new zealands greatest revival

New Zealand’s Greatest Revival Pastor Harold V. Roberts General Superintendent The Pentecostal Church of New Zealand (Incorporated) Wellington, New Zealand Courtesy PREFACE The notes of the events recorded in this book have been lying about for many years, and it is only since the recent death of the beloved Evangelist that the writer has decided to put them in order and pass them on to all those who are interested in revival and in the wonderful work that God wrought in Poneke, (Maori for Wellington) the Capital City of New Zealand—a city noted for its rugged beauty, and its health-giving muratai (sea breeze). On reading, one cannot help but admit that the balmy breezes of Heaven’s highlands came blowing down in gale force and brought spiritual health to the thousands who attended the meetings. Wellington is known to Medical Science as the healthiest city in the world, and its saints longed for a “double honour”—spiritual, as well as physical. Again, many Christians have urged me to delay no longer in sending forth the great news of this wonderful visitation of God. For years the Pentecostal movement has been decried and derided by many of the Churches, but it still goes steadily forward the world over. The New Zealand work came into existence out of the Revival, and its foundation and formation will be found to rest on a real and wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Judge the work for yourself, but judge it on Scriptural grounds, keeping in mind the fact that God has not shut Himself up to but one method of reviving His people. Exception may be taken by some to the use of the word “greatest” in the title, but the sound reason given in the pages of the book, will, I believe, dispel any doubts as to the validity of the use of this word.

Transcript of new zealands greatest revival

New Zealand’s Greatest Revival Pastor Harold V. Roberts

General Superintendent

The Pentecostal Church of New Zealand (Incorporated) Wellington, New Zealand

Courtesy PREFACE The notes of the events recorded in this book have been lying about for many years, and it is only since the recent death of the beloved Evangelist that the writer has decided to put them in order and pass them on to all those who are interested in revival and in the wonderful work that God wrought in Poneke, (Maori for Wellington) the Capital City of New Zealand—a city noted for its rugged beauty, and its health-giving muratai (sea breeze). On reading, one cannot help but admit that the balmy breezes of Heaven’s highlands came blowing down in gale force and brought spiritual health to the thousands who attended the meetings. Wellington is known to Medical Science as the healthiest city in the world, and its saints longed for a “double honour”—spiritual, as well as physical. Again, many Christians have urged me to delay no longer in sending forth the great news of this wonderful visitation of God. For years the Pentecostal movement has been decried and derided by many of the Churches, but it still goes steadily forward the world over. The New Zealand work came into existence out of the Revival, and its foundation and formation will be found to rest on a real and wonderful outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Judge the work for yourself, but judge it on Scriptural grounds, keeping in mind the fact that God has not shut Himself up to but one method of reviving His people. Exception may be taken by some to the use of the word “greatest” in the title, but the sound reason given in the pages of the book, will, I believe, dispel any doubts as to the validity of the use of this word.

There is one thing very certain about a Holy Ghost revival, that after experiencing its precious results, one is not likely to be side-tracked by present-day methods of working up a revival which are but a substitute for the real thing. This was certainly the real thing, for here was an ignorant man as far as education goes, moving a whole city for God. There can be no substitute for the power of the Kei Wairua Tapu (Holy Spirit) “... not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts. (Zech. 4:6). HARRY V. ROBERTS. 55 Maskell Street, St. Heliers, Auckland. 12 June 1951.

CONTENTS Preface Ch. 1. How the Revival Came. Ch. 2. How the Revival Began. Ch. 3. Gathering Momentum. Ch. 4. Wonderful Scenes. Ch. 5. New Zealand’s Greatest Day. Ch. 6. Tides of Salvation. Ch. 7. A Miraculous Manifestation.

Gifts of the Spirit. Power With God. His Three Visions. Power in Prayer.

Ch. 8. Doctrines. Ch. 9. The Greatest Revival. THREE ADDRESSES Ch. 10. Rising into the Heavenlies. Ch. 11. Possession of the Rest. Ch. 12. Gifts of the Spirit.

ONE OF THE FAVOURITES HYMN 10.— “Will You Be Baptised?” Do you seek a land where there comes no night Blessed Beulah land where the sun shines bright; Where we walk by faith, and not by sight, Baptised with the Holy Ghost? Chorus: Will you be baptised in this faith? Baptised with the Holy Ghost? To be free indeed, ‘tis the pow’r you need, Baptised with the Holy Ghost? Will you take Him now as your all in all, Let the self be slain, that the pow’r may fall? Will you now in faith for the blessing call, Baptised with the Holy Ghost? ‘Tis the Canaan-land for our weary feet, With our wand’rings o’er, and our rest complete; Where we dwell with Christ in communion sweet, Baptised with the Holy Ghost. Yes, we gladly come, blessed Lord, to Thee, From the carnal mind that we may be free, And we look in faith, for we long to be Baptised with the Holy Ghost. Chorus: Yes, I’ll be baptised in this faith, Baptised with the Holy Ghost; To be free indeed, ‘tis the pow’r I need, Baptised with the Holy Ghost.


HOW THE REVIVAL CAME Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. Romance is not a privilege only to the worldly. What had China to do with a revival in Ao-tea-roa (New Zealand)—the Land of the Long-White-Cloud? Extract from ‘With Signs Following’ p. 220: “Mr J. Fullerton, a missionary of the China Inland Mission, was baptised with the Holy Spirit in a Pentecostal revival in Yunan, China. He was forced to sever connection with the mission he loved, and came out to trust the Lord entirely for his support. The Lord directed him to the province of Honan, where he built a chapel; but at the end of the first year he saw absolutely nothing for his labour. The second year was the same. He had toiled night and day and had taken nothing. One night there were just four Chinese seated in the chapel. None were converted: they were just a little interested. He went to the vestry and wept bitterly. He said “My Lord; two year’s labour and not a single soul!” On going back to the chapel he found another man had come in, who belonged to the “Tribes” people. The moment he saw this man Bro. Fullerton somehow felt God had influenced him to come. After the meeting the man came forward and said: “This is wonderful! I have never heard anything like this before.” The following Sunday he was back bringing ten others with him. They all sat and listened most attentively. After service he invited the eleven to a meal, and over the table he explained more simply the Gospel. The next Sunday forty came, and in a remarkably short space of time he had the supreme joy of seeing NINE THOUSAND of this same tribe gathered to the Lord. Cartloads of idols were solemnly burned. One night during prayer he was greatly impressed to pray for New Zealand, and it was revealed to him by the Spirit that God was about to pour out a Pentecostal effusion there. During his furlough to his own country, Denmark, he met Evangelist Smith-Wigglesworth who was returning from triumphant campaigns in other parts of the world. He then told him what God had revealed about New Zealand, and asked him if he had any leadings to visit New Zealand and Australia, and would he pray about it

The Evangelist did make it a matter of serious prayer, and found that God desired him to visit these countries. Later he wrote Bro. Fullerton and said he had an appointment in California to keep, and he would connect from there with a boat for New Zealand. Working on the dates given, Bro. Fullerton and his wife decided they would be in New Zealand in time to meet the Evangelist, and they arrived in April 1922. His planning unfortunately proved futile, as the Evangelist missed the steamer and came on by the following one, three weeks later. Bro. Fullerton was unable to remain away from his field any longer, and was reluctantly compelled to return to China ere the Evangelist arrived. Before leaving he made contact with Pastor H. Roberts (the Author’s father) who had been a regular contributor to Bro. Fullerton’s mission; and finding that the Pastor was a firm believer in Divine Healing as well as standing for fundamental Christianity, he asked him to make the necessary arrangements for introducing Smith Wiggles-worth to the New Zealand public. Pastor Roberts agreed to do this. He had long held and practised Divine Healing, and many remarkable cures under his ministry were known to us. Converted under the English Evangelist Henry Varley, in 1889, he had been engaged for 33 years in aggressive Christian work— more especially in the open air—and prior to any knowledge of an Evangelist coming, Pastor Roberts had been greatly burdened for New Zealand. Knowing that revival could only come through prayer, he had started Prayer Circles in the different suburbs of Wellington; nine of these being in full swing right up to this time. A regular attender of these meetings remarked that they had had very powerful seasons of blessing, and Pastor Roberts firmly believed the coming of the Evangelist was a direct answer to importunity in prayer. Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth was unknown to New Zealand. He came on his own charges, not knowing if anyone would meet him—a stranger in a strange land. There were no Churches to stand behind him. No organisation to finance his campaign; BUT he was leaning on an Almighty Arm, FOR GOD WAS WITH HIM. He arrived at the end of May 1922.


HOW THE REVIVAL BEGAN “And He gave some . . . evangelists . . . for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”— (Ephesians 4: 11-12.) With two Christian friends, Pastor Roberts engaged the large Town Hall — a real act of faith — and paid down part of a night’s rental £8 10s. What an undertaking! Smith Wigglesworth! Who was he, anyway? As much a nonentity evidently as the ones who were making the arrangements for him. The minister of the Vivian Street Baptist Church, an eye-witness of the Welsh revival, very kindly gave the use of the Sunday School Hall for morning meetings, and the Evangelist began his campaign with a series of addresses on The Enduement of Power and The Gifts of the Spirit. When Pastor Roberts passed on a pamphlet descriptive of the meetings, the author handed it to his wife with the remark: “I suppose this is another of father’s cranky friends.” However we attended these meetings, and for the first time in our lives realised the mighty, yet fragrant working of the Spirit of God. We discovered that the Spirit was a real person — that He was promised to all believers — that we had the right to ask Him to come in and take up His abode in these temples of clay — that unless the Holy Spirit was abiding within, there could be no victory over sin. Our souls leaped with strong excitement at this wonderful revelation. Later we of course discovered this was ‘John Wesley’ theology. We felt there must be provision in the Word of God to enable one to gain the victory over sinful habits. Ten years of continuous failure had brought us to a zero experience. But here was man declaring boldly that there was a “better experience,” a “second blessing,” where God would “destroy sin in flesh,” when the “Old man would be crucified.” A place to be reached where “SIN WOULD NOT HAVE DOMINION OVER YOU.” We felt like those dying of thirst, when suddenly, streams of living waters were gushing out right before us. “Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo, a spring of joy I see.”

And all we had to do, was drink. Chords were touched in our hearts by the Living Spirit until we longed after God with an unutterable longing. We hungered and were athirst after righteousness. The author would go home and weep till a late hour, and this was the experience of many others. The numbers at these morning meetings increased so rapidly that the main Church had to be opened, and this too was soon packed out. It was during one of these meetings that the phenomena of Tongues was heard for the first time. A Christian man had remarked to us that the Evangelist spoke in Tongues, but that had no significance as we were entirely ignorant of such a manifestation. Strange as it may seem, without ever hearing them spoken, or knowing anything about them at all, we were definitely AGAINST TONGUES. It is remarkable how quickly a man who KNOWS NOTHING can build up quite a mountain of prejudice against a matter. On listening, however, the prejudice soon disappeared, and we were greatly impressed with this remarkable and strange gift of the Spirit. As the interpretations came forth, the impression was rather awe-inspiring, and certainly the utterances were soundly scriptural. Having a business at the time, the author asked his head typist to come to the meetings for the purpose of taking down shorthand notes of the addresses. Morning by morning the meetings had deepened in power and this particular morning the Spirit of God was brooding over the place. There was a sense of awe in the Church, and the typist remarked that she felt a bit frightened. During the address the Evangelist suddenly burst into Tongues and then gave an interpretation. I said to my typist as the interpretation began, “take this down,” and a few moments later, “did you get that down?” She said: “I’m sorry, but everything went strange and I felt queer, I couldn’t lift my hand.” A little later another message was given, and I again made request, but the pencil had fallen from her hand and she was trembling like an aspen leaf. At the end of the meeting she responded to the Evangelist’s plea and accepted Christ as her Saviour. Miraculous healings took place, as deformed and diseased children were prayed for. Many in the audience wept. A few adults— desperate cases—were ministered to. One gaunt consumptive, wan-faced man, who had been entirely given up as a hopeless case, was carried in, in a coma, but after

prayer, arose full of vigour, and walked, with head up, out of the Church, healed!


GATHERING MOMENTUM “Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the latter rain; so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.”—(Zech. 10: 1.) For the evening meetings the Town Hall had been engaged. The first night, a Sunday, saw an audience of approximately 800. The next night this had increased to 1600. The third night the place, holding 3000, was full. From then on, for three weeks, crowds were turned away each night, unable to gain admission. It was quite a common sight to see the people hurrying along the streets, when as they came near the precincts of the Town Hall, they would begin to run. A strange presence seemed to pervade the very atmosphere. As they drew nearer the pace would increase. Two young men from the Brooklyn Baptists, ran all the way from Brooklyn, a distance of 2 1/2 miles. One night at least a 1000 people could not gain admittance. A Salvation Army Officer who had come all the way from Brisbane to be in the revival, stood on the steps and preached to an outside audience. At least twenty decided for Christ, and several remarkable healings took place. Many things impressed during these great meetings. It was apparent to all that the Spirit of God was working in a most powerful way through the Evangelist. There was a solemn tenseness that subdued all who entered. His Messages. The preaching was mainly on Divine healing: and whilst it was quite evident that the preacher was an illiterate man, yet an indescribable power filled him, and his preaching was not in the wisdom of man, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. A heavily-built man, he walked on to the platform with stately tread like a patriarch of old; one who knew God, and feared not man. He held his audiences spellbound as he poured out his heart, reciting stories of great victories; and these divinely inspired utterances he capped with some appropriate Scripture. In every case he

gave the glory to his Lord, and as one Christian said: “the way he said ‘Jesus’ and exalted that Name, thrilled me through and through.” His KEY WORDS were “ONLY BELIEVE”; and his ability to impart to his listeners the very substance of his themes was evidently a gift from God. It was easy to trust and believe God after he had spoken. The call was going forth again, “Have the faith of God.” He also powerfully urged holiness of heart, and complete separation from the world, but dealt with these themes mainly in the morning meetings. The Singing. A small booklet containing only eleven hymns with half a dozen choruses was issued. They all became favourites. “And can it be that I should Gain” “When Love shines in” “Where He may lead me I will Go.” and such singing was surely never heard before in New Zealand,, even with due respects to our old friend and songster Charles Alexander. The singing in the Torrey - Alexander; Chapman -Alexander; Henry - Potts meetings was splendid, but this was different. It was spontaneous and Spirit-filled, and those songs are still favourites in our meetings today. Healing Results. The question that will arise in many minds is “what results did the Evangelist have? And did the healings last?” As to the latter question, some are still testifying to their healing after a lapse of over twenty years. The evidence of a newspaper reporter will dispose of any charge of bias. The “Dominion” 31/5/1922 reports:— FAITH HEALING — EXTRAORDINARY SCENES AT TOWN HALL —


To heal the sick by Divine influence is no new claim, although to actually witness the process of cure being carried out in this work-a-day world has attracted big audiences to the Town Hall this week, a very large gathering being present at last night’s demonstration. The Yorkshire evangelist, Mr Smith-Wigglesworth, is conducting the proceedings, and, except that he anoints with oil the real process of healing is carried out by faith itself. The evening commences with a religious service, including prayers and hymns, after which the demonstration of healing is given. Last night about two hundred persons of both sexes presented themselves for treatment, but the evangelist was only able to deal with fifty of them, the other cases being postponed till tonight. Those in search of relief comprised cripples (many of whom were able to throw away their crutches and sticks immediately); others, with goitre, rheumatism, partial blindness, deafness, and various forms of affliction. Quite a large percentage claimed that they were cured or relieved by the Divine faith poured into them by the evangelist. To particularise: A woman of middle age, who was crippled with rheumatism, demonstrated her cure by walking across the flood; stutterers were almost instantly made to repeat the Lord’s Prayer without stuttering; young women with necks swollen with goitre professed to be cured, and certainly the swellings in some cases disappeared or were reduced in size; an old man of 80 years, partially blind, said his sight had been improved; and numbers afflicted with pains of one sort and another declared that they were freed from their sufferings. There were failure, of course, due, perhaps, to lack of faith, or possibly the sufferers were incurable. The Laying on of Hands. The procedure at the healing ceremony is worth a little description. After the testimonies—and many of them rang with the spirit of real conviction—giving the experiences during the last 48 hours of those treated, Mr Wigglesworth descended to the main floor of the hall. There the sick, the halt, and the lame, who desired to be cured by Divine faith, were lined up.

It was a curious scene. On the one side of the hall, close to the platform, was formed a rough sort of queue by the people who wished to invoke the healing power of the visitor, each holding a card in his or her hand, on which was inscribed the name of the person and the complaint he or she desired to be rid of. Mr Wigglesworth, who has a plain, straightforward style, and is a man of middle age, and burly figure, stood there with his coat off ready to do his best. A card is handed to a lady helper, who reads out the complaint. The lady patient is deaf and dumb. Mr Wigglesworth inserts his fingers lightly in her ears and closing his eyes, says: “O Lord, let the light of thy life enter this poor woman, and cast out the spirit of deafness and dumbness that she may hear and speak! Answer prayer, O Lord!” In the meantime an assistant has anointed the head of the applicant for relief, and he and another keep their hands on her shoulder, muttering prayers the while. Immediately afterwards Mr Wigglesworth looks the patient in the eyes, and shouted: “Open your mouth! Say ‘Jesus’!” And to the consternation of the lady’s friends a small voice said weakly, in a far-off tone, “Jesus!” With bodily ills Mr Wigglesworth was more strenuous . . . Cases of bodily neuritis and rheumatism, he treated with great vigour. He rubbed ankles and legs praying the while that the Lord would relieve the sufferer, cast out all Satanic influences, and flood the person with “the light of His perfect life.” One old lady was wheeled on in a “pram.” She had not moved a limb for years it was said, but the healer got to work with wonderful vigour and enthusiasm. He laid his hands on her head, stroked her forehead, and eyelids, and then passed his hands over her body and legs, praying fervently as he did so. After two minutes of this work, he said: “Now, move your legs!” And under the rug the old lady was seen to move her legs an inch or two. “You will walk down to the meeting tomorrow evening and testify!” said Mr Wigglesworth, as he passed on to the next. Then again, perhaps you have seen and not been puzzled, but, constantly troubled with it owing to a bad mend. “I’ve had several cases of this kind in Australia and have always been able to give relief. I want this man—before

I approach him—to say tomorrow how he is—to tell you all how his pain has been removed!” With that, he pummelled the big man on crutches, prayed until he perspired, and then, as a final touch, he turned up the man’s trousers and rubbed the injured part vigorously. “Now walk away,” he said, and the man walked, smiling and confident, without his crutches. And so it went on until fifty people had been treated and the healer was physically exhausted.

SWORN STATEMENTS BEFORE JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Mr D. O. McClay, a retired banker, and a Christian of many years standing, published the following article in the “Dominion” on July 1st, 1922:

DO YOU BELIEVE IN FAITH HEALING? Of course you don’t. That is to say you don’t believe in what you have never seen. But perhaps you have seen and been puzzled as I have been. Then again, perhaps you have seen and not been puzzled but, instead, have been converted. A good many have been converted in Wellington recently—Some went with open minds; some did not, but went to scoff—and remained to pray. Whether you believe or whether you don’t believe, the subject of faith-healing is one of intense interest Witness the thousands who assembled here to hear and see Mr Smith-Wigglesworth at the Town Hall. The interest thus evidenced encouraged me to follow the matter up a little. First of all, it is plain that some of those who presented themselves for healing were not healed. Some say they were benefited. Some claim they were cured of their ills. It is with those who claim to have been cured that I am, for the moment, concerned. I have before me a number of affidavits. They are the affidavits of Wellington citizens who presented themselves for healing before Mr Smith-Wigglesworth on his recent visit here. The affidavits are genuine, they were sworn before Mr C. A. Baker, J.P., and

theyspeak for themselves. Not having the authority to publish names I have omitted them, but the originals were left for inspection at “The Dominion” office as a guarantee of their genuineness. Here are extracts from some of them: Mr ——, of Wellington, dairyman, declared that for three years he suffered from chronic gastritis and paralysis of both legs from hips downwards and could only drag along with crutches, caused by some spinal misery and drudgery. “On Sunday, the 4th June,” he proceeds, “I attended the Town Hall on crutches; I saw others being healed and believed that God would heal me. I went forward, Mr Wigglesworth laid his hands on me, one of the workers anointed me with oil, Mr Wigglesworth told me to walk. I handed him my crutches and walked home. I felt as the healing came, as if a tight pair of stockings were being removed from my legs”. I have been improving in health ever since the 4th June. For 14 years I have had a cyst on the back of my neck and have often spoken to the doctors about removing it. They did not seem anxious to cut it. The cyst increased in size till it was as large as an ordinary hen’s egg. The next morning, after my healing, when I awoke, I found that the cyst had completely disappeared.

“Declared at Wellington this 20th day of June, 1922.” Mrs —— declares that over three years ago the varicose veins in her leg broke. “I was twice in the hospital,” she adds. “The rest the hospital did the leg good, but when I came out and used the leg the veins burst open. The last time at the hospital, the doctor cut the veins out of the inside of the leg; an ulcer formed on the outside of the left leg. I had to walk with a stick, and could only limp. The pain was intense. I went to the Town Hall. Mr Smith Wigglesworth prayed over me, I had faith that Jesus would heal me. The pain ceased and has not returned, I was able to drop my stick and I ran up to tell my mother I was healed and again able to catch the car. Now my leg is sound and well and the ulcer is daily healing and I praise God for his goodness to me. Now I am able to wash and do my own house work. Before, I had always to have help with the house work.

“Declared at Wellington this day, 23rd June, 1922.” Mrs. ——, of Wellington, declares that her son Ronald (aged 11 years) broke his arm about 5 years ago. It was badly set and was a trifle shorter than the

other, and he could not bend the arm back. She took the boy to the Town Hall, and now her boy’s arms are both the same length and the arm that was broken will now bend right back, and he can touch his shoulder. Previous to this she had his arm massaged for fully twelve months without any benefit. This lady declares that her daughter Mavis, who suffered from adenoids, was also completely healed and has no trouble with her breathing since. This declaration was made on June 20. Miss —— declares that for fourteen years she suffered with her eyes—the right eye was turned right in and she always wore glasses to correct the sight. Dr —— said she would always require to wear them: “I went to the Town Hall,” she adds, “the second Sunday of the Mission, the 4th June. I had been several times previously to carefully note the proceedings. I have been a Christian since I was 9 years old and was sure that Christ would heal my sight. Mr Wigglesworth placed his hands on my eyes and at once the right eye was straight. I did not again put on my glasses and each day the sight became stronger and now my eyes are both strong and my sight is splendid.”

“Declared at Wellington, this 21st day of June.” There are several other affidavits of a similar nature, but space will not permit of their publication. The reader can see for himself or herself what those who regard themselves as cured think of faith-healing. A thing worth noting is the date of the treatment and the date of the affidavit. This indicates the length of time the patients have had to judge of the effects of the treatment. Now what do you think of it? We are back where we started. Do you believe in Faith Healing? or are you still in the ranks of the sceptics; or are you puzzled and looking for more light? The healing results of the Campaign were very remarkable; and taking the scores of written testimonies received it would not be an exaggeration to say that at least seventy-five per cent of those who came forward were definitely healed.

Handkerchiefs to be prayed over for those unable to come, or who lived in country districts, came in literally by the hundred. The news of what was happening spread all over the Dominion. Many extraordinary miracles happened. A Miss Chapman was healed of double goitre. Another young girl, with chronic hip-disease, and who was medically treated for years, unsuccessfully; after an anointed handkerchief was placed on her body, dreamt that a gigantic dove came through the open window into her room, and pulled at her thigh. On awakening in the morning she found her hip completely healed. The author examined this case several years afterwards, and can confirm the miraculous healing. Mr F. Willoughby of Palmerston North stated that his boy was healed of sugar diabetes, and four months afterwards wrote, “the lad is perfectly free from all trace. Had two doctors examine him. I do thank God for His healing power.” Can anyone doubt after reading these remarkable testimonies that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever?


WONDERFUL SCENES “And they were all amazed at the mighty power of God.”—(Luke 9: 43). FOLLOWING the opening Campaign at Wellington, the Evangelist, accompanied by Pastor Roberts, went to the South Island and had blessed results at Christchurch, Dunedin and Blenheim. On his return to Wellington further meetings were held, and the same revival power was in evidence. The following is a copy of the Advertisement appearing in the “Evening Post” on 1st July 1922.


TOWN HALL: Sunday Morning, 2nd July, 10.30. Breaking of Bread for All. Sunday Evening, 2nd July, 6.30. Converts specially invited.


Monday Morning, 3rd July, 10.30. Monday Evening, 3rd July, 7.30.


Tuesday Morning, 4th July, 10.30. Tuesday Evening, 4th July, 7.30.

Wednesday Morning, 5th July, 10.30.

TARANAKI-ST. METHODIST CHURCH: Wednesday Evening, 5th July, 7.30. Thusrday Morning, 6th July, 10.30. Thursday Evening, 6th July, 7.30.


Sunday Morning, 9th July, 10.30. Sunday Evening, 9th July, 6.30. Monday Morning, 10th July, 10.30. Monday Evening, 10th July, 7.30.

Only 50 tickets for sick persons will be issued daily. These may be procured at the doors: Sundays 5.30 pm.; Week Days 6.30 p.m. Handkerchiefs must have names clearly marked on, and in case of those out of town, to be accompanied with addressed and stamped envelopes Unclaimed handkerchiefs at Harris, 3 Ellice-av. Send stamp, or call evenings, giving particulars.

H. ROBERTS, Hon. Sec. The large Church in Taranaki Street, seating 1200, was quickly packed out, and crowds were turned away. Three policemen were in attendance. Thursday night the 6th July was an unforgettable display of the power of the Living God. After the address, an invitation was given for the sick to come forward for prayer. Hundreds rushed forward so quickly that the Evangelist was hemmed in, and was quite unable to minister. How vividly the incident reminded us of the instance recorded hi Mark 3: 10 “For He had healed many; insomuch that they pressed on Him for to touch Him.” A clearance was made; the first case was that of a tram motor-man from Brooklyn, very well known to us. His foot had been severely crushed. It was heavily bandaged, and he was on two crutches. He said the pain left his foot as soon as he was prayed for. “Walk then!” said the Evangelist; but he put the injured foot forward so gingerly several times that a push was given to help him. Down went his foot, and he walked out perfectly healed. Several—the author included, whose home was at Brooklyn, followed him all the way to Brooklyn—two miles away and all uphill—and mind you this; his crutches had been left behind at the Church. No wonder some who saw this miracle right before their own eyes shouted “Hallelujah.” We could now say: “That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have SEEN WITH OUR EYES, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the word of life. For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness . . .”—(I John 1: 1-2). Such wonderful healings now took place right before the audience, that the other sick folk, seeing the waters ‘troubled’ pressed on the one ministering so hard that he was held against the base of the pulpit and was unable to move. The three policemen in attendance, seeing his predicament, came to the rescue, and made a proper arrangement for the ministry to proceed. The

vestry was opened, and with a policeman at each door, the sick were lined up and came in one by one to the vestry. The author had slipped in and saw miracle after miracle performed, until it seemed as though we were back in the days of Christ The place was simply charged with an omnipotent Presence, and we were all atremble. One man, whose card read stone deaf, ten years, clapped his hands to his ears the moment he was prayed for, and said: “O the noise is terrific.” The noise was only the murmerings of the people in the Church. Whispering to him, “can you really hear?” he said, “every word, perfectly.” The most remarkable and startling case was that of a boy aged eleven years. His father had carried him on his hip to the meeting. He had never walked. Infantile paralysis had so crippled him that his legs were too frail to support him; they were crossed and withered, and bent “Sit him down” was the order given: and then, “In the Name of Jesus Christ stand up.” It was utterly staggering to see those thin useless legs, now thrilling with resurrection life, begin to exert themselves. First they gradually untangled, and then with the help of his hands, he stood up. His father helped him up; ours were all trembling and nearly let us down. “Now walk, in Jesus’ Name.” It may be declared impossible, but those match-sticks worked. The knees unlocked and with a swinging motion he walked. To one end of the vestry; back again; down again, and then back. But the father? Well he wept and trembled, and laughed and shouted. Oh! it was joy to behold him; and to watch the happy pair walk out was a sight never to be forgotten. O in what divers pains they met! O with what joy they went away!


NEW ZEALAND’S GREATEST DAY “And the power of the Lord was present to heal.”—(Luke 5: 17). THIS was an extraordinary day for the sick and suffering. Many that had come to the meetings were not prayed for, as the Evangelist could only pray for a limited number each evening. Little did anyone think when the announcement was made that the Hall had been engaged for the next day and all who came would be prayed for—that 1100 sick and suffering would come. The advertisement read: “Evening Post,” 12th July.



Wonderful Scenes! Scores Healed in Body!

Over a thousand converted. God is visiting Wellington with a mighty wave

of salvation. Town Hall too small to hold the great crowds.

Overflowing. Hundreds turned away.

ON THURSDAY MORNING, 10 O’CLOCK, AT TOWN HALL, Mr Wigglesworth will pray for all sick ones with cards. Last night blind

eyes opened, the lame walk, the deaf hear. Hallelujah! H. Roberts, Hon. Sec.

Of course it was impossible for Smith Wigglesworth to pray for each one individually, so he appointed three others to help, Pastor Roberts, a Mr Lovelock, and the Revd. Catchpole, Baptist Minister. Each stood in a corner of the Town Hall, and the sick, at first unwilling to go to anyone else but the Evangelist, hearing great shouts of victory from all the corners, soon divided themselves into four groups. It mattered little

to whom the sick applied, the whole place was charged with a living pulsating, but indefinable power, and each instrument seemed to be overshadowed by the Shekinah glory. Space does not permit of more than one or two of the many phenomenal cases of remarkable healings. A grocer from Blenheim had bumped his head in his store, and a rusty nail had punctured the brain. He said his head was on fire. Medical aid proved abortive. His son brought him across Cook Strait, and he came to two of the evening meetings, but could not rest. He paced up and down the long corridors, and was missing when prayer was made for the sick. On the Thursday morning father and son were due to sail home. The crowd was so great round the Evangelist he could not get near. The author called out the circumstances and the people let him through. Hands were laid on him, a brief prayer was made, and he passed out of the Hall. As he was leaving he shouted in a rage, “Is that all he did, after me coming all the way from Blenheim?” He was a very cross man, and just stormed out. His son wrote a little later to say that while the steamer was crossing over between the two islands suddenly and mysteriously the pain had left his father’s head; the puncture had closed up; all the inflammation had gone, and he was at that moment perfectly healed. A healing under Pastor Roberts was just as miraculous: Mrs G——, of Wellington, received this report from a well-known neurologist that five months after the healing took place he examined her son’s arm, and found it quite straight and under perfect control. “When you brought him to me some months ago he was unable to properly straighten his arm. As there was no contraction of nerve, muscle or ligament responsible, I advised it was no case for me. At the elbow joint the bones locked prematurely. The doctor you consulted could not do anything for the arm. Therefore, whatever you have done for the boy has exercised a physiological power sufficient to lever the joints and sockets into their natural position, and restore the arm to its full usefulness. I congratulate you, indeed, and am sure that God in one of His subtle yet natural ways has straightened your boy’s arm.”

It was a great pity that the meetings were now closed, as the sick were coming from every part of New Zealand. Hundreds of testimonies both oral and in writing were given showing that all manner of diseases were healed, demons were cast out, and many told of the great spiritual uplift they had received.

“The power to cast out devils was proved at Philippi, The serpent’s bite was conquer’d when all tho’t Paul would die;

And deadly drugs and doctrines shall ne’er ‘gainst Christ prevail; The sick with oil anointed, and the righteous prayers avail.”


TIDES OF SALVATION “And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes; and their net brake.”—(Luke 5: 6). BECAUSE a great deal has been said about healing, it must not be thought that this was the only evidence of the grace of God. Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth believed in a Four-Square Gospel. Salvation through the Blood. Divine Healing by His Stripes. The Baptism with the Holy Ghost and Sanctification. The Second Coming of Christ. Among the jottings taken down at the meetings were statements like these: “Healing of the body is not the main thing.” “I would sooner have one soul saved, than 10,000 healed.” “I preach and practice healing to attract the people just as our Lord did.” “My main aim is to win men for Christ.” It was very evident that as with the ministry of our Lord, the Spirit was again working through the healing ministry, to reach the multitudes and draw them to a place where rivers of salvation were flowing. It proved to be again true, THAT DIVINE HEALING WAS THE HANDMAIDEN OF SALVATION. In one meeting at the Wesley Church it appeared as though half the audience raised their hands for salvation. The old Caretaker, a man eighty years old, said it reminded him of his early days with the Methodists in London, when the praying warriors pounded the seats and shouted, and sinners would climb over the forms to get to the altar. He said “This is the only true scriptural Revival that Wellington has ever seen, this is the real thing.”

In the Town Hall on the night of the manifestation a reliable estimate of those who made the great decision was 500. Every night all through the Campaign decisions were made, and for the whole Campaign a fair estimate would be 2000 precious souls won for the Kingdom of God. No wonder John Wilkinson, barrister and solicitor, a leading Christian from Dunedin, said: “There was a man sent from God, whose name was Wigglesworth.” A large number of the converts were later baptised in water, according to the Scripture. Dr Oswald J. Smith has said: “And so it has been and so it ever will be in every genuine outpouring of the Holy Spirit. There will be conviction of sin. Men will be pricked in their hearts as on the day of Pentecost. This is the great lack in the work today. There is little or no conviction.” Restitution. Where there is deep conviction the Spirit of God before saving will cause restitution to be made. How true this was of some of those who were genuinely born-again in this revival. One man said that he was so wrought upon by the Spirit, that he had to confess to the owner of a property that after a fire had taken place in the man’s house he had gone at night and had taken the electric light fittings, conduit and all, and had hold them. He made restitution. Another, a young man who had been a postman and had stolen postal notes from the mail he was delivering, went to the Chief Postmaster at Wellington, and confessed his sin. The Postmaster asked him what caused him to come, and he told him he had given his heart to Christ at the revival meetings in the Town Hall and felt he had to come and confess before he could get real peace. He was forgiven, and the matter overlooked. And

what a precious brother this young man turned out to be. There were many other similar cases. Men and women of every station of life were brought into the Kingdom of Light. The fact that so many were wonderfully changed by the power of God surely proved it was a genuine work of God. Yet many dear Christians have declared the work to be “of the devil” and they have stoutly maintained an antagonism down through the years. After all, judgment of a work must be based on Scriptural grounds, and it is “By their fruits ye shall know them.” No false movement ever exalts the Blood of Christ How it was magnified in these meetings and its power to cleanse, and keep, sung about. What a favourite this verse was:

“O I delight in His command,

Love to be led by His dear hand; His Divine Will is dear to me,

Hallowed by Blood-stained Calvary.”


A MIRACULOUS MANIFESTATION “And many wonders and signs were done by the Apostles.”—(Acts 2: 43). THE last command to the disciples, given by our Lord before He ascended on high, is found in Mark 16. They were to go forth and preach the Gospel to every creature. “And these signs shall follow them that believe. In My Name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” The record continues in the 20th verse, “And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with SIGNS following.” Further confirmation, and a simile, is found in Hebrews 2: 3-4: “How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation. . . . God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to His own will.” The “wonders” are mostly coupled with the “signs” but in Acts 2: 19, the “wonders” are in heaven above, and the “signs” in the earth beneath. They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.” The Bible is a book of the miraculous. And as James Caughey has said: “There are startling variations in the Spirit’s economy—diversities of operations. Many Christians do not discern them when they come, but impute them to human eccentricities.” Certainly these displays of omnipotence have not ceased as so many seem to think. Witness the “Ball of Fire” in Pandita Ramabai’s meeting in India when some of her widows on being baptised with the Holy Ghost, were enveloped in flames of fire, and one of the servants actually threw a bucket of water over them. An article in the Pentecostal Evangel, 1st March 1947, reported that

“544 girls in the orphanage at Gujerat, Bombay, in 1904 spent hours in definite prayer. They would all pray at once. The Spirit began to work, and mighty conviction of sin came upon the girls. Many cried out loudly to God for mercy, throwing themselves on the floor, and beating their breasts in agony of soul. One of the most wonderful signs was a portrayal of pictures concerning the passion week of our Lord SUPERNATURALLY FLASHED UPON THE WALL of a little schoolroom. Gethesame—the trial before Pilate—the scourging—the journey up the hill of Calvary and the crucifixion. All who saw these pictures “fell at His feet as dead.” One after another was carried out and laid upon her bed—dozens of them. The compound became literally filled with the “slain of the Lord.” Then the fire fell, and dozens of the girls were baptised. The very air was charged with the presence of the Lord. The heathen about us said: ‘Their God has come down to them’.”

“He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass, and like the showers that water the earth.” Then the beloved Stephen Jeffrey, who visited New Zealand, told us of the appearing of a lamb’s head on the plaster wall in the Llanelly Elim Church while he was preaching, and the vision kept changing and alternating with the face of the Lord Himself. He said the look in His eyes was sorrowful beyond expression. His wife told us that she held a handkerchief over the face of the lamb, but the vision was just as clearly seen. Many of the inhabitants of the town came to see the extaordinary sight. Hundreds were amazed as the vision remained for several hours. New Zealand’s visitation was equally amazing. One evening in the Town Hall, the Evangelist was telling the story of a young woman being raised from the dead. The narrative was like a chapter out of the Bible. He said he was asked to pray for the dying consumptive. He told the parents to go off to bed, and he would look after the patient and pray. During the night the young woman died.

At this point, he said that Satan had appeared at the foot of the bed, laughed at him, and said “I’ve got her safely held.” He then made a statement that produced a merekara.( Maori for a divine manifestations)

His words were: “I seemed to be in hell, and everything in the room turned to brass.” That Wellington audience witnessed the most weird thing that ever happened in a public hall. Everything in the Town Hall appeared to turn to brass. What the Evangelist experienced in that death chamber was precipitated into the meeting by the power of the Spirit. That vast crowd just felt it had been ushered into the portals of hell itself. It was an ineffacible and awful sensation. The lights, chairs, walls, the people, the grand organ all looked like solid brass. Then tension only broken when he told how his own faith had fled away in that leering, faith-sapping presence of Satan himself; but he cried to God for help and pleaded the blood; and as he cried, the faith of God filled his soul. He prayed through, and knew that another victory had been won in His Saviour’s Name. Two beams of light settled on the dead face. He looked up and traced their source and saw looking through a window the smiling face of His Lord. The colour came back into the young woman’s face and she sat up in bed; raised by the mighty power of God. It was then that the brassy condition dissipated, and the hall seemed to be filled with a warm glow of sunshine and love. The sigh of relief from the audience was distinctly audible. That night, fully five hundred souls made the great decision to accept the Saviour, and many known to us personally are standing today. It is at times like this that one feels the loss of those old-time saints called “the Shouting Methodists.” Gifts of the Spirit. It seemed as though the Spirit had bestowed all nine Gifts upon this great man of God; but when this was said to him, he remarked that some of the gifts were indeed operative through him but all were not possessive. TONGUES. He certainly was divinely anointed when using this wonderful gift (what an awful insult to God to call one of His Spiritual Gifts—a least gift!)

And when interpretation followed, there was generally a precipitation of real power. Eighteen years afterwards, a leading Plymouth Brethren, who attended the Revival meetings, met the author and said: “There is one thing about that man Wigglesworth I have never forgotten and that was the blessing of a message he gave in tongues and interpretation. It was something about a man-child and it impressed me greatly.” When told that that particular message had been recorded he asked for a copy. Interpretation of Tongues. “It is the Spirit of the Living God who comes as the Executive of Heaven, to unveil unto us all the Divinity of the Godhead; until within us the revelation of the Christ that is from everlasting, rises through all, to destroy that which is trying to destroy the man-child. The Holy Ghost brings revelation unto believers in the holy Name of Jesus our Lord.” DISCERNING OF SPIRITS and the casting out thereof.—A young woman who all her life had been subject to fits—having at least one every day—was instantly delivered when the evil spirit was named and cast out. FAITH.—That he possessed this gift was apparent to all. To many a sick one he would say “you will be healed the moment I put my hands on you” and it would happen right there and then. This gift enabled him to impart faith to others. One could not help but believe God, after hearing him speak. Power With God. After the great Campaign a party took our beloved brother over to the Marlborough Sounds for a well earned rest. Walking along the sea shore one evening the author asked him the secret of his success. “Ah!” he said in a broken voice, and with tears slowly trickling down his face, “I am sorry you asked me that question, but I will answer it.” “I am a broken-hearted man. My wife who meant everything to me, died eleven years ago. After the funeral I went back and lay on her grave. I wanted to die there. But God spoke to me and told me to rise up and come

away. I told Him if he would give to me a double portion of the Spirit—my wife’s and my own —I would go and preach the Gospel. God was gracious to me and answered my request. But I sail the high-seas alone. I am a lonely man, and many a time all I can do is to weep and weep.’’ Here was a secret indeed. “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise.” (Psalm 51 17.) His Three Visions. As we continued the walk; to the remark, “One is tempted to envy you when you have had such great success,” he replied, “Young man, it is the other way round. I feel like envying you. I have had three visions—three only. The first two have already come to pass, but the third is yet to be fulfilled. I will most likely pass on to my reward, but you are a young man, and will most likely be in what I saw. He burst out “O it was amazing! amazing!” He was asked, “What is amazing.” “Oh,” he said, “I cannot tell God’s secrets, but you will remember what I say—this revival we have had is nothing to what God is yet going to do.” This was clearly prophetic and spoken with much power. It was quite evident that the Evangelist had a special vision granted to him of the coming outpouring of the Spirit in an unprecedented effusion in the days just before our Lord comes to snatch away the Church. Power in Prayer. There were eleven leading Christians in prayer with our Brother at a special afternoon meeting. Each had taken a part. The Evangelist then began to pray for the Dominion, and as he continued, each, according to their measure of spirituality, got out. The power of God filled the room and they could not remain in an atmosphere supercharged by the power of God. The author on hearing of this from one who was present registered a vow that if the opportunity came, he at any rate would remain whoever else went out. During the stay in the Sounds a special meeting was called to pray for the other towns in New Zealand yet to be visited. A like position to the other meeting now arose. Here was the opportunity, the challenge, the

contest was on. A number prayed. Then the old saint began to lift up his voice, and strange as it may seem, the exodus began. A Divine influence began to fill the place. The room became holy. The power of God began to feel like a heavy weight. With set chin, and a definite decision not to budge, the only other one now left in the room hung on and hung on, until the pressure became too great, and he could stay no longer. With the flood gate of his soul pouring out a stream of tears, and with uncontrollable sobbing he had to get out or die; and a man who knew God as few do was left alone immersed in an atmosphere that few men could breathe in.


DOCTRINES “To the law and to the testimony; if they speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no light in them.”—(Is. 8: 20.) AS a member of the Plymouth Brethren for a number of years, he had a thorough grounding in the Word of God; and when he heard that the power of the Spirit had fallen in Sunderland and that people were speaking in other tongues as on the day of Pentecost, he decided to go and hear and see for himself. He had remarked, “It had to be something on the line of solid facts to move me. I was as certain as possible that I had received the Holy Ghost, and was absolutely rigid in this conviction. I was in those meetings causing disturbances until the people wished I had never come.” However he was at last convinced it was a genuine manifestation of God, and asked that hands be laid on him so he might receive the blessing. Shortly after he said ‘the fire is falling.’ God gave him a vision of an empty cross, and Jesus glorified; and as he was repeating to himself the words, ‘Clean! Clean! Clean! the Holy Ghost fell on him, and he began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance.” This was the preparatory equipment for God to send His submissive servant several times around the world, to revive the long-forgotten doctrines of Divine Healing, and the mighty Baptism with the Holy Ghost; to covet earnestly the best Gifts, and to set the Church of God on fire. It was unfortunate for the movement mentioned that so great a revivalist should be lost to its cause, because it refused to sanction his preaching on these sound Gospel themes. He believed that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were the only and sufficient Rule of Faith and Practice. He would often say “I believe in the Book from cover to cover, as the inspired Word of God. That only through the Blood, and by a definite Born-again experience was salvation to be obtained.” He was clear, explicit, and powerful in his presentation of the Good News, and his winning, wooing appeal won many hearts. He broke

Bread every day, because the Word declared, “As oft as ye do this ye do shew the Lord’s death.” The Second Coming of Christ was a favourite topic; and as a disciple of John Wesley he stood firm for Sanctification, and preached strongly entire separation from the world. Divine Healing. There was a challenge in his addresses for unbelievers, Christian or otherwise to show from Scripture where God had with drawn His commission to “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel . . . and these signs shall follow them that believe ... in My Name they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (Mark 16: 15-18). He healed then, and He is healing NOW. (Heb. 13:8.) That “Gifts of Healing” were set in the Church (1. Cor. 12: 27-28) and no mention is made anywhere of their being withdrawn. That James 5: 14 is the true method for the healing of the saints, but the Church had lost sight of this precious doctrine. This Apostle of Faith implicitly believed God, and though suffering much opposition, had extraordinary results following the preaching of the Word. Baptism with the Spirit He emphasised the need of every Christian claiming “The Promise of the Father”; of being “Filled with the Spirit” as in Acts 2: 4; and believed that all the Gifts of the Spirit should be in operation in the Church today. He held that failure to accept this was the main cause of the present-day failure of the Church. The doctrinal position was set forth so plainly that he disarmed most of his critics, and convinced them that his ministry was of supernatural origin. Knowing the erroneous viewpoint of so many Christians who believe that the Holy Spirit in Pentecostal Power is received at conversion, he would expound Acts 19, when Paul asked certain disciples “Have ye received the

Holy Ghost since ye believed?” The question was put, “were they saved?” You say “No!” “Very well. They were baptised by John. Were they saved then?” Again you say “No!” “They were rebaptised in the Name of the Lord Jesus; were they saved?” “No!” “What! an apostle baptising unsaved people? Why, of course they were saved; and it was after this Paul lays his hands upon them, and the Holy Ghost filled them, with the sign of tongues following.” He would then quote the Scripture: “. . . how much more shall YOUR heavenly Father give the Holy Ghost to them that ask Him. (Luke 11: 13.) This proving that it is only SONS who receive the Holy Ghost. One must be converted before he can become a son. Our beloved Brother stood for all the great Fundamentals of the Faith and also for the two ordinances, the ‘Breaking of Bread’. and ‘Water Baptism’ in the Name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. He could see no reason why the formula should be changed.


THE GREATEST REVIVAL “God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to His own will.” (Heb. 2: 4.) IF there is one thing a true child of God desires above all else to see, it is a real Holy Ghost REVIVAL. We have read and heard of many revivals. Of Jonathan Edwards, Wesley, Whitfield, John Smith, Finney, The “1859,” D. L. Moody, and the Welsh revival. Some we have been in. Torrey-Alexander, Chapman-Alexander, W. P. Nicholson. Tens of thousands of precious souls have been won for Christ in these revivals, for which we praise God. Every effort put forth on behalf of the Kingdom of God is worthy of our prayers, our sympathy, and our support. But the writer holds that mighty as these revivals have been they rarely if ever approximated to the standard so clearly set down in the Samaritan revival. The Spirit had been poured out at Pentecost causing a great upheaval in the religious world. The new-born Church was at white-heat and so tremendously aggressive, that hell itself was moved to raise a cyclone of opposition to these strange workings, in a spirit-testing, soul-searing persecution. Stephen we are told was a man full of FAITH and POWER, who did “GREAT WONDERS and MIRACLES among the people.” It is quite evident that the devil thought, “I know I cannot stop these mighty Apostles from damaging my kingdom, but I’m certainly not going to permit a mere deacon to do as he likes”; so Stephen was stoned to death. This baneful act filled his murderers with an awful blood-lust, and like hell-hounds on the trail they soon scattered the believers far and wide. Some were cast into prison, others were killed, Saul consenting. And to think that some folk believe the Gospel is only an old woman’s religion! Power brings persecution, and persecution brings power. Philip, now unable to carry out his deacon’s usual duties, but with a flame still burning in his heart, goes down to Samaria. Check up the happenings

of this remarkable revival with any that you know, or know of, and you will be astonished to note how far short they come from this Scriptural pattern. Facts of the Samaritan Revival. The Word preached. Repentance—Jesus Christ as Saviour. The people gave heed to what Philip spake. They heard and saw the miracles which he did. What miracle could be “heard”? Evidently a repetition of Pentecost. “We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.” Unclean spirits came out crying loudly. Palsied and lame healed. Many souls saved. Great joy in the city. Baptised in water. Apostles came and prayed for converts to receive the Holy Ghost. “For as yet He was fallen upon none of them.” Hands laid on them to impart the Holy Ghost. They received the Holy Ghost. The inference is, they spake with tongues. Thus the early Church laid down the true pattern for revivals and “signs and wonders” were not omitted or disparaged. “God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to His own will.” (Heb. 2: 4).

How different to the well organised, decorous, and quiet methods of today. The emotions are chained, and all is subdued. At Samaria we find great joy-emotionalism-excitement-shouting, even by devils-riot-and healings; even though the Scripture enjoins “Let all things be done decently and in order.” But it is God’s order, not man’s. When the revivalists of that day went into a town they were immediately recognised as: “These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also.” (Acts 17: 6.) As you have been reading through the pages of this book, you, as an honest reader, will be forced to admit that the revival in Wellington under Smith-Wigglesworth closely adhered to the Pattern revival under Philip, the deacon at Samaria. Two thousand decisions for Christ. Hundreds healed by the laying on of hands. Miracles of healing through handkerchiefs. Unclean spirits cast out. Much joy in the city. Many afterwards baptised in water. About 800 baptised with the Spirit afterwards with the sign of speaking in tongues. With world conditions again so critical, and great giant national sins engulfing the multitudes; with the Church steadily losing ground, man-made revivals can have little effect on the masses. Nothing can substitute for the power of the Spirit. “It is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of Hosts.” (Zech. 4: 6.)

The real need of the Church today is for another deluge of the LATTER RAIN with the accompanying GIFTS of the SPIRIT again in evidence. Multiplied thousands the world over are praying and believing for just such a new work of grace—an unprecedented movement of God in revival power—to come just before the rapture of the Church takes place. God has prepared a people who will protect and foster the revival. Over two million have already received the Baptism with the Spirit according to Acts 2: 4, and they will not permit the hindering, Pharisaical spoilers to interfere with this LAST WORK of Almighty God. They are determined that this time the FIRE OF GOD will not be localised and quickly put out, but that it will spread and spread all over the world, until the conflagration will be so great that no power in hell or on earth will be able to quench the flames. The Church will then ascend in a blaze of revival and glory. To make our weak hearts strong and brave, Send the fire! To live a dying world to save, Send the fire! Oh! see us at Thy altar lay Our lives, our all, this very day— To crown the offering now we pray, Send the fire!


(Holiness Address given by Evangelist Smith-Wigglesworth in the Town Hall, Wellington, N.Z.) I WANT to read to you a few verses from I Peter 1. I believe that God wants to speak to us to strengthen our position in faith and grace. If I had my way I would have liked to close up with the Gifts of the Spirit, but seeing I am going to give you another week, that week will be very much on those lines; this morning I pray God it will be just as the Spirit is moving, that we may be able to accept His truth. Beloved, I want you to understand that you will get more than you came for. There is not a person in this place will get what he came for, God gives you more. No man gets his answers to his ‘prayers, he never does; for God answers his prayers abundantly above what he asks or thinks. Don’t say “I got nothing.” You’ll get as much as you came for, and more, but if your minds are not willing to be yielded, and your heart not sufficiently consecrated you will find that you are limited on that line, because the heart is the place of reception. God wants you to have receptive hearts, to take in the mind of God. These wonderful scriptures are full of life giving power. Let us read the first and second verses, I believe there are some words there I ought to lay emphasis on. Verse 1. “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia.” Verse 2. “Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ; Grace unto you and peace be multiplied.” Persecution. I want you to notice that in all times, in all histories of the world, whenever there has been a divine rising, revelation, God coming forth with new dispensational orders of the Spirit you will find there have been

persecutions all over. You take the case of the three Hebrew children, and also Daniel, and Jeremiah. With any person in the old dispensation, as much as in the new, when-the Spirit of the Lord has been moving mightily, there has arisen trouble and difficulty. What for? Because of three things very much against revelations of God and the Spirit of God. First, humanity—Flesh; natural things are against divine things. Evil powers work upon this position of the human life, and especially when the will is unyielded to God, then the powers of darkness arise up against the powers of divine order, but they never defeat them. Divine order is very often in a minority, yet always in majority. Did I say that right? Yes, and I meant it also. You have no need to fear, truth stands eternal. Wickedness may increase and abound, but when the Lord raises His flag over the saint, it is victory, though it is in minority, yet always triumphs. I want you to notice the first verse because it says “scattered,” meaning to say they did not get much liberty in allowing them to meet together; driven from place to place. Even in the days of John Knox the people who served God had to be in very close quarters, because the Roman Church set out to destroy them, hailed them to judgment seats, and destroyed them in all sorts of ways. They were in minority, but swept through in victory and the Roman power was crushed and defeated. You take care that it does not rise again, the Roman power is always bloodshed and murder, and always against the Holy Ghost; so may God bring us into perfect order that we may understand these days, that we may be in Wellington in minority, yet in majority. The Holy Ghost wants us to understand our privileges—elect according to the foreknowledge of God through sanctification of the Spirit. Now this word sanctification of the Spirit is not on the lines of sin cleansing. It is a higher order than the redemption work. The blood of Jesus is rich unto all, powerful and cleansing, also takes away other powers and transforms us by the mighty power of God; but when sin is gone, yes, when we are clean and we know we have the Word of God right in us and the power of the Spirit is bringing anything to a place where we triumph, then comes revelation by the power of the Spirit lifting you into higher ground, into the fullness of God, which unveils the Christ in such a way, it is called our sanctification of the Spirit.

Sanctification of the Spirit, elect according to the foreknowledge of God. I don’t wont you to stumble at the word “elect,” it is a most blessed word. You might say you are all elect: everyone in this place could say you are elected. God has designed that all men should be saved, this is the election, but whether you accept and come into your election, whether you prove yourself worthy of your election, whether you have done this I don’t know, but this is your election, your sanctification, to be seated at the right hand of God. This word election is a very precious word to me, foreordained, predestinated, these are words that God has designed before the world was, to bring us into triumph and victory in Christ Some people play round about it and make it a goal. They say “Oh, well, you see, we are elected, we are alright.” I know many of them who believe in that condition of election and they say they are quite alright; they are elected to be saved, and I believe these people are so diplomatic that they believe others can be elected to be damned. It is not true! Everybody is elected to be saved, but whether they come into it, that is another thing. Many don’t come into salvation because the god of this world hath blinded their eyes lest the light of this glorious gospel should shine unto them. What does it mean? It means this, that Satan has got mastery over their minds, and they have an ear to listen to corruptible things, you see? Corruptible things, the Satanic side of it, where they say, “Oh, the pictures are the places for me, the Theatre is the place for me,” “the Racecourse is the place for me.” Pictures, Racecourses, etc., are the downward way to hell, and no believer will darken their doors. Perhaps the last thing the devil brought out is the Picture show, and I find people can wait out in stream and great crowds, so I said, “This is my opportunity,” and I shouted for all I was worth about Jesus, because I know there is no Jesus inside there, so they ought to have a little bit outside. Beloved, I want you to see this election I am speaking about, to catch a glimpse of heaven, with our heart always on the wing, where you grasp everything spiritual, when everything divine makes you hungry, everything seasonable in spiritual fidelity will make you long after it. If I came here in a year’s time I should see this kind of election gone right forward, always full, never having a bad report, where you see Christ in some vision, in some way in your lives every day, growing in the

knowledge of God every day, but I cannot dwell there, for we have much to get through. Obedience. It is through sanctification of the Christ unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. There is no sanctification if it is not sanctification unto obedience. There would be no trouble with any of us if we would come definitely to a place where we understood that word, where Jesus said, “For their sakes I sanctify myself that they also might be sanctified through the truth.” No child of God ever asks a question about the Word of God. What do I mean? The Word of God is clear on Breaking of Bread, the Word of God is clear on Water Baptism, the Word of God is clear on all these things, and no person that was going on to the obedience and sanctification of the Spirit by election will pray over that word. The Word of God is to be swallowed, not to be prayed over. If ever you pray over the Word of God there is some disobedience; you are not willing to obey. If you come into obedience on the Word of God, and it says anthing about Water baptism you will obey, if it says anything about speaking in tongues you will obey, if it says anything about Breaking of Bread and assembling yourselves together, you will obey. If you come into the election of the sanctification of the Spirit you will be obedient in everything concerning that Word, and in the measure you are not obedient you have not come into the sanctification of the Spirit. No Buts. A little thing spoils many good things, yes you hear people say “Mr so and so is very good, but —”; “Mrs so and so is excellent, but”; “Oh, you know that young man is progressing tremendously, BUT —.” There are no “buts” in sanctification of the Spirit. “But” and “if” are gone and it is “shall” and “I will” all the way through. Beloved, don’t have any BUTS, for if you do there is something not yielded to the Spirit. I do pray God the Holy Ghost that we may be willing to yield

ourselves to the sanctification of the Spirit, that we may be in the mind of God in the election, that we may have the mind of God in the possession of it. I could say many more things about that but I must pass on. Perhaps to encourage you people it would be helpful to prove to you what election is, because there is no difficulty in proving whether you are elected. Sanctification of the Spirit. You are here in this morning meeting (I am speaking about believers) and may be if you had to search your own heart why have you been attending the meetings, you would not have to say “because it was Wigglesworth,” it would be a mistake, but if there was in you that holy calling, or strange inward, longing desire for more of God you could say it was the sanctification of the Spirit which was drawing you. Who could do that, but He who had elected you for that? There are people in this place say from 20 years, 30, 40, we can even begin at 15 years, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and so on, and if I were to say to you “stand up you who never remembered the time when the Spirit did not strive with you” it would be a marvellous thing how many people would stand. What do you call it? God bringing you in, moving upon you. Strange!! Very strange !! When I think of my own case, on my mother’s side and on my father’s side there was no desire for God, and yet in my very infancy I was strangely moved upon by the Spirit. At eight years I was definitely saved, and at nine years felt the Spirit come upon me, just the same as when I spoke in tongues—elect according to the foreknowledge of God, and there are people in this place who have the same experience. You might say “When I was in sin I was troubled” and there is a direct line of election between God and the human man, moving it, being wholly prepared for God. It is most blessed thought that we have got a God of love, compassion, and grace, Who willeth not the death of one sinner God makes it possible for all men to be saved, and caused Jesus, His well beloved Son to die for the sins of the people. It is true He took our sins, it is true He paid the price for the whole world, it is true He gave himself a ransom for many, it is true beloved. And you say “For whom?” whosoever will.

“What about the others?” It would be a direct refusal of the blood of Jesus, it would have to be a refusal to have Christ to reign over them, that’s it. Whosoever will, and Whosoever won’t, on the other side, and there are people living in the world that won’t. What is up with them? The God of this world hath blinded their minds lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ Who is the image of God should shine unto them. Now we must finish with that side, but I wish we could have an hour for questions this morning because I know thoughts have risen in your hearts, but we must pass on with the Word. Elect according to the fore-knowledge of God the Father through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you and peace be multiplied. You might say “Why don’t you go on?” Yes, but I cannot pass over it, and yet I must not stop at that because there are other important words here for us this morning. Through sanctification of the Spirit, according to the election you will find out that you get to a place where you are not disturbed. There is a peace in sanctification of the Spirit, there is a peace because it has a place of revelation, taking you into heavenly places, it has a place where God comes and speaks and makes Himself known to you, and when you are face to face with God you get a peace which passeth all understanding, lifting you from state to state of inexpressible wonderment, it is really wonderful. Oh, this is like heaven to me, This like heaven to me, I’ve stepped over Jordan to Canaan’s fair land And this is like heaven to me Oh, it is wonderful. Now we must go on, we have plenty of ground to cover this morning. Verse 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again into a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Lively Hope. We cannot pass that, because this sanctification of the Spirit brought us into this definite line with this wonderful position of the Glory of God. I want to

keep before us the glory of it, the joy of it, a lively hope. Now a lively hope is exactly opposite to dead, exactly opposite to normal. Lively hope is movement. Lively hope is looking into. Lively hope is pressing into. Lively hope is leaving everything behind you. Lively hope is keeping the vision. Lively hope sees Him coming! And you live in it, the lively hope. You are not trying to make yourself feel that you are believing, but the lively hope is ready, waiting, lively hope is filled with joy of expectation of the King. Praise the Lord! I want you to know that God has this in His mind for you. Do you know what will move them? The real joy of expectation that will come forth with manifestation and then realisation. Don’t you know? Well pray God the Holy Ghost that He will move you that way. Come now beloved, I want to raise your hopes into such activity, into such a joyful experience, that when you go away from this meeting you will have such joy that you would only walk if you could not run, and you would not run if you could jump in a motor car, where you would go head-speed if you knew you could be there. Now I trust that you will be so reconciled to God that there is not one thing which would interfere with you having this lively hope. If you had any love for the world it could not be, for Jesus is not coming to the world, Jesus is coming to the heavenlies and all the heavenlies are going to Him, so you cannot have anything but joy with it. The pride of life you could not have, all these things are contrary to the lively hope because of the greatness and the multi-magnitudinous glories of the regions of eternity, which are placed before him in joyful expectation. Tongues with Interpretation: The joy of the Lord is everything. The soul lifteth up like the golden grain ready to be ingathered for the great sheaf;

All ready, waiting, rejoicing, longing for Him, till they cry “Lord Jesus we cannot stop longer.” What a wonderful expression of the Holy Ghost to the soul in interpretation. How He loves us, hovers over us, rejoiceth in us, how the Lord by the Holy Ghost takes a great drink with us and our cup is full and running over. The joy of the Lord is your strength, you have to be right in these glorious places, it is the purpose of God for your soul. I hope you won’t forget the lively hope. Do not have to be living on “tomorrow” because you did not catch it today. Oh, it is wonderful, Hallelujah! Inheritance Incorruptible. Verse 4. To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you. First, incorruptible. Second, undefiled. Third, fadeth not away. Fourth, reserved in heaven for you. Glory to God! I tell you it is great, it is very great. May the Lord help you to thirst after this glorious life of Jesus. Oh, brother it is more than new wine, the Holy Ghost is more than new wine, the Holy Ghost is the manifestation of the glories of the new creation. An inheritance incorruptible. Incorruptible is one of those delightful words which God wants all the saints to grasp— everything corruptible fades away, everything seen cannot remain. Jesus said “Where neither moth no rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through and steal.” None of those things are joined up with incorruptible. Incorruptible is that which is eternal, everlasting, divine, and therefore everything spiritual, reaches a place where God truly is, what shall I say? Where God truly is in the midst of it. He is in existence from everlasting to everlasting. Holy, pure, divine, incorruptible. This is one part of our inheritance in the Spirit, one part only. Hallelujah. An inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled. Oh, how beautiful, perfected for ever, no spot, no wrinkle, holy, absolutely pure, all traces of

sin withered, everything which is mortal has been scattered, and come into a place so purified that God is in the midst of it. Hallelujah. It is so lovely to think of that great and wonderful city, we read about it in Revelation. “And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven as a bride adorned for her husband. Think about it, the marriage, oh, it is glorious. I saw the holy city as a bride adorned for her husband, undefiled, pure, glorious, all white, all pure. Who were they? They were once in the world, once corruptible, once defiled, now made by the blood holy, spiritual, now lifted from corruptible to incorruptible, and now undefiled in the presence of God. Hallelujah! Oh, beloved God means it for us this morning, every soul in this place must reach out to this ideal perfection. God has ten thousand more thoughts for you than you have for yourself. The grace of God is going to move us on, you will never sorrow any more as long as you live, never weep any more, but you will weep for joy. Undefiled, fadeth not away. Glory! (The Evangelist sang in Tongues.) Fadeth not away! What a heaven of bliss, what a joy of delight, what a foretaste of heaven on earth. Oh, the Counting house lit up with candles, with oil, with electric light, it does not matter, it would fade away in the splendour of that glorious day, it all withers when you get in the Spirit. You would cheerfully go the work you have to do because of tomorrow in the presence of the King. Oh, brother what a hope, what a joyous possibility, within a short time to be in that mighty multitude. But you say: “My burden- is more than I can bear.” Cheerfully bear the burden, tomorrow you will be there. No sin would entice you, no evil spirit would be able to trip you, No, No, No, because of tomorrow with the Lord. With the Lord forever, an inheritance that fadeth not away.


ADDRESS 2—POSSESSION OF THE REST (Address given by Evangelist Smith Wigglesworth, Town Hall, Wellington, N.Z.) I WOULD like you to read 2 Corinthians 10: 4-5. Verse 4. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of the strongholds. Verse 5. Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Now the Holy Ghost will take the Word, making it powerful in you till every evil thing that presents itself against the obedience and fulness of Christ would absolutely wither away. I want to show you this morning the need of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, by which you know there is such a thing as perfect rest, a perfect sabbath coming to your life when you are filled with the Holy Ghost, and I want you to see perfect rest in this place. I want you to see Jesus. He was filled with the Holy Ghost, He lay asleep, filled with the Holy Ghost, and the storm began so terribly and filled the ship with water, till they cried, “Master, we perish,” and He rose (filled with the Holy Ghost) and rebuked the wind. He asked, “Why are ye so fearful?” I want you to see, beloved, that when the Holy Ghost comes in your life, if the house caught on fire you would be at rest, but I will tell you something better, the house would not be on fire, for the Lord protects His own; that is better. Come a little nearer. I want you to see this Holy Ghost, this Divine Person, has to get so deep into us that He has to destroy every evil thing. Quick, powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow.

The Need of the Holy Spirit Some people get pain in their life after being saved, because of soulishness. Any amount of saved people are soulish, like Romans 7. They want to do good, but they find evil, and they continue to do the thing they hate to do. What is up? They need the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Why? The Baptism of the Holy Ghost is necessary, for then the Holy Ghost will so reveal the Word in the body that it will be like a sword, it will cut between the soul and the spirit, cut right out till the soulishness cannot any more long for the indulgence in things contrary to the mind of God. and the will of God. Don’t you want rest? How long are you going to be before you enter into that rest? There remaineth a rest to the people of God. God wants you to enter into that rest. Verse 10. For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from His. Verse 11. Let us therefore labour to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. Enter into rest, get filled with the Holy Ghost, and unbelief will depart. When they entered in they were safe from unbelief, and unbelief is sin. It is the greatest sin, because it hinders you from all blessings. The Word of God. There is another word that would be helpful to us this morning, and I want you to take notice of it because it is so important. Verse 12. For the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. You can see here (working his limbs) that there is an elbow working, a knee working, a shoulder working, and these could not work properly if the marrow should become congested, but hear about this salvation. God says

this Holy Ghost power shall make the Word, this Christ of God, move in your marrow, till there would not be a stiff joint amongst us. How we need the Holy Ghost. Now probably, when you go outside, you will say, “He preached more about the Holy Ghost than anything.” It is not so. My heart is so full of this matter that Jesus is the Word, and it takes the Holy Ghost to make the Word act. Jesus is the Word that is mighty by the power of the Spirit to the pulling down of the strongholds moving upon us so mightily that the power of God is upon us. Tongues with Interpretation. “God hath designed the fulness of the Gospel in its perfection and entirety that where the breath of heaven breathes upon it, the Gospel which is the power of God unto salvation, makes everything form in perfect union with divine trinity power till the whole man becomes a lovely hope, filled with life, with fidelity, filled with God.” Remember Jesus is trinity, remember that Jesus is all fullness, remember Jesus was the fullness of the Godhead, and the Holy Ghost makes Him so precious that— It’s alright now, it’s alright now, For Jesus is my Saviour, And its alright now. I don’t want it to be like when they brought the grapes, they did not get the Spirit of Joshua and Caleb. I want you all to have a share. Oh, for the Holy Ghost to come with freshness upon us then you could all sing, “It’s all right now.” If it is not, it may be. and God intends that it should be, and we are preaching in faith to you that it SHALL be. It’s all right now, It’s all right now, For Jesus is MY Saviour, and It’s all right now. Let me encourage you. God is a God of encouragement. Now I want to take you to the 13th verse. Naked.

Verse 13. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. No creature is hid from His sight, all are naked before Him. Now when God speaks of nakedness He does not mean that He looks at flesh without clothing. God said, “That ye may be clothed that your nakedness may not appear.” It is not your body, it is Christ clothing upon within, and you have no spot. He looks at your nakedness, at your weaknesses at your sorrow of heart. He is looking into you right now, and what does He see? Verse 14. Seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens. Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. What is our profession? I have heard so many people testifying about their profession, some said, “Thank God He has baptised me with the Holy Ghost.” That is my profession—is it yours? That is the profession of the Bible, and God wants to make it your profession. You have to have a whole Christ, a full redemption, you have to be filled with the Holy Ghost, just a channel for Him to flow through: Oh, the glorious liberty of the gospel of God’s power. Heaven has begun with me, I am happy, now, and free Since the Comforter has come, Since the Comforter has come. Perfect Rest It’s all there. I know that God has designed this fullness, this rest, this perfect rest, I know He has designed it, and there ought not to be a wrinkle, a spot, a blemish, the Word of God says “blameless and faultless Praise the Lord for such a wonderful, glorious, inheritance, through Him Who loved us. Hallelujah. Beloved, you must come in, everyone of you. This morning meeting is to open the door of your heart to God to move in, till if you were to go away and live in some solitary place, you would be full there the same as in the Wellington Assembly, it would make no difference.

When I think of John, as the legend says, how they tried to destroy him by boiling him in oil, and tried other things to destroy him, they took him to the Isle of Patmos, and he was in the Spirit —on the island in the Spirit? Yes! It is possible to be in the Spirit at the washtub, in the Spirit scrubbing floors, in the Spirit under all circumstances. Nothing really matters if the Lord loves me, And He does, He does; For nothing really matters if the Lord loves me. And He does, He does. Verse 15. For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted like as we are, and yet without sin. There He is, there is the pattern, there is the Lord, and you say, “Tell me something very wonderful about Him.” Yes, I will tell you this—He loved us to the end, He had faith in us right to the end; Jesus never let go the confidence that every soul would come right into the full tide line. There it is for us this morning. Verse 9. There remaineth a rest for the children of God. Some people say, “Oh, yes, it is a rest up there.” No! No! No’ This is a rest, where we cease from our works; there are no works up there—where you cease from your own works, this day. I came to this meeting this morning entirely shut in with God, and if ever God spoke in a meeting He has spoken this morning. I may have been straight and plain on some lines. I had such a presentation of Wellington. I saw clearly people were resisting the Holy Ghost, as much as when Stephen said, “Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost, as your fathers did so do ye.” Resisting the Holy Ghost. Oh, if you won’t resist the Holy Ghost the power of God will melt you down. The Holy Ghost will so take charge of you that you will be filled to the uttermost with the overflowing of His grace.

Out of this subject this morning if there is anything arisen in your heart that you need some further revelation on I will help you.


ADDRESS 3—GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT (Address given by Evangelist Smith-Wigglesworth, Wellington.) 1 Corinthians 14: 1-14. IT is necessary that we have a great desire for spiritual gifts—God must bring us into a place where we thirst after them. Gifts are necessary, important, then we may by the grace of God see the importance of gifts in person, that we may be used for God’s glory. Here is an emphasis on prophesy. If you are here saved this morning it is because of some person inspired and moved upon by the Spirit of Jesus to let the light of this glorious gospel come to you. Sometimes I think we miss what God has for us in the gospels. I want you to see a word God has for us, which is a pure gospel truth. 2 Timothy 1: 9-10. Verse 9: “Who hath saved us and called us with an holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.” V. 10. “But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.” The Lord help us to see that above all, whatever we do we seek the gift of the spirit of prophesy. Now there are three classes of prophesy I want to speak about. Bubbling Up. There is a prophetic utterance which you will find very often when I am speaking. So often when I am speaking I am not using my own mind, but

the Holy Ghost speaks through in a flow of language. This is prophetic utterance which every baptised believer ought to have. Holy Ghost ministry, Holy Ghost language, and Holy Ghost thought—standing there clothed upon with prophetic utterances, always coinciding with God’s will. Testimony. The other kind of prophesy is this—TESTIMONY. If you people in this Town Hall will come to the meetings filled with the Holy Ghost and there is a chance to give your testimony it will be a Holy Ghost utterance, people will feel that it is the Holy Ghost, and it will be different from any human testimony: YOU can give your testimony till it is as barren as possible. Look at the 19th Revelation, Verse 10. “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy.” He said His words are spirit and life. In The Assembly. The last kind of prophesy is the prophetic utterances in the assembly when everybody knows it is from the Lord. It will not be denunciation. Verse 3. “But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, exhortation, and comfort.” Three things. That is prophecy. God wants you to have this prophesy. You would rise up as if you had risen up out of death into life. You would be uttering divine revelation and consolation. That should come in every meeting. On the line of prophetic utterances, it might be on the coming of the Lord, it may be revelation after atoning of the blood, it may be about the Spirit’s moving in our midst, but it will be to comfort, consolation, and edification.

Verse 2. “For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men but unto God, for no man understandeth Him, how-beit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.” Now let us understand it. People have sometimes to pass through very trying times in business maybe, like a brother who came home last night, he had had a very weary day. Now I did not say anything to him last night, but this verse is a wonderful verse for anyone who has had a weary day. You get before the Lord on this line and you will find that God by His Spirit will lift you, move you. It has not to be interpreted, it is to God by the Spirit, it is a strengthening of the nature where God is moving in the body. It may seem to some people very strange. I have seen people down and out on these lines and have come into a meeting and the power of God has come upon them with laughter. Now laughter in the Holy Ghost is one of those great things that moves the whole body, and brings you out of everything. It is a thing you cannot create, but the Holy Ghost laughs through. I shall never forget. Laughter in the Holy Ghost I only had it once. You laugh from inside, and the whole body is so full of the spirit of life from above that you are altogether new. Oh, for God to come into a needy soul and laugh in the soul, it is very wonderful. Now we come again to another wonderful word, which is important. We must all understand this morning that we are as it were at the footstool of grace, and God the Holy Ghost is our teacher, so we must listen to see what the Lord has to say to us at this time. Some people think there is only one kind of prayer that brings down the blessing, but you will find when God the Holy Ghost takes you He can through one pure heart bring revival in spite of every power in the world. This second verse is an unknown scripture except to those who have received the Holy Ghost, it is unknown to anyone who has not received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Now then, who is speaking? The Spirit. Who to? To God.

Where shall we find a verse to make clear revelation? In Romans 8: 26-27. Verse 26. “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities, for we know not what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” Verse 27. “And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” Here it is again, it is not YOU remember, but it is the Spirit in you, that is, the Holy Ghost. Jesus is the advocate that hears the Spirit pray. The Advocate is Jesus The Father is the answerer The Holy Spirit is the prayer. “And he that searcheth the hearts Knoweth what is in mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” It is he that searcheth the hearts; trinity, if you wish: right in the heart God is searching by the light of the Spirit; here it is, and when God is in the heart moving, the Holy Spirit begins to pray that God should be satisfied. The Holy Spirit is that which taketh hold of the body and prays through and prays according to the will of God, and brings down the blessing. Tongues with Interpretation. “The Lord Himself, it is He which hath opened into our heart His great fullness and now through the power of Himself is bringing out the great cry of the soul, mingled with the Spirit’s cry, till heaven bends down and grants.” I believe it would be helpful to you this morning for me to tell you about Burton and Salter, who are the chief missionaries in Africa. You must understand Burton has a great big heart, working in a great place amongst the heathen, a mighty man of God. He took fever and went down into death. They said, “He has preached his last, what shall we do?” All their hopes seemed to be blighted, and there they stood with brokenheartedness wondering what was going to take place. They left him for dead, and in a moment without any signal, he stood right in the midst of them— they could not understand it. The revelation he gave was this, that when he

came to himself he realised a warmth going through his body, right through, and there was not an atom wrong with him. How did it come about? It was a mystery till he went to London and was telling the people how he was left for dead, and how he was raised up. A lady came up to him and asked for a private conversation with him; they arranged a time. She asked, “Do you keep a diary?” He answered “Yes.” “I am going to tell you what happened on a certain day. I went to pray and as soon as I knelt down I had you on my mind. The Spirit of the Lord took hold of me and prayed through me in an unknown tongue. A vision came, and I saw you laid out helpless; I cried out in the tongue till I saw you risen up and go out of that room.” He turned to his diary and found it was exactly the date he was risen up. Now I want you to see that to be filled with the Holy Ghost, has great capabilities in your own bedroom. There may be difficulties in the Counting house, but the Holy Ghost can give you liberty, the Holy Ghost is wisdom, the Spirit of prophesy, the Spirit of revelation, and remember that God wants you to be filled with the Holy Ghost, and everything about you shall be changed with the dynamite of heaven. Verse 4. “He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself but he that prophesieth edifieth the church.” There is one thing which needs to be importantly dealt with this morning, may God give us a revelation on it. I want you to see in the first place that he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself. The Holy Ghost has full charge of wisdom, so he comes to us on wisdom lines. We must be edified before we can edify the church. Now in what revelation, or capability, or capacity will the Holy Ghost edify us if we are ready. I am here before you this morning as one of the biggest conundrums in the world, in many ways, and yet is as real, as I am, before. There was never a weaker man on a platform. Language? None. Inability—Full Of It All things about my life exactly opposite to standing on this platform, only the Holy Ghost came and brought edification of the Spirit. I had been

reading this Word all my life, as well as I could, but the Holy Ghost came and took hold of it, for the Holy Ghost is the breath of it, and illumined it to edify me so that I might edify the church. He gave me language that I cannot speak fast enough, it comes too fast—it is there because God has given it. When the Comforter is come He shall teach you all things. I John 2; Verse 20. “But ye have an unction from the Holy One and ye know all things.” Now I want you to couple that with verse 27 of the same chapter. Verse 27. “But the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man should teach you, but the same anointing teacheth you all things, and is truth and no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.” I am not leaving out the people who are not baptised in the Holy Ghost, but I am putting you as one this morning because I believe God wants every one of you to be baptised, and I believe you will go on until you are. After you are baptised you may say “I seem so dry, I don’t know where I am.” The Word says you have an unction. Thank God you have got an anointing. Now beloved, there is a tremendous helpfulness in this verse this morning. I want you to see that the Holy Ghost is wisdom, language, the Holy Ghost is all revelation. The Holy Ghost says He will teach you all things because of the anointing which abideth, and because of the Holy One which is in you. These are great and definite positions for us. I want you to think over this. In the Psalms you often see “selah,” which means stop and think— Consider. If the Holy Ghost wants to do anything it is to stir up your faith this morning to believe that this Word is God’s truth. If you allow yourself to rise up this morning you will edify yourself because of what God’s Word says. Let everything about you be a lie, but let God’s Word be true. The devil will say you are the driest person, you will never do anything, but you believe God’s Word. Oh, lift me up and let me stand, By faith on heaven’s tableland, A higher plane than I have found, Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.