Recent Evidence of Animal Exploitation in the Axumite Epoch, 1st– 5th Centuries AD

Recent Evidence of Animal Exploitation in the Axumite Epoch, 1st^5th Centuries AD M. Tefera* Department of Animal Science, Mekelle University, PO Box 231, Mekelle, Ethiopia*Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected] Tefera, M., 2004. Recent evidence of animal exploitation in the Axumite epoch, 1st^5th centuries AD. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 36(2), 105^116 ABSTRACT This study reports evidence of animal exploitation during the Axumite era based on a survey of architectural features, rock art and artefacts recovered from the archaeological site at Axum, northern Ethiopia. Animals and agricultural tools were identi¢ed from materials not previously examined. Pottery, rock art and animal remains revealed a range of zoological species. Agricultural implements and sacri¢cial vessels also provided indirect evidence of animal exploitation. It is concluded that, in addition to plough-based agriculture, the hunting of large wild animals, such as elephants and lions, and the exploitation of domestic cattle, small ruminants and poultry were part of the Axumite subsistence regime. Although it is di¤cult to reconstruct an overall subsistence pattern based on this study alone, the physical and biological evidence suggests that the Axumites practised combined cultivation and animal herding. Further investigation is required to study the types and breeds of animals and their distribution in time and space. Keywords: archaeology, cattle, domestication, Ethiopia, herding, hunting, goats, poultry, sheep INTRODUCTION Our present civilization has its roots in the domestication of animals. Some historians believe that the development of civilization is intimately associated with the domestica- tion of animals (Gillespie, 1992). Understanding the dynamics of animal domestication is an important research agenda in agricultural ecology (Caroll et al., 1990). The study of the origin and spread of domestic animals is an interdisciplinary venture based on evidence from archaeology, zoology, molecular biology, anthropology, linguistics and animal husbandry. The primary contribution of archaeology to the understanding of the evolution of animal herding lies in the recovery and analysis of zooarchaeological and artefactual remains from ancient sites. The Axumite civilization emerged in Ethiopia around the 4th century BC (Edward, 1960), after which it grew quickly into a powerful kingdom in East Africa. Although its roots lie deep in prehistory (Fattovich, 2000), the Axumite era proper extends from the 1st to 8th centuries AD (Anfray, 1967; Chenevie©re, 1989). At its zenith (1st century AD), Axum formed the greatest market place in Africa (Phillipson, 2000). Axum was a crossroads of trade routes leading from the Red Sea coast to the African interior for the long-distance trade in ivory and other products. Its Tropical Animal Health and Production, 36 (2004) 105^116 # 2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands 105

Transcript of Recent Evidence of Animal Exploitation in the Axumite Epoch, 1st– 5th Centuries AD

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