Restoring Ancient Stabiae, selected documents 1998-2001 (revised posting with 4 master plans)

The School of Architecture I fntroduction: The rulS Project University of Maryland RESTORING AI\CIENT STABIAE ". ,.41py.;; i;;i:p..-.,.. ;, ^d

Transcript of Restoring Ancient Stabiae, selected documents 1998-2001 (revised posting with 4 master plans)

The School of ArchitectureI

fntroduction:The rulS Project

University of Maryland


". ,.41py.;; i;;i:p..-.,.. ;,



Res;':,'r r''- Ancrerlt Sral-:ite is a unique cooperative undertaking which joins the forces ofthe ltalian and ,A'merican coillmunities in a project that enhances the appreciation of an importantancient Roman archaeological site while safeguarding this rich artistic he.itag" for generations tocome. Initiated through an agreement to cooperate in the creation of an "archaeological park,, forancient Stabiae - that "lost" Vesuvian city which has been overshadowed by its more fu-oo,neighbors of Pompeii and Herculaneum, - Restoring Ancient Stabiae is a collaborative ventureestablished in March 1998 between ttrt* 5r:p*iat*,:il*fmma A;"eii*olL;gica di p+-*tp*i and thr scit*r"rtr';l'Arcidte*t'll;:e

'rf gl;e U*rtvelsiry +f l\'4s;1y3r,l'id. One year later the project was joined by th*

.{ri:rl'i*zu: ,r, rJ,riir\ ll: ,t_lrrne aS itS CO-SpOnSof.

Combining the work of University of Maryland faculty members rvho have been collabo-rating with the staJf of the Soprintendenza in the drafting of a Master Plan, the undertaking of asite survey, the design of a new administration building with conservation lab, and the deJign ofnew protective roofing over the parually excavated ancient Roman villas. Restoring AncieniStabiae also has engaged the services of scholars and design p.of"rrionis from li"* vo,1.,"Texas to california. rnarrts to the participation of a r"r Foi-,h; R;r;;;;.;;;;jui,;'u""project

T q: MT* 2000 symposium that celebrated the 250th anniversary-of the discovery ofancient Stabiae, held in the modern city of Castellammare di Stabia the Restoring Ancient


Stabiae website (http:rr..wr.,,.iqifonrc.ur::d eL: ,,'i, il : lliriiabr*.{r-:ri) ii about to become the interna-

l"ryl repository for scholars who will be posting their research papers and excerpts from theirbooks on ancient Stabiae at our Internet address.

Finally, the reach of the Restoring Ancient Stabiae project extends beyond the strictboundaries of the archaeological site. Thanks to the generous and enthusiasiic support of theAssociazione Ex Alunni Liceo Classico "Plinio Seniore, " the Restoring Ancient Stabiae projectis becoming the focus of a multifaceted cultural exchange between American scholars, Americandesign professionals, andAmerican students and the Italian cultural and intellectual communityof Castellammare di Stabiae, ranging from the local students of their technical and classical highschools to the local hotel school and fashion institutes, as well as service organizations, such asthe local Rotary Club and, Lions Club. And the acfivities planned for summer 2000 and January2001 involve the study and design of the archaeological park within the context of tfr.

"o.r*turban revitalization of Castellammare di Stabi4 whose rnedicinal mineral waters could make thiscity th3 Vichy of southern [taly and whose seaside promenade has the potentiat t; r*uf l,r iu-mous French counterpart of Cannes. And yet the potential for the future of Castellammare diStabia is even greateq for the entirety of atistic riches and natural beauty in the surroundingregion of the Bay of Naples knows few equals.

All of the activities enumerated above we have accomplished in two years of operationwith limited time and limited resources. Our workers have donated countless hours'iro bono,,'while our operation has benefited from fimds to cover costs provided by our School of Archi-tecture and grants from the Wld Wngs Foundatian and the-Samuel H. Kress Foundation.Pleasejoin us in deepening and expanding the scope of this international endeavor.

RichardA. EtlinProfessor and Director of Restoring Ancient Stabiae





In March 1998. the,4:nih+*r*l*gs*al Ss:sc-,,.,,1q{,*sryr* fi{ fl}errrt;16gq-}Xc,rtreF*s.,rEjEr}*Sde&}i.Be andthe 5'rl.i'';t',t tiil"-tr*k€f*e$*r,"e, s* '{&e E-i*f,ye*.ir*ii,, *r;at*uya*;d ffi;;;;lleil'il'muruufproject that would develop a comprehensive Master Plan for the archaeological area of,Ancientstabiae (Italy) so as to transform the site of the six known no** rillas dating from the firstcentury nc a1d the earlier ci[r into a coherent archaeological park and to plan furtherarchaeological investigation and conservation on rhe site. t-ne viri"" i;;;f;;;*;;unusual inthat it combines the work both of archaeologists and design professionals (architects, landscapearchitects, museologists, etc.), as well as the staff of the Sop..lntrrrJ***", and assigns to theRAS team the task of coordinating all foreign archaeologtd;;;j; on the site.The school ofArchitechre and the superintendence signed u pr"ri*irraryAgreement to worktogether on a comprehensive project orrt oy, conservation, and valorization for thearchaeological site. The Master Plan, which toordinates thediffer*r;i;;, "rrr",

project, isbeing undertaken with a view toward-* "r"ot

r"l ;;"gr"t*, ;ril; il;ld; .tr*..rl** ,,*of the modern city of Castellammare di Siabia I v'I rsur ur\

since March 199-8, significant steps forw*a t uu, been made with respect to the developmentand organizationof the project. MTI prestigious scholars*d;;;ionally*n.d'";il,have joined the RAS team; most of thern h; ;;dy visited;;';il;il;;;;llry ,.rr.urtimes. Early in 1999 the Axaeericsp*.+..c*e{*ffi-*,. ii,? ffisrc* joined the RAS projec;;; ;";;;;;for the current two-year master-planning phasl.since its recent inception the RAS pto3"ci has received modest financial support from theSamuel H.Kress Foundation and the W.In Jrure 1999 the RAS team and the s,rprrirGrri*re aaoptea the first draft of a Master plan,which had been prepared by the RAS team in consultation *tl, rh; s;ffi#-*-'irr,document envisages:i" future excavation orojects to shift the current entry of the partially excavated Villa San Marcoto its original Roman-era entrance and to shift the current enfiy to villaAriannato its originalenfiry, in coordination with a passags &om the modern ciry below to the fifth-;r;;; cr'oou s*Biagio with its magni_ficent early C[ristian fres;;;2' that currently covers arrd prote.ts the excavated villaremains with a superior systern of environmental control that also enhan".r rr* JroJlpr.**".of the partially excavated villas.

which will also include both amodest::,1':g:_t-,lj:lry a localized conservatio, tuu*ffiEi ir"*rd;;; *.rru.oroeical needs. rhisrevvrv6rw(ar -tf iyv(ts.building will be designed and built as a temporary shucture that respects the archaeology needsnfflto oi+oofthe site.

site, which will accurately determine, utilizing laser transitt, vLL\LLLrtb r4J\r'l Ll (Uand GPS equipment, the site boundaries and location of majoibuildings and remains. Also a

::il'::1ftr?:^TtrlT- T:*T structureland_'qf'" reatures wiilue executed rhis surveyr vrJ

:::,::':li:t"":l::l::*'all future site studies- It is the intention orthe RAS project to post the

::::5::jr-:.TT.::000 site s,rvey on this web site so that it *mt.;;iliilil;{;researchers worldwide.S. over the course of the srunmer ZA0A.


&- --o--E:a"arr'i-rlr.

mif v'E"'ST t y -" cir-i,{ erf I.'fu A:-College parkU. S ..A.





O c c er r or--_E r.a S.T.Ls.s_Ia.n.e.-.-a.s.s.p.r.d,CI.....di._.nro grarnma.---._-


Si trasmette l,accordologica e Ia Facolti diland, firmato in d,ata

di orogrammaArchitettura

26 marzo c.a.!r3- 1a Soprintendenza Archeo-del I 'universiti a"f-'-;;;r_













Accordo di programma

tra la Soprintendena .\rcheoiogica di Pompei e la Facolta di .{rchitettura dell'Universiti del

Nlarylan4 nell'ambito ,Jel progetto di ricerca denominato "Restoring Ancient Stabiae".

L'anno 1998. ii grorno ......y9!1h.59,... del mese .4t.'..{/g/ prof. Pietro Giovaruri Guzzo. in qualita di Soprintendente deila Soprintendenza Archeologica

di Pompei (di seguito clenominata Soprintendenza)' ed il prof. Richard Erlin. in qualiri di

Direttore del progetto di ricerca della Facolta di Architetnrra dell'Unir,ersiti del Nlar.vland -

U.S.A.. denominato "Restoring .\ncient Stabiae" (di seguito inclicata Universita del \Iaryland)


. che in data 3.2.1998.Ia Facoita di .{rchitemrra dellrUniversita clel Nlaryland ha espresso iiproprio interesse per la realizztaone di un progetto compiessil,,o per il recupero e la

vaLoiuzzztone deil'area ercheologica di Stabia proposto datl'arch. Leonardo Varone quaie

tema per la sua tesi di laurea per ii \Iaster post-professionale in arch-iterura:

. che in data 6 iebbraio 1998 la Soprintcn<ienza ha espresso ii proprio interesse ad una,

collaborazione fra i due Istiruti:

. che a seguito deI notevoie interesse suscitato presso la Facolta cial rema proposto.

l'Liniversiri del \'Ia4,land ha creato un progetto di ricerca denominato *Rcstoring Ancient

Stlbiae". con 1o scopo <ii non soltanto of&ire un adesuato contributo scientific} 'a[a

Soprintendenzl ma anche al fine di prorvectdre. attraverso la ricerca di fondi adeguatl alla

ssa]lzznTtone clegli intenenti necessari per la reahzzaione di tale progetto;

. clre a seguito deeli incontri ar,uti a Stabia e Pompei dal prof. Richard Etlin nei glomi dal ?3

al 25 marzo '98. nel corso dei quali ha potuto prendere diretta conoscenza dei luoghi e delle

necessiti deil'area archeologica di Sbbi4 1'Lkriversiti del *Llaryland ha confermato

pienamente iI suo interesse per una collaborazione con la Soprintendenza:

. che l'L-niversiti ciel \Iaryiand si e quindi dichiarata disponibile a fornire alla Soprintendenza

il proprio conributo al progetto per la elaborazion a t reals,zzezione di un programma

comptessir,o per il recupsro e la r,alorizzaaone dell'area archeologica di Stabi4 secondo ilprogramma di massima espresso con lettera del 25 marzo '98, dalla Soprintendenza in pari

data accenato;








tuno cio pr€messo. la Soprintendenza e I'Universita de I lrlaryland stipulano la presente


a) I'Llnir,'ersiti del Nlary'lancl si impegna a fornire alla soprintendenTa, nell'ambito del suo

progetto "Restoring ^l,ncient Stabiae", la propria collaborazione scientifica ed eventiralqgente

economica per la definizione ed elaborazione. sotto la comune direzione, di un progetto

globale di sistemazione a parco di nrtta l'area archeologica dell'antica Stabi4 Ie cui linee

guida dornanno costituire la base di tutti i successivi interventi;

b) la Soprintendcnza con la sottoscrizione d"gli elaborati prodotti. esprimeri la propria

approvazione per le scelte di progetto effemrate. rendendole proprie;

c) nell'ambito dal suddetto progeffo, l'L'niversiti del \Igryland- al fine di prowedere, atffaverso

la ricerca di fondi adeguati alle materiafizzaaone di runi gli inten,enti necessari per la

ree'lizzazione dell'intero programma assrune il rr:olo di coordinatore di tutte le altre

Istinrzioni e Orsanizzazioni straniere che. prelio assenso della Soprintendenza lorranno

unirsi nel progetto "Restoring .{ncient Stabiae":

d) fintanto che non si pervenga alla definizione scienrifica di runo quanto necessario per la

realtzzaztone integrale del parco, I'Liniversita del )Iaryland intende assistere nell'immediato

la Soprintendenza nel "Conserlation Surr,ey'' e nel recupero dei finanziamenti necessari per

gli urgtnti e immediati bisogni di conservazione <lelle strumrre architettoniche e delle opere

d'arte atfualmente -qii in luce. coliaborando con la Soprintendenza in tufto quanto necessario

per la diagnosi dello stato di degrado. la definizione degli inten'enti e la ricetca di fonti

finanziarie per il contestuale restatlro di rutte le stnrmrre architettoniche e apparati decorativi

oggi in luce. incluso quimto affualmente crxtodito nell'.{ntiquariurn in assoluta co€renza qoq

quanto stabilito per la conservazione dal progetto di cui ai punto a):

e) l'L;niversita del }Iaryland, in accordo con la Soprintendenz4 prou,ederi alla ricerca di fonti

finanziarie per I'anuazione di tutte le fasi di fitltzztztone del programm& fra cui:

o progettazione e costruzione di strutfure temporanee per la realtzzaaone degli inteft'enti

di cui al punto precedente (laborarori di primo restauro. depositi, uffici. senizi);

reabzznztone dei percorsi di base per il collegamento fra le diverse aree del reals,zzando

parco. secondo i programmi definiti con la Soprintendenza;

riproposizione d.ei complessi nella loro facies ori-qnuriq mediante la ricollocazione in

sih:- ove possibile. clegli elementi decorativi asportati, or,vero ifirar,erso impianto di

riproduzioni o simulazioni:

ampiiamento clell'area cli scat'o alf intero suoio gia clemaniale. restauro dells stnrt[ure

riportatc alla luce. loro protezione e sistemazione museografica; .<<1;lh,_ 4.i...._-_i2\

fE a4&. !",i 'Y$1i-:;\ a! i:'/ ' .t- ,r

' realizztzione di rutte le opere di sistemazione (incluso landscape architechrre) delle aree

comPrese nel parco, ma non inleressate dalla presenza dketra di reperti archeologici:

0 in parallelo con lo sviluppo cli tale programma temporale, l'Univ,ersita del Iv,Iarylandattraverso ii reperimento cli risorse specifichc, proll,edera all'aggiornamento delladocumentazione di base. indispensabile per Ia realizzaaone del progetto. Allo scopo. siprowederi alTa realtzzezione di un modello informatico tridimensionale della conformazione

del suolo, inciuse le strurure murarie gia in luce, all'aggiornamento del rilievoaerofoto-arammetrico, alla redazione di una mappa dell'uso del suolo, ad una adeguata

campagna fotografica. anche .Ja satellite e, a progeno di base ultimato, ad una completacampagna di sagi.

II presente accordo rerri integrato. all'atto della materiale disponibiliti di risorsefinanziarie. con le specifiche clausole necessarie per la sua attuazione.

eer,.Lpnrysitn {e

I i\rfaqfl

and :

Lre\ V- v'.-r"r.,- \. t-z\\' = /-'' ,pp1, ?prof. Richard Etlin l:-: \i-1; -:/t/rvr. ^uv^.sru llrul ,\< . E., -.>,/\.d.^^ '<'w !

Director.*Res toring -{ncient S taUtado{:jj7


prof, Pietro Giovanni Gazzo











Prima bozza della rraduzione dell'Accordo di Programma

. Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei

Letter of intention for cooperarion between the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei andthe Schooi of Architecture of the University of lvlaryland with respect to the project called"Restoring Ancient Stabiae. "

On March 26, 1998, Prof. Pietro Giovanni Guzzo, in his capaciry as Soprintendente of theSoprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei (henceforth called the Soprintendgnza) and Prof.Riitrara Etiin, in his capaciry as Director of "Restoring Ancient Slabiae" for the School ofArchitecture of the University of Maryland, considering:

tharonFebruary3, 1998, rheSchoolof Architecrureof theUniversityof Ma-qylandexpressedits interest in undertaking a comprehensive project'to recover and enhance the archaeologicalarea of Stabia, as proposed by Arch. Leonardo Varone as the subject of his thesis for &e post-professionai degree of Master of Archite*ure;

that on February 6, 1998, the Soprintendenza expressed its interest for a collaboration belweenthe two institutions;

that foliowing the keen interest expressed by the School of Architecture of the University ofMaryland foithis project, the faculty of this School created a project called "Restoring AncientStabiae" wirh the scope not only of offering scholariy and technical assistance to theSoprintendenza, but also of securing adequa[e funds to finance undertakings necessa{y to real-ize this project;

thar following meetings in Stabia and in Pompeii from lvlarch 23 through March 25, L998,during which Prof. Richard Etlin became acqulinted with the archae_ologrcai site at Slabia andits needs, the School of Architecture of the Universiry of Maryland fuliy confirmed its interestin a collaboration with the Soprintendenza;

that the School of Architecture of &e University of Maryland therefore reaffirmed its intentionto collaborate with the Soprintendenza lo develop and to realire a comprehensive program lorecover and enhance the archaeological area of Stabia according to the preliminary programoutlined in the School's ietter of March 25 , 1998, and accepted on the same date by thd' '


considering, then, all the aforementioned, the Soprintendenza and the School of Architectureof the University of Maryland agree upon the following:

a) the School of Architecture of the Universiry of Maryland, thro.uglr irs project."RestoringAncient Stabiae," undertakes to offer to the Soprintendenza its scholarly and technical col-iaboration and if possible economic assistance to develop, as a common effort, a maste-r planfor the creation of an archaeoiogical park for the entire archaeological area of ancient Stabiae,with this master pian serving as fie basis for all subsequent developments;


b) rhe Soprintendenza will express its approvai in writ^ing.for ali of the choices made withrespect to this master plan, thereby making them an official part of its jurisdiction;

c) withi.n the framework of this project, the School of .frchitecture of tle Universiry. oflvlaryland, in order to reaiize, by seeking to obtain sufficient funds, ali the undertakings

Prima bozza della rraduzione dell'Accordo di Programma

needed to accomplish the entire program, assumes lhe role of coordina[or for all the-other for-

"gn *rtit"rions ind organiz,atisns that, with the approvai of the Soprinteodenza, wili join the

project "Restoring Ancient Stabiae'

d) even belore rhe complerion of a masterp_la1 for.crealing ea park at ancienl

Siabiae, rhe Schooi of Archirecrure of rhe University ol lvlarytand hp the intention lo assist the

Soprintend enza at the present time in the preparalion. of a conserryalion syryey and in, securing-

,tin....r"ry funds foi rtre currenr, urggn! conservation needs of the architecture and works ofart aiready excavared, collaborating with the-soprintendenza in all thal is needed for diagnos-

*g ,rr"iii,e of dereriorarion and rhe s:gpe of th! required undertakings. and. for securing the

funds to resrore ac rhis time ali the buildings and their decoration thar already have been

".."r"[0, including all the artifacts cun'ently stored in the Antiquarium, in adherence with the

tenns of article (a) above;

e) t;e School of Archirecrure o[ the Universily. of flarylaqd, with the approval of the

Stpr*t*O*za, will seek funds to realize ali'the phases of thi.s Prograrl, which include:

-design and construcuion of temporary. faciliries neces-qary for the ilems enurherated in the

pi."&ine article (d): laboraroriis foiinitiat phase_s of conservalion and restoration, storage

haciiiriesioffices wirh relared service spaces and iacilities;

-creaLion of the netwbrk of streeEs and paths within the area of rhe projected archaeological

prr( u..ording ro.ihe plan estabtished-in conjirnctroa with rhe Soprinlendenza;

-recreation of the original aspect of the architecture through the repositig}-g of works'of art

*J o*-,., decorarion =preriously damaged or removed from their original. location, undertaken

*hen possibie rhrough the rerurn of the original items or when not possible then through the

creation of reproducrions;

-enlargement of rhe area [or excavation to include a.lJ. the iand a]ready owne$ by the Slate,

,".torition of the buildings already excavated, their protection and syslematizali.on according lo

museum standards; :

-realizarion ol a1l of the underrakings (including landsclpe architecture) for the archaeological

p*i. * areas withou[ the presence of archaeological artifacts; '::

f) alons with the d,evelopment of this program, the School of Architecture of the University ofiiI;i;J;il ,;;k..iolr.o for upditin! rhe sire documentation needed to realize th{ pro-'

;.['ir"fra*s A;-i;i"*ing: a thrie-diminsional computer model of the topography that

'#itil,h;L'*orrt"a builJings; an updaled aereophoiogrammetr-ic .sqryey of the site; a

h,.a;; *"p; ".o*pr.1. ptioiograpr,il documentaiion, i.ucluding saiellite photos; and in order

io .ompt.t. th. m"stir plan, a comprehensive coring survey.

This lefter of inrenr will be elaborated further, once funds are available, through specifications

needed for its realization-

S&ooi of Archilecture,University of lvlarylandBy: Prof. Richard Etlin

11 SoprintendenteProf. Pietro Ciovanni Guzzo

,/_' f MoouLAFro I

I geil, ^,A,^

s ' ts, IFr-







s7 L-IJC. isulr

Prof. Richard Etlin

Direttore R*{.S.



A tal proPosito, si fornisce il quadro degii interventi programmati per 1'area stabiana con i

previsti temPi di attuazione:

l) opere di manutenzione straordinaria e completamsnto di interventi pregressi : 1:ou*oarchitettonico di primo livello (interventi indifferibiii di conservazione, tali da non pregiudicare la

predisposizione,nei.lungoperiodo,diunprogettocomplessivodirestauroevaloizzaionedelleville), adeguamento dei percorsi di visita attuali, rariorahzzazione e risistemazione dei fronti di

scavo. L,intervento d a livello di progettnzione esecutiva; d in via di auivazione la procedura di

affidarnento dei lavori, che si prevede possano inizizl's entro l'autunno '99 per concfudersi entro

l'anno 2000' rhientale del costone: d in via di predisposizione il progetto

2)Consolidamentoerestauroambienta]edelcostordefinitivo di un primo lotto, relativo all'area compresa fra la villa del Pastore e la villa di

Arianna. Si.prevede l,ultimazione di uno stralcio progettuale relativo alla sistemazione delle

antiche sostruzioni a valle della villa dei pastore, il ripristino del percorso di risalita alla v1lla di

Arianna, sistemazione con tecniche di ingegneria ambientale delle parti in frana' il

Compietamento delle operedi sostegno gsitreahzzate per Villa Ariarrna, coir la messa a dimora di

. idonea vegetazione. 11 completamento della progettazione d prelisto per l'autunno e la

realizzazione delle opere fra primavera e fine anno 2000' q '






,./l-rr, t.r'ry//' r.' .'Z rrrr' . /r,M/L a itr)a),Ydu/iturz/''i


o ccErro: .. .....-R9s!o11!s Angigtrl $lg-b-il..g, M+,:t"lBlgft,.-Qp--g qghe-$$i91:

Nell,incontro del 17 giugno u.s. si e riscontrata l',utile coovergenza sui temi e sur

tempi della collaborazione proficuamente awiat4, la bozza di Master Plan esaminat4 e nella sua

sostanza ampiamente condivisE accogrie infatti appieno quanto suggerito da questo ufficio circa la

strategia di tutela, varortzzaione, co[egamento al contesto urbaao contemporaneo perseguita dalla

Soprintend erua erappresentata a RAS nerle riunioni preparatorie e nella lettera del lB maggio 1998'

concordando con la individuazione di due diverse fasi del progetto, relativo al breve e lungo

termine, si ritengono, infatti, obiettivi prioritari e condMsi del breve periodo la reelizzazione dei

primi interventi per la sarvaguardia e la vilonzzaione deile consistenze archeologiche nella loro

attuale config':razione; la tealizzaztone delle struffure minime indispensabili di servizi' la

predisposizione delle necessarie indagini preliminari alia progettazione di un master plan di livello



Stabiae: Master Plan, outline draught

Restoring Ancient Stabiae: Master Plan (outline-first draught)Jrme, 1999Prof. Richard Etlin, DirectorProf. Thomas Noble Howe, Field DirectorArch- David McAlpin, Design DirectorArch. Leonardo Varone, Italian LiaisonDr. Beatrice Rehl, Development Director and Project Coordinator

t0/06199 1

1SE@rrrslo$ti elti9hi

Ancient Stabiae: the parameters of research Modern Castellammare di Stabia: the parameters ofMaster Plan

The Opportunities of the SiteThe site of Castellammaro di Stabia (ancient Stabiae) presents a spectacular arldunusual

opportunity in modern archaeology: alarge site with a coherent group of excellently preserved remains(some half dozenhigh-status, high-quality seaside villas of the late first century B.C.-first centuryA.D., an adjacent town site, and their surrounding context of port, shore and agricultural territory)which can allbe brought together in a single archaeological research project and public park. They are

largely unencumbered by modern urban or agricultural encroachment.

The site also presents urgent problems. The villas at the moment are difficult for the public tofind and the spatial and functional character of the complexes is unclear to the general public, and tosome extent to scholars. Certain aspects of the architecture are in need of roofing and other majorconservation. Earthquake damage of 1980 needs to be reconstructed and engineering evaluation isneeded against future earthquakes. The archaeological area is threatened by continuing encroachmentof illegal private building. None of the villa complexes has been excavated or clarified to their fullarchitectural or functional extent (the current extent of the excavations was determined largely byamateur excavations in the 1950's and 1960's). Even though these villas are major monuments they are

not well known to scholars (although one forthcoming major publication will soon partly rectify that).Opportunities to explore the surrounding context of the villas have only been begun..

[Final draught master plan should include here sections on:]History of InvestigationCurrent State of ResearchCurrent State of Preservation/lVlaintenance


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li.* *

Stabiae: Master Plan, outline draught 10106/99 s

The Master PlanThe aim of this master plan is to present a unified plan for the investigation, conservation and

public presentation of the group of villa and town sites at Castellammare di Stabia and theirsurrounding territories in order to create a unified archaeological park and research project.

The invitation of the Soprintendenza Archeological di Pompei to the School of Architecture ofthe University of Maryland and the American Academy in Rome is a remarkable opportunity to createwhat could become a model for integrating research, conservation and public presentation in a singlecoherent archeological aurea. This master plan is based on the coordination of methodologies of fieldarchaeology, conservation and design. Its starting point is the initial evaluation of needs formulated bythe Soprintendenza staff at Castellammare and described the"Programma base delle pincipali linee enecessitd d'intervento" of 1998, and it continues to grow through consultation with numerous otherscholars and designers.

PhasesThe master plan is proposed in two phases.

sketch plan of Short-term Master Plan sketch of Long-term Master Plan

The Short-term Master Plan is primarily a conservation and architectural project, and rEsponds tourgent needs and focuses on issues of conservation of the architecture and minimal improvement of thepublic presentation and service facilities. It is seen as taking three to five years and its principle interestlies in making substantial improvements in the public visitation of the site and in the service facilitieswith relatively limited means. It also proposes during this phase to assemble information and do moredetailed planning for the Long-term Master Plan and begin certain projects, such as urgentconservation, which will continue into the Long-term phase.

The Long-term Master PIan is both a major research project and a major urban planningproject; it is more open-ended, taking from five to fifteen years, and would involve the presence of apermanent multi-year archaeological staff lead by the RAS project with regular surrmer seasons,contract and stratigraphic excavations, and primary level publication scheme, and aims to exploit themaximum potential that the site offers to scholarship, the public and the community of Castellammare.

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Stabiae: Master Plan, outline draught t0/06/99 7


ulostra-.lLrin l'.ntr$ncrl_' .", tempor:lr]'

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The Short-term Master Plan (Obiettivi immediati), c. 2001-2005

Yllh $nr M*rccl vl*itoru'errtnfice mtv*tl ir nrigin*ler{r{rte perlstyle rrdrncient sireet

Yilla Arianna: vlsilors'entr{nce created throughenlrance prristyle

unified archivg rile survey

evalrrnlion of conrerrnlionnnd reconstruction mcthods


Sketch plan of the main parameters of the Short-term Master Plan

The concept behind the Short-term Master Plan is that the appreciation and preservation of the site canbe considerably enhanced by relatively little intervention. Decisions about certain crucial features ofthe Long-term Master Plan, such as state acquisition of property, or the design of extensive newroofing, should be postponed and should be developed during execution of the Short-term MasterP1an.

We recommend that the project focus first on the Villa San Marco, then the Villa Arianna.

Overall Goals:f . immediate needs of new service and entrance facilities r,2. clarification of touristic visit to site, by clarifying the spatial sequences in the Villa San Marco and

the Villa Arianna, with minimal new excavation or construction;3. urgent conservation (stabilize scarps, provisional roofing)4. less urgent conservation needs, executed in Short-term or Long-term Master Plan5. develop bases for detailed Long-term Master Plan, including:

a. unified archiveb. identify methods and needs for long-term conservation and reconstructionc. identify potential long-term research projects, publication plans.

Stabiae: Master Plan, outline draught 10106/99 8

Goal 1: immediate needs of new service and entrance facilities, with minimum cost;

MeansWe propose that the main service and administration facilities continue to be concentrated at the

Villa San Marco for the time being, but be moved outside the villa, and that the main tourist entrance atthe Villa San Marco be moved from the current location at the atrium to the ancient entrance from theancient street frontage through the entrance peristyle, which will require new excavation andconservation.

o Full written architectural program of functional needs (functions, area, zoning, etc.)(still tobe done).

o Remove all service buildings from the large peristyle of the Villa San Marco, so that thevisit to the archeological site is unencumbered with intrusive modern of flrnctionalelements. (The deposito will likely have to remain here for some time, unless included inthe program for the service buildings.)

schematic sketch: modular units on raised slab withpipe column and metal roof

schematic sketch: modular units arranged in avariety of courty ard p atterns redolent of Roman villa plans

o Create temporary, unobtrusive and inexpensive service buildings, which should be able tolast ten to twenty years, and serve both some limited public presentation of the site andgeneral service for administration and conservation (and deposito/magazzino?).

o We propose a system of construction with modular units, resting on a raised slab,supported on point supports or sleeper beams, to minimize constructional excavationon the archeological site.

o Trailer-like modular support units can be added or removed as needed tor' '

accommodate expansion and contraction of needs; mechanical support can be placedunder the slab.

o The modular units should be sheltered under apipe column and coruugated metalroof, providing shade from sun and rain. The system can be extended to other smallstructures still required on the site (guard buildings, ticket booths, provisionalroofing of new or old excavations.

o The modular units can be arranged on the slab to:-accommodate the zoning of the service building into areas for public,administration and research, and conservation;-reflect the spatial ordering of the villas themselves, with different tlpes of smalland large courtyard spaces.

Stabiae: Master Plau, outline draught


parking, location

o Alternative locations for the parking lot (ard new entrance/service buildings):Location'0x", uses the current parklng lot, minimizing cost, and creating a pedestrianpath of discovery from the lot to the ramp to the ancient street and the entranceperistyle.

Location "Y", proposes a new parking lot, near the cliff edge, and following theorientation of the ancient town site grid, with a view over the Bay of Naples and thevilla.Third option ("2"), retain the current parking lot initially, move to the new parkinglot later, retaining the current parking lot as tour bus parking.

Goal 2: clarification of touristic visit to site, by clarifying spatial sequences with a minimum ofexcavation and restoration.

MeansAs above, move main entrance of the Villa San Marco from the current S. atrium entrance

to the ancient E. street front and entrance peristyle.

New excavation

clarifu spatial sequences excavate original roofed units

o General excavation strategy. Clarify the spatial sequences of the areas already excavated, from exterior

(agricultural land or street) through the closed and open spaces of the villacomplexes, to the cliffand the ancient seaside/modem town below

o For the sake of ease of conservation and long-term maintenance, excavation shouldclear to the limits of original roofed units, so as to be able to maintain the buildingsby reconstructing the probable original roofing and ground drainage.

o Berms should be designed so that they are stable andboth faces sides of a wallshould be excavated so as to prevent back pressure if functioning as retaining walls,or salts leaching out on the air-exposed surface.

*ffiffiffiprevent walls functioning as retaining walls

Stabiae: Master Plan, outline draught t0/06/99 10

The Villa San Marco, new excavation qreas

o The Villa San Marco (contract excavatiod)o the nyrnphaeum

. acquisition and demolition of farm propertyo contract excavation,. conseryation of stucchi,

o the eastem entrance peristyle, at least to the limit of the lateral chambers and thestreet frontage.

o the street to the wall opposite the villa San Marco, for a distance of some 20m.,toserye as the main visitor entrance, and clarify relation with town site.

o tentative: initial section of descent path to the port, l0-20m??







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! ,..:i'The Villa Arianna, new excavation areas.

The Villa Arianna (contract excavation): The situation at the Villa Arianna is somewhatmore complex since the original excavations by Libero d'Orsi have cleared less of thecomplexes, and much of the buildings has collapsed down the cliff. Hence we recommendminimizing new inventions by excavating only the perimeter of the main entrance peristyleand possibly the chambers adjacent to the ramp to the shore, and leaving further excavationof the complex and full reroofing to the Long-term Master Plan.

o the entrance peristyle and limited adjacent chamberso chambers on either side of the ramp, courtyard with 'pilastri a sezione rettangolare".

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Slahir: l,feffi Phq odim drqfu lu06/99 ll

create a didactic path throt$t the open and closed spaces, as much as possiblerecreating with reconstruction and didactic signage the sequence of open and closedspaces and their functional character.displays in entrance building.At Villa San Marco, most of the major spaces in the sequence can be almost fullyreconstructed.

tnlrance pcri$tylc oil.i*m .. lr1,rnph*eu*r xwrtynl bblinrm gt.ettt ga:r.ilt.t*,smallctsxrt,llt*th:i,,niitrr,, g*rtlen

At the Villa Arianna, the proposed excavations will at least clarify the principal features ofapproach through the main entrance peristyle trough the atrium to the range of cliffsidepresentation rooms. It will not be able to reconstruct a sense of the whole sequence ofspaces as fully as in the Villa San Marco, because much less has been excavated of therooms behind the cliffside range of presentation rooms, and because significant parts of thegreat terraces in front of the cliffside rooms, and parts of the rooms, have collapsed. It maybe possible to clarify the sequences of spaces around the ramp, although this should be asecondary priority, because it will require more excavation, and the ramp may not be able tobe made secure for touristic visit.




Stabiae: Master Plan, outline draught

The Long-Termantiqudriot

funicular from stazioCircumvesuvia

;giataffa_rco Archeo


t0106t99 15

Master Ptln (opiejtivi di tungo termine)(c. 2003/5 -2020?)


Yilk Aiiannr; 'im*jor ex*avqti*ns toclear most of complex,


sketch plan of parameters of Longierm Masterplqn.The Long-term Master Plan sees the potential of cieatin g alarge,coherent archaeological park

centered around the seaside villas and townsite, and a long term series of coordinated researJh prdectsfocused on exploring the full question of the villas, their topographical and historical context, and theirpresentation to scholars and the public.

Overall Goals:creating a major archaeological park by expanding public, service, administration andresearch facilities coordinated with the urban Master Plan of Castellammare di Stabia.create major coordinated research project focused on the villas and their contextdefinitive restoration and conservation.innovative methods of public presentation and of outreach publicationsfull study and publication

The RAS project is tentatively considering the following approaches to these goals:Goal 1: creating a major archaeological park


' concentrating the maior facilities for public presentation and research at the Villa Arianna,creating new access from the town of Casteliammare by funicular or pedestrian ramp (onthe sites of t!? ancient ramps), and acquiring enough pioperty to allow a public park alongthe entire 1.5 km of the brow of the collina di Varano.

Reasons:o proximity to arrival point of autostrada and Stazione Circumvesuvianao proximity to Antiquarium stabiano, medieval town and lungomareavailability of state-owned property






Stabiae: Master Plan, outline draught r0/06t99 t6

Goal2: Create a major coordinated research project encompassing the villas and their context

Means:. consider alarge scale (contract) excavation of one of the villas to its full extent, including its

peristyle court and, perhaps, sections of presumed agricultural arcato the S. and slope to N. Mostlikely candidate is Villa Arianna.

Reasons:o ' because it is the least understood architecturally,o would enhance the focus of public and service facilities at the W. end of the collina di

Varano.. as an architectural phenomenon, the great villas of the Late Republic and early Empire are

some of the innovative buildings, architecturally and socially, in Roman architecture, andvirtually none of them is well preserved or excavated to its full extent.

Other activities:o study most efficient acquisition of property.

smaller excavations to clarify to clarify limits of earlier excavationso the Villa San Marco, the great peristyle



the "secondo complesso" adjacent to the Villa Arianna, entrance peristyle


The School of ArchitectureUniversity of Maryland






The Administrution und Service B uilding :Initial Design ldeus


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Fig.ll - Stabiae Site Map (Superintendence)revised and up-dated by Leo Varone

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3{',- i) 'Ca*pagna di indagxni per'..Ia indMduazione e...Ia-.,verEca--di orieriiamento--.ed.....esatto

dimensionamento ielle antiche strutlure descritte nelle planimetrie sefteceutesche e non ancorao solo parzialmente riportate alla luce. I1 progetto e disponibile a livello esecutivo e se ne prevedela realizzazione tra l,autunno e la primavera 2000.4) Ftealbzaatone di slnrtfure ..temporanee,,

per laboratori ed. ,,ffici, per Ie quali, pur essendo previstenel bilanciq sAP specifiche risorse, manca allo stato attuale il progetto esecutivo. sarebbe diparticolare utiiita poter procedere alla loro ysalizz^zisas cotr elernenti prefabbricati,appositamente progettati, cosi da garaatire Ia disponibiliti. per I'estate zoao.

Per le artiviti' sopra descritte si propone la seguente attribuzione di compiti e responsabilitd.:- Per gli interventi di manutenzione straordinaria (punto i) la sAp ha predisposto il progetto, resodisponibili le risorse e ne cureri la direzione dei lavori; si auspica Ia collaborazione scientifica diRAS

- Per f intervento relativo alla prima fase del consolidamento e restauro ambiestale dei costonecompreso fra Ia villa del Pastore e Ia villa di Arianna (punto z), conil previsto ripristino delpercorso antico di discesa a valle, il progetto d in corso di definizione a cura sAp- E, auspi.cabilela collabora'ione scientifica di RAs, che potri. estendersi aila fase successiva di completamentooel progetto.

- La campagna di saggi (punto 3) pretirninari alla definizione della topografia antica dei luoghi istata gid progettatla ed e in attesa dell'approvaeione finanziaria. n .o*p1"t **to d prwisto perI'estate z0oo, cosi da poter disporre, per l'awio della campagna di rilevamenti sul sito a c,raRAS, di una prima gtglta di riferimento.

- Per la realtzzaaone delle strutture "tempora:ree" di senrizio sarebbedi particolare utilita Ia strettacollaboraeione tra sAP e RAS per la definizione tipologica di stnrtnr." .r"gg"r",;;** "modulari, per assicurare almeno in parte per l'estat e ?a00, ove possibile, anche le stru*ure

necessarie per l'attuazione della campagna RAS.Qualora quanto sopra 5ia, come si auspic4 condMso, si attende un preciso programma di lavoro

comune, con la indicazione di tempi, ambiti e modi della prevista collaborazione.






IL SOPRINTENDENTE(Pietro Govanni gnzze)




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Faceado seguito aIIa uota del l0 Noveoebrc,,r1.s. e ssusend.oci per_il ritardo della risposta prcndiamoafio det Ie molteplici aftiviri program.nate neU tm*; r"l il;:,il" n*.Pertrrto' aualizzando i sioi"li-punti-J.[. r,r1.rrug ".q"J'kene d.r Foter espdmer' un parcrefrvorevolc alla oroposta ai ureirc * .ia, web ad rrgc per ii progeto- II sito. che a.,.i ftralitainformative e divr:lgative' P;ti ;uri-r;; doc*rncntaziooJa;"o"rr;"io d.ila soprioemdcnza, secondo

1_". "oT" di legge in ry1#l previa,ichic;; spccifica-si conferma la dispotribilittier le d'i;;i r1o $re""-p-y.p"r ra campagna di rirevamenlo del siio.Pcr quella data ci si au-graa, di no.ter aispot" dcgi diu o.r:" inoagioi previsre sulla collina di vurano{a un pmgctto approvaro e nnanziato aei-l*'Sopd"1t."Olr-v :uviPer quanto corcsrne I::T,9" del MastcrplS.;t

.oo3o di stonE il progeno di urhn design, il corso diprogettazione musealc: { :Tdi archeoiogici si ritieae cne'ils" ,irrro ;r,izi.tire lro Ispondenti a,,efinaliti sonese "r

h"c,.glfs . q"*i i"li"., "";i;;;;; il*ooo--^ sigrato.Per e5'ss da partc della soprinteudcnza tiom* I" pi, *rpi- ailponibilita, couvinti che la difE.rsionefff:ilil"ffi;nj[:H""" "'"*"'i'tl au ",J;;;;l'i:"ar- ^one

di .iti ur.r,*rogici nonIn altese di ricevere ulteriori notizie e ncl uroseguire la collaborazione-in corso, in particolarc,circa iI[:?:t"T-{ffi hff f;ffi




Soprintendenza Archeologica di PompeiThe School of Architecture of the University of Maryland

The American Academy in Rome

Restoring Ancient Stabiae:

Master Pl an2000

29. Sett., 2000, Castellammare

Bozza in corso di sviluppo: presentazione e discussione del'approccio rutanistico

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Pianta generale I parco archeologico

Pianta topografi ca (Comune- SAP)

zorel: costone zorLe2: leville

zone 5: le conessi urbanistichezone3: leedificic di setvizio




zone4'. agricultura

Passeggiata pedonale lgrAtl,r:l*r,,1.".#l,eSfil1,#f6assando

retrostante la




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Sezione-prospettive attraverso la passeggiata alciglio del costone

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cu lita dal

Ptazzale edn' vista

rcu{x \afua -


alle tepasse

Nodo di collegamenti urbanistichi al angolo nord-ovest della collina:

t!/ -'


Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pornpei

The School of Archifecture of the L1niversity of MarylandThe American AcadernY in Ronae


"Restoring Ancient Stabiae"

School ofArchitecture - University of Maryland, College Park, MD

ww w.inform. umd. edu/ARCII/stabia.htrnl

Prof. Richard A. Etlin, IihAItDistinguished University Professor, Universify of MarylandDirector, Restoring Ancient StabiaeSchool ofArchitectureUniversity of MarylandCollege parh MD 2A7 42-1411tel. 301 405 6313fax30l [email protected]

www inform. umd. edr/arch

Prof. Thomas Noble lloweBrown Distinguished Research Professor, Southwestern UniversifyAssociate Director (Field Director and Planning Director), Restoring Ancient StabiaeArtDepartmentS outhwestem UniversityI 001 East University Ave.Georgetowq TX78626tel.512 863 1376howet@southwestem. edu

Arch. Leonardo Varone, Castellammare di StabiaProjects Manager and rtalian Liaison, Restoring Ancient stabiaeSchool ofArchitectureUniversity of MarylandCollege parlg MD 207 42-l 4lltel. 301 4A5 6284fax30l 3149583leovarone@usa"net

www. inform. umd. edu/arch/stabia.htnl

Copertina: "Flora", aftesco da Villa Arianna a Stabiae (Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli)






IntroduzioneIl Progetto o'Restoring Ancient Stabiae"

Il Sito di Stabiae AnticaLe Vitle di Stabiae: immagini

Gli Atrreschi di Stabiae: immagini

IlParcoArcheologicodiStabiae:MasterPlanVilla San Marco: interventi proposti

Edificio di accog lienza, ,.*irio, Vilta San Marco: ipotesi progettuali

viltaArianna: interventi proposti e connessioni con la citta'moderna

ed il parco delle Nuove Terme di Stabia

Appendice 1:gi7-zadel Budget Globale preliminare RAS

57 - Appendice 2;

Documentaz ione tecnico- sc ientifica

73 - Appendice 3:

connessioni urbanistiche con la citta' modern a e lastazione della

circumvesuviana: Arch. Leo varone, Tesi di Master in Architettura,

University of Maryland, Dicembre 2000

Master Plan: principali zone di pianificazione:

1. costone e parco basso (di minima mantenuzione)2. Le ville (localizzate sul ciglio della collina)3. Zonadegli edifici e strutture di servizio (bigliett eria,mostra, uffrci,

deposito, conserv azione,parcheggio, ecc) localiz zati allespalle delle villeZona agri c o I a (c on attr av ers amento de I la pas s e ggiata p e donal e turi stic a)Limite del parco (segnalato da una cortina di pini)Fascia di contorno al parco (da sviluppare come zonaperturismo") e connessioni urbanistiche







On 100uEirE=30n 150n

Area archeologica di Varano (Stabiae) e principali zone di pianific azione(Comune-SAp-RAs)


1: Costone e parco basso (diminimamanutenzione)

4: Zonaagricola (che include unapasseggiata pedonale turistica)

2: Le ville (localizzate sul cigliodella collina)

5. Limite del parco (segnalatoda una cortina di pini)

3: Zona degli edifici e strutture diservizio (localizzati alle spalledelle ville)

6: Fascia di contorno al parco (da

sviluppare come zona per "archeo-turismo") e connesioni urbanistiche


Edificio di Accoglienza e Servizioa Villa San Marco: Ipotesi progettuali

,{}JSi }q"t 1-{ r t}t \tfr/rq{TA*"q l- ]sr:.rt..:Yt c .,r

iu:,g,S *

Villa Arianna: Interventi proposti e

Connessioni con La Cttta' Moderna eil Parco delle Nuove Terme di Stabia

cu lita dal

Ptazzale edn' vista

rcu{x \afua -


alle tepasse

Nodo di collegamenti urbanistichi al angolo nord-ovest della collina:

t!/ -'



Angolo Nord-Ovest del pianoro di Varano:Schizzi di studio per un ponte di connessione con il parco delle Nuove Terme di Stabia


Appendice 3

Connessioni Urbanistiche con la citta' moderna e lastazione della Circumvesuviana: Arch. Leo Varone,Tesi di Master in Architettura, Dicembre 2000.


$t i-conmessione e Ri-vitalizzaziome Urbama.

Fiazza ool,ibero E)r0rsi,

Una Porta Urbana ner iX Parco Archeologico di Stabiae Antica. Jtalia

Arch. Leo Varone, Tesi di Master in Architettura, Dicembre 2000

Questo progetto di tesi e' stato concepito nell'ambito del piu' vasto e completo Masterplanper ilsito archeologico di StabiaeAntica (Italia), il quale mira a valorizzare e trasfonnare il sito di seiville marittime R-omane (I sec. ac) e della citta' antica in un coerente parco archeologico perpromuovere cultura e turismo.

Il Master Plan, che abbraccia e coordina differenti elementi e progetti, e' stato creato e sviluppatosulla base di una visione che ambisce ad una chiara integrazion, ull'int"rrro del piu, vasto pianodi sviluppo e miglioramento urbano della citta'moderna di Castellammare.

Questo progetto di tesi, che rappresenta un elemento chiave di questa piu' ampia visione versoun'integrazione e rivitalizzazione urbana, affionta in particol*i drp temi: 1) l,approccio edaccesso al sito archeologico, e la sua ri-connessione con la citta' moderna ed alcune sue risorse(quali le vicine Terme ed il centro storico); 2)larivitalizzazionee ridisegno urbano di un,areanodale della citta'.

Grazie allacteazione di uno spazio urbano -laPiazza "Libero D'Orsi,, - che non solo assicuraun'articolato sistema di trasporto e movimento (stazione ferroviaria, funicolare, rampe, scalemobili, ascensori, scale, ecc); ma inoltre valo.'jzza e rivitalizza un'area nodale della citta, moltottaffrcataproponendo una sequenzadispazi(gtiazze,giardini e parchi, terrazae,edifici pubblici,ecc.) caratterizzati ed animati da una serie di attivita' con usi diversi - aspetto tipico,edessenziale delle citta' e piarz.sltaliane.

Caffe', bars, ristoranti, un'albergo ,negozi,edifici pubblici e residenziali, uffici ed informazionituristiche, e spazi per esposizioni daranno vita aquell'articolato ambiente urbano e vitaleatmosfera che attirera' pubblico e turisti; ed allo stesso tempo, condurra, loro verso il parcoarcheologico, mentre il visitatore potra' godere di un'esperiinza tipicamente urbana.





Proposta di progetto:

Veduta a volo d'uccello della Piazza "Libero D'Orsi", dal giardino ricostruito di VillaArianna


Proposta di progetto: Sezione/Prospetto principale D-D83



Proposta di progetlo: Pianta delle coperfure





&rtaster FBase 2&&1

Restoring Ancient Stabiae

Restoring Ancient Stabiae is a nonprofit foundation (fondazione onlus) constituted in 20frLfor the stated

purpose of "the creation and management of the Archaeological Park of ancient Stabiae in the archaeo-

logical zone of Varano," located in the modern cities of Castellammare di Stabia and Gragnano. Its

charge also extends to "the care, promotion, and enhancement of the appreciation" of this archaeological


Thisfondazione onlus has been established according to D.Lgs.20 ottobre 1998, n. 368 (l), art. 10,

which stipulates that the Ministero per i Beni e le Attivifd Culturali (Ministry of Cultural Affairs) can

'ocreate or participate" in such nonprofit corporations "for the more effrcacious exercise of its functions

and, in particular, of the enhancement of cultural and environmental resources."

In its current form, Restoring Ancient Stabiae subsumes the former collaborative undertaking of the

same name and for the same purpose, established March 26,1998, between the School of Architecture ofthe University of Maryland and the SoprintendenzaArcheologica di Pompei, and subsequently elabo-

rated through further collaborative agreements, beginning with the AmericanAcademy in Rome, whichjoined this undertaking as a cosponsor one year later, and then through three successive protocols be-

tween the University, Soprintendenza, and the Comune di Castellammare di Stabia (October 2,2000);the University, Soprintendenza, and the Regione Campania (April 12,2001); and the UniversirySoprintendenza, and Comune di Gragnano (in preparation).

The "historic" Accordo di Programma Quadro of March 2,2001, between the Ministero per i Beni e le

Attivitd Culturali and the Regione Campania, included initial partial funding for the Archaeological Park

at ancient Stabiae as planned and designed by the Restoring Ancient Stabiae project, as well as stipulat-

ing that the "Ministry will take steps to realize a special and complete conservation program for.the

splendid complex [of ancient Roman villas] already partially excavated on the plain of Varano."

President Vice presidentProf. Pietro Giovanni Guzzo, Soprintendente prof. RichardA. EtlinSoprintendenzaArcheologica di Pompei Distinguished University professorMa Mlla dei Misteri, 7 gchool ofArchitecture, University of Maryland80045 Pompei (Na), Italy College park, MD 2O74Z,USAtel:39-081-8575111 fax:39-081-8613183 tel:301-405-6284 fax:301-314-9583

Field Director and Planning DirectorProf. Thomas Noble Howe

Brown Distinguished Research Professor

Sarofim School of Fine Arts, Southwestem University

Georgetown, TX 78626, USAtel: 512-863-137 6 fax" 512-863-1422











Introduction: The Restoring Ancient Stabiae

The Site and the Villas of Stabiae

The Master Plan: Planning Concepts

The Master Plan: Zones and Nodes

The Master Plan: Special Aspects

The Didactic Mission

Urbanistic Implications



This master plan is the synthesis of the ideas of many dedicated people, many of whom have committed years to the Stabiae site longbefore the creation of the RAS project. A remarkable feature of the development of this Master Plan has been how very well the ideasof so many people have dovetailed with each other to create a coherent whole: in many ways it seems that it is obvious what needs tobe done to the site.

The work of master planning was begun by the site inspectors Dott.ssa Anna Maria Sodo, Dott.ssa Giovanna Bonifacio and Arch-Bruno Sammarco at the request of Soprintendente Prof. Pietro Giovanni Guzzo, with additional input from the current inspector Dott-Mario Pagano, other Soprintendenza staff, including Michele Caiazzo and Enzo Sabini. Much of the evaluation of archaeological,

conservation, and budget needs is based upon their initial work.

In the field of design, major contributions have come from Tom Leader (Tom Leader Architects), Arch. Leonardo Varone, archirect

David McAlpin (Fradkin & McAIpin Associates, New York),, architect Mark Wilson Jones (University of Bath), architect MichaelLevy, architect Peter Jurmala (University of Maryland), architect David Suttle (Maryann Thomspon Architects), and engineer DanielBonardi (Ove Arup, Boston). Many others have contributed design ideas, support, and information, including architects BrunoMontefusco and Marialuisa Varone, and the City of Castellammare architects Enzo Mendecino and Lea Quintavalle and CityAssessors Prof. Antonio Di Martino and Arch. Alfonso Giglio. Many ideas have been culled from students who participated in studioclasses of the School of Architecture of the University of Maryland conducted by Professors Matthew Bell, Pablo Guiraldes, WilliamBechhoefer, Attilio Petruccioli, Stephen Sachs, and R. Lindley Vann. Other design and technical advice and important signs of intereshave been shown by Prof. Andrew Whittle (M.I.T.), conservator Leslie Rainer (Getty Institute), and Meg Watters (Geophysical Sune.vSystems Inc.).

Many scholars who have worked on the site have visited the RAS project or reviewed our material and made important contributionrincluding Prof. Alix Barbet (Ecole Normale Sup6rieure, Paris), Prof. Kathleen Coleman (Harvard), Prof. Bettina Bergmann (Mt.Holyoke), Prof. Loretta Gratani (Univ. of Rome La Sapienza), Prof. Antonio De Simone (Univ. Naples, Suor Orsola Benincasa) . Prof-Salvatore Ciro Nappo (Univ. Naples, Suor Orsola Benincasa), Prof. Umberto Pappalardo (Univ. of Naples, Suor Orsola Benincasa).

Prof. Rabun Taylor (Harvard), Prof. Randy Mason (Univ. of Maryland), Prof. Etta Saunders (Univ. of Maryland), Archer Martin(American Academy in Rome), Elisabeth Fentress (Univ. of London/American Academy in Rome), Christina Kondoleon (BostonMuseum of Fine Arts), Prof. Agnes Allrogen-Bedel, Nicholas Stanley-Price (ICCROM), graduate students Rebecca Benefiel(Harvard), Annalisa Marzano (Columbia), Antonio Bombelli (Rome). Scholarly work on the site has been kept alive and in good

orderin the five decades since the reopening ofexcavations in 1950 largely through the persistence ofthe independent scholars oftheComitato per gli Scavi di Stabia, currently lead by Dott.Domenico Camardo, Dott. Antonio Ferrara, and publisher Dott. NicolaLongobardi, who have shared their priceless long-term experience of the site. Numerous members of the Comitato di Stabiae Reaatae.

particularly those representing the local high schools and technical schools, have contributed much to the vision ofthe educational


Financial support for the iniital three-year planning phase (mid 1998-mid 2001) has come liom the School of Architecture of the

University of Maryland under the leadership of Dean Steven W. Hurtt, the Comitato "Stabiae Renatae" (Notaio Ferdinando

Spagnuolo, President), the Brown and Cullen Funds of Southwestern University, the Wild Wings Foundation, and the Samuel H. KrcssFouadation. Dr. Beatrice Rehl was instrumental in securing assistance from these last two foundation. Finally, President C.D. Mote.Jr., steered the University of Maryland, College Park, into co-sponsoring the creation of the nonprofit "fondazione" Restoring AncientStabiae, with a major financial contribution to establish its initial legally stipulated "dotazione." Dr. Susan L. Bayly, General Counsel

on President Mote's legal staff, worked assiduously on the legal documerits, as did Notaio Ferdinando Spagnuolo, aided by thegenerous help of Arv. Alex Guttieres (Rome). The Comune di Castallammare di Stabia, under Prof. Catello Polito, Sindaco, along

with the Italian Cultural Institute in Washington, D.C., generously furnished a set of English-language panels for a photo exhibition ofthe history ofthe excavation ofthe site, which will tour the United States; and the Comune has offered financial assistance, secondedby the Ministero degli Esteri, for the exhibition "In Stabiano," to be held in Baltimore at The Walters Museum of Art (Directoq Dr.Gary Vikan).

The project has received formal statements of moral support and interest from numerous entitities beyond those listed above,

including the American Embassy in Rome (Hon. Thomas Foglietta, formerAmbassador, andAnne Callaghan, Cultural AffainOfficer), American Consulate in Naples (Consul General Clyde Bishop and Public Affairs Officer Gloria Berbena), the ItalianEmbassy in Washington D.C. ( Dott. Luigi Maccotta, Primo Consigliere), the Ordine degli Architetti di Napoli, the Comitato per gliScavi di Stabia, and the Comitato "Stabiae Renatae."


Didactic Mission

The On-Site Museum andDidactic Center

The concentration of activities which an on-site muselrm can accofllmodate is essential to establish

whether the Stabiae villas will be a true archaeological park or just another archaeological site'

PublicAreas:l- The principal exhibition spaces

2. Special exhibition spaces

3. Bookstore

4. Restaurant (serving evening visitors to outdoor theater as well)

5. Didactic area for school groups

6. Courlyards and gardens; panoramic porch

7- Theater/lecturehall

8. Services

Adjacent to the main Museum:g- Ecological-agricultural research center and sales

Staff/Visitors10. Administration

I l- Conservation

t2- Antiquarium/bulkartefactstorage("deposito")



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Urbanistic Implications141

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Zone of development of "Upper Town,', a residential'n,n' as a continuation of the level of the archaeologicald pedestrian passeggiata, with new pedestrian and

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And yet I doubt not that you, while sitting in your cubiculum (chamber), from which you

have opened up a view of the Stabian stage, have passed the moming hours glancing at

the scenery while those [in Rome] who have left you there, can hardly stay awake while

gazing at the farces on the public stage (trans. TNH)

Cicero, Letters to Friends 7.1.1. To Marcus Marius, From Rome, 55 B.C.

E tuttora non dubito che tu, seduto nel cubiculo tuo, dal quale tu hai aperto una vista del

palcoscenico Stabiese, abbia trascorso le ore mattutinate dando un'occhiata al panorama,

mentre quelli [a Roma] che ti hanno lasciato li, possono con fatica rimanere svegli

guardando le buffonate sul palcoscenico pubblico. (trans. TNH)

Cicerone, Lettere agli amici 7.1.1. A Marco Mario, Da Roma,55 a. C.