Sahayata - Cancer Patients Aid Association

1969 2019 CPAA

Transcript of Sahayata - Cancer Patients Aid Association



Smt. Memla Mathur Smt. Memla Mathur Smt. Memla Mathur

on the occasion of her

th100 Birthdayth100 Birthdayth100 Birthday

With the blessings of

About CPAA ............................................................................................... 04

About Sahayata .......................................................................................... 05

Basic Cancer Information ........................................................................... 06

ResourcesHospitals ..................................................................................................... 18

Accomodation ........................................................................................... 26

Ambulance Service .................................................................................... 39

Blood Bank ................................................................................................... 42

Charitable Trusts............................................................................................ 47

Chemists ...................................................................................................... 54

Diagnostics Services ...................................................................................... 58

Home care equipments ................................................................................. 64

Mammography Centre .................................................................................. 67

Nursing Bureau ............................................................................................. 69

Oxygen Rentals.............................................................................................. 72

Palliative Care Centres ................................................................................... 76

Prosthesis Suppliers....................................................................................... 78

Wheel Chair Rental ....................................................................................... 80

Wig makers .................................................................................................. 84


Printed and Published in June 2019


About CPAA

Cancer Patients Aid Association (CPAA) was established in 1969, to provide support

and assistance to underprivileged cancer patients. Over the last fifty years the

organisation has expanded its vision and looked to address the causes of the rapid

increase in cancer incidence in India. CPAA works alongside with Medical Oncologists,

Physicians and Hospitals, focusing on education, awareness, early detection, cancer

insurance, support to treatment, guidance, counseling, rehabilitation and research.

While the primary concern is to meet the needs of poor cancer patients who otherwise

would not be able to benefit from the best treatments that medical science has to

offer, CPAA is now trying to reach out to patients from all walks of life in every possible

way. With years of experience in cancer management, CPAA now mentors other health

care organisations across India. CPAA has offices in Mumbai, New Delhi and Pune, and

draws its entire annual budget from corporate and individual donations.

The objective of CPAA is 'Total Management of Cancer', which includes:

• Raising awareness through lectures

• Early detection through screening

• Providing total care for cancer patients

• Rehabilitating cancer patients and their family members

• Research work on psychosocial issues related to cancer

• Advocacy for anti tobacco legislation and patient rights

Our comprehensive and informative website can be accessed for

further information on our projects, campaigns and activities. You can also follow us

on Facebook:

CPAA's Patient Care Department renders a wide variety of help on the emotional,

financial and medical fronts to cancer patients. Every month, new patients are referred

to us. On registration, their medical history is noted and after understanding their

prognosis and the recommended course of treatment, their specific needs are

identified. The questions they are often unable to ask their doctors are addressed here

too. Through this deep and involved discussion, CPAA realised that they had touched

upon a vast range of needs that no other NGO had ever covered.

The concept of Sahayata arose from the need CPAA recognised for putting the reins of

decision making responsibility back in the hands of the patient. Even the most well

educated person, when faced with cancer, becomes uncertain and finds himself

unable to take considered decisions. The terms are unfamiliar, the choices bewildering

and the consequences of a wrong turn potentially devastating. 'Sahayata', as the name

suggests, is a quick reference on community help and welfare services pertaining to

cancer‐related issues. It is not intended as a guide to self‐treatment but provides

credible information on cancer and the related resources in the city of Mumbai. This

booklet aims to help the individual to understand the options available at a glance be it

hospitals for treatment, specialist doctors or budget places to stay.

* Disclaimer: This booklet is intended as a source of information generally useful to

cancer patients. It is meant for general reference purposes only. It is not a substitute for

professional medical advice. Inclusion in the booklet and/or rank of listing does not

constitute endorsement of any particular establishment over another by CPAA.

Readers are advised to make their own enquiries carefully before making a decision.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional. CPAA

shall not be responsible for any decisions taken on the basis of information contained



About Sahayata


1) What is cancer?

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Each cell in the

body contains DNA in its nucleus which controls its life cycle. For many reasons,

this control mechanism stops working. Old cells do not die and instead grow out of

control, forming new, abnormal cells, or a tumour.

2) What are the early symptoms of cancer?

Usually, early cancer does not cause pain. The signs or symptoms will depend on

where the cancer is, how big it is, and how much it affects the organs or tissues.

But sometimes cancer starts in places where it won't cause symptoms until it has

grown quite large. Given below are certain general signs and symptoms to watch

out for. There may be other causes for each of these, but it's important to see a

doctor about them as soon as possible – especially if there's no other cause you

can identify, the problem lasts a long time, or it gets worse over time. Do not wait

to feel pain.

• White patches inside the mouth or white spots on the tongue

• Recent change or bleeding in a wart or mole or sores that do not heal

• Nagging cough or hoarseness

• Excessive weakness or fatigue

• Unexplained weight loss or changes in appetite

• Indigestion or trouble swallowing

• Persistent back pain

• Unexplained night sweats

• Difficult or painful urination

• Unusual bleeding or discharge

• Thickening or lump in the breast or other parts of the body

• Testicular lumps

• Rectal bleeding

• Unexplained fevers


Basic Cancer Information


Basic Cancer Information

3) What causes cancer?

Though it is very difficult to pinpoint any definite cause, certain substances,

known as carcinogens, can definitely increase your chances of getting cancer.

• Some cancers are caused by faulty lifestyles. For example, tobacco use can

cause cancers of the head and neck region; early menarche and late

menopause can cause breast cancer or early marriage, multiple pregnancies,

history of sexually transmitted disease and multiple sexual partners can cause

cervical cancer.

• Overexposure to sun without protection can cause skin cancer.

• Exposure to radiation or nuclear fallout can cause cancer. Sometimes,

radiation treatment for one type of cancer can cause another cancer to grow

many years later. Certain chemicals have been linked to cancer, too. Being

exposed to or working with them can increase a person's risk of cancer.

• About 5 ‐ 10 % of all cancers are linked to genes or mutations that are

inherited from parents.

Some cancers are caused by viruses‐ Human papilloma viruses (HPVs)‐cervical cancer;

Epstein‐Barr virus (EBV)‐Burkitt lymphoma; Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C

virus (HCV)‐ liver cancer; Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)‐Kaposi sarcoma.

4) What are the risk factors for cancer?

A risk factor is a faulty lifestyle factor that increases your chance of getting a

disease, such as cancer. Some of the major cancer risk factors that can be


• Tobacco use

• Unhealthy or faulty Diet

• No Physical activity

• Being over‐weight or obese

• Alcohol use

• Sun exposure

• Environmental exposures, such as radon, lead, and asbestos

• Exposure to infections such as hepatitis, HPV, and HIV


Basic Cancer Information

5) How does cancer spread? What is metastasis?

A cancerous cell originating in one organ of the body has the ability to move using

the blood or lymphatic systems to other organs, colonising and destroying

healthy tissue in the process. That cell manages to divide and grow, making new

blood vessels to feed itself. This process is called metastasis.

6) What are the different types of Cancers?

Cancers are divided into different types based on where they originate:

• Carcinoma: They are the most common types of cancers. A carcinoma begins

in the skin or the tissue that covers the surface of internal organs and glands.

Carcinomas usually form solid tumours. Examples of carcinomas include

prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and colorectal cancer.

• Sarcomas: A sarcoma begins in the tissues that support and connect the body

like the fat, muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, blood or lymph vessels, cartilage

or bone. Examples are osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, liposarcoma and


• Leukemia: Cancers that begin in the blood‐forming tissue of the bone

marrow are called leukemia. These cancers do not form solid tumours. A large

numbers of abnormal white blood cells build up in the blood and bone

marrow, crowding out normal blood cells. The four main types of leukemia

are acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL),

acute myeloid leukemia (AML), and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).

• Lymphomas: Lymphoma is a cancer that begins in the immune system of the

body i.e. a network of vessels and glands that help fight infection. There are

two main types: Hodgkin's lymphoma and non‐Hodgkin's lymphoma.

• Multiple Myeloma: Multiple myeloma is cancer that begins in plasma cells,

another type of immune cell. The abnormal plasma cells, called myeloma

cells, build up in the bone marrow and form tumours in bones all through the



Basic Cancer Information

• Melanoma: Melanoma is cancer that begins in cells that make melanin, the

pigment that gives skin its colour. Most melanomas form on the skin, but

melanomas can also form in other pigmented tissues, such as the eye.

• Brain and Spinal Cord Tumours: The central nervous system cancer tumours

develop in the brain and spinal cord. These tumours are named based on the

type of cell in which they formed and where the tumour first formed in the

central nervous system.


7) Why should cancer be diagnosed and treated early?

The sooner a cancer is found the less likely it is to have spread to other parts of the

body making it easier to treat, less painful, expensive and chances of a complete

cure become greater.

8) How is cancer diagnosed? How can a doctor tell if a growth is cancerous?

An evident cancer sign or symptom usually takes you to your doctor who may

refer you for further tests. Cancer is nearly always confirmed by an expert who has

looked at cell or tissue samples under a microscope.

9) What are the different tools or techniques of cancer diagnosis?

If you have a symptom or your screening test result suggests cancer, the doctor

must find out whether it is due to cancer or some other cause. Along with your

personal and family medical history the doctor also may order laboratory tests,

scans, or other procedures. Lab tests are an important tool to help the doctors

come to a final diagnosis and appropriate treatment protocol.

Imaging Procedures: Imaging procedures create pictures of areas inside your

body that help the doctor see whether a tumour is present. These pictures can be

made in several ways:

a. X‐rays: X‐rays use low doses of radiation to create pictures of the inside of

your body.


Basic Cancer Information

b. Ultrasound: An ultrasound device sends out sound waves that people cannot

hear. The waves bounce off tissues inside your body like an echo. A computer

uses these echoes to create a picture of areas inside your body. This picture is

called a sonogram.

c. CT Scan: An x‐ray machine linked to a computer takes a series of detailed

pictures of your organs. You may receive a dye or other contrast material to

highlight areas inside the body. Contrast material helps make these pictures

easier to read.

d. MRI: A strong magnet linked to a computer is used to make detailed pictures

of areas in your body. Your doctor can view these pictures on a monitor and

print them on film.

e. Nuclear scan: For this scan, you receive an injection of a small amount of

radioactive material, which is sometimes called a tracer. It flows through your

bloodstream and collects in certain bones or organs. A machine called a

scanner detects and measures the radioactivity. The scanner creates pictures

of bones or organs on a computer screen or on film.

f. PET scan: For this scan, you receive an injection of a tracer. Then, a machine

makes 3‐D pictures that show where the tracer collects in the body. These

scans show how organs and tissues are working.

g. Biopsy: In most cases, doctors need to do a biopsy to confirm a diagnosis of

cancer. A biopsy is a procedure in which the doctor removes a sample of

tissue. A pathologist then looks at the tissue under a microscope to see if it is

cancer. The sample may be removed in several ways:

I With a needle: (FNAC ‐ Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology) The doctor

uses a needle to withdraw tissue or fluid.

ii. With an endoscope: The doctor looks at areas inside the body using a

thin, lighted tube called an endoscope. The scope is inserted through a

natural opening, such as the mouth. Then, the doctor uses a special

tool to remove tissue or cells through the tube.


Basic Cancer Information

ii. With surgery: Surgery may be excisional or incisional.

‐ In an excisional biopsy, the surgeon removes the entire tumor. Often

some of the normal tissue around the tumor also is removed to create

clear margins.

‐ In an incisional biopsy, the surgeon removes just part of the tumor.

10) What is Staging?

Staging is the process of identifying where a cancer is located and measuring how

far a cancer has spread when it is first diagnosed. Knowing the stage of your

cancer helps your doctor to:

• Determine the most effective treatment or combination of treatments for the


• Discuss the prognosis entire health care team and the patients and family

• Determine treatment effectiveness

• Compare larger populations with the same diagnosis to research new, more

effective cancer treatments

11) How is Stage Determined?

On the basis of the tests, scans and other procedures ordered by the doctors, the

stage of cancer is determined.

The numbered system uses stage numbers to identify how far cancer has spread:

• Stage 0 Cancer : Often referred to as 'in‐situ' cancer means the cancer cells are

still in the place where they started and have not spread at all

• Stage 1 Cancer: Is small and has only spread a little into nearby tissues. It has

not spread to any lymph nodes or other body areas.

• Stage 2 and 3 Cancer: Means it is larger and may have spread to nearby tissues

or lymph nodes

• Stage 4 Cancer: Has spread to other areas of the body. Stage 4 cancer is also

called metastatic cancer or advanced cancer.


Basic Cancer Information

In the TNM system, there are three categories:

• T = tumour

• N = lymph nodes

• M = metastases

Each of these categories is given a score, and together these scores show how

far the cancer has spread.

12) How should cancer be treated?

The treatment comprises of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and/or

biologic/targeted therapy in any suitable combination.

13) What do different types of cancer treatment entail?

There are many types of cancer treatment. The types of treatment that you

receive will depend on the type of cancer you have and how advanced it is. The

most common types of cancer treatment include:

a. Surgery: Surgery is a procedure in which a surgeon removes the cancerous

tissue or organ and the tissue from the nearby area that might contain cancer

cells. Doctors usually opt for surgery if the cancer seems to be contained in

one area (localised). Sometimes it's hard to tell how much surgery is needed

until the surgeon sees the extent of the cancer during the operation. Surgery

is most successful when the tumour has not spread to other areas.

b. Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy or radiotherapy, often abbreviated RT,

RTx, or XRT, is therapy using ionizing radiation in appropriate doses to kill or

shrink tumours. Radiation destroys cancer cells or damages them so they

can't grow.

External radiation: High‐energy rays are aimed from an machine. External

radiation is as painless as having an x‐ray taken and is usually done in an

outpatient setting. The treatment takes very little time and is most often

given 5 days a week for 5 to 8 weeks, depending on the size, place, and type of

cancer being treated.


Basic Cancer Information

Internal radiation or Brachytherapy: In some cases, radiation may be given

through pellets of radioactive material placed in or near the tumour. Such

implants allow a person to get a higher total dose of radiation to a smaller

area and in a shorter amount of time than with external radiation.

c. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is a treatment that includes a medication or

combination of medications to treat cancer. The drugs target cells growing at

a fast rate such as cancer cells but also affect healthy cells such as those that

line your mouth and intestines and hair, causing side effects.

d. Immunotherapy: In the last few decades immunotherapy has become an

important part of treating some types of cancer. It is a type of biological

therapy, which means it uses substances made from living organisms to treat

cancer. It may work in these ways:

‐ Stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells

‐ Stopping cancer from spreading to other parts of the body

‐ Helping the immune system work better at destroying cancer cells

There are several types of immunotherapy, including:

‐ Monoclonal antibodies

‐ Non‐specific immunotherapy

‐ Oncolytic virus therapy

‐ T‐cell therapy

‐ Cancer vaccines

e. Targeted Therapy: Targeted therapy is a special type of chemotherapy that takes

advantage of differences between normal cells and cancer cells zeroing in on

some of the changes that help them grow, divide, and spread fast and abnormally.

Targeted drugs can work to:

• Block or turn off chemical signals that tell the cancer cell to grow and divide

• Change proteins within the cancer cells so the cells die

• Stop making new blood vessels to feed the cancer cells

• Trigger your immune system to kill the cancer cells

• Carry toxins to the cancer cells to kill them, but not normal cells


Basic Cancer Information

As researchers learn more about the cell changes that drive cancer, they are

better able to design promising therapies that target these changes or block their


f. Hormone Therapy: Hormone therapy is a treatment that uses medicines to block

or lower the amount of hormones in the body to slow down or stop the growth of

cancer especially to treat prostate and breast cancers that use hormones to grow.

Hormone therapy is used to:

‐Treat cancer. Hormone therapy can lessen the chance that cancer will return or

stop or slow its growth.

‐ Ease cancer symptoms. Hormone therapy may be used to reduce or prevent

symptoms in men with prostate cancer who are not able to have surgery or

radiation therapy.

g. Stem Cell Transplant: Stem cell transplants are procedures that restore blood‐

forming stem cells in people who have had their destroyed by very high doses of

chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Healthy blood‐forming stem cells are infused

through a needle in the vein. Once it enters the bloodstream, the stem cells travel

to the bone marrow, where they take the place of the cells that were destroyed by

treatment. The blood‐forming stem cells that are used in transplants can come

from the bone marrow, bloodstream, or umbilical cord. Transplants can be:

· Autologous, which means the stem cells come from the patient themselves.

• Allogeneic, which means the stem cells come from someone else, a blood

relative or someone who is not related but is a close tissue match.

• Syngeneic, which means the stem cells come from your identical twin, if you

have one

It is very important that the donor and recipient are a close tissue match to avoid graft

rejection. Graft rejection happens when the recipient's immune system recognizes the

donor cells as foreign and tries to destroy them.

h. Precision Medicine: Precision medicine is an approach to patient care that allows

doctors to select treatments that are most likely to help patients based on a

genetic understanding of their disease. This may also be called personalised

medicine. Until recently, doctors didn't know why people with the same diagnosis


Basic Cancer Information

sometimes respond to the same treatment differently. After decades of research,

scientists now understand that

i. Tumours have genetic changes that cause cancer to grow and spread

ii. The changes that occur in one person's tumour cancer may not occur in

others who have the same type of cancer

iii. The same cancer‐causing changes may be found in different types of cancer

The hope of precision medicine is that treatments will one day be tailored to the

changes in each person's cancer and patients will receive drugs that their tumours are

most likely to respond to.

14) What are the Side Effects of Cancer treatments?

Cancer treatments can cause side effects, problems that occur when treatment

affects healthy tissues or organs. Side effects vary from person to person and

depend upon the amount or frequency of the treatment, age and other health

conditions, the most common known side effects caused by cancer treatment


• Anaemia (tired, short of breath, and light‐headed)

• Alopecia (Hair Loss)

• Appetite Loss

• Bleeding and Bruising (Thrombocytopenia)

• Constipation

• Diarrhoea

• Edema (a condition in which fluid builds up in your body's tissues causing

swelling or puffiness)

• Lymphedema

• Fatigue

• Infection

• Neutropenia

• Memory or Concentration Problems

• Mouth and Throat Problems

• Nausea and Vomiting


Basic Cancer Information

• Nerve Problems (Peripheral Neuropathy)

• Pain

• Sexual and Fertility Problems (Men/Women)

• Skin and Nail Changes

• Sleep Problems

• Urinary and Bladder Problems

15) Are there any general precautions and health care tips during cancer


Patients need to take special care of their health during cancer treatment. Here

are some general tips:

• Be sure to get plenty of rest and sleep as you may feel more tired than usual.

• Eat a balanced, healthy diet. Consult a nutritionist or dietician.

• Tell your cancer care team about all medicines and supplements you're


• Take special care of the skin in the treatment area as it may become more

sensitive or look and feel sunburned.


16) If you have been cured of cancer, can you develop another cancer? In the same

place? In some other part of the body?

About 1 ‐ 3% of patients develop a second cancer different from the original one,

called a second primary. However, a cancer can reappear at any time during

survivorship, the most common time being from five to nine years after

completion of treatment. This makes it very important for cancer survivors to

maintain good follow‐up health care. Lifetime monitoring by health care

providers who are knowledgeable about survivorship care is recommended.

17) What are the factors that affect prognosis?

Some of the factors that affect prognosis include:

• The type of cancer and where it is in your body


Basic Cancer Information

• The stage of the cancer, which refers to the size of the cancer and if it has

spread to other parts of your body

• The cancer's grade, which refers to how aggressive the cancer cells look under

a microscope. Grade provides clues about how quickly the cancer is likely to

grow and spread.

• The patients age and how healthy they were before cancer

• How you respond to treatment

18) What is the Difference between Cure and Remission?

Cure means that there are no traces of your cancer after treatment and the cancer

will never come back. Remission means that the signs and symptoms of your

cancer are reduced. Remission can be partial or complete. In a complete

remission, all signs and symptoms of cancer have disappeared. If you remain in

complete remission for 5 years or more, some doctors may say that you are cured.

Still, some cancer cells can remain in your body for many years after treatment.

These cells may cause a relapse. It is best to be aware of the risk factors for second

cancers and maintain good follow‐up health care under advice from your doctor

or knowledgeable health care providers.

Credit for Research:








Hospitals(In alphabetical order. Contact the hospital for further details)

APOLLO HOSPITALPlot # 13, Parsik Hill Road, Off Uran Road, Sector 23, CBD Belapur,Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400614Tel.: 022‐3350 3350 | Web. :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCESPlot no P‐72, Milap Nagar, MIDC, Dombivili, Thane ‐ 421203Tel.: 0251‐2475 000 / 01 / 05 | E‐mail : [email protected]. :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

B Y L NAIR CHARITABLE HOSPITALDr A L Nair Road, Mumbai ‐ 400008Tel. : 022‐2302 7000 / 2308 1490 | E‐mail : [email protected]. : *Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

BAI JERBAI WADIA HOSPITAL FOR CHILDRENAcharya Donde Marg, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2414 6964 / 2412 6003 / 2413 9809 • Extn : 233 / 262 Mob. :+91‐87795 89845 | E‐mail : [email protected]. :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

BETHANY HOSPITALPokhran Road no 2, Thane West, Thane ‐ 400610Tel. : 022‐2172 5111 / 234 | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

BHAKTI VEDANTA HOSPITAL & RESEARCH INSTITUTEShrishti Complex, Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg, Mira Road East, Thane ‐ 401107022‐3005 2400 / 01 | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

Hospitals(In alphabetical order. Contact the hospital for further details)


BOMBAY HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE12, Marine Lines, Mumbai ‐ 400020Tel. : 022‐2206 7676 | E‐mail : [email protected]. :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

BRAHMA KUMARIS' GLOBAL HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRES V Road, opp Railway Station, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400058Tel. : 022‐6648 7500 | E‐mail : [email protected]. :*Surgical Oncology

BREACH CANDY HOSPITAL60‐A, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai ‐ 400026Tel. : 022‐2366 7788 / 2367 1888 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

DHANWANTARI HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRED.L. Vaidya Marg Shivaji Park Dadar, Mumbai ‐ 400028Tel. : 022‐2430 4028 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

DR BALABHAI NANAVATI HOSPITALSwami Vivekanand Road, Suresh Colony, LIC Colony,Vile Parle West, Mumbai ‐ 400056Tel. : 022‐2626 7500 / 2618 2255 / 2618 2262 Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

DR L H HIRANANDANI HOSPITALHiranandani Hospital Road, Hill Side Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens,Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar, Powai, Mumbai ‐ 400076 | Tel.: 022‐2576 3300 / 33E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

Hospitals(In alphabetical order. Contact the hospital for further details)


DR L H HIRANANDANI HOSPITALHamilton 'B', Hiranandani Estate, off Ghodbunder Road,Patlipada, Thane West, Thane ‐ 400607Tel. : 022‐6799 8555 / 444 / 2545 8666 / 67 E‐mail: [email protected] | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

FORTIS HIRANANDANI HOSPITAL Mini Sea Shore Road, Sector‐10, Vashi, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Tel. : 022‐3919 9222 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

FORTIS HOSPITALMulund Goregaon Link Road, Mulund West, Mumbai ‐ 400078Tel. : 022‐4365 4365 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

FORTIS HOSPITALShill Road, Bail Bazaar, Kalyan, Thane ‐ 421301Tel. : 0251‐6694 100 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

GLOBAL HOSPITAL35, Dr E Borges Road, Hospital Avenue, opp Shirodkar High School, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐6767 0101 / 6767 0202 | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

HCG APEX CANCER CENTREHoly Cross Road, IC Colony, off Borivali Dahisar Link Road,Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400092 | Tel. : 022‐3366 9999 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

Hospitals(In alphabetical order. Contact the hospital for further details)


HOLY FAMILY HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRESt Andrew's Road, Bandra, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐3061 0555 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

HOLY SPIRIT HOSPITALMahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400093Tel. : 022‐2824 8500 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

JASLOK HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE15, Dr G Deshmukh Marg, Peddar Road, Mumbai ‐ 400026Tel. : 022‐6657 3333 | [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

JOY HOSPITAL423 AB, 10th Road, Chembur, Mumbai ‐ 400071Tel. : 022‐2528 4281*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

JUPITER HOSPITALEastern Express Highway, Service Road,Next to Viviana Mall, Thane ‐ 400601 Tel. : 022‐2172 5555 / 6666 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

K J SOMAIYA HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRESomaiya Ayur Vihar, near Everard Nagar,Eastern Express Highway, Sion, Mumbai ‐ 400022 Tel. : 022‐2409 3429 / 2409 0460 | E‐mail : [email protected] Web :

Hospitals(In alphabetical order. Contact the hospital for further details)


KARUNA HOSPITALJeevan Bima Nagar, near Bhagwati Hospital,Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400103Tel. : 022‐6159 4698 / 2895 3009 / 2893 4698E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

KING EDWARD MEMORIAL HOSPITALAcharya Donde Marg, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2410 7000 / 2410 7142*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

KOHINOOR HOSPITALKirol Road, off LBS Road, Kurla West, Mumbai ‐ 400070Tel. : 022‐6755 6755 / 3055 3055 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

KOKILABEN DHIRUBHAI AMBANI HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTERao Saheb Achutrao, Patwardhan Marg, Mudran Press Colony,Four Bunglows, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400053Tel. : 022‐3099 9999 | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

LILAVATI HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE A‐791, Bandra Reclamation, Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐2642 1111 / 2655 2222 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

LOKMANYA TILAK MUNICIPAL GENERAL HOSPITALDr Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Sion West, Mumbai ‐ 400022Tel. : 022‐2407 6381 | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

Hospitals(In alphabetical order. Contact the hospital for further details)


MAHATMA PHULE CHARITABLE TRUST HOSPITAL 7‐C, Budhyadev Mandir Marg, Sector‐4, Sanpada, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400705Tel. : 022‐2775 0000 | Mob. : +91‐91670 80524

MASINA HOSPITALSant Savta Marg, Near Gloria School, Byculla, Mumbai ‐ 400027Tel. : 022‐2371 4889 / 90 / 2376 6656 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

MGM NEW BOMBAY HOSPITALPlot no 35, Sahitya Mandir Marg, Sector‐3, Vashi, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Tel. : 022‐6152 6666 | Emergency Helpline: 14466E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

P D HINDUJA NATIONAL HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTREVeer Savarkar Marg, Mahim, Mumbai ‐ 400016Tel. : 022‐2445 2222 / 2444 9199 / 2444 7000 Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

PRINCE ALY KHAN HOSPITALAga Hall, Nesbit Road, Mazgaon, Mumbai ‐ 400010Tel. : 022‐2377 7800 / 2377 7900 Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

S L RAHEJA ‐ A FORTIS ASSOCIATE HOSPITALPolice Colony, Mahim, Mumbai ‐ 400016Tel.: 022‐6652 9999 / 6652 9599 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

Hospitals(In alphabetical order. Contact the hospital for further details)


SAIFEE HOSPITAL15/17,Maharshi Karve Marg, Mumbai ‐ 400004Tel.: 022‐6757 0111 | Mob.: +91‐75065 14832 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web:*Surgical Oncology,Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

SEVEN HILLS HOSPITALSeven Hills Health City, Marol Maroshi Road,Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400059 | Tel. : 022‐6767 6767E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

SIR HURKISONDAS NURROTUMDAS HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTREPadmashri Gordhanbapa Chowk, Raja Rammohan Roy Road, Mumbai ‐ 400004Tel. : 022‐3009 5555 | E‐[email protected] : *Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

SUSHRUT HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE365, Swastik Park, Chembur East, Mumbai ‐ 400071Tel. : 022‐2526 5555 / 2526 5500 / 2528 3302 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITALDr E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2417 7000 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

Online expert opinion from specialists : *Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

TATA MEMORIAL CENTRE ‐ ARCTECAdvanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in CancerKharghar, Navi Mumbai ‐ 410 210, INDIATel : 022‐2740 5000 | E‐mail : [email protected]

Web :

Hospitals(In alphabetical order. Contact the hospital for further details)


THE CAMA & ALBLESS HOSPITAL#1, Mahapalika Marg, opp Azad Maidan, Fort, Mumbai ‐ 400001Tel. : 022‐2261 1871*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy), Radiation Oncology

VEDANTA HOSPITALKasarvadavli, Ghodbunder Road Thane West , Thane ‐ 400615Tel. : 022‐2598 8000 / 1800 267 7700 | E‐mail : [email protected] :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)

WOCKHARDT HOSPITALThe Umrao IMSR, near Railway Station, Mira Road East, Thane ‐ 401107Tel. : 022‐2855 6000 | Mob. : +91‐81081 81044E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :*Surgical Oncology, Medical Oncology (Chemotherapy)


Accommodation Budget (In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)

ASSAM BHAWANSector‐17, Vashi, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Tel. : 022‐2781 0888 / 2781 0888 Rs. 170 per day (only for patients from Assam). Meals available at a nominal rate

BHARAT SEVASHRAM SANGHPlot no 263, Sector‐31A, Swami Pranavanandaji Marg,Vashi Village, Sector‐31, Vashi, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Tel. : 022‐2781 1327 Free

BRAHMAPUTRA CANCER CARE SOCIETYB‐13, Near Shivaji Chowk Sector‐12 Kharghar, Navi Mumbai ‐ 410210 Mob. : +91‐88504 89778 / 98337 62494E‐mail : [email protected] Rs. 110 per day. Self cooking facility

CHETANA FOUNDATION31, BDD Chawl, N M Joshi Marg, near Bawla Masjid,Lower Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400013 | Mob. : +91‐99679 28271Rs. 400 per day

DEEPSIKHA FOUNDATIONPlot no 65/66, Sector‐19C, Khopar Kairane, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400708 Tel. : 022‐2766 5408 | Mob. : +91‐98700 45407E‐mail : [email protected] Accomodation for patients. Attendant charges Rs. 75

DEEPSIKHA FOUNDATIONAradhana Building RH‐1, N‐52, Sector 7 Vashi , Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Tel. : 022‐2766 5408 | Mob. : +91‐99871 11471E‐mail : [email protected] accommodation for patients and attendant. Self cooking facility


DEEPSIKHA FOUNDATIONPlot no. 180, Sector ‐ 8 Vashi , Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Tel. : 022‐2766 5408 | Mob. : +91‐90046 52081E‐mail : [email protected] accommodation for patients. Attendant charges Rs. 85. Private rooms starting from Rs. 250 onwards

DEEPSIKHA FOUNDATIONPlot no. 202, Sector ‐ 28 Vashi , Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Tel. : 022‐2766 5408 | E‐mail : [email protected] Fully A/C Private rooms from Rs. 800 onwards

DR ERNEST BORGES MEMORIAL HOMEMIG Colony, Road no 4, Madhusudan Kalelkar Road, near Guru Nanak Hospital, Bandra East, Mumbai ‐ 400051Tel. : 022‐2659 2820 / 2644 1404General ‐ Rs. 70 per day, Semi‐private ‐ Rs. 150 per day, Private ‐ Rs. 350 per day(Note :‐ Accomodations done through Tata Memorial Hospital Only)

GARIB NAWAZ MUSAFIRKHANAParel Bhoiwada Masjid, Compound no 35, Bhoiwada, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2416 4593 Under Rs 1,000 per day

GOOD BYE CANCER FOUNDATIONHaji Mansion Building 1st floor, J Bhatankar Road, Elphinstone, Parel TT, Mumbai ‐ 400012 | Tel. : 022‐2410 2495

Rs. 100 per day

HAJI ISMAIL HAJI ALLANA SANATORIUMS M D Road, Antop Hill, Wadala East, Mumbai ‐ 400037Tel. : 022‐2412 4525Per day : 1 BHK ‐ Rs. 1,200, 2 BHK ‐ Rs . 1,500, 2 BHK(AC) ‐ Rs. 2, 000 Per month: General block ‐ Rs. 10,000 per month

Accommodation Budget (In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


HARI OM CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION"Shiv Dham" 20/941, opp Hari Mandir, near Gurudwara, Dhashmesh Darbar, GTB Nagar, Sion, Mumbai ‐ 400037Tel. : 022‐2401 5867 | Mob. : +91‐98678 46844 / 91676 69091 Free Accomodation and Food for General ward patients.

HARI OM LODGE252, Dr Ambedkar Road, near Parel Flyover, next to Parel Municipal Office,Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012 | Tel. : 022‐2411 3103 / 2411 2791Mob. : +91‐98206 63953 / 84248 57209 / 98339 02267 Rs. 800 to Rs. 1500 per day

JAGANNATH CANCER AID FOUNDATIONOm Deep Building, Room no 103, 1st floor, Sector‐19C, near Saibaba Mandir, Kopar Khairnne, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400709Mob. : +91‐93235 97244 Rs. 100 per day

K G N ENTERPRISEBisleri Store, Ganesh Smruti Building, Shop no 2, Gautam Nagar, near BMC F South Ward Office, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2411 4436 | Mob. : +91‐98191 32217 / 93222 64387Rs. 900 / 1000 / 1200 per day

MAHARASHTRA GUEST HOUSEnear Premier Cinema, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Road,opp Parel Fly Over, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2414 7987 / 2411 3604Rs. 230 per day

MANGALAM CHARITABLE FOUNDATION702, Neel Siddhi Enclave, Plot no 48/9, Vashi, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Mob. : +91‐91671 57626E‐mail : [email protected] / [email protected] Dormitory room Rs 100 per day, Regular room Rs. 500 ‐ 750 per day.Cooking not allowed

Accommodation Budget (In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


MHASKAR HOSPITALBombay Mother & Children Welfare Society, 31, BDD Chawl,N M Joshi Marg, Lower ParelMumbai ‐ 400013Tel. : 022‐2308 8942 | Mob. : +91‐9967 928271 Rs 400 per day. Self cooking facility

NANA PALKAR SMRITI SAMITI158, Rugna Seva Sadan, Rugna Seva Sadan Marg, ParelMumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2410 2167 / 2418 6724 / 2416 4890 | Mob. : +91‐99696 12553

Under Rs. 1000/ (Note :‐ Only Outstation Patients Allowed, RSS Letter Required)

NAVI MUMBAI BENGALI ASSOCIATIONNMBA Kali Bari, Plot no 25‐A, Sec‐6, next to Maratha Sahitya Mandir, Vashi, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400705Tel. : 022‐2782 3089 | Mob. : +91‐98920 93287 Under Rs 1,000 per day

NOORI MUSAFIRKHANASumni Dargah Masjid Compound, Dr Ambedkar Road,behind Premier Cinema, Dargah Galli, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Mob. : +91‐98671 90041Rs. 100 per day (Patients and Attendant)

SARVODAYA HOSPITALKirti Vihar, near Golibar Road, Lal Bahadur Shastri Road,Gandhi Nagar, opp Railway Station, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai ‐ 400086Tel. : 022‐2516 2253 / 2515 2237 / 2515 2332General ‐ Rs. 400, Bed Charges ‐ Rs. 90

SAYOG TRUST"Savali" KEM Hospital CVTC, Earnest Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012 Tel. : 022‐2418 2174Rs 40 Per Day . (for KEM Hospital patients only)

Accommodation Budget (In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


SHETH DAMODAR MADHAVJI CHARITY TRUSTDamul Niwas, 32‐A, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Bhulabhai Desai Road,Mahalaxmi, Mumbai ‐ 400011 | Tel. : 022‐2352 9618 / 5637 0790 Under Rs 1,000 per day

SHETH MORARJI BHAGWANDAS SHIVAJI SANITORIUM59/B, Walkeshwar Road, opp Shital Baug Bus Stop, Walkeshwar, Mumbai ‐ 400006Tel. :022‐2369 0536Free food and free accomodation for 1 month for patient and care‐givers

SHRADDHA FOUNDATIONNanak Bhojwani Garden, Ram Tekdi, Fattu Sweet Road,Chembur Camp, Chembur, Mumbai ‐ 400074Rs. 100 per person. Free food and transportation

SHRADDHA FOUNDATIONShraddha foundation Camp, Chembur Colony, Kurla East, Mumbai ‐ 400074 | Mob. : +91‐99207 45805Rs. 100 per person. Free food and transportation

SHRADDHA FOUNDATIONPlot no C‐91/92, Sector‐12, old Police Station Building, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai ‐ 410210 | Mob. : +91‐98332 04676Rs. 100 per person. Free food and transportation

SHREE M D AHUJA TRUST132, St Paul Road, Dadar East, Mumbai ‐ 400014 | Tel. : 022‐2416 2490

Rs 200 per day

SHRI SAKKHAR PANCHAYAT OF MUMBAI SUKKUR BHAVANDharmashala, 18/1, R A Kidwai Road, Sukkur Panchayat Chowk,opp National Market, Wadala, Mumbai ‐ 400031 | Tel. : 022‐2413 1275 Dormitory room Rs 190 per day, Double room Rs. 1,750 per day.Cooking not allowed

Accommodation Budget (In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


ST JUDE CHILDCARE CENTREIndian Cancer Society, Jerbai Wadia Road, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐24711621 | Mob. : +91‐97688 29772Free Accomodation

ST JUDE CHILDCARE CENTRENear TATA ATREC Kharghar, Navi Mumbai ‐ 410210 Tel. : 022‐3043 5149 / 6452 6602Free Accomodation for children only

TILAK HOSPITAL50, BDD Chawl, Dr G M Bhosle Marg, near Jambori Maidan, Worli, Mumbai ‐ 400018 | Tel. : 022‐2493 1939Rs 400 per day. Self cooking facility

VASANT HOUSEAbdula Building no 2, Dr Ambedkar Road, opp Raju Jewellers,Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012 | Tel. : 022‐2413 5094Rs. 300 Per day, 5 Rooms Available

VASANT HOUSEAbdulla Building no 2, opp Raju Jewellers, Dr Ambedkar Road,Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012 | Tel. : 022‐2413 5094Rs 500 per room

Accommodation Budget (In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


ASHRAY INTERNATIONALRoad no 1, near Railway Station, Sion, Mumbai ‐ 400022Tel. : 022‐2407 5544Super Deluxe ‐ Rs. 3,451; Premium ‐ Rs. 3,927

CENTRAL GUEST HOUSES M Mansion, 28, 2nd floor, 305, Belasis Road, above Anna Hotel,Mumbai Central, Mumbai ‐ 400008 Tel. : 022‐2309 6209 | Mob. : +91‐76666 62223E‐mail : [email protected]. 850 ‐ 1,350 (Non AC‐ ) ; Rs.1,700 ‐ 2,300, (AC)

EXECUTIVE ENCLAVE331, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, Pali Hill,walking from Lilavati Hospital, Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050

Tel. : 022‐2649 0227Rs. 7,140 (AC Delux)

HOTEL AL MEHRAJ109/110, Samuel Street, next to Jethabhai Transport, Masjid Bunder West, Mumbai ‐ 400009 | Mob. : +91‐99302 35265Rs. 1,500 per day

HOTEL AL SAUDIAL J Road, opp Paradise Cinema, Mahim West, Mumbai ‐ 400016Tel. : 022‐2446 1065Rs. 2,000 Per Night

HOTEL AVON RUBY87, Naigaon Cross Road, near Dadar Railway Station, Dadar East,Mumbai ‐ 400014Tel. : 022‐4213 3600 | E‐mail : [email protected] ‐ Rs. 4,100; Deluxe ‐ Rs. 5,300, Super Deluxe ‐ Rs. 6,000

HOTEL CITIZEN960, Juhu Tara Road, Juhu Beach, Mumbai ‐ 400049Tel. : 022‐6693 2525 / 2660 7273 | E‐mail : [email protected] ‐ Rs. 3,600 ‐ 4,000; Deluxe ‐ Rs. 5,300

Accommodation General(In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


HOTEL COSMOSeepz Pocket Cross Road, New Vijay Nagar Flyover Bridge,Vijay Nagar, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400059Tel. : 022‐2920 1314 | Mob. : +91‐97027 65986Executive‐ Rs. 3,100, Deluxe‐ Rs. 3,500

HOTEL CRYSTALMarzban Parsi Colony, 9, Gilder lane, opp Navjivan Society, walking from Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai Central, Mumbai ‐ 400008Tel. : 022‐2308 0251 / 52 / 53Rs. 3,750 (AC)

HOTEL FORTUNE36/38, 1st Marine Street, Metro, Dhobi Talao, Mumbai ‐ 400002Tel. : 022‐2205 2503 | E‐mail : [email protected] Standard ‐ Rs. 3,500, Deluxe ‐ Rs. 4000,Superior ‐ Rs. 4,500, Superior Plus ‐ Rs. 5,000 (Discount Available)

HOTEL GOLDEN RESIDENCYNani Niwas, B/203, St Francis Road, off S V Road,near Nanavati Hospital, Vile Parle West, Mumbai ‐ 400056Tel. : 022‐2610 3293 | Mob. : +91‐99208 54393Double Occupancy ‐ Rs. 2,500, Triple Occupancy ‐ Rs. 3,000Quadrupal ‐ Rs. 3,500; Extra Person ‐ Rs. 500

HOTEL GULISTAAN196, Lamington Road, next to Minerva Cinema, Mumbai ‐ 400007Tel. : 022‐2308 1461 / 62 / 63 / 64 / 65AC ‐ Rs. 2,700

HOTEL KUMKUM165, Lamington Road, opp Minerva Cinema, Mumbai ‐ 400008022‐2307 2010 / 2307 2710 | E‐mail : [email protected] ‐ Rs. 1,400; Superior ‐ Rs. 2,100; Deluxe‐ Rs.2,700

Accommodation General(In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


HOTEL MAHIM PALACEKapad Bazar Road, Wanjawadi, near Paradise Cinema, Mahim West, Mumbai ‐ 400016 Tel. : 022‐2445 2317 / 18 / 19 / 20 Single ‐ Rs. 1,800 ( Non‐AC), Double ‐ Rs. 2,200 ( Non‐AC),Single ‐ Rs. 2,200 (AC), Double ‐ Rs. 2,500 (AC),

HOTEL MANAMA221/225, P D'Mello Road, opp St George Hospital, near CST Station, Mumbai ‐ 400001 | Tel. : 022‐2261 3412 E‐mail : [email protected] Standard‐ Rs.3,000, Deluxe‐ Rs.3,500, Executive‐ Rs. 4,200

HOTEL METRO PALACE355, Ramadas Nayak Road, Hill Road, Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐6774 4555 | E‐mail [email protected] Executive‐ Rs. 3,000; Suite ‐ Rs. 5,500; Service Apartment‐ Rs. 7,000

HOTEL MIDLANDJawaharlal Nehru Road, near BEST Depot, next to Vihar Hotel,Santacruz East, Mumbai ‐ 400055 | Tel. : 022‐2611 0413 / 14 Deluxe AC ‐ Rs. 3,400

HOTEL MILAN INTERNATIONALMilan Subway, 1st Road, Santacruz West, Mumbai ‐ 400054Tel. : 022‐6560 8943 / 3226 8241 / 2611 7517 E‐mail : [email protected] Standard ‐ Rs. 1,800, Deluxe ‐ Rs. 2,200,Super Deluxe ‐ Rs. 2,500, Executive ‐ Rs. 2,800

HOTEL NEW BENGAL"B" Shalimar Estate, Dr D N Road, near Crawford Market, Mumbai ‐ 400001Tel. : 022‐2340 1951 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 | E‐mail : [email protected]‐ Rs.1,500, Standard Non A/C‐ Rs.2,100, Standard A/C‐ Rs.2400,Deluxe A/C‐ Rs.3000 (Discount available for cancer patient)

Accommodation General(In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


HOTEL NEW DEEPAKNational Highway Road no 5, opp St Joseph's School,Sandhurst Road, Mumbai ‐ 400009 | Tel. : 022‐3120 6282 / 2373 6394 E‐mail : [email protected] ‐ Rs. 1,750, Executive ‐ Rs. 2,900

HOTEL NEW INDIA14 Cross lane, Charnull, Dongri, Mumbai ‐ 400009Tel. : 022‐2372 6268Rs. 1,200 per day

HOTEL ON TIME318/41, Kakkad Corner, Kondivita Junction, Marol Pipeline,Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400059Tel. : 022‐4076 3333 | Mob. : +91‐98334 05158E‐mail : [email protected]‐ Rs. 3,000, Premium‐ Rs. 3,200, Suite‐ Rs. 5,400

HOTEL PALSnear Kalachowki Police Station, next to Union Bank of India,Kalachowki, Mumbai ‐ 400033Mob. : +91‐80808 55760 | E‐mail : [email protected] ‐ Rs. 2,600 ; Superior ‐ Rs. 3,000; Executive ‐ Rs. 3,200;Family ‐ Rs. 4,400

HOTEL PARKLANEDadar Commercial Premises CHS, 5th floor, Dadar East, Mumbai ‐ 400014Tel. : 022‐2411 4741 | E‐mail : [email protected]‐ Rs. 3,000 + Tax, Deluxe‐ Rs. 3,600 + Tax, Super Deluxe‐ Rs. 4,000 + Tax

HOTEL PARLE INTERNATIONALB N Agarwal Commercial Complex, Vile Parle East, Mumbai ‐ 400057Tel. : 022‐2616 2476 / 2616 2120E‐mail : [email protected] ‐ Rs. 3, 000; Executive ‐ Rs. 3,500; Apartment Room ‐ Rs. 3,500; Club Room ‐ Rs. 3,800; Suite ‐ Rs. 6,000

Accommodation General(In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


HOTEL PLANET PLAZAAndheri Kurla Main Road, opp Mukund Nagar Hospital, Mumbai ‐ 400059Tel. : 022‐2831 3975 | Mob. : +91‐99301 46350Executive‐ Rs. 2,400, Deluxe‐ Rs. 2,800

HOTEL ROSEWOODS99/C, Tulsiwadi lane, opp Airconditioned Market, Tardeo, Mumbai ‐ 400034Tel. : 022‐4321 6700 | Mob. : +91‐89751 57202E‐mail : [email protected]‐ Rs.5000 + Tax, Deluxe‐ Rs.6000 + Tax, Super Deluxe‐ Rs.7000 + Tax

HOTEL ROYAL CASTLE76, August Kranti Marg, Gowalia Tank, Kemps Corner, Mumbai ‐ 400036Tel. : 022‐2388 3888 | E‐mail : [email protected]‐ Rs.2100, Deluxe‐ Rs.2500‐3000,Super Deluxe‐ Rs.3300 (10% Discount to Cancer Patients)

HOTEL SAHIL292, Bellasis Road, Mumbai Central, Mumbai ‐ 400008Tel. : 022‐2308 1421 | E‐mail : [email protected]‐ Rs.3,750, Superior‐ Rs.4,300, Suits‐ Rs. 5,000

HOTEL SAPNA MARINEnear Metro Cinema, opp Gol Masjid, Dhobi Talao, Mumbai ‐ 400002Tel. : 022‐2219 8080 / 82 | E‐mail : [email protected]‐ Rs.3,700, Double‐ Rs.4800, Extra person Rs.1373

HOTEL SEA SIDE39/2, Juhu Beach, Juhu, , Mumbai ‐ 400049 | Tel. : 022‐2620 0293 / 6739 3700Rs. 4,760

HOTEL SHARDA / HOTEL NAYAKIndira Bhavan, 15/B, Road no 1, near Railway Station,Sion, Mumbai ‐ 400022 | Tel. : 022‐2407 5976Standard ‐ Non AC ‐ Rs. 2,000, Standard ‐ AC ‐ Rs. 2,500,Deluxe ‐ Non AC ‐ Rs. 2,800, Deluxe ‐ AC ‐ Rs. 3,000

Accommodation General(In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


HOTEL SIDDHARTHASwami Vivekanand Road, next to Bandra Talao, Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐2642 7697 / 2642 4326Rs. 5,355

HOTEL SION RESIDENCYLBS Marg, Naik Nagar, opp Goods, near Discovery Bar,Sion, Mumbai ‐ 400022 | Mob. : +91‐90045 78489Deluxe‐ Rs. 2,000; Premium‐ Rs. 2,500

HOTEL WEST END45, New Marine Lines, Marine Lines, Mumbai ‐ 400020Tel. : 022‐4083 9121 | E‐mail : [email protected] Economic Room ‐ Rs. 5,500, Large Room ‐ Rs. 6,500,Suite ‐ Rs. 7,700 (Discounts Available)

MADHAV ASHRAM PRIVATE LIMITED18, Parekh Estate, Prathana Samaj, near Girgaon Court, near H N Reliance Hospital,Girgaon, Mumbai ‐ 400004 | Tel. : 022‐2382 2764Non AC ‐ Rs. 1,250, AC ‐ Rs. 1560

MORARJI BHAGWANDAS SHIVJI SANATORIUM TRUST59, Walkeshwar Road, opp Shitalbagh, Mumbai ‐ 400036

Tel. : 022‐2369 0536

Non‐AC ‐ Rs. 6000 per month (Deposit ‐ Rs. 15,000), Non‐AC ‐ Rs. 8000 per month (Deposit ‐ Rs. 15,000), AC ‐ Rs. 10,000 per month

(Deposit ‐ Rs. 15,000),(Note :‐ Book before 8 days in advance)

MUMBAI CITY CENTREVivekanand Society, Building no 1, Flat no 11, T H Kataria Marg,Mahim West, Mumbai ‐ 400016 | Mob. : +91‐98331 48053Rs. 3,500 (1 person); Rs. 3,900 (2 people); Rs. 4900 (3 people);Rs. 5,700 (4 people); Rs. 6300 (5 people); Rs. 7,300 (6 people)

Accommodation General(In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


NEW SHREE NIWAS LODGING HOUSEArunodaya Building, Senapati Bapat Marg, Matunga, Mumbai ‐ 400016 Mob. : +91‐76669 77555Rs. 3,000 Per Night

SHRI MOHANLAL DAYAL CHARITY TRUSTC/o Parle Production Private Limited, Plot no 52‐53, opp Amuluk, Amichand School, near SNDT College, Matunga, Mumbai ‐ 400019Tel. : 022‐6713 0466Under Rs 1,000 per day

TAJ LAND'S ENDBandstand, next to Shahrukh Khan's House,walking from Lilavati Hospital, Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐6668 1234Confirm rates with hotel

THE ABOTTSector‐2, near Navratna Hotel, Vashi, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Tel. : 022‐2782 6677Standard AC ‐ Rs. 3,000, Executive AC ‐ Rs. 4,000, Deluxe AC ‐ Rs. 4,500

THE ASHRAY INTERNATIONALRoad no 1, near Railway Station, Sion West, Mumbai ‐ 400022Tel. : 022‐4353 5555 / 2407 5544 | E‐mail : [email protected]‐ Rs. 3,700; Super Deluxe‐ Rs. 3,900

Accommodation General(In alphabetical order. Re‐confirm current rates)


1298 AMBULANCE SERVICEPlot No 6 2nd Floor C Wing F Block, Kurla Complex CSSC M.N. Roy Human Development Campus Bandra East , Mumbai ‐ 400051Mob. : +91‐96190 59992

ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCESPlot no P‐72, Milap Nagar, MIDC, Dombivili, Thane ‐ 421203Tel. : 0251‐2475000 | Mob. : +91‐75062 74959E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

BRAHMA KUMARIS' GLOBAL HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRES V Road, opp Railway Station, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400058Tel. : 022‐6648 7544 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

DR L H HIRANANDANI HOSPITALHiranandani Hospital Road, Hill Side Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens,Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar, Powai, Mumbai ‐ 400076Tel. : 022‐2576 3355 | E‐mail : [email protected]. :

DR L H HIRANANDANI HOSPITALHamilton 'B', Hiranandani Estate, off Ghodbunder Road, Patlipada,Thane West, Thane ‐ 400607 | Tel. : 022‐6799 8555 / 8444 / 2545 8666 / 8667 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

HOLY FAMILY HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRESt Andrew's Road, Bandra, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐3061 0555 | Mob. : +91‐80976 10555E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

HOLY SPIRIT HOSPITALMahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400093Tel. : 022‐2820 1141 / 2824 8500 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 | Extn : 132 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

Ambulance Service

Ambulance Service


JASLOK HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE15, Dr G Deshmukh Marg, Peddar Road, Mumbai ‐ 400026Tel.: 022‐6657 3043 / 6657 3050 / 6657 3333 | Extn : 3043/3050 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

KOHINOOR HOSPITALKirol Road, off LBS Road, Kurla West, Mumbai ‐ 400070Tel. : 022‐6755 6766 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

LILAVATI HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTREA‐791, Bandra Reclamation, Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Mob. : +91‐97692 50010 / +91‐75063 58779E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

MUSLIM AMBULANCE SOCIETY154, Kambekar Street, near Girls School, Memon Mohalla, Mohammad Ali Road, Mumbai ‐ 400003Tel. : 022‐2346 5046

P D HINDUJA NATIONAL HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTREVeer Savarkar Marg, Mahim, Mumbai ‐ 400016Tel. : 022‐2445 2575 | Web :

PARSI AMBULANCE SERVICESNo 1 M G Road, opp Metro Cinema, Dhobitalao, Fort, Mumbai ‐ 400001Tel. : 022‐2262 1666

PRINCE ALY KHAN HOSPITALAga Hall, Nesbit Road, Mazgaon, Mumbai ‐ 400010Tel. : 022‐2377 7800 / 2377 7900 | Web :

SALVATION AMBULANCE206/4/5, near Hinduja Hospital, Swatantrya Veer Sawarkar Marg,Mahim, Mumbai ‐ 400016 | Tel. : 022‐2446 5895

Ambulance Service


SANJEEVANI AMBULANCEPipeline Road, Khar East, Mumbai ‐ 400051Tel. : 022‐3952 8750

SHIV SENA AMBULANCE SERVICES1st floor, Shiv Sena Shakha no 100, S V Road, C D Marg,Khar West, Mumbai ‐ 400052Tel. : 022‐2646 1278 | Mob. : +91‐93238 89952 / +91‐89767 24236

STAR CARE AMBULANCERoom no 187, Mandapeshwar Caves, Shivaji Nagar Colony,opp Laxman Mhatre Road, Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400103Mob. : +91‐99875 87565

SUSHRUT HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRE365, Swastik Park, Chembur East, Mumbai ‐ 400071Tel. : 022‐2526 5500/55 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

SWATI AMBULANCE9/25 Aagboat Building, 2nd floor, Topiwala Lane, Dr D B Marg Police Station,Dr D B Marg, Grant Road, Mumbai ‐ 400007Tel. : 022‐2387 1215 / 2386 9215

TOPSLINE5, Royal Palms Estate, Mayur Nagar, Golfs & Country Club Estate, in Aarely Milk Colony House, Goregaon East, Mumbai ‐ 400065Tel. : 022‐6771 1000 / 6640 3108 / 14 / 25

ZIQITZA HEALTH CARE LIMITEDSunshine Tower, 23 floor, Senapati Bapat Marg, Dadar West, Mumbai ‐ 400013Tel. : 022‐6178 5000


ASHIRWAD BLOOD BANK2nd floor, Imperial Mahal, above HDFC Bank, Dr Ambedkar Road,Dadar East, Mumbai ‐ 400014 | Tel. : 022‐2415 3790

BAI JERBAI WADIA HOSPITAL FOR CHILDRENAcharya Donde Marg, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2414 6964 / 2412 6003 / 2413 9809Extn : 233 / 262 +91‐87795 89845 E‐mail : [email protected] / [email protected] :

BLOODLINE CHARITABLE BLOOD BANKVikas Palms, Ambedkar Road, Dhobi Ali, Charai,Thane West, Thane ‐ 400601 | Tel. : 022‐2537 5000

BOMBAY HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE12, Marine Lines, , Mumbai ‐ 400020Tel. : 022‐2206 7676 | Extn : 238 / 215 / 216 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

BRAHMA KUMARIS' GLOBAL HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTRES V Road, opp Railway Station, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400058Tel. : 022‐6648 7576 | E‐mail : [email protected]. :

BREACH CANDY HOSPITAL60‐A, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai ‐ 400026Tel. : 022‐23667811 / 7820 | E‐mail : [email protected]. :

BSES MG HOSPITALRotary DG Goenka Blood Bank, Brahma Kumaris Hospital, 2nd floor, S V Road, opp Bus Depot, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400058Tel. : 022‐66487500 / 66487576 / 77 / 78

Blood Bank


Blood Bank

CORDLIFE SCIENCES INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED174, Shaheed Bhagat Singh Society, near Chakala Metro Station,opp Gurudwara, J B Nagar, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400059Mob. : +91‐9167214090

DR BALABHAI NANAVATI HOSPITALSwami Vivekanand Road, Suresh Colony, LIC Colony, Vile Parle West, Mumbai ‐ 400056Tel. : 022‐26119924 | Web :

DR L H HIRANANDANI HOSPITAL Hiranandani Hospital Road, Hill Side Avenue, Hiranandani Gardens,Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar, Powai, Mumbai ‐ 400076Tel. : 022‐25763355 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

DR L H HIRANANDANI HOSPITALHamilton 'B', Hiranandani Estate, off Ghodbunder Road,Patlipada, Thane West, Thane ‐ 400607Tel. : 022‐67998555 / 8444 / 25458666 / 8667 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

FORTIS HOSPITALMulund Goregaon Link Road, Mulund West, Mumbai ‐ 400078Tel. : 022 ‐ 3654365 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

FORTIS HOSPITALShill Road, Bail Bazaar, Kalyan, Thane ‐ 421301Tel. : 0251‐6694100 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

HIRANANDANI HOSPITAL ‐ A FORTIS NETWORK HOSPITALMini Sea Shore Road, Sector‐10, Vashi, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Tel. : 022‐39199222 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

Blood Bank


HOLY FAMILY HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRESt Andrew's Road, Bandra, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐30610300 / 30610307 / 30610555E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

HOLY SPIRIT HOSPITALMahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400093Tel. : 022‐28200353 / 28248500 /1/2/3/4 | Extn : 178 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

INDIAN RED CROSS118, Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Surya Nagar, Chandan Nagar, Vikhroli West, Mumbai ‐ 400083Mob. : +91‐8898160014

JUPITER HOSPITALEastern Express Highway, Service Road, next To Viviana Mall, Thane ‐ 400601Tel. : 022‐21725555 Extn : 1213 / 1218 / 1221 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

KOHINOOR HOSPITALKirol Road, off LBS Road, Kurla West, Mumbai ‐ 400070Tel. : 022‐67556737 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

KOKILABEN DHIRUBHAI AMBANI HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTERao Saheb Achutrao, Patwardhan Marg, Mudran Press Colony,Four Bunglows, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400053Tel. : 022‐30937293 | Web :

LILAVATI HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTREA‐791, Bandra Reclamation, Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐26568214 / 8215 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

Blood Bank


MALAD BLOOD BANK2nd floor, Bhavani Chambers, off Rani Sati Marg, Kedarmal Road, Malad East, Mumbai ‐ 400097 Tel. : 022‐28445678

MANAS BLOOD BANK1st floor, Grace Plaza, Swami Vivekanand Road,Jogeshwari West, Mumbai ‐ 400102 Tel. : 022‐26784546

MATOSHREE VALBAI MULJI SHAH ARPAN BLOOD BANK2nd floor, Aniraj Tower, opp Metro Mall, Lal Bahadur Shastri Road,Bhandup West, Mumbai ‐ 400078Tel. : 022‐25941142

NAVI MUMBAI BLOOD BANKSector 12, Navi Mumbai ‐ 410210Tel. : 022‐69902000

NAVJIVAN BLOOD BANK & LABAbhilasha II, Shop no 1, Punjabi lane, Mumbai ‐ 400092Tel. : 022‐28921727

P D HINDUJA NATIONAL HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTREVeer Savarkar Marg, Mahim, Mumbai ‐ 400016Tel. : 022‐24447752 | Web :

PRABODHAN BLOOD BANKGround floor, Siddharth Hospital, Goregaon West, Mumbai ‐ 400104Tel. : 022‐28797586

RAJIV GANDHI BLOOD BANKPoonam Sagar Complex, Poonam Sagar Road, Mira Bhayandar,Mira Road East, Mumbai ‐ 401107Mob. : +91 91522 44830

Blood Bank


SANT NIRANKARI BLOOD BANKO‐9, Western Express Highway, Navpada, Airports Authority Colony,Vile Parle, Mumbai ‐ 400047Tel. : 022‐26195539

SEVA BLOOD BANKKrishna Radha Society, Acharya Tulsi Marg, Dombivli East, Mumbai ‐ 421201Tel. : 0251‐2442283

SIR HURKISONDAS NURROTUMDAS HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTREPadmashri Gordhanbapa Chowk, Raja Rammohan Roy Road, Girgaon, Mumbai ‐ 400004Tel. : 022‐30095555E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

SUBURBAN HI‐TECH BLOOD BANKNo 206, Shagun Building, Rani Sati Marg, Malad East, Mumbai ‐ 400097Tel. : 022‐28714060

TRIUMPH BLOOD BANK216, 2nd floor, Oron Business Park, next to Wonder Mall, Kapur Bawdi, Thane West, Thane ‐ 400607Tel. : 022‐25840086


Charitable Trusts

A H WADIA CHARITABLE TRUST70, V B Gandhiji Marg, Kalaghoda, Mumbai ‐ 400001

AL‐AHMED HOSPITAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH FOUNDATIONEleven Star Apartments, Block 1, Ground Floor, Opp. Allana Hall,155, Moland Road, Mumbai Central, Mumbai 400008

BEING HUMANShop no 1, Ocean Side, near Chimbai Police Chowky, Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050 BOMBAY MEDICAL AID FOUNDATION2nd Floor, Bombay Hospital, New Marine Lines, Mumbai 400020 1:30 pm to 4 pm ( Tuesday & Thursday)

CANCER PATIENTS AID ASSOCIATIONKing George Memorial V, Dr E Moses Road, near Famous Studio,Mahalaxmi, Mumbai ‐ 400011 | Tel. : 022‐2492 4000

CAPRIHANS INDIA LTD.D Block, 2nd Floor, Shiv Sagar Estate, Worli, Mumbai 400018

CHILDREN FOUNDATION 15, Roukalya Chambers, 2nd Floor, 153, Janjikar Road,Mandvi, Mumbai 400003

COWASJI JEHANGIR CHARITABLE TRUSTReadymoney Mansion, Veer Nariman Marg, Fort, Mumbai 400023

DEEPCHAND GARDI CHARITABLE TRUSTUsha Kiran, 2nd Floor, Altamount Road, Mumbai 400006

DHIRJALAL LALCHAND SHAH CHARITABLE TRUST21, Shakti Nivas, Ramchand Lane, Malad (W), Mumbai 400064Tel. : 022‐2882 2472 | 3 pm to 5 pm


Charitable Trusts

DHIRUBHAI KHAKKAR JANATA WAFERSNear Rly. Station, Malad (E), Mumbai 400097

DHRUSTI HUMAN RESEARCH CENTRE TRUSTSion Praja Mondal, Jain Derasar Lane, Near Sion Hospital, Mumbai 400022 9:30 am to 12:30 (Mondays)

DORABJI TATA TRUSTBombay House, Homi Modi Street, Fort, Mumbai 400001.

DORABSHAW TRUSTMulla House, Jehangir Wadia Building, 3rd floor, 51,Mahatma Gandhi Road, Mumbai ‐ 400001 2 pm to 4:30 pm

FATEHCHAND PALIRAM SEVA NIDHI 45, Maker Chambers, 223, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021Tel. : 022‐2283 0036 | 12 noon to 5:10 pm

GOKAK FOUNDATIONForbes Bldg., Forbes Street, Mumbai 400 004

HERDILLIA CHEMICAL FOUNDATION 13th Floor, Air India Building, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021Tel. : 022‐2202 422410 am to 1 pm & 2 pm to 5 pm

HONOURABLE CHIEF MINISTER OF MAHARASHTRA6th floor, Main Building, Mantralaya, Mumbai ‐ 400001Tel. : 022‐22026948

HONOURABLE MAYOR'S RELIEF FUNDMahanagarpalika Mukhyalaya, Room no 100, opp CST Station, Fort, Mumbai ‐ 400001Tel. : 022‐22620251 / 22620470 / 22621020 / 22696769


Charitable Trusts

INDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY141, Shahid Bhagat Singh Road, Red Cross Chowk,(Town Hall Compound) Fort, Mumbai 400001

JAI GANESH CHARITABLE TRUST94/96, BhuleshwCr Road, 1st Floor, Bhagwankala Building, Mumbai 400002 11:30 am to 5:00 pm

JASLOK HOSPITALRoom No. 319, 3rd Floor, Pedder Road, MumbaiTel. : 022‐56573319 | 12 noon to 5 pm

KATGARA FOUNDATIONElphinstone Building, 1st Floor, Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai 400001Tel. : 022‐2204 2032 | 10 am to 6 pm

LALBAUGCHA RAJA SARVAJANIK GANESHOTSAV MANDALLalbaug 49/49 B, First Floor, Shri Ganesh Nagar,Lalbaug Market, Mumbai 400012

LION CLUB OF MULUNDDr. Rajdev, Dev Chhaya, M. G. Road, Mulund (W), Mumbai 400080 9 am to 12 pm & 6 pm to 9 pm

LOTUS TRUST6th Floor, Lotus House, Next to Liberty Cinema, New Marine Lines,Mumbai 400020 | Tel. : 022‐2201 4523

MADAT CHARITABLE TRUSTMangal Anand Hospital, 48 Swastik Park, Chembur, Mumbai ‐ 400071Tel . : 022‐25521111

MAHAVIR HEART AND KIDNEY FOUNDATION13th Floor, Dalamal Tower, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021Tel. : 022‐2285 5770 | 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Charitable Trusts


MAHAVIR HEART RESEARCH FOUNDATIONAvanti, Next to Shanmukhanand Hall, Sion (East), Mumbai 400022

MANAV JYOTH Nityaanand Apartments, R. P. Road, Mulund (W), Mumbai 400080Tel. : 022‐2591 9755/ 2567 3587

MARINE LINES JUNIOR CHAMBERS 2, Ranchhod Bhavan, Cavell Cross Road, Dadiseth Agiari Lane,Kalbadevi, Mumbai 400002

MINISTRY OF HEALTH & FAMILY WELFARE Government of India, New Delhi 110011

N. SUBHADRA FOUNDATION527, Parekh Market, Opera House, Girgaon, Mumbai 400004 NIRLON FOUNDATION TRUSTNirlon House, 254 B, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 400018

PESTONJI DAVAR CHARITABLE TRUST3rd floor, opp Khadi Bhandar, J J School of Art Building, Fort, Mumbai ‐ 400001For Outstation Patients

PHEROZESHAH GODREJ FOUNDATIONGodrej Bhavan, Hararimal Somani Marg, Mumbai ‐ 400020

PRIME MINISTER'S NATIONAL RELIEF FUND (PMNRF)Prime Minister's Office, South Block, New Delhi ‐ 110011Tel. : 011‐23013683 | E‐mail : [email protected]

PURUSHOTHAM KANJI CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Pavani Plot, Near Vipul Apartments, Bhakti Road,Mulund (W), Mumbai 400 080Tel. : 022‐2565 5491

Charitable Trusts


RAMLILA CHARITIESC/o. R. R. Khemlani, 37, Maker Chambers III, 223,Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021

REV. FATHER AURELIUS MASCHI Don Bosco Church, Matunga, Mumbai 400019

SADGURU DASKISHIN SAIBABA MANDAL Mangal Saidham, 23, Quarry Road, Raheja Township, Western Express Highway, Malad (East), Mumbai ‐ 400097Tel. : 022‐2877 3116 | 10:30 am to 4:30 pm

SAHAYATA 79Gho'gri Mohalla Pydhonie Chowk, Mumbai 400003Tel. : 022‐2342 4628 / 2346 2242 10 am to 12 noon (Saturdays)

SETH FALI MEHERJI VARAIVA CHARITABLE TRUST Via Blaze Advertising Co. P. Ltd, Lalji Morarji Memorial Building, 3rd Floor, Opp. Churchgate, Mumbai 400020

SHIRDI SAIBABA TRUST SAI NIKETA3rd Floor, Dadar T.T., Mumbai, 400014Tel. : 022‐2416 6556/ 2416 1293 | Shirdi: Tel. : (952423) 255226‐225 2:30 pm to 5 pm

SHRI AKKALKOT SWAMI SAMARTH D. L. Vaidya Road, Dadar, Mumbai 400 028Tel. : 022‐2381 12079:00 am to 11:00 am (1st Monday)

SHRI MAHALAKSHMI MANDIRBhulabhai Desai Road, Mahalakshmi, MumbaiTel. : 022‐2351473210:00am to 5:00 pm

Charitable Trusts


SHRI N M WADIA CHARITIESN M Wadia Building, 123, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Mumbai ‐ 400023

SHRI VENKATESHWAR NIDHIPlot No. R‐856, T.T.C. Ind. Estate, MIDC Rabale, Navi Mumbai 400701 SIDDHI VINAYAK MANDIRS K Bole Marg, Prabhadevi, Dadar West, Mumbai ‐ 400028Tel. : 022‐24223206 / 2437361710:00 am to 5:00 pm (assistance of Rs 5,000 to Rs 25,000 available)

SIR J. J. FOUNDATIONKalpataru Heritage, 5th Floor, 127, M. G. Road, Fort, Mumbai 400001

SIR RATAN TATA TRUST Mulla House, Jehangir Wadia Building,3rd floor, 51, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Mumbai ‐ 4000012 pm to 4:30 pm

SMT. K M CHARITABLE TRUST104, Guru Prasad, V. L. Road, Kandivali (West), Mumbai 400067 ST. MICHAEL CHURCHMahim, Mumbai 400016Tuesdays only

TATA CHEM GOLDEN JUBILEE FOUNDATION14, Shahid Bhagatsingh Marg, Holland House, Office No. 3B, Above Titan Watch Showroom, Near Regal Cinema, Mumbai 400005 TIME AND TALENT CLUB49, Apollo Bunder, C.S.T., Victoria Stall, Mumbai 400001Tel. : 022‐2284 436910 am to 4:30 pm

Charitable Trusts


VASANTHA MEMORIAL TRUST103, Aditya Towers, Next to Bus Depot, Kannamwar Nagar 2,Off Western Express Highway, Vikhroli (E), Mumbai 400 83Tel. : 022‐2579 8476 | Mob. : +91 98214 21993

VITHALDAS THAKERSEY TRUST Bank of Baroda in front of State Bank of India, Hutatma Chowk, Mumnbai 400001

WATUMALL FOUNDATIONDelstar 1st Floor, 9, Hughes Road, Mumbai 400036


BOMBAY HOSPITAL (24 Hours)Jahangir Mansion, Cinema Road, Dhobi Talao, Marine Lines, Mumbai ‐ 400020Tel. : 022‐2206 7676 | Extn : 252 / 355

DAVA BAZAAR (24 Hours)32, Kakad Arcade, Bombay Hospital Avenue, New Marine Lines,Marine Lines, Mumbai ‐ 400002Tel. : 022‐2203 6238

DAY AND NIGHT NATIONAL CHEMIST Swantantrya Veer Savarkar Marg, Mahim, Mumbai ‐ 400016Tel. : 022‐2444 0079

DHANVANTRI MEDICAL (24 Hours)4, Ashok Apartment, Khar West, Mumbai ‐ 400052Tel. : 022‐3851 4938 / 2649 6994

GENERAL MEDICAL (24 HOURS)Shop no 2/3, Ground floor, Kartar Bhavan, Arther Bunder Road,Arther Bunder Road, Colaba, Mumbai ‐ 400001Mob : +91‐91522 26989

GENERAL MEDICAL (24 Hours)Shop no 1, Ground floor, Noor Palace, Mohammad Ali Road,Mohammad Ali Road, Mumbai ‐ 400003Tel. : 022‐2340 3600 / 2340 3700

GENERAL MEDICAL (24 Hours)Shop No 1, Ground floor, Dubanwala Estate,Dr Anandrao Nair Road, Mumbai Central, Mumbai ‐ 400008Tel. : 022‐3851 4666

GO CHEMIST (24 Hours)Shop no 1, 101 Man House, S V Road, Vileparle West, Mumbai ‐ 400056Tel. : 022‐3854 1814




HEALTH AND WELLNESS MEDICAL (24 Hours)Shop no 1, Acropolis Complex, Military Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400069Mob. : +91‐7506823171

MASINA HOSPITAL (24 Hours)near Gloria Church, Sant Savta Mali Marg, Byculla East, Mumbai ‐ 400027Tel. : 022‐2371 4889

NAIR MEDICO (24 Hours)Shop No 2,3, 22/24 Dr Anandrao Nair Road, Agripada Road,Mumbai Central, Mumbai ‐ 400011 Tel. : 022‐2309 1186 / 2302 0857 NATIONAL CHEMIST (24 Hours)Shops No 2‐5, Laher Bros Mansion, opp KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2413 6860

NATIONAL CHEMIST (24 Hours)Shop no 6, Laxmi Narayan CHS, opp KEM Hospital,Prabhadevi, Mumbai ‐ 400025 Tel. : 022‐2414 6964

NEW EMPIRE CHEMIST (24 Hours)Shop no 3, Empire House, S V Road, Vileparle West, Mumbai ‐ 400056Tel. : 022‐3858 5872 / 2671 8970

NOBEL CHEMIST (24 Hours)Nahar Amrit, Chandivali Farm Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400069Tel. : 022‐2847 9101 / 2847 9502 / 2847 9102

REAL CHEMIST51, Kakad Arcade, opp Bombay Hospital, New Marine Lines,Marine Lines, Mumbai ‐ 400020Tel. : 022‐2200 1173 / 022‐2200 4211



ROYAL CHEMISTopp Wadia Hospital, near Meenakshi Hotel, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2411 5028 / 2412 7422

SHIV CHEMISTShop no 8, Shiv Mahal, Plot no 206, opp Sion Hospital, Sion East, Mumbai ‐ 400022Tel. : 022‐2402 4689

SHREE GANESH MEDICAL STORESNo 2, 271, Kamaldeep Building, opp Sion Hospital, Sion, Mumbai ‐ 400022Tel. : 022‐2407 3467

SUNSHINE MEDICAL AND GENERAL STOREShop no 11, Shiv Kesar CHS, Baptista Road,Vileparle West, Mumbai ‐ 400056Tel. : 022‐2613 1603 / 2613 1604

THE BHATIA HOSPITAL CHEMIST (24 Hours)C/o Bhatia Hospital, Ground floor, Tukaram Javaji Road,Tukaram Javaji Road, Grant Road, Mumbai ‐ 400007Tel. : 022‐6666 0569 / 6666 0571

THE PAREL CHEMIST (24 Hours)4‐A, Laher Bros Mansion, opp KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2413 1299

THE PAREL CHEMIST (24 Hours)6 & 7, Laher Bros Mansion, opp KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2411 0411

WADIA HOSPITAL (24 Hours)Archarya Donde Marg, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2414 6964



WELLNESS FOREVER (24 Hours)6 & 7, Laher Bros Mansion, opp KEM Hospital, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2411 0411

WELLNESS FOREVERShop no 2 & 3, Plot no 88, Veer Savarkar Marg, Mahim West, Mumbai ‐ 400016Tel. : 022‐2444 8828

WELLNESS FOREVERLiberty Cinema Buliding, North Side, 41 & 42, New Marine Lines,Marine Lines, Mumbai ‐ 400020Tel. : 022‐2200 4051

WELLNESS FOREVER (24 Hours)Shop no 4, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400069Tel. : 022‐2820 2043

WELLNESS FOREVER (24 Hours)Shop no 1, Raoli Camp, Flank Road, Sion, Mumbai ‐ 400022Tel. : 022‐2403 1993


BHATIA DIAGNOSTIC CENTREFlat no 3, 1st floor, Meghji Bhavan, Barrack Road,Marine Lines, Mumbai ‐ 400020Tel. : 022‐22004291

DISHA PATHOLOGY LABORATORY74, Supariwala Baug Building, opp KEM Hospital,Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐24127725

DR RAJESH GOKNI WELLNESS CENTREShop no 13, Navjeevan Society, Mori Road,next to Post Office, Mahim, Mumbai ‐ 400016Mob. : +91‐98922 23789

DUKANWALA DIAGNOSTIC POINTDukanwala Estate Private Limited, 47, Ground floor,near Nair Hospital, Mumbai ‐ 400008Mob. : +91‐98690 32648

HCG APEX CANCER CENTREHoly Cross Road, IC Colony, off Borivali Dahisar Link Road, Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400092Te. : 022‐33669999 | E‐mail : [email protected]

HEALTHCARE PATH LAB15, Supariwala Baug, Plot no 54/55,Jehangir Merwanji Street, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐61054299

JAIN DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE2, Ground floor, Thakkar Building, Mazgaon, Mumbai ‐ 400010Tel. : 022‐24222372

Diagnostics Services


Diagnostics Services

LIFE RAY HEALTH CENTRE12, New Bilqees Apartment, Mahakali Caves Road,Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400093Tel. : 022‐61054288

LIONS CLUB OF EAST BOMBAY CLINIC & MULTI DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE323, V Narayan Niwas, Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar Road,near Bharag Kunj Heights, Matunga Central East, Mumbai ‐ 400019Tel. : 022‐24162412

MAGNUM DIAGNOSTIC CENTREPlot no 178, Chandreshwar Bhavan, Sion Main Road,Sion West, Mumbai ‐ 400022Tel. : 022‐24022277

MAHATMA PHULE CHARITABLE TRUST HOSPITAL7‐C, Budhyadev Mandir Marg, Sector‐4, Sanpada, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400705Tel. : 022‐27750000 | Mob. : +91‐91670 80524

NANAVATI HOSPITALSwami Vivekanad Road, LIC Colony, Vile Parle, Mumbai ‐ 400056Tel. : 022‐26267500

NIDAN DIAGNOSTIC LABShop no 4, Ashiyana Building, Santacruz East, Mumbai ‐ 400055 Mob. : +91‐96199 59586

NM MEDICAL CENTREMehta House, 36, Pandita Ramabai Road, Chowpatty, Mumbai ‐ 400007Tel. : 022‐4342 5555

NM MEDICAL CENTRENM Inspira, next to Health 360, Kimatrai Building,Maharishi Karve Road, Marine Lines East, Mumbai ‐ 400020Tel. : 022‐4907 9999

Diagnostics Services


NM MEDICAL CENTREParel Premises, Gokhale Road South, opp Motilal Oswal Tower,Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400025Tel. : 022‐49662222

NM MEDICAL CENTRESham Sunder Building, 27th Road, lane opp Shoppers Stop,Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐26459850

NM MEDICAL CENTRESummerville, Junction of 14th & 33rd Road TPS,off Linking Road, Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐43428888

NM MEDICAL CENTRE27th Road, In lane opp Shoppers Stop, off Linking Road,Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐43426666

NM MEDICAL CENTREIn lane opp Citi Mall, off Link Road, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400058Tel. : 022‐46132222

NM MEDICAL CENTRESej Plaza, Marve Road, Malad West, Mumbai ‐ 400064Tel. : 022‐28063333

NM MEDICAL CENTRE8th floor, Corporate Centre, Nirmal Lifestyle Mall,LBS Road, Mulund West, Mumbai ‐ 400080Tel. : 022‐43427777

Diagnostics Services


NM MEDICAL CENTRESwastik Building, 18/6, R C Patel Road, next to ICICI Bank,Chandavarkar Carter Road no 2, Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400092Tel. : 022‐4342 4444

PAREL MIDTOWN CENTREShop no 9/9A, Supariwala Baug, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐6105 4288

PATEL HEALTHCARE905‐906, Tulsiani Chambers, Free Press Journal Road,opp MLA Hostel, opp Sachivalaya, Nariman Point, Mumbai ‐ 400021Tel. : 022‐2284 5381 / 2283 0205

SONINGRA POLYCLINIC AND DIAGNOSTIC CENTREHetal Building, B Ground floor, Dr Mascarenhas Road,Mazgaon, Mumbai ‐ 400010Tel. : 022‐2626 7500

SONORAYS DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE 779, Vijay Nivas, Mori Road, near Bus Depot,Mahim, Mumbai ‐ 400016Tel. : 022‐2445 1078

SRL DIAGNOSTIC8, Nehru Shopping Centre, Kambli Wadi, V S Khandekar Marg, Vile Parle East, Mumbai ‐ 400057Tel. : 022‐3395 6989

SRL DIAGNOSTIC CENTREDr Ambedkar Road, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐6523 1212 | E‐mail : [email protected]

Diagnostics Services


SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSShop no 23, Kukaad Arcade, Bombay Hospital Ave, New Marine Lines, Marine Lines, Mumbai ‐ 400020 Tel. : 022‐6170 0000 | E‐mail : [email protected]

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICS1A, Doctor House, Ground floor, 14, Pedder Road, Mumbai ‐ 400026Tel. : 022‐6170 0000

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSAston Building, 2nd floor, near Shastri Nagar,above Union Bank of India, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400053Tel. : 022‐6170 0000

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSKLS Memorial Hospital, CTS no 776,781, Irla lane, off S V Road, Vileparle West, Mumbai ‐ 400056Tel. : 022‐6170 0000

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSShop no 22, Koyna CHS, Shantivan, Nancy Colony, near Bus Depot,opp Mongini's Cake shop, Borivali East, Mumbai ‐ 400066Tel. : 022‐6170 0000

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSShop no 8/8A, Kalpavruksh Garden, New Link Road,Mahavir Nagar, Kandivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400067Tel. : 022‐61700000

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSShop no 3 , B Wing , Pushpanjali CHS, opp Maitry's Park, Chembur East, Mumbai ‐ 400071Tel. : 022 ‐ 6170 0000

Diagnostics Services


SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSShop no 2, Ground floor, Ajit Apartment, Sambhav CHS,Sarvodaya Parshwanath Nagar, Nahur, Mulund West, Mumbai ‐ 400080Tel. : 022‐6170 0000

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICS1, Chandrodaya, Jivandaya lane, LBS Marg, Ghatkopar West, Mumbai ‐ 400086Tel. : 022‐6170 0000

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSShop no 3, Building no 29, Takshila Complex,Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400093Tel. : 022‐6105 4299

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICS2‐B, Shop no 3, Panchsheel, Raheja Township,Malad East, Mumbai ‐ 400097Tel. : 022‐6170 0000

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSRow House no 3, Aangan, opp Thakur College,Thakur Village, Kandivali East, Mumbai ‐ 400101Tel. : 022‐6170 0000

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSShop 1, Zehra Apartment, Behrambaug Road, Jogeshwari West, Mumbai ‐ 400102Tel. : 022‐6170 0000


A A TRADERSB‐21, Vardhaman Complex, next to Everest Masala Company, Vikhroli West, Mumbai ‐ 400083Tel. : 022‐2577 8611 / 2577 8610 / 6703 1239 / 6703 1239Mob. : +91‐98210 30943 / 88797 82882

AVISHKAR INTERNATIONAL PRIVATE LIMITEDGhia Building, Ground floor, No 119/123, Princess Street,Joshi Wadi, Municipal Colony, Shamaldas Gandhi Marg,Kalbadevi, Mumbai ‐ 400002Tel. : 022‐2201 1074 / 2206 7771Mob. : +91‐83768 07478 / 90290 31226 / 93210 73903 / 98208 50339

BOMBAY SURGICAL COMPANY12, Rushabh Apartment, 104, Raja Ram Mohan Roy Road, opp H N Hospital, Mumbai ‐ 400004Tel. : 022‐6103 0000

EAGLE ENTERPRISES302, Shri Vardhman CHS, Sodawala Lane, Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400092Tel. : 022‐2808 0036Mob. : +91‐84475 61202 / 99208 66788

EASY CARE93/95, Kazi Syed St, Vadgadi, Masjid Bunder West, Mumbai ‐ 400003Tel. : 022‐2345 0133

HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENTS21‐A, Sagar Complex, M G Road, opp Reliance Energy,Vileparle East, Mumbai ‐ 400057Mob. : +91‐98200 45525

Home Care Equipments


Home Care Equipments

HEALTHDEXTERAtika Manzil, St Anthony Road, Siddharath Nagar, Vakola, Santacruz East, Mumbai ‐ 400055Mob. : +91‐99300 08292 Web :

HELLO HEALTH SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITEDF‐401‐402, Remmi Bizcourt, Shah Industrial Estate, Veera Desai Road, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400053Tel. : 022‐4016 7272

JEEGAR ENTERPRISES28, Maharaja Apartment, S V Road, opp MTNL,Malad West, Mumbai ‐ 400064Tel. : 022‐2882 4095 / 2883 2946 / 2880 7137Mob. : +91‐98693 40709 / 98693 37720E‐mai : [email protected] :

KOSMOCHEM PRIVATE LIMITEDMaskati House, 76, Mohammed Ali Road, Mumbai ‐ 400003Tel. : 022‐23447833

MAXTECHShop no 10, Pragati Shopping Center, Manchubhai Road,near Suchak, opp Railway Station, Malad East, Mumbai ‐ 400097Tel. : 022‐28891130

PEDDER JOHNSONNo 318, Swastik Chambers, Sion Trombay Road, Chembur, Mumbai ‐ 400071Tel.: 022‐2522 8857 / 2522 8859 / 2522 8858Mob. : +91‐83768 07872 / 88791 79696

Home Care Equipments


R K CHARITABLE TRUST17‐D, Nisarga Apartment, Mahavir Nagar, near IDBI Bank,Kandivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400067Mob. : +91‐93225 16628 / 76663 11942

ROYAL CHEMIST Shop no 129‐133, 1st floor, Sagar Pazzio Mall,Andheri Kurla Road, Sakinaka, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400072 Tel. : 022‐2850 9780 / 2851 6063 / 6679 5567Mob. : +91‐83768 07304 / 93200 08695 / 98920 08695


Mammography Centres

ASIAN INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCESPlot no P‐72, Milap Nagar, MIDC, Dombivili, Thane ‐ 421203Tel. : 0251‐247 5000 / 247 5001 / 247 5005E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

BOMBAY HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRE12, Marine Lines, Mumbai ‐ 400020Tel. : 022‐2206 7676 | Extn : 253/369 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

CANCER PATIENTS AID ASSOCIATIONSmt Lila Kishanchand Shahani Clinical Diagnostic Centre,Naigaon Municipal Maternity Home, 1st floor, opp BDD Chawl no 6 & 7, next to Police Ground,Naigaon, Mumbai ‐ 400014Tel. : 022‐2412 1680

HOLY FAMILY HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTRESt Andrew's Road, Bandra, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐3061 0555 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

HOLY SPIRIT HOSPITALMahakali Caves Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400093Tel. : 022‐2824 8500 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

KOHINOOR HOSPITALKirol Road, off LBS Road, Kurla West, Mumbai ‐ 400070Tel. : 022‐6755 6755 / 3055 3055 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

MAHATMA PHULE CHARITABLE TRUST HOSPITAL 7‐C, Budhyadev Mandir Marg, Sector‐4, Sanpada, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400705Tel. : 022‐2775 0000 | Mob. : +91‐91670 80524

Mammography Centres


NM MEDICALSummerville, Jn. of 14th & 33rd Rd, off Linking Rd, Khar West, Mumbai ‐ 400052Tel. : 022‐4342 8888

NUCLEUS MEDICAL & DIAGNOSTIC CENTREAtur House, Dr Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai ‐ 400018Tel. : 022‐4315 1111 NUTAN MAMMOGRAPHY & SONOGRAPHY CENTRE2‐A, Manubharati, Azad Lane, S V Road, opp Barista Café Shop,Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400058Tel. : 022‐2628 0392

P D HINDUJA NATIONAL HOSPITAL & MEDICAL RESEARCH CENTREVeer Savarkar Marg, Mahim, Mumbai ‐ 400016Tel. : 022‐2445 2222 / 2444 9199 / 2444 7000 / 2445 1515Web :

S L RAHEJA ‐ A FORTIS ASSOCIATE HOSPITALPolice Colony, Mahim, Mumbai ‐ 400016Tel. : 022‐6652 9999 / 6652 9599E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

SIR HURKISONDAS NURROTUMDAS HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTREPadmashri Gordhanbapa Chowk, Raja Rammohan Roy Road, Mumbai ‐ 400004Tel. : 022‐30095555 | E‐mail : [email protected] :

SUBURBAN DIAGNOSTICSMammography centres are at: Borivili West ,Kandivili Thakur village , Shastri Nagar,

Andheri West , Malad, Juhu , Kalina, Thane West and Vashi Tel. : 022‐6170 0000 (Call centre for all branches)

TATA MEMORIAL CENTRE (ACTREC)Sector 22, Utsav Chowk, CISF Road,Kharghar, Navi Mumbai ‐410210


Nursing Bureau

AAJI CAREPowai, Mumbai ‐ 400076Mob. : +91‐88999 20930 /+91‐98335 30842 | E‐mail : [email protected]

AEGIS CARE ADVISORSPowai, Mumbai ‐ 400076Mob. : +91‐91672 50099


CARE 24 Powai, Mumbai ‐ 400076Tel. : 022‐3853 9139 | E‐mail : [email protected]

DIYA NURSE BUREAUBorivili West, Mumbai ‐ 400092Mob. : +91‐91522 88306

EVELYN NURSING BUREAUBandra, Mumbai ‐ 400050Mob. : +91‐98207 73658

EVELYN NURSING BUREAUKandivali, Mumbai ‐ 400067Mob. : +91‐98207 73658

GET HOME CAREVashi, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Mob. : +91‐97250 48142

HELLO HEALTH SERVICESAndheri, Mumbai ‐ 400053Mob. : +91‐98198 09694

Nursing Bureau


HUMAN HELPING HANDS Dadar East, Mumbai ‐ 400014Tel. : 022‐24111765 | Mob. : +91‐98196 33346/+91‐98197 11158

INDIA HOME HEALTHCAREChembur East, Mumbai ‐ 400071Mob. : +91‐74004 32074/ 74004 32071

KUNAL NURSING BUREAUBorivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400092Mob. : +91‐77091 20230

OM SAI CARETAKER SERVICESDahisar East, Mumbai ‐ 400068Mob. : +91‐96199 74585

OM SHREE NURSING BUREAUThane West, Thane ‐ 400601Mob. : +91‐91522 79283

POOJA NURSING BUREAUBorivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400092Mob. : +91‐91522 84186

PORTEA HEAL AT HOMEBorivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400092Mob. : +91‐99868 64735

PORTEA MEDICALSanta Cruz East, Mumbai ‐ 400055Toll Free No. : 1800 121 2323 | E‐mail : [email protected]

PORTEA MEDICALKhar West, Mumbai ‐ 400052Mob. : +91‐88676 47331

Nursing Bureau


PRAGATI ENTERPRISESFort, Mumbai ‐ 400001Mob. : +91‐91523 07269

PROFESSIONAL NURSES BUREAUAiroli, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400708Mob. : +91‐93236 59612

RAJKAMAL SEVA BUREAUGhatkopar West, Mumbai ‐ 400086 Mob. : +91‐98921 43589

SAMARTH NURSING SERVICESKurla, Mumbai ‐ 400070Mob. : +91‐91528 30030

SHUBHAM HEALTHCARE BUREAUChembur, Mumbai ‐ 400071Mob. : +91‐70451 56979 / +91‐70451 56989

SUNITA NURSING BUREAUVileparle, Mumbai ‐ 400056Mob. : +91‐91523 80094

THE RELIABLE SERVICESAndheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400069Mob. : +91‐90043 85588


BAFNA SURGICALSShop no 3, Landmark Arcade, Ground floor, near Ramchandra Nagar Signal,Louiswadi Service Road, Thane West, Thane ‐ 400604 Mob. : +91‐75066 40189 / 75066 40185Web :

BANDRA MEDICAL STORESShop no 139, 60/B, near Union Bank of India, Hill Road,Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐2642 3757 / 2642 7244 / 2640 3230 | Mob. : +91‐91670 88520 CHINTAMANI DISTRIBUTORSShop no 1, Pradhan Bhai Thakkar Chawl, opp ICICI Bank & Pride Hotel,Bhattipada Road, Bhandup West, Mumbai ‐ 400078Tel. : 022‐3854 0492 | Mob. : +91‐98924 06585 / 99209 79690 / 98703 78123 INDIA MART2E/ 2F, Rushabh Chambers, near Marol Fire Brigade,off Marol Makwana Road, Marol Naka, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400069 Mob. : +91‐75068 39156 / 096969 69696Web :

JEEGAR ENTERPRISES28, Maharaja Apartment, opp Malad Telephone Exchange,S V Road, Malad West, Mumbai ‐ 400064Tel. : 022 ‐ 3859 8956 / 2882 4095 / 2883 2946Mob. : +91‐98693 40709 / 98693 37720

JUPITER EQUIPMENTSShop no 5, Building no 89, Jyoti CHS, opp RS Mani Departmental Store,near Sahakar Plaza Theatre,Tilak Nagar, Chembur, Mumbai ‐ 400072 Mob. : +91‐96193 81829 / 96191 68512E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

Oxygen Rentals


Oxygen Rentals

KEMCO INDUSTRIESSamaldas Gandhi Marg, 100 Princess Street, Mumbai ‐ 400002Tel. : 022‐2201 5479 / 6637 9333 Web :

LIFE LINE5, Rukmini Niwas, Gokhale Society, near KEM Hospital,Cross Road, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2410 5242 / 6534 2709Mob. : +91‐98202 35103 / 98209 98928 / 99209 92074 / 98208 35103 Web :

MAHARASHTRA HEALTH CAREShop no 2, Koldongri, near Shankar Mandir, Telli Galli,Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400069Tel. : 022‐3852 7364Mob. : +91‐80801 06018 / 87677 57744 / 90047 83045 / 77158 58959

MUMBAI SURGICAL COMPANY6, Sunil Niwas, Lokhandwala Road, near Kokilaben Ambani Hospital,Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400053Tel. : 022‐2635 9300 / 2635 0786 | Mob. : +91‐9819 583119 Web :

NIRAV SURGICALSShop no 8, Poonam Chamber, near Axis Bank, Phase‐3,Shanti Nagar, Mira Road East, Thane ‐ 401107Tel. : 022‐3854 3333 | Mob. : +91‐9769 272670

PORTEAFlat no 5, 1st floor, Jai View, 396/57, 17th Road, North Avenue,opp Rotary Park, Santacruz West, Mumbai ‐ 400054Toll Free : +1800 1212 323Web :

Oxygen Rentals


RAKHANGI GAS SERVICES22, Senapati Bapat Marg, near Rakhangi Chowk,opp Ambika Bus Stop, Lower Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400013 Tel. : 022‐6155 0550 | Mob : +91‐98201 98402

ROYAL CHEMIST133, 1st floor, Sagar Pallazio Mall, opp Chakra Bar Sudarshan Hotel,Sakinaka Junction, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400072Tel. : 022‐6626 8308 / 6626 8313 Mob. : +91‐93200 08695 / 86556 98638 Web :

SANGHI OXYGEN BOMBAY PRIVATE LIMITEDMahakali Road, opp Nelco Signal, Chakala, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400093Tel. : 022‐2687 1499 / 2687 1542 / 2363 4852

SANJANA ENTERPRISESRoom no 39, 3rd floor, Amrit Niwas, near Bank Of India,Lohar Chawl, Mumbai ‐ 400002Tel. : 022‐3857 4723 / 6506 2468 | Mob. : +91‐93231 38773 / 98212 62066 Web :

SHAH BROTHERSUnit no 3, Keshav Industrial Estate, near Dhanukar Wadi,Chhatrapati Shivaji Road, off M G Road, Kandivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400067Tel. : 022‐3851 0087 / 2862 4000 / 2862 4040 / 6530 4060Mob. : +91‐98207 49047 / 98330 47810

SHREE VILE PARLE GUJARATI MANDALShraddanand Road, near Rajpuria Hall & Shiv Sagar Restaurant,Vileparle East, Mumbai ‐ 400057Tel. : 022‐2612 5995 / 2617 9629

Oxygen Rentals


SHREYA HEALTH CAREB/302 Kanara Business Centre, near Everest Garden, Laxmi Nagar, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai ‐ 400075Mob. : +91‐98923 61800

SHUBHAM SURGICALShop no 8, Veena Apartment, opp Bhagwati Hospital,S V P Road, Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400103Tel. : 022‐2893 2352 | Mob. : +91‐93247 79580Web :

SURGICURE HEALTHCAREShop no A/2 ‐ B/1, Dhuruwadi, opp Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers,Ranade Road, Dadar West, Mumbai ‐ 400028Tel. : 022‐3853 4340 / 2437 2999Mob. : +91‐98193 24866 / 93245 07978 / 99309 09541 / 98208 73766

THE HEALTH STOREShop no 02, Masala Wala Apartment, opp Jain Derasar, Juhu Lane, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400058Tel. : 022‐3856 0173 / 2671 5786 / 2671 9898Mob. : +91‐97731 83433 / 98925 63143Web :

UNO SUPPLY211/B, Damji Shamji Industrial Complex, near Madhuban Toyota Workshop, LBS Marg, Kurla West, Mumbai ‐ 400070Tel. : 022‐3854 6733 / 4215 5440 | Mob. : +91‐98300 56776 / 93204 22266


Palliative Care Centres

BHAKTI VEDANTA HOSPITAL & RESEARCH INSTITUTEShrishti Complex, Bhaktivedanta Swami Marg,Mira Road East, Thane ‐ 401107Tel. : 022‐3005 2400 / 01 Web. :

CARE24401, Alpha Industrial Building, Main Street Road,Sainath Nagar, Powai, Mumbai ‐ 400076Toll Free : 1800 200 6205Web. :

CIPLA PALLIATIVE CARE & TRAINING CENTREoff Mumbai‐Bangalore Bypass Road, Warje, Pune ‐ 411058Tel. : 9520 ‐ 2523 1130 / 31 E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

DEEPSIKHA AROGYA BHAWAN202, Sector‐28, Vashi Road, Vashi, Navi Mumbai ‐ 400703Tel. : 022‐2766 5408E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

INDIA HOME HEALTH CAREOffice no 9/A, 9th floor, Clan House, Plot no 161/A,Hemukalani Marg, next to Acres Club,Chembur East, Mumbai ‐ 400071Mob. : +91‐76764 33333 / 74004 32071E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

PALCARE ‐ THE JIMMY S BILLIMORIA FOUNDATION7C, Trust House, 35, Hospital Avenue, next to Global Hospital,Dr E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐6551 2552 | Mob. : +91‐90290 27339E‐mail : [email protected] / [email protected] :


Palliative Care Centres

ROMILA PALLIATIVE CARE CENTERSomnath lane, Hill Road, next to Holy Family Hospital,Bandra, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐6590 6333 | Mob. : +91‐90290 06333E‐mail : [email protected]

SHANTI AVEDNA SADAN216 Mount Mary Road, Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Tel. : 022‐2642 7464 / 2645 1702 / 2645 4590 E‐mail : [email protected] Web :


Prosthesis Suppliers

BHAGWAN MAHAVIR VIKALANG SAHAYATA SAMITIKEM Orthopeadic, Ground floor, Dr Borges Road,opp Tata Hospital, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2414 0143 | Mob. : +91‐93208 28280E‐mail : [email protected] / [email protected]

CANCER PATIENTS AID ASSOCIATIONAnand Niketan, King George V Memorial,Dr E Moses Road, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai ‐ 400011Tel. : 022‐2492 7007 / 2492 4000

DEENA ENTERPRISEG‐1 Aso Palav, S V Road, next to Mc Donalds,Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400092Tel. : 022‐2899 2361 / 6694 9516E‐mail : [email protected]

NEELAM’S BEAUTY & MEDICARE6, Skydeck, Oberoi Complex, SAB TV lane, opp Laxmi Industries,near Kokilaben Hospital, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400053Tel. : 022‐6522 5562 / 2636 1101 | Mob. : +91‐99204 77521E‐mail : [email protected]

PRINCE ALY KHAN HOSPITALAga Hall Nesbit Road, Mazgaon,Byculla East, Mumbai ‐ 400010Tel. : 022‐2377 7800 / 2377 7900 Mob. : +91‐98202 95811

REN ENTERPRISES313, Dimple Arcade, Thakur Complex, Asha Nagar,Kandivali East, Mumbai ‐ 400101Tel. : 022‐6528 0156 / 26725 7285


Prosthesis Suppliers

SHREE SURGICALS108, Sahakar Bhavan, 1st floor, Ambedkar Marg,near Damodar Hall, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012 Mob. : +91‐98675 10909 / 93234 11490E‐mail : [email protected]

TATA MEMORIAL HOSPITALDr E Borges Road, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012Tel. : 022‐2417 7000 / 2414 6750 / 2414 6755 / 2414 6937 E‐mail : [email protected] / [email protected]


Wheelchair Rental

ACCURATE SURGICAL CO.2, Daruwala Compound, S V Road, off Marve Road, Malad West, Mumbai ‐ 400064Tel. : 022‐2861 6273 / 2862 8984 | Mob. : +91‐93225 96247

AMBAJI SURGICAL & MEDICAL STOREShop no 3, Hetal Apartment, N.S.Road (Nest to Syndicate Bank)Mulund (West), Mumbai ‐ 400080Tel. : 022‐6414 0659 / 2592 9872 | Mob. : +91‐98923 67451

Email : [email protected]

ARIHANT CHEMIST & DRUGGISTShop no 9, Viraj Deep Building, Eksar Junction, Eksar Road,Babhai, Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400092Tel. : 022‐2899 7722 | Mob. : +91‐98700 55866

BAFNA SURGICALSShop no 3, Landmark Arcade, Ground floor, near Ramchandra Nagar Signal, Louiswadi Service Road, Thane West, Thane ‐ 400604 Mob. : +91‐75066 40189 / 75066 40185 | Web. :

CHINTAMANI DISTRIBUTORSShop no 1, Pradhan Bhai Thakkar Chawl, opp ICICI Bank & Pride Hotel,Bhattipada Road, Bhandup West, Mumbai ‐ 400078Tel. : 022‐3854 0492 | Mob. : +91‐98924 06585 / 99209 79690 / 98703 78123

INDIA MART2E/ 2F, Rushabh Chambers, near Marol Fire Brigade, off Marol Makwana Road,Marol Naka, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400069 Mob. : +91‐75068 39156 / 096969 69696 | Web :

JEEGAR ENTERPRISES28/A Naharaja Apartment, S.V.Road (next to Agarwal Hospital), Malad (West), Mumbai ‐ 400064 | Tel. : 022‐2882 4095 / 2883 2946Mob. : +91‐98693 40709 / 98693 37720Email : [email protected]


Wheelchair Rental

JUPITER EQUIPMENTSShop no 5, Building no 89, Jyoti CHS, opp RS Mani Departmental Store,near Sahakar Plaza Theatre, Tilak Nagar, Chembur, Mumbai ‐ 400072Mob. : +91‐96193 81829 / 96191 68512E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

KEMCO INDUSTRIESSamaldas Gandhi Marg, 100 Princess Street, Mumbai ‐ 400002Tel. : 022‐2201 5479 / 6637 9333 | Web :

KOSMO CHEMMaskati House, 76, Mohammed Ali Road, Mumbai ‐ 400003Tel. : 022‐6103 1070 / 2344 5018E‐mail : [email protected] | Web :

LIFE LINE5 Rukmini Niwas, Gokhale Society, near KEM Hospital,Cross Road, Parel, Mumbai ‐ 400012 | Tel. : 022‐2410 5242 / 6534 2709Mob. : +91‐98202 35103 / 98209 98928 / 99209 92074 / 98208 35103 Web :

MAHARASHTRA HEALTH CAREShop no 2, Koldongri, near Shankar Mandir, Telli Galli,Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400069 Tel. : 022‐3852 7364Mob. : +91‐80801 06018 / 87677 57744 / 90047 83045 / 77158 58959

MUMBAI SURGICAL COMPANY6, Sunil Niwas, Lokhandwala Road, near Kokilaben Ambani Hospital,Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400053 |Tel. : 022‐2635 9300 / 2635 0786 Mob. : +91‐98195 83119 | Web :

NANAVATI MEDICAL ASSOCIATIONNear Chandan Cinema, Juhu, Mumbai ‐ 400064Tel. : 022‐2625 4368

Wheelchair Rental


NIRAV SURGICALSShop no 8, Poonam Chamber, near Axis Bank, Phase‐3,Shanti Nagar, Mira Road East, Thane ‐ 401107Tel. : 022‐3854 3333 | Mob. : +91‐97692 72670

NUK HEALTHCAREShop no 11/12, Building no 2, Sonal Apartment, opp SBI Bank,Sonawala Cross Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai ‐ 400063Tel. : 022‐3856 5738 / 6525 9292 | Mob. : +91‐98694 40470 / 98202 07899 Web :

OPERA MEDICALShop no 10, Phoenix Building, Kelkar Chowky, V P Road,Prarthana Samaj, Mumbai ‐ 400004 Tel. : 022‐3851 1411 / 2385 2975 | Mob. : +91‐76665 32975 / 91675 32975 PAC HEALTHCARE & SURGICALS5, Bill Berry Apartment, opp Corporation Bank I C Colony,Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400103Mob. : +91‐80480 79068 | Web :

PORTEAFlat no 5, 1st floor, Jai View, 396/57, 17th Road,North Avenue, opp Rotary Park, Santacruz West, Mumbai ‐ 400054 Toll Free : 1800 121 2323 | Web :

ROYAL CHEMIST133, 1st floor, Sagar Pallazio Mall, Andheri Kurla Road,opp Chakra Bar Sudarshan Hotel, Sakinaka Junction, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400072Tel. : 022‐6626 8308 / 6626 8313Mob. : +91‐93200 08695 / 86556 98638Web :

Wheelchair Rental


SANJANA ENTERPRISESRoom no 39, 3rd floor, Amrit Niwas, near Bank of India,Lohar Chawl, Mumbai ‐ 400002Tel. : 022‐3857 4723 / 6506 2468 | Mob. : +91‐93231 38773 / 98212 62066Web :

SEEDEE (For Battery‐powered Wheelchairs)B214 Antop Hill Warehousing colony, VIT College road, Wadala, Mumbai ‐ 400037Mob. : +91‐79777 40327 / 98901 49666 | Email : [email protected]

SHAH BROTHERSUnit no 3, Keshav Industrial Estate, near Dhanukar Wadi,Chhatrapati Shivaji Road, off M G Road, Kandivali West,Mumbai ‐ 400067Tel. : 022‐3851 0087 / 2862 4000 / 2862 4040 / 6530 4060Mob. : +91‐98207 49047 / 98330 47810

SHREYA HEALTH CAREB/302, Kanara Business Center, Off Ghatkopar‐Andheri Link road, Near Everest Garden, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai ‐ 400084Mob. : +91‐98923 16800 |Email : [email protected]

SHUBHAM SURGICALShop no 8, Veena Apartment, opp Bhagwati Hospital,S V P Road, Borivali West, Mumbai ‐ 400103Tel. : 022‐2893 2352 | Mob. : +91‐93247 79580Web :

SURGICURE HEALTHCAREShop no A/2‐B/1, Dhuruwadi, opp Waman Hari Pethe Jewellers,Ranade Road, Dadar West, Mumbai ‐ 400028Tel. : 022‐3853 4340 / 2437 2999Mob. : +91‐98193 24866 / 93245 07978 / 99309 09541 / 98208 73766

Wheelchair Rental

THE HEALTH STOREShop no 2, Masala Wala Apartment, opp Jain Derasar, Juhu Lane, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400058 Tel. : 022‐3856 0173 / 2671 5786 / 2671 9898Mob. : +91‐97731 83433 / 98925 63143Web :

UNO SUPPLY211/B, Damji Shamji Industrial Complex, near Madhuban Toyota Workshop, L B S Marg,Kurla West, Mumbai ‐ 400070Tel. : 022 ‐ 38546733 / 42155440Mob. : +91‐9830056776 / 9320422266



BOMBAY WIG HOUSEInside Crawford Market, Shop no 50, Jyotiba Phule Market,Phool Galli, near Madina Stores, Crawford Market, Mumbai ‐ 400001 Mob. : +91‐98928 88794E‐mail : [email protected]

FINISHING TOUCH HAIR WIGSOffice no, 7 Jain Chambar S V Road, opp Lucky Hotel,Bandra West, Mumbai ‐ 400050Mob. : +91‐87675 99399

KHURSHID ALI WIG MAKERRoom no 403, Sunder Kamala Nagar, near Gandhi Market,Sion, Mumbai ‐ 400022Mob. : +91‐98212 70744 / 98928 46751

MODERN WIGS14, Vakola Municipal Market Building, Nehru Road,near SVC Tower, Santacruz East, Mumbai ‐ 400056Mob. : +91‐98216 55018 / 98193 21522

NEW STAR WIGS147, Laxmi Plaza, off Link Road, Laxmi Industrial Estate,Suresh Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai ‐ 400053Tel. : 022‐2630 1161

PRAVIN HAIR WEAVING & WIGSJ‐1/67, Ground floor, Building 67, Road no 5,Gandhi Nagar, Bandra East, Mumbai ‐ 400051Mob. : +91‐09819 291755

R K WIGS C/O ANKIT EXPORTS247 Charni Road, opp Girgaon Church, Girgaon, Mumbai ‐ 400004Tel. : 022‐2388 1998 / 2381 9107 | Mob. : +91‐98201 32889E‐mail : [email protected]

Wig Makers


Wig Makers

RAJAN & ASHOK WIGSGround floor Sargent House, Behind Old Taj Mahal Hotel,opp Electric House, Colaba, Mumbai ‐ 400005Tel. : 022‐2284 1339 | Mob. : +91‐98211 85197 / 98205 91249

REN ENTERPRISES313, Dimple Arcade, Thakur Complex, Asha Nagar,Kandivali East, Mumbai ‐ 400101Tel. : 022‐6528 0156 | Mob. : +91‐98206 93590

ROMAN CINE WIG MAKERbehind Chakala Masjid, Sahar Road, Andheri East, Mumbai ‐ 400099 Mob. : +91‐98674 92965

SURENDRA'S NATURAL HAIR83, 2nd Vijaykarwadi Bunglow, near Hari Mandir, S V Road,near Dominos, behind Saikripa Bar & Restaurant, Malad West, Mumbai ‐ 400064Tel. : 022‐2881 3444

THAKUR HAIR WEAVING & WINGSJanta Colony Road, Prem Nagar, Jogeshwari East, Mumbai ‐ 400060 Mob. : +91‐93239 34950

VRINDAVAN RANGBHOOSHA1st floor, Shivaji Mandir, Opp Plaza Cinema, N C Kelkar Road, near Star Mall, Dadar, Mumbai ‐ 400022Mob. : +91‐97692 80535




Contact us

Registered Office5, Malhotra House, Opp. GPO, Mumbai ‐ 400 001Tel: (+91 22) 2269 8964 / 2269 3790 Fax: (+91 22) 2269 7255email: [email protected]

Administrative Office:Smt. Panadevi Dalmia Cancer Management CentreKing George V Memorial, Dr. E. Moses RoadKing Road,Mahalaxmi, Mumbai ‐ 400 011Tel: (+91 22) 2492 4000 / 2492 8775email: [email protected]

Corporate Office:Dr. Vithaldas Parmar Research & Medical CentreUnit No. 6, Sumer Kendra, Behind Mahindra Tower,Shivram Seth Amrutwar Road, Worli, Mumbai ‐ 400 018Tel: (+91 22) 2494 0011 / 2494 0091email: [email protected]

Diagnostic Centre:Lila Kishanchand Shahani Clinical Diagnostic CentreNaigaon Municipal Maternity Hospital, 1st Floor, Dahivalkar Road,Opp. BDD Chawl, No. 6 & 7, Next to Police Ground,Naigaon, Mumbai ‐ 400 014Tel: (+91 22) 2412 1680email: [email protected]


Delhi:H/1572, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi ‐ 110 019Tel: (+91 11) 2627 0470 / 2627 2298email: [email protected]

Pune:8, Uttam Tower, Above Nene Hospital, Nagar Road, Pune ‐ 411 006Tel: +91 73787‐59707 | Fax: +91 20 2669‐6636e‐mail: [email protected]


Dr. Vithaldas Parmar Research & Medical Centre, Unit No. 6, Sumer Kendra,Behind Mahindra Tower, Shivram Seth Amrutwar Road, Worli, Mumbai - 400 018

Tel: +91 22 24940011 / 91 92 email: [email protected] Website: