Rev Janice Smith 0113 203 7523 [email protected] ...

60p October 2017 Vicar: Rev Janice Smith 0113 203 7523 [email protected] Parish Church of Bramhope

Transcript of Rev Janice Smith 0113 203 7523 [email protected] ...

60p October 2017

Vicar: Rev Janice Smith

0113 203 7523 [email protected]

Parish Church of Bramhope


We pray weekly, in conjunction with the Methodist Church, for all people living in our area.

If you know of anyone who especially needs prayer please pass the details on to Janice or

any of the Lay Assistants who will arrange for them to be included on the Prayer List.

06/08/17 Creskeld Lane, Creskeld Park & Breary Lane East

13/08/17 High Ridge Way, Kings Road & Kings Drive 20/08/17 The Sycamores & Sycamore Close

27/08/17 The Birches, The Cedars, The Rowans, The Poplars & Sandy Walk

Prayer Schedule for Bramhope

P lease ask your friends or relations to let us know if you wish for

someone to pray with you and/or bring Holy Communion whilst you are

ill or in hospital and unable to get to Sunday Worship. In the first instance

they should contact the Vicar or Bryan Bundey:

Rev Janice Smith 203 7523, or Bryan Bundey 267 8534

Do you want to say a special thank you to someone, have an event

you wish to advertise?

Special notices

Coffee and Cakes Supporting Daniel

On a very wet Wednesday morning on 23rd August over

50 people turned out with brollies and raincoats to raise

funds for research into muscular dystrophy. £710 was

raised at a coffee morning which was prompted by the

recent diagnosis of this condition relating to Daniel, the

grandson of Jill and Kevin McIntosh.

I would like to say a big thank you to all who contributed in making this event

such a success and also to those who were unable to attend but sent such

generous donations.

June Pickles



Special notices 2 Foodbanks & harvest 2017 21

From the vicarage 5 Children’s Page 23

In loving memory 7 Announcements 27

Events and group news 11 Rotas 29

October prayers 13 Advertisers’ Index 29

Getting to know... 15 Directory 30

Love thy neighbour 19 Church services 32

Well the new school term has started, the students are returning

to university and the nights are pulling in. Soon the leaves will be

turning beautiful shades of red, gold and amber. Autumn is my

favourite month! New starts, cosy evenings and all sorts of

celebrations to look forward to attending.

High on that list is Harvest Festival and the infamous Harvest

Lunch. Fred managed to wangle himself an invite last year, we as usual had not

been organised enough to buy tickets in time. We won’t make that mistake this

year. I hope it doesn’t clash with one of the many university open days we will be

attending over the coming weeks…

Margaret and David Kirby have kindly written a very informative article about

foodbanks and our harvest collection supporting this sadly vital service to those in

great need.

New for this month, and continuing our thought on caring for others, is our ‘Love

thy neighbour’ article. This series of articles by Bill and Janet Cunliffe, celebrate the

good works of fellow parishioners: voluntary activities people are involved in

outside of St Giles.

The eagle eyed amongst you may notice the slightly larger font size of the articles.

This has been increased in response to feedback from readers. I hope this makes

for an easier read.


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Come ye thankful people come ………

Harvest time again a time to give thanks, a time to bring gifts for others, a time to


A time to give thanks – there are two opportunities to join us for special events on

that day

10.30am everyone is invited to our Harvest Service where we will sing the traditional

and not so traditional harvest songs to worship and praise God.

6.30pm our harvest celebrations will continue with a celebration of Holy Communion

with yet more harvest hymns.

A time to bring gifts for others – this year Reverend David Kirby asked if we could

help the Leeds South and East Foodbank where he and his wife Margaret volunteer.

The services of the foodbank are well used so much so that they are running out of

food. These food gifts are distributed to some of the most vulnerable and needy

people in our society. Please give generously. Full details of goods required on our

web site

A time to be a family – for many years now we have joined together as a family for

our harvest meal together; this is at lunchtime (midday) on the 8 October. It is a

three course lunch with good food, good company and some of our children will

entertain us by playing their musical instruments. Everyone is welcome contact Keith

for tickets on 07920139172.

A time to harvest – Jesus uses many stories of sowing and harvesting to illustrate the

kingdom of heaven. The parable of the Sower talks about seed grown in different

kinds of soil and the abundant harvest that the good soil gives. As you know he is not

referring to plants but people and their faith. Or do you know? Do you know what

From the vicarage

Continued on page 7...



the stories or parables of Jesus mean? Do you understand why Jesus came to earth to

tell us about his Father God? This autumn we are running a confirmation course where

you can explore the Christian faith and decide whether you wish to be confirmed.

For those of you who have not been confirmed and wish to consider this I am

currently running two separate courses for adults and young people. Bishop Paul will

be coming on the evening of 19 November at 6pm. If you or a member of your family

want to join in please contact me.

So wherever your faith is planted there is an opportunity for you to bring your thanks

and praises to God and even add a little fertiliser!


The loss of a loved one is hard to bear and the time before and after a loved one dies is often busy with arrangements and seeing family and friends. The day of the funeral may be unreal and busy.

Each year we hold a service to remember those whom we have loved and see no more. It is a quiet reflective service to remember, to light a candle and pray and give thanks for the days which have gone and look at the days to come in which we seek God’s love and support.

This year the service is on 5 November at 6:30 pm in church. No matter how short or long a time it is since you lost your loved one you will find this a very helpful service. Please join us.


In loving memory service



Events &




s Even

ts & G


p N


Events &



Children’s Society

The Children's Society

Annual Box Opening will be

held on Saturday November

18th in St. Giles' Church hall

from 12noon to 2pm .There

will be a selection of stalls

and a raffle, a homemade

soup & roll lunch for £3 and

free tea & coffee. Everyone

is very welcome. Please

bring your box to be

emptied or contact Anne

Marshall (2673092) if you

need it to be collected.

Anne Marshall

Circle Dancing

We started our dancing

again last Tuesday after our

August break. All of us were

so pleased to be back

together again to do some

of our favourite dances.

We did Edelweiss which has

now become one of our

favourites since we learnt it

in Austria in June. We had

our longer than usual

sharing of our news sitting in

the cosy corner in the hall,

hearing about all the

amazing places we'd visited

during the summer, and the

latest news of our

families. This is what brings

us close together.

On Monday, September 11,

some of us are did an

evening of Circle Dancing for

Billing Trefoil Guild at

Horsforth Central Methodist

Church. We showed them

how to do several simple but

meaningful dances. We

brought it to an end with our

Blessings Dance, and I

believe in Angels, and lastly

I Offer you Peace from Karl

Jenkins Peacemakers. Oh

what a joy music and

dancing are!

Joan Peart

Luncheon Club

The luncheon club restarts

after the summer break in

October. The dates of the

meals are:

October 4

December 6 Christmas


February 7

May 2

The cost of the two course

meal is £5. Yes even for our

very special Christmas


To book a meal please

contact Mary Mumby on

0113 284 2439.

Everyone is welcome—you

don’t have to come to

church to join us. So what

are you waiting for? Book

now. We look forward to

seeing you.




Events &




s Even

ts & G


p N

ews Even

ts Mothers’ Union

Despite Wednesday 6

September being a bit chilly

and grey we were

transported into the

colourful world of our

feathered friends. Jean

Weatherill gave us a

fascinating talk on birds.

Not only did she bring some

lovely books and

photographs but she burst

into song as well. Jean

reminded us how birds

feature in our everyday life

– they are mentioned in

the Holy Bible, hymn books,

songs, films and public

house names. I am sure

we all like to see birds in

our gardens but we

couldn’t possibly compete

with Jean who has

travelled by land, sea and

air to pursue her

birdwatching hobby.

Joanne Dawdry

Women’s Fellowship

In October we look forward

to a talk by Malcolm

Johnson entitled “Radio &

TV Jingles.” On November

14 we have an evening

making Christmas


Janet Cunliffe

50-50 September


1st – Sheila Williams

2nd – Hazel Smith

Thank you all for

supporting St Giles by

participating in the 50-50


Are you in it?

It is only £5.00 per month by

regular standing order, of which

£2.50 goes directly to church

and £2.50 goes in the prize draw


You have to be in it to win it so

pick up a form from the Church

lobby or speak to Sarah Shay.


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Some prayers for October

Father in heaven, all good gifts come from

you. You send the sunshine and the rain

and it is through your love and care that

we can enjoy harvest time. Thank you for

providing so richly for our needs and help

us to share the good things we have with

those who have little or nothing.

Lord we pray for your blessing on every

kind of harvest we enjoy. Thank you for

the harvest of the land and sea. Bless too

the harvest of factory, mine and

workshop. Bless the harvest of research

and of creative art. May we work together

with you in every area of life to produce

what is worthwhile, good and fruitful.

May you be glorified in it all.

Author Unknown

The seed is Christ’s,

The granary is Christ’s;

In the granary of God

May we be gathered.

The sea is Christ’s,

The fishes are Christ’s;

In the nets of God

May we all meet.

A Prayer from Ireland

Bring to fruition, Creator God, the work of

your kingdom.

Make us part of that joyful harvest in

which your loving purpose is completed.

Help us to realise how important the

smallest words and deeds are in the

context of eternity.

At harvest time, when we remember your

goodness make us grateful also for all we

have received from the labour of others

who have sown the seeds of faith, hope

and love in our lives.

Author Unknown

And lastly a Prayer from Singapore for you to ponder and to pray

God stir the soil,

Run the ploughshare deep,

Cut the furrows round and round

Overturn the hard, dry ground,

Spare no strength nor toil,

Even though I weep.

In the loose, fresh mangled earth

Sow new seed

Free of withered vine and weed

Bring fair flowers to birth

Compiled by Jonathan Slater


Funeral Services

Funeral Services


Getting to know...

Hazel Lee

I was born in Hyde Terrace maternity

home in 1937, making me the youngest of

the St Giles 80 year old Babes, and

subsequently lived at Old Pool Bank with

my parents, Sally and Bill Lancaster.

Schooling was at the orphanage (now

Hilton Grange) as an “outsider”. I passed

the 11 plus exam to attend Prince Henry's,

which at the time was just a stone


My first job was at the Yorkshire Electricity

Board’s head office located in Bramhope

(now Manor Close) before they moved to

offices in York Place in the city centre. This

was a good move as this is where I met my

lovely husband Bob. For the first seven

years of our married life we lived in

Yeadon where our daughter, Valerie Ann,

was born (Val regularly reads the prayers

and helps at Communion).

I was confirmed at St Giles during the

reign of the then vicar, Reverend

Bairstow. The joint confirmation event

was celebrated with a similar group at

Harewood Church.

For many years I have served on the Pool -

in- Wharfedale Parish Council, Old Pool

Management Committee, West Yorkshire

Transport Committee and the local Royal

British Legion Committee and Otley and

District Road Safety Committee. I have

always had a great interest in the

performing arts and have performed in

many plays with the Overdale Players and

the Electricity Players at the Civic Theatre,

now a museum in Leeds.

Since Bob's death, singing has filled a huge

hollow. For the past 19 years I have sung

with a large choir - Sing Live now called

the Inspiration Choir.

I have sung in the Royal Albert Hall and on

Mediterranean cruises, the Epcot Centre

in Florida, Disneyland in Paris, Henley

Festival, Leeds Town Hall, Bridgewater

Hall and the Edinburgh Festival to name

but a few. The joy I get from singing is

wonderful. Singing with the choir at St

Giles gives me great support in my

worship, although I sometimes struggle at

Evensong with the chants.

In the church circle I regularly attend a

whole variety of services and for the past

five years I have been a deputy warden.

For many years I have been actively

involved with the Women’s Fellowship, of

which I am currently the chair; I am

grateful for the great support from fellow

committee members.




Continued from page 15

Love thy neighbour

Recently, we found Sue Gamble beyond

the comfort zone of Bramhope, in Eccup

at the Donkey Sanctuary where Sue

Gamble has been doing voluntary work

one day a week for the last seven years.

The Donkey Sanctuary provides riding

therapy for children as well as being a

refuge home for up to 23 donkeys who

themselves are disadvantaged either due

to age or abuse. It is a win-win situation

for the children, staff, parents, donkeys

and volunteers like Sue. Children who

attend the sanctuary get much benefit by

riding the donkeys or if the child is too

large, then walking the donkeys.

The activities are under the supervision of

the staff or trained volunteers with up to

3 donkeys being involved at any one time.

Sue finds that the riding physically helps

the children to build their body core,

stretching and coordination. Occasionally

some children do not improve, but enjoy

the moment in this caring environment.

Over time most children improve their

educational skills and relationships

between themselves, school teachers and


“Love Your Neighbour As Your-

self”. Mark 12.31

T his new section of the magazine is

aimed to highlight the voluntary good

works parishioners do outside the walls of St

Giles. Written by Bill & Janet Cunliffe, follow-

ing their interview with Sue Gamble...

I appreciate each day as it is a bonus. Some years ago when I was working in the Old Pool Bank Post Office we were robbed. The loaded gun was pointed at me whilst they carried out the raid. When the police asked for information and details I described the accomplice as wearing a white scarf, knit 4, purl 4. This made them smile. The next smile came from the account in the Yorkshire Evening Post describing the postmaster and his middle age assistant held at ransom. Later when I asked the reporter if it could be

altered to a glamorous lady assistant she declined as it would have got less sympathy.

My life is very busy and interesting. I am blessed with a lovely daughter and excellent friends and God has been good to me; in particular, I thank the many parishioners who give me lifts to and from church

Hazel Lee


50-50 CLUB

Are you in it?

It is only £5.00 per month by

regular standing order, of which

£2.50 goes directly to church and

£2.50 goes in the prize draw


You have to be in it to win it so

pick up a form from the Church

lobby or speak to Sarah Shay.


I guess most of us are aware how

fortunate we are to live in Bramhope. But

across our fair city there are some really

significant differences in life expectancy,

and other markers of the quality of life.

Did you know, ladies, that life expectancy

for women in Wharfedale and Adel ward

is 86.5 years? But the life expectancy for

women in the City and Hunslet ward is

only 76.1 years. Now ladies don’t live 9

years longer because they live in

Bramhope and not in Hunslet! The

difference, of course, is because of all

sorts of socio-economic factors to do with

life style, housing, diet, employment – or

lack of it. Did you know that 20% of the

population of Leeds live in the 10% most

deprived areas in England?

So it’s not surprising that in these times of

austerity, folk in some parts of the city are

facing real difficulty. Not everyone, of

course, but for some it really is a choice

between putting food on the table or

paying the rent. In 2016-17, Leeds

Foodbanks gave out emergency food

parcels, sufficient for three days to feed

almost 16,000 people in crisis. Some

were for families, some for single people –

the figures hide the fact that of those

16,000 people, over 6,000 were children.

The Leeds Foodbanks operate under the

aegis of the Trussell Trust. To qualify for a

food parcel, individuals have to be

referred by persons like a social worker,

clergy, a doctor, probation officer, Council

One Stop Centres, Citizen Advise Bureau,

or other responsible bodies. People can’t

just walk off the street and ask for a

handout. Foodbanks are essentially for

people in crisis, it’s not Morrisons for

free! And recipients can only ask for help

on three occasions in a six-month period.

Because Leeds is so big, the city has been

divided into two halves – Leeds South and

East and Leeds North and West. There are

19 distribution centres, mainly in churches

or council properties, all staffed by

volunteers. Leeds South and East has a

warehouse in Hunslet and 11 distribution

centres each open for a couple of hours a

week, spread across the city from

Drighlington to Seacroft, and taking in

inner urban areas like Hunslet and


Food is donated by the general public,

including churches – Harvest Festivals, like

ours, are a very important source during

the autumn! Big supermarkets like Asda

and Tesco are also very helpful. Some

Foodbanks and our Harvest collection 2017

Continued over page

“Lord, when did we see you

hungry... ?”




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Messy Church

Continued from page 21

have a collection basket in store from

which donations of food can be taken to

the warehouse on a regular basis. Once or

twice a year, Asda and Tesco stores allow

special collections when volunteers from

the Foodbanks are present in the store

and ask shoppers to help by buying

particular canned or dry goods and

donating them as they leave. A day’s

collection can yield up to 500 kg of food

stuffs – but that can be distributed by a

couple of busy centres in a week!

If you’d like to know more about

Foodbanks, ask Margaret or David Kirby,

or go on the Leeds South and East Website


David and Margaret Kirby

What is Messy Church?

Messy Church is a way of being church for families involving fun.

Messy Church is a form of church for children and adults that involves creativity, hospitality and celebration.

Currently there are 3782 churches in the UK and the world to help families find out about the stories of God and His Son Jesus.

A typical session of Messy Church is that there is a welcome, a creative time to explore the biblical theme through crafts and getting messy; a short celebration time involving a story, prayer and a song, then we do what do best—EAT together, then games.

Messy Church helps families to grow no matter what type of family they are, nuclear, extended, church or global.

We meet regularly our meeting dates for this year are over the page.

What Messy Church Isn’t

...just for children. It can and does involve all ages.

...a club. It welcomes everyone, values everyone, is always for the outsider because it is an integral part of our church.

....just for families—all are welcome single, widowed, childless. Church is inclusive not exclusive.

Messy Church at St Giles

The leaders are Janice Smith and Suzannah

Hattersley, supported by a large team of

volunteers without whom we cannot

function. People are needed to prep the

crafts, lead crafts on the day, play music,

play games, prepare and serve food, clear

away. If you feel you can help with this

please contact Janice Smith 0113 203




Children’s pages


This year the dates for Messy Church are as follows: 17 September – theme Baptism 3pm in the church hall 15 October – theme Giving Thanks 3pm in the church hall 19 November – Noah and that ark 3pm in the church hall 17 December in the morning service at 9.30 we are hoping to present to the church our No rehearsal Nativity. Look out for more information and recruitment of players soon. Look forward to seeing you there.


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David Bransby

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Ask me about my computer tuition services!


Rev Janice Smith Chair Mrs Joanne Dawdry Churchwarden Vice-Chair Mrs June Pickles Churchwarden Mrs Miranda Reynard Ex Officio Secretary Mr Bernard Williams Retires 2018 Treasurer Mrs Karen Giles Retires 2018 Mr Nick Pinches Retires 2018 Mr Alan Tomkins Retires 2018

Mrs Joy Smith Retires 2018 Deanery Synod Rep Vacancy Retires 2019 Mrs Dorothy Powney Retires 2019 Mr Jim Richardson Retires 2019 Mrs Sheila Williams Retires 2019 Mr John Grahame Retires 2019 Ms Krystyna Novak Retires 2020 Dr Sue Ball Retires 2020 Mrs Lesley Reeves Retires 2020 Mrs Eddie Whitehead Retires 2020 Mrs Jude Jones Retires 2020 Mr Jonathan Slater Ex Officio Reader





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Enquiries regarding baptisms, weddings and funerals should be made to Rev Janice Smith :

0113 203 7523

Parish Register

[email protected]



/8 P





Diary for October Tues 3 Circle Dancing 7:45 pm

Wed 4 Toddler Praise 10—11 am

Luncheon Club 12:15 pm

Mother’s Union 2 pm

“Magistrates in the Community“

Sun 8 Big Harvest Lunch 12 noon

Tues 10 Women’s Fellowship 8.00 pm

Malcolm Johnson “ Radio & TV jingles”

Wed 11 CATS 9:15 – 11:15 am

Thurs 12 Men’s Supper Club 6.30 for 7.00 pm

Keith Hall “The History of Markenfield


Sun 15 Messy Church 3 – 5 pm

Tues 17 Circle Dancing 7:45 pm

Wed 26 CATS 9:15 – 11:15 am

Open House 2 pm

Sun 22 Activities for children during 9:30 am


Tues 31 Circle Dancing 7:45 pm



Advertisers’ Index

Administrative services David Bransby 26 Personal computer Training 22

Car Mechanics Sentinel 17

Estate Agents

Manning Stainton 18

Day Care

Cliffe House Day Nursery 24

Finances and Solicitors Morrish & Co 4

Rockwood Financial Solutions 12

Funeral Directors Donald Pickles 8 Good’s 14 Slater’s 28

Health & Beauty Gunn Dental Care 6 Nth Leeds Physio 20 Senior & Rhodes 6

House and Garden Andrew Gamble 18 Arthur Clemens 10

J & D Convery 20 D PA Fletcher 16 Green Renovations 6 Lily’s 8 LV Windows 12

Plumbers and Gas Engineers Andrew Dodsworth 28

Res/Nursing homes Ashcroft House 16 Headingley Hall 4

Food retailers Bramhope Deli 17 Popsie’s 10

Window Cleaning

M Milner 6


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Sunday 8.15am 9.30am 6.30pm

1st Bill Cunliff

Steve McGraw Philip Margaret North Kendall-Smith

Margaret North

2nd NO SERVICE John Grahame Mike Riley

Neil Simpson Margaret North

3rd Janet Howard Fred Archenhold Bob Lewis Joan Archenhold

Michael Coles

4th NO SERVICE Janet Cunliffe Lesley Reeves

Alan Woodthorpe

5th John Grisdale Sue Gamble

Sara Leefe Jean Snowball Audrey Harrison

Pat Gregersen

Church flowers Coffee



Oct 1 Joy Smith Judy Brown & Sue Henry

Oct 8 Harvest Festival Elizabeth Johnson & Jo Simpson

Oct 15 After Harvest Festival Sara Leefe & Anne Marshall

Oct 22 Sara Leefe Sue Ball & Miranda Reynard

Oct 29 Lisa Wright Julie & Alan Tomkins



Hon Assistants Canon John Clayton & Rev David Kirby

Churchwardens Joanne Dawdry 203 7182, [email protected]

June Pickles 203 7797, [email protected]

Reader Jonathan Slater 284 3136, [email protected]

Mary Mumby 284 2439, [email protected]

Alpha Administrator Karen Giles 267 1785, [email protected]

Baptisms Administrator Mary Mumby 284 2439

Bible Reading Notes Liz Johnson 284 2523, [email protected]

Brownies (Fridays) Nicola Wall [email protected]

Brownies (Tuesdays) Sue Rugg 07973 914976,

[email protected]

CATS (Carers & Toddlers)

Leadership team

Kevin McIntosh

Gill & Nick Pinches

345 3147

284 2063

Children’s Society Anne Marshall 267 3092

Christian Aid Marion Skirrow 261 4156, [email protected]

Church Hall Management Committee

- Chairman Tony North 284 2143, [email protected]

- Booking Secretary Julie Tomkins 284 2187, [email protected]

- Housekeeping Krystyna Novak 267 0311

Church & Hall Fabric Chairman Nick Pinches 284 2063

Church Linen Mary Mumby 284 2439

Circle Dancing Joan Peart 284 2549, [email protected]

Coffee Rota Karen Giles 267 1785

Communications Chairperson Janice Smith 203 7523

Cradle Roll Jill Perkin 267 4082

Deputy Wardens: Hazel Lee

Jean Bradshaw

Jean Weatherill

Stephen Giles

284 2573

267 3715

267 2421

267 1785

Electoral Roll Jean Weatherill 267 2421

Sara Leefe 267 4188 Flower Rota

Marva Fuller 284 3227

GTK & Photography Bill Cunliffe 2672326, [email protected]

















Grounds Rota Alan Tomkins 284 2187, [email protected]

Librarian and Archivist Sue Grahame 267 3807

Men’s Supper Club:

- Convenor Martin Lee 284 2145, [email protected]

- Meeting Secretary & Treasurer Derek Owram 284 3301, [email protected]

- Speaker Secretary Jonathan Slater 284 3136, [email protected]

Ministry Leadership Team

- Coordinator Jonathan Slater 284 3136, [email protected]

LYCIG (Leading Your Church In Growth) Janice Smith 203 7523

Mothers’ Union:

- Coordinator Mary Mumby 284 2439

- Minutes Secretary Joanne Dawdry 203 7182

Open House June Pickles

Joanne Dawdry

203 7797

203 7182

Organist & Choirmaster John Smith 261 0101

PCC Secretary Miranda Reynard 203 7001

PCC Treasurer Bernard Williams 318 8707, [email protected]

Planned Giving Officers Andrew Taylor

Gillian Taylor

203 7289

Envelope Stewardship Secretary Sue Ball 267 3772

Photocopying Hilary Molyneux 284 3654

Readings Rota Mary Mumby 284 2439

Risk Management John Grahame

Steve Giles

267 3807

267 1785

Safeguarding Officer Matthew Laird 07917 859298,

[email protected]

Social Committee Chairperson Janice Smith 203 7523

Walking Groups Ken Ball 267 3772

Welcome Coordinator Krystyna Novak 267 0311

Women’s Fellowship Co-Leaders Jenny Platt 267 8286

Hazel Lee 284 2573


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Reg Charity No: 129657

SGR Editors: Louise Riley & Caroline Donnelly

Church Services for October 2017


8.15am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Parish Communion (CW)

6.30pm Choral Evensong

Thursday 5th 10.30am First Thursday Holy Communion (BCP)



10.30am Harvest Festival Service

6.30pm Harvest Songs of Praise with Holy Communion (CW)

Thursday 12th 10.30am Holy Communion (BCP)


8.15am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Parish Communion (CW)

3.00pm Messy Church

6.30pm Choral Evensong

Thursday 19th 10.30am Holy Communion (BCP)



9.30am Together Communion (CW) with Healing Ministry

6.30pm Parish Communion (CW)

Thursday 26th 10.30am Holy Communion (BCP)


8.15am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Parish Communion (CW)

6.30pm Choral Evensong


Thursday 2nd 10.30am First Thursday Holy Communion (BCP)


8.15am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Parish Communion (CW) with Healing Ministry

6.30pm “In Loving Memory” Service