1 From: September 13, 2015 George Hammond, M.S. Physics/Psychology 118 High School Road Hyannis MA USA To: Professor Marcel Sarot Dean: Tilburg School of Catholic Theology and Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of Utrecht Utrecht, Netherlands Dear professor Sarot: As witness to this open letter I have drafted 16 contributors to the 2012 ESPR conference in Soesterberg published in Ars Disputandi : Maarten Wisse [email protected] Michael Scott [email protected] Ola Sigurdson [email protected] Jonna Bornemark [email protected] Petruschka Schaafsma [email protected] Aku Visala [email protected] Ingolf Dalferth [email protected] John Cottingham [email protected] Alexander T. Englert [email protected] Julia Enxing [email protected] Soili Haverinen [email protected] Johann-Alvrecht Meylahn [email protected] Martin Radermacher [email protected] Willem Van Vlastuin [email protected] Chong Ho Yu [email protected] Roderich Barth roderich.barth@ They are theological authorities and I am grateful to be speaking to people who actually know what God is! I am not an authority but rather an expert. I am a Physicist who in the

Transcript of OPEN LETTER TO MARCEL SAROT, Dean of Theology



September 13, 2015

George Hammond, M.S. Physics/Psychology

118 High School Road

Hyannis MA USA


Professor Marcel Sarot

Dean: Tilburg School of Catholic Theology and

Permanent Deacon of the Archdiocese of Utrecht

Utrecht, Netherlands

Dear professor Sarot:

As witness to this open letter I have drafted 16 contributors to the 2012

ESPR conference in Soesterberg published in Ars Disputandi :

Maarten Wisse [email protected]

Michael Scott [email protected]

Ola Sigurdson [email protected]

Jonna Bornemark [email protected]

Petruschka Schaafsma [email protected]

Aku Visala [email protected]

Ingolf Dalferth [email protected]

John Cottingham [email protected]

Alexander T. Englert [email protected]

Julia Enxing [email protected]

Soili Haverinen [email protected]

Johann-Alvrecht Meylahn [email protected]

Martin Radermacher [email protected]

Willem Van Vlastuin [email protected]

Chong Ho Yu [email protected]

Roderich Barth roderich.barth@

They are theological authorities and I am grateful to be speaking to

people who actually know what God is!

I am not an authority but rather an expert. I am a Physicist who in the


course of a 30 year investigation of Psychometric-Personality Research has

accidentally discovered the World’s first Scientific Proof Of God


I was led to you by your 1992 PhD thesis: God, Passibility and

Corporality. Having found God the easy way in a scientific accident, you

cannot imagine how relived I am to find people who have discovered God

the hard way, and thank my lucky stars I am not alone!

Nor is the Church against the quest for a scientific proof of God. In an

Encyclical 20 years ago the Church addressed the topic with these words:

"........ the Catholic Church is not opposed to the quest for a scientific

proof of God, although the Church does not know what such a thing

might consist of, or who might discover it...."

The event has come to pass, and it consists of 50 years of computerized

psychometric research performed by an army of academic researchers, and

now stunningly rationalized by a biological-physics discovery leading to the

long lost Structural Model of Personality (first sighted by Hippocrates)

which leads to the discovery of the World's first scientific proof of God!

And since I am the one who made this accidental discovery, you are first

learning of it right from the horse's mouth!

Most scientists are agnostics and not a few, like biologist Richard

Dawkins, are outspoken atheists! It is far easier to explain Science to a

Theologian than to explain God to a scientist. Science can be learnt by

anyone, but a theologian has to be "born". There has never been a

straightforward scientific explanation of God, all knowledge of the

phenomenon stemming from the perception of gifted people.

My aim in giving this heads up to the Catholic Church (I'm a Protestant

73) is that long study has convinced me to that the appropriate court of

appeal for this discovery is the Pontifical Academy of the Social Sciences.

They know what God is and they have numerous scientists on tap. But, it is

a long way from here to the Vatican PASS. I must work my way up the

chain of command and I have identified you sir, as the first rung of the


I will present a brief outline of the SPOG, but before that I feel it

desirable to build a stronger rapport with the theologians witnessing this.

All were participants in the 2012 ESPR conference on the "Embodiment of


Religion" and you are well known for your book God, Passibility and

Corporeality. So let me simply enumerate some of the "coming

attractions" of the SPOG that bear specifically on the question of

Embodiment, Passibility and Corporeality.

The discovery of the SPOG scientifically proves the following assertions:

1. Aquinas, Anselm and Philo were right, the SPOG scientifically proves

that God is utterly Impassible. There is no scientific leeway for Passibility.

2. God absolutely does not suffer since he is Impassible. Nor is he

apathetic, since apathy is passible. On the contrary God is keenly aware,

energetically involved and supremely interested in the human condition.

3. Yes, God is embodied. Jesus said "God is a spirit" and scientifically

God is identically the long touted and much vaunted "Unconscious Mind"

which, it now turns out, is scientifically proven to be caused by the well

known Secular Trend in human brain growth. Indeed, it is proven that the

Secular Trend in human growth is the scientific cause of the phenomenon of

"God", in the first place!

4. God is proven to be identically the anthropomorphic invisible God of

the Bible. There is no such thing as a "disembodied spirit", and such a

belief only arises because the Unconscious Mind cannot reach

consciousness, and lives in an invisible, unconscious mental world called

Heaven, and rules the conscious, visible world from there exactly as the

Bible says.

5. The Trinity is proven correct, the Trinity is seen to be the historical

discovery of the fundamental cybernetic control loop of

input-output-feedback (hence a trinity) which transforms the unconscious

mind into the conscious mind, in Theology referred to as the Father, Son and

Holy Ghost. The Trinity refers to the trinary dynamical action of God's

salvation on the human body. While this is obvious to modern science as a

result of the SPOG, it is astonishing that Medieval theology discovered the

Trinity a thousand years ago!

6. While God is Impassible, God does have a personality. While the

SPOG proves that there is only ONE 4th order factor (eigenvector) in

psychometry which turns out to be the God of the Bible, the loadings from

the 4-3rd order factors below it are different in different cultures. Thus the


God of Christianity looks like the Sistine Chapel portrait, the God of

Buddhism looks like Buddha, etc

7. Biblical Creation is also accurate and occurred when modern Man,

Homo Sapiens Sapiens first appeared. Bishop Ussher put the event at 4,000

BC but little anthropology was known at his time and the actual date is

closer to 200,000 BC, which incidentally is a far cry from 14 billion BC

which is what the physicists suppose since they do not comprehend the

difference between physical creation (the Big Bang) and the Biblical

Creation of human reality itself. They are simply unaware that the

Anthropic Principle, which they discovered actually explains the

fundamental phenomenon of God and the Biblical Creation.

8. The existence of the Egypto-Greco-Roman pantheon of gods which so

mystified Cicero in his famous treatise De Natura Deorum, On the Nature

of the Gods, are now fully proven by the SPOG to originate in the 13

cubic-symmetry axes of the brain which result in the 13 symmetry

eigenvectors (personality types) of "Thurstone's Box" (also Heyman's

Cube) in psychometry and explain the existence of the "Olympian Gods"

which preceded Christianity. These are 2nd order psychometric factors

(eigenvectors) and are measurable to 3 significant figures. The 4-3rd order

factors turn out to be Mt, Mk, Lk and Jn and are likewise measurable to the

same confirming not only the 4-Gospel Canon, but likewise the axiomatic

physics basis of the Bicameral 2-Party System. Likewise the 3 Branches of

Government are a social representation of the Trinity with the Judiciary

being the feedback between the Legislative and Executive. Over 250 World

governments have 3-Branches and BI/2P legislatures and therefore are based

on the now scientifically proven axiomatic physics structure of Christianity!

In fact the Trinity and the Cross can be identified in every religion.

9. The dilemma of Free Will and Predestination is likewise clarified by the

SPOG. In the first place strict (Newtonian) causality is known to be false

via Heisenberg.

But this is not the only flaw in the Necessity vs. Free Will. The SPOG

uncovers the real persuader in the paradox heretofore unrecognized. The

SPOG shows that When Man finally achieves full bodily growth at a future

date popularly known as Kingdom Come, Free Will becomes the faculty of

automatically making infallible decisions, a power that only God in the flesh

can have and no man presently has: Wherefore Man is capable of making

mistakes and must be provided with "laws" based on this infallible judgment


to restrain him from deliberately doing something wrong, The Devil

cleverly redefines the ability to make deliberate mistakes as "Free Will".

Combining these two scientific facts, a seemingly tepid quantum uncertainty

condition with a robust human growth deficit fallibility is what produces the

so called paradox. In fact there is no paradox, Man has Free Will and

scientifically there is no such thing as Predestination.

Now, admittedly this thesis awaits further developments in theoretical

physics, but obviously the newly discovered fact that the universal human

growth deficit is the origin of the anthropomorphic God of the Bible, and the

primary biological dilemma of Man which explains Evil and wrongdoing

bears morally on the question of Free Will and must have a large and new

impact on this very old question.

The list of such theological revelations due to the SPOG goes on and will

doubtlessly keep theologians busy for decades to come.

As you can see I have deliberately avoided mentioning the obvious,

the obvious being that the advent of a true hard science SPOG will

enormously empower Religion, and will provide a de facto ecumenical

unification of World religion. Deliberations of those questions

perhaps being best left to the higher offices of the Church.

So this is a summary list of the theological results of the SPOG which

will hopefully attract the interest of the theologians reading this letter. but I

have yet to explain what exactly the SPOG consists of scientifically, and I

guess now that I have your attention the time has come to do that:

Meanwhile I have published a short 100 page book

explaining the SPOG, in large 14 point type copiously

illustrated with illustrations and photographs which can be

easily read by anyone with a high school science education,

Amazon Books sent you a copy of this book entitled

Investigating The SPOG and they inform me that it was

delivered to your post office box 80101 3508 TC in Utrecht on

Sept. 7, 2015 and should be in your possession by now. I'm

sure you can scan this book in 20 minutes, and it explains the

SPOG in more detail and proves the above list of results.


Note: Other readers of this letter can obtain a copy directly from

Amazon at this URL: This book contains an easy

to read scientific explanation of the SPOG, but I include here a news-story

type of abbreviated description more apropos for this introductory letter:

A brief history of the SPOG

How can we find a scientific proof of God when there isn't even a

scientific definition of God? We can, and here’s how:

Around 1930 psychologists proposed the Lexical Hypothesis; that if there

was a structure of human personality, it was probably encoded in language.

They went thru an unabridged dictionary and located every adjective ever

used to describe someone’s personality, 4,000, including about 200 common


By 1970 a worldwide army of academic researchers were using desktop

computers to give millions of people simple personality tests based on

adjective check lists. They weren't looking for God, they were searching

for the long lost Structural Model of Personality (smop). Long lost

because Hippocrates first noticed it in 500 BC and called it the 4-Humors.

By 2,000 results were in and all published in a now vast peer reviewed

literature, but the interpretation of the result remained a mystery. The

structure of the experimental eigenvectors was well known and replicable.

The problem was no known theoretical, biological or physical, explanation.

Without that one doesn't have a true scientific theory, and the rest of Science

remained dubious and skeptical.

The main result they found was that there were 3 robust eigenvector

Factors (personality types) in the data and Hans Eysenck was already world

famous for establishing that they were "orthogonal" (uncorrelated) and

naming them E, N, P (Extraversion, Neuroticism and Psychoticism). The

problem was that there were at least 10 other Factors that were "oblique", or

correlated with one another. No one could make theoretical sense out of

such an involved result. This is where Yours Truly entered the picture.

And speaking of pictures, both Hans Eysenk and me were invited speakers at

the XXVIth International Congress of Psychology and Prof. Peter Merenda

chairman of the Psychology Department at URI happened on us while we

were speaking privately on the mezzanine balcony and snapped this picture:


Hans Eysenck George Hammond

Montreal 1996

Meanwhile, it is an amazing fact that no psychometry researcher in the

world is a physicist, save me. I’m the only one! As a physicist I took one

look at the problem and realized there must be a quadrature somewhere in

the brain. And it didn't take me long to find it, but it took me another 10

years to prove it.

With a few clues, such as Quadrantanopia for instance, I soon discovered

that the human brain, in fact the entire body is an axial quadrature,

descended directly from the 4-cell stage of egg-cleavage in Embryology. In

fact, the brain is anatomically an 8-lobed cube, a Box! In the figure below I

have drawn an idealized picture of this “cubic brain”:


Now you might think that this would cause 8 personalities, but it actually

causes 13 personality types, and the reason is that a box has 13 symmetry

axes shown at right. This, explained immediately why the Factorists

worldwide had discovered 13-2nd order eigenvectors, and explained why

only 3 were orthogonal and the other 10 oblique. As you can see only the 3

normals to the box are orthogonal, Eysenck's E, N, P, and the other 10

oblique at various angles. The cosines of the angles are the correlation

coefficients which the Factorists measure. Sure enough the experimental

data confirmed that the correlation coefficients actually do form a 13 axis

box in three dimensions. The theory was proved! Needless to say there is

much more evidence which makes the result overwhelming and details are in

the small book I sent you. The Structural Model of Personality had finally

been found and I published the discovery in a leading peer-reviewed

psychology journal in 1994:

HAMMOND, G.E. (1994). The Cartesian Theory: Unification of

Eysenck and Gray, New Ideas in Psychology, Vol. 12, 2, 153-167

1994 Elsevier Science Ltd.

To my amazement, psychologists completely ignored the paper. I guess

they figured it wasn't discovered by them, they're not physicists, so they're

not responsible. Amazing because they were the ones who spent 50 years

providing the experimental proof. Even Hans Eysenck had the wherewithal

to tell me as a parting comment "I don't see the relevance of it". And he

was the one who spent 50 years establishing the 3 primary axes! So, I


discovered the Structural Model of Personality, but so what, it's not headline

news I guess.

However, the "relevance" of it was about to dramatically change. 3

years later in 1997, I first realized that the discovery of the smop led directly

to the world's first Scientific Proof of God. And that certainly is headline


Amazingly, it was my discovery of the CUBIC structure of the brain

that unlocked the SPOG , According to Cattell, the World's leading

Factorist for 50 years, if you Factor the entire dictionary personality sphere,

you get about 30 eigenvectors, known as 1st order Factors, But then you

can Factor the 30x30 intercorrelation matrix and get 12-15 2nd order

Factors, Factoring that you can get 5 or 6 3rd orders, and no one knew what

was at the 4th order. When I discovered that it was cubic brain cleavage

that caused the 2nd orders, we suddenly knew that there were exactly 13 and

because of cubic symmetry, factoring them to the 3rd order would simply

collapse the 10 oblique factors symmetrically onto the 3 normals, Eysenck's

E, N, P. Thus there could be only 3-3rd order personality factors. Now

this is only Personality, but there is another realm of mental measurement

known as Intelligence. This field was conquered much earlier and the IQ

test was a common item by the time E,N,P were discovered. Intelligence is

referred to as "psychometric-g" by the experts and g appears at all orders.

This means that at the 3rd order you have 3 personality factors and 1

intelligence factor; E-N-P-g. Parenthetically we note here that the 3

personality factors are spatial in origin because they come from the spatial

cleavage of the brain. But g is a time dimension because the predominant

cause of intelligence is mental speed. The significance of having "3 space

dimensions and 1 time dimension" at the top of psychometry immediately

tells us that there must be some connection to the theory of Relativity. In

fact as we will see later, God is actually a Relativistic curvature of

subjective spacetime reality!

Meanwhile, The immediate significance of the fact that there are only

4-3rd orders is that a 4x4 intercorrelation matrix can only have ONE

higher order Factor (by Thurstone‘s Rule). This astonishing fact means that

all of Structural Psychology ends in a single Factor at the 4th order. What

could this Factor be... what was it? Truth is stranger than fiction, and it

turns out that it is immediately and easily identified as the God of the Bible!

The first hard-science proof of God in the

history of the World had been discovered


With that milestone achieved I now turn to the final task before closing

this lengthy letter. And that subject is: How do we know that this final

factor is the God of the Bible?

The following illustration shows a picture of what is commonly called the

"Human Growth Curve". It can be found in any biology textbook.


What this graph shows is that no one ever reaches their full height,

weight or brain size. The body has a genetically predetermined size but

because of the struggle for survival no one ever reaches it. The average

population growth curve deficit (GCD), which I'm sure you can see with

your own eyes, is roughly 20%. If 20% of your body is missing, ungrown,

then 20% of your brain is missing. And it is easy to show experimentally,

that if 20% of your brain is missing, then 20% of the world will be

invisible to you. Nevermind experiments, common experience shows this,

children are the most common example of a GCD. A 9 year old only has

half the mental speed of an 18 year old. This is why we divide

intelligence by age to find IQ, which is simply age corrected intelligence.

The growth curve deficit (GCD) is shrinking with every passing generation.

This is known as the Secular Trend in human growth.

Experimentally, it can be shown that half of the motion visible to an 18


year old is simply a blur to a 9 year old. The motion picture fusion

frequency (PFF) is a simple demonstration of this. This demonstrates that a

9 year old has an "invisible world" that is twice as big as the invisible world

of an 18 year old. But the bottom line is this: Since and no one ever

reaches full growth, every adult is walking around with an "invisible world"

that is about 20% of actual true reality. I'm sure as theologians that you will

recognize this fact as being commonly alluded to in theological literature

where the prophets continually refer to their flock as "my children".

Theology has known about this fact for thousands of years, and now Science

has actually proved and even measured it. Quite obviously then, this

invisible world is what is known as "Heaven" in theology.

Scientifically, we now see that the GCD is the physical, biological cause

of the final 4th order factor in psychometry, and can be measured to 3

significant figures. We know this because intelligence (g) from the 3rd

order always loads positively on the 4th order factor, and scientifically it is

immediately obvious that the ONLY thing that could cause this is brain

growth. namely, the Secular Trend in human brain growth. Human brain

growth has the most enormous impact on human intelligence, compared to

any other physical cause.

So what we have shown is that the 4th order factor is a direct physical

measure of the existence and magnitude of Heaven Clearly the invisible

(latent or ungrown) man who lives there must be the "God of the Bible".

Well, after that discovery all of the other pieces of the puzzle immediately

fall into place. Take Impassibility for instance. The upper curve in the

above diagram is the growth curve for God, God in the flesh. The lower

curve is the growth curve for the average man. Obviously 20% of man's

mind is unconscious, while God has zero unconscious mind, he is totally

100% conscious. Such a person is not subject to emotional reaction, He is

utterly and totally cognitive and logical. He does not feel pain, fear or

anxiety. If his hand were crushed by a boulder, he would feel and hear the

splintering bone and feel the tearing of the flesh but he would feel no pain or

fear. His reaction would be immediately logical and he would think to

himself I must get to a hospital and get this injury repaired. The average

man of course would scream in pain and terror and might even blackout

from shock. God is impassible while man is passible, and the GCD is what

separates man from God.

In the book I have sent you I list 16 reasons why the 4th order factor is

God and I will briefly enumerate them here:

1. It explains the fundamental property of God, that there is an invisible


World called Heaven, and only God in the flash can see it.

2. Why God is an invisible all powerful Man who lives in Heaven and

presides over our World

3. Why God can effect supernatural miracles, because a sudden lifting of

Repression in dire circumstances can suddenly unblock repressed

brain growth revealing a larger view of Heaven and changing the

World. The healing power of this should not be underestimated.

4. Why Religion evolved from Polytheism to Monotheism. The SPOG

proves 4 orders of eigenvectors, which is a "hierarchy of gods". The

entire history of Religion is a chronological history of discovering

higher and higher orders of the eigenvector Factors of Psychometry:


1st order Factors = about 25 demigods of the Hindu religion

2nd order Factors = The 12 Olympian gods of the Pagan religions

3rd order Factors = The 4-Gospel Saints Mt, Mk, Lk, Jn

4th order Factor = The supreme God of Monotheism

5. Why Christianity says the world is transforming itself into Heaven

and will actually complete this at a date known as "Kingdom Come".

or the "end of the world". Because the Secular Trend curve in

Human Growth is a Sigmoidal Logistics curve (S-curve) and the

final plateau is 100% growth of the individual, or

"Kingdom Come" so called.

6. Why there is such a thing as "Eternal Life". Because full growth

means the person is in real time. The brain growth deficit causes all

of us to suffer from a "time dilation", while by comparison zero time

dilation is a condition of "Eternal" Life.

7. Why it is believed that Jesus was the physical "incarnation of God".

Because, nominally Jesus was a "fully grown specimen". Of course

we know that is unlikely, but in fact he must have been very high on

the growth curve to conduct such a startling public ministry.

8. Why the Cross (predated by the ancient Egyptian Ankh) is the central

symbol of Religion. Because the human body is an "axial

quadrature" and the brain axially cubic causing a crossection


or "Cross Structure" which is a 2-axis orthogonal structure

of Personality.

9. Why for some reason our main canonical text is written in 4 identical

versions known as the 4-Gospel Canon". Because the Structural

Model of Personality is CUBIC, represented as a square. The

4-Gospel Canon represents the 4 canonical personalities of Man in

the E-N plane and is the direct cause of the Bicameral/2 Party system.

10. How God "created the world" only a matter of "thousands" of years

ago (Genesis) not "billions of years ago (Big Bang) as Science

believes. Because subjective spacetime (reality) only came into

existence when Man came into being about 200,000 years ago, thus

causing the Biblical Creation of reality.

11. Why God created man "in his own image". Because God is the

invisible fully grown version of Man.

12 Why there is a "Trinity of God" and what it is, functionally or

scientifically speaking. The Trinity is simply the cybernetic feedback

loop (input, output, feedback) describing the operation of the Father

(invisible man), Son (actual Man), and feedback (Unconscious mind)

that transforms the former into the latter.

13. Why there are (nominally) 13 gods in the Egypto-Greco-Roman

pantheon. Because the 2nd orders are caused by the cubic structure

of the brain and a cube has exactly 13 symmetry axes causing 13 2nd

order psychometry factors or "personality types" so-called.

14. Why there are 30 odd "lesser demigods" in Hinduism. Because there

are 30 1st-order eigenvectors caused by myriad lower level brain

structures; not geometrically intercorrelated.

Well okay that's it, and I believe that anyone examining that list will have

to agree that there is scant room for doubt that the last psychometric Factor

in Psychology is indubitably the God of the Bible. It is seen that the SPOG

verifies everything in the OT, and just about everything in the NT, except for

the theory of Life After Death (LAD). If LAD literally exists rather than

being a metaphor to the invisible World as many suspect. it certainly must

involve scientific phenomenology beyond the SPOG. In fact I have


investigated the matter quite extensively and it occupies the last chapter of

my forthcoming book entitled he Scientific Proof of God. I have posted

this last chapter on my website and it can be seen here:

Suffice it to say that it appears now scientifically that there is about 1 chance

in 3 that there is such a thing, but that is a topic that reaches beyond the

SPOG and is awaiting further scientific advance.

Finally, we should mention for the benefit of physicists that there is a

clear Relativistic basis of the phenomenon of God. We have mentioned

that there are 3-spatial and 1-time Factor at the 3rd order. This 4x4

intercorrelation matrix is not diagonal (orthogonal) meaning the 4

eigenvectors are oblique. Physicists refer to such a spacetime matrix as

curved and as Einstein discovered it is the curvature of objective spacetime

that causes Gravity, and here we see that it is the curvature of subjective

spacetime that causes God.

We are actually quite aware of this subjective curvature of reality. We

notice as we grow up that the world appears (subjectively) to get smaller and

slower simply because we are growing bigger and faster. I say faster

because our mental speed increases linearly for the first 18 years of life as

our brain grows. Mathematically, we can write an equation for this

"demagnification" and "slowing" of reality as we grow up:

ds2 = a(t)2 [-dt2 + dr2 / (1-r2) + r2 (d2 + sin()2 d2 )]

this then is what the physicists would call the "metric of subjective

spacetime". According to this, because of the GCD all adults see a world

that actually looks 20% bigger and faster than it actually is. This explains

the apparent "sound and the fury" of the World as we know it. God in the

flesh of course, the fully grown man with zero growth deficit sees no "sound

and fury". To God's eyes the world appears peaceful, benign and quite


Meanwhile, a metric of the type shown above has a Total Curvature of R

= 6/a2 In other words the Curvature of subjective reality is non-zero,

Therefore, mathematically speaking we can say that God is a curvature of

subjective spacetime. This indicates that ultimately God is caused by

some form of Gravity. Most likely it is Roger Penrose’s celebrated

quantum brain gravity that is causing it. Notice that physicists always refer

to objective reality even though no one but God can see it, while

Theologians refer to subjective reality, which is what we actually see.

Therefore Physics would say Gravity causes God, while Theologians would

say, God causes Gravity. Both are correct, it only depends on whether you


are referring to objective or subjective reality. But anyway, this gets beyond

the anthropomorphic God of the Bible which the SPOG is here to address.

In closing, I will mention that this letter is so long and with illustrations

etc. I hesitate to send it as an ordinary email, and therefore will attach it as a

foolproof and failsafe .pdf file which can be opened on any computer in the


I hope and pray that you will take very seriously this desperate

personal plea for assistance in getting this discovery before the

Pontifical Academy of the Social Sciences for evaluation. This is

clearly a request that the Church of Peter in the name of a suffering

humanity, is unconscionable to refuse.

As you know there is presently growing the greatest schism between

Islam and Christianity since the Crusades, while the World’s economic,

ecological, climate, and energy problems grow. We are in need of a miracle

of World social unification to overcome these problems, to say nothing of

the danger of nuclear holocaust or worldwide pandemic. Surely the Church

can see that the discovery of the World’s first Scientific Proof of God will

effect an immediate ecumenical unification of the World’s religions.

Certainly this is a giant step forward towards such a World unification.

With best wishes,

George Hammond, Hyannis MA , September 13, 2015