"Overcoming Moral Issues in the 21st Century" Presenter

“Overcoming Moral Issues in the 21st Century" Presenter: Randy B. Ame, BS Biology, MRS, DD

Transcript of "Overcoming Moral Issues in the 21st Century" Presenter

“Overcoming Moral Issues in the 21st Century"


Randy B. Ame, BS Biology, MRS, DD

One time a man who called heaven's

cell phone, and this is the voice mail

that he got, "Thank you for calling

heaven. I am sorry, all our angels and

saints are busy helping other sinners

right now. However, your prayer is

very important to us, and we will

answer it in the order that it was

received. Please stay on the line.

If you would like to speak to God, press 1, for Jesus, press 2, The Holy Spirit, press 3.

If you would like to hear King David sing a

psalm while you are holding, press 4. To find

a loved one who has been assigned to

heaven, press 5, then enter his or her social

security number followed by the pound sign.

If you get a negative response please hang

up and try area code 666.

For reservations in heaven please enter

JOHN 3:16. For answers to nagging

questions about dinosaurs, the age of the

earth, life on other planets or where Noah's

arc is, please wait until you arrive. If you

are calling after hours and need

emergency assistance, please contact

your local pastor.

Best in the 21st Century

Best in the 21st Century

Uncontrollable Risk of Cyberspace

Worst in the 21st Century

Shall we let this Happening Continue?


true love

Love is important. It can raise people up to the

heights, or send them to the pits. Is there anyone

here who doesn’t want True Love?

Love is the power to unite two beings

into one. You can see

some kind of love or attraction

throughout the universe. (e.g. man and woman,

male and female animals,

protons and electrons, etc.)

Everything exist in complementary pairs from mineral kingdom, animal kingdom, all the way up to human beings. Why is it so?

For the purpose of True Love.

Universe is designed in Complementary Pairs

But All love

is not the


There is the love that creates, but there is

that love that can hurt and destroy.

True Love- Center of Value 1.Basis of Universal Value a. Responsibility b. Respect c. Humility d. Commitment e. Forgiveness f. Kindness g. Honesty h. Service 2.Foundation of Unselfishness and Morality. 3. Basis for progress and Prosperity

True love – lives for the sake of others 1.Care for others more than oneself 2. Unconditional giving 3. Forgives and forget 4. Unchanging and unending

False Love- Living for the sake of myself 1. Self interest is primary 2. Conditional 3. Holds grudges 4. Changeable and short-lived False Love – Center of Corruption • A. Basis of universal vices 1. Irresponsibility 5. Vengeance 2. Disrespect 6. Cruelty 3. Arrogance 7. Dishonesty 4. Infidelity 8. Exploitation • B. Foundation of selfishness and immorality • C. Basis for decay and ruin

“Love is a spirit of all compact of fire.”

- William Shakespeare -

Love and Fire Controlled: helpful

Uncontrolled: harmful

The right environment for the preparation of Marriage

is your pure love

That means…

• Virginity before the Marriage

• Fidelity within the Marriage

• The Marriage is an eternal relationship

Satanic Lies about Sex

• Sex lie #1:

“Sex is a four-letter word”

• Sex lie #2:

“I’m all alone”

• Sex lie #3:

“It will go away when I’m married”

Sex lie #1: “Sex is a four-letter word (Lust)”

• Fornication (sex outside of marriage)

• Carnal (Desire of the body) Resolution:

• Knowledge

• Sex is a mind, body and soul experience

• Sex is the meeting point between God and humans

• The purpose of our lives is to be God’s object of love

Sex lie #2: “I’m all alone”

• Nobody understand me

• Everyone is against me


• God ALWAYS loves me

• I am always with God, and God is always with me

• My parents understand me

• I am never alone

Sex lie #3: “It will go away when I’m married”


• Bad habits don’t just disappear. • We hurt ourselves, God and the other person

when we look at someone like a sexual object instead of a child of God.

• It is a choice to continue to be attracted to someone.

• Follow your destiny, not your genes and hormones

Man Became Selfish

Breakdown In Relationships between

Husband & Wife Parents & Children

Siblings Friends

Broken Family

Breakdown In Relationships

Increase in

Divorce Cases

Juvenile delinquency

Drug Addiction

Emotional and Mental Distress

And, Unwanted and Teenage


Main cause of the increase

in cases of abortions

and contraceptives use.

Major cause of unfulfilled

futures and reduced

career ambitions especially

among the youth / students.

Young Marriages

Teenage Pregnancy Alarming rise in teenage

pregnancies noted

(Inquirer, 02/27/2008)

According to the Forum for Family

Planning and Development Inc. (FFPDI)

There are 2 million teenage mothers in

the Philippines.

1.7 million babies born in 2004, almost

8 percent were born to mothers aged


Almost 30 percent of Filipino women

become mothers before reaching their

21st birthday

In 2000 alone, young mothers gave

birth to 818,000 babies

Every 5 teenage pregnancies are

unwanted ones; more than 46 %of

young pregnant women resort to

induced abortion.

In the Philippines, according to the 2002 Young

Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study by the

University of the Philippines Population

Institute (Uppi) and the Demographic Research

and Development Foundation, 26 percent of

our Filipino youth nationwide from ages 15 to

25 admitted to having a premarital sex

experience. What’s worse is that 38 percent of

our youth are already in a live-in arrangement.

Teen pregnancies in the Philippines

By Rebecca B. Singson Philippine Daily

Inquirer Filed Under: People, Lifestyle &

Leisure 02/22/2010

“The youth is the fair hope of our fatherland.”

Dr. Jose P. Rizal

Do we see hope in our youth today?


Childhood(brother and sister)

Son and Daughter Husband and Wife

Mother and Father





and after life

Life, Love and Lineage in Family

PURE love in family

• 4 great love

1. Children‘s Love

2. Brother‘s/Sister‘s


3. Conjugal Love

4. Parent‘s Love








Sibling In the center,

There is Pure Love

Based on purity between

husband and wife.



Every love & Only Love

“ Love for Everyone“

The more you share

this love, the happier

you are.

1. Brothers and sisters

2. Children

3. Parents

“Love for Only one“

This love should not be


husband & wife

man and woman

- Centered on God

Love for Everyone


Love for Only one





Giving and forget

Getting bigger

For sake of others

Love for everyone

The greatest love

Starting point of True love

Love for only one

The most important love

Pure Love & True Love

Physical & Instinctual




Physical & Instinctual

Human Sexuality Involves Freedom


With Freedom Comes Responsibility



x True Love

One Lifetime Spouse

“Absolute Sex” Ethics

“Free Sex” Ethics


Multiple Sexual Partners

Who owns our sexual organ?

The true owner of our sexual organ is our future partner.

Sexual Organs - “ The Palace of True Love , Life and


1. Sacred center of the body

2. Belongs to one’s spouse

3. Recreates the image of God

Value of Sexual Purity- for future spouse

• 1. Greatest gift of sincerity

• 2. Freedom to learn the art of loving


. 3. Freedom from comparisons to past


. 4. Greater harmony and less likelihood of divorce

Benefit of Premarital Sexual Abstinence

• To enjoy youth

• To develop a healthy, independent identity

• To learn social skills

• To trust and be trusted in later marriage

Self–Control Is the best Means of Birth & Disease–Control

“Encouraging people to develop self-control just makes good scientific public health sense.”

Source: William Roper, MD,

Director of Center for

Disease Control

• Single most protective factor

• Feature only of character–based education

Pledge of Abstinence

Source: Klein, et al., “The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health,” Journal of the American Medical Association, September 10, 1997

Our Challenge!

How to become owners of the Pure Love culture and

expand it!

One Love, One Life

One Man, One Wife

Make It Sure

Keep it Pure

The Pure Love Pledge The pure relationship of love between a man and a woman is a

sacred gift from God,

to be cherished and honored, for the sake of building

a true family, a healthy society and a world of peace for future

Generations. Once that love is consummated,

it should never be broken.

Therefore, from this day forward, I commit myself to:

•Respect and honor the ideal of purity in myself and


•Practice pure love as a child, friend, spouse and parent.

•Refrain from all sexual relationship before marriage.

•Dedicate myself to absolute fidelity within marriage.

•Encourage others to do the same.