Pierre Brind'Amour, "People and Money in Roman Comedy"

ECHOS DU MO N DE CL ASS IQUE volume xiv, no. 1 janua ry 1970 ja nvi er CLASSICAL NEWS AND VIEWS published by the classical associati on of can ad II puhli e par la societe canadiennt deli etud es class iques

Transcript of Pierre Brind'Amour, "People and Money in Roman Comedy"


volume xiv, no. 1 janua ry 1970 ja nvi er


published by the classical association of can ad II

puhlie par la societe canadiennt deli etud es class iques


Colin M, WEllS, "<e,,,""'"'' "'"',' Department of Ch >skal Studies,

I'Jowaru F, UlCEY, Upper Can~ cl~ College, Toronto 7, Ontario, Can~da

C;\rth u\MBERT, A ILhou ,e College of Education, U, W, O., 1.<>n<lon, Ollt.

Vol, XIV, No 1



Rcsume : Tous tel! personnage8 de Haute son t prcoccuvcs par t 'argent. Cettc prtoccupation r evete l 'importance que la societe romaine de son opoque atta­chai t aux va teurs pccuniaires .

As early as t he sixth century before Christ, the poet and theologian Hesiod once said : "The soul of man is blind: money is all the life of th ese poor morta.ls " (Works and Days, 694) . A little later, the lyric poet Alkaios declared : "Money makes the man' no poor man is ever Good nor honourable" (frg . 81) . Still later, the elegiac poet Thcognis, ruined and exiled from his heme town of Megara , confesses "I experience thousands of problems; I am still stuck in extreme poverty .... EVerybody takes great care of the rich man, and none of the -poor man : thi s is a common attitude with t he whole world" (~., 1, 619- 622). 'l'he great Pindar said : "Gold is the child of Zeus : neither rust nor decay will destroy it, but love of gold will destroy man" (frl': . 222); he sa.id also, in a v e ry impressive way, speaking to 1·lan: "0 miserable creature of a day, you stammer like a little baby when you boast of your riches" (frg. 157) . Money was so much a problem that Plato , in his Ideal State, ,"'anted to get rid of the problem by getting rid of money: exchange of services was to be the n ew basis of society and would not require money. Aristophanes , in the p e riod of t he Old Comedy, wrote a play called Ploutos, that is "The God of Riches"; i n it, h e advocates the necessity for th'eCOiiinuni ty as a whole to be rich and t o possess money, although the individual c i tizen in his vi ew, was better off and more useful t o society in a state of poverty, since he would then work to earn money. and work for Aristophanes is the basis of society . In the period of the New Comedy, the poet Menander was well aware of the power of money: "Some philo­sophers , he says , pret end that wind , water, earth , SW'l, fire , stars arc the gods . For mys elf I believe that the gods who are truly useful to us arc silver and gold . One has only to erect to them an altar in his home and to pray to them . Do you need anything? All the things i n the world will be yours ; lands , properties, butlers, silverware, friends, judges and helping wi tnellllcll . A li ttle gift o f money, and the gods themselves will be at your service!" (frg . 537K) .

Such a UIliversal problem found i t s way, of course , into Roman Comedy . The greedy slave -dealer Ballio , in the play of Plautus called Pseudolull, was well aware of the importance of .making a little profit : "Even if I were sacrificing t o Great Jupiter himself, h e says, and if I were holding i n my hands the sacri ­ficial meats to be offered to him, at thi s moment should any opportunity for any profit arise, I rather quit on the spot t he divine office! " (v . 265ss) . Another slave dealer in Plautus , called "The Wolf", when a client comes t o him docs not see the man, bu t the dollar: "I see a profit walking toward me" he once declared (Poenulus, 693) . Ballio , for himself, considered dead an old client who did not h~money ally more (Pseud ., 248, 308 - 311) . The same Ballio was once accused of the horrible cr ime of beating his mot her and father ; h e r eplied t o the

22 PlumE BlIND' !U·l0Ull

accll1Hltion : "I even killed them to avoid nourishinG them. Djd T do comc thing wrong?" (ibid . , 361-363) .

is so much decired by everybody that :i t bccoml's the true dynrunilJm of' Plautu~ ' E.'ve ry traditional c1mruc t c r of comedy ho.:1 be come pr"-occupi ed with it . Let us begin by the yOlUlg man in love . Ills in tllf's e t imes as it is today, was t h at he w[ll}t ed to enjoy life but not do so . Romantic walks in the moonlight <10 not take away the need of resta.urants and of making gifts to the beloved . An old woman tells a in t he Asinaria : "Be content with the light of day, with the water, sun , with the moonl i ght, with the night : the .'l c things do not need to be bought for money . But f or everything else you must pay cash! If you want br e ad from the baker, or winc frcn the liquor store, thes e people give you the me rchandise only if you pay them .. Their hands do Iw.ve eyes , they believe what they s ee !" (198135) . So the young man who want ed t o enjoy a party or to buy a gift for his sweetheart had to find ways to get money . Th e quickest way was to ask his fath er , \.lut the father was a ti/!:ht - f'lcted old man who had worked all his Ii f e to make some money and who wanted t o die rich; s o his son was faced wi th the obligation , and one must say , wi t h the thr ill and pleasure , of robbinc; him : "1101.' happily you spend the money you steal from a tight-fi sted rather" says a younc; mall in a p lay of the comic poet Caecilius . YOWlg men in Plaut;us , in their own special kind of lan{,"IKl.ge, want to "trim" their father, to "wipe his moncy ['rom his nose", to "bite" him , to make him "vomi t" his pennies., and they even wir.h to see him a beggar , or t o sell hi m t o make a profit, or to see him dead in order to inlieri t from him .

Our natural f eeling would be to pity the father of such a son . But ancie nt Homan comedies were written to make us pity the son of ,meh a fath e r ! '['he r egLLla.r mune giv en to the father is s e nr x iratuc, " t h e an/Vy o_ld-man", or s e nex pareus, "the tight - fis t e d old -man"~even lock his salt-box so that nobody from his family could steal some salt (Persa , 267 ). One f ath er, when h e mnkes a sacrifice to h is ancestral spirit, uses ;:;erycheap earthen -ware so that his ancestral spirit would not pr ofit l)y stealing the sacr e d vess els (Captiui, 291- 292 ) . lIe would ev en sleep with a bag on his mouth so not to lose breath during t h e night ~ This kind of fa t h er only wishes his son to do business, and will not readily understand that the YOWle man prefers to enjoy life aIltI lov e . In fact , as can be expe cte d , the father want s his son to marry a rich girl ami the son is inevitably in love with a poor orphan g irl. II. l ol of t r ouble r e sults from this situat ion, until, at the end of t h e play, the poor Birl finds out that "he haG rich ·p1ll'cnts .

If the young man in Roman Comedy naturally falls in love with a poor Cirl, it is because pover ty is sometimes the teach e r of virtue . A rich g irl who brings a dowry s e ems a very had prospec t f or futur e happiness . Plalltus said : "AG long as Birl' s mind is virtuous, she haG a dowry big enouCh" (f1uLularia , 239) . The poet Afraniuo wrote of one girl : "She is pretty; people who hate rich wives pret end this is hal f the dowry ; more t han that , she is virtuous" (v .156-158 Ribbeck) . But not every yaWli'; man had the courace to marry a poor girl, and many a future husband t r aded his authority agaim;t a big dowry (Asinaria, 87) . So we find ourselves in front of another traditional elm.raete r of Hom= Comedy, that of the old uely wife with a dowry . A poor husband in Plaulus deClar es : "'l1le more I t hink of it , when it happcns that a man marded an old wife I<Iitll a {lowry, 110 sleep will ever come t o dlstw'b him, GO mllCh i s h e


a fraid to 60 to bed" (l.lo,.,t ('1.l:u·'.a, 7Cf2-70') . El!1ewhe r e ill t.he ~Ulne pl.ny, two o hi men have this conversation: "'l'h ese old womcn who anoint I..hem::::elves with perrumes", says one , " these women who want to appear young , these old toothless things who want t o hide their ugliner:s wi t h cosmeti(!s, when their sweat ruingles with their perfUme , I..hey smell at once like whcn a b ad cook mi x es din·erent ::;uuces : you don ' t know what it smells like , yet you understand one thing , t hat it smells awfull . " "T1w.t is quit e true" , answers hi s friend, who then t urns hi mself toward the spectators · "This, a lot of people among you cert ainly understand , who are k eeping at home old wives t.hat got you because or their dowry !" (ibid., 271Iss). In fact , the rich wife is credited with all the vices on e can imagI"il"ein a WOlIk"Vl . She is ugly, un::;mi l ing, imperious, jealous, t alkati v e ; used to a lot of money, she will ruin h er husband by incredible and inmmlerable eXfl<'ndit ures , so much, says Pla.utu1J, will no t rind money any mo!"e to lillY hi::; t.o.xes 1..0 t.he ~)tll t e

(A\Llular ia , In Lhe face o f this gene ral situation, Plautus proposed the abol ishment dowry system and favoured marriages b e tween rich and poor people . This, he hoped, would make better wives and ",·ould also spread the ex idine; wealth among a larger Ilumber of citizens .

Up to now , we have spok en of the father , o f the mo ther and or tile [;on. Many more p eople arc conc erned with money in Horna.n Comedy . The bankers and money­lenders , for cx:ullple, arc a lot concerned . If they lend you money, they will be after you to get it back and they will stand at your door arrogantly, fr om morning to night , like t h e Italian sun , says Plaut us (l.!o~tel1aria, 767 - 7(8 ) . I f they meet you on t h e street , they a r c s traight-forward : Hello you, tlOw about my money? !" (.i.b .i. c1 ., 51$) . One o f t.hem chouts in rront o f ev e rybody : "Give me the int er est you owe me , giv e me back the interest; t h e i nte r est , give it to me ! Are you going t o give me back t h e interest no· ... ?! This interest, is i. t going to be Given to me?" So t h e poor chap who owes him money mumbles with disgust: "Inter est h ere, i nte r eet there , i nterest is his only conve r sat ion !" (tbtd ., 603) . I f, on the contrary, you are ricll a nd you lend money to a ba nkf'r, that is , if you open a savilles ac(!ol.U1t with him, well tlli e time, i1" you wan t your money back, you will look everywhere i n Lhe ~·orum and never find him . You mi ght t hink that you have round hi m, but 11e will d eny that he ev er saw you . Plautus says t hat not even one person out of ten in the Forum would recognize himself (Pseuc101us , 973) . Most of the time , the banker would hav e left t h e ci ty with your money , leaving the Forum as quick ly as t.be wheel of II r ace II::: quickly u" a rabl,i !: lawlch ed in the Circus in l'r'ont of dogr: (Per,m, ]1]12 _]1]/3). wandering banker s , a t ruly insecure institution One o f them llaJlle Olympieus, so quick is he to r un away and win all rac es (Tri nuflullus ,

Amollg the eimracters concerned with nxmey in Homan Comedy , the greediest is the slave - dealer of which we epoke alrea.dy . He ie freque ntly called the "dir ty one tt , imp:yus, impuratus, impurissimus, impurat.issimus; impurata belua! , "the dirty beast, says s omeone about him. He is dirty because h e loves money and makes his profits by selling or renting human beings . He loves so much money that h e is t ortured by remorse if it happens that he missed a little profit (Persa, 689) . One slav e - <.lealer wanted to pWlish the goddess Venus becau.se she did not Give the ravorable si.gns timl he wo\ll<.l mClke a pr of'it (Pocrnl1.u1J, !I')"(:;:;) . One day, upon the r eproach that h e dl il not k eep his premise in~(!iul deal, he r ep.l i ed : "or course I did not, and I put some money into my safe at h eme . I , t he crook, I now have money rea<.ly f o r u se at home, but you, the ri r;h teous one , you do not have a penny !" (Psc uJol us , 3,)1]-356) . A :;lave-dealer VIas once q\mrel.li ng with a man about a money problem : Be quiet, I beg you, by He r cules", :;ays t h e


man; "1"lImt a powerful volee hav e .yo u got !" The slav c -d"a.ler r"l!Lle:; ; "I hav e a tongue in my mouth to reLaliaLe against peOl)lc . know, 1:; :;old to lW" [It the same pri ce at which iL is sold to you . Should LhaL my tongue i3 i ncapable of de fending me, I sflould runish lIe l' nrrd never h er :;alt t o 1 i ck ll.gain !" ( Persa-,1127 - 429) . IIe ls so generous that allee , sold a slaY"C""WIth his clothing and garments, h e an:;wer s proudly ; without auy of h i s clothes, but with all his illsid",:! " (rscudolw;,

So, as you sec, mo" t characters in Roman Comedy , and especially in Pl aut.us, are deeply concerned with money , how to get it, lJOw to keep it, how t o spend it . This is so because t h e Roman p ublic and t h e Homan r eopl e in general h ad a c-r eat tra.dition of money saving and of parsi mony . 'I'he pl"i ca l Led 'rrueulent.us , in Plautus , begins as f'ollows ; the producer is speMing : " lIel lo there! Th e comic poet Plautus i s ask ing you Roman s to provide him wi t h a very small pi ece o f land insi de your city walls t hat a r e so big and so nice , wher e l1e could bring t he city o f At.hens without the a id of nrry architects! Now? Are you going to g ive him this space, or ar c you noV! All ! They say by the srune chanc e I ask for a few penni es '! Ah ! Th ey say by Hercules ! You are still these old habib! How speedy is your tonl~ue

whe n it is the time to say In the prolOGue of t.he play called Amphit r yon, the r:cxl of commer ce ~jer cury a ppears to promisc t o t.he audi ence all the moncy they want if they listen well to the play that follows . In the prolOGue of the play c:)..11ed the C;lptiui, the producer a:::ks the audirncf' if they h,w e CUU13h L t h e plot ; one of them in the rear scats sLands up and \oIalk" t.o Llie .!'ront. wher e h e ask s for his sl1are : h e had underst.ood t.hat the producer wanted him t o c(l.t.ch (lome money as if in a money distr ibuti on! '1'he prolOGue of t h e play called the Casine. is spoken by what it s eems to be the eoddess of Credit in -person . She b f'Gc the audience to forget t.lleir debLs CluJ their worri e'; wlli l,.. watc hlllg the play, since the bankers and money - l enders wer e also enjoying th e holidays! In the Aulularia , the old fuelion looks straight at the audi ence and says : "I know you all, I know ther e arc here many crooks who arc r;ea t e d like hon er;t men and who hide t hemselves under whit. e cl othing !" (v. In Lhe I3ible, Christ spoke of' t he same kind of'men a s "whi t ene d

One must conclude that money was a very i mportant fact.or in the life o f the Roman people at the t ime when Roman Comedy was at itfJ best. with Plaut.us . Some people want money because they Heed it , or r or thei r p ur s ui t. of other people want money because it i s t.he ins t rument of social power wOldd sell their soul to the devil to get some . 1111at. is certain is that every­h ody wants it ami t.hat th e h·hole of" s oeiet.y ic revol vine arotUid it a s if a r Olmd a pD\ferful motor . Sci ence and t echnological prog r" ess do no t change t.his hasi c situation even tooay . The fUndamental problems of men have the ir solution some ­where deep in the moral consciousn es s o f illlmanity and do not change from one e ra t o another . Ilow could men h ave fow1d happiness in t h e t ime of Roma.n Comedy, how eM men find happiness t oday? We may think about t his sugcestion frOlTl Plautus that happines s i n l ife and freedom from proll i ems can be achieved throU{';h frie ndsh ip, t hrOUGh love , thr oU(;/l life and a lot. of lauChtf' r"!

Univero ity of Ot tmJa .

'j'his pape"!' was orieinul ly e iven to a mee tine: of t. h e Jwlior Clm;sieal Le(l.[';ue of Ontario at Sha r bot Lake ll .S . in Octob er 1969 .