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Transcript of ON TOBACCO TRUSTNOW - DigiFind-It

Weather to-morrow: Probably generalty fair, LAST EDITION.



Japanese Naval Genius Arrives fromEngland and Talb About

“ the Passing Storm.'


B ar* DIhhIiuiHoii nf Tr.'iioiktC luud IJepeiid« (iri'fkny I poii llic N e w ip a p i'rn —Upiiuiie« M<*nKutluiiiilOricnna i le i^ niiil uf llu iiif- llf* Ap­p e a ls to Anicriciiii K dilo rit—,>luy C a ll on P realilP iil n t lliita e

KKW YOItK, July lO .- 'i think tha friendly rt-lcitlonH of itjn^ Hiaridln^ be­tween the United Shitc-A um1 Julian ytiuuid be presorved nnil Uii! puaatng niorrn dis­appear in iho wattTB i>l Um I’adflo Ocean. I flnniy believe liuit thltf one incident cannot be llirown In the way of the present rclaUtmH luiween Ihi* two coun- trlea which btijan a t llie time of my birth."

Tims spoke Adniirnl T^nron Oimbel Yanniniulo, Jiipimtee Allnltiter of ftlnrtne during the Japanese-IliisHtaii W ar, as a greeting to ttie Anierlciin people to-day on his arrival here with his suite OU board the Cunai<l stciBislilp Carmanlu. Admiral YaTiiuinoto liiia beon Inspecting the gun shnpH an«l ,‘ihlp yards of Europe, and while here he wjII visit our imvy yards and shlp-htjUdliig plants. He wus met a.1 quarunUne by Lieutenant U, W,


House, with Four Democrats Absent, Faik to Pass Much Amended WrightMeasure.


NlaJorUy A b sen tees In c lu d e d DnuiJer, of EsNext RIordHD, of H u d io o t M e n , o f Fas«nlo» a n d P l r th , o f 'W a rre n ^ B n rb e r, o f M ercer, Led n e p a b llc n iis In P leo fo r Move T b o ru u g b C o u s id e ra tlo n of Uiii,

A iln i lr n l lln r o n (rcim bcl Y iir iia i iio to .

Henderson, reproserilim: Beur-.\drrilralGmidricli, rsmaii.iiuler ol Uio Mlw Y* uilc Navy Yard, urul wlio (i.tlftalfnl Admirul Guudrinh's Krti tln^s. /.dmlrsil ■S’iiiuaniotu inn<U-‘ the oLT.iiiiHiii of )n.s .luriviil an oir- pnrtujilty tu deny iti*.' ivpdrla from Tokin Hint the Ji-firti't-.slilp of Ibc Proprosf^lve party would fall upoii him <m hl.4 return home arid iiml rRorus wuuld tie ma<lo to ovfTlhrow ttio 8a|miji Ministry. Ke do- tllned to an uidnlun on the in-tenliuri of llio t!nlt»’d HuU«'H to send A largo flppt of W'nr vcfisds from the Atlan­tic to the F'atdflc cim.st. The Adinlru] will t.ike luncheon ■wllli RrcsideiU UouseVLlt on Friday lu Oyster Ba.v.

lleeclveM Miinjr tllspnloheH .Admiral 1*1111111111010 rredved numerous

dispatches on hoard tho Curitiuiiln a t Qunrantiiio to-day, and afte r he had read them he received the newspaper men. Ho Is of short stature and compact ilgure, with iron gray hair. A thin gray beard did not conceal a smile which played about I1I.S face during tho entire visit with the reporters, fur tJio Admtrul answered ♦■nch question lirst with an expanding Bmlle. IM.s repllps were In Japanese, wliich were Intcrprcti’d by an aide. When asked wlmt ho thought of tlio Intention of the United Stales Grivernment to sond jiractkally all of our bnttleahlps to iho Pocitic CoRSi. Admiral Vamamoia, smil­ing broadly, said:

"I mysplf have nn !tad ferJing against the United Siutes, but It 1» a fiuesrlon for th is country to answer and not for ua to express an opinion.

‘'America Is u country which has been friendly to uh for j’enrs; In fact a treaty between this enquiry and Japan wn.s fnado a t the time 1 wa.s burn. It 'Is an old feeling of |rjendship which I do not think a passing storm can Interfere with, but it depends upon tliu pens of the press to smooth’-the storm."

Admiral Yrunamoto scpmcd to regard as a Joke the report from Toklo that on liis return Count Okiima would ask him to take up the leaderHhlp of the Progres­sive party, with the view of overthrowing the Salunjl Ministry, and after a hearty laugh he said;

“I have already accepted one Cabinet(Continued on 2d page, 4th column.!


Perth Amboy Man Sentenced at New Brunswick by

Justice Sway2c,


Bpecial to We EVBWryQ ^EWB.NEW BRUNSWICK, July I0.-Ange!o

Manguso to-day was sentenced by Judge Francis T. Bwoyse to twelve years a t hard labor in State prison. He also will stay there until the costa are piild.

Monguso, who comes f|om P erth Am­boy, pleaded non vuli to an Indictment charging him with murdering Paaquale Pari, with whom he boarded. He had first pleaded not guilty, declaring th a t In a auarrel Pari had mnde 0 move as If to draw a gun and he had used a knife In self-defense.

F arl hud iiu gun a t the time of the killing, but it was claimed tha t Mangusu knew he usually carried one.



1,3100 C lil lO r e ti n f I n a t t ln t lo n In M e ..Y o rk , A w akeneO B cennae o f D im e,

f tn le k ly H aeeli O nl.NEW YORK. July liSi-Tbe Are drill

sractlaed dally by 1,200 children a t the Hebrew Orphan Aaylum on lAnigtenliim avenue prevented panic and probable toee Of life early to-day, when fire broke out In one of the b u ild in g On the eoumling of the Ore gdnj, the youtifiterH niaruhod out without the eUahtebt indication of a panic.

The b le u started in the drylns-rooin o f the laundry, aiid wae exttnauiehed w ith eUpfat late of property.


Lowell, of the Norwich IJhe. collided w ith a ear float of tho New York, New Haven and K at^o rd Rttlboad tn the E aat R iver to -day« .'<

The paaeengers Were thrown loW a panic for a time, but the veeeel waa only allahtly Injnred and reached her dock In aafety.

f to -C a rte an d C arrtnw ea B dU R rle a .Cutnon, 34t Harket et, II down, ft per week. —Adv. '

Sprrltti from a Staff CorrcitpQttdtnt TRENTON, July 10.—Though twenty-

seven Democraig voted In favor of it, and twelve Hepublicans agulriMi It, the House lust night failed to pass the much- amended Wright public utility bill, be­cause of the lack of the ihirty-one voles neccasary to pnsa It, and then adopted a resolution by lyeader Klenert cailini^ for a series of adjournments of ihri'v days each until September 17. i t r . Bar­ber, Republican riiltioi’ily lesder, vainly tried to have passvd his substitute r^no- iulion calling for a meeting of the House next Friday, after whlch^ according lo his plan, the llouao was to adjourn elno die.

The vo(© by which the W right public utility bill went to Its doom was as fol­lows:

Ayes—Alexander, Auf der Heirte, Baikus, lJuker. Blnlun, Brady, Breuii'g, CoiidlL Danb, tiurle, Eppinger, Grael, M.'ihh, 1 leinlrlcksun, lloicumbe Hnlza.pf^‘1 KU-iiiTt. Lane, Lethbridge (Speaker), Mead, iln n ls , Olwell, Fuwelski, Salli* van. Tiimoity, Vun Blarcom, Wright.

Nnyn - iLn hi.T, Burk, Buxton, CaUell, Dc Viri'-, Fake, Irlck, Jess, Moxon, Per­kins, Tiiylor, Tliumpson.

The Democratic ahaeiitces were Baader, of E.‘«hi X; IljorJan, of Hudson; Merz, of PasKijic, find Firth, of Warren.

Firth was on hand during the morning and waited till 2 o'l^lock in tlic nfteimion lor the session to eliirt. At that hour he gi'l provulifd and left the S tate houra Haying: 'T 'd like lo stni anybody keepij.L‘ here."

C h a n c e t o H e c o n « ld e r .When it was seen tluit the W right publlo

utllJiy hill was doomed, for the hmc being at IcuKt, Loader Klenert changed his vole from (lyc to nay for the purpose of re- curiHldoratlon. This iiiutloti was laid on the tahlf,

Tho Mjdglit public utility hilt was Inlrci- diiwd last Friday, when, a t tho instance of Mr. Wright, Its introducer. It was advanced to third rending without having hct'd referred la coinmltloe. At th a t time Mr. Wright wanlfd the bill flnully passe*!, explaining tJmt the measure was In ef- fi‘ut a local adaptation uf the Hughes law ol New York, txcepT In tlm l It provided fur an elective insiptid of an appointive cojnmlH.slun. It waa finally decided to let It lay over.

It was agreed last Monday that the bill iifCdi'd many nmemlments to make It ap­plicable to Ihlfi .Slntt‘3, especially In regard to the parts relating to uppeals to the courlH. These ciiang'-s were made neces- sary by the difference between the judiciary of New York and that of New Jersey. A cornuiltlee of Democrats went over the bill Monday afternoon, and de­cided upon the changes which were deem­ed necesaary. It was the purpose to make these changes In the form of cimendnienia when the bill should be called up again.

When It was Been ihiU the Democrals had not the thirty-one votes necesoury to ■ pftSB the bill. attemptB were made to secure the votes of enough RopublkunB to make up the deficiency. All the RepiiU- llouns spoken to, however, declined point blank to vote for the W right bill, al- Uiough most of them acknowledged that they favored the principle and would vote for what they considered a proper bill. But the f a d th a t the DemoeraiB hud found it neceeaary lo amend the bill, and were delernilned to rush U through, con­vinced them th a t It was not the measure they should support without having had more time in which to study its provisions more c:irefu!!y.

When the result of this missionary work became known some of the Democrate ad­vocated laying tlie bill over until tlie Flouse came together again In September, but us a t the conference held Mon­day aflernuon, when Mr. Alexander made the sante suggestion, Mr, W right and ethers objected strenuously, and declared th a t It should considered then and Lhere.

H a ttie O ver R ill BefEnn.The bill having been made a special

order of business for yesterday, was called by tho Speaker, who announced th a t U was on third reading. Mr. Alex­ander thereupon asked th a t the vote by which the bill had been advanced be re­considered.

Mr. Barber demanded th a t the vote on th is motion be taken by calling the roll, but he withdrew the motion afte r ‘Mr. Alexander had explained th a t it w'as planned to place the bill back on sec­ond reading for the purpose of amend­ment.

This being agreed to, Mr. Hahn pre­sented amendments providing th a t no th ­ing in the act should be construed lo affect any ag?v..TJents now existing between cities and corporations. The purpose of these amendments was to protect Newark and Jersey City as woU as all municipalities In Essex County m their contracts with the trolley compan­ies, whereby the cities receive a per­centage of the gross earnings of the comptuiles.

After the amendments had been adopted in toto Mr. W right explained the b lirs provisions briefly, saying th a t its general purpose was to regulate and control ail railroads, street railways, gas, electric light and power, express, telegraph and telephone corporations.

Mr. W right denounced the Pubic Ser­vice corporation, saying It held the ctly of Newark in a grip of steel, spread smoke all over the municipality and held public sentiment In contempt.

B a rb e r l o r D elay- Mr. Barber then arose and urged tha t

the bill be laid over until September, or some future date.

“I am fully convinced." he said, “ that the time has come when the S tate should adopt some method for the regulation of the public utltUies corporations of the State, bu t 1 am not In favor of treating with a subject of such magnitude lightly, or without due consideration. Here you propose to pass a bill th a t Is to affect vast Imereats, Involving the Investmopt of many millions of doUarst aiid the members whom you ask to vote on th is mbasuie rcLGlved copies of It only a few hours ago,

“As I said before, I thoroughly agree with the principles embodied' In th is measure, but I do not approve of the bill Itself. I do not think th a t we are proceeding In tho m atter In a statesm an­like manner. The Senate is going about th is duestlon In a statesm anlike, and proper manner. I t also believes in the principles of a publlo utilltlea com- misBlon, but It la not going to enact a law on this subject o r beforeIt has been given due conilderaUon.

gees F la w s l a B ill, ."I do not enjoy the advantages of

some of you men who are lawyers, and, therefore, am not as competent to pass upon the merits of this MU as to its conailtutionalUy as perhaps some of you nre. But even with my lay mind T think I can dnd passages In this bill th a t are not in accordance with the Constitution o r s ta tu tes of Lhhi flUU. In enacting a niece of legislation of this .mafaltuOs and importance, it li highly im portant th a t we should know th a t the bill Is tre e at least from constltotlonal defects K h lch Perfectly ^

••You gentlemen do not newt to b« told tl ia t *uy Wglelutlon «hal curtiills thu power, euelm w control, or In any way uKecte the corporation* o t th li State 1« altecliea In the court* by the cbrpoju. tionu, who cetale the bcii .legal VtaUnti~~*Qtinttaued on tth page, i w i»iuiriit.j '

, T e e a a t r Y e u a B e n c a K feo an aU atawill tn uakBoini i f *11 UM Voa Rtet* tWlU.— M *.


Prudential Contends It Is En­titled to Such Reduction on

Its Ratables.

Now California’s Guest.


President of Western Federa­tion of Miners Tells of

the Organization



Six Dead and Many Injured Taken from Ruins of Concrete

Philadelphia Structure.


Accident at Celluloid Works in Which One Man Is

Seriously Hurt.


KOI8E, July lO.-Charlf^ M. Moyer. pn-H- Ifb'jU of Iht? WuHlvrn FetUTaUiiii uf Mlii- rs nnd CfllQw JufendniU of Wllllani D. Ha> - wood Iti the Indictment ctoiiKiog ihi lu with the niiirder of Frank 8 t'‘uni’iibi‘ig, wuw swiiru to-duy hk a wJttus.s in U«'half uf Ills comrade. He was coiled by tlic Ui - fenwe iU thifl meuning and wan escort­ed ItUu court by a deputy sJncrilY. He aeemed iiulie Hclf-posBcsscd. am) as he Wiilkcd tu the siuiiiti luuki-d urourid tho i ciJUflroum, apparenUy soekltitf a glimpse* of Ills wife, who occupied an mconKiilcuuua J chair behind one of the i)fcsp iiUik-a. i

Ho displayed some niM‘\‘uuMv.ss as Ills | exatnliiullon bogiin, but within u f'->w i minutes wns Ruing very sti-ndlly in a I ri-olLul of hla (‘otmectloii wTtti tlic West- , cm Federation of MIults. Duriiiij Iho \ review of the CocMir d'.^lene siilke of IKW, the witnesa said, he Wiis in sym­pathy wUh the atrlkeis In their sjtruff,^K‘, und lie never had any personal iuetllUy for Prtink Steunenburt?. In dfscrlljln^S liiB duties, Moyer declared th a t they rc- ' qulred that he be abseitl front Denver— plouhig ground of the conspiracy alleged by the giale—moro than half of the time.

Siiortly before noon the wltnc-Ks entered upon a lengthy examination ae to the Cripple Creek strike of 1903-04. Ho was still on the aland when adjournment waa tnkentor lunch.

Mrs. Moyer, who was seated Immediate­ly behind counsel for the State, was drewK'd In white. H er alHler ant besldo her.

H ad W o rk e d tn S m elter.A fter being escorted lo the witness choir

by a bailiff and sworn, Moyer was ques­tioned bq Attorney Harrow as to some of the delullB of hla early life.He Bald ho hod been a miner ever since 1883. He joined the WeBlern Federation of Miners In 1897 and was first elected president In June, 1902, having been re-elected an ­nually since th a t time. Moyer said he had worked In a smelter for three years and a half of hla life.

H e first came into promlnenc;e In the national organlxatlon ol the leder&tlon In 1809, when, a t the Salt Lake convention, he waa elected a member of the executive board, under President Ed- Boyce. For nine monihs prior to hlB election as president Moyer acted as on organiser for the union. He Aral mot WllHam D. Haywood at the l£KiO convention In Deii- vef.' Haywood was chosen secretary- treasurer in 1901.

Moyer said he was an Odd Fellow of eighteen years standing and alRO n mem­ber of the Ancient Order of United W ork­men, having been In the latter organisa­tion for eight years.

Mr. Darrow* here had the witness Iden­tify a copy of the constitution of the WeBtem Federation of Miners and offered It tn evidence. There was no objection from the State. I t was announced tha t the reading could be deferred.

Mr. Moyer said th a t as president -no I bond was required of him, but that Hay­wood as Berretary-trehsurer was under a bond of $30,000.

The wllncBB declared th a t his duties as preBldent of the orggnliatlon required his absence from headquarters a greater p art of the time.

The territory covered by the W-.>tern Federation extends from Michigan to the Pacific coast and from Alaska to Mexico, There were 22,000 meinberfi of the federa­tion when Moyer was elected In 1903. When he was arrested more than a year ago there were 30,000’membere, and according to Ihia year's report there are more than 40,000 members.

D efense o f Nlember*"Now. Mr, Moyer, during your term

as president w hat has been the oislora of the organisation as to defending mem­bers of the union who have been A arged w ith crime growing out of their con­nection with the union or where the Fed­eration has been Involved?" aaked Mr. DarroW.

" I t has been the rule of the organiza­tion always to protect lu members and the Interests of the organisation where uttAcks have been mgdc against them."

Moyer spoke with absolute self-po^iges- slon> He seemed to weigh every word of hl8 artswera.

''H as the o igantiation had to defend He members quite oftepr*

•'Tea.**•’And have there been a\any convlc-

flonsT*'*Very few* considering the number wJ)0

have had chargee preferred against them.""W here were you in UK) during the

Coeur d'Alene troubles?***Tq the B uck HlUs of South Dakota.** The defense to-day attem pted to open

up the poUticai situation In Cotorado in ]SM and in s by calling John I. Tlsrney» a

; newspaper corresponident.I The court sustained the S tate's obieo- I tlou to-'the Introduction of evidence af-

fecUng the political slttialton In Colorado In the Hoywoc^ trial. Tierney left the stand and the Jury was recalled.

. .. ■ .n n. -------—TFegglng C«iab*« Out fpe^alty.

flatlsfeietloD jmarentMd or npaeev relumM. M. A. Maltln's sUbiex, f t t iVentilaKtaa ti.. JW

I ']n L A li i ;U 'm .\ , Julv in - Hix wnik- | Ttvo a rr hi-liivi'il tn h:i\i' hi-r-n klli'-l In' j Ihr HjU.sJiSi- (if th'- IJrnlli.'TSbuilding nii WuHhlntftun avviuu-, h' In v j J’l11fi-rith s!r«'!‘t. tills a m riKmii uut* > Iv.dy. "f J oIjii Marshall. Ims !>•'-ti jlak< ii Irum ilu ih'lTiw. anil st luani live ollutH /ii'v ifi the rains.

At ihn t in / of llu* ciilln|i.‘ i' almuttwi'iity-hsv min win.- ;tl work on the j St I ui \ iirn, [

Till- hullclln#' was H rc‘Jjif^»rcod (onen 'tu * HTj-uiluro hihI wht‘11 Ihi* r-asi wall iK-ron ! lu rriuuhiv many cjI tliv warkim-n Jniiij iil ; ami •-sra|M'd with th>lr llv<u. number I of <vtlu’i‘K Wi-rt- varrh'il iluwii heneath lh*‘ lumi.lriYlp, nf tons of fonciftc ami if Ihry , wvT’c not instantly klll'-il It le ludlt-v^il j they <’aiiiiol aurvlvo Injiiiit'S until .ihv n-ack ihcm.

Scores uf men aro ut work viuh'avoririg lo r<-uvh the linforlimiUo workim-a. biil | the work of rtiHi’iii? 1b slow b<- !cause nf the luim^nsp weight uf the ilehrlH wlilrb mijsl be removTd CpiKUi'le nn l huge grinders are piled as high «5 tho Bet-nnd slnry of the structure.

Hrldgumati Bros, arc miinufacturerH ot pieani lUti’rs' suppHeB and were con- Hlrucliiig an a(1(lirl«ih to tliolr factory.

The bnJlJing wiw being erected by A. S. RcavlH. trading as the Sheet Metul and Curiiice Corupimy. of IVaahlisgioii, D. C.


William Baugh Expires of Heart Disease on Sand

at Ocean Grove,


fipcciizl DlflpcIcA lo KVESISO NF.W8.ASnURV PARK. July IG.-Wllliam

Buugli, twenty-tv^o yeara old, of 1& H um ­boldt fltreet, Newark, died of huart dis­ease on the sand tit Oopan Grove to-day, after coming out from a bnth. He ap ­plied for a house at the Rush buihlug ground, and soon after ran In hla batli- ItiK .tult tu the waler’B edge.

T'he temperature of the surf lu-day was below 60 and the water very culd. Young Rnugh shivered for an Instant, but plunged under a breaker. It wuh but Just a dip, yei Bauglv returning from tiir w ater's ^ g e . sank exhausted to the sand and expired in k few' intniito!*.

Dr. H. H. Ooodmati, of Baltimore, and Pr. H. V. Alday, of Ocean Grove, worked for twenty minutes over the hody. but Bough, although he a t one time gave signs of life, failed to gain ronaclmisnert?.

C'lroner WDIInm K. MacDonald, who waa summoned, pronounced the case heart disease and the body wna removed to an undertaking estahllahment.

The yoimg man was captain of tho headquarters staff of tho Salvation Army in Fourteenth street, New York. Ho had been spending his vacation of two weeks nt the Eliin Cottage, in the Grove, with hlp brother Frank, and sister. Mrs. T.rfiulfl Babis. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. WHiUim- Baugh nnd waa born In EhEland.

'l lir.i' nii-h wvti- buriH'd. une ptorl-jusly, uf ;i iiM' ill lilt’ ■ Vfiu klm; <i4‘i>iirir.ieiii nf shn Ci‘ilulnlMl W.Tk.H.. :it 1:..hI Feiry uml WiHirnit jJiM'riM. iliifi mnrnlhg. TJ!C lire.

fibirtc{l .iiTiniig sn iiii- .raw c<;IIn |i-uJ. iMu.sird niily iiliniil $L'’t d .iiiu ig i'. T lie 4’au.Htj n f it Ih |.>iii Oir su]>puslll<jn iHtli.li a sp ;irk ifu m a m ai-h lo i’ K tH rf'd It.

Tin* mi*!i u'li'i Wf'i'i* Iniiiii'il wi-iy FiTtl- tirl' k 1 'iiijipbell. ih l i iy yeiiiti old, of ii Ainii Mtiret, uud t.'harlr*s A. Carltou,I Itul-H"n. twi'niV’five jcmth <dd. butli nf rho lilli-r Ih ing ill Wi-n^'iT jis’riiiK*, Blnnm-Ib'lit. 'i'hny W 'le tnm uVi'tl in S t. J itllOlf’S Jln.s|)ii:il Tin; l>iimH w cjv liilllrlcd by fl.iniis iiMii,i ,-i b a iii‘1 of riD' liul. which i-iUgliL llri- fm m the <.elbilnld. .At the lii»hi>ii.il ihi> itncin i's sa id thill, (.'.impb^dl wat. hi a S'-riniis cnm liU iui.

At fhn ilm r th e lira s i'iM rii the Ih r re m en w are w nrk liig nn w h a t Ih k im w ii an u cr.u -k ln g iii.ir hiiin, w h irli riitw tin.' ro lh i- Inid hff<ii(‘ Ji IS llnishnfl liiln <'iikeM, A f l i r ( 'ra r iii jig tin* m alL rliil It w a? pl.iced a lo iig ' s id e th e ni;a liine. \S’h lh j Mu? IIU 'a nmii w e re I’ngugi-O u t th e n iiichliuj a s iu i'k o f th e r :jk t‘;s hinHl in flimeM.

rm l i- r th e llnor of Ihc c ra i 'k in g rnnjr. th e r e In u ti s r rv o ir fo r a lro h n l. th ro u g h w h h 'h fluid the c 'lllu lo ld ciiki-s a re In te r WHPhed. A t tho tln io th e fire s t i i r te d ..t b a r r e l of th e tluld w as heitig l•m ptled In to th e reae rv u tr . T h e liam e s sjjren d Itm ne- liifile ly lo lUe b a r re l , a n d befo re (he m en cou ld g e t Ui s a fe ty th e w hnie i-ontt-iiUs W ero hlnzhig.

C um iihell w:iH b u rn e d a ro u n d (he chept, b ac k , head and b n th tirm u : LlLtrlton on the b u c k find im n e anti B atR on on th e a rm s . K n ip lo y es n f o th e r d e p a rtrn e ii ts run lo th e c i'n ck lng room am i pooh hud fo tir lin e s of th e c o m p n n y 's fire hose on th e fire , w h ile an a la rm wuh a lso eon t in from th e c o m p an y 's fii’c; box, >22, pu rm nonlng th e c h i ’ fire (i<'i>artnir?ni. W h e n th e a p p a n u i ia a rr iv e d Ihe b la ze w as p ra c l t- ca ll> ‘ m il. T h e d a m a g e w iis coriflm ’<l (o th e loss o f a s in a ll n u m h e r nf rakPH nf cellu lo iil, ihn a lcoho l an ti th e flco rch lng o f fliiua* of th e w nodw oi'k . T h e m uch lno w a s noi dnm agetl.

C an ipbel!, C arlw m a n d B a tso n w ere ta k e n to tlie offico of th e c o m p an y a n d I h e l r In ju ries d re ssed . T h e T h ird I ‘re- o in c t rm vbulauce w aa th e n ca llr 'd a n d re ­m oved th e m en \o th e huHpUal, S h o rtly a f t e r a r r iv in g Iho ro B a tso n , whoHw in ­ju r i e s o re not pertoua. w a n te d to go hom e, h u t wna provsilled iifion to rernu ln . L a te r , h o w ev e r , he did leave.


.\<*t In tinrH lInii W ns Aiiioiijk liiPtir* aii4‘« lle fo riu M m a n re i In tro iln e e d fiN llvMiiU of [lU pH iltftillcm —]*ro- vldcM for IIPH rrvinu ITurli Y ea r of Kniiil III IM«ld«‘d AnioiiK I'ollry** lioliirrH 4'uiii|itrullpr Npcn Tax lloan.1*


Just After It Had Divided the World's Trade Between Itself

and Subsidiaries.


( • n v e r i in id i l M eeks to IHnKOlve I h o ('»iiih lnr< r liu l It M a r t . l t v m l lr « t o i i ip lr lp ly M otiolM iIlxr l l i e KntlrW T o ix ie e o la iliiH tr> - .X l l t u t t l " I n f a i r TrciU r > lrtlkm U lleH o r ted to /* AmonM! ThtMii D in iim y C'unii»et1tora«

Tho cHy tax <'iimniisali'ni.TS wen* Kl\‘cn u surprlsv m-rhiy whm f<»niidrol!or \t'jl. luir B. .InhiiHoh. of the Brudi'ntlal In- Hurancp rompaiiy, dincuHsmg ihi* iin.' vys- ment upon ilial compati^. on the aui* phJH under Ihc law of cilh 'd iittvTi- tfon (.if tin* i'oii;tnlssionorp to .noither law paHfM-tl thia J i-.M and ajii^rosod April l.i, wlilrh. nt'curding to the inU-rpn’tatlon plai't'ti iipoti h l>y the (H>iupaio-. PtPlUoH ihr I'nHlcnlljiJ to u rcdvichotj of fully H,'f"'M«i In the amount of Im t'dal t:ixa-hirs I

I.. Its st.iroment to th. Tu* I <l"'» '‘™ wh..(li.'r ho wnuUI iirgo the courtHuiiid foi (;ixi‘H (his .war. the Ihudi iitlal I" apptdnt ii .receiver for (he vurl(jua com- dill md liickuk- )n lt» llal of exemjX luna i»iti|vh would i1p]u*iuI entirely upon the «vl-

NEW YORK. July HI -Jam ea C. McRey- m jIJa, ihv Hpectal uKHlHtflnl a l to rn e y -g e n - '■Piil Jippulnied lo iiroHi.'cute (he Bo-cailed. Tnhnecu Trust, declaivd (o-day. a lter fll* li:g the complaint hi the case, that th«

tv*. u A M 0BSiAlt at . SUl ^ v.


T itle T im e It W ill A nply to B o a rd of W orkN (o r a

Kraai^hlme.I t wde afltiounced tu-ilay by an oflicliil

of the Newark Block U ghtlni; Company th a t a new application for a tranchlao for th a t company to lay conduits In Lawrence and Market atreets will ba made to tho Board of Works to-morrow, a f te r the a p ­plication hu* been fnrnmily Bled w ith tlid city clerk. The board will be asked to a r ­range for a public hearing on the .applfca- Uon, and the same procedure that was (oUowod when the first appllcallnn was made, under the opinion given by form er C ity Counsel Coult th a t the Common Council was the proper body to g ran t the permission sought, will be oarried out.

This move on the part of the Block I.tghting Company, it le imderatbod, is tp, ^ taken In order to have the proper ac ­tion under way and to forearm itself against a possible doclsinn of the court th a t the ground taken by the Public Ser­vice Corporation In asking for a w rit "of certlom ri to review the notion o t the. Common Ceundl, which was thu t the' Board of Works, Using the body In charge o t the streeets of th city, was the body qualified to act on such m atters. U c o n e c l . '


A n im a l M ank T e a th I n t o L i t t l e G lr r » .Arm—M liot toy a !*o-

l l r e m a n .Blanch© Urbrtck, nine yeara old. diuiRh-

t4‘f of lienJujTiin Urback, a lullor, of 320 Fifteenth avenues while playing witli a hull pup on a rear porch at th a t nridr»'hi* yesterday afternoon, was attacked by tlni animal, which Ih believed tu huv© gon e mad. and au&tained a alight laceration t>t tlie right arm. After Snfilcllng tli© Injury on (he child the dug rs'ih down (he ai(rr leading to the yard, and there, frothing a t the mouth and yelping, It raced aroun'l until Policeman Tenchke, of the Fourth Precinct, arrived and shot ll.

Tho Urback child waa taken by her mol her tn the office nf Dr. V irlor Puraroi- net. where the wound waa cauterized.

Dr. J^areounel paid lo-day that ho did not believe serious harm would ouine lo the child ae a reault of her injury, ns the wound was cauterized almuijt Imni^- dlaiely and prompt action of lliis kind Invariably prevenlH hydrophtjbia. The father of the little gJrl will take the cur- ctiBs of tho dog to the pasteur InaUtute. In M anhattan, thin afternoon, tu have H examined with a view of dclernifn I'g whether Blanche will require the Pnsinur ti’catment.

The Urhack family live on th© top floor of the Fifteenth avenue houae, while Mrs. Wininm Weleman, who owned the d«g, occupies apartm ents on the second floor.


jMO'UiinK fur a rcHervc hmd to meet tho I'liMgaljons of the law nl'ove referred to.

Htatemem ahnwvd that tU© iimuiiut of prnperty ol n porsimiil nature Muhjei’l Ui luxoihm loi'nlly nnutuiilvd lo HOinflhlng niMif than l .ivU.iKXJ, or un IiicrenHe of ohmit k’oMXW over (he am ount (he curn- p,ni>‘ Wiis usf^i'ysed for persoivalij' luat yrjir

Thu rommlsslunerH did not accepi th<? Hta!'-ini'lil OH s(diriiI(t<Hi. hut dochlfd fo

nirlh-r. Tlu*y RCJil to 1li«' d*j- li!irnn«-hi uf tlu- comnilashmer of hatik- hiK ;iud ItiHurnm*© nt Trenton ft>r a ci'P)'Ml llu* «uii*'tiu'h: lih^l by the rompiiiiy Pen iidinr HI, lawl year, ^ ir the piirp-*HO uf i‘om|uii Ihuii. The aUitemeul tu the StJite department did not show, any rnnre than tliat ui May 20 to I he Tax Honrd, (hat iJie compiiny made clulm fur -i ro- Hci\© fuml ul (he eharuclor uf lh«l n(»w Hhuwn by ilie rtvmpnny. But tho niale- iiunl lip the cojiimlBHluner of lainkini; ht\(] luaiM'iiiU'e waa filed prh.ir lo Hi*? pus- H;igv uf ihv law uf thin year.

Thin law iH riu tp ter 71 of th© pamphlet luwH uf 111© fltate. U wa.* |^a^e('d lui fine uf tlio n<»-i’alh'(| intfuriinie )’efi>rm uvih. Mild WHS nn outenmr of ihe rerent Hciiale iiivcsMgiiihm of tlio uperntluiiH ot Uie life IjiHiiriiiu’e cuintnmieB of tiiln 1’he law 1H PiUlllecl ”Au act U> ii‘(|iilre nn niinmil tiin>orilutimnot nnd acoouiirhig (if HiiridiiH of life liiHiirunce conijianlvij."It provldrs ns fallows:

Every dMmenllr llle UiBuninvo (‘umptiny tilling liusIneHB (n (him atnte, ronducU'd on Ih© muiiial plan, or in w'hich ludicy-hold- L-lH Hie, hy th© lercria uf th«'lr puIlch'H, ©n- (Hled (0 nhan' In ih© jiroHle ur aarphis s-liall. un iilJ pohrlew of life liisuranre here- lofor© ur Iioroofler iMwiied, under Ih© con- dllinn© of which lh«- (ilatrlVaitlon of ©ur- pliiH Ih deferred m :i fixed or npecltlcd time en-l I'ulillllKent upon the i.mllcy being ii; fm r,' ]ind ihe msured IP’lug at tlmt itm©. aiiiiuiilly nari-rlulii the arnouiit <if siii'filiiH to wlili'h mU wiieh pullrlefi hr u Hr|iiiTa!i' rla.*<H are <'ii1*tlf‘d, and Hhnil iiu* niJiillj iipiiMi-iuin lu Kuch poll\*i©« i*s a eluHHKie Hinoani of Ihe HurpliiR »o u.Hcer- t,-diM‘d and varr\ ih© amoniit uf Hurh [ippurtiMm-i] HuriilMH, plus the actual lii- terenl iiii’nliiKs nnd iiccrellnnfi of Ruch fiirid, H dplinel and Heimriitc llatilllty in Hii- h I'hiNH uf pidldes nn and for which ill'' B.iMiu wiiH III (•uiiuiliited, and no enm- pany ur au), of Its officers shall be p©r- fidner] to \iM»‘ any part of such nppnr- iluried (uirpluH fund for any purpose what- Boever other thnu for th© ©xpr««© pur-- i.nHc for which the «am© waa occumu- lalcd."

The Hf'cond fr'riinh of I h© act contains a leiHnIci uf 111! aciH oi piir(a of fuita incon-

wKll llu* pnivlBluiifl of this net. nVds, i( IR held, leT'ealg the law of 1 inideV whirh ih<- siniiluH of life inBuratice , emnpardcM u \cr and above the reserve luTidH and .irldmunal shall be taxed |fur liu'jil l arpu. l•H. ,

The M*'W law iluea not take effect "itn- ' rm rtlutrly," iiud llu* qneH(luu has been r:dH»-(l ilmt whili’ (he ponteutlon of the Ihudenllol IH firmly luiflcd an to (he efTe*l Mf Ihe law lidding In Ihe aTnomit of the cenipaiiy'P reaersc funds iiiid currespond- Iriiflv reducing (tin tfixnlile aurplus. lhat the acl Ih hot upplicahle (i> the iw HCHsmeiU fur (his year, as the atatem om of the rijtnpuny lu the Tnx Board was required In be mmh as uf May 20. while, ll Is held, Ihe law did not take effei^ until July 4. mi'lcr the HliiUitury provi.slun of Iho Slate.

1'he commissioners also liad before them (u diiy repi’HBeiitallves uf the American, Newark and Firemen's Fire Insunince rrmipunles and the atalomcntfl of ihe^e cuncerns iib in the am<»unt upon whti^h they W'cn* legally nHSOHsahlc us well aa tlio amoohlH up«*n which It wn» cuTii^lderfl they Bhmjld hold themselves willing lo pay, were dlaciiSHcd. These companies, under the laws affecting exemplluns, con­sider Ihiit llipy arc not rilillguted 10 pay any person.illy mid Ihe tnuird lias never

I piK’<Tede»l in geKlng a lurge asHessmeai enlered iiRTilnsI any of ibewfl companies.

' As a result r>f to-day's cuiifernnce. I'uiw- ever, It is underHinud thut the compaiilefl will <*ncli I'ouBenl to an increua© In th© arnrvimt of Ub nsHesKm^-nl for per.vjmjliy tu such nn extent thnt the aggregate In- cri'a-n- will nmouni tn :i crinHlderable sum.

...... •


’W ill T ry to E rror** C o u rt He-( |u lr o n i© r il« o n l* e n n H |^ lv n tiiii n n d

1 .nekji%THntta L n n d ,Within a few day.n the County Hoard

of Taxation will give consideration to tin- liUCHtlon of whai form of aBseasmrtit m i.i be levied un tho land under tli© rcniipylvanla Halirmul passenger s'.a- tlori at Market Hirept Depot, and the

I ground under the [..ackawanna's freight r jitalinn 1-ast year (he board rfeeided ! Hint these properMes sbotiJd b© nasc^s‘‘d

lo'ally The Court of E rrors and AppeaJr*.' hnwi-cer. deeJan'd th a t the boarri must, ' prove iluu this land Is n<d used for (he ( hMi'Hpui III lion of puSRengerH tn- frelilhl ' before a Iced] aHseMsment could hold.

'i'hp board prupos«« deturniln© wiieilier h cAU ©Hinhllsh th a t the land Is i not spectflcally used for Ihe transportation 1 purpuscH mentioned.' Tax CummlHHloner Carroll, of this city,' Huhrnliied to the board to-day a list of

[Hoperty in the F irs t W ard, wltsro th© owners were nllowwl reductions In.nt year.■ Tliese properly owners d©alre tu learn whether the reduction© will hold good fur I (lil.H year.I No opinion hiia been received from

rcuinty Counsel Crane as to whether tho tvmrd can ©gact from the public 8<*r- vU-« Corporation a detailed siaiem ent nt itH valuallona on personalty outside of Newark.

il(-nra* secured from the wUntHHea aum- mutirii upon hla ooniplalnt.

He Hiihl (iImu ihut crlniiniil prosecuUoti of Mitnii' t»f (he defeiidantB namod In Ih* Ciimplaiiii Is highly probjihle, uml that th© Sherman law. under which this action la hrouglu. niiikfH w cunHplrncy lu restrain t, (d iradi* a crimliiiM ufTcuK©. A slguiriuaiic ft'uliiii* 4»f Ihe euiiipjalut Hied by Ml. Mc- HeynuldR t(>'day Ih the waiver by him of! Hu- riglu of demaiHlhiKUfiHwcrs unduroalhl frurn curpniaiIuiih aad Indhiduala nam tdt as dif. nd.miH lu his complumt, ns tii© nmkiac uf Hai'ti answer under oath mtgiil, cor.fer liniuiiuliy from pruserutlon.

The IndlvUiunlH named ax defendants and named as witnesses are James IL Duke. prcHldciU of the American 'Tobacco Company; John B. Cohh. president of tlis Ainericnn Cigar Cumpany; William K. llarriH. chairman of th© hoard of man- ngers of the DrlilBh-Amerlcan Tobacco t'umpiihy; (?ulel) C. Dufa, vlce-proaldcnt of the American Tobacco Company, and • a director of (he American Snuff Com­pany; Pcrcivftl S. HDI. vice-president Of the Atnerican Tobacco Company; W, C. Reed, ngROt in the HnJted fila tts for tba ItnpcrSul Tobacco Company of G reat JjrUfila; Thomas F. Kyan, Pierre Loril- InrJ. IVler A. R. WIdeuer, Anthony N« Hnidy and practically ail of tlic other dJ« rectors of the American Tobacco Com- paiiy.

Mr. McRoynokla appeared before th© clerk of tq© court aluue to file Ih© com­plaint, hut th© pcllllnn Is signed by A ttor­ney-General ChurlpB J, Bonaparte, Mlltoa n . Pui-dy uml Edwin P. Qrosvcncr ond Jam es C. McRcynolds, asslatants to Lb© Attorney-General.

Thor© waa no hearing before the court, to-day's action being confined to filing til© complaint.

Mr. McUcynolds said thnt the neiEt step In ihc cuK© would ti© the serving of tho iiniic© of the complaint upon the defend- (intP and th© flllng of their reply or de­murrer lo the complaint. After that the wUn©HH©s would b© called before the rouri and the taking of evidence wobll begin. At the conclusion of this tho assiHtanl attnmey-general would nsk the court lo lake wnatever action hi the csss h© may ronslder deslnible.

In reply to a question whethftr hs 1a<» tended to urge the court to appoint re ­ceivers fo r the various corporstlons, Ks.

he could dsolde t;hiii*Cr ■ferlWhWhg *lhs evWonc© given by the wit- nesHCH.

"YVhat prpcfdoul huva you for asKhig fur the appoinlment of rocelvors?" he was a«k©d.

"The flhermnn law, under which thla action 1m brought," replied Mr. McRey- iHdda, "provldi'B that Hio court may re- Pirnlri nnd prevent tho operations of a combination. If tlio court finds that the appoluimrnl of receivers Is necossury to prevent operation of this rombimillon. It iTuiy appoint them. Wo ask the court to ©iijolu these companies. If it did so [% inrghi prevent men from buying tobacco* hut If ri'celverH nr© appointed the busi­ness would be continued, tho public would not be embarrassed by (nablllly la pur» eluise iobacoo. and th© receiver, might seli off th© various fiictorles to Inilependsnt conoerns, thus efTcctively dlBsolvlng ths combtnntlnn."

Mr. McRcynolrJn said he had no Idea liow soun the taking of evidence would begin.

K llttiB of ( lie P e titio n .Til© gttvernment to-day filed in th«

I'nJli'i] States Circuit Court In this city a petition against th© Ameriran ^obHOOO Company, the Impcrtnl Tobacco Com­pany. the Brltlsh-Amerlcan Tobacoo Cumpnny, th© American Snuff Com* puny, til© American Cigar Company,p (he United Cigar Stores Company, th f American Stogie Company, the MacAfi' drewH A Forbes Co,, th© Conley Foil Com* puny, and flfty-slx other orirporatloni and

(Continued on 2d page, 1st column.)


Lad m Canal at Orange Street Plane Polled Out with

Boat Hook.


w i l l n e i le td P re c e d tf ii, € i.i .i .c ll M cetinir P rlda^r I f is h t—M ar.

k e t C lerliiiliip .Aldermiin Patrick H. Ryan, Demo­

cratic leader In tbe Coniinon Council, haa caned a caucus of tii« party preceding the council meetinit Friday night. I t waa Intimated to-d»y a t the City Hall th a t the Detnocrats may a t las t be able to get WilUsnr' R. Swan out of the m arket clerkship and secure the appointment Inth a t anug berth of a penioerat__

As Alderniim Georg* Ff*y, Of-the Elev­enth ward, la still Arm In declaring th a t the appointee to thla place must be Thomas J. Howe, the caucus choice, It la hinted thnt Joseph W right, of the F irs t W ard, who has beef! the obalacle in Bowe's way ever alnoc las t January, m ay conclude to paroUt Buwe to go through.

LITTLE GIRL'S SAD PLIGHT.In M o a p lta l w i t h B u r n a —M o th e r

D ie s n n d la B n r le d In P a t t e r ' s F i e l d .

Anunzlota Dclmutirhi. seven years old, who has been living w ith h e r ouni. Mrs. Fclomena Mntirlllo. of 17 Garalde atrei t, since last Thursday, w as removed to tiio City H o s p i ta l ,yeaterrt.ay, suffering scalda about the lega. H er condition la not ae- rtuus. The little girl eustalned her burna a week ago Monday. While playing un the back porch of her home on the sec­ond floor of 10 Mt. Proapeet avenue, a boiler of hot w ater w as iipact over her. The relativea applied home remedka and theught she would get better. Instead, she boenme wurae, and yesterday It waa decided to send her to the hospital.

Mrs. Marianha Delmaiirla. the mother of Ihe girl, died In 8t. Michael * Hoapltal Sunday from a cancer o t the throat. She was buried by the city In potter'* field yesterday, because her husband did not have enough funds to provide a grave lu a cemetery.

lo id d e r a l t e d d e r s I t e d d e r s ! A l l H U ., .kiw priossi a l Do* A O otw vtra—Adv.

While fishing In the canal on Ihe south pidp lit the plane over Orange atreet Ar- Ihur Hi'rg, nine years old, of 12 Hecker ulm-t, fell In about Jl o'clock this m om , . log. lie was rescued hy a canal bout cap­tain, who used a hook, unci firsi aid measures were resorted to. The lad was liikcn lo the City Muspital. where he soon recovered. Ho wua uncooscluua for some time and had swallowed vunslderable water.

Young Herg a.rt on the edge of the plane anil had been hoping foe a bite for some time, when he suddenly lost his balance. There were several other boya nearby, having come from Ihe playground on the south side of Orange street, and when they stiw tho accident they ritn away shouting an alarm.

Hdliert I’ieraoti, a canal boat captain, on his craft m-arby, stiw the hoy (all In, and rouning toward the soene, called to Mlthuel J, Malloy, uriollier oaptaln, who was nearer the place. Malloy grubbed a boat hook and sprung Into the water. Ha was on tho opposite aide from where young Berg hud toppled In and swam * across.

Malloy looked down and saw the body on the bottom. He caught the boat hook In tho clothing and pulled the tad lo th* surface. The lad was uiiconselous. but, with the aid of Joaeph Lucking, a coal dealer, of 281 Sussex avenue, atarted to resuscitate the boy.

Procuring a barrel, Lucking and Malloy 'rolled the lad on ll. and thea. when ho began lo show signs of life, Lucking h-rid ammonia undee hla none. Pgllceman Husk, ot the Fifth Precinct, came up then , and summoned the umhulance. In which the n o ^ slightly breathing youngster was hurried lo -the hospital. There the Work of reviving him was continued.,

- ---a#------ - ■- ■- Qf--

f in e d $1r000 FOR USURY, ^TRBNTON, July 10, -JiHlg* John Rell-

atah se n ted c^ William R. Martin, m an­ager of the Cspttol Cfty Loon Company; to pay a fine of n.fl® and cost* for taking from borrowers Illegal Interest Martin was convicted a t the last term of cou rt;' and appealsd on (he ground th a t thd court cottld not Impose this aahtaao* u»- der tbe disorderly Iwgss Act < .



Ihe PrtMdent of the Amerian Tobacco Company Gives Out

Statement to Public.


N*W TORK, July W.-Jara»» B, Duka, vrwldant nf (ha Amariran Tohaccfl Com- pany, made the lollowini atalemeul lu-

have not read the bill yet. that, ■edordlnl to the morning papere, la to be «led (o-day hy the government agalnat the American Tobacco Company ami other corporatlona and Indivldaala. rn r the pMt year the Federal Department ni

. Commerce haa been hiveatlgaUng^ o u ^ 'affaire, and h s - tta t :.. ^tumlahed every poaalblo facility hy na. The Federal Department of Jnitlce alao W ^uctcd an Inquiry Into our affulre.

’Thie matter haa been requiring wit- •taaea, many of whom were our tiftlcfra and employea. to appear before eu«ea- ■Ive federal grand Jurlea In New York, and federal grand Jurlea In other Btatoe. Since the Supreme Court gave legal eanc- tlon to that method of inveallgatlon more than a year ago, we have offered no ob- iftaclee whateoever to the Inquiry, hut have co-operated with the counael for Ih'- government lo the end that they might find out all that they dealred to know about our aflaira.

"Our lawyera have conatantly advised, and itlll adviae. th a t our exlHlcni e, buai- 'neia melhode and aucceaa do not Invol^-e wiy violation of any law. and we oiir- eeh-M know that they are not an Injury for a minute to any claaa of the public— eoiuumera of tobacco, producers of lo- hgceo, or Inveatora. Our success Is due to having aerved the public better than anrbody elae."


TRUST NOW(O m tln u e d f r o m r l r a t P age ,)

division of the world haa evar since been strictly observed, and the three com­panies. with their sllles and assoelslas, have all been operated fii concerted liar- niony. ... ,

An Interesting chapter nf the petition Is devoted to nielhods »f distributing to­bacco products. The Ainorl:an Tobacco I’ompany, In 1901. the petitioncrelly acquired coiilrol of the *■7 , '” , „.n, .use '- Oigar Stores Tompany 'to r 11 long lltpe j ,, „thereafter denied*, and ‘h>o<;«'' ", h ‘eo dlae,tobacco stores are esIaHlshed In thlarge cities, which, by reason " ' the pow­erful support and infl.ieijce of the , om- bhiatlon. quicklyposition In Ihe llsde snd destrojed tom-

’’ Jam™ C, Reynolds, the speHul asMstanl attorney-general, wim lUe. the compU. 1.In the tobacco case, said ‘“‘l'*** orlmlnal prosecution cf some tb® 'J*'fendanls named In ths rase was h igbi/ probable, thni the fllietman law, iindur which Ihe action Is bniuglit. makes a conspiracy In rettralnl of Irado a criminal


'C o fF « c,„ .p je . >ulipi1tti!d lo the could not be

______ 'bonahleiipj*. .in averBs* •-aAtwhal the l.ffnT

SEEK TO HAVE BORING DONErb w re b W anta Iro n B a p e rt t a l a v * i -

l lg a te Ore l.anri W b irh I t O w n a.

It was dei-lded at a meeting of the con- slstofy nf ths Norlh Reformed Church. laKt nlgbl. Ill have mads a fuller Inves-

r thf> trnn Itiaf Imvodlm’nvflrfd t*t\ iim ptrly ownfti by

th#' churi'li, near Kuajuex «^»iinty.A cbtmnlttf*#*. I’onKliillns oJ Jamv>ii V’lot’U- tmri. J#irn#n II- AbiTfi'^rrihl^, ('ornoUmi II. V.trid«*i'hor»f !ind a\.who havo hart Oii* mail#*!' Ii> hand, will pndf«vor In Jnif'i'f'Hl Hnine Iron inan in iltf |iroJ^i:i hiid li«ve him muK#' Foni< bor- In^H.

Thin procfPi!, loo pxp'^niilv#* forth(* rhurch tn aU9?mpl. will T*‘vpfil tho fJcpthH of Hi** .v«in» und thfr oi« outwill then bfl inRlya#*d. Homo tlm« a plfoe of th#* mli'fari* mrk waa given tn an ‘xpcrl r n i in e r tM wUli th# R a lb n rh ing and Rrlltilng Company, who upon annlytilH. found that U contained about flfly-plKhl p#*r cpnl- of Iron and aomp aOlphiir- Iron orv in not worth »m#Ulng unlMH Ihprn In ai fifty pefIron In li. ;o?cordJng to <‘Xp#rtn. Tb# «ofn-

could not be


(Continued from First Page )

SOLILOQUY a U S E S ARREST.D l»cltarg< *d P r l i o n e r l l e t a m a t o

IC m p tr C o ll , A d d r e a a e a A ir o o i l !■ teOc'ked l.’p.

'The fact that he had been dtscharged from the Becond precinct Court by Judva Herr thla niornlng on the charge of drnnk#nne*B preferrpd hy Policeman Bchfnkle, of the Fifth Frednct, who picked him up while acMnii tpieerly on floHeville avenue, early thla morning, did

I n«*t Meem in impress R o b e rt 13 Perdle. o f 10 Berg»*n H tre e l, w i th t in y < k a lie to ' h a n le n f r o m th e n e lg lib o rh o o tl o f th e , c o u r t . H e w aa h a lr d h e fo ro th e ju d g e I II Herond tlnn® n m l h e ii l m a w a ll mu e x - j i i in i i iu t lu n Im o m e n ta l con4 l t lo n

Afier the Judge had riiM'hArged Perdie ami he bad gone to Jotii hta wife dn the

I ftireei. Poll'-ernan Srhenkle followed- Hee-

poHitlon in my couijtty, and 1 am quite llred out. My bualneea nnw l« with the eword by my aide. Political parlleB have III. in te re s t f o r m s ."

Tlis iidmirsl ssld t in t mneh depcn'led nn the nttltuile tiiken by the press on tli« present sltuntlon

■‘Ton m u ch cu re e tm n n l be tn k e ii by th e p re s i, '" c o n t in u e d A d m ira l Y sm a - m o tn , " f o r a. fe w c s re le s s w o rd s w i ll d ” m o re h u m . th a n good. T h e re a re n ia n y s s n s ji i lo n s l papers , b o th he re «m l In | 1, ^ tb g o m c e r Ih e fo rm e r p r is o n e r a ske d

tV A ff ty -n lc s In d lv Id u A ls co nnec te d w i th th e n tm e d co m p a n ie s . T he se c o rp o ra t io n s a n d In d ly id u a ls c o n s t i tu te w h a t Is g e n - { a r a i ly k n o w n os th e "T o b a c c o T r u s t . ’ ' a n d ■the p e tit io n d ire c te d a g a in s t th e m se ts i jo r t h th e p u rp o se o f th e g o v e rn m e n t t o ■ d li f ^ v e th is t r u s t b y b re a k in g up th e g g M e fn e n t i u n d e r w h ic h th e co n e n lld a te d co nce nu i a re w o r k in g . I n s h o w in g th e g r o w th o f th e " i r u e t " s ince I ts o rg a n ls a - t te n . In I tH , th e c o n c lu s io n ie re ach ed th a t t t o n ea id y d a y , u n le ss p re v e n ts d , I t s ro n ld e o m p le to ly m o n o p o lis e th e e n t ire to b a cco in d u s t ry .

T h a t a l l o f t h e d e fe n d a n ts a te engage d In Ig te rs la te a n d fo re ig n t ra d e and co tn - ■toerca In le a f to b a c c o a n d p ro d u c ts m a n ­u fa c tu re d th e re f ro m . Is a llege d b y th e p e tit io n . I t le e U le d t h a t th e a c t o f J u ly i W O, " t o p ro te c t t ra d e a n d eo m m eree ,' a n d iu b s e q n e n t a c ts , h a v e been v io la te d ,

'g n d th e g o v e rn m e n t th e re fo re eeeke to p re v e n t m id r e e l r e ln th e u n la w fu l e i l s t -

; n g ag re e m e n ts , c o m M n s tlo n s e n d e o n - lop tro o tes g n d a t te m p ts tp m o no po lise , a n d

fow a th a t th e o s to t ln g c o m b in a tio n s , eon - ■plraeleS a n d m o n o p o lie s be e n jo in e d , a n d t h k t e tc h o f th s d e fe n d a n t co m p an ies be N i t r a lM d f r o m h o ld in g o r c o n t ro l l in g g to e k In a n y o th e r . I t le asked f u r t h e r t h a t th e Im p e r ia l T o b a c c o C o m p a n y be ta jo ln o d f r o m d o in g b u tln e o a w i th in th e W rJsd lo tlo n <M th e D n lte d B ta tee u n t i l I t ■ ha ll c tM e* t o d b s e rv e th e te rm s o f I ts a g re e m e n t w i t h A m e r ic a n c o m p a n ie s ; t h a t c e r u in o f th e d e fe n d a n ts be d e c la re d c o m - M n a tlo n e In r a e t r a ln t o f t ra d e and be e n ­jo in e d f r o m e n g a g in g In I n te r i t a le e n d fo ie lg n t re d e a n d eom m eree , o r t h a t a Tetiorser b a a p p o te to d t o ta k e c h a rg e o f

' th e lT o S a ln a n d a d m in is te r th e m so as • to .b te n g ib o u t c o n d it io n s In h a rm o n y

w i t l i t h e la w .H l i t o r y o f t h e C a m b in e .

T h e o rg a a ig e t lo n o f th e T ob acco T n is t , a c e o fd ln g to th e p e t i t io n , d a te s f ro m th e fo n n M lo n o f t h e A m e r ic a n T ob acco C om -

I p a g y / In IWD. t o a c q u ire A re c o m p e tin g o ig a ro tte m a m ita o tu rc re , w i th J o in t asse ts m u o h less th e n H f.O W .IM a n d a n a n n u a l g g n sa m p tlo n o f M a t u n d e r K ,00D.«l» pounds . T h e p a t l t o n k h o s r i th e in b e e q u e n t h ls - lo r y , d e v e lo p m e n t a n d g ro w th o f t h a t a o p ip a n r u n t i l t t a t o t a l oasete n o w e x -

: need tnt,M ID,l)00. a n d l ik e w is e th e o r ig in l a a id m tn ip u lg t lo n o f aoorea o f c re a te d ,' im a ir e d a n d c o n t ro l le d c o rp o re j to n i u t l l -

M ed as a g e u e le i t o a e o o m p ll ib th e g e n e ra l ! d e a lg n : th e p ro g re s s iv e a b s o rp t io n a n d

e m iln a t to n o f e o m p e ltta rs and d n t r u c t lo n o f fo rm id a b le o p p o e lt lo n : a n d th e e n t r y b y d e fe n d a n ts In to v a r io u s d e p a r tm e n ts o f m s u m ta c tu re a n d tra d e , d o m e s tic an d

■ fc re tg ii , in to to b a c c o p ro d u c ts w i th In te n t t o m onopoH xe. T h e a l le g a tio n Is m a d e th a t th e m e m b e rs o f th e c o m b in a t io n h a ve d iv id e d u p t h e to b a c c o bus iness o f th e w o r ld , a s s ig n in g to som e sp ec ia l t e r r i t o r y t o r a n m o le s te d e x p lo ita t io n . I t la de - O lgred t h a t th e o o n a o lld a te d c o rp o ra t io n s a im u s llT p u rc h a s e n 5,(KI0,0()D pounds o f d o - m s id lc le a f , a n d o f th e to ta l p ro d u ce d in

i f h e U n ite d B tg te a m a n u fa c tu re se ll a n d ' d is t r ib u te m o re th a n 280,000.(KX) p o u n d s

(e ig h ty p e r c e n t .) o f th e s m o k in g a n d p lu g to b a cco s ; n ln e ty -B v e per c e n t, o f U s s n u ff, e ig h ty p e r ce n t, o f th e c lg a r - g t t u , le v e D ty - f lv o p e r cen t, n f th e s m a ll e lg ir s , n ln e ly -O v e p e r cen t, o f th e l ic o r ic e p ro d u c tg e ig h t y p e r ce n t, o f th s t in f o i l p ro d u c ts e n d te n to f if te e n per cent, o f th e c ig a r t a n d s to g ie s : t h a t th e y a re ra p id ly

■ o o iiu lr ln g c o n t ro l o f th e o rd in a ry agenc ies 1 —Jobbers, w h o le s a le rs an d r e la l le r t — ' U q o u g b w h ic h to b a c c o p ro d u c ts a ro d is ­

tr ib u te d .O f tb e to ta l a n n u a l p ro d u c t io n u f do ­

m e s tic tob a cco , e s tim a te d a t EOO.OOO.UCU pounds , s e v e n ly - f lv e p e r cent, la p u r- ehased b y Abe A m e r ic a n T ob acco C o m ­p a n y a n d I ts a sB cc la le s a n d I ts s l l le s a t u ic e s w h ic h th e g o v e rn m e n t a lle g e s to be u n ta w fu l ty In f lu e n c e d b y th e c o m -

In n o v e r n io e i i t P e t i t io n A n k lu g ' D Is s n lu t lo D n iid K r c e lv e r ,^ p c H o l D 's p iit 'A lo fAfl £ ; r / ‘;.V/.N(J a u i t b .

NEW YORK. July 19,-T h e suit begun tn the District Court for the southern district uf New York, to-day, for Ihe dis­solution of the American Tobacco Com- piiny. known aa the Tobacco Trusi, also asked the appointment of a receiver. The proceedings were brought under the Slier- miii! an tl-irust law.

The defendants named In the bill. In ad ­dition to the American 'rubuccu Oum- pany. the Imperial and the Hrliish-Ameil- can Tobacco compiinles, tile American Bnufl and Amerlciin I'lsiir cumpsnles, unil the United Cigar Stores Coinpuny, In­clude: Thomas F. Ryun, the Dukes, le>r- lllard and P, A. B. Wldener, and the fol­lowing corp<fr!iinins, many of which are charged with advertising ns Indepemlenla:

Am srlcsn Rnuff Compnny. ' American C igar Company. American Stogie Com­pany, H avana Tobacco Company, Ila - vana-A m erlian Company, I' t-orlllarJ Company. H. J- ReynoUla Tobacco Com­pany. Spaulding A Merrick. R A. P'R- terson Tobacco Company, Blackwell D ur­ham Tobacco Compnny, S. Aniirgyros Monopol Tobacco Company works, Luhr- m an * wllbern Tobacco Company, John Bellman Company, F, F. Adutiia Tohacco Company, John W. Carroll Tobacco Com­pany, Nall * Williams Tobacco Com­pany. Nashville Tobacco works. Day and N ight Tobacco Company. Fltiksrlon To­bacco Company. R. P. Richardson Jr. & Company. F. B- Penn Tobacco Com­pany, WellB-WhIlelieud Tobacco Com­pany. Upfert-Bcslea Company. W. I . M athswa A Sons, T. t . W lHains Company. David Diintop. W. E (lurrett A Rons, De Voe Bniifl Company, S tand­ard Snuff compuny, H. Fmlsndsr, Wey- man A Bros., The Porto RIoiin-American Tobacco Company, The L'nlleJ Btores Tobacco Company. Kentucky To­bacco Product Ct.mpany. Amsterdam Supply Company, MacAndrews & Forbes Company, J. B. Young Company, The Conley Foil Company. Juhnsun Tin Foil and Metal Conipnny, Uolrten Belt Manu- lAofut'ing Company. Msligel Box Com­pany, M anhattan Briar Pipe Compnny, In ternational c igar Machinery Company. Qaraon Vending Machine Company, Cres­cent Cigar and Tobacco Compnny, Floro- dora T ag Coinpany, Thomus Cusack ^on" pany, M. Bl.skower Company, R H. B urnstt Company, Cllf Weil Cigar Com­pany. J , A B, Moos, J. A B, Moos Com­pany. Dune] (bmdlow A Co., J. J. Clood- rum Tobacco Company. Jordon. Gibson A Baum, Louisiana Tobacco Company, Bmakera' Paradise Company, Cuban Lend a n d Leaf Company, Porto Rican Lent Tobacco Company. Federal Cigar Cnnij pany, and Federal CIgnr Real Estate Company.

produ ces , as I t w as n o t ta k e n f r o m a t iy depth,

BROTHER IS INTERPRETER.PrlBOn«>r'B R f la l iv # ! In A n B « n lt l a * # ,

TraiiPlMtfM K v ld f i i c a « l v # n 4rh I iii»I H im .

In th# KItnI Pr#cl>'t't Pollr# Tourl this niiii'uUiK itulHepiii Blanl. of Bruc#

w /is MriHlgri#‘i.l J u d g # H o w # llf.n fnmpkiinl of ('rmtanllno Rapa, of 245 Rruci* f il r# v t , oliHi'gfd wUh threatening 111 kill him. The «-fiHe pipsenled the f#«t- ure or the di'fen.iHiit B brother arllng afl rffiai Inu-rpreier «inl tfrinslatlng the evi­dence xlven HgulrtBi hlH relatlv#. T h ii ariHjigeni#'n1 whb agreed upon hy both il»# court mid couii«el fi>i lh« comtilrtiiJttiJi, hut Ua dlwadvnnliiifea were readily aeetj hy sTudg# Honell, when Eugene Belfatto, counael foi Rap«, begun In question the Intcrpreier'a verehm '»f the evidence. Finally the court referrerl the m atter to

I the gTHiul jury and dlaclmrged Blast In (he cuatiidy of ills counwel.

Japan, and J a«k the cdltora lo make h thorough study of ihe altuailon lirfor# | writing their views." |

O ftlcInlB in H o n o r H im , |The admiral may make an Informal '

call nn Presldenl Rooaev#1t lo-day al Oyater Bay, after he hns received the offlctal visits of Admiral Evans, commanf!- I n j th e Atjantlc fleet of the I-nUcd States

Goodrli'li. cnmmiiiider of Ih# New York Navy Yard

ftombel Yiimamolo la dlstin'-My solf- made. By birth, he was noi a m#mhor of (he Japanese feudal aristocracy, but rnfher of the oJsas of feudal retainers known a i aamiiral. He was one nf th# pioneer Japanese graduates of the Naval Academy a t AmiapoUa, which h# left In IS77.

If h# nilglii go back and speak to a friend who was locked up. fichenkie led him to !h# celle and left him In the corridor. When he returned he found the man Htundlng before an empty cell delivering | Mmaelf somewhat In this wise:

■'YoUf' wouldn't he lungulalilug In this foul dungeon If you had behaved your- si-lf. Noi I haven’t got a cigarette, and If 1 .Mfrt'*'rf'#RT#>ke w s e if . Aw. the police Is easy— ” ^

Hut Jiifil (hen Schenkl# put an end to the floliioiiuy.


KlgTMd m dtoree for tn Injunction. A fter sta ting th a t (ha <»mplainant was entitled to a decree for an lnJui>c(lon on the fftcta proved to exist* a t the time Ihe bill was died, the opinion continued^

"The changes In the building propoeed by th e defendant a t tbe hearings or Dy the answer, assuming them to be of such a character as will or may remove the nuisance, are not. In my judgment, to be taken and considered a t defenses to tha suit, but go only to the equity of a rea ­sonable delay In the actual Issuing of the Injunoilort until the chaiig«a can be made. W here Huch delay (s reasonable and <quiiuble on the whole case, the usual practise 1b (o direct an Injunction to Issue S t a future dsie, which will give a rea­sonable time to complete the changes proposed. • • • In the present case, the lime ftxrd hy defendant and h!a witnesses for completing the changes proposed has already elapsed. «nd I will now advise an injunction to issue, of the scope directed a t the hearing."


Natumal Association Chooses Officers at Los Angeles; Chi­

cago Man for President.



BONAPARTE’S COMMENT.On M eR vraoW a'a R v fa rsn v r to L lts ,

l l b o o d of T obavco T r n s t G r tB il-o a l P r n s w a f lo n s .

WASHINGTON, July lO.-W hsn toM of th s atalemcnt mads by flpfHul U nllul S ta tsa Attomoy James C. McRsynoWs, In ebarqe of tbe prossnitlon of ths so-calb-il Tobacco Trust, to the effect that a erlm- tnol prosecution of the principal pepp:e connected with ths tru s t was highly prob­able. Atlorney-Gencrul BonapartS said to-day th a t that phase of the m atter had been, and still was. under consideration by the department.

No declelon, however, has been reached and no annonneement could be made at th is time regarding It.' it Heems more than probable that If any critnlual uellou Is begun a t all It will only be after the tria l iindar the present bill of complaint is concluded or until It has so far pro­gressed as to warrant such proceedings.

---- ---------- • ---------------

VAILSBURGH AFFAIRS.MIbb Sylvia Goeken. of South O ran--

avenue, left to-d»y for NuraganseM 1’- . lo spend the BUmmer.

Asa Moll, of Norwood street. Is home from Ocsati GUy.

E rnest Kastner, ot South Orange ave­nue, Is a t Reabrlght for a week.

The Hoioe Building and Loan Invest­m ent Company will hold a meeting In D aly's hall ^to-morrow night,

Cornelius MoBnrroii, of Norwood street, has returned to Panama, where ho Is in biialness, ^ .

Tha flflh series o( slock was paid off ftl a meelln* of the VuUsbiirgh Building and Ijoan Association, in W alsh's hall, last

" 'f h e John W. Daly Plonsure Cluh win go on an outing to Union next Sunday.

John Baldwin, nf Newark, sprained his ankle yesterday In Clinton street when ho leaped from a wagon. tl\f horse a t ­tached to which ran away.

P a trick Walah, of Bontli Orange avemie; Michael O'Donnell, of ijiimmit avenue, and Elm er Bmtth, o t Sanford avenue, are home from a vacation spent at the High­lands.

P la n to H a v e F o r n l t o T e H om acs r i n s e a t S o o n D a r in g .I n ly

■ n d A a g u s t .A movement Is under way among local

furniture lioueea to observe the Saturday half holiday during July und August. John Curtin, of J Mullins and Bona, which Inaugurated the movement by oloa- Ing lust Saturday afternoon, Is circulating a petition among other noncerne and th r ie of llii'in have promised lo ro-operala, while sUll other* have the mutter under advisement. Besides the Muilioa enneem, Pimnlil A Co. and Herring. VVakefleld Co. have adopted th" plan.

Amos tl. Vun Horn, ot the Cowpet- thwait-Van Horn Co., said his company would be unable to gel In line nnlll next ypttr because of the transfer of the busi­ness from Mr. Van Horn to the corpora­tion. ^ _______


H ilt M o th er PTnd» a t C ity i l i s t l l u - H oii H e 's In . l a l l .

While Mrs. Cecilia Collliis, of US Cam­den street, WPS InquIrlTig at the City Hos­pital to-day It her son, John M Collins,' thirty-seven years old. was In th a t tnsil- totlon, another son, William, entered the hiiltdlng and asifl that he had located liia brother In the county Jail, where he was cpmmllled yeaterday by Judge H err tn the Fourth Prerlncl Polire Court In def.anlt of 95 tine. COltlna «aa acting strangely in Fonrtaenth avenue und was picked up by the police. Police Ktirgeon Clark ex- iimined him and said that he w a.s suffer­ing from alcoholism,

Mrs. Collins, with whom he lived, said that her son Is slightly demented and tl.iii vesieixlay moi'iiing he left the house.

!ig out of the front window on Ihe i .li^or. As soon as she missed him ahe n .-iili- Inquiries at the police statlone wlth- niil avail and this morning she went lo the Cliy Hnspllul. thinking thal another man who was said lo bo insane w,is her00 ti.

P IH S K r o l l MH. SIF.I.I,EN .

P a s t o r o f C h r is t I l e f o r i i i e d f b n r c l i to S a il fo r E u r o p e .

Rev. Henry Merle Mellen, psslor uf Chris! Reformed Church, who sails for Europe to-morrow, wa.e presented with u purse nf gold and a houquet of rosea at the close of the prayer meeting in the edlflce last night. The presentHtion was made InformiJIly by Mps, Henry W- Tanls, prestdeuf of the Ladies' Aid flo- clely. on behalf ot that organixatton,

Mr. Mellen expressed hts thanks for Ihe gltl. and said he appreciated the spirit In which It w.as made. Il« will remain abroad until September.


T h # H o r h l W i l l AUn P iih lU h ^ lor>In W b lo h il iip a B # # # 0 (H ##r E*ritlK#a

A n i« r l« a nTOkI o , ,fuly IQ.-Th# Hoohl wttl m-

murfow wlihAraw th# lnt#rview wuh Art- mti'ftl Bakamoto which It r#c#mly p<»b- Ilflhed, In wiilch th# udmlral was qLict#fl ns ##y1ng (h»t Am#r)ran naval ofllcem wRr# brilliant social ftgur#s, but in profesalonal training and priicttP#. and tbai the crews of AmPi'toan *thlr» would retreat ra ther than haht Jnpan.

S im u lta n e o u s ly w ith tb # w ith d ra w a l o f th lt t In te rv ie w th e H n r h l w i l l p n h iis li an anr)nynnotU!i In te rv ie w w i th a .Inpnneat* t in v a l e x p e r t, h l f h l y e i i lo g is t ir o f Ih e e ff ic ie n cy o f th # p re se n t Am erl^’ an n a v y and th # h ig h s ta n d a rd o f I ts g u n n e ry -


P r e s id e n t o f R u ir h e r s * W o r t m c D N ot A l lo w e d (a A t te n d M e e t in g o f

M e m C titters* A s s o c ia t io n .J o h n K e n n e d y , n H ilm ia l p re s id e n t o f th e

B ro th e rh o C K l a f B n t rh e rs ' W o rk n ^e n . w i th s e v e ra l tn e m b e rs ui' Hic- i iH l io n a l e x e c u d v e c o m m itte e . ca m « f ro m N^-w Y o rk la s t n ig h t a n d w e n t to S i'is 'c r 'a hoH- H a iJd - Bon. in te n d in g to a U e n d u n ie i^hng o f (h e n e w ly o rg n n lz c d loca l n f ih** A m a lg u - m a ie d sMeai I ’ u l ie iH and B id i-h e ’-n' W o r k ­m e n , lo w h ic h M r. K e n n e d y sayn he l ia d betJii In v ite d b v 6 U t« O rg a n ir.i’ v W il l ia m C . W e llm a n . N e ith e r K en ned y n o r a n y o f h i# fo l lo w e rs w a s a llo w e d in s id e th e m e e t in g - ro o m , th is a c tio n be in g ta k e n , a c c o rd in g to M r W e llm m i, on th e a d v ic e o f H o m e r D . I . C a ll, s c c re t i iry and Ire a s - n r# r o f th # A m a ig a m a te d AsRO ota llm i. W 'e llm a n . U w a a sa id , w a s regHrd«'d as a to o l o f th e tru a iB . W e llm a n ad v lsod th e m e m b e r# to w o r k fo r th e success o f th e ir n e w loca l-

Ive n n e d y and in# co lle .^gues sa id th e y w n n te d to m ee t W o llm a n to t r y to e n ­l ig h te n h im nn m a t ie r# p o r ln in m s to t l iv b ro th e rh o o d o rg u n iz a t ln n .



M rs. M ary M nllln S u rv iv e d b y T h re e C h lld r e n p W t* r in n lc h U d r * B a n d

17 (^ r e a t- f fr a ik d v h lld r e n .Mrs. Mary Uullln died a t the horoa of

her daughter, Mm. Margaret A. Carroll. U Hudson fttreet, yesterday afternoon, th e would have been eighty-eight years M , July 26, and besides her daughter !a Burvivod by two sons, Joseph J. and Jam es Mullin, twenty-four grandchlMten and seventeen great-grandchildren- Bhe had been Ut about six mnniha.

Mrs. Mullin was born In County BHgu, Ireland, and W'hen nhe waa alxleeii yMrd old, went to Canada with her piireiilH. Two years inter she w.ia married t'» Patrick Mullin. After ih# death of her husband she left Canada with h'-r I'lx 80UH and daughter and came to this oily where hIio had lived ever since. That was about 1S67.

The funerol will take place Friday morning a t St. Jt-seph's Calhollc Church; A solemn high mass will be said, a t 1 :30 o’clock. The body will b# Interred In the family plot In th# Ctmotei^y of the Hclft' Sepulchre.


u n la w fu l ly In f lu e n c e d b y ^ in a t io h . I t Is eaJd th a t th U l i In d# -

' Dance o f th e u s u a l la w s o f tra d e w h e re open ro m p e tU io n b y m a n y se p a ra te a n d inde pend en t c o n ce rn s c o n tro l (he p r ic e s .

O p e r a t io n s o f t b e M o n o p o ly *T h e p e t it io n c o n t in u e s : " T h e A m e r ic a n

T o b a cco C o m p a n y o f N e w Je rse y , o rg a n ­ise d In 1890, w i th f-1B.000.000 c a p ita l, to o k o v e r th e busInesH o f A lle n & G ln te r . o f B lc h m u n d i W. D u k e Sons & Co., o f N o r th C a ro l in a ; K in n e y T ob acco C o m p a n y . W .0 . X t tn b a l l & Co. a n d G oo dw in & C o ., o f N e w "Y o rk , n n d th e re b y acqu ired : c o n ­t r o l o f th e m a n u fa c tu re , t r i td # and C i'in - tneroe In c lg a re t ie s . U w as Im m e d ia te ly succe ss fu l, an d s h o r t ly a f te r I ts fo rm a ­t io n th e In te re s te d p a rt ie s began to e x -

^ te n d I ts o p e ra tio n s , and w ith o th o rs r . " u n ite d f ro m t im e to tim e , have B te a d ily r’’. OOUght th ro u g h f t to a c q u ire d o m in io n

o v e r a n d to m o n o p o lise th # d if fe re n t b ra n c h e s o f th e toba cco In d u s lry , T h l# e o m p a n y h a s th # p r in c ip a l a g e n cy th ro u g h w h ic h th e destgne o r th e cam - b ln a t lo n h a v e been aucom p ilshe tl. b u t ■ la n y d i f fe re n t c o rp o ra t io n s lia v e bcri> oygaa itedv th e c o n tro l o f m a n y oth>.*r» baen secured, a n d In v a r io u s w a y s ihpt»# l ia y e been m a n ip u la te d and u tlU ze d ."

Tl«e o p e ra tio n s o f th e m o n o p o ly , d c - bOFding (o th e p e t it io n , ha ve been i lo n g th is g e n e ra l p la n : T o a c q u ire ih v u u tfhone o f th e c o n fe d e ra te d co m p a n ie s th e hualnees o f s u c ce ss fu l opponentK, ta k in g f r o m o w n « m a n d m a n a g e rs ag^e«mHnt^s b o t th e re a f te r to en gage In th# to b a e vn bus lnees ; t o d r iv e o u t o th e r o p p o n e n ts b y f le s tru c U v e c o n tp e t lt lo n : lo d e te r a t iy w b o t n l f h t w is h t o en gage In th e , t r a d e , g ^ , f l i u l lF , t o g a in c o n tro l o t th e og en - c M * t h n u g h w h ic h to b a cco p ro d u c ts w e re B IM rlh u te d .

I t s IM s<rltSa4<»K M e th o d s .\ I t I t soM th e s e th in g s ha ve been a c c o in - JdM hed fe r m e a n s o f th e In c re a s in g p o w e r E nd rs iO Q rces o f th e c o m b in a t io n a n d b y

. iie q u lr ln g c o n t ro l l in g in te re s ta In th e s to c k • f iS oFporstlons U te re a f te r o p e ra tin g w l jh -

...M t e o m p e tit lo n . M a n y k tn d e o f u n fa ir ’ t rg d e m e th o d s h a ve been re so rte d to . I t ts sa id , ■ { a v b r l te one b e in g to ca iine a

- ^ p p r a t t u n s o c re tly c o n tro lle d to n d v e r- t ln s i ta e l f a s w h o lly Inde pend en t a n d fre e t ra m a s s o c ia t io n w i t h t r u s ts apd c o m b in a ­t io n s , W O ffe r i t s goods be tbw c o s t, to

' I m i ta t e o o m p e tln g b ra n d s , an d in these s r s j f i t o use th e sa m e fo r th e d e s tru c t io n • ( re a l In d e p e n d e n ts .

A f te r M d lR t l t tv # U t te r t ra d e w a r be - t i r a t i i A m e r ic a n a n d E n g lis h co n ce rn s , ■ tlit p e t i t to n s h o w s h o w th e c o m M n a tlo n s :J> thsse c o u n tr ie s , w e a ry in g o f c o in p e t l- t to n . In OtR e n te re d In to w r i t te n a g re e - inen te . e a ch n o t to in te r fe re w i t h Ih e •C her a lo n g o e r ta la w c U -d e lln e d tin e a , a n d to g s t lM r f o r m in g th e im p e r ia t T o b a cc o c o m p a n y t o c u t f o n th a t ra d e a n d c o m - m aroa In o th e r c o u n tr ie a s r ilh o u t c o m p c H -

. i t M . T h * ■ •v e ra m a n t d e c la re d t h a t t h U

T o n n e F o g l t t v e r a p t u r e d .liO U ls Cauulo. twelve years old, of tn

Jefferson streel, who escaped from the hoepltal-rnom at Ihe First Precinct Fo lice Station June 26, where he wau being held to appear In the Juvenile Court nn a charge of petty larceny, was found m h la home this inanitiig by Priertlye- Bergennt Fpirrell. of Ihe local detective b u re a u , and taken to the First Preclnci, where he wua plnved In the wltriese-rooni. Young Cnputo Imd etrnlnfifi at th# Iron g rating on ih# #a#l wlntlow of the room until he enrfferted In looeening the moeonry in which it wan iTnbcrttleflj^lher#- b y releasing the Iron framework mjfllclent- Iv tn permit of hla exit over the top of Jt. H# then dim bpi ov#r tm adjoining fence aiid thenc# matie hii* way into T real pluc#.

F A L l.ll FROM S r A F F O M l.

M imnn T o p p le # a t N e w B n l i a i n g nnO r n n i l S t r e e t*

Georg# \V. Hnyre. a maaon. forfy-frui year# nld. of 1-J7 Norfolk fltrrei, foil from a scaffalAl at 'Uk now building, 7Dl nruarJ t^trcci. Hi l;4r> o'clock lo-rtay. He wua wvrkihg nl iho level of the second floor when hr' eluinbled on a nail und landed un ihft ground floor, lii (he F irs t Ptif-:>Tiot uhibtiUnce the man wa* taken to St. Ml- cliael'K Hospital, where it was aald bli right leg watt injured.

K v g e l R e m iiu d e it f o r H e a r in g . ^Jacob foriy-nv# yeare old. of

105 Prince bireet. who was arrested yee- tenlay morning by Policeman Kaa# on complaint of (’aptain Vogel, of »h# Fourth Precinct, for m aintaining a dlf- orderlv house at that address, waa bvld In $l.<ion bail for exuinhiaUon Ju ly 17 hy Judge Herr this morning, Kugel, It waa alleged, allowed one of several lodg#- rnoma at th# PrSnrre street place to be used for gambling., and several com- plftlnta, the captain says, were ma<le to him by men who claimed lo have been cheated Iheve

H # (n T P n (o H n « p l( R l f o r O p e r i iH n n .iH ubc ll# B uchan an , n f (3 F a l r m o u n t av# -

nuH. w h o g ra d iia iM l U8 ft n u rs e fw nm ih # t r a in in g schoo l o f ih e t ^ it y H o o p ltu l iv y e a r ugo, cn le re d 111# h o s p ita l y $ & ic id a y a f te rn o o n to un d e rg o a n o p e ru t lo n I'u r u p p c n d li’l lla . ____


a i id th e n c# i ^ ^

r h u r g e d w l t l i P '# l l l i ig T r e e s .FvJ^nk M o r n d j i ’Skl und F e lix L e w '^ n d e w -

s k l. iw o labo re rH hi th # e m p lo y o f i l in C o m m o n w e a lth R o n lin g ro m p n n y o f -1 C J lm o n s tre e t, w #r# b r o u g li l b e fo re Judg<; H o w e ll, In t l i# F ir s t P re c in c t P o lic e i lo u i 1. th is m o rn in g , ch a rg e d w i th v lrd a t ln g th u c i l v o rd in a n c e rp g ; ird tn g U i# d a m a g e to I n ea. ('‘o m p la ln t w as m ade b y C a r l & in n - w a r l . B fc r e i i i r y o f th # S ha de T r# e . C o in - m la s lo n , th a t Ih e m e n had -cot d d w n (w o tre e s on w i l l i a m s tre e t. T h e rt^cn n J - m lt te d h a v in g don# so. h u t dec lan-:d th e y o n ly a # t# d u n d e r Iu B tr i ir t lo r iB fn m r ( h e i r fo re m a n . S en tence w a s suspended u n t i l th # re s p o n s ib i l ity f o r t l ia a c t oa u Lo p laced .

W il l R e p o r t A lbfln in 'N Los#*f 'H p ta ln V o g e l, o f th e F o u n h P re c in c t ,

s a id t h is m o rn in g t h a t he w o u ld p ro b a b ly c a ll th e u U e n tlo n o f (h e p o lic e c o m m ls - b id n e rs to ( l ie s ta te m e n t rondo S a tu rd a y n ig h t b y B am ue l A lb a t im . o f 73 H a y e s f iire e t , t h n l he t>ad lo s t 1142 d u r in g . a Bcufn# 'W irh se%'#rnl p o lice m e n w h ile he w a s b e in g a r re ite d fo r re s is t in g th e re ­m o v a l o f ft co a l b ln f ro m In f r o n t o f h la p la ce . A s th e s tK tc m e n t o f th e loo# m ig h t b# ta k e n *o re flec t on ih # o ff ic e rs th e c a p ta in th in k s Mi# b o a rd ca n ta k e sam e a c t io n i t i th e m a t le r .

W o m e n , O v e r c o m e b y ijras, R e c o v e r *Alfonzitla Addonlelo. twenty-three years

• F rp d '’ i lc k W . P h il ip s , o f R id g e w o o d f tv rm ic . lf< a t A e b u ry P e rk .

- M rs W il l ia m H o y . o f N o r th F o u r th s tre e t, la v ls l i ln g h e r s is te r »it N a u g h - r l f ih t .

•M l^ s F lo re n ce C rrle rh o le , o f T h o n iflS P treet, Is spending th # s u n n n e r a l N u r th A s b u rv

- M l i is A nna C us lrU . o f R l# # c k # f * itr# # t. 1ft spend ing l i# r v a c a t io n u i P o u g h k e v p - ale, N . Y.

- M r . and M r« . E d w -a id B le u v e t t . o f B e lle v il le avenue, a r# a t A s b u ry P a rk f o r tw o weeks.

- B l is s F lore i^ce f lc h l l l ln g . o f F a lr m o u n t avenue , w h o has been #e rlovi#1y i l l s ince J a n u a ry , t# now ah le to go otH .

— .Mr. and M rs . H u d s o n B r i t t a in , o f W y k e m n i. avenue , n r# s la y in g a t th® C o lo n ia l. A sb n ry P a rk , f o r (w^o w e e ks

—M rs . M a ry M . D ora ti a n d h e r d a u g h te r K a th e r in e , o f H u n te rd o n s tre e t, h a ve g o ne to th e H igh land ;;) o f N a v e a ln k f o r a s ta y .

—Joseph M. S ayre a n d f a m ily , o f 2fl A v o n ave n u e , le f t to -d a y f o r I . * k # H o p a tc o n g . T h e y w i l l 'a to p a t th e F o re s t H o u s e f o r th re e weeks-

—M rs* C h a rle s P r ic e a n d h e r son- E d ­w a rd , o f T h ir te e n th a v e a u e , h a v e re ­tu rn e d hom e fro m * fe w w e e k s ' v is it w l ih M r. P r ic e 's p a re n ts , a t P o m p to n P lH lne.

- M r s . C h a rle s L . M e a d a n d h e r th ro® d a u g h te r# , th e sMissea W in if r e d . E le a n o r

W ftft li ln g to n G o v e r n m e n t .Alan D e - e ln r e ft Mint H a g u e g to r y P u b l i s h -

e il In (C o g in iii l In I n tr u e .W A S H IN C fT O N , J u ly lO .- F ro m Ih**

R iii t c D # p ftrtm e n ( and f ro m th e JapsH^'se K m basR y he re ca m # # w lf t and cr>n rlu# lv# d e n ia l to -d fiy o f th # t tc ru ru c y o f the a tu U - in e n t c a h lM f r o m T h e H a g u e to th e L o n ­don D a i ly T e le g ra p h and re p r in te d In th is c o u n try , to th # e ffe c t t h a t J a p a n haw m ade c a te g o r ic a l d e m a n d s upon th a D n ite f l S ta te s G o v e rn m e n t f o r f^a tls fa c - tloTi In c o n n e c tio n w i th th e I re a tm e it t o f .Topanes# in San F ra n c is c o a n d Im s se rve d n o tic e o f h e r In te n t io n to d e a l w ith th # C a llfo rn ls H H h e rs e lf i f th e n a t io n a l g o v ­e rn m e n t fa l ls lo do so

A t th e S ta te D e p a r tm e n t i t Is sa id th a t th e A m e r ic a n p u b lic le> f u l ly a w a re o f D ie o j i lv ire o f a l l th e e x ch a n g e s Ih u l ha ve ta k e n p lace on th is s u b je c t ; th a l th e re haa been no (lo rrcapo nden ce o [ re ce n i d a te and th a l th e re are no n e g o t ia t io n s in p rog resa b e iw e e ;i Ih e tw o gr>^’el•nm#ntH. T h is s ta te m e n t Is f u l ly c o n f irm e d a t th e Ja p a n - #8# EnibttBPy, whei*e, m o re o v e r, l i le poal- l iv e ly s ta te d th a t A m b a a a u d o r A o k I la no t g o in g to Ja p a n n e x t f a l l , ns w a s n *p o n e d In a Japanese ne w sp a p e r.

R o th th e Japane se A m b u s e a d o i' a n d h i# e ta f l rteprecHt# ih # re ce n t newspapt*!- pub - lIcftM otiH hus-’d on In a c c u ra te u r n ilH lend- In g d a ta us to th e re la t io n s b e tw re n ih #

I r n l t e d S ta le s and J . ip a n a n d h jive gone to u n u su a l le n g tliB In p a tU -n tly d e n y in g f ro m d a y to d a y x io r le s raJenJm ed In th e i r Ju d g m e n t lo u n fa v .n a b ly affeoL Ih n f r ie n d ly re U tio p # b e tw e e n (h e IW'O conn* tr ip # . Thh* las t B tw tem eu t e o m ln g f ro m so d ia in n i a p o in t a« T h e H a g u e , w h e re (h e r# Is no good re a so n to suppose th a t in fo rm a t io n e x is ts t h a t 1# n o t kn ow 'n in W a s h in g to n o r T n k lo . I# re g a rd e d as p a r- H c u la i iy la c k in g In fo u n d a ilo n . T h e s to ry o f th e a m h a ssa d o r '# re tu rn to h is o w n c o u n try Is re g a rd e d a® a n o th e r e x a m p le i . f ru re lesH a n d In c o n s id e ra te p u h llc a - lio n

P ro m p t and e m p h a t ic w a ft V is c o u n t A o k l's d e n ia l n f th e la t t e r re p o r t w he n h is a t te n t io n w as c a lle d to I t to -d a y . H # s a id :

■“ I h a ve n o t been a im im o n e d to T o k lo and 1 h a ve no in te n t io n o f g o in g . A g a in .1 w a n i to sa y , us 1 h a ve sa id t im e and t im e a g a in , th e re Is no 's it u a l lo n . ’ thei*# n r# no 's ir a ln c d r# Ia tlo n « ' be tw 'een th # H n lte d fltn te H and J a p a n . .Va 1 h a ve aa ld b e fo re , a l l th is t n ik o f such A c o n d it io n o f a f fa irs I* n e w s p a p e r t a lk . "

M r A n k l u n ifo r m ly , b u t c o u r te o u s ly , dc- rUnc*a to d iscuss m n t ie rs o f a d lp ln - m n t lc c h a ra c te r w h ic h n in y he p e n d in g be tw ee n tti# (WO g o v e rn m e n ts . H e d id . ho w e ve r, m ake It c le a r th a t he p u t ab - a o b iie ly no fa U h In T h e H a g u e s to r y , and sa id th a t It w a s to o rJd lcn lo u # to in lk a b ou t, H e p o in te d o u t In th is c o n u e c lio n h o w he d e p re c iite r t th # p u b lic a t io n o f a ijch s tn r le i, a n o n y m o u s in c h a ra c te r and no one re sp o n s lb l# f o r th e n i, nnd d e c la re d th e Japanese d ip lo m a t# a re a c a re fu l ly t i ' i i ln e d b o d y o f m en w h o a rc n o t g o in g a ro u n d t a lk in g In d lF tc r lm in u te ly . b u t w hose lo y a lty and re i^ p o n s tb lllty a re fo th e c e n tra l g o v e rn m e n t. H # re fe rre d h lf i I 's l le r f o r a t iy In fo rm a t io n on th e s u b - je c t to th # S la te D e p a r tm e n t, w ho se ofH- clalH . he. d e c la re d , a re q u a llf le d to apeak i f a n y s teps Of (h e c h a ra c te r re p o r te d had been ta k e n .

M r. A o k l h a d a w o rd to say in re g a rd to D ire c to r U h l l . o f th # c o m m e rc ia l h u re n u o f th # Ja p fin e se F o re ig n O ffice , w h e n q iie B tlo p cd a b o u t th e o f f ic ia l fi c o m - j In g v is i t to th e U n ite d S ta tes . T h e a ta (e -^ | m e n ts t h i l l hlH m la a io n w a s n P c e s s lla tc d I b y th# A m b a s p a d o r's i in s a l ls fa c to r y an d ; m e a g e r re p o r ts re g a rd in g th # Ja pane x# co n d lU o n In th # U n ite d S la te a w a ft c a lle d to M r. Aokl'e^ a t te n t io n . H e de n ied th is re p o r t wdth gp#ut d e lib e ra t io n a n d *a !d i l l response to f u r t h e r q u e s tio n s th a t th e re iia d been no c o m p la in ts re ce ive d a t th e E m b a s sy o f (h e c h a ra c te r In d ic a te d .

T b # A m b a s s a d o r c o n firm e d w h a t M r. M ly n o k fl. th e c o u n s e lo r o f th e E m b a a sy . w ild ye a 'te rdny th n i th e d ire c to r ’ s c o m in g t r i p to th e U n ite d B (u tea w’ fls ta k e n bft- ca iis ft he hud n." v a c a t io n no d w a n tf ld to v is it th e U n ite d S ta le s . T h e E m b a a sy , M r. A o k l sa id , h a d n o t re ce ive d a n y i n f o r ­m a t io n o f h i» c o n te m p lK le d v is it . T h e A m ba#»udor'H a c q u a in ta n c e w ith M r. L d i l l d a te s h a ck fo r a lo n g t im e , w h e n th e l a t ­te r xe rved th e fo rm e r In th e c a p a c ity o f s e c re ta ry . T h e A m h a s s u d o r th e n to ld l i lm th a t In; o u g h t (0 V is it .the U n ite d S ta tP s a n d ilu U l l w o u ld be a v e ry In tcT cs ti.og t r ip , and th e re w e re th in g s he re s h o w in g th e In d u s tr ia l d e v e lo p m e n t o f th e LJn ltvd S ta lP fl w h ic h th e Ja pane se o u g h t to k n o w . M r I s h l i , th e A m b a s s a d o r th o u g h t , p ro b ­a b ly w o u ld go to V a n c o u v e r o r B e a tt ie and B an F ra n c is c o .

A u d i t o r I n I j l n d e l r y C aa e g e e k s H e e n v e r F e e A l le g e d

t o B e D o e .G e o rg e E. r a r p c m e i , as a u d ito r In Ih #

T W O G IR IiS fiTK AK URLY M rn s iT V G *


a t ta c h m # n l suH begun h y ih # M iin n la p a u I J g l i t r o m p m iy nE i in s i • W n l t f r i ' . U lm ie - , le y , f ig u re d a s ih « p ln in l i f f in s su K ; w h ic h w iiB B e llie d in th e Second D is t r ic t C o u r t to -d a y . T h # a c lln n w a s b ro u g h t lo re c o v e r co u n s e l feen to ta l in g JlOO fil le g e d to l if t due U n d s le y b y M rs . L o u is V . C n l- l ln s . In th e s t f i io o f dem and , i t w a s se t f o r t h th a t L ln d s ile y . w h o Is a fu g i t iv e f r o m ju B ilc e . a c te d as counse l f o r M ra . C o ll in s in a s u it f o r a d iv o rc e a n d d id n o t re ce ive p a y f o r h is ao rv ices . he nco th e a c tl'M i a g a l iu t M rs . C o llin s in th e lo c a l c o u rt,

W h e n U n d s lc y n u ll N e w a rk , he sen t ft m e m o ra n d u m o f th e a llege d in d e b te d ' ness to .1- E d w a rd ^ T i i l ih . T h e l ig h t c o m ­p a n y Is on«' o f L l t id n lc y ’e c re d ito rs . I t w a s s ta te d th is n jo rn in g th a t L lt id s le y w a s a im p ly asked to in t ru d u c f t R o lh i i M . M o r ­g a n , : i Y o r k la w y e r , lo th e N e wje rs f- y c o tu 't ns a U o rn e y f o r i l r a . C o ll in a.

G r a n d m o t h e r o f O n e B e r o iu e # T h r o u g h W o r r y ,

A g e n e ra l a la rm has b&eu i ie t i i o u t b y Ih e p o lice fo r th e a p p re h e n s io n o f J f.n u l# A n d e rs o n , fo u r te e n y e a rs o ld . o f 33 M a l ­v e rn s tre e t, and l ie r co u s in , S n ru h B lu m , e e v rn re e n ye a rs o ld , o f 3D M a lv e rn s tre e t, w h o d isa p p e a re d y e s te rd a y m o rn in g . T h # A nd ers r^n g i r l Is a lso k n o w n u n d e r th e ' n a m e o C B Iu n i. ahe h a v in g been a d o p te d b y h e r g ra n d m o lh e r , M i's . B a rb a ra B lu m , W'hen a l l In fa n t .

M rs . B lu m has w o r r ie d h e ra e lf o v e r th e R hsence o f h e r g ra n d c h ild . I t is n o t k n o w n w 'ha l Induced h e r lo le a v e ho m e , S a ra h B lu m ha s ru n a w a y f ro m Ih e p a r - rn tc il d o m ic ile h# fo r# . A poR la l c a rd w 'u# lo i-e ive d fro in Je n n ie y p s te rd a y a f te rn o o n , hs iy lu g she w as In N e w a rk , a n d U w a s tu rn e d o v e r to the pi’i ll r e .

r in t h ln f f H o r n e d I p ,A bo x o f c lo th e s ca u g lU f ire in th e bed-

n m m o f A n to n io D # l# m o n to , a t 62 M o n ro e p tre e l, a t *I o 'c lo c k h in t n ig h t, un d w e re d e s tro y e d . Th# d e p a r tm e n t e x iln g u is h a d th e b ias# w ith ch e m ic a ls .

L O S A N O E L E f t , C ftl.. J u ly 10. - E d w in C . C o o le y , s u p e r in te n d e n t o f th e C h ic a g o d t y achoo le , w a s to -d a y n o m in a te d f o r p re s i­d e n t o f th e N a t io n a l E d u c a t io n a l A s s o c ia ­t io n by u n a iA m o u s v o te In th e n o m in a t in g c o m m itte e . N o o th e r na m e s w e re p re - aented.

TO “d a y w a s (h e m o s t Im p o r ta n t In th e c o n v e n tio n u f th e N a t io n a l E d u c a t io n a l A s e o c la iio n . T h e e le c tio n o f n a t io n a l o f f l- f t ' e r s , ' o r re je c t io n o f th e c h a r - - t e r g ra n te d by a c t o f C o n g re ss a n d o f p ro p o se d b y la w s w i th a m eo dm en tH , n n d s e v e ra l o th e r h ig h ly Im p o r ta n t m a t te rs w e re sched u le d f o r a buw litess seaelon o f a c t iv e m em ber*! In B ee ran H a l) .

T h e n o m ll ia i in g o o m m ltte o m e t a t fi o 'c lo c k . T h is o o m m itte e . n a m e d b y P re s ­id e n t B rb a e fe r , cnnsln its o f t h i r t y * a ix m em b e rs , F o u rte e n o f th e d if fe re n t S ta te s d id n o t a s k f o r re p re a e n ta ilo n on th f t e o m m it ie e because o f h a v in g o n ly a s s o c ia te an d h o n o ra ry m e m b e rs In a t - ' te n d u n c # upon th e convent^ lnn . T h e f o l ­lo w in g S ta te s w 'ere n o t re p re se n te d f t i th e o o m m itte e : O k la h o m a . G e o rg ia .L o u ls ia u A , M a in# . M R saachuse tte , N e w H a m p s h ire . N o r t l i C . iro l in a , R ho de r# |. u n d , V lrs ii^ la . W e s t V ir g in ia , W y o m in g a n d V e rm o n t.

Joseph B w ftin , o f P e n n s y lv a n ia , w us n a m e d c h a irm a n o t ih # e o n im ilte a . T he c o n v e n tio n w as expec ted lo ss a cm b le and re ce ive th e re p o r t o f (h e n o m in a t in g c o m ­m it te e t t i l i t a f te rn o o n . T h # u n a n im o u s n o m in a t io n o f E d w in Q. C oo ley , s u p e r in ­te n d e n t o f th e c U y schoo l# o f C h ica g o , to succeed lb # r e t i r in g p reH lden t. K u t l ia n C. S c h a e fe r , o f P p im a y lv a ii la , ha d been c o n ­ceded B incfi M u n d u y . M r . S c h a e fe r b e ­co m e s f ir s t v ic e -p re s id e n t an d a m e m b e r r tf th e b o a rd o f d ire c to rs .

A R R E S T \ 01 T H S 0 \ S r S P I tJ O Y .

P o t l e e T h in k T h e y K n o w S o m e t h ln u o f A t te m p te d T h e f t ,

I t w a s re p o D e d a l p o lic e b e s d q u a r le rH p a r ly th is m o rn in g th a t a n a U e m p t hart been m ade lo e n te r th e houa# o f M rs , E l la V a n H o rn , o f 94 S h e rm a n a ve n u e A ne a rch b y th e p o lice fa i le d lo re v e a l a n y th e f t . A f ro n t w in d o w , I t (e sa id , h a d been fo rc e d open.

R fH in d sn ia u L u e d d e ke a n d P o lice m e n O o ld in g a y . P e te rflo n a n d K u # f. o f th# F lr e t P re c ln c i. a r re fi ia d th re e y o u th a a t S h e rm a n avenue an d V a n d e rp o o l s tre e t, w h o m th e y suspected o f k n o w in g aoTne- th in g a b o u t the a tte m p te d ro b b e ry . T h e y ga ve th e i r nameH as Ja m e s R ic h , se ven - tc e n y e a rs M d; O en rg# M e rte n s . tw e n ty - one ye a ra o ld , and Joseph K e l ly , f if te e n y e a rs o ld . A l! th re e ga ve B r o o k ly n a d ­dresses. T h e y a re b e in g he ld , p e n d in g a n In v e s t ig a tio n . <

G reat Th u rsd a y Sale $4 Brussels N e t Waists

$ 1 . 9 8 1

STABLE OWNERS EHJOINEII.I n j o i ie t ln i i I s a o e d in A il iu r y P a r k

C n n e-r h o n c ire ii P r o p o s e d Y ot a n e fc iis P s

Tn a c c o rd w i th a m p m o ra n d u n i f ile d b y h im se ve ra l w #ekp ago g iv in g h is co n - r lu a lo n s lu a b u il h ro u g h i h y W ilU d in T-. G o rd o n a n d o t l ic r t i agninE it B d w . ird H . and J o h n J. T i l t o n to co m p e l H i# a b a te n jc n t o f an a lle g e d n u ls iin re re s u lt in g f ro m Ih # o p e ra tio n o f th e I ’ l l t o n R tahlea on F lr e t avenue , A s h u ry P a rk , V lc e - C 'h a n c f l lo r E m e ry ye s te rd a y a fte rn o o n

HtllDSOME FICES.I f you w a n t a c le a r co m p le x io n , avo^d

m # d lr ln p s m n iH ln in g pn iaotioue d ru g s . A • p h y s ic ia n o f 25 y e a rs ’ p ra c tis e pay# th a t (h # re a s im people h a ve s k in e ru p t lo n a la | )«prause th e y us# rem edlPB c o n ta in in g | n c llv o m in e ra l pn lsops, H e s la te s f u r - i t l ie r t h a t I f n tm -p o la ono u ft v e g e ta b le ] n ie d ic ln e s w # i# used to c leanse th e M o o d o f Im p u r it ie s a t Ih lH t im e o f Ih # y e n r, th e re ] WOiGd h# m ore h e a lth y , c le a t co m p le x io n s , s H e re l 5 a p re s c r ip t io n h# ra com m en da . | I t can he flUed h i t r i f l in g expense a t ' a n y good d ru g s to re o r b# m ix e d a t h o m e : i

F lu id E x t r a c t o f B u rd o c k .Seed, o n e -h a lf io u n r# . 5

F lu id E x t r a c t o f Y e llo w D o c k , o n e -h a lf iounce. , « J 'O n c e n ir a le d l .# c to C om pound , r ounce.

R y n ip o f G in g e r, (w o ounres- f a k e ft te ftftp o o n fu l in o n e -h a lf g lass

o f w a te r b e fo re ench Tneal r i i id a t b e d tim e , t ip # h a lf ih lB dope fo r ch ild re n *

T h # In g re d le u tp a re ve g e ta b le and n o n - po lBonoue. a n d U la w o r th t r y in g I f on# has p im p le s , b u rn in g o r I tc l i ib g s k in , a n y b lo o d cllaease, such as s c ro fu la , u lc e rs , o r a n y b lo o d tro u b le ,

D a in t i e s t c r e a t io n s s h o w n I

t h i s s e a s o n u n d e r $ 4 . E c r u

B r u s s e ls n e t , e . v q u is i t e l y t r i m -1

m e d w i t h C . 'u n y la c e a n d l in e d (

w i t h f i l m y . la p a le t — m o d e ls

s p e c ia l l y d e s ig n e d t o g i v e t h e I

r e q u is i t e e f f e c t t o J u m p e r S u i t s .

Venise MedallionsSmart Cluny Inserting

Telling YoKe Effect .Stylish Lace Collar

H o r iz o n t a l tucks across full I b lo u s e — t h r e e - q u a r t e r b o u f f a n t I s le e v e s p r e t t i l y t u c k e d — d r e s s y c u f f s — b r im f u l o f e le g a n t s t y l e . Y o u w i l l c o n c e d e this t h e h a n d ­s o m e s t S u m m e r S h i r t w a i s t y o u I h a v e e v e r s e e n f o r t h e m o n e y . ;

O n e t o a C u i f o m tr . N o n e C , 0 . D . |

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MEW YORK.4604462Fttllon&!wl

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A New Discovery- W e h a v e b e e n p e r ie c l in y t h is p re p a ra t io n f o r m a n y m o n th s a n d

h a v e n o w c o m p le te d i t w i t h g r e a t success. W e h a v e g iv e n i t a n a m e e a s ily re m e m b e re d , j n s t a s k f o r a b o t t le o f

S C H W A R Z ’ S “ K I L L - V E . ”" K l l l - V s " m eans K i l ls V em U ii. T h s o n ly p r a p a r ^ io a t h a t w i l l_______ ______ ___ _________ ___ , ,a t w i l l p o s tt lre lT k i l l v e r m in oB th s t in m a nh e a d . I t U fa r s n i is r io r , m o rs p o w e r f u l e n d sDsetlve th a n th e o r n ln a ry p la in 'T r . L a r k s p i i r Seed. T h is p re p a ra t io n c o n ta in s I.A R K S P U R S E E D , F IS H B E n iU F .8, S A B A D IL L A S E E D . TO B A C C O nnd o th e r p o w e rfu l Ing red lon ts . A b e o lo te ly h a r m l n s t o th e te a lp , w i l l n o t In la r e t h e h a i r , o r In te rfe re w ith U C K ro w th o r co lo r. M o t lie f f w i l l And I t n b le n ln g . C h ild re n w i l l n n t h e s ita te t o n n I t as I t haa n o th in g o b le f tlo n a b le a b o u t I t , One o r t w o a p p llc a t io n a a t n ig h t w i l l k i l l a l l v e rm in a n d d e s tro y a l l n it * .

D IH K C T IO N S —S im p ly p o u r a ■ m a ll q u a n t i t y on th e heart a m i rn h I t s l ig h t ly , so t h a t I t w t l l pene­t r a te the scalp. I t d ries ve ry ra p id ly .

Q u a r t e r - p i n t b o t t l e s w i t h c o m p l e t e d i r e c t i o n s a t . . .

Look Over This List of THIRSDAY SPECIALS nd Mike Yoir SoloetioMF u H ft r 't E a r th , p e r lb ., sp e e lttl a t .P o w d e re d H a lie h o r# , ep«c)a1. . 9e

S en n a L e a v # i, s p e c ia l................BeI m eet Powder^ a p o d a l . . 9 c Rochelle Salte, Rpodal,........... 9c

H lb .H ih.% lb.U lb -------- ------- -------- e .U lb . B o ra e lc A c id , # p # c ia l. . .^ lb . CY*eam T a r ta r , apecJa l.. A n t l -C o l lc N tpp lee , u p e d a l a t .S u lp h u r , p e r lb -, F p e d a l a t , . , *26c b o t t i f t E x t r a c t V a n il la .........2Bc. b o tt le C a ito r O i l ............. ..38c. b o tt le A lco h o l* a p e c l a U v . .M e . b o tt le G lyce rin e , BTreda l......... • ' 5c2fic b o td # T ln c tu r # L a rk a p u r S e « d .19c *4 p in t C a rb o lic A c id , .epcclRl a t . . . 15c i2 p in t C a rb o lic A c id , ^ p w ia l a t . . . 25c 1 p i n t c a rb o lic Aold^ ajpeclal a t . , . . J 5c 1 p in t U ieblg^e B ee f, W in e A 1 p in t Im p o r la d O liv a OH. B p e c la i. .39c

. .9c

. .9c . . 3c . . 6c , 12c . 12c . 15c

_______ 9eEpBom S a lta , pe r ) h „ ' apecla ) a t — Sc B ie a r t i. Soda, pe r lb ., a p e c la l a t . . . . 5d S o d iu m P heapha te , p a r lb ., B p « o la M 2c G e rm an C a th a r t ic S a lta , p e r ib ., a t , 12c 100 R h in it is T ab la tS f e p e c U l a C . , . . 14c 100 S accha rine T a b le ts , apectu l a t „ . 14c 100 L a d y W e b s te r ’s D in n e r P lH S s ..14c100 A s a fo e tid a P ills . U . S* P ........... 14c100 C om pound C a th a r t ic P l l l i ........... 14c100 C om p. R h u b a rb U . S* P . . 14c100 Im p ro ve d C asca ra T a b le ts .........14oP om pe ia n M a sM o e C ra a m , S0c , . , . 29c S a n lto l T o o th P o w d e r, 2Bc, alae. a t . 15o S a n ito l T o o th P as te , 26c. else, f t t , . 1Bo S a n ito l T o o th L iq u id ^ 26c. s ize . a t * . 15e P e te rm a n 's R each Food* s p e c ia l a t . .S o 6- lb . b a g S e t S a lt , epeclaJ a t ................6e

10- Ib . b a g Sea S a lt , sp e c ia l a t . . , . * . l i eP F tehe r*! C a s to r la , H p cc ta l...................l i eP a lm e r 's S k in Success, to -m o r ro w , . 12c M e n th o l In h a le rs , 26c. s ize , B p e o ...*S cP a ra ff in s , p e r po u n d , s p e c ia l................ 9cP a ra ff in e Cshdres, p e r dcz.. s p e c ia l.10cH a y 'a H a ir H e a lth , 60c. a ix e ............. 29eH a n d S ip e llo , ttpecJaJ a t .....................B^|02-Q t. F o u n ta in S y r in g e ........................... 69e2-q t. W a te r B o tt le , sp e c ia l a t . .........49cC e m b ln a tle n i F o u n ta in S y r in g e , a t . 79c 1 yd . R u b b e r S h e e tin a , s p e c ia l a t . . J 9o I H yd s . R ub be r S h e e tin g , a p e c la l a tW e D ou che P an , 11.00 g ra d e , s p e c ia l a t .o e o 16c. q u a r t b o tt le S tro n g A m m o n ia . * s tc 26c. b o tt le L i t t le L iv e r PHIo, a ^ d a l .S e 25c, ca ke W il l ia m s 's S h a v in g S t lo k * l4c 10c. W tH la m a 'i M u g S h a v in g S o ip .a i/ |C


U ta lr m o n t t h a t A iiib a > a a d o e la A b o u t tn R e ta r n H o m e f r o m W a a h ln s -

( o n P r o i e s t o B e V iifo n n d e d .T O K IO , J u ly tO.“ -T he re p o r t t h a t A m -

h iiM a d u r A o k l w i l l r e tu rn hom e Is o f f ic ­ia l ly denied.

spend the re m a in d e r o f th e s u m m e r.

o ld a n d C h lrt i'la n u A n n e r ta lr e . iw e n iy i and S alom e M ead , o f K c a rY iy « tre e t y e a rs o ld , o f 3i07 B ru c # W ho, s^'Uh \ lo -d a y fo r M tiU rh C h u n k , w h e re th f ty w i l lth e fo rm e r s hunbhYid, PasquaSo A d d o n ix lu ,I t i l r ty -Y u ie ye a rs o ld* w pr# fo u n d u iic o n - K io u s in th e i r ro o m u y e s te rd a y m o rn in g , w h e re th e y had been o v e rro m e b y lU u m - Ic f lU n g gas. l e f t l l ip C i ty H a s p lta l to -d a y T h e bo dy o f A ddon lz iO r w h o d ie d ih re o hoYkra a f t e r h iB re m o v a l to th e sam e hoa- p l ta l* w a s tttkeYi to h is la te ho m e y e s te r ­d a y * ____ ^

T r o l le y C a r H i t s Man*A d o lp h G re tn flfe id , o f 564 L l t d e t o n a v e ­

nue, w aa s t ru c k b y ft P la n k ro a d c a r a t S ix te e n th and F a lr m o u n t avenue s, th is m o rn in g and In ju re d a b o u t th e b o d y . M e w as a tt# n d # i1 h y D r . B e n ja m in K a p la n , o f > Bhft F a in n o u n i avenue , a n d a f t a r w n r j | w as I ftk e n hom«t, i

T a x B o a r d V i s i t s W e s t H n d a o a .T h e H u d s o n C o u n ty T a x B o a rd Is m a k ­

in g a n e x a m in a t io n o f p ro p e rt ie s tn K e a r ­n y to -d a y . T h e m enkber# a re a c co m p a n ie d b v th e K e a rn y afteesBors', Y e s te rd a y w a s s » n l b y t lw b o a rd tn H a r r la o n a n d F iust N e w a rk . ^

B a r le d In P o t t e r ' s P le ld *T h e bo dy o f O h a rleB t-S chne ide r, f o r t y -

e ig h t ye a ra o ld . w h o d ie d o i tb e B aa ax C o u n ty H o a p H iil f o r th e In s a n e , a t O v e r^ b ro o k . J u ly 4, w a s b u r le d In p o t te r s f ie ld f ro m K u U in t m o rg u e , o n W a a tU n g - tcm. s tre e t, tlU a m o rn in g .

HILBORI, 0. Ph. DnSpecialist

inEyesight Troubles

I S W t t l P i r k S l“ « R tsps 1i « M B f w M . "

Difficult CskseaA r e t h e o n e s ! l i k e b e s t .

i b e l ie v e I c a n h e lp y o u , n o m a t t e r w h o h a s

t r i e d a n d f a i le d .D iffe re n t, b e t t e r

m e t h o d s .

H ilb o rn M a kes C o rrec t ^ e g la s s e s


POWDERS(6 B lu e a n d 6 W h i te

P o w d e rs ) .

F r e s h ly m a d e , fu l l w e ig h t , s t r i c t l y IJ. 8 . P , Spec­ial for a few days [at..........

scHwiers 'rhubariAND SODA TAB LETS.N o th in g b f t t te ru f i a tn lld la x ­

a t iv e * C ures h e a r t - ^ b u rn and d y a p e p -^« la . lOd ta b le ts jv N U h - c o m p l e t e Id ire c tio n s* sp ec ia l Ia t, ,.


A n y la d y can cqre th e m o s t v io le n t D r u n k a r d secre tly a thOlQV.

L e t n o w o m a n deepalr.W e h a ve a nyre, q u ic k and

p e rm a n e n t co re fo r D ra nke n - neea.

A te a e p o o n fu l p a t io tea , co f­fee o r to e fo o d w i l l p re v e n t a n d d e s tro y a l l deelre fo rllgaor*

CftTi be g ive a w ith o u t p a t ie n t* ! iu o w Ledge, E 'lf ty d o s e i w i th c o m p le te d l- re e tlo n a . Special* a t .

S C H W A R Z 'S B - O R A I N

LITIM TULETI,C ure fo r b led *

de r. k id n e y and u r in a r y trou b lee ,C ure ii rh e u m a t in i . s k * b o t t i n t tH b d ire e tlo tU s

SCHWARZ'SChareoal, Pepsin and

Snda Tabets.A c u n to r B s a r t b a r n , f » d l *

g s s t lo i i , C ra m p * , D j ip s p s la , 'S o u r S ts iS iB e k , B a l s k ln f , * 10.

C b a rc o a l f tb s o r b t th e giMes. P s p s la hs ips tb s f l I f t tU S B . S o rt* c m u H s rs e ts t lw s c ifl. O a r p r i e s tn

b o r i t r s « t I C O t a h le t s , w U h to m - bTctc r t lra s t lo n s ,■pMilnl k t . . . . . . ........... 29c

•CHWAKX'ee u k S H i i R T A S L i r aC n rs tb r M a ^ l s * , * ^ b M ,

K rsp U O B iJM

tStnSSSiS S l i

SCHWARZ’SFimouiWhiHipiDK.Coigh Reffledy.

P o s it iv e ly t h e o n ly r e m e d y th a t w i l l stopthatw boop, bring up the phlegm , a n d g iv e v o u r l i t t l e one% f t gotM n ig h t's re s t. It ta t h e p r e a c r ip t io g o f a » s d a l l s t . C h ll. — onn can *asUy ta k e I t , lo r H ts v e ry iw s e t , T r y i t . O n r p r lM t o ­m o r ro w ...................

SCHWUrS imPROfED USUM TIBIETS.Cnra to r c o n s ti­

p a t i o n , l i v e r I r o n b in s , etc,Special In b o tt le s of^ o n e k aad rad t a b l i

r s H S l r s f lK t h a L P .

PwMid* HydrofUSpecial In S eltea.

IP o u n d llwBpeda l a t.* .. ■ • •

iP ound lT ih■ peda l a t... * ■ •

1Pound9A ele p M la l a t . . . I

QlilKPtlS- IGMUII.A t S p s c M R r ic s s .

i eI7t

I B o s o f 30 F U la , tpc.

i B o s o n i n Pilti, ape.




Autoisis, Numbering 300 in All, Start from Qevcland To­

day on Annual Run,


CLKVKl,ANI>. 0., July lO.-Ttii iiijj’i tuuiif'I of cloavly pMckvd uini Llita'rin^«t f'cfuiorij. UOO m<Mi aiul wumeii. in lie uuto garb, gUiltfd uwny from tUttt morning In ihc enru ojiiei'ed lur Hit CUciU^n Tro|)hy uf 1907.

At lht» fur I*ml of ||i .‘ rt 'W<|r*d squalid llU' ouK turrnal, and julmvly mown tite Klarti*i',a' siund, :i im>inuit, ami<)ien wertf off, Prom T o'rl>n V i>.' \■fl/W ?6. mull Ui*' l.iMt > in- wnsspcfcdlng wrwiwanl. fhiriinfTitipretv ilng tiaiigfr ilial soim- kmI.) \vnuld t>uhliletl. T'lie iTowd. Iiitmwflv o\t-rl,ippMl ihe j.olUilorM nnU iho wivj Ilf l|ic uiihminlitJoH,

The big l!n-\\.jgui5H ulino (n:l much nt- ti'iilioii, Thi'n- wi rr ihcsv mitoilelJver-y c«!f. iou<loii |n the guards wllh llrtB iiiul ci<iio:hHU • ilnm and rejirtlf oiil- flu . Kurh boiv t(H rxi.cil mi‘»-h:iuU' ana Us llghuiinf; llrc-.-liarRer,

Far cut in the oiiigide the streaksii of COiiftiU. left by the i.nUirijiderH wlil-h departfil HU hour Uiid a half before ine touriet* Blurted. sho\w:d ihp wa>-. Moat oC the drlvcTB, however, knew the routt'.

in all elgiily-m>c earn alaried on the tour, incluflirig the nfflelal car currying ( 'ha iles J. (Hidden, donor of the trophy \vhU'Ji waa the origin of ihe run, nrid Chairm an Prank t3. llower, who gives the Jiower trophy for touring runab.juls.

The iGurlBiB will cover about plxiern hundred inileH on tho irip, the iJrsi slu|i ItGing a t Toledo. Chicago, Indliinapoljs. t.’oiumbuw, Pittsburg, Philadelphia and New York win be \dalled in the order named. No racing will be allowed on the trip, the pace being linillfd to not more than twenty niilcB per hour.

There are elghty-lwo machines tukiuR p a rt in the tour, fotty-aeven i-f wlihTi will conleet for the ObdOi n Tropliy utid thirteen wilt ciul<-a/vr to c.irry off lliQ llow er Trophy for runabouts, tif the o ther machines, Bi>me are carrying par­ties simply on Tdeasure bent, others are for (he accommodation of the c's-mmit- teemen, and to carry acct’.9Horle?< and )t'K- gnge. New York and Chs\eland lead, whh ten machines eucli; Chi«agn hais Buffalo five, PUlsburg four. American Automobile Club four, Detroit four ^nd W orcester three. Several olher dtica iiie represented by one inHchlne.

The run will be continued daily unii! W ednesday, July 34, when the !tnl«h will i be made In New York. Thr lani dav’n tr ip will be made from Philadelpida across New Jersey, touching Newark, nnd then to M anhattan. Jamee B. Dill, of ila.Ht Orange, N. J., Is the referee.



Ite llg loD s iD s tru v tlo n (h e O aale I*«r» pose, Ai'eurtllnpii (o (.!ons1l(n(lna

lleeD iitiitendril liy i 'o n tn iitte e .MilAVAl'KKK, WIs., July Itt^Depurt-

m int meetings occupUU the time of ftic delogatea to the conw nilnn of the Catho- hv Kiiui'iitlnnnl Ae^^olailon of the I'nited t'hiiiH. u geni-rul meeting being on the progrum for to-nighi.

fn (lie rollegf drpiirttncnt, a paper on "I’ulbolli I’liuplulns lit Non-Cnthollc f*nt- vel•HlMf '■ ttHH rend by Rev. John J. I'urivll.

A vniift-renici- of thost' engHged In work ommih (\iiho llr deiif mutes, cnllcd by Kcv. K. A Moeller, g. J.. of Chlcfigo, wim lield ill .Murdueiu* I'nlveralty. the feature '■f the itirellng being a r^iper by Rev. P. .Af VVIu-c>|nn uf pHwIltig, Pu.. on ’How ('an Kxlailng (Conditions Among OurCuth- ollc Deuf Mules Be Improved,"

'I'hi- i‘.>im'iiiim. last night mhipled n cun- Htiiuilun ;iM recomnipnded by the execu­tive bciird of ihe orgHuta^iliun, the ' ■•rk ■ !i.Ur;i. h i- !i rtrtci.'d I- vei l' ,four years. The objects of the■ • ' ‘ - ■ ........... .. . Ill c •slliiilinn. shall be to keep In the uiiiu^ of the ■people the necessity of rellglouii IbHirurtlon and (m ining as the Uisls of 'uoriiLty mid sound etliii'ivllon. mid m proiiuili- ihv prliu'lpIcM and saffguiird tlir Intfiet-’iH of Catholic educotUm In j ]] de- pm mu-ms. to udvunce the genera) Inipr- Pats of CulhoUc edui’rtliou; to Piivnirage the spirit of ro-opiu'iitlon and irunuiil helrfutness umon^ ('ulhollc pduvulins; ur proiuote by Rludy. ronfereure .iud tllp- I'lisijlon the Ihoruugliiive.s of Ciilludii- i-du- viiliolia] WOl'k in tliP I'nltPrl iiliites; Id hc-lp the LMU«e of t'ailiolic edui-uilon by piibllciiMon and Hri'ulalion of suvh matter as shnii fu rther these ends.

A was adopted empoweringthe i-Airiitlve board lu Invorpurale tlo* usflOt’lattmi along the lines of the consti­tution. This conKtltulion piovidt-s for :i preHideiit-generwl. several vive-preKldeijts- gPiM-rid. it HCrn-tary-sem-ral and a treaH- urer-generrtl. and embraePH three dpparl- iTU'tila—seminailva. vollegeH and schoola.


9eveji(> -flte .^iruiideil Itsillaita In Rlulntteld Aided W h ile Mlsnliig

A gent lm Huiight^Mprrtol tfi the £•’I'A'.N / VfJ \fe’1TS-

PL.tlM 'lKl.D. July 10.—To lulp the bcveiiiy-ii\e .- Ininded ItallariH who are minus a munth's wages through the sudden dlsa])pp^rance of Thomus Cu&Jick, agent for t?ontr;u-lor Peter Morgiiii, of Foiiglikeepsip, N. V., on the south side sanitary srwet work, Mayor Chiirlea J. Fisk to-day directed CKy Knglneer A. G. Odvpti to pul all the men to work lem- porarlly.

Mr. Guvett received th is notice at noon ond promptly notified the huUans to be­gin wut‘k\ oil anolliei spwer being bulll by the cify. Wlien Cueuch disappeared. Iip is fill<-gi*d to have taken with him about W.OOd drawn from the city treasury for iLie work already done, and the labor­ers were left wlfliout u penny of the JIMO) (liip them-. Citizens gave them enough bread for supper, and this morn- lug a hat was passed about In the busi- iiesa section to provide u bi-cakfiust.


Brl«k C harrh Man YVetli the WuniMB froM W hom Up IiVhb |Bi«»rceU

Many Vcari» ,\p;u.NKW B R rN SW K 'K . July lu.-Wilson

Howoll, a former n-sldenl of this cRyf now of Brick Clrurch. who wi\» leitiar- rted u week ugA, (o his llrst wife, wlw was MIbh Bnima B. Atkinson, -itiugiuer of Dr, AlkiiiBOn, of this city, 1h with her oil (heir hoiieymuoii. The wi-ddliig is said to have taken place In Phlholidrhld. They will live In Brick I'liurch.

Mr. ati.d iMrs. Howell were llrst m.irrled u number of year« ago. They li.ui thn*o children, tni« of wliom. Miss .M'hey How­ell, liUB just gm duulcd from Kirnard t.'ollege. Mr Howell waH i1lvi.iv*-d irom his first wife UTuI nuirrleU u >ouiik w om* nn who oflm visited this city The ill- vorce WHS oLuihied In tlio Dak.da uouria on the grminOB of incompatHhilliv

U Is Btild Dial nfier Mr. ll"\vell mar- rle«l the sccoihI time he frefiianlly vJe- Ittxl Ills drat wife at hur hum.- lu D»r- roll place In ihla city. It is al^o s:iid lliAt the llrst Mrs?. Howell attended itu- wed­ding of her husband to his s*ai'.muI wife, and lhat t!ie|-e was never ally iiii|dMB- iiuim-KW U result jU'.„Ui^ilivi.rio prmvr-dlngs nr am .lifu - innTn.i-,^’

The second wife tlivd reieiiily, .nvd since then the clilUlreu have tnelrpnrejits togcihe], with the result ih.ii ihe remurrbigc has taken plnre. Relatives <*f I lie say ih.'U a mlsinke Liiul iw-i'ii

I corredeii and they wete ghnl nf it. Mr,! Howell was at one Huh* prondit-nl in I elecifinil englnerrlng hoi'?.

ALLENHURST GIRL'S FUNERALS erv ieet for VmiuR Woinmi M Lo

D ied OB H e r I 'n l l i r r l i^ iK rd l ir r UunieooniliiK-

h'jjfrlnl LilwpufrA trt tht EVll\ I Mi VAH'W.DKAL. July 10.—Tho funorul st-rvlu's of

Miss Marlon F. King, binelcen >aaiH old. eSaufiluer of Mr. and Mrs. CiUifl*-a K. King, of AliCnhurBl, look place I'-diiy In 31. M ary's Church here. Miss King died Sunday a t bnrunHC laxke, N’. Y.. while her father was waKin* lit the railnunl etatlon In AMenhurat U f her hYim*=romlng-

At the funeral Hervlna It-v. Dr John W. Norris ufflelated, assisted )iy Rev. T A. Roche, rector of the Church of Mid Holy rfplrtt. Ashury park. How mnss was offered. Interm ent wiia In WoodUiwn CemcieTy.

---------------- -


F e w o f th e K rw Y o rk C onfT acto rs H onoat» D e c la re s D cco ritlu r a t

Shore S esilo n .fiprcial Dlflpdifck to the EYEYISO .VEIffS.

ASBURY PARK. July Ifl.-New Jersey** b las te r Pointers and Decorato.rsj in cjii- ventlon here were largely reinforced this morning. Tho main btidy of the beam auditorium was filled at an early imur. and, when President Van Syckle rapped Jor order In tho meeting-room there were ito vaount aeats, ^

The aeselon this morning was devots'l to the reading of papers by M. Dunn, of R utherford, on "Associations and Their Hovernment," and a second paper "In F iguring on W ork," which produced u strong discussion.

I t was claimed by some speakers tht,r expenses on work should be Oguied m* high as twenty-five per cent. John B'.ei- ty , of the New York Aasociailon, called to the floor In the progress of ta lk , and ventured the rem ark th a t he could count the honest contractors in M anhattan upon the Angers of his left hand. He advised the m aster painters of New Jersey to tell the tru th and be will, ing to sacrifice Individually for the good uf the greater number.

The session this morning was brief and devoid of exciting Incidents. To-mght th e painters will attend a t the CaBliio nnd to-morrow night will hold their bull

{ a t the Plaza Hotel.

PLAN TO IMPROVE SEWERAGEE itlaab e th C o a n rll May A pprove

S peclflcR flona fo r D o in g A w ay w llh P re s e n t M ethod .

Sjifdat Dispatch to the EVE?lI.\0 NEWS, ELIZABETH, July 10.—At the meeting

c f City Council to be he|d Monday even­ing, Bpeclflcatlnna covering the extensive improvements propored to better sewer­age conditions along the Elizabeth River will probably be approved, and there Is every Indication th a t the much discussed project will be advanced along dednite lines without delay.

According to the outlines, the cotidUlon of the water front is lo be iitiproved, by doing away with the present system of drainage, which dlechurges Its foul bur­den Into the river ut several points. A large sewer extending parallel to the river will receive the sewage from the present d ra ins and the sewers now opening on the chore will be closed.

INSPECT FIRE HOUSES TO-DAYT r ip h y B oard In K h s a l i r th M sy Re«

(unit In D em an d f o r Kew D a tld ln g s .

Bperlol DSfipoivh. to the ETESING NEWS, ELIZABETH, July 10.—The probable

outcome of the annual inspection of the fire houses in this city this afternoon by the Board of F ire Commissioners, accom­panied by the Mayor and Comptroller, will be ahother appeal to the Council for new buildings and additional appropriations.

The jo in t committee of hnance and pub­lic buildings has now under its consider­a tion a request for two new Are houses, and tJte fire commissioners have been striving, ever since the estim ate of this y e a r 's budget was flied, to secure an ad­ditional approprlutlon of |4,800, Horses, apparatus, men and equipment in general will come under the inspcclion of the board lo-day. and a complete report of th e conditions will be made.


G ood-slxed Crowd at Rrrnnrdpt file P erform s nee for t'horrli Or-

c s t i F tiu d B eneht,ffpcrial Dittpotrh tn fftf £VA'.V/.V(/ .VAH S

HKRNAnDBVlIJ,E, July 10. The women’s mJnslrkls ut the BernardH Inn jiudltorUiin Iasi night brought out n good Mz»‘(l uudlvtiif', The pefftirmaiice wvnl ilinjugh wuHiout a hiich iiiid cucli nunibiT jvelved a round of applause. The com­pany wtvH costumed In white waists and .-iklrls, wi:h huge ivd bow Hes and saslie.-. and, wttli blackened fac-ea, prest-rntd u striking appYuronce,

The eiiUTlainmpnt will I)p given again tn-riglit, wlili several changes in the pro- lirani The pioceeds will he for the bentlU of the M. E. church organ fund.

Tte Htgbist Tvf>e of Rtadp-to- Wear. '

This Leods to th e .Arrest o f Three Boys by th e P lstiifle ld

r u lle e ,fipri'fol Dii potc-h \q thf KVESlSO .VATTg,

PLAINFIELD. July iO—Fallowing up a trail of chewing gum and candy, (he proceeds of a recent rohberv, tho local police yesterday succeeded In corralling several local youths, who, the authorities say, have been committing petty thefts | for a year or more. The specific com­plaint against them was preferred by Ed- war'i Davidson, of W est Fourth slroct, ■R'ho Blleges th a t they entered hia store on February 6 last and appropriated goods to the value of $Gfl.

The prlaotiera are Arthur Van Nest, six­teen years old; Jam es Stites, seYenteen, and Edward Seader, They were a r­raigned before Judge William N. Run­yon, altttng as a S tale muglatrate, to­day, and enough of th(?lr depredations were told to w arrant his holding them for further action. Seader was released in 1100 bail furnished by his father. Van Nest was remanded for (he Juvenile Conn and Stitea was held lo await the action of the grand Jury.

FIVE YTARS ON GIRL'S CHARGEB llxsibeth O y s te rm a ti S en ten eed an d

S ev ere ly C e n so re d b y J n d g e At- vvMler—T w o O th e rs P lead .

gprn'rti Di#pnfrA to tht EVAV/.Vfl NAITJ?.ELIZABETH. July IC.—In sentonciiig

John Dommogauer, the oystermnn cun- vlcted on a charge preferred hy Miss Gertrude Vaughn, fourteen years old, whom he took for a eail on the Sound, ac­companied by three other oyslermen, two | montliH ago, to flve years in ^tutc prison, Judge Edward 3. A tw ater bitterly c -n- aiired the man and emphatically declared that it ip heat fur Uie community to have auch as he as far out of the way as possi­ble. He dwell a t eome length upon the Hcverlly of the offenae in the eyes of the law.

Charles E. Fay, of Plainfield, was ar- mlgned on nn Indictment charging that In Plainfield, on Miiy 14, he forged Harry Brown's name on a check for Hopleaded guilty, Jam es Watflon, of this city, pleaded guilty to un indteement charging hhn with chicken steullng. Both will be sentenced on Saturday.

A rrested* ’W an ted In T rvn toa*LAINPIBLD, July 10.—In response to a

telephone mdbs^tge from pobce head-3uarters a t Trenton, Detcctlve-Scrgeaut

ohn Flynn and Patrolman John Kelly to-day boarded a Beading train when It arrived a t the North Avenue StuUop, atiil a rre sted Anton Morro, who Is wanted a t T renton on a charge of atrocious assault.

Body e f D row ned Y oatli CTslsaed.Nicola Diluca, gf 243 Adams street,

lerday claimed the body of hla broth- r. Pasquale Dilyca, who was drowned in the Passaic River, Mbndny, a t the foi-t of Orange street. The body was recov­ered yesterday afternoon by William Slattery, a tender on the Bri<Jge street bridge, and Edward Meeker, a longshor.*- nirtn. They found U amid the bridge abutmenls. After being viewed by Coun­ty Physician Elliott, the corpse was (liken lo Mullin's morgue. Dfluca fell Into ihe river while attem pting lo bo'trd the schooiier Rebih Hood.

M orro was placed In a cell a t headtmar- te r s pending the arrival of police rroir T rertofi. When arrested Morro made imresistance, although denying he was the


W om en lio s n icF a TERSON, July W--A canoeist, who

^ a a In danger of drowning by lUe cap-alBing of u canoe a t Lake Hopalcung, Spnday, was rescued. It has Just been learned, by three young women from this

SUSSEX COir’A'TY.To-day was the last in which bid** were

received by the special building cummlt- tee of the Sussex County Board of Free­holders for the construction uf a seoond story on the clerk 's oiAce building tn the public square In Newton. The freehold- ei-B will nwcv for the regular bimonthly session to-morrow, a t which time the board will take auch action as ta conelder- eu nccepsary. Recently a senllnjent lut» sprung up about the county tha t .ibe nmi- ter rtf prtjvldlng additional quurlei’a for the county clerk and surrogate might be J:-.ferred until next year,

,'4i Mrs. Charles M. VVor.irufr su.;cr u. Tlicnias S. WoodrufT, of Newlon, wUl po LO Block Island to-nnnrov; fur severfil w'eeke.

The O, N. T. Club of Newark is sched- ule<l to play (be New'ion A. C, a t Newton on Baturdfiy.

Miss Hugglna, of Brooklyn, is visiting a t the h>ii.a of the MisBos Hough, J11

I Kewlun,Miss Annette Allen, of PoughkeepHle

N. Y„ IS the go«.>t of Miss Amelia Kays, of' New'oii.

Mies Helen WUrox, o f Paterson, is vUlU lug At the home of Mrs. Ella l i , Layton, in Newton. . .............

c M i f l i f T l i r E P i rK ept It HW from th o C hlldreii.

city, who aecurtKl another canou and paddled out to hfin. The women were Ml ^llaae* Prance* Dyer. H ay Barr and May Kina, who were atoppln* with friend* at Old point Comfort.

K ille d hr P o ll from o T ree,TRENTON, July K).—ZUveaUng hlmaelf

of hi* olothini after cllininns a tree on the prcmlae* of the N«w Jeraey State Hospital tor .the Insane Sunday uf tentonn, • man hnown only to the hesplUtl author, iliea as "John Doe," said to be between the age* of forty and forty-nve, wua nlmoat Inttantiy killed by tailing out ct

• the tree.

C h i ld B o r a e d w llh t^ e h o |ia Arid,PATERSON, July 10.—Returning from a

•tore where *he had purchased a bottle of carbolic add for cleaning purpose*, tea-irearM>ld Ellinbeth L ou ir ip i^ over tnrifey rails at Main and Grand streets yesterday and smashed the bottle. Her hands were so badly burned a phyatcUn wa* summoned to attend her.--------------a — .--------

N ew ark W om an Lend* B o w lr n .■■a BBURT p a r k . July lil.-H lsa Blaneha lAtlleSeM, of Newark, last night broke tb* women's bowling sroru at the Colenuin llouse. She made a tot.al of lit. and qbw S e d s te tb* coBt*M tor th* womaa '*

"tVe cannot keep Orape.Nuta food In the house. It goea to fast I have to hide It, because the children love It *0, It Is Just the food I have been looking lor ever 90 long; something that I do not have to ■top to prepare and still is nourishing."

Grape-NutB Is the most sclehtifleally made food on the market. It 1* perfectly and completely cooked at th» factory and can be served at an instant's notice, cither wllh rich cold cream, or with hat milk If a hot dish is desired. When milk or water Is used, a little sugar should be added, buf -when cold creata is uaedaiono the natural grape-sugar, which can be seen glistening on the graaulet, |b *«m- clanlly sveot to satisfy the palate. This grape-wugar Is not poured oVer the ule*. as some people think;' but etcudes from th* granules lo the process of manu- factiiretAwhen. starch of the gntln* I* changed from starch to grape-sugar by the process of manufacture. Tbia, In ef­fect, Is the flret act of digestion; there­fore, Grape-Hut* food is pre-dtgested and Is most perteoHy usaimllaled by the very weak**! *1010800. "There'* a .B*bs*u."

Hade at the pure fo<$d Pottum : Co., Battle Cr th* little bealtli claeslo.WellrlUe," Ip packages-

s##V »T «•*■ » BbgBt

Three of a kind— one is bear and the other two soon will be—they are en route for the brook.

Here are wash suits that will bear out our reputation for hig;h quality at low prices. They'll stand the mod. the rob and the tub.

A l l W a s s K S u i t s t o G o d s t C o s t .

Also all separate Bloomers and Rompers. There's a style heic for every mother’s fancy.Close S a tu r d s y s a l I o'ctocic. O pen F r id a y even in g s 'III 10.

Marshall & Ball,807*813 Broad Street.

CAUSE AND EFFECT— thus a reason for even

r s „ 1 i W E L R Y S T O R Ebeing always busy. The cause Is confidence in the store and the effect is,

THE HOLT JEW ELRY STORE,Is the busiest tn town,

for sinongst the public it has come to this: If anything Is tobe purchased In trustworthy Jewelry, you'll hesr it said,

G E T I T A T H O L T ’S ,sndif anything needs repairing,

T A K E I T T O H O L T ’S .Could you go to a bettor place?

Now at 6 A cad em y S t. (Newark; soon tob«


Diif '8 Pure Milt Whiskey

care* congba, colds, grip, asthma, bron. ebuis and consumji- tion. It stimulates tbo blood. Tbegreat- mt known heart tonic.

Store HoursD u r i n j ; J u l y a n d A u g u s t

Close Sat. at Noob open Friday Nights ^ B E E H I V E / ^ w J e r r e f s

AtkMpIng C entre. NEWARK.

Great Shoe SaleWoi i ten’fi— Mud manv

jilkU's. luw &)ioeSs Bargain annex.2iiA Fhmr, bpiv^f'U Mlllltiprj and


1 . 6 9 I 2 . 0 0sv a *4.no Vain I am.Aoa B3 Vmu.

July Sale Rich Garment BargainsThe grand, scope of this sale is displayed in the extraordin.try vnltie in women’s and girls’ K.irmeiits—a usual store full in

this department alone at record-making reductions. The following are only suggestions from the great slocks—all ncu, desirable—

$24 to $35 new doth suits-'



City Hall. Newark. N. J.. Jaly 0, lOOT. Bialed propoMli wlil >>• recelvadat ihia uflloe from ft:15 to StW o'eUrok P. II.. ^undiiy. th*

•levonth day of July. UM>T, and opened at th* latt named hour, at a public AMtlnx ol (h* h<ar4 to ba held al aald tlni* ao4 place,

Fur ih« kraattkic. eqrblnfc and flatflni of (hafolWwlnic itrma; ______

biqelow sTREsrr.from IVallnjcnuyaeti avenu* to Elisabeth avt-

BBAOAW AVEN1JB.« s »on tb« aaat aide, from Paddie sirast to UMkor •vaduk and fkarm a I.IW r*«t lomb. of ;lUcker avaona to tb* aty lla*'. alao on tb* w**t i kid* from Peddt* atfeet (o HaWthome av*ni$«;

JBUAKF AYKNUH.from Runyon atriFet to Ptddte atrvet:UUNN AVEtfrui.

from South Qraiix* avanua lo iH* E«*t Oranaa ittnOs and . .........- - — .NTE AVTOUH, Ifrom CHntoo pUp* to tb* ctty Un*. ;Tb* failowidK U abuul 1m amoiiot *f wofdr I lo be dona, add the matamla to b* KirtitohM lo lb* construction and otwaplttloo of i^d ' wofk. and upon wbtcb bM* will be oomparMt FC* BIcauMV Mreet arujnc, ctifblDf and Mf-

bundred (100) coble yarda of nm- tw ioim t. On* (hentaond elflit handrad and nfiy <liM0) Hikaal feet of new SO W 4 inch fomr-coi nr mmih-i m daih. Bit <bi aeta oc otw tb by d Inch four-cut or eoara*d-ued i^r- nara, BicM bURdrad (dUD. aqw s fa*( of Bvw Belfitn birtdfliiff. Hfb( ibouMBd YAOOOi aquare raet of naw flaCrin< fltrt (J> f*et wide. '

Fur Bnt*w nvaati* indirtf* curbliv nod rtaiftn f_ Twft ibau*aB4 alnfit hoi»te*d and

^ 1 5 .0 0

at nbtmt cusi "f uiiUrrlal, ■«; itollililff rtf eiiulnir. Irhuruliig iini) lUiiklnat IxMutitnl, Ji-Hirnhle

_aulta: uuiiie (<>r tats Ht>nMiFTs ■^woar, mnby nnnit 'ir piirtiirairl o'

week: many rtth iiiu'o (All iiiatirl*. (M*ml-fiUe<l, Ktoii I'rliit'G »n<l til led Inckcl; ini» turas, HH vy, bruv and hlacic, iimijy under half reii'iihir.

Women's $21.00 silk dresses—excellent (iifft-tA Bilk—muflel fur ati.v figure, hlirti net-k: *(rlp<-eoii Uftvj, bruwii. ^rny aufl sleflgruundn, full larf -V' yoke, eltle tileateil ekirt; fuUI, aii||<I rulnr talfetusilk lu lunicli nt hnttoni: wmIhi bnabiuit] of solid <-<i| or tikffeiN,*lib*tft U

$12 to $15 voile skirts ^• never old for

less Ilian $1f rifid tiji (o fia; not odds nnd ende niif] i1o« jie|1i>rii, hut regular Httirk i]iimlfer«: pahiNtukingly niMtle, full plent* ModelK, Atruppet] trlinined with hpII folda, nome tafletu silk strnpt>liig .

$( and $5 wash skirls’poplin, one or two fniilH m hui- imn, or flare ntoded; itt it> goree; aleo side plDGfed ciyLs, ener to lnnn<ler, perfect Iij'iiir and fit, good, new aklrts; you nuiy anu- der why wesel! ttuali Oeslrabte sklrte ni

9 . 0 0

3 . 5 0

Women's high-class linen suits— iHuay line of a klmt. rurely mitrv ilieit) two; finest while, jilitk. Il rht blue llneiiH. Imporlad ri'pD-f, bundUerrijlei liueua, lUitliy

embrolderi'il: other* ini- imrii'd fmliroldetles Jirid lAcee; ptiuy ■onln. plofuB. prince pjrttleiN nud inurj likce nmts, 1 fa nff every Atiileleun, freeh 4 5

Women's $4.50 to $5.01 tubcivile Iitwn. wai*:. rut

UlCabCh vrrx cavilside triiiu, yiike ul very finclncF; nleo bliii'k-anil-white check (wo* ]det'* dreaHew, pbiM frlnghairti /mil prn-/ile»; regulftr xml i-Tira large alEex: jlHtOMlHlilliKty little prlcril.......... ’.... 3 . 7 5

Womea's fine linen s k ir ts -onr Jinil 1 w lY of u kind: all frvHh null rlfan, pure Hpeii; many lUodelH, Home hand enabrolilereii, loiiK line neesllen nrk;

eklrfx now ., I t ,00 | i - w skirts now... O.OO fii.w skirl* now.,. 6.00

Women’s $1.50 wash skirts—■kirtR nil belter HcllIng itlioui townatff.Wk; outr Are Hbprally wlrle, AeferAl nindele. *ome two loUl*. *ome •niftU pointed HtrnpN jil (op of plentw: iitliern / v / \plealeil lu riuwters lo 1 J | f | ji point at hip—And 1 ^ 1111 othefH ut..................... a a w

Women’s $22.50 silk dresses

12.00—regular uinl inodllliRl jumper, lo be srorn wUh ri*j{ulfU- wuUfH or KUkmpee; omlll nr Inflrtu atrlfws; green, Imiwn, inn. lotvy. gray, black, hnvwrjFr Hhirr- udde id *eit or ptulii xilk iiiHtcli. k im o n o

t r im me<l with Lice: bonutlful dreRH*H almost linlf

Women’s $0.50 to $8 dresses—wliite InwiiR nuil prlnceas'iiiul two piece, sumi' lov> , others high ueck; lumiiers. some to bf worn with wiilsi idhiTM with gtilmties; Inwn* wHh Inru'' spot-1. ciieckA and stripeH; great UHRurtruent: siyle, qiinlHy aii<l regular price to please , iimsT eiacfinK woinec -^now In the sjileiIII.......................

$8 to $10 s k i r ts - : :u i lbut you w 111 find ax iln lo pieiiHe you: all m*w skirts, worHtefH,luoImkrM, jiATUMiiaH, Hergi-H;I'bob e ebreks, nfcIppH niid ]dnli]H' A Rroiip from wlilrh you may e/iaily clif>t>Ae, one to wear with shirt w4ilHts..

5 . 0 0

6 . 5 0white dress skirt'"*"’'’KOOil

llnene;soltl iiirice ■'lUiuHitIfAiit regular and i-ilmi large sIscr. icngtii* UT in LI tui.,ei][. full anil well made, is-o l•d•1Jl ^At bottom, iirniy itidi- | C l I pleat; you will i-urnly I lUN’d ona lor niiliiiic.... ^ ^

CR fft I'onts. rain coat*, mixture^ w turns g,|tpony or Kton, i‘Aniima eoalH. In Hliort or long, box or semi-JIttMil black broadc orcherUil coAtK—none anld iiader and up |o f a t...........................

rt or ^ _ y-a

! ? 2 6 . 5 0

$15 to $17.50 c o a ts '' '" ’'’|fri/ii'a routs, mixture tniirltit coals; And lengi li itlik t imts. Kiiorl pony nllk ellk coA*.*, long black cloth rtmls, i’auaiiiA coAts, cheviot and blnck hm/idcloth coals,whit* serge I'tjnln, i'vitv r<ml lujiiglK ior thi* senaun's wear, many la slock only a week or tw«», only.....................

I M any S ty le s to $30.00 Coats, 20.60 to 36.QO Toila I'oftts- Kln>rt: and long; liJindHoiiie siylcs; full tmx ainl

bnlt fitted: riclily hraldel and llried. at lA.OO.20.00 to UA.OO rkLtil>erlsed coats— l'1ahfH,Htrl]ieH

And solid coIoph: whlcly cofitH—rirvcr beforeunder regular prlres, miw 16 .00.

HO.OO Fancy eoais—Sijurt, of lace nnil brahl: theeojt well wuniciY like to Imvi' nl leant one of lu their wnrrlrohen; now at Ifl.OO.

18,AO To !t4.AO wllh coAts—>tj leugllin and pony lengths, some rich lace colInrH atuf ■•mltrolderlen; beauties rverv ohh; now tO.OO.

IH.QOaiiil 134.flO coverl m ats—sM.lii ienglli , fitted ami half'filicil hneks: nil (nuii best ninkerH- real atyle And fUie lliilnh; tinw ifl.oo.


» o « i 's sis.bile S ! :down front. ' uff uh'l around botlom with wlilcwldtr hHU , t)rrtld/in<l H ruw iMi‘r<iw silk trraid. sluHlied hips: liuudy for t wear with H»-|iiiniti' -kirtn, while liueii, aerge or fancy mil 1 urcN. tiitfetn lilk ihisd .............. ......

l.liHUu', i'rlMcc t'liap style, Idp lengtii

S$12I SS flU u'hifA ciilfc I.IIHUU'. i'rlm-c t'lwip style, hip lenglti a / \ / \ I JiJaulJ ttlllie suns jjicki't. ionl-hneiJ. strapl front imd ^~.r. jarki'l. Itom-Mi M’ii. su iipc ii imm nnn

hnek Jiiid tivci shmililer: notch colhir. full plentesi skirl, fold arouixl liorrnm, wnmi.'U's ugil [iileeea' sites; al .

Some of Many Bargains in Girls’ Garments.Girls’ 7.50 lo 10.(10 wash dresses—

6 . 5 0

»iloHye/irs: guimpe. Jumper, sailor, man cp' war, princess niid long sirrHigtit Itueafan HtylPH: pure llnp*ns, white, pink and blue; high iiecli iw t>> Ipc vviiriP spith HCpnrate guiinpes: ftklrt« deeply pleated...... ...........Girls’ wash dresses worth 2,00—I>o not comp.'ire with /Iresses usvmlly At $l.M, but with fJ.tlO kinds: low' ueck, Jumper and gultnpe ilrcises, some / \ i \nlgli necks, solid eok*r, cluTk and 1 | l l I Rrrlpsrl ginghams, side plAlted I IBklrlR......... ..................................... * -v vf

Misses’ man o’ war sails"gr«t<u, tan ami htife; fine etiibrtflderf'd orna- inentR'. be«l waahable hraldft; U, hi. Is year#—

llegulnr fit).no dressps now are 7 .50 Heg. fiS.fin li) fl& dreisen now arc 10.00

ToU' S#fl rprypr.-UylUlS d.MW VUAUk aan jrtmeui. of p t ii 1 upacket cloth and mlitures; rnrloualy trlm- met|; red, naTj, tiniwn, tnn arid Tulxfures: collArs; neat trim at ucck An<l cuff; or with notch collnr—a t .........................................

Four Great Values Good Petticoats


Best $5,00 silk petticoats^H'"'"’conip/iretl with oiloTs uluiut town, limin' Mlreaily nppcial prh-i'. }uj»t for a <lr(nv|iig yard, iinil ymt get n hargnhi; *'uf. . a y,or* ntiii liiuck: excHlh-iit modsds, A | | j | cut full and ol that /•Xi-elipnt lal- ^ , 1 I I I feta you have always htuiglil ben- • • ^

8.00 silk petticoatsregular price; 'iilnro au-l hl.-u i,, a ViiriPly of Htylrs. pleated and stilrred ruffleti, at................................................... 6.50

,59c. and 98c. petticoats‘-r,':",M‘n Vnucliecka: per-

hvtly wiiHhaliUv Huteens htirp two nimea, fell thrrstitclil e d g e s anil flvp fttmbii' Ntltchf Hirnpe; (ibv-k ami white Irltiirueil W'Uli suhil blnok |(tlni |>8................. .............................

,S9c. wash pelticoats-^.^i',',?/ ;r1,"vt»liie; Hold If) l/irgi ,'iIK' , I’ut Tull, tlouni'r, full iiiiil heiiiaf l(ch( edge

57elarge <|i]anllUFs i v well lundi \v ld e ^ C jr*

outer piilHe, atrn]il

S u m m e r ’ s G r e a t M u s l i n w e a r S p e c i f29c. to 35c. corset covers “

neck AMil arniholee a m 1; we expect tr» sell t.v. bargain lrrr‘8iii.

nnil rant'f'ric; surplice And low rrYiiml neck; lull frt)a1, wllh two r«»w« fine tordif)n Incc, rlhbon run; neck Anil arnihol* lace trimmed; great (lUiintlti Ible..

98c. corset covers-;^;,:,’,,1’Iruni, with tquare And muail yoke* of embnii rtery lamerilug; a lso ft ^ ^ rlrlj of of her iiylea, flue VAleu- clcnues lace front anrl back; neck aud armholes lace trimmed........

Good 45c. corset covers” ’’ " '" ' >kliMA round

iii-i'kH, full froui, ) rl 111 wu li i w o ro wh wliie cluti.V liLiM- liisj'Miiig; Luck vrltlioun riiw liisi*ri1ng in‘< k uiid urm hrtlPHl/u-e trim med; fiArgnln tlmt helps in lif-ep this storo In the front rank

50c. and 69c. corset covers”

29cinw rnunJ

imtL. lull fiiiiit, dainty uui) idaburaiu 1 r liiimliigs ol Vul. luce, t o, iliruu aud tout hirx'rihigs, rlhboii run Imck, also |/ifc iflniuii' l, most ’•■ilglitly.’'I lio) iiv » ' II iiiadf. up to iinr iiiUKifri iTi'ur ri‘]oi l vl iuii. . 44c

1.75 corset covers-"„;:,l,l' 2.50-2.98 corset coversImndunuiidy t rf muied wli li Une cm h rot 1- cry iiiednllliMiH and paneln i nuo blned with |)nU.tv Lul. lace hr 1 werllng, neck ami aruiliolcis fm-r I trimmed; autf Hltunm » ihlril..

«iuk. full Irnnl. iilinnuu)

w+t!'. daliil.v "iilirrirld’ry |mn**U.fdtfcd u'ltb V,r1. Lh-e, Roim-1rn[)( d hue cm glirivlnlcry. oihiTH v/irliiUK niyli-'H I w \ £of I rlUMUliic: ')*• haiiiUo'ue uiiii | J lluw I'ar an .> (Ui’d <'iirc fo ncp, Ul

50c. and 69c. drawers—t Ainbrlc utkI iinlnAOok; with tiiielnwn flounce. heujHtIfi'hl hem niirt two liem- J Hlltcht (uclia And t wo row* fnnoy etltsdiUig, *

98c. cambric drawers-Tmkpil uud Lrlnjiiu-d full itriunce oT Mpeawn firoldcpy, alHu iitiuTK with fancy hire rutile, do not fall to kc{'i ||i>hi>

withirk cm-

68c2.50 hand made drawers 135c muslin drawers—.Vnlniook: nalnHook, Lrim med with full ruffle. iiAiul cnibrolilered and pk* * i p calloped; decidedly I 4 ^ i: lull l lftBi lit ............

1.75 cambric skirtSnJi“';l‘,*fi/)re of fi V«l. lore inavrllngM ; uthera flounce prctlj * P embrotdepy In viirletj I r>1 deklgrt*. a t............

98c. white cambric skirts— Kull luckl f m b r o 1 (1 c r y flouTtce —othern tl«re llounre lopchon Incei eUl) oilier* deep flouTicc heni«tltcht / n tuck* nnd hematltcht hrHr* hem........ -.................... \JU h i

f'am- b r I c


Fine 1.75 drawers” I jiiiibrlf 2.50 to 3.75 drawers” ^"!’:

25crudti', widl mu>Ji>. Iiciji Jiem i'luiler Hickt; far

|<thau you bi;,v regu­larly At 3.’ir.: b/irgahi of impitriAnci'...........

2.75 cambric skirts uii’lloUiK-p, 7 Jiuti !i Val. hi(-4' liv- ecrtlhgH luid edge; * A*Ytrim hum] hniidsoiiiM I Ul / eiiih..Turlou*|m(ternH** '' *

1,50 and 175 chemises—TlAiiil-inadc; luiln/uuik. lumd emhroldcrco: vartmiH lirelgUH —untile rlhlion run -• luiud e*ral\or»erl mt-k niid ArmlinJen; very prettv fif.......................

nnliiHiiok. (rjijiuicd w 11 li HMuiph‘H. irlmuicd wllh Mil*deep full iJoiiiin' of |<r'’tTy t'n - f)rnidri*y Wiecrtiiig niid rillflc:lu'iiiih-ry liiH.'rtlng I ^ jni Ify lioi >.o mijcli nf | « Qniii| I'llgc; tlinU'c uji' I / .T 1 u price f)»r «n nmeh 1 i nH'.rlUhMil at ........... |„,iuiiy..................... . ■ •■ V

: 35c short skirts” Ii;,’.'iV,l 1 69t short skirts^TaZlul.'muNllnI 1 rilSIlllcd u'ilL niuihrlr flnuui'c

hr-inNtl1rhr )mUU. to snl' 1m |n I nmrvrl at llu' gond 0*I value: KpW l/il H II I i; 44c


4.00 cambric skirtsn,,!;,,".,1,17miiil«i>ii,e1y irluiiiif-l uiili in RiTtliigH mill riiini'" I ' f OVkI. put'. Ijcmjrlt'H / X /I very mu-; ispcclul jil ■

1.75 and 2.75 chemises—N n III Si ink. Iniv rniiud i' ml M||r- p]i«T yiiR-'M~[ifi‘t tv Ini-i' anrli-ISiIm'iiIiIiiI-V 3 <iKi-4t J III......I wi) h ; I '• fl p.■ilg.'.l ruffle • p.-.i il I / S

ihi, trlmmeil with lawn tlniiUi'C. Lmiietltclit tuck* aiHtiicimi, Hniipi emlimld- er.v And lace edge, ail ,At ...........................

5.98 cambric skirtsfifciiv Pii'e and euih, trlm'erl, very ui’lecl atesort- A A im-tu, exc-ptioniilly -1 U l l litgl) clrirtrt *k1rtn, a(, ”

98c nainsook chemises—Muui*' pniiml .1 nke. etubToSflery liiHertiiig, nih>-r<) eurpilea yoke VrU. lll • Tln . neck And armholct- hn-c trim meil. bnl ifim witfi I nilfle and Ian'. 68c

S pecials in H and-M ade M uslinw earI

98c. S 1.25 night gowns” ''?,'?y";"'i'’Ar« Qt‘<*kH.

>rutiy wHIi

68cturpflce. high, round uiic) aquAr* Qt‘<*kH. about IH atylet; yoke of I, i nud -I prutij embroidery liiaertlnga, combined tuck*: noma hemHfitrht riilHc, othera ©mbrold’y erlgc on neck, pleeveo; oiharH yoke line Val. lAce, ribbon run. anrl only ul.

: Women’s 69c. iiigiit gowns 1150 night gowns”L':;:'"l;rierk -tisnul mil Irlni/iirMl ivltli li Htllcfit rijifb' oil t viiiuea UTii |jr| I' i .'illy ijfferoil .-ih n|>. Uilw l»t riri4> 111 I [froYi'i It : gri")'

■ IV rllihiirIUHiI niiM-

iirt . II

-N»ii»*ooh, low round chcrnlee atyle, |frmit four cmbroldeej- pAuela and V’uL

r>T«1.75 night gowns'lure: aurtfher afyle, low aurplJce nneli nrambrn4flery nr»d lUi'kH, i Theiw. Inn'aqiiare front ami buck, wUli wide embroUiery InaHnlnga And lAre edge; aiin *ome nuind neckK, wide cmbrnldery luserdog, blaa told, ribbon run, Rt...... 1.25

1.70 DlgtH gWWflS empire ynkenf 4 mid d embr..*red InaertliigH irad edge, othcrA, Insv nujad iif'ck,4 pretty embrrjtdery |iftru?l4,Y’a| luce ln'twi*en;. arao o tb en round, aqtmr* nnd low Hi]riiMr«| neck*, with liuiidHome blind work pnibroidery I lOBertlog, ribbon run, enib’y uu lacee/l^jp. ul*

ii;ui u.'Ur-r « - t . v l c . 5 l e <1 |>|- i‘t‘n ami C 1 1/^ ‘ Hi iti‘lit f 1 (leiii l l i i i i ^ l l ^ I In’> Viiki-irt'.ifn .11 . v w e I

2.50 and 2.75 night gowns\ al lari' iiipl lUiihridiliTV

„<-ajii'l1o-r a Tliu* gr'oip. wear will Gii.| nuirfi In t hem -'pi'id fy. Hf1 Ir. <ji' iiicnaurr, n | .

hrli uuil uuin*or

tyl-N; pri-iiy nuf fmtH. good cmb. null luce yokCH Hiii-|>ll''i' Mlyte. 'i Ulld 4 muii, iriasiTt lng»; vt^Kc--nmirf, iurpllce

lie nb.lriNPri mg'' and hem-,iirkM liivs- iiiiMiil rlirni-

Idi ml .n lid 'M*cn >s nrk cml)., IHini fr>id. r ........ nil)..

>L>k lnw round nfcli, > -trlmmesl with flfia

uiipie night govaa > tiiu«lin<(> [»!i'firtCgi-l)/TO)lM

>J hi)



July Bargain Sale of Gloves1.25 long lisle g loves "qull’X s '"ered brick*, whleo. blftGk And Mouia iliea lu gray; one of the July HAle bargAltiA that 1* proving un- ^ /v a UMunlly popiilAr; much liked *U)UTner gb^ve. 1 | | | leapcciftlly good grAtle—will pny to buy ser- eriil pale* at

1.00 s ilk a rm le ts-£ '„7 i ??gloveH, fuH ietigtfi, oneclaap; block ami white,July aaleapeclal....................................................

1.50 long lisle g loves“ iV;,'VT."nmSL\"''‘J ‘ "quetftite aiyle, aupcrlor gCAife, white, bjiick, t>i[) nod gray. In the July haI* at uiily........................................................

25c. s h o r t lisle g lovest'ha)iiolM colort *elf eiubrublered bocks—aie- dluDi nlicA, will! Bell (u*t at little ]»rkeof...................................................................

1.00 s ilk n e t glOVeS-TcTem.f’rV.rrreT"'back*. blAck, wnite Aud tno; cool, ami In the July Bargiitu tale Atonly.................................. ....... .............................

79c- Bilk ItBle

1.19) a m o IH


July Bargain Sale Corsets.1.50 New P. N, C orsets ...■klliK

rx-t :ui': -i'.

j'ljpportci'it. li'HV IjiiHt, I'Miji !Hii. J....Ill -iiirtrtlilies iH lo :V', pop'd-iimimmi-i--tv i'-.Ml I 'ii,ii*.u'i!iy k'-m- i niatcrlul and iiiJ!l"*: Nuve mu ImI i u 11 11 iiiiul.i urn! cure good, Up-1 o-dii L*‘ c'lrKvt at i In- u-n Irr,! i*- i<'«t ^uf................................

2.00 “ Nemo” C o rs e ts '" ;” 'milker, flat liAtiHte. well lioiicrt. un<l lure frluiie' d . n.- 1 i l i I (if Oie iniEKt mod*!*: loux uver Mn'hip" and nlMiMtiea: I . ^ 1 1 BfiHM 111 lu 31), Hobtom ho riimdi I'.irHei v.il i" (or

1.00 “ W. B .” C orsets-ili

SOc1.00 and 1.50 long fab ric g loves— Kibow length, whtta H a le thread; ■elf embroidered back; alao gray made* NurdP lllie, ]2>buttoiJ length, Hud l^lrul- tou inouMquetalrei p u re iltk girt***; light, medlUTn.Anrl dArk plain m m > BhftdeB: not eyiry iIb* of

3.50 long, fine k id g loves

encli kindat


. — It p A [_ ^ • F'rench

Kid—Black. t0-bu((OD length; allk cm- brnldared back, one of our mo*t reliable mAkaa, monaquetalre atyle; nimle of cUulreat eelecUd •kina: •!>** Mi to 7H: great July *ii!e HUrnetimi, wiaa women will h* glad to Anva HO ueAr a dollar Add will buy aTeo for fall.,.*....... .......... . 2.59

“The Kuroki,Another fresh assortment

of tins rcm.irkable value suniiner hat has been placed oil sale “ just like cut;’’ a bargain a t $5 and many offering at {56.5( ^ A T around the trade are ^ no better—here .

PBO PO IAU.new 30 by 4 iTich four-eiit or coarae-AX^ ct>r* nera Two (bouBand Bevett huiWred and tlfty- two 42J3S) aquare faei ojf Q*w B*lf!i*n bridge fna. B«v«at«ea tboui«nd flva hundred nT,fi(in> aqiMre faet n«w flA^glnO' Ava (01 f««i wide.

For Elixabeth aveoue gradUlc. cuf^lnr and UftfXtng—One (bouBond two bundrefl ti.TOOli cubic yards of embankmeiit. tll&O cubic yarda of excavation on th* itreet: bid to be tor em>

i bankment only. 8lx ihouMni and- nighty 1 lO.WO) lirmi. (Mt nf "»*; JfhjM !S?!l or conr»-UH) cult. 8h[ («. s ^ -4 Mw •iO U»

* iDeb lour-nut or cosrss-asna sSriws. Hsvss SuS t« sis) tous« l*« 6t n*wBsialaa bridatna. Thirty ^ q asiu bun- l SSI (S0,4no. sauars fMt of MW flSfilna, Hr,

I Tblrty-twb (» ) .arts IrjMi tobr cul flowii. Thirty <») •apllnfs to bo is-

I planted-r Far JeUKT a 'toue grading, enrbtag and ('flaaktng^Fotir thoittarul five hundrid (4,DUO) -cubic yardB of embanliniant. One thmiBami on«I hundred and ninety (J.IW) Unaal f**( of new l’» by 4 wch four cut or ooara* axBd curb. Two iZ> B#t* of naw 2P br * inch four out or I'coarat axed consen. On* hundred antf tixtr < iiaOV Baiiare feet of new Belgion brtdglM.

Flva ibouAand nine fdU^red and fifty aquarfl faat of ne^ fifiCtng. Aye 4A> feet artda.

Huno avanu* ■nhdli!ig, curhlpff and flatirtttih-’FlVe biadfiig ' (Mlfl') euhte yA4a Cfa B a S ^ W W e MHR amirhUM m

FROPOfALS.the Btreet: bid to b* for embaulimefU only. One tbouaand eight himdr*cl anil etghty-rnv* tl.bSS) Unesl feel of new 30 by 4 Inch four cut or <-osf*t gxed curb. One (hoUBand une hun­dred and fifty fl.lfiUi lineal feet uf old curb, coarae aaad and rtBcl. flix 48) aei* of new 30 by e muli. four cut or cttsrBo axed oornarB. Six lumdrad tflOO) Bquar* feet of new Belgian bridging. Nlnr tboUBand four hundred andtv*nt{"<by* 4B,42fij equar* feat at new fli^Blnc five (ft) feet wide. ^For Nye avcnu« gradlOf. curbing and flag- ging-Two thouBand thne ^pi^rfid (2,300) cubic yaru of «xcavBtion, fiSO-cubic yard* hf am- Mnkntfat on ih* Btreet. bid to be for excava­tion only. Three tbouaand nine hundred and fifty* la.wlB Uneal feet of new io by 4 Inch, four cat or coarse aged curb* Twenty (3fii •eta of new 30 i Incb fotir cut ov coar*e Ased comera. Two ihouaafid a)|ht hundred and alxty rS.MU) Bquarc feel of agar BeiglRn bridg­ing. Thirteen tbouaand Cow hBIUlred <1fi,40U) ■quare feet of naw flagging, fiva ffi) feet side.

Ulddara are not to state gfiy« prtoe (or miue> rial* and work for whtab.' tbera t* a fis^ amotinc provided for In ib* igeclAcatloni

Each propcHMl muat b« attgloacd In a ae:^d envelope, piqiirrly Indorgad wUb the nam» of tha bidder and of tba lonrrovetnant. and fil- Mcbed to tb* Board of ttfaaf and Water C;ap- fiilMioners ef tha city «f Ra^arfe .BUdiira wUl iUta tba4r ,|Ma** -tJa -wrlUig et

j FBOPOM^b.I well aA In figure*.I Bidders muat specify lu 1hi»ir pTopcaal InK. I Bhould ihp above wf rk be awarded trv (h- --u

they will bind rh»'m»p‘*-»* it: flulAti and C'lm- plPte the Krtie within !h ‘ following iiurabr-) ot conaecutlvr- working days-

For Blgplow atreei, iMr’j- <W> daya.For Brxgnw avenu*'. fifty tJun da>K For BIlBBbeth avenue, eighty t»W) day*- For Jflllfr aeamje. thirty ifioj day*.

I For Munn aveniic, forty (-ifl) Jayv.For Nve avenue, fifty tW) day*.The plane anti afteclficatlona i»f •itl*

b, rt.ni)neij m tb* uIBm ;> y h* 'HI'*Of Ihe Board, of Btreet and Water ( omtnbwtou m «t tb* cHf hall. 3aW t" ^rotni>*»l*J bj- ihf c-mtitit. In tut*tlM. nr * stirmi’ company cimtlflca to a,i builnma tn NfW J«i*y. who "haU, « tt» ttM ot DuttlnK Ih .uch propoMla, ‘1'“ ™;^" J'JJ!, rwiHMulbimv In Ihf ,<>*»n<rblB(! (hmiacIvM th*t. If tbo

Ip the |MT«nn “fpropoMl they will, upon I<" bfinif *p bwm t hl» W Ihflr iuptRa fur tin- .Isltbfui Ptrfarniiuie* of utd wort: nnd that It he i« - aon uf pcraoiiB 4Mnt< or refute to CkCcutr such copiract. they lirui pay w th ¥*u* *'*‘i Erw dlffertnc* ^waan the buhib io which ha- w

PROPOSALfi.ue^na by v.Jwtu auch contract fhalL be ex*-*’*Th 13oard of Ml reel nod Water CoFnmi*sion-< ere "( iho ritf ur Newark reservea to ihetn- M<)ve« ihi' rlaht tu aienpt or repeat any or all cj-iipoimlff fur tile aliusr work, a* they may Jaem txat the luiereat of thB city.BlilderB and auretlua are hereby notified that •undt')- Ihe provlaions of the eeventh atcHon of the law creallog the Board of andWater t’orrunli'idofieni. epprovrd llareh 28. IWL tival the bra:* or bonds to be gtvien.fur th* faithful cxecutlivfi and rerforraance of ggld uubik work, ahatl Ant be approved a to aufficlrncy hy the board, and a* (p form *y tha ccnmcl) of (he boa-rd, and no ooBtraet ahall be binding on »bo eUy, or bccom* efteatlv* ,or operative unil) au(>h botid Is so apiwpvadi and the rresidetit of th* board shaU Dmir* power to examine tha propoeed bondiman undar path. K he el^ l mS desire, or ■hall be ao Initructad by th< board,' bnt *h* hoat will not ba bound by any Btat*menT that may be road* by skicli propotted bondamen, but ahait hava fvU power ajid abooltK* dlecretton 1A thB whtole matter, and this praA-ialon «na3l bt referred to In givy advertiaement lurlfing bM* tor any sueh puolla work. .. ' A* ^Hy direction of th* .^ r d of Street

1 fli w* «onnatt. and lhal which rt* tlij nf jfOBBiB B.{ K*m (i« Buy W •wupd to pay rt* ptraiii or »**f


DESPONDENCYHouse Votes for Alwlishiog the

AiihratioD and Fish and Game Commissions.


Are both eym plom i of orgenlo de- rBD(femeDt, And natore'i w»™ lny to woiueo of A trouble which w ill soon­er or Is ler declare Itself.

How often do we hear women sa^"It aeema as though my back woold break.” Y et they continue to d ra j along and suffer with aches In the Biuall o f the back, pain low down Inthe aide, dragging seniations, nerr- ouaneis and no ambition.


IpteitI from a SM/f rnrrttpm^tnl.TRENTON. July lu.—Heforo lahlni! up

the public ntllltlec bill ycstertluy a((eriuiu)i the Bouse dlapoeed o( a large oilenUiir, Under a euapension of the nilen. .Mr. Cbaplln'i sewer bill was passed alter Mr. Buaton had explalnetl that the bill had been pasiKil once before, but that llu tlov- araor had vetoed It, and it had heea drawn over agsin so as to meet the ICxL’eutUe'a objections.

Mr. Klenert’s bill, repealing the act creating the State Board of Arbliratimi. was taken up. and when .Mr. Klrnt-rt unvtpl ta..aM,aBcnd the roles up()..atjii.n?. that the bftf h id ♦asadd t t o ‘— - - -T IB the whiter session. Mr. Perkins rai.snd the point that the same bill euuld not he passed twice by llio some sesshin. Mr ■ Klenert said that the Senate had (li'dtm d that all bills passed In the winter ses.-lnu | by one house and not aeled upnii by i.he other before the reresa were rleii.l, .iri.l the Speaker ruled lh.it the measure was regularly before the lluu.v. 'J'lin bill paaaed.

Mr. Klenert then moved Ms c-miuaiil'in taeastire to this, which almllshra tin present Board of Arbllrntlon. The two tallli were necessary, he said, b>''aithe the Oligluat act creating the board lli 'd the tenn o t the members a t five years and made no provision for thetr successnrs, so the second act, which he now sought to repeal, continued the exlslenre of lha beard. This measure paaeed also.

The Senate bill abolishing the present flab and game commissioners and creating In Its place a new board of live com- BBlaeloiiers also passed the House after Bome debate. Mr, Bnrber, of Mercer, tihamploDed the measure. I t provided, he Mdd, for a new board, to be appointed ny the Qovernor, and that one member could bold Daly one oflice a t a time,

Mr, Lane, of Besex, had hard luck with M l bill creating bt-partlaan boards of us- MMora In cities of between IS,000 in id N,aOI) liMiabitnnts. While the measure was under donalderatlon, Theodore Strong was active cn the floor of the House. Ho went abound among the Kepubllcan mem- bere and held brief conversations with them, and It was noticed th a t several of the men he spoke to voted "No" when tbelr names were called, all of which caused Mr. Baker, of Hudeon, to remark: "See Dw t Strong hard a t work on the ]«h governor Stokes gnve him of keeping out of politics." The bill was lost by a Vote of Zt to It.

Mr, Lane fared better with bis next bill, wblob amends the pure food aqt by proTldlng tha t the label may contain a ■tatement ibowlng whut the contents of the package are when they differ ffoin the formula of the pharmacocioela; a t le a d that I* w hat U r. Lone said It did, aad the members took him a t his word and passed the measure.

The Bouse also passed Mr. Daab's bill. Which annexes to Montclair- th a t part of U ttle Falla and of Acquackanonck Town- ships. Fassalc County, upon which the MW Normal school la situated.

Mr. Klenert secured the passage of his BMOSUPB which allows Paterson to con- ■truot a sewage disposal plant. This bill Pfuaed the House last February and wns eWndnil by the Senate lo ns to provide th a t the p lw t m ust be located within the Nty UmlU. The Governor said that It w as an Impossible provision and vetoed the measure, and U r. Klenert declared

k th a t U s new m easure met the objcc- i tlons of the Governor.

Hr. Baker's blit giving the superior of- lleers of Jersey City’s fire department th s same la lary received by those of Newark was reported favorably by the eommittee, and Mr. Baker nt once had It placed on third reading under a sus- p e i^ o n of the rules. After he had ex- plalntd th a t a referendum had heen added to It end the m easure amembd in

T hey do not resHie that the back Is the tneln-eprlng of woman's organ

by achl s «

New Jersey Assessors' Secretary Takes Exception to Majority

Report of Hahn Probe.


lim and quio^Iv fndlcatsi by acElng a diseased oondition of the fem inine organ s or kidneys, and that aches


and pains w ill continue u ntil th e cause le removed.

Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compoundmade from native roots and herbe baa been for many years the m ost

ha 'succeaafal rem edy in such oasee. N o other medicine has aneb a rocord o f onrea o f feminine illt.

Mlsi Lena Nagel, of tlT U orgkn fit., Buffalo, N. Y ., wrltee:— "I wascom pletely worn out and on the verge o f nervous prostration. My back

..............................................................tu fp • - ' - . - -ached a ll th e time. 1 had dreadful periods o f pain, was subject to fitsof hivltuf. a o 4 extrem e nervauaneas, and was always weak and tired.

_______- I 'J S T v e g e ta b le Compound com pletely.cored me,'*veg e tLydia B. Pinkham'e 'vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints,

other Waya to meet Uie oblsclluns ul the Oovernfo, t t passed. Another bill jaHseil was Mr-was M|r- Tumulty'B appropriating tt.toi lo t cany lag out the provisions of the t e n e t s ' retlrerhent fund.

Thera was eomethlng of a dcbalc over H r. BuOlvan's measure requiring all Htalo boards and commissions which desired to make impairs to any S ta te building a t a eoet ot.MOO or over to advertise for pro- pisiide and have the work dune by can- trac t awarded to the lowest bidder The hUl paased.

Mr. Van' Blarcom secured the passage of his bill, which changes the lime tor the elttsens of towns to vote on the bill creating w ater districts In their municb naUties from June to September, and Mr. T tm ulty Mtety piloted through Senator H lntum 'a. bill, which enables freeholders to aooept and m aintain sections of roads to mnnlolpalllies as county toads.,,

Mr. Tumulty's bill legalizing the bonds ts f ths turnpike bridge over the Hacken- ■Bck, after being drawn so as to meet the oblfotlona raised by the □ovemor to the Mmilar measure which passed the Legis­la ture last winter, was also passed,

■esreral Republican members objected lo H r. '^ m u lty 's bill allowing Jersey City to sell five per cent, bonds, and it was tost.

sneb as Backache. FaUtngand Displacem ents, and all Organlo Diseases. Dissolves and expala Tumors a t an early stage. It atrengthena and tones the Stomaoh. Cnree Headache and Indigestion and Invigaratea the w hole fem inine system,Mrs. Pinkham’s 5tandlng Invitation to Women

W omen suffering from any form of fem ale weakness are Invited to w rite M ra.Pinkham , Lynn,H aas, Bor advice Is free.


(Continued from F irst Page >

for th« purpose. In the IlKht tuis fact bow kmi: do you sup p o se 'tin t i Ihh Mil, butrlediiy drawn, atul defeciivu, ] believe, in many details, would tmiiul iiie t u t of the courts?

' *^n the taal s^ctlo'a, of tbG bill U is^ovlded that the ^ tate Board of Kallro^ul CoaDmlaeloncrs, riTi^ited during (he i-res- «nt leaslon, la ubulltibed, and tho not creating \\ la repoaled. No mention of th li repealing rlauatj U meiitlonpd In the title of the hill, and 1 believe that for thia reason aUme the title of tbe irill Ih Aefectivu mid not fitnnd.

(Anotea Section 17.''Section 17 of thin bill provides thali

I f a person In aUtmliijK'e boforn cho eommisilon or a TjmmiNslmKii- refuHeii, without reasonable I’niisp. to be* txainlned or to answer a lepal nm] P'Ttinent ques­tion, or prtxiuce u book nr paper, when ordered to dn so by the i,*:imraisfiiun or a flOniliil6elon“r, the coinnilsslci’j ptuj* nppJy to any JuiiJpe r>f thi* Huiiri’mi- I'uurl iHH?n proof by amdavll of the I'acui fn? uri or­der returtiuble in noi less ihan iwo nor more tltsn five ditys, dlrecimti; siicli yej-Hun to show cau.Hp brfore the juHtlcc wJii> made the order, or any ntber iu«Uc .-f the Supreme Court, wliy he bhoiiViJ imi b«‘ committed to Jail; upon llie return of jttch order the 'ju s tice before whom ih*- m atter shall corny on fur henrinp hSu II examine under ouih aucli person whosi. teatimony may be rolevnnt. and rtuch piT-

* aon shall be given an optwiriunity tu be heard; and If the juHllce bIuiII detcnnlne th a t auch peraon ban refuNc-d. without rna- gonable cause or legnt exi-usc, to i>e ex- aailnet, or to answer a legal and pf.rtiuenl Queallon, or to produce u lu^ok or ivuplt which he was ordered to bring, he may forthwith by warrant, comndt the of* fender to jail, there to remain until he submlti to do the net which be was so required to do or la discliarged ncoordiutf to law,'

"In a previous paragraph your hill pro­vides tliat refusal to answer questions •hnU constitute a misdemeanor, and 1 up- pMl to any lawyer In this House to an ­swer me. Do not tho taws of thle prescribe a specific punishment for con­tempt pf court, and In view of this fact oovld this bill, If enacted, compel a. tnan Ia contempt under Us provisions to stay In jail any longer than the present laws Sslatlve to misdemeanors now prescribe?

' .1 inefcs not. There we de­

ls another proof that Ihc bill has not been carefully considered.

‘T am most emphatirally oppoeed to this bin for two rpn»cns: First, that it la of doubtful cvmHiitiitlotiallty. hastily drawn and Insiifbcirntly considered; and. second, because It provhtPs for an elective commission

"The elective commlsfilnn would result !n the bringing of the rorponttlons Into politics more than ever It contains two (lungers of gn*iit mngnllude. What would your commission be If Hceteii? U would be cither one fjivorable to the corpora­tions, o r cine it would l>e composed of men so prejudiced uKulnst corporations

bo unjust, unfEiir, and wuula result lit g rea t harm to the t^tate, Its ImmsDse interests and the people In genertil.

W h a t C 'ttrporatlous W ill Do." If your commission Is to be an elective

one, the corporations will work a t the primaries to secure men favorable to them nominated on both the Itepublican nnd Democratic tlrkets. so that In tho election of either their InlercHla would be taken care of.

“On the other hand, men might seek the ofHcos of '<!OTnmis«loners who, would stand on ft so-called popular platform which would pledge them tn control the corpora- tJohs with a whiphand. 9uch a platform Would arouse class hatred and In the event of these men hvlug elected they would try to make good ‘ their pre-elec­tion promTses. Witness the result: Wreck and rain : and still you propose an elective commission.

‘•proceed In this m atter slowly and re­member th a t one of the most solemn of your duties is lo live up to your oath of oflice, and 1 warn you that hasty, lll-cott' sldered legislation along Iheso lines Is Ill- advised and should not be passed upon llghtlyv"

T a m a l t y D efriM la M eaJidre.Mr. Tumulty spoke In favor of the bill

by rem arking that he was mighty glad to leftrn th a t the Republican majority In Ihe Senate bad a t Iasi found time and Incilnu- tloh to take up for consideration a public utilities b ill

"Your Republican Senate and Republi­can House of AHBcmbly," siUd Tumulty, "Ima had lime fr<»m time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the con­trary , in which to give ihc people w hat they wanted In the m atter of legislation of this sort.

“You aeruso us nf plsylng politics In th is m ailer. buL I challenge 3‘ou to p o in t out where or when in the past thirteen years you have been In control of legisla­tion you have awakened to a sense of public duty and showed any disposition tu f’tmcl such legislation until forced lo It by t h e Other side-

T h e gentleman from Morcer deplorss tJie fact tha t wu prop^isc to have an else* live commission, hut we do prnpoao th is 1ti an effort to securo a competent bodj of men to handle such an importftnt sub­ject. Let a commission be elected and, In spite of all the dire results that are predicted, I will venture that U will bo every bit as efficient as the commiBStona appointed during the thirteen years of He- pubUcflU ru le which arc now a stench In the nnstrlla of the people of this State.

"l.ook a t your State Board of Assessors: W hal of them, with your party leaders a t Its head. And wltnoHs some of the o ther commissions and oftlces of vast Import­ance In their purposes, with your bo-

J v wntroju Your leaden fr^m Crimden, Essex and Hudson. W hat of them? And atUI you cry out against an elective commission.

•‘Ymi attack the bill on the old hackneyed ground of tho Constitution, whiclj you have brought up against every hill of every Imfiortance U) which you are op­posed. T am sick and tired of hearing the Conatjtvitloii dragged In as an argument against a meaBurc, Surely, you gentle­men know timi the place for arguing on the constitutlonalUy of laws In In nur courts. This -Is a. i»*fflslatlve body and It cannot sny 'Whether ot not Itk acta ora eonslltutlonnl or not, So what is the use of golitg Into the sulijcct so d e e p ly tin tide scurti?"

A n r o r k i n a V ie w s It.Mr. Pci'klns Insiated that the question

of eonsiitutlonallty whb most Important. He Bald that he had been referred to as one of the men who was prone to discus* this phuso iit Icgialation and went on to soy tiiftt if U had hot been for him, the uilllilt’H trill would have hnen passed last Friday and th a t Its piiHsage would have placed the men behind its pneHuge In a anrry tight.

“We were lold a t that time,” aoIi] Mr. PerkhiH. “ tfuit iiW fclP was n-replicai"^f lUe IhighfN lr»w of New York and tha t Ifll wns ..... 1 i-nough for Hughes It oughttu t*e giH.d i-miugh for U|. II was on this aulhiirlty lunl upon thiti rennmmendnilon that wc wen- asked to pass this bill Yesterday more than fifty amendments were made to thn hllh which dearly dcfTionslrateii tha t It Is not ft replica of the ‘good enough for Hughes mw.' Wg have had this bill In our hands for a few hours and we ure asked lo pass |t at once. The suggestion Is hodge-podge. 1 do not vfcel that J .posKcss) enough ability to digest the contenfa of this bill in thrc(f days, let alone three l^ours, lutO I challenge any man In,, this House that

he cannot tell Just whai Is in the bill, or siaiid a crosB-examlnatlon ue lo Ua provisions. I do not tiellcve that one- third of Ihc members of this Hnuw have ever road the bill; still l^ss hav<‘ digested Its contents. How. then, under the clr- cumstances, can you f-xpect uh to vote Intelligently uism It?

"One of thi* |irlticip;^l ihlngs that this bill docs IS to ri'peal the riiilroad commli- ston act of the preuent si'sulon.

C lifiriirlerlaed iim a l.eninii."I 'll tell you what this bill really Is,"

sfttd Mr. Perkins In conclunlnn ‘Tt Is an oblong KiihcriiUl, yellow on the oulsiilc and lucking Juice within. I t 's a lemon, nevertheless, gentlemen, U 'i a lemon."

Mr Sullivan, who followed, t luiracler- Igcd iiie railroad commisiflnn net as "the IcmoT) that was sent to the House hy the SenuU during the closing hours of the regular scBsInn " Mr. Sullivan de­clared tha t If the uttlltlcH bin did nothing else than repeal tlic railroad cmninlssion net, he would be satiflllcd that li wus a good bill.

Mr, Fake nald that the D«*mDcnits had called up the hill fvlthout vhI<-b mougli to pass it for the sake of making a talk Cor the people on political Issues.

"Tlie Democrats had no catnlldate as gorgeous es C. Asa FranclB: nor so warm and cardial as Griggs, as 8pMTUani’'0UH as Voorhees or aa liandaomc as iinvernor BtokcH, but he thought the Tk*mocratB could find Gubernatorial tim ber"

Mr. Barher retorted: “Of emirsr the gonllemur. did not mean either ’Jlrn' Smith o r 'Rob' Davis.”

RunttW ny Sto|>peil n1 D oor.By this time it was close on to 7 o'<'lork,

ftml several of tlte mcinhers I’augbt up their hats and grips and .slaried for horn? They were stopped a t the door by 9er- grant-at-A rm s Frank Hngue. who re­minded them that the House was under a call, and that they could not get out witli- out the permlsfllmi of the Speaker Seein.; w hat was going on. the Kpeaker ^ald; "W e've got some business hert; lo trans­act yet.”

"Hut w'c want to catch a train," said one.

"Train or no train," replied the Stpr-nkcr. ''we'll have to slay here until (he work Is done."

Reluctantly the members went back to their twulP. and Mr. Sullivan lntrodii?od again his "Jorwey City ripper bill," which passed last winter and came lo grief in the Govvniur’s Immla. The hill providoa tim l lerms nf nfflee of odlclals of (Ir ?*.- clasB cities shall expire wllh ilic termina­tion of the term of the Mayor who ap­pointed them. The bill In lls rirepenl form does not apply In the flnam’lal dcpait- ments of tlie cities.

Kvery one was ton hot and too arixlatis In get. away want to say anyflilng on the meuHure, and Mr. Sullivan rusInjNl it through under a BuapenHlon of ihc rules.

Then Mr. Sullivan introduced armilu'r measure wlilch provides that all State moneys In the handa of any Stale of- flclal or conimisslon or bcuird iiiusL b(5 deposited where It would draw at least two and one-half per cent. Imerc.it. Me wag starting It on il.s thrnugh-by-day- llght 4;areer wlien Mr. Barber Inlcrposcil the objection that ii was the .same Mil the Senate had papaed, and the Kou'^e should not keep up ihlfi pee-aaw busine^^

Mr. Sullivan Hhowed by tho record that thA bill hftd not pHened the Senate, and then went rm to say thnl he bHleveri In the principle of the meaBure. und li made, no difference to rfiiu wheiher tlin Senate or the Iloriae pflFfled the l.illl sii long iiB the Stale reaped the b«>neili from It.

A d lf ia r n m e n t I tp N o liit lo ii.While the Speaker w.i.s puiting up Klon-

cri'fl adjournment resolution for adoption, the member», hat on heart and b ;^ In hand, gaihered about the door rtndy to run for the Iraln aa soon the motion lo adjourn hud been carried.

W hen the clerk had road the purport of Ihe resolution ll was then Mr. llarM r moved to amend ll by providing that the House Bhoulrt meet on Friday next.

"Thlfl adjourning until September by three ilriyH at a Ume." he c-xclulniecl, "Js all ft farce; let ub return on FYlrtay nnd flnlBh up our work. T hat's what (he peo­ple expj'cl of u s"

“Secand the motion," rxclalmed Mr. TumuHy. as the meniht’rH, sroniing trouble, gathererl nrni,md the clerk 's desk On the foil call Mr. Dnali, hfr. Oroel nnd Mr. Tumulty voted for Mr. Barber s mo­tion and it looked as If it had boon cur­ried Democ.raia rushed up to their fel- low-Demooralli' moTnbr.TS mid hawlMy whispered, whereupon th(*y changed tin )r voten amid rrle.s of ' Ihirly whip, party whipl" from Ihr ib-publlennK.

Mr. Barber's nmemlmont was Inst nnd the original resolnllon lo adjourn to Sep­tember 17 was carried.

Some of the uncliarllable rtemocrars altrihuled Mr, rtarbt-r’a zeal In lids mailer to the fnei that (he Hallroad ('ommlHSlim has rteellrod to make him Its sncretiiry until hr ri'stgnii from the House ami he fears If he does resign before the {.-eglHla- ture artj<mrnfl sine die he will lay himself open to (lie charge of deserting his parly in Uh hour of need.

l.iljtpatnh to tfi« EVI-JSISO Nf'W8. TRHNTON, July 10.—Irvine K. Maguire,

■eci-elary of ih«- New Jersey Miafir Board of ABsr.ssorH. t«>-tlay maUu pulilk- a Male- mein, iirepared hy him. deriiuliag the board from the toujorlty report of Die Hahn liivcBtlgadng commlitee. as marie lu the l/«iglBlatu)B. Mr. Maguire also takes (x'cuiilon to commeiu on certain newspaper criticisms which w+*re made of the board and bused upon rLj)orts of the Work of the Hahn coniniUlov.

Mr. Maguire Is particularly emphatic in 1i(h Hiatemeni to the effect that ihe tilali* lli;>urd of ABsessore does llu w-*rk by

and not by chance. Me-claims -^.■p^fl faU road pn>perty'''in New Jersey which comes inidcr the hoard for nietit has been examined hy Die enKlmvr of the asBCfisora fur the purpose of malt­ing meiiwurenicntH, etc.

The secretary denies the charge of the MuJin commlilet* th a t railroad propiTty has been advanced In value inil uIriui two per cent, since lhK4, A fter selling forlli Unit Ihe report of the mfiJorHy of (he commlUi-e Js Incorrectt Mr. Mugulrn pru- Bf-nts Statistics which he submits with a view to fortify his claim . Ah a wlmk Iris Htalement Is on lUtemptcd Jusilftcailon for the Work of Uie board uh U lias been perfornu'rt up t-.> th is time.

To the charge in the majority report of th e AfiHpmbly investigation com rnlllee, that the niilruad coni|Ninles viriuaUy milky tlicir own asscsamenta, Mr. Maguire aiiHWcrH ili,a the annua] reports of the ruriroud corpuratlonH, made under oath, arn accepted onJy ns lo the physU-ul IteitiH of proiairly. and limt the valuaiions ro- IMirU'd by the com panbs arc entirely dJsi- regiijded. He Inalste that there In not i»nG nilJr of railroad or ennui which liu.» n.it bi-‘*ii ariijully gone over by Ihc rnglncfr of ihv board, and th a t lo the infuniiatum tlius ohiftjnpd tho members of the board arirl tlurir own karj^^iedge nnrt their «jwu lilif.i rsuilnn of rnilroail valiiOM throughout

Slate, f'onim ulng, Mr, Magiilrr .huvs:I be report of the m ajority of the in-

vfHligatlim commUtec to Hr* llou.se of Assembly makea the statem ent that fllnce tlie Jlrat railroad aaNcssrneiD wus nmde. In IWiJ, under the railroad t;ix law of that ynir. iJip railroad “ main stem" property li.i.s lieeii Increaftial by the board u lllllo inoro Dian two per ic n t.’ "

Mr. Magulrt* Nays this Ik Incorrect, and f"r the puiFHiHc of comparlHon lakes tho >’ear.s Ik’s*! and wliJdi, accoi'dmg tolliL' tiilrio ho fluhmltfl Bhows an Increaan of ij-IO per rent. Increase Jnateud of 2 per cent.,* AH alleged.

iCf'sumlng. Mr. M aguire suys;The r ’erkiris act, rcilellnlng 'main

stem' (Chap. 132. P. L. I9uth. by dlmlnal- liig therefrom all priasengpr buildings, which had hJiherio been iricludcrt In and (isfii’Hfied as p.irl of (Iil* ’iiuiIj) stfein,' and adding thereto o ther Btriirtures lociited within Die right of wuy. rt-BUlicd In tak­ing from the board’s aR.*«eflsm0nl properly to the extent of over J2.tJ0U.000. which, un­der previous eondUlonn, would have fur­ther iiicjrnsed the aasesstnent to that amount. Ho that realty the ftBbCsament of ‘main aten?* Dnchidlng franchisee) for the year UHW exceeded the nBflcs.qment of 1,S86 by the Bum of S35,4fi7,a7C, or 261-IO per ctnl."

Mr. Maguire nleo taken exception to the pluleinonl In the nmJoi'Uy report drawing ft comparlBon between the Incrcuised a&- aoKtinicni of Individual jirop^rly, a« coin- pured with the assesHment of railroad propfi ly fiij' a series of years, hceause, as he puls It. Die inerrases tn ImllvlunuJ ac- scHRmentB are due to the building of new structures, the laying out of farm lands into (own building lots and the construc­tion of lowuH upon HUcJi lands, whereas the nRsf'K'unenl nf ninln stem railn>nd and cfuial property Ik confined to a fixed quan- Diy.

"Appurcnily." Bays Mr Maguire, “some rrhb'N hava- 'Jt'- Impression that Ihe Slate Itnurd of Aaseaaors has noihinp whatever lo do except lo asHeas ptfiroad jind cuniil properly, It would bt? aalpn- iHhlng l«i any one Interested In the sub­ject to examine the recorda of the BLita Boafil of AsHOKSorN find see exactly what work that departm ent does." He points out that the Siftte Bfiard of Assessors huH to PUSH Miinn iho annual returns of iri.iMi eorporatlona, and that last year the hoard aat In review and pa.ssed upon the appeula of Bcveriil hundred corpora- tloriH,

'■Tho S tate Hoard of ARPcsBorK." Mr. Maguire says. "thi'CRigh its ussesament of ruUroHd and eannl property, and through Its asspPBnicnt of niiacellaneous corpora- tlona, levlca alm ost the whole of the revenue necesaan' the support of the Rifitc government, so th a t this board la far from being n usp[eaa board. Thero Ik not ft dopftrtmcnt of the Slato govem- inent wherein the same amount of work Is done for ho Utile expense,"

at the “Old Stand” with lower prices than ever— in EVERY dept, ef the Dense!A n y P r lo« , A n y T erras, A ny D eliv ery D a te

so lo n g you ord er NOW t

S a v e - a - D o i i a r S a l eT 0 effectively advertise a series of new waist­

coats for men, made of the new Manchester Galatea, wc announce a sale of

$2.50 Waistcoats at $1.50H igh G rade— W a s h a b le

We cill pjrticuljT attention to the character of these beautiful waistcoats—the models are smart, the patterns most attractive, and the easy-washing; quality of this new material is a revelation. An innumerable variety of patterns is here to choose from, a mere hint of which is conveyed in our window display.

N . B.—These waistcoats are not on sale anywhere else in Newark.

O pen F r id a y E 'ven ings. C lo se d S a la r d a y s a t O ne.

— ^


Join the ThrongIf you are sincere in wanting to save money in the purchase of daily needs,

Buy Shoes of Usfor every member of your familj'. Some one of them needs a new pair now. This is your chance to get

Two for One


R ip a r ia n C o in n ilN N lo u e r l lo y n o ld w t i l In N>vo' Y o r k ElotipH ttl.

TRENTON, Ju ly I0 .-Jobn R. ReynoldR, of this city, form erly a dry goods im?r- chnht on East SlaD? street and a membt-r of Ihc Slate Board «f Riparian Cotnmls- KioncfB. Is In St. Luke'H HoKpItftl, New York, where he will be operated upon F ri­day nr gaiurday next. Tbp nperntlon will be performed hy Dr. William T. Bull. It wiiH to have been pflrforrr\_ed yesterday, and Mrs. Ut-ynohls went in the hospital to be with her husband during the ordeal, VeMienlay, however. Me. Reynolds had ft seN'ere utiack. and 11 wnK then decided lhai the operation would have to be de­ferred.

U lft W I fv U c N e r te d H im .D hfn ttrh to Ihr E V E \ l \ ( i

LONG BItANf!H. July Ifl.-Alleglng that his wife bad deaertsTtAbim Peter Jonaa, ii piiijilcr, r>f North avenue, advertised Iti-flay Dull be will not lie reaponslble for hfr fit-ills. Jonas aahl ihnt he was ihrouKh with hin wife, aiie said she did luU IriU'iid lo come bark, he declared, and hi- did not intend fo do anything to make fx-r change Die dotnrmlrihtlon. She loiilc ihclr fourieen-year-nhl son Jacob ivltb her, but h r was Bfitisfled with the control of a ten-yeftr-old son who re* malmTil at bome. Mtb. J>.mft9 la supposed in bo In ]‘71l£iihelh.

T O R T U R E TRUSSESWhy Do YOU W ear Trusses Like These?

t:otir1iniuii*H D r o w n e d .► S'/ioefui to the EVESIMG ^EW8.I LONG HRANOiL July 10. - Albert ' Meui'ham, nine years old, son of John i Meacham, c-oachman for J. B. Hcmen-

dmger, at West End, th is d iy , was drown­ed while boating In Takanttssee Lake to­day. The boat capsized, and the lad wui imabiu m swim. The body had bei'U under the w aicr for Bome time before help wfm Betnired. George Jfopper, bathing muster for Dr. Edwin Sternberger, dived fur the luxly. and t>rought It to the alii- face. Life wuh noi extinct. Physiclaiis, liowever, worked In val]i over the boy.

F ty ln ir B iillfiat Frft(»1ur«» Skull,NEW imUNSWLCK. July 10.-Wendell

Tribhriiorn, bosa of a. section gang Oh the ■ I’ennsylvanlft Railroad, Is a t nla hi

th e tCH*a O nilsaloat.

la y th a t the blit reghlates aJl cor- fa ra tio aa I liiy it does hot. In the very firft paragraph I find th a t telephuoe and talafraph companies are mentioned, but bt tba rematnder of the blU tliarc U ab- •olutaly nothing tc provide for their MHUroL Again. I have heard a great deal in reference to the w ater monopoMes of tlUa Stake during the present session-^ *water m akee,' they have been called. Well. I’d like to know whether or not there U a w a t^ snake circling In and aeound tbla aot th a t water companies, Tory Inportint.oorporatkons they are. Apd, AM not fnclnded Im Ita provisions. H o n

See How Belt Cuts

Thli ll the wnrthl«fii liDai- tk TnittN aeuerBUy llUed with wstffr pHdfi—with kg Rlrnr* that pull (he pads unThe pelvic hnoe. leaving th«real r>iM»ning of (h? Ruptutaunprotected. The 'Bellq around the body often have to ba eo tight as to cut Into the idpt. rhown above.

Thla Is (he crtm> ina] Spring Truss,., with lla ttadfimuda to press on the hone and on pari* not connected with the Rupture at all. Wbat unnecessary

and yet fflil to hi.id. If you wear a Truis'W TTawaT!like the above THUGW 1

and harmful preasure Is exerlcil by auctVv • Truss llko the aljpve


THINK FOR YOURSELF! Think o f 'th e stiffering and^ * the trouble spared if yo«

could g e l yoat Rupture HBLU as we pnaitivelj' gnaratiteo to do if you could do your work in coinfOTt and freedom, with the full knowledge that' you were a» SA FE as jf you never were ruptured, and with a CURE made possible (or yon AT- LAST. g.

H y TR U SS W ithout B elts •olves tlie problem and you, 7 , , . , vnll be convinced of this won-derlql troth when I fit you or after yott have read my F R E E . book, which t jfladly mad to all writing for it. 1 state FACTS only, and show photo­graphic illustrations of my appliance, guaranteed to hold ANY Rupture in­cluding the very worst cases, SMALL COST. No.springa. No leg straps. Cool and comfortable. May be worn in hath. Most durable. 4^-paae descrip­tive Book, with Order Blank and eminent Surgeons’ Teatimony mailed on request.

CHAS. C LU TH E , n 5E .2 3 d st..N .Y .c itv(Mmt* Atlfe uHl Atm .) pram B td At fifttarday T ill 1 Oblj#

- ...... ...................... . - - - ,-orop a tf Dean's Station suffering from a frao-

turod skill), sustained In a pacullar way. A rod on a passing express train broke, which dragged and scaltcrad ballast In h11 directions. A piece of ballast atone struck him In Dm hand. Ha Is married and has six children. He will probably dU'.

P l a u i i ln g S e n a t e E 'rob a’fe W ork *TRBNTON. July lO.-Senators Bradley

and A via, of lha Senate Investigatingcommittee, were bore during the day yes- tfi'day conferring with Governor Stokes

Two pairs for the price of one should appeal to fhe people of moderate means, ’particularly our

Manufacturer’sSurplus Stock ISal. .• FineShoesaffords you the opportunity of a lifetime.

C O M B I I « T O - D A YTo-morrow may be too late.

13.00 Women’s Patent Colt Btucher Ties—Large t=»yelrts. ribbon Ihccb, band-aowed wrriled soles, extension Roles. Cuban hoels,' mat kid top, aurde lined, Blzes 2 to 8. B lo K ..

12.00 Women's Blue and Pink ShortVamp Canvas Oxfords - Cuban liepis, liliicher cut. large eyelets, ribbon Ifirea. sizes 1 to 7. B to K............$2.00 Boys' Vicl, Qunrnetal

and Box Calf Blucher and Lace Shoes—Solid leather, sizes 1 to .......................

m onun


$4,00 Men's Tan Russia Calf Blucher Lace Shoes—D art toe. ex- /% A A trnHinn soleH, hand-sewed *g J l l welled soles, sixes 5 to 8, # | | lB tn E .................................. l a l U V

$4.00 Men's Patent Colt Blucher and Lace Oxfords—r„ati'si toe. phfind-sewed welted soles, * J L L gxcK 5 to 10', R to / Q T

11.W Misses' Tan Russia Calf Blucher Ties—Broad toe.Sizes to 11.................................... 1.20& to 8............................... .................. 05e

E . H E Y M A NShoe»ist for the Family

117 Market Street

If you w ant to get your meals easily, quickly and neatly, th e re Is Just one way to do it and that Is by using a

GAS RANGEIt simplifies housew ork by elim inating

a dozen little worrying, tim e consuming du ties. ’Phone for one today.

Prices, $ 14 .6 0 to $ I 5 .50.

C A S D E P A R T M E N TP u b lic t e r v lo a

ufon jJie prnbuble layout of (he Inquiry,. 1 The n?fv€----- -- - . . . - - /'VerpoT v.fts able to make some aug- gfsHr-ns which the may takeup. No date wfts se t for (Jh beginning of Ihe work, but. it is said th a t the lnvest^ giUlnK m ay begin early nsjct month.

Somner Tourist Rof

?ii>fv(irkcr D e c la re d Jfbt QdJIly*TRENTON. July lO.-A jury In the

United ^ atos District Court to-day re*turned a verdict of not guilty tn the suit of the United ^Latea against John MuJew-skl, of Newark, who was tried on a charge nf sending objectionable lettetn through the United Stutes malla,

W i f e .b e « t e r R ep » fs tP Mt» O ffoaae .TRENTON, July 10.—John Alexander,

formerly ot T>aterson, was sentenced yes- (srday to six itiN tih i In the county jail for boating h it wife H e woa arreat«! on a similar charge In Paterson a year ago, and Boiucnt'fd by Judge Scott to twoyours In Btaio priaon, but on the plead­ings of his wife the sentence was re-Ingii


P e ll I n to Vml o t B a llJa g T ar.PATERSON, Ju ly lO.-RobSrt Mllsop, of

21 Marshall street, tripped on a rope and fell Into u vat of boiling hot ta r yesteN day afternoon. H is hand and forearm w cre -^d ly He wa« tMkm to Bt-Joseph s H otplU L and will b t oonfined to the Institution fo r a week»

Round Trip from Chicago to

'Denver,GolorailoSpringi>«ifWlik'Tickets on sale d ally until $o ,L'

Via the


R otad trip C b i^ o to Denver, Coloiwde g r i ^end Pueblo. Ticketa on eele fint end Tueedeye(rieeeI(montli. RetumUmRlldeT*- Per ftnriier infeiiaietioa epplf M

S . M. J O H N S O a 0 M « r t i l A gw iLeei Bnadwer, New Toril cttr, M,y.

MATTINGS.All (resti im ports and

sm artest w e a v e s—prices w ay under th e usual I

2«c. CHINA IC ^ V elHAHlNGS-x Ij C I Q

25C.C8INA l O ^ V e lMAniNOS- - loC I U30c. CHINA O i l # i V r lMAniNfis-- z4GIQ35c, JAPANESE MAHINOS • ■




And ZOO other roils--all p atterns and colorings.



N ote "N o. 73" B e fo r e E n ter in g Ktore.

Inns V. Yaii Kora, Ltd.MA^

/ < N ear ■ V Newi

MARKET 9T..r ia n e gtreeL

vark, N. j .IACCOUNTSI

IF r ee D e llv e r le e A n y w h ere in th e S ta le .

F ree I llu s tr a te d C a ta lo g a ee on req u est. B o th *P hones figO.

U Y E R niSItched Constantly— Scratched Until

Blood Flowed— Suffered 10 Years — Doctors and Medicines Were Fruitless— Tries Cuticura and 1$ Completely Cured


■mall sores tp lower limbs. 1

TOsrsjeared on each of my scratched them with a

b r a s s p in a n d shortly afterwards both ot those limbs became so sore that I could scarcely walk. When I had been suffering for about a month the sores began to heal, but sm a ll S ca ly eruptiona appeared where the sores bad been, . From that time onward I waa troubled by such severe itching that, u n til 1 b eca m e

I would scratch t li. blood began to flow,

.ip lii would stop the itching for a few places would appear lag would accompany

_____________ auffered about ten years1 made a renewed effort to effect a cure. The eruptions by this time had appeared on every part of my body except my face and h u d s . The beet doctor in my native county adviaed me Co use arseniq In small dosss and a salve, I then used to bathe Che sores In a mixture whicli m v e almost Intolerable pain, In addi­tion I used other remediea.such as todin., culphur, *ino salve, --------- 's Salve,

accustomed to It, ■ores until the

«vaiHiw trvuavg i<uibut scaly ph

u i i n and <-he Itohini them. After I auffei

. Ointment, and hi faot I was oon- thmally riving some remedy a fair trial, never using less than one or two boxes or bottles. AU this was fruitless. Finally

■JUV ZL UJU (41/ UVUU. A iO'*l lUUUVU* WVOJJhaviof used almoet everything else, j thought 1 would tiT Cuthmra OmtineDC,

and my hair was restored, after fourteen yean ot snfferinf and an expenditure of at least ISO to tW in vainly endeavoring to ^ d a curd. I sbull be riad to writs to any one who m ay mteretted in m y cure. B. Hiram llatttii||ly, Ver- miUloii, fi. Dak.. Aug. IS, iroe."

mm ^^ B1m4

' e mCountry

aub Brickof Ice Cream, when cut u;>, is tempt­in g to the sight and deiicious to the taste (5 flavors). Take one home, 40c. a quart. 20c. a pint. lOc. a plate.O A hO T S P C t U A U F O B I H im B O A F i

H a l M e s P a a n tit flanarM , lb ......lO e.B e p le C o eo a a n t K isse s , lb ..... .< ..lSe.



r- ;i

ft; r

<rj.'• fsft-

lUkMMAST St.e r i b r m A s«h» 8 r » a « i t e .


Aldemun Martin Submits His Ideas on Form of Govern­

ment for Thl Gty.



Only three momb»T» of the rom-tnfsfllon In churge of the work of prepar­ing a proposed new t’h«rf«T for tlitj city of Newark nppeunfd a t the Mjyor'w oftli’e this morning In reuponse to a cull for n meeting, so nothing wuh done. It \» nble th a t the cotnmlKslon ina, drctde to defer holding sessions nntU after th r va­cation season hua ended iind to have the membera take time to digest the SHvenil plans th a t have been and nre b*'ing sub­m itted as embodying tho views of the commissioners on the form of governmenr th e city should have under the projaclei

___plan with Beeretary \ \ ’llsoji J, Vanci,', ami the la tte r had copies mad** of Um' pap^T for distribution aniutig ihi? comiriiHsiori- «rH, Mr. Marlin nm1 t'l^y t'lerk Janiv;i F. Connelly entered into a form of p;m - liershlp in framing a plan for a jh-w

. charter, and as a result of their collah*I uratlon, although each submitted hla own I paper, their Ideas as presented to the I commlaslon agree on miiny of the Im­portan t eseentlal features of tlie proposed government.

Mr. M artin proposes to divide the gov­ernm ent Into executive and legislative branches, with the administrative func­tions in charge of a board of estim ate and finance, other advisory boards and the heads of depuriments. He proposes

I th a t the Mayor shall constitute the ex- ^ecutlve branch, and the Icglolallve de­partm ent shall coiifilst of the Board of Aldermen, with power to pass ordlnancfE, including such ns are now passed by the Board of Works and Board of H ealth. He would make this b-iard con­sist of seventeen members, liirludlng a president elected a t large and one mem­ber elected from each of sixteen war-ls. The ordinance power of the ild .‘"ien he would make subject lo th-j veto power of the Mayor.

The elective offleora of the city by Mr, M artin’s plan would Include the Muym-. president of the council and the efiniptrol ler, elected at large, for terms of two years, and one alderman from each ward,

. also elected for two years. If the lernis , of these ofllclals should be made four

years, Mr. Martin suggeals the adoption o f the ''recall'' system, w'hIHi Is In vogue in Los Angeles. Under this synt'^m twenty-five per cent, of the voters may. by petition, cause a new election to be held for any elective office at any llioc during the term of an incumbent elected for a fixed term.

A p p o in t m e n t s b y M a y o r ,The Murtln plan proposes th a t the May­

o r shall appoint all heads of departRicniH. aubject to removal a t his pleasure, and

, th a t all subordinates shall be under civil service regulation. He proposes th a t the

' ta x board shall be appointed by the Mayor • and shall consist of five members, with

practically liie same functluns as a t present.

The plan provides for the appointment of an excise commission, to have charge of th e g ranting of licenses, and of a health commissioner to lake the place of the present Board of Health. It provldea th a t the board of estim ate and finiihce ahull consist of the Mayor, compiroller and president of the council, nnd this body

j shall have charge of the finances of the city and shall recommend m atters re la t­ing thereto to the council if It favors them , nr pfoteat against their adoption If Opposed. This board Rhall also prepare th e ta x ordinance and exercise an ad­visory function In m atters relating to bond Issues. The auditor of accounts la suggested as the secretary, but not a member of this board,

Mr. M aiilu would give tbn Mayor power to appoint a corporation counsel and leave the la tter to select his own ae- slatanlB, who should not be subject to civil service regulations. The assessm ent commission would not be changed by the M artin plan and the commissioners of civil service would be appointed by the Mayor and serve during good behavlor.

The Mayor would have the appointm ent o f the following department heads; Com- missloper of charities and correction, who would bo In charge of the City Home and almshouse; commissioners of police, fire, streets, street cleaning and lighting, sew­ers and drainage and buildings, Ht: would also hav'e the appointment of a chief en­gineer, city treasurer, city collector, audi­tor of accounts and city expert.

The public adverilslng and prlnllng Ehould, In Mr. M artin's opinion, he plucrd in one departm ent, under one official. The m ost Im portant fundamental principles th a t should be studied In connection with

I the proposed new charter, Mr. M arlin submits, are those of civil service, direct nominations for public office, the separa­tion of municipal from other elections nnd the application of the Initiative and ref-

> oiondum.

SUMMER SCHOOL ENROLMENTC o m p lla tlo B M ade b y g o p e r ln ie Q -

d e n t P o la n d fihotvs a T o ta l o f T,030 P u p ils .

Dr. Addlsdh B. Poland, city superin­tendent of schools, completed to-day the compilation of the flgui^es showing the enrollment a t the nineteen suummer schools. The total enrolment In grade and kindergarten classes w as 7,936, an increase of $90, or twelve and a half per cent, over the enrolment of last year.

Two new schools were added to th e list th is year and the enrolment In each was large. In Belmont avenue It w’as 430 and in Sussex avenue It was 404. Morton Street had the highest figures, 730 pupils enrolling. This -was a decrease of fifty- eight as compared with lust year, but m any were taken out of Morton Street by adding Belmont A\v>nue. Although the same RChool was used to rclie\'e E ighteenth Avenue, >the enrolment a t the la u e r actuolly Increased a few. The greatest percentage 0* Increase w as a t the Borgfen Street nnd Franklin schoolsi while those with the smallest attendance are South, Bruce and Wnrron Streets, all under 200.

/tprafil jyfjfjiflhA K) fAji Ki’KMXO .Y/-;W'fi.NKW HHUN8^^TCK. July ib.-W hIU

PayuMster \V, U. Shenster, of the Kxcel- alor Term L'uitii Company, with Albert Wooclann, a clerk In ttje rmploy of the same comp:»n\', Wf're on their way to the ]>hint «t Rocky Hill yes^lerday. iliey held up hy two masked men, a t the poinlH of rev'iilvcrH. The piiym asirr did not Have I he money of the employes with him, however, and the highwaymen got noth­ing. I

Shensler nnd WfK>ds»on were drlvlrK j along ihrougli a wooded thoroughfare,

near the MliUteme Creek, when the masked men jumped out of the husht'S and halted them.

"Hjihd over the cash box uuick,*' huld one of the men,

HhniHtcr explained that he ihd nid liavs the cash iKix with htni, but iliu rDitoHrs searched the rig to mukn sure that li umr nut lliert*. The piuitHl of Eipproavlilng velilcles. howev<T, frlghlcnpd the Uioii. who run iniu the woods. The payni.istnf notified the police ursd llie eomptiri.s :int| tlie latter Immedlnii-ly sent o»it pi'iv:i4\3 delectlves on the tia ll of Hie robbets


BBIILA nnOTHBR^l HOME.M a r ita W a n O ld e s t M an A b o n r d

O v e r d n e S t e a iu s l i lp B a t a v ia .M orlti and E llas Berla, who were pas-

i sengers on the steamship Batavia, which ' reached New York yest'^rday, some days

overdue, arrived a t their homes In this ‘ c ity last night. The cause of the ves-

ael'n delay was the Incompetency of a ] hastily mBde’'Up complement of stokers to i tak e the places of strikers from the regu- . Inr (orce.J On one occasion a diink-rraxed atoker> ; M orlts Berla said lo-day. attacked a n ­

other stoker wUh a ihovet. infilcting se­vere Injuries. The miscreant was pu t in Irons. Mr. Berla was the oldest man on

\ board, and Is k veteran traveler. H e Is In his seventy-ninth year and this w as his n in th trip to Europe. H e and his bro ther visited (^ rm an y and Holland.


The robbery of n . a from the oath dm w er In the poolroom of Charlee Grand, a t $11 Orange etreei. wee reported to the pottee o t the Fifth pracloct thie m om ins. ' '

The Btorehouee ot D; H. Johneoti A Co., • t 1£$ U ulbeny etreet. waa reported .o tlu. police aa havllif been entered daring the nhfht and a)lt baakete and tw o l a t e r e , ^ajued to all a t M.ID, taken.

A pair of etrlped troneere with a t4 f h ^ a« iwanty-flve centa In tba ohan ia poehet, to tha loaa of F rank 8e|alt«, ot I t Bhtpman n re e t, which he reqported to Captain Car* roll, of tha local detective inirdau, a i liBvlnk bean atolen from him wime time re a te rd a r ..

Thomaa Sobertaon,' colored, fo rtr-tw o y e a n old. Of IIY 3oyden etreet, waa hold for the c rand Jary by Ju d ra H err, In the Second Prbclnct CoBrt t)Ue momlnx, on a o h a r te of aaeault and battery, preferred h r Thomaa McCabe, of Ml Sheflleld atreol. T he ta tte r alleged th a t Roberteon atn iek him with hie flat In the face Sunday- Robeitaon went to jail becaiia^ he eouid S o t fum U h aeeurtty.

H.i l l e p o r t IIhh I t o f R Ieb n rOT lio m a a , o f I 'a t r r a o n , W h o W e n t

A n -a y J a n e Hit.... r - ,

PATKHSON. July lO.^Ocsnlpfl licrr nr* tclhng II .Htory ihiil Rb’he^rd Tlirimu**, a Muff fxperi, who rewJilcs fit 4k3 Kusi Thli- ly-riflb Ktrvpl, luiH tlescrleii ItIh wif«-. in wlium lie iiiul bet-n m anlnd Ht'vi-m.eii yi*iirs, und liaU w ritten her u UTiot a.sk- Ing her to sell his business and send him tiulf the proceeds. Me la said to have soot the missive from Albany, N. Y., and re­port has It that he Is living tliere with a Paterson woman whose acquaintance he made about a month ago.

Thomas was ft Sunday-school tencher In the Market S trest Methodist Kj Isco- pnl Church for five years ami was re­garded as a model by th«? members of the congregation. He hrid r fltiurl.'^hSng buslncas and his home was one of the most allrrtctlvp In the Euf?t SlJi- Hfcilon of the city, He left hiH homo June -lO.

After walling ii week or two and re­ceiving no word from her huahund, Mrs. Thomaa closed i:p the Uuslness and went to live with her parents at :;iij uak street.

In his lElhT Tlionuis Is paid lo have written that he liiid "mi’l his affinity" an j he asked for forglvi*Tip.‘s,


A n n u a l <intht*rH in n f C h u rc h M ocirly Oi»i*n» a t N eatllv

i v l t h M n s lc s l U v r n i .8FTATTLI3, Wash.. July 10. With hun­

dreds of delcguies alreaily lu the • Uy, and i w ith more due to-da>. the Iw-s.iy-thlrd ‘ Htimifil International c<mveniit»n of me Christian Endeavor beg«in here yj^terdny. Delegates frtim every In tlic Unionand from many foreigii roiinlrlcfi arc in ui-endance. The city Is dfrnraied m honor of the convention, thouHBudM of American flagM and hundred* of atfcn inni wtilto stream ers fluttering to tlu- hrecite,

The convention was ushered In lam night w ith the presentation »if llandeVs “Mes­siah.'' Eight ihuuesnd peejile pR. kcal the immense lent, erected fm- tin* I'onvejulon, lo listen to ihe rendition of the fumous oratorio.

I la d ly I n ju r e d M U k n iu n .4%’r r ln l lu r - r i b l e D e a t h W h e n E r ie T r a in

K11le<l H U I lu r iie ,

I hl8 biick mill h is lim bs parity parnlyai d.[ Ji^lm r.ixlon. a milk dealer from Ru ii- j litlil, suva-u hmiBflf fri'Mi being gruund to |d«sjlh under the wiirels uf un ICrie 'ruin i All ,i I’PiHping near Atheiilu lute last iiighi,

by fliiiBhig to the luu-omotlve cowctkl' inr, al'U-i Ihd wugun hud been smuKhed to Splinters and the burse killed. He wua carried nearly one hundred yards afier thu cullLslon before the train could be stopped.

When passengers hnd assisted In oarry- iDg the Buffering man Into the baggage car. Phixton said a boy had been his companion In the wagon. The truln was held ten minutes, until a search of adja­cent shrubbery could be made for the lud, but no trace of him could be found.

The accident occurred at a crosBlag un- rn>iiTti'id by either gates or flagnn.ii. Tin.* Erie truln left Newark at 10:51 u’clncU kihil reaclu'd Uie orosKing ahoiil H j.'j o'clock. Despite bla Injuries, I'lixton never lost oonaclousness. He was luir- ried tn St. ,loBeph's Hospital here, where hia condition Is pronounced critical.

B uck to l*r<*Renl Sblp t a u a lProJcK'l to H oard of

W'i>rk*eIn order ttiut the ciiy may aid the g'»v-

eriimvnt in iiuy plans for the Jjiiprove- ment of the memhJws, with a vie wtif building II ship canal. CHii)mi.«i<«U)n'T P’ruhk J. Rock will present ihe iiiauor lo the Board of Work? at Its meeting to­morrow Hftemoon. It la Mr, Rock’s In­tention lo request the bAjLinl lo ufft*r the services of ihe city engineering ilepon- meiU In preparing plans for Uk* meadow reclamation and canal bnUdliig work In eonjuncttoii wlih the government en­gineers. This Is to be done upt>n the sug­gestion of Dr. Elwood Mead, chief of the bureau of Irrlgalten and drainage of HiO Depiirimcnl of AgrlcuUure, who had a conference with Mr, Bock on the meadow propooitlon Monday.

Although Dr. Mead will report his iii- veatlgfttlona to the Secretory of Agricul­ture, with a recommeiidnilon that the government take up the proposition, he thoughu It best for Mr. Bock to have the city make a reque.st to aid In the work, so that Newark officials and the govern­ment engineers could work together.

Mr. Bof'k said lo-day he had no doubt of the Buccefts of the plan, and believi-d the commissioners were entirely' in hai- mnny with the schejne. so that h(s aurf- gCBiions wi.U'd be Rcied upon favciabty.

MRS. BRADLET TO HOSPITAL.M la y e r o f F o x in e r I ii lt e t l M lntes g en *

• i l o r 11 li«'iti(»ve<l f r o m ]WaaliliiKt^i'U Jnll. I

WASHINOTON. UL - JuKli-'e IW right, of the Suprenn.’ r.m rl of the y

J^unovafTroni tlie dEHtrirt jirii tf>“n laiKi-i-7 iHl of Mrs. Annie M. Hi ridky^ o! t-ilt Lake City, who has bi . n muit Ibmu d ! since last December on ilie chiug** of ( m urdering forim-r l'iiit«d Siau-:# SviiMb-t j Ar th u r Brown, a t a hoii-l in thiH clt>. j

Mr*. Bradley has ht'Cli In ..... . heiilHifor aome time, and lao' physlrUins h.p-i- derided th a t a surgical ojiei«Uoii is r-u.-- essary. I t la not known how Igiig ti iini ■ will ba required to Hiiin-.'inuiy letilnre hti" health to permit her Tedirn to the juh.

The tria l wllj take pluee n*-xt October.

Men’s Wear in the July SaleReductions—Big Ones—for the Fellows Who Have to Pay for W hat the Ladies Buy,

Hen’s Negligee S h irts—E x tra fin e m a d ra s s h i r ts in n e a t f ig u re s a n d s t r ip e s : F re n c h face d s le e v e s : s e p a r a te c u f f s w i th e a c h s h i r t : 69c


E x c l* « B o a r d G r a n t* A p p I tr o H o n M ad e b y In n a c E . A p g H r—Vo

O b je c t ln a Mndf*.TheExcifte Board this afternoon granted

the application of lanac E. .Apgar for a license for a saloon a t 70 Orange .‘»trecl, which was formerly run by p]dward H. Sprague as the Hotel Bijou. Two weeks ago the board turnt’d dowm Sprague's application for a renewal because the place had come under the ban through raids conducted by the HherlfTn officers. No objection was made to issuing a li­cense to Apgar.

An HppMoation made hy Schuster & Oelim for permission to open u smloon :it 114 W right street wn.<i wlthdrsiwm becnu.^is nelghbora objected to the proximity rf the place to the Miller Street School. A license was Issued to Loula Wellisenliurr for a saloon at 79 Broome street. lUirqn; the last fiscal year the board has issued &G9 retail and granted Jfi7 single Iranafcra and forty-four double transferp.

HRS. L. C. RUCKELSHAUS DIESMrs. Lisette C. RuckPlshflus. widow of

John RucKelPhaiw. who wa.s the founder of the furniture firm of this city that bears his name, died in her home, 168 Falrmount avenue, at I o'clock to-day from heart disease. H er husband expired two years ago.

Mrf, Ruckelfthaus. who was seventy- eight years old, was bom tn Germany, near Hanover, and same to this country with her parents when she waa fourteen years old. They settled in this city.

Mr. and Mrs. Huckelhaua celebrated their golden anniversary In 1903. She Is survived by three sons, five daughters and Boventeen grandchildren.

Arrangoroenta for the funeral have not been completed. Rev. H enry W. Seibert, pastor of the F irst Oermnn Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Ruckolahaua was a charter member, will officiate, and In­terment wilf bo In Palrm o'jnt Cemetery,

Mil* B ea a lfi K e n t ,Miss Bessie Kent, aged nineteen yenrs,

eldest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Kent, died at her home In, Livingston yesterday. She was operated upon for appendicitis Sunday night. MIhs Kent WHS a tnember of the Llvlngslon High School Alumni, having graduated In the class of 1905. She was also a memher of the Baptist church and Sunday-school, The funeral will ba held from her late home Friday afternoon a t 8 o'clock.

Mrse J a n e H an ley ,Mrs. Jane Hanley, wife of Thomaa Haa-

ley, of 210 Cleveland avenue, Harrlsbn, died to-day a t her home after a long 111- nees. She was about fifty-five years old and had been a resident of Harrison thirty years. She was a member of the Sacred H eart Society of the Church of the Holy CroBB, from where her funeral will be held Saturday morning. A husband, one son and two daughters survive b&r.


T h e K r o n p r in x H ’l l h e lm IIKn F lo n t - liijiT >la»H In A llu iit l* ' a G lR iw lriie

l l l o iv , IVo I>HiiJHKi' H r n n li i iju .KRVV YORK, July 10.-T he NoMli Ger­

man Lloyd fitiMitiier Iiiroiiprinx Wilhelm, which arrived lif’ir lu-diiy with Unron Speck YOU yiernhurg, German Arnltfiissador to the L!nlled SiuN'fl. on board, «*ullidfd with an leeVjprK MfiO'biy murninK, four daj'R out frwm lirfmen. The ship was running a t reducul .Hix-L-d at the Thne and strvirk ibe hiug a gluiirlng blow, .ro uo dam agf repuUfd.

The :ici'iil-*nl uc-rnried at tlig 'r and Out few papHvtjgeiB were oven uv.’i r j of lisoccumuK’**,

T o H e a r ( 'o n lo v i i I p p e a l .BEA GIRT. July lO.-The Ronrd of

Pardiins will m<‘et heti* ii wppk frum to­day Eiiid ilispost i»f the L'-r> apidii'aljtins for clememy wliicli have been rrunle to U. The examining eommiUec. of whlcli Judge Vroom IH rUiftirmiin. has omphsted u.s Work. Among thoHe who are seeking clemency Is J, Frank Cll|•do^■a. the un* froi ked South River dominlt. whose elope- rmnl with Julia Rowne caused a aemianon nlioul iwo yon'ra Cordova waa sen­tenced Tlit five year^i.

rO V R BH ANt II.A lenenieni-liouFf' owned hy the estaie

of the hiK? William b. Alexander, of this cliy. nnd tjceupied by Uluirles OliHgaii, locatc-d III OukhuiBi. was burned to Hii* giouiul yestenhiy. Mr. O’llag.in, who lx a poor tnan. wHh ft large Tamily, lost uU of his furnllure. E\ en the rloihtiij? on tha line was burned. The fire origiiiuied in the i hlmnny.

I>r. J. W, IJcnnetl, Daniel Kilwards, William C. Keller. WlllliUn H. Tdpiiincntt, William Jl V’atw k’k and Geurge K. Fu- lami have been appohued rllreidors of tne 'hirflilil Monument AsSHochitlun. Die us- HLfL'iailnii will (he • !y for futiij.ilo en-' I, Jl memnrlnl to (ho mariyred Frpai<Jem. If pnsiuit iihuiK arc caiTied .ml. Miist W 'lishlpfij1 Grand Masti i Aus- irn Hall NfrGregor, of Newark, will he asked to lay (lie ronior-sionc on Seji- tenibor h'.

F<mr candidates were adtnUlf?'d lo mem- bershtp at ilie meeting of l.mig Rrancii CoiiTU’ll No. Ktilglus of Columhus, at il.s meeting last night.

Daniel R. Clark Ims been elected noble grand of Arlorh Loilge No. 77, I. O 0 F , live oldest se.-rei Hoejrly la Lang Hranch.

Dlftirict Grand Chief J. Frank Cniib will In.sL.ail the olflcers of Tnkrtlon Cusile No. 72. K. G. E,. in Odd Fellows' Hall tu- nlght,

s k a i i h h h i t .Thft funeral of H. H. Tliomas, proprietor

of Thomas's Inn. who died Tuesday, will be held to-morrow at St. Gfurgp's Chapel. Humson. Mr. Thomas waK a caterer. He was seventy years old and was horn in CuriHda, He waa steward of the Capitol Club, W ashington, a t one lime and waa known by nearly wh the war generals, I’Toni Lakewood he enmu to Seuhright. where, for many years, ite conducted Humson Inn.

Tlie Highlands road Ih to be repaired through tivp cfforlH of the new Board of Trade of the HiglilnndB. The Borough Council has decided to put tlie Improve­ment llitovigh at onea.

KING REACHES DUBLIN.B rlllflh A rrive nt I r ish F o r i , j

Tliou*niidi* Delns; on lluiiil cn W it- n r * * R u y n l B lii(*tnl»nrLrifIon.

KINGSTOWN. tItEi>ANM». July in. Th.- Hoyal yacht VUdorla nnd Albert, wui\ King Eilword and (Jueen Ah-xaiuiro tu board, anchored In Ihe harhoi’ hern l>id »rv daylight. The yacht was eacLirleil liy Mu' crulflcra Black Prince and Antrim royal aalule wa* fired a t eight u’cUm k jn Die morning.

1’he weather waa fine, the town was ciimpletely bedecked with fisgs and trl- iimphnl arrhcB. all the vi'h.hcIs wen* dn-ss- cil fr«)m stem to stern wltli hunilng 010! from the eiirllesl lioura tliouHaruls nif lu-.i- I'h- poured into Klngiilnwji fuun tin- ' ir> In order (0 wlineps the binding of IhrlT mujefitles.


T o A c t o n T m a to c a ' R c lK n a t l n n a .Gteorge Bond, clerk of the session ot

the Knox Presbyterian Church, Kearny, hae poated notlcee caUIng for a meeilnK ot the congregation Xhuraday night, July IS, when the resignations or AlfredHutcheon, John Davidson. Sr., Richard Hill and Harry rjhapman. ot “ ot trustees, will be acted upon.

OarFlgnte-Bsiatlcai^der,Mist Soptato B. Bautteander, o f 41! Mor­

ris avenue, wa* married to Horace T. Garrlgiis Jr., of IS Baldwin street, at the parsonage ot the South Baptist Church,;! 36 Wslnut street, this morning. Bev, W, F. Fennell ofBclated. The coume were un­accompanied by any relatives or friends, and at noon started for W a eh ln ^ a to spend their hon^moon.________________


W -


tliiBk of m mo0Ay th it ri ikv** ttkirp, ihoot* Ing Mint la lay part uf th* b4>dy in from on« to taro* boun and effect* a perfect cur* la a f«w dtyis

K purlfl** ihr blood- It neutralim fb* acid and tak«i all inflavuaaih>n «nd away,ilav* you 4 laat^ nr acfihii back, lumbago or •elatleat , ,

Hjit* you (tr a«oll«fl foinli. no raauar 1 hmr ^ ro ab ? Ask yottr dfugflat far Munyoa’* fix Rbcuiaatlaia Cur* and aoa boir <|uiokly gou win ba cared.

If TOO havo anar kidnay or bladder troqbl* t*t ^ptcSl Kidaer Car*. lU M r b m If


Sllghtlr used WISSNER HANOS, loweet pidcee ever known. In tt^so pianos you. have some of the highest

, examples o f ths piano maker's lui.; some are ooneert, studio and artitl used: others have been exchanged for the Wlssner Mayer Plano by thoee who wished an Instirunent that eon bs played both by hauMl or the Wlssner Music Roll; others are returned ren­tals, and we font strictly new planus only. Many of them ars almoal new, and are priced for below their actual

, worth, r;Manafantarer, Wbalesale aad

Retail WaranHuns,

6036niadSt.u lo o k fo r th e N a n e W UgRBR.

F n r i i i f r Afinininiit l i l l l r l'riii:*1lHc lii- iippotur ExiitrpK in Niutt* Hon*

p lln l a t T reu lu ti.TliENTON, July UL-Gpnrriil John C.

OwfiiH, former city clerk uf Ihls rliy. aii<i up till A few yuuiH ago nni- nf the* prominent mlhij'ry men in the Stale, died biiit night in the State HoHpKal. when.' he hiJH been for lh<? puHl three years, lie was fnrmerly nn asslstani Inssit'ctnr ni rifle pracllKp, retired with ihc rank of lirevei brlgadbr-Rener ill. He Iwivca A widow ami a datiglUcr iii Elmwoud, MaBi*.

FRANCOIS COPPEE DYING.PARIS, July Jfl.—PraiirniH Gopp'c. i he

noted poet ami onilnr, Is tu'lu‘\ud Ili h.» dying from a rancer of the tongue. ’J'Ik* one chance to aas'e hi* life is in •■nt oi;| tlie dl.^enHUd organ. Hnpppi’ reiuseil iii first lo consider the openiilon, deuiiiilng he preferrM death AMer suffurlng if-r- rlbJy for four uiKhia, he enuHent 'd n> un­dergo U. Excestiivs.* amoklng eauaed, Mh cjincer.

JcMtepli W harlnn Mirlekrn In EUDHiftnd.rH lLA D ELPH lA . July in. Woi.i wti.

rtijeived Jiere tn-ihiy Fnivlng Mint JoHcp.i W liarion. wlio was iiUiiekeil t>\- lllni'*!?. m Loutlon yesterdny, Ih reniinK uiiletl.w ii-. Is said to be lliitiiierK'd Ity AJi,W ljnrton Is more Ihjui eighly years He left here Iasi month. Fur itiiiiiy .sear,--: he has been niie of Ihe Joiuiiuft Iron i-api- laliata of the country,

AgaliiNf V irg in ia KhH i tn i r Karr.RICHMOND, \ ’a.. Jtilv F. ^ Juflge

Pritchard, of Dip Fnllrd Sin Ins Clrcull Couii of Appeals. In an opiniuii liaiideij down ln-rla>-. rontlnued llie ruatralnlrijf order prevenUng the uniform iwu-ceru piiHsengi-r liitp us adopted by tiu SiaiL- l.'orparalioti Gommlrtfllon from griing lait/ eftect, ----- —

K in g lUdT^nril'N l)nr1<»r In Uf*nd.LONDON, July 10.—Sir WlUlani Henry

Bruudborii. physlcian-ln-ordltiary i.n King Edward and the PritKT of Wales, and [ w1k> for a long time attended thu late Queen Vlrtovi.u and olheis of i)in r^yal family, died lo-day. Jle wap born in 1835



valise f 1.00, sym pathetic p rice .* IHic ciftJT .cu rtniufaa,'w ith c u ffs a t ta c h e d ; r e g u la r f l .S O , a t . .

Men’s Shirts—M ade o f A n d e r s o n 's S c o tc h m a d ra s , in lig h t a n d d a r k e f f e c ts ; v e ry n e a t in d e e d ; reg. $2, consolation price .

Hen’s Sample Half Hose—L ord & T a y ­lo r 's s a m p le s in a s s o r te d s t y le s a n d all s iz e s ; a b ig lo t o f p e r fe c t b e a u t ie s ; v a lu e s 3 S c ., S O c . t o

;,Mco. 19c, 29c & 39cMen’s Sum m er Pajam as—O f fin e lig h t

w e ig h t , in l ig h t s t r ip e s ; a lso of c h e c k e d n a in ­so o k a n d w h i te m a d ra s ; re g u la r $ 1 .2 5 , Q C - solicitudinous p r ic e ..............................S /w C

Silk Specials C h i ld r e n ’s Guimpes Stamped LinensChecks, W ashable Silks 20 :nclip.s

wide, rt">eJ.i and while, bkie anJ while, Hnck and wlilte, pirtk and white: also blfijl.; rffjulnr

Stripe W ashable Silk ?fi iiuh?s wiJi*. liiR and while, pmk and while, lavrnJer ntld wlilte, mal.'i and svlitle, re- seihi ,'ind wliito, I’lue and wliiio, gray and while; .also black; reKuiar

At Twenty-five Cents.Colored Hubutui inches wide,

all Mlk; h ;l t I lue. lacrnJi'r, navy, ^ray, garnet, pink, In .small, nn'.lmm anJ iarpe (lesji;iis. nn wliile KtuiinJs, regularly 7.Sc.,at............

t.hikiren’s Guimpes of fine u'liite lawn, sii.spender model, variously tucked and trimmed with insertion of dainty embroid­ery, neck and sleeves edged w'lth hemstitched ruffle, sizes 4 to 14 years of age, in this sale at


Centres, i s in., large assurtmeni, 2 tc .Centres, ZZ in,, large assi>r(ment,34t.Shirt Waists, line lawn, regular f t . 00,

at 7dc.Shirt Waists, linen .regular fz. 25,1.98.Hats, lawn, 19c.Yoke* for Night Dresses on long cloth,

regular 45c., at 34c.Corset Covers on long cloth, regular

50c., at 39c.Corset Covers on long cloth, regular

59c., at 48c,Stock Collars, targe assortment, 9c.Belts, regular 15c., a t 11c,Inlants' Yokes and Bibs, lawn, 7c.Inlanis' Yokes and Bibs, linen, IZc.

In the Basement—Refrigerators—Hammocks.Tn close out the balance of our stock of .Jewett Refrigerators we will offer them at extra special

prices durint; this sale.No Ppfri^er.ilnr, u-t* .‘rip.tcftv 90 lbs. ,char-

cnillilloJ, hardwiMjJ, lef;- K to d<ise outNo. -IJd Hefrigerator, la* :jpnfity 70 )bs.^ removabifr i:e

clKAmler and built e \lra ut'.iw , vliarcoal filled, ffg. price 51^* to close :it...............................

Nt). ■!.!.? PefriKPrabir. iCf' c.Tpncity lb>. , chapiber. pxiru Iumv\ . jhar.;r):d l ik'd, reg. prKe ;f20. sO, lo close uut nt.............................................

Nn. 42h MehifierAbT, JCf :.ip.icity n S lbs,Oliaiiil er, o-xira luuiw. .harciu'il filled, reg. prkf^.jl, to clo.se 'iLit.............................. ...................... .

No. 1-Jii "LobraJor," the relrli'.erotor with the Icecliamher in the centre, imlcing it the nvist ecanamicnl b’e box Iti the world. clKfCunI filled, ice c.ip.uUy 70 lbs,, re^.price Jdb.hU, to clusc out.......................................

N«. 1 17 “ Labrador, ’ ' ice aipadty >1.1 Ib5.»reg. yiice fJO, lo close out..........................

No. n22 Jewett's^gl.'iss lined, ice cap.icity70 lbs., re;;. .....................

No. b2d .lewelt's gia-ss line), Ice capacity 90 lbs., reg. to dose out.................

11.98retnovablp ice

14.98remuv.iMe (ce

16.98removable ice

19.95le Ice cli.iml’er > to* Iti the

18.9822.98 26a50 28.50

No, ijZS .lewetl's glass lined, Ice capacity 36.98On all other refrigerators not advertised a liberal discount

will be allowed.

Hammocks a t Close O ut Prices"palm er” make of Hammocks, fast colors, close weave,

wood spreaders and pillows.9Hc. Baby Hammocks, high sides, safe...................................7 9 cJl.OO regular Hammocks, with pillow and valance...............89c:fl.49 regular Hammocks,'with pillow and valance............|1 . I 0j ! ,o5 regular Hammocks, wUh pillow and valance........ $1.89$ ’ .25 regular Hammocks, with pillow and valance........ $1.89$i.9k regular Hammocks, with pillow and valance........ $2 ,89$.i,49 regular Hammocks, with pilluw and valance........ t2 .8 9$J.75 regular Hammocks, with-plllow and valance............. $3.19$4,50 regular Hammocks, with pillow and valance........ $3 .79$4.9R regular Hammocks, with pillow and valance...........34 .28

Hammock Ropes, e> feet long, best Manilla, each 8c,



W K ST FIK I.n.The exciirnion from yesterday

waa largely patronized, mumhers from all of the Sunday-achooia golnif. About bIx honored went.

Road Overaeer Wlntera. of Westfield, WUH busy yesterday clearing" up tlU’ storm dijniag'e of the nisfht before. Shade treea enlTeri'd severely from the wind jiiid in several places telephune poles were blown down.


Our Salesmen W an t Saturday Afternoon

Off— Help the Cause by Shopping

Friday Nights.

Our Salesm en W an t S atu rday Afternoon

Off-—Help th e Cause by Shopping

Friday Nights.

St. Jam es's Branch No. 165. L. C, H. A., will hold A special meeting to-morrow «^ght to Instruct Us dcleguu to the na- tlniinl convention.

Vire-Chanoelior Emery made an order to-flny, contmulnp until next Tuesday run return of the order recently made dl- rocUn# the Dover, Rocknway umJ Poit Oram Gas Oompany to show cause why a receiver should not be appointed.

Vlcp-Chancellor Emery hoard further teallTTiony to-day In the proceedings insti­tuted by Edward Colby, who purchased tire assets of L. Sternberg & Co., to compel John 8. aibfloii, Hubatltuled receiver for th a t company, to bring suit agalnel cer­tain lounl banking institutions to recover fttniut t.30,000 alleged lo have been paid to them lt\ ttie seuiem ent of mortgagoR al­leged to have been given for no consider­ation. The case 'went over until July 17« when argum ent will be heard.

rs&TlHAftKErW ^A Cool P ro p o sitio n for Hot W e a th e r !

For this coming Thursday and Friday we are offerinR SPECIAL NO. II that will appeal to nil housewives. If you don't need a. growler yon need an icc pitcher or a milk pitcher or a something to boil water in. This will do the work as it is fireproof absolutely. If you need anything in the line of Furniture. Carpets, Ranges, Refrigerators or auylhiiig for the household, don't forget you save IS to 20 per cent, during our July sale and on terms to suit your convenience.

Ope? ^niday hvemlig Until 10 O’clock—Closed Saturday at I P. M. During July and August.

Donald’s Wonderful 3-Room Outfitn O K A I v U ’ feS S l ^ I S C I A t . I V O . I I .

A3=qt,(jrowler?c.Made of a composition of

fire clay and avato—holds 3 quarts—nicely glazed both inside and outside—^orna­mented with two colored bands on top and bottom of grSwIer. Positively fire­proof. Will, also keep water or milk cooler than any glass or metal pitcher made.Price.................. 7 cDonald’s Bigh Grade Extension Table.

It is seldom you One) this class of goods In an Instalment house, but Donald's Is the exception. Our handsome Buffets, China

-Closets and Extension Tables are equal In quality to any goods ■lanufactureJ In this country. This quartered oak, piano fin­ished table, with massive claw feet, sells a t Donald’s at • 3 0 , on terms of

$3 Cash and$la Week




In this offer we give you something superior to any other three- room outfit on the market, and that is quality. Other firms may ad­vertise cheaper articles and they are cheap in every sense. Ours is complete in every detail and we guarantee our goods in every way. Every­thing included for..........................................................

«• )

0.............................. ...... ' " 4 ' ---------------- ^ ' " " " " ' X « !«

N E W A R K E V E N I N G f ^ ^ W R , W E D N E S D A Y . JU T .Y 10, 1907.

3fimwAi ^ems.PiUUfed taltr, OM«t ■nn4ir> ^ A*

iriiinM REIS musaiNfi company,tl»*2 |7 MARKET STREET,


5A|Bt«pO0 Ml t)M Ntwtril, If* K rostofliM M

•moba-cUh iMUir.

VW*phsti* U M -Prirtt* Brand) E xchangt «oniiMUiia All dtjmrtnwaU,

D tllrtrad bjr newndealera and carrlera In any part of Newark and Eseex County, in all town* In Northern New Joraey and an alDOg the Jeraey Coaat a t ten cent* a w « k . *BA IL gUBBCBIPTIONS-

Tha Newark Evenlnf New*, on* month, Sfty cent*: six monthe. two dollars end flfty cents: one year, nve dollars.

Postaa* to forclsn countries added.New Tork Oltlce, 81} Brunswick Bulld-

inc, m M fth avenue. Tel, t2M Mndlson, CbieafO Office, C28. Tribune Hutldlnx. Wastatnxton Bureau, BW Colorado Bulld-

u ran te Branch Office. First National Bank Buildinc. Tel. 4TO ^ a n t e .


I Hstnbuia pLaee. I*.j iilreet, 1*Q 1 Bnsevltle s«no», 8*.

citnten STSnut. 30. IBaUIti Slllh Ilreet, 2SAOerden street. »«H- I'Vellsf. nlsee. M.

t..?. » »

BenerlDe tT»ne^ ivt. Brace I

Have the NEWARK eVSNINQ NEWS mailed to you while sway. The sddreie may be changed ae nften as dssired. Vnur dtaldr will tak* your ordsr, or you may laave It a t ths Business Office or at any of th s NEWS Branch Offices. On* mcnth, fifty oents. Six months, two dol* tars aitd fifty osnta. On* year. Sv* dol- ■art. Poataga to forolgn eountrlst added. Any ooniplaints should b* made Immedl- ataly to Ih t NEWARK EVENINO NEWS.

unlyeraatly recotnlaea. The u tter inils- nlfloanee of the Ban Francisco Incident la apparent, and yet the war ta lk con­tinues.

This has been ascribed largely, It not entirely, to the fosalp of Jlngoee and sen- satlon-BoeUnt newspnpera In America and Japan. Few, perhaps, Iroaslncd that It would persist beyond a week or so at the utmost, And yet it baa goown in volume until It is considered In some quarter* as of really serious Import. Can It be, eome thoughtful people are asking, thnl (her* are In the United States powerliil Imer- cats which have eomcthlng to gain by em­broiling us In war? la It possible tha t war talk Is being stimulated In order to turn popular aUentlon aw ay from some­thing among us ihnt ahrlnks from scru­tiny? These questions arc not Idle,

The evidences of a regular campaign to foment belligerent talk and spirit are too numerous and weighty to cicape no­tice. M's an old policy of king* to get Into war when troubles accum ulate at home. It Is conceivable, a t least, that vast and unscrupulous tru st powers of the country may he doing eomdthlng of

«,•» -U .-i.----e ■the c o u tb e 'o f J'ustice against ft. And the ominous feature In such a case la that from incidents even more Insignifi­cant than those In San Francisco war might bo evolved If Interests aiifficlrntly powerful only sklKully play upon popular passion dnd succeod In keeping thejii- solves In the background.

tions have amounted to little and their recommendatlima to leee,

The W right resolution leem s to have teeth. It proposes a legislative cbnm llii e to confer with tbA T feirden t and the At- torney-Oencral ns to ways In which New Jersey may assist the govorninent at Washington In getllnx a fte r the Coal Trust. I t Is the sort of action whim promisee more than a doien cominiii'cs of bivusLlgation. Huch a reenlutlon lueutis action, and ro t I.ilk. That niiiy be llio reason why It was not possed

•■I.KAVK IT TO V O t l l I IA M iU lt ."One of the moat perKlstcnl obsiucii'o n

an advance in prices of high class tjoinia. aside Irom high rates fur funds uii'l doubts which prevail th a t the anh-ccll ir of quotations has been rciiebi'd. Is found in the altruclivenCBS of numcruvis ISBin-s of shoi-t-tcrni corfsirallon noti-s, bUh railway and industrial, owing to ihe rela- llvely high rule of IrUri’cHl whicn the lat­ter ylilil when low prices fur the wmie are considered. For InMiance. ni.iny irivest- ors will refuse to luuk with favor lU a

..doutn.l. .,«y3r cep* rtiil'^Wfy. (fiirty even wliei) ilie iifiiit,i!iiTn

promises a net return ol finii mid ii h.ilf I per cent, or bclUir, pet'liupH ns nnirli ss


A RECORD OF IRglTfCERITV.The etunmer Beealon of (he Leglelature

.la ended, except In so far u the Benat* may meet, aod Its record le before the people. I t le a record of Inactivity and Insincerity: and whether the Republican ■enate o r the Democratic Houee le the more oaneurable la an open queellon. A more dilatory, wrangling, partisan, uee- lesi seeslon of any Legislature has never been held in tbla State. The largest op­portunities to do something In the Inter- Mts of good government and the publlo welfare have been toeeed aside as rub- Msh. The Qoverner has been insulted; the people have been elapped In the face.

The ram m er session began June It. It Nmalned In eeeelon. In *ee-saw fashion, for t h r « week*, and now the Houee has adjourned till September IT. W hat boa been done? Almost nothing. Tbs Bouse baa continued Its Inveetlgatlng •ommlttee and enlarged Its powers. The ■anate ha* appointed an Investigating eemmlttce of Its own. This sums up the la rm a tlv e political action of both housea. W hat of the leglalatlveT Ju s t four hill* Will go to the Qovernor for his approval • r disapproval, all of them of minor im­portance. One pute out of office the preaent Fieb and Game Commission and provides for a new one of tour members appointed by the Governor. The second

.« MU roqulree tha t all moneye heretofore paid to the Fish and Game Commission


abatl be paid to the State treasurer. The third I t the Hudaon County turnpike hill, and the fourth la Benator A ckerm an's blU to r a S tate parole agent for prleoners.

That'* t i l . There'* nothing else com­pleted. The S tate Board of A rbitration la not abolished. The Senate passed a Mil abollehlng thte board and sent It to the House. The House Ignored the Sen­ate'* bin and paeaed two bills of Its own; the one abolUblng the board, th e other repealing the law which oreated the hoard. Both these must yet go to the Benata,

The Houee pasted a number of amend- mente to the Hlllery potable w ater law, and especially one providing a m easure o f protection fo r N ewark's Interests, but

' It Is by tio means certa,ln th a t the bill, a s amended. Is now whdt ft ought to be,

f t and It m ust yet go to 'th e Senate. The utm ost care should' b e -. exercised in the

.* m aking of changes In the potable water act. The amendments hhoiild be such as to perfeot the law. The Senate committee

C It drafting a hill, but the eummer ses- e thm . as a whole, h a t left th e H lllery

ac t exactly ae It was passed. There has ' been nothing done In the way of effec­

tually obEngIng Iti terms. The E ast Jer- aljf W ater Company Is perfectly satisfied.

W ith the single exception noted, not one Of the Governor's suggcatlans has been •Seotively acted upon, notw ithstanding tbo g rea t flourish of trumpets w ith which th* Republicans revamped a lot of old hllle from the spring seeslon and foisted them on the calendar as bona-flde, reform m taauree. There has been no grand ju ry reform, no olvil aarvlce reform, no giving to th e poople the right to express their choloe fo r United States Senator, no sep­aration Of State and municipal elections, no eyitem of enpervlelon Inaugurated, no parm anent method of Investigation, no aatl'lobbylet leglelatlon, no public utilities aot.

T l^ rs haschoen no honest attem pt on the part of either Senate or House to enact euch leglalatlonpractically everylhlng tlierC *aa been manifest only partlian bickering, trickery, deception and insincerity. There has been no leadership, no wise cduuba], no stead- joet purpose to enact the taws which the Legiilature ihould have taken up and Keted upon carefuSly, conelderatcJy, wisely and honorably. The summer eesslon has been discreditable to both houaea and &g- ST&vatlng to the people. The need of gen­uine reform by honest, sincere legislators Ig now more apparent than ever.

W n o 1M THK M ASTERf W hote voice was It th a t was heard and

obeyed In the Houae of Assembly In the defeat of the W riih t btll for regulation of publlo utilities?

The bill voted down was, tn all eseen- tiats. Identical with that forced by Gov« ernor Hughes from a reluctant Leglala* ture, and against the combined Influence of all the corporations and machine poll* ttclans In New York. It provided for the creation of a commission, to be rlerte.d by the people, with power to make the railroads, trolley, gas, electric, telephone and telegraph companies In New Jersey obey the laws and live up to their char* ters, with power to Inquire Into franohlus condltlopi, require reports showing th* business of corporations and their stand* ing a t all times; with power to learn how accidents are caused, to regulate rates, compel good service and reduce charges found to be eaceaslve. ^

The passage of this measure In New York has been generally hailed as the greatest accomplishment to date of Gov­ernor Hughes's ndminlfitratlon. H is fight for public rights and public Interests in th is connection has made him a nepubll- can Prealdenllal possibility. It has put him In the class with Roosevelt, Folk and La Follette. as a fearless representa­tive of Ihe people, undismayed by cor­poration IhrealB and petty party fears and frailties.

Introduced in the Senate by Mr, Colby, this measure Is held up. A commlUee la appointed to draw a “better" meaeure. Fathered In the House by Asserablymun W right, the Republican members are a unit In opposing It. The main criticism made of the measure tn both housee Is the pointing out of a few omissions to properly edit the New York bill to meet local conditions; error* th a t any rnsn able to read and write could correct In half an hour.

Somet'^'’v’s voice has been potent enough In the Republican party to line up Republican Aaaemb]yn>en solidly against the measure which has the In­dorsement of a Hughes. Whose Is the voice?

Somebody's voice was potent enough In the Democratic House m ajority to make It Impotent when the bill came up for flnal passage. ,

Whose voice Is It to which the Assem­bly listened? W as It the voice gf the people?

I tUe Vi-r cent,, becauHP ilivy can liuy womis of the popular ehori-iorni ihrce-j-' ir riol*'«, paying five or alx put ccnl., ewol selling alt a pilce which nctv I'uycrji. »n ■ome insiHtK'CH, ns high am per c< ni.

On Ute face of It, Ihe rolullvc deBliiibilily of these notes over bonds le indJapuiahle. Rven the mont conservative of brinhiijg and bond bouses put the former tempi- Ingly forward on iheir bargain counters, p.nd one of the iiuire authorita tive of In- v«ii*tmenl periodlculs Ims gone out of Its way to explain that they arc exception­ally deaJrable, among other reasons, for the following;

Corporation notcn m aturing In from i^ ’o to four yeare, aro (i'‘a!nilil '■ '* ■“ ' 'oupitftiisfa who hitvi

for indlviilu^il funds Kwniting hm-’c

permanent dispojiltloti. Thewo ruHoH are In negotiable f<um: they art* ISRiieil l'>' corpiirationH of umSonbted stabniiy iiinl they Hj-e readily neci-iilcd by bankfl ;*nd other fliinnclal insulUitluns »s cohnienil. should the holder be il‘'.*ilniun of si:i pl -d4- kng them. Hanks which purrhaKc 1!ir-’ noieu ran vei'y pruHt.ihly emiiluy thini; tlicy may make them avall.ibir.', whllf lie y

j nre so held, In various ways gieaily ivi iheir artvniitnge. W lun ihc eiiilHnitJii, "i'

I Ihe market price is calviilat'^d the pifd t- L able charurler of tlic inve.'itmcni i,“ .t>- I Hured; should roolizntlnns Ihoreon ho i slrahlei they could (loubtlews be sijlil nt -i

good pnUU, As « Rourcp of revenue, from that rCRultlni? from (lie Instltutl i- '' husIncHfl, they nr<* siijH-rlnr lo any oili r form of Investment of ilio high mirn U rale which they bear.

Referring to this (luotation, Ihe NEW^ hRB been at some pains to bring the nod-

Is not stated what hi* nssessm^nf would be for the damage done lo public road* by automobile scorchers.

Thors Is no room to argue th s maUor of Injury to the wiunty roads done by fast driven automohllru. One of tl|cf!S. pii.ssJng rapidly over n stretch of Im- pr^ivfd rood, will tear up more of the Mirfiu-e of Ihe road than a doacnor twenty ordinary waguns. They ralae a diiKt th a t is bllndlOK. lUfiiastrrul. aggra- vaimg If they ran slowly they wouldn't do so, but They dn not run Blr)wly. And fhe more Oust they riil*»' the more thcr<» Is lo raise, 1( is a mnst.mily iiaTcusing milsance and a growljjg otpen-'^e.

Ii set'mH only logical th;ii thi' t'Xtraor- illnary damage to thr roiids hy automn- IjIU'S and llu* exlninrdin:iry fXp^iiise of n■I^ai^^ng ihein and of .'ibaiing the <lubt tiulsance which they caimc almuld bo horii^' by the nutomuhilc owners, imd not In- the cltlaen* and pr<irier)y owni-rs ili»‘y iTH'onvvnh'n*'* , dtstrcKH and aKgrii\'uie. Tlic ilu?«l-layiiig mnlorl.jl is nm Hin'has Would ii(> used vnhiaurlly In front of any property owm-r’s premises. The v< ry ' besf'^flr'r, .* ***fifltiircM, hut Iheac trui h*- toInraii*d if the dust Is laid and the roatlR are saved.

N i G m n a w ie l d e r sB U T QUILL-DRIVERS


H u llI’o lle e P o t I t A ll O re s C l l r r i e r k a « l H iittln x th e

.kpheroltt.The pen may he mltfhtler than the

Bword, but It fallt'tl to «how Ub siiprem ary over the night Ptiok y ,s te rjtiy afternoon when the wIeWerK of the quill In the varl- OUB offleea In the City Hall Buffered the lOBB of their aealpH nt the hand* of Ihe Kuardlnna of the city’s peaee on the din-■nond In Weeqimhic I'ark. Aftnr one hour

T w o T r o la e T a k e O x e r 1.BOO n o ¥ e a r l |r O o l ln a t o A * ,

b a r y P a r k .The second largest excursion of th*

senBon—the largest being the Forestura, July i—left thiB morning for Aabury Park. It was eunduuted under the auspices of the United Sunday-schoola of Nownrk, Including the Calvary, Fewamith Me­morial, Central and Third Presbyterian,

m .

t PROMOTTIfG W A R T A L K .Bom* months ago the school autharl-

t l f i of Ban Fratidscg ordamed th a t the lew Jap*h*ee children In the city who «tUnd*d the public schools should he MfregAted. The ordinance attracted wide comment In this country and Japan, and ^ n l o n In the United 8(atca was so con­dem natory that It waa rescinded. A IHtle la ter on some trouble occurred in a Japanese boarding-houae In the Rame otty. It was Just at the period when the ttree t car strike wae at its height and lawlessness was rampant. Mob violence Was aroused, ths boarding-house atmekwi oiu3 two Japanese were killed. These uc- onrrctictjB were both In San Francisco. Nothing of like nature has happened any­where *l«* tn the country, no t even on the Pacific Slope. The likelihood le that Bitther evont would have happened but | for th* very anatnalous situation jiow pre- walling In the W estern metropolis, Japan Ig entIUeA to the same treatm ent n'C Wvuld expeet under similar clrcuknxtances, BRd the dtspoaltlon of-the government a* W ashington t* to accord It, There la no BMlse for war In th a t

A nd yet certain newspapers from the A s ia tic to the Pacific are dtscusalnfk the ivobabtlUy of .» war with Japan. Some

. Japanese JoumalSe too. are talking about W tf with and all over Europe the some la rec^ rlng much aftenttoal^om the tiewapaper* and In. the conver* M tion of the diplomats. Ail the world knows th a t Japan, whose financial re- oocirccfl were etrataed to the breaking pMnt by the war from which she has Jo it •m e w d . oannot tblok of another eiBwIitet jtast now, especially w ith euoh a Bower o« the tjotted States. T he peace- aM o #tspoottton wblob prevallo h«rp te

T H E J I N C H O W C A R .The In terstate Commerce CommlHSlon

hns apparently set the qucBllon of the "Jim Crow" car to rest In a manner tu whjch no rcEBonable man of either race can take a valid exception. The funda­mental problem, th a t of the right lo seg­regate white and colored passenger*, has been upheld by the Supreme Court of the United Slates, so that the action of the Interstate Commission Is algnlflcant only in that It defines ihe conditions under which the segregation may occur. Thwe are laid down on a basis which effectual­ly InsistB upon the equal rights of all cltlccna under the law, and so does not the remotest Injustice to any man. In brief, the "Jim Crow" car Idea Is upheld, but It Is Insisted that the ppissenger coach In which the colored man rides shall be fully equal In ay its equipments to that which carries the white man, provided, of course, both parties pay the same fare.

However we mny regret race antipa­thies, It Is not to be denied that they ac­tually extatf They do not spring from prejudice or education. They are deeply seated In human nature, and very rarely to be eottrely eradicated. Even those who moat freely g ran t the political and civic equality of black, white, red and yel­low. And It impossible to aflmll Jn prao- (iee equality on the eoclal plane, Few, even among the m oit radical, maJntaln. fur Instance, the advisability of Intcnnar- rtiige between the races. The broadest of the blacks, the most catholic of the whites, while rccognltlng each other as men and political equals, and p-= rfectly willing to accept the teachings of the Christ who died for all, yet have in their na­tures this deeply rooted r.ice dlspoHltlon which bars a too Intim ate Hoctal relation. It la this aversion that has given birth to the "Jim Crow" ear—a device that would have been entirely acceptable to the nogro but for the fact that U was Inferior U] all Us acconimodatiOQS, and therefore manifestly unjust to him. The decision which enjoins th a t the car for the black shall be equal to the car for the white not only removes th* objection to this kind of race Begregutlon, but will render II a l­together desirable to the black man as well as ih* white, for U m ust be contin­ually born* In mind th a t race antipathy Is Just ftB strong under the black skin an It is under a skin of any other color. If the negro has Insisted upon riding In the passenger coach with the white man, It U not because of his desire to associate With the whites, but because of his aver- uicn 10 the rude diacomforta of the car allotted to him. H* was light in demand­ing equal treatm ent^h ls money's worth* The decision here considered gives him this. and. if we mistake not, will meet the last objection to the "Jlra Crow" car.

ter to the attention of several of he more conspicuous metropolitan dealers tn gilt-edged bonds, with u request for un opinion. The answer, In brief, hus tn I'U tha t from a bmad hivest ment point >f view, bonds of the higher eUiss are lo Lo preferred to short-tenn notes, nolwilh- standing the hlghrr yield of the intirr The renson for this opinion is that In two or three years, when the notes full due and are paid, the opportunity to reinvest in long-term bonda of high grade will not be as favorable as it Ih now. und that the advant.age gained by a preseni pqrchui^e of notes will be lost In the rieccsHlty for buying bonds a t an advance wlndi will htlvo taken place.

The same reply was met with ul a dozi’n bond and banking hniista, until one of (f e largest pilvatc banking cnnrrrns in tli-3 big city was cncnuntcrvil, wherv ihe .m- sw'cr was, by all means buy tho shon- term notes of good Industrial ami railway companies, thoRc which net nboijt six and a half or seven per cent, nt iircH 'iii pri'-'ia. Then it was the Bo-callcd fatal objocih'n lo preferring tiiese notes to bond.*! was flreq at the dealer, a sort of piece de re- Bislance. The ausw'er, however, was as complete and as satisfactory as could be wished. It WJ10 to leave the whole nuit- ter to the banker. W hen the notes hav“ advanced a few points on the improve­ment of conditlohs th a t Is sure to conic, bonds will be found tu ha\‘e dune the same thing, and the tmiiKor ihniiM'n whom one bouglit the notes would ih'.n sell the notes and pui iha niuiifiy inio bonds. Others who wnnt a Hlnirt-lliiiu- investment, would got tho notes while the eollcf Would secure gilt-edgv»l bonds on terms which would lenw li1ni u$ well pff relatively, ne if he had bouithl them .at th* time he inveatod in mnea. “Thus, you sec/' concluded the t»ankcr, “flume things can be done as well as oUuts."

TifK |. .tW “ IS MKIU’EH.It appears th a t a llUlc rx|>lanatlon goes

with the report which was sent out from Trenton last week to the I'rferl that the (rcrmnn Liquor DealerH' AsaoclaUnn ap­proved of the "bishops' law. ' wpre op­posed to Ms repeal or amendment and were glad to have Sunday to themselvee. The president of the asaoclatlon saya the report la Inaccurate and declarefl that the action of th a t body has hr^ti mlaunder- Blood. It is only fair, therefore, that the exai;t position of these lltiuor dealers should be known.

The law Is on th* alaiule book, sayi President RUtman. ihotcfure tho mem­bers win obey M to ihc Idler, as any good citizen should obey any law, whether good or bad, and if It prftvoa to be un- Huilcd to the m-eda or the best Ijitcreels of the people, then It should be repealed. Thai puslllun, universally taken, would ilvllnllviy .settle the license queflllon.

The attitude of the Orrnian liquor d*aal- ers of Mcicor County, with reference to Ihc ''blahops' act," aa explained by Preal- dent RUliimn, la not only right in Uaclf but Is fa r In advance of the conduct of liquor dealers In other parte of the Stale. Tlie law Is cm th* statute book. It was pul there to be obeyed. Good citizens will ohey it, whether they agree with It or not. If It proves to be contrary to the nreds and best intercala of the people. It Bhould be repealed.

This is absolutely unaflaallnble, but it la ulso absolutely uniugonlatlc to tho policy ami conduct of liquor dealers gon- orully (hrnughout the State. They have no! uboyed the laws. They have not been good cltlzcnR. They havo—with some ex- <'«‘ptlDna, ihough not very many—openly and tleflandy violated the law. They have sought rvery known method of evasion nnd deception, and they have corrupted esHse boards, police oftleora, patrolmen, (trtind and petit jurnrs, and even leglsla- lurs. to protect ihemaelves against the penalUeR which their violations of the atatuU'H have incurred.

Th* Mcrcpr German liquor dcnlrra are in a (’InHfl by thoniHclves In obeying the law becauac It Is (he law. and In w ait­ing for ilie eflccla of the enforcement and observance of the '‘bishopa' act" 10 bring about its rrpeal. U 11 la really found to be detrimental to Ih* people's needs and their best Interesto, then In­deed It ouglit to be repealed, but the lunger It stands and the m ort generully It la observed the more proof there la of Its a,dvaniagt?s to the people of all clasaes.

six mluiit*H and th iw and one-fiuarior aocondH of raai and aensullonal playing; the police CiUne nut vlcturlnus with clBllt runs to ihetr credit, while their oppononta Were six to Ihc bad. Maimgcr McGraw, who was to have h*en prcsi-nt In hcarch of talent for the New York NatSoualB, could not reach the groundH.

From tlie time that Mack, who nhot the chutes for the clerks, d fllw red the first bHil, to the gTand final* when iJonneU, Hummel and Rr-rgcr brought mntlcrH to a close with a double play, there whs not a moment when Romolhing was not hap­pening. HoatIMtIefl • were hegun in the JlrBtJn.nlng.wUen Fniner crossed tho plate ' . ur for-tta* hii^iel!iat»Xflcr‘.Liinny hnd tn-pn retired. W ith two our. Welgand liiceil gut a twodiaggcr nnd tied the score wln^n Jfornlch drove him home on a long drlvi*. The second Inning re­sulted tn two KooHc oggR and In the third Higgina and Ftouilllpr each brnught tn a nm for their rcBpocilve te.ams iirul the score wjut again tied.

From tliat point on the clerks w'cnt atalo and the copn s d a higher pace, Stocky bringing In the third scorp. It was In the third Inning that one of the featurca of the gam* occurred Roebiing. of the City Hail, mad* n pretty drive in centre field, but Schmidt, who wiia piitroUng the beat a t aecond, gave ebaa* nflcr tho ball ae If ft wore a deaperat* criminal and finally caught It. Hector, who was on third, undcraatlmated tho ahltittea of Schmidt and had started for home when the la tter with Lunny, who covered the Uiird BliUlon, doubled up and retired the aid*.

Tn the fifth and alxlh Innings the po­lice performed at the bat in a nviniier th a t would OQUBC the Allantlc toalt. up and take notice. Etitner, Hunimol and illgglns each mndo three-ha-He hits, and tn ih* seventh Hummel tried to lose the sphere In Wecquahic Lake, and a l­though he did not succoihI In thla. he made the circuit of the basp.s.

Tho bags were full an<l im-' was gone when Ueigand nf the r i ty linM stcijped to the plat* In the sevetith Inning. Like “ Mighty Casey," It was all up to ' ‘Welgk'" and lie madp good in about the Hnine manner ns did the afnremtMitlnnt^d hero. The best h* could do wn* knock a liner iruo the handa uf I'Uchor Berger, who returned It to Hummel a t the pinto, putting out Ihmilller, who was on third, and Hummel got It over to Ural In lime to retire ^S'elgand.

Chief CorblM viewed the contest from a distance, but did not have to exert him- adf routing, as his subordlnulea did not nepti It a t any time.

The following w.is th* order In which the Hliiggcrs faced the firing line:

POi.ICE,T.unity, 3b.

Clinton Avenue, South and F irs t Qcr-imm RapUst, Bt. Luke’s Metlikodlst Bpia- copHl ami St. Stephen'ii Epiacopal churches.

The train was In two aeotJons of twelve and ten cars each. Tha first took ^ peraonn, and left a t S:ao o’clock. The sec­ond aection carried about seven hundred. ;ind left a t 9 o’clock. Th* first scGtloii will leave at 7 o’clock, and the second at 9 oduck, from Asbury Park, lo-nlght.

Tho commiUe* In charge consisted of ^ D Turton, Frank Riggs. W alter Drake. Hugh tiynn, M. A. H. Hoagland. W. F. Weyerend. W. J. Fcder, W. F. King. J. •M. Utiuher. Hamuel Harrison, Frederick pnvAi LlnKecman. ^

. f f ' x ^

COURTHOUSE ATTACHES D IMMirth and gondfellowshlp m arked the

fifteenth annua) shore dinner of the em­ployes at tho courthouae, which wag held at Wheeler's Pavilion, Bergen Point, laat night. About thirty-five of the men who ar* engDRcd In work ut the county build­ing went on the trip. Under-Sherllf Charlea M. Mason delivered a felicitous speech.

The party started from th* courthouse about 4:30 In a special car and arrived at Bergen Point about 6 o'clock. There was an abundance of gxwd things to eat and when the dinner waa over there wag Im­promptu apeechmaklng. The arrange- menlfl for the outing were made by Thotnaa McLelland, clerk of the C rtm ln i Court, and Lloyd H, McKee, clerk of the Circuit Court, t


t lB s s n a l N a r k s M s c U n g o fM a r c u s L . W a r d C a n i ^ T o

H o ld O p s u f le s s tn n .Arthur W. Tench, departm ent comnmu-

der; Assistant Quarkcvmagter-Qenerul \V. J. Furse, Georg* Smith and Jamea H, Brown, all O A. R. members, were Ini­tiated Into Marcus L. W ard Camp. Bans of Veti^rans. a t headquarters. B2 Belle­ville avenue, last night. Remarks were mode by Mr. Tench, Assistant Adjutant- General William H. V an Iderstlne* Mr. Furic, Commander Traverg, of Garfield PoBt; Commander Averback, of Lincoln Post, end others.

I t la Bomowhflt unusual for members of the O, A. R, posts to Join camps of the Sons of Veterans, since, to be eligible they must he sons of men who have fought in the Civil War, and there are few who fulfill this qualification.

Efforts are being mad* by Ward Camp to Increase Its membership. Two reoruUs we^e received last night, and several ap- plrcatlons are being considered. There will b* an open meeting September "4,when, all sons of honorably discharged soldiers of t l i# Civil 'W ar will ba^adintt-t*d. P la n s for th * fu tu re w ill be d b - cuBsed and arrangeTnents m ade to en large th e m em bership .

FA R EW EU TEHDERED PASTORRev. H. 8. Rhoads, retiring pastor of

Trinity Lutheran Church, and Mra. Rhoads were tendered a farewell recep­tion by the congregation In the church parlors Uet night. E. C. Meyer, on be-* half of the members, presented a purse of gold to Mr. and Mrs. Rhoads, and a mu- licat and literary program waa presented,

The clergyman will conduct his last ser­vices In ths church next Sunday, and Monday he and hla wife will go to Cham- beraburg, Pa., to spend their vacation, before going to Johnstown. Pa., from where Mr. Rhoads recently received a call.

Enlni'r, «. s. T'.

■Mumnipl, c. Suicky, c. r. TionneH. lb. Schmidt. 2b. QiilnliisB, r. f. Higgins, 1. f.

CITY H.'\LL. Bouiillfr. Jl), W'figand. 3b. Tlomlch, e. a. Hocbllng. 1. f. ILn'tor. lb. flUSHP, c. C.IJunlcr, c. TJrlUlng, r. f..MiU-k. f).

APPROVE SCHOOL PLANS.C o n s tm o tlo n of L in c o ln S choo l to

Be P n sijed —O th er P la n s tnM pcctrd*

The SflhoollKJUHe Commltie* of the Bt-ard of Eduratlou last night apprnvpd of com* plHed plans and specifications for ilio proposed Lincoln Slrt-Pl School of twvlvo claasrooma, on Richelieu terrace. In the Viillsburgh flccUon. Luuls J. O'Rourke, architect of the school, eubmltted the drawings to the State deparlm cnt of in­struction lu»t wpck tind Superintendent Charles J. Baxter sent q Id le r to ihc commute*, suylng the plans were sau.-'i' factory

We close a t & P. M.; on Fridays a t Id P. M.; on&atuVdayi a t NOON

2 D a y s !The Sale of slightly-uscd Pianos

at ridiculously low prices will end on

Saturday at noon.

A church In Dalion, Ga., was emptied In about two minutea last Sunday, the rival m iractlon being a lynching hee. They can hear a H*rmun ony time down ihrr*. but U'b only now and then th a t a '‘nigger" la struiiy; up.

- - -e—


G E T T IN G A F T B R T H E COAL TR U ST .If the,Legislature had really meant busi-

neaa in Us suddenly acquired anxiety for the public Inleresia the Assembly would have paesed yesterday the W right reso­lution proposing 8tet* co-operation with th* federal authorities in th* attack upon the anthracite coal combine.

While the Reading Company, which-la now under fire from the government. Is not a New Jersey, oorporatlon. Us ter­minals and relations In tbje S tate give the question large local significance.

We have created b y th e present Xxegfa- la tu re a comrolsslOD to invosilgAto the high p rices , of Ice and coal, which has not y e t g iv en promise of any eotton. We h ave had comnkJtteee and commlssiona to Investigate o ther oorporatlon and monoid oly abueea. Aa a rule, their InvesUga*

P A T E N T S A N D PIH IF IT S ,It Is announced from W ashingion that

a government employe has Inventol a Bort of stamping Ink, the u.9o of which iii marking meat that hua passed th* gi^veru- ment InapecUon will save the couniry aomothlng more than t300,000 u year In Its Ink blllB. This Invention was mud* by a 11,000 a year clerk, and has been piUentc-l as a public patent, for the benefit of the country. It may be used for public pur- poaea or by anybody who deairos vHheue payipent of royaltlca.

Within the last year o r so th* Depart­ment of Agriculture, In which thla policy of patenting lnv*\jflcma for the pntjUc good prevails, hae almtiarly given to ih* public the free uee of discoveries of how feld- spflthic rock may ho converted intp cheap and valuable fertilizer and how wire fences may be eorroftJon.

In nolubl* contrast to Ihia policy of the AgTlcullural Departm ent is thn policy which a few years ago prevailed in the Navy Department, when the Bernnduu- Convern* Invention of amokelcaa powder, mad* by navy officers in tha government flcrvtce. on government property, in gov- ernment time, with government materials stid under gnvcrnmeTii orders, was per- mlticij to b* patcnied for prlvaie gain, and Ih* patents sold by th* invetilora to the Powder Trust.

To-day Iho head of ihc Powd*r Trust sits In the United Hlnlea Bervato, ind a part of Ills Income fa derived from roy«l- tlee paid by th© government up'r^n fh© Bernadou-ronverR* patents, wdillc lit© officers who sold to a private mtinoroly the secret of making the powder are bUJI In active service In the United Stales Navy.

Th* policy of giving to the publlo the advantage of government cxperlmcn's and Invsntlotia le a good one. Ita lattvr-day adoption, however, tnakea the continued payment hy the government of royalty on ainokelcBfl powder more strange In con­trast.

Poor old John Dee! W alter Travis hna rvfu.sed to shako hands with hint, and some of Ihoflo Chlraso professors are ucUially aasaing buck, when he ventures to crllidzo them.

Not having anything else lo do, perhaps It Is only natural lhat the atatesmen at The Hague should spend most uC their Unic on figuring out our approachli-g war with the Japs.

It waa decided to advertise for bids after Mr, O Houi'ke reported he be­lieved the plans would keep llie coat of th* building wiihin the appropriation.

Rough plans of the twHvc-room addi­tion to the Hflmohi Avenue School and blue print dniwing.s of tho twpL'c-roum addition to Bergen Sireet School were also examJaed.

This plan to appoint receivers for tho bad trusts Isn't exactly government own­ership, but U’e near enough to It to lead Mr. Bryan lo suspocl that he la being pla­giarized again.

The scientist who affirms th a t the black stork Is to he foimd only In Asia wlU hardly care to deny, though, that they vifllt Georgia and H aiti m ighty fre­quently.

As the Hon. Bill Devery is able and willing to put up the tnohoy, there la no reason In the world why he shouldn't got right Into the campaign next fall.

The only really definite knowledge thatSto prevent U iely j,,. (lockereller afema to liave about

Hlundard OH fa ff?n alze and lb*re g u la r i ty o f the d iv idends.

But that New York Leglalatijre must know that Goverfinr Hughes can call it together ju*t as oft*n as h© likes.

At tho same lime, It will probably be a long while before Mr. H arrlm an will butt Into another boat race.

Rtin, the thieves seem to have been con­siderate enough to leave the main por- tlnris of Dublin Casll*.

And then, too, Bob Evans will find ain- pbs sjpsc* for Ilia entire vocabulary In the Pncitlc Ocean.

A Brli.lsh,Tobacco Trust In our midst? Let us arise, fellow-patrlota, and swat It!

A rTO M O niLE DVilT.A bill waa Introduced in the Legta-

lature. providing a method of raising money to lay Ih* dust on county roads, caused by the fast running of automo­biles, The bill waa an amendment to th* preaent S tale automobile law. It Incrensva the hcenie fee from >3 to HO for motor vehicles of less than Ihlrly-horsepower; and lla for those rated at over puch power. The excess of money Is to be ex­pended in treating the roads with turvU or some other substance th a t will effec­tually lay the dust a t a rmponable ex­pense. I t was not passed and cannot come up again until 8ept*mb*r 17.

This bill is said to have the approval of ths federated Improvement aasociattone, the TBdi favor of the Board of Freehold­ers of this county, the approval of Sena­tor Colby and the support of Slate Road Commissioner Hutchinson. The latter has written th a t he would naak* the au- tomobite license fees even higher than

I the figures fixed In the measure, but It

STATE ETCUI7VOS,According to the published accounts,

Mrs. Cory did not attend the recent re ­union of the Dickinson CAinlly.

Colonel Bam is not a dead Issue yet, but ho I* trying hard to play the ’possum act, which h* can afford to do for ^,000 a year.

“I don't want to play tn your yard” U a popubif song among both Senators and AKsemblymen these warm summer days.

W hatever their other differences may be, Governor Stokea and the People's Lobby may find common ground for commis­eration In the defeat of dvU service.

I t 's the political, not the public, utility hill that Ihe party leaders a t Trenton are anxious lo push through the Legislature.

I t might be well for the S tate Board of AsBcsBora to read carefully th e returns made this year by the New York s ta te Board of Tax Commlasloners, who report an increase of tl^,&ti,733, or more than twenty-five per cent, over the flgurea last year^ in the franchise tax assessm ents of the public service 'corporations of th a t State.

slder aerioiisly the principal argum ent ad^ . . . . . . -

Justice F o rt has gone to Europe, but It is not given out that he will Join Sen­a to r Colby In Switzerland for the purpose of studying the Initiative and referendum.

N>fv J*r>i*y N<»t fo r Hale,From ih* Ne’W York Sun.

New York road* avvm la be unavallahlft for Ih* Vand*ri)lU Cup ra te for motor cars this year, and Its prom oters have turned to N*w Jcrn*y. the Slate of gofMi highways, In th* hop* lUal the contost may find .i wvlcom* th*r*. “Tak* vis Ih,” they plead. “ You have splendid roads and we Hhail spend a lot of mon*y on 1U* {Ia>‘s of the prellm inarks and of tho ilnal strug- gl*. i f a a good huslnoss pri'postilnii; turn yiiur roads Into a rare course, and you will find a profit In M.“ All that New Jersey nneda lo do lo line Ita pocket* with !lifl racers' money la to repeal or forget to enforce the statu te regulating the use of amomnhJlfa. It Is a Blmplc tdan; how dot's it appeal to tlie people of the Wtatc? Curiously enough, they seem reluctant to Ink* advantage oT this opportunity. The Dally Press of Plainfield says:

“It is not surprising that the news- pa pcTs ahout the State have risen up In arms ngalrifit th* sflicmR to make New Jersey highways a apeetl course for wealthy uutomobUUla from other States. The Frelinghuyaen law, which m**ts with the general appruvnl of the Snhubllanis of New Jeravy, Is n moat excellent nieusuro. The fact la that It never oc­curred to any one th a t there was need of a suspentilon of ita provision.^ until stm e enthuHlastic race promolera discov­ered that they might have ihelr appetite for deacllly speed contests aatiafled by pic­turing the u.movmt of money that would he spent In the State while the event ia talcing place. Buroly what Is not con- Kitlered wise In New York could not be made lb be propor Ju New Jersey, It would certainly be a serious reflection on our good name If the race were permitted lo be held here after the Empire Btate baa placed a ban on I t The whole mutter la a question of principle and not of dol­lars mid cents.”

Principle and a few hum.an lives appeal more elTecllvely Lo the Newark Evening NEWS than the prospect of taking in a little money over the counler:

“To permit them (the autainoblle racers) the use of the public highways is outrag­eous under any circunislanceB conceiva­ble, Those highways .are nowhere adapt­ed to such a piirpoHO, and thc-y can at no time be devoted to ft, no inatier under what precautions, without ilulnK vast In­jury to public properly and placing the Slvca of many people In danger. Juat one of the lives Inpt in th* VqndorbiU race Is worth a mllfionfolcl more than all th* so-called advantages lo be derived from all euch contests that have been or will be held.’'

Vain Is the monpy appeal to The Guard­ian of Paterson, which, •ll'angcly, scema lo lack any feoilng of awo when It con- sidera the personnel of the crowd that foUowH motor cur racing:

"How woukl It look now to pass a spe­cial law to permit the apeod m aniacs to Invade this State, almply because a bunch of mlilionalroa iir* willing to pay for any damage don* and raise a nurse for the surviving family of any unfortunato who may K killed during the racing or prellm- Inaiy practice?”

*'A bunch of Tnllllonalros!** One could not be more disrespectful to a hand of bannnas. The- Guardian recalls th a t the highways belong to the people, and re­m arks th a t they should not be given over to any particular clasa, to the exclusion of others, for any period of time. The Elizabeth Journal, epitomizing the ex­pressions of many new s^pera , saya:

'It is the general opinion cimong the newspapera ,of the State, commenting onthe p^tiposed race, th a t the thing for the millfonafrea to do, if they w ant th* raceto be held from year to year, la to buy a tract of land and buHd p. rncecoizree. This Is the only thing for them to do.”

But the race promoiere are philan­thropists. who want to hold their speed tria ls where they m'ny distribute their money among the public. Wliy force them to do as th* ownera of fast horses do? Of the purpose of roads, The News of Perth Amboy saya:

"New Jersey has spent hundreds of thousamls of dollars in Improvhtg the road.*) throughout the State. This was done primarily to benefit the farm er and make it easier for him to reach marketo with his truck. W hat, then. Is the excuse for turning the ronda over to a few mll- Ilonfllrea, that they may Idle aw ay a few hours of Iheir time? The highw ays of New Jereey are for public use, not for private racing.”

A most unbuslnees-like refusal to eon*vanced In favor of allowing the race—the money It would bring into the S tate—U apparent in th* newspapers o f NeW Jeir^ eey. Perhaps it Is not the argirnient beat adapt*<1 to the character of the popula* tlon. Can it be poselble th a t New J (a not for sale os a racecouxse? Can _ be another community besldos New TOric In which public nenllment favors the ex­clusion from the highways of eogl' making from fifty to ninety miles an nonti and, Ihcldontally. ruining the roadwiiyBi obstructing traffic and killing the unw uTi weak. Infantile or Infirm among the lb" hahttantaT

Alter to-day there are but two and a half days in which to take advantage of the oppor­tunity to purchase a piano at an exceptionally low price from the sale of ONE H U N D RED AND T W EN T Y fine • instruments, as already an­nounced, There are many magnificent bargains at half their actual worth.

Each piano is in first-class condition; many could not be told from new. Each is guaranteed in the same 7vay a.f if new by our written war­ranty that is good for a term of years, and our promise to EX C H A N G E IE NOT S A T IS F A C ­TO RY after extended trial.

The fact that the great majority of the in­struments now offered are practically new and were given up by their owners because of an ar­dent desire to own a Xauter Playerpiano, is evi­dence of quality. Many of the instruments now offered have been in use but a few months.

You can pay as little as $9S for a good Up­right Piano. You can have a satisfactory Grand Piano at as little as $215.

We accept as little as $ I 0 as a first payment, and your promise to pay as small an amount as $5 to $ 10 monthly. We do NOT charge in­terest.

Surely worth .your while to take advantage of this unique opportunity.

L A U T E R C O .W arcrooms: 657 and 659 Broad Street, Newark

IN ten, fifteen or tw enty years

your boy w ill be old enough to go to college. Apply now for an En- dowm entPolicyin

T b e P r u d e n t ia lYouwillbeable,by easy paym ents, to assure h is educa­tion and give him a good sta r t in the race for suc­cess.




' Vice-ChanccDor Emery Rules Against Merger of United

States and Consolidated.


Fresh Air Fund Contobutor Enables Her to Have Out­

ing in Country.



Vice-Chancellor Emery flJe<3 an opinion to-day in which ho holda tho t the pro­posed conflohdatlon of the Unlteil States L eather Company with iho Central | of women and children who are In need ,

fWith the contribution! to the freih air i

fund recorded to-day It -will be pointbla | to give relief In a number of urgent caaea ’

L eather Company, which waa iho nub- Ject of Injunction proccedingH before

.him , would Inequitably iiffect the rights of preferred atockhohlerH In rcl.iMon t'l accurnuhited dividends on their HtoL-k, ui.d th a t Hb execution uhould iherefuie be enjumed.

Two auilft were b ro i^h t \o prevent tlic ' merger* 61 the Jealh^r'coropnnh’S; bn? by

Jamea C. Colgate and others, of New York, and one by Robert A. Jolintuon nml another complainant, both of Milwuukei', all the complalnaiUa pn‘ft‘ri;e'J■tockholdent. Both billH were ilh'd about the .inine time, the one In tlic* Col- gale-BUil by PUney, Ilardwi & Skinner, as loral couneel, and In the Johnston rult >:y Chauncey G, Parker, aa local counael:

Hawkina & nelafloM, of ihu New York ■ bar. being anaoclateiJ with Pitney, Hur* din & Skinner, and Huntington, Rhine- lunder & Stewart, of New York, with

jM r, Parker.The two leather companies were repre-

Bonted by Klcharci V, LlnJaburj', Edward M. Shepard, I^ouls C. Kmulhoff and




'William II. Harkneoe. the three Latter of .. tlib New York bar.

The preferrefl stock of the United S ta tes company wan an eight per cent, cumulative etock, on which there was due a t the time of the filing of the bill 46 1-13

•■^per cent, accumulated dividends. Under the terms of the consolidation agreement there was to be exchanged for each ahaie of the preferred stock of the Unlftd

I S tates company and Its accumulation of dividends $60 In seven per cent.

* cumulative preferred stock, $80 In* five per cent, tw'enty years gold ' bonds, and $23.50 par value of common , stock. The complalnajila brought suit to* enjoin the merger on the ground tha t the ' proposed exchange would not be an eqiil- ' table one. since the United Statea com­

pany's slated surplus of $20,000,000 wus aufllclent to pay to the preferred stock­holders their 45 1-12 per cent, of past due dividends, In lieu of which they were being asked to take $23.50 In common stock, whose m arket value. : ccordlng to the latest Quotations, was even much less than that.

For the defense, It was contended that ; only about one-third of the $20,000,000 eur-* plUH represented eam inga, and so was

subject to a charge for unpaid dividends’ oh preferred stock.

V ice-C h u n ce llo r^ s O plnlo ti.The vice-chancellor, in hia opinion, says; " I t la proposed by the agreemeni to

give each holder of one share of the common stock of the United Slates Com­pany three-tenthe of a share of the com­mon stock of the new company, and of the total amount nf the common stork (about $32,000,000), the common stockhold­ers receive $1S,000;000 and the preferred Hlockholders about $14,000,000, And the unpaid dividends being expressly charg­ed upon the eam inga of the company, the.se earnings, or the property or assets representing them, or In which they have been Invested, wilt, in my Judgment, be taken over by the Consolidated company (which takes all the assets of the United Stares Company), subject to the liability or duty of the company to account for those earnings, or the property in which they have been Invested, thus taken over for the payment of the accrued dividends, and to the extent to which the earnings applicable to dividends have been un­paid. Such accounting, of course, would Tx subject to the paym ent of such debts o r obligations of the company as are, In their nature, prior to the rights of any stockholder, preferred o r other.

" If this conetruction as to the rights of the preferred atockholdera to a preference on the earnings of the company ae they existed a t the time of the conBolldatioP, for the unpaid dividends be correct, and this claim Is one in the nature of a claim for llnhlllty or duty of the company, then the preferred etockholders have, on the term ination of the business, the right to nn account for a t least so much or such proportion of the apparent surplus as rep­resents net earnings, and which is admit­ted to be one-third, and the provision In the consolidation agreem ent requiring the surrender of the shares, w ithout any res­ervation of the right to pursue the new company, renders the proposed agreement Illegal as against any person who declines to consent. *

"The option should be given to (ho pre­ferred stockholder by the agreement It­self to surrender . the shares without waiving this claim, and if any portion of the stock of the new company Is pro­posed to .be given tn the preferred stuck- holder in satisfaction of this claim tor accrued dividends, the option sliould he given to accept th is stock, or to,reserve the right to pursue the new company for the alleged liability."* A fter quoting from the proposed agree­m ent regarding the term s on which sur­render of stock is to be made, the vice- chancellor says:

C la ltu fo r D iv id e n d s ."The surrender of stock, as I lake It, Is

to be mode to the Central Leather Com­pany, and, of course, carries with It any claim for unpaid dividends. The common stock <|2£’.60) iB not expressed to be given in Heu of or as representing unpaid divl-, dends. but on the jargument It was so treated by counsel on both sides, and the falrneas of this apportionment as a busi­ness proposition was attacked by the compIftlnantB nnd supported by the de­fendants. "Rut In view of the nature of the claim to accrued dividends, the de-

..^.clalon of t ie court, in reference to the Inequitable character of the agreement, la not dvpendem on the question of fairness or advisability of the offer of $23.50 of the common stock as a b;,Jiness proposition.

"If the offer or tender Is an offer for the settlem ent of a claim against the TTnited e ta les L eather Company, which is clearly in the nature of a liability o r duty of that company, and which. If 4iot surrendered, would contlnufl as such against the new company, under the sta tu te , then the pre­ferred BtdckhoJder is entitled to exercise his Judgment In reference to the settle­m ent of the claim, and cannot be re­quired to submit to the Judgment of the court, as to whether the offer or tender, considering all the circumstances. Is a fair one on the consolidation. And, as I have said above, the option should be expressly reserved to him by the agree­ment, of surrendering, w ith his shares, the right to the unpaid dividends, for (he eonsideradon tendered therefor, o r to pre­serve the right to pursue the Consolidated company for Its paym ent upon its taking over the nsaetB,

'Tn reference to the effect on these suits for injunction of the provisions*of the law of April 10. 1902, amending tho corporation ac t of 18%. and providing th a t dissentient stockholders, in cases of m erger or consolidation, m ay have their stock appraised, my conclusion Is that the directors are bound under the ctm- solldatlon act to propose an agreement which does not unfairly or Inequitably Impair the legal or equitable right of any prefeired stockholder, and th a t such stockholder cannot be required tn cxer- d ae any option of surrendering his stock

'o p oompetisatloti. until he has had ah ^opportunity o f Joining in the consolida­

tion *tjnder term s and conditions* which.) as to him . are and equitable.

"A n y other conetruction or application . o f this a c t re la t in g ' to proceedings fpr

condemnation w ^ i d leave I t altogether in the pow er''o f the s ta tu to ry m ajority o f the stockholders to compel the sale of the stock o f tbe dissentient stock­holders by the devloe o f Imposing terms

Is o illegal Oh tnequlfoble tlia,t opnient w ould neither be om tem plsted n o t given.

" F o r the same rsasoti no effect man be given to the offer b y tU pulatlon filed in the cages and m ftd e by answers to give the same compensation as on Uqui- datlon. U n to legal term s and conditions

vdre Ampassd* com pltlhaivts caimot be re­quired to e itro ls e any eptjon, A nd>m refisrence to this Offer, X m ake the addi- OongJ comment th a t unless the offer oon- Catns a etatem ent o f th e prloe or valua­tion a t which tb s assets a r t taken over hqr' the new company, and w hether the valuailp tt o f the asseti la to -b e mors,

• less,o r the same as thb capHaUsatfon of . the new company, the basts fo r detor-

in ln lng the value as upon Uqufhation

of an outing. There was received over $150. which sendff the total well toward $2,800. W ith what was recorded lo-day the fresh a ir cunimittoe of the Fermile Charitable Sotieiy will proceed to make arraiigemeniB to care for a number of sp.’clal cases, as s;;6U. as enlarging the regular woffe. There arc over COO appli­cations on the books, and the women are working hard to take care of all of them.

Among the contributions was $5 from Frank M. Mathews, which wna subscribe.! ■ in the names of Ruth and Charles M. Mathews. This money came wUii a let- | ter in which Mr. Mathews said: j

"Enclosed please find check to bn de- ' voted to the sptclal case of the Utile f;ic- , tory girl, who has a sick moiher, as men- j Honed In your paper Last Saturday." f

The little girl (old of is fouriceii years I old. H er father is dead, and her mother | an Invalid. There are three little chll- '

j dren to be looked after and supposed, | I and It all falls on this girl. She works >

in a factory. hu( has to du the housework | before and after her loll In the shop. Her j health is poor, and she is much in need of | a change. The money sent In the names of the two children will be \ised to give her an outing In the country, where she : win have a iniirli-needed rest. |

There are many curcm us urgent aa this one. (hough not exactly of the same cir- cumstunci's. But there Is no lack of wenry women and girls who have to earn bread for IhGmaolvRS and younger or weaker relatlveH, wlin would be much benefited by a rounfry trip. It Is only by the money conlj'lbuted by the public that It can be accomplished, and the women In charge of the fund are hoping contrlbutioriH will be generous.

A particularly sad case l!( that of five children, the oldest a girl of fourteen, (ho yoimgcHl a baby of two years, who have been deaerled by their mother. All the cure of the houxe falls on this girl of fourteen. She does the washing, the Ironing and the housekeeping, as well as looking after' the children. She needs more than two weeks in the country to prevent her breaking down under the strain of work and hot weather, the women who have investigated the ca^e report,

An appeal is made by the society for clothes for women, boys and girls. Many of the poor who could be sent away through the agency of the fund have not presentable garm ents to enable them to go on the trains. The women In charge of the work desire their beneflclarlca to look neat and clean when they are taken to the boarding farms, but It la beyond the means of many to provide themselves with apparel. Old garm ents, if they are only whole and clean, will be gratefully recelvt-d a t the society's rooms.

Contributions for the fund may be sent to the E'VENTNG NEWS, to the sodely'a room, 306 Halsey street, or to the treas­urer. Mrs. M. H. Douglass. 160 Monmouth street. All sums will be acknowledged In this paper. The fund to date stands aa follows:Previously acknowledged...........$2,636.04Fewsmlth Memorial flunday-ffehool 28.75High 8b Presby. Church S u n d a y - ___

^h o o i ................................................ 21*28Mrs. Richard H. Allen................. 25.00A Friend ............. 2S.0O'Roseranry" ........................................ 10-00

John im and .......................................... M.OORector's Fund Emmanuel Reformed

Episcopal Church............................. B-93

Gwendolyn Pennies from Alalne.Audrav and Vivian Sauvage....... 3 30

Ruth MnlhewB..................................... 2.50Churlea M. M atthew .......................... 2-50A Friend................................................May E. Bettton..................................... 2.M

Total .................................................. C,78*.30

Oat/ SalurAvs at t Cf alack.Optn Fridav Etmingl.

Your Summer Suit.Regardless of who made

yout last suit or what price you paid, when you come in to see the Watson kind you’ll admit they’re wonderful suits. The evidence is in every suit—the style, tailoring and material, all will appeal to you. But if you try one on,then your con­version to the Watson way will be complete.

Remember, you’re not buy­ing the factory-made kind, but garments made as carefully as the best of expert tailors know how.

The suits at $15 are either all wool or pure worsted—think what that means in this mer­cerized cotton age.

Other suits at $10, $12, $18, $20, $22 and $25.

fiEO. WATSON & CO.,Broad aad Market Sts.,


LakeChamplain the Magnificent

W hether you delifhl ia utciel pleie- tuet « r peeler W ting or boating with the c e M for vow heedguarteriL thii “ K ing o( In lu d Lekei ‘ ihonia ip . ponl to yoa. Thn eir i i ineigoraling, the u e n e r; nnoiirpiMed. AU ibont t ^ ettricttaoi of win feoed m u r t ia*'A- Summer Pam diu''

Iwoed h r the D e lew trg A HnUion,1 the S h e lte r, Q akbM i nad Beet

Linn between N m York end Mon- I treel, tnd the elendntd route to the

Adironifeeb, whh trein nevriee of en- I perb enccHentt Tbrongh Pntttenne I on dnjr end enght tr iia i from C re id

Centrel Stedon — ifiieel cooneedew I with Hidion Ri«er eteemere.

lulled c« renelet e( I einei peetete.I A .AIIBAB9 . Oee.Pu.Aft,AMeer, A t ,

M T. CUb Offata.in atoao iw A i. u h b m a o w a i.

Big Clearance SaleOF S.D00 WOMEN'S W1SM8LE

Shirt Waist SuitsS2 and $3 W ashable D resses,

T h u r s d a y ’s Big S a le

9 8 c .Tan Lawn Buita, handaomely piped

walat and skirt.Shephard Chock Suitt, pipad and

trimmed wUh Inaertlon.Cngllah Chambroy Suita, side ptalled

•fCects and ptpad.Polka Dot Suits, black and blue,

handsomely trimmed.Figured Lawn Suita, in pink, laven­

der and blue, handHomely trimmed.

Waists cat full. Skirts, newest side plahed aod flounce effects.

$5&$7 S h irtw aist Suits T h u rsd ay ’s Big Sale,

l . O STan and W hite Linen Embroidered

Suit!.French W hite Lawn Suite, hnrid-

somely trimmed will) luce imfertions.Beautiful Jumper Suits, In tan

linen, polka dot. shepherd checks; handsomely trimmed and piped.

Lawn Suita, with lace In-Figuredscrtlona.

Handaome Black Lawn Sultf, side plaited, piped.


An elegant outing seashore or country, bouse dress.

dress for the A serviceable

Sale Starts Thursday, 8:30 A. H.See Them Displayed In Our Window.

j v o x i o e ; .None C. 0 . D. None to Dealers,

No mail or tefaphone ordari. Not more th in two to a cuatomer.

5 . S T R U M & C O . ,639 BROAD STREET, Neir StreaL



b J T h e S a le G o e s O nB a r g a i n s i n A l l


S t o c k R e d u c i n g S a l eHundreds of seasonable garments at marked down prices, prior to stock

taking. We will adhere to our policy of getting rid of all remaining odds and ends. Our patrons well know that this is the grea test bargain month of the year.

Tailored Suits of Cloth and Silk I


B O S T O Njind See the Most BeauW Summer City On the ttlanllc Coast to the Best hdyafllaee

Ideal Convention City Most Interesting Historic City

Most Convenient Sailing Port for Europe Most Promising Commercial Manufacturing City

America’s Art, Musical and Educational CentreA LL TH E WORLD IS INVITED TO COM E TO

Boston’s Old-Home Week Summer OarnivalJ U L Y 2 8 -A U G U S T 3, 1907

special Excursion Rates on ail railroads—An imposing seven days' program of Military, Civic, T rades, E lectric and F irem en’s Parades—Illum inations, Sports. Regattas, H orse Show and Races,Y acht Races. Receptions, H istorical Pilgrim ages, Excursions, In dustria l Exhibits, etc., etc.

Soni/lbm/r Doing F.verv for Seroi DartF o r In form otion about Program m e, Rates, Hotel and Boarding H ouse Accommodations, and facts regarding m anufacturing op­portunities, sites, convention facilities, etc., address



3 Trips Daily to Steeplediase Park,

Ht th e P a la c e SteBiner.


TO CONEY ISLAND.Leaving Commercial W harf, 9:35 A. H.,

1:30 and 3:30 P. M. Conneciln* on the morning trip a t Steeplechasa Pier Wtn the Steamer

Grand RepublicFOR ROOK AWAY.

Rockaway passengers leaving Rock- aivay a t 5 o'clock will have four ^ours time a t Coney Island,

T IC K E T S —C o n e y I s la n d , I n o I n S - 1 n s n d m ia a lo n t o B te r p le c b a a e P a r k , tSOc. H o c k n w n y , TBe. C b l ld r e n b a l l t a r e . E v e n lu K an U . SSo<

E X C U R S I O N S .


$ j 50 C H I L D R E NJ U L Y14th 75 CENTS

BELLEW OO DBeautiful Mountain Park ol 101 Herts*AMtSEMlUXTS. MINIC. DA^VCIXG.


T affe ta Silk Ju m p er S u its and D resses /■

“ 6 .7 5 8 ;7 5

that h a v e been aetling all the season *9.98, *11.98 and *12.98, all reduced to...G ray W orsted Coat S u its w ith fu ll s id e

plaited skirts;the nsqal *14.98 and *16.98 io rt, a ll m in ced to...

“ Prince Cfasp" TaiioNed Suits—Of c h o ic e s t s u m m e rweight mix­

tures and Panama doth, actual *18.75 to *22,50 values, all reduced to ............... 1 0 .0 0

Separate Coats of Cloth and Silk Prices Cut______________________________ iuHsIf.Taffeta Sitt “ Pony Coats” that have sold in "5 ^ C

season at *6.75 | ^and *7.50, all reduced to .............................Doth and Silk Coats—The usual * 7 .So and

*9.98 kinds, an as­sorted lot, all reduced to ............................Black Broadcloth Coats—Satin or silk lined,

' - regular *10.98 to*14.98 values, all reduced to ......................

4 .9 87 .9 8

Separate Skirts in New Plaited StylesPRICES CUT IN HALF.

1 .4 9Clot and Wash Slirts -Includitig many skirts;]" ■ only one of a kind;

worth *2.98 to *3.98, all reduced to.,.,Miiture Skirts, light and Park —Very desirable skirU in ■ this assort- ^ f h Qment, some worth up to *4.98, all re- ^ duced to........................................................Black, Blue and Brown Skirts—The very latest styles,

with f o l d s ^ 0 1 2 around the bottom, actual *5 to *7.50 values, all reduced to....................................

Long Lisle Gloves,16-button length , extra fine quality, ^ a

silk lisle M ousquetaire Gloves, in black 1 ^ and white, a good value for *t a n d \ y w orth from *1.25 to *1.50, per pa ir....... ,

Women’s HoseFast black split sole Hose, dou- |

ble heel and sole, warranted stain- less, value 25c. per pair.................

Clearing Out Boys’ Wash Suits.An E xceptionally L arge S tock ,

T h e re fo re E xceptionally U r g e P rice R eductions.Big assortm ent of Boys' Suita, iu

Sailor or Russian effeda, made of good washable m aterials in a large variety of plain and fancy colors, aiies 3 to 1C years, a good 98c. value, special a t ..........................

Large assortm ent of Boys' Suits, in Sailor or Russian effects, with bloom­ers, made of good washable m aterials, i n plain o r f a n c y stripes,white shield fronts, trim m ed with tm bleins, sires 3 to 10 years, reg, *1,50 vals., special 85c

Many atylea to aelect from,in Sailor, Rnasian or side effect Russian, in j^ain anri stripe chainhrays, whife braid trimmed sailor collars, em- | blem triuiiiieil slitcM, regular I I U J1.79 values, special at.......... 1 * 1 ./

A large variety of Roys' Suita iu Sailor, Rusaian cr side effect Russian, of good ’washable m aterials, such as linen, duck, poplin ami pique, in plain ami fancy figured effects,trim m ed with funr.v eniblFfiH* ninl ehihroltUTr, .g Wt i \ neatly mndt* anfi flnUhed, sIieh 1 C i \ $ tu 10 ycftrii. TRlue l a O \ /

$3.05 Newark to


I t i Jerstf Centralfoi tbs

m REIMHIII, M l 15 to 20



Lehigh Valleygp«clRl train for NcTvark panBenaeru onlv

leaves Market St. Sutton Silfl A. M.


io ilM icC itjiR SOChildren, $1.2fi.

Lv. Broad 8t., 8;06; Ferry 8t., A. M.

Si. lake Hopateena Si.Lv. Broad St., 9:06; Ferry Bt„ 9% A. M.


NEW JERSEY CENTRALpicturesque route to shore and mountains.

G r a n d r a m l l y E x c u r s i o nof the


OCEAN GROTBW E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y a 4 t l l .

v ia C c a tra l H. R, o l X. J . , Tratos leave Broad Street Btatfon at9:U and

9:a A. II. Keturelnt leave O n a a aieveat> ;X >andltw P . M.

A tten U v o V ehere. lo a ta f a r All.CHILDREN’S ^

SUMMER RESORTSABBL'HV p a r k ., n. j -

T H E B E R W IN .Asn: j»a h k . n . j .

AbholUleJy flrsl'clBJts. elevaLor to ktrea^lfv^; rcKjms vn suito. wlili balh. 8. Baksr Brooks.

T H E C L A R E N D O NFifth AV6 , fftciiiK fAutiffpt LfSkc, f)v#rlnoktnff (ictftn' I'aiJficify 2U*Ji orch^ffra. Under nisntiaff- nieni of MRS. W. W, REID.

TH E BERNADIXANew hotel. 3d ave., ore blockcetfent table; espaetty 120, M DEOBOE.


GRAND ATLANTIC HOTPL VJralilt* Avt. and ihs L>«ai ti. Ausiiiia ATH*,

If. J,; Tiadsr sniirs aaw Jiianagifnienk; H5tt lieautifuily..''fumlsbed tooois. «n suit* wlili batb; b<A Vtid cold ssa wuisr sttauhsd to all baths; siso pubMo hot ssa water bAtbs; 'phonaa in roomi; munk’ sad sooIaI dlvetsion*; terms. Aenerican p’ftn, J2.!5tO per day up, w«ek-kV up: Kumpsan pl»in, ll.Hkt par day up; laraKe. CHARLES B- COPE. prop., formerly of lbs Kinstipry. Dtlawar* Water Gap, ra

HotelDennisLake Ave. Hotel ReHSonsbJe ratrs,C«(ur« et atirocllons. Booklet. A. R. 9tock»>0-

T O ^W A L D R O NHklsr tS to $15, BoolclAt. E O UTTLLINQS.

THH HANLON, „sN*'«^Tdd‘iVke-Hau* $7' to 110 weekly. J. OODEH BaMLaJN.

t h e 20fl Lake av«.. fikclna lakeand ocean; besi accommodattoiis; moderats

prices. HUBERT BOOTH, Manager.


SEASIDE HOTELThs largest and leadina hotel on the ocean

front. All ffueata' rooma overlookins the ocean. Booklet. I A. H. BTOCKTON. Prop.


Webb and Beach avci. Block from oceaet. ■Phon* SlU. B- WlLaOW JB., TtoO-

■■■■•WWVIII A 9S Emturv av>., 6 mlnutu a | p S | r H T | | to ocean and Auditorium;" New BnlUnd management;ezcelltnt tsbie; airy rooma. E. W, FliCK.

THE EULALIACentral] lifbi KHimi: special rates.

WINDSOR HOUSE teun'uprv*.J blocAe ttwn benoh; l» to IS. C. r , llAotenu.

H ck ftt OS Ml« Ju ly I I to IT, good rrtum - l u J«IT IS to R terioMv,. a ttu rn Ilintt ex- ttn d td to f aly n by dopogit of tiek*t by ort- giBol M R b ss tr wftta gg«(tAr o n b t odd poy- teoat of 01, no t la ter than J oly H

lishh iM OiMhiaM h e « i n i i

Tickets, oulj

MtaanW if Oart.

TICKBTS.M d now I t tbe T. M. C. A, or i t Uie Oepo! oa

tb« morning ot the ewiteloa.

S U M M E R R E 5 0 R T SS P i m a LAKA, H. t .

R est-^W hileSpriBK LalcOi !l. 4.

- An Meal r w r t tor Um aimmepe aotouiiA BtaoUftil location., n»4«ta and Improved botet: mU vtntUaltd room*: aaolULry plsmbiog; par- anaal atlanUsn gtvna anry gueat. Maw mu*- agemeat. Karly rtaaryaUm idvtaed.

OLRM CAIRN,SD Webb aw., one blovk from ocean; home oomforte; » to _______ _ .


BEACH VIEW HOTELThe 'onlr dirtotlr on (M boaob: all cm '

MfiledOM: hot and ckHd batha; dpaalnf iLita 5 J « « T JOSEPH w . e iL ml


'IN ADVAMCR.. - - ■n. I,,. I., IAU Star TaadavU lw .

b b l m a r , m.

T B R CARLETO N-Cpeu 4uiu M for <Uthirttetb eeaaoa under ttae^^wMtat^mnmp.



A tla n t ia C ity, N . J .OccupJea ons'baU at uar* of unobiiruut^d

WAl/TKR J. BUZHT.btacb frodL


ATLANTIC CITY.One of thi naweut stona. brick and Me#l

bulidinga. erlth every comfort. Alway* open. Always rsady. Alwsya bufy.

HOTGL FONCfi DB LMO!V, VJrflnlm av*., a t bcacb. Modern In appoint* aiaatf- 850. Plrst*c]a«« culiln* andiM-vJeo. BpscUl sprioa r«Ui. Booklet.


iV M U lT, FTe J .

THE BEECHWOOD,An Ideal oil the year reMrt

On ths Mountslns’ Crest,s u n n iT , N. J.

NEW AND "UP TO DATE" MANAGEMENT.On th* Lackawanna road; 72 tralni dally;

momhiy commutation. KL45.Jm t two minutes (rorn Blatlpn.

Pnr< irttalan . water, electric light, ohurcbea of all denoc lnatloiiB, phyaiclant of alt achools. public library, mafnlflcMit roada and finely equipped auto statlou, with elactric charging ptaot.

too feet of broad plasios, boVling alleys, bllllord-rootna, tanniH courta and golf, ipaeloua music and bail rooma.

Public and private dlslnf-rooms. For reerrva- tlon of room* or table* ulepbont No. .1 Bum- mlt.

Ueils aerved ^ l e d'bote or « la carte.BEND FOR DOOKIgElT.

THE BAFLBT a CURTia CO., Butumlt, M. J.

B D O B W R B g

og e« i b b T e k m m pe d o e u e b b . l , t

Funlabad ttnia, wiih rnnnina water end a u . lo te tby «w ii or omalh: thirty mteotM nvp K«w Ywh. batween Far ^ k a w a g R«li- away dlrtcUr ob the eceau. ctreulanoa aptuteaUan.


MOHAWK "ioYSXAM PAafiui S to SteSnmter.T. AthliHna and

■atunoe- Bnoklat.


SHARON SlMilXiK,Tlie Huflo n-Dijilpn ot aitiI-iWu lldfAi. Wliitu bul* phur, MuKfid*ioii., ChHJjijd-itiH bpriug* lii tlu World J'lt luri bijii** iirid ideal epot foi hetillb and recri'iUion Fruin ttmluria end m^aqui- IriM, Itnini < rij-'riu. lii-iijfiijfu; (Irlvoa, aummer •oclAl fe/iiurpN HP'l t iduir pports. Perllcglaro Hesort iJiirf.-iu riTfh A'enuc Hotel, and 17* and 13 -1 iiroad'way. Vevr York.

A M U S ^ E N T S ____

O L Y I V r P I CP A R K

Grand Opera FestivaliWusical Event Extraordinary!


Grand Opera Company

II Trovatore■ W i t i i

E s t e l l e W e n t w o r t h ,M aude Leck ley,

H o w a rd Cham bers, Joseph F re d e H c h s ,

CHORDS OF SO. LAROE ORCHESTRA. Same F opaU r Prtcea—llOce and

S E A T S ON S A L E N O WAt Krle R K. Ticket Office, Drond &d«J k it, A&ff Oit OlTmplc Park.


Kwery Evaalng and H atinee WadnaadAg, Sataydag and fteadag.


VATIBEBS.M te,aad*Sa,

FHONES i H a w r g l ^ t ACo. I M S a a d s M ’ Faterm Alaae* A Xaaral

Elglate. IScw OOh, tS iw SO*

A gBM Soottaad Horae WrTgbt. B a ltelalm ~

i M l i V V ^ l i i X 12< V l i i jM x N V jr i> l:4 » V K 5 , V* A U i ^ * ' i t <i c i j x jm /v jV i


Ikdares He Is Well Pleased with Work of Third





; fiwriat IHtpaIck to l»« EVStllSG i'EWa.SANDY HOOK. July 10.—AeomponleJ

by AdJulADt-Oencral R. Heber Brdntnall, lJeuten<mt H. G. Stophena end a NEWS aoiTMpondonl In bne automublle, and GOTcral ttonnto F. ColUna, CDluitrl Pat- tcraun. Major I«on Hanton. Capiain Oooryo T. Vlnkera and Cnplnln Mablmi Maryerum In a arrond. Governor Btokra arrived here ahortly befoie noun to-dny to pay a vlatt to the moii ol the Third Basiment. who are here tor a week's tour o{ duty as ctllsen soldiers.

The camp was found pitched on a hur­ra s waaie o£,.aiiniJ, wlUi.. ahwA'cti ix, ua ■hade. Wooden mesa bn llir bicn .«»™ built and the First BattiilUm Is on one ■Ide while the Second Is on the other side. M ajor W. 8. Prince, wltti the Third Bat­talion, la encamped tour miles away (mm the real o( the regtmcnl, and Ida men are being taught the use at the big guns.

The Governor reached camp In lime to aae the guard mount, u tter which he In- apected the camp, which this morning was a much halter place than Sea Girt. There was a little breese blowing.

The party, after thoroughly Inspecting the camp, accompanied by Colonel John O. Mather, again got In the uutomobllua and w ent on down to the lort, where Gen­eral H arria bad a Governor's salute o t Mvanteen guns fired. The New Jersey boys a t this point were shooting a t a moving target and the work was watched with much Inleroit.

Governor Stokes and his staff, accom­panied by General Hairlo, then walked all about tb s (oniflcatlons. They visited the camp of the Third Battalion, where Major price and the hoys gave them a hearty welcome. Oovornor Stokes ex­pressed himself as much pleased a t the way In which the men ot the regiment were getting on.

A fter an explanation o t the workings of the fort the Governor returned to the camp o t the F irst and Second battailous, wlwro luncheon was served to the parly by Colonel M ather and his stuff.

the ceremony was performed by Rew Dr. - George L. Houghton, the rector. After thanking the clergyman for hts services a t such a late houiy the newly wedded couple returned to Montcluir, ugreeiiig to keep the m arriage a secret.

Mr. and Mrs. jo n e s changed their ralndi, however, yesterday, and informed their parents ot the wedding, and after receiv­ing their forgiveness and blessing left on a trip for W aahlngton. Upon tholr return Mr. and Mrs. Jones will reside In Jam es slreot, Montclair.


^ iK b t o l W i l o t 'n i> c r v « il■ rl■ n ll^ r« ^ 'h o i i e C o n fp B iio n

l.oiidii CMherK to T«JlsCAMHKN. July 10.—Through the confet-

uf Goiiilidutei} lor AiiKombly and the other for rhoordug c«ndi(late» for m em ben of lljt' Hoiird of Chosen Freeholder!.


_ O a ly D r ills , l a 'W hich th e F if th M agrlaieat Show s Im p ro v em en t,

Oconpy th e T im e.< fperteJ BtopoIcA to Ue E F E f/tm NEWS.; 8BA GIRT, July 10,-Camp Stokes bc- f oantG yesterday a mere post of the State ' N ational Guard, for ths scone of action,

as fa r as the Governor and his staff urs concerned, was transferred to Snndy Hook. As a result, there was nothing go­ing on except the regular drills of the F ifth Regiment under Colonel HIne, and B attery commanded by Captain Condlt.

The men and oMcere were up a t day­ligh t to find things a bit cooler than the tw o previous days. While the men In the ta n k s were busy policing camp, the colonel and tils staff olTlcera went out to their school of rough riding, which is un­der the Ins^uctlon of Lieutenant John V , Xtovelanu. Several odleers, especially M ajor 'Van Walraven, Are becoming more proficient In the tactics with each day.

There was the usual crowd out for ^n « a parade yesterday. Governor Stokes rstttrned from Trenton on the 6;1B train and rode out to see the clttseo-Boldlers ■sarcb. Their work was much Improved over th a t of the two previous days.

General Dennis F. Collins came down last night and aocompanlod the Governor and hla partg to F o rt Hancock this m orn­ing to review the Third Regiment, which is p a rt of h li command.

Lost night the Governor's guests a t din­n er Included former State Senator and Mrs. Charles B. Reed, Congressman Ira A. Wood, Miss 'Wood, William Wood, General and Mrs. C. Edward Murray and th i members ot the Executive's staff. The band gave a concert

In Oohmlel n in e 's tern la s t night Cap­tain Brunner, of Company M, of R uth­erford, proposed a toast, "The next Mayor Of Passato-O eneral Spencer.

G eneral Spencer laughed."L aw k , o u t" he aaJd, "there 's a news­

paper m an."'T h e y wouldn’t vote for you It I went

up to Fassolo and told them all about you," said Adjutant-General Brolntnall.


D e rd x fro ’s W it* T h e c e te iis S n lr ld e A f te r She Is T o ld H as b en d M nst

Go to Sea G irt,Joseph Deroxtro, of Ogden street. Or­

ange, a private In Company I, of the F ifth Regiment, who felled to accompany his comrades to Sea Girt Saturday, giving as an sxcuae th a t his wife did not w ant him to leave, was rounded up at hla lionis loot night and finally consented to go to the camp without further trouble, Hts wife, tt is said, reviled Private W illiam B arnea of E ast Orange, who, w ith Pn- licemen Byrnes and Riley, went after the man. 'When her husband finally gave In she threatened to commit miiclde, De- roxtro w as taken to camp last night.

Barnes was originally assigned to bring the alleged recalcitrant soldier to camp, but when he went to Dcroxtro'a house tPie aoldier said he would not go. Bnrnea ap­plied to the police lor naslstnnce, which Was not. however, given him tmtil he produced a telegram from Captain Horton yesterday authorising the an-est of Do roxtro. Then Aotbig Chl»e 4JrftbrII let Policeman Ranhin scout around with Barnes. The two went to Deroxtra's hotJse, but could not find him ond hlrs. Deroxtro declared she would not help them. Barnes, Itiley and Byrnes visited the house again lute in the Hfternoun, and when he came In. shortly after C o'cliich. they informed him that he would either have to go with Barnes peaceably or be locked up a t the police station. When Ibis announcement waa made, Mra. Deroxtro told Riley that she proposed to kill her­self. Riley replied that he could not help th a t, Deroxtro would have to go along ju st the samp. Riley remained around the neighborhood for a while, however, Just to see th a t nothlntr <11(1 happen.

—-------- --------------------


Robert Jones, ton o t William Jones, of I t James street, Montclair, and Miss Anna Gosler, daughter of Mr. and Mri.Augustus ijosler, of 11 H arrlton avenue,Ibai town, surprised their friends yester­day by announcing their marriage. Tbs young eoupje left li^putDlalr on Wednes­day night, May 29, to attend the Barnum A Bailey circus, a t Madison Sguare Oar- den. m New York, and after witnessing the performance the couple decided to get married and went to the rector of the Church ol the Tranaflgurallon. where


O n « fa r A «seu il> ly « n d O tli«‘r ( o r F r « r lin l< le r C aiM lIdK .toi

W ill Be Hr-ld.PATERSON. July 10,—At a meeting of

th r Piisaalt; County Reimblican cummK- -elon o( Nicholas Timchlone, a prlnoner In U-« here l:iKt night It wap decided by a [th e comity JaU, induovd by the plight vt" ununlmuUB vote to hold two county con- | hla aimoiil itarvJiig wlfft hfiby. whom

^ not"'»e«i fn fifteen months, the fi.uthoritl4P have beet) placed In of the iJrtoJIi of a ooneplrticy, In which lie wau (ho principal, having for Up ob­ject the iiUlinale freeing uf a eelf-con- ffsfled murderer, who In wervlng twenty- five youiH in Hie StH.te prlHon.

In uddlfltin to the oonfeuslon of the man, who wi'iikoned wlien he huw Ids loved onee, PruHecutor Bcovel l i In popiepslun of Hignod and aworn Htutemente made by threo other prlaonera, acknowledging their participation In the plot to cheat Juptlce,

When the othere letumed th a t be had told of the coneplracy they also confeseed. Theee are Donato Vaiontlno, Luigi SpeiU pole njid Carlo Antoinette. The four men are under Indictment for having commit­ted perjury In testifying In the move to obtain a new trliU for BlovanI Caneclli, for having killed Dominick Marourlo a t Fifth House, on April 3N, 1B06.

Tho "newly dlacovered evidence” plea on which the defense based Up appllcii- tlon for a now trial was the testimony by the four men th a t they saw CajiGcIll iluy Marcnrlo, and th a t the crime wuh commit­ted in s"]r-dBfenM. These four men now. not only adm itv that they were not wll- ncBeeH to the m urder, but declare that the.v hnd not the ellghtcfit tcaiialntance with fliher CanoelU or Marcurlo. Further* more one of them was In Italy when the crime he nwore th a t he had witnessed was commltted-

Frank Mnrchcglano, who. It Is believed, ia connected with the Inner circle of the "niack Hand,” Is ncciiaod of originating the plot. With a diagram of the house where the murder wap committed the four men rehearsed their story until they <jould te)l It glibly, but Prosocutor flcovel daubted their teptimony and had com­plaints made against thorn fur perjury.

WANTS EVANGELISTS EVICTEDJ e r p p y C ity R e i i l A g e n t C on i-

p la ln a , b a t P o l i c e A d v i s e L e g a l P r o c e e d in g s .

fipKtdl DUpakh to the EVBNINO KEWQ.JEUSEY CITY, July M).-Th© wor

against the evangelists who have pitched tbeir ten t In Crescent avenue, near Com* inuQipttW avenue. In the quiet Berg'^n residential section, and against whom neighbors for two blocks complain, as­sumed a n«'W phase last night when Sim­eon Roylant], a real estate agent, one •>( the cJilef sufferers from the noise, de­manded that the police evict the worship­pers and remove tiie tent.

Ho pent a letter to Captain Coughlin, Of the Communlpaw Avenue sta tion , s la t­ing th a t Charles Siodlur, owner of tha lot upon which the tent stands, h>i4 never given pcrnilsslDn to any person to tba ground.

Captain Coughlin replied that aa It had taken Mr. mvdler and hie agent a month to find oul the tent was there, altbough the ^ew spapers had recorded the fa d nightly, ho did not «eo how It was up to the police lo Interfere, even If tho revival­ists wore BtjusUera. He advised Rowland to Institute civil proceedings to have them ovlcted.

BLAZING TUG ADRIFT.F lo a t s D ow n N ew ark Rny r n t l l C ap-

t a r r d bimI T h en I tn riis to AValer's E dge.

BAYONNE. July lO.-Tho crew abruird the tugboat Free loanee, owned by John Morrow, of 182 Fnlrmouul avenue, Jersey City, yesterday found tho ing afire in the hold. The boat wns tied to a slake In Newark Bay off here. Apparcnily the fire hnd been started by an overheated boiler. It hud gained headway, urnl ihs crew, unubis to battle with the llanu-s, took to tlie rowboat and abandoned tho craft.

In a few minutes the.finmea hud eaten away the hawser which held the tug to the stake, and the boat began to drift In a northeasterly direction with the tide.

A tugboat a t the city duck got up steam and went out to the burning lug and succeeded in beaching lior off Twen­ty-fifth street. The firemen stretched 1,050 feet Of ho»e, but tho tug burned to the w ater's edge.




Srierlol DtopstoJi to (lie EVKNISO JTBirs.WtllTBHOUBB, July lO.-ArrftnBementf

Were perfected to-day by the Closalt of R aritan for the ordination and Inptalla- tlon of Rev. Evert R, K ruisenga ns pnw- to r of the Reformed church a t BedmIn­ner. The ceremonies will take place In the church on the morning of July 23, beginning a t 10 o'clock.

Mr. Krulsenga, who Is a native of Fcr- rysburg, Mich., will succeed Hev. T. W alkar Jones, who rsatgne<l from the pastorate of the church a t Bed minster last fall and went to Brooklyn to live.

RARE VOLUME UNEARTHED,T r e n t o n L ib r a r ia n S e c a r e s f r o m

O h io D e a le r V u ln a b le P a b H e o t lo a f o r t n s t l t n t l o a *

TRENTON, July 10,-After much effurt Librarian Strohiu, of the Free Public Li­brary, has been able to secure by pur- chaac froin g dealer In rare books in Cleveland, O., a valuable volume enUtldd ' ‘Check List of the Issues of the Pniss of New Jersey, 1728, 1728, ITM, 3800.” This work, of which there were only 100 copula printed In 1889. was compiled by William NuUon, profildent of the Now Jersey His­torical Society.

O renn G ro v e 's .NfoNlool D ire c to r Ar> rcMiglitir f o r S p len d lil I 'rc s e n ta -

tlo n o f “T h e IHcsHtHb.”OCEAN GROVE. July 10.—Toll Eaen

Morgan, Ocean Grove's musical director. Is making an effort to have singers from every fltute and Territory of the country take port m a recital of llLind»*)‘s oratorio, "The Messiah,” In the Auditorium on Saturday evening. August 3. Invitations are being sent to all contiuctora to be proscni as guests or slngdVs on this occa sion.

Mme. Emma Bnines Is to appear In concert in the Auditorium nn Saturday evening, July 20. The Elizabeth Choral TJulim, <»f 200 voices, and the New York end Ocean Grove festival ohoruaes will unite in singing Gounod's "Oallia," wl^l Ihe noted singer as the aololat. Julian Wiilker, the well-known basso, and Hans Kronold, 'celUel, will also tuke part In tho concert,

u r n HEAD ON T R A a .Man B e lle w d to Be S lcep lu g Off De

b a a c h T e r r ib ly M angled by T ro l le y C ar.

Spcrirtl WspofrA In fhc EVEN I SO- NEWB, RED BANK, July lO.-A colored man,

aged about tw enty yimra, who haa not been Iduntlfled, but who is auppused to have beon a Middletown farm hand, was killed a Jersey Central traction trol­ley car on the Middletown side of the river early this morning. The mitn's head was on the track, and it Is bellevt'd the victim was sleeping off a debauch. Ills head was crushed in and his face nearly torn off.

Coroner Tetley will hold an Inquest.

U rldge 'W btst a t RumHon-KaTCiiSEAHKIGHT, July 10.—Tlif* social a t-

traeijon ot the coast yesterday was the bridge whist given a t Rumaon-Hiiven, the home of Mrs. Thomas N. McCarter, Ift the borough of Rumson. Th« whist WUB given In aid of the Babies' Home at Oceanic, and the patronosses were well-knuwn sumnfbr residents of Rumson, Monnlouth Beach and Seabrlght. The at- tt*ndunce was large and the receipts grati fylng.

B r o k e r W h o G ot T en Y e a r s o n U lr l 's C h a r g e k iiya H e l in s K e ir

E vidence .JE R aB T CITY, July IG.-Formev 3u

preme Court Justice Gilbert C'oillns yes- lerday made application to Judge Blair, of tho Hudson County Court of* Common Pl«as« fo r a new trial for John F. Ma foney* a broker, who was recent YlOted of having assaulted hla Miss Viola Le Bsirro, and ficntencl-d to ton years In State prison.

Mr. Cuillns based his application nn new'ly discovered evidence and ullog'-d discrepancy In the evidence of tne eoin- plolQing wUnesa in tlie criminal ault ns eoinparod'Wlth the civil suit Js which AIIsh Le Barre was awarded lo.nuo. 1'Ih* appll- cAlfon was opposed by ABststant Pro.'^ecu- to r Vickers. Judge Blair rci?ervfd de­cision.

)hn F. Ma- f Tcntly con- \ j

typewriter, V

'•s- • . /

H a lte d f ita tra J n r y fitro rn .TRENTON, July 10,—The .fraud Jui'y f jr

tb a Juno term ot the United s ta te s Dis­tric t Court wne sworn In yenterdHy hy Judffo J o s ^ h Cross, The foreman Is fi>r- m er Sheriff H. A, Arlmiure. of this city. Among the Jurymen arc James R. Con.u- tpn, Irvin J. Davis, Dayton Hopkins, New Sgypl: Joseph Black, Higiilato'wn; J.Brognard Delts, Plainfield; IVUtlani K. D»v«rcux, Aabury Park; G w ige p; Hor­ner, Tnekerton; Nathan M, la 'ils , Manii- liawklti; Irvine E. Maguire, O arreu D w Slack, Mt. liolly; Frank F. Patterson Jr„ Camden; Edwin W, Scott. Bordemown- Benjamin D Shedaher, ISgew,.ter Park -n a ’Welter Satterthwalte, Allentown,

T o T e a c b A n r lc n lt u r c .NEW BRUNSWICK, July »,~T1ie short

courses In agriculture, which were given lost jreai' ni Rutgers under the Btat* sn srio ts , vlU be continued next winter, begitioinc December J. There win he Qonraes In general agriculture, dairy n im lag: and fru it growing and m arket ^ ^ a l n g . The courses will close March

IdtBO t o A t l^ n t l e C ity .. ** .***! **•* **■''* to s o to famaUB At-Isatie City on Sanday, July 14. w the e i -

Bftglgn hy May Mnntoh.;iui Nlne-gurcd Tucked S kirt


Abbe Klein Arrives at New York and Discusses Church

Situation in France.


NEW YORK, July 10.-”Franc© If not lost to tho Catholic Church, notwUh- standing tho seemingly Irreconcilable dif­ferences DOW existing between the Frenoli Government and the Vatican." said Abbe PVIlx Klein, (he French clerical writer and scholar, who arrived hore to*duy from France. He aaeorted that the church In Prance would survive ''the exactluna and spallations of the Biate," and, with the CalhoUc Church In America as & model, In the future would develop a strong srlrlt of freadtim .jindoff As _____hSov-ernmeht.

Abbe Klein is here to give further study to American churoh Institutions, together with the country’s moral atici civic de­velopment, and he hopes to obtain such knowledge aa may aid In the HolutJon of the difficulties th a t now beset the chiircn In Framre. The abbo, who has made a profound Htudy of the church system la America, and who has written many wurks of note on religious life In ihls country, belloves th a t America will be the dom inant power in the Calhojic Church In the future, unloss there Is a subsidence of the dIapoalUon on the p a n of the Latin govemmentB to take oontrol of the churoh. Abbe Klein will be hers for four months, and will lecture on the religious crisis in France a t C^autauquiiw ChJcagOj San Pranclsco, Boeton and sev­eral o ther cities In tho United States.

C oD illtloo Is Absart],"Church conditions now existing lu

France, as regards the State,” eald Abbe Klein to-dfty, "have reached a point wheie (heir continuance may be truthfully dr* scribed as an obaurdlty. The church and llio governm ent alike realize that th s present conduct of Jiffnlrs by the State cannot go on. The Immedlule rpnult of tlic separation act Is bad. having pro­voked a spirit of war on the part of tho governm ent which has mudo Itself manU feet In the spoliations mul cosflrcntlon of church property by the State. E ach day new difficulties nriue, causing more friction to develop.

"The governmoot has confiscated all Church property, and to-day, while serv­ices arc being regularly hold In the churches, there Is no legal right on the part of the clergy to use thenn. This curious situation, which has reached an ab.iutd stage because of the exactions of the French Government, developed n a t­urally from the government's abrupt nbotifthment of the concordat between the Vatican and the French State. The gov­ernment sought to foist a controlling Bystem on the church, known ns the as- HoclntlorB for public worship, to which the Pope declined to Hubjnit, Thereupon the governm ent confl»cnte«l itll church propcrtlPH, and to-dny. while the church continues to use the edlflccs and Instltu- Ikms. no one can say If a church bum s down w hether the government or the church should rebuild It.

''To*day there are no parishes or dlo- ccHes in Francf*, and here find there in­stances have arisen where local munici­palities have sought to control ab.iolutely^ the number and length of the churoh^ services within tholr munidpaJ jurladlc-, ttons.

"The situation cannot last, and while the French Government will doubtless ever seek some control over the church,1 look to see the State take a more neu­tral ground, th a t In Iho end the French church may a tta in a freedom from ham ­pering dependency on the government for herself and her institutions,"


L ack of W ftto r S ta lle d C e n tra l Lo­c o m o tiv e s a n d J e rs e y C ity Offl-

c ln ls H e lp ed In v e s tig a te .iSpedoi to the EV EN IEO N E W S.

JERSEY CITY, July lO.-A misplaced valve In one of the mains of the Central Railroad was the means ot blocking t ra f ­fic from 5 to 7 o'clock last night, owing to the Inability to supply the engines with water. The trouble occurred during tho rush hour, and hundreds of com m ut­ers were kept waiting in the sta tion a t Communlpaw.

The first delay occurred shortly before 8 o’clock, when two engines which were due a t th e station to take out heavily laden tra ins failed to appear The train dispatcher found they were at the round­house and could not get w ater to fill (heir butlers. The Central Railroad pur­chases Its w ater of Jersey City, but the piping of the railroad yards Is all the work uf the railroad company. The rail­road employes thought tho stoppage was the work of the Street and W ater D epart­ment of Jersey City. Examination of the piping failed to reveal anything wrung.

Chief T rain Dispatcher Campbell tried tu get into cOmmuntcatlDn with some of the employes of the Street and W ater Board. They liad all gone borne a t 4 o'clock, and a t 6:J0 o'clock, when the Buburbun tra ins were In a hopeless tangle, he called the office of Mayor Fa- gun aa u lust resort. He found the Mayor In and explained the ailuatlon. The latter called up the plpeyard of the Street and W ater Board and ordored a gang of la ­borers to the scene of the trouble. He notified S treet and W ater Commissioner I.oula FInke, choirman of ths W ater Com­m ittee of the l^ard , and Mr. Flnke told Mayor Fagan th a t he would accompany tho men 10 the railroad yards.

An exnmlnatjon revcalod there was no trouble with the city connectlonB, and Mr. FJnke and' two men ihen went In hrtB buggy througli the yard and sxam lnsd every valve and connecting joint between the pipes of the company, The trouble wa.H finally located.

D e’rn t'l^ il C u r n in c k s TrnfRCeEprHal to the EVEN/NO KEWB.

HOBOKEN, July lO.-An empty pns- spnger cur was derailed just outside t^e Ijicknw anna depot late yesterday a f te r­noon, and traffic was blocked for about twenty mlniilee before the car could be replaced on the tracks, No one waB in­jured and tho damage waa trifling.

G lnss S an d F a u n d In A a rg sv ltle .NEVY BRUNSWICK, July lO.-Tbe resi­

dents of the farm s between Old Bridge and Sntith River are In gfcat excltenient over tilts dlHcovery by Charles W. Fisher, of Suyrevllle, th a t the land belonging to Ezekiel Lsetta contains deposits of glass sand, molding sand and fire clay. Glass saml has not been found heretofore ' in this vicinity, although fire clay 1b found here in large quanllties.

F i r s t Hnsewe a t A sbnry P a r k .ARBURY PARK. July 10.—The first res­

cue o f the seanoR was accomplished yes­terday by guards of the Volunteer L ife­saving Corps, who brought Mfs, Coon, of Cuokman avenue, from the surf after she had gone beyond her depth and was being carried out by the tw lft current. WhlTe exhausted and hysterlcaU Mrs. Coon soon recovered and Is none the worse for the Incident.

IV lo r ty I n d i c t m e n t s In H adsoW sJERSEY CITY. July lO.-The Hudson

County Grand Jury went Into court yes­terday afternoon and handed up ninety Indictments, and then took a recess until September &. The Indictment against Al­derman Shrehy. of this c^lty, was not In the batch. It was alleged that the aider- man had several bogus election bills puBsed. One uf the Indictments Is against an alleged bucket shop.

B713 Tucked Blouse or Shirt W a i s t . • Buf o r T h e o u t d o o r g ir l .

The girl who loves outdoor «port. is sure to supply herself w ith shirtwaist gowns, for notlvlng else Is ciulte so servlceabh' and so oatlsfaclory, This ojie gives a tle- Ugblfully feminine touch in the lllilc frills tluat finish the box plait, and the cuffs arc made of white linen. It wuuld, however, bo pretty of colored linen, blue, dull green and brown h^lpg favorites, or of the nalurnl sort Khown as brown Holland, wiiUe again It could be utilised for pique and for Buch wool rnateriald as mohair or serge; or the skirt could be made of wool, while the ahlrt w aist waa made of thin material, so that, while a very simple model. It allows of a generous variation. The w aist Is on© of the new- on<:n that can he made either w ith elbow or with long sleeves, and m tucked after nn exceptionally becumlng manner, the groups a t the back giving tapeflhg IlncK^to the tlEurc, while the skirt la nino-gor«d and Is laid In

turning tucks. If acimethlng more elniKmile In wanted, the same skirt i io M be trimmed with applied folds or lucks, either uf the same or contrasting color. Brown Holland, with foIdB of white on the waist. \a exceedingly well liked and Is both durable and sm art. For the medium Bixe wilt W required, Tor lUe Waist yards of m aterial,2i or 2H yards 44 Inches wulr, with 2Vi yards of rulfllng; for the sk irt »lii yorda 2T or 4 ^ yards 44 Inches wide. If linen or other material without up and down Is usedl but if It m ust be cut one way yards 27 or 5 j’arda 4+ Inches wide wilt b© ny6d©di '

MAT MANTON PATTERNS—The Max MKtilon pattern jUuatrated on this pneeMail orflere promptly nilea. MAY MANTON

PA1TERN CO, (N. N.), IJS-US tVest Twenty-seventh Slf'e^t ' wow York. A gom- line of Msy Manton patterns is c sr iie i by THE Q O i^K B CO,. Hroad and

llarlMt Streets^


AdT«rtisementa reeeiYsd after 12:15 P. H. This list appetn la Setond

tnd Third Editions Mrijr.

D E A T H S .R rC K R I,aH A P #-O rt W ednertay, July

10, 1907, a t har late reeidenc©, Iw F air- mount avenue, Llaetta C., widow of John Huc-kelshaus. Notice of funeral harpaft^'r.

H E L P W A K T R D -M E M s

ttOOK-XEKlPER, thorougWy UnderStafiling fzctnr^ cost bz Ktoch keaplaf; fxperleoci* is

neccivary, s i wall aa aUlllty to work: to O'A* pvtenl tnan «n opi<ortouttY with young and rapidly growing corporsUon. Bx«a« Carbar- star COe, 279 Salsay it« Nswvk.

IffWARK. N. J.

a in S a leSample Rugs and Carpet Remnants

To be dosed out at less than cost. Every Sample Rug is of

the latest Spring designs, for Parlor, Dining-room and Bedroom,

At Prices Considerably Less Than CostAxminster Rags9 il2 feet, sold regu­

larly at $35. Sate price

1 9 . 9 5

Moquette Rugs9x12 feet, sold regu­

larly at $32. Sale price

1 8 . 5 0

Velvet Rags9x12 feet, sold regu­

larly at $40. Sale price

2 1 . 0 0

Brussels Rugs9x12 feet, sold regu­

larly at $25. Sale price

1 4 . 5 9C M K RA few specials to be

dosed out quickly aa we have only a few rolls on hand.

Smith's Axminster ' Carpfits, wire J1.7B, now

Smith's Middlesex Ctir- pBta, were SL36, now

Saxony AxmlnaUr Car­pels, were Sl-2£>, now

E xtra Axminster Car­pets. were 41.36, now

Savonnerlfl Axmlnater Carpets, were 11-65, now

RUGSrive Bruieei* RuQi........................... elie 8 rt. 3 wide, 11 ft. 3 longFour Brussels Rugs...........................•'*« * H. 3 wide, 12 ft. 3 lengFive Brussels Rugs............................elie 8 ft. 3 wide, 10 ft. f lengTwo Bruesele Rugs........................... elte 7 ft. 8 wide, 10 ft, 2 longTwo Axminster Rugs....................... elie 8 ft. 3 wide, 11 ft. 2 long3lx Axminster Rugs.............................. site 9 tt. wide, 12 tt. longSix Axminster Ruga.........................elie 7 tt. 6 wide, 10 f t . ,6 longFive Axminster Rugs................ ...............site 8 ft. wide, 9 ft. longFour Velvet R u g s . . . . , , . , , ........... ,.clxe 9 ft. 3 wide, 10 ft. 2 longSix Velvet Rugs....................................... site 9 tt. wide, 12 tt, tongFour Velvet Rugs......................................elie 8 ft. wide, 9 t t . long

These Rugs are made from remnants of our choicest spring patterns, and will be dosed out a t 50 per cent, reductions.

Mattings, 4 .9 8 Roll of 40 YardsM IS FIT C A R P E T B AR G AIN S

FIvs BruBsels CsrpBts...................................... <lze 11 ft, 3x14 ft. 3Two Brussels C arpets...................................... size 13 ft. 9x19 ft, 9Four Brussels Carpets...................................... s l i t 12 ft. 2x16 H, ZSix Brusaels C arpets.........................................size 14 ft. 3x17 f t 2


LinoleumsSplendid quality liao-

leum in a large asaon- meat of good patterns, a quality sold regularly for SI per square yardj but for this sale only, apcclol a t

Best Qnalily Oilcloth

A large line of the Oheat patterns, all sridths to match; sold in the regular way for f6o. per square yard, and while it laats, special at

24cCall Early if You Wish to Secure a Bargain.

M ake Your H P P P F n i T M ake YourOwn T erm s v ^ / ^ i O n v / l y l w L I I 1 Own T erm s

Op«a Friday Eveoiogs Efltii 10 O’clock. Closed Saturdays a t 1 F. M. During July and August.




Table Needs fw the Summer Home

Ha v e you provided yourself with all the table things you'll need for the summer home? If not, you will find an immense range of

choicein our assortnieut of Cutlery and Silverware for table use. All the good and serviceable sorts are shown in Carver.s, Table Knives and Forks, Butter Spreaders, etc., and in table articles of all kinds in sterling or plated silver. For Camping and Fishing purposes we have a fine assortment of Razors, Pocket Knives, Jack Knives, Hunting Knives, etc. And everything is seasonably priced.

0 R O11 yng have eja troub1«, jo q should

•se a regular optician—* Bpsriafist that will talcs a rCiTl, p«nio&nT Intsrest In your eys wsllars. This la ths kind of •errtee you'll rscsivs In our Opllsal Department. Ws do not charge for ei. amlnatloni.



683 BROAD s t r e e t .




nt f v i s i t s i t e i v i w i t s i i s i t s i v i v t e i

'FhoDs **Sieo* Connsotlng All 8tor«i. ’Phons antf Malt OrdOrs F illed Quickly Orders of or Over Shipped Free to Any N* J , AddrsM*



THURSDArS PRICE CUTS !The Closest Prices You'll Find Anywhere.


L^mon Sugar, lb ..* ,..lo oGnipp Juice, bot........ IKcIIIre'8 Root Beer, botifiv Roef’s Lime Juice, Bcflchnut Bacon. jttr.SJths Sardines, Irup., can...1ihn Alaska Salmon, can,.lLN* BonelePS Codfish, l b . . l ^Salt Mackerel, ea...... Ce3-1b. can reaches........ 14«Bweet Gherkins, b o t,.10rPrint Butter, lb ..........flOeFresh Eggs, dos........ 10c

S o f t S h e l l Q C pC r a b s , d Q Z . d w u

(Broad Street fitore*) ■

G ran u la ted 1 7 . S u g a r; 3 | lb s . 1 1 G

U needa, M ilks S _ o r Z u 'Z us, boxQrape Nuts or Shredded Wheat, box..... lOcExtra Fancy Spiced 'Veal Croquettes, U>.

road Street.

New Pota- l i e p toes, 6 qts. / d l lArmour's Com Beet or Rpiut Beet, can ......... lOc


California Claret, gal.OSeOld Gin, full q t........ ..MtoCognac. Imp., b o t...a .lm Blackbernr Brandy,_

bot ...................... .....ffoeLemons.-taBcy.- d o s ...J5 e Sweet Oranges, doS-.l'W Relgenipaii's or Wle-

denmayer Beer. J ■dot a,j> ■«*,*»* Ktee res .l.flO

Q tl« eB ^ lt¥ e jL ^ b ^ .,..15o

Peas,^eaB--'--......CtoimtlNli's Soap*. *

eillkf '«<•«..e.*ee*«se.e.3tieH elm Bekm. can ....... Oe

SSM b...lO cB abin, Plain, Marble,


P R IC E S G O O D A T A U . 8 C H E U 6 R S T O R E S


S w e 5 1 1 @ 0 1 ais castor oil w ith —out the taste= j

Don't put drugs into your stomach. Any phy­sician will tell you that for stomach disorders, in­digestion, c o n s t i pation, h e a r t b u r n , s t o ma c h cramps, etc., castor oil is the best and safest rem- edy.

It removes indigested, decomposed and poison­ous matter, thoroughly lubricates the digestive c;anal and keeps it in healthy condition.

Sweet Mint Ola is pure castor oil made pleasant to take and flavored with peppermint. It is sooth­ing and gentle in its ac­tion and does not irritate or react on the stomach, as tlie dangerous drug nostrums do.

No home where healtit | is valued should be with­out a bottle of Sweet Mint Ola. It will cost 15 cents for a large bottle at your druggist’s. I f he doesn’t have it, send us his name.

V a lu a b le k n o w le d g e fo r m o th e r s —o u r b o o k le t—s e n t f r e e .

TUB h in t OLA COUPANY, KeypoH. N. J.

Short SleevesBOW belny all Die fc«- «om«n's wrar. many liuIlEt sr« coDfrontedi ivtth fTest comfort to tJipou tbeir t»rs arms on so* count of bslr frowlli. Tbks osa bs s u ly rct&w)|| Bd wltlt

the greeteet hxir ramovef Icnowu to moJere aelence, 11 l i Uie onto KbnitKIo and prao- tloel way to OMUroy hair. Don't waste time exparlmentlnt with elH tn lyiia , X-ny nod deptlaunies. Thue at* oftand you «D th* BARR WOIU> ot th t d —ratoyi a«d m u otao - toren . p e Miracle la not. n t i Che only meUnd,Which to ludorted by {^ratetoint eur- (tom, daenatolowlata medual Journela end pronilnent teagaiuiee.

De Hinicl* mailed, aealet In plaJa wrapper, tor tl.OO. Y ow money hack wtthnA qaantloa Cbo rad l a w it tt (alia to do all that -to claimed for It.

BfW KIXT V ^ E - l n ptoln. attled *n- valope, hy DB UTRACLB CHEMICAL CP.. I9 U Parti av*,. New Torh, «

Hemember. unacrupiilogi maouraatotara copy L-r advertlalns aa tar aa tha taw para n l u . with the Intnbon or dccetvlng yeu. tnatit on h a .lea "De Miracle" and ae* that yon s e t it. » « sala by d nn U au , depart- ntant Steraa and flnt-eliaa hairdrn s i ia and

HAIIXB db c a .


A Marker*s Sample Suits---------------------------------------------7------- ------- ------- ----------- ---------------------- - ~

S h l r t w e ^ i s t C o a t S \ i i t s a n d P r i n c e s s D r e s s e s S e l l i n g pLt

D i m i n u t i v e P r i c e s .

Lot 1. Embraces Shirtwaists and Coat Suits in plain white and black and white plaids, checks and polka dots; prettily trimmed with embroidery; . skirts plaited some with two bands; values $ | A Q up to $4.58; special priced I »V O

Lot 2. Shirtw aist Suits ofWhite Lawn and plain checked chambray with trimmin'es of lace or embroidery; skirts with plaits or folds; values in this lot run to $7.98; choice of any will Q Q

Lot 3. Lingerie Lawn Dresses;white and colored Princess Dressesand Shirtwaist Suits of Embroidered Scotch Ginghams with trimmings of lace, embroidery, tucks and folds; values up to 10.50; to go $ F Q Q to-morrow at............. 0 * ^ 0

S e e t h e S m a r t Silk S h irt­w aist S u its w e a re se ll in g a t $ 9 ,9 8 — n o th in g l ik e th e m In to w n . '

Lot 4. Handsome Princess Dress, Shirtwaist and Jum per Suits of fine Lawns, Figured Lawns and Dotted Swisses with trimmings of handsome lace and embroidery;valiLPnt\price.............

Lot 5. Handsome P r i n c e s s Dresses and Shirtw aist Suits offine Lawn, Figured Lawn and Dot­ted Swiss, beautifully trimmed with lace and embroidery; splendid suits; worth up to $18.50: $ | A f a your choice of any...... l U * 0 U

Lot 6. Princess and Shirtwaist Dresses of fine Lawns and Dotted Swiss, trimmed with very best laces and embroideries; values up to $22.50; in this remarkable sale, beginning to-morrow $ | morning, at............... 12.50

G ir ls ’ W a ts h D re s s e sA t H o i.lf a . n d L e s s .

|E have picked out 245 Dresses, for girls of 4 to 14 years, ' from our ample stock, and have marked them at an

astonishing price for to-morrow's selling._____ . These dresses are just as worthy as any in the stock.

It only happens that there are a few of one kind and a few of an­other, and broken lines are always worrisome to the dealer; so we make a price that will speed the parting. We do not expect to have one of these dresses by sundown.

Oirls’ Dresses of Chambray, Gingham and Lawn; high neck, guimpe and bertha effects; 4 to 14 year sizes; dresses that have been marked $1.79 to $2.50; f t A c all reduced to one astonishing price to-morrow........................................ .

Misses’ Washable Jum per Dressesof Chambray and Mercerized Linen, in blue, tan. oxblood and pink, and some of white linon with polka dots with piping of light blue and red, for giHs of 12 to 18 years; dresses that have been $5 to $ ^$6,98; marked for Thursday at................................................

T o -d aL y*s S h o e S to ryW o m e n , M i s s e s a n d C h i l d r e n P l e a s e d

Women’s Tan Ties of vici kid and Russia calf in Gibson and Blucher style; some lace styles also; tipped and plain toes; heels of fashionable

^ m ' height; very good $2.50 Ties;special priced for $ | J A Thursday at............ 1»4>^

Misses’ and Children’s Blucher Oxford Ties of nice vici kid; round toes, tipped with patent leather; soles of generous weight; sizes to 11 withspringheels, $ | -^ F

at $1; sizes 111 tp 2 with low heels............................... \ » L OMisses’ and Children’s White Canvas Blucher Oxfords;

comfortable toe shapes, tipped; large sizes with low * heels; dependable soles; sizes 81 to 11, $1 a pair; ^1 / Ci i > i t o 2 ..................................................... :............ ..........

Infants’ Soft Vicl Kid Button Shoes with patent leather tips and broad toes; also patent vamp ankle ties; sizes 2 CQ Cto 6 at only.............................................................................. 0 7

We are sole sellers for “Her Majesty” Shoes and Oxfords and the famous E. C. Burt Shoes and Oxfords. ^

I ■ I— — I -I I ...

S u g & r to , S w e e te nA n d G o o d T h i n g s t o D f i r v k .

N THESE days when iced tea and iced coffee are so immensely popular, offerings of sugar, coffees and teas will surety strike a responsive chord: so it is with much pleasure that we tell of to-morrow's doings in the Grocery Store,

,We are going to sell:H a V e r m « yer St

E l d e r ’ s Standard ,Granulated Sugar, ( $2S lbs. net weight,put up in muslin bags, for only.


I .vm :

Bourbon Santos Coffee, sold in ■ most places as Mocha; as good as

. ” ■■ any coffee sold elsewhere at 25c.g ib . ; fresh roasted, granulated or pulverized as you wish; 1 Ib. or 1,000 lbs.—quantity makes no difference—at the extraordinary | F c

Peaberry Coffee—A perf«l round berry; ..fine drinking quality; i kind you pay 30c. for elsewbere; falgh In quality and flavor though low tn price; here at OAc only...... ................................................................................... MV

Teu—Formosa Oolong, Ceylon, English Breakfast, Young Hyson or Mlxsd; 2 ic J lbs. for 95c.i single lb.... .............:........... ................. ................ d v

Hahne * Co.’a Coinet Chop Tees—High grade, fancy seiected; blended to suit the taike—Forauna Oolong, Ceylon, imperial, Gunpowder, Young Hyson, Japan (basket or pan fired), En teh Breakfast and Mixed, at the moderate price of.... Um

We da the lergeet tee and coffee business In the State of New Jersey tod present a sfyeh itrger coUectloo of kinds to choose from tiuui U found In toy other store. .

O T H E R G R O C E R Y S T O R E F E A T U R E S .Catsup — Shnwsbuiy; fina; Haver; Snyder's Salad Dreaalng; pbt

.> strictly pore; the hdttle, 20c. g-.'. bottles, 31c.; half pints, 20c.Couset BrSnd CatMqi from red, ripe Macaroni Keriwls In cans; most

tomatoes; to gaUon fugs, for 7Sc. ddidous; only 9c.Chow Obow^Aboot 500 botuas ofvV

the 15c. and 20c. abe; gitas screw uS?*to|ii; will be dosed out at onty..„. l l r 10.000 boxes, bought for Utto

because we dearad up a factory's output; r«c> 10c. a box, for anly.... 0


dant BouOloa—Bumbam's, In giaas j bottles; pints, Mto.t half plufa, 20c. .

Clam Jirice-Doxla'a; Z4b. caM,'fl!£,Uc.j 1 lb.. 9«. J - ’#J,,.lii themafl«t: thecakeSc.Hga—Fancy layer;' lo. sin; flna Scrub Baay-Th« peat daaiMsr, 8e>

vindeed; the lb. 12)jc. Stalu'Off for cleaning sBrer, -brass,AUrmatede—Hartley’s Oiuge; lOe’. tin, uiaM and marble, and removing

jerforenbr Sc. s l i W w f r o m S c , ;r.. ■..............................

D i n i n g R o o m P i e c e sIn th e Greekt J u ly F u r n i tu r e SolIc.

E L L IN G f u r n i tu r e m o re r a p id ly th a n w e ^ a v e e v e r so ld it b e fo re , p a s s in g t h e h ig h - w a te r m a rk o f la s t J u l y ’s m o s t s u c c e s s fu l s a le , w e s t e e r o u r g o o d sh ip to w a r d s p o r t S u c c e s s .

N e v e r h a v e th e p e o p le o f N e w J e r s e y b e e n o ffe re d b e t te r o p p o r tu n i t ie s fo r s a v in g on th e m o s t d e p e n d a b le f u r n i tu r e o b ta in a b le .

Pony Coats a n d Etonso f S ilk P o n g e e a n d C o v e r t a t o n ly $ 7 .5 0 .

F o r C h ild ren .Child ren ’s

Hats, C aps and Bonnets of fins lawn, Swiss and embroidery; trim­med with bows, Hovers, laces and r o s e t t e s , at greatly reduced prices.

C h i ] d r e n 's C aps ol lawn and dotted Swis.s; French and Dutch styles; ii n 1 s hed with ribbon; !iOc. kind, logo v r

C h i l d re n ’s Caps of all-over embroidery, Swiss and lawn; trimmed with lace and embroidery Insertion, hemstitched tucks and CA * bows; 75c. kind for............... -....... 0 7

C h ild ren 's Hats of Organdie with silk crown and lace edged ruffles; CA® *1 kind for............ .......................... 0 7

Children’s Dresses tn French Waist and Mother Hubbard styles; high and low neck; long and short sleeves; trim­med with fine laces and embroidery; hand made 'and domestic, for girls of six months to * years,

$7 to $12 Dresses for $5.S3 to $5 Dresses for |2.S0.Other Children's Dresses, slightly

soiled, at greatly reduced prices.

Corset Speciauls.- ^W. B., R. & a ., C. B., Sonnette,

Thomson's Qlove Fitting and P. N. Corsets; all In new models; with and without sup^rters; lace and ribbon ^ (Jc

C o rse ts in long, medium and short hip styles, hose supporters attached; trimmed with lace; very good i A c value for................... .............. t V

C orse t G irdles and TapeGirdles; iQ e with hose supporters, a t.................t V

Ufkdermuslms.D raw ers In umbrella style; trimmed

with ruffle of hemstitched tucks and embroidery; regular value 75c., CA®a t....................................................... O V

Drawers with circular ruffles of fine lace Insertions; ribbon drawn and bows; others with lace insertions; full umbrella ruffle of embroidery, finished with $ | tucks; 51.25 values for..................... 1

Drawers with circular ruffles of lace, blind and eyelet embroidery, lace, In­sertions and ruffles; excellent | | P A styles for..... .............................. l . t l U

Drawers of fine nainsook and cam­bric; slashed ruffles of fine embroidery; full ruffles of lace and lace Insertions; trimmed with ribbon and bows; all sizes............. ......................... - ........... M


S E T SA d d e d to t h e

“ H o m e N e e d s ” S a l e

Dinner Sett of Rne Llmogem China, beautifully decorated In violet, pink and blue, in pretty shapes; 100 pieces to tht! set, IncludMg soup tureen and large meat platters; special priced as follows:

137. SO Dinner Set* for $32.10 $33.00 Dinner Set* for $27.98 $30,00 Dinner Sets for $23.00

Dinner Sets 'of Fine Austrian China, prettily decorated In neat pink border^ design, the set Including sugar and cream; regularly $18.98; n o qieclal priced................... i T t y O

Illnaer Seta of Fine Oerman - China, dilntUy decorated bi pink,, rose

leaf dekgn; one of our good stock pattsrtH,at tiro very ffiodenife f ^ P PA

Inittaled Dhuie/ Sett of Fine American Porcelain; too pieces to the sat; white end gtdd; Initial In gidd on every piece; a htture that li p n t ^ Im-

. Bwnsely popular; the set Includes eoup » tufeeBoiidlaigatntat;dattan; $l*y AO

n t’ «P«clal priced.., l^aV O'I Dtaoer Seta cf $ph»dM American PerceUni daintily dtoorated in verkMis tinte and desigoe; 100 pieces to Ihs set; epadal priced as toUon;

$14.98 Dhtfier Scfo ^ .8 8 $12.98 Dinner Seta $8.98

r 110,00 DImwr Sato $8.78D tim Seta (4 Fine American

‘ Poreolaln; u s piece* to the set, hidad- Inc soap taireto, erssm, sugsr'and eztrs plates; sxqutiltidy decimtad in varkms > tiots—spray and border ef- $16 AQ i

%iicti; lugoitr $11.98; fpedel IwaYO

artd bur. '7;Sideboards.

---• «J. Rfyorr. r

E^xtension Tacbles.These are faithfully Illustrated

herewith. They are built of nice­ly figured oak In goUen finish, richly polished; one of the small drawers k> lined with plu.sh for silver; double compartment i>e1ow; French tieveled mirror, size ISx.W; fancy side supports and shelves; nice carving at tiip; brass handles on drawers; regular price $ ' ^ F SJO; in tlio July Sale atAniu

-------I o ther Sideboards fu .5 0$400; all reduced In price during the Jul> Sale.


_ r / n j‘

cz -

1w y

China. ClosetsJust like the illustration;

made of Oak in Eotden fin­ish; havegallery backs with fancy shaped beveled mir­ror; reflectinc mirror in top; panel ends fitted with bentglass; four spaces fur china $ | / ' h or glassware, regular price I U

L $25; In the July Sale at only “

Other Cliina Closets Irom $17 to f200; all r duc d.

Side TavblesConvenient ServingTables

just like the Illustration; made of nicely quartered oak In golden eoior, highly pol­ished; c.irveJ goilery back; claw feet; two drawers— one being lined for silver­ware; regular price $1J.S0;

r, 2 ; " ' ' “ ' 1 0 .0 0Other Side Tables up to $80.

These tables are faithfully pictured In the illustra­tion herewith. Every part is ot Quartered Oak, In nice golden finish, has a pill.ir extension ; 42-inch top ; claw leet ; table extends to 6 feet ; regular J , selling price Is $20,50 ; e trply low price ; dur- *Ing our July Sals the special price wilt be.......

Other dining tables at Irom $7.50 to $200 ;*all reduced in price.


D in ing C h airs

Just like the picture; made cif oak in golden finish; cane seat, box frame; neat panel back; regular price $2.25; In the July Sale at $ | ^ F

.4 host of other styles of dining chairs at $1.35 to $46; all reduced.

A ny Piece of F u rn itu re in the House Ma.y Be B o u g h t O nth e C lu b Plak.n.

L i n e n O f fe r in g s .1 ^m

EMSTITCHED Table Cloths with twelve Hemstitched Nap­kins to match; special priced by the set $5,98 to $9.25.

Double Damask Cloths and Napkins priced as follows:

5-8 Napkins $3.95. 3-4 N ^ k ln s $5,50.

8-4 Cloths $3.50.8-10 Cloths $4 25.8-12 Cloths $5.50.Hemstitched Lunch Cloths.4- 4 size $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75.5- 4 size $1.75, $1.98 and $2.25.6- 4 size $2.30, $2.98 and $3.25.Hemstitched Lunch Napkins; the dozen $2.50 to $4.25, Hemstitched Huck Towels; extra large; value I7c. at \lHc.Hemstitched Huck Towels; red, white and blue borders; 20c.

kind dt 15c.Hemstitched Huck Towels; all linen; plain white only; 29c.

kind for 22c.All Linen Hemstitched Huck Towels; washed ready for use

35c. kind 35c.

Stockings.L i g h t W e i g h t s & t L o t v e r e d P r i c e s .

Women’s Light Weight Cotton Stockings; fast black; | FC spliced heels and toe.s; I9c. grades for only................................. l i J

W omen's Lisle Stockings; fast black and tan; spliced l l l C heels and toe.s; 2Sc. grades............................................................. \ y '

Women’s High Grade Imported Stockings; fast black cotton; full fashioned; Hermsdorf dye; spliced heels, toes and garter ^ F C top; 35c. grades for.......................................................................


W om en’s Wecshakble

WaJking Skirts.Silver=Pla.ted K nives-25c.

Here is a tot of about 1,800 Silver-plated Medium and Des­sert Knives in bead edge, shell engraved and plain handles; slightly imperfect; therefore, instead of selling at 25c. each 'I F c they will be sold at two for.....................................................

L o o k W h e r e Y o u W i l l — Y o u

C a n ’t M a tc h These S ilk s(QUARTET of special - priced silks that we haven’t seen equaled—so we give you another invitation to pick up while prices'are down.


HESE skirts are made of White Linen, Polka Dot and Black and White Checks and Stripes, and White and Black Lawns; they are made in side-plaited, box-plaited and cluster-plaited effects; some with one, others with two,

others with three bands or folds. Priced modestly—

$1.50, $1.98, $2.25, $2.98, $3.50 and $6.98.

Rogers SilverwOkre.VER hear the like o’ this ? Warranted A1 Silverware of

Rogers's manufacture on German silver base, making it wear splendidly.

Two very desirable patterns to choose from—one t neat and pretty bead edge ; the other a fancy pattern.

Corded Wash S ilks; best grade; nice (or waists or lull dresses; most de­sirable shades In stripes and checks, also white; regularly 40c. a yard; a remarkable Th;TSdav special at / K only............. ....................................

All-silk Habutal Pompadour;for summer dresses or waists; white and tinted grounds wffh neat pompadour effects; regularly 69c. a yard; i p c an extra special (or Thursday at only..................................................

Fancy Taffeta and Loulslne, instriped and checked effects; this season’s nicest colorings; most desirable lor waists and shlrtwaCst suits, the quality ij.sually sold al 75c.; special - |v J priced (or Thursday a t ...................7

24-Inch A ll-silk Foulards, In satin and pongee finish. In alt the most lash- ionabte dots and figured effects; light and dark shades to choose from; good, -i a C firnf quality; easily worth 75c. ■ \v j priced for Tliursday a t ...................V 7

Rogers Medium Forks Rogers Dessert Forks Rogers Oyster Forks Rogers Dessert Spoons Rogers Table Spoons Rogers Ice Cream Spoons Rogers Orange Spoons Rogers Ice Cream Porks

Fine chance for cottagers keepers.

WellW orth 29c.,

Special Priced

and boarding-house

P I A N O S lT o .dM u ch U nderprice in T h e J u ly

F u rn i tu re Sek.lejW lC E a y e a r , in c o n ju n c t io n w i th o u r g re a t f u r n i ­

t u r e m o v e m e n t , w e se ll n o t o n ly u s e d p ia n o s b u t m a n y s tr ic t ly n e w o n e s a t p r ic e s so fa r b e lo w

th e u s u a l c o s t a s to m a k e it w o r th a n y o n e 's w h i le s t r e tc h in g a p o in t to p u r c h a s e n o w w h e t h e r t h e y a r e q u i te re a d y o r n o t . F ro m $ 5 0 to $ 10 0 m a y b e s a v e d a s e a s i ly a s n o t . W a y s a n d m e a n s s h o u ld b e fo u n d to c lo s e a d e a l w i th u s b e fo re t h i s o p p o r tu n i ty p a s s e s .

It is im m a te r ia l to u s w h e t h e r y o u b u y o u r n e w o r u s e d p ia n o s . W e a re a s p le a s e d to se ll o n e a s - th e o th e r ,

b u t w e w o u ld l ik e to im p re s s y o u w i th t h e fa c t th a t s o m e o f t h e u s e d p ia n o s a re p ra c t ic a l ly a s g o o d a s n e w a n d th e r e d u c t io n s in p r ic e s a re v e r y g re a t . ,

I f y o d h a v e a n y th o u g h t o f b u y in g a P ia n o n o w o r in t h e n e a r f u tu r e , w e w o u ld u rg e y o u to s e e t h e i n s t r u m e n ts w e n o w h a v e o n s a le a t s p e c ia l p r ic e s . L e t u s h a v e a ta lk w i th y o u re g a rd in g th e ir m e r its . T h e s e ,

i a m o n g o th e r s , a r e in c lu d e d in t h e J u l y S a le :

Used Piocnos. New U prights.

I ;-T .

' Origlaal Price.I Bradbury ( i p r l g h t . . ............„ .... $3751 Lauter U pricht........ .......... $3501 driekerlBg < |rand ....,.,...;;............... $800I Princeton U piight............................. ;. $2501 Rnckftuhi U p r i ^ t ............ ...L ............ $27$I Leins UprtghL a SasMaaes** *■■*»*«««*** •■**«* $275I Steinway S4|uar« '!.’.J....v......,;...,..... $7504 C t o o d ^ f ^ u w a a t . . . . . . ........... u . . . . .

Sale Price. $135 $150 $400 $185 $190 $225 $40

.. $20

Regular Price. .... $325 .... $375 .... $475 ..... $475

4 Ruekstuhls, style B................ -.......^ Ruekstuhls, style C.................... .2 Krankta '& Bach Uprights..............2 Hardman Uprights.;.tin.................1 QaUar Upright................ ................. . $4251 Qabler Upright..................................... $4752 Leins Uprights.............. ...................... $2754 SpttlCS|*‘tUpriZllt8»''Maee*e ■*«**«*•* $225


VJ 4 «



So Orange Common Council Asks Permission to Use Room

in New High School.

K m l lm p ro% rr» #■>'D onrtl o f Ap^ennnm Hnn N bow n

■ ■ D lu f r l i u l i i i i i l o o r<]ii08tlfjn of UiTtutlun. wMch





• AppUendon win inuOe liy Hie Ornnue 6»minon Council to the Board of Kdiu-.s- tlon of that pluea lasi iitptit for a moci- (*ir-rooiti In the new High aclmol imlld- liig »t Main “nd Cleveland alrects. A comadttee conipoaed of Aldermen tlerr>' laan, Bmlth and Coiemnn. ttdd the aehmil :jWimnlBalonerB Hint the prewnt iinniters of the council over Hie lire headnunrn ri* on Canfield street wns not riesirulih-. Tim

L ®liOTl?i|lonera _ ndm) H£iL ih s L»i''jnd] Ho .

onaloui to have Hie new schooi need /m Common Council ineetlngs A einniiiinee

Vi praa appointed to confer with the dele- I SAtlon from the coniieU.

"Tour needi ndpht he urgent," le- - tntrhod Commlesloner KIley to ilie conn-

Ctlmen, ‘'tiut there Is one r< iiiie*t we might malte before mTSiiglng tor nny room m

f thle building. That In that Hie Comnmii I- Council appropriate J«,'™ for a new i.. eohoolp which Is now needed, 1 feel th.i'L ’ft would be a pity to spoil our new hiiild- i. lag, as oome of the peoide who otiend t.pOuncU meetings would undoulitedly epll fc tobacco Juice over the floor. Tin: rootiia 5 of the whole building would become silt- 1, Urated srtth tobacco smoke, and 1 dnn t [1 think th a t the Board of Health would 1 i.tdterate such conditions for our children, i Wo might make aome regutatlons, hui f you egntiot reatrlct the public from at- t tending your meetings." r ■ J4r, Berryman admitted thot some- ( timea tobacco was In evidence a t the f .OOinicU aenlons, but he tried to con-

Tlnoe the school commlssluncrs th a t the '•Idem ien were In a bad plight so fa r ae

The ............oauaiiig the Irvington liiiprovcm eni Aaso elation so iiiiieli worry, bcctiuae o f the alleged unfair miiiiin-r In which iisse*-'- m ents iiie Id led , w as the sithleei for anotlier dlsetiaslon Inst lilghl I'V Hie " e a t Knd Im provers "f I'ns’ place. A re i" ’il was ri'Celvpd from the spei'inl lax com- mlttee, ii|,polnteil several moiiiliH ago. Hlotliig tlnil tin- icsiill of an InvesHgutlen made of the tax rtupllnites mi Muiicmi night showed llm t Hit! vnl'niHons llxed ni the Honr.l of Asscssont were In nniny roses iineitiml. The cimimhltie decUired Hint In snnii! Iiisnuiees Hie viiluailm is on Iirtipetlv varied fnim one-half value on iinc plot lo full value on a iio lh e r jirop- erly. No metiileii was niiide of the pnr- ileuliir lands widcli the special eoiiimlt- lee elnlrntsl wi-ie uneipnilly assessed, hut eh Hit' InvestiKaiofs' n-cotoinem lailon the iis.siaiaHon di-eiih-il lo miike an effort to have the alhaji-d liieno.'ilMles rem edied hc- I'nre the Ifix liHI-S arc sent out.

The I'oinmMIci- was lllslruoted to CO-

floialb O r a n g e O flir la le W il l Sot T a k e r w r r m t f r o m P u b l i c h e r-

_ v ic e C o rp u ra f ln n .

Bond Issue of South Orange^ Boulh Orniiice oflTtliilH liin'e ilo UlR'i




ToWnship Declared to Be Not Legal.


to wirfi Ihu village hall for t>r IlKlitHi, b « ’auB« the J'ubllc Bi ivlc ' jAiHiiUon Jirtfl ng frunchlac Ig Hol'l'iv n-ni i'» ronHuiuora in the vllhig' ILv tw * fuinititr u cTUstoiner gf th t tMiiiorailon tloioK without porinlas*lofj ii v,as|frur*Ml lilt- position of the v)llH ; would bo cmlKirrriME-d. Now HowluniJ I >• l*vr-

M A K E S OBJECTION rliic, rhnlriimii of the BuUdltifi riuu in it

t MOOmmodaUoni wore concerned. ' Partiaps tf ^ou

maTTif^ht?!! " iCurtr SSocji<tidna'OrtilKi lux qii'j'Hon

The orgimlxiiili#!! rnme out In favor of 11III11K th»' lywTi Hirc«-t» In ord«.»r to abate the tIujJi fvll find |iii«ectl a rpaoUitlon fa- vorlrifi ihf iiixlnn nf auinmobllea uni! tno- ttir mdih ih<' proceeds reallzi'd by the spi'dril inx b** in»ed In defraying tli*' iiHt <if <’iirr>inK flirt the aprlnkllng plan.

A« Njp Eb8<"x County Federation of Ini- prm rnifnt AMHorlations bus trikon up the iiiiiUir Willi n view to rnnklng ihc plan j.’('n«Tul lliiflughout th e coutiiy, th e Irv- 11, 1011 Improvers decldod m w ork In con- Jkinfilon with the attb'd iKjtly find In con- fli-<picnco the flssoclaib'n alttllat+^d llavlf with ttie cuimiy urgmilxui Inn,

The post of jcorr»-M|i"b«lin(? secreinry, which had been vacaif-d nine** llie llrul nf the yeftr, was flllrd Uiat night by the re-election of A. KdwanI Helm, who has been acting in ilml rupm’lty for tlie puet eeven months. «.

M ILLBURN I 1^;;;'ojniiiiiplalfB Instulllng fans with------------- I luuior pfjwer In the noinivtpul

Anolhei Bel-lmck Ui the (irort of Hmiih j ^ the Board of Tnin'e-?. !iu- Onuijse 1‘uwnslnp lo u iu il ifsfK of » ■ i thoria.'ij ilif HuildlnB ConmiUleo i.* Hrvgrc fadhU fs otciinvU Just riighi, wIk'U al :i | j.^tltiiiiH'« on the m at of wlrlriif iuid In- Ru-diiiK uf Hie Tow-riahip OmiinliU'e ii i th>c.trlc fans and ]lKhi& in Hiewaa r« ported ibal Uo- uUornoy eniployi d | would neoeMFlUtio alrlng-hy the lownabip of Mfilburn Inul r«-fuhMl , ^\rva nc-ross the tJoulh OrunK*? -ivcnue tg approve llu‘ honda luaued for hiiyliiu which the ofljcluls chilni Ihoapace In the MiUburn dialu, ob no rlgnt xo do.gtouTid lliui Llif buUolu used ui ih^ >fpi'Eiai | w hen tlo' inttsiitlon wiia annooii -“ I rewb elBA’lioii III wiiicJt liie bvwer projcrl vi«<h | yj> nj,. village e3tprert.O'»i rplitlonavoted lavuiabli upon, were not In com- j ,n,nuirili«a were invo?iai.sUTit inpliaiice .Willi tl*e luw. i t wild Huld Hint | allow atoreker^pers iiJikv

sUu-rj> jti'oiUii tt-pA b ^ i e le g i'ic '’-ouittrUiifiU. pUliOliJicli. I . : . e . n , . . . . — ........................one fur uiul lib* sm ilh (.imnge Illuminu:luk L'"in-

pany *Ih compb-ling plana for an >

Erie Passenger Traiii'Rammed j Loaded Freight Near Caldwell j

Depot Yesterday Afternoon.




were accommodated Kith commodious Quartera," rem ark ta C m m ln lo n er Orinated, "It would retard Um poMiblUty of building a city flail."

B The commiaslonerB then decided to ap- |f, pblat a ipeelal committee to confer with

the committee named by the Cominnii t^uncll. Commisslonem Riley, Charles H. Taylor, arlnated, Becker and Teninie were named. v

m * naming of o principal for the Day Street School was not mentioned, hut

r ; three other appointments wlilch have p besa In abeyance for several weeks were

- SMtled, the board naming Miss Margaret ' S tager, H iss EthsI Riggs and Alias Grace : Quy as teachers in the Oakwood Avenue

BpbooLB, B ooks to Be F o m lg o te d .■ Dr. 'O. Herbert Richards, prealdent of E i tb s & a rd of Health, brought up the Ei' m atter of having all the liooks fuml-

: trated during the summer vacation. He I pointed out th a t shortly afte r the begli'- ■ nlng of every school term there was an

outbreak of scarlet fever, and BUggestrd K th a t much of this disease m ight be pre- "L veatod If the books were futnlgaicd. The

C tom iU ee on Books, S tationery and : r e n t in g was authorised to confer with , health commissioners and to have ' the books fumigated,' H r. Temme woe appointed to nit the

K vgijancy on the Committee on Ilnuks,Vj>.AATiaAi1 h

K EAR NY AND AUEIN G TO NThe Free riiliUv I.lbnipy Commission

of Kearny met lust night and decldetl to hold the dtvllftifltin exercises Sittiifdny afternoon. July Jl. If the building Is ready by that time. The work on the llhrtiry Is llnlshetl and the bllla were ordered paid last night. The interior fiirniKliInga ore now beliifi put In place. II was re­ported thill the commission hud t4W0 left lifter all bllla were paid.

Friends of Mr. and Airs. Jam es J. Nagle, of K'Uiriiy avemie, Kearny, held a liousewarmliig at the new huriie of the couple lust night. A proerarn of vocal and Instrumental selections was given, followed by dmioliig juid a supper. The niemuers of Tllglilantf Hose Company, ol which Air. Nagle Is a member, presetilud to him an oak sideboard.

Mrs. C, C. Crslg and dtuighiers Dorothy and Helen, of M Franklin pliive, Arlhig- Uin, tire spending the sutiiiiier ut Bruhi- ani, Aluss. , , , , , ,

Mrs. Harold F. fteyle. of Highlaiid avenue, and Airs. James Gnssidy, of Afaple street, both of Kearny, will letivi'

t-ogusod by the recent resignation o l Com Ei mtsilotter Inlander F. Gardner, who has

'inove^to Air eat Orange.K . A nm m unicatlon waa received from

J Rev. John J. RongettL rector of the ' Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, re- , questing the board to furnish books fur

the large number of Ita lian chlldri n who attend the 'parochial school of that

' church. F ather Rongetil sta ted that many of these children formerly allendvd

^tbe public schools and th a t they should ; tbsrefore now be provided for by Hie [H oard of Education, a s neither their por- I ehig nor the parochial school could afford [ to buy so many books. The communlca- I tlon w as .referred to the Committee on

Books.Another communication was received

I from the Common Council, challenging the eggimlsBlonerB to a game of bnseball.

Campto-m orrow w ith their fninllles to A rllngw n, Greenwood U ikc.

MISS M innie Noonan, of K earny ave­nue. Is spending her va ra tlon a t A llantlc

*'Mnt. John C halieiler, o f Isieuat ave­nue and Belgrove drive, A rlington, will givft B w hist a t Iipr huine l^'i'iduy iirici'-

""aDs, John D. C hatteller, of F rank lin place, Arlington, has gone to Hie Gutsklll M imntnlns f i r the sumrner.

Rev. and Mrs. John V ldberg, o f Davis avenue, K earny, tefi yesterdiiy for Nlcko- llne, Me., w here they will renm in until eepiem ber. _ . , .

Mr. and Mrs. F in e r E. Albee. ,if S tew ­a r t Bveniie. Arlliig.on, will "periJ Hie rem alader of this .summer lU .Newiiui't, v t.

H iss Mabel Reulher, o f H ighland and W oodland avenues. K i-amy. re tu rned yes. terdtiy from ti few weeks' vin'iiHon gpein in I'hlladelphlii. She wuts hcnompHided by h e r cousin. Miss Sophie F.rnst, of that city, who will spend Hie next tw o weeks With rehitlvi'B In the W eal H udson towns.

Miss Isiln Colbv. of 111 S tcw iirt avenue. Arlington, left ye.Hteriliiy fo r .diiuHi ptilr- lle. Vt., where she will spend tier vac,i-

Mrs. Jam es Fagan, of B ergen avenue, K earny , left to-dav for l l i l m s l■’:llls, A Y.. to reinnlii until Augiiai.-

Mrs, Ellsalielli McOree and sun Ebnn. Of B ennett avenue, A rllnglnii, '. 'f t to-day for a stay u t Po rt M Tistilrjrton.

Miss Frances W ilson, d a u g h te r of F ree ­holder George F. W ilson, o f 362 Keiirny avenue, K esrny. Is conllned to her home suffering from blood poisoning ran Bed by a scratch from a rusty ns 11, on one of the

Iheri w re tv." ballots, ollitr iiK.ilnst Hie project. The atloHicy fur .Millburu Tuwnslilp, which bought Hn: bjiiil.-. contends tha t this was wrung, and in riuiBc'tin-nco onollier eicclinu will be III I'l 111 the near future, with but luic b.illol In use, I Ills Win have Hie wullls "for - ami ' Ugulii.-T' punted on the aaiiie hailiit and H.i- run r cun designate Unili-c l>y crusliig uno or the other.

Un account nf the absuice trom inieiiiiK ol 11, Stacy Smith, who Is 111, Hiu iimiii-r will be taken up tor ucilnn a t an adjiiMimd meeting next Tucaday night.

Itnail Hupei visor c'amph'II cnniplnhn d of Hu- had condition of the road betwe.ii the iru 'ka oC the Public Srrviuu Uorjiui.i- Uoa In Valley street, capeclally at Hie switches. The clerk was urdend u mni- muiilcalc with that corpoiallnn and iiid'-r thill the aii'cet be repaired.

I'l-cskleni Shaw, of Hie Uniiigc t'oinnioii Council, and Frederick T. l’iuih-, engi­neer fur that niimlclpallly. asked per­mission fur a slight cliunge In the mute of tbs Orange waier main In the town­ship, Instead of running Hic idpc down Mountain avenue, the pellHnneia ashed for Hie right of currying Hie Hue along Ridgewood road for a dlstam-o of ahuut ten feel. In nrdiT lu conned with 11 pilvaii' right uf w-.iy. Air. Kemp calh-d uHcnHon lo lilt: manner In which the work nf lay­ing II1C |d|ic In tho township had been dune ami declared th a t the reiincals of the lurul authorltlcB had been given con- sldoralluii. He atnied tha t he did nut feel disposed to help Orniige in .any way. The muHcr was finally referred to the mad eonimliHe for report.

A conlrncl with the township of Allll- burn fur ihe use of the Hldgewood ruud lateral of Its sewerage syalem, as re­cently agreed upon between the two munlrlpiillHcs, was received and reterrsd to township counsel for approval.

Residents uf Richmond iivcniie petl- llonrd the committee to iiccepi that Ihorouglifnrc as a public street, and ttia reuuest was referred lo the toad com­mittee.

light a n d pow er p lan t. T iiu iia - II- GfHcsple, Irii A. K ip J r ., AdcH-m I' l l l ic h an d A rth u r H. L each b a v iii.-nr- p "ra ted the com pany w ith n c.iph il "1 IHH.IIOU. Gillespie lives a t "S ilver Bp, h-gs." Valley road . .South Grange,

Within a nnintli or two the compsny will apply for the francliUe in .SoiiHi Grange, which the Public Servlee Cnr- poration refuaed to take out under the terms dlcluied hy the village.

EVENTS IN THE ORANGES.T ltoinas O'Ni'lU. wlm resltrned from

Knsl OrnnRv pullce force M onday 'folltiwlnff chargew th a t lie had c im iL H 'd siui'Jtfl dcroR atury to a fellow-oflU’H’, worf

in tho iwllc® court lo-dny on a rtuirs^* p referred by C harles lla':i*man. Till* tw o m en live in the som e liouse in Main Ftreet. U arern tm allnscd th a t O'Neill huu kicked h is HPven-yeiir-old aon "U Mondny. Fleveral wltite»Hi‘s w ere uallfiL boi there Ws r no evidence lo carrnboni''.' lh»* fhorgp. am i O 'Neill wag dlPchucKed.

fa ir lc k Iliidaon, of 62 Mnchanli- sirDi-i. wli A VfMH rburs^’d several days ogu with TiilhilTig a diHtiirimiice on a Main li.illi'V ciir a n l iiHsauHliig Loranst" M-if n-i, ,i liHrJjer. ftirnl'ihed uggroKate hall In jrifHi ((A Ju stic e LJrny In O range yc-fUrday. 'I'lii I'unip lalnanis iigninst him are Mafllo mill .lam es ITynie. of 45 Long pireet, Oi- aijj?c. Uie conduclor of the car.

riu>d StromL teti years old, of CG Tar- ruw atmci, jind John MoUunlel. twolvo yf.ir?< old. of 3S Wallace street, hoiti colcir- eiJ, anti hmli of Orange, were arreHtu*! by Pol)c« riu*n Crouen and RobtTts yentyr" tliiy iifiernnoii on a eharye of stealing clierrIeH from properly owned by JoBcpIi N WlKpIn, in Snyder Rtreol. They have been pamled to appear In court Saturday niornlnsf.

An a renult of a cgllislon !>etween a Rnulid»ound pansenger tra in and a freight train nl the Erie Depot, Caldwell, yester­day afternoon, five pereane were Herloualy injured and a acore uf othera were mure or less hurt.

TiM'He Injured were May Juckaon, tw»;lvc yeara old, 'vho lives with her uncle. Auguetue Osborne, In Ruaeland, fi-ariure of the rigid lug: Mre. Ida Plutoft, of sNfw York. IjnriHA'd about tlui l>ody jiml liurt Internally; W. H, P lttlnger, of

-suyaiBBWT -tSi Hient ‘J".‘ Of the fieiLU *»*xx. ~

l;n't;rated ear; Oeorge Sigler, of Caldwell, cunductof of the piiBSungcr train, left arm hurt, and Dr. Kdward Ef. Ehlcrs. of N fw aik, a gueat at The L»odgc, Ewex Fi'lle, cut and bruJRcd about the fare and body. All were taken home In carrlagee ufier being attended by Dr. Elvln K. E^ind.

'I'lie paawnger train was in charge of FsHginoer Thomas Duffy and Conductor Gporge Sigler, both of Caldwell. Englnoer Jam es Munshull and Conductor J. K. Udall, also both of CaldwelL were ill rhiirgfl of the freight train .

Owing to a shuiqp curve In the track about 200 yards east of the RtuUon ami the alleged neglect of the flagman, the piiRRonger train crashed into the freight, which had Just been mad? up of cars loaded with paper for the Whlppony Paper Mills. The freight wag on the main track and about to pull out of the station.

gerirrHnt Bayl1»«s u( Uloomfl MplleaffEU b y U a r to u m R e e r

U o t t le r , o l TSiPBl U raU K «s In attem pting to arrest ^ r t o n Qlbitn,

a beer bottler, of West Orunga, yesterday uflenioon, Sergeunt -John R. Buyllss. of Bluoinllelds was beaten about the head ami body. Finally, with the assistance of PoUt'eman O'Neill, he took Olblln to Uie Hlootntield Police Station. He will have a hearing to-night on a charge of peddling bevr without a license and for asBi^uhing an r>it1oer. r

BiiylisH WHS struck a number ‘of times will) (hf butt end of u whip, while Glblln bi’iween tile Htn>kes urged his horse nh#>ud. Bayllss got hold o f the reins, however, and was drugged several hun­dred feet hy the horae before O’Neill CiitiiG up and Btoppe<l the animal.

DR. PYE a CHAVASSE(IsoA doiii E i i f la a d i

In his “ Advice to Mothers” says the best Artificial Food

For I N F A N T S is*

Minson’s Patent Barieiiiind .Cow’s M ilk.FOR MOTHERS

P r o b a te V an C lle f W U l.The will nf Daniel D. Van Cllef, of this

city, who died June 2P. was udmittud to probate In the Burrngate’s office to-duy. The testator hequentiied his entire estate to Ills widow, Mrs, Caroline E. Van Chef.

Robinson's Patent M sAlltiroTfArs and l>rugglsts« Postal

I. w lludftou Hts,to th e im porters.N ew York, w i l l b r in g you book,' FiAdvice to M o th e rs / ' Free.

iI n s e c t ^ ^ ^Fit s Ah y Bottie.

Etxtermlcistor uf Hto«(iuUues, moihs, fUr» and every other peat. Also In iBundry. forpUnia, moietmlng tobacco, Ac. Sold evary* where. 2Tic. each, or ft for 60c. Book *>f R e p rin te for dentructJon nf ull In^eoti or pfjts F re e with Sprurer. Ilavena A Co., Ml Blsth ave.. Nex^ Yoglt. Aggnts wanied. __

B L O O M F IE L D .

Orange AdvertisemehtsThe Talk of Ihe Town!

JU LY CLEARANCE SALE.S p e c ia ls for T h u r sd a y a n d F r id a y , J u ly 11 an d 12

Essex Hook*and-I-adder Company lant night accepted the reslgnailuna uf Ijjwia Dawkins and Frenk 11. IBulcer, ua active members.

Mlsa Mottle B. Corby, of WashliiKlun street, Is a t Red Rank.

A. a. Bevesl and family, of Belleville avenue, are a t Paradox, N, Y.

Mm. Henry SturguH. of. l^tate street. Is spending July a t Portland, Me.

F. 8. Bladel und family, of BloomlJeld avenue, are a t Pleaeantdalo foe a I'l-w weeks.

Freeholder and Mrs, Thom as McGowan, of Belleville ax'otuie, s ia r t to-morrow for Boothbay Harbor. M«.

Williai.. DuvIk, of Willow street, Is spending hi.i yucatlun in Sullivan Coun­ty, N. Y.

Mrs. II. I<a Croix, of W illard avf>mie, is touring Pcnnaylvtinia In an automobll«‘.

Frederick Osborne, of Broad sii'fcl, sta rted to-day for ICerbonkson. N. Y.

The contract for the eollertlon of garb­age la expected In be aw arded by the Town Council to-morrow night.

Ladies’ S4.CX) Shoes, in lace and button (all leathers). .2.85Ladies’ $3,00 Shoes and Oxfords (all leathers)............2.39Ladies’ $2.50 Black and Tan Oxfords and Pumps......... 1.89Ladies’ $2,00 Colt Skin Sailor Ties (all sizes).............. |,|9Ladies’ $i-75 Oxfords, in patent, vici and canvas............98 CMen’s $4 All America Shoes and Oxfords (ail leathers) 2.85Men’s $3,00 Shoes and Oxfords (all leathers)...............2.39Men’s $2.50 Oxfords (all leathers)..................................1,79Men's $2.00 Vici Kid Shoes, lace and blucher................. 1.49Men’s $ 1 7 5 Vici Kid Oxfords (all sizes)....................... liO O

T ru n k s and V alises

a t Reduced P rices.


T he S to re of Q uality

andLow Prices.


t ^'Rockawl" Iim‘ ATlL '‘ Mlaa" Wh" m0 . IfoCurdy, aecretary of the board, wnu ^returned home yesterday bpcaupc of fluiKppofRted a committee of oug to make

ricrAh#cnieDta for the gome, which will 'lib ImU Oft the groundH of C artorei Acud- ciny Saturday afternoon.

^ le y . of the Buildings Cum- stated that In the lot In the rear

of the new High School there were gev

Irjury onri hatl the wound dtonHcd by u phyaicinn.

«ral old apple trees. The committee hud

m V IN tJT O H AND IIIKTON.The First Reformed! Sunday-J»chi:>ol of

Irvln*tuii wviil un Its niiniiiil emiuralun tn-iiity, th» (IvaiiiiaHoti l,cliiS llailfwoaj

uo objection, lie explained. If the aohuni ttiOdreii would etl In the ahade nt (jjd apple tree., but It wan feared they "tnlflit get Into trouble by eating the green apple.. The board therefore graiit- ^ .)60 tor the renqoval of the trees,

HABR1SON--EA8T NEWARK' ( Aamuvl McGrath, twenty-ffvo yeura

M Cantrul uvanuc, Bust Newark, one’ tha parilGB who, it la alloged. asHaiiltcU. . _ . ^ _ * . . . _ X t -------jle f of Police Tierneys of that boroug

B urday night, was caught a t Boon- mday and turned over to the Ea^t k authoritleM yesterday. He waH

Arraigned before Reonrih^r Greenfleld last fright and In default of 11.000 hail was committed to the Hudson County Jatl to •w ait the action of the grand J\iry. Mo-

Irath'S father and mother are In Jail onb* same charge.

';2Th« Board of F

Park. ' About peraon? m ade the trip.

_ Free L ibrary Trusteea of’ jBaat Kawark has elected thcHo olffic'rira for - Via agsulng yanrt Prefthlent, Willlum Raong- Ireaeurer, Tbom.TS Murphy; sec- H U ty . William A. Carey; lihrartan. 4tlonM f J. Carey. Mrs. W alter A. Walsh

ireacfttod the library with n volume of the history of Bergim and Huclaan

•'-i'frpuntlGS.A rear-end collision, In which ono trol­

ley oar craabed Into another, occurrt'd Mbout I OTlock to-dny on the Turnpike ilna on Harrison avenua, near SJxUt 'frtreet. Harrison. No one was hurt.

Principal Cnrhellu« A / McGlciinon, of

tho excurslonlslsfr leaving the Clinton Avemie Station of tlie L eh igh Valley R ail­road a t o'clock this m arning .

The Second W ard In ip rovem cnt Asho- clallon will meet to-ulglit.

August PoliHu’hlo. of ap rlngdeb l ave­nue urn! South T w elfth Hlreet. Newark, was urraignecl before Ac-thm Ut-eurdt-r Mayfield to-day un a com ploini mude li.V Mrs L aura FU(VaIrlck, of d ro v e Hlreet. He waa commlHed to Jnll In dcfnult of $200 bonds to a w a it Ihb action of the grand Jury.

The tilblo cluMs of tho H ilton Chrlatiiin fiunduy-HChool will hold a relieopsnl t4>- niRlit a t Anni'K liiil) fur Hiu untyiitalri- mynl to h r glvrn to-mcirrow night.

Tiu' City U n r DiilltllnK uiul Loan Asuo- r l . t lo n of Irvlngtiin will upiiii a new .rrlo s a t I t . iimriTiig Ju ly 23,

The Ladles' Aid Siii'letv of Hie lllllnn MethodlHt Church will im-et Hi-miirruw aftenuion In Hie c liu rrh piirlors.

Mlsh Jusephliic- T ilton, of ITiiilun are- niie. Irv lnstaii, Is siieiiiling her viu-a- ilon in Asbiiry r a r h .

Mrs. Jnliii M. Miiluahy. of Slxtoenth avenue. InlngUtii, Is sHipiiliiK fur two tveeks lit Rockawiiy Hcaeh.

Adviei-s have been ri-eeli'ed 'from Iie- ro rd e r Jume.s G. Mayftelfl, whiv sailed fur Kngland June 20, trlllng ut hie nrrlvni ut Hlrmliighiim, w nen: he Is eisHIng a t the liome of his sisters.

Scliool CommlsBloiipr Jneoh C. Taylor, of Grange, will leave S a iiird ay for Denver, Ciil., w here he wlU a tten d Hie mitliinul convenllon of the R eta il C lerks' A ssnda- Him. Mr. T aylor h a s been Hppolntrd as- slstfini clerk nf the convenHon.

Mr, and Mrs. C, P ra n k K e y n o ra n d fam ­ily, of 12 W llllnin s tre e t , Kasl Orange-, are spiTilling Ju ly ntid A ugusl a t Falrm outit.

SlKuurney B iirnliam , of 10 Froepeet Btreei, East O nitige. lias re tu rned fi-um several weeks' a ta y In the Adlronilacks.

Miss Elsie M organ, o f W lla ls ted slreel, E hsI Oriinge. Is hom e frum a visit lu a Bludeiit 111 Sm ith College.

NiiHiiinUd T ookcr and fninlly, of 31 Evergreen place. E a s t O range, are un their way to Eurnpe.

IV alter Cliur and fam ily, o f 41 lla ls ted Bireet, East O range, a re a t Btockbi'Idge, Mass., fur the sum m er.

Miss G ertrude CsHsIdy, of 2t IliirrlBun street, Easl O range, re tu rned yesterday from a visit to the Paeifle coast.

Mrs. Clniries W . B adger, of 37 Evergreen place, blast O range, will pass the sum m er In Clitc.'igo.

Mrs. B arton S. tla a a rd , of 110 W illiam street, E ast O range, Is a t Hie rocuiio lun. Ml. Pocono.

Mrs. Beniam in C alef and daiigliter. Miss M.ai-giirct Ciilef, of J) l la ls te d street, Ea.;t Orange, will go to Beuliriglit for tho month of August. Miss Ciiiet re tu rn s next week from a visit uf several m om iis tu frleinls in Clik-ago iind E vanston .

Fred l.ltte ll o f 31 Halieork place, H esi O rangf, 1s a t Tlie Cotiimtila. tjeean Glove. Mrs. L lltell is on a v isit to Miss May- wood Blond, nt P o rtsm ou th . Va.

Miss Florence P a h r, of Idncoln place. Orange, la spending h e r vacation a t Ilonesdnle. I ’o.

Misfl E dna Oealey. of 2M aietiwom l ave- ims, East tii'ange. Is passing the siiminer t a t M onterey. Maas.

i J a m e s B i i t l e r G r o c e n i C o .

1 A M E 5have p leasu re in announcing the

Opening on Thursday, July 11of their

N ew Retail Store

/ J A M E S .V m amkw m '


3 2 7 M a in S tQ R O C E R Y


IN T H E C L I N T O N D I S T H I C TThe LIkHi BrJg.ide Saber Corps heM a

Birawhprry and U-e ert-am festlviil last nifclit In the ParkviE'w chapol, The com m ittee In charge w as cumpoHOd of Normnn lloekwoll. R obert H. M clut>rc. Daniel Rowciih, F red M ersfelder and W aller Muvek. , „ ,

Hetwoen GOO and 700 people Cn^m Park- View hthI Lyoii-s FarmH went on the annuul excurabjn of Ihe Ell*;ibcth Avenue I'n-s^byterUiif and (he LymiK F arm s tJap-

the Harrifton High Schoob and Hie ipnch- I of the E ast Newark Public Rchool. '......... ................ of

ifrftlch waft formerly printdpal. wIU "fnoet the pupils of his form er achoal lo-

M O N T C L A I K bMr and Mm. ThomuH 0 ‘NcllL nf NVw

Turk, Mliirned home yesterday after a week’s H(uy with Mrs. O’ H irp Blsior. Mm. August .\ddlcks, «f ttiuve Hireei.

Mr. urn! Mim. Frank Spaulding, ofJftiorrow afternonn nl 2 o'clock In tin* I RhuuntttM avenue, luiw l■•‘lll^ned frt>m a

.jOChooL when they will enjoy a feast. i iwu Wrekn' id.iy a tTwo ftppllcatlonp w'cre received a t

. meeting of Kearny CouncIL Knights of '.iiColumbUH. last night. Grand Knight

Comollus A. McQlennon wtia Instructed to • appoint a committee to assist the mem-

of Court fonrhessa. Daughtera of Isabella, in preparing for their IroHey Ude.

’fhomoa Watkins, forty-two years old, of 14& Omton street, Newark, paid a flue

‘■'Of frSsbO in the Harrison Police Court to- 4ay» on ft charge nf dlsorderLv conduct, .the complainant being Txoiilu Knonh.

■ The new plant nf the Buslnesfl Men's S ygela Tee Company of Harrison w-lH be formally owned to-morrow aflcrnuon.

r.When the Mayors of Harrlpon, Kearny in d Bast Newarks and s number of other eitlsens of tivfi three fnwuR will be pres- ■«nt. The plant Is locat^’d on T'lisaale ave- ntw. north of the Erie Railroad, In Kearny.

SOUTH OUA.KUE.• IClsR M argaret Bowr nnd her nephew,

Kannolh Bow?, of Ridgewood road, ure a t ^\(-Hoto1 Brunswick, Asbury Park.

M rs. I'Tank Arnold, o f M ontrose ave- ttiie. Is registered a t Iji. FoiR e HolcL P u ts .

Jessup Salisbury, of Milligan place, Is home from Los Angc-tes.

Mr. and Mrs, John E. Annin, of Rldge- wood rood, and their two sons. Harold End John Jr., arc a t Albion Hotel, Anbury erk..Joseph F. Noonan, 80 THxson place, is

a t Lake Denmark.Mr. and Mrs. Cliurlca E. Owen, of Wanl

Abtce. ftpent tho paal two-w-eek-ft ;ii llairy- vllte. N. Y.

Charles Kasslnger Sr, has moved from

C. M. Dehiuo, of Lllgli -street, left to- duv for Kj'Iu Placid. *

Edward rnlllus. of Fullerton avemu'.lit III Ocean Umve.

Miss G>ace Ncruey, of Valley road, re- tuiiied this iiM'rnlnsj frckm h twu works vacation at Anbury Park.

I’strk Jacoluus. of Baldwin Klreet. w. s* hurt on tin- right hand yrslerday wliiic itinning u liiihu In the machine Phfljia of the Edison phoiOiferaph worka, W rat Or­ange. A physician dressed the Injuries aflf?r wiilch jiicobuR was able lo go to his home. , ..

WlllUim Paxton, of Spring street, left to-duy for <.)cean Grove.

A D. Pomer. of Akron. O.. iiiui Mrs. \V H. Peiitmm. of Peterbnro, Canuda, father and slsU-r of Mra. H. Fruukllu Holloway, uf Dpt»cr MontciHir ftVeiuu-. hiive retiirui'd lo tludf rewpecUve hom e\ after a visit of sevTrtl Sveeks In Mont-

Mr' and Mrs. Edward Cftlrns returned rermitly from their wedding Journey and have gtme to tlielr ju'W' Uome In Rlonmmul lim, T.onk Island. nf?er a vli^jt of several (lays tu tbolr purentn In M ontdalr.

list Biinday-schoola to Hellewuod to-day.

Vtr. and Mrs, Jiime^ Wilson, of S'j'V" rnour avenue, hnv© gone lu Chicago for A two weeks' stay,

John Lemun. of Smith Fh'Imonl ave­nue has returned home Crum BelniMr.

Mrs. Clara nonnelly. of Bergeu Ptreet ami Miss Grnee liorlon, of Chusl- nut street, are spending two weeHs ai Fnr Ruckftwuy.

Corner Canfield Street, Orange.

The opening of th is store m arks a new era for the housekeepers in the O ranges and sur­round ing subu rbs— one»of the m ost ch arm ing residential sections in the country— a settlem ent of prosperous fam ilies in h ap p y , com fortab le homes. W e fully realize tha t for the families of such a com m unity the best of every th ing is none too good, and tha t they insist on having the best w hich the m arkets of the w orld afford, even if they m ust pay a h igher p rice in order to obtain it.

H eretofore they have not failed to p ay that h igher price , for the o ld -fash ioned p rincip le of re ta iling (from Which m any a fo rtune has been and w ill be m a d e ), is to charge the h ig h e s t p o ss ib le p r ic e th a t the custom er w ill stand for every article sold. The p rinc ip le of the h ig h e s t possib le p rice prevails am ong retailers, in O range, as elsew here.

The James Butler Grocery Companyr e v e r s e s t h i s a n c ie n t p r in c ip le of re ta ilin g ;—fo r th e n e w e r, f a i r e r a n d m o re e n l ig h te n e d p o lic y of r e ta i l in g e v e ry a r t ic le a t t h e

B E L L E V IL L E .iiiid fianuicl Vaunenvlitt,Mux iiiid Banuici VBUnenviiit, slxU'Cn

nfid ^•lvvell years did. rfsp re tlv e ly , of 'rirlii-hor sirve l. N ew ark , and PtiiNp Hurnsli'ln. HilrH-t-n years iild. of 333 Hriiuiue Birest, iilso N ew ark , w e re .a r - ralKiii'd lieHire Jiistlee (■‘nimell yeatprilay iiiiiiii a eharge uf steiilintt H irer sniidles, llliee lilailkel* iilli] H irer saddle priils frum a Btiiiile til IIlMBiile fo r k . They were rHimmlUed fo r nelloti by the Juvenile

' t Sip H ellev llle G iiii (.’luh w ill h av e a riireliii [irisi* sh o u t S a tu rd a y a f te rn o o n ,I lie f lrs t p r iz e lieUig a koUI m a lto se cross. (Ill H ir fu liiiw lng H atiird tty Hie elub will Imve w h iu 1h k tu iw ii a s a g u a ll shDol, a lsofor p rizes. _ , ,

Mr. and Mrs. W illiam R. Jenninea, of

Lowest Possible Price.

\ \ UHbhiktfm avonuc*. will spend the Sum- |ni''T In MassiicbuseUft.

MIsh \\T nlfred Tiittlp . of Main fltr^-rr. wlh apend the nex t few weeks In A llanilcCity. _______

Kldse wood road lo the ImuHe furmuily oc- jCMpfed by Mrs, J. H, Van CuH, In Vnlley•tteet.• VUm Florence Sherry, daughter uf Ser-

- g ian t Thomuft Sherry, wUl sippnd her va­cation In Boston.

M1b8 Alice May, of Second Hlrert, has totunied from Springfield, Maap.

Mr. and Mrt. Frederic Barney, of New I Tui4(« who have been the guesta of Mr.

and Mrs. William J. Shannon, uf Mend ■irect, have returned lo New York.

Kies Beeele Rodman, of Hamilton road, la back from Atlantic Oily.- Mr. and Mrs. Stilney Oilgate. of Centre

. street, have opened their camp In ^tho v-JUtrondackfl.

.^aooti Cohen and family, of Acikdoniy otnetp are a t Aabury Park.

Wilson Farrand. heailmuatpr of Newark ‘ sny, left lo-day for KorkywoU. Aah-

N. H.r. and Mrs. Bdward Krhiell. of Souih

j Qtmaga avenue, ore tHayiiig at Hotel - ’ Bnaiswick, Afrbury Park.

.. Aetlng' MarskoJ Thomas Rherry pstnb- -■' ' fh ib tl A new record In the pf>1ic« re- r : waiver practise yesterday hy making a

More w 41 out of a possible go. Maraluil ' ' ’JftundM ,l)$Id *hc record herelofopi, with

I i a .jHtrtc of 4t Ths scorv* ol the other W- of the dephrtment ys.^terdiiyI ' l John M.nnion, 28; Frtuik Keony, If;f e i -.'S&Mil Trscy. .16; P s tr lck Mnsiilre, H; I - ' ' ' Corcurmt, 1ft, and Edwsrtit H al-W- ton. T.k : A s hntortaJtiRient tasm bson arranged forV the SMOibort of the South Orougs Coun- p. «n. TRoinH Arcanani. to lake place a t iheirfe BMftOiit to-morrow night. IJ. H aiultap Iil5 l5 $ iltag the affair, which will tw fol* k iifrffedbi.aflvU alton,

NUTLEY.rrvfital Lodge. Kulghls of Pythlus. m»'t

luHl‘night lU Dlttjg’ft hull, when the fol­lowing officers were luHtalif'd: Master nt works John Eugcisotu chunccllor com- mumUr. Wmiurn H. Barry; vlcc-clmucel- lor, Hilbert rimnollj’: prelate. H.Vrcplnncl; muptcr a t nrmk, JnmcH Wlnd- liclm: miiNtcr of finance. WlllSum J. Hoiih- b \ , omHldo guard. John llh'schbcrger.

The Town (Ymncll will lo-niglit act upon the apjillfatitmn for salonu license? of Leon ( . Riihnn. Kdwrtrd l'\ Snyder nn-l Siibibn Clardl. which were laid over from the Inst mcetlug bci’UUsc* of objections made lo them. It la expected IhiU n hit­ter fight win lie nftude by rcprcBentiulves of churdicK lu the tuwm aguln«t the Clardl


C A S T O R IAFor Infouti &nd Children.

Tlte Kind Yny Have Always Rouglit

W e buy from first hands for cash and always secure the highest quality at the lowest cost. Our m arg in of profit is the s m a l le s t possible— and every th ing is sold to you for actual cost plus th is sm all fraction of profit. A ll the extra profits of the w holesaler, th e jo b b e r, the com mission m an, an d the various m idd lem en wtio necessarily attach them selves to the or­d inary retailer, are sw ept aw ay from the advanced system under w hich our business is con­ducted . N atu rally , our m ethod is n o t p o p u la r with the trad e . But it is exceedingly popu lar w ith the housekeeper. She keeps a ll these extra profits, and it m akes a g rea t difference in her favor by the en d of the year. W e gain increased volum e of business by catering to the w ants of the housekeeper J n a w ay by w hich she is the m ost benefited.


S lg n a iu r s o f I

ORANGE branch office . mwark eotninfl ntws.

ORANGE n a t io n a l BANK BUILDING Telephonea 478 and 793. Orange,

Advortlaemerta received until 11 its A. M for Inaertlon on the aame day.

d e l iv e r y ROOM. 10 CONE ST.

Il means increased comfort, health and happiness for you.It means higher quality for much less money, increased econ­

omy and thrift—and thrift means thriving.It means a higher standard of living at a lower cosL It means a guarantee that all foods arc pure and wholesom e-

made to eat and enjoy; made to give you entire satisfaction; not made to sell for the highest possible profit.

It means that we buy everything from first hands and know the quality.

It means that we guarantee all foods to be as represented—oryour money back. |

It means fresh foods—because they come from first hands, and our quick, rapid fire, smallest-possible-profit method of re­tailing makes old stocks an impossibility.

It means a saving of money for you on every purchase.It means that "$3 at Butler's” will go as far as $A spent else­

where—sometimes as far as $5 or $6. (Our Teas, for in­stance, cannot be surpassed elsewhere at even double our retail price.)

It means a large saving for every family in Wipes, Liquors, Ales, Beers and Cordials. (Bass Ale at $1;50 and Guinness's Stout at $1.35 a dozen are samples of our prices, and we

* name these two brews because they are world-famous for superiority and of one quality wherever purchased.)

It means an earnest and continued endeavor on the part of every manager and salesman and delivery man to please and satisfy you, by filling your orders intelligently, cheer­fully, accurately and promptly.

llfpuftf* fpp<?fluliy. (Tlartll wa« Tipfonler Day lust wt'pk nn a Pi riouHs lmrgf'preft-iTPil bv ibp poorTnftHl^r of tbp towTT. to wlioin Ml«P Kopjtlp Mris»on hiul apppalpd for i»l«L Hp wa? placpd umTer ■l>ond8 to pay ihf worrmn ppr week. Thlft ritae will bp rllrfl, It Im slQtpfl. nf* an in- Olpfttloii nf his nnfitnPRK to mTidUPl a pa- loon proppily.

MIftft Marv Dnlton. of Pussalc nvpnup, is RPfnding a fpw wppks nt Maabalinti rtpnoh.

m mIf the S t 0 m a e il, I.iver or Kid­neys are Iti " bad shape "

the B it te rs w i l l restore tiiem to a nor- m a I condition and cureCramps,Rausei,Disrrhcei,Biliousresi,InditMliM.

Th« dally circulation of the NEWARK e v e n in g n e w s ilk tha Oranget la B,000 copiea.

AdvcrflMTiLenta «l«o recelveti lo tba OraA|r « by Ihe tulluwlag ■genu:fc..\HT OR-AaNOE— , _ .

Marlin urrw,. 23 U'aahlTiroO plOC* iBpIoJiChurchJ. Tel. 3TMR.

W n Pluml?y 344 Main T^- ftiSft.J. }■'. ChrlailaTi. 107 Main atreet,L. E. Teager. 649 Main itraai -Bmit

Church),A. \V. Rk-hAPde. Fourth avenue aaJ

teeTUh Ptrcci. Tcl> S0M>CRANftE VAM.KT- . . .J. J. fipallman. IHxhlBttd A«ntn l U t t ^

Mootro*fc Pharmacy, J. E. E«lpr. WT ioo^ land etrppt. Orange. Tel. IOCS.

lOrTH ORANCn-B. A. Wallace, newadealw. B Sonih Oe-

anxe avenue '


hiB |H3«ritirin n t huypr frafta and vexe- table* for Roth A Co . c f O r^ c e .UcOLTKN'a for to-mnrrow, Scat, »o. a O^k-

Ofc IS Centre at., C^uifa. *

These are the secrets of our success, and the reasons w hy w e are con tinually b ranching out, and our business g row ing in p o p u la rity and volum e a t a ra te w hich am azes our staid contem poraries.

A Cordial Invitationis respectfully ex tended to the housekeepers of th e O ranges to v isit th e new store a t 327 M ain v S tr e e t , corner of Canfield, com pare qualities and prices, an d m ake a tria l purchase. You will then know for yourself the benefits and advantages o f b u y in g a t B utler's , N

Our regu lar p rice announcem ents w ill ap p e a r on th is p ag e every M onday an d Thurs­d ay after *this w eek . ' S . " '

Telephone Call, 3306-W Orange.

" „ " ' ; 3 2 7 M a i n S t . , C o r . C a n f i e l d S t . ^





Ames L od^ irs t Besigimted.as. Alternate Gets Unusually

High Percentage.


Anipfl Loder, non oT Atbc*rt J. Lorler, of 86 Walnut street, E ast Oruu^e. huM cn< tcrcd Annapolis Naval Academy us n mid" ahlpmun. Until last full he wuu in the Junior class of the Eant Orange High School. Ho was designated am an altcr- nata by Cpngressmun Wiley, but when the principal defiiulted. was directed to take Ihe exnniinutloiis. He entered a Ignited Btates Naval Aendomy Prepara^ tnry School a t AnnapotlK and took rUa examlnatlune June 21. He lias now en­tered upon the duljea uf tlu* academy. J\\ hifl examination for ndmlsslim he had

A r t , , , *. rrf5V(t*'''^s 18.6 out of a pOHalhIc tiiaxlnnim of 4. I.4)i]pr la seventeen years of age. Fof the past | two y«^ars he has play<>d guard on tlio j Bust Orange High School footliall eleven, which last fall won ilie interacholosllc championship.


PUZZLED OVER JEWEL THEFTSO range l*oUce W o rk liifr on lloU byry

W b lch O ccu rred a t H onie of Mrs. M«ry H. S cbuj-le r.

The Orange police arc puzzled by n theft which occurred last night In the residence of Mrs. Mary H. Sclmylet, widow of Rev. Dr. Anthony Schuyler, ■who waa rector of Grace Bplsoopal Church, Orange, and who lives at 15 lllllyer street. Mrs. Schuyler, her daugh­ter, and a niece of l>r. Schuyler, Aiius Mary Schuyler Hurd, occupied acp.arnla roonia in the house. When they retired about 1{J:3U o’clock last night, the door leading into the mom uf Mias Hurd was left open. On a dresser was a Jewel casket belotiging to har. During the flight Borne one got Into the house and rilled the b* x of lie contenla.

The artlcicH stolen Include a gold neck chain, gold locket and short neck chain, diamond fraternity pin InscrlbciJ with the initials M. S, H., open-face gold watch, gold and black enameled bracelet and two gold and black onyx brooches bear- liig the Inscription M. 8. H.

Acting Chief of Police Drabell says there lu no Indication that a forcible entrance was effected. It looks, he de­clares, as If the thief had got In througli cither the front or rear door wUh a key. The robbery was discovered at 7:30 o'clock th is morning by a woman wtio work»i ut the house and sleeps home at night. Tin- back door was a ja r when she arrived She notified the family a td soon after the theft of the Jewelry was discovered.

Am es Iroder,

GAVE HUSBAND A SHOVE.Rlrs. C h e a th a m T o ld to Appt-nr In

C o u rt T o-niorro^T to AnsTver to C h a rv e o f A ssau lt.

Mrs. James Cheatham, of 63 Dodd wtrcpt. Orange, wtio had a quarrel with her hun- bnnd yesterday during which Cheattiam fell from the balcony on tlie third floor to the balcony on the floor below, ai-- peared before Police JuHilce Bray tlilH morning. The police, who gathered in Mrs. Cheatham yesterday, let her go ‘n the afternoon, when It was found that her liusband bad not been seriously hurt. Cheatbara did not appear In court this morning and Justice Bruy told Mr», Cheatham lo come around agnin to-mor- , yuw morning and bring her hustjand .

The police heard from neighbors that !Mra. Cheatham gave her huabund a shove. Mrs. Cheatham said In court this morning th a t this was true to a certain extent. Bhe declared her hueb.-ind had sold ihnt he would go over the rail and nould Ujcg her along too. 8he added th a t when atu' 0GW that Cheatham w'as going, she reached over and gave him a pit;sh toward the house in such a manner that he wmb^l full into the balcony on the floor below I t happened that CheaihaTO did fall on the next balcony.

OBJECT TO TAR TREATMENT.M u m i A v e n u e l l e s l d e n l s f . 'o iu p lu ln «»f

t h e M t i ie l l a n d . t la o o f D s m u g o b y

T m c k l i i K t ftnUF In H o iu en .. Under the supervision of Blroet Com- inlssloner Wlllliim H. V. Hj-Iuu r. of Eu.‘'t Orange, half of Springdale avenue was coated with the ];ew peini^uiim and asphalt cornponml for allayhiK the dust, and u light eaveriug was p\U uti hulf the road In Munn ?ivemu\ from Main street to C riitial iivemie, yrsterdiiy. Tin.' other half of ftprliigdiile avenue will be coated next week. The work in Munn avenue has been liulcfitillely held up.

Tiu' work has beeti cotsductnd under rather trying eundliltihs «o fur as Mr. KHmor Js coneenieil. fur lo-day the lelc- phune In liie oflU'*' Ijas been buzxing al­most coniinnousiv, People keep complain­ing about the work. They say thnt the odor is objet'tit^iiilde iiml iniirli worse than linn, tlicir cui.s and dogs stroll out on the wer siirfure ami then retu rn to the tuiiisi-, Iracklng the lurry HliifT over the floors.

The Job was stopped In Mitnn uvenuo leniporarllv. on the advice of pliysicluna In the family of Superiiiiendoiit of Schools Vernon L Ihuey A tnember of the fnm* lly. Mr. l.)!ivey would not say who, la iibaiiL to iindergou surgical operattun, and It WHH feaie.l by thi physlclmis that the Odor t)f I he dust alhcyer would militate ngaliist (he prompt reenverv of the pa'* llent. Mr. Dnvey told a .N’EWrt reporter to-day Itiiit tn* had no objec-tlon to the scheme and waa willing (n bear his share of the smell for a few days as aoon us the sick one was strong enough to stand It, Therefore the work lu Munn avenue wna disconiliiuod after u light coal had been upidled.

SOLDIER DIES OF PARALYSIS.i lu rn r e D. Diuld E xplreii In O ranffe

H ospltikl A fte r Fllitess of Sllx Diiys.

Horace D. Dodd, a former resident of Momclalr. riled lust night in 81. Mnry'a Hospital, Orange;, following a stroke of paralyalH, He was extrurnely fr»Tul of baseball, und cm Thursday went out In the wun to watch a game at North Park and Dodd streets. East Orange. Upon returning to Mic residence of hl.-4 sister, Mrs. L. J. VVliliama. at 25f5 North Park street, he complnlnrd of (he heat, and a Mhori time later he waa stricken with paralysis.

Mr. Dodd had served In the regular ar^.y for fifie<;n yeara. For the past four years he hsd lived at ihfi National Snldlera’ Home at Danville, J1I-, but re­turned lo F/a-sl Orange lost March. He was seventy years of age.

S I C K W O M A N D K I K K 9 A C in .

M rs, Foxfirr Hum D m i S u b jec t to Al- tackK nf IlliH.**tN.

Mrs. Russ H, Foster, of Greyinck ave­nue, Belleville, drank carbolic acid a t her home last night. She did not swallow aiiough of the fluid, however, to do her eerlous Injury. Dr. Edward 0. Cyphers attended her.

Mrs. Foblcr has been 111 and It was dur­ing a spell of uculp mental deprosBion that she drank the acid.

F lr« C om pany T re a p n re r Heslgnft.At the mecllng of the Mlllburn Are de­

partm ent last lilghl F rank 9. Bailey tendered bio reHlgnatlon as treuaurer, utao atf an active member- Hi» place was filled by the election of F rank M. Mar- ehall. It was decided to take part In the tlTeincn’’B parade a t Hackettstown on August 28. The company will take Its supply wagon along. The committee In charge Is composed of Chief F rank Liv­ingston, F rank Mi Marshall and Joseph itlmback. The delegates who will attend the firemen's convention a t Wildwood, September 11. are; Chief Livingston, J. M Ayers, F rank Marnhall and George W. Eager.

T r y ln a c t o F i n d IftH S in t e r .ChioE of Police Collins, of IJIoomfield.

recelvod a letter to-day from Sergeant Lawrence E. Daly, of the Hospital Corps iit Camp Columbia, Cuba, askfng the po*i lice to try to locate his sister, Mrs, Frank K. Stevens, who was a resident of Bloom­field five years ago. Ho said he had heard from hoy since th a t time. The woman's husband, according to Daly, was an em­ploye of a silk manufnetniing concern In Bloomfield, but a t the Ampere Bilk mills, the only inatltutton of* th a t kind In the town.-woth*'r^ ^ “^ o w n of Steveiis.-------------- • —i-----------M o t h e r S e n t t o J n i i , M on In A H y lu i i i .

Mrs. Noni McEnroe, who snld she had 110 home, was found ■wandering along l'>rry street early tills morning by Patrol­man Walsh and was tal'cn tq the Third Precinct Station-house. 8lie had with her a small boy about five years old. who glio said was her son- She was urvalgne.i before Acting Judge Freeland on a chorge of drunkenru'Bs and sentcncKl lo um days In the county Jal), The child wus lurned over to the Catholic Chlldrvn'e 'Aid So­ciety.

■ -----------L elgbtoa'* 'OoMdtttov Im proved.

The condition of Frederick T. Leighton, of an Harrison avenue, Harrlsofi, who attempted lo end hln life yesterday morn-

and who was taken to i t . Michaet's Jlospltal, is repotted to be improved to­day. I^elghton adm itted to the physi­cians yesterday u f t^ f fo h th a t he had token a dose of strychnine, but said he did not remember putting a rope around his neck. The police found Leighton hang­ing from a door.

KANSAS JUDGE IN RUNAWAYo f C h u rle s K, D odd HeliiK

nrl^'<^ni T l i r o a g h tV eN t O m ii t f e tloFM o T n h c f t F r i g h t .

Charlea E, Druid, a contractor of Or­ange. with J ihIec Qiisrlcji, of Kansas City, who is visiting in the former city, wore thrown from Mr. DoOtVs carriage in Main street. West Orange, this morning, hut both eacappd serious Injury. Mr, ^odd hiwl taken Mr. Ijunrk-s far a drive and they were relurnhig to Orange when the horse shied a t a wagon. Mr. Dodd tried to hold the animal m but he began to run and dashed against the curb on Main stroi‘1, near SI. Murk’s Ohurcli.

The force of the collision threw both men o u t The horse slopped for a mo­m ent and then conlinued on a run. It dashed down Main street, pursued by two men, who were rldtng horseback and who rode up ju st ns the accident occurred. The niiimal was caught near Brick Church.

Mr. Dodd and the judge brii.shed them­selves off and Mr, Dodd had s cut on hla hand dressed, after which they went home.

LorMlfl And n eso lv e in H elp IngtFBggle tu J'ruteol

_____ . LiibeLResolutions were adopted by the locals

Identified with the United H im ers uf N orth America, at a special meciing in Michel's lla ll, last nlglit, pledging their support to the autkuuil odlcers in the fight th a t Is belug waged ugulnst the reported "assault’' on the uninu label by the National Hut Mnmifui'turers' Asso­ciation. The latter urganluLlou, it ta said, wants to ubutuluit the practise uf putting union labels In their product.

The meutlng was a tiuu lrd by about 400 members of the fimahers. irlmmcra, weighers and fecilors locals. Klcbiird a . Low, pr^bldent of local No. u of ttic finishers, prehidnl, anti the wecreiurlts were Miss Jennie E. Betl, of the ii-im- mers; Jumos lirync. of ihe fimalura. Ml»a Agnos Frtel, of the weighers; ,Mjss Me­linda Scott, of ttiti trimmers, and t.’h.irlea P. Culltn, of the makers. National I'rr.s- 1d*nt John A, Moftult. of Orfingi-. ;ind Nntlonul Vlco-Preatdent Frank 1’. Mh.ilvoy mudfl speeches. The resolution? were jn- trnduceJ by Aftsembli'man Duiilel A.

i i . . . - -


R e c e i v e r ’s S a l e !]C o m m e n c e s t o - m o r r o w m o r n in g a t 9 o ’c lo c k . «2 .'!0 .000 w o r th c le a n , u p - t o -

d a te m e r c h a n d is e to b e s a c r if ic e d fo r re a d y c a s h . T h i s s a le is im p e ra t iv e a n d e v e ry a r t ic le in t h e s to r e h a s b e e n m a rk e d d o w n to e f f e c t a ra p id c le a ra n c e .

T h e fo llo w in g i te m s a r e c u lle d f ro m h u n d r e d s m o re e q u a l ly c h e a p .

T o G ? t M o r e S t r e n g t h - f r o m Y o u r F o o d

^HEN the Bowel* we (111*4 with undlgMted food. we may be a great deal wane

. off than l( we w«e hVI■ r '; Starved,I Because food that etayi ^ long In

the Bowels decays there, just as tt it stayed too long In the open air.

! Well, when lood decays in the Boweb, through delayed and overdo* action, what

1 happens?

N o w t b n t H r la O a t o f P v n i l v i i i l t i r y . A id S u c lo ty ’N O ftlo liil T iik t'a^

P r e r i i n t l i J i i a ,

PiPcautiouH have bean toUnn by Jiin-d Kimball, nf the Chlldmu's Aid Sucl-

<'ty. 249 Muiharry street, ugalnMl an ex- jivcied vl«lt from William Rnrdlrk, who has been released from the (’juldwi,'!! I’mltontJary, after having svrv<'il st-ven- tcpn montha for assault and bnttory an j Mr. Klmhall and hie wife two years ago, I •Mr Kimball passed strlvtures t n Bnj - j flick's care hla duughter at th« itmf, [ find one night he burst into the snruMv's i rooms and attacked Kimball umi his w Ife,

.Mrs. Kimball was visiting the poiiih-ti- tiary several weeks ago and when tiur- dick saw her pusa hla cell, he ihrenteio'd to "gel square" when he otilulned hlM freedum- Klrnlmll reimesteii W jinlfn IVsch to notify him when ihe nuin s time was up. Tb<? man was h i go Hut- urday, nnd Deputy Wurdon C anny seni a letter to the Newarkcr. I

Shertly nfter Burdick's commitment to I the penitentiary he Tiecam*- lupnne ami f ■vviiM Bi-nt to (he Ovcrhi uoli .ksylum. i whdTC he spent tw’o munthH. lie wan 1 sent back ta the t'nlilwell Institution as ' cured, but Dcsch yays thi- man l>* mit j In popsevlon of all his senses yet. ami la Inclined to Indulge In wild talk

HAKE READY FOR CONVENTION[i, C . A. M e ii ih e rn r i u u to Gik to

S ])rliiK tl« ‘lii > v x l W e e k —C o n ­t e s t f u r O rtIrvB.

prepnratlons were made iit A meeting of the Now Jersey Senate of the Ladles' Catludlc Benevolent Aswui-hitlon. in lii- fltltule Hall, Inm night, fi'f attending tlie bluniibil conveniloii of 'the firgiiriizaltf>n. Bchcdiilpfi to tic Ju'kl In Springfield, Muss., next w(M'k. Mrs. M.iria F. ijulnti, a ku- preme inj.stci'. will lioud Uie deU-gniluTi fri>m New Jerney.

Thi-re will be fifty delegates from N.'W Jerac.v. and It Is expcctfci they will sup­port. w itlia few exceptions, iho run0hl;\cy t)f Mrs. Mary E. CiwLellu, of BrofiUlyii. for aiipreinc pr^'^ldent Mrs. CoMello has been waging a campaign fur aevertil years (45 ouyt Mrs. Elizabeth McGowan, uf Uuffalo. the present Incurntfcnt, ami the HtruKgIf this ycYir lias already become warm The rtuivcution will Cfinvf-nc Ttjesday mihnlrig Iti the auditorium of the High BchooL TIutc will bo d e b -gales.

12%C‘ Pillow Cases, Receiver’s Sale Price......7>4c8c. Unbleached Muslin, Receiver’s Sale Price, 5>ic 1 2 > c. Bleached Muslin, Receiver’s Sale Price, SH e 35c. Sheeting. 10-4 width, Rec. Sale Price, 19M c95c. Bed Sheets, 81x90, Rec. Sale Price........9 4 c7Sc. Linen Table Damask, R<.*c. Sate Price, 5 0 c 1.98 Linen Table Napkins, Rec. Sale Price, 1 .2 5 25c,Pure Linen Huck Towels, Rec. Sale Price, 1 7 c

..7!Tr.Tr;»ycpnib65c, Linen Suiting, Receiver’s Sale Price........b!»C$2,50 Pure Linen Table Covers, Receiver's

Sale Price........................................................10c. Linen Toweling, Receiver’s Sale Price, 9V c $2.50 Bed Spreads, ex. size, Rec. Sale Price, 1 .5 9 10c. Apron and Dress Gingham, Receiver’s

Sale Price........................................................15c. Figured Cambric, Receiver’s Sale Price, 7M'c 29c. German Ticking, Receiver’s Sale Price. 1 9 c 59c. Feather Pillows, Receiver's Sale Price, 9 0 c 8c. Colored Chambray, Receiver’s Sale Price, a?4c 25c. Alabama Wool Flannel, Rec. Sale Price, 1 IH c 15c. Linen Finislied Suitings, Rec. Sale Price, 8>^c I2.'^c. Fancy Dress Lawns, Rec. Sale Price, 7>4c 25c. White Batiste, 40-inch, Rec. Sale Price, 1 4 c 69c. Silk and Wool Suitings, Rtc. Sale Price. 2 5 c 29c.Opaque Window Shades, Rec. Sale Price, 1 8 c

59c. Lightweight Dress Fabrics, Receiver’sSalcPrice............................... ; ........................3 8 c

12c. American and bnglish Chinaware, Re­ceiver’s Sate Price............................ ................5 c

2c. Jelly Glasses, 6-ounce, Rec. Sale Price.......I c59c. Oval Wash Boilers, Rec. Sale Price...... 3 9 c39c. Lnamelware, Receiver's Sale Price.......... 1 7 c$3 High-Grade Waists, Receiver’s Sale Price, 1 .9 9 .50c,. Wcun^b’s Wi'JsG, Reteiyer’j Sale P,rice*^9c $i.2S'Women’'s’'Walsts, Kecetver-5\-i.i,. .-rite,69c. Women’s Kimonos, Receiver’s Sale Price, .‘19c 59c. Women’s Dressing Sacriues, Receiver's

Sale Price ..................................................2 9 c$2 Shirtwaist Suits, Receiver's Sale Price......8 7 c$12.50 Voile and Panama Suits, Receiver’s

Sale Price ...................................................... .5.9.535c. to 49c. Muslin Night Drawers, Receiver's

Sale Price................................................... ‘2 3 c15c, Skein Germantown Wool, Rec, Sale Price 9 c 49c. to 59c. Women's Lisle Vests, Receiver’s

Sale Price......................................................... 2.5c98c. Black Sateen Petticoats, Rec. Sale Price 5 0 c $1,50 to $1.75 Black Sateen Petticoats, Re-

ceiver’s^ale Price.......................................... 7 9 c$1.00 Baby Carriage Parasol Covers, Re­

ceiver’s Sate Price.......................................... 5 9 c

W omen’s Silk GlovesFine pure silk el1>ow length

Molisquetaire Gloves, also silk taffeta and M ilanese 12 ami 16 button length, regular value f2.0() am i J2.25 a pair. Sale for th is week p rov ided stock lasts, special at, pair..

Women’s Imported Stockings.I'ine tan ami blark gauze lisle

stockings, nierccrlzeil silk finish, think of it, just the kim l women w ant for sunimer wear ami at a great uioncy saving, reg­ular 29e. to JSc. values, sites to fit every woman, aiso men's fancy hose, pr.

Em broidered Collars — Ladies' (imbroidereJ Linen Callars, In size* 12 to 15, various styles of av 1 embroidery; reg. to25c. ea.Iteceiver's sale price, each — ^

V alei|c iennes L aces—French and Gi'rni.ui Valenciennes Laces and In­sertions to match, varltjus * q wiJtlis; reg. .W , dozen yds. I l^ecejver’s sale price, 12 yds. *

A llover Em broidery — 18 Inch Allover Embroidery in Swiss and cani- hrlc, in neat French eyelet and small figured effects; regular t®■t‘Jc. yard. Receiver's sale | U ^

Embroidered Bandings - Em­broidered Handings, In 5t. GaU,Swdss and cambric, pretty, new, seasonable

■ patterns in French floral and eyelet elfecLs; widths to 10 Inches, worth up to 8.1c. yard. Re­ceiver's sale price, yard.

Bag* and Belts-Leather Hand Bags, leatlier and steel sludJed elas­tic belts, in black, while, Ian and brown, with one or two-piece

C orse ts C orsets C orse tsAlmost given uwav; loi of odds

and ends of itie-se popular m akes;i’elix, Nemo, Kalx)ftnd i l . H .;were .sold regular un to a n

e a r !i and liiglier; i 1 1 nwhile they last, come 1 .e a r ly ........... 1 / V

W om en’s H andkerch iefs.Fine Irsported und dom estic

I.aoe and Ffmbroidered H andker­chiefs, ninny palterna to choose from, some in fancy boxes.R cgidar value up to 50c. each, choice while they la s t..........................................


PERHIAHEBI AllMORY GIVEN,o f P H t f r a o n n p f r l^ l r r o f

liloenA«>N G4*(h Orilf'r friiin

John M. HoyTfln, of F-'afersoTi. whor<? h(* fa roylafrur of llcfUrtOR. ■‘Vuh VlcG-Chnncellflr Emnry >'Cflter<la>' a f trr- noon as defendanl In alimony r^’Offwi- I Ini^s brought by Mrs. IJoyl«n. The eouple wore married last Dfcembors but Boylnn has not llvpd "with hla wife sliico. Ho has been paying hor $Ij a woek unclor a t ’mporary order made by Vlce-Cliu.nct?l- loi Hlpvpiiflon, ■who at ihf same limi’ compotle’d him to pay I2B to Farstor \V. FrcH'nmn, Mrs. Huylan's cmins**!.

The hearing yeeierday wjis on a lucition by Mr. Freeman lo have the [iliumny made permanent. Boylan was reiire.«ent- od by Mayor John Johnson, of Paierson, who did not gainsay (he asseriiim that hia client, hs registrar of licenses, was In receipt of a salary of |f>3.J3 a motjLh, and 50 the vlcc-chancrllor made perm a­nent the alimony order, ami d in 'c ttd also thnt Iioylun pay unoiher $25 to Mr. Freeman.

Girls’ ParasolsAbout 100 lo close out a t once^

very fine silk oit good, strong frame in all colors, were soM ref^ular from |1 to J1.79 each, a t ...........

brown, with one ortwo-pjece buckle sets, values toJl.OO. Receiver’s sale price, each

Taffeta k tb b o n —Fxtra heavy ail silk TaffeU Ribbons, in black, w'hite and all the leaJiDK shade.s, widths to

29c. to JSc. yard. Receiver’s I t J ^ sale price, yard...................... 1 x V

riusliiT Underwear.Combiiintinii lot to close out,

slightly soiled frc?m handling, con- fii.stiiig of W om en's Fine Muslin Drawers, Corset Covers and Chem­ise, made of the liest materiul, handsom ely trim m ed and tucked; some with lace, others with enihroideriei; were snlrl uji to 79c. per gar- m enl, clioice......................

At the Soda Fountain

I Orrine Makes Mappy Monies! by restoring: the flrunkard to sobriely,

manhood and health. It removes the I craving for strong drink. Can be given j 'Without p a tien t’s knowledge, if desired, i Money refunded if it fails, fl.OO per { box a t Chas. Hoizhaiier, 737 Broad >St.

EVerpbodp — EVerpbJhert knob)s

U n e e d aB iscu it

HORSE DROWNED m DITCH.A lioi-8u owned by Oufiln Brothers, of

147 Orange street, New,irk, was drowned yesterday afternoon Iti a ditch near tl>e public dump In UarrlHon. The animal was attached to a wagon loaded with refuse, and while the tJrlvet wua shoveling from the wagon the horse started of. Beforo It could be stopped it hud plunged Into the ditch, draggir/t : ’ i n after It. The vehicle overturned, pinning tlio anl- mval under the water.

M o n t c l a i r C o n t r a c l o r F n l U f r o m C a rJames B. Dyer, a contractor of 2D Mnn-

lague Montclair, while alightingfrom a Bloomfield avenue trolley cor yea- terdny nftcMioon t>n Broad street, near Belleville avenue, fell, sustaining a frac­ture of the right arm and other injuries, Dr. Lev! W. Case, of Montclair, who wa« on The vrhirle, attende^d Dyer's hurts, nftor which the latter was removed to hlB iiotnc in a carriage.

T w o C o n c e r n s I n c o r p o r n te d -Articles of incorporation were filed In

the county clerk’s office to-day by the Orange Irrigation Company, whichIs capitalhsert' fit $160,000. Of the capita] stock, $1,000 is paid In. The Incorporators are Charles O. Gcyer and Prank C. Fergu­son* IncorporaUng articles were filed also by the Mfiton Snider Company of this cHy, which proposes to deni In maohlnery. The concern Is capitalized a t 1100,000. of which $1,000 Is pnlrl In. The Incorporators are Allen R Hallctt, Wllliafn B. F. Kogers and Max M. Salomon.

1 . Altnum A dn.



■: -V:





-1i' > l> \ ■

EACH. 22c. EACH, 15c. EACH, afcc.

Closing Out a Lot of New and Perfectly Trimmed Sailor Hats in OKp Shapes for Women and Girls—Dollar Hats at . . .



* V ie rrM e A i^ ^ ^ T i« ro u irn M N * ____


J X T H A V E l I 6 ” A N D I9 ™ | S T R E E T S i


Another Lot of Those Princess Lingerie Dresses (200

only) at *10.75Th is dress has been the big "h it” of our season, for

it takes only a glance to convince any woman well- posted in values that the price, $10.75, is not much

more than half what such dainty and tasteful gowns' ordinarily cost at this time of year.

We contracted for them at a time when the manu­facturer was having his doubts if there would be any summer at all, which explains why we are able to offer them at such a price. Even at that, we can get them only in small quantities—200 at a time—and every time v/e put them on sale they la.st about as long as so many snowflakes would in this kind of weather.

Made from a fine, soft, sheer lawn, daintily and tastefully trimmed with embroidery and lace in a fashion that we try to show in the picture, at the right. You have seen many dresses less pretty and ^ C Tless well made offered at $20. Two 'P I M ^ hundred of these to-morrow at.............. *

Lingerie Dresses at 5.90A Pretty Style—A Limited Quantity

These dressy are made offine batiste in pretty shades of pink, pale blue and white. The style is a tasteful one and will surely meet the approval of women of good tasfe (see illustration at left). The bodice, girdle and skirt are effectively trimmed with lace and the entire garment is a copy of a much higher priced dress.

Lingerie Dresses at *6.50These dresses are made ef white batiste and elabor­

ately trimmed with embroidery and lace. You will find it hard to buy a better and prettier dress anywhere for less tiian $10.

The mSlllpns of Uttle Suction Pump* that line the Bowels and Intostinex then draw Poieon from the decayed Food, instead of the Nourfahmenl they were Intended lo ■ draw.

This Poison gels Into the blood and, In time, spreads all over the body, unless the Causa of Co nsllpallonfs promptly removed.

That cause cl Constipation Is Weak, or Lasy Bowel Muscles,

Whtprypur. Bowel-Muscles grow fUbby- Ihey need Exercise to strengthen them, noi "Physio" to pamper them.

• » aThere’s only one kind of Arillic^ E l-

erciss for the Bowel-Muscles.Its name is "CASCARETS," and Its

price is Ten Cents a box.So, If you want the same natural action

that a six mile walk in the country would give you, (without the weariness) take one Csscaretat A time, with intervals between, till you reach theexac! condition you desire.

One Cascaret at a time will property cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue.

« a *Don’t fall lo carry the Vest Pocket

Cascaret Box with you constantly.All Druggists sell them—over ten mllilan

boxes a year.Bo very careful to get the genuine,

made only by the Sterling Remedy Com­pany and never sold In bulk. Every tablet atampod "CCC." TU

Abdominal and Obesity

BeltsFor the Support of Largo

Penduloat Abdomen*The new F re n ch Supporter, as

well as those of our own make. Also the BEST of other mikes!

Elastic Stockings Knee Caps

and AnkletsThis Is the season of the yeer

that swollen veins need protection. We have the best lines—Including the popular Frencli make. All at "Petty’s Custotiiary l.nw Prices, ”

blade lo Special MeaiuroOuaranteed Work and Fit

Ladies’ Apartment* andLady Aiiendani for Women

See Large Window Display at Petty's Prudential Pharmacy.


S U P P L Y S T O R E ,

4 7 B an k S tre e t, H A L S E Y

Cbe newark €vetiinglRw$

' be fottod «n m Ib «|foUowng fiewt ite od i M


Im i,Th« N«w Prl t e ai.

Galea Hall, n * Wntehfn,

M tw a U n n t« 4 Pwkif% H m A lUrtM K Nnra Cos.

IW oa N m Cos. O iktntB,K,

lo oopoolal- ly good for Gao orGaa-ollrye Cook­ing Ranges; P ain t It on.Dtstfoys m il dries tn 10 mtn* uies*

F or bv & P uUbt(1, llahoo ACo., "W. V. »nyrt«r & Co.. Goerke St Co, and M attbla« LvHlow, i

H IA G IC l l . l l l l -STA IN .F or Brown or Piaok- l^epared by Qeor.iA

Ormpby, Wljr Makor and H air Wijrker, No. 169 Tremont wt. Roston. Ji !• w fo andaailly applied. CGnuIn" no lead or nervo poiBOO. U»(* H oncp Hiio viiu trill never uae any othar* I»r1ce. $L For REile by _



f>W‘>etAU -kj


Weakness in “ Amcrians” at London Reflected in Open­

ing at New York.



A H * M o r B cr » lik a )u iB .< * f W liu r to n , T « ll« H o w H e C aiu F t o KlA

P e r iu n a l t r a t ( a ,0 0 0 . flpfdiil Ci.pafcA to the UVESlflO XKWg.

WHARTON, July 10.-The Borough Council will on Monday night conilder Ihe Hppenl of the Hough Mining Com­pany from the aMceement on III por- Bonul property.

A ipecial meeting of the council waiheld on Monday nlghl to coneldar this !

NEW TORK, July 10,-T h e decline ahown by opening prlcea were eevere. end were aggravated by the weakneia in lA>n- 4on. Large blochi of et^me of the prin­cipal atocltg were uiilonded on running lalea a t widely varying prices. In Si.Panl J.WO shares were sold at 1.1114 nn j «3l4. compared w ith 1S5-T4 la st m glit; Bench,aharea of Union Pacific, a t 1« and lU 'l. Assessor John A. Bermlngham Caplalmtd oompared with lis^j, last night, and 6,t«i iPc council that he had visited the sharei of Amaleamatcd Copper at 90 and nmeg eonault with Mr

— ■- -------- -■—«m Railway preferred KtW niK;-7l^ulavllte and Nasiivllle nnd Brooklyn

BARRELS OF OIL. DEFENDANTSU n ite d S t s t e * C la lm a t h i i l T l ir y G o t

In to TlitN C oqnlrf Throndli m Mt«i<«|»reH«ntatlo]ia

Eprriof nU i^trh tfi the KEWS.TRENTON,, July 10.—One hundred and

seventeen bHireiR of olive oil are the de- fendnnta In a euli tn the UnUed fitatea Diatrlot Court. The United Statce In the proBCcutoF In the uc^ioii, which la one for forfeiture of the oil becauie of un allew


matter, but owing to the ubienee of the borough Hitorney. Ford 15, Smith, the rase was not eettlml. Tho Hough mine property n* owned by Mrs. &4||ab B.

gatlon thnt It waa brought Into the UnitedStates under a misrepresentation.

This oil WM conslgn'.'d to Cunstlne CaU

Neiirty Tw o witd Thrvc-qpnrte^ Mil­lio n Dollnre Dne to Stole by

C orporations.TRENTON. July lO.-CnntroHer J. Wil­

lard Morgan received from the State Board of Aiseaaors yesterday eoheiiulo No, 2 of the asaeeamems levied by tho board against mlscellanerniH corpomtlons In New Jersey. The schedule includes K7 companies, and the tux asses«eii


R esp o n sib le for th e T n k ln s o f C ertain Evidence*

^.-pfctal to Ms JffyjS3Y/^VO A'JFWfi.NEW BRUNSWICK, July !0. - Justice

Francis J. Swayge, In the Circuit Court, to-day Itlcd an opinion, part of which he declared he wished to be oonstrued as a rebuke to the at^omeya responsible for taking certain evidence In a civil case— that of Idorltz Sameth, a P erth Amboy "banker,*’ who had brought suit to com*

againic them am aunts toThis, togethei^ with ihft nrst schedule ^ .

__ ____ __ flled with the controller on June %. repre- i Emil Sameth, his agent a t South Am-anopule, of Jersey City, He ciaims the oil i aMeaimonts against ! boy, to account for moneys It was allegedw a. not of th , ,Mlble clu.,. but that it { Hong No. 2 ‘ and failed to payWB* bim glit for him and nhipped to tho 1 * >u.scoi, w ra p a n ie . m p.. . . . . . . a tro n * fortrn lled S la te , to be u,ed foV o th e r th a n a re th« In tim a tio n s defendant, and M cC arte r * E n g ll.h

Transit !H* Anaconda IH. Southern f*u- clfle and American Smelling IN®, and Orem Northern preferred, Pennsylvania wnd Sugar a point. Ixisses In the anllve stocks ran to a largo fraction qv'.Hc gen- orally.

U A. M.-U(iuldallng salea conilrmed to i come on the market In great vtdumo iind j urgency, until the averagp losMes ran well over Q point. Tho severe decllriD in Sr. Paul, Union Faclflc. Reading ami other m arket leaders excited conslderahk iip- prehensiofi. Toward the rlo.wf of ihohour some of the Western siooka were «up- ported and rallied a point, but spetulailon became Immediately dull on the nilly. BU Paul slumped 4^. Great Northern Ore Oertlftcaies 4Vi. Reading ntid Arnalgn- mnted Copper 3H. Union I'nriflc nhd American Car prefermd L*%. frhlcago a n l Alton 2Vi. Houihern Paemo, Pennsylvania, New York Central, Norfolk and W estern and BmelUnp stocks 2. Great Northern preferred and Anaconda N orthern Pa- cinc IH. Northwestern and Colorado Fuel IH. Canadian Pacific 1^. and Southern Railway, Atchison. Missouri Paclftc, Col­orado and S<iuthem second preferred. United States Steel and American Car L

Noon—Tho announcement of a gold en­gagement for export cauat*d a renewed decline, the previous Insset being con- gtdcrably extended. St. P au l's loss reached 5, AroalgKmaled Copper 8H. Rmd- itig VA, Union Paeffle 2, Northwestern.

, Southern Pacific and Great N orthern pre* ferred lAi: Northern Paclfia 2% and Louis­ville and Nashville Z. Occasional checks to the decline were followed by only feeble rallies. Bonds were easy.

1 P. M.—Pressure against the m arket became less severe after noon, but a. number of itock i lost considerable fur­ther ground. St. Paul got down to IdO, a

ossessmenl at t.1.000. The assessm ent, both res) unil personal, was protested against, bui ihe real estate Aax was paid JuHt befuro the appeal was made from the personal aaflcsiment.

table piirr«5M(i. Hnrrt"on: amounl of caim.o , . . _ iain ,|»The I'nlied S tale, elalm, the oil la of *tock laiued, Rl,850.000. It wlli be, ,e- ; 'epreaentln i the plalniiir. itie I tiiitta s ta le , claim , I . . . . to*. iaAJS-50; 1 -Jh«_CM e_waa of^apeeJaX JptereAti _!»■.

tn-ihrtKe rt rtpp™ r-.«.«r«lee It f ' - . ; ; , . : . r , ? ; ’ , b y ' Joaeph" Deu'taoh,'ihT man -lAo*lon-d wMh A foreign substance which \ capital slock Issued, W.OOO.OOU, l . *o, Mft*rwArd rilH u fort?ian bankina businessmade It Inok like tho non-odlble variety, j the Weetern Power Company. .ai-liallz*‘d uflerw ard did a foreign botiiclng businessThe gfivt-rriment will try to show that

Butte Coalition- - - Butte & London....

loss of Reading showed a decline of Butte & New York

wlien the nil was allowed to settle the foreign memf-r w-ent to the bottom of the barrels iiii>l h'ft a line quality of lab le oil.

VTT-VIV HJIFLEJ s tmt J t m m t . r n T T w r e I I " tlllK i l l^ f tl lS ClIlVS Oil IS d e s i g n a t e dNEW YORK OUTSIDE SECURITIES def^ n lntii as the consignor is withoutibe jurlsdi-flon of thu United States. The consignee is not a party In the aotlnn. because the goods have not been dsUvered to him. being held In the New York cu»- lom-houB”.

a t |lf(,000,000; tax, HUM.-------------- -


Tbs rollowin^ by Van Bchald

uotaiions are furnished CO.:

Closing Closa i S-iturdny. to-diiy

Bid.Asked. Bid.Asked. I1NDUHTH1A1.8,

Amerlcen Chid.;. ..175 IW 175 190Amfricdh Chicle, |ir IW 88 96Amifrloftn %’lckpL... % 1% 1'4American Toh.uc'.. an, m 315American Writ P-. HiAmerican W. F , pr a>*Uay suite One......... *iCentral Foundry.... 3 2 8OoiUrnl Ktmiidry. pV Havanu Tobacco,...

m 16 i-m 11112 14 12 14

Hav. Tobacco, p r . .., 16 19 16 19Houston Oil.............. 7 8 7 a\*Houiiton Oil. p r........ 30 4f. 30 itiInter. Sivtt .............. 16 16 16 uMan. Triinftlt......... . 6% b'*Oliti EltiVftiur........... 3!> 35OUb Elevator, p r.... W 92 VS %Htandard Oil............ 502 m 600 6ol

RAIl. ROADSAm. Lleht & True.. 100 105 100 105Am. Light A Tr., pr. 90 ■»5 SW 95Uhlcago Subway...... J5I* 2fl4 11514Seaboard Compuny.. 16 20 16 20Seaboard, let p r...... 60 70 60 70Seaboard, 5d p r ........ 30 40 30 40


MINING.A rgentlte C obalt.... Bingham C entral. .. Houatiga Creek .......Boston CouptT British Col. Copper.

over 4 points, Delaware and Hudson 3^, Anaconda 8. Northern Pacific and Minne> •polls. BL. Paul and Sault Bte. Mario 3^ •o d United States Steel 1%.V I p. M.—A slow recovery set In after tbe m arket bad become intensely dull, but the rally did not reach notable pro­portions except In St. Paul, which ratUod 1%. and Union Pacific, Southern Pacific and Amalgamated Copper, m to 1%.

8 p. U .-T he m arket otosed dull and May. A dip In the final hour carrieu down Reading 4% and some o ther stocks back to the previous low prices. 81. IjouIs and flan Francisco fell 2 ^ American Woolen and AUls-Chalmers preferred andAtchison 1 Quite extensive covering of ahorts followed and there was some pub- atanilni rally. United States Realty sold a t a gain of 4% and reacted to 2V4. Rallies were not fully hold, but the acute weak-

. dees did not reappear.

HEW YORK STOCK MARKET.Tbs range of to dAv's prices for theAy s p:

lA b5n 'niohid

by Post A Fi^gg, la given below:?iore active, stacks Aiod b^'ndi of the Nvw

ork roorkets, as furnlshid fo rthe NEWS

Am, Cotton Oil Co Sik Am. Linseed O il,... .10^

Open-High-Low-Clos* jng. est. eat. Ing.

Butte Cop. & zinc Cumberl'd-Ely Min.Davis* Daly E s t...... 12^I'hjm. Cop., new .... 6%El Rsyo Mining.... SEly-Nevada .......... * 146F o s te r C obalt........... 70Furn. Creek Cop.. 46 Greene C. Copper.. 20Greene Gold ............... iViGreene OoLd-Bilver. 146G. 4 D, V .................. 76Ouggenhclm Ex. Co. 216

■ ■ Ui

NEW Y'ORK. July 10.—Flour--Receipts, 1T.7M; sales, 1,200. Dull and utirliangcd.

W heat—'Receipts, 4.lthJ; Balen, tiOO.DOO bu. An ndjufllment of local accounts, pending the governmioii report, coupled with more favorable home crop news, broke w heat prices :i cent thiH morning- Septem­ber. ItilVaUloj^; December. 10446 10646.

Rye—Duli. No. 2 Wi'Stern, f, o, b. N. Y.

Corn-Receipts, fil.700 bu. Nominal.Becf-Bie^dy; family, [email protected] iirk -g u ie t .Liu'il—Fileady; W estern prime, 8.Ti>®S.flfl.Sugar- Raw, quiet: fair refining, 3.33H:

ri.ntrlfugH.1 test, 383^; molasses sugar. 30.''H- Rcflried, steady; crushed, 6.70; pow- deri'd, 6.10: granulated, 5.00.

Poultry—Alive, steady: W estern spring i chickens, 18; fowls, 14; turkeys. II; dreaued,

firm; W esiern broilers, 20<ii 2l(| turkeys, liv<i]4; fow’ls, 13V6.

Butter—Firm, unchanged; receipts, 16.015,(.'heese^^ulel, unchanged; receipts,

4.UR1, •Eggs—Firm , unchanged; receipts, 13,517,Petroleum—Firm ; reilned, all ports,

8,W(a-«.46.Coff8:.e-fl1endy; No. 7 Rio, 646: No. 4

Santos, 746-M olasses^Steady; New Orleans, 37i948.

Ouv H u n d red ttnd F l f ty - t l i r e r of th e L o c a l F o r c e H a lsc -d rm n i

f i .o o o «oBefore the carriers attached to the local

pualolllce went out otj the early jifiernnun delivery nf mall this nfiernuon. Post- muster Kuys announced that he had re­ceived notification from Washlngiun that the yearly stipend of the first flasa car­riers would hereafter be $1,100, itifiead of Sl.tXiO. in accordance with the provisions of a bill passed by Congress liint winter.

One hundred and fifty-three nten In the IncaJ office benefited by tlie order.



i te iMcKlnley-Dnrnigh ,Mlcmac Gold M(n...Mines Co. of A m ..., 1% 146Mitchell Mining...... 3 6Nev, Con. Cop.......... ...............Nevada Sm elting..., 246 3Nlpisslng Mines Co, inu i mOld Hundred Min... 3BHver Queen....,,..,.Tonopah Belmont...Tonopah Extension.Tonopith M. of N.Union Copper Co...United Copper.........While Knob............White K. C., p r ....Puts. Lead 4 Z inc..

BONDS.Am. Steel Foun. 6b. . IM Am. W. Paper &s.... B1 Cent. Foun. 6a fla t..Con. Hub. T. deb. 4a. 34

NEW YORK, July 10—The cotton m ar­ket opened barely steady a t a dcdlno of lr96 points, and, while cables were about ns due a t the hour of the local opening and English spot satee were heavier, u I'd off to a net decline Vj*&2\ points on the active months during the early session, unilcr realising or llqnldiitJon xb a resuM of favorable weather and crop aecountH. Trading was quite active on the dec’lne. and same of the leading bulla appeared to be working against prices. The ninr- ket continued nervous during the n^lddle

I uf the morning, with prices at about the lowest point. Business was largely pro* fcnslonal.

The m arket continued weak and unset- lied during the late forenoon, and prices at mid-day were 27 to 2l:i points net lower, under liquidation and loc€d boar pressure. Leading Interests are esUmaU'd to have sold fully 175,000 bales during the forenoon.

F ro p e r t l r s In J o h n n n e s b u rg . W h e re a Strike Now Eslets, Are lllu^vn

Up by DyiiBoille,JOHANNESBURG, Transvaal, July 10. -A series of dynamite outrages, forlu-

natoly not accompanied by futalltlcs, oc­curred last night In the vicinity of tlie mines, tho white workmen in which are i>n strike. The Crown Hotel rit Boksburg und the water main supplying the Blm- mer and Jack mines were destroyed by tho explosions, which did much dunuigo and Injured several persons. At about the same time attem pts were made with­out MucceHB to destroy the shaft and en­gine-house of the Casson Mine and the shaft of the Modderfontein Mine.

A fueling of anxiety prevails throughout the district.

In Perth Amboy and reesm ty absconded Ha Is In jail, having been brought back from Holland on extradition proceedings.

SomI of the claims of lha plaintiff ware baaed on /acta to prove which It was necessary to produce the records of the Austro-Hungarian Consul, a t New York. Tha Consul, availing himself of his treaty rights', refused to lake any part In tha m atter.

Then extracts from tha records se­cured Burreptlllously were Inirnduced by Dcutsch's testimony. Another feature of the case was that both sides appealed from the declslnn of the referee, J. K. Rice, of this city, to whom Justice Swayxe referred the m atter Mr. Rice ruled out the claims bused upon tha Deutsch evidence, declaring that the en-> lire record o r an authenticated copy should be produced.

The defense alleged th a t the plaintiff being illegally engaged In the banking business, not being an authorised banker, could not recover anything, but the referee held that the plaintiff couid re­cover for notarial fees or sim ilar charges which were not banking. Tho report was sustained.




Am. Smtlting..........118 USV, 118’8 llHiAm. Smellliig, p r .... U68, Iflu 106i,Am. Suftir ............ m m 12iAm. Aer. Chem. Co. W Am. C. 4 F. Co.... 4314 Am. C. & F. Co., pr OOVp


4346 42H 43%A m t I. Copper.. ^ lo 8f>W Anaconda C. M. Co. 58Va

9(1m91 Vi (tOM,Aluh........................... 01

J itch ., p r ..................... B8'AB. & O...................... W14C anadian P ac ific .... ITiS'li,Chcau. 4 Ohio.......... M8,C. G. w ..................... 11 y,Chicago 4 A lton..., IT .............C . M. 4 Bt. P ......... 138^ 133^ 131)§Ol. Fuel 4 Iron Co. 31% 31-., .lUV

ol. ~



M IHilS 172V4 173'. 3P4 34^10 .V) 1044

Suuthcrn...........Delaware 4 Hudoan. ll!9‘4

131V4- O'A. 31

TlH -t% 21 4 1<S»I4 11,8 4 18714 iS 3714 3834^ 2IS, 34140l)li 89 89498, 4184 4144

J38 137 137

Denver & R. O.......Denver & R. G., pr. 70Erie .......................... 34WBrie, let or....,......... 60%Krte, id p r................ 43*,General Blectrlc Co. 13.4International F. Co. 14 ...........................lUlnola Central ...... 143 ..........................

^ ' i kH ., K , 4 T„ p r ........ 65MImourl Pactllc . . . . 75

fe; Me*. Cent R. R ...... 3134; N ational Lead Co... 61 6144 61 6114

M. t . Air B rake.... 10634 106% 10S44 108% New York Central. IS'ji, U3Vv 1101, 1111,

' Norfolk * W est.... 75^ 7514 7414 14'"

75^, 74\ 74iH

♦Northern Pacific... 13SH 13* Northweel ............... 1471,Pennaylvanla ........ 133'4Pacific Mall............ 39Press. Steel Car Co 36Raadlltg .................. 101V4Rock Island............ 21^Bock Island, p r . . . . , 46 Rc(>. Iron 4 B. Co... TTH •outhem Pacific.... 78>, Itouthern Hallway... 30 South, Railway, pr. 67 8 t L . & 8 . F . . 2d p r 36Ttxaa & Puclllc...... 39T., St. U & W est.... 374,T . , 8t. L . 4 W „ pr,. 49V. Paclnc R. R-...... 13714U. 6. Steel............... 30^U. 8. Steel, p r .,. . . . , 9944U. S, JjeuitHir.......... 3.1U. 8. Rubber . . . . . . . 37.L. 8. rUVabnBh, pr............. 24Weetem Union Tel, 77 W'iaconBln t'cntrnl. 1714 WlB. Cenlrnl. pr... 40

• E x - d l v l i l e n d .

U7'im i ;


7441136 126%118% 116 121% m 27% 39% 35 38%

WH4 102% 21 21

3Si16H 7«1i n


4913566 mt-;

♦HiV* :i'>Va 3(i9!>\ K1I4 W

3G27 i r,%.


The fallowing quutalSonB w ere furnlsheii by Eluele & K ing;

Bid.Asked.Amer. Hallway C o.......... . 4 49Cambria Iron................................ 47Canibi'lu B teel................................... SGT*Hturage .............................................Lehigh N av ig atio n ......................... S7Lehigh Vnllfiy.............................. 61Lake Superior C o rp o ra tio n ........ hN. J. Con. T r a d .................... 7-N. J. Coil. T ract. 6b,,,..*............ In3Fhllatluiphla, com ..........................FhllaUeJphla, p r .............................. 44Philadelphia E lec .......... ................ HPhUadcIphla Elec. 4a.......... . 68VsiPhiladelphia Klec. as................... 99Phlludeiphla T rac t....................... 93 /R uidlng 4s......................................... 94^iTlUewuier ........................................ ^U. a . I ................................................. &1WUnion Railw ay 4s...........................Union Traction ...............................Warwick ....................................... ^Ton ....................................................Bel......................................................... :i'.G

CHICAGO, July 10,—The wheat m arket opened weak bocause of liquidating sales, based largely on expectation of a bear­ish govf-rnJiienl crop report. Rains tu

tp , tlie Northwest also offset higher prices 47>)6 at Liverpool. Soptembtr wheal opene<1

TRENTON. July 10.—Two concerns filed articles of Incorporation in the olllce of Ihe secretary Of S tate yesterday. They were;

Uozarth I.and nnd Improvement Com­pany, Jersey City; capital, $100,000. In­corporators: Joseph D. Dedle, John H. Boznrth and Charles Jl. Spoils.

Camden Auto Exchange Company, Camden: cnpitul. 125,000. Tiicorporators: James Magu^e, George W. Sm art and Edward B. Stone.

AUSTIN, Tex., July iO.—Thomas Moore, Of Elizabeth, N. J . ; Ephraim MUlt-r, of White Plulna. N. Y„ and Henry W, Mc­Kay. of Hempstead, Long Island,

At the close of business yesterday the depoaUa In the Bowery Savings Flank, New Y'ork City, reached a total of JIOO.- 000,000, something unprecedented tn the history of savings banks. I t Is expected that this amount will be still ftirther augmented to-day, th is being the Inst day upon which deposits can be made in order to receive Interest from July 1.

H ep o rted O pJalon o n S h lp p lu n C oal B e tw con D o m estle P o r ts In

F o r c i f i t Bottom s*KBW YORK, July 10.—The Southern

Pacific Railroad, which owns the Morgan tine of steemshlpta entertained a lot of distinguished persons yesterday aboard the twin screw turbine pteamshiD Creole, the first ocean-going vessel of her type designed and built oxciuiively in America.

Mr, Harrim an did not say anything per­sonally on the subject, but through his representative, J. W. Jungen, of the Southern Pacific’s A tlantic Coast Lines, he uttered this sentiment:

"The bars are down. If the United States Oovernment has a right to ^charter foreign bottoms to carry coal to the P a­cific Coast there Is no reason why the Sauthetn^ PacififL should4..V — __ ^ f-JPiobIn forelgnTKJtloms."

Rear-Admiral Bowles, retired, who Is connected with the Fore River Company, expressed tho opinion that M r H arrim an would not be permitted to do the thing he coTitemplated because of the laws of the United States,

Mr. H arrhnau seemed to have the im­pression, according to his Interpreters, that the Navy Department was breaking the laws of the United States In ch arte r ' tng foreign vessels to carry coal from this coast to Bun Francisco, In which case It would possibly forfeit its coal to the government a t a point at which It would be convenient for the navy to get It from the government.

Another report of the talk of Mr. H arrl- man had itrthn t he said that he ' ‘did not see why" the Southern Pacific should not compete with the government und carry coal in foreign bottoms.

Deadlock Between PiDdticen and Consomers of Me^ai

Broken Yesterday.


It Is sta ted Ihnt the Cunard steam ­ships Lusitania and M auritania will re­main on the Liverpool-New York service for a year, and th a t the company wlH determine whether to continue sailings to that port by the resulls during th a t period.

Wllllum E. Harmon has filed a bill In equity at P ittsburg against Clifford B. Harmon and Charles E. Wood asking that a receiver be appointed for the firm of Wood, Harpnon & Co., a real estate concern with offices In P ittsburg, New York and elsewhere.

NEW YORK. July lO.-Ariived; Steam ­ers Carmanta, from Liverpool; Grucser Kurfurst, from Bremen: Kronprlnz Wil­helm, from Bremen.

NEW YORK, July 10.—The stoamor Slavonia, from Trieste, for Now York, was reported by wireless telegraph 233 miles east of Sandy Hook at 8 A. M. Will probably dock about 7:'30 A. M. Thursday.

LIVERPOOL, July 9.-Arrlved, eteumor Caronla, from New York.

BREMEN, July 10.—Arrived, steam er Kaiser W'ilhclm der Grosso from New York. ,

PLYMOITTH. July lO.-Arrived, steam er Graf WulderBCC. New Y'nrk [or H am burg; Oceanic, from New Yurk for Southam p­ton.


The strike among tho blacksm iths and hammermen of the Rogers shop of the American Locomotive Company, a t P at­erson, which begun on Mny 21, has been declared off. The men retu rn to work to-day.

The officers of the New York City Cloakmakers* Union reported last even-

m im ed a s the a toekhoK lera o t th e T en-is in(T th » t a b o u t 20,OW cJoaltinaherB InInierurban Company, which filed Its char­ter In the secretary of S tate 's office here yesterday. It has a capital stock of 14,- ft'p0,000. Ita purpose Is to build a system nf Interurbon electric railw ays radiating out of Ausilln.


Manhattan and Brooklyn are preparing for strikes next Monday to enforce a new wage scale.

All grades of refined sugar were ad­vanced ten cents a hundred pounds lo-day.





a t lu 96^, and sold a t 95.Corn was eusler; September sold a t f44 . September otilw opened a shade lower to

iilgher, at 39% to 40 , and mold at39*i.

I'l’Ovlaions were quiet; Soptem ber pork opened a t 16.30, lard was ut 8.95 and ribs a t 8.62V6.

The following riiiotatlons were furnlFhcd I f “by W. B. Smith & Co

At the Chicago Board of Trade



BOSTON STOCK MARKET.The following quotailone wore fvirnlalied

by W. B. Smitn & Co,:

Adventure ......... .A m algam ated ......Arcadian ...............Baluklala ...............Boston, C.. C. & G.Butte Coul ............Calumet 4fc Hccla.. Calumet & A ria....Cememitiil .............Cupper Riiuge ......Duly West ..............

Open. Close.

Greene. .............Isle RovuIb — Massacmihetts Mtchigan .........




Ink. eat. est.Cloa-tng.

Am. Tobacco fs ,,, . lAVli T2U, 70 ?.)Am. Tcfbricco b&... .. Kir> 106 10414

79SBrooklyn R. i ...... .. 79 TSUs 7ftC., B. & Q. 4ft........ . JiiAi lUiH 915*C.. K. I, & P. 4e . .. cu'eC . R. 1. & !». 5b.. Im p. Jftp. iftL 6a..,.

.. RS

Im p. Jap . <:d 6ft...... . HflIm p, Jiip, 4‘’h«........ !»>VnIm p. Jftp. erf. v.*i N or. I'ftcirtc 4ri.. , > <7 S7 kNor. & We.si. 4».. .. lfNl%Penn. Cotiv........... 94Bouth. Pacific 4s., .. 'TiUnion Pac, lai ts ... 1017 liHI ■W(, Whtj. S. Steel 8. r . &a &6%i W14 H'4vVabaeb latK........ ... 107

NEW YORK MONEY MARKET.NEW YORK. July 10,—Prime mercan-

tlie paper. per cent. Sterling ex-Cbatige weak with actual buelness In bankers' bills at JiSG,7r»<i(f490.S0 fur demEind and at 463.40$4$3.45 for 60 day bills. Posted

North Butte

Parrot ..........Rhode Island SHfUd E\’.........

Trlnlly ................................Uiilt«‘d Clipper — ........r . S. Smelting ................V. S. RnuMUng. p r ......l!mh ConsolldHted .......Wolvi-rmr .....................Am. Ag Clicm T n ..........MasKatliiisotifl E lec........MaKHHchuKfits Gi h........MutisiH'huficUH Gas. pr..United F ru it....................United Shot* Miiciiinc... V. Shoe Mactune. p r ... .

,, ST4 91

V.. 840 H45


.. 16 ]li^16*iii7

.. 7(1 ■, 2116»;iv15s7

U2• •.. .7^ 1

.. 2.1% -1.'*.... 49V4 t|,A

.. 53 5.J164 1nil, IT

.. I'lVfl |L 1L.l'fc

... no 11 .U.li>!4m



O nta-.TulySeptLau:.

Pork—JulySv])iJuly St* pi


High. Low. Close,

99^-^ 99’4iH'i'i9yu


92% 96^ 99 V*

r.4%MSM rrf ;



M\6 B5

43 e 42% 3?%40%


39Sto s

43%iOV4<'( 40% 41%


>i.92<0t S DoS.SO

8.97H.97 8.1At th r New'York Produce Exchungi

W h e a l- Open. Clos-a.July ........... ............S.'PI. ......................Dec..........................

Corn—July .............................Sept.............................. ..Dec.....................................

1G2S . 105%

SARATOGA, N. Y., July 10.—Corps rep­resenting five commandprles of Knights Templar c<impcted In a drill for prlxca a t the triennial conclave of th e Grand En­campment to-day. The drill was held at the race track. F irst prize was Won by the drill corps of St. Bernard Command- ery. of Chicago; Columbia Coinmanderj’, of Washington, was second; Raper Com- mandery, of Indianapolis, third; Engle­wood. of Chicago, fourth, and Ivanhoe, of Milwaukee, fifth.

About 300 machinists a t the Lorain, O., yards of the American Ship Building Company refused to return to work to­day. Form er eirlkera object to working beside former strike-breakers. The com­pany will not deni with the sirJkertj ex ­cept as individuals.



O re -I l l 0«M» l l r p a r t .W ASHINGTON. Ju ly lO .-The D enart-

raeiii oi Aftrlculiuro reports condition of cropfi on Ju ly 1 an followH:

Coni .^cri-iigi*, 98,099,000; condition. S0.2.W heat—Condition, 78.3.

Shi’lng W heat—i>7-2.All Whi>at-816.Aniuimt lu furinr-ra’ hands. 54.8Ti3,0O'i.,

rq u lv a lrn t tu 7.3 per cent, of the crop of lawt yi-ar.

The following quoiaiioua are furnished »el:by J. 8, Bippel

Bld.Ankeii.. 139 mCelluloid

Conaollduted Traction Co........... 72Consolidated Traction Co. 6&.... 103 •Ehscx County Park 4h duo 193S. 102E^rtax dr Hudnon Gas Co........... 118‘‘Hud^^on County Gas 6m due i949 lti2 •Hudson County Oaa sto c k ...... 107Jersey City. Hoboken & Pat. 4a S’ViNewark Consolidaird Oaa........ 90•Newark-4s due 1922....... 101•Newark Con. Gas Co. 6b........ 106 105*A•Newark Paweenger Hallway 5s 106 4 1074•Newark Oaa Co. 6 a .................. 130 1^N. J. Street R ailw ay 4s............ 70•Pat. A. Pas. Gas St Elec. Co. G« 100 Pat. St Fas. Gaa & Elec. Co— ^



rates, IMQj'4S4ii and 4S7iV^SS, Commercial Public Service CorporaUon cifs.bills, W. liar sliver, 6714. Mexican dol­lars, 52%. Government bonds, easy. Rail­road bonds, easy.


A tta e h in e i i ts A g u in s l W e a v r r Co.J-EESET CITY, July 10,-Four utlach-

ments agnlnat the R. H. W'euver Com­pany. whoBO stock brokerage offices at 45 Montgomery street, Jersey City, wore raided by the police, were filed In Jersey City yesterday. A receiver was appointed for the company a t FlUsburg on Man- day. Mr. Weaver. A. Edward Meyer, his mr.nBger, and seventeen employes were held for the grand jury as a result df the raid on charges nf violating th® laws against gambling by carrying on a bucket •hop. The attachm ents were In the names pf William C. Butler, for «,«T6; Richard F. Wallace, for BUalr, Brady &

M,t28; and Robert Eoblneon, far

Public Service Corporation Pub. Service Corp. 5 n. c. note's 93 South Jersey O., E. & T. stuck 115 •South Jersey O., E. & T. Bs..., 97United Electric Co. 4a................. G9

•And interest.



U n io n P a c if lo 'a N e w B o n d s .NEW YORK, July 10-T he stockholders

uf ihe Unioii Pacific Railroad Company, according to Infornmllon obtained last evening, have taken only about twenty- five per cent, nf the 876,000,000 of con­vertible bonds offered to them about two months ago. The bonds W'ere offered a t BQj Afid were convertible Into stock nt90. ani. . _ . _ ....... ..... .............17b. The m u^R ^rs of the bond syndicate

g lid B ti*a B e p ly t o t h e C d u rt.HEW TORK, July 10.—Theodore p.

flbmiU, president of the Interborough- ICetropclItun Oompapy, made the -follow • ing otatemept yesterday In roguiU U>

.iltidge Holt's- oplEiloD that If the aiiega- tions In Ihe .Bvrrows complaint are true the merger of the traction compauise of tlilg city into, the Xnterboroogb-MetropoU- Un waa a monopoly in viotation of ths Itew York State law and that therefore « eguae of action had been set forth. ••Judge Holt's decision Is only upon the formal quaattons presented by the com­pany's demurrer. Our cooneel are unani

are Kuhn, L o ^ ifr Co,, and are to take all bonds not subscribed for by the stock­holders. Th'* time for subscription by siockhuLdcrs expires to-day.

H nuk a t L it t l e F a l l s .g|)ivbiJ IHAptHih id the .YFU’8.

I .IT T I.E FALL.a, July lO .-A t u m eet­ing of ciilzi-riH In te res t'd In the o rg a n is ­ing of a nnilonnl b«nk a t LltUe Falls, held in MngU Hiil^l. Uh applicationfor ft rh a r le r wu.s filled out and furwariloil (0 W uhiiingmn. T'hc new liiNlUutlon will b r krmwii un the L ltlle F a lls N iitlunul ITnnU. ThP rU'e nien who will be d irecto rs nre .1 M. S trong, of New York; Mc-ssrs. Hecrm.itiz. of Poughkci^pHle, und H enry HytT, t \ \V. M atches and Dr. Willi.in: It. flmlth. of L ittle Fulls. Mr. Hlnmg will he preslrb.-nt, Mr. H y er v1t;c‘- prcHhli-rii and Mr. lU^'rmunz cashier. Tlic" la f ltul stock la li'i.OX). Mr. .Htioiig rxpic 'is to have the bank up^n soihe tim e next week.

Lut‘1) D en lrS th e S tu ry .WASHINGTON, July 10.—First Aaslat-

fliu UuHtiuuatpr-General Hiiclicock'a trana- ft-r to the Treasury Department u.nder his old chief, Secretary Curtclyau, ia expected snem. Mr. Hitchcock in not going to suc- cefd Mr. Loeb a» secretary lu the Pres- libau.

nVKTKR BAY, N. Y., July Ifl.-W hen bis atliriulon woe called to the pul>ll«hed re­port tha t on December 1 he would be sue- cceclod na secretary to the President by First Assistant I’oalmnster-Ooneml F rank H. Hitchcock. Secretary Loeb expbitmui that the allmulun, ao fur as he was con­cerned, remained unchanged.

NEW YORK—The German Ambassador. Baron Siieck von Sternburg. and Baron- fisfl von Sternburg arrived here to-day on the fiteumer Kronprlnz Wilhelm.

WASHINGTON—By order of the Pres­ident, Llculcnant-Culonel Charles G, Ayres hits been ordered before a retiring board July 17. This Is the outcome of his Interview over hla wife’s ejectm ent from West IPont. This action avoids a court-martial.

CHICAGO—Florence Wood, the aiater of Mrs. t^u ru H. Carter, who betrayed Chewier B. Runyan, the defaulting bank teller of 'New York, to-day declared th a t she Is willing lo return to Now York without formality. Mlaa Wood is said to have received more than $33,000 of ths moneyy taken by Runyan.

PHILADELPHIA—The British fruit ateamfT Ethelwold. from Nlpe Bay, which w'iia aground a t Bird Rock, Bahamaa, a r ­rived here to-dny. The steam er floated without ftSBistnnce after part of the cargo of bananaa had been thrown overboard.

T e l e g r a p h M tr lk e O a tlo o -k .CHICAGO, July Id.—The chaiiceB of a

settlement of the telegraph eliike in San Franclaco were lessened yeaierday by the refusal of Superintendent Miller, of the San ►Francisco division of the Western Union, to meet a committee of the strik­ers, because they were nut employes of the company. Frealdcnt Small, of tha Telegraphers' Union, Is said to have sta rt­ed for this city to consider the question (if extending the strike. Labor Commis­sioner Neill, who Is on his way West, ac­companied by three members of the executive committee of the telegraphers, will be communicated with, it la declared, and asked to return to Chicago for fu-.*- Iher conferences w'lth the companies and the olficiala of the union.

Mew ISteam er lo r .Anchor L ino.GLASGOW, Scotland. July lO.-The new

Anchor Line twin-screw ateamshlp Cali­fornia, built for the New Y'ork and Glas­gow trade, was launched yesterday from the shipbuilding yards of D. & W. Hcn- deraun & Co., on the Clydt , the christen- mg cenunony being performed by Liuly Ure Primrose. The California la a hand­some and imposing vessel, with a stra ig lu stem and ellipticarfllern, having two aleol pole musts for fore and aft schooner rig und two funnels. She Is divided up so n« to Insure safety Into nine water-tight com-Efirlments, and has six decks. She will

e fitted with Marconi wireless telegrtiph ayaicm. The CHllfornla will be propelled

NEW YORK. July lO.-Shortly baforo tha clo«a o f the stock m arket yaaterday it became known that the deadlock be­tween producers and cenaumers of copptr, which has lasted for several months, had been broken, and th a t a reduction had been made of three cents and more from the price a t which the Iasi previous sale had been made.

Though rumors were heard of selling a t conaiderahly reduced prices by both the

handl^a fitl Ih e product of * Amal^ifhrt'ed and by the Calumet and Hecla, the only reduction which was officially confirmed was In the caaa of Phelps, Dodge & Co.» who deal In electrolytic copper entirely. They reduced their price from twenty-flva cents to twenty-two cents a pound. I t was reported that Calumet and Hecia had sold some of Ita product at Iwenly-lhree, Q reduction ot three and one-half cents from the former price, and tha t the Uniti*d Metals Company was quoting certain grades of lake copper a t twenty-two and one-eighth. That the reduction of the price was the outcomo of a conference be­tween the large consumers and pruducuis waft the common belief.

Large sules a t the new price level have already been made by Phelps, Dodge Sc, Co. One af the firm said:

For the last two months we have been doing practically no busiiiflSft In the cop­per market. Buyers have been unwllUug to make new commitments on the old baftifci, and so we finally decided to make ft radical reduction In price, vedut lng it accordingly from twenty-five coivta tu twenty-two cents per pound. We have held off from making thlft reduction for u long time, po fts to enable consumers who bought tho metal nt twenty-flva cents a ^ u n d to use up their supplies- Tho reduction to twenty-two cenia we believe, will represent the bottom level. It is. of course, ImposalMe to nay pohI- llvely that the price will not go lower, but from all IndlcaUoiiH the outlook aeems iu favor an advance from that figure with*n ilie next month or two rather than a Dirthcr decline.

Aa I wdd before, we have been selling fllmoBt no copper for the last two nsonths, until the reduction in price was made lo- day, but since this morning we have re- colved large orders for the metal on tho new price basis. We believe th a t ihH rneans ft breaking of the deadlock and re- sumptlnn of buslnefls on quite a largo scale on the new basis.

by two sets of powerful triple-expansion engines. She will tjike her place In 'theGluagow service in September.

When the inrushof new orderB at the reduced price is

............... the nextcompleted wo are expecting that move will be ngnln toward a higher price level.

John R. Stnninn, another large seller nf copper, sold that he had nni as yet mnde nny reduction In ht« prtce. but Would wail until to-day. when the atm osphere hiiB clefti’pd up a little, find It will be pos­sible to lenrn Just whnt the prices are. After cnnfiulllng with his euatomora ho will then put bis prices on tha basis of ihe others.

Uncle Snm Oil Company.KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 10,—At a

meeting of the stockholders of the Uncle Bam Oil Company In Kansas City, Kan., yesterduy, Receiver Morse announced in hl9 report that the poor Bystem of book­keeping used makes it difficult to obtain an actual statem ent of the company's condition and $74,000 Is atlll “unaccounted fur. ” The report Bald that $245,000 wn.s spent in advertising stock. $ls.000 having been spent for postage alone.

Tin Quotations Off AIrO.NEW YORK, July lO.-The feature of

Interest in tin ycBlrrday was a break of jE8 In the price of spot tin a t London, confirming previous reports that the cor­ner Is broken and that liquidation has been in progreHS for several dnys. In Ukj local market there wub h drop of cent, per pound In the price of spot tin, with free offerings and small buying uC

cents. There were offcrlngF rmniequivalent to 41^ cents, but there were nfferlngs of the same position hero iit41Wi cents. Bmall spot Halea were made aa high as 41.65 cents and tin In vessels at dock at 41Vi cents.


N r. H a c k a y p o a k -p o o h a ft,NEW YORK, July 10,—Clarence H.

Mackay, president of the Postal Tele­graph Gable Company, commenting on the proceeding inatltulod on Monday by At­torney-General Jackson against the Postal IVlegrtiph Cable Company and the West-

tinlon Telegraph Company, alleging

FROM OTHER COUNTRIES.M ADR ID, Spii I n—"Spa nlah newBpapera

AVf display! - “ anti-AmericanHetuimeni hi connection with th e Japan- ese-American dispute.

THE HAGtlB—Atnerlco'a proposition ex­empting private property from selxure a t soft during war etarU'd Iho first warm argument In the pence conference to-day. It w'ftfl finally decided lo posotpone a vote until next VVednesduy, when It Is believed the proposal will he voted down uiilesB withdrawn.

HOLY HEAD, W A LES.^Edw ard Dean Is the name of th emnn who waa arrested yesterday afternoon while attem pting to approach King Edward and Queen Alex- nnilra neju* lieauniaralH, North W ales. He proved to he a crank and to-day was committed to an asylum by the local mHg- iBlrfttes.

PARIH-Prealdent FalHerefl, as the guest of Ambaftftudor White, this morning view­ed the new model of the L afayette Htattie 111 B urlletfs Htudio. M. FftUlerea exproM- ed his approval of the model and the gciwral verdict was that both horse und man were a great Improvement on the old design.

that the companies had ceased to com pcle, auld yesterday. “If two companies ever competed In the United S tates these two telegraph companies are competing and always have been. A t times compt- tUlon fa even fierce and bitter. Every merchant and m anufacturer In the United States, wherever we reach, will bear wit- nesH to the truth of this sta tem ent.”

B A N K ifT A T E M E N T S .

RKPOllT of the condUlon of the City Trust Company of Newark, of Newark, N. J., ai

the I'loae ot tuielncu June 29. lOi/Ti REftOURCKS.

BomJu and'’ m ortftagea......................... $277.G10 00Blm’ke and bonds at market.......... 8(Jl,77fl 00Time Inane on collnterata................. 75.CMX‘ in)Demand loans on c-olUterala.......... 2H0.1HO 55Loans to cUlea ond towns............. 25.000 00NoicH anti bills purchaned................ 03.549 15Overdrafts ................................. . It 45Due from banki, e tc ..................... 186,140 4aHanklng-hou*e. furniture and flx

turea ..........................................Cash on h and ........ -Atcrurd Intereat receivable..........

2ft 740 id 26.8<)1 85 H.70 16

..$!,.100,^0 55Tplsl ............. . • ........................U A R IU T IE S .

Capital etook paid In .................Surplus fund.......- ..................Uftoiviaed profiti In fet)............Time deposits...............................liankOTB* money o rd e rs ...............Demand deposlta... ........ ............... 821.7&1 B7Certified checks.................................... 74Ireaau rer 'a checki ou tstand ing ....... 433 54Dividend No. 1. . . .................... ............ 3.0(H) 00Accrued Interest payable.................. 4,6ria W

ItOO.ODO » 25.0IX) 00

331 31? 05 45 05

O cem i Poii4ofll<'e«,WASHINGTON July lO .-Postm aster-

Gctieral Meyer annOunned yosterday that the N orth German Lloyd and Ham burgAmerican lliicfl had Informed the German postal administration that on January 1 next-^ they would terminate the agreement relative to the maintenance of rtpa postofficea on their ftteamers. because the compciisatlon allowed was not deemed ftUflVcIent. The companies, however, liave made an offer of u rate at which they wiu continue the service. Mr. Meyer has de- olded to send B^onnd Aseiatant Poaimaa- ter-General McGIeury to Germany to make a new contract.

l>eclslon Reserveil tn Trolley Sott.Vlce-ChanceTTqi Howell to-day reserved

decision In a auU brought by the Asbury Park and Bea Girt Railway Company to restrain the Townwhlp UommlUeo of Nvp- luiiv front tearing up the company's traoks, because of default In the paymciu of the tax fltlpiilaled In the frunuhlse or­dinance. It wuB contended by the com­plainant company that the township some years sro agreed to a modification of UiO clftufte In th« franchise ordinance gov­erning the payment annually of a percent­age of Its grnsa efirnings to the township. The temporary restraining order will re­main in force pending the rendering of n decision.

f ta n ta F e Rtond I n i l lH e i l ,Hpwrfal Dlftpolclk fo fAe EYE}ilS<i JfEWS.

CHICAGO, in .. Ju ly lO .-The Federal grand Jury to -day re tu rned tndlcimeuLa against the flonU F e R ailroad Comnany^ a llc fltif th a t It grantd tl the United ^ t e « Sugar and L and Com pany IX.OQO In re­bates. These Indictm ents contain atxty- llve counts. An indictTnent wus also voted against th e S tafford F u rn itu re Com­

an ec ■pany, In connection with the furnituretrust case ‘ ‘ “ ..................the Elkinstrust cases, charging It with violating

Iklns an tl-in is t law.

Treasiiry Uep*vtmea< Hetli6ilSrWASHINGTON, July 16.-A coratnlttee

of Treasury oUlclals was Appointed by Secretary Cortetyou yesterday to consider a plan for improving the organisation of the <k‘partm ent so tha t Ihe 'buslne^ of the various divlsiuhs and bureaus may be fa ­cilitated. The committee cqpslsta of Jam es R. Reynolds, J. H. Edwards. Seek- man WGntliiMp. the three asalatant secre­taries of the Treasury; Robert J. Trace- well. cometroller of the Traasury, and Robert S. Pierson, auditor of the T reas­ury for she Interior Department.

A atroaom tc’Dl E T e n fs^ T o -litff lit a n d T o - io o r ro w M o m ln tf .

Sun sets. 7:28; rises. 4:85, Moon eets»7:40 P. M. Moon’s age, aW ^avs tb it morn- . k. «« — ijqnctlon with

south of theIng, G:6l P. M. moon in coDjuncj JvipIter, passing U degres soutl. planet, from west to east. 8 P. M,, planet ffniurn stationary. Bun's decUpstinn, 22 degrees l4^ minutes north of celestial equator.

ago, isttl! continues,‘and to-day the Kuseo Chlr- ^ ‘----------- ' *’ ...................... .. -

F o r l l l e i r a l l y F c a v lt ig r L ffu ff.HELENA, Mont,. July M.—Stockman

John ForreetC’r. of Miles City, who was arrested for lll^gaUy fencing 9.0W acres

egan several _weeks of goveminont land, was arraigned be-

Mori* Gold to Go Out,NEW YORK July 10,—-The gold export

movement which began several weeksfore Federal Judge Hunt yesterday and pleaded guilty. H t wss sentenced to pay

Total ...................................................$1.303.24ft 55Stale of N bw JerBey. county nf EiaBC*, aft..

Evgehe EagtPi. vlce-pTwtdent. and Uiiari^ft 0 . Colyer, trenaurer. of the ulKive-nomeJ C'*n.- [ifthy, i^ lng severally duly sworn, ^sch for hlm- fttlf. depoftftft ftayi! (hat th^ foregoing Ateif- meat !■ true, to ihe brai; of hla knowledge ond belief.

EUGENE EAGLES. Vlce-Prealden*.CHARLllS n . COLYER. T reaiurer,

Subscribed ami iw nrn to beloro me th is iilnUj day of Ju ly , A. D. 11)07.

W ILLIAM R MACKSET.N olary Public for New Jer»ey.





Some men cannot save, bat the family prospers becanae the wife keeps a iavings account and deposits every dollar she can spare from her allowance with now and then a larger sized bill.

Many homes are saved and paid fbr because the wife realizes the necessity of laying aside part of tlie family income against the day of need. We pay per cent, per annum in our Savings Department on all accounts of |1 ,000 or less, and 3 per cent, on any balance above $1,000. Interest begins the first of every month.

North Want443-446 BROAD ST-

X « B ; < S 0 U R C 1 £ » O V I S R 9 3 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 .

B oxes to R e n t in o u r S a fe D e p o s i t V a u lts a t $ 5 a n d u p w a r d p e r a n n u m .^-1--------------------- ,-----------oppreeRSt ----------------------------------

JOHN W. LUSHEAR, President.GEO. LANE, Vice-Prea. SPENCER S. MARSH, Cashier.

WM. H. PIERSON, Aast. Cashier,

Morristown Trust Companym O R R l S T O W N , P J . J .

Interest Paid to Depositors Since Orgooizitieii, Dec. IS ,: # i , m - ^ s t g $ g e g a .

Pays 3% InterestOn Accounts offlO O or Over, Subject to Check


JNO. H. S. CORIELL, See. HARRV A, VAN QILDER, Y n u . RALPA S. STREETT, A lit. See, and Trcae.


INVEST $ 100.00r moro la an Mt»b|Uta«d paying bUftlnoM,wh«r« your mon«y la abiolutely »fe and ran starn you from

7 TO 20%?

B U lL D ina AND LOAN.


A MW wiie*. THIRTY-flEVENTH. will b« opmed at the regulJir monthly meeUbf, to b« held at L. T. Kmamer's Hall, corner Bank and HutRere at*.

Don't yon think U U worth lovefttlgatlifg?For proipectufl and further Infonnatloa


R E E D & B R A D L E Y ,515 Union Building,


Post&Flagg,g th e New leektiM k

WedoesiliiiiEfe'i!, July 17,1907s o W sH S t r s e t , N ew V w H .

Branch Office: 7 7 4 I r i ^ S L

SubKirlpuan, will b . lecelvad at th* above hell or br any otHoer.J. H. Huesel, Free.. 31S S in k St,H. P. Soheetfer, Vlee-Preoy SJ S, e th 'S t, Jemee 0. Nolen, T ree... TS Market St.P. J. BurfldorfT, Bee’y, 7BS Broad SL


QENERAL INSURANCE.Flro, uabmty, Steam, BofVot, Feraenat

Accident. BursUry and Pbtte Olaes Inaur* anee. Fidelity, Oonlract a n i Court Sonde.

JOS. i. BYRNI GOweOO Brass St., NBWtfk, N. A

17th ANNUAL MEETING- o r ru a s -


ThuisSfEtenint, Julyll,l90T,8 He, at BIRKKNH AITBB, * BKBGBR*« HALIri Sooth Or«ng« and Sfonia Aval,

Election of a preaidont, vlce-presldeat* four dlKctori and thrae audltoru.

The thlfly-aeventh frerlet of ah an i will be opened for aubactiptiong.

AB0I4>H E. F i f e P m idept,B«.'" • '


lU U D L m m iM kM t fu tm» L » P H O ia i IBTS.

lo c a l la v e f ttn e n t Secftrifiooi


Qow ard tL Stokesn PINE STREET,

S l„ .M 'W -NEW YORK

y . ■ataBINtAeS MS7.

MR tOHMeK « CO,7 W A ir S tree* . New T a rk .

We have sold more Stock than any other firm in Newark. And every customer is satisfied.

Byy “Muitiphone”Slosk aL $4.00 a Share Far Vilue $10.001 SharePays 20 per cent, dividends on

money invested and pays on the firat of each and every month. Ask any stockholder what they think of Multiphone Stock. Price advances July 20 to $7.50 per share.

Cel. I . T . H unter. A. Brie# o rnae .

IIITER ft €IME, BrohertIIS.Mirlwt SL, liw irli, 1 . 1.

W, a .SKITB w . H oaBOBNBE eteb im ie il l a t a .


Ifen b en *!»■>•. SteekK nefenaen a n tie n i ch lonm B e » d e f TredeNo. n BBOADWAY.NXW YOKK.

NATIONAL STATE BANK BUILDfNO, SOS B ro m is t.i e er. M eelinBleiMewnrhaH J .

A. FLDHB QinrOBD, H nugatv ~


F. 6. STOIC & 00.TUnOUtTw NiVUR, A J,


f A B K E V K S1 i, W E D O T B O T A fr J U L Y 10, MOT.


SKEETERS UP clark a. a. soccer team, which won cup tie championship ANOTHER PEG


AU Teams in Eastern L a p e Look Alike Right Now

to the Newarks,

Jersey City Again M eats Provi­dence and Pass Grays in

L eap e Race.

RecordNumber of Horses ( to Start in Matmce

Saturday a t Wavcrly,


>’fthtcrda.y In (bo Eantein racti b>s-pferttlns Haltimore In the ihlrd ftlrniMiit *?ame li» the eprb-e at Wiedcntnayer s ^ r k . Buffalo and Toronto ugain won, th e Blsw>ne making It three BlrulgiU frnfn llocheBter. while the Maple Lear team Aooretl thci!’ rourth atraigni victory over Montreal, inrsey City, by defeating ProvI

atonB by Ballimore* ' 'defeat advanced to

Klence. helpedat the linuda Of tlic ^ llo rs , fifth place.

H eanK n of V calerU ay'a G am ee. Newark i, Baltimore ].

Jeriey City 13, Providence 3.Buffalo fi. Hncheeter 8.

. . . j . .

w. U PC I W. U PC.Buffalo ...Sn 24 .illUrJeraey OUySl .470Toronto ...37 23 .tJlTl naltlroore .30 34 .460Newark .. 34 3l .B33 Providence £0 Sfi 4ft.‘lIlochoBter 29 31 .4H5! Montreal ..21 37 .302

G am ea T o-dny ,Buffalo at Rochejrier.

Gniuee T o -m o rro w .Toronto at Newark.

Rocheflior at Jeraey City.Uurfato at Prgvlden.ce.

Moaireal at Baltimore.Fans who Journeyed to WIedenmayer'a

Park yoBterday afternoon had the enjoy- rneiU of aeeing Newark ecoro Its third s tra ig h t victory over Baltimore, which haa heretofore proven the hoodoo combi­nation for the Sailor*. The score wa* i fn 1 and Tommy McCarthy, the huaky little llooeler twirler, occupied the stellar rolo In the pruceedlnga. The game marked Nowark’s eighth victory out of the lH8t nine games played. McCarthy has been playing magnificent hall since thi* ttcason opened, but In yesterday's eshlbUion he eclipsed all previous per- fnrmAneea. On the firing line hie work was excellent and all through the game the Oriole batamcn yrere unable to solve hl6 delivery for more than two aufetlen. both of these coming In the fourth in­ning when the visitors scored their only run. O 'Hiira and Heam e were the lucky tJrloles In this respect, the former gaining first linye on a scratch hit, while Hcarne made a clean single to centre field. Mc­Carthy waa alao a hero a t the bat end in tlie three Limes he faced McCloskoy be made a home run, a single, and re­ceived a bast! on balls, emei'glng from the game wlih a batting record of l.tiOO per cent. McCarthy registered his circuit drive In the fifth Inning, when he banged fbe hall Into the r4*ntre field bhachers.

S a ilo r* K ield In F a s t iMyle,Coupled with McCarthy's splendid pitch­

ing, the Sallor.H played a fast game in ihe field, and several brilliant glunis weiv

•executed durln.g the .iflertioon. In the brat Ifiiiihg, ZftcUer made u great ntip- : bunded catch uf Dunn s high fly after a hard spriuf, and complcied a double play by tfirowlng O 'Hara out a t first. In the seventh. Jimmy Jones sprung In^o Vbp limelight when he made one of the ^greatest rn lrhes nf his care-T by Jumping up Hgalnfll the left field fenee and pull­ing down H unter's long fly with bLs left hand. Zachcr. In the following Inning, came In for applause hy nailing Hall's hard drive In front of the right field bleacher*. Some of Mahllng’s stops and throw s were also on the sctisatlonnl o r­der. O’H ara, of Baltimore, entered the hero class In the eighth Inning, when he captured Jones’s high fly with one hand a f te r a long run.

While both teams played sta r ball in the field, the visitors fill phort in their hitting, while the Sullor* did not exper­ience any trouble In finding McCloskey when wallops were needed. The gome w as not played without the customary scrappy tactics on the part nf Jack Dunn and his players, and several rcd-liot ver­bal encounters with I'nipire Cusack took filace during the contest. M atters went along fairly well until the ninth Inning, when H eam e objected to a strike which the umpire called on him. Cusack or­dered the player out of the game, and H ardy succeeded him at the bfit.

M eD onnld'* H it T im ely ,Eddie McT'^onald showed his prowess a t

the bat again yesterday In the third Inn­ing when h»’ drove in Newark's first two runs fin a hit to right field. After She/t filed out to HuiUer. McCarthy .ammcll •a safe hit against Hall Engle beat viUt a hit to the same territory, which put McCarthy fn pccond. The runners ad­vanced another base when Mahtlug went out on a lap to Dunn. McTk^nald turned th« trick when he liU a Bc-orchlng ground- <=^'botWeen first and second. The ball was too warm for HiitiLer and bounded from his glove In right field territory, and be­fore It could be returned to Hearnc. Mc­C arthy and Engle bad scored. Mullen ■closed the Inning by going out to Hunter on a grounder to Dunn.

A fter McCarthy’s home run In the fifth Inning the Sailors added another tally in the seventh. Following Sharpe's re- tlremeni on an Infield bang. Zacher laced out a double to left field. The swni ap- pnrenliy unnerved McClnakey, as he filled the basep hy paaelng Jones, and after­w ard hit fThea wUh the bnll. Hearne sprung a trap, which Zaeher walked Into, by throwing the ball to Dunn. Zachef s ta rted for home, but Dunn nailed him a t the plate. On a passed boll by Hearne, Jones came home a few aeconds later. McCloskey became erratic again and gave M cCarthy his base, but no more scoring w as done, as Engle wse cut off a t flrHt base on Burrell’s brilliant stop of his seofchtng grounder,

Demmltt saved the Orioles from a shut- out by scoring In the fourth Inning by reaching first on a fielder’* choice ad ­vancing to second on Mr h ling’s wild throw , and g o rin g on H earne's wallop to left field. The score:


E n gle , r. f .........Mahllng, s. s ........McDonald, 3b.......Mullen, 2b.............flharpe, lb ............Zacher. c. t ...........Jones, t. [ .........

A.B. R. H. P.O.4 I 1 14 0 1 63 0 1 2A 0 0 1

. 4 0 0 84 0 t> 4

. 3 1 0 3V 0 n 2•> 2 030 A 7 27

Baltimore A Time of game—One hour and twenty-five minutes, umpire—Mr. Cusack. A tten d an c« --L ^

CfiMf ofrh to thr EYKSiyO NEWS. I’ftOVIDKNCE, July lO.-Jcrsey City

trounrvd Providence In a slugging match yusloi'day by the wc<»i‘C nf D to i. The Skeetera scored eleven runs In the first three InnlngH, a lead which took the heart out of the Grays. iTovIdcnce used three pitchers In the contcat. Clinton was driven from the bIhIj in the second Inning, while licach. a new man, was humpod hard In the third. Bfevon* wn* called In action In the fourth and had better lurk. The scurr:Jersey City. R.11.F3.1 Providence. ll.Fl.E, CU-ircnt. T f..2 4 0 McConnHl. 2b 0 2 1Ile+in, S8........1 0 l!l/ord. 3h........o 1 0

if. -v c-

MeVrItt, l b . . . l ^ oiPoland, cf....O 0 2McManUfi, lb 0 1 0 Duffy, rf ...... 0 0 0flenielle, 3b.. 0 1 0 ihikcp. i f ..... 1 2 0Woods, 3b... 2 I O!(■’rawfjird. oe. ) il iVnndegrift, c3 I 0 ptMerson. c...O i 0rfannilller, p I h Clinton, p ...... u o 0

---------j Leach, p........ u 0 0Totals ,....12 11 l|t?u.*vehs, p ,. .,0 0 0

•Douovfuj .... 0 0 0Tnt.-ila ......... 2 S 4

•Balled for Stevens in th.- ninth,Jeraey City........... 3 4 4 G i 0 0 0 0—11Providence ......... 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 - 1

Stolen baaes-Cleniem 2, Vnndegrlft. Two-base h it—Woods Sacrifice hli-U can. Double play—Crawford tuimaslstud). Mc­Connell to Crawford. Struck out—By Clinton 3. by Stevens 1. by Ffiinmi-ller 4- Bases r>n hatla—Off Clinton 3, off Leach 2, off Htevens 2. off PfanmiUer 1. Hit by pitcher—ily Cllniun 1, by Loach 1. T im e- Two .hours. Umpire—Mr. Conway.

ToronlO f 7} N lontrenl, 4.Special UiMptiuh lo (he SVEMSO SEWS.

TORONTO. July lO.-Toronio made it four stralirhi from Montreal yesierday by defeuUng the Royals, by the score of 7 to 1. The locals hattcO the curves of Keefe iiard ihjnughonl the game, while the vls- UoiH were unrtl>le tn launch ttielr hits off Mr(;inlcy, who twirled a fine game. The scru f.


1 0 0

R H .EIf......... 1 0 0

IJIIL SM........... O D DMjollgan, r f . . 0 1 C HiTbftt. rf..,Brown, lb ..Morgan. 3b.ShcUi), 2b.. Ftrf.'fkett, cf Connor, c . ..Kccfc, p ..,,•Hughes ...

Ji 'tf:;’j - i ' ‘ 'f

/W ewgw A , T v i,^

Toronto. R.H.E.Thnnoy, If...... 2 3 0Schlafiy. L'b... 3 4 1I'hylp, 3b....... 0 2 0Wuldensiiul, cf 1 2 0

O i l ! Hocy. r f ....... 1 1 01 1 01 Wmiell, r f ., . . 0 0 0I 1 (I'Klynn. lb ..... 0 1 0

. 0 1 Oi Frick. ......... a 1 1, 0 1 OU'arrigun. c ... 0 0 0, U I) ii'McGiniev, p .. 0 o Q. 0 0 01 ------------------1 ToUls .......... 7 14 2

Totals ...... ,4 G l!i•n a tt 'd for Keefe In the ninth Inning,

Tnrtmlo ................. 0 1 2 O 2 0 2 0 *—7Montreal ............. I 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0—I i

Home runs-'TN^eldnnsjiul. Morgan, Madl- giin. Twu-ba.s^- IjHh- Madigan. Sr-lil.iily, Thoney. Ttirve-baae hlia—Hoey, Sehlufty. Sacrifice hits—iJracketi, Curflgan. Si.iU n base-Schlafiy. Struck out—My Kci-rr 2 , HaRes on bulls—tiff Keefo 2, off McGlnley 1. Double play—Joyce to Connors. Wild pitches—Mcfilnley 2, f^aaflcd ball-Conmu-. l.oft on bases—Toronto U, Montri'ai fi. Time o£ game—One hour and Ilfiy-five minutes. Umpire—Mr. Sullivan. Attend­ance—2, SOO.

Buffalo* H o ch es le rt ft.Special Dinpahh tv the EVES ISO ATHfl.

KUCHESTFJK, N. Y.. July lO.-Uoches- Ler lost Its third straight game lu the Muffalus yesterday by the score of i> to :i Uochester wsii unable to hit Milligan, and a few errors helped the Blsiins to win the game. Srore:

Roch. ater. R.H.E.i Buffalo. iUI-E. Rannon. bs.... 0 U 01 Nattress. ss.. " 2 !)Millay, If...... 0 1 «! Srhlrin, c f . , , .1 l oClancy, lb__ 0 n o! While, If.. u n oLnnd’nH'r, 2b. 2 2 ti. Byan. r f .. i 2 'iFlanagiin. rf. l 1 0. Smith. 2b........ M 1 0Lennox, 3b... 0 (I 1[ MfCoimt'II, lb 1 1 1Hayden. cf...O 1 U( NcHlIiiim, 3b.. 2 1 0Doran, c ....... 0 1 1 MrAlIipter, c. <• d oHenley, p__ 0 fl L To^cr, p ... n i o

I Milligan, p .... 1.1 1 i\Totals ...... 3 6 3; ---------

Total*0 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0


Local Player Attempb to Strike Umpire in Atlantic League

Game at Allentown.


.. B 10 1 0 (> ii- i 0 ; IK-i

BALTIMORE,^ , A.B. R. H. P O. A,Kapp, c. f ................ 4 0 0 i flO 'H ara, 1. f .............. ! 0 1 ) ftDunn. 2b.................. 4 0 ft 1 3Demmltt, r. t .......... 3 1 0 0 ftH eam e, .................. 2 0 1 3 f tHunter, lb . . . . .......... 2 0 ft 12 ]Hall, ft. ■........ 3 0 ft 1 1Burrell, 3h........... .v^ . 3 0 0 3 6MrClnahey. p . ........ 3 0 fl 1 4•H ardy .................... 1 fl 0 ft (I

Totalft .................. 28 1 2 ;< H•B atted for Hearno In the ninth.

■Baltimore ............. fl ft 0 1 o o o 0 IN ew ark .................n 0 3 O ) l o o *-4

Two-base hit—Zacher. Home run—Mc­Carthy. f3tolen baecs—Mahllns, Zuciier. Sacrifice hit—Hearne, Bases on balls—Off McCarthy 3, off McCloskey 3. Struck out —By McCarthy ], by McCloskey 2. Hit by pitched ball-Shea. Passed bali-H eaim e. Double plays-Z acher and Sharpe; Mahltne Jhd B h ari^ Left on bastw—Newnrk ft.

WESTFIELD'OUT OF tfeAGOE.Lw ekaw B B iia L eaaw e'a B o a rd o f DU

re c to r* D ropa th e T easa a t H e e tln v l a T h is C t t r .

The 'Weatfletd club was dropped tfom th e Lackaw anna Baseball Lm gue a t the m eeting of the board of directors of the lew ne, which was held a t the offlee of A. P. Konkle, In the Sebeuer bulldlnir, th is city, last night. The W estfield club lost money this season, and It was a t the la tte r 's request that the m eetlog wns called. On two occasions Westflald failed to put a team In the field to play Dover and Chatham. The la tte r team s were aw arded the games by forfeit.

M anager David T. Smith wanted W est- field continued In the league as a travel­ing team, but W. H . Cawley, of Dover,

protest and 'westnetd was finally---------• ---------------

MATIOKAL LEAGUE.* « sn lt i i o f Y e s te rd a y ’s flam es.

Ih w Tork S. BL Louts * (first game).Kew Tork e, Bt. Louis ft (second gems).

Chicsgo T, Bnekhm L Boetm ft, c in e lm sU I.

tfituburg a, Phllsdelphls 4. PhluUtolphls 2. Tfitteburg 0.

I tn iid lB B o f t h e T eam e.W, L. Pc, W. L. PC.

Chicsgp ...es n ,TS4 Boston .....30 28 -SIJnttsbnrg .<1 27 .000) Brooklyn 48 .408 Phils. .....W 81 .661! Bt. Lm Is. ; . |7 tit . m

---------------e ---------------

AWERlCAif LEAGUESH ecw lts o f YftntevAtir**' G«vi««,

Mow Tork S. Cleveland LChicago Be 1.

Bo*ton 7, Detroit ^et. Idouii ». WftsHiDgtob 4.'

o f tl io Teom os W. L. PC-t w . L.

AlOACo .srtf 24 .8U New T«1t,.8S H^ v e b ia d 44 2R . i l i f s t . Leml*.. . |b 4S

Boplon .......96 41

that the Blion m anagem ent Will p a rt wll._ MiK^onnell, as he Is Just now the maln- ■ hitr --

PC.. . . nd 44 » .Ml St. Louts...; D stn lt ...M 29 .ftfir •Phils. .......8S 22 .MM w ash’ton ..29

Allf nl'twnHDQiiidjr ..Bro'»klyn I'ellJiAbcth .

UocluJJtcr .......IJuffalii ............

Two-ba.90 blt -RmUh. Thrft'-bnae hlta— Haydtin, Srhlrm. Lcfi on basos—RochpR- i lor 6, Huffalu 6. Sacrlfioo lilla—Sohlrm. Smllhr Stolen bases—Malay, Toaor Hits ! —Off Tozer H, tiff Milligan 1. First Imsa i on errorfl^Buffala 1. Flr^^l base on bails— Off Tozer 4. Btrurk out—Ry Tozer 2, by Milligan 2. Tlme~Two boors ami five minutes. Umpires—Me-ssre. McCartiiy and Owens. Altenduufle—1,750.

[Itt*.Rowan, the Detrotl pHcher, who was

farmed oui to A tlanta In the spring, haa been recalled by Hughey Jtmninga.

Aa Preflldent Powers rt'fURrd lo relnatate Ttm Flood, the former Toronto player. In the Eastern League. Toronto sold the player to Uu* St. Paul club of ihe W est­ern Aasoclutlon. Tlie purchase price

Loudenslager Is leading the Rochester team In hatting with a percemage of .321. "Steamer" Flanagan ia second, with .2 i7 per cent., and Bill Clancy third with .2SB.

Jack Dillon, the utility catcher of tbe Baltimore icam. will leave the Orlolea on July Ifi to re-enter the theatrical pro- fesslcin. Dillon wDl have a part In ihi* "Cloak Model," which begins rehearsing In New York next week. Dillon's rea­son for retiring from the diamond a t this lime of the season Is due to a attained arm which La the result nf a mllrond accident he was in last March, w'hile on hia way West to join the K ansas City team. Dillon believes th a t a rest will bring hla arm around In shape again.

OThe aeries which ended yesterday with

Baltimore was one of the scrappiest of the Bcason. with the visiting players as the aggressors. The gaines w c rt\ nota­ble for their many close decisions, and the Orlolea, In nlmoat every Instance, objected to the ruUnga of T^mpSre Cu­sack. Aa a result of the airenuous ceedlngp, the umpire waa railed upon lo remove players In every contest. In Sun­day's game. Halt waa dispatched to the bench for disputing a decision; on Mon-

, day. Jack Kelly was ousted from the game and McCInakey bnniahed from the field, while yesterday Tlearne was the had man. I t was the Inlenilon of Mana­ger Dunn to play Jack Kelly yrslei'diiy, but fifteen minutes before the game was callod, Dunn received word from Presi­dent Powers thnt Kelly had been sus­pended for three days, ns the rrauU of hts clash with the umpire on Itie pre­ceding day. Following the game yester­day, Dunn to stir up an a r ­gument with Cusack, but the ulhdal re­fused lo listen to him.

OMai Eason returned y<^atcrdny from

.Altlen. N. Y., where He hna been under­going treatm ent for his arm during, l!ie past three weeks. Unless Eason con now show th a t he la able to pitch winning bnll it la probable that Manager Burn­ham w|!! decide to lei him go.

OJack Dunn has signed a new catcher

for the Orlolea. The i51ayer la Dr, J. J, Kerr, w-ho caught this aeaaon for the Baltimore Mcdtcal College nine.

OW ith Toronto opening up a three-game

scries here to-morrow some more fast ball should tn* in slofi! frm the local fans. With Buffalo leading in the race with a margin of two points ov«r the Maple Ivcafs, the Canadian team will double Its efforts tn keep up the fast pace being set by the Blsons. L p to dute the teams have come together ten times. Newark winning five and Toronto the same number.

OBuffalo and Rochester will meet in the

only game scheduled tn the Eastern League to-day. To-morrow the W estern teams will Ix^gln the second Eastern cam­paign, Toronto playing In this city, Roch­ester In J»^reoy City, Ruffalo In Provi­dence and Montreal In Baltimore.

Itoger B repnnhan ,^ven to r of the bape- ball th in jguards. baa sprung Into the in­ventive limelight again heoause of his egpsrJence of being h it by one of Co&k* ley's inshoots. Roger's new Invention Is A headgear not unlike the headgear worn by football players, Jt has been ordered of a Toledo rubber firm, and ft will be

I finished so th a t Bresnahan can use It tn soon as he. Is able to work. The gear fits on his head In such a m anner as to pro­tect hh? ears, temples and a large part of the back of tils head.

OThe Boston American League club has

made an offer to Buffalo for F irs t Base-man Ckforse McConnell.

Newark dropped hack Into the second dlvlf4i<in Jn the Atlantic Lvagiie peunaut rwci* yeaierday owing lo u deteai at Al- It'niowT). and la riuw fifth. i-Jliziibein lioidi fourth [dace l*y a scant margin of iwu pi)lntH. Brooklyn advanced BOpie tliroiigh a phutoul victory over Uhy»u*r.

HeMiillH uf YcAlei'ilu|'*B Guiiii'S,Alierilown 4. Ne-narh 3.

Priirrklyn S, rh4-Rlt'r J, f!itiintlliiji( o f tlio Teiirna.

W.l^ J‘< • I w.L. IV',1 ,i;27 Newflrk ..... 2“ 1:5 .'ilU

;i:< 20 .U ;i, rhesler __ JK 4-:!ifi4U PollBvllle ...20 .OV

20 3 .oUl EaBtoO .......14 35 .2sdG aiiios Tu-U ay,

Ncuork at lilRPton.Elizulii-Lh at t 'liestrr.

llfi’oklyn at i^nttsvllle.AUeniown ui Healing.

G nm es T u -m o rro w .Nen-ark at E-Jastnn.

KUiaiietli at rheeler.lirguklyn at I'l tLsvllli*

Al|i-mown uc Kvajlng.Rlin'iiiJ fUnfiuirh to Ihv. .\^,'in4.

ALLKNT(.K\'N. July lu.-Tli<- Newatk Alicntlc L**agui filii>i-r.s up !nH. small p|z«-ii riot lu-n* yoi-tioilay, uMci-

111 ilic asuinyl AllUit.iwn, "’h-jhani’- team v.<in Hit* cmiieMt by tlic cli.si' acurL- of 4 luriH to 3, but iSewark iiiiaaed 0 cliaiioe 1(1 tio tin* score in tlif Besa-.itii jnnlng. bn-aUM’ H]'o. i cut IJiijd nase, .ui>i wlun Ilf WUH (.uHod out for the act tlie irouHi.' Hloriid, When llie Innuig Lip.o'uJ the acoi e wii.m I lo 1 in Alleptown'e fuvo|-, and Newark wdiiUI have Ui-J it easily wticn LumJgiaff mussed up tisveuticy a giaiundcr, Jiad not Speer cut tiiird b isj by fully iWL-niy feel.

When Umpire «iuoUliart culled Speur out, Hi« player objecied» und the entif'j Newark team surrounded tho umpire. One allem ptt'd to strike Uonclhart, bul he ' riilsacU, and hla loam mama nui^kly rc- slraiJied him. Ufilccrs aiid half uf the speciaiora from the grarid stand ru&lud on to ih f field lo down the assailant, a:id trouble was averted only by u dikpiuy of good judgment on the part of the New­ark men thetnaelvfrH. wlio regretted their team m ate's acLiup.

There wag pletiiy of activity fur New­ark lu ilie evuiilful Beventli, and U luoki-.l lor ii time as if the visitors would <vm mil. After Murray was retired on 5i grounder to slioM, Courlmiy afitU one out lu right field which carried him to Tr.ri, ami Armstrong fullowud suit with ur- ollLor to the sumo place. Speer sent a. ktiurt one lu Bird, but an attempted dou- biu play waa Hpolled by Landgruff's fum­ble of till.' throw, and Courtney scored, leaving Speer on first and Armstrong ( n second. Ilam b arh ir went out on a grounder, and then Landgraff fumbled Sweeney'a grounder, allowing Armstruntt to score. Speer would have tallied, too, had he not beon too sure that Qoodhea't wasn't luoKitig, and cut third. His uu; retired the aide.

Newark hit W allace for aix safeties, but the hits, scattered through five In- iilugs. Would nut have counti^ for runs bul for errors In ihn fourth. Kelley sent a high fly to centre field, which Streaser, in loTt, ktiempietl to lake fr'om Middle- ton. The men collided, and the bal| dr^H - ped to the ground. Keli»fy atole second on the mix-up. A well placed left f ln l luit scored Ketley, Kelley sent another out into dcop right field tn tha sixth that looked good for two bases, bul Griffon made the stab play uf the game on this swat, picking tne ball off with his bure right, while running at top speed. This pliiy retired the aide.

Allentown scored In ihe first, earning Its runs on Bird's RJugle, Landgraf's aucrlftce, S ircaser'g hit and Tuomey'a two-bagger. In the fifth, two more runs came In on A rm strong's muff of a fly after a hard run, and hits by Btreasur and Middleton. The ncorea:


In winning the championship of tbs American Football AsBoclaUnn for the cup He trophy, the Clark A. A. aoccer funi- ball team of East Newark mado a de­cidedly good ahowlng for iu first season out. The club Is not yet a year old, hav­ing been organised late lest summer, but despite this fact the orKnntxailon tri­umphed In a series of cimiHSts w ith the Btrongest team s In New Jersey and New Y'ork In the bailie for the famous derby trophy, which waa put up nineteen years ago, when it whs captured hy (he O. N. T'a, of E ast Newark. aitiKUhirly enough, too, th© Clarks tonk ihe place of the O N. T. team In the competition. The Clarks also took part In the championship of the N ational Assuclatlon Foulball League, but were not so fortunate, finishing In flfili


Two Victories Over Smith Team Gives Them Show Honey

in City Championship.

place. Though victorious tn the cup tie championship the Ulatk.i Lad u. hard row to hoe. Their grst contcat waa agiiltmt the Kearny Athletics and this giinie came near being the end of the t.'larks' lajp^s, the dub finally tlclng the scare In the laat two nilnulis nf play. When the cun- leRi was played over lh« East Newarkers won out handily and then (h-feued tlie W est HudBi'h.s, the True IJliieH nf Pn ter' eon ami the Scnttlsh-Americans nf this city In the crijer named. The tnembei'H who have played lormi of the games this soasun are llurii, goal; I>nnalLl nml T. I'lkher, fullliarkH, Young, Mason and Lone, hulfhiji-k.'?, and C. Pialier. Fnull, McNeil, N»*il-'inii and Fenwick, I'nrwitrila. Next fpftson the Clark A. A. hna hop**® uf putting foilh a rlut'' that wtU In fur superior to the team that won the cup.


Travis, Herreshoff and Walter Egan Tie for Lead in Cham­

pionship Tourney.


Win Two Games from Junior Order in Fraternal League

and Put Up Score of 1024.



The Rabcnptrlna have clinched fourth pl.'iao In Lh*f Newark City Champlunehip. ' and the Bmiiha linve tinlaned next to Insi. The Tuxedos jiie the clmmploTifi. bul aeu- ar.d place is in doabl. The Oxfordu huve one more Bvries to roll, and by winning iwi) games ili^y uan beat out tlie Iru- qtiuls fur the place.

'J'eiiMk iftand lng .■\V.L. IT t«.| W. L. H a

Tnxi-do... 29 13 1007'CRniml .. 21 21 Hd,'.t»Kfi>rd .. i'l U UiS'll Empire ... 114*24 102HIroquclH . 2ti IG ..•■ 1*’' 27 HlUUabens'n 23 19 1037 8. Side.... 11 28 lOi-7

Thu nahenf^teln and ftmlth teams wound up ili-Tr Hihedule In Hie Newark City rTi.'iinpl'Utshlp iKiwUng louruamehi last night wnh n series un Ilabeiiataln'a uUcyx, In which the h"Rie team took the odd gumo. The RahenstelnH landed the I wo eontoata. wtillr ih« Smiths captured the lust game through a strung fir.jeh,

The Rabenatelns were at their beat m tlie opejilng game, landing victory with a Roore of 970 to 830 for Ihe Smtthi. A tally of 886 wae euffloleni fnr the home <‘ont1ngeni to take the secfttirt eetto eafllly. as the best the vlRltors got waa 7fl7. Jumping lo 978. the Rmlth.^ carne thrtiiiBli in the final contest with n lead of ninety p:re. Comte, of the Rabcnstelns, rolled couslsteiuly, and registered three good tallies. The scores.

BMTTH. I RABENarrJN.Koope ......IHfl 17fl 302!B«I1 ........... 210 1B2 1(12Slpvena . , H3 lUSinotiwjiy ....157 in< ISO

“ Comte .......l«h 201 b>3Schechterle 213 170. lOH Ssndera ... 101 ISO UW

Vl llwti ....!W> 141 lAfl MarAvoy ..IHfl 152 104 BIcgfrIed ..IM) ino

ToUli .. .8J» 767 078‘ Total* .... B70 B8d MIb


A.B. R. H, P.O, A. EIlam bacher, 1. f... .. 3 0 0 0Sweeney, s. a ........ ,, 4 0 0 •j UWivsllake, ............. .. 4 0 0 ti u 0Dflvlp, i. f ............. .. 4 0 0 3 n 0KelU^y. 2b......... . .. \ 1 fl 3 <4 1Murray, lb ........... .. 4 0 fl n 0Courtney. 3b........ .. 4 1 1 0 flArm.sirong, c. .. 4 J 0 0 1Speer, p ................. 0 0 1 0

^fotnls ................ .. 34 .3 fl ■33 a 2•Grtflln out. bunted third strike.


Bird, B. s .............. .. 4 1 •> (1Landgraf, 2b........ .. 2 1 3 2StrCiiser. 1. f .... '.. .. 3 0 1Toomey, lb ........... r. 4 5 1 13 flMiddleton, c. f . ... .. 4 fl 3 1) flTaylor, !b .............. .. 4 fl 3 .7 flGriffin, r. f , .......... .. 4 0 0 2 0 flHarbush. c .,* ....... .. 4 fl 2 \ flWallace, p ............. .. 4 0 fl 0 3 fl

Tntflis ................ 4 fl 27 12 3Nnwarfc ................ fl ] 0 0 2 0 0-3Allrntown ........... 0 0 z 0 0 fl -4

L ocal B o w le r W ln a S is Onl of T en G iuiies Iti rh A in p fo n ah lp B erlea

o n d A vera^ep 208.0.William W eingarth, of this cUv. defeat­

ed L arry Siaude In a Greater New York and Intercity Individual Championship }«eries on the Tuxedo alleys last nighl. Hiflude, If he had won, would have tied Hcrt Allen, of Brooklyn, for last prl*o In the competition, but his defeat put him out of the money. Weingarth wun six games and Staude four. The local bowlor niiinot S4jcuje u place In the tuuniey, but he Is sixth In the race for average prfssos, and he m ust get a mark of 19S in his final merles against A1 Bchwebke In New York on Thursday night to hold thiit position.

In tii« series last night W clngurth ap ­peared to be beaten In the early stages nf the m atch. Staude hit the pins well and won four out of the first five games. Then W eingarth, who was anxious to average high, put In Ctmr big BCores, m ak­ing the series stand ffv’c lo four. In hla favor The final game was a poor, but rioae. one, W eingarth winning out, 188 to IfiiK In point or overage the men weru very close, W eingarth getting 20U.B and Staude 208.2. The scores follow;

W eingarth—217, IDS, 192. 161, 199, 245, 214. 232. 266, 168.

BtRude-lW, 2». 242, 296, 205, 216, 184, 21G,201. UIO.

The Junior Orders lost the I,‘ad in the Fruii-niiil HowLTi i t.eiiffuit hisl nitjht by] driipjiiijg twii KUi nf thri't? gmues tu the Masons Tin lllhs now Lr)ld firtU place, \ whiir ifir I 'y ih lans and J^uilor (.trdvT i Ivums are lied f ir hi-imiji] plai r |

MiiUdiiiK or ( h r Tcuin*. Iw .i, i is \v 1. n s . '

I'lks _____ I.! ,1 !' :i K'a-i'sltTH .. li D9JHytiilaii.s , .H 7 '.t: i odd l-'Oti^WyTlI lOlJr. O nitr... s I .r,’i ___ >i i., niijM asons .,.12 [i L-:., WiKjdnn-n .. G IG 99-1

The Maeons nntl Juriinr Order ImwJlngtiunio ilid <4(imi> gnud htiiiollng In thi Fratvrn.rl L. eaKia ' Tininpiori.shlp serli's last iiiglil on .MomKaiui t'v'h mIL-vs, It: which the Mmscjh wmii ivso mil jf Mirn- games All ihe bcoi-vh wore In llj:ureH above ihi- murk, svhllc in the lust rrin- teal the Mastins ri gifjter4‘d ilio hlj^h inlly of !,(W4. Tlu» Jiuiioi's stiult'il ofi au.4- plclonaly. InndltiK Hi+' <>iieninK game hv a lead of elKhtMim pinB» with a scorn o'f 966. The MasririH wninl up the scale In tho Becnnd encnunii-r and w'nn as the Juniors

t dropped bark. The Masons ehowed hIIi:I fu rther Improvenumi in the Ilnnl ael-to

and landed ati ca.iy vlriory hy :i margin af elghly-slx pins Shoimril.n'r thV Mafloris. got the high IndlvUliiiil score, ]>u1tlng In n coUTM of 2-18. whlb’ Haagliiriil, of ttn* Juiiiora, wfiH li clost; sLcund, with 243. Tho scores:

MASON'.c ' JH, ORDKFtKeliKmoii .195 11X1213 Todd .........1«n IfUOUntlnjj . UU joa 11M, Ayrsa ........ 21) HIT 200BltlnsT __iwa IHO 177 WIUlo ........lOh llij 104Shepard .185 193 24>> Krlnr . .. IHI ifiO nioWelM ...... 280 204 iH.') IlisaBluml . 217 243 liMi

ToiaU .,948 tfTO IO24I Total* .. O-W Ml O.aS

F ra fe r n n l Leagrn^ H a tc h e s T rk-n i«h t.The Elks and Odd Felhiws will roll a

F raternal l^eague tnaidi on tho Tuxedo alleys lo-ntKiii. The cimionl wof origi­nally pchednicd for Friday niglii. The Woodmen will roll ihe Knights r,f Pvih- lafi a rti’heriuled match on ilio Irorpi-ils a l­leys to-iilghl.

It f«_ not................... —a.lfl-stfty of the team In hltthyt., McConnell 1bslugging the bull a t a .SW clip and has fielding average of m per cen t O

Manager Lew McAllister, of Buffalo, failed In hfs efforts to Induce Clark Grif­fith, of the New York Americans, to turn l#aporte over to the Blsons.O

Clayton E arl W heat, of St. I^u ls . the captain o f the famous All-Bouthem base­ball team In lBnM6. was yesterday or­dained to the m inistry In Bt. Louis.OFrank Conroy, a bnsebitll catcher, died in Philadelphia yesterday^ as the result of being hit on the^ head with a foul tip while catching without a mask,

OHanager-Captatn Chance, of the Chi­

cago Nationals, has been smmended on oomplaint o f Umpire Bob SmsIJs for the part he took In the bottle-throwing epi­sode In Brooklyn on Monday.

Earned runs^A lleniow n 9. Two-baso hit^Toomey. F irs t base on balls—Off Wallace 1, off Speer 1. Struck ou t-B y Wallace 2, by Speer 7. Left on bases— Allentown 6, Newark 6. F irst base on errors—Allentown 2, Newark 3. Stolen (jases—Kelly, Landgraf, Btreasor. Biicrl- flee hits—Landgraf 2. Time of game— One hour and thirty-five mtnutea. Umpire —Goodbart.

B ro o k ly n , S | C h e ste r , 0.fipudnl DiapAtch to the fiT^.VLVd jVi WS.

BROOKLYN, July 10.—Padrone held Chester down to four lone hits yesterday and put up a superb fielding game. In the eighth Inning 2.>avls went to pieces and Brooklyn hit him a t will, winning 8 to 0. The score: _

H H EBrooklyn ' ............. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 * - 8 11 iChester .................OOOOOOOOfl-0 4 2

BaUerieft.-Padron6 nnd Molina; Da via and Ueehan.

ATLANTIC LEAGCB NOTES.The N ewark team wilt move on lo

Eaeton to-day for a series with the tail- end aggregation, and then will wind up the week at- PoUsvlUe on Friday and Saturday, returning home for a double- header'W ith Reading on Sunday.

. . .N ewark players flgured In another out­

break agalnat Umpire Ooodbart yesterday a t Allontown, which was worse than their racket with the same official here on Sunday-, OoodharL who reelgned a lte r Sun(lay‘B Iracas, was Induced to reconsider hla course and be will con­tinue as one o f the league's Indicator handlers. a • e

Betschman, the Brooklyn first baseman. Is a former pugilist. He was considered a gtKid welterweight In his time.V , •

Edgar, the pottsville catcher, has olll- c la tr t behind th e bat In every gam* his team bae played this season.

Bawwlmll a t ■ a re te Fai4c. dsly 11, St 8 P. lt„ Btttnifiehl a n , va. Bm aiulthe' nuunlm o? gamtHi “ ‘ b er o f g m ia s p U F ad.

L. W.—T o figure the percentage, divide- --------U jj num-- i-t'

The sigslng of Ja ck MePberson, tbe former N ew ark E astern League niayar, by E aston la s t Saturday, marked the six ty -ststb player th a t has twea ««l tb s E aston pay rnIL

FREEMAN QUITS HUNT CLUB.M fl»ter o f H ound* o f W n trh n n K O r-

tfnnlB «tfo ii H^fllfcns—M ayor F is k T a k e s Ufa P lace .

Diapaich to the. EVENISa SBW8. PLA IN FIELD , July 10.—E xtravagant

management. It In ^ald, haa caused a ru p ­ture In the W atchung Hunt Club, and ae a result Cbartes D. Freeman, m aster of the hounda, has quit. His place an stew ard was tilled last night, at n meeting In the casino, by the election of Mayor ChArles J. Ftak. Lewis E. W aring waa chosen In Mr. Freem an's place as muster of the hounds, and H. A. Bourne, of Westfield, was elected as an additional steward,

When the club was organised, two years ago, Mr. Fieeujaiij offered his farm anrl farm house a t a numinni rental ns a home for the organisation. The eitpenees have been too lavish Lhore, It is said, and re­cently ihero has been some friction among the board of stewards. On his retu rn from Europe, a few days ago, Mr. Free­man tendered hts resignation, without ex­planation. I t waa accepted last night. Mr. Flak'* offer of the casino as a clubhouse wa'fe accepted. Tbe Mayor's farm will also be a t the disposal of the club. Subscrip­tions were made sufficient to liquidate all Indebtedness.

KRAMER'S FOXY RIDING,O D lffco rra i* th cM ii« F arlaR (l-L * w io n

C o m N ln a tlo a , A lla w ln g C la rk , Hi* T ra m H a le , to -Win R ace .

Bpedol flUpalcfc to tin B rg tlJS a BEWB.SALT LAKE Q T r Utah, Ju ly 10.-

F rank L. Kramor, of Bast Orange, N. J.. completely fooled the Iver Lawoou-FIoyd M acFarland combination In the two-mlle open bicycle race h«r« last night. Kram er did not win, bu t b it partner, A. J , Clark, did, which Is all the tame, aa Clark and Kram er are teaming and dividing tbeir prise money, rh i t strong comblnatlbn took little E. A. i ^ e Into their fold last nlgliL ahff instead of Kramer pulling Clark he laid back with Lawton and Mac­Farland, allowing Pye to take Clark to the front, the la tte r winning easily. Hollister, who waa looking for a "sleigh r td a " got second, and K ram er beat out l.awson and M acFarland lor third money,

Lawson and MacFarhuid did not s ta r t In the mite handicap and the K ram er and Clark (wmbteatlon scored again. Kramer, paolng ■ CJ^It, overhAkted the handicap men an d f lla rk artm Bn 1 m inute and uj^^confis.

W. B. flamuelson and M acFarland en­g a g e In a pursuit race, gamuelson win­ning a fte r six miles and seven laps had been covered.

•wbarlM W E . C. W u t * flnn ic s.The Suburban B. B. C. would like to

arrange games with first-class teams. The W ashington A. A... BosftvtUe A. C. and U ontclU r A. A. piofsrrsd. Chal­lenges eent to Philip Blaiaa, UT W est strset, win' be ooMidered,

POLO AT ESSEX COUNTY CLUBH om e P ln y er* to M eet SiiUiKlron \

F re o b n o te m of Noiv Y ork In M nteli ilerle*.

'The puto learn of ibe E«h( x Cnuuty Country Club of Oranfjtj ijiis nnantfiU h sorlew of match^fi with Ihu Bijuiirtron A KroohooterH of New York, wliloli will be decided on the Essf:x C’luh'a fieldto-cnorrow and yulurdav ufLeniuons. The mujcli (iji to-raormw aftem oon will Bbiri at 6:30 o'clock, while the one on Suiurilay win tseeln a half hour earlier.

The Whippany Ulvor Club temm and the Squadron A four met yesterday after- noon at Morristown, sncl after a hut hutile the mutch reHulieil in a lie, each icwrn acorlng aeveii goals. Whlnp^uiy River took a lead In lliu first period and looked Itki a virior. but the New Yorkern came stronj? In the second half and ovenr-d miiU<rfl. Tlie game wub the third of a 8frlet<, the olhor two bt;lng won by fiquuflron A.

HARKSmfiW ARRANGE PROGRAMT eam lin e r to Be F e n tn re K v en t u l

R a lin a y A nn C lub T o n ru e y on g n tu rd n y .

RAHWAY, July 10.—The memhrre of the Kahwiiy Liun Cluh have arranged tin- program for th<! cluh tournanu-nt oji next Saturday. The curd will cunslal uf e li events, four sweepsiukea. one inerchanillBp event and a flve-nmn team nice. Solid gold medals will be given to tho Individ­ual members of Ihe winning team, OUiba may enter as many njarksmeii ns ihey desire, the five high scores to count In the match.

There will he a silver sup offered (or the am ateur making (be highest aggre­gate score In the day 's progTnm. The .hooting will begin n( M:3ft A. M Tn ull sweepstake events the club will add b-n per cent, to the gross purse.

-------------- • '---------------

BURNS WANTS $10,000.W o n ld F iB b t llQiitre* in AnNtraUit

f o r DIb O a a r« tite e —D o a ljifa l A bout M v o tln s Jo h o * o n .

BAN FRANCISCO, July 10.—"Nothinic doiiis, wtuj ihf reHpon*« t>f Tommy Huiiia when informed thm tlio bachfrn of Squlrei uml promotera of the giimo in Auatralliv hn^ decided to offer him 32.500 for hie expriiAc* und enuro fftte receipts, win or lose, If he would meet hi* lulo opponent in Auetraliu In the near future.

"Thoy have my preposition," said burns, "and I sec no rcnsuti for chanRljtg It. I won't go over there unloas I am guaranteed tlO.QOO, for 1 can make tIuK amount, hero In the next five or six months, so I would be a fool to go over there for loss.*'

When asked If he would fight Jack Johnson, Burns said his wife was strong­ly opposed to such a match, but he him­self would be glad to whip tbe n ^ ro .

PUGILISTI^POINTE RSThe National A. C. of Philadelphia is

arranging tor a number of a la r a u rac - tlons for Elks* week, July 16-30. Abe Al- tel! may he «eeiired to go up agalnat Tommy O’Toole, .while efforla arc bciiii made to Bring Tommy Murphy, of H v - letti, and Young Erne together.

Jo* Cans and Joe Thomas have been matched lo fight a t Colma. Cal., on Labor Day, fieptember A o r Admission Day. September 9. A meeting u( the promoter* of the fight and the representatvea of the pugtibils will meet to-day to s i n ar­ticles of agrosment covering the dlvialoii of the money, select a referee and ar- n n g e other (i*ta)Is,

^ a b l « to g»t no a match with etthsr Twin Sullivan, M e Shreck or Tommy Burns, H u ^ KeSv* th« Chicago Ugtat- wois^t, will ssti Cor his nfttive country, I t ^ , on July a , w bsrs he wW eproa two n o n ih i. *

CLEVELAND, O.. July Ifl-Thp Ka>t hiiiilr a gnod br^lnnlrig In lhi‘ national omiitcur chumplohHlilp nn ilu> Thiolld llnkfi. W. J. Tnivl* iiiul FtpiI Hcrr^tihoff, biilli of Gfircit-n City, Htiiirod with \\’.illt=r Kguh, of ChlcuRo, fur low scors honors In the clghieen’liob' quallllcstlun [I'Ni yt'HterdHV. Tliey returrnd rounds of TFi. CItisfily following Uir* l«*Hdlnr trios wiTv D. IQ, Sowy(jr, Krunnlh Fiiwards, I‘. \V. WliUlcrnore nnd T. M. Hhcrman and W. T. nt 7H. Th-' first two tire

piayiTH and tlif iifxi iWJ Bob- tun, whib’ SlM-rniHU n'prusnniw the 8ada- i|updii Gulf Clnh of IUIch. VVfSt is s I’rlnrotOM stinb-nl,

At one tlmi' i: looked as ihouph Jerome Tnivurs watt Kuing to li bid for an4*xiri'mrly low score. D-'tipile ihe fact itiat tho Mtiniclnlr boy was bunk<Ted on hts second shot for a fi al ihe floveath hull', he wffii fiut In 37. f'ninlnii home, a couple of wiM drives hindt'd him In irou- Ml-, and wlillo slrokots were lust, the rtiintopdlUan (.iiuinplun managed to re­turn u 78,

IIIh partner, F!. Chandler Egan, drove his usii il lung halls. While his curd did MfU kIiow any rauilly luid huleH, nn:lher dtd i( rccfu'l any tispf’rifilly pood fines, Hill] I 'lri.soqni rulv hln 79 rr-prcsiTiii'd nearly [III'” - li.iUTrt Ilf hard work. In which few .li'itP wore hrnUtjlll off 111 tl|D HUtlsfilC- lu-ii tif the fi'iiner national tlile-hoMcr. I

Hut If «'liJii (llcr Egan was dlaiipp<Hijl»'d, lifiw ahiMil Ihii-ii Nl ilvir&, the jirf*s<'n( rh;ini|ilnjr;’ 'I'll** liiUcr's gnrnc wiuit wrung |fi siH i nn as io prevonl himrcfun Mf'ttlriK bolMr than 8f>. As llip ehani- |'iiin.‘i|ti1i laiTMliiiunw rail fur a ihlrly-slx- 1mi]i‘ i|imlii’ying rmiiHl, brsi ih1riy-iwo 10 qualify, Ji i>an M-adily he iipnrcclalod l-i what (IrgreiH of uncertainly Ihft FlUft- I'urg man was at nnco pliiced. In fact, nflor Ihf* luHt card had Ihpii relurnea liirn yesu-nliiy afternoon fur Ihc first elgli-

hulcH. h looked h» If Byers would hfivfl in do belter than nn 80 tc*day In order to esrnoe being shill out.

W ard uTi I l ls Gmne.In returning h 79. John M, XVard. a for-

mcr Ni’W Jersey clmmphm, provffl that he was once rnfiie uu his ganie. I’rohably vpn more nnteworUiy wu« ihe 79 made by

Charles It. Ma<‘(]onald, nf Garden City. Her** was a m.in who graduated from the Bt. Andrew's Unlvcrelty, Scotland, buck In the HcveritleH. In fact, he Inlroduced tlu! game lo a band of Chicago friends out on llie pniirloa more than twenty years n^iy. (ir before a good many who are com- oMing In ihe present tournament were boru, Macdonald w«>n the first chom- nloTiHhlp under Iho ousplcos of the United MtaleH Golf AMSOf’latlon In 1BU6.

There were Frj Marlers and. as Ideal wealher eonfllllons prevailed, the eon- tejitnnifi Inul nn fuuse for complaint, Here nre i!ie Bcnres of the first day's golf:

Fred Herreshoff. Garden Oltv-—G ut.................. 4 3 :t 4 B 4 4' 2 B-S4)n ..................... 4 S I 6 6 S 7 4 4-41-76

W alter E, Ekun, ChiCftKoO ut.................. 4 ■( r> ft r, 3 4 3 4-.3SIn ..................... 4 3 4 4 4 6 4 5 4-37-75

W. J. Travln, (.Jarrten n t y —O ut.................. 5 1 3 5 4 S 4 3 4-37In ..................... 3 4 3 4 5 5 ft 4 (-,13-75

D, E. Bawycr, rh lc n g o -O ut.................. 6 4 3 4 5 4 5 6 A-39In ..................... 4 4 4 4 3 4 (i 4 4 - 37 - 7'J

W. T. WrflI. Pliilartt Ipiilii -O ut.................. :i 3 3 3 ,1 4 5 4 6-35In ..................... 4 4 4 4 4 7 5 5 4^1-76

IV W. W'lilltenturc Rojiton-O ut.................. 4 1 3 4 5 4 6 4 4 .38In ..................... 4 4 2 4 6 S 5 4 4-3S-76

T, M. 8h(*rTnnn, tVykagyl—O ut.................. 4 4 4 S 4' 5 5 3 5-39In ..................... 3 4 3 6 4 4 7 3 4-37-Tft

O th«r CnrilN.Jeronip D. TniverFi, MontclKir, 87, 11—73:

\y . C. F owik-h, J r , rtitHhurg, 29’'79; K. T, lCdW4ii’ds. ChU’Hgu, 40, ,'!D—"9 H. Weber. Tnledu, M, in -79; John M Ward Fox lilllfl, 3C, 13 7D; V. h. Macdonald' Gaidep c ity , Ss. 41-79; H. Cliandier Egan ('hlCHgo, 3ii, 40-79; E. M. Barnea, Englfl- woud, as. 41~7!»; C II, SmtvJey, (Mcveland, 40. Norman Mncheth, PlUaburg!43, 37-SO: Max >!. H'-hr, Morris County. %, 'H-feil; W- r . Smith, I^hlludf'lphlfi, 42. 3D—ill: G S Lynn. L'lmadn, 40, 41—SL fe h Martin, Canaihi. k), 41—81; MflHftn Bhelpe' L'lilcago, 41. 4<r-S1, \V. K. Wood, Clilcugo, M), 41 ^81; It. L, Janies. PUtHhurg, 8H, 4i~ K2; VV, H. Tueki-rnian, Waflljlngloji, ?I7, 4.'>-4<2; Held, St AndroWb. 41, 41 ilj;M C FowheH. Plilsburg. 48, J. I).

The largest number of entriM ovor . . celved for a mailneo a t Weequahlc PiB hns l»eii enrded for Iho Mason's th ‘ cyfiit under lha auspices of the lie Hurso AiutoclaHon, to take place next

' urday ufternaon a t the waverly trtiu Thlriy-thrce horaea have been named n ttvt* contMta. and a groat afternooni aport is aanureil. "

In addition to the racing, Ida £.1% . the matinee trotting champk

, wll! mi^ke an attempt lo lower her OTd, The Judges will be Sidney 8, Ton. Dr. M. O, K. iXilphIn and Adolph 8chlu«* The nm ers C. J. Fnrr, WUIInm BtesM ami D^yld T ucra Qwjug to. the Ja*urti^

if f ifia rf. The TfurQw!fig"'flre the~enlf{^ 2.19 Pace to Curts, MUr Heuto, 3 In 8, M

W. IV A tw ater suit of horae oloihlng Yellow Kid, d, g.. H. A. Jaegef; irnnim. br, g., A. R, Boylan; Jim Dlci bik. g.. John Mulligan; Chestnut Bul ch, g.. George Smith Jr.: T>1ck, b. g., E. ' Oager: Merry lx>u, blk. m., Mar'M:ilhcws.

I Trot to Ctirts. Mile Heats. I in i fur slh’cr fuip rtnnritHd hv member—Litil Juck, b. g.. 2,20V John f . Yooum; Oerafi b. hi.. J. IT. Cutncll: Ifamptun, b. g.. f Tj Oregnrv; Robert T.. ch. g., Dr. W, MltchoH. Highland t.nddk. blU. g.. Jo Driscoll; Retriever, blk. g., CharMi Otio.

£.26 Trot to Carts. Mite Heats, I In I,, twenty-flvs bags onts, donated by I Drake—H orn ' Lake, h, g., Wilson DMkq I Handy Andy, b. g.. John Rommell: V§i

Chimea, h. m-, Oenrge T. James; CUK Patch. h)k. g.. A. W. McCabe;

' b. g.. J. S. Trvtng.2.30 Pare to Carts. Mile Hrnts. 1 In I* 1

"PltVe^<'ond tlm ^r—Hvro, h. g„ Lot Moyer; J. W.. hr. g,. F. Pnllantlne: _ I^oftiis, b. g.. Mcyrr Bros.; Jacks Gfntrv. b. h.. John Jackson.

g.lO Trot to Carls. Mile Keats, 2 Jn for sneoding enrt, donated by J. I Ciithell—Hhamrock, b. g.. Frank OtfA Lnvtnift Tlrnnk hr. m.. M, K. Hat! * Brown Juff hr. g.. K. Rodenwelaer: rh. m.. Illrhsrd A. HensJer; Black W b Mk m., J. OnUistetn: LuUi PottB. b. i Jacob Meyer; Jnek. b. g,. C. H. MeKel. T.ndy Rarbarlnn. ch, m.. T. T. MaxAelf nclsurn hlk m,. M A. Sawyer; Vang rb. sr,, H A Jn**g#*r: Clavtnn. hr. Jnlj IT. Vorum; Clyde H, b. g.. F. Ballintjin

RACING AT ORANGEBURG,l^rlnce A lnr, Ovrded by E , A. S lS

o f T h is r i l y . F in ish e s Fifth* H yco D iatnneed.

gficrfaJ £M*pntM in tk« BVE Jiim KBWM, O R A N aEnrrR o. n . t .. July

Alar, owned by E. A. Zunt. of Newarl N. J,. and driven by Isaac Ilully, t t ted li fairly good riica In the 2.^ olg here yesierday, finishing 7*4-4, The lime was 2.]8«,;, Locust Jack won the 1 In Ktrnighl hcnls.

In thi-> 2.K pace Coast Marie, the N t York Hpewlway champion, was bekU ami a track record of 1U14 was hung U by John McBwen. Jlyco, owned by Meyer Brothers, of Newark, N, J,» dletiinced In the 2.25 pace.


CHme. 1'Ifvcland. 42, 4(4-82; O. p. Tlromp- mui, Pklahurg. 43. Si-S2; Kobiri Abl Plainllidd. -la. 39-82,

A Cliic.ugo, 40, 4.7-SJ; J JfC:hHdH. fMMshurg. 42. 11-M. A Gnifinm, Paterson, 40. 43-KJ; U, lJ. iin<-Ji. J). trull. 41, 42-’f'3; W. A. SUckney, Hi. LmilH, 37, 4<>— A. K. Austin, Canada, 40. « - 83,. i). VV. Jones, Toledo, 4£. 41—S3; S, Q, .Sllckney. St. LouIh, 41, 42—83; 0. RvonS Ji'., Chicago, ,Ti. 44-83; G. W. Butts. Altuoim, F*h . 39. 44—W; J. It. Kennedy. Alnhnnlng. 42. 4;j-84;G. A. Ormlfltoii, r ittsburg , 38. IG-W; 0- F. Wlllft, Boston, 42, 42-84; J. K. Role, Cleveland. 41. 4S-SI: R. P, NevlhM Jr., r itlaburg , 38. 4$-S4. C. H. Seeley. Wwi Rum, 42, 42 B4; W. C. Carnegie, Plfta- burg. 41. 44—BB; K. M. Ryers, Plitaburg, 41. 44—85; T. G. Stevonaon, Boston, 42, 43—A. Lnrd, WfishJngion, 43. 42—86;,J. M. Hhctl, DykiT Meadow. 42, 44—W, D. Chauncey, Garden City, 41. 45—W; T. B. Beckwith. Cleveland, 43, 43—86; H. M. Beli.s, Canada, 41. 4fi—S6; H. W. Fraser, Toledo, 43 . 43—gfl; Hiffeo H. Johnstone, Bos­ton, 43, 43—Sfi; A. W. Mitchell, Rock Island, 44, 43-86; J. A. Ifillen. l^Uaburg. 43. 44-87: C. B- Fownes. Pittsburg, 43, 44 —H7: H. A. Bands, Aiken, 47. 4(1—117: A. E. Adam, Mahoning, 44. 43—S7; R. E. Oltes IMtlsburg, 40. 47—87; W. B. Rhett, Dyker Meadow, 39, 48—87; l/ownes Rhett, Dykcr Meadow, 411, 4E>-88; H. GuJlck, Mahoning. 43. 4&- U8; Q, Horup. Now Haven, 44, 44—SS; I. \V Mllchidl, Rook Island, 41, IS—C. H. MHttern, Oil City, 44. 4o-89: G Miller, Dciroit, 46, 13-89; E H. Baiikard Jr,, Baltimore, 40, 49-M; R. Deming, Clove- lund, 44* 45—89.

R. H. Crowell, Cleveland, 46, 46-90; C.H. Rider, Toledo, 48. 47—90; F. I... Grif­fith. Arlington, Muse., 44. 46-80; Aldcn

........................ . ' • “ iilii

Lennliardt an d C layton W illNemt T n e siln y h 'lg h t In th e Ooti

■«anii In T h is C ity.Charles Leonhardt, the local wreitlij

und Thomat* "Bulldog" Clayton, the , llsh Rrappl-'^r, worn rnatched last nig for a meeting which will lake pla^e n« TucHilay night tn tlu-. Colosseum, Hprlngficld avenue, this ctly. Clay L/imo on from Fluffiilo mid the men I lit Troxler'e gymnasium to sign arthf.

The man.'h will be at iiffked Oraa Riirnon and calch-ws-caldif-Csn three hnulH to a finish, and the man Wlf nlng the quickest fall to have the ch<nq nf Ihe third bout. Clayton Is said wi'lgh ov^r 200 pounds, while Loonbi lIp.M the scale at about 180 pounds.

LER'fi M tgF iT CliBTHlNO PAHLOB200 W ashtngtom St.» N rar H arM t « t» |

I ro q n o ls BqI I iUh b * Naw M lL V» Open E veB ln v s, R. F. CeXf Nfifr«


SAbES DEPOT FOH l.«X> TAILOR*.flur garm*nij are dJatinctSv*. In matt

wurkmsnshlu, style wnd fit they are *up*rttf 1 r**dy-cnAdo clulhlng. Perfect fit Is a lu ea*y ci tisliterntloTi here With *o ittatt? H 11 it natural that we should have garm« that will nt you a* If inado to order. If, h< tiv*;r. the pfirilotilar suit you msy deilre ndi any ultoration*. we MAKltl TITCH FRBR ‘ CHAltUE.


Coat and trousers; material dark gray, tin* kwhed worslt^cl; irmrln by Unbi.rULUl, of Cbl8f“ for 386; IIU TR (>Vt\ PTUCE FOR THE80 1 SlIlAm-B GARMENTS.

rUue lergd sank suit, double-breaitedl cloth Is H fine bit of Prince *enre; fh* ooat j [hri'f ’ImUon, uno-quaner *1lk llnefli very sir“ icer; made hy Addleateln, of Boston, for Our price. If It m i you, 116.

Tropical worsted *ull, • light gray la ooltf very light in weight; made right ^ ra 10 *lyIo by Caapner, of Wueblngton, D. C., f ISO, A tropical worMed is a delight Otii wari day*. SIS takes thove choice garmctita.

Mixed cheviot suit, with Jnvlalbl* itrips; t twj)-buuon rack, with etyllsh long roll; re by Laird, of Buffalo, fr-r 1*0. Our prira to i man It fits. I13.

Check *\llt, entail paltern. very rich W>0 i tln^'tive in upri^sriirn'o; made by Ullulet, MliwuiAee, fur Df' Our price, If it fil| you, 315.

Bent* coat and trouarra, very dark blua ee*i one-quaner allk llne«l. wub allk liultit sleeve*, made by Healy, oC Albany, for Our price, If they m you. I1Q.5II.

Tan brown Back suit, coat two-buttM rrmdD by AilfUrsteln. of Roaton, for 353; eoU and the i-x<|utsUe making of these garm ^' will every onappy dresser,price. |2rt.

[ tyiiah Qi'erplftid suit, a very rtch effeot, gmy nnd brown: the man who seek* dlstlneth {IrpH!! will want tills suit: made by Neumbun of Nf“w York, for M2: Our price. 314.

Gnat nnd ihuisers, msterlat brown V«U>Ufi ircmely alyllih: will appeal to Ibe swagg (jn'Hiiei . ID rub* Id urdor by lierm&n. 8t. FU fur M . Our price. If It fits ybU, lit.

ODD TROURFItfi.Xlif- im*-! few day* we have received a nu

Iht Ilf "lid iruusers from the various merchl iallors that were made to order lo bring 16, Jj and lin Tour choice. If we can fll you, for f*M liiid M.

DON'T DE A READY-MADB MAK.Remember, what won’t fit one man will

aniilber; any alteratlfins needed to InipfOVg llpj garment will be> made free of charge.LBB*8 NHSFIT CLOTIIISG FABL0B4

Office open only Monday* WedaradV i Thursday, from 2 to 4 P. M., ff to 6 P. M^J. vie* free. Also Tuesday afternoon, 3 ton F , . 0 « M«t towM^t pUi*« luai ■■

Catarrh Nervous Dlraasee. DiaeaSM - • ............................ . TiMri Kidney*, Rtocnach, LSvep or B1

sw ift, Chicago. 44, 46—90; W. Qllliam, Ht.<^Rh^inatlem. iTrinary auA all Lung Dias Tvoula, 41, 4 9 -^ ; S. Harbon, Washing- nmn* oewi ton, 45. 46-90; R R. Upton J r . Baltuerfl.47, 49-91- H. S. Mftod, Toledo, 48, 41-9!;C. B. Cory, Boston, 4«, 46-91; T. K.I^ughlln f’lttftbiirjt, « . 46-92: G. L. For- dl(t». M ooning , (£ 4fl-K; W. W. Qold- ham. Tolsdo. w, 47—93; A. Britton, Wash­ington, 42, W—93; H. C. Roos*. Oil (Tlty,« 48-92- B. B. Case, Oil C ltj, 45, 47-92; w . W. Zimmerman, Mahoning. 44, 45-!ll;Q. B. Higgins, Arlington, Mass, 44. 49-89;J. F. Byers, FflttsbuiK. 44, 49— ; M. Bing­ham , Cfieveland, 47, 47-94; U. D. Ullory,P ittsburg, 47 . 47—M; E. H. OrUfith, Ci'es- ceiit A. C.. 4*. 47-96; C. T. RamagA OU City, 48jJ»-9«; F. 8. Wilson, Chicago, » ,A . *7. r. BtBWU 114S-.**Q *.,« -W ; W. F. H art. Plltaburs, *3. o4-'^; H . MeSweeney. Oil City. 60, <7-ffr; I5lllg Adams* BoktozL BO* 61-101; T. M. Marshall J r^ PUtsburff, 4A 56-100.r** 90, IMF* A4A4.

iS ro clld not return cards—B* H. Loek* stL nf Nhmtclalr* and M. J. C&nipbell* ql P ltta b u r^ There were seventeen wha didRi^ appear* as there had been two added starters.

T v ts d o B tlU aH I Tow tasy*F . Cs VavatlQf defeated Ernest Tougnee

In the Tuxedo Aasateur SlUlard Tottney a t the Tuxedo Academy last n M t by the Boore (ff 100 to 93. Touguei in ll have A. B. aa his oppouMit tu a tooroA*tt«n t iBAteh to-Blffht.


July 11, 12 ( D a l 4 P.


SPECIALIST,IT I Broad a , Ovor CMMi't.

Tweeiy y«*r*' sal*"*""* »• « spaetsllst, _ ,11 rhmnlc Dt«r»w* of MEN AND_WOM*W j

U A * W l ^ t r CHAMOK OW HpQN O T I U C fo sJL L F A A * o rD r, CA.UFPMAN, SpecIn lM .


Hoarar U to If 5 (o l. CloMd Moa 6»t«rday D uriav Summer. Opaa J

5 4 B A N K STsiKearlibwl

DR. BRADINlimits hiB (nrsetlts **tMV to tfes ti*«t9p.i4

DISEASES OF WEN.jOA« H ours-ll ts SilO F. IL. I ts SiM F. T

■asSm . 11* > F. H i •TO WOAID «T„ Cor. W M F u k .

B atnw * OI. w sst M k MsflMH :«n (np«l*ns sg W ysas. alniaa <

Ift tM conaftaoe* aC sm s

.-•■my.* 4"-;

idmlT, on J u lr 4. ISOT, lU r r I wUo c t s im p h O. m w (fiM WtiU*

ni). Thft i w t i v e t and frlanda are ^r^iOTitad to attaod tb« tunaral on . Jo ly U , a t I P . U .. from bar lai* r B ord tn avaooo and Ara4amy atrret.

6 . J . la ta m a n t In Fafrmount

It—At bla la ta rraldenca. 224 South «4reat, th l i momlnct John <;iuua«r.

of f a m n l hnnaUt«rr.„ - 0 n Ju ly 9, 190T, Pw cy B., ana

, H. Ooftbal. oBid 84 y « re . l^jneral w ftt. ba bald a t Joahua Urlerley anhaprl. 4<w Broad a tr^ t* on Thure-

OTtnliiBt J o i r l l . a t 4 o'Aioeb. Kclativaa frtanda a r t U nJly Invited. InffTment at ‘ ilpbia. Pa., a t the fam ily'# convenlnnci*.

" llA N L E T —On Ju ly 10, 1907, a t her la if rosl-

RIO Clarelaud avenue, llarrliun . N. J-, inley (o*e Conlan?, beloved wlfo of Itauley. Ralatlvee and friends are re- f invited to attend the funeral uii , duly lA a t 4:90 A. U„ from her l«tiv , and a t 9 A. M. from the Church of

CroM, where a 8k>ifnm Hi#h Mare iffered lo r the repoae of her Miul. In- Bi ifi the CcmeierT of the Holy Snpulchre.

r o n J t flower#.M KlN8-On July ». IWT. ThrlsHna. widow I ilun . John U Jen k in a formerly uf New wlcdi, N. J . Vhineral servlcea will te; a t her la ta rreidenre. i:i0 cou rt street.

Thnraday aveninc. Ju ly i i , a t R o'cJ<i«k. t r a n o t a t New HrunewU-k on l-Milay at

oonvanlaace of the family.ENT—At LlvUiraton, N. J.. on July 9, 1907,

I, daujdtter t f Ira SVllson and rtusan A., a ia d 19 y e a n 2 rmmthn 24 days. F u '

MrvlOM will he hem ai lh>‘ir resldem^e y tiraoon,^ A ,

rk O lfP - tM n ^B W a 'y .'r tilV ^ ' rtr. lUUT.^ir Fill rwideDce, 12T ijitie to r i nvemJi'. .Mnll)u■>

In bis 78th year. N olloi of fuiieml

iM B B K E H -^ n Tuewtay, July H. Uk>7. Anna j Wife of H nrrlo O. Uf^-k«T, mid ilnuahi+r

' Jane B. and the late Juhn N. Karl. In ihe "I y ta r of her ft#l^ HelHllseH Hnd friends

reaptetfulLy Invited ta a iirnd iIh* funeral teas a l her la te residencf, Mil M *ufli.uve’,

BUiabeth, N. J.. <m Thursday. JtHy 11, I P . M.

L IN -O n Tuesday. July 9. 1U07, Mary aired 98 year*. Relatives and frienas

nepectfu lly i n v l ^ to attend the funeral M ttaa reeldeno* of her daughler. M anreral OUTOll, No. 83 Hudson street, on holiday.

U , a t 9 A. M.. to ill. Jf>ie(ih'i Churoh.rida;

, ....................... eotil.a Solemn High Muse of Hequlam will

oflerad for the repoee of her soul. Inler- a t In the O tm oten' of the Holy Bepukhre,

pA H 8»LL~O n Monday. July A 1907, John ia bla 84th year. H etatlves and friend* arr

Invited to attend the funoral eervlcre liHe reaidencr?, on iiranch Mills road,

___ N. J ., on Thursday, July H. el 2iDlerment In 9 l. Stephen'e Cemeury,

Ulbuni, N. J ., June B, inoT. David Roche, affrd

Funeral services Tfrlll be lie Id at , B rierley'a raortuaiT chapel. 40ii Rroad

tre a t, on Thursday evaniny. Ju ly 11. a t U KtfMlE. RMatlvas and friends, also members ^ Northarn Lodae No, 38. F. and A. U., are

fidly Invited. In term ent a t Trentuia. N. J ..tho Cnnaily'i oonvsolaiict.

tm iB S B L D -O n Tuesday. July 0, 190T, John In hi# T4ih year. Helativus and

ftanO#, members of the Exempt FltenMn'a aUon. ore Invited to the funeral service#

la te residence, 812 W arren street, ■pu , , r n r / . Joly 12. s t 2:30 P. U. Inlorineiit |ia P alnnoan t Cemetery a t the fam ily 's oon-

i ’W O O D R U T F ^n Tueiulay. July 0. 1907,' aaa X. Woodruff. t'uQeral servloee and In-

n t private.

M O N T H 'S M IN D .I EATON—A Month’s Mind Mass of Re<idlem riU be offered In Bt. M ary 's Church, Klyh amt rilU am straeta, Thuraday, July 11. a t f.3ti A. ‘ , for tha repoae of the atml of the Isle Mrs. B s a b ^ B atu). R ela tlve i and friend# are re-

' " ’ lAVtied to attend .

IN M R M O R IA MkreltW retnem branoa of our sister sr.i|

bler» Kennedy, who died Ju ly 10,

losralr flower nipped In the bud,No ( l i e f nor sorrow knew;

name to win a paren t's iovs»And tben to heavan withdrew.

D o not a ik ua if we mis# h e n D ie re to «ucb a vacan t place;

c a n w« forcel he r footsteps And b«r dear, sweet, lovln( face?

BeneaUi our amtlea and a tear.J BEREAV ED PARENTS, RI9TER3 AND

B R Q T ^ R 8 .

[D l tov ln f lam em brence of our sister, Bertha Mihay, wbo died Ju ly IQ, lOuA.

Neat on, dear slater, thy labor's o'er,Thy wllilnff hands shall work no more.Ob» faltlifu l slater, true and kind.No fH eM OB earth like you we And.M it Clod shall clasp the broken chtln Cloaer in heaven when we m eet sy iln .




■ Between W alnut and F rank lin sts. Telephone WTO.

L C. Rsaalb forcnavly w ith the la te J , A. Logan. ■.tA ----------------------------------------- --------------SMITH A SMITH,

(uceeaaors to J . A. Losan. i m iD B lIT A K C R S AND BMBALUER8,

' F ine Livery*Tel. IM . 944 Broad si.8TONAKKR. undw taker, office with J.

‘ “ — — ■ ■ --Resldenoe,

AMweU, 269 W ashington ave., Eellsvllle, 80 W . BellevtUe. ^ '

F if th St., Roseville.A. STANLEY Cf)LB.

, _ J I L DIRECTOR AND BMBAt.MBB, ABT WarrtB S t TeU 1163 Branch Brook,a iJ ir a L K T FORKKR, *Phon# 533J Branch

‘ \ bftltoftaltar A embalmer, 800 Orange st._K^OTNER, undirtaker and embalumer,

fM o . M4 CHnIop aye. Telephone 273J.r H, BBOEMBL. FUNERAL DIRBCTOrT

BT!'- I- J>- ‘PHONE 5084.

B K L P W A N T M P -H B X H H A P w a n t b d - i i h n «

AOENT“ H au«'IO ‘bou#e agent wanted to sell our meat tenderer; m akes tough meat tender

as tenderloin; every housekeeper need# >nr. good proAt to agent. Address A. U , Hoi 58,News ofllct._____________________ _________AOENTH for lbs be#t paying hoTwe-tO'hotise

propoeltlon. Apply any day after 5 P. M.. store 26 Ferry et,



C g N T R A I^ V E ., Ea s t NEW ARK. N. J,HOY—Wonted, handy, capable boy, «k>ut IH

years of age, understanding sometblng <>I filing and drilling! chance to lettfo irsd r. steady work; s ta rt |5 week. OSHOllNB TcmjI Works, Second and Jersey so ., Harrlwn.HOYS—Bright boys wanted for emtniJS and to

make themselves useful In large muTiumii->r- Ing conoeni; good chanea for advauveiiif ’ Address, in own handwriting. Hoy.New* offle*.

Jkii tiV.

from 15 to 18 real m isia

If competent ^ rm an e tit jioiltl«ii 1*HOT-Oood Opportunity for boy fr

years of age In an up to-dsle - 'f competent p e rm a""’»

AddreM Ambitious. Hut i Nuw* ufBca.olflre:lured. ___ ____UOYH, experienced a t power pre#r''« and

aroimd maohme shoris; good, steady p^-siiloM to right boys. Apply H, A H. ‘ O., J4Meohaiilc yt.. o H y . ____________________

office oflarge tiiHeranlli# huuse; one just from

DOY-Wanted, a youth for themarranllle one Just

school preferred. A«ldr«'*s office, Hoi 13, N«ws ufflce.» _______________

MP^rMANIC as foreinso In shop working ten hours par day ; must be capable of leading

pUrm and copy from the same for dciatls lb Dulldltui construction; chance fnr idvanrem ent. salary com m ensurate with capability. Addreea, giving exlMrrlence. rfferences aod where last engaged to J , F ., Station A., Eltsabetbport,K ll^ lw th . N. J,_____________________________M EN ^W anled, strong. Igtelllgent iM n for

storehouse; one reliable, bonest. Industri<>us driver; one stenographer and generaJ offlee ass la tan t; no appllcatlnn considered without lirst'Clasa reference. Address Flour. Bos 41, News office.Me n w anted to work In lunch wagons. Ap­

ply M ontclair Lunch. 84b Bioumheld gve„ Montclair.MAN—U’anted. a middle aged, eober m au to

<wir» for horM and make hlm srif generallr useful around am all place. Cali between 9 and 11. 808 Lafayalte s t . &U9HAUER.MAN to ta k e cbarire

■me who thoroughly __Ing and caji fig machines, chief Co., W arren. R . f.

of handkerchtaf factory; understands hem stlich-

W arren Handker-

MAN—W anted, a elrong, Intetllgent, sober man to ass is t d river and make himself gcoerally

useful. T H E IIE1J.#ER A UKHZ CO., Hom- iiurg pi. __________________MAN—W anted, all-around man in saw mai,one

w ith experience In cutting trunk boxes, p. HTEIOER Trunk and Bag Co., 857 Ogdsn at.MAN—W anted, young man, single, to work nn

sm all farm and to milk cows; good wagre. !n<|Ulre 624 Bpringfleid ave., city ___

BOVfl WAy A cY D frr # o K K . ' " ■

m ^ K N T R A L AVE.H(7y' not under 19. for office work, must bo

uul-k at (Iguivs uiid goi)d w riter; opportunity to udvBUce. Addrt*n* IJ., Hox tt4. News (..ffice.p,(,y_mr^»ng t>oy to help on wagon an«3 take

i-ari’ hontee; wasvs lo s ta r t . 14. fa l l this fvrning. 17 Holland sL______________________LkjY^. Wantad, b rish i bog>> th a t l<> willing te

learn butcher husinree. A ddreis L. !>., Box4h, News olflce. _______HuY about 13 years old. In m anufsciuring

Call 9CBW A R2K O FF Mfg. Co., 473nhlce. Washington at.BOY wanted In butcher builiires to deliver

untera and take core of horses. H. HCHMIDT, 273 6lh ave. ‘ _ _HOYS—Two strong boys wunlcd U> assist

psLker. Apply MAUIBON A CO., 210 Mar- ket st. ____________ ______BOYS wanted. Apply Electric Mfg.

<?oinpany, Isaac and llulmM sis., IHelieillle, N. J ._______________BOY. for errands In flower store; r.juM

English and G^^rmaii. Imiulxe IP5 Ferry at.BOY—Wanted, atrung boy.

BULLIVANT A HNEM-.aliout 18 >eBre nil]22 f‘roSl>V('i st.

BOY wanted In drug ntf>re Htatlon Fhermary, Bouth at. and N. J. II- H- ave. _____

BOY—Strong boy wanted to drive earpenl-=r wagon. 61 Wlnarie Hve.

ROOK ’ K K K P I^ - Kxr'fTlenrefi \youV keeper wanted by munufuciuring (oncern, fMerly

man preferred; references required. Ad'lre*s H., !3oi 16, New* nffici'.BAUIIEH- harl-er wanred fnr WM-

nrwJuy, Saturday, flumlay. Ifi: steady iHii'tloji for right man. lib ; m arried man preferred. 'Wl West HI.BARBDH wanted for Wedneaday. J^uvOrdsy and

Rundny, |6. A. HKlBb, 3 Main si.. West Orange. ___________ _____BARBKR-Qood barlH-r wanted; itemly. WM

HTNKH, Itteii Academy st . NewarkHAHHEft wanted, flrst-clnss; s tari Monday,

12 fteinioni ave,, city.H L A rK H M lT R 'lT irE lJ’KH. good, steady fin­

isher on wagon work; go«*d pay; Jiieudy work year around. HAM TEAI.II'E. 7 Webster *1.HUAtTCSMtTH-Qood

haltwr; good wages.wagon blsckamlth and H New Hi., Orang*-,

BLACXaMITH on wagon work. .IAMK8 H. BLACK, 400 H arrison uve.. Hariis»n.

' ^ ^ RustBLACKSMITH wante.J, 79 West Orange. H. WAEILEU8.


BOATMAN, handy niun. boathnure. take pnT' tie* out rowing, e tc .; also man cook for

camping party. ^ Cedar i t .BANK clerk warned. Junltir; lypewrlUst p r^

ferred. Addraoa P . O, Box JM>7, Newark, N. J.BEER PRESSURE man wanteil. JAMES

DODDS, 187*136 Ocean ave., Jersey City.BUTCHER—flood wages for the right man. fl.

QROflH. Halstead st., Kearny.&R]('KIjAYk.R8 wanted. 73 Main st , East

Orange.CORRESPONDENT-Any Intelligent pee-nn

moy earn good Income coiresiinDiilng f ir now'spaperj; experience unnecessary; «end f ir particulars. P ress Hyndicnte. I.,ock|>nrt, N T.

MAN w anted to a tltn d billiards and pw l- roMn; ezparlence or oo* willing to learn.

OANFI.IHiIV _____ - • -omt.trrnt-,' ^kfitry

and cucnmiaslon, Ut2 Market at., room 20.MACHlNIJtT, flret-claas all-around man who

can turn out g'K>d work and but afraid to two tools going; to such a one we can

offi^r a steady posiUun- Addres# M anufacturer, lt«i II. .News office.

A<Jdreis M achinist, Box

MAI’HI.MHT—Wanted, ati all around man, one accustomed to light

end -wages expw’tlid.7l, News office. __________________MATHINIHT^—Wanted, eiperlenced machinist

and lixdmaker. Phoenix Lock Works, Third rtve. and North Fourth » t . ____________ _____MONITOR la the hand: young bov,

witli some experience. HEDCIEB A BRO., l2 Rallnsad pl _________________ _M lL K E R -F Iral-clasa wagoi to good man. C.

L ATKINBON. Hilton. N. J.__________ .p ia n o p l a y e r —Wanted, union piano player

and a singer who slngi latest songs to piano accompaniment fur Saturday nights, from d to 12. Address H. WELCH. BAA) E llu lie th ave., E lisabeth . N. J.POLIBHER—W anted. ftr*t-cl«H* hand, tho r­

oughly experienced on fine void and nJatlnuin Jewelry. Apply W lflTEfllD E * BLANK. ]jlb-erly anil I .^ a y e ttg e l a _________________ _PLA HTRRERft-W anted. two plaslerere to-mor-

riiH murning, with tnoli. tfilltide ava. tween C heatnut at K lLltO E.

and Vreeiand, N utlsy,

PIlEHR HAN’T); one aocustomed to la tting tiK>ls in gold Jewp]ry faclof?. SCHULTZ ft

CO., in Oliver al.PL t'M U B IlH -

wanied F l.'ib Jelllir uv

Fl rot-close plumhera and belpftrs ft W. V. SN aELB E R G E H CO.,

I’U ’MBKK waiilM Apply a t 34 Prospect pl. or reelileiK'c, 30 Sandford it . . E a st Orange.

J'lJtMHKHB and helper# wanted. 36 Prince it.J’LATEIl w anted; muel give pefsrenre- aIpo

Shite wogrn expected. Address H., Box 65, New# officePliAHTKItKllS—Two plnsterera and laborer#.

<'a1i N»-w s t . ; steady work.I 'U ’]'' flMcrs wanted. Apply fleneral E kc lric

fomiHiny, H arjison, N. J.HFHTAL’IIANT help wertti'd BROWER'S

Beataurunt. it Cone st.. Orange.iiO[,|CITOllS- Wnnled. nrsi-ciane fullcltor' t>n

gjcHt j>ruK>eltl»n for snialt bueiheeH boute>«; easy wliin«‘r fur men uf good aii|iriirn;i'-t*; making t« to 415 daily. tK>UlH>N. <*uniliwi^ idl Hotel, W ednesday, K J*. M., or 1‘liur*dHy, III A M.

C H lL P 'fl NVR8K—W anted, young girl lOvr man speaking preferred). 14 to IM yrera, to

care for two children, and 14h, end to aesiit in light houssw ork; m ust be wiJIlng to go to the country. BUETHK, 640 Kim i l iA rlington. __________ ____CHILD'B NURflD^Todng girl to amuse

baby; no other work; goixl home anil plvas an t iurroufldlnfs, 38 Baldwin ave ; lase Broad i t car.__________________________HHlljlyH NURBB; good home and |1 per wc'>k

for G enoan or flwadlib glHi and asalst. 497 Btooinfleld ave., BlotimflehiCORRESPON D ENT-Any Inlelllfent ^reon

may earn good income corrMponding for newspapei^i experience unneceaaary; send for particulars. Preaa Syirflcat*, Lockport, N Y.CHORUS OIRI-£ wanttd~;~4b~WMks' e iiga^ -

n a m ; all cuatocnea furnished; 113 per wrek: lirsi-clare company. M anager, DAVIS. 45 W eil 29th Bi,. N#w Turk .___COOK'—Two glrla, good oook and laundrete.

work only hi kitchen, four In family; F>Oi] wagea; ^ s o good Upstairs girl. DR. HAWKt'S, 16 Central a v r_______ _________ __________COOK—R estaurant cookj m u tt be quick and

nest. Applyav*.. West O range__________________________COOK wanted In small club> 1034 Broad # t^CHAROERB—Expeiisnced chargera on rope

chain ; also cable chain solderers; also Irern^ t r i . W. C. EDGE Jew elry Co., rea r W Green

CASHIBR wanted In retail store; young wom­an (18-0Q). Address Cashier, Box 76, News


ply J. MOROAN. 2MquicV'u ichung




(JPE R A T O B -W inted , aew ing maohloe opera­tor on patent leather w ork : up# experienced

on harness blinds p re la rr td . Apply to Rubber and Csllulald H arSesa T rg . C a , M Ferry st.,cltyj____OPERATORS on b a r coata and duck olothlng;

eteody w^ rii i good jrey. RICHARD HILL Mfg Co-, 16 Boyden p l., near H igh at., top

OPERATORS—Experienced __________ _Ing work. Apply to LANORBN B R08. CO. 1130 Kt " i- . .

. jpe ra to ra for awn-Apply to LANORI--------------and at.. E l tu b e ih .


BT.OPEflATOR—Two good oporaiora wanted

coatb. and finishers. S3 W lcklifte st.

DIHHWABilBR —-Germnn. woman to dishes and keep kitchen clean; sleep hume.

66 I ’s rk pl. ______ _____EXAMINERS, haml sewers, operatoni nnrl

braiders on Infants' cloaks; also a few Rir'a. 14 to 16 years; work given out. J(.)HKI'U 6 BUNDl, lU L afayette st., near Rrosd.FOHEWOHAN lo take entire charge nf eew

ing hall In men's fine s traw hat factory Ad­dress HENRY H. nO ELO FS ft CO., I2th and Urown sts.. Philadelphia.FITTERS and learners wanted a t BOVOEN

SHOE r o . , 163 South Canal at.

OFFICE WORK—Young woman who has some knowledge of genera] offlee work and uneb.-r-

atonds tyi«w r1ter; m ust be good a t flgurre; ■(ate lu lary expected. Addreaa Office, box !>J, News ufllce,HKiSBERti. IRONSKB. PIlEHSERa.

Good Iruners w anted on wom en'a underwear, stea<ly work a ll year round and gocid wages guaranteed. A merican U ndergarm ent Cum-

ftO at., pea r Ijfy d s t .___pdiliiHr,. ...

thoroughly experienced on fine gold and plnil- num JeufJry. Apply W H ITESID E ft BLANK. U beriy and l^ fa y e t te ata. ____

experienced on gold Jewelry Ap­ply h('tv<‘-en 3 and 6 o'clock. WILLIAM

lirflK U * CO., 211 M ulberry st., top fl*^ . ^POM H HBRft-W anted, a few experienced uj»l-

lnlicr« i)n gold Jewelry. RC}!T’LT7 & t O-. 1)1 gljvjtr at._________________ _______ _________pfiLlSHER—Good all around Jewelry pollsber

A]iply a t onoe to LONG ft KOCH, 14 Oliver

H O U B B K B B Pm —R aapaclabls young woman wl«h«* posltioci on working bouaefcetpsr for

couple; referenoe. A ddrare Reapsclabla Box 81, Nrwa office,HOUSEWORK—O erm an girl, not long In this

country, w ishre poaltlon to do general house­work. 419 flofith S ix ib f t , , soooiid floor.HOUSEWORK—Colored g irl, willing and oblig­

ing, wtihea genentl housework; sleep hon.e. references. 149 Bumm it a tHOUBEWORK—Good G erm an hoiiaeworksre at

MRB. BOLOMON'B EnmloymsOf Office, 42 Jon«s st. L. D. te l. S3B6W.HOUBEWORK—G erm an g irl

housework. 80 Ellxobeth CEITHAVIOB.


HOUfiEW OHK-GIrl w ishes pcftltliHi aastat with housework or lake care baby. 116 WaJnut st,

H OUSEKEEPER - Experienced wants a poeltlon. 86 Rtone st.


HOUSEWORK w anted by the day or week. 146 Howard st.

HOUSE H EliP a t MRS. GREENRAUM'H Em- pluynteut office, 6 Jones at., near South Or-

ange ave. L. D. 'phone USUfiL.IiAUNDRESS—Why not send your family

washing to a good laundry T W e will wash and Iron your bed and table linen and wash and starch pieces, an d w ssh all other articlesand return rough dry for S6c. per doten; we

every facUity for doing beat work in our LaUhdi^^ 86 :iA 4

I \ jIjIHHINO g irl; a il round on gold Jewelry. lU 'HLEGitSKR W IOAND, 20 t^m fls ld at.



SH IPPIN G CLERK, one who has had eipcrl- vn«-r In handling hrl|> and in shipping uiul

packing light hardnart' preferred, give ref- rrvnres, s ta le ug«*. expprlenct^ and salary ex- pct'ied. Address Gr>oil Position. Hox 74, News officeKTARLEMAN—First-clana Rtahlfman lo lake

charge of 30 huroes. with two men to help him; must have guod refereiK-*. noljer and BtMBdy. Ap|.;y SEILER URGB.. 272 Plane st.STABLEMAN wanted, ftrst-clare, to care for

three horsea ant] wagons and work aroun.l place, m ust be mdicr and eleady. Addresa Ksiwrlenced. Ilox 41i, Newa office.






CENTRAL AVE.. EAST NEWARK. N, J.a iR l .a , 10 to IB yeara of age. for light pr.ua

and bench work; glrla wHh a few vi*eks' «-x perlence can make $1 to $1.26 t>er day, goi«l pay While learning: clean, ftead j nml not Iti Jurioua work. Apply Newark Rivet W'nrkB L«'.2 l^ fa y e tte at.OIRLB over 16 years of age wanted at REA-

BURT A JOHNSON laboralorlss. GJenwood ave.. Bast Orange, nne block south of the Or­ange and Hloomflelil Croaatowtl trolley line.O IRl.r-U rlght girl wanted for clerloal work In

large m anufacturing concern; must u r good hand; quick and accurate. Addre<:s Clerical. ik>x H. News office.QIHLB—Wanted, glrJs for electric nfteprnhltng

and winding; can n sk s fmm to $6 p^r week; work. I.<OWE Elecihe Co.. fi2lAwrence st.

STABLEMAN wanted, imeitlon. SIMPSON,

rrellngliuysen a^s

wllli exjierlence; steady CRAWFORD CO.. 46

COLIjECTOR wanted for $160 debit In hirst Orange: good chance for live man Apply V-.

J. MARLET, Bupt. American Ins Co., room 4T, Park pl.COLT.1BCTORB—Two collectors and canvassers

for the P rudential Ins. C n.; good books for the right men. Adrlresa Assistant. Rox 64, NewBoffice.__________________________________COLLECTOR—Wanted, experienced Inital msni

collector; steady position; liberal salary. CABTBLBKRO, 837^ Broad at.______________

W ant fllx good carpenters at W eequahic Park.

CARPENTERS- Bock ave..

KEARNEY. Apply on the Job.CARPENTBHB—W ant flvs good carpenters at

Manor, Relievtlle.OreylookKEARNEY, Apply on Ihc Job.CARPENTER w anted; one Who can look aft?r

woric In general. A ddress B., Itox 66, News office.

HALEHMEN w anted; two men of good address lo sell huusehuUl speclaltv on credit.

F, a d a m h r o . ,K7M-flA0 Broad st.

BALEHMAN, acQualnted With the flavoring extract huaineas, must be able to sell gonds;

salary and commissioD paid. Addresa Ex­perience. Box 41, News Office.SALESMEN — fkMH). axprrlenced ialesmen

wanted In the rak e and cracker line. In­quire at Independent Biscuit Co., 344'348 East Jersey st.. Kllxabeth, N. J>____________ _HALEaMKN-$26 per week and traveling ex­

penses paid salesTren lo sell goods to grocery dealers: expenen.:e unnecessary. Purity Co., Chics go.BA LK SM EN -W am ed, three good, wide-awake

salesm en for ontalde position; advance given. Domestic Sewing Machine Ox, 21 Cedar at.BHlRT irnner; must be firat-olaai; Steady

work. O range and D om ^tlo Laundry, 12$ Oakwuod ave.. Orange.

O lR l^V t'an led , gnod. bright girl, to do general work: one whu Is f|uirk a t figures preferreri.

FKKKlK HROS. Ct^WrANY. UKJ Bhipman stG1RL.S for light work. HI years nf agu; ster dy

emplowment; rapid advancement. Apply ail week. BROWN BROS.. 40-48 Dickerson st,01R L to Icsrn in finish buttonhntes and sow

n buttons; must know how to sew. 0. HARUINO, 222 Elm at^_____________ ____ _ _G IRL wanted. 16 lo Jft ycara old. with some

eiparlence on fool press. IRA F. WHITE ft BON. 144 W alnut st. ____

t a p e r b o x e s —E xparienced hands; single and double strip coverlug machines and tablv

pajue work. R. 8. W E8TERVKLT. l& riprlng at. _________________________PKARL button ca rders w anted, experienced,

New Jersey Button W orks, ooroer Morris uve. and New at.ROPE CHAINS, linkers and chargers'. Rienilv

work: good pay: also g irls on sferllnx mesh hags W EIZBNEGGER BROS.. iTalBcy j hSAI.KBWOMBN-8. h e t m a n . : : and 711

Market st , has opening for salnjiUMmen In I dftparlmenta. Apply superintendent's office,

4th finer.8HIRT IHONER w arned; good prices paid. A|«-

]>iy at laundry, 6.13 Hloonilleld ave.WOMAN—Wanteii. Intelligent woman at onoe

lo fill vacancy In our order deuu.rtmehl: <»*■ fM-rlerre not nhsotutety ncce8.-mrv. but musl iKinsr-ss t a d and energv; soJarv |K per wct-k Hi Jitari. f a l l Thursetav. a f te r 10 o'clock. T. K ER FPT . room KOO Hrnoti atWOMAN wanted lo washing and Ircmliig

h 'ln ir: fam ily of throe adults. Call ni'^rn- mgs, second floor, tW North F ifth st\V.\1TRRS8RB — Wanted. fnur experienced.

while w'HlircrHCB fur Clnrendon HoIhI, .'uh ave.. Ashury I'nrk also iwn chamhermnltls. Apply lo W. ^S. itE ID . KS Academy si . New* srk.

■— — ■LAUNDRESS w an ts ladies' sh lrtw alsti to do

at home. 78 M ontgomery st,LAUNDRESS w ants to ta k s washing home or

go out. H4 Susoax ave.LAUNDRY, flrst-ciasa home, done a t reaeon-

Bbte rates; orders prom ptly attended to.MRS. SIMMS. 412 M ulberry s t ______________NURSE—Experienced nurse want* place al

seashore; best reference. S7 Sussex ave.,c ity ; no cords.NURSE—G erman and American girl wishes po­

sition as nurse g irl; 14 year* old. Coll 64Holiend st.NURSEr—Bxperlnnced, practica l nurse wishes

position; best references. 06 Stone at.

FU RN I8I1K D -K 00M and boarding bouses, long Hat to select from , all prices, best bsrgaina

ever offered I r ^ e w a r k . MACK. 142 M arket.

CO NFECTIONERY, cigar and stationery stores, w ith living rooms, all over the c ity ;

m oney-m akers snd best bargains ever offered; (his is beat oeaaon to make money. MACK. 142 M arket.

GROCERY BTORKB, also butcher m arkets, all tocailons and prices; a long list to select

from th a t w ill satisfy any one m esalng busi­ness, MACK. 142 M arkri.

MILK ROUTE, selling 275 quart* 8-cenl trade daily : floe horse, w agon; bottle*; everything

com plete; W5U. MACK. U2 Market.

GROCERY buslneoi, receipts a4*erage tWO weekly, SU.OOU stock, rent fS5 monthly; thref*

horses, tw o wagons; price t5,(iu0; may take ^ m e stock out to reduce pilce. MACK, U2 Market.

SAUXJNB. HOTRLH. HOADIlOUSES. u . . around Newark .and Philadelphia; best list of good, live, substantial buslnesa place# ever offered. MACK. 142 Market st.

I CAN SE1*L YOf'R BUSINESSmethod when others full: selling cort-

Mnce#; sav« tim e and money by calling here M arket *1 .. Newark, or Beta

building, P hiladelphia' ’WANTS'*" and your

4 lt§ib|«pa, to the otssslfled columns of Ths

Two o r tjbrM .......................... : So. pw w ortF our o r # v , dMy,............................. go. p ,r w o rtSovon or o lfh t < ] ,» ......................... 6o, p*r word


OFFICE W ORK—Experlenoed young woman desirfl# a position a t offiot work or t# book'

keeper and stenographer. Address Book, Box 56. New# office.flTEINOGRAPHER wlshee position or will iub-

Btltuie; will s ta r t fo r $S. Address Ambttloui, Ilox 62. News office.STENOGRAPHER

Address Positionw an ts position, beginner. Box 10, News office.

WAITHESB-CHAMBEHMAID dM lrre situation with family going to seashore or mountain#

for a month from middle of Ju ly , during ab­sence of present em ployer; beat of refarencM. Address M. G.. 23 P a rk pi., Bloomfield.WASHING—G erm an w oman want* washing,

home. 187 F erry sL. second floor, left.W A SK IN O -W om an

LRGNBKOY. 124w ants washing. MRS.

Cabinet st.WASHING. Ironing, home, 50 cents dosen. 90

Belmont ave., top floor.

W A lTnR SSK S-Tliree e irerlcnccd w hite tvsil-rnssps wanicij, The Ruswwin, 3?n 7th av.* ,

Ai^bury P ark, S'. J,W AITRESS wanted for restau ran t. ChU be

t» w n 7 and Hi P, M,, 125 Mu]l>ern' *t.IS'AKniNC—V\‘r*mhn w anted to take a a fb T g

henje, white i-rt^fcrred. ('a)l 22 Cone ht., r>range.w a s h e r w o m a n for Mimilayp nr Tupwd'iy*.

23 N 'irth Twenty-first st , East OrangeTO l’Nfl WOMAN wHiilPd to help at soda foun-

tain: Fxperlem-H nni nccpamiry; gnnd pay to goiwl worker Aildress al once, Soda, Box 45, New* office.YOUNG WOMAN fnr plftiio Kiore In Paterson;

miial play well and hr able tn take care of lUHtittners. A ptly WM. ZEl,LM AN. Kl Mar­ket Bl-YOl'NG WOMEN. Ttn liana. wnntefl, eipcrl-

enced on sewing m achine; good wages. O. GU.ANITO, 5UTl Springfield av e . rrnim 5i. t"P Huor.

WASHING and Ironing wanted at home, Rtnne st.

YOUNG WOMAN wishes to do office or shop cteaning. A ddress A , Box 41, News office.

T oT ^ G w o m a n wishes poBllion to do wash- ing, cleaning and ironing. 87 Barbara st.



f l c b o o l i .COLEMAN N A 'nO N A L 4filh


OLDEPT! LARGEST! BE9T1If you want the most thorough and caraful

pruparailon and a position of the beltsr sort, attend this nid, reliable school.DAY 6CHtX.lL IB IN BESBlON ALL BUMMER

NOW IS TH E BEST TIM E TO ENTER, Acudemy and Halsey sts., Newark. N. J-

J . KUGLER JB .. Principal.

l I R L P t W A W T K n -M E N A NDa g e n t s , women or men. exp^Tlenci-d. wltlng

hoHlery from inllt to v^enrer Appl>- after 6 I* M.. Inti-r Mllle, Itic . 17 Piospuot pl . W e« Opangc. N J.KlTf’HKN MAN -T woman wanted. 447 Broad

d r a k e c o L L s a a *


Undoubtedly the la rgest snd flneft BufloM# School in th«


Cool. Intoresttng. Prufltsbl*.Call, w nt« or ‘phone fo r M rtlcu lsrt.

EDW ARD G. BRANDT, Principal,Brood sL, corner W est Park.

E M P L O Y M E N T W A N T E D —M RN.

GIRINS tc» do nice clfrAfi work al luane; esn moke 16 per week. Addpw* U. 9. A. P.

6 Aldan p!.. Orange._________________________GIRIjS wanted for mangle departm ent; no ex­

perience necessary. Rough Dry Laundry Co., 413 M arket at._______ ______ _________________G in t^ for pocking*room: good wages and

steady work. J. K. OBBORN MFG. CO.,Harrison.________________________ ____________G IRL wanted to assist In sorting and w rap­

ping. Rough Dry Laundry Co., 413 MaiV.et it.

(Tall Sfl Oumminga si.,

V O tm i l lH O GOODfl*

DN, I o r aiik, w ith or wltfKsut trim -|w ltig , o ltb rr uolfurm or mixed, made Into Igaatln i] fas t b lack ; no ripping of seam s: all

r u n and portieres^"eai ' • -

k., MV J Ajguaranteed. (X rpeta. _______

T b i-A rcad e Dyeing, Cleaning and Pa LfttUYidrYi Broad, Kaleey gitd New vta. 4968J. M ain office Pnd laet->ry 'plume

t n«igt OroBgt. K ILLE R ft L IB O N A n,

CARPENTERS wanted.Irvington,_________

CIOARMAKBRS w anted; meld and hand work; open shop. Apply to LANE ft I/K 'K -

V A R D CO., Caldwell, N. J ._________________COOK—Camp eook wanted to do plain, cook­

ing. Apply Camp Active, Highland*. N. J ; no letter* antwered.________ _c h a i r CANER—W anted, good chair caner at

once; come ready to work. 36 Railroad pl., East Orange.

J . W. VANDEfi-

SHIRT IRO NER wanted; good wages, t 6.4.1 Uloomflcld ave.


ood mechanic*, near

T A ift HlTlLDEHS, s t once: good mecni JOHN BETSCHINGER. 14-16 Jacob *1.,

Springfield ave. 1TRAY COLORER I

w anted fay on Eaalprn cqfjye^i^* must be thor-



CHAIR CANERS wantod,VOORT, tie Orange at.

CANDY H ELPERS wanted, experlnnccd.RICKBNBACHBR ft TAYLOR CO.. 24B

riin ton ave.

O B H B T ttR IB B .

E lfliF .fREKN CEM ETERY forganlied

North B road oL, between Newark and .V upper road to B iisabeth; beautiful

wummti modern equipm ent; lot# |4fi up. cash M Ttlgl-paym ent#: trolleys markod "M ain

lOf' m inutes, M as entrance, fare 6^ H N fItiT M. LOOKER. Supt., Elliobeth.

BXDOBLAWN GfBMDTERt. fttltlfiA accfi#lble and modern lo every At: liewark'PatertoD trolley can pass

ontrence; perpetual care: lots from “'Y square foot up; ea#b or port payment;

g on request.Croce, 941 Brood at. Tolsphono 44fi0.

CABINET MAKERS wanted. 733 South SCHh It, ________ __ ___________________ _

DRIVER—'Wanted. Rond reliable driver; must understand care and handling of hfavy

horses end come well recommended; steady entploymeiit; good chances of ndvancemeni (or right man. Addreea F)., Box 61. News office.DRIVER—W’anted, driver for bakery, must

thoroughly understand rhe Oranges. Apply, with rsfsfsnc*#. J- BNOT.THH. WH Main at , East Orange. __________________DRIVER for bunder; also teamster for mason;

stableman, handy man for store; laborers, factory hands, etc. 32 Cedar st.

oijghly com petent and siperlenced on shet*p- sklns of sum ac and bark tannage; a fine op­portunity for the right; man, who cares for pftrmanent and well pftlrt position. Address W. B., Box fiO, News .qfflee, ;TINSM ITHS and s h e e ry o h workere; ixp^^rl-

enced, steady men only need apply. TH S D RESSEL H allway T^amp Work*, P ark ave., near 172d it . , New York.TI NflM lTH—'Wanted, ail -around tinatnUh.

MOONEY BROS., 324 Main at., E ast Orange.TTITTNK box m akers wanted. Apply HEAD-

LEY ft FARM ER r o . . Harrison. N. J.TAILOR on new work and repairing. Apply

to 267 Bellevue ave., Upper Montclair.ITPHOIjS T E R E R wanted at 7i Main st.,

Oronge.hoys to learn. 736 South

DRIVER—W hite man to drive and do stobls work. Pall stable, 162 North Arhnxton ave..

East Orange.DRIVER wantod. B»i O range si.

ARLINGTON CEMETERY, le ra e m e le ry , Arlington, N. J . 'Phone 17R,

Jtw reqiie bo au ty 'o f modern park planting, dtE FMpelua^ care w ithout charge; Kearny ' ¥ > Arlington Depot, then by red trolley to

ft##., ahd 2 m tnutee' w alk to cemetery.

C E M B T B R Y M B M O R tA L S *

ROB BROWN ft CO. Estftbhshed 1850. Dcelgncr* ojid M anutacturera of


.'ORAKITB, MARHLK AND BTONE. 870-374 Belleville ave.

•It# entrance to Mi Piefleant Cemetery.

DTE SINKER—Wanted. tlret'Claaa die sinhe.-;one who Is capable of looking after 1le r> oin

and small drtip shop: excellent opportunity for the right man. Address Die, Box 15, News Office. _____________________________DRUG HTORB—Young roan about sevemeen

or elghtwn; wUh one or two years' exper­ience in drug stare. Apply Market and Mul­berry sta.DRUG CLERK (American); Itnowlwig^o^eodn

Va R N ISH ER and 20lh rt.

w a n t e d , for United State* army, able-bod­ied, unmBxrled men, between ages of 21 and

86: clUxene of United States, of good char- ucter end temperate habits, who con speak, read and write English; men wanted now for service in Cuba. For informetlon apply recruiting officer. Market it., Newark; 47 Mot>tgi>mery at., .Tersey City, or 202 Market st.. Paterson, N. J.WANTED, at onoe, an up-to-date Japanner who

can lake full ebarge nf Japqn sh(»p, mix lOl- orn, boil sweet meals and produce u^to-dat« automobile, carriage and furniture leather; want best of recfrence; good salary to the right man. Address Japanner. Box 49. News offlee.WIREWORKERH, first-class, steady me­

chanics; win guarantee steady work to com­petent m en; wages a day. PAllKRRTON, Hii f*t*arl st.. New York,

work; experienced; t l2 to American. Box Otl. News office.

(14tVATGHMAN—Wanted, strong r

mH,n , m ust be willing and know how to a t ­tend to holler*. Apply iOh Vesey


FLORIBTR.•1 fl«al|pa and emblems tastefully arranged

at short notice.LWS b r o a ^ o t ., n e a r m a r k e t b t .

tlUSINKfiS n o t ic e s .

DRI.'G UT.EHK. registered. wanterl; good wages, .^ddrew Uli-rk. Box 68. News office.

DAIRYMAN, dairy farm , experlenred mon, |2fi. board: nlio truck farm er; iieefni n\an

for private country piaro. JI2 Cedar Si,

WATCHMAN m ight). Globe building. Broad iin<l M echanic sts, Apply tQ^day. to Janitor,

brltJKlng references.WA<li>N FA IN TER -Une good wagon painter

and sm ith helper. Ififl-lfiT Hudson at.d r a f t s m a n wanted.

Box 06. News offleeAddress Draftsman.

I L .*'NBW PROCESS” carpal cleaning li th* bast . (ftr corpsu and rugs, because thorough and

prefuh All duat and foreign matter removedj > fraying of edges and ripping of seams-

; Oftfpeu and rugs taken up. cleansed and rw. I||fl iQ twenty-four hours If *

B. CADMUS, ovw th irty years In tha • mb, In charge.

AMOS. H. VAN HORN. LTD,.<NBo*. Tl M arket sL. Newark* N. J,

'Phone 660.PBTfl A t^ RUGS CMANm~BT'’75r


EmniRF- uphoiitarad and repaired. HAIB ATTRESSES to order snd RKNOVATm

BANflON ft DmCFTRE^ON. Proprietor# of

UliOBE CARPET CLEANING CD,, 'phont# 414. 84fl BROAD 9T.

ftT fl jsioney by having ua reflnieh yottr sllvsr- ^ v a n * ebaudeUere and bric-a-brac, moktOf

L JUw n#w; anyth ing In the metal Bn# re- M*b#d and repaired t a ouperlor stiver poUab

tp# op hand. W rite o r 'phone 2640J. MBYl’ARK N IC K E L PLATING CO,

Boor 18 and 40 W alnut «t.

DiSHW.'tHHER—Wanted, man to wash dishes. 4M Rroad at.

ELEVATOR R U N N E R -L. 8, FIrAUT ft ro .


W'ATTEB—Rxperlenred waiter for res ts ilra !j. llfi South Orange a\’e.. city.

WA~fTER-Oood Ukl4 Broad *1

w aller wanted In small club.

W a i t e r w ania j Broad at.

for restaurant work. 493

ELECTRICIAN—W anted, eleotrleian by arc lamp m anufacturer, 10 test and repair arc

lamps; m ust be famill&p with the manufacture of arc lamps; salary to star!. HP per week. Reply, stating age and exi«rlence. to X. Y. Z., Box 18. New# office.

F3?TIMATE CLERK In door, sash and trim milt; capable of reading plans and drtalls.

Addree*. s tating experience and salary, Esti­mate. Box 4S. New# offlee.FOUNDRY — W anifd, experienced foundry

helper and furnace tender; also apprentice, moMer and corem akcr. Phoenix lavk Work*. Third eve. and North Fourth at,FOREMAN C A U P E N fip - 'V I> w ant a foreman

for ft hurry Job at Greylook Manor, Belle­ville; right price to ihe right man. HAVNB ft KEARNEY, 800 Broad st.

YOUNG MAN flrlght young man wanted In the workrwtm 0/ large m anufacturing con­

cern; m ust STlIe good hand and have fair knowledge of figures; steady [msltlon. with good chance of advanesm ant to right party. Address Workroom. Box flfl, New# office.YOUNG MAN to hn\p In office and make him ­

self generally useful about hardw are store; gfH.H| chance lu leant (he business: must be gixxl penm an and good s i figures; answ er by le tte r only. .lOHN G. M ERKEL UO.. 26 Prince «i.YOUNG MAN wsTitM, eiperlenced In the

m anufactu re of djy cell batteries, good posi­tion for the right party. Apply WTLBi>N E lectric M anufavturing Compajiy, Isaac kill Holmes at*., IM levllle, N. J.

GIRLS—W anted, girl* for wrapping machine. Gun Supply Co., 78-80 Mechanic at,, top floor.

G IHL—Wanted, d in l^*room girl. Apply at The Edgemere, 301 W illiam st., East Orange.

Q IR M —W anted, experienced Kiris on power prtM es; steady work. R ear ^ Stirling ^ t.

HOUSEWORK—NURSE—Two xlrl*. one gen­eral housework, other os nurse. Those who

appreciate good home, coll to-dav. MRS. WATKINS, 117 Lincoln # t . Montclair.

HOUSEWORK—Girl for genera) housework wanted; must be good plain cook and laun­

dress; family of three adults. Uall a fte r Q o'clook, 15 W atson gve-, E ast OrangeHOUSEWORK—Experienced woman for gen­

eral housework in fam ily of three adults: wages 120 per m onth: reference# required. r<6 South Clinton at.. E ast O range.____________HOUBEWORK—Competent girl for general

housework; smoJl fam ily and good wages. 795 H ighland ave .; take Mi. Prospect e s r to G rafton AV#-; F in P»y oArfare.__________ _h o u s e w o r k —G irl or woman wanted for gen­

eral housework; small family and good w ages; for cooking, ironing and washing; car- pare paid. 690 M arket at.HOUBHTWORK—W hite girl for general house­

work In small fam ily; must 6e good, piajn cook; reference# required. Tl South Clinton #1. East Orange.___________________________HOUSEWORK—Olri to do ffotieral housework

and oooklnx; refsneioee. MRS. JOSEPH W lE D gN MAYgR, Ifll Pft#sale ave., city .h o u s e w o r k —G irl or middle-aged woman

wanted for general housework. Inquire HENRY A. BROWN, llfl Spritlffield ave.HOUBETWORK—W anted, young girl to do gen-

eral housework, only three in fsmlly. Drop card 5 William st.. East Orange, N. J.HOUSKW ORK-Glrl fwhite), about I7. In fa.m-

lly of two, w ith or w ithout washing; plain onoking; good home. S2ti Clinton ave.HOUSEWORK—Wanipd, first-ciaes girl for

general housework; good cook; good wage# to reliable girl, 373 Clinton ave.HOU SEW O RK -W hite glri for housework;

gcod home, wages snd kind treatitiriu. Mll,4. M EiniOK , 33 n ilr te e m h ave.H O U B E ^ '^ ^1 —Wanted, s girl (lfl>. ^fhlte, for

light housework, from S-fi; must sleep hums. Inquire Clinton av*.HOUSEWORK—Wanted. girl for genrral

iujusewurk; small famitv- Hanfnril t>I., cor. WUfleld sL., Caldwell._______ _____________ _HOUBEWORK—W anted, a girl for general

housework; no washing. Apply DO llaw tho rw av*.. East Orange. ^HOUSEWORK — Genera] housework; no up­

stairs work; 120, Address Household, Mor­ristown, N. J.HOUSEWORK—Middle-aged woman wanted for

general housework. Call 24 Ridgewood rd., Ckmth Orange.______h o u s e w o r k —G irl wanted for general

housework: sleep home, Call in butcher shop, 222 Bank #1._______ _________________HOUBEWORK—W anted, while girl, general

housework, weekly. 124 Midland t Montclair.

ACCOUNTANT (pxperO. opfr^s. closes, dlsen- tAngles b«50ks: trial balftnors; HudJls; Invea-

tigatlons; acoounilug and c>»si system*. Quail- tied Anditnr, room 4<gt. Union building.B<X'fK-KEEI’Eri—Bright. Intelligent yuuiig

man; eighteen, wishee position as asslsiaut bcKik-keeper, kntiwledge of general office wtirx; two years’ cxperlenco; reference*. Addr St* Capable. Box 81. New* offlee.____________

Of Ifi. Just graduated from grammar school, would like to learn Jewelry business.

Address Jewelry, Box 32, News office,BIJVCKRMITH—Got* machine, 14 years ex-

pcrlpnce in ail kinds of tool work. Ad­dress i j . Box 70, News offiic-p.__________BARTPTNDF.R (fiS), sober and reliable, w'STUs

steady position. Address ComP'^ient. Box 3, New* office.

NEW A RK ACADEMY,Founded 1792.


r e o p e n s s e p t . is . 1607.Thorough praparatioin for sny finlleg# of

aclanttfto school o r fo r business Ufa. Catalogu# on application

One of the head m astera will be a t th# academy from 9 to 3 dally during the week beginning September 9

HOUBEW ORK-W anted.general housework in

16th av*.

. German girl for amall family. 42

HOUSEWORK—Woman or girl wanted to as­sist In light houaework. 26H Washington st.,


B A R K E EPER —A young barkeeper wants posi­tio n ; speaks Gerniftn and English. 73 Pros­

pect st. _______________________ _____BUTCHER—Young man. first-class butcher, de­

sires position. W ILLIAM EflTABROOK, 64Jam es st. ______________________________ _CHAUF'FKKR, have new way In cfmtractlon

position on Panbard, Packard. Mercedes cr any ca r which will aiive all expenaea of the owner who hires him ; do all repairs, careful drivpr; three years ' experience. HARRY, 2M Halsey st.CH At^FFETJR-Colored m an. who urwieratanda

al] car* and knows ail roads In Brooklyn and Newark, wishes poalllon sa chauffeur Call or write 94 Sussex ave.

' CHATTFFF.ni—Young colored m*n wlahe* po­sition as chauffeur or in a garage ; graduate;

beet references, Addreea G arage, Box 63. Newa office,CHAUFFEUR, experienced, beet references.

wftnta driving fnr Saturdaya, Bundays and evenings. Addreea Chauffeur, Box 30, Newa office.C H A U FFE I'R —Young man desires position

as chauffeur; Buick p referred ; experienced: reference. F. B. H.. 106 North Ninth st.CHAUFFEUR, 32. experlermed on gasoline

cars, wlshca position. A ddress J. C., Box 17, Newa offlee.COACHMAN—Young m an want# position as

coachman, with p riva te fam ily; cannot apeak English very clearly ; Christian. JOHN DROtVN. 24 lAkealde ave., Orange.COACHMAN wants poeltlon; single, mlddl#

aged; competent. A ddress H ., ^ x 06,I Newa offict,

COACHMAN wlahe# position; flrst-claaa rsfer- encea. Call nr w rite. fi2 Hickory at.. Jrang*.

CO LLECTO R-W anted. poaltloq aa oolleotor: cash aecurlty given. A ddress CoUrclor, Box

52, News offiro.CAIUPENTER want# position In factory o*“ a#

eleetriclon, experienced. H. R., filti lothCOOK wish*# poeltlon as d inner or lunch eook.

46 Hamilton at.

BNGINT-'RR wiahea poalllon as engineer on #mall p lant; firing and repairing; flrit'ClSHs

referencea. Addrea* Engineer, Box 6fi, News office.MAN—Strong man wishes work. 218 W anen

st.OFFICE WORK—E nergetic young man (22)

desires position In office; quick and accurat# a t figures; good penm an. Addreae Experienced, Box 87, New# office.____________ __________ORDER COOK—Young m an wlshae position aa

order cook or w aiter: city or aeashore. Art- drew W aller, Box 67. Newa office.PA IN TER and paper-hanger wtshes work by

contract: reasonable price*. JA F F E , 78 Mon­m outh *1,SALESMAN—Thoroughly experienced Balsa-

m an; one who can show result*, wants #11^ 8- tlon a t once. A ddress B. P . I8i> Sanford at.. E ast Orange. N. J.WATCHMAN—A c o lo r s man wishes a posi­

tion os night w atchm an or porter. Address F. C. J ., 02 HtU a t.. Orange, N. J._______YOUNG MAN. w ilting to work, wishea i ^ l -

tlon a t anything, Addreaa K., Box 24, New# offle*.

GBJT down to buslnere by enrolling a t once in the Newark Buainee# College, P ark building.

Park pK. head of M iman* William Wll-berfoTce W inner, principal: tuition rale# with ua are reosottablSt and» coaolderlng the tra in - ing we give, a re leaa than a t most school#; It Is not so much w hat you pay os what vou gat for yottr money, th a t counts; Inveulgats this school and you w ill be pLeoaed with lb# p r ^ pects here; p a re n u and young p«p l# vit#d to coll any day and learn of our wont.

BOW DEN’SP rivate Business College. S8 Centre s t., I# Ih* best and cheapest in N ew ark; there are no scholars ever w elting fo r positions, os w« al­ways have m ore places than gradual*#: you can study w hatever you wish, either In .he day or evening session; there are no classes; shorthand, typew riting, book-keeping, English branches, Spanish o r Spanish shorthand; weekly paycnenia; open a ll sum m er; 'phone 4929J.’THE ROSEVUJJl COMUDRCUL aCHOOL.

I6T Beoond *t.« near O raugs st., N twanL L. BLAE8ER, Principal.

A h lg h fra fl# p riv a te school of limltsd m«m> bbrship, for the #tudy of sienocraphy. typ*- wrltlng, bodk-keeplng. English branohasi no olaises. Catalogue on application.

Telephone B84L. Bran ohMISS TO W N SEH D'i


Academic, Interm ediate and ^ a u u r fl«|paft- tbents. W ell equipped gymnasrum oQd Iaboro<» tory. Certificate adroit# to leading oollsge#.BOSTON TECHNICAL INSTITUTE. 822 Belle*

vllle av e .: electrical studlei. meohanlosLarchitectural draw ing, msthem atlos, backward students, lew, medical, high seboot couress; certificate adm its to college; tel. 6T6J. B. B.

, NEWARK SEMINARY, 172 a in io u are. Anna P, W hitmore, prin . Boarding and day sohooL

all dept#., jnipl]# ea te r leading coiisgse every year on c tf .: gynv, laboratory, lib rary ;ea t’T rA

M n a le .W EIDT SCHOOL O P M U S ia

BANJO. MANDOLIN. QUITAIL VIOUN. Private leetona, OOc. lostrum eats for sale.207 High st. (near C en tra l a re ,). L. D> ’Phone.FLORENCE ARTHUR, voice production.

piano and violin tu ition ; teacher three year# In London C onservatory; MoRdayi Wednreday. Friday. 144 W ashington st.PIANO LEBSONB—Oentiemon teacher will ac­

cept few more beginner#; thorough, simple, quick method: 60c. Address Rapid, Box 74, New# office.HARRY PIBClTHyiR, teacher banjo, nundolln,

violin, iroltar; lesson# prlvatej ulbson man­dolins, g u lu r s ; 'B ^ o n bonjoa 1J7 Qliv s .s*

MRS. M INETTA PRICE TICIIENOR. ^ Violin, mandolin, banjo lesson#, 60c. ,

220 WALNUT.WM. W ALLACE CANON, voral culture, from

September 16, a t 6 W est Park a t .; residence, 290 Clifton a v e .; tf l . 4BR B. B.

FARM HAND—Single man alparly prnployment. Apply

Farm. Chapel at., city.on truck farm :


TRBNSCH ft OL3CHEWSX1,Mb t a l p a t t e r n m a k e r s .

„ Loeksm lthi and BIsctrfc Bella,t l i g h t MtuM hery and Automobile Repairing,

rigaetm l Work,________ 2fl ap ringfleici ave,OF FURNITURE; COKTEWfa


NGS AVE..; 'PHONE 2671.

GENTS’ PURNIBRINGB-A bright, active young man. thoroughly experienced, in

men’s furnishings. Apply to MR. DALE, Wfttsun ft Co.. B r ^ grid Market rta.

HUHTLERI4—BrlUiatii opportunity for huBtlcri 10 sell ilur lots, near Hound RnK^k. at Ihv

railroad station- 192 M arket st.. room 2fi.

,T . HAMILTON, general mason end plas- s r; oeni^ol walk#, conoreie floors, flag- , atteroUon#: m tee reaeonable. 9H Hunter*

I aL

IIORSBHHOFR wauled: good man: steady work. Apply 907 Springfield ave.. Irvington.

HORSBRHOER warned. M. A. PALMER, 64A Bloomfield ave., Bloomfield.

gftSOK WDRK—Chimneys repaired, rebuilt: “•“ Ttoiflagt alterations and Jobbing a special-

t M. p te M O D Y . Halsey #t. Tel. W91L____ I gardening, eoddlng and seeding,

tontito courts and driveways; perfect “ ‘ N K LENZ, 62 Smith St-. Irvin^cD.

foundatloos of n ; personal Tel. BldtR.

ildewolk#, floors, _____M- ooocreta; Jo b b lu , repaire; personal

m , A. BMTTH. 66 Elm #t- “ ' -------OBd oH nentlng; new patent slog

I raaC to O. K- I t take# S lirer Roofing to I t TM B^tTi I4tb # t ; both 'pboo ic

JJNT carpenter work: Jobbing and « and f t PORTER. 94 Ceotref ave.

Ba m fTfTXKO taken by the day or eon- ~~4: boiler# testod and repaired. JOSEPH

4)al c t . ItT lngton.dd to r ftiroItT e and ooivatft E R i> R l9 l Prang# g t

P H A U lO L O iQ T .

iR PRITCHARD. lAreBaioglxt and la W » h a re the beet book ua' aeiSBoea,

; prtoe Vc. <78 Brood i t

INSURANCE A G EN T-W anted, dlstrirt man- ngwr fnr Newark fo r one of largest imalih

and accident I'omjjsnlre In America; lloO.OOO deposited to guarantee rlaltn#; most complete policy lo sell; claim s promptly atijusieii; »x. cellent proposition for right party, ( 'all nn or address C. H. F t'L L E R . Eastern Manager, Continental Hotel, W ednesday, Thursday and Friday. ______ _____

JANITOR for ah sighl-fam lly house; living roome and wage# paid; references. Apply 10

CHAR. Go o d m a n , S2 Rose #t., comer Hll). aide pK, Thursday mornlhg, after 6 o'clock.

YOUNG Ma n wanted for office work; must w rite good hand and be quick and accum ie

a t figures; knowledge of book-keeping pra- ferrea ; o ta ie age. referrncea and salary de­sired, A ddress Knowlodge. Box 73. New# ofTIca.

geithroe adults In family- fgg North Ninth st.


HOUBEWORK—Girt, about 13 year* old. to a u i s t around the nouia. 36 Wright at.

YOUNG MAN wanted, about 2fi veara old. to learn pearl drilling- Aoulv W H ITESID E ft

b l a n k , Liberty and L afayette sts -TOUNO MAN w llh experience as trunk lining

cu tte r w anted Apply HRADLKY ft . N. J.

HOUSEWORK—Girl, about fourteen, to assist a t light bousework- 611 CllPtoo ave.

FARM ER CO-. Harrison.YOUNG MAN, with two or three years' drug

and Roda experience; no Hebrews. M ILLER'S P harm acy, Plainfleld, N. J-YOUNQ MAN wanted, ransbte of laklng

c-ore of vegetables. ROTH ft CO.. Vt? Main #1.. E ast Q rang^ _________________________ _YOUNG-MAN as lunchman and sssIsC In oJwn- _lng. Addre#* Saloon, ~Pox 80. News offlcs._

J&'VS'ELERB wanted, flret-ela#* men. to work on emblem good#. DE^ ROT ft REISS CO.

new factory, Kim and Columbia stj^JEW ELERS—Boy. w ith some experience at

aoWerlng: steady w ork: good pay. i»4 nrtd-well aye., back of Btoctrin P s r lr_______KITCHEN MAN who can do short orders

Reetaurent. 24 Main #t.. Eas t Orange.LABORERS wanted. Call fl o'clock in iba

moftilng, M Curomin g i *t., Irvington.MABON8 wanted; only men tha t can work

w ith cement box. Call 6fl CunuDtngs si,.Irvingtoa.


an t fo r Invalid lady: no iffUng, Apply 26 W lnans st., East Orange, opposite High Bcbool.POOK-KKEPKR — Wanted, bright

woman who underatand* double entry book­keeping; good wages and prospects to right person. Addreaa in own handw riting, with references. X . Y. Z.. Box 43, Newa offlee.BO OK -K EEPER—'Sii’antril, experienced douMe-

-en trr book-keeper; deportment store experi­ence preferred; apply, aiatlng form er experi­ence and salary expected. Addre## R . Bre 44, New# office.D OOK-KEEPSR'^Young woman o# book­

keeper and cashier in butcher ibop; Roie- vllls; s la te salary desired. Addreaa Cashier. Btiz 3B, News office.BOOK-KEEPER wanted;

and enL . _______dress Book-keeper, Box 4fl. News office.

-. light typew riting; give ..refereijeea and salary exproltdi Aa-

PU TLBR 'fl ofStotam. pantry girl, eook, anuUl fam ily; toundres#. seashore, girl*, houso'

wortt: waitreo#. wutshnrp hotel; we place store, offlee and factory help. 33 Cedar st.BALLOON chain UnkeTK wanted; also home

worker#, CHAfl. A. Be c K ER f t CO., S29 Brood «t*

HOUSEWORK—W anted, a girl for general housework. 36 Bllxabeth ave., city.

HOUSEWORK—Girl to do general housework. MRft. HOWELL. 73 Van Ne*< pl._________

HOUSE7WORK—Young girl for general house­work. TAYLOR, 49 Hillside pl.

COMPANION—Middle-aged woman wlihea positltm as companion to Invalid or elderly

lady; willing to asalst w ith housekeeping; also w llllrig 'to go In the country or aeoshore. Ad- drera Companion. Box 60, New# office.COMPANION 10 Invalid or elderly lady or lo

taka charge of children by lady of reflne- mem. Addreea Refinement, Box 20, News of­fice.

A .Jaihe*.JolDtere,Mltora, •

HOUBEWORK—Young girl to sstla t a t house­work- 41 St- Francis at.

HOUSEWORK-OlPl for general houeewurk- 611 Cllnion ave.

IRONER on skirts and waists. Laundry, 413 M arket a r

KITCHEN W’OM AN-Sober kitchen woman wante<U lake Hackemiftek car. Hofman

House, East Rutherford.

CH ILD 'S N U R S E -G trl, J4 ybsre of a n .wishes a poaiUon m inding a child or helping

In Che houpe; sleeping home preferred. b9 Sunset ave., V allshurgh, »ecQnd floor.______COOK—ExiwTienced colored girl wiahea place

as cook and laundre ts; good worker. ITS W arren st., store.COOK—German girl. 000k, w ants poallion in

H ILLIER ealoon or restau ran t. Inquire 107 Van Buren»L____________________________ ____________COOK—Good German cook w ants ixMlllon;

goi^ refrt'ence. 6Q Jacob Bt.

maohlaery fb r ca iti,NhlWARK SECOND-HAND MACRtVERT C a .

98 Cbesttiut sL ; 'pfaons BOtLENGINES. lUO. au, DO, 40, Ifl, K . 29. 26, 8. 7,

6 horsepower; boJlsra, 100, 60, 4 0 T ^SO, 16, ID, 0 horsepower: pumpe and hoaten i4t>-lnch exhaust fan ; suction bioweni;well pumps; we g u tra n ts e tv iry th lng w# ___ _at low prices, 1st ua know your woato. TH(Hk A. WEBB CO., t l W ord iL

LAliNDRT starohar, thoroughly experlenred, to take charge of starching departm ent: good

wages paid to g irl of ability; call any day this week; also two girls to assist starching. 6u< pprlor L iundry Co.. 64 North 19th •(., EsM O r a n g f . _________

COOK-^Wontan w ants place as cook. Ml. l*ro8t>ect ave.

Call 33

COOK—Good cook and w aitress want work. Call 23 Crane st.______ _________ _______

DAY'S WORK—Colored woman wishea day'# work washing, Ironing, t*' go out or take in;

also cleaning. 117 Montgomery ave., In ln g - top, N. J- .DAY'S WORK—W oman wlahe# day’s wu-k.

washing and Ironing or housecleanlng, 249 Plane # ( ._______ ___ ______________________DAY'S WORK—Colored woman w ants d ty 'a

work of *ny kind; reference. 149 Summit it,, front. ___________DAY’S w anted T hursdays and F ri­

days. 12 BlunB at.DAY S WORK—W onwn want# day"# work,

2W Bloorofleld fcve, _______________PREHBUAKER (flrat'CtoMl or several ywra*

experience, desire# work a t home. 4S9 Main i t . , ttoat Orange. ___________G IR L wishea s poOitJnn to ca re for children

n iu w M(g, t-'o., and do light hottoswortt. Addreo# H £H P - Ifl Boydoiil pl., u # r lU fb and OraRi* tto . | FLIN G , IM Cbestiug 1 *

la u n d ry—W’antPd. a girl about !fl or 19;must he able to write plainly and rabidly,

to assist In marking-room. Union Steam Laun­dry. 38R Broad st. -G u Nd r Y—Thoroughly experienoed tto rcher

wanted; none other need apply. S tar Itond ' Laundry, 30 Brood st., Bloomfield.NURSE—Wanted, a nurse for an ln#tltutu-n;

steady employment; good home. AdrlrrWi Nurse, Box 72, News office.NURSE. P rotestant or German; also coogs.

laundressas. 7S Centre st.. Grange, hours 9 A. H. to 4 P. M:N TltSE MAID, Willing, to go to ^ itn iry .

M ontdair ave. aS7

OPERATORS on caAvas pants; stesdi^work “ W' CO'.



J*^'®"^***^* “ Y oxtensive office list- PHONE fl&82J. 1S8 MARKET ST.ADVERTISER wants man as cashier, experl-

snee unnecessary. aoJary 140 a week and half profit*; must furnish 11,000 cash; do not an- ewer unloM your referenoes will stand the stricteat Inveetlgatlon; do agents; principal# only. W. BARRETT. Box «). News offlea.Al PRICES for old furtiUure, carpets, contents

of flats, dry goods, grocerisj, shoe stores mid merchandise of all descriptions; machinery oni entire ploJitJ bought for cash; quick and con- fidemlal. VAN POZNAK, 42 So. Orange *ve. 'Phone 2071 Newark. Bend posul.ALL kinds of merchsndlarf. household goods.

contents of stores, houses and flats, bought for cash; conauU us before eelUng. Commercial Trading Company, 88 Academy st. Tsi. 3T85J.ANT kind of household goods from houses and

flats, stores, stocks and merchandise bought for cosh at F. SIMON'S, 78 Academy at. Send postal or coll. Tel. 494F.i.AN established bueinesa In Roseville, cafe and

bowling alleys attached: will sublet part of building for restaurant; rent low. Address Cafe, Box 1, News office.b a r b e r SHOP—Three choir ehop, up lo date,

taking* in 12b to t3U a week, for sole cheepL A ddress B arber. Box 08, Nows office.CONFECTIONERY, stationery and Ice cream

store, on Warren at.; Kkt Sunday and 100 dally papers; rent 737.30; buyer can make rent out of rooms; stock will Inventory amount aaked; two weeks' trial given; price $400; no agents. Addreas BarKAln. Box 60, News office.CONFECTIONERY, cigar and Ice cream parlor

on prominent avenue; establlAhod 14 years; handling 2,000 papers weekly; price $700. NORTON ft CO., 9 Jones at., near South Or­ange ave.CONFECTIONERY and cigar *tore on promi­

nent corner, doing a big buBinesa, price t&OO. NORTON ft CO., b Jones at., near South Or­ange ave,CONFECTIONERY, notion store for brIs

cheap. Apply 173 Broome at., corner Mont­gomery at.CONFECTIONERY and notion atore for sale

cheap; owner leaving city. Ifi9 South #t.' CORNER SAL00n7W lflT R E sf A U R ^ t T*

Ail free and clear; seven years' lease; low rent; in heart of big factory district; only one around. Addreaa Xt. U> P., Box S3. News

EXPRESS BUSINESS for sale; two truck#, a|x wagons, ten horses; will sell whole or

half. Addreaa BuelneaB. Box 70, News office.FOR SALE, T’P-TO-DATR BTEAM LAUN­


W.—Nine rooms and tvaih. can be UHed for good boardlng-houae; partly fumtahM; low rent, price $400. Address G., Box 82, Newa office.FrTRNIHHED-ROOM houee. 8 room*; newly

furnished; must sell on account of leaving city; very reasonable; Green at., near city hall. Address N. K,, Box 76. News office.GROCERY—A handsome corner grocery etore

for sale; one of the prettiest in the oliy.doing an Immense business in a good location; good reason for selling. Address F. O.Jarsey City.

Box fiO,

GROCERY—Choice of four grxhl grocery stores In HeuTlson and Keomy; $300. $600. |i,l0l^

$1,000. Inquire J. B. HALL. 222 Pomeroy ave., Kearny.GROCERY—Good corner grocery store for sale;

with living rooms; will *el) for $150 If enld this month. Address HarriaoD, Box Tl, News office.GROCERY—At Plainfleld. N. J., up-to.date

grocery store for sole. Inquire 290 Muibe«-ry at. ___________________________________HOUSE wanted: a 10 or 12 room house for

furnished rooms; state location, and rent. Address Furnished, Box 87, News office.1 MADE IbO.OOO tn five yeara In the mall order

buslnees: began with |Ci; aity one can do the work home In spore time; send for free book­let: tells how to get Btoirted. Uajrager. Box 828. Lockport, N. Y.LARGE corner store, with (our rooms; grocery,

stationery, nt^ons. Ice oream and soda water; rent $14; sell reasonably, owing to alcknasa. Corner Norfolk and Ac^emy.MAN with $185 can buy business that wtll pay

$15 per week by working few evenings each week, Addreaa Snap, Eiox 00. Newa offlee.MILK ROUTE, selling 275 quart# dally; good

horse and wagon; bottles and covers, every- thlngcompleta; cheap. IKWfc 9th gve. _____PARTNBRr-'Will take os equal partner gemle-

man with $150: large Incomes running Into the thousands are being made in my line of work by msa of bralha; positively legUlihote bUBlneas; no speoutation or gamble; fullest

.rtlculare given. Address Opportunity, Box News offlee.__________________________

PARTNER wonted: wholesale notions, station­ery and toy business; place too sm^l for

Increasing business. Addreaa L., 391^ Croad ■t.r City.__________________p a r t n e r wanted to undertake exploitation

of tnaobthery of novel kind; only $300 needed. Address Inventor. Box A. News offlee. Orange.p a r t n e r wanted, with IflOO to $500 and ser­

vices, 950 to 176 per week all year round. Address Buccero, Box 13, News office.______PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, established hnsf-

n«s8. b«it location In Newark, N. J.. for tale or rent; a bargein. Address Bargain, Box 29,News offlee.________________________ _____ROUTE—Establlahed fruit and vegetable route

for eale cheap to quick buyer; horse, top wagpn, etc. H, CHEDIfITER, 18th ave. and Wallace et.RBSTAURAJTT—Good paying restaurant,

cheap to quick buyer. Fourth and William t s . . Horrlsoia___________________________sa lo o n , eight rooms and bar-room; rent $25

month; seilltig about 23 halves weekly; rva- •on. other business. Address Cheap, Box 61,New# ofiloe.SALOON—Flrst-claRa oorner saloon and bowl­

ing alleys for #tle. Adless C„ Box 66. Ne w office.____ ________ ___________ _STOCK and fixtures of grocery store; dam­

a g e by fire; will sell cheap to quick buyer. £54 Warren s t__ ________




Hotel Touralne, Fifth and Grand ave#»All longuags# at school or rsaidanea.

A cad ftm ie m nd C ollftv^a tft S t^ d lea .PRIVATE iDstractton la the a b m SI Hi.

Pleasant ave.. students* home, or 75 Mitchell pl.. East Orange. S. D. HILLMAN, Fh, D.

kllaflellftBftftag*AtTTOMOMILE flCHOOL-Now*# ths time to

become 1 chiuffeur; earn from tSO to $40 per week, Day and evanlu leoaoas at Ihe Aute- mobi>* School of New •itrisy, 467 Wajhlnglon it., near Kinney at


WOODWORKING MACHINERY.large asoMrtroeDt eonstontiy oa bond;---------^pfis, mlUero, grinders, drill#* sto.;

____ planers, mortlsera, saw tables, eto.;.jltors, engines, tnotors, «fo. W# hav# thot»> sand# of ntw and second-hand wood pulityaall sises: also thottsands of iron pulley#, ooup' lings, hongerm. shafting, etc.: new and second­hand belting, any width; ws buy all kinds of

LOU IB UARTUNG. m anufaotursr of stcaio hollers, tanks. srookM tacke and heavy sheet

Iron work a specialty ; boiler repair# promptly attended to: new vertical bollcn on bond for immediate ihlpm eni. 414 Passaic av#.. Bast Newark. L D, ‘phone 2159, Harrison.NEW 'm-LIGHT “ CROCKER-WHEELER 115-

VOLT DYNAMO: DIRECT CONNECTED TO A FRANEKS 8TEAM ENGINE: BELLCHEAP. C. T. SCHMITT ft CO., 9-i& CUN- TON ST.______________EKoiNBfl, b o il e b s . l a t h W. m illbr s ;

TURUBTS. DKIlXa, - BMUliH *JTO OTHBn aooDem sEH T, W. H. KINO, » C*MFIEU> HT. _________________________NOTOBS, H.'' H> 1. S' 8 -irf 1® I«T reiw w bl* ta^iolck buren . M -gflaU »<«ln- ( • u n c m i HbtiiUr 0»-. S u a d T Cullowe

«m H it

r InilldiBf.






MONDAY, JULY 10, 1907,AT 2 O’CLOCK P, M.j







At ths Balesrooins, lU AND 1S4 MULBERRY 8T„

To-m o r r o w (th u r sd a y i m orning a t11 O'CLOCK.


GOODS.Parlor. Chamber, D, R, and Library Suit*

and odd pleceo, CblfConieri, Warbrobee, Ores#- CTO. brass and other Bedsteads, China Clbwts, flldeboords. Extension and other Tables, Laather D. B- wifi other Chwtra, Rockera Couohetf CatfiMts, Folding Beds, Bookcases, Dsaks, etc,: Curled Hair and other Mauressea, Heddlni^ Pprilsres, Pictures, Mirror*. China, etc.; new and second-hand Ruga (ail sixes), in Axmfnstsr, Velvet, Smyrna and Bnusels, 75 misfit and s«c<md-hand Carpets In all grades and sixes. Matting. Lmnlc^urn, a fine assortment of good onmroon furniture and houssfurnlshlhg goods of all kinds, too numereuB to specify.


E fl9-lk)rmowsr tM rinn to l Habulor boUer; imptots: mitnoft now; IrvingtonJ. Co., iflfl Colt <t. iTvlnfteft K. J.

FOR SAlJE^uolln, unit »na towir.prlo* »TS. -lOHN DUTCHBR. DunaM

N. J. , . _

B T O M S B .


ROBINSON'8 BTORAOB WARBHOUeE. l * l f « BMin,; luektd u id vMrtll»i«l;- | l n r

4ad up. UW-SOI lU lkati L. D. T«l. m .

p a t e n t fr a em rzBL « r ic h a r d b .LAW. L o n t OlHaDM 'Phou* M SU .


RU SSELL U . EVERETT, p tlualJO W T or aad wfllutlor; uiuw-BiiTk H ia c m rrla lit cMC*;

U n ttr t s u m A»a Abnwa. 7M D n«d a t., rnniirr MAriwt; UMphmM «aS8R.________ _

DRAKE *,,00;; 'Roam MR.

«W B m d U. 'PbaM m *




ALL kl&d« of ptu£Dt>t^ tofttttriai, roll rtm.bathtub*, allg-ht datnafe Id ih lppm c; enuntil

lavatorifti, tlOMt bowii. h tfh and low pai« te rm kitchen ran te t, bollere, eJnks. w aehtra :^, At low price* to reduce atock. G. H. LEONAItD, U Lombardy it . Tcl. W&L; open ®venlnA»._^ALL KJNDA of necond-DADd bolldliil raaiatlAl

for Bale; m i Ii. doors, henilook and pins boards; hjU vrecnbouse taah ; build tai* boochC • nd removed A. HOWE, 110 U aln iL , corner ^ ^ w o o d ave.. E ast OranAA >!► J . t 'phone



HILLIARD AND ItK lL TAHLES BOUaUT. ■old, tented r«i>aired, re-covered, auppUea. eto. LUDLOW. Ttianufiiclurer. Itil M arket at., two doare from Broad. L. D. 'phone 24S4._______ _BILLIARD and pool tabK^* eoldr bou*hl and

rented; large sN>ck of new and aecond'hand; repairing CANFIELD.IUU Market at- Tel. 11&30L.BAR coate, vesta and apront of a ll eUea;

butcher gowne and aprone. oyster aprons, full dreae voeti and ooati Iblacfcl for wallena glovee. HARRY W. SMITH. 214 M arket a tbA LL-Q EA RlN Q washing machine; strongoat,

fasteat. eaati-sl running; la test patent; tria l given; circular, liKAlNAHD, Stjuth Orangv.CAMERAS—2-A liruw niei, regular |8, our i»rlce

ti£-75; d-A Kodaks, regular )'A>, our price $18; oriol. glycln, dlanol tutiei; printout i>osiaU. Lumelere, Ana^'o and Eastm an hlme. N ew ara Photo Supply Comimny, H>1 W'ushlngion st.

.CA W J& Pi.‘6kT; double^coat $ ^ , '5 plateHofadra, K , S p isio '

holders, h crayfi, card moutiis, etc., practical* ly new, for Parguln. Siinclftprd ave., \'a l]sburgh, north of B«iuth Orange ave.c a m e r a s —Eaelm an Drowmea. ll.SO; new

Buster Brown, b e a u all, tl-bU; dims, e for Id a Newark Photo Supply, Lbl W ashington it .CARPS, blllH, circulars, Inbela, neatly printed,

lie . l.OtitP up; envelopH'rt, iisite hpads. vUltiitg cards, 2^c. lUO. WYCKOFF, P lane-________ _______________________________CASH REGISTERS iNarpinalJ bought, sold

and exc-lianguil W. A. KiJWE, NlS Uroad, tiiidar C entral Depot.C'YPHESH and pine Jumbtr. hardwooda. etc.

WoudsCook Cu,, dci'sey O ty . or ‘phone 1140 Iktrgen.COFFTSE M ILU counter and ahowcase for

■ale. HO luth ave,

r O E 1 4 U E

T r v « w r l t e n s D d S m pnll«ei,BOWDEN, 38 Centre i t . , opp. HediM'a, redU^^ t^ew rllera for fS or monthly. Xatephoos

MONARt^H, the perfect vitiM e tjrpewTlter: all nuvkes *'ented. repaired ami exchangiiKl; sup­

plies for all machUK>a. GEORGE M. JUDD, agent, m Broad it . . Newark, N, J , Tel. 2742J,■fYPEWRlTER EXCHANGE. ''O LD EBT^IN


C h ic k e n * .riilC K E N B “ Thlriy laying hem . I0f> young.

cheap. ADAMP. tYanklin ave.. oppusilu New St , Nutley. N- J-c m < ‘KENfl-2ft W hite I^ghom and Wy^n-

duiiei for sale. Itki Orange ave., Irvington.FOR SA L E-75 White L^-ghorne, yearling,

Blanchard stra in , th per doxen. H ilton P oul­try Farm , Rnydeji ave., Hilton. ____2T>(I RARHED RCH'K chlrkit. l(tc. each; Also

two ilne Wvand«'Uv ctirhs. Ume Plnaa Poul­try and Pheasant Farm , 135 Orangv ave., Irvington.


k fi. All irollaye tmsa tho d > r- 'Phonu PQ0.>.

H O K flE S , ^E. BODENW ElSEft, horse, carriage and har-

new feposliory, 9, 11, 18 Lombardy s t., near iiroart. Newark. N,..4. . Tht;d)e, w Phone 3154VII.

T-^JI I m e - p o n i e a / o f very b ^ t types. Ainrmg them are three large cobs fur fam ily driving, one very foal tro tte r and one Very fast [lacer; several general |uirt)Ose huracs, tw enty beautiful ponies of every siav. all brokpti f,.r chlllirpn to rlJe and drive. Cnr- rlagcs of every style, by h . a . M«yer and W 'atertown Carriage Company; m any other flrst-claas mariufaviurera. Puny vcliloler nf every style of very best m akers: Imtilnerswaguna fnr all purpoaes. dump wagons and carts. Harness of every loncelvahle slae utjd weight for truck, road or business purpuses; In tac t every thing foi’ stable or road use.E UODENWEISKR’I? v eterlna ir demist. 9. 11.

13 Lombardy st-. neHt Hroad. Newark, N. j .


riX T U IlE S , NEW AND SECOND-HAND. BOUGHT. 8 0 U J AND MADE TO OHDKH.R o s e n b a u m , wi f k r r t b t . : t e l , geasw .EDISON phonograph, with one dosen records,

115, T6c. per week; also ipeciai sole on flfrwer horns, 50 below regular price; also rec-* t<rd» will b.- sold a t cost price; don 't m iss this opportunity. E. FALKENHEIM . 5 Kerry st., just below Pennsylvania Hallruad Station.F IB iU N J TACKLyj-Tiii* kind tha t will b f ^

re tu rn s, complete outflte from |2 up, BUOB EROTHERR. 236-238 Bprlngllrld ave., opposite Belmont; both 'plmnsu: Ffshlng Bank tickets en<f‘ ba1f. tide tnMes free.FIXTURES. K URN ITrU K , WR OUT. SELL


AND M ANITACTURE. L. BARDON, 74*76 FERRY FT. TH U N E 3L*03J.Fi)H H.A LR-.2rixh ft. hnnt. wlx-horseijowpr Ml-

anus engine; ula( lhre''-hurBero>wei* engine, cheap. Ap[ily at lA1 Puclfli’ *i.FOR SALE—Twin ^n-cart. In good condllUn

riuase 1‘rtll a t 67 FaliTnount ovaGAS RANGE; neurly new; rtnu cunditlon; a'«>)

Ftearna’a cnmbinatiori iunili*nT. nvin’,-r tu.>v- ing; cheap. 71 Midland ave,. East O rangfGUITAR, good «B new, cost ♦2.'’); will sell for

$6. H Mecliiinlv st.



L-M^NCH—F or sale, tweniy-fme-fnoi, flve- horsepower gawollne launch; Kiimdlrig lop a n j

full cQuIpment; imiy he senn hi Km^l'n <lrH-k. I ’bskbIo River, font of Chunter :»\e, J. H. HARRISON, Auditor. 800 Broad st,. Newark. N. J. ___________POULTRY SUPPLIK S-Therm nnieiprs. lamps,

baby chick food. 10 Iba., ; 25 lbs.. 75c.; chick grit. 10 lb s . 15c.; chicken scratch, 10 Ihs.. Sue.., and young chicks a t BUCHER'S, B ll M arket £t.POOL TABLE, complolc. fur sale: $.'Sn Ad­

dress Table, Box T, News Orungn.I 'ln S —Fifty young r'BJ' fijf sale.

LENTZ, fool of llamliurK pi.TKNT.S, boat cuKhi"ns, canvas, anchors, rope.

etc. WAl-FH'B SONS & UO . 260 W ashington ei.. 205 PnsKHlc st.UMBRELI.,A sanipleii for sale; repairing a ape-

clftlty, silk covets. f'*oin |] up. WOLP'RON'S. office; oalesroomB, 169 Halsey st., cor. M arket.



P a s s a ic a v e .,SOUTH OF CLAY BT. BRIDGE,


LONG DISTANCP: 'PH O NE 2lH4 HARRISON,VIDLJKB—New orchestra vlnlln. worth I2B, for

flO; an nld one, J6 ,V1. wnrih $14; write. Ad- dr<jafl Vlnlln, Rox 36, News office.iar>0 N ational cash register; will sell for $123.

Hofman House. I'ast Rutherford.

I lm a s e h o ld CipA ds a n d F o r n t l a r * .ANTIQUE bedroom suit for sale; »iJiet>oard

and extension table. 9 Wood at-, n ea r Si v- enth and Bummer avea.BARGAINS at Max Fluaaer'a, 156 fiprlngfioM

avo.—Iron beds, $1.79; sliding couches. $2.^9; hraha beds, fl6.flS; Allwlnfoldlng go*carta.$4.ll8; Icfll^Jics. $5.98; Axmlnaler rugs, 0xl2. $17.98.RUAHH RED. bed Hprlhg ami m attrrsfl for

sale; alm ost new; $IT. Call 127 W aahlnptmi Bt.. city.CLOSING OUT sals of the ssialB of C. Eggert.

114-110 Ferry s t ; this week only: wardrobes, cham ber suiU ami sideboards, a t half price.C l/liS lN a OUT sale, everything reduced, g«ru-

Ine bargalna in furn iture and floor coverings. .89 W illiam at.CHIFFONIERS, dresflcra. honkcaSPs. vtnlina,

bric-a*brac. loeboxcH, chairs, bureaua. tuld- Ing beds, etc., for sale cheap. 14ft Oonlral ave. _____CARPET your floor for $3.50: reversible rugs;

handsome tleBlgne. colors. Come or w rite. Ken- •liigton Rugs, 159 Irvington ave., South Orange.CONTENTS of two rooms and kitchen for sate;

fu rn itu re , ruga, pio. 136 Bergen st.F o r HALE—An oM-fashlnncd solid mahogany

table, drop leaves, claw feet, will acogmino- dale 12 people; euliable for dinlng-rooTti table. Inquire 20 risborne terrace.FOR SALE cheaii, bed, spring and m aitreas,

ice cheat, pot stove and lady 's wheel. 465 Bnuth 7lh at.

BANEY illiOS.,


31-41 BRIDGE ST„



constantly on hand to seh'ct from, One to two carloads, horses and niuh's, auiinbie for all purposes, Bccllmatcil anil rvaily fr>r im niedinta city use. received wei-kly. Saiiafuitlon g u a ra n ­teed and prices tu auit all buyers.


suitable for all kinds nf Work.lintli 'pbiiiit*.''. 42-4 Newark.


Carpenter, plumber, painter, mason wagoni. groc'^r, Nut her and milg wagons express a.n<| general dviivery wngnns, oi«;n ann top buggies, runabouts and surreys, a t luw prices and easy leritiB.

OUR WF:e KLY s p e c ia l s ARE:One I ubticr llrvd depot wagon, good as

new. iHU, two rubber tired lop ouggiee, a t $50 aiul $'li;», onu rubber llred runabout, a t $65; ele- gHtit cuiiD|iy tup rubber tired park surrey , cost $tt5U, JuK Hh6 u nvw one, cannot detect It from new, $115; one *lxt©en-pasa<^ngor stage, prime CcndItiiiTj. low-flown milk wagon. $85; one heavy team boiMi- iiei>r wag' 'O. four plumber wagons.

AT AUCTION.I„argehi Cnn'mlHHlon ftlnhles in New Jersey,


4115-497 HltOAl) ST . NEWARK. N. J., FHiDAY, JULY 12. 15S17,

coTmnpnrliig at 19 A. M-. with horses, wagons and liiirnes:i. Any gentlemaTi whn la In np<-d Of H ImrKt' Khould not fall in he mi Imnd Tues­day Ui/gular uuftlou bhIcb every Turailfly and Friilby, cu!nmem.'iiig at 19 X. M.

.1051, B. HOY. Prop.J. F. BEHRLVG. Sslpaman.

J. b. MORKHUUS, Salesman.J. S. WILLIAMS, AucUonscr

noth 'phones. _______j u l ’T ” u l e Ri.’niU 'U t-'nRE r u n a b o u t s .Sinrihfipp ruiiabowt, Nn It'Jr., rngulor tU_'0 $1<h> Splmlle-scat run.ibout. No. 2(Hl. rek. 5115.. tu Mlgh-whi-el runHbi>iJl. Nn, 141. pt'q. Jl'i*' • l2.i (■ul-urd*;r runaboui. Nn. 3:i4. n-g. JUJ.'i . . . I'K) Iliiiirl « ftgiin. low iv'ni'i'l. N". 24“'. rcg. Jlltki l.'i'i Hlgh-wlH'Ol nm aboul, Nn 44. ri-g. J7.'k — Auln-iuis'k runabout, N ". 24". i ' ‘g. |U,J.7 ...Ijmv-whcvl ruil^iboui, N". 54, Tfg. ---- 97

S»'i.criii ftCL-uml-bnnd hugHlcs. S^-venl-hnnd harness.


Six good laundry, tea or C'lJTt-e wapniiH. from $;ir« up, ten gti3Prnl delivery wagons, su it grocer, butcher or baker, from $45 up; ulsn the largest stock of carionler, palm er, iiJumber, mason and light and heavy oxpreaa vragoriB In town. Our carriages are spelling below manu- fiicfures' prii'i'B, iih we djusi sell to m ake runm; rem ember ymir I'hee is ours and term s nojrte to suit If vou want to buy. The t 'en tra l Wogun A\'nrks, r’erWral ave . Third and Fourth sis.

SUMMER GOODS AT ROUBAUD'9. Sheets, coolers, fly ncta, sponges, chamoU. etc.Stable sheels. .................. .................. 90r. tn $2.59Bummer coolers........................ ...............$1.50 to |TiL eather hank nets............................... *1 50 to MCoach, surrey, buggy, wagon and truck h a r­

ness always on hand a t GEORGE ROUCAUD'S,

2il2 M arket st.PHINEAS JONES Sc CO.

Our weekly bargain offering, No. 442. light plalfnrm rockaway. pfde unit shafta, rub ­ber tires, cost $Vi0; will sell $450. At A>5 M arket st.. new store; with Jones wheels tbest on earth).







THURSDAY, JULY U . A T 10 A- M,Ws Will Mil a t auction ua Thuiaday. Ju t7

I h 1W7, 275 head of all the dlR ctem tyi^es of horses that are in th s u u s t demand a t Ihls time of the year.

Amnnf the above will be some extra good big ilrafL horaes, freight from 1,5‘M> to 1,750: Jersey chunks, busineu borsus and soma exceilent ex- press chunks and several vary fast tro tters and pacers.

Regular auctirvn o«tea ev«ry Monday and Thursday, commcnritig a t 10 A. M.

ALFONSi) FOX. Proppletor.FRED B. BCHKEVE, Auctioneer, T E U 163«.

F IN E vehicles a t greatly reauced prices; une $259, fine doctor's Blanhops at $200. one $390.

surrey at $250, others from |100 to $200, une $225 ladles' pJiaeton at $195, runabouts, top ca r­riages and Concords; every vehicle g u a ra n ie e l; c a n 't be bent for style and price. J. LUDW IG. INC., 20-22 Camfleld st.BACHlFlCE—Owner's children have outgrow n

handsiimeat pel I’Shetlandi pony In A m erica; Jel black; aafe and rellublo: elegant hurneas, compJeto. and Imijket govertiesa r a r l j rubber tirop; can be acen any time. Apply BLvVi'K- MttKE. I9l Pleaaanl pi., Arlington, N, J ,

RUBUKK TIKES.We put on and repair solid and cushion

vehicle tires: w-o use H artford nibbnr only; they are the beat; prices low; work dons while you wait.

JOHN O. MKKKEL CO.. 2H Prince st.

FOR SALE, a^niift Icebox and kitchen stove;In excellent condition. 8T Clifton ave., sec­

ond hell,

GRDAT offerings In aecond-hsnd fum lt-ire ;abairi, .35c.; rockers. 35 .; iMuchos. 75c.; b^d.

It; springs, T5c.: muttresees, 75c. and 4l! o^her neonrid-hand fumliure sold at a sacrifice al ?"4-

SG W aehinglon st., the largest aecond-h-irid ro lture house In the Slate.

GAR RANGE—Li*rge gas range for aole; go>.l condition. Cali SSU W ashington ave,, cUy,

for three days,k i t c h e n STOVK fnr aalQ cheap. 74fi's^ulh

ISlh s t . ; ring second, beltLATEST linproved^W Singer dropheftd sew ­

ing machine, with aUachmenta, $30 ciah . Call 0'<X)NNOR, l.’ll Academy Bt., city,

RABGATN—For sale, fine • family •r*ob, 16 liands; ruad 12 miles an hour wiUjout whip;

elegant rubt»er-iJred su rn 'y and rimaV»ui; nlo'i two fine aeis new harn^Hfl; private party , g'dng aw ay fur the Rummrr. 44 Sanford s t., Eaat Orange. Tel. J47IISL.HORSES', HORSES!—Constantly on hand.

extra good big d raft hordes. businesB chunks and some good driving and saddle hufsea at the lowest market prices. Rear 20-22 Bridge si. ALEX. SCHMALllACIL proprietor. 'Fhons 2981W.FOR SALE—One pacing mare, 154,4 hands high,

sound and kind, six years old; one Boahrook & Smith runnbout and baniewB. Can he seen a t MEYER UENISCH A BBO.. 11 New Jersey Railroad ave.HORBE—Gviillottian't road horse and Mke

wagon for sale, anfo for lady to drive: gu ar­anteed to be sound and gentle in alt ways. MR. r . KELLERM AN, 656 Himlerdnn st.EN TIR E Binbla outfit for sale: my high-bred

saddle horse, also my daughter's rid ing and driving horse and rutibor-llred runabout. In- nulre r>. WOLFF, SI Market st. __TH R EE dnuhlo sets heavy harness, almost

ne*"' three patent dumi» trucks, niic* spring truck and one lumber truck. H. BEST, 420 Harrison avp., J^ r r ls o n , N. J.

PRIVATE sRlfi of furmtnrr, also Ravon & Bacon square piano, cheap. Gall Thursday

and ^riday, 59 Hry^nt at., Woodalde,iEWLNGlifACHINE-Genulne aulomatlo Wlll-

cox-Gtblis domf fltlo di'ophead; sold on stnall weekly payments. MRS. 8WANTON. 420 Plano st.SEW ING MACHINES—Singer and WTioeler &

WIlBon, with attachm ents, |16, MRS. BWANTQW, 420 Plane si.STOVES and fixtures; two refrigerators; sew»

Ing maohlne: National cash register. BlD- DFLMAN, 261 Springfield ave, » tel. 2202L.STOVE—No. 7 kitchen stove, nickel trloiniini,

slightly U9f , for sale cheap. 16 North Third et.> SBcund floor.________________WHY pay more when you can boy your furtiL

ture, carpets, .bedding, etc., at B. KantcFi cheaper and better than, fai any other store. B, KANTOR. 66 Market; one store; open evsnings.


COLLTE PUPPIES, no reasonable offer re­fused, nil account of moving, ABBOTT, 42a

Irving Bt„ Jersey C?Hy Heights.COLLIE PUP for sale; malu; 5 months old. 0 _iouth Prospect st.. Boiilh Orange. _______l>0O fo sale. English maattir, 10 montba old.

male; good watch dog. 104 South 6th st.71KB brlndle bull, female, six months old,

will he sold nt a sacrifice: four cbamplcne In her pedigree, vis : Ch. Shoelown Pride, Ch> Prlnoe Albert, Ch. Ivel Doctor and Ch. Boomerang, BALDWIN Kennels, 08 Baldwin______FOR 6ALE7 mli[|e dog, nine months old; house

broken; used to children; no i^eisonable o^er refused. ITS 13th ave.FOR SALE—Two spsnlel pups, good pedigree.

Inaulre WILUAM PFEIFFER, 102 Orange ■t.IfABTtFF (mils). $10; good watch dog and

very fond of children. 14 Mechanic a tBUBT In aeason. Boston in •easott, a black

e>ei*«n Inches high, pedigreed, REISS, 8 Main at., Orange.ROOTCH COLUE tdr aale; wilt sell very

cheap. 2U Bank at.m it& E very good bulldog puppies Tor aalc:

l^lgreed atock. Inquire 47B aintdn ave., betweeu 7 and 8 F, M.

Sr IM F■AFBB, aafea, aates* targe, aadhua ««d aaoU;

aoms are brand-iiew, hut all at asoond-hoBd g^cee; l^ge vixiety to a ^ t frota; oM aaTig hoagbt for cosh. Newark ieec^-batid Ua- dilntry Co.. 68 Cbaattittt wiALTSIUTION agliE-NEW AND HBCOKD-

BAND SAFES SOLD CHl£u»T PATAOLB I! WBBKW. D. R B IN H ^ . bl B F R m ^ FIELD AVE.• t f J S s 9 * T J S L a o u » E : b e st

b e k i n Vi-h a k d ,MACKNBT S POREMUB 00., fjw BROAD W,BAFBL all s iu a . fur house or oAocr guoroo*

W m to h M J a w a l r r .DIAMONDS. Wfctchu ,B d l«w,U7.

, CASH o a CMDIT. r f. BBADLIT, t n BROAD n .

fuhliar-llreil ranopy t<i|» aurrey, recently painted, ami gofhd runabout, pvw

rubber tires: will m;]| very reaHonable, 44 Sanford s |.. East Orange.

GOOD uaMure fur horses, f5 per month, a t the eld Blackburn farm, which contain* oU acres

pasture land, tuunlng springs and plenty f.lmda; hon>e» called for and delivered free of charge. Blackburn's Farm . W est Orange.

F o r Salo o r Exchangw*h-TrLSH-fil^D Bound bay driving horse, weighs

l.(n>0 lbs., or will eachsnge for chenpei homo Hiid mimv casb. 41 c'amp si.HIO work hore**; will exchange for a HmuHcr

one. 12m LyuhS ave., com er Fabyan pi ; L. r \ 'phone 10H7R.TWO SMunil iKireea fur sale, reasonable, or ex-

chanyv Apply aCtur 6 P. M , Itth Ufxid at.. Kusl Orangu. ^

H o r s e s , C a r r t n g e g , E t c . , W a n t e d ,^V.^NT^■.1' in buy several soonnd-hanil Weet-

erii C'lrtbuy sadilU-H; also have siiie BOildie for sale El H- HEMAREBT, H illside J>ark, Bellt-vme. N. J.URUWN Point Stock F arm . Troy HlUe, N. J, •

hciHP# boardpil; jHiKiure; box s ta lls ; padetocKs; idephorw 76UI-4. JUDD CONDIT, Proprklor.W ANTED-All kinds Of work horses; highest

pried paid, send mpsIa I card- R. COL1..10UI), 67 red a r st , Montclair. N. J .

P E E R P N A L .TO A LL WHOM IT MAY (rO N C S R N -A fter

thla doto E w ill not be reBLK>nilb]s fo r anv debts coniraciw i In mv nam e by anv one , o ther than myssif. JOHN H ESdUERGER.

Dated July 9, ____________ I




TM BROAD St ;LOANS negotiated or, reel esiaie, notes, buuUs.

building loan slock and all kinds of pfracnai prouarly, ihurt Uma loena on second oKirlgaga. C. J, BROWN. Commissioner uf Deeds, Notary Public, room 10. IIH M arket a tl.'kKt.ODO TO LOAN on bond and mrjrtgage. In

sums to suit, a t 5 per c e n t , w ithout bonus. EDWARD B. BLACK, cuunseior. 814 Prudential,MONEY TO LOAN on bond end m ortgage, no

bopuB required. FR ED ER IC K E. HODGE, counselor st law. 788 llruad st., Newark, N. J.j;i,.V)0 WANTEI> on first m origage on two-fam-

lly house, to be erected In Clinton Hill *eo- Uciii. Address M. A., lii’ix 4, N pw* ufflee,

MONEY ON MORTGAGE!See us about 6rsl and set-ond mortanEea.

rn iS T Si FKTHT 7: 8 nrofl,i1_________________



A sifliernetii whlrh will h jln s Joy to the hnuspwlfe and amih-a to the earewurn father.


to pay your blllK. and be ab le to live w thin your income theruafier. We will a rrange :lip nm iter f<u yuu In a few hour#.

HMW ONE WOMAN DID IT.Sbe owed the gi\jce8. buicher ami milkm an a

tolul of j;u*a, g is $1.70, m aking $5 ti8. Tliv Imtito'illab- nooila at home, eurh as clothes and ehnps for the children, amounlerf in $b.fi0. moh* ing with tl;rt «dher bills a total nf $14.18. 'H.rre \si4H mIh' i Hm Tint u> j»ay In a few days. A'tn- R^-ther ilnre waa J24.18 required for absoluiotM'.'tSAJtll*.

She h,ii| snvf.4 $5 io« ai-d the rent, her ,u^- baivl had $12 siihiry coming to him. which'Aiiul't nuikf' ihv ylioiA poBseKpliin $17 <igiili:ft $21 i'i <<y<-uluc.

s m : FROm is.-,.Paid u;i ill fu|], t' -i th<' ihingH fur the i;hd-

dren. ha i on mlnil nml In cash iniifr p«Kk< :boi)k to begin all over again, Think It over, then «-all on Ufi and let us explain ru r III' 111-'I 111 you.]'K -il’UU S IJiAN AND TUlOKFRAaE CO.,

llocnri!' 491, 402, 40S and 4<4 Ningfini building. iv , M arket st.

4ie:r,. p. 44.

TYF TRTTSTyour Judgmi'iit ami know you will agree with our numeroDS patrons th a t OUR WAY of giving your L*‘oubl*d mind rest is bettor than any doctor's prescription.

BORROWED MONEY for a short tlm« enables you to be comfortable as well as lndei>endeDL il f e s you prostlge, too. A LOAN

ON FU R N TT U naalso gives you both use of MONET and SEfTJRfTT a l precisely the satioe time. We accept EAST PATMENTfl, either weekly or monthly, and allow you a_ MOST LTRERAL DTRCOTJNT.We regard and retain all business III the pfrlrtest confidence. We aesur* you th-’T? i t NO PnOl^TCTTf. W e'll he alnd tn explain fu rther a t otir offiecs or y,.«tir hnme 'Phone or poetoi brirpp nur rerrcsentatlve


c e n t u r y b l d g ., b o o m s 898-308,

W A N S ON r r R NITURE W llhout Removal,

QUICKLY AND PRrVA TELT.If you borrow $](> you pay back 6 ^ . weeklyIf you borrow $15 you pay back 75o. weeklyIf you borrow $20 you pay b ^ k 85c. weeklyIf you borrr,w $25 you pay back $1.05 weeklyIf you honow i.*to you pay back $1,25 weeklyIf you horr'^w $H5 you pay back $1.85 weeklyif you borrow $40 you pay back ll.&fi weeklyIf you horrbw $56 you pay back fl.85 weekly

Payments i:«i) be made monthly If desired. Do not lose j jur pvreonal tnaependenca by

asking a friend for a tem porary loan when you are In rieed—but come to us fo r your wonts— we make It a plain business propualtlon—you pay for whet you get and do Dot have to aak favors,

MUTUAL LOAN CO.,Im-25 Wood bulldlDg,118-12U M ARKET k>T.

HORSE, rubber-tired runahotu nnd harnetw f-.r sale; horse, T years old. Inquire liinch wagon,

carhottso, or S, OLSON'S livery elnble, V'ai’vy road, MonU’lalr.



We make It as cosy as possible for honest people to do business w ith us. We appreciate the fact tha t every person of pride desires to keep their persunal affairs priva te , and we caa promise and guarantee to such absolute confi­dence in all transactions conducted with us.

OUR CONFIDENTIAL CRED IT SY'STEM Is BstoTHfihlngly libera), simple, safe and prl- \a te We take all risk- We craato no pub­licity. We make no d ia rg e for appllcatloa.

WE TRUST YOU.We Will open a cnntldenllal credit account w ith you. t f you aro In need of money call a t our oulce. Your account will bo welcomed, and once opened can alw ays be used. You have use of Loth money and goods. Money In few hours after apidylng. Do not fell to call and get our terme bef'^r* dolnx business elsewhere,


Ua HGAIN—I lflndsome full*hif>fHlArt rShetland) stud pony; best breeder of Us kind In the

country. Address Pony, Pox IB, N ew s olllco.BADDLE—A l&dy's W estern aide saddle; In

first-class condition; will sell cheap. WYO­MING .lACK. Wild W est, H illside ParU.HORSE—A small horse fnr sale; four years

old; a vpry good driver; m i« t be sold a t once. 142 Nbwark eve.. Bloomfield, N .'J .BARGAIN- Hondhome fam ily or buelncas horse,

prompt driver, $125; can h« seen from i to Si evenings, 6:30 to 7:30, rea r 05 H igh at.FOR SALE—Two-horse truck, mowing macblhe,

hayrake, cider press, fodder cu tter. JOHN HUN K ELE, Joralemon st., Belleville,CH EA P to quick buyers, ten good work, tusi*

nusa and driving horses; fa ir tr ia l gl%'en. 25 P oarlh st., near Central avo.8-TEAR-OLD Shetland pony, absolutely sound;

gavarness' carriage. Apply F R E D 'K PAGE, IH H aw thorne pi., East Orange.STA K E TRUCK, with sides and racks; weight

2,050; will carry Your tons; holds three tons cosl> inquire 224 18th ave.PLATFORM wagon, carry 3,000 lbs., In good

order, $25; set grocer's haj-ness, $7.50; oiso one set $5. 408 Bergen st.FOR SALEk-'Flne fam ily horse, T years old;

sound. Inquire J. T. BICKLET, Snrtngtle’d Hotel, Springfield, N. J.BTRONG canopy top surrev, $30; n ibber-llred

phaeton, suit collector. l2Si business harness, |10. Call 16 Brenner at.$75 W ILL BUY itood work horse, ha rness and

w agon; no dealers need apply. Call any tim e a t TJi Jam es st.. slope.HORSE, harness and wsgon fo r s a ls ^hean.

Call between 6 and 8 P. M„ £ . O RA EF, 21 Holland st.GOOD three-spring top wagon, fo r Jaundjg or

CDltes Lusmess. I. ABRAMOWITE, 425 W al­n u t st.ESBEX TRAP, fine condUlnn, and huggyc, bRU

robber-tired; bargains, T83 Mt. Prospect ave.PEDDLER WAGON and ham sas for salff

cheap. I© Adams st., com er Elm.BREW STER sttrrey for sals, la good order,

$85, 179 Academy, com er S um m itTHRESE-SPRINQ closed top wagon fo r gale

cheap. 241 W est Kinney it ._______________ ^TW O-6EATFD csrrlRge and set of ham ees fo r

•alA 96 Cabinet it . , city.COLT for sale; four months old. A ddress A.

HARTH, Chatham, N. J , . ________PHAETON—F ln t-c U ss phaston. Inqu ire E M.

POST CO., 228 fitliw y rt.1O LS0 W. BANET * BRO., 8T Bridge a t : T6

work horses le a l r e . ________BO RSS BEDDING free. ReHanot Broom

WorliB. i l First &CA RPEN TER'S WAGON for «ale 14

Hew e t t .O m hft, _____ .M ULE—Good, quick mule for sale cliaap. 27

M orrU ave.iWACKnr ood h a n s s a for oala. t BberMan

it-. Ofoagg.HORSE for e a lt «h«ap: caelL 22B W a v e tlr


188 MARKET BT. TEL. 93L,


no , $20, $30. }4U, $50, StiU. $70. $100. Cheapest and best place to




CONFIDENTIALLY.Open tram 8 A. M. to B F . M.

Wed, and Bat. eves, to 8- CALL, TE LEPH O N E OR W RITE,

NEW JERSEY FINA N CE CO.,Butte 812-14 Scheuer building,

BROAD AND COMMERCE STH O,.''poslts postofllc*. Tel, BBS.

MONEY r<i loan cn hnusehcld goods and per­sonal property, w ithout rem oval; our rates

ate the tnwest In the city* quick, eonfidentlal and reliable. Come and get our term s and be convinced.


and ethers, w ithout tecu rlty ; easy paym ents; offices In 08 principal d t le s ; save yourself money hy getting my term s first. D. H. TOLMAN. room 8l2. 2 ^ W ashington st.

L KATZ, B9 SFR IN Q FIB LD AVB-, h m U known for doUag the beat and ebsapeot woric tn the e ity t sella papor a t coat priio*; d*e< oiatlpg and papar^hangtog; opon uotti 7, P M.

MY W IFE. fl. May Mill, having left my b«d | and board, I will nut ue reepunstble to r ouy •

debts I t ic u rw by her.(Blgned) WILLIAM L. H IL L

_I>aled Ju ly 8, 1807._____________ _______HOME WMiRad for baby. 16 moQlhi^, for about

a roooth: refined; reforenct-a given and re- qulrsd. Addreoi B aby. Box 88. Ni.-wa office-UAUY G IRL for adoption; full surrender. 0

Wood s t , n ea r 7th and Hummer avci.

B a a f t tF s a P c r a o a a l ,FCRCELL'S.

E verything tor ikiauty,LARGEST EBtABLISHM KNT IN N EW ARK,

Im ported H um an H air Goods. PERCELL'S. 677 HKOAD BT..

COR. WEHT PARK.L ates t and most spp row J summer styteo.

TH E TURBAN PU FF,Everybody's ruvurUe,

F or m ountain or avush^re.N EV ER OUT OF CURL ON ACCOUNT OF

WARM OR DAMP WEATHER.Fullest assartm ^nt of

FINEBT gU A U T Y . N ATliBAL WAVT HAIR.R ots shades, rilver white, sprlnkted gray,

perfecUy matched.Orders for Puffs, Switches. Pompadours,

Waves, etc., filled wllhout delay.CHII-DREN*8 H AIRrn'TTlN O.

Prom pt service. Skilled attendants. MARCEL WAVING

. A rtistic halrdn^Hliig.M ablcorlhg. Singeing. "*Bhsmpooing. lU tr Ociurlng.

F acial and Scaip VlLirassage.Bpeclai rates fur coum*- >.r irt-aimcnm


Ju ly and August,Make appufatment# by 'phone No. 2635J,

P ER C EL L 'S, PERCELL'B.ATT Rrnail mi.



$159, 1175, $195.IS tKiSVN AND $1 A W EEK.

Buy now u n i save money.NO HIGH PRICKS H ERE ANYTIME,

Cheaper than ever for July, BARGAINS IN USED PIANOS.

ELSOANT UKfe'KKR, $6u. WAS $3UU. ELKGANT B^XIKRS. flSfi. WAS $860. ELEGANT fiClIUUERT. $150, WAS $300. EliKtJANT TflNK, $ i^ . WAS F ull value allowfHt for squares In exchange.


0|>fln ew 'ltig s . coiiiur H igh st.P lA N f'fi—The F ('onnor, nolM for Its dtcp.

rleh tone and wearing quality; the eelehrtT**-! UHlley, $2t«.h Htild elsewhere $4i5u; oleK.im new ur^rtghl. 7 1-6 iH'tave. real mahogany, ivory keys, llkfi. $.5 monihly; all plftm«a w a m n u d for ten years; Btnol. scarf or covrr: one yeoi'a tuning fn>e; sUghtly used urtiiih ls on hand; square pluiins sasnfirerl; open wenlngfi,

HKNIIY lin U N ’S KHTATE..M ftouth (frunge nve., corner Howard il.

ePHHTAL p i a n o HACHIFICKH.A beautiful, slightly used, full slxed upright,

mnhogatiy ea ir. was sold fnr 1675. our price f27A; a fine shiipwnrn upright, a r t design, m a­hogany case, was $55n. now 127/1; tcveriil ether givid uprights from $1lW to t)95: a full-slxed Upright, dark finished caae; $tkJ cash: several SQunre nlanos. taken In exchange, from | t 0 up.

MATHUBIlttK A SON PIANO CO..OUT Rroart gi.. next to Hahnfl A Cn.______

R E A L E S T A T E F O R S A L R - C I T T .



ZIM.MERMANN'8 ■ell murg

HUMAN HAIR GOODS than any Now York store,

B41 Broad st., 8 doorH from New st. WIGS for «tri^et wear for ladlea and gentigmen,

perfect fitting, a s natural a i your own hair; workmanship the beat, prices the lowest.

6WITCME6 . atrolghl, w'avy. In a ll the r a r t ■hadea, a t extremely fow pricer



Three doofe from New st.


saves you trouble and w orry ; a Bure prevention as well aa cure fog bedhugti utid alt o ther kinds of verm in; keep it In your huuae; take tt on your vacatlou; you may need It; the bugR may like you. but they don 't like m ercuric oil. 15c- a boitla a t


a ftone 'a throw from Broad at.

DR. MANDEVILLE.eneclallst, 672 Dp*ad at., 'iver t^ lidT 'e ; 20 years' experience as a B|)eclallat on all chronlo dlafiHSfB of men and wum»*n. valnrrh. nervouH {liiieHBea. dlaeasea of heart, kldncyK, at>.<mach, livnr tir bladder. rheunioUnm. urinary ..iiid all lung dlaeaw a: office open only Miinciay, W ed­nesday and Thupiday. from 2 t»i 4 I*. M., 6 to 8

M .: advice free. alMu Tuesday afiernoon, 2 to 4; do net forget name. pLice and numb4>r.


MARCEL WAVING.M anicuring, face and gcalp massage, sharti-

poDing and haii’iircaulng, viUh a fu ll Hue of hair goods.


a . ZUCKN’H'K.Removed to 19 Codar at..



Children's ha liru ttin g a upuclalty.SUPERFLUOUS hulr. w arts and moles jw^rma-

UHnMy dosirfiyed wUhuut Injury to Dip Hkin; arm s beauilfled; eyebrowB |aT fi-ited ; eb-i-trli'Kl ireatm f'ni, 11: vlbraasagt for andrt-movaJ of \srliiklea, 75i' IIA FlItlFT Kl.LIS. forififirly will; HeUm lihgK^*. " f York.Laill*'.“. 92 Park pi , next tn I 'lo rto r's .

SUPERFLUOUS HAIR.W arts. Molee oiid iJIrihinRrkB icmoved forever by electrleliy; 21 years' experience,


21H WaBhington st.FSMPLES GONE


W ithout Bear; 50 cenia a treatm ent. DR. RTP’KLK.

Moved to 27 Academy st.ccioflnemenls'

adoption, m other's oare. __ . . ...ave., corner 20th at.; take Springfield or P lank road ca r to 26th tt.

M IDW IFE—Private nursing I. LUDWIG, eai 18th

STORE YOUR P riiN lT T R R Rt ROBINSON'S; ru<»rm« lucked and ventila ted; 11 per month ajid up. 199-2U1 M arket; L D. 'phone 471.F l’RS -M. J. CARROLL, practical furrier, bna

lemoved to 137 Wuahlngton et , frgmerly wllh W. H, A R. R urnetl; 'phone WWW.

PliRLJC DUMP, NO G A IlfiA aE 'l RoB'jvllle ave. and Newb'.ldi Bt., gO'jd mad

to «arue.

4U T O IH O B IL B 9 A N H M O rO R O Y C L IfiS .

TH E MOTmR ('AR CO. ot-' N. J. have accu- mulalrfl aiuither lot of aecond-hand ca rs

which we will close out a t the following bar­gains:

One model F CadlllBc. alde-entranre tonneau, newly palntHd amt In flral-claBS cnfulllbiii. fftno.

One m'lilel M CfulUlac. new last i' ^ I ' iI.u t : fully eijuippt'd wllh 'op, jg&it lamps, geniiralur. thTiE*e cil tamps and horn, full set of lonla ami extra lirii tVe will sell this car fo r $firiO.

One Ni*rthorn louring cor, almoat new; fully er]ulp]»><l, which wc will ael) a t a bargain price Of tl.iJJm.

One Autocar runabout, lever Hteer; In fair condition, We will eoll for $275.

One tyi>'' VI II, A utw ar, In flrRt-clofiH enn- dlrlnii, )4iih.

W> have Homo larger louring ra ts In filat- claeR Condition that we will sell from IL ^ki upward M e are also selling automobile sup­plies at cut ralca.

Call and bhp iU for anyth ing you w ant tn the auLoin<^h!Ir; line.


CUT PRICES on tires nnd sundrloB; H artford shoes, Hdxtti/j, $26.50; ;i2x4. $29.50; 34x4.

$Jt,60; hJhuB. 28x3. $.t.7>. lower than New York prices on any make gunranieed tl re i; agency for AJb-t. guaranteed for S.OtHl mil**, 28x3, 118.96: 3CxBH, |2H; fine hniterics for | l j soot proof spark plugs. 98c.; $4U lamps. ^15 per pair; goggles, 60<:. up: |2,rrU font pumps, | l 46; v u kan iting outfit, quick repairs, 75:^.; WB havo our own vulcanising p lan t; work guaranterii, repairs and recovering. H E R ­BERT AUSTIN. 81 Orange st., near Broad. Tel. 60KL, Rrajich Brook,

AERO CAR.................................... IMWJACKSI.)N. MODEL C, IIKW............................ r Kil'OPE-IlAHTr-'r>RD ........................................... L.75FRE3NCH STYLE OLDBMOBILR R U N ­

ABOUT ............................................................... 375MICHIG.lN .......................................................... llTdltH>7 ORIENT TOURROIJT...............................l9ttJ M,AX\VRLL................................................. Krt1«H1 FORD U U N A B O irr.........................*........ 350



W A L L P A P E R A N D P A P E H ilA N G lN O .

THE BROOKLYN W A LL PA PER CO. ha* hpeneci t flist-cloas decorating eatabltih- ment at 2T7 Bank s t . ; rooms pap«r«d from 12.50 up; w sllpap^ sold a t 2 ^ . per roll; p a in t­ing done at very reasonaole prices; send postal. The Brooklyn W allpaper Co., 2TT Bank st.

GOING to have your house decorated? Get my e i tlm a u ; largest and most complete se leo

tlon of wallpaper tn N ew ark; work guaranteed to be A l; price* a re 96 pat cent, below others; w a llp a ^ r from 9c. to 11.50. MAX ROT- HOU8B, 6 South O range ave .; estob. 1892.

$8 w i l l $Aper a room, oelliog and side wall*;nlc* p a p ^ ; we also do pklnung and kaUo-

mlnfog a t tha lawsat iirloes. F. ROGOW. ISO Bsimoat a're., near 17lb av*.; 'phone 36(AW.

BAROALNS In used cars; see us; w' r make a specialty uf this and all cat's m u jt bo os

represented; CndLlacs, $2.10 up; 1606 Reo, $575; side enirance Ford touring car, $375; au tocar ruRAbnut, $375; autocar, louring, $450; Corbin 4-cycle. llk<* new, $L6-'ki; ag tncy for Gale, liioo; we will demnnstrace u iy cor we b x v i; Will buy your machine te r cash or sell U on commission; we have Iota of other cars not mentioned hero; 28x8 tubes, $3.75; 28x3 shoes, IH W; low’psi prlcei on tires, any make. Tel. 6tibL. AUti'i'iN Auto Co,, 4i^ Broad i t . . Dear Orange.AUTl.^MORlLES—F or sale, 1900 au tocar ru n ­

about; au tocar w ith tonneau; Columbia E lec­tric, wllh ni'W bat lory and new tires; bargain^'. At SNYDER & CO.'S garage, 47 H arrison st.. East Orange, N. J.CADILLAC, detachable tonneau, lea ther top

and back, deck for runabout; Louring bos­kets, tools, ex tra tires and tubes; In excellent running condition; |250. Address Condition, Box 89, News office.OLD.SMOBILG Runabout for sale ; recently

overhauled, tira i good, neat tool-box each side; In good running order: ow ner w an ts to u r­ing ca r; price $150. Address Car, Box 29, News office.

YALE MOTOR CYCLE.COME, try U before buying your 1907 motoi

cycle; can deliver a t ones.F . C. CORNIBH. 216 CLINTON AVB.

a u t o c a r touring car. wllh all equipment and In A l order, cheap; 1607 Mitchell touring cor,

used only fo r a fow dem nnstmtlons, cheap; 'phone 5987. WUBTH, 26 w m iom at.TO H IRE, five passenger touring ca rs ; ra tes

$8 per hour; repairing, storing and supplies. DAHL^UIBT CO. 21 W ashington ave., New­a rk ; 'phone OBAJ, B. B.POPK-HAR'TFORD louring c a r for sale ; good

condition: reason for selling, leaving city ; oon be seen after 6 P. M., 16 8t. L uke 's pi,. Montclair. _______________________________ONE 80-HOR8EPOWBR ELMORE TOURING

CAR. MODEL 1906; PER FEC T CONDITION; READY TO RUN; CHEAP. 287 HALSEY BT,FOR HIRE, five and skven nassenger care mt

moderate ra tes: day and Blghi service. A ster Oarage, 40 Sherman ave. 'Phone 23UTW.STEAM runabout for sale ; la tely overhauled;

new boiler, burner; A l condition; good htll- ellttiber. Address Steam, Box News ofTIo*.GUSTAFSON aA R A G *-W im gin , IBth sU..

EMst O range; storing, repalrtng, am om oblles; hire, reasonable ra tes ; 'phone $WdR, O ra n ^ ,

ROOMS naMfod. IS liicludiBg M por smd iM or: katem lnlng- I f : M n U a g . $3: outside,

Insld* work; guaraa te id . A l l o r writ*. K U A ' WTT2 A B ^ Q B R . W Book s t : te l. 8 7 8 ^ .THE M anhattan DocoraUnff Co.; .la lntlngroom

$1.78: p aM ris flL W i b e s t w ^ t e b u p m r a te e guaisn teed. 8. W A X prop.. TT Sq, Oig h g t gvg.p a i n t i n g , ^ p ^ n g and deoonAlng ^ n e a t

lowest ^ e r s ; w orkm anA lp guaraataoiL gCHAEFFER “ ----------- """

FOR H IRE, Packard and P anhard , 5 and 7 passenger cars, day and n igh t aeirvica. Atifo

Rggtlng Co>, 9 W right a t .; lel, 807W-TOURINQ CAR, seats four besides chaulTeur, . to let. $8 per hour; special rate* by day, S04 Springfield av*.

rlcra; ..................... .............. .W ZIS0. Mi> Centro} a w .


OF NEW ARE. N. J,Noiioe u hereby given that blank forma for

application for appointment a* poltneman. $n th* polle* department, may b* obtained at tha oflto* ^ tbe aaore,tarr- PoUoe Headqnar-

City lU tl. When such opnllcatioaj Iwve bean duly executed by the appKeont ih ty will be lUod with tba secretary.


CItU Ssrvloa Cotamterinper*.Dated Jttty ff, 1907.

TOURING c a n for hire. M ETE R , 05 Con* sLi OTang*. TsI. 8912.

A atem ofed eii SEE llE tw iw relM W a n ted ,W a n t e d , win exchange stock* a t pa r for

autmnohlle, in flrst-elass conditlcm. Addreaa V, W .. ,105 Halsey st.WILAi exohaDge lo t . in SovUi omnge^ value

$490. for automobile; Address G, L., Hog $, News offlee.

E R C iilT B C T t A N D i U W T B Y O itS .HARRISON VAN DtTYNE A S O w ! ~ ^


Spodol attention gIvsE to the apw M lEl m p o r t t M of reel n u t* .


( L


G ^ N O E . N. j ;

BWU.MIN pianos atmost given sw ay. 50 squar* l'liutu,i^4nuBt_ be sold for w ant of room:

J ^ e A i you’ wlJI diSd well-lmowri m akes likd :>ielnwa>. t'hicxering, Gabier. H ardm an, llalnea D ruthen, Mc?PhaU aiid a num ber of others, from fli.fiO upward. Call a t one*, 80 M arket al.DKFCiRK you ileclds on e piano, com* and ae«

these used upriahia: rhk 'kering . $165: Kra* kaucr, Htt-rllng, 114.1, K ranich A Hash,$140; Ppoker Hr..a.. |IN>, Hardman, $l«n, Mo- sart. $UU. Vyiitig, $120; K Im bsR $t00; GUIdoL $M WI,*JSNF.H. ni;inufftctuTcr, 6WI Ur*Hi1 s ',BY purrhaalng a iduno here you do not have

to pny for the high rents, large salaries, ex- terisH*- advertihlug of the flowntown piano Binrve. Kiwor prkes eivd term* Hi H A K E lfd , 27 Siiuth <irw!5gp ave. (pianos of qualltyi.

New plannH ruiUed, $4 per month and Up­w ard, we alH>> allow the rental If purchaecd wjilijn one y<*iir

D. WOLFF A CO., Sl-88 M arker sLDAlii i.A INS In Pease plktioa. In our ware*

riidciis we b.ive a few bargulnn tn lusnoa r* - turm-.l from rental; secure en IriKiniment n 'w HI a fuving nf $100 and over. i'C .\S E PIANO

Ill New jm.I’lAN'iH SeleclLtl stock of plan--*; Kr»i*g«<‘,

Uu-iutf and others. FILCNK r!AVl!lR, 117 South t.irange av*., four dcinre from Norfi-ik,SEVF.stAL cftBh burgatne In ellghtly uhed

planiiH. incluilliig HascUon uprtglit; spri-tal aitt'iniMn given tu tuning and repuirliig DGWl;: rt, 7 Highland a v e _______ ______WIIdL ael) my upright pluiu> for less than Imlf

I paid fur II. must be b-ild hi onue; any offer will b t considered. Addtese Cash, Box 88, News o/lU-e.PlANu- 'irvHt opportunity, imisl sacrlflC'e n t

nni« iiitii4niiti'nnt uprlgiii p]iiiii>, as good as new ; Liii-«t impr<.M'nH-iiis M*.! U u lnton ave.M lLTnN tlHU ET I'luno (untug, 17 W an

Park Hi . setond lh>'t Ilesideiire, TO Sey­mour I* Te[e])]iojiu dttOSR. Vlvilin repairing,CALL d;i me, I ae-ll the Sohmrr, IJbi''»h. Imsen-

buiy nnd (<lUpr line pitmos tor cneh. >owrst prk-i'A. Ill Iraah AilON ( '0 .. 25 F ranklin St.P lA N 'i TUNER; p rac tk a l piano maker; r*-

puirlng. all Ivranvhea; new slrtnge, frlta, *lc, F. t.ANN. ].»$ M iuket a t., ‘phone 2411. .FlANi'i; maliogany: upfluht; rone bf'iti'r; ex-

('•['iliiflliy fine liisurunifn '. rm-e har^nln. 16 al.. one block n ra t of rourllioua*.

All ^T sfll my $500 G»h|pr uprlghl fur lltVi;K'luriiJi'rril Al rondHIori fn*m the Im t tuner.

Aii-lr<*psi L|Jih)vr, I.loX 78, N‘‘Wjj I'fflce.r i..\1 'l;H J'lANO. new; li.-auiliul irialiogany;

Irtirsl model; bargain fi r rush. Address rieyiT I'lano. Thx 58. Ni*va ’.ffice.r i'K lO IlT J'lANH; cfjAl Jl.’iii, f ''r $1VI;

srllliu; 'in Qr*r*'nini of Tm ruMii; a harg.iln, ■ nit 4!J(1 lUnk At.M.Mt'lGANY ilpr. piano, t 1 3 ortav^fi, bin;*

hUe ^'uariiUtepA fur HI .wein. $110. tiri M ar­ket et.Ai^Mi>rt'l‘ new pinrui jilay-r f ii siile; two J.ircn

ttiiiflii.: rr lla. Adilruaa M . Dux 5. Ni-waufliceIPt.NF ni>trh ?-'«'i, on an\ A: uisrr!-rig-r>rr imiiiii

fi r e^lc, |lo Adilr'^ns rinn-'. Ik s 411. N o. a

I't'U rtALF rli’Rlioi Sl.‘ln\sn)- filAtio |ppxteHcnt fiimlulon. C'mi In- HPfti 7rt Fi-lii *1

CHIi'KEKI.\<l pnrl'ir Rrsinl; .-VI oondltlun; gUE\rnnU'ed hfirgaln. W Muikei. open eve*,

$l-P|niirvi. ffrRMis loriPil, I'l'imlieil, exin-rt; .15 years' cxperl-m-** MKNRV EWALIL 40 New,

nitHTlFh'.ATI-! 'in II lUvj'lliiti V [iiiinn ftir sale ; cnllH r .r $Kkl, I r l 'o firi. .'I'' M ntpmiK'rj' st.

L'H li'KFUl.NG upright; sligliily ; In fins coiidilkin: guiu-Hiiit-i-d. $U>U H3 M arket at.

IlA](l>MA.N upiihilii. Mniad si/u, ebony case, in uoLid cuiidliluii. 9tTu. 85 Miirkct st.

BtiHMPtll upriRlil piaim; alTTiost new; in ex­cellent coiidlllon: $250 h3 M srket at.

ALM<VST nett' npilKlit plonu for sale. Ad- flrr-aw MRP M , Rnjc 7, N»'\vw olfirp.

El,l-“r,A ,v r rTisew,in,t Bqi|fir<- plnnu. cheap. lOO Norrh Munn avf'., Vullsburjih.

w a n t e d .

GENTS' CABT-OFF CLOTHING.I pay hirtht'St tafih prUua for gents' cast-otl

cluthing U1IU ehrice; special prices paid for la- drcsHci), bend puMal and I will call;

hualtjeHi stric tly cunfldciitial. CHAB. CAHN, ; ;t5 Litilciun uve.

GOLD, KIIA'KH, b rik rn Jemitry, prt.cloua stones, rlefni'i-il V. B. coins, ytonipa, coin and

rurlp c»dluctiun; antiques of ah k ln ls , full valup given. VEIllUl'7H, Orange and lU h bta.TUAT»!N(i BTA.MI'.rt, all kinds, lionghl for

hlshfKi i-rkcfl, loust; ur bnok, ndlkIhUhLr. unap WThiijif'ia and ull kinds of tagK, iroipcns. etc., pxi handed fur atapipM. N. J. Ui>uintn I’o., "24 Plane hi... near M arket at.

SFEOIALII pay the hlgliesi priuos fur caat-iifl clothing,

send puBtal, I will cad. MAX HOSBN. 18 North Canal at,. fjr*t door from P rocto r's Thefttrs.


BTItr«’Tr.Y O o N F ir iE y riA L ; SEND |\tS T A L . AbEl.AK. 12 IlA M lirilO PI..


AND FLATHEnff.. BBND ruST.A L TO J . 40 .rfvNEH HT.

W ANTED- 600 walchos to repair; eome, w rit* or 'phone. SCHELLEU, w atchm aker, 280

Market at.. 2 blocks beluw Broad st. 'Pbon* IBOWr.OLD aOLD, silver and scrops nf Jewelry, dla-

liiiindH and platloum bought for cash. 755 Brmvd st . over piano store. O. G. GONZALErt.LADIES' and gems' cast-off clothing; also

feather beds, tilkhvst prlues [>ald; send postal and 1 win uad. M. F E lN liE lit;. 89 M urctr si.UABH pal l fur riM gu]i|.


INVALID U llA ill aecond-hanid. forotiidniir : ntbLic.r lli»*. Addl'ca* 'nvalid

Box 42. N^-As rjfici'.GOLD AND SILVER, platinum , dtarnnndtj and

pawn Mrkuts bought. N. BLITME, 897 Broad.ANYTHING ynu have to sell, semi for G. _ROSIN. 88 Academy it, _ 'Pbon* BTfifiJ. _TDNT—Ijflrge Irn i w>jnrcd; sIaIh elze ami

price. Address K., R' 'x 74. Newa nfllr-pWANTED buy. nil kinds nf ladles' hair

ofirahlngs. Catt 3fi7 Ha lacy st.

llr iQ sa tto ltl G n n d s W a n t e d ,ALL kinds of household goods and mcrchandlsp.

entire contents nf sit^res, houses and fiats or aTiylhlng you tiavp le iioughi for cash:consult us before ■>-lllna: estim ates cheerfully given; send postal nr 'phone 3735J.

REID, AucUon Hciums, 88 Acadomy st.


CASH QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL. 42 SOUTH ORANGE AVE.; 'PH O NE 2071.ANY kind of housuiiOLd grxxle from houst-s and

flats, snd antiques, -iic,. bought for cosh by F. BIUON. 73 Acadsmy s t . ' send postal or (Alf. Tel. OfUL.HIOHKtiT I'HIC'E.S paid for second-hand fu r­

niture and carpi'ts; send postal. Tel. 090 R. “ BANOW ltCH ft CO.. 42-40 Belfoytll* ave.B . B .

BEST pricpx for household goods; Rpeclsl prices for feather beds, mahogany furnttur*, ca r­

pets. clothing. REHOe H. 71 Pacific st.

H IC V C LE9.BICYCU: s a iTe .

Wheftl*. wheels; largest Htoek In E astern S U tt^.More wheels than all Kewarh, s to res oorr-

blned; reg. $25 mnehmes now $16.60. reduc^vj on account of backward season; avery wheel guaranteed for .year 1007; huve some shop-wprn S ieariu , Harvard*, sto., reduced to $16 to IIO.W, i-sg. value $26 fo $40; children 's wheals, 110.55 10 $10,60. SEE W H EELS $5 t)OWN $! FKH W EEK. A bell and fools free w l'h ev*<r« wheal, All sundries reduced; H artford tires. $2.40; Crescent, $1,411; H arvsrd, $1.98; special, $1.25; foot pumps, 25c.; expert rcpalrfng. vuL usnlslng plant. H ERBERT AUSTIN, Hi Or- snge s t , near Broad; tel. 008 Branch Brook.

YALE blcycios stu i the leader; 1,000 of them in N ew ark; ask any ‘Yals rider w hat he

thinks *f this wheel; term s $C down and $4 p*r week; other makes from |20 up, repair­ing nh«apest In ih* city ; tires, lamps. b*J)s and sundries s t lowest prices; open eveniaigs and Sttoaay

F , C CORNISH. 210 Clinton av*.




t e l e p h o n e 1481.











788 BRO.\D 6T.

CLINTON H ILL REAL ESTATE.BEAHDHLLV has opened a nc>w offlee al 504

CUnlun ave.. where all klmts uf g'xvij things In the way tif rw l esta te <«n hv h ad ..fire In­surance cun be placed In nny 'um pany you may le ie 't . vareful s llen tton will Imi given tu the culk'i'dliin end managvniani i>f jlm r real estate. Uhy gn dow'nluwn, nUen ynu h s \e the best a I your door?

I O f'rl.'I'Y TH E E N T IR E l^FFICK.

H S A I , H ISTATK F O » l A j L S - f l l V t j ,

_ BAROAINa IN R IA L U T A T I . P A t lN a 10 TO 1* PHR CENT. ON W T S e - .


SIX-FAMILT hottH, nair, vMI bMU. «K li prov«m«his; rents for IM 04 y te rfy ; pr«e*

lO.MJU; don 't Tnite tM* ehemvi; small emmw* a t cash required. WEN2E1L A CO„ 196 MwlMt. rooms 41 und 42,

SIX-FAMILY house, w ith two storosi t t e lM $- lion; re n u for ll.fiW yssrly : pile* $16 690.

Partlcu lsrs of WENECL A CU„ 196 I te k te ^ roi;ms 41 and 42.

TTIRKR^FAUILY hm at. w ith IT fo o m «iiA rents for $676 y te rtg ! g rite

$ 5 , ^ . mortgage $4,000; cash required, t l t09 ; a hargaiti. WCNZEL A CO., 196 Monicft, rooms 41 end 42.

TU R e k -f a m il y house, JelFanon s t., v itA for *666 yew ly; prwa

W.oon. Including business. WENZBL A CO., ine Markat. runmt 41 and 42.

f o u r .f a m il y house, aoth I t.; ground IP tgam. with stables; rents for WOO y ssrly ; pMe*

$7.5uii WENZKL ft CO., 108 Market s t.. roonu 41 and 42.

T^Y^.FAMlLY house. Cllnfoft Hill sscUofi. 19 rooms, all tmpruvoments; grounds 4Tx (QB:

price $5,(XJ0. WENZEL ft CO.. 196 lU riU t. rooms 41 and 42.

TWO-FAMILY house, Clinton Hill SSOtloCL $9 rooms, ren lf for l4W yearly; all Im m v i-

menta: price $4,koO, WEn z EL ft CO., $09 Market, rooms 41 and 42.

7WO-FAMILV house, Flllinore i t- i ren ts for Ifl.lfi yearly; price $3,500; mnrtgsf* a,000:

cash required, $600. WKNZKL ft CO., 199 Market, riHims 41 and 42.

TWO-FAMILY house, Hunlerdcm st-i grottllA 2rixl05. g .« t Ineailnn: rents for $306 y w riy ;

price $8,80o. small amount of cash requIriMl. XVENZEL A <’0 ,. iiHl Market, rooms 41 and 49.

TWO-FAMII.V h .lire and one-afory houee. with s lo f t; ground faixloo; Clinton Hill seetteft;

rents for 183k yi'ni-l]-; price $8,900. W ENZEL ft CO., 108 Market, rooms 41 and 42.

BUSINESS prupertlss and private 'JvcelUnis fur ta le Jn evury w ard uf the city and tha

Ora«ik«s, 1 family houses, 2 -fanoly huuros, 3-fiimlly houses, up tu 10-fam ily apartm en t- fioust'ti, many dealrabh' bargain s In Rnscvllle ami • Uisr wards nf the city and the Oranges; 1 ha\ p rh dcft HTnarl Bt. business pruperilcs fur iijVHRUmiu nr «|iectilallQri. For particulars set! 8 W (iKFKY. h«si Broad i t . , or 04 Heso- vllle ave. lu the evening.

E S r n 1890, 'PHONE 746.



L it. 1845. 'Phnne S2ft.E K. BOND ft rO ..


810 nilOAD ST., COR. MEt?HANlC.

TW O.f a m i l y ANT> SHOP!!CliiBe to Nnilli Orange n v c .: tw o 2-family

h-niBCb. alwayH rented, large shop und «tnl>le;iippo itu jd ij, jilot 38xLk); rrnifll flKHj.

r. iced prhe $:.500. F E I8 T ft FK18T. 738 llroud.


aOiV Union bldg . u-lfl CUmuo st, Tel. OtHj.





SI'KCIALTY ERT, ihfifi RH Kll'd) I-. llA JJ,. 222 M ARKET HT,

SEE ue ir you want to buy or sell your real Uetaiv, we have several decided bargains In

Ro-sevlUe and Enat Orange proportlea; fire lii' surunce, li'one. renting und colicctliig our Hpftlaliy S. W. liEER V ft CO.. 80u Hruad.U> dn n Ki-nerHl liK A L h'STATR BUSIN I’.rtS.

tt-e r»iiu-li V»ur trade and GUAUANTUE 8ATIS1'A«"ni'N.FRANKLIN K MAYO A CO., 7KH HJtOAD.JAMEH .1 TFK l.lN O Isuert-Hsor lo Atiliur Da<

vlno>, real I'BlHiu and liuiurunoe brolrer; tu>m- mlSMloner d vda frir N»-w York, N, J,. r ,.nn ., WHSa and CnL 7S7 Broad, oor. .4ar'<»l.gilVA.P—Eiuein+'as prirperiy on M ulberry a t., out

of luttii party m ust e<-lf; lotiHed fi>r $W» I"t year: IciiiiTU mnk*'fi all re p a lr i; Hiik IfiJN'*): woDli m-Uf FRED D- Fi-R.T. 78 O range si.W. O. Hi>l'TMANNT 22 Clinton at.. Real E s­

tate, Iri"urnn<-e, ren t tollnclUmH; eeo me when wanting ( ■ buy iw Hell real oataie; have rllenls wlAhitw? 1 - buy and sell N ew ark prrn»'-rty.


RENT Cf>LLErT10NH.80U PRt.tAD BT., Rf>OMB 301-302.

R iiR F\'IL LE Rrick buslneya prnperty; nK>re and two fiaiA, seven ronma and hath each;

lot 2Txl!K). price $lfl.<«rO; caah $a.lkX1. DKH- IjAM, MXl Hrr»ad i t , Kewiirk.IKVRSITOIIB—$iB,WH> equity buys the I t s i real

i-stHtP baiRHln In N ew ark, pay ln r over 15 iwr crni. n e t. {iwncr leaving elty. AndreKs WlL*

lbl* 50. News^VFLL built BtnrHge warehiiuse; ihiao excia

lolB, two afreet frnniH; su itab le fjir gor- iige; alsn faoinry sllC’S, centrally locsied. T isn il'iV , 5U2 Horgen ul.PLOT tm fliadw ick ave,, n ea r Clinton a v a .;

Lilt ft. front; aliv) ftt E lliabe tb . N. J . plot 86x200; k)4 to H2t1 pRniilngtuQ st. H EEvE , lift Chadwick ave.Kol.’TII ITTM BT.. near Clinton ave.—Ifl roumi.

mudern Impnivemenls, steam heat, lot 50x KiO; waul offer, H. C. BEACH, 800 Bivail

, EDWARD H. Ll'M .B12 P rudential buMHing.

Real sfiCnte, Insuranee, loami and appraisals.

SOLID V A L lF B -K Icgam twu-family. 19 roonm, 2 baUia. 2 steam heafors; f la t o rte r i

muflt ssll; |A.(KXL another, ih* same. $5,500; only IflOO cash; both near trolley; nSc* Kk-*- tfons; always ser me before buying. VAK HORN, Union building.

BIG 1NVE:RTMKNT- II.MIO pay* | 8flQ net y sa t- ly. m ortgage I4.UNV; price |5.fUn for thrw *

story, two modern fists, two sforss: s ts U f ; deep lut; don't deiny r»n this; othfT bargain*. ^■AN Ht)RN, Union building.

Hl’FrTA IJ^-Tw r-fam ily modem, well bulU, ftU Impruvemenls except Kiat, 13 rooms, 2 baOkt,

open plumbing, M.80O; another n*ar Johfisoa avo.. extra good. $4,500; only IfiOO q**d*d, VAN HORN, Union building.

BTORE PROPHRTIRH-New *t.. stor*. An* thrw-aiQry house, rear house, deep lot, enty

$4,WK>, rent RKki, can be | 0ilft: Mt. Prospoct ftve , twn fiats, s j i rooms and bath each, iwq stores, shop, fletp fot, $3,rto«i, rent $T*>; $1,300 raeh needed; solid bargain*, VAN HORM, t n|on iiiilbling,


W.WKWTbree-fBmlly house, aevenlSAD rooiM and thrr<' hRihr«HiiuB; Al condition; n*wly painted, Ih nun rented for $54 a month; s tr te t paved; near trolley «n<J depot-



. n r w a r k . n . j .tJENTLFM AN’S s i:n U R !U N HOME.

HEHKELEV AND TREMONT A VM . OranKi'i oust over IZO.OtXt to build; ntUld*

■mnn, modern residence, 3-story fram*, a | rottms: Iwiihs: laundry; butler's ponU^; liaaift heat; elvcirlc light*; hardwood floors AM trim ; etsj>le and carrlage>hou*e: fln* slHWli IrofH and Hhruhberv; beautiful motinUUii Bceiierv house; will sacrifice w ay te tewcoHf on ynur own terms. Full poH loujirg from P H IU P J. BOWERS A CO.. Mat* ket s t.__________

HOME HKEKERS-INVESTORfi. " ThiH Invt-Htmriit offers yui) an exosptloaalljr

good iipporiimhj' lo purchaise a w*ll lod^ « 4 iiew. ivvu-funilly imuHe. Iti Peahin* a ro ., cite* tn Clint'01 ave- ; lias ]3 rooms. 3 baths; Opsft tdumblti>;, all Impriivement*. separate h e a tf r i: liHnils'imely irirumt-d, (-annul b« dupilofttofl under ffj.tlOO; uwiu-r will sacrifice fo r lt,4£% l#*rms $.km c-iub; lm.lanu« mortgage, P H lL lF J. IbUVRRB ft I't* . IW Market it.

BPECIa L BARaAlNS,Cnna) st., small house................... ................ •5.600Frinre ni iwo-fatnlly and alo rs................ 4 9ti0Mane SI., sti.re, eight ruotip, brick............ 5 ,9 ^Washlnkt'm si., 4<ix11Xi, cheap.....................16,1100

Inaurnm-e In all Its branches,BAM 6. HcHEItER ft CO.,

73H Broad st,Members of Ihn Newark Iteal Estate Exehang*.TW O-Fa MII.Y, Hf-ar Clinton ave.; built for

ronifiirl; all Impnivciiu-nts except heat; fliM n4<lghl>orhoo<l: UiyHSiigate now. FhfSY. 189 Market et.

SIX-FAMILY monpy-rnakem; In various sec­tions uf Newark; one runts $1,164; Pric*

$lll,(Mii»; your i»pjicrtujiJty. FREY, iW MOT- kcl si.

TW O-FaVu l T!!! $5,500: five Hnd bath ; six and balh: every ImpffiV*- ment but beat; rnrv npptirlunRy $0 b u y g b tr- Sjiln;_e»sy forma. FKIBT ft FKIBT. 796 BfoOd.ROSEVILLE. TTIl A VE.-T^o-fg'mliyV U

rooms: fine locnllon; three minute* from in tl- r< »ad Htatlim amt tro lley ; t7.00<D; sosy ts rth i . T H K O D t^R HEAHDBLKY. 462 Bfogfl *t.13,200 W ILL buy a two-famlly hnu*e of ten

rooms, on Bergen s t.; rerun for $00 a ntonthl eserylhlng In fine imndlllun, term* to su it: rVO agents, .titdrcsf* r)wner. Box 33. News tiffloe.I'RNNfty LVAN) A AVE. — Thre* one-foj»Hy

honw»s, all lin|)ro\em ents; rent |A7(I: s*ll for $7.rsMi; only f2,(io<i rash nere*s*ry: a bomlkl* Inv.-stmont. Hen nnH EN , 7K4 Broad, owner.1 ILL acll yi)U ah up-Lu-ciatf two or thro*

ramlly house on easy terms; iocstsd tHt Bergen «L, swuth nf Clinton ave. Addrote Kasy Terms, B'jx 5. News nfflce,Eifj'HTH WAHH—Thri*e olghl-room houas*; All

Improvcmenia; choice lix'Htlon: flfi.OOt); half cash, will pny over 10 per MOt. AddrsaS Wlrlnw, Hox 7fi, News offlp*,

JOHN J. gniNNV 3|iH I'KPH tN K A VE.,

Insiiranrs. RphI Esinte. Tel. 2t5HllLM V R njTw . MOWW, 'Real E.'ilato, Iriffurance, Renting A CoHecCng.

L1i» THIRD AVI-:.TWO-F.^MILY, 12 largo mimis. $fi,l)0(>; N<-rth

£il‘Vf*nrh rt fini» 2-fajnlly. [••Tfwt I'findiil'Ui, in.rrHI. FHFD H. CONKJ.iN, 415 Frui1*>ntlu|.Hl'.lH'H'LN ST., near CUnlon avp.—1>'1. WihHmI;

finii li-jcalion f<rr icc or feed huelneas, jiarty must sell. Address Cash, Hox TU, News offire.HEKUUN PT., 6 —Nice tw o-slnry hiillding;

horscMhoer shop dow nstairs Riid 4 ronnif, up­s ta irs; all improvpmftniH. Im iiitre uiisialr*.


aok UNION H r iL f 'iN n . t e l io?j .SAM Unn.R CAJR.N'S,


Rcnl Estate, Insiir.'thoe.

R^nts i-ullcutedI jOTV—Wx very tleslmlile lr>is ort HprlnklTcld

ftvc , to cltpsc csia le , greni t«arguln: ho «iulck. Adflrpsn F, D. y .. U<>* 7k. Nfwii orfirc.L )T PTno l--'t fin Ilcrgm i*i ; hargaln for

rpii'k. buyer, also cornor Ud "ti \Vntrrhp avo,, cheap. IHUiLAM. Atkl |Jrn!i.l. Ni-wuik.RErt JTllCT'ED lots, fA»x20U lirel c'iinvt?nlftni to

D., L. and W. R raljon; prlcoft muderulv, term s easy. Tra^HBY. fH.2 Ikoy'-n ei.FOR BALK—Fine hulldlng flai-p. nne acre, on

Lyona ave.. near 1tcry''-ij at l\ 'r l tc tu BECIH 'R. Mill Lyi-rui

J ^ A U T II 'T ’L ^* Cllnioti ave ;Bruad st.

LfiT on BdTith Iflih st., near SOxUML n-atfk'lcd. RODER, 781

J. H. FINIHCR, roftl esta te and Irwuirance, Oli P ark pi., Iids a bargum on Springfield uve

IF you want to hciI to u r pruperry kindly let m» knew M- HfiRWITZ. tfi« Sprlngfteld av*.

H AV. KLINE. 444 Kouth 11th at., housus and foie for sale in nil p a rts of the city.

BI'ILDTNG for sale, su itab le for garage. 4(17 Uenirikl ave.

D ^ « U l u s a .DEBT f>X*ATrON, apartm enl-house. now pay­

ing lfi per cent., w llh a g rea t future. J. B. FINQKK, 92 P ark piBAROaTN: os«t three-fam ily house In Hoee-

vllle, easy terma. Inquire B. MoOQVEBN, 3fi Bouih 7ih st., city-FlRrtT-'..'J>A8rt I-fam lly house: 8 rooms; all

lma*-i»vcnients; steam hea l; perfeci condUtun. 18B X'hnsun sve.

HONEHT. wrii-hullt. 2-fajnlly h o u it; tw® steam healrre, nro baths. Ifi room*, decn-

ratwl, 5.'l FIfih Ht.; near r«ra and RosenlH* Btatlnn: Immediate possession _|4.irtin; AKTfJR ST., near Clinton ave,*-TrH

roi»ms; ba th , asphalt: first-clsoe condltlofii real mid-sum m''r hargnln. J, WARD B li lT li ft So n , I 'rudenilsl building,NEW YORK A \'E .—Two one-fam ily; lorg*

burn and shop; lot 4Kxl00. ren t |60 p*rmonth; price $!t.(lh0: Utile oasli. ftddrOHDttner, It"x 77. Ncwe nfilce.$n,.'k)ii-rioBi'viiie; iwo-fam lly: III rooms; iw g

hiiiliH. 2 steam hratnrs: alalo roof; l o r n io tl well hunt: naar curs ROBERT M f tK Z s L .'lf Mnriti'i Bt . n^ar P lane at.Kfili b a l k , g n FAHY TERMfl, OR TO U f f i

AMRANQED PERFECTLY FOR A DOCTHL AI>PLY nt>2 RKOAD -8T.E h iU T -FA M lL y house; all tmprovsrnoWftt

m ile fnr $1.21X1; pricn tlO.AOfi; email anvmHi nf poflh needed, NtJIlTON ft CO., 9 Jons* M., near Bouih Orange aveNK!>ON PL., near High s i.—Three-story 16-

fiidtn fram e dwelling, all im provsm sntg, h^ut, iirtru $k,'2iHj. Inquire fiSl South

<)rang4' ave., first floor.(LIIIBIUB: b t 'Ciisy srvsn-room house; stegfU

h>-»l: all lm|>rrhvcmenie. full lot; arising f4,.'iki, niTist anil, want nffer. Address C o i^ ]t»>X 2H, NPtt’S -:inii-p.NfiRTH flRWFVTH BT., near F rm rtk * « , —

rtevcn-riium h-.-usn. rififo roof; w ater, piWSr. gas, c](K4ci; Addrem N on-'R sfidn t,R(3X id, News offire,HOCTH 17TH BT , near riin fon aY s.^T lro -

fam ily, I.'i rooms: all liriprovements; sep-(mite hvnmrr, l''cnraM>d. Address Clloton, Hox Nfi. S'- WH rtfTli'«'S td 'T H ITTH HT,. half block from CHb-

liiri Hiir.diftunF* resJdenre; perfeet order; lot fitixMlO, nine "•ums; every lQiprovsni*|itiht'CriWiixj fifuir*.

_ IFDR SALE. smBir hou^e: fl„'\fl0 ; rent flflO per

yeiiT; good focaHon. GEORGE DOUGLAS, llfi Murkel nt.F o r s a l e —lOti and HW

no Bgents. JOHN H. KNOW, 10 W'all st.ONF^FAMlLY heUM In V ellsburgh, all Impts.,

H.TOO WER’l T n r r . 173 gU»uth 10th st.

U » 9 T .

BANKBOOK—Lost, bankbook lfl721Kl. Issued by the Howard Savings In s titu tion ; paym ent has

I been slopped; finder Le requeuted to leave latr.a j a t bank, 756 Broad sC.' BROOC'H—Lost, gold brooch, M t w ith pearls, > email diamond centre. R ew ard if returned to I J. !>., T94 Bread et.

LADY'S H artford bicycle for sale; -cheap If sold at ond«. Call W Lenox ave., S aa t Or­

ange. ________________________________



REAL raT A T E .The assessment books will be opea for in>

speeUon from the first Tuesday In Ju ly to the last Tueotey In Ju ly from 0 A. U , te 12 $C. All taxpayers a re requested to call a t th is nflds to aacertalD the .value placed upon th e ir ?*al AStata

JOHN HpW B.^ l ^ a l d e n t .

D R E S S M A K IN G A N D M lL L I lfB I tY .

m il u n s r t^DRESSMAK-

inch m il -_ INtSTRUO- a . LYNCH.


INQ, LADISfi' TAILORINO; r l ^ S R T TAUGHT: IN D IV ID t TiONi. CLASSES DAILY. J iM ST9 BROAD ST.. CQR. CISN1D R BiftM A K lN a and ladlea^ ttilo tlT if ln * a tt

its brorichM done re s s o n o w and satlsfoo- torlly a t MRS. L, L l T T t t U ^ t T t Pten* r i.

DOG—tyisL, bull te rrie r pup. six months old;markpd with brow n eyo Reward If ra-

tu ra rd to MRS. DIXON, 46 UaldWln ave.trOG^Hnund dog, w ith whit* b reast; answent

to name of Lover. Rowayd If returned lu Oroo, KELLER. 110 P esh ln r ave ._____________DOG—Lost, white bull te rrie r , Sunday, la s t;

reward. 136 S toneat* _____ _____DOG—Lott. Alrdala te rriar. Reward If returned

to 114 Plane iLEM B U EH -Lust. solid gold medal, w ith Nat.

Turnverein ombJem, in Bloomflela, Saturday; liberal reward offered for Ite return . W, E. HAVER. 46-6(1 L afayette et., elty.____________FOUNTAIN PEN —Lost, fountain pen, without

cap, July 0. 1907. bearing gold monogram N. P. L. Please re tu rn to ground floor, J58 M arket st., or write MS Sandford ave.

H O rSL-T w ivfiim lly houee. J1 rooms, near m nii^n avp : mIi Imprnvemenu sacept h te i*

Hiair roof. pHVfd aueei: bargain. Owi>*r. M | I ’PHhliJc are.HOI'HK fur Bile; one-family; 9 rooms to d

ba h. hardwood fioors; all ImproYsroents: tao flgen'.a; r i 'n lo n Hill. Address Owner. Bax “f irNuwm (ilfije.$4.7‘’t> rU'YS brlrk hou** on PenooTlvania

avfi,; nim» room* and bath ; a ll la p ru te - mi'-ntH; fire condition. Address H.. Box ilLNpwb (ifflce. ^rtix com er lots and eight-room boipse: bollft

fur owner; a high-class home; fT.OOb; t 9 , m cash. NORTON ft CO., 9 Jones st., near Soulti Orange ave.HOl'SE, 7 room*, Improvements, Garstd*

$4,200; another, fi rooms. D.200; other* oh price*. FITZH BRBEH T ft DODSON, m Broad it.TWO-FAMTLY house, Rnsevtlle. 13 rooms,

heal; all improvemems, Ih.uOO, paved streSrt: no agents. Address Eleventh, Box 51, News office.

iC fi AX—'Lost, ao lc« ax on Fourteenth at., com er Seventh av*«; pa rty la automobil* who

picked It up will kindly re tu rn sam e to Orange loe^ Co. lo avoid trOdble.

WALLBJT—L ost on the TorasteP excurstOA en the 9:06 train from Asbtgry at Newarv. a

man's wallet oontalftifor tnoney. two pretwifl- Mona and name nf In /M l** “rstttgyed to A. J. b IM F ^ N . W Hecker_it.__^_^

rO O N D .

BOX-Foun9» Jun* 10. box. on Harri*on ara^, Harrison. o J i 269 Belmotii av*., Newark.

H H N R t BOtaBBLDOG-^Found, OortfOD s*tt*r, w ith eollor

HUBER. 96! B*rgs» xt.WATCH fouDd. O M itf ran bavs It by oalltftg

a t 91 Holland gU» Mcond Soor.

UliOAD RT.—Very choice modem brick with brick staliln;;jot 3fi fe«t front; Itf.S IO l

half cash. Address JACKSON, Sdx 13, K tiM oflic*.SUMMER AVIS., 1 0 -rw n i/^ .O O O r W a M w g

ave.. two-family, |fl,50u; Irving st., tWb-fMs<‘ II y, $4,300. Address Bargain, Box 7$, NfdM offle*.BUMMER AVE.. near F ourth -T w e|y*-rte l»

house; nP Improvements; can b* bought oft easy term*. P. B. TOMPKINB, 28 K oorar city. _____ _nA R O A lN -W averly av*.. tw o -fM lir BOMi.

near Snfd. ave.; 8 room s;Jo t 96xfW:18.000: term s to suit. H. C. BBACH.B06 BteM ,^.iEG AN T two-famlly h'jusst on S o o t h l S ^

and Bouth 16tb sts-. near Clinton s v t.s M9 than and b* cohVtPcod. RODBR, TM Bpagft gt.f^ l^E E -F A U IL T house and bam : ftll tm-

provementa; near E ast Bide P ark : $&999$ must sell. Addreaa Pork, Bax 53, Nawg diPrit.SW ELL thrse-fam lly bousa; t h m ritePk

heaters; all Imprnvenwnta; easy t e m s i W * gain. Addreaa Central. BoX $9, N n rg dfllcf.R O s k v u Z ^ Beautiful 2 and 3 temUy h<nM91

every modem ImprovemMit; m U raaotwtoM for cash or easy tetm*. Q|IBEK> T9*WOODiilDE—A two-famlly nlnS’rooQ brisk

house, in good condition; rents $800; pik?* $8,400. Addrwtf House. Box 14, Nswa oflgBt.TWO-FAMILY house and barn, altnated n te r

Clinton ave .; steam hsat and xH ftrarOra* m enu. Address Hous*, Box 4T, Nswg and*.BARGAIN-S* fam ily:

h s i t ; $6,500; cash i inrastxpent rtNOVBtlCORNER HOUSE, lot 7lhl». •*-

m eat oallar. something flns, $1.100. IM rt.flAM S. BCHEUER ft CO., 739 Bfoftft at,BIX IO T h o w . B U w r o ^ j a

ItnprovsmentSi ateom bsal; lot Bn309t WftV.•4,960. n. C. BEACH. 900 Brtefl i tTW0>FAMILY house. n « r four UMg of oftfs:

alt improveraeiits; must be soU at r in ftAddress Two, Box T9, N*ws ftfltco-wTfn c t J F F E BT.. 7 9 -T w o -fa» ltr b s ttS C T il

rooms, improvemsnta.

' jnx V' je* A ‘ ri*-'

K E W A R K e v e n i n g n e w s , W E D N E S D A Y , T O L Y 10, I W T .

U A L n T A T C F O R iA L B - C I T T .

D w « I I I a c « .o t m m r a s »n « « b sb c t t o n .

•-KKMB (« ,-* n n U r houw, lot F l» lw tm -A u illi r ho iu , with l» n i. M

MO^SToholot 1-Cunlly[ T roomi, lot EOninn. f i l m I room,. .11 impni™-

IL oS ,** i-™ m *!*ain llT lm u« . t™"* toc.iniB. M ir tn l l i jv .

MgSOe, tw in h a u u ; ri* room. ,»cH. .11 irai i».i lipt a ir l » l ; lot 8O1 IOO.

«-ro™ 1 -l.m lly i A1 locmtlon: lot 38. W , W a iU v * a boautlful hooM n . . r ^ ■ a tlo o , a h k h h * . II roo™ L i* 'i " rtUiM d u ; opan flroBluM.; Itardwooil ncm™ M onatlon . 1 lot O&tlWi; ampl* «>.o"Mm o n t r , w l» occuple. InH houw. roouti w l ^ l a n . P a , lo r b u iltiw . rim p m tnd 1. ■ ^ n f A llhorml wcrtflco; hor, 1. . chanoB for ootBMnB to fBl a baraaln.W» hava all Iba aalaa oBarlnaa in B<ii«'lll»

juUj E u t leclliOni on our llK m a cinElve roy v iry bw t |?rle«« inri lerm t.M aa of oar l l t e o o and C ; .« » '" I 'l lO ftiifM * n M choice a i pl.oon and k M at in othar wburba; conveyancea al«iV»

I to lake ippllca tita to ve* them. TOTTK-N A ZURICH,

4 North NInlh at., Newark, N. Jar ( ^ p ^ l e flaaevllle 8iaMoo.

BEST INVKSTMaNT.Corner; new (l-fanilly iipaJlmenl. |wo nn«

Itorvt; too^ IfH'flUon: ali “P^rinienii deco-ru e d ; ren t per year; l lO S N I tft fUSlM, IM South n th tl.NINB-ROOH houac: every improvement; Bteem

■" ■ ronvenlenr U' trolley end............- ■ M Wilflfta on OnMi tireei. m

*■ ? poaeeetind a t riTvea, Stflt*ftAN,L

mrflt-KUU« nouar. wi-rr ....h«U; tot STt-ixlOU. ronvenlenr U' t

n u to n ; lid fftfii.116 South n th ft-CMOICK hulMIllf loti. i-.'MriclBd '« on '. tw o fam ily ti,jua<>; ItOalli), only l««l w " n O N N l£ * JlHIKB. n fl South lUll «(■

BG A i. HAHOAINS.M,gOO; tlBW Iwo-t.tm llt hnuBfs; o itra rholen

locntton: are* i deiriHOil t<’»f epartmenis: e j * a ra ta an iranora. moBt niod-rn In rvary ’. " P ' ' , ' ' n n t ln c l iS i par yaar, aollln* fo»<; ran o< raan iS i l la ? illarS oon H O N N 1 I-: * n E '8 3'MNE-ROOM houw : Tanth a! . w ar NInlh

ara. i avary improvamatii. wldf Im. lo J'''- P IO N N IE A REIBB. Uhl tfuUlll t.lavanth l -fcKECUTOH-a fiAl.E ><8 an,l (I3

two-Oiinlly houaaa; drivanay: AI 1™'lAtOD; oSar waniMl. KIKFIA.N. Mark'! n

c e n t r a l , co rw r. nonr oily hall, inn"'""’ 13S00: a-atory bricli. a-fiiiiiUy ilaalllnn,

lAlOOi baraa ln a KIBRAN. las MarWi ai.

OARfltDE 6T-. IBA-Flno 2-ramlly trouar: Ih rwHoa and a ttic ; o an a r l o l n B 'liy . p n c '

11,3001 ba quick. KIKHA.'.', It« Market at.

U .H 0. BAROAIN-Complele may •rooniai ^ 1 Imprnvanionlai aln-tm heal, a ^ -

liiaa, a te .: naar Uloomftald and Suniiuor a ' '" - , larma to ault; don 't delay if you want a anap. aOisBAN, IBS M arket at.INVESTMENT ham alna - 4-faml1v nouw,

a 600: l i t - r ^ l ly . lii.Tfiy; one-famUy. W.otio. f w ^ fRAwiiv 12 .200: all iwiylni over H per C M t; tw iy o ther b e r i t ln i j all ieciloni. kIBH A N . 198 Meikel i t . _______________' ■ CLINTON HlidL. TWO-FAMlLTfi

Three m ln u tu from ClJnlon ave. triney, handioine new two-family e^-parate fihtrarifp m u m : 2Vi'itory: IS room»; pmreJaln hetnn,

nickel plumblhs; all Improvement*: h*P- iumte heatert; choice location: iurppi*-* a« almllar offcrlnua; on term* to suit; pjlc«CTm P H lW i. BOWERB ft CO.. faar-

• t i t _____________

B F A L F 8 T A T B F O *D w a ll lB S a .

ANOTHER B A B O A IN - I^ a S ? ^ '* l a t * " » l-ftm llT houia, ranlln* f « ♦ * » I *

par rant, on amount (nvaalrf;Kory frtm a . lot SO.IM, with L S tM .a t . 3H-atory fram e, »SAMUEL n . CAIRNS,

4IM BR^AD BT __________ __

th a t ihia handFt.mn . ' . f 'C ' j l l . i r ' '* ™ «twv:

flpo rrfldentlal h>CB.tlon. a ^ huver;S’. '? ; 'rToVv r '? .^ * * E ', t s ACO . oai M ark« aU ________________________ -TWO-FAMILT houar far la le at M Hramen ll .

R K A L E S T .S T B f o b SAMS—o u t O F

A t U n t t c H la ta ln a d a .OCEAN VIEtV.

Build your own lo t. adjolnln* Ihe A tl.o.lo only Il'HI. raay te rm i. n,j m<erf*' raa irl'llona , lake l«'al fro™ ‘ ‘e / *” V " m n l l r l i le h l.n d . .Jrraey Central P or .•aan ia will ''.‘ I j 1’’ M ’ ForlO-On II A. M, and i fu rther Inf^rnutiion apply «-> *J’d u iir lf i <’o-t 1^2 Maik«i *t-. J-fiom 003. N*w- fcrk. N. J.

Wedaesdays=special RCHI EstatC DayS=Satiirdays

r e a l E S T A T I j F O R S A L K -O U T O F i ^ C T O H I M F ^ S A ^TO W N d

A r lin i i ln i i .1200 CARIT. halsnce (0 a month, t h « fi P«f

cent buyi nine-room hou*«; ell Iraprove-M iW a cn nri_^L*irf«t to A rU ^ io n :

ARLJNOTON—In a well located ilTMl, with nil Improi'fm enii. plot fiOxlOO; perfectly level;

lh&l^ terme. Ilrflo down, balance |12 l^er month. AddTCM K. U- r . , Ro* fl. Newa offlea.

B e l t e v l l l r *l'«) W eehlnstoh av e .; hnuft' of


%¥ urit£« nN n

P » 0


F S «

eight roiiiTie. reception hall, hath, nil mi ti 'mimprovenieniM. lot price Vt Cnnhe eecn any week day. For [inrtlt'Ulnra. tc iiiB of Mle, nddrcee A R TlII’R RVrtHKLIa Hi -nv field, N. J., or your own broker.FIN R W auhlntton ave. n]ne.R«>m reeldenre;

all imiirovementa, elnte roof, I " '•mediate pt»a«'*ui|on. a I»FRKH 'I - HE*. K '^ lT lI , siKTeafor tt) Henry Ruseell. 22 UlnUin »i..Newark. _____ ______________^ la L E V IL L E —Ffiur cjenirab^l^hd* on 6 e W itt

ave .; hljrh Inrailonv, near ichool; two ailn* utea tro lley : |300 isnh. t ‘all a t ISU W arren at..C ity ._____________________ ____________________REA L ESTA TE values, Insurance, loarw- J

J . rO K N M -I. v.ri Waehlnffion ave., Delle- vlUo: ealaHlened ikitd.

B lo o n if le lt l ,B LO O M riFI.D . Bay ava .-L arge frama dw jll-

m c i 10 ro..ma ar.il bath, ataam ha»t; lot llWa 18*; amall barn, larma “ ■PEAL, at J. Wlan A gona. <183 Broad a t ______NEW . modern. T-room hrmaa; 8na atlle ; eon

atructinn throuah.mt 'V ,V p™ 'drtvaw ay: only 13,900. CONKLIN. 118 PrU-den tla l._______________ ________ — _F^HECLOaKH proneny. "«ven h J */** and

*hop: ir.2 feetm onth; price W..VW. RLAi K l / l tK . 169 M ar­ket at.

F o m p tO B L s k ^ u .SUMMER HOME, eia roonu. half acre. h»t^.

Chicken runf. ve*etable fa rden , excellent water, near two ■lullona', Jerwey hlllo, healthy; bargain. Do* 24. Pomplnn Iwakei. N. J.

S o in e r v t l t^ a300 ACRES of high, dry land, finely kwated

for anhdivlal&n. adjolna Duha'a farm , on Cen- tra l Halhtfad of New Jaraoy; depot on land, and o r Lehigh Valley Railroad. 2 ^ mllea from fiotnen'llle. K. J- C. W DUNN. 18& Mon­tague il.r Brooklyn, N. T.

W ralD H P » rk b


$2S AND UPWARD. ON EASY TERMS.In a nearby Jeraay town, on the line of the new tunnel improvemetila. Lot* are high and dry. Send for free tlckr.a and booklet.


200 Broadway, New York, dlh floor.

Newark.^ fi. jLu, o f f l r v J » 2 j^ f k i^ at.

W e a t O r s n s e .NFW HOT'sE. 7 n>i>ma anil bnih: all Im- ‘ nrovemenlJi, aieam h ea t: e lec jrtr light: l-it 4Hxlin; blab Kround: eacelleni v iew : five min- tiii-K from |[:ffbland Ave. Btniton: p rkn |S .,iihi. 1 ERLAM WiO Broad. Newark.

W (t1 a e a a ln i^ ,K t r k ' E N - R ' h o u a e ; all lmpriiV2menta: lot

pv>jl5«s i.tirn 2i*x2J>. Addreo* B. J H.. Ain-hcre. N- J. J — —

FOB SALE o r lu IM. MVtral brick fn tT " ''" In the heart of the city ; alterallona ibtde I

suit irnultl; locwtdd on Hrrm,*n.JobriKin ( l i . , known «• th« ll . B tra l« A Son, innncry j . B. F lN a E R . 92 Park »l., «)lo agent. T>1. 8446_____________ ;______________



FACTORY apnew to ault; mot!'™•laotrlc pQwar and light. WU. C. C. MEHL-

BACK. 893 Mulbarry it .

h b a l K S T A T K F O R S H O R E ,

S A L B -S B A .


A ihury P ark, AUeahuraL North Aabury Park. Deal. Llat DD appHcatton.OBO. W. PITTENOER, Beacoast Rank building, Ifattlaon ave, and Bono gt,,

_Aaht^ park . W. J,

GRAND BACRIFICKct b lfh -fn d e 1 -famlly TYaWemeJn the 1 ^M ft of ftiramer *ve.; lotboth: beat: all Improvementa; adapted for *■

S ^ l a bandaomo property; any rea»nabla one areentod' OH vour own termi- PHILIP J. t S r h m a * OOu 1»P Ma r e k t ^ ____________f S a iC B BUSINESS PROPERTY ^ ftTUBT BE SOLD TH IS WEEK. =

141 r«et dn BprllUffleld *ve.. Irvington. rUM In the h ea rt of bualneaa aecUon; 12 'room booM t o il Imjwrovemenia, and tor?® fgeenutna iacrifloe a t Kj.WW; only tw nu lr^ . F u ll porllculara from PH ILIP J. jSBwBRB ft g o ., J » Market it.______

W *L L LOCATED PROPERTY to gJaw n in daman**: an exceptionally choice l-fom tiy rooldence In beat part of Myrtle ave.; ItLatory frama; 8 room*: bath; laundn’: heal: ■iT Yiwtwwmenta: very attractive home; an Id M lm tr roildanoa; prico only •li.5 0 0 : terma t S ^ t . PH ILIP J. BOWERS ft CO.. lfl»■Markat gu ______________________ ,

HARQAIN; 16.006; three-family. II room»; iw it t t l ' eoar terma; don I delay; act qulck-

' lr r A i5 > il» W 3, FISK. 811* Waahlngton at.’P M H I K l AYE., near Clinton ave., prlr-e

S SO u alRfat rooma; newly decorated; prtee e d y ^ a S O . ANDREW J. FISH, 919 Waah-

‘tofttOD <*«• , _VTiRT DESIRABLE

Tbrat'CainllT touae. South Itlh at.; tot 39x100;IT roorao, B batha; all modem Imiirove-

CiSrta: choioi rtaldentlal aeotlon; olosc to trol- Ian b rln fi high rental; a hlgh-claoB, attractive tnyaatmapt; oocrlflcwl for IT.OOO: on terma to •Vlt. PHILIP J. BOWERB ft CO., If* Mar­ket a t _ _ _ __ __________________________ _

COZY fl-rfiom nouee: imc VV.aewar anil K*". lot iUxlOO; only I I , e d a y

terma. 0111iKN. 7H4 Bntad at.._N®wark. B R O A F l< T T ”rinnm 8rlil: ’ ’ I ' ? " '

given aw ay , 12.000. SAM B. flCHEUER ft CO., 738 Broad at.

B a rttard aT lllC fAT BK RNA RnSVlLLE-NJ acrea m mile*

from alailnn ; high. Rightly land; Improvivi location. Inquire owner. 2S Weal Kinney at.

E n a t O ra n K « 'TO C!X)RE AN ESTATE.

Row of coay alx onc-famlly houaea; never va­ca n t; every lmprovi"ment. fine remdenllal a**c- tlon of Orunae. ttniai sell; make an nn^r. F IO N N IE * REISS, Central avc„ cor. Souin Clinton at.SOUTH CLINTON HT-. near Cnniml ave. -

♦O.fiOO; fin© nint'-room hnu*p, ©very Improve- m am ; double fioora: L*^BvVaah ea t: lot OOxlM). PIONNIE ft RE138. c e n ­tra l eve ., cor. South Clinton at.TWO fine attached one-famlly houaea: hullt by

ow ner; lot .WilW; eight rfXima and hath each: every Improvemml: large, light Tooms elegant condition; worth I h ijOO, only |7 , P IO N N IE ft B E lsa , Central ave.. cor. South Climon I t .NEW two-fam ily houaoa. near Ampere Stallon:

every improvement; oeparate enirancea: ih-cn- rated to auU uunhaaer; tocom® «only 16.000: lltil© raah required.REIflH, Central gve., cor. South Clinton Ht,^ U f iN D u T lw c -fa m lly house, corner, Juat off

C entral ave., al* room* and hath ; aeparata •team healera: nil Improvementa: large un- flniahed a ttic ; lot 2fl*lTO:_ owner mual J"* count buslneaa: price Ml.700; mortgage tt.TOO. BLA CK I/)CK . IHH Market at.___________’ TV ^-FA M ILY !1 r a r e BARGAIN!'

K alraordlnary 2-rnmlly; butt lot. WxlOO; two batha; two ateam neaiera; all aanlU ry plum bing; H r* , (ront ,*2,, iirare anan; eaay terma; fd.BOO. FEihT ft FE IS T . 7.1H Broad. ________ __________

houee: fine location; water.

PAYS WELL.Handsome and very dealmhle ihree^famlly

ibouae In W att End auction, close to South Or- jg^gM ava,f hma 17 rooma, 3 batha; all Improve- >notita: proporty w ell located and a choice cen- IgMarauta mvealmant; price $A|fiU0; tarma to IgttlL P H IL IP J f b o w e r s ft CO.. 188 Mar-R o t . _________ _

• A 'p ^ rrriitTrt* home in the coming oectlnn Of V ollgbunb, near South Orange; iTvIa hmiae

la of th i boot oonatructlon; eight rooms; moat TBOdavn Impzwemenia; steam heal, ©ic.; It

^ m ut ba naan Ui be appreciated; call at nur 'offtoa any afierooon thia week. NORTON A fCO.. 0 Jonog iLs near South OrangR ava.

H E A L H S T A T E P O B S A L E —O UT O P T O W N ^ S IlS C B L L A N G O U ts

KAST''oHANtJh-. W eatcott at. M—T en-r^ iii hOUBfr lot EKtalSO, or to let. 426 per mouth.

lRVINOTUN“ Threa plota. Elmwood ava., op­posite Hprlnghvld a v * .; trolley to Newark-

WAVEHLY factory plots: Pennaylvanla R. «■ oMing. trolley on FTallnahuyaen ava.

HARRlP'^N factory plota; Pennsylvania R. n.aiding; trolley to N ew ark and New Ynrlf.

RAIIWAV factory plot, n ea r BcoU Ave. Station pennevivanla R R. iv*. and Lincoln ava.

RO.HEVtl.LE, near E ast O range; Lambertton p i , just off Springdale av e .. 14 lota.TnuMpp ft. R JA i’KSON. truatee eat.. JOHN

f> Joikenn, pruden tial t u l Ming, Newark.mTl m U’RN T O W N fillir. houee, 7 rooma. gi

tiarn, 2 acres land, gexjd w ater, lawn, fr and shade, fine IcM^ation. aplendld vh macadam roada, 1& m inutes to Short llln* Deyni; Gillette, Mr>rrla County, houae. 8 room*, hot and cold w ater, hardWfiod floors, gofwl water, lawn, fru it and shads. 10 m inutes walk to deiK)t, very cheap ; o ther homes and places. C. r MORROW. HOP lUsiad st. __________

MRCHANIC 9T.. M-M, ,?,b ,r r « d -w « l ,m b u lld lo f ; iK m ii • '‘' ' i . , : '

Jot <*ctorr. .of f t o r a ^ or In B**’with power. CHA9. P. -------ENTIRE thr,»-*tory *nd bMsmenl J"!!:

lory bulMIn* nl SttB H »liey «' . 6.WM) la u jre feet floor apace. Itiflulre room fil. tJHt'HWALD. 120 M arket at-

8T O R B B , O F F I C E S , E T C ..^ j r O J ^ E T ,

ELi:OANT 3d. 3d floors; U Nsw «!., S door* from Brood, opp. Hahns ft Co. aids oDlront^;

very promlaant location; suitable Cor dantiat. photofraphor or any buolassa reQuIrtnf good dlaplo)' wlndowt; poasssaloo oa soon oa ol* taraitona ars oomplstsd. Inqulrs fiT Hal—y M.FIRST floor above aiora In U etropollton buUd-

ing 10 rent for buainsaa puriioaea; 43x80; ek’ callent light and dIapJay: s team heat; electric light; Jauitor aarvlce; will divide to ault ten­ant. Apply LUBTIO ft MARX. managUig ogenta. M arket and W ashington ato. Fhona DU8._____________ ________ ____ _FOR RENT from M at 1, rbe prerais—

espied by tba W . W . H ayden Co., to the Crane factory bulldltjg, lIcWoi.'rtST and Oliver ato. Apply on prvitiieea to engineer or ■. N. CRANE. 20 Centfml ava. _______ ______ _FLOOR to let. 2S0 Market at..; rent US-

SCHELLER, watchmaker, Jeweler and optician. 266 Market a t .; open nlghta.FRONT M arket at. oflloa. In Bpingam building.

from May I. Inquire Janllof._______F IN E offles to le t: second floor; over Ih t ^

ourjty flarlnga Bank. 742 Broad. Inaulrs Security davlnga Bantu ____________ _FINE grocery store to let. with s stable ;.n

' • * ' ^ “" " ^ * --^ F o u rih at. Inuulre FRA_:'R


FLAT^Noar CllnUm avt.* glx rooma. bath, atesm h— I. all modern Improvementa; opl-h'

did houae. atroat and neighborhood: rent KH; Immediate pcaaeoston, GILLEN ft CO., IdS Market at.F lJ ^ T ^ li rooma; bath; all Improvementa;

steam heat furnished free; n—r ^B!l^>ad ata- tion; block from trolley; rent ISO. Inquire at prenilaes. 2fi0 Veruna ave., near Mt. Prospect ave.f l a t in new iwo>famlly houae; 365 Fouir-

teenih ave., cor. Nineieanth at., one blocic ooutii of Bouth Orange av«.; all Improvemeats; rent low. JOHN 0 . U ERK EU 28 Prince ft.

ROOMS A N D F L A T S TO l*BTi _flOI'TH 18TM KT., f l» -F lT « roofna: Im prove

ntenia; rent |t2 per rosnth. ____Bi'RIN'OFIELD A V E . » I . JUNCTION OF


f l a t s —F lrat at., alk rooma, |15. Oaratde at..ala rooms, IIT. North bth at., near P ark

ave.. six riHims and bath, 1I22. All now v a ­cant. KIK RAN, IHB Market al._____________ _rl*A T of live large and light m oral In private

houM. hath and Improvemenia; ren t reasm . able to small refined fam ily of aduHs. b55 High at.


FACTORY floor space to let: •team hejt use of elevator; one minute from i^ia|»-

nifmiTn Htarinn. Inquire TONKH liltOs.. *..7 -U

QABAOE; B IU . ST , N EA B I™ ''!;MODERN r i '-T t ) DATE H M M .'lN tj. !-'>R


wanna Station. High at.FACTORY tf> le t; 4,000 square fr^t

t'nrnttr H rrm tm and i*ennlngton at-sIirK>M to let, 2:^*rirt, for storage ar light Tn*inii-

faclUftng. D o rO IlE Ilt, 60 Cnlon at _ _l7t\VER fli.fl of factory, 160 F irst at.; sutifthl©

for w&od vscrklng mill. —

F A C T O B IK 8PATTORV FI-GOB apace wonted, with l-tkl nr

2MV square feet, w ith good light and five or ten m lnulea from Broad and M«rKPi ata. Address Factory, Boy 54. News ofTlre-_



BARGAIN—Com er property store, with seven n>oma. bath, toilet and gn*: 14 mllei front

Broad and M arket ata. Address II. » , Box o, Newa office. ___________________ __

R B A l. E S T A T E W A S T E D . ____ _WANTED, In de«i™ble nslghborhood, a build-

in* lot. ■ullablo for “K I ™‘? ,rhouse; a lie of lot required about 73xu» ■drees, wUh full particu lars. Laah. BOf Newa office. ____________________( v r d r i ”; ;n ,r a l REA I. e s t a t e JiusiNERa.

we BOlocU your trade and QuABA.Nlt.r* SATISFACTION. a rtm uf r a n k l i n F. MAYO ft CO.. 78R BROAD.

r il f -_____ onrn*


GOOD llfh t floor,. .ullBble for manufaciurln* o( Jewelry and novelilea, elevator and an

modem mprovemenie. 5 *P* *'"office and depota. Engineer. 24 Rf>u<»nnt at.HALSEY 8T ~ N O . 88. oppoalt, U nden—Blotw

In Dtw bulldln* to ren t on compleilon. u SaNNlMOTON. 2 W f t PirK *t. _____HUNTERDON ST., 702. In corner ImllillnB-

Store, with ibrM roome; ell linprnveinrma. iultnble for butch..- or barber. __________

TWO-FAMILY HOUSE winlcd.ton ave. or Summer ave . north

flelrl ave. I price about Ifl.OOO. H. SON. 127 Itoeevllle ave.

F O R S A L E O B E \ t H A S G E .




ONE-FAMILY houae; all Improvcraenta; 10 mlnutee from M arket a t.; weal of Hmart; not

M eiceed tS.090. Addreaa Uaah Buyer, Bo* 5H. Newa office._____________________ _________HAVE purchaser for one or two family houae

In E ighth W ard ; between Arllnginn and 4th flvpB preferred. JAM ES A. LEURY, 40 Clln-tHin a t . ______________________________ _PIX-FAMILT houae wanted In Rosevlllo or

Unst Orange; must bo well re n ta l: will pay ciiah. Addreaa Inveaim enl. Dox 2. Nows ofllca.8ALABLE PRO PER TIES In all locallHoa;

Bend us full particulars and low—t Ki®**" 8IN N OTT A DEAN. 6fi2 BROAD BT. __

PU IT . Rrm2fl. centre of the cliy, M ulherw.I'Unc. W a"htngton. FYankJIn of WUllam sU-

AddrpM Itiiycra. Dox 54. News office._______

THE CHANCE of a llfettmo to gel a now. up- to-date. one-family house, Ih choice part of

East Orange; located on NooBau pJ., near Lar- ne«l« ave.: only amall payroenl needed, in­quire B. McClOVEBN. 35 South 7lh at., New­ark. _________

m V A T S R ia iD B N C E on South Beventh at., bMw—& 12th and 13th avea; H r^m* and

bath* with a ll Improvemenu; loi 60xioo ft., with torga sUbto In rear; this la an exoollent siiBftartf tor ^ ly ^ la t i or party who detlrca

!tre in ioMOt neighborhood. Price on ap- Lttoa to owner, 445 Central ave,__________

X X eSP nO N A L L Y GOOD, ^ ArtiaUd tw o-fu a lly houao In beat part of BoU moat n vas 2 U - « t ^ frama; 13 rooma, 2 batha; *U nm ^rn Improvamenta; separate heatera: fu ll tot: cannot be duplicated under $5,800;

‘ only tikOOO: eoay terma. PHILIP J. ‘n a ft CO,» 180 Market it._____________TB^SnUS,BOWSRI

FOR THB iNVEfiTOR 1 gtoderate meona; an Ideal little home In i>aM port ot North Tth at.; lot 2&xlOO; story frotne; 7 rooma; Improvementa; cloae to tnltoy gp«* B tan ^ Brook Park; the chance t t ft Ufetima to get a home. PHILIP J, BOwXRB ft tX>.» 180 Market gt.

TWO-FAMILY: GREAT SACRIFICE!! Elegant eection; twin honevR. 10 moms each;

complete modern Improvoraenla: oinltory open plumbing; plot flfixlUO; moTlgaga iT.OOui great chance: |8,TW>. FKIKT ft FE16T, 736 Broad-8ANFCHD HT-.within 4 minutes' Central ave.—

Tjovely home; 0 rooms, reception hall. bath, all Imptvivementa; lot i»rch.shaded bv large tree:12.500. BLACKLOCK. IW Market ai, ____CORNER property on Dodd at-; 10 roorna;

all Improvements; steam beat; a t ^ l e . lot 210x135; ►tofgaln; to,(X»; cash |2JJ0^ J lw o ther bargains on Greenwood ave. DER1.aAU. W» Broad. Newark, ________________________

ni'YER wnnls 2-famllv house In RosevUIo;nivp prlre and O.M particulars: no aeenta.

A'ldresN Rnsevllle. Box 07. NVws office.\VE hnve {'lipnta rteairing l'» purchsae one. two

and ihre^ femlly houses In all parts of New­ark. L ANlinRBON. 4T4 nroati st.s a l a b l e properties In all locaHtles. Send

full iia rtlru la rs ami lowe^l prices to LOL’lH r TAYLOR. SiMith O rang i. N. J.


t/>FT^^L<r»rsnce »l . near M arket; meam heat, electric light an'i power, at r^uoed

piicaa. Apply to JAM ES M. BEYMOl R j R*.6V and B3 LawTence a t __________________LOFT to let, 25D Market at. IfVqUto® Si'HEL-

LER. Jeweler. 26fl Market at.


THIRD PliOOH. _____________________ ,s i x rooma and bath, w ith all m ^ e rn Im-

provemen**; In private ihree-fatnlly houia. 211 Hunterdon it-, near South Orange a va.g5r~ lighi mome and ha th : Ail Im provem ai^.

Inquire lanltor. 5fi2 «f»uth Orange ave,, cor.lOth at. ______________SUMMER AVE-, 741 -F lra t flat, two-family

houie, five nioma and batli; eeparate an» tranceH; rent $17. 119 Miller at. ______

FLAT; six rooma: bath; steam boat, hot water fumlaned; 230 Peahlne ave., near Clin­

ton ave. Inquire of Janitor, on premlaea.FLAT TO LET, i l l rooma u id bath: extra

aleeping room upstalra; all Inmrovementa; rent reaaonahit. Apply 136 South 8th ft.f l a t , (J7 South 13th it .: flva rooma; $12.

JOHN D. TOl'FlN, 183 Orahge at.FLAT—81x large rooma and bath; all Improve-

menu. Springfield ave. and Hayea at. In­quire 247 Springfield ave _____________________ _

BTRATI-Y^D PL,, fll. near Clinton av«.-D e- alralile fiat to let. six rooma; Improvementa;

aleam heat.


Choice auHt, on second floor, of 6 room* and bath; patitry: pri\'atB hall: steam heat and hot water aupplled; located Dickeraon and Third ala,, Roseville; convenient to three trolleys and railroad; rent $28. Inquire Janitor,

FLAT—Two-family houee; top flat: alx room^ , ami hath: steam heal; near two trolley llhee. AT Arlington a > e . _________ _______ _F I A T .r a t floof, two-fairlly hous*. 5 rcKuna.

bath, ell ITnprovemciita' rent $22. 140 SouthEighth sL_____________ _______

ill m<Klcrn ) Helmoni

F1,AT to let. seven rooma and bath, Improvementa; rent $17. Inquire 2f


MULBERRY BT-. near M arket-B cnutlfnl iioro: Just renovated; su itab le for anj busl-

nesa; rant reaaonable. FE IST & F E IS f. 738 Broody_______________________________________



n e a r UAMBEHOER'S.




FLAT, five morw. to let, 911 improvementu. 44H South 17th at., city. . _____

i^ H T ~ S T .. 132-Flve light, airy Tooma: all Improvements except heal; halla. atali'*.

acreena, Mhodcii furnlahed; three trolley lines;near atatlon, rent 117.____________ ____ _______FIFTEENTH AVE. and Bouih NlnelHCiuh bt

-F iv e rooma: Improvemenia; hall furulrh-'l; rent 114. HENRY flCUElDEB. 7k0 v'lln'won a v e . ________________________________________ _FOUR rooms an«l hath In modern brick build­

ing; all lmpn>vemenl8 except heat; Janitor 8er\lie; two car lines a l hand. 11>0 Belmontave. __ ___ __________FOUR rooms to let; watar and gaa; top floor.

lIT^LlvIngaion it. ___ ________ _______KAIIYAN PL.. Sfl—Seven rooma; separate en­

trances; all modem Improvementa; rent mod­erate. Inquire at 42 Fabyan pi., flfM floor.FIVE-ROOM apartment for rent In the Myrtle

Apariment House, corner Myrtle ave. and Warren at.. Roaevllie. Inquire Janitor._____FIVE-ROOM Hal; all Imprnvementa, Includ­

ing a«*am heat couple preferred. Apply M. Y on a . 20 13th ava.

TH E DK LEON. 451 High at., oppiwtte eourt- houae—Six rooms and bathroom : all .iiouern

Improvementa: steam h^ul and hot water nnil iRPltor aervicea furnished a t alt ilmea' to da- slrable lenants, rents 530 up. KELLEY. 447 KlRhjl^_________________________________ __TO LET. elegant flats (only 9 ie fll In new twv'-

family houses, 719 lo 727 20th si., hciwren Sprlngfielil nve. and ItMh ave : all Improve- menla; rent 117. Inqulro on premises.T(1 LET—Four elegant, light room i; la lr tl 1m*

proveinents; on M ttictgn a^e Inquire 354Va Springfield ove., near Bergen at,TO LET, five rooms and bath; all Improve­

menia; rent $lfi. $17 and IIS. 8 . LEBCR* ZINER ft CQ-. 762 Broad at.TO LET, thri-e rxioms for adultH only- In­

quire al D. MICHAEL'S. 17 Colden si.. cHy.TO LET, flat, In Iwn-famlly hoiiae, five rooms

and hath. Tfl7 South 20lh r t . Newark.TWO nr three nice T«vmis <in aeconrl floor;

rent Id cr f1>; w ater and gas; bIbo part of cu llar 312 South 20th at.

FIVE ROOMS: hot and cold water, clay a t . __________ ________________

TH REE rooms:*all Improvements; third floor. Inquire K.M South N inth at.

THREE rooms, with all Improvementa, sec­ond fi<Yor. 134 Slone at.

THIRD S T . 44'.a—All Improvementa, rent very reaionable.

YAllJ=!HVROH. H alstead at . fiO -Flst to let, six rooma. all improvemeruH; aeiiarate heat­

ers and separate en trance; ren t $18.Wt>f)DHlDE—Brand new two-family apart­

ments. five nnd six rooms: rent only $20 and $21; posaesalon Immediately. ORBEN, 7{H Broad.

FIVE rooms to let, ave.

112. Inquire 417 Central

Wa n t to purchase iwo-family house on Clin- l,in H ill; esn puv tw o P»,h. Addr«i! W»li:,

Rrx 7. News ofilce ________

NEW fr<^nl "tore and Tr>nme at AA1 Ifith avr.: suitable ftir any business, inquirs 4S6 Broad

St . tailor score._____________________ ________STORE and :i rooms; good husltipes corner:

rent Ilk. HousHiwnrra' Aaaoclallon. Rvom fti2. Meirnpolltrin bullcllng. Market and Waak" ijigton s t a . ___________ _________________ __STORE, with roome. to let, f'orner Kith ave.

ami Cxunden st.. nrar itpiYngfleld k ve,; beauti­ful place for any huslhoas; newly painted.STO RE-To let, elegant store, fiOfi Market at.;

sultBlili* for any husineas. Inquire L. SNY­DER. M arkHsL_________ ___^STORES-Twn stores to let. Springfield ave.,

corner 7th st AppL 462 PIpringfleid ave.STORE, with thici~ Tontns. to let. 243 Runyon

at,, near Oahurnc terrace.EOUTH OUAN'UE AVE.. f'o -Fine largo store,

newly i1ecoTHie<i. wUh rooms In back; auli- ahle for any bualness Inquire :ilH Market at,STATE ST , flP-Store and two rooms: Immedi­

ate p«isBewlon: $15. J D. TOPIMN. 463 Or­ange S t . ________________

FIFTH ST !ia—Sli-foom. steam-heated fial,iwo-famlly h^uw: hII

rated: near cars and nogevllle Station,f o u r t h 8T., m—Five elegant, large rooma

and bath; nil Improvementa; near Roseville Station. Inquire 2H North 5th bL____________ _f i n e seven-rnom comer fiat, all Improve­

menta including sieam heat. In flrat-cl.isa eondUloD. 60 West Kinney at. _______FINE

and Rock Sanfurd five.

corner fiat; all Impruvemenia; omlth Rock Its.. Vallshurgh. Inquire 542

h e a l E S T A T E W A N T E D -O U T OP

HOl'i^E and large lot or small farm wanud, within an h«mr of New York: n e a r aiatlon;

cash. Addreea North. Box 2fl. Newa office.

ROBBVILLE, TWO-FAMILY. SeoaotlenAlly good; to beat part of South

n th s t i elOM to trolley and station; 2Mi*atary .DeittSi IS roomft S bains: oJl modern Imyrnca.

iDparntfi heaters: lot 33xl0U: a hlgh- tovaaiixieDt: twice W.250-. PHILIP J. — ft OO.r I w Market at.

•O B SB T F irr.y Ridge a t,-d ^ -r o i7 frama; four rflcmia and large reception hall on fltat *^t By* rooma and tiled bathroom on aMond;

OB third; steam heat: electric light; fine Borohr 4tel00, A. H. PEAL, at J. ft 60NB. 063 Broad at. ____________ _

EAST ORANGE. Suaatx ave .-H ouw , nine rooms and bath: all Improvementa; w ih

barn: nice looatlon; near Grove 3t. Station aSd trolley. THEODORE S. BEARDSLEY, 432 Broad at. _______________________


TOTTEN ft LURICH.i Nn. mb at.. Newark. N- J..opp. ftn—rtlto Btft.fo PKR CENT, real estate investment, two-flat

corner houae, all Improvemenia. five mlnutea walk lo D.. L and W. Depot; can be bought for $3,750. Addreaa Owner, Box 42, Newa office.MODERN house, 12 rooms, bath, furnished;

large lot; to.OOO; may lease $73 monthly. FITZHERBERT ft DODBON, 184 Broad at.. Newark, '


LOTS for aale; free nnd clear: elesunl uflah borhood: macadaralxed roada, elegant anad«:

hear trolley, train and Hlgb School: wheeler at. and Nnrthfleld road. West Orange: Of will trade for invustmenl property: the demand tor houBPi In th ii «ecti™ I*■upfly. inq u lr, of ow nor SiTIN. R1 Orange et.. near Broad, or H8 HliHWa ave,. W est Orange. Tel. 0O8L. B. Brooki orT46Xa Orange. ___________ ______________LOTS. pltiU and acrea; the best 50 acrea in

Rusaex County for cu tting up; 100 lots In Irvington; ready to build on; IS lota ad jolnlnif lyh lgh V sllfy R. R - ; factory or l>u..- n ra . imiToarsi Icta ami t r a c t. In other liva- llnni. C. r . HORRmV. 80n nrotia it .________

H O U S E S T O I .K T .



H ot BE AVE.:


R K A L E S T A T E P O K E X C H A N G E .

BROAD bT.—IS-room house, farm or loti, near Newark.

EH ft CO., acheuer building.

vill exchange fcr SAM a. SCHHiU-

BEAUTIFUL lO-room brink house. 237 Gar- aide at near Third a v e .: completely reno-

Tatcd Bin! hamlBomolY decnrtitMf; rent ible J M MEIRfCK, owner. Metrouoman bulldln*. cor. Mofltet and WBBhln;lon_alj.____FOR RENT, tmm Beptetn lier 1.

house. 218 Orutton ave., Forest Hill, »u Im­provements; also flat, secnnfl floor, 29 Grant Bl all Improvementa. Inquire ot FidelityTrust Company. Prudeiuial building . ______A N T R A L AVE.. 2 * -in rooms am) bath, oil

improvements, for a term of years; suitable lor flootor or dentist or business purposes. Ad- dresa J, F. MEYER. DM Drnad at.___________a l p i n e BT.. 02^By August ), seven rooms

Bjul bath, steam heat and laundry: rent D!7 month, inquire C, KOFFIgER. M Alpine pt.. one block from Clinton ave, __________SOUTH ^ A N O K AV3.. 8 5 -Twelve-roam

houae. Including bath and laundry: all Im- nrovftnems; atiUahle for boatdlng-houae. in­quire Sa flouih Qrang i ave.

STALLS to let. Inquire fth Parkhurat st.TWO elegant stores for reui; immediate pca-

KSeion. In heart of city; rent moderate, n2 Academy at. For particulars, apply LOUIS V ARONSON, li-ls’1 Mulberry al _______TO LET itore and cellar: 111 Academy st.;

about 21 by 03 each; suitable for any busl- peBB. factory or Morage; rent Inquirefrom 1 to 4, on premlaea.____________________TO LET. store.” Broad st.; beet locnlltv In

the city: near D,. L. and W. Railroad 8lg- tlon: suitable for any bualneas, ^ent very rea-Bonabl^_________ ________________ — 4________TO LET. stahJe for twn horacs and two

wagnna. rent $8; alan a single stable for one horae and one wagon. $4. Apply 37d Plane at.WALNT'T ST.. 46. oft Rroad—Desirable store.

Bu’tahle for moat any business or office; rent ♦13. FEIST ft FEIST, 738 Hroad-WAfiHINGTON ST.. 207-L w ge, light store;

from May 1; suitable for any bualneaa. W. E. LEHMAN. 738 Broad at._______________WASHINGTON ST . to3—Store, basement and

two upiwr ftoora for bunlnea* Durposes: rentlow _____ ____

•■HEWLETT."1T6-17B p l a n e ST,






WASHiNOTON ST,. 342. near W illiam-FLi, iartfC. hei^itlful rimma. fnr desirable tensotf

only; rent $14. FKIRT ft FK|.“IT. 7.18 BroadWAS^illNGTON .WV. . i:i£-T o let. comer flAto.

alx rooms and bath each, with all Timle* n Improvements. In<iulre al iV1 Lincoln aveWKST HT.. ST—Three rooms, on third flonr

J. WM n iT P R E C H T . 73S Bmad st.IfSTH ?T.. 88»WFI<it, flll modern Improvemenia,

first fioiir. Inquire secnn«1 floor.

HOOMil, F L A T 8 , B T C .. W A N T E D .

Hl’itSKKSg WOMAN wants two or three rooma, pr1\ate home, nwner preferred!; central; hot

wuM*r heal. Address H., Box 33, Nows ofilce.FLAT. four or five rooms, wsnleid. Improve-

meniH. above Cnmden s i., between 13lh 14th nves.. by roflned, quiet couple. Addraa FIhI. Dox I, News office.LADY, employed, would like one or two Con-

ncrlliig rooms, and use of bath. Addreaa Feimaiienl, Box 12, News oRlce.

IIANDSOME npw flats to let. In Routh Orange a r c ; desirable neighhorhoix]. four light

roHiiiiH; hath, rtingf; all ImiinnonipntH; j i ih ’e ♦ U and $1- IKT floor. rH IL lF J BOWBRS ft <'0 . IWi Market si.lirMROLDT RT.-Finest elght-r«X»m flni In

Roaevllle; handsomely decorateil: till modern inprp^ements: adults only. HOPPEN ft CO., fil2 Orange at.

ROOM8 TO L E T —O U T O F TOWPI.AT’ARTMkNTd of 0. 7 abd 8 ro<»ma and bath,

very latest Improvemanta; select l€>cat1on; June Ifi. corner Watson and Cantral avea.. East Orange. Hyde Park. Full purlkulart. R. n. BRANT, 237 filarket at.. Newark. W. J.

BRICK D W K LU NG WITH aTABLKHI Tag tdiBQtM ftont Bn^d and Market; magnl*

at brlqk dwfittng; eleven rooma; bsih; com- ImNwrtDiaota: aanllary ihrick ItH thftn cost; great aaerlflce; $12,000.

“ f t 7BT8T* 78ft B ^ d .__________ ______


Im *11 awtloMI priCM low; terms way.


GREAT CORNER INVESTMENT! II CkiM to C11iltoi!i ave.; nine fiats; five and six

and bathi oomplei* sanitary plumbing, ijeat Tsntlfig sactlottl trantai 11.800; first 113.00$: ta f* anap» I18.B00. f e i s t a FE18T, 7 » Broad ____________________________II08BV1LLB. South lU h a t —Two-fumllv. 13

rooma; two atorerooma: ranges, tuba, heal; open plumbing; fine cnndl- Iloo: near trolley; 32x100: must be sold at aacrlfke; $5,2U0; ILOOO cash. 01Fi'’ORl>. i-4pniflen tlal. ________ _______________ .C TfTT^T X T 1A3UATEDU UONA PIDK BAR-

OAIN!’Two iwo-fajitlly houaea; near O^barfi at : ton

roama each; impto'^^toents: renial lad; aaay terms; $0,3011. FEIST ft F E lfll. T3ft Ipoad. __________

O lc n R id v e*GLEN FUDGE-Beautiful house:

Btory-ayid-atUc: all improvementa: lot three minutes to tmllev aiul railroad: $4,300 to quick buyer. DERLAM. 800 Broad. Newark. N, J, _____________ ______________ _

. Glen L. .in.i

JAMES A. BERRY. 40 ClintonFOB SALE. Iota on R i4 c « w ^ ave

Ridge; five nilnutea’ walk frim D. W. tUallon. ' 'SL, Newark.


‘and Princeton; near three Pennsylvania Hail- rouii siallona; on line fast irolloy; 43 of diok*« land; garden and crop* plantM: 2u aersa young orchards and amall Bvrea wnodland: large modern houae. 50x00; oj>en sanitary plumbing, furnace, windmill; barns, slahlna. cowhouse; comcrlh; carrlago- hnuse; poultry-houses: also B-rootit farmer i cottage; everything complete and In perfect order; will pay 10 per cent, on coat In fruit; coal $18,000; will aacrlflce Cor I14.1XW; mort­gage to suit; tio agenta. Address Owner. Box 1 1 , Nows offle*. ________________

CHOICE LOT,,415 P ru-

blork from llldgewood a \e . ; $1,300; exchange block from CONKLIN.entertalned. dentlal.

B08KV1LLE, North Kleveoth al.. corner— Throe apartment house; excellent lucallon;

convenient for train and trolley; all Inipvovf- naoto. except heat; price $7,500. J. WARD BKITH ft W N . Prudential building.________BABOAlN—fllx-room realdenc-ea: aleam; open

phnnblng; complete improvementa; light all • l iN : Am bath: splendid yard; exrelirtit lo- aaHon: near South Orange ave,: price IS.500. f i l B T 4 FEIST. TSft B r o o d . __________

BIDOBWODD AVB.. 2 a4 -E leven rooms; hard­wood floors; large corner plm; shade trees

and porches; convenient to stationa-

I r T in v to B .FINE property; )u»t "vrr rlty llrr; opposlts

Hpredway; 95 Waahlnuton av«,; sBvan rooms ond balhroom; porch and vrranda; all ,owUrn improvertirnU; oteam Oral; tirwly drconile.l; thro* ItiU: liarn and shfds: all nrw. f'™,',' "" two atraots; trass and iilartts; house pull. In middle of plm; on» bloclt trum Irolley, woli;.i- ■tian on premlaea. _________________ ________LOTB on Haxrlaoh *!■> Ijrvlngton: 60 feet front

bv from l»>0 W *00 frol in dentH: aewer. sidewalks and shade t r ^ : res'*!®^” realdencr; twenty minute* from & r k e t ata. by Clinton ISm Itava. tpolleya: a ‘J ,th« present price. SAMUEL R- CAIRNS. 4\HBroad at. j_______ ________ _ _______ONE-FAMILY house, five rooms; one-famiiV

house, six roomi; one-fatnlly houae, seven rooms; steam heal; all Improvements; also fire corner building lot: highest and dryrot part cf Irvington. Inquire 48 Florence ave,TWO-FAMILY house: all Improvementa;

rooms and large attic: cheap if sold cmre. FRED WEBER, 156 Myrtle ave. In^on.

BRICK THREE-FAMILY Ml $1,000 requiredl aolidly hunt; great investment;

rooros: three batha: always r«*nied; cen- tfril looatlon: rental $612; rare snap; $5,600. y g i a r ft FET8T. 7S8 Broad.________________ _

I^IQHTH WABD-<‘Flneai two-family brick in j Newarlt for the rnonsy: very choice l<>caUi'n;

la^l^rteet order; 13 rooms steam healeis;

n i n e t y a c r e s . IUO per ac re ; close to depot a t O akland: RamaiK> River and another

mountain stream passes through proiwrty; most picturesque scenery; place for amall Jak^ which can be made a t alight expense; 1.300 feet front *.n main atreei of the town: about 60 acrea farm land: no buildings: ready for sub-divlelon: no mosquitoea; pure a ir , fine w aier; aiac 103 acres nearly adjacent; price $30 per acre; easy tertns: or will sell Jn email parcala of ten acrea each. H. V. CuN t)i(-t, owner, Ifl Exchange pL. Jeraey City._______115 ATRESB, Hunterdon County, eight-room

hoose, Ki>od ouihuildlng*. choke gravel loam land, itock, crops and Impletnema, two hoTs-a, five cows, 20 Blieep. eight hogs. 60 chickens; 1- acres rye. nine acres oata. 10 acres corn, a great bargain, $4.0CK>: Hopewell, N. J.' ocres, house and barn*, stock, crov>s, and im- plementa. twn horse*, five cowB. itOi) chickens, very cheap at H.SOO; other amail ami Ih>R« farms. C. MORROW, WO Broad st.

CHESTNUT AT.. 20fi^House. fl rooms and hatir all Improvements; Immediate poB1 e0-

alnn; $20. Inqulra OS High at.; newly painted Inside. _______________________ .w a r r e n s t .. «3. near Plane—Seven rooms

and bath ; ah lmprov«*mnnt8: rent SJo. HENRY eCH EID ER. 736 Clinton ave-_______HIGH BT.. aOt^—Beven-rOom house, all lm-

pro\‘ementa, to le t; price $26 monthly. Jrt- quirn 323 Mulberry at-, city. 'TO RENT, $25 a month, eight-room hoMe Bfl

Camfleld at,, near Ualaoy. Apply D. WOLFF. 61 Market st-

13TH A V E , 73—Pine large store and hve room*; suitahl© far any purpose. J M.

PFROMMER. MetropoUlan building.__________

HUNTERDON ST. 42—r'lve krgv. light rooma; all Improvements; deiorated; $17;

corner flat. Inquire HVRKH. 54 Huiiterdnn al.HUNTERDON ST., 6hl, near Clinton ave.—

Flrat floor. 6 rooms, hath. |l7 , Bl.UiiMEL'KE, Market st.. sei-ofid floor.

EA.' T ORANGEJ—Largo unfurnlahed ro >m;suitable for one or iwo bustof^as women. A'’.'

(Irena Tlusincas. Ibi* 44, Neww o f f ic e .______EAST ORANGE. Prospect p!.. 21—FHl to let.

$lfl V. IV MILLER, nrlck Church.EAST OHANGK. aVorlh ir»lh St-. 27-Slx roums

Htid hath. ___________ _FOR RENT, in new hnu*'?, four large rt^nnis.

gaa, water and heat; rent $1U: no children; alBO six TL-oms and bath; hot find cold water; Keparate Hteani healer and separate eniranuee; rent $2U. or the 10 rooms, JSfi. Apply ft t>g‘kn at., corner CHiiral «ve,. Orange. ____FOl'U large rooms: first floor; water and gas;

rent $12 STATEfl. Irvington.

HUNTERDON' BT.. 7MI to 7ll2—Four, five and six room fiats: nil Improvements; rent $14.60

to $17; new houaea. ___________________ _m L lis iD ^ ^ L .. 413-Flat of five large, all

light rot.»ma and bathroom; all Improvemenia except slpam; occupy Immediately.______ _HIGH ST., 42&-B1X rooms and bath; centrally

located; steam healed; latest Improvements; rent $30.

ST O R E S, O F F IC E S , E T C ., W A N T E D .1 WANT a large store on north side of' Market

at. to lease for a term of yeera; between Washington and itroad s t s j will pay aiw reaaonahlr rent. 6. W, QEERY ft CO., hOOBroad at. __________ _BTAnLE—Wanted, atahie for ft or 10 horses,

with dwelling preferred. Address C. G. S..Box 66, Newts o f f i c e .________________ _____ _WANTEB, atahle sultabls for four to six horsea

and wagons and with yard room; give de­scription. etc. Address W ., Box 25. Newa of- fire. ______________WANTED, a floor or loft for factory purpose*,

about 6,000 s ^ a r c feet. Address Factory, Box 61, News omt.e.

IN ROSEVILLE, dose to Central ave.—Flats.five rnoovrt and bath ; range; all Improvc-

m enis; good ntlghborhor^; only $16 per month. PH IL IP J. BOWERS ft GO. LSI? Miarkot st.

IN ROSEVILLE. South 14th st., close lo Cen­tral ave.—Second floor: five rooms a.ad tm-

provamenta. Including heal: only 116. PHILIP J. ROWERS ft CO.. ISO Market at-________

IRVINGTON. 22d at., 60—Three pleasant omiis to rent; suitable for e lderly lady._________

NEAR Central ave.; 7 beatitlful rooms: bsih;complete Improvemows: ieparwts antrnnrcs.

handsomely decorated; summer -"(eduction. FEIST ft FEIST, 738 Broad. _________ ___ORANGE VALlvEY—To let. three rooma. -ally

water, toilet, $7 a month. 64 Joyce si., -f-Biige Valley. ____________ ______^ " a NOE. Webster pl., l8 -T o let. five rooms;

Improvements. _______ _______ _ORANOE-Fnr rent, apartnient. elt

rooma: all Improvementa; near depot and trolley; $26. WOODRUFF, South Orange,

ROOMS W A N T E D —OUT OF T O W N .^WANTED, room for dental office, in leslrabh

neighborhood In Orange or East Orftnge. .td-IN BERGEN BT*. near 16th ave.-H andsom e -------- - . „ ,f la f five rooma and bath; all Improvements; dress 6 Cortlandt at., Belle^ille. ->■ J

only |ld per month, PHILIP J. BOWERS A. —CO., IftO Market at. ________ _ __________JAMES ST.. 33“ F1rst flat, five rooma and

bath, and five rooms, range, hot water. 78 Stona Bi-P |1B. ________________ _LITTLETON AVE., 31B—Four-room flat; third

floor, left; rent $13. Innulrc M. HYAMS, fifth floor, Metropolitan building. Market atiJ ■Washington __________ _

WRIGHT ST 123—Seven rooma and hath. $30 per month. CROSS ft HARRIS. 760 fVnsad

CORNER house to let. 6 rooms and hath. Belleville ave. Inquire within._________

HOUSE with six Tiooma to let. South n th at. _

A STOl^L. 630



s ak n

|tb * srKal*7



; ftafc

_______improvementa; $t*.200. Addreete FINK.B » 28, N ew s o f f i c e . ____

c o r n e r t w o -f a MTLY~8NAPI’ Croekerjack iwo-fainlly; fourteen momb; two

batba; oeiNiirate heaters: CUnton Hill section; i — chance to buy bargalq; $6,200. FElBT ft

TM Broad.____________ _^AILAHUROH. Vermont ave.. 2 minutei from

m ^ M o d erD houae; 7 ro«me and bath; sie’xm h « t : *11 {mprovcmentil price mort-MCft tt.400: easy terms. BLACKLOCK, ISft ito c le t at-

ttr e chir a s T .

CDEY bouM . nea r South Tenth st, and Rprlna- Beld a re . : alx rooma, Imth, laundry and e i-

tMMian; a ll lmprDvementi:i: ateam heat: d«i.N<- r«tod: price $ 2 .^ ; caa* $SU0- d e ULa M. uu> sro*d it . ______________________



l/»1ce H o p a tco iiff**>00 At'RER. Including beautiful mountain take,

slocked with basa; also old iron ro|n«; ■P*®"" did timber; I.OOO feet above aea; higher than Hopatcong; long railroad frontage: teven ojin- utes' walk from Hopatcong Station; price ••L “ Otw: e»>v terraf, CONDICT. IB E ich an ie pi.. Jersey City.

UaTtfietTOOd’DON'T tnise this; $lkk) cash, balance like rent.

buys neat, cony, conveniently located horns; All Improvementa: steam heal; must he seen t-i be apitreelaled: price $3,600: only $:100 needed; exchange also considered. ANDRE^^ J. FISH. :mt Washington el., Newark.

BEAt^TlFl’L lots, only 110 a foot, most C *n- I venleiU part of Maplewood, $10 a fool, AN* I DREW J. FISH. 310 Wsshlngton st.

BARGAIN—For sale, beautiful SO-acro country property, rennlngtofi, N. J-: nicely localed

on macadamliftd road; 1 0 -room bouee, auw* ataniially built; handy trolley and elation; ex­cellent outbuildJnga: plenty shade and lawn, fine nelghborh(v>d; l(ieul spot; healthy and <lry. land high etate cultivation; all excellent coii' dltlon; price 16.600. GEORGE RULE, Prince- t<m. N ^ J ._______________ ____________________BARGAIN—One acre countiy, properly near

Prlncoton. N J .; T-room house, good con­dition. Hnd oullmiltllnga; U rge chlck»'H house and yard: plenty of fruit, spring water; health­ful; handy to stores, station, achooU. church; nice Uwn and shade irew ; gi>od markets; price $1.600. OEO. R l'IJ:. Princeton. N. J.100 ACRKft. unimproved, at Narthfleld. four

miles west of Orange. $50 acre; can be irans- (ortned Into fine country place by a gentleman of means and landacApe artist; Canoe Brook fPOMha. considerable wood; overseer on prem- l»es. JACOBUB, Bpx gd. Chatham, W. J,FARM, twenty acre*: near Caldwell. N. J.:

suitable for poultry op general farming; hew 7-room house: new hapn; 14.600 for quick buyer: way ierme; also smaller farm*. DEB- LAM, real estate. POO Broad, Nowara. N. J.FI>'E ACRER good high land, near Atlantic

City, for lUlO: $ 6 down. $5 monthly; excellent pnll; pure air and water; title perfect, DANIEL FRAZIER CO., 616 Halley building, Phila­delphia, ____________BERNARt)6 VILLE BFCTION-Several nice 4 to N acre nlaces; good houses. outhulldlnRs.

fruit, shade, abater, very clroirahle. J2.ftfi0 to Ifi.ikii; other*. $ftOi> un. VAN HORN. Union b u i l d i n g . ___________________ ______

H O U SES W A N T E D .f r o m August 1, house of six r(torns, or five

or six rooma In two-family flat, in suburbs of rlty, about 16 or 20 minutes to Market or South Ht. Station; early reply. Address MRo. THOB. KTTE. 428 Plane al. __ ___________WANTED for two small famlUea. 2-famlly

house for rent, with all Improvements: an­swer must Blats full particulars. Adorees J. ft L.. Box 64. News office. ______WANTED, eight or nine room houae;

location, Address MR9. H., 1116H Hamptonpi,, E lisabeth. ___HOU8 E wanted, auitahlc for boarding-houso;

must be central. Addreaa C.. Box 13, News office. _________


e l e g a n t eleven-room residence and barn;LAkesld'e ave.. Verona; every Improvemsnt;

rent $H50. BLUEMECKK. 166 Markgl at., rw - find floor.

BTO R ES, O F F I C E i, E T C ., TO L ET. OUT O F T O W N .

STABLE tor rent In East Orange; stalla for 14 horaes; s rtalis rented now; thoroughly up to

dale: 7-room apartment over ham. Apply laHawthorne pi.. East Orange._______________ _STORE for first-class barber: good opportunity

for right party. Call evenlngi, 267 North 16th st.. East Orange.

LITTLETON and 14th avea—First floor, eight rooms and bath. $25; also third floor, five

rooms and bath, $15. Inquire on premlseB.^LIt Fl ETON A '\'E..316-Flve nice, laige, light.

airy rooma and bath; all Improvementa. In­quire second floor.

R O O M i A N D F L A T S TO LET.a p a r t m e n t —A June bride or any family of

two iwople will find an Ideal five-room apartment aulte In The Ridgewood. 5tlB Clinton at’« , cor. Ridgewood a v e .; hroi, hot water and Janitor aupplled. Inquire of lanltor, or J. C. McCURDY. 800 Broad s t . ; rent $ 2 6 . ______ ^APARTMENT. 0 ruoms and bath, on select

North Broad at.; rent $36; heat furnished. NORTON ft CO., fi Jonea si-, near bouth Or­ange a v e . _____________ ___ ______

BGT^TH ORANGE—For rent, 8 rooms, all Im­provements. $S0: high ground; choice loca­

tion. WOODRUFF, fiouth Orange._______ _BOl.’TH ORANGEt—For rent, detached houae.

7 rooms and hath; IftO; pleaBantly situated. WOODRUFF. South Orange,_________________ _HOUSE. 0 rooms; good location: flne^nebrh-

l>tirh(X»d, near atailon and trolley. 2S Mon­roe st., O r a n g e . ________________________


NI3W' B n i'N a w irK . n . j .

BBTATB PROPERTY. Pennsylvania eve , 3- story brick, handsome front, in t-ivims and

iMiUi: a ll Improvements; cost pricefl.50l>; make offer. BLACKLOCtv, iSft Mar- iigl g t ________________________ __________iCNI^FAVlLY houae, fine home, conlolnlng

0 $sa rooms and bath, electric light, hardw •c.d floor*, all Improvements; fine residential seel ton t t d ty . Address Up*to<Date, Box IS, News

CASH, balance mortgage, win huy eie* flaiitt up-to-date, new, three-family house; Iflbatt. otreeti near echoota and trolleys; Rose-

VIBa taetioo. Address Owner, Box 6, News

I A V B ^ ^ a la m l6-room brickatone reeldwnce: very choke location: In

i f ^ l order; U*g than coat of building; |ft.2 0 6 , AddtMe. Owner. Box Nsws

_,.--1 2T$, near Clloton ave. cars—j lt f ; s ix rooms, steam heat, bath; ex#ui-

q on d ltion jsr lll aacrifice; $6,200; quick; r toma* WXLUAM h o a r , oa the

FOR BALE. Maplewood, N. J.. a country farm hou**-; all ImprovemcnfS; g«xHl order;

to rooms; lot 75x225: small horn; good chicken houft’’ and run; c inv»‘iiient lo dei>ot, trolley and school' $6,600; also i-hntce building lots; re- strlrti'd. R. D. BROWEfL_____________ _$300 BUYS rosy, nlisely decorated country

homo; Bli InipfuvemcnU; steam heat: stl- uHtftd in MapleH'ot"3: 'Iccldrd bargain, U.OOO. ANDREW J. FISH, 310 WBehItigton st.BIX-ROOM new house, one-half acre ground;

variety of fruit; $3.0ix>; part cash. Address Bargain, Box 28, News office.

f f ta n a a q in n ii,SEVTIK-ROOM house, lot 61x290; small bnrn;

I chloken-house; fine trees; ten minutes from raUroadt bargain; $2,000, DERLAM. 800 Broad. Newark.

flow tb Oranige*SALE, house containing 9 roomA: good

FOUR ncres; new elght-roonv heuse; fruit;near Cliatham; $3,000; bargain ; must be sold,

FITZHERBERT ft DODSON. 784 Broad atf a r m p l o t . 20 acres: near Atlantic CRy;

two good railroads to Philadelphia and New York. Address Cheap. Box 36. News office,


CALDWELL, N. J .—To let, furnished or un­furnished, six rooms and both; conveniently

located; month of July, August and September. TV. S. J.. Box 6. Caldwell, N. J.LAKE HOPATCONO^Ten-rpom cottage, fur­

nished for the season. $100. Addreaa Lake, Box Z, N ew i office, Orange.f u r n i s h e d h o u s e -.0 let, from JuiV 16 to

Bepiember 16. Addreaa House, Box R. Newa office, orange^__________

APARTMFfTTS.i seven light, airy roome; all lmi)rov,im-Tli*: atmm hraj; ““Pf

lillCil, rent 10 tin Apply MCDONALD, Burnet it. __________

M7' PROSPECT AVE., 7l3—Five rooms, bath, second floor, two-family house; ren t reasi'n-

able. M. HYAMS. fifth floor, M etropoman building. M arket and W ashington.____________MURRAY 6T.. 26—To let. top floor; six rooms

and bath: ho t,and cold w ater: steam hall carpeted and lighted. JOHN COLYER, JAl Halsey s t . ______________________ ______MADISON AVB.. 66—$16; Avon nve., 110.

|1S: one four the other six rooms; bath; all Improvementa: nice location-

NEW iwo-famlly house; separate steam heat- teri and separate entrances: tile bathroom

and veetlbules: beoutlfully tinted; dinlng-rocm finished In mlaslon. with beam celling*, t-1 Soulh Hlh au, near Bouth Ora^ge_av^^_______NEW 3T.. 366. n®**" Hudson sL—4 light

rooms; gas and waier: rent |l0.5tJ. Apply BERGER ft SUHECHNER, Unluu Bldg., 11 Clinton st, _____________________

^ ^ ^ F U R N I M

CHARMING apa rtm en t: Hx rooms and hath;alt newly furnUbed, mission style. In best

apartm ent house In N ew ark: exclusive location; will sublet to desirable party . Address A part'ment. Box 68, News office. ___________ _ ^FOUR furnished roomi, light and airy, house­

keeping: suitable for couple or two ladlesi pleasant surroundings: convertlenl location. Ad' dress 4 Cartoret el., Woodslde.FOUR connecting rooms In up-to-date ap*^t'

ment-house; a ll Improvements: lo adulia; teference. Addreai Central, Box 13, Newgoflice.________________________ _FOUR rooms, furnished; houaskeeplng: alt

light and ftln’ : very pleasant; all Iroprove- menis. HT Pennsylvania ave^_____________ __

f u r n i s h e d r o o m s TO LET*ARCH ST.. 26—Flrat floor, nlerjy furnished

room, with all ImproverneiUs; teasonable; pri­vate f a m i l y . ____________________________ _


a p a r t m e n t s —94 H ill s i., pretty, steam* heated apartm enta; six rooms and bath;

jBniinr service; In ttfree-fam lly houM, wUliOwner. ________________ _ _______a p a r t m e n t . Boven nxjma and bath, In the

Pennington, IT Ponnlngidh st., from Septem­ber 1st,AVON AVE., 216 -Four rooma and bath; rent

$19.60. _____________________UKa ND new flaia, 23 South Twenty-first st..

near Sorlnxfield a v e .; four rooms, bath, ll.t. ApSiy on premlsea or BLOEMECKE, - - Market st., 2d floor. ______


BELMONT AVE.. 20, near Springfield ave.-- • Three nice rooms (rear); gas and water; rent $8-56; no objection to colored people.BEAUTIFUL flva-room flats, 266 and 270 South

ISih s t . corner 12th ave.; rents cheap; fine tocallon: all modem Improvements.__________ _


WANTED by young couple with no children, furnished house In Orange or East Omnge;

good location; about 12 rooms; pooseaslon Sep­tember I, for one year; rent about $66; five full particulars. Address R. U. GRBlsN- WOOD. 42 East 23d st.. Nsw York.

SMALL farm In flusoex County. New Jerssy;6 acres; houss, 8 rooms. Address N. E.,

Box Ifl. News office.__________ ____ _FOR SALE, llti-acrf' farm, on Plainfield sve.

Address J. fU JONES, Plainfield. N. J . ; R. F. D, Wo. 2.

F A R M S W A N T E D -O U Tf a r m wanted to rent, with privilege of buy­

ing, or would board. Addresi Farm, Box 32, News office.

) Oflpartuelty: four 2>fi d R w d v ^ n b o rh o o d ; I

A R Sfi Hamburg pi.four 2*famlly bouses tor

bargain in quick

Walnut Its. section, sullabie for Bbyslelao; room for stable. Address Bar-

Box 52, Newa office.__________________tree and clear Iffif on NorltT Fourth

•L . Dear Bloostilteld av t,; a bamaln. Apply g r ^ m Ifith ffu, pRy, ___B 5 T ST , 8 0 0 —Two-£amllr house;

^PfSwiBiaata. Inoalre <80 Berirtn at.

F A C T O R Y S IT E S F O R SA Ltt.

f a c t o r y p l o t s . Hamburg pi. and ATMter- dam st.. near railroad freight jrard.Factory ploli. PYankfort and U r w sn ata. Factory plota. Nos. 4Sfi. 476. 4T2. 474.

srvl 47ft R. R. ave.; plot 1S3 feet 8 tticbe* fr-mt by 125 feet deep, four aldea for llghi and air; near railroad sidings, trolleya. etc.

nixed barn and other outbuilding; lot PthfHT; | Oek ave.. adjoining southwest corner or hoc-

WANTED, for month of Auguat, furntahed bungalow; rent not to exceed $60; Lake lio-

potcong preferred. Address G. S . T., Box 13, N ewi office.

F U R N IS H E D H O U SES TO L £ T -f lE A - BH O R E.

FOR RENT, furnished eight-room cottage, with all improvements; 407 Brtnley ave., Bradley

Beach, Ni J. Afidreae P. O. Box Bradley Beach, N. J _

b r o a d BT„ M l—Seven rooms and bath; all Improvements, including steam heat. Inquire

6B Bouih Orange ave,BRID0E*HT 14—T w o unfurnished or furnlshel

rooms, first floor, running water; suUehle for light houaekeeping. ____________ _b a n k BT.. 346—tilx large^and airy rooma:

all Improvements; rent $26. Inquire 114 Newton at. . _RANK 0T., 2i4, near High—Four rooms and

batfr inquire U B U W lSE . 112 Marliet iLBKRQEN BT., TW—P*lve and six lli^ t and

airy rooma: all improvementa; S-famlljr; new house.UERaBN,^ST.. 536-K lve roomft wjto a» lot*

pidvementa. Inquire B. BRODTt 188 Broome at. ____ __________

NEW ST-, 1 4 7 —First floor; six ronm*. b *--.fine apartm ent; central location; Janitor. H.

QOERKB. Metr<H>olUan building.NELBON P L . OB—Six rooms, hath, pantry:

heated: central location; also five rooms. In- qulre Model lanorlng Co.. 222 Market st.PARKER ST., 129—Marlon apartments. 6 and

6 rooma and hath; all light and large; high­est and healthleat location In Newark; $20 and $22. Inquire J. LOWENflTETN. 4 West Parkai, _____ ________________________________ _PARKER STm ITH^hree large alllti ruoma,

with water; plaixa; suitable for elderly lady;rent $0 per month._________________ _________ _PARKHURST ht.. 28-F Ivb rooma, hath; open

plumbing: heat furnlahed; two-family house; j2fi Chestnut at,, HT, four rooms, bath, except heat- $16- GIFFORD. 734 PrudentialPEHHINE AVF*.-New flats, five rooma. bath;

Janitor; 116. VANDORKN. J28 Peehlne ave., or IAJEWENBEEQ ft COHN> 67 Commerce SLPLANE ST„ 96-ThlnJ floor; 6 rooma and btUij

aduUe: rent 120. Inquire P4 Burnet *t-QUITMAN 8T„ 50-8ev#n roome a"** h a^, hoi

air heal, $^ per month. Inquire HGPPEIl, Aral floor,ROOMS—PioBsant rooms and gas furolsbed !n

part payment for care of oarae. for m t ^ t a n t man and wife or mother and son or daughter. Address Rooms. Box 1, News office.

iJliRECKER BT., 6^-flIx roomi; improreroenu. Inquire Janitor or 106 Washington s t .______

CORNER LAFAYETTE AND U B E R ^ BT3.—Four light rooms, tube snd gee. $14. slro

three rear rooms, gas, $B: amaU family.CENTRAiT ^ V E ., 182, three rooms, $0,

Jeffereou i l„ 210. four rooms. $13-CHADWICK AVE.. 219—New house, five nice

light rooma, bath and pantry; eDClosed ponmes: ail Improvemems.___________________

alt ira-

gT.'^Thm*story brick house, tot 2SalZ0.Aflorgaa Bos 2T* Ht«» affloa.

within two minutes* walk of trolley; price $4,006; g ' ^ opportunity. Apply to J. CHAP. O'BRIEN CO., oppralte slailMt, South Orange,K. J . ____________ ______________________SOUTH ORANGE-Attractive modern lavcit-

rootTi house, choice location; convenient trol­ley and Lackawanna; will sell cheap to quick buyer; no agents. Address Reasonable Terms. Boa 47. News offic e . ______________________ _MOUNTAIN STATION—House, eight rooms:

all Improvementa: high and healthy; cash $600. balance easy payments. 0«'ner, Box 103. BouthOrarw*__________ ___ _________________

SOUTH ORANGE. N. J, lllP R O V S n AND u n im p r o v e d PROFERTT

T. a. CONWAY ft CO.

well tve.. Marhittftn Perk.9. H. JACKflON,

Truotee EsL John P. Jsckaoa.Prudential building,

___ Newark.___________





FA C TO R Y lltT E ff TO L E T —OUT T O W N .


im p o r t a n t fr.T busineis purposes, on Lehigh Valley Rsllread freight tiatlan. Irvington,

N. J.: 326x200. private tranks, half b l« k from Cllnitm. ave. Call an JOHN tVfTTEL, pto- ptietot, MnrUnier pi., IrVtngton. N. X

CORNER Ridgewood and Lenox avea., t08x 900; very choice kKStien. $1,806. ftddrasa

TESNC U . Box RI, Ntws nffiM*

________rA C T D R MEfl r O E flA LIkc o m p l e t e Ha t f a c t o r y tor

at.. BT-U. and 102 Orraa s t w ,JACXftON. aoft M tffltt iL

B. TAYLOR, BUPT.AUTO STABLE to let; room lor two automo-

btlea; northwest corner Bank and Bruce ats. Inquire M TBTBLBa UM, 85 Belleville ave.

CAMP OT., 24—fltx rooms and bath, steam beat and hot water; Janlior wrvloe. BAlfUEL

R. CAIRNS. 494 Broad t i .CLINTON PL., 82—Five rooms and hath; all

improvemcTits; ateam heat. Inquire 23 Avon ave. _______________________

BUSINESS propertlfM to let on Broad st. and private dwaillnfs to Newark end the Or-

anxea. Sea S- W. GEERT« 860 Broad e t . room___________ _____________________ •

CLINTON PL., 83—fltora to let. Inquire 23

EUZABETTH a v e .—E legant eeven and eight room fiata; handy to five trolley Hnet; all Im-

Rrovements; steam beat; gag snd elcctno ghta; parquet floors In M rlor and music- room and dining-room ; nicely decorated; Jani­to r eervice; rents. $80-$86 per month. For pef- mlt inquire UTTER. IQ Elisabeth ave,

ELIZABETH AVE., 92—First flat to let, August 1; an Ideal apartment; all larga

roome. Inqpire of WARD, second floor._____GUZABETH AVE., Hiller a t —Elegant flat

Kteven rooms, bath, fawkicr; impLe, ; aUo Aetor it .. Mix rooms. Apply 9* Parkhum.EIGHTH AVE.. SB-Five bool, airy roome; all

Improvements; lau ^ ry ; large yard; two- family brick bouse; near Lackawanna StaUofi; adult* ' "r

BOOMS—Two rooms tor rent In ren- of 196 Weel Kinney st., for ;ne or two perrons.

...ANTIC ST,. 4,'■f—Largo alcove furnlehod r o ^ T o r two ladles; private family.________

CLGKCKER ST.. 104—Two large front connsot- IrfR rooms, light homsfkeoplng; gaa range,

running water; well furnished: eloo single roums, light housekeeping;'reagonable.BLEiXrKER 8T.. 61—Furnlahed rooms to l*t

for light housekeeping: ail Improvemenie; reasonable rent. ______________ _______ _BLEECKEK BT., 07-Nlftely furnished hark

"qd from parlors, with use of ga«. watera ntr laundry.____________________ .___________BROAD 8T,. 48»—Handsomely furnished par­

lor; suitable for any busineea or dwelling; also other rooms; injprovementa.BROAD ST.. 241—Coni,, comfortably furnished

back parlor for young man. _______b a n k s t ., 110—Neatly furnlahed room, light

housekeeping, for couple or two gentlemen;reasonable. _____^ N K 8T.» 109. nsar Plane—Twn nice ruiims

for light houaekeeping or for man ami wife.BURNET 3T., 67-N toely furnished room, wilh

UHR of bath, In private family, for gentlem^u only. ________________BEACH 9T., 10—Nice, large, cool front room

for two gentlemen, with all improvementaCOURT ST., T5, opposite Plane at.—Nlcelr fur­

nished single and connecting rooms; all Im­provements; Jhimlebed complete for housakeep- fpg; ^ _____________ _______COURT BT., TS—Newly furnished, clean, cod.

light hous«keeplng and sleeping rooms, facing the street; gaa free and bath; |£.____________CLINTON 8T., 84—N icely furnished, large

front room; suitable for light housekeeping; S2.60 per week; also nice nail room, li.llu per week._________________CLINTON ST., 61—Two connecting rooms and

two single rooms for light housekeeping.

ROOMS—Four pleasant roome; Third floor, IT wwimoulh st.

adulta only.

ROBEVlLLEi-^Bevaral beautiful apartments;every modern Improvement; near station snd

trolley: rent reasonable now. Inquire of CHAB. ORBEN. 784 Broad.r OBEVILLE. North Fifth it ., 26t—Flat; evven

rooms and bath and steam heat.ROBD ST., 21—Four large rooms, with Improve-

menifl, second floor. Inquire B. BRODY, tdft Broome at.

SOUTH 16TH 8T.. 874—ftee that grand Iwo- famlly house; every known Improvement; one-

half block from Clinton eve., on beatitlful Clin' ton Hilt; eeisarate steam heatera: combination gaa and electric lights; rooma cab be a m n M to suit tenant; rent free for July. W- CAMr- BEIiL, owner, 314 High at., city.__________ _BOUTH ?TH BT.. 400—Elegant elx-TOom flat;

tiled bath; pantry; hall furnished; all Im­provements: rent very reasonable. AppfrSBtDUJR, on premises. _____ _________ _BOUTH 17TH BT.» near Central ave,—8K

tiful rooms: completeseparate entrahres: reduced rental, rH lBT •FEIST, 738 Brood.

Dli^K ROOM, with desk. In Sot double office;'phone; every modern ooovenleftc«'. moderate

rent. Uoom 41B, Unian tmlldlng. _________DESKROOU «r Itght rupatr raocn; $a gtore,

SCHEltfR* 1« Acadeny al.

El^EOANT first-floor. 371 llorrf* ave.. n tsf fipriagfi^d ave.. 5 rooms, bath. #17. 6LOEH-

ECKE. 165 Market st.* eecond floor.

SOUTH SEVENTH BT.,Sve 1 1 *1 1 1 , iBUrt rooiai *nU

t lMBi bMl; *11 lmpnH'*iii»Bti. wHIi ownmr.

SOUTH t w b n t i b t Vreomi e»i«p to *«o4 ™bauM; •hn4«. icrOin n d H»ll furawwaSOUfH WTH ST., M— l»i «* U fht .nw**,

inMRVTHnuiU, n»»9 Hp-wHta c m ; ip t l l f*m. H y;«farcB cw , bc«t ocoHon ot cHir.BOIlTn 6TH ST.. B«»r »T*.“ V1ve m iiiE .

J ; ™ 9* it im p n m m m u . t23.CO., » t .______________

CHESTNUT 8 r „ 9#W. B « r Bro»d-L*r»c (rant room, leconil floor: boy window; *11 Improve-

mentii 'phone lervlce, aim hall room._______CHESTNUT BT., 39—Second floor, nicel/ tut-

nHhed‘,nom: prlvnto family-_______________OOTTAaB BT.—Two l«r*e trout roome, fur-

nlihed tor ll»bt houiekeepln*, or two men; convenient to nil etetlone; reMonnble.CRAWFORD 5T„ ItN"Furnlsh«d room for light

housekeeptog; aulUble for respectable couple or gentleman; SLfld and tiP-c o m m e r c e ST„ U5—Large, airy, double

room, with nipning water. 12 per week.

EIGHT rooms, second and third Aoorap on Broad n , Inoulre at 184 Stone si.

EILH BT., 14—Four light pleasant rooms and alcove, umMfOvementi: seoead'floor.

FILLMORE BT.. 2 8 -F lv s nice, light second floor; water and gaa loQUln


K U m OBAHOB AVTtt, B t -S T e j eoomi ind 9AUi: ^ lmp«w«ti»9tl“ l ••w ild floor; fine

view; n**Hx dwom tid.BOUTH im H FT.i 44fl» between 14lh and Ifilh

a S e . - ^ tpotA bath, hoi end rold water. Infittlrf (Ml flrat floor.grtuTH I4TH Roserlll* sectlortr-n h v e romna and bathi Improvroiento; near.gip* troll

romna i oiify»*

POUTR g a v y m t «T.. 4 ^ F $ a t to let, mo- «d ipori «a impiwwnenla

RALBEY BT..- 96-N'W»ly rocAts; all voOnvMilences.

B a BT BT,. 78—Furnished room for lighttaoUMkaspdag.l im provements.

FOURTH A V K „~iio (stone house)—Well fur- nifb*rt roome, to suit everybody; light bouse-

kMpfng desired; select, cool and quiet.f o u r t h a v e ., 148—N icely furnished rooma;

suitable for two gentlemen or light houae> keeping. *_______________________________ _FRANJKlilN BT,, 86—Neatly furnished front

rooms; all modem inmrovements; also oU«er rooms to l«L_______________ ____________ .f r o n t BT., <14, between Fulton and Reotoe—

ItoMM for light huueekeeplng or UPtlsangLHIGH BT., ftee-Two very desirable oonnectlag

rootna furnished for housekeeping; also pleas­ant aleeptng rooms; all Improvement#ii raaami- able.HIGH BT.. 481-488-438—I« rt« rooma tor dgb$

hnusekeeplng; also parlor and b ill room*; all improvementa ____HIGH 8T-, 2TP-PlraMtst ball room, ail Ira-

provements, uae of betlu $1.90.Ma i^ E tT boT. p" 51, The Burringtod-Handiome-

ly furnished room#; all Improvtments: s Im large room, with private hath; rtnta moderate.U A U E T ST., m near N ew -N ew ly fritnlshtd,

lovaly. light room; modem Imprbvstnents; reasonable. HOPKINS.

funtlstted- front

HAMILTON ST., lT->Hauerice«plng rooma,erUh ruDoing w a t« . 12 per w M k._______________

LAFAYETTE ST., a8-Tfl*rge hall n » tt. ault- a t o for two men, with all ltn|wov«fiMntBi

furolalied.MORTON ST., fttmlabed rodia tar- ft gtmlamaB. ■

l a .


W e d n e s d a y s B Special Real Estate Days“Sat«rdays



FUltMUHED KOOMS TO LKT.. b ™ ptiy;

rootni an papm and in»i»»lnMi J . r a i H.W to |3 p»*r w«Jt: lytrythlny clean. HookMARKET RT., W—Tn let, laff« furnUh*a frcDt

room, rMpfctablc gftitl»H>an- __ .KEW YORK AVE.. 93—Two nlc» llfbt rcomi,

itiilomry tub#, o hoUB Ii *i>|nti inprlvalf family: for aJulU only: r^aannitblt. _KF.W RT., 4JW-FurnlJihert or ihiwa fHimief” -

Ins rocma for ll«hi hrauejeeplntj:: aiao fMiu Khmu. nullable for one or twoHEW ST,. 83-NJcely furjilahed ball room.

for ienvlenian. all tmprcivenienta. us^ of bathi very oemral; rate ____ _____iTaW 8T. BR—Ont and two l>ouwl<eei)lnir

rooms: rrapeeiabiB party only: bo childrenBT-. 24-Lartr. newly fUrnlahM

room. w1Hi bath. Improvamem#; eeniral.yrhate family.________________ ________ _ORCHARD HT.. W-IjarKo from or back

rooma; nicely fiirniahed. all IrnTprovemenTaPENNSYLVANIA AVE.. 14.V-Fumlal>»'<3 rnoma

with private family, use I'f huih anl con- vetila y to all troHeya and aiatlon ___PLANE ST., aw - Nicely furnlaKed. larjfe hall

room. auUabla for om? or iv-o getuftmen. all ImprovemenUi.

bouRe(**pffifI'aTio renttfnaaonable.____________________________PEARL BT,. IB—Rmtll bedroi-m and kitchen

to l e t . _____________________liOfiEVILLE AVE Sft-!jir|fe nec-ond floor

room. auUable for iwo: light houaekeepniK 'f preferredi alj ImvrovemenlB. near ptnllon and t rolley. _____ __________ _ROSEVILLE. North Eleventh it . IS—One large from rooni nultabie r»i llghi hou*i!k*.*e|i- Ing or Bleeping room; all ImpTovementi: near trolley.ROSEVILLE. K.irih Ninth et.. KT-KurnlPh-d

n>om, Kteam heat, all impro\ ementa; lel- phone, two Moclth from D., L. and W, Ato- tlnn.BEYOND ST.. 2rt, near Central ave.-Very large

front furnlahcd ro< rn, two ebthe* cloeeia. ein- (Le beda: aultable for iwn genilemen; nil n- prnvamenta; U: alan large connecting room. f2; private houia. _________ ____ ____BLMMIT ST.. 107. between New knd ^'arren—

T,»arge rr miB, four nlndowH: iwo men or mnrrjad couple, for houBelteevlitg: all Improva- Ihenti. ____eOUTH nRANCE AVE.. 249- Large

room, nicely ftimlahed. •■lothea cloeet. bath and ge/. one or two genllemen.____________RDT.’TH tSTH 0T . 74B—Furnlehed room to let;

all Improv^imenli, Ring aemnd hell.BTATE 6T., -Newly fumlBhed largo r^tna.

nie of bath; |2 up; near D.. L. and TV, andWeslinghouse, ____STATE BT . ld'-Larg« front room: rcaaonable,

titar Tjickawanni station and ^>Btlngj^obae.SIDNEY PI,., 12—rurntshed front room, with

rtll i.’onvenlpncee Telephone 810^ _ feTIRLINfi ST,. 4fl“ Newly fiirnlahed room; all

Improvernenip; prtvaia house.WARREN PL,. 11a Two necond-floOr front,

connecting roomi: llfhl. airy and c .^ l. fur hiehed complete for hnueekeeping; Improve­ments: refrigerator; c e n t r a l . ________TVARREN r i , . 2f>-l^rge. rool froni room.

nicely furnished; houaekceplni. also hall room, two blocks from Hahne's. cal) evenings.WASHINGTON ST, 37il-lJ»Tge room, ti al­

cove; tW’O roomi, with running wal*r, also large, dry baaement room, with all improve-meni». _______ ___ ___ ___ _______WASHINGTON ST, 2fl2 The Phoenix, lis?*

(■rimer, fumlylied moms, single hrJ double, all ImiiTOvemenlS. ______________WASHINGTON PT , aW-One nl.-e Urge fur

nlshcii rorim tci let. Inquire In rjiitnr stor*.WASHINGTON 8T.. aoB-Fiiriali'hed r-umis to

let Commercial Hotel.WALNT^T RT., flf* One or twr neatly fumlFh-

ed moms, suitable fr>r light li iueekeeping,use nf hath and laundry.WALNl'T RT , 94-Two single fgrnlHhed rooms

to lel lo gentlemen. In private fandl) . third floor.TVEPT KtNNEY PT M^rurnlahed rijoms and

light housekeeping rooms, all )mpro\'emeTUS; at reaBonable prlces-IPTH AVE . 4ft, near High st -Newly fur-

nished front room for gentleman. .-*11 Im­provements; private family. Second be|i,_____

FTRimSUED ROOMS W.AKTED.GENTLEMAN wIshcB furnished room. l \ . pri­

vate family; central location; miiat he perma- pent. Addreiw Stand 48, Oentre Market walk.TWO or three neatly furtiUhed front rooms

for hctusekeeplng; all Improvement a; siuta pdca. AddresB Centra 1, Bo» 52, News nfflee.TW'O clean, quiet, well furnished roomB. use rf

kilo hen; convenient to cars; Addiossf'onvenient, Rox 2), News offlee,TOL'NQ LADY deelreB furnished room; with

reflned privacts family; references exchanged; c.entrally located. AddresB Lady, Box 8S. News o f f i c e . _________________


ARLINGTON. N. J., Kearny ave.. B38—Double parlor*; furnished or unfurnished; would

Bull physEcIaii nr dentist; reui^onable.ARLINGTON. N. j7.

furnlBheiJ rooms; elegant locatiun, near trolley and Erie Station.EAST IRANGR, Main si.. KH-Lnrgc front

furnlahed room to let: three minutes of rail­road depot; trolley pasaes door.

HOARD WANTED.■■ Willi -l»to. wliti -fnoi room and wiard with private family Ifor

at lean eight moniha. Addreai 0., Box 3d. Ne»« office.MIDDLEwAGED man d*i»r«B r d Trt'widow’s

family, Protentant. within 13 mlnules' walk or CeniraJ Railroad Depot. Addrewi H., Hex 2d, News onice

r i T l AOVBBTilBMUNTS.BfS Farry a|...«...w«.....6aiae place .

jaiaph Hofa-tMter. 347 IBth av...inward A. Hirveh, 4' Bowery *1. Frits Bauat. IBft-lftS Brill at

TWO respeciahle gentlemen wlah permanent board; private roams, leparcte and airy, 13

mlnuisfl from p, R R ,. rate* mual be m«.'dur- ate; state termt Address H.. Box *3, Nvwa office.YOT.ING married couple. In the Oranges; high

elevation and privnie family preferred. SHANNON. 2;)7 Broadway. New York.

BOARDING—OLT OF TO W N,^BLOOMFIELD. Rroad ai., 324-Large double

room to let with board; convenient to tralna and trolley. MRS, E A. C. BARR.EAST ORANGE, North Iftth it.. 03—Large

double front roam with or without board, cnpvenlent to D., L and W. SlaMon; private family. _____EAST ORANGE- Wa^Mnaton terrace. 37-Twn

laiffe fnmt connectliiB room*, with bT’aru; prUate family, near atatlon. Telephone SftltdHEAST rin SdUth Munn . .A=-T1t*

ifonn uv.«-s — - - >-rtlon; two mlnutea from East Orange StitlonEAST ORANGE. Bedford at.. 71-Nicely fur

nished room, wRh board; sultabln for one or twh gentlemen Call Aral floor.GLEN RIDGE-I*ady having pleasant home on

Ridgewood ave., desires a few select board­ers: near depot. Call 204 Rlilgewooc ave,IR^'INGTON, Orange ave.. IO!V-Furnlsne 1

room, with or without beard, five mlnut^* l.j irolltya.KE.NKNT, fiergen av.., JflA-Board for two rt-

eptctablv men. aerond flrmir; all Impr'ice- meniR-MOCNTAINSIDE, Mnunialtiville, firange Coun-

ty, N. Y.—Excellent table, own product*: tot' nil court, croquet and good pUno, rates to 110. MRS A. M. CARLSON.MONTCIjATR, Walnut st., r.4-Flrat-claaa

board, pear centre; me'-hanlca preferred.


East Orange; Jio Write ptrtlcuJAra, .1. RCMMERVILLE. We«l lliOlh at.. NewYork.

COUNTRY HOARD.BRAt’TlKri.. country pinoe; Urge high rooma;

healthy li>c-ail«in. fresh 4tgga, milk, poultry and veget^iblea: flahmg. use of platio- MRS. J BRAUN, Perrliie\ille, N. J , formerly yf NewarkBOARDERS wanted; healthy locallon. plertiy

freah vegetables, cggs and chicken; free huth- Ing. piano; gnnd cy<.-le roads; reference given; trrm a |7. MRS. E. A SMITH, Keaneburg. N. J.________________________________0O.ARDERS wanted iJi private family in

W atchung M ountalna; term* 18 Addtea* Pspewond I.awn. E4nx 47, Wartenville, N. ,T,BOARDERS wanted nn mountain fann. good

fable, J8. Rox 28. Mariinsvlile, N JEUHFKA COTTAGE, open June 1. : good

muiiniam air, (Uhlng, bofllltig, bowling, driv­ing and exrenent hoard; 17 to Sft per week- MR9 JOHN GHEGOIlY. Beech Lake, Wayne Cnumy. Pa.LATKAW’ANNA COTTAGE Hrldgevllle. N.

J , haarderfl wanted^ healthy localiij'; pleas a rt room*: good bonrd. gcod bathing and Ash­ing . rales to per weekLEDGEWOOD HOTEL~* Ledgewnod. N J . -

I^arge. airy rooma, convenient t.. Hopaicot^g and Rudd lakea, raiea (h and 11b. JACOB PAIT,FY, Prop.NCWTON - Board In nice home. In healthy lo-

r t i io n . beauilfiil farm ing country, plenty nf ground, and shade treea, excelleni w afer, freah eggs ihd vegeiahlej, Address ilRSn S. S. W .\R n , New lnr. N'. .1.. R F D No. 1NEfiHANlC STATR^N, Somereei County. N. J

—Two lady bciarder^ wanted, oh branch road of New Jersey Central, three mlnulea from siallMn. MRS. HENRY FCHENCK.ONE MILE from RaHiftn Bay, three mlnute>i

frem trolley, one mile from railroad aiatlon. piano; fruit, plenty ahada and veranda nv'm, own garden vegetablea, poultry, eggi and ml<k, good roadfl for autoa, no small children: |8 to tS per week MRS. W. H. PALMER, Box |i2, Keisnsburg. N, J.SPRING LAKE HOUSE; accornmndatea 40;

all aanllary improvemenTa; gas and running wat*-r In f ach room; circulara tm application; special rate* to young people. .1, F. KL’LP, proprietor. Monllcello. Sullivan County, N. Y.. via O . “W R R <lireot. Box fibBUMMER nOARDERB; reasonable; “The Or*

chid," three mlnuteji from station. MRS. MARTH.A MULLER, Prospect ave., DunellenTHE FARM. West Milford house. West Mil­

ford. near Oreeiiw’ocd Lake, engage your board for July aiid Augusi, rataa. $S. Ad- dreaa R MORSE. Newfoundland. N. J.

EAST ORANGE. Steuben st.. 23—Front mom to rent; would accomnaodate two; itear .sta­

tion and trolley.FURNISHED room, with bath: two minute*

from Wataesring Station. Call evenings, 7 to b. 25 Peloubat at., Rloomfleld.HARRISON, North Fourth at., <0)8—Furnished

ruom to let.ORANGE, Elin at., 4fi—Large furniffhed front

loom: gJi Iroprovementa: for one or two gen­tlem en; reaBonable. 45 Elm at., Or&nge.ORANGE. Webster pl , 15—Two larae rooms,

furnished for light housekeenlng. in a goodtieighbofhood. Addrea* or call.____________


BFXMAR, N, J.-Furnished rooms, bousekeep, Ing privileges; three blocks from ocean.

DAVIS. Iflih ave. and C at.

BOARDING.BROAD BT., 402—Large, airy rooms: conven-

lent to D , L. and w. Station; table bpard.broad 8T.. 919. opposite city hall—Front

room, with board; all Irnprovemanta.BREINTNALL PL-. Ift^- above High and

Market sis.—Board for lady or gentleman.CENTRAL AVE., 2lJ—The Lenox; rooms, sin­

gle and «it suite, with bath; excellent table: elevator; electric lights; all modern improve- mepti; iT-tes reasonable.LUtKT^'Fii^fS—Dounle and single rooms for

man and wife or grniiemen - table beard.CDT'RT ST., 2, corner Broad—Desirable room,

with board; all improvelnerus; table board.COURT BT,, gfl—Pleasant single and double

rooms; table board.EAST KINNEY ST., fil—FurnlsheU rooms nud

botrd; private family; also front room; su|l- ■hlc for one or two gentlemen.EAST PARK BT . ^"i-r.arge back nr hnll

room; with or without board; also table board: central location.EAST PARK ST., 38—Rooms and board.ELM ST., 17—Two connecting furnished roome,

all Improvemants, for light housekeeping.HIGH ST., 573—Large front room with board:

aultable for two gentlemen or man and wife; iUao good table board. *HILL ST., 21—Desirable double and etngle

rooms; excellent (able hoard; 'phone.HILL 6T., 17—Desirable rooma, with board,

one*balf btook from new city ball.MT. PLEARANT AVE.. MS-lArge, pleasant

room, welt furnished, and good table board; nsar railroad and irolleys; private.NEWTON ST., 7*-8lngle room In private

boarding-house: rates reasonable; ten lolnutm to Brpad at.; large grounds; German cooking.KELSON FL., 14—Pleasant, centrally located

front room with board, for m an i^ couple or twp gentlemen; also table board.

WASHINGTON HOUSE. Bnsklng Ridge, N J.. n^ar Bernnrdsvllle, nn l-ackawanna Rail­

road; newly furnished throughout; every ac- cummodstl'in: heaullful scenery und drives; a perfect plact for rest and recreation, guests met at all train* HOWELL GIRBB, ManagerWANTT^D. summer boarder*, on country farm

good table; reasonable price. D, RA.N- DOLPH, Rahway. N. J.: R F. D. No. 2.


and Util# girl: two good rooma; perfect quiet, no other boarder*, ho boy*; HSil per year; pay aerol-munihly; near car*. Address Hume. Bus 36. News office.TWO adults would like country board for the

manihs of Aiigjiist and Septemher. Addresa Adults. Box 45. News office.

BOAnDIN<K-SEASI10RB.HIGHLANDS, N. J,. Box 1D4, Valley House;

boarding by day or week; private rooms; boating, bathing and flehlng; term* reasonable.HIGHLANDS,' N. J, -Few boarder# wanted for

the summer monihe, who appreciate a g,.^d home: excellent locnllty; Somerville cotUge.OCEAN GROVE, Mt. Tabor way, 83-85-Largc

and small famiUea can find excellent ao- commodailene j t the Howland Hou*#; abundant table, homelike: near beach and Auditorium; rate* >8 to Itfi; |2 a day; table board.OCEAN GROVE, the Fairvlew, cor. Pilgrim

pathway and Heck av#.—Convenient to place* onntorest..^ block* from ocean; term*moderate.THE PINE GROVE. Bradley Beach, m

Newark ave., home comfort*; good table- rate* 17 and iff. ________ MRS, 8. ALBEE,

NOllTH TTH BT.. 2S7—lAurge ana small rooms;hot baths; will board a whole family; also

tabla gueats.ORLEANS fiT„ 4ft—Three nicely furnltUed ■ rooms, with beard: each room suitable far two. Address MRS. T. S0|TTHARD.PRIVATE adult family wishes on# or two gen-

llemeA to board. Eighth Ward, Box Bu. News nOlee,ROBEVILU: AVE.. 157-Coot, airy rooma,

oonfortably furnished; exceptional house and (able; very reduced prtoea for couples till

. September tO. ‘Pbone 410Ji Branch Brook.liOSBVILX^, North Seventh at-t 33—Large

room: second floor; flrat-claas table board, also single room,ROSEVILLE AVE., HKZ—One or two second

floor rocrai, with board; near station and trolley; reaeonabla.ROSEVILLE. Warren st., Bft2—La.rge front

room, with hoard, for two; alio single room; table board._____________SOTTTH 13TH ST.. 18—Large, neatly furnished

front room, suitable for ooupie or two gen* Ucmaa; beard optional;., near staUoa and trolley.___________________•QUTH BT,, 81—Dealrabit front room, ssoond ^ ^ r y also single room, with or without m m ; private; near grggd and atatlgn,TAlLEBtTItOir. 13th ave., 97T-<71eiti ftimlslied

rgoto. suitable tor two m«n; bath; two blocks from Bottth Orange.aye. car barn: simple. early heealdaat MyASHIHGtON iT„ nicely fitr^

raoRb fof tiroi alto email room; widi

.Same place

.Same place, .Same placeHugo W. Zliitner, 331 Mulberry st...Bam* place Joeeph Klsakowskl. IK Chapel at.. .game place Plncua Cohn. S33 W. Kinney st..-...8ems placeJacob D. £k‘hlck 9s Mulberry at..... Sam* placeIdader ft Bnumeee. 1W^ Warren si.Same placeHenry Meyer, 1U3 Mulberry i t ........ Sam* placeLouis Schwalbe. 19 12 Gamfl«ld at. 8ume placeChris. Bpechi Bi' Bowety *t.............Sam* placeGotl. Klalber, ITH Bowery at........... Bums placeWni. Hits. I3l> Park av.................. Bam* placePauline Morris. Ill Wallace pi....... .H.imu placeJohn Burns. IW Bowery st.............. Same placepeier Hey. 4TT Washltigton m , . . . . . .Sume placeJuhh Dedarbis. 104 Wallace al.......Bume placeMichael Owen. 043 Market el..........Hum# placeOscar Bits. 4 Bowery s(.................. Same placeDora Raid. 304 ifith aV*.................. Same placeBllae rhelpa. S\tO fi. Orange av.......Same placeAnorew Btammler. 48 WUitam *t ..Bame place Thus. McAlHsier. 41 Wavirly av . .Same place Barbara Jansen. 5 6- Oruiige av .,. .Same iuace Weinberg ft Redler. 50 Commerce si,Same placeMi rrl* Krebs, 303 Warren s t........ Same placeBam Fishel, 96 Pacldc si.................^ m e placeChs- Schulte, ihS Jefferson st....... ..Same placeAnd- Lltvany. 4l> Mercer at........ " ’Franx Hlasenbauer. 97 Junes at..Martin Theob'Ud. 3[H) Orange at.John Uongan. 51 .Sussex av*........Gao. MeUaffrey, Hfi Bridge al.....Michael Corrlann. II7 Sheffield si Fred D. Fell. J h jh) D r« j« j | ..

Practical Citizenship.P A K T X V I I I .

•Bame place 6am* pliic*

'S^m* place -Same place .S-imt place .Sam# place

place-.*w#mrS piBici

Bam# place .Bame place



CUy Hall, July 6. 1D07.Ihe following is the list of uames. resi­

dences and places of bualneea of persons mak­ing application to Ibis board for the granilng of llceoso* to sell spirituous, vinous, malt or brewed liquors and not heretofore published according to law. to wli:

N'lmo Place of Ousinoas. Resldenca r e ta il - renew als.

C H. Beckmayer, 53 Bowery st__ Same placeAnn Bloomer, 13 Stone si...............Same placeAnna Scbusler, 303 Lafayette s t . .. .Same placeW. F, Ahrens, 205 WaverJy av...... Same placeHenry Rtlb<>ld. 20 Railroad p l.,. .Same pJaca Otto DIeisch. 1G2 Bloomfield a v ... .same place Louis E. Cooke, 44«-4il0 Broad st .Sam* place L. C. Qlelehman. 518 So. Orange av.Sama plaooBernhard T. Lacey, 504 18lh av__ Sajue placeEdward CaroSan, 340 W'arren i t . . . . Same placeLulKl Salvator. 176 Warren st........ Same placeA. Umsiaedter. 38 Montgomery et. .same placeHenegan Bro«-, 83 New *i......................Same placeJacob Meis, 20k Halsey s t . , , . , ....... Same placeI/)ul#e Aeb, ;15 Green e t............................ game placeA. Pasaek, 30 South Orange av ... .Same placeThomas F. Smith. 32 Park av........ Same placeJames Burns, 1253 Broad st........... Same placeJ. Kllcollum. Plane at........ Same placeMax Waller, 402 Ferry at......................... Same placeJohn Fagen, 58 Bowery i t . . , ...........Same placeHenry Wlttlch, 44 Bowery r t .........Same placeHarry Voiburgh, 241 Market r t . ,, .Same placeJoaeph Keller, 14 Belmont av.........Same placeMichael Carr, 20 Railroad pl.........Same placeW. F. Pfeiffer, 30 Lafayette i t . .. .Same place 0- W. Le Glless, 197 Thomas st. .Same placeFrank J. Smith, SO Belleville av__ Hame lilaceThoniae C. Hayes. 146 Plane e t... .Same placeKarl Grose, 184 I3th av..................Same placePatrick Walsh. 31 Belleville av ... .Same place Louis DIebold, 107 Murray i t . . . . . .same placeWilliam Allen. 39 River s t...............game pieceJohn H. McDermottp 525-525^ Market el,. Ham* placeMichael HlgglBfl. 47 Sixth av.........Same placeuharieir Block, 85 Belleville av ... .Same placeF p^ HftUg, 80-82 Mechanic st........Same placeJohn Umland, lei FaclQc at........ Sam* placeThomaa A. Boyle, 418 Bank st__ Same placeGharlea Loeffier* 4o7.Springfield av..Same placeRobert Logue. IB| Markel r t ........ Same placeL. Achtel Btetter. 842-846 Broad it. .Same place l ^ n k DoeJger, 8S0-370 Morris av, .game place W. K. Van Campon, 7*9 Ceatr* Market.Mw- J. Hahn, 193 WaiTtn at........ iam ep la^W. p. Marlin, 812 Market at.20 East Kinney rtfillip Schozit. 185 Hamburg pl........Same placeHeruy Aya'iee. 458 Fem» st............. Sam*, placeMrs. Simon Davla 948 Broad at.......Ham* planeCharle* Deseb. 02 Charlton st.........Sam* plaoeJ, Solomon. 228-225 gprlaffleld av.207 0. Ith st. John Plunkett, 161 Ogden st.«k..Alex. Unversagt, 128 8. Orange Marcellt Smlgel, SI Besoon rtr*

WARQTOK ITm 108—FtimiehNl rtxnns to 181. 1nU> board. Commorctai Uotoi.WAJ«*N BT„ 3 1 K -B « n ^ mntad: two

twp»cttbl« mm tor b o ^ r^ o e d u b it boarj.WAMllN 8T„ N~NI(

IsfviMwI? bflMiiji:John Powallsa. 3tk> Mulberry et..W M*l#r. S24-t2fl Mulberry st... ....... ..jciflAph Ryan, 827 Central uv........Same placeGeorge J. R#lff, fl48 Droad st....... Bern# placePfake A HiRrichsori, Iftn Market it.Same piHO*Hrtiry gohaeffer, 83 lllh av ..........Ham# plnC#Frank Fndler. ftTS Springfield av__Ham* placeJr>hn Kummrr. 8fi8 Hprlngflrld av. .Ham* ,i1accTheodor* Entner, 217 New at..........Bam# iJaceEmil a. Richards, 104 Passaic at. .Ham# pUr* I^wrence F. Lalor. 88 Belleville av.Same ;>1accAnd. Htelrie], 364 l.fith a v ................ Rem# pjuc*Wm. Hseusler. 127 Hamburg pl .flam# placeLorenr HaevLrier. 571 Market i t .......flame plaeSIjeonhard Hlaeie. 161 N. J. R. H. av Banu; piac#Chs. F. Luts. 82 Goble st .......... flams placeGro. Rlum. Ikl9-8ll Hummer av.. flattie i-Ihc*John F. Vogt, Wralon av............ flame pUl*Felix Btehle, Mfl Market «t........... flame placePh Knlb. .317 W. Kinney at....... fl'ime placeMax Hueller. 155 Magailne st....... flame placeflt#fano RIttman, Kossuth st.... He me placeFrank Uoeltner. 82 17th av............ flnme placeAnion Muller, lift PacJfic at...........Rame placeFred Yost. 2i7 Barketey av....... ...... Ha me placeWm. Savage, 57 Monroe i t ............. flam# placeJohn Dike***. 62 Van Buren st... Ham# place

w h o l esa l e- ren ew a lhFrank Doelger. 3.10-8TO blorrU av , .flame plan* Dennis Osborn ft Co., $49-851 Broad

■t..........................................15 Hillalde av.Coii Bros.. 2W S. Orange tv ... 212 R. Kih "t

RFTATL-NPTW APPUrATTONfl N. J Bsrkowltt. 145 Spruce *13411 Summer av. MofTls Gelb, Sfn^Mcwhorter st . .Sum# placs J. Schaefer. 2$1 uabyan pi .Jflfl Kinney siIgngti Kus*. 17ft Ferry i t ............ Same place

BETAIIj—nOUHLF TR.INSFKR P*ier Oruesse. 14ft fl. Ofang# a\-e . flam* plae*

HFNEWAT.—ROTT!J-'Rfl' LirFNflF.H- F. Dombrosky. I44-14« LnJIe *1 Same place


JOHN NIEDBR. President.

PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given th a t the fnl- lowing ordinance* have been paits#d by ih i

Board of Street and W ater CommlaSloner* "jnJ approved by ihe Mayor of the city of Newark, and pursuant to chapter 3$(l of ih# fliate Uwa of IbftS, ar# hrrewllh publiihed by title :

An ordinance In npenNORTH TENTH HTREKT,

from a point ahnui aiHl feel tnuth of nimmfl^lrt avenue fo a r"'tnt about 3tW feet north of Plnnmflnlri avenue.

An ordinanc# to provide for the pa \tn g of I’-AHMARA STREET,

from Hamburg place to M asasln# itrep i. with W arren fTntbera bltulllhic pavement on a bIx ifi) fnrh concrere foundation

An ordinance to prot-|de for the repaving of HT’SSEX AVENUE.

from High *tr#ei 10 Warren street, w ith OMu- mlnnua concrete pavement on a l*]ford foundu-tlnn.

An ordinance iq provide for the paving of .VFTW YORK AVENT'E,

from New Jersey Railroad *venu# in Adnme street, with ^S'arren Urother?’ bitulUhIc rnent nn a six Inch concrete fountlailon,

An nrdlhEnee to priuld# fnr the repaving of OOTT.^GE STREET,

frnm M ulbern' street to New .Tersey Ratln-ad avHnue, wlih Wiirrcn Brothers' b ltu luhlc pavement on a eU iti- h concrele f<»und&tl jn

Adopted July 3. 10TI7A F EGGERE.

President pre tern of the Rf-ard of SJtreel ajid W aler Commissioners

WILTJAM E. GREATHEAD, Clerk of the Board.

Approved July ft, IftbTJACOB HAUSSLING.


PICTURE YOURSELFbuying tr lk k s , oi which vou’re t judge, In- dlMTirainately. C»n you>

Then when you're puliu buying, why nol be «s careful ? B uying P a in ts , Oils, V arn ishea , B ru sh e s an d S ta in s from us Is like drawing money from a sound bank; everything is absolutely the best th s t 's made.

J.J.HockenjosCo.'' ba: nroaa afreef,'

N a w a rk , N. J .


la te r e e t la a s to r r tnwolead ta S a lt to Bet A side M ortaaa* aa

.. . A n a ll D letlIler7-#lB nt. -------On an allegation of groas .violation

of an oral copartnership agreem ent Vice-Chancellor Emery yesterday after­noon made an order directing Abraham end Harry Hose, father and eon. to show cause why a certain cbattel mortgage held by the fornier should not be set aside. The htll, which was filed by

It has been my endeavor to set before i to Ihe facllllles of his city. W hether It 1 ^ Schotland, told that May 3the render and the aiudem nf those aril- has or should have Its i^wn water, light j ” “ ben and Joshua Ellts. Joseph QoldsM a cles the general structu re of government ""d sewage plant: whether It has o r ; •"d Harry Rosa entered Into an agree-

slniVild have a gnrbago Incinerator; what , mem to form a copartnership for the happens to things when they go om of , distilling of fruit brandy, under the name hlB sight or out of his hsnde; what the I of The Rosa Distillery. The Emses ac-

lt:^^Obl‘.i»thnr irtPelatwn iv'^hM X^y and aTetp Hints for Voters,


&8 A ptoce of mechanlam, Hibi lo glv^ a general lurvey of the hutnan forr*. which runs It. ThI* third e^cUun !e d^signeil to note and co-ordinate ihe "function* Inga'* of the roaohlne, when It runs prop­erly. with reference to the Individual cltl*en.

Till* ultimate relationship Is. of ryurae. tise "prartlcal d iiten eh lp ” lo he ani forth, and 'Ahen the eubjcci opene U muBi needs open with Ihe reiteration of nn Idea prevlnxmly stated, namely, that

nature of the school buildings^ of the ' cording to the bill, put up $232 eaeb* market haljs. ihe playground* Is. and I Oolrtsteln 1325, and Robs 1300,h'lw they are located, and where- ThiM money was tunirU nver lo Hou«

H a i rRemoved.

Hair tm a wftmen's f»c# i* g. moat reralsient end burnlllsting blemisb. bui nne* removtd by th* Woodbury Method, it n*v*r rnurn*. Our special treatment in Infullibl# and nn other method con b* luaramttid, all claims to the contrary notwllhstandlns Uaij, or writ# Pspl. 6 for Information free.

Jolia ft* Y BeroieisTogioe*

And Anally he should give himself tlm s - whu was to buy the equipment, ami who to know a little something sbnut the po- ' wns also, fur the auke of couvenienoe, ae lice, the fire departmeni and the civil , the hill states, to lake out a fcderalllcenso nWees of his elty, He should be In- | In his own name. A place was leased formed a* to the ordinancee which are by Ross a t ISM First uvsnue, Hoboken, before his city council; as to the reeourcei June li. and the machinery initallcd. from which his police force derives its June 36. the bill avers. Rota gave a chat- Mlaries jsh e th e r those soureei be t^ s ’•*-ma- i — - J

^ e * they be a t git p: .#* IV gi,-»"nEmer, WtfQuui cntf ffBOWremore' Thnn religion conalats of alug'ing I I'm ^e n r-o r m’*’7 v"’* ">■« O* I ! ^ * T . P " « n « " . who l« « r ^■rmcirnt. and If not, how It* efflclenoy can i of however, aotiiD days Inter, Tha

be impmvRtL . mortgage ira* made payable in th irtyAll thiH look* exceedingly complex, day*. When r«inon«traled with by tho

But It Is. In reality, the simplest thing coitiplalnants, It 1a alleged, Roai Inalated In the world, it meana simply a general 1 th a t It ws* a good morigage, saying; Intercit, and that Interval la usually Hd- Justed by the fact of notlllcailon of de- pertm ent* if. for Inetencp. iha automo- blllat findH a particularly serious condi­tion of affulfs in the rn*iiway within

gg W est iBd Bte. New York*


It {* made of lb* beal (jf grain, distil'vt un* dcr ih* moil rigid ■anliurv cnnLlltbfiia. Hg*. Birength and absoluiP rvrhy guaninieud by fb* U. S. Ouv*rnm*bt ofTloial*. a* ahows tbs htainp over the cork-

Four Full Quart*, a •>Expr*** prepaid....... SfleieSMlI

Hayner DlBillllnR Co,, Dlvlalon O. 282. Dayton, O.; St. Lnut*. Mn.: Atlania, Ge.;

8t. Paul. Minn.

hymns* The CKsllng nf a ballot, while an Important Item, Is nothing but un Inci­dental fiinctlnn In Htltenahlp, Just ns the HlngiiiK of a hymn, involving as H Joet probable ailondance up^m Sabbath wor­ship. is an Injpurinnt Item; but li la mith- Ing mi>rr than an Incident In the r«- IlgloMs life and experience of the In-

Mi*mber?ldp with the church unlvej*aal. nr. .lb il Is svmbollcnUy culled, rlllscn- pliip 111 ihc I'lty of Ck)d, Invoh'AP piwyer, ilic singing of hymns and the uttcndance upon 8crvlc'‘F. but religion also involvci menud altlnidea; It Involves nbllgailona townrd ihe neighbor; It Involves charity t»v.(ird him; It Involves servlr* rendered him which la aervlcc rend»»rcd to th»d, as distinct from emotional or liilelkctiml wi'TSihip, for 'wha^„ ye have don* to th* leii.' t of ihes*. ye hav^e done to me.' said one wh(j knew Him best of hU. ‘Religion Inv'i'dvcs active eervlcc toward the h‘*lp- loHft. It Involves respect for the ''other man’s" opinion; It involve* numberlesH obligations, which, together with the es- terniil observances of worship and tli'" Sfibhath, consillut* "cltUensbip” W'ith Lhi> thurcli.

lUnturut r i tla ^ f ish lp -Mcinbershlp with the State, or natural

'Everything Is In my name, and I can do as I pleaae with It."

Abraham Rosa la quoted In the bill a t having aald:

“I gave my boy money and I can takftcity limits—some apot where the plumber ! from him any security he'll give me.did not properly replace th»- roadbed when he Introduced water inm a house, or where ihe contractor iiermitieri his men to be negligent in the rcconstruc- tlnn of that roadway—a 'phone call to ! the street department, or a letter, will I ver>- frequently remedy the matter. A serious break In the sidewalk; some particularly offenalve poster; a palpa­bly professional beggar at the front orback door with the uaual “Ironholder" __________obligato; red lamps neglectsd on some ! To P ave W a lk a A boal B ra n c h D ro o k(^bBt^ICtlon of the roadway or aldewalk P arkeHf^nighl. A moment s t the ’phone will suffice to call up the police departm ent

It don’t make any difference to me w hat security he gives me. and I will collect my money on the morigage."

The bill charges that Ihere was no legal consideration for the mortgage, and If any was stated In the Ineirument It waa a (alM claim for board, covering sevarai years prior to the partnership.


A contract for laying UeOOO feet of c«-nnd to give 'th e lo ca tio n 'o f“ t i i r tMng ! sidewalk on^Lake street and Bloom

ft 'phone message .. ........ ........- » -complulnetl of: or may be sent lo the Bureau of Charl!if*s as to Ihe hcggflr. A thousand and one (Fpponunitles for "praoilcal d tlcensh ip’" might be thus catalogued. But these w'ill fiuffU’e to Indicate how to make the inwii ynii live hi a cle;iner, a belter and

rStlznnshlp, while It Inclu'lea iho intelll- " htalthler town, and to secure for It the flf-ni casting of a vole. Involves also as > l■• suUs which naturally follow this miny obligations as does momborshlp P'-Hcy—oppreciutlon of reality, better


h b R

Genuina Must BearFac-Simils Signature



NOTICE OF lNTENT!ON--Board of Street andWater CcirnnilpslonersPursuani m n reaolutlnn aflopied hy the

Bnarfl of bJreut aeft Watfr Comtnl*aion#r* nf the city of Newark, at a meeting helil th« third day of July, 11H17, and approved i>y the Mayor of the city itif Newark on ihe eighth flay of July. public notice 1i hereby given that It the jntrnTlon of the Board of Street and Water CommlaBloneTa of the city of New­ark, under and by virtu* of provlBloni of the act entitled- "An act to revise and amend the charier uf the city of Newark," approved March It, 18fi7, and the supplemeniB thereto, snd the act rreatlng the Board of Street and P-ater ' ommlrtelotiera of the city of Newark, approved March 2ft. Ifttl. and other public laws of the Stele of New Jersey, lo order and faune the conplrucilon of a ten <10) Inch pipe eewer on each aide of

NORTH THIRTEENTH 8TREKT. between Blxth avenue and Park avenue. These sewer* lo be conHtructerl with hnuse connec- iloni to the curb lines In accordance with the provlslone of Chapter 107 of the State laws of IRflfl; tosetht* with ail the appurtenance# necea- *ary to comi lete the same,

Such perbona aa may object thereto are re­quested to rr*a*nt their objection* In writing to the clerk of aald board, at the office of the Pnard of Street and Water Commlwlonera. city hall, Newark, nn or before the expiration ol six days from date of thin notice.

By dlret'tlu'n tf the Board of Street and Water ComtnlaalonerB of the city of Newark.

M. R. SHERRERD.Chief Engineer.

Newark, N. J., July 8, 1&07.


BERMUDA.Short toura hy new twin-aerew steam ship Bermudian. All expense* Included, 843.50 and up

NOVA SCOTIAby. faat twln^acrew ateamehlp Prtne* A r­thur. aalUng every G dayn. Yarmouth and back, S25 Hall fax and back.

TH O S . COOK & SON,1440 Droadw*i>-» Nevr Y ork .

J . M. BYRNE & Co., 800 R rond Si.

Classified sdvertlsements m ust be re> calved before 12:15 o'clock for m iartlon In all editions of the same day. Advertise^ ments received between th a t hour and 1 o'cJ'ock will appear In an overflow column of the Second and Third Editions.

Transient advertising in the NEWARK EVENING NEWS must be prepaid. No account* will be opened for such.

No advertisement* will be received over the telephone except those sent by au- thorlzed agents.

Anaweri to advertisements are kept for two weeks and then destroyed. If any other disposition Is desired the office should be notified.

Business office open each week day evening until 8:30 o'clock.

No advertisement received for less than : 20 cents, except Employment Wanted.I this class of advertising, i sent ■' word, minimum 10 cents. Agate type I used exclusively on classified pages. No I display or cuts.I Transient. 1 cent a word; one month [ dally, IL50 s line; every other day, BOc, a

line, minimum three lines. The average Is seven short words to the line.

One year daily, 815.00 a line; every other day, 10.00 a line, minimum three lines.

Capitals and blank spaces, 10 cents per line for transient ads.; 4 words to a line. Not less than three lines taken.

Death Notices, seven lines, SO cents; additional lines. 10 cents a line-

Marriage Notices, 50 cento.Auction Sales, 10 cents a line flat.Employment Agencies, 10 cents a line

flat.I Rallgicus Notices. 25 cents for fifty ! words or less. Additional words 1 cent


wiMi thp church, or Aplrlinat cltlscnshlr .\nd In order to place thrse cbllgntlons

ftf*. dually as posalble before ihc render.It iji heat to begin with thnl relallnnahhi wliirh f-tmcH ncarenl horn*, tunnely, the 3r]:ition of the cUlZHti in Uv- f'lly.

\l Ili’al. th* r ltlie n is incUiU'd to fc'l Uinl wlinn hv lifts eU^rifJ a number "f in-n HTid railed them Ibo' "I'ily author lU*;' hr hn* done all lliiil is reriulreri I'f j ‘‘ him fUil thnt Idea llilf, h'dh hi*lnng lothat flrc nni fpHfllMe nr prnrllrsblp for mi'ilern eltics and the wnrk lri\nlved 'n thfTTi P'or to sepregote the men elort-^d to nfiire an I demand iliat they should

I “run” a town la absurd.I T.’ike an llliifilratinn Suirpose ii body I of rlil7-ens hns elccfed sornr* one In "kei'p ' t)io slrcetM rli’an." and that Ih'^n Hint

b<idy of cUlr.ena dfCH everylhlng in Its pi>w*T In litter them ti7‘—Ihrows papers, and boxes, nnd Hshes, and everything else out Into the streelH. Is that a thinkable rplaUorifihip? Of rnurso rm!. The first

I thing any sonslble man do''*, who Is BPlccted (or electcdl tn keep ihe streeta clean Is to ask the citizen to keep them clean. He gives him direrllona as 10 ashes and garbage; he pula up boxes into which the rUlicpn can throw his newspaper and his banana peelS, and he specifies certain places, such as depot platforms and corridors of large buildings, eic.. where ho lella hint not to expec­torate.

M erely A ids fo r i tU e n e ,Virtually, it Is not the nfflclul that

keeps the streeln clean, li 1* the iilils#n, and If the citizen doea not realize fully tliat keeping aireeta clean Is n* tnuch a part of cltlaenahlp as voting, he may elect ofllcifils by the dozen or score, art) hla Streets will not he rlean. The ' ‘while wing" and the sraveiiger are only "aids ’ to the citizen, n u t on the original sense

coiuiiUonB Rrul nurroundlngs for the citi­zen and his children, and the comfort (•C s reasonably conducted municipullty.

t a i i r e r l e d A ction , n . —Uul toiK^eited action is better then

individual acliun; hence the further uhh- gailoii of the praciical dilxen aa to civh?

‘ I urganlsatinnH m his clt>. Here mattL»ra •ire thh‘ us.sed by sovoral or by many, umJ

inK#iji#r with that ' «idJecUve wiKdimi uf many in ctaircr-M hues af thought I f'nce gathered will elicit knowledge which

field ftvrtiue, bordering on Branch Brook Park, was given to the New Jersey Ce­ment Company by the Park ComtiilBeluil yesterday afternoon. The concern's bid of $2,704 wae the towes*. recelvsd.

I t was decided to renJvertiso for pr6* posals for the construction oC roadway In Weequahlc Park. Vau Keuren A SitH offered 10 do the woik ior 115,12J, and complete It in 130 working days, in the opinion of the board the ume specllled wa# loo lung.



B O A T 9 I . r O RAIL P R O V ID EN C E <u»«c$t.00RtoffADi flteamerH. Plret^elnss Service^


Foot ta tb a r la e St.. N. Y,JO Y STEAMSHIP COMPANY.

Telephone HOO Orchard.John A. Kljpp. egl.. 18$ Market st.


atrs. Connectlent and Khode Island.I flefety—ConT«niencs—Comfort-~Maslo


F a ll River Rl.OO | ProTldenee 01.20 Newport^ 01.25 | New Bedford, 01,20


IxaTB N. Y. Dally A flpndajL PIFU M, K. R. ft . W«it 44th A t f . U . Tol#. 4a,'A.HrTsnt.TlckAtfficei SlioHroadwaY j n West Kiih ,<t.

TsJ, UM Worth I Tel. US* SUd. flq.


flupromf Court—F ra ^ol | Lang. pUliUlfT. vh. Cllnlon A. Hamlllon, defendant--In aUach- m enl .

Aiiillior's sal* of real esta te attached In said cause etantlA adjourneil lo Thursday. July IT, 11)07. «\i twci o’clock In til# afternoon, a t ih# courthnupp, In ih# rUy of N ew ark.

Doled June 27, 1907.ANDHKW A. CITAMBERfl,

<12 20i________________________ Auditor.


RED CROSS LINE Steamers leav* New Tork ev e ry S a ia sd a r» 11 A*

rtmslnlng In HsUthx 1 day each way* and 3 days in 8t, Johns. Round trip 18 days. For Inlomatkm and booklet Bowrlng A Co., 17 State It.. N T. ________________


n etjerS ^ ^In FItect June £3. i»07.

For £«iBion. Bethlehem, Allentown and Mauch Uhink (7 27 to Faaton), 6:35 A. M.‘ 1)20, 4:32 (5:88 to tSaston) • P. M. Sundayn 47:Ui A. M. lu tUslon), 12:55.'4.55. 5:30 P, M.

For W'lk»a-Barr# and Scranton, S:35 A. M • 1:20. 4 32 P, M. Burvdays, 4 :fi5 P. M.

For P.srvn Amhoy, 6:12, 7:27. 8:35. U;55 a M-; 1:56. 3:35, 4:32, fi:2U P. M. Sundays, U:55 A. T.36 P M.

For AlianltiT Htglilanda, Seabrlghi, #te., via Mdlawan, 6:12, 8:36, 11:80 A, M.; 1:20, 4:25 5:15. 6'52. 11:65 (Saturday* only) P, M. Sun- deya. -I, M.

For HhlI Bank, Lons Branch, A*hury Park etc , 5.J2 iLons branch mly), 8:35. 9:M (Red

: Bank onlr)> 11:80 A M.; (i :15 Saturday* only).I 1:21'. 8:.H5 ll^ed Bank only), 4:25, 6:38. 6:18 I 8;4fi (Red B*nk only). 11.50 P M. Sunday* ; (7:10 Red Batik only), U:06, 0:65 (Red Bank [ only) A M-; 1:56 (Red Bank only). 3:65, 8;4I> ’ P. M.

For Likowood 9:42 A. U .; U20, 3;35 p , m . s:2fi. 6:b'i (SaturdByi only). Sundays, 7:10, 8:42 A- M.; 1:66 P. M.

For Atlantic CUy. 8:56 A. M.; 12:60 (Batur- daye only), 8.86 P. M. Sundays. 8:56 A. M.; 1:56 P, M.

For Trenton and Phlladeijihls. 6:12, 7:668:35. 11:30 A M.; *12:50. 1:20. *4:82. 7:46, 8:46 ll'V) P. M. Bundoys, 8:U6, 6:42, 10:66 A M-; 12 55. S;46, 3:66. *4:66. 7:86. 8;40. 9:16 P. MFor naltlTTiore and WsHhlnston. 7:85. 8:42 11:30 A. M.; 1.20. 3:B5. 6;36 P. M. Sundays. 9:66. IT 66 A. M ; 1:66, 3:66. 8:30, 6:56 P. M.

‘PhllRiieiphla only.For tIckYta. bnssase checks, sleeping car

reservation*. oa)l at Broad Street Station, Tel- tpheme 2026.

W. Q BESLER, W. C. HOPB.V.-Pre* ft Gen. Man. • Gen. Pas*. Aat-

lo (in- Lnilivliiuul is Irmcccftmbii' nr un^U' i:urable. From puch nrganlzutlons as rvu- trcj* he ran aLsa Imj hrliiful to thuuc uu m whOMv shoulders (he biirdcn fi( the ill) * W o r k n-Hta directly. Hw cun bruiK 'u bPur iipnri (he city 's problems U jp wtsdi-ni ffiiljied by .illirr rnurilripallUcfl, by unklrif men ii un those nuiuji'ipahiifB to como ru uddre.sK hiM rJub; to tell him how. in llui; rity, till- roninilftslim was gub.sutulcd |or iiur udjiiilouH ward synieni nf pninivol muchlijer), end how U works; how th a t n iy wir-nt Ht»uit U, I'.) avuifl b"Muwi|i!; monoy lu antinipaiion of taxes; how U manuMod to mAke lU public b«th n «elf- ^upporilng, eye, a f>u>lhg liiBrltullon; and Ollier slii-ea of l ’tn|>iu, wlmh he mljfjit otherwise never have brought lu tua ut- tnillnn Through budh ui'gunizatlon lie iMu also ((uoftlion candldiatea. and pU-d^e ihvm, wliuiever ihey may choose lo cull iheniselvefi politically, to ft certain p^.i'oy in the rondiuM of piiblle altaifH. Agaiu n ihoueand and one Uiings could be tvu:i- logiied ftft being hroughl within the pula of prurw^ftl dtizcnsidti so far us the muuivi(ittlliy is concerned through the CIVIC organization.

I ll -A nd ftriHlly, practical citizenship re- Uiilreg of the man who has been chos.^n lo 1Ul an office, serious appUeatlnn to tho requtremeniB of that office. The uioal huprlpss confusion and discreditable re ­pute have been brought upon cUIch, be

of nhllgatlon toward the cleanllneHs of » cause the Incumhenla of office did not sHveis us 8n oblisaiion or clUicnalilp da- ifttia tlmt nffloe seriously. They looked

Up the Blubs of the books of Iholr precl- ctssor, and th(?y Imitated him. Th-•y gave no original thought to the routine nt Iho thing They did not do In m unlilpal business what they did and had to do lu ih rlr private hualness, Any kind of prim ­itive book-keeping would do for the city; any kind ol concrete would do fuj JI-h cojiirHctK. any kind cf feed would do lur lift hnrseK; any kind of lumber would do fur Us public buildings.

I'ubtlc business and private busIneHs dlf* fpr nol at all. A city ia a large firm, whereof all citizens are partnerH, paying In their quota In taxes and drawing mit ibfiir profits In Iho shape of Htreels, llgbi, wear, schools, police pruleclinn, Are prii- fection and so forth, and (he buslnesH nf such a concern, with a thousand part-* ners can be as efficiently and as nieihodlc- ally conducted hh can th a t of a concern with three partners or with ten, Any ile- foctlon tm the part of those entrusted w’llh the businefls of the miinlclpnllty and

pends the ultimate cleanliness or defUo- ment of ihe .streets.

That nn exlenwlon of this thought Into other llnCR of municipal actIvUv con- Btliutes “pracllcftl citizenship." hu far im the city Is concerned. Is evidenl. And In dflng this three linos of possible rchiiioo- fthip suggest Ihem.flclves alinoHt Instantly One Is that the ot>Ugatlons of cldzcnRldp, ft.s to the v.arloup departm ents of ihe leiu- nlclpallty, are best met by the citizen be­ing well informed; the o ther by the citi­zen being active In civic .work, and (ho third by the citizen being willing to as- auine public office at any lime, whenever, in hla eaiimatlon, the requlrernem pohi:p directly to him and he la comneleni lo fill Ihe oHlce nnd to perform Us funC' tlniis.

Let 1.IB piimmftri*c these three posslblll-llcp:

I, To hr wpU Informed. \VI(h many minds Infoimiatlon is a m altrr of massi;with otlierp II Is ft m n ttrr of order. Oi,r- . ................. .............. -- — ........ ......................man thinks he knows a thing, if he knows «ny neglrcl to use the very heat hiislneps a lot Jibout It: another thinks he knows a I rn ’thuds reacta upon iht* city and n

The following deeds were recorded 10 the county re ^ s te r 's office yesttrd&y:

NEWARK,Charles Dill et u i to M, Elizabeth

Kounsftvllle. w e South Tenth at375 ft a fr Eleventh av, 20x159......... |1

John A. Kern lo Charles O. Kefh, e s Jelllfr av 144 ft t fr Clinton av,26x105 .................................................... 1

Ida A. PerHon to JuUen Dion, e a North Fifth st JOJ ft n fr Seconduv, 25xl<ju ........................................... 4

Adrian Hlk»*r et ux to Patrick J.Kelly, e H Madison st 2U1 t t a frFerry st. 1IBX1&4................................... |

H^irtlui Stelnbuehler and husband to Aiigi.i8i I,'- Stelnbu»*hler at ux, e a Washington av 105 ft a fr Veronanv, 26x1(1-1 ............................................ 1

Mendel Simor^ et al lo WUUani Ollk>In, e n Camden si iJfi ft fr CabinetPt. 2Sxlftb .............................................. 1

James Wilson Weslerffeld et nx to John J. l^ynn. w s Orchard si K ft H fr Cump st, 25xl6K, and secondiraci .................................................... t

John J. Lynn to Annie C. W eaisr- ffeld, w a Orchard at 56 f t a fr Camp st, a5xl£fl, and second trac t X

Jacob ArasterdHTn et u x ito Louis Grose cOr s s fipringtieid'av and ws MAgnollrt st, 26x98 ......................... 1

Isftfto Hirschberg et ux to Uptown I'olUh Realty Co., w e Bergen stllfi ft n fr iTth av, 25x100................. 1

Rudolph Krimke to Heal Eatato Trftning Co.. ;h s Baldwin st 262 ftw fr WasJlinglon .at, 3iixlft0............ 1

Clara CoUun ct ul tn fteal Estate Trading Co., c a Washington st a t centre of wall between houses Hobert. y . Cbedlsler ftl s w cor house John Virtue, ISxM, and twoother trac ts ................ 1

William Wiener et nls to Oscav Wie­ner. w s Ilro^d at 23 ft n fr Park- hurst tracts. . . . _ .OHIO .hurst fll, JDxuO, and I tree other

thing, when ihe Information he hua con- rerning it is so ordered In hla mind oh to ho available at a momenUH notice, a con­dition usually described In popukir pwr- Iftnce ns “liftvlng such a thing at your fingers' ends" W hatever th f habit of lu- fllvldual minds may he, practical dtlzcn- phlp meanp to be well Informed, J>nd If that Information can he held In mind in A. definite and a system atic way ll Is Im­proved by aurh holding. The rjil7!«f>n would, therefore. Inform himself as to the assfltfl of his cily. as to the facilities of bis city, as to ihe functions of hla city. In any case. It will be his city. He will never permit himself to «ay:

An I n d l r a t lo n o f flaccesa."They are going to do ao and so." Ha

will always say (and think) "Wc are going lo do ftn and po." It Is his city, not some ore 's else. And w hatever Is being done, good, ha«l or IndifTerent though it be. he Is doing it. Before th is sense of ag

the (kx list, and upon the clnss of inhab- iiaiilB which that rl(y will a ttract.

And praciica! citizenship for the man fleeted means thorough fam iliarity wi»)i the departm ent entrusted to him by hie fellow cJtlzcnp and ns rllscrlmlnatlnri a arovlce for that depariniflru as thouiih H were Ii Ib owui buslnesN, And that vlrtuol- iy it Is. For if the city he hla city fund cJlieenshlp abHOlulely rpMiB upon th a t as- fiurnptlon) then Is Ihe cit.v'a business s.c- tunlly Ills busInesH and jl .should be eo conducted.

(■Copyright, tW7. hy Adolph Roeder.)

MORTGAGES.Thc.«ip mortgages were reenrdad Ip tha

county register's office yesterday;NEWAKK.

C lara Wulf and husband Kk Lena Eck- ler, r e cor Fainnouiit and Fourlecuth avH, IWf).

.................. V.. M. Mltzabeth Hoiinsavjlie to Acmegregftte co-partnership arEa«R In a man’s S §ulldlng and Loan, w « ^ u t h T enth at mind, h , la only a frantlcnal cltiicn, lie | ^R i\,|r[ ''p u lk o t'lc h ui'llHrirl'L. da Riche- hoards and lodges in a town. I t is not e a South Twentieth al 20 ft a frhi* d ty . Thia ptdnt m business Is well | Twpli’h av, JU43,known. The man who says about his i Julten Dion ;t ux *da A. 5®rson. o s business. About his firm, about the house. North Fifthth a t "They have (iMtdcd to charge 13.50 | a fr‘'p’'^nT^5l. P .W 'for thiB thing, can perform only one , L'cenre I’arrjUo «i iix to John Fagan, e eervice for th a t buaIntsH and th a t je to I g t'roapect et 213 ft s fr Ferry st, J3,«». hand In hIs resignation. Only tha man ! William Oliken to Mendel Simon ^ al, who says "W e llnd that wa will have lo « ? "‘J : ® *?n

Samuel Weinstein el al to Jacob Ahrnma. cor n s Avon av anil e aHunterdon et. 30x100.......................... 1

John Fagan el ux to Lucta Pnrrlllo, e a Frnaperi at 213 ft a fr Ferry at,30x110 ....................... .......................... t.2U0

Emily R. McGregor and huaband to Frank Ferkel, a a Avon av 26 ft0 fr fioiilti I7ih al, 75x30.................... 1

Charlee H. Miller to Philip Hedden,0 s Ridgewood av 12S ft a fr Big­elow Hi. 35x13,7........... ....................... 1

Augiiat Huermann el ux to Jae..b Wold ct ux, 6 B RidgewofM iisf 336ft n fr Miullaon av, 36x130................ 1

Bombard Gluck el ux lo Loulx J. Bupchlcr, a a Bruce at 182 ft n frSpringfield av, 30x106......................... I

OUTBIUE OF NEWARK.George VV\ MunHirk el ux lu Ed­

ward O. Schultz, South Orange, n w a Summit av 3tH tl n Elmwoodav. I(!(ix300 ........................................ 1

Henry Denninger et u* to Amelia Halllant, Weet Orange, n ■ Haze! ave ISO ft w fr Valley at, 30x118 ........................................................ 6

Catharine Maher to Acchlito Totoro el iix. Orjinge, w a cen tral pl a a ror lot No. ST, land WTlaon A Bird,36x133 .......................................................... ...

William H. Huasey to Land Co. of East Orange, N. J., Eaat Orange, w' H iNorlJi iirove at 34 ft a frFourth ave, 92x150...................... 1

Auatln Realty Co to Dainiano Va- Ciiro. Belleville, h a Mitchell at10(1 ft w fr Austin at, 26x100....... >

Charlotte Smith lo Mabel Langton. Orange, e a Conimeree et luO ftn fr M. and E. B. B., 50x 99........... 1

Oaks Land and Improvement Co. to Mary J. Lander*. Belleville, « a Delmohr st 168 ft n fr TIona ave,25x100 ......................................i t - *

Henry P. Dodd et ux to Minnie W ard AHlaon, Bloomfield, » e Hazelwood roiid 333 ft w fr Or­chard at, 26x164 ....... a

Janvea H. Touhey n ux to August O. 'Wilhelm ot ux, Verona, w ■ Mentroae av 49 ft n fr Hill at,50x147 ......................................... ■#

Herbert V Hardman at ux to Frank r . liftrjmaM, « g Ter­race p] IftO ft a fr Schuyler st,50x100 ................................................... 1

Frank C. Hardman to Edith O. Hardman, Bellflvillft, e a Terracepl 100 fr a fr 8chuyler st, 60x100.-..

Savings InveHtmeru and T rust Co. of ^ f l l Orange to Economic Buyer Aftsoclatsft. East Orange, w a Nof Orange to Economic Buyer

OrovB st 50? ft n e fr Rutledge av,32xL60 ................................ ...................

Guaifinty Home Corporation to James OencereUl, Nulley, e s W at- nm st % ft n fr E Centre st,B0xJ04 ....................................................

Guaranty Home Corporation r to Vincenzo Jatncarelil, Nutley, e e Walnut st 34 ft n fr B Centre et,25xS6 ............................. .......................

Mnry A. Mullen and husband to LEIlian L. Baljard, Orange,


Oakwood av 2®5 ft s w Meincharge *3.50 fur thla." whether he he jmJiniigftr, salesman or boy. has « ‘ «v tl OftO — .........right to think of htms<-lf as part of that ’ aea l Estate Trading Company to Clara | Tt. 56x106...........................................particular business,'and the business con- Colton, e s W ashington si a t centre of ' Mftry A. Taylor and husband to jHSYn thnt lb «-r.Ti«HMx+*gi e f .<zx. ' wbh betwscn hou*c-8 of Robert i , Cned: , Anna P. Bright, South Orange, s

cor land party second part n w s

John Plunkett, 161 Ogdso ■t.46.*,..,.Ssine ^ bc« « sVx.wn— *"

_______ ____________ ____ SenFred Herman, isfl W. Kinnsy st.,,.Sem* pLao*

ems plaoe emc place

WAWIM^ST.. 54—Nlceiir turnlshsd room, vilh card.

Samuel C. Borenson, M 17th av:,....Sams plae* Fred Theurer, 400 Washington av,.xvSerne piSM Max Bodsnitsl^ SKB Csntral aVr.4...Bsms plae*Max Wlggari, 23 n k ln r t............. Bams plaoer . Schwankert, 870 lAth av.,M,.,x.,,Mms plaoe Wm. Mausa. 47S Springfield av,,,,,..Same placeAbraham Unger, 8B4 Walnut r t.......Bem* plaoeJohn Kent, 245 Plane ..................... Seme placeC. F. AusHuteln. 210 Norfolk it....Same plaoe Uirhaek Cougbitn. 76 B. Canal st....Bam* place

[ Irtdora ICcksteIn, 74 Belmont sv.»x..Bam*place [ Tlmothr J. Dillon, 246 Academy sLSame place

Chris. Bcbnrtder, 26 Ward r t ...........Bam* placeCasDor MuIIh '. 254 Belmont ar......Bam* place

Dirierle. 285 Bprtagflrtd aT...Bshie place Draketilako*, 4-41 Nesbitt st,.....Sams place

Jj'iob Hclirojn. 21 Market st........ ..Bsmepiao*Thoenur F. Brannen, 106 First at....Bams plae* Robert Wright. 4B4 Bprlngfiald av..Sam« piseaortt. Week. 76 Jacob r t......l......g.,,xfiaitic placaMary Oppel, 2M ISth av.,..x..x..,4,.Saiti« plaeaFred Bobett'en, 376 Bank ..... 8ame placeB F C. Rothwel], 61 FrollBfhurssfighdAe plxtMKlehaal J. Cunt. 161 BiuMi xv.„„g«nM placeChxfiU glcgc.1. 341 Onngc at....... ..n m c placeJuuM Lcvli, 238 Central x r........ ..•■■HpUc*David ghMpc. 61 a in c a cv ...........luiwplxc*Andnw Kllfiu. M8-H6 m dcn lt (wiaiiw plx« Wm C. Havpvr. £63-364 Market it.,6«iupixelUtula Mclii. 36 6Ui a r ..t .......-.........Sgow pixeaJehB Dxvidxcn, II Veiey i t ............ .toM pliceQ K it Hwnixn. 11-36 Htcker xt.;,...gMW pixex Chrti. K u » t.^ |T PasHlt aT„..,„.JIU H pixel


•Mllhaji lr«M filsto York aeerg fta iarria jNBW TWIN BGHtSW BTBAMBHlPd

*<CALEDOJ«lA'^ n«d ««COLirMBIA** Aetrsge passage 714 day*.

For Booh of Tours and InformstlOTi apply to _ M. R DBNNI3 A 774 Broad «tt

JOi. U, BTRKB n o Broad rt.. NewailL J., 1. MATER. 24 Clinton sL. Heworli.

S U M M E R V A C A TIO N SA g b e rt Oexxn Voyxgx to w forxigD LwbiI

Go to Bermuda by new twin<*ersw staamsbip Bsrmudtan in lorty-Ave hours from New Tork. Tempsraiqrs cooler than at Lb* Middle AUanild

retort*. Good * ‘ '

cern thnt is constituted of men who say , wall between houses virMi* unH-wc.” from the prc.ldxnt of the board of '=*=■■ ‘L * ^rac?! H 'dlfectoro down to the Janitor, lx a Buceexa E sta te Trading Co. lo Rudolphfront the outset. W henever a body of ' Krimke, a a Baldwin at 362 ft w fr Waen- men find It necessary, for any reason i ington st, R5Wi,xbatevor, to apeak of each other as ! Michele TImpone to E tta M. Headley, "th ty ," that body of men Is approaching iw s N 5tlv J t n fj^Ahlngton

P S A P I B e .SupwD Htexmera “ C w r t e p I c . W . uO R gB I IM p b h tV VURK. I u X b in C A L B A N r. lADIRS|t.DACKUsvePl.rS2,N.H.,(t.^Ml,lkimiliys. 6 P. M., iSDth st,^a;M P. H, AliOANY, TROT, SARATOGA. LAKE

OKOIIGK. Abunt from home or oRIce but two nlfbt* and a day. Low rate*. Muni*: Nightly searchlight exhibition. The Hudsoo •ubltme and majestic. Bend 2c. stamp tor rntr snfl hotel folder.______ . .

IjMeemersD tw n

flshlag, *to batoJng. *aii* ’ ntuitn.tsd panipblstt

John Biotoiu, Sc. Orange ar..e..B*to*plae«

BOARD WANTED*Boa rd Wthi*d tor baby boy, eight Aonths

. * ^ ' Addttog, sUtliii U m sf Bog Wp

T. Brastotoa. 1-S Boilfoad Pl...........BsUMSplsee|akm 0p|»ltL 24] BloomfiBM ay.....BSm*ptoeABsnurd Dubb«nitotn. 16 lUtoora *tfism* pioo*w. Ditokfto. LOd.isa Orsagi *▼.......Bamsgiao*Mich. wlUatio^ m Jfo. d» flea..... Sam* MomMtch. Ttohe. 9TRobm £ -H tt* m : i gl4»ggi

retort*. ......................liV and bicyclinr- For ntuitn.ted panipble •nd totis, address A, S. OtTT&RBBlDOE A CU„ otrtitf Qvebto Rt*OBtohlp Co.g Ltd.i 90 Broadwaya New Tort.

ARTHuB ARBRNa Quabscp Cas»' f . M. BTRItB. iOO B ro a d I t .


To I S I T n i "Oh* ■»* Ttollog, • t .T gl .* -5 rI1 2 2 Boat ood KoU.' Ba.OO

11.00 40 Fall RJvar. thio to PrevWant.ORGKBSTBAS. V: W lEBLBdS,

PIxr M VJt. (WxB lt.1. * P.M. i B. Mtb m..to o p. H. wtxk-dxfc- ^nwoo m »— — -

CITIZENS ITROY. I rt*Ml<Jrecnpayt

leoiive Pier 46,‘N. R., R. West iOtb BL. week-days atid Hundeys. S p, tn.

Btatfroomr"sirWhaif O ffi^ , *1*0 <7lly Tickvt Office, SOff nrbsdwayg and i t prto<i>


9imt r . ■. wsw wf*. nw e* «wn esoew*iiSIRS I m ‘


For Jxmcstowh Exwililoa. Old Bolpt Cotnron Norfolk. Pottsmoutb, PInoxr's Polorsad New­port Nows, Vx,.coiui«tlagforPxixrXb»oNlch- ixond. Vlrglslx Sxxob, Waxfalngtom; D. C.. end xittln Ooutb xitd Wi.l, Frelxht end nxsxxngxf xtaxmon xill froin pt«r 06. N. R.. tooiar Bxxch si.. XTiry week dtr xt 6 P. M.

W. L. w6nDROW. Trxflio H assnr.

/ l O i e O I T flURK*!* TENTH AN- U t f l t n I ffUAL CRmSB. Fab. 6, .'6A t o (I nyx, by xpxeUUy

, W e 7 ' w n x . THREE

Ihe end of Its aggregats existence. And It will topple over w ith a crash propor­tionate to Its size. Bo the citizen who says ‘'they" is thereby virtually excluding himself front citizenship.-

And of this city, which Is hie city, par sxcellence, he should know the assets. He ahould know w hat about the d ty stands for wealth, and w hat part of the things so standing represents productive wealth and w hat part represents simply available asset, The productive asset, (which aocio-economlcally Is virtually “capital'') IneludsB the city streets. Its water front. Its wharfage. Its m arketa Its privileges, usually given In the torm of lieense for this, th a t or the other ven­ture, The other form of asset (socio­economically desciihed s s "Wealth'') In­cludes the public building^, Ihe school buildings, the housing of his light and water plants, the parks and playgrounds, end slmllnr values.

HIs relation to these Iz one of general Interest, both as to the condition and the disposition of them. He need not Concern himself necessarily with Ihe amounts of money these things stand for. or the kind of linking fund and bonding arrangements made for them, unless ha be a financier; then his olty h a t the claim upon him, th a t he should go esru- fully over the reports of the city and note whether the m ost advantageous

eharticed AA“A rsU c ." .l6 ^ TW EIB O O SD T H K iro iL D .

L ta U tB . C. a H U t E .* B i ^ B iU d tn i, M .

William O. Elchetiberg et ux to CharleeA. Feick, n e Garden at 4U) ft w fr Pacific

^V rank Ferlsel to Emily R. McGregor, B B Avon av M ft e fr S n th st, FiOO.

Jennie H arris and husband to 14th 'WardB. & 1... n B W atson av 1.650 ft s e fr Hunterdon st. 11,600.

Jacob Wold et ux to August Buertnann, a s Ridgewood av 335 ft n fr Madison av, 53.900.

Gregorio Pieraro et ux to Gustave A. Richards, n a Delaney st cor e s land A. Perry Baldwin. ISOO.

Christian Christensen ot ux to Gustavus A. Richards, e s Sandford s t 565 ft s fr Wall st, and 3d trac t, 11,900.

OUTSIDE OF NEWARK.Acchlllo Totoro et ux to C atharine M a­

her, Orange, w s Central pl i e cur lot 87 ■ Wilson A Bird 63 ft • w fr Jam es

Maplewood av 281 ft n e fr Beachpl, lOxlBO ............................................

Charles J. Coon to William G. Brenn, Verona, corner a s Claremont avand w s H alveni et, 166x173..............

I. Carlton Fleeter et ux lo C. Will­iam Webb, Glen Ridge, w a Hillside av 403 ft fr a B Washington st.60x169 ....................................................

F rank W arren Smith et ux to Emilia Rogge. South Orange, n e B Jefferson av 160 ft n w fr ’Valleyst, ........................................................

Marco Mockicehio et ux to Canlo Booklcchto e t ux. Belleyille, s e corner land Adam H. Kent, w sFranklin st, 50x100........................ . . . .

Nutley Realty Company to People a Bank and Trust Company, Nutley. corner s s Lake st and n s Highet, 100x215..................... ..J .. . . . . . . .

Ida J. Zimmerman and husband to Annie Beck, Weet Orange, e s Watchung av 339 ft n a fr W ash­ington i t , 25x166.................................

land. 51.660.ivlillam A. Akers et ux to Levi Beat.

Bloomfield, n w a Orange st cor s w s Crown at, 5500.

Lillian L. Ballard and husband to Mary A. Muller, Orange, e s Oakwood av 285 ft a w fr Main at, 10.000.

K alhartna Ludwig at al to William ........ ............................ ............Konow et ux, Irvington, w s 62d st 260 electrical work, with Messerft 8 fr Prospect av. 12.9)0. 4 Isenberg, tor metal, concreting and

Rogers Jacobus to James Mahlon W alk- ' 'ar. Bloomfield, s s Osborns s t 212 ft a fr Essex av, 52,800.. , . . , ^ _

Canto Bocklcchlo et ux to Lorens C,Hellos, Belleville, s e cor land -kdam H.

CONTRACTS.The folio,ring contracts have been re­

corded at the courthouse;^L Buechler, owner, li2 Springfield ava-

nue with L. Lelbowitz, for mason wwlc, 5105; with Blum * Rosen, for carpenter wor)t R. SItbersteIn, architect.

IsabsllR A, Williams, owner, Bowdolo street. South Orange, with J. W, Gtbaon

Kent, w s Franklin st, 52.000,Sarah A. Dultey to Job B. Ttllou. 8 .

Orange, n. P* "’* * ** “E.terms are made by the city officials, and ! Oari*''®*' h„.h«nA to Mary E

whether any improved method of doing j sttilngs. has been more reoantly devised j iW ' ' * « “and whether It be applicable In the bind j people’s Bank and Trust Co. to Nutley of city he Inhabits, and with the number ; Realty Co., Niitlsy, cor a ■ Labs at and nof Inhabitants It contains or taxable values It represents. Otbgrwlse hla in­terest la general, and one of the eaaeu- Hat feature* of the practtnal working out Of that interest will be mentioned In a mOBMht.

Nest h* gbouM bg MHy Infutndd t i

s High at, 0,800. tlaaae Boraateln et ux to Chrtatlna Korb.

Irvington, n s Montrose terrace 6» f t w fr Grove at, 81,90k

Otto Denny e t ,u i to Franklin toiringa, I f ------ - — —

■tiling work. 5H2'. with John C. Bewley. for^ ln tln g work. 52T8. Riobard W. &1«r.*AugU8t' Lucht, owner, 511 South Tenth itreel, with O. F , *or m a mwork, 1230; with FrlU W uetheui* ftw carpenter work, 5650. Charlea K no;^

Melels, owner, lU SouHi Twen- Heth. street. Irvington, with J. O. gohwan^ wasider, lor plumbing work. 5300; w ttt Fhl5o Oegenhaimer, for carpenter work, IIMT; wnilam Moll, architect,■ H. J. Frost, owner. Rldgewomf avenuo. aien Ridge, with the Crawtord Ca. tor all work, p,2M. Frank. Gtoodwlllie, andt^- tftctWimtre Be a MAy«r, o ro er w o ^ av«ny«, CH*n Rtdfft with th* Cffiw-

iMUtutlon, irvlRftor, n s Springfield av tort CO„ Inc. lor masm^ *?TSS,‘iL .fl8? eor w g 5 u d eSIgte W U U ^ ^ e y dM, palnUng work, ^58^ F n n k QoodwUin> a m g r th i tm



------------ r -

W L A T H L IL l O - f i O n n O W : FrabaMy ie tu ra lly fair.

II( J l!IL

M A f iK E T .I H A L S E Y € B A N K JST SJ


More of the Great July SaleThe largest and most successful Mid-Summer Sale ever held at the Bamberger .store—a sweeping reduction movement in which every department is participating and one in which we have included thousands oj

, ^ - a t the jnost-»taTtiing pricedollafs*c;:w cyth

Dress Ginghams2,800 yarda of lino dreoft

Iflnffham. on salo tct-mivrmw At 8 ^ . Milt )<<nffrhi of rogutiir Ifto. and 19(*. good*. Nice for children'* drcsaoa and eummer frocko. All regu­lar l£kj. to 19c.frood*. In one bigoi, a t...... .

4 BUlilMiPl

8 k

Girls’ HabA anrnll quantUy of nice

trimmed hatn reduced from 7[ki. to I2.B0. Trimmed with ribbon. flUk pompons, and o ther m aterlalai and colors. Former from 7Bc- to |2.fi0.On sale to-mnr- row, while they last .......................

quilla white prices


White Goodst , tn yard , of full 40-inch

while French batlete ready for Thuraday'e apeclal selling, at 1 3 ^ . yard. Thie batlete !. very fine and sheer and a Quality that sells In the regular way at IBc a yai4. Hpectal .... 1 3 k

The Waist Sale


Wash GoodsW e have taken fmm our

regular slock all of our im­ported oivandicia end a num- Ser of BllK and cotton fabrics and grouped them on fijnt'cliU tabldfl a t 19c, a yard. ThcBC gocdJi are all very desirable and ioU in regu­lar way a t Me./39c and 49c.Now ..................... 19c

W hite Lawn W a ls ts -v « r j pretty •tylps wlili hIx Inch tuckA nn eUle and neat bands ol goi>il quality etubrolil* erf, ihort Nieere in(«lcl, well made. TfieNft waUU DiiiNt- not he Judged by ibeprire. See them tO'ifiorrow on sale (mepecial tablpft nt, each......

W hite L«wn W a is ts —t WO excep­tionally pretty Style# lo cbooee frnm. Made o! good quality white lawn-> iooie trinimeil witii wide bamli nf Val. lace, othnri with hand.■otn« modalllone — tucked and trimmed slpeveii ■Iset—reg. |;iiiid nt.1 1 .6 9

W h ite Law n WalstA Very g o o d‘ ‘ d l f f c m i t


qiialllj lawn made iJi t1iriH>•iyh'S—lonie pr<'ltn7 trlrnnied wHh l ace and embroidery medallloiiH, otberH with <lninty luct'and tiicliB—all neatly maile niid ■old regularly for luiilgl.Hfi, Hppciai at.

W h ite Lawn W ais ts —Tbe«e walHti Are made nf a good grade ot lawn— tliree iMHcrrnt inodeU to clioone irtim s-somc ot them trimmed with dainty lace, embroidery and tucks— short flecrei with tucked cnfT and ciillar, lace edged— regular f l.Oo oach« ipectal.



W h ite L aw n W a is ts -F in e quality lawn trimmed with good Volenclentie# lure nod vury line grade of embroidery -fancy tucked eleeTBs—back to match

these waist# sell regii- liirly for |8 and |A.50 each, our price tor thl# tale, special, each ......................

Whit© Lawn W a lsts -a \ i difierentHtylns of waists taken from t-i^giilar slock »ju! only one or tw o of a siie— iniido of very flae quality lawn, all trimmed with OermBn Val. a / \ / \ lai-e and embroi<lsry —«old J I I I I regularly for gR.bO each,eery special a t .....................

W hite N©t W a is ts —Odds and emliof wlilte net and lace waist# lu Turl- mil siyles—tome irlmmrd with wide liiiiuls of lacp, others with narrow tiifka ard lace—all sltCH— eidd r**gularly for f+.OO aiirt

each, on aule to-mor row a t,........ ...........

Black Lawn WaUtS-Mnde or an ei-cpptlonally good quality black lawn in very pr*-tty s tjle —wide Marie An­toinette rutile down f ro n t- s h o r t

Brussels Kugs60 patterns to pick from, size

9x12. good quality body brus- 9ol«, p retty new design# and eoluringft. rugs th a i sell In the lisunl way atIM.riQ, apeclal for T hurs­day (one day only), a t ..............


S 3 .0 0

sleeves—a full line ol slies to s ta rt wlth—sold rogiilartj for |l.o« i-ach, on sale spe­cial At.................................... 1.00

1 5 ,0 0 R u g s 1 1 .4 9On+* h i in d rp d 9x12 tn p e s t ry

hrusfielH r\iK8, a l l th i? HCnann p latest, i ind m o a t w a n te d »>f- fortH, on sa le In n u r fm i r th flour <‘:irpid p lo re |n - m o r r n w a t $11.49, b r i g h t n ew w lo r l i ig a a n d a t t r a c t i v e PQlUTTis, a g e n ­uine b a r g a i nQt .................... l i t '

S u it. CasesTbess casss are m ads 4if bast

quality Karatol, sx tra deep cBsa, steel Irame, riveted, stro n s lesiher handle, two Btrapa all around caee, flue braae lock; J4-lnoh; reg. BpecUd for Thura- day. all day. Gth f l o o r d e p a r t - m ent ...............

a, rrj^.


Men’s Underwear72 dozen Men's Shirts and

Drawers, of due while gauxe, on Bftlc to-morrow at 44c. tho

Sarinenl: long or short a1(*evea, mwerfl ankle or knee length;

made and dnlshod in (he best p o s s i b l e way. npecial T h u r s ­d a y , while they lust ...................... . 44c

Handkerchiefs100 dozen women'e pure linen.

hemKtlichPd 'KerchlefB. with hand-embroUlcrcd I n i t i a l s ; hamlkerchlefa w i t h dainty emlirnldiTy around the Inltlnils (seromlB); slight Impf'rftictlon.'^, cnnslstlng of a heavy thrend or u pin hole here and there; ime washing will r e rn fMl y t h a t , worth I9c. or 2uc,Special, each........

nr] iii..iv ,


Boys’ ShoesDciys’ patent colt, blucher.

Oxford llcB to go Thursday at $1.50 Instead of $2.50. hand Aewed. woKcd soles; ruund toes, with tips; sizes 5 sand all strictly re- rclinhle g o o d s ; made to sell at$2.r»9, Bpechil a t...

ar.D M s


TrousersXn palre of Meu'e High

Oradq. Troueere— Made from domeetic ard Imported pure wonted*. In etiipee and oheck*. bandaomely made and trimroad; taken from our reg- uthr 16.00, $6.00 and IT.OO Ilnea. on tale Thura- day In our third floor department at, p a ir ..,.

ui #ieW tines,


Boys’ " S y HatsThe balance %>f our Boys'

Straw Novelty hats a t exa<-tly half the regular price; Straw ■TurbanB, GTengary, Tam (J‘- Shunter and other new shapes,$1.00 Hats n o w . , . . , ...........SOo$1.50 Hats n o w . . 7 6 c$1.05 HaU now...................OBc1295 Hats now......... ....,1 .4 8$6.00 lia te now................... 2.50

Elastic BeltsYou save $2.00 on those s ty ­

lish Pelts If you buy here to­morrow. h^n't Is worth while? Black elaHilc, steel studded, with handsome cut slevl hlldo and hackle, Plnglo nod double slrlpB; regular $5.00, a t .................... .. 3.00

Trunks in a SaleCanvas covered, waterproof,

metal fxiund, heavy Iruti val iince, four top alata. ni^tal bottom, one tray, wUh hat- hnx compartment.Sizes........ 2S 30 32 34keg . . . . . 3,4*i 3.9S 4.48 4.9«Spec....... 2.98 3.48 3.9B 4.48S iz e s .. . ........... 36 38 40•Reg.................... 5.48 5.98 '6.4HS p ec .,......... 4i98 6.4B 5.98

Women's Vests$7 doxen Women'* White

Ribbed Silk Uele Veate at 20o. Regular 35c. grade. Liow neck, ellk tape finish. Qood enough for almost any pne. and quality that eells everywhere a t Sfle. Special tp. morrow, each..,.


Women’s HoseTo-morrow we wl\l sell

W oman's 25c. Mercerized T.fBic Hose a t These splendid■lockings come In etalnleaa black and are of the newest and moat approved shades of brown. Dotibie heels and toes and all regular

g oods. S p ec ia lJul ythe 20c

MillineryWe will place on sale tn

mininery more to-morrow morning. pyroxytlne Flats In several style crowns, with brims brared with wire, suit­able for hidloa or children, col­ors light blue, champagne, brown, b u r n t . na\T and black.Regular 3.00,at ........................ .

c n ail I B.


Garment ClearanceStill we're .penciling prices in our women's ready-to- wear section—in some instances the reductions amount to half and over. Here are five items to illustrate our plan of campaign. Read carefully:

S tlk _ J iH ii£ e f_ ^ D re 3 s«

Actual values earlier in the season $16.50 to $19,75, Princess or two-piece styles; also shirt waist dresses. Taffetas, _ _ _ foulards, pongee. Special price for ft Q C this great July Clearing Sale........ e /e x U

Women|sCjotji_Si^Regular price was $H ,75. Made In variety of Kton styles of Panama cloth. Only a limited q u an tity - while they last fand ^ a h that should not be long f | U K at the price we quote...

Taffeta Silk SuitsRegular prices $2S and f.io. Made in Eton styles of finest taffeta In lilack.bluB and brown. * h i \ A Very special price for I K I I I 1 this clearing sale, ea. " . ' • v v

Silk Lined Voile ‘SkirtsOriginal price $14,75. Made of ex- celient black wire voile In full plaited style over heavy n A p taffeta drop. Special price / U K for tills sale, each ......... U

Sill^_EtonjJacl«rtRegular prices $14.75 arid $16.50.Beautiful styles made of linest black Liffeta and tastefully trimmed.Very special p r i c e gw A P while tlie assortment / U .K lasts.................. I « : 7 U

Hand BagsWomen's seal grain (•arringe

bugs, on Bale In our first floor leather goods store Thurs­day at $1.39; Uicbp rreU y bags are equipped with change purse, find come In gold or silver finiali. a good $2-00 value, h e r n Thursday speclnl a t ...........

nt |$5MU UI


ParasolsWomen's pure silk sun

shades, hi white only, made In hemstitched style, 8 riba, gold tips nnd filled with i,tce strong handles and silk tassel, reg. $1-76 and $2.00 grades, special for (he great July Bale, each............


Couch CoversOriental stripes, in a full

line of pleaslngcolors. Fringed all around and full length. Just what you need for that old couch or sliding bed. You will like them W'hpn you see how really gnnd they are.Special.at ........................ . 75c

W om en’s Sum m er Bats Marlced Down fw Clearance R .J.Q O ER K E T . J .G B R T H

iPR Ej;

< t H ^


w r a i x ^ TacAXi


WmsiW h ite S h o e s a n d O xford sF or W om en a n d C h ildrtn — I h e G rea test V a lu es Presented h A n y S to re I b is S eason ,

At this low price no woman in Newark need Women’s White Mercer-

R o y a l S p o o l S ilk100 y • rfle— j I *4!c spool■trong iinooth

thread — black odIj —reg. Tc,,.*

L\Bamberger&‘ Co.Royal Tooth Powder

7c boxM e t a l sprinkler top box. recom­mended by the lead­ing dentUU, rrg.lOc.

be without a pair of fine white ties for summer. They're White Canvas

Ized Silk and genuine Sea Island Duck Oxfords—Plain

Qibson Ties—Medium and or tip Gibson style, regularlight soles; large fast color leather_a ^ Cuban covered

e y e l e t s , sizes zK to 8, regular $1,25 val., special, pr.


Children’s W hite S ea Island Duck Lace end B utton Shoes. Genuine hand-sew ed, oak sole

bottom .Sizes 5 to 8, value $1.25, a t....7 9 c S ite i to 11, value $1.50, a t S9c Sizes 2 ^ to 5, value $2.00, at 1.25

Qlrls’ R usset Shoes, In Button and Lace, Tan, Vtcl Kid.

Sizes 5 to 8, wort'n $1.50, a t... 1.00 Size* 8)4 to 11,w orth $1.75, a t .1.29 Mis.ses’ Sizes, 11)^ to 2, worth

$2.25, a t ..................................... \.49Big G irls’ Size*, 2 }i to 5K ,

w orth $2.50, a t ....................... 1.79

C hildren's W hite Canvas Oxfords.

L arge fast color eyelet Bluchers. SizesS to 8 to 11 11% to 2

59c 99c 79c1.00 W aists 59c

W h ite L a w n s o r l in g e r ie s .

Samples of waists that were made up to be sold at $ 1 .0 0 . In this space we can’t begin

to describe the dozens of different styles. They're m a d e of excellent white lawn or lingerie, some tr im ­med with allover em broid- erv, some w ith em broid­ery or lace, others ali tucks; waists you’ll really have to see to appreciate their beau- ty and fine work itiansliip. N 0 t more tlian two to a customer. Spe' cial to-morrow .it each..........

; tlieir beau-


Men’s Shirts at 39cS o m e Subject to S lig h t L au ndry D efec ts ,

O th e rw ise th e L o t W o u ld R e ta il a t 7 5 c

A tim ely offer like this shou ld not be m issed by the m an who wants two shirts a t th e price h e ’d oriiinarily pay for one. T hey’re negli­gee stiirts made of im ported an d dom estic shi.-tings, in per­cales, m sdras and cheviots; attached

1 a n d d e t a c h e d ■ y cuffs; regular val-

ue 75c., special lo- m orrow ...................

.ings, in per-

39cM en’s and B oys’ T w o -P ie c e

S u its—Of good worsteds, in navy value $1.00, special a t .........................

B athingor black, 69c

G arm en ts a t H alf.Sweeping reductions throughout our entire stwk, enabling

you to save tremendously on the season's most stylish Suits and Skirts. But a few of the many big values:

$3.00 S h irt W aist and Jum per Suits a t $1.49.Another lot of 100 of these beautiful Suits that sold

so rapidly last week. A large and varied assortment, consisting of beautiful floral organdies, white lawns, some with black polka dots, as well as blue and black lawns; some plain, o thers elahorntely trim m ed with em broidery, in shirtw aist and ju m p er styles; not one worth less th an $3.00.....

W a s h S u i t s a t 98c. $8 and $10 Linen Suits $3.98.About 200 ill th e lo t—broken assort-

mentB of the kinfl th a t Jiavc sold at f2.()0 and #2.50, bu t m any are slightly soiled or mussed from lian- “ “dling. In the lot are linens, shepherd plaiils and duck —a great bargain h e re to­morrow a t .............................

$1.25 W ash S k irts 98c.A special lot ol 300 for to-morrow 's

sale. T hey’re m ade of ^ood quality while linon, w ith broac panels; extra and regu lar sizec; ideal for s tree t o r outing w e a r ; regularly $1.25, reduced to ....

are sligm iy

98crts 98c.o-morrow 's ood quality


W hite L inen Suits in Prince Chap, Pony and Jum per styles; Leather Brown Suits in different styles; W hite Lawn D resses, and all popular shades—trim 'd in a m anner to strike your fancy—suits w orth $8 and $10, special a t . ,

J2.98 S k ir t Special a t JL98.All th e new est plaited models, in-

, eluding cassim eres, fancy hrilliantincs, c h e v i o t s , , serges and Panam as; also wash skirls in linons and lawns; regu lar and extra s iies;reg .$2.93,reduced to


Hosiery.3<u)0 Great ‘Ih u rsday Specials

., plain or

15cW om en’s High Qrade Stockings

in finest cottons a n d 1 isles, plain or lace, some w ith erabroid- -a " ered insteps, full s^ m le s s , absolutely fast colors and black, regul.irly 25c., spe­cial to-inorrow a t ...................

W om en's Im ported Stockings infinest mercerized silks, lisles and cot­tons, some are H erm sdorf _ black, while others are G orden dyes, in lace, ganze or m edium w eights, all have garter tops and reinforced soles, heelsand toes ; an excellen t a s - ------sortm ent in b lack , colors, stripes or em broideries, reg.39c. and 50c., choice at.

JIC3| ncci?


UnderwearA t S p e c ia l R eductions.

Women's Vests, straight or shaped, low neck, sleeveless or with wing sleeves, full taped and trimmed, ex­tra or reg, sizes, reg.19c. to 25c., reduced to


14cWomen’s Union Suits of the

finest lisles, the entire surplus stock of a prominent manufac­turer, closed to us at a sacrifice. They are elaborately trim m ed w ith lace on yoke, arm holes, and drawers, values 75c, to $1, choice. 8c

WashGoods9j)alues C o u n t ^ e a d I

C om e ! P ro fit I10,000 yards of Checked

C ham bray, N ovelty Lam ent S u itin gs, N avy Blue D im i­tie s an d D ressQ ingham s, re­duced for th is sale to, yard .....

French Printed Organdies, 31inches wide, in beautiful floral effects, m arked to clear quick ly a t, per y a rd .................. r .............

* P


Corded D ress Ginghams,form erly se lling up to l2>ic,, m arked to d e a r quickly at, per y a rd .......................................


Boys’ W ash SuitsJSacrificedWith such immense reductions we feel safe m saying that better buying

opportunities were never before offered this season. 3d Tloor Clothing Store.49c.Blootiier Wash Pants,29c 5.00 W ash S uits, 2.49 3.(0 to 4.9( Wash Saits, 1.98

Made of excellent quality Galatea, Chambray and white linen, full cu t bloomer style; every seam tu rned over and double stitched; s i z e s from 3 to 12 years; regular 49e., while they las t......................

About 300 B oys’ W ash S u its ,tha tso ld up to $1.98, a ll reduced t o .............................................................

Just 170 suits, the very finest ever shown at such an extraordinsrily low price,

am turned Madeof Irish linen,silk pop-

l i r a ^ l l C / 1 i A/ ■ ■ | v newest effects; / / I I B

L y vduced to..

241 suits in al!^ and in sty le , m aterial and finish they were never before m atched a t the low price. Any w anted ma- te tia l,an y style; si^es fri3iii2j!^ to 9 years; reg . #3 an d #4 values; reduced to ........

98c About 9 0 that sold up last ...............

B oys'to 98c

W ash Suits,, while they



ra 0 P 0 8 A li9 .


r*ttv H all. Newark. N> Ju ly 8. IDOT. attfclti! DTOPW i wlU b« received at ihle o^o«

frooi 8:80 o’clock Tlmraday.tb» fUvooth day of July, IBOT. and opened »t lbs TSt named hour, at a public raeeila* ot

‘-file bouN] to be held at nld time and place.For dradatni tbe ir PASSAIC KTViiiH. ^ i

between LlBt«r*a dock and Mt Pleasant Ceme-'*SjL® followlnc iB about Uie amount of work to ba done, and the materia ib to be furnli^ed in I B b conttrucUon and cotnplellcui of aatd 'nork, I AMt VDPA wbicb b1(lB will be uoaptued: I'^7«eoty tbouaand CM.OOd) cubic yarda of ex* |^^Blddcrt are not to et«te any price tor ma- ! .tinala and work for which there t« a dxed------at provided for In the »pci4flcntlon«.

propoaal muat ba endoned in a jcalnl properly bidoreed with the i»ame of

j iirad^ and of the Improvement, and direct-* r to tbe Board of Street and tVater Tommls-

1 of the city of Newark., t n win atate their laicei in writing aa aa in fliruref.Im Fi wt tpeclfy In tbelr propoMla that;

tb* above work be awarded to theta. WUi btkd thematiivee to flrtteh and com- Uw name within «lx(y (0U> coneccudve'[ dai’V-Uoe and apecifiraikmi of the work can

titatQliied Ht tno Ofhre of the chief engi- ;->i*gr. Of tike Board of street and Water Com- Oitfy tH iw ut rtte oUy bait. Seid prupoeale to •‘S5T5d6onipaiiteil by the conaent. In wrlUof, of - » » * * !« « .,« • • mam, comMny to''M bMMiMi )A jerpey. who etMlI. at the time flC fiuUloji Ja noli omoowila. qaalify ■■ " ’ lanoDJlftlity la the amount or euch

‘ Mod thepiatIVM ttlac. if the con- isa u ffi b) the person or penona mak-

tkw wlU» ltd beltif ao

F llO rO H A l.9 .

awarrtM. hecotno hi* or iht-lr mreticH for ilie | faithful iwrffjrmance of p iiI<I work, and that If the penon or Jrfrsoni oj'nit or refua* to execute j euch contract, iht-y will pay to the city of Newark any dltTerence betiAech the autna to ; which he or they wouM have been eniltled Upr.n ; ctiinpletioa of live cuutract, und that which i the city of Ke.watk may be obllKetl to piiy I the penon ur pereuna by 'Whom auch contract ■ Bha'lf be executed. ,

The Itoard nf Street and Water -CoiminlwlGn- erfl of the i.tiy of Newa.rk reaerv^ei to them- Belvea the right Lu at’cepi dt reject any or all i propoBalB f'lr ihe above work, aa they inay deem beet for the tnlereal of the cUy. i

Hidden and aurctle* are lieteliy utiilfled thitl I under the provlaloiui of the aeventh aectlon of the law cncating the Hoard of Hireet and Water CammlMlonera, approved March Ikut. liwit the bond or bonda to be given for the fwlthful execution nqd performantje of i ald pwbl|y work, shall firit be Approved ite to suftleiency by the board, and oB to form, by thu counsel of the board, and iio coniract shall be blndtnfr on the city, or become ♦‘ffective or operative until such bond Is so approved, and. the presldetit of thn board shall have [Xitver to examine the probosM bondamen under oath. If he shall so leoTre.

rHUl*CJ9ALfl*for the proctlon and compleOun of the Lincoln chCKtl. tri |)e built on a site at the nnrilv.an:

corner of Central and Mspla avemies, in the city iv{ East Orange. Plans nnd n|H>cldcaiionfl will be on ille m ihe oifleea of ihp Board of Educnllon and may be used for the pur­pose'of estimating fr-jm 10 A. M.. Mnmlsy, July 1 end until nv-n. Monday. July 212. Bids on the work, with rertUled deposit chfcks, aro to bo duHvered in a aeulrd envelope. Uidiitw’il ’’iTopoeal for tAncoln School" and en-''lite-"l In out<-r en'’elM|i'C addressed to Arthur A. Itlrhmnml. rlrtilimori of hulldlnus.EdUf-.-itiivn. city bnll. I'-ast Oranj5e. J.. otior l-rf-fore 4 P. It. "m Mondny. July 22.

Ulds will be oin-md by the full boiird at Us Tegular held at It* f’Winii iil SiStl P.M.. Monday. July 22. The board reserves'the right to ui-rept c»r I’plect any or all bids.

Dated June 29, 1007. . . .WARREN A. riAPP, SiNili'lary.

____ or shall be so Instructed by the boiM'd,but‘*the biArd will not Ijw Wnnid by any state­ment that may be made by such proposed bondsmen, but shall have full iswer nnd ah- gptute illscfeHon In the whnU> rnHtter. and this pTnvIstod shall be refem-l to in any ad­vertisement InvItWi* bids for any such public work.By direction of the Board of Street and Water Comrolsslonera of the city of Kewnrk.

R SlrpitnKRD, rbl^^f Fnflneer.


PmiHtBiils ora In v l^ and will be recelveilfar lbs Board «t BaocatioQ ot lU n Onni*

o ffic e o f t h e hoard o p b tr eet and w a ter O.OMMIilBIONBPB UP THE


Newark. N. J-> July 1807.Bsalcd propoe<tls will be viAelved this

omce fimr 3:i5 tn 3:00 O’clock P. 11.. of Thursday* tb’i wlijnieeTilli day of July, 1007, and Di>«He«i at the iagt named hour, at a

\ ]iubllc me'tinR rf the board lo be held at said tm a -ind piace.

For tfar construction of tfaa MEADOW' BROOK hEWEK SYSTEM. REC-

' T10N 1.I The fotlcwlrig ts ubout the amount of the

work to. W- dont, and the macertala to bs fur- l^lshed lu the ci>i,airuo(hm and comSPllOD of

1 ani.ll nerk. fttid upon wtatch bids wiu-ljbeUdoiMind nine hooilrsd

P R O P U 9 A L S .

(8.970) feet of eighteen 08) Inch, double Slirnicth pipe sewer.

’i'hrce hunilred and twenty feet of twelve 02} Inch, deep and wide sorkei pipe sewer.

Two thouBand three hundred and seventy (2’..1T0) ferd irf ten (10) Inch, deep and wide socket pipe sewer.

8even ihouaaml one hundred and twenty (t.lkJO) feet ‘ f eight i8» Inch, deep and wide socket pl|M-' sewer.

Eighteen Ihc.LiAund five hundred (lfi,&O0) feet of six (01 Inch viitrifiM pipe house cDnuectl'^’e

Eight hundred nml fifty r8&9) feet of «lx $6) inch Iron pipe house conneotions.

One tfiouiiand two hundred and fifty (l,2Mi) feet of elgh' (8> Inch I on plpe-

Three vbc-«iiar,!i taCOO) feet ot elkht (8) inch underrtralii .

Sixty-eight (88) manholes complete, includ­ing seventeen (17) Junction and chimney man* holes-.

Two (2) flush tanks complete.Two buadrod i2UU) cublo yarda excavation

for brook.Pumping autlon complete.Bidders are not to state any price for ma­

terials and workjfor 'which there 1e a fixed amounl prrivlded for In the spectficattons.

Each 'rriivoaal must be enclosed! In a sealed envelope, propt'ly Indorsod with the nsm^ of the bidder «nd of the improvement' rected to the Board of Street and Wtier Com- mlt'')nnf ra of the city uf Newark.

Bidders wll state their yrkwa In writing as well ■« In ftffures.

Didders must specify In lUelr propoMli that, ■hould the atmve work be awarded to thetd, they will bind thetnselvei to finish and «om- plete the same wUhIn two Imu4>vd- and twenty (22»n working ^ y t .

The plans ana sped Hcallons oC the woric can ba examined sd the oiTloe ot Ihe ^ « f engineer ot the Board-Od Strict end Water Commisslda- «n a t fikIL |a td pragaeOJa to o#

F B O P O S A L 9 .

C D ^ n lc d by the conHont. In w riting, of two sureties. > r a surety com pany q u a l l ^ do buslr.fsts In New Jersey, who shall, c t the lime uf puillnR In sucli proposals, qualify as to their m p o n ilb lllty In the r-roDOftftl. and bind them selves th a t. If tha ci*n- I m c T C aw arded to th e person or parsons making the proposal, they will, upon Us being so awarded, become histhe faithful pcrfurtnance of A’!?that ir the person or persons om it or refuse to execute such contract, ihey w ill P®y ^ J|i® city of Newark any rtirrerencft bstween ti^o sums to which he or they would ha(e been eniUled upon completion of the tha t which the cUy of N ew ark rpay t 10 pay the person or persons by whom such contract shall he executed.

The Board of Btreet end W ater Commission­ers of the city of N ew ark reserve to th«m- belvee the right to accept or reject any or oK proptitmla for Ihe above work, as they may deem heat for ihe Interest of (he city.

Didders and sureties a re hereby notified that under the pruvlslonh of the seventh eecilon ot the law creating the Board of Street and Wa- iw CcunmlMsloners, approved M arch 28. IwU th a t the bend or bonds (o be given for the faithful ekeculion and perform ance of said public work ah® II first be ai>pr»>vftd as to suf­ficiency by the lK\ard, and ae to form by the oouneel of the board, and no contract shall be binding on the cJly or become effective of uperatlvi until atich bond Is po approved; and the president of (h« board shall have power to examine lliv propuced bondsmen under oath. If he shell »i7 desire, c r shall b« so Innlruuled by Ihe board, but the hoard w ill not be bound by any stalcm cnl tha t may be m ade by such pro­posed bondsmen, but shall have full power and abtutUle discretion in the XThole matter, and th is provIH^p shRlI bn referred to Ih kny ad­vertisem ent Inv tiln t bids for any ouch publlo Work. 1

Dy direction nr the Board of fitrest and WS'- ter Commissioners nf the city of Newark.

MORRIS B. RHERRERD, Chief Engineer-



Kiwark. N. July 8. J«fi7. t Sealed propossla will be received at this cfliee

from 8fl8 tn 8:80 o'clock F. M. of Thundny, the ele^'enth day of Jtly, 1807, and opened ei the Isst nomad hour, ot a phblk meeting of *h« boord to be held at aaid lime and ploce« Tor DhI' rspevlng of

CAMFIELD COURT.from W'sehlgglno street eetti^y about 48S feet:.

The followfAg Is about tb« (unouni x f tM wefk to be AMke. iwA Uw matariata ip be

PROPOSAL**nlshrd In the conslruetlon ond completion of said work, and upon which bids will be com­pared:

Three hundred end alxty-flve (SOS) sq'iare yards of brick pavement on a six (8j inch v d- Crete foundation.

Seventy-five (78) square yards of repaving new brick, on old concrete foundation.

Eighteen (18) lineal feel of new 16 by B inch header curb eet In concrete,

Dlddera ere not to state any price for mate­rials and work for which there Is ■ tlkcd amount provided for In the spcclficatlont,.

Each proposal must be enclosed in a sealed envelope, pnfimrly Indorsed with the. name of the bidder and of the impruvetnent, and di­rected to the Board of Btreol and Water Cura- tnlHslonvm of the city of Newark.

Bidders will state their prices in writing ae 'n‘«ll ss In figures.

Bidders must specify In their proposals uiaV should the above work he awarded to (hem, ihey will bind themselves to finish end com­plete the same within twelve (1S2) consecutive working days.

The plans and spertflcallom of the worU can be vxamlTied at the office of the chief engineer of the Board of Street and Water (^mml^ slonera at the city hall. Said pmoosal* to M accompnnled by the consoh^ In wrltlM, of two eurctJss, or a surety eompany qwlfiad to do busloess In New Jersey, who ■hafl, ;9$ tite time of putting tn such proposals, uoallcy (tf to (heir responsibtilty In ifio amouM « *ucn proposal, and bind tbemaelviM-tbat, If tha-«n- imot bs awardM to ih* person maklug the propofal they wtlL SO award^ berame bl8 of *5*^? 4?faithful perrorroano* lOf imJd t i le p w w d Of ftfUm m q o u l «

FHOPOliALl.(ter oath, If he ahall w deilre. of ftihfl.l**I Detracted by the board, but the board will not be bound by any etatcmient that may iw made by auoh proposed bondsmen, hut a^H full iiowor and absolute dlacwtton In the whola matt ft, and thia provision shall m refcTrea » tn any advertisement Inviting bids for aag““Bf ’di?Ktloo'^«f the E"*

Chief Engineer.

I o( ao w t Rttil Commlsjinn-eiu’ox me clip- of Kawaik r^ ij^ves to 4^m- eelvM (he liabt (o. aooeiiT or rejeol aoy or all tamabadle tar the 'w o ^ work, as (hey may

tiadiw th* BrtrtriilMia. of fo® aovanin uctioq. law ^watlBl tlM Boarq of 0tra«t and o L iS S r tS L * spproi'd Hafch 2S.

t taF tS ^b M id ar W •» «lven foriu tu u t iSiMuaioB and oarfeanguce ot n ld a S ii a m ba ai>bfOVt4 aa to aut- B(nr b , mrbraifd. and aa t« form the

jiSf no a a tta r t ihalt t»[iidina ^ tbbJIW . w b«oiqa, alfwllro nr

% a rT a v ''; ; s ;propose*♦oadMit® ua-

SEAI-ED PROPOSALS for erection of a brick and frame cow bam at Now Jersey State

Homo for Boys. Jatnesburg. N, J.* w It be received by tlm underatgned on or before Tueeday noon, July Ifi, lliOT.JUl DToPOsale munt be accompanied by oertU

ck«*lt In the sum nf one thousand doHam /ft 0001 payable to board of trustees New Jy - sey State Home for Boys. * **1Plane and speclttoatlons can be sees at the office of the superlniondent at Jamesburf, N. J-

The light le owvrved to nsteet any or all bide or to waive any [tifcrnmllty In any bid, •h f^d H be deemed to the Interest of the State to do so,AH bids must be sddreserd to the (niltsei

th . m a t. ho™, tor 1., President.

UITY ADVBnTiaBatMNTtfl_____DFFICE of the chief engineer ot the Bo«^ of

Street and Water Commisiionert of lha Oily of Newark—Notice.

The final estimalw for the following eon- tracts win he prestnied to Uie Roard of Street and water t?omtniseloB«r* of Uis city of New­ark for sccepinnce on Thorsday* July IL i«07i at 8 o'clock P. M-4 via.:

Construction of a public sewer la CLIFTON AVKKUa,

from Verona avenue to Montclair avennol Construction o( public sewer In

FABYAK PLACE,from Lyotii avenue fa Shaw arenues

Construction ofEABt' BHANCH INTBBcaPWNQ BBWHnS,..

8KCTION *;Pavint of __ _GRVrrOS AVENUE, . V

from Washington avenue'to Riverside ayeaue. All objections to the payment of ea(o esti­

mates must be filed w(th me, In'wrttiUi e« or before ThuriHlsv, ituJp 11 HMT, at 8 o’clock P. H,

Dated June it , 180T.. IL E. RHBRRERD.

I i/f , . ' Caikf ■ BogtEMtii "