Percut Vegetation Report, Deli Serdang District of North Sumatera

PLANT ECOLOGY OBSERVATION REPORT Vegetation on Percut Sei Tuan Dstrict, Deli Serdang Regency COMPLIED BY : Atika Julia Handayani ( 4113141007 ) Desy Lia Putri ( 4113141017 ) Fajri Haviza ( 4113342005 ) Sonya Sandra (4113141080 ) STATE UNIVERSITY OF MEDAN FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCE BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT BILINGUAL BIOLOGY EDUCATION 2013

Transcript of Percut Vegetation Report, Deli Serdang District of North Sumatera



Vegetation on Percut Sei Tuan Dstrict, Deli Serdang Regency


Atika Julia Handayani ( 4113141007 )

Desy Lia Putri ( 4113141017 )

Fajri Haviza ( 4113342005 )

Sonya Sandra (4113141080 )







CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................1

CHAPTER II. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTER..........................................2

CHAPTER III. CULTURAL CHARACTERISTIC.............................................................3

CHAPTER IV. RESULT.........................................................................................................4

A. Plant Community.......................................................................................4

B. Paddy Grinding Machine..........................................................................6

CHAPTER V. DISCUSSION..................................................................................................9

CHAPTER VI. CONCLUSION............................................................................................17





This research is implemented on Percut Sei Tuan district, Deli Serdang regency. The

research time taken on Friday, May 3rd

2013. The location determined by several

consideration include the characteristic of area taken. The surrounding location comprised by

not only one but many types of field, include cane field, corn field, and rice field. As the

research done to observe one type of field only, we took only one field to be documented and

discussed. The rice field ecosystem become our subject here. Along searching for location,

we found several are which are the rice field, but, we choose the rice field with rich

ecosystem components, include a high diversity of plant surrounding the field.

The data we collected include the wide of ricefield, the plant community, the civil

condition ( economic condition, majority of civil profession, and how they manage the field ).

From our observation, we found that the total wide of field is 2 hectare, the community of

plant include euphorbiaceae, cucurbitaceae, zingiberaceae, asteraceae, poaceae, caricaeae,

musaceae, myrtaceae, fabaceae. The civil here mainly a farmer, where they depend on the

harvest result to their economic life.




The area we observe located on Percut Sei Tuan district, Deli Serdang

regency. The field characteristic shown in location as follow :

The soil

As far as our observation, the ondition of the soil tend to be dry.

Eventhough, according to one of field owner we interviewed, they almost never

manually watered their field. They very depend on the rain for watering their field.

The usage of Urea as fertilizer enrich the soil nutrient. From recent information, the

area is used as Palm plantation field in previous 5 years. Based on this result, we

estimated the soil is still rich of free Nitrogen.

Concentrated Plant

The location we observed is location with high enough diversity. From

observation we identified about 9 families of plants, which are euphorbiaceae,

cucurbitaceae, zingiberaceae, asteraceae, poaceae, caricaeae, musaceae, myrtaceae,


But the dispersion of plant here is concentrated for one family only. The

cucurbitaceae, zingiberaceae, poaceae, caricaceae, myrtaceae, fabaceae are

concentrated to certain area only. While the asteraceae spreaded over the field. This is

presumably because the cucurbitaceae, zingiberaceae, poaceae, caricaceae, myrtaceae,

fabaceae are planted by the field owner and he located each of plant family

concentrated only for one family type for several reasons. The asteraceae plants

spreaded over the field presumably because the asteraceae is accidentally grow over

the field ( not planted by the field owner ) , because all the asteraceae familly we

found are the wild plant.




In the area that we observed, dominantly the citizen works as farmer. They

worked on the field that is used as oil palm plantation. The oil palm already cut off

about more than 2 years ago and after that the citizen used that empty field to planting

plants that is can be used for several importance. The citizens that we asked said

there’s no specific reason for planting those plants. Some citizens planted plants over

there just for their own consumption and some of them sell the crop to the market. But

there are also wild plants existed.

Plants that planted for their own consumption is Arachis hypogea and plants

that planted for sell are Zea mays, Manihot esculenta, Amaranthus sp, Ipomoea

aquatica. While the plants that grow wild are Carica Papaya, Cucurbita moschata,

Musa sp, Solanum ferrogium. Those plants said wild because they only exist rarely in

a very few number and the citizen usually not plant it over there. In that area that we

observed, the citizen use UREA as the fertilizer. They watered the plants every

afternoon because the rain rarely came.




A. Plant Community

No Figure Scientific Classification Characteristics

1 Kingdom : Plantae

Division : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Order : Asterales

Family : Asteraceae

Genus : Ageratum

Species : A. conyzoides

This plant includes

wild plant and its

height approximately is

30 cm. Colour of

flower is white. Leaves

have thooted-margin

and the tip of leaves is


2 Kingdom : Plantae

Divisi : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Ordo : Violales

Family : Caricaceae

Genus : Carica

Species : C. papaya

This plant was not

planted by the owner.

The height of plant

approximately 1-2 m.

This plant has not

produced fruit and its

amount only one.

3 Kingdom : Plantae

Divisi : Magnoliophyta

Class : Liliopsida

Ordo : Poales

Family : Poaceae

Genus : Zea

Species : Z. mays

This plant is annual

crop and planted in

large amount. Its

flower consist of

female and male. But,

this plant has not

produced fruit. Leaves

tip is pointed and hairy.

4 Kingdom : Plantae

Divisi : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Ordo : Euphorbiales

Family : Euphorbiaceae

Genus : Manihot

Species : M. utilisima

This plant is simmilar

to corn, annual crop

and planted in large

amount. Leaves are

finger-like. And its

height approximately



No Figure Scientific Classification Characteristics

5 Kingdom : Plantae

Division : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Order : Solanales

Family : Solanaceae

Genus : Solanum

Species : S.torvum

This plant has

produced fruit and its

colour of flower is

white. This plant was

not planted in large

amount and its height

approximately 1 m.

6 Kingdom : Plantae

Divisi : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Ordo : Violales

Family : Cucurbitacea

Genus : Cucurbita

Species : C. moschata

This plant was not

planted in large

amount. Colour of

flower is yellow and

has not produced fruit.

The surface of leaf

and stem is hairy.

7 Kingdom : Plantae

Divisi : Magnoliophyta

Class : Liliopsida

Ordo : Zingiberales

Family : Zingiberaceae

Genus : Musa

Species : M.paradisiaca

This plant also has not

produced fruit. It was

not planted by the

owner and not in large

amount. Leaf surface

covered by wax.

8 Kingdom : Plantae

Divisi : Magnoliophyta

Class : Magnoliopsida

Ordo : Fabales

Family : Fabaceae

Genus : Arachis

Species : A.hypogaea

This plant has planted

by the owner and the

colour of flower is

yellow. Leaf size is



B. Paddy Grinding Machine

Figure 9 : Grind Machine operator

Description :

This machine Machine that is used is all

diesel 120 ps This machine used 2

batteries. The fuel of this machine is

solar or premium

Figure 11 : Battery for machine

Figure 10 : Ribbon enrollment

Description :

This ribbon will roll to lead the operator

machine to roll and work.


Figure 11 : Enrollment three ribbon

Description :

This will enroll the machine by keep


Figure 12 :

Description : Paddy with Husk

Figure 13 : Machine Filter

Description : To separate the Paddy with

the husk.


Figure 14 : Husk and Paddy Bucket

Description :

The left and the right bucket are media to

separate the paddy and its husk. The white

bucket will keep the clean paddy, and the

black bucket will keep the paddy.

Figure 15 : Cooler Pond

Descrption :

This pond is connected to pipe, the

pipe will be filled by water, then

the pipe connected to machine to

prevent machine become over heat.




A. Plant Community Description

1. Ageratum conyzoides


stems erect or lying down, the roots on the part that touches the ground, and hairy

stems gilig rarely, frequently branched, with one or many compound flowers are located at

the end, up to 120 cm tall. Leaves sessile, 0.5-5 cm, located alternate or opposite, especially

those located at the bottom. Leaf blade circular egg until it resembles a rhombus, 2-10 × 0.5-5

cm with the base is somewhat like a heart, rounded or tapered, and blunt or tapered ends;

beringgit or jagged edged and second surfaces with long hair, with gland on the lower side.

Flowers with same sex together in flat-top head, which in turn (3 excrescence or more)

average accumulated in terminal panicles. Excrescence 6-8 mm in length, contains 60-70

individual flowers, at the end of the stalk-haired, with 2-3 leaves circle the oval pads like a

tapered spatula. Crown with a narrow tube, white or purple. Fruit brackets (achenium) sided-

5, length lk. 2 mm; scales 5-haired, white.


A.conyzoids widely known as cure wounds. According to Heyne, leaves of this plant

kneaded, mixed with lime, applied to the wounds were still fresh. Decoction of the leaves is

also used to cure chest pain, while the leaf extract to cure hot eyes. Crushed roots applied to

the body to cure fever and the extraction is drinkable.

2. Carica papaya


stems erect and wet, the tree height can reach 8-10 meters.

Root-shaped fibers.

Raw fruits and dark green when mature change color to reddish yellow. The form

of a round to oval, with a tapered end portion generally.

Star-shaped cavity in the papaya when cut transversely.


Leaf-shaped strands that resemble palms. When the papaya leaf folded in half

exactly in the middle, it would appear that papaya leaf symmetric.

White flowers, there pistil and stamens. Based content of pistil and stamens,

papaya tree can be divided into 3 types:

Pepaya Males: compound interest and the long-stemmed branching. The first is

located at the base of the flower stalk. Male flowers have a characteristic that

pistil / ovary rundimeter who are not headed and perfectly arranged stamens.

Pepaya Females: compound interest with a very short stalk and the female flowers

are small and large. A big interest will be the fruit. The female papaya fruit would

be perfect, but there are no stamens. This type of papaya generally continue to

bloom throughout the year.

Pepaya Perfect: The papaya type that has flowers that perfectly composed, and the

thread of the ovaries can be self-pollinating. This type of papaya can be

subdivided into three types:

Having stamens and ovary round

Have 10 stamens and ovary oval

Have 2-10 stamens and ovaries shrink.

Based the resulting fruit, perfect papaya can also be divided into two categories:

Perfect papaya that can flower and fruit throughout the season

Papaya is the perfect seasonal fruit.

3. Zea mays



Classified corn root fibers which can reach a depth of 8 m, although most are in the

range of 2 m. In plants that are mature enough adventitious roots arise from the stem

books that help support the bottom of the plant upright.


Corn stalks upright and easily visible, as sorghum and sugarcane, but does not like

rice or wheat. Jointed stems. Wrapped in leaf midrib segments emerging from the

book. Trunk is sturdy enough but does not contain much lignin.



Perfect leaves, elongated shape. Between stem and leaves are ligula. Maternal vein

parallel to the veins. Leaf surface is slippery and there is no hair. Stomata on leaves of

corn shaped dumbbell, which is typical Poaceae owned familia. Each stomata

epidermal cells surrounded by fan-shaped. This structure plays an important role in

the response of plant cells to respond to water deficit in the leaves.


Corn has male flowers and female flowers are separate in one plant (monoecious).

Each flower has the typical structure of interest Poaceae tribe, called florets. On corn,

two florets bounded by a pair glumae (singular: gluma). Male flowers grow at the top

of the plant, a bouquet of flowers (inflorescence). Yellow pollen distinctive and

flavorful. Female flowers arranged in a cob.


Cobs grow from the book, in between the stem and the leaf midrib. In general, a

single plant can produce only one ear productive despite having a number of female

flowers. Some fruits are ready to harvest corn varieties can produce more than one

cob productive, and called the prolific varieties. Male flowers are ready for pollination

of corn likely 2-5 days earlier than female flowers.


Corn serves as a protective body from various diseases. Calories in corn is very

important for children who want to increase their weight, but it is not recommended in

children who are obese to consume excessively. Fiber in corn is very useful to prevent

digestive problems section. Vitamin B on corn is very beneficial for maintaining healthy

nerve and also prevent occurrence of anemia (lack of blood).

Various minerals in corn serves to maintain bone health and heart rate. The content of

the corn also is known to function as an anti-oxidant in which the task is to block any free

radical substances into the human body.

4. Manihot utilisima


Woody stems of cassava stems, segmented - segment, with a height of more than 3 m.


Stem color varies, when a young man was green and once parents become whitish -

white, gray, green or gray. Hollow stems, contain white pith, soft, with a structure like

a cork.

The composition of cassava leaves veined leaves, embrace as many as 5-9 strands.

Cassava leaves, especially young ones containing cyanide, however, can be used as a

vegetable and can neutralize the bitter taste of other vegetables, such as papaya leaves

and marigolds.

Cassava plants monoecious flowers with cross-pollination so rarely fruitful.

Bulbs tubers formed at the root of a bloated and serves as a container for food



Cooked, cassava is widely used in various cuisines. To replace boiled potatoes, and

complement the cuisine. Cassava flour can be used to replace wheat flour, good for allergy


5. Solanum torvum


S. torvum is an erect spiny shrub that is usually 2 or 3 m in height and 2 cm in basal

diameter, but may reach 5 m in height and 8 cm in basal diameter17. It grows on all types of

moist, fertile soil at elevations from near sea level to almost 1,000 m. It grows best in full

sunlight and does well in light shade or shade for part of the day, but cannot survive under a

closed forest canopy.

Leaves simple, alternate, broadly ovate elliptic, variable in size, 10-15 cm long, 8-10 cm

wide, margins with broad lobes, deeply cut in juvenile phases, shallow in mature leaves, apex

acute to obtuse, base somewhat sagittate to auriculate, equal or oblique, petioles 2-5 cm long.

The small, white flowers occur in large clusters, with simple, mostly glandular hairs on axes;

corolla bright white, to 2.5 cm across, lobed about 1/3 of its length; lobes not recurved;

stamens with prominent anthers. The fruits are berries that are yellow when fully ripe. They

are thin-fleshed and contain numerous flat, round, brown seeds. Seeds numerous, drab

brownish, flattened, discoid, 1.5-2 mm long slightly reticulate, Self-compatible. The odour of

this plant is pepper-like.



S. torvum as a valuable source for medicinally important compounds besides its edible

fruit which is a store house of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients. The

antioxidant constituents present in the fruits play important role in scavenging free radicals

and reactive oxygen species which are responsible for number of human disorders.

S. torvum is a very important part of biodiversity and it’s sustainably use for future

generations. The S. torvum still is a rather an untapped source for isolation and

characterization of novel useful products. However, at the same time it also opens up new

avenues for novel therapeutics for fighting dreaded disease.

S. torvum has been found to have Antioxidant activity, antifungal activity,

antibacterial activity, antiulcer activity, antihypertensive and metabolic-correction activity,

nephroprotective activity Cardioprotective activity, antidiabetic activity, analgesic and anti-

inflammatory activity, immunomodulatory and erythropoietic activity.

6. Cucurbita moschata


C. moschata plants are frost-intolerant monoecious annuals. Stems are hairless or soft

hairy, trailing or climbing vines growing to 3 meters. Leaves are simple, alternate, and

shallowly lobed, often with white spots along the veins. The peduncle (stem that holds the

fruit) is five-angled and flares outward where attached to the fruit. Fruits are relatively large,

with shapes ranging from globose to oblong to flattened. Seeds are 16–20 mm long.

Cucurbita moschata, which encompasses various cultivars of pumpkin and winter squash, is

a plant species in the gourd family (Cucurbitaceae) cultivated in warm areas around the world

as food and animal fodder. C. moschata is better adapted to hot, humid climates and is

resistant to squash vine borers.


The contents of nutrient in pumpkin contain water, fat, protein, carbohydrate, fiber,

ash etc. It also provides not only the important minerals including calcium, phosphorous,

iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium but also the rare elements including zinc, selenium,

copper, cobalt, nickel, chromium, and nicotinic acid. the new secondary metabolites,

dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol and tetrasaccharide glyceroglycolipid, of pumpkin showed anti-

lipogenic effect and glucose-lowing activity


The ethanolic extract of the fruits of C. moschata (CME) could increase the

swimming time to exhaustion of test animals, as well as increase plasma glucose and the

muscular and hepatic glycogen levels, and decrease the plasma lactate and ammonia levels.

CME has anti-fatigue activity and can elevate exercise performance. C. moschata could be a

promising anti-fatigue agent and an ergogenic aid.

7. Musa paradisiaca


Musa paradisiaca is a monoherbacious plant, belonging to family Musaceae,

commonly known as plantain. Plantain refers in India to a coarse banana. The plants having

two genera and 42 different species, 35 species are belongs to Musa species [1]. It is up to 9

m long Plant with a robust tree like pseudostem, a crown of large elongated oval deep-green

leaves (up to 365 cm in length and 61 cm in width), with a prominent midrib, each plant

produces a single inflorescence like drooping spike and large bracts opening in succession,

ovate, 15-20 cm long, concave, dark red color and in somewhat fleshy. Fruits are oblong,

fleshy, 5-7cm long in wild form and longer in the cultivated varieties.


Fruits consist of carbohydrates, amino acids, sugar and starch. The pulp protein was

rich in arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, methionine and tryptophan. Traditionally the

Plant Musa paradisiaca was used for different purposes such as cancer, diabetes, diarrhea,

dysentry, hypertension, marasmus, migrain, psoriasis, small pox, syphilis, tuberculosis,

tumor, urticaria and wounds.

The main pharmacological activity of this plant are hepatoprotective, hair growth

promoter, diuretic, analgesic activity, skeletal muscle contraction, antiulcer, wound healing,

antioxidant, antidote for snake bite, hypoglycemic acivity. Fruits consist of carbohydrates,

amino acids, sugar and starch. The pulp protein was rich in arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic

acid, methionine and tryptophan.

8. Arachis hypogaea


The peanut, or groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), is a species in the legume or "bean"

family (Fabaceae). The peanut was probably first domesticated and cultivated in the valleys


of Paraguay. It is an annual herbaceous plant growing 30 to 50 cm (1.0 to 1.6 ft) tall. The

leaves are opposite, pinnate with four leaflets (two opposite pairs; no terminal leaflet), each

leaflet is 1 to 7 cm (⅜ to 2¾ in) long and 1 to 3 cm (⅜ to 1 inch) broad.

The flowers are a typical peaflower in shape, 2 to 4 cm (0.8 to 1.6 in) (¾ to 1½ in)

across, yellow with reddish veining. Hypogaea means "under the earth"; after pollination, the

flower stalk elongates causing it to bend until the ovary touches the ground. Continued stalk

growth then pushes the ovary underground where the mature fruit develops into a legume

pod, the peanut – a classical example of geocarpy. Pods are 3 to 7 cm (1.2 to 2.8 in) long,

containing 1 to 4 seeds.

Peanuts are known by many other local names such as earthnuts, ground nuts, goober

peas, monkey nuts, pygmy nuts and pig nuts. Despite its name and appearance, the peanut is

not a nut, but rather a legume.


Arachis hypogaea or peanut can be eaten raw, used in recipes, made into solvents and

oils, medicines, textile materials, and peanut butter, as well as many other uses. Popular

confections made from peanuts include salted peanuts, peanut butter (sandwiches, peanut

candy bars, peanut butter cookies, and cups), peanut brittle, and shelled nuts (plain/roasted

Not only peanut is an important oil crop, it is also an important source of protein

around the world. Peanut proteins exhibit some disadvantages that negatively affect the

consumption: for examples, lower levels of methionine and tryptophan, poor gel formation

quality and the presence of multiple allergens.

B. Paddy Grinding

The rice will be filtered by filter machine to separate the paddy and the husk. The

clean rice granules then obtained after separation. Automatically the husk and the

paddyseparated in two-separate bucket. The enrollment pipe will help all mahine connected

to keep working together. The machine prevented from being overheat by the cooler pond

connected to cooler pipe.

The steps of grinding the paddy ( Oryzae sativa ) :

- First, dried in the sun the paddy that already crops


- Put in the paddy in to the lathe and the husk will separate from the paddy

- The paddy that is covered only by epidermis put in to the rice machine

- The epidermis will separate and resulting rice




Type of plant we observed is annual crop. Only two plants, Zea mays and Manihot

utilisima are planted in large amount. Mostly the plant are planted by the owner, but some

wild plant may also grow accidentally like asteraceae familly. The paddy grinding industry in

location we observed is passive already, because majorly the civil prefer to plant corn and

other crops than the paddy. This make the paddy production relative small and the grinding

industry passive. The ricefield ecosystem we observed can not be said as natural ecosystem

because mostly the plant are planted. However, the diversity of plant species in ecosystem we

observed is high enough from various plant families.



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