaola, Tomie K—2 Now One Foot, Now the Other dePaola, Tomie K—2 Dogger Hughes, Shirley K—2 Snowy Day, The Keats, Ezra Jack K—2 Peter's Chair Keats, Ezra Jack K—2 Sophie’s Tom King-Smith, Dick K—2 One Morning in Maine McCloskey, Robert K—2

Blueberries for Sal McCloskey, Robert K—2 Alexander, Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday Viorst, Judith K—2 Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good,

Very Bad Day Viorst, Judith K—2

Chair for My Mother, A Williams, Vera B. K—2 Crow Boy Yashima, Taro K—2 Wall, The Bunting, Eve K—3 Hundred Penny Box, The Mathis, Sharon Bell K—3 Library, The Stewart, Sarah K—3 Journey, The Stewart, Sarah K—3 A Day on Skates Van Stockum, Hilda K—3 Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey, The Wojciechowski, Susan & P.J. Lynch K—8 Nate the Great (series) Sharmat, Marjorie 1—2 Tornado Byars, Betsy 1—3


26 Fairmount Avenue dePaola, Tomie 1—3 Long Way to a New Land, The Sandin, Joan 1—3 Miss Fannie's Hat Karon, Jan 1—4

Henry Huggins (and any other “Henry” books) Cleary, Beverly 2—4 Beezus and Ramona (and any other Ramona

books) Cleary, Beverly 2—4

Carp in the Bathtub, The Cohen, Barbara 2—4 Time of Wonder McCloskey, Robert 2—4 Seal Island School Bartlett, Susan 2—5 Silver Swan, The Morpurgo, Michael 2—5 Cobble Street Cousins, The Rylant, Cynthia 2—5 Five Little Peppers and How They Grew Sidney, Margaret 2—5 Betsy-Tacy (series) Lovelace, Maud Hart 2—6 Otis Spofford Cleary, Beverly 3—5 Ellen Tebbits Cleary, Beverly 3—5

Mitch and Amy Cleary, Beverly 3—5

Family Under the Bridge, The Carlson, Natalie Savage 3—5 Mysterious Miss Slade King-Smith, Dick 3—5 Thimble Summer Enright, Elizabeth 3—6 Middle Moffat, The Estes, Eleanor 3—6 Rufus M. Estes, Eleanor 3—6 Moffats, The Estes, Eleanor 3—6 Pinky Pye Estes, Eleanor 3—6 Homer Price McCloskey, Robert 3—6 Mandy Edwards, Julie Andrews 3—7 Paddle to the Sea Holling, Holling Clancy 3—7

Love, Ruby Lavendar Wiles, Deborah 3—7 Wheel on the School, The Dejong, Meindert 3—8 Dear Mr. Henshaw Cleary, Beverly 4—6 Strider Cleary, Beverly 4—6 Hundred Dresses, The Estes, Eleanor 4—6 Harriet the Spy Fitzhugh, Louise 4—6 Above and Beyond Bonners, Susan 4—7 Little Lord Fauntleroy Burnett, Frances Hodges 4—7 Secret Garden, The Burnett, Frances Hodges 4—7 Saturdays, The (Melendy Quartet series) Enright, Elizabeth 4—7 Ginger Pye Estes, Eleanor 4—7 …And Now Miguel Krumgold, John 4—7

Good Master, The Seredy, Kate 4—7 Call it Courage Sperry, Armstrong 4—7 Magic Summer Streatfeild, Noel 4—7 Party Shoes (and other “Shoes” books) Streatfeild, Noel 4—7 Jazz Man, The Weik, Mary Hays 4—7 Shadow of a Bull Wojciechowska, Maia 4—7 18th Emergency, The Byars, Betsy 4—8 My Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead 4—8 On the Far Side of the Mountain George, Jean Craighead 4—8 Frightful’s Mountain George, Jean Craighead 4—8


Girl Called Al, A Greene, Constance C. 4—8 I am David Holm, Anne 4—8 Rabbi’s Girls, The Hurwitz, Johanna 4—8

Onion John Krumgold, Joseph 4—8 Secret School, The Avi 4—8 It's Like This, Cat Neville, Emily 5—7 Cay, The Taylor, Theodore 5—7 Little Princess, A Burnett, Frances Hodgson 5—8 Ballad of Lucy Whipple, The Cushman, Karen 5—8 Railway Children, The Nesbit, Edith 5—8 Black Pearl, The O'Dell, Scott 5—8 Esperanza Rising Ryan, Pam Muñoz 5—8 Backwater Bauer, Joan 6—8 Cheaper by the Dozen Gilbreth, Frank Jr. and Ernestine

Gilbreth Carey 6—8

Up a Road Slowly Hunt, Irene 6—8 Summer of the Swans Byars, Betsy 7—8 Old Man and the Sea, The Hemingway, Ernest 7—8 Stories for Young People Henry, O. 7—8 Gift of the Magi and Other Stories, The Henry, O. 7—8 Captains Courageous Kipling, Rudyard 7—8 To Kill a Mockingbird Lee, Harper 7—8 Bridge to Terabithia Paterson, Katherine 7—8 Hatchet Paulsen, Gary 7—8 Brian’s Winter Paulsen, Gary 7—8 Brian’s Return Paulsen, Gary 7—8

Yearling, The Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan 7—8 Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane 8 M.C. Higgins, the Great Hamilton, Virginia 8

Fiction: Historical

Wagon Wheels Brenner, Barbara K—2 Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Gray Bridge,

The Swift, Hildegarde H. K—2

Ox-Cart Man Hall, Donald K—2 Snowshoe Thompson Levinson, Nancy Smiler K—2 Sam the Minuteman Benchley, Nathaniel K—3

Pink and Say Polacco, Patricia K—3 Beast of Lor, The Bulla, Clyde Robert 1—4 Beethoven Lives Upstairs Nichol, Barabara 1—5 Lion to Guard Us, A Bulla, Clyde Robert 2—4 Pirate’s Promise Bulla, Clyde Robert 2—4 Sword in the Tree, The Bulla, Clyde Robert 2—4 Courage of Sarah Noble, The Dalgliesh, Alice 2—5 Oliver Twist (Stepping Stone series) Dickens, Charles (retold by Les

Martin) 2—5

Les Misérables (Stepping Stone series) Hugo, Victor (retold by Monica

Kulling) 2—5


Gardener, The Stewart, Sarah 2—5 American Girls’ Collection Various authors; published by

Pleasant Company Publications 2—5

Peterkin Papers: the Return of the Lady from

Philadelphia, The Hale, Lucretia 3—4

Ellen’s Runaway Imagination Cleary, Beverly 3—5 Sarah, Plain and Tall MacLachlan, Patricia 3—5 Caleb’s Story McLachlan, Patricia 3—5 Skylark McLachlan, Patricia 3—5 Cottage at Bantry Bay, The Van Stockum, Hilda 3—5 Pegeen Van Stockum, Hilda 3—5 Francie on the Run Van Stockum, Hilda 3—5 Toliver’s Secret Brady, Esther Wood 3—6 Apple and the Arrow, The Buff, Mary and Conrad 3—6 Door in the Wall, The de Angeli, Marguerite 3—6

Brady Fritz, Jean 3—6 Trail of Apple Blossoms Hunt, Irene 3—6

Snow Treasure McSwigan, Marie 3—6 Annie Henry and the Birth of Liberty Olasky, Susan 3—6 Buffalo Knife, The Steele, William O. 3—6 Little House on the Prairie (series) Wilder, Laura Ingalls 3—6 Little House in Brookfield Wilkes, Maria D. 3—6 Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha, The Cervantes, Miguel de (translated and

adapted by Leighton Barret) 3—7

Cabin Faced West, The Fritz, Jean 3—7 All-of-a-Kind Family (series) Taylor, Sydney 3—7 Matchlock Gun, The Edmonds, Walter D. 3—8

Caddie Woodlawn Brink, Carol Ryrie 4—6 Grandfather’s Chair Hawthorne, Nathaniel 4—6 Hans Brinker (or The Silver Skates) Dodge, Mary Mapes 4—6 Number the Stars Lowry, Lois 4—6 Winged Watchman, The Van Stockum, Hilda 4—6 Augustine Came to Kent Willard, Barbara 4—6 Stories of Charlemagne and the Twelve Peers of

France Church, Alfred J. 4—7

Red Falcons of Tremoine Peart, Hendry 4—7 Beorn the Proud Polland, Madeleine 4—7 Heidi Spyri, Johanna 4—7 Son of Charlemagne Willard, Barbara 4—7

Radar Commandos Glemser, Bernard 4—8 Man of the Family Karr, Kathleen 4—8 Trumpeter of Krakow, The Kelly, Eric 4—8 Otto of the Silver Hand Pyle, Howard 4—8 Invention of Hugo Cabret, The Selznick, Brian 4—8 Buffalo Knife, The Steele, William 4—8 Perilous Road, The Steele, William 4—8 Counting on Grace Winthrop, Elizabeth 4—8 I, Juan de Pareja de Treviño, Elizabeth Borton 5—7 Slave Dancer, The Fox, Paula 5—7


Sing Down the Moon O'Dell, Scott 5—7 Callico Captive Speare, Elizabeth George 5—7 House of Sixty Fathers, The DeJong, Meindert 5—7

Little Women Alcott, Louisa May 5—8 Shakespeare Stealer, The Blackwood, Gary 5—8 My Brother Sam is Dead Collier, James Lincoln and Christopher

Collier 5—8

Small War of Sergeant Donkey, The Daly, Maureen 5—8 Johnny Tremain Forbes, Esther 5—8 Red Keep, The French, Allen 5—8 Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow, The French, Allen 5—8 Early Thunder Fritz, Jean 5—8 Adam of the Road Gray, Elizabeth Janet 5—8 Tale of the Western Plains, A Henty, G. A. 5—8 Boy Knight: A Tale of the Crusades, The Henty, G. A. 5—8

In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce Henty, G. A. 5—8

Wild Children, The Holman, Felice 5—8 Big John’s Secret Jewett, Eleanor M. 5—8 Hidden Treasure of Glaston, The Jewett, Eleanor M. 5—8 True North Lasky, Kathryn 5—8 Ship Macaulay, David 5—8 Golden Goblet, The McGraw, Eloise Jarvis 5—8 Anne of Green Gables (series) Montgomery, Lucy Maud 5—8 Man of the Family Moody, Ralph 5—8 Waiting for Anya Morpurgo, Michael 5—8 Sign of the Beaver, The Speare, Elizabeth George 5—8

Kidnapped Stevenson, Robert Louis 5—8 Black Arrow, The Stevenson, Robert Louis 5—8 Treasure Island Stevenson, Robert Louis 5—8 Outcast Sutcliff, Rosemary 5—8 Eagle of the Ninth, The (Roman Britain Trilogy) Sutcliff, Rosemary 5—8 Silver Branch, The (Roman Britain Trilogy) Sutcliff, Rosemary 5—8 Lantern Bearers, The (Roman Britain Trilogy) Sutcliff, Rosemary 5—8 If All the Swords in England Willard, Barbara 5—8 Hittite Warrior Williamson, Joanne 5—8 Fever 1793 Anderson, Laurie Halse 6—8 My Brother Sam is Dead Collier, James Lincoln 6—8 Brave Buffalo Fighter Fitzgerald, John D. 6—8

Messenger for Parliament, A Haugaard, Erik Christian 6—8 Cromwell’s Boy Haugaard, Erik Christian 6—8 Across Five Aprils Hunt, Irene 6—8 King's Fifth, The O'Dell, Scott 6—8 City of the Golden House Polland, Madeleine 6—8 Fingal’s Quest Polland, Madeleine 6—8 Staircase, The Rinaldi, Ann 6—8 Singing Tree, The Seredy, Kate 6—8 Silver Sword, The (Escape from Warsaw) Serraillier, Ian 6—8 Bronze Bow, The Speare, Elizabeth George 6—8


Witch of Blackbird Pond, The Speare, Elizabeth George 6—8 Warrior Scarlet Sutcliff, Rosemary 6—8 Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Taylor, Mildred 6—8

Prince and the Pauper, The Twain, Mark 6—8 Michael Strogoff: A Courier of the Czar Verne, Jules 6—8 Outlaws of Ravenhurst Wallace, Sister M. Imelda 6—8 Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Boyne, John 7—8 Education of Little Tree, The Carter, Forrest 7—8 Don Quixote Cervantes, Miguel de (translated and

abridged by Walter Starkie) 7—8

Men of Athens Coolidge, Olivia 7—8 Silver Chalice Costain, Thomas B. 7—8 Red Badge of Courage, The Crane, Stephen 7—8 April Morning Fast, Howard 7—8 Dark Frigate, The Hawes, Charles Boardman 7—8

Rifles for Watie Keith, Harold V. 7—8

Anna and the King of Siam Landon, Margaret 7—8 Billy Budd, Sailor Melville, Herman 7—8 Island of the Blue Dolphins O'Dell, Scott 7—8 Crusader King: A Novel of Baldwin IV and the

Crusades Peek, Susan 7—8

Scottish Chiefs Porter, Jane 7—8 Howard Pyle’s Book of Pirates Pyle, Howard 7—8 Men of Iron Pyle, Howard 7—8 Chosen, The Potok, Chaim 7—8 Red Pony, The Steinbeck, John 7—8 Blood Feud Sutcliff, Rosemary 7—8

Sword Song Sutcliff, Rosemary 7—8 Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Twain, Mark 7—8 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Twain, Mark 7—8 Song at the Scaffold, The von Le Fort, Gertrud 7—8 They Loved to Laugh Worth, Kathryn 7—8 With Pipe, Paddle, & Song Yates, Elizabeth 7—8 Devil’s Arithmetic, The Yolen, Jane 7—8 Death Comes to the Archbishop Cather, Willa 8 Deerslayer, The Cooper, James Fenimore 8 Last of the Mohicans, The Cooper, James Fenimore 8 Scarlet Pimpernel, The Orczy, Baronness Emma 8

Ivanhoe Scott, Sir Walter 8 Hiding Place Ten Boom, Corrie 8

Fiction: Other

Sammy the Seal Hoff, Syd K—1 Danny and the Dinosaur Hoff, Syd K—1 Horse in Harry’s Room, The Hoff, Syd K—1 Harold and the Purple Crayon (series) Johnson, Crockett K—1 Toby, What Are You? Steig, William K—1


Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing Barrett, Judi K—2 Berenstain Bears Go to School, The (series) Berenstain, Stan and Jan K—2 Five Chinese Brothers, The Bishop, Claire K—2

Mitten, The Brett, Jan K—2 Berloiz the Bear Brett, Jan K—2 Hat, The Brett, Jan K—2 Story of Babar the Little Elephant, The (series) de Brunhoff, Jean K—2 Petunia Duviosin, Roger K—2 Angus and the Cat Flack, Marjorie K—2 Story about Ping, The Flack, Marjorie K—2 Corduroy Freeman, Don K—2 Norman the Doorman Freeman, Don K—2 Little Toot Gramatky, Hardie K—2 Bread and Jam for Frances (series) Hoban, Russell K—2 Frog and Toad (series) Lobel, Arnold K—2

Mouse Soup Lobel, Arnold K—2 George and Martha Marshall, James K—2 Little Bear (series) Minarik, Else H. K—2 Curious George (series) Rey, Hans A. K—2 Always Room for One More Nic Leodhas, Sorche K—2 Best Read-It-Yourself Book Ever Scarry, Richard K—2 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins Seuss, Dr. K—2 Bartholomew and the Oobleck Seuss, Dr. K—2 Caps for Sale Slobodkina, Esphyr K—2 Sylvester and the Magic Pebble Steig, William K—2 Dr. DeSoto Steig, William K—2

Amos and Boris Steig, William K—2 Lyle, Lyle Crocodile Waber, Bernard K—2 Ira Sleeps Over Waber, Bernard K—2 Harry the Dirty Dog Zion, Gene K—2 Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present Zolotow, Charlotte K—2 Sleepy Book, The Zolotow, Charlotte K—2 Seashore Book, The Zolotow, Charlotte K—2 Gold Coin, The Ada, Alma Flor K—3 King's Fountain, The Alexander, Lloyd K—3 Great Poochini, The Clement, Gary K—3 Fortunately Charlip, Remy K—3 Story of Ferdinand, The Leaf, Munro K—3

Man Who Kept His Heart in a Bucket, The Levitin, Sonia K—3 Young Artist, The Locker, Thomas K—3 Through Grandpa's Eyes MacLachlan, Patricia K—3 Horton Hears a Who Seuss, Dr. K—3 Rikki-Tikki-Tavi Kipling, Rudyard K—4 Velveteen Rabbit, The Williams, Margery K—6 Clifford the Big Red Dog Bridwell, Norman 1—2 Amelia Bedelia (series) Parish, Peggy 1—2 Mr. Putter and Tabby (series) Rylant, Cynthia 1—2 Harald and the Giant Knight Carrick, Donald 1—3


Harald and the Great Stag Carrick, Donald 1—3 Griffin and the Minor Canon, The Stockton, Frank 1—3 Classic Starts series (various titles) Various authors; retold from original

classics; published by Sterling publications


Winnie the Pooh Milne, A.A. 1—4 House at Pooh Corner, The Milne, A.A. 1—4 Now We are Six Milne, A.A. 1—4 Pippi Longstocking (series) Lindgren, Astrid 2—4 Socks Cleary, Beverly 2—5 Mouse and the Motorcycle, The (and other

“Ralph” books) Cleary, Beverly 2—5

Giving Tree, The Silverstein, Shel 2—5 Fairy Caravan Potter, Beatrix 2—6 Whipping Boy, The Fleischman, Sid 3—5

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle MacDonald, Betty 3—5 Bear Called Paddington, A Bond, Michael 3—6 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Fleming, Ian 3—6 Rabbit Hill Lawson, Robert 3—6 Great Illustrated Classics (various titles) Various authors; published by

Baronet Books 3—6

Mr. Popper's Penguins Atwater, Richard 4—6 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Dahl, Roald 4—6 Wind in the Willows, The Grahame, Kenneth 4—6 Jungle Book, The Kipling, Rudyard 4—6

From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E.

Frankenweiler Konigsburg, E.L. 4—6

Cricket in Times Square, The Selden, George 4—6 Abel's Island Steig, William 4—6 Mary Poppins Travers, Pamela L. 4—6 Three Musketeers, The (The Illustrated Junior

Library edition) Dumas, Alexandre 4—7

When Shlemiel Went to Warsaw and Other Stories

Singer, Isaac Bashevis 4—7

Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories Singer, Isaac Bashevis 4—7 Tales from Shakespeare Lamb, Charles and Mary 4—8 Shakespeare Stories Garfield, Leon 5—8 Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare Nesbit, Edith 5—8 Stories from Shakespeare Chute, Marchette 6—8

Christmas Carol, A Dickens, Charles 6—8 Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Irving, Washington 6—8 Canterbury Tales, The McCaughrean, Geraldine (retold by) 6—8 Swiss Family Robinson, The Wyss, Johann David 6—8 Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel 7—8 Cricket on the Hearth Dickens, Charles 7—8 Lost Island, The Dillon, Eilis 7—8 Count of Monte Cristo, The Dumas, Alexandre 7—8 Three Musketeers, The Dumas, Alexandre 7—8


Stories of Edgar Allen Poe, The Poe, Edgar Allen 7—8 Shakespeare's Stories: Comedies

(Also: Histories and Tragedies) Shakespeare, William (retold by Beverly Birch)


Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, A Twain, Mark 7—8 20,000 Leagues under the Sea Verne, Jules 7—8 Around the World in Eighty Days Verne, Jules 7—8 From the Earth to the Moon Verne, Jules 7—8 Pearl, The Steinbeck, John 8 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Stevenson, Robert Louis 8

History and Geography

Titanic: Lost…and Found, The Donnelly, Judy K—2 Pompeii…Buried Alive! Kunhardt, Edith K—2 Story of Ruby Bridges, The Coles, Robert K—3

Fourth of July Story, The Dalgliesh, Alice K—3 Thanksgiving Story, The Dalgliesh, Alice K—3 Celebrate the 50 States Leedy, Loreen K—3 Flight Burleigh, Robert K—3 Paul Revere’s Ride Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth K—4 Lost Colony of Roanoke, The Fritz, Jean K—7 Children's Book of America, The Bennett, William K—8 We the People: The Story of Our Constitution Cheney, Lynne K—8 Alexander the Great: The Legend of a Warrior

King Chrisp, Peter K—8

First Voyage to America: From the Log of the

Santa Maria Columbus, Christopher K—8

First Flight: The Story of Tom Tate and the Wright Brothers

Shea, George 1—2

Magic Tree House, The (series) Osborne, Mary Pope 1—2 Liberty Tree: The Beginning of the American

Revolution, The Penner, Lucille Rech 1—6

Village of the Elephants Schmidt, Jeremy 2—5 Liberty Curlee, Lynn 2—6 Crossing the Delaware Peacock, Louise 2—6 Shh! We’re Writing the Constitution Fritz, Jean 2—8 Dorling Kindersley Eyewitness Books (various

titles) Various authors 2—8

Man in Nature: America Before the Days of the White Man

Sauer, Carl 3—5

Victory on the Walls: A Story of Nehemiah Hyman, Frieda Clark 4—7 Little House on the Prairie (series) Wilder, Laura Ingalls 4—6 Pharaohs and Pyramids Allan, Tony 4—7 Rome and Romans Amery, Heather and Patricia Vanags 4—7 Shipwrecked!: The True Adventures of a Japanese

Boy Blumberg, Rhoda 4—7

Into the Ice Curlee, Lynn 4—7 By the Dawn's Early Light: The Story of the Star-

Spangled Banner Kroll, Steven 4—7

To Be a Slave Lester, Julius 4—7


Herodotus and the Road to History Bendick, Jeanne 4—8 Landing of the Pilgrims, The Daugherty, James 4—8 Ferdinand Magellan and the First Voyage Around

the World Gallagher, Jim 4—8

World of the Medieval Knight, The Gravett, Christopher 4—8 Amazing, Impossible Erie Canal, The Harness, Cheryl 4—8 Traitor Fritz, Jean 5—8 Why Not, Lafayette? Fritz, Jean 5—8 You Want Women to Vote, Lizzie Stanton? Fritz, Jean 5—8 Young Patriot: The American Revolution as

Experienced by One Boy Murphy, Jim 5—8

Blizzard! Murphy, Jim 5—8 Orphan Train Rider: One Boy's Story Warren, Andrea 5—8 True Stories of D-Day Brook, Henry 6—8 Men of Athens Coolidge, Olivia 6—8

Give Me Liberty: The Story of the Declaration of Independence

Freedman, Russell 6—8

Blood-Red Crescent, The Garnett, Henry 6—8 Gettysburg (Landmark Books) Kantor, MacKinlay 6—8 Ice Story: Shackleton's Lost Expedition Kimmel, Elizabeth Cody 6—8 Life in a Medieval Village Morgan, Gwyneth 6—8 Red Hugh: Prince of Donegal Reilly, Robert T. 6—8 Flags of Our Fathers: Heroes of Iwo Jima Bradley, James; adapted for young

people by Michael French 7—8

Kon-Tiki Heyerdahl, Thor 7—8 Strange Footprints on the Land: Vikings in

America Irwin, Constance 7—8

Night Wiesel, Elie 8 Uncle Tom’s Cabin Stowe, Harriet Beecher 8


Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree Barry, Robert K—5

Twelve Days of Christmas, The Brett, Jan (illustrated by) K—5 Who’s That Knocking on Christmas Eve? Brett, Jan K—5 Christmas Day in the Morning Buck, Pearl S. K—5 Friendly Beasts, The dePaola, Tomie K—5 Little Drummer Boy, The Keats, Ezra Jack K—5 Lucy’s Christmas Hall, Donald K—5

Nutcracker, The Hoffman, E.T.A. K—5 Orange for Frankie, An Polacco, Patricia K—5 How the Grinch Stole Christmas Seuss, Dr. K—5 Twas the Night Before Christmas Vavares, Matt (illustrated by) K—5 Polar Express, The Van Allsburg, Chris K—5 Little Fir Tree Wise Brown, Margaret K—5


Knock, Knock! Who's There? Hills, Tad K—3


Riddles and More Riddles Cerf, Bennett K—3 Very Mice Joke Book Gounaud, Karen Jo 2—5 Ha! Ha! Ha! Over 400 Very Funny Jokes Archbold, Tim, Mik Brown, and Tania

Hart Newman 4—8


Spaghetti and Meatballs for All! Burns, Marilyn K—2 Twenty is Too Many Duke, Kate K—2 Roman Numerals I to MM Geisert, Arthur K—3 Amanda Bean’s Amazing Dream Neuschwander, Cindy K—3 Sir Cumference & the Dragon of Pi Neuschwander, Cindy 1—4 Sir Cumference & the First Round Table Neuschwander, Cindy 1—4 Sir Cumference & the Great Knight of Angleland Neuschwander, Cindy 1—4 Sir Cumference & the Sword in the Cone Neuschwander, Cindy 1—4 Sir Cumference & the Isle of Immeter Neuschwander, Cindy 1—4

Sir Cumference & All the King’s Tens Neuschwander, Cindy 1—4 Less Than Nothing Is Really Something Froman, Robert 1—5 Measuring Penny Leedy, Loreen 2—4 Anno’s Mysterous Multiplying Jar Anno, Masaichiro and Mitsumasa 2—5 Pythagoras and the Ratios Ellis, Julie 2—5 What’s Your Angle, Pythagoras? Ellis, Julie 2—5 Famous Mathematicians Stonaker, Frances Benson 4—8 Geometry Caron, Lucille and Philip M. St. Jacques 5—8 Entertaining Mathematical Puzzles Gardner, Martin 6—8


Cam Jansen (series) Adler, David 1—2 Boxcar Children, The (series) Warner, Gertrude Chandler 2—4 Lost in Peter's Tomb (Adventures with Sister

Philomena, Special Agent for The Pope) Ahern, Dianne 3—5

Break-In at the Basilica (Adventures with Sister Philomena, Special Agent for The Pope)

Ahern, Dianne 3—5

Curse of the Coins (Adventures with Sister Philomena, Special Agent for The Pope)

Ahern, Dianne 3—5

Secrets of Siena (Adventures with Sister Philomena, Special Agent for The Pope)

Ahern, Dianne 3—5

Encyclopedia Brown (series) Sobol, Donald J. 3—5 Hardy Boys, The (series) Dixon, Franklin W. 4—6

Nancy Drew (series) Keene, Carolyn 4—6 Adventures of Tintin (several volumes) Hergé 4—8 Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery, The Base, Graeme 5—8 Father Brown Reader, The Chesterton, G.K. (adapted by Nancy

Carpenter Brown with Rose Decaen) 5—8

Hound of the Baskervilles, The Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 7—8 Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 7—8 Murder on the Orient Express Christie, Agatha 8 Strong Poison Sayers, Dorothy 8


Myths, Legends, and Folktales

Little Engine that Could Piper, Watty (retold by) K—1

Egyptian Gods and Goddesses Barker, Henry K—2 Tomie dePaola's Big Book of Favorite Legends dePaola, Tomie K—2 Little Red Hen Galdone, Paul K—2 Henny Penny Galdone, Paul K—2 Three Billy Goats Gruff Galdone, Paul K—2 Gingerbread Boy, The Galdone, Paul K—2 Complete Tales of Uncle Remus, The Harris, Joel Chandler K—2 Anansi Finds a Fool Aardema, Verna K—3 King Midas: The Golden Touch Demi K—3 Man Who Loved Books, The Fritz, Jean K—3 Anansi the Spider: A Tale from the Ashanti McDermott, Gerald (retold by) K—3 John Henry: An American Legend Keats, Ezra Jack K—3

Johnny Appleseed Lindbergh, Reeve K—3 Unicorn and the Lake, The Mayer, Marianna K—3 Stonecutter, The Newton, Pam K—3 Elfwyn's Saga Wisniewski, David K—3 Saint George and the Dragon Hodges, Margaret K—4 Boy Who Held Back the Sea, The Hort, Lenny K—4 Pegasus Mayer, Marianna K—4 Beowulf: Grendel the Ghastly Szobody, Michelle L. (adapted by) K—4 Gods and Goddesses of Olympus, The Aliki K—5 Pandora Burleigh, Robert K—5 Illustrated Book of Myths, The Philip, Neil (retold by) K—8

Song to Demeter Birrer, Cynthia and William (retold by)


Wooden Horse of Troy, The Mozley, Juliet (retold by) 1—4 Pandora’s Box Weil, Lisl (retold by) 1—4 Atalanta’s Race Climo, Shirley (retold by) 1—8 Greek Myths (Classic Starts) Namm, Diane (retold by) 2—4 Tales From the Odyssey (Parts One & Two) Osborne, Mary Pope (retold by) 2—4 Truthful Harp, The Alexander, Lloyd 2—6 Gods and Goddesses of Olympus, The Aliki 3—6 Greek Stories Dolch, Edward W. 3—6 Hercules: the Man, the Myth, the Hero Lasky, Kathryn (retold by) 3—6 In Search of a Homeland; The Story of the Aeneid Lively, Penelope 3—8

Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of the Iliad Sutcliff, Rosemary 3—8 Stolen Thunder Climo, Shirley 4—6 Odyssey for Boys and Girls, The Church, Alfred J. 4—7 Iliad for Boys and Girls, The Church, Alfred J. 4—7 Adventures of Robin Hood, The Green, Roger Lancelyn 4—7 Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, The Pyle, Howard 4—7 King of the Golden River Ruskin, John 4—7 D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths d'Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar Parin 4—8 D’Aulaires’ Book of Norse Myths D’Aulaire, Ingri and Edgar Parin 4—8 Tale of Troy, The Green, Roger Lancelyn 4—8


Greek Myths McCaughrean, Geraldine (retold by)


Odyssey, The McCaughrean, Geraldine (retold by)


Beowulf: A New Telling Nye, Robert 4—8 Favorite Greek Myths Osborne, Mary Pope (retold by) 4—8 Thistle and Thyme: Tales and Legends from

Scotland Loedhas, Sorche Nic 5—7

Dick Whittington and His Cat Moore, Eva 5—7 Dragon Slayer: The Story of Beowulf Sutcliff, Rosemary 5—7 Tales from Africa Arnott, Kathleen 5—8 Story of Roland, The Baldwin, James 5—8 Story of Siegfried, The Baldwin, James 5—8 Tales from China Birch, Cyril 5—8 Aeneid for Boys and Girls, The Church, Alfred J. 5—8

Golden Fleece, The: And the Heroes who Lived before Achilles

Colum, Padraic 5—8

Children’s Homer, The Colum, Padraic 5—8 Children of Odin, The Colum, Padraic 5—8 Trojan War, The Coolidge, Olivia 5—8 Caesar’s Gallic Wars Coolidge, Olivia 5—8 Tales from the Arabian Nights Dawood, N.J. 5—8 Heroes, Gods, and Monsters of the Greek Myths Evslin, Bernard 5—8 Adventure of Ulysses, The Gottlieb, Gerald 5—8 Tales from India Gray, J.E.B. 5—8 King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table Green, Roger Lancelyn 5—8 Tales of Ancient Egypt Green, Roger Lancelyn 5—8

Tales of the Greek Heroes Green, Roger Lancelyn 5—8 Adventures of Robin Hood, The Green, Roger Lancelyn 5—8 Myths and Legends Horowitz, Anthony 5—8 Heroes, The Kingsley, Charles 5—8 Tales of the Arabian Nights/Arabian Nights Lang, Andrew 5—8 Tales from Japan McAlpine, Helen and William

McAlpine 5—8

Iliad of Homer, The Picard, Barbara Leonie 5—8 Odyssey of Homer, The Picard, Barbara Leonie 5—8 Tales from the Arabian Nights Illus. by Brian Wildsmith; published

by Henry Z. Walck, Inc. 5—8

Great Myths of the World Colum, Padraic 6—8

Adventures of Ulysses, The Lamb, Charles 6—8 Boy’s King Arthur Lanier, Sidney 6—8 Crow and Weasel Lopez, Barry 6—8 Light Beyond the Forest, The Sutcliff, Rosemary 6—8 Sword and the Circle, The Sutcliff, Rosemary 6—8 Sword in the Circle, The Sutcliff, Rosemary 6—8 Sword in the Stone, The White, T.H. 6—8 Mythology Hamilton, Edith 7—8 Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Irving, Washington 7—8 Rip Van Winkle Irving, Washington 7—8


Tales of Norse Gods and Heroes Picard, Barbara Leonie 7—8 Story of King Arthur and His Knights Pyle, Howard 7—8 Story of Sir Launcelot and His Companions, The Pyle, Howard 8

Grail and the Passing of Arthur, The Pyle, Howard 8 Story of the Champions of the Round Table, The Pyle, Howard 8


Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother Goose Gustafson, Scott K—2 Mary Engelbreit’s Mother Goose: One Hundred

Best Loved Verses Englebreit, Mary K—2

Poetry for Young People Dickinson, Emily K—5 It's Raining Pigs and Noodles Prelutsky, Jack K—5 A Child's Garden of Verses Stevenson, Robert Louis K—5 Bad Child’s Book of Beasts, The Belloc, Hillaire K—8

Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, The Opie, Iona and Peter (edited by) K—8 The 20th Century Children's Poetry Treasury Prelutsky, Jack (chosen by) K—8 Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats T.S. Eliot 3—8 You Come Too: Favorite Poems for Readers of All

Ages Frost, Robert 6—8

Early Moon Sandberg, Carl 5—8 Of Quarks, Quasars and Other Quirks: Quizzical

Poems for the Supersonic Age Brewton, Sara and John E. and J.B. Blackburn


Science and Engineering

From Seed to Plant Gibbons, Gail K—2 Hurricanes! Gibbons, Gail K—2

Reasons for Seasons, The Gibbons, Gail K—2 Milk Makers, The Gibbons, Gail K—2 Moon Book, The Gibbons, Gail K—2 Planets, The Gibbons, Gail K—2 Planet Earth/Inside Out Gibbons, Gail K—2 Tornadoes! Gibbons, Gail K—2 Weather Forecasting Gibbons, Gail K—3 Sea of Tranquility, The Haddon, Mark K—3 Jack’s Garden Cole, Henry K—3 New Way Things Work, The Macaulay, David K—8 Pasteur’s Fight Against Microbes Birch, Beverly 3—6

Hottest Coldest Highest Deepest Jenkins, Steve 3—6 Along Came Galileo Bendick, Jeanne 4—6 Down to Earth Rosen, Michael 4—6 Archimedes and the Doorway to Science Bendick, Jeanne 4—8 Galen and the Gateway to Medicine Bendick, Jeanne 4—8 First Field Guide: Night Sky Mechler, Gary 4—8 American Boy’s Handy Book: What to Do and

How to Do It Beard, Daniel Carter 5—8

Field and Forest Handy Book, The: New Ideas for Out of Doors

Beard, Daniel Carter and David R. Goodine



Book of Camp-Lore and Woodcraft, The Beard, Daniel Carter 5—8 Bushcraft: Outdoor Skills and Wilderness

Survival Kochanski, Mors 5—8

Boy Electrician, The Morgan, Alfred Powell 5—8 Boy Scientist, The: 160 Extraordinary

Experiments & Adventures Peterson, C.J./Popular Mechanics 5—8

Boy Mechanic, The: Vol. 1: 700 Things for Boys to Do

Popular Mechanics 5—8

Boy Mechanic, The: 200 Classic Things to Build Popular Mechanics 5—8 Boy Mechanic Makes Toys: 159 Games, Toys,

Tricks, and Other Amusements (So Many Projects, Not Enough Time!)

Popular Mechanics 5—8

Complete Boy Mechanic, The: 359 Fun & Amazing Things to Build

Popular Mechanics 5—8

Boy Mechanic, The: Best Projects from the Classic Popular Mechanics Series

Popular Mechanics 5—8

Mystery of the Periodic Table, The Wiker, Benjamin D. 5—8 Boy’s Book of Mechanical Models, The Stout, William B. 5—8

Spiritual Reading/Moral Teaching

Holy Bible God K—8 Joseph the Dreamer Bulla, Clyde Robert K—2 Good Man of Assisi, The Coker Joslin, Mary K—2 Noah’s Ark Speier, Peter K—2 Forest of Dreams Wells, Rosemary K—2 Saint Francis and the Wolf Egielski, Richard K—3 Quiltmaker's Gift, The Brumbeau, Jeff K—4

Saint Jerome and the Lion Hodges, Margaret K—4 Amahl and the Night Visitors Menotti, Gian Carlo K—4 Saint Francis: The Poor Man of Assisi dePaola, Tomie K—5 Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland dePaola, Tomie K—5 The Holy Twins: Benedict and Scholastica dePaola, Tomie K—5 Just the Way You Are Lucado, Max K—5 Children's Book of Virtues, The Bennett, William K—8 Clown of God, The dePaola, Tomie K—8 Lady of Guadalupe, The dePaola, Tomie K—8 Legend of Saint Nicholas, The Demi K—8 Brother Joseph: The Painter of Icons DeNoble, Fr. Augustine, OSB K—8 Weight of a Mass, The Nobisso, Josephine K—8

Take it to the Queen Nobisso, Josephine K—8 Catholic Stories for Boys and Girls (Volumes 1-4) Neumann Press 1—5 Children's Book of Heroes, The Bennett, William 2—6 Other Wise Man, The van Dyke, Henry 2—8 Story of Junipero Serra, Brave Adventurer White, Florence Meiman 4—6 Mother Teresa: Sister to the Poor Giff, Patricia Reilly 4—6 Jotham’s Journey Rogers, Jonathan 4—8 All books in the “Encounter the Saints Series” Various authors; published by Pauline

Books & Media 4—8

Any “Vision Books” (lives of saints) Various authors; published by 4—8


Ignatius Press Many and various books about saints Windeatt, Mary Fabyan; published by

Tan Books & Publishers 4—8

Saint Catherine of Siena Forbes, F.A. 4—8 Saint Monica: Model of Christian Mothers Forbes, F.A. 4—8 Book of Virtues for Young People, The Bennett, William 5—8 Blessed Friend of Youth: Saint John Bosco, The Boyton, Neil, S.J. 5—8 Something Beautiful for God Muggeridge, Malcolm 6—8 Modern Saints (Books I & II) Ball, Ann 6—8 Youcat Youth Catechism Ignatius Press 6—8 Because God is Real Kreeft, Peter 7—8 Ablaze: Stories of Daring Teen Saints Swain, Colleen 7—8


Wilma Unlimited: How Wilma Rudolph Became the World's Fastest Woman

Krull, Kathleen 1—6

Jim Abbott: All-American Pitcher Reiser, Howard 3—6 Jesse Owens: Champion Athlete Rennert, Rick 4—6 Jim Thorpe: Olympic Champion Van Riper, Guernsey 4—6 Story of the Olympics, The Anderson, Dave 4—8 Thank You, Jackie Robinson Cohen, Barbara 5—7 Jesse Owens Streissguth, Thomas 5—8 Heat Lupica, Mike 6—8 Travel Team Lupica, Mike 6—8 Summer Ball Lupica, Mike 6—8 Million-Dollar Throw Lupica, Mike 6—8

Miracle on 49th Street Lupica, Mike 6—8 Big Field, The Lupica, Mike 6—8 Batboy, The Lupica, Mike 6—8

Any Books by the Following Authors

Alcott, Louisa May DePaola, Tomie Seuss, Dr. Speare, Elizabeth George Tolkien, J.R.R. Wilder, Laura Ingalls

“Never read books you aren’t sure about…even supposing that these bad books are very well written from a

literary point of view. Let me ask you this: Would you drink something you knew was poisoned just because it

was offered to you in a golden cup?” -Saint John Bosco

“Occupy your minds with good thoughts, or the enemy will find the bad ones. Unoccupied they cannot be.”

-Saint Thomas More


Resources/Works Cited Bennett, William J., Chester E. Finn, Jr. and John T. E. Cribb, Jr. The Educated Child. New York: The Free

Press, 1999. Hirsch, E.D., Jr. and John Holdren. Books to Build On: A Grade-by-Grade Resource Guide for Parents and

Teachers. New York: Dell Publishing, 1996. Hunt, Gladys. Honey for a Child’s Heart. 4th ed. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002. Kilpatrick, William and Gregory and Suzanne M. Wolfe. Books that Build Character. New York: Simon &

Schuster, 1994. Kreeft, Peter. The Philosophy of Tolkien: The Worldview Behind The Lord of the Rings. San Francisco:

Ignatius Press, 2005. Wilson, Elizabeth Laraway. Books Children Love. Wheaton: Crossway, 2001.

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