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Transcript of r AMD GIEBISTET - DigiFind-It

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l O J M B E E 3 . 3 3 5 . N E W A l l K , K . J „ T I K S D A Y . J U N K 2(>. P I U ( E T W O C E N T S ,



a < B k l

>BSK|dM p.l

Btitl fittea l . W t l

First Edition.

T il l Body Takin to the Palace of the Elyeee at Parle,

n o r e o f t h e . ASSASSIM’S h ist o r y .

Banto N ow M id to R « a N atlvo aif Rwltriir*

la sd —R um ors tbiit tho Uovernm snt W ill

P roe la lm a Htato o f Bleco at Efoiu,

K I b b H um b trt to l la s a a Ro|iroieiit«Uvo

at tbo ru n o ra l If ro rm lito d to l»ti Ko,

D u p u y V l l l la B to Accept tbo r rm l*


Pa« i», Jn n . as,—The .ped»l train conv.jr- InC tb> boar Pratidunt CiU'ant from Lrunt to Pwii, WTlTri hwo »t 8:10 o’clock thii momliig. T b, caikot ww a t once | iIodu1 Id ux ordlnofT luorw and drivwi to P ik e , ot th« EI7MW, followwi by Bvo cirrlogM oantalnlna tba widow and ber toiu odiI tb* EMinbcn of tb« Pm ldM it'i m iU tirr hniuo- hold. A t » rapK tfn! d k U n c twhinil th« Tritlcta, wort th irty cab, coDtalDiog now.* paper iwportm.

it. Liptite, tb, F ro o u n u r of tb , Kcpiiblic, lo a n In U rr iiw thi* roum lnc >tat»l tlut Bootes th* uaoM ia, was o n itlTe ot Tidao, BwitHrlond. Ha ho* a long, thin (ice, m d w m n a imaH, dark muitacbt. H , la wall- idisratwl Mtd InteUlgent In appoaranco, but m karabty oUd, W bon he app row ^cl tlia Fn a id ta t’t o irrlag*, M Lapina said, ba liid in bit h u d not a roU of paper rwem- b iag a patltion, u baa boon rs- portad. but a goodoized boaquot of duwtsri. Tb it ba bald up la both b u d s a. tbough ha wa> about to prateut It to tha Presldi'nt Approaching tb, a r r la g e In that ittltuda no on, su|Hctcd bia inuntiou. Wbuu b, reocfaMl tb, iddn ot tba oarrloga ba slid one bond dowa bahlnd him u d draw , poniard, which, with a marTaUonaly quick nioTomenl ba llftwt ,bOT« bU haad and befora ha could be td ied ttruok the fatal blow with great force.

Premiar Dupuy, in reply to luquirieebj teraral membara of the C no iubw of Hcputlea at to bl> candidacy fo r the (Tcilaencv, which hai bean to f r^ n e n tly diaeuwed with In tba Uat law toontbt, hot unouuced tbat h t will not ratuM to ba a cud idate If tha oonntry needi hit Hrrioaa. In regard to the claim of tba other gutlaroeo a ip lnn g to the honor of ttio Pnaidancy, Dupuy doclarat that ft radoandi to the honor o t the He- pabUo that la this frloDdly rlTstry to m m the Btate a il are u lm a ta d by equal Je- yotloo to Prance and the Democracy. M, A lbert Baaokt axpreeaea hit belief that the noU Ta of tba — — of Praatdent Carnot waa to t T s a n the slaughter at Aignea Ifortsa S I well aa the raoent eteontiun of A n a rd iM a . I t it ttatad that tha Oorern- maot iutaodt to proclaim a atata of siege at Lyont.

A t Cotta ywtarday the police mode laarch of tba lodging, of tan parsons known to ba Anaroh itt^ and o r re s tu tour of tbs ooenputs. The sat.sain S u t o lodged for tome time with on Itsdlau wine mar a b u t in tba Rue TytTerileri In this city. H is name 1, regltterad at the Labor KxcfaoDge, and be is dascribed ss i baker. D uring the n ight the Italian work- mao 11 the foreign factories doing builncea barewtre protected by the police, s necec- ta ry preouUon, too, id view of the Intanta ftellng against them. A l l foreign workman In tba P s r u l u H iu a r Refinery at Ht. Quen and in tba Hk Denis Iron W o rk s hero ooen discharged.

The Cabinet held a meeting in the M inistry of tba Interior to d ay ' to perfect orrange- B W itsfo r the funeral o f Pratb lK is Carnot, which haa bean fixed tor next Sunday.

L ro n s , June iXI.— A nti-Ita lian demonstra tioDS were kept up thnwgbout the night In aptli of tha aflinrU., Abe polios and B tU te ry to p re rtm tbea. H sTarsI I t s l l u •bops wars attacked and wrecked daring the ugnt, and all Itnliona that esjne In the sray of tba mob were moltraated u j baatec. T b ii m orning u attack was made upon the I t a l l u quarter by the largeot mob that boa yet gathered since the aasasalnntlon of the Pttw idut. Italian house, u d shops were b ro k u Into, the oecupute beaten and barely eecaped with their lirea and their e o n tu ls thrown into the street. Kot ■ Ingle Italian shop o r dwelling escaped tbo fu ry ot the mob. Tba furniture, clothing, proTisloni,etc.,thrown out o t tba bouses ware m ^ r e d in bsaps u d burned In the straeta. The mob was finally dispersed by a detich m u t ot culraislorn. The poUoa patrols or- raated 800 Ilf the rioters. A cordon of sol­diers Is surrounding tbo Itathui Consulate. A l l it quiet now.

iUiME, June 86,— The Byndlo of Rome u d the Municipal Council called at the French Kmbaaay t o ^ y to expreaa the oondolence of Rom e with Prance. M , Billot, the French Ambassador, H ked the Synd ic to express to the people of Rome the gratitude of France lo r the sTOpathy muifeeted. K in g ilum- belt has d ek f ated the D uke of Aoata to rep- retent him at the fu e r a l of H . Carnot, un­less U be a g ^ n it the wish o f France that foreign eonrts shall be espoclolly repnwented.

The ofUclels are cou iueuting on the lack of harm ony betw eu the Franch and Italian poUoe, as eridenced in their eurreillance ot Anorchuts. Tfal. feeling has been particu

' u l of 1

NATIONAL REPUBLICAN LEAGUEThe Heeesth A n n u a l C u n e ,n ll,a O p u a i l

• I Iteaeer— I ’n e ld e n t T roeg’, Ad-

ilreM to t h , U , l , f ite i.

D igV T ll, Col., J u n , * ! .— W hen the siTtuth u D u o l conseutloD of the National U*|>ubll- can league was called to order at 1U o'clock this morning, the Brom lway Theatre, hawV- sninely decorated for the occasion with tba H tenoud Stripes end a nuts, ot foliage u d gn iw iug flower,, wee flilwl to on rH ow hig with L.'SOO delegate, and pepreMutetive Re- publicant from ere ry State in the t'nioo. When the applaasoarokw l by the sp p e a ru c , of IVtsidant W . W , T racy on the stage had lubeided, p ra yw wo, olluw l, after which Heerwtery Hum phrey stepped forward u d read the coll lo r the gathering. After the reading Secretary Hum phrey called the roll of Ktate, and the delegatee handed up their credentials; erery State and Territory in the Union being repreeented. After the ep- polntownt of tto num aroni committeos, I ’rieident Tracy stepped forward u d de- llre nd bis u n u a l oddren. He isld, in part,

follow,;“ To Insure rlctory, we most prspare to

meet o rg u k a U o n w ith arganlsstion. It is through D m 10,000 clubs which form the National K e p u b llc u League that this or­ganisation con beet be carried on. The Isegue hae no deelre to assume oontrol of party machinery, or attempt In any way to Interfera w ith u y regular committee en-

lariy shown iu the recent refusal the

trusted wlUi com[ seeks, howerar, tbroi

ipalgn management. It ough ita clulw. to moke

more'popular tb a ll cltlsens that interest In politics which Is so necessary to insure good gorenuueot u d to b ring closer to the (^ti- sens the opportunity to portlcipnto In polit­ical alTalrf and auum e the reeponsiblUty, the latsu' and the g lo ry of judltical rarrloa and snoceet. It appoau to the intelltgenca u d patrloUnn o f the A m e r ic u people, u d through the ertoblbbinent of a club in erery town Meks to adrocate and promote lte|Hil>- llran prlnclplai in erery community and before erer}' fireside in tiM lu d .

" Republioans from Maine and California will here exchange greetings with R e u b - llcans from Minnesota and Florida. The territory of our country 1. Tost, the intor- «ita of the dHTei-ent seetioos so T trie L it is nioet eswntiol to th , proper doTolopment of our reunroe, that oppoiwnltles for the ex­change of thought am ong npretentetiTc* of (lilTsrent communities cm in e rery w iy en- coura^.

“ There are other queeliotis than the tariff which will need the attention of the Itopub- l l c u party. Eq u a lly important with It for the welfare o f o a r countrr k the consider­ation of the fu ta r, ot ou r National currency There ho, bemt m uch misreprswjntatioo as to the attitude of the R e p u b lic u party on this question. T h , Kepubtican (larty is nut for gold alone, nor for lU rer alone but for both gold and sUrer. They are for the maintenance o f the w r it y of gold and silrer money, and are In favo r of such

latiou as 1H II keep tbs pnrchaiing and * -■ ’ liar, whethtdebPpaylng power of the dollar, whether of

gold o r allrer, at all tlmei equal. The quet- Uon ea to how thia c u beat ba brought about is the matter at isane. H ilrer Is t»-day, and always has beu , the money o f the people^ ■ nd lla future oau be safely Intrustel to the [sotecting care o f the Republican tarty.

"T h e re are other queitloiui which should have the conshleration of o s r p arty; One, the redainstion of our arid lands through irrigation; the cither, the re-estobliahmeot of our m ereb u t marUts.

“ I'he leaden w ho have to long u d so ino- eessfuUy fought the battle of the Ke pu b llcu luirtj m ust soon g ive place to y o u n ^ r men; let tu prepare to osanme the ronMojlblUtlM of leadership w hile we m ay yet hare their counsel and odvios; let you r deliberations be so filled w ith wisdom u d patriotism that the Totoe of this e m v u t io n will echo over

find a welcome in the heart of ever; licsn In tbo lu d . Let u meeting full o f strength,

every mountain, penetrate every valley, and. K »1

I go forth from„ _ , fm l of faith, full of

fidelity to R e p u b lic u principles, and then, inspired by the g lo H « ot the p u t and the hope of the future, the R e p u b lic u National t-eogue will continue to m arab at the head ot themvinclble a rm y of patriotism.”

The Committee on the Houtberu Question will ba unable to make a nfSH’t, u d tb* matter w ilt like ly ga la the state, for their ow n settlement, C indnnaH Is u o th e r oondidato fo r place cd th* next meeting, but D e l Uoinec s tu d s th, best show to capture it. President Tracy'e friende say be wUl have a walkam iy. A H resolutions are to be submitted to committee without debate.

The committee d ispoud tem porarily ot considerable bnelnee, by tabling It and then adjourned until next Friday.


Edwtrd ChrlRtopber Arretted on a Charge of Stealing O nr tlO.OOO.THE PRESSURE TOO LOW,


B e te rre d in the C s p u l l y o f A iiilllur, ■ iid IS 1. A llegM l Me r s a w d <>, F li 'il.

tlous m u . S lut h r C nnn iv ing tvith

O u l. id e P e r l iH M s u g e d to t 's i li Cheeks D rew n for the 1‘s t i i i , ni

o f F T H d o le n t t lo lm s—Prr.lile nt lirytlrn

d s f t tho A M U M d H odo e CotifcM loo in

R ln i-C fa rU te iil ir r W a« T reeturer of llir

J rlte rsuu lso Ctnb,

O n e w a r r u t timed by Justice U ap p lh ii murnlng, Edward I t Christopher, of IT ( Hu- ton avenue, u employe of the Prw leiilisl tniursnoe C o m p u y , was arrrated, oharg,«l w ith defrauding the o o m p u y of a sum be­tween lUkOUU and 111,000.

M r. Chrlito|ihtr bos been in the employ of the c o m p u y for the but e le y u years, end during most ot that tlms be haa held the po­rt io n of andltor. H I. p l u fo r defrauding tba co m p u y , It laoUeged, was to « u s e fraud ulent and flctitioia b ilk fur tuppllaH to lie made out. He then forged the approyel mrtiflcatoa of the m aaagua of the supply d ep o rtm u t or some officer of tba com{>u,r,

>v«l theae bills in h is ow n capacity of auditor.

The fraudulent b llli wore n u t In the regular course of buiinesB to tba caihior, and thay w tfe to a ll ap [i« r-u c « a pmperly approved. In this way Christopher obteineil cbei-ksfrom the isu h la r i department In payment of the flotltious bilk, the checks being after-

YYench police to permit the Italian officer, to aeoroh uie lodgings of tba exiled Anarchist C lp r lu i in their endeavor to secure does- m u ta bearing upon the rovolta in Sicily.— ,_,_____A KANSAS TOWN DEVASTATED.M elgh ley T lslted b y a T o r n U o —M any

B n lld la g , I ) « n e l ls l i« t end the Oceu-

panta C anght U nde r the Ualns,

W lcn iTO , Kan., June iXL— The little vil­lage of Keighley, In Butle r County, on the line of the Ht. Loula u d B u Franokco R a il­way, was devastated b y a tornado about 7:110 last evening, but aa there is no telegraph office thore full detalk cannot be obtained.

The meagre news received of the itorm waa brought Into Loon, oome miloa distant from the acene of the cateatroplie, by a oourler last night, who rode off for help be­fore learning much ot what had happened. The messenge# reports the group of storee on M a in atreet demolished and several people buried under the debris. Residences were tdowB down and aoma of their occupuM fotally Injured.

The oourler only knew o f one death, that ot a m u named H a ll Thureton, who, to­gether w ith three hones, waa killed in a barn which was lifted up and tu n u d on its roof. Bsveral box oars on the track were lifted up and oarried some d is tu ce by the wind. Tha ooarieradds tbat be think, the damage In the oonatry w ill be very great.


T h , N um ber o f D ro in ie d and Mteelng

N ow P laced at M v e n t3r*anaH.*Tha

B o a t Ov%Nrow d*i1.

N r w Y o k k , Juneac.— M u y visitors called at the m orgue ta l ly this m orning for nswe ot the dead from the lost tug Klcol. Keeper W hits had not a w ord of intelligence for them, however. N o bodlM had come In dur­ing the night, u d none of ths niiselng had been reported as found.

From facts aicertalned yesterday It seems certain that the N ico l had on board nearly twice the num ber of excursionists which tha law allowed her to carry.

Rhe was licensed to carry sixty-five per­sona, in addition tohercrew of five. A care­ful comparison and revision of the list, of drowuod, m issing u d rescued show, a totad of 18!i people on Iw a n l of the tug. Including the crew.

The number of drowned and m k iln g to­gether, according to tboee iW ised liata k seventy-one. O f these, sixteen are known to have been loet. O f tbe fifty-five uusaing, few, It any. It is thought, eecaped wltk t h ^ litea, but it Is poeeibbthat a few names have been duplicated or confused with Ihoiie fn the liat of slxty-flvo roscued, ow ing t6 Inaocurate t|ie!llng or w rong addressee of friends given by the Burvivors^___________

WASHED UP ON THE BEACH.O Deoftpe H e a iK u tb y tbe ftlnklnc « f t h .

T u g N lu hu l Edentllled—W etehliig

fo r O ther B o d ie s

^peckl D ispatch to the N eva . iL o n e S lu irc ll , June S6.— The dead body

in Undertaker M orris’s morgue at thia plao*, which washed ashore ye rter^y, was identi­fied this m orning b y W illiam Weisler aa that at h k brother Andrew, thirty-six years of age, of SSi E a st Eleventh etreet. New 'York. B e was a m arried num and bad three ohll- dren. H e was a blaclnmlth In the employ o f Long & Co., between Twenty-third u d I'wenty-fcmrth streets. New Y o rk , u d wes one of those aboard the ill-Iated tug Niched, which wes sunk on elunday.

M any friend* of m issing ones are strolling the b e u h to-day between Sand y H ook and Long Branch watching fo r book, to

waril ubm itted to Chnatopbtr's own de­partment for examination ana am rova l.

ChrUt(^>l»r iwtained tbe clwcka thus UsuaA and. It is obargsd, by oonn lvuce w ith oatetde partks, woe enabled to get the obecks cashed. The money thus aecniwd he ippropriatod to h k own puipous.

C m u tabk Benjamin Rmith arrested Cbris- tophar in his offira at th, I*rndm tial build­ing Just before noon u d took him before J u i t i« Rapp, who held h im to ball in the t1 sum of tia,0W.

Tbe prisoner appeared creatfalleu and Immediately sant fo r his cuuu- ■ eL George R Lambert. He wlU be taken to Jail thia afternoon unlsis the necaasary amount of ball « a b , furnkhed.H e refused to discuss tbe matter when spoken to by a N e w h reporter.

FTMident Drydeo, a t the Pmdon- tial In iim n o e C om p uy , although dlsiu- oUned to speak on tk r e u b j ^ toid the reporter tbat yteterday on find- liM tbat they w o n eloalng In on him C u iaU ipher confemed that he had defrauded the o o m p u y in the m anner stated above.

Cbriitopher Is about thirty-eight years of ag , and has a wife u d two cbildreii.H e k said to have admitted that be squan­dered the stolen money in extravagaut living.H e did uot g u ib le to any great extent.H r. Christophar wa. treHurer of the Jefier- • o n lu C lub u d at on* time was considered a strong e u d k k to for tb , office of Htate Huperintendent of Banks and In su ru ce , tbe pcaltion now held by G e o ru 8. Dnryee,

In tha m u y mllUoni ot doU on m irivod by the company, this is the first defalcation in its home office since its o rgu iia t io n .

SENATORS AND THE TARIFF.A n Am eodosent Offernt b y M r , H i l l to

the In co in , Tax U o lM te d A fte r

n Long D lMuse lnn,

W ABBixotott, Jnne86.— In the Benete to­day H r. H IU iDom., N. Y.| withdrew u am snd inn t, which he hod offered hefor, the adjournment on Saturday, to strike out the exeindtiao from taxa- tioB of thq^ iaconw of United Stetoe bonts so exempted by the law o f their iseu- u c e ; and he euggested to make tbe ck U M read: " T h e principal and interest of wbieh are, by the law of their issnuee,” etc. That saggeetion w m accepted by M r. Vest (Dem., .Ho.), on the port ot the Finance Committee, end the claui| was so modified.

Then M r. H ill stated that the reason .why he hod offered his amendment lost Saturday (which ha now admitted should not be ogreeil ts) was to roll to the attention of ih , people the fact that 8685,000,000 ot property was b y this clause taken o M '’of the taxable property of the country. He then offered an u iondm ent to

! iDoiuda w ithin the exemption the bonds of a State, county,' Humlcipallty or town; and he made u orgumeut iu support ot that amend­ment.

A fte r an hour and a half dUenstiou the omandment was rejected— yeaa 86, nays SO. T w o Democratio Senators (Grai and Pugbl voted with H r, H illH r. Irb y voted against the omenil- ment, u d so did the Fopu lk t Suators, A llen u d Feffer. Senator K y le (Pop., 8. D.), oud Hmitb (UeiiL, N. J.), were paired with Republicans.______________________


P a rtit io n fiiilt of Ed w ard L Iv lagstone A ga la ste x -S la yo r Hew itt, o f New Torh,T b * partition suit of Edw ard Livingstone,

o f Hew York, against A b ram 8.Hesritt, ei-Mayor of New Yo rk , came up before Vice-Chancellor V a n Fleet this m om log. Hr. Livingston desires to secure the righ t of w ay from soma land in P k ^ i c County to tbe high­way. It appears that several years ago U r. Livingston, w ith H r. H ew itt ' u d eight others, purchased 1,600 acres of land in Fumplon Township, Fossalo County, and intended to establkh a second Tuxedo Park. It was called Port Erskln, after Lord Erskln. The acheme did not work and the l u d was dtvidsil in such a w ay that M r. L ivingston oould not reach the road from h k loud.

John IV, ariggt, who appeared tor U r. Hewitt, eteted that he would t ry to secure permisriou for Hr. L iv ingston to paw through lu d adjoining that of H r. Hewitt, and the V loe-Chuoellor said that If thk permission won not secured be would g r u t u order allow ing the opening of a read thrmigh U r, Hew itt's knd._______ _____________


In iu fllr ltn t to O lvo Kniu* n f Or<

•■ ffo rro| *rr k o —ftontll

Onii^«* A|ip#iil*il To,

Ktpt tiuco th« d t j of Onuti;f» h u Km I lt» own wHtor Nupptx the r««kl«uU in thn rlctn- ity of H erkf^y iirciuut*, tbo inthr city, hnvt boon prutoitinK npUnit tb« liiiv p r^ iir f* thonv, whirb. «t timet, wa*I bail two umiumU to the iiifh,

TIm (%muiw<u Council hA« tieen wraatling with tb« problem for n lonj( time In ordar to timl » w *y to nterm m a tha tllftVriiUy. T b * |ir«HMur* At that |mitit wat ujttirrly inad*- t]uate for tliv ]mri>o«tM, mul in th* daytime, Alii‘11 nil tbe fnrtoriet in th* lower part of th<6 rity uidng tb* w«t«r. tber* w m

luinlly Nuttk'iaiit pre««ure on th* blgbar po in l fur doimiMtii' O '"

A lien p iim p tn f lu t i o t i * t C am pball'a I'niid, wbii'U the city own*, w*« tnlked of niul thU plan fpll through. Then, it w m a I*

tltR'idetl to *r«ct * luudp ipa tii« r + Iterkeley ntritue with a capacity for !V(ll\li00

gilloii*. Thi« wnM a1*u found W b* im|»rac- liCMhle.

A few 4l*yf Ago Aldeniuin Daxbalawr learue<l that the w * u r pipe* of tha Buutb O r- Aiige ViltAge were laid wltliiu a f*w f*«t of th* I iraiige piptw, both havlttg dM d *nda M a r the city Houtland’* t r * ^ and alao nearlicrkeley avenue, and that a p r« *im ) of pcveuty.flee {K>uuds could b* obtained. Mr. Ji(‘Kliemiorfoniuit«d U ayor fliU In r«gartl to tb* iiiatur and 1a*t nlgnl thay appearod b *” fora the lioanl of TruM«M of ^ u t b Ofang*, wlio mode a pntputitlon to ■ hpplv water at

ctmte |>er 1,U0() gallone. It thia bt ao> cepteil, and the clianooi are it will be. Ut* city of (Irange will be ralleved of a groat deal if riiieuM, aa a itatuif^pe would c *r- tainly hor* to t»* ciwtod.

Aldcriiuin Dlzheliiier waa aeen b r a N k w a re}Hirter thin rn<jrnitkg, and he eahl that the metier would lie placed before the O rat^e Water ('oinmittee, and if the prg|Hjaitlou of the South Orauc:* authoHtiee la approved hy the I'omnnttee Uie matter wiH be pUoed four the i 'omitinu Council f w artiun.

Cuntinuiiig M r. Ihxhelmer eaid that tbia wax the b*Ht plan for a aap p iyn f water tu thebi^b iiart of the d ty th a t baAlyet been coui’ciriKL and tliat the matter woukl prgb ably Iw' ai'leil ii|)on without delay.

Hu|M*rinleTuleut lhaac Travl% of the Or^ auge Water IVorka, aald U n iay that in hla opiuioiuhe plan WIN on* that W3uld relieve

e city of the expimae of ereriiug a ataad- pb>e. and vrnuM pn)v« of benefit to the reel' u fut^ ln that part of tho city for Are pur- puaee.

A^»u1 a year a i«k>uinr owned John McKoan, on Ib'rkei* r avroue, wa* buraect to tile gruunJ. Tuo dre department waa on hand, but e r r * ulterir powerltM. Tha water prea^ure juHt reached the end of the noaxie which the firemen held la their baada and fell on tbe Kronud.



TO b l o w u p t h e c e a r .

I k V M u y T « » Ih , U nited States B ap - ireuatativ, a t F<w Chow,

N e w Y o m c , June £6.— H . H . De L u o , who died In this city cm Sunday morning, was a native ot tfak State, his birthplace being near Watertown, in tbe vigor of young m uh oo d ba removed to Chicago, w h m be was engaged In business for n ve ro l yean, bnt about 186L ow ing to (oll- iagbeallb, rm o vo d to .Deovor, where he rapidly becoma prom inent and about 1864 woschooen M ayo r of the city, filling tbe oflloe honorably tor .more thaa. four year*. In thia tlQla he u d toe pleaaore of weloozn-

yij***#al G r u t and General Bhennsn, fraeh from the vlolerious dote of the war, u d of Mtertatning them u guesk of tbe cite, ^

In Presldeat $)r«nt appoli Cqtknl a t Footnw w j China, w h l ^

. 'r it k o U t ite f i r eleven years, turned to tha.Unlted States in 1680 and has r in « lived meet of the Uma in t b k city, F b r m u y month* h ik itflb rad f t w n * k - ' .. r ' and painful illness which be endured w ita berMC fortitade, H e loaves a widow. The funeral servicec ore to be held at hk.home, 616 W tat One Hundred and Nineteenth street, thi* afternoon at 8 o’ohMfc.

M r, t r im on B u l l Cwnfldenl.N e w Y o r e , June 86,— E r u t u s W im u

said th k m orning that he w u coufideutthat hkoonneel's orgnmont* would p n v o ll onS Barrett to moke b is «tay pettnanent

g appeal, and that bo wonhl bo le- on bolL H o received a number of

lo ltan thk m orn in g bo oold, oU expressingeonflikaoe In h k -in te frity ,

A ll In fe rn a l H a e b lu * F o n a d N ea r the §tw Feterebnrg Falaea*

B iR U ir , J u o * 36.— The loibatanaeigef soys thot the newly-dkoovsred m in * w t ^ srss intended to blow up tha Char w *s hud near tlie H em orinl Church in Borkl, which the C u r was o x M te d to visit shortly.

It publishes also a paragraph to tbe effect tbat an infernal machine w u found recently in a cellar near tbe Bt. Fetersborg Palace. Several arrests have been mode, and two Cabinet officials o r * n i d to have baenccin-» promised.____________ * '

Vtr SSW8itt>ittMtlii,a»OtnamnUa1ttimTv ewflOMcUy. 7Rfm(S(f>m*<w|»n Us ciiMr««i>s a tim y ft) we * praperty.

T h * N s-6p eak,r of the N ew Je rsev A s-

•embly P o s m s A w a y at H is B o m ,

la E llu b e lh p o rt .

Et.DtaRSTlt, June 86,— John Sgan ,8 p M ke r of the N sw Je nu y A iM m b ly in 1878, d kd this m orning a t h k borne in EUsabtahport, aged fifty-one years. H e w u a member of the C ity Council of EUxsbeth eevcTsI terms u d w u p ro m in u t in the P e n lu brotherhood movement, h e w u u oseociate of General John O 'Neil] In the in­vasion of Canada.

In 1883, w b lk a lobbyist a t Trenton, he w u charged with bribery by A ssetnb lym u John L. Anoltaga, of Bseex County, He w *s convietto and spent a short term in tbe panltenllary. H k cltlsenihip w u restored by a special act ot the Legiskture. A wife and children sni^ v iva blm,

M o rr li K lru -hbsun i, for the flwwiHl T Iu e ,

C liv r fK l u lt ll th * Theft o f N ra r-

Ir ill.n<M) W arth.

Proseciitor's IWccttve W illiam V o lk r»- turned from (^hicaito lu t Sunday night, u d brought with him M o rr is KirBchbsuui st a prisoner. Tbe orreat was maile on a capias K irschbaum 's esse is s peculiar one, u h , h u OQce been tlispbarged from cuaUxlj After havibg be^n arreet^ and locked up for tbe Clime fur wbirh Is now behind prison bars*Tbe Indicttnent Agaitut K in chb aum is fo r breajing, entering end stealing. On tha n ight of August 10, 1S03,the home of Kster E lle rs 41 P iiucs street, w is entered and robbed u( about |HU0 la cm)«h and |175 wortu of Jewelry, A t the time sut- plcion pointed to K in ch b aum

the thief. Two or tbres days later be was arrested, and Judge Fretoel com­mitted him to await tbe acuoa of tbe G rand Jury. The caw was Inveeti- gated by tkie Bejitember (iraud J u ry of last year, and tbe erldaica did not seem to warrant an indletaaBt .Ai>- oordiogly K irschbaum was ordered releaMd and the eaae against blm w u d ro p p ^

After the priatiucr had re ga in^ bis Hb«rty additional evidence was brought to the Jury 's attention. The c a m was A ^ in taken up fur ooiulderatkm, and ow ing to ibu evideure a blU was found agatDMt KJrscbbaiim. W hen the court otUcerx went to look for him it was learued h« bad left tbe city. Nn trace of the man was dlscuvered for some months.

The Proaeoucor's officer* rwently learned that K in ch b au m bad b ^ n In C b lc s ^ * Last U'eclnmday Do- tective V o lk otartefl for that city, and after two ilayn’ searcb be lo ­cated his man. Haturday, PrL<!«iM'utor Grane receivod a telegram from Vedk stating that tho bitter had K irsch- hauiu under arrest. iieriulNition papers were secured without di'lsy aud tbe captor and captive itarteil for this city. The pnrioner la pow lockeil ufi lu tbe county Jail.

REVISING THE JUDICIARY.Tbe CompoftHloii of thr Huanl o f P a rd o n *

Uvcided U pon lij ihu CUm»tltutJoaal CoinmlHHionv-Ottier M etie r*

Statehousk, Trciiton, Juus 20.—T h , CoHStituUotial Coninii!:sl‘in to revise th , judicial system of the met a t theRtete- hoUM to-day with very nearly a full attend- anen.

Tbe proposition rHUitlcgln tbs new com­position of tho Court of I ’lirdons w u tho first subject tnkau up for consideration, The projxieitioii s i suloiiitted by A lla n L. M e licm io tt wufl ih st the CcWrt in question iholibl coniiit of the Governor, tho Chancellor, the Attorney-General, the Hecretury of State, the Comptroller and the State Treasurer.

John K. Keane moved so amendment so that the propoeltioii ihuuld rw d that the Court o f Par.lons should conskt of tbe Governor, the Clisticellor, and the three senior members of Che Court ot errors. T b I* imendment wet voted down, but another by ei-Gorentor Ludlow was adopted, strik ing from the original propo- litlon Uin words "T he i'omptrollar and the State Treasurer." The word “ co u rt” was also by amendment stricken from the propo­sition a *d tho word " hoard ” anhstituted therefor.

“ The trilranal," raid Attorney-General Stockton, “ k not a court In any sen**, os it posses upon no quratioos of law. It consid­ers ths elenient of inorcy In eosss, and listens, as a board, to«]>pealt foTthe txsic ise of clemency.

The p r o i^ t lo u that ths Board o t F a r d o u should consist of the Governor, the Attorney- General and the (.'hancellorwssthen adopted by a vote of 11 to -1.

Mr. MoDeruiott offered a proposition that tbe court of tSuul resorU shall be desig­nated as the Htiprems Court; that there shall b t a Buperior Court, consktlng of nine Justioee, to sit iu three dlvisloai— th k C ourt and Its divisions W he vested srlth original jurisdiction--end that tbsre shall be C ircuit Uonrts hsid by single Judges of ths Buptrior Court In each county of the State. H r . McDermott in ad lscu islon that ensued elaborated ilits ichetne. H k idea of d ivid ing the Supsnor Court k that It m ay sit In tbre, different cities at tbs sane time. The propoeitiou was fluslly tabled until next meeting. _________ _

D E A T H K N D .8 H IS N U F F E B IN 0 8 .

'b« Eigtit-Dll«8iQ-Hoor ProTiiioD to Be EoforoeiPOLICEMEN WILL BE 6IVEN ORDERS.

A Ceiifereu^e of tlif l^ ilt f* C o ium lM toner*

an<l huperlnten<l«itl Aharp, o f tbe Con-

io lldated Trartloo rom pauT . at W h irh

tbe Letter H etm that A lt M u to n a rn

W b n M a y Ite Keporietl a* ( io ln g 4'eeter

T hee K lgh t H ite * W ill He ULH'hergr'cl. T he Fon r C ep le liu W ill 1e»ti* Ie«1riir-

t lon e ta th e M en In the Ke iike To-night, ro m n le ilo o e r K ene eii«t a Feniler.

W h on tb * polbwinen line np liefor* their raptalui 1t» ths four staiioni this uToiiing tliey wlU b* ordered to n*purt auy mutor* man wbot* *JAcirte car U vu p ir m m I to be travsU ln f faster than eight mites an hour. Th is i i the m u lt of a coafrm ice tbat the PoU r* CoBunlieinhur* hail with Hufierln- tnotleot Hharp^ of the ('on*n llilat*l TracUou CotuiAuy, yaiterday afteruuun.

Tine prMsainieut nf the Grand Ju ry on Haturday on tbe nun-eoftarcemeut of tbe Hoard of W o rk 'i ordinance regulating tbe speed of the trolley rani sud the abeeiire of feuders from tbo oars, along with tbe bloody record of Baturdaji w1m«{i two chlldrro were orushea |o death on ethe tndtey roaili, aroused the PoUoe Commlftsloneni aotlou.

It had been ezpectwl tiiat tbe ('oiumU- s lo M rs would meet Uie Executive C'oniniit- tee of tbe CotsolUlated Traction Conipanyp b ill it was desired that ITealiteiit \ 'a n Durne, of the Board of Works, thnidd 1w preNontt and as be is ill that eoiiferem** did Dot take

HuperiDteadeDl H ban\ bowevers was on hand and had a talk with tbe t'ornmlBclonert. U r. Hbarp M id tbat the cumiwny wai wlll- iD g that the speed of tbe Lar* Mbould not be greater thau eight uiUee an hour, and he ial<l that any motonnaB repnrteil by the ^loUce a* allow ing his oar to travel faster than that

ruuld M dlM*barge<l from the iwnnpany't eer* vloa. Mr. Hharp said he would Im u b hi* order to the niotormeu tunlay.

A fteriom e discuMlou the ( 'ouimixsluikeri decided to direct Chief Ib>ppt*r to itiue an order to the various CaptaiuH to huve their patrolmen k e ^ a lookout for tlu» can. It waa deemed beet to D<it arriHt the ofTeading motormeit, a* It would caute delay* and >ruve an annoyance to the travelling public, )ut that all that la nemweary I* to repirt the

immlter of the car. KuperintendeDi ( 'la rk Hays he will do the rest

It is a proper movei,'^ said PolU'eCom- mlMloner Kane to-day, **and wte wilt me that the police enforce tho order. The cam should have fenders at once, but in the luean- tiUM* it is beet to take every utber precautluu to protect tbe people from the lUngcm of the electric c a ^ and the regulation of the apeed

prcruutioiu. A fte r M^vetal of tbe men are dlschargeii ShF y are like y to understaud tbat an unM fe rate of will Dot be allowed, We have no autborlty to ■ top tb* running of oars without fenderx, but 1 think tbe Board o f Work>i lias tbe power to pass aa ordinaare to cover tlgit p o in t The Police CotnmiiRion will do everything in its power ta help and urovent bloodshttl on the tndley tratiks, anil i know that If 1 seem oar going at a rate which I believe to be faster than eight milen au hour, I w ill report tb* notom um .'’

Well, they wlU have to change all their schedule*,*' said a motorman on a Broa<l surest oar to-day. W e have to make up all loM of timn, and if we can’t run falter than eight milen aa hour then we will be unable to oatoh up on the time of the prev­ent •chwnlc when we are delaytil. Then how numy men can tell the rate at which we are going. W e ihould have a machine with which to ascertain the rate of

There are tome fresh matormen who along at a reokles* ipewl, but ! don’t

IT IS NOW JUDGE GREEN.T h , Vlr,-C‘b sn r t t l* r .%pi»iilnted a M,m t>rr

• f the Court of K rro r. I , huec.r.l

tha L a i, M r. I 'h a lp k

Vlrr-ClteUfallor V«u Fli-et aiinotinr'.l In Ih , (.'hsm vi)' I'haniber th k nuiriiing that V ioarlun ife lh ir Itolwrt H. Groan bail Loan apnolutol on to* UnoU of the (.'ourt ot K r ru n an,l Apiiaak to fill tha varaiioy oaikwl by tha drath of Jurlg* W illiam W sl- ter Pboli*.

Tb, iroltion k an honorary one. anil it lire -not iMooMitate Mr. Uravn 's rMlgliatiiOi •s one of tha four Vb»-<.'h»naeiton ot tba State.

Tho snnotinraiiiant sttonitho.1 tha lawyers |>iwnt fu lly ss m urh s . VU-a-rtmnoolh.r V sn Fleet avhlantly fXfiwto.l It wouM. Ths In w) am ba.1 lawn iiit ha ri»»n wTUiiiedliy V li'V- Chanivltor Graoii whan ha holds tviurt Itsra. T lw yw sr. ' I'sllasl Into Vloa-rham-alUir Van FlaaVi room and wbaji all hands hod galh- ara.1, Mr. V an Ftt.-t said;

“ I will hanr inntluiis this m orning In Ilia aljsfiiae ot \ k 'e-rhani'a llor Graan. who iiss gone to Trantiai to lie sworn In as niamhar of tho ( 'ourt of [Orrors and A p p M ls to tnkn the iiloa* mo.1* vsaant by th* U i*th of Judgs 1 'hal|io."

V lra -l'h annU or G r ra n 'i ttanogra|ih*r, Georg, H. LIgbtfoot, statcl tbat h, w m with th, Vloe-niamralinr ujj to noon yester- ik j . M id tliat to , *iijiolutm,nt ho.1 not bran wade up to that time.

The appointiiiaitl k lutanda.1 to g lv , tbe Choorary Court lorgar reprwwatation lu th, court of Inst m u rt, Tt Is said.

T r e k t o m , J u n *8Blft>aoialj.— Thooppolnt- ment of ^ 'k»■ CbaIU»^or G rran to bu a Lay Judg* ot tha Court of E rro rs and A ppw ls

bflUev, any niotoriiMn ara aoxlons to kill any body. I think (be n p k r to go sloirar srill b, o b ^ * A "

T o A D f tP T A F E N D K B .

Unafllaial gtataiUBtit th a t th* T n atlon CompAny H u DaalUMI t(po* a Life-saver.

It w u unuffioioUy itatad t h k m orning that the Cnnsullditad Traction Company faoit dis-ided to odOi>t a fender that hsa Iw in in use recently on car No. 1 of th# Bowery line, and that was first tried in February on car No. 5.5 of the W ashington stroet line. It k sold that the work of equipping th* entir* system will begin iu n few day*. The fender Is of very simple oouitnictlon and works autoaistiooily, tha m utonnoa not having even to n r« s a button. Ksm uol A . OarrsclL of 093 Brood street, k the inventor of this Ufe-ssving device. A bou t two years ago he started on the invention. H is fender k a light frame ot ateel pipe, sii|>- piirtlug a number of rows of strong steel springs arranged in the form of a tors and extending tbe full width of the front or rear of tho ear. While it k automatic, ft is yet u m k r the control of the motorman, who, by a simple twist nf his h « l, con cause It to get down to buflneu Ih a second. Tbe springs theiuselvei form a perfect cushion. The fender Is plscwl near the ground and is al­ways in raailloes* to g r u p a srietini., It has been tned time and |g;ain and in each . aw has not tailed to do its duty.

Khould the victim be caught while lying on tbe track the lounge-like affa ir will imss over him, but kept out o f sight if a little ■ pring shovel arroiigsment. I t U the wblih of tbe car and back nf th * sofa. Wlicu tho spring lifts p sssrl over the body It relcasiH th , shovel, and the latter fa lk witli mm-h oalertty to tbe track, preventing even a tty from isisslng under It.


An InJuiietlon A g a lu t ’ reo ty p e rs Ap­plied fur hy the “ flunday stnn iU rd ."A, Q . Keosbey, counu l fo r tha .S'linrfnt/

Standard,thiBmnrnlng appeared before Vhs-. Chancellor Von Fleet to t ry to Secure sn vi- Jnnotion against Htarootypera' U n ion No, 7, preventing the union from nldiug the membera o t the Essex T r * . lu f.'.juncil in their boycott against that paper. law ye r Cottar, who appeared fo r the Btoreoty|>ers' Union, stated that tbe union was not issuing c ircn lan or participating in the boycott, nod that tbe statement* contained In Mr. Krws- boy’s petition were fake. I« w y e r Uem her, who appeared for the Trade# Council, talked in a similar strain, and stated that the yirti- tton was not in accordonoe w ith the urage of tbe oourk,

ViowChsncellor Vdn Fl»»t rtated that tho order would hare to be vacated, and that al- thowfh he could not vacate the order, it iie- Ing Vice-Chancellor Green’s caie, he would recommend that such action ba taken.

occulonw l some su rp r iu bare this iiiorning, anil, ow ing to tbe fact thatth , VlcwClinucol- hir's name liad Im n mentioned as a Guber­natorial iw isihllity in IRU5, It w u thought to hare had m h im political slgnlflconce, hut thou iiMT tne Governor disclaimed any such lntsr|sretation o f the atipointmeiit.

Itw s s lm |usslbl* to g M near the Govi-rnor, for the HtatehoUM k aJlv, wltii <-andldatM for appolntinuits and his rooms are well filled with tho u w u t ln g b k u r The Vlow Chtni'ellur at noon bod not yet beau sworn u l-ay Jnilge, Im t It ts eiiwctad be w ill be during tbe recess for luncheon.

The appointment u In keeping w ith th, Minouiioemeut o f th. Governor at the time when be aiiiMtlntad Judge iV illfam Walter I'belia. K , said then be wonted to ekv stc the lay b r ^ c h of the C ou rt of E rro rs and Atipeak and preferred to appoint members o r the bar instead of layman. H e c g ir k d thk out in the appointment ot C. Btonley Hinia hud M ay to succeed Judge John Clem­ents. HIms k a lawyer, but h u not prac- tiseil much of late.

The Governor hod In m ind imnwdtataly after Judge Phelps's death to appoint a lawyer to the bweb. Thar, w er, u ve ra l nsm ni suggeatail to him, am ong thun George Uicbnrds, the p re u n t preuMeut of the Btata Hotpitali Commlialon. Petar Voorbeea nf Camden, w u also suggested, but the Gov- eruor having becom, acquainted w ith the fact that Am ti Dodd when a Vlce-Chonoellor w u mode a Judge of th * C ourt ot E r r o n , ba thought that Chanoenf should be renruentod on the Iwnch. H e offereil It to Vice-Chan­cellor Van Fleet, but he ckclineiL and than he offered It to Vloa-ChaDcellnr Green, and he n id be w u not averse to ou iim ln g the additional respoiudblllty.

The L a y Jiidgee of tbe Court o f E rro rt get for all their urvioes, Including tbe Court of IHnlons, trse than fl.lKIO. It Is a qnealton whether Vice-Chonoellor Green can collwst any cuin|ienHlian fo r t h k extra duty. Tbe Hupreme Court Justices do not, end u be re­ceives a salary fo r other ju d lck l work it k doubtful w b e U w be oaa receive two u io - n n i from the H Ute for Judicial work. The Ktata O m p t ro lk T k go lac to look the m at­ter up at onoa

W A N T P A B K . A T E N U K P R K 8 E R V S D .

A p p u l , f E u t O ra n f , C ltlsens t o th e New F orh Coinmkslan.

Tlw r* w u a big attendanoa at tbe Pork A v n u e Protootive Association In E u t Orange l u t sdght, when resolutions calling on the new ly-crcat^ Po rk C om nkrione rt nf £ « e x County to p rsu rv e Pn rk nvetiae a * n great boulevard and pnintlsg out what th* members of the assoeiation bellere the eom- inkilon should do iu tbe lay ing out of porks were adopted.

Ill tbe rtaolutlons It k pointed out that there Is a need of further lef^latton so that oil parks, with a ll the approaohe, to them, should be in the control of * ip e c k l board and th-.t trolley ra ilw ays and overhead wires ud other nuisances ihou ld not b* allowed tu detract from tbe value o f the apiJi'oacbe* SJ carriage d rivcw ay i and prom­enades. T h , P a rk Com mkelon k asked to assist tbe aasodation la keening Park avenue as s carriage drive and pars way, as It k tbe only brood avenue lietwaeii Newark and the I irange Mountain i left free from carcradu throughout it* entire lenrth.

In a commnnlcatlon sd d m se d to the com- tnlssiuDuri the sasodsU on says that the [iw- iile of F ss« i County w ill not he satisfied with less than three things; first, s tuiall pork nr parks within the limits of each ot the la.ge cities or elsewhere In tbe county; stcond, a large pork nr chain of teirks on any of tlu Graug* Moim taiiu; and, tblriL that sal table np|in«ches khould be reserved as carriage ways and pmiiiMiades to the various parks from all directions, free from trolley tars, overhead wlrm and anyth ing that wmild de­tract from the cliaractar of these approaches as tint-class residence streeta.

Jt is stated that tbe rapidly incrnoshig population, destined to make the entire sec tloo one built-up city, colls for pnm iptoction in securlug suitable tracts before real estate vsliice Incrissse too much. Certolu streets. It Is pointed out, m ust be preserved, and the cominimlcation stales tliat but fo r the oaso- elation Pork avenue would have lieen given over to a trolley road. The avenue was paid for a* o esrrlsge-way about thirty years ago. W hat Fifth avenue k to New Y o rk anil Ceiitral Pork, Park avenue, tiie assthdatioa says, is bound to lie to thk section of Essex County.

Le io w Com m ittee at W o rk Again.N e w Y’o h k , June 86.— The Keiiate Poliee

Investigating Committee resuiiiad Its labors this in om ing ' It is nimored that lusiiector W illk m s w ill be called before the odjourn- nieut takes place and it will In a cose of Greek mueting Greok when Mr. Goff wants in tell all he k iiu n s about the pulliw depai t- raentof New York. Ex-Pollce Coniniisslouer Kloiilien H. French m ay also be beard on tha stand. It Is said that Chairm an I-s io w has been in receipt of threatening letters almost doily. Hs, however, denies that such Is the fact. The rather sudden return of Kichant Croker w s, n o t « pec ted by the committer. He will arrive In town in time to he called. 5Ir. Guff k very reticent as to wliat his In- tonttons are toward H r, Croker.

AMD GIEBISTETThe tx-Hayor Shatply Cron'Ci*. amlned by City Coaostt Rlker.NEW TON S T R E E T A S P H A L T PAV lNR.

T it* C h irr M *K U lr * l r nf IU« p M t G lvrt

p rr l T rtllinon r ui$ M it r r i * l for P * ? * *

tUnt " M '4»u I iI Npllt * Ite rrrl

It Not *Chrm l«ts lint Muiltett In 1 h *l I*1m

A lioiit I 'o r lj Y » * n A g o —Fr*(m fln U •! A«|i1i*ltiiiii Croiliirtcl In fCvUteiiCA-MAiijr

OhJr<titmR to th r Adm lM loti o f MfW tiftjrnrft't Nl*|f>nirn1* Lvidruro,

M **tfT In CliancrrT A, H. t \ Salmon oou- tiuu»«1 tbe brariiig of t hr ub>'Ctiomt to Ute paring of Newton a* told (fxdutlreljin thr N eih I yuAterUnje uutil a lot* hour 1o thr aftermwis Tiit* hearing w m on a m l* to nhuw raiiiw why tb* aM«'*wiiietit fur the pare- m rnt of the it iw t ihouM not la> tet axkte. T lir total amutmt inVnlTwl In the matter 1*

3^5.33, on a basil of tt'J3 to twenty-flT* fret.

Kt-M ayrir Hafnew * rxamloatinii, a i an ex­pert on arphalt paring, w a i ocmtlQueJ. Tba ft^rmer t. btef Gxex'uttr* w rot 1uU> lirtetli of explanation and wax at tlnioi ciYNift-examlned •bar|klT tiT C ity Cuutuel lUkrr, who objected again and again to tho adnkiiilon of U r. Jlajuee'i terUnumj*

“ Now, what’fl the u m of a ll llirea obJet>> tlonii'^' aaktil Hamuel K. Uigrlow^ of nouMal for thr olijeclon.

Well, if we admit all thli hm inaj/ ' M id Mr. Klk*r, we'll lumber up thU record to DO end.’*

'M ih , th it 'i all right,** reepoiulrd Hchiijler B. JaduoD. Mr. Bifelow’x aMW'Ute, we'U have tu pay for tbe reci>nJ.'*

Wheu a*bwl to explaiu the difference be* twern lake and land axphalt M r H aniet da* clart^l that land avplialt “ would *plit a bar- r rV ' UQ(I added that when the material wa* prepared aud placed in Itarreiii for ehlpDienI ilii expanvloQ would hiimt tbe batrete.

Mr. Hiker moTwl that all the textl*' many of thr wltnewi tie xtrickea (Hit, *0 far ax li related to tb* pro|iertiee of axpbalt, other than what he knew of bli own kaow irdga aiyl tbat all the m rt relating to thr nwnrrihlp of Trinidad taka b* alxo expiiDged, m thr ground that it waa bearuy reldeoru."

**Mr. Haynes, are you a cbe in iitf Mfe*d M r. H lkrr on cruea-axatnituitluD.

*lr.n a y * you erer xtudled cliemiitty f* ft war onr of thr ituJixe ia m y Mboolit*

anewrrrd thr rx 'M ayor."H o w long if it elncQ you bay* fttktted

chamlttry f ’* 'A lK iut forty yearey* aoxwered the wtei

iMr< blaudly, waving bix hand rarxJewily." U h r rMuarkrd Mr. lU k rr algoidoaiitly*T)>r wfbMir ailmltted that be had neyei

iexji aa analyxi* of the materiali mada"T brt i four knowledge of tbexubjaolla

from hearaay f* rotnarked Mr. Hiker.From the official report* of cbetnliH

•Ir,” aQiwerr<l thr ex M ^ o r , with axperlky* liu ring hix xtay at TrlDidaik tb* wltneto

Mid, he Tiatl ylrited about fifty placet wberaland aipbaltum wax being mined. H r said that the dlfferrane betwrMt tbe material* coukt be readily *eeu by any one.

"U r . Mayor, you barew-wii Newton street ilDo* ite completion. Friim you otMrrvatlone wduld you tbiok tbat street was pared with lake or laad atpbalitun T w w Mr. K iker^ coarludinr qmetloa.

" 1 xbouTd H y Utat It was pared with lake aspbaltum^-guniine Trinidad l*iiEe aspbai- tum,'’ war u e answer.

B lliha B. VUett thr next witnMs, (irxeeated fragment* of asphaltiim which, be tald, he had picked np in NewtAiu xtrrrt where ths uam nent hail rnimbled. He bad seen n onw fall lime and xguin on the strort He bad measured place* where tbe wbaeli of tb* wagons had nuok from half an inch to a fuU

HeTsral other Bewtoc street rtaidentx xub- roitted ptece* of tbe myement. Mr. H iker objected to their admimlon In ryldmce^ but the plrrei Were markad and placeil in *▼ !- deuce, and Mr. U ikerx objw'tlooj were noted.

Owru Foz^ who also submitted several bite of the pareinent, was rroM^examlned by H r* K lk*r.

"Ye ste rd ay wap a pretty hot <lar,” said Mr. Hiker, “ when jou nicked up tbtae little pabbits ot asphsltum. You ra f tbat on tb* waole langtb of tbat strert you could hav* )dckad up prolwbly a hatful ot luob pieces;— "

“ I diilii't ta j thst," responded the wlt- n m , somewhai tartly. “ I sold that I could' have picked up a hatful of tbuai, piecn w hen 1 foniid that piece.”

Another w itiicu testified that ths pave­ment [leer his house ua Newton street shown] holes an inch and thrae-i)uartera deep wbare a furniture van bail stoiKl fur an hour. T h , prints o t 111* horww’ shoes ware also p lnlnlj (llscernfbl^ he m i i I.

Alexander W. LInnett, Clerk of tbe Board of Htreot and lA'ater Commissioners, com* next on the stand. 11c was asked concerning trentcriptu of ths iiiiiiuteH of the tuard.

WUllojii Dnugnll teslilieit Hint he had pre­sented a romoBstrance agulust the u.ss o f ' asphalt on Newton street to the Board of Street and Water Coiumlsaiimers.

“ To whom did Tou present your remon- s tra n o e r askivi Mr. Jackson,

“ To Mr. Runyon," was the answer,liiu

ticm.‘ W hat Mr, Runyon V was the next qua

A New Order to • Raoelver,A new order was mode by Y'ioe-Chancellor

V an Fleet to-dsy In the case of John ^Rodriijta receiver tar tho MoQera|le , ---------------M i l l in g ^ and Coostruotlon O o m p u iy 'k C a n d ^ , June 8B.-Chsrle, Benny, the

M a ry ------ '- -N aw arkan N arraw lv Eseap* Dr*wal*g.

ited him P a t ib s o h , June 86,— Two men and two coot' htfS hod a n arrow iwcap* from drowning H e re- iti the Paseotc R ive r a t Bingao Bnndoy fore-

aoon. They belonged to a party who had , driven up from Newark fo r a day’* outing.

,, aWT bod orrivad tb * four a Mutil W a n d went out ro w in g w b ^ t h . boat co^pined. W Ultom Fernley, o F t h l * city, and several otittr m en who witoMsed the oreideat waded oa( into the wotar and saistad in rescuing them. One of tte lodiei sank before ssxlatailc* ooedd r e o ^ her, and but (or tbe prom pt ooUdo of on* o f the res­cuers, she would nave drowiied. T b s yaomse of the rtacued o r rescuer* oould not bo ob- taiued.

Oesterol U *w * lo a ( ■ X seap * T ria l. Lcunmir, June 86.— Id tbe Central Grim-

Inal Cotad (Old BoUsy) tCHlay th * G rand Ju ry mode a return (brow ing out the blU

■ in (be Bow S t i M PoUce


T k * U lt le Camden Hot W h o W o * B n rae d by Hte Cotupsulans Pass** Aw ay.

Special D ispatch to the N iW *.

against previou , receiver to sel) or d ltpo^

Thepreviously given auttaoriud

................. ofelltL;order

the property

N o r tb a ro F * r s ( a B e h a is ' H a a d t .. B B M A t b h , J u a * 86.— I t Is reportad M i l M R o a U i i n l ^ 1 tb*

found_ Q e n m l John H e ,

(omio, p h e ^ tq f b lm w ith oaiating tbadsath ot Itideroat imuiijisiii I

C oart o f ColD ogfateln

Bnnao, on thafimi* - •

of tb * firm without the oonfirnmUon of the courts. T h f n e w order thgkra it oeonssry to notify thV 'Vlce.Chaaaetlaf before selling.

H um ored the T ram p ’s W h im .Prom th* Detroit Free Press.

It woe about S o'etook In the afternoon ot New Year’s Day when the wanderer fcnoeked at tb * kltahen door, and th * ooofc opened It..

“ Con 1 get somethlngto eat 7” be sold plead Ingly.

“ O foonrs* you con.” responded the cook in great good hamor. "Gam e In; sra're keeping open house to-dsy, and yon con get a feast fit for a k ing oad w ins to wash it down wltb.'

He raised hi* hand* dapreoatlngly.“ Thank you,'' be sold, “ but I'd p n te r th*

old layout of eeoond-band vtettimls I ’m used to. I can live on that, and if 1 acquire the ebampagne and pi* itabit in m y present ctr- oum sunces I 'U bs a starved man before the 'year's out,” sod th * wondering cook haraored Ur -

lb* bestti-Adr.

boy burnril at th* stake by coui-pantmu OBVcrol uinntiis ego, died in the jj, ., .TV this mornjug.

Tho (b ta f"” . ■ *»"■ W hisInjurirs luperlnduccil by tbe be st H I* would-be orematoiw, a white and two col­ored boya, were sent to the Reform Bchool b y Judge V room a couple of weeks ago.

bad Accident to a V tU le Bog.Special Dispatch to tbe N aw a

B m o o w o n , June 36.— A terrible accident befell the Itttle four-year-old son of W alter Horner, of this city, yesterday afternoon, The child wes running about (he ya rd w ith a large butchor-knU* when be fe ll tbe knife pemdratii® tm* of his sym oad puttini terrible gaah In bis loce. The sight of i eye is destrqyed.

A ppo in ted Reerlver of a OlUb. Vlco-Choneellor Van

m orning appointed K. J, Smith, of tbo H e ro b u ts ’ National Bonk, receiver of tb * Boutb En d A tUetlo Clnh, Tba pranorty of tb * club is worth andIsiiigrtiNtdtOrttifiHt


Papers F iled In A o a lh e r d u l l f o r Damages by flulomon K . O sborn.

Papers Were filed to-day In tbo Comity C lerk 's office b y E U u F. Morrow,

c o u d h I for Solomon K . O sl»rn who bring* in it against tbe Delaware, liock- aw onn* end Western Railroad fo r damages.

Tbe action I* based on the Hackensack meodows rollitlan of January l.’t last. According to the declara­tion Osborn was a passenger on (lie iU-fntad train which waa run into by sii- etber train, owing to the “ uniklltulDoiA csreleasnesi and negUgenceof the defsad. *n t,"

Plaintiff further declorei that his system was greatly u id )wr- tnanently impaired and injured and that he was compelled to spend * U rge sum of money to be cured, braldes nnving bdentncapscIMed from attending to business by hi* lujurlsi, for oil of which hs asks donisges.in the sum of tl,<l90. The c*ee wtU eome up lu tb* Eesex C irou lt Court, for trioL » _ ,, ,; ' ■'

Took Up a B o n d fo r ER ,S6tt.The Sinking Fund Com m litlo iien of tbo

Boa id of Cbcew Freeholders' m et yesterday afeernooD in-the And ito r 's office End took np a bond for 19,866. Tbe oniount w s* the first payment for tbe work of repairing the Pompton turnpike. T b * ragtneer reported that the work would cost about $14,(100,

Kentneky 's G loa t Dead.D a n v i l l i , Ind., Junedfi.— Jobn Hancock**tq*,j VUOtEr w .—nVUll nHVtJTH'B

Craig, known profeaiionally os John Powers, the Kentucky glouL died a t bis booie In this town yNterday, He was a museuiis, attrec-

for twenty

1 thistown yesterday. He was a museuiis, attrec- tlOD tor twenty yeoni aud weighed 700 pounds. He was forty-five years old.

(teU on Mta, Each, Ooflk l i e . F o r Pa ir, Four-ply linen, alt it y le i; beet mskns. EpttalnVWMA t itro«k-AAT«

F ra n k lin and N ntlev Eventx,Riff nor Mofico’fl eDiartalnnienl, ^ ven lu t

QlKtttlD FarDxirx M ilita ry Holi fur Hie Ijenaftt of tbx frexh a ir ftiod, wax a very clever per­formance. It wlU b« repeated to-nlgbt and to­morrow Digbi.

The electric light xervlce in being oxtended and a nnmtwr of new Ilghte nre bciog put up In the Avondale dlxLrlcl,

Two men from Paterxun left a bone* at­tached to a village esart. xta&dlDg tied in front of Uaxt1e> R lik M ill yM len lay morniug, aud the hor»i\ lieooming frightened, bmke tbe bridle and bolted up Waxblngton avenue aod Ihon up Higbfleld U ue at a terrific xpeed. A t tho railway croH isg at Nutley Station the horxc croxxed the traokx right in front o t a tralDv then turned and ran to Centfb xtreet, where it waa ntopped. The cart was coov pleielv demollehed.

Mixx iMardeOs of tbe EnolMure. In spending a few weeks at fHaber'x liland, near New Um- don. Conn.

Mr. and Mrx. T. lit Langford, of CUiextatit street, returned yestenlay from a visit to friends at Litohfleid, CotiD.

The Nutley Wheelmen will hold their sec­ond annual lawn party to-morrow night on the Franklin A lh k t ic AMOciatlon gnm nds l»q C imtfe street* . About 50D out-of-town wheel- mon have promised to aliend.

A roeetJog of the veterans of the lale war ★ I I I be heliTat i L v . V ^ l a n d V f ^

L *^ V re e te a A i*w ^ ‘'^ e « n Hainydiff ntghl for Civ A. ,H,^t^J•t pea

Vsierana’aaeqcfawoTr. —Miss B. Gtarke, of Newin/rt* II, 1„ spent yea-

terday wUb friendN In to^n.The Nutley F ie ld Club lx making extensive

preparatloua for the Fourth of July sports. There will be gentlemen'e double and single tennis, mixed doubles and ladles' singlei, a lx \ quoit matofaes,eto. There will be a danced: in the olubhouee la the evening, and adlx- play of flrewerkx.

Mlxa U L. I^ rln , of At. Panl. Mlno., lx a gUDBt of OoioDei and Mrx. IL . , U> Prout, o t Htooktoa Parks * ▼ ' ■

The RxeoutUe Committee of the Franklin Law and Order League WlU meot on Saturday night.

ft. U. D orr% new eottage, oii ftatterthwalte avenue, ia being rapidly puxbed to oompletloa.

W hen you want a good thing gg drtnk M ltM r tesuMuidaat IM ttyti,—Adv*

Knon ItunyoD/’ Hie wltm*Hs rupllcLi.*' Well, who lx Kulm Uunjoiil'""H e WIN Clerk of H4iArd of Worka**

anMWtfrrnl the witn«<«,1 move tbat Mr. Uunyoii ho ralleil,'^ xald

City Cuimrjl Ulkor wearily.■'Oh, he'll Iw fftllml, never fear," Mr.

Jackmtii ifw|H)mlod irhpi.>rfuliy.It WXM UllclH'XhNMl lluiL Ml'. UtiriTOIl will 1x1

called ii{)ou to expJalii tim whcrejiiitiiitK of Ihu renionstrance Hy Mr.IHannu'l K. liigHow mikI that ‘ho Ila4tiJo ncord of ibe presriitetlon of tlio roriiuu- ■traace ou tbo rnfitutrrt (.»f tim Ihmi'iI.

Hevrral nilinr wlMiMOM'H worn exHinioed be­fore the xoMiioii aiijuiinied.--- • -----1—


Tbe Site to lie Itought tor i|ll,(KH> and Ftaiii to Ite I 'resn itfd ,

An ailjouriied meotiu^ of tho Board of Tniiteex of the vlllaj^o of Houth OrauKO was held tatfl Tho lot uu the corner ofHoolland and Voeo (vvenua was stlwUMl as a site for tbo propost.^! Tuwn Hall, The piircbaxo prjci* <if tho lot lx ami Hio urexideut andclerk were authorize to iwme a warrant for tbat amomil:, providing tbo title shall bo found curroct. Plans foi- tho new ball will 1>H pretteiited by the Building ComiDittoe a t the next regular meeting.

A cormnunlr-atlon wax received from tha^ Orange Water H<iard, ■■ffering llfteeu centa Tier l,ri00 gftlloiix for water Hi xupp^T Orange, I t wax referred to Ihei Water Cominiltoo with {wwor to draw up a contract at that price.

The clerk reported that the oath and bond of Hlchard Keriiau ax road overxeei' had boeu properly executed and filed.

The rubliu Buildlog Committee wae in- stnicted to have the villago CouelmI xoarch the title for the newly acquIrcKl property.

The Woman and Children f^ent Hack,Lottie Biiniutt, eolorod, of Dudley

itroet, JerxL'y City. waa found wandering ou Market street last night. Rhe was accojnjMuiiecl bv ' two white chililren. Patrolman Holler took her to (Hilicd bradqitarteni. Liouteo- aut Bergen telcphoiie<l to Jer^ xej City anti tbi police of that city found the mutber of the cblldt^u, a M n. Morgan Uving in Mr>t. BurnetCa apartmentx. Tim coiore<t ★ oman cam* to thlii city on a canal boat in search of her husband. Tho woman aud the chiidren were Mut to Jersey City. _

irm toM d,; r , i r aikUFor New Jersey tO'inorrittr the Weathoy

.Bureau prcKlicte fair and slightly warmer weather, with southerly winds.

C ITY N E W S N O TES.County Pliyxlclan Elliott wax summoned to

10 Searing street this morning to iurextigate a sudduu death. John W. Beok, a middle-aged man, had beeiiselsinl with eplteptlo fUi about d o’clock this morulng and before axiixtano* re^hud birq ho dlod.

At the Bciavllle Athletic ClnbhouM to* niglit a pool match for theeliMiplonahipof the Rosevlllex and Bloomfield Cyolerx' Axso elation wlU he played. William Bowne, wha won the ohamploiiihip for the RoteviUM' from tho North End and Rtvenlde oluba»wtU represent Roeevllle, and Percy B, Johuion tha Bloomfieldi. The game wUl to lo rtto b M i out of fiOd pointa. ^





Th* Y o o n ; H opsful o f N ow ark P la ­

inly to Got In to th« Sw im .


T iu l niMlr i ) u Jurlulirlloii In Ih . Pivn)- IH* nail th . lin x 'llk . Niriirturri, t'allm l llallilHC-liuH..., Ar« ll*ln( Hurt* ur 1..M H ap a lm l-l '.im U j ih . I 'l tr ’. n a r l le r ln i l'o |ia lallun la I.Irrua.il lu Pliin*« Inin K aiM lr'. C'ucillaR ll'.a ra Lnl* la HRj or Bnrijr In iFuna—Tallia Wllh M.aara. Muti*

j Mul Joralciuuii.

lluriOK il» !»*'■ "•• 'i ’"’ll™■wrltM-lui h u t w u wiltmif all huiuaiiily Rial th r mrrcury uaarly cauaml tlimuDiiiB- tnra to burat, iiiany jimoiia wuia branl tn aak "W hmthaa bacumr iif thn jiubtin batb- boUMa r

Then) llngmal In ttni iiilmlt o( many i ll!- iBDa a rmtilkictiau tliatUia dtyunutH] two boi-liltn atrm’turaa that had bMO uard fur tba [lurjjoaa of glrlnK (imiiiu of rllh rr *nx a etaanra Ui <-uol tlumiMdvw lu ihr w atan of ti» l*amal(! dnriug tba hut aua ii. Tha loial) buya ui>wially I'aigirmliarni tUa f r « hatha, fur thay bars Ihwh a niureu of dallght to tha averaijfl youiijjaUr.

It baa baan the uaiiat riutiiiu aarli y ia r to throw Uia batna utKin tu tha puhIU' thn latlor l a r tu t Mayor <«r)y In Juiia, arrunllUK lo tlm waathar. Thia niuiith tlw Uirrmuinntar haa baau biuy a t wurk In the alRlitlaa and iitDatlH for a uumlirr of daya yat tha hath- houaH are atill .tucli faat lu tba mud uii thn bank Ot tha riaar, a Jittia north of tba f^aauio boathottaa NulHidy aaaiiui tu know Juit why thay bava not la>au jiut In cmniniHlon and nobody auuia to larti to abouUrr the raayiootlblilty for the ilalay. t 'nrtaJn i t la th a t aunw OUT ia to blame and woo would ha tu tha polltloal aaplratlona i< that )« rt)ru lar paraoD tt aw ry email boy who uww tha tuillia oould caat a aota u>t alwut the p reun t tliua.

Tba baUiU|{ luiuam are under the joriadic- tion of tha Hoard of Worka lu an attem pt to laarn when the liatlit would ha oponal a N iw e raportor lallnl unium aot thn t'uuir mieabuiara lu-ilay. Mr. Kuhn niiild five no ruaou why tba tMtha ware not lu uea, ai- oepk th a t tha aunarlntanilaut hail not Immi appouetad yat. 11a aald Couiuilwluner Jnmt«. moB bail liaeu yivan authority to make the appoliitmeDL but that waa the laat ha had baard of It. Mr. Jurtlaiuuu, when aaaii latar, aaplalaad that the rbanipi In the Hoard of W wks waa mainly rreioniihla for tha a|» u r a u t h iuty. Man ware put to work a w ^ afu, tba (.'omiuiaalouer nal'l, to make p ta iM rwpalra awl the houaai would Iw doau ^ aa Kou aa they were in a lit omuli- UUB.

"B u t,’* adihal Mr. Joralaumn, “ our Bh|W- intandent, Mr. Muiidy. kuowa mure about that ihan 1 do. 1 Kia juat going tu aae him sbonk tham.'*

While watting: for aii opportunity to eaa -iutandrut Hiindy the rrpiirb f paid a

tha bathuig-houur* a t their niuiL moorlng plaoe. Tba alructurea are lu a vary poor condition. Thay are rainabwkla In ap-

Supariuta Tlak to

pcaramw anil nutny at the lliiiliora lit the lower lactlun haw rotted away. A aniall pile of lumbar lay on the groimd nearby. A little patebiug here and thnrr bad bneii dona, but from tha louka of tbingi <waaid«r- ahle tinkering will be napiirad to put the old buiidlnga tu lair condition. Tha roof of one la tunkan in pUcaa and louka ready to fall. B ran tbaakla baami which faolda tha faatau- Ingi fur ruuorlug the himaia tu ducki are da* oaysd and parted in placva. The paint la dingy and railing off, and, taken altugathar, liia botnea look anything but inviting. New runa which have leouiiUiiura the only brlgbtr looking apobi In either imiUlug.

In an lBb*rvlew KujiarluUmdent Mundy ■aid that Jamaa llawkiiu had been ap- polBted auparlntenilent uf tlie batb-houaM. Tlw new aupariuteudent had begun work yaatanlay nmrulng, Jlr. Mundy annl, and ha •xpeoted to have one ot tha baiuai afloat this votk .

Mr. U undr aaid further that thehouaea ware hardly lit to he u«vi, hut he waa not al­lowed to ipeud any more luonay on them than waa abaututaly naeeaaary. He would have them patched uu ha aaid, but they would not be painted. The Ilrat houau to be put In commlaaluii would he towed ilok'n straam and moored lu the vicluity of Mad­ison atreet. The other would, aa uauaL ha placed aomawhore nrar Kourth avenue.

Tba nu|wrintendent alao gave the change In the make-uu of the Hoard of W ork, aa an siqpae fpc. the tardlutiaa . la .AattUig Ui* boueea in poaltlou. "B ecauter he aaiiL

you aee It tstra ao long fur iuch a ixiard to get down to buaineaa.’’

Then the au|ieriudeut aiiuko of tha water lu tha Paiaaic aa being uunt fin: liathiug and aaid If he hiid hU way he woulil liave two largH, artiflclal free batlu couati uctwl to h« fllM every other day with I’equanunck water, and would do away with the liver baUu autiraly.

In the meantime the anuill hoya will have to take chauuea with the pilioe and awl in intiiAfvuul ftr rlvAir usaltmir fox* “ <l6 bwlUl’


Ka.t Oranie lieta a H .dnrilun lu lha Tuan- (y Aaara.mrnt of Over gH,OlMI--Naw

aiihurheli Traetloli PraiiehUr.The i^nitrov.ray lietwi im tlio Kaat (Iranun

Townatilji ami the numty over the liuTeasel laa valimtloio put H|Hin the h.wiiahlp h r the roiinly Hoard of .te-'— ira wan aiiu"imi wl ae Hnally aeltlel at the oieetiiig of the Towti- ehipt'anm ltleelael night. Judge J. Kreiik Fort re|e>rtid hi the coniniittee, that ha hmi a hill from Ihei vnintv .\iidllor agaiml Hw lownahipfor fh.n.MM, which wa« Juat half Iheainouut that had lieen put u|inn tiu-towii ahip hy Hie iiu reoae iu tlie valuatioiie to UtayMNai. The reduction waa the result iif the mint lietweeiithe tnwiiahlpeiidthecDuuty.

.Mr. i'urt apoke of the aaalatanca he had re- ivlvel from the Aaieaaora, and aaM that It waa largely duii to their extra work tiuit the mvlug liad hern accompllahed. The Towu- ahip I umnillUie (vmttrnie'l the ai'tion taken tiy the Town l ounaai and ordered the bill |iald.

Mr. Fort aho )ireaeiit«l a new franehlae for the Muburlmn Trai'thm Cimiiiaiiv, which filial the roin|ieuaatiun for the right to run elia trlc care on Dodd and Prw|>ei't atreeta a t tligi lair luile for tha tlrat live yeani. for the wcoud Ilv* yeara, gkJU for the ttnrd live yeart, ami Wm for the fourth ttveyeare. Tlie frauihiae waa referred to the iltwd < 'oin- iiiillee

In tha regular nieatliig tlie Hoad l ‘uniimt- tee maiiniti.n led that a fu u r tmit atone aMe- walk ho lapl on the weat ahla of Pi‘'m|aa’t plaiv and that tin) Clerk he Inaiructwl buol- verliao for hida.

Uu the rpconiniendatloo of the Hewer CuniinitUaiIt waa daoided tu lav a wwer lu IllrarJ avenue, from Dodd to llllbai atreet, a t a ouat uf aleelt Nkk). It waa diwldwl tu build a hoaehuuae In the Third Vt'anl. Cum- mllteenian Ellar want«l a hnaehmiw built iu the Kirat Ward, alao, but hia inollou wna loA aacoiidal. Frank A. Fattarwm waa elected a iiieinlier of the ttra dopartincnt and aaalgueil to iioaa Omi|iany No.'J, Tht Water ( lUii- n illtn recoiiioieiidau that the aiiiii of $M,.NW ho placed lu lha tax levy for water puna***, and alao that kAk hydrauta wera In 0|a<ra- tlon. The Ordinance Cuminitba) raportwl that prompt action ahauhl lie taken hy ttie roniinltloo lu relation Vi the abHija of the houaea In Truaadal row, on Malu atreet, which project a foot and a half over tlw lino. Thn iMual BigiruprlatluiH wore mailo.

Tba unllnalicua rMpecting the acceptance and grading at Kenahaw aveiiuo and In rofareureto the alactric wiroa on Main alraet were laid over until the aecuiiil meeting in July. The ordlnaiioaa rwimidiiig rei-kte«a driving ami creating the olnce of Building Inapectur were uaaaml on Iholr third ruadiug. On motion of Mr. Unppop, Jaiiiea laaiming waa ap]Hilntad Building inapacbir for the tarni of one year. Hide wuro opuuwl for tbo icaveiiger aarvlua. They were aa follow*: laatah King A W'llhain C. Halley, klckio: Taylor A Juiioa, fdOlkh John Fiiian, fJ.Pkl; Jacob Daltrich, IU,T1W, Curnollua Doylo A Co.. K..W.V The hide were referreil Pi the Ordinance f'onimittee. The Kiuauoc t.’oin- mlttea, through Mr, Brueii, auggeelwl gpi per month lit allowud the Tax Haaielver fur tha extra labor that haa devolved ugmu him hy the MtabllaliiiieDt of the eiiiking fund.

L'oiuuiltteenmu CoyuB rotnplalnal of the Orange authorlttiM iluniptng refuie on the )Kmr farm In the Kaat OraugeTownahip, and the Chirk waa luatructeil to notify the iiruper perain that It would nut be allowail In the ful


WItllB l^uHimi^ntiig F.nrli Otli«ir V laieuttr.mid ^iili)i»n« Kri>t i'j»

• Ifciniiilag ('onsrrAftftdkna

A Vi'ry ^nmli uu-Iium- ■ jirt»uutl LouU‘* Hal!. UamN'iii. la-t fur u ^ r ly twoli'iur* iA:tUhi)( fr.r i|n* Umt- '*t thtt lo-L'klUil litLtTi«i>ii 1 om|Miny t'» bruin.TIh' matiaKr*niriit uf thr **rorti]i*uy ” whkh, by III*’ no way mutiertwl vullJi Uirl« rtv win* (‘ondui tr*! thu UH affairuixirr lluit 1ml 4‘oiiaisU uC l^aikly Mi>

jLii i uiii- or two utin*r«. ita( anniml kIuui au'l dim'UiukilaU* at tb r •lifti at-

totnluiKHF ami lirlU pt*oioni <ki A itii III” Alui th rir Ijai'kxnt, Fnially,aftrr llir nmlirorr had iiintiifr«UHl |u ilba|>* iMUtiUiiLnit ihti ilwAppruval l3i FilaiiipinKt i axim b) tlwcomdiuioiitimt a fi'Mt.*" In the |iarlanrp uf rlux-Kurfft, wtiM iijuvilAlun. lie t<» iimke tb*i betitof a b<uHiar>(iiin and (Il> wiuit he o<mld Ui l ive Uh* |M*ti|i|r MHm‘t,hiu(c for their money.

In hm rxtrriiiily hr to A.Hurrell, of Uk* raRtinie AUilrtiu I'lilu of Xew Yurka tolM'lth blm L>ut ufhla dtlamma.

Haiti Umt whilix thr ('OtniMiiiy wimbi " kK the iitlU* end of dv h« wan In |4&y the iHjitir* a ilay * auil IrtUpi 'a t liuil." Mi-OuliiiCiui aUi'tbutdHl Ux* fpiMit tu tb« fuiblli'atlou lu tt l'w»l iiewepajHT of a para^i'ui^h anuimni*iiix{ il^ai waa uul liKxly t* ** ‘

the abunr............ EHMIilMlff IlM lltMbdfMl,

[uirrrll <vn*»*ntrii to li*”tiUtiii the aituaUim to the audiniir^ itml hfwttM li rxeUiii With a round uf ap{ilauseM heaallhrd loaard Uie fouUiKida.

Mr. HuitpiI hOgraii.“ H-Mji-ay I" yeliiit Uie rrowtl and liurrell

bowod ni^am.•*(i«iitJxuii?u," hu r r pea tod whon ordor wai

r<eit4)rrti, "uwing tu a luiRuuihTNUniJU jc the i]iatmt,'» m*’iii, hail been U> fort^u the|>reiintiiiary K|»arrjug iKmiR. Hue of the unwHifajiore imbllsiked a Rlal^nient

• • Kfiiiif • • •


W hllr a t t tfd r» . T h ti Ktate. KRprrliorni* lnK. H r llttR m r » l l—The Fam-

.ll]r tVorrlrd.niuiiia* A. F.ill«m, Uw Inventor, fa lying

a t hi* hiiiTic, lu l.ltiwellyn 1‘ark, aulTering from an Injury which be received while ail- ting on the ]*irch a t hla iHwrillng houae, In llgdcn, N, .1., Ia«t Fridayaflamooo. Mr. Kiln-iii hail lnwm at Ogden for eight weeka cx|*‘nmenting in the mlnae with hit ore aap- arntor. Krliiay aflerno,in, Ju«t tiefore din­ner, while Heateil on the tKiri'h, tua chair col-

and he, fell heavily to the floor, Ho pii-knl himwelf up iiuiokly and thought no ninrc of the mvurrenou until ho waa atmut to ■ri*e nil Hatlirday morning; when be fait a iiaiiiful atlffneai In hia btaly.

Mr Edlaon arrived home on Hatnrday night much worae than ha ha<l haen during tha ilay. Hunday morning the faiiiih phyal- clan waa callei; In, but lie thought little ot the matter, though he proai'rib«l for the pa- iient.

The family felt much alarm all day Hun- dav, thinking th a t Mr. KiUaou bad n ^ v a d liijnriea which had partially paralyaed him. YeaUrilay the Inventor tinjirovwl conafdara- hlv. To a N iw a reporter tlila inumlng Mta Kijiaon laid that her Iiualiand had [itaHil a very cmrifortaDlv night and that her mind waa very much relieved. Mri. Kdlaon aleo etaual that ehe felt much worriwl yeaterday.

KCIOMB a m i ri*AT* TO LET.rj*o i.gi111 priHiiii* >1 , nr Ilea*. T Cma am A e'lg wal'r fit III Hnii>ji)enc. Lear lloav, t ruiima.. . - IVai aeuir ai.. arcuiiU anV thirl Unoi* 1 rwim. It

A iw) Ih# new c -t. cf and t room* each tl anii tt a*iar at : ininrovemeou. fa* aievea: inw n-nt Aepiyw Juagi-ll M. aAVBk.TtI bread«.. iBiid floor.



r|iin tK K .VK'K T Alifi HOOMH TU I.gnXJR talralava and llnilmiil. Afplr at uuM Ii

l.'IIPU!<.iauaiitlwlav*B»a a^'ll l.*T, y riT M A ' itr, I e i* uu"***'teeetid niatfill impi«v*iB«iiia.repHI»: h « - - . tBiraflMr,'LIZ KprljkiA«ifl ovt. Av« rwnB,

1109C, M AMurNt.irim rffubia, M«k F HKYMi At’O .

Itml wtt«\iuti, HE not U>>l)»)>p<»liilyou.

miLb'ti first, Aixl

tbttuuMl ur rW»r wklUug humtwt to bbo MMUHl

■rtuii thiit It would not be allowed uture. The Coueulldetotl Traction Comuit:

wim Initructed tu retwiive the etreet iu front of it* «tabl«M and <«rbuuec. U our^ Htevemoo wAi ajipolDted intpector uf inaoMUiD work to 1m done oix nawiex avenuti. Tbe pulkifl and Artmen were {ranted Are dayi’ Teallon. ^ ^

nirric i^L T iK H i> uidUOfiriKM >.T ram fen «f AppropriatlonewThe JHonl-

(uBkery stree t lirl<lge>-Mewer«.Tbe recxnl burKUrlee ami tucendiary flree

a t Bluuiilflblil were cwlled up a t the llluotu- Aeld Towuibip Coramittcc tm^etltk^yeetenUr afternoon, when ( bicf of I'olice I'owwi asked that the Police iJoinndttot^ be {iveti power to expeud a »um not to exceeil to rmploy eotiM:! one outside the regular police to do detectire work. Thn rtMiuont wen >(rauied.

The dog tax luhjFH't nl^o canie up. The cominlttoe hxt iMued an ordinaD(*e a u z of | l on all duxR« wi^t'h is additional to a tax that ilog-owntart bare ixwn Towu I'uutuai Doild itaritHl that tbu ad* ditlonal tax would save tlie aidiuali from cleRtructioii; that dugH wUu are »o rcgUtereil and paid for can’t m killed. Ko far there tiare U«Q forty d o ^ regl^^tered. In the event of a ragi^teretl dug twiug killed the owner can recover itaiiiagee* I>aulHl Murphy has askflii for the pueltiuu uf dug luspeotur.

As to the wiLteidug uf kloatgnmery street balilge, for wliicU the citlauni a t the auniuU town iiwting votetl to expend thalegality of such uu ez[icQiliture was ques* tiom>>(L (Jhainuaij riw unsaid:

^*The iiiijiruToineut ought to be carried out, I hare no doubt, but tliat Uo'tr the quMtlom If wo are duliiji: wrung in oue Uiing we u»y l>e iu otherH.'^

Mr. Powers said that, as the gas approprla- tluu bad been eK'ewlei, the gas would prolJAldy have to Iw put out ami the towu would he in flarkneiui until n wuy OLndd be found (Hit of the ddUculty*

The riKlils of towunidp cumnilttnes tu the nmtter nf taking moncYe from appropria­tions for other am m nU that linve beim overdrawn will be made knowru by i^uunsel at next nieetitig.

John Urovrn, of nU»oinfleld. sent in a bill of un aix'nuiit of thedrivowny to Ids liouMe lielug obelruricii during the sewer fon'druftlon. The bill is for furty-two ilavs at n (lay. It was iwrerrsd to Uie C'ommitr Uw on luAws and Kranebisef.

Bids fur the const rnetion of N'were un I)ougUii and Hntidltuu ruacU and LdicoId street, in tlie Glen Illdge WM' un, were re- ccire<i from T. J. itegan, i>f Newark; M. J» ('aUahaii, Bloondield; ilenrge P. Olcottv East Orange; Henry N. Unwd K Co., and A* Tigh(\ Orange; L. H. Benedict. BluumtlRid, audd. Puglia, Paterson. The letter did not get in his bid until after the Xiiuv rr«iuirsd and it was thrown out. The bhU wpi'e re- fenvHl to the Hewer ('ominittfu tu examine and rtipoit at tin* next meeting.

The tVaU*r C’uimnittw rc^Mirhsil that p r«- iiin* would l>e abided to-day by the Kast Or­ange Cotiqianv. l.'harltM Dmigla.'is was up- Eruved uf as i niviiiU'r of lhe« Company


•Ml* jou M heifaln. a,

A -I IIAVK IMMirKHTiKa KOJl in svery ward ef the eitr sad wUl «lve

W. Uk KiKY, ne Broad tt. Tiy

\ lPlPHlto, FARUn, LOT*. m ’NlXKHB KN- •lerfirlMs, S'>14 or eirhHerwi (lukcklv oom

mrrt uU pti|>«ri nagitllated ; iisritisfk procured upui HKkmAa' 'i ^LBprla|fl«lilava Kl>

AFFAIKH IN MONTi'LAIlt.Uaalnesa Transacted hjr the Common Couu-

cl]"A Lively Tilt.Chalruian Wilson, of the Montclair (.V>ni-

moil Couucil, bad a tilt with Meesre. Kaud> ford and English at the meeting of the com* mlUee last night. Mr. EngUsh uffercHl resolution to theeffei^t thuiun the last day uf the month tlie vlerk should make out tlie warrant# fur the police offleers, so tlmt they could have the niuiiey ou time and riot have tu wait a long time for It. Mr. English had a giKxl supfsirter in the [H>rson of *Mr. Kuiid- foril, and Ixith hod a lively time trying lo make the chairman svu the niatlcr as they did, but he |«rii|sted that all bills Mhuulil tw iwid at the sainit t LU( Mr. English's re#uluticu was defGaUMi. The inability to find tlie Trecuiurer nt bis |HHt was also a cause of amiplaiiitv Kud ho will rtow Ih‘ or­dered tu U; a t his utTlce ul certain hour# ©very day.

Mr. Crane, t^balriimn of tiie Sewer (^>ni- tulttec, remlored the appruxiititiliU cost of the ©ewers to be laid 111 various hw Uoiis of the towu, aii(i uiKin tho ret'elpt of a de|ioidt {laid to tba town hy Ihom dt Miriiig bew(*rs, the towu will pruciMMl to iiiV the sewers. A hiHir* ing of the pr(D|>erty-owuent along the tboroughfarw where the maius are to bo laid will be LeM un July HI.

Mr. Tbuinpsuti pnm'uUHi unliuance# iu latiup to dogK rnuniiiEal Large, and alw) «s to the dem^ratluu of tliu Hubbatb Uy picnic parties. They w ere passed lo second reading.

liotective riwgrova, of Newark, mi recuih- meudatltm c f tha Pclk*© CommitUss was granted tha reword of ShMi fur the i-apture, some tifoa ago, of the burglar# who were uperatiug in Montclair.

Owiug lo tha many complaints niai.lR by ciUxeusuf tha hloL'kaling of the siraotshy tha tnoTing of bouses, Mr. Thimipeuii made a motion that uu |»criiiite Iw graute<l to auy ana for more Uiwi two blocks. The m atter was left to tho disoretion of the CouncU.

As applic-utions fur liquor licensee cum- mane© to ruu from July 1, the iMjtmnUtt*© re- oaivad luauy applicati(jus last night, a<'lloii on which was deferriHl uutll Thtiriwlay Qlgbt, when a piihim hearing will bo given the dtixena for and aganist licanaes.

there w ill ba a wrmtliiig .. then Mr. Hiddous aud Mr. .HcGiiiggan will carry out tbair part of the prcgJ'amtu© in a teu-roiitid IfouI.'’

Thu ttudh'Ui^ rei^tvtHi the newt uf tha ‘‘umnageiiient'M’* drK'isliAi m a forgiving spirit and applauded w hsn Animmicer Bur­rell tluisinsl hi# litlla spenid). Tim ]iros|MS't uf a stiff iMttle Iwtwaeu tua famous "enst- Irmi" pugilist of New Orh^HH and the Eani Newark lad made up in a muasura for tha disAppolntinent. The sis^rbi were repaid fur their aiiiiablhty by wiiuuH>iiig a (‘l«*au, »ricn- tlhc cuntfsit, lu wiilch .McGinggan lha

and held tho laiui all tJie way. Kererre Jiin t'ruwf, uf Oruage, at the cunulusuui of the bout, oalled the lialtlH a draw, much to the diuialUractioii of 1 lie N|>ectHt<irs. whu vetiUMl tiiair liisplaasufo in proiuugtNl bissei.

While Mciiuiggan aud Si idons w«‘ra gat- tihg ready tha ring was isn’U|wed by William Provost, a sturdy yomig Wlow^ and TIni McGovern, a typical “ old 'uii, ‘ whowrcstldl two livaly bouts. l’n>VMsrs ytuith served him 111 giHHl stead and lie “ turned ' TIni Ifuth Uines. Iu 8m. Ala Htid 8m. '-HU. respiHr* lively. Thau “ Hilly” Weldi. tha “ LiUIh J ohn li.J’ who was billwl to nuHjt “ Plucky Jnek ’ Komite, of Newark, and ('uuiiia Hid- livan, whose name apisMiwl on tba bills In conjuinction with that (jf “ Jock” \Vard, sparred tbn*E* lively roiimk Jamas rurran , an JrjHli cumaiUaii. whose “ face is UU for­tune,'' sang a coinic song and daaoad a few staiM, while Hidduns lounged in his corner waiting for MHhiiggau tu apiH'ar.

Preeautly M<*Guig|(aii, wearing a sh'evsleiM blue shirt and wintc brcaf'hclout, stappsd intu the ring, fuhow4«l py Ids attandauta, Gtorga Butler, of Kmrny, sad .Austin MitK'b* all. Hiddons was hM>kc.l after by “ Jm i’' Laralley Cbarla# Ibirkc and John White, t'liarley Nortuu and “ Tom'* Meehan kept the Uma.

Mciluiggan started lu a t Mm gong and made a livalv {laco, lauding l»oth hands hard anderften. Hniduus deiended hfliwHiK well, slopping moat L>f the viciuns imnchea with arm or •butildcr. Biddmis countered wall t|vice^ but Ihi* round WHS plainly MoGulg- gau 'a PadLly was iiut (]uite so eager in the next, but still pnuclicil hard and of tan enough to remind Hiddous that bo was fight­ing. He lanilad right, then left, then, refer- riug to Hiddons's rw'flnt eucouiiter with young Egan, Minercd audibly:

“ y o u ’ra nut doiug so riiu(Dh ktddin’ this tiiiva r

“ Nope," BUS wared Kiddona as ha drovu home a vicions one at Paddy's ribs, “ got a batter man this time.''

lu tha next Sidddoiis laiuh^l left and right In the bri-ak after a eJim h. “ You're foxv," bissad the Harriaon tn»xer Ijatneen all daiicbad evening up niattars au instant later a# tbo man couie b>g6thcr In a wicked rally, by buttiug the “ rastiruD Man with hi# head over the left cyc, opauiug a gOHh from which tha bUiod straamad. A oUlm of foul was mivle but not alUiw<^..BI*^l^ns landed both handiuixhis nuitTaSwLlvldLui# played t.'oiiiiuuitlly fur Pad-ly’g rlW, but failed to roach, and ho changaif tohrean and bead with more success. Until the eighth Hidjons wori roL'idver-guneral, theu he wok© up and Ktftggcnsl the TlarrLscm buy with two quick blown tm the neck. That was tho first ri*#! oxtv-ulion he did ax<'©pt In tba Klxtli, when b# raisc'l Moliuiggaii off liU f*t*t with a smash uu the stomach. Mddnns I'L pentcxl rho neck blows toward till'( Ud (»f the rouud, which ulosel witti a hot exclmtjges. Tht> ninth was aU Ifc fulgg#*1 ^ blit in the teulh Sidduns sent ie a

left that jaiTi'd Paddy's frame. McGulggaii rushed, ami m the tdixich lamlad half h du//*n haixl ones.

I wouldn't do that to you, Piwldy,” said Sldduns, Thu r<*iind eiiiliHj as the men brnkc from another ciluch, Mcfruiggaii laudmg again on i Ijh ln-pak. The rcferec'i's .drcisiuii, uiuklng th<* alfair n draw, wh;% hissnl round­ly. UjiiMjfilHi aXcwai’k llghtei>i, whom Mo- Uuiggnn pniiniscd tu “ par a good dty'H wagi*is ' sjiiii laUT that he “ didn’t gat enough out of It lo i>j»y for a kidney stew’.^

I.- OHAALK NLW VnllK AVF,.Ftltin RnOMA.' MF): Walaul s t, • ro<ims. ; auum Ifinlh

«L..|i,TV1; llunMnloa sr., t roottlA Vi.FlQ; Astor Ri., jiMr '©Tooma, |i,oou: » w it., x*«-siory. iruotts. U.00CX HiiriNt sA. 10 rwroa |4 . ^ r, nF.VJtK A iX>., tlo #pr1r4ffltl4 svs. bpao ©Ten- lllfS

r i io1 QB

rsnifliFT -S K'Hi.'l** W Ff-iHia.** PLANRBT... in# UB©n

SUQornrr Jamet SL nswiy palaiad w# psp©*^II ^Nl'tiK.V, Itl Hlfti st

rpt> Lt.T 1 ilfhleO roomSv

W AVhnLV IM.fly* plta\sat riMxui.

H MTON ^T.. •#: * I.AHdF. W* RLL- Also I Urv* room*.

Apply »*TiHi.iNLi a t. «^Tl> LCT, THRki OR

TirRB'*TFH 71 ITV end floor jl3 p*t moath.

.l i iu fs.

KiMlHH, ftFOvS71

FTCa. WANTFD,Ki»OMN, FLATH,ixiKiWH w a!<tkh. rw u thhrk UK-Ikfunitibad rooms for Uf)U%*Xs#i)lSf:<vstrsl !©•

ostlofi And lueUvrB lropro> #ruenU. Addr***I UiKjMn Bo* M, aNsAT ©Me©*l>FjoAia F i . A T w , kT ’BK^.8AIM>NbItwaniRd: all parM of city; ©rtperty Mkv© laehars*. Tam# feJ __ISh BkBM .^N. rsBlIfit #k*rit Ul aprUnflald av*.




I.mjH halv- f i r h v ht., r r i h s m ©tokrstiil H n»am«. prk#. |S,TS0; Brooms st. ne#r

w#vf rlf ©1.. store #nt] 12 r iums, ronis for f4X) y#ar. pii<'© Al.BXi: Hairory St. slur* #ad 14 ruoma rtnti fur 44S4 resr, prk<* F BKVkH A CO., IShprlDKt1#14 #va < lp*n ©vinUif #

.imlSTTS aafl smill.

( U n THF MT.all tfliprorenisntik

/ ILINTON HT. 12 10 LfT. I.AHOR riM>KT I wmi. furnished for Uf« housoksspnif ; wawrOQ f l t M i r __________________' iLi KTOK ax.. T4^URHmilRl> BOOH# F IRlioC fsadsiuoa u#if>

(^ HT.. lfl©~

iLlK-n)N HT. » Ft’KNlBIIlB FRONT yroofos, wii© b*lh pflfllH*- _ _ _ _ _ _ _

............................... LOUhL* ORMNOLIC,©iMieoiinwtnA riKtdit, aicsiy rurid«a«d , bo#rd|

Uif 1 all tiuprovSinfiiA. ______________J

I.HOKMAlaX onHKNT VISA THUCK FAHU, 1 snnsIslIttxofaboutalRvsiiaarosof nlftilr odVi< vat*d land. wlUi hoana and hariv l«o^laa at f'tal l.’ llamiHirf niaoa, and MFlildaclty lloaitt: rtntal flvi hnadf©] anilsri par ysar Addroo IlKWKI Apar r*ar.IMIII.UPH'HIRON WOitKH. .HswaTE, K. J.

aALK. A THURK-HTOHY oontalnlnk II rooms; sultabl* fbr two

rsnitlli^: all in#d*ra Laaprovanianis, Inigilra <>i owner, 2U oUhMivX AVi>.Mni)kE-*l>'OR




\'aJnaULjQi mala on linprovad and ualaiprovst proparty. (!*uiaadlvlil«Nl ; VotLrr Firtlle 7-I

WILL BUY A two-fam ily t* Vt M fhemsa naar > mmal At. ftailou:or

will r*nl111ffWid teiiaat at low flfure. HHliWN A M'HLKMNUKK, 74SMd 74# llroail at. Mm

RAHOAIN; LOT OV lOCTJI t j i o l M Ifctfhih *1., n*a* Cantral av©.; all Im-prn> atnrnla Ingolra ilSF^'d’TH KKHITH h i. l



HUrUdNO LOTH. VAlLKBUBn-FOR AALF, fuur nlctSr localaJ bulidtna lots on A. Kmltli

astsia ; Stan iDls on nnath urant# ava. ittcjulr* VS u. wgLBHAK, cor. Bouih oranft ava and Han­ford St *iri

LHAHTI'AUX h i., ©t-.NlCRLT FURKWtlRDr* ■ *r roOiB* Ui iatT.1 LM wT.. ia-fu r» i«iied nooMa, liu h rJjhouHkrvpins. ___________________ TH/IIUIVK HT., M-HMV>mi).v)TORY AlaOO vFfronl iwHiv 10 1*1, foraligad. ___

Ha il e y «r.. »--FUHNiAHFn hooma,llflit hotualcaaiiiitv. fZ. jiW : hail roncus. |l.T0i

Vt-KNlHHRD ROOMH FORSRHow aiii) ar.,ai .

IlKbt bousHkatplac ami a©a siaflaAIDKN LANK, U

\ f ILKKKitV ©r...«>Liif)Lt bousali*apin<. la, 92 u.

NICKLVpionis. wllh waiar and Hnv*.


mtNieUKD R o u i^


i v n 'i i m *■ I iroums lo let.


X l’ AKltl.VHTON HT-. IM - ru R S ia iiri) TV room’ fbr llsht faiHisaksepInc ©rilagtagoulla

men ; ail nnpruvstuant<._________________ Ttl

riK N IH H K lI R04»HH WANTED.ricfc, yrHMRHil) R'lOM WANTED IN S prlvala (atmly It a yiiunf man. wlihin iO edBi-

uias' walk ofeurnvr Ilro^ auu Clay si#1 HOOM, Box C, Raws oOlM.

Apolawood.42*1 PflR BUlt.UtPft* lAJTS AT SPOTSWlxm,

J.,*4 mliM from Nawam. PHnnsyivneta nest sladoa t poaltltoly this weak sidy ; Is-

■ ‘an.arPLEBY, U Hnast, Waw Ynrk.

Cread, sialinnits lalten.


n RTACHKH HOUHK WANTED. 7 ROilMHOU mora, .Nawark or Oraot© : fbw hundred down ;

balaii** aasy (arms. Addresa C. HAHTINUH,W. I htriy-flrat su, K. V. CUy. ___MlA ir ANTFD--S » natad: abou

full partleulart to A W. QI'RNTRALLY

natad : about IM S ot M.OOO. Apply, iflvlas ■ •" " "!HV, 70© Br .ad 't 31

w a nted , t UK 4 rURKISUED on J.Vptr[iy Fiiruishal rooms. In iioud order, fhr llflbt huuwkwvulrig : Tlclalty of Ctntrai ava.1 P. 0., Boi K. Naws offlri.

NTOHEH, LOFTH, E T C a .^ O ^ L E I^

H” k!CK FAtmiRV. iOXE. TO let , t h r e siorlaa. 411 Markat i t Addrms4«1 BftOADBT.

HCaiNFJW LOFIW TO RENT AT IU AND IS© Karkat«L: food hualaeM locaHo# sulUMafor

liybt wanufscturlnt. Apply to 6b J aMu l hath. 74© Broad«i■ .HAtTORY-fO LET, TUKEE FLOQK8 WITH Jr pow*r and olAVator In building 9»r. It aii road pL and CommaroaiL iiujulraor 46T C. CURHIEA A BOKO, opposito.


i ; HOUBER ■ro. laET.

V -A .-A . *1 HATFl^Ibli'IcRTiraTO RENT vinaTsry ward of tba ally and wlU raut m-

aanabty. e. w. i ■ E KAY. 70© Broad si.

n OUHK T<1 r.RT.M FRItflV HT.; J IlOuM#convanianoea; rasttlASOpArfnoDtli. Ajiplr

T. ItENBblcr Broad it.

o r r a w it h pow er and steam h e a l

Naw buiLdlof; IlghtvU ©mod nsinn lM ati


mt4 Or lha Csmrma Vuooli ©fiba .^twark. as fnliowt:



Li ITY OF XEWARE.-Ai?6limNM<CM RE- ■paetmt laxas Mr iHL

Da It ©iwity ©r .'sewar--------------HactLia I. lhat tharv ba ©sasmad, miaaH hy laiaa

sad collsii (1 «i)aa and fhim aJl iwrauiu raskllna. amt lands looatad la itas ©Hy of Nvwarli, tba flginw- tUfSUlM* to wli.Far llfhtbi© Ih* siraela o4 tba city............. ftlMNt Vir lb* mslBiaaaiMi and support of Ihs

and Alms I eparimani E,Q0©For rafulstinf, Hranlna aiMl kaapla# in ra-

pSlMha siraaisaiul hCfliwaysFor rtfuliLtlni, liapruvliis and lha public fmuiwls and parks

Pt>r rapatniir aod liictdsnial tspanssa (O|T©bih' buiidinfi. IRdo©

For ihr eoMtructioA aud rvpair^of brtdgaa. . 3,WT For tba conMfuoiloii and rspain nf croas-

w alk l.................................. 4pMFar th<< curr*atsip«'nSasaf pubilr kHuwIs,

rXeluiMiva of rials appro^slloa aad nftwo iiitiirai................ - ................... iTLtsi

For tlMSU|ipon of industrial acboais SQOFnr ihr tuppori nf Hi* Pnlk© i apartnu*nL. . Ilt.tcp© For tha Mippori oMba Fir* Dtpart:nant .. Ill,13© For soppiyint tba city wl ib walar tar iha

ilntmahuiratrH'ilrta.............. LXUFur rental of bads In boapiuis aad iu Ey* #©dWm.r inarOMU# .. . IlWMIFar ih a s u ^ r t ofiiia bapanmaiit of Kip

he tlaaltar..................................... HA*For TWKulaline. clsaniiif and taeylnf In p«-

polr iba public sawars.............................. 4MUFor refalsllna and katplng in rapsif tbawbarvas a ^ docks oriks d ty ................. l.HiX'or tbtt ac©v»uf*r (wniraiH............ «........... UaSOlFeraaioiiutuf uucoUsetad parsonal latM ofIISI._..................................... I OD©For aassaalaf and cnilacilac iba laias of tba

olty........ LCO©ror Vira Jiapanmani CommUta©...... ......... l.lfl©Tor lha payasant of Interaatupoa (ampororyipmn....... . iMio

For eufttat ViMoart aad malnianaara ©fpublio baths......................................... MH

fordtCalcsLUon......................................... h*Far la ^ ^ and taj^lrtsf aldswaJ k i ............ t,UHFor ©lalnbaunes aad aupport of a ip

llurary. 'ot luaintsunat at armory........................Exaeuiiv# Dapa/tmant, Board af Hiraatand

Walar Commimlautra...............BurVejroFi lifparinisnt, Honrd df lroat and

Waiar cnmmiaaioiMm.............................bacibml AiKlaisu,afurLbaTMj>aclsltaao| fS,000> to pay tUa lolarall uiKia |4b0.- uOn "fUadaTl dabt bnndi,’' iasuM by au tbohtyoranaet af tba Ivefteiswraoribs Hista of Nav Jaraty. approvad Fabtuary

B'lo. a ^ i^ r r sp^sl titi of f&obii lo pay tha tntarrat ipQu OKfijuDO ’-liinioa lifti be«ds," Isauad or authorliy of aa ast of iba LaifMaiura of iba Hata ©t iHtwjaney,approvad April 7,107L............. .

And also, a hirtharspecial tsi of Vi3(i,©iWt© pay tb« iniaraat upon HQ©,oso >*i4r©a(lm> pnvaiii«nt and ww«r b©ndE" Msuad by auUinrity of an act of nba iAfloiaiura uf the wtata or .Hiw Jeney, paatdd March lu.IBS©....... ........ .....................................

Aad also, a flinbar special (as oifikdddto ralaa #ji ©mouni oqiiai to tbr©a par aanuiiaa on tha total atnonniid sold dabi, taoriaia a stflkiat fund fbf iba radampUoa aad pay- nibni of aaid bends




AM also, a further ipaeiai tax ui ffT.OuOi© ii|H '-corpofata

____ authoniy of aa act oflha LcbrlstaiuTs of tba Ntaia uf Naw Jeraayi


Ky tba Imaraat npoa |l.miu,tJU0ada" taaued h- - -----

•a Lei_____________ - - - ..■pprovad April U. 1174........................... . f7A0©

Aid al#o, a fbrthar ap*ei^ tax of |ilo©B to ralaa an anuuni euusi to naa par oaotum on toa iatai amount ufaald dabi, l« craata a ainkliif fund fbrtaaradtmpUoo and pay-Bant »r aaid booda................................... IIOOB

And aian, a Airlhar apbdal ux of piRIOQ to pay tba Intarcit UMiEi I27O.UD0 -‘siraat im- pfnveiaant bonda*' Maoad by aulboiity ol an act al ib» lAflalaiura of iba Hrata of Raw fSmy. approv©# Fabruory ii, ii7t iMH

Aodaito. a hirtharapedai tax of 9IOA4© i© bay lha Iniarvai upon "iewarbrmda" taoutd by ©uUiortty «f an act af tba Laft^tura of tba atata of Raw Jar©*y,approved February it, IBTt........... ...... ..re. lOJi*

Aod alsa, a rbrtbar spadal lax of |lt,H0 lo ralaa ■© smuupt equal to thro© par raotum M tba tatai ameual of tab! ^alraatlRv provaBMiL eouda." and ^aewer bonda" iocrtaiaa ilDhlni fund for ibt raSMmp-Uoa and paymaat of Mid bouda............... IMM

Aad also, a Inn bar apaeial tax of f4iOR>isi ralaa an aaouDl eailiDaiad aqaai lonoa par oshhim an lha turn aaiaatad afalnss ibaidty fbrstrvct improvcuMiil*. autbor- Iped to be rslaad b/ an act ©1 the iAgtsiA tuveafUM Mate of N aw Jarpay, appruved April 1,1071. toaiiabllaii aodeesatea slak-ibk fuM Ihr aaid dafleiaatsy

AaCr ■ ■■ • ■ 'also, a fbrther spaeixi tax of tl,>IO topax ibi intarMt opos #n.B0 ^pnbtie ------- .. ^ ----- ------ - --I b/ attiboflty of aa act of lbt LefftiUauir# or the slate ©f New•cbool boads,"lovsiiy, apprured Fabmary IR iMt...

AM al»o.Tfurtbar ipadal tax of |XMm 1© raise aa amooat equal lo aoa-tbiM oo (ba Mtal a»©uat af said dabt Ht iba sabaasptioR spd paymaDiot saM boads................

And also, a fiirtber •padul tax of fltWi© ratia an smcani iqual |o tbras par oaoiuia oa 9HX,M© ^Newark Aquwract ttoarO booda,*' (0 orsaia a siikliif fund lot tba redamptioa aod paymaat or said boads la- sued by tba NSwark Aquedum Boa>d, by


Wasblaxton Wilson.


No. IM BeliavUl© svA, © rnoms snd bsth; sll tinpfuvem«iil«; rent fXL

Nil l A i^ellevllla ava., fl rooms sad bath; ail Improvamsnts; rout |2.%

Nu. IS itutfl iand sL. 0 rooms and barb; sii Im- pnivpiueiMS; reatJlL

ioqBlN uf OWN BR. 144 Bellavllle ate.______ 1^HVfLLE FROM

. flStepuiparmo' b. Apply u a W.UUSHY. 7S(k Broad ss. or ©1 llo MvUle art., in tha avealiLf.SiJHOl.-wKn 'lO HKNT IN |.


uruvoilNo. 1.

Mrs. Van f ilef Fined •flll.Mrs. Elixabetli Vau Cliuf, who coQihtot©

tb© saloon at L Culiiiubia stl'oe^ was arrustud this moroing oa cuaiplaint of rolico Captain Corbitt whuchargpi) hur with luaiuU iuiuga disorderly bouse. JtiJge Mi>tt tliie«t liet* rjU aud ccittt#, auiDUiitiug in all to Uwas in this Uuukc Umt i ’utrick Mi^irratb claimnl to have beub rubbeil uf $15 on ISuu- ila j by Alica Hrowii, Huriiig tliu ©xnitiiiia- tfoD of Mrs. Van CHuf it wris xtateii that the licens© for the !»uli)uu wa^ um«lu out in the name of Kdgar Kolwe]], who lait Noveiiilw'r threw Juhu Kraiicis O'Neill outnf tUe:<aloun, til© latter sustaining a fractureiL skull. U'Neiil was aftenvanl potmnltlfrl to the Insane asylum aud reiiiaiued there ooveral mouths. ■ ■■ ' — •' — — -

llotormaiii ritarKi'd U llli IHInnslangbtrr. As a inattor ul rorin, laoois K. Higlx^e, tli©

nioturman uf Irvington car No. 1(1, wIlU'Ii ran over ami killetl Jutrry OlDuekmT Hutur- day aft©rno<Ju un S]»i'lngfh.dd aveimo, was cLutrgwi with mauslaughNT this inoniln^, tb© cure© having hixm pi‘L>ferred hy Caplaiu Glorl, or the Fourth Fiiwinc!... It w:ls duim so Utat thn man might by. iHfiKaMMl insUbd of baiug paruliKi'^fbpurt^wywji' until FrQHbcutor Crane sIb Ii tukA ttuUoisvnu lb© matter. -

. lt©T, Mowanl illlsM A rrrpta. 'f Kpv. Howard Bliss a.HsUt iit pautor of,

riym outh Church, Jlreoklyu, N. Y., has ac­cepted tb© call to t)i© paubirato uf the Chris­tian Union Cungicgational Church, a t Upper Montclair, to mi'ceed Hev. O. Weeacn, who roslgued mi a(*coiiut of ilLhunlth. Mr. Bliss aunuunce<l Uli iutentiaa of going to Upl»«r Muiitclalr a t the muruiiig service.s in tba Brooklyn church un ^uuday.

Vnfortunata J«hn Eeatun llurlerL ! The funeml of John A. Bexloo, who ivus

Instantly killed on (he VVaicliung brauoh of tD© New York and Urecuwuod liXk© lUll- way, near jAtke id© avenue. West OiRiigo,

Buuday morning, took iJncc a t 0;J0 tfclock tbli fnornltiff. Tha service# wcrelujld ■ St. John’s Chni'erL and the Lutormeni wu# j|9 111© family plot in Bb, John's Ckmiatury.

The plans for the ]>roptL«ud Montgomery strt'et bridge were llieu jinwrnltMl by Hur- veyordliUhteail, and the counnlttoii will m'- goliatean agri'emeut with the Morris ('anal CoiiMMiiy fur Ibi nMtMtriK'tion. Uti«uuand tlasKelj voLsI against the eii><!ndMure of the apmoprinlum un account uf its allegml illegality.

WILL H IN T F tm llUdH.Til© round Will Open *luly (—Council aUd

tile l.^uaeert Naluuns.The lih'eiiso Cuinmitlee of the Common

Council yaderday atteruuuii held a niecliitg nml decidwl to otum Umj dog jv-mnil .lniy I John Ciiitack will Iw suiierluleniieiit and two men will tie sent out oii the dog eaiidier'a wagon. Til© lieenso fees for whichwill go Into nffwt on August I, will fur ©aril male dog ©ulI Al fur oacli femul©

Til© coinniittt© also deoldisl tu reouin- mend tu Council a rearraugHiieiit ol' Ih© ordmam'e whereby the conecri hulufma will bti provided [or. lu this nuitUu' tlie ooin- nntU'H IH acting uuiier made bylb© iHiliit'©.

There is some doubt# as to the legality of the City Clerk In charging ])ropriciors of concert saloous II i>er day for theatre liconse, when uu aduiiMOou is ('Imrge^i by tUom. The ordiuluc© will prohibit Llic propnetor# uf saiuuus from giving “ coucerU.*'

Heath of *fohu Nash, <»f Huutrlalr. John Noah, seventy-three year# uf iig©, a

retired New York luisltu** I'uau residing on Tark htreet, MonUdair, died a t Suraiuga Springs on Sunday night ol BiTght’N diseoatv. lie left Muiitirlair only a wet>k ugu tu > ])«ud tho summer at the w#t*'rlug platT. Dcocasj.-d waft formerly a riwideui nf New York und a t one time a ineniber of tin* brewing Hrm of Nnsli, Hcadloslon ^ Wlkta lie relirod few years ago. He was a dlnrloj* in the I'ark Hank, New York. A widow. ailaugU- tcr, Mr*. E. Kirby, of New'York, and two wms, i ’. 1). Nttvii, uf SUnifonl, Cuuu., and Louis Nash, uf Omaha, Neb., survive. Mr. Nash was biini iu Truy, N. Y.

City Ifume Truitce* .Vleet.The City Hume TruRtL>e# anet lant night,

Mayor l.«bkii©chcr prasjdiiig, and approved 01 the [jay roll, aud audiUnl bill.s'. The eiu-

Iiloye# at the home will in the tuture be paid>v AhiIjLu* - ^M»a.»*'ut*‘nd©j*t

. v,. .A— . 'jOU'l'™product# would be ptebtiful rim coutraut loi- funilHhhig coa? wa*''*«frarUtHl tu A. ti, Vau U'iukel Uo.

I l<I ImoBih: eonvenlant Lo two 11ns# of »(rae( carsad New York Ji H. Depot. InquiroVTx (X BIBHMAaS. 10 radar VL

UOUHK-KLKHANT THUKK-'^TURY BltllJK dwellinf of ©lev*n rqums; aliimprovtinaiiti; will let It) partei' wbola Inquire HI lliilll RT-Wt


tm .w L L 's I 'K o ro a F ii sc h o o l .A ruLllc Hri thiit t» lllHcuM tli© M alter.

tu Oo to CoUllHI.Chainmin ilnhniw, of the Committee on

Piibllo Schuitls itf iho Orange Cumu'll, called the public mi-fimg of tho coiumiltei' to order but uiglit, and aller sUtiug the object uf tbo meeting ciillcii fur Homo of the invmbera uf the iioard of K Im'iitioii to explain 111© plans and spwMilc'rttiohs of tlui new Fourth Ward H^'hoolbuildiii^. for the discusxiOD uf wMi'h the miwtirig hud U'»n rallud.

None uf the uf th«* bfiurd werepreiArisI to Kj.'iik, and Ji)Acph M. IhuM. tho arciiibid wdio hud pJiq*r<Ht the plans, stakvi that h© hod \ re^Hiitihl the idons and xfundfl- catioustuthM bnaril. H© iimi nut t>ecn em- ployetlby the Coimnuu ('miiM'it, lie said, and therefore cfinhl <Ry nothing furlhcr.

Mr. Holmes st«iud ihat the cuininUtee was rat))onsiblr lu ilie (.'umniuii ('nuncil and rouM not a d c>jnsrieutioii>ily uuIbks it liad furthur Inrurnmlmn. Ahlenuan Farkinsoa waa present a» ncitUen, and naid that the Committee on 1‘iiblic HidiooLs ought tu meet with the ari'hibs't. Thenmlter' he tliought, kbuuM not t« disrusftisl iH-for© the ])ubllc,

Alderman McCarlhy, uf the Kourth Ward, sUUhI Uiat in his o|>ini<m thn Hoard uf Kdu- cation was fully ('■mqtdcnt to judge iu tb© case, and the only outside objection that he could sec WAR agaliiKi Ui© Issuaiit^ uf any ijiore tumds by the Cfiinmuii Cuuucll.

Mr. HnlmeK Huid he Imd riK'cived many letter# frotn citi 'UR whif had protested against tlie way (he plans were made.

Frank H. Scutt wHHH.KkL*«Uu#tatehis views, and said tlial hu kn 'w very liltl© about the profKwfrl binUliug Itc noticed, however, that It had ht^m a general rule to invite (!uiii-

from srcfnuvu. In this i»artlcu!ar c«Ne ho uinh'rstfHMi that such ha<l not been done. Tlu-rurnjK'tition, he thnUghtf should k»© thrown u|>oti to #11 architect#, so that every one cmiid hav© au opportunity tu ooin- pete.

FreftidenMiriuftteLl. of the Board of Etlu- catioD, riUlftl (hat the iHxLrd axpect'ei.l that tile CouitiKui CouiKdl would pruvld© inq

roouia, all ImeroVameau. isiKraMta*, frame home of 13 room sultaM* Hr

two fMltlll*©.H? B*Uevill» are., foot Of TUuorDn«M %tt., larf*

icuro ilSxSQ'i; 9 dwellinf to-iul abov*, wich all improvementiL

Wl (.'eatral ava, 7 rooroiarirt hath.uosi ctnii-aJ ava, 7 rooiaiand bxiaApgly to FRANKLIN M. ni.Tw.m Fru'ieallal DuildtaE






To let, ftnre on a promiDta'a Broad tt. corner; luUalile for aor Uiulnaes; ptrialle aaly from

W. H. 0«BOflHE A CO.. ifT Market st., cor. Broad.

>LANE (ST., ISO-HTimE WITH AFART- menlawreDl. Inquire P© ACADkMT ST. m

KOuMm n i LKT, WITH TliWICH a7

rovetaeDla; wMl hekted. No. H BO" BT.'iaqLilre of SAMUEL W. iiElHr,TM Broal It, or eiiflaeaf ao (ha preintNS Telepboa* Na mL 7IiIOpniNOFlBLl) AVIt, N-aUALL k^low rent; food loeaiUv. leqotra

H5U.4LSJfy '•3mSTORE;

eT.» third floor.

8 TO hi; TO LET, WITH FIVE Mulbarrr st. near Walnutit

HOOM.'X MJ2le laquireJ. W1HHABQI4S,7W Broad #L





TWO sm a ll ikkiseh. one can l*L In apartments. iTIttpiKlaa at, aear

lipileviileara. laquifeblw IMHKLLRVU.LK avu.

LKT-I be It

ryi* I.KT-A RUICK DWELLING HuUSK I wl 111 ten roome ;alt modern ImproTemanU, at

x^A BaiiaviileavA loqulraat .ley 9740UTH ('aNALHT.

EXTENSION bKlO huaw, No. a ihirneUL laquiro

3A( #7Canal HT-r p o LRT-IO ROOMS; {.t

r p o LKT-flMAf.L _I RSHT XLNNKY ST.: lermi fit

prainlwBKICK HUUSK, NiX 71

Apply OQ at

AVirK I.lF F E ST..e6-D K SIilA H l.K CORNER bouse ; 9 nmma : moderate rent.

U iU lrt J. P B tK iH . ra f-iwlpfftrld eve.

TO LBT>-aVT o r TOWN-riTO Ilfi-N'in^OH THUmHEMER-EUKN 1 houneat Madlaoa, N. J., foarteeo room# ta>Hu l<

lo* bAitk ; vroitiida wallshkdad ; flva mlBUtee from eUtloti. AdilrvM P. a BOX XL Madheoa. S. J. n r


A ~HriOMA. FLATS, HOUSK-S, STORES, SA- tloudiiolet; all parti of city. Cali at once.

hKRU -\N. reaiiQf afent, til .Mprinffleid ava #70

fl'O LF.T-LAROK STORE ANDOELLAR AND 1 12 room#. All iLuproveinetita, is cilnioo ei.i s

ruoms, 16 Clinton #1.; K«ooad aad (hlifi tloom. s inume aach, W Orchard U.3d________ H. KINXARD E e g , IgClIetoaet.r|TOLRl-TWlM4TOKYFACTOHY.«ji4i FEET, .1 ftapplied with iwero power aod woud-worklni macblMry: ftuitable lor oablntt-maktr or aajr wtiod-workltif l>u«lnMS: wtll rent low to eultaUe puny. Addrewi STEAM, Box D. Newaofltce. J9df p n I.KT-FOR KXCUUSlaNS, U EN rsK sl’. X dock. Apply at oJhce

x .n i c e e r b (x ;k b r ic eMm CestreetdMk

auth«fHy of aaael of Use L#fMatare<n Ul* stale if New Jeree©-, approved Marob ................ .................... . li,7M

And olio, a (hrt^r iptotel tax oif j^OM to par (be laleceet upon flM.IKB * anaexe- uofi bond#.'* kMued hr aatborttr of lha LeglMMure of Use stale of New Jera*r. ap­proved Fehruarr M. ItM..... .................. EM9

Aod aJ^ a farthar ftpedal lai of ft.TIO lo ratie an amooat equal to three per eeaiom oa lAi total amounX of eahl debt, to em taa eloklBg fuot fer ihe redempUeo and _pirmeot ©field boiHb............................. Xfdo

AafialM, a farther epeeiai lax of |l,no to par the iPlereM npoa fIMaOiJO " «Hr (ax boads liMed by isaUsoritr of an acs of Uia Loililaturt of Use Stat© of New Jnier.approved March l. iSM............ ............. . RtM

And alao, a further speetal tax of |L7M i© ralaa an amooDS equal lo three i*r oantum oailtse Intel amouatofeald debt toureatea ilnklQf fund Err the redemption aod par-mant ©field booda ................................ 4,74©

Aad ahto, a Dirtbrr tpeelal U i of |t4,M0 to pay the Uitereat Qtm |©20,©0© “ >ot©rDept- tnf #©wex boads lamed hv atiihiwitr of oa act of tbo iApltlatare of Use staio of N ew dtttev, p roved Varch IB. IBRI.. .re.. . H©00

And ©1*0, a 4VitDM opKlal lex of ©18.*D0 to raiaeaji amoant Oqual lotbtee pet cea turn on the bttal amount of lald debt, to creaiaasInklQf fund for the redemptlanand parmetic ereald bouda...................... 11,400

And alto, a further Lax of 00.1 QO topay Use liitereat oa|}M,ino water boikda," iewad by authurlly of au act of the lAcia la^uri of the ^ut© of N©w Jer#©r, ap­proved March M, ISK........... ...................

And alto, a further epeeiai tax of |4,lUo to rtslea an awoont equal lo ibrea per C4-ntnm om Iba Uwal amuant of #atd debt, to create a Mokldf fund for ibo rodctuptlon aadpeyoiealofSBld beaOe............ .................

Am oMo. a Isrtber epersai (ax or |eo.O(in m l«r (Ra kaiMOM oa ILliOAOi) “funded debt rWf M protioiia t eonda" ieeuod hr aw- the*^r ofanaciof the lAalelatureoT (ha Mftiv el |»«« lenay. approved June %lap* ....... ................ ...................... 00,000

Aad oiaa. a liirlhov e p e ^ tax ot ^,000 to ran* aa aosodiu oqgaliotpor eoutirmoa the latai aaftAcnt (K eald debt mcreaio a rtPKliix hod tor ibo rodempilon aad paymeet ofeelH booda.................................. 10,000

And aba, a ikrUior apidal tax of iilAVOA la pay the laiereet and uno fifth of (be priiK

of tb* pavini bnodt saeoad by an act Ol (be leflMalHr© of (he Hiate of NewJareey, approved Juae lE 1990>................. 110,000'I be lores >lng waaintrodssced InCoimmin Coundl

Friday, Jna* lx, 1004. read ooce, a#4 waa duly ordered to a eecond feadbiE _WM. K. 0*« ONNOR,7] CltyClerX

a VO LET-l*OWFR TO SUIT \ iM HULRKRRY .HT.;litfliJor.'20il00Lai0 room©© Id fl©or,»c

U; exceedlnily well ll|it(ed; rear aooetl eteaa heat tfloliidoi. Apply on preialaea *0*

ROOM BXVtRaL EVEN- lace during the weMb10c FRANK BUEHLlB,IIOBprta»fltMava

riv ) [.FT- ixinoB 1 1

rj^'O UE.ST--stork, w ith___ ______ ____ FLAT AWOIN-Ibx; twu block# fKm Brood S( staUea of Cea-

m l K. It. of .N, J.; very olca eiore aad all modern smprovamenla la flat UliAS, FBAEnTZEL, 731 Mulberry ftU 7lr


\ PAKTMrNTS Tf) l e t TN BHK'K llOl'SK;■■ ■■ ■' ■ ■ ■121 I -liver nL, near Paclflc: 1 abd 4 momii

lint and nnitl walar \ rObt M, flu and M-; per month.:n , dh premUaa. vriInqsilre JOSFHH (IKEEF

HAftfi.W ST., (Irrt

07-TO LET. FOUR ROOMS, rent Inw. Inquire

170 BRnOUR ST.


N O F E A « * O F P I M P L E S< m B I .A C K U K A D Ii

I f you u se W o o d b u ry 's F a c ia l S oap . I t is a p u re a n t is e p tic , m ed ic in a l t o i l e t so a p fo r d a ily use , p re p a re d b y a sp e c ia l is t w h o h a s h a d JO y e a r s ' e x p e r i e n c e t r e a t i n g th e s k i n . D r u g , g is ts se ll i t .

Uowaro of Italia* . ■,.IlDiii, li*'*: ifitoio^tywichoTorFoaka

for th© on-rtion of tho biiilmug which buartl lm<i ivt-uimiifhihsl. Thu boanl, h© saifl, bill! iuiii|jtt‘d tht* platis mTOnliug-W th© chartor. Tlu« t-silnuaeJ iHWt uf thoHliiliUrig w'onld Ih* hIkiui

Mr. (if tht* thoueht thatadi'tlnitri i>tirmiiH ol tlw* rCAt of th© buildiu|{ #Uonhl I#' bclora any lurttKT aotiuushould Ik' tiikitLi.

Mr. (irnisU'il Muted tlinl tho meiubors uf tta© Huai'il nf KdiK'ution had nut Ihh*ii invltud to tho iiiix-hiqj (o'vututu tb-ir vit'ws iu th© mattor. T1-i>y )mi! Ii(h*u iiivite<’l nftc*iti£©iia uuly. Aflir sum© furUit*!* Oi#('U#Hiuu tho TiioothiK ndjt>unu*d n'ltlmtit having takuu luvy ftc'tlcn.

After tho i.nidk' itioetlng^ud ad*joiiruod lb»’ I'liUio Htrhoul nhmmltU*© and th© of ihu Uourd of Eduratum, v liovi'eiT i>iw.s«ni, licld an mfoonal tnuuUii^ and thti Hidiool romuifttuq adupbHi tho pmuan# wmirnKuidcd hy tliH Hoard of Education. Th©"ptoih»uiul KjMH'iflcfltlous will now iw pro* KonEofi Ul thi* 1 \ujin\uu Couucil fc*r its nj)- pruyal on Mnuday uiglit.

( lin-KTNnT KT., (02-FUUH FINE AOuMH ; . flr4l-claM orrler ; walaT. OH( u^u'.T h'19.-V-VIVE Niuk, L io n r ruxiMH on Mocoiid floor, wUh Improvornenift ; r*nl ren*

sonauie to ru*Mi leuaiHS. Jiiqultaou dm lltKir. lloi

1;*!nMrMT.. i i- i *o l e t ,4 i.ahoa fl e .^uaht riium#; Also S pl©aian( rooina with City



PI.AT--TO I.KT, IIANDWOMB OEOOHATKD1 n#i; all impnivernoota,


I.' i.aT—TU M-rr. 6 UODM8 : ai.l rtiPKOVR.meow; rent raaMaable l« good tsnsnl.


1^>LATrt Tl) I.KTOF4 A N p J t t > iMs il V UkJM- irolava, near Morrii aro.. #>il I #nl u*rooa flat# on I Hiryea : no troiibl* to lauw (h«iQ rru ■,

iVaoil | 1(t inquire la fhotorv,'Oj L-(?h. UK.H J IUL aVE. aNDDURYEE RT,

A SwliMliiriK Beggar Rent tu JalL -JikIk !<>U tliiH luuruinK committed

Thomas Hefferuu- tu jail fot thirty day#.- HoflTeraii wout uliouttb© city yeetonlay afler- iiotiu witik a #ubscrl|itloik iMtpriV atklui^ ro©-* trlbuthtnft tu aiiftist him Ju burviuE hit child. Tlw iiian ha# no home, nu wife mul iio chll- dreii. Hu wok arrested by K|>oclal OlUcer (Iambi©.

l / l . s i v |r, LKt in RKICK how 40i T0411r [■ - - .li#r#AnRt.. newly dooorulod, with all Imprjv*- m*nt#, lo iiiLall faiaUlha 1 oqulro 'tto ■ ■■ ----- ■faialllha inquiro

. A. KaBTNEIL4II^Xl«*i1(hl

1^J.ATh-TO [.kt. tw o FLAT?#. FIVK ItOUMd *ach. No V \rndomy«(.; all ImproriinsiUii.

-4 Inquire J.WIH© A TU Droa-lH

MAHKKT ht., 170-TO l e t , two FLATt*ii V* ruotn# oai.'ti. lOtri

IN rflANCRKT OF NEW JBR»EY-TO Ado4ph JaiuM and Bamu«l JatDoaooSLFMlQg (b©

flnnarjaa*# ACo.|J>*Ma B#rko. JaUua ttob*n- IBP, Plakul ‘luriL Alexaodor almon, Jr., Albtrt Mvysr, MaibiKl«M«y©r, Jaouh l>. Buckr, Emplra HUt© Hank. Frodoflck M. (Jould, Bagla liOek (.'am* pany, Andrew T a m * Oo„ Orand Jiapidi Vaneaf work*: W'kUar N. DaOraalr. Jf., F,Rrimld, partuara ©to., a* > artraxw, Ayniar A Oo.; Henry N©*,lharla# H. NA, Jz., partofra el©-> M York TacX and Nail Work#, andOuitav BckChattB.

Ry vlrtna of an ordar of In* l ecrt «f OaaBoair of Raw Jfruey. mada na (ht day of ih* dat© h©<|*©H m ©causa wharcin lb* Howara i^avlnga InatltuUloii ant comijialaant#, aid you and otkan m© 4Mrnind- •nn, yrjv sra reqatredto spttaar. aitad, anawar or dtiuHr, to ihavaldaomplalnaai^ bill, on (liHcleTimih duy or AUiU#(iiaxt| Orth* said hUI wl Ii He laJieii as confaaaaa agaliMl you.

Tha uld urn la mod to rnrOcioaO a morlrif© Ot^aa hy Fdward ^linooand Morris (MhwtrlQiaiOinpiain' am oa laud In ihaaity oi NOwark. N, J.,datM /©t>- raary II, i>*a(, and raeuRl«il in Book L f of Mort- kxjros, pof* ivo Y(», Adolph Jamaa and -attm i Jani©*, partbcj*. am luada darendaats bacaosa you bold a inorlgag^ apoa Mid promt**© Yo©. ualla itafka, hecaiiii».you iiold two ■ ond* mada by Kd'A at© Himoji. former owoer of said promltaa, wbl^ may i>« All ancuitibraiica ihoraun. You, Julius Honartf aon. l*lnku# Turk. Altxandar Blinoii, Jr.« Albert Htyor. Matnnd* M*y©r, Jaeob l>. Hucky, Kniplre Mai* Hank. Kraderlrk la. (ioutd. FafI* I<ook i'om- jmiry, Androw i©rry *Uo..Grand Hapld* V©ba^ Wora© WftUar N. l<*r>rauw, Jr„ GaonaF. StAnrta, Mrtiror*, A(*., as UafJraaw, Aymar * 0©: rtaory A©). I'hariaa M, Naa, Jr., partnara, ©to, M Yftiic T*i;k and Nall Work© and Guaiav B©rnb©im. af* mad* dtfaadants baoaufta y©u hold jailgnitata agalnat Morris Pohwarl© whioB or© a li©a ©a kold mortffauM pramba©

imtad Jiina II, ISHJAMB© 0. MCDONALD,

LamplalnatiU' noHclier,47g_____ftl.flO_____7*8 Broad *11 Niwark. N. J.

x r rm c K OF INTER noN-BOAUD OP . . Htreat and Watir CommlMlonara Public nolle* I* htrvby glvao tAst tt I* the iDten-

tloii of the Hoard of Biraat and Water ('ommlealom cTs of th* city of Newark, uader and by virtu# of provision* or Iht aot *niitl*d A © act to r*v|.<i* and amend lha ehartar of tha rity of Nawark." ap-Eroved March H. lH7,iod lb© aupplamenu there-

and the aot cfvatlag the Beard of atrMi and Water ('omml^lonrn of ihecttyoi Ntwarfc. ao-

proved March 2#, iMi, to order <©rid cause the ooa-■trucUOBora^^^aewer tu

'akem an a v e n u eMAY AT HEAT,

RUMMEIt a v e n u e ,coanectlns with the proaent eewer la Wakeman at©- uut al ArlliigioB avanne ; tbetio* niuaing tbroith Wakeman avaaue t© May aueet; Uimio* Ui rough May aireet ic •- uminar avenu*. up to which pofoi theaewet Uto bt U lorkee la aUiid©t«r: them'* through ©uipmaf avaboe, Rrom May atreat to Arllnfion avenu*. tofpther w1U> abfaachln num> neravvnua, tron Hay auval to Cheaiar avfnite, Ihe lewez In Hummer avenue (o be 10 Inchee in dlanwier; toir*thar with tba appuiteoanoe* aeoiAMry to complete lha aaone.

hucb penoDft as may ohJ««t thymo aro reqnested to praienMhelr oid©o«oBS In writing at tta© offioe of the Hoard of Htreet and Water Coimuhalonera ba or before the explratlen of tan days from date of Ibis nolle*.

By direction of the Board of Rireet and Water GommMlonert af tba olty uf Newark ,

J. OROWJCl.LMUNDT, General Huparlnteodentof Work©

Newark. N. J.. June m Sk

\ I AIJK'KT >■] ., M(~TW6 FLAT!* rn, LET, M ;TWO unres aihI room#, I# ; four r'uoinr lu New­ark, |8. I

VT^W'TnH P.Y. io-0 LIGHT ROOMS, THlRj) A© floor, near TUnk tL HI

0tlAMJK ST., s©-TBREE H00M8 TO LEf.Vb

Hi r n Mo VI) NT., S3-FOR RKNT, TWO LA BG E i_i*u’, Rlry n>orni; water, eta i

1 Y'M'Mt- FI VK VERY PLEASANT A Von firs' ‘‘ -------owner, havlni: more room ihan rweded ImiirovvmfDiaaiKl rent very reatunabl©' Ad- V. RENT, Box C, Newi of

ROQMB d., with wllh allKOOVH TO LKT-FttOM flTO ll© INQUIRE

eorntf CaUTMAN and MoNTUOlfKRY111

.. jeorntfHI’S.

To Niagara Falls on the Konrlht l^hlgh V'alloy Uailruatl will run a epKli^

exoursiuiH cumposnl nf xolld voatilmlerl trains, leaving MnrkH .Street tilatlou of the I'ebtuyl' vanIa Tullruad ni tiiil A. M., JUiC aud »:3» P.V( kre V7l......re.. ET*.. II.. k..!..M., to Niagara rails, nr© plaoed al |H. Kkenrainul

T ickm for round trio lata are privileged

to renmiu over until July A TloketaaDd Pull­man accummiKlations may be obtained at PennaylYttula Hallroad UeMt and Broad siroet. V •••


tral.^ P n rX G F tK L P AVB., 4Tk-FLAT TO t V t , Orooms. tm\ rondltlon.' ■ aim,£U^kX AVK., n-THRKB EOOMH TO BENT {

lem8 ^ :m o L E f-h ir tT R OF APAtlTMENTA W ITH X *inm ptuvtin«aia :eav#n roomilneludiRg Dalh:

very svlecrt nelgnbOrUo^ ;two blocki fh>m Broad Hi tMollon of .Newark aad How York <L IL m CUAB > 'U A E N rdK L ,tu Mulberryi©

NfiTiCK ■|‘0 AB'IKNT DEFE-VDA.’ T * - IN tTiauc^ry of New Jereey-To Rachel Fried arid

Joulft i>'rled, iMT husboiML Heyef hahofoiban aud MoM«Hclio«nmant .Hy virtue of an order of the Court of Chanoery of Ns .V Jersey, made on ibe day of Ihe date haraor, in ©(.‘aiihe wfaerelit 'Ihs Lime ©avliti lusilUitlou la cDinplalitant and yo© and otfaare ar* defenOauta, you are required 10 appaar and plead, answar or demur to lb* bill of the raid comptalnaai on or Im fiire (he ihlrleonth day of Aognat next, or the lald bill will be tak«n mi conreiaad sgoloat you.

The aaid bill ii il led 10 foredo## a loorlgag© ft van by Max Jatkowskj and Beach*. h1i wl(©, lo the said'Ihs Vimairavtms Iastl(ollDnoi!i land* la tha olty of .' iwHrk, County of haeaX and ©tat© of New Jersey, bearing dale July It, US7, and you, Haab«l Krlbd, Merer Hrbotnoaan and Homo Hcboenmai© are nywle JefondanU, heoauM II 1* In said Ml IM- latted ihii yminro mreeof fheh«iraHtHaw«C4)|ytd •ciioeilDiaa,deceased |Whodls<|^©|lf'‘ ~ mentioned and'(ieaerloM IrtlkidTidll ih«reof«l©lni lo hovO seme IntMMvi*—#Hged pramlsae.'Bn* /oa, Lo4iUi f lM . d i r Mndh^Tv d^aikdant bacwia* 11 la Ip said bill aUwed that y< • are tha huaband of said Haohdl FiIm , oMprib* b*lr*«(-law of eaid David schoeauan, d*e©aa©d. sod by virtue tberoof clslm to have sem© latwisl bi autd roortgifed nr©mls*©

Dated jujia 11IMH.JOHN n . M EEKER. Kolldtor of Oemplalnkht.

tt) fa.Ot. Priidanttal Building. N©*»rk, N. I .

___ THAT THE(^ommlaalonara heratofora appolnM by tha or of lb* cUy of Newark, l© make an ealtmat©

VOTICK id nRHEBY OfVENMuri____and aSbMinaatit upoa aU (be ownani of all ih* Ladd© and real eetat* in tba oUy of Newark, pteiilarly bvnelUed by any iooel ImprovameiK m ihe said city, Is propotiloa as naorly as mar be to the ad- vaniai© *aob wa* deemed I© have acquired, have iTud* an estimate and aoseeameit of heaafliaupon ell ilie owitfraofall ih* land* and real eaiaM In (he city of Newark peculiarly bseanbed by aech of tha followingimprovfinenti Is aold rity. namely:

Th* ooustrucllon orth* sewer ihIThHlNE AVENUF.

from Clinton xvanue to a point about 47t foet aeuth OfClIatou avaas*.

The ooastnwtioa of the sewer InWALNUT BTHEET,

between Van finren and Ksuidford alreata;And have tiled Uieli,reporUflfsaid s*e©s*in§©n

for beoelUft In Ui* ortic© of the Clerk of the Clrcalt Coort of tb* County of Ukiet, ahd that Ihs Judge ofsoid (ourt hat Axed _ISA'iURDAY, THE THIRTIETH DAT OF

JUNF, 1«Hat to O'clock tn th* fotennon. tn Ih© Cirealt court room at tbs Cnurlbouas In thtolty orNawarii, a* til* time end plsoeorhearlog any obfoollone tbit may be man* to ibo tatd aaearomepi©


Ml City CodnaeL

XTOTlOi OF INTENTION-re board QFRtre*tand Walar Oomofioilon©!©.

PaUlc notioi la hereby given that I t l s t b e l u - leatloaol Ibe Iioard of .'treet and W ater Commfo •loners of the cKy nf Ktwarki under end by virtu* oT i^vlalqnsoftbeacteiilU led “ An act to revis* aad efbstH fthtchnrisr of Ihe olty of Newark,^ ap­proved Msreb H, iftiT.ond thaeipplemeutstherst© . and lha act orsatlng ihs Board offtve*t and W aterLodiniliMoDsn of th© city ef Prawark, apprevtkl llarch M. lMli 10 ^ a r aod couee the reiiavltig os

Pla n e utHbkt,flrom Brood atreat (o Marittt atreet, with oblouf, Kfenliebloakpaviai with a six (d) inch ©oaereto neadoEon end laienuioae of. biooka A M wRb pavlog meul* and gravel.^ , .

periieoa as may ohfeet tfaereto or© rhqotitM

A great many mer­

chants cut down their ad­

vertising in the summer.

Some even stop it alto­

gether. ^

In every-day life, when

a thing is hard to do, it

only calls forth greater

effort. If the laborer

can’t move the stone he

gets a crowbar and

block of wood. H e makes

a lever—and the stone

moves. I f the crowbar I

isn ’t long enough he gets |

something longer. H e

doesn't give up, because

the stone has got to be |


Same way in business.

Trade is a stone. T he

funny th ing is that the

lighter it gets, the harder

it is to move. It can be

moved though. You may

have to lengthen the

lever. Certainly you

ought not to shorten i t

T he best business lever

is advertising-newspaper

advertising is the longest

lever and the quickest to

move trade.

D ull times are the]

times to put forth the!

greatest effort and the

most money. People!

don’t usually ask for what |

they have already. Ad­

vertising is merely ask­

ing for trade. Don’t ex-1

pect that you will get al

big trade in dull times,I

but keep count, and you’l l l

find that the advertising!

was profitable. Profitable!

right at the time and!

enormously profitable!

after a while. The very!

fact that only a few mer­

chants are wise enough |

to advertise in dull sea-1

sons makes it all the morel

profitable for those who!

da You are there when!

others are not. It gives!

you greater prominence.

It will make your adver-l

tising in busytim es mnebj

more effective.

' Common sense has a

great deal to do with ad­

vertising. Think about

it from a common-sense

standpoint. It may take

some “ nerve" to payout

money for newspaper

space when the business

isn ’t paying expenses,

bat it will pay.

More than half the bus>

iness houses in the coun­

try would be ahead if

they could shut up for,

three months in the snm-i#mer. But they don’r dof


NOTtCI-NOTICY 18 HKRKBY 1MV*I* to all parttSA iDforestd ihol ib© cartlfloof© of ow

•ceamaai of (he vrta©leatiaottoioftiic©oaai aiMl ©A' ptnaaa of paviof

KMKABETHATBVRTItaa boon dMlvarofl to m© aaeordlai |© ia© > P w Bweanwtii oomprlsM oil toe lots, tnicta • csls of load aod ra^ ssiaU ly laf oa both Mi

" TZAUKTH#TK“ ■Qrom Ilo m b u ^ place to N

Tbe ow n*norlonfl end Held cer'lflcat* of aseastni

KLIZAUKTH ©TKliiT,-----•— Niagara a lfe ti

end ^ eatat*n*pniaot al©

to IMF 1b* amouot w oi (beai taspeotivaiv. (o ma, at'm j CUF lioUt oa ©f ©Mora Jalv fo, UK

erobF zeoalf©!! Bp a tb a n o m

N«wori(, H, J., Jm © IJj UK

, ©a©©. Mo, i!br* Jalv K UtCJ aMi S t . OONffKLLY,


**Jr dTrSorf©ri'of Ih* tioord ot ©(©««(JiwTinalaMeaez* ef lie i-----* ------- -

. d Bapei , June fo, itK

OetTinalaMeaez* ef toe dU of Newark. - . .• i. ufl*)'V*r,t0*»rkl SuarlBUnatM «fV tw aA , N. Ju n , 1>. IM .

TCOTIOK-WOnCR la OJVK.i, lt»JM ■![ pkrtlM lnt«ro*t*4 tb*l W nnlflOkM of w Mnamint o r t u w hM tm o u l of iD* oMW *■<* *■'

OBde ffa rn * »TR«RT, ^

b t n bMii <*i1rero« to » iw « r « i« to IWf. a*M ■ M iM m t, wfiipilM *11 Ih* hXh tn o w ki>4 DkiukH of laM tod m l « U t« iT toi *■ w h f l o * ' 0‘

■PBiNornOB M b BklkiODt ■ ttau lo


AVonumantidIrMd.___ *

'Ill* o irM n of tood A d M l m M , k p rewd Ih «*U •dftlflniro Of n,M» »w hwrohy rreutrddto u f Uk knioBBt w pkM d apw ihtakod nuh (d th a n rapHtlTkljr, to l i t . M P f odu*. no- d WtT BUI, 00 (H bifcrelkJf g |M

_____ ' >■—nniH»Wlw»hyl u f thokwoodt 10pkM d apoa Ihf" 'I T — -------- . . ^

' '■^'oowKBU.y, Ooai)traU*r.

K aw a> h .a .J« f« lw U , UH. •

i t W hy ? Sim ply be->

cause they can’t afford to.

People would forget theair

Same way in advertis­


N W A R K E T E K I N G K E T T S . T U E S D A Y . J U X E 2 B . 1 8 9 4 . 8

b n » |

d o f i

A alfea riK ^ A <«ai> tm t B4T * rti«U « a t n i t « , H h i •* «<»»•• » lM M • «

• • • ■ aTHiUiWW

* • • • •m ^rn . M w . F .•■FT, ■41MIb«,l 4 t H a l a * t - , M F a a r , r » « a I*. Of t i•T fa iaF * ■ •111 ! • f - *!•

■ ■ • l i l n i . r ’. n » « F Mrm«T • ! B r u i l■■4 M a rk e t » u .

r u l E . K rk B T M er, «*T E r s a F •! .E . W M k lr r . * • « « r * » 4 ELr .B , • ■ ■ « ■ . * > " "»•WalMT !*• T a s r h v a a , 10.1 R aaeT iU . k T h J .Ujwmm W. ‘ • • •T li lr* F .aH i r r l M a . E a w a O a o la t '. R ca aT lI la F r a ,

M a t i a a .•E F T F M A N U E -

W . H . All«a> S I * n ia ia a a d B rirk Ik a rT k H ia i la a .

W< r u n l r l i B aa l O ra a a a S la tlaa ,• • t t v

■ U haa t l<a*l*»' • • ■ » * O r a a a a A .a

F . l . aiaaOaaaa . M l S a r r le e aE E F F M F IE K .* —

■ iF F laa . E a w iF — l a r . apF^ * a * a k •V M M IT -

M w a rO B . K a t l r .■ B N T C 1 .« tB -

B . Ii. H a lia a . , B a w a ia a la r .• B F I I B B T A k l .E T -

W Ukar la F a r u a a . B am B aalenB B M M B 'T B B '

4', M. B I lu a .V B T B B M IB U —

C kariaa B ra O ta r, H a w id a a la r .•■A niM H Iw

Law l* A. W a la r a , B a ira D ra la r , n „ l a aa il W . K . K . r t la l la a .

■ O R K IM T O W B .W . t ' , l , r r k , B e w a d ra l r r .

AN B X -H II .L tO N A IU K ’N I.DT.

Ba F a a ik t th e Ntanilairl Oil r»ni|ianF and Lalar M arched W ith 1‘a i.y ,

W han Coxey'i oommonwakl arm f puaed tbrougb PUUburg on iti way to W aihfiigton th a good people of that tm oky town beheld th e unuaual ipectade of an ex-m illlonaire m arching afoot at the head of tha motlayr ooltimn a i Its eicnrt. T ha ax-millionaire waa Samuel Diincan KanWi fam iliarly know n u Dune Kiriia, How the Popullata for th e Twenty-secmid Pennayleania D iatriot have notninatrd JCarni for Congreaa and tbua brought

DOINQS IN THE ORANOES.A Matahasr rp>ta-dal* H appaalaaa la tha

B aar Tewaa la th a Bubarba o f Nawark.

The annual maatlng of the Orange High Bchuol Alumni Asaot-lation will be held to- nighi After tha lawiutiai nuwting a mock trial will be bald, a t which WlUlaai jt. U>rd wilt ba tried lor libal. W, llradford Smith will art ae Judge and the aUoraay* will be Hugh T, Hatou anti Kobert 1’. Wllllami.

The Weal Uranga Towiwhlp ( ’i.nimlttea met laet night and adjourned without trana- artiug any buaiueaa owing to tha daaHi of Tuwuahlp Clerk C. H, Neiton'a liruthar, John A. Hextou,

The annual excursion of IHtUIoo Ho. .1, A. O. H., of Orange, will be bald to Hhipjian'a I'lilut, on tba Sound, hwnnrrow. Trains will leave Orange a t U and U:US A. M., itvp- piug a t all ttauoni along tba m ad to New­ark.

d iarlaa UolditalD, a tbewnaker a t IT Cone •treat. Orange, wae larTed with a tumiuoui jcHterdav aftaruoun to apfiear before Juttloe Ilavia, a t the Orange Fhillce Station, next Mmulay to aiuwar to a charge of kwiiing a dUHirderlv hinine and polioy acii.

The Soilality Society of the Church of flor tally of the Valley, of Orange Valley, held ail eutrrtniniuent and dance In Temparanoa Uall last night. Th* programme eouttnad of tableaux, Aoruaaa, racttatloni ami a nw m •ketch, "T to Darkey Wood Heeler." After the aoterteimnent a dance wai given. Tba hall wa. uiicoinfortahly crowdeil. Thecom- □Littee having charge of the affair cuntiiiteil of Itev.UeurgeIloaneO'Neill, Michael I’odey, Michael Corr, John Haeeelt, William CourP nay, Henjamin KinoeraaanrtFelliJ.O 'Haire. hMward Kolnn and Daniel Smith were the dour numageri.

llest Fenner Smith, Jr., of East O ra n n la on the “ honor Hat" of Yale Cutlega. lie re- crivnl iiientiun for aratloos.

The Aliitnui Aaaaclatlon of tlie Kaxt Or­ange High School met last evtalng In tha High School building, on W inani street, when the following graduatea of the clase of INIM were eleoted to membership: Grace J. I’ollard, Irene W. Haldwin, Bessie Albert, Howard L. Blackman, A rthur D, llarrlsuu, Edna A. Crowell Edith Ariiuind Cnun- melin, Beaaie Davix Mary L. Ouff, Arttmr C. llibbonx Margaret Gray, Frank B. Hague, Hester P. Kyta, Jennie F. I’elounet^ Edith P. Stryker, Amy P. Whittemora, George Dnrer, May I... Horton, Maud 1. Jones, Grace Ludlow, I'biebe Muun, George fl, Seward, Lillian B. Houston. Morrall K. Mountain and Sidney H. Van Ness. A t tho close of the meatiBg an hour wax apent social- It, during which musical numhert were rea- Jered.

The members and friends of the Calvary M. E. Church, East Grange, went on an ex- curslun to Fienoke Island, Conn., this iiiom- ing, A baseliatl club of the First H.E.Cliurch accompanieii the exhureioalfts and will cross bats with the club from the Calvary Cliuri’li.

Fred PTmg, of Fast Orange, will Isave Pi- mnrrow for Portland, Me., where he will spend the eumnter months.

John Boyce, of Haleteil etreet, East Orange, has returned from Priacatoii, where be has Iswn attauding school.

“ The Brownies in Fairyland” was pre­sented In Music U all Orange, Last night, under the directiot) of F. H. Decker, for the benefit of the F irit M. E. Church. A good- elzed audienoe was present.

B E A L B B TA TB T R A N h rB B A .


Talh a t BstablUhlag Uae at Chlcage-Pre- d ie t Ions M ade,

From th a Hallway Age.o r th e poealblUUai o f ateotricity the

p rospactnaorapropaM d "National echool o f eleotrlclty,” to ba aitablixhad at Chi­cago under th e aiiaploea of Edison and a num ber o f o ther em inent eleo- trlclane, iay« : "M o ra than )goa,- aOO,OOb are em ployed In electrical punu lla to-day, and theee Ogures ere be­ing tncreaied a t the rate of lia),OOn,aoo annually. W ith in a decade nlne-tcnthe o f the e ttim b o atlag , railroading, canal- haultng, Illum ination, doineetlo righting, heating, cooking, factory operation, mining and m e lu lu r ty will be done by eleelrTclty. T here are also m anyappll- catione o f electricity yet In an unde­veloped state . E lectricity li the muet promising field In chilixairon to-day.”

W hile th e prediction th a t within ten yaate “ nlne-tentbe o f th e iteamboating, railroading, canal hauling," etc., will l>e done by tb it wondrous agency will doubt- leea prove ex travegant, It Is oerUln tha t th e application of elactriolty to the prac­tical arte Is still going on, and none may venture to fix Its IlmTtatlonx In the single direction o f urbnn and rural railway trane- portaUon the electric motor has made aetonlehiog advancae withlo the past ten years, and w ho can ear th a t It may not aventually euyareede th e steam locomo­tive T

B E L T W A N T E n -M A L R II .

X O T H 'B > *T r»M l^n t in tk *NteWM m u s t iBTfeHKlilr b* tnMd fo r In md*vnncAe

Vo n^connM will b# npennd fur «urh.N n n d v ^ r i t t fR i rn t w ill rM rlviM l n r n r

th « eir«>|it (b o M i^ikl li) n u tb o r*land nf«>ht«a

HA U nFR WANTKl) l i m Cull an<

M A R M A Q E S.B Y R O N -H irnP nY . -On Jun* t i I»4. Mr An-

dnw L, liyi«ri (o MIm M«ml* Murpkf. bjr lUv. Katliar w nito, * t bL U rtdfrl'i Church, »M ao P. M.

* i \ » t m nrxrA V karks.CromlneDtly before th e public n man who u M6D more ups end downs tban fall to

the lot o f m any m en eTen In the oil re- fiotu,

S. D. R am e w u b o m at w hat t« now known aa K a m i S tation, on tli^ WeU Penn road, Septem ber 21, lSt3. He wax edooxted a t the public ectlnolx and gradu­ated at a P lttaborg buslnsH oollege. In 18W he accom panied hie uncle acroea the plain* to PUte'x Peak and afterward as- sleted him in open ing up the oflfielde of W est Virginia, W hen th e w ar broke ont, be enliatM ae a p riv sie at the age of Mventeen, saw xervice In the Virginia oampalgox and waa * m ustered out as a lieutenant.

After the war K arn s w ent to Parker’s Landing and engaged In the oil business. He was nnxucceasfal a t first, but finally "s tru ck It r ic h ," and in 18^, when oil waa|2.S0 a barrel, be had one well pro- duolng 2,000 barre ls a day. Besides thG he bad a num ber of o th e r profitable wells, and bis money soon ran Into the mnilons. FoUawIng his b ig oti strikes he started th e Exchange B an k o f P ark er’s Landing, o f which he was p re s id e n t; built the Iron bridge over the A llegheny a t th a t city, of which he waa preside Dt, and owned the m i^crity o f stock. H e built the railroad from Parker’s L anding to Kama City, a town laid ont by a n d named after him, and also the railroad flrotti Karns City to Butler. The m ajority of stock in both roads was owned by Mr. Kama, and on th e oompletion o f these roads he bnllt and operateif the K am a p ipe line, which enat 1800,000.

Here he came In contact with the Stand- strd Oil Comjiany. H o refused to com­promise with th a t g igantic monopoly and fought It sturdily w hile hi* fortune Insted, which was not long. To-day Dune Kama la a poor m an, and to the Standard Oil Company he a ttrib u tes bis poverty. He squandered his m oney recklessly while he waa rolling In w ealth , and does not seem to regret his prod igality now that he it reduced to sho rt com m ons. A t one time be kept fourteen race horaea In his pala-

: tia l stable, and he spen t tliousands o f dol- I I a n onhoraefleah. W henever Karns made I B good oil atrike, w hich waa ofleii, it

m eant a general jotliflcation forthew bole neighborhood, rfoh and poor alike. He built a mansion In th e Allegheny hloun- talni, miles away from any one, which he eallad a len k arn a , bu t th e people called it "K o rn t’s Folly ,” T his house oott|75,000, and slipped aw ay from him in his fight

I w ith the Standard.After hia defeat by th e oil monopoly

Karns gathered up th e m m nants of his fortune and w ent to Virginia, where he bnllt the F redericksburg and Orange Rail­road from Frederlckaburg to Orange Courthouse, forty miles. T he enterprise promised to be a auccesaful one, but owing to the bard tim es th e com pany waa un- abla to float i ts bonds, and K arns lost his last dollar. In 1880 be w ent to Kabsoa and for six yaars superin tended a cattle ranch for B, 0 . Emerahn, th e celebrated oil pro­ducer of Titusville. T here Mr. Karos ao- onmulated a valuable stock o fliea lth and energy, some o f w hich he proposes to ex­pend In his approach ing nongrsaalonal

I oampatgm_________ ___________

The I n d e p e n d e n t Farmer*I lYomthe formiiT

Seventy peroent, of the fermn la the United I Bute* u e oninoambered by eny Indehlednew; I their owners ere etiU the houie-huilders and I home^loTere of the lends ae thle clera has a1< I ways been; and Mr. Morton points out how, IM In preoedinir iteneratlune, nearly ell of onr I Preeldenu were called from their farme to I execatlre duties, and eoneeqneutly the farm- I e n repreeented the better element of our life

H), now alto, the farmer le the most lode- I pen^Dt and proeperoas of all the large clesset I Of onr people. Mr. Morton goes over the whole I froimd to abow th e relative importence sud I Independence of the agricultural class, and I their inflaenoe on the oommunity at every I lUge of bnr history.

B tA T B E W O M E N K N O W

| l


T h e rea l e s ta te t r a ts f e r . i re ee rA e l In th e Register*! efliee M onday a n a rep e rted hy th e JD d ea tr T itle u d D epM it (M m paay were;

■ nWABK.H enry M. D orem ns e t u t to tleorg© Van

D uvue. w « N dtU et 200* f r B e rileyav, ^xlO U ............... ...................................... a

C'bee. 8. K tockum e t ux to A lfoozu IW tiuerc iu , e ■ C u tle r e t 111« f r IHli a> ,xW...........................................................

M e iv e re t R iley to Jan e H e ilr , n e New Y o r k a v ^ iw f r H and fo rd e t, 117xlH7... 1

J a u r H cllly to P a tr ic k M rO in iy . n e hVw York av M w f r H andford st* WxUKJ: u b S>w Y ork avo ITS w f r H andford at, 4'iiH W ...,.............................................................. .1 ,0 0 0

Jam es E. O<miiolly (CtoraiO to M ayor am i Coium un Couocnl u f N ew ark , AU w I 'a r-k e n t ................................. 413

Heme to eam e, 904 8 U th e t . . . , . ....... . 144.Hame to e a m e , aK K lU h e t . . . .................... MHoiae t'O sam e, 117 A dam s e t ....................... 417Hume ioftam o, 811 E K ltioey e t .................. 133Hame iu RHme, IKT EaclAc e t . ............ . . . . a 14UKame to Fame, 191 V anderpoo l e t ...... . 13HHame to sam e, 1W-9U1 V anderpool e t . . . . . 933Hainc to eaiue, e w cor E m m et e t an d

A v H .................................................................. IWHami' to Mimr, ITS F en tilng ton e t ....... IN)David Frle<l e t ux to Ipaac H o ld er e t ux,

a g r t to k U 74 l ^ n o e At.............................. 1J o h n H . Duuq c t ux to UxEle C ooper, w

a Johneun av 143 n f r H uuyon et,l.'B................................................................ ...a I

H erm an J o e r tc h k e e t nx to M arg a ra th a w B i^uBuereet i t SSd n t r H pruce et,

75i » .................................................................. AOOOTOWNWUPO.

A lurustlae J . Glesa aitd a l to Jaco b W alb le . C lin ton , n e layons a v T& f rC lin ton pi, £&zll7..................................... .

H enry K. Hejruolde e t ox to E d w ard W . Jaoobus, K ia t O ranga, n w s A m h ers t8l s w f r U n lv en lty p i, GOxtUn............ 1,500

P a tr ic k F lan ag an e t nx to J o se p h W . B u tte rw o rth , B loom tield, w s L ake s tftlfi s w f r C row n s t , 4di225........................

W eatb erb y A H ay to P e te r U lrich e t a l,F ran k lin , lo ts ^ 4 S7& b lk 1ft.....................

H enry H. Havage e t a l to M 'jlUani A. HoblusoD, ( 'lln to n , lo t OM ma,p flM exI 'a r k ................ .......................* ........................

F rfd e r le M aurer e t ux to Lpnis M c­Cloud, E a st O range, bh G rove pi 350 ef r G rove s t, ^ x W ....... .................................

T h e O range M ountain C able Oo. to Km* lly C, M o l'a rth y , W eet O rauge. n s ( 'ab le av 850 f r lio ck H prlng av ,^ x 1 9 3 .

M ary Hi ryb rin g to M ary !f. iJreyer, Oranifc, c e P a rk pi 46H n f r P a rk av,!i7xl37................................................................

G eorse P . KlngHley (M aster) to A m os Blnttcy, W est O ra n n , T ulip a v U K n e f r N ew ark a n d M t .P le u a n t tp k , cou tg1 J4-lU0a............................................................

H enry H , Savage and a l to Jo h n K lein, Clinton* j o t i n U E a e e x P a r k ......... lilO

D E A T H S .Bt't nANAN-OnthfiMlblMt, C1sre V., wkto of

ileerxe T. Uuehanan. Sfed ti yeant.funeiul wrvioeM <ePI he h«>ld wkvrlsi«rfsk<l*are,

SOrernivooe l4kX<i hall rood eveeue. on Wediie* day. Juae X7, !SM, at t 1*. M- HeiaUTw aai) fk>i4iieMhe family are tMp*H>ttully isvilel, leiaritienl at Palrmouni

COZfOVXR On iheHth last.. JasiM. «o« Of Will­iam aad Annie ('eaover. aged l i fsarv ismcDkbi,

Hilativea and friends an levlted i* atiseit Uif funeral rVtim his pereate' mldeno*. <71 heri>ed street, kearny, N. J., «n Wedeesday, Jnee n, al7:in A M.. tnesi-e lo Ckaich of Ike Bely i'riiM, where, a Ma«a of Heuiileie wUJ h* offered ffir tba repoee of his seul jaterroent In HI. Peisr's Cemeiery, KsHevUia 2t> J>

DOKICRLLY-At Ifampioii. Va, ea ibe uf June, Tobias, Iht huloved husband of Uarrarel T>oDii«lly.

Kotire uf Hmeral bereaher.J01t!4ftON-On Monday murntnx, Jons ft, issi

Adolphus, yoeiifeil »m uf Kale aad rbe lais Wsnley Johheen. in the ITtb yearothis ags.

Bflnllvta and frlandN are IdvIM to allend iha ffm#ral ssrvii^ea frt>m Mi /.loD'sKapdtlChafch, Tlinmas st reel. lO" morrow (Wedaaadar< ane^ iHMiii i4 t:)o o'clock. BeUtlves will nicei at bis nioili»T*s resldrnor, !4u. \ seey itrepi, etl;U K M. iiitsrmffU Wopiltsoil ('smriery.

O'KEftFK'OnMonday. June 25, at the realdenoe of his patents, F a llCroM slreeS, Thomas F., ei»n of Owen abd Marsh O'Keefa

KoiU'e Of funeral hensfter,HlIiJ.Y--Oa yoaday.JuneftB, at his late reei-

dtnre, ho. 1S7 West Klnuey ilreet, 'ihomaa, husbainl of Mary K, Heilly.

KoUci of fUtierai heiearter.RIllTlI >e Monday, Jiuk« U, HVtJnlknt Boo of

Janes 1\ and Llute Tonks RmUn.Itjierjuent in Mb Pleasant cemetery.

BUITH—On June 35, IBM, tatliarlo*, Widow of ' JohnamltU.Relatives and friends arc kindly Invtted te at-

lead the funeral i'renk the rseldei»ee of her (lauibter, Mrs. Kkeily, No. Itt Morris avenue, on Tburiday, the :9tU Inst, al 7:10 A. M., to ML jfNwph’s t'hurcn, where a Mats of Kequiem will beoffsreit forthe repoee of her soul laterment In the L'emetery of the Holy bepukefare.

v a n DUYNR On theSSlb IhsL, Jeho Ulsworih , SOS of MAtnusk and Del la Vae l>uyoa.axed 7 weekta

Fueeral will he fkom the narenbr residence. M Ugrten street, ou Tbartday, June ztt, ISM, si BA. M. Iteiatkvei aiKl friends of the fluully are renpectrully Invlvsd to attend. Interment at Cemelery oflhe liuiy Biepulcbre.

c a u d o f t h a n k s .I hereby rlmlrs to thank Hr. K. A.WhltehonM

and employee for their klndatss to mr hasbaiid. WHilam c. Wsfner. durliif bis Ulsessi also lor floral (gTarlnga al his funeral. KLTsA WAUN hK

V A MALK HKI.F, ANN rA l*A r|T Y , « rrte ui eniyinyen si th e n nocit’e oxH M a s

A M K hh'A N liMPUM MRNT AuENCV, n i*edar Ik. le iephone r r . i

A iiK T tm AND I'ANVAWikHM, MAIatt AND frttial* . bts mnne)' oia«1'*eMy' no teik nNjnlred

U) Mil khv kiMlal Upwlrh . eelh liw>ir at s i f h t : luei llilnfe of i t ; iM krkmniliiv, nnsmokie. no en'aliliiiV I Chimneys, aampke tceu la METa T. T IP lX>w H*e*ninifton su, Jerwy <*Uv. Vk I

WFDNKADAY. IM. lo tm tA N u ra T . i :

BDOK KKFl'gR- VOrNN Ma n WANTHDAH b>«k keeper, douhks en trr; i>rw eklhknow k

wixe of shnniiasd ami Rrmliiikon lyhewriler ar*' fsrratl; wegm |lh, Addreas in own handw riuag. stetlag sfs, ei|ierlen<'e. eic.,\ HOok-KKarEH, ite i K, News offlea

HV K 'K X U W A ffTIli, A MINIM.t VOl’Nn bukber, Mermaa. ('all a t U l HVLHKIIHV HT,l

/ tANVAKhXH W a NTKD. a KkMpKtTAHLC V. middle affeil n«sa tfi Mllrlt urders; must he ei* iwiieTW'««l i'eovaM sr; iihiiI mh : ekdu*ive kerritory, j__ MAHl KHH at iAJW X, 7 ^ HromlsL

/ tAKHIAUK TRtM Hkkl WANTI^IL OLIVRH \ fbotoft iiM L **m

4 IDAI HMAX I1KHUA8 AN l*nA( HM a K :4 thurniigiiiy arMlKretasds his builneee . rwuxs* n>on.Uilea; idly j»r eouairy. K. na.NTUHXH. 1 'layLariV. i«re Ober, «.iranxe, N. J. Hm

( p i m . S AND rAHKRI' MAKKK tAVANTFll 'lo (seecharge atnl tnske same : must be cmn-

pelcni Ami neatly J ., Ikos r , NewsottiiH. 1

(NtMl'KTFNT FX-..................... jiialntwl witiL shlp-

pliif In .Near Vurk Uly ; rffrrfmvfi re>|ulmt ►II .1. HTaM’tKUj, 111 I'vitrUarnHsL. DelieiUlaL'^KI'I.MYMKNr FDR AM. W XRKLV^1 jW e've an antrle everT maa nnisi have ; M's an

ahedotf iiiNevltr : dun t require a sili'k sa]«^niaik, tM. mlsreikreieBtathm ; laikN lleeir. shiiH- IL Ihal'i alt . men If ho tiNve never sold SihaIa heflnrs IP* ftt- Uric . a^eiero eern lnn U-U doltv. ('all to- iuotrow, t to It, and | >t Martwi.I 111 W A KUEN NT., llarrlsim . f

K M P L O fM K X T W A N T R U -rB H A lx S a

( UH K Wa n t e d , HiTi ATinNH b y t w o k r - ■pei'iahle ftrl*. ene as I'WOk and laimdrese. n th tr

rhaintwrinalq anik Hallress suud ctlV refereiwe. Pieese lalk fbr two days at No. B I'LA KK h I ., riky.ty UVIK M |ri:A rln .N w a n t e d hy t w o4. oei iuan alrli : uBf SA cook sad the other t f up nalrNctri. Taouire1 s4M iiH Ti>N irr.,rroai kho lu 'iioeh .

OAVM woHK Wa n t e d , w o h k n r a n yk1ndh\ ihedav eilowprkN*. AdilreeeHiN. M.,

ueneral iwllvery, city.

JShB-H'UdAKEH WlHllEN Finaderaia , Taytor syktam.


1 kllKNNM AUMHI 'd a y : |ia d a y .J | i r f ’NKK«|i.PEll

w ii.i, MO o u r■V ItHoAD hT.


IHAihiiin 4 all U iN JN O nk ’:

AMRItK'AN I.ADY WDMI- liuu trh feper; niduwer pro ’ Ml. tor lUree days t

1 klUVKH w anted , a i 'press ilrlver; nm«l be iMNpialritwl


1*-'IHHf-CLAM iia r h k h w a m e u ,_ «l liK|nlr«M BUKlNKIKI.D AVE*

Mai MINE iiA .vn w a n t e d w h o (*a N iei up fur all kin<ls of roouldlnc, akau rub

Tariei.i marhliirs. in take rlia rfe oi a m ill, muet be rirsi ciaM In every wey and Nivsdy.I____ A., lh)x H, News uffleek


N W a n t e d . FURTIIRI NiTEDhTATIM Amyr shl* Nxiied anmarrled men. ktetwneu

the ace uf'JI enO .V) vears: food pay, ralluns, 4'lottk lac and medloal atleadsni'e: ap p ll^ iiu must ire prepfeF*i1 111 fiihilih sAUifai'iory evldenon as toAgs, cbarsri.'tvr and Uebit*. a pply at

MAllKs.T Ml.. Nawark, N. J.

I I irrN EK EkPEH WI.sUPDt hirV A TiU N AH I i h^iuMkevper ia a wklowi r« family-

K. OHOVKN. M HIcbmond SL

n iMMRW'OHK A Vnl'NU WOMAN W aNTH srurk hy ili* ai<mkh *>r week . alvep home . ftwd

nlelirivoli and lauMdret<i i-lty retorvn^'e.1 Addrem**UMANDrnRDNT.

I 'M I 'E rF N T W O M A N el ceisersd housework; eee-

prix sio lamlly.IMCOHMFBCRNT.


/ l b A YBE NEWARK IKMIHP; AVeUvarkei, Noa lU loVkU'eniral ava

■a/^*w(Ps A larc« Mock of ilrat-eliuw herem aiwavs Ml bend fur eale or exi'hanie ai (he

lewvet marvel prii.'ee.drauihLdriven a itlc ensril perpose horsea; a fair trial f i r a e e a t all 1srtth a full fuarsatee te h e e s reenMwntel or cash refmkded A l.B K H fjG j'irr .T N . p r e »

n t 'T rH E R WAOON, o n e OI'PN w a o o n , b«itliie«^ wainii. ate xtnm p ceric heap. FlkANK

L a HClt K, SR) ML Free]terk avm., n*ar i Uy sL 1

( lAKHlAllEM' rAKmAOi<>l' CAIOI] AUK'" Opva and top Mvclea, phaesows, ladles'phae>

toM, rtiaaboute. traps, e^irreys, Jum piest eurreys, spindle, rued. IhjU's heed. t|*eedlut end hQtlu«%« wacuea uf eti klnda TKAUVK'm XUHTfl KNh I'AK lktAtlE RKiHMlTOHY, Ift 17Itcllevtlke av»>M

C AKKlAORd rtkU AAl.k TIlK «’M\TI*NTm nf a stable mwi •vmpe rocliee-ev penal top , one

I'-nan, tine double Del ufcoa<'h hsreeM iteerly uea. tfd of ikehl diMJldf hnrsvva. eh'., oko. Ia<i>i1re

............. llR<l>

n orNKWoUK al>kMS |KMitlon iliote ur ouuairy:

tn ^irHEwikUK- flri o f)), lalrky

H o d h e w o k ktiiHi ccosrai M

W A M ID . HV A YlH’N d _ laml«i|. employment athunse-

work . her uncle will five ImhhI tor hsr honest)', i Inquire a t 41 MuNUoK Sir.

H o v H iw tm K w o m a n w a n t h p l a c e a t teeeral himieworki, elky or ciMetiy.


Mework ; iHty er muakry..y> W K 'K i.lF F E HT,

^KVt INU--PLA1N AkVl'lNU TO 1H>A'L' HoMR. \ W tHtk. ‘.'N Norlki Hvvenkh si.

STh NOOHAPITEviKinx lady desire* |s>*ll1un: <vrr*s|iniadeMoe

preisrrtd. Addreas iL, Uni H. Newt i>m<e. I

W AhJllNO — StRHpM r^U LK (VklJiRlTDwomen weald Mk** Ha^hiiiR si home ur by tba

day. Addreie » H uUm .NoTHr. t

T V * « H I N 0 tVANTRD.TV lauiidrese, waehli«ff : day

1 u km. T iloM fd o x , ius Penwa BL, Orange.

\ 1 ’’ H lTlNd vv to dua l home.._Add

t :T h NOOKAPITRU A N O ‘1 V k'KW Itl TKR ;

17 nv

HY KIHdT-C'l.AHS or at home.


n iiRHka •) IIFA1I ax t.K AT mlUtil.. m r af r a (lln tna ^ ( . .• r a , ai

rHKmaLI. prIoM. all u rrpnMrutail U b H'. W TRIMMKR.





That hasTf bedclothlag oltan produom I glaeDlaainvaaf

That happy chlldrea are almost iavarlsblyI Baalthr oblldnin T

'D ut bnrasd omnphor Inhaled vlU otton I m re a cold in the head 1

That a comb of balTalo horn is much bettor I for the hair titan one of rnbber or celluloid?

That oolot taken from a fabric by acid may I nearly alnay* be restored by the use of sm- 1 amnia f

That the u fee t eonrtplaater to use U the i^ b ite . transparent kind, as the others are I liable to contain poiaonoua dyeg F

Tbat v * " " * paroisvm of oonghlng niay be I often arfoetbd by a taWelpoonfal of glyoerlne I In a wlneglaas of hot

Thatiilveror■taeithlmbles ato the lafeit I to HiC| otace others coatjiln lead, fara*s or pew- Ite r, prodnolog Inflammation In a slight laeratdif ^ __________

W omeo’t Ways. 'Fair women’s way* are ail so strange.

They keep ns ever guessing;Onr reasonings they disarrange '.

In tn an ^ rs most dlatreestng,For w h u A e think they love 1M more 'TlianWhrial ■*" wes loved before-

Love DS and love us oaly—^ e y on aodm new-found treasure emUt And gi^ly follow it the while

They leave lu sod and louely.

We bitter grow and straightway vow To woo again, no, never I

Ko more thoir kliut we shall allow Love’s tender cords to sever;

We oeaae to a l ^ for them, and then They rigb and ooo lo tt word* again

As sweet as meads of elover i And whan their eye* upon u i dwell Wapardon avarything and tell

Tha lama old story ovar.* , . ^-CWeogoJflwmal.

U i e Hhrrwd T w alv^aF rom th e lioudon Law Jokirnal.

T he '^iiAlrlArchAl an d apoato itoal n u m b e r of tw e lv e ,A R th e p roper an d on ly adm lw lb le num ber for a Jkiry try in g cmos kcim rdlng to th e conim oii law , baa com e dow n to u* from rem ote A ntiquity . Y'et th U n u m b e r wub n o t a lw aya uniVHrBAl- In IflfiS a Oornixb ctictom to h av e ja rle* of clx waa d ec la red to be bad., b u t evidence wan given th a t bucL Ju r ie i h a d been w idely u sed in th e coun try , an d by a Bpeclal e ta tu le o f H en ry V IH , ju r ie s of s ix w ere a l ­lowed in W aJee. T he C oun ty C o u rt J u ry of five U, u f course, a very rec e n t a n d aom e tb la k a very u n fu r tu n a lc , lunovatiuiL a n d th e c o u rt In w hich i t Bits U Itself only fif ty y ea rs old. B n t th e ju ry o f the G rand ABatse oomileted of Blxtceu nxeu, whU;h atlU Antla a iw ra lle l in th e ju ry nf p m e n tm e u t t o f th e L ib e r ty o f th e savoy. T h e m odern G rand Jury* th e C nroner's J u ry and th e Ju ry a t lun acy and eo c le iia it lo a l immltktto&B n um ber an y th in g be tw een tw elve Alia tw e n ty - th re e , w hereof tw e lv e a t le a t t m u s t ag ree o n a verd ic t.

N E W J E R S E Y N E W S .Tlie manufacturing potter* of Trenton

threw open the ehope yeBterday ter give the etrlking operator* a chance to return to work. Not a aingle itrlker applied for retnetateinent. Lant night the potteries were cloted Indefln- ttely.

tiamuel Montgomery* an Iwaue negro, at­tempted to kill a fellow-boarder* William 8mlth, a t Trenton yeaterday aftertmon with a ttbol gun. Smith dodged the load* which passed throngb hi* bat. Montcomery will he taken to the aeylum to-day.

Hngb Casael* aged fifteen years* wa* drowned while In bathing in Bmith's Pond, at Butler* Sunday afternoon. He mjade a wager with a oompiuLlon that be oonld d in oft a high bridge eroMlng the upper end of the pond. He plunged off and did not return to the surface. HIb body has not been recov­ered.

Louis Winkler* fifty-two year* old* of 84 Adams street, Hoboken, tried to klU himself a t a late boar Sunday night by firing two shot* from a revolver into hia month. One bullet lodged in hi* cheek, and the other in the roof of hi* month. He will recover. He was despondent beoakiae he could not get work. HI* wife 1* dead* and he kept house with his eon.

Justice William B. WUson* of Jeraey City* was convicted In the Hudson General Sesstoiia yesterday afternoon of embexzlement. The ei'ldenoe ehnwed that be had foreclosed a chattel mortgage of |lft0 for Robert Reilly, of 18 l^ rriae avenue, paying fftft and giving a check ahead for |8ft to ftelliy. This ofaeok was never paid. Four Indlatmebti are pending against WllsiBi for eitortloD.

The funeral obeequiea of the late Asiembly- mau Ohaylefl L. W aters a t 6fc. Lkike** M. £. Church. Long Branoh, Bnndiy, were atiendei by uearly 9,000 people. Th* oerenaoniee* nndsr the (ilreotlon of the Masonlo lodge a t Long Branch 'and the. Junior Order, of United Xmlrrlcaa eitrem ely lapoa-Yrig, Tiiv T ^alu* jaere tsdien to i^b tiito w a j^eitetMay for iM«.nneat«

The cnrnor-atonr of the now Aabdry Hetjho- dliiBplBCOpal Church at-North Long Branch wa* laid yesterday aftemeon. Addresses Were made by Rev, J , B. Grew* of Camden, Rev. W. F. Cs Strickland, pmddlng elder of the New Bruniwioli; conference dktrjot, add Rev. Gttrge 0. Meaerola* the pastor, like new church V on Atlantio avenu* an4 will ooet 1)5*000. I t will be of brick.

Louis Stoexer^of West Hoboken* disappeared last Thnrsdaji but nothing wa* b o u g h t of H dnti) reaterday, when t t e town anbbodtiei looked Into his account* a t onttodUn of the widows and orphan/ fn&dpl the fire departr menta He should have baa $l*SiF on band, but all that wnel^ft wa* f i l , The mnaltfing fil*a9bid heeu mlsappropdated. A -warrant will be Isened for Stocker’s arreei. HI* bond* wer* allowed to expire June ^ INB, oones nnentiy his bondsmen oan only Im lield for *uobmoiM)«M w w t misappropriated before IkatUma*

D e a th C la im * P a id l a M ew atk a a d T lc la lty T * -d a y b y M e tre p o U ta a L ife la s . Ua.

fniiiL A nt.JoM;>k Rrsinef, 380 John it., 7Tiunri»on., .1* fiTik 00Andrew Kratt, IM pKDulagtoii i t ..... . .05 111 uoMar)' Taylor, 81 VsBfterpool i t ...... . .10 *0 0*

t .y . WXLLlAKa, nasL,iiatis-itT Marbwra., e m r Ks5ny.



gHtalmlof ip«ck*Uy..lU BUTJTll UMAMUEAV&, iwvMi Juuej ttuU lisyw •(«. SOc


174 Broad *L A)v) flrsvciMS Uvsry fiUAle, 2, 4 *<kS 6 Clay I t TeleplioM ISO.



. prepare for flMk- dae i MtualloiiK ewelllnff iiur gredkiam; to t acv

C O U rL ETSList's edttceilOM ; enter nnwr

_ iiur Kicepte* In inatalmeate. 'ttTJ Broad tL

PBOF. HgYUOUB, Friaclpat.

BKNN riT SlA N SHORTHAND 5CHUOL, 7SS KrcMMlet.. lioofnAlead i

Tenuii uji ApullcalioD.CorreApoudencp I'ouree. ||0* Incluillni; took* NptcUl ternw durln* June, July nnd Aofxist,

M lMH TOWNh KND’H R'JAKDI.NO a n d d a y Bthool torglrli, -M L AFtK PL, Newark,

Prliusry, Aosdeinlc eikd CoLKt** pennkenu.

Clrciiluion sppllnlton.

,, ovwarK, N.J,i'rsparsier/ i>s

«q^ ■ W A B K A U A D EtfV -

B. A. FARRANT), Head M uter, WILSON FA BRAND* AhsocIaI* Muter,

reopens Heptenber 17, IM .

Thorough I'TepnrAtion tor say cciiefe orseientlAc Kboot or tor butluen llto.

Cstalnf ne on Applioallon.



M lt« WPIITMCJRK, PRINCIPAL, rollefft Pruparntory. Aenlof, Junkrt sad PrlmiifF

Depeftmenin. A limited nm nberoIbertlD Pnniery Depsrlment. l erckfleate idmlU h> WeUuley OpU lege, circulsra un epplIcatkoiL


BRaiNNERR W a n t e d f o b p ia n o snusrler. PIANO* Box P* NewsofRe*.

Ma n d o l in , b a n j o , U 4 Tiollu taught,

S7a A. J,


WKIDT. 76 Soatb It,

Z ITllK K I.K160NR DIVEN BY B X rgR I- e*owHe*rlier. KHOMERHKTftT.* tob- 3m

D U E H dH A K IN G .

A - A . - a T, 'rA Y L ttkm tD W .•eutttog Kfllnool. Tb* duly

ihoruufh sBd MKwaflil iy it* n in nee. ‘I w only one not a cB*vi K«ay to leara. Pnolie mske d re u i t while learolng. M*ke ao la iitaha lear* the hu t. One* day u d tvea* Inga NotlMP). 'T, tsy ler'i, U l4 tt

w— -* ^ M auitsT rlQ iiy Church,^ M. C H U B T It.A -A .-M t IMJWKLL D R R811 • 0 U T T I N O

«i?chrH)l. The ceiehreted MoOoweli garm esl drafUng mecblne h u aever been Uehsisd In any

eoDtut* reos1v)ai twoUtshutawaroe st the World'* Fair; w hengetungaiy ttea i w hyaot g e t th e b u t positively nu reffttlng puplU oaa, make d ru e u whlD lenrnini: call or esitu tor oirculsr. paper pniterosest tomeasiir*. __ fM X. G. GRAWLET, SUBcoaftit,

A -*o r a n g e d k e m r c u it in o s c h o o l :•open all aum nitf'; the Taylor lysteok lh a r

oikghly U u sh t; a)ao cutting, flttitig* dru lng , mak­ing. dulgoiDgend Anleblnf ; we teach U dlftonnt klyln or wsteU, Piinoee)» ffreiimi, Jacfeela eoata* uittereand capes ; a written guaraotee flven all who enMr; ilret-claM dreesnuklng at rednc4Hl

E' w ; open day and evenlnge; 'J'aytor't Taahloa Mine tor June given to ladtu lew nlm aycum, ng pattern, or ORterlng hoetuma Ail tke

lataet Frenoh ityiee are u» be su n a t Ma Y’ y, LY'NCH'^ 33^231 Mala St., OraagSk Decker Build- likg-

ATTAYLOR’8. 071 AND«7S BaOADBT.. YOU can lu n i cutting httlny, dulgnlng, flnlslilaf,

draptug and latset fine poCtiU; make dresoee tot youtoi4rorycuTfiiend)i; seh e a l |lru taken during vacation: good poeltlon* oktalned; mothers lo- viied; anaTlowanee made ou other ayelSDu; open evening*. Tayiofit F u h lon Magailne free tor on* year lo old and new p u p l^ CostamM m ade; mii- ting aiid fitting; pniterni The Taylor Hyetamcsri only be ehtalned from tiie authortsM mstuumr, «y K. L MKHBm'.l^R K H R U A K IN a - MHE. VAN ZANT HAN .■..Fopeacd a dreum aklisg departotent In rormeo- lion with har d ru a cutting roliool, where eba Is pro- parod lo d o a ti k lndeor work al m w tu b la prlos* brJ Plane i t . near __________ Ti

REWIMARING - 8UITB * t> ^ i a lto tidisff bakits. iti TO tjc;

PLA Zn tilALL . Ml

I pUltOPRAi't TAlLOH HULiC AND RQU'a HE ^ftir cottlng ladLu' anti chlidtee'a garmeat*

plain. Fteacb. eeamlew and Benin wabii* Krnitch bluflaret, double and triple «ldv hedlu. P rtao u i diiewa* pUlu and fliaeir eletvea, e ta, all tor M t tMUKfing ruJw, wiuare, lu tn ictlen aad msaeore book; pupllatnaketb tlrow ogarm snta Bee while MerDlng; tm ltlngand flttlnfllnlng* and paper pec- lernscui to m e am re : day and evening lemonv MADAME v a n ZANT. aoS Plane It.* Otar New. Brenck s iF la tS , lA O ld BalHUog,*ext ic poet* efflos, HorrIatowQ. N. J.j-^wNLY BHANCU IN OBANOE 1)7 URIOINAL

T. Taylor Hyatom of up Broadway; no ehan; aotaal maanrouenta: uhelariuan u ^ e Iheir ewndrusuneo | laudiu aafiosUed.____________________ U E. DUNNM m M unil.





I I 'J I d k it t a l e u a o e o n ,BITW EBN nttOA ~

a U W0fl|K AT A B m u iK L v .

u r a f t ,0EO N , iW iaST



tfiamwl Apply toN LTiiEY BVITOW KAC- I ’UJlV, Nulh-y, N. J. 17in

P iaOwnANi) Wa n t e d o n k a h m .t I. uuJllKJN, Ridge rd., near kliigSlind.

1>RE*fi.MAN W A .vn rM iN F IN E OOATH AT uiica. 'to NORFOLK RT. 1

LfMEKt'I. Ma N ^ a RK f o r buicher S c i d a h s t .

H U R i«S FUR 1


W year^or iJienuriery imvhieM ;ladtKwmeaie ulDreil be«lun»r* erul eKiwrlciicwl men. Write »1 once tor partlriilart ti» EI.Io- WANCElt A HA HUY. Mt- Hope N unwrlu, itoeheeter, N. Y. 781

W A N T E D t?«JArHMA.N ANDOAHDENKR;VT imtetbp fiober eu'l wllllug to work. , .. _ . . _ food

pliKW tor the Milii iuau. Apply un ptvtiilnei tw- murrow Iwinrtn hgud HA. M. llALHkY T. TICH- ENOft, rJu 1,'iliitOD nve., near isoiith hlghtaeiith eUl

TI^^A.NTKD-tXl'KHIKNCEI) MhOE S a LKH- Tv niau or u)n*»tnHTi S«r kHilnntav nlghl. In­

quire R. I l k VBA.N, 1 14.ip n o g n e td e ta I

W R WtJ.L KJ'Alir YOU IN A FLEAHANT* proriia))1e end pvrmeiwat baeitiMe; oeo be

d en t at your uwo kmmr. |v) n we^k easily luaile eetid etamp tor full (•laianatlon. «


W «X)D PATTERN Ma K P R W a NTEI ,who thoroiigbiy underitendB flirtiee# and

range work, offloe.

Addrtitv I'AITEHNK, B*x U, News I

H E L F W A N T K D -F K kIA L E R .

^ k v O D D SERVANT ' ‘UI^PJJED AT NHORTnotice. A* we procurv itiu.illOD* without rharge

to flrla. » e generilly bare appUoailou tor places K L lT k EM PUlVM EN r UFFlOEA. 74) Broad


A nE N T H -F O rit LADtrn t okoluahold arilcle; salary to rlfh tpartlM .

dreaa 9ALARY. buc M. Newt offlee.


^^PHENTlCtW, IHI'KOVKRR, HFWINCI _ , . flnlaljcri and icarnen tor druantakU k

aadcutUrtg, RTIIKL. 176 Jlruad it. ^

AOKNTH-r,ADV AllEN’rK w a n t e d . CITY or country ; good pay. AVE-tfJ

B OOKKEWKR SDced bookMw«r

WANTED, AN MXFERI- - w4»a....T.*,r', tteady emptoymeeiL HERALD oFFiCK, 2S0 MuJit * t. Orange.

( 100KH-W ANTKD. TJIRKR r)M>KH n>K . bcwiding h^fuaM ; alflo girR tor general hmiee-

work ; gk>od Situation*- Apply Mki-. UARTUN'a E M PLuY lfEN ToFFR 'K , IM High it.

COOK-WANTRD, ACOOK W KOlHW H.LlNG 10 aaslat wUb w uhlng and other wnrk. Call

a lte r S P, M. er btibre iiuou ai hBI 146 CLINTON a VE.

C100K -W ’ANTED, IHXJD iXJOK A M ) La UN- -dreea 818 BBLLKVILLK A VE 1

t RNERAI. B tftV A N r W A N T E D - PLAIN T ('ixiking and i^ b la t. umall family ; wigu ftl4 :

reference W&iiM. 2 PUUHFRUl ThllKACE, Brick church. 1

H o u s e w o r k - Wa n t e d , a c i h l f o rgeneral housework In avniatl ibmil.v of adult* ;

KhgllKh'Kpeaklng uermau prefvrr^d ; referrucei niuat be hrgt-eiaw. Apply lii JKW-hl.HY Ri t)KE, No. I'rudeDttal Rulldlitg, from 10 to 12 (/clock A. M. asmi i ;girle Wanted, chambermaid and geuerol huaac- work ; aleo Herman and Hwmlf hr i p ; alto «i>HMbure. J. HkKHiiN, EBaptoymejii ac*eic)', ))7* broad bL. ror. or William. 1

M'll.l.lMJ rtKRVANT: KOod oUla cook; wa-hlug end aMlat Uou*e-

wurk. Apply MRS. D UPuM , ruiUiflice Ikix lUA Niitley, N. J, 1n nURKWORK~A


1 |O U ftK W O R K V utM J HERMAN (JIHL I I wanted tn small IkmDy to aeilnl In light huuu-

work. AppiyI 7i8 h i g h l a n d AVK., Forcat Hill, city.

1 lOUAKWORK - WA.NTHD.KNDLIHH HPKAK 1 l i n g German girl tor ge nr ril hGuwwurk and lo aaiiUt III care et baby. O Nun Til 8KVK.>i m »1'.l


IVANrKi', A HRL1AULK .-(lermMi-Atnerlrau g rl lor general hounework

sjid to s u l i t Inalore ) ail i .MULUkKRY w'l.l

H 0U 8EW 0R K -W A N i K.li. HIRL FOR GKN- eral iMuuwork ; fiir<illy oI tw u; Uermon pre­

ferred. I4« N uR i’ll -MM II II j o u b e w o b k - w a m y.h, a w o m a n f o r X lg e n s r a l hotiuwurk1 26B M I. PK'Wl’g' f a VK„ ror. Third.

YOUNU DlJUitor gcaerai lluuM■ T{Jtk

hi KERRY RT„ bakery,

jjouaK w O K K - \ f A.vrsi

HO U P 4B W O H K -W A ?tT K Ii, ( .m i - i 'O K U S X •rsl a«WW0 tk. 34 I 1,1 -N i ' IN MT.

H (IUBEWOUK-<i I H I, V bonaswark s T.iNiikN n r

L ADIIH WANTKl. TO TKALTI PAHLOll rlewlnn Indreiemaklng ouiiidc of Newark.

I 1 a VI.o K'M, 071 Broad s i

L ADIER a n d GENII.I- M K sN TGHELL WELL advertlied artkde. Room i. 074 HRoADST. 1K urhk■irong

ittornlag.-WANlKD, A l IS n .A Y AT,, A wotDBO 10 care lor luvalld night and

SALKBWOMKN—WE HAVE AN UHlGlNAJj, legitimate, nauch-uetded aritcia which aalta be»i

dttrlmi bard timw, iwcauite It uvea money a i^ auflhrltig; women and without any experl- enc* W huevu arv now maklrue from fl6 lo #IW peK w u k without neglertlGg tlielr home dutlee: no capital required ; mil parilcular*, free aam p luaud rororenouln yourowiiOtaiaand our* by gull. Ad- d re u H. W - Buk im , HofUun, M au.; rmly ItauM •eeklhg respeetudft. pc fliahiwand jtermanehtbtJOMj eiupioyiasrtt seed app^r- •<*

SALEAWuMa N WANTIDAT D. MARX'ti. 1«l Sprluflleld ave ,fiir fancy g^KMlaarid noUona; one

with experWuce. aone other need apply must speak uamiai). App‘f to superinteadeat. »H

STARUHERh wa M ED AT RI.ECTEIC LaUN DRY* rear *iv Wi ll«e-l _____________ ]

W ANTKD -G iRI N'»r UNDER l« : DAPAIU.itf taking lull rliarge uf i chfldceo: German

prsfsrred. Inquire 0* MARKET hT. 1UANDa GN

iloen duaterB and huiciitr )fowoe.«. LOii;Wli: .’4HKhG, Bank bL


TO LEARN BABE BALI, playing i gooU wngsv Addreu

GLD RKLIABI L. Box 1\, N*w*offloe,W OMEN WANTKl


S M F L O Y H E N T W A N T B D -^M A L K ^

A"*^C00UNTAKT E X P L ia -B-DOKb WRITTEN op, aacsuuuepeaed. Hintenitnls made, oolleo

l ^ a t t e a d a r l : engagements hour or day : leruw ab aera le . BKRMaN. 24* .Hj.rlngileld a ^ .

Bo o k -k e a p e r —a n y o f f ic e w o r k d o n kevenings by cuniiirleiit book*keeper ; Germim

or EiuLlab’ Addree* _ ^ .Im BOGK.K,KKPKR,

HI TCHKIl DKMIBBSYJCTCHER-IHXID J > t ^ y_ y p ^ M o ii: uBuer^nd^ groosrIeB; beat of refereiKie. AddrewlL a ., Di'«»lhmWaBt. 7R

Gr o c e r y c l k r k - y o u n gbaving coiuldsratoD eMUrtei

neu wlihfa poaltlen .u iticlR

l a d y w u i l d l i k e w h i t t .ngjcie. Addivea'W HlTlM i, 'JM North wevsnih sL

ttO A H U IN fL

il,INTON BT..84 TWO YUUSil LADIEHCANObtain room ; board. t

1GUUT HT., lOl NIC FLY PUR.MSHED nwimi, wllk or WIIB IUI boan l; all Improve-

nieoia _ EH^ l . M HT„ IT-lfOAHlM PLKANANT HGUM*,J or without buanl. 2*m

rU RNIA H kl^ RiHiMH, WITH vor wllhuol b u rd l all miMleru coaTaolencea tTh

1/LH ar., IfJ vor wllhu

JNUANKI tor isntlSj


»T., S7 r i ’K M H Ilkll RIHj MH a lat |ou<l toblk bua^l: Im-


tNULItlsN tfr% 47-PLEASANT KUKMK.HKD roooiBand board ; all uonveiileneea. 741

^ ALHKV BT., « FRu NT A*H>M buard.

H il l u t .,bt


la-FURNtHliKD L boarding : private family-

f iM kRTYST., IT I Jor without board

'FUH.NlHUkD HUUM. W’lT lI ; fenUeniHi. HI

p l e a s a n t FHG.N’T IKwiW, with good board ; aU ImprovemeDta ; oenirm ;

table biurd. Sil

T^TKW MT.._ 44

V ’EW NT.. 4HrI NK’E FRONT UDOMm WITHJ. V botid for geuUemaii. 4-H

OHAM ir. PL., l -N irK L Y FI R.MnHKD M)om«. wUh or witkuut board; all Iniprove-

O nCHARD NT-, 1» - R ;U R D : PLkAMANT large front room : terms moderaie. STI

1>AKK PL ..U -7R 0M T R 0G M ^ WITH RiiARD; also tabJi buerd. 9 y

•FUHNIUHKD ROOMS WITH : aliu table board. «ui l h111:TGKHK NT.. SA REA R BASK TABLE

board and tornMtied rooma H lt'a BP;H(iK.47e

C H R U M a N AVK..b7-A BOOM, W lTllilOAltD; i^alBO table board. B2I


table board.

»T.. t* 7 -N lC K lV FUH. m m s , wtib or without board ; also


COt’M R Y BOARD-A FEW ADI'LTk 1‘a N 0 nd foed hrutrd and airy rooms lu pleasant

nart of Nemon, Busmx County.7Hl F. G, BUX ‘

Addreii^ at. NrWtoU. N. J.



Ottaroniaed sontost. In sll ool on . fur public holldlEiga, private realdenoec, storee, saloons Arrfl facturlei,

BPECIAL r.ARGAINR. t,€00 1). K- Hollands, with

lassel fringe, r*gularprice, 85n.. a l..................

EwiipaquiM , with duuhte taseei trlng*. regalaf pries, tie ., a t...................-




A t t e n t io n 1-t h r khwkx a n d u u d h o n ohoULKPUi EXCAVATING O a Is prepared to cleeu cloieU eesapoolB at sbortaet notice GDloas

8*7 MsrkfltBk, Newark, aad 101 N. Tlilnl si., Har- rlaoD.ijbirrroN-HOLEK, sta m pin g , pL am E G O a i ^ pluklBg of all kinds at short notloa

^ ____________ BW BBOAD BT.

CHEAP f a m i l y s h o e HTORK-LA DI RA’ kill. tip. button. | l ; ladles’ flue kid* Bp. builoi*.

SI It- ladles' kid, tip. laced muctaan, |1.30; iDlaae ' aprluf-lieel. Up, buttuo. 7&c. to f t : mao's sewed, Jarod, |1 : men's line laced and Cobgreaii, |1 lA; jMCii'vTuawt Bam- atid mucher*. |L W ! hO)-*’ f1i> loi't-d. v.Se.: yittiUis' tine laced.akx;chlldr«a'AtprlQg heel tip. biiituD, IS D, sue. lo tAe.. a t WM. J. H( K INNKY'a, 871 Plaoi Hk, near William sL 7iu

Cl G. MINTON, MAHON AND BUII.DEH - .’•Fiirntu'es. ( ^ t^ ru , oblmnoy* built and re­

paired ; wallv reps) red and whitened.&7f 81 WKwT KINNEY HT. Beml postaL

I.V H. DOUOlaAft. MAKER OP vthe ]>g*flas Ranlo, Acme oul-

tar and fine maBdoltn*. Miialcal ln- Btrument* of all ktuds: caBh or hi- slalments- Repairing a specUItv.

J0 loroierly o fs tr Broad and B ('(Hlar fit

I^-NHIKTH OF JU L Y -N K W AWD HEi'ftND hand piBiola revolTerv. gunv: fulLUnaof amuiu

Qitlon, blank <«rtrldffes, etc.; cheapasi plac'c In tlie city. HRAnNH:ir>**«t M arket et. s'-lg

I K WHINGERS AND CAIU’HT si4eepars need repairing iMmd

poBial. Kolld white ruhtwr roils from TDcvDte up. I'ullad tor aad deMvpre^i free- A Do old wilmrera huugLt aud traded In for new onav

WHl.NGKB HKFAIK CO., r b *s New •(.

MKt^ToiiM a O K -b a t c ripui'kethooks, masons' laoi i>ai{e

land m inks of our own raanufurture : repalrini prumptly attande.l to. VM HKGAD ^ iMrk.

Mt.* oppbaUe Waihliigtou

KO Q K fN d-H R ^ IIATFIELDM OPPER, MAM ket and Corhiiieraa 4Sc

O EW IN G MACtUNKH OF ALL KINDS HP ^pa ired at iroall ooet by akllled workmen, ma chinas raiJad tor and dallvered ( r a t ; pans, need les, etc., fur ainnaoblnea rtdl BROAD HT. 74f

STORAGE BOOM. 49) Apply atfSA N A R K R r HT,




Ret. Dank and Acadaony eta.

^ p r r . PIANO** AND ORGAN* TUNK.D. HK 4 f I paired. GEORGE 11UNT,a>B Market st. MJ

W A L L F A r K B A N D I’A F K lt-H A N tilX O .

A ^A,-HOOM PAPERED, ORDINARY hIZK, •raUiag and slaa aad tolnoh border, tor |.V7A

fATgeaieortmrat ofpaper*; la tas ts trlaa ;a llg ra l^ i asdprtoaa. Palatliw. rrMmng, IlnU ai and sal*'!- mtnlag exscutad at rasmnabla prlOi* All wars gaarastaad. Open till 8 P. M, O rdan by malt ul- lended 10. J. ft. (FNEILI« M A4MUlemy i t , near Halear-

A -G EO RGE W. OONX i t), s 18 AND ao NEWHT.,


BAMPLE 800K BTU THEt r a d e

LOWEST PRICER AT RETAG..Palmlag, papeivbanglaf, etc., at

reaaoaabla prioat. IS and 30 New iL, nsar Broad. White Building. BiiMHIgna

A -BIWH)KLYN a n d n e w YORK W a U •paper Combination—Please take iioilre Uist I will pu-iier falrHilMd room with gold paper aitil m IiI*

border for f2.80 a r(»orn, and also Ho hrshohlsa paint­ing and kaliowlUInc at Ibe ebaapest pilotfi in ilia city; nrders prompDy attended lo by niall.Ibj J aCgIi l e v y , Mu. lU W arren a t , Newark.

A - n o you w a n t y o u r r o o m k k I 'a- • pared t W ed* It tor |LB) and ftirnhh wall-

riaperand bonier. * 'riie Fair,'* B l'R lN A B L vV. iStwiM nprlngfield a r a . m am ifactom i of picture fhkmes and u Indorv ahadaA atx

Nck 14 L'AII : M’.VAMKlAGim A NI MHER OK NEW A.'Vi) -’■eeeiid’hand carrhgra and wacca* tor salt

cheap OLIVRR KANurAOl'URLNG iXK tout H tu ^ e k I'eieptuknaHY __

r llAM .EH tlH l’MK, H A N I^PA l'TrR EH Op all kiadi of carrlagaa, c«tuadrr ilaptu wagona

Hockawaye, ladleer phMioas tMisgit^. exieuttnu tup » i)rre ^ aanopy li»M aorreyia, Jump seat surreys, Irene anil bucktioarii, spltulle wagons, roa«1 cart* and speeding caMi. ba«luen wagoai tor tuiiahert and bekera,grucen ami mllku'ien, plumoers an) carpentere, lanmlry amt clnthiara >'ipreei anJ tormars' wagnas, harnass and s^intmar sheets an 1 blankate, at1l7 and 381 Market et-. tocionr Hah way, N. J

JjVJRRAl.R TWO-MtATKD. RX I KNiSiuN-Tt>P phaet'in : elan ladles' pliacloo, bntli lu ffni-

claes artier, a t a bargalu. im iuirf Wa ih g .vm L i VERY HTABI.F^ WashNiglu* }iL, Ksit tfh attga. 0m

n OR-Hlf BIG HAH(4AIN a R0V FN VEAK old horea, gnkkl hariiea«, N Y style. «le|leerr Wagiktt t*K* 0'>it owner Ms n ien lh t ago M.

r . R D IIN .IltP au llsIlav an th st. ami Elghteemh are . «il

GRSiC F G H 'A l.S .H ItN T l.FN AN'H K \THA tost rmul liurse ; f rears old : sound, klml and . Addree* L A. n j.N D lI* 144 WaahlhkLiU M ,

R t R i N r u o r r o i t T t i N i T i m

4 Ha I/HIN. r trO R E Ill'-’iNES#* GR PR0|R i l t v r i y . If you wfsii (■., buy, ■.«'l| ureiehaogSL don'tieaeUre#. ta il upon toh DKItMAN, HI HprlngflehlAfA

il.X.r r.VI V ? Washington sA

/ U P U A L T G IN V rsV WITH R E R V IC lS "”K Jttm HUal NT s . J'o* 07,‘•■lulh iiraaga

J^A KlIAIt Gli»p KGR

i ^iciAR tn>RF: hfj^t l m a t io .x d .n m * ivV kei M.. illilecaali required; bargain.1 n i HKHi HOOTH TeUIrnadei./ IGNFKMIONERV. ThlA ': AND NKWfT 4 l*s;«r store, doing goal husittaw. in good loQa> (Ilia : r*a.M>na tor set Jtn4 o ihsr boil new ; sulatKlKl oj)portnniiy Addreiw

W-. lk,t r, Newi offtr*.4 4GIINKR aA l^loN . R0>^T 1 /K'ALITV, HOITIlV ‘irmiuie av«t., KpienriUl ftttiirea; doing large Irale f ir fiale «m aci^mot of al4kie«s: rmn 8U: pfica^si. HKHMa n , 741 foprUigfialdave Uib

J ig iin k h HAIAM*>« n vH r u m 'a u t y , J '■I'Viy HUM ; re .1 fU »«.» ||.V tor sale; bargatiM ; prha ||.vi rai-b I liKitMAN, UI .MprIiiifisM av*.

I h4M'SHY,4’. 'tN i» AND N'tTlGN ATGRK- ■ ri»r sale, stmr* ami fisturee of grimery, caitdjI'l huilou st .re Address

n OHBR-Fi>H H A l.t, F IN E YUI'NG ROAD m ar*: aleo Ureiisier sMehar btkggy ami har

aaro 17 h KVRNTH a VV. U4iIfoH M K H FOR PAI.F CMKAP MIMT HF J l a o l i l ; aleo a road hors* ; beat I inlauias fdun'l miss a liergal*. i t t'.)N K ST.. Grange. Ml

OhHKK TWO WORK HOKHKH POU kAt.K; Cheap, f7 KAMT Da y hT„ nrangs. 1

\ f tt.RH W. HANKY A lIRG.. KAl.R AND FX- A vl ebaage a tohle\ No. to& Hruati hl Tbelargeil sssorlinent at high etaai draught, d riv lig an<l s»>i, diabiiieesln thaHU te; matcUed p a in a specially ; several small ponlaa oa hand now. le lephunelHJK ID WAGON W A N TFD: M l'ttT RK IN (MK>D ^rdST . W. N„ H at 0 , Nawi ofllc*. I

i rr p H R rlT Y LINK (HpRiN 'G Flkf.n 1 AVK.I HAI.ICH HTAlir.K*- A large

I ttikch uf flrat-ciwta horeefialwhytou hand. — -an 1 tor sale or as* liaiige, a t the lisMf-*! m ar ket price#: ffmtigbt, diiveia aivl general |mr|KNS horses : a fair Irlal given and alt stock loid 1<> Im ai repraeeiiled ur cash refundwi: call and Hie gooda M il'll A Ki, HTKt'lJ k ll, pn>prletor.W A G G N h ' WAGONB! 1 HAVE 7.1 NFW IT wagons, toirgs, eiprevs, gruee.”y ami bulcUsr

wtgaas, surrey*. Iiugglsa, iplndla aod road wagont. ale., tor sal*. A. K TII'r.lN , Hal* and Eaobaufs MablaE, IIB lo 980 Gaotraf av*.

s> ^ BUVa A 1KK»D rED D LIN G RIG ; ALhO M l la th e r hiWNA waguris aiui harnaea cJieap,

14m 980 m o l l nT.

N O lITG A G K R , IstTANN* E T C. - a . - a!,-

KLMPONHIRLE FARTTEN IN NRKDOFMONRY Can uhialo the sams at the nffice a f the Newark Mortgage t<oasi<Ss. We will lead you any sum that you wish al the loweet poaslhln ratas in the iiuIok est poeeltiia tin e and tor any length of lima lu suit yon. Y*on cat! pay It back la suck Instal meals ai you wish, wba* yos wish aad aaly pay tor U ae long as yon keep R. Yon nan borrow oa haute hold tornltotra* plasoa, hon*«, w agoas “ ■"olhar personal p ro p ^ y wIChoit ranoval fn>m yourowB pasaewloo, thus g lrliT you the use nf tMdh H aod tks luouay. iHir oili oat are oanfanteaK ly locskted, and parties ran im w allai oa^nlckly. courtaeualy M i ramildanUatly. Ramamher that you ran pay afl or any part a f tba le** a t any lima end that every duller paid leasaos the ouet oi osrr/ lag the laatL NEWARK MORTQa u R J,0AN GO, 7IK Market SL. eeooad floor.

----------- aui4rldr«ssBA Kg AIN, Roi r , NewaafDaa.

S k il l t-iABi.iMtiKii -u n i-d i.iu M i ri'iw0 Culture Store Hnd fiirhithtnl riMim hoQtatorsala; rt-asuu ftir wlline, going tu funnie

I atl hw I'LANF HT,

OI.DFHrA RM'«I|KD 1.1 VKHV hUHlNEui tor isle gu.)4l trade. Amlrwi LIVEKV. New*

ark Kveiiliig News offli*. t TAUge. I llIyaiiiNKn a u a \ w ith u s e gf c<wotiee dealros an audertaker a* partner.

0-'l GI'hihtT .M I V, oraose 1‘uetufnoaK'Ht ^fil.K li.vt I'AHll Fort LI*

k tense i RiNnaekly hear: e«iahU*ue1 JO rean Hk lumdre J. I . GiHif.L. : « Hrusid M,a^AI.GGN GN rR iJ ill.'S E N r RGa DWAV.

Apply im,i.'-» rviGN imKWKRY ivjrilK A R ' i m t WA.VTKD. addiuoin • I TKA. liui J. ^ewaufnca

A -A .-A .-M O N E V TO LOAN oN liUiNU • a id tuortgag* ta suras so suiL

Ms •, W. GEERT,T80 Broad SLA TTEN TlnN -TH O RE WHO WANT TO HGR' row money in sume uf *18 up, get good treab Oieat and easy lerraa shoulo apply to A H K RD'A .v

U>AN(XX, No. 494 Broadaa; tirolon HalJ, room ll to

0yA LL a t 1'HE o f f i c e OF


740 b r o a d BT., tD FUX>n, ROOMA 1 AND I.

U youw ant money lb emaD ur large amounts, ou short e r luag time, on household rtindtiirs and pianos, bunuM, wagons, carriages, warebous# re­ceipt! or pereoftal p ruptny of any kind, without roiueval of property from your own pcMwialou. we oaa save you money hy our larm* o* iuans of any aniount from f80 to ILoho al very short nutloa with- onl publlplly. You can ppy the money bsck In any anvoutiia you wish aad et any time, and each pay* merit mada OB the piinidpai wUl rodtica the costof the loan til proportion.

Before gelling ranney elsewhero call tun i l l us and you wlU find It greatly to your ailvaotsfe.


ulturc, pianos, oiyaxis aad paraonal property honorably dualt wUh;wlihuut removnl; partis

can auke reparmeDls by strictly coitfiilanUaL F. 'W. 725 Itruad st.

lustalmeiiLs; hustosis CHAWFGUD, ruatu :;

M4)NKY U ja NLD o n FKR-*4)NAL I'ltGFKH- ty, pianoa organ* and tornlinre In use wUbout

remeval; allfiU fllm girufiiy nOfiHUflUU 13411 of iddnsa F. C SDW a HDh, ruum A IBL MarXel 4L, OI lul'rHiar s t , davor evening.

MHxSKY TG I/JAN UN HO.VD AND MGUT-gage In sums to suit, irom fsoo loSS.-v)).

IJ scdil ' v l k h a JA t KiMLN, TVuHroadsLGKBY TU LOAN ON WOKTGa g E. rt4h H. V. JIU ljH R,SI0H roadit

h)Ov: —MGNKV TG U1A.N IN ANY HUM A'PM \ 0 2 per osht per m u n tb : good for one ]UMr, t'. UIKRMAN, itowDbtofcer Fat^Ualtird l u l 14 Cedar st,, uear Rroad. 47w

fk /W lY O LOAN ON HGND ANH r '" y iF T /T 'niQrtgBgo at A per ronL In

Bums and tor periods la tuK the borrower. NG KONt'** GR a'JHMiaSlOM KXAC'TKi). all hecufi- tary papeni rarefiiliy prepared. C'llAllLLd A. FKK'K, roiiDeellor-alrLaw, 7-V» Broad iL 431^ 1 I.GAN ON Hf)Nh ANDO 1 n /m o rlg ag * at 6 pier cen t Insums and tor parlodi lo ault the horrowere; no bonus or cummbwlun rlvarga<l; ^1.40) to loan on rhatlel rnorlgaga In inme to su lt KIGVa RIih . UI.a C'K. roun*fllor-at>Law, rueui 914 Frudanllal ItuUrTing ; telephoue No. S21 _

» UDWAIID LGANKD o n FGIlNlTirRK: ho rvirovni; prompt, prlvaia. reliable; low

rataa, easy paycneiilt; open evetilugi. vor KKKH, 4-'S« Broad i t



fljm , 82.<lOU,|2,WO,99.firKi, f4,nvtran be placed on flrsVi'lass bond and mortgage an curlty on properir worth duubJs theainoun t sad mure by raiUug OA

CHARLBK a . FRICK, Couneellor nM aw,

74] _____ -AS Hroml nL


J. a R lF P E L




■ tirM . LINN ALI EN A OO..TT bTOCK BlinKERH,Huy and sell Htocks, Jlivnds and Grata on New

York Fxehangei aod Chicago Board of Tradu, •Kher for casii or oa raargln.

sin b r o a d RT.(National Slate Bank Butldldgl,

Telephone 108U Newark, Newark, N. .1.Hranch oflioe

Grange Nailopal Rank Hulldini, OrangSi N J> ____ 7 elephone SIA. Grange. ______


H'" ‘ " l i m N p I R A m J K MEDIUM, CAN BE •consulted iVuu 8 A, M. to 7 K M.


I A D IK ^A F R IE N D I.Y NKKD IN A FRIKNU Jindeed. I f you vrnata ragulalor ckat aevsrfsUi.

address THE WOMAg'it MED. Kg M B, suffUo, S. Y.

___ can fUBihihA ddJ^ 'H K LlA ili.l'^ Bo* P- W«*s offlee. I

e ROCERT CLERK DKHlttBB POHITION ; U.V* dant*DdecMe of borsei

1 ORUCKRY , Box M» Natro offlCd

Sin JA T IO E WANTED BY AYOUNO MAR- rlad man, who tburonghiy mvlerstaiida thacar*

and driving of borees; winiog to moetajiy* thin*. WORK, Orooa Villagt P. 0^ N. i . 84m

.............. - - - ^ YOUNGirorig man, not afraid to work i b*s n good odu*

oatlo ii; sMans kaglDb and yomian.871 EHlLHGUEUiiKa. IM KeorajP *v*„Konrtty.


Y OUNO m a w flS) WIHHRH A BITUATION Of any kind. laqaire 8 D jflU fiim A V E 81in

E H P I .O T lfK N T W A N T B D -M M A L B t.-

A F1-AC« MtOlTBMJ m ills Or CHAROK TOR^ rtaSSi/aSFt’315iSJ2«BnMM. >**

ADAMH'h RR'^RiKLVN W a LLPAPER HTGHK > I wilt papar any |kl^slae room with auld j<a-

per and wide teirder, ItMludlrig rapalrlog, for f l . ^ l also wodo iirfiiHjlass painting, graiulag. «aUomUy lug, idiNterl Mg and ttn iin f. ro r the chaapeot pricsc In the uily, serrH pnetal oardi IdTaam a^.- or call sT , Rroohlyn Wallpuparmoraand, eelem your papers, j a s w i carry a fulk line of oholoi paparm, enuh m I tHaakA fiats. ilR*; ejobosawi. tn ^ * - ' f

pl^cM %'allpaper booght df im trbkufied bv m u '' Chios GiWfV evenings tUI E Wa sell iiaper from I routs a roil n p io l l.W , HIX h r o ih k r h , iNouvator*. P aperhingets and P alntan, Arst^elsfR work guarsnteed, S9 Hpringtlald av*., noor High ft, ( 470

I ADIEH W nm iN D PRIVA TE NUKrtlNtl. 61 JHGWARD, upp. Htlrlluf JiU; runficleiitial trcai>

itien t: lotoatfi A<lopted ; doctor In atteudauce. HI

M lDWLFJt^UKBMAN M ID W IFK W ITH Di­ploma; IS years' expet'leooe; wuiusn riuraeJ

at her hutoe; tverylhlog oulet.TOc______________ _________ IIS e i g h t h AVR._^

Mhn. a . r a i n , H a i r d h e h ^ in g p a h -lon, m JIHGAD HT,; also lac** etonmlhg soil

masaakv* which lakci away wrlnktai, irecklriaud tan, Invigorates face inuaclea clears ruiiiplexloji. HasuU-Hori and velvoty sklo._______________ y

MBA /tMMBRMAN(FOHMRRLY'OF KINCA A Kunpt) has opened a Jadlis'hsIrdrsM lng

parlor at 778 Itroad SL, next door to Prudential Hqlldlng ; all work done by ilfit-clavs ariism. 1-M

STRAW Ma t ^ K E t t h l H A A L L tlM ~'W Sfirtiit ftytea 1M> wuloh ladlst' an l '

'^eUnugr bepreesod; orerlulM W shap}]' t f . / / e .vxuan, z a WAshid tj.i,

■E. _ ...Mi-nei and EUafc. ___________

^ K A N U lf o r t h e n e w YORK WALL PA- X>pax store will paper any ebo rnomt with geld Itoper and 'gold hordeta, f i a room: plesao send paital oards: pdl'Dini. ka lsaa ta lo tauddecom t'

' . 'r ilO U a^ M HprlngfiiU *v*H WawnrC,Big. M, KA'f W,J. S70

L D O K -tl UP W riiL PA PER TOUR ROOM In g i l t : kalatimlninf. 78o.; pnlnttBf, ftl.lO. Drop - wtaianrd to KRW YgRK P a Ia TIND COM** postal t .... . .

PaNY. lUUrchard it. Mm



AOKMOWLKDORDTHBBBwr l i t TH E UlTY. VOflk M o n ftffl FLAM R .

tb l iph d n m w T

r i^ llA T KLFtiANT UlCYCLB ONlia Market st,

.v-^-i^aw nF junwe; rHe Prtratntial cigar m a n : amp In aad see him; ha wiu explain all about th BsaTTN IG N HTIlAW HAT HLBAOHKRY- KJ lad las' straw hats proaiad In all th* latest

shapes. P. FlTZPATm CKt Ud Halsey sL. near ball tower. * 4b


tha Commute* uf Hoad s an d AsecasminD of the Boardi of Cfauoou Frethotders uf Kaaax county tor paving with Teltord pavement ih* Pompmu lu rn p lk tln iheTew utblp ot Verona, Dura Bloom- Held avrnuo to th* Paiiaio River.

Bids will b* moot vad U H8P. M. Jdly t. a t the DfHM* Of ilM eom m lim , eom tr M arket and W ith- Ing iona tm iA Newark, N, J ., where tha ipoolnoa- iKma for the work may bo seen.*

H ie commuteo rroorve the right to rej^ff* ff' all bldi ae may be deemed beet for the tnteieel of the oeuhty,

B y o id o to f ihoBoard.JAM Ba OWEN.

\ ^iV«uut,(

n»K N.YLKaREHr I.E IIIG II, K kl. H M V k o n

H 'ip e r b m ; l-ch1gh No, •; nuLflTt, well screeaed , tlad lltif svoul rb««p K Trtl.ll.UKR A

J K It. av* and lAfiiyetWst,** \ RIG JAG " IN H l . l 'r AND HI-AoiT

A \ fiergia trulls ma<la to imlrr. Sark ot oat •way lull fin ihe iiaw lung dove tail ■kirtad cue. If drolml. Kli ami Mi»rkmaa«hly g>Mraiit**d* cllAH. r WKk Kw, the WathlMgiDii street iallor,* IM Waalttogtim negt lo Canal brtdga u m | e\eBlug^ llirso 'rhu’k. satuM av, Dili). gtyI) |GGK FGH h a l f , ENGLISH KKTTER PI'PS,

whh iwiltgree A Jll I I I 'k H. iGllNW)N. HlgkIi t . Uiinti’lalr, N. J.U

miHKhh FGH h a l f , a hANDNGMF. HROWK ■iiniiiier silk al a aarrlttoa,DiG-jisMAKtNG I'AHi.GRK, 6? Hleaokerst.

llAt.C J I ’nT HRi'KtVhD. A I.AttGB lol ofcarikeui, |4 u p : silk ami rug parlor Milts

very clteap; oak t-liamtHir luU^, 8 4; roll tup dean, ouokttovr, | t ; vitanalun tahis. i-kNu, olhar tomb ture %arych^-ap. g) W( i.t.l a M r«T, LM*

|;V )H h a I.K a n K 'K a n d f i x t i hrk o f a I louil hualqew torliuu. if Mhd this week.I*»> IUGHANGEAT,

1,NIII h a l l IM.mn FKKT GF I.KAUEriH. NKW- AllK h ig v k p i p e WDHltH,*i l^ iueeil, I lf

| . ^ l 'R , \ n i 'h E KGR HAl.h. CHfLIi'a WAI#- i nut foldini bed, wwt ng machine, odd pleOM of torullurr, cheap ; )irlvat* Tumliy 7tl 'JM Ml’LHEHHY HT,^ A P F . C'lMIHNATTGN U k K; CGUNTKftH,

|tartlt1un ami desk, 9,008 roUi wall pMper at ouel. giKal cheap hone.I WuGiilll.'KF, 427 tVaafalngtOnsLO T U im V C INFIDKNITAL GN K\4Y I'AYv om naL olotn iof au I ctoaks, ready mad* or m sls tenrder. iv'rtts to tr ig so tte u tit c u l i A i . U>t .v .sewiuffloa

riA N O H A M > O IttlA N M r m i KALE._ 4 -OPPG HTLN iTY I D O N 'T | - i \ « mUsIt, Kik tllth tly

used uprlgiua,

DMizu. jAcmw DRoa.-griikk '( infail). JA I OHM HHOA.. fur )I.A (Jiiifsvj, ( ROWN i'iako . flirtm (iiiiiu e , k i i u k i s u k r , (kr tf iv

jAOirHs Mmw.. f o r i a i UI.AltlUK, h r MU.

KllA«KI,l."f PlA -fO WAHKROOif^

31 FtiltDM a t, near R raad it,

Hit doun from l*eddla Chuvcti.

L> I A N G h ~M LIGJITLY U*BD; CHEAF, Chtekering, f iv ); Htelnwny, hariato, saiali

luonthty jAymehla . io it 'i toll ta aaa them.88c WAllli*si. onr. Broad and New.

1>IANG FOR L eiiusrc piatin

CARVED LgtfBALK, I7.V •A... , bargatn.DUNCKLKh: A HON, m nraad I

f ' / k OHGAN>4, MA*ON A MaMl.IN AND clU olhers, SIS lu 8eo;88h) 84 uiontbly; eva r •locked; rmiet b* *old: btg value tor vary lltU* moQgy. WABD'B, onr. Hr^jod and N'ew ____ ti l

iV kIillH .


■FACTOHY AND MU.L LBVKRIDg E, 71 Mctchanic st.


j^ulL kib

18-Horse Power Upright noUer tor ools APhUllpYimaliai p r lo a f tu

Ja^uiro of PrBLfHHRlkEvening N ew o.tlrob

MirT G R -rO ll HALF. CHEAP. HKCGND- hand water m olar ; fana shaltlng aad bolting,

17iu Iliqiitre 14 LOMBARDY HT.

I jAUTtRH Ha v in g s k i ' in i>-h a N d hgIL* «nam i enjrtuaa fur Kale will d a l It la thalr la

tejvei to send drocrtptlon and prloi of same t i HKWK)>APUlLUP&'AiHG.4 WOHKd, ANewartC.•V.J. i*f

i yi'Ll.KVa, E T C .-I/»T OF kKOGND-HAND puileya, h u g a n and shafti ug fiir

in q n iria t EVENING NEW* OFFtOB

LDHT A N il F4>DN1>,

1; iG r \D l.A*«T M G JIT , GENTLE5tAN*Bweirhrlialii Midland ave., Kearny ; owner oa*

have same hy paying ti|H>iiw»s.1 1 CLa HK A VE, Kearny.

I GHT FGX TKItItIKM. DANDY; W HU’K, iwitJi lilacx and u a marklngi uii head and blank

iptjl on tall. A IllMral rewuril ullj be iwld for hia rtm re tolira GIKGFJt'H DRl'iaHTOHE, West Grange.

I mMT-ON HATUUDAV, l a r g e HitGWN EN- JvelO|te. addrvswni with my dsuiu, cenlalnlog

hlaak book. i>ai«prB ami Icuvn ; If returned at ojice tliv Iwarer will W iultably rewarded. A. it, TX 1 IVIIKLl.,, licml MailUuij st., luinlwr yanl. i

1 G.ST A VKLlfGW AND W HITE KMGGTII Jc 'isl ht. Bernard. A reward will ha glvsn If

returned tu E u . Ivdwooil av*.. FureirtII11l._

I fMIT W l l i r k Pi>lNTKR n n t ’H; LIVER.A-olure<l van. I'lndar wUl i>e rcwitrAuS by re

iurnliigio*') HGtlN ll 'H , 77 Garilari-i. 1

I GhT UGIIDG.S wETTElt IM R. LIUKRAL Jrewanl for re tsm to

Um JGHN h e c k RIL I7t Ncwlonst.

J <d1T MG.NDA V ArfKHNGGN, ON UU>01L Jfield ear, a sm * l purie ; HheraJ reward,

i J. W. ltAH.\h.s.-HUii ijroad BL

I THT GOLD m iA r t l .K T : LARGE l.INKH..iriewgyd If reiurnud tu 776 GllA.ND HT., Jsn ay

tlly . 1XyiLLTHK PKRHO.N WM'i yGir\n ||n ICg- Tv Mam jcrg>>r'fi ye-hi<rday inornlug plesM return

lo iu)>erlnleml«nt'*i de^k In slurp or |eji>v at i 14 l HT.

FA T K M T n.

a " - pa/ fn In~i V i G A R T N E R im O A D 'lP ,Tbs largeel Putokl Gfflt* in ibe n ^ ia______

]NtlR PAlTKIUN MAKING. PA rrK R.y L lT - lers, lipwuU wood work. itimleK etc.•tk V A J.h .N 'liN K 'H , ik Allm gJlV

I hATK.NT A.ND D KA l'OlllTNG UFFICXA UF TRKL74HIDV A l'G., ZJClIntoriiL GlupoNlta to

Y. M c. A J Newark, .N. J.; all klud« ofdrau|l>Uiig exM-nt*<l neatly, surh tiiautuue drawings, and • qy kind r>I ilHaignlag f >r dai-iloZ'iuf, eL.\; snuclton uf Auicrkau an>T torelgn iiaiauts; experiT lo palest casea, i-'rem-h. (•srioan and Scandinavian laa- fiisieiMtpukBn: ubeo Wednuulay and Friday even- lagi until M q'< Ioi.'K. prompt aiiciiiloii alwaysT>ATENT-'»-

rR E D K H T r K r . k r a e n t z e ucucccaaor k>( araphall ACa

GIA>UI£ UUlLDING.•MTmOADKT, itomaaflaaadSf,

I>A T K N T K , V. A N D K G H K lG N .nblahn-d for all ciasaee of lavnnllun,

llr.N ItY J. .'vKLLK j , licjiar nf I'ataniv and .Mvchanlcal Kii^in«ar

(1am of craaoefc Mlller>,MN) hruad Ik,loin ion and im, ___________ Newark, .n. J ,

j >ATKNT4 -DUAKK A tX).HiillrUom of Amerinaa and Forrlgn i'ateata

Allomeyi In patent cates itetoro the U. H. i'ouri% Ucclianical 11.011 Elecirlc-al Kaglneeca and Expert* runsuUatl»n Trea, 760 HRm'AD hT. The uldeotei* lahllshtMi huuif in the HUw. 'rwvuty llye yearV wXiWfleno*. German spuken. ^


W A N T F D .

"T iT 'klnd h o f D urri^ii-s h g u g h t a n dLsold at A. FHOICIILK'U'.h, 1A9 .NewarkSi 84e

( lOLLKtriTGNH OF H'lAMPSI, CGt.N'H. OLI gold ami stiver baught ai

ITo VEHiirER'K, VA Rroad St.n lGllKHT I'RICE 1’AlG FGll GK.VTH’ DA^T- offclolhlDg ; urderx hy raall iiminpUyattaDdad

to. I. MADANhKY. W f o ium eroesi 48hT DUY ANDhFLIa IJiDlfcH' A-VD GKNTLK- Im e n ’s caM-ofnclolbluf. AoadeoiT Si 87*

OLD (IGl.lJ, SILV ER AND JEW ELRY Iwughi. Ma r t i n . 187 MarkeUt.entraDOSUtt

lla lie y s t _ ______________^iK K K RIFnA W M H - WAHTKII, s SOOHD. J t l i u u l rTlriK«ntun and oU IIOVM1 Hot* i o m jjrICH Klu,HK mT , _____________ 1

WANTKl' yoU K III.D tlOLU ANBB1I.VKU: wr pojr lionMt prl«M for It In U n « or •uoU

itS"Hil* A. 11- wi'iLOVkH. T I'rinluHliU Balldlw .

m e d i c a i .

TVa!” noTiriKM HPicoryuc'"A"^ir*~XNOJ JpMllln car* for oU r«iuot« IrrnnlaritKa A* 4rw 14a (.aiufon Okj c. a ainllh, su Knal.i,, Old all drofitia Pcloatl, lant by nalL 6gbTfiROFkSMOlC UXrHBIt, MAMSAUB ANDJ artdicol •mrtrlolW. to WKST KINNKT »T.lopHlaJ o n lu lodlot undar oltoirlo ina tn iM t. Mf


I IAWNBBOVKB’A A lIOTItltf B A L R -D . (S.UliilM. aaclluaw, hIU Mil •> BuOtlo oualoa

'i h a n d u . doiu » , a t 10 A M., a t Mlaarwtn, No. NTMorktt 0,011 anndHmtd plodna eoutUlLu of DUinaBda, Wolelm dowolrj ■HMiial M ^iW . b r ofldot of H. HIOBAIja tiawabnMi,w4«iHnxM. W


N e t n a r h ( S o e n t n g N e t s s .ra«4issfe

d a i l y , f X O IP T tU N D AYS , ^•T m

iT i i i i l l i f s P ib lls litu C o ip u f ,ais>ai7 MABJCBT ST B IST ,

W.wartt. H. J>. ( M ./M (!|k> a . MNP.]

D«ri.«nd b y c v ri.ri in «ny)Mrt «f N .wTh« O i.n ,.» , H.friMB, Kt.rny, Summit,

Montcl.ir, Bloomli.id, .nd .11 *»ifM»*in| town.

M.t tobKfiption. fi*. don .r. . y»tr, Of fifty c .n ti . month, po .tm * fro*. Smfl*

two c .n ti D .liv .r.d by c .m .r i in Nawork, ton c*nt. t w«.k.

Otdinvy wtv.rtiMmmti, ton c .n t . « lint,

^^tovfitit.m .ntl undof h . .d . of W .nt.d, T* Lit, Fw S.I., P .rion .l, «tc., on . c .n t . word, but no c h .^ * I.M th tn ton c .n ti f u h Intortion.

PBOPLB LEAViNa r m c r rv pqr tkb




niEBDAY, JUHB 1»4.

d u .o r DorMMiuibto d .m u d .o r d .p « i - t o n ; and, indeed, u Couiptrotler o f tb e CurT.Dcy £!ckiM Mid lb . other day In an lotWYtow a t Cbloafiot “ T h . U n k a of the oounUy ware never In a belter condil- tloD than a t th e praMnt time ao far aa money on band I. ooncemed. They have a p lethora o f It now, and are aa m urb

exclueton 1. a dliRraoa to the olty, and a mnckery to tboea who pay for and thone w ho need public aohoo fa rllltle . Jereoy C ltr haa naed of aoma f re a l itnprovemeiiU, and will have to spend money for them . I t would ba well now th a t the ruun1i‘it>al authority ie in the band! of men who can bn properly eon

OYKB-rRowDtNU B x rtiH a io N h o a t i .With tbe openinii of the Bihinf and

boatlnf aeieonooma promptly tbe tale, of diaaater off tba eoaat to which tbe public ear ha. (rown hardened by annual repeti­tion. Yet the fktel mlabep which befell tbe tOB NIeol, off Bandy Hook yeatorday, ao far tranaoand. In ita untoward ratnlia tha majority of marine eootdenta due to a ilmilar oauaa that It may poaatbly roBM the aatboritlaa to a real- litaif aanit of duty loot nefleot- ad. No eonnd prorlaon of ateitotory law la mora frequently or more raekitealy YtolaUd than I* tha rafulatlon Bxint a limit to the number of pamenfari which nay be oarrled by a laa^toltic raaaat. Other Itcal reqniramanta In ratmrd to Ufa praaarrera, .team praanra or datalla of manacemant may be obaerved and an- (breed, but the rule Impoelng a limitation npon tba oarrylnf capaolty of a pleanre boat la peralitently and habltoally dlire- fardad on all atdea. Yrt no refalatlon In* tended to inrore aafety to ozeunioBi.to if of more vital ImportaoM tluui thli, which aeakf to curb human tread and reekltai' aaae la tha Intereat of tbe leneral welfare.

Tbe attention of tbe public la rarely drawB to thif elam of Tlolatloni of law, baoanta, aa axparlenca baa itaown, tha ebaacee of tnooaaafbl avaaloD era to nu> naroti. that they amonnt almoet to a tnarantea of complete immunity. Few penoncwho bafe boarded tha pleaaure eraft in New York harbor oo a holiday or on ooeaaloDi derigned to attraot large erowdi een have failed to remark the danaaly crowded condition of the boaU. But It rarely ooeuri to any one that thii T»ry eondltlon li a matter of dtotinol legal prohibition, whioh, If brought to tha at* tapUon of the court, by due and autbentto taltormatton, auioapUbla of legal proof, would fobjaet tba offbnding boutrownaie to haavy llnee, and would incidentally prove a totuoa of rioh reward to the eltl- aan who ahonld report and damonitrate to the wtiffaetlon of the Court cny over- drowding of a pleaaure ateamer beyond the limit Mb by law.

la tbia matter, however, both the public and tbe legal antborltlea nam iDolluad to Ikvor tba dlapoaltloa ^ owner, to takecbanoa. of hnman llfb by crowding the deck, and cabtna of their oraft with faumamltelght, ragardlaui of tbe number of people they may be licenaed to carry. The chancet of accident are few, and •oacepllble ot many and varied explana­tion. I the opportunltlea for Illicit profit numerona and open, and winked at by the eye of authority. Yet tbe deplorable fate of to many of the excortlonlaU on tbe overoTowded Nlool ihould serve at thli time not only aa a warning to boat-ownera but aa an Incentlva to the enforcement of the long-neglected itatute whlob maki to liM.n riak on eiourtlona by water by rigidly limiting the number of Uvh that nay ba put in peril.

worried to put i t out a t they were laat year m Ious th a t they pcmieia public con ndanoa, a t tbia tim a to keep It In their vaulta." I t | fur them to n t about procuring funds to la, therafora, the plain duty o f tba New ; do (he needed work. Public echoola York banki to coma to the relief o f th e | aullldent In number, and good enough In Treaaury, If euoh relief ibonld be needed, i conntruellon to !><• nafe for thoM who nee It ll not a m atter o f Ftond and tagacioiia j them j theee and a new water aapply ara policy, hot ra ther o f prudent and patrio tic I tiling, th a t Jervoy C’llv needa, and for obligation. I which her autliorltiea are Juattfled In

T h .ic a n t appracl.llon f ro r a th e re r to f ! laeulng bond* to provide. The city’, tbe country of which com plaint 1* o c -j credit, Mrlo«»ly a* It h a . been impaired eaalonally made by three vloariou. pro- | In the paM, la probably good enough to m otor, o f bualneM proaparity and confl- j enable money (41 be easily raised for thaa. dance ebould not cause them to grow purpoaea while th e present admlnlitra-weary In well-doing. The gold export 1 lion li in pow er. ^ _____movement la in reality a liquidation of American aeciirltlee held In Kurope, and la founded uiion divergent esllm ataa of

BTATK FR1RON MEEDS.In Iti report th e Jo in t Com m ittee o f the

Legltlature on th e Htate Priaon ahowi, aa ha. M often been show n before, the need of extending and im proving the faoilltle. o f tha t Institution. W lth th e la w re e tr io t- Ing to 100 the num ber o f oonvicte who may be employed a t a particular industry there la room now to provide w ork for only 000 o f the 1,000 inmates. W ith the lack o f hospital Bocommodations, p a tien t, auilbr- Ing ffom cootagloo. and Inlectulotia dis- eiaea cannot ba aeparatod fkom thoae suf­fering ffom o ther forms o f IIIneM, while a t any time the b reak ing out o f conta- glcus disease Is likely to iorce the ctoa- Ing of the shops w ith resulting denial o f work needed for the physloal and moral welfare of tb e oonvloto, and with heavy pectmisry lo u to th e Htate.

For all these rcasoni th e com m ittee Is disposed to hold th a t th e propoaed con- etruotion of an interm ediary prison should be held in abeyance till th e Btate Arsenal property adjoining can be added to that o f the State Prison, and till a new wing, with additional cell rooni, can be pro­vided and a separate tinspital erected. An appropriation o f flOO.OOi) would be sulHc- lent to make Im prove nionta and extensions tha t would enable th e prison authorities to comply with the law In regard to the separate oontinemeiit o f inm ates and the regulation of their labor, and tbe commit­tee thinks th a t th is appruprlallon should be granted by the 1,cgislature, leaving to the future the construction o f the Inter­mediate prison.

The I'orce buck o f th is contention is tbe need of prom pt action. W hat i . re­quired nt Trenton now is speedy relief, and while it may be a good thing In tbe future to provide for th e intermediate prison, the plea th a t th e action first taken shall bo th a t whioh will must speedily provide adequate aceommoda- lions for the convicts is a strong one. Un­fortunately the demands upon the State Prison Indicate th a t even w ith tbe work th a t the committee advocates done, there may be need of an Interm ediate Institu­tion before lon g . _________

BGIiTlHENTAL FEELINO IN FINANCE.Metropolitan newspapers devoted to

currency reform have been quoting with _ approbation tb e notion entertained by

tb e ^ re ild e n t o f the Clearlng-housdU|pD- oiatlqs thkl " th e .Jj^eFnia Jiava ,• ■

'm ental feeling ill regard Co th e 'g d tu rv - eerve. If th a t reserve were to fall to (00,000,000, DO one could tell bow serious m ight be the oonseqoences.*' Having de­livered thle oracular utterance lit bis oa-

.t psolty as an officer o f the Clearing-house Association, Mr. WlUiama, in hU capacity aa president o f the Chemical National Bank, poroeeded to establish with other able financiert an arrangem ent nnder tbe terms of which th e Treasury giieht he relieved for a tim e of tbe task o f fhrnlsbing gold for exporL This should ba easy of accom pllabm ent, since, accord­ing to the lateeb oHiclal figures, th e New York banka hold fao,6G3,4TO In gold, or abont 136,000,000 m ore than tbe store o f tbagreelouf m etal in th e U nited States

r e ln ry , They are n o t bothered by nn-

the value a t these •ecuritlec rn to rU in rd on either side o f the Atlantic, Europe Is realising upon our tecurltles either be- canse their values are believed to be un ­duly Inflated o r became more profitable Invealmente may ba made elsewhere. W hichever view may be taken it Is diffi­cult to discern bow any ftirther changna In our tu rrency system would diminish th e natural outflew of gold, tbe only medium for th e paym ent o f exchange w ith Europe. T he commendable cffurti to take the O ovem m ent out o f the hanking buslnaaB m ight well be Interm itted until th e International ledger sh all show ac red lt balance In our Interest, ocean freight and Im port and export accounts,

W hat la o f im portanoa a t th is tim e, howsver, If to disabuse the minds o f our financiers. If poealble, of the cnrloii. theory advanced by the president o f the New Y ork Clearing-house Association, th a t " tba people have a sentim ental feel­ing In regard to tba gold reserve." They haven’t anything of th e sort, Tbe bu.l- neM public—th e men who buy and cell and m anufoctara and pay wagas—have baoome hardened to th e vsgariai of the Treianry gold reeerve. They have seen It drop ftom th e sacredly held figure of ( 100,- 000,000 to toM than (06,000,000 with out man- Ifaat effect upon tb e course of domeetlo nr International trada. T h ty have saen over (60,000,000 added to ft within four m onths as a n an It o f tb a sala o f gold bonds, only to he sw ept away In the n m orselee . course of foreign exchange. President W llllsm iand his patriotic coadjutors o f the Clearing-honse banka may rest aa- tured th a t any “ sentim ental fee lin g ’’ In regard to tbe gold reaerve has long elitce dliappearad from tha public mind. I t Is to be hoped, in tb e Interest o f well-nigh discredited flnanolal prophecy, tb s t he may not be compelled, before tb e divi­dend-paying leaaon shall have ended, to pull up bis Imaginary (60,000,000 stake, and le t It ten or fifteen millions Esrtber

.back. __________ __________ _

Exactly bow th e statem ent oonoemfhg the financial situation which PresiAent C Im la n d baa pot forth Is going to mend m a tta n doei not clearly appear. Under the aecarance of a definite m aisore of revenna taxation, aa outlined in tbe pend­ing tariff lagUlatlon, tbe buslneu o f th e oouBtry Is slowly Incresslng In voinme. OpportunltlM for spring trade, to bo sure, have bean largely neglected Or aban­doned, b u t price lists for fall bnai- neas may ba astabllshed with a reason­able degree o f oarlainty. W ith the single gold etandard In force, prices o f commodities o f International trade will ru le lower. Interest will be reduced, and w agei and profits correspondingly laseaned. Thle la the hard and serious laason w hich a year o f panic and re­adjustm ent o f valuei has enforced upon men o f aflkira, not only In this country, but in all nations where analogous ebangee In financial methods havs been accomplished. They ere ready to go ahead with th e vast and immediate con oem s o f production and distribution, w ith a reasonable knowledge and a firm belief In th e stability of sils tlng financial conditions. U nder such circumstancas, no Presidential pronnnclainentn In gard to N ational finances could help or hinder tb e course o f trade, a t though It m ight Induce an accese of oonfosion In the public mind. There Is no ooculon for Execu­tive asanraneet o f gratltnde to tb e banks for adding to the Treasury gold re­serve, nor for a renewal o f the fam iliar pledge o f the Admlnlstratton th a t the National oredlt shall be protected " a t all h assrd a” These n tterancH disclose no new lines o f financial policy on the p art o f th e QovemmenL As fsr is they may be designed to encourage the m anagers o f wealthy and powerful financial institu­tions In th e ir self-assumed task o f supply­ing th e T reasury with gold, they arc nn- neceswary. Nor Is U easy to see how the intrusion of th e New York banks Into Iho financial affairs of the' Treasury I. calcu- Isted to “ add to the stock of popular con­fidence.’' Confidence In what f

I t w a. In a critical mood th a t the Pas­saic County Orsnd Jury framed the pre- stiitraeiit yesterday submittod to the Court. A fter hearing evidence in regard to charge, th a t certain members of the Connells o f Paterson and Passaic and of the Board of W orks o f the former city had been Interested In public contracts, It found no evidence to support the alle­gations, bu t 11 did take occasion to crltl- r iie the Paterson Aldermen Just because, In selecting persons to act as Inspector, of pipe sewers, it did not require them to bo experts' In th a t branch of art. “ It appears,’’ says th is cynical Grand Jury , “ th a t tbe quallflcatiDns required o f an Inspector of pipe siiwers is 'in tluence with tbe voters a t the po lls’ ra ther than ability to SCO th a t the pipes arc laid a t th e proper grade and the Jo in t, are properly cement­ed, th a t tbe m anholes are built according to the plans and th a t the sewer connec­tion . are In the right place. Again o f the erection o f fram e dwellings within tho fire lim its tbe Inquest complains, because as It says : “ All th a t Is nece!S:u‘y to erect a fram e building within the prescribed lim its dangerous to life end property is a ;>etlllon to the Board of Aldermen based npun falsehood and backed by political Influence.’’ Because of little things like these the body speak, of dereliction of duty by tbe Aldermen and that, too, to so ceuBorlouB a gontlem an as Judge Dixon. Is it any wonder th a t City Fathers should experiffice ’ a new appreciation o f the feelings of K ing Lear when they are made tbe victim , o f such Ingratitude?

fill (tram ship line , have declined tup ay bills lur (be feeding ot delaiued Immi­g ran t. for th e m onth of April. Felix Llvlngntun, who la th e present Delmonlco o f Kills lalaiid, pay . (lD,onOayear to the luim igrallon Bureau for the privilege, and all the im m igrants detained are supplied w ith meal tickets, fur which he presents bis little bill to the companies. T he ta tter com plain th a t ihU yaar m ure Im m igrants than usual arabeing put in to th e "D alsutlonPen ’’ and given th e advantage of bis hoe- pltallty. One line tio n e paid to tbe restaurant (U ,000 last year, and th i. year, w ith fewer tm nitgranU , tbe hills threaten tu run higher yeL I t Is not unnatural, perhaps, that th e eteamship companies should lie unkind enough to Inllmsle th a t some ufficlal. may be using their Influ­ence to swell tba num ber of the caterer's Involuntary but welcome guests, hut this suspicion may be entirely unwarranted. W ith more experienooln the prcM ntlawi m ore need of caution by the buresu may have become evident, and even thougli the great majority o f th e caterer's guc.ti are detained only long enough lo use a meal ticket or two, th e re may be good reasons for keeping them th a t tong. Just the same, even a t th e high price paid for the privilege th a t restauran t cnnlri||t must be ag ond th in g ,an d th o d U p u tc lA t Is likely to follow th e refoaal o f the companies to pay tb e bills will probably demonstrate th a t fact before Congress or In the courts.

Observation o f th e workings of the em igrant atatlnn a t ElU. Island baa dla- cloaed to tbe House Inimlgratlou Com­m ittee th e Interesting lact th a t for four months past m ore einigrsnU have re­turned to E urope than have arrived In America. Tho official ilgiiroa have not y e t been m ade public; 1ml they demon atrate clearly th a t the claw which former­ly crowded to emr shores from European countries Is now abandoning America aa . J unprofitable field of effort, and retu rn ing In incresalng numbers to the old condltlona o f exiatcnco. This exoesa o f em igration la not likely to continue ; but while It shall last H will eonstltuto a fhetor to be reckoned with In any calcu­lation affocting tho busineai situation. H itherto th e am ount of money brought in to the country by Immlgranta has been aet off In the calculation, o f econoralata against the fund annually diatrlbuled In foreign landa by American touriats. But th is year, evidently, the dralta of the touriats m uit be added to the perm anent ontgo of r e n e y . ^ ______ _

To-morrow tbe Natlunal Aaaembly of th e two legislative bodiea o f Prance will m eet a t Versailles to select a new Presldent of the Re.nnbttc, who wii? hold office until December 7 next, when M. Carnot’s term of incumbency would have exp ired Ho sudden Is I ha exigency under w hich th is aa»m hly ha.been called th a t tho candidates have had no opportunity todraw new lines of political denurcation. W hoever shall be chosen will enjoy a manifest advantage In the forthcoming contest for the full term of office. I t Is scarcely possible th a t th e strong govern­m ent of which patrio tic Frenchmen have dreamed will bo installed a t tbia Junotnre. M. CamoftgTmpiediate aucceesor is lilcaly t a b s found among tb e conservative Ac- publicans, who have hitherto fumiahed th e chief support o f the Government at

. critical periods of administration.

The promptitude w ith whtoh Proaeou- to r’i Detective John P. Feeney raided tba Harrison poolroom and the apparent sne- oeia of the raid are In strong contrast with the policy pursued tow ard the same class o f gambling establishments in the old days. Time was when poolaelling In H arrison was the safest kind of buiineaa, when the few raids th a t were made were usually expected and provided for, and when arrest had no terrors for tho gam- biota. With the lilg Four waiting to learn whether ur nut they will have to go to Jail, and with Grand Juries drawn to enforce the laws nod not to protect cer­tain classes of lawbreakers, agreat change has como over the spirit of lludsunCounty’s dream.-- ■ -

T he incfcleis Democrat who shall be

T IU T H AM I aYMFATHY, jIn Accania of Kftroaat*

iiraa. b a t Oalting Kulhlng.Fro*n the D etro it Freg Prttg.

to Ih t waiting-rooms of the P o rt Htreet D epot a man sa t looking over a folder o f the Chicago and Alton Itallroad which he h id tak en from tbe rack. He had Just discovered th a t the Kansas City lim ited left Chicago at 6 o'clock P. M. dally, w hen a young m an, who had been looking him over for several minutes, oat down beside him and u id i

“ W hat 1 have to say con be condeneed Into a q u arte r o f a column of m atter se t In brevier leaded. A t an early age 1 hvaa left an orphan . 1 have tbe exact data w ith me som ew here, but you wont ba a t parlleular as thaL Using subjsctad to In­dignities w hich DO proud and am bitious orphan could p u t up with, 1 Mt out alona In th is cold w orld—with a g reat deal o f em phasts on tb e cold.*'

T he m an w ith the folder looked up In a dream y way. and then ran h la fingers down till be found tbe limited reached Bloom ington at 9:46 the sanio eveulug.

“ By s tr ic t in trg rlty , undaunted sm bl- tloii and a par«>verance which no th ing could dlocourage, I made a place U<r my- tell. T h e re w a . a time when 1 w as on lop of th e hasp . I botoed tbe Job -I ran tbe m achlue -1 cut tbe cloth. D oesn 't seem to you th a t I was a high roller seven y ea r , ago, doa* I t? ’’

T be m an w ith tha folder didn’t aa j. Ha was busy finding ou t the hour of arrw al a t Blue fiprings.

“ B ut hum an Ufa la a kalsldoM opt,’’ continued tha " reduced." “ H um an wisdom canno t always provide fur th e changM w hich occur. I was th e proud and happy ow ner of a large and e legan t reservoir holding 6,000,001) gallon , o f w ater. She busted. A m ighty to rren t rushed th rough tb e village and tore away fifty houses. Laaa counted up tens o f thousands—no Insurance. Woa i to blamn ? H avs 1 enlliled your sym pa- t h l e . r ’

I t d idn’t look aa If be bad, for tb e m an w ith th e folder began to look for tbe fit. Kouli lim ited and marked It w ith a pencil as leaving a t 11 o ’clock A. M. dally.

“ 1 was, further, tbe proud poesesaor o f a ( 100,000 plantation on the M lstlw lppl Hiver. Took two ateamboata to carry my corn and cotlon. Did 1 dream th a t myEroud head would be humbledT D id !

ave th e slightest warning th a t th a big river w ould out a new channel in one n ig h t and scoop la my 1T,000 acres? Are you feeling for a quarter?*’

No, ba waan’L He waa looking to lea If be couldn’t m ake Kansas City irom 8 U Louis aa well aa Chicago.

“ And added to theM calamities, I m ay m ention a confiogratlon—defective fiua— no Insurance—laflnre of orups—bank (all- urea—perfidy of friends and o ther thinga— w hich have m ads ms tem porarily bard up. I t h u rts me, of course, to lay bare my h e a rt to a alranger, but 1 feel th a t I must do it. A amaU loan a t th ii tim e will enable me to m eet Mme paper, aava my alm ost ru ined credit, and inclta m e to new hopee and ambitions. 1 am quite w illing to leave the am ount to your owo guneroalty. Indeed, It would be nnbeoom- Ing In me to sla te the exact sum necessary tu relieve my tem porary flnanolal em- b a rra asm an t’’

T he mMi w ith tbe folder folded i t up and placed it in bis pocket for future ret- erence, picked up hla grip, and after looking all around to see if he h ad n 't left aom ething, be starled for his train. The “ reduceiP ’ stood up and w atched him out of lig h t, hoping agaln it hope. W hen he saw th a t all was lost, he turned to the door in a weary way, and said i

“ kUsoed It again and lost Just so much more b rea th ] I t wont do—It doesn’t touch th e ir hearts I I m ust throw honor and tro th w d e th n d fabricate some story w hich will arouae lym patby and pro­duce th e sugar I”

A M O U tJtE im .


named as cainliiltilc for Govsrnor by the filale convenlitJii of thu p.srty in Pennsyl­vania to-morrow will probably enjoy the unenviable dimlnctlon o f being tlie worst beaten man who cvi r rati for Governor In any State on n candidate of either of th e two folding iiolllicnl partlrs. Such a nom ination wi'iild be the grave of pollli cal ambtllon, n ccrlitlcnte of personal lu- aa ity ond decay. U l« alrange. Indeed, th a t any citizen presutnubly of sound sense should Hcek sul'Ii a perilous distinc­tion a t tbu hands of n moribund political urgamzatiuD.

A rtist fit. Giiinlens has finally submit­ted to tbe Trenstiry oilfolals hid third es­say a t a design lor 11 W orld's Fair medal, fit, Uaudens id a follow of infinite Jest; and he will have m used Ids O])porluiilty If ha ahull huvu tailed to clotho Young Anisrfoathid lime m a diinimur outing suit, w ith tennis r.ickt'l In hand.

•--- * ---Another hot wave of a week’s duration

and the tsritf agilatlon would be ended sure enough, Your thermometer at ninety degrees ami over is a more effec­tive persuader tu harmony in leglalatiun than would be a whole army of ailver- tongued orators.

Statesmnii Jainen Smith, Jr., Is not proving a great terror to the Income lax In spite of iho speech tha t he made about It.

According to the report made by fiehool Buparlntcndent Snyder o f Jersey City, tlmre are Im peratively needed (In th a t m ra ic jpality new schoolhou.es capable of

while fokiJ-ij -suB\nd’b«imi!ig!!'lhaiUiIlDg* th a t uaedi by tbe High School should be replaced by new ones. In addition new fiirnlture la reqnlred. Including the auball- lutlon o f desks for aettcea, which are now used as apologies for auttHble aeaU for children. I t is calculated th a t to make these Improvements would coat about (300,000. and th a t Just about one-sixth of th a t am ount will be avallablo. Homo of the Bchoolbonaea whioh Mr. finyder oon- demna are said to be In wretched sanitary f condition, and it Is afmply crim inal to put teachers and pupils into aurrounding. which threaten •erloua Im pairm ent to thalr health. On tbe other hand If 3,000 children o r any number are denied In- ftraoilon beqauae ao piece hoe been provided for them their

Gold I. gliding away again, end, alas I there 1. no .Slioniian act to repeal.

Heoil’s .Iskcs the t'lilldren Healthy.“ Whan I am weak and ran dowa Hood’s

fiaraaiittrllia glw^ uin mreaglhaml makrs inu feel like a now uiwhoii. 1 liave also given It to (heoilldrcii iiii.l ii iiiakes them hpaltliy. My niolhor-tn-liiw 1* inkiiig it for suit riicuoi and tt 1. help!av her inure llian aayllilng stiS haa taken, ami aiiu l.a* d ^ u l n great deal of money for iih>illrLrii>,“ yirs. Emiua J. Beuder-

! dhet, Avondftli', N. .1, >

■ Hood’s I’illiv-cuTe indlgcsltoD. .


To the cost of each piano ive add a fair profit. That niake.s the selling price. Every instrument is plainly tagged with the price in plain figures. No more is ask ed ; no less accepted. Everybody gets the bottom price; everybody is safe. W here there are two prices, who knows but there may be three ? And who is to say that even the third is the lowest ?

S . D . L a u t e r C o.,

6 5 7 ^ 6 5 3 B f t o A o S t h s k t ,




P ie r le s i

BiDd,Asaiani) av

FRANf ESTA Ol’THRTE-MOYER, Ripmoo, and ANTON fit’HOTH, Tconr, two o( tha

greatrat llvint vecel artists.Kcmembar, One Concert Only, oa

Friday Evenlngr, J u n e 2 9 ,A T C A L E U O N IA V T A U K .

General odmlHlon to the perk.................Chairs on main flour.................. ............,ai>eUp4'rn chair, irn flm elevation.. . . ?8c. luid #1

VteHrved seat, ini .ale at fi. D. lotuter’i M u lic t in iA I street; John BmDli’fitfTO

a v e n o s; (.'harlM W . lie o k 't , 101 Market _________ Im

CHANGE O F TIMK,EXCrH8ION8 l);r the New, P»9i And Commit

dlouiHtvAiueP “ FAVOHITR,”Frum KJei'ttiu IJicht IXwk dlrfK'tio

* * * * * * * * * * * » » » * » * I t » » »


BostonDontalAssoeiation.2 2 3 M a r k e t S t . ,

N tW ARK .

Sptctaltift.O O LO OfYOIVM*,

FfWff a O u 3 FILUM US. Q OLO F L A T M t.

Best Teeth

Teeth WitlioutPlatBS XTeeth Ixtrneted

3SOWITH o a s on am aeo.

L-FA • X T .



RUBBER GOODSWiitcT Betties, Foantftln and Bulb Syrlbfei. Robber

L'oaU, Cloaki, Boou and Bboest ete.

D. F. SEGELKE,8 5 4 B R O tD S T . .

OVK TRIP DAILY AT #:lll P. M. ArtIviDiiat ('amp8i) mtnmes befiire perfor-

miuTf, ilvlbf lime to view Ihe Fli'Tt'K- VlLLAOK OK XATIDKK HeiariU&g

lniine(l]Rt<i<iy after the performance. CHEAlC E8T KXfURNlON E V tR HUaS FROM NEW. ARK; ('roultu tbe Ra)' tidce.

RirQntim for mimd trln, IncdadlagWild Wrat Ailmteiion. 75r. Blncfe tteketoto 8ou(b Hrooktyn, koe. iwund t r ^ , afie. J^freFhnieDU on board. Iliime ILaO P. H.

> T H E A T R E ,K1 MrrgHKHRY HT., oppoaUe C. R, R. Matlneee Monday. Wedneadar and Rainraav, Caaale St KmRIi, yrrjprlelora. rirst-cUea ra i^ a tf show every evening. Admlwlcm fjae. ltd


rni WORLO** PVIAtUit OROUIIDtfA dvUetitfnt Mil ea teia . teini MfHkBifa.

k.T*<> graad nuaeir^ .dallr ,, MvstflMOt follaA

L rare plaoto and I Ucelbiral vaadere. \ AnuaefiSalMBea. a# er1 •. m^ufleaat

Eibbtr CIOTis.

oppoemClllr ItAteta.

Ladles' and Oents' Msokintoabes and Elaitla Btockinga mado to order.

Both aqaarlSBa flen a lae files Iiland elan M e. pkASori a la earM. '^ X U ls Deateeti


f i t t r Bottla

I t C rsatea DiMeoeion Id a Uouaeltold.Tho Wife Cottquare.

From A ibory P ark P re« .I have b«en ke^p ln f andar cover since

Alemorial Day. l a o ther words, 1 have been In bed. You rem em ber th a t flag Mrs. Bapp made for Memorial Day I 1 to ld you about it in my late rem ark i,and os to how she bad pu t only two sta rs in the field, representing ihe two States w hich have gran ted equal sofTrage to women. As I refused to let her fly suoh a misrepre- aentaUve flag on the flagstaff which 1 had secured for the ocoaiion, 1 hoped th a t would be ihe end of tbe m atter. AU^I It was only the beginning.

This woman^s rights wife o f m ine Is the m ost original woman in the world. Bhe didn’t m ake any open objection w hen 1 refused to le t her fly the flag. T hat n ight 1 go t hom e early and went to bed and dream ed th e dream s of the just. W hen I awoke th e n ex t morning I found th a t con*' founded flag spread over me. I t was about th e size o f a bed and th a t wife o f m ine during th e day before had converted it in to a counterpane. I t waa neatly tucked in a t tbe foot and sides and those tw o woman’s rights f^tars came r ig h t under my chin. Mrs. Sapp was superintending the b reakfast p reparations in the kitohen. 1 called her ra th e r m ore loudly than the distance de* manded. She came In a t once and oeked me If th e re was anything the m atter w ith me. I aoeured her th a t oU my corporal conditions w ere exceUenL Then she said break foal was r e ^ y and I had better get up. “ Mrs. S ap p ,'’ sold I, in a firm voice w hich pains m e to make use of, ' ‘kindly r«* move th is striped rag f^om my bed.’’ Mrs. Happ m erely rem arked: ” That, my dear Mr. Bapp, Is tbe only true American flog:I will no t rem ove it.” Then I told her th a t I wouin n o t get np un til she took tbe bogus flag away. -

Bo th a t is how it happens th a t I have been under cover for n e ^ iy two weeka. T he doct<jr has been ewUng to loe me every day, and my wife has provided a nurite fYoin th e hospital. She gave It out th a t 1 w'ss suffering from nervous p ro d ra ' tlon. I t was true th a t I woe prostrated| but It WAS Mrs. Sapp^s nerve more than my own w hich caused i t

Y esterday I read In tha Doiiy Prrss th a t a certain man was In town, lie owt-s me flfl, and th a t is w hat has Induced mo to get up. 1 am on hU trail. Nothing Ase would have done i t I»um a strong-minded roan. (Bo is iny wife),

1 aro going to stay out late to-night and h ire a burglar acquaintance to enter my bedroom and steal th a t troublesome conn* te rp a u e .________ ______________

Graiidmikthar a t Twenty‘nlne.From !hf! IjewlAioQ JonruoL

Home of the newspapetfl In another Htate have been bragging of n thirl y-lwo-yoar-oW granflmother and soodlng lier plclurv all over the country. As if aitythiug In the of uii- terpri^e c'liuld mil Im osoellsd In Maine. Rut 1 hr Ranirrr .\'nht eoRtCsalong wRh Ihe report of rt little hay burn In Br«mk«vllle on January 1, wIioiM'molbrr Is not yet fourteen yfara old Atiil whose gniudmuthcr la nut yet iweuiy- nine.

The Ktreet Arab Wniiilored.Two of us Htmul In that hallowed plaec^

I, with iny mIdille-iMired,sober air,And a ilille Ktrsv'i Arab, whose freckled face

Wua ilxiHt im tbe Udclle platiired thcru—A beaut ii'ul c’liUd »f a royal race.

Arrayei! In ‘uuluuod Jewols rare,^^'llh pi'lri’lo-H trliundoitsof deRcate lace,

.'ViiU H plumetl chapeau uii Ula flowUiif tioir.‘ 1 wonder." he nald. "If that chap kuows

Huw a felinr fft.-lt) who has Wiih a pile o' rags fnr Ulsbestesl clothes,

An' UU home s curlier <jn B aiter atreot>?I'tl bet fvT ho sits on an tlUgani throne,

An' he takes his males frurn a golden plate ; My velvet Hofy> a cold ourbetons,

Ail' a wltaok on the head If i slape tiK> late." Hut I, with piy knowledge of weal and woe,

^VRb ibc dreary lesson that life will give ^ To those who w.ach the days os they go

And study (he life lliat men must llvo^X looktid at ttie hkd with bis merry smile,

And the freckled cheek so round nod red. Then l»ac*k to the picture's mournful eyes.

And the sorrowful droop of tbat childish liekd. '

Aud 1 thought perhaye weta the storiee known g.

Of thFpUdured child and the ragged boy, Tho unn might )k< read In ajuluor tone.

The utlior would eud fo peace end Joy,Each child U ludd in a FatUer'e earr,

Aml'tholr angtVis wait about Ills throne; Each tuus.vhlM of eorrovr bear.

And all the girid j^ftsoro fur one.—Mflrg i;. rujidyue Ri Harper’s I'lorfitf Peofile.

8A L M A G U N D I.All Newark has a sweet tooth, Judging from

the inulllplIcUy of candy shops and loe cream saloons on ©very Iraportaot avenue. !n sug­gest Ive proximity to theee may be noted the signs of enterprising deuttsta. This U as it should bo. The more tooth destroyera, tho more tooth doctors.

0 0 0The man with the garden hose, the terror of

pedestrians la early sprlog. Is revealed oe a true benefactor durl&g the Moson ol burning estival heat. Let him squirt on, equlrt ever.

0 0 0It may be regarded as lucky, after all, that

litigation over the propiwed site for a new LTty lliiil should have delayed tha planning of a new sinictnro until general liquidation and an enfnrOfK) return to reoeonabVs b;w1uess met hodH should have ushered In aa era of ec<mo«iy and reform. There Is no chapter of ailinInUtratIve extravagance more lnstmctlve or InipresMlve than that which recites the el nry of waste and lou Incurred In the ereo- UoD of mtiaiclpal huIUIings throughout the country within the Itut decode or two.

0 0 0Tlie parks arr cool green oaaes in these days

of fIrri'O and pitiless sucMner beat. There should ]>e more of them.

0 0 0T h e k e e p off the grass’’ signs In the parks

mean something more a t this Lime than mere crimpHauna with a landscape gardener's whim. To walk over the graaa Is to raise a cloud of mosquiUm that otherwlM would have remained undisturbed,

0 0 0How in tho lime when the thirsty sUUeti ad­

dicted to rushing the growler ” shrewdlygrcHNCN the Interior of tha t receptacle with butter. Tlilftprevents the bcerfrom “ heading up," and the can 1b fUled with eubetantial 11. e it. of malt and hope, and not with mere foam.

0 0 0The muUiplIcatlon of ourves aad switches

on the pauenger railways at Broad and Market streets havs mode that orostlng one of the riskiest tn i)e found In any pupuluus oommuti* Ity. Ah t)ir nuiuljer of oara shall bo ItmreasQd the peril to iiassers'by will be oorrespondlDgly augmented. The halr-braatb escapes daily tnatle at thin crossing by wayfarers on foot Uetlfy elnquenily to the agility of the gnod- natureil American public. Two pollen ofdccrs ere charged witb the duty of keeping tbe tldo of travnl in motion In all directions. There should be four.

0 o oModern hotel-keeping methods have greatly

changed of late years. Oradnally thelusurles and retl nemeuts of the • well apartment -hnuMt g have been added to the resourcti a ttbcd ls- pcmal of lintel nianogers until the former have b<ien fairly distanced In the race for public favor. More than ever, acoordlugly. tk the efti^en t>n>‘.i5essed of an abundant Income In- oilned to lake big eaae In a i inu. The modern congeries of cotivcnlenoes which In our inflexL bloHptiiech Is still known oe an hotel, dlffersf from Its prototype of a senre of years ago ai- * most AA the day from night. I t flourishes Apm-e In liicallUeA where the old-fosbloDetl caniVAnsary could not possibly have eifited. Combining viu t advantages of residence with the utnioai perfection of service, improved ipodorij hotels are notable f tiotorA in the social M w&ll ns the biiHinesa life of our progresnive conimuullieH. CJeallty of mauotfsment and chararter of equipment rather than the acoi* dent of favorable location, are the mostim- iHirtant elements which determine success or failure ill Huah an enterprise. Home gfulus in hotcl-kcrplng will build and fun one of these big pala4‘ps for the public In Newark one of

ilays. and an appreciative community will ahnwur rklies upob itlm.

' Higliest of atl in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report


A e a e U IY E L V P I I I I E

Practised in Conghe.From liftllo.

Ihactor *’ You cotigb more eaelly thia morn-ing.'’

Patient—"! ought praoUsed all night.''

See here I Wliiie about it

have the best there is.


Rootbeer Extract, unquestioti ably it V'_ .vorid

One bottle makes 6 gallons.

The Old Nastere* Colora,From the Art Amateur.

Artists everywhere are fnlereated In Baron Pereira's Investtgatlons nf the color tnediunu used by the old masters. It has long ago been admitted that they produced their effects by totally different prooesOfe from thoee in vogue at the preeent day, and, moat important of all, the pictures exeonted by the old methods have more lasting qualities thiro those of re­cent timee. With jdl our modem knowledge of both the oils and colors we know of no way to overcome the darkening and crocking of pictures that always Invariably folbpwe the drying out of tbe unguents and dryers now la

I. To those who do not know It might be well to nay that tempera painting woe tbe most ancient ntelbod of the artletet* Painting Intemtiera means that the colors are “ tem­pered,’'o r rulged with a “ medium ” while lu tronHmlsiiun. Hlnoe the time of tbe brother* Van Eyck oil has been the main vehicle In painting. Before their day and a t various periods different medinmi were in use, Fllay mentlvnl a ndlk and egg medium, andothef writer* st>cak of such bloalng flolde as gums and kIubs, eggH, the milk of figs, beer, honey, wine, vinegar and sdum. But exactly what the old painters did use to preserve the brill- oncy and permanency of fhefr colors and paintings has not been known. Pereira claims to have dlsrnvered It, or something nearly akin to It. WhethiT he has or no, the new method which he advocates and bis new pro­cess of making color* have bronght him great praise from the world's best-known artisU. Franz von Lenbach, Robert Bluoi, Carolne Duran, F. D. Millet, Edonard Deiallls and otiiers Juln In crediting ferelra with having msde a very valuable discovery.


Niagara Falls.N m n e QUE

LyiGH yiLLET RilLROlDE x m sto M .



Trains leave Market Bt. Btatlon (Penn. R.R.k Newark, at felT A. M., and P. M., Joly 3. Returnluf July A

For ticket and PuHtnaa aceommodationa, apply at Market Kt. Ktatton and TSI Brood Newark, nr tn Wm. B. Hmlth,(rMi'l Rm I. Poet'v Agent, S35 Broadway, New York City.----------------------------------------------------p ------------------------------------------------

Ho for Ogud GroTs and istiQ r; P u LGRAND EXCURflit;..-..:7THE


flloDdny, J u ly 2 d , iH 94,Vi» C’« n t« l H. R. ot N. J,

TIokeU, - . •1 .00 , Cblldno, • - 60s.Trxin Ih v m Brand Btrast StAtlon at t:tn A.

M. nbarp- Mil

W h y C o n s u l t a J l a n ?" N o man ever suffered

pangs tike unto woman."Women, therefore, gladly

turn to a woman for sympathjt, counsel, and help in their

peculiar troubles.

" Lydia E. Pinliham, of Lynn, Mass., de­

serves the confidences

showered upon her by thousands,

" Her Vegetable Compound has done more for women than any other remedy,

“ The great cause of wom­an's misery is in her womb. l^ydia E. Pinkham'i Vege­table Compound goes -direct to the sourceof trouble,dnvesout disease, and cures backache, fainting, despondency, bloat­ing, ovarian troubles, and leu- corrhoea. ' All druggists.

“ I VYouid have been in my rave if 1 had not taken Mrs. inkham’s me ine.”

----TH E----

Stepbens A CoDdlt Transportation Co.OOUMENCaNU SUNDAY. JUNE (A The New and Com1nodfou!i t^teoiuer,


C O H I S Y I S l i A H B IVix Se« Beaoli H atlm d, from Bar Rtdfa,

Three T r lu Dally.WhxL ean UommeraU,! Wharf, foot Market

IhIB A. M., 1:3(1 aud i:30 P. M. Itoturnlaiia Sea Beach Palace. Coney laland at 630 i

barf, foot Market aL, loava

___ andIhfOP. M. Tare (rauDd (ripl 60c'. Evrnlaitrlp leave Newark a t 7:311 P. M. Fare (round t rw I6o.F is h in g b a n k s

. ----------------______ _____ d a il y - STF.AM*a

A? JA8. R SCHUYLER leave. Troy D oet W. 10th at.. New York, 3 A. M.( Fraakllit it., t-JOL Fere by Penniylvanla Railroad Tho. Faawn.

■ ' ' mutatton wy ro a t ., Wo.; tldl

xen ehowlnc ecenta at dock, oommutatli exounlon tickeu by any New Jeree.he furnlihed trip ticketo for jrentei Ik . H


wlUANCOX, Pbca.

Hn. Hydi,k.Ui.1, lad.

LADIES,An Ton RonseelooDlng?

Onm Camphor (for packing olotheil ISo. ft Moth Balia, he. lib.Perelon Insect I^owdera >Sc. ft.Hooch Food iPatemon'sh lOoe cao.

Our price* are the loweit tn the city.

I r F i i i ’i Celtiif C ip o iD inr.Oreene'i Nermroa Jlood'e Boriap- orlllo. Poakolo, Cutioura Hooolrent Mid aU tbe l&Uft patent preparatloni at the same low prloea

Knapp's Hoot Beer, I to . »% for ttlo. Oliweon'e Root Beer, fto* a pookago.All ordlnarv preecrlptlone oompoUQtltd tor

t5ft. apieoe, at

Kraemer’s tEMPORIUM, ■

and MuAsrty Sit>Telepliane DOTR . Eriablliiied IBH).

The blood make* a olrcdR of (he body every two and one-halt minute^ dulverinx uutri-

EfB B I TftO AID A HAI.F 1I16TES.y every X uutri- r to he a m re. ’e l. and

Any.toppaxe or olr atraetlon ot tbia proceu may produce various lomis of diaeaae, tueh as Drapepele, Hillous- nexe, Oonatlpatlou, Headaohe, UetdIUy, and

meat and __filtered out by

back waite matter ue liver and kldtwyi

taking ___ ____ ________ by the liver and kldn-, - , --moved from the body Ihronxh tne bowel, andthe urinary recretlon, Itraetlonot tbia

nexe, ^natlpatlon, Headaohe, UetdIUy, and bad blood wltli Ita mnltlpIMd evil, (bolli, blotohea pimples, aoree, ■rnpttona, abaoesne and tM like). W b « n o h oMtrqetlona exist as eridanoed by tbe preeence ot oomplalnt. elmllar to thoae Just mentlourt). the beet raedieliie to use la Burdock Bloeu HItWrs, which unlock, the secret Ions, removing all Impure and effete matter through the proper channeli. ^ y re^ti^ng BiallqyacIion.at.theataraaoh, liver, nowvM all tr oommoD pimp]

yaction ott lya and bowela, R B. $. at of Km blood from a 10 wonrt acTofuloua tore.


J u l y 4t h , 1804.

FIREWORKS!We have the largest and most

complete stock of all grades of fire­works to meet the wants of those who desire to make private di.spiays. It is customary for purchasers to make tlieir own selection of fireworks in place of ufWng the exhibition case» which are packed by the manufac­turer, We have in stock a full line of fireworks, both loose and in as­sorted cases, at lower prices than ever and of the best quality. This stock consists of ROCKETS, ROMAN CANDLES, MINES, FLOW ER POTS, COLORED FIRE,BALLOONS,TRIANGLES, FLAGS, VOLCANOES. FOUN- TAINS, F IR E CRACKERS of all sixes, etc., etc., etc.

We shall be pleased to hear from you.

Wilkinson, Gaddis & Co..

866 and 868 BROAD ST.

Now, you don’t want Id go away without one of our^


FfELDOLASSES, TOiLETSETS.Or any of the Util*

conv«Dl(fnoet la


B E L T SFrom $1.50,

U0.’$N E W S 'T O B a



IREELAA'S, • . f l t lA RlBTEK




>atre-boI tIceinIMkC-neIS-anlisS,S,:d

:s,N .all

r .


N e a r ly 20 ,000 P eople A tten d th e

L a a t C onoert o f th e S n n g e rfta t.


T k t CDBdilloK I)** T n a iu r ; Nut Surk u SoCKttMApk>*0.ii.loii*-ICniiii.4ncli Wur- r M t . K « r York’. AuUlmit Illitr lrl- A II» r» » I-* a . B«-urd ut F m ld .i it C .r- t s o l ' . A .» « t» M « l. Known-A t 'r .n k s t #E-Pweridesl II.rrlM ii'. iU .ld .R » IsIsAlBBSpollh

Dr. M. J. D srii 1. s pramlMm ph)r.)elsB of Isrrlm, I'M . l^nanty. lows, wsl h « bwn w>- t l n l r r a i s e d In lli« prsntlor ot owdiclo. s t I h s tp l .n f n r Ih . p u t tklrtr-flvr y « fs . tin tb r Mtli of Msf, wkll. In Dm MuIm . , rn m ul. toChlMiD, hr wuiuiLdrutr Isk .a witU sn s t­u ck <if dlsrrhtss. llsvln( luld Chsiubcrlsln's ('dUo, rhoiers sod Dlsrrhics lUniMlr fnr th . pMl H Y saten pesn, snd knnwlini t l . rrlls- bllltr, h . pnicarrd s Sk.«nl buttl., tvu dous of which eom pl.t.tr onrrd hint. Tb. siclU - m .n t sod ohsiigs of w strr sod d l.t locid.ul' tu (rsvalllng uft.n priMlnc dlsrrhuHt. k^nrjr ooo.hovld p iw o n sh u ttlsn l IhU rrmedr be­fore lesrlog liOTO*. Yur .s ir bp t \ tlu liksurr, lirnsd sod M srk .t; A. Kchorr, Hrllrvlllc srs- DM soil Orlrnlsl itrra t i J. llctilrr. Ursoie rtrs«t, comer HoHrllle sn n u r, nod <). >*. Csinpbell, Mlllboro.

He n fsrred to the execulino of Kmil Heorr, ........................1 In

UlsMtlTOkUd tliat betwsMi IS.uOO sad BOOOO pereuni were fstbrred Lo idsdiwtn aqusre Usnteii lost erenliii to stteud the concIndloK concert of the Ursnd fisUunsl HsriigerfosA

Tbs ooucert wse under the direction of H finn rb EofUtwr, niuslrml dlmdor of tbs

who w u behrsded tor eiplodluK s bomb the t'mfe Twioinus, snd isid; "H e dul not die h rsn d r. 1 will ibowmiire roursae tbsn he dill. If f t r e r mount tb r wsITolJ.”

Tbs pollus taste iiicrseilitil In oMstulna the foUowma informstlou

Uedprhraux Hodetjr, sislsted bjr MIm IJIlisn HJsVrelt snd Mme. T srsrr, irviasuoi;Kmil Fischer, bsiao: Hlw Kelhtr, slto; Ur. Hcbsrf, tenor; Arthur FYledheim, ijlaniet', an o tv b ssk s ot ISO pieces, tod s grand (dionM oonslsting of sU lbs Unltsil Hingeri of this and adjacent cities.

Unrr Z u^ner’s tlrit ippesrsnce was tbs •Ignsl for s storm of applsuM. Again and again was ba oompeUed to bow hit so- knowledgmetiU, and was the redpant of aumerous Aorsd offerings, Including a inafp nlflccnl Ijrre from the rlilllng .iogyni. Ho sstbusiastlc did Dlrectir Zoelluer liecoine th a t while conducting the fourth number tbsrs was heard a n p and a tear, snd lo I Hsit ZotUner’t dress coat, of most rorrset c u t **■ *plii bp tbs bsck.

Ths protmunnie opened wltli the overture from "Oberou," by the orchestrs, sfler wbicji the chorus end orebsstra gsre s .plan-

In n^sriL to the niorenisnta of the assauln. After leaving lu ly be bred a t different times In IstiUDue and Otsievs, Hwltssrbiiid, snd afterward ,lu Lyons. From the latter city he went to Cette, Francs, where he H|ient the lost year working as s boker. Me reached Lyons from Cette St 4 o'clock Huiidsy eveulug.

I t is lesroeil that his reel siimstne Is f 'atsrlo smi bis Chrlstisn name Sen Hieron- Imo. Hs is nluitseu years ot age. He was known to the police of Cette s t a militant Anarofaist. While in Cette he earned thirty francs s month Iietides hla boordand lisigliig. He wss sober aiut Industrious but.UcLiuru


In his manner. Hs was a great reader oiid outsjMiken only when Anarchist tlieorliw weredlsrlisseil.

The police offleial who went to Cette to trace the assassin bail au Interview with Mme. 'i'lals, who keejM ths Inker sbo[i In which tbs murderer worked. Hh. says Ceeario left her employ on HatunUy, having gtvsn up his place on accoiiut of a quarrel. He receUsd the money that was due him and diuppeared. Hs left a box cunUinhig bis effects In hli lodgings This ths police emned, but found nothing oompromislng theretn.

ra ile d to P ar lU » u t t In th s A. A. tl.On ths Hseelrsefci—WkssUng.

O llisr kportsTlie Initltuts A. C. ot this city wssdro|ipe<l

from the roll of ths A. A. C. Ue(ro|.)ilUn Dlstidct, s t the iiiesUnf of ths tsiard of uisn- sgsrs last nighk Ths rstsoo to r tills setiou wis afsilure on the psirtot the Institute A. C. to pay Iti dues A number of other clubs wars also droppml from the membership list h icbsrd Behreus, National A. C., wai rein* stated K. C. Fsihls, Letter cs rr len ’ Cniun, hsd a •Imllsr favor eitendeil to him, cvindl- Uoiutl on hi. proving tiiat be hail never uun- peted for money. The application of An-bl- l«ld P. Dalby was not fully lllltal In. but he was rvln.tste<l, pnividail he shall fill hi tlie bistiu satisfactorily. The other erring ones restoreil to favor ware John Msireinsha and CUsrlea W. Hibrse. The application of p.,{. ward O’tSrady wss rsferrei! hack. Th,- res­ignations of J. J. Uooney. Htar A. t '., snd T,T. Hrennsn, Kmpire City A. C., as uiumlsra of the board wcreacoepteil.

'nieDovliSe who bad Inch au uiiniiiifort- able experleuec a t the Decoration Hay gsiiuis Ilf ths Saw Jemsy A. C. flleJ n p ro te t . M slnst the action of Referee W, It. Ihirtia i The referee's ruling wa. lustalncil, four deli- ' latc. voting in the negative. Acting under uatruclluna of his club Harry Dinise, I'at-

linio A. moveil that the boanl rr.',,m- mend the A. A. 1'. to amend the di.trli't constitution by providing. " That each club,a inemlier of the active nienibura of the A A. U., most hold a t least one set of handi­cap games leich year, to consist of not h>..

stakes and licta, haring hml up fSOO against tlXUno In the winter books. “ Fifty thon- saiid dollar, would nut buy Key Kl Hanta

KViii.t T m N o r T H » c v e u t .: An Old Wheel th a t Has FasseS Through

Anita,’'ta h l Mr HaldwiinmHaUirtlsy night. " t)f course, 1 ws» s little hit siirpriscir towin. as I bad rea-l so much alsiut Damino and tiiHuitor U radr. I knew I bad a*la>h iiig gikid cidl, however, and thought I hsd a chance lo win, otherwlss 1 wiailil mA bars bet Util."

Ths t'orhsIt-JachH tii AtTatr.Ths date lu the orticlea uf agreement

which dames J . Corbett aud Pelsr Jai'k-.iusigned last ywsr to ffght for the chamiilou thlpuf the world cxpirial vetterlsy. Wlienthe men planal their signatures to the paiwrt they sgreeil to cress arms before the cliihhanging up ths largest imrKc on any day lie. taivin June lju and 'At ot this year. Owing tosums iiiiBunderstoiiding lietween the p:<ir. and through C orlietr. uiini)iactKl trip ahrisul, the article* were |ierinjllsd tobeci' lie vutit Many S[iortlug men who have tiudlol C nrlrffs actions lately, aiv inclineil to cen- sure Jim far the nianneC In which he has acted thnaighout the affair.

M ll.VlNd A MVaTKIir.

than Hve svents, snd sn r club falling to huM tames as mentluiied In this section shall In

did rendition of the ''Pilgrim*' l'hIlru^" from “ Tauuhsuser." Miss Lillie Hlauvelt was then heard to much ailvautagu in Ophelia'I song fronUbe m id tcAie in -' Ilam- tst.” Following two folk song, hy the ejmras cams Hr. Frlsdheim in You Wehar'i piano sola, ''CuncirUtuck.”

A C-RAhK VjHITS IIAKUlaOX.R e t P a rm itte d tu Mss the aa -P re .td en t, sn d

H arr Fuchst'a vuios delighted ths audienes in the “ Air of the Cerdlnsl," fMni LnJulve.” The oreheatra then played with alm catjierfsct balance two aiaerpu from " Tbs Damnation ut Faust." Fallowing tbs tong “ lism b m e ra d ," by ths chorus. Mms. Marie T a y a ^ re a d e rs In delightful style an a ir f ro m “ The Magio Flute.”^ T i e last number on the prugrainma, '* rre la dor Deutaebar Muslk," Is of Itlrector Zoslloer’s own oompusitim). I t was rsmbi


by ths united solulsts, the eborut am coeatra, and the flnik_wgs drownsd In


thunders of applause. Five times tbs db m etorcam s forwanl to bow his acknowl­edgments and as often did ths thousands t^ ss r thsmielyes hciarM- .Tosatisfy tbeau- disnee H err 2!os1Inse directed the grand e t to ra in the slngiiig of the “ tVarht am Khein,” and a t last the audience Hied uut of tbsganlen .

T h an w si a great deslot mallocreanda mwatdim poor singing In the c»ni|<stitlon uf ths ■isflesof 'f the second ctsia, which filled ths

greater part of j-estanlar aiftoniooii, but lu- tereel was a ro u in and jleasare given by the contest among tbe t uitod blngers uf the citke and towns. Brooklyn, Newark aud Philadelphia were each represeti(«l by a choir of from 4iX) to MUD singer*, and a most oomtnsndabls degree of houicgenelty and nobility of tone, precision of execution au>l tastefnlneas of eiprssskm was diH^hMsd in all tbe work done. Hudson County, Attiaiiy,Troy and Trenton aim sent fine contingents tu compels in a separate class. Iniw th

Lseked Up h r th s I'ulirn.A femsla crank vlslteil Ueiieral Harrison

ytetsrday a t his housa a t lodinnaiHdis, but Private Reerstary Tibbotts did not permit bar to set the ex-President.

Mr. Tibbotts happened to answer ths door­bell about S o'clw'k and fuund a young w cman kavini the appearance of an Indian maiden and w rn ing her long block hair

,dokvn over bar shoulders. Rlit had a Bible ami a copy ot "Uoepel Hymns" in her h u d . Hbs asked for (ienerar Harrison, say­ing that she had a message uf great Import­ance for him.

Hhs said that the Democratic party w u ■IrlTing the i-ountry to ruin, and It wae the duty of herself and General Harrison jointly to SOTS it. Hhe wanted the tieneral to help recover a large sum of money due her, Hhe gave tbs name of Louisa Hiidwin.

Hr. Tibbotts eskeil her to a test In the pnt^ lor, and then telephoned to the police. The detectives were detailed to the case, and she was detained in conversation until they a r ­rived. When their purpose was made known to her sl» became very violent, end threat- eneil dire veugeauce upon her ijerseciitora and to burn the town.

Hhe told tjie police matron that she was the wife of Cbrl.1, and gave other evidence of a badly dlsorderod mind. From her books it seemed th i t she formerly lived in Paris or Nailivllla, Tean. Hh«< .aid she loft Tennessee two rears sgo, end has l>ecn wandering over the country preaching ever since. All exammation into her sanity will be held to-day.

ini.i ♦II). tlie seme birevert to the e*.ocla tioii of which Kuch club is a memls-r," The motion was laid on the tabli^ The iKwril discussed various schemes for reviving pub­lic inb-rest in games and finally resolve,! “ That tbe delegates be requeetwl to apply to the A. A. U. for special legislation to give banners at open games to clubs scoring the most immlier of pulnta, the value of such banner to lie limited tu Ull."

Un the U arelraoht.There was plenty of oxcttameiit a t Hheep..

head Bay track yesterday. The fliiisli in llni fifth race creatml the greatset withusiasm, 'The strain was too great for I ’a tack llulla-iian, ags>l sixty years, a Bnwklyn carter w ho dieil of heart disease on the grandstand

these competitious the choirs chose their own songs, a drcumstaiice which added interest to the affair, though it naturally increased the dUBoolty of adjudication.



P reatdeat Cleveland S a ji There Is No Caase for Apprehension.

pTsaldent Cleveland, in speaking last night the flnancial situation, said:“ Tbe offer of certain ot the New York

banks to replace from their vaults gold drawn from the Government Treasury for shlpsnent abroad is certaiuiy thoughtful and patriotic. I t not onlv tends to maintain tbe Treasury's gold reserve in good condition, but It odds to tbe stuck of popular conildence, which is a t all tlmra Important.

"Tbe elements which make up our actual sltciatloo do not Justify any apprehension, and the Administration still adheres to itsSledge and deiornninatlon to protect pur

lational credit at all baiardi, and to keep tbe quality of our money equal to the best, so far as the limits of Executive power per­mit.

“ Ot course croaking and the spread of dis­quieting tales is calculated to Injure the strongest financial condition. 1 assumo, however, that there la too much palriotism among our people, and too much (amlllarity w ith our reeouroes and capabllitiaa, to per­m it our raaorved force a iu financial OM ll to he Jlscredltod When the last Govarn- m eat bonda were iatued to replimttfa our stock of fbld, it was nearly as low as now. While ontaide ot our gold we bad no availa­ble money to pay ordinary expenses of Gov­ernm ent only about |l9,0OU,O(Xb w# have now, besides our gold and money applicable to Government eipensee, more than (49l- (IOO,OUO.

“ lundarttand It Is charged in certainS rs th a t the payment of matured obli- I is postponed to tbe amount of |S(L- I or |T{kW0;00O. This Is not true. We

are paying as we go, In the usual way. Last year up June 1 the balance against ui ariaiag from tbe export and import of mer- chandue^ excluding gold and sliver, wss t64,- fiFS,0tfi. The balanoe in our favor from aame period this year was ♦62,080,462, repre-

■■ ■ ■ ‘ "Tf.ISllJ,-san tiiu a obangs in our favor of ♦127,612,- 40$. These condltloni, taken In connection with the willlngueea of our banks t o help theTreM ury during any temporary and unusual ...............................t to satiity the inoet condrain of gold, ought

•ervative of our safety.“ I t must not be forgotteti as another fav­

orable feature in the sllxiation that we are DO longer purchasing silver and Issuing gold obligation in payment therefor."

BMHA JVCII H AKltlED,Tbe Fam pns Dinger Uscomes the Wife of

Francis L. Wellman.Miaa £m iua Juch, tbe famous and puimlar

linger, was m i tried a t Stamford, Conn,, yesterday to Francis L. Welltnan, AsHijtanl District-Attorney ot New York. The wed­ding, which was attondwt by a large number, ot preminent society ptoplA took place at tbe home of the bride. Both the residence and Bt> Andrew’s Episcopal Church were

beautifully decorated with flowers, the lat­ter by the women of the congregation.

At the bride's home, on Glenbrook avenue, tbe guests entered un­der a huge areb of dainty wlilte dalslei. After tbe oiremony she received under a superb marriage bell of the mme flowers.

Tlie bride waf met a t the door of the

CJaA a J u C H " b jB e y N IcoH

church by the groom, el-Dlstrict-At-with

best man. Hiss GraceTYetherb^ o (”New York, was maid of honor. William Q. Purrington, of Newi ^ . . . „ wYork, and Frederick P, Allen, of New Yorl^l w w itie only nsbere

The bride entered toe ebnreh with Colonel Albert A. Pope, ot Boston, who gave her away. U r. Pops is an old friend of MImJach*! tamUy.

— ----------------- wedding, ——choir of yonthful voices sang “ The Voice t o t trame O'er Eden " and therecees hymn '■Perfect Love."..'* '^,H ev-. Dr. Peter MacFarlane ofllnlateil, the High Church litnal and ceremonial forms being used.

. The h iW i rob* trns md#o by Worth. I t w aj mad* of rich, ermmy satin, high neck. M d o o m ^ n . covered entirely with point laoe. Her jewels were dlamondi.

F B E a iq K N T CABMOT.’B A M A D RIIf.

, .. * l ro * a M lr Criiqe, 'Casario, the aannln/>f Prisidont Carnot,

who Is now under arrest in Lyons, hae ad- t ^ t he had for some time conteniplat-

•d hie (Mme, He produced yesterday a p ro­gramme of .tUq Lyons fsrtivlliee, giving lT9itd4Ut C iino t'i fouto throuj^h' uie cUj. Along route liortuid murkcNl ipote wharo

nrmQchM ofthfk Ord«r A»krd to Up lh0 Dollrteurr.

N«wi which will be titipleninnl to thou- nancli of ctrtificato-hohter* of the Onler of the Iron Hall ia Uas«acbuieiUi waa nwlo public jeeterdaj.

U k to the effect Uuit fSftj-foiir braDchee of th« order 1& that Htate^ more than odo- tblrd of live whole nimiber, have feceiyd word from Robert A. Kofgbt, tbe Maanac *n- f«tte reorlver, that deflcirncleM have bwu found in their aooounta and adding that If tbe smouDte are not uuule good aud lu tho bandH of tbe receiver a t Indianapolis bjifune yo tbeir branoueM will be thrown out alUv gather Tbis ineaiie that tbe certifloAte hold­er! of tne unfortiwiate Ifrandie! will not re* oelve back a u j of their money if tliej fall to trauetuU tbe amount of tlie ehortage.

Many ot the braorbw have already taken ctope to n rra n p the matter ami ralee the neceiuax'y funds. Where tbe Mums are smallthis will not prove dilUcuit, but tbe larger

wlU have a bai^ time to raisebraochesmoney in so short a timo. tioroe of the bigger branches have already decided uot to do anjdibiag about tbe matter, as it is looked upon as anTtnpomiblltty to the necessary amounts In so short a penoa The amounts that the different lodgM are thorti It ia said, will range from |35 to 120 000.

T re a t th a t W ear UlTTheir Talla.Oorreapondenoe Forest and Ktream.

While on a vltU to my old home in Bcotland, a few yearn ago, I made a trip to the leland of Istai where through the coTirtesy uf the owner 1 enjoyed some raro trout fl*b[ng. While In conversation with one of the keepers* I was told of a little lake high up in the ftuuuLalns which abounded in a very sttimge variety of trout. They were described to mo lo be much like other trouti eirept t hat they were tallleiML, Cloeerlnquiry cnrrohoratrLi my liifnrmanti and eo near a t I cfmld find out the taiU have the appearance of having had tbelr soft raya trimmed off. The lake Is very deep and tlie bottom seems to be covered with smaU sharp- edged fragments of brownish looking stones— the natives say the flab wore tbelr tails off rubbing against thb sharp stones* Unfortu­nately my stay on the island was aliout over* and as 1 hod not an opportunity of personally examining these strange trout, I dropped a good pinch of sitt on the story aud let It pass my mind. During the spring of iu<t year, a very estimable eid gentleman (and 1 am euro a thoroughly truthful 6ne) arrived In our town from the Island of teia, where he had been land Stewart for twenrysfl^'e years for the Campbells of Ula. >^nille In conrerealton with h Im the tailless trout again oatne up, and he positively assured rue It was so, I now thoroughly believe It* and would! like to hear from some of our more deeply versed as to why aud rae wherefore. *

TIMiNiruf i / an ttdVfirtlmmeni tt/ion th«mtubtr of v^n rf ul if. .7t,eoiKtiWH ar< aold Srrrv cfciy. i1re time* UuU iiuing pMipk rrad pop«fr n'lry iloy.

P E K H O N A L .

W. R. WxLT.xci, who was appointed Dcst- master of Jefferson, 0., bx PresljenC Jankwn, sUll holds the office.

Da. W, 8, L m i’KiM, of Atlanta, Ga., sued tha t o itr for IKGinO fiamatrei, sileplni that the Injcnoqs fnmes from an open sewer bad rained hla health. The Jiirf found In bis favor to th* amount ot |t00.

E x - C u m n Htatis himator J auxs W . BKADRUHr, who Is nlnetr-twu pears of age, delivered the oration at the laying of the cor­ner-stone of the IJthgnw Library building In Augnsta, Me.

Tbr H iv. PSBCV T. Fxxn, rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church, Buunton, N. J., has received the degree of 1). D. from fit. John's College, Annapolis, Md, He is a very young man, bnt Is the author of numerous poetical and musical composlttuns.

Aquii.bA KoHtHTSON, said to h« the first white person born In Indiana, Is still living In tha t State. He is ninety yean old, l^ s been a church member all hie life, voted under nine­teen Administrations, has been twice married, aud I* th* father of eleven children.

Hood’s Cures

Bi R JTurjiItv

IM presumed h) would have a chance to risegtrlae t o fatal blow.H* ^ u g h t^ tb e poniard with which ho

x ta b M t o I ^ ld o n t in Uette, paving fgp it five franca He had glvni t o euhjrel of hU crime ooneiderable thought, and felt confi­dent that he knew how to deal a fatal blow before be left Cette.

Accordln* to hli own version, which In- qalry in Cette has oorroboreted, bo visited bia awMtbaart before leaving, and eaidi ■) IS tm lM with ray employer, and am >

Iffona Yoti wU) see me nuiuara."

- HDod's BanRparllla has done wonderi for n a Three years ago I snflered with Pifininma- tory rhaumnuam, and was taken With (yphold fever. After t o fever abitcd my Utnbi were so s tm t could not etralgliteu tom , IgetabotUeol

Hood's Snrsaparifta■ad when I bad taken it I could bend ray limbs, w H eurednt rbeumxtl*m, and am now feeirai welL” & E. Di’arHv.Onrbondale. Pa.

H M d 's PHI* cure Uver ills, sick hewlacha jMDdleo, ladtgeatwa. Try a boa .inc, ..

ThI* P re tty « l r l U ps.ts H er W alrh Une* T..U itile ii.

From the New York Telegram.Hhe came Into the oar like a /lw h ofiUQ-

shlna or a beautit’ut golden brown buUer- tt.r, Immediately attracting the undivided aUenllon of all the o ther paaeengero, whose glanoes, however, she seemed en ­tirely unconscious of.

TUe nieD who had been reading jokes about and sm iling a t caricatures of the up-to-date girl folded up tbelr papers tu continues tbe study Dnin life and eee which o fth * funny paragrapber* had hit her off raoet euccnefnlly, fur up-to-date •he harked.

Tbe women th rust their fashion supple­ments Into th e ir ahopplng bags aud un- (lerluok to carry In tbelr heads all Ib t de- tslli and ctceleraa o f her atunnlug ooo- lutne, from tb e num ber o f rsvent on the Jacket to the exact location of her pocket In the skirt.

That she rode nearly a block without once raising her eyes to a level with theirs was galling to some of the passen­gers, and the fact th a t aha consulted her wsicli so frequently caused general re ­mark.

Huiidrede o f limee have I dona th a t

by R ichard Ilillier, w u purchased Dom him about twenty year* ago and became

while tbechwring was loudest for the victor. He lia.1 wagered on Hir Knight and loit. The event w u a handicap at une mil* and a fur­long, and bail but five starters, A blanket would have curered th* •n tlre field a t t o Hmrt.

First Race—For threejear-o ld i and nn- wanl, leven furlungx; CUBord won, (-'htraile second, Beld*m*r* third; tbua, 1.27 4-i4. Post Betting—Two to 1 on Clifford, ti to 1 against Beldemere, 40 to 1 Clterwle.

Heoond Hooe—The Fifteenth Surf Stakes, five furlongs; Kesnan won, Annisette seconil, Catlfurnta third; time, 1.01. Piwt Bi-ttlng-Twenty to 0 on EneDan, 6 to I against California, 12 to 1 .\Dnlsetle.

Third Race—For two-yaar-ohia, Futurity ronree; ’The foniraonor won, The Bluffer second. Romping Girl third; ttme, LlV 6-6. Post fletUng—HIX to 5 sgalnatThe Com- jiionsr, 6 to fTha Bluffer, lU to 1 Kouping Girl.

Fourth Race—For three-yur-oiihi, ona mile; Isuzarene won, Hter Aotrem sacou'l.J(» itipley third; time, 1.41 4-5. P)wt Bet­ting—Klgiit tu 5 ^ l i u t IsuoaroDa. 12 to 1Joe Ripley, 26 to 1 Hter Aclreu.

Fifth Race—For thrie-yur-clda and up­ward. mile aud one-eighth; Comanche won, Hir Knight second, C andrlabn third; timo, l.."A 6-."i. Pint Betting—Two to 1 against Hir Knight, <6 to 1 CumXDche, 6 to 1 Candelabra.

Hixtb Race—For three-year-olda and up­ward, mile on tu rf ; 8t. Michael won, Ducat siH.-unil, Tupgallaat third; time, 1.41 4-6.Post ttettlux—Four to 1 against Hu Michael,

■ — gallai:6 to 1 Ducat, 6 to I Topgaiiant.A t Chicago,tbe horses which won yester­

day were:First lince—IIair mile; W alkover won,

Cbiquita second, Hallle Calvert third; tiuia 0,52.

Hecond Race—Helling, mile; Patrick won, Elva second, Halvndor thiril, time, 1.4<>.4f.

Third Hni-e—Half rails; Dora >Vc»d won, Montre secuod, Nellie Osborne th to l; tirae,0.51>4.

Fourth Race—Mile and ons-sliteenth; lat- tte Tom won, Truthful st-cund, Monon third; time, 1.66.

Fifth Race—Three-qiiartere of a mile; Ellen won. Motor second, May Fern third;tiinn, i . l ’ ii.

•Sixth Rai-e—Three-quarters of a mile;Hlster Mary won, Humersault second, Percy third; time, 1.15?*'.

The racing at Kansas City yester,lay re­sulted u* follows: *

First Race—Hlx and a half furlongs; Ulad- iola won, Crab Cldo* second, Hiram Argo third; time, 1.60)4'.

Second Race—Six furlongs; Gold Dust won, klsjor Ilripps second, Molech third; time, 1.22.

Third Race—Four furlongs and fifty yards; Doyle won. Bob Clouipert xecuuu. Brevity third; time, 0.56?*.

Fourth Itace—On* and one-eigbUi miles; Wedgefisld won, Pretender second, Rube Burrows third; time, 'J.OD.V-

Fifth Race—Mile; JoasphJn* won, John P. second, Millie 0. tbinl; tune, 1.62)4.

News of the Rlcyetlsts,The Essex County Wheelmen wlU hold a

century run on August 5.The Union County Hoadstera, of Rahway,

talk uf building a now clubhouse.Hyslop, tbe Cnnaillin champion, will not

go tu Kuglanil to race this season.E. fiaiil, will) nsie a mile a t Drldgaport

last week in two minutes sixteen and one-fifth aiK*>udB, is regarded os one of tbe fasl-

ok.Mt men on the traol Among the entries for the races ot the

Ktngi County Wbetliiwn next Haturday are Taylor, C. M. Murphy, Wells, Titus, Allen, Htrensou and 5V. Murphy.

Among ths wheeling events scheduled tor July 4 is Cliarlcs Hchwalbacta's twenty-five- roile bandicau and road race from FYsewrt to Jamaica, um g Island, and rsturn . Th* course will lie over a uiacsulanuied road with a twelre-and-oue-lialf-inlls strelcli. The sta rt will Iw made a t 10 o'olook P. M.

With the R ail Tossers.The gam* that the New York team lost to

theHt. Louis Browns vmterday wa* very evenly contesteil. The Hronklyns ware un­able to meet the Clevslands on am ount of rain. Teliesu'i men, through their defeat in Sc Lraiu on Hunday, were sent Into sixthIilane, The Bostons have cut the Baltlraores' sad down lo sixty-three points. The cham­

pion* caiiie very near whltewaablng the tail- end lyouisvilh's yesterilay, while Hanlon’s men were badly Osnten by th# (.ihlcagoa, who pomiileii Tony Mutlan* all over the field. The Plttxhurgs played a smart game against the U'ailiiugtons and won saMly, The re­sults :

Rt. Isniis 6, New York Ik Btwion 9, Louleyllle 1.PittsburgU, Washington 1.Chicago 16, Baltimore 6.A t Cleveland and Cluclnnatt, rain.

Tlia IlICOHD.Won.

.......................!)4..................... 86



............. . . .2 0Pblladelidila...............................26Cleveland.................... ..27New York.................... ..............fit. IaiuIs...... :................................24Cincinnati..................................... l |Chicago................................... ,,.,17Washington......................... 16Louisville...,................................IX

There will be some radlcalgthanges in th* lA>uisrilte Club in tbe next weok. Fred J. Drexler has sent In his resignation as presl. dent nud member of tbe c.lreetory and it will be tcoeptel. Dr. Thomas H . Htucky will iiudoubtraty be his successor. Dr. Htucky Is one of the largeststockholders and a tneinlier


of the diroctnry. He resigned hut season be- exuH It Interfemil with' bis practice, but hisDSfOclatsa have prevailed upon him to ^[aln accept It. Iffelfer will be relieved of tbecaptalnoy, and It Is not Improbable that he will he t r ^ e d if the right exchange can be rand*. Une pitcher, an outfieldsr, and prob- ablv two ipflelders are booked for their re­lease. Heverpl thousand dollars trfU be ex­panded In securing new materioL

The Teniile T onrnanen ts .Tb* last match In tbe Weet Hide Tennis

Club's open tenuis tournament was decidedyesterday afternoon on the court* a t Central IMrlt, New York. Parker and Flacher de­tested Millett und Uragln In three straight

bles.sets for the first prise in the men’s doum_The games were well played, Flacher doing the best work. Tha snoroB! Edwin P. Fischer and W , Gordon Porker, W » t Rids Txmds Club, rlefeated Htenben 0. Millett and CallTouu Cragln, New York Tenuis CluK 16-13, a-% 7-6.

u u - j J tennis 4 „ „ -----.ept of theNeiglilmriiood Cinb op*ni>d auspiciously yes- terdny monnng a t 1) ret Newton, Mass. The toliovring matobes were plarad: F. II. Ho-v*y, of rale, beat Arthur E. Foote,of Yale, 2 * ^ 11—'d, 6—9;iP. II, Howy, of Y^alu, boat Mfilcuini U. Ch&<^ of Pi^viueiiWy T—>5* 8—6; Artiiur E. Foot®, of Yalo, b u t R* D.W miui, of CftOjbrldgei 6—3, e—0* Afl«r thastAAi iiiateb, n reun announned that he would uot iJay another set this vear. He excused' nil bail 1 '1 playmg on the ground of no practice.

James P. Thomas, ih e 'E lu ab e th A C.orick, defeated 11. Bigelow and Dudley Uobsrts, of the Newark Tennis Club, tnprac- tire sets, Iwating Bigelow f i - t 6—Si,?—6 nod beating Roberts 6—1, '6—4, 6—8, 6 -1 . Thomas is tbe champion of Eliiubeth.

“ Lueliy’’ Baldwin Won BSOiOM.E. J. Baldwin first beard of tbe victorj of

Bey JSI Hante Anita in the Ameiloan Derby through a friend a t tb* Mldwteter fair g n u u i^ Had Fraodiaak H* won 6 ^ 0 0 0 iu

,, Thomaa U. .Moraan and William H. H. Pugh. They all bad g o ^ service uu t of It, and v o rtred many miles and enjoyed m uch picasur* Irum It* use, onlil ii reached a condition of decri'idlude. K dgtr M organ’s enthus­iasm baa not yet abated, and IXom tb* [« rta of tb* dilapidated m achine h* eon- structed anuUier, designed after a “ Uo- luinbta model, high wheeL" After a tline , how ever, he grew tired of propelling tbe heavy maebrue and sold It Ut Uharie* lla rm er, who rode It a year or two and then ennslgnrd It to the barn.

T be venerable niaoUIn* deserved a bet­ter late than It met a tta r Its uaeful career. I t was not perm itted lo rem ain an undis­turbed relio. Tiio Binull wheel and firkme tell in to the hands uf on* of tbe lormer owners, William II. H. Pugh, who used tho wheel for mskliig a w heelbarrow and Ihrsw tb* frame over Into Georg* Y, Vansoivsr’e yard. M iobatl E nrigh t bt-

tnacblnery.N otw ithstanding these viclialtadH , that

prliiiitlv* m achine ha* been restored to a

myself,’’ said tbe elderly gentleman, in­dulgently, as tbe young neauty In gulden

sembtanoe of Its former dignity and still II earlier period

uu i||C iiis jr, IASI j r V U I IK 4/7«UAJ IU ||;VkUtol4broivAy with hair to m tU b , looked «t her watch tur perh«pi the tw entieth time in half u manv m lnut«i, " forffotten the lime ooon^! I 'd d o te d m j watch* W e’ro ail alike, it teeme, young and o ld ; we'r* all alike. In !ome th lng t only, thougb,^^ be tddtrd, regretfully; ^ iri oome tm ngi only.”

'* My t" w b l^ e re d • gawky ^irl to her compaiiicnf " 1 wonder daei it leei Mnice It lookt to be pretty

" awfully afraid ineMi be late forit, whatever il o r th a t he'll get tired of WftlUDg,” rem arked the woman w h o u trj'Niihg day! were long iince pait, ouum - iug that the pretty girl woa on her way to keep au appoiatnicut with her beat young man.

“ 8he Reenii to be rigged oat tn tbe laleit faflblon/' oboerved tbe woman wearing loat eraaoti'e breielU a "an d I •uppofle ene ktiowa wbat^e right, b u l l thought it waau^t good torm for a lady to carry a w atch /’

^'Oh» luy* yeel" poaltively oucrled the woman with the renovated black illk dreNsaml a Icusg gold rhain ; “ lalw ayn

The food riche.st in


ctiTY a watch wuen I 'm nruwcd, Always' i f " .............................................................Hesf" sfas uxclalmed, nudging hsr friend,“ if sh e Isn’t lo o k in g a t h e r w a tc h a g a in ID id vou e v e r t * ' I

" W e l i . now» F m ju s t b e g in n in g to th in k iOa n o t a w a tc h /* d e c la re d th e o tb e ff d a r in g c o n tra d to t io n . I ’m s u re I r e a d it w a * ii \ good M yie—

W e ll, w h a t U she lo o k in g aly th e n ?

jihosghates and bone-

fonniiig_inaterial is ] |H _rb H w " 6 y ’ s ;iO a t m e a l ]i

snapped the wuniun with the gold chain. ■’ Ifoone lady wears a w atch why oaa’t another 7”

" Yes, I know,” soothingly. •■ Perhaps It's his picture, she looks a t it so often, you know— - ' '

"O h , yes, I suppose th e auswered an advertissincnt for a wile and is going to meet him uuw without ever haviug seenhim-----"

" Oh, she wmiHn’l have to do th a t ; she's real pretty I"

1 d

Tojhe growing child

it mean formative

growth — force

energy._“ Well, 1 don 't know about th a t; there

re lots ot p retty girls. Hee, she's looking gain! t wish 1 could Just gel a gtliup.eagain I i wish 1 could Just tfelu gtliup.e

l^ id e o f that cnsel "The desire to know the exact time

seemed tu bo os contagious as yawning ; every watch in th e car was consulted by Us owner. Even the conductor looked a t bis to see w hether by any possibility he bad broken away from schedule lime, but be couldn’t figure uut th a t he bad. Just then an enterprising sunbeam danced athw art the little enamelled case, still open lo th e glnl’s hand, elucidated the mystery o f it* interior, and moreover threw a n e a t deal o f light on one o t the latest toilet acce-Aorles.

The nimble sunbeam danced from tbe open uaie to th e top o f the car and back again, struck several of tlie passengers in the eyes, m aking them blink. Just as does the bit of looklng-glast manipulated by tb* mlwU*voaa smaU boy la lb* soa- Bhine.

The Incident caused a smile to steal from face to face until It reached the woman w ith tb e old black silk dress and gold chain, then it died away in a anoer.

"V ain creature I" she snapped. "A ny­body w ith any souse might know that notbing.bat a looking-glass would interest her.”

"Y ea ,” iollloquiied her friend; " I was quite certain that ladies do not carry w atchea”

Prices Talk™AaX i t ’s T » Rot te ta y anything mars.

W H IT E E H A K I t E D IRON- B E D , w i th B ra s s T r im m in g s . B es t a n d c h w p e s t bed cn M i tb . W o r th • 7 .30.

A ttU t I-'UII of lllINllLtl!!.From tJie Detmit Kr<*e

CuBtoraer—" Wliat 0iju4lliiit picture repra- wut ?”

A rtle t~ “ Twa]muilrflil ilullftrft, but you ran have it for B huiiilrtfd iuul iiftjr plunk*, »ih)T."

Those whohave the


WOVEN W IRE COT,Steel band lapports,

best m ade, worth Ss.gl.

cause tlu’j

save th(most. They're more nomical. These, people buy Pearline. Proof— in allstores of the better class throughout tlie land, you’ll find the sales of Pearline far in the lead. Now, these economical people wouhln’t

Q U A R T E R E D OAK D E S K 4f t . lo n g , 3* inches deep.

C a r v t t ^ u l l i , P ro je c tin g b a t* . W o r th Ix o .o o . B est on e a r th . S a m * d esk f itted fo r t y p e w r i te r $ 36.75. W eAT* eoltI • g e n t i .

us§ Pearline for tlielr wash­ing and cleaning, if they didn’t find it to be just whattve say— the most eco­nomical in every'-way, 'Would they ? *** .tamfa pv7.f.v.v.


HIRES’OAK b e d r o o m s u i t ,^piece, iSxia Bevel Plate-N irro r. W * d o n o t m ere ly

A D V E R T I S E th i s S u it; w e S E L L th i s s u i t to sd - TA ttis* o u rse lT e i.

RootbeerlWILL LINK VqiiB TKINK3.

Delicieiusly E ilii Inrating, Spark­ling , Effervescent. Wholc*bibii Ml well. Purities the blood .tick ­les the palnte. Ask yout store­keeper for it- Get tb e Genuine,

QfM I a*»t»u™p fct bfivtiM yleinn wdi udT H E C H A S . B , H I R E S C O .,

m u t d i i i h ix .

F O A M I h f ESVtr koc-plng afrniglit hair in

. I’rics 2,1 anti to couts.curl.S U L T A N A

For tin tin g th e Bps and cheeks. — . . J ’rioe W cauls.I M I t l A N L O T IO N

Fur whit IngtHfftkIu. PriooSOof i I e c k i ,! ':

CANCERSaud MutU I'rr'ain^ wnrrHHtod to cure frecktjpj and all dloooloHitlomi of the oklu cn, „ . , the okltt cmi*edilteaua. PrleufiOconUper jnr. ManiifiiciareJ iK>lel>' hy

'‘l& A D A M t: Bs W C S T E ftV C L T ,213 Washington Street.

Tumor* and m a lignan t grow ths, both In ternal ud * x te ru a1, peruiaiionlly cured , w ltum it

knife u ro au s tlc . T h ls tre a tm e u t h « atood the te s t of in r e a rs ' e l iw rle n c o M d is Indorsed by p rom K sn t nhvslclaus or a ll school* of inodf-

KtM to ft. , .promlAent pliyRlclaua t cine. Ihm-colMM rvferoiictfi to twrtsauEnt curee that will Ijcar^jnwtlirtittoii, ^ k . for eiroular. E. Jj.t... *w . . 1 ^ ^

M E N — MeNl m ' ured.

N F a ir Btreoti M a re o jk N. J .

lu Uile^A'Hy we c u re i i t r lo ta re a n d a il u r in iry dlftuooM; no luu of itioo, l ^ r Inlon&aUot^ M oied Lu p l^ Q euvolopf,

AtlijriM sAtiA U K D iC A f CO** P * a B o x I t t N iw txkq V.J.


From the HurUnftoii KDlerpriM.Fuw of the preoent feneraUou of entbo*

siastio bicycl* rider* reallM th* remark- abl* contrast between tb* perfect m*- chliiM of to-dar amt the orud* and elnmay models that first oroiuad any degree of interest in btcyoling In this city thirty years ago. The riding echool that for a thort time occupied the City Hall In the tiiUe* Is itiil re­membered, end the dignified citlsen* who an the fkihen of tome of the present bicycle rider*, wen then th* objects of much interest Vs they bestrode th* wooden wheel machine* then known by lbs name of velocipedei. The crate soon died out, the professor of th* riding school aoirght other fields end other oe- cunations aud the few wheels that found owners iu Burliiifton were relegated to th* dust.v loR, tbe gloomy cellar or an *ut- uf-the-w ay corner of th* bam.

On* of the** uld-tiin* marhin** owned

A Very Simple and Eaey Test of Growth.

f hcD ths loereui Is SllgM Put Bili;on LicUttd Food.

I t H a t Sfived th e L iT H o f T h o asan d i

o f Babiefi—W h a t I t b .

th 6 |iro t^ r ty of auyndlcoiM compotod of Kditar Morjran^

caiuo tbe powemor u f tb e large wheel, and utilised it In cormlruoUng a piece of

rem ain! a taodinark o f an in tb e evolution of tiie bicycle and eervea to ihow w hat wonderful eUIcIm have been Diode Id bicycle oonitruiaion In tbe poet few yeari. (ieorge J . Bernoicoi w ith lin d ib le seal, hoe gathered the •caUered porta and hoa pu t then i to> g ather again, and Ibe old w heel has a t l o i t found l u proper pluce os a valued relic In hts bloycU and harnesa repoiUory on Broad H reet, where It la InipeoUu with ioLereit bv vlelting blcyolUtt. Hur* rounded by tbe beau ti tully tiiodelied and finely flptibed wtaerU of tbe leading tttylee for 16M, It fUrnlMbei a atrlklng *xm- troat th a t ft one of the beil evidence! o f tbe odvanoement th a t boa been mode in the phenom enal grow th of tbe bicycle fn< duetry* Every w beeltnan tliould oee it*

Weiuhlac the baby erery wrrk U an old- fo«Ulon*Hl mfthud i*f d e ta r iu in ln g U p health, but there U nu olnipler way.

A hraltiiy baby In* rrraari la weight very etcadll). AnydeerroBT bia pliilu wamlBg that the HttU one la a»t yrotKTly tinarUlird;

the m olhar'i milk la InMifAolentornot health' ta li or If on "arU nclai" fond U iumm) ttdoea not meet the baby's rvHialretnenta. Thelufout ibotild be put nn lactate<l fot»d at nnr«.

Lootated food la m natural" oa banger. In It tbe combination of th« armwary ale* mrnta of pure* hoalthy luolher'a milk tu oc* <wtntdlahed.

r»lDf pure milk augar a t a boali there U comhloHi with It the rlcbeatglutm floar of wheat and f»aU* which by bmg iiibjectlun to high ateom heat undor and while Inconstant motion, horn btea perfredy cocked and mods ready to be roaily octetl opnii by the lutpurtant addition ot tbe pun molt ei> tract.

ft Is a safe, simple, Invsiualdo food for In­fanta, and they Uks it and thrive upon it* atm grow healthy and strong.

ThovuiDds of thankful tsstlmnnlals from fond parcurs are sent every year to ths luauu- foettren of Uds food. Here Is one from Mrs. L. W. IIILlOqOf KlveraLde, IIL, tlin Uiother of tbe bouncing boy whose p^ctorsappears sbovs;

"l-iscialed food laTcd lay baliy'i life. At tho age of five weeks I put him no ortlflofsl food. Not being ouccowfal with ths Jin t brand Idlsoonlinucd that and tried condented mUkv That did not loem to oontaln nnurlsh- msBt enough, and a t the age of five inonthi he woa 10 pour and alckly that 1 had no Idea 1 would ralie him* Heading of laoiated fond f gave It a trial* He began to Improve within a ftT day! and hoe ooDtlnued to do to. We iiive not g lv ia him ■ drop of BwdicliM eloee using laotated tcK»d* 1 consider that It eaved hli life, and whsnever tny boy li praised for hli bright heaU by looki I d« ver fall to tall fala admlrert th a t hr Is a tacUlM food baby.”

JIAlX.ft04rM.IkKMKhYLVANU HAn,«iiAr).-TK« WfAll-1 Used railroader Anisrbia* Prowls* lAraugVeul ny |U« InUrluckln# iwttcU oihI bfodk •iguol tjrileBL ” 1" HUipsosiy on soihw (♦iOisai. oA«f iis j imi wut tabv# ItatkeiiMree! aiatJon, S't»srk. M Ajlltewt:

t I.M %, .HI. KoNt Mm .41sII>’, WUn IMlisWi Vmtt-buif, Psrier ainl I'art, 'i»Uy. (kr PtttNb^taiumbus, ia4inkn»n<iii«. H'bkisfsa -4 HA Looia

I lai? A. M. iVaoiyjTSBls ijuiiiod, daily - Ueee- pWMNi siciudvely of iniliBiaii VssUtHile bfawlng sad! aiMHttnjom, Mlsrplof. Hslug, i‘«aM>klagaaU'Ak ssrrsUoe (ari, pirwoMog fioswlsl reporik l" "otrspbcrs s«il typ*aril*rA hatlireOBW fbr kolk

OM, bartwrali^. iibrorr and Ml tUs ryevrnlstH^ sf hGtiio or ufRcv. MgfvU>«l kr iUsnaryoad AM»v!bU> simne lichta Arrlvea i:at> esfo asOA-M.* rievHNnvt a» A. Af.. tlndnsaa

A. still fndisiuiiioltaAIOA. K... ToAedoMO A, M. wvok dsys11.11 i*. If. I tih Mpi •nd '*1. l.ootR Kiptsse riiU*

msn VsNObuis ^lrrplaf sad I'lnlns 4 set la ha lAidA < 'h^G MS* I oulM lMa VfsilinilstunokiBg I Of iod PsteFiftr I'lmibn to M. I uola AntvasriHciniisU 111 -Ml A. tl . Hi. 1 oiiki Mo F. M. awl Clp- rui^ H. nsEi >>sy.lAtr p, M. W«isitra I'lptrWt I'HiUtTton VanUbole►iK-pins I SIS ts I'lrH-lAirs. riilcagij and tisvsisod.

■ and I litsbuff IsukkJ'liilUf (aiH lu t«agu ArrivM s t iitHVUud it.U A. li.,Ckteafe leu P. U. MSitiisy.

I r A1A p, .k|. HuuUHwsHiers ks^nss lHUmoaI Vr«l1kg|» -‘isspiiif i on lo* litiHossilisnd hi. iModiAI AlUMuii lu filcliijiiMia. Arrtvsa no*

clBnailNiiiip. M., |R.iiinapult!ia.]A y. M.. sodHA IahiMTOu A. M. ssctiuil mornkiif.

I s-tf I'. I'st Uli' K.Eptrwt l*ullTiiaa BnflH ►•iFspiDf IV NSW York to liiistHifg. Arriwe Usi>] I’lj't'Hfu? v> M. iVNunil oiiiirnliif). Tsisds 11-4. K M, iikiurf'biiN T.I.'S i' sod Clsvflaad i;^< P M.dstli)’, fKfvpi F«iurdsjr.

P. ,M. Hiihmond »n<1 r>savlHe KipratA dslijr. Se^iwrn ts A»ruNt«, lamps sod New ye*

in Blfhi. dsUy, Nefprrs lo Allseuk sod JAv KlMCtVlIlS.

I API P, >1 iMkIly (or Ml polftti on l.lH>»psake sail ukio hMlwsjr Thruugn Hissplag ood lUnlog t a r \

Fur itstUmori, vt >uhi[iKli>n snd tOs touik. 1147. I.SA !.I7, t.SA lU'idtsii K.Ei'rm, l iHaasn Vofitlbule rarlor * srs, VfsUhiiis VssMugsr CoaehM oed Juiiiits IV, l a r M.i. It yt a. m.: lk . a h am sn4l r.fc t'. OMhusdsy, 1147, U7, t.H A. U*; AM. AliSlid AlU I' U <in >uiidBr, 1147. I&T.IN A. M 4 vv Tt snd s.f! p. M. Foe nslUnwre eely* 1.^ P M. WFSk dsys

Per Philsilelpjiks. i<ip. 1147, ASA ISAAtVAkf* A1A ! oS *Iu,«] UmUsit r iprcns. PullitMMi VofiilbM* I'sriiir *'«r*. I'SMMFnrsr i iiacfiss Slid INfrIns* srl, ll.;i A I X 2-N*4M. AU,A31An, All am) S.W H. M. Ammkmoilstloi), ItUA, M.* AUQsnd tv K. im huu4ts» |Cipress, 1147* A4S.1A7, A4* AW, tail A. M.;4 :i. 4a^At7. Aff. lIlAnd v.n P. if AcrominoilalioD, Lie sad T.fi I*. M.

>or 'l rsnlon, 1147, A'H, T no. 7.hH. AM, A17, Alt ilU.IT Uiiiltrtl >i|irs«v Pullman VMltiMils loM'snL t'Miibuls PwHeiurpr txauiise And btsiac la r . Il.blsnd M.U A M ; ilU. 1-SA IM.A«t. ATS. AZ7, 7.1A !.U Attil A» P. M. HuiMsy, It «7, A4A A5T, !.SS sad lit.ll A. M.} AH A17* AH ATT. 7.U. AU sail V.n V. H.

Vttf Atisailu (itr ill IS A M. (*atanlAysoalr, itid P. M. (lie p. M. «1ih Ibnmsli I'uilAan Buf l‘s ri» rrar> aaJ Z.U 1*. H. WFuk-days. A4t A. 1 HundAys

>or 1 Ap« Msy, l-k I*. M, wssk daysKor Isoiis HrsiH'b. iThtrus, Asliiry Part, 4>csaa

Owkvs, spring ijike, rwa <dn, Meeawtuan. tidal llssMiOi, ami pu'nts oji Ui» Mw VorKand (,Vif Jirsticn itaiinwd, i » a m . im a au. s id P. m., t i l l nlrl>1, dsliy tii«]it Hunrlsj. ii« *uiMlay lAtl A. 3d. sad AM P. M. iHi not Mop at*)esaaUrova«4 Akbury IVk on Sumliiy.

Fur hraslds i'aik, Iftisod Itslgkii aa i Tmm niVFr. P-U. vrrsk daTA ■

Per Boaum, althvui I'kksnjNi 3MI P. M. w«M

J l t O N A V O B K 8 ,♦WTXBI.ieilXD U4«,

CnerifOiaifilOiiiliiiiUi,KtkmcTi/fnits or

Improved Corliss EhuIdm, Tuhiilsr Hers, Tanks snd Hhsrt Iron tVork,

also heavy Iron and HnusCastinx.. HTEA6I FITTING A Hl’ECIAl.lV,nud orders for general uinchjne an<t holier repalrt iwomptly executed.

A LAROl BTOCK OF NBW AM) SKCOND- HAND KNOlNES ----- ------------.......... ».n. "WD BOILEHS oon-

Wharf to lets with heavy ersas and storage prlvtlegeA by oaxi week or montb, at luweit city rates.

CoDTlBclsf Acts and Telling FactsJnslea^lnf * 'ihm fnslfn (hu two wopresent tcMlay ill yoiir memory, and come to llKNKY HOHNN'Hi, the chrapMt meat nisN kst in 8tate. The times may be baril and nuirisy acaroe, but we are mors than meeting theie utadeelcabia fakcta by our speoiai iW uo^iriCM;*riiiie Rib KoMt................................ AQ’rime Purterhouse Rteak..................... lij .iv

T'ritae KIrloln Hieak..........................* .10 ,12!Prime Hound HUAk....*........ hi ,\iPrime t'huck Htesk............................ ,0HJersey Milk Veal...... ..........................dJ .WForequarter Lamb............................. .fWHIndquarier l^uub.................ns*..*. .WI'urk..................................................... MHinnildef...................... .W .|uHnins...................................... Id .12r«m Reef...**.............................. .iM .08Houp Slid Stew Mrato........ *.........*,,.*1)1 .Ui

bnlugna, fresh every day................... JM\Vs load 4 1s t ihaee whn eon follew.



H A R R I S O N & H O A a

Yrm wlTf find at my iture a full line sf TUB

A L L P O I N T S INthis or any other cuuatry.bat wa ImveNUpe- riur orrntigemenU for fodlllatlug a trip to


have i-ourteslcsextended on oihur amo by ape uifkl arrangements. We Itiaue draft! and money onleri* pAssportOi letters uf 4<redit and lm.vc> every facility to maku your trip plcMASt by land or sea.

I. BTRIIE i C0.,*%rvT;!"N'T‘’French anal Herman spKilirn, Telephone JWO.

PROVIDENCE UNE._^FOH BOSTON, WOIKJEBTFH AN1> TlJE KAHT. The (k>nnpuiEcul aiid MAsniii'hitietln leava NEW P lK n M N: IL. one block above Osnat Ht., a t IkBO P* dally, except Sunday.Ootmecflng trains leave wharf, Frovldeiioe. d A. M .:due Bnaton MkA.M.aml A:»2A. M.; dne Woroeeter 8 A* M. (Hundays. H:16 A. M.; due Worcester 10*J5 A. Full niuht's rest; shortest rail ride. FINK OUCUESTKA on eocli steamer.

ATONtNOTON tilN R iteamers leave samepier, 30, Ns R.f a t fl P. M.. d&llys including Runday,

6SSPASSI1GE TICKETS.Cahill* fn tam iatllata and tiM rag a

Ac lewssi New York rstei on sii lines ol scesn siesewea


774 BriMd t t . ' , i w MutetSL lf<r»..,X.I.DUAkTU IWr 41 mS nprarS, finS Ifmr OrSm i*yfiM* ■

Urwl Irh ^ se d tTfleM eed iH i^ra e< k w ^


day!, AM P. >i tlslly T s r iiraakjyii, .v. Y All lUnmtU irolas eoaosat

s t Jrrwy (liy withliosiinr Hr^Hhklya Aiaeu* affording dtrsettnnKlrriasirU tmm KuUm wrseA sveidlnc duutiie (ervliwe sod Jourasy soruesioe

NJtW Yonic.leave MarkscairsetNUlton, 111, AAT. ISA ML

aw , 7.1k 7.71.7,41, aea i i a a i r ---------aiA tm , ».H i.Wk iuoa laio. la u . .........................i t t i . ii ia .i .o a n .M , 144. I M, i i a i m . i 4 i . u a

n, i i a &4T. a«A a n I, IS, AM an , a«i,at7. lau . ii.oailiT A. ’M.{

111, Ata 4.1V, 4.«, A14, t u . A4A AiA a tf . aa^au.T.sp. Ml. rn . iflaaM. i.2t. jam. ii.ia p . il .sodlLVTnlihA Niiiid^ traig!, All. A-4T.aM,aea' * --- ■ ......... ------------liaA M l. A.fl------ ...isa m e a ib.*), 10.4s. n.oo ii,ai a, W.; i i m i i u j . i a i o i iM, an , aoo* ais, luq, am. a 7i,.7.oa7-ia7.t(».T4n, AOi.AM.i7J. lUflu, lu.M P. M., llODaitbA

l.ssTs t>airsKir«*iHisaoa,aoM .U, y - - SviaatT. laus, ii .u A. l i n . 1.4.1S, AIT* LSI, a u , 7.41. r.n, I H and wrsk days

. sf., lAWBima U, 7-fll. T-IAT.da g. l .n , 101, I t t ind ia07 P. ]£

'L faviC faistiiut Ntrsti Nisuea. I l l a n , a k a a s a , 7 . 4 1 T.M. v.er. a«* A 41 # 11 a n a n . la i a lan* A. M.;^04. i u i l ’ni 111171 A lllsa■|0. A44.U....... ..........4.10,4.61110. &4A. AtA A4A T.lK. T.tS* S.S7.1 If, llOg II.II P. M., iluknlfkA k^undsy, 0 M ,aA aM i,a^m za 1U67, 11.40 A. M.; n i l 1147. J.Jl l . l a l M l i i i , s iA ik . i o a a 4 i a i t , a k a 7.3a i n i n . i i a 10.lftsnd ll.M P.-\l. _

Kmtusi KtrPSl etsuoa, AM, I H aU, 101 IU , Ail. B-iiiaK aBi m u a . u .i i t H i;.24, l.’J t,IA I ,lll .lH U 4 , A ll AOl A4S,a«l. 7.IA 0:4 ll.Jl P. M.: 1101 aLfbt liuudsy. Adi |.M.V.‘n . l u , 2M1, 11.44 A. M .: l£ l l lL4i l*M* 1.11 3.44, U i. 164. AU. 4.64, Ail. aiA C H M l 121, M l

^VhijM MAHKKT HTUKKT HTAriOff. to r RllssOfithsQd Hsliwmy, IM. 111. 7.01

il.ti A* M.i i.iM. i.M, i u A«ai.ftio. 14*.A u a o i. iof.

141, 0.U m.4A . AU.140. 4.70. AUAne.M l 0.41.147. 7,or, 7 U AQl M l I U 1141 ILli P. U. l i t ! and 12 4* uigkA Htjaday, 1 -U lU A ItV-H lo.ji iaii,n.UA. jg.. iiUs k.u. iii iiiAM, AHA AU 7.UA, T.ll 7.75, T.M, AM, Ml* UQl 1141 n.S7 K U.*ADd 1147 nlgtiL

Kor only, V.U A. M. dolly, Of? U 3C.sjid l l U AUO snd A M P- M- weak dsy l

For h>ar iiriiaewit'k, 1147,141 7.0i 7.00,177*174 nd il.tt A, 61.; IIU. AM. l l i s-».

(.». 5.51 t K , T.U, t.S0 sad llM P. M. muiLU AIA !4UBday*llfl I K 17k14W* 177. 0 U IM SUll 10.11 A. M.; ILU

T-tl V.ul anil M l P. M*For WiHHlbrliigesiid l*trth Aml>ny. 1.N.M1 s a l

10.44 A. M.; AU8, AUlOh 7.07 mud 142 P. IL Oa runda/A 1.U II.U A. 11., tioo P. M.

r ur weodbrMge only. IM a. M.. ills . U f P* iCI t l l ulfbA wt^kdsf! : 1117 A. LI. Muiidsfi

For J6iw( Mlllitooe, 7-W A. M.; i t u l w OB'IAllP. M., dolly, siespinuiHlAy. * . **

kcjr kiegiloQ snd lioeky lIlM, 7.03 A* M* aad Allr. M., dolly, sxespt ”Uiid«y.

For PtillhpUiurg, KssUin and Jtsividsre. 7.01 ILff U 14. 4.77 P.M. Aunilsi.4 37 2 M.A. 11., And A -., .. ------- ,* . — - - —

For Jaimtjsrivliia T.6H, U.M A, U l U f i a f f 1:7 I'. U. eiindsy* S.ST P'M.

For Hsmingion. 7..U. ll.lfA. U .sO ndlM P.lU daily, skMiii hundey,

For J’riut>tetoii. T-U A57, ILM A* M.; I.U M IA Uand 7 W P M. daily, •Nccpi'"Unday. _

For BurOsiuowti. iluTllngton and t'amdsu, A ll I.IOsad ll-lt A- M.; LU AM and 1 |1 P IL daily, BXMpifiusday. linbuivdsy, 1U.S1 A.M. aad

FD/FrMbotd* FsrmtnsdaU M aiw iisa aad bea <Hn vis Mouutuiilli Juno.Ion, r.U sua li.7S A- U . Mill 4 i> I*. M. wsok tisys, A57 A. M. r^nadoya ifefFrachoid unLy. Auo i*. M, weali days

Nr:\V V<>ltK Ti> NEWARK*Fur Newark, i.m, AUU.IU A4d, 7 lu. 7-tOi 7.40, 111 l.ki, MO, iO.Jd. IU.4U, ll-U 11.«> A. M.; 1111 I.OO, r.U AU A60.401A114.741, 4.40, 4.40, LOO. A lU.Aau, AM, L40, 150,100,1^111XL140, T.U T’U MN AU U).I5. il.OD, 11.47 P. M,.and 1117 talilnLibl. auudsr iraluA M l AU ATI v.uo*y.4A Jo.u lo.lo, U.U It.To A. M*; tluo evoa.

4,'IV, S-W, ••VM, ».pr, ^W, %<*r, a vs. *■** >»^S.7O.0.A'i, ..U ;.U l47, 7.<ULI0, 0-U V.IU. IO.IIILU p, M.,ai»d litim ldstih t. ^

For lurtlisr iJiIorisaUun nm Ums-tOblMA tabs aal stlh« lUiket ufttcwi Tickste for all pulDts ontbS i'enn^yjvanla Mallroad aiidcoimcriloua sndberUui mlUoo! And l>ag«agt I'kecXs Si Uia eompao/eaf> fii’CH, .Vo. Tw Jlrosil rtrsebot ai ilokel ofikoe ol MarKBi HCfvet Muiton*K M. PilKVUST. J. It, WOOD,

Ueosral Uaiiaver (learrsl lioaeiigsr aganl/ IXNTUAI. JCAM.ItOAD I'K .-VyW JIR M X J- V AnlhracUe ♦'i»aL uhJ exoltMlvaly, InsuJiardeanJluss! sod couiforl Tlinstobls ia efftet AU/

liwvs Hmad and Ferry street st^UonR

Best Paperr s i i m fi w e r a y i to o k t s r u t L O W E S T snil s e t p rtees, P R I C E S .

20 CLINTON ST., HowaHu N. 4

Foe I’lSlnil.lil, SliV, 7.1), 7.«v S.W. I.IM. I l .n A. H ,i i.lA t.lft .7,7.1-..Luril.r. o .ir), Xte, v.*\ t.lt. S.M, AH. e.TIL 7.l^ 7.U, I.W. idos, ILi* F. K. 6i>nil.M. 7 hi. A«, S KI, II.U A. N.; U tt XU. AID, 6.A). ;.'70, t.U, 111.9) 1’. M.

For Xomrrvlllv, >1AIV 7.It. 9.1*. lO.Ot, IIA* A. M.'. Lli. I.U, 2I0, X.U. VUS. I.U. vul.vte. AM, 7.1* XM lOlA, 11.7.7 1’. M. Himclnv*. T.SI, MVS.O. A. U .lU * liO. *.l«, 6.«), 1.1*. tl).'7ll M.

Far 7'lpmU»etat], 7 ID. H.Oil A. H.; 1.17. 4*U AM P* M. HundavA liO P M. ^

Fdr Ntailoos Ui lllxh Hrtdsq. conaccilns rat slsllonn on lllgli lirtds! hrsiioa and leaks lioyol* eunf.MO^AUl A. M.;i,i;L 4.U5 P, M, HUDdari7;lf A. At.

f or Htslinni on Main l.ltis New Jsrwy Cestrel Mvislou, hastuii, iMthlidJPUi, .inciilown a»g Aisiit’li rliuuk. 7 IN, fl.iiH, ll-iifi A. to 7ai!oQ, l . l l4.06 ibuiTt'i JafJor t'arjs Parlor Carl,................................ M. buudaya 7-Al A, M., M l

W E A R R A N G EirIpN. Nhort. one^day trlpa for hutidred! t>r thousands of iHuiplK, urexienHlve lrl(>s for lu> illvidunl, even to a trip around tlie world luat- log three months,

r o Revery cAMcIty nf purse or enjrryment* We have facllUU'S for securing tlte Iv-at gvoUable

A C C O M M O D A T I O N Soh train nr steamer a t nbortost notice ImAgln- able. In short. ordain j'our trip !o uml you have absolutely nothing lo do but

T O•tel) aboard yonr train or steanior «rnl ho car- rlsd to your uesll nation. Oureervlcu ei temh 1 o

by swift steamers, and If nen'^sary we can .......................................... .......... ‘[foT

(T.A'i lo AJlsutoWn) I 140 1'. M.

Fur Whktnhsrre, Plit'tUiu and Hcninton. U-M A* M.. l.ll. 4.ur> P. M. EHtilTsl I'sriur I'ar .

Firr huultury, sod VS llllsKiiRporl viaPt]||ad«l>lils, 7-Vi A. -M- I..VV 7.55 P. M. «B»> dayi loA P- M

m -;\va u k anh f m / a iir t ii uuANCif. Trains li’avs llrowl Ktrod Hitolou Tor KllralWtJi

anil HiMwLte at A.i.s, Kliuituilipurt oniy.T.if, 7.r>V klTi; r l1t*lniri|iuri only. AM. «.(M. ».U,lfl.i)5. 10.15, ll.iVi. (l.v. A. .vf ; |-J*I5, 1.15, I.M,2-50. 2.75. 4H6. ■i.-Vi AH .5.U, AIX). T.1<S T.U,A40. IlLIiV. 11.2 P. .M. NumlayR, 7..50. A4n* B.Oa,9.7a 14I.A5, II2’5 A. >1.; I-IO, MV, A'jU, 4.IQ, AU 6 40. aOi, ?.ai, H.15, P. M.

I-nr i'eriJi AMiiioy, (>.1<5, 5 '!' ll.7<% A, U.;l.l7AU.J, 4 j-i,-L.iu, tiv-ji, 7-lJ P. » , hundiiys, 1.07 a . m .;4.10 J’.M. . . . .

For .AIlsiiCio lllgliliind! via MarjkWSD, A2A H-77A. M.: 4A-'), 5.2o i'. M. cuudayA »-U7 A. Jl*:4.10 1’.I-or I’TeI'buM, H.z:, ll.S-V A. M.; 1.A5. 4.AV A50P. M.

Fnr iuh.1 lumk. l.*ijif Hmcb. < cssn ii rOT'. sAx, H.tl llAS -S. M. 1.2.5, 4.IA 4.i|i. i5M 10 Kwl UsAkl.U.-.ii I' M Muidsyfl.euryita iicsaa (irove, A07 a. W*; 4.10 p. M- Foil I.AKFWOOD,

Toiii! liiViT- ilsriiPSKl Park and BsmegsAatl A. M-: l.U 4 Aj V. .M.

For Vlaptsnu snd Mrlduplsn, l.-U P. M> ,1.MP. >1.FurAUsniloUty, L___

NsWAuK iMI.NKWYOHK, __ 7'n>m Itrooi! snd Kerry Htrsels Ktstlons-AI AIL

A6i>.a-*.S.40. MW,7.S». 1.40, AdO. A’W. A40.*.00.*.UV. 44I, lu.oo, la w. Iijl4o ti.ou. 11,30 -V. .vr,: iiuo M.:12 5<J, UU), 1.30. ifn\, lA'f, tiV , 2.30. 4.0(1, 4.U, A5ti, AU 5.M, LA'). «.nV. 5.V5, il4iJ. 7 00, 7-40, 7-AV. AM, ».». lO-U 11.20 P. M-; I2A5, 11«| DigTiA huadag! -7.00, AUAk. iKj, 10.1X4, ll’OO A. M.: lino M.: t.M>. |.3U> 2.uat(»A 4.H0, AoO. a.Mi, 7.no. s.m, u.oo, to.uo, il.oo. l2.uo p. M.

lrf*sV4i Niw 5'ork from find of LiUefiy streei—AtAM, AM, AAK A4V 7-15.7 30, M5. ASH, 9M. tUAV-tX in.UO* ln.15, UI.SII. Ii.(aj, II.DA. M.; 12.00 .M.:llf>,l. UO, 1.30. 2.00, t-10. lUtt, 3.30 AU, 4.'-5>. AAI, AlO, AUAM,' AAli. B-liSi (1,11, fi.45, 7-00, 7.70, T.4.5> A30, 0 SO, 10.4a 11*15, Ii04i M. _rinidsyN-_74)n,_S.ija_ft,W._ 1 ^ ^14.00 A. M-; 12.00 M*; l.uO. S.00, AdS ^0^^03.104 0.90,1 00. S.OO, 0.00. lauo 1 I.UJ, 17.00 P* M.F uu i ’iilt.ADATPJUA, liALllMaKkl AMD

WAHiriNiltUN, KOVAL BLt'K LINO.For PhllsdelpliU oad Treoton, 7.A5. B.0H, lO.Oa

m.A5 txsepl i^hUsdsIphla) a . M.; 1U s3.50 SkOtfH i'rentOTO* Au5, A'H, A'50, T.AV 11.25 P. M. AusdofaaoOA. M.; 1*2.5, AM (&06sioeptTrsiMon). P. 31

.............. id ..........*For IlsiUiuorp sno WasLligion. O.us, 11.15 A< M*; l*u 7.50, A04,A5a, 11/26 I'* M. buodayA 9.00, lAU A. M-; 1.3A, 4-Sii, 0-0.5 P. V.

7‘or Chsllsnooffo, New Orlsooi and oU poLaM Hoiilli, alto ihrouKb vsstieuied ilsepsrs via dtseo* andoah Valley Une, st 6 50 P. NL Nundara *M P. M.

'J'hrongh tlcicftii to all principal polaU at low rates are os nsje at broad blmd KistloB.J. 11. uMUFsiC.V,

niileiUen* huperlDiemleatn .p . r a i .d w i n ,

u*n. t'HMiissr *s«sXLEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD.Market 8 trfs t fitatlon*

7.25 A. M-daily fur Msiicb Utimk gnd latenn^ rllnta sialtoDa t-'oimsutluo, excepl Hu4i4ay, fbr Pcnuvlhs Slid Keadiiif*

k4; A. M.dsUy for Urmsts, rineiiMtfr* butTkla Niscars PsUa MiiRiH’iiilten bridge sud the Weet, ajiiL prJnoJjisl lotanioliiu. diQiujt car to WUke^ '■■'/V '‘■ilo.

,-i.*ciav, for Moueb Chuuk r^ia.oicsrmedUts pulnta Connsetlp^ ^ reading

DEPOT r o t ' I t f l l AVKs »Uil PASSAIC I'otiaeotlnt^ralas leave as roliuwi;

.Se.5VAllK AND l*.i | FIlMOX. « lei'sra Newark lor Paier*sn'~d.ao :.w. A4i,

A. M.I 13.00, 1,41, 2.14, A.' T,- 4.71, AM. i.'W, AU Sfi7, 10.84 P. It. S l id 1A31 A. .51. I'liudsy, O.M A. >1., l.M, 14A, 7*117,1.A5, 10.M P. ,51.

*:.X->'#l;cepl aiinilsy. fbrgimlraand sJI iniermwllste siailss*. (‘iHiiiMilens Rsr Potts*vlllesiid liMillng, CLislr car to vvitkrsUsfte.

4 » P. Ml (tsfiy, eKrept Mindsy. for K sad U

J ssvo l%isrs.jii fnr N«warfc-4.U t l X 6 71, 7.U 7.U A'U 0.05, 10.1k IKIJ A. M.; u», lz«. a.11 7.U S.61, iOAl P. V. Niudsy, A63, 3.A5

*' 1.30. AlO, 7.5a le.71 P. M.Slid i&U A. Jt.: 1.NF.WAUK AN1> New VOHK.

T4»va Kewark- 6.M, a47, 7.U T.M. A3n. A47. BU 1047 A. M..; ItOa 1.41. l U A.'U a.55, AW, t.U ll.M P. M. ^iindsr, 7.24, V.0S, l|.IO'*A. U \ f 2.0S, A U A ll tl.04 P. M.

Ju notion and principal Intcmi^lste iiallotis : PulF • tiian JliilTet Psrlur Car In 55llhesbsrrt | coumsoiIows lor Pflturillf,

4.46 P. >1, dally, except Hundsy, fbr Houth Plaln> flehl and Interinmllsiv ilsllons.

A<5 P. M. dolly for £o»ion snd intercnsdlats ska* tioiia

6.H P. M. dally rXuiidnyjt fl.11 P. M.) fbr HnSMiV N lassrs Falli) and all pofnis M'esl, PuQrnsji alssperi vestibnis trail), Nsiv* Vorit to i bkasw, slesfiefl M ‘ - idTiSn....

l eave Ns5V Vurk (<, lisnilwrN Htrett)-5.4.5, 7.I-5, kOT.B.ai 11.80 A. M.: •l.Ul, S.«. I.IA 4.UArt. a u

gud'alo; cormeoiluni Ibr . e.HiUugsad uariiebiifff.(i, l5P, M. dally, eseepl Himday, lor Msueb Chuuk

and lulvroisdlsiv siaTlooa

A72. }.M, I0*r«. J2.00 P. .M. *.>*Bturdn/ Only,l•ayexpres• leaves .osnark,s.4l A. .sf. onkun’

dais, 1.2AA* M. Vesrlbuls lliuMwl leaves Newark, ].4i P. 71. MiDdsys, 3,1)7 P, M. ursnd '. rimk Kx*

V3S p. H. dally loritbsca. ifeneva, Hoebsetsr, Muffslo, .Msgata 5sll«and all i^tH s West. ** "

pre«s iveves Newark, 6.3t P. M. rendsym 8.17 P. U. Cblcayo Kspreas lesvts Mswork.AiiT P. M. eyb-Ublcayo Kspreas I lays, U7 p. M*

re r tioksta, bagf. _____, bo(fi4|isclM«ke.s)esi)luf (wrloeatteO;tlonetoblta floll s t tbs d iy liehst iiflios. iM Market itr ttt. 'X'Mephout U «r at station.

_ , _____ __ _ __ _ PuiAEsao NJoepers to Aktn'ioasd Rugslo. Chair oat .Sew York lo Wliksfiharrs (wstk days}.

Addlttoast aandsy irslos lE.'JT a. .\f. for MOQok CIiiidk sod PoluviiJa and all leMrnisilUM stw tions.

'ricksls snd Pul I oven sccomBodatloos at n a n - •ylvanii Haliroad lispot sad 710 jBroadsirsea

ohe>*w York dransibr Campoey wills “ snd ebtek bagfogi fkuiB hotel or i todemeaUOM.



B T A T EH O U SE C 0M H I8S10N .

P tfk rcaM , «»* CoiiM qumc^-OoT-•nwT W ,rto<, ta

AAJuil All V I,an 4 ,n t,iH lliif ,. TuiTTnit, Jiin» IM T b«* b»«i A

httcta in the HUktahouM < kul Uij, la wliT Um Dwnocratic U b o n n aixi j o t ^ About tbp (jAiiltol "■•ro nut iliMiii»Kl •AUoaAA Hr. HonnrU AMunHol cuiitrolof tba building aoJ grountU. Th, Wteh Iia, bnn betwAtn th« U onrnor noil ('unii>tn>ll«r lUnroi k, pTlnriitAlly, hut TrM»uri>r M«»Ib, wUlA tAkliw n • sH lv , pArt, h u ild«l with bit RApubJicn rollwigw*. T b , iroubl® fwow about o»fr th« dl«trihutloo uf thn ntllodA.

T b, (luvanMir « iy t he li one-thlnl of the COBUnivion aiul he ibnuld liaim* uiiA-thlrd uf tb a n it jro r iwirutT eui[>k>y», end h , pro- nwbel to do of the neniiug. f'ouiptml- lef }l,nriK'b eeld be could uot *lAud Ihet, and while he KAi williiig to Admit ihal the

u A, oue-third uf the coiiuidHloig bed idnoiflduk be»boiild baT, ouethinl of th , A[>i>uintmeiit», beoauw Ihe Intent of the law WM to give the Iteinildicaiii i-untml uf •fflin .

At <»» tiin* the ComptrolWr *nd T r* ^ m ry It WM Mid, would »ri lb« um JtcitT niltt, iiid iHTO*wi to dwhW aihI em- pk)T witlHHlt wiiiulUuK the (ioTumor; butJuirt *iKiut UiU time »ow» u«e mthe tubjiK^ rolled upon lh« Attorn«y-Gf«* rn i , iipd in 1<^ time tlMU it takt« toU'l it th^re w « an oHiciml ojilaion io tb® EseoMtiTo Chamliw, io whlrh It wm li®ld that It pequlrod the oonteotof ell three **t tM 8UWhi»ueo C'omuU»ioner» to do any \maX ftct. Thu pvit« iU>ii to tp^KiinUuenU inthottl the e|uirov*l ol the Governor.

But It did nwT# than th»t. It r h a ii j^ the entire pkuu of tlie ournmiMlou. It bad b ^ t iM rustorn from the ilay of theCilnttftent of I'uitoiliAn llnniM*ll to t*emiit

01 to make *uf*h iiun'baiKm m were nere*- Mry and certify the hllle to the Treasurer naoer the eatue plan ee th i l uarHed out by Haperbteotient Fori!- h u t m eoon m the Attomey-IleDeral'i opinion arrived Tree*, urer Hwain refiwed Ui |« y any blllt not e tned aad approTed by the entire noitmiia' vlon, and Mr. honneU waa tnetnu-ted to Hnt •eetire an order before making any pur. t'haMa.

Each bill oontnuted by the cuitodlan wa, laid bafon tlM curamlHion nparatelj, and It la a id that whan a Ull w u pnarnted fur tUiV.ODe ceoU the Oovtrtier again took up tb , AttonwT'Unneiwl'* uplsfon, aad after a a c re euwfnl uan iinatlun ilwdded that a m aioritr of the RtatehuiiMCommUahn) could CMTT on bmiAea tb , laiue a any other cuiu- ndwoiL

“ If that la the c a a a majority can tIU the o0 a i i too,” AAld Cooiptrullw K unx'k, bat tbeO tm m or w a not m r a n of thli, and be deoiared th a t he would preparo a raoluUon Inttmcling nr Mupowerlng t.’infodiau Bon- nell to nuUeaU a o a eary piirrba«t In fu to n wM out tba formality of an order from tho W tin oommleelon.

The ilahi for fllUnc ttw podtlou to be vacated a t Uw Capliot h a alreatW been arranfMl. N ew ak got the plnni fur Hr. B onw l aad now Trenton la to ootoe In tor h a ita n n . ttouth Je n ey will be given the AaietaBt C atod laiub lp and ao h of the eleven warda of Trenton will be given a e&iaee to place a worker on the Atale'i pey* n i l . There tc to be a meeting uf tbe rutn- pii^inB late tble efternuon, and It la not Im- probabie tb e t the dlllvreacet will b* eil- jneted and a doiMi or two of the old em ploya BodlM th a t tbelr a rv lo a will not be re- oalnd after this month. I t la a ttled that awetfiiac c h aag a will be made by duly 1.


T w in H aa Over a t a C rouleg u d Croebed to Death.

VmLAliD, June 9#.—A ead arcident oc- •arred a the O raot avepne crowing of tbs West Jeney Raibfbad yeeterday afternoon,

' v.heD the Cape Hay aooammodatloa ran ,«TW aad klUed c a u r la L. Boek'i twenty- m i ainiitl— * ‘ twlin, Charlie and Annie.

' B ^ H a farm er living near tba railroad, • b o n South Vineland btatlon, and lbs

.baU a, bering eeo^wd the watchful eye of the toother, w a n d e ^ out on to toetracae to play, T ualltH W was working behind tbe Moee a t tna ttme. Hiwing the little ones, the motbar sent an oldar brother to Una (ham, but be arrived Jnet In time to eee tbe « 2 n hande Eattwriiig up tbe mutllaled re-

Cbtriev bad been naught indw the pilot • • ■ over him, horribly

, the pieoee of wfaiol

AT THK eTATE C'A.tIP O RO l'SDt.Ueneral iew ell and N taO eu lt le a Dirt e«

a Tour of lo ,peclloe.Hperial to tho Evr>(|N.. !fg» e.

Haa (liiiT, June 'JB.—The State enoamp- nient grounile were furnially opened yeeler- day for the •eaeun of I'-'**. Owieral WUUem J . ‘ Kewell aud sUlT arrivwl a t noon aud (pant the efternoon a t tho iwmp cottage dU- I'tiselug detail, noDiiACte.1 with the annuel on* cam]mient which will commence on Salur. liar, July 11, and coutlnu* one neok. Sev- eral uiambert of « c h of the regimentol lUlIe of tbe Bscoad Brlgail, were present, among liem being Colonel Kuwr, Colonel Kerly and Colonel Ueorge Felton. Mayor Wenwr, of Jenay City, Ihrew aiids Imiiuees and poli­tic* ami «pent the day a t the camp, (luarlcr- i!iBder-li> n,ral lion nelly and Major-Oencml Jieeldi W. I’lume were also among the vUl- toia.

1 ilnuer waa eerveil a t the Boach IIollll^ after which the com[»ny returned to tii* ramp ami held an Informal meetlBg. The camp will be iimler tbe alnctest of military diacipliiit' tins Maeoii.

A lour of liii|iectloo wae niaile oyer tbeG'oundM, and evenrlhing wa, found In eacel- ut mmlltlon. The graM ha, been cut and

alniuet all reinova.! from the held, aud already the work of ere. tlnj[ the tenU ha, liecn lagun by Captain .Mcbetchney and hi* fonviofiiien. The feature which attract* niiat atteulioB and which waa itii|>ei'l*d niMt fully yestenlay was the iww and leautlful clubhoiue which ha, lieen eret-teel on Ih, lower portion of tbe held near the lake by the Stale Kill* Awoclalloii, i t Is Htted up with every cunvenleuoe end will lie reeilyfor av iiiao i y u]*in the arrival uf the riflemen fur the Mason's mstchee.

Henersl llinl W. Sjioncer, Inspei tor of lUlle lYactlce, was one tb* Tisiton at tbe range yialerdav afternoon. Captain Hoil- well anil a nuinlar of iium are a t work there getting the place In readiness for the weMn. After the tour of Inspection the visllors re- turneil to the cottage and enjoyed tbe cool sea liree» until their d*|iarture on the even­ing train.^ , -.™e' -— -----—WHV CDLUNKL hKlUM REflIONKD.

He Fniailed a T hreat Made tS'hea Andee- » B Wes MDlulUBleri,

Special to tb* Kvniitno S iw a 'Tr»HT«w, June 28,—Senator William II.

Hklrm, of this county, who has sent to llenv sral W. J. Sewell hli resignation as (.Monet of the Seventh Regiment; N, (1. N, J., Is determineil that his resignation shall be accepted, for he says be haa fully mails up his mind not to go to Sea UIrt encampment on July 8. Tbe Colonel's resignation waa placed In the poasassloD of ilensral Sewell during the escited candidacy of Hajur K. J, Anderson for State IMson Su)i*rrtsor.

ScOAtor Hklrm made a fight against the rvmflmisUoo of tba H ajur aud be threatoued time and again to reaign from the National Guard If General Sewell "peralited In cramming down bis throat," ta Senator Skirm pul It, a man he did not w ant Tbs other H w to rs recognised the Major's worth, and be was coniniiMl without Senator Sklrm’s vnU, and th a t name night the Ccriottel wrote ont hie rselgnallon.

Heiiator Hklrm has anolhiT year in the Senate, and General Sewell S a candidate for the United S tatre Senate, Senator Skirm, It is claimed, could nut be defeated In this county for re-election, even should be decide to oppose General Sewell for tbe Utoted States Ssoatorstalp.


and, th* wbeals paaalag over him, horribly ' id the tittle body, the pieoe* of which

had fo ba gatlMr*d up In a biieket. The little

R |

' gU-rs body was i c a r t w bruised and looked to lifelike th a t the nearly frantlu mother in- MMed her baby w u not dead aud would

n not permit tba tra in hands to rsunov* tba re-

Tbs track a t the place of ttw aoddent ie wlthont a curve fo r several miles sod Jamea

i Heed the engineer, said be saw tomethlog , white on tb s toack whan he was half a mils - away, but did not dituover that the tittle SnttMlng bits of white were pettlcoata In- ' t*ft|d of paper until be w u very n « r them.! He then reveroid his eDgine and put on the I hvakea b u t It w u too late, and tbs twine were s t r ^ Juft aa they were stepping over th a n t l . ___________ ___________

Twe B kelstane Unearthed by W urkoen. Special to Iha B vginiio Niwa.

BelF i p i u , June 2Bl—While making ez- cavatlont for a bounc on Wall street, near the Delaware River, in this place, on Hatur. day, workmen unearthed two skeletons of human beings, one supposed to be th a t of

. a ™ n aud the other a woman. They wore ‘ burled a t the depth of three or four feet aud had bean eiKaaed in a ootHn or rude boz, u nails were also lound. The skulls were per­fect and, strange to u y , the toeth were well

' prsurved. Old naldente say that forty or ' lorty-flve years b m tome persnni died lit no ' old out on tbe Dank of tho Delaware, ami t ^ t tbelr relatives buried them in the em­bankment. O tbari aver that tbe remains

' were buried on v r ^ t w u once the site of an . Indian v illage where the red man belli high . carnlTal, and th a t tbe bone, are thoee of the

noble aopa of the fureet. Stone tomahawkn,' azee, apears and arrow-head* have been

found In this vicinity by the eeure.

O raduates o f the m ate School,. Thshtoh, June 20.—The baccalaureate ad-

d r tn w u made before tbe naduating classes a t the State Normal and Model School* last

i Avening by Rev. Hubert StuArt Mao ^rUiur, of New York. The auditorium w u Laiid-

I somely decorated in orange and blue, the school colors, and preaetileil a pretty appear­ance. t i le exercise* opemvl with a hymn by tbe schools, followed by a arripture leeflou read by Rev. J , R. Smith, p u to r uf the State S treet U. E, Church, and pniyer by Rev, S. M. Studdlford, of the 'J'liird I'reeby- terlan Cborcb, -Ur. MacArthur took as hi* s ^ je c t: "Sotne RIeiupiit* of True Hucce**.*' Tbe ezercieei cloeeil with the singing of a hymn and tbe pronouncing of tbe beunllc- tion. _______ ____________

IiiadlrH*** U'S.* wiin/ to rent tioiurror TYioiiit mtiTr tor 1* f*r Sreoioif thru lAnt

Dhantr lou* tturr for tvtkU ranv it P* Ut.

Harrow Escape s f Fauengera f ro u Death a t a Chleagu CroMlng,

CBlCAiHi, Jane 28.—Great lou of life w u naiTowly avrated yeeterday aftarnoon at Ulchigan avenue and One Uiindrtd and S ll teentb street. A coPibtnAUop of tbe grade crouing and the trolley eyitem duhed Calunsst electric railway car into a moriiig Chkago and Eastern (lltnoU freight train. Tbe electric car w u wrecked. AU the pas- esngeri were shaken np or bniissd, but only two were badly Injored. They were: Davis, conductor, severely ent and bMd bruised and M n. lipei, w hou head w u bruised am right ankle sp a c e d .

Tbeeecapeof the other puaeugert from lerioua Injury or d u th w u almost miracu­lous. A t ths point w h an the accident took place th e n la a daoided down grade In the toarks ^ electric road toward the rail­way croetlng- H r. Ott, motonnan at the electric i«r, u w the approaching freight train and Died to stop fall car a t tho top of the grads, sbout one DnDdred feet from the crouing. The rails ware wet and the braku tidied to hold. O tt u w that hit oar wontd m w l the engine at a tr lte the train anyhow. He called to tiie paseengert to Jump. For­tunately it w u an open car, from which tbe paasengen could throw themselvu without waiting to sDuggle through a door. Nearly all were thrown down and bruised u they jumpod.

MOVING THE C lllFPEW A t.The L u t B ile, u Performed b f the B e u -

iiaat* of the Tribe.From th e M iniiupolle Journal.

Tbe C hippew a Indian baa l i f t h it hAunta In this, hi* favorite CAmplog ground—forever. The ludieti agent a r ­rived a t tbe Chengwataua Hokegama, near H inckley, MIon., a few days ago and penuadrd tbe rem ainder of a once famous tribe to remove to W hit* E arth Reserva­tion. U rsquired all the Inducements the Government re p re u n ta llv e could offer to persuade tb s people to go.

Following a cuetom th a t b u bnon in vogue w ith th e Indian since tb s white men Ural invaded b n haunts, they held what iiiigbl bo considered a farewell pow­wow on th e banks o f Lske 1‘okegama. Wednesday m orning birch bark canues were u e n gliding swiftly along to the spot where the Chippew a M iulon w u xe- labllsbed and where the flrst prim ing w u done In th is HUte. A t an liour before sunset the place w u sw arm ing with cop­per-colored Indiana and tan-faced half- breeds.

A large num ber o f white people w art alto p ru e n t to w ltn eu the straoge cere­mony ol leave-taking. An old kiuaw, IT-A-g1c. bent w ith Age, WH seated iipoo a tm a ll mound ■, around bar were coiigra-?;ated the tribe . N ot a sound w u uttorad hr a qiiartar o f an hour, u v e the croon­

ing of the w rinkled uld woman who faced th* sinking sun; the others u t w ith th e ir fa c u tov.ard the e u t . As th* last of the glittering sun w u fading from view a little papoose, a t a sign from Pl-a-gic, brought a eone-sbaped bark veieci fllltd w ith route o f cedar trees and dried g ra u and leaves from th e grsves near the old mission. This w u llglited, and u the smoke and flamM t o u Td the air the voice of the old tquaw wae ralted to a wail. The aisem blage aoon took up tbe death chant of the Indian—a weird, wild, un­canny sound and doleful in the extreme. The chan t w u continued for fifteen min­utes, when tb a lAader baokoneil an old man to her tide. H e w u Sylvester, Iba chief. The chan ting oesied, and the old w arrior ad d resu d . In Chippewa, the email rem nant o f a once lAige band. An Interpreter to ld your oorrespundeut w het the old ch ie f eeid :

“ The sun sink* And tbe mounds o f oar fathers are dark . T he great White Father ■endi b li son to a t, and we move fbom their gravae. H ere we m et and fuugtat theHlouz', here our children learned of the G reat Spirit. I’oaoe la everywhere; tbe w hite m an would have us io battle no more. The pale fkoe u y s It la good for u i to go. W e go to another land. Wo weep on th e fravee of our brotheri. W hen th e son rleea we will go from her* forever."

Ae th* old ch ie f spoke the l u t words the whole tglbe uttered an ear-iplltting shriek, th en bowed their h » d s in tllonce. Th* Kiuaws to o k tbe u l ie t from the fire and sprinkled th em on the Indian graves Then they all aeum bled on tbe bjgh banks and sang a farewell song. An In­dian aong li Indescribable, especially th e farewell. T h e ir drums were afterw ard brought in to piny, and tbe old bucks beat a tom -tom while the younger ones Joined in th e pow-wow. A huge Are w u made and th e dancers circled around it for two houre. T hen Pi-a-gic, who was a silent spectato r, motioned tbe drum ­mers to silence, and the dance closed. Tbe people stood 'around the dying fire u It In m editation , then d iu p p eared from view. T hey nsd performed the cerem onlei and bad gone.

I t w u on th is w m e hlstorlo and plo- tnreaqne sp o t th a t the decisive b a t t lu be­tween th e Bionz and CbippewM ware fought ______ _____


starveTO DEATH

while using beef-tea, calfs-foot je lly , and variou.s beef extracts made by application of heat. T hey contain no nutrition whatever, and cannot restore vitality.

holds in solution the albu- nioids and salts o f lean raw meat, prepared by a cold proc­ess, containing the life-sus­taining and tissue-building properties of meat itself, yet lu tbe most condensed form.

Endorsed by 95,000 pUyiiciaua,

Per sal* by ail draggiats.



C U r r E E S e «l*br*tad (■ut-fesa, WF sliallsell

them on WediwHlsr lu iiuanUtlu from 1 (o 5 pounds onlr, u fxlluws: _

Sto. Java CuITm .............psr * .nil-. RrM kfut Coir**,...***- per J .Me, Hlo CuBe*............... »o*. per » .

V ja O Now la the time tor Iced tea.I K A c I a If you *aul sumslhlDg de-

llrleiis. b ^ BOW. espKMally when Ton can purcbiuwi at Soy. per pound leu than the regular price,


Cocoa MhelU, **. lirr package.AU Chicorl**, Ir. per iwckage.

Rsker'i Coco*, luc- l>*r Ihii.At this tale we will pn’Mnt all purcbw rv

with a eopT of the pupular paper, "Town Talk."

T*« BROAD ST., COR, COMMERCE. Branch Hlorr«-4ll Ferry st., cor. Union; 1«

Harrison ave., jlarrlimn. S. .1.; Baxter Bloch, Hloomflfld. .V. J.; ?iS and Ml Main si.. Orange. N. J.! M8and 2» hurneU *1., New Brunswick. N. J, ____________

D ow n!


H arl«(l m ItoMnb » Ifou*®* BliUiiKdHAii, Ala., June At Mabvl

Mines Uuuday Qlght unknown hurlMla djiuunlte Mmb at ilio bouM of BaDjamiu Moora, a itrikar, who bad reoeutly returned to work. Tho twinb W M aimMat the win* dow anil waa doubtlesa intouded to be eX' ploded Id tbn boute so a ito kill tba occupant, But it Htruck tba window sill, explodiiig on tbaou t^de and wref'king tba building- happened th a t Moora aud hit family were at churob and no one w(m injured. This is tbe

, eeconcl bouse th a t baa ix en dynamited lu that localitv witbiu Uve days, nix noa-uulon miners hsTiiig been wounded tbe f ln t limee

A Q uiet Lrnehing In tieorgrlai SATANNAUf Ga., June 26.^Fayet;to Frank*

lin, a urgro, MTentet'ii years of aga, was ar- roitad ill JdiicbeLl Uounty Huuday morning ebatgad with felonloui asHault on two white women in Decatur aud Mib'liell counties. Wliei) BberiS H urst went to dinner a t tbe ki»ne of one of the negru's victlma, be chained his priaoner to the buggy in which he waa taking him to jail, ^ ’ lle theSherliT waa eating, 2(X) men took the negro Into the wooda, and be baa not iiceu iwcu since. n« waa undoubtedly iTncbed* Thn acn ised was identified by one of hia victirnsj^*^

Trentoalana Ho Not W aat a **G rid iron" nncl Are Going Io Froteit.

Special to tbe Rv^icTNO NEWS.Trxitton, June tM,—Certain citlaena of

tbia place aro waging a rlgorrms war against a plan of the local street railway oompanj to secure tbe right to certain switching prirU Icgtti at tbe Intaracction of Ilroad and 8tate itrct^U.

Tbe plan la to make the central part of the InterMction look like Broad and Market Btreeta, Newark, wdtb the addition that BwitcbM are wanted a t all cornert, ioitead of a t only one, tbe nortbeaat, aa in Newark, and the opponenta of the acbeme have caUetl the propoeed track-syatoui a gridiron. When map])ed out it certainly looks very much like that often wsU-warmea article.

T he Common Council haa hef'D applied to for a francidee for tbe prlTilege to couatruct the ewitebea, aud the application was re> ferred to the Omlinanee Uommittce. The oppoDeuta of the sebeine bare induce i tho <^R]inillie«{to call a public meeting for to­morrow nlghti when the citizens will bg giren an opportunity to tell why tbe plan is objectoii to. The opi»o«ltlon has boetj no oit- ter that ft ii expected that a large crowd will be present. ^

Montana X'opullita In Convention,Hki kna* Mouk» June 26.—Tbe Eopullst

Htate convention a t Deer Ixxlga yesterday nominated Robert H. tiiuith, o? Hvlenai for Congms, aud G, W. lieeves* of Miaaoula, for Hupreoie Court Judge. The platform dertareajor free <‘omiige of sllvor; denomu'ea truKta aud comblnatlonB anti Lssiiauce of In- tenwlrbearlng bonds; dcH'laren against Na* tional banks; favors potUil savtugi bankv aiiil Govemuteot omit.rol and owuenUlp of railroads; 4lemaada increase la p4*r capita circulation uf a t least fifty per cent.; farora iooeme tax, and oppoatw ths tuiuper IniinigratioD and alien ownership of Unii; favors elacUon of President and Vice-Presi­dent and United Htatea ^*enato^t by direct vote of lilt* people; declarea against convict

, labor, aoii ivort posstftutional amendment nrdvidiug it... the adoption of Initiative and Keferendiiln.

Work of ru ia to * s Grand Jury.PatxiusoxV, Juui^ 26.—The Grand Jury nf

tbe yvpril term of the Passaic County oourU fioUbed Ita labors yoetenlay and was dis­charged. Among the indictments were bills against Charles A. Doebbier^ the alleged Auarchiat, for teuding a th rea t» ing letter U> Jacob Wledomnn^ a djoshop proprietor, and for placing a dynamite bomb against houM* of William Btraoga, silk numufaeturer aud presidentof tbePaturson Board of Trade, during the strike last April. Indlctmeuts were also found a g a i n s t H a t t i e Mon­tague aud Mrs. WilUamsi'm and lira, Hud- son» midwtvM, fo r criniinal malpractice. The Grand Jury found pretentmeuts against tlie Paterson B<krd of Aldermen for appoint­ing InefBclaut nieu a l sewer Inspectors for political purposes and kee}>ing a Building Inspector lU office who neglects his duty and eiMiaugers many lives tfaergby.

D A H O n V ^S ItETHRONKD KINO.Appearanoe o f llebaTii.lu on U li Arrival

a t Fori-de-Kranre.Prom th e London Globe.

News o f Behanxin, tbe dethroned King of Dahom ey, baa come to hand to-day. Hia M ajesty, accompanied by ble wives and ohildnD , baa arrived a t PorW e- Prancea w here tbe natives turned out to have a looh a t him. He la described by the local reporters aa tali and well made, w ith open amiling counteiumce* Ha look! every Inch , like a royal peraonage, and is dressed lu a flowing blue and black striped gowUf a Venetian h a t aud yellow eandala. Under hie bronzed feature# one esu perceive a cer­tain am ount o f flueaae,'* and even die- UnotioUe H it nose la flattened and hia llpa are th ick , but bla forehead la high and lutelleotuai. Behind him followed a black boy holding up a large colored umbrella over bla head to protect him from the aun* Another boy bore b ii cigar- box and handkerchief.

He woB in good health, and greeted the crowd w ith th e w o i^ , "B o n jo u il Mere! t'* H e seemed resigned to his faLCf and thanked his guardians for tho care they had taken of him . He is particularly fond of shaking hands w ith all who ap- iroAcb him. Ills meals are composed in

ropean fashion* roast fowl being his orite dish. He has a liking for a h

linthe^ b u t he is not allowed to d rink m uch o f th a t treacherous liquor.

On tbe arrival of the Governor he em­braced him and called him " papa*’’ He was then conducted to the house prepared for him. Here* however, he complained o ftb e a c a n ty furniture} and demnaded a iooking-glaKs, a clock, a chest of drawers, and o th e r artiole» for the use of his wlveSf w hich, to his intense delight, wore forth­w ith supplied. In tbe course of con versa* tlon he denied having killed his m other before surrondering to tbe French, and laughed a t the many other stories told o f him* H e does not think th a t he will con­tinue to be a State prisoner tong, and looks forw ard to ihe tim e when he will be pardoned and permitted to return id his k ingd o m .____

IHf jrgWW.S'f»J> y* nno<ft'FrtiM-mm/<n ' igi.* ij* i'(i/igiN/f- ai>-

mtd nniaiit rtUilt/ nuire 90 <411/ .’''iii'i t'i v jxi/jrr /9i(Wu/M'(i or cira^UUftt fa ITeu<ark. _ _______


WOHCll IN-« tte n M e d ttwetrei

SOCIETYeupportof a

m ' '

H :

■ R w ra lto iiio a^ .iiri'T i'^ „A n -T o u v re ^ nervous, or aiUng I Then

p r . Favorite Fremriptioayou miteial help. For delicate wotneu, for oU tfis derangemeoti, disorders, m d dis- eeaes uf the sex, It lessri^ paid amf re- Ltvea ileepleseaeaB, beduirEe and b earfn iy down aenaatkHie. The success of “ FaTorits .f rw r ip tlo o " in euriiuc ell tbe tunctlonal dcramcenienti, painful diaorders, and chronic iiinhiineese of women, warrant lie m aken i a guaratUtifng i t Yonr money ix re-

turned if no bepeflt ix iwceived.

Miw I j n i i i H. R zsid- ■nooz, of AurinoMii, (i. DaAoto., writes: I can­not sar enough for your Dr. Pleroe’s Favorite PrcecripUon. fo r yean I euSeml from irreru- lorlty end uterine De- blltty, bat now 1 feel M well u I ever did In my life. Thanks to you to r your ‘ Faveetta Fiw-

XM* Hesmeaeoz. scrfptloQ.’”

P i E R C E % f r C U R E .

Down!T h e hottom step in prioes ha* been

reach ed a t th is atoro a n d th o se w ho tvotild learn th e tru e v a lu e o f a do llar ah o u ld tube ad v an tag e o f th e special b a rg a in s oll'eretl th is week.

2fl0 M eii’a lieg iita r 120.00 Suita.200 M en’s lieg iila r |lf l.00 S u i ta 200 M en’s R egular 216.00 Suit*.200 M en’s R egular t l 6 00 Suita.

W e p u t these 600 eu ita to g e th e r In o n e lo t a n d offer choice from a l l for

$ 1 0 . 0 0 .

A t « 3 . 4 9 , 4 2 . 9 S B D d $ 3 . 1 9 T h f* W e e k .

cm H.





empllfied essd alsseteil m a true eopy In ths manner rsquired by the law* of tb* Htate la w hkh the same thoU have tnao tberMofors rseordsd, thereupon to reeord the said 'copy, togMher with th* exampUfioaitosi thereof, In tb* record of deads of oonveyone* In the oiBa* of such clerk or rsflater, end Um record thereof shell have the eeme effsca ead a certified copy Uiersuf shall be admitted and re- reived in evideitoa la th* seme m enners* If thaorloiiieldeed of ronvayanc*, ileclara- U<« o r trust, marriece settlaineDt or other Instrunieot in wriUnt hod been re­corded laetead of such exemplified copy; pro­vided, however, that nothing herela oon- teineil shall Impislr the rights of any perwm or parsons soquirsd la good faith nsfors ths renH-dliw of such d M of oouvsyanoe, asrlaratloB of trust, m arrlics sstttsnHot, or other instrument In wrilinz, in Ibis BtaU as aforsseid.

2. And be It snacted, That tb* acknonl- edgment or proof of a n f such deed or oon- veyonoe, defileration of trust, m arrlafs seP UsmeoL or other Instrument In writing, havlnf bssn rsoordsd in say other Stats, or in any county thereof, tor more tnan twenty years, shall, notwithstanding any s m n or impsrfsctloui ia **14 aeknowi- sdgemsnt or proof, and notwithstanding ths same may not coafonn la all rseiwrt* with tba requlremsau of the laws of this Htats, be taken and hrid to be good and zufllcwct Id Iav

I. And be it enacted. That this act eball taka effect Inmedlatel'

Approved April A, ll

CHAPTER X X X n i.An act to repeal an act entitled "A n act to

d* for the use of th* proceeds of rlpa-


^ & Te a r y ,■AiorvAcruttZH il ^

- o r -S P E C IA L AND

g e n e r a l H A C H IM K R T ,

iL£¥MT0BS rOft STOftES M//D FACTOtltES,Etvdin KnRitiwN, ■TJvxrlnf, 8h#ftlD,fc

Hjiuxerm Pullgya, Kta tt$pair/ng Promptly f*

I III I H U M Plui, I l iu t , 1 .1.

JAMES I. COE 4 CO.,m4 108 n u lb v rry 01.}106 MNEWARK, R.4.


B A B 3, B E A U S , A V O L E 8 ,S H E E T S , B O O P IW O P L A T E .

prevli risn sales,_______ ____ _____ , BpprovsdMarch nlnetsenth, one tbousand sight buo-

granU and Isaset," Meen

drsd and nln*l<

splay of irlth th*


area ana ninety.1 Be It enacted by the Rsnat* and General

Assembly of the Htete of New Jersev, That an a r t entitled "An aet to provide for tbe use of lb* proceeds of riparian salsa, granU and leasea,’’ approved on th* nineteenth liay of March, one thousand eight hundred and ninety, be and laine hereby 1* repealed.

2. And be It enacted, That tkls ac t shall take effect immediately.

Appvivsd AprU i, 1824.

CHAPTER XXXrV.An act to amend tn sol entitled " An aetErovidlw for the purebas* and display of

tnltsd ntate* flags in oonnsctlon with the public school buildings of th* Htate," ap­proved Hay fifth, one thousand eight hun­dred and ninety.1. Be It enacted by the Beagle and General

Assembly of theB tateof New jMwey, That th* first section of an act eoUUsd “ An aet providing tor tbe purchase and dii|United Htates flags la cosneciloo public school buildings of th* Btata," ap­proved Hay fifth, one thousand eight hun­dred and ninety, b* emended so ee to read a t follows;

1. Ba it enacted by tb* Heuat* and Gen­eral Asstmbly of tbe Btat* of New Jersey, That th* board ct education or ths board of school trustees lu the several citiae, towna townablpe, borough*, vlUagee and school districts of this Htate shall purchaw a United Btatas flag, flag-staff and tb* neoem ry appllanoes thsrtfor, and shall display saM Bag upon or near tbe public school building during school hours, and at such other limes s* to the said board* may seem proper: and that the necessary fnnds to defray tbe eipertsee to be incurred herein shall b* amested and coUseted In tb* same Dianaer as moneys fur public school purpose* are DOW raised by law.

2. And be It enacted, That this ac t shall take effect immeilately, and that all acts or parts of tkdf Inconsistent with the same a r t hereby repealed.

Approved April < 1994

CHAFTERXXXV,An a r t to repeal an act sntiGed " A further

supplement to an act entitled ‘ An act rel­ative to sales of lands under a public staP ute, or by virtue of any Judicial proceed- luga ’ [Rsvlilon], approvta March twsnty- WTsnth, on* thousand eight hundred and •eventy-tour,” which further supplement was approved April seveutesuth, one thou­sand eight hundred and ninety-one.1. Be It enacted by the H eute and Gen-

ersl Aaem bly el the State of New Jersey,

L E A D IN GC L O T H IE R , 797 Broad Street



n n r A w C o.. N . J .I l l

M O N H O n T E H O U SE,H«vfn mllei below fx>Dir Pranr't.

Spring Lake Beach, N. J,ForferniBaad lafoMnatlnn aiMrew

Id. U . M A L T B Y a Monmout h HonM,or HotelLftf

Attem pted W ife M prdar utid Snlctdo. C‘HICA<40, June 20.—Aft«r a ton dajB*

•pnMj JoHeph MlzterinaD, au aged Germ#o, wound up ^ orgio last utgbt bv cutting hli wlfo ftornu the xbdomon aq that ber lx>wel$ protruded. After xtiemptinje tb® Utui uf two men, Kick aad Wiltixm Taylor,who lived with bim, he drew hii kuifo acroM hU own abdpmep, infllctiog a twelTo-ioch woux^l. When, the police urriveii tbomaa

Uio woiPAh'wi»ri» IavIiup umvmnjouf ou. r" \ -

■« f - - >»WS4"W ; .was u d iy cut In tbe foot b y ci ^inurderer. He hod ottoa threatOBed tho lUtf %t ha wife,

Giron a Coat of T ar and Kratfaera, Halxu. June 26.—A crowd of about

tweiitydlve luon took Martin Thayer, a young ioait} from tb« atroeU of tialom to tbo lair grounds l^unday nighty whore they s tH p i^ hltn of hU clothing aud applied a liberal coat of ta r and frathera, aud warued him D«v«r to again make his appoarani^o lu this town. Tb« day Iwfure this voung follow bfid Allowed hl« aged adcI mvalid father to b« takoa to tba poorhouao of tho countv while he WAS known to have had nearly |100 in his. pOfoeatioD during the woek.

lllneiA Haa Hut-U lii(t>rfered W ith Ills JjlrtluMl atiil Kiiei'gy.

F roni IfcClure'H Magar.bie.My way of working la Irregularity U-

telf. Som etim es 1 work for eighteeu hour# A day* and day nfier day. A t otl^er tim ealpO A s months without touching a pen* I wrMe vt-ry Hlnwly} and revise and revise* ^ never sati/illed with my work. My Duvela I always wriio myself. I never ooold d lo tate a novel. As to my plays, I uoed form erly to dictate them. T hat was w hen 1 could walk. 1 hod a certain talen t In my lege> Blncc my Ulneat 1 have bad to abandon th a t mode of work, and 1 re­g re t Ue 1 am an Impruvisator, and in this reapeot differ from Zulo.

am now writing a novel about youth colled * Sontien do Fumllle,” an J thcae notebook! o f mine will show you my way of w ork. This is tlm llrst book. I t con­tains, oayou lei^, uotbiiig but notes aud lUggMtlonB. The poBsagea which ore soratohed out with red or blue pencil are paaM fM o f which 1 have already made uoe. T h is Is the second stage. You soe only ona page in written upon, the oppo* site one being left blank. Opposite each first com position 1 writtN the amended copy. T h e page on the right la tbe Im­proved copy of the page on the lofL A fter th a t I shall rewrite the whole, fio th a t, leaving the notes out b f coniidera- tlon, I w rite each manuscript th ree times rannlngk and) If I could, would write it os many tim es more, for, os 1 have said, I am never oatlslled with my work.

" I am n feverish and spasmodic worker, bu t when In the mood can w'ork very hard. W hen th e fit is upon me, 1 allow nothing to In te rru p t me, nut oven leaving my wrltiDg table for meals. 1 have my food brought to my desk, eat hurrleuly, and set to w ork btMore digestion begins. Thus I an tic ipate tho drowsiness th a t digsation always b rings with it, and esoape Us ctm-" sequenecB. Now that I am ill, however, 1 do n o t often have those periods of sp le n ^ d energy. 1 can produce only veryH oW ly.”________^

AVON-By-THE-SEA.T H G B E R W I C K .On the oppAD front. Rea view fmm every

room. Address FRED E. FOHTKll.7Hg la te of Hotel Coluniblo,

HOTEL COLUMBIA,lielmar, N* J .

OPENS JUNE 23,T'noer New MAifAOXMxvT.

Newly and lieautlfaDy fornlBhed throngh.out.

ny - .uuequallod locatloa.


PAXINOSA INN.kah to k* p a .

T'ndsr msnntsniBPt of W. A. Elisors l^nr»kn SK Fifth AVIIHI* flotet. Tail iraly woiHlerful moiii iUn mort f>t>«fis Jum 1A liooss 8S0 ftet l0Q(: «l9ttrlc llV&ta Ukfb oUltuds, trsnd aLvavry, Ane oreliMlrtL Tiro Uouni from Now York. June season, no cb«rse for rooma Tohis board only,

w. A, KLUuHS. roatinsntal Uol«l, Ntw Vork.

R. WAISH & C0.’SHew Store and Ite Cream Saleen,

A T 1 5 7 M A B K E T S T K E E T .

D M . I > •! MARKET STREET,l /m o t a n t s : ; b r o a d s t r e e t .

MiArOUTAM BAICAS, A 120 P in OAUOM. T E L E P H O N E 3 9 7 .

That chanter two the lewsM on

T H E B E R K S H I R ECor. Grand and Revouth a /s ., North Anbury

Pork* N. / .PlooKaotcool rooms, firit^loos homo-mods

cooking, sbadn, S bincu from ocson. ablo ratss. Open Juas 1.

Kcason* Wy


OpensJuQsS. 21 tullea from Nsw York, Csu- tral R. K.of N. J. Most eonvanlsnt resort In the Rtate. FRANK K. MILLER,

YaJe-HarvaiM^ Race.Parties going <o New London for ths rices ill find the Ktonington Line a most deliyht-

fnlly quiet and cninfortau:e Haytogu. _TbsHpieiKiid new steel Hieatnfirs Mhius and New HamiNihire* In oommtsslun. ie^vn naw pier Jn,Nortn Kivsr* at 6 K M. dailye

JfPm Bunionsmake walking painful,' and life miserable, you can put attend to the sorettis! by using that soothing; ano­dyne fo r the feet, the never failing

Phfinylin Antiseptic Foot Lotion.

(Pig* 1) \n a* e«U]af«% Itu MUSqM.) \UtMIt Is OSS of t&9 I’hnijllii Aoiipeptle Ktuckdord P r^ r- •tlouft. "Alt ptnona r«jrn/re m»m4 9f "iwH4Dprwmr tvoii/rf off qf All Mliabr inerliu-rlnoai ail MVWOrtaa|«4l MbHiiuteW banDteMjiUI at« craclMly M fapCHMain]; and all irc pTaaared onli; by tJir ykMjhn rh^tkwia] l-onpnnj, ManiitjuturlAir UtkcnUiia, Uf and IM Wiuiw Sir^.IiBw City.


Retail Depot 308 Sixth A v i.,oelvpea llth an" 5*th Rtmla; Vtm Trwrk Olt7.Ha- m iilaSily adJ'ilQhMC I’amuoypr'a }sW Boot and Shoa Store. auvuhlTt i Dobliiokef UMinfHrsutiitaittMiaC l0« iuitYAtsoou BluTAtad UsUrum ^

0 U N 0 E T H A E E ,Aabury Park, K* J*

open. Huperiqf Id iVSir respect.I. T o r tarmi, dasoriptlv

NowSpecial rates for JtiW.map aud circular address,TTg JO li^ ltO C K A n iX E B A S O N .

H E A T H H Q X JB E ,HCHOOLEY’fi m o u n t a in , N. J.

Opens July 1. Terms r^uood to $16ai)d SIX. Capacity, aoa Xo malariat no mosquitoes;

atnuMmenu. W. E, COLllMANs Manager.


Is now open for nudayeochool picnics, tjargs lake, rowing. fiAhlng; also, large grovs, with Improvements, Fur paTUcttlars, address W. H. HRlAlST, lioi HI, i^umralt, N. J«- ^

T H E G E M ,Onean Grove, Jf. «le Bxocllsnt locstioB:

'fijieoocf . r - r - -*I he now aualtffti’dm? iM>oa boi a*Ws Wd___ n. 8. W U0i.af0N,0^ai> Qrovs. N. J,S T. MiCtlAKL'K VILLA, ENGLEWOOD,

N. JT’, titfrv* Huperior InduceroentB for u/iardsM. Dflitfhtfufiy sitnatiHl on the Hud- km, mrge shaded' gronoda, first-class table,

term*. Addrasa Ulster 0aperior. bt. Miobael s.\ jllii, Ktig]ewoQd, N. J, . ,


A rapplemest to an se t eatltled “ An a rt r»> IaUdc to the coDuUdetion of oorporatlolu arranized w gaslight companies, electrid Ught companies and electrio light, heat and power companies in ciUs* of the tecond class in this Btate, which heretofore have been incorporated under general or special laws of this Btate," approved April seventh, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-two.

Whereas, Certain corporntlotti Incorporated under any general or special laws of this Btate for manufacturing nod dealing in appliances and apparatus necessar­ily UM in connection with electric light, beet and power, may have oonsoll- daledand merged their corporate rights, frauctaitet, ]»wers and privilege* into a single corporation, and tt may afterward have been found that the certificate or certiflcatas of organisation 6f one or a part of luch corporations so oonsoUdated was recordal and filed subsequent to the passage of the act to which this is a sup­plement, and there might be an inadvertr ence in the application of the said act to which this Is a supplement; therefore. In order that the in v « M property righto and fraochisas of the stockholdere may not have been nor be iniperllled thereby.1. Be It enacted by the Bonate and General

Assembly of the Htate of New Jersey, That the provision* for oonsoUdation at th* net to which this a supplement shall apply to the consolidation of bJI corporaUont Inoorporatad under the laws ol this State, and whose principal olHco or offices in this Btate were, a t the time of such consolidation, locateit in cities of the secondclaax os mentioned in tbe act to which this Is a supplement, for manufacturing, gen crating, storlag, dealing In, furnishing and supplying of elei’trlclty for light, heat and power, and also carrying on of any and all business tn connection tbsrewitta, aud con- oernliig th* rnanufacturing, sslling and dealing In appliancre and apparatus w btrs electricity is used for light, neat or power, that may a t the time of th* P*ttam of this supplementary act have consoUdatad and merged their corporative righto, franchisee and pnvilegee into one corporaUou by th* afltrmatlv* votes of stookboldert represent­ing a t least two thirds of tbe capital itoedt In each of said corpoiationi,

2. And be it enacted, That this aet shall be detmed and taken to be a pnbllo act, and shall take effect immediately.

Approved AprU 4, 1894.

CHAPTER X X X I.A supplement te an act entitled "A n act to

prescribe the notice to be given of applica­tions to the le ^ la tn r* for taws when notice Is required by tb* constltatlon," proved January twenty-dztlL anno doim- ni one thousand eight hundred and servanty- siz,1. Be it enacted by. th* Senate and Gen­

eral Assembly of the Btate of New Jersey, That for tbe passage at any bill p ro v td l^ for the annexation or consolidation of any town or township, m* any portion of tn* same, to and with any city or other munici­pality within this BtatA noUoe re­quired by tbe first section of tho act to which this is a Bupplement shall be published in a daily newspaper published In tbe city or other muuldpellty with which such town or township is propom to bo annexed or con- soUdateu, for at least five days prior to tbs Introduction of such blU.

2. And be it enacted. That this act ihall take effect immediately, and that all auto or parts of acta inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.

Approved A j^ j t ,

" ' CHAW e 'r X X X II.A further supplement to an act entitled 'A n

act respecting convaye'—e" [R e.lsionl

hundred end lixty-aiz ot onethoueand eight hundred and

ninety-ona, entitled “ A fn ra e r supplement to V i ac t entitled ' An net relative to sale* of lands under a public stotnte, or by virtu* of eny Judicia) proceedings’ [RevliioDl, ap­proved March twenty-eeven, on* thouiend eight hundred and seventy-four," which fui^ ther HU(q)lam*at was approved April seven­teenth, one thousand eight hundred aad ninsty-ons, be end th* same is hereby re-

lala^ ba. And be tt enacted. That all acta aad part* at acts Insoostatsat with this ac t b* and th* Sam* are hereby repselsd, end this act shall take effect immediately.

Approved April 4, 1994.

CHAPTER XXXVI.L further supplement to an aet entitled

"A n act tor tbe pi'seerration at sheep " [Revlsionl approved April fonrteentli, one thousand eight hundred and torty-eiz.1. Be it enacted by th* Senate and G«i-

crnl Aseembly of the State of New Jersey, That every psnoa who shall own, keep or harbor any dogs, bitch or Utobes sbaU have the same reg to red and nom bend with the clerk of the township, borough or city in which th* owner or person harboring the same shall reside, and shall place npon tb* neck of each dog or bitch kept or bartursd a cellar, having engrnvsd theraop upon a nietal surfaos, the name of the owner of said dog or Wtch and tbe registered number thereof; and It shall bs lawful for any parson to kill any dog or bitch found straying off th* o w n ^ i premises wiUiout such oollar upon It* neck.

2. And be tt enacted. That It shall be Umduty of each township borough o r city In this S tats to provide a book to r Uw purpoee of registering th* owner’s name of every dog or bitch, and tb* number, numberiim them in tbe order of the owners applying for said registration and giving to each person in­formation of the registersd number thereof; the person applying for registration shall pay the sum of one dollar for each dog or bitch thus rsglstsrsd, of which the clerk shall receive twelve cento for each registra­tion, tbe balenee to be applied to paving damage done by dog* to domseUc anlmaJa or poultry, after the sam* shall have been ap- pralssd by two freeholders, as autboriiM and directrii by tbe sot to which this Is a supplement and tbe tupplemenie to eatd act, and in case thsre 1* no damages balance to become a part of the general fund of such township borough or city, os the case may be. •

3. And be t t enacted, That In cate the clerk of any township borough or city shall n ^ le c t or refuse to so r e n t e r any dug or bitch when application shall be mad* to him for tha t pnrposs, he thail forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars for sich refusal, which shall be paid to th* treasurer of the township city or borou)^ and be applied to the z m r a l fund of inch tow nihip city or borouM aa tbe case may be.

4. And be It enacted. That tbe common couneU of any incorporated city or town or the township committee of any township In this Slate are hereby authorized nnd em­powered and whose duty It shall be to ap­point one or more psrions In ^ M r raspectlva

'i l f p o

Charles Austin Bates,

Editor of

“ Printer’s Ink,"


' A W ashington piano house is just now using considerable space in the local papers to advertise a voting contest. The most popular school teacher in W ashington is to be presented with a free trip to Europe, lasting thirty da^s. The ticket to cover all trans­portation charges, hotel bills, carriage drives, etc., from W ashington to Europe and back again.


This may be a very good scheme, but I doubt it. It is hardly what I would call le­gitimate advertising. A trip to Europe and the most popu­lar school teacher have noth­ing on earth to do with the desirability of the pianos. It will be talked about, more or less, and in so much is advey- tisipg, but I doubt very much i f it will result in any very great good. I would very much rather take the money that this trip costs and use it in straight newspaper adver­tising,

Adverti.sing properly con­sidered, and in its strongest sense, is merely telling people what and where and why— particularly w hy— why they should buy some particu­lar thing. Advertising isn’t good unless it accomplishes this and convinces a greater or less number o f people that the advertiser and the thing advertised are just exactly what they have been looking for.

Ara ttO H A I.AKE PICNICO BO trinjnHA d Al.L Ui. ronv.tiun™> for sll kind. oruionlc..wlta-

A isiye Il.ooln* pivllinn rtanKtod. No liiloiiott- n* liquor, sllovnl. HIRAM OOoK, l y i istsv. «K

O I’ltN IM l OK HARRY PtM ClN 'S HOTEL ano ct«r gartJtn at M, Ctood, \Vm( Ofonn.

ihfv* tnim im from u™ oi cobi« roid, Wodaioilar. June P.ooittmeiicaio'c'*"*"o'clooke Kaila

RUPTURE CUREDJ he i^oiproved Klnatle Tnua la ihe only triun

laezlflcaee that 1« worn with abMlqu eoio- ferj Dig a t and day* sa lt retoioa therupturs uader the hardest ezaroioa or oavarMl JErala. ftiici wiu effect a permooeat and apoedyctin wilhoQt regard iq ace of tha paUant. Mz-

iHPRoylolKAS'no iRysa co.D* sod Wt U naiw er. «C. Hth *U sTV.

irdvra Hzrob *enrareeai.n, one thousand eignt hundred and seventy-four.1. Be it enaoted by theM nate end Gen­

eral Assembly of th* Htate of New Jersey, That when any deed of conveyance, declara­tion of trust, marriage settlement, or other Iqetrument in writing affeotlDZ or eoncemtng the title to lands, shall u v e been reeoraed for more than torenty years in tbe public records of any State cd the United States, or of any county theiW , and any person shall ^ I r e to have the tame re­corded in this State, for the purpoee of making title to any lands or real estate in this State, or of nrnnifeellng such title, U shall be iewfnl for tbe derk of th* eourt of common pleas in any county at Mils Htate, or for tb* register of deeds and mortgigss In oonatlM having snob reg- itlor, npofl nn sxsmpUflsd copy of ths record of such dmd of oonveyanc*, declin tlon c( trust, marriage settlamtaL w other lastranHat In writing, aad qt ttas aq- knowledgineat or proof tiMNof, b tliif Usd ta tb * e ilasu f sura okrk or regiztar, «*•

cities, towns or townships with full power and authority to Ull an^ dom male or (ctnalA found straying off the owner's prmniies without such oollar as above pro­vided for upon Its neck.

fi. And be It enaetod, That tha common eouncU of any inaorpcrataddty or town end t b township conunittss of any township are b sn b y authorized to fix tbe oompensatlon to be psud to any person or mrsons appointed as above provided for and to pay tbe seme out of any moneys in th* treranry of suchd ty , town or township.

A And be it enacted, That the pro' of this act shall not apply to or affsot cilleso f th e *°<1 s ra ra d c l w In th is B ta te .

T, A n d b s I t enacted . T h a t n o n e o f th e p ro ­vision* o f tb la a c t ebaU be c o n s tru e d to r e ­p ea l th * p ro v ls ian s of a n y la w n o w In exlst- enoe p ro v id in g fo r th* ta x in g o f dogs.

A And be it enacted, That all acts or parts of act* Ineoniistent with th* provisicn* of this act be and the tame are hereby repealed, and that this act shall take effect unmediate-*7-.Approved April 4, 1694.

CHAPTER X X X m An act to amend an act entitled “ A n act to

eoabto to w u eh ^ to create and na ln te in a einkiog fund,” approved April twentloUi, one t botitand elgpt hundred nnd eighty- five

. 1. Be it enacted by the Staiate and Gen­eral Aisembly cf th* State of New Jeney, That tb* second section of an eot entitlw " A n act to enable townehlps to create aqu maintaiu a sinking fund," approved April twentieth, on* thousand eight hundred and eigbty-flv*, he and tba sam e is ttoreby anupdad so as to read a t follows: .

2. And be it ensoted, That after the pas­sage of said ordinance or reiolution, the ebatnnan of the township committee, tb* ttrasu rer of tho township, nnd tha aM ssor of the township (tor the time beln^, and two r e a l i s t fretholden to be chosaii by the township oommlttae, shaR consHtute and he denominated “ the committioner of the sink­ing fund of the township of --------(** theesse m ar be); the two last-named members shell bold ofll« tor three yean, and It either of euol members should die or resign, th* vacancy oaussd thereby shall be filled by the townalup oonunlttoe; saoh of tba said five commissioners shall, within ten day* a ttn ' hi* appointment, take aud subscribe ths oath of olfio* prescribed by taw for ofiloer* of said tovraskin.

2i . i w be i t Mtacted, Ttwt this ac t sbell tab* * « « izuBsdtaMly.

A p p r a n d J ^ d t UM.

A trip to Europe doesn’t prove anything. It has noth­ing whatever to do with tho piano business, and anybody, from a butcher up, might use it with equal propriety.

I do not believe in scheme advertising o f any kind. In some cases it may pay, but they are few and far between. The kind o f advertising that can always be depended on is newspaper advertising. It always does what it is intend­ed to do i f it is properly used,I f it ever fails it is not the fault of the medium, but the fault of the advertiser or tho way he advertises.

The right sort o f advertise* 'ments in the newspapers go right iuto the fam ily circle, exactly whefe the dealer wishes his goods to go. For this reason, i f for no other, it is better than any other pos­sible method for bringing bus- iness.

I have had quite a good deal of experience in manag­ing different outside schemes for advertising a business, and I have been able to figure up the results rather accurately.I have never yet seen an un­dertaking o f this sort bring back enough money, to pay for itself, either directly or iow directly,

* ■ *

This free European trip will certainly cause more or le s s — talk, but w ill it cat^e the right kind of talk ? W ill it carry one-fourth the conviction that straight-out, common-sense talks in the newspapers would do ? T hese are questions on which the piano people will probably be expensively intel- Ugmit af^er the contesU l over. *

N E W A H K i : V E M N ( J N E W S . ' I ’ l ’ E H D A Y . J E N E 20. 1804.

P ro ieoQ to r'i D « t* o t l« Feeney, HndioD, L » d i the Attack.



H* Wh Awmn th a t Anjrlklnc tmW Ick K i M • P«i>r<M>in W m l> « ln ( l ln a l-■H . In Hla HaJIlw^ok u d A Paw H uur. P rior to llotoctiTO F«on*x'« ooOdo of tbo l>•at W u o d loillitnout a t Iho Tory Ruutor tha t lha (iamitlara W aroal W ork Tkara«Tlia Fanalty fur I la u lo f on tIu R a o a a a a d ■ aap ln i a Punlroom Not Pleaaaat to Coatom plata.

Only a few houra after Chief o( PoUro llu lll(ai’> Harrlaon, had dn larod yaator- day that there n o not a poolrouni open. In th a t tonnahip, Chief Detrctlae Juhn I'. Pae- naf, fFam Proaacutur Winfleld'a uIDw In Je rto f City, ralUod the place In the rear of John C. Soanlun't aaluoo, a t the oiirtiar of Piiat and bnr(en etraeta the operatlnna of wkicb were toU In the Nrwh.

Detoctlre Feeney wa» accuiapanlod by Conetable Hlohael K. Sgan whan he went to the poolroom yaeterday afternoon. Feeney had a w arrant cnarKlug Arthur t'ltrpatrlck, Iteuben Whltahcad and other, nlih main, talnfng a poolroom for an unlawful purpoaa. There waea Kuod alted crowd in the room in the rear of the hiIooo. A man n a . buey a t a blackboard making autriea for the racea a t Hheepahatd Bay and Chicago, while a lalw graph tickar oUcke.! fa a comer of the place. When Egan had made a bet th* oflloer . fM that tboec In the room were upder arreet.

In an initant there waa a ■tampe.le for door, and window.. Tha only men the util- t e n were after were tboee who w^« com ducting the gania but Pltspetrlck and hi. operator, Patrick Joyoa wero not caught In tha building. WhUcbaed wae taken from behind the bar and place.1 umler arreet, while Detecllre Feeney etrippeil the room of Iti paraphernalia and nail It carted away to be utedagerldence agaiu .t the propneture.

Detectire Feeney diid not feel u fe to let the Harrieon police know of the tntendeil raid, and Chief of Police Hnlllgnn v a . aur< priiM when the newe of the daeoimt on the poolroom reached him. Only a ehort tiiiie iMilore the detecllre and oomtable awoup^ down upon the gambling den Harrlaon’a Chief of Police bail Iwen arouMd to the wanneet kind of Indignation when aeked If a teiolroam waa not in operation m the rear at Bcanlon'i Mioon, but the Chief changed hie mind when Detective Feeney led Whitehead before Chief Mnlligeu littingae Juetioe Mulligan. Whitehead wae p l ^ d under tSOO bell to await the action of the Hudeon County Orand Jurr, and then “ A rtie ' FlU p^riek walk>al into the City Hall and eurrendered hlniMlf. He waa re­lented 00 thOO ball to anaaer.

" Well, what do you think of the cheek of UMee fellower eaid Chief Mulligan. “ After what appeared In the papera they go and open np again. WeU, there will be no more poolroonu run In K irritoa.’’tore pool

“ That la good newa" aald Father O’Con- Hofr Crone, when ho heird of

the raid. “ T lu t ii the way to atamp outtbeaa dena They were beginning to get bold, ngain and i f thla place bail been allowed to lloarlah there would been another invaaionof the gamblen.'

A reportar who happened to be In the TlolaUy of the poolroom about the time the mid waa maae bad a narrow eacaps from briiw awailowed whole by a apeclal limb of the law, who gate |ii or ^ a day whan on duty aa guaidlan of the poolroome. Ha worka when the poolrooms work, end when they are idle he Is out oi a job and alto the tS or t3 per day. Tbl> man wears a club and an ofBoer'a badge. He blamea the newe- papera for oalUug attenUon to the pooF TOO mi, thna leading to the raid, and In the n a tu r^ counaof evaata knocking him out of a j<*. '

1 when bU ly n i eyes reeled on the formof a reporter bis angrjpaaaioni bubbled high above the surface, and ha graiped his otilclal elub with a clutch, InteusTfled by madoesa.

. He threatenad to make kindling wood of tbs reportepa head if he dared to even look a t th e j^ lro o m . More tbreata of a thrilling and olood-dflnlllng nature were hurled a t tha reporter, who waa alone in a land s t m ^ to him, 10 he didn’t dare to talk back. White he had no particular reaped for the oSoer the reporter held hia club In high eataem.

The pooleallera Itave probably overlooked the fact that there was paused last winter a bill dealing with tbeir caaea in a peremptory way. It ie known na the Ktorru bill end ft became a law April 28. By its term , any person who shall buy or sell what is com- m onlr known as a pool, or shall nuke a bet of any kind upon the result of a boras raca^ runn tw or trutUng, aball be deemed guilty of a mmemeanor, and on eonyictlan ehall be punished by a nne not excaedlng tSOO or two yagtg' iUHiriaouDuitt, or both, a t tiie dls- crstion of the Court.

Another section of the law goes for per­sons or eorpuratioaa conducting a poolroom in lively fashion. Tha penalty on eonvlo- tfon in such casea is not less than II.OOU nor more than t.1,000 fine, or imprisonment for not lees than one or more than five years, nor both a t the discretion of the Conrh The taw la down aa chapter 101 of the new laws.

Bloomflald, U ontplair anil Nearby,Flower thieves and deipollers were at work

In Bloomilcld early yesterday luornlog and oonipletely ruined several Iwds from Parg avenue to Park street on Jersey street.

The threatening weather did not prevent a goodly number of people from at tending the picnic of Bt. Patrick's Alliance, of .Montclair, a t Otedwood Park, Bloomfield, last night. Many people from out of town also attended.

An IntanlchlldofT. H. Qenln. of Parkitreet, Bloomlleld, died la it night of cholera infan- Inm.

The annual commencement of the Bloom­field High tjchuol will be held In the First Presbyterian Church fo-morrow night. Rev. B- M. Aylswortb will deliver the address to the g n d nates.

Frederick N. Moffat, who la taking the can- to t of school children in Bloomlleld, eipecU to complete his task this week.

The Pilgrim Mission Snndsy-iohool, of Montclair, will go on its annual picnic to-mor­row to Diion's Urove, In Caldwell.

A millinery sociable. That's what the mem- hen of the Bromley Chapter, Spworth League, held In the chapel of the Park Methudlat Ohnroh, BLoomtUd, laat iitghl. Tha women took to the o h a ^ hats and hat trimmings, and the men chose what they thought would make the prettleat oomblnatlon for headgear, and armed with needles, thread, thimbles and acliaon, proceeded to work. Home of the re inita were dcclareiT " mkgnidotnt “ by tbe ladiee, who had plenty of fun at tbe expense of tbe men. F r^ Cooper won tbe first prise and John Cooper oaptitred the booby prise.

Alfred Cenulnghaoi; a t Montclair yesterday worked the thlmble-iig gams. He foltowed tbe Bage dt Hague clrcua Cflicer Dunlap ar- raated Cunnhighsm. Arnold Jones made com­plaint agaiuat him thli morning, charging that be losttlon the game. Recorder .Morris ordered the pilsouer to pay 18 fine or go to Jail tor imlrty days. He peld bla fine ana waa idleaaed with a ranrlmana.

A paddler named KrObn made com] ' BgalMt Henry Miller before Recorder 3. a t Montclair laat night, charging him with tbroateutng to do him bodily harm. Tbe caae «U1 be heard to-morrow.


Uorristow n Newa Jottlage.Charles Lurch, twenty-three yeare old. a

oarpenter, employed a t Morrlstowu, while working yeeterday on the new barn being oon- atrneted on the Johnson estate on the Colum­bia road, fell from tbe top of tbe building to the flnor, a dlstanoe of twenty-flve feet. In bla descent he turned a oomplete aomereault a%d struck .on the back of bis neck. He waa taken to All Hauls Hospital, where It was said he was tn a preearloua condition.

Troltlhg, running and bicycle races and othei athletic epcrta will ba thy attraotlooa at the MorHstown Driving Par*. Jnlj t.

The Yoong Meu’a CatboUo Auoclatlon ct Moraialown haa omnplsted atraugeawnit tor Its annnal eicunloa to Olen island on Jnly lA

Free Ice water has tieeu plaoed on tap by the managers of the Market Street MlaSlonat Morristown.

Led h r Vosa'e Band, nf Newark, the mem- beriof Resolute Uonk-and-Jadder Company NOi Ig of Morrlstowii, apftf«4l.ed tbrooffb tho princlp^ streeta of the olty yUMwdayhfler- hopn and then marched to tha depoL ashiMl

■ they hoerdw'a train for AUentown, pgjV fiR tvenw oiM celabratlw iba t**nly-IUth annl-

of the company by a two-days' excnv- lion. They are expected, borne te-nlght and wUl he given a rodalng reeeptlnn. '

' Uiropped Dead en a VM* to Newark.J a o ^ Foweer, of Avoodala dropped deed

yacterdey noon wUls going up the itooH of a triand’a boiua in this d ty . Fowter had b een ag n e tiu ire ra r from rhMUUatUsn but

aiwmd lately but unabla tn wM'^ I t Is auppoetd that tha diaeaas reanlMd Us baart. The funeral sarvicm wiU be held t o - a ^ w aftnmcoa a t the Franklin Metbu- dlat Eplaeopai ChdruhatSiSOo’clnck. arhnfke C o u ^ 0. H. F., of which daoeaaed waa a mamhar, win a t f t d tha fdnaral In a body.


A n4rov l>ra«tt»4--'K«|ppd>M4Hiiv* Wlldk. u W htU Hkf-lL

Attdibw ftmHhy o f f f HmIUdii wMftjtiiiti drEmocd In tbo<*nn«l n m r tb i wuf^t« earlf thiN momiDg., Hiuitb wM

twoDty'Oiifi y«An ^ tUght tbe /o u a t lUiB M t hU k w * , U pany MiohMliinlt^y, captain of boat No. 7W wbU’b U moond norih of tho Bloomrletd avtiiuo brM p. men irochedCb« boat Bbout % o>look thlx morulug tn<l turuod In. About two boun Inter Binith trtwe and of iutaQuo paliu. H*woUced about ibo dock for rvllaf awl Haley fall aaltap aipAln

JuMt before T o'clot'k Edgar layoikia a Uttla fallow employed tUa w\i*•cmia ropM In tha bow. When ha law the almuat uude body of lue amployer'K frlaod doatlnf Id Ibe water. Arouun^ Haley, ha told him of the diNoofery, ami iw litte r a t (Htoa Qotlfledl the (lolioe. Then the captain of kbe boat hurried to tbb yi>uuic luaD’a mother and told bar the lad oawt. The body waa reiuaved to KnlHn'a morgua, where the grief etrickea mothar called a few minutea aftar U had been recalewi. Tha k>oj I,yon« wa* takan to thoHaooad Pracioct Station, butha ciould aoi tell bow tlia ynun^ man fall In

ratir. ItlipreaumeO nick m l oearboard. The reaaon for tala be­ing unabla to aara biiOielf it thought to ba that ,ha wai lufTariog with crampa, which rendarad him taelplau. Hli mothar Maid that be wan addlckad to crarapa, particularly when in bathing,

C3ouniy Ehyiician Elliott viewed the body and granted a burial iHTinit. Tbe funeral will M held an Tburadaj aftanioou from Sinlth'i lata taoiita.

Minor Pollea NewB«Two imall bo ji stola four ravolran from

tha atore of sMtain & lllau, on SprlngHeid avanue, thi« morning. The proprietor gara ctaaaa and tbe urchini droppm the weapoui, but eMcapad Tbe robbery waa repuruu a t the Fourita Erapluct Sutfon.

Thuiuai Walcbp uf 98 Camfleld street, wai coimidUcil to Jail by Jutlga Mott thU morn* log for twenty daya ctaarKtxl wJUi ttrlkiiiff Mra. Eliuktketh fcimith, of m CamQeld ttreet. on the arm

FredijHck Neator, uf 194 Handturg nlat'ay ▼ieltcd Annie brown, colored, of lUvar street, laat iiiglit, and while there clainiH to luive been rob b ^ u^ bla ,watfh and 15.50. He cauiet] the wmuan't arreai fhiit innrulug and klie waa commlUed to Jail and Noitor waa detai&etl aa a witiMBH.

Fred Da Vivo aud tala brother Guitano, b a rb e n a t Ferry ttreet, were held iu F M bail each a t tbo Thin) Precinct Polica Court thli morning to await thu action of the Grand Jury on a charge of aftaault and battery preferred by NldiobtM Blanc'o of 2b5 Bprlfl^eld avenue, The men had a bpoda^ man in o<kurt, and were allowed to go after the pajiera had lieen du-y aigued.

Janvea (yUale, of lOti Hru(>e ttre e t who wai arraated aarlr Sunday mornlDg, chargod with aiaault and battery, wa« Kent to jail lor thirty dayi ttaia morhiiig by Jutlge Mott, O'Hale wa» accuaad of having assaulted a young tnati who wa* returning from a fJcnlc U te M u r d a j night. Tbe alleged asaault oc* currad onS ouei avenue.

Hucoo Carbo and Amy Bansob, who realda a t 45 Morrii and £aaex Railroad aT«oue, were latit to Jail by Judge Mott thli morn" log for thirty daya The Benson wwnan tried to have the Italian arretted laat night tor alleged aasauit, r e t a i n McManus re- fiued to listen to her complaint and caused the arrest of both, charging them with dla- ojrderly conduct.

Harah Uibbitts, of 5ij9 Davis avenue, who waa arrested ytitarday, waa held thla morn i i^ for the Grand Jury to answer a chargt orlaroeny. ^

George Bell, tbe onoa pronperoua boss stevedore, was committed by Judge Mott in defauR of 190(1 bail to answer a charge uf « ti’ baaalenient piefhi'ied by Patrick Dempaey, a produce deaiar of 99 Park plaoe.

Oleaned la SuunmU.Aa approprUUojB of |5,4iuu to make aohool

ImprovemetiU w u made alaspectal meeUng held last night in School District No, Itfe The total cost of the extension will he about 123,000. J. G. Van else presided a l tbs (Ueetiiig and Ue A. Merrinum actedaa secretary. ,

Mioliael Andarfooi who was acr^tedim fivn* day, charKvd with heating bis wife* was-ar* ralgaed before Justice Kellr, at bum{sitf last night. Upon hie promise to refrsin from in- loxlcating llqnors and to keep the peace the wife coneented not to preM tbs charge, where­upon the Justice discharged Anderson with a rsprltuand. Tbe family consists of hnsband, wife and six email chlldreia They arrired in Bnimult from West Orange about eight months ago in a destitute condition, snd oharitahly dUposed, women have always as listed them.

A woman-reaMtekg at the HlgblacidMowM,Bummit, was struck by a hk^cle at tbe ttiter- seetlunof Norwood a\*enue and the Bonlevard left nitfbt. There was no tampon the biryole. The txiliee officers wore inatructed this morn­ing tu irrest all bicycle rlden who were fnund on their wheels after sunset w itbonta lighted lamp.

D. Barger, formerly of East Orange and who rruently purcbasMl considerable real estate in Bummit and erected a number of handnotue resldeocesron Klorkta aveaae, died suddenly early ynterday mjuitiiniF. ^ bad rerently retiiroad from Florida.

The repEirt that Leo Kline, who oon€iiete a tailoring eslabliahment upon Keithock plaoe, 8unmH. had his leg fraetured by a trolley car in Newark on Saturday Is unfounded. Mr. Kliue WAS aboutandattending to business tbe same as usual yesterday. He made a misstep In getti Dg ofT a oar at tbe Broad Street Depot of the Delaware, Laokawanua and Westernrus4‘

MlllbiLrii, bprlugfleld, ifhoH Hills,Tbe wife of Professor W. L. Sprague, princi­

pal of the Springfield labile Heboot, ,had her left hi^nd badly lacersted with a Ueh-hook tha t was coiioealed bn a mantel a t her resi­dence on Wcitfleld avenue yesterday.

Hesidents of Mlllhum Township who are owners of dogs are readily complying with the new dog law, and about Acveniy dogs have been registered and are wearing the regula­tion tag. In Bpriagtleld only one dog, which U owned by Postmaster Oox, has been registered. The police of MfUbnrn have been appointed dog-kllters, but In HpringlHeld no provisJon has been made for tha t work.

Resldrutui of Short Hills are arranging for a publlo display of fireworks oa July 4, and to prevent any dr« or aoolclenl six members of the Hhort Hills Fire Department Kave been detailed for sped£.l duty on tlie nights of July 8 and 4.

The MUlburo Board of Health will meet to­night when fuKher reporu will be submitted and aotlon decided upon regarding over­crowded todging-houiea.

.The Short Hilts Field Club bee eleoted the following offloera i I^resident, John U Bullaid; treasurer, W. M. Deen; secretary, A. H. Dt Rongei governora, J. L. Ballard, W, M. Deen, A. H. De RoDge, W. F. Morgan, J. R. Huilier, Q, C. Kobbe and J. Farr.

No Ferm lts No Stands.Chief pf Police Hopper and Hui

Hundvyeetarday conferred aboui the practice of half a hundHd men who have stau<D on Conuueroe itreet and on Mulberry street between Centre Market and Market street, Many of the men have no pentuta and the police will drive them away.


Valunblo Pvoiw rtr a t B ananlavU Ia, N. J ., a t Bamavkablr Small Prloaa.

H ^ I A L HQTIOM.Ugaa>Ta an * j* b a m arlt iS T a to a ta f «

»mv von aigv gratUv both to vm r kaart’s

A ET»t d«ai o( Iptarett h u been ubiblled In the anuauDcemput raoeutlr made br Meaiira, Maolar & Diivlui real ettata agenCa and hrok- eri. No. 41 H o . street, New York, th a t the brojwrty ol the late OeoTge I. Senev, at Her- nardeviile^ N. J.. la offered for sale f t lota, plole gnd pgroela, adhjeot to p ro ^ r and enlt- able reatrlotiona," at remarkably moderate Hgnret.

Bernardivllle hha (or yean been i|iitte an exolnalve aettlement, being sought principally by peopl. well-kse#n In aooiety, who,favored It mainly on luwoiint of iU invigorating and bnntDi klr, Its ohalmtlng and rohiantlo aoeue- ry, and fu aJtUnde of nine hundred feet above tide water, being tha neareat point to New York cmnblning these apeolal ad.vantagea. Thailkiidbas geiMaalljlrhNn ownad In large

tbeowuera. inclined'to e o l t , a l -

vented the eiM fg»«nl| at the t^K lltlG 'n, oonaennaaboittheeitv^rdlneryiBaeUtof thel'' j^matlon.

Among tbtOTomlnent rsaldenta there bow are Mr. O loo^Sneident et the Obntrat TTnat Oubnpknyt W . Orantwoll, liMSBrar of the MutnAl Ufe Inattraniia OompenVt Mr. B a ll^ -

THIk THAMi' la HU II.Loul* Bruu.1t. A rm i.il In tlait Oriinge ua • deiplH aa, Haa Nearly •I.KI. *

A atraegv I'aae uf traim. waa liruiight to 111* etteiiUoii of Joatioe Elliult at tlm East Orange PolU<t Btallon thla luurniiig. The man gave hia nama a* liouii Braud) and aal.l ba huiieil fnan <i«riiigny. Ha wa.-fimml by o n cer Wolfe on Hawthorne avenue lair last night ami the .itHcer arraated him ns a aye pfrluiis character.

hranilt ha-l on hia head two hat. ami a oap end Ilia clotbaa ware re rg a l and tiithy. When ha w u uke.1 t<i hand over hi. ( ..e laatiiina ba iiroducerl e pncketbuok lu wlih-h wes FI8T..VI, yf which |TI) w u in go|.t Thla monaj, be axiilained. w u what remain.vl of TUO marks, left him by his father two y.—ra aifi). He u i.l that he w u vlxty two y..ani»( age aud w u a veteran. Justice Elliott Jia- charged him.— . • '(JMAT AND RKILLY TO CONTENT.

TK«y As* WisrwMi wnd IHiwhArgnlby tb« tlM rd of Works.

Andrew M. Gray and Oweu Itailiy, tbe foremen who were employed in the Street Department ami who were duchargetl bv the B o ^ of Htree^ and W ater Comuiiasiimars,

•will coatast tha legality of tbe reraovahmder tbe Veteran a c t

Both in«Q are honorably disr-hargeil snt- dlMn and report daily to HujierkDtandcat Muudy for duty,

Weattleld end NearUyaTbf (.’ratiifnrd Township Cominlttfs rind

Howrd of Health met last eveatng. Tba ci>n- diiiuti uf the roads recelveil cuiuidrrsbU* ai. leutlon. TKenaatteraf pulioe pmtectioii fur the town on July 1, when many people from I'Ut of (owu arees|>ccted, was dlscUHiM>d and left to a oominiUee. The Board of Health ordered eeveralBalsaDiwe abated, and dtrectrd that the secretary notify thnee persons whoH* r«ssp4X>li were a menace to the health of the coinuiuiiity,

A parly uf eraogAlista, who iiinke their beadciuarters at Elalufleld, held servioes at Etta Hal], Westflslda last evening. There a as a fair attendance. Hume young meu who thought U a good opportunity to Lsve fun started to create a dlBlurbaucs, but were promptly auppressiMl.

The place formerly known as ** WbecImanN Hesi'’ at Garwood baa been sold by (', A. Smith to tbs Pattena, who kaep the hotel up. ]w/ftlte. It is to he cooducted as a boarding-Luusb.

To-mormw afternoon the following caju'i wl I llw (*a! led before Judge (TolUni at West* fteid: Todd vt. WUcox, Doty ve, Johneun, Uraue vs. Bonnell aud Cross ve. Willetts.

Laid night au Itallao who was under the In­fluence of llqho? fell Into the dltrh across Ceulrnt avsuUc, Westfield, and sustained severe eoalp womada, A man paeslng heard the Italian groaning and aesisted him out uf the ditch. H ew aalakea to the Kallau lodg. Ing-bome nearly end left ta charge of the proprietor of the place.

UetlevUle Polatere*The annual entertamment given by the

pupHi of the female department of St. l i te r 's Parucblal 8ohouJ, Belleville, caused the Fa rocblaL Hall to crowded night. The affair coneisted of recltatloue,, a drama, tab­leaux, an operetta and a cantata. Among thoae who coutributed to the entertalument were Misses Maher. M. Ward, A- Mooney. M. R. MoCabe, Lliele and M. Becker, Mary K, Delghau, M. Murphy, U Larkin, E. Frender> gsM. M. Malisr, K* Maguire, C. Pardy, M. Malague, L. Deighan. N. W'ard, J. Mabor, M. Connelly. M. Hhanaban, A. Cullen, M.X:uiran, H. Rlordan, N. O'Keefe, M. Powera, M. Mc- DtiTiugh, K. Derlne, M. I t MoCabe and A* Byrnes. The annual eatertalnnient given by the pupils uf tbe male departooent wl II be held on Friday night.

At tbe meeting of the Board of Trustees of the HellevlHg Public School Frinripal \V. H. Winslow and Teacbrre Mm. E. Titus, Mrs. A. Aiby, Mias A. Douglaas aqd Miss H. dmlth. whose cert 1 Acates bad been deposited with the trustees, were reappointed*

The napbiba launch from which Wmiam McDonald was drowned a few weeis ago, waa sold on Itatarday, and has been taken to New York.

Aaron Lloyd, of'Malii street, k at Mt. Kisco.Miss Lottie De Momh, of Washington ave­

nue, Is visiting at Oxford, N. J.

WINK AHI'LTBKATION.! M urk of the I'arls l.aburatory—Home uf

till- llvlli Thruiinlereil.F rom M cClura't U b im iu b .

Thus no on* of th r nxmia I vlallcd waa biiaivr than ttaal daroU d to wioa. I d f t. t, in in s , out of 18,UT anaijraaa m ads, 6,iYl wvr* of winex The proportion l i only in krapiiiK with tho ooaaumptlog of Uie

ikiftj, which averagrt about |1S0,000,000 a year, and it I, In barn ionf w ith tha n u n - brrlaaa evilt which, ftoni tha becInniDf Iu th e and of tbe Ufa h lito ry of a bottle of

' F rench wine, combine lo rum Ita charac­ter.

Theae evilt befln w ith m aking. Even if th e natural prouea, be followed, and the wine made hotititly by fernienling fr««b g rapei, there ire varlouideiigeruua atagea which m ake manlpulatloiia necessary. Hupposa th a t tha grapae have been, p er­force, gathered belore properly ripe. There la an exceaa o f acid In tha ferm ent w hich m uit be c o u n te ra c t^ , and the ■ugar m ult be Increased. T here ere deli­cate and approved m ethodi for aocoin-Eliahtng thla. but Ibey are not alwaj'S

andled akUfnlty or console ntloualy, and lonie of them glv -

The Oats Led to Two Arvetta.Louis BuelQtr, a coachman employed bv

Halsey T. Tichenor, of 8iJ0 Clinton avenue, Irvington, owed a debt of amali proportloua to Martin Oanska. of Montgomery avenue, and lo u ^ t to compromiK with Ganaka. n it la claiiiied. The coachman told Gautka, to it is alleged, that if be tent faG boy up to Mr. Tlchenoria ateblei he would give the My two bags of oats and call the bill square. Tbe boy called aad got the oets, and in a very short time Special OBlcer Hopkins got tbe boy who got the oats, aud also arrested Ruaffler. They were arrested in this city yoitaniay, hut Judge Eggers turneil them over to an I r v ln ^ n conatable, as he had no Jurisdiction in the case. The couple were taken to the township th u morning.

Frank Gould Nald to Ba Jealous.A levera lecture on a' husband’s duty was

delivered to Frank Gould, of 15 Oxford street, when be was plaurd a t the bar In the Third Precinct Police Court this morning. Gould bail licen arreeted on complaint of his wife, Maggie, who tnlified, that he bad a habit of Tieating her.

“ He's jealom of me. Judge,” said the com­plainant, " aud I'm afraid be'11 kill me.”

Gould entereil a general denial aud laid the blame of tbe trouble on hG wife. He hung bis li«d while Judge Eggers lecturoil hhn. Tbe defendant promGed to behave tn the future aud wae dL i^ rg ed .

■■ ■ ' - ---- IMrs. Goo. Charged Mrs. Kergan.

A res[»'ciahla-looklng woman, carrying an infant in her arras, was arraignwl before Judge Blott thG niurulng. Bhe was Mrs, Bridget Kivgaa, of Fii-st avenue and Fourth street, and had twen charged by her former Uniilaily, Jlrs. Margaret Goes, with assault and battery. The arrest was the raoult of a landlaift and tenant quarrel, during which,

■so Mrs. Gftos alitgea, Mra. Keegan struiS jher. The latter denied the diarge and aaldaiva ■ —-irv.. s-raei Btuu MUhher former lan d la^ had been beaten by one ■ '' 'The Judge d G c h a r^ Mrs,of her own sona Keegan

Kxir* e»trMi W orken kud WtiCBi.Nuperiiiteudent Mundy and hG asiistanta

had about 500 men from among whom to se- leot the thirty extra men to be put to work op tha Streets this morning, th e pay of the Gboreri has been slightly reduced. The men were formerly paid a t tbe rate of seventeen ceiiG per hour, but under tUe rnle adopted by the new iHwrd they wUI be paid FI..50 for nine hoars* work, making a difference of three ceuta per day. The Eaborers employed hy the Traction companies, Mr, Mnady aaya are paid tl.2A per day.

Trio Arraigned for Alleged Aaaault,John Kinney, of 100 Union street; Joaepb

Dillon, IBii Comiuerca street, and Thomas Kiuusy, 550 Market street, the three men wham James Reilly, of 9 Union street, charges with having assaulted him, were ar­raigned before Judge Eggats a t the Third Precinct Police Court this morning. They pleaded not guilty of tbe oharge and were iiarolod in Captain Italy’s carai to await the action of tha Grand Jury.

They Also Oo to the High SohoeLThe examination papers of three pnpiG o(

tte Eighteenth Avenue School wore mG- and when they were found It was

discovered that the yuutur women were en­titled to adiDGsion to the High School, The graduatee are Clara AssenEeiiu, Carria T Uraef and. TlUle M. Huber, '

CounSarfelt Coins OlronlatMl,A number of spurious ten-oent and 'Hfty-

cent coins have b«*u pasted on Franklin and NutGy storekeepers during the past week, Tha coins are well executM and would de­ceive any one who would not o a r ^ l ly examine them. '

ttaa,'tiG weil-'khqwa bnVei;t Mr. CGmw B. P « t , kreoUeht t Iftf. 'tbatoher M. Adams, law­yer; Or. Purdy.; aaveralof the Masers. Stev- ena, of Unbokewt U r. WtUkua .Xlekaader, aaeraury of the EqhltaUe U fe Aanranne 8o- oiaty,and miily otliBrE'

I t is the geherkl Im y^atad in real tatate oirolai f l ^ t ^ e sitate ba vary rantdiy ab- aprhed'br pgirchaaen anxlona to avail them- aalvH of an opportnnlty heratofoi* eatlw iy an t at tbair' THsih, aad th a t th* arcaent lowOgnrra aakad tor U a y N g n tr sHU-aK l o n g b a u a l n t a l B i d . ,■ " . . j , ess

THE ANIMAL EXTRACTSPrepargn acoordtng to tbe formula of

DR. W M . A. H A M M O N D ,111 hi» tahotatOf r at WMlHn^ton, D. C*

CKRKHRtNK, from t!i* bmlo, for dlHMoi of tho brain aud aervuuaBvatonL *

MEUtlLLlNK, from tho iploal cord, for ataxia, oio.)

CAKQiNEy from tha* haartr for iHwaaw of

fo a l ' . . , n, itum tha teatea. for (llseaaea of 1 ^ testes- (Atrophy of tbeoiyani, sterility,

o Va b INE; from the ovaries, for dlseaaaa of tile ovaries.

MV8CliI.INB, thyrodloe, elo.Iletr, f tre ffra/ii. . P^it* (7 <!m hm ) i7 ,S0.■ The physMoglcal effecG produced by asingte io C . ""Vine a » aooeleratlon of tbs poisewith fee llu of fulna» and distention Iu tbe bMdsOxhilaratioif of ipirita-lnoruaMd uxinary excratloinanginentatlohof theexpuGIve force of Hu bladder and peristattlo aotion of the tntMtlhee, inorease In maaoniar atrenith and aiduranoa, tnoreaaad power of vuinn In elderly |wop!e and Inoreaaed appetite andI detly people a IlgeaUve power,

^ ^ h e re io o a td n the Hammond Ai malladTti

not supplied with traota lotG wlU be

Utaratmre— c ■ trith au exGtlfig IIOB the snbjtct, on rseelpt of prioaby

THE COLVMniA CHSHICJU. OO., W aalilngtea, B. C.

-J; B. tkiilUi * ca., IP Ewed sk; B. t^sWsr, S4S Broad Mat Galaer. Markuaad Wsrtlflkion ita; o a r r ^ 's Pbaroiser, TN Bnwd

h Broa, lUMafsot r ------ *

opportunity for a aort [ j th a t la, pretoiibe a

For aaG by c. a inilUi« Ca.,S4l Bnad Ms

aa'iIS nioa, H swarsstai.;!.^___________ .aad Bioed als.: ffwaliataijaa Mulbatry as..

w « aswasawB,#! 4«* SVTMMal.;(.*iarlH BolibaiMr, ____ __s8tag,tia

«e« Cliaeem lw g 4 W w « r, W awk* »

of offlolal w atering , ___ ____________formula which saves th e wins and de nianda enough w ater lo double the rln t- age.

If th e wine etoapea Id m aking. It U anb- Ject to a multlluda o f maladiaa afterw ard, which m a tt be trea ted ; aud it bappent sometimes, as In hum an medicine, that lUe remedy G worse than the disease. L itharge, lor example, G added to ooun- leraot acidity, and It trauafurmed Into acetate of lead. Alum is frequanlly uied in diaeaaad wines to give them a certain yuuthlulDeaa; aalt and plaster are stand­ard rem edltx But an e ic e t i of any one of theae aubalanoea, or their eniploym enl in coiinectloD w ith certain o ther aub- stancea, may raeult in oomuouoda potl- llveiy rulnonato the health.

W ith anoh m anipulations it l i only In abuaing them , wilfully or ignorantly, th a t the harm Ilea There aro others not In theni.e!vei harmful, and Ih so b io fo tlb e ro U watering. Thirty y e a n ago thG was done in a bold and gross way, elmpiy by adding so much water. I t waa a ffaud, hut nubudy'i health was injured by IL lo-day scienos has oome to the aid of the defrauder. Wine weakened 1^ w ater is strengthened by alcohols of Inferior qual­ities, made from grains and beets, pro­ducing drunkenneas much mors quickly than the nalural alcohol, and antalling niore fatal rasultl. To restore th e color lost in watering various coloring m atters, aiilniai and vegetible, a re used. The very bouquet Is imitated.

Hut science does still m ore for th e de­frauder than this. All of theae proceaiei s^upptiic a baali of grape Juice. Hcience ha-s louiid a way to m ake e wine w ithout Ihia suppnaed esecntial, end so perfectly th a t connolteeuri snd cheniGta hesitate to pronounce It talae.

Hy nilxliig alcohol, w ater, saline and coloring mattere, and a eubsianoe known u the oil o f French wine, a oompoiltion G produced which m any an expert will pasa as a natural wine. T here G one eerl- out dlfacully about thG product, however. The oil which turnGhes ita savor and bou­quet is, unhappily, a dangerous poison, a small quantity of which injected into the veini of a dog kills him In leas th an an hour.

i t ii the butineii of the laboratory to decide If any of the m anipulations and ulsiUcatiuni hinted a t above have been practised on tbe samplea eent lo IL Ex­p ert taaiera begin the w ork, and give t^ e ir Judgment on savor, color, bouqueL T be on enlist then takes It, testing ail ita ozed and volatile qualitle i by bG sure add delicate procesaaa. >

I'AMNB FI’ECIALI8TI!I.Bogs aud Their If leea.*.—W ork ef the

Vei«riuarlan.F rom tbe Fhitadelphia Preas.

Canine specialist G th e term used to deaignate the veterinary prabtlUoner who devotes himself exclusively to tbe ail­m ents ol dogs, and to such a develop­m ent baa the profeaaion been advanced th a t one of tbe main obJecG of th e veterinary asnciallon lately organised in New York City is for tb e auppreasiun of unqualified, ignorant persona from under­taking to cure dogs o f disease. For Instance, it waa nothing out o f the wav when, during the life of the late J. K. Em m et, I waa paid for performing tw o operationa on hie BU Bernard dog P lio llm m on^the dog th a t cost the actor f5,000 in c u b .

I t Would surprise those who have paid no attention to the subject to be Informed of tb e extent of tbe practice of the tew canine ipecialisG i t here are but three iu New York). A latge num ber of my cli­e n t are prom loeut ladiee in fuh ionab le life, who value thair pets’ lives neirly equally w ith those o f human belnga and are quite willing to pay liberally to -have them kep t In heillh . The prevailing fashion In ladles’ d o n Include the King Charles, Japanese, Ruby, Prince Charles and fiienhcfin spanleU, though many a t­test (he Freucb poodle.

iJogs a re subject to sboqt tb* .lam e com plalnta as the human tkmlly, and though dGease in the way of pulmonary tronules, etc., b u frequrutly been known to be transm itted truiii tlie human to the low er anim al, there have but two cases coma under my observation wtiere hu­mans contracted disease from dogs. These tw o oases were of a true uaraslifc char- actor known as mange in the dog or Itch in the hum an, both cases ocemTingwhere the p a ts ware permitted to sleep in the sam e bed with their mistresaes.

Small pot dogs that have Jmod pun- perad and allowed to grow fa t a ln o s t In­variably ore afflicted with asthm a after reaching the age uf eight o r tau years.

In large kennels, where a num ber of dugs are k ep t under the same roof, they are m ore subject tu disease than when a few dogs are toget her. Mange add dG- tem per are then very common aud when thqy appear will run through t h e . entire kennel. The "iilj- remedy G to remove th e anim als aud employ a strong para- ■atlolde.

W bile vGItIngtbe Chicago show recen t­ly I w u called upon to prescribe for Ueofge J. Gouia’swolt hound, th a t bad an a ttack o f haemsluria (hem orrhage from kidneys o r biadden. I m ention ihG aa being rather an uncommon ailm ent in dogs, and am pleased to say the dog waa

. quite well belore Uie eiose o f the show.Among the prominent owners of dugs

G J . PlerpoiiL Morgan, whose kennel u f oolliee G raaklng a world-wide reputation, In addition to the colllea he has a num ber o f o ther varieties of dogs, am ong which ii th e English bobtailed ib e e p d ^ , recently purohaaed of the Hempstead ^ r m Ken- nela. The iiuimal G a novelty in tbe dog line, there being probably bu t six apeul- niena In the whole country. The dog haa Won prieea wherever exhibited by Mr. Morgan. In fox terriers I betteve August Belm ont mey be considered the most im ­portan t breeder. All thesegentlem eu are oon itan t patrons of canine .praetlUoners.


The Snrraee of tlie FLaiiet Hay Be In a Gs.sou. State.

F ro m the Gentle lusii'i Magazine.Taking tbe eartli’e mean dutance Ikom

th e sun a t 92,7118,660 miles, a t given by Harkness, the mean distance of Ju p ite r from tbe sun will be 182,803,6'70 nilles. The eocentrioity of its ellipUcal orbit being 0.04835, IG distance from tbe sun a t perl- belion Is 466,507,780 miles, and a t aphelion 000.100,180 miles. Between its greatest and least dGtancei, tlierelore, there le a differ- enoeor 48,<%,420 mtjes o r about one-balf th e earth ’s mssii distance from th e sun. T he Inolinatiuii of Ju p ite r’s o rb it to the£lane o f the ecliplio being only 1 degree

I m lnetes 41 scuonds—o r tesi than th a t o f any of the utoer large planaG, w ith tbe exception ol Dranus—the planet never departs much irom iheeoUptIo, snd hence it Was called by tbe ancieme tha “ eoliptloRk n e L ” IG period of revolution round

le sun is I t years MAS days.T he Inclination ot iGaxIao

ing nearly ntright a iig le ito th ep lan eo flU orbit, there are practically no aeasont In thG dlsG nt world, and the only variation In tb e beat aud light a t any point on IG snrfaoe would be tiiat due to the oompar- aUvely im all variation In IG dGtanee from the sun referred to above. IG mean dts- tanoo (kom tbk sun being 5.2029 Umea the ea rth 's mean distance from tbe aun, It follows th a t tbe heat and light received by Jitp iU r Ii iwenty-aeven ttmaa (E2 sqnarM ) leia than the earth reaeivea. Toe am ount of heat received from tbe •nn by th u planet G very email, and were It cooiU tnted like tbe ee rtb , iU aprface abonld be perpetualiy covered by (koit anjl anow. For from ihl* being tb e eeae, th e telescope ahowi iU etm oepberc to be In a sla te of oDoitant and wonderfnl obange,

Theae extraordinary ohangea can not possibly b« due to the solar heat, and they nava suggeated Abe Idea (h a t the [danet m ay perhaps be in a red-bot ita te , a mln- ia tn re aim, in fact, glowing With Inherent beaL The greet bnlliaiKqr o f l u sorfee*. tb e “ albedo,''. oa it G called, and IU small density—leas than that o f (he sun—are faota In favor of tbG hypothesta. Aa tbe attrac tion Of JupH er’i anonnona maae would len d er tbe m alerlala near IG centre o f moch greaG r density th an those near Ita tnrfaoe, the k U ir m ust ba consider- ably lighter H un water an d n a y poialbly be lE toe fxtFOO* M*to<

IN TIIK lIBVir.NTr.AB Mll.i.S.

I'ftlu riil K x iH k tirn rr o f it New >4<Arkotitii« AiKid lo He (ten# ritli

Prom HeCiure'a H agaatna When I w ent lu (he superinlendent and

eaked for work, he said, " W hat can you d o t ”

“ AnyUilng. 1 am large, strong, active end wllllag. I have been about m schluery all niy lift, and w ant wurk badly.”

Its touched a button, sod a boy a|t- peared. “ Bhow this man down to th e I'anverMiig mill and ask Fred If he oau du anything for him. Ooud niornlog,” he •aid, and tay iu te rv k w vraa ovar.

I put on my new overalls snd jiituper and followed my guide dow n through th e mill. We mads our way through piles of stuck, rsw m sG rlal, rolls, eto., and cam s a t Iasi to the huge converting mill. The auper- Intendsnt wa* found and the word dsliv- ered. He glanced a t me a monieot, th en •aid, not unklm lly: “ You look good aud strong; Jum p lo and help those fellows there on those vesoela”

I hardly knew w hat be m eant, but through the iniuke aud steam 1 saw some men bsiieath one uf the veweG or eon- Vertsrs w orking w ith sledges and bam to gel tha boltoiii off. The mill with ita ponderous and inaoalve craiiea, the Im ­mense vaaeala all covered with black •rale and eoot, tbe flying sparks, th e roaring flames, the UghG coming and going, tb s a ir fliird with iG am and am oks Slid, flnatly, the shrill and drafsnlng nolle, awed, confused and even dlicon- cerGd ma m ore than I tbould have liked to aokiiowledge,

I ssigsd a elrdge lying near and “ Jumped In.” We at lost got out th e “ geya,” e i they call tbe wedges Whloh huld the eon verier toget bar, and by the help o f a hydraulic rain look the bottom off. ThG left a whiG hot opening e ight feel In d k m ste r and about six feet from the ground, under which wc must work. I t seemed to me ea though the akin on my neck and handa would burst with tb e beaL “ f . ointhea even ateamed and amoked. How 1 wished I h id been any­where under the sun igood old Bol), ra th er than under thG ^endG hly h u tiu u bangitqt ao veiy near u*.

Whan we had the new bottom on we w ent up lo the platform above tb e con- vertere, and drove the keys home m ore •ecurely, and stopped any small bole there m ight be w ith “ ball sluff. “

A sbrisk lng engine passed by me end swiftly poured rnto the couverter a “ h e a t” o f iron. Then ths blast wse turned on, and a cloud of yellow and •affron flame, mixed with sp a rk t end smell partio lei o f metal, rushed out of tb e mouth of th e cohverter into tlie sir. One ot the men caught niu by the arm andRulled me away Ju s tin lime to save me

■oni being seriously burned; for 1 was not expecting the flame.

By noon 1 was so tired 1 rould hardly •Gnd, but I stuck tu It for all 1 waa worth. During tb e tfternoun I fke- quentiy fell dow n bsoause my kiieat were too w sak to hold me up. My hands were burned and blGtered, and my new overalG w e n fllled with holes burned by flying sparks. About 4 o’clock in th e atGrnooii, while working under th e platform, ! was •krtlecT to lee a tlream of red Are run over th s edge o f the pisiform sjid strike In th e m idst uf some w ork­men. Aa it touched tbe wet ground It exploded w ith a rep o rt like that of a onn- non. The m olten metal flew in every direction. Meny workm en were burned mors or leM te v e re ly ; and In the caee o f one poot fellow—It m akes me sick etill to th ink of it—thew teel came down direolly on the heed end beck. We got him out o f the Steam and emoke and ciirelulty and tenderly out bG burned clothing from him. Ae we plaoed him on the atretcher (he bnm ed flesh dropped from nia bones.

When I was relieved a t 6 o'clock it seemed as If I t would have been utterly tmposalble for m s to live In that mill an­other hour. I d rag ra d niyteif to my room and w ent to bed a t once. All th a t night I tossed and turned iny aching bones, try ing to go t into some position less p ^ n n il w a n th e lasL I was tortured by a thousand grotesque faiidea, and by tbs picture o f th e poor fellow who was burned so badly. A t last I gut into an un­easy drowse, bu t 1 felt as if I had not been asleep a m inute when ray alarm clock an ­nounced to me th a t It waa 4:45, and th a t I must get up to m y 5:10 breakfast. ^P h , tbe misery o f th a t n stn g and gomk to the mill I Every, bone and sinew seamed aa if made of red-hot Gon and tb s JoluG aa if rusted together.

I t woe a derk foggy morning, I found when, having deaperately got up enough

• ■ - Ted

aofroG tlon be-

ym ^m / iLsm iNn.d BUZZ SAW,"BABB TM ES"H u out profit* Into Teiy nurow margin*. £x*mpla* nup bo •oen tt thla *tor*.


D o n of Fricos 01 i F o i i i AiUclos;UnderwearSpecials.

t ’HIUlHEVg FINE OAUEB, "ieevss. eaiorGd afylas

iOOdossn LADIEK* FINEST WlllTS; I.AW.N WAIHTK, Una plaits friini aud hack, Urg* ■issTS, trimmed with emhmidary aruiinil cin- lar and Urge Jabot, wers t l 75.

T O - M O l t I tO W75C .

A Job lot of the I'El.KBRATKD HEIlftY WAISTW. in cheviot, whlls ptalteil ami nil- orsd ebambray aud Gvto, wars lt-15 to tl.VA

To-fflorrow 9 8 CtS

uf flnl“iK ouvared or iTury bottona*Iilxr lAo. i o 2to ., xll i l m . I I toM -loehs to-;

l i s t OtF-

llOdoisn I.ADIEr FINK HIDBEDYKaTfl,, III white, erru. pink xiiil blud, Ixr# lUsdsiettAie' ueck, ribbud Id xnnholMi« r*f. 28c., to>MMTOir«

la cl*.


liWJ.iasn I.AlliES’ B inllE U EO RIBBED LINLE TIIKKaD honk, solid fs tt block or fast black Gnit, with faiicr eolurad tep ,rtfu -lar 8tk-. sud dSc., ta-morrow,

2i) ct*.int ilosen 1..trHE»’ FINE GAUGE FULL

BKlirLA It MADE TAN IIU8R, ta in t tfa., to­morrow,

12J ct*.

Clearance Sale of Carpet RemnantsALL KINDS or CAHi’F.TR, LN LENGTHS OF 5 TO « YARDS,

4 0 c . Y d .In Our Upholstery Dep’t.

will-power to dreas, 1 tuihbli" • I. The

out to myboardlng-honss. T he Pittsburg anioke and fog are proverbial, but I really th in k th a t on th a t particu lar morning one m ight have cut tangible ebunks out of tbe black n e t air. T he boardwalks in Home- atesd are never in repair, and on tbe way to th e niilG I stom bled along througii I ud aod atones, over boarda and into holes, carrying in my hand my tin dinner bucket, w hich contained my raid-day meal.

On my flrat Bunday we rsUnsd the enn- verler, and It becam e my duty to stand up tn the inverted vessel and hand up the ball stuff and llm esione w ith w hich to re . line It. Tbe vessel bad been left to cool simply over n igh t, and I suppose the tem ­perature o f tlie dry air Inside ot it stood a t about 140 degrees. I worked as hard us I could, bu t near noon I falpled, for the first time tn my life.

My experience a t Homeatead was the experience o f th e m t^orlty o f workmen there,

ftJ ivn n pnjify ttHh thf l/trprtt rtfrutuflon, /hf fnft lAoT l( tHu tke rtcvo n lw il (lUMrTuifjtf imiii'ituujoififl iU t'OTiu’ 40 r>ii4fA Mr i/rtatxr.


Tlnycd hy llo incttak it Mrn DnriugW iltin g UoQTi,

From McCInre’e M agtilne.Amldat all toll and d in g er the men ere

not w ithout th e ir sporG. I t G, let us aup- poee, t o’clock lo th e m orning, and word has come to tbe Tolllcg mills that the onn- vertlng mill haa b roken down and th a t there will be no m ore eteel for at least three boors. T he w alte rt dispose theio- •elves for rest or p lay oa best they oen. There G one w ho hee fallen asleep in ■pite o f hia efforts to keep awake. He sleeps the sleep o f u tte r exhaustion. B ut creeping stealthily tow ard him Is a fallow- workman, w ho haa in hG band a piece of freihly bu rn t U m aitaoe and a oup of water. He placea tb e limestone on tbe sleeper’s leg, and ponrv tb e water on It. Tlie limestone begins to steam and atiiuke.

BUU tbe man sleep* on. But in i mo­m ent he atlri u n e a u y , then springs to hit feet w ith a ory o f pain, only to be greeted with a howl of laugh ter from a crowd o f men wbu b a re been watching the fun (7). He bolds the h o t barned o lo lho l bis trousers away from his bliaterod skin. Any wrath he m ay have he best keep to himself, fo ra m an caught sleeping u a fair m ark for any Joke, however hard. I have teen a ahovelrul of ho t land put on a man’s ahoe. No m atte r how quickly th e vGtlm may get hia ahoe ofll In luob a c u e , he has a large blister to warn him not to sleep again,

There G Bill, th e greatest wag In tbe mill, u le e p In p lain s igh t on a pile o f aana. In Bill tbU looks auaplcious; but a ooafldlng fellow-workman, Jlin, who has been h it victim in m any a trick, steali up to “ bug ” biro, M thla burning a mku with a bit of lime G ostled. Bill, however, baa a flaxible. Jointed Iron pipe concealed iu the eandp^and aoonfederate atithe valve. Ae Jim G at out to piece tbe lime, Bill raises bla arm w ith the ncuile under i t ; hG confederate tu rn s the valve and a •iream of w ater one and one-quarter Inchea In diam eter, driven with a force o f 600 pounds to th e square inch, strikes Jim •quarely In tbe chest, lifting him clear from the ground. BUI .coolly keeps the noixle pointed a t him and completely drenchoe him , though he erawG away os last aa he can.

A man lying dow n, but obviously wide awaka, G spproaohed seoretly from be­hind by another, w ho pUoea a hot brick oonvenlenl to hG graep. Then the eeo- ond, with much ra rad e , roakesan attem pt to “ bug” him. T h e lounger springs to hG feet with a ory o f rage, and looking about for somatfalng to throw , seiies the hot brick, and gete a blistered band-4o nnru-along with, hie w rath.

Bueh ore the ir Jokeo. Rough* R ather)' bob then, (he w ork G voogh, to o !

Tsks advantage of ths stxcGG In thG departOMBt to furoGh your cutiiigri with

SHADES ADD CDBTAfflS.fcCOO Hxnd Pxlutad Opaqn* Window SbodMa u f to *

rollon and Trloge, ipeefal at

24c. each complete^IGg iGr Tains l5o.

Wood Cnnaln Poles, brass rrimmlngs, complete (ev

12> c. each,Extra Quality Laos Striped Scrim, lultabG (or cotte*s


4c. yard,with ealmd spot aad flf«n

10c. yard,Batlsts Cottage Curtaining, with eclored spot and figom

ilulgn, special at *

" ’ " , “ Ffliirtli!”F i r e C r i i c k c r M ,

F i r e C r a c k e r P l f i t o l K ,

T o r p e d o e s ,

C u p P i N t o l f t ,

F l t t K N

l i U i i t e r u H ,

l i Id lie Gitf.

l a u u c l i B a s k e t B ,

Y a l l i i e s ,

P a r a s o l f t ,

F i i i b r e l l a j i ,

H u m m o e k a ,

I f a t a a u d S l i o e a ,

O i i t l n i s C i h i r t a .

THAT jVIISTfll^EUf (he ffiatmfectiirer in aendlnir tin Ihe ftooda a i an Loop*

portuue liu Rnvml ihf nunif roua bujrera fteveral UulUrs each ou uur



AttI riuvpriior RefrigurAtur..................(ioee for«,4H(Mjvfrruir Kofrigerator ................Ooaa for tfi.Mil’UftOovt-riiur ItafrlKiTAlnr................(Jo*a for >7.95iVAjflOoviTuur l<efrt*fflrniur ............ Uoaa for #9 tf3jl^s|«<kjv4ruur |tafrlifrrM<»r................Ooea for ttsftS

............. forHrfrit(erator.............. ( i w for • Ifi.Id

ilfi.WOi»vprru>f Kefrlgeraior...............Oi»ea for StiefiVlj( *5 n<iverni>r Refrigerator*.,.,....... (Me* for tlBsS^

i^JUovrrtjor Kefriiieraior...............Duel fur Sl7ei4And HO im down the entire llat.

HAHNESCO-IHAHNEiCO.Only House S elling D ouglas

Shoes a t Reduced P rices.

HOTZ m236 Market Street,


I ^ E W A I T K , N . J ,We have DoUKlaa Show la 91^

•g .60, ts .d o , *4 and MMen's; aiui •& LadlW*;

Buya' Aud «le7» Yuutha’. PrioM and

uame aiamped oa hot- tom of every paA


fcS, ,1., ttf jHfvu

S T E A M E R M A R T H A ’S V IS E Y A K DIjcavrs C'lniJTiim'ial harf daUy,9;1A A. M. and

1;! > P. M., via Suu lieui'h ll. from Ra}’ Ridge* f'ui Out Tltlft CuuiKiJ!i. bring it wjih you. aatl

w brn buvinif woriliof ahinjaai rlore of “HOTZ f<lil()E i ’O.," Ivirt Market St. cor. Mulberryj New-

~ ou will receive, free of eburge, a HoundfromTrh] Ticket toL'oTiev Dland. (londany time thin soafiini. Tao MHfl coupon

KKAV'H when you go to Coii4*y leJand and aare the price of tliu full fare, uOc.


Are You Buptiired?WE CAH CURE YOU ill OF to DAT4.

Jn either w i.a ta l l wt'A. A written g' ................

. .............. .rantee to poettlvely CUB#AY. No 1‘o ^ n g Uperatioa. .

Throw k m a y w ^■WHEA CURED, ,


R O O M S 7, S, n aud 10, 770 B R O A D S T R E R T . B E ltJ A S I lK FK A N K L IIV , M. U . . ..................................UbGf of Uaflloal SlolL

CUNBULTATION PRER-» A. M. to S P. M. dally. Tuesday and Friday,« A->L to ( P. U. LadlM treated a t their resideucea. HefersBoan • ( our olBsa.

EVENING NEWS ^3 3 .0 0 0 ClBCULATldg:.





m l

gottt m£OKMHIS VS}TMt nenTHtfi To-Konnow WILL m otstir u ocvcrally rim mo wmiim, with wives wosnr souTHenLt.

l i e e p i o g f i t I t I

There is never any let-up in bargain-giving at this es­tablishment. W e keep at it in season and out, rain or shine, irarm or cold. W e know it’s appreciated—the crowds that fill our store daily proves that. W e are at it again to-mor­row, and the bargains are better than ever.

f\ Four-ttour Sale of Ladies' White Waists.

From 10 to 12 A. M. and from 1 to 3 P. BLt t doMU Wnlta fjkWQ Wftliu, aukdeof (oral nwtcrUil.with

U n« .Imvwi, pliUWiI rtifll)* dimu front, tnrkwl front wirt tw i- p U M bnclu turn-down cullnr, two unlx to rnon caitomnr uartDKuan b o rn hoar*, n t.......................................................................... .

Tbla Wnlat enn ponlttrrlr not bn mndn for Uh thno Wo,


1 11,


Hosiery.MerinoUnderwear.Lwll««*Whtt« Hwiw fUbbrrl ToTtOll

rml»rw«ftr.lr»wii«crkN kncl iiieeve- l«M, with nbboiUn 'JMi\ TKiue, for.......................................... .

UdlM ' TiM RlhlHd Vftl, Vwitii, In whfto imlf. v itb low nenliA Ktid Abort ileofWiA t n 7 Mftrp* wrtld^


25c. and 45c

A f^w doien loft of thoMRibbed UotUm VnU, #ln colom only, ttOn v&lbo, for...* .................

f bite Legborn Fiat Hats,Vw iJkdiH nad (IbUdrnn, Ann nnslllf.

fn n tn n n ' i^ n ln r prion ttc., nU dnx to-i'for

1 5 e e n t i .

mAiui* >7 to^moiTtiw

Fine Flower Ireatbs,DiUAlfA, Wild FIowahi, eto., aU Ado goodi

which ontt |A.CRI to |T.A0 par doAeti to hlltUy tOflMrruw for

1 5 c e n t o .


LAdkft'nAUBO KBlckerbooker DrAw-•r«n kxMO IcDgthi.................... . .

57c. and 46c. pr

H e

Mnn*n >ntDml Wool ClonMiiur ShlrtnC/)/< aa nud Urnwnn, n vnr/ floe *nruKUt.

Mnn'n Hnoltnrr Shirtn, with nhort KQq ■Joovnn,........................................ .

And n f«w donrn Inn of thane Meo'n EInrtrto Hlun IHlk Tniturr Mnl- brfpnnn Nhlrtn nnd Urnwern, r.>c. 9 0 .-Tnlue, fo r ..................................... J V C

tlen'n IlnlbrlnnB Shirt* p u l Itrnw er», In Uvrndnr n h u n . wHlijr/),. h'rMicbflninh.................................JU C .B a

Cblldren'n Unnin, nonnuni-r nod Suminer Mnrlou Shirtn nnd Ifrnwen lufm ntTnr- Inir.


liMllofl* Fftncy Drop HMteh TJaIc HoMi with blAolt buoUukd high

lAdiM* Fine QnnUty KUU and Tah HoWr with pUIn bno1« ami faitoy • r r lp ^ tope, SAc. goodt, fur...........

IdOitlM* Gaum IJlil* Hom. gUAratileAd foAt black, A very cooi pmmmer •looking And etiptiior quality,^ Ca a,* Aod A g ^ AAc* TAltw. for..............^ a c , p r

ano dcHten Chlldren't FAst Rl*rk boamlMt Ribbed <Vittoa Kom. bIim

A iolHi, good Arm qUAlliy. a rbgu-Ur Hk).iU}oking,wmleihArt to J4c>pt'Mcq^ Tau and BlAte U aIa TbroAd

8nck>, with dmibie MlrAn novgr told for lew tbouSiOn pAlr.ni»*.nnn

& C O .



Snips i Hiicb.MexloAH Grnw HAmmocka, with f f j *

aprcAder. 70c. taIui*. vw v

MexicAb UroAt HAmmorkHn brtided OQa edge, with epreAtler, IIJA vAlue.* m vi*

MextcAn OroM HAmmocka, large aIu ,with Apreoder, hooka AUd ropw, M 9Q$i.rOTAiue,.............. ...........................

kCexicAn GfAW, «xtrA larg** cloM meahea* with apreoder, hooka, ro^fl and OrieDUl pillow, ^BO

Bogutiful dtAig&An wttlf Atodlopad edget on very Ado quAlity mAterlAl* worth tolly 16c*, All day to-momiw fo r..,............................. ........... 1 8 1 c e n t o

Dotted Sf Isses,Rnnll and Innin dotn nad flfnrH, mntnrlnl of

jood qtinlltx, onsiwt bn pnrchnnnd nojwbnre n ^ n r Xto.. i-Dwnow,

1 8 , c e n t o .

Oriental Laces,While, w ry flue foodA the ftowwt And

ehoicMit deaignii, regoUr 1 ? ^ And lAo. qUAll- ilei, to-morrow lor

6 c e n t o .

Special Sale of Dress ShieldsT h e bent D rem Shlehln Iwfore th e L ad ies o f N e w a rk to -d ay a re tboM

s ta m p e d w ith o b r f ln u n a tn < ^ “ T H E L,' 8 . P la u t * C O ." Thene have a b ig ta le , l iu l m o re w om en should k n o w o f th e t r m erits , a n d for t l ie p n rp o se o f g re a te r In tro d a o tto n , W IL L Q U O T E S P E C IA L P R IC E S F O R T H IS W E E K . W e g iv e th e fo llow ing g u aran tee w ith each pair—Ju s t to sh o w t h a t w e a re n o t a fra id to back u p o u r^ R i i a i S H I E L D B E F O R E T H E P U B L I C ” S T A T E ­M E N T .

LADIES’ RIBBED YBSIS,la white, with Upnd d h I» nu t nbcll^tltehnd nrtn*. fuicx rlbbnd, nnd 1 A A A n d w fa nnrg, ihniind, wtth taped aneh and nm u. Ite. nud ITc. guodn. for...... .H.V W U M

milB BtBROIDBRIES,' Knw opnnwork pnttnnu. wtth wide ronifliM, . « Sae Bwtae end Cuubrlo, oMollj Ifc., tu- i narrow for _

1 8 1 c e n t o .

NEW SILK MITTS,Blnck, estrn qnnlltr, full length, white em-

broideix on bnot, regulnr prioe Kle., for

8 5 c e n t s .

ilE I'S FME SILK IBCKWEAB, 'U to# dMlgnOelA medium miora, flne QuaUty ellk, lAteat ehApea, ' | A _____

• teeka ADdlUln-hAoda, rgfulAjr prioe M6c. Apd lAo., tom orrow for............ J . V V T V IiM

;lc(rtloed-tBd Senen Doon,Oomplate,

98 cents;50 Feet Beet 8-ply Hom;

w ith reel nod noule nnd eonpltne*.

$4.98i Golvitbla Lawn Howen,

WArrAutod i(,he b iit tnAde*

$4.69■ i^nart Gem lee Cream Freezers,


2-bnrner OU Stovee,59 cents

2'bnrner Qas Stoves,98 cents

Oor Challenge Refrigerators.w ithout na ^ u o l, regalnr tlOTt lUe,

$7.98Haoe's Diamond Refrigerators,

Bent of nof t wood boxes, legnlnr th-BS .Ice,


U e B a m b e r g e r & C o . ,1 4 7 a n d 1 4 9 M A T I K B T S T R E E T .

Id) 8n H Aimii

. ruBSnc’Tb__

TO-MORROWlid ta« Biltnce of ttia Wetl .

i Alot of Ghildren*a Gray CanVM Oxford TI««l{ trimnAed, ^iiei to lOfi, at 46e.

UlMM*. Bixee 11 to 2* At fldc, They are worth double the prioe.I

iChUdves i Dongota Hprlngheel Button 8boet, iiMA A to l at 45c:.x AUa 0 bo 11, at 4Mc.

;Cblldreq TAti-coloreil Goat 8prSnghcrl Dnt- too 8hoes, lizea 0 to A, 09c,, and to 10^ AtTffow

‘Xedtoa* Dongola 8bo«iK, difTorent atyle>s Ini button And Iaco, 1). K an<l RE wldtho, Bbea SU to At S1.4H. ThU eboe bAtt

■moothlnncr Bole, BoUd leather omAnter, U nicely fliLlthed, Aud wb guarautee Uietu to wear rquul lu Aoy |2 Hhoe you buy oIm - Where.

[ffAdtM* DongolA Oxford Tfeii. pAtent leather ilt»$ and potent leather trimmed, in all the different Htyle tm‘$ and all Hlircft. atilt»$ and patent leather trimmed, in all the different Htyle tm‘$ and all Hlireft. at 9ltc., SJ.Ud, SlnTfi, worth I1.6U, ll.t^and |2.'2,V

:ljAdleft* Tan>colored Oxford Tien, In all the leoiHrig ftylcA and all a t 7Ar., OAr., Sl.A5n They are worth |1.00, f 1.60 and $1.76. The difference g»e«into yourpocket.

Goni^ne RoBHiACalf Tan-oolored 8hoee, razor toes, wlug tip, homl newed.nt S3.9H.

'Slea'B Calf Locc Hboee, tan eoUired. SlnDg, former prlc« $a.(io, warranU^d ivatid sewed f If not, mimcy refunded. Wo invito you to loulc At this r1)o«. even if you have no ItA- tentione of buying.

'K en 's Genuine Calf Cfitigreot GMtem, solid leather counter, ooUd leather inner oiid outer sole. slMa 0 to (I, ut S I .49. They are Jlttem and wear?ra, regular %'i shoo.

.Boya' Bolld Leather Lace 8hoe% elzoa 11 to 2. At And H to at 7Uc. These areobeAp shoes, but goou ahoes.

Our Little Favorite ttof hnys) and oar Little Lady (for girls) ul 9Ac. are simply im mense: TVytbem.

Bemember money ret nroed ahd no questlonii Asked If not sattiflpd wUh your iMirguin After sxatulotog thorn nt home,

L 0 W Y B R 0 8 . ,

160 Springfield Aveime,ftfiX M n Htmard and Broomt Slrttla,

L o o k f o r H o r s e S h o e S ig n O v e r t h e D o o r .

oni iniilGs mm I O'CLOCL

T h e F a i r , S T E I N & B L A U ,

1 9 6 -1 9 8 Springfie ld A ve.

WE JUST RECEIVED40 driMn Bosrs* l*nwn Biouaes. sIkcs $ to cs

with colored collars ana cuffs, cheapa t toe., for to-morrow,

29 cts.26 doran I^idlos’ 8birt WaistR, ,T2 to 44,

double ruffle. Ucc edged,in white lawn, indigo bint or percAla, a i>argsln at fl&e., to-iuurrow,

46 £ts.20 dnxen Children's laiwn rappi. all alzet,

double lace edged rncH Ing, front corded lawn, never sold lesa than 19e., to-morrow,

6 cts.dies' Rnfflet Oifoiir 7&C. ahoe, to-ntor

59 cts.16 dnten Ijodles' Rnfflet Oxford TIcr, slzea

2H to T, regular 7&c. ahoe, to-ntorrowi


1. Mjlnd to Um dintlBCuUUni f u tu n * *od X Hlrn ut th* U; A P. A ('o. Bhlnld. BT.rxjuur ut

ATTENTION nutirelx nSP-f* BfafaVlUaunie iI wnex tat Bhleli nJhld ouiM t*

Tram DM of noma.

‘ttom u d l,fa If 0(4 tfapounl*

CAUTION- rnatCacblBg this Dress Shield to the gar­ment sew through the binding only. If sewed through toe centre the Shield wlU be ruined.

The L. 8. P* Co. Lieht W eight Shield.PufA White, for Summer Dresses,

••• ■ gixeSSlM 1

8 c 9ice i n l

lie61m 4

1 2 ic

Mosquito Net Canopies,In medlurn and large »>lMs,wlth celling At-

tochmunTH complete. Also Canopies mods of Hobinel lace.

P r ic e s $1.15 to $ 5 e a c h .

Mosquito Net,Bx tbe y .n l ur In *11 the iMulliig (xion.

Tarletans,law trerxl oulun.nd qUallllM.

Sammer Comfortables,y t f y light weigh*, mode of Ijflkaltne, ChoesA

Ctoth APd RAtlale.$ 1 .4 9 u pw ard .

Summer Blankets,Very tight weight, in gray and white, 10-4 sliss,

7 5 c . per pair.

Lap Robes and Horse Sheets,Linen Lap Rcbea, In plalu cnlors and strlpee,

with knotted or plain fringe, full slxe,7 5 c . and 9 5 c . e a c h .

Momie Cloth Dusters,Full *1». frlug.d,

9 5 c . e a c h .

Mohair and Cloth Robes,Very light wrighi. In stripes, plaids, etc.,

tr lm iu ^ with iiiiasls tan leather,$ 1 .2 5 u p w ard .

Horse Sheets,Of nation and light woollen materlAle, best

makesi foil aixe,$1.15 u pw ard .

U. S. Bunting Flags,H.fiil»t.i*«,miid(«wlth p»trnt clamp, dxed

rn lon .pd HiHiwi. nbwvlut.lx f**t color.. The n ..tc .t anri 1w.l flag m ul.. A load a.- Mrlrocnt al. I'KlCEsi UAVKKTHAS EVER BEFORE.

D, S. Standard BantingHy the yard, in red, white and blue, 18 Inchee

wide,17c. p ery a rd .

Calico Flag Bunting,In several <k>rigDB, at

5 c . . 7 c ., 10c. p e r y a r d .

Reed Chairs and Rockers,A large osaertment always on bond, prom^yt

delivery Inmured. rrices$ 1 .9 8 u p w a rd .

T h e P o p u l a r S t o r e .The governing principle which regulates

the business of our house m eets with the approval of the masses, nam ely:

One Price to /kll # That the Uowest.

9 t o 12 I 0 I O R R O W

Ladite's’ Calico W aists, ruffle yoke, turn-down collar, U rge variety o f patterns, worth 39c., for

17c. quality fine Sateens, light and dark effects, for W ednes­day m orning only at the ridiculous price of

t o . y d .

2T-lnob E m b ro id e re d F lo u n c in g , th e 40c. g rade , At.......................2 5 c . p e r 5 » r d

2T-lnch E m b ro id e re d F lo u n c in g , th e 60c. g rade , n t .......................3 5 c . p e r 7 » n l

DT-lnob E m b ro id e re d F lo u n c in g , th e 76c. g rade , a t .......................3 0 c . p e r y a r d

L a d ie i ' A ll-w ool T an C overt C lo th Bulbi, B lazer elTect, la rge eteeveg a n d w id e sk ir t , reg u la r 96.60 q u a lity , a l ...................

L ad ies’ D u ck H o u se D resse^ w ais t p la ited back an d ffo n t, large co llar, e x tr a w id e sk ir t, regu lar p rice 91.06, a t ...........

L ad ies’ S h ir t W ais ts , lau n d e red co llar an d cuffs, n e a t figures an d str ip es , a lso b lack g ro u n d s w ith d o ts a n d stripes, 75c. q u a ilty , a t ........ .......................... .............. ....................... .

$ 3 .9 8$1.484 8 c ts

T b e l i . B . P. & C o . B e a t Q u a l i t y P u r e B u b b e r D r e a s S h ie ld ,NAlnaook; Coveiwd,

Rlxa 1 SIm I 61m $ 81m 4

91c 'Uc 12ic 14c’T b e L . S . P . & C o . B e a t Q u a l i t y S e a m le s s S t o c k i n e t S h ie ld s ,

S l» 1 S i» 9 61m B 81m 4

die UsC 13c 16cT o m ak e th is e v e n t o f g re a te r In te re s t w e sh a ll sell a il o th e r D ress

S h ie lds, w ith th e ex cep tio n o f o n e m a k e , A T A D IS C O U N T O F T E N P E R C E N T . ____________________________________


T hat $3.95 Portiere Offer of Last WeekmomiwYoole; if not, xurelyon ThanidAy. fa oleven color­ings. hcA 'T (Imible lAAscI fringe 10 InohM dpop, rich dodoa27 inchoa wide, heavy chenille and 100 Inchee wide to pair, a grand valae when sold a t oor price to continue a t......... $ 3-<)5

L. S. PLIUT t CO. - - 707 TO 721 BROAD STREET.


HAMMOCKS, • Terr Isrie line, With TOpM, hooks *nd BUreAdeni.

MATTINGS MMl m a t t in g HATS. aU pries*.

SHADFA a w n in g s and LAWN T15NT8, innde to order for otix *nd cuantry home*.

THUNKS In nuinx styles snd slxoe.STEAMER TRUNKS in several elme.SATCHELS, EXTENSION CASES,


BATHING SUITS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN—Blue n*nnel trimmed «1Ui white braid. Slid white flannel trimmed with blBB. FOR MEN AND BOYS-One-pleca Blue Flannel Suits, in m a t variety, and Knit Jeraey ClothSitlu, two pteoe*. In savy blue.


LADIES', MISSES' BOYS' AND YOUTHS’ SHOES, in lateet atyleti for eommer.

For any want in the aMOriment of a FIRST. CLASS DRY GOODS IIOUHE, apply to us.

Thoae P rfa te d I n d ia S ilk s a t 3 5 c . p e r y » r d a re " T h e T a lk o f th e T ow n values 40c. to 60o. _________________

I ■ ■ , . . ’O ur assortitaen t o f D o tta d S w l^ rem a in s u n b ro k e n ......1 8 c . t o 3 8 e . p a r y a r d

G e n t’s F rd b c h B a lb r lg g a n S h ir ts an d D raw ers..........................................5 9 e . e a c hP ric e b e g in n in g o f th e season w as 75o

24-lnch,B lack B ro cad e In d ia S ilks, d ressy , g ive godd w ear......0 3 c . p e r y a r d

B lack S ilk O h an tU ly L aces, n ew d esigns........................... ............... 2 0 c . p e r y a r d

B lack B ilk B o u rd o n Lace, e x tra h e av y w o rk ...................................3 5 c . p e r y a r d

B la ^ B M k jB tn r d o a L ace . B in ch es..... \ ........ .........L . . . . . . . : . ...... . . . , . '4 0 c . p e r y a r d

F an cy r ita u ffc a b le B ilk Parasols, regu lar p rice 93.B8, a t . ................... ( 2 . 9 8 e a c h

B lack Surah b i lk P a raso l, w ith lace In sertio n , reg. prioe 94.60, a t . $ 3 . 2 0 e a c h

B lack S ilk M oire P araso l, tr im m ed w ith lace, reg. prioe 96.60, a t . $ d . l 9 e a c h

& C O ,1 5 0 T O 1 6 5 M A R K E T S T R E E T .

D H I D S I f i l l U S ,

E. HEYMAN,Hie Lowest Price Shoe House ie the City.

W. I I D E R & C701, 703,700 Broad StriNAMCIAIs.

I1.no Mioaefl* notfoD, rnuBt tip, At Titc., l U o fc

75c. Childrens llunsH Iltittao* at 6ar. ll.AO Gepta* linfT Sole 8hoea, Laoe and

Conirreae, AtOeDta' Chepli CanvoB Iaam* Bboos, fall

leather trimnipil. hi rvov.Tfic. Boye' raiivoN Laco Sboea, full trtm iiwl.

ftlxeB 11 to 2* 4»o.7fc. Ladlea* Donifola Oxford Tie*, opera Aud

enmukon aenee* alzen ilHilo 7, only dlfo* eilc. Chlldrea'a lfoK«dt liutton, iprlngheel* 4

0 ftpAidlto.

$1.00 Kid and Donj pero* kid liaed^ sfxea I

dU Isodie*^ House 8)Ip-to 8s At e sr.

75o. Ladlp8’ RtiMttt Oxford Tien, hand eewod. 8H to 7, o&ly flPu.

T6o. IlongolA Oxford Tie*, intentleAtber lip, aItkm 11 to k, only 45o.

il.26 Huvb' Hiiuat tnuttoD, Alzeft 11 to 5U, at 9 Kg*

40c. Infants' Tan Botton, S to 6, aIThere are A few left of onr 81.4R (ientv

Tun Shn«*. If you want a pair yoo’d, Itetter get them before they are aU gone. They are worth toe. per pair mor* than we sell them at.

E > . H K8 1 S - 8 8 0 S p r i n g f i e l d A v e n u e .


National '4

Newark Banking Co.,

7Sg BROAD STRE ET,Cor. 0/ Baiiffi Strtci.

For n(ncf i/ j/rn r» thin lum k has trans- ach’d InuirwHS, juur«»<nflr a policy of comcrvniitw lil/eralUy, a n d still offers to dralcrs all the convenictwes and acronwtodatiotu which a good bank can i/ivc,

CHAS. G. FOCKWOOD, Pres. F. K CAMPBELL, Vieo-Pres. H. IF. TUNIS, Cashier.

WONbERFE VALUESIn Onr U nil laim

L adles’ D u c k S u ita , v a lu e 91-88, w h ile th e y last, a t .........................................$ 1 . 2 5liad ie s’ W als ta , ru ffled yoke, large sleeves, a l l sizes, m ade of bes t M errl-

m ao l i g h t p r in ts , v a lu e 35c., w h ile th e y last, a t . . ..................... . . . . .1 9 c . eac liL adles' W rap p e rs , m a d e o f good q u a lity calicoes, fast colors, in ^ 1 sizes,

w h ile th e y la s t, a t ........ ......................................................................« „ . . 4 0 c . aaett'


' LADIES’ GLOVES.25e. a pair. Having purchaood f i ^ A gloTO ujaporter 118 doxon Lodlra' Pore

and HWk and Une» Glovet* In all aiiodea* never sold lou tbao toe., your choice of the entire lot, ae tong ae they iMt,

A t 2 5 0 . a P a i r .

LADIES’ HOSE.At 9Rc* a pair. Extra Superior French Uole

mellea Bibbed Ho«e, gaaranteed


N o ! Positively the Last Weeh

S te in & B la u ,196-198 Springfield Avenue.

IT ISN’T STRANGEThat Our Name Should.

Always Follow When

D IA M O N D SAre Mentioned.

-^W hen Buying Precious Stones Oo ..tO, a Reliable House.

O f m a k in g and lay in g C arp e ts w ith p a p e r w ith o u t ch arg e a n d g iv in g nw ay M ix e d Maltre«.H nnd Bed S p rin g -w lth e v e ry Bedroom S u it so ld , o r g iv in g aw ay a J a r g e M oqueito l iu g w ith every P a r lo r S u it sold.


7 8 m a r k e t t i t r e e t * I T e a r P l a n e S t r e e t ,

H a s -Ju s t rediKt-d th e p rice o n e -h a lf on R efrigerators, F a n c y M attin g , Chll d r e n ’s C arriages en d P iazza C h a lra D o n o t fall to g ive us a ca ll if in w an t o f a n y ijf th e aiwve goods, „

W.T.Rae&Co.Broad and Cedar Sts.

T l s A U H ,

1 6 1 W a s h in a t o n S t.,CORNKR Of WARREN.

STORING FUftNITUftE.N o tw ith s ta n d in g th e season la so m e frM t over, y e t w a a re busy on ac­

c o u n t o f o u r bu ild ing b e in g n ew , o le a u lin e s i a n d ra tes reasonable.

Furniture M oved With Vans.T E L E P H o S e 5 8 0 ,

AMOS H. VAN HORN <'*'ted>7 8 Mirtit |trnt. leu Pltn Stnet, liiu t, 1 1.

L B iE E I Tl if e in s u r a n c e c o m pa n y .

N E W A R K , N . J ,Am z I nODU, . . . . P m td M IAH8KTS (Market Valuat) Jan- L

IBM.......................................■ ... S6&s84aL0QSLIABILITIES, N,Y. Md M oii

Standard................... 4ft,74e,aOI47eUHPLUH.................................... a,«Bs790 11SURPLUS formier !^,' ,StA5d>

ard <Am- Ex. 4^ per cent Ito*oervej....................................... «AR&.70r71

Pulicieo Abtolutely Non-FortoitubU After Becond Tenn

1h r.ARR o r tJie polloy la OONTlWUXPmroRcx M iong M Ua value will pay for; olW preferred, ft Ptdd-up PoUoy for ttl foU VAtiM la leeoed In exoboage.

After the eeeond year PoUciea Are iitooW’ rx»TABLE,0M>1 oU (1$ to re^ene*iIfocei or art removtd.

Cash Loans are mode to the extent of Upep cent, nf the reeetre volne, where roUd oo* flKnmrntsof the Potlolee cad be modeAeoaU lateral aeonrity.

laOMRx paid IrnmrdlAtely upon eompletioa And approval of prooto.

^ N E l i ih S T Y L E S ^----OK— ^

U t n h r e U a S ,• A - i •

a n d C a n e ^ .

thread Hlr;] l u i olnlock boota with high colored tope, refti< lor price ito*.

A t 2 5 c . a P a i r .

TROm BARGAIIS.AteSiBS. w in sell AS long ea th e r Ju t. 1$

Fancy Crystal Zlno Trunko, Iron nottom, nicely lined, In large sises only, worth t4.00i,

A t $ 2 * 0 9 ,

TWO CORaRT.BlRGilliS. ' ,Lodln' Extra I,sr(e Hlie Corwts, la drab

onlx. a im 31 to OS, worth tl.OO,A t 6 9 c . a P a i r .

TheC. U. and J. O. Snmiinx VMitUatlag Coraeto, worth Wc..

A t 39o. a Pair,

G R E A T S I L K B A R G A I N .PLAIN BLACK INDIA SILKS, fall XSJBoh»*wldo,«itra»oodflh*lllx,nev»r 0 # * v d

*ol(l]oiuith»n3<to..«t......................................................................................... mesmv,

DAVID ST R A U S6 8 5 a n d 6 8 7 B r o a d . - C o r . m o w U t r e o t .

E X P E R IE N C E HiyFeeras lo sh o w t h a t th e obeapekt price a t w h ic h a gdod, g s n s n l new s* paper can b e so ld Is tw o cents.

T h e ru l in g p rices a t w h ich su c h p ap ers a re so ld a re tw o a ^ d th re e c e n ts ., X ’

I n th is o laO t h e ' i r e W A | t K B T E N I N G N E W S s ta n d s p » .em in e n t.

I t exceeds in c ircu la tio n a n y a fte rn o o n d a ily p u b lish ed a t th ese p rlo e c ln t h e O ta tes of N ow Y ork, P e n n sy lv a n ia o r N ow Je rsey .

CARDINOR’S,8 a c a d e m y S T .


Cure* promptly, witliont addl- jtiouol troBUnont, all roemtt or chronfa) dliordan. J . Forre, Itdceeiaor to Bron), Pbanna-

' Sold ^ aU drag.1 aatfa. ^Igists in the Vnlfad I

‘U ”

■ Tou WanhfkMiimid, fVbifrMf IrOtiPipB.

. I '.Leadflpt, . 1;, 5 \ . Jri^ op Jirau fittings,



■ i i l i S I l MW t oAD t tell ton here of aU we

- , '•ore doing Ih

FIN E G R O C E R IE S,Bat have them to h D- yck s t pdoM th a t

L Wilt pntm om x fa yohr para*.H .6-b e s t COLUMBIA' IMtORTEO

r iv e r SALMON, ^S H 1> 10K L I%lOci cap., 20c. botUs.W orth lie. SoIdUenaUx M Mo

Wft and 2Sc. (b

W.B.fliflNERx£S:SSS^I^. . .v F :


T h ird Edition.

Bis Body Taken to tbe Palace of the Elysee at ParlaAN ATTENDANT DIES OF fiHIEF.

Tb# Bfurdtr#d PreiMvut*i fo irh inm n FftinU on flfclns lUi l>«»d i«At«>r Rod >‘B*Rr ll^cov^n I'onMiouinrH-'.Raatn Kuw 8rI4 tn Do r TKatJire of r*w11 nor­land—Itum ori tha t the finTominoni Will PitMlRltii R biRto of NIoko rI l.yimiu K inc llum bort to Hrv« r U^pn-td^TitRilv# Rt th* Fuacral If Permitted to l>o So. D npuf to Accept the Preel-denej^’Mure Rloloue PemunAlrRlloni at LjroDR.

F abia, June 2fl.—The *pedal tpRln eonvey- liDg the body of iTeitdent Carnot frum Lyoni to FarUf arriveil hare at S:10 nVIock this iQoming. The eaaket was at ont'o plaot^l in Bn ordinary bearae and driven to tbe Palara of the Eiyaeea,, followed by five eamagea contabilng the widow and her loni and the nieoibeni of tbe PreRldaDt'a inilitArr huyne- bolil. A t R reapeetful dlatance belitnd the ^ehidra were tb r ty oaba containing iiewa* p a p e r TWfwrtera.

When tbe coffin waa piactNl into the |ialar«, M' Camot’i coachmiu, who waagrentiy a t­

tached to hia Buuter, wai to oren'omi* with grief that he fainted. He did not regain <'on-

'•douaueRt and died from the ibock rooq afterw ard.

M. Lepine, the Procurour of the llepTildic, In an interview thU ntorniug Mtat6<l ilvat Dauto, the a»HaH(iln, wiu a native of Ticino^ Dw iUerland. lie boa h long, thhi faoO, and

:weare a tnMUl, dark mustache, lie U a ell- #ducat«d and iutelUgent in apiveirani'O,' but ;mlwrabl7 ctmL When he approa^heii the PrwidenCi carriage, M. Lepiuewiiii, liad In bii band not a roll of pa|>nr r»iein-

iliing a petition, an han Ih.h'u r<; ported, ba t a good-alfuy] liouqiirt of ll>»wers. This be held up in thdli hanil" at thuiiKh bu WRH about to pruaetit it to th>' I’reMd'-nt., Approaching the carriage in tliat ettitucie no one auApecU i his iutetitlon. U b'^n ho reached the sido uf tbe mrria',f»* he hIhI one hand down behind him and drew a p>ijiRrd. which, with a marvellouNly quick uiovoment

’ be l i f t ^ above his hetul and before he could be teijEod struck tho fatal bluw with great force.

Premier Dupuj, iu reply to luquirieM by several memburM of the C bnmbi'r of Deputied os to hi» candidaA'y for the l'j>M(ieu<'y, which has l>eeu hu frequently disjrusiiMxl with* in the last few months, has announced tloat be will not rttfuse to bo a caudidato if the country needs bU servires. lu rogiknl to the claim of the other gentlcuien aspiring tti the honor of the lb^ideui:v, Dupuy dw laiw* tlia t i t redounds to the bi»nor of the Ito- public that iu this Irientlly rivalry to aerve tbe Htate all are aniiiiated by equal de­motion to Fraatie and the Democracy. M. Albert Benoist expre»wei bb Udipf that tbe motive of the aaaasKiu of President Carnot was to avenge the Hlaugblor a t Algnes Mortee as wulF as tbe recent execution of Anarchists. I t is stated that the (rovem- ■tiwnt intends to proclaim a state of siege a t Xyous.

A t Cotte reaterday the police matle a Beoreb of the lodgings of ten iTeramt known to be Anarchists, and arrested four of the oceupanU, The a'Massiu Haiito lodged for some time with au Italian wine mer­chant iu tbe Rue TravcrKlerS in this city. Ills name Is re^stere^t a t the l^abor Exchange, and he is described as a baker. During the night the Italian work­men in tbe foreign fa(.4oriM doing business here were protected by tiib police, a uecf%>

. sary preoantiou, too, in view of the intense feeUttg against them. All foreign workiuwa in the Pansian Kunkr Refinery a t Bt. ( ^ i i luid in tbe Bt Dente iron Works have been ^UHcbarge^l.

The (Jabinct held a imietlng in the Ministry <if the Interior to-day to perfect arrauge- tnenta for tbe funeral of Pret'lileut Caruut, which baa been fixed fur next Sunday.

Telegrams of condolence from all |)arte of the world are l»iug n^celved byMme, Carnot and the tlovermin^ot. The MiniKtersof tbe Cabinet were received by lim e. Camot this afternoon and she was In* formed of the arrangements which bad been made for the fum<ra).

LiTOXS, June ‘Jtl.—Auti-itaUon deninnstCB' lions were kept up tbreughout tbe night in apite of the efforts of the pidice ami m ilitary to prevent them. Several Italian RliutMii were attacked and wrecketl duriug tha uigbt, and rU Italians that coma In the way of tha mob won inaltreatEkl and beaten. This morning an attack was made 'upon the Italian quarter by tbe terfreat mob that bos yet gathered sinco the RMAftHNinatioii of the Preeident. Italian bouses and shops were broken into, tho <H«upftUte beaten ami barely eecapei with their lives and their oontente thrown into the street. Not a single Italian shop or dwelling ew^aped tho fury of tho mob, Tbe furniture, clotidng, provisioni,etc.,thrown out of tlie luniseK werefathered iu heaps and bnmcHi In the strecte.

be mob was fuially tlispersed by a dctacb- meot uf cuLratiPiem. Tbe |K>lio« patrols ar­rested 800 of tho rioters, A coriion of sol- diert Is surrounding tbo Italian Couaulate. All is quiet now.

Hou K, Jund^ —The Sjudlc of Home andthe Municijial Council called at the Kfcnch Embassy t ^ a y to express the condolence of Kontie with t ’liiDce. M,. Billot, tbe French AmbRsaador, asked the Byndic to express to the people of Rome the gratitude of France lo r the sympathy mapifeeteii. King liuiii- Left has oelegatea tho Duka of Aosta to rei>- ' rcaeut him. a t ^ e funeral of M. Caroot, uu- leis It be against tho wish of France that

courts sbail be espocially fepresented. The officials are oommentlng on the lack

of iianuouy between the French and Italian police, as evidenced in their lurvelllance of Anarchists, This feeling has been porticu-

• larly shown In the recent refusal of tbe i French police to permit tbe Italian oncers to tf«rcb the lodgings of the exiled Anarchist

I Cipriani in thmr endeavor to secure doca- Mm U bearing upon the revolts iu Hleily.

0 f. PKTSRHBUiUh June '16,—The C iar has telegraphed to Mme. Carnot a long andgitEetic luestfOga of condolence, M. do

lers. Minister of Foreign Affairs, has wired the RussJan Am bas^lor iu Paris, im structing him to interpret to the French

I (xovemment tbo sympathy nf with her iu tbe gnef ' which France is plunged, Bt. Petersburg newspapers ait

Ruasta into The

. - „ .. .japera all appearwith black borders, aua tho entire press

• extol tbe private and public character of M. Carnot, whose name they declare is indis-

’ aolnbly connected with tbeoUianco la>tween I France and Russia. Most of tho nowsfiapers favor the election of M. Cssimir-Ferier as

'*M, CanMit?i iucoesitur on the ground that be . would b« most satisfactory to the public iu I France and the officials in Kussi^ owing to Els repuUtloa fortandor, ability and energy.ROBBERS ON A TRAIN.

VICTIMS OF THE NICOLThe Number of Those Lott In the DUailer

Now ria ra tl a t Forty-tw o—Tha Boat Uverrrowclcil.

N kw York, Juno»1.—Many vhitorsrailed a t tbe morgue early this moniing ftm news of the dead frtmi tbe lust tug Nii'ol. K«ei.icr W hits ha<l not a wonl of inteiligeiico for them, however. No bodies had I'ome in dur* Ing the night, aud uuno of th i missing hail been rs]X[.)i1ed on found.

Thr«« more men who went fishing nn the Ill-fated tug were reported mis^lug U><ilay by tb(‘ir relatives. ThU makes tho total mlsshig thlrty-eigbk Tbe body of Andrew WeUler, rw»ver«il yestonlay, was identilted to-day. AptarMitly tbe disaster cost forty-two lives.

From fsets ajuvrtalued yesterday it seE ms I'ertain that tbe NIcol bad on Ixiord nearly twice the number of fxeuriionisls which the law allowed her to i*rry.

Hbe was llrenseil to carry lixty-flve per- •ons, in addition to her crew of five. \ fut comparison and revision of the lists of <1n>wne(( mUilug and rescued shows a total oMlIfi people onboard uf the tug, iudmling the crew. _WASHED UP ON THE BEACH.One o fthe Men Loat by the Kinking of the

Tug Niehol Identified—W atching for O ther Bodies.

Hpeclal Dispatch to tbe Nfwa.I/)NO BHA.yrn, June 20.—The dead l>o(|y

in l^ndertaker Morria's morgue at this place, which washed ashore yesterday, was identi­fied this morning by William Weisler as that of bis brother Andrew, th irty six years of ago, of &34 F.ast Eleventh street. New York. He was a married uutn and had three cbll. dren. He was a blockHiuith in the employ of ].ang A: Uo., between Twenty-tiilrd and rwentj-fourth itreeta, New York, and was one of those aboard the ill-fated tug Niehol, whii'h was sunk on Bumlay,

Many friewls of miming ones are stroltlnff tha beach to-day between Bandv H<.iok rim Tjosg Branch watching for boilirs to washlip.

Hardy H oot, Ju u e M —It ts rq>orted at tbo lifr-savltig station bore that uc> IknIIos from the ill-fated tug Niool, nor anything what«ver from her, was washed up on the beach. Tbe New York police lv>at ^Mitrol is down the hay for the purpose of recyvw*- mg bodies if they can be found.

THE NOUTff HIVKlt HKIIKIK.Meeting of the E xperts XVhn >VI1| IkecMe

oil the J..eiigth of Span.New Yohk, June ‘J6.—Tbo hoard of ex-

}>ert engi ucen appointed to decide upon tbe length of Rf«D practicable for a bridge over the North River, resumed its ses­sion this morning in the Army Hull<ling. Tbo tioard bod come to the c<uV'Iu4|oq in executive session tliat the only queHtiim u|»oa which It was to pass was as to tho maximum di.Ntauce apart a t which the piers of the bridge can be ptai'ml.

A resolution was passed re(|nrating tbo bridge company to make borings of the river bed on the New Jersey side, oppmtte Fifty-ninth street, HlxUetti, Sixty* tbinl and Hixty^ixth struete. Th< result of these borings is to be furnished to the board a t an adjourned meeting to be held Monday, Ju ly U. This will entail oonsidemble expense upon the bridge company. Tbe Ixiard riso asked for more specific data regarding tbe plan of tbe piers. A t rj:8ii a recess was taken, and during the afternoon the membors of tne board upthe river to personaHy in s t '^ location. Another meeting will Ije held to­morrow ami item the board will ailjoum to Ju ly U. The roquost of the special commit­tee of tbe ChamLsr of Commerce for a hear­ing was laid on tbe table.

A rm ed Wen Blow Ifp an Express Com­pany's Rafe and Ksempe oti an £n-

g lne-A Fosse In Pnrsidt.BayANNAB, G a,, J u n e 30.—T ra in No. fl on

tb e Bavaxm ab, F lo rid a an d W e ste rn H ailro a il w as h e ld u p n e a r H ornerv ille a t 3 o’clock th i s moHUng. The t r a in w as b ro u g h t to n s ta n d s ti ll b y a d an g e r signal, a n d w as b o a rd e d b y h a lf a dosen m en a rm e d w ith

. rifles. T h e B o a th e m R xpress C om pany 's s a fe w as b lo w n open w ith dynam ite a n d a l l ^ e co n ten ts ta k e iu r a lu a

\ know n. The eng ineer w as_ t h r a fo rced to c u t th e engine fro m tb e t r a in ■ c » r ry th e ro b b e r , a tn u t ^ e r e n m i l« . I t I u •^ p p o .e a th a t tbe]T have g o a e lii to a ftw om p to h ide ontU tb e la a rch leta up. _ . ,*■. . 4 Mo^ ubi}i 'u on t ^ f i l i a l—V

r 4s How Aeensada

the Flrrt Crimlnalf j Court that Alice Brown had ro b b ^ him ' waa this r a ^ n g committed to Jail in de-

c h a r j^ with deserttag . 1 failing to provide for hla wife and two children.

All adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the N“w York and New Jersey Bridge Company was held to-aay in tbe com­pany's office. The etertion of directors wo.** postponerl t C r ' w a s stated that the section w o p^tpooed in order to get several new directors who will oddgreht- ly to tbe company's strength.TWENTY-THREE REMOVALSThe fllatehouse CommlHion, A fter r Long

SesifOB* D lM lia rg e s r laRrge Num­ber of Employes.

Bpeciot Dispatch to tha News.Trentoic, June 20.—The. Rtatehouse Com-

niltisioti held a long Besslon this morning and removed a large numlwrof tbo Stetabonsa employes.

Charles Ji Foster, of Harrison, who bos been Janitor, is to vacate un July l, and Ah-semblymon John Burton, of Ocean County, is mode the aadstant cus­todian. Telegraph Operator Hniith is retaiiiGd and so is Mrs. Gough, tbe lanitress. John Riker, a messenger to the'rrcaviii.A**a r1a,.A >.*rvYxiv.t a..,! T1[T’Treamirsr's dewitmeut, «nd Chbrlm W. Oftf'i;. tho regular inesswager, are to g a

'1 lie Gorernor mcceedod in saving four- t*eu DomocraU aa hi. share, ho being the minority member of the eommission. The number of empioyes removed is twenty-throe. The Republieans have ap|K)inted ei-Couneiiman Messcrole to be ilovunient clerk a t |9i)l) a year. He sueoeeds William Hagan, of Newark.

Wfiltf for tiinw rr/jron frr mhfr ym* ma*! br rt4.vr- Mtifftofnftofifrffftr,pourrtirnf)rfUornnif/ U ederr- f U in f f m C/hi AAUKV, ijn<t i i e j tfw. a i f m o f i l t / e o f auu .

MBS. FUBV'S ASSAILANTS,Two ef tile Men W ho Abused the WomaD

Surrender Theniselve.,Hperlal to the Kt im n g N iwa.

El,lZA(itTl(, June 36.—W^illlam Adams, aged thirty, nnd George f5bay, twenty-two years old, who were wanted to r assaulting and robbing U ra Fury a t herborne on the Terrell road to Fan wood, were lodged in the eonnty Jail herethis morning by County Detective John Keron, to whom the men surrendered them selvea. T b ^ are held in default of 41,1)00 bail each. The nrlsoneiw, after their brutal outra,m, Aed to Chicago, but soon begau to wish themselves hack in New Joraey, and they wrote a letter from Akrdli, ()., to Hberllt Kyte, Saying they would gu id ^ by whatever lie would silTise them to do in the matter,

lAst night the Sheriff was surprised a t bis home. In Panwcml, liy tho two fugitives en­tering the place and stating they wished to give themselves up. He instructed them to go tilts morning to Detocitve Keron, and they followed his advli«. Thomas Bbolly, the other man implicated in the crime, is alsa lodged In the (.-oouty jail.

Franklin and N atley Kvents.Signor Uosco's ontertainment, given last

night iu Farnell's Military Hall for the beneflt of the fresh air fund, was a very clever per formance. It will he repeated to-night ond to­morrow night..

Tho electric light service Is being extondod and a number o*now lights ore being put up In the Avundale district.

Two men from Faterson left a horse, at­tached to a vlllsgo oart. standing tied tn front of Castls's 811k Mill yesterday morning, and tho horse, becoming frightened, broke tho bridle and bolted up Washington avenue and then up HIgbOeld lane a t a terrific speed. At tbe railway ci easing a t Kutley Ptation tbe horse crossed the tracks right In front of a train, ihen tnrncd and ran to Centro street, wliere it w<w slopped. Tho cart was coia- pletelv demeltshed.

Miss Marden, of tbe Encloanro, is spendings few weeks a t Fisher’s Island, near New Lon­don, Conn.

Mr. and Mta. T, H, Isuigford, of Chestnut street, returned yesterday from a visit to friundt at Lltcbllcld, Conn.

Tho Nutley Wheelmen will hold thelv sec­ond annual lawn party to-morrair night on the Franklin Athiatic Assoetation grounds on Cen Iru street. About tOO nuFof-town wheel­men have promised to attend.

A moetlug of the veltriCBs cC

' yra^lvfia RTTtxuwtg oli Batufdajr nigbt fot tbe parpoM of onfanlxlaff a G. A. R. I^Mt or a

aNooriation.B. Clatktt. of Neirport, R. 1, tpent ret-

terday with frleada in town. - The Nntiey Field jClub M mokliiK extensive

Collldefi ta tlie Enyliih Cbattne].collision o o en rred in

th e S n g li ih C hanne l to -^ y be tw een the ■tnunors N o rm a n d Cross ffilL T h a N o ra a ■nuk M d t t o C rom HIU w as beached. H er- m l oc th e N o n w ’l crew a ra m iiflfig ,i le S i^ n t

Edvard Clirlstoplifir Arrestad on a Cbarga of Stealiog Orar 110,000.BAIL ASKED IN THE SUM OF $12,000.

He llen-«Hl In th e Caparity of AoilUuf, and I t I t A ltered He rai^ad on Elrlt- tlout llilU RRd by ('onnlvluff tVith Outelite r» rtte« MRoaftHl to f'liHh C'hack* Hrawn for tho S'Ryittcnt of rrau itu ten t riRtrae^-PrevIdent Dr.Ttten Rayii (he Arrtiaod Made a ConfriMlon in Him—€hrl» topher Wa* Trf»aiurer of tlir JefteraonUn Club.

preparatiotia for th e ' Fourth of July- sporte. There will be gentlemen'e double and aiticlb tenaio. mixed doablei and lodlea' elofless olio quoit matulieas etc. There will be a dance in the clnbhooM in the evehlnff, and a dis­play of fireworka

Mitt Lv L. Periog of Bt. Paul. HteOe, li a m eet of Oolonei and Mrs. SU GeProat,0f Bteokton Porks Nntley avenue.

Tbe Execntlve CominUtee of the Franklin l* w and Order Leacne will meet on BaUrday niffhe

Be H. Dorr'v new oottafogon Satterthwalts «ve&M, M being rapMly p w w d to coinpiittoQ.

On a w arrant losuod by JiiMticd Rupp this DHiruing, Kdward H. Cliristopher, of 17 ('lin- ton avenue, an omploye of the Dnutential ItMuranoe Company, was arnatoil, rhargi^i with ilefraudlDg tbo conifiony of a tuju be- twcf'n 41U,UU(> and IllJiUO.

Mr. Cbriitopber bai been in the employ of the com|)otij for the lost eleven yearn, ami during nioet of that time he boa bold the pn- lition ofaudllor. Hi* plan for defrauilin;; the company, it ixaUeged, was to cause fnm l lilftit ami HctlUoiu MILn for supplleta h> l»c mode out. He then forged tbe approval cerMfleatea of tbo manogeri of tbe suiqdy department or some oflU'er of the conijiany, and aojpruved these bills iu bis own ceiwi'liy of suaitnr.

Tbo fraudulent bills wore sent iu the regular eomve of buidueM to tbe cashier, and they were to all siqH^r-nnofs umperly appmvsd. In thlH way Chj'LAtopber obtained chd liNfrom the caHhlera department in payment of the ficiitlouv iiillt, tbe checks being after- woTil submitted to ChrtstopbsFs owu ile- partQiout forexaminatiott and apfirovaL

CbrUtopber retaiuel tho <‘be<‘ka thu» Umieih and. it is duirge«i, hy connlvancLi with outeiile pariiee, won en ab le to got tlie cbL 'ki r'SsbM. 1 be m ouej tfaUN secfirwl be approprlaUM] to hia own purposes.

Constable Denjamln Hmith oTTrated Chris­topher in hie uifioe a t the Prudential Build­ing Junt before wton otid took him before Justice Rapu who held him to bail in tJie sum of 112,Iks).

The prisoner apfieared crestfallen and Immediately sent for his coun-

itiHirge H. Lambert. He wilt lie taken to Jail this afternoon unleas tbe nw(%iAry amount of bail can be furuistuMl. He refused to d iicun tbe m atter when spoken In by a NrwH reporter.

Piwiiient Dryden, of the Pruden­tial Insurance Comimny, aUliougb disin- clmed to speak on tbe subjac^t, tohl tha reporter that yesterday on f i l l ­ing that they were dosing in on him (Tiristnplier confeesed that he hod defrauded the cunqxiny in the manner stated above.

C'bristepher is about thirty-eight yearn of aca aud has a wife and two children. Hr is said to have oduiltted tliat he sr{uati- dered the stolen money in extravagant living. He did not gamble to any great extent. Mr. (Christopher was treasurer of the Jeffer- Ionian Club and a t one time was consldertMi a strong candidate for the office of State ttn]M>rintendent of Bouks and loturanee, tbe position now held by George fi. Duryce.

Christopher's tenu os treasurer of tbe JcITersoniaii Club expired in January, when he was succeeded by Charles BcEnetder, Prerious to b1i giving up bis office an AuTlit- ing Committee ezaminsd the treasurer’s books an<l rep(»rtpd his accounti to Ins alt straight. A resolution of thanks was oduptetl coinmsndlng the retiring treasurt.r a t the tUnn.

It is said that Christopher has Just com­pleted a magnificent residence on Brood street near Ehiinet His friends Hay thatbe lived an if his salary was $7,0(Xi or $8,(KM), iiutcad of 12,500 per year, and bis wife and danghters dresHeil in the finest rtyle.

A few weeks ago Cbristopher purchased a moffnificcht RixsKian wolfbounu which he saiu CfiHt bim |0,O(K). Thu animal wok one of tbe finest dtigs of that species in the wwld, And the fabulous pric« which he paid WOA not tbcjught to be exorbitant, Tbe animal is a huge fellow, and can uaMly jump over a ten-foot fence. Lost winter Mr. Chrisbrfihor pun’lioiuKl another Ruwian wulfboumi, but it was not as expensive an animal oh tbe last one.

Up to lost winter Mr. Christopher’s taste in tbe dog line Las run on those of the Bt. Bernard spedcis and be has owmy.1 many valuable ones. leOst simiEner while ^ was living a t Asbury Park ^ BU Barnard got a bone in its throat, and two H>eeUlists were summoned from New York who called M>veral tim<« and charged 435 a call. Mr. Chrishipber's houiie a t Asbury Park hut eumtiier was a'^very exjtcnslvo oqa

A few months since be bought a honte an<l carriage, ftayiug a good round pru^e for them. He rt^ides iu the house formerly oc­cupied by Alien L. Bassett on Clinton ave­nue, and it is imiidsoniely fitted up.

In a searcit of Mr, Christopher's residence this afternoon constabies found a numU^r of documents be­longing to tho Prudential ('ompoDy Dmt ^loiiUl Lave Iweu in the coni})anys office. EfTorte were mode by m em w rsof the houscbolil to prevent tho officetv making a seareij.

In the inuriy millions of dollars received by the coiiqiAiiy, this is the first dofalcatiuu iu Its hutne office since its organisation,DEATH OF JOHN EOAN,The Ex-Spenker o f the New Je rtev As*

8i*ti$my PaNNei A w ar a t Ills Uomeill Eltzabettiport.

Euxarptii. Juno 3ft,—John Egan, Speaker of the N>*w slcrpoy Assembly tn UiTH, dieii this iiK^nimg ut his home in Ellxabetbport, aged fifty ouu years. Mr. Egan Served three terms in tiio .assembly. He was a member of tliH City Council of Elizabeth several terms and was pramlnsnt in tho Fenlsn brnitiei'bood movem«nt. h e was an associate of (^uera l John U'Neill in tbe in- vaaion of Canatto.

Iu 10S3, while a lobbyist a t Trenton, s'lLS o h a r s ^ vfitn bribery bv

AsseiTiblYman John L.

SENATORS AND THE TARIFF.I Auirmlniesili Offeretl hy Mr. Hill l»

the liu'uiite Tax UtJerrMi After ri>u»lflcr*blp IHuriiAslon. ,

'Wakuixotun, Juiki3(i. In the Honate to­day Mr. lliil litem., N. Y.) withdrew au mik'nihueiit, which he lia l offered before the adj<iunmn'nt lui KitimUy, Ljstrike out the exeiiqttiun froni laxa- t$i4i of the imv>me uf Cniteil Btttes tN'udH »ocii>mpt«4l by tbe law of tlieir issu­ance; and he suggested to make tbe clause read: **The ])riucijial ami interest of which ir<s hy tbe Uw of their iMunuct'.** etc. That su;<gMtion was liiNwpteil u j Ur. Vest (Dem,, Mo.), on the part of tha Hnnnce ruimuUtc<\ sikI the clatue was so uiodilleil,

Then Mr. Hill stated that till' reason why he Lad iiffcred his Amtiudinciit lont tSatui’ilay tw liii'b he now almilt4:Nl should not iw agrcoil tni WAS to rail to llie alicutnm u( the tho foL*t timtof pio|ierty WON by ihui cinusetaken nut of tho taxable pro|wrty of the LMuiilry. He then offir*ix] au aim-adnient to Indii'te wUhiu tho exemutiou the ImiihIs uf a Klate, I'uunty, munici^MlUy or town; and be mxdo tm argument in support of that omeud- menl.

.Vfter SD hour and a half discussion the aiueiiilineut was rejeritti—yeas 3^ nays

13u. Two DenuKTatio Senator* (Ur*yI uml Pugh) voteil with Mr. Hill,j Mr. Jrbv vetwl agsinut the smeml-I tiiFur, end so did the 1‘npulist Heiuhtort,

AIIhi xtt<i Peffer. Kenator Kyh'iPop., W. IV), j sn«i Bmitli (Dem., N. J.), wej'o iiairod with I Iti’piibllraiis.

Mr llill'ARmeiidmenttoeiemptfromtai*I fttioii the tinimie from Htato bonds was also j rt';«’<'UNl yen*, *J7; nays. :k).. Kair thaiKKTatierteuatoix—Caffery, Gray,, Hil)au^i i'ugh —vuUhI fur tbe umeudiiicnt.I Mr. Mnrguu woiUii liHve votcMl I bir it but for hU jiair

with Mr. V'lay, who would also lisve Viitvd fur It. The IVunilist^ Allen sad l ‘•■l e , l')‘.;#ther witli Mr. Irby (Dem., M. ilf, vrtiiNl a 'HluNt it; and the otaer Populist

Mr. Kvie, was jjairiNi with M rilU'ji.,

t'M lN (.|,S JN T A K irr Ht'lfEIiri.KH,HJuii Itna Hceldeil on hjr Hmiiocrstlo

Mijinag4>rs of the tVlUoii IIILI.W amiinipTii.n, June'JtJ.—Tin? mauagem of

tijc Tantr bill nn the part ofthe LenitX'pateat til....... held ye?ti<*rdR)' agriNfcl to anmulwr uf « Lsiig4*!i that will lie iiioile in the schmlulf, n,;grc^atiug ateait fifty, many of them imini|Mrtaut and luatie Itavlng ao iiJUw>rtent U-aring on the rates in the bill.

The ni'iit uniNirtant nf th<*w* relate to tbe wfHil whi'iiulf, jt l>eliig uiuicfHtniHl that All 1u<Tc;ut! uf alxait five |M.iiutx liavc l»etui grautet! mi •arJ eU ami that a further advanfHMl liAJi Ihjcu agreed njxui in the duty ou >ilk ]'iudn”<. Oti'er inattem k.’onowted with the « H>1 schrtlule have ljc<»n conceded tolhnsewim have Iwen pm tettin; In the matt4^r nf oili-lotiiM the conutiittiv, it is said, dechmif t > make the iucrcow* tt?»keij.

Thcsi! Hi$iPrnSiii«it« will not tie offerwl In tlie Beiuite in twlvani'o of the I'otuld- eration of the jiarugraphs, but will Ijq siibstitutoil fv>r C4immittofl amendtuonis by Mr. Jones as t!ii> various tiaragraplis come up in the Simaio when (ho bill In gone over for tho last time The indications are &ow Shot the final vote will b« token Thursday or Friday of thiN w» >k.

PTELMAN <o n i'A N Y lM»VT(iTTED.A Vest Ihiile Traill fur New Orleans Al towed

to Hove Oa(,CHir'AffO, Jiini* At 12 o'clock to-day

tbe boycott against the Pullman !'ulAce(.’ar Ck>. WBH inaugIIrated by theextvuUvo iioard of tho American Railway Unioa The iKircot Is ordered in sympathy with the Htrikora a t I’uJliaaii, 111., and other points wheru the company has Rhops,

first move ou tho part of tbe uniou waa made a t noun on the Illinois Central. I t hod been intended to prevent tho starting of Pulfruau cars on tbo New Urloaus vetdibnlo leav­ing a t I but the ofUciaU of that road had the train made up a t 11 o'clock, one hour Iwiforo tho boycott went iuto efftHit, and nli atteinptK to stop tho tram were abainluued.

The Executive Buanl of tho American Hallway Union has licim iu scN-don all mum- log orrangiug fur the liovctjtt, It is au* nouuoed that but one ruail, fliu lllluois Cen­tral, will be Rffoctoi by the boycott to­day, but the officials id the union claim that at lonst four other ruads, tbo B. and u . Chicago and West Miebigao, Chicago and Kustern 1111- uuis and the Pauhikridin iihjnL cither aIjuti- dou their Pullman Jiervicc in-mght or ten morrow or take the cuiisiHjtiFnrcs. Westefu roads, they say, will no |ieriniited to take their cars but to*night nnd to-innrrow, but will not be able bring them t»ock.

Nkw York, Juno 2ft.—in regard to tho l*ullnum strike, Genera) Knraco Porter, first vico-preuldont of the I’nlliuaii ('omjwuy, said this inorniug; ihi not know muchobout tho difficiilTy hero. Tho »L ti of the triiiiMii IS in Chicago. Nothing has iM*"n done hero Inthe way of forw;t.Bllifi-.;th« threarsnod attack. I think the Aruericaii Unilwav Union has not tiianv adhercnis nnd Niuali iufiucncs In tho Atlantic *M'aih>ar<l railway termin.il. Alniut fi,UO0 of our '■aM luo In uie altogether. The rHin-ifD nt of these cars obviously will Inviils** im iiiimense ainountof diw^omfort, annoyaio’c nnd pueitivo rnffor-

€«l)ocIaUy for itivnlids end children. I t it the ralIr . Hd nnupanv that will liave to bear tlif hrunt of tho atlack. Wo loosn i«ir f^ars for a term of twenty-livi' vi-an. During tiiiil ticriod we have iioililug lo do but repair them. They arc iin Iit ii'niiect, and whether in use or uot must be I lor ai-cording to the terms of tho

ho bribery by Armitoge, of

woe convictedEssex County. Ho and spent a short term in tho penitentiary. His cltlzctishlp was restored by a sp^ ia l act ofthe Ivpgislature. A widow ami children mrvivo him.

JSIHK. BIGELOW’S PROMISEA.The **ltaby Eartu '* Woman W ill Be H o n

Careful In the Future,Count}' Physician KlUott and Health

Ufllcer Ijohlbacb yesterday afternoon paid a luint visit of Inspection to the house 179 Miller street, oecupioil by Mrs, Mary Bige- low and used for what la ooinraonly known OK a “ l«$by farm ." I t was in that house that three children dlod within aevsnty-two hoars, as stated in yesterday*.. News.

The officlahi found the place a little crowded, but clean. There were seven in­fants in one little i^oom. They mode the woman promleo th a t hereafter s ^ would have a physician In attendance in cases of imknow; that sbo would employ help and furnish the children with milk, which she bad not been doing In the past, and th a t siw would add some improvemente to the house.

Anffihinit vow hrtir Fbr Nate or Krrhatifff, anjftfifnff you iVOoftlnfoctfttrnny mattrr you vritf. to ndior- «»r, you ibtuilil lur the for tht plaImM of no.sou-vow rtarh more peoplt—conteytuinfly U U wrrthmore.

BcllsTlUa Painters. 'TLs snnnsl sntertalninent liTsn by tbe

pnpllt of tbe femslo depurttnent of Bt. Fster’s I’sroclilnl Sobool, BelleTltle, caused A e Psrochlst Hsll to be crowded last night. Tbe affair consisted of recitations, a drama, tab­leaux, an operetta nnd a cantata. Among Ihow who ooatr^lrated to the entertainment were Mtssee B. Mailer, M. Ward, A, Moonej'. M. H, MoOabo. Usxle and M. Becker, Mary H. Pplghan, M. Harphy, U Larkin, E, Pronder-

’"’1 Kagulro, C, Fardy, M. Maia#ue, L. Helghitn, N. Ward, J. Maher, M. Oennelly, M. Shanahan, A. Cullen, H, Curran, H. Riordap, N. O’Koote, M. Powers. M. Mo- I% ugh, K. DeytBe. M. R. McCabe and jL byrnss. The aunnaTenlertalnmoat given by thcrjufilla of the nude department will be held ou Friday night.

At (he meeting of A e Board of Trustees of tho Bolievtllo Public Behool Principal W. H. Winslow and Teachers Mrs. E. Titus, Mrs, A. Alby, Miss A. Douglass and Hiss U. timltb, whose oertlncales had been deposited with the trustees, were reappointed.

The nspbtha launch f ra a which William MoDonald was drowned a few w eeu ago, wee Boid on Saturday, and has been taken to New York.

Aaron Uoyd, of Main etraet, la a t M t Klsoo. Mtse Lottie P e Huhth, of Waihlngton asw*

wia, le TtalUng a t Oxford, N. i .


The Norinsl Hrhoul's '• Hard Times ”' <irs.ins1i’Hi r;\crcliM.s,The class- ly ci-n-i--' -d the gradual’* of

tho Normal sen) licgiiii this aftor-hoon at a few niiimtc-. after 'J o’clock. According to till' i-iiin'ssiH! wishes of tho joiing tjiisses wh-i l■■lllllll).■e the class, the usual eoii)n«)nrcmi‘!iI, gi'iierally held at As- suciatbu Hall, was with tbi>? year,owing tn the ban! 1im"S. Instead, the siiii-, pie class-day c ie f ion were given in the school building.

Tho young graduates presented a pretty picture, and wriv stin ouiided by n largo nimiLer of their IricruP. (Jn the platform sat a number of the im-mbcrs of the Board of ^ncatiou . The c.o-r"ihos oitcmsl with ho aildress by Joseph t'hirk, prlucipal of the school. Mr. t lark 'vus. followed by Huiieriii- teiident I^iTiiigs'r. wli.i gave the budding teachers iomogoi»i, sound udviee.

The prograilimit of exercises follow's: Chtirus, ‘■Butntiier I'aucles; ” reading, *’The Ballad of Cassninlra Brown," Ida iil. Bailey; essay, " IVInit Do thoUreat Memo­rials Stand I'or: ' Ada Graham; reading, “ The Girl of tho Period,” Agues lladdoir; solo and chorii,s, “ Tho Lit­tle Bini," soloist, L. JIuudo Khodca; class poem, Ida -V. Heave; class history, (Caroline Couirlyi-u- class prophei-y, K. Mildred Pridhatii: last will aud testament of the senior class, Florence May Coe; trio, " A Cradle Wong,” CnroUne Cnii- setyon, Madi-itiie Hnylnn. Marie A, Hoylaii; valedictory essiiv, ‘ It Is Griovnus Parting W ith Gooi Coin|iany," M, Elizabeth Nicols; dlstrihlitiou of dtplouias, Henry C. Kleuiin, president of the llonrdof Education; class sour, written by Ida Slabel Ilcovo,and music by Mrs. A. Griggs.

After the class song had been reuderai in good style, President Kh-inm pressnted diplo- nms to tho following graduates: Ida U. Hailey, Alberta Bartow, iii-ssie C. Hannelt, Marie A, Boylau. Madeline Boydoti, Florence May Coe, (kiro F. Cogger, Caroline Con- •plyoOf Aiinu Li. Doidc^i'k, Liiifia M,Ma £ . Dunhufii, sA<la ( rabflLtii, Ct^olinoL. Grill, Agues Hail low;, GeorgUma HameL Jeanetto Hegenian, -Marie N. Howard, EdithM. Jacobus, Ltlhau .M. K'rclner, Margaret J. Ledwitli, Jessie E, .MacGtiwaB, Wilma Mul- (orA y SUsabetb Nicols, JosejAine L."?!®: t)te,fl. Elizabeth Noe,' K- Mildred Pridham, Ida Mabvl Reeve, L .Maude Rhodes, lubel Umith, Leona (L Bmttit.,,,

Change a t the Hhliimsn Htreet Home.The Rev, H. C. Hoffman le no Icngi-r con­

nected with tho Protestant Homo for the Helpless and Aged. A t a meet, log o f . the board of managers late vesberday afternoon a resolution was atfopM to that effect because of Mr. Hoffman’s connection with a sinuilar iuitltu- tioti, which was relcolated to oansc miup- p r^ D iio n among benefactors. Tbe reports showed that tbero are twenty InmatoK iu Uia home. Thera araa said to be an nrgeut need ofchsb. ’

‘Ih a r plead gu ilty to J»iiW the Im t elgan made in Key West, the El A itia .—Adv,

tba Eight-miles-an-Hoiir ProTlsloo to Be Enforced,POLICEMEN WILL BE BIVEN CRDERS.

s\ roRtewnff* nf tUf* riiUr^* Cm$iin1**Ioavr* and Kupvriulriutent Nharpi of tho •nlldated TnMBtlon ronipanr« a t W hich tko laRtiar fllalea that All Mnlorinvu Who May Ko Urpurtail M Golnc Than E ight MJteH Will Ite IMti-hargrd. Tha l-'onr C apta ln i iVill iMiin tiiiirn r- tln n a to lh o Utrii in ih r llnak* To-iilght. ('utnnilftalotivr liiiiir and a Faintere

When tba polh’ammi Han up liofi>rc thf*ir raptoio* in tho four KtatiuoM thin availing th«y will be orOtirwl to re}>ort any motor- nmn whooe etertrio car U siippiwoil to lie travailing foatar tlian eisht mlUw an hour. Thl* lathe raault of a I'lmfen^nrv th.xt tlie I’oHoo ( ’cvniolttiotivn hw\ with Kujierin- tenilant Sharp, nf ttei rnn^ffidateil Traction ('om|i«ny, yoaterday afteruumi.

Tlie preoenUiivtit of i Ih> <^rand Ju ry on Saturday on tbo nuDH'utertvmitiut of tlie Hoard of Work'* ordlnancp rHguUtiug the •[wed of tbe trolley uars ai^l (he alaience of temten from the car*. hIimik with toe blnoily record of Saturday, wln-ti two children wore cruMhed to death $iii thu trolley rood^ aruiiwnl tite Polb'e ('omtiiiHiiouer* to

It hail been experi^l tin t the romml*- ikmer* Would meet lhr« Kiw ulivt* ('ojtiiuit- tm^of tha Coueolidat<Ml TrACtioti Com|)any, but it wttf dealreil that l’r4«itlent Van Dtivne, o fth t'Ik iarJ of Work*, Miould Iw preaent, and OK he li iU th a t rntitemiictj did unt takeplAlW.

Hu|MTinteD$latit Hhar]), buwi'Vi^, wo* un baud nnd had a talk with tlic i '(•mmia'^loneri. Mr. Sharp aaid that the riMii|Kuiy aa* will- iuK i’liat (hu epead of the omH Miunihl nut l»t» greater thou eight imlen an hour, and be Nald tluit nny jnoturDian ru)H>rtfHl )>y th» a*allowing 111* uor to tmv»>l fii.Hi4>r than that would 1w diarhargwl from tin* c'Mnpany'* a«r- vlre. Mr. Sharp aaid he would iMue hit order to the motonnon (tnltiy.

Alter ttoint' dlactiwdon th>' i onmilMlonem doddml to direct (.'hief Ihq’t'**'' order to toe eorioiiH capUiu* lo have tln'ir [Mlmlmen keep a lookout for the uar». It wo.'t (le<‘i])ud Ijeat to nut arrwtt (hi* ofTeiuliiiK Qiotormen, as i t would i^use d<'Uy* and pn»ve an anooyance te llte travrihiiK nut (bat oil tliat 1* Deot>a>LKr.v is thenumlier of tbo car. Supentitendent Clark ■ay* he will do tbe nwt.

'r i t ii a (uvtper idoto." haid rulloe Cum- niLwioner Kane tewlay, “ and we will aeo that tbf'r> Hce enforce the urtler. Tbe mm »boul<' .'.vVe fundvraat onw, hut hi the iiiean* timo it U beat to take evrry other priHautloo pj protec! the |M»ople from the <lniiKer» of tho electric cai**, and the regulation uf the H|>eed i» one of Ibuee |vr«'aiitiouH. Afu r *ev>ral of the iiKui (ire uiaebargM they are like y to understand th a t an uintafo rate uf will not Ik* aiitm'ed. We have no aiiUioritv to atop tile running of ,car* without teototm, but I think tlM> Board uf Works ho* the power to an ordinance to (‘over that point. Tho Police Conirnlviun will do everything In ite power to help to ureveDt hliKxUbud OD the trolley track*, anil I know that If 1 ftee a cor going a t a rat< which I b»*tirve to be footer tlum eight milti* an hour, I will rew>rt the motormau.”

' ‘W rit they will have to chan^'c all their echeduliw,” aud a motorixian on a Hruad •trft't car to-day. “ We have to luaki* up all lutt uf time, and If we can’t run faster tlian eight iDilraao hour then we #111 bt‘ unable to catch up on tbe time of the proa- ent RchiHlule when we are deiayefl. Then bow many men can tril the m te at which we ore We ahonld have umachme with wkffch to ftacertoln thi* rate of epeeil. There aroaonie freeii motoniien who daHb Along a t a reckhm Hpeed, but I don't believe any mntornieti are anxlouii to kill any bo:1y. 1 think tbe order to go uluwor w ill bu obeyed.^

TO AU(»PT A FKKkmRsLtmOIrlal H tateinent tka* th e i^raetlnn ('ouapnny Ha* Iteclded I'pon a Idf«-«aver.

It was uuofllcially *taUtd this inu rn lu^ that tbe (.'onaoUdated Traction t ‘om)UUiy hail dEvuded to adopt a fmider that bat 1«un in iLHi» recently on car No. 1 of the bowery line, and th a t wax firnt tiirxl in February on cur No. 55 of the Wnehliigton itrect line. It is Mid that the work of equipping the entire tystem will begin iu a few days. The fender is uf very simple cunutnirtloii and workx autoomtk'ally, tiie inuturinan nut Itaving •VAU to prett a b(iip)ii, SamiMl A. Darrarh, of ftlKi Hroad etree^ is the inventor of (his lifj^iaving deviw.^ About two years Agu he started otT toe invHitUon. HIm fender 1* a light frame of steel pipe, h\i\\- tMirting a number of rows uf itr:>iig ateri ip r in n arrangeri In the farm of a sofa ami extending the full width of the front or n ^ r of the car. While it is automatic, it U yot under tbo control of the inotormoo, who, hy A fiimple twixt of his heel, ran oaiiKu it to get down to ImsineM iu a sesDnod. The Hprings Ihumselves form a p('rfect cudlilon. TJie feiuler is placod near the ground aud is >ib ways jn rraflinwe to group A victim. It lias lM*en tncnl time and again and in each cawi Loh not faite<l to do ite duty.

Should the vlctitn l»c i‘aiight while lying nn the track tho loiingo-liku affair will uunh over him, but kept out of sight Is a iitlle spring shovel arrangement, I t is thn (vuitli of tbe oar and back of the sofa. When thu spring lias passed over the body it ruh ases tusfihQVHl, and the latter fallawitii miK'h celerity to tbe track, preventing evou a l!y from iiiAsiog under it.

THE DEAD riSKNOWV.Many Fereoun Fall tu Irleutlfy iho

T iu ialc 's iM teit Victim.Tho body of the young man ffwind

drowno.l Sunday in the Pottalc lUvrr a t Kmruy still lies a t Crane^i morgue, Har­rison avenue, Harrison. A dox*a$ aiixiuus pnrsuue. many of them residente of this i-ity, nave called a t the morgue looking for miss*

young meu, but were unable to Identify the W ly.

The morguc-keeiior bos requested Chlufs of Tollce Mulligan, uf Uarnsou, aud Tunibull, of Kearny, to have tbe Jtenks of tlm rivi-r Bcarriiod fur dothUip. Botli reported that they were unable to find any. flic npliuun of the morgn«-ke<q)er Is that tho Ualv i ' that of a man who weut in bathing, and that It had been lu tho water five or six days.

A LITTLE GIRL WITTEN.A Anapplug and Hnarllog Duf Hurler Its

Teeth In ( 'a rrle Kaoders'sCarrie Kandors, aged eleven yeors, whu re-

sldew with her grAiidfather, W, I). <'uwan, a t n W arren street, was plaving n1«uil h« r grandfather's stoop yesterday af(^ni'«'U when a dog came along, snapniug and Huarl- ing. In Attempting to avoid tho cur thi- girl cullirlod with tnu dog, and the atiluial hiti ii'd Its teeth 111 her hip, drawing too bUnid.

The girl, nearV scared to clcatli, ran scr^tmiug to the house and Into the armN uf Imrmmt. Hlie Almost fainted. The dug ran off after scattering the children In ihu lu'igU- borhood.

A ^Velcome to K rturnlng iSIngcrN.A committee coDBlsting of A. F, Mu'-Der,

Max J . Kiel), llerman Joerw iika,Ktiward Wuesthof and H, Winters, rupro- setitlng various German organlatloris. lias Iw n (topolntud to prsjxire a rousing r<’ccp- tion for the Newark slngsrs upon tnulr retqru from tbo big Ktungerfesi lu York, Tbe final concert was given last, night in Madisuu Bciuare Garden, and a mammoth picnic a t Ufmerii Park, ou l.cng Island, to-night, will bi lug the festivities to a clou. The p riu s will be dUtributel to­night. Tho next Bmugerfest will tra held lu Brooklyn.

^111 Asrtet Mr*. BaUlngthb Hooth.At the r i r s t Frwbvterlan Church on

Thursday night there will be present a t tho Halyntlon Army luoetlng, to assist Mrs. Baliington Booth, Adjutant F o o d who is In charge of the Newark gorriiloo] n&off Gap* tain Watkins, who Is known u the singing ' ' Patti " In toe Solvatlnn Army; and ‘iuri)- dore BJorksteo. who. was a tenor singer with Mmo. Christine NIIm Imi's ofiera troupe previous to bis conversion in the Fourluntli s tru t , New York, Balvatioii Army muGng. ^

Kev. Iftilllngton A fter a FabUoatlon*Rev. J. Oldknow Mltliogcon Js after the

prqirlotors of a paper, printed on pink pajwr, which has been in thhion Haturdays for uveriil Iroonths. THI c ler^n iau h ^ a long talk wito llayor Lol>- k u e ^ r on the s u b ^ t this afternoon, and the Mayor referred him to CbUf Hoifper Tbe Chief informed Mr. MUUngton that he WMOB anxious as any oqetosuppress tbe paper, and had conferred with Jiidge Mott on the iut\|«cte

ll.lU ltlG .IN WONT lIA tE IT,ll« t ’r(Mult«*ii |4» Hahs I t IntrrpKtiig for i

.t IdrriDMik (iaflhiv}’.riiilip N. Jai-kieiti's roftd to the nf

r«)niptrolltT will iiut Iw atr(<wn with Vv , if all report riie trur«.

Aldurmnu llariigan 1 after him with tha ti'odilioiml ' ‘i«hAr]i Mii'k," and he f4il‘t •‘onli dwit th»i hi* iiidivtdufll vffuri's will do murU toward Jai-ksouMdefeat If his imiiiciH nub- ftUutM for that of Johu M. Gwtnnril or any Other candkiatr.

I hu AidiTumn was in a pretty state of mind this morniio< and unlntnloni.'*! himself with Chat vriii‘moui'9 of uitcraui'e for which be Is uoted.

**Mr. Jacksfm." laM he, **b longN to one of the b n t lAUtilu* in the Ntelo Hiul (n rtuQ- ally itsud t MM‘oud to iio one. This Is outside of hta anibitlun to become Comptroller and stops Juri tln>n*. lie has luff |N'r»irml1,v a«kM fur kUpjHirt, of but snuifufhlsfrivuds ha^4' Inki-n it u[Hm ttiemsclvc^ P)doM>. And tluu's uot ell lo nny nttviEis. W ait till you henr me let go ut some |)«u|ilc.I think J'il aHUmish even ll$e tistU'es. U‘s bad enough to Obk a stench ItemiN'mt like myself to Vote for a Itepubliiau on the act^re of fritniilsbqii, but I'll have *omi thing to Miy ubmil iny frioad, AldoTiUAii UalTney, iu a <lay or tw<v,

" i don't projicjiie to staud by and see cer­tain plans earned out," cuntlmied the Alder mail, “ and iny DenmeraUc <HjllrAguM in Council wout tie bamltooxled if 1 enu kelp It. Thi* talk about having the sunitort of oiher DemcK ratK than Aldernum UolTnAy is non- aounirtil. ThoyM Ijelter U ok over the Ita- piibllian aide of tho fem'e and how many are willing to deliver tlm eftty ovor Into tho hands of the Kis('ti'ic Light and Power ('om- paur. IT) o[wii their eyw If they do. I’m wiliiing to stand by all I say."


f>r#monles by Ihr Hoys ami tHvIe of !((■ Joseph 's NHmuoI.

Thu cloeiog exercises by the pupils of Kt. Joseph's Hchool, given lost uight at the srhiKii hall, on WallocH filarw, weroappm^- Atel by an Audience that rruwdtri the large balL TheeuterUiinuieiit wa« ui charge of Ihu KUtersof (he k'IkxiI, AsiiHted by l*rofes*(>r John N. Feunrily as stage manager, and Miss Kute l,yndi, organist of Ht. JuM>ph’s Church, as pioiiUt.

After A piano solo by MJsa Kate Lynch the rhoruH satig *'\Vcl(H>nio to All.'* A cal- ietherik' eoug. ‘'TheChM'k," was sung 1 ** primary g irk and aii ot)ert‘ttA entitled "Blanche'* VUlou" was presenttri by the following; The Misses Firids, Reane, Her­eon, (Juinn, Mulcahey, Cox, Hij^ins, Mc- iKmald, Drugaii, Cribblu and I ^ p . The choniM theu sang ‘'KrieDtific Frog.* and “ Keenan’s Charge" was recited l)y the senior boys In a luiNlerly way.

" U lp ; or, Gut of tfie Siiodows Into tbe Light," was pnsMMiteleby the following girls; K. W rite M. G'Nril, U- Fageu, 0 . Murphy, M. Farley. K. McHarrun, J . Sayre, H. T>uffy, A. ^Vrilt, G- iteynoM* iind F. Kava- DAUgb. Tho chorus theu tang '* HueJe 8am," amt a choriiH and tableau were given by tliefirls. H. Heal recited. A duet was sung by

Collins and T. Hanley, and a tableau en­titled Tenting To-night" was then pro tented. The prtwromme courluded with the chorus "Good Night, hut Not Good-br.’’ Till* evening the pre^ramroe wlU be rt> peaterl.

Tl$e first fNirt of the closing exorcises of Ht. HeOfHlict's School woi bald last night st the school hail, corner of Komorn and Niagara street*. Friocipol HauerUirn and th< teacher* had prepared an enjoyable pn»grarnme, which tbo pupils i^srrlod out surf'cssrully. Theexertiaee will lie continued to-night.

IT AMVHKit MUe M'llAKKOX.Tlie la s tltu te Man l^aiigLiii ul the A* A* He's

AcLlon and E*|ilain* Why. Rpeaking this morning of tbe Institute

Club'* l)ulng dropped from meinhenibJp by thv liEHird of ManagiTs of the Amateur Atoletlo Union a t Ita meellng latit night, Edward Me Barron, one of tho Institute's leoiilng memlwirs, laugheil and admitted that it was quite true, they hadn’t paid tbolr dues. Hu said:

The loct is that every m ntlag the board brdde Ihoy drop w from tbe roll of a isailwr- ihlp. They don't have much other business of a new cliaracter to tranuet, and so they dro|> us with much regularity, It Is more titan two yerrrs ago llmt we fell away from tbe union. Wo saw very little benefit to bt» defivwl from Isutig a moiubor of it, ]«ylug itor year, nut in'Tudlug otfiesKiiieut and all for nothing. Two yeai'H ago tlie Metropolitan otuunnion- hhip KAmo* were held a t Caledonian Park. niH lw t'l-''| h) the buxii^ and wrf*et-htig iwiut' ^ ':ii Kesitler won ana never got a priicc. Hith” —fi It wo* ufirlerstood they were to III* given out. Then we himply reniolneci away, and an a re#iiilt wc were dropped. I gurtw that's the reason tho olherK liero are tmr; they witu dropiKRl, ton," aud Mr. Mo- Harrun laughed again.

GOT H OO FOK NI.ANDER.The Case In Which Farcn|« Were Alleged

tn Have Km ed Their tt»y.The slandr'r suit of Krpilurif'k ami Cen-

Ftautiiio Fns agRlnsUiottlifib Hcidcr was trl4Hl In the First Dintrlct Cunrt Itcfore Judge Trusdell this morning nnd rosiillEHl iu a ver­dict fur the wliole ainoiml cinirned by the jilaiutllT. The still WH brought to rw’uvcr (iJiW from Hatlur, who, It was clainioil, ha l c irn iln tel the report tlint the little hon of the Fu* family harl liciiti Watrii to dcatJi hy hiH jwireiiU. The re)M>rt WHS carrifMl lo the j)oitee wtatiun ami 4>ftl(*cr« nrrivcii fiml slupiHil the Annutujvv was lirid iat4>r and it w'as found that the chihi diwl from natiirnl caus** .

fn rendoriiig hi>4 dccuioii Jijikc Trus4lril said ihiu hfl wns HurprisiHl thnt tlic i«uit had iiutl)e«ii broughl in n higher cmirt, wIiltu greater tlaindgos could Imvo Im'iul h<H;ur4Mi.

"T he courte are P»n liberal in case* of abuse of tho tongue and ]N n," haM (lie Judge. " A man's repiilAtinn is everything to him, and the courts might to vlrit all of their power on any one who defames another’s clmractor, 1 give Jii4igm«nt in r the full

HarHion and Kearny.At n regular meeting nf the Hoard of Kdura-

llon uf Kearny ]a.st ulglil thrru wort i’<>ad a ('(JiiJmuuh'iiMon from Iho Phil Blu'ildan Vet­eran Assuclaticm of Arlington, prnteHtjiig against the ri'oent f<'muval uf IVank P<iMt. a veteran, as Janitor tif Public KcIkhjI Nu.fi, where lie h(ul been emiiluyci) (Iftcon years. It wnsEiskerl that be lx* ^^Trl^lau•d. Tlis com- niunicAtion waw referred lu lb« Ct>tniiiiUee «m Teftidicr,4 and Salaries, nr tlir tenclirrM re­cently aptKiiiilcd hy the !iuar4l ac4'e]itsucks from tho following were reiwl: .MIshps F(ms, Dove, I. C. Tiiridnill, Crane. Sthaufer. C. Turnbull and t'r4»wu. An iriri'ease nf l-'in wiia asked b) ISIisK Mary Nugent and Mlsa Wteeler made apfftk'ation for uptsilntineul .■\S;i>*MLcl.iiJt leatdier.

1’J|4't'i>mmencemeiii cicrtdsfsr^f the iJii|iJ!’4 of Public HclionI No. 1, Harriaon, will uke l.lur4t l4Muorrnw aftcrmKm in Uniln'e Hwll, llarrlwQ avenue, HarrlsoM. 'i'hoi’ie of Seboul Nu. 2wlll take place Thursday afternoon al the fl4'honlh(>iise on Hatriiltuii slr4>Ht.

J. H. Vr4-e]aml, of Un- (Inn of NIHioIh A Vrecland, feud dealers, 3ti Harrl«f>ii Hveruj4’, has relumed frtim California after a Iwu Mi4jnths’ stay, mucdi reBtor4'd in ii4>adh.

Mr. and Mr.v Victor E. Dussari criehrnted tlto anniversary 4>f thrlr wedding last night at (heir residenrc, Midland and Franklin ave­nues, -\Hingtoii.

In asult of J4)hn McChtru, a painter uf lUr- rl*iun. aKaJnst .Mrs.'ni4>04l(>n-Traptur, alau of Harrison, to recover for jMtintlng, which WAS tried In Justice of the P('Sf4t Chamhur- lAln> court liLsl night, jiidgin'nt w.tK ren­dered the plaintiff for (ho full A tu n tm t with costs.

This members of To wands Tribe, Improved Grdcr of Red Men, of Kearny, lost night vis­ited tho Chattabijochee Tribe, a t Newark, lu a body.

The funeral of Mrs. Ellen Smith, wl/oof Hrldgetendur Patrick Bmllh, of tlte Bridge atruet bridge, took ploco this nfienioon from li4W lute rMidencu, 715 Harrison awnuo, Bar- ri*4 n. for tho'ffead w e r ^ t^ l iu theChurch of the Holy ‘were taken to flbheea, >fVTTOr'ihterituArt.

W'hlle pickinf cherries near hi* home yet* -teeday, Thomas Holan, aggd thirioo>t. d(Ji

The ex-fflayor Sharply Cross-ex* amlned by City CoDnsel Riker.


Till* I htef MagJ«tmte of (he Pust G |vm Ex* |M‘rt Tckltniiiiiy on Material for i*av»* nictit« that " W’imlU HpUt a Hurrel H« U Not aC hriultt. bntHludic<t In thn t Lin* Alwitit Fisrty Years .tgo—Fraginante * f Aspbaitiini PriKlucvtl in KvIilcnea-'Kfawv llbJ««’(|oiis lo (ha AdudHten of Mvii f la j iir s 't atatriiiaiit* im Lvli1i*iira«

Ma'^tcr lu Chancery A. H. C. Kalimvn ooi^ tliiucd thu hrai'ing uf the ulijcctions to tba {TftVlDgiif Newtun US toM rxcJiiAivriyIn tlic News yesrsrdAy. unlil a tato hour la thi' afternutyn. The hearing w»u on a rule to shijw 4*atite why thiT assussmeut for the pave­ment of the •( reel ihuuM not he *st osldo. Tbe total amount involveil In the m atter is

odabo-slNof f r iJ to tweaty-fivafeet.

Kx-Mayi>r lU ynei'i examination, u on ez- )wwt ou ai|dwlt (akviUK:, WON cunUnued. ‘fba tin n e r th ie f Kxocutive Wi)Dt into detaila of ciplanatUm and wo* a t tlmca cmM-examlned sharffiy by City Cimnsel Klker, who objected again ami again to tho adm ittioaof Mr, liayni^ 'i testimony.

"N ow . w haC slheuw of all thsee obje^ oiked Hainuel F. Bigelow, of Oouniet

for ttte objectors.“ Wull, If W4< mimit all this hearmy,’* ea id '

Hr. Uiker, " w clllum ber up IbU record la no enil."

" Oh, that'* all right," rwpimded Hchuyler H. Joi^ksoii, Mr. Hii^riuw* osouciate, ** we'Q have Ut jtay for the rw>n*d.’*

Wheu Anksil to expUin the rlifftnrenfe he- twei'ii lake and land axphatt Mr. H ayuead^ clarisl that lami asphalt " wnuhl split u bar- r r l . " aiul mliJud (hat a hen ttie material wax prefvared nml piauinl in Iwirrris ftTr Nhlpmonl Ite ex^iansiim wunhl iiurfi the iHirreU.

Mr. Biker movi^l that all the tMtb nmny of the witiieM La> stricken out, S4> fnr HN It related ti) tho propertii» id asphalt, other than wluit ho knew of hla own kiiowleilgf, aud that all tbe pert n 'lalliigti) thi'owTiersbIp iif Triidilod Lake be uKu cxpuugfd, on tbo gromul that it wm hsarsn.v eviileuci'.’’

"M r. Haynea. are you a cbeniiatf*' asked Mr. inker on cross-exaiinuatioa.

" No, air," Have you evrr studied chemistry f*** It woH one of the siudie* lb my erboola,"

autwered ibu rx-Mayor," How long U it since you have studied

chemistry *""AI>oilt forty yn an " answen i t e vrito

□esK hlauilly^ waving his hand rui 'efl^y. " O h r ’ remarkcNl Mr, Hiker si^lAi^autly. The witiicoM ailuiitUri that he had oever

iMwri an unalyila of tiio materlaia uuide."Then ynur knowledge iif the subject l«

fnim hoarsuy T m uarkm Mr. lUker,*"F rom the oricial ro|iort* of chemUt^

»ir," aiiswe’‘eJ toe ex-Mayor, with oaperity., iHirinz bif stay a t 'friuldail, the witoees

Mid, he bad visiccil about fifty ploiT* whereland OMphattum was bring mined. Ho said t ^ t the dHTereare betweou the m ateriak could he readily seen by any one.

" .Mr, Mayiir, you Lave seen Newton atreel s1d(« ite noiiipletioa. From you obai«rvatiuiur would you think tlMt Ntroei wo* uavod with lake or laud ospluiltum f was Mr. IGkeCs coDcluiling quietiun.

" I shi)uld *ay tliat it was paved with like as]>haltum genuine Trlnidoil I^oko axphab tuiii," was tbeauNwer.

Elisha B. VHet, the neitwltiiwii, preesnted ] fropnenta of ofi|>hattum wfiicli, ho said, be ' baif pii'ked U]i m Nuwhm street where thoi itavcment bail cruiubjiri. He ho*l *eei»l jioneM fall time and again on the ilrest. He hail meaiurod jilmi'a whrre thti wheris uf the wttgnne bad euuk from liaif an inch to a tuUttgn

tcb.IncUeywrol otocr Newton street rnfidetite aub-

ndteid pteewi wf the pavement. Mr. Hiker objortM %9 their adiUMlon iu eridi'Di^ bn | the piecea were marked ati<l ploceii iu evi­dence, ami Jlklr. lUki>r * objection* were noteil.

Gwen Fox, who aWj auhrnitted several bite of too pavouicnt, was criHtfi-ciumiiiad by Mr. Hiker.

" ^'i-itorday wo.4 a pretty hot day." eaid Mr. Hiker, " when you jiii'kHil up theae little pebble* of oapimltuni. say that on tbs whole tetigtli (»f that itrcifi ynu could hav* plckcii uh probably a hatful of sucU pieces

" I didn't May tbec" resisitiitol tbe wit* nees wmii'whatlartly. "1 said that 1 coiildj have jneked up a hatful of thosi> plei-ee where i foTliid that plei’i!."

AnuMier witu<‘n* teHtifldl that tbe |)ave» tneul near hh himseuu Nawtonstria>tt1iuwod holcH iitt lm-1) and thr(H^i|iiarters d*v>p where a furulturtv van hiil sPxkI for an hi)ur. The priiite of the hurjMw’ slioce vroro also plainly dlscerniblH, ho Kuid.

Alcxamlsr VV. Unnctl, Clerk o fthe Hoard of Htruot ttiid Water {.'oinniissiunei's, camo next ou ibii slan»l. He wo* a^kml coucevnlng transt'ripte uf the miuntosuf tliu Inxird.

VVllHam Duugalt (ostilltNl (hiit lie had p r^ Ri'iiteri a i'cmoii.stran<''i oguinsl the use of asphalt on New-pjo strert h* the Hoard of Ktrci‘1 ami W ater Commi#riunorH,

"T o whurn did you pnticut your romou- BtrancoF’ usktsl Vlr. Jocksoii.

"T o Mr, Unnyuii." was th»> answer." W hat Mr. Kunyoii wuh thu next quee-

tiuu."Kriiw Uunyoii," the witnus,s ri'plicd."W ell, wliu is Kl o Uunyuii ? ”" Hi> was (Murk of the Hoard uf Works,*

answerifl tlm wiltii.-.s*." I TjKiVi* tliat ,Ur, Uunyun I'O <*alled,' t>aid

City Cumu’il Hiker uvarily.In-11 ln» ralJi'il, UHViT fi'ar," Mr.

Jacktum iT'efHinilcd I’ljui t ruh}'.It wiM nniloi-stuuil (hat Mr. Htmyuu will lie

ralicil iqKjii to cxifiaiii the whcrcitUaiU of thu remuMAtt liiii'ii submtflc l hy .Mr, Duugall, SaiiMicI i’’.. Bigitiuw K/mi that he i'uuid find no rt’i'oni uf till* pi’e^untafluii of tho rernuu- straiK'u *m Gut uf thu b'lard.

Keverat uthrr wKiU'Sscs worn e*unilu»)d be foro tho Kt iiiun adjiuirnoil.

- « —— ------('Iirishaii l•:mteavl»rrrs' rjiciir-ilon,

Thu cunlhiittfH' iii>(M>iii1cd )>yilio Kssisi Christian KinJ*'«ivur I'niun toan'atigu forlho ICtnlciiviir hay l■af'll^hlon t'» U» hehi on Fri- liuy, July JT', an«l uJii« |i will In) j^irtiuiiTattHi 111 hy all tliu si-vnily ur;jaiii7JiHuii.< of Ksik'x Cuiiiity iitiil a numbi r frum the llmlsoit County I iiioiu iiu't hist ijjgiit 111 tha yuiLn^ Men’s ( 'Iiristiun AN.-MicjaUon ijurlur. Drie- gati's wtTi* lursi'iit fi'iMii Muiiii'Iair, Bl(H>m- flriil, l.vuns Kiiniis, t u n « i llriluvillo. It w'fiH duuiilul tui'hiirrur u train on tlm Dulti> ware. Liii'kawninia and Wt^tuni HalJroa"l, which will laki' fla* Kiiilcavurifj's to Hobo kwi, wliiT'* ttu’ boat will Mart, 4’iivular will prej-ared hy Kfdn*ri It, Sinclair^ i'hairmAii nf tiic ( 'urTes]>un Ii'ui'f* Cuniniitti'e of the* Ks-hux Cmun. which ndl tel went to each sucicl\ ii» rJif Ciiiuu. A hteaiucrtu aocoiniiiuilatc l.wM} hu-i hoeu siHnireiJ.

I hi' Wiil'Idng flunrH ImTcascd,A chanyo was nial'* ycsp-iiiav in the

wurlilng hours at Clark's (J. N. T. MtlU .\oH. ‘i and fi. m K»‘arny. I’ur many lounGiii th" *‘mploye'"i have te*t'u working on tlirue- (juartcr tune, quitting a t 4 u'id'M'k uaoh afterr^xm. romrucuciug with ycshTilay, the jtiilte will ih>t he clo.-ifKi until ft iM'liK'k F. M., except on Saturday, whou they will be closoil nil day.

A ( (ittcci'l at Kiiifte Itnck.Tlicfo u t'unccrt a t Kaglu Hock to-

night vimlfr thu aiisphs-H iff the Anicricau hinging Niu'iftv. An iulcrchting timo haa hccu ari'AUf'cd fur. Thi*ro will be a lunchoon

wjnitup til ttiu fifitiviticH.

Wcitnchdny Fair at«il Slightly W armer,For Now Jersey tu-:norrow the Weather

Bureau lu-edictH fair uud tftigliUy warmer W'oatbor, withHouthcrly wlndx,

C I T V JfK W H N O T E S .

to ^ a y , Thar

and auataloea'rnjfirieS wtiiMi" death.



A Verdict Agaliivt-Napoleon.Mary Omiuhlil «u«l Nutxiletin flCKluuekl in

the Firet Diitricl C'ouri- tbia morning lor a trunk full ol clotbro. BboclaioiuJ tbet tlie is'eot to Bauffaiulti'a bouw aiul etaywi tbree weelc’i a t |3 iMard, and when abe left Ibe (dothes w,ro kept. Hlie appearod In the court tbli rooming In a auit uf borrowed clotbea. ijbe was gleou a verdlet of fSS.

O ollan fOe. Eaeli, OnS. l ie . Fee Pair.•tm ak-Adr.

^ n rto iy ll»% ail ity le i; beet make.,KpetemSiW Market itiML-d '

were enlernt on the tlronlt Court •**' ' rrofne two Juiiginente by de-

raollVonfi -iortel5.1Ii.. »_ *r of W acnn,Keilam dt't’o., and eaainet Andrew U. fiinn . da^i'Vand thu o tii^ fo r -SIKCMIO, for John Left- ‘UP, kkuliuit CbirlarliciGlech. IluthaUta war*

’-r^in'bontvaft,Counly Plijeloiaa Elliott wa, eararaoned to

10 Seariuiit etroet this niorolnj to Im-e.llaate a hiiJ den duet li- .lolin W. Bcok. u mlddle-i«ed man, bad been eeleed n iili epUeptlo flta about J o'clock tlile morning and before awletanoa reached him he died.

At tbe BiiMVill. Atbletto CIubhoifM to- nlKht a pool match for the (diamplunabip of tbe Roeea-Ulea aud Blooniiteld Cyoior.' Aaao- clatloo will to played. William Bowue, who won the cb.Ripiouehtp for the RoHTlIlea from the North End and Rlreretde club., will repreeent ReaeylUe, and Percy U. Johneon th* Bloomlleld.. The (am* wlU to' fer.tli* beat o a to f nOpaiaU.



T o u n g H op«A il o r N i v a r k P in -

Ijig t« O e l In to t h e S w i a .


n w l B o d r H u j a r i i d l r t t a n tn lh«Um u id Ih* M trurtu r* ., r . l MB alkln(-bi>*M h A?« U a liif M .irr or l.*H K o ro lrrd 't '.u o U r tlM N w tllo rliitB opulotlun I> U ro iiH il tu r iu n ( * lo ts r H U lo ‘« Cvolliil Wo k . I jt io In M a. o r B a r lf In J u n t - T n lk i ( f Ith M .wm . Miin-

and Ju n il.lu a ii.

P arin f th* p u t wotk or two, whan the ■waltorlDf b u t wiw wlltiag all humanlt; ■nd tfa. uwrtiurr n u rlji oaioail tiKmmma-

I tu b u n t, UVUIJ |w r» iu wnr* h w it to • What h u baouiiu ut tlw pubUo Uattb-. r

There llnitrred In the mtnde of niaaf dtl- ■Hn a rnruUK'Uoii that the I'ttf naneil two Inx-Uke otnictiirei that bad been uaed fur the puriiuee uf (leiilK ix-reuDH uf either m a chance tu cool tbenuolree lu th- aaUin of the ?a«alc dunus the but uaiou. The : email b>vi mpeciallf remoniliurKl the free bathe, for they bev* iMon a euurce of delihlit It) the ateratie yiiuiii[«ter.

It h u barn the ueual cu>b>m each year to thruw the batna uiwii (p the imblic tlin latter part of Hay or early In June, accurdiuK tv the nreatber. Tble uiontb the therminiwUir baa been buiy a t wurk la ibe eightiu ami alaettaa (uT a numlmr of daya yet tbe lath- hm iei are tUll eluch faet In the mtid on the bank of the river, a little uurtli uf the I'eMalo hoaUwlMH. Nobuly ewiiie to knuw Juet why

Im t* aot twfu put ka oukoniUMion aikI Aobodj M»uu to i«ru to ibouM^r tb« raponiiblluy f4kr tho d»UT. I'^rtaln i t i i tkAt •om* ooM ]■ tu v id woe sruuM Iwiu lito pnllUoul ARidrAlhiDi of that paftlcular panmo if ATery wnan hiijr who ImthiOOttld c u t A tuU jUrtt AtHJUt Ibt pr«MDt (iin*.

Tkc bAtliilukc houfttm arf udiW ibe juruklic- tion of tbe <if Wurka Ia liii Atu>mplto tearo wbHii tite lusitu wtmM 1m» AKi w i r s ^ i te r crnHwi on toriMS of tbe L'oid- nUAioDem eo Iiht. Hr, Kubo coubf fir* uo MMm why tbe (iaUu were uot iu ex- oeptUkAt tbe Nuns riDUnilHUt bad nut \m i\ Appottktid jrei. He Raid Cuiitrulieioiit'r Jorale- mon had been ^iveu butbunty W iMke tlie ■tfipoiAtmAUt, but that wae the IarK be W i beard t i it. Mr. eiuraWuon. when veen UTtr. aupbilo^ that tlketdiati^ in the fk^nrd uf Wurke wai main!)' reeiKHkAibla for the up* paraat laxity. Men wpre put to wurk a irtek AfO| tbe (.^Ftntiilintouor Rnid, to make needed rv|iatn and tbe hniiRtM would be

«aed a t toou a t they were m a Kt enmU*

THE CONTROVERSY SETTLED.Ea*t sknsfifp fiet* a In Hip I’tiua-

t j »f int*r nK.iHNk- ^PwAntM rhHTriMHBit t»auwbk*#a

TJie rn iitm T eriy I*rtwtvn th*' h^*tt * hwnpe Ti>ww«hi|i auil the •■UUIIM' 'H rr tJ u 'tm n a • 1 ta e valuatlone put iii>un the tow iublp by the C.iunty lUtanl id Av.r..^iu'. wee muimuuu-'.I e . tlnally seUthnl nt the luHtdloe of the Tuwu. ehlp rr iiiin iltim laet night, diidp! J . F rank K(W1. ra |«ir1«l W the coiiiitulliw H u t he had a bill from th a l 'o u u t j .Aiidltur ngeinet the u n m e h lp lo r »K ,l7 .m "h u h w at Jiiet half the ainimnt th a t bad Inwu |.n lu |» in theluw u- ■ hip by t l« Iw reaw in thn ealualiunk to k't,,i8f(,fNi<i. Therediiciliin » a« th u reeull uf tbe auit lietw eeuthe tuw nabipaielliiei'auuty.

B r. f o r t .poke of the tevi.teniw he hart r u fwlTeii frum the A iw -am s and u id Hiat I* wa« largely due to their e . t r a work th a t I ha UTlng had been aoconijilielieii. The Town- ih lp ( 'leninlttea ronflrlhe.l the action taken by tile Tow n Comiitel aud urdared the bill [laid.

B r F o rt aleo preeeiited a new fran c liiu for the Huburiiau Traction ro ii ii* n r , which f l ta l the cunipeuutiuti for the righ t tu I’uu

tbe ie<.oiid live yeart, Fltltl fur the th ir .l flee yeari, am i F«<» fur the fourth Hva j u r e . : Tlie frauchiae w»- roferi fd to ttie Itua l I'unl- niilUv.

ill the regu lar incetliie tho Iloml t 'unuii t- tee reouDitiieiideil that a fouptieit etuio' eole- walk Iw laid oh the weal tide uf ITosie'i t place end th a t the (.’lerk be liutriicbel tu uii- verilie fur liidt.

On the reciiinmcniiatiun of the Hewer C’oiuniltlee i t wa« dei'Uleil t i b y e newer In U lrard avenue, fmiii Duld tu iillton atreel, a t a coel of aliuut tIkH). It wan decided tu build a hoeehouae in the Third Ward, t 'one m ltteeiuaii Eller w antal a huKehiniae (milt In tha F I r t t W anl, also, lull bia molinn wae nut laconded. Frank A. I’aUenmn wa« eleeteil a iiieniber of the Are devartiueut and neetgneil to lloea t'onipaiiy Nu. 'J. The W ater Com­m ittee recuiuuieudnl that the turn of |H, miu be blacwl in the t a i levy for w ater purpmea, and alau th a t dllfl hydrente were lu opera- Hon. The O nilliiuco I'ommlttiw ret»irte<l llie l p rom pt action ihouldU i bikeii by the niim iilttee in retatiuii tu the uf thehiiueee In Triiewlal row, on Main elrcet, which pro ject a fieit ami a lialf over the liiu.‘. Tha ueuat approprintlont wore made.

Tha urdltiaucee reeiwotlug the acceptance and g ru liu g uf Ueiitliaw avi'ime aud in reference to the eleirtrlc wirea on .Main itroct were laid over until tliH tccund m eeling in Ju ly . The onllneuce. ri'cjnc'tiiig rei'kleea dfivliig and creating the nfllcc irf tliuliltug

But," added Mr, Joralem nn, “ ourHiiper- iBtMhlent, B r. Mundy, kimwe mure alem t Ib ia than 1 do. 1 w ie J tu i going tu em him about ttwm."

kVhUe waiting for a n opportunity to «ee Bapartotendent M undy th e reporter paid a ▼Mt to the batluug-houeva a t Uivir inuil- aw ortug place. The Htructuree a re in a very poor coBultiuD, Tfaay a re rani.bnckle In ip - paarance aud inaay of the tiiutiere in the low er Mction have ro tted aw ay. A .inall pile of Inmiwr lay DU th e ground nearby. A l l t ^ patching here and there had beeu doae, but from tu t looka of th ing , ooiuiiler- ab le linkering will be rei|n lred tu put the old IniUdlng. lu fair oondltiun. The roof of one to eunkin in plimet and look, reaily tn fall. E ven tl]e.lde lieaiu. which hold, the faeteii- tnga fur mooring the houaw tu dock, aiw de- oayed and pnriiel tn |dacea. Tha paint U dingy aud faiUng oW, and, token ellugetlier, tb e bnuneelouk auytliinu bu t lavitiag. New n u u which havelaen laid a re the only bright- looking tpoU Id either building.

lu an lutorrlew Huiierlnteudent M undy ■akd th a t J a iim Hawkiua had been a |c

j euperintendent of the hatb-houee..; f l w MW .U)ietiiit«ui|eni bad begun work ' jpeiterday niuruing, Mr. Muiidy aaliL and he ospectad to have one ut tha bauaee afloat thla

' waakt.Mr. Mntidy a tld fu rther th a t the huuete

w w e bardlgtAt (0 be uMd, ba t he waa iuAfi>i lowed to apRid any tiiorn nioney' ou theiti' tlum t ta i aheolutely neceawry. He would have thain patched urn be mid. but they would uot be pabitwL The f lr .t bouie lu be p u t lu eam m iadun would be towed down •traam and moored iu the vicinity o f Mad- toon (treat. Tbe other would, an lunial, be placed toniewfaere near F ou rth avenue.

Tbe auperliitendent aleo gave the chaugt la tbe m akfruu e l the l iu a rJ « ( Wvrhe aa an ^ u a e for the urdliiMR ta ^ u e e e in poeltlon, ''T terttU m r ne “ oh ‘‘you lee It take , ao long for inch a board tu gat down to butliie.*.'’

Then the inparindent anoke of tha w ater In tb e F aualc aa being un lit fo r bathing and n l d if ho had h ii way he would liavs two large, arllllclal free b a th , cuiutriicted to be filM every o ther day with IV iuaunivk Water, and' would, do aw ay with V iP .tt'F r b a th , eiitiridy.

In the m eantim e the email boy. will have to take ohauiMi w ith the police and iivim in

a I «««• pIvap waiflnie foF 1 lAltttf

TALKED AND FOUGHT.W liltr rumiiii-miia l-ciMlsIMhrr V irloualf,

Mrli HttJ I pA UsHHikvif <'i»n¥fr«all4in<

A ver* .iiiall an ticniw H t around lonL 'e Hall, linrrhrm. 1.,-t night fur nearly twohieir* waiting for the Imnl. of the -".calicii liam -un .tninoioeiil rom |iany b> l«-gin. The mainigcBicnt of the " i oni|iaiiy ” wiilch, by the way, j. in no way ivnincctetl with the party :if .jiurlJi whu cundijcte 1 Ibii la .t affair under that name Iml I'uii.lit* "f I 'ad .lyS lr- liuiggan and unuor tw,i ottier., u t artniitd liiolimg giuin and dr« uiiwilatc nt lli“ elim at- U'udauce and tietil prolouged cunfcreui'ea wflh 111" nglitor. and their liackere. Fmatly,afl*u‘ the auiiicicv hud uianliccb-l i t .imintmeiit and dieapproval iu prolonged .lumping, McUuiggau cam* totheconi lualbn Unit a " froat,” in the parlance uf riug-goen, wu- luevitaldu. He dii<'|i|e.| tu make the lieet uf a tvut bargain nui! do what he eonld U> give ibe i>eu|ile eimelhiug fur tbalr money.

Ill III. eatccniity lie up|iealc<l bi tlcorge A. Hurreil, of tlio Fa.tline Athletic t ’luli of New Vork. b> help him out of hi. dllatiinia. Mcltiiigguii Miiil tha t while the compeuy nmilil "get the liltle vlnlof it. he wa. wllllug

elri iric cant tin l)i«ld and l’ru"|iei't .tree l. a t |,„y ij,„ (Buer. a got.l day', wagiw ami let (TlWiier mile forth# flia tfltey iari, fur I ig , | - Boilmggan atlnliuUHl tb«

--------- fn» t bi the jmblicalioii in a lie-.l new .pai»rof a paragraph aiiniamcing that tbe ihow a a . not likidy to come ulf u. ai'lie iiilvti.

liurreti cuu.tente<t bi go In the ring ami ex­plain tha illiiattun to the aiidlciica and he wa. greeted with a round of u|iplauia aa be walked toward the foutllgllta.

Hientleiiieu," Mr. liurrell began.■ lltairay T yelled the crowd and liurrell

buwetl egain.Uentiemen,” he repeals 1 when order w a.

reitureil, “ owing to a lul.unilcmtanding the iiiaiiagHflient ha. Ipean obllfi.l bi forego the prelimiuary .parrlug bmiU. Hnv of the new.pa|Hir. publiUietTa eteteineiit th a t w a.

But, wi 01 not to ili.ap)ioliit you. leaw reatllng inaUrti lin t, aud

tlieti Ur. Hiddou* and Mr. .Mriluiggaa will arry out their part of the prcgramnie in a

ten ruuiiil tamt.”Tlie audleni-e reocived the new. of the managaiiietit'• ” d« ’l.hm In a forgiving

.p iril and applauded when Aunuiiilcer Bur­rell llni.Ueil hi. little apeecb. 'I'lie pniapect of a .iltf lialtl# lietween the famou* ■' CMt- iron ” pugill.t of Pfew Orlmii. and the Eaat Newai'k iail made up id a meaiiiro for tho di.«|ii«jliiiineul. Tmi .purl, arre repaid for Ihcir aniiablllty by wUiie.«lng a clenu, wiien- tlflc ixintct, in which Mciliilggnu w t the pace auil held th# lead all the e . j . Ueferee Jim frowe, of Orange, at the conclitUmi of Ih. Umt, called the battle a .Irnw, niiicb to the diiMatiatactiuu of the .|«clatuca wlio ventml Iheir dtupleaiure In prulonge.| h lM ..

While McUuligaa and Hi.lrtun. were p t - ting really the ring w t. uctuihcI by iVilllam l‘rovu«t, a aturily young fellow, ami TIni Metiovern, a ty p ica l‘'ohi 'iiii,' wliuwreetleil two lively bout*. I’roviwt's youth wrved hini lu good .lead and he '' tu rned" Tim Imih time., in Bin, BUt aiulllm. 'Jd», re«tiec- tiicly. Theu "B illy ” Wel.li, the "L iltlu John L, " who wa. hlllal tu meet " I'iuckV .iack" Kur«kA of Newark, and t'onme Hul- livan, whoee name ap|war«l on the bill, in conjunction with that of " J a c k ” Ward, .|u rrnd three lively roiiiiil., Jami>. Curran, an Irl.h comeillau, wliow ‘‘face la h i.fo r ' tnnu,*'“ nu a (uiuilc Huig aud dancw lafcw ete|>a wldle HIdduu. luurigeil iu ill. Corner waiting for .Mcliuiggan to an i“ r.

1’re.eolty Mctlniggaii, weai'lnu it tleevelbaa lilne. .h lr t and white lircoi'hclout, .tepped lubi the ring, follo»t«l b.v hi. attendaiita,

IN V E N T O R E D IS O N I N J U R E D . !

W btio At Of«l«D. T liti NtaiA, Kii»^Hinaal> liiffe Ha llAR a Kal1--Th^ Fam -

lly W nrrIw I.Thome. A. Kdlwnt. the inventor, t . lying

a t hi- ill line, in I.lewellyn Bark, .u lterlng from an In jury which lie received while n t- tin g on the porch i t In. i.iarilliig buuie, in Ogilfii, N. J „ laet F riday afterni.iB . Mr. Kdi.Mii hadlieei) a t Ogden for elgtit week, riperiinfiiling 111 the mine* with kl> o r» « [i- era tu r. Frhlay afternoon, ]u«t before illn- iicr, while nealeil on the porch, h i. chair ivd- liUKwl and lie fell hcaTlIy bi the fl'^ r. He ph keil Liimwlf op nulckly and thought no more of Ibe i.'ciin-eui-p until he wa. abont tu art-e on Hntiirday morning, when lie felt a iialuful utlfTueaa In h i. holy.

Mr. Eilliion arrlveil borne On H atiinlay night much wotwa tlian he had Iwen during tlie ilay. Huuday niurnlng the faniitv phyaU clan wa. called lb, b u t he thought little of the n ia ttw , though he pren-ribw for the pa- t i n t

The fam ily feH much alarm all day Bun- day, thinking th a t Mr. hkliwin had rw alved liijurie. which b n ) partia lly paralyawl him. Yaetcrilay tlie U iv n to r Improvad (smaidera- hlv. To a N aw a reporte r Ihla morning M ia Iktlwiii “ Id llia t lier hu .liaud h a l tiawed a very conifortanle n igh t and that her m ind w a. very much relieveil. Mr*. Edi.on bIm) .U tK) th a t .b e fe lt milch woirleit y e .tc rd ay .

HtMtMWrjWJ I.gT-

ANII r i ,A T a TO I.KT.

Ill Bruom. >1,, III Ho.* T Cm. lurt « e'W w.l'r 114111 Hoiuiut.l., iieef I t riwioic. IVAi AmIut I t , i»kPoiii| ■{(<! ihlr 1 f1'» 'ft. T H

' Iii4 A ro»mR eiieh 41 rimI mgk<i Mtov«4; laiW f^lllAImi Ilk* tww rtiE* iJ

A"tftr it : InjpruvRiJieuU, iA-> "tov**; taiw fpiil Ap|itxiuJliHlC('H M. AiVHi , TM BfOWl Rl-. t&'rd lluor.

«K A r. KATATR FOK « A L r-€ IT Y .

A toRRlR jrou ■ AAffAJa.

A.— i JIAVK i'miHKHl'lKH itt tiTAir « Aft] af til* aa<1 «Ul dir*

W. 4AkCltY. TtDHroAdRL 74

A HorHEN, FAHMH, m v.H-totvrprlRMi. til fiKi h int*4 qnli'klfjooia-

mtri’iat ikRMrt iiMotUtM: iiAr'iiAt* prururM. iHM A N, h i Apr I mill •9)U()uil JiKh^ aN, Hprin|il»ld Mr*.

.■V)!tl«ArvK- NEW YnKK AVK,,r(JUR RIMIMH,W^lnulRi, R rDorai, ; f^uitt KlulA; Jl>mt*n1fha <t., t rontna fl.imo: Atlof 4T«ai1, roomi. ; -S*w i i , J'*-RUir

t footai. IJ.UUO ; iiiitntt it.. it> riMitua 44iOHa r. HKYtaiKAUOeg ISB fflpFl|ifJI«Ul atA 0|mu EYfa* hit*-

1 i w :•I., ll.TVI

K ' "AAl.k-fKItUY Al'.g rOHNER rTORS

• ihI 14 roQuiK. priot, UrtHHu* Rt, tif^rWikVArljr Ml.. «kvr« An4 n hHutii, mila for f4XI year, vrti** ; Hoirtry At. Mior* r>i4 14 rOAUiA rAmi for RUM yRHr. pftr« V. HEYEH ft x.'O.. mP>prln|H*1i) RV*. 4i|iEfi «v*nlniik

Inepecbir were iiawied on tlie irlh ln i readiug- ijn m otion of Mr. I'rlppen, Jam e. Im nnlng WM appuiiiteil BuHdlng I iu iw lo r fo r Hie term of one year. Bid. were ojiaued for the w avenger eer.lce. They were a . follow*: Iw lah K ing & William 11. Bailey, W.lktn; Taylor & Jumw, |U,Oyo; John FInun, ta,4t*i; Jaoob IW lrich , toJ,TUfl; t'o rue llu . Hoyle I t Co. fe.'i'jn, I’h e b ld . ware referrwl b i the Hrilinaiiiw rommlUee. The Finance CVnn- m ittcr. through Mr. Brueii, iugg(*t*.i HI) |inr m unth be allowed tlie T a i K i.'eiver fur tlie e t t r a labair th a t liat devolved U).m him by the iwtabliBhiuout uf thn alnkliig fund.

t'um initt(.m iaii t 'o rn e i.iinpiaiuwl of the Orange a u th u rltic dimiiilng refuMi on tha |.« tr farm iu tho B ail Orange Townahipi, aw l the Clerk WBHaatructwl to notify the uro|Kir a-nem th a t i t w*niW urn lie allowart in tha

jiirure. T he (inBiK)lldafeil'i'raclion Ckitnpany waa inalrncted to reimve the atreet in tro u t of It. etabloa and larlnnuie. (teorgv W. Mtcvoiiion wa. ap]«iint#«l In.jiectur of tbe inacailani work to be iloiiii on Hu«ae* avenue. The police and llreiuaii were grantw i live day#' vacatloD, _ ______

l l i r V W l 'k T lB l i IN UIA )l)M rlK LI>.

I,V(lH**4l,g OnllKNT KI.vic t r u c k f . km , eonNltWAir nf A^iit tlETRii M fM 'J hlfiilf oitli-

TAl«Nj ||I>URARI1(| bRFn, HMkAffoQ At f ifllAiniHirf plAOA, M>) wllhlAcitf IlinilU; r*ai*l 4 t i

ilnllRr* M r )r«Ar. A'l4r««« UiAWRA ft PIllM.riVH IKON WmtKfR, >(«#ArK. 14. J. »2b

Fr)jt BAtvE. A TKRKr-ATOftT eoAiAlitIrtf II. rnums: initalil* for Iwa

rkniUtHMi All liuJiruvikTikAntA. In^uirR <»tuwuRr, a» rtCNKh.Y a VF. ttmn n v K i-


r r ................................. -I IV alrA J RVA AAiJ H I'SionM . % F plr At tkRCR t«

I* I rpUIN,l»t**i>ifAl Rtfiit*# *1f |lO t^i'lTMAN >^r, * »'iX

I MTADd rtuoi* kll liiipr«T'‘Taa)kt4. rRiilESi: tlilri- -------- |iU tfloor, M3 NprliiRfltld roomA.

floor, Si Aiiar nt, thrr* f4*k y. iik v a h ft ( It.,f |V ) t . r r fl UikOM-. S.I Kt.OOR, •* JM.ANKNI’.,

enftkRf JAALRI *L. IkRFTlr pAlBWdA»l«1 pA|fRT(tol: TRniiis. A. H

4 LAKMK. WMJa-Alio l U r F * m onkA fT .

,kpi»ly » r* 'm tU ,N n mT.

fpRCtlAf lAIRI for IHr it RrdAiARrt br i I>r Cri

c»y #r .NraA/k. w ftsUourR: . ^ „ a ^AtCtlOAl. IbRtlhRrfbR RAAAtRMl. rRllRi hf folMMft <irHm i 4 «f«D a«4 frwski A l lp m ^Aii'l lAuai IroaPkI Ib lb* cKf of N*VArlt, eEr nilowUK lUlD* lO WU: _____r ti r l t ib U ii f Ib« »lr«RtB or UIR d t r ............... wllIM MKof Uitt UkllAlRUADOR Attd RKippoTt Of tb#'

I^Mr AA(1 Aim* i ’RfMU'ltURttL........................For rrfUlRlInji, rlRAqint Aiid VRRpliR In rR>

pAlrtbRRlrMfo ARii U\|bwAipR.................... n , mVat r*RUl«Un* liiRproRmf rihI profonWnt

lilt piiblte iruuud* RH'l pqrfcR ................ Ai*Fiif rriJAlriiii: AOd InoldiiMtAl r ip«drrh »

pAb.hJ bundllkfA ............. .................... ■ft™!bird ii'or1U*f«R»ln>ctHkiiRbd i«pAlrHfkf brldrid . 3,*i7

r p t ) Ki.-i’ h 'w rnN '*T„1 llRhlMl rRORiA fU :

W a T f r i .v it .. 4» TOAt* plAARaRI runrnA

\V "E rv n itm 4 r.,7 i t T ■!

A.ET, T iiltk *


H04IMH, rtA T A . ItTC.e W ANTEU.

K ftfikiA '4'a ?4Tk -'. t w «> rmfl

............. riTfiFR r x-fwfniKbR'1 ^n^^n• : i^nirAl

fdUon Aiid fuodera lOkprn'iim-ul^ AiJrir^s^I Hi.NjMs, Moa M, N-wsolfo-R.1 JlfOMH, AT rtAL‘MlXHlAwaQinl: all pariR o7 '‘itf ; propyrtj laiRA In

«IiarR«, raiili iNjIlv-tnlfob H K HM A N, rtatme arotI, »4l Hprfogilal’l arf.


^V larffand imBlI. 4tulK>TKKiiT..St FUtXtMUKU RO iMW,Wil H

FRONT watrr


aU Injprora'mtiitA/'ILINTON HT., HI - 'O I^Br, I a ROK V rorjin, furnUliRd f^r IWbt b<>URRk#tpa»f . 6B fofuf.

■ tUXTOX AT,. 74a |*nU4iii«B oDljr.


ftn Fl'HNlttHEDrooiua, wl'h haih prltllifR.


( tfiMMElU'E -*X.AinR eOllMiM'lllll

liif ; All iDiprovamriU.



1.^A*TFAHK Hr, XlCXLY FUHXlJmEI)l^Jrooiui 10 lal.

■‘T,, l¥-rt'KXlHIlRIfgribuiiitkMpInK. _

( iRovr-: Hl„ 16 HKC')NM>-‘iTnllY A LLXiVR V fropt rmim lo furaisbad.

RnoMH, L iu iir711



NO. 74B HHOADhT., URArtbR IfoatofRoi. VRidAliom mAilROU Im^krorR)! anti anltnpmvR'li

pru|i«rtj ; MRUi#i<livhl#il { .NuiArv Publio. ?4ktofS) W IU. BUY A TWO-FAMILY

IM'WhnuSto. near itirtKl Rtikliou; or rrlil rent ro fOcKl kiiAiuatlow llfiira, BHuW»N ft HrllLKHIMJKIl, YfoAbti T4h Hroad *%, mkii

BAUOAINI I.nT ON BOUTH • j i ^ W W l - a t , , n#ar rfiilrnl nYR.; All lin> pTwRiUBTktv fttqiklfw URHoCTlf KUi HTR Wf. i


o r

tb« canal u r rive r waiUnKkouRRR to be open<^.


■milaeRRTrattRaetnd b j th e Cominon Coud-nll-A l.ivrly TLIt.

Chalnuan Wllauu, of tbe Uontolalr rom- v o n Count-il, bad a UR With Mffot'i- t^ud- ford and Kn^Uah a t tbe niMtttiK uf the tum ttiittefl iMt uiitht. H r. KnyrUab olfpred a fwolution to tbe afTeet that uii th« laH day

the month the clerk ihould iiiak# uut the warrants for the polU« k) that theycould have the money on tiimi and not have to wait * long time for it* Mr. Kngluih ha<l R good Bupporter in tbe inerRoii of Mr. tlanr}- f€?d, and both Iwl a lire ij time trying to make tlie chalrtimn leo tbe matter as they did, but be |>ertlHt«i1 thatall billR should be Mid a t the »amn tinu*. Mr. En rliAU't m olutiou win (ief^ted. Tht* iiiabiliijr tr> in d the Treasurer a t hiR post was also a caute uf coiiipiaiiitt and ho will now l)e or* derwl to Ikt; at LIh ulDuo a t oertaiu houri • re ry day.

Mr. Crane, ohairman of .the Hewer ( 'miii milteR, reiidored th^ approxiiiiato theiewers to U* laid in various of ihetown, aud ui>uii liie ret'cipt of a dr|MMil iiaid to the town by (htsirlng sewers, t hetown will prcM'tH I to lay ibn anweni. A luNir- Ing of the prir^kerty-owuprM along the thoroughfaret where the uiuinB are to be laid will be belli on July 16,

Mr. ThumpAuu prk*]ii'Qted ovdluanres in re* Ifttiun to dogs riimiiiignt lerKR, aud aUu an to the dMecrAtli,m of tliH Hnbbalh by picnic partitw. They were [•a-tHwl io w m id r<'a«liHK.

i>et<*rtive t'fwgrnva of Newark, on RMflihktiuu of tbe roli(W Cnmmjttee, war graoWfi the reward of for the <'nptiiri:s •ome time a^o, of the burglam who w-pru operating in Mcrotrlulr.

Ow'lug to the niAiiy cntiipInlTits tnn<ln hy Citizetui of the bltK'kadiuk; of (he bytbe ingviiig of liounee, Mr. Tlinminoji miide RHftion Umt no ixTiniU be grante<l lo niiy otin for more than two blocks. Tbe (iiaUer mm left to Ihn disiNTtim) nt thi Conmdl.

A* apiillOtttioiiK for licviitkOH coin*mence to run from July 1, thu L'nininitb'e re­ceived many Hi>p)ir*rttiotis lust aidhtuon which *wiii liefcrreii until Timrsdny nighty whrn a public hearing; will Im* giwn the clliroiis for bikL (^{alnst lU'ensoi.

Mr^. Vnu ( llvf i'lnml Mp«. Eli/Jil»i*lh \'nu CtnJ, who ciin«lni'tA

tim Buloou At 1 Columbia was arresiod' this niuruing ou cotiinlaint of 1‘iillco CnpUin Corbitt who charK''<i her with riiuintalimig a dinoni'Tly huuM*, .ludsfA Mott flue"! her Jv) ami cudU, B(nnuntin|{ iti all to itwflH iu thie boUHc ttiat I'atrick M dlruth claimed to imve bwn roblK^l uf FllV on Hun- day iiy Alice Hrown. I luring; llic e^amiim- tloii of Min. Vnu CHiof it was stute^l that the licrtiNC for the Miiooil wnn made out in the nanie of Edgar Folwfdl, wh i lA»it Nuvoinlicr threw John l■’ran(;i'i i rNciil »uii of thoyjklonn, the latter husiaIuIiik a fmctni'e'l skull. O’Neill wnr atlcrw arJ couunitleil to the fiiMue uayiiun nud rcnminul tlion'wveral months. ^

HutorukHii ChHraed tvltb >litinkiAUirl>{«>ra As a matter of furin, Louis K, lll^bue, tlie

tnotorman of Irvin^tim ('nr No. 16, whirh Tan over nnd killed Harry GliH*i-Lm*r WaluH'- day afteruiXkD tiu Hpritigllcld'avenue, wah c b a r^ l ^(ltb nULijHkij^hlor this mortwutj;, the cluirge having Iwii prefcixed by i 'aptaiu Glori, OT the Fourtli Ercdnct. It was tliiua RO tliat-the mall Niilght by rehkAsed on bull iDiUind of lieliig paroiwi td rep.u'l every dfty until rroRtcutur Crene shall lake ucUoh m %txB inatter. ___ _

lUv. Jlew ard IIMsi AccepUa IRoy. How ard BUsh, asRlitnut pastor ot

Plymouth Church, Brooklyu, N. Y.,- liaM ao- cepl-(^ tbe (vill to tlie jiailtnmte of the lUiris- tian Union Uongregatiuiial Church, at ijifier lionU'laIr, b) succeed Kev. W'. U. Wooden, who resigued. on 401*011111 uf iiUlu^nitii. Mr. BiUi auQuuuced bis intention of going tu

I Up]ker MunU'Uii' a t tlui Jittirnlng eervicot iu the Brooklyn aiitzi'ufa uu Humlay. i

Unfui'tRiiAle J o h u 6t*Kturi iluHpil.Tlie funoi'al of John A. Hexton, who was

loitantly killed on the Wutuhung braiRib of tRR NrW York and Uret^nwuud Ijoke Hail* way, near lakeside aveime. W rit OrangOv ranydutk iay lopralng, t c ^ ylnpi at, ^oiock tbU rimming. Tlieaervloys vreiiabeld iidHt. Jobn’e Church, and the iutermeat wa* l i 1 tamUj plot ill Bt. John’i CemeUiry.

TrMwIerB <il Appro p«UtUiua-Tba Mont*ftwieiRty HtrfWR Hsk»tB-N«w«WRf

The rereiit burglariwi End incendiary flreii a t Blooinflcld were callt*)! up (it the held Township Comnutlee tliw*llu;<.TWtcrday afternoon, when Chlvf of EhUih Eowen BtoktHl th a t the Eollre Commllteo li« given power to expend A Aiiin not toexoeuil #.‘>6 to employ Bome one outside the regular police to du deUirttvR work, Thenspiest wan grauteil.

The dog tax sti'h^A Atei 6p- committee hw ifoUeil an ordinance iui|;ini:ing a tax of |1 UR elVkloga which Uadditbuml to A tax th a t dug-ownm havu Ikeen }ayiug. Town C-ounsuI OiKii stainl that the mU ditiotial tax would Rave the atdmaU truni ^ strtic tion : that dugs who aru ro. irgUtored, aud paid for can't be killed. Hu far tbem have been forty dogs regBtereil In the event uf a r^tlstered dpg being killed the o^fimrvaMWPvxr.Oan^wk balR-ftikaa tfcvtibe pubtamnf w g iin^eetorv'-

I Jk9 tiErtUie w4deRiiii|p>(* toitewniefwiitnvafo 'Brtrtgt, for which fhu rtflRiftii H tlwundinrt' town uaictlng voteil to exiwnd $2,0<AI, Ihfl legality of such ait i*x}>enditnre waa quw- tioucii. Chairman Cjauii said:

**The iinproveiiient ought to be corrleil out, 1 liavA no dmilit, but that ian't the uueRtioti. If we are doing wrong in uu» wing we may be in otbHiw,”

Mr. X^owers said Biat; (U the tSoa -luid bwtt viSDtMKikKi tbe n a ^ wimXI probably have to be put out and Hrw "Wwa would bw in itorkntMi until a way could be found out of the difhrulty.

The righta of township cnmmltieeB in the m atter 01 taking iiiuUHys from appropria* tiouB for other accounts thet have iieoa ovei^lrawo will be made known by counts a t Its next meetiug.

John Brown, of Bluoniflcld, sent iu n bill of liilO on account of the drivc.Muy to lili house being obetriioPsl diirlii)^ mwer t-owetnicilan. The bill is for forty-two dev* at a day. It wan refurred to the ComJ^il^ tMMiu l.«Wf and FrnuchistH.

Bids fur the ronsiructinn of eewers on DnugliVk and Hainiltuu roodi ami JjIiicoIii RtreoU Jn the Glen lliilgu sH-lion, wore re­ceived from T. J. It**paii, of Newark; M. J. Callahan, Hlownttold'Heorge l \ tJlcolt, East Orange; Henry N. bowd iS: C.‘o., aud A. Tighis Orange; I*. H. Benwlict, liltHmiilehl, and J. EngUua Vatersuu. The latter did not get in bis bidiialil after the time re<piirei| a u d it was tliruW'uout. The bid* were rfo ferrisl to tlie Sewer Cominitteu to exanune and rcrMirt a t the next iiiHi»ling.

The »VaUT Cominittw rc]s>rle<l that pree- •urn would l>e ailded (ik-duy by tliF* East Ur* ange Cimipany. Chsi'lei Ihmglass whs ap­proved of a* a member of Hohb Coiui«iuy No. 1.

The plana for the projKiscil Montgoinery striskt bruige vri*i» tlioii prft"pul»*d by Sur­veyor (.llmsPvul, mill the commutes will no- guLlatfli HU agreciiiHit with the MhitU CrdaI Coimianv forltscuiistrurlloH- Mi*s rs. I'jwoa mid tlaakell voUrtd Aguiuvt tho cx|>eiidlture of ihk? Appropriation on iiccuunl of its ullegud illegality-

WMJ. IM NT FOR inx;HeTbq PuoimI ^Vlli Opetk Ju ly l-'Ciukiirll and

the t'lkncrri Sulooik*.The LiceuHo Cunimitt«*e of the Coinmcm

Council ye.dertUy uftcrnoiiii held a meeting and dk"t'wl(<i1 l<> ojHrtu tho tlog ]Hnmil July I. Juhu ( iiHack will Im hU| criniemlent iin<] two ruen w lit lie sonL out im lU* dog catcher's WHgoii. The licen>o f+H> for l^iH, whieli w ill go into eifixt oik AnguHt I, vnll be iJ for Riu-h nialo dog aud lor each i'euialo dog.

The cominiltt'e also decldisl lu rwirn- meud to t'oiincil n rfurriLiigpinetit of (tie ordinance whi’i'eby tike concert Hulmms nlli lx* pi'ovidfliil f<ir. In Ihi'i jiiHtU'C (iie rum* iiuttee is acliug under suggotloUR Limdo by tb« police.

There U some dmibts ft«i to the legniity of tlie Cmy (,'lerk iu dmrglng projiricLors uf ouucert hiiloous <l iwr iluy for iJieiUre iKsmiu, when no mimiMiiun is cluti'gi"! by lliem. Tike ordiumict'will pvnhiltit tlie ]jropnvturs of sulooliH from glviim ■* s'lmcerls,''

iKeAlIk uf aiuUii NbhIi, uf ^liHitrlalr.Jobu Nash, K«vyuty-(lii>>e yearM 0/ nge, a

rudn'd New York busiuesi nom residing on

George Butler, of K^rtiy, anil Austin Mit4*li* ell. Hitidoiw wBi lunkcii after by * 'J tn i” Lavelle, Charlea Burke ond John tVhite. Cliarley Norton and “ Turn” Meehan kept the t iiiiR.

McUuiggan .Rtarteil Jn at tha gong ami nifol* a liTaly iften, buiding both hands nard and often. SuhCmR def'-nucKl himself wtdl, itupping'fim^ <>f the vicious pnnoliei with arm ur ihuuldur. Sidd<in>i cunntervd wall twloe, but tha round wiw plalnlr McGuig* gati'R. Paddy was uot <pnte so eager in th e naxt. but Rtilt purieliel hard and often Hiutigh ^ reiniiid SiiMivus that be was tlgbt- ing. He lamleil right, thvn left, then, rmer* ring to Sidiloiu’s rwent encounter with young Kgan, «u(v>red Riidibly;

" You're not doing so luueb kiddio’ thisUuio.r

Nope,^ answered Slddonx as he drove home a viciaw* (s'K*at Faildy's ribs, '^gut a b rits r 'nkan thiM tinia."

In the next Hidildous Undeil loft ami right In the brtvik after a clinch. '* VouVe f o i r ,” biwMKl the Harrison b<>xer betweim ni* i*lem'ke<l teeth, ovnniug lip lUAtteni uu Inatant later as tho men eaine togotlior in a Wickwi rally, hv butting the *' Crwtlron Man ” with Ills bim>I riVk*r the luft oyu, ojkRniQg a

jfj^^n whif^i tho )J KM>*truatnBda A ckyai of 'fuul (ji(ulv buv,4iH>t alUiw»!I lan Je^-hofoi Ii.-ualifoubls iiian’s head. Hit

Ih'yed cimTintiully fikr Paddy's HtM, but ilksl to rtiOL'ii, and he cbaugCHl to b ro ast and

bead with ijioro suciyns. U ntil thrt eighth Hid Inns was ro'eiver-gonoraL thmi he woko up aud staggerist Liia Tlarrisini buy with tw o 4|ulck blows on the neck. That was the d rs t real execution he did except lu tliR Sixth, whea ka raised M elruiggan

Lis feci with a sniaxh on the sbRfacy.- HiiMuikA. repeated the nock blown toWAi'd the Mid of tho rouml, which closod

(th a hot vxehaugnM, Tha a in lh was all Mc- Guiggau's, but Id tlie tooth Hirldons sent tn a left th a t jnrnrd i^addy'a frame. M cGuiggan rushed, and in the uUnoU landed half a doxen hard ones.

“ I woultlu't ilu that to Tou, Paddy,” said HiddoiiA The rouml eudeu as the men broke from auother elliieli, McGiiiggaii landing again ou the break. The r^Teree's decision, imUang the alTair a draw, waa bl^ed run mb Iw, UiH- of tho Newark rtghlera, whom OuiggAU ikruinlscd to "pay a good day's wagus,'* aaid luter that he ‘vliiln’t get enough out of it tr) p:iy f*>r a kidney


H rtLDINO T/YTa, VAll.HIUlRO-PnR B A L F , riiuridiwlf locAiRd (kuliitiiiR lets on A- ^mlih

tKlAU isU'i lots uti Hmiilk onuifv av«, I&r[u1r« yvxi. waLHUKAeOor (fouth onukf* av*. aikI nui>* fonl St

ApaiawooUetf lO FOR irfI-t>INH U»tB ATaPOTSWOOn,

J., iT nilJRB rrnm N'ewAtk, Prims.vlvttnlA riAii, ne«r skiAiiun : pusiMvair this wsakeidy : In-»tRimstit« likan.wi a TPCKIIV, M P ln ist, Kew_V>rX

IIA I^IFY <r.. xyj FI HMNHEU flOOMB. 1 i Ilf III iioiifokfeiilni, |Z, ; liAd roota*. Il.TOI

l Y

M e n ih N l.AV!'. 14 SICItt.V FL-KSlHHItO ritmnl, wllli e .l .r aart *tuve. 4II

1 Ilf III iloiifokfeiilni, |Z, ;OSV S IS I KPKNlsHKn ROOMS FOR ibrbi hounshtMplBf Aikd «ja* sin*it. tM

rt.HKRKV HI.. TO-Kt>RHlSli»U hOOllAIlf ht hfluwX'WiJiBf, II, |R W. ___ RW


IIK .1 In



AMIH ’s-i l ON KT.,1 rckoni li .

n iti); All ImjUKVfriDtnfo-

111 . F I KMKU •\V rckoni Ibr H(ttkt bi'UMkiPjtiiig wr Kind* ftuilR


1' a -u(44V Hsik ufRurtitr 11n>Ad srn.\ ROOM, P o t

W A N T ElLw A rcm i Iff

rl^Ale Ik-iitljr Uf R juunf iKAn, wllhhi lUtniD' llmAdAnilc At

t r , .v


•CftsaeU RTihR

r r r rTiT Y 'o F BEW A llJ^-A If oitDiHAHCE

For rsfulitUnf triil Bttpinf whBrvRi and doeXA «r ik t oil

PorUiR eoiMtuctlon otid ftpoin i f tiw tlk i.......................................................... *1"

Ifor iliiTiimntBipRaMRArtHknllR wfoKklt, cjifllutlYR •! euiB ApproprlAlhiB ami *«iwo^mhllai...........................................— "R-ff?

Fur iht sdpp4irt ftf ihduRtrlal BobtotR MKi>r ilii>«uii|Kiri of Kit PolUft Ctpariaieiil... Ilfl.iOSF»r ibR toupport of tb« f>n> IwpArtnitni..... 111.09For •Htppljrlnf ibRciir with waWF fa? iSt OX*

iliiifuUlmituturflriv . . ................ . L®*For reNUiofORdR In hotpiuliAad la E ft aad .

Kar tridrinArx. iir IbeMuuponIUcJltmlib.................... - .....

fa r rogalAUnf. eltRQlr^ sad xaepUtk la rfoMir tb* iiuhile iiiAtCA............... ...........

...... rrpaJf IkRoily..............

For ihi-BTArfHittr contfo'i..........................ForAmiKinl uf uikoulltoitd ptranaM iRits or

...................................................... .y.—For MMRAiAf aii4 cuiitcvlno ibo laxRR or 4fta

f i t r ........................................................ .For>1rt IWfMnmtiil t'omialileo-................ .For llkt partuRiU ot UittrRtlupaa iRmporatf

lOAtW................... IYdr m rttn t t ip to t t i sad mAliitoussCR or

public latliR............. ....................................FurdttrAlcAtioii........ .................................—~For lAflof And ftpAlrlAf tldtWAiXs........... . Iw tFor tikAloteBAiidi aaI Npporl trf a inw

lihrAnr ......................... .... ....................Tor ruAintRuAiiRt of Armory.............. ..........Kieoutive Ifopartweni. iiuArd of n im t and

WtitrOROimlufootra.......... ......................aurrtojroFt l/tpATliiktikl, Buard of ntretl aad

HVater CXktnmlstlotktorA....... .........................Kovilool. Aikdai^ A fonbtr tptilal (M uf ll.iXM. to par Um luttrait upoa HIO,- UUI "fbnOod dibt bunds." iMowt by alt* tlkortt}* of Au Aut of ttko i,«fitUiurt orta*MUIR of Mow jRCBtr. ABDCvvtd FtOcOary n . ir-*

i jmIftUD




intoBAdiIA)«o, a author t p i ^ tax of | tE<>Rpay Uit iiittrvit BDoii 9400,000 '"ilmti lilii boads," uBBtd a r aaiftoritr of sn • of Ukt lafkalAiurt of Ulr statR el M wJersey, apurovtd April 7, 1171......... ........

and Also, A iiiftbtrspttiiAl lax of f9B,ooi>M pay Ibt InttfMl upon |KI0,000 ‘'itrRtt lm« provooMiit Asd stwtr baisdR," iRNSd by RUUioMly of an acC of iftt LtdliialtiTR of the hiAlR of Nrw Irrwy, poMto Maroh M,11M........ ....................................................

And aZsr. A forUktr ipeclAl tax o4|lR,00ow mtHS An Aokuuiki equal 4o tart# per otoiaiiB RjillitluiAlArucknnloliBMdRbl, UeiWAlR A ilnk lif futM fortbtredRmpUoaAiidpay- mtlll of Mkld tkoudt........VMM............-fi-l-;-,---

And ai«R, A tHrUtttpeeiai ta t o( 9*7,0991#





News officR,IJfkOMS VVANTKh. l« m ■» FCBNISHKR n u J ipArLlr nirukSbtl room«, |u food onltr, for lightbuUfokri'iiliiki 1

vlclnlij iifCRnirAl xvar. n., Hiix if, NflwROftl'W.


Rtorltt, 414 MarkRi il. AddrMS



1J Fmurs, ^eslArX Of orantR hiiiAiKH* tH«>’ itrmi. Addrw \v. I tlrty rtmt i t . N. Y. City

» CAtod


njnhiilAiKH* tH«>’ itrmi. Addi

fltv hundrtddown iC. llAHTiKUh,

.’■41rFfTHAl.LY l.i>-

About M.9 0 o r '9$,(MO. Apply, xlvlni ............ EHV, 790 fir jAd-f. AiH

... . .. . #9.0 0 Imil pnrtleulArt. lo !A W. U


itiRDUf aa9 wlu ront rta-tV,

iV*lftRVtry wart gf’itiRoiiF and wlusonably- k, W. uEEllVeTBU RnmAsL

UHV _ _ ________

HrmiNSjsA fiOiTH m r e n t a t 11s a n d irbMarket IX: fftod builRww iomUoa .MRabltfot

4S1 ndOADHt-

My ibR iDtRiwti upoB li,fo(i,000 "corpurma ooadi," iMtitd br AulhuRity of Afl aoc or t be t.eclRiAmrt of ib t Kiat# of Maw JRnsy,approv*! April 11. IITA........ .............. ..

Ann alKo, a fortfaer tp<«elAl tax of |12,OQO to raiM an atnuunt equal to oNt pR/ORnlsai no lot total anouni sam debt, t« m a l t A link Inf fond KiiiaerRdemtiiloaand paj*mdnt uleald bumlA....................

And Alsu, a fortf tr spRrlal tax of |iA W to pay tb« Inlyrv#t kipoiifr(70id9d "iirRSi Iru* imjfltjMm bomta. Mum by Aslkariiy ot in A<‘1 oJ Ibe IwflRUkiurt of UiR kSfal* of New Jtney. Appruvsd ftbruarv II, 1979...

Anil xiM* a rtirihsr iptclal tax of flo.909 (• pay ihR initrsai apon fUi.uw **teWRr bunds," iHutd by auibimiy of Anioi of Ibe JaftAlalure uflbe ntate of New Jtrtay,A ppmttd Fsiiniary i*. iiTb............

A tkd aIh>, a further sptvlAl lax of |lM 9i M Rkliw un amoikQl equal tuthret jwr vralum OB Ibe foUl AinouBt of Mlft “ilro ttls^ urortmtot oonda’' and "eewtr bondA' hu'realtA ilaklnf fond fot the r«4«mp-lion And iwyttkPBiaf Raid boodR................

And Allis A luriher sptolal tax of #4,900 lo rabw an emotint esilmated equal tORnt per eeikinm on Iftt soni aaMSMfl Rfalift# iheeiiy for si reel imprevemsntA AuibOt- ilk-d to be ralARil be an act #1 Ibe loflRiA tikfo Of Uie Niate or New Jereey. approved A prii a, J979, tARUAbilaii aad craate a aiab-lug Fund for said dellctRMy...... ................

Ai r Um a furlber special tax of |1,I90 «}



IhR IniRroflt upea. ............... iU R d b /U e .,--------J —

act of tha l Hi ilAti] re or ih# tAUi of Haw

IMura-b(ool boude." letui

9R7,099 "pUMMAUtbofity of aa

ll|b( ukRikutaclunni.tb

Apply to JAHFMle. HAVH,74IRrDA9a

FfSAITOKY TO LICT. THRKK FI*0()KK WITH power and *krator In hulldtikf oof. HaiiroAd pL

and CfDvmSrreiL Impilrtof 4Sr C. CUHKiKR ft EOHS, oppocRe.

j ^ o m t w rru po w k a a n d hveam H uar,

New bnlidinf; llghkall arRual: real molRratt


WaRbIsfton Wllsaa

rO Mirr.34 FERRY HT.! 7 RO’iMtJ ence«; reatlia.no pRrmonii. Anplr 1. UENUmCT ft n-)Na, 8U7 Broad sL


II OU9EM 'lYl LRT-To tfl. linre on a ptutsIfleB'

luiiabte for Any basJneas; peraaiu RbEyfimad lb RbEy firon


£ i

^0. tin TiellRVlIlR ave., 4 rooms and bath 1 all Improvements; reut |i<k

Nk», |:,4 lieilevlilR ave,. 9 rooms and balli; all impmvemauia; XAuk|ji.

.so. 14 jtowiApd.AU- 4 rooms and bath; all Im- pmVemenCe; n*trt #39,

Inquire of flWWER. 144 HellorlllR Ave.

n or*<FeH ID RKNT IN lloSKVILLl FROM Its lofoO per naonth. Apply (o d. W. aERAY, 700 Hroad ss.. or Rl UrkSRvIlla aVa. In the eVAaliii-Bl i

Y fOUSyi TO LET HRICK. * HODMH, #H PER 1 1 moDib ; ranvenlenl m iwo iinwTof utrestoar

and New York U. R l3«po(> Imtuire S7X c. uiRRM.vN. 10 (^ a r n

W. ir. OHOURNE ft Ctd.,ITT Marl»t Rla cor- ItroiKL

1>L*.VE 8T,, n^anta to reuL

»#0-RrOltR WITH APART- iiKpuiRfrofttiAOftMY MT. m

Kck'iSlATu I.KT, Wri-H ‘PuWttK ' ALLltf-

n OURE-KLEOAN'T THHEV-ST-UIV (IwoJllHf of Rlaven roumt;

will 1st lu pari or wbote.

iBroveiatoUi: «RU lUbtRd. No. M BOUIrINOT br. JaquIreorBAllCSL W. OMERY.TIR Broal i ^ u r thfUiMT ou luo pramiHA TAlephoaeSl'HJVOFIKUi aVP-, S9-HMALL STORE;

low rrn l; Rood luoAlltv. loqulrtKm_______ IM l i 4lj?»EY s.T-1 iblrd floor.

STuftl-l TO LK'I', WITH FIVE ftUOXfi, Mulberry si. near WalauttL

li___ Inquire J. WIRR ft Broad sWf^O LET-

3 roonti, inUable forrivfH.Kr.S9 VLANE NT.-BiUt'K HOUSE o f t 1 rnonks, All ImprRveaientt tfo Oerude, rrainR homta uf 13 r

IWO famiilva.K7 FlellevlUe Rva. flmt or Rlitomflsiil aw . larxR

store iU^t4oi; 9 dweUInf roo-nt ahuvs, with all Imoruvfmenl!!.

IRC o a tra i AVR-, 7 rooms and bath, fob*! ('eiitrai avft. 7 roomi and bitb.Apply to

FRANKLIN M. OLfM.Min Prudential Rulldiof.






T’<0 LLT-


A r u h l lc Meeting |o iHsrusa Ihn M allsre I'latis In Ho tn f 'n iin rll.

Chaintinii ilulm<*s, uf tho Coinmittou on Fubitc St-bHJs uf the Omtigo Cuuucil, callod tlia pubJJc uitwling iJ th^ to orderlastlligbti. and aftfr statiug tho objnet of the meeting calIvl fur some of the m em licrt of the iioord nf I'Miicaiiun to sxplata Ihe pkti# aiul speL'llh’iitioiis of iho tiew Kourth W ard Hrbooi Imildiii^, fi>r tho diacuMiou of which tb s hinl Ihh‘ 11 ntlieil,

None of the ii.einis'i's of tbe board wsre prsiR im l N[H>uk, »udJuseph M. Ilodil, tlio nrubltRct who hml ]irc]>nt'tHl the plana, xtatM th a t tie had i-reiem edthn plans aUil s|>scilL Cfttlofw to the Lnnii). lie Imd no t liecn sni- ployod by thi'Common ('ound l, b au ih l, uiul the'rafors cuiiM !»u)' nmhlDg fnrtlisr.

M r Huiinv.s Mijii'nil th a t the com initt«e wo* r«s|N>ii9ihh> to ths Coiiimnn (^luiicit aud cOQid not- ool. con.>ii-leuth)naly uuliwa It had fu rther infurnmlion. .\M vrtnan I'arkiiimm was presmit MS niitl kaIiI th a t thsCommittos on 1‘nhlic Sclt'»ls ought to meet with tho archlifH'!;. I hsm aito r. h s thought, should hot he diwii'cM d i*efors Ihs public.

AlderniAii M-'Curihv. of the Fourth W anl, stated tim l In IdMipiiiioij iho lioan l of hMu- ciition was fully i-um|>etcut To juilgo iu the case, and th^ onlv nutsiUo ohje<'tioii thnfc hs could R»*H wa** a;<iiiriHt tlie isHunuc# of any m ore bonds by tJir Coinmon 1 'omicil.

Mr, H LilmeH i siil lie liHii rt‘Cfdvoi.1 Timuy lattars from cifi/j>nH who had prutesivd against tin* way the plain wore made.

Frank 11- ScoU wusaski'd to s ta tr Ills views, and said tliMi Ih> knew ^'ery littlo Hboiit tha nroiKMefll l>uiiihu|i;. np- imlicod, howavai', Ih n ti t bad Iwmi a neuenil rule to lnvlt-<* cofti- flBtitlon I'rom arcln(c<-t-4. lu tliU purticulnr caae he understAHMl tEirit such had itol bi*t*n done. The conijicritioii, ho thought, should l« throw n t)|>*-ii 1.. all architeols, so U ftt ©vary ono conLI Ijava uii op|x»riiinlty to com­pete.

i*r«fl!d©iit lli'iiidfil, of tho Hoard of Edu­cation, statfi I iiiat thn Ivjiird oxpM’tRd th a t the Goinmun c,>ijhi-ll would nrovldo iukw^s for the i‘rt‘cLitin of llu> bmium g Which the board hud n'l'imunendHii. Tin* hoiird, lie



Jem}') approved J-Rimary lA IM ........ . ^M9Aatl aIao, a forUier epeciai baa ef #4R,<Q9 t«

ralir an AmcMist tROAl lo onR-tbird oo lo# loial RfoRuiit of said debl for the rMettip-tlonaud uaymeaiel said boads .... . #99099

And Alio, A further ipeolsl 111 flf #9,7*0 to ralw an amoRtu equal to tbfoR p*r dOatiiRi OB Iftz.ooo ‘'NewRrx Aqnednet Board bomisj’ U) creaiRA klRblflf foiidfof ibR rRdenipMoDand iMyiueuior Raid bobdiia* sanl by ths Kswarb Aquedud* fioard, by auibontyof ao Aill of IhR LM slaiire q* tb* Hiiw Rf N#w JRrsRy, approved BUrOb .6. ............................................................. - ft™

And alio, a fo rtherepR ^ tax of lA M lopay (he latereel upva ILKI.Olft " Ahiioxa- Uon bonHi." Mued by sulhoflttor Uie LefleloiurRorthiNtaieorNdwjRfMy.J^proved f'Rbrusry Bk 1S99.............. .........- f t ^

And alio, a further »p*«lal ta* af 99*Tio #• raiee ru ameuat equal to thr«t ptr cnum i 00 Ibe totpi atnoimt of t«H) debt, 10 creotf A slnklDg fond for th« redemptlRa oM BAvmaat bfRald boads.,

And Ohio, a fortfeei ray tbe loterRAt lioodi..............

A great many mer­

chants cut down their ad-

^vertising in the summer.

Some even atop it alto*


Iu every-day life, when

a th ing is bard to do, it

only calls forth greater

efibrt. I f the laborer

can’t move the stone he

gets a crowbar and a

block o f wood. H e makes

a lever— and the stoUR

moves. I f the crowbar

isn’t long enough he gets

som ething longer. H e

doesn't give up, because

the stone has got to bt moved.

Same way in business.

Trade Is a stone. The

funny th ing is that the

lighter it gets, the harder

it is to move. It can be

moved though. You may

have to lengthen the

lever. Certainly you

onght not to shorten i t

T h e best business lever

is advertising-newspaper

advertising is the longest

ever and the quickest to

move trade.

MfebuRd by aUtburky of an act of IbR J oglstatur* of ih« Ktata ar Nrw JRMsy,Rpprovfd March I, iMd..,-.................... -

AndalKR, a furtiisr bp««uU tax of 14,749 ir misv aa atpouDC oqual lo tbre* per caataoi oaitbR total aoiouBk of RAM dsM wcriaiaa ilriKlng fond tot tbp r«daiBpUon and pay- imeal of laid l«ada....... ....................... .

And alsu, a forth** apAdal tax of #34,900 toftfl9

My tbf laLRi«eiIni--- - upon #910.009 " Inionapt- C'linMd by aatbbrliyof HrtRiiftarR or thA dtata ollOg ti*«*r builds'

.oaAct or tho liOittsliftarR c.Xoir Jtfoev, Approvod HMnlb*Si IREM .......

And Alsv, A further fpRRlal tax of flfl.foO to ntisr All amount oqnol to taros pRV oM* tuin uD the total aaouiit of Raid dobt. to creatR ASliikliit fond lor th* rsdompIlRnand paymihi or said bond*....... ................ M.mo

And aiao, a forihar spcclAl tax of #9.100 lo

Ky IbR Inlsrcsl oa #195,000 " walRr bond*," u*d by Ruthorlly of h i a#t of lb* iftfl*' lAtur* of ihei HtAtR of J4rw JanRy. Ip-

provMl MRTdb 99* 1999.......................... ......And also, a further RpaoUl tax of fft&SO to

rali* All acnouDk equal to tb»R par ceotuoi on UiR total ATDoaot of said dRbt, ta orsota

' - tRdtmptiob aad


r MM « '•a slnkRtf ftw

r i i n I.El’ TWOHMALL oBic can1 ha )i‘L In apartmsabL CHltaiidin iL, lu

TleHsvllls ST*. R4«r


r p o LKT-LAWnE HTORK a NHOELLa K AND 1 13 rooma, All improvstnoDM, 19 Otnum at.: ~

rooms, In rllntuxi su: neoond aod third Uuon, rouiiit *ach, tu orehaiii suW_________H. h INN ARP ft Oq, I f la io tonilrp O LKT-TWOBTUBY FAt.'TORY.»»9i F:-;XT, I lUriptlvil A'ltb iisam potvsr aud wood-working

machlasry. HUlUihis lor cAhlDvl*mak*r or any wood-working busliieai: will root low to luitabis party. AdilfOi kTKAM. Box i*. Ntwiafllot. IWf |1 0 Lhrr-K'Ut EXt'UIWIONH, CENTRE ar.J . dock. ApiUy ai oillc*


pATtns&t of said booda........... .And Also, A furiMr s p ^ tax of ta

pay the iHiertwi on li,wo,qg9 " fo h w dsbt ^ty improvRiiBIt Modi,'* Mm M 99 aa- tborlty ©fan act of tbs iRRillaturs of tbR Mata o( Now J*rssy. appravsd J udr 9,

Aod also,'a'foj^Rr iqp«{ilial tax bf lo tAlw an xmpuDt *qua) to 3 D*r otatuB od ihuioiAl amodotor said d*btto*raai*b iluhlbg lund fotthb ibdsmpURia aad pay*menl oftskl bomdst.............. ........... ...........

And Also, a foribtr spRclal tax of JllA.900 lo nay tbs iDiorsat sad ona AnB o f th# prlo- cltfti of lit* paving bonda iantaA bp an tat ot tn# iRgitiatdTb of IBR Ktota of N9WJersey, approv*d Jun* 19,1190........-......... .I b t foivxoint WAR introduc*d In common Cbaacu

Fttrtay- iunc iR, 1*94. road omb, aoS wtaduiyUNR«d to a RRCOUd fsAdluA

WM. E. CLONNOlft^ a t r Clerk.



rn w I.KT -A FlRIflK t»WEJ,l.INu H 'jVMK 1 wUb ivn rooniR :all modsm liLipri>yemsutR, at

I24A Bcllsrlllsavaluy

IdqdlrR attraaU Tii CANAL hT-

r p i i I.KT-10 Roowaj I hoaw, -Na LI UuraMAl.



r r n I.KT SMAt.L HHICK KOUiE. 1 KAwt KINNEY «T.: tRMns f l l

prstuliaaNO. 79

Apply on %W If'KLlKFK KT.,«V -DKHIHARLE aMlNER T> bouse : 9 hsuns : modorata reul.

9-Mc LorlH J. PBIE I K, TR Hprlngflslit av*.

TO LKT--OUT o r TOWN.r p o itKN r Kon t h k hum icrh KruMNincD I houiRAt MAdiRott, N. 3., fotirtaSn r(K»[n In-'lu I

lux h tib ; iraniidi wtUtbRdRd i ttvs m1iuil*4 frorq stAtlou. Ad'trHs R o. BUX 29. hfaiHiua N. j. 72r

f Hriglil’s clispiisu, iMoiilrluir uiily a woi'k ago t*» >lniniii

the s-umuiPl-at tUfl w a i * T l i i ^ 'U e w n s w l was L.jrmtu'ly a I’l'suieiil uf Y’su'k iiuil at uuetini>* a member of tlie Li'i'wm^c tirm uf Musli, Uoaiih’Hlua X’ Witviv.. Up rpUred u li‘W yi'ai’A A <K He «as a ilinn-tm* m lh« i ’urk Hunk, » w York. A wMuw. a <Uugli- lur, Mra. 10. Kirby, of New Yurk, anti int)

V. 1). jNaiish, of rttamfurd, I a i j J j LouU of Uitialia, Nub., mii*v1vu.Na»li wow biirik lu Troy, N, Y.

I'ai’k ><trw‘t, MunU'lalr, ilit'il at J^ai‘aiu|;a^ said, ha*i ailuj^it'.i tlie plans ais'unllijg (.0 tb®fijjrjngM oil Siiniiay uiglii 1 .i,....evw« ’im...... . j......... .... . #i...if<‘ 1 ■ *'

€U y llotiiA Tnislont, .tlfwt.Tb© C ity Uuilfo TniiiteRs luR t last oighL

M ayor Leblcufu'luTprisidlQg, nriit' nj^iprovail of liio {luy roll, aad audiilO'i liilla. 'IU# nTi* utoy©K ut Ibe liume wlU in ibo iiilu re b© paid by A ad ib ir iluuvuii. Huin'i InlRiiiluiit liar- ndoii ]-i‘purUil \iia l Ihu I'aruk ami KunUu proiluclis wuiiii.t pk'iitiful Th© coulracii for lu rubb lug (.oiR.I .Wax <twarUrOLp^.-(k«l::i.

v .V T T


I f y o u u s e W o o d b u r j- ’s F a c ia l S o a p . I t is a p u r e a n t i s e p t i c , tn e i i i c in a l t e i l c t s o a p f o r d a i ly u s e , p r e p a r e d b y a s p e c la f i s t w lio h a s h a d 20 y e a r s ’

< > e x p e r i e n c e t r e a t i n g th e s k i n . D r u g ­g i s t s ^e lf i t .

liirwKie ol IniUrlloul* ftlfogkoBUennitotQgy wlthRVRiToakB

rhart^ r. Thu I'lhii of the biiltdiu^would b* n built

Mr. MvIks of tliA t'omiiilftov, tboiiEht tijxt n (Irtilllt* t'Htuuali’ of tli«' oust nf th© hiiihllng Khouid l>e oblAiiiMl |)ffoiv nuy ftirtbrr nrttun Bhnuld bt* tiik«u.

Mr. (l>‘m<-ii‘ ] iiatrtl Umt the nionil>*rH of the iioanl ui Rilncatmn hml u»n lH*vn invitsd to tho Iu utalR llirlv vIbwh in tli#

atKJg^tatlRr. Tliuy hm! Ikhmi iiivllRt] ar ciLizRilR M i# | only. Aftri* som* fiirtlmr disruRskm thb

meeting mljimnmil wiihniiL Imviug tukDli any iirtinn,

A fter the nublic meutiuj; hml bw n ad jiyui'QiAi tlie t ’ublio Kcbufjl ('uiurnltbe© and tlie iiiMiiltfT''; <tf tliu Hn:in1 ot K iluratlnn, who were preieat* iieM nti wifnniial mwUim, flud the HchtKil Curnmitl©e'Rdopt/(yl the plauAttN r»H*oniiupmh“i by the tV w id^of Education. Tivn ptaiw nn<l f‘jjft'iti(;atloim will now 1ms !^ iL t^ tu 'tim ( ‘omuiuu CuumMl for'*ita

-liroYft^ lay iiitfht. ' .--Ni.



him iNICKKllBOCKER ICR 00 .C»nir« «(. dc»ck.axl MULBf-HHY

lOIXSRUi sroestUncly wslJ Jc iils l: roar aJMHbfSLliichifls.V Apply on pmnlMx

rp (} LKT -iviwpiu TU K u r r : _Ju Ki'.; U( flunr, ^xlOD, ABd rORQ OH 2d (lilJr, m


r r n r.A r-L oiiu tt nooM Re it e r a L1 1 ■ XV KN-iQCA diiriuf 111* wRsk.

19c FMA.SK BUAHLkR, >l0BpllPgfl*idave.f |iO UKNT-«TORK, WITH FLAT AUJOIN* .1 Ida; iwu blocks Horn fimod HL iitaklon of Cja-

Iral H. II. ul .\. J.: vsry olcailors and all uiodenii improvirnpitta lu Bat CHAA FHAEN1T>KU 2H MtlUwrry hl 7>t

OP INTRNTtON-BOARD OF AUR«t and Wxur c»BmlBtoM tl ^ ,

Public uofcicK is hirtby glvRi iBst It IR ihR Intad lion uf(h* aoord of fltm tan a watar OoibiiQltRlRa vn ol the city of Newark, uodrr aud by virtue *r pruvlAlon* of lb* aot tutiUed " Ad xct In rsylM ai koiAbii Ih* charter of th* Hty of N*wairx| ap- aroveti March U. IU7, AM tin su^jMBIl^klRrw to, and IbR set rtvatiac the Ifoara of atreet iod ^ Alf>r ('oniniiMliHisrs of ihRdllyaf Newark, ap* pruvRi March lA, ISRI, to ordRr OoR oii oauRR th* co»*

A - -itonMH. P L A ti, u o ra p A , RToKka, a a - tolRuM to l»t: All paHn of city, rail i t ones,

HKIIMAN, iwaiiaxagRnt, 341 i^prUiflieiU svu. RTo

A p a ic t m l n iw t o l e t in B itlcK iiovap .I2i i^lh vr ML. near Ficlflc; X and 4 ntonis sACh,

Dot ind roll! wHlsr: rent 10. #fo Rtid Il2 p^nnuilb.KK, on premloH. V7Iiliqulrf JOHKPII HHEKi

llA fU ’j.AY1 lllrxt iloort rfitl low.


f^H FH TN U r NT., l(rt-POUR i. flrsi-cl:uM order j water.

HT-TO LKT, F(JCK RO j MS, Inquire

170 nrtOOM R HT-FIXK hunM s:

HIIt(HfHTHi„ tk'i -FJVIt NICK, UrtfIT l(or»MH on-econd M«mr. with |m]i«y#m*inp; wnt t#a-

sniiable lu (ouii leimma liiqulfo ou Brsl lloor. IlniTl) J.RT. 4 I.AmiK 1'I*Raha | 4T

alsn 3 nlRASaut roou»E wnii cUv 1131

ST.. U ruoiiii ; alAi

1;^ivK I'I.e a h a n t rqo m hto l k i ..83)1 in^nIr*i*4l*l.ANftHT.

ro LET. HANHAOME PhCOliArED’ (1.llsl; RlUiuprowmsaia,41 EARr FfNNF.YHl’.

1N|.AT-Tn l.P i, 9 HOo MH; a LL IMI'ROVK*lll(

Ilfiisnu; rvtil reo^naUs to geM foaaatB4MT. PH04PKCT AVR.

1NI..AT"TOI.IirOK4 ANDi H » O.S C A S' trs' • ................trsiav*., near Morrli av*.. a i t ( aril a-ros a

flAlvon i>iiryss m. ; ng troiihlelo loow tii* u rm . IU ami tip- Iniiiir* 1q tketary,

oiiR, t'K N 'l'iu l. .4*'“ '


I N fllANCKRY NEW JKIWRY-TOAdolph Jsni*e and Bsniurl Jam*f,com9o«lnt Ui4

flrnidrJamiw ftco.; JmlU Durk*, Juliui iiifovrt- ROti, iMiikiu 'lurk. AlsxaadAf eimno. Jr., Alb*ri Mervr, Matblldf Meysr, Jafoh U. Biieky, Kmpira Btata hank. Kr*<l*riok M. A uld , Sxgl* liOek l uin- pauy, Aiidrtoiv Tarry ft Co., Mvand hapIdR N'rueir Viorks; Wshvr N. f)eUrauw, Jf., UeorfcR F- Hcbinid, psmixri, Ric., as vorauw, Ayxvar *c«.: llfiiry N*«, I'harlRt if. Nri. J r . partnata *Efi., aa YiM'k lark ami Sail Works, ainKmaUv firtrabalta.

Hy virturofan order of tn a i outtRf ChRb«ryof New Jrifiivy. mndto o i tha day of ilia dat* hvrvof. In acHUDe wberelii 'lh« iloward ^avt^y« IitsUludoii Hr«> cumiUitluAiUa. 3ix<l y iu and otBvfo AtR d^fohd- aiilH, you am tvubIrfHfta aptwar. uiaad, aliaweror doiiiuf, to ihe uftln ciinaiJRhiaaM’ bill, oti orbefor* til*'eU>vi>iiln dayoi' Augiiiil uaxE, nrtbn MlJ hill will he iRknn as cijiifeMRd adatiui yon. .

'theMhl bilLR Mled tn fnrRcios* a mort^igRXiVf^iiby l-ih\anl -inirmaiid Morris ftchivRrlnioooiupJaln- aiil ou lund. lu llio c ll| UJ NuWUrk. -N, J.,{iat*a I *b- hiaryii, iviH, and raecrd^ liL Book LB of Moru |ugi^, pafe lUD Vnu, Adolph Jnid9Rtna *amusi Jaiiiss i»arta«ra, ur* iiiRdw (JtfendRilta bRcaarwyon hold a iiiurigagi! upon iialU pramUsa You, Dalla bxrii*»,b«'in«a.you hold iwoi-foidifnadaby hUlward Hiiiiott, fiiruier uYucr (if Raid premlae^ which may be an aiicuiuhracc* therRoiu You. Jiillita Robert* son. Klnkiii Turk. AirXRpder Mliuon. Jr., Albart -Viarer. MnlhlM Meyar. Jarob 11, Hiicky, Mmpir* |■lale Hnhk. Kr^erli'k M. (amid, t-'Afl* EvOeX I oRl- paiiy, Aniir«w I'erry ft ik>,, (irAnd Kspidi VtnMr vvorkA w Hitar N. iiRnranw, Jr,, neorjri F. «hi«id, partners, rtc., as Daliraiiw, Aymar ft 00.1 ilanry

rhnriaa M. iN« Jr., partnara, aic, as York Tack Slid Nall Works, *nd MiJhtRV BvrabRtid, are made ilAfondanis T>*caq*ie yob bold JudfinRAts Agaiiisi MorrU hchw«rlu, wbluB a n a lux oa said mortasuaii pramtssi.

Imtael JmiR ii, iD iJAM am a m c d o n a ld ,

kiruciionofaplifoiRwerlaY^AKEMAN AVMUlft MAT

' oadauM M iu A V irw ca .

monscting with tbs pr*miiavwerlb waktdaabivft nur AL Arlinaton AVamta ; ibanRR raunluf tbfOtfa wakeniAdAfelu* to May k tm t: iftRiuw tarougb MaystiTaKo j*ummef AVfnuR, ux tow htakj^lat lbs atwer la to bt 14 IfKfta* lx M M ta rt thtnoa tbronih Hiimmar avsnij#, from May «rR« w Arilniton avenua, lott'thRr wiib aftraacb in fotm* ajer av^nuti iront MXf ktiwet to OBtaw Rwaw, ikesHwer In Huntmor Avemia W bR 19 lncb#t l i dtamater i togtibar with iJl th* aFtranvitancei

' jiecvAiwry in cMtMpiRta IbR RRotA

47r fll.O) i'amplBiiiRiitv Konoitar, B9 fif<iad at» Ntwark, N. f.

Ufh p*r%au5 aa moy obfort thertto ara raquaM If. pff.HMhi their nbjRctiohi in wrlrtm* at tu* onita of tilt iicAM or HtrRit and Wat*r ComoiltaloiiMa Rior heflira the ixplfoUoB «f ten dRf* ffom Ihlamitkip. „ # • ^liyaiiRdlon of ib* Board bf abdCbmmiiirtouers of tba eUr of NRftRf x*

J. CROWELL MUNI iltoRra* HuperlhtabdRnt of Wbtk%_

Newark. N. J„ Juu# 99,

>TOTICK IH HKRKBY OIVEN THAT TMfc i CoromlsalbnRrR b«rslofoTR ap|H>ia#M b t th* Hayur of (ks city of N*wark, w makt ae Rauntata

and aKaeasniant upon all th i owners bf all (hetattdR kiirl roal rtitat* In tho city of Mwark. p*cillart| beiieEUed by any local imnroVttueni In tin aato ollyi la prop irMull aa noarty al hiaV 1»* |o lb# oi* TBitUgR ea. b was dettood to bavb RoquiNd. bbVt

' sMaud ARMAlinebtof bRnaltauppa ... oral) tha lo ^san d rRAl fbtatRldtbi

city of Nowark ptocnltarly bebtdttd uy RMh bf tM luiltiaitif improcRmeiilt In aUd city, oxmely;

Tbe rouilructlOA Of Ih* BRWft111.. TKaHlNK^VESOF.

oltyi la prop^irtloll ■" ■ ■ ■ (

made k» vstlmatR |u d

foj CFN'I'IUI AVE \NDD(^ltY(fiI3 HI*.L^li^’jM If) i,j:T IN FtRfCK HOW 40.'i TO 4ll I ItarfeiK, MfwlvdsoomiRd, With all liuprova- m*iiia, lu linsll ramlllas. Inquire ■Jta r. A. Kahtnkh . 4effl»tato(h avR.

LET. TW^ FLATH, KI VI-: HOOMrt #aeU- No. 31 Aoadainy a\: jaaprovaraeMli.1,lLAlH-T(

#aeU- No. 31 Aoadainy ai.:InquIraJ. WlbA ft RU-'In TJ4 H roalst

M AIlKl-'lT HT,, 47fl*-TO LET, lire r<iOint*anh.


M AHKKTH]-.. :,4t TWO FLATH TO r.K T .|l^two Sbirfs and rooms, #9 1 four rooms ni Nawv

ark,#x - IIWTOX

IN t

. . . TO ABhKNT HKFlt.NOANTa - IN'hanevry of N*w JafX*y*-’To ttarh*! P'rlart aud

1 nulH tried, tier husband, M9y*f Miho*nmaii and>r i ‘T|(iEli ri1 nUlH

3>l‘Ul»«1lt]lAfi.Hy virtue oruii nwltr of tha Court of Cbancery of

Ne.v Jersey, made on ib tdhy otthR dai* bt^raof, in a i!su*o wherein '111* Dima ttavlbg) Iiistltutlon la ooin}iliiliiA|it and yuii and ottitrs ara dvleiulants, ymi srw rvqUlriNl to appear and ntouil, answer or dvinUno ihe bill oflhe raid omoplalimiK otioTbe- f ire in* ih1rtaeji(h day of August naxt, or ihR said hill will lia takRii SR coubHutra Afalnst yon.

Tha said mil Te iii«d to foroctow A tiioriguts fRfoUby Max Jaiktiwsky aod Hraolia, hh wife, (o ibv sAld'I'hp I)lma>avlnt9 insiUQlfon hn Jaiids In tia chy of Niwurk, Couniy of Hn*ex and aiata of ^aw Jerw}‘,-b*srhig dale July 19, 1807i ami you. ItaOhRl Krlvd, Meyer yohotiiqiau atid Sosae schoenrusn. AT* made delendants. becahsa R Is lu said bill XI*

. HT JO-8 tU lU j KUOMX l U I J lp i *•Do)»r. hoar; Usnk tie , • ' r

rYKANflK-ar., rtS^THRKJl

iHdtd ibai you are ture* of (lit h»ire-at*law of David ------ - ‘ whndladslekRdoftURpfHfolSaR

fo saiH biM, and by \lriARachoonrnMn;di>caa* iV(lm ditd sj mvnUoiied.Abd

A SvttedllHu lU ggar Henl to JwlLJ \td c* . .*■1-14 this niornlug donm ilhM

ThoiuAR llell'oran to Jail fo r th ir ty ilnyi. Ik iferxii w rul nlK>attlm ('ityyeatRrday after* i|iHtn with a kill wrri|rt-ion itApvv oxkiug roll* tributlonH U» ossidt him in f r y i n g hln iihltd. 'i'jiu uUBii UM hu hoint), no vKila and no chil­li iiui. Ho Whs arreHtRil bv Bijeclal UBh'or

' N U gara Valla un tlib K nurtli.liRlilKh Vallny IlfiilrotvA will run a special

cxnaraloii. uf aullil vestlhulvil trains,leaving Mnrkci street NtiitiuQ nf th* FabbsyU vuuiu UxUruad at b:lT A. M.. fl:^ aud l*:Ai P. M-, tn Ningara Kalis. TSekots fur roimrl trip are itftboed ai FA kxQbriianiataisrR-FrivURgen

ltiri«ttiUniAi< im%lbiu1y Ik Tiokv(Rao4 ^ lU iiiau aceumniddiftiifaa -may ht outainod ut ]'cunRylviiiiiAiiallrv»dD«pot^aBd 7M broad elfueU ^

Hooifs Tu LFr.‘toaSvdpfiVllfti*!*-, an! ,Tni,____________ —d^iHuntbAfauesTt bt insxid bill aitafxd Hial,

f|lie JiUiMNd of Mid KAchel Fri«di dd*

-fMCH Mu V n H r.. 81-FOR URNT, TWO LA HUB,^VuAiv. airy rooms ; walar, etc. i

H” Ms FJVK VKRY PLs A’'ANT RUDMS cm llrsi fl.wr of house du nroad with owner, kavinR rnoro room than iieriJed : h Ub *11

Improveiuenis aud nml vary rrawmaiiie, Ad*lr»aa 1 KENT, fiux C, Nawa oltlce.I t o LKT-FROM |7 to Slo.lloo rnat, mUll'NAN and MtiNTiINUUlHE


lyCiOMH iVtnUUFUINOri J.l) a VK., 474- nrooaiB, i»ast condition.

EltUEl-. RtlUMH TO LET: CKN- inqillrr 78 PLANK XT. |CU

p l a t to l e t . 8Vim

b^r»HlsX AVK,, 77—THKEft ItUQMH TO BKKTC7 I7. i8tn

apartm k ntw w it hynO AUIVluOli h^vRtitaftta lARvan nmnsiaRiuiinc bMb*

very Btleqt iisiinbnrhiMsi ;two niooxi from f i r ^ HI dtaUufl of A*wa9k XXd N*w fork 11. R.

CHAft FKftJUlTZEl^ 9SI MuibMry ili

iJraii |Sf|iad, aM» Had* "................ “ kts mOMi.w

frorn ('llnu»i aVRndR lo a pMnt Aboat ITt fosd m tbof I'lintaii «vanu*.

Tb* coQrtruclioii of tbR aowsiflb .Wa lnut ■thekt,

bttwaon Van Auren aud foMutford iiNRlstAnd have tiled tbalr foporlRoftaldM ^JbRan

for b«n*flta in eba oihc* of Ihe Clark of MR CfliMtl t'uun of (he ('ourity of Erbrx, and that iBR JudgRS lA ? U f t iW l '" r u t f T J iiR T f tc ti t Da y o r

JUNK, I9H|AI 10 o^olfrtk In the forraiwn. In tha ^tvnlt Coorl ruuii) XI tba t'ourthoiiM in (b*Qlty of Nawark.of th t llni* and placa orhexOnf any oblROtlou tlftl loay b* maile to iha said mairttitit"**

DatRd Jutia 18. ISM.C H A irpLEH W. HIKER,

OBJ City 0«tin«*L

XT<^TlOK OP i n t e n t i o n * - BOABDJiN fllrettand ^yAtar CymnilislQnoni.

OFpublic notiot Is hsrsby ilven tbxi It ir tb# lA*

taxtUib oJ IhR Roaril of tre*t xnd Wxtar, OomiuN* siuntrs of th* elty o( Newark, uudtr abd by vlriM DrprnvlaioJisol'lb*aat*atl|t^ **An oat U fovMaadAhaami (bRc&ariiroribsdty of NewAtk/'op^ proved Marnh lI, IMf.aDd IheldppltitiettUtharrta. and 'he Aoi oreallag ih* Witord ofMnwl And WlllRf I (onmltakMiera of th* (Htv df Newark, AXpMV^ M.R|< M. IMI. N pe^et *ffynw flraW (ine i lo H erkn Ureit, with rnuill.eiockpevloewlth t (tt

----------- oJ Mook. flll..f;i...........oued.iloem vliv eie-fle wm t(»vel,

rwiMfi. M Wky oUM. ttaMMe Kie rKiKiRM--------------- — wrl U. g l» ,« # e *

find c

tOpRMRXtlbllruhjNHlOtllllB wrltlRgof 111* ■ * - • ...............

obtattt, lOMrtta M wl«

i*traai-law uf Mild liaVld Hchoonmoti. dvcRased and by vlniiritaervureialtn lo bavx Roms Intartftin asld tnRM„.

Dated Jtmt JOHN

tM |A«I.

nbrtaafrtl prsmtafs.ju u tlL taM.: H. MlKKEli. AolfRUotorOqtbJflatMXt,

pmdemlai Buiirilng, NrwmE, N. J.


XYOnCK-NOTIOK IH IIERKBY OlVRH TO I n all parVH laterosid that tb* rarUflflal* nf as- aeiamehi of iha.wbRiRAimiuxt oribvDuata and rA* ptoaaihas b*Rn deliv*r*d to rd* acoordlrta tO lAW. PaMastasaaivni compriMH all Ih* Iota, trarla and par- CfU 0/ iXUd and rRAi tstata lylog oil both Sidsa Rf

ELIZaBkTK HTiiX-.T. from Hamburg piaos to NinfarA slrtRL.

Th* ownora or I________ _ land and r ^ tviai*RRld c*r tflcRl* Rf4i*Matneei art to pay tba anaoRnl ao aasauRBd up Ot fbott rtfpRRtlT«ly, to m*. at m /Cliy uali, on or bMoira Joiy Sft 111*


Ntwork, K. J.| JobR U, UM.

heroby foquiwdX 9b«in and RaebV/ RfltOR,

NNEfteLY,! ' OH^VOU*^

Hoard Of HtrMi and Wntti ItininpillSlRX^ ___ eL^attar.df tad d«jR fto* »

Of MMt. eed \ t t mCtHuniMIOHn

OAyj (..T .V .of ihli uolio*Ur eimillon o nu* fteW Of MMt. eed w e w

MutoPT.Oener.1 eunerluuiuUetuWMliiti.w uk, H. J., Ju n .2 S .W “

i S Ml UMIlM lnKMWt.4 tli»lH M n.nl of in . wiiol* uuw itt ef Ul. e » * Me i


bad* bARfi d« iVarod fo m* a‘SRtam*xls eoinprlR* all tbR

ften Belinoet .nan* la MORI.onboiLMdMaJ^,^

rr«m »rk .Ib* owwra Of tantf abi iROl dftxta ggtRMBg q laid ORrHUcaiei of AtaBaaiifoBt hRfoby

cwnmen.HewHk, K, U, l»fc • »

D ull times are tha

times ' to put fljrth the

greatest effort aud the

most money. People

don’t usually ask for what*

they have already. Ad­

vertising is merely taki-

lu g for trade. Don't ex­

pect that you w ill get a

big trade in dull times,

but keep count, and }|;oti’ll

find that the advertising

was profitable. Profitable

right at the time and

enorm ously profitable

after aw h ile . The very

fact that only a few mer­

chants are wise enough

to advertise in duU sea­

sons makes it all the more

profitable for those who

do. You are there w hik

others are not. It gives

you greater prominence.

It w ill make your adver­

tising in busy tim et jnuch

more effectiva

Common sense has A

great deal to do with ad­

vertising. T hink about

it from a common-sense

standpoinL It m ay take

Some “ nerve ” to pay out

money for newspaper

Space when the business

isn’t paying expenses,

but it will pay.

Mere than h alf the bus­

iness houses iu the coun­

try would be ahead i f

they could shut up for

three months in the sum­

mer.* But they don’t do

i t W h y? Simply be­

cause they can’t afford to.

People would forget them.

Same way In advertia-


M U iW .U tJ l JSEVVIS, d u j s i j j 2 o .

A M W r I u l A ffn ia f* r a ^ a a r iW B * * i aA aa n i a * . M m o I ih*M * l * c » a r «

• a « a t n a l a c v•■ A R «IE -

l t T n i l B c 1l * < r a B n t B « k a « w . M w . r .» ■ * > , W M M > r. ■ ■ lia iK T ,M a n r « a n la . 0 iw a a T ia la a « « ilU 10

>BWABH -H alckaaar'i n r i* H » n . t a r i a r at Draail

a a ^ M a r liM H it.r a a l K. a r k a a M a r . A 'T n n a a i a i .V . a i a a U a r . M * n r a a k Ml,C. B . B a a a a a , B laa Ml,kV aliar N. T fa c k M a a , lU .t I ta aaT lIla A n ,A .* .k a a r la U .» “M r n a W . B a ra a . Ik* T k l r k Aa<k l l a r r l a k a , M aw ak aa la r, B a a a a l l l a A aa .

k la l l a k .■ A kT O B A M U B -

W . H . A llaa, 9 4 0 M ala k l . , a a 4 B r ia k C 'karak k ia tla a .

W . I I . PIaM )ar> Baal D ra a a a B la ila a , w r r B o B A K i iB -

B a k a r t la a !* * . k a a l k B r a a k a A aa. B A B B I M M -

r . J ,B a a A a a a a . k t l H a a r U a B A*a> B l M B F i a k B , ,

■ Ik k laa , A a m l a a l a r . ap B , B a a a k • r B B i T -

BAwaaA B , B a l l r .■ • ■ n - L A l B -

■ , I „ H aliaaa , B aw iA aa la r.•B A M B B T A A L D T -

W l lb a r kb F a ra a B i. M aaaA aA lan A B L IJ I liT IIX -

I ' . M . B la a a .

r k a r l a t BraAIar< K e w iJ a a la r . H A IM M tN -

l-a w la A. W atara* Aawa D aa la r , D,, lb a a k \v . II. H . a ia t l a a ,

M O R U IM T o w n -W . r , l,a ak , A aw adan lar,

AN K X > M IM .lnN A 1ltF .'N I.OT.

B a F o a fh t tha Ktanrlaril Oil rrnaiian j and l.atar Bnrvhad W Itk T u ia j.

W hen Coxey’i com m onweal army p aaed through Pittaburg on Ite way to W aihlngton the good people of that ■tnoky town beheld the unuaual apeeUele o f an ex-millionaire m arching afoot a t the bead o f the motley colum n aa Ui eicort. T he ex-mlllionalre was Kamuel Duncan Kama, familiarly known an Dune K am a Now the Popullite for the Twenty-arcond Fennayleania Dlalrlct have nominated X a m i for Congreae and thus brought


•AOTFi, nm cA x i; A11 vs.prom inently before the public a man who nas eeetfadH I Ops and downs than fall to th e lot o f many men even in the oil re­gions.

8. D, Earns was bom a t w bat ii now know n as Earns Station, nn the W est Penn road, September 21, 1S43. He was educated a t the public schools and gradu­ated a t a Pltlsburg business college. In ISIS he accompanied bis uncle across the plains to P ike’s Peak and afterw ard as- alited him in opening up the oilfields of W est ykg in ln . When the was broke out, be enlllted as a private a t the age of aeventeen, saw service In the Virginia cam paigni agd was mustered out as a lieutenant.

A fter the war Kam a w ent to P arker’s Landing and engaged in th e oil business. He Was unsuccessful a t Aral, but finally “ slrnck It rich,” and In 1873, when oil waa |2.90 a barrel, he had one well pro­ducing 2,000 barrels a day. Dcsidcs th is he bad a Bomber of o ther profltarble wolla, and bis money soon ran in to the millions. Following bis hlg oil strilcee he started th e Exchange Bank o f P a rk e r’s Landing, o f which he waa presiden t; built the iron bridge oVer the Allegbeny a t th a t city , o f which he waa prssident, and owned the maJofity o f stock. He built the railroad from P arker's Landing to K am a City, a tow n laid out by and nani..il after him, and also the railroad firom Kam a City to Butler. The majority of stuck In fcioth roads was awned by Mr. E arns, and on th e omnnletlon o f these roads be built and operated the Earns pipe line, which cost•»o,ooo.

H ere becam e In contact w ith the Stand­ard Oil Company. H e refused to coni-Jiromlee with that gigantic monopoly and ought it sturdily while his fortune lastad,

Which was not long. To-day Dune Earns I f a poor man, and to the Standard Oil Company he attributes his povertr. He aguandefpd ki* money recklessly white he w a s rolling in wealth, and does nut seem to regre t h li prodigality now th a t be la Todneed to short commons. A t one tim e he k ep t fourteen race horse.s lit his pala­tia l stable, and he spent thousands o f dol­lars on horteSesh. W henever E arn s made a good oil Btrlke, w hich was often, it m ean t a general jollification for the whole neighborhood, rich and poor alike. He built a mausioD in the Allegheny Moun- taina, miles aw iy from any one, which he called U lenkam t, but the people called It "K arpa 'a FpUy.i’ Thfa honae co8t|7^000, and slipped away from him in his fight w ith the Btandard,

A fter his defeat by the oil monopoly K am a gathered up th e rem nants o f bis fortnne and went to Virginia, w here he bn llt the Fredericksburg and Orange Rail­road from Fredericksoniv to Orange Courthouse, forty miles. TThe enterpriseeromlaed to be aaucoessfUl one, bu t owing

> the bard times the com pany was un- aM a to float ita bonds, and E arn s lost his Uat dollar. In 1880 he w ent to E ansas and for years inpertntended a ca ttle ranch for E, 0 . Emerson, th e celebrated oil pro­ducer of TitusTlUe. Thera Mr. K erns ac- enm nlated a valuable stock o f health and eneivy, some of which he proposes to ex ­pend In hla approaching congreaaional campaign^_________ ___________

T h e ti i i le p e n d e n t P a rm e r .Prom the Forum.

Seventy iwr cent, of the farms in the United States are unincumbered by any ludehtedness; their owners are still lbs hoiue-buildsn and beme-lcvers of the land, as tb h claeshaa al­ways been; end Mr. Morton points out how, as In preceding gcucratluns, nearly all of our Prealdenti were called from their farms to execntlve duties, and consequently the farm­ers represented the better element of our life —to, now also, the farmer Is the most inde­pendent and prosperous of all the large classes of our people. Mr. Morton goes over the whole ground to ehow the relntlve importance and Independtnee of tlie agricultural dsas, and their Influence on the oomtaiinlty a t every stage of onr history. __________

M A Y B E W O M E N K N O WThat tiearr bodolcttfloff often prodncei

•iMtilofttneastThat happy children aro almost Inrarlably

healthy chiidreD ?That burned oampbor Inhalad will often

Qqrft a cold'la tha head ?That a comb of buffala horn la much better

for tha hair than one of rubber or ecllululd?That oolor tahen from a fabric by acid may

nearly always be reatorod by the use of aoi” AontaF

That the safest courtplosler ta n*o li the wldto. transpareat kind, as the others are liable to contain pdaonotui dyes ?

That a aarere paruiysm 6f oonghing may bo often arrested by a tableaptioqfal of glyoeriae In a wlneBlasi of hot milk ?

‘ That ^ T e r or steel thlmblee are the aafest to nse, since others contain lead^ brass or pew­ter, producing ibftammation la a sUabt'’ •e n to h f _ *

tVomen'e IV ays*Fair worn fill's ways are ail so e tru g s .

They keePv|iB W n i i ;0 ^ reMonlngs they dii^rraaga

- -S.;,-' - - . v r . — — akiacA -^' -» Than nmUQ e er was Joyed before— t Love Qfl and lore ua onlyo^ *

They on soma new-fouud treasure smite And g)syly follow it tha.while

They leave ns sad and lonely.

Wo bitter grow and stralghtWAy vow To woo again, no, never I

No more their ;Und we ihAll allow Love’s tondsr cords to sever;

We oedse'tc sigh for them, and then They sigh and otto to ft woris again

As sweet os matde of a lo w ;And when tbelr eyer upon us dwell We pardon everythlBg and tell

TkABUMoldtlegy-iiivtr. 'V : i -- - -^ ic M o Jb k rw a t

DOINGS IN T^S ORANGES.A Ita trh of i ’p-toH$ate Happanl&f* la tba

fluiy Tawhi Im tho Babiirbs of Kawark.

The annual UKr^tiog of tha Orange High School Alutmil AtuHK'iatlim will Ia> hekl to­n ight After tbe buMitiw mectlog a mock trial will 1>r tield, a t which WtUlam A. Lord will be ti led for libel. W. Itradfurd Stnith will a l ia s Judge and tbu attorneys will be tlu^h T. Mason and HoU^rt P. Wllliauix,

The W n t Urauge TownsJdp ('oniiulttce met last night and ailjourued wittunit tm o t' acting any businret owing to the death of Tiiwivhip CltH-k C. M. brutUer,John A. Hextou.

ThoauDual excursion of Difislon a% A. O. IL, of Orange, will be helil to illilptian'i

on the tvmad, U»-tnorrow. Traius will leave Orange a t 9 and IMKl A. M,, stop- plug a t ail stations along the road to N'ew- ark.

Charles Uoklftein, a iboemaker a t 17 Cone street. Orange, was served with a sumuiuasyiniterday afternoon to appear before Juatice JiaWe a t the Orange Polios Htailou, next Monday to answer to a charge of keeping a UiM rdt rly hou»e and policy J»n.

The Modality Hociety of the Cburrb of Our Ijnly of the Valley, of i.irann Valley, held an eut«‘rtalnment and dauce in Teniperauca Hall last n ight Tha programme consisted of tableaux, chonrws, recitations au<l a negro sketch, "The Darkey Wood Uealer.'’ After the eiitortainment a dance was glreu. The hall was uncomfortably crowded. The conv initUe hariug charge nf the affair consistwl of Her. (leorge DoaneO'Nsitl, Michael ('odej, Michael Corr, JnUn HtHsett, William CourP ner. Henjamin Kinncren and Felix J.O'i'taire. Kilwanl Bolen and Daniel timith were the door managers.

lleet Kenner Bmith, J r , of East Oranc^ is on the “ honor list*' of Yale College, fie iw> edred mention for oratioua

Tlie Aliimui Assoeialiou of the East Or­ange High Hchuol met last evening in the High {^hool building, on Wlnaus street, when tlie following gnwluates of the class oi IhM were elected to inem berebtp: Drace J. Kollord, Irene W. Baldwin, Beesie Albert^ Howard k Blackman, Arthur D. Hamlou, Edna A. Crowell, Kditb Arniuod Cronv meltn, Ih'utie Davis, Mary L. DulT, Artiinr

(Bbtkons, Marjjiaret Uray, Frank B. Hague, llfister K. kyle, Jennifi F. Keinuiwt, Kditli K. Htrykor, Aniy K. Wbitlemore,

dieorge Dorer, May k Horbin, Maud k Jones, (Irace Ludlow, ?b<rbe Munn, Ueorge II. Heward, IJlUau B. Houston, M<irrall F. Mountain and Hidney H. Van Nem. At Uie dosn of the meeting an hour was spent Nodal- 1 j , during which musical munlssn were ren­dered.

The members and friemli of the Calvary M. K, Church, East Uraiige, went na an «x- cursiiia to J'Lenoke Island, Cotin.. IhH moru- Itig. A laieltHlI ciub of the First M.E.Cburch uccompanied the excuiilonistK and will cross baU with the club from the Calvary i Imrch.

Freil Fmig, of Pkkbt Orange, will leave to­morrow for Fortland, Me., where he will Kjwud the sununer months.

John Jk>yc«, of Halited street, East Orange, Las returned from Frlncetun, where he has liemi attending fet*ln>oL

“ The Brownies in Fairyland^ was pre­sented in Music Hall, Orange, last night, under the tllrertion of F. H. Decker, for the Iwiieflt of the First M. K. Church. A good- sized audience was present.


The real eafcat* trsaiffirs reMfl*'! la Ika Regiiter's eflUee Monday aisa rsperted by tkeridalily fitiea aJ iIsFeiil Ueapaay were:

niWABK.Henry ^f. Doremus et ux to Heorge Van

Dtivne, w s N 6th st auu s fr Berkleyav. lETixMlU...............................................

C'has. sS. titockton et nx to Alfonso Dei Cnerclu, e s Cutler st Ul s fr tith av, f»4iM ... . .................. ................................. TOO

MHrgaret Hiley to Jane Belly, n ■ New York av 5u w fr Saadford sU llTxKfT... 1

Jane Hellly to Fatrlck McOlnty. n s New V'ork Hv m w fr Aandford st, .VixUlo; n ■S>w York arc 1T5 w fr Baudfurd st, 44x

........................................................... 1,000JsineN F. CoQDolJy <(>>mpj to Mayor and

( 'ommoQ Couaoll of Newark, bo w Dar­ker a t........................ .................. ........ . 418

Haine to same, 264 K 11th st...................... 144Kama to same, 11th s t ..................... MSame 1o same, 117 Adsms s t.................... 41T.^arue to same, 811 K Kinney s i .......... . 1JS}4ime to urns, 1K7 I'arltic «t................... 140Same to siMrj6,1W Vanderpixd s t ............ ' 1B6Same to same, J90-20] Vsadert>m)l s t......i^aine to sauie, s w cog Kinmet st and

AvH.. ......................... W>Saiiiti tu s&mr, Deiialagton i t ............ ISUDavid Fried et tix tu Isaac Holder e i ux,

sgrl to sell 74 Drince st......................... 1John i l . Dunn et ux to Llrzis Cooper, w

Hjohnoonav 14 d fr Itunyon st, SAxm ............................................................ 1

Herman Joersclike cl u i to Marrarvtha HT. w a Somerset st 256 n fr Spruce st,TOxW......... ......................... ft,0fl0

TOWNHIIll*a.Augustine J. CJIesa and al to Jacob

Wsihlo. Clinton, n s Lyons av76fr #Clintuu pi, 25x117................................... 150

Henry K. Beynotda et ux to Edward W. Jarubus, h;iist Orausc. n w s Amherstst 283 s w fr Cniversity pi, .10x100......... 1,500

Patrick Ftanagaii cl ux to Joseph W. Hutterworth, Bloumtlctd. w s Lake it6lUe w fr Crown at, 4Ux2tt.................... SO

Weatherby St Kay to Deter l^Hicb e t al,Franklin, lots m 0T5 blk l«v............... 8»

Hfliiry H, Savage et al to WllIlaTO A, Robinson, CUnton, lot 660 map EssexDark....................................................... • IM

Frederic Maurer et ux to Lr>uis Mc- t'loud, Roninange,B iU ruvepl QM) efr <»rove st, 37x56..................* ............

The OrHQife Mounlain Cable t.'o. to Km- iiy <.‘aiDruniie, e s Dark pi 466 n fr Dark av,i,*7xi:i7..............^ .................................... 1

George P. KlugHy iMueteri to Amos HInney, West o m g e , Tullpavl32no fr Newark and Mtv Pleasant tpk, oontg114.100a. ............................................... 450

Henry H, Savace and a l to Jolm Klein, Clinton, lot 2iiH map F!cflex Park........... 160

The gacred Twelve,From the Ijoiidon Law Journal.

The "iiai rlarchal and apostolical number of twelve," as the proper and only admissible number for a Jury trying cases according to the common law. has come down to us from remote qntiquUy. Yet this number was not always universal, lu 1652 a Cornish ctistom to have Juries of six 'fas declared, to be bad, but evidence was given that such juries had been widely used in the country, and by a special statute of Henry VUl. juries of six were al­lowed In Wales, The County Court Jury of five Is, of course, a very recent and some think a very unfortunate, innovalioD, and the court in wliich eiU is Itself only fifty years old. But the Jury of the Grand Aaaiae oonslsted of flixteen men. vrhlcli sGIl flnds a parallel in tbs Jury of uresemmenta of the L ilw r^of the eavoy. Tbs modern Grand Jury, the Coroner's Jury and the Jury at Ittnarr and eccleslaatloal incmlsitioiia number anything between twelve and tweuty'three, whereof twelve a t leatl must agree on a verdict.

N E W J E R S E Y N E W S.

t l

n* umoiie nonniaiu ( aoie i;o. to J..m- tlj- U. MrCartliv, West Oraner, n s {.'able Rv #S0 tr Hock Spring af, 2Sil!«. 100iary Strybrlna to Mary II. Ilreyer,

The oianufaoturlag potters of Trenton threw opoa the stiope veslerday tn give the striking operators a chaacs to retnrn to work. Not a singlo striker applied for reinstatement, lavst night the potteries were cloud indefin­itely.

Samnel Montgomery, an Inianw negro, at­tempted to kill a fellow-boardsi, William Smith, a t Trenton yesterday afternoon with a shot gun. Smith dodged the load, which passed through hli bat. Montgomery will be taken to the saylum to-day.

Hogh Uossel, aged fifteen years, was drowned while In bathing In Smith's Pond, a t butler, Sunday afternoon. He made a wager with a companion that he could dive off a high bridge crossing the upper end of the pond. lie plunged oft and did not return to the surface. His body has not been reoov- ortMl.

Louis Winkler, fifty-two year, old, of N Adams etreel, Hoboken, tried to kill himself a t a late hoar Sunday night by firing two ehols from a revolver laid hla moutb. One bullet lodged in his cheek, and the other in the roof of hit month. He wlU recover. He waa despondent becauae he could not get work. Ills wife Is dead, and ha kept house with his son.

Justice WlUlatn E. Wilson, of Jersey 0 ty , was convicted In the Uudaon General Sesalous yesterday aturnoon of embetilement. The evidence showed that he had foreclosed a chattel mortgage of tlOb for ttobett Uellly, of 13 Perrine avenue, paying |«9 and giving a cheOk ahead for S3S to Relily, This check was never paid. Four Indictments are pending against Wilson fur extortion.

The funeral obseq ulei of the lata Aasembly- man Charles L.' Walters a t St, Lake’s M. E. Church, Long Branch. Snnday, were attended by nearly *,00(> people. The ceremonies, under the direction of the Maeonlo lodgoVt Long Branch ag|l the Jnnior Grder of l i l te d Amurlcaii Mechanics, were extremely Impos­ing. T K e re m . '- - ----- - ' ’'ihtstowiiyesterday fof l

The corner-alone of the new Aslniry Metho­dist Episcopal Church at North Long Branch was. laid yesterday afternoon. Addresses

jrw sB a d e by Hf|V. J . ’B. Graw, dl. Camden; Ilo^ W. lA (!. SlrlplLlaad. presiding elder of the New Itrnnswlck coaference district, and K«v, George 0 . Meserote, the pastor. The new church Is on Atlantis avsnae and will ooet 118,000. It will be of brick. >

Lonle 8tocier,ot West Hoboken, disappeared last Thanday, but nothing was thought of It nntfl vesterday, when the town anthorltlei looked Into hie aeoonuta as castodian of the widows and orphans' tnnd nf the fire depart­ment. Be ahonid have had 81,348 on han^ bat all that was left was $18. 'The rsinalning tl,S!> had boen misappropriated. X warrant will he Itaned for Stooker'e arrest, Hts bonds wore aljowed to expire done (I, J3M, oonse- qnentiy hla bondsmen oan only be held for ■nob moneyn on wore mlsapprimrUted tofore th a t tlmo.

tC 'H O O L O F E L K C T K It 'IT V .

T a lk o f S s ta b l ta h ln g O u a a t C h lr a g o ^ P r e - d lrl lu u B M ade.

From the Railway A fe.Of th e poaalbiliUcs o f rtectrlcU y the

proapeotusof a propoaed “ K allonal school of e leo trte ltj," to be established a t Chi­cago under th e auaploee o f Edison and a num ber o f o ther em inen t eleo- trlolene, la y e ; " More than IWW,-000,000 are em ployed In electrical p unu lta to-day, and theee figures are be­ing Increased a t the rate o f 8100,000,000 annually. W ith in a deoads nlne-ti-nths of th e steam bostlng, reitroadUig, canai- haallng, lUumlnalioB, domeetio lighting, heating, cooking, factory operation, mining and m etallurgy will be done by electricity. T here a re a lto many appli­cations of electricity ye t In an uodo- velcped state. EleotrlcRy Is the most promising field In clvtlieatfon to-day."

W hite the prediction th a t w ithin ten y tare " nlne-teiilhe of the itoam boitlng, railroading, canal hauling,” etc., will be done by thia wondrous agency will doubt- le ti prove extravagant, it la certain that the application of electricity to th e prac­tical Is still going on, and none may venture to fix Ita lim itations. In th e single direction o f urban and rural railw ay trans­portation th e electric m otor has made aitonisblng advances w ithin the past ton years, and who can say th a t It may not eventually anyarsede th e steam locomo­tive f

MARRIAGES.BYRON - M r n r n v . oo Jan# » \ 1SH. Mr. X a

drvw U Hvroa MIm Hamifi Marpliv, hjr fuv, >ata«T Whit*, al Brl4xvt'« I'hurab, al 4:30 Tr Ms

D E A T H S .B rrn A ? fA N -O n lh * t4 th if i i l . f1»im C.. irlfi or

<i*orv* 1'- UucbfiiiM». fifMt 44fimoral Rfrvk^ wUl b* h«ld atbfrUtvrVfil'lFQc*,

4 l rMDWftod iJtkaJtallnMdfiVfifiiM, bfi W*4i>*r day, Jus* tJ, |N*4. at 1 P, M. Hvlatlvm aotl rrlcTtd-t a/tb« Ikmlly arfi rMpvcituUy Invito 1. IfiUruMiilat Ffilrmoufit Omstfify.

CONOVRR-Oii lb«»lh IML. Jfitnfit. SOB of Will- Um and Afitilt CODoTSr. Stfid S2 7Mr« iG moftIhA.

BslailvM and nisndii am lavflfid to ■iti*o<l tn« Ai[>«raHV(un Ills parfinti' mUlanfit, 474 betNyaU ■livet, Kf^rny, N. J.. on Weduovdsv, Jubp ‘JT. at 7:10 A. 11 , 19 ('bun’ll nf tfae HolyCrtMs. whom a Moias of Hsquloin wUI be oflVrnl 6>f tbs reitoMO orbit >9Ul. iDtormoni In fits Ffitftr'i C«ai*w<i7 , Hstlormo, J.

T)ONNK!slsY-At JUinpton, Va., fin th« SXtl of Junt, TobiM. Ui* bolovfid husband of Msrxsrot

flotlroor fUiioral bficeaflfir.JOHNfiUN—On Wondsy murnlnf, Jan* 3n, IRH

Ailoljihu*, younffitt»»uf»f h^at* and Ih* Isle M'*Al*y Jobotoii. lu tB# i;tb yfiarof his ng*.

Kfilstlvts sihI frlSiiON i r* luvll*d to tli*6in*ral •■rylofit from Ma P4on'i HaprUt Cburrb, Thomat Hlrfift. U^ruorruw iWadBMfiAr) sOfir- noon at 3:IU o’cloi'k. H»l*Mv*s will mrfil fit liU ntiUlifir'N r«t1d*Dct, Mo, 2A>i| \ ‘**«y itrs^l, st IJQ l‘, Be }iit»rm*nt Woodland tVmvUrx.

O'KEKl'K On Mooday, Jun*lA. a t Ibr mldcnr* of hi* psn'iU’f, Nos H l*WR atrsfil. Tboiuai ion of uw«Q snd Karah (VKp*Al

Nollua of f\in»ral bfirtanfii*.RlILisI' v<in Mowisy, Juit* fit bl* Ifitt trtil-

dviif’*, No. iflT W fil Klnnfiy strott, Ib o ru u , hutbaiKi of Msr>' K. FoUly.

NoUro of funeral bvrvafifir.BUiTIl -Utt Monday, Juii* 7B, IfiM, Inffiot mn of

JsDiPN t>. sod LIxxl* Tonk* AtniCh.Ibtcrtiifint III ML I'JfiasftUl Ctmfitfiry,

HMJTIl-^ut Jun* 3\ lxv4, L^iliarla*, widow of John Hmlth.

BoisLivtssnil frlcndt axo kindly lovlifid t* at- tend Uu fiisenl frouk tha r*ald*ne* of lior daughter, Mrs. Uliliy, No. 144 Mnrrt* arenu*, on Ibursday, tb*Xfith Inst, at 7;fi1 A. M-. to fit J(rfK>pb'i I'hiirob, wb*r* s Maw of lUKtiiltm will bp oflfirfitl for thfi r*po«* of bertonl. Iniorinvnl 111 ifip t fintotery of ibf Holy r*fipulchr*.

VAXDDYNK On Ibr Sftth iBSt., John KllRwortb , non of fiotuuil slid lifiGa Van Duyn*. ag*d 7 wMkn.

Funml will b* from th* p*r*Tibf resldanc*. M (•gtl«n Qu Tbursdsy, Junv 2A, i m . siBA. M. llfilatlva*axKl rnendfioribs rsmilysr* rfppeelfully InvUed to sttood. lut«riu*iktst ( •Euslery of th» Holy m«pulehi«,

CaHD o f THASKShI berfiby dMir* to thaak Mr iw A. Wbltphoui*

sad •mployn fbr th«1r klndsfiv to ror buvOsitd. WllUsm <J. Wsgnir, during bU LJIdms ; s)no tor dors! olTrringi at bln fbovrsl ULLA WAGN AH.

l>«Bth ClaiBss F a id l a J lc w a rk Tlo laL ty TwHlay by H B iiw ^ l i t iu k L ll» l u . C*.

Pram. AmtJotfipb K m tn^r.lSO.Iohnst, HarrlsoiL. .10 |I74 00ADdivW k rs u , IMS Draulngion *t....... .04 J21 uOMary lay lo r, 9M ssd«rpoul i l ......... slo tiO 00

c. C. i Li.1 A M f«,__________ l ^ i a v i r MsPk*Vtv. OOTMT llaMsy,

tlN D K H T A K K K S a

A s PEAROR a HAPPICH. FUNERAL m - « KKCTOP.s AM> EMHALMktlA Ksibfitmlng npoctaliy. lS 4H U im i uM ANUEAVK.

btiiTtfsa J udos and HsywSiits. dOc


474 Rrosd iL a Jro nnt-cliM* Llr«ry Stable, 3r 4and C Clsy iiL Tfilrpboae m i

lN ?iT R U C T IO N .


A COMPTrETK ^JIOHTHAriI>.TYPEWRIT- Ifit's eduosUon :*Dter now: propare for 6rit- clas* •itoatioBK awaiting uur graduate*; fn* sc-

crpied In liiAialmt-itR. RK Hruad iL i ______ PBOD. HKYMOUR, Prlodpal.B K.NN PITMAN M|OKTHAND--MDUOOU

liU llro«<i«i., Hoomatfiad 4. TrrmROH apphealloo.

Ct>rr««pond*ni'* oDiirv*. |10, Inrludlogbooki ttprdsl term* durlntf Jun*, July ^ad AuguaL

MIHH 'rOW.NMENirS H'JAKUINO AND DAY •cbool for girl*. M PARK PL, Newark, N'.j.

Primary, Acadgmlo sad CoUngfi Prtparatory D*- partiu*nti.

Circulars od appllostloiL v*<]


fl. A. KARR AND, H*fid Master,WIIJiDN FARRAND, Associate Maattr.

r*op«tifl Saptember IT, lOH Thorough |ir*pnrstlon for any oollfigfiorfictfaU&c

tcbool or Air bii^liiesk Hfb.<'atalogn*ou spidioailon.



MIRH WHITMORE. PRIN CIPA L Coltegfi Pr^pAmlory, R*niior, Junior P rlm arr

Dfiparimoiii't. \ limited number of bfifiv In Pnm *iy ItepartmFnt. r*rUNeste admits to WsllMlsy C^p Ifigr. Circulars ub n}>pl1eBtloa.


BEniNNERR 'WANTED FOR F fA N O : fid quarter. TlANO^ Box p, Nsws offle*. Ml

MATirH-JlJN, RANJO, GUITAR, ZITHER and vlullu teufbt,

17a A. J. WEIDT, 76 Hoatb *L

ryiTllER Ll-JSbONH GIVEN BY EXPERT- /4rn<^nd tw liT . 14HQMKIWRTBT.. lop. Urn

h k k s h m a k i n q .

A - a . - a ' t ’ T ’A yI I g r IS r jS S . •vuiting ftohool. Th* oDly

L ihorougb sad luoofiaafbl tytifim Iq '" I f . iBfi naly on* not a ch a rt g .sMT to Ifisrn. IhipUi makfi droste* J whllfi J«araLng. Makfi bo flilstak*^

]«arB tb f h«*t, ^ a day and w sa- Inga NoUcoA T. TaylfiPa AllALl— -h a, B K / iV I ». 014-014

B nad iL . •■afiA)te 'ma4(y uhurcb. teBBDS. P F ^ M. K. aiR TB TlR ,A - A , - M o U O W K 1 sI s D R J I-(J V T T I N G•HchooU Tbs csisbrstfd moI>ow»U garm sai

drafting «nk<’blnfl has n*ver bssn dsIlMtea in any MnteBL roo«lvia£ two b lgh tit swarOs at Ute Wortd's Fair; wbto goutnir ■ system why not g*t tb* hew pwltlvsly DO rsdUiog pupUs oan msk* ilnwisi white teaming: call or saud fbr circular psptfKuern* out to maasora-

I K. (X GBAWLKY, 8U Broad stA -ORANOR DHEMRCdrTLVQ BOHOOL: •open sU summer i the Taylor ayttem thor­

oughly u u g b l ; also cuUiug, fltilug. draping. otek- iDf, dfSlvDlugatid fltiiiblng ; w* teaeh U ^ (h ro n l *tylo« vf wakite, piinc«M drewea. jsdkfilL coats, uUtersaud c s m s ' s w tittea goarfidiefi g lw ti ail who ou te r: fintt-clnsi dreMniaklng at raducfid

Srlc** : op«D day and •vsnlne* ; TayloPs Fasbloa [agislite for Junn gtvfin lo Isdlss teaming sysuni,

buying pattern, or ordtrlDg oofitumA All 1st*st Kraacb slylss a r t to m twtfi a t M a Y K. LYNClDb, sn-Tti Mfiifi sL, O rM n Dfiokfir BuUd- iag.

At T a Y IxOR’-H. 674 AND *75 H KOa D BT., YOU caB iMm eiitilug flUlitg, d»alg>dng, Anlsbiag, drapmg and lateu IIlU;) points; mak* ilrsnan ror

yoamaf or your (risnds: school girls takra during Tfioailoa: good po«](k>ru obtelnod; tooUfesrs lo* vited ; ail allowano* mad* on liUitr aysifim*: op*n •venlngt. I'ayJofH Fashion Magmzln* fr*« fbr on* ytor ii> old and nfiw puplte GoauiOMs mad*; oui- (lngandi6tUng;patt*rni cfiL Tb*Taylor Kytttetn ran only b* obtaltiod from tbo fiuth(>risfid managtr, m K. L

1 -k R im M A E lN a - - MMR. VAN ZANT HA« J/ap*nfidadra«i(nslclD g doparlmsut In oonnoo- tton with bar droM cutting sobool. whtrfi i h t la prw parfd lo d o a ll klndsof work at rrasoEwbl* nrioV

Pkui* Sts. noar New.fk H E H H M A K IN O -W IT B 11 TO |10 : ALL J ^ s ty te s : alto rldlag habits. <6 FLA R E BT, §41

1|tUUOPKAN TAiJwOJi HULK AND «qU A HE Jftte ettiting ladtef and ebUdran's SMrtnfiBlt' plairfTKre9rb-**ainiasta]»i^"*^ 5 ^ ^

bias dartM sksHibl* and I r lp ia ^ d * bfidTdb v rlbaaii (Irteten, plkln and IkBOr slaavaa, *te,. aW ~A»r tlA lofiiudltig ruJfi, sqttBrs, instrucUon a ^ m*amr« book; pupils malt* tb*lr own gannante fr*« white laaralng; cuUlnf and nitiiiglln1ng4 and p«p*r pal- terttacut to uiM U te ; tvonlng 1«nonvMADAHR V a NZ%N>.Ab Pl«na ai., osar Naw. Brancb at Flat 4, Arnold B ulltinr, m c I to poip ofllqa. Morristown, N. J. w

hJlA.NOHI.Y U B A H O B nrO H IO IN A l. v a . r . Tsirloe HTsteoi of NO R n e d w u : no oasft; eotOAl moasarsNoals; sohoLsrsoea ouke Uh I( ow eaiM aw tt*! ; losiaei nallnltod.____________________ L K DDHMC U i MaU ix

P K O F K iM O H A L .


fve BRqaO ar.ODSfAY t.]W LBACU, HOBT. F. L X E U IA a it


-kSMOVAL^OUB C. OBAFY. D. t t <1.U T W K B N ARo I ^ T m u


HKloT W A N T R D -'M .^M M ._______

N O T H 'l> * T n in sl* n t a 4 v fH li1 n f m llifi N1 Wm m u s t liiv aH fib ly bo paGI fo r ! • 04 - v a n rr .

N«i a iffo iin fi w il l bo opono*! fn f *of1i>Ni> fiilvfrtl*otisofi4 w ill )»o ro o o lto d ovfir

thf* tr lo p h n a ii e a o o p t |h o * o * o u i by oo lbu r* laoft agfuta.

\ * M41.F U RI.P ANV I’APAITTY.•lr* f toSinploy^r* lit short nulli'*. MRNMA^•

AHEHU A.N KMTLOYMKNT AiiE.VL'Y.flCtilar a i iVIvphulMi 477. I

VOKSTO AND C'ANVAk h kIUS MALE AND fr'inai* ; Me monsy mid*fa«y ; no talk raqulrwl

IniwN ihf m*tal ilpw lrlt; ■oll'i Itteif *1 ftlfhl; ]a«' (htnk o f l i : im irtmiiilnv. no sniuk*, uo br*«kiiur rm innsj’*; M uipteSofitta M EfA L TIP VOr W i^lngtou*L. Jvr**y i ‘liy. Rte



A ltl ir it WANTED FOR WEDNESDAY. Cali sRar 4 F. M. DftANdE nl'. 1niklK KkKPEH VOUNliMaN ^ANTEDArt bsok-kfeiHet, diMiblr #t>try: «in* ivRh kaowL

ftigfiof thurihsod arnl Rfinliiglon iviMvoriter nr*- terrwl; w agn |l<i. Additeu In own bsB<lwDMag. sUUBgaga. *i|«ri*nro. *ir.,I___11LM»E KEEFER, Hoi K, Nfw* ofltea.

I Ti'ilEK WANTED. A HlNiil.E YDl-NG buh-bar, ttermao. ( a i l at 441 MULltEIlKVBT.l

S i ANVAhSEK W a NTKD. a ltEHl’K<TAllLB A mltldlifiaewl iumb in ao1lr;l nrd*n ; mutt h* fs- ti*hriK’«d uaava»afr: guud pay : •irlu'ilvaterrUory. 1_____ ___U AH l KtUH / U*\y E. TV. Iltefid i ti ISHlUAUis; THIMMKH WANTED. OLIVER ^ MKD.(’u..ft>otof( lay iL tim.

( mAVIIMAN ULRMA.V AH (VlAl'HMAR i tliumugbly uudvcaiaad* b u Uuslufui: rwota-

n;*iiiUiloa; rliy ur OMiatry. E. aENTOKEK 1 la y iu n t . tar* iRmr. u raug^ N. J. Hmr V 'lU N ^N D r.AKKKT MA K Kll WANTED A -lo laLr rh*nrf and mak* •nm* ; muit k* oum> iwii'iii « imI iifwiy. J., Boa ( ’. Nv** iifHcf. I

h lirVKll WANTED. A Dt»MI'LTKNT EX- ]>rm« d r iv f r : must b« ari:iiialni*d wUh sblp-

I'liif lu \#w S Mfk (lly : Tfterrmv* r*t|iilrwl,^4i J.H iA N K ouif, iin 'vu rilau iU tL , IWitevlllaL^Ml'TOTMENT FOR AM, f i l W K R K I.\^ I j \ \ «•■%•** a rllrlf *v»ry man must hav* : IT* au

ahtnliii# iiKs^fiity ; di»a‘i ra^julra a slirk ulMcnan , ri>'rDluc>|irwif Oiathiij; la ik i lUfi'lf; *hotr K, (baV* a l l ; uj*ii «ln> hav* nfT«r luild h*for* ar* gst-this rlrh ; avfiag* aarnlngi 17.44 dally, ('airto- laurrow, s to U, and g«i started.I___ ________ 41 WaHHK-NHT., llarTlw'tt.Hr'^AUM BAND; NO MlLKlNO ; ATADKH Ilk ■ I SJl'EUAHfiT.

iriRM-CLAHfi lU H IlEK WANTED.1 I Tijqntr* 44 RU)UUF[RI.D AVE-Mai h in e hand w a n ir d w' hd can

*•( up htr all klfi'h of inoaldiiig, also tub jai'G'iy rnacLIjiM, tn lakr rhargu of a uttlU nutel l»- IIml fisfis III er*ry w.\y and fuwly.

A., H«i M, ,N*w» olftrf.

A.N m i t lUU.NTKY I'LAUK AH UhKKUL > ttC E U A kH l'.M

M1:N w a n TKI), KuRTHEUNlTKIlHTA I eh ( riiit. abte IhkIIwI unm am ttl intn, h*twp«ii tliraUF .ifvi .hkI 4(13fart; good pay. rations, cUHli

liK Btvi Titailii’41 nttend:knrt*. applleant* mn*i ’te iiif'iroliU iiHli*rarti>ry*vlil«ne*a4 lO'iga ( hiirvTrr siKl huiuii. Apply at

T.h MARKK'r Hi,. Nawark, X. ,T.

IiE u i r , m ri'ON d k i m .e i i ’* a n h o a m d k h h»aoi*.| .Anply loN t-T L E V RDTTGK FAi*-

’D i in . Nuilrt. .V. J, j7ni

1>i,uW ji.^M i W a n t e d d n Fa r m .^ 1 (Hil(lK)N. Hldge rd,. ufar KlJigalnnJ,

1>iip>HMAN W an t e d DN k in k coath a tmu’*. 2i NcUlKOLK HT. 1

ITHgKff. M ^N -T A kh; ro H JlUIlSEH FfJR L. bu;cii*r 22IEDARHI'. I

■ \y A^TKl■ IF y i i r WANT D ) WORK AND *T lUKk* hlr }ms srll for a Ann iLat ban bud uv*r

kOyrur* ui in ihe tnirwry huilnvM ; *pf<’liilteiliiraiiitnt* nfliBrtil to brglnnrm mud fxptrtenrfil nifn, WfilH Al rtnrf fyr pirilrulnr* tu Kl,l/- W'A.NOMI A m u U Y . Ml. Hop* xNuraertea Roclifvi*r, .V. V Yii

■\l» 'AN TH i e o a n lM A N AND O a IUiENER; I f mufi bn nibnr an l wllllnf to work ; a gotid

placr hij- lit* riKUL iikan. Ap|ily un prruilMS te- niorron 'and 9A. M. JIALHkY T. TIUK-K-NOtt. B'Jii nioiou ava , n*or Honth bicbteaiilb * t l

■\lfA N TK ll b \i 'f :tt |K N C E D MhOE Ha I-KM- Tt mart i>r ».iipBwi>inaii 6ir KAtunlav lUght. lr»-

quir* h. IIkVMa n , hpringhrld avia l

l i r K WN.I.wl'AIlT VOr IN A FLEAHANtT 4 7 prutltahl* anti p rnnaarn t hualn*Mi; ran bo

doitaatyuiiruirD tiofu#; gvi a w*«k aaally ni-td* •*11(1 aiampfor rn]| f>tpianatli>!i.

WEftl EHN f-CPFLY 03., fit f iuLs, Mo,

■ \y(H 1!l F.ATTEUN MAKER W ANTED: ONK I f who Ihnrpiigiily un<1#ntand* fiimaos and

rauire work. Addr*** i ’A'lTEKNB, Ilfii iJ, ,N'*w* ofllor. 1


A G4IT)I» s k h v a n t HUPPLIKU a t h iio r t notkf. Atiwp prortir* ultuailOQ* withouloharr*

tog lrla w*Ken*ralJy b*fe app!ic*tioimfte placfis EL ll'K IhMFLDtMK.Hr O FFICE^ 70 Rmad a t 14 w

AOKNTH FOUR L*niKM TO INTUUDUCE houteliold artlcl*: aaiary to rirb t partlM. Ad-

dteAi haLAKY, h o i M. N^tt* ofTlo*. 1

AFFHENTlCtfi, IMPROVERS, SKWING gIrD. dulfbrr* and teamen for (Irraamaklng and cutUng. Ei'HKU 774 Rruadat. eiy

, GK^NTS-LADY AttKNTH WANTED. CITY Lor country : good pay. I teSHllMMElt aVk.iAl

Bo o k h k w k r - Wa n t e d , a n tx p E H D •DCfid bookftwrr , steady «mploym*nt

t HKKa LD oVFICh:, VQ Uulti »L, Uraiige.

( to o K K -W a n t e d , t i p i k d t'rvjK s t o rbutrd.lni hiiiittf* ; also girte f jr gtntral hou*^

work ; gifirfl slluallojis. Apply AHis. IlAK'i'ON'fi E.Ml*LuVMK,NTo>KD’t . 150 |[|gb*t. 1

CCKiK-WANTED, A n io K WHO [14 W ILLINd to awlat with washing anl otlisr work, CEU altsr fi P, M. *r Itefor* noon al

1f®l teS CLINTON 4VK.

CTOOK-w a n t ed . GOtiD OX»K AND LAUR- drvu. 418 BBXLEVILLK AVE, |

iU L N E llA L H lR V A S r W A N TED - PLAIK \ TrookingSDd wvhlbg, nmall family ; w*g*i fH ; r»f*r*oea wamrd. I I'UufiFKCi TMIRAUE. Rrlrk Church. \

HOUhAWORK — W'ANTJtD, A UiRL FDR goiteral housrwork in a small farnlly ofadullfi ;

Tiigllnb->pf'aklr4g iteriuau pru-terr*>d: Tef(>r*no*i muKt l>* iirfl<ia*ii. A pplr iu M.UJV«'lt'a J kW- J-.i.uV STORE. No. 7 TruiJeiitial Hundliig, from H> to It (yflock A, M. I4m

n OUBKWOBK - COt.nHf’.T) AND WHITE fIrU wantod, chainb«rmHM nnd gensral boaas-

w'ork ; alio (terman hihI <iti b'-lp : also ssosluir*. J. RkKNoN, KXBployiueiil Ag*l■cy. 7a brvail sL, cor. uf Wllllan. i

n i^UHFWOHK-A \V1( l.t.VD HKHVANT;gnud olalD rouK : WA’lilir; and a«*l*t buiiae-

wurk. Apply MllH. DL'Jt*.Vl, i'uhtOiTlL'e Im>x 10.1, Niilisy, N. J, Ln OUHKWORK - Y(Jl'N(. OKHMAN OIRL

waolfid Inamall faiuliy U> M*l*t La lighi buuBO- work. A}>ply1 718 IliaHLAM) A V K , rurt^st Hill, cliy.

n OUfiRWOHK A AM'KD.LNDLISUmPKAK- lug German girl fur gitnrral housawork and to

saslil In earaol tetby. N u n 'l l r>KVK>'i'il 9TM

HOVHKWOKK - W.VM KI>, A HKLIAI1LF-, Uerman-Amcrlran girl lur gsiisral liojBewotk

and to atsist la slur*. < sT MULHkKRV nT.i

Hg u r e w o r k w .a m km, (G R l f o r DKN- aral bou**work ; fuiuiiy <if tw o; Ctermao pr*- terreC. IM N oKt'H M N ) II--'I'. l

n OU8BWORK-W ANT tJf. A WO.MAN FOR gensral buutewurk

I 26fi M l. MiO’ PKtT AVK„ por. Third.

VoUNtI G ihLH ouse WORK w ani ki forgeBeral liousHwurk

I I'RHRY HT„ bak*ry.

HOUfiKWORK-WA.N lk’.D, GIRL FOR OftN- *rai boui*wurk. D « LI nToN ft'!', 1

11ODSKWORK -G I R L WANTED lioiiaswork. ftl.lN DK N ST.

I AflTXH WANTED TKAt’lI 1‘AllLOHJrlaaaea Indreesmaking uniildfiul Nawark.

i T'A VLOH'rt, 87J Broad st.

T A I) JjadV'

M N I) OENTU-MEN TO HELL W IL L ‘ I aftlcte. Iteoin 1, A74 llRoAD ST. I

..........,....N T R D , Al’ IG rr.AY BT.. Astrong wouukD (o car* for lovaiki night and

monilag. 1X UJ


QALEHWOM KN-W K H.AVRAW UHlDINAL, ^ IftR ln te ir , mueb-uvsded srllcl* which ■•lit best during hnnl llmvi. hfKsaiiH* It aav«s ipunry ami sullfirlug; women and riifii without any *ip*ri- •lie* whatever srs now juAkliig from f 15 to P*' week witlioiti iiMleL'Ung tiifir borne duties; no oanltel rtnolred ; lull psrilniters. De* Mcnples and r*r*feiieea ta your own num am l our* by mall. Ad- dread R, W„ Ho* iriEi, Dukou. Mae*; only ibna* arv’king r«sp lai>lv. prittiabteand i>erinaufittbGiite amploymenl n»*d s r i 'i f ■QAI.ERW oM a N w a n t e d a t D. MARX'H, 184l^prlngds^d av*.,fbr fancy good* Bud notluui; on* with •iperlunoe, amie other nred apply; must speak German. Ajipiy iu ^uperlutuBdeni. mi

S'.TAftCHEIlH W A NT KD AT KI.EOTllIC La UN- DIIV, roar liruad ■ (-_______ ____

WANTED— NtrT UNUKR IB; CAPABLE Qfteklitg lull rhers* nf 1 children; German

pteterred. Inquire w MAHKiiT ilT. l

WANTED - F X I'K flle n d e d HANDD ON Riten duster* ami imti’Ler gowns,

t lx LDEVVh.MlKiUl. Z45 BaokSt.

WOMEN W'ANTED T 'l LEARN llAHE BALL blayhig ; good wiige^. Addrfiaa

1 ULD tth U -ttiL E , Dux 11, N*w*nmoe.


A' ^ ' cUOWNTANT hXPERT-R?OKH W'TUTTKN up,aacfilinteopeaaT, AtAtemeats inadA oollec-

lluMN alteadati; engagement* hour or d ay ; terms luoosrttte. ItKll>1.4N, tpriogdMdava. 77b

BOOK-XItKPlZil-ANV OFFIOK WOKK IMI.NK evening* by ci*nijK*teut bodk-keeper; Gertnaa

or Engllab. Addresi ^Im BO(>K‘JiKKrr-«U. Rox E, New* omcf.

S MKR-(HU>n u r r c i iK R o r s ih b h ayi&itlon : Mgafmwnd* gronerteKbttt irf

AddtesaG. F*ltHnbia*t. 741

(THOCEIIV CLERK YOUNG MAN OF M Tf having oonilderabte etpertencfi In groc«rybiiAi-

n*M wUheA iKiattloh asAiirti; can luriuAli a I lerer- eiteea. Addrnts KKLfAfiLK. liux P, NewtoOloi. 1£ i ROCBif^r^LKRK DfHfUEh POHlTiON;UN- vEderstands core of horse*.I GRtX , Box M, NfiwsoAlre.

SlTUATJOaN WANTED RV A YOUNG MAR- Med mao, who thoromrhly underataad* th* car*

and drlvtug of borie*: wining lo do most any­thing. W uBE, Or»*n Vntore !*■ G>« Jl- J. ' »oaOlTUATfON w a n t e d « V A YOUNGrtetruHg Btsn, iMrt afraid o> work ; ha* a good filu- n tilon ; spaaita AngU*h and (.terman.671 EMILBCHBIUtlCK.»4 Kearny avfi,K*aray-

Y OUNG MAH fWl WlHlIfW Aof any kind. Inquire 305 hUHRIH a VM


E M P L O T M B N T TT A N T E D -F E M A L E S a


MteiaM, * um


( «MiK Wa n t e d , H IrvA TioN R b y t w o r e -*r*-'tabte glrU. on* aa I'ook and lauiidrea*. »i1h*r

rbanP«rn>*iJ amli walir***. gtHul city raOreite*. I'teAMfirall Ibr two ilayi al No. t t ’LARk n l c R y l

( u n tk s n ’i*Arii»N w' a n t k d b y t w o(vAcman glrle ^une aacfii'i o aJ tb* oibar *a up

■lair* gIrL Tnuntr*I (H MGKTtTN BT .fTom Idto 4o'Hoek.

n \V*H WORK WANTED. WORK OF ANY Xing hv ih* day i t lew prlo*. Addte** MEH. M..

j G*Ji*ra] l)*llv*ry, cHy. bbI

IYKKRHMAKKR WlfillEH W ORK; TKHMH fiiUHterate ; Taylor Aytiacu. l l l l l UNRTRT. 1

^djhj ; f i ■ dayIx liaj^M A K K K WILL GO nU T RV T H E 'd a y : §l a day. 149 IIROAD HT. Mm

I lo l'H K K FK PB K AM BHUTAN LADY Wtfilf- 1 1 * * i»naltlon as boui«k**p*r: widow«r pre- terr*4. 1 all «1 (\>sNGitKna Hl\ fcr thr»*dayfi 1

I im 'M KKKKFRR WImHKn filTUATUlN AH I biHi*ak.**p*r i i a a tlu w ii'* Stniliy.

•el I . g Ki i VRH, 44 Hlrhtmmd St

n nl'PgW O HK A YOUNG W uM *N WANTH vr^irk hy 4h* tniinth <w week : s)**p huAte ; good

flHlncBoltaridtaiiiKlr*'« Hty refrrrtMW.Advil*** WBANDI-'GRn Rt,

I lo rH E W O R K ( ''•M l'K rrN T W O M A N 1 *wl*b*e poaMluo at geiteral booaavork, aak-

tliur* ur couBtry ; private ianiUv.I teaOOMMERUEHT,

n iOTlEWORlt.-WANTXD, HV A YOUslG girt ofgu. lat*]} land*<1, *iupluyut*nt a lk o u a ^

werk i bar uacl* will giv* temd ter li«r boiM«t).I latpiin* M 41 Mu NLUj K BT.

H nl'MKWOnX V'DMAN W A irrs FLACK AT geoarat bouwwork, rtiy nr ouuntr}'


Hd UhEWORK w o m a n W(BHh34 RlTUA* tluu fVB«raI booaewfik . <Ttv oroounlry.


t ^ l WORK. 794 .North S*v*nlh at.

CY K N O tm A PH EH A N D T'VFKW Riri- R : ^viH ing lady dsairtt te'illion: oorr*eitund*no* prairrnfil. Address H. Hi>i H. N*«« uftli'*. 1

AKlIING - H E R m rABLE <'OT,ORfi |> num oa would Ilk* na^hlag el bom* ur by theW

day. Add rasa U UOUDI.NOTHI'.

W T A B lilN t* -W 'A N T K n , »Y f ih «t *<;l a jie7 7 laurtdrvaa, waablug - day or at bora*.

I Mlifi. THOM FRO.N. )U* INtrrow IL. Orangfi.

W ^H IT IH O —LADY WOULD LIKE W HITING f f lo do a t home. A(ldr**a

1 W HlTl No, -M North fi*v«ntb ei.

B O A K D IN H ,

• ILINTON NT., 14 TWO YGUXU LADIES CAN . ohialii room ; huartl, 1

/ RHHIT RT., lOl .NICKt.Y KUH.NERHED \ riMiiHA with or wllkirut txiard ; all lm|ireve- lueiila fini

h^LM r^T„ 17-BOA KD; FLIEAHANT KUOMR, iW'ilb or without board. 3§ai

N' I.M Mf.. l4-rVllN].<M KD HoOMH. W 'lTlt jo r wltbuul board; all tiirHlirii Cvinfentencras 7*UI _______

INHANKLIN HT., 47 FITINIKIIKD IUH)MH ' for gentianMo; oiai gool table ; Im


ronme sikI board ; all ronvriiteiK'M 741A I/WKY board.

■T., 47 FllO.NT HoDM


W ITHfill

1I,L NT., U-FU H NIH H LD R(K)MS AND hnanllitf ; private family, I

I IHKKTy HT., H -rV H N lK IlK D KlHiM, W ITH -Mir wltbonl bnard ; g*iil'*iiu>ii. (Ml

■ \^E W NT.. lA-PLEAHANT THONT 1GK>M, .A V « lih goud board ; all lmpri»v*m«ai* ; central ; Uble board. Ul

N KW s t . 4**1 KD'K FUGNT Kd u Mn W ITH board for gfiniteBoAn. 4j I

OltANGK PL.. •-N IC E L Y KURNlrtHED ntoma, wltb or w llhoot board; all Improvn*

meatfi. 1

0 HCHAHD RT, I7fi-K>AI1D; n.lCABANT lurg* front room ; term* moderate. §7}

1>A KK P L .64 PH 0:4TR0U M \ W lTil HOARD; alao table board. tty

| ) R i T o l l HT.. 47 FCBNISKKI) ROOMS WITH .1 \bfM*rd 1 aim tsbl* board. M

HUTOERK KT, tt , NRAK HANK T a BI,X board and flirnlahad rooms H RR. liKilOE57n

KIIEHMA'Y A VK.,47^4 BUOM, w it h HOARD; aiao table board. Fil

■W AM llINOTGN RT., 0 7 - N l r R L V FUR* f f nltbeil roomi, w ith 'o r without bcMid; ate»

tobte tfiAinl. 4k

C O rK T E V }lOARl>.

Co u n t r y b o a r i> - a f e w a d u i .t i i ‘a x And rood board aod airy room* in pleoiant part of Newton, Buaaex Counly. Addr*w

Ttd P. O. BOJt Newton. N. J.



uitaranteiHl innAtet. In all ml- ora. ter public b u i ld i i^ prlra t* rcitdem'ea, stores, saloona and loutorlea.

BFlf?IAL DAROAINR. EOOOl). F. Ilfillartds. with

tosMl fringe, rfigiilarprlc*. HR. at ..........

Ew * ipaqiiM, with dnnbi* t*fls*l Irlng*. i7galA7 price, 65c., a t .................. -




A r rE N T lO N l-T flK BfiSEX AND BUURDN (uh»HLEKh e x c a v a t in g CO. tl prepared

lo cl*an cloffl* oaeipoolii at shortest notloa o n to * M7 M arket IL, Newark, and 1U19, Haird a t , Har­rison. i»Tk

1 lurrO K .IIO r..ER . «TAMPtVO. PLAITIMHJ ja i id pUiklDf of all kind# fit ahoit noGca7lig 468 BROAD S T

/ O U A l» FAMILY RHOK hTO R E-L A I)IF> ' I. kilt, lip, botten, | l ; iaillea' flns kid, tip, button, •U;''i; todies' kid, tip. laced Hlucbar*, |l.2 0 ; uiIssm' hpdng-beel, tip, bntton. TV*, to | l ; men'a *e««il, lam l, | l ; man'* Ana latied and OongreM, | l 15 ; riien'*i rtisaat Hale, and lllurhor*. |l .6 h ; bo}-** Ani lured. 96e.; yrnith*' Adc teued.a'Hi,: chlldcen'e M>'Tlui heel, lip, butUiO, tci 11, 60e. lo T6a. a l WM. L Mc Kl.NNRY'R, ITCriaof Bl-.ii*arW iaiam iL 7tn

D. MlN-roN. MASON AND BUILUKR - x /« l^ rn a c e s . clstems. chlinnay* bulH stod re- ro lrtd ; walte rapoirad and whlteMd.

______ zi WMi KINNBV HT. Raad pi>slol-U, IHlUOlJUi, Ma KKU dF

1 •the Dofigla* BaQlo, Afm* Mul- \ tor and fine maodollno Mualralln* Jllrumtiils of all kinds; easU or In- 'lialmcQta. RoMlriag a speniaitr.

^ 1., termerly of S77 Brood 4Bd fi O dnr fit.

1’VtUllTK OF JULY-NHW AND HEcoNIj.hand plaiol*. retolven. guas ; fuRlIpeof aimnu

nUlOh, blank cartrldg**. ato-i rbiOMU ploi'elriGie city. BRADNER'H, an Mark»t»(. 82gI F WKINGFUA AND CARPET’ lew eep en n**d ropolrlng rrnd

' t^la l. Hoild white noher rolls from [T B ontsnp . railed Ibr and doi(vr-r«<1» free. Alnoold wriiifara bouglit *ud

traded In for aaw ooes.WKINGEH r e p a i r Co .

•7b a Nnw •(.I\,,rArC(>RMACE-EATCH K LH. AfLpurke'.booka, masons' loni hat* and trunks or our own manuraf ture ; rapfiJrlug promptly attem lel to. VJ4 RIlOAD BT.. oppoatte Waihlii(lott ParE .

KOOFING-MR-*. HATFIELDIIOPPKB. MAH- ket and Comtuaroa 46c

^ L W IN O MACHlNEft O f ALL KINr>-l KE- i^palrod at sAail cost by aklUad workmea: ma- rhrues railed for and delivered lr*e ; pans, ru**i]les, etc,, for all mocblnaa 463 BHOa D d'f. 74g

St c r a g i r o o m . 4fii Apply 04288 MABlCRr HT.



Bet. Rank and Aeadomy its.

7 Rr C,-PlAN04 AND (mOANH TUNKD. RK fjpg lfed . GEORGE HUNT,:;2»H Market It.

W A L L p a p e r A N 1> P A P K R .H A V G I SG.

A -A . ^HOOM P a FRKED. OADINABV•calling and ste* a id alnnh border for si 75.

la rg e aosorlmeat ofpapem; ]atestity |*s;alltrale fi anduriew . Pslatlng, graining, ttnang and kalo> mlnfug *x*cutMl al resaonsbl* p i io ^ All wera r a a r a e te ^ Op*n till 4 F. M. O rden by man uL tended to. J- a^ u 'N E IL ^ 81 Aeodsmy at., nesr Halaey. ^

A *-<IEORaE W. OOsNK CO., • 1* AND » NKWrtT.,


h a m p l h b o o k s To t h k t r a d e

LOWEST PRICKH AT R ETA IL Fainting, - - - •

II., D«ar Brood.Fainting, pop*MbaDf1ag. ato.. a t

rasMaableprloas. H and So NewWhite RulldlnE BluefiLgu'-

A -BHUOKLYN AND NEW YORK WALL J Vtpap*r Combination—Ileaaa lakfiaoUca (list I will iiopar fkii^liad room with gold paper and wide bunter for fian a mom, and atao nn nnit-clafia jmliit- Ing and kAluimlblnv at Ilia cbeopasi pno*i In the cUy; orders promnbly attended to by mall. loj J acob J.KVY, No. 160 Warren st,, New.trk.

V -D O YOU Wa n t y d u h kcx)m r k f a - *per*<lT We do it for |i.80 and Inmiab wail-

papar and border. “ Tha Fair," HrKlN A lil.AU, lto-196 tfiprlngdeid ave,. manurketareri ol picture foaniea and wludow shodoa, 57x

AUAMB’4 BROOKLYN W ALl.FAFERHTnKR-' tw ill psjierany filMilM rouaW ith g.>Ul po-*

per and Iride border, fncM lng repfilrtug, for 41T5 : alsriw edo nfftt-olai!if palirtlag. gcofnlng, kalaniriliv luE plastering and tinting. For ika cbeapehl phres III lb* city, sand i^netal cards ter aamplea, or cjH at HruukTytt Wallpaper >ttnre Olid aaleei your papers, an w« cterr>- a lull Un* nf cbokn pnpan. euoh n« blanks, date, gilts, embnesed, Ingralna arwl tiles, tergrat amortnie^l In etate, and **11 at rw'tory

HOBARR, ('A H ItlA L F T t. ETC.

A TH E NkWAHK UOBhf: • market, Noe. Il5 te i2'>i'smnG as*.

A Urge ftfiirk of ilrel-oiMfi bora^fi alwav* an haart Air sale or i i iuiigR at (h-f

tfiweet ta*rk*t pri<-*f;draught. <tr1f*n eu l r«r*i parooes hureea. a filr trial given nn t 'U -.ju ‘k «t\ 1 wita a hill guarenie* tob" a* <r c u tremmled A l. l lR K r i . m*LlN , pro.

HVTCHEH WAu o N. (»NF D|■^s WA'DIN.te»iuew wagiin. «)*> .lump cart FUAMC

LABCHE, ttn Ml. Prfifi]>*t'i av*., u fir i »t I

( TAHHIAOK**- rAKIHAGEfi t ' 4 K llU ii !> h ' Open ami tep b<igglei, phaeton*, taliev nhivh

tana, hins>».nit>. Uspi. »nrr*y*. jim»j»-*oA< .rr***, •pimite, rnoi!. tuili'i litnd. eiieeitlnc an I b iUm ofi wagfiHi* uf all kinds TKAGUI-:'^ N 'lK lii * M i t 'A llHlAtlK K KteefilTrmV.Uinte.levlIlr. nraM*

CAHRIAGE'S FOR AALk THK fO M I.ifTrv ofsfitahl* «ii**>>np* riK-kafi’aif .pau*l , uii*.

l'-«art, .1.1. .toulil. Ill i-KM'li SsrD—i nMrl' m- ous v t 11.;... JiHibl. Usrsi'A, r l r , ini.i.if*•U Nu. G i’AIlK -I '

ClA lt lltS i .K ', , M 'M HEII III' VfiW■mbMlsmS nsrtlj.,1.. -ml far Mil

rtoap . DLIVKH M A SU fA C lT lll.MI CO. foi. aK'iavMi T ,f- ,t io iu „ L

u [ - n . —mM i.iir.i. m —iiq rprloM. U'sllpsr*f ol Ui irlraniFd bv nia-rh lnaflw , iip*ii rv in ln n MU S. w , h II p a w r j IraniS»nus mil lui to lI Mb niX RROrilKIls,Inv.raun, IMpsoksnnri an4 Psintan, (Sm-rliu,

iM d.u iiprln,lltU «n„ n n r lllsnw ars suara.'ii<70

- i l lU N U il OF THK SKW YORK W a LI. PA- l l p i r - to n Kill n tpa rsn y fiN n o iD S H lth salfi l«|Mf onri (Old boMifs, f l a rgom; p l« a a aaad MslAl cards; palDUn,. kalH aln lrK and dmoiai- In(. M. Aa rH utfsK , H Hprinutaid a , a . Hawark, N. J. Wo

I O O K -H OP W i l l . P A P IR YOUR ROOM Ain arm ; kAlaoalnlna, rts.; aalnHac, tUtd. Prop

apoalaloard to NKW Y o Jilcp A iS T lN O f'o if- Pa NY, IBl ond lsn l aL 3m

t l V K B T A T A I» ,B 8 ,

D i u a l a w r r s*, V. s.fa v u io h a ble li

AOKNOWf . im iiP THB1 Ki>R*«TO*»PJ

TaucraoM Xd^.


r llAHl.RH UKUHE. M A N U PA rrrrtK U iiF all kiivis I'f (Wrrlnge*, i-vtundd-r'1*]Mit wagOTi*.

Rfitekaway*. Isillea' pboetoiiA bufgie^. e tten ii >u tnpeu rren , maupy V*|i nurTev?!, jump t#*! ■wirre'is ira fean ti htirkboonls. spladte wagouv rua*1 carte and ipewillng t'arte. lm*iupfi» wutuat for bufo'ter* and Uakeni, grncerfi ami mMknieu, pLumneni auit earpentera. loniHlry ami r*lufhier4, ' tp r e t i an l fkrmeee' wagna*. h a rn e u a n i <Miunier aiie«i« an I blankeio, a t ttT ami tie Morkel 4t., foctery Iteb way. N, J ^

I^'^imnAT.E TWO uRaTKD. ► XI I NmIgn l o i ’ pbaeinii; olan lwll*« pliaelou. b.iii In rirai

rloAM onler, a | a iiarfAlii. In>iuire W .sU'iiN'fi laiVKHY fiTAtil.}.>«, NSoablngtiiu id., Esal tir-o«ge. 3ni

H t)URE BIG IIAHGAKN A fifiVKN Y7AH aid hnraa. fifiel harnaa*, N V. ilyl*. delivery

WAgf>R-t^- caelowtier sli niniitb* mkm g it’i. M. t'. KUHN, 417 fittutb klfivenlb et. *nil Itgliteenib av*. Ml


i r

UOKkK FtYR'fiAl.K, GKNTl.FMAN'H KN I'llA fMI mail biXf* ; T years otd : eouml. kliul and

Iru*. Addreaa ta. A. I'GN Dll', 144 WaaiiluKteh « t .nroof*. :?m

ORAhJ* to MFAI> Ft>lt h a l e AT H \ am suh lo , rear e f U1 Hintofi ava, Nawsrii. al raasnitahia prloae; all m r*pr**i'uted.•8 b _____________________ W W, THtMMEU.

n ORRE-F.»R ^*ALF, FINK VOrN4| HGAD mare ; alao HrgVi alar lUlebor buggy ami bar

aeee. 47 iE V K B T li a VJL MlTIG H HEH r n l i HALE iH K A F Mt'HT HK I la o ld ;atao a road horse :h*Ai I minute* ;dan t m iM abartalQ . 1 2 K hT . Urang*. .'iH


MII.IW W. li.ANEV A n ilG . k a l e A’<D !■ X chaag* fitebifis. Nn 4fi-S Ilr<uul i t Ihelargiw l

ossortmebi el blrli oIom ilrought. driving aihl <m>i. die iHtraes In lh«'^tele , maD'UHl peir* a *|^rlaUy ; avverol small ponlea ua hand hnw. I tlephon* t'14

WKID WAflOK WANTAD: Ml'KI HI’) IN GOOD order. W. N„ Has G, News nmge. I

r p U K (TTV LINK (KlMtlNGFIKI.D 1 A V F.' MAI.KH rtl Alll K** A Urge

■lock ol drol-rlMfl tiorvAalouyfoii iMimJ,_____fur w ieo r asi’lionse, at III* lMa>fi| irntr

k»t hrinfis: tiraufhi, im veri sud i«pprai j*urjH)s* hone* ; a fair irlal glveti andall stot’k so-il i<> I:* <4 rei>r*«ent*4 or cash reflmd*<l nail aiol the rxKi*. UUTIAKI.KTKCHKU, proprl*r<<r.W JA GO N HI WAGONS' I IIa VK I \ Nl W 7 7 wagon*, Irtiras, *spr***,gn>oer|r ami bubM*-

wageas, surrey*, buggies. fijilnJlnand rovl w**o n e te .fo rss le . A. L. IIPLIN , --tete uuJ BsuUaiijj

JU te IU Central ave.rr BUVH A GOOD FUlHH.lNo RIG : A Lko

^M tlfitherho iKirses, wsftni* arid liarnev c}i*i|i..iKi m o II K i',

M OitTHAtiFaN, I.HAN n, K T ( \

RIthFONRim.F FARTIFA IN NEF-DDFMONEV ra n ohiolQ Ib t name a ltb * ntRn**r Ih* Newark MartgOv* IkNiQ Cj , We wtlUeuil ynit any sum that yon wish al th* Inw nt imnilhlfi rales. Ih Die qufok- *fil puselble Uin* and fur auy langtli uf lima te nult you. You van pay U lioi k la suoh luiLalmeateai you w1«b, wban you wish an1 enljr pay for>t m longM you ka«p IL Von can borrow ou boiin bald furniture, plaaut, liortes, wagoa*. '*afrl4t*^ '*' oiber jwrtouAl properly wUhoii rem>>VAi fr>im yourow a pooseulnn, tbu* ririag yo-i lb* u*fi n( both tt and Lh* mouay. Our udluSe areoonventea’. ly located, aad partlfij ran !>• waHal oauu l'x iy rcmrieouily nod foadiantlally. Katnember ibat yfiQ ran pay all nr any part of ibe loan *4 any ti'iie, and Ibai evary dulUr pahl leswaa theouM ol o.>rr/ log the lean. NKWa RK HORTGa g K Lo a n OO.. 816 Market s t . neooad floor.

A -A .-A --M O N B Y TG LOAN U.N lioND « aad inurtgige In eums te Ault

tBs_______ H W. OIRHY, 7*1 Broad it.

A TTKNTION-THOHE w h o w a n t t o H'lR* row money in vrimi of 118 up, get good trenf-

aueal and seay lerme, sliould apply L> A Hi- HU a s Lo a NCXJ., No. W4 Bromist.; nraUiU Hall, room I 'M

Vi a l l a t t m e o f f i c e uv



If yon wont tnoney in amall ur large amounl*, on Hiort fir lung tline, un lioiifiebold turnlturo ancl plattoe, hnraoM, wagnnn, cnrrioii'ee, warehouee re- celpu or perounal pn^perly of nuy kind, wlthuui reiuofol of property Irutn your own pusWislun, we can save you nrioney hy our term* i)B tuans of any otTiouni foam fff) lo ILhiuai veryslmrl noUr*. with out poMMcy. Ye«i «sn paf tha inodey heirrfc in a n r aiveuate you wlali aad aluiiy Uoie. ami aoeh Ttay- meiit made on the prlfirijial witl reduce ih« co*iuf the loan In pruportlcn.

Hefnregelting rnouey elsewhere rail amt sea ui and you will 6nd It greaUy to your mlTauteg'i.

NEW JKHWKY U >A \ CO.,34i> Broad s t

Mo n e y t o l o a n on jio u m k h o l d f i ’r- ulture, ptaeos, nrgans aad personal property wiUiout removal. partTei honorably dealt wtili;

<aa nshkfi fepaviusai* by Iristalnieitts; liiL*m«HS strielly coudduiillal. f . W. CHAWFORD, rouin i, T2.V Broad M.

Mt»NKV Mm NKI) GN F L « m K7*,Ii FKOfMK’ 1y. planiM, organa and furnltur* laMsa wUhoui

rrmeTEl; glj buslnaa* sirlully eoandeaUiy. t-oll n sddreis F. 0 . EBW a MDH, roumg, ivi Marfcal *&., or lu Cedar at, day or eveniat.

MitNE5' TO MIAN G.V BOND AND MQRT- goge In sums te suit, l7om lo M.50o.

TIJ HCnCYLKHH. JACXsoN. 770 Brood s t


i ) Q \ —MONEY TO MJAN IN AN V Kl‘M AT ^ \ o 2 per cM}t per xhnnlb. g«>od for one year. (*. RIKr m a «n , Fawubroker. t’sialjllahvil ihh;, k> 1 edar sl , near Brood. 43w

liD.VD a n d0 # s e ' M 14 ftnortgag" at 8 pvr •'tnt. In sum* and for period* lo mil the borrirwer NO BoNt^H ( m ( ‘G\IMIKrtH>N K X A U l'tli: ell n*i‘i*s- sary p«pvn rarefaUy nropsrwl, riiAHLE.S A. FhilCK,lXniosellor-ai-lAVf, T-'t* llroadu. 4'll

^ 1 m>NH a n dO 1 •>7.y»7M f4yraort(faf" at 5 p*r m l , In Kutneand for pert<vta to m il the hormweri; no teuius or <omiiiluluQ charged; tt.iyri to loan uo chattel mortgage In eums loiufi, i :1i\Va HD H. HLACK. (ouiisellor-abiAW, roou) eii Frudentlal ^tlli3tef^:_lelenhone No. ___ _ __

r ; u j'W A iii) L’i a n f d o n m tM T U H K :Inu remo\‘a l ; pronipi, privets lellatde; low

rates, aoty payment* ; upeu evening*.W)f KKRH. V/i It rood *t.


f1,000, iLSNi. liono, 3,500, fi.0Qb, |4.nno <WB be plaoei on ildaM bonil ami uiorlgag* a* rurlty oa propenv worth double the amount and more by calling ok

CHAIILRN A. KEIl'K. Coiinwlfor ml loow,

74) 758 itrnail st.



d e a l e r in



Buy and Mil MU>ckM, Hruid* and Groin on New York • xcliongee ami Chlca,pj Board uf Trade, eUhei for caab o run tuarglo.

810 HHGAnRT.(National fiiate Bonk Rulltllag),

Telepbone lOTu Newark, Newark, N. -T.Hram'h OIRcw

Orange National Rank Bulldiiue. Grouge, N. J. ____________ Telepluuie 4W. < iTang^

I Ir.ui


tCouBuHed from 6 a . M. lo 7 F. M.sr? FRANK I.IN -T.

J A m K S -A F lH K N D lN NEED IMA riKE.ND Jlndoed. I f yon wool a regulator ibalnevsr rau*.

addreai THE WOMAN* e .MED. I tOU E.rte1Tate, N. Y.

1 ADIEH WIHUINU FKIVATK M'HMIn g , ill .JHOWaHD, DPP. Kilriingfit.; ooDlIitanilal Uoai-

mem ; Lhrkoteadopt*<l ; dix-tur inalteiidrime. IGI\ . f IDWIFE- ORKMAN -MIUWIFK w it h DC if I .p lo n ia ; 18 yean ' experieuc-o. women Jiureel_ L---------------. . .

ills EHHITir AVE.at her borne; everything<|uleT. 30r

MHH. a . HAIN, J lA lIt DlifiKolNG FAK- lore, (ri.t HltOAD HI'.; also foc> Hterunliig end

moeeage. wbirli tako* uway wrlnlGe*, Ireokles and Ian, ihvlguraiea fklce musdPi, clean rnmpteiluu. UtsnU Mofi mild velvaiy skin, ■.:)

Mr s . ZI.HMEHMANtKOHMFanLVni’’ KINC-t A_Kunati lias upeuet) n Imllus'hairJre*ainf parlor at 774 Brood st., neit door t’> FrmletJilal

liulldihg; all work duae by dni-claM arilau. I ieO 'l’RAW .ha t l’KK«ti..SG~Wn; Ha VK all lo th * new eprli^ iljrie* Inte trhloii laJiei a:i4- chJldren'i hate n u x toorM iM tiirai^ Mfine v sh^pfl toseleet foDm, iTTlfluCNKitAN, jh W aahla^u.r 4L. between tlorkaiHud HaiK- . . . :riM IA T KLlJctANT HII;'\TLR 0 » EX 1(1111-

I tlon It) Wtlmn ft Cu.'l window, 16.t Market it., Ie to be given away by June*, the Frmifintlai Hgar m a n ; step la miKl wo Ulni, ho wlB< esplala abont U. ^ gifiA

1''^NION STRAW MAI’ BLKACHKRY- ; Lodlem* Mr»w hats preeeed In all the lateit

■hopes. F. FFl'ZPA riUU'K, lU Halsey >l , near bell tower. no

4imKR HfIGF■■*1 i.iv i..; iWMhindoiii

hC>.l>iKSR n i ' I ’O llT T M T I M .

1 M.I.IMIS, smKK, IU''IN<>.* <)ir?R oii 4 a*ertv . If tom ‘vl*h to uny, sel] ureiOhantiL 'iHn’iioaetltn* ra il jjhi'i ' llLLM AN, 3G ^i>nng6etd ava,

Hg *\l'l lALIO l.VVkH!' WILH MKItVIcr*. 'Y 17m lU’isiNK'K I 'o t rt:l “Miuih t^raagAg tlGAH m'Iiihk itm f L M \ nn.v gn maH-' ■. k e l ' t : lllilocjtsli rfiiuired; ttargain.I l l l ' l i n l l Hn^il'H. :e> Browl SLg '* 'M -'M 'lD iN K i:\. r u iA 't a NI» .VKWH-V itateT Gere iPiiiiB gijoi hiDih#**, in good lom* Hun . r»rtfi«m« forsm iltu ullier hosinx^ ; ajileudld uppuniimty. Adilrv**

'V. M., Hot r. Nows oltlcfi.i HiUXUlKALfMiN. !i*>4i i.GCALlTV. HOITTII ' iiTani:* a** . fliln resj dnlug largairaiji., fi’r-ifiii iiu a<<i>uiit uf ilikit>i«; rant UI:V -etfr- HKHMax, itlKprlMgilei.Uve, TtmI fiGHNKK '<AL«M1\< ‘i IIKh I* MK'ALITY, \ i''*lviltUHi. juj.l fi5. for sale; rarfi

; pihe |r-i fs.'ii!___ iH’HM4N.74i!fi,.rlugileidaTe.g ’ MlK-UCi . r *\|»V A ■«i> >'• fctDlN SrtillE ' an-l rtviure* of grgopry, i*ajtdr• u-l n-Hbiu fiUir* \.M r - ^

1*8 HG Al N, Ho* C, News ttfllfii.( kl.D 1^1 .* HI NlIKD F l 'lu" "niiiire f !'<rs .-unii f irii(iki>(j r<«>iiii itouto for tain iT- afio i 1,11 iw.Imii., fciuii,.- L. f ur<i|.e

rail 'AS I'L.ANK HT.i FM'a |ii.1'>lih.li LIVKKV m MIXK-W8 \ y h irtslf :giKRl in .te AiMres* J.IVKKY, New­ark L*eiilii4 iiihi*#, (irjiligo. 4

I f iA K IM ’ ll 4 MAN W ir il t.lK B OF 1 MeVf'H an ttedsrtnker a partner.

’*fl‘»H ttl M i V, Grange l*uttorrtcfi,^AI.GG.S |.t*K **t.K lion 1 ak |I 1'M‘l Ll- k lenro hear. eMaidt^ne.t 4<MeHro.**• Iti-iUlrv J. r . GitUi-,1.. TV, Bruad iL^ALOGN GN l*K MINKNI II'Ja HWa Y. ^ '• rth Appl> MILL'k rS lG N HUVtYKItYCQr|1K.5 IlGt iK W 'A .M liD ADimivNH ™^ 'IT Hii* J, .N^e* ofllce.

FOH KAI.E,A tlk'4i' LKIIlGlI, K..IL KT>U''tl 'IH

• mil.U ’5pertnu ; l.etiUh No. ■Joul«.?V wall K-reeneil. klti’JIluf wiml .-ueap M. THlM.Sf EKftGG. J IL It, ave. and lAfoywHa at. 1'*L-Hi

4 lUG jAij ' IN ni.ri-: and hlaoEp * ■ ‘■ergia. Kulu msile Pi unler Kock or oai

sway *iiiLfi5 ilis new luag dova lelt fikirted ihms. It deslh^l. I ll uinl wurKiiiaaslUi gmiroriteed* CIIAK. r tVK I’.Ua. hi» Waihliigiiiii street 'lallor,* I'M! \tMl'ini(i.,n n , iiHLt to I'niisl hrldgfi Opea eventeg-tnU ucliH 'k. Kauirlav, Ji.Ki. ififi

I y » i f . Milt k a I.K, KNu LIKH KK'ITEK P C fS I Fwllh te^Lgiw. A itU lU ilH . J g H.NmuN, High

•I , Rimtclalr, .N. J.

IkUhKS Kg h s a LF, a MAM sMjMK HROWM 'Piiinuier Silk ai n ati-rldt-e, jH,i httiKKMA K lN(f i‘Aitu»H'fi. fi7 iiioecker at

1,'IIH k a LK J l ’i r H tii’KlVj-;!), A r.AKGB A lilt iirt'ar|ie i\ I* up ; silk auil rug parlor sultfi very r Ijesp. ii.sk ihsnilter mUte, * t; roll |■■p ileaKl .•i-isfiiovfi*. #;■. i-iiei.fitiK, i»b!e, fL.'fii, other rurnW tu rn \or.v I b>n]i j* v v iij.i hM i ioi

r ^ i i l t f iA lT M in K a n d I 'iV lI liKH o r~ A I guo<1 LmliieM ftirlimb, lisuld ikis weok

Hw g k a m iE ter,

t.MH '-ALK l.kl.on»> KKK I' [jK L k a ItKHM. .NKW- A ItK GV K I'l I'K W g h Kk, It, I'r nee *4. 8lf

L ^ t 'H N m IU-; l\»H h a l e . rH tl.D 'S WAI^ I imt n LIhif iM>d, sewing rnio-li1iK>, odd pleoee of iMriiltnrc, clieap , privebo hunlly ■-1 ati .vtLLHERIlY Hr.W 'K F . n»M HINaT Ig .n Lg i’K I'tK'.VTEHH, fi)iii»< s'<efi, ndicr |iart)iiun and drok, 'Ju;bU0 roUa

wall |uj)vr el t'.--»l. giH I clirap horse, j__ WiMlHiLf f , 4.*7 tvnabltigionst|fiT H D 'l‘LYC »NKII»KN|'|AL GN KA'^Y FAV

clotbingaul <-luAks, ready made or m ala louMer. wr(W tet eg.'at i j c d l CD ) iA.4^ B j t A. .Sewfinfflee.

FI.4NOH .AMI t m u \ y s F O It NALE,

-liFlimTt.NlTV I DO£(* f I* uds* It. Mx Niigbur

ii»ed uprlfbtA

Gm-fiiv JAC'riRS nUTiA. for 114a t't.e JA ' itMM itltGK., Air 11*0. TM.Pl.lvi. I'koW N F U N g . (n ru ik <nie t*.yi..s|lGNf Nitf-Tii, for f : ktj>reii'si, JACDlLH itHG**., torliok UIJVHNI. HI.AMUH, for USiL


21 Fnitou Nt„ near Bread OL,

Hit di>or* ffom i'efiJuJe Cliurclk

1> I A NG -I — K LlG lirLY USED: CHEAP: ' 4'liiikcrhig, 4iyi; Mtelnway. bargain, iLUfill

luniituty puytucntl - ilun'i rail to one (beat.AAHD'ifi, cor. Hroait and New,

IyiANG FOR HALli; |75, CARVED LEO si|Mari' ptsnu ; bargain.

481 DLNCKLEA ft HflN, 6u Hrood eg“ f|f»kH A N H , MASflN * lisM U .N AND fMfattir<r», |I5 tn •4Q{|31u H mooibly; ovtg- Alucktnl; iimisI t>e a d d ; big value lor w ry iJtUa pnincy. W A ltli’i , eor, Hruid nud >eif._______ W


V - A. KACTOH5’ AM> MILL BVF-split*. LEV r.fil rh«E, Tr Met'haiiif it . f


•aiTfiraa Power Itprtfht n^tlar for lats Kewfit ft'iNiUrtp/a luks.*; prl;wf11>.'

iDfidlro of FUnLIMHER.Kvsning New* oflna,

MthTGR r«*|t k a l e . ClfKAI*. HFCOHTM baud Witter m u ter; fatii. ^h■1ttag sui| belHug,

ITiu Iminire It J.GMHA1UJY HI'.

1>ABnKM It AVENG MEC )N(l-|| a ND HDiL- ersAudengiiipt fur'tele will llnd It to their U-

teresi tu squd dueurlptioa aud prUie of same t i llb.WltoMAFHlLLll'Sk’blHfJ.'f VVGHlCli Newark, N. J. 4iy

IyCLI.KYN. ^^^C. -L IT ok HEIN|NI>-UAND PM Ileyt, Imager* and shafti ng f >r i klu

iu>|iiireut KVKNI NO NKWn OFFICE

l . o v r A N n FOHNIL

J^7m 'vii l a '^t n ig h t , g e n t l e m a n ’hwstchchsUi NiliUsnd AV» , K eartiy; owner

liaw aame by paylim cKiin^sei.1 U 'l.A U K AVK.. Kearny.

I- OKI' m x TEHKIKlf. DANDY; WIIITEL jw itii iilock end Un (nsrhliigs nn liraa and b la w

spiu on tail, A IliwrsJ re surd will be paid for bte reiure pfIWrii GIFg KR’h uruuiMTORK, Wait Orange.

I f»MT--GN HA irU lJA Y . I.AKGK IIHOWN KN* Jvplo|>e, ofililrf-sMKl wub my uaruu, iwntalnlng

tiluak bui»k, ii»|iers and letcvrn ; If reliuued o4 oiK'tf ItiH iworer uLl Lr SLiliably rrwenlfinj. A* H.

111 'il f LI., bead Madlsuii SI., lumber yard. i

I ifST A YKLIJIW AND WUITH HMODTH i4-'*ai !fiL llernurd. a ri<wsri| will Iw given If

in, G. ila i.I .E K , IbliwooJ ave.. F u rtit851

relurued P/m il. ____

1 0HT W H ITE h iIN T F Jl lltTC H : UVKIU Ji’olored fi-nr*. Mudai* will tie rewurdHi by re

tiirnlns lu g. M oHNU'll, 77 G unleust I

1 0«T -i;i)Uho.N hKTTLH FL J*. U H EH a Jj jreward for re tirn lo

3.1m J g HN BECKKU. 175 Newtonet.

J GNT M H M » A V A K TM {.'’ GI>N, GN liLO(>M.- Jllelil r*r, a sma l in irv ; liijrral rewar 1,

1 J. W. BAUNtH, MS) Broad ei.

I G S J' G n l . l ) itK A G L l l-il ; i .a J U .K I . iS K K , Jllewanl If reluru'od tu ,'7cl Glta.Si» Ml'., Jarsfiy Cii)-. _______________ 1

\ \ M I J . U I 'L K inG.N R 'l lG F u l 'N D f io [M7? Bainber^i-r'^ vefiB■r<Ju, i<>ornliiK plea*u retura

to d iiiie ritiia iid iin i fi de*k lu K u rn u r le s i 's a t I M (' i \ g KK.- h HT.


G A B I'N 'K U ft CO., 7rd 7d4 ItR O A D H P. 1 ks largut I'sUai UAIte In Ibe ^taim

I.-^Oll I ' t l TKItN .MAKING. P t I I KKN LEF- ' lers, fpei'isl wuml work, juoduls. etc-

«4k VAI K.N11M-:'H, I'r AlllllgiL

1>A J’K.N r A N D IH lA rG M IlN tf g K l-'U'-ILH OF 'IRLCsHGW A ri)., s-.M iteloivii nopofilte p>

5. M l'. S'rrivxrk, .s. J.. all kliidfiufdraUgUtlng fseijiiteil uaUlv, sm'u ui luscritu' drewUigs anl kdV kind u f<l••'>l4^lrl< r.irc-tiimt i«4, hI-’.; .fiuilalpjr* (>r Amerli-'ari uti-1 rui‘i>l«ii p ;B«>im ; PipHrtfilfi paieat 4-u,iu)« 1-iMi-li. Gfiriimn and Srauitinavun lan- giiHgifi r.{Hik«:i iipan Wrtdn^f'hy nu J KrMsy «v<.«a- ing* until iixuv^k prompt s'U'nUnii aiwitj*.I 1A 1 k.N

FEiKr>riirrK f. ruATNTZKi* '-luxesair lo Caii][)t>ell ..kOo.

(G.OilK BUtr.DING.B BOA D HI'. )L>nms 4fl end SV

1>ATFM**, r H. a n d Ku BKIGN,obrnlu'd inr all )ias*e* of Invention,

Jl hM tV J. M lLl.h LboJjdteruf I' tteniH and MeGiiinirsl Kiiglnetr

xlMteuf ( ran* tk Milter,,Niil Brnmlel.,

Hootnfi 11 SI anil PU,^______ Newark. N. J.I JAI • N r.'' HK4KK A t.l>.i-idlrll»ro Ilf Artisrlii^ti snd Foreign Fatenti.

All<irnvy*ln pati^rit c.ine4 Irfforn the IL M. lkiurt% Mn'hiiidciiinod l.lailflutl Ku,'luei*rs snd l*txp4ri<i. ('urGiiltin<iii free f*'.» B itg a Dm'I'. Tbn oldeel ss- laiiLfiticd hiiu'H In till! -dale. 'I'weuiy-flve yesnf asiwiteoce. I■unutUHjinknu ______ _

LL KINDS GF IPU'ILKN BTlI'flHT AND .fii/ld St-f. I'dlOKIILD'll''-, lU-. NuWsrk st MO( inr.i.Kcno.NN Gi' si.^Mi'-^, c'oinjs cld guM and silver UouMliinL j;c VJ‘ iilillGt’s, IM BroodeU



SEALED r&UPOvALH W ILL BK BKf!KIVKD by thfiCDmmllWe'of Boadeand Asiessinshii nf

the ikMtDl uf Cboeau Freeholden of Ernwx I'ouuiy for paving «4U]i Talfor4 poFtioeut ibs. )H>jzuueii turnpike ID the Township of Vumno, frum Bloiioi- fteld avenus to the Foseaic HIver.

Rida will !;• received tlU 2F. M. July 9, a t lb* office ) f ibe coinoilliee, comer Marlcat and IVasii- ingion itreela, Newark, N. J.. where the spectnoa- t lona for tha w < ^ mav m seen.

The comvIUefi reserve the right to reject any or oil Mdaos may be deemed beat for the Intereai of ihfigfiuaiy.

By teder ot the Board,J a MEB OWEN,

MET V * X&giAitt.

I f iG!IK‘*'i I'HICr: I'Alli KiHl GKNT-’ CAST- 1 l u H c lu l l iB i* ; u fd e r* b y n isB i in im p t ly a lt e u d r t lo. I. M MIA •’'K V, VI rimiLiieruHSt. Oh

IlLV A.NS’j HKLL LADIEM’ a n d (iFN'TLK- men's cwsi uf1 cluGiteg. HlCH,M Academy eU t7fi

Hll.VKn AND JKWELRVl,ll . ifGl-D,


•’■ir -GT'.varkei sL. riiifoaoe oa . . 641*- “ ■■ ......... ..KFHJGKB VTGILH - W.tM'K.D, hHCDNO. bund rrfriuvrniorssnd oil Huvvs; *t*te loweal

IM-l.lGI M. . ^ Iprtette\ \J ANMI'B'’*VOCIlGLl>GfH.D A.N ll SILVKR ••77 »*t^y hotipfil litlce* fbrli In Inrge or aifial5 111" * *' ,4. D. f^KJAiVl.B, 7 ITiiileiitlal Building.


I XH. HGLMKh’H s i ‘KO?FIC A Hlirtlfi AND I/m jeliiv* cure for all temale lrregutariUe» Ad<

dree!* I4A taiudeu at.: IL AialUi, Hi Hroodet,. aaU alt ilriiggl*l4 FrIeefI, aeiil by aiia ll 6db

1' iIlOKK>sKUlt. GKYMEU, MAKMAgQ aN1> medical eieArfolty. «» WKhT KINNEY BT.

l^puclal P.ife tu Imlles uodar elticLrlfl trefttatenL 64 ,


I >AWNRHt)KK.IFS Alrn'rlGN HALK-JD. U.Higglne. noctioiieer, will sell at public auoUoa

'ihurMloy, Juite tt, a t to A. >1., a t Miesrvom. N(k f47 Market si .a ll unrtileeoj«l pledges, conelstUir of Diamond*. Watdhe% Jawalry and ail kltKla ^ parsooal prnpeity. Hy order Of X. MEQBa UF pawnbroktii W Acadainy 4L 7


f f-

K e ts a r k € o e n in g }9nD0,

t O A l t Y , I X O I P T « U I I * A Y * . _» rn ia

I m iu lews Co>W.aift.317 MARKST STREST,

K «w m rk, N. 3 ‘

DalWtnd by£»TTi»ft in tn .p ir t Niw- Ml(, Th* O tin j ,i . Htrriwn, Kinrny, Sunnmit,

Montdiir, Bloorrrtnid, tnd lil Miehbarinff town*.

Wtil .ubKnption^ dotlitt • y»»r, or fifty c#nti « month, poJUgt <«,. Sinfio copi.ii, two cnnl* Dolir.r.d by c irn ,r i in Howidi, t ,n c n t i t w,»li.

Ordinary td rtrtittm tnU , ton c tn U tim o ,

*^»8rtiw m «nti undtr hiid« of Wtnt»d, To Lot, For Sole, Poroonol, ote . on , cont 0 word, but t» cM rgt lo»i thon Ion conU o u h in»rtlorueg—r - — ---------- - • =

P B O P L B L E A V I N O T M B C I T Y F O R . T H E ■ U M M B K C A N M A V E T H E " N E W * ' H A I L E D T O T H E M E V E R Y D A Y F O R F I F T Y C E N T S A M O N T H .

THE ADDRESS M A Y BE CHANGED A So f t e n a s d e s i r e d .

any I H R E G l I L A R m E S I N T H E H A I L SER- V K E S H O U L D B E P R O M P T L Y R E P O R T E D T O T H E E V E N I N O N E W S P U B L I C A T I O N O F P I C f i .

d a , or unrooooooblo demondo o f doponl- to r* ) And, indfled, M CoioptroHer of the f'urTAncy Ecklta mid tho otfa.r dny In ad tn torriew At CtaloAgo: “ The bAiiki oftbfl country were n*v*r in A bettor condi­tion thAH At tbd ■pfcAiAt tlm« ao fmr Ai money on liAnd li concerned. They hero A plelhorA of it wow, And tr e aa mueh w orried to pnt It out aa they w eri t i r t yeer At th i i tim e tokeep It In tbeir VAuItA'’ U ie, therefore, the pleln duty of the New Y ork bAoke to come to the relief of the TrcAAory, If nich relief ihouM be needed. I tlin o tA m e U e r o f round end eeiACimn policy, but retber o f pruden t and patriotic obliRAtIcm.

The aoent eppreeietion fVom the r e t of th e country o f which complAint ie oo- caalonAlly niedc by theee ylcsrioue pro- motere of bii.lneM pro iperlly end conB- dencB ihnuld not canac them to crow weary In welj-dolnf. The Rold export m oreinent te In reality a llquidallun of American aceurltlea held In Europe, and

exoluelon U a dle*raoe to the city, and A mockery to thoee w ho pey for end thoee who need public eoboo fAclmiee, Jereey City her need o f eome greet improvenienlA, end will heve to bpend money for them. I t wonld be well now th a t the munlclpel authority U In th e handt of men who can be properly con- •oloua th a t they poewM publiceoolldenoe, for them to act about procuring fundi to do the needed work. Public achoole iufflclent in num ber, and good enoegb in con»tructlon to be eafe for thoee w ho uae them i thee* end A new w eter eupply ere IhlngethAt Jemey Oily needi, end for which her eu tboritie i ere Juetifled In buuiiig bondi to provide. T he c lty 'i credit, ecriouily ee it bee been Im pelred In the p u t , ie probebly good enough to enable money hr be eaelly ndeed for there pur|ioMe while th e preecnt Admlnlelra- Ituu lA in power.

Hit eteamehip llnei have declined to pay bllla lor th e feeding ol detained tmml-

le founded upon divergent eetimatee o f | m onth o f AprlL FelixIhe value ol th e » eeeurlllea entertained y . in g i to n , who la the present Ueinionico


QVCH-rKUWItINU EXCtTtSIDN BOATA, W ith th e opening of the flihlng and

boeUng eeaeoD oome promptly the talee of dleneter off th e e o iit to which the public •IT hai grown hardened by annual repeti­tion. Y et the faUI mUhep which befell the tug NIcol, off Sandy Hook yeeterday,•0 fkr Iranacend* In Ha untoward raiolte tba n e jo rlty of marine aocldenle due to a fgititl.e oAiue th a t i t may poeelbly ronee the anthorltlee to a real- taing eeneo of duty long neglect­ed. No found provleon of etatotory taw li m ore freqtently or more reckleealy riolatcd th en la the regulation f liln g a limit to th e num ber of pieaengere w hiah may be carried by a eea^olDg TeeaoL Other legal requlrem enta in regard to life preecrrert, ateam preeiure o r detalla of m anagem ent may be obeerved and en* rptoed, bu t th e rule tmpoeing a llmUatton upon the carrying capacity o f a plcaaure boat la pereietently and habitually dlare- garded on all ild ea Y et no regulation In­tended to Ineora aafety to excurilonlata Ie of m ore vital im portance than tble, whloh • • •k a ta curb hnm angreed andraoklosa OMe in lb« IntereM of the general w elfart,

The atten tion o f tba pnblic ■• rarely drawn to th ia olaae of Tlolatione of law , baoauea, aa experience bar ahown, th e ebancee o f •ucoeaeflil evadun aro 10 nu- BMroni th a t they am ount almoat to ■ gnaranta* o f com plete immunity. Few peraoiu w ho hav* boarded the pleasure oraft InN aw Y ork harbor Mi a holiday o t on oocaaioni deeigned to a ttrac t large orowde can have failed to rem ark th e donaaly crowded condition o f th* boati. B u t U rarely oconri to ray one th a t thle TBI7 oondltlon la a m atter of d iltlnot legal p rohibition , which, if brought to tha at- tMillon o f th a cooria by doeand anthentio Inform ation, m icepttbl* of legal proof, wonld th e oflbndtpg hoat^^iener*to heavy ffnew, end wonM Ineldantally prove a aouroe o f rich reward to th e cUt le a w ho ibou ld report and demonetrate to the aatiifBotlon o f the Court any over- •ro w d in g o f a pleaaure iteam er beyond tha lim it eet by law.

In thle m atU r, tmwever^ both Ibg pnbllo an d th e legal M thorltiaa e u m lAa'lIhei'

cm either aide of the Atlantic. Europe li raallxlng upon our eecurltlei either be- oauH their veluea ere believed to he un­duly inflated or beoauao more profltable Inveelmenta may be made elwwhere. W hichaver view may be taken it lid lfll- cu lt to dlicern how any fu rther change, in our currency lyetem would dirolnlih the natural outflow of gold, the only medium for the payment o f exchange with Europe. The commendable effort, to tak e tbe Government out o f the banking btialneee m ight well be Interm itted until th e international ledger ihall ahow aered it balance in our Intereat, ocean freight and im port and export acoouota.

W hat la of Importance at Ihla time, however, ie to dliabu.e the minda of our flnaoclere, If poaatble, of tha curious theory advanced by the president of the New York Clearing-house Assoclstion, th a t “ th e people have a icntim ental feel­ing In reg itd to the gold reecrve." They haven’t anything of th e sorL The busl- nesa public—^ e men who buy and sell and m anufseture and i* y w agev-bave become bardened to tbe vagaries of the Treasury gold reserve. They have eeen it drop ftom tbe lecrvdly held figure of flOO,- 000,000 to leaa than |8S,aOO,OQO w ilbout man­ifest efl'eet upon the coune of domeetlo or International trade. T hey have seen over fM,OaO,OOD added to It within four m onthi aa a reault of the aale nf gold bondi, only to bo iwopt away In the remoreeteei onurae o f foreign exebange. Proeident W illiams and bla patriotic coadjutors of the LTeirlng-bouse banks may rest ae- a n re d th a ta n v “ sentim ental fee lin g ’’ in regard to tha gold reserve has long alnce d lupp eared from U it nubile mind. I t la to be hoped, in th e Interest of wollsnigh discredited flnsnolel prophecy, th a t he may not be compelled, before tbe divi­dend-paying eeaaon shall have ended ,to pull up his Imaginary (50,000,000 stake, and set it ten or flIUsen millions farther back.

of Kills Island, paya (10,000 a year to tbe Im m igration Bureau for tbe privilege, and all the im m igrante detained are supplied w ith meal tickets, for w hich he prceenU Ills little bill to th e companies. Th* la tte r com plain th a t Ibis year m ore Im migranla Ibait usual aretmlng pu t in to tb e " DetentionPen ’’ and given th e advantage of hla hoi- pitallly. One line alone paid to the restaurant (14,000 last year, and this year, w ith fewer luim lgraoU , the bills threaten to run h igher yeL I t Is not unnatural, perhaps, th a t th e steam ship companies should be unkind enough to lidim at* th a t eome ottlciale may be using tbclr Influ­ence to swell the num ber of the caterer’s Involuntary but w elcom e gucste, but this suspicion may be entirely unwarranted. W ith more experience In tbe present laws more need of caution by the bureau m ay have becom eevldent, and even though the g rea t m ajority o f th e caterer's guests are detained only long enough to use a m eal ticket or two, there may be good reasons for keeping them th a t long. Ju s t the same, even a t the high price paid for the privilege th a t restaurant contract must be a good thing, and the dispute th a t is likely to follow th s n f l i a a lo r the com panies to psy tb e bills will probably dem onstrate th a t fact before Congress or In the courts.

Exactly bow tbe etatem ent concerning the! flnanolal etUietion w hich President Cleveland has put forth ie going to men^t m atters does not clearly appear. Under tb e anuranoa of a deflntte meoaure of revenue taxation, a i outlined in the pend­ing tariff legislation, th a buslnesa of the country la alowly increasing in volume. OpportuniUse for spring trade, to be sure, have been largely neglected or aban.^ ddnedi h u t ' prfee lists fo r, fall . busit ness may be established with a reasonT able degree o f certainty. W ith the single gold standard In force, prices o f cnmmodltlee o f International trade will rote lower, in terest will be reduced, and wages and profits correspondingly lessened. T b it is tha bard and anions 1W»os’‘‘idll1ilh 4 ''’jh * rW ''ti* n )o 'itb a - re-

to fkvor ■ dlepOsittoiF df ■ 'dwaRW 'tS" 'fif YaWdll‘ hti* bftfbrfiea :ihl*ntake chances o f human life by crowding tba decks and cabins of their oraft w ith hum an freigh t, regardless of tba num ber o f people th ey may be lleenscd to carry. T be ohence* o f eccident are few, and ■niceptible o t many and varied explana- tio tis| th « oppoitunltiiM Ibr lUioit profli' nnmerons anA open, and winked a t by tiM •ye of an tho rity . Yet the deplorable fkta o f so m any o f th e excursionists on th e oveMSTOwded NIcol should serve a t th ia tim * no t only as a warning to boat-ow ners b u t as an Incentive to tbe enforcem ent o f th e long-neglected statute w hich seeks to UiBen risk on eicutilons by w a te r by rlgldiy lim iting the num ber of Uvea th a t may be p n t in p e ril


HTATE r « » O N ‘NEEDS.In its rep o rt the Jo in t Committee o f th *

Legislature on the Htate Prison shows, as ^ae ao often been ebown before, the need of ex tending and Improving the facilities o f th a t inatltulion. W ith the law reetriot- Ing to 100 th e num ber of convicts w ho may be em ployed a t a particular Industry tb ere le room now to provide work for only 000 of tb e 1,000 Inmates. W ith the lack o f hospital accommodations, patients suffer­ing (horn contagious and Intectiiioue dis­eases cannot be eeparated fVom thoee enf- fitring from other forme of illnees, while a t any tim e tbe breaklug out o f conta- glcua dleease is likely to force the clos­ing o f the ehope with reeultlng denial o f w ork needed for the physical and m oral welfare o f tb e convicts, and w ith heavy pecuniary lo u to the State.

F o r all these reasons the com m ittee Is dtspoaed to hold th a t the proposed con- ■trnotion o f an interm edlsry prison should be held In abeyance till the S tale Arsenal property adjoining can be added to th a t o f tb e S tate Prlaon, and till a new wing, w ith additional cell room, can bn p ro ­vided and a separate hospital erected. An appropriation of (100,000 would be auftlo- le n tto m ake improvements and extensions th a t would enable tbe prison authorities to com ply wit h the law In regard to the separate confinement o f Inmates and the regulation of tbclr labor, and the com m it­tee th inks th a t th is appropriation should be gran ted by th e Legislature, leaving to th e f iitu re th e construction o f tbe in ter­m ediate prison.

T he force back o f this contention Is th e need of prom pt action. W h at is re­quired a t Trenton now is speedy rellbf, and w hile i t may bo a good th ing in tbe fntnre to provide for the in term ediate prlaon, th e plea th a t tbe action first taken shall be th a t wbloh will m ost speedily provide adequate accommoda­tions for the convicts is a strong one. Un­fortunately the demands upon th e Btate Prison indicate th a t even w t i n th e work th a t th e com m ittee advocates done, there may be need of an interm ediate in stitu ­tion before long,» ----- »SENTIMENT AT. FEEI.INO IN FINANCE.

M etropolitan nowspapers devoted to currenoy reform have been quoting w ith approbation the notion entertained by tbe p residen t of the,,Clearing-house Aasp-

• ' 'fibe people have sent 1-' •“ ■’g in fegurd to the gold re­

serve. I f th a t reserve were to fall to (50,000,000, no one could tell bow serious m ight be th e consequences." Having de- livetwd th is orsculur utterance in bis ca­pacity aa an officer of the Clearing-house Aasoclation, Mr, W tlliams, in bla capacity aa president of th e Chemical N ational

m en of affairs, not only in th is country, b a t in all nations where analogous changes in ilnanolal methods have been accomplished. They are ready to go ahead with tbe vast and immediate con­cerns of production and distribution, w ^ -a-eeawnable knowledge snd %flrm belief in tbb stability o f existing flniRiioiaB ' conditions Under such circumstances, no Presidential pronunolamento In re­gard to National flnanoes conld help or hinder the course o f trade, al­though It m ight Induce an access of confiision in the public mind. There Is no occasion for Execu- JjlYe'* >kgukF^av( '.gratltufle to-. Hie,' ( J n t l . f o t ^ddtbk t<I Uid T reisiiry g o ^ re­serve, nor for a renewal o f the familiar pledge of tha Administration th a t the National credit ahall be protected “ a t all haearda." These utterances disclose no new lines of financial policy on tbe part of the Government. Aa far as they may be designed to encourage the managers o f wealthy a n d povterfiil fisaucial liislitn- tlons in their self-asannied task of supply­ing the Treasury w ith gold, they arc un­necessary. Nor is it easy to sec how the Intrusion of tbe New York banka into the financial affairs o f the Treasury Is colcu- lated to “ add to tbe stock of popular con­fidence," Confidence in w hat?

Observation o f the working! o f the em igrant sta tion a t Ellis Island baa dla- cloeed to th e House Im migration Com­m ittee the Interesting fact th a t for four months peat m ors emigrants have re­turned to E urope than have arrived in America. T he official figures have not y e t b ien m ade public; but they demon- •tra to c learly th a t (he class which former­ly crow ded to our shores from European countries is now abandoning AmerlM as an unprofitable field of effort, and returning in Inorousliig numbers to tbe old conditlona o f existence. This eicesa o f em igration Is nut likely to continue ; but while It shall last it will o o n stitu tes fketdr to be reckoned with In any oalcu- latlon affecting the business situation. H itherto th e amount of money bronght into th e oountry by Immigrante baa been set off In th e calculations o f economists Bgninit th e fund annually distributed in foreign lands by American tourista, Bnt th is year, evidently, the drafts o f tbe lo tiriits m ust be added to th e perm anent 0 ^ |^ 4 { j^ r ru n c y . __________

T w ^o fro w the National Asaembly of tb e two legislative bodies of Fnm oe will m eet a t Versailles to select a new President of the Repnbllc, who will hold office until December 7 next, when M. Carnot’s term of incumbenqy would have expired, ffo sudden la tba exigency under W IM p ■‘‘Shis aaaemWSr" haa been the canStdateshave had no opportunity to draw new Unce of political dem arcation. W hoever shall bo chosen will enjoy a manifest advantage In the forthcoming contest for the full terra o f offleo. I t is scarcely possible th a t tbe strong govern­m ent o f whloh patriptio Frenchm en have drcKnetTwUt be Hktalled a t this Junotnre. M. Caroot'a im m ediate aucoesaor is likely to be found among th e conBarvatlve Re- pnblleans, who have h itherto fam ished tbe chief support o f tbe Governm ent a t critical period.^ of adm inistration.

THl'TH AND BYWFATHT.Pleading for Kelp In A rcenti of Eam est-

iirss, hnl CleUIng Nutliliig.F rom the DsDoll Free Presa

In the walling-toome of the F o rt Street Depot a man sa t looking over a folder o f tbe Chicago and Alton Kalltoad which be bad taken from the rack. H e bad Just disoorered that th e Kanaaa City lim ited loft Chicago at 5 o'clock P. M, dally, whan a yonng man, who had been looking him over for eeveral mlnulca, sat down beside him and said :

“ W hat 1 have to say can be condensed Into a quarler of 1 column of m altcr set in brevier leaded. A t an early age I was left an orphan. 1 have the exact date with me aomewbore, but you w ont be aa parllcnlar as thsl. Using tub jeclsd to in­dignities which no proud snd anihltloui orphan could put up w ith, I aot out alone in this cold world—wltn a groat deal of emphasis on the cold.’’

The man with the folder looked up in a dreamy way. and then ran h li Augers down till he found the lim ited reached Bloomington atH;45 the same eveiilug.

" By strict integrity, undaunted am bi­tion and a perseverance which nothing could discourage, 1 made a place lor my­self, There was a tim e when 1 was on top of tbe heap. 1 bussed the Job -t ran th e Diaobine—1 out the cloth. D oesn't seem to you th a t 1 was a high ro ller tevsn years ago, does it 7”

'The man w ith tbe foldsr didn’t say. He was busy finding ou t the hour of arrival a t Blue Uprlngs.

“ But human life is a kaleldosoopt,'' continued the “ reduced." “ Hum an wisdom cannot always provide for the changes whloh occur. I was th a proud and happy owner of a large and elegan t reservoir holding 6,000,000 gallons o t water. Bbe busted. A m ighty to rren t rushed through th e vlllsge lu d to re away fifty houses. Loss eouiited up tens of thousinda--nn insorance. W as I to blame T Have 1 enlialed your aympa- th le s t"

I t didn’t look at If he bad, for th e m an with the folder began to look for the BL Louli limited and m arked It w ith a pencil aa leaving a t 11 o’clock A. M. daily.

“ 1 was, further, tbe proud posseaaoaof a (100,000 plantation ou the Mtsslsalppl River. Took two ateanibnats to carry my corn and cotton. Did I dream th a t my proud head wpuld be hum bled T Did 1 have the sllghteat w arning th a t tb e big river would cut a n e w channel In one night and scoop in my 17,u00aoreit Are you feeling for a quarlerT"

No, he wasn’t. He was looking to sea if he oouldn’t m ake Ransaa City from Bt. Louis as well as Chicago.

" And added to these calamitiee, I may mention a conttagratloa—defeotlve f lu e - no insurance -lallure of oropa—bank fail­ures—perfidy of frleodaand o ther tb ingi— wbloh have made me tem porarily hard up. I t hurts me, of course, to lay bare my heart to a stranger, but 1 fea! th a t I must do IL A smaTl loan a t th ia tim e will enable me to m eet some paper, ease my alm ost ruined credit, and incite m e to new hopes and ambitions. I am quite willing to leave tb e am ount to your own generosity. Indeed, it would be unbeoom- In g in m e tO B la te tb e e ia o ta u m necessary to relieve m^ tem porary fiuancial eni-


T o the cost of each piano we add a fair profit T hat makes the selling price. Every instrument is plainly tagged with the price in plain figures. No more is asked; no less accepted. Everybody gets the bottom price; everybody is safe. Where there are two prices, who knows but there may b e ' three ? And who is to say that even the third is

the lowest?

D . L a u t e r C o„

6 5 7 ^ 6 5 9 B r o a o S t r e e t ,

barrassm ent.''The man with the folder folded it up

Afture ret-and placed It In hla pocket for erence, picked up his grip , and after looking alt around to see it' ho hadn’t left something, he started fur hla train . The

reduced’’ stood up and w atched hi of sight, hoping against hope. W hen he saw th a t all w ai lo s t, he tu rned to tbe door in a weary way, and sa id :

' ’Missed it atpdn and lost Just so much more breath 1 I t w ont do—it doevu'ttouch their hearts] 1 must th row honor and tru th aside and fabricate tom e alury which will aronae sym pathy and pro­duce tbe sugar I"


BostonDentalAssociation.222 Market


S t .

S p c c l a l t l i s .



Best Teeth«c»

T e e th W ithou l P la te s XT e e t h B x t r a c t e d

2 s aWITH a a a or air •oe.

A B E T ,


* ♦ ♦ » « * * * * * * « * * • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A M V IEX Eim .




FRANC'KSfU Gl’TOBIE-MOVER, R«pr»iJO, aud ANTtJN Tenor, two uf th*

ltr«ate«t living voctl *rU«U.Rcmftmbrir, One Conrerl Ontx, on

F rid ay E verting, Ju n e 2 9 ,A'F C A L U lk O N lA N P.A U K .

Opofral iwInliuloD to thp pnrk......CbnlrNon m*la fttwr................. ..sea.Opur^ebAirR ou first el^vution. ...75«a Md • !

ReM’rVfd MtatR on m I* *t 8. U. IjAWtor** MuMiu Stort, Bronl atrpfll: John Urualf'fc g j li^uringfield avNEDoa; Uhartri W, Meuk'*i Sf)i Market ttreot.

C H A ^C eE o f t i m e .EXCURSIONS b» Ihn New, Fnit and OomnMK

dioua 8t*‘MU(’r '‘FAVORITE,”From Elactrlo Light Dock dtr*ol to

ONE TRIP DAILY AT 0:lh P. M.Arrlrluit *t (.lamp SO rolnutu beforr p ^ o r -

t i ( U » i n v l * w t b e i * I C T l H -*^IufAGE OF NATJONR

Atelr (ift*r ltj» purfonoanc*. CnEA l^ EMT EXCURSION EVER RUN FROM NKW-

m turr,EhPUEInimedlatel irfonoanc*. CHEAP-

------ NFRtrip

UnsbfioQth Hrooklyn, SO*, liuurtd trip, SAr>

A R K { t ' r O M l d f f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eftnanluti tIcjtrtK for roujtd trlj

Wild WpAt AdDiiRtloo,Urtwwldg the Bar iwfee.

■ 1P»1-8lngf« tiokatita


RUBBER GOODSWater RoUtrs, FtmDtalu amt Bulb SjrtngpK, Rabber

('oaliy Clnakn Boot! and 8hc»e(i,«l0.


Bsbber Glores.orroftiTi urn: HAUL.

lAdltU aud 0«nU' MarkfutewhM and Eiutlo Stuckiii^ mmte tnordff-

liefrwibm*ntii on boai^. Hum* at 11:9 P- M*

S T i 5. R # T H E A T R E ,ITl MULBERRY PT., opposSU C- K. K U w ta

Mnuday. Wrduewlay aud I^mraaT. UmrI* a hmitli, proprietor*. Fimt-clai* e lf ehow every efenlng, Admlwtoa free. TH


rHE WOELD*E M alAtUIII QEOUHDt t----- A dFll«htf«J tall fl«i t»Mir, Komx itaMaen-

T«o ertuM eaaetrti1 difiy- KA|C06lMnt fottega rare plAau ana hare dcaffairal wnnwra. An DDMiuaiet) ■•*> ax ari •. maxuifteent aviary and (aam*BKKh atJtlJUltlCL

Ol«a claol baka

PimiAri a la o*rta. Klein Beaiihcti'

n»d,’‘ “The DaSy”ladd.'11, I

l u g . b o w f i j i K

f it« r Bottit

I t WAS la a crilteal mood that the Poe* naic Coimty Grand Jury framed tbe pre- Bentiacnt yeeterday eubmlticd to tha Court. After hearing? evidouce In regard to charges th a t certain members o f-th e Councils of P alenun and PoAKalo and of the Board of W orks o f th * former rily had been Interested in public coutracU^ it found no evidence to support tbe alle* gallons, but It did U ke occasion to criti­cise the P-aterson Aldcrmeu Just because, fII selecting persons to act as inspectors of pipe sewerst it did not require them to be experts in th a t braoch of art. *' I t appears,” saya Ibis cynical Grand Jury,

th a t tho qualiflcatioiis required of an inspector of pipe sewers U * tnlluenoe with the voters at the polls ’ ra ther Lbau ability to see that the pipes are laid at the proper grade and the joints are properly cemont- ed, tha t the iiiauholes ar* built according to the plans and th a t Ih* sewer coimec- tlons are in the right place. Again of the erecUoQ of frame dwellings within tho fire liinlta the InqueBl oompluins, beonuse aa U sayai ” All th a t Is necessury to erect a firame building within the prescribed llmltB dangerous to life and pro]>erty Is a (>elition to the Board of Aldermen based upon falsehood and backed by political InfluenceJ' Beoauee of Utile thIugsUke these the body speaks o f derelJotlon of duty by tb e Aldermen and thul, too, to »o censorious a gentleman SkS Judge Dixon. Is it any wonder th a t City Fathers should experience a new appreclstlon of the feelings of King Lear when they are made tbe victims of such ingratitude?

Tho promptitude w ith whloh Proeocn- tq r 's Detective John P. Feeney raided the Hh^iiioii pootroum and ihe apparen t sue- cese o f tbe raid are in strong con trast with the policy punmed tow ard tbe sam e class of gambling establiahmeuts In th e old days. Tinio was when poolselling In Harrison was the safest kind of business, when the few raids th a t were made were usually expected and provided for, and when had no terrors for th e gam­b l e W ith ,th e Big Four w aillug to learn wOether ur not they will have to go to Jail, and wiUi Grand Juries draw n to enforce the laWB and not to protect •6r* tain cIsan a uf lawbreakers, a great change has coruH over tha spirit o f lludson County*fl^rt‘jim. _ _________ _

T he tucktau Dem ocrat w ho shall be nam ed aa cant] idiitc for Governor by the Btate convention of the party in Punnsyl- vanla to-morrow will probably enjoy the unenviable dlatlnctlun of being th e worst beaten man who over ran for Governor In any B u te as a candidate o f e ither of tbe two leading political parties. Such a nominatlou would he the grave Of polltU cal ambition, n nertitlcate o f personal in­anity and decay. U Is strange, Indeed, th a t any citizcEi presumably o f sound sense should seek such a perilous distinc­tion at tbe hands of a moribund political organixatlou.

A rtist Bt. GaudciH has finally submit­ted to the Treasury otHcials bis th ird es­say a t a de:sigu fur a W orld's Fair medal. BL GaudetiN is a fellow of lullalte Jeat; and lie will have missed bis opportunity If he shall have Jailed lo clothe Young America this time m n sum m er oulliigsuit, w ith tennis racket in It^nd.— . • .

Anothvr bol wave of a w eek’s duration and tho lariff agitation would be ended sure enough. Your therm om eter a t ninety degrees and over is a m ore affec­tive iieruuuiler to harm ony in legislation than wonld he a w hole arm y o f rilver- tongued orators.

Btatesmnii Jam es Nmilh, J r ., Is not proving a great terror to the Income tax In sp ite of the speevh th a t he made abont It. ______________________

Gold Is gliding away again, and, alas 1 there is uu Uhennan act to repeal.

YV’OMAN’g g rrF B A O B FliAO.I t Creates Dliienslon In a Household.

The tTKo Coaquers- From Asbury Park Preas.

I have been keeping under cover since Memorial Day. In o th er words, I have been In bed. You rem em ber th a t flag Mrs. Sapp mode for Memorial Day I I told you about It In my late rem arks.and as to how sbe bad put only two stars in the field, representing the two Slates which have grantpd equal suffrage to women. Aa I refused to let her fiysuch a misrepre- sentattve flag on the flop ta ff w hich 1 had secured for th e occasion, I hoped that would be tbe end of the m atter, Alas! i t was only tbe beginning.

T bli woman's rights wife o f m ins is tbe most original woman in tbe world. She didn’t make any open objection when l refused to let her fly tb e flag. T h a t night I got home early and went to bed and dreamed the dream s of tbe Just. W hen 1 awoke tbe next morning i found th a t con­founded flag spread over me. I t was about the sire of a b e d and that wife of mine during the day boforu had converted it into a counterpane. I t was neatly tacked in a t the foot and aides snd those tw o woman’s rights stars came righ t under my chin. Mrs. Bspp was superintending the breakfast preparations in tbe kitchen. 1 called her rather more loudly than the distance de* manded. She came In at once and asked me if there was anything the m atter with me. I assured her th a t all my corporal oondltions were excettent. Then she said breakfast was ready and I hud better get up, “ Mrs, Sapp ," said I, in a firm voicewhich pains me to m ake use o f ,...........move this .striped rag from my bed

kindly re­ed." Mrs.

Sapp merely rem ark ed ; “ That, my dear Mr. Sapp, is tho only true American flag j 1 will not remove iL " Then lln ld her th a t I would not ge t np nntU she look the bogus flag away.

So th a t la how it happens th a t I have been under cover for nearly two weeks. The doctor has been calling to see me every day, and my wife has provided a nurse from the hoapital. She gave it out that I was suffering from nervous prostra­tion. I t was true that' I was prostrated, but it was Mrs. Sapp’s nerve more titan my own which caused iL

Yesterday I read In th a Oaflu Press th a t a certain man was in town, lie owes me (15, and th a t is w hat h a . Induced me toget up. I am on his trail. Nothing else

According to the report made by School Superintendent Snyder of Jcr.scy LTty, there are imperatively needed in th a t municipality new Bohoolhoiises oapajlo of. accommodating a t least-3,d(Xl .cHiMvcni rWdUP,. while four o f the old buildings inolfi'dilig " “ '’ ‘'I th a t used by the High School should be repl.sccd by newou^s. In addition new furniture is required, Including tho substi­tution of de.sks to r settees, which arc now used os apologies for suitable neats for children. I t Is calculated that lo make these improvemenis would cost shout

H aod 'l Makes the tJhlldren Ilca lltir.-When t sm weak 'aiol rundown IIimhPs

Saresparijla glvrs mo strength and make's mu * I like i< ■ ■fori like jt urtw juTPdii. 1 bftv* dhu aivcii It to

Updi hwut:i)T t

Il4‘Ut Ut .iv»i NilMrfe. Kmrn* J/lJcud*r’

Oio <yiii‘lryiuinil K uiiiki!" lU^m hwutliy. My 4*iCfi^rrln-l’'yv andIt jjThiylt’lt'iK Jhsf juiirv tlisFj ................ ..lukpqe { 1(4 ^Ui' biulaonN?)' nn*(llcii\f ebut. AvuiuIhIv, S'. J,

lIood'H UllU f(ir<Y imllKcstlod-

_ am on hi* tr a i l would havo done It. I hiu a alroiij^-iuindod mAn. (So is my wlfe)g

I Ain going to sUy out lat® to-night and hire a burgUiir scQuifntxQce to enter my bedroom and steal tL»t troableaonie eouu* te rp a n e ._______ _ ______

OraadnintheT » t Tw*nly-nine,From th* I^ wIhIuq Joarnali

Hum* of (he »ewflp*p*re another Rtat* liHve bu*n hragKlugof a thlrly-two-ycar-ulil ifrftmlmolher »ud Beading her ploiurt^ atl over thocuunlry. As If anything la tlia linn of tin« Inrprlse could iw l b* •xoeBed In Maine. Hut the Baugi'r .Ycmv comes along wUli (he report of A llul* lH>y liorn in Brooksvlll* oti sIwuiAry t.wlioBe mother Is not yet fourteen years old «nd whoa* graiidmolber la not yet twenly- uiu*. _________

The Street Arab Wonilered.Two of u* aloud lu that hallowed ploce-

l, with my mldille-mtedsaober air,And A little Klreet Arab, whose freckled fae*

Was fixed ou tbs Uwldlo pictured ILer*- A bcauilfuS child of a royal races

g\rrayed in flatln and Jewels rare,W'lili iivlreless irlmnalngsof delicate Isce,

And a plumfii chapeau on Ills flowing Imlr.” 1 wondi-r,'’ he said, ” lf that chnp knows

How a feller feel* who haa HUle to cal,With a pile o' rags for hlsbostesl clothes,

An* Jtls Imro* a c<jrner on B etter sireol ? riL bet yer be etts on au lllif sut tbrune.

An’ ho Inkes his males ftum a golden plat* ; My velvet self's a wdd ourbeione.

All’ a whack tm llis head if 1 Biaj>o too lat*.”l!ul I, with my knowledge of weal end woe.

With the dreary lesson that life will aivo To Ihuie who watch the (lays as they i;o

And study tho life that men mast Hve- I looked at tbe lad with hts merry omUe.

And the freeklod cheek eo fOnnd and red, Then bock to the picture’s tnournfol eyo=.

And tho sorrowful droop of that childish head.

And I thought perhaps wer# tho stories known

(V.lhc pictured child and (jM ^gaed hoy, The one might be rcotl In a minor loim.

Tin* ft(h*r In psaou asd Jtiy» g-—'Hsf's i*arn,

.isTUl tueir AUjwlis widt about Hts ihnm*; Eiiolf'muBl bis Inirdefi of sorrow boar.

And all the *mh1 gifts are not for one. -M arv K. rniidptie tn Horprr's round f’m;*.

SA LM A G U N D I.Ail Newark has a sweet tooth, Jndging from

the multiplicity of candy shops and loo cream saloons on every Important avratie* In sug­gestive proximity to tliese may bo noted the il^ns ot enterprising dentists. This is os it should he. Tho more tooth destroyers, the more tooth doctors.

o o oThe man with the garden hose, the terror of

pedestrians In early spring. Is revealsd as a I rue benefactor during the season of burning estival heat. Let him squirt on. Squirt ever.

0 0 0It moy be regarded ee lucky, after all, that ’

litigation over the proptvsed elte for anew City Hall should have delayed the planning of a new »trnc:Br» nntft general llqnldallon and an euforoed return to reasonable business melUoilB should have ushered In sn era of oronuiuy and reform. There is no chapter of Bdmlnistrative extravoganoe more Instructive or impressive then that which recitee tho Bttpry of wssto and los* Incurred In Ihe ereo- tion of mnnlclpid buildings throughout tbe country within tbe lostdecodesir two.

0 o oThe parks are cool green oases In ibeep days

of fierce aod pitiless snmmsr heat. There should be more of them.

D o oTho '-kepp off the grooi" slgnatn tho parks

mpso soiuethtng more a t this thuo thau mere roinpllouoo with a landscape gardener’s whim. To walk over the gross is to raise a clou'l of mosqtillDei that othofwlw wuulfl Lave reraaiiiofi undlstarbed.

0 0 0Now Is tho time when the thtraly dtiron ad­

dicted to “ rushing tho growler" shrewdly grosses the interior of that receptacle wilh butter. This prerente the beerfnim " heading np." and the can la filled with Bubslniitial fi. ext. uf malt aud hops, and not with mere fonin.

o o oTho rnttUlplIoallon M otifvei and fwltohe*

ou th* pAHf-nuger raltwtfcyaat Broad and Market Rtraeti bar* mad* that crosBlUK on* of ib* ri»‘kleM to be found In any popnlou* oomimm' Ity, Ah thnnmntwr of caranhaU be lnf*r*aa*d llif peril to puiwars-by irlll b* correBpoudiimly ttiinm«nicds Th* halr-braatb e»cap«s dally made ai this oroBsing by wayfartrn on foot lvH(if>‘ eloMuontly hfi Ihe agility of th* Kood- uatured Am -rkan publl*. Tvo jwlico.ofllcerB are charged with the dnty of kBeping th* tide of travel in motion In alldlrectloai. Thera Bhould be four.

0 O 0Modern hf>tcUke«plng methodlhav* greatly

chaiiKud of laic years. Gradually the luxuries and rolbiemeut-Hof the nwell aparlraeDt-hoU'rei havu Ik»p II added to th* resouroet at the dls- ponal of hole! managers until the former Lav* Wen fairly dlatauned In the race for public favor. More than ever, aecnrdlDgly, la th* cUizen of an abundant (ocom* In­clined to lake hi* *Afte In an luii, Tb* miMleru coiigfrlBH of cofiveniencM whirh laour tnfieiU b1* Kpeech in ntlU known na ao hnt*b differ* from iln prototype of a Bpore of year* ago ut- inmit the day from nlghle J; flourlrhe* njiac* In localltle# where tho old-fashioned caravanwiry could not posalbly have wlated. Combining va*t advantagw of T**ld«tice with th* uttnoBl perfikotloQ of servioo, improved modern hotel* ur* notable factor* In th* aOfdal &8 ■well a* the biiHlne^i life of out progrwwlv* numniuDliieH. Quality of management and characior of equipment, rather than tbe acci­dent of favorable location, aro the moat Im- IKirtant elementB which determlD* anocca’i or fallurt‘ in "uch an enterprise. Som* genius In hotrl-kreplug will build anti ran one of these big palai’rn for the public In Newotlt on* of th(we days, and au appreciative ooiaiQUnlty will nhower riche* upon him.

Th* Old Ma*t«r** Color*.Front tb* Art Amateur.

Artist* everywhere nr* lnter**ted In Baron P*reira'e lovMtlgailoai of the color mediums used by th* old maaUnL It has long ago been admitted that they produced their effect* by totally dlffcfeut proceues from tho** in vogu* a t the preMdt day, and, mo*t Important of all, th* plotur*! *xecnled by lb* old tn*tbodi have mur* lasting qualltie* than thoe* of re­cent timee. With all our modem knowledg* uf both th* oils and Dolor* we know of no way to overoum* th* darkening and cracking ofih^t^re*. that alwaya invariably follow* th*

drying out of tb* unBuent* and dryer* now la use. To ttiOM who do not know It might b«

r m TASU-tnAMxu lutk ^t I I io .m i h * A. M s 1 Yt.se, l.ie,tslS, S J * y. I N

ILK. R.111.41 A. a. ud 11.14 r.M.fw riFT is Cik

T H E FO U R TH— AT----

Niagara Falls.PWTUHeSQU£

LEfllGH YiLLET RilLROiBi x c u n m E



well to say that tempera painting was tbe Tuoet ancient methoU of the artist*. Fainting in tetup tra ma«i% th* color*are “ tem­pered,” or mixed with a "m edium ” while in Iransmlaeioa. 81oo* the time of the brother* Van Eyck oil hae be*n the main vehicle In painliug. Before their day and at varlou* periods different mediums w*re in uae> Plluy mentioM a mUk and egg medium, and other writer* speak of *hoh binding fluids a* gumi and glues, eggs, th* milk of figs, beer, honey, wine, vinegar and alum. Hut exactly what the old painter* did ns* to preserve th* brllU ancy and p*nnanency of their oolors and paintings h*§ not been known. Pereira claims to have discovered it, or something nearly akin to It. Whether he has or no, the new method which he ailvocate* and hts new pro­cess of makiug color* have brought him great praise from la* world'* best-known itftist*, Franx v»n Uubach, Robert Blum, Carolus Duran, F. D. Millet, Edouard UeiaiUe aud other* Join in oredltlBg Psrelra with having made a very valuable discoverye___________

Train* leave .’itlarket Kutlon fPenn. R.R.1 Newark, at ft:4T A. M-, and 9M l \ M„ July A Hetuming July A

For ticket and Pullman aceowmndatiopi^ apply a t Market St. Station and TSI Brol^ Sl.» Newark, or to Wm, B. Smith, Gen’l RAsL PassT Agent, Broadway, New York City.

Ho for Oce&D Groie and hbsrr PariGRAND EXCURSION OF THE


M o n d a y , J u ly 8 d . 1 8 0 4 .Via Oentnl R. R.'ot N. i .

Tickets, - - »1.0O. Chilfirrn, - - 50r.Train leave* Broad Street Station at 6:80 A.

M. sharp. 86k

Stepbtns i CoDdIt TransportaUai Co.c o m m e n c in g SUNDAY, JUNEXt.Tbe New and Cuoimodicas SteouMf,,


W h y C o n s u l t a f l a n ?“ No man ev% suffered

panffs like unto woman.“ Women, therefore, gladly

turn to a woman for sympathy, counsel, and help in their

peculiar troubles.

“ Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., de­

serves the confidences


I t U d A N l k lRU itsVia Sea Beach Railroad, from Bay

Thru* Trips Daily. lleavB Commercial Whaxf, foot Markei sim

9:1& A. M., 1:80 and 7:30 P. M. K eturD iu^ava Sea Beach Pulac*. Coney Esland, at AiD and 8:10 P. M. Fare ( r<iund trip) 60c. Kvenlni trip leave Newark a t 7:8U P. M. Fare (rotmd tripj itte-

ICn. Unnnah Byd*, Beitui. Iiid.

up^ti her by thoi

FroctU ed In Cough*. «From Hallo.

Doctor -*’ You cough more easily this mom- lug,”

Patient—** I ought to—I practised all night.”

lousands.“ Her Vegetable Compound

has done more for women than any other remedy.

“ The great cause of wom­an’s misery is in her womb. Lydia K . Pinkham's V«gt- tabU Compound goes "direct to the source of trouhle, drives out disease, and cures backache, fainting, despondency, bloat­ing, ovarian troubles, and leu- corrheea. All druggists.

“ I would have been in my n;ave if I had not taken Mrs. Pinkham’s me ine.’’

See here I While about it

have the best there is.


Rootbeer Extract, unquestion­ably it is the best in the world,

lie uutiie makes 6 gallons,

LADIES,Ire loQ HoQseeleulflg?

Gum Camphor (for packing cloth**) l$o* 16 Moth Bnlis, fios lb.P*r*lan Inwct Powder, 88*. »*Itoaoh Food (P*tcrman'fl), lOo, can.

Oar price* are the lowoat lu th* olty.

nir Paine's Celery C o iip iiDr. Gr*«ae'* Nervura. Hood** 8ar*ap- arilla, Paakola, Chiticara Hceolvent and all the Lat**t pataut pr*paratioaa at th* »ame low prluea.

Knapps* Root Beer, tse.* 8 for 4So. Clawaon'e Root Beer, **. a paekag*.All ordinary preocriptlona compoundoa for

85o. apiece, ut

Krafiet’s f c -Cor. Clmion and Mulberry Sts-

Telephone 8B7D. p u b l l r i r d IWR

F is h in g b a n k s d a il y - s t e a m e rJA8. B. SCHUYLER leave* Troy Dock. W.

luth sL, New York, k A. M.; Ftanklin il„(-JGL F an by Hennyylrania Kolirood Tm . Pruseik. xen showing. o<ents at docks oommatotlqo excursion tickets by any New Jersey rood wtli be furolshed trip tlckela torjnnbk COo.; lofiler, 18c. HANCOX, P»«L


July 4th, 1894.

FIREWORK8IW e have the largest and n o s t

complete stock of all grades of fire­works to meet the wants of those who desire to make private displays. I t is customary for purchasers to make their own selection of fireworks in place of using the exhibition cases which are packed by the manulK- turer. W e have in stock a full line of fireworks, both loose and^ in as­sorted cases, at lower prices than ever and of the best quality. This stock consists of ROCKETS, ROMAN CANDLES, MINES, FLO W ER POTS, COLORED F IR E, BALLOONS,TRIANGLES, FLAGS, VOLCANOES, FOUN­TAINS, F IR E CRACKERS of aXL sizes, etc., etc., etc.

W e shall be pleased to hear froni you.

Wilkinson, Gaddis & Co.,

866 and 868 BROAD ST,

B ank, porocefled to etUbllsh w ith o th e r ; (300,000, siid Hint Just about onc-»!ith ofHighest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U.S. Gov’t Report

i %

able fli^enolert in arranactnent u n d e r , tb e terra! o f which the 'TreisurF m ight ’ be relieved for a time of th e task ; o f fOrnlehlng gold for export. This should be easy o f accorapMsbment, since, accord­ing to tbe latest official figures, th e New i Y ork bank* hold (0kl,l»!,47O In gold, or abont ^,000,000 more than tk e e to r e o f th ^ p re e io u i m e ^ l l u th e U nited B ta lif j

f g i in r j They a te no t bothered by u u - '

th a t am ount will be uvallabla. Homo of the schoolbonses which Air, Boyder con­demns are said to bo in wretched sanitary condition, and i t is simply criminal to put teocliors and pupils Into surroundings which threaten serious impairment lo their heeltb. On th e o ther hand if 8,000 children or any number are denied in- ■tripiUoii because no place hat been provided for tbein their

P o w d e rA * & o u u t e k v p u r e





EVER! TWO ARD A HAL? IIIO T E S.Th* blood make* & clwult of th* body ovory

Iwo Mid onu-hair mlnot««s deUvorlag uulri* m*nt *U(l taking back w**t* matter lo b* flUored out by IE* llv*r imiA kldn*y* moved from the body throuicb lb* bow*U and th* urinary Mcr«ilon. Anv*topp«sgv or ou- fttraotluonf thUpmoe** form* of dLB***», Huob *

Coaitlp*(ion. bad blood with Its multlpH*d •vUs (boll*, blotob*ib ulmpl*^. tar**, eruptmn*, ab*oe*«* and tb* When *uch ohetracIlouB exist** e'dcloncM by tb* pre**uw of oom^pWnU stmU*r to tho** jMt menttoneds th* beat XDodMu* to out 1* Burdock Blood Bitter*, which aalook* th* s«cr*tl<m*, remo*>ug gU

ronKrret lUi Im putitm of tb* b]ood*Trom ft wauaa& p io i^ to Uw w ont oorofulotti ftor*.

Now, you don’t want to gfi away without on* of our^ ..

t ki ••T U U L E m

cLom,FIELD HASSES, toilet SETS,Or ftnr of the )lttl«

couveoiences ta*


B E L T SFrom $ I.60«

P f ---n ju i.iu u g u ii


BroaAii^ fW rk



fflEEUrS. • - 171 lARKET ST.




r a n t


■MS OFJIE l i l .^ejply 20,000 Peopls Attend tbe L u t Concert of tbe FstngerfestCLCVELAND ON NATIONAL FINANCES.

C om lltlftA » f th « T r^ iu iiry N ot Hiich *■ t»C A U M A ppr« tif< ii« lon '‘ K ii im a J n fh M iir-

' rl«tl to » w Vork'i AMlitwnt IH strlrt'*»r I’rMiaNtnUir* 1 (’nmii'beU, Sllllbupn,

fiDl*l AwsMNlit K iiuw ti—A I 'rf tn k i»tl l k r r U im 'i ttrsUlt^nd# lti

l i id U ii» p o ll* .

Dr. M. J. It« ^ i l« It prominrnt phr^ol«ti of LewlA. Timm Couuty. Tow*, mid hmi bfK>n ar« tlveljr piicftff»il in tbe prftctloo of modldno «t tbnt pUoe for lht> p u t thlrtT-8v^« jrprniu On Ihe )BHh of vA'hilp in Df » !bloiaem m rout« loi'lilottffo, bo WM ■udiltrily lnk*Q with itu at* Ucit of dlarrhiML. Haring »old Uhamberlalu'a ( ‘oltr. Cholpfa and Dlarr!io*a Hemody for tha puiaaventoen ycnm, auil knowing in rplla- bliity, b(> prorurfil a )ft-coQt bottU. two duMM of wliU’h oomplptrlr ruriKl him. Tba •xelta* mani^aiid rbaiigi* of walpr aitd dlat lui'Idaut to iravpltlng ofirn prodiico dUrrhnwi. Evory utia liiould procure a bottle of thlN remedy Kt-

i fore leayiug home. Fur aale by <\ lIolahaMer, I HriFiAl and l^larket; A. Schurr, IhdlevtUr are* I nue and ih'lental ilrt*pi; J, Hpiaipr. lirango 1 alroef, corner HtwevHle avriiiie. and (i. H.


I t Ip wtlmatetl that hetweon 19,000 and i 10,000 perKini were gat here. I in Madiioii Square Ibanleii laet os'eaing to attend the oourtudlnK concert of the Graud Nutiuual Ha>ugerfiMt.

Tbe concert wne under the ilinvllon of [Sginneb Zuellner, muaical dinvtor of the XiederkrAiiK Hocietj, apalateNl hy MIm Lillian JjlauTelt and Mnie. Tavarr, popraiioa; Koili Kiw-ber, l'*aa»u; MUa Ktdinr, titu; Hr. Boharf. tenor; Arthur ErlcilljHm, pianUt; anordiewtm of IfiO pi«*cHi, and a grand cborua cuiikUtuig of all tbe Uuitwl Singers of 'thin and adjacent d t lu .

Herr Zoeilncr's tlrat aptMararn^ w u the 'g lg n a lfo ra storm of applau’ e. Again an>l again was be compeUMi b> bow bis ao* knowledfpncnta^ aud w u tbe rorlpeut of liuinen»i|p dural olTeringa. iiicludiitK * luag* aifli'eutlym from tbe vtaltinK liugen. Ho te th u iiu tic dill DireitAir Zoidluer becomi IMiat w'hile conduetuig tiie fuurth mindHT ^berw was heard a rip and a t*itir, am llol CHerr Zoelliier’s <lre«ji coal, of inu»i correct 'CUL was split up tbo l«ck.

The pnacruianie upwneil with the overture ikHjni “ OUtuu,*’ by the orcliehtra, afti^r *wbich tbe choruN and orcbeiU'a gave a s]iten- blid rentlitiun uf the i'tigrini^ t buruH,” Ifrttia ‘'Taanltauier.'* Miss Liliii Hlanvelt *wu then beard to much advantage in dUphelta's NuDg from the rnml siTm' ji '* Ham- llat." KollowiDg two f(dk Nongs by the bchorut caino Mr. FrlwUwim In Vou Weber's fkianosolo, “ CoDE'ertatuck.”

Herr Fischer's voice delighted ilte audience dn the " A ir of the (.‘an im al," /rm i “ b t Julve.'' The on^hratra then played with gdfiHMt perfect balarut* two eii'crpis from “ The Danuiation of Faust.*' Fuilowinc tbe

'■OQg ** Her Kanieraib'' by the cbonu, Mine, Marie Tavarv rendered ia deligbiiul rtyle au ‘9ix from “ Tile Magia Flute.*'

Tbe last number on th« programme,Fivip ilcr lieiifcHclier Mublk." is of Director

^Zoellzier’s own tiompoaitiou. It waa reuderwi ,4jv the uuiiod sohuata, the chorus and or- i'chestra, anti the finale w u drowned in 'tbuoders of applause. Hve times the di*

■ rector came forward to bow bisaekuowU • e^ inen ta and as often did the IbosiHauds •«heer tbifmselvee hoarse. To uaiisfy tbs au* dleiire Herr Zoellncr direi'ted tbe grand «bonui til tbe singing of tbe “ Wacht am Ebeiu,'* and a t last tbe audieuco tiled out of

nrdem.T b ^ was a gruat deal of mediocre and

fgren poor sitiging In tbe comi>elition of tbe jaocietieB of the secoml cUua, wblcli flUed the jjgi'eatar part of yesterdaT afternoon, but In­terest was aroused aud pleuure given b r the ^ntiM t among the tinited bingers of the <itlcs and towns. Hruokljn, Mewark and Philadelphia were each roprcseiiteil by a cboir of from 400 to ttOO singers, and a most ouuunendable degree of humogeueity and nobility of tone, precision of executiim and ta»tofulneMB of expression wa^ disclotied In ail j'the work done. Jiudsoo County, Alltany, 'T roy and Trenton also sent fine oontlugcnta to compete In a separate class. In butd ilM ii 4onp^ ltion i tbe choirs obosu their own •dugs, a circumstAnee which added Interest

, to affair, though it naturally increased tbe ulOkulty of adju^catiun.



I He referretl to the exiK^tiou of KiiUl Heurr, i who was io'h^aded fur ex|diKllii£ a buinU hi i th rU ffe Teriuiimi4, nnd said: did nnt' (lie bravelv. 1 will show mure courage than he iliil, if f ever mount the M^affolil."

The jpulice have succetsied in obtaining the foiluwuig laforrnallou in reganl to the iiiovfHnsnta «f the asMiiaiin. AfUT ieariug Italy be lived at dilTereut time* in IjauMnne and Geneva Hwit»rlaiul, and afUTWard in Lynns. From th«' U tter city ho went to Cette, l-'ranec. where be s|irill the lant year working as a naker. He reached Lyons rrmn O tte a t ft o clork HninUy evening.

t l is learncHl that bis real surname Is Cesario and bis CbrlAilan name Han Hierou- iiuu. He is luiietseii years of age. He was know n to tbe police of Cotta as a militant AnarebUt While In O t te he ««riied thirty francs a mnnth besides his boai'il aud lodging. He was suiter and iDduetrious, but taciturn ill his manner. He was a great nsider and outNjHtkeii uuly wbetj Atiaronist tbcoriss wore dlM'UlWCNl. *

The police orth'tal who went to Cette to trace Uie asiaHsm had an inU^rview with Mme. Viala, who keejia the liaker shop in which the murderer worked. Hh-» says O eario left hiT employ on Halunlay. havingSiv^n up bis place on account of a quarrel,

le received the money that was due lain and diuippeariMl. He left a Ik>x (‘nutaiiiuiK bis effecU in his lodgings. This the (xvhee o[>ened, but found nothing comproiuising thurvin, _

A UKANK ViHiTSi IIAIUUNON.Not Ferniliteil P* Nes ta# ex-Freslileut, and

Lurked lip h r th e I'uLlee.A female crank visited Uem^rai Harrison

yeeterday a t bis bouse a t Iudlana|Ndis, but Frivato Secretary Tibbotts did not permit her to see the ex-Fresident.

Mr. Tibbotts baiifiened to answer the door- alioiik 2 oVIiM'k and fumid a young

weman having tbe appearance of an Indian m i idea aud wearing her long blac^k bair down over her shoulders. Hlie had a Dible and a copy of *‘C+«ip©l Hymns'* in lier baud. Hba asked for General Harrison, say* lug that she had a message of gi'vat Import- am« for biin.

Hhe wld that the Democratic iMrty was driving the ('ountry to ruin, aud it was tbe duty of herself aiKl Oetieral HarrDon Jidutly to save It. Hhe wanted tbe General to help recover a large sum of money due her. 8be gave the name of Ijoulsa Hudson.

Mr. Tibbotti ai^ed her to a seat In the lor, and theu telephoned to tht police. The detectives were detailed to tlie ossa, aud she WAS detaioed in conversation iinri) tiity a r­rived. When their purpose was madd known to her she became very violent, and tbreab ened dire vengeance upon her persecutors and to burn the town.

She told tbe |iollcc matron that she was the wife of Christ, and gave other evidence of a badly dlsordeittHT mind. From lier books it seemed that she formerly lived in Paris or Nasiivilia Tenii, Hhe said she left Teaneasee two Team ago, and has been wftiideriug over the country prf^liitjg ever since. An examination into her sanity will be held to-day. _

■ Piwaldent Cleveland 8»ys There le No Cause for Apprehension*

Freddent Cleveland, in speakiug last night o f thft financial sltnatian, said:

oifer of certain of the New York ilianki to replace from their vauite g<Fld ' slrawn from tbe Government Treasury fur •hipment abroad is certainly thoughtful and patrioGo. I t uot only lends to malntein the Treaenry’s gold reserve in good condition, t>ut it adds to tbe stock of populai* coniklcuce, [whicb is a t ^1 times im portant

elements which make up our actual situation do not Justify any apnrebensioo, and the AdDilalstration still tmberm to iu pledge and determination to protect our NatioDid credit a t all hazards, and to k>>ep the quality of our money winal to tbe best, ao for as toe limits of Executive power per* ^ i t

course croaking and the spread of dis­quieting talea is calculated to Injure the •iruugest financial conditioa. 1 assume, bqWAVai^i,that there Is too much patrioGsm anroog^wikifwopla and too riihch fauiillority w ith UUr reeouroee abd capabltities, to per­

m i t our reserved force and fioanoial credit to be diseredited. When the la^t Govern- zuenfc bonds were issued to reutenish our

'Stock of goldf i t was nearly ns low as now. .M'hiie outside of our gold badnoavailar ,ble money to pay ordinary nxjivnees of Gov* arument, only about ftU,000,(AHI, we have sow. besides our gold and money applicable to Government expenses, moi^e tbsu toil,-

" S R : . . . . . ! . . . it Lb charged iu certain quarters that tbe payment uf matured obli- . A tions is postponed to tlie amount of |50,- I^OUOor97ft,OOIi,UOO. This Is not true. We a re paying os we gu, in the usual way. Lost i^year up to June 1 the balance agidnst us larisiDg from the export and import of nier- chandLjjKy excluding gold and silver, was BH,* £52,016. Thu balancu in our favor from tbu •luue period this year was 900,502, repre- ,aeDliu^a change m our favor of 5127,512,- ftu8. Tlieiie conditions, taken in couneetiou with the vfHliugceas of our banks to help the Treasury during any temporary and unusual draia of gold, ought to satisfy the most coa-

■ftervative of oursataty.I t must not be forgotteu as another fav­

orable feature in the situation that we ai*ti no longer purchasing silver auil issuing gold •bllgaUou in payment therefor.**

£U H A JUCH MAHKIED. 'T h e Faiuous Singer lleeoiues the Wife of

IVancU L. WelJnian.Mils Kmina Juob, tbe famous and popular

•Loger, was m arried a t Htaniford, Conn,, jratorday to F raods L. Wailman, Assistant blstrict'A ttorDey of New York. Tbe wed­ding, which was attended by a targe number of prominent society people, took place at tbfthome of U iebrlda Both th^ 'v^ j^nce andlldk. Andrew's £pisco[jal Church were

beautifully decorated with flowers, the la t­te r by the women of the congregation.

A t the bride's home, on Gienbrouk avenue, the guests entoiwd un­der a huge arch of dainty white daltleii. After the ceremony she received under a

r t >*551 marriage bellMl of the same flowers.

bride was met “ a t the door of the

} I. a - church by the grtxim, LfV\A JG C H - ex-Di«ricL Atr

''Jjyney NicoH as best man. Miss (^race \ 'Wetherbefl, of New York, was maid of

llionor. William Q. l^rrlnglon, of New York, and JVederl<4 P. AHon, of Now York,

■ v r ^ the only ushers.Tbe bride entered tbe church with Colonel

Albert A. Popo, of Boston, who gave her ■way. Mr. Pope Is an old friend of Miss Juch's family.

A^choir of forty boya met tho brlilal pro­fession and escorted It to tho ohauoel, slng- jpg the Bridal Bong In ''Lohen^frJn.” Bij- tween the betrothal and weiidlng. the same choir of youGiful voioea sang "Tlie Voice

I th a t Came O’er Eden *’ and the reoess hymn ' ‘'Perfect Love,"

Dr. Peter MacFarlane ofBciotod, ijhe High Church ritual and ceremonial fi »rms tm ng used.

The hrMe'e robe was made by Worth. It w j j made of rich, crm m y'satfn, high neck.

ti’aiu, covered entirely with point ’Me*. Her Jewels vi'ero diamonds.


W ho Cammltted tho Co'^vardiy Crime.

CesarTo, the assassin of President CarnoE,-^ Loronabas od-

m i W that ho hod for some timeoontempUtr hti crime. He produced yesterday a pro-

gramme of the Lyons festlvitiea, giving i I ^ I d e u t CamoUs route through the city.

Along the route he bad markod spots where be preeuined b j would lu|ve a chance to M k e the fatal blow.

Pi»*ilard with which he m b b ed the President in Cette, paying for it live rmiics. Me hod given the sub'jcot of bht crime coQsklerable thought, and felt coofl-

. dent u i a t ^ ki»ew bow to deal a fatal blow before he left Cette.

Aceordlng to bis own vanilon, which in- Quiry In Cette has- corit^iorated, be vlsltod ^ sweetheart befcu‘6 leaving, and saldi ** 1; h m quarrelled wUh my employer, and am aaiqg tp LyoM. You will •*• me twtnora.""

Hood’s Cures

B. X. BM fpNv

"Hood'* B*n*p«ni1» hw dcM wonder* fcr ne. Three rent* a(a I luflered witk Infiamnw. torr riimunaUin, u d w u taken will) trrttold fever. After Hie hveTabMedinf^nb* were to •ttRIcoulUnfttitntthtm there. Iie tebo tueef

Hood's Sarsaparilla■Dd when I lud teken It 1 could bend my Umh*, we* cured of rheninetlitn. end em now feellnc well” & E. nuimiiv.ClarbondeiB, Fe.

IRON BA1.L RHORTAOltS.Brenche* of the O rder A .k rd to H eka t 'p

tho Doflelfl&rr.Nsws which will be unpleasant to thou­

sands of csrtUlcate-holders of the Order of tbe Iron Hall In Maiuuichusetts was made public yesterday.

I t is to the effeot that fifty-four branches of tbe order in that Btato, more than one- tblrd of the whole number, have rectMved word from Robert A. iCnlgbt, the HaftiacUi* setts receiver, that defii'iencies have be<-Q found in thedr accoimta, and adding that if tbe amounts are not inode good and in the hands of tbe receiver at lndiana|)o1ii by June 30 Ihelr branches will be thrown out alto- getiier. This inpons that tbe certifleato hold­ers of the unfortunate branches will not re­ceive back any of their money if they fail to transmit the amount of tba shortage.

Many of the branches have already taken ste|i8 to arrange tbe m atter and raise the necessary fuutbi. Where tbe sums are sruall this will not nrove difficult, but the larger braoclifls will have a h a r l time to raiiw money in to short a time. Borne uf tbe bigger brauohes have already decided uot to do aD3rtbiDjz about the matter, as it is look^ up«)U as an impossibility to get the ne<*essary amounts In so short a period. The atnounU that the different lodges are short, t£ fd Said, vrill range from 9 ^ to 120,000.

T rout th a t Wear Off T hsir Tails. CorrespondeDce Fortii and titream.

While un a visit to my old hmue In Scotland, a few years ago. 1 made a tr li^ o the Island of Isla, where through tbe courtesy of the owner J enjoyed some rare trout fieking. While la conversation with one of the kestiers, I wus told of a little lake high up In tbe mouatains which abounded In a very strange variety of tro u t They were described to me to to much like other trout, except that they were tailtesa Cioeer inquiry oorroborated my informaat, and so neat-UN I could flad out the tails have the appearance of having bod their soft rays trimmed off. The lake is very deep and ttie bottom seems to be covered with small sJiarp- edged fragments of brownlF^h looking stoites— the nntlveH say the fish wore their tails off rubbing against the eharjt etones. Unfortn- nately my stay on tbe island was abt^ui over, aud as I hod not an opportunity of personally examining those strange trout, I droppecl a kuod pinch of salt on the story and let It pass my mind. During tbe spring of last year, a Tory estimable cld gentleman (and 1 am sure a thoroughly truthful ODSJ arrived in our town from the Island uf Isla, where he had toen land Stewart for twenty-fire yean (or the (kunpbells uf Istrv. While In ounvenatioa with him the talliess trout again oamo up, end he iFusltlvely assured me It was so. 1 now thnronglily bellsvo It, and would liks to hoar from some of our more deeply versed as to wiiyand the wherefore.

T^liri'a/u# f(T •'in iidtvrtU^rwnt tirjirndi tf(tnunft^r of ftruitlf u'An (I. c}pl'V qf /As

n'.V (jiv ffiW «iwi*v ibiv. FivA Wat foansI>fr;s4e read IV pd^T rtJWp /lay.

P E K S O X A L ,

W. H, W allacb, who was appofntod Post- master of jHlIerson, 0„ by ITesldent Jackson, still holds the office.

Do. W. H. LuKPKirr. of Atlanta, Oa., sued that city for I10.00U damages, alleging tliat the injorions fumes from an op^n sewer bad ruined hie hesltla Tbe jury found in hla favor to tlie amount of $400.

Rx*UK[TXD Htatrh Rxicator J ahbs W. BRAnnunr. who is ninety-two years of sgp, delivered the oration at the laying of theoor- tier-stune of the Lithgow Library building In Aiigustiv, Me.

Tmk R ev. Percv T. Frnr, rector of St. John's Epiecopal Chnroli, Boonton, N. J.. hai received the degree of D. U. from 8t. John’s Oollege, Auuapulie. Md. Ho Is a very yotiiig man, but is the aiitliur of numerous poetical and musical oompoelCions.

AqtiiLikA UoBKRTtofi, said to to the first while person l>ora In Indiana, is still living in that State, He is ninety years old, has born a church member all his life, voted under iiine- lieen AdmUilei rations, has bee a twice married* and is tlio father of eleven children.

Fallod t« Fay lU Dues lo the A. A, II* On tho MHcctracks—tVlifpilDg.

OthoT ftport*.The lustitute A. U. of this c ltj was dropped

from tho roll uf tho A- A- M rin^ilitau District, a t tto moating of the board uf iiian- agepi last night T to roasiui for this acUuu was a failure on tbe part of tbe Lu>*tltiile A. C. to pay its duve. A number of ottor e\a\v% were also drupiied fmm tbe memlK«rship list Kichard Behreua, National A. (V. aa<« rein- itated. E. (V Feshia. Letter carrien’ Union, bad a limliar favur extemled to him, condU tioiukl on bU proving that he ba<t never com­peted for ninney. The applicatimi of Andn- bald F. llaliiy was uot fully tUlAi.1 in, but he wa<« re!Uhtat4^h pruvidtd ho shall flit m the hiatus satisfactorily* Tbe other <M riiigoht*s restorwl to favor were John Masridu^ka and Uharles W, Hibreo. The applicattuu nf Kd- ward O’Grad;^ was referreii lock. TJie res- iguatimui of J, J, Hoooey, Hlar A. and T. J. Jlreanan, Empire I'lty A. C., as uierutors of the l)oai‘(l wcar> act*epteil.

Tbe uuvicea w ho bad such an uncomfort­able ex^rteiu'e a t tbe Decoration Day gsities of the r*'ew Jersey A. U. Hied a pruUwt agaiost tbe ac’tion of Referee \ \ \ It. ( urli^.1 ne referee's ruling was sustainod, four del#-f:Nies voting la the uegattve, Aettug uuder uktructions uf his club Harry Dimsa. Fas-

time A. C., moved that tlie b<j*rd recum- mend tbe A. A. tr. to amend the dUtrict (HUisiitutlou bv providing. " Thai each clulj,a m em ber o f the ac'llve memticri uf tho .V.A U., mosthuld a t least one net uf handi­cap games iwch year, to cumist of net lem than five events and any club failing to bold uames as meutiuned iu iliih MN'tiun hball to ttu*Hl fU), the sante to revert to the asso'da- tiua of which such club is a lueuitor.” The motion was laid uti the Ulde. The board iliM'USied various schismes for reviviug uub- lic lutorest In games and lloally rei^iived " That the «l«legatea be rw|uested to apply hi tbs A. A. U. fur special Icffislatiou Ui give tonners a t open games to dubs scoring the niont immiier of pulhto, the value of sui-b bauuer to be limited to |30.'*

On Hie Kot^etmeks.There was plenty of excitetneut a t Sheeps-

bead bay track yesterday. Thefinlib in the fifth ra*^ created tbe greatest eutiiumsm. The strain WON too great fur Fatridc Hdla- haD, agtol sixty years, a Rpouklyo carter w ho die<l of heart discoao un tbe grandstand While the cheering was loudest fortin* victor lie had wagered on Sir Kidght and lost. The event waM a handicap a t one mile aud a fur long, and had but five s ta r tu p A blauket would have uuvered tbe autire field at tlm finish.

First Race—For three-year-olds and m\>- ward, seVBu furlongs: Clitfonl won, rha i’AiJo secoud, IJeldemcre thlni; t4ni«, L.2T 4-.V Fo*ii betting—Twu to 1 on Clifford, 8 to 1 ^ i u : d beldeinere, 40 to I Charade.

becond Race—Tbn Fifteenth Hurt Htaken, fire furiuuga; Keenan won, Annihette soconi^ CallforolA third; time, 1.01. Fo.<(t b(dting' Twanty to 9 on Keetmn, 5 to I against (.'alifornio. 12 to I AtmUetto.

Third Race—For tw'o-yeaf*ulils Fntnrity course; The Coimnoucr won, The Bluffer second. Romping Girl third; time, 1.10 3-.V Post Betting—HIr lo 5 against The Com- niuner, 5 to 1 Tbe Bluffer, 10 to 1 ItoinpiDg Girl.

Fourth Race—For three-year-olds, one mile; I^u a ro o e won, S tar Actrew Herund, Joe Klpiey third; Gina, 1,41 4-5. Fuat Bct- tiug—Eight to 5 against IjOiurom, 12 to 1 dor Hii'ley, 2.1 to I Rtar Aririws.

Mfth R acu- For thr#e-yeir-olds and np- wnrd, mile and one-eighth; Comaurbe won, Blr Knight secnad, Caodelibra third; time, 1.513-1. Fust Betting—Two lo 1 against 8ir Knight^ a to 1 ('oinancbe, 1 to 1 t ’amlelAbra.

BtxtU llat'o—For throe-year-olds and U|>- ward, mile on tu rf; Bt. Michael won. Ducat Rccon<l, Tojigallatit tb inl; time. 1.41 4-1. Fw t Betting—Four to 1 a n io s t St. Michael, 5 hi 1 Ducat, 5 to L To]>ganaiit.

At Chicago the hones which won yeutcr- day were:

First Race—Half mile; Walkover won, Chiquita secund, Bailie Calvert third; tiioe, 0.5'i

Se<*ond Race—Celling, mUe; Fntrlrk won, Elvaswwml, Kalvador third, lime,

Third Race—Half mile* Dora U'oodwon, Montre second, Nellie OsMrne thinl; tune,U.51S.

Fourth Race—Mile and ons-slxteenlh; L ^ tie Tom woo, Trutliful eucoucl, Muuuu third; lime, 1.5ft.

Fifth Race—Three-quarters of a mile; KIImd won. Motor lAouhd. May Fern third; tiin^

Sixth Race—Three-quarters of a mile; Sister Mary won. Somersault S(:icond, Percy third; tune,

Tbe racing a t i^ u sa s City yeaUrdaj re­sulted os fallow:^:

Firsf Hsw t—Six and a half furlongs; Glad- jola won. Crab Cidor second, Hiram Argo third; time.

Second Race—Six furlongs- Gold Dust won, Mnjur Drippy second, Moloch third, time, 1.22.

Third Race—Four furtougs and fifty yards; Doyle won. Hob Ciampert aecund, Brevity third; time,

Fourth Race—One and ono-eighth miles; Werigpfield woii, Pretender second, Ruim Burrows third; time, 2.051 .

Yitth Ra<‘e—Mile; JosepblDe won, John F. second, Millie B. third; time, 1.5a.^.

News u f the lUeysUits.The Essex County Wheelmen will hold a

century ruu on August 5.TheUmuii County Roadsters, of Rahway,

talk of building a new clubhouse.Hyslop, thii Caimditu champion, will not

go to England to race this Beanoo.£ . BaIo, wiio rcxle a mile a t Bridgeport

last week in two minutes sixteen aud one- flftb MKniDda is regarded as one of tbe fast­est men on the track,

Among tlio entries for the races of the Kings County Wheelmen next Baturday are TavVor, C. M. Murohy, Wulls, Titus, Allen, Btooison and W. Murphy.

Among the w haling i-venta scheduled for July 4 it* ( hai'ics Bcuwaibarii's twenty-five* mile heiKlicap and rood race from l''ree]x>rt toJamnU-o, Ixmg Island, and return. Tlie court*e will lie over a macadamised road with a twelve-and-one-haU-iiiUo stroteb. The start will be made a t 10 o’clock P, M.

w ith Ihe Hall TuHen,The game that the New York team lost to

the St. IaiuIs Browns yehtoniay was very evenly oonteetol Tho Brooklyns wero un­able to meet tbe Clevelands mi account of rmii. Telieau’s men, through their defeat in Bt. l/ouis on Sunday, were soul into sixth plnci!. Tlie Bostons have cut the Baltimorea^ leail down to sixly-thi-eo points. The chain- pious I'liiiio very near whitewashing the Uil- euii liOnisvillcH yesterday, whdo HnnUm's men were Imtlly nenton by tho Chicago*, who jMHinded Tony Mullano ali over tho field. The t'iitsbupgs playeil a sinort game against the Wosbiugloua and won easily. The i-o- suilH:

Bt* I/>u1a & New York A Boston 9, I/juisvtllo 1.Plusliuj'K ft, WashingUiu 1.Chicago 15, Baltimore &At Cleveland audClncfunatl, rain.


Ptakea and lieU, having liad up |.V)0 against ItMMklO In the winter bcsiks. *^Flfiy thoii- eamt doUnm would not buy Key Kl Santa Anita,” said Mr Baldwin on Hatnrilav niglit.

course, 1 was a little H tsurprism i t/i win, as 1 lio/i rrad so much atmut Dmuito ami Htmator Grailr. I know 1 had a Hla h- lug gotkl txili, however, and thmixht 1 bad a obani'C Uj win, utberwise I would not have bet

The Corbett-Jaeksnii Affalr- The date In the articles of agreement

which Jamue J. Curliett and Peter Jack** m signed laet year to fight for tbe cbam;<lou- Ship of thi* world ciinred v « te r lay. Wlmu tbe men plarwl tlicir ilgnatunni the jiafs'rs they agreed to croM arm* Imfore the i‘1ub hanging up the larginit puna* on any 4lay lie- tweeu June and ‘2.'» of this year, nwing to •ume miiundendanditig betwetui the |«ir, and tbnmgh Corisai's u:iex|iHCteil trip abrooit, the articles were |>pnniUei1 to lie<'«Kne ▼old. Many sporllog itivit, who have siu<,li'*l CorUdt's actinua lately, aiv* im-Uneil to c m- sure Jim for the luamicr lu which he half acted throughout the affair.


TLilt P re tty G ir l Gpriw Her W ateh Onee T ou O ften,

F m m the New York Telegram.Hhe cam e into the oar like a flush of aim*

abina o r a beautiful golden brow n butter* fly, im m ediately aitracling the undivided aU eutluu of all the ntlief p a w n g e rs , whose glanoos, however, she seem ed eii* tlre ly unconicloua of.

The men who bad been reading jokes about and im illng a t carlcaturov of the up-to-dalu girl folded up Ihelr papers to continue the study from life and see which of the funny paragraphers had hit her olT mtwb eucoeiiruUy, fur up*to*date •he looked.

The women thrust their fashion supple* m fula into their shopping bags and un* dertuok to carry In their iieads ail th e de- la ili and etceteras of her etuDning cue* lutne, from the number of revere on the Jacket to the exact lucatlun of her pocket in the sk ir t

T h a t she rode nearly a block w ithout once raising her eyes to a level with theirs was galling tu some o f tiie pHoeen- g en , and tUe fact that aiie consulted hur watch so Lrequeotly caused general re­mark.

" ifuTidrrds o f times have 1 done th a t myself,^* iMsid the elderly gentlem an, in­dulgently, as the young beauty in golden brown, with hair to match, looked a t her Wiitch tor perhaps the tw enlirth tim e in half a* many ralnittes, “ forgotUm the time souti’a Pd cloned luy watch. W e're all alike, It seems, young and old ; w e’re ail alike. In Home things only, though,” he added, regreti'uliy; 'Mn aoiiie thu |gs only.”

” My 1” whispered a gawky girl to her companion, ” I wonder does it leal oa nice as R looks to be preltv T”

” hho’a awlully alraid sne’il be la te for it, whatever ii is, or that he'll get tired of waiting,” remarked the woman whose irysling days were long alnce past, assum­ing that the pretty girl was on her way to keep au appululm eol with her best 3'ouug man.

” 8he seems to be rigged out in the latent fasbiou,” obMrved tbe woman wearing last season’s breielles. ” and I luppune she knows w hat's rigliL but 1 thought it wasn't good form for a lady to carry n watch.”

“ Oil, my, yes!'’ positively osaerted the woman with the renovated black silk dreiH and a long gold chain ; always carry a watch when I’m arcssed, Alwaya Bee!” she exeiaimeii, nudging her friend. ” if she ispi'i iookiog at her w atch again 1 Did YOU ever

“ Well, now, Pm Just beginning to th ink IPh nut a. watch,” declared the otner, daring contraUicLion. I 'm aure 1 read it wasn’t good style— - ”

‘■Well, wliai is she looking a t, then? enapped the \vom ^ With the gold chuin. “ If one lady wears a watch why can 't an id h er?”

” YcP, I know,” soothingly. ** Perhaps U's his picture, she looks a t it so oRen, you know— ’

” Oh, yen, 1 suppose she answered an adverliisenienl for a wiie and is going lo m eet him now without over having seen h h u — ”

” Oh, ahe wouldn't have to do th a t; she 's real pretty!”

** W ed, 1 don't know about t h a t : there are lota of preUv girls. Bee, she'e looking again! 1 wish I could Just g e la glim pie inside of 'h a t easel ”

T be desire lo know the exact time seemed to be as contagious as yawning ; every wuich In the car was consulted by ita owner. Even the ouiiductur louked a t bis to see whether by any puiMbiUiy b e bad broken away Iruiii schedule time, but he couldu’t figure out Umt be had. Ju s t th en an enterpri.^ing sunbeam danced a th w art the iiille enamelled cano, stilt open in tbe gial’s hand, elucidated the m ystery o f iU interior, and moreover th rew a great deal of light on one u f the la test toile t accewories.

T he nimble sunbeam danced from the open case to tlie top of the car and bock again, struck several of the passengen m th e eyes, making them blink, ju st os does th e b it o f looking-glass m anipulated by th e mischievous small boy in the sun- ahlue.

T he incldebt cauavd a smile to itc^l f^om face to face until it reached tne w om an w ith the old black silk dress and gold chain, then it died awuy in a sneer.

“ Vain creature I” she snapped. “ Any­body w ith any sense m ight know that no th lag bu t a looking-glass would interest her*”

“ Yes,^^ foUloqiiired her friend; ’*1 was quite certain that ladies do no t carry w atches.” _______

Artist I'llll nf liUHillf'SS.From the DeMMit Krir I’rrKS.

(.histomvr—” Wimi that plrturo repre-Bont F '

A r t is t—“ Two bMudrP'l ilollftrs, hijl ymi csii h av e It fo r K li'indrrri riii'l litty iiluiiks, n]b<i . '’

Clubs.pHltiinore.........Holton..............I 'i l tsh u r^ ............BrookIj'n , . . . . . I’hiiadelphia.,.{'Ivvelnnd.........New Y o rk .........ti\. I/>uis..

W on,.............di.......... M.......... U...........2W...........»j

............ 27...........24

Lost.18II2UII] |1824ao54mw

Clucinnaii.................................... llChicago.......................................... J?Wa.»hmuton...... ....................... liLouisville......... .... .............................. U

There will be some radical changes in theLouisville Club In the nuxt. weuk. Fred J. Drvxler hofl sent iu his re^gnatloa os prosil dent and member of the oirectory and it will Uo arcep te i Dr. 'i'homai H. Btucky will undoubtedly be bis aueceasor. Dr. KLucky isone of the largest itockholders and a member of the directory. He resigned lose itoasun Ixj- cause it iuterforod with his practice, but his associates liAVo prevailed ujxm hiui to again accept i i Ffener will Ui relieved of tbe captaincy, p d i t is not improbable that ha wiU be trnuol if the right exchange can l*e made. O at pitetMr, a« outllolder, aud prob- nbiv two tnfielden ore booked foi* their ro- leosc. Revernt thousand dollars will bo ex­pended bi aecuring new material.

' T he Teaula ToarnameAtt*The loflt match in tbe West iftld* Tennli

Club's open tenuis tournanumt was decided yesterday arternoon on the courts a t Central Fark, New York, Porker and F icber de­feated Miilett and Cragln In three efoalght sets for tbe first prlae in the men’s dftubTcM. The games were woU played, Flsfherdtfing tbe beat work. The eiv)res; Edwin P. Fischer and W, Gordon Parker, tVeat Side Tennis Club, <tefeated Stephen C. Miilett and Calhoun Cragln, New York lem ils Club lift— ‘J , ’T“—fi. '

The aumml tonnis tournam ent' of tho Neighborhood Club uperied out^UnisIy yes- torday inornmgAt West Novto^, Uoas. The following m a t te s were playi^; F. U. Ho- vey, of Yale, beat A rthur E. Fogte» of .Vale, 4 ^ i ft—a, ft—B; F. Ii. Hovey, of if ale, best Hahrolm G. Chare, of Providonca, 7— ft—ft; Arthur B. Foote, of Yale, beat R. D.Wrenu, of Cambridge, ft~2^ o-O. After the last match, w renu omiounoed that he would not play another set this year. He excused his bod playing on the ground of m practice.

James P. Thomas, the ElizaMth A. C. e r to k , defeated Bigelow and Dudley Roberts, of the Newark TenQia Chib, in p ra^ ttoe sets, beating Bigelow ft—1, ft-17 --^ aud beating Roberts fl—1, ft—4, ft—B, ft-1 . Themoe is the champion of BUubeth.

“ Lacky *■ Baldw in Woag4p,MO.E. J. Baldwin flrat heard of the victory of




W11+ LINK VOU« THINK3. Deliciously Exhilarating, Spark- ling , Etrcrvescem.j W holeeoine ■ | aa'W clt, Puriiieajho^lotx i,tick­le* fUe pallDe.'i w f- keeper for it< Oentiluc.

StM laM itunpiH WtHtilhl piDii'rt cMtU «■ ud h««k.T I t B M A S . E . H I R E S COa»

F kiuxciphia-

r v o t . t T H 4 N * tv T H E r v < i - r -

A a O ld W h ^ e l t h a t l lo a I'auHHl T h ra i ig h H aiir IIhihI*.

From the Barlington Enterprise.Few o r th e pren'U t geiieraLlonof enihu*

BloatiG bicycle riders realise the rem ark ­able contrast between th e perieot ma* chines o f to-day and the crude and clumsy modeli th a t flrat aroused any degree o f interest in bicyollng in th is city th irty years ago* T he riding ichool th a t for a short time occupied the CityHal] In the eixUes fi slill ra*lucmbered, and th e dignlfled citixens who are tb e fathers o f some of the present bkyole ridcra, were then the objects o f much in terest oe they bf s ir ode the wooden wheel m achines then know n by the name of ve!t>cipede*. The eroxe iH>oii died out, the prafe*isor of the riding eohouleought o ther flelde and o ther oc­cupations and tb e few wheels th a t found ow ners in Burlington w ere relegated to the dusty loft, the gloomy cellar orou out- of*lbe*way n»rnep of the barn.

O ne o f th e s e o ld - t im e m a c h in e s o w n e d b y U ic b o rtt H ill le r , w iis p u rc h a s e d f ro m h im a b o u t tw e n ty y e a r s a g o a n d b e c a m e th e p r o p e r ty o i a s y n d ic a te co ru p u e e d o f E d g a r M o rg s i i , T h o m a s U . M o rg an a n d W iTlU m H . H . P u g h . T h e y a l l h o d g o o d se rv ic e o u t o f i t , a n d c o v e re d m a n y m ile s a n d e n jo y e d m u c h p le a e u ra fro m its u se , u n t i i It r e a c h e d a co D d ltlu n o f d e c re p i tu d e . E d g a r M o rg a n 's e n th u s - ioHin h a d n o t y e t a b s to d , a n d f ro m th e p a r t s u f t i i e d i l a p id s l f d m o o h lu e b e c o n ­s t r u c te d a n o th e r , d e s ig n e d afit*r a “ C o­lu m b ia tn o ile l, h ig h w h e e l .“ A f r e r a t l m e , h o w e v e r , ha g re w t i r e d o f p ro p e l l in g th e h e a v y n ia c h f tie a n d so7d i t to C h a r le s H a r m e r , w h o ro d e i t a y e a r o r tw o a n d th e n c o n s ig n e d I t to th e b a rn .

T he venurable m achine deserved a bet­te r fate than it met afler Its useiul career, l l was no t perm lueil to rem ain an undis­turbed rello. Tiie small wheel and frame fell Into the hands u f one of the lurm er owners, W illlani II. H. Fugh, who used the wheel for inakliig a wheelbarrow and threw th e frame o v e r in to tiptffgo Y. Vansciveria yard. Michael K nrlght bu- came th e poss 'seor ol the large wheel, and uliliieq it in oonalruotiog a piei^e of machinery*

N otwithsUndiiig tiicie vlciasUudea, th a t prim itive machints liaa been restured to a w'niblstU'e of ita Inriner digiiitv and silii rctitalns A landm ark of an curlier period in the evolution oi the bicycle and serves to show what wonderful strides have been made In bicycle construoiion in the pest few years. Gfr)rgo J. Bemorco, with laudable aral, has gathered tiio scattered parte and has pu t them to­gether again, ami the old wheel has a t last found lu priipcr pUce os a valned relic in h ti bicycle ami jiarnnH rep<isiiory on Brood siresL, where R la inspected w ith in terest by visiting hloycliits. Hur- rounded by the bvautitully modelled and finely finished whet-ls of the leading s ty if i for 1891, it furnishes a striking oun* treat that la one of the best evidences of the advancement tlia i has been made In tbe phenom enal grow th of the bicycle In­dustry. Every Wheelman should see it*

The food richest in

phosphates and bone-

forming material is

H - 0H o rn b y ’sO a tm e a i


To the growing child

it means formative

growth — force

energy. ____


U S APrices Talk—

Aad I t ' f T m Eot t« I t ; u y U i n f moi*.

W HITE BRAMELED IRON- BED, w ith B ru * Tritnmiiiga. Be*t aod cheipeit btd oa f i r th . W orth $7.JO.

Those w hoh a v e the

m ost have it,

as a rule,


they save tlie

most. Ihcy're more eco­nomical. Tiiese people buy Pearline. Proof—iu all stores of the better class throiiglioiit the land, you'll find the sales of P earlin e far in the lead, Now, these economical |ieople wouldn’t use Pearline for their wash­ing and cleaning, if they didn't find it to be just what we say—the most eco­nom ical in every way. 'W ould they ? u n .t a h if s i n - i .K s .v .

WOVEN W IRE COT,SUet b in d tnpport*,

b e itn u d * , wofth $i.gS.

QUARTERED OAK DESK 4tt. long, 31 Incbe.s d « p .

Carred pulls. Projecting b»*«. W orth 1140.03. Best on earth . Same desk fitted for typew riter $36.75. We •re aole •{eats .

OAK BEDROOM SD IT , 3 -p iece , i l z i o B evel P l e t ^ M lrm . W* do not merely A D V K R T I8 E this Suit; w e S E L L th li suit to id - Tertiie ourMlvee.

WEIGH THE BABY OFTEN.A Very Simple and Easy Teat

of Growth.

Wbes the iDcreus Is Slight Put Bib; OD Uctitid Fool.It Has Saved the Lives of Thousands of Babies—What It Is.

^Vftlifhlba th a babj ( v i ry aM>fc b a n o ld - fHKliiimi'il met bud of d M « * r m l B l a g I t u health, but thorv Lb uo ihlmpkr way.

A Ix'Mlthy hahy In- rr»*Mf!i In a r i fh l vnry Mcadlly. Anv dnrrvHMi in a plaiu warning that thn UUU our la ool liruiwrly noqrluhad;

th« motbcriih milk U ltoMilTlcl«nturuoi Lralth- fiil; or If »n ‘'artiflt'lar* fi*ot| l« It do<«« uot mr#>t thu bahy'N mpilmnonU. Tha Infant ahoiild b« put on los'tated fouU at onra-

IacUIihI fmrl In on “ naMiml^ oa hungpr. In It tb« (Hitrih)niktUm of tha nacfn«>«ry •!•- menu of pure, baaltby nutibur'a milk la oc- CAtmpllabail,

Uniiig purr milk nugor m i biuin (brr« U cumbliimi wllii R the rU'U«*it glutru flour uf wlifnl and uat", which by long ■ufajHctluu to high ntram hi'ol under prr>nflurr, ami ivhllA In conMtaul nMitinD*bna btuu iM>rfccllr coukod and mode rrody to ha eiuil)! «rif»d uiKin by the iniportaut addition of the pure malt rx- Iracl.

It in H nafe, aliuplo, Invaluatde food fur In­fanta, aud they like It and thrive upon li, and grow healGiy and Mruug.

ThuU'iandK of thankful tretimonlala from fund iidtrciilH nre and every year to tlie mnuu' fort iirt^niof t hla fooil. Ilera la one frutn Mm. 1., W, Hl|]a,of Itivrmide, 111., the mother tif the lH>iinr1ng>K>y wboee picture appearaiilKivr:

*'Lirtalnd foeal imtimI my iMiby'a life. At tiie nge of flvr wreke 1 pot litni on artificial fiMMl. Not bring aurrcaafnl wHh Ihe flrat brand I dincuhtinucd that audtrird mndenied milk. That did not orem tu oontain notiHah- hicht rnougb, and at the ogr of flrr mnntha he wa« 00 fiiWir ind atrkly that f had no Idea I would raioe him. Reading of Urlateil fnoil 1 gave it a trial, He began to ImprO'Ve wltbla » few dayo and hoe continued to do oo. We have nut given him a drop of mediolne nlnne nNlng Inclated fixMl. ] rmiilder that it onved hi* life, and wtirnevrr iny boy U praiaed ft»r lilfl bright hralthy looka I never fall to tell b1i admirer* that he in a lariated food haby.“

J R O K A V ^ O R K S ,t i r a lL U H C D 1S4S.

CnrifOraitailOidGiSlriii!,* S A i / « e r i ( s « s OF

linprovwt OurllM EnitinM, Tntml.* Ilu>1r'^ T«ik» anil Shnpi Irun IVorlt, • IwhMvv Iron uid llrw i Ciuitliipi. KTUAM H 'm N U A Sl'Ki ULTY, *ml n n l.r . fur snnpml tiuu'lilua and boiler repair, prmnprijr uiecutod.

A I.AnOE st o c k oT n EW AM) SICOND- HaM ) KNOINEN a n d m m .EftS wm- • le i i t l r on band. T l ’Dl’E R P A T E N T UKATE-HAKR

W h.rf to let. wtih he*vr rnn* nnS .tn rn n.W;*vl 'fu % b y O M .W qpk.ur u«u ,(U „* i elly mil'*.

CooilDcln lets iDd Tilllnf FadsInrtrad of loiul talk. Jii«it Inxu-ti rho two we preH'nt to-dny In your memory, and r«ime to lIKNUy Ht)RNS‘B, the chea]io*t meat tnar- kut lu Stola, Tiia tlinr* may be boM and

IMiur KIb KooMt....................... A8 ,10FrliiiB lh)rierliun«e Hteak.......... ..........10 ,12I'rlmr HIrlolu ftlimk ................... II) ,13Frlmr Jtimnd KlH.Ek...............................10 JglTlmu<'hsiok Steak............................. .liftJemry Milk Veal...................................OJ .wFnreumirter Lnmb.............................. .05Mindijuarter Lamb............................ ,mI'fjrk................ ,12Hh'inUUr..w........................... M .liAU m ur .................. H JJ-fVmi D erf.;,...;.. .fti ,wSimp and Hlevr Sfeate............. ..........* ,Ui .06Bidogno. fresh every day.................... .OB

\S\* lend : le t Iho'^o who can fo llow .

BEHBT UORBS, 110 lULBEfifi! ST.,TELEl'llUNE ttbl.


H A R R IS O N 4 H O A a

Von will find Atluy Iluro a /uU Uu. >! TUB

Best Paperr*n nnd WA ray .to o t W AT L O W E S T.ml ert prlrni. P R IC E S .20 CLINTON St. Hewaric. N. J

W E A R R A N G EIrliw. S hort, nne-duy ir l |w for b iindreda or thoiuianilH of i^eople. o r eili'ORlve trljm fo r In­d iv idual. I'veii lu a tr ip aruuiid lUu w o rld lont- lug thruu inuutliH,

FO Revery capacity of pumo o r enjoym ont* ^Vft iiuvo facUilie* fur *«<curing the IwrL ava iiab lo

A C C O M M O D A T IO N Son tra in o ra le n m e r a t aliorieat nutlco InLOfrln- ttblo. lu aliort, we o rdain your tr ip lo t i ia t you liave at^aulutriy u u lb lug Ludu b u t

TOMon eboftnl your tiwin o r a team er and be ea r- rivu to your qae tina t ion. O ur oorvloe ex ten d a to

^ALL P O IN T S INthiH or any Other co iu iiry , bu t wn h a re a u p e - r lu r arruiigctnAiita for fac lll la tln g n tr ip to

T H E OLD C O U N T R Y by Rwlft Rleamer«. and If naceoearv we ra n have coiirtORlen ex tended on o tlip r* l«e by *im>- olrtl arrarigrm unlfi. W r In aned re ftaa tid rnnjity ordi'iw. liaaaporla, lei tern nf c re d it an d Imvu every [aclllty to uiako your tr ip idciuiabt by liMid o r nco.

JOS. H. BYRHE 4French and G erm an apuken. T e lephone 9fl0.


EAST. Tlie t'nnnerilfMit and MaRanohnnetlH leave NEW FJER 3fl N. H., oue block above t'analst., F. M.* dally* except Sunday. CoqiKoilng iraina le*ve wharf. Frovldence, d A. M-; due boNtnn T;lfi A. M. and ft;* A. M.; d'lo Worceater ft A. M. iSumlaya, fi:15 A. M.; due WorceftRf lft;2Tj A. M.) Full niirht** rej't; ehorleat «ili ride. FINK OKCHE8TRA ou each Rtearner.

NTONINGTON LINK ateoiuera leave name pier, IW, N. H*, at ft F. M,, doity, including Sutiday.

^ P A S S A G E TICKETS.Oabln* InU rm edlata and ttg a ra g *

At iow*»l New Yutk ratci on all Iuim o1 ocean itemioiie

MARTIN R. DENNIS & G0„kWAiateiBa iMk .

7 7 4 B ro fd S t . , nw Mirk.vM. ' H. ).toj J! caJ npwiiH. uid Vnfr OrOsTi M/SJs WIstlwil aW sII frsassl,

CANCERSTninon »nd mallunant »rowth», both Intoro*! aud extornal, perinfiDeotly, cured, wHIiniit kuife oroadaiic. Till, trcalmeat has stood tho tw t of ali yeari^ eipri'luuDo and la ludoraed by pnunlBant uhftlolaiu ot all aptioal* of modi- ein*. Tlnt-alaai r-dcronm to permanent enre* th a t will bear l&re*tf(Uton. A.k lor « iro«U r. E .O .J O N E a ,a iD „ t> h.D „

^ H F air t i l rw t . P a tw a w ; N . J .

■ .X '- v - u A i m N n '-Fur keuDlii[* elrakilit Iiiitr In

curl. Prlpn £i nrul N! ci'uU.- .S U L T A N -A

For tlntln* thellp .nn l chiieki. Pneo ao.iervli*. ,,

, P A U I A N lu O T IO X *F Furwhltlnitlheskh]. PrlcoSOo

_ F i t E c i i L i :and MoLliCi-iiani, warranted to cure freckloi and all diiHmlorntjons or the akin i-aiwed 1^ the nun. Prlco 5ft centa per Jar, Jllanufactured lo l t iy by

M A D A M E 8 . W E S T ^ F W ^ L T , .213 W a sh in g to n ^ r e e t .

i“ — > ailWay.

M EN ---- MENl?>nYnem1.In thlH w ay wo c u ^ a t T U l ^ aa ffo il u r lu i ry

dleeaeoe* ho loea o f l U d r For iklkHtiuatioQs •eo led In p la in e o v e io p e r^

A A A M ^ i|A L OOn F.O 4B0X U« Ne vkrksHpJ,

niCFOT FO t'K Tn A tK . nml FASNAlO STa < uiai!oUrig tralei leav* os folliAwa:- i•.Vi'AKK A.SO 1‘ajKKSON.Tjcavn Newark mr ratiTson-tt.in T.VS, lO.M,

A. il.: »2,0a l.« . XM, xi7,.-4.«, &.SU. O.IW, 8,a.6,.'isk, i>7, 10.N4 r. M. aud 12.41 A, it. huF|(jAA>‘, A. M.,, i.3l* 3.4!‘, 7.07,1.3ft, ic.*i T. M.

itnve.Paleriuii fur Nen-erk’'A.BA. T.23,T.4.% R,34. ».n.\ lal^ n.s; jt. M.; 1.I0„ tj i , t.tt, V ii. <V11 T.UL ia.Xi p. M .. tiAonday. AM. AM and ItLU A. M,: 1.80* AJO, 7.SI. lO.Xl V. H.

-MXWAKK AN1> MKW YOKK.711 T.ftl MO. ft.47,

8 U* 10 47 A. M.; lloL 1.41* XU, 4.00, m ft.U,

leave N«w York [ihambom RtreeD-'XU, 7.1ft, X07.I.6X 11.10 a. u.: ^ue, xto. kts. 4.x&,Ara.iX2* Afi'A 0.XI, 7,10. m.n>, IXQO p. m , •eaiunloy only.

I-Fayt.^prpia lemvai '••wiirk*ft.i4 a . . i. (mXun- daya T.24 A- M. Ventibnlr llmiied IraVRS Newark,l . 41P.M. numlaya. r.uft P. -ftt. urand 'lnm k ax -prew teivea Newark, «.2I l \ M. >*andaya, l.4 | P. U. L'hloavo F lu m e 1m Y«» Newark. I.Ot p* M. liiin- d t f a i U P . U . . > . '

her UcKeU, bagrafteneekN.ileenlnxcar looetUm, tlm etab ie* .ca ilA to*d tp t M e t <dDea la tM arker wreet, leiaphoue N. «c i t HaflOD*

_______ AAiLKoarm ,

t kKNfS-hVt.VANla eAlJ.HirAt*.a«el nulreswl of ABwrlfW. rRrforted Ikwofla

out hy III* 1m*r}ucking a^sjlrli: atitl Wiw'X otiaai syiiPiu. Mbips eitiv ua nude* b>aitiit. TBaed

t after Max lA 1«H. iraiiis eUi leave M o rk tte tm l Matiim, .Nt^ark, oe ju;ie»4

( Xie A. Ua >Mt I lit*, dellja wne Pallfeen Veetl- (Nd*. I'arlor and 4‘a n . <lo(iy. iUr PiudM rstulunihuo, lDdtneMfia>H, I'tim w ea d hl I ^ t a

4 io.3i A. if. lYaivtjplvjsnU Uiulled, dally OeO*- pe««e aieiuolvtly or (iillBan wwinul* b n w ie f XM mawreem. Mvepme, Hnlng. -nw giegaed lenreUua la n , preoMUni ilnawihU r*t>»rtvriee- Q«ra|ih<*n a« I lypewrltara b«toream« ler biHfe ■*i«a radv't maid, tortwr afen>p. nurory aed Ml IkeronviB leiueter h'UiM «c omew. J liUletl hyliuiiiiry and movable e d ^ n * MaUU A rrlrn <7b eof* o ee* . U., i ievaiantl 4 s A. M., Ctodniwl 104 A H .and ludiBn«^W AUO A M.,, loLeOuXOl A V, wpfh dayt

■ kU P. U. I hlrefo and l-oelft kt^xvae -iV b Voatil.ul* kli-rputg aed j ihlng (.an M iM*

laulR, rh'ieX 'i and 1 m iSvui*. Veanbutenmohlef 4.'»t«iTd l‘ae*rer«r 4‘uwko* to M i outa A rrlv^ t1»i-ma«u ir Y) A. H , >>L loula j.8o I'. M. and i.iU (afuft.'iu p, N. rwTtuoy.

r a t r H. M. W m em K i|ir*a«-1*ullejan VoeUbele 4|efpirut iarH lo piUdiuri, I'ukwao and i'|*v*lawt Miiiug ( a n ie \ bdaste'limla, aud I tiulm rf to ck4- ^■80. *rrtv*a at 4 l«^elaud lU ft A. II., Pktoeia IlUo P. U, **aliloy.

I x ti p. ll. -‘!.!iih«evt#fe fxprww inillmaa I VeeUhulv plmidof < a n 40 t lurleuaU and lAHiJa I l'1nin |('«r Alltiiiba lo KlrlnuunJ. Arrlv** ile - , cliuiaiiaiMTlV M., ladlanaihillv l i l l l I'. M.. aedHX I | (>iiIr : ii> a . M oemed UlOfnhig.

I kU p. M. Pactdc* l<.jpreaa IMIlmaa BufM I ^kenliif 4 ar New York o lliU'Hirf. A rrlne I deiiy<-bii*fo7m A. M.imnmLi tnnmliiiy Tetafte I 114. P M . lolutciHiv 7.14 P M.. ane 4d*Tfiaii4 j X’.;.i P .M.iUUy, M tvpt ‘Niuirgay.

t4 U P. >1. Kk-bmtHul Mud j'aavlll* Xipre«% dally, Nlp«t|wra le Ai-futia lam p* and New 0 ^

, leitui; |-J4, Blglii, daTly, N*t-iier« 1* Alloeia oed [ JarkODuviiiaI r kM 1'. tf. liaMy ft>r ail pulnU oe (nnoapaeka

and uhio PaUaoy- 1 brough aod iXalOgt ( Mta

Fur Kaltlmore, Waablfifbui and trv* oeiMh. JX47.\ X'.'X kl.7, aU G .linh^ i rii.r^aa, Pullman Vestibule

iV lu r « art. Veadbult 1'aM*uc*r ('tiocIim a a l M iilnel’ar, te.ST A. M .' 11 a . M.; t.Xv 4.A4, X 9 anitr.tu 1’. N. On-uuday. I t r . A*7, I H A. M.t iU , k » and klo p M i 'N »-bnFlay. 17.17.1,47,1.11 A. M., Lju^A’.*; and x ts 1'. at. Fur nalUmor* oeiir* 1^ V M. wt-eb ila ra

For PniliilelphlL K l^ . 1X47, XU, 7.W.XXVM7* •KL • M (III 17 t ImllaU t tprew , Paftiikan Veailboli rarJurC«n, Neallbuie Pawfttitar 4o*rb«aa>td Ike- 1Uff4ar>, i l :b a . .M.; IXU. !■>. XU, 4 M. 1.84, XM X7T,X9t and t*.m P. M. AifkjiiunioilaUoe, I1.I3A.M.. kdO and : M P. M 1 'n bumleya, Xi pnaa lX4f*

Xdl*0.M. lu ll A. M :4S1 ift4,Al7,xir, klijend f .tt P. li< AerammiHlatien, XI8 AIM 7*11

VfirTreiUnn, >X4T. *.«. 7 da. J.«. XM(in i t Mmiu-d Kirrewi. I'ulhnao Vestlbiu* (hw- loMara. Veaiibul# llM«eiii«r t'oacho* and OlitlM 4ari, ll.K and l l t l A. M.; HM, l.'JI* XU* 1 k H Xti*. x :x x r ,7 , te . 4.13 and B.1U p. U. aimdex,lHT*X4«. R.ft7. •!!• RUd lUtl A. M.: 114, XV, LUk X7T, 7.XV N.Kauu k tJ P. M.

Fur Atiauilti t'ity ill.ie A. H. Paturdayiotlji, IXM H. M. { t i l p. M. with nitoiikh ]*ui]«an AulM I'arhirt'or) and lif t P, M. wrek-doya X « A. M. Nuudt>a.

For i ap* May. l.ln P. M wwtk dayaI'ur Ling lliarH'b, hllwroe, AoOury IlrX , Oe*M

<irn\e, K|irliiA Take. t<ea Ulrt, MoniiertUhn. FoliilPieiORnt, *11(1 (lolnti (ui th* N*w York and I,eni Hranul) l-allrtuiiT, w.M a . M., ixtH, iUl, XM P -U . IXll ntxhi, daily *j|r«pt Kurulay. 4m m UA. M. and ft.k> 1* l>o not u u p a t (KweiHlrerae* Atoury Park on hunday

For reeRliie I’ark. Iilaad llelgbi* and T o a t }Uver. IX'M P- M. H>ak dara.

Fur lluRiun. wttiioiu ibniixe, P. M. wa«B liaro, XU IV ^f. dally.

fo r t ronklyii, N. Y. All inruugb rraiaa ooea«el • t Jerwy Lily w ilhooataiir " HmcHilya AenM." aflordlng diiecl trauafcrh iaud ituoi Fttiion iKeek avoidliif doutii* ferrioke end Journey acrcMitae city.

n m NKW YUKK.i^ v * Market h tree tsu tfen , XiX f tr , 191 Xlk

XML T.ix T.;* 7.4&. X4XJ, ft.Hk xa,8*ir,v.44,1.40, leijO, Uk». IU.4N. 11,00, IUT A. M.;

lim . 1110, l.M. l.M* I.M. 1.40, XII, 1X0, X4I.Xlk XII* X8M, 4.m. 4.U, All. ih-,;! XU. XU, Xif, xna X.M1.7,U|, 7.1B. T.ax XM.XM. 10<M* )I,14P. M*. *■(! 1107 iilxhk. Sunday iraTe', XU. 4.17. XU,XMl XU.1U0X 0.80* Ifttt. U-to n.kl A, M.; IIM, IXIX IftXXdl xsu XV, 4.W. 4.U, xu(i* X4K, x^l, 7.00, 7.1a 7 8^.7.40,1.Ui, IU , 1.37, Id.UD, lii.m IV M.. iXQOelghb

1 rav»4 eetTe'^ireetaiailoa, X08A.M, T.ri 7.1x7.01M x x r . n o t , n o s A. u .; ix ie , ix ix i.o i xoi* x i£«.:xxi7, X41. l&X 7.41, KtK ».K and iu(9 P. IL aeek d ey i ^ .

1 eava LbtitQut Ptraet hiatloa. L it. XBl l l l i H T.M, ;.«i. :.:A, xoT. IV , KII. I i.v, v l l xft«. ta tx Ixet*A. H.;t'<^0Xi^|B,l.ad, 111, XU,XUllfl.4.&S,llO. x a x i l , XIX ;.0«. 7,1ft. XV. M l 110a tL U F. U., I10fii)l(hl, l<unrlAy, MOft.l.U.lll^Mk letft. 10 47, ll-u A. 4l.; IXHTi, IllV I.Sl h U l M H i i8 X X a .X U .a U ,M ll .8 1 T .llT .n X K , XM.1I4

and 11.4* P. M. _I* . .* K'litlufl htr—t -tstlnn, *.M, (t,., T.Sf, ’

-,M itu . k*i, *.■>.•.«. a.H. I0.W ,1 . M.: i t H i:.C4. U l. I.M. t i l . *11. 1,41. &U, U t.aw. a.M. II.11 l‘. M.: U ul ulgUt nuudjor. 4.«t LU. t .n . ) .H ,l0 .1 1 .ll .4 L A .> l:n )2 ,lt t4 .l.a .l.H L t.lL ttJ.L M . 4.10, 4 .H t4 1 .tt .V t .H T .tt LU,slid 11.14 !■. M. __

KHiiM MAIIKLT NrllLKT HTAnOK.I ar h.|]xal>-tti SB'I llshNrsjr, i.U, L41, 1.00, f.4t .

L4I. L a . 10.44 ll . l) A. M.: I.I*. l a , LM tm , L tl, L,a 4.10. 4 IN LOO. Lto. L40. AH. LOI, LOT, • IL AA.IC4A,L4;,}Air, T.IS. LOt LU. L4]. IL4I. 11.U r . M. 1111 Slid I t 4T ilhlllA e .jsd sr, U»,L4LVI% L44. Ihio, 111.11, l l .n A. CU. ta t. L i t4 H, LOO, Lto 7.00, 7. II, T.ao, 7.l0, LM t.ut. ILlNt ILU 11.17 K 111., snd 12.47 nlohO

to r F.llubetli snlT. o .a A, M. dsllr, LR A. M. luid IIU , L»| sad 0.00 r . X. v m L dOLL

Kor Aaw JlruBSwIak, lt47,L4L 7.lAl, 7..W, A*7,LU and ll.U A. 01.: ItM . CU. LIL iM . 1)0. to o LOO, Lta.LI2.7.U,LI0 sad 10,4* F. M. i.gnd4r, U4A 04t, 4.47.0.a , L U u d ILU A. X .| I tU , 1.4A MA 7.U, am and a,n p. x.

Pur Wmidbrhlts Slid P<rUi AmOor, caa, L it s s l 10.44 A. U.: LOO. 4.U, LDl, 7.07 and LItP . ML (Ml hundsOL 1.3a, 1 l i t A. K., lAoil 1'. X.. Asr.L widluAdiBdMiy. LH A. X.. U K AH t , IL,I t u nlchL M tS d A n ; la.Ii A. U. A undsn

tMr * s « MWsuma. T.oo a. X .i U44, A3»sadV1)M.. dsllr, asssiH Biiiiilsr. . . . .

7or h Isistna slid Koekr Hill, 7.10 A. It. SM4.4U1 It X., (talljr. SaidOL -lliiilay.

For I'nlllllMliurs, Jtsalui, sml llsividars, 7.1L tUII A. H .,*nd AM, LJ7 1'. ,M. hunds*, « » F. X.

I'm lAinburlTlIls, 7.00, IldTi A. X.; tlL A M lL t 0.77 I', ill. Wisduj. 8.17 V. X.

For HeJitlugiud, 7.1*, l l ,» A . Ms* and XM P* M., (Jelly, e ie tp l Huoday.

J-'or PrilvevtOK. 7.*il XftT, tLU A* M,; t . l lM lX l l etift luftft !' M. daily, e a * ^ Sunday.’* Fof UoMenuy#h. TH^MtntUrii aed Cnmdeti, 1 11 aAassrv .ii.M A. X il.tJL LM.OAO bj«1 O tl P M daily, except Sunday- On huuday, Ju.81 A. M. u d t.ftft P. M. „For Fr**h<dd, PHrmhigdal*, MauaajiiaQ and e e t (Hfi via Meatiiuuih Jiiito Tun* T.fte and ll.U A* I ^ Odii 1 ti> lv >1- aeek dayo, Iftt A- XL nbfeiieya Freehold only, Xia) P. M. weok daya

N kW Y UK. T(J N K W AUK.For Newark, l.Uo, ioO, XU. l-eL t-U 7.W ,7.U ^fk

B-IO, MU. lu.io. 1U.4U, ll.OkX I1-4D A. M.l 111*1 JlFl, I.4U* 1 .^ J.rAXlU.XIU,Xto, XJOi. x i* , i u * i ia I.M, 1 10, IM , xrio, Xin.ft 'A. X8U, x k \ XKL4U*,lUt i K i a v i . i q r.vksjn* x.1^ i*.tx 11,00 it-4ft P-M.* k pd lllft m ^ukijis. ^Ull(laT ira ln a ,irx 101X81 k.rj.ViX 10X0, 10.86* II.U). l i . » A. M.iIXOO eooe. ]IX>. 1.0), |.|0,XU0* 111. 1X1, LUO, 4.80, fiOTLlllXIl X»U.«,4ft, 7.00. T.kL /.44, N.1U.X3U, V.OU.V.SUv lllX ii-4*|V M..knd IXIA mldnlgliL

8 or iurtlier luinrui»llim ft** IliiiXtahhft. U> M bal at the tU^kel omoet. 'i Irketv fur all pulule on tn*I'eiitMylvanla hailrnod and conimlDiiui, andhertka •ectioui and lioggHge (Tktmiu at the eumpany'aoe Ihva No, 7»U BtuaiT auaet* or at ik:|iM oBUh el >!arael SCrvel station.tkM. I'KXVrwT. J. H. WOOD*

Ueoeral Managar< Generei Fa***inei Ajettk_f IM lR A l. KAIt.BlIAU (iF NKW JFUMKT- ■ 'Anthradie (^wl u-twl eactnalvely, tnaurTag rleanilhiM and cutufurx TliMiobl* le eOeet Mop k>. DW4.

^Iraliia Icav* ftroad and Ferry itrre t atatloai Par rielDtlflld, 0 1ft* T in. 7.ft\ IW. t.oa, laox ILH

A. u .; 1.1ft. l.SftiiSOMMturdayii oety), X.m. X H 4.H 1,3ft, X01, XU, ft.ftn, AIM. 1.IX T.Xft, 4KL iXQft, ILM iv M. euiKloya 7-3V, a4b,lftu, ll.U A. M.; I.M 2*86. flu, •IX iD.jn IV M.

For nl fl.ift, 7.ia. ».0*- JdOft, lUI* A. X.:1.18, 1.8ft, IfiU, S.S8. 1.0a. 4U. ft.lH, .V46. XTO. 7.18 111 10uX M-'.U P. M. Sundays, 7.10, Mft. lUft A* H.; L.l4l 138,1.10, XlUi y.24, lU-Ft IV

For Flemiuglon, 7.1ft. V.(Ht A, M ; 1.1ft, LOX 184 fl ftl, huuduye, 4.10 P. M- ^

For Manoru in lllch llriflfe, nmaReilaf fto Malhitia ftn i i i |h |irUI;r* ITnuH'B andJsikkR ilopM' eyuf.XlX^-')* *• M-; MX !’• *•. bui>*avi3:llA. M.

r«w Htailoni no Main T.ln* New Jrrwy O ktrett ’lvT lon, Foaiutk, t»ellili-lu>m, Alleiitoivn and Maiicti n iiink, 7.111, B.0ft. M 1ft a •' f- lu rai'on , U ll 4,(»ft {Buffet la rio r la r;, 6.ft« i itaffkt Perter C’arl* {T.» lu Ailenlownj iV M. hundeyx 7.lu A. M*. t a i ft,4U JV M.

Fur Wllkeaharre. P liu tunand ^rar.ton, *01 A* M., l.lft, 4.<»r. M. JliiBel I'arlur ^

Fur Niitihiiry* J,«wbiiiu<r aud ftS’Ullaiuaport via rbdadelpma. Iftft a . SI.. LU. THft K M. cue- day, fl.uft P. ftl

aM W a HK a n d KL;7*AHKTJI HIlANCfL ’I'raliMi leave Broaol Krvet wiallnii fuc rilwJieth

and hnselie at (lift. >13.1. Kjl/jaMtoriurt only, 7.11 I.ftft* I i|«r>etiipurt only, s.ae, b.ui.1U(A, 10.8ft, ti.Oft. A M-; 13.14, l.lft. LSI 131tftO. 8 8V * 4.U, XW. a.H S.ftu. x-j*. 7.1.% 7.14ftiU. HJ.UX ll.is lv M- eutwlHyi, 7.M, XU. JMA, 1.14 iu.Xft, 11 Jft A. M.; 1-lM. l.Xft, lift, 1.30, 1.10, XMk X40, *.W, 7.‘s0, ft.11, lift. I0 »i p. M.

to r I'ertu AiiiiH>y, 0.1X ft-2l ft-'IH. H-8X *■ M.*UH 1.0ft, LV>, XftO, 13U, 7.U P. U. Buiidayt, 9.08 A. W.* 4.iu r. hi'.

lo r Atlantic Iflghlaadv vt* Marawan, ft-1% IXM A. M.: lift 1.85. 130 F. U- Pundayx 8,08 A*|L; 1.IU P, .M.

F(jr Freehold, ft.YX ll,ftft A. M.; 1.84. lift, 4 4*P, H Fuf f:rd llauk, i «inv hra*i'b, */c*au Orove, eto.,

I,:;. M « A. M : i.u , i.'i% l m . (.-ft w lo Red Baekx ft i'KlvM. Sundaya,aicepc lo lA^aoUroy*,108As M.;4.IUP. Ms *

F 'm I,AKFWIX)lr,lo o n lllver. Faruvgai i ’erk. end llafeega^*^*

A M.; I.M. 43!i IV H Fur Vlnelatiii and )irldu*t*ii, Lift F. M,Fur AHenUo l ily, 1.16 fv M, , . S

N p.W Au K ^.\J» NKW Y kRIC From Broad ami Ferry s iree tt euUuna—AI111

ft.ftfS X20. 0 6. T O), 7 3d, 7.10, ft.lM. H.55, ft.40, XOO.114 M(l, IMU. ll.DU, 11.40 A. .M.l llU* Ml|•x.ly.Loo, I.ao.i0ii. iS'>,.t.oo* X80. i.(»,4.ftxi.»,xo4 XI5*5.4fl,XOft, a -;XMn, ?iJ0, 7 4% 7.6A. A»,11.30 IV M.t J3.05, H id nigliL HTJDdo/i-f.W.XIkX •.UU, lO.UO* ll.UU A. M.; ilOU M.t l.dU. 1.10,100,1*4 LUO, fi.u0, XirA 7.U0. NOOo lUU, 16.00. It M- tlUO P. M*

l « v e NeJv VuMt from fuut uf LH»erty iireelr-At X30. .V.y>, tso. fl.4.j. 7.1X7 »U. ft.lft, XW, B.tW, M%t.KX lOdU. Id.lft, ]0,.W. li-lfti, ll.AO A. M.\ 13.U0 M.l IlKL 1.(0. I IU, 3.UU, 7.80. 8UU, 8.W. 1.30, l.ftX MO* X34XftB* X5u, U.uft. X38, U.iX 7.UU, T.3U, T-18* XIO* «.80* l l l i 11.14, ILOd lv >I e-midayR -7 0% *-00. 100. IXOI IMJO A. M.l ilftiM .: l.dO. XItt. ft.00, LOO.XOO,lQ|l C.W. 7,WL ft.WI, •.OJi, lU.Od ll.OU, PXUO I’, M.FUlt I'lGJLADEJ.PlIlA, U AbilM gHK AND

WAHNINtFruN, HOS'Al. BI.t'K LINK*For Philadelphia aed Treutori, 7.XV XOS, 1101

(11 8ft eicepl I'hlladalpblal a . M.i 1.88 ilftO *zi>tM Tra/ilouj, LgXXDLXfiO. 7.8% 1l.SftP .ftL Huodej^ •.(ft A. LftO ilDftexctjit Trentonj, P. H

For Halllriidr* and Waahlligtuu, 0.(R, ILU A* IL; 1.3X 3,50, XH X60a F, ftl. Nundayx lOX ILIC

51.; 1.3% IftU. (UH F. N.Fur ChalUnougo, New Orleaot and ell polaU

Roulh. a lth iJiro'iyii yeitlbuled ileepoM via dkeo- endMli Vail*/ Un*. ai & » P. ftt »ltoiUyx * 08P-'I'kmugh tlnkcEi to all prlnd(ial pntala at JowiM rate* are un oaie at Brood ziireei HutIuii*J. i i . u j. iia u s k n , H. P UALDWIN,

Urn. huperlBienduaL cieiu imaaeiiger A jf l

' l e u ig iT v a l l e y r a il r o a d .M a rk e t IH ree t'f ite tIn n *

Lift A* M. dally fur Nam-h U m nk and Fnlerm^dinie eialiont. I'ennautlou, tacepl Hunliay, f ir l^iuivlJIa and Reading,

K4. A* M. daily for (JeH*va, Jdwhaater HnfRilek Niagara Fellt. HUKnHnhm Jirldgo and the Wvit, and iirincljutl IoloI [toiiiu. dlaltis ear tu Wilkes ‘ X’ttJJman fNirhir oar to Huffalu.

1[iir A.'M. dally, eift^uLfr.mulay, for UMCk Ckeak anil In te r ' " puiniv C\mn*«lont fbr Heading«tid lUrrfebirrg |

IShW iv M. dally, o.vcwrt Sunday, (hr K Imln ami all latermedlate Mniloo' . ('ouneoUpru for Potto vlU*end Heading, cDalTftrar to Hkeebarre.

1.83 P. >1. daUy. vaiept .'^uiiday, for l,*and& Junolloii and prlncicial ioturMiwMAt* atafiouh ; PiUl- maii UuFTliC Parlur Car lo VVlIkeibarre iconsieoiiolt lor Futievill*, »

1.1B p. X .daily, eaeepi Sunday, (hr i»oulk Mal»> d tia and imermusiUt* alatumt,

M ftp. M. dally for Eoitoii and ta tem edb l* i t o . ttofli

0.W P. M. dally laanilaTa •.,11 P, ftl.) fet Uoffldix MacaTa./al^a aud ail pefntA Wait, Pullman llwjwr^ veailbule litdn, Vurk to l:Ii Ic o n , eleeper t# BulTklo; nMimxMluna for i eadlngaad llarrlohorg.

*.UP* M. d(Uljrreii.vpMik)iMlay* ferMauckCiiuirik end liittrtuedlate rtatiuna

0.M P. M. dally lor lltiaca. ffeneva, RochOeKB Buffkiu, Niagara • alia aud all pulnia We.^L PuU> man aieepfra to C k lo i|o aed Huffkio. CkoU *al N«w Yurk*i> WiikoAbarm (w**lt deyi).

Additional eumtey iralna 11.36 A. M* lor Maoek Chiink and PoiiavlJu and oil Intermadlate i t* (luna

'riekeu atMi ru llm in Hceonrtwndafluiift a t f m » ' aylvaola noHnM Depot and 79* Broad

in*N ew .York 'im naier L'ompaoy willoall Ibt ohd hhWft toggiige f to u kOM pr n oM iu to i' todMUiiailau.

i i iw i nor

T *

6 N EW A H K E V E N IN G NEWfS. T U E SD A Y , J G N E iiti.


STATEHOUSE COMMISSION.b ia w n u m mill Ui» f«i»«iu»nr».«..OoT-

MMT Claim—A Haatln,: toAdjitot All ttlaillMlaOitaiiillDfft.

J'lna -Tlw'rt* ha* loom a hitch 1b tbo Ni«ft*mi*» (Vanniloitiin, ami lliti la whT thi. liomipcrallc Ulairmi nn.lotbm aljouf. the fililtia ware n.it ellmiilmMla* loan a t Mr. Ilonnell awuinnd contrul of th* hulldlciK aihl KToiinJ*. The hitch hn* how betwwm lhi> U.ivcrnor ami Comiilpnller HanflDck, pnocijiaitj, hut Tr*a*iir<T Moaln, whU* taking nn active part, haa khIh I with hi* KapiihUivin i-allca|ii«. The trouhlo cam* about over the dittrlbuthm of the nfflcov.

The Chivernnr nay* he it nuo-thlr'l of tb* cnoinilttion ami hethould haoie oumthlril of the *l*ty or neventT cmjilojre*, ami Im pro- eatdati lu ilo tomHof th" uainiDf. Cniuptrol- lar Hancock, tail] be couli! not tUiiil Hint, and while he waa willing to a<lniit that tlm OoTernor wa« ooe-thinl of tbo coniniiaaion. be dkl not think he ahoiild have ont-thlrd of th* appoinliimntii, bpiwuwihe inicut of the law waaU) give tlio tto)Hil>Iicun> rautrol of aitaln.

A t on* time the Coniptrnllor and Tnoia- Urer, It waa taid, wonlii act uiem thn ma- JorHjr ruia and priveed todiainiaa atnl eiii- ploj without cim uhing the Uoverriur; Imt Jual atm it thl» time aoin* one iiitere»t«l m tb* tidijecl called ujion tlie Attom*T-(l™- anil, and In km time altmat than It tnkie. to te l It th 'rn waa an ufflcii^ opinion In the Eiaetitire ('haniher, In which It wo* held that It reiluirod llie eommiit of all llinw of tb* Htalohuuao Iioiiimlwionera to do an)* Itgal act. Thia put a atoii to apteiintmeuta wtlbcait tho approval of tlie tlovcrnor.

Bnt It did more than that. It idianm l the aotlre plana of Uv nuiniiiiaaioii. I t luul bteo tb* cuatom from tlie ilar of th* ap- poinUuent of i'uaPKlian llonmdl Pi }iemilt Dim to mak* anch puri^haaan an ware nwi*ea- aary and oettify the hillii to th* Tceaaurer lUKter Ibe aame plan aa that iwriieil out by ihipeidntondent Kurd. Hut a* aoou aa thn AttorDay-Uaueral'i opinion arrlvtvl Treoa- urar Hwaln rafuaed Pi pay any hllla not algnod aiul approved by tlio antliv (vnimila- aPiA, anil Mr. Honnell waa Inatrmkeil Pi tirat lacure ao oivlcr la>fore uiaking any pur- chaaiia.

Eaiih Wll contracteil hy Iho cuatodlan waa lakl baton the coiimiualon acpnralely, and It It aidd that when a bill waa praaeutail for tbtrty-one omU tin Oovanior again Paik up th* Atturmey.UeiK'ral't o|iluluu, ami after a tnnro oarafiil axainloalloo deidded that a majority ot tb* Htatehouaerunuiiltalon muild carry on butlaeaa lb« aain* aa any other ouiu- mlauaa.

“ If that li tb* caae a majority can lUI thn oOcea, too,” aald (Jumptrulier Uaniwk, lint tb* Uuvemor waa not lo aure of thia, and b* daolarad that lie would ure|iare a rfwilutlon latiruottng or emiaiwerlug Cuatmllaii Mon- Dell to make all necoMary purobaan lu future whhout th* formality of an order fniiii the en lln oaminlBBliai,

Tbs slate for nUlng tbe potlUon* to ti* vacated a t th* CapiPil haa alreaiW been a r r a a ^ . Newark got the plum fur Mr. Bonoril aod now Traiipin la to come lu tor bar thara. Mouth Jeraey will be given tbe dieletaot Cuatodiaiuhip ami eai‘b of the

ward* of TreuPm will he giveu a I to place a worker on the Htate'a pay-

. roU. T han la to he a ntmtlng of the emn* m M on late tbi* afternoon, and It la nut tui-

aide that the dilftreiice* wtli be aiP


Ikrrldcd I'poti by fti#i ( aiHtiUuttiMlftl

BTATFUni i+it, Tri*nton, Jun» - T l» ('oiifttttuUuua] roaiin(«ii)n to irvuM the Juiiloi&l nyft*m of Uk* SUte m**t » t thnStAtf^ lioiiH* to-ilay with Tery nearly a full attaml-

AT THE »TATK CAWI* OHOUNni.General HewcM anil KtnfTVlaU Aeaflirt on

» Tour of |na4H'rllon.Hprr'ial V> th* Kvbnin(1 *\kwk.

Hka Uinr. J»iw onramp-iricat war® GHnitailr opwnwd y*of*r'day for lb* Mawm «f Uan*ral W illlaiu J . Hewall flQd arttir arrived at luon and Affettt Um aftrrBrKJii at tho t-aiiip wittaK* *11*-

diitillt ronihekiinl with th* animal eiv < raiii|Hn(nit whieh will oonimeno* «ii Katur- | aiK**,day» July 14. aniltfMJlinu* on* '■eek, B*v* i Tl»* pr*(»o*Ulon relating to thenew «>m - *ral mwid»ri nf then^im ental vtalT' p«»i!tlon r.f tlk* Court of I'anhui* th*nf the Hm.iiud hrigail* wer* jironraV, among j flr«f aubjrft taken up fur roDRllcration.

~~ . ^ prop^aitiun aa aubmittt'd by AUaaj U Ml llerntott waa that the ( ‘ourt ' In qiifftion ahould otkuaiit of tbe GuTernor, i the Chaiw eltor, the Al1«rn»*y i»en*ral, the ! Hnrretury of HtatA lb* L‘nuiiJtrv>llw and tin* I htatH Trea*um'.I alulm U. Kean tuovtvl an ameudment ao ! that tlie pru^Mwitiuo ihould read that tbe

tbi'iji iWng Cdoiif) Kn*pr. t ’olimel f^rly aud Cohutel Georg* K*lton. Mayor Wai»*r. Ilf Jeraey City, Uirew ahM* hualtieai and (xili*

and apTiit theilay althe<‘minp. tiiiarl*!'- jnaaler-GeBera! ihumeliy arul Majordlanenil Joaejdi \V. Eluine wertahw amoug the tiii- ton .

wobiland a dOMu or two d tbe okt eiunlfiyea

M lfU d th a t their terrloea will not l« re- qiiired after tide month. I t ia Mttied that twMping cbangM vlU b* tnac^ by July I,


Dlurxr wai Mirval a t the IVach Houa*, after whitih tbe ruiii|tauy reluni* i to the oaiupaud hald an informal riiwtbig. Tli* camu w tli undrr tb* atrkJleit of military dlM'lplitMI dllN aPAAUn.

I A biur uf hiijieutmn wan ma>l* over th*{' ;roundH| and ererythiDg waa fuuuil in excel* ent L-uudltlon. Tfa*Kraia baa benu cut aud

i almuet all remuetd from th* ll*l(b aod ; alreatty tbe work of rratim g th* t*uU baa lie»*n IjOiuii by Captain Mi'KeU'bnuy and bl» force of men Tbe feature which attraota MKMt altfidimi and wblcb waa iti«|iK'tu«l m»«t fully yfHU*r«lay wn* the new and Ifraiitlfuli chibhim-Mp which ha* been *rt*(*tHd nu tli* h«w*p j>ortion <if the Held near Ih* lak* by llw> Slate lUll* AMnclalloD. I t l i flU* i up with every cunvehieuo* aud will la? r*a«ly for

od-uiAuvcy M\Ma the arrival of th* rlHcajvu for tne ivaKUi’a niat4‘b*a

IKuifral liinl W. Hponoer. ln4|te«'top of Hits* Pra<.’tU’ev waaona of tbe viekiurv a t tbu rang* yeeterilav aftrrtirMjn, Captain Ib>i1- welJ and a numlier of men are ftt wurli there

rttlng tb* piac* m r*adiM«i for Ibe momou. tftar the tour of ioi|ie(diou tbe viiltora ro*

tiirneil to tbe rottage and enJojM tbe cool *oa breet* uutil their doriarturn on Uieevru itig tra il. _ _ _ _ _WHY COEHNEIc iK IltW HKHlONED.IIb Fulnlled a Threat Made When Andrr-

•OB YV'ai Numitiatedt 8p*rlal to tbe Rvinlira Niwo.

Thantoiv, June 2t!,—Henator William H. Hkirnu of thi* rouutyp who baa **ut U» Gen­eral W, J. bewell hi* rtNignation *a('uionel of the Hoveiith itrgiineiit, N. U. S. J., t* detenmneil that hla rtalgmitioii abali ba arcepttd, for be My* h* Iim fully made up hU miml nut to go to Girt nacampmeiit unJulyK . Tb* Colonrl'e riwignatlou wa* jiUced iu th* potMaeinii of General Sewell niirfog tbe excite J raudidacy of Major J. Amlerwon for KtaU iThmu Sii|ierviaur

Senator Mhirio ruatl* a tight againat Ih* ronflrmatlon of tlie Major and he thrrateued time ami again tni realgu frutn th* National Guard If iMiiicral Sewell pcraistrl In oraiiuning down hli throat,*^ ** Senator Hklrni put it, a man be <tid not want. Tbe other Hunator« recognixeii tbe Major’* worth, and be wa* ('onBrineti without K*>nator Skirin'M vote, and that Natiie uigbt tbe Colouel wrote out bl* renlgnatloD*

Senator Sktmi haa another year in tlie Renate, and Geaeral Sewell is a candidate for Uolted State* Henate. Senatur Kldrni, it i* claiioail, coubl nut bo defeated Id tbi* county for re-elertion, even ebcnild h* decide to oppoM General S*weU for tbe Uniteit State* SenatorNhip.

proiiC o u r t n f I 'a n io n i :«houi(| coumU I of th e G u v em o r, tbe C haucello r, a u d tb e t l i r r e w u lo r m em ber* of tb e C o u r t n f E rro r* . T b is-am ciiiim ent w avvo ttsl dow n, b u t a n o th e r by e i-G u v e rn o r Ludlow wa* adop ted , Rt.Hklng from tb e o r i |m a l profwv •U )ou th e wnnlii " T b e C iH m itrnller an d tbe S ta te Trcaaun-r.'* T h* w n r i M im rt* ' wa* al»o by am en d m en t Ktrickeo from th e pro}Mv > i t i o u 'a n d tb e w urd " b u a rd '^ *ulM tituted tlMTcfor.

" T h a tr ib u n a l,” *aW A tto rn e v G en era l S to 'k to Q , *' lx n o t a o o u rt In a n y wij.-ve, aa i t {Mk-kM** U|»on noquentlun* of law . I t I'onald* er* th e e lem ent of inerev in k'a Ani, an d ItHteii*, aa a board , to appeal* fo r th * exerciv* o f d i 'in e u c y ."

'I'be pru|K)#Ulon th a t th a Di'iard o f P nrdoua etwkutil rou*i* t of tb* G overnor, llie A tto m ey - G eiierai an d tlie C hancello r wa* theu a < lo p t^ b y a v o te of 11 lo 4.

M r. M eD ern io tt olTerad a propo*lttoD th a t th e c o u r t o f final ra a u rt ulmil !•« doaig- n a te d a* th* S upran i* C o u rt; th a t th e re •h a l l lie a S u p e rio r C ou rt, of n iu eJuitGcea, to * it In th re e divjMlon.>k tiHi C o u rt a m i ft* dlvliioti* to Im* w itho rig in a l JurlRdlctioD-Huad U iat tbrn< *ball ti* Cin-uH l.'ou rta held by Mingle ahul^i's o f tb* S ii(w rfur C<jurt in eaun ro u u tv of tho S ta te . M r. M cD erm o tt in adi>u'ns*iou th a t ctiHued clal)orat«Ml tbl* aclicmo. IL n idea of d iv id in g th e S u ]ien o r C o u rt in tl ia t ii m ay a il iu H ire* d iffe re n t cltle* a t th e wiinc tim e. H ie pro|»uflltlun wa* fina lly tab icil m ilU n e x t tn re ttu g .

KY-niNHirL HE LANDFor Many Year* the tn l l rd Htate* Rep*

rearnlatlv* a t Vuti Chow.N r w Y oh k , J u n e Z 6 .^M . i i . D* leano,

w ho d ied in th ia c ity ou S unday m o n iin g i wa* a n a t iv e o f tlii* S tate , bln h ir tb p lac e bein g n e a r U’a ta rb jw n . In the v ig o r of y o u n g m iuihood lie rem o v n i to t.'hlcago, w h ere be wa« engagm l iu bu*inovi fo r •ev c ra l year*, b u t a b o u t 1H«1|, ow ing to fa ll­in g h ea lth , re m o v a l to Denver, w h ere h« ra p id ly lM.H‘a in e p rom ineftt and a b o u t llld l wa* cbirrwQ M ayor o f tho city , fllliug the oflioc h o n o ra b ly fo r m ore than fo u r year*. In th is tim e h e bad th* pltvwure of wolooiu- in g U enom l (v ra a t am i G eneral S hernm n , f rw h fro m th e vicToriou* eli*»w of th e w ar, a n d o f e n te r ta in in g th em aa gue*U u f tho d ty .

1^0^ I V n id e n t G ra n t appo in ted h im

T v lM E aa Over a« a Crtraalaf ami Cruahad tn I^vath.

TmiaAiTD, June W,—A aad aeddout OB' em m d a t th* Grant avenue orpaMug of tbe W «elJvraay Railroad ywtenlay afteroouii, when tb* Cap* May aocnminmlattoa ran over aod killed Cbarle* !<. Ruck’a twenty^ not Inniithe nil twli*a Cbarlle and Anuie* Boeii la a farmer living near the raiiromi, above Bonth Vineland blaUoo, and tb* babl*a kaTing eacaptMl tb* watchful eye of tb* motbar, waod*r*dj>ut qu to thetrauW to play. To* father wa* working behind th* ao im a t tn* titme. Miealng th* Uttl* onra, th* no tber « t an older ^ bodtbiai, bot tk* Ird v e d Ji»*t in t m to are tba train ^ tb a r ia g up tbe mutilated r ^

Charley baea caoght nn<l*r the pilot gad, the wheal* paMlng over bim, bornbt; iMDfled the iltu* body,'tbe pi*oea of wbic Imd b*gathered up la a baaket, The btile girl^a body waa aearoely brniiM and loi>kerl ■0 Ufabk* th a t the nearly frautlc mother in- iteted that her b a^ ;M |C T i|2i v l aud would not permit the tr im nunu Co tw o v e the re- maina

The track a t the plac* of tho accident li without a curve for aeveral mil«s and JameH Band, the englnoer, laid be *aw eometblng white on the track when he waa half a mile away, but did not di*r>over that the little fluttering bita of white were petticoat* iu- atead of papar,uB|*Lku w |u. y^rv B* then r*v«t«af nlTeiMBe and p a t wa the brakfo, but It waa too uitc, aud the twitta w * r* « tru c k )d ild iM y wero I t lp p tlf over the ra ii

Tw a aheletona fnearthe il by W nrkn«ii. Sperlal to tho Evairmu Ttiwa.

Bilv id k be , Juno While making ex* cavatioua for a hou*o ou Wall street, near the Delaware River, in this place, on Hatiir* day, workmen unearthed two fekeleton* of human btiiig*, one supposed to be that of a man and ibo other a* w o m tn .. Theytwim bailed a t th* deiAh of three or four fi>*t and had been eDca*eia in a I'offln or rude box, aa naiki were alio fouu<l. The skull* were per-

were Well•rred . Ol3 reeidenU «ay th a t forty or

TllOl.I.EV AND FltKIGIfT COIXIDR.Nari^iw Ksrape of PMsangar* from Heath

a t a Chicago CroMlng*CricaCIO, JuueUQ.-'dlreat lu** of Ufa was

narrowly averted ytfterday afternoon a t Michigan avenue and One Hundred ainl Sis- teentb street. A combination of the grade crtMsingand the tro ll* / nyitem dashed a Calumet electric railway car into a moving Chicago and £a*tem Ullnois freight train. The electric car was wrecked. All tb* pas- ■engen were ahakan up or braised, but only two were batlly Injured. They were: Devii, condnetor. severely cut and head bruisei), and Mrs. Ltpai, whose head was bruised audr j ^ t aukl* s jira li^ .

fTke escape of 'to*

' feet and, etrauge to *ay, tbe teeth were well preserved. Ola -i - - - -forty-flve year* ago some fwrson* difvi in nn old hut on tho bank of the Delaware, and tha t their relatives burled thoin iu the eni- baakment. <.li}ier« aver that the remain* were buried on what'wn* uace the site uf nn Indian village, where the red man held hit carnival, ana that th* bones are thoMO c»f tho noble sons of tb* furuAt. Stone tomahawk*, axea, spears and arrow-baaiD have beou found in this vidulty by the ecMiD. '

O radnaiea »f the Atatn Anltool#, Trcnton, JuoeliH.—Thetiaccaiaureato iuL

dre«* wa* made before the gnuluatitig cUkkc* a t the State Normal and Model School* last evening by Rev. Uul>ert Stuart Mac Artimr

. of New York. The auditorium wa* hand- •omelv deeorahkl in orange and blue, llm ochool color*, an<l prcsentMl a pretty appear anoe. The excrciniM upimud with a bnm i uy the school*. foUowwl by a s'Tiptura Icsvm

• read by Huv. J. K. Smiih, t ^ to r of tb* . 8 tat« Street M. K. Uburch. and prayer by

Kev. 8 - M, Studdiford, of the Third f'resby- terian Church. Mr. MacArlbur took n* Ids eub|M!t: "Some EleinentH of True Snc<'esK.'* Tbe Bxerciiee? closed with the singing of ar n and the pronouuciug of tbe________ _______

XnnrJfrmfi vfi/r kyia U* rtnt or rouiiM oiOvrHm 0i /'V }>'K HW, fHuy Aimim ihtu

fkoa/t/J h>a- Uutrrjor u'Jyi/ J/Wtr m Hi l/rt.

R tirlcd a Jiomb nt a llmien. BiRViNaiiAM, Ala., Juno ‘Jd.—At Mabel

Mine* Sunday night unknown ppriion* hurlci a dynamite l^ inb at the bouM'uf Heujatnin Moore, a Btrikur, who hud rK-tmily roturiuNl to worlf. The IkjiiiIi wiw alemsl a t Gm win dow and wa* doubtlcK.4 intciid<*l to be nx-

Eluded in the house ku aHU> kill tbe ■x'K upatil, ut it struck the window sill, exploding on

tlie uuUido and arix'ktng the building. Jt bappeiuHl tliat Moore and hU family were at church aud no mm was lujured. TliU is the second houiK> that buh bteii dyiiarniteil in that locality witiun fivedayH, mix non-union miners having bt'ou wutiuded the llrbt time,

A Gulflt f.ymdiing In Giiorgla* Savannah, Ga., .limelid.- Fayette Frank­

lin, a negro, Kevcntct-n years of age, was nr- res to d iu MiU'boll roim iy ISunday morning ch a rg e d with felonious (i*»uuH on tw o white women in Decatur and Mitchell ixmuties. When Sheriir Hiiikc went to dinner a t tli* lion>* of oue of tJie uegrn'a vUTinis, he chameil bis pri.icmcr to tlw I'Uggy in wlirt'h he was taking him to jtul. Whil* tbeRheritf was eating, 2UH mou tcH)k the negro into tlm woods, aud bo bn* not been hc«u since. Hi was undoubtedly lynclicd, TIioacrUHod was identjflefl by one ot bln Tlctini*.

W OM EN IN 8 0 C IE T Yn«*d Uin ttnnt^benlug »upport of m-

graoral toolc ami iwrvTne.Are ju u weak, uervuiit, or ailing t Tlicn

P r, Plaroe', FaTorite l^rawiiption briug* ' " AelloaUi woiDpa, f(vr

I an fUa durai.gemeiit«, diwodenL oihI ills- coiee of tbe lex, It louK-ui'e pain and re- UeTct ■leeplarooB), bookachs and Iworing' down eeniatioDi. The tart-cM of “ PaTorito nw nrlp tion ’’ in caring all the functional deningemMili, painful uiaordera, and chronic weakneaoea of women, warrant ita ntakerf

'In muiratiteeing I t Tour m onej ii re- turned it no bonetlt If received.

Mine LibbiR M. Hkntv IBBOX, of kwrinufitki, S. Dakota., wntce: I ten- nnt nnr enouah for your Dr, Phifcc’e KHTOrito IYneri|4Iao. F o rfean I eulfcied from liregu- laiity and uterine Ds-

kbllitr, hut now 1 feel M fwtU u I ever did In I m)-life. T luiikftovou

for your' Pavortte Pre­mia HBimiitaii- Mxiptloo.'"PNERCE-GfrCimE.

1 escape o f ' to* othfr paswager* f r tm . m Hohs Injury or death was almuAt inlracn- lous. At the point where the aiTideut took piac* th*r* it a deHrled down grade in th* tTAelu of tb* electric road toward th* rail­way crossing. Mr, Ott, motorinan of the electric car, saw th* approaching freight train and tried to stoii his car a t the top of tbe graile, about on* nuudrwl feet from th* cfijiltg# xtousuAikt <HTf > n i i o l to* tantkto fffwd to hold. Ott saw that hfi car would meet th* engine or itrlk* the train anyhow. He called to the paHciigort to jump. For­tunately It WM an upon car, from which the paw*ngerK rouhl throw themselvee without waiting to struggle through a door. Nearly all were thrown down aud briHied aa they jumped. __________

,qi^rOHlN» TIIK TUDLLEV.Trvkftoalani Du N*t Want a **Orldlroa*'

and Are Going to Protest.Bpedal to the Ev'iNnia News.

Tbrntur, J udo 36.—Csrtam citlsfoa ot th n place are waging a vigorou* war Against a plan of tbe local street railway company to Bfcmw tbe right to certain switching prlvt- legefi a t the intertectJoii of Broad and Htato *tr<M*ta.

Th* plan is to make the central part of the InturaecUun look like Broad and Market Btreeta, Newark, with tbe additiuu that switches arc wanted at all (MirnerB, iitshiad of a t only one, the nurtU*A*t-, a* in Newark, and the upponeuts uf th( Hcheiiie have callt*d the pn«}K)Heil traok-syttom a gridiron. When mnpiMkd out it certainly looks very much like that often well-warnicd article.

The Uonminn Council Im* Uxm applied tu fur a fnmrblHe fur iho privilege to emutmut the switebAa, and tbe application wa* r«- fcrriMl to thfl Oniiiiauce UfKiniiitP'*. The

Aleuts of th* scheme hare inducsl the cunnuittoe to call a i»ubllc meeting for t<v* iinuTow night, when tbe cilixeii* will Ik» giveu An opportunity to tell why the plan i* objiytol to. The op|kU4iiinn he* l»oen so nit- tor that It is expnutot tliat a largocrowd will la* preucuc

MoiitAiiB Pupuliit* lu CuUTentlikn.Hki.kna, June 3rt.- 'i'ho I'opulUt

Stale cunTBUtluii ni DtM'P L<xlge vi-stenlny uomiiialed Uoben H. Smith, of neloiia, for C'ungreeii, and it, IV. IbHiyes, of Missoula, fur Siiprenie Court Judge. The platform declare* for frw,* c'uHmgu of •llvi"r: dfuiouiices trust* aud cumblnatiun* and itMUaiU'euf iu- tormt-lienrlDg Umds; ^leciares Against Na- tiujuil tiAtik*; favor* jmsinl savingH lumL* niid Government control and ownership of raibfMtdn; demiiiiilK iuurraKi) Iti {kcr capito cii'oulfttlon of At Uvast rtfty [xt itu i. ; favor* in(v*nie tax, and opfHjaeK the iiaupi^r immigrtttton aud alien uwnorAhlp o/ land; favors eloLTloii of Dreiiident and \ ice-Fresh ileiit and UtilUsl HtM4>* Senrit-jurii by dirtsT vole of llio pt'ople; divlnren against isiuviet lalhir, and fAvorn conetitutlanal ainmidnseiit iirovidina; for Iho wlopilun uf JnUialivo »ud Uuforenilnm,

Wiirk of VaMaIr'i Graml Jury.Pateurin, June ‘JtV—The GrAudJuryof

tho April Urm isf thn Panaalc County oiurta flniahisl Jt* laLiont ycstorday amJ was dl*- ciiarged- Among the indicUnetitH were bilU ugainst ChArles A. Doobhior, the Allegwi Aiwirehiid. for wndlug n threatening letter tu Jacoli M'ieiiniAnu, a ilychhou propHeUir, aod for iilui'inK a dynamite la»in1» Agaiunt the house i.»f Wilimm Strange, silk iiumufai'turcr

I Aiid prf.>sidi*atof tUePatortMiu Board of Trade, during th« itrike last April. IridlctmentJi wereubo found agaluRt “ Dr.’* UaiMa Mim- tague and Mrs. Williamson and Atm. Hud- etiii, initlwlveH, for crmuiml iimipractice. The Grand Jury found pnsonlnuuits sgaiiiat the Patoraon Board uf Aldermen for Ap|kOiiit- ing inefficient taau as sewrr iiis|Hs:‘tor* for ^illtical purpoKus and keeping a Biiliiling liiK|)actor In oltlce who negUn'ta hi* duty and oiidungei’* tnany live* thereby.

cit .CoDHul a t Foo Chow, ChiiMi, w ‘ich post h* tilled with ability for eleven yi-ant. He re­turned to iho HiilteJ Stales in iNStj nud lui* eiuce lived most of th* time iu this city. For many iiHinths he suffereil from a wasting and painful illiMfis, which he eiidurc.l with herojc fortitude. IT* leaves a widow. Tlie funeral Ncrvlee* ore t<i Im< held at hta home, !116 W wt One Hundnsl nml Nmetoeutb street, this aftoraoon a t Z o'ldock.

PASTOR BCriniKirH ClUiNAUE.The Je rsey City P allo r Tell* e f Alleged

Poll** Prot«*cG>kn to <feuA)]«rs«J erhkt Citt , Jimo 3d.-The Uav. John L.

ScaddeTf poitor of tho Tabernacle, ha* cre- atoil lonieibing of a »«n*ation by an am nouDcement that one of tbe four gamblers whose placet he caumhI to be raided two weeks agu told him that he bad paid money to a police ofik'iai for proter-tion. Dr. Head- der vliiUd police liwUiuarter* this moming and gave Chief Murptiy the name of bis in- fortnant w well a* otbir Information In ref­erence to disorderly houieii in the vicinity of the Tabernacle. Chief Murfiliy is making an Investigation.

The gambling house* raidiMl through the ' effort* of Dr. IS^uidder were all lucatol In Captain Farrier'a pmrlm't, in tbe lower Moctlon of the city. Dr. Bcudder Iny- tnatoi that Captain Farrier has knowledge*of wb«re th* iwotaiTiott money w ent Captain Fail'iei ikmles this and declare* there are no disorderly honses or gambling den* In his precinct. Heitay* Dr. Bcudder is a sensa- tionalist.

AN HEROIC HOY,A lbert Smith RBvm a Sevcn-year-old Olrl

from Itoliig Hurned to Death. Special Dispatch to the Nbw'H.

Bvri.inhton, June 26.—Little Florence EhilAy, the aeven-yoar-old daughter uf Jckhn Elsley, was seriously burned this morning, but «Bcape<l d«<atb through the heroic aud prompt action of Albert Kinith, son of Jason Smith, who is but; a few years older than the little p r l .

Florencfl wa-4 playing with a paper she bad ■et on fire in tlie Hln'Ct. Her tVew becamen tod and she VTAH instantly enveloped in

M. The Hniitfa Itoy saw th* child and taking off his cuHt he rushed toward her and w r a p j^ it nroiiuH her body. This amotli- ered the flumes nrul undoubtedly eav ef the little iprl from A humble death. She was badly buruci] Imt will live.

TWO AI»|*01NTRDvC harles DeKii)' at ISfrlla and W illJam Ilf.

I.itllr at TpgiirJgtilpa.TiVaftHiNdTuN, .Iiiiiu Lli.—The President

to d ay sent tu th* .Siumto the following nutu- inatioDs:

Charles DcKrt, of New York, tolieCon- snldleneral uf ihn I 'n ite d S tu toa at Berlin, Germany.

William M. I.ittlc, of North Carolina, to \» Consul of till) ruitCkl Blatoe at Teguui- gal(ia, Huoiluras.

Thr j\Kn\sm th- tt.fr rajtiti'irj/. The i >.iiliiittv to H*i tf prof,'

IjTMaw Citliiinlll..- Ht Work A|c>ln.Nkw York, j IIIlf. .vl. Tlio Hvnato

IiiveKltgattuK L'lmiinilt.'.' ri.minie<i iln labuni tliiit LitoruiiiK- It Is J ii[iutr.'il that tuM).«-tor William* will lh‘ i-iilli-l Ix'fore ibn ailjinirn- mviit. tako. |ila<-<i iiinl it n'tll lx- u <-ar.i) of lii'V.*lE moPtiu;, tlri.-lt in li.-n Mr. tlolf wants to Toll ull ho krtows tihiiitl tlir- fiiilirfl (Ippart- nii-iit of flow Ynrk. I'x riilli-ot ‘nmmissiouvr Hl.-frlian H, Krom-h ninv iilwi lio lieat-il on tha atnml. it la sni-l tlirO I'haintiau l.exnw h;i, IssMi In rvovi|.l of tliri-iit.-nino lattar. almost ilnily. Ho. lHiwr.vor, lii-oi-'s Unit nuoh 1* tlio fai’t. Tlia ratlu-r sij-1.1,-11 iPtuni of Uii-lmr.t t'rokar wan not hy tin- i-ommilU-p,Ho will not m-rivo in imvii in Inna t.i lie oallati, Mr, liolT is vi-ry rollnint ns to what his IntontlouH are lowarii .Mr. t'rolicr.

Attoiii|.tad Wife Mnrctar mmt Biitridn.Ciin-Auiv Jnno -.t!.—Aftor a ton ilays'

sjinie Jowph Mistorninii, an anoil (larmau, wciuiiil nil hUorgia iHit night hv ontting hi. wife noroM tho abilim]4in ao that lior 1k.woJ. Iirotrutloil. After attomptlng tho livofl of t«onion,N lok Mlllor an.l W illmni Taylor, who lived with him, ba drew IiIh hnifa ni-nui hi. own alHlotiion, iunii-ting n twrlva-iiu-U wound. When tha imlloe arrived tlio iiiim and the woniiui wore laying nni-nnsoitiui on tha flonr. They were taken t.i .Mejrr Htw- pit&t and both will die. On., of the tenanti was badlyVut In the toot by the eraa'il wlfo- iniirilerei'. He had often tbreatciKHl the life of liu wife.

Given a Coat of Tar anil l-'tatheri.Halkm, Nbb., Juno M.—A crowd of about

twciity-fivo au-n tovik Martin Tliay.-r, a young man, from the ntreete of Bukmi lu tho fair grouuil. Wunday night, whom thoy ■tri|)[xsl him of his rlotlilug and oiiplied a libi-ral isMl Ilf ta r and feiithcrs, and warnvd him never to again make his a|>|wariiuro iu this town. Tho day before this young follow lonl allowed his agwl and invaliii father to ba token to the jioorhonse ot the county while lie was known to have hod nearly H(K1 in his pueHHiun during tho week.

MOVING TtIK f 'l I I I 'l ’KWAI.Tha f a i l lllte , a . Ferfurm ed h j the Rem-

iiaiit. of Iho Tribe,Prom Ilia M Ioneapolti Journal.

The t'liljipeera Indian baa left hit liauQte in this, hla favorite cam ping ground—forever. The Indian agent ar­rived at the Chengwalana Kokegama, near Hinckley, Minn., a few day i ago and pereuaded the rem ainder of a onoe famoiii tribe to remove to W hite E arth Uerorva- tton. It roiiuired all th e Induce m enu th# Qovernmenl repreaenlatlve could olTer to p e n u id c the people to go.

Pol lowing a cuatom th a t has been In vogue with the Indian since the white man i ln t invaded hia hnunla, they held what might be oonaidered a farewell pow­wow on the banka of Lake Pokegaina. Wednesday morning birch bark canoei 'were seen gilding swiftly along to the Ipcit where tha Cnlppew a MiHlon woe ee- Ubiitlied and where tbe flrit p rin ting waa done In th ii Htale. A t an hour before niiisct the place waa iw arm lng with cop­per-colored Indiana and ton-faced half- breeds.

A large num ber o f white people were also prcK ot to witneaa th e atrange eere- tnuny ot leave-taking. An old squaw, Pi-a-glc, bent with age, w a, seated upon n small mound t around her were congre­gated the tribe. Not a sound was uttered for a quarter o f an hour, save tbe croon­ing of the w rlnklsd old woman who foiled tbe sinking sun; the others But with tb s lr faces tow ard the eas t Aa the last o f tbe g littering sun waa fodlng ftom view a little papoose, e t B ilgn from Pl-a-glc, brought a cone-abaped bark veroel fllled with roots o f cedar trees and dried grass and leaves from the n a v e s near th e old mlsalon. This waa lighted, and aa tbs ■moke and flames rose in the a ir the v o id nf the old squaw waa raised to a wall. The aaaemblage soon took up tbe death chant of tb e Indian—a weird, wild, un­canny aound and doleful In the extrem a. The chant was continued for Bfteen min­utes, when tb s leader beckoned on old man lo her aide. He was Kylvester, the chief. The chanting ceased, and tb e old w arrior addresaed, in Clilppewa, the amatl rem nant of a once targe band. An interpreter told your oorre.,paDdent w hat tbe old chief sain :

o The sun a inksond th e m onndaof our fathcra are dark. The great W hite Father sends his aon to ua, and we move from their graves. H ere we m et and fought theH lou i; here our children learned of th eU rea t HpIriU Peace Is everyw here; the white man would have us in battle no more. The pole face says it la good for ua logo. We go to ano ther land. We iBccp on the graven of nnr brotbera. When the eun rlMS we will go from here forever."

Aa tbe old ch ie f apoke th e la it words the whole tribe u ttered an eai>iplltttng shriek, then bowed th e ir beada in ailence. The aquawi took tb e aahea from the fire and sprinkled them on the Indian gravea. Then they all aoaembled on tb e high banka and sang a liarewell song. An fn- d iansongla tndeicribable, eapaclally the tareweli. T he ir drum s w ere afterw ord brought into play, and th e old bucks beat a tom-tom while th e yonnger one. Joined in the pow-wow. A huge Are wi made and the daiicert circled around it for two honrt. T hen Pi-m-glc, w ho w a, a silent spectator, m otlouM th e drum ­mers to ailence, and the dance closed. The people stood around tb e dying fire as it in m editation, then dlaappeored from view. They had perform ed the ceremonies and bad gone.

It wes on this sam e h iito rlc and plo- tureeque spot th a t tbe decisive battloe be­tween tbe Sioux and Cblppewaa were fought.

Ovvrr fof fitirtr*/lA'f rarfkiitfs iMf fJkr A'JTFriV/hr}/uttn//u tri/, hrcnuj f>V ttiiinff t/kr /rei frr-lilln f/jTjuflflp fi |jurrA(t<PP--V ft*' itpr/Hikt

fbuJrrd H-*f! tt>r A'HJH'Si, bmiHK tkr f/t4nfattAfijj (O/tf to f/ir mutir,


iin/1 ifM rnrri-'iits iijtitn ffin (tdrrrilt^ri

I.B'tt of Dkv < < IkaihikhniHlifp fgHTno*,Nk w 1Iavk>\ i i.iiu., Juim 2li.—Th« la-st

liHA* Ia U iparmi of tiu> ti].t4 ri'u]l*i(iato cham- l/iuTi(iliip*erii*ri is Arliihlulihl lu taku plnue ut iht‘ Y'al© fleM tUiM ,'bftoi‘tn>un Vtiloanil llarvan l. Tlip virtury ov*r HarvaiNl at ru.mbritl4C* iHJ<i Thursilay givi^ color lo the Irt'Kof that Yule will win tutlay’H tam * ou tL« home griJiuolH. This is Iho rinal conl^t, fur tb* Amf‘ruii|i lutun'oUfglnte chumpioti- sliipforJWH, I'lu-re is [irmlii'Ally iio In't- tlHS on th* ganiir Vale is ffivinip oirerw of J to I with uo taki‘rs, uml is tho bet­ting market with gmilunto money. A tro- niemlou* crow■ I vu|l jwm' tho gmm*.

(tonerai It^wnUui to Trial*liUffiKiN, Jiiiiu III', In thr* < Vntral tVlin-

IfUil C^ourt ti'lil Mtuieyl UmIjiv tii* Giaml Ju ry maJe u n-tuni throwing out the bill fuiiiKt in 1li»* Ilow Htnvt I'oUco ro iin againat (toniTiil .fnhn Huwston, of fiu'iiia, chHt'Kiiuc iiini witJi tmmslmiglitor in can-sing the lionth of (imirkfe Bi'utun, hh Itinerant Jiiusli'inn, by llinistiug the feri ulo of an uuibreliti iiiVi )iis cv*.

Yale-Karvar'* Kac*.linx tu New Jvgodou fur tb* race*

___ 3 tMooIngtoh Lino a moat dflllKht-fu D y u u le t and ro itifo rU bie way to bo. Th*

icffd a « w s t* f l a teau ie r t Maine an d New B*w pier Jtt.

PaHlea* . will flttd the i

Mr. Wliuiiii KGlJi A'unn<leiit4New Y'ork, Jimn 3(i.—Erustufl 'iVlman

Bald this morning tlmi be wns isjunileiit that ‘biH iKHinAcl'M urguiiieuts would -provait un .hide;* Barrett to make his .utay noixmig a|jtH-al,^iid thtii ho would b* re- louis'd «>n iiAil. Hp rw lvcd a uiimlwr of letter* this inurniiig, he Mid, all expresain'g coufldeaoe hi-his integrity. ^

Keiilm ky's Gluitt DeadsDAlfii’lT.LK, liiil, Jim* 20.—vlohu Hancock

('rnlg. known prorcsslonally bb John Powers, the kentuckv gimii., diud ai hi* home iu this town yeitonluy. It* was a museum attrat^*

I tion io r twenty ytMUM ami WAiglied 7U0 pumid*. Ho w JLS furtydlv* yt*ars old, s

— --— -New yo rk ProhibitlujilAtn in Convention.

SYKACrruK. Juno 2C.-Tho Prohibition Btate convention wiw nalleil to ordM* in Alhaiubra Hall at 11 o’clock this moruius GImirmatJ Dowumg, of tlm Htato ('oinmlttee. ]{*v. HUmiey B. llui>ertti, of Utica, w u choBQO temporary ohairman.

■uiendid newstefl eteauiert Mais tl«mp*hlr«s In onoamluton, leave b Nurta Klver, at 6 P. M. daily.

Nortbero Peru in llebaU* Hands* BuKHf>H AYRfeB, June U reported

here th a t Northern Pwu has f a ^ n Into the baud* of tho revolutionist*.

2S» UH ‘tS. V4

ChlcHvn Oraln and Provlslan Market.The follnwiutf table gtlvea the raOtf* of prlr.es

on the Chii'Affo iTu^isluu and Grain ExcbaiiKi hH retM>rted hy C. W. Holland A Do.,

hrukera. roum.v l*radeatial Bnlidloci Upen- High- Ixjw. Cl­

ing, e*t.i Jtily......

Wheat < .........( i'riili....... i-^luly....... :I (‘a«h...... .July.......

Oati..,'L|pept.........(Tasii.......I July.........

Pork Sejn.........lO e h .........( Ju ly .......

lArd ..-(aSepi........i Cash.......

rtf) DHI4



leeo isoa1S « UBS

CI.w sohJ


liM i:


6 6T fl W

« 67 fl HU

When Bunions">■ .Tj'jjainful, and life

fniserabie, yxj'ucan put attend to the toreness by using th a t soothing ana- dyne fo r the feet, the never failing

Phanylin M iseptic Foot Lotion.

(rue* II In tk« oMkUilia Ttik •dtUoft.) n N on* ol Ull' riieeylUi AaUssptic HtautUrd rrvpar- •tIoM. "o4U pn-Miu mgaif* ftoia." "SW#

ee^fpr cUi of thm.** All an squally ntprtlo- rlvuai sll sro vnrrsntsd s*ui«My DarmUM i «I1 are pfwdsftly •• rvprvat ntsd i sM ati are pniHursd nnly by tho Pbanylln l'[jaraukosl C?owaay, Nsniifibrtqrlntf ChembtitJl} and liTWmlaKl^l*. New Y»rk City.

TO SE had at all DRU^ISTS,r e t a i l B o o t A N O j|H o if S T o r e »,

Retail DspolOOOSixth Avia,bsfw«w (Ml and MtwlBa New York City, Lsi- ■tellauir adJillefiHr CanuMjto^ Boel aail lb«e


while iLsing ticef-tca, calfs-foot je lly , and various be?f extract.s made by application of heat. T hey contain no nutrition whatever, and cannot restore vitality.


w i#a r B i B i 9 * celebrated Cuf* , fees, ws ahall aril

them on nRdnraday In quBatities from iloB puunda only, as fnlinws;

»4r. Java CoiTrr. ............ *Re, per lb.i'Ur. Breakfaat Coffee,... <llr. u*r)!to. liio C’tiffe*............... *Oe. per Ih.

T p A O Now Is the lime forlr*d tea. I E piM O n If you want somelhin* d*>

lloUiu, hnv now, eBpeclally when rou ran purrhqao at 'AK‘. per potind Uss tbau th r n-ifuiar prU'e,

Ali.kk'. Traa.................All rtlic. Teas.............................. *0r»

DwiaBliell*. Or. per packak*- Ad < ’hitories* I«. j»er packac*.

Baker'’s('ocuaa Iflc. p«rbox. A tib lisa lew * will prrstrit all pnrchiisrri

T ^ k ”* popular pajNir, “ Town

BROAD HT„ CX>R. rOMMKHCl-l Rranuh Hinres-4fl Ferry s t , cor. Union; lOB

llarrteon av*.» Harrison. K, J.j Baiter Block, HioQEoflftld. N. J.; 17V and AJ Main si., OranEe, N. j .; X88 and W Buriiatl »t„ New Brunswli\,

holds in solution the albu- moids and salts of lean raw meat, prepared by a cold proc­ess, containing the life-sus­taining and tissue-building properties of meat itself, yet in the most condensed form.

Endorsed by *5,000 physicians.For u le by oil drugglsti.


D ow n! D ow n!

Tlielmitoin alep In priws bwi been reaclied at tbia utoro ami tlioso who would learn the true value of a dollar should take advantage uf the special bargains oflored this week.

2no Men’s Hegular 120.00 Suits.200 Men's Hegular f IH.OO Suits.200 Men's Regular IIO.liO Suit*.200 Men’s Regular MO-OO Suits.

We put these suo suits together la onu tut nml ult'er choice from all for$ 10.0 0 .

rrp|lU*nt Cl*v«land*4 Statom ent €onr«rii- liiff th« National F laascea Ha* a

llencficlal Kffect on the Alarkat.Nrrw YoBJt, June 96.'-A feeling of oonfi-

denro eharacterltod ibe dealing* at DieHtock Exnbaoge this moroiogf th* direct result of Prceldent Clevelatul'* bofieful utterances publishtd this morning. The atatement that th* AdminiRtratlon will adhere to it* pledge to proto t th* National credit a t all baiards WAi mriBidered timely la view of tbe dlnap- pearing gold reserves, and certain to bate a good aod Uutlng effect both a t homo and abroad. Th* impr<Bvetaeut iu price* tbl* morning ranged from to 1% per cent.

Between 11 <ydiK!K and noun ituck.-i ruled firm. Miitouri Faclflo ami Cordage com­mon. however, were weaker for a tiiue, a*s dining to and21^reapectively. i'hicagu Gan reooveretl % to 78,^, lienerai Kl*ctnc reooded to 36. Toward noon wpeculatiou be- ('BUI* a little more active and a number of th* leading iytuei roae to the bent flgureH of tb* morning. A t noon toe market wse firm.

Trading a t tbe Btock Exchange after mid- <lay dwindled to imalt proportioUN, but the market retained toe itrengih imparted by I’rceideat CTevebuiU'a view* oil fluancial affalm. Chicago Gas was notably Arm. General Klectnc rallied tolifl‘‘-( . At 2:15 P. M. the market wa« dull and firm. The sales up to 2 P. M. were 7 4 , luted and 11,074 unUstod.

til* rauge of to-day’s pneenfor the more active stocks of the New York market are given h(v]i>w. The quotations show tbe open­ing and dosing ami the highest and lowest prii‘*!t rcMohwl by the aeourities lUtetl. The quotalioni are from the New Y’ork I'^xcbauge i and are reijortol to the N*ws tlirougli WiTi- ; lam Linn .Allen Ac Ca, stock brukriH, 310 Broad street, Htate Hank Building, this city, and Orange National Bank, Orange;

Ojpon- High- Clot-N.J.OeutTal ............. 1 ( ^1M.& lluti............. liaiMDel., l>Kck. & Went... __Phila. A Beading......GruriU .Sou(hern.... .

a . (’. A S*. ]..........Luke Hljor*.................Mirtilimii t'en tra i.,...N. V. (Viilral............A.,T,x<- H. F ...............l \ . B. V......................

M, iSi S;. i ’an l.......i ‘hi.iV N. W .......... .D., II. I. A 1’Ki‘iflc...,.lllliioiH I Vtitral...........MlHSonrl I'sdilf.........I.,ou1svBIpA Nu.shvilieI’liiou l'Hcirtc...,v......Pacific >lRil.........^V*^^*rtl I f l i j jMhnliHitati................. 114:N. V. it N. kiig.........

DiiUrlo A Wealern,.,,W(ih«fi|j, Mt, L. Pac...Wnb., S|- lj. A Phc. i>rI'pxas Pacific..............Uicli. A WtiRi point..NurUuirn Pudflc.......Ncrlhcrn PrcIIIc p r .,AtmT-Gul. Dll..........Amcr. Cot. Dll i»r......Ntirili Amurii'uM,C'hjcHgn • W ...............r , S, CordHgi*.............Amcr. Mig, Bcf. I'o...National U-ad............Hilvcr ronirti-a!*H ....Biimi.iV WtfRUirn........Siihq. At \Walt-rn, p r..

i& Ohio...D. C. V........................P. D .* K.................. .t : A. N........................H. r .................................Aldi. Incomes...........

ai» irtl-ijmao,

iV* IS M

IV. 1;: lit .... 1-W, e IU I) u;d M) A HU .... A lUi

A t R3 .0 S an d $3 .10This W oek.


Dmi -E A H iY o y g y

emiiliSad and attaitad ox a tm s copy In tbs moiinar n q u in d hy (ho laws of lha S ta t. to which (ho nun* Ahall hav» W u tharatotoro repordwl, tbrroupon to rvpnrtl Uie oai.1 ropy, toRothar with tha exompljacauon th.rrof, in th« rword of (tent* of oonvoyonro In tho olBiw <rf loch flerit Of n |U it.r , anil lh« rwsofd thormt iholl hava tho u rn . offect, ami a rortiflail rojjy thvreof iboll b« oiluiitWil oml rm iwiv«| in Bviflenn In tlw ioiiu> m a n n w * u tha u r i n a l <jml of TOnvi>y»no!, drolara- tloo or tn u t, nuunaui' wtUHHwot or other In.tnim ent In wrlUni hail buon fo- cn ril^ iMiUoul of ■ucbexamiilifledcopy; p r» viilwl h o s.v a r, that notbinA: herein oon- toined .ball iiiipalr the rtjhle of any perron or iiem ioi acquired In jcuod feilh liefore the rerordlna of »uct, <1 of ronveyanci^ ‘-•''‘a ta th 'n of tni«t, niarrloK* settlement, or <™ r Instrument lu wtitinc, In this State u oforHald.

S, Amt be It enacted, That the ocknowl- (olgnuiut or proof ot aay such deed pr ron- veyouoe, declaration of tnuL morruig. eel- tlemeiit, or other 'Instrument in wrltln(h h*vin;{ been recorded in any other Ntate, or in any county ibereuf, for nior. than twenty years, shall, notwithstoirdlne any rrroTi or Inqwrtectlomi In sold ocEnowt- Mgeuient or proof, and notwithstanding *“* * fu “ Play not conform in oU iv.paeta wtlh th* reqn im nia ti of the lawi of thia

be taken and held lo be good and sulfk-lant in taw.. ®- ^ “<1 he it enactwl, That this act shall Uke effect Immediately,

Atqjroved April 4, ItW.

. CHAFTKH XXXHLAn act to repeal an oot entitled " A n a e tto

provide for the use of the proceeds of ripa­rian ^ e s , grants and lasses," approvsd March nineteenth, one thousand sight hun­dred and ninety.1. Be It enacted by tbe Senate and General

Assembly of theH tateof New Jersey, That “ **? entitled "An act to provide for the use of the proceeds of riparian sales, grants and leoara,’’ approved on the nineteenth day of March, one thousand sight bnndrad and ninety, be and some hereby is repeeled.

2. And be It enactad, That this act shall lake effect imoiedlately.

Approved April 4, IMW.

, CHAPTER XXXIY.An act to aiiiend an act entitled "A n act

iToviding for tbe purchase and display of Ubited Niata* flag* la coniMct(o& with tba public Ncbool liutkiiogf of toa Rtato,^* ap* proved May ffftb, on* toousaod eight hun­dred and DiD*ty.1. Be h eoacted by the Senate aad General

Awwuhly of toe State of New Jersey, That tbe nm t eecllon of au act eatlUed An act iiroviding for tlie purebaae and display of U m m Biatee flags in coanectioo vntb the public Mhool building* of the Htato,’* ap­proved May fifth, one thousand eight huo- ciretj aad ninety, be amended so aa to road as follows:

1. BelCenactod by the Senate and Geo* eral Assembly of the Htato of New Jereey. TTiafc the board cf educatlun or tbe beam of school trustee* in the several cltiei, towns, townships, boroughs, villages and echc^ (Uatricts of thi* tState shall purcba-ie a tn lte d Hutes flag, flag-staff and the uecejaary applianceR therefor, and shall display said flag u;x>ii or near the pubiio ■cbooL building during school hours, and at such other times as to the Mdd boards may eeemnroper; and that tbe neoeesary funds to defray the expenses to 1 incurred herein shall be usaetted and collected in the same manner as money* for public school purposes are now raised by law.

2. And be it enacted, That this act tball take effect immediately, and that all acts or parti of acta Inoonsistent with the same aiv hereby repealed.

Approved April 4, 18&4.

— a n d — CHAPTER XXXV.An a r t to repeal an act entitled ** A furtliia

supplemant to an act entitled *An aotrel- auve to laiee of lands under a public stat­ute, o r by Tirtue of any judicial proceed­ings* [Rerisloii], approvea March twenty- seventh, one thousand eight bnndred and sevonty-fonr,” which further supjideiiient was approved April Mventeenth, one thou- saod eight bandred and ninety-one.L Be It enacted by the BeMte and U«n-

ew l Aeeembly of the State of New Jereey, Thai chapter two hundred and sixty-sis or the laws Ol oito thousand eight hundred end ' ninety-one, entitled y A further surolement

___ _ to au act entitled * An. act relative to aeles of

R t l T A T O T T AU / 1 A * 0 *•*«*■«»<***■ •pu b lic itetute. or by virtue of, W A JjO ll oC G U . O “ y Jjii^ la l proroe^ng.' ,p-t . . w v v . V proved Morcti tw«nty-«vgo, od* thotuoiid

eight hunilred and rovanty-four,” which fu> ther supplement waa approv^ April laveii- teentfa. Doe tbouMod eight hundrM and Dinaty-ODe, be and the nin* li hereby re­pealed.

2. And ba It enoctail, That oil acta on) porta o( acta Ipcontiateat with thia oet ba|>wool tlaA at.a_





nanuTACTiratni » ^ '—Of—


aerjtTOfis roR stores ahd rhcrostcs,eteam Engine*, Gearing, Rhoftlo,;

llongera, Pulleyo, Eto.Rtpamng Promptif Attkodtd To,

6 ud 7 Railroad Plaea, levtrk, R. J.

JAMES A. COE & CO.,IM a e d ION m kikerrr m.,

IfSWARk, V. J.


B A B S , B E A U S , A E G L E S ,S H E E T S , B O O F IK O P L A T E .


K*m Stert and In Ctnam Sahan,

A T 1 5 7 M A R K E T S T K E e i r . '

O M R tnnnn • I MARKET STREET.w a oranos. } * ,3 b r o a d s t r e e t .




KONKOUTH HOUSE,ft'vpn mlloK N?low Toikt Bpaoch.

Spring Lake Beach, N. J.For termfl and Information address

14, U . H rA L T B Y ,Monmouth I louHe,or IlntelljafaYette,Phils.,Pa.

AVON-BY-THE-SEA.T H E B E R W I C K .On the no»ftn front. Sen view from every

room. Aililrcas FRF.D E. FOSTER,ISg Ijite of Hotel Columbia.

"” HOfErcolUM BI».Rriniar, N. J .

OPEN’S JUNE ai,Usiirii Nrw Manaoemejit.

Newly nml iKinniifuily farnlahed through- out. Uui'qimlli.'d l(jcallou. nig Sf. UNDSAY.

CH.APTER X X X .A tupplemeot to on act eDtiUed “ An act re­

lating to the comoUdation o( corporationa o rn n ln d a i gaslight componiei, electric light rmnpanle* and electric light, heat and power componiro in cltlee o( toe Mcond clow in tbli State, which heretofore have been incorporated under general or ipecial Inwe ot thl> State,” approyed April uventh, one thouxaDd eight hundred and ninety-two.

Where**, Certain corporation* Incorporated under any general or ipeciol law* of thi* State for manufacturlnc and dealing in appliance* and apporatia neoeesai^ ily urod In connection with electric light, heat and |»wer, may have consoli­dated and m e.,;«! their corporate righto, franchiiee, powers and privilege* Into a single oorporatlon, and it may afterward have been found that the certitlcate or certifleatra of organization of one or a part of such corporatlou* » oonrolldated woe recorded and filed suhecquont to tbe passage of the act to which thi* I* a sup­plement, and there might be an inadvert­ence In the application nf the said act to which this is a supplement; therefore, in order that the invesM property right* and frauchlues of thestoakholders may not have lieon nor be imperilled thereby.1, He It enacted by the Senate and General

Assembly of the fitate of New Jersey, That the provLions for consolidation of toe act to which this e lupplement sliall apply to tbe consolidationof all corporation* Inoorporated

this State, and whose

and the same a n benby repealed, i act ihall take effect Immediately.

Approved April 4, ISM.

CHAPTER XXXVI,A further eapplement to an act entlllad

"A n ac t for toe preaervation of iheep- [Revleion], approved April touneanth, oM ihooaand eight bundrecf and torty-eii.1. Be It enacted by the Benate and Oen-

eral Aieamblv of the State ot New Jeraey, That every ^kreon who ahall osra, keepor harbor any dog*, bitch or bftehi* shall have the aame registered and numbered with the olerk of the townahip borough or city In which tbe owner or peraon ^ b o r i n g the aame abatl realde, and ahall place upon th* neck o t each dog or bitch kept or harbwed n cellar, having engraved thereon, upon • metal aurface, the name of toe owner of aald dog or bitch and tbe reglatered number thereof; and it ahall be lawful for aay peraan

, to kill any dog or bitch found aW ylng off the owner'a premleei without auoh collar upon Its neck,

2. Aud be i t enacted, That it aboil be tb* duty of each township b o ro^h or city la this Stat* to provide a book for the purpoee ot reglaterlug tbe owneFt name of every dog or bitch, and the number, numbering them in the o ^ e r of the owners epplyingtor aald registration, and advlng to each person In­formation of tbe registered number thereof;

uuiler tho laws ^principal office o r offices in this State were, a t the time of such conaoUdatlon,located In cities, ot tbe secondclniis, aa mentioned In tbe act to which this la a supplement, for manufacturing, gen­erating, storing, dealing In, furniihlug and aiiuplying of electrlolw for light, heat and

rn tis r nians(.mMii of \v . A. Fjmora. tan years power, and a l» carrying on ot any and allAt FIflh Avenue ]|DL*|. Tiili trul/ wonaBfft*! mDiiiiRin r«Port ntiem Jtm« tt. ll*tti* UO f*et loi)|; tJfCtrlft IsuhtA, lilfh attltnd*, fmnd ■o«Mrr,Hne orfllt*fir;i Ttvu lioiin from Now York. Jim#

i icuMn. iLu ebATEfl rurrix>mx- Tftbt« ixMird onlr.N\. A. Kl.M'/llK, ( ODllueDUl HomI. b'vw YOilc.


T H E B E B K I S H I B Efor. (irund und Sovonth ftv©,. North Asburv

Drirk, N, J.I If'SHant Tool rooms, firMit-cIfts* houi*-nwMie

rook I riK, Klmili>, 2 block* from octian. RftJUHm- ftblo rule*. Uixm Jmui 1. DOy


0|)cin .lunr Si. kl miles from New York, Oen- trnl K. K. uf N, J. Most oonvonlent resort In t he Htetc.__________ FRANK E. MILLER.

9 S E X S E T H A E E eA ih ii ry pA rk* N. J*

Now opon. Superior in *v*tT resprot- ' spedrtl Trtl en for J ua*. For term*, tlvicplpUv rrmp a u d uirculAr nddr**s,77k JO HN ROCKAFELEEBASOy.


Opon* July 1. Termii rculuoffl in |lllanilf18s ('Apaciiy, 300. No malaria: nonunfluHoa*;

amuwmrntP. W. K. COLfiMAN, Manager,


Is now open for Siinday-schonl ptunics. Large jshe, rowing, fishing; also,large grove,_with|7•si.i.. tsrv.s.Ajg, iiPliAixfg i mnts iat-Ka ttrOva. nittimprovemputfl. For particulars, tvlureas W, U. IIri a n t . Hoi W, Kumralt, N. J. 4J

THE GEH,Orean Or,..*, N. J . Excellent location;

fineocean view: near bathing gronnda and the new andilorltim. Ia>ck box 2I1IL Mil____ 11. -H. WOOUHTUN, Q o^n »ro |e, N. J.

ST. Mlf'IIAEI.’H VILLA, ,KN()LEWOOD.N- J., offers superior InnucemefA..' v.k ■

iKiiirders. Uellghttully sUtlatcil On tho Had­ron, hirge aliiided grounds, fint-clasa table, moderate terms. Address Nlstsr Sapericr, St. .Hlchaers VTlla, Englewood, N, J,

khona i.AKppicNinonouNnsHAS a ll V thsconvenisnces fur all ititirt. ofnlcntcs.wlih

i lares Janelag pevllloa oonnreted. Nq Inloilcal- n* llqiieni allawsd. Ill RAM t'ooK, ptspnsler. tag

siiuplylDg of electricity for light, heat and power, and also carrying on of any and all Lusineoi In ennueetjon therewith, and con­cerning the iuauufactnring, selling and dealing In appliances and apparatus where electricity la used tor light, heat or power, that may a t the time ol the paaso^ of this supplementary act have coasollilated and merged their corporative righto, franchisee end privileges into one corporation by the' aftlrmative votes of stockholders represent­ing a t least tw o thirds of too capital stock In each of said corporation*,

2. And h* it enacted, That tots act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act, and shall take effect Immediately.

Approvml April 4, 1804.

CHAPTER X X X I,A supplement to an act entitled " An act t o .

prescribe toe notice to be given of eppllca- tians to the lemelatur* for laws when notice Is rciulred by the constitution,” ap­proved January twenty-sixth, anno domi- ni one thousand eight hundrea and seventy- six.1. Be It enacted by the Senate and Q«n-

eral Assembly of the State of New Jersey, That for toe pnaaage of any bill providing for the annexation or consolidation of any town or towosblpi, or aay portion ot tbe same, to and with any d ty or other tuunlcl- pality within this S tato tha notice re­quired by toe first section ot the act to which this I* a supplement shall be published In a daily newspaper published In the city or other municipality with which such town or township Is p ro p o ^ to bo annexed or con­solidated, for a t least five days prior to to* introductian of such bill.

2. And be It enacted, That this act shall take effect Immediately, and that ail acta or parte of acts Inconsistent herewith a r t hereby repealed.

Approved April 4 ,18M.

CHAPTER X X X II.A further supplement to an act e n t i t l e ‘An

act .respeotuig conveyanoes" [Rerislonl (.j^yvbrodiwMMam.sar'w'tece'i-

•igh t hundred and sev«t]|y.(our... -r ' 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Gen­

eral Asrambly of toe State o t New JMVty, That when any deed of conveyanoe, declara­tion .of trust, marriage settlement, or o tner Instnunent In writing aflse tlw oi* oohcemlqg the title to land*, shall have

O I’K M SU OF llAHHY PILK IN '3 HOTEL ■nd beer gtnluu a t e l. L'lcuit, Wen orsnt* ,

ihrM letnuie. fTom lap ot »ble rood, Wedasader, June XT, cirmnienoe S oViqcIt. Muria 1

H UPTURE CUfflEDThe Improved Elastic 'IVum Is tha only truM

In eilsteuc* th a t 1* worn with absolute com­fort night and day, as it retains the rupture under the Jiardeetexerciis or sevenst strain, and will effeot a permanent and speedy onre without regard to t to a ^ of the pauant. Ex-

bw n reooifded for more than twenty ye in the public records of any S ta tam the United States, or ot any county tbervof, andany peraon shall desire to have toe same r a corded in (his State; for the purpose otm a k lu title to any landa or real eetate In th lT s M ta or of oianlteetiag sneh title, It shall be lawtnl for tbe defk of the court

emlnetlon free. Lady In atten dies. Send for nampMet.

lU P K O V E lT liL A S T IO TRU SS ( fa.*Bd au BmaAway. cor. 12tb at.

for lo.

at octnmoD pleas - In any county of this State, or for toe rwister of - deede •nd mortgages is countia* W ing snob na- itler, upon an exemplified copy of the record ot each deed ot oonveyoiue, dnlantUoD ct trnst, marriage setUemen or othir Ipstmnmt In writtng; and of the oo- knowlodmnent or proof thoraoL bring filed tn tbe sOm ot soch dork or tq|l*l*r, m-

the person a l ly in g for regittratlon shall pay the sum of one dollar for each dog or bitch thus registered, of which toe cW k shall receive twelve cent* for each regtetra- tloD, the balanoe to be aoplled to paying damage done by dogs to domestic animals or poultry, a fter tbe som* shall have been ap­praised by two freeholders, aa autoorised and d ire c t^ by tbe act to which this la a supplemeut and the sopplementa to said act, and in case there is no damage, such baitnoa to heoome a part ot the general fund ot such townahip, borough or city, as the 'cose may be.

8. And be It enacted, That in case the clerk of any township, borough or city shall neglect or refuse to so register any dog or bitch when application ahaU be made ti|m m tor th a t p u r p ^ be shall forfait a n o W the sum of ten dollars for each refnaol, which shall be paid to tha trensurer of th* township, olty or borough, end b* applied to toe geuerol fund ot sudi townthip, d ty or b o r o u ^ aa the case t n » be.

A And be It enacted. That the oommon coundl of any inoorporated d ty or town or tbe township committee ot any township In this Blate are hereby authorised and em­powered aod whose duty It shall be to ap- ^ point one or more persons in their napeotlve dtiee, towns or township* vrith full power and authority to kill any dog, male or female, found straying off the owner’s premises without such collar os above p ra vlded for upon Its neck.

S. And be it enected. That the common coundl of any incorporated d ty or town and the township oommlttee of any township a n hereby authorised to fix the oompeneatlon to be paid to any peraon or persons appointed os above provided for and to pay tbe same out ot any moneys In the treasury of aucli city, town or township.

d And be i t anaotod, That tbe-provliioni of this act shall not apply to or affect dtie* of the first and second dess In this State,

T, And be it enacted. That noneof tbe pro­visions of this act shall be construed to ra- p ^ tbe provisions of any law now In exlt«. ence providing for th* taxing of deg*.

8. And be It enacted, That all acts or parti ot acta inconsistent with tbe provlriont of this not be and the same are b««by reiwale^ and t W this act shall take effect immediate.

’^Approrod April 4 ,18M.

CHAPTER XXXVII,An act to amend on act anUtlad “ An act to

enable townships to create and maintain hrinMng fund," I ‘ "

one t ‘, flVA

1. B e lt enacted by ttm-Senate and Oea- t n l Assembly ot the State ot New Jttvey. That the second section of ao act eqtttwJi “ A n act to enable towiuhlpe to ereato oiul maintain a sinking fund,” approved Aprit — .L ^ thousand eight hundred end eighty-five, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows;

2. And be It enacted. That after tbe pi#- Biq^ of sold ordinance or reeolutlon, the chairman o t tbe township committee; the treasurer of the township, nod tbe osssssor cf the township (for the time being), and two resident freeholders to be chosen Ijy tbe townsidp committee, shall constitute and bA denominated “ the conunissiouar ot thesiokUIng fund ot the township of ------- " (a* tlucose may be|; tha two lut-oamed members shall hold office tor three years, and It either of tuch members should die or rerign, Ibe

ancy caused thereby shall ba filledTir tb* osbip committee; each of tbk saidflv*

,a.rxto s * v w roe « l l l i •

king fund," approved April twentieth,, thousand eight hundred and eighty-

commlamner* •hell, within ten days alter hit npp of offict townsh

JTI ahit appointment, take and mbteribe the oath of office preecrlbed by law lor cfBecn c l told

uhip.a. A ^ b s It enacted, T h a ttU i aot ehall

take tObat immediately. *AfiprondAf^^ M L

■ j- -


P ro M in to r ’i D e t K t i r o F t«n a f,

E id a o D , L aad s the Attack,



H * W u N at A v a r * th a t An^thlnit to 'irickM l u > P o u lm u iu Wa» tluiil*aoM in U l i B a illw liik an<l a y « w Haurm F tIct to J )« lK itl»a F .r i l .y * . D r.rvtil nn O b . o f th « D o n . W o te il Im lli^iant F o r ; R uw o t th a t tk a G a n ih lm tVaro a t W ork Ttaara—T h a P a a o ltr (Br Iti t t i a i ao tb a K ocaa and K a a iiln c a P o o lr u o n N nt PlaaiBAt Ik r n t la n Plata.

O n i r « ( k « boura a f t« r C b i«t of P d ira K kU tiikn , o f H arrlao n , bkd d w la rw i jisatar- k a y t iiB l th ara W M not a po<ilrwmi opaii in thattim aiuix {.-ilet DaKs tlvs J„|iu H, Fap. nay , fpoin lY oaacu to f W lu f i .l i lV (*fflre in J o n a y C ity , ra ided the ptara in tin r i * r of JiihD C. Hcanlun'a aalonn, a t tlM >n>ninro t P i n t an d bergan r tre e ia the uswrationa o f tm lcfa w<tro to ld in tb a N kw n.

DakKliie IFanay waa ifrompeniwl by OonMabla Hk^bael E. Kgan when he went to tba poolroom yeateblay afternomi Feeney had a w aifan t ebargiug Arthur Flttpatrlck, Havbea Whitehead a ^ other, wiih inaln- talu iag a poolroom for an unlawful purtioiie. 7hara waa a good-alieil crowtf in the room In tha rear of the miIouo. A man we. huay a t a Uacliboard making antriea for the races at 'Hbaapthaad Bay a i^ Cbicafo, wliile a tale- graph tlckar nUokad In a comer of die placa Whan Sgan had made a bet the officer said that thoaa In the rtxim were under arrest.

In an Inatant there waa a atam|>e,le for doort and windowa. Tba only men the oBI- oera ware after were thoae who were con­ducting the game, hut h'ltr.patrlck nml hi. operalnr, Patrick Joyce, wore not caught in thebuthilng. Wbitebeail waa taken from behind the bar and placeil under arrmt.

A N O TH E R ('A N A L V IC T U I.

while Detectira FVenay' atrlppn! the rnoiii of Ite paraphernalia and had It carted away Uibe lined a t erideoce agalnat the pro|inntira.

Detactlaa Faeney dB ai>t laftd to ift the HerriMn police know of the Intf^nM raid, and Chief of RoUce wiw •ucepriMd ^hen thenew nof tht>t]f«^rituu the poolroom reaobed him. Oolj a nliort lime Mfore the detMtlTe and oonttiible swnopetl do we. upon the ^atnMlnf deu l!nniH>Q^s Chlal! of T^rfiee had l*eeu R^ouw l U> tba wartmAt kind of IniUgnAtlu)) erhen e«ked if a Doolrooni was uot in oiHTAlinti m

j th e re a ro r Rcanhifi'a uiioctn, hut Lliief ebaafed hii miml when Delertkt^ Keetinr le<| Whitehead before Chief Mulik AQ HittiiiK ae Juitioe MulUffaa. W hltebi'aif wan plnrerl l^ e r lW O b a n to await the fc-liomif the BidiOD County Hrand Jury, end then *'ArUe*' Fitcpatrh'k walke<l Into the City Hall and auireiuiered hliUAflf. Ho was re- luaed on 1(500 ball to anRWor.

“ Well, what do you think of the clieek of aheae fellbwa*” Mid Chief Mulligan. " After what appaarwl tu the impcni they go and open tip again Well thcro will lie uu more poolroom, run in Merriaoti"

“ That U pjod uewii," .aid P.othrr (fCon- Rof, Of Holy Crow, w trn ho heard of the raid. “ That ia the w ay to ulainii nut th e n dani. They were lieglnnlag to get l.ild again and If Ihia place had l>ecu allowel to flourieb there would bci-n anulhcr luvaeiuu of the gamblara.”

A reporter who heppened to be in the ktdliltjr of the ponlrooni elxmt the time the ijraid WRa n au e had a narrow nscniH- from lMit4(kWliRn.awl whole by a ajiwial fllrh of the HW, Rrbo gtda Iti or tS a day when on duty aa gnardian of the poolroom.. He w o i^ wboii the poulroonii work, and when they are Idle he 1. out oi a joh and aim the

iw w la per (iky. This man wears n club and ku offloer'e badge. He blaiius the new., ip tp en for catll ig attentton tu the |nnl- rooma tnUB leading to the ralil, ami in tlie aatiiral cooneof event, knocking him out of a to b .

Ho kdlah . Me I rn i eyes rested on the form of a fkmyfdr HMangry paeaiunabublileil high Rbovh the surf ere, and be graeped hi. ulHcial Club with a clutch, inten.iHcd by muiiiicw. He threatened to make kindling wooil of the reporter’, head if he dared to even look at

't h e t^ r n o m . More thrnata of a thrilling and btood-isirdling nature were hurled a t the reporter, who was alone fu a land .trUBCe bi him, lu be didn't dure to talk back. IV hile lie bad no particnlar respect for the offioer the reporter held his club in high esteem.

The ^ fw l le r s have probobiy overlooked th® fact that there waa {asaBl last winter a bill dealing with their case* m a wrciniitury way. ft it known as the Hturr. biil and it became a law April 91. Ky Ita terms any iv.-raoii who shal! buy or soil what Is com- inonlv known a . a n n l. or shall ninko a liet of eny kind upon the rwult of a hotse race, running or trotting, thail be deemed guilty of a mledenieknnr, and nn ciim-lctlon shall be potrithed u. fine not cicecrling f#no or two fWA’ fiftpritOnment,' or both, a t the uiil- cretlnnof the Court.

Another motion of the law goes for per- •OBI or corpuratlOHs couductlng a poulroniu In lively fasliino. The penally on coiitfo- tion in such oaten is not less than gt.iXX) nor more than Rl.OtX) flue, nr iniprlsouncnt for Dot lees than one or more than live yeais, nor both a t the discretion of the Court. Tlie law H down t i chapter lOl of the new laws.

:i,).> t r a m p i s h u h .Eakle Bratnlt, Arreated In East Orange on

Su.plelon, H at Nearly Rt.SO,A Itrange case of ti amp waa brought to

the attention of JiHtlce Elliott at the East Orange Police Station thfi morning. The man g a r i hia nalne a.s Louis Brandt and said he bhUad from Uermany. Us was found by Ollloer Wolfe on Hawthorne avenue late last night m d tiie offloer arrested him as a lue- pidowa charaeter.

Sfafidt h a l <ni hi. hehd tWo hats and a cap and hie clothei were raggeil and flithy. When be waa aeked to hand over his pos- kMdons be produisid a pouketbuok in which waitlST.M, of which PO was in gold. This money, he explained, waa what remained of TObmarke, left him by hit father two years ago. Ha akld t lu t he was sixty-two years of ig « and wat a teterao. Justice Elliott dis- durgedhlm.

M iner Folia* Kews.Two •mall bota stole foiu' reyolyer. from

the store of HMn A Blau, on Bpringtield areniiR this momiog. The prop ieto r gave dhdse ind the urchin* dropped the weapons, but tkiMped. The robbery wa* reportra at Uio Fourth Precinct Btstlon.

Frederick Nestor, of 134 H am b u rg plare, Fitlled Annie Brown, colored, of 6'J River ■treat, last night, and while there claiitn to have been fobbed of hia watCh and FkSO. He caused the woman’s arrest this morning and sbe was coinmltted to jail and Nestor was detained as a witness.

Fred De Vivo and his brother Cbiitano, te rhers a t 48W Ferry street, were held in IBlf) hhll each a t the Third Precinct Police Court this morning to aw ait the ai-tion of the Orand Ju ry on a charge of assault and Utttery preferred by Nicholes Blanco, of 3611 Bpringlleld avenue.- The men hail a bonds- (ban in court, and were alloweil to go after Hw pA|Rrt had been du-y slineO.

JamN O'Hale, of 106 Bmce street, who w*a arrested ssu-lv Sunday morning, charged irlth ntsanlt and battery, was sent to jail for th irty days this morning by Judge Mott. (THaM was itccuaed of bayfug assaulted aSoung man who was returning from a plcnie

ite Baturday night, Tbe alleged assault oc­curred ouHuseex avenue.

Oeorge Bell, the once prosperous boss ■tevedora was committed by Judge Mott in default of IStX) ball to answer a rharge of em- bessletnent preferred by Patrick Ilempsey, a produce dealer of 63 Park place.

Andrtw gmilh Ilrowned—Nnppuuid to Have Pallrn la W hile aleh.

Andrew BiiAth, of 6,1 Madison street, was found drowned lu tbe canal, iiearth* llourine worka early this murhing. Bmith w u •rarcely twonty-nne years nf age. la s t night the .vcuing man left bis homo, la ootn- pany with Michael Haley, captain of caiial- Issit No. tins, which is luuorsd north of the Blwinlield avsnut bridge. Tbe men reachetl the Iroat about 3 o'clock this moniiug and tu rual 111. Almut two hours Ister ,Nnilth aroee and complaluivl of lnl«n.e |iaini. Ha walked about the deck for relief and Haley tell asleep aguln.

J ust licfore T o'clock Edgar I.ynna a little fellow employwl on tbe bi«t, was fliliig ainie ropes in lha l>ow, when he saw the almu.t nude bwiy of his ein]doysr's frieud fliwtlug In the water. Aruiitiiig Ualty, he Udd liira of the dismyery, and the latter at ouue oullfled tbe [sdice. Then tlie captain of the boat hurried to the young niao's mother eud told her tbe sad utws. The lexly was removeil to HulUh's morgue, where the grid-stricken mother callisl a few niimites after it iW been recaiveil Tlie Imy Lynns was taken tu tbeHaismd PreciuclHtatiou, but be cuiihl bu t b'll bow the young man fail in tbe water. It U presumed that Budlli while sick fell overboard. Tna reason for his lie- Ing unable to save himself is thought hi be that be was sulfsring with craniiie, which reudereil him helpless. Hie mother said thsl hr was addlctad la cramps, particularly when in bathing.

founty I'hyslclsn Elliott viewe,l the lioily and graiitwl a burial permit. The fuucral

111 1» held on Thursday sltalnnOU from Bmith's lata homa

F rank Gonlrt Said to lie JeatUiis.A severa lec tu re on a husband's duty was

d f liv a n d to F ra n k Cloulu, o f IS U ifo r i l •bw et, w hen he was placed a t the bar in the T h ird P reo ln ct Police C o u rt th is inoniing. O onld had been arres ted on onm plaiut of his

l ^ g l e , w ho teetifled (h a t ho bad a h a b it o f beating her.

“ l<iaU)Uil o f tnd, Jvulge,*' said the com- p la llh iA t •' an d Pm a fra id S o 'll k i l l m e." ^

a n tw ed a genera l den ial and la id th e b.lame o f th e troub le on his w ife. H ohung his head, while Judge Eners lectured

The defendant promlseoto bebarelnhim .' --C*'—

They Also Od to ike Hlgli School,The exam inatio n papers o f th ree pupils of

th e i^ b te o n tb A v e n iia Bohool ware uusi piaoed, and when they w e r r found I t was olsanvuNd th a t tbs Foung women were en* - U tlad to ed m lss to n to th e S lg lrB c h o o l. The g ^ w t t e a re Clara Assanheld, Carrie T, Q r a e i i ^ TUlle H. HubeK

tioan lerle lt Catas Clreulated,A Dwnber o t spurloiu teo-eent and fifty.

e w t coins have been passed on Franklin ta d Nutley storekeepers during the pest week. The ooins are well ex icu M and would do- etiH- any one who wouM not carednUy examine them.

gPC C tA l, KOTI^HM,i f fan*** a * eye to r m erit and a ta s te fo r

etoaomyyon may gratify bqtb to your heart's

I T IS N O W J U D G E G R E E N .

The Vtre-t'haBccitar Appulntcl a Mriiihcr o f th e t'lm rt o^ Krriirs lo SiicccrU

A at'HBME THAT llIK N 'T PAN Ot)T.l■artllloD Ault uf Edward Mvlngitniia

Against ex-Xeyor H ewitt, o f N»» York.The partition suit gf Edward Livingstone,

of New York, against Abram H.HowitI, ei-Mayor of New A’ork, came up before Vice-ChaDcellor Van Fleet this mormug. Mr. Livingstone desins tu secure tile right of way from some laudIn Fassolo County to the high­way, U ap |sara tha t oeverul yeareago Ur. Llringsloua, with Mr. Hewitt aud eight otbera pun'bailed 1,UW acres of lai»l in Ponipton Township, pMsaloCounty, and intemle I to establish a ixs'onil Tuxedo I’lrk . It was called I'ort Erskine. after lo rd Erskina The scheiiie didDot work aud tbe land waslUvidnl ill such a way that Mr. Uvlngstoue could not reai'ii Uie riWi from Ills Isud.

John tv. Hriggs, who spjicared fur Mr, Hewitt, Itohsi that he wnuid try to secure pcrliilssiou for Mr. Livingstone to pane through land adjoining that of Mr. Hewitt, and the Vice-Chancellor said that if this )iermlssioD was not securrd he would grant an order allowing the openlugof a road through Mr. Hewitt’s laud.


P ap rrt F iled In A tio lb er Hull fill D ainages by Hulaiuiia K . O sboru.

Papers were Hied to-day m fh» Cniiiity Clerk's ollice by KUm F. Morrow, as counsel for Rolomon K. Ustioni, who brsugs suit against the Delaware, lock- awaiinu aud Western Hallroad for damages.

The action Is hasad on (he Hiu'kensnck liicailuws collision of Joiiuary ISlast. Accnrdllig to the declara­tion Osborn was a paaaengcr ou thelll-fatei1 tiain which was run Into liy an­other train, uwiug to tlie ' ' uiiskilfulnma, careieasiiess and uegUgeuco of the defend- ant."

I'laintiff further declare i that hissystem Was greatly and licy- luaneutly ilupairsd and Injured,aud that hh waa com iieHod tu speml a large sum of nuiney to be cured, breidie navtng been lucaliactated from attending to business by his Injuriee, for all of which he asks damages tu the siiin of 41,1130, The case Will come up lu tbe Eeaex Ciivuit Court for trial.

Hie Ijitn X r. I'hst|» .Vlce-Chan.silhir Van Fleet amioiih. .-1 In

Uie Chaiirerj Cliumber Ibis lnoniiiii_ that Vloe-Clianceltor Roliert A. Ilris-u ha-l Us»n apjioiutttl ou th t lienoh of tlin Ciairt of Errors and Appeals to till the v«i«ney oouawl by the death uf Jiiilge Wilhmn U ni­ter I’btilps.

The isoiltlon Is an honorary mic, and it dot* iiiA nei'csfitate Mr, Onvii's ri-simiaiUm as one of tlie four Vice-Chau.viUirs of tho Binte-

Tlw aniiounceiiieiit astoiil.shoil the lawyers present fully as much ss ViiieCiiaiirehor Vail Fleet evidently expecteil it wouM. iiio lawy era Iwd been in t lie ro<»u .k-cu pitsi I ly Vu. Chancellor Ureenw Ueu be holds is>m-i h- iv. They w»rt cnlleil into Vice-Chancellor\ nii Fleet's room and when all bauds hud gulh- ered, Mr. Van Fleet snid:

*'I will hear motions this niondii* lu the aW nce of \'icw-Clwni*elIor iJrceii, who tins gene to Trenton to tie sworn liias ua'iids'i- of the Colin of E rrors slid Aiii'eaii to lake Ihe plm-e muds vai'Uiil by the ilcalh of JiidK,. Phelpa.”

Vlce-(Tianr«llor Orcen’s steliograplier, Oeorge H. Lightfoot, sla1e>l that tu> nu'. with the VtcwOliajirellor np to noon i.-iit-r. day, and tiA l tbe appointuieut hwi not la-..-ii made Up to th a t tfaue.

The apiiotiitniMlI tt ftiteiided to glvn the Chancery Court larger repreacutallim in the coiii't of last resort, it is sas'l.

Thx.ntiih, Junflvi) [.’jjpcciall.—Theap|«iliit-meiit of Vlce-Chauceflor Hrei'ii lo In-alsiy Judge of tbs Court of Errors slid Apjs-ubH occasioneil some surprise hsre tids iiiormiin, and, owing to the fact that the Vlis“Ch[iiir-p!. lor'i name had been mcntloticil aaaC iile i natorlal lasHibiltty In 1»>.\ It was thmight to have hail some political slgiillli'nuis', hut those Dear tlie Ttnvernor disclaimed any iiu-h luierpri'taUuu of the a;>poiiitiiieiit.

It was iriiisMsllde to get near theitovmi.ir, for tb* Htatehuiiwi is alive with candidates for appointmeiiU and bis routus are well oiled with iboae Wanting Ills ear Thu Vus- i.'hauoelior a t u >ou bad not yet been sworn as l* y Judgi\ but it la eX|iei'liHi be will be during tlie recess fur luiiclieuii.

The appomtinent is lu keeping with llis aDiiouncemsnt of tli* itovernor at the tiuii- when he mipoliiteil Jliitgo Wiillani U’ulier Phelp". He said then ho wantc! to elevate the lay branch of tlie Court of Erroi-s and Appeals aud preferred to apiiolnt nioiid»*rs uf tbe bar lusteail uf laymen. He eurriisl this out in the appointuieut of C. Sluiilcy Bliiia hut May to siieceeil Judge .fubn Clem­ents. Biiua is a lawyer, but has not pru''- tlseil iiincii of late.

Tho itiiveraor had In mind immaillntPly after Judge Pbel()e't death to appoint u lawyer to the bench. There were several uauiea suggestoil to him, among themUeorge Kichards, tbe present president of the fitate Hospitals Coiumiuion. Peter Voorlieeh, of Camden, was also suggested, but the Ihir- ernor baring tiecome ampiamtssi with the feet that Ainu llisld when a Vlce-C'haiicelli'r was iiiaiJe a Judite of the Court of Errors, lie thought that ChaiiCiTT .should !» represeuteil oil the tiench. Ho oltereii it to Vice-Chan­cellor Vun Fliwt. but lie ilwlined, and then he uffereii it to Vii-o-Clmncellor Un-en, imd he said he was nut averee tu aatiuuiug tbe ailditloiiul restsmilbility.

T H E P R E S S U R E T O O L O W .

H OrXII (IHANOE'f) TO W S H A t l -

The Bit! to Hit HouEht for Sll)0(KI nnd FlMU to De I’reeeiitfds

All a<^Journei] mecUpe Xbe, n{„ it a ,]»ailiar one, heTrustee# of the Tfllagetw Houth OrAflge w A held Uiit night. Ttua Int on the c*orner of t^ootland etreelan<l Vue«* avenue waa iselertM ai a elt« for tbe propueed Town Hail.Tiio puri‘ba«e pn«^ of the lotiR 111,1X10 and ihe president atui eierk wem authorized to iseue a warrant tor tlmt atnciuutY provldlDg Ibe title »1iaU be found cprro<it. I'iaiie for the uew bail will be preMited bf Uie Auibkai; 4JomniUa»^afc'|i ifbout the nest regul^ meeting,

jV coinmunicattoti was received from the Orange Water thtaril. (tiTering tlftaen centa ]>er 1,000 gallonR for water to supply OrauKe.It WAR raferretl to the W ater roum ittee with power to draw up a contract a t that price.

The cleric reported that tbe oath and bond hf Ku'hard K e n ^ aa road ovaraeer had been pniuerly executed and ^ted.

The nibHc Hulldjiw XJeimnUtee'ww hi* Btniet€<l to have the village Counsel neareb the title for the newly acquired property.


An Injunction AKain«t Stereotypem Ap*pUetl fur by the **' ^utiday btaudar<ls^^A. Q, KeaNbey, conuael for the Sunday

(9^andapd,thiii morning appeared before Vio^ CLaacellur Van Fltot to (ry to leQure ao lo* junction againit Htereotypen' UnUm Kov'7, preventiug the union from aiding tbe members of tbe Esaex Trades CoudcU' in tb41r boycott against that pa{>er. laiwyer Cotter^ %bo fl]>peared for the titereotjpers’ Union, stated that the union was not issuing circulars or participating in the boycott and that t^e atatemfuu contamed in Mr. Keae- bey"s petitioD were false. Lawyer Beecbei*. who apjiaared for the Trades CuuMoUi U lW in A similar strait^ and stated that the peii* tiod was not in accord once with the usage of the courts.

Vice-Chancellor Van Fleet stated that the order would have to be vacated, and that al­though be could not vacate tho order^ it be­ing Vlce-ChancelJor Green's cose, be would recoiuiueDd that such action be takeu.

Dropped Dead on a Visit to Hewark* Jacob Fowser, of Avondale, dropped dead

yesterday noon wlille going up the atoop of a friend*# house lu thU d ty . Fowser ha(i been a great nufforer from rheumatism but waa able ter go around lately but unable to work* I t Is supposed that the disease reached hie heart. The funeral Mrrioes will be held to-iuorruw afternoon a t the Frauklin Metho­dist Rpiscojwl Churchat3:110o'clocka Granite Council, 0. U. F,, of which deceased was A jiieiiiber, Will attend the funeral In a body.

No permits No fltandsaChief of Police Hopper and Huporlnteudent

Mundy yesterday conferred about the practice of half a hundred men who have stand* on Commerce street and on Mulberry street between Centre Market and Market strSet. Many of the Jneu have no permits and the poUM will drive them away.


Valuablo Property a t B«mardsvll1e» N. J , a t tW m arkabi/ Small Frlcesa

A great deal of Interest has been exhibited ib the aDUouneement recently made by Messrs. Maclay A Davies* real estate agents and brok­ers, No. M Pine street, New York, that the properly of the Late tieorge L Seney, at Her* nanUville, N. J., is offered for sale Inlets, plots and parcels, sublect to proper and sniU able restrlotlons, at remarkably moderate flgurea.

Heruardsrllle has for yean been quite an exclusive setllement, being sought principally by people wetbknowD in society, who favored It mainly ou account of Its invigorating and bracing air, Ite charming and romantio scene­ry, and Its altitude of plue hundred feet above tide water, being the nearest point to New York oomblnlng these epsoUl advantages. Tlie laud has generally been owned In large parcels, the Heney estate alone oamprlsLng nearly 1.5U0 acres, and this and the fact that tbe owners declined to sell at any price, al­though frequently passed to do so, hai pre­vented the enlargement of tbe population, ooDseqqent on the extraontlw y merits of the location. - ' ' ---------- -- '

Amoug the promment ruldents there tkow are Mr. OLcott, president of the Oetitral Tfn*t Cotupany; Mr, OromweU, treasurer of the Mutual Life IhSuranceOcmpany; H r. BaUau* tineilhs well-known brewer; Mr, GeorgeB. Post, architect; Mr. Tbatcber M. Adame, law­yer; Dr. Pnrdy; several of the Messrs. 8tev* ens, of Hobokeu; Mr. WUUain Atexadder, secretary of the Equitable life Asanrance So* okety* and many others.

It is tbe general Impreebloti in real rstate oLnlea that the estate wUL be very rapidly ab­sorbed by purohaMre anxiooi to avail them* selves of an-opporthblty heretofore entirely out of their reach, onit that the pm eai low flfdreb aeked fto m p e n r wlH del

' long'U dMdntalned. ' ■ ara.

lnsulUt'i<>n| lo tHvaaomr IlM tariiU of Or- I STig** l*ro|M>r Water a«'rvLr#.«Soiitb |

OrMiigr Ap|i«a1e«l To. jKvt'r ilm*! the rity uf Uranc:t‘ ha* hail its !

own waf»T supply llw rwiilmts in the viclri- '• ity of Itnki’toy avcLiue. tli** hiirbiwl p>lut in ' tin* city, luive W n proteeliuK against the low prf*iniiv tlH'h\ wliirb. a t tinH"*, wa.s W ' I U;\n I wo ti> tbf 'Niuai'6 iiti'h.

The Cimiuum t'mmcil ha^ Iwrii wr.wtHiiK witl. the piolibHii inr a Umn lime in onlrr t-i fln«i a wav Ui (rtciMmie tlin (illRr*ulty, Tl"« prt‘ iin» nt tlmt iR'Inl vent rntlrvlv ilMi.h*- ijuHt" fur ilre pui'ih-si-*. and in th*" dafthne, when all the fAi tncUn in the IoWit |ii»rt of • Ml' city ir*iug tl« wnmr, thore was I hiirdiy sulllcient preesure nn the bighar |Kiiut for diithcNtir it-iU

A new pumping ttiithm at Campbeir* Pirmd which tlio dt>'ow)]«, wan talked of, hnt thtsp!:inM i thnnigh. TUmi it aasal* niijot don !hi1 im crtM’t a sTaiui|>i|)e near Hcrkclcy avemu’ with a enpanty for SiXMiK) fMlluii'R, This wns also Lmud U» Iw iui]»rai>- iha liK

few ilays ago Aldennan l>exh»'hiior Ifaracd that the wRtar pljn* t>f the St»utb Or- uii^n \'i)lugv were laid (p ithlu a frw f«*t of till’ i Lraiigr iM-th having dead ciuU hear Mic i-ii.y tiuu uri ^k'lJt)aUll nm) also ucarUcilkelev avenue, and llml a preeauiw (»f ' :>vpnty tlti' putitid# (Niuld idiLaiiied, Mr- J coiimlloi M.tyor Mill in ivgard totlic matter and night Uiay eptwaretl Iw- furt> Til*' lionni uf Trustom of Kjutu Umiiga.


Tli* N«*veulh AunuaL limvriitton <r|»c»adAd-

’lyhn nmdr rt |>n»iswitinu Kiq>|dv wetar al I, \{ this 1# sc

Tbe IjS.Y Judges of the Court of Errors get ’ ■ ■ ■ tAjffor all tlK’ir servk'OK, Iticludiug tbe ('ourt^

PaninnA, leaH than 41,000. it ia a qucrtiim whether Vlce-Chancenur Oiw n <*an wllect any ^<mq>pti«Mttion for this extra duty. T I il Huprejiie 1 'ourt Justiiw^ do not, end u« he ro- ceivi‘s a aalary for other Judicial work it iit doubtful whether hecau receive two hsLa- ncA from the state for jiitlicial work. Tho HTam C'oQi]droller is going to look the mat­ter up at oQ(*e.

B R O U G H T F R O M C H IC A G O .

M orrU K irarb b am n . for th e beennd T im e, C harged w ll l i th e T h eft o f N ear­

ly RlitHLO W orth.ProspTutor'i Ite tecttve W illia m V'olk re­

tu rned frurti (.'biengo last Sunday n igbt.aud brought Klfschbaitm as t arrest was made

w ith faim M orris prbwuer. The

ou a enpias,

has oDce been d isc h a n ^ from cu«(Kiy after having been arrcMle<l nod Iwkwl up for tbe crime for which he ia now behind prittou bars.

The iudictmeut ogain.«it Kirscbliaunt Is for breaking, euteriug and slcnliug. Du tiie night of August Id, leUl, tba buuia of Kster Effers, 41 Prince street, was entcnsl and robbi\l of

in c-aiih AUil ttT3 worth of jewelry. A t the time sus­picion pdntwl to Klnwhbanm a» the tbb'f. Two or thre* ilayn laterbe was ariHstod, atid Judge Preutel cum- mitteJ him to await tho ai'tiou of tbe Grand Jnry. The case wm invewti- gated by tbe Heptember (irand Jury of last ynnr, aini tiie evidence did

seem to w arrant an JndU'tnjenL At> <^rdingly KJrachlukum was orderdd. nStobcd 4ud the COSO agaiust him was dropped.

Aftor the prinuner Itwl regained his liberty additional evidence was brought to the jury’s attention. The case wns aaoin taken up for consideration, and owing to tbM new evidence a bUl wns found against Kirschbaum. Wh* u the court officers went to look for bini it waA learned he had left the ciiT* No tr«w of the man was dL('overod for some tnimths.

The Prouei’uior'ri oHlceia recently learned that Kirsc'Ubaum lind been seen in Cbicagi^. Wadneoday Do-tedtfv# Volk started for that city, aud after two dajV search he lo­cated his umn. (Saturday, Prosecutor Crane' received a telegram from Volk stating tiiat ihu laMor bad Klrbch- bauin iiuiltT arrest. licq iiisitiOD i«iperN were senircd without delay and the captor and captive started for this city. The ^Isouer Ls now locked up tu the county

The yvoBian and Chtldraa N«ikt llarb.Lottie Burnett, colored, of ISiB Dudley

street, Jersey t.'ity. was faiiudwandering ou blanket street lastnight. She wiy, aewntspanied by two white children. Patrolman Hejler took her p*dice headquartore. Lieutien- ant Ib'rguu telephoned to Jer­sey City and tbe polite of that d ty found tlio mother of the children, a Mrs. ilorgnn. living lu Mrs, Burnett’s•partiuenU. The (colored woinau camo to th is d ty o u a cauaMsiat in search of her husband. The woiuau and the chUriroti were sent to Jersey City.

TrJo Arraigned for Alleged AisaulLJohn K inney, o f IW U nion street; Joseph

D illon , llli't Coum ierco str<H)t, a in tT h o u n w Kinney, AW M a rk e t street, tba three m eu wh<«n JttineB K a illy , of 9 U n ion street, oharges w ith bavi&K ikwaulted h im , w ere ar~ ro ignw l before Judge Kggers a t the T h ird Preciuct i ’olb'o C o u it this m orning. They pleadwi not g u ilty of tbe charge aud w ere parolMl in t 'a n ta iu D aly's care, to a w a it tbti action of tbe G rand Ju ry .

A New Order to a Receiver.A atn order w u nisde by Vlne-llhoBeellor

Vun Fleet to-dsy iu tho i-aae of John II, Rodrigo, reueirer for the Moilerttal* Milling and Constnictlon LkjniiiMiy ogaJnst Mary MidJeragle. The order preriotisly giren aiithorlred tho rweiver to eell or dioiioso of all the jiroperty ot tho drill without tbe oondriiiutlon of thecourts. The now order makes it neoeawry to notify the Vlee-iJbauCelloi- before seiilug.

Tnoli I ’p a Hand (hr ahihaa.The Sinking Fund t'ommisiiouars of the

Boaid Of Cboeeu Freebolders met yesterday ifternooa in the Auditor’s ofilee and took up a bond tor (si, .156. The auinuut waa the first Myment for the work of retauiing tho Foniptott turnpike, Tbe engineer reported that the wofiV would ooilt about I H iOOqT

THE ANIMAL EXTRACTSprepared accorUlug to the formula ot

D R . W M . A. H AM M O N D,In his laboratorr at W uhingtoa, u . V.

C R B E B K IN K , from t!ie brain, for dlneanoB of lha bralh a d nervous systaiq,

M K M ttl -iN I!, from the spinal cord^for ataxia, eto.)

ilA ltl((K K ..from the iieart, tor dtseaere of the bean.

T E B T IN E , from thC teetee, for dlshaae* gf the testes. tAtropIiy of the orgaiist sterility.eto.)

O V A R IN B , frem the ovaries, for d'etanss ot the ovaries.

SliltHJIJIrISJS, (hTrodlne, etc.(ff r/neAdll) S2:sa.

The physiological affactuppodAiced by aslnglo ftCcalBi-Rticn of the imbw

with IM lIu of fulEibsfl aud dlstautlbu In thebead, exhilaration nt spirlUjncrtiUMtd urinaryexctotlpp,aDgiuenUtioho( ^hc expulsive ftxrvoof the bladder and perlsUJlle action of the Intaatlnea, iDOrekM in musoaloMtreTifftli and anduranee, tnoireMed power of vuion In elderly people and Inore&oed appeUU and dlgeeuve powers

Where foo*! drugglaU ate not supplied with the B M m ond Animal Katfoois they will be mailed, together with all exiitiTxg llUraturo on the subject, ou reoefpt of price, by

T H B O O L U M tU A C H E M IC A L CO.,Woehlngtoti, D, C*

ywesWto r. R JmUh A Co. HI Brood si; R, amtoUr, h I B rm st; Max Qeiftr. Market and Wisblokioo wtt.; «arrlveti’s Fbsrmiter. »• Broad

ifl; Btoa,M uarKetsLicoArlvi ftolAbauir, >.aatiWai%et and Brood MX.: Kreeuter, ioi Nulhecry ii.,

Odd CfitolotXttdBOOaiiiaBy, Mr Braid st.

IliU’cu (N'lits piT UxkJ galbmri i‘<'ptiHl, aiiti the chaitcee 8tv It will be, the r j y Ilf c)rangH will be relifvrtl a great dpii ^f e |N>nx , as a standiu^w wouiiiAwr-to lu lf hftvu to lie I'rrrtfvl.

.VltlfTiimn ]>cxln‘lnifr was seen bv a Nxwo rn|iurU*r this inoriiiiip» atnl he miM that the matrer wwiM lk« ploA'eil l>efore Ihe Orange Water Coinniittee, and If tbi*iiro|Kikitluu of 1lj(< South L irangt* autboritioe is uppnTvrnl hy Dim ruttuiiiI lee iTie matter wiUbeptoi^t t>e- foi*.‘ tljc roinmon t'oiiurd for aetbrn.

( ’oiiiuiuhig, Mr. Ib'tlielinpr saM that this Wu* thi'U'di |>|ikufar ti siipjdy of water t<> ILv hi di of tbe city that bad yst Imhui

ntvtvi'd. and Hint the itrnltorwmild prob Mi'ly ln‘ iif-toi njMni w iihuut delay.

Nii]'i*nm»'U(li'nt Travis, of the Or-Wnfer V'4>rkii, said tu-iUiy that In bis

iu>iuioii tli" plan was one lliAt vv?u)d relieve t!iiM‘ii\ Ilf tiie ex|K>iiNe of erei'Uiig a stainl- pitte. wild Would jimvo of iN-neUt to the retl- df'iiU m tiiBl fwrt of the city for lire piir-

Vhmit a year ago a boUKc owned by John MoKiviii, on lifi'kelov avviuie, was burned tki tlir ground. The Are dcjiarluiaiit was mi iiaiiil, btji Sere tiUeriv |s)werless. I'he water jiiwKuii' r .Kw'lied th*‘ end of the iio/zla nhh'hDi" iltHtwn held in Uieir bands aud tell ou tlio i^roniiil.

n .\ N T 1 \UK A V FN I K I’UKSKUVF.D.

Appral cf I est tkrei»K» r itlrm * lo the ^ N>tt l*rti k roiiiTUlsHimt.

TliPre hj^ atteiulanoeat tb«' mewilug uf tin- I'arli AvetuiP ITop^tlve A-wm-latioii In Ku*t ( U'aii M lust night., wheu resoliititinrt cnll- ihgotiUuMifiwly rn ‘att''l ParkChnitinssioiieTii of Kyiux Ouuuty to (kresarve rark Avenuiios » great bnulovnril ainl |Hiintltig out wbAt the TUMIiIkTis ot the as^oTUitlon iTfUcvo tUctMiti- miMHiou >lioi;id Jo in the laying out of i^t kaWert* ftdo]itiN|.

In tliH reioluticius it Is iHunteil out that them w H tiiHMl .if (urtber legUlalion io that all with alt the uppnwu'bes to them,should lie in thu I'ontrul of a s |^ 'ta l lioerti and i LihI IiuiUhv railways ami all ovcriiead wirtiH ami otlv-r iiinHAiicris should not 1>c allowe*! fq detract from the value of the appnew.'hfH on i-niTlage drivewnys and proin- fiiadc'c. Tlio Dark CuiniiiiKHioti js asked to

tbi; a^N^dHtio|| iu ketAning i ’ark avenue 0 8 a carriaiiH drive niid lAarLwA -, as it is tlie only tfrund uvemif Lolween Newark arid too ih ’anne Mounialiii left fre<j from i^arlracks throuxbnitt itt enlirc length.

lu a {Mjmnutiication aikln K-stol pi the roin- imjksioiiers th»* a.iN'R’iatiun says that the plo of Kssi'x County will not be Kati^fied with lH«i than lfare4> thiiiir*; ftrst, a small ]ior]i nr parks within the lijitiiM uf tuu'h of the large cities or elsewhere in the county; second, a large }«rk or A'haiii of parks ou and over the (>rauge MuiinUiiiiK, uinl, thinl, that Kiiltabie approaches should Lie reserved as carnuge ways and nrornenaileri to the vanoua parts from all utiwtianN fn-*' from trolley cars, (nerhe.td wirne and nnjUiiing that would rje- tract from tlm.Hmi’acter uf tlivie approaches Ori flrsUiiass residence streets.

It is stated that tbi> m pidlj lurriiAilDg iH.ipulatuiu, destlmul to inake thq antirq tioti one built-up Mty, calLtorproTuptariloa 111 twH'uring suitable ti'arts before real estate values incri»8Jie bjo inneh. I'ertnin slreeta. it is {Xfinted out, must Is) preserveil, ami the ciHiiiimmcatiou states that hut for the asiwv ciatioD Fark aveuiiLi liquid bavu been givan over to a ti'olley rooil. The av«inue woN|iaiLl for os a carriage-waj about thirty vearsago. VVhatFLftb avenue is to New York and (.'entral Fork, Dark avenue, the amociatioii says, b bouml tu Ui Ui thb seitjuu of Kssex County,


T h e j A re XVtcrniis ami tVerp D lichargnd b j th e ILtanl <>f H'orks.

Andrew M. Gray and Owpu Kailly^ the foremen who were emi»l'jyeii in the Hlreet De]«rtmeut and who were discharged hy tbe Board of B trw t and WaPT rummissioaero. W'iti contest the Icgullty of the removal under the Veteran oi't.

Both men ure houcraMy dischargeil sol­diers and reivjri daily to Hui»eriutendeut Muiidy for duty.

We«ttlt>hl ami Nearby.The Cranford Towu''Mp rnruinlttee ami

Board of Health inpl In’*! pvruuig. The win- dilion of the roads rci i'lvrtti rouMldemblu al- tprition, TheninUcroT pulu'e jirMsciUm fur ihe townot) July 4. tOc'ii many peupin from out of tuwu are (*i|H • U'll, was discussed auiL left to a cominilti'i'. Tim lioard of Hcslib ordered several nuisaii« f"» abated, aTid directed that tbe socrelfiry rttiLifv il-ose persona wlmwj desiipmAls Were a mciiai-*'to t he health of tbe L’oinmiinity.

A parly of c •anl l'l1“t'6. wjjo make IhHr lieadquariers at rinioii' ld, held services at Kllft Hall, WeaMli-iil. la-f •■venlng. There was a fair attcudariic. St ihc j'outLg mm who thought It a goiid ri unity to have fun KtarU'd to rreat** a tlisUirbatice. but were promptly supjiri* -6i'ii.

Tbe place funiM-i h known aa Wheolman’e Uest’ at Garwoci Li* Ik'CH sold by C, A. Smith to the I’Htieii''. « liii keep the Imtcl o|k pusite. it Is 10 k - t e d as » buardiiig- liouse.

To-morroTv nfiorofum the following esses will IX] callgd beli'tr JudsG Collins ut Weat- ilclci i Tfuld Vf>. Wlliicc. Duty vh. Johnson, C;raue vs. BoniieM anil I’rcHA vs. Willett'^.

l.aHl ulglituii [lulian ' ' li" was under the In­fluence of li'iuor feil inlo tlie dltoli aoro^ Central nvctiu:. and saitaluedsevore scalp wouiid*. .V man pusfftng heard the Unilau greiihiiur riuil usslsied hlrn out of the ditch. Hi'wastaKi'n to the Italian lorlg- ing-house ne»rl> ni>d left In cliarife of the proprietor of the i-liwr

The Ottt4 I't'il lo Two Arrests.TjOuIs Riiefllcr, a comdimati employed by

Httlsev T . Th'tienor, of H’JO t.'Iinpni avcttUHn Irvington, owed ii dabi uf small ifroportluns to Martin tJauskii. of Montgomery avenue, and sought comproniise with (hmska, so It is claimed. Ihu rnacliTimii told Ganska, so It is allcgwl, th.ll if be wnt hB l>oy up to Mr. Ticheuor *; ritablp*! lie wimbi give the l>oy two bags of riatri and call the bill square. The boy cant'd and gut the oats and in a very shA>rt lime Gtflner Ilnpkinsgoithe boy who gr»i the oatA, and nlw arrest^ d Riieffler. Thev wfi-H arrested in IhiR city yosterday, but Judge Kggej’s turned them over to HD lrviiiji;l'Ui roiistahlc-, us he hatl no Jurlsdiiitloii 111 tlie I'n-U'. TliS eoiliitfl wei-n tnksn to tho towiisliiii this inoming. A M-aroh ot K«urti<'i''» homi. revp.lat n gun, 'srpentars' tinihi nii-1 ti iit.inl of ilrnvi'sre tbiiC

belongi.il to Mil Tii'ln'iior.

Hni. (t.H.ii Cli.i'xe.t lire* Keegsn.Arespeotttl.lc-liiMhmg woman, rarrylngan

Infant ia Imf anoi "at arraigned bufure Jiidgo Moll t.bln nu'niiiig. Blia nfai ilnt, Rridget Keegan, of Fiint avenuB auil Fourth street, anil tia bn'ii I'liiirgst! by her former landlady, .Mrs. -Morgarot Hoim, with as-omlt ami battery. Tin* aiTWt was the rmtlll of a landlady and tonnni .|iiarrel, during Whloh, so Mns. Hnos alleg' i ' ! « - Ki.r-gnti slruclt her. The Utter dnmil tlie oUargo and said hfir former liiialliulv' had, Iw*q b^ten by oui of her odn wait. Th(t JurtM (Usolmfgod Mj Kwgiui. ___________

mmwMmmMdat Denver— rrrtldciii TrsiX's

dress to Ihe Dclagairs.lii^fVKn, I ’ol,, Jn iis’Jrt. WlM*iilht‘»oTeii1h

anmiAl ronvJnthm of lbs aNfitlonalU* publl. can Ijcagiie was callc l to order at 1‘L ofeh^-k (IiIh nniruliig, tb*» liriioiiltvay Thf'fltrw, hAiid* -uinely deciirated for the ovi-a.’himi with th** Stars and Ntrijtes sml a mass >'f fnliagi' an L growiiig tluwecs, iLllel uverllowlhg with L.'WSJ Rivl n»prf‘.(ani.AUve Henul>Mi .iu.s frfMii overt Hlale lu the Uuit;n iV hen the ap].!rui'*oevnksd by tlie r.jq»e*ranoe of ProsIJiMit IV. ^V.Traryiiu Ihf hn ‘ sidsddoih praver was olTowt, after wtiK'h K»‘iT»taTry numphroy stopts*! forward aiul r «s l the iSrll Itir the galherhig. Aftor the r*>a-l1nf; SAcmary Humphrey iwllr 1 the roll of HIa Ts* and tho do|i*griiPs liaiuKi up tlieir credcbtials; ewry Mala and Territory in Ute Union Udiig ropr.'ii'uUvl After ap- lH>int4iMiit of tliH mtinei'nns cnuimittoos, lT-**ldriil Traoy -.teiJiwd forward and ib^ livrrrd his umiual a Mrms. llv said, in l<auty as follows;

'• To insure vli'tory. we nmst prf’|»nre to MiiN>t orgaulxatioii nith orgauimlkUT. I t is tiirnuL^h tbe lUviNL i IuIm wUloh form the Nutiiuml Uepiildb'im Jri'ogne that this ur- uanixatioD cau lie*! bti iwrriisi on. The Teegiic bos no desire to asmuiho i*ontnTl of isirty maT'hiuery, >»r attempt lu .»ii way to fiderfelv) with any regular cniumiltee eii- IruitAl with cauqiAign iimtiakcement. i t set^ks, h<»wever, thr.mgli Its idiihs, to mnka mure popular to a lh iiizens that interest m {Hiliiics which is So iiei'i'SMirV to limure givsl gow rum ent and tobrmg clueer lo thociii- t«Ds the nptsirtunlty to ()srtloi}iate lU |sdl6- icnl affairs and assume the reH|Hiiisibihty, the laB iraD jth a glory of {HdlthwI service and success, j t apptNtfs to the mlelligetice and rntriotisni of the American |*eoj>K tind Ibruugh tba e#t4bUnli»uem uf uoluh iu evory U^wn Noeks to »ivot»te and])tomote Hepnli- llcaii priiiclplea lu svety 4'Oiiitiiuiijty and


n a i o u t p r o f lu in to T « r y n i r r o v

m A T | in i. S x a m p lM t e

•een i t tills stors.


ofIN OUlt f'JorTH AlSld: >T1U j in c l u h k r t h e

“ Kepubllcan" ^rum M*sln*' and California will bure aXoliAugc grtietmgf with Kiqndw licaiis from MhiiiCNuia anti Kl.iri.lii. The territory of our tvmutrv u m trsU tin* iutcr- CMt« of thfi* diffemit ' ' tiuuRiiu variwk it is mc«t aaseiitia) to the i>rn|>*‘r ilsvidopmcot of oiir I'emrnrcfiw that op[iornmUies for the cx- I'baiigo of thought aiinmg r»‘jji ejumtativ* 'if iliffermit coiuiiminUcit Le m every way ru- couragfHl,

“ There ore other queritbniv than the tariff whii'h will need the atteiitiuu of the Ilcputo lican iMirty. Ktpially imjKirluni with it for the welfare of our couiitrv in tim cmirihler- ttiiun of the future nf our.NailoiisI currency. Theiw has iieep much mitrcpt omMilAtltMi as to the attitmie of-ibe Hc[iiibli<’aJi |vtriy ou this qiH^Uoii. The Heput'hruii |Hvri-y is Jmt f>*r gohl alnae, nor fi r silver aione, htit for Uith g'Jd aud Hilvcr. They are for the mamt«iiam'i' of tlu' (mrity of gold and silver rnouey, amt mv in favur of sneU IcginlatliiD OA will kee]> the pnrHmsiiig and drill paying power of ilie ilnlbir, whether of gold or silver^ at all tlihH« njual 4ni«w- tion av to how this can iw brought anmit is the iiialtor at Issue. Kilver K U> dayx and always has lieen, tbe immev nf the j.W pK and its fiTtiira can be safely nit nifiTwi lo the pnMcfidiiig i'are of tin' Hepuiilioau ^utrly.

'^Tbcre are other qu 'InMiH vilui'li slionH have the consideration of uui‘ ]Mity: line, the rcfi'binMtluu of our and lands lihrongb iiTigation; the oilier, Uie reM.'sUhit»hmcnt uf our merchant nmrliie.

Tho lna<l»rs wh< have so long and so xiic< cesafully fought the bnUlc nf tb» HepulitiruntMirty imiKt HiHiu give pl.vi'it to yoimgor mtui; et us ])reiiarH to assume the r>-«trims)ldlitie4

<'f leaderdiiii wbils wo may V"i liavo tboir rounM*l aud advice; let joiir dehln'ratlons lie so fllled with wisdom and putru'Usm that ibn voice of tiila <S)nv«ntion will ei-boover every moiititain, pfi'iislrat** every vallev. and find a wricoTne lu tite licort of every iLnputolii'Ah iu tiiu lainl, Ijnt us uu JurUi J ri»m ihis inveting full of strength, fiill <»f faitti. full of fldelily t<i Uefmhtioau principles, and then, luspir^d by tha glorfes of tbe past and (he hojH' uf (ha future, tbs Itepuhlicnn National Ijsague will continue to inaivh at ilic iieii i uf the invincible army **f fTatriotlon.''

The t'oiiinilttee on tlm KoutUrni Qucvtinti will I h mEftble to mako a an*lthe matter will llkriy go to the•Stales for Ibelr own sctlicntants ( 'iiinlimatiIS another cabdldato fnr pUco of tiienext imv'tiag, but D9 Moiava vtimd]i tbs best sbuw tu rapture it. FreAldeut Tracy's friends say be will have a walknwuy. .\11 resolutions arc to ke submitted to countiitPie without dehato,

Th « r(UiirtJi!te« iU«pfwe<! temporarily of consideTnbie by tnbilug il and thenudjotirmd until uext Fri<Uy.

IrtGloFsii l..\DIE *’ F iN K < T W IH TK DAWNWAIMTK, tittii plsltv from and Itark, larte elci'vp, iriiiHiied wlUi fi'inbonilvry around cub U r aud lursc ; hIam, were $l. ').

T O - S I O I l l i O W

A 1..I. lot or llif L -F.I.FnU ATFD DKHHY (VAf!*-.................... ...........................................STK, ill rliovlot, u liH . ,il»ili-j Hull iHiU oroil chiuiilirey hiuI Ih w ii, wore J l.K to fil.SK.

To-morrow 98 cts


ClIII.DRKN'g FIN E OA t f.HTS. liiDirnrmbnrt slreves, laaortsu ityj

- . - ......................or Ivory ItuU r Ite. tolHu.(a)l sixes. IA to H tIVfW* 12| ots.

i n at f M

of rtiil.li, |>Mrl, r.ireret or 1*017 butloni,t*oh. (••bsbJ .

UDiiiiren I.AHIKH' FINK RIBBF.D VlfiTS, In wlilrr. m tii. pink snd hln*. Urn D IM .iq M rt

iho' —rlDbon in Armnoire, ng. ^..to-m orrow. Iff Ctk.


liliiioren t.AIHKg' RIFHEl.tRU RIBBKDi.fni.t - ......... - .........................I.tn i.t TH K K A l) HIWK, s.iilil fsst hluclt or fAM nim'li bool, with fsnoroolorsd tup, ngi^ lot 36c. AU.I 3ic., lu-iuorrow,

U O ct*.

im dnisB LAHIKH' FIN E OAHOE FU LIi RKdI l.A It MAUK TAN IHWK, villus Ifc., to-iiiuriUTV, lit; cti.

Clearance Sale of Carpet RemnantsA LI. K IN fW O F ('A lll'K Ta , IN LKXUTHM OF 6 TO » ) YAItDfi,

49c. Yd.in Our Upholstery Dep’t.

TaheMlvanUgc of the sptclais in tbla deporlOM urtilsb yuur cuttogeH with

SBADES AND CDBTAINS.IkOOii Hand Painted npwiue Window Bbodea, ipribg

lollers amt fringe, si>ecial at

24c. each completeJUg ilsr taIu. Me.

(Viuxl 1 qriiilii PolrH, hrssA Iriniruliigs.ooaiplst* for

12> o. each, 1 %Extra Qnslitf Toare fitrlpsd SctiDl, solUUa for oofetaga

cartamiug, ipeclal,

4c. yard, X'"with oolorefi spot si

lOo. yard, »ABsH.tn riiitsgv ( ’nrulning, With colored spot slid ft#«re

design, s(«fi-ial ut

A KANSASTorpefiloofii,

Itilvs Stroot Worker# snd WsgrA.StfpdrintsDdent lliimly swlsttnti

had about 800 itioii from among whom to *e- lent the thirty ostro men to 1» pat to work uu the sd'eotA this iiioriilng. The psF of tbe laborers baa l)«m hliglitty mluood. The meuwere formerly paid at tho rate of seveiiteeu cente per hour, bgl uniler tho rnlesdopted by the new board they « m bo paid fornine hoora’ work, innking a dlnerenoe of three oonta per day, The laborers siiiployod by the Traoliou oompsiiii*, Mr. Mupdy soys, are paid fil.ijj per day.

K «ig 1k)fy V lilted b j a T orn ad o—M anyD ulU liiigv npinoU ihrif ami llio O cim -

panta ( iiiig lil Tm irr th e KiiLimia

W irn iTA , Kan., Juiic Jik— The little vil­lage of Keighley, in Butler County, on the line of the St. Ig<JiiiK nud Stau’Fraacis(*o Hail- way, was dnvAstat«il by a toi^uodo alMitib 7;ni last evening, but n« there is hn telegraph ofliee there full delails cannot be cditnlnc J.

The meagre news retvHve>l of the aturm WM brought Id U) Irefiiu, some miKw distant from the scene of tlio catastrotJic, by a courier last night, wliorofleoff for hrij> Ik*- fora loariiiug much uf what bad Tbe izK vaenger re|MirU 1)m group of KUhrev mi Main street demolixhL-il and wvcral jHtopie burifisl under the fleluis, Ueaideiu’i* wore blown di^wn and Bume of thoir cn-cuiiaiiL#! fatollT injnrtxi.

The courier only knew nf one dualh. timt Hall Thurston,of u iiiAU naiiibiJ Hall Thurston, wliu. (

gciber with three burMie, ^ ^ k illw i in h iKirn which was lifted up ami turned on ito i '>«)f. Hcveral box carH on tIm track were li/b d up and corried some dislauco bv the wind. T jim (Hiurier adds that he thinks the danmge iii tJie w untry will l>e verv groat.

Rt h o ^ u rtTY , Kan.,1 Jojja 2n. -(Vdnr Gruvf*. Thomas (.'nunty, waa stnifk by u tortiaflo ynsbTilay afb'ruwu. Full jinrl'cn- larsure uoC yet obtainahle, but Ir i*i known the publlf #cutM)| and wivaral other buiidiugs were don)oiisho<l.

D K A T H KNDH litN BtKFlJlCt MiM,

T lie I .IU le ra m tle ii liny W ho Wn* HiirhCtl by I l l s C oinpsH ions P asses Awny'i

Spm’ial Ihspab'h hi the Niws.C am ijkn, June as.-‘Charles Hennv. tbe

tioy who waa bunnol at the itake by com* tMinloDi several months ago, dh' l iu the Hoimnopathlc Hostiitftl here this murniug.

Tbe doi’torw attribute his dwdi to but injuries sniK-riniliiced by thu bent Ills wouhl-l)e tTeinutorN, a vrblto and two col.orefi tnjys, wore sent to the Itofm'iu .Sr-huol by Judga Vroom a r-ouplq of weeltR ago.

T « HUMV V P TIIK i/.\n.

A n InferiiA t M oohlne Pound N ear tlie Si, P cterib iirg P hU«<(»,

HebivIN, June *(L.— The DoAt[bincciyi*r says tbot tbe iiewly-djscoTered wlm-nwas intended to blow uplheA’wir wh laid near the .Momorial ( ‘hnreh in Borki. w hich tbe t'xar was oxfwcted to visit shorilv

It pubJisbes aUo a paragrapb to the c(f«v‘t ti'ldiio WON found r#HNMillythat an infernal nmi'

mactdlar w^ar the Ht. Petersburg Pula' Several arriwts have been muile, Hod two t'abiuct ofllciala are KAld to have Lhhmi com- pruntijed.

f o r l e “ F o u r t h ! ”

FIr«8 CVjiekfi'rs,

C l i p


iBsl tticti'ill Gilf.

Xsiittcli Bofiketo,

PiiritNolii, UiiibFellaM, llaiiiiiiockfi,

l i n t s a u d Nlioea, O u tlu g N hirts.

THAT IWISTAgEOf the tnanfifardiirMn sending tis the goods ai an ino^

(lortuue tliUM saved tne riumcroas buyers several didlntw each on our



Ifi.M flnvcrnor Hefrlgcralor................OiMil fnfr . . . .SUMifi .................

(io%‘ernor fie___Uoverimr .......lTr4i U<»vcriHir Hefrigeraior

fiovs-rnor Hofrii^rairtr .............Ones for ^UMft Governor RefrTjjiTitU-Wi _______12.8c Uoverimr Hefrigcrab'

Hoes for i ..Hoes tof j .Goes for I

. .Goan for ^90O u r!Our j Our I Our j Onr jOur J lf .411 Governor nefrijcrairtr........Our $2U.78 GiFV^rnor Hefriuerator............... ( iocs for B 17»Si

Aud su un down ibe euUre list.

(bivernur Hcfrlifftalurs.! . . , . .Goes tor tis!A S |!B.04Governor lU'frwerator,..A...A '. .Goss tor i l ls .99

....G o e sto rit5.99

H A H N E & C O .IH A H N E & C O .O nly H ou se S e llin g D ou g las

S h o e s a t Reduced P rices,


N.wnrkrrA Narriiwl* Kataiia l>ri>*> mIiii:.F a t Erwir, J uiw a 'i,-Tw o men iiii'l two

women had a narrow «t(*a|Wi from ilniw niiij{ In the FiiAiaie Hirer at KIuroc Bumiav roro- nixm. 'i'hey twlonjted to a party who I mil drlren lip from Newark for a day's uulinir. After they had arrireil the tour look a miall boat and went out rowlug, when tho tn»it capslzeil. tVilliam Fsrnley, of Him ''ll.r, end wreral oilier men who witni"*iii>il the aocliieiit wailed out into the wet-r and aesiAtflil in resell Ing them. Onenfih.* ladies sank before asslstatieo eoiild reaeli her, anti hut for tho pronuit aellou of one of tini rea* euere, she would havorlriiwn«l. The nnniea ot the rescued or rescuei# could not tw ol>- taiueil.

Sail A ccident to a l .l t t le lin y .Hpanlal Distiatch to the Nawa

HmnoEToN. Juno 311.— A telTihlo an'ident befell the little four-yeiir-oW sou of H a Her Horner, of this rity-, yesterday ufteriicon. The child was ruoiiliiK about the yard wiili a large liutcliM iilte wlisa Iwfetl, tlu. knife tienetratlng one-of his eyre and entliiiit a tatylhle naAb iu fats lace. The sight of thoeyttedsOf-^ ■

A p p o in te d I te c c lre r Ot a CJlob* V loe-Chsncullor Van F lee t th ia

m o ro tn g appo in ted E, J . th n i tk of th o MorohantA' N a tional Bank, re c r iv w o f th a riou th F u d A th la tio Clube T he p ro p e rty ^ * th o d o b le w o rth 9,001), an d is m ortiiaged lo r tS,8lX).

rounded 'Bpoonful of

^ D W u q g r a R le r /3o« better work,

than a heaping gpoonflil

, of othea* t .

236 Market Street,rOH. M r U lK llllY P T lli5ttT,

F . W A H K , N m J s

M'a have HuukIm Nhnvs in Bfp r 4.ao. tn , RS.do, •« aati m$

Men'ri; B'J uad LadlM*! BH D iys' anil B X ,7B

Yuutlis'. PrlftM and name staniRpd uU bot­

tom of every poi

S T K A A l K I t s M A t t T H A 'S V I M K Y A R I ?l/raves L'uiiam'rrluL lu^rf dAilf,!'.

liSn V.ve*. M.

..... ............ Ir.I-.lfl A. andvia Sva Brai'ii ii. H., frum Hay ftldfs.

Gill Gut Thl" Guupun.Jiriug It with

I'.rk, N, J a, bv uni»i‘Uiii»g ii< ................... Island.

when hUyiiu |l{ wnrili of sbueN at store . . .. WliOK Market Hr. cur. Mulberry, New*

upcin you w ill rei'elve. free of obarga, a lioand Htatty tim e th is seavotit I'ae this coupon fm ta

f«'up ,Tfifi Ticket to t'oiiey Island, (bkxlany , ........ -. - ..........- ... _ . -NKWH wheu you gn lo Coney Island ami save the price of Urn full fare, .Tnc.


In either sec, at all eeea A written guarantee to positively C U R I VOU OK >'U PAY. No Oultlug 0 |ieratU»n.

— No Detention fruo> BiuUwse.

Truss!W U E lf CUBED.

fEE FEGIKLI8-.1!lfTllSE ODRE C0.i(H frOH POnATED C A P ITA L, * 10,MO.)

R O O M S 7 , t?. 0 a n d 1 0 , 7 7 0 B R O A D S t R E B T . ,B E H J A r t lS I F H A K K a W f i , H . D ., - - - ■ ^

CUNSULTATIUN F ilE K -e A. M. to 4 P* M. dally. Tneeday and ITrfday,» A. M. to 3 F. M. ladies treated at their reatdencei. * Heterenoeeatooroaioa.

M l/'i. i Ls«4 I


3 2 .0 0 0 aBC U lA D lO K .


There is never any kt-up in bargain-givings at this cs- 'tablishment. W e keep at it in season and out, rain or shine, warm or cold. W e know it’s appreciated— the crowds that fill our store daily proves that. W e are at it again to-mor­row, and the bargains are better than ever.

,/Y Four-ttour Sale of Ladies' White Waists.

From lO to 12 A. M. and from 1 to 3 P. H.II daitfn WalitA, a iw le o f g c ^ miiUiriAl, wtth

Urgft pl&li«4l ruffle down tufLetk froiil » imI Ixii.plftlted (iini*'do'wu ooUer, two ouly etch ciutomer d urlug

wbore h o a n . * t .Thl« AValst ewn poeltlrclr mot be made for leee tbati GOo,

White Leghorn Flat Hats,T orL aJlM ud C1iU()nin,flD.<)i»!ltr.iiunn>

fu tu n n ’ ntnUr prlu Olr.., all d .r u>-niorTaw for

IS eentH.

Fine Floier Wreaths,^Vi]d Pinwent, elo.. all fln^ soode

whlfth oott to I ’.ao per doieo to make, all day totnorruw fnr

15 cents.

U D IE 8 ' FIN E ENBEO IDEEED HANDKERCHIEFS.Bwatlful dMlfiM, irlth nAllopei) o d m on T«rr line quetlty mnterlnl, I f k t

m r tn fuUjr lie., all dnyta-nwTrow for............ .................. ..................... C C n M

MerinoUnderwear.] .ad lf« 'White Hwiwi Ribbed ('oitmi

I'hderwnAr, low netikjiarvd itlMve-eIcMe with. nHL ribbona, valitCe 25c

Liidiei* F1n« Ribbed Val. fnw hile only, w ith low ncr.kc anti ihurt ileeTeira very icart* art Ir Ic,

25c. and 45cIjadlA«* nanxe K nlckarbocker T>raw-

era, knee leugtbt........................37c. and 46c. pr

A. few doren left of thoae iJKiiafl*111 tilted I'otitm V«ett« in culura lA* only, Ac, ealue, fo r ...........................

Men's >atural Wool Ooaaamer Sli{riiNC/]« am and l»raw«rH,avery fine gariu rm .y ''*"**'

Men'* HftTiltary bhlrte, with ehort ■leevM...........................................

And A few doien left of tlioee Men'*|'']e('iri(' Blue Bilk T exture lU l- briygan B blrti and U r a w < > n « , . OQ* value, fo r ... . ............................... .

Men'e RalbrifrgAn Shlrta and Drawera. In lavender eha«let, wltbC/)/* on Krtoch ftnleh........................................... UUC*ea

Cblldren’i OatiM, OtHaanier and Rummer Merino HhirU aud Drawer* lu great var< iety.


Hosiery.J.arl1ea' Fanry Ilpop Rliteh TJele lloae,

with Uat^k booteaud hW liisdorrd^p^ p p

Dotted Swisses,RmnU and lu f« dot. nnd flgnrM. mnterlnl of

I |ood quality, cannot be pnrekaMd anywtiere ' U dar Wd., io-nturrow.

12i cents.

Oriental Laces,Whlto, T»ry On. Boodj, tha naw«it and

ahnlr» t dwlxna rfgttUr liHc, and Uo. qiiall- Uaa, tu-DMircu# fur

6 cents.

LADIES’ RIBBED YESTS,la white, with Uped seckt and ahelUtltohed a ra i. fancy ribbed, and 1 A a m 4 m la acru, ihapedq with taped aeok and arma,16o. and IfC. goodtt for...... -M.v

FINE EH6E01DER1ES,Maw opanwork pattama, with wtds marptna,

, on flna dwlaa and Cambric, uaaalljr 19c., to- i■OROw^or

121 cents.

N E I SILK MITTS,Waek, extra quality, full leigth. white em-

broldety on back, regular prioe fiOc., for

25 cents.

M EN’S FINE SILK NECKWEAR,Tha Utaat dm lpnaln madlnm onion. On. qnalKy allk, lataat ahapM. S AUoka and 1-lu-hauda, rapular prloo Sc. and »c., to-morrow for,......... S v C C n i S

19clAdlea* Fine Quality Rlate and Taa

Jloea. with plain bnau and fancy atrlped topa, lAc.. gtssU, fur..

lAilies* OaUMi Uslfl liFnw. giiamnleed fMt black, a very cf>Fd sunAmer Ptockiuf atwl Miiterlor quality,ACa and a guou •&«. value, for......

an dimen ChlldiTn*i Fast lUack » HcaroleM Ribbed t'ottnn lloae, slzta

4 to good Arm iiTisIlty. a regii* lar IDu. stocking.while they laal to p p

Men'i Tan and Blate Lisle ThreadSocks, with double wileftv never OKt* auld fur leas than p a i r , . * « / v

Baisis ii liithMexicaa Orass llammitcka, with f%Ar

Mpreader, 75c. value..................

89cMexican Oraaa Haromocks, braided edges with spreader, |iJs5 value.,

Mexican Oraes I [aromocks, large sise,witli •prN'atier. buoks and ruiiee, 9Q lU ivalue.................................

Mexican flraaa. extra lai^a, close in«‘sbea, with eprt^aNlcr. hookm ro^B and Urlenlal pillow, $15u

Special 5ale of Dress ShieldsThe b««t D rw i 8hli'Mii liefore the Tiadte* of Newark to-day are thcMo

ktampoil with our llnii name—"TH K 1* 8. Plant & CO.” Theno have a lil^ *ale, but more women aliould know of their merita, and for the purpow of Kri>ater lntro(lucltoM,\VILI,(lUOTK KPKt.TAL PUICK8 FOR TH IS W E EIt. Wo Rive the foIlowInR Runrantee with eaeh pair—Just to show tha t we are not afrnld to back up our ■•IIKST B lilE L U BKFOIIE T H E PU B L IC ” KTATK- MKNT.

1. rallM to th . dlatlngul.hloit featn rr. and good qnal- !?!*'* ef lb . 1--S, P, i Co. bhl.ld. Erery pair uf UioY O U R _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _

l ? P ^ P F f ^ T P I II Blil.lU, )i warrantad in give entire m l»taction'’and we will not only rrfund tne money for Bblelde. if not

A X T F N T I O N entirely eatlafaciory, hut we hold ourMivea reepon.!- 1 EilW I i V l v ble for detnage todrwa from n»e of eame.

‘a I I I a I attaching thia Drew Bbleld to the gar- 1 ^ X X I I I I f l I \ l B D i e i i t iew through tha binding only. If

I I W Mwed through the centre the Shield willbe mined.

T h e L . 8 . F . & Co. L i^ h t W s is li t S h ield , Pure White, (or Suinmer Dreieea,

Hlle 1

ac6 in I

9lc 11cSlxet


Mortlctd-eiid Screen Doors,.Oomplete, ' “ ' ’

98 cents50 Feet Best 3-ply Hoset

w ith reel and aoaale and eonpllngi,

$4.98Columbia Lawn Mowera,

WnrrMited tha beat mad«,

$4.694 quart Gem loe Cream Freezers,


2-burner Oil Stoves,59 cents

2-bumes Gas 8to"«,98 cents

dm ^llenge RefrlgsMtoro,w ithout an equal, regular SlD.rs elie,

$7.98Uace's Diamond Refrigerators,

Beat of eoft wood boxei, regoler alxe,

.'v.-it' $4.73

L . B a m b e rge r & Co<1 4 7 a n d 1 4 9 M j^ R K E T S T R E E T .

1 Sprim ifii Atgihis.


T h e P a ir, STEIN & RLAU,

*J I 9 6 -I 9 8 Springfield A ve.

tV£ JUST BECEIYEDKldoten Hoya' Ijiwn UIouwb, alaee 8 to R,

inih colored rume, cullars uud culTi,, chrau a t Me., for to-murnm-,

29 cts.a doacti lAdU's* Shirt Waists, rt! to 44,

iJoiihle ruffle. laci' ctlgcd.ln wbllA* lawn, indlifo blua or percale, a iMtrgaiu at lo-murrow,

46 cts.TO-MORROW

And tti« Bajance of tlie YKselA lot of Children'e Qr&y rauvoa Oxford Ties,

calf trlDinkod, «jy.cB to at 41)r.Misses' stKOA 11 to 2, At bSle. They are Wurth double the price.

Children's Dongola Sprlnshecl Hutton Kluvea. alxen 5 to 8, a t i5e., and fl to 11, at 40c.

ChUdren'sTan-cnlored float Ppringheel Hnl- too Shoes, alaoB 5 to b, tlUc., and H i to at ?2Ce

to d ie s ' Dohgnla Shoes, B dlfTcrent styles. In button and lacc, t.\ fh K uud KK widtha Bizes ilU to H, at Tids shoe liaa■month Inner sole, aotld leather coutiter, is liicoly lluiabed, and wo guaruiitce them to wear equal to auy |2 shiNe you buy else> wbc re.

flUalies' Donpda Oxford Tiee, patent leallicr tipe aud patent leather trimmed, in all the dilferetit HtyliY toes and ail sixes, at OHe,,S lh 2 5 ,C l.U . worth ILW, $l,T5uud t l ’JA.

Jjadles' Tail-colored Oxfnrfl Ties, tu ail the leading styles and nil t ixA's. at lAr.. IIHc.,Cl.SA. Taey nro worth 9I.UO, $1,50 sud $1.75. The tllffereucn goe* lulu yourjiockut.

Men's Genuitio UnsHmCnlf Tan-rolorod Shoes, razor Mies, wing Up, hand sewed, at

■VMen's Calf Lace Khoes, tm cnlorr^, ftLOO,

former pries Jfl.rtl, warranted hiinrl newed ; if not, UHuu»y refunded. Wi> Invite you to look at this shoe, even if you have iiu lu* teiitious of buying.

Men's Oenulne Talf rongress Oaiters, solid ieatbor counter, sollvl leaiher inner athI ouliT sola, sixes d to U, at SI.4th ThqV are Utters ami wearers, regular slioo.

Boys'Solid I..sather Jacc Shoes, sizes 11 to 2, at 6f»c., and Jl lu 54, at 79cg Thtfso aro ohsap shoei, but guodskuet.

Our Llttjs Favorite (for boys) and onr Llttls Lady (for girls) a t bbo. ars simply im- uwpae. TrylhsKu. -

BktDATiilwr molk^y returned and va tjussUons H o d s b . asked If not sAUtiUed with y-our bargain afler-vALietelag'ihptu at homo.

SO dozen f'hlldrcn's l,awn Caps, all sly.es double laco eilKcd rucking, front I'orded laivu, never sgld less tliau IVc., iu-tuorrow,

6 cts.ISdoxen Tisdies'Husset Oxford Tics, ilzes

-H to I, teifUlar 75c. shoe, to-morr«nv,

59 cts.Stein & Blau,196-198 Springfield Avenue-

T b e L . 8 . P . & Co, B e s t Q iwUtv P u re B u b b e r D re ss S h ie ld , Naloiook Covered,

Sike 1 6 lu t 8lz« 8 aiz« 4

9uG 11c 12Jc 14cT h e L. 8. P . & Co. B e s t Q uality B eam less S to c k in e t S h ields,

six. 1 BIh I Bixe 8 Blic 49-lc llSc 13c ‘ 16c

To make this event of (greater Interest we shall sell all other Dress

% ...................................................................................................... ..................................tiie eioeption tif oua make, AT A DISCOUNT OK TEN


That $3.95 Portiere Offer of Last WeekWell, tha fame of this irreat bargain has spreaii like wildfire and

tlie rfiteated dsmands fur same elnoe ysiierday ctjcnpal* oa to uegutftttu fur another lot. Tbes^may be hen; In time for Uhrporrow'sfuiln: If not, aBrelyon Thiiw ay. la eleven color' lugs, Lravy doubts tassel fringe 10 Inches drep, rich dados 27 Incbes wide, heavy rhenlllc end 100 Inches wldn to pair.grand value when sold a t |d..Y), our price to comiuue at. $ 3 -9 5

L. S. PLRUT & CO. ■ ■ 707 TO 721 BROAD STREET.

E . H E Y M A N ,Tit Lmsi Fiio Slw nttsi in It Clh.

$1.00 MIbhp.s' Jlursol Hiitttm, russet tip, at Tfto., n to s

TV. Children's KuBsut Hutlon. at flSe,fl.flOllems’ HiiiT l'uiji|) f^ole Hhees, I^e a n d

Uongrees, Ai •l.no,75c. Gents' Uhe<-»v Uanvas Lace Shoes, full

leather trimim-ii. Ill 5Ur.75c. Hoys* CfuiviDA Iwice Shoes, full triniiued.

sizes 11 to !£,Tfto. Ladies' Dfinguia Oxford Tics, opera and

commons«*!i8P, si/.ss to 7, oTily 4nc.65c, ChUdrtuVs huHSOi Hutton, sprlnghesl, 6

0 5, a t 4Q<'.

ll.OOKId and Dongola Ladies' Hnusa Slluw pets, kid lined. sixeB o to 6, at d.'M*.

75c. l.a(ltrK’ Hnoset Oxford Tie:*', hand sewed 2 m o ;,o a ly 59c.

75o. MIbhc. * Hongola Oxford Ties, patent leather tip, Ffixes 11 to S. only 49e.

$1.25 Hoys'Kuasot Dutton, sizes 11 to 5^, at 98c.40c. Infants' Tan Huttoa, StoA, at 2Ur. Tlierc sre a few left of our 21.4U Gents'

Tan tslioe.n. [f youw anta pair you'd h^ttar get them bt'fore they are all gune. They are Tvortli fiuu. ptT pair more than we sell tJicm at.----------------------■ ^

K . H K Y M i k . I V ,2 1 S -2 2 0 Npringfield A von oe.



N o ! Positively the Last Week

Mosquito Net Canopies,In medium and Urge slzsi. with rrailing at*

tarliTQf-nts coinpieU. Also Canopies msde of Hohiiiel taoe.

P rices $1.15 to $ 5 e a c h .

Mosquito Net,lijr thtt yitnl ur i>lxc«, la oil tb« leading colon.

T a rle ta n s ,la several colors and qualMlet.

Summer Comfortables,Vary light weight, made of Hllkallite, Cbaess

Cloth and Datlste.$ 1 .4 9 upw ard .

Summer Blankets,Very light welghtjogray and white, Kb4 sizes,

7 5 c . per pair.

Lap Robes and Horse Sheets,Linen Ia |i ItrlNea, In iilaln rnlors and stripes,

with ktmtted ur |i]aln fringe, full size,7 5 c . an d 9 5 c . ea c h .

Momie Cloth D asters.Full size, fringed,

9 5 c . ea c h .

Mohair and Cloth Rohes,Very light weight, in strli>e«, plaids, etc.,

trimmed with IlusRlatan leather,$ 1 .2 5 u pw ard .

Horse Sheets,Of rottnn and light woolleB materials, b n i

makes, full Mize,$1,15 upw ard .

U. S. Bunting Flags,Kerular ilzea made with patent damp, dyed

Fnlon and Stripes, absolutely fast colors. Thu neatest end iwAt flag made, A good(Mirlmcnl at I'RICES LUWEKTHAS..........UKFUHK.

U. S. Standard BuntingBy Ihe yard, in rud, white and blue, II Inchet

wide,17c. p er yard .

Calico Flag Banting,1q several designs, a t

5 c . . 7 c . , 10c. p er yard .

Reed Chairs and Rockers,A large aesortment always on baikd, prompt

delh'ery insured. Fricos$ 1 .9 8 u p w ard ,

PORCH CURTAINS In xevonil xlxot,PIAZZA CHAIRH u d CUSHIONS.FOLDING LAWN CHAIRS. ' 'h a m m o c k s , » very larg* Ud«, with ropes.

Look, aud apreodors.

MATTINUS u d m a t t in g MATS, all prlcei.

SHADES, AIVNINOS and LAWN TENTS, made to order (ur Cltv and coanlrf bomn.

TRUNKS In m anf xtrlex and elxee,



RATUING Sl'IT-S FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN—Blue flannel trlnimed with white braid, and while flannel trimmed with blue. FOR MEN AND BOVS-One-piece Blue Flannel Suita, in ,re a t varletr. and Knit Jeraej- ClotbSulta, two plecei, in navy bine.


LADIF.S’. MISSE.S’ BOYS’ AND YOUTHS’ SHOES, in Inteet atylea for tammer.

For anr want in the amortment of a FIRST. CLASS IjRV g o o d s HOUSE, apply to Ui.

T h e P o p u la r Store.The governing principle which regulates

the business of our house meets w ith the approval of th e m asses, nam ely:

One Price to ^11 T hat the Lowest.

9 to 12 TO-MORROWLadies’ Calico W aists, ruffle yoke, turn-down collar, large

variety of patterns, worth 39c., for

17c. quality fine Sateens, lig h t and dark effects, for Wednes* day morning only at the ridiculous price of

S i c . y d .

2T-lnch Embroidered FlouiiclDg, the 40c. grade, a t.............................. aC c. p e r y a rd27-lnch Embroidered Flouncing, the 60c. grade, a t..... ..............3 5 c . p e r y a rd2T-tnch Embroidered Flouncing, tho 75c grade, a t.............................. 3 0 c . p e r y a rd

Ladles’ All-wool Tan Covert Cloth Bulls, Btaxer effect, large sleeves and wide skirt, tegular $5.50 quality, a t .................

Ladles' Duck House Dresses, waist plaited back and front, large collar, extra wide skirl, regular price 11.98, at.........


Ijadles’ Shirt Waists, laundered collar and cuffs, neat figuresand stripes, also black grounds w ith dots and stripes, J t . . . a ._75c. quality, at....................................................................Z ... C l S

Those Printed India Bilks a t 2 5 c . p e r y a rd are ” Tbe Talk of the Town values 40c. to SOc.

Our assortment of Dotted Swiss rem ains unbroken..... 18c. to 2 5 c . p e r y a rdGent’s freoch Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers...... ......................... e a c h

Price beginning of the siason was 76o 24-lnch Black Brocade Ind ia Bilks, dressy, give good wear.....OUc. p e r y a rd 'Black Bilk Chantilly Laces, new designs..................................... 2 0 c , p e r y a rdBlack Bilk Bourdon Laoe, extra lieavy work.............................. 3 5 c . p e r y a rdBlack Bilk Bourdon Lace, 9 Inches................................................4 0 c . p e r y a rd

Fanfy Changeable Bilk Parasols, regular price $3.08, a t.............» . . f 2 |^ ^ a a c hBlack Bilk Parasol, w ith labe insertion, reg. price $4.50, a t . ^ . 2 0 e a c h Black Silk Moire Parasol, trim m ed w ith lace, reg. price $5.50, a t .$ 4 .1 0 e a c h

X Y I I^ r S O T V & C O ,15 9 T O 1 0 5 M A B K E T 8 T B E E T .


A A.

11. s n i to..701,703.709 Broad St


Of making itinl Inyiiig C'nr]K‘U with ]>aper w ithout charge and giving nw.sy Mixed MfiKrf-s. timl Ued RpHiig with every Ittslrootn Suit sold, or giving away a largo Jlo(|intit« Itug w-Uh every Parlor Suit sold.IT ISN’T STRANGE

That Our Name Should _ m b b b _


A r e M e n t io n e d .

National Newark

Banking Co.,7 S 9 b r o a d s t r e e t ,

tVjr. of Jhtnk S(r«t,

Fnr nini'hi t/rart (Af* fmnk Aos fram- wlr.d hunincM, pnrm ing a policy o / conurn'rifive HberalUy, and atiU offers to dealem all the aom’mieneea and uteommuilationii which a good bank can give.

C’//.1,V, a . FOCFfVOOD, Pres. F. S. C AM PBELL, }"ice-Pres. II. U'. TU NIS, Cashier,,__


NEWARK, H fj.A siyl n o n i ) . . - . \ . PrexldnntASSETS(Markot ValneslJan.t,

SiandarU.................................... M,;42,aOS HM U 'LUS.................. ................. li,<l|}8,7W lih i Rl'LUShvfornwrN.Y.Sl»nil-

nnl (Am. Ex, per cent. Re-. iw™.................................... lyBATCrnI’uiicie. A h.olately NDn-ForlBRable After

Hrrund T«Iit.Is CASK oi> i,*|.8x t he policy Is catrTtsiTSD tv

Ladies’ Duck Suits, value $1.08, while they last, a t............ ...................... 8 1 .2 5Ladles’ Waists, rutiled yoke, large sleeves, all sizes, made of best Merrl-

mao light prints, value 3oc., while they last, a t......... ................. tOc. eachLadles’ Wrappers, made of good quality calicoes, fast colors, in all sizes,

while they last, a t................ .............................................................4Qc. each

LADIEV GLOYES.At 25«. a pair. Haviiuc pDrchwad from a Lrifo glovfl importer 115 duxea Ladtea' Pure

6UR and 8llk and Irlueti Gloveo, In all •bod^,never euld lesH than SOc.. your choice of the entire lot, u Iodk os they laaL

A t 2 5 c . a P a i r .

LADIES’ HOSE.At CBu. s pnlr. Extra Superior French Lisle

Thread Rlrnelleii Ribbed Iloee, amvrBDtued tu t black bouts with high colored tope, regu­lar price the..

A t 2 5 c . a P a i r .

TfiUIK BARGAINS.At as.9S. Will icll ex long as they lu t , IS

Fancy Crrxtal Zinc Trunks, Iron bettont. nicely lined, In large sizes only, worth 14.00,

A t « 2 . 0 8 .

TWO CORSET BARGAINS.Ledlee' Extra Large Rite Comte, la drab

only, slice81 to 8(1, worth tl.CO,A t 0 0 c . a P a i r .

TheO. B. and J. 0, Sammer VenUlatlu Oonete, worth Wo.,

A t S O c . a P a i r .

GREAT SILK BARCAINbPLATN BLACK FNDIA SILKS, foil S3 lnuhMwld«,$xtrA good qaallty* iMver O f t a v j I

BOldleMlhftn89ci.tAts.......................................................................... .............. » O C « y H

DAVID ST R A U S6 3 5 and 6 3 7 Brnade Car. H ew Streete

roKCK na loiig m Its raluB wiu pay for, or, it T - w r A f - k W lA T / ’W « ’*4EXPERIENCE Hih^

When Buying Precious 'Stones'Go to a PeliaWe

LOWY BROS..160 Springfield Avenue,

Between Bewardwid Broo#s M rei^

Look for Uorac Shoo Sign Over tho Door.


(I^ IM IT E D ),7 3 B a r k e t Mtrcet, !Mcar P la n e Street,

Has just rodm-ptl tlic price ono-lmlf on Refrigerators, Fanoy Matting, Cliil drqn's Carriages uiid Piazza Chalra Do noU'aU to give us a call if lu want of any of tlu. aliove goods. -

--------- ” ’- - ‘ “jnn>«‘rJ icso rtR , H etefs and Boaraing-lTOuge* fitted up a t sh o r tuduw) and off fealohtolfrKjruA ‘ '

STORING FURNITURE.Notwithstanding the seasoh is somewhat over, yet we are busy on ac­

count of our building Iwing new, cleanliness and rates reasonable.

Furniture M oved With Vans.WjLllCiS, and fk * y T E lL E P H O IS r E ^ S O .


W.T.Rae&Co.Broad and Cedar Sts.'

1 6 1 W a s b in o r t o n S t . ,' c o r n e r o f w a r r e n . 7 8 iiu k » t StfMl, Nm i F l i u Slratt, H i u k . K i .

b luued. in exchanfo.After the Mcrma year Folle1e$ ar$ fftOOiTa

TKftTAiiLx,nml at to nsUitnettinu'O nr fWf»tdpiWion nrt rfWmJfd,

(.'AHH Loavs are made to the extent of fiOper rent, nf the rew r r i raliMt where valid fiKTumyntRof the Foilcleeoonbe modeaiooU Jnieral Recnrlty.

Lo.srra iirvlii Immedlatelf upoa oompletloB etui approval of pronftk


•’NEW: STYLES:.— OF----


and,Canes.G A R D I N O R ’ S .


Beems to show that the cheapest price at whloh a'good, general news* paper can be sold Is two cents.

The ruling prices a t w hich eueh papers are sold are two and these cents.

In this class tho K E W A ItK E V B K IN G N E W S stands p r^em inent

I t exceeds In circulation any afternoon dally publlstaed at thoM prloee in the States of Now York, Pennsylvania or New Jersey.


Cures promptly, without addi­tional treaUnent, all reoeot or uhronio dlxonlers. J , Ferre, (suooMor to Broiu, Fhanna- ;ian, Faria. Bold by aU drug- ■ ^ " fltatsi.


fou Want Harawan, Wrought iron PipOi

■emu oom k;IfAita in the U n iM f

Iron o r Brass Factory S u p p /iB B ,0 to .


SOI SWll SMMWe can't tell von b«re of lU w$

< ore doing in

FIN E -G R O C E R IE S,Hut we have them to sell you at price! t]iA$

wlU pot money In yoar pnree.B E HT COLUMBIA j IMI’ORTED JC lto ,

RIVER sa l m o n , LtEH PlOKLiS,10c. COT, 20c. hottiB,Worth ,180. I Sold U naU r a t «o

tBc. and 25c. lb


A -