0m M f« li VI Ih l'li IW ii Tn Q m thr ^ ' : IT, wVrU^llr. «•«#• %ffW55E5i«t» w*e^ VM SBrjtxsu^S:"^ •hSSyftS&SwSjT^^H^ M A crt*H M# InMtMi, m4 ttiM *■ ««M Plto«a m MoaMMTF U K»* Cn || i Twb li Cm , hit Hi I m •• Riir u i pKiiM F mm' SlreifdL Awnn'tiut m sac um ctm itm A* mM ■<■*<•« «* T ftm t A«MV «k* • » * » • m » im tw t< m , <M. ifc-jnu iw * > r •( tb« MUM fMT till will w i*> mi M IM , Un • M WM V« MMllM 9t tf A* m v. ne^'lN. J> W lM i MiM i» «MMrtM ti« tavIMtlM M •# A* n** mPM«w tAw*. |U Uw« tk* yr f i i l w t «m IMM •«1MI * f TMI. ta«Md>«f M- __________ WnMwIlWl lA #*«*m r 35r^L*wHNl in* flM* U lh« lAhtUf » f U m MWle •* *k« MaM AArMMtatIM Ttwon* I' ■nllir m M tiM Is'A aw Aulrad to Moot ■1 t«#MOkl »o*kt tboM oC K MMir Uwofllo Minn wklA tho FvooMoMI M w ^lf mfCkt ptoCtr Co tlMoldor. it ^ ) l (•tl'ouiot ta wir koorC'OoM tHI nrooUAi !• •(tMl, ■*l( tiM oooioM^ <*• ^ A r Ik* im t/iAok 1 iiik otoMtocMd to f t r i o t mm * MUt«£ ir II M * 000 * 0 , .i4k tor* tko «MUor «vw to tow* iA*»h y." 'nitW * w»r. ■U b« tk* oiaoM of Ao Ot*li otiao o( olaoot m MMW . I U rorieo* wotk* of Ilfo. Tholr ^l■t tk* VblU H« un woo of Iko I IwrwcMI.Mlon ■tmloubl* !■ 0 rW ikk.n**PNo( *t th* coitf^ nolo*. ktf.i WUopo wo* rrwkijr Q tiiiot br U m A M niifUQUuo .«( l«*H)r Ik '^fliDk Mott.'' “ lOMO-OMOlMC A r.' toij Tomtdc^. oiM UA- OM oloa vucUr- V PttM'W «t*nAl| fotatollr boMM hi* 0«il ',|i Iht vUMt* woi* odMHIod to III* olOM to UM^noeutl,* oftleo*. >kV*w U A H * I o n * * on* Rfoot** ihoM kr towH, itiokint ooek owo ____ I; , .'I illU CSMMf V flESBtr HBI J.' ' 1 .. . 1^4 Ao *oilM ko tk* iM ht ooA ■*** MU • t Th* ArHhotoo 6 MWo«py' 'if AtllM* too, OMfc«* *f orihUK M* 0 IkMO,** OOMoro. kOO k**Wtokto kjr A L 40 T^nt *0 INoMor* roftOoc c ooiiooy .* | W lUilRC^ OlOtraoilwR.oC iklo wko clowk lOjik*' Nom ' ioW ktr, AI It, OM of tk* olo* otoo MmM ot'A* pow4*r «oM|4nr- An oAefki .of Tk* Artlooto* Camooojr ko4 p ro H O )^ Ml* oiMco* tkot oofoUkClono* oiol* Of tk* «*«*i«hr w«r» o*i<*M Mr. *0 font '*l*k*4 to jook* 'll eioor tkot klo oompoox ^ 00 AUoUoO h i ■okini wot nnoitito* A Iko w«ot MOAO* ok(ot, kot w*4M OOOHOO* M O hcioIomO n prnllo, wMlk ik prooU- tOH; Ik* ioOM *• eitfkhti- ColH tk* •MIm M Mtoolljr olkiMl ft*. v|H|i pO*Mt O o Im okdoC 1)0 IM npi 4kri lo Mo« 0«* Iko ono«o*')it OMOof* tntr*|v*« A I kmlV^eill if Oeiiill Sil hr A oOlf Oo*oh «o of IMfintA. knowM n tf- otoMr 00 4 roMork, kioRtp lOtvontO. •0010 Aat. a>4 ku oiiltoll WOoW^wItSt ktlwlf of ibi Moiolion ooO th* 0 wboi*, .AornoBtolin ItoUr Itbo hnUOtloB; _*U*o kk* colM. Hr. Pro*! l,'t*.inrttt,jlMi A owA* ro)nr koOM'.A n*w-|*r*t]r. Wo on pn* IM M fr to roo 0 Moontrioont re ol ton« iroMh OM bo«* in*4* imtni*'*Uk Ikk ownor ond now bored lej^w to * Uopo ot ofif }The MMrailHoe too, ooonr* row a .oMo* Mo* WA 'kO MOloMlMoi *AM( toiroMM* n k * MMtMtt wtok oito kowo *1 th* ;*(. U«w tonor. too* n o wAi «wt IU o .J oe AI iloto I m A omoo m W WMelSt Ui TA Moot* hr* *olM*i*«Mi' to J*.>tool oao-Wkli^Mo JwM'MOw « ^ r > , ottopt iSTtotltolioh, ' '.mAfriMr flontr. WM to ooUcW ^A kteot oki trooli •p wen ko ,*M dotpAo* otoo. kr « M* toouir, hot m 1 4 leitonwMok wUI h*.k*o44l if .W* poronol topfioontotin.* k ^ polOI U MwOrd HorroMoo, 'oooeetorv'to Oovorwor MoMott lorwdr* wlik Iko tottor, Ot Uw to trW itn f tkot '~tho ooatitoMit ontiro otot* b A t towoere I* loMU koM* II* toromiA dUato. klilOB). In tkt tone affiKUO* lo )l koM klM n* 0*tMm**> ’ A* piwlkef to ktp r«p)T, TfoaHoot trOton* told tlwt k* ‘Toll 01 kma* Ik tkojptoop of fhniUlnr faeoa," ood that tm |* ke wu "aodor om at dowa koto Wk'-ltoaH MiOlontlr ttom d kaek to toowljor^. *T opkhietiu tkl* pm liai pwiotoaitr tSt po*dA'' 'k* loM, to offoot "aak o.** M tho 4*i*tail*o h*oh» lato p iil tin ftE'ioih rikiwii ** (ho |hto* follow** etoo^r OB (k* booto of o roam that too k(k powdor oaapoar wo* to entap* hi th* aooaofodton of eoUatolA n waa ITMUMla A.. tHtoVor. ooooa* vie* prtoH nt a t TV* AaUaptoa Owodoar. .was adarilMd w ot ib* ttoal tMPJitoOtok. , wttotAtototoCotopOop.-''- “Th* A hoot poopi* opoBOd aofotto' flio* with a* ootorto'OMOttt* o«< Oku Mr. Otowot. t kailt ft toofto-lt olopf thtt Tk* Arltoptoo f*wpoar ak ootoo* l b offer. WP te n . «P «**lto to odi pal*** w* *A It* oor pito*. It w* raa do Ikal tiwo It roootooO Nooif into a mor* ko»la »** pn p o oWloo v k o rf w* wooM k* tototoh to ‘m|**l * com offer. *tp At* oMOoftoftpwonr... thorn'to o cook «*ol NOto'thoa bum 4**toM'pM 6 Mt« H la ao MtrotoOb OWM-M*. pomUea *a* toOM. |p a ctoM «aol W MUaMOl oototol ibOM wAh aaoiral It lowar* tb*< ooMpoofi ‘‘Tkoto 'MP MO a* .*toblto *« atatto r*t w to Mioal p c M t.t^ pa^ otftopottb*j witoiHtouii. ------- :srtfi •Jo* -th* *0 PMt oofotlatioa* an* ptolito I »l of Itol poUto' Mr. da _ _____ _ oolibor toodlittooc"par MNfto* tor. pAMtoMte atop, «fe A ^ , ^rsiS.'sviK rjr too.Iko *0 •Aftor * '’wp b*t« CototoTA* HyN w , wi m Inlaid t* ■*. ______ . , the Plapl. tot to oootiwto tto toMoA*. tur* of piTolto.- hlh* olooto door* and wiw onlr tot prowla*at loMotor *t th* *nt> Wktif Aotl'Oolfpaipl* todt*a*Mt pr**> oat. lb* Itopokitoaa oooatr •ppeottv* mipwut** te r ir kipt aicbt ClpoowMd. eOtopalkP toottpM ood oftoocpd for th* pppktap *f tk* elb *a* oeOatf flekt IfkMajr ‘oipkt lo A* Kteocor' Aodl. tottoffl. ^ ootaaidfiao, opDorCbtf to l•Ar«lollM ikoijpaoto toMto tto OM*t> IMM otoktoaalp OaotM oor tofortna* to the opffioc*' loooo' to to dtoftid at tto poOo.nost Thoodoir, tetoikMi OUtert M Crt*r*M of tho Iflr* Mato wap U* tpoolr “Worert" Mo. bad .**■■ trooM froni hi* trtooiik .the. aickt hof or * la lb* Mowooth 'Wato, whoro to era* oloatod wart dtolnooB la tto too* of epp**l> U m . n .M aoiA kowovor, that to dto* ptaro* ,Boao of tto ItchUac apirU of th*. ibnoiT MPipoICBi to t tolnad hi aacfOtWac hPw hat* to work for tto opootto pf 'A* partr ttokot p( tto pPllP M WPTtpitor A 1>* opn I pc pf tto KepohUPiO pkto* Win to attoodPd hr ito biart *r 00 PMtaMaot fM*t ooi h i <lM Win.cp >• oanvto.ito offotr. A ttoKpo«^pSl Ho tto ^VBowr'Opnfoop ftopfc|iii Morifep eWl‘to'MittodPPdi hr Oopotr Otoir* MM Mar t tot W. ThrMr o* tto pr«*M< tow ORMH of tto Mootfoc. Tto,*PMk- *A win lad* 4* kpoaiar aopim CM* w M p*« to kipoiott. tto ponp . fOrOonraor opot Tmt ; Hajror *A who hdk ktdIoMd A* tet**** MMitePloki Mpllor, A. MyooM h o t nP* MiMjM no** rotoi-^oi VPOdMI*i hpohoad I p o tpBSPppp* p*odi|iM *t A*. Citr Hpp* ptiai t« k roppU a* ottoolpi « tophip i P l d b h r COP PM PBOthP* MOP to* oprorMc. P te Ol fth M mi «*I. trpto op PlioMpt to tab* kia Ilf* hr lo* hoHoc C b fOMto, IP Ihp roport tP A p hood* of topp potlo* lodpp. ^ t e WPPtPO. wp* dl«4| Ip Mrt. <lhort*P A. t e oyoi of *1* Bpd«*r ooaopo. Mor hoatood.M pft pppMtPd A'to**. Ond am of Ik* pkroleloito ot (to koppftol tor* (k* reoaon th* I* dool apd to *H*e la A* fool thol oh* wo* foand IrlPC m Ike hod ood to M tto Mor. OM fPwtP toOMO* d*a*«* lo propoittM to A* iMickt to whieh tbor aaeoo*. oat tto lad thpro .wu more *oa*rtaoltr nr drMMiiM ot olr on tto Afor lo Clnn 00 ' Ito oiploootloo of IM iMMdIot* tooth of tto -woMoo. . TM othor Mon who triad to tlo M Trodtrloh Towoil of It* «*■• *tr**t B* woo foood wnoMMiowe at bl* hoM* hr M* wH*. who detoetrt A* otor ot ■toJn hlorooM taotovoolBa. Whooeto broke eppfi the door eh* foPO* her boo- boiM^dttliiC In on o m Oholr, ooeoa- oelooa, wlA o cok to to 'lo HI* mooA. fetrolMOn 'Kdword Donchertr of Ik* P in t tTecIlwt poll** WH puniiBMed and Powoll wo* roMOood A the IwoplAl to tk* polio* OMhulOOM. AM Ctas 9iio Tk* lUBooota w an foood In AoIr id rooM wlA oil tto CM |*A leneod i ood tk* tip* u to n o«L Tto door leodin* loA tto hlletoo ona open ond oil tto polopoki M A* CM MOV* wore iMd* open. Hro. RoMon woo Irinc In hod Ond her honkond. haU dpoenod. w u atroAhod M tto IMor oMrhr «b*n Polnlmen Clo*l|* ood Byrto Mtorod tto nportnoni nfior nnuhA c * CUa* pt.nol hi tto btlokon door with ttotr oickt oUeho kod toraipc tko tor hr kohlwt Areach tto opOoMc ft w u ohooc ll;* l Wcloeh Mot MCM whoa o lUcht rnttlbif of window* awkk*n*d tCA Harold J mm . who Hvo* Ik* aportmool diroetir kkov* th* Rontoow. Th* hOMM I* k llckt tAn* Mrootar* ood It I* thoocki ttoi In foniM ’WonMoy wto weicka over Ml poonu Jorrrt th# wtndowt. Mn. fooM innedUtoIr .k*«**Ad tto Momo of c** kMO**d hat hoMMBd. T*c*th*r ther crou d Ihneoch ihotor oportment Ml dkripc A llckt 0 ntotob. ood nude oor* U h U omo. ot Ito )*A wu A a > I jam* waM A th* ooUor A *** If AOP* w w .» leak ttoOB. PAdInc niM to ooptMopod A* janlA r of ik* bpitd- ' ACMkor Ikor **• Mt AA Ito *«r**t.,aa4 oaiitd A purolaoa MotUor oK a via* of ito atroM WlA 0 aowapopor. which ito held over tor head A prkiect tor AM ^roM A* rain, Mr*. P>o*l| BooMmla of T| H»rtb Uopl* avMOO, RMI Orenck etenpoi In Irwt of a loalcob n u r Mr hono Carlr l 0*1 niaht and wo* fcnoohod tewk. Al> tlworh A* cor r u etor her. eto eo- copok WlA eewperoiAotr eUiftl in« Arte*. Her took woe eol ond (he enf* ferod frotp Aoeh. Aftor bolnc trootod hr U*. A A. Hoctellan of Holfrwood ovMM, B ra Meojowln on* Akea A A WIAOM A Ito oeoMent wU AIMo b T rtn p i * oeoolMoaAf. who I* oot- lac no a Aoai eopAlo M tto toupeMI MatpoAn fOr Ito * omi eou*. Mr. TrIapI ooMatod Hr*. 'ConAnil* A h u f*«t and pPnl Mr ito pkrticlilo. boior to oreoatpaalo* tor A her hsM*. Tto dPtoor of tho AbI wo * toko Ho* Bach of H MPlen pMe*. Ktot QrePCP, imilENIillSTO). D EO ^ STOKES F umt Ctfinm, fi ^Te 0.0. A. I.* AbiSiifiM Van- ill AfiinI VwM Silnfi. MOVE THCAIlOFF DARDANELUS AHACK AROUSES TENSE FEEUNG ; BR ITISH LOSSES NEARLY 100,000 (m m PteBi iFDtatMJjrounaniK lENnancanMninni CQMrrkMTUfQPMI tvtp BoriA oak AmatecdoMK 0*1 II,—^ckltPC of credi ytoAoto la AVMC piaa* m A* OoMpatl Poohtaolo. Mi«*r l•P•A art PoMc lofMpte* pppw'tto APcM-Ptomii oUloa, tto TuAlph War OfflpP aWorA pmaAUr. A omAI m con ppiltiM w u dp> airorpd hr tto Tprha pekr Arfboroo and 00 Allli - ' - tAHn TnMa ood AH* TAIOr i •t iht«b m 9m n4Wm Mnirv** m # 351i^ TlfMA * **■ MSASANmom . jroHU,. 0 4 ,, id.wftooPM'' , tiii|.«a*4 'lkwr«r w S o to o l A n uftfik. to Mtera* I 'Ailrf**.' ftfMff Mte—M f k^^pc^k^* ' w^c^^c*b ,.d** 4 ; itti toatt' Iqr'hUi tltopp os* to tein afftr tto ofAkdli Id onowaoMi 4bat pto * ridki* «o*P hM eoapi Mdlac —W »<teW .PPkpeloU* all OM* 4*kA wllh a * ttpikct acd faUk I tet ua Boh' Mb. "A 'Ao. *te'' ite-flUc ^^'diaWr .pMMb , . Al'w'wmao'of ttoir to - lUAr’ epot .TPMiar, tto’Hinpl dotr.fp* fpcblrtthw tar tto CMani doArrpr nwoioaii- Alt to'olM A p^ .ol*etieo.oe-.iw.ft hi iMMinPtitk iMAMHi^ wan- bloc wk%.*PMLi N lor I to.ipdhikd. rocpacftp am to>- OMOoloetaM would entr cutto* It tw poor *f^.- inc prAM *l|f Mw ______ „ _ _ roaUtdnwidbM PMOki** A ai". TUa nterto to Wtotd o * ^ Port- laci* Ocnrai ' AHMdi** OfWkW. npitr MpWllIlP* « t W dl AM w u hr ■ fOfM'Otkil u 'A* Hau rt Mpopkor .ht|k' a, It. .poro'idc-. Pt^M l,M Wah^ I lit# HrbW :i*»A'iE''-''l^»d,; ptwitel; » „totoBptOMtei:p' cptipadr b».teMat Ho 'WdP' ^ Jft sy' eV ft ' a: "Werve^* .' . .T.-,->-,«•* ■" - - i ^ .rl,’ ' ■ '"t y. ■ ' ' Itodo Ok A* i ohhindb PMMbere have in- ‘ intacittao A Wprk for A* PPfflOC* OOMOOMftl KiwoR opaa tto imporAopo •t CPttMc Ito tPdlA RppnbliMn *ot* tododptod oh Towdar. to thia i h* oodCbt oodCbt A ip>ptoft«o to I Akt onloM M voAt nw- |.U t Mat Ibaa-Vwodar to woMi irloM «f. tho Hcht A toA lo tto UdpteMr-primart** wbAh or* A to I'MAUKr M *t r u r . V lfM u ftforrad to tto loipfft* .aPpe rMPa.. eadipolcp. • wkm. ''a "Frotidknt, ttoro a n A to ^ for Ip'thlB oAM' « UtocrOW, l*d MlitOi'CPbotar ank tw'el** "ibc' of tto' ini* fttoklRou rmm 1 ^ 1 . rktmt' IbliF I lUU:-* iw ft^W fnniR 1 ^ 1 Afd*«M'd< tedb? * “ *■” ■“ "fioteiwi Vi {l*t* Jote f^ftf te o b ^ki* RkfttlHMMote'tlM* 0 * 11 (i^.'-*pr ,(M*k dru_ . " d at 'hIp'litipk.lM VadhladAh oApdfc'.lfrbcpd'M^ -,B»oa. at te rrat Cphlf.A.UP jltrM .tai'Ao diniiW-''ltaMaa «irtr*«Por ro a u MiM adf^fHaadp r 'tu' rp&nprfMdc*- ' teMooM la USkSBilteL. VHal onotai A A omHoou weri.Aaeto* upM reeArdar oftonMop hr tamer Oor- erner Cdwart C. dtolMe lo * polHotle epeech at tto fortrurosth oaauol eon- rooUon of tto iwaler Older of Unltad towHou Meakoolee la tbHr Mil, U1 non* etiwec Tto oMrei* enow a low hmM befor* tto etao* *f th* oeeHoo. , Hr Mohe* «ak* oS toMBnct oppml M Apeottloo to wOHioa eoffne*. diaccodHod all of tto ao-«*ltad hrpboMl** Anerl- cook odvoeolo* set oolr Ih* Nodlna, bo* the laoektu of tto BIM* la pphto ophoplk Bpoto on A* CuropMP tPoflM ood HeodPd for a faroodor huOMPljir lo Aoiorl* ' raa* A hflac ikeoi A lotenreu tar peoea la bohoU pf tholr Mtow nwa la th* war- ridden cowotrlaa. Tto feroMT Oorernor h u bcM a onn- Ar Pf tto ertar far raara ao* a lAubr otleadoM A tto SUM nnooril eeUM* W hu ooUod opM A (pMh roPtordar. Hr. CAku eoo^otuloM tto ■ m B mp pf the orgoolaolloa OB* KewoHl M Uw aaomnoA deowBeUoUeB ef A t ptarlPM* ‘ I. Ho Mid tto toBke *f iMiePlBa , thowMOde itroof. wu a tlchl' k* Mtr Ito hpons ot oil foouiM kniriiMP Ono too* w u oileeAo tnm Aotp to tto ite. Kr. BAhoe *oM. U* Nfttr** A Itat of Rov. j. Heepu Read, tar r*or* tfuMre* of tto auto bo*r, *0* now I. Aftor porinc s trlbot* A A* do- potAd ofllflor Mr. RlokU toM ef om of hi* Mat loArvMw* wKh Ur. fUod at A* imm wtwo tto Mitor dntM tto »WM* bill,- whleb ooUod for tk* r*o*lBo of A* MH* M puMk oehool* on* w u bMlM at Ito Mat A rm of tto L*0*l*t»re. A Halter otMWito wuld A l•tr*4uo•d tkl* m r . Ito •pMktr aoM, ao* A ***** that to trooAd It woold A aucetoHal. "W tef u*t« flUteC PMODriol A m A* po»A c* Of piMh A tew «o«d* w* n r* oor lOM,. kAftor. Who .hod .ppia id lopf and hold »pfi>M.*d*pBior M k rtlftJM ak ' '"'MMUd M u p 'i* b » *teM 1 I hod' « r WW A* AH* toow 0*1 onljr A rood to A* puMIe *«lHMla. kill tiMio woAd A Mtke an* (ttHM* m K, to work battpr Altod A Wok* dart AWpf* 1 *0 ’ uroptem wo* A*t *ow* o«4r A u to rA M I to norAefo *14* *f tto pwdoMik TM IMI Of th* otfloiol repoH foltewp: -KMr Arikono pro Vii CMpMt Cni 'ti F% « M fiM itIliiSirM t; P iw U rfit lilt. ^ nUIKSIEtS Mil FOR liTS KODT lulfPd of coinc to hi* - 01***. to iK. j**iph‘o roroehtel Cnhool tkl* moraine, foha PovoMib. olcht rMW pM.'Pf » lk But** wrool. oeBOMpontoa by Joho Marray,. alB* yaora ojM, pf K boo* m doptrayod aa oBoniy pppohlsp caa ppHitpo. o o r Aft wlaa doptrorek Paw* trooAak Maar AaoArta ,w* phot Aowp oa am plon--. A tor t ***, hppi wkwh t ^ oholltec TorhWfc pMlitPM M POT left wlof OMr fo rrov era* ro w** emopoU** by aor oflltlpry A wftbdAw, The MaMya Ipoaop or* hATy." SERBSY IELD TO ONSUUGHT OFJWADERS Capive if FifliM Tom bJtewNi aiK m m konm M«din Sir Hif Im U M Cnit hum U t A M Kxns mco N ei n mums pupal wut A p(or M tto t all u at lhcli 'o«f*4 '»te» *»*« t e l “ Jl” lKWS»=i«r45SS*,ffi riSPAcrarrauTr^'* kPdy'M' Ated"t«r' la ddflltoft .1 ^ 0. pollA wor* .„,_ v teftP wotkar. who Mter 'ten M u , a .dUAr •Tlite jnd ottatoa tto route npiMa «*to4 Wao ^ .tr S ^ o ’al »Ck dM' Wta' IhPa^Sti wo a«*d «art-AOMHcoto. TMn .l*a:t rooa Ip AM roukuy «*r tnile Bupaonrir no* iiillp lA ly ^ .What «* w u t la AMPrlokOk A' wvteom* te and olvoy* hoo bpM ootpndo* M the poor and op- proOAd of aair cooBtra. A t wkM Aer Book a toTM kwr* A*y HnuM npwm. bar .that Ate I* AOMrioa. And A on la wo ptee* bore to* bypheoa of pup klad. Tto orty. Anweftpap dune*. *t* pitio An*rfc*ok arlthout M r prefix.” Hr. CfokM adBnitta*M« lA ateod *r tto ■epabere of the order oo Ito- Mil whleb w u voAdd 1oat year bjr prpiidMt WHioo end wMeb would Av* a Hod for on UnmldionU A pap* a Ulorory tppt. It m « Mo oooMMloo that tboe* oaoMKI bpttoi la tM* eouotry Aepld bpra pgiM fPMdaPMwAl koowledCP Pad PduoptloB bofora tolM ododtAd. It w u lioiwmlblp b a n food covornMool nWee* A t eltl- W ptiiAod tto wuftIPM «f A* Ay aad rPMd totdMpoWty,. Aa ferwit aororoor ' icterott, Hal vPA tbar mntt If they dPidrid A A oMppvd cpU fitioeok' Hr. ciokM toM. m ^ im S r d te tto pair dUftiPOM ht- twpoa tkp m u who voM AIA on* Mm w te fatted A ooereM* bl* ritpt of fion- (kiw wo* that ou * 0* Wo potleoo to wefhltn, for M b cotetw wkte ^ other ^(Ooaillypoit ow IA.jjiCk''<ti> optaw oT ' DRDERLnSLAYER BSODNCAFItlRED M dClkteW Ctoantl -HX m JL b I b SwftleJ k rMfCHK IMfRIl JUflMI p ' R m T«fc Shut. YKHrSMOTHMOTTlIRWAU i------------- AC A* ptdy a| Jolin Cavanuk. w w darad hawdAI aodttly. Wu ahippad ft AA eHn p td u far burial, kla atayar. Wllliol* C. mtlwlaao. a paditeot atift- fOar yowta oHL'waa kaM wMtoat ball for tto crowd iPry te a oftpui-P lorr la Mate T o rli' rantitl •fiaaciPteaA on boibc ftdda Py Aa vWliCa ftrM tk who 11*0 a* M* fftbva atfapi Truk Cavonate, tpa proftiaiawl M«r*la rkto, la a teotbar of tto ftad waa. iWioboteoB, Who ted M ta pooUt te datettlvH alopp Wadnttoay OftalaC wteo to ppaated tr*w ft* IMlndiiil* Bpppllal, iiiw Terli, aftar klUtac Car- oBate. w u oPhckl uriy tkl* Mfralnc *% klpooiweSjotr kdard tow Mtpkol- Mafliic Pk.hirp fftA r f u i ^ ortko ntetoc aaift* of tto ptoik M* m teteffwaaiwd tcft tte aaaprtlac A paawc Marray, W M A wmwAat’ito'narfHM 'iAift. ' Tte .lN ^ Mp ter-M ii w «>**€ f t « • ”#• If Nft a*w*MlU'|r awMAr-kkl taMft* •• fto'drtte.'' ....... ^ ' , ..' "dMk*t,*ted-Hfto,ft*J>te' ■^ ' T te piiilu'pd'AnHteMr ter-Ptifw*!. te th* atteaftte lid d«P0H*t Of WU m ate ftoM VftcM' T. Qpaftcft ** ftalMBlCkt .C ftteate J**- t. ft teadfp«i MraU, **d ldft‘fartt of lU . Tairaw|iBft ■ilHadAJte' tea- to'plSVftptekitei. Si. .......... I dttaC tote'-WMatoafad- froa tkw tk- Both Vleoto OU Write ataU that tto To*An dHv* toft tervU *Mth of Bal. credo aad Cowendrlo lo aioblu rapid procAM Tte ftm- -*f te M M u ai twPIv* loIlM oooAeu I of CoowodH*. lo roportod tokw. Tkl* Awa WU wall protoolod ky forte and t Are t A ■orvlOM mod* daoparaA roololue*. Th* CoAloM odeelt Ckal they or* MtAaoly wouood. aid It I* fund at NUh lhal Ih* ormir whiek k u been molnuintnc the PPaanvao from wll) be eol A lor* ood 'ibrowo back A th* Raniiiaten fr*i(ll*r. | , | I Attou. h MHwm a oeOert ebat pafftl war iiMOAMiteMM .ft. ftraip naval 1te»a 'ein-oopP 'ft* lolcoffto 1rP*(l*r,, Aetorillap"ft. p' >a(pPlH 4. teifPflft ' tto TootOB loroeo lovadliH Corvlo or* at l«a»W. TAM Uorftal vto edSH iijtiu; *T dlppaM .di«ft teehoap* mrt that a Buoatep Poft. tm toiakpM*d A* Bpt- ■artea port otVora* m th* Corvft lodap dMftrad w u m Hal* parla, WhUo It I* ob M la Roam that Kalp te cboulBC iroopa A A *ul laA tto Bal- kan*, th* ajoraaip d'lAU*. kaowa u the efiitlal aowfttpor orcu of Tor- *l«n HtnloAr dteulno, doeterA Aot Italy ciiaopt. dllCOlU aoldteta A tto Witep* *1 poMta'l b«| will outrltaA la otbor vaT* A IK* Haupt* H*a« Tto tael that Maly aad fterewhp or* aat at war epmpIlAlo* th* allmlMn. It la hinlod. LAadon sapf taitJI hPp* ftr Raauuila I* ranain neptrW. ROWla I* ropanod to bar* demanCM-parmUelon tor th* paeeaev of Impp*. Amiph Ruowala lo PorvftM told ft RaPtMl VtBKKA, Oel. Il^wdarvlu iroapo which w a il a etaad -Adbr* tto Aaatro- Oomwn aSvure eouttopit ef B«pR«d* bar* b*M dofeateC to baltl* aad or* ra treatlac eutwafd and eooltoeelwert AA the Avate HaontalBO, it I* oftIdaUr announced by tto Aoetrlu War Offlo* Cerb f»«* fermdiH tto railway Uae* amitli***t ef IMCftde a rt b d u ebpllvd by tto Mf ffuu of th* lavador* cW nMAtiM of Ito *ff*<iivp work A A* Auptro-Oormaa toory *itftery It laada In tto otrWal •naeoneiHBoal Tto rapoet ayo; ”W* to r* tdWtKiod frow RHprad* A tk* liM Of fPrtrvoapa w nftiBut uf tto cHr. wpiAittrotib titeapklbfta, Rido, Umdme G ums Sositioi hj Rdiceiice w Scj- fntiM. AB) TO SERBS HtWHSa PlHNnHf ViniNCS IM* ii|ht ii Lm aid S mc I mr E ioNiiirt. lAYS aw SOOCESSES » UST Toblit fotHap I* lopa* la Laadaa tedap ft u tlaftottoa A Ito o*i«Baw A ft* ftCPm lM ated* tew aftkt te tto Homw ' A tart* te TteBMOt HUatr that Ao toeftiteawh tm*p* to wHbdrawn Iroti III* Dartaa*ll«t tod atat to lit* old A (to CtvvWaa. L*M Uaaodowaa ttpekea wm for tto cowranwot. *ao**d • H u w too'to r«A»otl A *1*1* whA tho #*veraw*wt'« ttWod* wouM be. Britteh ooooalUm la tto DudBaaUu oporatldB* tops alaiool looebod M*,d*C. An offlotat aAtoMont l*so*d in Landu. tedny cap* tto ficorM u m .hc no ft OaAbar P. Of tkl* uw lw r lAMT war* bitlad, U M A th*M koine *{tlr*f» TW mo tlchttac cMKlnms ahma ftk . ooaM*a froni ncoortlna A t«day'* o fft owl •onuMunten* frein tori*. Vlo|*te kowbatdtec wn« kapl up l**t mgkt kg boA aft** befer* L«e* aad Cuaekew •ovoM ncbltea ate* wn* Tep<i*t*d near f AM*, bAwvM A* OW* and An Almw. a*M QiMan*vt*r**|*A Nonrron. la le*t>' TBlM tto rioW* fire to doHarad te hww haltti Oorawa arfUary tad lalaM*n„ sUseks. Btrlla ufftemUy adiaUtA ihto aftonioM IhkI A* TOuloalc poaitlou hsvs kaoK ptiMirBAd te Ruwlu IroopB bi ftp lociM A W****Aw*. Aarau vtrAttM la tto Arteft Bad Ckaiauacn* ntftn* aiw reporwd te the Barlln War om ak apd' n a u VerWeOra Ac BriHA are declarod f t - too* b*M drtron oM A Oeewan aoWktek MiHtur *a*AtioM la tto au t or* *a«* awr* holktnp mnoh IntAMi dor LudM expert*. Autriaa roporH art la tto atfaot Aat A* TtaAM ar* hoU-- lac thMr own acnlaal tto RneAaa A tu o A * In Oalleta, In fceopinc wiM pravfoa* deeterolloB* that Ae tUaPn tev* been drIvM bnA aerco* tto Itryca nivar. AlAoncb admllttnc that A* foreu A Oemral fvanoff bar* apaft bun hnriod book Bereai lb* Ctrypa. totro- wad uurta Ib* adrahtafp Mil Aat* wHb A o Raoolon*. #b* bold olCbl mlloo A tb* out bonk A Ih* river, UVNOOM, Oet. ta.*wTto AAI A BHt> lob ous AUm at A* tterdaulA* ap tp ~ ^ 1^ ueordlac W Atlatel Bf------ ftin A wi Ssw acOBOC QC.AIP telwftr of fOM kitted .wu bafn l.lft wor* eftWorM Ito AooirpUu I 'The floor** clvon oA loday do apd ton Ito foil aiorr *f wb*t It to* COM MMOlWOto MW A* ItaoM A tto CtMAk unpetaftc.wfiitk po Aitebi* Ipfecwu: lion Ic ovalteM*. Tto Brtttoh 14 *^ howPv*r»buri pnt drtpAtebu froftm** ' ■thi* f r u i wb« liav* d*« A Ilf* u frIebIfA, W' oom* inoAoc**, aecerdlnp to Ihaa* Pd- vie**, trUehea and ca»«ya have -booh ohPhod with tb* d**d. TorklHi t«a*M oteo tovo boM dooortbod u very hMvp. liONOOM. Oet. If.—At! Britain la waltisc tonaeir today for aa exptento tloB A tto povarnmant'o illttudp ac, A* BMdanolt** eparatleni. Tto oanoetton mad* In A* Hvoao A lard* Uot iriibt by Vlaoount HlltoP that tb* ABBlo-yrottM troop* b* <wMlto dAwn from tb* fterdoaotte* and ttanni' " i(!:oBtinnod on td pa«i M oAwm) ic r u Id *•*». tA 1 am, «R a ropflTlsc * *ft * hud Bhovo.fto rliftt oy* cilCUook. Wbk tpkaa ft « :m »U PO'u Ittftaoneo of tiutlB thal A .tedd* tom at HI WPM rmtoA etrut ofCPpad A k e u RIer potteal andot A* UpMr, oMd* U 'wneb'ti Cavuack"mpo Inktraodod t- la h A iBWPPkPf- ffbeh th* etdorly tkl* Nlttolkoa iftktod kliTihrmcIi ft* koort U A p terc* ^ AMUioc MftkPftM tenprt eppah-p lu r wftdpw pad 'posted-ft oftdr. A U lH u Hatlcratk.' tAmwly A 4t iPPAPdpe otrtU Ate aky, wpoiP ----- A jftoald A harp PteprlPd A ru iM ite aift ' Th* ptomu wu aftftd at SSTw teteirU bar .tote* adfeftlof lift' topPitAL wtoP her fcpckoadw antellaat HMpd pwr admn* WA th* baltp UU ft 'tea k f ^ MoUcrmb, who 1 * a R ’igw iM sss - • hpdP 'A AitnaaCk w u laRia ft ■o^pppftPUIpai nM b whor*ftk VORKIEN IDitNED SLXm! ^ AT tA lM FM^ Two wophkf* war* karau fjjb te •» a fir* at noon todiPr Aat did H«P u m - A tto Iftfoftom of the ftdhPrii iklai Ceiapapy, « orifft A tto fir* I* aaaift** A eareWw *** A atetebo*. Tto mm war* kwtiiad M tte band* whm Ate uftd A tftftauWi A* whMi aftiud ft tk* ftet f ^ Tb* IMP, Trod C HoAftkt *Pd-»muid Reddy Ot If* M u HMm tlrooi daohned fttdle*) UMHPePti t ^ ^ ^ for a ttm* Ap bifp* ArMtteprt tto !crw .,A JtrF«tt3:''a added f t'I to dcftHPMPl apd^rroated Maatac ptoft .Ap.Mpokd Owr. mtiiE WAMKtMnfcm. Kofntt A QrobCW'' tUnted fkdtni I twote A* ' lit elarhB ft 1 part^fftf'.f hi olBailnc l>*paeitreelB„ j SS htc ntfAp cpM* to srrsiSr'ttafj 'lle-4p 1 «Kir«nm^'«»p M JRAlhrar M i tlM Ufft iM I -hfei mmcmIM : tftandb A* IMCkt ^.••Tb* REPOKIER IS SLAW W E L ^ FIGHT Fin V iiiU tl R«ca«il if Bilbtt » Onrintoi, S. C.-Naliiiil CnriiCiM Oil. FEEUWDTQ t niNARY RUNSRKR CHARl-ICnTON, C. C„ Oel. II.—todnoy J. Cohen, a nen’iiioper rtfioriA, WU hoi- *d nnd' five me* tbet In a nmla* bar todoy fuat oiiteld* th* roam whore th* Itemo-> araile eliy oxecutiv* comntltlea wa* f t moot to cinvtA lA Tvturm A Ik* MW- ttlolpal primatT lari Tnooday, Word kon ruehto hera that (iovoftor Honnlnc h u oollad am A* Natiouf Guard at Coiua*. bla to apratt rvenU hoie dootph Bteek of tto nodiovraUe often- ttv* eontmittee l* raported A tav* hoeR abA In the abdomeii. It I* apH to la daad, bat hoopiAi uihorittea refu* f» coAlm ihl*. *■ W. A. Turn**'era* *hol in th* htne Pnd *»riouWy Nerod; W. ■. W l^ r u ftftivod a AHoii* aroiy wound, II WilonPhr wa* »hot in cm arm. ppa lorofttah Crihrlrn wo* ahot 1* on knkft A floht oterKd la tb* rtom adl*<*ni* lltei ln Wft/h th. niool Tbn aokfaiu baydtf had eturtd wbon a fnftlad* A otoi* w u bur.) Itoft tb* cotetnltte* room- Tbit era- Uanad for ftvoral n*teb'*i ar A* utev iw e -sya km A' BstJiiriii. T*hi* -9f Uw rh ^ bilT.d A. rblel of A o n S ^ t a ld«r» nPdAar A *ffte*'*l . , «Mfd caftd "ft itertw' ' . ■ t t o ttemaeroti* at*ai<!p*l nftiftd tnu iuok a Mitof/acM^I W Miwaci A* aftiarrhA bf Maieor Jonh r 2 m « Trletain T., Kyd*.', wmnti» at ftekaPd Hekoft that. fftrA. RttroPMHftlOU i _ _ A dovoinor MHaioc te iha dtoaHr aMpmntittnr A Ik* Domacrorit ^ M m S itU lte* iwialted te tb* OovertMO ^ A m rft romrrft to(d at .J *• a prwraoHOurjr w itw ad ay *»«*ftift *b«> wviw.- atowA ''teal.:' by Amt*M rate* ^ . vAte war* AnwaK* Tb* : I pAte A **««• ft* rt-.


0mM f« li VI Ih l'li IW ii Tn Qm thr ^ ' :

IT, wVrU^llr. «•«#•

% f f W 5 5 E 5 i« t » w * e ^ VM

S B r j tx s u ^ S : " ^• h S S y f t S & S w S j T ^ ^ H ^M A crt*H M # InMtMi, m4 ttiM *■

««M P lto « a m MoaMMTF U K»*

Cn | | i Tw b l i Cm , h i t Hi I m • •

Riir u i pKiiM Fmm'SlreifdL

Awnn'tiut m sac umctm itm A* mM ■<■*<•«

«* T ftm t A«MV «k* •» * » •

m » im tw t< m , <M. ifc - jn u i w * > r• ( tb« MUM fMT t i l l will w i*>

m i M IM , U n• M WM V« MMllM 9t

t f A* m v .

ne^ 'lN . J>

W lM i M iM i» «MMrtM ti« tavIMtlM M •# A* n * * m P M « w tAw*.

|U Uw« tk* yr f i i l w t «m IMM•«1MI *f

TMI. ta«Md>«f M-__________ WnMwIlWl lA#*«*mr

35r^L*w H N l in* flM* U lh«lAhtUf »f Um MWle •* *k« MaM

AArMMtatIM Ttwon* I ' ■nllir m M tiM Is 'A a w Aulrad to Moot■1 t«#MOkl »o*kt tboM oC K M M ir Uwofllo M inn wklA tho FvooMoMI M w ^lf mfCkt ptoCtr Co tlMoldor.

i t ^ ) l (•tl'ou io t ta wir koorC'OoM tHI nrooUAi !• •(tMl, ■*l( tiM oooioM^

<*• A r Ik* im t/iA o k 1 iiik otoMtocMd to f t r io t m m *MUt«£ ir II M * 000*0, .i4k tor* tko «MUor «vw to tow* iA*»h y."

'n itW *

w»r.■Ub« tk* oiaoM of Ao Ot*li

otiao o( olaoot m MMW.I U rorieo* wotk* of Ilfo. Tholr

l■t tk* VblU H«un woo of Iko I IwrwcMI.Mlon ■tmloubl* !■ 0 rW ikk.n**PNo( *t th* coitf^ nolo*.ktf.i WUopo wo* rrwkijr Qti i io t br Um AMniifUQUuo .«( l«*H)r

Ik '^fliDk Mott.''“ lOMO-OMOlMC Ar.'

toij Tomtdc . oiM UA- OM oloa vucUr-

V PttM'W «t*nAl| fotatollr boMM hi*0«il ', |i Iht vUMt* woi* odMHIod to III* olOM to UM^noeutl,* oftleo*.>kV*w UAH* Io n * * on* Rfoot** ihoM

kr towH, itiokint ooek owo

____ I; , .'IillU CSMMf V flESBtr HBI

J.' ' 1 ■ .. . 1 4Ao *oilM ko tk* iM ht ooA ■*** MU

• t Th* ArHhotoo 6MWo«py' 'i f AtllM* too, OMfc«* *f orihUK M* 0 IkMO,**OOMoro. kOO k**W tokto kjr A L 40T^nt *0 INoMor* roftOoc c ooiiooy .* | W lU ilR C^ OlOtraoilwR.oC iklo wko clowk lOjik*' No m ' ioW ktr, AI

It, OM of tk* olo* otooMmM o t'A * pow4*r «oM|4nr- An oAefki .of Tk* Artlooto* Camooojr ko4 p ro H O )^ Ml* oiMco* tkot oofoUkClono* oiol* Of tk* «*«*i«hr w«r» o*i<*M

Mr. *0 font '*l*k*4 to jook* 'l l eioor tkot klo oompoox ^ 00 AUoUoO h i ■ okini wot nnoitito* A Iko w«ot MOAO* ok(ot, kot w*4M OOOHOO* M OhcioIomOn prnllo, wMlk ik prooU- tOH; Ik* ioOM *• eitfkhti- ColH tk* •MIm M Mtoolljr olkiMl ft*. v|H|i pO*Mt OoIm okdoC 1)0 IM npi 4kri lo Mo«0«* Iko ono«o*')it OMOof* tntr*|v*« A I

kmlV^eill if Oeiiill Sil hr

A oOlf

Oo*oh «o of

IMfintA. know M n tf- otoMr 00 4

roMork, kioRtp lOtvontO.

•0010 Aat. a>4

ku oiiltoll


ktlwlf of ibi Moiolion ooO th* 0 wboi*, .AornoBtolin ItoU r

Itbo hnUOtloB;_*U*o kk* colM. Hr. Pro*!

l,'t*.inrttt,jlMi A owA* ro)nr koOM'.A n*w-|*r*t]r. Wo o n pn*IM M fr to roo 0 Moontrioont

re ol ton« iroMh OM bo«* in*4* imtni*'*Uk Ikk ownor ond now bored l e j ^ w t o * Uopo o t ofif } The MMrailHoe too, ooonr* row a .oMo* Mo* WA 'kO MOloMlMoi *AM( to iroMM*

n k * MMtMtt wtok oito kowo *1 th* ;*(. U«w tonor. too* n o wAi «wt

IUo.JoeAI iloto Im A omoo m W W M e lS t Ui

T A Moot* hr* *olM*i*«Mi' to J*.>tool oao-Wkli^Mo JwM'MOw

« ^ r > , ottopt iSTtotltolioh, ' '.m A friM r flon tr. WM to

ooUcW ^ A k te o t oki trooli•p w en ko ,*M dotpAo* « M* toouir, hot m 1 4 leitonwMok wUI h*.k*o44l if .W* poronol topfioonto tin .*

k ^ polOI U MwOrd HorroMoo, 'oooeetorv'to Oovorwor MoMott

lorwdr* wlik Iko tottor, Ot Uw to t rW itn f tkot '~tho ooatitoMit

ontiro otot* b A t towoere I* loMU koM* II* toromiA dUato. klilOB). In tkt tone affiKUO* lo )l koM klM n* 0*tMm**>

’ A* piwlkef to ktp r«p)T, TfoaHoot trOton* told tlwt k* ‘Toll 01 kma* Ik tkojptoop of fhniUlnr faeoa," ood that tm |* ke w u "aodor o m a t dowa koto Wk'-ltoaH MiOlontlr ttom d kaek to toow ljo r^ .

*T opkhietiu tkl* p m lia i pwiotoaitr tS t po*dA'' 'k* loM, to offoot "aak

o.**M tho 4*i*tail*o h*oh» lato p

iil tin ftE 'ioih S£ r ikiwii **

(ho|hto* follow** etoo^r OB (k* booto of o roam that too k(k powdor oaapoar wo* to entap* hi th* aooaofodton of eoUatolA n waa ITMUMla A.. tHtoVor. ooooa* vie* prtoH nt a t TV* AaUaptoa Owodoar. .was adarilMd w ot ib* ttoal tMPJitoOtok. ,

wttotAtototoCotopOop.-''- “Th* A hoot poopi* opoBOd aofotto'

flio* with a* ootorto'OMOttt* o « < Oku Mr. Otowot. t ka ilt f t toofto-lt olopf th t t Tk* Arltoptoo f*w poar a k ootoo* l b offer. WP t e n . «P «**lto to odi pal*** w* *A It* oor pito*. I t w* raa do Ikal tiwo It roootooO Nooif into a mor* ko»la»** pn p o oWloo vkorf w* wooM k* tototoh to ‘m|**l * com offer.

*tp At* oMOoftoftpwonr... thorn'to o cook «*ol NOto'thoa bu m 4**toM'pM6M t« H la ao MtrotoOb OWM-M*.pomUea *a* toOM. |p a ctoM «aol W MUaMOl oototol ibOM wAh aaoiral It lowar* tb*< ooMpoofi

‘‘Tkoto 'MP M O a* .*toblto *« atatto r*t w to Mioal p c M t . t ^ p a ^

otftopottb*j w itoiH touii.-------

:srtfi•Jo*-th* *0 PMt oofotlatioa* an* ptolito I

»l of Itol poUto'

Mr. da

_ _____ _ oolibor toodlittooc"parMNfto* tor. pAMtoMte atop, «fe A ^ ,^ r s i S . ' s v i K r j r

too.Iko *0 •Aftor *'’wp b*t«

CototoTA*Hy N w , wimInlaid t* ■ * .______ . ,the Plapl. tot to oootiwto tto toMoA*. tur* of piTolto.-

hlh* olooto door* and wiw onlr to t prowla*at loMotor *t th* *nt> Wktif Aotl'Oolfpaipl* todt*a*Mt pr**> oat. lb* Itopokitoaa oooatr •ppeottv* mipwut** t e r i r kipt aicbt ClpoowMd. eOtopalkP toottpM ood oftoocpd for th* pppktap *f tk* e lb *a* oeOatf flekt IfkMajr ‘oipkt lo A* K teocor' Aodl. tottoffl. ^ ootaaidfiao, opDorCbtf tol•Ar«lollM ikoijpaoto toMto tto OM*t> IMM otoktoaalp OaotM oor tofortna* to the opffioc*' loooo' to to dtoftid at tto poOo.nost Thoodoir,

tetoikMi OUtert M Crt*r*M of tho Iflr* Mato wap U* tpoolr “Worert"

Mo. bad .**■■ trooM froni hi* trtooiik .the. aickt hofor * la lb* Mowooth 'Wato, whoro to era* oloatod wart dtolnooB la tto too* of epp**l> Um . n .M aoiA kowovor, that to dto* ptaro* ,Boao of tto ItchUac apirU of th*. ibno iT MPipoICBi to t tolnad hi aacfOtWac hPw hat* to work for tto opootto pf 'A* partr ttokot p( t to pPllP M WPTtpitor A

1>* o pn Ipc pf tto KepohUPiO pkto*‘ Win to attoodPd h r i to biart *r

00 PMtaMaot fM*t oo i h i <lMWin.cp >• o an v to .ito offotr. A

tto K p o « ^ p S l Ho tto^V Bow r'O pnfoop ftopfc|iii Morifep eW l‘to'MittodPPdi h r Oopotr Otoir* MM Mar t tot W. ThrMr o* tto pr«*M< tow ORMH of t to Mootfoc. Tto,*PMk- *A win lad*4* kpoaiar a o pim CM*

w M p*« to k ipoiott. tto ponp . fOrOonraor opot Tm t ; Hajror *A who hdk ktdIoMd A* tet****

MMitePloki Mpllor, A. MyooM

hot nP*M iM jM

no** r o to i- ^ o i VPOdMI*i

hpohoad Ip o tpBSPppp* p*odi|iM *t A*. Citr Hpp* ptiai t« k roppU a* ottoolpi « tophipiP ld b h r COP PM PBOthP* MOP to* oprorMc. P te Ol f th Mm i«*I. trpto op PlioMpt to tab* kia Ilf* hr lo* hoHoc C b fOMto, IP Ihp roport tP A phood* of topp potlo* lodpp.

^ t e WPPtPO. wp* dl«4| Ip Mrt. <lhort*P A. t e oyo i of *1* Bpd«*r ooaopo. Mor hoatood.M p ft pppMtPd A'to**. Ond am of Ik* pkroleloito ot (to koppftol tor* (k* reoaon th* I* dool apd to *H*e la A* fool thol oh* wo* foand IrlPC m Ike hod ood to M tto Mor. OM fPwtP toOMO* d*a*«* lo propoittM to A* iMickt to whieh tbor aaeoo*. oat tto la d thpro .w u more *oa*rtaoltr n r drMMiiM ot olr on tto Afor lo Clnn 00 ' Ito oiploootloo of IM iMMdIot* tooth of tto -woMoo. .

TM othor Mon who triad to tlo M Trodtrloh Towoil of It* «*■ • *tr**t B* woo foood wnoMMiowe at bl* hoM* hr M* wH*. who detoetrt A* otor ot■toJn hlorooM taotovoolBa. Whooetobroke eppfi the door eh* foPO* her boo- boiM^dttliiC In on o m Oholr, ooeoa- oelooa, wlA o cok to to 'lo HI* mooA. fetrolMOn 'Kdword Donchertr of Ik* P in t tTecIlwt poll** WH puniiBMed and Powoll wo* roMOood A the IwoplAl to tk* polio* OMhulOOM.

AM Ctas 9iioTk* lUBooota w an foood In AoIr id rooM wlA oil t to CM |*A leneod i ood tk* tip* u to n o«L Tto door

leodin* loA tto hlletoo ona open ond oil tto polopoki M A* CM MOV* wore iMd* open. Hro. RoMon woo Irinc In hod Ond her honkond. haU dpoenod. w u atroAhod M t to IMor oM rhr «b*n Polnlmen Clo*l|* ood Byrto Mtorod tto nportnoni nfior n n u h A c * CUa* pt.nol hi tto btlokon door with ttotr oickt oUeho kod toraipc tko to r hr

kohlwt A reach t to opOoMc ft w u ohooc ll;* l Wcloeh Mot MCM

whoa o lUcht rnttlbif of window* awkk*n*d tCA Harold Jm m . who Hvo*

Ik* aportmool diroetir kkov* th* Rontoow. Th* hOMM I* k llckt tA n* Mrootar* ood It I* thoocki tto i In foniM ’WonMoy wto weicka over Ml poonu Jorrrt th# wtndowt. Mn. fooM innedUtoIr .k*«**Ad tto Momo of c**

kMO**d hat hoMMBd. T*c*th*r ther crou d Ihneoch ihotor oportment Ml dkripc A llckt 0 ntotob. ood nude oor* UhU omo. ot Ito )*A w u A a >

Ijam * waM A th* ooUor A *** If

AOP* w w .» leak ttoOB. PAdInc niM to ooptMopod A* janlA r of ik* bpitd-

' ACMkor Ikor **• M t AAIto *«r**t.,aa4 oaiitd A purolaoa

M otU or oK a via* of ito atroM WlA 0 aowapopor. which ito held over tor head A prkiect to r AM ^roM A* rain, Mr*. P>o*l| BooMmla of T| H»rtb Uopl* avMOO, RMI Orenck etenpoi In Irw t of a loalcob n u r Mr hono Carlr l0*1 niaht and wo* fcnoohod tewk. Al> tlworh A * cor r u etor her. eto eo- copok WlA eewperoiAotr eUiftl in« Arte*. Her took woe eol ond (he enf* ferod frotp Aoeh. Aftor bolnc trootod hr U*. A A. Hoctellan of Holfrwood ovMM, B ra Meojowln on* Akea A

A WIAOM A Ito oeoMent wU AIMo b T rtn p i * oeoolMoaAf. who I* oot- lac no a Aoai eopAlo M tto toupeMI MatpoAn fOr Ito *om i eou*. Mr. TrIapI ooMatod Hr*. 'ConAnil* A h u f*«t and pPnl Mr ito pkrticlilo. boior to oreoatpaalo* to r A her hsM*.

Tto dPtoor of tho AbI wo* toko Ho* Bach of H MPlen pMe*. Ktot QrePCP,


Fumt Ctfinm, fi Te 0.0. A. I.* AbiSiifiM Van-

ill AfiinI VwM Silnfi.


( m mPteBi

iFDtatMJjrounaniKlE N n an can M n in n iCQMrrkMTUfQPMI tvtp BoriA oak

AmatecdoMK 0 *1 II,— ckltPC of credi ytoAoto la AVMC piaa* m A* OoMpatl Poohtaolo. Mi«*r l•P•A a rt PoMc lofMpte* pppw'tto APcM-Ptomii oUloa, tto TuAlph War OfflpP aWorA pmaAUr.

A omA Im con ppiltiM w u dp> airorpd hr tto Tprha pekr Arfboroo and 00 Allli - ' -

tAHnTnMa ood


TAIOr i• t iht«b m

9m n4W m Mnirv** m #


* **■


. jroHU,. 0 4 , , id.wftooPM'', tiii|.«a*4 'lkwr«r w S otoo l A n u f t f ik . to M te ra* I

'Ailrf**.' ftfMff Mte—Mfk pck* ' wc c*b,.d**4 ; i t t i to a tt'

Iqr'hUi tltopp os* to t e i n afftr tto ofAkdli

Id onowaoMi 4bat pto * ridki* «o*P hM eoapi

Mdlac— W»<teW

.PPkpeloU* all OM* 4*kA wllh a * ttp ikc t acd faUk

I te t u aBoh' Mb.

"A 'Ao.



^ 'diaWr.pMMb

, . Al'w'wmao'of tto ir to- lU A r’ epot .T PMia r , t to ’Hinpl

dotr.fp* fpcb lrtthw ta r t to CMani


A lt to 'o lM A p .ol*etieo.oe-.iw .ft

hi iM M inPtitk iMAMHi^ wan- bloc wk%.*PMLi N lor

I to.ipdhikd. rocpacftp a m to>-

OMOoloetaM would entr cut to*

It t w poor * f^ .- inc prAM *l|f Mw

______ „ _ _

roaU tdnw idbM PMOki** A a i" . TUa n te r to to Wtotd o * ^ Port-

laci* Ocnrai 'AHMdi** OfWkW.

npitr MpWllIlP* « t W dlAM w u hr ■fOfM'Otkil u 'A * H a u r t Mpopkor .ht|k' a,It. .poro'idc-.P t ^ M l ,M

Wah^I l i t#

HrbW :i*»A 'iE ''- ''l^»d,; p tw ite l; »

„totoB ptO M tei:p ' cptipadr b».teM at

Ho 'WdP'

^ Jft sy' eV ft '

a: "Werve* .'

. .T.-,->-,«•* ■" -■ ■ ‘ - i ^

.rl,’ ' ■'"t y. ■ ' '

Itodo Ok A* i ohhindb

PM Mb ere havein-

‘ intacittao A Wprk for A* PPfflOC* OOMOOMftl

KiwoR opaa tto imporAopo • t CPttMc Ito tPdlA RppnbliMn *ot* tododptod oh Towdar. to thia

i h* oodCbtoodCbt A ip>ptoft«o to I A kt onloM M voAt nw-

|.U t Ma t Ibaa-Vwodar t o woMi irloM «f. tho Hcht A toA lo t to

UdpteMr-primart** wbAh or* A to I'MAUKr M*t r u r .

V lfM u ftforrad to tto loipfft*. aPpe rMPa.. eadipolcp. • wkm.

''a "Frotidknt, ttoro a n A to ^ for Ip'thlB oAM' « UtocrOW, l*d MlitOi'CPbotar ank tw'el**

" ib c ' of tto ' ini*

fttoklRou■rmm 1 1 .

rktmt' IbliFI

lUU:-* iw ft^W fn n iR1 1

Afd*«M'd< tedb? *“ *■” ■ “ " f io te iw i

Vi{l*t* Jo te f^ftf te o b


RkfttlH M M ote'tlM *

0*1 1(i^ .'-*p r ,(M*k d ru_ ." d at 'h Ip 'litipk .lM VadhladAh

oApdfc'.lfrbcpd'M^ -,B»oa. a t t e rrat C phlf.A .U P

jltrM .ta i 'A o diniiW-''ltaMaa «irtr*«Por ro a u

M iM adf^fHaadp

r ' t u 'rp& nprfM dc*-

' teMooM la


VHal onotai A AomHoou weri.Aaeto* upM reeArdar oftonMop hr tam er Oor- erner Cdwart C. dtolMe lo * polHotle epeech at tto fo rtru ro sth oaauol eon- rooUon of tto iwaler Older of Unltad towHou Meakoolee la tbHr Mil, U1 non* etiwec T to oMrei* enow a low hmM befor* tto etao* *f th* oeeHoo., Hr Mo he* «ak* oS toMBnct oppml M Apeottloo to wOHioa eoffne*. diaccodHod all of tto ao-«*ltad hrpboMl** Anerl- cook odvoeolo* set oolr Ih* Nodlna, bo* the laoektu of tto BIM* la pphto ophoplk Bpoto on A* CuropMP tPoflM ood HeodPd for a faroodor huOMPljir lo Aoiorl*

' raa* A hflac ikeoi A lotenreu tar peoea la bohoU pf tholr Mtow nwa la th* war- ridden cowotrlaa.

Tto feroMT Oorernor h u bcM a onn- A r Pf tto ertar far raara ao* a lA ubr otleadoM A tto SUM nnooril eeUM* W hu ooUod opM A (pMh roPtordar. Hr. CAku eoo^otuloM tto ■ m B mp pf the orgoolaolloa OB* KewoHl M Uw aaomnoA deowBeUoUeB ef A t ptarlPM*

‘ I. Ho Mid tto toBke *f iMiePlBa , thowMOde itroof. w u a tlchl' k*

Mtr Ito hpons ot oil foouiM kniriiM P Ono too* w u oileeAo tnm Aotp to

tto i te . Kr. BAhoe *oM. U* Nfttr** A Ita t of Rov. j . H eepu Read, tar r*or* tfuM re* of tto auto bo*r, *0* now

I. Aftor porinc s trlbot* A A* do- potAd ofllflor Mr. RlokU toM ef om of hi* Mat loArvMw* wKh Ur. fUod at A* imm wtwo tto Mitor d n tM tto »WM* bill,- whleb ooUod for tk* r*o*lBo of A* MH* M puMk oehool* on* w u bMlM at Ito Mat A rm of tto L*0*l*t»re.

A Halter otMWito wuld A l•tr*4uo•d tkl* m r . Ito •pMktr aoM, ao* A ***** that to trooAd It woold A aucetoHal.

"W tef u*t« flUteC PMODriol Am A* po»Ac* Of piMh A tew «o«d* w* nr* oor lOM,. kAftor. Who .hod .ppia id lopf and hold »pfi>M.*d*pBi or M k r t l f tJ M a k

' '"'MMUd M u p ' i * b » *teM 1 I hod' « r WW A* AH* toow 0*1

onljr A rood to A* puMIe *«lHMla. kill tiMio woAd A Mtke an* (ttHM* m K,

to work battpr Altod A Wok* dart AWpf*

1*0’ urop tem wo* A*t *ow* o«4r A u to rA M I to norAefo *14* *f tto pwdoMik TM IMI Of th* otfloiol repoH foltewp:

-KMr Arikono pro

Vii CMpMt Cni 'ti F% «M fiM itIliiS irM t;

P i w U r f i t l i l t . ^

nUIKSIEtS Mil FOR liTS KODTlu lfP d of coinc to hi* -01***. to iK.

j**iph‘o roroehtel Cnhool tkl* moraine, foha PovoMib. olcht rMW pM.'Pf » lk But** wrool. oeBOMpontoa by Joho Marray,. alB* yaora ojM, pf K boo*m

doptrayod aa oBoniy pppohlsp caa ppHitpo. oo r Aft wlaa doptrorek Paw* trooAak Maar AaoArta ,w* phot Aowp oa am plon--. A tor t *** , hppi wkwh t ^ oholltec TorhWfc pMlitPM M POT left wlof OMr fo r rov era* ro w** emopoU** by aor oflltlpry A wftbdAw, The MaMya Ipoaop or* hATy."


OFJWADERSCapive if FifliM Tom

b J te w N i

a i K m m k o n mM«din Sir Hif Im U M

C n i t h u m U t A M

Kxns mcoNei n mums

pupal w u t A p(or M tto t all


at lhcli 'o«f*4 '» te » *»*« t e l “ Jl”lK W S»=i«r45SS*,ffi

r iS P A c ra rra u T r^ '*kP d y 'M ' Ated"t«r' laddflltoft

.1 ^ 0. pollA wor* . „ ,_ v te f tP wotkar. who M ter ' t e n M u , a .dUAr

• T l i t e j n d ottatoa tto rou te npiMa « * to 4 Wao

^ . t r S ^ o ’a l » C k

dM ' Wta' IhPa^Sti wo a«*d «art-AOMHcoto. TMn .l*a:t rooa Ip AM roukuy «*r tnile Bupaonrir no* iiillp lA ly ^ .What «* w u t la AMPrlokOk A' wvteom* te and olvoy* hoo bpM ootpndo* M the poor and op- proOAd of aair cooBtra. A t wkM Aer Book a toTM kwr* A*y HnuM npwm. bar . that Ate I* AOMrioa. And A on la wo ptee* bore to* bypheoa of pup klad. Tto orty. Anweftpap dune*. *t* pitio An*rfc*ok arlthout M r prefix.”

Hr. CfokM adBnitta*M« lA ateod *r tto ■epabere of the order oo Ito- Mil whleb w u voAdd 1oat year bjr prpiidMt WHioo end wMeb would Av* a Hod for on UnmldionU A pap* a Ulorory tppt. It m « Mo oooMMloo that tboe* oaoMKI bpttoi la tM* eouotry Aepld bpra pgiM fPMdaPMwAl koowledCP Pad PduoptloB bofora to lM ododtAd. It w u lioiwmlblp

b a n food covornMool nWee* A t eltl- W ptiiAod t to wuftIPM «f A* Ay aad

rPMd totdMpoWty,. Aa ferwit aororoor ' icterott,

Hal vPA tb ar mntt If they dPidrid A A oMppvd cpU fitioeok' Hr. ciokM toM. m ^ i m S r d t e tto pair dUftiPOM ht- twpoa tkp m u who voM AIA on* Mm w te fatted A ooereM* bl* ritpt of fion- (kiw wo* that o u * 0* Wo potleoo to wefhltn , for Mb cote tw wkte ^ other^(Ooaillypoit ow IA.jjiCk''<ti> optaw oT '


M d C lk te W C to a n tl-H X mJL bI b S w ftle J krM fC H K IM fR I l J U f lM I p


i-------------AC A* ptdy a | Jolin Cavanuk. w w

darad hawdAI aodttly. Wu ahippad f t A A eHn p td u far burial, kla atayar. Wllliol* C. mtlwlaao. a paditeot a tif t- fOar yowta oHL'waa kaM wMtoat ball for t to crowd iPry te a o ftp u i-P lo rr la Mate T o r l i ' r a n t i t l •fiaaciPteaA o n boibc ftdda Py Aa vWliCa ftrM tk who 11*0 a* M* fftbva atfapi T ru k Cavonate, tpa proftiaiawl M«r*la rk to , la a teotbar of tto ftad waa. iWioboteoB, Who ted M ta pooUt te

datettlvH alopp Wadnttoay OftalaC w teo to ppaated tr*w ft* IMlndiiil* Bpppllal, iiiw T erli, aftar klUtac Car- oBate. w u oPhckl u r iy tkl* Mfralnc* % k lp o o iw eS jo tr kdard tow Mtpkol-

Mafliic Pk.hi r p f f t A r f u i ^o r t ko n te toc aaift* of tto ptoik M*m teteffwaaiwd tc f t t te aaaprtlac A paawc Marray, W M A wmwAat’ito'narfHM 'iA ift. ' T te . lN ^ Mp t e r - M i i w «>**€ f t « • ”#• If Nft a*w*MlU'|r awMAr-kkl taMft* •• f to 'd r tte . ''....... ' ,

..' "dM k*t,*ted-Hfto,ft*J>te' ■ ^' T te piiilu'pd'AnHteM r ter-Ptifw*!. t e th* atteaftte lid d «P0H * t Of WU m a t e ftoM VftcM ' T. Qpaftcft ** ftalMBlCkt .C fttea t e J**- t. f t te a d fp « iMraU, **d ld ft‘fa r t t of lU . Tairaw|iBft

■ ilH adA Jte ' ■ tea-



I dttaC


froa tkwtk-

Both Vleoto OU Write ataU that tto To*An dHv* to ft tervU *Mth of Bal. credo aad Cowendrlo lo a iob lu rapid procAM Tte f tm - -*f teM M uai twPIv* loIlM oooAeu I of CoowodH*. lo roportod tokw. Tkl* Awa WU wall protoolod ky forte and t Are t A ■orvlOM mod* daoparaA roololue*.

Th* CoAloM odeelt Ckal they or* MtAaoly wouood. a id It I* f u n d at NUh lhal Ih* ormir whiek k u been m olnuintnc the PPaanvao from wll) be eol A lor* ood 'ibrowo back A th* Raniiiaten fr*i(ll*r. | , |I A tto u . h MHw m a oeOert ebat pafftl w ar iiMOAMiteMM .ft. ftra ip naval 1te»a 'ein-oopP 'ft* lolcoffto 1rP*(l*r,,

Aetorillap"ft. p ' >a(pPlH 4 . teifP flft ' tto TootOB loroeo lovadliH Corvlo or*

a t l«a»W. TAM Uorftal vto

e d S H i i j t i u ;

* T dlppaM .di«ft teehoap* m rt that a Buoatep Poft. tm toiakpM*d A* Bpt- ■artea port otVora* m th*

Corvft lodap dMftrad w u m Hal* parla,

WhUo It I* obM la Roam that Kalp te cboulBC iroopa A A * u l laA tto Bal­kan*, th* ajoraaip d'lAU*. kaowa u the efiitlal aowfttpor o rc u of Tor- *l«n HtnloAr dteulno, doeterA Aot Italy ciiaopt. dllCOlU aoldteta A tto W itep* *1 poMta'l b«| will o u tr lta A la otbor vaT* A IK* Haupt* H *a« Tto tael that Maly aad fterewhp or* aat at war epmpIlAlo* th* allmlMn. It la hinlod.

LAadon sapf taitJI hPp* f tr Raauuila I* ranain neptrW. ROWla I* ropanod to bar* demanCM-parmUelon tor th* paeeaev of Impp*. A m iph Ruowala lo

PorvftM told f t RaPtMlVtBKKA, Oel. Il^wdarvlu iroapo

which w a il a etaad -Adbr* tto Aaatro- Oomwn aSvure eouttopit ef B«pR«d* bar* b*M dofeateC to baltl* aad or* ra treatlac eutwafd and eooltoeelwert AA the Avate HaontalBO, it I* oftIdaUr announced by tto Aoetrlu War Offlo*

Cerb f»«* fermdiH tto railway Uae* amitli***t ef IMCftde art b d u ebpllvd by tto Mf ffuu of th* lavador* cW nMAtiM of Ito *ff*<iivp work A A* Auptro-Oormaa toory *itftery It laada In tto otrWal •naeoneiHBoal Tto rapoet ayo;

”W* tor* tdWtKiod frow RHprad* A tk* liM Of fPrtrvoapa w nftiBut uf tto cHr. wpiAittrotib titeapk lb fta , Rido,

Um dm e Gums Sositioi hj Rdiceiice w Scj-



P l H N n H f V in iN C S IM *

ii|ht ii Lm aid SmcImr EioNiiirt.

lAYS aw SOOCESSES » USTToblit fotHap I* lopa* la Laadaa tedap

ft u tlaftottoa A Ito o*i«Baw A ft* f tCPm lM ated* tew aftkt te tto Homw ' A ta r t* t e TteBMOt HUatr that Ao toeftiteaw h tm*p* to wHbdrawn Iroti III* Dartaa*ll«t tod atat to lit* old A (to CtvvWaa. L*M Uaaodowaa ttpekea w m for tto cowranwot. *ao**d •H u w too 'to r«A»otl A *1*1* whA tho #*veraw*wt'« ttWod* wouM be.

Britteh ooooalUm la tto DudBaaUu oporatldB* tops alaiool looebod M*,d*C. An offlotat aAtoMont l*so*d in L andu. tedny cap* tto ficorM u m .h c no f t OaAbar P. Of tkl* uw lw r lAMT war* bitlad, U M A th*M koine *{tlr*f»

TWmo tlchttac cMKlnms ahma f tk . ooaM*a froni ncoortlna A t«day'* o ff t owl •onuMunten* frein tori*. Vlo|*te kowbatdtec wn« kapl up l**t mgkt kg boA aft** befer* L«e* aad Cuaekew •ovoM ncbltea ate* wn* Tep<i*t*d near f A M*, bAwvM A* OW* and An Almw. a*M QiMan*vt*r**|*A Nonrron. la le*t>' TBlM tto rioW* fire to doHarad te hww h a ltti Oorawa arfUary tad lalaM*n„

sUseks.Btrlla ufftemUy adiaUtA ihto aftonioM

IhkI A* TOuloalc poaitlou hsvs kaoK ptiMirBAd t e R uw lu IroopB bi ftp lociM A W****Aw*. A a rau vtrAttM la tto Arteft Bad Ckaiauacn* ntftn* aiw reporwd te the Barlln War om ak apd' n au VerWeOra Ac BriHA are declarod f t - too* b*M drtron oM A Oeewan aoWktek

M iH tur *a*AtioM la tto a u t or* *a«* awr* holktnp mnoh IntAMi dor L u d M expert*. A utriaa roporH a r t la tto atfaot A at A* TtaAM ar* hoU-- lac thMr own acnlaal tto RneAaa A tuoA * In Oalleta, In fceopinc wiM pravfoa* deeterolloB* that Ae tUaPn tev* been drIvM bnA aerco* tto Itryca nivar.

AlAoncb admllttnc that A* fo reu A Oemral fvanoff bar* apaft bu n hnriod book Bereai lb* Ctrypa. totro- w ad u u r t a Ib* adrahtafp M il Aat* wHb Ao Raoolon*. #b* bold olCbl mlloo A tb* o u t bonk A Ih* river,

UVNOOM, Oet. ta.*wTto AAI A BHt> lob o u s AUm at A* tterdaulA* ap tp ~ ^ 1 ueo rd lac W Atlatel Bf------

f t i n A wiSswacOBOC QC.AIP

telw ftr of fOM kitted .w ubafn l .l f t wor* eftWorM Ito AooirpUu I

'The floor** clvon oA loday do apd ton Ito foil aiorr *f wb*t It to* COM

MMOlWOto MW A* ItaoM A tto CtMAkunpetaftc .w fiitk po Aitebi* Ipfecwu: lion Ic ovalteM*. Tto Brtttoh 14 *^ howPv*r»buri pnt drtpAtebu froftm**

' ■ ■ ■ thi* f r u i wb« liav* d*« ■ A Ilf* u frIebIfA, W'

oom* inoAoc**, aecerdlnp to Ihaa* Pd- vie**, trUehea and ca»«ya have -booh ohPhod with tb* d**d. TorklHi t«a*M oteo tovo boM dooortbod u very hMvp.

liONOOM. Oet. If.—At! Britain la w altisc tonaeir today for aa exptento tloB A tto povarnmant'o illttudp ac, A* BMdanolt** eparatleni.

T to oanoetton mad* In A* Hvoao A lard* Uot iriibt by Vlaoount HlltoP that tb* ABBlo-yrottM troop* b* <wMlto dAwn from tb* fterdoaotte* and ttanni'" i(!:oBtinnod on td pa«i M oAwm )

ic r u Id *•*». tA 1

am, «R a ropflTlsc * *ft * h u d Bhovo.fto rliftt oy*cilC U ook. Wbk tpkaa f t «

:m » U PO 'u Ittftaoneo of tiu tlB thal A .tedd* tom

a t H I WPM rm to A e tr u t ofCPpad A k e u RIer po ttea l andot A*

UpMr, oMd* U 'w neb 'ti Cavuack"mpo Inktraodod t- la h A iBWPPkPf- ffbeh th* etdorly

tkl* Nlttolkoa iftktod k liT ih rm c Ii ft* koort U A p terc*^ AMUioc MftkPftM te n p r t

eppah-p l u r wftdpw pad ' posted-ft oftdr. A U lH u Hatlcratk.' tAmwly A 4t iPPAPdpe ot r tU Ate aky, wpoiP—----- A jftoald A harp PteprlPd A r uiM ite a if t ' Th* ptomu w u aftftd at S S T w te te irU bar .tote* adfeftlof lift' topPitAL w toP her fcpckoadw antellaat HMpd p w r adm n* WA th* baltp UU f t 'tea k f ^ MoUcrmb, who 1*

a R ’ig w iM s s s - •hpdP 'A AitnaaCk w u laRia f t ■o^pppftPUIpai n M b whor*ftk


Two wophkf* war* karau f j jb t e •» a fir* a t noon todiPr Aat did H«P u m -

A tto If tfo ftom of the ftdhPrii ik la i Ceiapapy, « orifft A tto fir* I*

aaaift** A eareWw *** A atetebo*.T to mm war* kwtiiad M tte band*

whm A te uftd A tftftauWi A*whMi a ftiu d f t tk* f te t f ^ Tb*IMP, Trod C HoAftkt *Pd-»m uid Reddy Ot If* Mu HMm tlrooi daohned fttdle*) UMHPePti t ^ ^

fo r a ttm* Ap bifp* ArMtteprt tto

!c rw .,A J trF « tt3 : ''aadded f t 'I t o dcftHPMPl apd^rroatedMaatac ptoft .Ap.Mpokd Owr.


Kofntt A QrobCW'' tUnted fkdtni I two te A* ' lit elarhB f t 1 p a r t^ f f t f '. f hi olBailnc l>*paeitreelB„

jSShtcntfAp cpM* to

s r r s i S r 't t a f j

'l le -4 p

1 «Kir«nm^'«»pM JRAlhrar M i

tlM Ufft iMI -hfei mmcmIM

: tftandb A*IMCkt^.••Tb*


Fin ViiiU tl R«ca«il if Bilbtt » Onrintoi, S. C.-Naliiiil

CnriiCiM Oil.


J. Cohen, a nen’iiioper rtfioriA, WU hoi- *d nnd' five me* tbet In a nmla* bar todoy fuat oiiteld* th* roam whore th* Itemo-> araile eliy oxecutiv* comntltlea wa* f t moot to cinvtA lA Tvturm A Ik* MW- ttlolpal primatT lari Tnooday, Word kon rueh to hera that (iovoftor Honnlnc h u oollad am A* Natiouf Guard a t Coiua*. bla to apratt rvenU hoie

dootph Bteek of tto nodiovraUe often- ttv* eontmittee l* raported A tav* hoeR abA In the abdomeii. It I* apH to la daad, bat hoopiAi uihorittea refu* f» coA lm ihl*. *■

W. A. Turn**'era* *hol in th* htne Pnd *»riouWy Nerod; W. ■. W l^r u ftftivod a AHoii* aroiy wound, I I

WilonPhr wa* »hot in cm arm. ppa lorofttah Crihrlrn wo* ahot 1* on knkft

A floht oterKd la tb* rtom adl*<*ni* llte i ln Wft/h th .niool Tbn ao k fa iu baydtf had e tu rtd wbon a fnftlad* A otoi* w u bur.) Ito ft tb* cotetnltte* room- Tbit era- Uanad for ftvoral n*teb'*i ar A* u te v

i w e-syakm A' BstJiiriii. T*hi* -9f Uwr h ^ b i lT .d A . rblel of A o n S ^ t a ld«r» nPdAar A *ffte*'*l . , «M fd caftd " f t itertw ' ' . ■

t t o ttemaeroti* at*ai<!p*l n f t if td tn u iuok a M ito f/acM ^I W Miwaci A* aftiarrhA bf Maieor Jonh r 2 m « Trletain T., Kyd*.', wmnti» a t ftekaP d Hekoft tha t.

fftrA . RttroPMHftlOU i_ _ A dovoinor MHaioc te iha dtoaHr aMpmntittnr A Ik* Do macro rit ^Mm S i tU lte * iwialted te tb* OovertMO

^ A m r f t romrrft to(d a t . J *• a prwraoHOurjr

witwaday *»«*ftift *b«> wviw.-atowA ''teal.:'

by Amt*M rate* ^. vAte war* AnwaK* Tb* :I p A te A * * « « • f t* rt-.



mmif Bui Kb u Far WmaiKlUUnk.

__ «t a^rartUtM. ol tk« Ii*t1i

to tKla eitif, will a# dWMiairtid iMto tiw Haw oC Uw Faw tortw ak RaM' *44 ta far Waat aa Ptttitoian-

for Ifcla wart wara toa4a a it |r a r raaraaaalaUraa af tfea lallraaa toi Iht Camwhtoa a t Oaa Hiwirai.

t a raaaaa^a la aa taatlatlaa la at> |at< tfea aaafaranaa. Oaarfa D. W aa^

praaMaai a t ika PaaM riraala. 4a)< lia ia t twa aU ar atftoara Tkajr ara IT ir. Laa J r , aaW*«ti)' a«aat far lha raUrtol. a a t OaaH N. M L faaaral

lar aaafii. Taa ra ilraa t afflatola to t a all In Ibalr powar ta balp

jiaa tha aalabratlaB. I’aataro 'aa t awMar wtti aa ptooaa aa tha rail*

a ballatla haarda atoms tha rea*. ptoltoa asanta wlH ha aappUa*

hsttthilto aa< protraoM a t tha iitoa with instraattoBf ta 4la>

itohtoaawinMa aa tramaasdaltom at b ^ a mIllthialllWl eomauttaa

lha Sap.tha iTVhh HM paaiatoHnaa, whiah

■ a iw a t r rataa u 4 taiigU at ttohata, wauM aataatola a plaa

.__I waalBt ratoa to r NawaMi ta r la taaehrereery aatahrattoa. waa tha aa*

flvaa h r Ika raltraat rappaasu' piaiiMt. Tha pah-toltiaa ha-

ta plaea Its appitoattoa artth tha Uwa Atoactottoa to Haw Toth

aa tha aaM oatton a t Jaha Qr. a an tohar a t lha tmm-

II waa ratod to Maka tha' laral par Bsaati aamlUarr main-

a t tha traaapartaH aa aawartltaa. rmPrtahi fapraaaala i wara lha

bahimhCaatrml and 1 1 10 .

m paraama waa hp lha ash-oMBtoHlaa

It la ukair thatha tatofaad ta atataaa

wbaa tha aah aato I hatoa Rp mart toaattop Ootahar It.

, •laaaaa a t n tta -

Mto Wham to chaiwa a t tha H.Ha aapnaaid

aaaa a pradi atlaa aam* : ad tha sbatrwaa a t Itw

la appatol-waah a t

aalttoto paWI.iB, MjtototlM^

L Da Tam ahaMnaa a t tha aaaMriltaa. as f i i t with Mr, lha pton a t aNawtat

. Tha ditaatar appiatai d t

I a t tha larta bodr wWah a t II aaanaI tha p a ta ta l

atata anaalaatlaa a r' ta lha awha ap

far tha aixtaaaat tha

!taa will ha ptraa a tha wath a t *m or

eawMwiliaaai Tha job- iiCMD

irb M will ha laaairad a t WaaaaaMa

iiiD w iirs iu r inn cms w iouwatI lha frant ptotfam at m

’ to tha hmah a{ a maawpr atraat aafir Ihia awniltt

M. aaaaw aa a t poUaa lha aatotol attar a

Tha aahaal had hiawtod aaaa twa Haw who

ta atop I th r DataeUra

and Patrolatoh t eh raadar. waaa prtoawar to haadaualtara wbaa

kp. Tha aar 1lha maamrap. Tha aar waa a t tha toiiprawa waa to'

to pat aUphUp ahaad a t tha This ha dM aad haw

toa Irtmt ptoUarm Chaara lha ofncar aptaap

a lto<% ahd haM an. Oat- o td h a fid a a '


1 ha pnBad tha aalawl

m m wh» hhd Utad ta al .wap, hut had baas kaaahad dawa,

aakurt. th a boraa and wasoa ba­te lha pubUa tarvtot .SUctria



Aiiiitail AUvmt Cmnl Sid b i t ( i r S i r U i g 0 1 B t f u

Nm m M I t i i i l r r f i l l


THREE dUSnONS AIE ANSHERDtfadar aa optoino raralrad tadtr fraw

AHarrvtr O astral Harbait laa OtMBir Baard at Mactioaa

wtn att laawrraw all dar far tea paipuaa at alrlktam off tha raaiatrr llata anch aaaiaa aa awr ba paaran latpraptrlr In- arfltod, and for tha parpaaa at addlnl la lha Uala ad nuaMpaHliaa at laat than I.H# papulaUoa tha aaiaaa at ratart who

r hara haaa avarlaohad to pnriaui rattotrattooi.

Tba M fd wreta la tha etfka at tha attaraap doaarat tor an opinion ai to arhaa tt toanlil alt ihwadtaa tha •paetol ■toatlon. baaaaa* ih*ra arma an apiwrant eanfHrt In lha tow an tWa point. Mr. Boaaa nantad latnarraw aa tha propar dar far tha paaaton. In aaawar la two otbar muattluna put by lha oountp board, Mr. hoaaa r n l^ flnl. llwl aaadMalao iwnd- natad at lha prltomnaa hara not tba rldhl to Individual rhallanpara. and, laBiind. that lhair poarato wrap tha rnaMry Uoti tatoarr aw will ba tha anaa aa al aar aan- oral alrrttow.

In bla opinfan. Mr. Matfu atoltd tha qaaatlena aa put la hito to lha laltar Mat bp Cnanttva haaraurr WaUon Rada- an an at lha Canwtp Baard, tad than alalad Ma snawar, Tha aptWan. la part, rand aa fallawa:

Mra. n in p i ‘1 Wplalaa t )n » —'H ara tha aaatodatoa dalp nani-

inaitd la tha purlp prttoarlia a riaht ta Indlriduallr appalat ahallancar* <• rap- roaani tb a a paraenallr al L*>* praarid

*1 Ihlah a a t Challanitara art pro- Tidad tar uadar Baatton f t af (ba tlae- Uao aat. That aaattow prartdaa that—

Tba rbtirm aa at tha naatp aaiu-nltlaa at a a r palittoal partr that h u dalp aapilnalad anr candtdataa far pubHt aftw a * • • pup appalat iwe acanta to r aaah atoetten diairlat la hia aaanlp a r toanlclpalltp, aa tba aaaa nap ba; tad anp toad ldata dulp Bonlaaiad bp palHIaa to r u p aftlaa, wbata aaaia Map appaar upas tha baltot ta ba naad la a a r alaetton. map llkawlia appatnt (wo apahta fa r tack diatrial; prarMad, ha warar, th a t aalp tw a apaats dhtll ba altowad tor Mch atoellaa dlilrlot ta rapr aaaa l all tba aaadidalat aanlnatad la and bp tha aawa patltlM ar pranpa t^ I t l a a a r a . a la '

top Jndpw ant lha partp Mndl-dalto aatotoatod la. tha partr priiaartta ara rtp raaea te* a i ta fhalUaptia, bplha ap aa tt appatatad bp tha c u lrw tn af tha mtotoHMaa and that aaah apaa tt ara tba snip ahallaapart allawad tor all a t (ba partp candidaiaa, taal aa wbara a pranp wt candidatoa ara aaia- InataP bp tba aatoa patllton, ar pranp a t patitlanara. palp two apaatt rtp rt- t tn l ail a f anab taad idalaa Aap atbar ePMlrnotlaa aWtht raonlt In aa atonrd altaailan.

" ta Btosa Oonntp, I nadarataad. Ibato ara tonr palittoal pantot, aarb wPItiad to wal nata aaadMataa tor tto Oanatal Aaaatoblp, t t aach a t tha caadldatM far U iatral taaiaihlp aatolaatid bp Ihaaa partMa to aatWad to twa ahaUanptra, than In anch alartton diatriat than mlfhl ha ntoatp-ata ohatlonpara raHaatnllnp tba aaadMMaa tor Aatawtolp litna, bactdca twa ahntliapirn to r oneh randidita tor ithar atticm upaa tba ttohat and tba iwaira ahallaapapa appoialad bp iba to- ipattlra iMniU taaa. AM tb ii la additlaa la t||g DlMllNDItfV DDRpDlwtvK K|f IbDI rMaala natolaatod bp ^ Id to a , aa that II aPpht wall ba upaa thta oanalnictlM at tba MU that -ta aarh alnpla alactlon lib- tital wbara IPa total aaobar at


it-Mi---- 1 I J —1- ^ ^ 1 *-----M P M M l W P V M B B I | m fw

PiigBr Bwitr li Dil u y s w M .



mnt UR caua ‘mnrWAPHINOTCW, Oat lA -T h t 'Bid-

^prtpn M lnitur ta tha L'alud Butta, IltitaaB Panarrtaff. piroa an txptanatftw af Buipana'o dcclaton la talar tba w|r. Ha ippn:

“Bnlppila baa rniarad tba , war in Burepa ta dofasH of ina prinrlpU af 'Butsarto tor hulannaaa* (ba wabi to raoorar Maordoato, wbata t'hrirtlan pap- ulailon haa baan MHdly and rtaUy Bnl- aartan aloe* tha baptnalnf af nwdarn Bulparto PlM baa no amWttont btpaad Aha U a lu af nattoaalltp.

"Barvto, II, lha Alltao win thla war. arlJI no doubt ho f ranlad a m a t •xlanilon a( larrHarp. if aha paw all aba wtati, tba win hara Uoanla, Karn-parina. Dultoa- Ito. Ptavonto, Nonbarn Albania and i>aftJ At Uuaparp and will ba a tiala af la« hr alantn toll Hon papulattoo, Pueb a Uala Will Paalrop lha balanca of pawar la (ha Bnlhan panituta and wilt bp na maaMhtPb fattowad lha Pno> af nam»nalgj|^

>t pat A trmnalar. Tba laanad to carraot tb tt


tMOi Asira ngsnyHUM M imeiw counY

dwaUta tw araa aa

ta tha aalpbbarhaad a t IH cballanpara, nR wHh n ripht ta ba praaant al tha aawa ilwa ta tha patllnt plaaa. Tbit oarWAWr waWd b a a a abaurditp.

‘Twto—‘BbaH tba Cwnatp Baard at apoUOM Ml an Tbundap a t wall aa aa Baturdap. uadar Racttoa U. pup* If, of tba paBarnl Mod loo panphM lawtf*

"Tbo se t a t I f I t , pravidibp tor lha ■hwdat Moetiaa Oatahar If ta ParttoB I, tWBiTiPto that;

" Tba eountp baardt af a lot lion la tba aaattsi aawnttoa ahull Ml aa tba Patar- dap a ta t praeadlap auch altaUoa tra« I afetoah la tha to raaoan untn I o'etooh In Itw aftoraoon, ta thalr uaual plaoa af ntoatinc, and parfona tba wnM dutlaa ta taapact ta awch raplatrp t i ara now partorwad bp taw ta raaptcl to tba rap- M rr tor any paaatwt alactlan.'

“•action M a t (ba panatnl rtarUoa acL to wUata pan iwftr, provMaa that:

* TI tball ba tha dmtr of tha aarartl oooBty boarda of alactlon to aft aa Thmradap and alaa un Baturdtp nail praaadlap nnp towathip, nun tdp tl, ebartar, laaal or aptclal alaetlon In thalrraapaettva eaantlaa; tor tha parpaaa af addlnpInp ta lha rpplatar tha namta af anplapal vptars m tltlad ta ra ta a t aueb etaetton, ate.

‘Ta tba ahaanat a f anp pravlalon af tha aat od l i l t prarldlnp for tha aptclal alactlon, aa to tha attllnp of tha oaualphaardo of alactlon ptocadibp iha dap af alatllan. t thfnh llapUan H, laat ahdva

BwWw af tk* VBWd.DBI-PHIA, Oct. I t ,—ArfumrM

tba m a a i takm from iba t l l . t t i tound bp a to rr la th« Nawarh a t tha ItBitad RUiaa IMttrtct

ta to ra r a t Mto- Alien H. Walah- aBatnat tha ttochawann* Itallroad

tha tow of hoc hwrttond la aa accl- iu a l tha d ra ra atraat ereaaiac. Baat

aceapM tha entira dap todap in Unitad BUUa Circuit Court of Ap­

ia appaal frain tha vardict war ar- {•Rad bp F. B. flMtt on bahnif of ih t

‘illroad. Ila ra lt td tha polnla dral (hal rardicl ahould havo baon dir ret ad for

i t railroad bp tba tria l iudpa, Thomaa flalnphl, Irreopactiva of Iba p rtda

lotoaMns net of l l t l ; aacoad. (bat tha *(haorp OB which lha court aubialUtd tba oaa* waa on ih* qu« tlo n of aucHitaptlpriiar, and third, thui tha Rat wat not a ‘ ■BdUan.

part ul a aubalantlra ripht of

.jladpo Harry V. Orhorn* »nd Abraai M. Caralab. eountal for Mr> Welsh-

oanlrndad th a t I hr hirturp of tha aa art forth by iiia company, was

laaarrct't In caru ln dcUAta from which Wtoap Infatrncaa mlahi ba draun

Tba aaatpnmantB of error ihould ha dihU rlth by conaldartnp the rvirtenca

_ favorablr to tha dafanilani in er- rpr, It waa arptied. That Ihia fact hnd baan antlrolp Ipnarad and that iha railroad's attornap bad ralt« l tha aaart’a attontion i > (acta favornbia

ta tha oampanp. waa furthar con-H waa broupht to trial Uii

ibar. Mr*. Watabman arbrd lor IJH daaiapea. Tba vanllrt waa

ad a tr ip in January and in March aarnpanT appaatad. Dr. Oeorpa O.

Tblahinaa w as klllad March i t of laat

rafarrtd to, wauld aantral, and that It would be pour duty to Mt an Tkuradtp, aa wall aa on Saturdar, but aa tb it cpac- lai aot rclatlnp' only m thta particular alactlon, and paaotd aftar tha panarat tlaclton aot, rrqulraa >oa to aat only on the Paturdip prtaadlnp alactlon dap. I tbinh It BuparHdaa thla panaral provl*- Ian of tha p rnara l alaotlen law aa to apaelal elacilon, and that It^la th trt- (ora, your duty lo alt only on tha latuT- itop pracrdlnp tha alactlon.

‘Thraa—"Haa tha County Board of Elactlona Iba ripht lo add namai 1a lha raplatrp Hal t t wall aa ta atrlha namra from aald Hot, whatbar alMlnp uptm Thufadty and Ralardap or alltlnp pn Haturdap o n tp r

‘Thla. I pranama. pafara to tha dutlaa of tbil board when ilitln p an ihe Hatur- day pracrillnB tha apaelal alactlon. ftae- tlon a of tbo act proyldinc for thla apaelal alaetlon. above rafarrrd to, prO- vldaa that pou nhall parform tha aana dutioB In raapeet to aueb raplairy (that la tba raplatrp for tha tpccUl elactlMlI aa a r t naw parforinid by law In ratpaet to tha raplatrp for anp panaral alaetlon.

‘Tbla aaama ta uia vary clear. What- avar pour dutlaa and powtra ara with ralatlon lo tha raplatry Hat for panaral elaetlnna, you hava tha aama powar and parform tha Bama dutlaa ralailva to tba rrplairp Hot for thla apaelal alacllon. > pratum t, of couraa, that you fully un- deratand your datlaa In thla raapaet.'un- der tha panaral alaetton law, and that It la not naeaaaarp for ma ta attampi ta Inetruet you Ihoratn.’'


W ill Ba 'Cauuw a fptrial Raawiw af lie HBW$.

JH ItaaT CITT, Oal. lA—din waaaan auBropa laaP tm uf UM altp tanfarrad WHh Oototoan Plana Judpa Oaarpa 0. T tan aa l thla Baarnlnp aa la whatbar a ra ta r aawM both raptatar and vata ba- IWMB .1 sad T P. M. Tucadap. Tbtp alas w aatsd In to m stla a aa to wbaa tba ballata wattM ba eaantad.

Tba quaatlwi waa rafarrtd to Paprawa Oonrt Jastlaa PraacIa J. twapaa. wba wBI ba Bohod fa r a daehrtaa an Iba twa potato taatorraw warnlnp.

R baa baaa sanaralip pivtn out thraupb iha olala tbSA aaa eauld bath rapHttr and vata aast Ttwadap. Tba tow aato iba baura toe eoltap at batwaaa t to tha nam toa and T to lha aTaataa. wbUa tba raplptra tton bonna aia batwaaa I tBd ( In tba aftantnou. Tba law alan pravMct that tlw vataa ahall ba aaontod Hamadt- Btalp a tta r tba »sRa Msai at f Pnlaall. What tba Butfraptoto waM to haea claurtd up to bow tba two houre totor- vanlap batwaaa tba etoaa af (ba kallot- Hto and Iba ctooa of (ba raptatrattan wW ba rapard a i by tba alactlaa officara.

Tba wa toiit appaar top bafert Jndpt TVnaant trata Mra. Thawta a. Haiplit, wifa of Unltad Bialaa DIatrIct Court Judpa Hatpbl; Htoa Marparat L. Ha- Naupbloa, Mm. a . J. PMalBtoB. Mrs. WllllBto Currap, Htoa Harriat Ktoaa and Mra. JaoMa BUItuptoa.

todap. Tha artlltorp duaU which wara raportad paataedap alno eoatlauad durlnc Iba Btphl. bath Mdaa uainp thalr hMvp puaa. Tha W ar Otttoa Ucuad Iba tot-

~lu tba Arteto dlMrlet a vMtnt bam- bardnaanl. In w hM both Mac anpaiad. aowtlnuad ditrtop tha nlfht bafara Loot sad to tlw aerthaait of Poiieiiaa. foiaa ahatp aatobuta with y w a d M ta tha iraaohaa ta tha tooth of Balt-Bn-Hacba wara atom lapartad. Than was tn to- taaaa auaaaotoda am bath tMat la tba aaetae of I thamti aa wali aa betwaan tba Oiaa sad Ih t Alanat la Iba .vploa at rwaatolmti a t QmannavlaTaa, and an tba Ftotoan a t Vauvroa

*Tn Chawpapna, anr batlarlac ta- ■paadad vary anarpatically to a oaa- o ta tra tad (Ira frow tha ananip'i an ll- larp upon our paaltlona to tba aaat af tba Auhartva.

>00 tha Larratna front oar ebaehinp fira and an r aurta laa af nra trraattd a vlataal tiro trow Ih t srtlllarp, tba In- f u l r p and (ba machlaa tuba af tba OaewanA bafara f-atiiaao'Ai JPa torthar. warn diraotad offaetiva ftra an tba ananp 'a work# ta tba-nOrtb of HMHon,

T n tha Vaapaa thara wat a vary vta- I ta l iM ftla t w ith anptaaa of t r a n ^ irartopa In tha analroaa of t a Chapa- totta. narthaasl a t Sadaavlliaraa and oa lha aumailt of Llnpa aad of Barraabopt A vtolant canaonada aecurrad at B art- niaaaawatlar-Kapf, and In (ha aurrauad- tap rapton."

V tBintA (via Amatardam and ta a - dom), OaC II.—Auatrton troapt hava bald thalr awn a n ln o t tha Rutatana, Iht War Otttoa atflcUUp annsunoad today.

Tba n a la Rnaalaa attack waa aald to hava aaeurpad In BuUela waat af Tar-

Ctouto traapa wato datciibad aa rnaklnp toair aaauult Iq thraa Itnaa, Fraalooslp aba War Offlaa had■tatad tba RuaMihi wara baataa baeb, euttortap p r ta t toaatt.




(ConllnuaP from Ural Papa.)

(arrad ta aid Sarria, (ollawtd bp tba rafuaal of Lard Laaadawaa, tpttJilBp far tba p o v a rsn aa t. ta atota whatbar tb t DardsatlSaa aparalton* wauM ba eantlnuad o r ondtd, caatod a (ra- mandoua aanaailon.

T b t aaw ipapdrt whiah appoaa Iba praaant pavafam ant dadlara lltol Mr Bdward a ra p ’a au iam aat aa lha Balhan tliu a tlm in tha Houta at CofMaana paatardpp waa wtaallp unoatlrtacdarp, and tbap ara aapactod to aaiia npoa viacaunt M ilner's ruppaatloa that tha Dardaaallat c tm ptlan ba abandansd M (urtbar th a lr altack.

It la na lanpar eoneaatad . hara AbAI tba a ttttu d a af O rtaat ta eaualap tha Alllaa unaaalaaau In Lard Lanadawndfa reply ta l-ard Mllnar. ha itatod that tba Uraak a ttitu d a had nat baaa qutla tulip daflnad, uddinp. “and that It atotbat. factor tu tha. aalcuiailoa."

BavUn CtaaaPM Laua.BKHUN. ,O et I I (eto Londonl.—Ra-

paaled attapbe wart nada yMtarday^bp

AGAIKT HATTHIS BxnuD,TBUisiiaTiiioinw ..’AHBflRT, Conn.,iO«. II .—Tarmt of HRMtoant of lha ault of D. H. Lrawa A te., tha local hattlup firm, apalnat tha Omiad UattM-a of North Amarleu. In

iDdpmtnt fur tha plahuMtt to ra-

i»!,»«* itsa landarad bp tba totaa Rupiwma Court and euacu- taotatlp laaW apatnat pnipertp af

{todtvMlaal taattart. wdr* aaread upon


Iba lluaatoito apalnat tha Oarman thXM befort Ovintk. Todap'a annoui mam from tba army haadqaartara aald Ihai tha Ruaalaaa aucraadad In panauat- Inc the' Oeriaan poMtlona t t one point. The raijvri trORi Iba Ruuton front (ol-

"Arm]- proup e( (laid Harahal von HIndrnburp- Huulhweel and MUth of Datnak thah Ruailtna mada topaalad

attache pentaedap. Pouifa of tba Dvlnei- Novo Alraandrovak line Chap wara ra- pulwtl wllh unuaually beery teeaaa. Two attarka norlheaet af Wtototowo atoa beaks duwn At u third tllaek iha Rua- aiane auccaeded InTianelratlnf our paal­tlona avar a e ld tb of ona batiullon. A oountor auack la now In propreia.

Ona of our ulrahipa droppad bomba fraalp on tha aUllon at Mhitk. wbara larp* numbara of troopa wara antratn- inp. Five loud tkploakina were beard and ana larpa flea waa obtfr^ad.

Tbarc le nvtblnp lo rtport oonaarn-

CuBoh and Buwara. Tha anamy Rad Into tba Avaln Mountolna batora our ad- vanoa, bavlap aufftrad baavp loama.

Raavp ortlllary aMad our euccatata. Ouc alllaa OB iba lowar Monva ara raah- tap propraaa''

Tauiaaa Taka Paanrivai. BMRLIN, Oei. t l (via London).—

Captura of tha Barrlan town of Poinra van, about twaiva milot aoutbqaat at Saaandria. was raportad todap bp tbt War Offlaa. Blaawhtra an thla (rant tba Barvtana kavt baas drivaa baak.

Aonouneamaat alaa waa mada that tha Bulparton Firat Aymr, attaakiop ovar tha a a tu m froaitar af Sarvia. kad takan paataaston of aavaral paMItOBa

Tba annauBoainani aapa;■‘Bauth of Batarada'and Ramandrla tba

Sarvlana hava baan drlnn bank furthar. Ptiaomara to tha nuiMiar of dW and (htat funa aaa a t than ji haavp pua, bava baan aapAnrad.

Tba waafca on tba aeuUiani (raal of Poaaravaa' wara olarmad lu t bIim aad tha fariHtad lowa Iharabp (Ml hauda,

Tba Bulpartoa ftrof Army haa bapun 111 aftank aaar tha Baat torvian (roatlar. It* look paaaaaMim of tha baiphta at tba paaaaa hatwaan Btloiradehik and Kniaabavsla.

lop (ha army proup of Prtaca Laspald.'' Tha aniioiincamaat conaarnlnp iha

Numaroua eomplainta braupM bp eltl- u n a to tba a tlantlan ad the County Hoard of Elactlona that dlBtrlct alaotlon boarda bad rafusad tha privllata of rap- latartnp for tba oamlns apaetal and pan­aral alaelinn, bath on iha taltlal rapli- trallan day, and on prlmury day, ta thoaa wbo bad movad tinea thapaneral alactlon laat y ta r, cauMd tba Itauanca today by tha board of tha follawinp ra- Itamtlau of tha law eoaartnp lha qoaa- tleni

"Vatora wba may haaa mavad alnaa Uat ttovambor, and whq bava not yat roplalbrad. hava tba ripht to rapItiM'

propraaa of ftphHbp on 'tha Franto-Bal' (Ian front foHowai

Northeaal mad aaat Dt VermMlaa, tha Britith bava apalr. baan drtvtn out at our poaHlona. Tbap havt bean abla to rtW n only a amall portion of b traneh on lha w iitorti frinpa at lha praval quarrp.

T n lha Champapna. aaat of Aubarivay Saian troopa tooh tba oaiy ramainlap rn a e h fortHnad poMlIoa from wMch apraat altack aouid ba toadt upoa onlr poaitlaaa. Wa capturad flva o fM ia aoR

tor lha panami alaetton In thalr nraabnl " ‘ " ■ tranafar. At

AM Mom. a t wall aa rnvaral bHchlaa puaa.Dwrinp tha nloht of O b ttte I t - l t lha

■tattona of Cbariona and Viirp-La-Ftaa- aato. of miiitoty laapartaaat tar aparae ikaw maw nndar wap, warn bitobaidad tap our adrahipa."

dlatrlet wlihont aaouriap a tranafar. At '(ba pamdlnp apaafa) atoctlda Tuaidai tbap map ra tla ta r batwaaa 1 aad ’ a'elaak, and wilt (ban ba qualltlad la vata a t iba alaotlan than In propraia aad alaa a t tha panaraf ataetlaa. tam raftatraMna baura, hawavar, will autand to A afalaak, aad thuaa who rapkpw a ttar T a'alsak, tha Mbatnp baur Mr (hw apaelal alaatian. vMH ba qualiflad to vata anip tn lh a pambrat alaetton.

"Thaua "wha ara rnquirad ta aan ra tranafbfh a ra tha aatota who raptatarad

LONOON, Oat, II ,—H la apanip ap- ■mriad la Barlta th a t a Ihatat traatp dd- late batwaan Oraaaa, Otrmtnp aRilfttl- patta, aatw tha Marmtiip fqplW

la a «Pto to tha BrttlMi Qavaramanb taoMvod todap. Oraaaa .■pnounqta hqrdaflntto daf Maa b i t I t kRwirana la war oa balwK af Barvta now. M thacotnawutouHwn. which to t t piaat tobpth.PramM* Bdlmla af Orai— -------- -tkitrpruCsiluw cf lha uwulp- Ka cuaalutoa with tha

(Cootlnoad from P in t Paft.)

Capa that tba Barvlai laaiNaaca aitatdadax pactaUana.

Anothar wlmlao* maaeapa In ciphar. which. was lalaroapiad and dacodad, and which waa auppoaad to ba tlpnad bp tb t Oeviwau Emparav or by PlaM Harahal van Hacktnaaa. urpad Bulparla to ba-

apalaat Parvla wltbaut

Butomrla aaare to tntorca Iba itaatp bp ttar wllh Pbrvtu bafara ib » ailamptcd to llbarufa Hapedanla from Turkleb rula bp tba Pirai Balkan War. L’adar tha tarma of that apiaamant. Parvla concadad la Bulpurta isaal af Maradonto. baatuaa lha pnpulalion waa BiMpaiian. A part af Mtcadaaia. hawavar. huawa aa Iba ‘eon- taatad aawa,' waa to ba aubmillad lo (Aa Aibllrallon af tha Ruwlan Emperor,

Wta*.T t waa ebtofly baeoilat Balcaria R-

alalad upon ttm aiuet eampHonea wf Bar via with thla treaty that the baooad Halkan W ar waa faupbt. Tlw Bulpaiicn (tovarawiaBl diaaovtrad, twa dape batora Ih t mabHiiathin of Ha traapa la tha ttrat

I C i V l l l M D S

frw Sum, IdKiiii W i M A M L

na LOOT FOUND AT IHERHOIBT to tonnd li aa aaar wa eauld aat

raalai laktap Iba toads." waa tba an- iwar plvau th is morntap by twa womaa charpaa with abapHfiiap ta capiata Thamaa P. Cawntll af tha dalaniva boiwau Tbap wara ebarpod wllh etoal- tnp itouda valaad a t ItM from tba ilora of l„ Hambarpar A Cw

Tha woman a r t Mlaa Jotapblna Man- fradl. twenty yaart aid. sf Ktnaltoulh etrtM. aad M rs Mary InnaMUta, ib trtr yaan aid, of T w aaty -fln t atraat. bain af Xanllwarlh. Thay w art bald In IHb ball aach far tha p x n d Jury by Judpa Qrtaa. la lha P IrtI Fmatact Court

Tht trraala weva mada In Iba Bombur- (a r store yiaXerdup afiarnaaa. Tha pHs- o a m wara dvtaeud laKlap tataral Wtipla by Mn. Alica Ballat aad Mile Jaw tBnUth. edwa dvtootivas. TWtocUvas Hattap

m lHd

war, that hervta bad aant a Mreutortar to It* anvoft ta tba atTaril capi of Eurspa. urpinp thaia to tmpraia upon lha (ovaramanta and tha puMle In IbalaunlTia* lo whltb thay aia aaeitdH|iAthat Sarvia elalmad a framlar auch It uould tnafuda (own* tclually Alran In the traaty to Bulimria. Ax early as Da- ewatotr, 1113, durtap lha P ln lWar. Panla opaply etotmad part of lha


t ta oparalloaa

" ^ a p l la furfurtoua attache end epnlehenry odds, tha (arvtana ara m alnialnl^thalr paallieaa alenp lha Drtna, flaw Danuba. "nw ParvtaB forcao, bowavar, appaar to la ba tarlouMy manacad by Oarwun ralnforcemaau. aau- mated a t (aur dlvlawaa, raportad in tba Delibtat taction north of tha Denuha, and II to (earad that tba •arvtan army, which ii haotlcally maln- latalBp tha Poaaravac front will ba rut In twa and thrown hack toward tha Ru- maatan tmaftor."

Claim Hotphta atHI M ALONDOH, Oat II.—A diepalch ta iha

Laodom Ttaata from Atbaua aaya tba ■arvtaaa ttm bold (ha betphte around Btlpruda a t a dtotanea of ona aad a quarter n itas from tba dty. atrvtau larupaaa ara ba0aalnt to arriva at ■alanikl. Tha diapateh adda that ran- way comaiualcatlana havt baan cut aaar tba Bulparla a frontlar.

A diapateh tram NIth ta ParU da- etataa that tba Tautonie foroea hava uat pratraaoad awrv than fouraouth of lha Duauba at any point while tha Bnlpnrtaha a r t bMup hMd aloap tb tboadar.

Qraaca la balap (Intnaad by tha Ea- testa Alllaa to aa axteat eurnctaut ta pay tha axpaaaaa of haaptap her army mobUtaad, acoerdtap to an Athena dla- patch to Milas. Tba eum of M.M*.PN atraady . h p baaa advuaotd, it to dt-

coacadad HacadVnhi larrltury, Ry tha trta ly of Burharaot wkk-h claaad tha •aoood Balkan War. Bidparta waa etrtppad o( moot of her Hacadonlan lar- rltory and luet id Rumania part of lb* rietaaat replan of uppar Bulparia. Tnie latter territory mutt tom* day eemt back to the Bulgarian nation.

Graaaa and Rnmaata.“Oraaca 1* today daalarlni heraelf an

'armed nautrtl.' 1 cannot predict Ih* future courae of har (uvernmant with reaped to |a it war. Tba aama buMe true of Humania After iba algnlni vf the Traaty of BucTULraat. Qraaca, iervte and Rumania, with coneclam'a* gullly ovai lha daapoilinc of Bulptrla, enured late a conpaci to dafand each other from at- took by Bulaarta. Today Oraaca rafuatt to aid Parvla, under the pretext that Parvla to aitacfead no* mvrMy by Bui- parts, but by ttormany and Auairto.

'T h a atatem tnt Ibal Bulparla la to bava Oarmaa 'bultur' Impoaad upon bar by tbla w ar ta not aocarata BuIpnrIt will work out bar own dattiny and taka bar aullura wharavar tha findt It, Mar otudaate po lo tha univartitita of Prahea, •np laad , Garmany, Balplun. lha Unltad Biataa nhd RumIa W ahnvt

and Conlon of htodauarlart alto tha voman aad saw tbam ttia l tormslartlclaa.

The pair ware taktS to haadquarttfu, end whan tanrphad by Mrs. Elliabtih Hlphaa. poUcawomns. pooda valaad i t I t l were found IB thalr poaeaeulou.

Tht pvtodMTi admitted ateaBap paoda bafara, aad told CUptala Coiaall (hat matt af tb t artleltd oara a t Uwlr batata Datertlvaa Harter and Caalos wara aaal la XaaUworth toot nlpbt and ratarsad aitta paoda of alt daaeflptlant valaad U nmrt tbos MM.

Tbto BMWBist topraatataUvaa af lha Rambartar stoea Manllflad mart (has half af lha toot oa haviap beta etotoa fram that atoea. Tba pallaa tap tha mat of. tiw arliolaa wara tohta ttatn athte etaraa bare. Datocllvat Hortar aad Cos- Inn raportad to Captsla Coasall that (bora Wara aavaral cat** of naw Booda a t tha hoalaa af the woama which cauM ha klaaiUlad aa haviap takaa fram t a r Newark moraa


Oammittaa Aeaaelatlon atai yaatardiraonta of t) |dMM tor lha ttructlon at Saloman Koi alwht depart Addraatinc t urpad the i raaha only l>aiidad upon Into tha war and aaal to li Inp of raepc thalr Individ which aim ti communliy.

Rabbi Koai ■aittea, when daavor were rhip and wel raepactlva c) and «ra. Abi I* the cffuri an atmoeplM dlallly tuwa tliunity and tenitde,

Tht eodal ■•adur* Kau aapa In actIhe anjoytn* for maetlnf aeeacUtktn. dent ot the iha propram Para Ih* y and th t pru

Tha work mittaa, undai Paid Kraemi Peatar a* a aeeoclaclon’i Waa dacldti visited aver of (he mnt keaplns In 1 Is cooUcI 1 art add end< oparaltan fi mada to pa

(Continuad from Ptrta Papa.)

vioa-pratidant, C. B. Chapmae; tary. Bdpar R. Brown, who to a stan|r bar of the Nawarh board of EduutIHIl aealatent aaerttarlaa. J A. BurahaL William A. Holt: iraaturac, John IL Ellaworth; taalaianl traaeurar, Jamaa A. Qwyn. T h t diraclora am Henry R. t*hap4nan. Iri’iPP J. Chapman', C. It, Chapman. Hr. audpar. Jaipar E. Craiit of Nawarh. Emmatt Pchulti. Mr Brown, J a Ellaworth. M. B Klleworth. H. H. Enaipn. Joatph H. Enalpii and Hr. Burchal.

lOmpaBy Mad dmall BaplaatqmTha eompany'B flral factory whe a

email buUdtni on the north ekto of tbs Brt* Rsllrood tracks In Arlintion nearlb* railroad dapol. The pround* aaw

Jaa — . e. t ----- t ocauplad by tha oonearn extend toom.**5?''* ‘ •* 3 ’' B<m *lr*ot eeelward to a point (ar out

■ In tha Kearny maadowa and eompritotha Amaricen Collapa In C tattantlae- pit. promlnaat In Bulparlan public Ufa,

Ref Ttaltoe to Paa-HaTlam.“Nor la It true that Bulparla It a

tra ito r to Pan-piavtata or to lha Slav race. In th t Balkan panintnto no aa- tloa haa baan to anlhuelaatlc ovar tha ■tavie Idas aa B alparta But tha •lava tn panaral howa baaa rapollad by tha daspMln chatoclar of tha povarnmaat o l Ruaala la tha past, aad oaly with (hs Pavalopmant of eonatltatlonal pav- ornmant to Ruaala will tha tlaa of Paa- Blavtaa as batwaan Ruaala and liil- parla la partloatar ba elranithanad. That tlm a may coma aftar Bulparla bba pained ManadontA which la bare by riph t and By traaty."

about forty aorua.The output of tha orlpinal factory la

aald to bava not aiceadad tha value of |UO WMkIy. TVila ha* Increaaed year by yaar uMIl tba pratanl aulput la re­ported to bo valued at |l.Md,aao annual­ly. Tba avarapa number of paraona em­ployed at. tha plant la I.IM and many of them llva In (tale d ty . The company haa t branch r ian t for tha manufacture of oemba at Pnuphkaepate, N. T,

Far tbltioan y tara aad uatll twa

CarlThe decor

Roth In clu bllliy for Itroom A andvordlng to I Kraemer, w for eurloa i ler of mll( paoplA Ae will be con halnp In thi for a llmite thla room tha time ih. In Dacamb*

An Impoi work la bel Werthawek tae. Thla ovaralphi o prie* a rear a clrculatli rootaln nu< paraly Jtwl tory, ecleni lobjeete ni velopment eddoatlon o

The refai marlly for one. It wee Ilea will b< tha comm with tha tl tha daparti tba rommi olarad. Th with which a tarpa tui lha parpoa

yaart apo a a r t i th Hawaii of Arllnpton wan panaral euparintandent A the ptaaf.

TOIThe praaant auparlntendani i i If. P. lUahardaon. Tha tartar I* now on, s trip ta Pan Prenctaco.

T aatoa P w a t PWl at HSMS.ROME. Oct. I t —PtaM Harahal van

Hackanaaa and OanartJt Oallwlce aad Elekhora aittvad a t Balpradt Suaday aad took oaosaeoBd of IM.PM Qaimsas asd Aaatrtasa anpaped In tha drive throuph iarvta, aald a Budkaraat diapateh rccalvad by ths Corriara dalto Btra today.

PlaM Maralul voa Markaaaan alraody was 1b cooibhumI of tha axpadlUtA bat net aatoally s i tb t front, Oollwlcn asd Elekhora esma fram tba aaeters frant to act sa bit chief liautasssta.

P o n s Altoak BepevlHQMNEVA, OoL ll.~ A Rumlan flast

haa hombordad tha Bulparlan port, of Varna oa Iho Black Sba acoordinp to s dlipatnh from BuchartaL Four <}sr- maa aubmarlaaa that had baan lahoa to Varna overland ara raportad to Itava aacapod iaUi lha Black 8aa bafara tha blockada b a tsn . ,

Borria Ocataraa War.NUH. O ct I I (via Londonl.—Saevta

today daetarsd war on BalpsrlA Tba followiap diinoanotmant w ta taauad:

“Owlnp to attaaka on tha •arvlaa a m y by Vulpurta on tha front* of Zaltchar and Radovlats Barvta ooneld- ara haraalf a t wnr with BalparlA"

U aly DaoMiap a s Triapa. ..PA iua , D ot 11.—Italy la aboooinp iha

troopa ta aaad to help tha AlUaa in (hs B alkan^ It wsa raportad In Roaoa to­day.

HOlOh O at ll,r-U sly oannol andar- taka to sand troopa to tba B slksni at p ra sa s t b a t will caalrlbula in othav ways to th a aaeaaaa af tha Alltaa' p a a ts Tha Olornala tf ItallA ofttotal a rea s af FaratpU Mlalatar BonitiA aiakaa Ibid atstem aht 1s dltaaealnB tha MlUSItoa th a t baa davtattasd thrauib BalpsrlsV lotarvanllon Id tha war.

PAltEB, Out, -If.—WhMa than ta so



{Continuad from PIret Pita.)

doubt of Ttaltaa tatarvaatton ta tlw Balk-- “ ‘ ‘ fa III

(B btotradoklk la a tows tn Bulparla ritn rroa-about law Biltaa from tha Barvltn

tiar. KnJsibavMA. ta ParvlA to about Iba aaaia dlplsaea from ta t frontlar, KnJaahavstB la tk lrty mllaa norlbaaat of Niata add n aat It rua* a raHway ta Niab.)

to re tadp BielahMy Mtaaaad.PA RIB O a t lt.~ L a to w of tka Aus­

tro-Oarm aa to rsaa ah tha nortbarn front ia B arrls hava toialad n .H d ktllad Slid M.dM wouodad. aaeprdlnp to Iba la test ruforta raoalvad a t Par- vlsn tatadquarters ta Mtoh, asyi s dla- patah from Htah ta tba Tamps

Tha itoBaWb. wktob was dated Wad. aaodsy, OaUbar II. asys-

asa. lha Patif Jotasat'i d ta t aaya, the quoatlon now under aratlos ta haw aentact cas ba batwpts tba IteHaa and Oamns eaailln- panu If Italy'a ibara hi tbp tompslpa .comprlota tba aat of lasd fo n ts as no doctarntion of war haa beto medt os otthar Mda. I t la rnortad that tbla dlpla- 'taatfo difficullr map ha PvPKoma by taodtaP tbo Italtaa* aptlset ahbar tha Turka or tlw Bnlparlsaa ar betb.

(Conitauad from Pfrat Paps)

tba rear door of tba Ranaomt' apart- m eat rhay found that paper had baan wadded araund lha crevlevi of tba esaomanu Q aiiln i no anawar after rapaatad knocklnp th* patrolman broha ta.

D rspptnp iho two bodita ta th* rear porch, t1)a pollraman worked their a rm back and forth In to attempt to rt- etora Mr. and M rs Ranaom to Ilfs Plnslly thalr aftorla wara rtwardad hy pantia paapinp on tba part of Ranaom. OaaIJa had talaphonad tha City Hoa- p ltal and In tiva n ln u ta i tha arabutuoa draw up In front of tb t bouts Th* phraielan who accompanltd It Inuaa- dtstely pronounead M rs Ranaom daad, “Ptofde to Throw U*tta Raedts AwayP

BaaotaJ totloTB loft by Ranaom wara toand in lb* room. On* waa addmeoad to tbo coroner and wat Inroad avar to Coaaty nb e ic taa Winitm H. McKanrIt. I t read: 'T>»*r Mr—My wife and myatir have apread to throw our taurdan of Htt sway, aad what wa hava dona has baan of our own dacWon. 'Ih * baa aufftrad tor fiv* waabi strloualy with bar paia- lyatd (oat, and 1 eouM am etand it aay lontsr. Kladly ta* to It ibat all tottpra reach tbo addranaad. With thaabe, Cbarlaa A. Ranaom."

Other latlar*. atampad and attlad, war* addraaaad to RabM BolouMn ^bmpr. Hpr- man Dornbupch. f t Canter MarhaL had

m tnt In tbla city. It I* undaratood thb funeral will b* held thara (omorrew mernlnp. Interm aat will b* ta tha Camatary of tho Holy Btpulebr*.

ITalU Btplanibor I f John Cavanaph and Mitt Hallpralh (tart employed ta Ih* City Hnopltal. Cavantph, who wat twanly-alx yaar* eM. worktd a t aa or- dtrly and alavator man. Th* yapnt woman, wbo aaya ah* to t«*ntr-two yaart old. waa eeapfoyad M a lauadraas Both l td tha hotfdtal aheut th* mnw tlma, after telllnp olbar aronloyeae they

baaa m an iac two year* and had kept II a tacrat ta ordar lo eav* aaouph monay thr houaakeaptap. Taiterdap af- tenwon MIe* Hallirath admitted eh* knew that Csvanaih had a wNa and child llvtap in Esplend.

Tba younp woman aald bar ftthar llvaa a t le t Wakanmn avepus tMp rtty, but aW baa boas eatranaed fram him for i l l yaara. Moat of th* ilnw also* BbP toft luuns Ih* waeean euld. the Urad with bar bratbar a t tba Huntetdoa etiaat aMreea. MMa Hallprath taM ah* would eoatlnu* bar dutle* aa BtaU at tha Polye clinic HoapttoL raturninp to Newark only to atiawf (h* fanaral.

AlklaiPlana ft

rioua Cami arday, Oc Park. Bell opanlnt n Ouardlane' afternoon I TwItchell. of Ih* *e* ohalrman < th t matt, a (Itty-ya haakatbatl thtrly-yari antar man

MatyMere tk

to the bl nlpbt at e autplcai 0 • t. Jobn'i pame* th) daneinp. m ia af th< affair.


CD wiiar wae aapD «*ia wilB tna aaomMi

LOMDON. Oct If. 1 •mall bPpa for Ba- maaia to ramaio aaatial twa waa hara today. Bhouid tha Buphaiptf Oovarip aatai rafuaa BMtas'f raportad dptaaud to

"To Whom It Hay Coacarn." Thla rtad, "Whoavar ttndp thta* bodtop notiry (hp coroner asd th* poMa.*'

Tarn aRvaiopa* with (Msav war* atop fsapd. On* cantatnpd fl.M aad wpp hd- diawPd to HimtoPl'PPM, a ptoeari th* otbar oontalnad |L M and wa* sddrainad t a — Oaltattlpr. Two hPOha of trsd tat otpiap* w o* at** addreiipd to Mr*. U*H-

"Thar* ha* baas tfvart tiahtliii aloap s aortbara ( m t . AcooMtop t

tattot rapart roepmd at Iprvlaalbs aorthara

pwmit tba t ipwap of lha Cisr’i traOHl throuph Ruataads to BarviA liMUa t m i tba A»oa WM dhWMd prabpHi: miaali -(A *" "•MVwW, K VIM pvi

ap, atalMi i« aad r ba* w a

teTlRSdiris U*i inihtaa*M M iura waaM Krik* at lha i

Two atbar note* ttar* addrawad Ip Hr*, imuai PraWk 1MB HtdiaPH tVmua, aad

Mra. Ida Toltaek. HIT Avaas*. H. bptb in Mpw Tort. Bach waata* waa t*M Ihal

bouimah* m iskt have wbatovt* ^ . t(to bold pood* botonpliw to lb* Ranoaota «h* witbed. and that tbo wUM f*M ( r * * ^

> to Nawarh sUB pat thanki a t a s f tita* MW -spaithy.

qasiterPk lha Aualto-OtrtaMi trsoft o* th* Ohrasn vat* - Balprtda - Bimtadrta-

ttwat have teat M,fM Ull*dand « .M *

a t B*«a

I womtaod.. uritaMs RMS' oraovRaa to m O p in s tafp- Mta u m m praat Mt*** ssd

Will in s YUl AM TODAYDoHiR MOPaiicPd O fttad b h

iaIhm wM mnh b M ta fd n fS l l<id l • l • E • • t l w l •

Li«k.U-hMi M k tbp

la ’4 h ftorihivif iMMr slrtpiMiC OdMUds

____ fb«ry PldlBi h rtoB«*«MbMk

jin M n n ^ w iM K pRKPNmwni p n w i e ^ h t i i m m BfMtod.

ftlpbWtaAhAMM WABtoaBik ll*^||P I IwFCMni FliMDI MW 'DM' -to ih d •ML vttli

fTM PP WWfW IflifW M M I M i

VtoNiB «•< OdUtto IjjjMBII fdifcf HOtoto*WWW IMWHM tojr

■MlgK*AMSTBllINliM, Oet. I t —Rnmpaip had

b**n offteisttp nMIfiad that aMsPt hav* baan ls l4 •« Uw tBtfanca to BklfWlsW Bleak Bad B M U ^ccord taf to 1 •!*•!

ftkDND' DNUDvDDKLONDON. Odt u . - i k * Balaariad

p a a tra l d M N n M laat tapbt, spadN- rns to s d tid sM i (ram Bid*. It* Brat ofAeial a lskg p dt ratotiv* to MlUtsry oaaasUosd. Ih d pawmuntapttab. wM*h to » « p * tks a « h | with bdia« Uw sc -

hsvinc owned s bdtal la Haw y « k , *«■ cardtaB to wddhbWta ten latsly hito teidl. IMP* had sot kP tsdo tsp vPli. H* *w*dwvoral pmsit bllta to tradeapaopte, bat

~ » h* M l MOtePpr* sUpbwiMb to di* i a r tha piooar peM allhaps. IIMstaPMarh. who bs* . s

praaaora Ritowdt “Taptadp

ipaiptsd Sfirvlsn* St ih St pavsrsl tm drsd sad

pslsto edsnasf ^ n a atiUMpt dwa fraafisted I _ • a r ia s t r oasa s Mted n*ar tha thraap.

' B afuts lita a r aar Iraap* aoo- n i l drtPMB iwab lha w r otaBS

Tho B B ktlnt sM U saps’" < .- - - 'CMfi'

. B d in ^ .Ood. ^ JdrUa asd Las-d ss ) .""d?plHhB'*neeta^yiy to ■tapfpsd il


j M i * ' ' ] » .


, StloM Fntir Tdls Wmmi if CmmlSu W«k n EiTict

Sm ti Ofca.

comivn BEKEFir is m vmOaoinilUM sMinban «r th« WMPt«*l

AMoel>Ucn of TompI* B 'u l JoakaruM Mot ;oot*r4tp afternoon In tba aekaat raama of the ntw tdiftca to outUna |Mmm for the roar and la recalvn tka In- atrucUon and antiastlana RakkI •aloman Koiter for the coadnct of tka alnht depnrtnirnU of tka orBanliallok. AMraaalna the aatharinc, Rabkl Foalar urxad tke morkare to anllai la Ikair ran k i onip paraona who m ar ba da- l>amlad upon to' antar arkola-haartadlr Into Ika work and br thair anlkualaam and laal to Inapira olhara with tha foal­ing of raaponaihllltr and prlvllana for lhair Individual ahara In undartaklnan which aim to ba of banaftt to tha antirt comtnunlir.

ftabbi Foaicr lalar mat arlth each copi- ■aittaa, whan tha following llnea of en­deavor wetw mapped out. The menibae- rhlp and wah uine oommitteea, with their raepactlva chairman, Idra. Rudolph I-evl and Urn. .\bram Metagar, will cu-nperata In tha affuFt to aalahtleh and maintain an atmoaphaie of friandllnaaw and cor- dlalltgr towaid atrangera In the com- niuidty and Ihoaa worahlpmg at tha lanipla.

Tba aoclat rommlttae. of which Hm. laadura Kaufharr la chairmanf will en- aaga In adWIflta and plan affair* for lha anioyinant of tha congragatlon and for maatlng tha financial naada of tba OFawetatluii. lira Herman Mara, praal- neiit of the aeeuclailon, la chairman of tha program commltlee, whlrh 'Will pre- imra the rear'e ache^la of maatlaga and tha prugraina tor each aaaalon.

Tba work of tha r*llgtoua ackool com- mtttaa, under lha leadership af H rt. Lao- Pold Kraamar, waa daalgnated by Rabhl Foaiar as a vary aaaantlal part of tha aBeuvieclan'i plana for tha yaar. It Waa decided that tha achael will ba vtattad every bunday by two mambara of tha rommlttae for the purpoaa of keeping In touch with lla work, coming In conUct with tba ehlMran and tanek- e rt add endeavoring to obtain honis co- open itan for the latter through vlalta made to parents.

t'nHaa (a Ba KsbIUted.The decoration committee, Mra. Jacob

Hoth In charge, will aaaum* reaponal- billty for lha lampta and dunday achool rooma, and tha eahibli committaa, ac­cording to Ha chairman. Mlaa ftalphlne Kraamar, will maintain an exhibit room for eurloa and hooka, BIblaa end mat- lar of religious Interasl to tha Jawlah people As tar as poasibla the exhibit will be contlnuoua, the only exception being In lha caae o( private loaoa, made for a limited time. It le aipected that thie room will be In readtncaa about the time tha building la dedicated, early In December.

An Imporlanl phaaa of educational work la being planned by Mra [larnelt Warahaweky and her library commit­tee. This Includes the opening and oversight of a library which shall com- prtaa a reading and reference room and a circulating department and ehall coolaln nut only llieraturo which le purely Jewinh. but alee yolumaa on hlw tory, eclence. social service and other aubjacta naoaasary tor the proper da- valopmani of children and tha broad adijeatlan of adults.

Tha rataranca library. Intervded p ri­marily for taachera, will ba a large ena. It waa slated. Books for clrcuta- I tioa will ba available to all paraona of the community, whether connected with the temple or not. ns tha elm of lha department la to be of benefit to tha community at large. It waa da- cjarad- Tha eommittea baa a nuolewa with which to begin Its work, through a large aum of money bequeathed for tka parpoaa.

Open Saturday Until 6 P. M. Your Store tor Every Need 1f

TO DANCE FOR NURSERYTha auxiliary to tba board of man-

kgare of the Sarah Ward Day Nuraary hag completed arrangamanta for a dahca to ba held In the Waahlngton Monday night, October It. Mra Oua- tava OakUi, tha praaldsnt of th a auxil­iary, la In- ekarga of tba arrangamdnia.

Thaia who wilt aarva aa patroneaaei are Mra. Joaaph O. gpurr. Mra B. Parry Ward, Mra. Robert P. Rallanllna, Mra. BanJaMln r . Whitehead, M ra Joaaph Ward J r , Mra E. A. Underwood. Mrs. William J. Rusllng, Mra. Richard Allen, Mra G. W Marahall, Mra F. VV. John- a«n, Mra Alexander Waatarvall. Mrs. D. H. Browning and Mri. Robert B. Eldar.

Alklotlea foe lam p Flee Clela.Plana for an athletic meet for va-

rleua Camp Fire groupa to be habl Sat­urday, October II, In lha Belleville Park. Ballavllla, ware outlined a t the opening meeting of the Camp Fire Ougrdixna' Aaaoclallon, held yeatarday afternoon In tha Y. W. C. A. Mra. A. iL Twitchcll, the president, was In charge of the festlon. Mias I* 8- Dlabrow la ohalrman of lha comnintaa In charge of tha meat. Feature! of tha maat will ba a ntly-yard dash, Ihrae-tegged race, haakalball throw for diatanra and a fhtrty-yard relay. Each camp will antar membara.

Maay a t Chaeeh Card Party.Mora than tM paraooa participalad

la tha gamaa at Turnbull Hall laat night at a card party held undar the a u ^ c a i of lha Holy Name Sodaty of SI. John's Church. Following lha gamea lha gnaati partkipatod In tha dancing. John R. Klamnn waa chatr- man af tka cammHlta In charge of tha a ffa ir_______________________ ____

^NEWARK■Go Cart Mfg G:

h 4 D o o n tfO ifi C a n a lB r id o *

Or Itti SAjki An Nnr ReiRjBag. V. g.M Ofllaa


luiir^’sIlf CMtiiib U t

body, « |lw )d tdn4 in edr- doll MriBf

YriMdl fdgldBv•WFf iMkt liiMMIdit.m l U f

BowttM dpl|A«i0Milr voids,. nil wtlM. wSwidV tuhoMw-

nolwiiit >mii% owi •priM m t,ktwii griiibip f I o C

llii llijoa nhHk I l a y atMl .Iftta r , 1 »•,»

£ Prim .How-h defdd# wfliiwim tbtw m-,

tUvaatdi .

Kddd Odil Carriu«> AA vM ktad: I3J5 vilrn. 6*Wf9 f » *.!' t ■ *#.BVd« • k A k

' ic Mbw i^lw «t fuMjn-vftodd.Y tS ,^ DO KBPAUHllO

■ ■

Ink fcr At MAni Ika htAi N i,-m l|| 1b


A uniqna, tttrtctK n, autoBUtic axhibition comaining 12 •lidat, shoving tba wariom processes of glove making. It la verytintcraating, inatructlva and entertaining.

■N j—

SALE•Ba PbB Bam n a MaMaara Ma HaH BaBaiISa kaH Paan ai.TB CTitkaa i S ^ CTatkaa •IJB THakat


•SatM miMBty BreeWea ^ IVaa.MIAMalt UMltoft ■r«MAfno,aa,«.sAsililaiS lT»rr C'torlMB- a pea . a a a elJi»• l*«T7 KaII rit MittNI K««IUs

N«n»A. cufM *T tm f.

Avwdtton. ase . a Sf« Me MMliVnllM llwtl•C %hmm RaniB

iwtii Sail aI***

SgBciBl for SatMrday, Two

Unusual Corset Specials

Rqf. 2.00 P. N. CoraetaA genuine tJOO gsrment—

msde of line strong msterisl, medium bust, elastic section at bottom of back; six hose sup­porters; sixes 20 to 26; | | A special ......................... l a l x

Extra Good P. N. CoraetaHere is a model which we run

for Saturday only si 6Sc; up-to- date; msde of heavy msterisl. medium bust, long skirt; neat top trimming; sizes 10 to 20; on specis) table, main A O jtfloor................................uye

New Brsaalerca, lace ydks, hKhsad front at SOe.

Two Of Our Groat Glow Specials for the Dressp

MEN!Mck'a Rafatar IJ# New Waah-

aUa Tka Capm—P. X. M., xpetr back, i«lf stitched, ent-clttp; a good Mrvlocsbie butineu | ‘J i(love; ipeclil ................. I»4rV

Mca'a Recutar tea Wasb^le Tsn Cs|^ BUck EaikraMcred—P. X. M. stliched; made of 6ne selected skin; made gspodslly f^r L S. | Plsut; special ...............

Remarkable Showing o f Girls* CoatsThe word girt eooera every o®« ot maidenhood from tot to /uvenile and budding *dam-

otUe—and for every age wilt here be found a bewUdering oeleetion ot amort , atylea in all the neweat and moat popular eoatinga

Tola* Co«l»~£legsnt assortment of Tofi Cmta—Sixes S to 6, fsshionad of . r s _ models In velvet, corduroy, chinchilla warm chinchilla, xibelina and corduroy

and xibeline. high waisted models •• —nicely lined with baits til s ro u n d - ^ * 9 well M low *'*** **'*"“" ’***'* '■•nge of eol-

" ■ ■ ors ..................................................... 3.98

The remaliider on aole teMorrow of that

Clearance 2,400 lei’s ScarfsOriginally 25c. 29c, 50c | and 50c. To close tt I x L

The New

4.00 Autumn Footwear

Bnttea beets ef asteat lesther, (unmetsl and bronie, with ctoib lopi, well soles ind LouwXV. heels.

Lace boeta of kM, lag ealf, piiem leather ind gunmelil, • with kid or cloth tops, Louis XV. or' ftral|ht Cuban heels well soles; sixes end widths, AA to E. luts and patterns to stiiify and fli the most fas­tidious.

New styles ttwsys coming.

GiiV Raincoats,Bag and Cap

■li*s S to M ysars. sll svsms c>mcnt*0. b*lkd sll around, vm- (llAtlon und«r ifiTi; flip •f t i ta h i high *1 n « k : Billy Burk* hat and la g with itrap to ba thrown ov»r ihouldar; big QtS.OS valus

Tots* CobIs—Elegant atsortment of models In velvet, corduroy, chinchilla ind xibeline, high waisted models •• well ts low belled, ill msde with wsrm linings of istine snd flannel; sixe 3to ......................................................-5-00

Girls’ C oaU -Exctllent quality disg- onil, cheviot and dark mixture; models that button high to neck; belted models finished sfith Urge patch pockets; some •re til lined, others yoke lined; size 6 to 14; good range of colors.. . . . . 5.95

Girls’ D reay Coste—Fashioned of good quality libaUne, mixed cheviot and tweeds; belted models drawn through velvet loops and finished with velvet buttons; ill models button high to neck; fincy pockets; sixe fl to 14............. 7.95

Girls* Washable FrocksThe cill for pretty wash frocks is j«st

ts great today ss in warmer mosths. We are constantly adding new mernbm to our assortment which are meeting with instint spprovil; fsbrici sre ging­hams. percales in pliin and combinition effects; sires 6 to 14..................... 1.00

GWa’ Drany CbbI*—An elegant as­sortment of chic models in the most wanted fabrics, all the new Fall and winter shades; trimmed with fur and silk braid, belted models, others with pockets, in the military effect—the new Chin Chin collar will be found in the•uortm ent; sizes 6 to 14; a t ........12JM)

Other HuidMiM Coat* for G trln-O f broadcloth, velvet, corduroy; Ane qual­ity libtlinea; all adorned with fur trim­ming, lined and interlined, season's shades of row, African brown, g m n . navy and tan, 15.00, 18,50 tO 27JS0

Girls* Dressy FrocksS in a Up to 16—Mothers having

trouble ifi flnding dressy frocks for the growing girl will And sn abundsnee of pretty styles to choose from; in plain wrges, also combination effects with taffeta, plain or plaid; also velvet jump­ers, prices 8,50, 10,00 and up to 15.00

Exceptional Tailored Suits $20Charming Models for Women and Misses

•‘Exception*!" is putting it mildly, as thisgreater v a r i e t y and better values than ever before at 20,00 The newwtE w U e in f l a r e models boxY modcis—fur trimmed with choker collars, also on X „,h'rTb«U broadcloth, w h ip co rd «rg.a,nonlins •'newest Fall and Winter shades. Not only arc the materi^s, out- sitSand inside, f a r better than commonly employed in average 20.W suits, but the tailoring is eminently superior-it is the kind of In service If you are looking fora modest-prtced suit, madame. pos- sessinTthe culture of the higher grades. You are sure to find it here.

Co*t8 thnt are Smart and ServiceableChoice mixtures, corduroys, chitichillai,

plain cloth cheviots; coats for dress or gyepy-day wear. Coats belted, coats loose, coats wmi-fitted and everything in color, tan, navy, fancy fur or cloth; misses and women's siiea. Fifteen doUirs is i popu­lar price to pay for a coat—and at this store it insures one ■ coat of more than the average style and quality.Elegant value at ....................

mviv iiiwi*


A Speci*! Drive in Co»t*Value $11.5ft—and this is actual; a man­

ufacturer attempted to make both coati and suits, but his suit business simply over­whelmed him, and hii decision to drop coats and make suits exclusively result! in this remarkable value; four models in splendid wool tweeds with the latest col­lars—all backs laid in plaits t t tide and belted; regular winter weights; many are cravenetted; all sizes. 7.50

The Smart Shops of Paris Show These Hats^ . * 0 ____ A.i_JM.SW onH ■HflMaHnns frnm Paris-born- th a t is to say. the self-same styles, for these arc copies and adaptations from

creations The same chic turbans and toques, the brimless and almost brlmlcss hat, the side- flared hais, the sailor ideas—and all those oddly shaped models in the height of fashion.

Very Reasonably Priced at $5.00 $6.00t $7.50 and $8.50T h e y a rc m o stly h a n d made hats with artistic touches, trimmed with materials, fancies.

flowers and touches of fur. black and colors; many admirably rich color thoughts.

Do You Know What

The * Ramblers*Mean to you? They bring to your notice the foremost modes direct from the throne ef Fashion. They are inqniaitive folk—the Ramb­lers, At buiy at bees, fust to tell you, mtdqmt, what la new and correct and different, so u to enable you to be "apart from the crowd."—The Latest I* Hair ftraeaietita are the Qaopaira

Hair Bands; two strands of line pearls with exquitila rhinestone designs; as daxxiing as dlanwnda, IJ i .

—Ntvk aitkoet aaristli an a eoM Winter's dajr la a bad thing for health. If ysu s tir one of thete Angora sweaters you will bo itilrsd smartly snd ni the tame lime clothed In warmth and comfort. Come in pretty iwo-toM comblnttion, green, rooe and blue, mllitsry cottar, not tt all high priced, at 10.09.

—I'nahien la alwnyi M i^ng ferlh nsnactUnc aewf now she advocstos ruffled hosiery, here tt L tt a pair; pure silk wlih raffling hanging over tbs bool; very rakish.

—Tha saTelops pseas af biwwa baby teal to quite INthing in hand bags. The trimming of the itnllaUeo lorielte shsll ctvso it i partlcalarly smart tons, tw- -nnibly priced at SJS.

—What woadsrfal wsBving Im rlbbaas aawadaya; hereX . .all.I rtodon at H.tb a yard, woven iritta gold snd

- 'ftuM or ' - n l r f ’veir.—Ta make Iks baby prttUsf and at the ume lima kaea

him wsrm; there it an all silk knit sweater with ■ash, priced at S.OO which no mother doting on ftnery would hcsitito to pay.

—One af the aeweat arrivsls In MlUlasry lo a MArio Coy hat of felt and illk plush, hu a imart tHck-np, is priced tt ITJO; simple, but a wonderfully ckmor ertition. Many olhers equally teicbhig U acBM -- - ,1 Mr*he* snd lowtr,

—h the Jewelry DstartMoal you will ooe the vary uisxi rouge holder in whits metal, roasonibty prieod at iOe. lha tame with enanwled itm at TSa.

—Awiaag the New Bilks pirticttlirty eppropriata far Fail wslstt are the Roman striped fancy maaaaUnat, raminda one ef the old-fuhionad ailkt in grandma days. They are a yard wide and tell for lAt A yard.

—Bllueirle is the name of a new iaBnal, blun, blnek and hello etrlpee on white groundi. Nothing could be more deeirabla then ihle material far ahlclwaiala, house gownt, inen'e end boye’ ihlrta. SalU far Tie yerd.

—i'heJIiae are peranalaL lhay never die onL Tba newfency Imported cbalUet arc shown In beautiful flg- ure end floral dotigna, just ts dainty and awaat nnd soft a fabric could ^ailbly ba. Of oourae, they are all wool and vary, vary retwonabla at 49c, He,

* Djc und 73c yard.

For Mttadg of Fa8h(oiu~~TTie Lateat

Neckwear FanciesPhaey Coal Collara In (•cargatte Crapes twlia tmbrtld*

try and Inca trimmed, In all the new ahapat, high Ud law, to be worn with ntw •olii......................................... •96c

(ieargftte Crepe nchaa, hand embrolderod law trim- mod and plain edged wtfb hemitltch ruffling. In all the laiaal

........ ......................................... 50c to 7j oNm Pfehua, plain or hand embroidered, taw trimmad

and hemtiltch rtaffling, etch,.................... 50c to 2.98

newGoargaUa Crepo Veateea. In high and low nock with Ilia La Bell caller iiitchad, hiad cmbroldarad law and

others with picot edge Millopt, atudied wllh panri b«-*“ >*.......................................... ......... 98c to 4 J 0

Oaorgetta Crept Drtaa Sate, plala hand emtHatdarad,hemstitch end oihert with picot rofning, aach.95c tO 4.60

A Late ShipmentPtrmfis tha RapattUon of Thta Ramarkabla

Offarlng of New

Ready-to-Wear Hats ReducedOur collection of reedy-lo-weer htta for women is

splendidly replete, bleck end colort in a great verlely of stvlte, chiefly htnd-mede hits, trimmed with meierlels, ornaments end touches of fur. In the collection are many hats now selling below the reguler prices, for InsteKe;

4.98 Ready-to-Wear Hate now. .3.983.98 Ready-to-Wear Hits now. ,2.982.98 Re«dy-to-We*r Hats now. ,1.9875c Domestic Flowers, Special 50e

Unusuilly smeri collection of flowere for hit gimitures. tingle roae with foliage dnhilee, with foliage and clusters of three roses with fur combined, the flower novelly of the jeaaon.

Corduroy Tam o' Shanterg for GirlsThere Is e greet demand for thete imirt Tern o’ Shen-

lers of corduroy; we tecured • splendid becoming Tem In black, brown, ntvy, grty, red, green end white, some with cord end tassel; others with t button on top of CAy- crown ................................................................... i)UVOther hate for glrle In greet verlely, plueh, velvet endcorduroy, tome with lonchet of fur, 69c to 1.98

2.45 Untrimmed Silk Lyons Velvet HateSeveral splendid becoming etytea, lellor idete, | AO

medium elie brims, soft and blocked crowns, hitsof the wnntcd kind now much In demand............Handreda ef other BBiriaiBted hate ranging In prke from

T6e te 1U«

Tots’4.50CoatsI to 5- Year Sizes

At 2.85Ve)vo( In Rood »hadM of

rod. navy, brown rorduroy In whit*, brown (’MnchinR In white. V«ry now. RtyHalMlttU oORtf, obout ilk ■lylei: ono If BmtkiFO front end b«L’k, trim- mod with volvot bteltont; rti- Qthor If box stylo with bolt rD ■ round; tetiothwt h ff back of J ■kirt pUltod with bolt ftcroif; anothor h f i box bUlt down buck and bolt: Rnother haibelt acroff bteck, double broiftod front iknd two ptM'ketf* all Ilnad with good Mteen.

Ufii«4a* W«6ir ailS

Great Showing of

Pretty VeilsOur veiling department la the

tneeca for all women seeking the very newest novelHes as Fast ts they appetr; it is very conveniently situated, Just in- aide the door on the main floor.

Chaariny Laee Vaita. to be worn loose nnd draped. The eorreei veil for fall wear. We haveaUrge eem^- meni of tbto ityU. each 75c to L75

Hand Rbb VoUb; taature as.laef and flower deetgni in velvet end chenille, yerd . . . . . . . .7 9 9 to 2.80

CUCcB Beider t ___at, each ......................l iw to

FOat Maah Vaito with fancy m n borden, aii aacb......... ... ........2.25

mde FtoerMaab aaM OteBina M l wa ta n a

> complate Uae that win apeaal ta aay of our enatomon; yard. .|5 e to 68c ■

Most Exceptional Showing of GlovesThe glove buainest has advanced within the p u t two weeks by leapt and

bounds. It reminds one of the holiday eeason, auch crowdt. There a aatisfying quality in F*laut gloves and the titraoat in value-giving. And then they have the added diatiqction of being beautifully cut and shapely to the higheat degree.

WonsM'a On*-C1aap Wastabte Kid Gtevu—Ivory, gray, pearl, tan, black and white with Mack contratting embroidery, perpair .....................................................L50

"Xavier Jouvin" Frcneh OliM KW Glovee for Women—Two-elatp kid, gnaseied flnaera, f tr i t point embrolderod bteke; tan, golden brown, grty, black with aelf and while em­broidery, white wllh oelf and black ombrold-

"Xaviar JouriR" WaataUo Fboiito Glaea Kid Olovto—Perfect Ailing, gneoetod flngera, pique aewn, Paris point embnldond backs; all aitet la vbiu; pair .............. .•.•-LOS

-Xavier Jowvtn” Maaqurteln Olaao KM Olovoa far Wowee All alsea la black andwhite.. - „ . . . . .24-buitoa length, »A0; JO-butloa length, 4A0 Ift-bariM Mgih, UO; 12-bnttoa tengifa, AP9

Wmmb*b Two-CBmp Dcad’a Cap* Walhtii|r Qlovaa .SpMr point embroidered backa: afl •Itaa In tan and black; pair ................ 2 M

Weawn’a One end Two Claop PIqno and Overeoam Gbeo Kid Glovoo—Paria print and wide eootreating embroidery; tan, gray, brown, navy, ebampagne, black, with eelf andwhite embroidery; pair.........................L,00

Wenwn’t Two-Clasp Naeeot Glaea KM Glevan—Paria point tod wide embnlderv, guiaeted Angers, in tan, golden brown, gray, champagne, btick and while with aelf andblack embroidery; pair...........................L2S

Wemen'e Two-Cbup CnteMon Glaea KM Gloves—Peril point backs, nsseted Angers, the beat sbidet of tail, golden brown, grty, mode, champagne, beaver brown, bindi niidwhite; pair.................................. . *• .1,60

WoMM'i Peerleta GInce Plqno Glevoo— Two-cilatp, Paris point baeka, gueteted An­gers, In tan, golden brown, gray, black nndwhite; pair ..................... ............ L50

WoMn‘0 Pawnte’ Ono-Onap WetUng Clove*—Speer print beck. In tbs new wub- •bl* cap* gtovea; ail slies la tan, goldcti brown, gtty. Mad and white; pair....L50

Lovely Indeed, Madame, Arc Thcae

Blouses a t $5The most charming effects in the newest Pell end

Vinter modete. Meierltle consiii of Plaid Silk, Georgette, Chine, SItk Comblntiion Laces, ■II have the new style colters end long eleevee with fency cuffs—-dressy wsists of moire silk end strictly tailored, suitable to wear with suite. An unusuallytirge essoriment t t ............ ...............................S.*9Oihert range from............................ fZ.OO to I27.PS

Children’s SweatersFor tlieTota—Plain and fancy stitches, with

or without belt, patch pockets and collar that buttons high or to wear low; all good colors ............. ...................................... 1-00, 2.00

For the Mlaa—We have ■ plain coat sweater that*ia always in demand, alio the sweater with belt; all newest colors; one model with whitetrimming; very new end pretty..........2.00, 9.98Angora Capa and Scarf Seta....1 .75 and 3.50lo t te d Caps and Thma................. 60c and 1.00S c tffa .............................................................L69Angora S earfa ................................ 1.00 and 1.86

Newwk’s Favorite Boys’ Clothing ShopF e a t u r i n g N o r f o l k S u t t i W i t h J i v o P a i r o f 7 > o u 8 e ro a t P o p u l a r P r i c e s

Fall & WinterJVelflit O'coatsFar Ita UNI* fwawa

Ileweat jievelUte and nedele le CMvIete aed Tweeda. butten to a aiid eMvertlMe eeUar atylea; AM

'.'.tt ‘ -B f^ 'N e w Fall Softs

Word tM Neifelk Srita wMl Tw*. h b e tra ew a

Vf-I .Ya, .> Malariate of Boe wool ohevtoljL In a

■■ pMiB to I ta u a n . .

“ » 1 4 M

prieea raage from..

- CBlnebliia. . . B**k Modsie

4416 to 11J 6a ll wool oBlntetlla. In praya, fl6 toM N A O B bH wool ol----------- ...

pwiVO brewna and hluMi alsea Id yeAnii esoaileiit valua

At 96 'iS-aaur.*!!At 98.()0 HasSl'Mxli'rXr.lSlI'St 2XI ytAea. . -At I9J 8beeaf IrnHaaa aed rsdlhBBel iHuuaed; Uaea I t i t a l r e a f A -M . -

1 -------------------Ev0rything J f ^ in Boyd Fait Headwear

-- - ■ Qevar Mew Rah RAh i haptW'l a aul

----------- 1 iB^aVeiy wafrid aiitdejaeyBw4Klt*ka4 MX twtetxm

Men’s and Young Men’s SuitsThe Things T ha t C o im t;

QiitUtr of mrk. Skin of TaikNriiiK,Knack for StyHnf.

Wa lulat on thaao thlaga In all our Wl ritobaa- H to aaty te And ena or two of thaaa aaaaultato of elrihlag la aoms pnMKta. bulte Aid tha thtaa ta oot to a ^ ty -* « ri« of nwdsta, rite, two or threa heffteu sack ooate, riagto and deuUa^teMlad vaste, Botltstlful rich nristatea, riripaa, ovarptoMa, bluet and btoeka-ahaa as I* 44, legutor tod alriM ilxat.

Foatertaj yahioi at lOAO and 12 JOFtotorini jodtrito iNyiei i t .......-.........16.09’;O ivyinto’laodyewiwiii^itlAllOtoiSAp


- TuoS IRne-pHeotBliHimf't Sidf$ a10.00, iS.t$tm AU .O 0

For Ita hHk lObeoi juairiirikitoi*


*----* A _

SicyNt M u ii IVN f i r i A M 4 V C n itlW « |i(

m iiE E rs A iM in u iic liOPB

iMteaw i*M*4 Allk« k r *»Mk*r

(Mb t t Bw M It •fttbiMlwtit «f HtM KU M t in tW« (in ' I*

t twmM Hit* BM M«nA- r « ^ TkMiar. m wUNM rr m A Ckart- | i f m —U, M (TMt tUr*t LabAoii. «!)•

tltcU4 t* Con«»»« lM« r««f fruw I t f T M ftk Wttficl ol Ktw Torfc. Th» (iMtiW *M •m n t« d In th* InltrcM Mtmr OrMn. cnnBMaln fornM nnun from Urn n M Warn «o tiM ■odalint tlckrt

vhan* (rlmyU n n w nfM n t at nl* fkknMk, luMnuch ni hr (nlltA t f f volrr iMt tm t. kn t«« dUtrlcU nwolna nlikitAat AMnnwin Hknrv lUna.

k Mr OmlltH iM k Mr CfrMB ^ l i n iMt Blaiit «vnkr4 <TMt kwItiMit, H wan pteKi

W ••• tk* en«d* tmd ntimaMnd mninir t* W k n m n t« lUfnnwrtallr* Van-

Mn wan thn tM af tha kawr, IIm at wamhlp of a t Itaa t 1,*M a*r>

whs atkownA ikolr w a r la ta tkn ■aUl H waa f i iia a ll t ro a pti

ranf, akiln anarlr t.#M a io n HIM thn MtanU tnUMn ami UntanaA ta aa*aral iVakkMB mga<ad ta taka aafa at tha

Lainjaa hak flaM ntl ipaak- lanMa. tka traw4 foHawatl Um to

•M aatawiaklla aak tkara Jolnak b r tkoaa m m ha* kaaa uaaMa 'a aat ta. aurnwad«l Uk aar aak tMtifaA that ka aaaln a't-

tkaai In tka apaa air. Mr. Uiodaa . althauah i|* feaa talkmi naarir

(ram tka Mt«a, aad nM riaiaJ tka iMmat la tka atraat (nr aaatkar firtaaa Mkalaa. At tka raaclmlen of iMa ipaaoh. m M ikaca taraak laaaa a aaUar at

luia tkat waa haard far aaaar M m ^ tkar tkar wtra aat mora tkaa kalf

kat t ta r aHowad tka aatantoMla paeeead ta tka' ntatioB. and Mr. Uiw ' (taraad to Ntw York.

Ila tka maatlac waa adaarllaad toatort a t t : t t afclaeh. laaa kalara tk a t •Mar a laran arawd kad aallaet ad a t tka daara wltiiia a (aw m laalaa a fta rtk a r *ara apaa, tka aaUra towar (loat

.la tka Mtatlr k t r a u of' to tM a i t r tkat flawad tk ranrk tka tkaa tar daora ttorn atd ama aad raakc . tram aa witk PMMNa, aaata amra kaklaa ta a g ta a a t M lir Milrtat.waU draaaad. aad laa akak- kftor attirad, all kapt an awa Iktap— akiaialaa a aaa* aeatowlwr# to tka kmwa la gat a glhapaa at ik d lr^ W at- kkda'* aad kara, wknai atoakanao and ■Mtoatoaar kad waa far ktai a aaa t to tk aJ totlaaa l lagtiintlva nkatokar.

CkaJrmna Oaorga M- Maal a eaadldnta ta r tka Board a t totradaaad Hr. Laadaa, kp aa<

aiatoag tkat tka *kpaakar at tfca ava- f aaadn no latradaotloa." tka aatlra a adlaa aa raaa an ana man aad akaarad.

alawkd, aad rdUad ta r a t taaai twa ■ la i t i i Halil Hr. Laadoa ralaod kla kaadn Bkara Up kaad aa a ntgaal far

» n to daalat aad aUaw klai to w ‘ ndi rtan.

Hr. tdadaa'a apaaak waa a a a rra laa - toaai at kdtk tka Oamaaratln and Ba- kakllaaa garttoa m nnlall r tka fanaar, a ad a kaartf plan to tka gooialiata ta f l |g t ta aiaft H r Qitaaa a ldaranaa. Ha


'J1 '' 1 ' 'l l ' ' I I M r l i l l i ' ’ r

Open Saturday Eoaning

Men and Young MenCan Buy Better Clothes for Ltess Money at

The McGregor StoreThe headlines tell the facts, and the explanation Is the “Mc­

Gregor Method," Buying woolens and linings for cash, doing our own manufacturing, and selling direct to you only for cash, elim­inate all Intermediate profits, losses and other expenses. These savings are passed along to you.

So You Buy McGregor Newark-Made Clothes at Wholesale Price and Save at Least 25%

Men’s Winter Suits Men’s Winter Overcoatsof F in e W a n te d , with an M a d e o f K n itted Fabric,Extern P i i r o f T rouaen^ w llb V elvet Collar,

$25.00 $25.00“ *''-

Young Men’s Suits, $12, $18 and $25The Fourth Floor Is a Special Department for Young Men.

Styles here will please young men—and the prices are within reach.The Quality and Wearing Satisfaction We Guarantee. Alterations Are Free.

Stout Men’s Suits, $15, $20, $25 and $30 ^.Men—eithar tall or short—up to 52 iitchea around the waist, will find ■ good

Mlection of fabrics, colors and pattern!, in sizes to fit them. We Make Altera- tiona F m at Charfc and Guanuitee to P it Yon.

---------------- A M O ------------------

Fumhhlng Goods for Big Men, la the Nesrly Opened Department Big Ctriiark—Big Shlrta aad Big Undenrear.

I A Complete SkowlBg of Now Fall Neckwear.Abo Hala—Umbrelba—Hoaiary and Swaotera.

ib r-ai.i


i f T ' r ' - ’

Mm* •eii B M U liid Ihd '

We A n Speciatixing On es*'

. atA ^

t o V- ^BectMa of thb fact, wa are abb to offer bate that

era better la qtiaQty aad aiora baantiful in atyb than wa have ever afered bofora at the priee.

£fyry Hat U £*cfriiii*d. and /ridiwdualtlia ra arp ao d a p tk a tia aam sg tha ^ r s d s of ^ w a , Trl-

J eernto^ C o a h asa tili, D tieatelia TW haai, CaorgtiH Sallera.%• laa Satbr* tad a boat o l e tb a r k w a roin t bait. All m f ia iib aad f af Paniia Vtlvai, L rtiu Valvat, HaHarr^Plash tad Conbinationat ol TtStta and Vrivtt, with trimmlai trtitoMnti of fuhianskit

fart, Praaek lewtra, tatrieh faaikart, ooval oms moats sod lariac b k law s e f moira sod ta tln ribben.

i $4.95 to $15.95(lUlliM fT P a rlae S teaad P b to )

C h a rm in g H a tsFo( Misses and Children

$1.50 to $6.98Wo htvt dovottd lime snd study in tbs nasdt of the yoang

girls snd ehlldrtn and ore now ready to solve ill their hat prob- lemt. Come tn and let us show you

Hundreds of Dress HatsSuch ea Pokae, Seoich Hite, hate with sah loppy brima and a

tcora of other etylee In every wanted autcrlal and color, black, brown, grton, navy blue, roea, while snd copao. Att are prettily (rimm^ with (ur. flewtrt tad ribbon.

(Second Floor!

Laigtet Retalkn of G o thb tf bi New jeraey And We Make tha Ctothan Oonelvci

C h a rm in g F ash io n s for W o m e n a n d M issesClever Suits, Coals & Dresses

niMSCASH McGregor & Co.South Broad at Lafagette S t, Newark

•eked tkh aadtowea to oappeet tko •oHraoe eaato as tka peUe

j*Tke eppaaltlea to woutoa eaffraoe. It to me, la net ee a n ek eentem pt e< C H z liiapiSi toM, ‘We K iw aaa-

' ' ' lo t Tkere a re mtIUoM, wko M itk er •ae retto

Skair iSflH at (raketoae a t aU nor vato vm kaat giving Ike aaektiaan a t laaee tka peoptr etady Tlwjr ere vloUme ol liac tto aad eeateir. Wken eten reeUee l i e n akeek

r pt e l the te lio t ikla OCT. DRUG SALE!

I akeeld ke • toeetaerettoe at eon- Ike vote, ifcee tk a r will Hgkt o( (reneklea to

tOtoer retoeNto e f H r LeedM ’e ware:

Now Is Your Chance to Buy !I F Y O U W I S H T O S A V E Y O U R P E N N I E S C O M E T O U S

■■wdlM ke el

H ito da< t#aikee of <

*Amtrleen poltllee bna degenaretod l e patty, peneeel. w ere pelltica, eed ■ brep tlen le equally g reet le Ike R«- pgMIwn end Demoerailo pertlaa."

'‘Hkmmnny Hall le a a teto prtaon Wltkeet a root"

"U all men and women participated la paniiea, the proreatooeel peitdeicn

ellmtnited.** ,■adallM partp kaa beaa the

oar Aeierteen people for the pePt flfSy yaera; It kea U ag h t eU Mu- tWPA (ke rarltom eetA ska RelcheUge, s p Daaita end alt. Yre warned the PkSpIt le SuropA aad new Europe le PPRartag far dlaN m rdlng the Social-liiia tAb«liln» **

Hr. Umdaa toO*i a deeldod aland

« laet preparadaaaa and blamed mil-a of men In (kla oeantry for Im-

d |p l n a aoaieihlap direful waa about lo• ef***-. '1 ballere In the right at Ike country ab prepare end .tq be ready to defend

SMif agalnet aa a ttack lag enemy."lalned Hr. Laadon. "but we muet

'pOar la mind that armament muat not hk tocraaaed ao. aa lo atrlke terro r lo Hto h aa ru or tka peopit.; *Tkt Damoeratio and Republican par-

dfar aa amaeapA Tka Repub- ktap erylag ‘protection, prolac-

peatoottop,' and tha Damoerata Wade, fraa tra d z fraa trad*.' but daa‘t offer anything aubatantlal.

aiurthiBg that couM aoaatkly *ba con- •Iniad aa a moraal of comfort to tka paoplA I tell yea all th e laauen pala In tka (aM af tha ona graat laaua— p v a rty .". Tka Coagraaaman aald tka SoelallatA II tkay eet tka power, will abolleh all tgkamama end foree the clllea to erect to their etead detent, habitable, ean- tiary bulldlnge for ell. Ho added they Itould alao attord the child every op- ktrtunlty to be educated.

n» Reel re rly laaaea.There le no euch thina aa a Demo-

matlo party.' the ipeaker ronllnuad. T a k e awey the 'eotld Hoiith’ end a few eerrupt maohlnc* in the lerge cl dee, end What would there he left ot the Demo- aaaUT They have no eoul. ao mlaalon, aSd they try to hang lh a ir amallneaa tobtad ths broBd Blpouidorii of Prc-AdiAl WIUm .

'*ThM D«mocrat« want to doMrojr Iht ttViU Aikd bFini Bbout fr««r eompeUtlon feiltirMB tho itnall btwtnf'aH conoFtns wkieh Will be don« oidr by cruahtot UtM>r I t tb« utmMt

,*Tht HapubHfattt, on th* h*M,i | l titmpilfled by former PrcaJdtnt Tftft

tblagB l^ft dM th«y ar« and then

SCHWARZ887 Broad Sl

LAV IIS A artK -K o r


Bnios, Patent Medidnes, loilel IrtidesPrices 25% Off

saiWAiiz887 Broad Sl

Wo Hold tka NIahl ta R re trlef tte a a tllle e . Ko Mall er Telepheae Ordeni frillcA -Va deed* Delivered.

Near WiliiioO N C T H O U S A N D O T H E R S P E C I A L 8 - T O O M ANY TO A D V E R T I S E

( ^ p e o i ^ l s f o r O n l y !ISeMeelOLTMS


1 6 e

: Y ibay aapi m ie n big buatneea get theira, pea lUlla fallowa can have youra.'"

Camad Leae, oandldato tor ronataMe, ^ a i a k a la TIddlah. and Mra. victor Par-

^ " ^ M p a i t . tn tha abaenca of her hUtfaend, at. Raraaaaei, made a autlm ga epearh. ,IHV. Oraen oulllned hie poltclea If he HtogU be eleelad aldermen, He Incident p p paid a tribute to tha Newa n r Ita alaikl agalnet twee rule, end for As ttorneaa toward the Soclelleta. The Wtolnr aald he would Ilka to clatn tha Mtrd of political aarbage. He added Skia. aa no Podallat bad aver bean elected

P F Maaag Caunty. now waa the time to iRgfb- Mf. OmcD aald he hoped he would

^ k p konoted ao ha could fight for the gka! at an. with "Bevaf an laterect ter H paaff peraonany-"

putaMa apaatkereHprilt KataMaaky, Haraaaa Kudlah, iMMal rstobarg aad Dr. Vara gakaak*

dwaab apaadhas toe fMlowtng entar. by muatoal aatectlona^ Utat

ICatahaa. plaaa aolo: DavM Oold vMto aoto; Htaa Hatty Wetoatalib

:T:v.,(it,Tttn«(iRnDiiaiA*> it

Yndap aftaiatwm at thetka T . V . 0. A. Hn .

tot ad the


■ W"P9PW



St fto 10c Mt tto 33c tl th* 34«

ei aif.ULIER'S

SwaiBp Rid5 9 c


•0* Sir*3 5 c

St eiiaOUDC’SPepto-

Mengan6 9 c


Mr Jto 39c tt SM 58c

siMPQSOi3 7 c


Tastb Paata3 4 e


BabyPtwderlO o

t to Mi .JAO

SALTS5 4 c


a ttaartFOUNTAINSYRINGEa Ita*. •rg Ik. twa It

3 Q«aHFountainSjrringoIl*|kl4 rian Hg4 HNbb«>rU . ‘ 9lc


EOTTURra. .< T*.



BonuIlf-Sa S1.4S: r ‘ 98c

CLEAN-UP tF*r «rkt«raik««t1is B*Abas«s

RoAtSm , Hr., laaiat • •


lh«‘M JilL Oma Ap- llrattiHb will rldl Iho worst b#4-Hill# lAo Jsrkso ot fpsOe


25c Size.............. He35c Siro . ............ 19c50c Sin (fell Ql.') . . 29c 75c Sin (Hair GiBm) . 55c liO Sin (Fill (oOn) . 98c

H'hy Pmr for i'au• r Moitloof



TOOTH POWDERf'osilop mmd rofm lilBsi

•fbootoso I be brro th i flovorv4 with airMfhol. wIstorsTvoo,

FilliP o u t

apeelal a t 1 5 *

p Let Yo u rOlILD

IBOTAKT R E U f FTry It, ,hee reeeue-■eed tt to e th H a .7 Q y *Prtoe, per b e tt le . . . *

Who Fids Your Fl i P ' B R I

Prescriptions ? If You AreNG YOUR PRESCRIPTIO

Sick YouN S TO

Nood tha B estU S U I

a-ovnetam eBonustoat WMiny2^ c

lOr Hlil.I.alelirt Papert« fS « ItnII P|*« TI**M6c Roll« Ralla. za*

iiv n oL i.iTdIM Paper#4e<i4

3c Roll1 kh <• ik


■ HMIa, Sto

EKTUCTimaiiuzBSto k to 14*1 . . Zto H o a l . . 4to1 « * ! . , . ra*

W o o d A lc o h o l

niton - tea ( to W a s e H <n - 400 l |X ■


1 Ik----- to .a ibB... . 111* a ttM.. M*

WWIE PttE AH TAReouciinir

SC* . , l i t W4 m

tm p fitd V f f fU fDiy Rm« t, k*t..aB«

AallMOtt*HCiHOlUDETAHiTSla taM«a.lT« M la b ra to a IM tob'a.OOr

kaw B .r.*iendc Addy. tk . ,10. b Ik . lit.

lb ....... as*a i t o . . . .4*. D atteoya VwrWiri ut* 1

C M Idron 'u H a a d s 1 ClMH end horiM tesa; n o t 1 oily p r a tlcky. K ttln n ite 1 and egg*. 1

25c. 50c . $1.001


1 I k . . . . . I t . ■ Ito. ...ItW a lb .... .4 0 b


> c:::"U:» n a .. .B to

MiidialCMMr (MH Sd, . . . I t o 1k * t . . . . l t o1 f t ........ an*1 a t ........ dto


Q « toJiiDai f lb. . Slo 6 Iba. . 91


10. Mb*. . .f* 1 u u a v t.. lOe H d o t . . t to 1 ■nltaw.Sto

taby Mpphito Nluylto

SH .to Aatl-i

CMI. ..S t to Ball jhto

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7fie Cutters /n Prices8 8 7 BROAD

Exceptional garments that are remarkably low priced.

Fur Trimmed Smfa at 1/5 and $17.50 Corduroy Suits, fur trimmed, at $19.50 Velveteen Suits, fur trimmed, $22.50 and $29.50 Broadcloth Suits, exceptional quality, at $22.50

And scores of other suits i t prices ranging from

$15.00 to $50.00Fabriea—BrMddoth, Vclvptp, Velveteen, Velour de Ldine,

Vhlpcord, Geberdine, Serge end Poplin.Colon—Nevy Blue, Afrlcen BrotHi, Field Mouie, Myrtle

Green and Black.

Smart G>atB Attractive FrocksPractical modal* for tporl, itrMt and tfier-

noon wear, In awaeger iwinilag affact*, or *aiDl' lltltd modtl*. In cheviot*, wool pletfa, broad- cioih, pompadour cloth, iwatd and fancy tnla- turta; medium er full length model*; aome fur trimmed; dit richly lined and warmly Interlined.

In rich, dark lone* of brown, plan, gram and navy Mao. Taltored draaae* of aerg* and taffata, valvetten, chartneuae and valveieaa and wool poplin. In Radlngoit modal*, Prince** nodal* and smart coal alftcla.

Alao a beautiful eolltctioa of charming party frock* in att wanted abade* and matariala.

$7.50 to $50 $10.95 io$49.50G )rd u ro y G x its a t $ 1 0 .9 5 , $ 1 2 . 9 5 & $ 1 5 .0 0

Smart coats of good quality corduroy, in belted modela and otharwise; some fortrimmed. All are well lined with peau da cygne or aatin; each one ia a wonderful value.

- Pit(Third Floor)

A d Umtaual Sale of

F in e O s tric h P lu m esAt $1.50

n 1X

At a time when Oitrlch Featbara art In anch demand for drata hats, wa have arranged an Interaattng apteial sale of larga plumaa, fine and tuttroua, with broad. Ruffy drooping baada. In Russian grtan, brawn, purple, pink, navy Mae and all varfationt of U Alao black and white.

4nc, itupo, watermelen and inelit.

A ls o O s tric h P o m p o n s$1.00At

New Pompons of beat ottridi fatthera, in while, black, Week and whita eero- Dinationa, Copen, brown, green, purple, nafu and pink. Vary apeelal at fljOdl

(Main Floor) W aa* A N

Silk HoseFor Saturday wo have arranged the

following apocials in boaiery:Gordon’s Round Ticbat Heae, in all

new ahadoa. including broiua, gray,navy, black and whita. Speciala t ........................................ 45c

Pboeniz Gutraniaed Hoat, in alt new- fall ahadca. Special ^at . . .

Also a full aasortnent of newagt fall..* novelties in Women’s Hose A jF ^ at . . . . . . . . . t . « , , k . » , . , 4. . t . , ,

Hair Goods ■i *


Verr few hair sbepa oSar m such bate , toaa aa yen ean gat at UsaiwrY. Visit lUe

ilttle shop end see the** epseiale for Satordaponly; <

,Thlrty-lMb tbras-atan Switabaa, made ef, all iong, iae balr. In aU abadss, j a j |* laWnding gray. Vary tp a a la l^ .y ^el

Tbres-etem BwHebaa, made ap M | ell *adaa exaeptlng gray; ata | . m ipiiqad a t - -

Utesntr'a *aew ■lt•tMnni TVanafafaflan. Very light In weight. ‘ It year balr la aeaator pnnwtiraiy gray, * • trana-'^ g A fanballon wBI aeiapleiMly eovar It LJnM laallabaM ial. • a w ,

BriiM yarn eeaiWiiga to aur sipaN aad we will niua Aten up tt vtiy raaaeiiaUe paitaa.,




u Dij 4Dn


wan bord at that thi. eravo la tb* eleatae 1 <Mto at the I wara slrOInc i toult thot la to I ki th . Xrowtor anffnew iz aat Say ..aatima i ■ nttaew ww. Iks > iran nai Kraaear Audio

ytoto all Uta vatapanla. T irto . af whin Oiaraa H airaj tar wmtam H ItouaS a warn paUlM plaoaa N n y aad tha Dnaa Aaaeclat aauBoad an a< ■arrow aflarn too OraaSM.

,Tha wartilBi haadnehad CO toateatoetivH wko wowld air MtodlaMota w tolfht ka tok* M M ai bakoti Atooratue t . ■ M af tha Haa‘i aaffraoi aeaphto M b n

rthiaar ar aammltlaa at raaSa ‘iraw toda ftwto tra Mom koM In B at ka th* palBtad aut, wbato aortalB to t ara aaao to d lavlta a daaparata tat ■ laad le ko« My dUmtlMh

“Wa rafar tkat tka kali aot bo numb (to t tk a t ui kaaa poaalbla UsU. For t l tonalnod to t tiona aoatnat ■aaaa with t noma at Maw

“I t ta our o all alaatlon a konoot ana i Utont of tholi too aabtottur apoodlly to a ho tamptad, ran* ona. to « to tka auffn altaa haw da btooma. Hoi r l a u poUttei todtotnont In to aloettono.

Thlrtaon i to that eoun ftiooB ta n to (htwa yoar*. Yoptotlae,'

Oonaty ane a*r y to ta tltoCeaaouHon'l

n Oottfttp VotiBX Ima Oaaaty a nai

Cltte to to Ik a t r e o to i

"tn ahort, (ha eoim ito

So wtU no vtoc th a t M rw y la w

NaaMto naa wtohaa (erm win taka aai (hOM who ta tm w too hn

yrapantlo i MoietiM. ef I m a t naotlni Oaerei, n.M OnuKtfneisirss.r tontory•oiNwia

w nkab

OOMt* wk Dm te bato

dg Now data

Bteto toator * ato oltaeiski

DM M waa Pkartag at i

MbMuOk '‘T■ Tk* ptow

‘ SktlX a«kl t -iM aa Asm *

iigJV:- Ik Uneoln ’ aktoe. (kahWi

± i; Nwalvi |tiat tbolr Ml* 0 MM af tbd

=?,|.,.l*w w(H ka thuntoL

PoOtlgaton, whlH * Oirts rvi




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MXOOITWr O K C K S S K I T U T N (H T V O IT H f f l m W A IB TO n n MIT m i s , A K V B IIK O B I B I K B r a

"Wk«t *•■ tiM ««lu* f t th t «raifrW t4 In Ntwktli In p u tlln t »nt nr«> In I t l i f Tkli qnMtIoii n n anil tlra*l4 ka anaw«r«4

■o aapa Ikr faMnrni bwraau • ( (Im eaniiu In im ueatine a rtk«rt on Ifea Nfwnrk w attr a ^ tan i II « a i ika only nnaatleii In « baich laft bp a radoral fttU anant. William Jahna, tknt eouia not ba nnawano by Immadlala rtfaranoa la tha raaonia

Tbara «aa a vuaaalai baa a( tha city hall on ' that a«*ry bafota Chlat Ar- coiiBUnt David Hahnta of lha w atar dapartmant aat out to mabo a matba- malloal calculation to daiarmlna tha aiaot valua of lha walar ao ivnautnad. Ona baaia at nuaaainc a aa tha bla Bakar fira In Uarkai alraat laat yanr, which nacaaallatad tha uaa a( many atraama of walar lor a whala day. Raarykadj knawa how lavlahly watar la aipab^ad on a flra. avan a amall ona and tha Mawarh dritartmanl In l i l t

had It# avafaga n tn of iia H nm and amaU Uaaaa baaldaa lha blggar anaa.

Ona af lha rtaaaaa wada a t lha elly hall atan that tha d ty had aaad walat worth IIM.W* la putUaa o«l flraa laal yaar. n « r a warn awaaOca aoaaWoraMy hlahar than th a t aaina lawav. hut noa*

I ' ' ' I

anywrHhra aaar lha oorroct IWaria11w tlguNt nr muat to I t . l l t waa lha

hoot aaMaiala. oftlelally (twaklaa. II la prohabta that tha walar aa oonaumad w«a worth hiat a Htlla laao than that, but tl.tlT la what lha oaaaaa record will •ay.

Hr. Holnato datantrfnad tha valtta In thli way: iwvaaDaattoa ahowad that tha nro anatnaa irorhad 111 hours in l i l t , con- llanouOl) |.umpliut Tlwy pump ( I t aul- h M a ntitvula, or h iaa ouUr taat an hour, or alttwoiliar I.IIT aoti (ullona. Wato' la worth In Nawarh | l a thousand ouMc taat. wharafaia tha T l.ltt.

Incldralally the ladaiwl DaM acapt asid that Nawarh'a walar rororda wara haft Lottar than Itooaa at moat rlllaa and wara aacond to nona.


Sifnfi OpfOMtIt Cnuu ti Gripi ii Dkj •< SpMid Ekrtioi

Dnwt Neinr.


raroaa roc and a g n lw woman taflracaMiw hfrd a t It today, with lha raault that thla provad ona af tha btffaol daya la tha rlfrtn f waah of Iho baita la ba da* cMod at tha p^la Twaaday Tha anllt awra flrdlBa Ibamaalvaa for tho Me aa- moH that n to be niada a t a maia moaUna hi tha Emagar Auditorium tonlgnt Tha •nffragtata. "aalda from ihalr uaual noon­day aaaalona and thMr plana for nleht ■oottngA waro whooptna thinfa up for Iho Eryaa moollag to ba bald In lha KrtMgar AudlloilUB tomorrow night.

VToIb all tha aourcea of battle rarea da- Tba committaa of ona hun-

at wbleb Brarati Cathy. Colonal Harray and United aiatoa dana-

•ar Wllttan Hnghoa ara laading apMta. iHuad a warntng agmlnat fraud at lha aelllaa plaoca. Tha Woman huffraga n r t y and tha New Jaraay Woman dut- IkBdB Asaactatton of lha Orangaa an- aaunoad an auttwoblle pafeanl for to- ■arraw aftaraaoB throufh thla city and gw Oraafia.

Tha waralad of tha committaa of ona haadrad had coaplad with it tha atatamenl that datocUrai had alraady baan andagrd. gho woald alicttlato ttaroudhout tha alac- gkn dgtftots whara It la fearad adraiiUd* gdght ba lakan of tha fact that tha d iM at balloti ara not to ha nuaihmd. Moordlad to Alfrad N. Chanditr. chalr- gwa af tha campaign comralttao. tha Maa^ Inffraga LaagtM will taka a phoio- MBghlo raaard of tho rotlnf llaea In rrr- M a gwapaotod distfleu.

Bal ia ta Nat Nambarad- 'TJadar ordinary eendlttona" tha

aammitlaa af atw hindrad atotainaot r tad a 'Naw Jaraay alactloaa ara aa mta from fraud and abusa aa tha alac- Hans haM In any atata la Iba country. Bat aa tha ataia tuthorltlaa hava galatad oat, thla la a apaotsl alaallon whara aartain lafaguards baually praa- «at ara aaaaplobaat by thair abaanea t t d Idvlto a wbolaaala raid by tboaa daaparata tataraata which ara dator- mlaad to hasp tha wSmaii of Naw Jar- say dlafrdaahtoad.

“Wa rnfar particularly to tha fast th a t tha b a l l ^ for th is alaetloo will dot ha nuinbarad. and to tha furthar fbat that, uadar tha law, II hai not baaa paastbto to varify tha ta^atra tlan ItalA For thaaa raaaana wa hara da- larmlaad to tak a aitraordlnary praaau- gona agalM t fraud, and wa hava aippla maaaa with which to pretaet tha good saaia of Naw Jataay n a it Tuaaday.

I t la our ohaorvatfon that practleally

e alaatlan a ttlcars In Naw Jaraay ara Boat and palnatakinh In Iba fnlttl- rnant af thatr official dutlaa. and that

gta aabagUoaa. to tho rulo bavo coota dgoodlly to griof. Those man who may ba tamplad, to r panonat or polllltal roasoaa to eonnivo a t tioeiion frauds an tha autfraga amandmant ahauld ra- •Uaa haw dangaroua that praeiloa has b M a ia Hora than th irty man of va- ytous pollgeal parltaa ara now nadsr gidtotmont In HUdaop County to r fraud ) i alaottona.

*Thlrtaan manibara at alaetton baarda I t that county bad baan aaatanoad to fitoon tam to « ( from ono and a halt to (hraa yaars. Boma of tha chargha ara Tag hating.- eoaniving a t Tapiatthg,'

of ballo ta In

Nowhara In lha d ty hava larsor cwiwda aitaatad awffinga aaatinga than |h o » which hava baan nltraoiad by "Tht Rov- tag gbop," tha ona-tlma htoch wagon, now uaad to furthar the cauta aa a lactura platfoato an whaila. Tha vaMela la ptscn nidad ovar Its ample eldai Mth all aorta of Totaa far woman Utarstum, and tha ipaahan who talk from a Mttla graw- hrMga that lets down on iM a a tmea ana at lha alda doom, explala that thaf ara net diving out hot doga. but hot aaf- frasa arcumenti.

Tha van arrlvad In tha d ty yratarday aftemooo from Naw Tarh. ’HtoTe H hhr for moBtha bean morid about fdato plaoa lo placa and th* autfraga oigldha aAar- Boon and Dlghl hava mada thatf-plaa fad Totaa.

Tha vaa pHol through all Ua wandar- Inga haa been hllaa Hlldrad Tayior of Naw York. The >ouag woman haa guldad tha heavy wagon through croardad atraala. ovar the Rrooklyn Bildga and finally acroaa the dreary raadwa at mea- dow land to thla city.

For a tliTif after tha vaa rasrhad hrre lha crew wera a littia ahy of Inch. It hud baan underotood by Mlaa Taylor and Mra Mary K. Howa of daaUla, and lira John R ^ a ra of Naw York, who jollad ovaf lo tha wagon, that all ar- rangamenta bad boon mado to hold meotlnga noon and alghl a t Iho aeuth- orn apai of Military Park, appaolta C«nl«r

But when the v«n dr«w up Ut eurb a hulf-^osen truffle ^U ceuiM Pti Coot ond on horoebock oniorod vlforoiio

protoit. U t«ul4 not be done, tbor u ld , \ Z CM ^ohUle would blmk traffic to ,

in OKtbnt thot 1i would e'en l>« ' a peibllc nwiuoe. Tti« chief of pohoe { w««ld bovo lo iru h t peroilMlon, th«)r , oiplsliied.

Tbot didn't fOttio Mlea Tnylor o bit Ml# itrod# down 10 the c4ty bell in the ndite for by then it had be^un to com*' [ tp big drop*, end imeryiewed t'hlef | HlobMl T. Long. Tbe letter promptly ; Ukid the wogon could not ■tend where

bod Intended It should, but the ehUf fuDod to teb* Into eccount iu« pow«r of poriOition Utetit in rh^ true ■ u ff^g lft II didn't teke lonu, but whop It WOf over the chief had Hfented pertnltelen to heve tbe wenon perk whIU ipo trhei ere being medr hit niN»n, end ag e li *t night, luet eherg the workfre fbr equel righte WHfited it To mnk« otMeIn there would be no <1out»t eb#pt I t the chief hImeeIC woiii lo the ppfk nnd g»v« Ibe iieceieery ordcre to tke traffic men.

1l k«db*en pUnnod to hrOd e rouginc meeting UsI night, but when the • loude


CoBBerce OuBber to hmle 3,000 Bodieu and Profeuioul Mw

tt J«io Aclmties.


Th« I'lil nMiatUfh of the ■tetewlde edo reth>n«l •-emTeiifn iheutfufBted Bonw lime ego bj the X<-e Jenwy t^tete t.'hnnib#r of t'otiiiurn-i* hiab l>**en net for WwlneedBy. ehich will hf known UemberehSp Dbp Title uee ennntinf'ed l^day In k cim ilkt

ahowod ha algnt uf braaklng n» «y ihp ,„ o . lalk.n. u. uhl. hpefBram gaa ataandontd W at and » ilh i and ,lm i of lha ( la l , cham-Ua rlgna badly brdraggird. lh« v,n |haul'd nwn) for fh , night. | InilluUi.n, lo iiiora than l.nno hualnru

Today, though, Ihingi w ar, dirfarm t. j p,.,rrmiionaJ mrn of th* rial* to par

fmawr pollco canUBlaaloDar of Donvrt, Col., and arcratorr of lha MaWi Knual ■uffraga Iwagut of Now lork. Mr. Crtal la tha huaband of Rlaacb* BaKa tha w»ll-known aetraoa. aim. Wlnatoa Chumtdlt aad Mm. Colby lt>ok« Tha party ronduHad a itnillar awctlng a t llio Crllulold Worha. At !:»• thla aftrraooo Ur. CraM wNI apaah In Military Park, aa will J. U Mugh*a, Tonight Mr. Cmal will apeak at * o'clock at tha coraar of Bmafotd plara and Broad atraat.


Oaaaty ana am a ta uallar Ipdtoti Car matdan Oaaatif a

. . . . . . imanlvtolatldM a f tha a lac tM laws d id laeatlaa 'livasaeaflaa'Ia ahto paadtaig. In Cdoi

ISB Oamito a esavtotlaa for l l l a ^ gating hag baan bad. In AtlaaUa Oaaaty a nm gliar a f etttoa holdam aad

CWetoae- hava bad» ladictad for alac- a fraa d ^ hato aavaral hava baan aan- Maaad to g to ta grttan.

*Ta ahar^ rh a hima ban coma whan ffca MiTUgg ghfdgaafaa a t a raw yaara

S» w in aa M agar ba tolaratad. Ba- rlag th a t tha gohd aaiaa of Naw

Is p taa lto iy : a t ataha la tha I a aa t T h is day. tha aommltlaa

wtahaa form ally ta aMaaonaa that It w in taka aatram a maaanraa to aaa that (Baaa who tom par wM r tha alaetloa fb- tgraa hva hraugiht la Juatlca."

Big Malaga Taalght. Fragaratloaa ara baing mada for tho

igaagtiaa af a largo throng a t tha a a tir ■aaa maattag toalght wbaa H n. A. j. Qaargf, nald aaemtory of tha Womaa's g a t l^ f f r a g a Aasodatloa of Maaha- e a a a l ta wBl hg tha pffaciiml tpaahar. Tha aalid tag a r t bar a t an cgaal la fores

« a |g to rr of Dr. Anna Howard dhaw.taVnigtdt taadar. Tha othar apaah-

am Id a ha fa m a r Assamblyaian Joha A. w M mws aad Mlaa Mtnala J. Braaaoa, IM I du r n a ry af tha NaUaaal Aaaaeiatiaa d fW M M Ol paaid to Woman BuCfraga.

W tiw F O S S ir haadmamar of Nawarh

Tha campaign spaahara gf tha Wom- •h 't Folitlaal Union wara hapt baay to­day with noon-day maatlaga aad will eontlnua thair appaal for votaa a t akaat- iRga tonight In varloua aactlotii of tha city. At tha tama lima aavtral maat- Inga In diffarant p a r ti af tha s la u ara ichadulad to tako placa.

Mrs Ella Raavt Bloor addraatad tha amployaaa of tho Ooborna Company In Bummar avanua a t noon whila Mlaa Alyaa Or,gory and Mlaa Elaartor Raoul Ulhad to tha worhara a t lh a plant af lha SbarwlB-WllUsma Paint Company, and Mrs. Maud Bchwarta aipouaad tha nanaa fa tha praaanca of a numbar of atnplayaaa af lha Caatral ttam plns OMupAny.

Cbtiatophar p. Connolly of Bast Or- anga will ba ona of tha spaakan at an opdn air m asting a t Eroad itraal and Branford placa ton igh t Tha othar maaltnga aad apaakara In tha city wlU ba: H arkat and Washington itraata, Mrs. Llalm g. ChurchlU: Broad *hdCodar itra au . Mra Bloor. Hm. Win­ston Churchill and Mra Bvaritt Colby; l^lnea and Bprueo a traata Mra Frank H. Ptorca and Mra Schwarti: Orant and Broad a traata .Oscar PIttallan Oalnat Mageo; Balmont avanua and . Court atraat, Rav. Robart W. Poach. Mlaa Vlo- lat Daan and H. C. U onard: Bolmont and dpringriald avanuaa Morris Cohn; Mira Halinda tc o tt aad Mlaa Oragory will maka apaaohaa In . tha Ironbovnd D talriet

T h, out-of-town maallnga taka placa In Oakland, a i which Hanalor Charlaa O^Connor Uannaaay ahd William J. Dowdy, a local lAwyar. will bo the spcahari; Rahway, whara Mm. Lola P ra tt Babcock and Prank A. Pat- tlaon will do tha talking: Pataraon. whara Mlaa Emily Plaraon and )flto Erika Willrich wt|l aiipaar, and Mor- rlttown, wham Mlaa Julia Harlhut and Mill ^tgnaa Campball will apaah.

About coan today tha autfraga taaad- uuartem la Naw Torh luraad looaa senia •ddllkmal artlllary >b the way of waakcra w ith . the raault that with Urn. Kally th an will apptor Mra. Rhcta ChIMa Dorr, a magaalaa p r llf r at tonight’# inacUDg at tha "llarlag nhop.".' ''

Another maattag will ba bcM .tomorrow night a t lha aanw apaa. when Dr. C. D. Haddclaaoho. Mlaa Ruth Bcitaad and llcrbatt lolnman, all of Naw Torh. win b, th , apaakara. On Monday night, whan tha local csnipaltB will tjamarto a.ctoaa, Mlaa Allca Carpaator, who hMpad draft lha PragraaMva natloBal platfaMn In to ll and who la atooctotod with J a a t hddamp la tha wetM WIda paaed movmgfi* «S | ha tha gafnolpal a p ^ a r .

Mlaa Carpaatar wlH alaa toUt (wm tha "Itovtng Bbop" ptolform and .with iMr will ba Mva- Hofa^ Dtateh da Fafitot, teughiar of Hartlat Btantoa Bphtfih and graad-daughtor a t Eltisbath Cady dun-

i; Itov. AlMa MaOpfdy aw* Haaold A.

Tha noonday crowd displayed h kern lalcrcal In th* wagon and lh« *|>*iik*r* Aaaaancamant of a Mat of ip sa k rr , or natlonil rcputollon to hold forth a( Ihc ran waa made thla morning ll will ro- maln until Ueuday n^ght.

nnd Mm. IhirMn Van Vleck, Prank H Pierce, Hl«a Mary DaCamp and Ml** Catlicrin* dchultie.

Saturday orrhlng another tlreel mert- lug will be conducted by the league at Main and brook >tnct>. Mra. Hlatrr of .Vow York and Hm Belle de Revere of Mountain lAkt* will be the principal ■peakan,' Sevomi local women also will lake pan, Inrlodlnt Hr*. Oeurge Rosa. Mra. Paul Berteuch. Mm. Frederick t-ub- dall, Mlaa Del.?amp and Mlaa Schultse.

Bavcral mambem of lha league a.- ceptad an Invnation to attend a meet­ing of lha sBtli In the Paralppany School kouae on Wednenday avaning for a Jolnl dahata on th* quaslkin of autfraga. Mra a* Ravaru Bpofce tor auffrage and Walter C. Ellla tor tha aide of the tntla. About t i l paraona war* preaant. After tha de- bata waa concluded the meeting waa thrown opan and Warren Baldwin apnke lor tlu anila and Prank H Pierce, Mr* Lobdan, Mlaa DeCamp and Durbin Van Vleck spoke for autfraga


ipKW SerBke «f Wffirw.PR1NCSTON, Oct. IR.^BBforB an «u.

dl*ne« of atndontJ. profaMon anil town (olMa 1K4I Alaxundor Kail ofPrliKOtOB Unlvarilty to Ita rapacity. Rabbi fltapban 8. Wtaa of lh« Froa 0TiMv«Boa of Naw York ipoka laat av tn ln i Itt tha tntaraaa of woman »uf' frAfa in » final rally bafora the quep^ tlon comta bafora tka paopla of tha aCata naxt waek. Mlaa Loulaa Connolly of Nawark. aaalatant librarian of that city, alao apoka.

la raaponaa to quarlaa aant out to tha mambart of tha Trlncaton Faculty by Tha Dally Prlncatonlan. the unlvariUy daily publication, aa to thair aland ra- ^ r d ln s tha qucitlon of woman suf* fraga, tho m ^orlty of tha mambaxa of tha faculty aapraaaad Ihemaalvea aa It) fOTOr of woman lu ffra fa Tha dapartmant of pblloaophy waa unanl- motta. whlia all lha mam ban of tha ohyaica and ohamtatry departmania of tha univaralty wara oppoaad to iran i" Inv woman a<|ttal rtvh ta ETavan mam* bora of th t faculty axpreaaad tham* aalaaa aa undtoldod.

t rlitili. In III*' aiTk nf the aawM'laltun will b# ii'iit mil on Mcnibrrahlp f^ay flra- i»oa« whv they EhruuliJ ba alllad with lha chaml>ar vili tie itroufhl to tha aMantloa of tht rpt'rr«-nlallvto man of Ibe alata

I'rimarMy. the •EHficiallnn daUraa to oh" tain a Ilmiiel mrinUarahlp of 1.990 and lo creale a fund i»f flS-^dO Thlp la ba need fur tlic purpoar of oblrilnlns data

I on roivillijour drlrlrnefilal lo Ihe btat lo*1 tcreiti '}( lha rltifrnf ar»d lo outllna piano 1 for Ihr ri rractlon of lha ♦■Vila,[ Thp ambition of lha ataia chamber I la for a noo-polltical. non-aeellonal

bod> to loiialdtr linoarllally lha varloua I qurallonn of civic Inipurtanca and In*

brought before It. Tt aapirea lo puah Mu acUviilea with Jualica and fair* neaa and tu tho bait Inleraats of all.

It ta the plnn of lha urvanlaailon to Inveallaati' carefully all proposed latlt* lution at Trenton. Ita adeni Ihera com- piling an index with a aummary of all bills and ameitdrneiita introduced In tha Kouar and Hanatc. Throusk thla koap' Inc In touch with the leflalallva mill It would be poaaibla for tha rnambara of tha aasoclation to acquaint lha peopU with any illwadvlaed maaauraa that may be Introduced*

The furthar purpoaea of the atata chamber, aa flven by the prealdent, (ieorce A Viehmsn of New Rrunawlck. are. "To correctly and fully inform tha public mind; to five it a clear under" standing of what la nacenary for suc> ceaaful conimarcial and Induitrlal ex* panalon, to Fhcouruge healthy regula* tlon of lagitimatc bualnaaa and to urge hon«M businesa pradlcoa; to bring about an appractation for tha need of propperoua commercial and industrial inatituilona» thereby giving lha «m* ployed continuous employment.’*

____ _ wlU ba tha preddiag offtoar.B it tt . a SigsgtMl to s t smogg th* w m -

wST gttHs th s pisttarm wUI W A. I M a r t srtgow sf Hm

Fm MBhm, sMI Hm. Th ih iii ghs Wha IK* w its at fraa-

awwto CtsvsIsBg, Mr» Frsstog Is


to gowto O fsag t.lsgsr sad kss it h sr totoBthm sf sttsadtog Ik*

~ O g w « wiM khv* MgnifM tlwir taMs- Mm St bstog g ts s ini siw Dsss Wlinatm M iga‘ X rtg o stjj^ s ^ hM tm iM ^ ^ t^ ■Mr A s M ^ w *

a it ts s

SI .tigs ssslstaal ^ u if is i gistow otstrltl s tto rasrs to N sv T«fc.CoMsnt,

F piaiBui praIMMml sM isr W l ^ J I MMwh»r of

J. JISftS. whs Mrf.ttw sUto SOM-

I a t His Mon’s AhU-tatAhgs LiW«s « Now Jortof. ^

Ths gtotniElhU s rs dsiiSBgiM iipgB Um a r r M tossttog to o w rm .M m to ttoi s g m asy sn se t that ihs ’’snito’ * nisM- C t s e W i t BtoF hsvs. Ik tU i so—so» i S i tt WM Attohutotol to st bttor* sg* SBMttol h i th s hmsHnE. btiw Hr. B m S h iwNWSf to FsisrsM swd bs Ow Arst telphsTSt A tossttog srrMigsg tor VMM

s r v “ j " . . s i . s . « t u iw .

Hn . FisrtoKs K s lr . iwssiiHit‘*f tbs NstisM t CoBgatosto’ lAsgus ol itow Torh, will hs tbs MtoeiMa spsUisr s t A BMMlsg loatoiit to hs t tm s t tos ".'ttsvi lD( Bbvp." ths totovsrM ImiO^tohEih wbieh ths surtosgtsts -ws tisiiliito Atowt, .ths sHy. 'Hm wsgon MU' -hs^kt ths•ysg..ol .UHttssF f t o r h . . . . I ,

u m w a t t s i n i i i R K n u i.a z n R a ,m sThs cMtohigiir itoBig. ig r/:

nohthb pM) by tbs MsnIgWr af flto How isrssy M sNM tgN/Dm ssH to RTotosn tu « n « |s H M l m M ib i irito s toMttog to tos W1MMimih tbst town,. *Msb wbg M U b M bybstwssw H« Slid *0* gstototo-. riwvfcMgto tbs siiMkliig A esMssrt was gfvw by A bSAd At tbs AAdtteHltot dMtAAIto tOA tbs sUgs onto a m m bsr v t dtoito a t tbs Iowa who tiAvhj hguKl sutfiABs. 1a . AHyn

■f^rnimUm to s t vstlAg to a yriviilSBijtMlWt A togbl, tolMM itMtoMir

Mauimwi m tMs. sitr WtiilM to

MBttoto,■OT MWKWPMb'

> Tbs AAiBAgt s t tbA W«Haa> M:m - -

tm ta a a

In tb s tolAdS «MV tor

a M rAHA si

i X dstotottons t t tfa.tUtouMh tbs BlEAMIIit t iM D M tbs Hto- MSA's PoUttosi itobMk wbdgs sstort *«• ftssA, w hiit AAd Minto. , ^ ;

dirts nvrsssBttiia tbs twsivs sqiisi gtOMin stotss. Mow Jsrssr sad tbs stbsFBSSm stowtobiA w* bWto* Hiib t potAds. Itoto Bight ths pAfty ssw- dlwisd A krSM-jtoAStiAg -At iMlIAt Witol gtnM And ftodtoSAto AvsWM. AaIswm p M rm AAd D w to to VAhuttoA wM

a ,M t d S s bM gAbtoirttto to Ms dosMiisg SA to r tw UtoCTMAls to im b ia MMrMhHs mMto to lM i. ,stoeJtolM iH <1 i t o t o m sAli rsg* tto t-R '

M ts.4 .1 .Wstogto'bi 'AaUMsssttlnwiiiA ____

Siito^s'^ssnai g dAgUssttsa o T ato tV A M


gparlsi garttei af Ike V/fWM NEWTON. Oct. It.—Womsn suffrags

wsa sttschsd vlgoroualy last night by spMkefA at s a sgtl-auttrage msetlng (or tosa OAly to th* opera house. Th* meet­ing was Asttiapa lha largrat gatharWig fgduMvMy at Amn avsr held here. LacsI stsIMIctoM atatsd that M t parson* were hi th* suglsncs. Ths principsi apesker wa* Joba E Hallag of Denver, Col., who says ha optne Eaat lo warn tha Mste* hers agslnat aiffraga and lo tell tbsm what a tollurd votrs for women sr* to Ms hoot* cosimanwealth. Them waa agirtbet addross by W. C. Ellla. aec- mtary a* tbs Msn'a Antt-guffrag* Lesguf of Naw Jartsir.

Tbs Iswgus asctsUiy confioad bla tsik tbs thsorr of sati-suffrog* and ai-

tpototsd to sstsbllsb that th* ballot Is AOt S'glidhtloB of Kght. but of sipe- dlescy,. No perooak Ellla asM. has sn r AMre AAtorot right lo vots than to o i- trplae soy other poUUesJ function.

Im Ma sddrsas tha Eotondo man sold tb st Siiflrsgs for wotoba ho* fallsd wbsrsrsr tt has bsso tridd. H* rsvlswsd wbM bs satlld tM dlssstrous sQtsets suf- frAfs IiAt. bad on labor sod esiHtsl lo CdWhdbi-ABd stfarad avMsACs that alM- Itor' bW |W Aow la balBA wrlttoo In CsH- toQlA AMd Dthsr luffmga itelc*., WoOtoA, Mid MaUng, hav* (sUsd to bttog'-tbs. srsHUssd moral uaHR to pub- 11* WA . Rs SAWbstlcaUy ststM thst

M m to 'Colortdo sre not dn* to dwtsr gnAAtotlon, adding th si tbo

B tut M l tbs n a M psoM* m tbs world. jaBSatolytAAA Hsary T. Ksys pratodsd W.«bA,MSsSAg

s w u c B B M E TO n i n i M I M E M D m e n TO W S

.M Ttolflnrg.FA M A »,;0|rt. l i .~ A tour of FasaaIs

t a t I totASA tooMtos h r inaiAbsrs of toa W M ■nftoagt tMtgsA sad tbs Ws m a ’s itoW kit nUsag of lbs two couotleo wM fIM l flitmt this Mty toomrrew nooa aad M i At RHIbt to NtSISSAi wlisis A AAM

At lbs Mgb sAool win bs Ad-

Y0UN6 FOIIS TO GIVE FARCEA farcr comedy, "A lieiflment of

Two,' will be ffiven In the chapel of the Oklvmry I'retbyterlan Churck Weil* neadtty and Friday n lgh ti by the youni people of the church- Ah informal re> caption In the church parlora will foi" low. Tee cream and caka will be ■arved

The play, which la In three acta, telli the itory of the effort! of two men to conduct a flahinf trip lo I.Ake Hopat* contt without the knowledge of their wivea. Karl F. Kfrce and Georfc f. RoberUon will terve a t the huaband! and the rolci of th« wiv«! wilt be en« ■cted by MI!b Emma Houf^h and UIm Ruth William!. W iUcr H. Meyer will appear aa a fo rtune 'hun ilns Britlah lord, Ul*a Edith Htryker will Ibe a Nor­wegian maid and the Ingenue role will be preatnted by Mlaa Uartrude King. Ijeatar Trubc will appear aa a plumber and the part of an ecoenlric uncle will be portrayed by Dougiaa Kina Walter Urge will appear in the gulae of the "true hero.“

PKIWKK aUB TO GIVE WHISTThe Pickwick Clob, compo**A of

Newark studcnla, hAS complemd a r ­rangement* for H whist, .In be held at the tMd Kellowi Hall. 1) Blatesnih avonue. October 11. Th* proceed* will b* the itodanto ' fund which th* club lias eilalillihsd.

The commit I r . In charge con*1*1* of Ueorne Flachbeln. 8. B. Flnkelsleln and Nathan FIsohbelti.

•ulfroso N allr to r Oshlasd.OAhl-AND. Oct. l l —Th« Women*

rolltlral Union will hold a in**» m**llog In OoklalHl Borough Hsil a t I o’clock lo- Blghl. at which SUto Banator t'haric* O’C. Hvnnotoy of Bergan County will b* th* prtnelial apeaker. Wllttom Oraj, Dodd will alao anaka an addreu and MIm El*l* l-ancotoer of Ayrscu**. N. Y.. will Im prsiost to answer oueattoo*

t t s t s s i by Vattsd Itiitos HcAabir BotAb.' K itiA A- EM a 'M im t, RpssitoAt of th*

M is HiSAl toilBsgs EiSAgtto. srtM to

„ MASSSFy AMtortAy AiMfWeoe. T ht pHttsAlsto wHI.M*** to MAta'AvAMA At tll«K tfStSAto ’AM th ASStb .UHMMIb A*> jtlYlW lirif’ TstoMMp. AlestbMr tbs FM-

■M AtiJtUAlhllB.ijB'IMM. tohsts A lARy *NI liUgg gud liigklQ! CniitF

■AM AAd At I MMosb tbA

l#MW M M H I h a -------- ------ •* ~ Mil.EM

e f a a i 'd t b l O a.. k

S h o t T « | r S o i t t »


RESERVE ENER6YIhvssUcMWA D s e k n CgaUBiMd Ua* aT

C«t** Wtrito Dtoidtor to Nstvau

*Deet ths dgily vsa t t doTto t s I bCVtril*, CMtiAtttd fO frt MflM of ygATS, » h ifin ?"

“ Y «," ggys Df. W. A. Evgns in ths C h lm o Tribuns. “A b o n g esnnot N vb lp |tt4 dsUy for jrttr* without hsinc A ir a i t l A a d o c tn m t bs n t u s d coo- H o u m ly for ysafg without M a i h t rm d . Ths v try fact ihst, wbsn fgUiH* t* itow lu i down mugeto* tod t f iw collt, o^ffM will wMr lh*m on. i s d thst undtr (hu itin iu lus of coffM lbs wofkini E u oelty I t tudu ly dtod, i t p t w tn i t M fm win w aw if lAd p fo e ttt It Ep for A t t r i t t of m n . * i . .

**Fill«w it • tiH ito r H foal. a M t tootfisr luTM tituor. ” l t aw ant tbst rti* wMfy bo w tb o tM lOHitoliito^ ggtk fMt. ■ C tM uA l l HM to n s p u tt o •Mdli g a 'IM l i l i ^ usA tonpotiiiUy CMCttlt It by w M p p iii w tb s m sn r* fAfoei tuO »■■ M S fttiaH i tbgtn.

"ItoituA lo XIh 0 tod i i th t ibgt gtAIg gwtttttoii to • eiMi Is Hioalffc. Netokr wMh wwaMto itoH» t o

•- s a ^ A f s y r v S t l cVWH M INMMVM* iwR v m------- t i e r fM ijyli'-db 'viM '

N e w a r k.NSW TortBiMhtynPbilsdslpblt O PPtN H tlM .SLU N Stg

Broad and William Streets

o4m ed(xC $yorem osi S j)ecia(U is

* important Values Tomorrow—Saturday


Women’s and Misses’ Tailored SuitsSm art and attractive modeli In custom tailored stylee; effectively trimmed with braid or fur, of .broadcloth, and gabar­dine, in the prevailing colore, peau dc cygne lined, warmly Interlined . . .

2 2 .5 0

Distinctive High Orade Suitsrepreeentatlue collection of Autumn etylce embracing original French p io d ^ and-

the beet reproductions of the foremoet American makere

In the prevailing materials.

2 9 .7 5 3 5 .0 0 4 5 .0 0 55.00

Smart Cloth Dresses' ■■ .a- ■ ----tow— —

For Women and Miuet\Practical modele for street and

general wear of serge com­bined w ith satin* taffeta

or georgette; plain or trimmed.

Attractive Silk DressesFor Women and Misses

Charming models of georgette crepe, charmeuse, crepe de

chine, faille silk, velvet and taffeta In sm art


i6.75 22.50 29.75 22.50 29.75 35.00

Fashionable Sport and Dresa CoatsF o r ly o E ien and Misses

Exceptionally stylish models of broadcloth, seal plush, recontre cloth, velour and other fab-

’Tics, fur trimmed, lined throughout and warmly Interlined. <

25.00 29.75 35.00 45.00

_ Smart Utllit> CoatsExceptional Values «

Practical models fM- sport, street and general wear, of sm artnnhr- tures, seml-fltted and loose swag* ger styles, collar of velvet or self m aterial; also sm art model of knitted cloth, belt of self material (R d fB ra l beaver collar).


Women’s Fashionable BlousesCrepe de chine blous­es In flesh and white, very e l a b o r a t e l y trimmed with em­broidery and Val.lace.


T a I lo r ed waist of Radium silk* in the latest shades, con­vertible collar a n dcuffs of faille silk.*

Special 3.95

E m b f o l d e r e d and p l a i n georgette In white and flesh, also soiree silk; newest col* lar, unusual models.

Spedal 5*00

Oirla* and Juniors’ Autumn AppareiQlrls* Washable Dresses, npw chic models of pique, chambray and fast color ginghams In effective color tones, slMS 4 to 16 Special 2 .Q0

Qlrls* Serge Dresaes, In navy, brown and grben, with emblem on collars and cuffs and patent leather belt, aiws 4 to 16* Spw ial J ,p 5

Qlrla* Dresses of navy blue serlp, challlU and French flannel, braid, relw f and

button trimmed: newest.^ modeisi ''a iaee6 to 14.’ ^pectol 5 ,9 0

’■I■. . t:V' ..-.ii- ■S n u i ^ C e n t o o f d l a g o ^ a n d clotb In tbe previdlli^alw^ei witk

• I K l

XEW ABK E V B N IN a lUSWS. P R Ib A Y , OCTOBER 15. 1015.

RTeioadt ^tam ing ^ c to i

■ratcm m oiif—TIM Nnuk iMtiMam iMMk. n n r M«Ui m >■*M i fift? ««•!• MM t*f> tlv*

• o * s r & ,ia BSJLiicrt-M .... »•«Mra« T.I. tll4-*Ut M.4IH*.WlM. Iftt TrlkM. MMIme . Barwa. *M C Im . 4. HIMIM

_ >i«rk OtflM. l»» ftiMi. i4 .trMi W (V**n •♦#«; MMlui MM

knack n.hCBC* nsMcItcc .11 4«-^ - B 2 ! * 1 £ L n | m «S*7 in M k

Ofltef. II Ih M ctnM. Tri. III. Otrin, l<< ■ Im an.ll . . m m ,0.7V .IM W. T.I. til.

IE lf6 n - te l« f iM i ' “ 'ofiiM.' c»i»»k«rik . a kalMliM. Mlllkm *nkM_ MMCL MM

M im k a n M uck oniiM • cMm. T.I. M

-^^Kuck OffW. B M 1. T.O kcIMlM; w ■nack OffkM. • IMM . i m i T.I HI iMtMi mi*« BrtiirH Ofn**. 4 ]i«m'

„jr« »««««• T*l ttrtimmm OttU%. MftMnlr H»l|

^ •1 CIU<«« m v w C«Kt*f) T«l. J ttI_ Wftv*H|P-TO.y tirPiiAU—IT w«ii put*

Tr«Hir>n/tRPCT IBAlMORt o r n c B - « M M«Ik

iHirilMMi av*bii*W PlltiMPr'* M«1 Mt«t* offirt). o^p Ptv

t*l TT4 A«b<irir P^rk^-ARBAHTfr CITY ~ TK« DMiapd &iv*nli(tkt * A««ki« WkItM I E if«

T ilT*t


t s i * *- E » ■ * '8 S m

LOCAL 8HANCB O m C W : l U r t i v * i v t f t p * . U i . J U m k p f t p I v O A J 4

irMt. t i l Mrru* Av., If <mWvni«)«ki. t|«te P#ytli Ititk "kvsnaA 111. WallA«A H m

rn iD A T , OCTOBER I t . l l l i .

OPEN TO AM KKtmSMT.▼ •tan a t tbc a ^ l k l alaetlon n a n Tueadtr

■kouM kkow that tha aacond of the pro- p«aad amaadmaBU to tha CoaatltuiloB, It hdaptad. would do mora thao maraly alm-

tb a andodlng of tha ConattiuUoB. at- batlar procadura than aew aaiata

hM haoB ilatad hr aoma of Ita advocataa A Would parmic alao tha aahm ittin t to tha

lUdlMU avarr Taar of o h a a f u propoaad to * p to lUadamaotal law of tho atata.

AB tha OoiMUtiiUoii BOW atanda. tlva raara ..H M t totoiTtBa aftor iha aubmiaalee of an

Bi hafora aao tb ar obb ha aub- For lnataBca, If tha aaooBd pro*

BaiaodmaBt abould ha dafaatad ob *ota could bo labaB oa aay UBUI a tta r tlva r a a n havainM Bdnaflt

•{MMd. If UN N ia u d aiBaudMaal aboold ha b i i t t a d , bawovar, a tb a r propooad changaa Im «M bu approvad b r ilvi U p liU tu r* at Ha

daiMoa. a«d <f ttv u a a aaoond ap> |p « a« l a t tha followlbc aaNlon, tb aa thay iPnM p a 'Ia Iba vat*ra Is HIT . Tbaraattar It « * bM ba pCMlbla t* aSMSd th a Oasatlts- tlM to Bsr y«ar.

t W pw poN d anosdSM M providat, bow- ur, th a t a fia r a s a m a d m a s t had baaa da> ■toil tho w toa oao eaaao t b« anbiaittad to • uadaN adWto aa tll a fto r a parted of flva • l a Sd W Iba aaaoad am aodm aat la Farad aad ibp waoMB auftrada aaiaBd- M t Id uat dd d«wa, flva yaara wtaat paM

fu aittaa o f votaa for woman m b ha raiaad a i tba pMta

I h a ohtodMaa haa ha«a talaad that tha t t Iha aaaood stoandm ant would

IthiUr to tdrao ap o a th a paepia of Naw a ip iB t|l oioatlaa aaary yaar on aoma

■aw whlah would tnaaa a a ad a a additional political I would aloe Intarfara with

dlahllHr uf thu Goaotu utioa. that ^*faUadlum of Ubarty." T ha praoant ohacha

' tb a ouhnilaMoa a t uadadrad and un la amaadaMBto would aot, howavar,

aM toliatld h would otlU bo aaoaaMry b» bavo two L atM aturao paw apoa tho pro id to tp^of autohlttliiff tho propoood ehaoaaa

’-!• th a poaplw aad th a t woald ba a Mfc ijfw rd i d a tad ap ria tfiw twuao oa tha paopia n r atofu dtotiirhan of th a paaM.

‘t IB Ito t wHh B rttola 'a itoBagtod attltodo ta HB totorfaranoa with aautrml trada a r t iha ddMraaoaa flv aa yaotarday by Am buaador ji iM a f R I o a to daoratary iMnalnd. Tha non* todtaat arotaota of tho Amarlean Qovarnmant

-----1 ahraady ara brindina raoulta In Importaal4 pafttaulara, and th a eomlna rr-cm pharla of

Kl*pw faaa ra l poamoa of the I ’niicd Stataa In ^{IWa iaattar may b« aapactad further lo claar

I Ita aaaantlala anyway. Ib .p adm lntitratton 'a policy with rv-

Endland ta m ahlnd M llifaclory

dlptoatotla Bif oWallaa a awhich BMP bB»a had muoh to do with tha raddBaUoa af fMcaana. Ha opoka bopafaUrof Rumafila. hot without daflnlleaaoa' Aa to g r ra tf . ba conlaBtad himacif with aaklnf a auaoUoB.

ItuadlaB and Franeh co-opcr.lloa In tha Balkana was rafarrad lo by Sir Cdorard, but ba w u allant aa to lu ly That Italian halp If aipaalad was. howavar, announcad by VlYlanl. tha Fraoch Fremlar. yaatarday, ba- fora tha Sanata.

To deflBlta. forcaful (lannan action In Iha Balkana tha Alllat hava haan sbla to summoB up llttla tvlIlBd raalatanca so far aa actual tvonia dtaaloaa Tha rhanpad altuBlIon aa It affocta tha Alllas may call tor

rodlttrlbutlon ol fereaa

THK CXHIftCU. CONTEST.When tha votara of Nawark last Novem­

ber clfM led Thomaa U Raymond Mayor of Nawark they by th a t act a ip ren ad ihclr dlfw llafarilon wtih Iha po llc j^ and alma of Iha pravloii. adm lnlstrallon and their daalra for a awaaplni ebanao rnforiunatelh . how- aver. lhay did aot do far enough. While a lfc ttn i Mr. Raymond Mayor they fallad to alaet a «‘Uy Counoll that would aupport him In b li plana aod aaatat him In carrying out hla pladgaa. Aa a raaull. tor a yaar ws h av . had tha Caecutlva and the Common Council pulling In nppoalia diracllona. tha latiar con. Irollad by Jam ea R. Nugenl. ovarlooklng no opportunity lo amborrasa the Mayor and nagatlva hla a fforli In tha dIracMon of a mora economical and efflclant governmeni.

Thin overalahl on Iha part of ihe votara toauld ba ramadled a t Iha coming election. A council ihould be elacled that will al laaat diva Iha Mayor’a raooinmendatlona honaat and fair eon.ldarnltoa and to which be can look for harmonloua co-oparatlon In- Mead of blind partlaan appoaltlon Tha Uayar It antlllad to a fair chanea. and that ha cannot hava u n lea tha council joins with him In affartlva laam work. Aa It standa BOW ha la ch arg A with raapoaaibmty. but danlad tha pow tr lo uaa It to advantaga.

Tha praaant council centlMt ol twenty Damoctata, alevan RepubHcana and ona Prograartra. BItven Damoorata, four Ra- publleana and tha Inna Progreaslva go out of offloo thla yaar. latving taven Republl- oana and nlna Demorrata as holdovera To ralain control of council the Democrata muM ra-alact a t laaat tig h t' inembara. whila to obtatn a m ajority tha R tpubllcant muM ra-ala«t auecaaaora to tha four who go out of oftlea, rcplaca tha rallrlng Rrogrctalva with a Rapubllcan and gain four from w ardt now rapraaaalad by Dam ocrata

Two of tha wardt, iha Third and tha Thirtaanth. w h tra aurrettora ara to be tiaetad to D am ocrata laat year elacted Ra- publloaiu, whila In tha Second Ward tha auceaggful Damoeratio candidata had but aU ty-throa m ajortiy and In tha Twelfth but faurteen. Thla would Indicala that the proa- poot of a Rapubllcan m ajority In council la not antiraly hopeltaa For raaaona antirely n tparale from party polltlea It la a con- aummatlon toward which every good cIIIm b ahould giva h it Influanca and hla rota.

Pftotnd haahtag houga with long raagavlglon hnd banian tham lo It, but taeurod tho MIdvalo plant and oTgtBimiloa by pay­ing l i l .d d d .t to tor whnt tha brokarn had paid nrarty ItO.OOO.Ott. T h is howavar, wna Bot all Thay must hava Ihe etjulpiaOBt to cover produclIoB from tha ora to tho final product, Bo they bought for nowly t l l .o o o o c t the plant and asaaU of th a W orth R ro lh rra long a rom palltor of th e C am egir mlHa eomething h itherto aup- poaed to be unpurchaaabla.

After eecurlnf sn enormoutly valuable nickel Iron-ora bed In Cuba and th a Rara- Ington Arma Company of Delaware to r som ething leaa than tlf.aoa.ahO la ad d i­tion, the Uldvala Steel aod Ordnanca (ho ld ­ing) Company was formed with IlSt.gtd.O dd nominal capital. |7S.O#1>,IOC paid In. a fla r being overaubarribed lielet.

W han Ihe actual cash pricee of Hldvala Steel, Worth Brothers. Remington Arms and the Cuban ore depoalts are taken Into ao- rount, Ihe I7 0.duo.000 capital tpaued left a working balance of about 11 i ,0(0,000. Noth­ing was Issued for good will, or "going eon- cerna." No bonds were pul out and thare were, as told, no Hens.

The Mnry of the formation Of this new Midvale, whatever Ih* future may have In store fnr It. aeema to Indicate as nothing else can. Ihe marked rontraat between the poaal- bllltlra of new company promotion with In- rid em .l rake-offt as In Ihe day witen I'n lled Stales Steel was created, and today, when big properties were merely bought at ap ­praised values end cepllellsed accordingly.

RAD SKItVICK AT TRKNTONrunsolldallOTi of Ihe Bureau of Stallatlea

of t^ b o r and Industries with the Depart- inent of iMbor Is now effected, for there la no appeal from tho declalon of the Buprama Court that Ihe merger bill was properly paiaed by the I-eglalalure over the veto of Qovernor Fielder. The outcome waa ea pected, lo t there waa no queMlon aa to Iha Intent of tha lawmakers to pul on tha a ta tu ta booka tha commlltaa lubatltula ra th e r than the m eaaurt originally Intro- duetd.

The chief Interest In tha opinion by Jua- tlea Oarrlaon accompanying the declalon canlara In hla statemanta as to tha looaa and caraltM method, nr lack of method. In keep lag the laglalativa recorda TheM ahowad much confualon. with Irragularltlaa and even rntnlandlng entries In tha Jeumala of both taouaaa. Tha fact that tha men raapontlbla for thla condition tailed In Iha partorm anoa of lhair duty, however, the court held, could not upaet Ih e expreeaed will of tba laglala- tora.

Batora tha I,eflalature adjourned a raao- lutlon waa pamed providing for the appoint­ment of a committee lo Investigate laglala- llve methods and employeea with the ob­ject of Improving the service end reducing Its COM. Thougl^lhe committee wea named.

• •a fta iiaB la any g o astry i t ■uiwps wHh- ou t dlaorgaaiotog th a t eouatry. Saoag s iu

htoadsd tk a t thay aaaao t ba a^atly •ap ara tid and sat out ta aattoaallailc graupo. Tba warld mual go oa llvtag vary m ath It la aad laam to m lnfto Ita blood wllhaut political dlaeord.

The status of Ihs Jaw dapaadla t* a grM l axtaal upoa how ha tahM hla part In the atata af which ha may happen to ba a part, and tbara la aomathlng lo be aald In hla favor, Ha may at laaat Inalst that ha haa not M rried atlaglanea to the land of hla b irth Into tha land of hla adoption. As far aa he Is concarnad, lhara ahould be no quat- tion of dual eltlaanablp and divided loyalty. Me haa no Tathafland, no Old Country, lo which ha Is bound by blood list. Hs can shift his tbods, giving his loyalty to ths country that raapacta hla rights and tres it him JuMly.

To this II may be replied that, having no national aaeoclatlona. only a cold aort of loyalty may ba aapactad of him. but thla la to Ignora tha tanaclty with which ha hat clung lo hla cuatom i and ballafa The apirit of loyalty la In him and Iha admisainn mual ba made that where It haa not aipraaaad Itotif h t haa not bean ao traalad as to win his loyalty.

And so ths question comas down lo an IndIvIdusI problem fo r every stale lo solvk. Only dreamers believe the Jews will svsr occupy a land of th a ir own again Plonaars IB amlgrallon. thay disparaed thamsalvM over tha world, where lhay live In psoteat agalnat racial dlacrtm lnatton and rellglout prejudice Tha walla of their last ghatloa are falling In Ruasla and. ta v t tor Iha two capltalA the Jewe may live where they please.

Wheo Ihe wave of nationalistic fssling hss done Its work and apant llaalf, nallona will learn that dullea toward thair dtiMiia s rs not dependent upon anoaatry and racial blood. Men and woman, loyal and obadlant to tha atata. will ba frtaly admitted lo lit Ufa and expected lo m erge Ihamselvea Into the nation.

Now cornea tha aaaaon whan tha weary paragrtpbar. for want of a batter Idea, will advert to iha Chrlatm aa ahoppar.

When London Mid Zeppelin raids only In­creased enlistm ent Oermany evidently thought tt a Joke.

Jeraey the sum m er eapllal. Why notT Thla coast Is a capital place for anybody to apand a aummar.

C arrania will ba watched to sea that ha does no naadlOM waiting.

It wouldn't ba war without an occailonal outburst on tha athlca of naulrallty.

■ a tta r may totuatlon. In '

i n r atop, tha adm in Engiai

K WBliTOMK. TO OCR STATE.T Tbara wilt ba general aatlafaciton In New

over tha Intalllgencc thnl l-realdeni iIV U m b will mAh* IaORk Branch ih* iit« nr 'HIW gtunmar napital during the enmpnign of

I t l l A choic« frnm both nciitle(IMIltAJ And iimtAflcAl rAAfont

Kbbodjr qucAtlon* th a t Wtlaon will hr rc- . IWolBBtAd by th t DAitiarrallc party without

KvcAHArtly he nnint Un in ron- communloAllnA with parly ami

tAffhpkl|n manngcra. Tha Guniiialin head- jqtiArtari will h r In Now York, only nliiciy 'VllnutYi from I^ r if lirnnrh, and whfY) VflMAAlon rcnuirca ihc counanl an<| advira of '“ttw cAndldaii* mav ha had ijulckly a, d uhd«r

mott comforlRMc romliilfkna, Aftd If I.onif Ur^nch »rrn fll to ptkime

R m ti f And hold hcT hand a liil hlirh In con- U«tquADr«, who nliHii blame b a r’ Didn't '^ITratld^nt Gram make lennii llranch hla •’M&miAr dapiial in lh» earlv nFsaotLaa’ Tha

^ ^ r tn r t th l t poaaaawa tha flnaat aatoral ad- M m tM it Aloni t he coast Is merely coming

la har own again, that a all. as the old ■ danta who have never loal thetr falih In

ftfia towD'a future will he prontpi in tell ^ou. J t Will be the Mecca next s-ear for poUilcal

p lllg rlm i from all over the country and It, wall as the neighboring const resorts. M reap both immediate and future

A m iEOrD OF THK BUND.Effective work haa been dons by William

Fcllowes Morgan i s s member of Ihe State CommiMton to Ameliorate the CondltlOB of the Blind, and thla effectiveneaa haa been IncrM iad by hla aotlvtty sa a private citlacn In labors for tb s w tlfsre of thess unfor- tu n stea Mr. M organ's term as a member of the commiMlon Is ehout to expire, and thare have been raporta that he would not ba rMppOintad.

It would ba ragreltable If the commlaalon ahould ba deprived of hla servIcM. True. Mr. Morgan la a buay man, but he has never bean loo busy to give lime to phltanlhroplrs covering a wide field, and eapeclally to bet­taring Iha condition of the slghtleas. Thla ra n hss been recognlied by the Stale Aeso- clstlon for the Blind and by Iha Bureau of Aiaoclaled Charltiea, both organlutlona having reqtieMed that Mr. again named by Oovem or Fielder.

Tha recommendetlon ahould carry much weight will) Iha aovernof. and doubtless will, for Ihe petttlonera speak with knowledge of what has been done by Mr. Morgan In fu r­thering the work for these stale wards that e sa lardlly begun. The blind of New Jereey and of the country sa well have a slneere frletii] and a practical one In Wllllsm Kel- lowes Morgan.

It has not done any work because of failure of tha membera 1% attend the meetings called. The Oarrlaon opinion, however, ehould furce Ihe eommlllecmen lo gat to ­gether and endeavor to do something to heller eondittona Tha general auppoaitton wae that the committee wee named as a partisan body to discredit the Democrats on charges of overloading the pay rolla with employeea. but the action of the Buprema Courl Indlrsles that there la a necsMlty tor a real reform on non-partlun llnee.

By L. H. R.

BtIBINfJiH FUK THK ENTENTE UBIty of the R ntanle powert. expressed In

■ a of eo-ordlnated affarl. li being put teat by the Balkan altuallnn. The

even has led to the suggetUan. by Vlaoount Milner In Ihe House of

■ lh a l Allied troopa ba withdrawn from IbiirttonaiiM aq5 trADAf«rr«i to th« Aid

On tkiti iu ife titn n . Lord Lani- V Um coTArnmtQt. waa hod*

tw rnfMdljr <to ev n ilA nM%f aa<1 m» m ar^ ▼ Hottp a r r UiC' tnvpnU oni w hich aoon Cfa*« to inarvelM, but nrr arc^p tad m arH y mitu'ful ad iu n c ta tn f>vfr>*'day life, th a t th r fart th a t It le brit ihfrtv-iila yeara slnoe th« irii nhdeiireni: len^p wan firat brought out

nirnoel ltu*rri1iY>lr< '1*hc< nianrti'o'ra of ihfi Hen IT an rie ro iCxpoeiUon a re lo reCog- nire ihe event fiext we«-k, end the Invantor of rhe lam p w hich ha» revolutionised ^rtD firle t lllum thntlon la in be p re ten t ThoitiAA A Kdlpton, jillh^'MRh not of Jersey b irth , 1e peculterly e •l«>rseynvhn slnrN it h a t been Ih ih i t a le te Ihe i he hn i w orked am i b ro u g h t fo rw ard hie m any InvehlinTia F lrat tn N ew ­ark, th en In Nfenlo J^nrH and finally In W est O range, be has given to (he world m uch th e l ll of genera l use ip every-day Ufa. To him th e te leg rap h nweik some of Un useful nesAv but In all hla work, w hether practical or for th e en ie rra in m en i of the people, he has done no th ing perhups w hich te of such value as ih e inyerviion of the Incandeai'ent lemp.

I ghd an fa r lAatfaotlva m tha Dar- I T tsiutw hag haan. ahandonmani of

f e w fMlifri dTMta an «VAn moiw aarlotiR l l a a ib » «»• Axlatlog \% tha « b . . roattar of naotaaHy,

.W s 1 a to n a a t nacaailty would

m ftotoatont to tito Ctwi-^ jW 'W k»taiy .'.llgpU H »' SBtRofant Naag-

r w d s to# sa td of,]N P w H M r r t f m a w s M Boia

, ASHBiei urttoh ha gava .▼ w to sk to f. V

.Tito W W w to B W '|l* :4 # s s 4 :a iM i Oh

• igKiBSini tiN IM e ~i»i

TH E 8TOBV OF MlllVALE,Not very lung sg(i ih s cry from nbroad

(nr ordnance, big guns and plenty of them, for arm or and for arma as well aa am m uni­tion, came to Iha United Blatea with a ring to It which was compelling. It racktd not of coat. It was the end which was sought, al any price. American mills and (aelorlea moat of them, were ao filled with orders aa to make the emergency serious. Something had to ba dune, and quickly.

Tha laat man to be thought of, yet hk. perhap i who ought to ba tha Clrat, ih t form er prealdani of tha Carnagla (Real Com­pany and ones head of tha United Stataa Steal Corporation, railrad on hla laurels and living a Ufa of MM, waa fought nut and In- duoad la c raa tt a new ordnanca and tlaal aupply plant, a varltahla EtMn of tha UBltad ■lataa.

W. B. Coray w m commandaared, aoughl . th e aid of hla form er C a rsa il t Steal aaHst- ant, Ajnhroaa UonaU, now a t tha head of fstorBBUoBal Mlahal, aad tha two Jarapad lo r tlM puroliaaa* «< Midvale Btaat. Tha latter had boas tu ra tag «ut arBi«r ptoto aad M t gmao f a r Iha Usltad atatoB to r r m n , hBt to r MBBaas pwiaeBai to tha !■ •■ •• •«

to tooW'to* fatu iia w nphtodA '

VtCHI.ANTK AT THE FOLIA.Fraiidn can ba mora paslly p a rp ^ tra tad a t

th e apacU l election n«gl T uetday th an a i th e te n e ra l election, in d this fact ta aufflc lent ju ftlfica ilo n for (he innouncem en l by the ■ uffraglsts th a t (hey intend to la k e unusual p re r iu tio n s to detect illegal v o ta ra

The hallo tf |o b« used In deciding th e fate of the propnaed conalitu tlonal am end m enta will not be num bered, an (hey aye al reg u la r elerUons. and cltlxerrs m ay vote and reg la ter at Ihe game time. T ha aheence of (he num bers on Ihe ballo li will m ake poaalbln ballot boi itufflng , and th e raffia- Ira tio n on fle rd o n day will preven t (he u iu a l p re-e lection Inveailgailoo by th e polioa of (he refflatry Mat.

Of roiirae, If the hnieg a re atuffed. an d if flnain ra a re perm ltled (o vole, th e fact will be diacoveretl latar, but th e harm will then have been done and It may not be poaalble to undo l(. I 'n d e r the exlatin f law, (he ( re a l m ejo rlty of the election offlcera a re honeet and capab le, but atlll th e re hava been groaa fraiida com m itted In aome election diatric ta In aplte of the (lernn act regulaUona-

This waa nntHbly ao In H oboken, a i th e co u rt records prove cobclualvely T he pollA ahould, therefore, be thoroughly g u a rd ed to p reven t fraud of any kind, and th a t (he auffroKlsia prupoNe that th is ahall ba done effecflvely. with th e use of c a m e ra j to b ring atu)u( th e ronvirtinn of any Illegal v o te rs discovered, la u credit to (hem.

The cry of fraud has not been releed aa yet, end If the polls are righ tly g u a rd e d It will nut be raised at all. K ternal v lgllanoe Is th e price of an honeat to te . ,

ALMA MATERS.Whan Houpar hll Iha ham* run nul tha t won

Iha final gam s.Tha colltga whara ha utaO to play rota ap lo

ahara h it fama.gha InddlaO to Iha ta lagraph aa fast a t aha

could go.And wirad "Ha la a ton of mint, and 0. I

leva him ao’"

Rui you and I and W illiam Jenaa. who knock homo runs oach day

In mora Im portant fqaaatlon-m ark) affa irs thsn basabsll p lay—

Alas' our alm a m ala r navar knowa wa cut a d ash .

8h t Only racolIariB ua whan aha naada a hunch of caah-

T IIE Ji-m * AND THE W A R Each atata antarlng tha war, protasttng

■ hat It la moved lo protant Ua national In- (arost. amphnaliaa tha untquo poaltton of tba Jawa. RorlAl fatllng thay hava In nbun- danc* and n( Iha mnat lanactoua tact, but alone of Iho promlnant paoplos of earth thay have nalther Stale nnr land.

Silting a t atrangara among thair b rathraa, nationalism dors not tnaan for Jew s w hat U m aant to all othara. Tat II la th a IneraaalnB spirit of natlonallam that undarllaa thta wur. W hatavar Ua origin may hava bean, onn of lit m ain Isaura now Is tha Indapandabca of amnll etaioa. I'rom tha oiiiaal thta ban baan rocogntiad tn all dUcuaatana of tarwM upon which pMce might faa made.

In Biieh an laaua tha Jawlsb paopta Mb have only an Indirect Intaratt. Thay hava m ade thair hom M In nthar paopto'a h e uaan, nodlDg a cordial wriooma only am id tho moat prograialva and anltghtonod nationn. In F n a M . Oraal Britain nnd th ta eountry thair civil rights srs most fully ruspaotod. Oraaea, Turkey, Italy and B u lssrto hnvu raoalvad them aa rafugaM from othav oountrlaa. Anll-aamltlam has boas alrong la the Teuton ampiraa. Ruaito, ■pain nnd R um ania hav# paraaeutad thato.

W haravar a nationalist ery M rntoad, w hathsr It ba "Felaud fa r tM Fotas,” "araona fo r tba OraahA" * ^ r k « r fo r t h t TurhK” or “Holland f«r tha DbWIi," Utora la Ukaty to bo dtserimiMtioii M ils s l bob- Bhtlongla. iB tho m m of tho t o m thla maana gntl-«*mltlgm. ,

That this l i Bot k plotufo d gylSd aC ro- IMttoB to tta n a wOl )to g«W b» W U «« too

■ m :to

The rirculalloa department would be In- (Treated io know whether (he Ifungarlan rifwapaper Ai Eat is returnable: whether, in a word, the newsdealers must purrhaae It "ea Is," so (o apeak

HAZING THE HYPHENATES.Tha Fraaldant advtara Amarlcani to baaa

ihoaa who aaak tn uaa Amarlran Influanca for othar than American alma

area! Caraar' Mr Wllaon, 11 la Ilka aaklAg tha fraahman to haxa iba aophomoraal

Poat rarda may aim ba aant for a half- panny In Graat RrUaln, and a Canadlao county fair haa awarded tha first prise In Its art hall lo a poriralt of tha Kalaer. Art for art'a aaka aermi to be atrongar with tha Engllah than It used to ba.

JOURNAL OF A FLY.Orlobar 10. I hava baan hanging around

Ihia houaa all aummar. trying to break In. I,aei night tha man of tha homo took down the acraona, hla wife superintending the Job. go here I am In U nlca. comfortable home where the radiators ara warm. I feel that I ahall be very happy hara.

Oolobar 11 Spant Ihe dey avietipg hack and forth between the parlor and Ihe kitohan. Whan f think how humbly I waa born 1 won- dar that I can taka to Iha luiury of thla beuaa so naturally. Bui I feal aa much at hnme hara a i any of tha family. I go to Iha tabla aa If I were one of them. We had tha minister for eupper tonight and th t lady of the houaa pratendad not to notice that 1 waa ■haring hla mtahad potatoaa and gravy. Tht man of the holies arknowledgad n y praaenoa. howavar: ha eald to the minister: "We have a little pet. you eee." For thla ha get a chilling frown from tho nppoalte ond of iha table. I auspecl the lady la a bit of a anob.

Ootnbar It. Am net feeling wall today. I hava rhaumalism in my wings hSMiiae soma eartlasa tnambar of the family left Ihe up ■tnlrO w ln ^w a open laat night and chiliad the whole houM axeapl Ih t hllehan. snd * couldn't gst tu t there becauM the twinging door waa oloacd. Before sundown today ■hall go Into the kitchen and stay there, know a fina rooatlng pIsM bahind tba bet water link.

s e aOotsber II. I was an wMk and faint) to­

day that t foil In the dlebwntor. Fortunately 1 had snough streng th left ta siriui ou t I esn 't tell whst la oomlng ovar BWi I don't fool llko mysolf a t nil. I th ink I nto too much of ths plum Jan In tba bu tla i's pantry.

Ootehor t t . tan 'l It Iho way of tho worldl Aftor a fly has spent hit his Ilfs trying to gat a good homo, ba brM ks down In bMlth and oan’t onjoy his good forluns. I wont to tha laMo today ba t couldn't M t a thing. To add to my miMry, tho man of the ho u a striieh a l mo vtclously with his fist. Aad only tha o thsr night bo Mllsd n s his littio psti 1 mb hapgg to My that hs sklnnod h it hnuohlss.oB ths dining room doms.

PDRD8 AND FIDOS. iFor two d a r t * Mownrhar haa advarttiodi

“Wilt an ah u g o hIgb-olaH Foma- •'f ranlan dogl for Ford ear. Addroag,D*«. BM to, K m odOao.* r

W b g n ,to » ■ h tto r w ith tho Ford nsrSwU to s t IbgP toB 't rOgBBBdt DMFt Chop BMd

If., Ipi A Stoi oar oa tho fwiBtiid

f~ik .'I'T ^

Remarkable Bargains— (137)—





Every piano in thit itiKk ii guargnteed by ui in the tame way t i it new. Our written ▼erranty gccompaniet every piano offered for tale.

A piano purchtMd now will be taken back in eitchange for a higher priced new initrument within one year from dale, and all money paid to dale allowed from the price of the new piano. You can thua pur- chaM one of thew instruments and have the use of it in your home for one year free of charge.

PROTECTIONIn caae of death, our contract provides that we give the piano to

your family, providing your account is ptid to dste. This costs yon noth­ing. Thus, in buying here you protect the fsmily, snd they are relieved of all further payments on the account.



Ros«wood. Very good plino for practicing purposes. Guir- antecd. Sale price....... $85

KOHLBR A CAMPBELL. Smalt plsno In mahogtny case. Well-known make. Worth considerably more. Beautiful case. Rich, sweet ^Q C tone. Guaranteed. Sals price v 7 t /

REINHARDT, cast. Very Except I onii conslderitlon. Sale price...

Large slie, tnihegany attractivt Inatrument. bargain. Well worth

GusTiniecd. $170WALTERS. Large slit, mahogany

case. Full, deep tone. Good tc- tion. Guaranteed. Sale price ............................

MARSHALL k WENDEL. Small siie. Mahogany cate. Great saving. Good appearing Instrument. Sveot, mel­low tone. Guaranteed. Sale ^ | 2 Q

WOOSTER. Large sixs. Mahogggy cate. Eity action. Splendid condi­tion. Beautiful case deolgn. Guaranteed. Sale price..;.


STEINWAY k SONS. Bcauliful In­strument. Rosewood. Smilt site. Fine toot, etsy and respontlvc ac­tion. Guaranteed. Sale price .

LENOX. Miboggny case. Beautifalty designed case. Rich, mellow tone. Rcopenilve action. Guar­anteed. Sale price —

$180lahogggyId condl-

$185’tutifalty ow tone.

$190$145 iSahoginy. Big plane.


LOWRIE k HATES. Mahogany case Sweet tone and easy action. Splen­did chance to gel a oerviceabre in­atrument I t little money. Guaranteed. Sale price. . . . v I

McCAMMON.Been used by a mualcian. exchange for a new Lautcr. and responsive action. $210

:en ia Eigy

Guaranteed. Sale price.

HAZELTON BROS. Rosewod. Taken Itv exchangt for playerpiano. Good tone. Guaranteed. Sale

MENDELSSOHN. Oak casa. U rfa aixe. Both interior and eaterlor baa been thoroughly overbaulad. Cannot be told from brand new. $21$Cuarsmeed. Sale price__

LENOX. Mahogany c im . Thoroulhly overhauled. Looks like a new in­strument. Worth $100 more than we are asking for It. Guar­anteed. Sate price. .. $160

KRANICH & BACH. Full tlic, ma­hogany case. Pridtcilly new. Haa had but little utc, and ckcallani care. Guaranteed. Sale GYCCprice ...................................

LIGHTS k CO. Large site. Mahog­any case. Hie been thoroughly over­hauled. Exceptionally attricilve In­strument for tbc price. Guaranteed. Sale price__



teed. Sale price...........MILTON. Cr«wi oak caaa.

dealgn. Taken in ae part of a playerpiano. Gunran- leed. Sale price.................



LAFFARCUE. Smell elte Inslrg- mem. Mahogany case. Tsken in ek- changt for Lanier-Humana, in ex­cellent condition. Llbertl supply oftruilc-roUa and bench free. $310Sale price

HARRINGTON. Medium •Ire. 8A note. Mahogeny case. Automatic tricking device. In perfect condition throughout. Liberal aupply of music-rolls and bench free. Sale $525price

CABLE-NELSON. Large alie. Ma­hogany case. Laieii M-note model. Taken In part payment of a Lauter- Humana. Almott new. A great bargain. Liberal supply of muaic-rellt and bench free. Sale $365price ...............................

LLEWELLYN. Mahogany. Had alight use for demonstration purpotet. Aa good at now. Liboral supply muaic-rollo and bench free.Sale price ......................... $370

securemoney. Exceptional ban^n . Ub-

r muale-rolU t leral supply ol and bench free. Sale price


caee. LargeGood mu-

HUNTINGTON. Mahogany . style. Splendid barttln. eical inttrumeni. Cn teed. Sale price.................

LAUTER. Oak caae. CTood <Discontinued itylc. Guaratt- $285

LAUTER. Medium sire. Mobogioy case. Beautiful design. Rented fei short period. Guareniecd.Sale price....... . $290

HUMANA. Small site inatrument. Our own make. A moet tuiiable In- etrument /or a tmall-ilie apartnaant Liberal supply of atualc- rolla and bench free, Sale $435

LAUTER-HUMANA. Fumwl oak. Large tlie. Ai good ae new. Beau- tifully toned piano. Liberal aupply of music-rolls snd bench WCWC free. Sale priee................. uHlfcrv

LAUTER-HUMANA. Large site, oak cate. Taken in exchange for mthag' any caae. Out but a few nuntha.Liberal supply of mualc-rolla WCflC and bench free. Sale priee v t/O O

LAUTER-HUMANA. Mahogany caM. Been u»d at Liuter-Humana rc- cltala. Superb tone, ^fflcltai inoch- aniem. A tpletidid opportunity to

a Lauter-Humana at llttla



Would you mortgage your wife’s financial future to buy an-------

' ■' L r* i

)..'/• to":



V h


Lant > '15 <rhsru hne k

fur nna easln i ->Bver sines It \

dlseuMsil In a ■toe laBues. Tt

I has runs ssrl, ■oBebM," by P

The sMtnsii'i bs esncslvsu i Intloiale wlihthat M Aotorn------ ‘ 'm i l


b« fftMi] havto M irtrtitd

bli til (111

•CkOttgtl b ill, ftftd th g i •«t«« irbo, fo

v i i ft ftftl bill wftft o«no t«r«lit)r jr*«rtibftr*; fo rruruftftlh hfta •vtrjr ftftftftton wllh ftom* Mt dftiltr tor thft iftftlftot lo rtprtB vlftw, Robftft 1 ftf fttftftMfthipi.U r ftftd b it »

hftown 1 drew FuruMlIf« l offftuod rotpwetnm or aii.hftt gftin«U toTi(h it (b« irfttr

in lynnJy Il•rU■ b*f«»r

■$!((•• on m«iftrtM rtPort*d

t&f wrtColvod , gflikonT-ftbout ifey. bocftUM tIpa it sii iksn

Iksrstsrs. Ills

did not f s i ■ pommlito# li t

1 t iFiiko (he lb* iicopUor lr*Qi-pftCl(U ! r i li i (h i Am«i ■uifw Ulrk con bill, (l n or co M tw Iii copl to m ftki pn. and • lot m urdir biCMoi O iit In UNhot • • • Ih it (h» iilviy hin o Tnilint Al ii io ifty th ii; b

«v«r a co dow?

RCBItoWftI of IT h t h*w Ht

ft MFlra of I Iftw They i n

Th* heartmo»i Btrlhlngof rnarldhii ] In (h i iir lf ti < rwiirili$k» on fe m o iid Tl ita tif l by the

rriilH ent of t nioto. l i to • t i t i l l ih (he “ri

WHgei of thF (b in (h i w i f ih o ||ih « i' Am d«i4>rl1oii. rrll iboM ihid In t Im portihi. i( I

tny V iiiil on r h i d k t i t e i WigiB (h«n

fuiod. h i cii ro u rti ftll th tap o lir i worV • ii r e h for i

Tf (h i ia u i iO im an'i iim (hi) mHI Incr Ih ArhirlOAn tb«i « Vifeiel r h t ip cr*w i »r>iLftn|liU y r i l i of wp Amarlcih oohj t b i t u h tih itc wboli M if ir l Aihiriron ita li i piftco offoretd uMn

vMlInii f i tnTwMilni tftffi which 1 fthlp o w n cm IftWi will ba Ita r tn lr iJ pi Uiiofi. ilTfitm h i t i o n i l (n ( i in iy bo ft( i progriM of i n i l to* rilrtri

Aftok Ti l n c i S i h i

tb i itft'h iin 'i ‘ eommioi of I ftn aipiftlftl Ir

1 A flir y iir i ftidftritlon. I iw ld tn ri And U it tiftftlon pihdiiig Miih ftftry to pointClpftl fifttOHW ifi h iftrtib

Slfttfontti of ftbtloftn p an


iitvilopniint Ip o ir t f tln •fflilfttUn (uTo

2.008 w « a

f t

^ r .i

•(. ■*


*t' r '

i ’l

Vton ysute to tos PMSsiHt stot.lto 'l - t r n t im toMW ea Ub Mobbi* 4M H i l l I

- tow H lto ‘ ■ ■ ----------- ' “

Glevai fflodala tad bell

la laadii eallara i Irlnaied



■»ert to toeM

O h


Arguments For and Against Seaman*s

Law in MagazinesT1i*i« bH b««ii • fl«od of ortlcloo

for oa l ocolntl lb* now ttoaian'i bill - • • w ilMo It woo poucil. TIm Io« li

la o •umiMi' of cnrroot ■ no - ■Hw looino TIm lotuttloir KnnliiC i'ool

hw ruBO M ilu calM "Our UortUMo B—■hiw." by Pttcr B. Kyot.

Tho ••om ou 'a bill of noO H tty hod lo bo oonvolvob In tho broln of o porooo lo i l a o l t w lih H it wotor. ood tbo n o n Ihoi a* dow n to It In ohlpo Alio, bo muot bo lo n iH o r w ith tb« lowo Ibot hovo M trornod tbooo mon olBoot olnoo Noob bolU b it orb. Thoro l i oiuy ono ■orooa lo tho ohlyptns world with broloo lOouAh to bo«o mooolood Ihoi bill, ood Iho i porton It A ndrtw ru ru - ootb. trbo, fo r rttloon y o tn of h it l i l t , w o t o Bailor boforo Uto m att, Tho MIT woo oonotivod lb h it b ra in : for tv o n ty y o a n It h a t boon 00010110 (iboro; for tevonloon yoart Androw

'uruaolh h a t bobbod up to ron tly a t o v iry toofton of ControaB, and alw afo w ith aomo ntw tchomo to mako Uto O atltr for tho poor ta lle r a l too. • •"* 1] ■floot lo roprotonl th t o w n t r t ^ I n l or

rootobopbllac, oartoooa. iBUrvlowd wttb ptmoIm m ■taa poll bBon tba Proaldta<atobi A r Ito fOBool. . . . . .

n d .fwib bwimra. bov* olblaMM ^ t

of balM luc and oboratl oroot baa oonalltod tbo bnlH by a d iim lo * to r r ia n -b u lll o t i io t t lo A m trlraa ro tU to r fo r porpoooo of for- e lfn tr a d a rT ac tlra lly t n t only dif* ftronco In o p tro lln o eoai I t In th t ro> tp tc llv o w aao t para. T ho w aao cM t d tpondt upon tbo po rt In w hleb tbe trow It btrod, not upon tbo fU p o t tho v ta ttl. New, th i now a tam an a act whan la tf ftc L will d tp r lro th e for- olpa thipo o t tho only ad v o n lap a th ty bavp baa F or a f to r th e "Wlovajoatch- I n ^ toctlona of troo tU a w ith Corolpn n au o n t h a r t boon ah ropatod . forp lfn ohlpo will find tt n tf ta a o ry to adopt Ih t Amorlean tta n d a rd of w a f t a whrn Iradlnp to our porta Tbo t f f to l willb t lo tuuallao the root o f oporallOA

■ 'J l'.

and iboy r t a l i t t th a t tho now B oam aat act will flYo roBi AmortcaH th ip a to a t l opportunllloa llonoA t h t i r oppoalllon.

Tollo Why Aot W m *« W oth.W orld! W ork taboa a p o to lm ltllt

alow o t tho to tm a n 'a acA Bolocitor T hurm an of tho D oparlm tnl

o ra to a m o h i^ r T’ bava known Wr. Dol- | ” U r and h it to n for f lftta n yaara. I

hav* both d««ld«A ___•It»m »htp Uw )• M . word«d

___ p ractloa ilr a ll It*which tnvolv* «xp«n** woul

rM utr«m *lkU. . . . . . . . . . --Jttla ippiyA m tiican ih lp* . an d to p ra c t ic a l ly noti*

•aw, ...w aon for flftM ii .lu * a ktiawn for an *qaal parloo An- draw Euruaoth. Euruaath and Dollar

a f kuainaa* hoar* rn U rla lo a pro- aohd raapoct for aach othar. . . *

F lra t a f all. )«t nia nail ■ canard th a t m eam ivh a t p a ln td aoma H reulallou. the c h .rp a “ O”th a t th t ira m a n a bill waa not Ibor- f U r «"<>" an o th ar n a p

olhar. T h li m aam that a i *«on aa tha war l i over, th i ahlpa w hich hava baan Gomlnf vndar A m erican rag iatry will havf an addad lncanllv« to aoak ragU*

“ Tba Biaman ■


iha'^Amarican H a t ha i any » ‘'Ich com ing on ina aff<‘ct of Ihl*

do a t not a ffrc t iha (Irani l-ak rtor coaatw iaa ahlpplng * p a r t1cl«.Cipt to m aka lh« ahipa aar«r in traval pn. and a lot of im ail fry ara yclHn« m urdar bacaaM they ara forcad lo In- aaat In Uf^hoaia. rafta and p rftrrv a ra • • • laai{|>. Ihir pbi»rtr haa n*anTiaftp (h a t ihB> la a m a n 'a N il w ilt aliao- (itvly h ill o u r A m erk-an w itrcanlU a

Thtiiina Aa a a A m arlcan elllian.* 1 h a ir to aay lh l» : b u t, h o n ia tly now, did you a v r r aar a corpaa Jum p oui of a w in ­dow ?

llrwiWTot of Hr*trwUla wa DaaartUwk.T hr |b#w Mrpubllc la al*o publlahlng

a aarira of a rtlc lra on the aaam ana law They ara by clarard lltndaraon.

Tha heart of tha •«am an‘a law. Iti mog| a trlb in g coniHbuUou to lha theory of m arillh ia laglalattou. will lia found In tha aarlaa of nro%ialont in which lha f r t i r a l ik a on daaartlon ara partially frm ovad Thair objact, a» frankly • ta ta d by tha a^Kunrrir of the blit, (har raaldant of tha In iarnallo ita i ftaantan’a

nion. la to a n ro u ra a r ilriartlon . lo aa* tabllah the **ngbt m nuit" w h ertv rr lha wuga* of the (H>rl Hra u( n higher lavfl than tba w a g ^ of the 'leaaal. Tbr law I abollahta arraa i and lirtprlaonm nil for daarrilo ii. ra lk a of earlie r liayi, already aboltahaii Ih tba loaatw ia# traffic. Mora I Im portant, It provldea rhal a aaaman ont n> vacaal on a r r iv a l In an^ p o rt of the

n ita d H ta u a can dem and one h a lf th e w ag aa th e n dua him If ihay a re re* fuaad . ha can r r to v a r In th e federal c o u r t ! a l l lh a w age* then dua. Thla fo p p lle a w o rk in g c a p i ta l to flnanca hia • a a rc h fo r a b a t te r Job

If th a aquaM catlon prov lalona of ih a i ■aan^an'e law ach iev e th e ir purpnae. ih ay w ill Increaae the ra tio of deaeriton In A m ertc«n p o rta to aueb an ex tan t

aaamen In (he p t^ ,^ ----- -------trade, on which hia union hM a

ririp Thla Inganloua arham a for mak* hg the ta il Wig the dog La not llkaly 1® work any mora tn an any o th a r arhama

to arrom pllah ao u n n a tu ra l a purpoaa la likely to work



A numbor of Ih t A o lo n lo t w bo will t l l tn d th t confoyaoc* o f Ih t I f a t tT tacbtrt" A tto c lttle a , to bo h tM lo Ih t aadliorltm o t th t R obert T re a t Bohool In ThIrtHBlh t r e a u e l e o ls h t aa d to ­morrow m orolna a r r i r o d ea rly th li tfte rnaan In o rder lo bo preeon l a l a produrlion of an h la lo rle a l d ram a by tba tohool't a r td u a llh g d a t e of l a t t Jun t. Thla w u th t f i r t i O D lorlan im m l In Robert Tree! Hall, th e B—m pletten of which w it nuibed lo a d m it of Ita u te by the i i t i t toachara.

Th* Ilriime. which w aa w r ltie n by th t prlnclput of th t bckoot. M artin U C ei, tmhodiar Ih t h le to ry e f I b t aarly t t l - lUmeni of K tw ark . w ttb H obert Troat u thr le td lna th a re c ta r . It Wat o t In. t t r t t t lo the v laltinc ed u o a ie re a t lllu t- t r i l ln t Iht uot ef p a to a a i and dram a lo In i 'te tl children In h le lo ry and civict

A much Ja ra e ' attenAmnca of ou l.o f- town tetchcra It ta p e t to d lo n lfb l , when t mutleal orO (ram by tb a Choral Club of I 'tn ira l HUlh Rchoel and to le t by Ward Lay. boy aopra ite o f ih t C 'tih t- drel of I t. John I h t D le ln t. New Tork City, will open th e conference

The edneatloaal vnlue of p ic tu re fllrna will be ahown by m o e tn c p lr liirra ac- companltd by a ta lk by John Collier of the National oBard of Motion Picture Centore.

The pro tram lom orrow m o rn ln t will treat of eo c ia lo tlre t p ro b lem t of the ■chool with Rufue D. Sm ith , New York Unlverelly: A ntelo P a ir l , a erhoolprincipal of New f o r k C ity , end t>avld B Carton, flrot a u ta ta n t c ity euperin- (endtnl, and L. L. Jackaon , M onicltlr, a t tpeekere.

htM In ( L i te hall ler tba arasB in ry hir Jnda* W olf i* th t m atti n e e tn e t c e a n

Mtanard A Dunn, t pairo lm an e f th e Mlilk Brerlnct StAtlon, P e ttr Llble and Leenard Meitchal. a r re e ttd M v tra l daya Bfe la eoanactlen w ith Ike oeae, a re hfid In the eaine am ount of ball


Tha tarond aagaon of aniarUlngiainta ppovkiad by tba P ru M Ila l iMtiranM Cogtpaay fur I la honw offica amployMa

lt*M aight familial T*uro of 1 Avon will atari aft*r office houfa today okagPinoa gAd John Lavy of H I Howard Btraat. who waro gloo m anllonad by tba g irl In a atatam oni aha gavo to tho poUcw anti who w ara turnad ovar to tha raaomiQ ('ounly authcrU laa, wara a r- raignad h rfa ra lu d g a Thomaa I* ('oa- lallo la Pataaio. Purw waa hald w ithout hall and' Lavy la l lfg , which waa fur* niahod hy trland i. la har atatam ant lo tba local polica lha Koanlg girl aaid thiro and Lavy took har to Paaaalo County.



Al Iht rteu e tl ofcouattl Ih t t r ra ltn - nmnl of Jam et Borina of I t t Jefferton ttreol, who e a t n a m t t e d Tuetday .h a rs td with tba bllllac of Frank Mle* rendina In an (HIvtr atreai dance hall, April 11, n i l , Wat pottponed unlit Mon­day by Judae M aiuul-l’m a m In the Third Preeinrl Court tb it mornlna.

Borino wot arre tted Immadletely after the death of Mlarendlaa on the alrendth of an tn lt-m ortein alatemeni made by th t la lltr, but waa never Indicted. Bev- erti d ty i a to Captain Connell of the de- trcllve bureau ordered the t r r te i of Mlai Mery Weber of t | Walnut etreet, nnd Mrt Lucy tCna of 111 Elm itreet He •U loi that both have made etatem ente In which they claim to have teen Bovina fire the fatal ahot.


war* buay today HUttig anv*|op#« wiih data on tha F*ort N #w *rk Terminal which will ha d la trlb tiicd on th« meadnwa W «dnoidayt Curt Nawaru Tarm lnil Day

Tha arivalopra w ill ha d lf tr th u tfd mi ■ouvahira and w ill co n ta in an lllua* tr tta d pfograai rapo rt hy I>aputy Chlrf E nrinrar Jamaa C. H allock . a ahort

I Mor) on (ha pfojaet by Ja m v i M iUlay., ■aerrtary of th* board o f T rad* , a poain on lha davalopmant by K nginarf Ed- j ward N ItanMn of th r la w a ri and j dralnaga d rp artm an l o f (hi* Hoard of

rita rl to ip p ia r iHIa mwrnlAg In tha , Worka, and a b lo tta r advertla tng tha

With lha hop* of having hia Inatalroant fitrnMur* btftinaaa a l Marbat alraate

Hia employer! of tha Hoard of Work* j now in bankruptcy, raatorod to him todaroldirif a li^iuldailon. ilarnat Kanior of II gtlrlltui ■(r«oi Kaa mada an offar t« *«lU* with hJa erwdUora al ih* r«l* of i««ely ran d raah on tna dollar N'otica# of thp offar and of a m aattnf to ba hald (><tr>b«r II to mnaldar it ara baing aant out (o cradltura today by Rafaroa ('harlaa U llaaoh

Th* unaarurad riaim* of marGhgndlaa i-rMltof* aggragal* lIf .T It, and lha aa* aati. accordinv to (ha court a appralaal, ar» worth M t . l l t Thtra la alao a claim for TfDi BtnounUng to I I , i t ! 4t, Including coali.

ru la fo : port.[ Hccond D iatrlci C onti on • how cauaa why h* ahould not ba hald

j In <onl*mpl of court, W illiam 8* Canon ! of !1 C llnior Btraat. ob ta lnad an ad* ^! Journm enl far o n . weel, by p a U m Q||| )[0 Q ( |( ; ( jH tL ’S CHARGES

(award aatiafylng a Judgm ant of |590 Ha ag raad to pay that


Bgalnai him. amount aach waak u n til tha claim la aattlad

Haveral m ontha ago. H ugh Lynn, i plumhar. of 101 BallevUla avanua. ob iRlnod lha judgnnant ag a ln a t following a r ia l aa ia ta daal bolwagn lha two lemter. W illiam gL Qrlm m a waa appointad racalvar of Canon** aaaala pandlng tha paym ent of lh« judgm ant.

Among tha aaarta. r h a r la * A. Woodruff, rapraarn tlng tha rtcaivair. allagad ihare ware tw o noia*v ona fo r tlT and anothar for f f l . whilch C^non failad to lurn over (o Octmma. Ha waa ordarod to dn to by lha court, b u t fgtiad to do ■o. according lo tha allagatlongv and tha contem pt procaadinga w«ra b ro u g h t

Anothar a rra a t aa a raau lt o f diaolo* turaa mada by A m alta K oanlg, four- ta tn yaara old, w ho w aa found In Fanh Amboy laat Monday a f to r h av in g baan

Canon. | *ha*nt from homo (w o waaka, waa made hy tha polica laa t n ig h t. John K VJahar, tw anly-flva yaaro old, o t ITS Broad itraa i, la th a la to a t to bo accuaad by th* girl Ha waa a rro a ta d by l»a(ae* tlv* Quinn and P a tro lm an Baumann and Bchroadpr. Thla m o rn in g ha waa

• nlll ba glw n tg tha Prudm llolauditorium. At fradurnt dataa from now uatr. April Zl olhat rntarUInniaiita wtU bo hald. Thrao Will Includa right mualc- alg Ihyae locturoa. thr** moving picluro thowB. iwu on'haoira ooncarta and a cabaral perfAirmggc*.

Tba antarlglMiianLa wara tn*d* a part nf tha walfaro work nf th* compagy loat yagr agd w eft ao puectaaful that It waa drcldad to cogtibua them. In arranging Iba programa It bga boon tha aim to (ombtgo amuMmagt and adurafioggi f*a* lurag. Only ampAoy** ar* admltlad and no admlarion la (riligrgtd.

Todoy'i *ni*r(algm*nl will ba fumUhrd by Iba L«lua Glo* Club of Haw Tork, t m of Ih* old**! mala guarlala In Am*r- leu. Tha prograni for tha baiamw of tha **g*og Inctudaa

Octobar )t, lartura on "A Hnndl* of tjOtlffi Thirty Canturi** Old," by Pro* faooor Robarl W. Rogar* of Madl»on; Novaigbar It. a mitad concort by Blaa Ann Ivin*, oaprann; Ml** kUHa Savllla. m atto ^p tan o , Oaorga THotal, lanor, a n ^ Jaroma Uhk bgrtioaa; Docambar IT, >*«" lura on "Intarrogallon FoIdU" by Pro* r*a*or Fragcl* Harvoy (Iroag of lha ftato Kormol bchooi, Weot Cha*iar, Pa , Jan*^ wary 14. Monianallia Vanatian guart«tia and Mia* t>orolhy Hilairad. antartalnar: Januiyy Et< tha Edna Wbita Trutnpoi Q u g r^ and John P Dtlion. iiuakal humorial. Fabruary 11. lactura og “A Orulao la tha Cgrribaan," by Dr. Clanrgn A Van Wagofton of tha Mblugl Eanafll Ufa Inaurmnca Company • April 10,

Auggatbo M»Hf4g. bPjMt« leucmt OrNReTbo Olat Club af tba MotropotHnn Tit*

tMurggoo CZtMripgbjr M boMifd for a mg- e*H April II and two dgta* wUI ba fUiod by tho Prudogtial orebaatra. which la gompogad of aapioyoaa of ibg bOMii offlco. Empluyao* will blao flgtira Ip g cgbgral parfaMtagoura to ha hald og a dal* to bt docidad Tatar. Tha dgloa of tha roovla ahowg gra alao to bo annougood.

A g U U M I l i n

CIANFORO PUngER B BAMESUPTB ankruptcy achodulo of W illiam

lalolbt a ptutnbar of I B aitm an atrooi, Cranford, wora filod today with lU foroa Atwood I.B. Dci'oaiar. A m aatlng of tba ban k ru p t'a craklllora for tha alacilon of a truBiaa haa haia callad for Ootobar IT. Tho a«-bodu1oa, prapared by W illiam P. Orovoa of EMtabalh, aiternay fo r iho bAbkrupt, ahow total llahllltlaa of | 4,loo. of which ILIM rapraaanta olalmo of unaacurod cradUort. Many of tho clalm agta ar* raaldafila of thla city

Tha aoaala ara acbadulad al*. In* oluding a ll.gOO aquliy In raal as la ia a t 4S Hurnaida avanua. O anford .


trnm ef l» Beetlr OBM

MAB « wS a*?MiA i? ^ 5 i«>iw M * • WTMSB BID ACT*


LYRICi lU Btarkat »i

Always lb* Baal toVAeUl>UVII^I.I^

iaa*b*a Raw Ford Tamtgg Cw Pro*

HOLY NAME SOCIETY PARAQTekee RetAu. (leteAer IMB.nVBM l t . t t t BEN IN UNB.

TMe AemeaMrellee vHI lAme eee* IBMtre emi eeeMtee It eli BvWem.

Caew eeR See TeeiaU mmt T M e ^ .


^BEBM^ G e r m a n W a r ^ADMISilDN 3tc CHILDRBN %U

goaHah-*Th*aa aaiidarful Mctsraa w|M ba •«tiTbit*d from 1 la l l p. M. iMaday far bgg- «fl( nf ilarmaa and Auairlan toM lai^ w - yhan* and g'idev*. g. Harigoa R IM ar aHU tp**k at I II,

f MPlRBhH EA TggWaaaingtan and m**a M«l. i l l

Itadnaa* Dally.MOMKl.A.MU o tK i^ a

• o u - T T abd.Wem Oft li- tle e ll l t riweet.

br Uklnfr tin fle InAoreeA b r ■etleffed u M ri

NEWARKTHEATERB<aoiigoa at ijS mTTm«doaa, d u rin g yaara of


A. H. Waad* praaaotaT H E SO N G

O F S O N G SBf Kdvaxd dhaidcMi.

ika bask toy Haraiaaa_______ __ gad*rot*aa.

N ail IV aab^Jaiiaa Blilaga la "Caa^a L *«y

PARK PLACE tSSVaI. mM. m imi. t. .a Iimt F or»b«rf PlByert

£ S r l ^ ^ £ i S r - ^ s ? O N E D A Y ,v „ ra*, M waattaw *!>. M*wV*pO

Ibaoaariro* af Ib b agpariaaliy AoHitaf la far m ii la W*wa^ ot

Patty* Phanaocy, Plramaa'a Poor* macy aod all dragglatg

■Unar O l/n 'a MaTINM -----DAT

&BXT I Cbaaacay Oiaatt’a gupaaaa. BBK I "A Bag____ aaioaaa *f Atblaaa.’*

Maod Mr DtogI* ih ii Olaatl'a '


f e e i leeeee reefeneeeee Item I I*. IL • •II r M,

rHAer. imerABr. ott. iMb B liib , r ra w *Fim-'I a (■•"•rt 11 *"Tke TarnfMlItO*IT e e f Week—M eetet, Teee*w , Of*. 1 M |

tie* Bl Teuiii ie

LOEW*S THEATERiprtijflitd A**., oror Htgb RLfaotiBBfd gagugfwngt

C O N R O Y ’S D I V I N G M O P M M Ii-HAI. CBArUN IN "•KAIluailwY"MeM Otkm.DiTiNu roNfibr ruoAT KMiar. - A flereeie Itv. He. NMW—Ibe. I ta , M e.

SAM $. SniBEKY T K A mMotloaaa Tuaadari Wadaaadey oad telBtilgp

M«MT«, NhiaOtrt FiwaaatM A D A M E P E T R O V A

I n - T H * R E V O L T -Netl «'eek~Leelt Meek M "Tbe ••M ta .l'



lh a i a v a a ta l a r r jv in g In port w ith a rh a o p oraw w ill b* com pallcd to ahip * i ;h i ta n |la l |y a naw a t( of n * n Rt th e ra ta o f WRgaa pravR llInn In Ih* A m arlcanrO R aiw iaa i r a f f l r * • aoth a t u l t lm a tr ly th e w ago U vH of lha wrboia a e a f a r ln f w orld b i l l rise to tba A m arican a ta n d ar il T h a te a m an a law U a p lo ra o f In ta rn a llo n A l had m annera fo rcad u p o n u* bacaua^ fo re ig n na tlona a ra tfifw llilng (o * tirr*ndar (h* advan-

w h ich lo w e r w agea giv* to th H r ah lp o w n a ra T ha co n flic t of fo reign faw a w ill hami>ar th* fu ll ■ucceaa of i la ro n tr a l p rov la jona JJatlbilal (•gla* , ja tlo n . a im in g a t the c o n tro l of Inter* i n a t io n a l kntaraata. neceaaary th o u g h It i m ay bo a t th e p r ta a n l t la g * of iha nrogiWB* e f n a tlo n a , m u s t In th e long Pbti ba ra g a rd e d a i a m ak aah if t. '

Jgek Tar Haa ttla Inglgg*.Sinca S e n a to r l«a RoUatt* aponaofed |

lh a a c ^ a n ' a law th ro u g h C ongreH . (ha < e o m m aa t o f I.A P o U atia 'a M ag a iln a haa gn aap ac la l In ia raa t.

A fla r y aara an d v a a r f of e a re fu l ton* | g lda raU on . a n a ly a in g ajtd l i f t in g of

troane B ran ch No. | | g , Ig d la a ' Cathe* Ur lldnevo lan t A ia o d a t lo n , g | Ha maet* InK ta i l n ig h t ra c a ly ad a n In v ita tio n from Tha C o m m ltta e o f O na H u n d fa d to p a rtlc lp a ta In th a p a ra d e w h ich w ill ba p a rt of th a c e la b ra tlo n Of th a S&Dth an n lv a ra a ry of N e w a rk n a i t y ear .

T ha In v ita tio n w a i ra fa r r a d to tha New Ja rae y tdviM ory aa fta ta Of ih a L. r . B- A A aoclal h o u r fo llow ed tha bu*inea* aaaalon o f th a b ra n c h .


th e lo n c - n ece t-

tv l i l tn e e en d te tt lm o n y . C o n tre ta t t th e I t e t t e i t l a n f in a lly e n a c te d th e lont:- peud l» i> *** ''’a n 'ib l l l . I t l i b i r d ly n e ce t- : t a r r l* b o ln t to th a fa c t th a t th e prln* ; c ip a l f e b tn r e i o f th e new le i la la t io n ' w e re h e a r ti ly Indoraed In lh a n a tio n a l B la tfo rm a o f th a D em ocratlo and Ra- B ubllean p a r l la a

Tka a ta r tltn r and moat InleraatlncPtv a lo p m a n t la th a h raaen dem and m ade

f c e r ta in I n ta re i ta to repan l th la . . . . . even ba fo ra It haa to n e

R v tn w ith th e echoee of

O p « n a t 4 t A S P . M .niTKRJu ruci m runoui nvuIHE KAISERHOF GARDENrraacb TaMa d'llwla 1 CitT wllb

Slid to l iM P. It.niiaal lo tbo

m ufTfirAnEn.

Shore D inner» 1 .2 5g* rff* gH gigbl

Better tbM *4 tba Hag.

Anienser Bosdi Cafe and Restaurant

MARKET & BEAVER STS. Dtnlng Rooai Newly RenontedSpecial Tible iTIlote Dlniier

from 5 to 8 o'clock, 50c.Mutic bY Prof. Blank BuaiiKM Men*a Lunch

DimcD’s151-160-1S2 BlOOMnaO AVENUE

(CBTBOr CtlflMl)ISO Fool FroBUft for Anita

Set food apecloltiod. Dcliciout •tetka ind chop*. Exceptioiul ttble d'hote dinner—7Sc—S to 0.


B f b t Y C l v i e T K o o B Y b m

1 . 5 0 D r * t *

79cWomtn‘$ DUtinetbm Outer Apparel C g l CllkCI Models

Never before haTt you heard of nidi low pikea for fannenta of auch elegant gylw tborooghlr good tinaHtr and worknuuuhip as are offered In this

Extraordinary Suit Sensation!Fur-Trimmed Suits

t2S.Cifh$30.00 Values

1 6 .5 0Dlitimiife ttyla mark* the tulit

effered tt thU prica fon^rrow, in- cludlae the Ittpii moaclt in tailored tnd trlmnied efTedt, of

Braadctol ha, VeiTata.Pitpllwt and GabardlneB

In moal ftihionabla colort tnd ihddti. Some aiiricttiraly trimmed vilb vtivtt and braidt; many havt tht naw Ckln Chin necks, also

C^whie Far Cotlara aW C ataCoats lined vlih rich ptau de

cyine or tutrantted aaiin. The ikirta art In tha nlfra-fialilonabla French wait! line modeia, alto Sara, (jailed and yoke top aiylet.

Warranted AlfemfIona Free

Rigvlar $15.00 ValuesThtae levaty ooRamaa ara ntada of ChtrMMa, tilfc, Crapa da China

Open Saturday Night Until 10 0*clock

Marvelous Outergarment Values!

i ¥S!;'i!3 'BR0ADa0THSI)lTSFur Trim m edTwo hundred of thi* *e**on’i cholceft model*, on

which yot^vc nine dolkr* each, beside* having •Iter­ation* maoe without charge.

Stunning models in Norfolk, belted and loose box styled, richly trimmed with fur. Some have amtrt touches of lilk braid or self-colored velvet. All are lined with ailk petu de cygne tnd have the newest full flaring skirts made in a large variety of atylea.

The colors are black, navy, wttttria, delft and brown.Mott of the tu itt tre of broidcloth, ■ few are of poplin and whip­

cords—an item of interest to those to whom these msterisli eapecislly•pp**' Alteration* Are FREE

F o r Suite which eetl at and are worth $30

Modish Dresses of Serge and TaffetaGood looking drettet in i boat of beautiful ttylea. Some are of aerge, modiihly combined with

self-colored or plaid taffeta, othera are of taffeta with just t touch of aerge. For those who deeire a drew entirely of lilk there are stunning models of crepe de chine or charmeuee. Every new color combination it in the assortment, from the brightest shades of blue to the most subdued shades of

greens and browns. Two groups to choose from—

Valuee Up to 12.00

AlterationsFREE Values Up

to 15.00

W om en’s U nderw ear

Regular and extra sixe shaped vests, in medium and heavy weight, with low, high or Dutch neck and long, short or no sleeves.

Also snkle or knee length tights or pants of pure white cotton, nicely made and finished. An excellent value

, per garment............................... u l f L


Lisle finished cotton hose, light or medium weight, in black, tan or white; full regular made with high spliced heel and double heel, toe and garter tops; special value at per pair .......

Silk caaibiae* wkfc Sene K ehadea. Manyiln

ia all the leadlnx ahadea. bIwiNMni trinmlng toachea art ahown In tha hm of Gaergtite,

Two Pairs o f Pantsw ith th«M h l f h qual i ty

Boys’ Suitsat $ S

The "Adamant" Suit—a suit of reputa­tion, strictly all-wool--in light and dark mix­tures made m the newest style- pints hove belt straps and belt to match—are lined throughout- every seam is reinforced and taped - all sizes from 7 to 17.

• 6 . 0 0 B o y s^ M a c k i n a w s , • 4 . 9 8Just the thing for the boys. They are stylish, warm tnd they elim-

inata the long cumbersome coat. All the new color combintiiona and they ife made with six pockets, two being large enough to carry A Q Q skates or books; sizes 8 to 17 years; special for Saturday..........

Men’sNeckwear At Half PriceOpen end four-ln-hand style, made

of extra heavy pure silk, in a variety of colorings and patterns; regular SOc. each, Ytmlle they last, at........................

ANewStandardofVaiuePliced on High-Grade Rugs

Never before were you able to buy at this price rugs so good.

Seamless Rugs,.98

2 0

Their Regular Price Is

1hirtu~Fioe Dollatars

L0N6 GOATS|/I*fff Vatass

A n.rtair af atylw to rtooa* th* nata faatld lm drtaa*r, Ib ta l l iM a tb ond haw iBBfth ■adalti nod* *t

ISibtaBBbiB C!l*T«, BOOM WithM l trim*, o tbara •monM atad

..Jvat ond niMV belSoM ; a«w Uah iBta-dawa tallaxa awd e « ^

Smith’s Seamless Wiltons Beattie Seamless Wiltons

Sanford’s Seamless Beauvais Axminsters

Sloane’s Seamless Stueben Rugs

At $20.98 you arc actually buying at less than the usual wholesale prices.

LINOLEUMT en th o m a n d jra rd a ; h a lf

o f I t Yraa ao ld In o n e d ay . G t t y o o n tomoiTow; w o rthto 60c..................... .................. ..

22i69cIn’i NtflfK Skirts,

Wwtk I Dilar KickCoat atyla with atiff or aoft

euSa, mad* of fls* ahirtint matariala, in a good ttaortmont of now pattonw apd colon; all aim troai 11)4 to 17.

Sw eitcr Coats For Mod and Boys

All-wool awaatart, with da«p roll collar; full rognlar tnada, In maroon, pay, tpn and navy; rognlar valuo $4,00, apodal at ......... 2 .95

Mtm’a Unton Salta, Special Satorday at

6 9 cOf baavy laraty rlb-

haO eottoo, aen color; tall regatar mada.

Hen’t H Wool Undarwearat1.00

Root’a Staodard TIvoH. nxiural arty; haavy ar medium wtlgbt; alto cinwl'f hair and whita

.Saxony wool.

Mob’s $1,50 Pigainaa at $1.15Veil made of the beet grade Domet Flannel-—flnisbed wtdi tllk

Iro0h*and cut ax tn full sixer A variety of neat patterns and colo^ I n ^

Men’a 11.50 Wool Underwear St

1 .3 9Root’i SiandardTlvolt,

Miurd ifty ar oamtVa . hair, haavy w m I aedm riilrti or dtoMta- . ^

C h U d m * * U ik ionFor boya or girla, of jtriay riblMMl Mt|*n, In

Bfay, adiit* or eem; weR*luwwn Mor' ' to *U atylea and'aim I axtif vdat .i .vm'v«

Ill II11III " i n " r l i e m1. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■'txiii i ' . . in> Iiiliii .■ I,..... ..Tho DAVID* STRAUS CO. 6*5*687 B » p n d !S ti^



T i l M mkm ■ Camufi Turi l l l i laarpMMd (kolk

Skill DifirtMiL

W«MM. TUI, WM *(jE,rtr*

RMIMIFEUZSSCDRDaOMlWI,Uwi of Ih, M r Mlwt, *nd

M thvar* 4«|iartai«<l iiadtr Mi Iw 4m'- AtK UM th* braifll, U IlM ritr «l iM ii Mrf !• MtvWuil pn^rrtr n iw r , t* k i ktrivid thrMfk "nMW « » • MMatiMi'* IIMIlklMllt II tlM lUU )'MI- aUtwHm. W M ■««

lkat«t% tur wUI« tk« C k irin P. OIHm OU m W Om m IMi i * m I* Pn«M<«k W. rn iM riN . » • • • * “ ;P rem 'W lw »*lty UMliri, M ilirji »njlMM I* Ih* ^M r* U iJ ta t I* Ih* w ilfiri *f Mr. OH-

e»»dl<lMrHr. TraM»*ri 4*cl>n4 Ihal h* ifhM

wim av ih irll, *bin hi ilidffid th i i j - Uri FTMiMiir* •* Ih l ItliM iitbWard far Mr. iHHi*. iM rraaUd m»eh •athaalaiiM whaa h* 4*ilar*4 Ifcal hi w ii raad, aad wlUlnB t» bwwm* a mimbar af Ihi ward eiMaal*" dammH- IM. Thi PratTMalM iM dir mad* ■ iBMeh IB whkh h i d*elar*d Ihal Ihi

rael• *f Mr. ()M1*n'l aiecM i w in aad that thir* woild b* n* I’ra-

l i l t* * trail mliiliiB tn Ih i BliTinlh


ia|i*l ril i f iadaiB. •* « «*lHaid bjr ^ »,Hahfd If Worlk tiM oiliilaair i hartM 'g[''Qrt'|}ri'h HiVVhyr IMiiiMraUP, aaiM ta utriral nathalda ip M eh ii; Mr. Tnimpor*

C*Wird.KneoariBid by lh i atlU adi af Mr.

Trumaera a id ih i a n i t la in tkal h* hrouaht frain tha P n ta n iitv i ao liri, Ih i Olllan ramailllM praaiadid with till abpvlBtBtiBl *f a cam ailtn ram- ■nllu* n ca rd lM i af po lltk il itrilta- llani. On that conunlltii war* aainirt W, J. H aanir, Dimaarat. chalrwian. Oaarad Hrhnildir Jr., Raimbllean; f. C. Rahl. tlipab llc in : K rniit IMIt, Rapub-

ladi aMht Hr. OtllHi ii ink lac ra^ahn- Hm tu Uh band u aa Indipaadint

la ftri hallh to II aHay dlffiranl laa- Mi m af Ihi dtir. tb* <««dldali Ulkrd aa Iha Im h i . Mi appiaraJ halari w**i- Mta ta Birkam Hall la CllM«t a<rMM.

l u a i i A. Rrar AmrlaUca haadqutf • Mai la Mallaad iiri*l. ib i Hldwal i . Owaii AmetaUea at toalh o ra a f i a*** aaa aad •atll- Twawtr^lrM Miaal, Ihi

I P n i r i r t la i^ t la a a t IK Har>.I t 111 W m Ktaaiy

Tha ciMiiatiBliair wai iraitad bp aaad iMid rrawda, lad oa haaianui aHBMaaa aathiialaitlr ippktM, lalim ipl-

j y i d Ma MMithmi blBf. t . : U.9hhtas ap d m M wMb m i..>iainHui

af Ih i airaat «*aunltl*i of lb* Baart of WMh» Ihi soauaUMoair diclarid that h i fatiad Um dapartiaiat la a Man of dpBwaUMtloik diM la old*Uai paHtlca. Yh* ta rilia i" had m laflWMMid Ibi d tp

Ibal thira waa llltH ar m h i m W, aad icoaoade ar il-

af aarrloi wira ua-

T h a n maa will bava ib a rp i a t aJI Iha ward aiaillaa*. i r r ia g a for tha■ p iak iri and laka lara of oil otbor dotalU. auch a i ■ailing aa t tha aolal aad goardlag tha polla Tha Aral thing Iha rornaillta* did wai to annaanra a maatUig ta ba hald lomorraw night In tha cam niltttt'l baadgMrtara In a aloro a t Hoaavllla atranua and tiranga aUwat, a t which Mr. UlUaa win ba ona a t tha apMhara.

Laat iilghl'a galharlng waa hild In tha u m a pUea and th* prlnelpal talkar waa Jaiaaa P. Maoaajr, who Man on tha Wilton Loii

ao highWilton Loigoo AMombly

alalo In the p rtm o rln Ha praload Ih*work of Hr. (Itllon u a aiimbar of th* Board of W prlii oad daolarad Ihal hla ahow of Indapaadanra theald prempiall clltaaai ragardlaaa of tbair party......................... ■ . .. -r. . JIlia ta aload by duch a publlr ficlal


alyoBThlrtpantb Ward votori wart g:A I M t t m - w d MMlh. of ono. 1 i ^ ? r , ? t r ' . * J d Hfnd'l'Si.I.^.-

HP. OMoa oaM ho waa finally Mcotaa- M Ih pMllhg hila affart a eeaetruetlr* •tllop, whhdi traaafomtd tha dagart- MMI aad glaaod It aa a Moad, haalaaaa- ■M hiMa. '

•Wa Mattar whal apaoaltlan ha Maau Mtth. tha p«MI* official ibeuld ftHlaw a^jggglrartlTa paMcy,'* Hr. Ulllan aalA if in a h h a a t hla hoat work nMy ba aa- dggqMMhad hr prayaailag Iha tarry ing ga t a f Mhawiaa aad dialgat datrlaiiaU l

a iBialIng In M. i. Owani ball, gouth o r u g a ayaana aad hooth Twantlalh ■Iraat. loot nIgbL Although a M rl of tha Illy eaaipBlgn opanid Wodnatday might, tha M titlng waa addraaaad by aoocral of ib i A ium blr candidalaa

t s Um f oa oral vaUara, Tha laaklag afg h hhMa af public imprayainaota la a«Mh nMMar af raatiai. Wa kaaw wbaa

iM ha pB*od, w t haaw ahaald N bntit. Tha

I dawiand tham. •awntintaa, aaar> ■alia aftMUIa tfahl ta faroo Improbt- IMMla th a t ar* aat ateaatary. far raa- M m bool haaWB to thaiaotlyoa. ■oaio> llBMg. thay want to awiko laiproaa- ■Mhta la ■ Mghnar that will doaMa tb i ■M w tthaat agatorring parthailar baa> gm . ThM la tha Itaii tar a goad of- M a i ta atop la aad ahlaoi. Watohfal- B M aad ear* a n aat n g tir id aa math IB IBa a la rtla f af ibhigi, aa thay a r t Bl iM MMiaar In whkb thay a r t dana ■ h hM dtftelal wlih i i la ta ra r aoMt- ‘ ~ ba Bwr ha*a a puMla taapraya-

auKa whith wfU aoat Iha paapta Iha MMtuit It ahaald aaat. Ka

KhbhhHbf dw* Ihtaga.

t baoaaw chaInMa af iba rn l i t ia I tMad that d*pan>

• M iMigfaMtad. Many af IN am- ■ M * * w*** auMadtA Tha working f i m WM OBI dawa eaaiMarahly balaw

) paarlaoa yaar. laapaciora an itroot dac troat afraid N ahlact wbta oan-

I tafaaid la IIti ap N Iha apa*- M aad laNrtOf pa*aawau wtra

hglag laM. Bivwal haadrid air ■W lijiri war* warhlag al tb* n u • ’■■i If a wath aaiii. Thtir w «Nw ttn g a la r aad gaaBlNfaetarr. R*< M « i la aaghalt atraata. laalaad of ■ M g daiH hp Ih* «ltr llaaH, WOP* dan* W u atHaW* aantraotor at aa oaap- y i t a t prtta and la a moot aaaaliataa* M b mahnar. PaUtka ratad tha dapari* M n l D M ptIm waa dtatrayod hr po< ■^Htl ML

n m t that ban waa tha ptaaa Ml** taUap In oarafid ■*#■"

■panrialan af paring and aa Ihal Ih* paopi*

_ _ fan ra la t far thalrM m P and ta adnraai dhaatlag by iha M B iM la r In n ia work; la roargantai ■B B tB nriM at aa that diadplla# might ■ n « M In plao* of palltical pall; that afftolaacy aad moTlt wavid aatiat; Ihal a rh rr Man waaM b , aUlgod la da aa iM Hal dni^a work and aa marai that Ife* BRMpaW labaMN waald raaatv* a U rtag wag*: Ikat ib* a tnoN would ka wall oliaaod. wall npalrod. w ,ll BMad aad r«par*d al rwaonabi* prloa* M d In ap ta eonpoltilon, and finally, n a t #r*ry amploya* of th* dtparlmoni M h U tally raalti* that ha waa worh-

%$ur tha oHy and aniw trabi* la Iha alana. Thia work I aecampllabad

Hi th a a tm it d iparlannl. Effort* war*

who laid iM p h iili upaa Ih* fallar* of t ia of th i Rapubllcin A llan blypIraaN who wir* In Ihl Liglaiatura last w lator to oarry oot thalr p lil- to m pladgoa

Dr. Charlid p. K rann ir and John P Manahna. candM atia tor th i Board of WoHia, w on among tha ip o ak ira Kaoh pradlctad rlctory far th i ticket, aad darlarad that all that romalnad' to b* don* Waa Ik* work af tb* rolar*. Amaag Ih* etfcar apaakart war* John P. Oltarbola. candidal* fur county rrg- N tar; P a ltl Pn rtaua, llltiry MrDan. ough. Domlalo A. Walih. Laula It. P rouni and Jam ai J. Parliy. all Aa- aontbly caadldata*. and farmer Aldar> maa John P. Ralllr.

Mr. Utlarbaln daclarad it was tra> porlaal that a alrong minority b* al- way* raproaantad In tha Board of Preoholdara. H* aald that unlata th rta DowioeraN war* lani to that body thoro w ai no tilling w h in th i pro*- r a t Rapubilean eontrollid board would oarry Ib i laipoyara. Ha also yafirrad la tM Board of Worka tiahl In this d ty , urging hla h aa rir i In itand by Ih* Domaorallc ergnalialloB.

Taw raw. madtag laft N tOghi—WItaan J. bmlth. laald* aontlaili Prank K. MnNu la llf ta g JnwNr poH c* oad w illiam H. Mtara, aarrrtary. Batlam iwo,—Edward t3. Jahaaoa, witd*Bt William B. La B ar, liaaaafari Tkradat* ■aMaabaaai, ranarllar, aad Haa* P. P. ,** Mladan, fwwlar pait rawartlat.



(Co«tlnti«<| from F1r«l P it* )

(iTinir 14 any oocmi tertlc4ortftnlMll<M> that m ar on titofn

tbt'jfidoH iniB I hr b«oIm will bi oh nolo t l ! iioTvs. In tli« 4nd *1 oih«rI1k«ly pT«cir».

I In tho moan llm* it pr<jpo#i.>d to it- I tvm|rf (o crnllchip^n tho public on rnnllort I pwriMiniiif lo th« work of lh« urvorUto-

tlon olid iiM h««*ds.

lanhE dirlclBlo* and athar aaronaulleat

Tha anibprtM d anpltal ataoh N Ml at MM;hM,‘dl*M*d Into l,g*p ihiraa, IMP of w hkh Bhalt ha prafarrod. Th* oan- u r a boglMi hnalBaoa with It.M t paid In. Haldara a f ibM ataoh ar* «*l forth

lollaw*: B aber, K. Miohay, LaoHl*. fir* ■**!«*; M. C KI*lo. IH Cratral Parh W«at, Now Tork, Iw* sbar*a. aad Rndalph R. Ornnt, i u l* alraal. Brwohtyn. thr*a ahaAai




IdMiMMitl i l l iM -S

'Th* Domocratic coalrsl eommllto* of Irvington, comprising tb* coaaty eom- Btltlooman from ibo Ira dlotrlel* In lb* town, mat last night In BonaotN’a ball. , Wool CIlDloB avoBuo, aad or- gaaliad. Jam as H Uavaaport was alsctod chairm an and Aadraw Larn«y, ■aorwtary. All th* rogular oaDdiaat*i war* ladoroad and prollmlnary plona wor* mad* for a aoriss of maa* m att­ing! to b* h*ld In th* thrua word* bn dat«* to b* onnounetd lolar.

A cim palgn oommltto* to look oftir th* dotollb of th* ward ralll** waa "-wgr* by th* ohslrman. It It mad* up a t follow*. P lral Ward. Hr. Laraiy. Hrary BoaaatC and Ott* B, Argaat; gaeond Ward. A lbart J. Seballa; Third Ward, Hr. Davonport. H rary DIahL i C harlti Behwarta and John T. Barthol- om*w.

An Invitation to a llin d an aatl-N t- frag* nmatlng tonight In th* Kruagir Aaditoriom waa uccaplaA aa wa* OM for th* autfrag* rally tb* fetlowlag a tanlhg a t th* aam* plaoa

YmI ihrayh hBwB good , cokoo if you follow iIm AbITb od

■J ■B m n SK

dimoM trhllon of appltuM *urh «« hap ; not b««n h«ard In m *&«cutivi otfloa i In a lo n t tlin#.

0«bcr f 'M f* Op*n*"Ntw Jtr»«jr mifehi too much to mo

lo rnoki any o lh ir an tw if poaaibli,’* « a j ih« Unor of the }^«ild«nt'i fuM hir fgmarki. To (h» iUfgieitlon that tho eommilCM yaw th* rent, ho«eirer, ho dtm yrN d Mo oroulil not am) did pol b rilla to lo B t^p t the hnipItiMty of the pooplo of Now Jorooy, he riplainod, t>ut ho WDtilfl not fool that he wao doing hit own part If ho did not b<far that bur* deb himaoir.

”Arvd you can proirlio Governor riotdor**' ho laughed, ’*ihat I will ke«p away from tho oamp,'‘ t rrmark which ho lator olucldattd by aaytng that ho moant hy ih lt that whilo ho UKod rld< Ins a homo, ho did not on)oy tho «ior* cloo In a silk hai and a loaf coat When Mr. WIioon wa* (iovornur ho frequently


th appty tha cawB M m a th i r iugh an OM akd rapanrtalM O B ar grattM la, m A m ght Ih* fan

■B t* t* pravaal tb* a«e*mpllihm*nt of lh*M th!I th iag i that war* at ilihtii partly ahpstaaful, but, on Ih* wholi. th , ra- gglN ahtaluM war* aatiataolarv b*> • • M thar* waa no lit up In tk i effort t* obtain auch rtaolla.

Baa Bicaaa CiudimaaWa*.. fWaat Tutaday you will volt on Amaadmonta lo th , Conitltutlon of ib* M t h Bv,rybody ahuuld voti In favor a t acafarring Ih* powar of i i c i i i con-

CammlMlanar Otllia li achadulid for a buoy tima tonight la hi* cimpalgn tor r*-*l*«llan. Hi will m ik i apoachii i t foar m a itlag i aad at a club iweapilan.

of Ih* miatinga will b i hild In tlw roam* af th i n lllia cimpalgn haid- q a a r t in . Id* M irkat itraat. Thay will b* u a d ir Ih* lu ip lcci of th* Third W ard IH m oonli and th* Diroocrntic v o tan of IlM T hirtiin th W ard O thir pltMB I* ta* vltltad a n Ih* Roaadal* Sadal Cluh al Niw Union H all Mprlng- floM avanu* and Broomi i tn a l ; th i Janl C llla in i' L i i f u i Hungirinn Ann- rlallon mMllBg at Hamburg p la n a a , Hapalaon atraal. and tha d in e , of th* W alniraub Aliaitatlon to bi hild at IIT H arkat atraat.

F ifty vo tan of th* Hlath Ward tormad a Charlan P Olllan Club la il night t* work for tk i n-alactlon of ComMlialonar Oltlin. 'n ii organliallon nia*eag w ai hald in tha haadguartita. IW Marhal a ln a t. Commllt*** w en appotatid 1* orgsnls* (h i v irto u i dli- tr tc ti af th* ward during (hi coming WMh. R iporti will b* n e ilv id by (he offtMra af (h* club a t a m u tin g next Friday night, lo b« hald at Camdan and Bank * (n a |a William J. IXid- nally waa tiactad p n ild in t nni Thomai M. Kan* aacratary.

Th* Thirtaanlh Ward Raputallcana hav* planned opan air mattlnga fnr to ­morrow night, at which lav a n l of (h* raadldala* will apaak. Th* principal mMtIng will taka place al Aouth Or- saga and Bandford avanuat. Hurrognt* Frad O. a tlcktl J r . Aaaamblynmn l l t r ^ and Thomaa J. Hmith and willUni F. Haas, (ka candldalti for lloatd of W ork* amt AIfnri H. Clark, (he cmdl- dat* for tldarman, will t>a among the apaakan.

Tha Jlorlallal campaign i-ommlltae In th* Third Ward haa arrangail a larip* of m eatingi to be hald from now until election day In the Inlereete of Henry



^rM ay tw • • Ovwap* **€'•!** Day. | T ati Will ke railed far in Orangi 6n1y i

pp FfMaya during tha wlniir, Dwg Wardavi AdPlpRua T u rn tr cf that city aald today. Ha liea* had much difficulty i lalily b#i*aua« thoi* dialHng to g it rid t oi cate hava to rn id tham lfM>M at Ih* ' inmnd Iw th« r«ar of th« Canfield iireet fir i houM, thinking he could get rid af ; thim. The ehta have etrayed about the i irtlfhborhPOdi cauelng many compl&liite. |

ttuntiflued from Flr«t Pago.)

wae a d««ert€*r fn*m the ranka and i •hirker of hie duty.

I “Do ntfl forget t« vote Tueiday." Hr I Btokee eautiunod Kl« heapere. “TMroare

three imiKirtant <Dieiti<me to ha dedd^.to ctM

(Contmued rrum KIret l^age )

portant local elecGuna her« end eleo* where.

CoRtii«an«*e wae taken of the itntb-Ing firrHignini'nl of (he Itepubllran legliU tore from Keiex lee( winter by Janw i TL Nucent. (he leuiier o( (he liemocreta In the county. T( wuh re* ferrid lo in the muree of Mi. Tavlor'e warnIrkK to lUe t onimitte* rnen that they ■ bould avoid (iv«>r<cunfldenlabout the cominji eleclloh. The county chairman loid hie heerere that Gov*

Jieted about hie obligation to don top | ernor Fielder, wt the recent ronvetHlonhat aad frock coat and mourn a horae to review National (luard evente at the •ta le camp.

Governor P*1«ldrr'» letter ev|ireeacd warm approval of the ct»ramlttee’» plan apd added hie own olncere invitation to that of the propte.

**AUo,'' eald the lailer, “your rceldence with ue agala wlU bring lo mind tb* auepicloue cirviimelaccue f t yuur laet yeir a i Governor. New Jereey holilo yot In the lame affection ellll end hopee fot the gltit tiding* of your r'-noitu nation. “

The etentigrephlc tckt of the Pretl- deni'e epeech Ip ee followe:

“It li very delightful to feel m hojne in ihU group and lo w.'# •<> many famll< lar facee i8<l people frt>m l>ai*k home. Ag you iindereteiul. I em imdt-r arrepi down here iud em eeldoni allowed (o rgcape. hut you may (w pure that my heart conaUPtly gt>ep bach to New Jer* •ry, end when ynu I'omi, on e mliPlon Bile (hie, and with mch perullgr g«n* croaily. and Invite me home, the only thing 1 egg lay tp (hm I will com#. New Jeriry meane tm much to me to make any other an*wcr potelhle.

Uralvfal tm Jvraey.

of hie party, had prartieaily ineUe Mr. Nugent'e e|Keeh atteekliiv ihe Hrpub* licsn Leju'leialure » canipalKo document.

Further utlem nrep h) the I>emn- creGc chieftain, (u (he effect that Eetei County W'ould he the pivotal county In the I'otnirig flRhl, w«n rec^Uled by Mr,

I am not goi»g io edviee you how your liallot. but I wilt eek you to vote and vote intelhgently.

tlla te H arn lag kiittra.g«i ‘'Remettilaer that your holktA, perhapa,

are g<»irig to plaro the vote in the hande of a Urge number people. Alee keep In m-nd that Sew Jersey Ij largely popo- laled with foreignere and that one of the questhmK tu tf« decided Tuesday will eay If (he frahyhiae |v tu he pUrad Ig the hands uf a great number of tuitwnag Aaaln. i Miy. think end then vote.*’

Turning to the wav. Mr Etokaa da* plorrd tb# ataughter wrought. Ndi ona of the million who fell on the halt!* ftttdi knew what he wgg to die for or what hand wae lo atrlke him dowg, he eald. Biirh nn "Inhuman. Tiarbgrohe ftata of affaire*’ ehoukl rkot be allowed t(P eow hnue, the epeaUer added. Amerira eheuM have tiic*n the lead long age a t the pgd<‘ flcatot of the woHd, he deHarvd.

Pointing to one of the Amertean flage whkJ^ adorned the halt. Mr. Rokee m M

Taylor, who nvrerd lha( In 191R all ryee » ^bat It ehoiild he made (be Itelovad erg*Would be upon Nrw Jerpey. He urred the worker* lo prepare fur thr IDll hattio with a vlclury (hli fait. HavinK (h*( the nation would waich the home elate uf the I'reeldent from now oit.

blem of the world by thle couhiry ef< fvctuall/ prpteeting againtt end atoM hf th# wholcoale hlnodehed We ean fMt claim (he bnHherhood of man with Jin* rope If tv* allow the carnage to eoBdiue. he oald.

“Amer1i*m neede a broader eplrlt of Ig* Irmatlnnal br<ithwih«MMl. patHotleni gnd humanity,'* derkirod Mr. Blokea. He egg* eluded w'th an oration to Old Glory. Cheore end other anpUuM greeted hie ft* merkp, contluing until he Wae foread to

kev. IWa William J. Daw eon. paitor ; aekonwtedgemenU. of the Flret Preabyurlan Church, l» | At the rkwe of the peoalon th i newly* named ae qne of thoee caught In the etei'ted »t*te officere were InetalHd. They


financial muddle which lurrounde Rev. Dr. Newell Dwight lllllie, paator of Plymouth ('hurch, Brooklyn, according

I to U4k affidavit filed In the Hupreme Court of New York. Dr. i>awpon ad*

I ore: Junior pgit councilor, Rene ?. W. von I Mlmlen of New Markei: eouitcllora Theo*I dorr Buttenbaum. Tnlon Hill; tregotiret,I Winigm B. Rua, Round RrooR: con* i doctor. WllUrd M. Apgar, Boogton; war* I dea Edward O. Johneon. PtalnneM; la*

u -

M acaans

Mr m a n . beyou young

or old, this is the coat of the season


And you’ll Neverbuy Balmacaans, so jjood and so cheap ly as here and N O W !'

a* , , , I, a I '^**** i**' *t mwnltig Ihal he had pur- ■ ecnUnel, TVll04fi J. tmllh, Egel Or-|f you wuuUl be generuue enough to ( chared lumber Ikedeea from the Brook- ' _____ .^a..____________let me pay (he rent (hat I have bean I lyn mlnlrter. but refuptd lo give any ac'cualumed tu pay fur a rummer plHv# iletallR ar (0 the nmount he had in- T would feel vaaler about It. even If '' vreted or a« to how he became Inter you devoted Ihe nmney lo eum# charla eetttl.table object and nut to the defruyliig uf , The nrfkluvit wae filed bythe expensea of keepitig the place up 1 th in k you will uiirler*iH]td how I feel about that. U ie i«u( th a t 1 heeltate fnr a moment lo accept anything from Jeraey people, but I ihtiuUl f ta l irtf>re coinforU bie If you would let me imy the ren t that I ordinarily pay In the •um m er time.

"Then I would feel that I waa doing my part and aloo accepilitg a very gen- «roup hospitality on the part oi (hose who rapreM iit the e tite iiiut I am pure you do repreaem ihe *tnt#

“All I ran add la that 1 shnll look forw nril w ith the K rratrsi |ileasure |n being In the old fam liiar surroundlhge and you can protniM Fielder (hat I will keep away from the camji as much as poesibla.

'May I not a<-nd my lo\> l«ck to the

Frank K*.Kerguaoii, Dr HtllU'e former buelneti rrpresentailvv. and the man accused by i^r. HiMla of being reeponalble for hla iliffU'ulUer.

"The part of th* iiffldavlt which eafl that 1 had huplnean drallnge with Dr. Ililllfl, la perfectly correct.” [>r Daw- sop Bsaerted “I did I bought some tim ber llt-eiiaes from him, upd 1 am of the opinion that almost everyone knowa 1 did.

"But iindier (he present circum-«A, when there are two lAwsylti before the courts based on the iiffnlr, [ do not feel that 1 should say nnythlng

ange. and mamher of auditing commilltM, Henry C. Hall. Haclwnoaek. tec re tiry tVlIUam K. Miera of Trenton wtti hold over In hU position until I t l f ,

r ig h t Ovor TTMOgrav.Tha flect'oh held earlier in the day was

spirited and the contest for tr^ s u re r was one of the cioeest Ig tba history of Iha state council. Four ballots had to ba taken tu deetdo botwesQ the luccasafal candidate end the rtUrlgg funlot past councilor. F rank K. Muta of Bridgeton.

A resolut'un was adapted eatandlng ttig thanks of tho ste le body to tha (gHIce departm ent of Nawark for Its e f f le lg ^ handling of the dagiMiatratlog WedMi* day nVght and to U ayer Thomas L, Ray­mond, the city a f f le l^ i and dUaegs for the hoapltetily aad walcoiiie accordad

W e’re O verstocked


by reason of our unwillingness to renew one of ourBy reNew York store leases after the Fall stock had been bought. A goodly share of that stock is in our Newark store.

And I f s a Dandy, and Selling Cheaply Because We Must

about (hair a s lan t, or (hair aapa.'t at I (ba vlattors. All of (he membaf* war*

a reo n , th e ir oe.idldUe lo r .Id rrm oh- ' * ' '* ‘*7 "

W R untion of land* on the et*|* o r any •IB-M vtalon th*no(. In Newark w«

found onrml.e* h*ndlc*pp*d nt IBBM b*Miu* w* dlu nut h*v« the BMvnr of **o*o* eundemnsllun. Under no* gr*Mni power if «* up*n ■ new MfOM. My IM foet In width, th* city MB Mqulr* only aurftclant land fur tBkt »Mth. If It *bouiJ acquire lOgB of n graatar wlUlh slung th* line of th* propo««d *tr**L und*r th* law a ll thi* land would b*v* to tecam* port of th* M ra tt This would raeuli In th* ■Oking of th* elteel wider In aom* l^« * « than In olhsri, and In having tta Un** and *ld*w*lli* IrraguUr In

Mr. (Ireen ha* had some of the U adinn I Hoclallat* from out of lawn apeaking

h*r* for him. Th* next (ne tting w ill (*k* plea* Hunday *1 New ((plon Hall, a t Sprtngflatd *v*nu* and Rroom* *1r**l. Rnl Feldm an of . the Church of Rorlal HeTolutlon wilt be th* orlnclpal epeaker.

“If th* power of esc*** eoDdom- notion w ere conferred. Ihe clly could porchaae a strip i*y JO, teat In width. cotiM ua* (he mtddi* 100 foot w idth to r (be *(***1 and could aott th* lOO- tou t a trip on either aide of th* elreot. Thi* power would have baan of g rea t advan tage hi the opening of the Can- IM l avanue eiteiiei.jn, for Intlanr*. TMo prupuaed atreet would hav* cu t dlRMBally through propartl**, Irav lng M M wake a aeiiei of irlangle* and trtggo lsr plecat with Dontag* on tu * •trea t, but with very little depth

no width In the rear on which M M Ot building* could b* conitruotad.

"A djoining ownari of Ihrs* Irregu- lo* atrip* would probably b* uiiabi* to n a k * tailafactory arrangem ant* WMong thamaelvas to buy and e*U to *M anotlMr, ao lhat regular abaped BIMa m ight aeault and th* building*

ghould be conitruotad a t one* a thoroughfar* of tni* kind, would bring In tnorv laxa* to

oily upon (heir ronatructlno would •ro b o b ly ba delayed for yaara Th* ap- ■iM Puca of Ib* (haroughfar*. In tha

ITALIAN RED GOSS TO BENEFITAl ■ mrcitng of th# Rlsveglifl ParttB-

npco (Mtib h«ld iBSt bight i t 4 lA’nod f1r«*t II Wii deri4#d to give a b ill soine time In Nuvefiibrr in 4 4otia(e tha pro- cesds from It to (he t t i l l in Red Froes.

Invitatirms ere to b« ovrt (n m num* li«r of r^m ltien t ItBilBhs. Incltidlog the Royil lU llnn (Tobsul-Generil. Fr#aholdar lUchsrd V. M ittii. Judge Mancusl-rn* gave. Ansel Dominick of silver liBkt, J im r* F a rm ri ut Nutley, KVink P*ll- erlb of Pstervon. laouls Da Vito of Ellis- Bbath. Fantinl D i F ibrltla of Oraftfe, M IrhifI AquKlao of Midloon end laouls aBbgiresi? of K««rny.

HELMET FOR LIEUT. HORTENLieutenant Henry Horter of Knglne

t ’nmpany No. K , who wa* recently pro­moted to hla prwient poiltlon, waa pre- aantad a helmet by the member* of Hook and Ijxdder Company No. I, wtier* h* waa form erly etalloned. The preeentallon waa mude hy Fir* Chief Peul S. Moore.

Raltallon Chief* Dennia au ldars and Herm an hrhw alrkart and Captains fV'ltl- lam gauf* and Thoms* J. Hughe* and Ihttacltv* John Hortar, father of th* llau- lenaut. war* preaant.

3MB Ume, would Indicnt* thnt prob­ity n cyclone had pa»*d through. -V lth (be 10*-faot atrip, th* lu«-foM

each side could be Immediately w M tor th* conatructlon of fin* btilld- tnM -which would bw of benefit to the gK|i In (aa raturna and otberwl**. lu gtiM t •psning*. the city need* tha

of eseess oondtainitlon very• Weh.**


Law tlw d in ta Cb aaea Oftteaea.nrricats war* alactad and n canatltu-

tlnn waa adoptad by tha avantng dlvla- tIon a t a m aatlnn of tha fraahmnn clae* of tha New Jaraey Imw Hahool laet n ig h t (n (ha achool building. Tha alac- tton raau lta i aa followa: P ra ildan tJack C. Rlchar; vica praaldant. H arry RInn; traaaurar. gamual J. Kaufm an, nnd iHOratnry, Harold D. Laalle- Th* ta llow ing mambara. In sddltlyn to Ih* offlcara, w ill rompoa* th* aiecU llv* oom m lttea: Oaoar Richard of (Tlfton, A. L-. filth of Bayepn* and Thomaa L. (.awla of th is city.

to you my very greet pleasure tn erringyou ■■

Wtllpean I'redlrte tielwry.Folluwina the eiM-cchnieklna, the Pree-

■deni chatled Informally with eevrral groupw of Ibr olalting deleaatlon. There wee a little talk nf e polHIcel nature, and among other (hinge H txto ivilt- penn. vlclortoua leader uf Ihe Hudeon fartlunlets. Informed the Prceldent Ihet liudaon would go Demm-rallc In Novem­ber by oter lo.fMio.

Among (hoi* In the detegatlon were I'n ited Htate* Kenalor William Hughe*. National Committeeman Robert H. Hudepeth, llepreientatlvee Kagan and Hart. Richard Stockton of Trenton, John W. Hlosuni and Henry S. Terhune, Long Branch: luiurent J. Tounell* of the State Water Supply Coinnileelun, IToaerulor Martin Devlin of Mercer. Jamee Kerncy. Tranlon. Colonela Davla, Flynn and Ctvil Servlet Commlealoner Jteeph Huff, Prlneeton.

William J. t'ouae. president Aabury Park T ruit Company, Harrlion C. HIrely, poaimailer Aabury Park: James M. Ralaton, praaldent Bevaiilh National Aabury Bank; Henry C. W'Inion, preal- dent Aabury Ihirk and Ocean drove Bank: Fred Oarretaon, Mayor, Parth Amboy; Kdward Farrington, Mayor. New BrunawIck; Dr. J. H. Van Matar, Mayor. Atlantic Highland*. Rullf V. L^wranc*. Judge Common Pleas, Mon­mouth county; Jam** L. Donabay, aur- rogata. Monmouth County.

Ueorg* B. SaudL Mayor, Red Bank; Oryani B. Newcomb, Mayor, Long Branch: William Lavy. Mayor, Ural; naorg* w KIllotL Mayor, Saabright; Clarane* E. F, Halrlek, Mayor. Aabury Parh ; Wiliam MacDonald, Mayor, Brad- lay Beach; R. Q. Psala, Mayor. Balmar; Sanaior Kanry B. Aekaraon Jr„ Mon­mouth County; Or. Heglnnld B. Banned, farm er Mayor, Aabury Pn»k.

gnpiual A. Raavaa, marchnnt, Aabury Park; Chnrle* McDonald, cotlaetor, Monmouth County; 1-a* W. Barry, lu- parlnlandant New Tork and lAtng Branch Railroad; James D, Carton, Randolph H. Millar and City CoinmU- ilonar* Howard D. Loroy, tJtorg* W. I'titengar and Martin L. Bamman, all of Aabury Park.

the }*ra«rnt llm«- If (hoa# fletulla i t i lo com# out. I ihoulvl prefer lo hnvi thfni mudr public Utgougb th# rourti. aa l( ic«mi poaallilr th#> will ba n«il week. '

”Aa far (he fllfferen<'a« belwean Dr. Hlilla nnd Kerguron nr« concerned. I know nolhlni;. Dr Illllls acctliei hla form ir hualneai agent of mlamanaglng

loud In th« pfnlM of th i irruiM M iH i; that hid been accompllalK^ hf th i I dcrnnnitritlnn oommltiM. frpoclft] pnUii

wiN given (h i KPlIci gnda b iild ii tk i fiio- lutUm nf tlinnki, th i conviBtlog umhI- mooiijr ^pproyod * dMkatloK i>f | l i t to tbi» peniion fund of th« diptHmint,

While (he prklpi M ug biitowid, Irving W. Toepli. cbnlfiMB of the diniOB<

hlN affaire. FeCKueon m ak ii eouniir* | irtrailon comrnlttoo. citlid ittifitlAil to g (•hargee. Regarding the merlti of klndnvM doni by Aldiringn W llllin F, either ca*e I am uninformed.” , FUm *nd to tn ivMoot ovitglght on th#

l>r. Iifcwaon aald he hid not bain ! part of iome oOi connoctid with th i dly iirved with legal papert of iny kind. [.hill.and did not knnw aa yei whither he i Mr- Terpl* ngid thwl wediiiidiy mom- would be called upon to teitlfy* i Ing he dlfoovorod the flM« and flag poloi

----- — I the lull had hoiii taken down afterMM.g»gMBB#kBi B • .« » « « rtAtmor I *>« dlaploy Colufnh(i« Day, InotitdIRVINGTON LECTURE COURSE of bamg l*ft up tor tn* JoulorF dowan-

atmtlon and parude that ntgM. H t matAnother n.ura* of public lecturaa

under th* aueplcea of^ th* Irvington Hoard ol Etlurallon haa been arranged by Rav. llrlnli McCllnehle, preaidant of that body, «" chairman of th* laolur* commlttae. The coura* will extend over two month* and will h* given aliernata- 1y In th* August* Straai and Oror* Htraat achool*. Th* achedult la as fot-

Augusta Btreat—October » . 'The •sath Annlvaraary of Nawark." Frank J ilrquhart: Novambar 11. "Defenaelaas America," Rav Henry H. Roie; No­vember II, "Taltowatone National Park," Fradarick W. Johnaon: Dacam- ber to. "Nawa-gnthsrlng With a Camera," Brnaat Read.

Oror* Btraal—Novamhar I, song re­cital, Apoll* Mala Quartet In "Famous Bongs of Many Ldinds:" Novambar If, "Ml reel** In Btona," BU Benadlot: Da- eambar t. 'BnuUt Ainaiica's Commercial qhallanga," Cyru* D- DaufJiarty: Da- eamber IT, "Quabaa and (h* Marltlm* Provtneat," Fradarick W. Johnson.

D o Y o « W a i t a L o o se F H tk m


pi .ating la th* ineventh Ward taat

Ijl when Rapubtleana Democrata I Frogreaalves pledged tfcainaalv** to

■pawhatn T a- La«* ta r a . O, F. d u b .ftaesua* of th* late arrtvat of th*

arhaduled apaakars, no meeting waa hald by Ui* Orang* Rapubilean Club Inal night. DIraetor Waller A. Bvao* of Ih* Boanl of Freahoidaia and WtlUam Pan-

eandidaia for frasholdar, hadcdtomltt*** af thra*. on* of aaah ) hJoBW". • a a „ .a .a k v . ... J*l faith In avary district a l tb* ' *'»•»

lo worh for th* ra-aUcUon of I 0*4 Mr**; until about Ig o'clock.P. CMIIan. tha Indapendant Both promlaad to ba on head for th*

Uo ean d l^U tor Banrd a f | M**UM naat. Tburaday Mtht.


ILqual Suffrage MaiamwetingV 8PEAKER&

m . e J e f i n i n g s B l ^ a nS t e p h ^ S .' W i s euM ioix UTOMT n o K ocr.u. a m i

Th* sal* of lOO.OdS Rad Croaa aagla ha- (or* Christmas tint* waa th* goal aat by tti* Antl-Tuberenlaatt Laagu* of tta* Or- nnga* Inat night nt n masthif of ■ apacini rommlttae organtsad lo sail th* aaals.

Ininadlnttly nftgr ThnnksgiTing Hi* cnnvaa* adll begin. The commlttaa nima to ranUi* snough from th* *nl* of tho stomps to cairy on th* wafk for gnothar year without th* secaasity of raaortlng tn A gprlgg lattar af appatU. aa hg* baan dong barattfar*.

Tha commlttes la haadad by MU* Mary K. KiWvalA who Is aaalatad by Mias Mary B Bhotwall, Mr*. BdMUiid C. Stout, Mias U arg v at J. On, Dr. Kalph H. H unt JolW’W. Doifittom and John Cnbla. Iflag agfhafB Boston of Bauth Orgasa. who haa hb t itiucli axpariano* In aaolaT aarrioa warK baa b*M ai«agtd lo taka ahgrga enla.

t a a t yggir bgi laa,aaa atnmpa wraaa . but tJidt **» unasoalty low. It la

plnMHd l« babd but I.BM talton tMa

A plan for th* ohaarmna* af "Dollar Day." aa odvoeatod by tha Irvlngtaa Improvarnant Aaaoolatlon, waa an- neunoad last night by tba puMlolty commlttaa of that organlaatlra. I t la propoaad tq aat apart o«it dajr a weak on whiob tb* loani m a n h u la will hold

Th* aohoma will b* triad onl naat mofrth In uoaMdanea with arfanga- manta lUnda w tlh th* tradtaman. of whom th irty-tw o have Joined th* nova- mant. Four Friday* in Norambar bar* baan daitgiwtad aa "bargain d iy a" th* data* announcad being Novambar 5, It, ia nnd M.— — 1— --M l I I im—— ^

FRAU. SICKLY CHMF bUm t T bOb H ow B oy w m R»- •tottd to Hcilth and Stfeogtk.

y*Mr daBtsBilBf tn u i IM ta 1.MB aiMla ia Moda ai p fi a B • • lUMtr W otnaWlhnta M BM a n * BaaUn ib il. Om ii .wMB*

w* hav* al*«ya laid th* paapi* *t Haw- ark lhat Vtnal la a .*>ena*rtal hady baltda* far alUag ehIMran. Kara la mar* prsaf of*^.*lll* Alharr of Hlamt. Fla., atyai T)*r luti* k*v waa puny nod anas ffsai lb* tuna h* was barn, and w* baldly kasw kaw t* haadl* him. Whan h* was Ihra* yaara oia k* waa weak and a* era** w* «a*ld hardly Ur* 'wHh blai. and w* aoiild net •at liH* i* aat ahftblna. A frland aahad a* to tnt Ftaal. W* iM a* and yea ahaalM sag IM abMia H haa taaSe la Uaa He |* new a gisd-nataraa, haatthy yauagiMr, raody «* aat a t say UaM. aat w* tansal gralM Thwl aneugh-*

Ttnal t* aanaalally afflataal Is Miatng up paay, taaai. aHlaf ahlUrau, baton** a) Ih* raal aad 'Bvat antraatlvaa paptasat* M trra Md M papaan* whlah H aaptaNo *M as h la wMMut *U .ar gtaaat ahlldtan lea*

Alderman HaaA who It a memhar of th* public building commlttaa of Ib* Cota- gun Council, ha added aod apok* to him about It. After aoina difflcully, th* tld- erman had th* flag* re re a d , b* aald. Th* nam* of Alderman Haa* was than Included In tlw reaoluiton of thanks.

Th* board of managart war* autbar- laad by Ih* dalagnt** lo purchaat tom* token of eataaio to- be ttvan to Edgar T. Humphrey, adjuunt-ganaral of thi* nnl- formed rank, for hit atTvIca* aa glUbd marabal of Ih* parwd*.

ft waa derided to charge IIM, Inataad of III, tor n charter to a aubordlnalo counril In tba future. The Incranaad prico, howavar. will carry with tf tba neeeaeary paraphantaHa for tb* buMbtaa of a aaw couiwll, Tbla waa charged fop extra In th* past. Anotbar rasalutlra adopted waa to Invoat lb* ratarr* fugd of Ih* fuiwral fund only tu mauMlidL county or atat* bonda and not to maht a tamporary loan from th* raaarva,

■avarai propoaad anwodmania to tha a tau conirtllutJon war* dltcuatad and than laid on tha tahlo imlll naat yanr. Amnbg tham war* tho proposed dbaata af data conMlnad In tb* aoMlon af tba law da- barring aaiF paraan connaetad with Iha nwmilhrtwiw or anla of liquor from gMB- harahlp, chanilng th* farm at offleera tp suboTdlnpM emmrila from Mh mantba M on* yaar aad doliig away with tha pftvi- laps of g faaaabar to attpuiata to wImbi hla death rbsaafit aheutd b* paid, TM teat changa are* Inltoduoad to aialm IM ordaF* lawp conform to tbs c|ftl'laB > of th* atato, whirh attpuiata that tb ^ lama) laauiAnaa aball go to tba m awal Mood ralnttva. ;

Aa attampt waa mad* to ptaao Iha doBI- Hon of aarialapt atat* raeeiding aaniatalF In iJw ranha of tba alaeilvaofflaatB Ktwar balng appdintiva. Bicratery Utam MMdP a atrona a p ^ asalnat tba piaplM f changa rinimlng M wotad bggipar ■■ work of bla offloa. n waa dataaiad. A faw olhar mhiar chpngaa la Iha th* coaaHtirtton war* made

PnctlcnB r all of Iha aonatRaUangl amandmanta Introdvcad at tha saaatoo warn laM ovar imOI naat yaawa maathid. Bolwaan. now nnd that tima thar will ba ara t to tho variotM aowMlIa to that thar m ar. b* dfacugmd tad IM (Mapnti* tnatmelad aa to IM. wtaMs al thalr counctla.

I t waa dacldad to aaabo TM Jwbh ■taw monthly pufaMMiai ta W i flip, atnelal orgna of th* Naw Mtaay I t, ft, O. A. M. An Inviuttaa^w M all to atwiia a damoaaitBUtB M b* by Ja tata T. itoyd Counatl af Novaapbaa t . Tfi* anaM wW

Like the One Pietttfed Above.

They’re here in all the latest nov­elty weaves of mist proof mate- r i a l . F o r m e r prices $15 to $18.

Choke at

Do Yon Wart Senl-Foni


t o r k . ■ u rap a ha* ant woman af ib* v Wnni* a paaeg ibntlona If U la lad Tbra* pautral (i Twa ar* w n th But** hai liot de

Th* auihoriaad tion new at war man! by the Ini* Waninn a t Tha Mi ■sad dalagai* a t i w ith him.

Tbaa* facta are mant Issued hrrt twljonal Commli Fardjjaiiebt Pance Hague Women's Iba govarnrasnis Predicant of th* I

iH'.thabr Joint m*ni|«r* of th unlia, In atailng niaypna*. given th a n ' innT th* b aonaldar such a and that th* ntu willing 10 act. If 1 aaa oo-oparatlon

Tba, dalagalaa gtv* Mihaa or i sign sfftH s apa •nvoy* war* ract among other*;

Prim* Mlnlstai MinUiar dir Ed*

Relchakaniler wag and Forelgi la Barlln.

Fttaw. HInlatt tU lurtar Burlan, IgUr Tlaaa. In B

•Tlea* Mintatai Idtallter Hon I no,

^ I m * HInIsiei idtalalar L'tlcnaa

Foreign Min Hbvr*.

jPoralgn Mlnltt■rad.

And by Ib* fol *1 nealraJ gover

•Frlmp' bllalata and Boralgo Ml Hague

.prim a Mlnlaii WnlsltT Bed rani

King Haakon, e ra Foreign hi Mgasri. LoveianI Jatiren, Ih* fu ■tarihlng In t'bl

Fbrelgn Uln grakholni-

Frealdent Moil Haffinan, In Ber

Frealdrnl WII ■tale Lanelng.

BThlle In Ron ndOHIrlally—Ibi a n d a l e from th aab* with tta* ■Mretary of Hit

Th* Iniarnalli an. which met a ap^lnlM I two a (M belllgarant ttalland and Bv Rgaala and the Tb* rtporli* of tha baata ter it iqday bar* and

Th* manlfaito I oi Holland, Ml*

Oytat Britain, h • ( ' Alistrla-Hun OfOan* Buleh oi Mlaa Jan* Adds

‘ h a lm a n ifa s l "W*‘ bSard- m

idB bavta Oowagohan In Vlltai IB P*tro(r»d. 1' wimr* tm Saig aOr garawmani

‘Tou ar* rl tS a t It would ptatanca to fir •dltottotlea rati I ta rr affbria.Blliffi oad noro•ii* „« w oura Id (M l ha* baon-l

u tM leaf #h " ■Biiniar of on*

"It ha* b*«< tM * at Piasatai a^, nagatlali™-

J , '

Like This One Choose from ss

Ane s lot as you’ll And in aday’s travel. Our

j former prices on these were $15 to $18. V

Choice at • \

((OOdyear RaincoatsF(v Hen & Women

Jahn B. Fa* ter. David‘ ^ '- t a T t


brntldB ofO. V. A. M. ]

af tb* MW Hr.

NEW ABWnJW OtVANTPnpars o f InoOrporWtlan far n n ra i

biiowB a t tha Oafiaral AaroMultrnl Comgu:Co«»WmadouahAidi^m aw ^at arawM .l i ItaFtadBd r . OataB Tb* I A a BwiptanUati na MB "gMAufildgm. r agglft Ml sWdftaBMtaJ

Our chief offering is « Ane coat of line rainproof texture, Viith stitched, strapped and cemented seams and m m f

storm cuffs. R ^ l a r $8 and $10 coats, a t . . . . . . •*“

10.00 aod $16.00 C nr- M 7 c enetteiy absolutely water- ||•R W

- 4 V “ —proof, In black and oxford

t s m B o y s '» p t o 8D b« M b l i K t u r e , J l l j P

Wit er.p ree l, ataih I bv#g a a « f Jmki^****poofeeto

OttartateBd Mtaen, fast cotors. in n d sad biM, t t .ip*a»g*gp»FB

: ff.



Sitli I M edbf if l M Stales Took U a i Aa*. 1 aooaces hlonutioul ConiitteeJ ' ............... ....NEnSR SIDE SnONG ENOUGH TO DHTATE TERMS. S OPHflON

H*W TORK. Oct, IS—W»nrln»B nnpc h t i •n th a r ln d ih* Itcdlnq WaiMB at ilw world lo My tkat II Want* a k**ek eooraronca ot nauiral katlon* If It Id lod liy tW uiiltkd a tk lu Tliro* k*ti(r«| nalleiM kvr* aiaMd. Two aro conoldortna. Tho ■taU i hoi not doaldad.

Tli« lutkorUo# •fficlal of ovory lion now of war authorUad ihla ttat«> n an l by (b* Intornatlonal tlonfroM of W onm i t Tho H>Vtto. aftar an author- liod dalafaia of iha conrraaa conlarrad * with him. 1

Tbaaa facta ara rontalnail In a atata- Mant laaucd hero today by tha Iniar- | national CommllUa Women for iTarei|onalit Paaca, witb a oopy f f Tba RaBOO Wottttn'* CopKrtH rnanlffvio No lllw ^v tm m w nt* of IGurop#F r« ^ « n l or th« tTolt^d Htiitet

lNt'.1h«llr Jolm r*port. th* loodins n « ii |^ r« or tho.t* two flelttfotlooa u&Mik In W nilnf (ki«t tho «vld*no«

Mlvon th tm hav« convLncod thftV iho bolllftronto would not

••aaldor tuofi a oonforoBro unfrUndlfe aM tkiat tho nouli^la would not bo un< v lllinc to act. If r m t aaaurod of Amorl> a a t oo*oporaiion.

t i u dolMtloo w«r« not at Hborlf to ftva ka^ao or nittlobakiiy of tha tor- alffk offteai apoolTfoally ^uotad. Tba aitvojrr wor« racatvad by tha foUewttif, ahionk -othan:

FrkiM Minlatar AMiuUt) and Poralsn MIhUtar ^Ir Edward Oray. kn London.

Rtichahanalcr vnn Hothmano-Holl-

la tkat avary dalay makt«i mora dkfft> cult tha beflnnlHR of nacotkatkona. mora notlona bacorhe Inwolrad, and tha altua^ Ikon become! mora <L-onnpUcatad, that whan at timea In tha couraa of tha war auch a balance waa atrurh, tha bcu~ trala wara unpraparad to act.

“Aa to tha ai'lual mklliary atluatkon. howevar. wa eyuata a ram ark ntada to ua by a Foratia Itknkater of one of tha ballitarent powari' 'Nalthar alda la IOk day Btrona anough to dic-tata tarma, and aalthar alda a<| weakaned that kt bat lo accapt'humlLkatlnc tarma**'

blwfcsik Ss bw l m Wmi • « e w w jw ,OM Odtm*« uedmUed B* !•M a m ." •


WABHINQTOM. O c L ^ l# --^ U U IH- partmant offkcialt racaltod •rllk fwr* prkta today Iha nawt th a t Caukt yon Harnatorff. Uarman A m bw ader. had ahnounca<l In Naw York thht lhara would be ho mora not<^ |>atwa#B thla country and Garmanf.

Sacralary Lanalng «ah| that whll* iba attuatlon ka abokt'ftkMktwd uk>*ha had not dafknltaly'dorldod not lo a«nd any more notea lo Oarpiany. Ra fa* fused to rtiacuaa t^ft Gutfn«kat of other cataa tlllt pandikif.


»<«■ ^ w*r M Owtiiiir. H* hk> i* in 4 by Itw IM« X lw M w art, MW •(lb* moil tcitv* ««rh«n for lb* laolatton I • r Ovfwmby. In IMI CUwweeMu thwwbi j

I . .. I. I I th a t U r’eahw h«4 d lw ppM tM l IrumHCRUN. 0«t. I t (By wlrcItM t« la y ' l public llfr. never w ain to ralura. But

vtlM,—T b t arMiUoa l» made by tha he ilid rHppear. and If ha la now aban-


Diipote Qosed and No More Notei Will Be ExchiBKed, Says

German EsToy.


roa Brrnatcfff. German Ambaaaador to tha Unlud Htataa, antkounewd today th«l

the auhmarln^ kaaue bet«eao the Wash* I Ingion and Berlin governmenta had baaii ! rtnnpketaly cloacd up ami tliOl no fur*

la Barun.rtuawt kiAalaia

M W rlar Burlan, I I^Ur Tlaaa. In 8u

Frima Uknlatar

TFrliM i l

that n<itps would be rii<-hanga4."The eschanga uf outaa hy the l*Oltad

Stataa and Urrmany on the aubmahna affair ta at an end, ' aatd the AMMaaa’

wag and forakgn Mlnlater Von Jagow, la BarUn.

HAnlaiar Bkugrghb. Foreign In Vienna; Prime Mkn

Budapeat. I ^ . . . .Hlnmier lU l.n d r. U d Korelfn <l"f etcryihlnit hat been erritiycd Ml

klAer Hanino. In Hem*. let.clortlv la lu>th lounirfee. and iiaihin.rime Mlnlaier Vlvlanl and Foreign | t>ut the mi^at frUndly ralatidfu buw aiiat jtitar l.’alonaaCe lb Faria. bata'aen Garinao and AtnOiican offldala.

foreign Mlnlaiar d Avlgno^ In i | \»ry happy rurr Iha praaaal alataue i-Mmm B M ee dm _ [of affaire, arwl 1 am very poakliva tt will jroralgQ Ulniatar Baaunoff. In Pairo* |


MARHRLLI.IlS, Oat- I*.—-Th* lln .r kloMcul, from balimlkl and Plroau*. which hM arrived bar*, brouyhl tha i-rewe af the kYaacb a laam an Tuasan. rruvim-la and Balnta Uarvuarlle. which » .»* a tfa tbed by atibmarln.a In the Aetean KM . Tba iToelncla aad Balm* Marubdrlt" but Iha Tun-nan vvia idw ie >"«» l»*'l l®r repair..

Th* I’ravlfi^'* aorprdlnr to har of- ricari, w aa,ballad wlfhbnt warnina by an Auatdan awblnartne. -

li It aaaartM th a t Om Yunnan wai lerpctload witonut ba»lo» rycalved a warnlnif. Kldtlt iden pf Ih* a a trh on deck were bllUd a n d 'flak wounded by the etplaelon bf tba toilHdo The crew of th* Bainte W actie rlle alan diclar* that the eubnartne oommander did not noilfr the aaptatn of the Halnte Mar- yuerlia beftn^ ha launched hta torpedo


NEW YORK, Oft. U —The Brltlih ataaniahkp Linda Fall. S.RDO ton». which left PhiUdatphta for Cuba Septvmbar ly. haa bean mkaaiiiK at«r alnra ar»d la now Kiven up as Irtai. Mterkes that a QarmaQ raiding yarht haa atta<‘ked mari'haat craft In the Gulf of M^sU'O r«tfentlv are connected lii anme iiuarlrri with the dliappearariCQ uf Ihu I.Inda Fell

There waa a ar-vere aturm In tk#> Gulf ]i(« kn Heptembf r. hut It la bebrvad that some trara of her would have be«a found If ahe had been brok^en up by ih*t elamenit The vraMal carrlrd 4.D<'ktl tuni 9f coal and fohe.

TagdktkU that THaipAla Delcggaa. who racaklly raatgned M Fdfalgn Mlntaiar af Fraao*. oppoaad Iba Uadlng of Fras^'h irtiopa at Salcallk.

“Paroalkini that pppuUr nplnl<^a waa turwlllg against hlkh** |ha Tageblalt adda. **l>alra«ae aalird ypog the pratast of tha Salonklil aipedltkon g« a rraaon to reaign tfa waa Ihua gMk. to dlaa^tpaaf from iha polMlial Ibaatar In the a lilti)^ of a man Who fofktaw fwlamltiea aad waraad the Miknn. wklla ka raaltty ha. tofather with I'feakdenl Potiicara and War Mlnlater Mmioraaid, hrouaht about iha prwianl alt- uattow.'*

Tha Vpaatarho Raltuag aajrar caaat'a FliDla career waa b##^ upon the idea af ftvange Ha antared Parliament with a agaacb In favor of a rraacovKua* alan alliaca.'a. H« always rrpraaamrd the

doned fort\ar by hla former aaaoetaiai ihttE dft:laloii coined too laid tor Francw.''


NEW YORK. Oct. l b —II h u bee. lu r ii id her* that the Yel* I'niveratiy I'orporallon, to which lieneral Braylon Ivee left nenrly all of hla aataia. aMI. monid at from ll.lB .ope to fd.doo.oooo, and the flnanclar e three dauchtere may •fftc l A oompromlM which win avoid Iha IhraaUked tu lt of Iha la tla r l« brawA tha)r faihar’a wllL

By hit W'b, ilowetbl Iv u cut off one dkucblei', left an annuity of M.OOO to nnothar uM heqMaihid lIM.Ob* to third.


ANTl-SUFFRAGEM ast M eeting to B e' H eld in '


TONIGHT8PCAKE8S—MIb Miiwfe BroaBoa, GMMnl Stcnteiy Nattoasl AaMK~ ~ ~i H i ^

>- tp - i t ly^rurltfl 'g i - y — SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 10 (TCLOCRaw ^ "

ctithm Opposed to Wo b u Seffna*! Mn. A. I Gewsi of bichoietta; Hon. Jehu A OUttitrwb of Ntwvfc.

V oss's F ir s t R e g im e n t B a n dA d m l a a l o n P r e e —^ V e l o o m o "i

^ [Celd fer hy N. J. Aaaoclailon Oppoaed to Woman*! Buffrtya. Trawtoh. S :

* ■ w B * g a


4 * £

e n dAnd by tbo follfiw ina repreaentaUVM

a l neutral yoverSment*:■Trlstf bllBlptar f o r t van der Linden

aaO Bbrelnn MIhUtar Loudon. In Tha Hbgue

e r im a M lnlattr Zahle and Porelyn lIlB littT Rcorenlui. In O openhat*n

IClny H aekon, f-rlm* Aflnleter Knud- a ^ trorelyn M tnleter Lhlen. and by MSMra Loveland. A araud t 'o e tb e rf and Jabren . the four p rssidan ls of tha kikrthkng In Cbrkstlanla.

^ ^ ra lg n UlnlBtar W sllanberg. tn g fck h o lm .

Fraskdent Motta and Foreign MlnkatarUMfman, 111 Bcrna.^ F fa s lile n l Witaon and Nacraiary of | S ^ e Lasaalng, in W ashington. |

iF hU a In Home the delegsikon went | glkkffkcka]l)r''''-tkat Is tu sayy w ithout a :kiMdata from the Congr*aa~^to ao aodk-akba with the Pops and the Cardinal | i te r a ia ry of Rtata.

'4*ha In ta rn a tlo n il Congresa of Worn- | akf which mat a t The H a ju e last April. i agFointad two groups of fcnvoya, ona to | l b ba lllfo ran l govarnm anta and to H y lan d and Sw itsorland, tha o thar to ; Rgoata and the Scandinavian countries.

r a p o r t i 'o f Iheaa em b aiiisa form tka baala for tha atinouncem ant liaued (d iay hare and In A m ittrdaru.

T ha m anlfaito ka algnad by Dr. Jacobs HolUodi Mlaa Chryatol Macfllkaa Of

< M at Britain. Hma. Roakka Bebwimmar • f A uatrU -H ungary , P rofessor Kmlly Ofkana Balch of Waklasley Collage and

Jana Addama of Hull Houaa, Chi*

-kMUitfoato haya In port:•fWa^ Maze* much cVio same words

dBkagakk D ew ntag s tta a t aa tboaasMkiaii In WllhatmatHkaao. tn Vienna M tg* Patrograd . In Budapeat aa In Havre,vfjifOa w govaroktonL

**’Tou a re right,* aaM ona IllnU tor, Yhat It wouM ha of tb a g raa iaa l Im* ^ g n r t Vo fin ish tha f ig h t by early I t o t l a l l o o ra iho r th an by fu rth e r mil* l l S r i f farts , w hich would resu lt in igpra ***< m ora d as trae tto n and irrepar-*

**!»*To!ira i i tha aanagi proposal |W | |kBB kaon'hrought to (hla office tn taa last al» months,’ aatd tha Prims lAfilgtar of on# of tha largar oountrloa.

has baaaot^op^ Ehat It la not tha . at pfoaont to a u r t auch a procoaa

nagatlatloa. Tha answer wa bring

tiontknua—for alk ilma, i hope.“Hoar about the answer on tha Lusl*

tabla notr‘** ha. waa rcmtndad.“The azfiiange of notas ort the sdb-

tnarifie uuestlon, a» t aald befora. has bat fi rumplatad. ' the j^ubsssador ra- llaraleii "Now nothing remalng but a ronfidentlal ronferetica batwaan. Sacra- tan l.snuma and myself I shall leave for Waabinrion tha middle or latter port of neit week and shall arrsnga to aaa Air Lansing as B<*un aa 1 airtva there.'*

'Then all the tension has pasaadT’ ha was asked.

“Indeed, yes There ka no tettaiofi whatever over the matter now, jThare 11 no trouble s i ski. The moat peaceful feeling iif brotherly love now aidtls k»0- twesn the two r-ountrlca.

'There 1i nothing to he dona but make formal arrangement for the payfnent of kndempltkei tu the rnited Statfi! Oar- many has made disavowal, apology and the offer of indemnity ti^verythtag Wtl) be arrangoJ aatJafactortly'*


I ,tt*a (v,». Kt»if VBERLIN (Via Tha Kaqua esA tMnAon).

Oct. I t —Sinew tha Bn(llab PDMt'palltad parta of Count voa HanuUlfTa Aibblo leitar. which Iha Qarmaa pewaa oapl*A. there haa bwan an uodarqutraeit of cvttl. d im hera of thi* aattleniaDt. It etrlalnly doaa not isaat tha uaanlnhoMa puMlo ap- paoval la OanimaV that ' AMarlaA baa (tvan It. Tharafon. I am haklBR tba •or to paae thla dlipatrh, knowlnc tba Arabic dleaareament ha* baen aattJad offl-


PAHIB. Oct U —The French Line Rtramrr Eapogna arrived a t Bordeam Wednesday night after ah alsvan*day voy­age from Kow York. Whan a day and a half out from New York the paasengars wrre smatad lo see the liner turn sboul and ataam westward. Quaationa from paaaenfara brought the esptaruitloii from tha captain, they said, that tha eteamcr had eprung a kaak. and it wa» tBtjught wtaa to raturn to New York.

Aftar an hour’s iteamiTki on a wettward couras the Faragns turnad about again and proceeded on her voyage. 1l waa said tha lr«k had been found and stopped

Tba UapagM will go Into dry dock for a few daya Tha new liner Latayetie will sail on her first trip to Hew York s t the end of ths month


t r o t . N. Y.* Oct U .—Plant for a voluntary m ilitary drill were presented today a t a masameattng of the aiudaitti of thk Renaaelaer Polytrohnle Institute, and anohgh men voluntaarad to form taro coffipanlae

The military movamant originated am<^g Xha mambera of tha Rifle Oub. which now numbers about aeranty-flva mail, among whom la Claranca tL Hay­ward of Nawark, N. J., and a formar atttdant Of tha Cantral Manual Training School.

Extraordmairy Sale of Ne'w Fall Dress Fabrics Coatings, Novelities

A p u rc h a s e o f Fall W o o len s a g g re g a tin g ih o re th a n $ 7 * 0 0 0 in v a lu e h a s iu i* b e e n c o n s u m m a te d , a n d th e g o o d s a r e a r r iv in g by e v e ry e x p r e s s - q u l t e a lo t o f th e m h e re a n d r e a d y fo r a b ig sa le b e g in n in g S a tu rd a y :

At Less T han W holesale Cost

SO'54-inch Imported Plaide 36-inch All Wool Serge 36-inch Silk Stripe Serge 38-inch Foreign Plaids

50®a Y a r d V a lu e sto 9 5 c

’ ’saliltana hava tbalr temper- I dally, but baUawma tba■houM know what Oarmaat' tblak.

It iindoubtaAly la irua that aa aOM aa. all the Arabia erideoco It publitbad tbart will be a bettar uadaratandlBC of Iha aaaa •verywhere- I uk ad eavarpl h l|h Bar-, man otflctala th* raaaoa for tb» prtaint public attlluda. and on* of tham aald thla

.erm dan waa tha prica tba Oarman Oov- ernmant la wllllnc to pay (or AaMrlcati frlendihlp. I laqulrad If tha (otarninant w u wllllnc lo aaenftc* public opinion to adjuit tha altuatlon. And ha anawarad:

"Taa. th a t la rlfh t; but wa wall now to •** what attituda PTeddeot Wllaan will taka. If ha la aa firm oaatuil tha BrlUah'


ipppii)tm«nt today, Pm ldant Wllaan named John K<Mren of Boston a i a mam- bar of tho InUrnatlonal Prison Commis­sion.

Mr Koran ka on# of three men whom iho Amorlcan Prison Association, at the aoaslon of im convention kn Osm* land, Cat., last night, derided to rocon- BWikd for aelectioB as repressntative nf the l^nltad States In tntsrnaiional affairs iclating to prisons.

5 1 .2 6 W a te rp ro o fe d C o v e rt Q o th , 7 9 c

Three populir m ixiurei In thla much e illH for meieflel at ihl» very lo* price.

9 2 .0 0 N e w S ty le K e rs e y M ix tu re s , 9 1 3 9

M In. wide; i ll wool; in ihe very neweal ifylea, iplendid for coatt, akirtb, boyi’ overcotii, aic.

9 1 .3 9 D o u b le -T e x tu re S e rg e , 9 6 c

Nivy, Black, Brown; full M fnchoi wide, iifictiy all wool: eittriordiniry valoe i t the price we a lk tomorrow.

O v e r lO O P ie ce s N ewC lo a k in g s

offered In th ii t i l e i t price, r in i in i i to A3-SO. Theae ire rtm irkih lo v

ireII.JS to SSM. indeod

40-inch Military Stripe 42-ineh Novelty Shepherd Plaide 38-inch Novelty Suitinge 40-inch Heavy Mixtures

9 2 .0 0 Im p o rte d B ro a d ­

cloths* 9 1 .3 9M Inchci wMi. t i l w w t ImforMd Blseli

B roidclotlii; ipolproof, ip o a |« 4 in d ih n u k t ' ra«dy fer ih i iieedli; w litnul q v B ilea tlw le e tvituo In I B lick Breedcleth wa have ever Don't m ill ib li chince.


Scores of pieces of High Grade Imported Dress F abric Checks* Plaids* Mixtures, Popfins, Gabardines* Serges, Broadcloths, Etc.

All Fully o ff Regular PricesN ote a F ew o f th e C hoice W o o l F a b ric s in O u r Big B ro a d S treM W in d o w





7 9 7 8 0 9 5 ]'O o th M .n sk srs S

Open Saturday &jening Until 10 o*C!oek

Fall Suits Are Ready! |Ready for you who don’t

beheve in waiting till all the wide-awake men have had th«r pick I

Suits that are 100 per cent, wool—sewedr with P^^e silk thread—famous for superior Workmanship—honestly good Stoutcnbtudgh-made Suits—

direct from maker h t^ r e r at a sav­ing of at lda$t $3 to $5!

M elon a n d F la t S h ap e

M uff BedsYou will find th e se Im m ensely he lpfu l

when m ilt in g y o u r ow n m uffs. They i r e lined with S k in n e r 's s a tin end crepe de chine. Of u n lin e d , i s you w ish ; in bo th sh sp es ; i t p rice s r in g in g fro m

6 9 c to 4 .7 5

Young, Men’s Suits!Designed stid eW to flt yMng men of

sdvtnMd Ideu! Nwest otp«d.|It models, ‘ tome with tiie new Ban-Mse Ispell Popu* lir fitly and broyn sesved--fnlxtures, stripes, checks st plidd^ 'ln youths' oius, $10 fU and" 9 S; III' young men s •Ueo n X n s. lU and -1 ’. ii, •,

Suits!i .o ' 1.: h o ? ,v a in digni.

‘-*■^•11* ' o l o a l t i ' . S r f i W , ‘ tflpd*

SUks and V elvets9 1 S ilk P o p lin s 6 9 c

V e c in 't Sly too much ibout (he good quilliies of these cKceptionil PopHni. V e 've lold i rem irkibly lirge number of plecei l lre id y ih ll seison, ind every one h i , been perfectly siiiifled with them—no com- pliint*. The color line i* gorgeout ind virled. No lc ,i th in 40 street ind evening shides, Including Crow Btuo, Subtem noiB Green, Field Mouie. Griy, Afrtein Brown, etc. E xtriordiniry vilue i t 6»c.

9 1 . 3 9 B la c k S a t in D u ch e sa 9 1 .1 93A inche* wide; strongest texture; pletsing finish;

only 1 llmiied quintlty to be h id i t this unusuilly low price—II.IS .

C h iffo n T affe ta*91 a n d 9 1 .2 5 Yd.

Yard wide; good v trie ty of street ind evening th id es

8 6 c E n g lis h C o rd u ro y s 6 9 cThese ire 33 Inches wide; excelleni quiiity; in the

siiple colorings only; reidy for i big sale tomorrow at only 8#e.

9 1 .5 9 T w ill B a c k V e lv e te e n s 9 1 .2 6Full 27 inchea wide; fasi pile and fan color; superb

let blick; stunning for euiis and dresiei.

9 4 .6 0 S ilk C h if fo n V e lv e t 9 3 .6 9 Y dFull 42 Inches; new shade*, Crow Blue, African

Brown, Field Mouse Crsy, Labrador Blue, Pnmelte. Sub- lerrMtesui Green and Black. Destined to be the sesreest of fsbrici this Fsli.

tl.M Mirrored Trimming Velvet, t»c yard; ill ehidee.

$1.19 Blick Velveteen, R9e yard.

9 2 S a tin P re m ie re 9 1 .3 9Sure to be I fivorlie; ■ heavy satin ficed fabric

(hit positively will not rough. In i collection of street I and evening abides.

Sw eatersK in d t Y o u W a n t A t P le a u in g P rice*HeguUr $tl.hO ill wool Coat

S w t i i i r i for 16.00.$5.50 heivy all Vool S w iiien ,

$4.00.$9.00 III wool Jumbo Knitted

S w c ilc ri for only 17.60.C hildren’s S2.50 Wool Sweiiers

in m irocn, oxford, ntvy snd blue ■nd h c ith e r mixture* for only 61.99.

C hildren 's $4 Wool Swesttr* In ■II sires snd best colors for $2.06.

W om en* SI.50 Swester Veits;black and gray only; ill sires; st98c*

C hildren 's Swetiers, H9e up. M isses' Sweaters, 98e up. W omen's Sweslers, 62 up- Men's Swesiers, $1 up.

O strich BoasBeautiful B o u In bliek, white, tu to re l *ft4

brown end whits; regularly $1.60 and OBe;ipedtl Ssiurdty at ontg........................ ..

Fur Trim m ingsnel

A ll V e r y S p e c iaMe Black TaffMe. T$c yard. t l .3 t Blatk Taffeta, tU O yard. $1.25 Black M etu lin e . 96e yard.

P la id Silka


Women will be pleaacd beyond m tisure witb our wonderful d lip liy of Field S llki now so very fasblon- ■bte for combination in d entire dicteca.

Every eoncehreble plild , every color combiniilon desired t t widely verlcm prtcei.

91*25 HoUow Cut C orduroys' 89c

Folks fgirtF ctormed the eonntir m wbich we sold theie Corduroyi l i i t Satuntiy . No weaderl Tliey e rf ewullcm gneHty C o rdnny , lu d the inarkit Mice la td - vanelng week by week, eo thef any one buyiiii tbem M m r price new u r t gening them at g rcmarkebly low fig ire .' '

- Tbeee Cefduiwyt t r e 2ff Incbin wide. In c veriety of Ihe beet cKidee end ere wonflere t t Me.

Flouncingsa n d Edgings

II Baby Ruffled Flouncing,; made of a fine quality of biHsie, in a good vtrlcty of pitterni, it only 59c.

16r Cambric Edgei; 4 to 7 Inches wide; 10c yard-

TVit and lOe Cambric Edges; 2,3 snd 4 Inches wide, si only 6c s yard.

L ac sAll Bilk Radium nounclngs; very

latest; white and ecru; 69c to |l.*9 the yard.

All fure Unen Cluny Fudging*; 3 to 5 Inches wide; regularly 38c and 4Uc a yard; special at 26c.

Oriental h'looneingi; 45 Inches wide; in white and ccru, regularly 51 98; very spedsl, Indeed, at $1,25 a yard.

Oriental Flounclnga, in while and ecru; 18 inches wide; new snd ex­quisite effects; regularly 7Hc. st 59e. 27 inche* wide; regularly 51.25, st 7*c.

Radiuni Altovsra. .1*1 Inches wide; In white, gold and black; regularly $2.25 the yard: special at $1.98.

SilkR osebudsFor that pretty little evening dress,

there te nothing dsiniler than these Silk Ribbon Rosebuds, In ill the light evening ihade* that are selling at the apecltl price of 39c the yard.

N o-T ear Net*All Silk No Tear Neta; 40 inche*

wide; lo nearly all shades; regularly $1.25 the yard; at 61.« .

Georgetto Crvpo, 40 Inchas wide; black, white, navy, fleth; regularly $1.70 (be yard; apodal at |1.6<l.

About ISO ahadea Cbiffou Ootbi 42 Inches wide; regularly $12$; Saturday at only 89c.

42-Inch AH Hllk Outbfa Nate. In threa-tona effects In these colora: Pink, blue and green— at the ipaclal low price of | t l 9 .

N eck w ea rO rniidle CoHsTa; a very beautiful

line lu it rucelved: made to sell aj 50c and 2Sc; our special price will be S6e end 16c.

Teete; In white and ecru; regu­larly SBc ; apedal Saturday only, He.

'n O n k srf Ue Wlstm Y o u W suit

. Buttons.If• ere p rtp ind tu u t» better

Imitallon Eriuime Telia; yary effective end looking; regular lOe kind; fer only He.

Kur Hcada end I'ur Buttona, In wbite, block and brown; vary apeclsl at lf)e eeeh.

Some of the popular Furs used for ttlinnainte gru Skunk, Opotaum, Imitation Ermine, Beever, CKsef Cut, Natural Raccoon, Near Seal, MolaaMn, ChincbfUt Him , Reverted Coney and Janet. ,,

VIdthe run from t Inch to 4 Incbca wide.Prices .T9c to 13.98 Uw yud.

O th e r T r im m in g sAll Bilk Black Braids; tha very latest for trim*

mint suiu; I to 5 tnchea wide; special at Ide. te He. g yard.


M o re o f T h o se

2 5 c Silk Finish Poplins, 17c Ysurd

These Silk Finish Poplins have e parmtneirt finish and s double threid weave which makat tlwn extraordinarily durable.

The color* embrace light end dirk Open, nesry, blue, old rose, dark green, tin, ecru, wine, Havtne brown, battleship gray, pink, light blue, Isvendar, Mack and while.

M'ashable; unusual ■( 17c.


' ! .

i;3 5 c P r in te d Poplins* 2 5 cVery stylish for comblneHon or entire dresses;

diimie,! designs; ail strictly fast colors; goodly variety to select from.

E ponge R atinesSee these pretty Plsids in the pretty SMteh el-

feciM, exiri hcMvy; nic« for tklrti or chiHr^nt 3 Q p - dresses; worth fl9c.; *i only ............................ . v 7 v

Pick From Lwrge Lines ofW hite W ashFabrics

F in e lio n g c lo th ; lO -y ird p ieces ; v t lu e $1.15 a p iece ; t t 90e.

ChAiwifi Finisk Ijongdoth; tO-y«d pieces; value $1.50; at $1.19.

B R yptfan L o a g r io th ; l^yA ^d p ieces ; v t lu e $1 .08 ; a t $1J&5.

Jgpaneee Niineook; 40 inebee wide; 12- yard pieces; value $2; at $1.65.

^hich Linen Flnlah SuiUnfa; fine tor middy blouiet or unlterms; at lOhe.

F ree Coird Set With TheaeB ath R obe Flannels ' i

■'ll .,'*(/*§

Very pretty and very choice patterns, in eluding the popuUr Indite design, here to eeleot « from. With each robe pattern we will give ntei a handsome Cord Set. conilating of a 2\ArySt4 girdle, neok coFd end a freg to match, ' ^ ' m . /

7 6 N ew P e t t e r m e t 2 8 c 'J1 8 c D u c k lin g F le e c e n a n n e l s ,

.'1 12K c Y a rdA fliM aalaeHoo of peiienii e pick ftee; n

' ategaat klmeooa and driw nf aaeewe. ; v j •!

NewestlYtnal ffeMffM wekt huAW .py.,

and oolerlnga; eM| agoellent wflflet * » p e osty 49* yenl.’ ^ H a e k e n d ^.padal «

ISa Yat#«i9l g eiill9wP*»>il



if Qi h F rM .

a n t r m u m m a m soon

WAWWOtOK. M . II.■ M l «( Ik* i l t* h r t in w*MIm ^ Mr*. »M M * 0*11 iMi rrwMaat Wltoon■ *M**M I* k* ■**• «1UUb tka Mil•■M tkt r*r Ik* nm te* tfM* tk*t t ia a l >MWiiirM»«t «r th* «*g**«nw i. «l«k iiM lM *il** r* M m u n a a M .MM. <k*H, *1 t ItMM »*(lr • ( iMr IKMM Mai kMM, H*«IWI« «ltl> th« P rM lM t aa* M mmI I . M. B*JW, wM aaM * am-

k* kMt tk«

Ik* WkH* H«um I* batnt 1 Ikw tkwit tar tk* n e ip tin of

■■■ ■MW*. M kl*n *al iMMater* •M iM t U Mit •• R aal *«« f«mi-

M l *liiiiiri«« kalB* pUc«a IB M* k**t i i m tiI Ikr tk* A* •■MM M* •W in *•* k*t* iMBporatllr «liM< t*

■ •* wai k* lk« kNloalkAltnBdtM* la Mm fawa* at Mr*. Oall, ■•cording •a k*r trfcMl*. Tkat t*l*r oft

’ k*r *ao**lliitlr ol*ar ••<■• ■t tk* tovk* tkal ara

I* f*r kar *r* aavtral *ka4*a a t MM. n I* taana l tkat n**t af kar MMMMm mtmm trill ka tr iaa ia l v ltk M il Mr. lira Oall faraaaallr ka* ia -

M* awtarttr at k«r aaatamaa S i Ml^aka k*a faOawal k«r ■«■•) *m -

I ar* aioaallaily artla- »jr. aa l U la aa lr aaw tkat *•«• at tka ■■•

attiMtltra trarkl** vktek Htaa B*M Mala at tk* Jawatnr aauk- M kaaa t kara triilak la aaalaatad kr ralaOvaa kat awaa* kr k*t. war* amm- MrtMtai IHM laaiM* aai t aata* kr

■a amm warn mam saw IfM Mar taataa at p a kar M aaia aar ■•••■Me kaawa tl

kar* kM kaaa aa M -ag la tk* ■«■• at lattar* a a l lalaeiaM* at earn-

aaaaifat k r tka Praaidaiit Ma kaU* *a.ka I k a r ar* a a n tn r

I t r a a *a**r fa a ria r a t tk* r* a t a taaa tra rk a ra

at work aekaawladeles ■■■a. la aMItlaa, k aa lra la • ( lattar*

1* 1 M* k a j i l a i tr f* ara kalag raaalvai.

■■a mm mmm-mk r k M i r i i i «w M *kk aad a i

. ia a a kaaa aal


j Oat II,—Rtfoaal at O. X.' t WIadatlkla la latar M a Ik* •w Mm aaaaaatlaa at tka fltat

at kk* lalaad watarwar tatwaaa i l iM ■aaaaiiiaa '. __ Rlaar._____kr Ik* I tiparM iat at Q a a f i r t i

a t a M aliac bara tkla af- I <a<M*4 la aafc tka a t .

; akaali ratnra IkuWa'* eartl. „ _ |1,H«. whiak aaoM»IkiakM.Ma M** Ik* law kUMr tar tkaattanm to ta tk* aacwmittoa fa r

I a aa>l* rat*. wMI* atkar kM* I Bi IT aaaU a aaklo rard.

_ at Ik* aaaliawt kaa aol k r Mm aBataaM aa . b*c*Ma*

m att fiallwlaartaa laalaata i tk* a» * 1 * aa ■ ■ ‘ ‘wrilT

tk la ralaM a a n k t aa


Oak M. taatalalaa ■■ ■■■aal lakaa kr Aaaa ■. Harrlamk ■■• taa Ik* laaakaa r laaar* at aat rlaa aat. jUMataat Oawalaflaaar laka Sarisk t af tka 4*iartM*Bt af raklla laatraaUaa kaa k ta f i l k m ■■ a italaw kiraatlat <Ma lalaeuiamaet at Hlaa Morrlaaa aa ■ riw iltil af tka aakaal a t ' ■lUakarg. CMikaM Oainir.

Tka tw a aaaaUaaa aaaaMarak k r Mr. ■WlMkt war* arkaikar Maa Matrtoait ■ ttk i l l r k*M Ik* raalllaa ■■ ■rlwatfa t aw k M a a wfcalkai kar aUaaagiM traa*.I j r ^ le a liM to *•*•• kakaal M Marwar

■aaM llaiit k ktaaiaaaL ■* taaad Mkaraa** *1«a* Ikr rrlaalpal, aak aakar

Itar, aa laiarrratak kr tk* k a r ra n a k* faaak tkat kar t r a u l a r ara*


IT , Oat U.—«ka Ito tk* aatoia a t tk* Maraaai a iMiaaM aaw klaarkaMr **■•

n rr r r il ta a In a l k r ttaa arttta taw B iU ri

■toMBl a t Baa*

tw tka Baarktar


w " x a its

rar—2 - -MIto* a t Ik* Ifaar York

Ikla atlaraaaai ■*•■ a Mraaaaa a raaap. ir aMraaaklac k rtaar Itoaa Maa

to a kaak-kaaaar aak to tka atOaa. wUl k* a a r

Mm WakMakar a f ta ra e * ^ ■k kt

k M artatat raatiTaraaa** raa ta rf.

a rk ar war* a r r r X m O a lk

tk* la t ta r a a t tka L aakaw aaaa ■ raaaaa will ra a lfa

Ik* kaa kaaa ■■*• I I

I * r it oOak U«>BiaiiM tkat "ka

■a aMkawkaa toaalfr lata th* • af Mw Maaark" kaaatar Baaaaal ■kM at I tu k lk t wk* la aaaklns ■!*■ *k M PatPaaMaiatl* Uekat

la« raar tk*

aatm I t a iM aatok ta t tk* waa lattakaaak k r kaaator

at Maitta O au ir- Hk aajra: •*« I* ra t# fa r th*

MU aa aaaa a* Ik* *to

I at MaRkMi.Oat II.—A karga

krlraa kg taaaph Ka- a traat Tataraoa, a

__ lata raatarkar anaP-I k r KatMul Claraaa* Karlati. Tk*

■Maaioatak wttk Alkart J. at Tatar***, Paaaal* C a aa tr

I at to* kaairtr fat tk* Pr*T*attoa___ to AalMalA wk* will graaa-I M awaar at tka kataa

. Oat 1 |.—Tk* aaafaaaeea far tolar katwaaa tli* lltat*


Store Open Saturdap Until W P . M.



H A LSEY(B A M B C R C E lfS O L D C O R N E R ’

The Mo$t Remarkable $15 Suit Sale Ever Held in Newark

2*000 New Suits— All Fur Trimmed

m S a



Oawrnlialna aM Aaalacaat M IM anl Baikart ■•■■■, raladr*

fa ta at aaatiaat to k« nMarak

Actual Valuaa n $20 & $25Suit* with hi(h cho­

ker collar* of fur, wide eufft of fur and bor- dert ef for around the bottom of the coit— over thirty esquiiite modelt—each one the beet value ever offered ■t t is .

yHtf IB#MM Ml(d BiiBiRI a t Afawf k laarr aatwr aOkiad aaaft e ra n

ratmk a r tU i afar* abawW m m k a tt a ■afwf fa aflMk tU t tmla mUMarntML

you tak« towurd prt'pArlni fur your fikll houBk’ cl««ulii|E tu procur* c UoUl of <kur

Superior H PclishinR Oilwhich cl^fina duiU ruJ polt9h«f your Plano. Eurrihur«:< AuiomobUR, Floora • tid all varnlAh lurfiiL^a H« nd for ■ • itimII IhOtO* and convener yourofijf R »mall coal

One More DayId w U ch to w ciure fliff

Rug BargainT he first few comers ttMoaorro#

can get the few rematninfrugs in this besutiful lot ofSloane's Brussels

.49They are regular $18.00 Rugs of W. & J. Sloine'f Titke; extra heavy, closely woven all wool and ftft rolors Size 9x12; only a few, remember, so come irly and get sn $18.00 rug for...................................

J.J.HockenjosCo.629 Broad Street



by *■ Drtigglato

EXTRA SPECIAL! Another loi Klber Rui*

packed ind placed on sale for Saturday. W( “ ^

of Fla* Woolhat been un-, Refular $1.00

ICFool Fiber Ruci (or.

Poaltlvfly Only Two to a Customer.

last Chance on Linoleums50c and 60c grade printed Linoleum; the

end of the shipment, i t ................................... 2 2+ caTHE LARGEST RUG HOUSE IN THE STATE

HEW yORK FlOO* COVEIG CO.144-146 Springfleld Ave., Cor. Howard St.

Pt m DwUvwrt** W ithin 2 8 Mllai*Opwn Evwaxing*.

iHT iicniRi

k U m i CiMridst

k h f

Amf ataita at >k " 0*1

I to W artime" a r by.Louie Itnlvenltr i

labn of the T AaoDlc Hall, the attUud*

ta i than indirr***!tlwU aunaeMi

IM o a . ha eald,.ui • hit* akulJat tknd,

tkaaSeH aruS'SMi .■paaker

g* a n r e ut roun* to a’ao him a aait t of {Hende ur Ihiii■aa with the oarei r*ai-ed Intu thecta^iilry.


Each tfllt In this t r » t ■pedal otfering is the em­bodiment of correct atyta and perfect tailoring.Alterations Free

T H E F A B R IC S -B ro w k lo U i, P o p U n ,W h ip - c o rd . S e rg e , G ab ard in e a n d V e lv e tee n .

T H E C O L O R S— A frican Browm. R u n i a n G re en , F ie ld M ouae, C oncord , N a v y a n d Blaek.

All coats are lined with guaranteed Peau de Cygno or Satin, tn self or beauti­ful contrasting shades.

Sizes 14 to 44


■ riA m I4 Mr. I p«|lta. IlM city c ilM (or aay lltk •Mm and aadncN Mid. but only thi titg. yeuriK m*il a r M In untCortna « dNuod hi nrotirni o^faahkvia on . m aOkaXM', g r a l . ^ Sfkpprd th* wholn

I. h* Mid. iwva and did not

ilt, ktiT waa r* [ maty. J 'ran, •

with GrriDany*to|* It cam*,, hiol ih riia ilon ■furWlaklnafu.

I ^M'B*at laetiir k*M October I t. prat iaanr ot lltara r**d hJa own po*i

All the Ndceet Model* tor Fall and Winter in Thi*

Great Coal Sale» a « 7 ^ 5 » i 0 - »

A vast assemblige of fashionable coats have been grouped together in three special lots and placed on sale Sat­urday at the above ex­tremely low prices.

Excqiflonal Waist Sale95?

Besutiful atylea in Silk Roman Stripei, Silk Plaid*. Shadow Laces, Crepe de Chinea, Georgette Crepea, Voile* and Crepe*. Copie* of expentivt modelt.

DRESSESFormerly Up to f 10,95

Reduced to

n « r a nrv model* for every oceoffon ot drooe—foraireet, eport, atorm a n d aemt-dreaa wear— im the new choker eoUar, tullHaring, hotted and paneled atylea.The materials in­

clude atriking plaids, checks and mixtures, corduroys, chinchillas tnd fur fabrics. Miny with targe fur collars.

Saturday will be a gala day in our Dress Dept., for ve have grouped together a quantity of charming styles thtt formerly sold ss high as $10,95—snd re­duced them all for quick clearance to $5.00.Dreaaea ot aitk and a e r ff€ eombinationa and att aerge — o ffe r- lively trimmed. All aizea from 14 ‘to 44 fit f A« M .

You Can Settle the Furniture Problemin our way, for it ia a habit of ours to please particular


CONE HERE EXPECTINC TO GET IT FOR lESS-Y O U WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTEDIT I T O M I T I T K > C * In Brand New A rray That You CanD©* r N J I U n I I U lv I I d pend On,Sold in the Convenient W ay

( M o im ie r

! ! ^ 3 . 9 8

S U D I N G C O U C H C o m p l e t e in E v e ry

D e ta i l—U p F r o m

3 .9 8

ThisRangeOp Fne


National Furniture Company9 3 * 9 5 S p H & ig f ie ld A v e , , N e w a r k , N , J . _____________


CaaOtaat la Awa |* M * n fa r r

D . PR IC E f t CO.—NEWARK-Stle at Both Stores—NEW YORK-D. PR IC E f t CO.

’ to* vaatoua ataaldpamiM latalBa at grolact baa n w*a Inrariiwd

’ MMbara at tb* com- A*otb*r da r


UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK’Centre Market POOtPS&RT Also OpenF O O DH n d n d a of NttraiVi ForemiMt Storea Providing Your Every Need in Furnishings, Wearables and

Foodatuffs, Are Open Every Saturday Evening.T H E S E S T O R E S O P E N S A T U R D A Y S U N T IL lO P M,:

DOPAfiTiaiiiT eron* Tb* OMtlia Cm-

B nad H i 0*dar atmCLOAKa AlIB itJITf


M*sria*e% i « Matte* n .

■■iTi rn n n ttn iN o * wm. ■*.«■■ a ••■■

■as Unad ■*•

• HOWSW. L. D***la* fb*a Ca*«ai amid tt.

I. n ita a iM*, am Dmad •«.

Dvmcb.TT* Oroad St.

W alb-O r«t tb .* O*. m BrMd SI.

Il**a1 S k .. Oa..M Mnad *1.

tini’Oa AMD MBDICINBS r*. Dm*

r m v m ’itii Haha*-SM** C*4 BHI Hraad *1.

H..TS AND FURS ■alhihMr,, iac.bH a * C*.,

luw nrwia *•■R. A. K ink a C*.

TT N.Tb.i a*.X. Malriaa O *•■■«

SIS Mark:*. St.

OLOTUIRO Manhall a RaU. serMII Rnad tt.

HIM** 0»< f t l RtMd ft.

roMT** Dm* ai.r*. TAI B nad tt.

fl o r ist s PbIHg. R na, St* B m d *1.

r. p, W*l*a*n, ■as Rn** tt.


r n Rraad. I* . M .rkHHAMDWAIUI

La*law R •ow i.r. •T-** M ark .t *1.

■ ATSTtwir W a n * .

■ m * aad B niat.M Plar. Tb* Carlaaa ■** St***

Ik* M*rtt*t ki.

CIISTUM TAILORS Ima. IV. Dwria.*«4 Hra*« ML

■•del Tallarta* O*. Sia Harhct S«.

DIKING AND LAKCIKG Naakla 0*rd*a, to R naf.rd PI.

CATKRKRS to. P. D*T a On.atk Bruuil at.

Atl**’a R a a t.a n a l,13 TV. Park St

WINE* AND LiaVOHS P. a II. A. M a m r

IM Market at.

CLOTHINGOt the Latest Fall Sti/les on the Most Liberal


■a trial Mtrriea H i J p t a E T CITT.

wag', to r a flak t tloiL Tor vckioalJ paogd Nowark Bi H » M n CT>anty ra a to 'd a r adopt* l* a ;tb * W ar Di ■gpAval of any clUfkBa hava h««

•T V oonatructl aae t B arm A * ■ V * V County 1 k r tbo Coolral of Bayanno cHIa ba bRllt for both tratole. Th* cb

of courao, UoBRitm.Bl *ns lion adoptad b) f r a V d ao th a t gaaf t e f o r . tb* g a rtt and urea

r a ll t te d a d t i t r a c l* (or

avafina. K**rny, ■aril or tb* Bat' tlM > rld a* ovar ta tk* foot of th aw^fdod. To II tion- Company i I t e ’.w o r k on I tk Jb M * . and HofRuaa Conatri b o b * waa awi tb o ,; improTomtPlaM r**ri V 4


i *7jB M c r c m

houraW hRkd flfitoataB at na*ri; I* tblqAMy f t o n Taotorg otto* to IH OUlaRri an eto*r VildiRai I• UM UtoJIro• pure** m thT te aotaapa w*

CdtoardV. Bnitofr. ritoeoMiwd

D. WOLFF & CO. is a credit house with a conscience—founded on cor i- mon sense rules—governed by a human policy—supplying you with the best in clothing on the convenient PAY THE “&Z WAY” plan. Here are QUALITY CLOTHES for men, women ind children—the sesson's latest styles in sttrsetive array —at prices as low ts in any cash store on LIBERAL CREDIT—tnd all guaranteed.

' la tatoiaa.a ft Oa awea.FAMC. OoL II. Oaotao Par-

old. * ooltootor iRSomaoo Oa*a-

Siw Jrika a t thUodrigbla, w*a (otniri dote ;S1M | *•*■ *t tlT lhpwnmn «*■. * *■*■■■ i* uuo

** >to oot

Mowwo avonao IhtoUl<

Mir a te

0«L II,—tollUam nitop. ' *r Tl Haditoo MTwot

' gaottfriar bg drlbli- ' m*r ***r (allar* tt **•■•€ hta U

UNDERWEAR iffir * . • ^ ____ ____ — ■

I toMb**« Okad Wtowi. t to SM IfkWri.

f^TDIirreV UlOM. 8m. U^Wat to aiitg kta i*«l*tr»tio*..Ahbw ;

UraJuSaL^:;;MM V .

■*tor*r«to, » i j ; .Wk* autori ..

_ . 9aaam at tk*> **to*a tMwrto*a Ma waa arr«at- ' IlfttftMtk

FOR MENSafety FInt, Idwt and All the Tine—against Sudden

Oitlls, Cotda, Pneumonia and Rheumatism.Famous over half a century for its luperior quelitles. Every garment thaped to the flgure tnd guaranteed

not to riotak.OlaManbury Two-Pleee, Fkt Knit Sprtng-Noedle U n-

d w ta r ii made in Sfteen grades, severtl weights ef line wools, worsted and merino.

^ speciaT feature of aditutabk drawer bands on

fiiaai ^ r.sdS'fiStk’* , . S' sssss jsNaMrai V r Watet*. MMUoto wMtM .......... ;i.....a«r faraiaat {.*•RaiatM Olir Avatmitaa Lamp. w**l. white atriakl aar aariaaal M*

Par an* kr IteSlac D**l*i»WriM Tir katote—o a e g l ^ ^ t t ^ T o te tor tb . .tola*.

OiilMbRjr IiitliM Cmmia QiWodkiy, Un.

When Women Suffertie iMsdy flTea grettar ■•Uaf than aU-kbiniii* (A-K) Tableto tnall eoodi-

doM g*DST*lly known aa "Women’*kbleto tnall eondi-

k«hM and Ilia.” OnctrikI will i*Ht(yIDUany woman that ah* baa at last loot

tfaa rem*dy ah* haa to kmg tmii look­ing (or.

Indigestion—DyspepsiaA n yon ditireaaod altar **liiiit Da

you b a n nkuae* when rldio* In the ckia or on tba Inin or boalT T a n A-K T a^!■■ a ^ gat Intiatii nllel.

Gawmkaa A-K TaUata knar M« M Af elf OTRaaialR



NKW YORKMadwa laoMry. MRiainloi a to ll

H,*a* to, IV, •**■***() *lib III K. P. plaai, lyaano, .l*vai*r. aataiMtItaprlaktea R**^ torjiaj;ni


M Am . Maw Yaak O V K V,

MEN S suns and (Overcoats

16.50These garments are unri­valed in style and quality tt the price. Superior tail­oring and the best of ma­terials are their distin­guishing features, which insure long time service and satisfaction. A splen­did variety of new patterns and colors are here for your selection.Otiwr SuHs tnd O m toitt


FAIL COATSSport styles and new belt­ed, loose draped, knee and full length models, of cor­duroy, zibtline, broad­cloths, etc., in the moil fashionable colors.

Jotenile GanneDtsOur stocks embrace a won­derful assortment of latest style nobby Dresses, Coats, Hats, etc., for girls.Suits ind Overcoats for boys, all apecially priced.

Qilib’a’t CoalsDinedNeatly trlmieed modela.

Made ef Bne j g xibatlnea. 'Special at.

• to rr .at U*attar a rietock.‘tohaa'Ckptoln ) ati* riUtlo*ktloR ari b* aaw tbo dan Itol t* .trkite • th* atoMk A I IN tha> *W!«aa al

»vari W'tb tbSnm # kte di(tonteS, .A Ibir aaaarJdRfIn* t* amt ftm ar tb* U*l og to* ftatn

n u fio m

lai eaiataa afaLnABbtu,a ttit;

OrCanakrGRthofle «l*TYyi yaw Jteaag ku i uaaebaNSt s i Van:r«*t*rilkr */tei■IgBO O-MAl.

T b« l«ncli**ttotoh'O cvtobrai ttn la th »nnvcri lawteiri yn***, <rN*iO w*» .1 Mtnriggor- Hia at witot* had of I


W om en'sFur Trimmed Suits

14.98Feahionabte Late Modeled* Suits of Rne •erge in leading cotors. Coats Mtin lined, with ’‘Chin-Cbrn'* collars of fur snd fur

-trimmed. Flare and paneled akirts.

Otter Srib 12.98 tt37.98

HK. -Hgdi (U aclik^ It at

. ^ rslika olart>b. tltot 1 tlead i f too "I


i t qtoMk gk

kFatoBiBOn* ■oiHa, •■< •aaw** ■■ I):*

- rf.«Kt5

Stylish ServiceableSR6SS Mcondmieal^ PricedNO DEPOSrr REQUIRED

'h ilf dwlilt.

A aadadetatT aaaa«Mtjkeak maa t racMRWwtaUau ya« naad W apen anjwmtoUnviutiD* to anilt dto family "


at 'jt

New Jersey "s Largest Credit Clothiersm a r k e t s t „ mm

BtatoOpakttatorday Nlibto ' .

« ■ ■ R ■ ■ ■■■


. W f i n t l f i r ’4

•IMiiioiQdb.A p r o o m e n AiE o o r

■I $trwk* 9f tkr k'EWt.»|aON. O f t '*1^'—" I ^ o a •

I IB WmftliM" « ru Ik* tubltcl Ulwa By by ,Lrf>ut* ir WllkthBOn ot CMB* Vnivanity mC the fln t Ivctur* of

bB><>n dI the Theredky Uarnlnf Club kooolo Hall. lUr. W llkinm sflth

the aitliude of the li^ncllah pauplo f4 t thtli- Indlfftrohca to «»r sondttlona •4 ^ Uwlr BUtotwM of poaltiun. To rlilt le M o i. Iu> oaldi-ont vould think M « w hilit M uti al Iknd. with «ho|u open, the tH«ktii>i oruBtwl and RHiviri e>'«r popu

^ n^a apoaker ^perla tly mi ntlened the •lire o( youna men. Thl». he e«l4 4o him a aa<l toplo, aun.v beliii with-

Oil. (rlitnds or Itotoo yot tnoh oid*r wUh ih« cmr9$ ot fai»4)kc* had b««n

•d Inttf \h* iwtr for th* ho»iof

..II MopMidoaco" kfiu h r m a U tM l WHUMI w ith hi* ‘■ptoui (M l u « h tr • ( iBiurod dlBalty,** ,Jloreint>|i | , O'Vom t. • Now T«rfc U w ftr a«4 » » otRahloor fo r tha ABMriou Tfulh M oM y, •<-' 4roouoC bi the lnMNito of tlw t fef4Pi M t p w o nu prooeu* by lovltMtoil M a. aMuHap lu t n iftt (■ MyoK h«*oL -

I t WM !■ eennoellM with Qm fT M l- 4wt*o talko on yatrlollnn fhiht MA' O tLoarr wfeod; '*Why 4a ora i m bohr yoiaatUBgof the hydrephoMatad baiorl*, ooaa whaao oao Idea of JUaiatiaitB laya ltp la ta ha pro-RrltlahT' l l r . OLmUT daelyrdd tk ^ #aco I h a 'a a t- h ra a ir a( the war the ProiMoai haa ra- varaad hia paaltlaa on aa A ttailcaa taaa ta a hellt«ereni nation. Tho p u r- paaa • ( tba moailpy waa M rauao Oaatl* aioDt fa r th i farmatloa hara of a hranoh a t tho Truth loiKotr. A ataathiK la Iw, ho hoM aokt wtoh.

i^ A M i:’lv s i t n io » i f ie W B V a B n m a r M W R a a w i e i

lAT, OOIOBEB IS. 1U& a-..


.K r ia w l4 Hr. WUklnMn. won the op- podito. (he city a t world'wide repula- 114b (or pay lift, herai' now nno of ■laom an ) eadiiru . Khopo are epen. ho nOtl hut only thune doallnk In neoeaM- tloai younit men are nut tu oe eeen ea- rd tt In uiiKortnn pr crIppM, and women dNoeed bi rvobrnlhd inohlna the I'arlo ofjfaahbyii one now of deprtpalon. The adaaker, p ra tn ^ thO hpirll that haa

*4 the whole irrench naUan. Kng- he oald. wevar had a war an lie oarn

and did not roallna the ImporUnco ilt. hut wee reliant m the power at I navy. F ram e had been Iodine (or

with Germany for fifteen yooro, aad. It c a iv ^ luokod to each noiaber of

rHotlon far eo-operatlon. Mild Mr.I Wlnklnepa.I 11m 'B ent laeiHiw of the rluh will be

held Oeloher Jt, when Alfred Nnyea pr ot i e inr of literature at Prlncrton, will tdiid hie own poem*. ^


Oawtraee In Awarded br HwOean ihro4> iMMera tae PaelBB Panoale Aye- y WBOy ^eam y.

•paqial Mtirtet ef the XKKH.JV ld E T CITT. Ool. Ik—To clear the

wrap, for a- flpM to oeeure aecammoda- tloix, for vehtcalar traffic on the pro- paa^d N ew arb ^ y railroad bhdyo, tho H a # a n County B«*rd of Fr*«h«lder« yM ^r^lay adoplad a y«»olutNis reqiitil* Iikf^4||a W ar Departmant to withhold

^ plana until Bayonnac l t l p u h«v* tk««n heard-

oonatructlon of a bridia to oea> Back MaypnAa and either Eaeek or Vnllin County la under conalderatlon

(ha C entral Hnllroad. Tha daolro


NEW BbCSiWICK, 0*L t*.—Hiw Robert Wood Johnaan, wUew of Rohtft Wbod Johnaon, one of iho (ouiMltro • ( tha fohnaon and iohniaa ahlsleal aop- pliaa bunlneae, wilt be wedded In Narem- ber to John W. Dennla, fotmeriy Mayor of Wcatmintler In Eniland and wbo ha* hotnaa In Krnrlaytan, London and Kir- ten. Lincolnehlri. Bayland. Phe atll) naalnlalna tha Johnaoa reDdanoa hera-and baa a winter heune In New Tabk.

Mra- Jbhiuai) w ti Byanfollno R. Arm- attnnd. Hie haa IhrH chlldten' sAd wan the eceand wife of Hr. Johnioo. who died flee year* uo .


d talaa DIalrIct Court yteterdty refuaed la aiiJelB the New JerHy Board of Pub- Bo IHIlliy Commliilonerc froai taklaw Rirladletlan Id the flaht of Trentnn ta re ta la tha aln-for-a-ounrier ticket* on tha Trenton and Mercer County Trae- tian Company.

The trolley ronlpany'e petition will be raaawed In the federel court, tha opin­ion held*. If the city euihorlile* attem pt la revoke tho llcentea of the com paaf to run Ite care.

srMayonna citliene la thnt the brldya hBlltb o ___

tPBMiO.for both rallrond and relileuUr The character of the biidd*


Murphy, thlrty-alithl year* old. of SW W ebster avanuo, ceimnliied aulctde yaa- terday afternoon by htnylnc from a ra tte r la the cellar of hi* hooM.

Dr. m. John w*i called from tha City Hospital. He pronounced the maa dead a fte r a ebort esamlnatlon. aad tha body wa* taken to Hwha*' mordua Murphy left no meaaadei to eiplain hla dead.


;<ii Ai, iiiIm^

OM liilin •( EnRbN AiJrw Br Ottcdbr Diy i f S f n o M

I D a m ^ m f t iiiiiT .'M IO rr iK in ilN To ERTDtBIG 0 ^dparfet derrha tf fke IfMMt.

MAOIMOK. Ort, I I —Foubder * Dap waa cadebratad yaftarday a t Draw Thaalodleal hanlnary by an addraaa la Draw Chapal by (ibaaoallor J>ay of ■yraauBe unlyarilty, who took aa hla aubjact 'Tha Hark* o( a Mlnlalar.’' polntlna out tha tbinpa mlnletar* ahould stand Car tod bow tbair IdaaU ahould n a rk 'th a Uvaa of athara.

Many mambara #f tb* alumal a t ­tended the aaarclaa*. aad many other man • promlnaal In Ih* Malkodlat Church. ,

Praaldent Mara tdalar Ttppl* pra- elded and read the apenlBd hymn, which waa tm t r a d by prayer by Rev. T»r. William V. Kelly, editor of "nio Mathodlat Rovl*«. Tho paaltar re a tlrp wa* lod by Df, William R H un tin r.-n , president ameHiut *( Boston Uaiver- elty.

The dcriptaro leaeon wa* taken from Paalm II. I to M. and'ama read by Dr. H. C. McDarmatL dlalrlel tuperiniand- • Pit, of klnaatan. Pa. Rar, Robert W. Rose re of th* Draw faauliy read Ih* second hymn, after vbtab Dr. 'nppi* pave an aullln* of th* hlalory of th* aeitilnary aad al*b laid of tba memhor* of th* firat faculty, aflar which a hymn waa rapd W Andrew dchrivpir of ChoaWt N. Y. The last hymn waa read and benadlalllon proneuncad by Preai­dant Kmbrltu* Hanfy Anaon B una

Last m tahl |a th* aid mansion of Dantal Drew On the eampue, which If known BB Mead Hall, a reoeptlon was ptveii by th* ifffw Tount Hen'* Cbrln- tlap .Asfoclktloo to tb* mambara of tho en te tin a elaea aad refraahment* war* aervoit

Tha praaldent of the aaeocistlon, B- T. Trevy. qtood In lb* reeelvlnc line and Introductd each freihman to tb* pro- faaaora and tbair wlrt*. AJtar th* re­caption Hr, Trevy mad* an addraaa of waloom* to th* new claee mamber*.

Th* proprtm Included thraa aalec- tIoiiB by th* Drew quartet and a ao- prana solo by Mtu noraaea Ntlaaii of Brooklyn, who wa* wall raoalved, and far Bar aacond numhar fav* Swadlab folk aon tk Th* akudant* w*r* ad- draaMd by Dr. lebrlvar ta d ih* pro-

.a ram etoaad with th* alBKlna of Ibe

Droar t m a . 'Whilh H Of f r a th a ^ * to iioar^ by ^ Pram yatl- Raay (MR oat af toPVB atiandaC the aedargiB*- uatea halbB tllavad ta Ihvita (rianda,


RptiftI •antat t f A* WtWt.JBHUCT CITT. Oak I I —«l*P* mak-

1«B (hr th* hdrrinr «» “amluilaB** ehaaar*" and other a ia n u of lowyar* fram haap lu lt paaatbTy mill be lahaa by the Kudaon Coanty Bar AmoclaUaii aa a raault at tha Istaat complaint m adt aialB at tk it claaa by a haapllal pa- t lm t. Tba maa waa caniplalaa la U ahart A. HeUahoo af 1* Hackaniack avanaai Waabawk**. who aiartad yaa- tarday la tb* Unltad btataa DIairlet Court aa aoUaa lor* aRalnat th* Brl* Railroad.

i t !y tlalaMd by McMahon, who wM ,an Brl* brakaman. that wron* *l>aalB ttv an Jua* to eauaad a tra in to n o onto a track on which ha wo* worhla* with th* raaull that h* wa* knocked down aad run avot, HI* riah l l*a waa ampuiaiad follawlni th* aoctdenL

Oo* af Ih* onblaaabd* faatura* of hi* caaa, tb* InJarad man aaPA w m tha preiaaca at bit badalda a t different time* of the "ambultnc* chaaara" who oou(hl to •*! him to Rlv* hla oaa* to them.



apnVal IwviPV at fk* VPWf.JKRRRY CITY. Oct. I» —M»mb*r* at

lb* Hodaoo County Urand JucT vtawad the acan* of ilM Bayonne ettth* laat July and the* ralusaed to their room at tb* court bouo*. where aeveral wit- neeee* wee* hear*. ain;2 |r them barna rn d tr •hartti Jama* H. q»tK d«d a r ­tier of Hudeoa boulavald poHe* oltleera who sMad materially In auloUna «.* •trikert. . . .

Wbalbar HMIeUnant* war* voted could not b* daflnitsly laarnad, but It I* ba- Uavad aa action will b* lahen In ^ until Tuaaday, whan. It I* akpaetof. iu- pram* Court JuatW FraacI* J. Rwayae will raealv* ib* mamber*.

The fraud jury will band up I* th* eausty Juffv* **vwal ladlotnMal* la minor nuiUtr* thl* aftamoon. It I* *u- amrad.

■air FallBi Beaoh* Maa'* iMpa. ■pertsl Srrrtt* af It* F*Wf.

JIBAKT CITY. Ocl. >I.~A falllna of ragi ttHick C htrl* i R*nd tff

tfk Broom* *<r*rt. N*wark. whil* h* wa* worklny on Pier K of th# Pooatyl- vanta Railroad, aarly iM* mornln* and broho both of hi* l*a». Other workman called oh ambulonc* and Rand wae taken te «l- Franelke HaaplUL


Cmmt of L A|« IS fora it ■ Smoi’i Opodif hj Twti

WoBOBiiSwirat.ONE GMCED BALL TO EDWARD YD.byartel Mnataa at Ik* FBITA

RL'UMIT. Ocl. ll.-TThe ap ta lnp ro- ccptlan of th* Womaa'* loatltui* yaa- i tr la y aftamoon look tho (Arm of an ald-fashlaasd t*a, abont a aaar* of th* It* prosani b*lnt drasatd In coatuma* of th* l*H| aaa.

Mrs. Frad W. (nift’a draaa waa an* warn by har arandm oihar a t a ball plv*a lo honor of Iho Prlnco of Waloa, iaiar R lnf Edward Vtl. of Bnwiand, a ih art Rm* bafor* h* ram* to thl* coun­try. It was or flowerad Bilk, w ith t1*w- In t and fait shirt, cut *n tra ins. Mlo* Ellaabeth Leddall, who contrlbultd a vtalla solo ta th* musical proaram, war* a draaa worn by bar araudm othor back In tha titllaa- On har h tad ara* a atraw kotaal.' Hla* Uola P*f*. who danced a (O-

vatla, had a coetum* of b right araak and wore p tA tk la ttta ' M i" Marl# B. Ubby, who poured with M rs Ernest Dr****l North, bod on her mether'a wadding gown. Hlaa Forn Rradlay of Ebort Hill* dancad a polka. Hlut

■ '-M M H M IPipiM pM H M M M PWBatk*r m u t* w«> haaiE In te a r aaaga,**11000, iMBg Aga." iBallp l« Oar Alloy." '*LuaF ^ B o f a Bonr* aad T h a (MB with tba IM Icata Air-”

MIta BiaiAwai *MIE • EY*«F •* Franck aaafg. Th* antlr* pra«r*m waa baartUr aiwlaiiilai i fl^ldr Hg rag. ditlos taa wa* aarvad andar tb* Elfad' tlap or HI** Ida A. Raaanaaaat, praat- daal of th* Inatitut*. BaaM fl* af dahllai aad ebryaanthaanuni, tofothar with large bunohaa of autum n tallaga. added t* th* attractlvenaaa af lb*

WINS V EU N a OF fS,Wf|Hrl*l Patvlc* af <*« FEWf.

JRHSBT CltY . Oct. If,—A verdict far M.1 f l . l t wa* raturned by a Jury yeatar- day atUraooB bafor* Circuit Court Judgo idilher A. Campboll, In Ih* oaaa of Thama* Harrington * DanA caa- Iroetora of f i t Montgomery airaaC agalnit th* Unltad Rtatea Eipraa* Cam- pony.

Th* acllcn wa* to rooovor l ia . t t l f t which Harrington A Bonn elalmod waa duo Ih* concern from th* aipiuM com­pany for having alearod away tha dabita of a Dr* which the eipreaa com­pany autfarad aboat thraa gafre ago a t Eighth and Handaraon itraa la Ta* aapreei company clalmad Ih* bill waa eBCeaaIr*.

Mot Reiaatat* Road r*r**HB.TRENTON, Oct. U.—Concluding that

tba dlatpl***! waa not warrantod. tha Clvlt Hcrvle* ComtniBilon haa erd*r*d th* ralnalatrmeni of Them** Caihel, road foreman In Marcor County. H* wa* di*ml**rd from hi* poiltloa by ■ugarvlaor Dinlcl Klochnar.


AND CASTOR OILG iv e F n d t LduuHv* wke* C M %

BUtooB, F t m U i o r CoBBliprtod.

* T a liro ra iB S y r m o f F l c T C n * t ' H a n n T e i u w S to o u rii,

, U v e f , B ow da.

Lo*li k trk at r w cli11«liM4 4l%«. 1^■raniNr ' rn«tlitf lutotM mi* ve«M*r sU c»iU«rllM* r^ i ■UMin. k9W y*9 roMflit t « | ^iMmu.

Wltk Mir eklldrMi it'i ilfforMit. MMfeMV cllB t !• tli« old PoffD M M i^ r .

t wh«i U«ir 4^ Thtr«vMt to wMlwfoiiii4*4. T M r Uttit

lajU toT tr* HMurM br tfern.If r«iir I4r«r «n4 bowsli

LtoewMits, f|v« Mill 4*lloioy» "r«lir«r* ■khh i»r«i Ftf*.' ll» *Mtoi» to pMlUva* b«i a*in»i. iMMtoito «f kM» iwtihftrmloM Ifttatlv#** kftliAy: tb« llPM*«biidr«N l*v« !• i«kt H i It Mv«r l i l l i ttt ib^ Ht m b*w*to m Atbs' MMNAch. aoA tbftt ft flrMlftdftjr iftVM ft alek ehlld taraftrr sw.

a A your drucirtot tor ft IlnUMil bftttto «f "CftlHornlft iy ru f of FlMt*' wbloh k u full dlioritofti tor bftlilM, ftf ftll ftftM •ftW 'r«r fro»h*«|M filftiftir Mck bMtlft. feft-wftr* ol ooMMortolU Mid k«r«, §m lA i l It to madt by t'aUfftrato Piv tyrug CfttupAftr** HafuM any otbar kind wUk iraritvtTnoiit.



of c o u r" , be deteemlned by .War : Danartinent *ngln»r*. and the raaolu- lloil. adopted by th* treehaldaf* waa t r a ^ d H) th a t Bayonne folk ap- paaf bafare th* War Daparlnunl ta - parfi and urg* th* merits of a cam- MbM ra llraad and traffic brjdg*.

COutracta fo r tha paving af Paaaato auaOu*. Kearny, and for th* Improve- m*A of th* Bateraon Plank read, from th* %rtdg* ever Ih* Haekanmtk Rlvar ta t^a foot of th* hill In Sacaucua, war* awasdod. To th* Northarn Canalruc- tloa- Compapy of Newark was given tha A w ork on Paaapte aveoo* - oe llld tl« .f* . and td tB*i Nola* E KorBuag Construction Co., of Want Ho- b o k ft wa* awarded tb* contract for the J improvotnant of th* Pateroon Plalflh r ooE a f 44MM.IA -


■parlat dkruA* ff Ik* FfBV.j e r u t e r r r . ouk u ^ A t t n thro*

bauraSif )m M fighting thl* morulng th* nmaasB df EMfly avery •Md** comgonyla th lk |.^y g r a n te d g fir* In tb* oakum fastory of. thb W. O. Dav*y CoamaBy, a tt l4 CUlBRd Bvagua, frMg *piu*dlng,t*olkar j^ ld la g i in the-netohafhoed. For a Uaob tMo.flr* thr*aUn*d to blot out * p r r a tg <W th* Hudioo (^ty sootlon. Tho d p a n *

M eggrdV . Bnow. analoeer oi th* f*o- tgry, EfaeovBred flame* on th* aBcoud

a t tb* *10*#** building ahortly k ofclwk. He **nt In tn alarm.

wlChlituIn Ijta of th* Oakland Av*-___ BUthin arrived with th* reHrva*h* aaw the danger of th* blai* ipread- law id Itanie apartment houaw acraaa th* a tr^ L A monwnt later h* turf“ '* Ig tha* aacoml alarm.

■vaA 'w lth thl* added aaalitanc* th* had difficulty In fighting th*

flaBMC Jh third alarm brought twarly •vary idiv ina i» ih i city to tb* acfo* a a t f f ta f tr tha man hagan t* gat eou- tral ok fim flaroea


at Ik* , Ont. II.—Blahop John J.

jhd Mrty-feur prominent giMvymoit tram Naw York apd

raaYkMMdad Ik* eampllmantary

Elizabeth Spencer Singe in Newark and YOU Are Invited to Hear Her a t

rra il wa* ih v aiad tp Jha rank o l natM or. B la fallaw oiafiymaB, ■kaV

----- had knSWh him f tf opihlrEi>f a cantury ahowarkd ad upon him oh hi* olavgiit

fftor ^ n « r < '' M tlU fit At tiemMUr b f owrtmonUt.


Oft. II.—Cetnlng lb* "BydfdpfMhlalad Amarlcan*^'’ 'I BI Oiatd arha hav* b*M ■Rangtad Anartokaa," and da-

t jta t tba paapi* avght to h* Ih* "V igilab boCign of Am fii- Q g g e a A s i B i i H t e_, fw jjia ig ',. .


8 6 1 Broaid S treetMia* Spencer w ill an iear next Saturday at to e new E&ion Shop'0>ncert Hall, which teem e ,titled to be th e musical center of Newark.Her beautiful soprano voice w ill be heard, in the very tongt 'which have m ade her one of the beet known Am erican Singers*.

f ...f .The Supriem e TestThe Audience will, have the novel musical treat of headfigdie Edisoh Diamond D isc Phonograph re- producetheeam e song which Mies Spencer haejust • u n g * ' ^ ' - - 'A te tuprethe cUmax, M lttSpenoer w illting the tong WITH tile EdiKm, Stopping occasionally, to show her audience tiiat there it no difference between her OWN voice and her IMainoiid D iic voice, ttlfo exacting feel thow i why the Edison is the one veritable m usical mirror*- It holda the mirror up to Nature and produces fac'Siintte musiCa ,

invited.-^C eifiplim eiila^

be s e ^ u r e C ticom Oliver at th e

‘ ivCell cir phone Meirket 3 1 3 6 . %■ -is ■; >3'- ’ ‘ .C6fne early afid ih sp ed th e

hew. Edisim ih o il-n o w on e of fhe show f i l l ip o f New* ailca Esaely oom ws w ill bo sure o f good seats.

tta^-Wieek^DiiriagflwWIwhbf ^October 18th-Z3d(hEN «S to dtilf codetitB BBch*

• ( M n t to t 1« . th e c o n t o r t l u l l t f th e E S iM 9 to p > .'A M •* » inv lf* il v i tb o n t tk lM t.


S l^ N tiw iu fls

K w M Tt-<n* W o rth W h ite

R o o d h ig ^ K ^ M E i r S N E W SS ta r t O so B S o l u r d m

U n tn l ^ J d

y o L l , N o . 4

Published tn Your Interest by Marshall & Ball

NEWAwCI Z OCTrill, 191B PrieeU

News N otes—You ewe advised that

automobiles may be parked in front of this store as /o/Uf « you require while shop~ ping here. Cars ot other than patrons ot the store are not oer~ mitted to park here owing to the Traffic Laws.

« • «—Those “Indestnicto”

Ties for Men are about the best thing yet in Neckwear — guaran* teed for six months not to cut or wrinkle, or show pinholes or we«r out.Six chades to chooM from I t II.

* * •—Other pretty Crept Tit#

with neat embroidered fle- urea, widely atparated, in vtrioua colors, f l .

a a •—Men. who have already

donned new Ftll Suita, ire enjoying I h e apleiidid weather more than the man who hat put off buying,

a a a —Parent* of boya enjoy out-

fitting the youngster* here because we have every­thing for the little fellow* in our Boys’ Store on the Second Floor — Ciothliig, Hats, Cape. Shoe* end Par- niehlnga.

a a a—“Utake” Hate con­

tinue in popular de­mand. They arc liked because of their grace­fully taperirlg Atplna crown and flat brim— and because the price

' is low, |2.a a a

—Mocha Gloves of fine quality with three rows of black em­broidery on the back; here at $1.SS—very fashionable this fall.

“Student” , Suits

With Firat Long Trousers

The boy who i* juit • little tired of btoomera, a little too tall or a little too stout for them, wilt be delighted with our ''Student” Suita, for they are just the thing that the big boy wants' at this critical period; boyish enough for the boy, manly enough for the young fellow.Made in handsome fabrics, well tailored.*10 to * 1 5Young Han’a Denartawnl—

Flnt Ploae- a a aN assau

Spftdtol94 S h oes

—The Maaeau Special $4.00 Shoes with O’SutllTM Live Rubber Heel* may be bad here in 12 good etylea—e variety ot ahapee, liiee RM leethert to chooae from; both b ^ k ead tea.You een’t tBrpeee theiB et the price ' H .W- L*®'t ter lllM trede-HItfk on avefyflwa. .


U niversal A dm iration for O ur FaU Styles in

Silk-Lined Suits

U n e q u a le d V a l u ^ a t

$ 2 2


The Silk-Lined Suit is greatly to be de* . sired by til good dressers — n o t to much as a mitter of show IS the way it feels~the sleekness of it, the elepnee of It, the feeling of satis- fiction thst goes with clothes that you know are just right in every particular.

These Silk-Lined Suite for ^ n g Men that we sdlat $22 are made of handsome Oxford and Fancy Mixed Chevi(HSi modeled by master designers, skilfully tailored, and quite worthy in every way of the rich silk lining which adds so much to them.

We doubt .very much if you will find Suits of equal quality and character, silk lined, elsewhere in town at as low a price as $22.

S m a r t S u i t s a t * 1 5tor Men and Young Men

Keeping pace with the popular demand for Suiteat thii p ric e ^ lS —we are presenting a widely vtrito line of well modeled, carefully tailored Suits of handsome fabrics.

In such a collection as this in which you will find Suita of all the standard plain fabrics u well as fancy woolens it it eeay to find something wholly satisfying.

ir $IS is the price you have decided to pay we assure you we can serve you as well at any house in Newark or New York.

« e •If you like a Suit for leu, say $12, they are here, if it plcasea

you to go to $25, Suits at that price are here also.

Chinchilla O’Coats$ 20 to $ 3 0 Values S 1 O ^ CSSelling a t ^ X 0 « # ODouble breasted form-fitting coats with velvet col-

lars; double breasted coats with convertible collar, and s i l l ^ breasted coata, buttoning through, with shawl roll convertible collar and patch pockets.

Blue, Grsy, Brown and Black Chinchilla of fliW quality ere used in the making; some are full lined; some quarter lined; sleeves sarin lined.

A few Belted-Beck Ubten of Chinefame, also in C I l TC Blue and Gray, selling at the same special price............. < p iu .l lY

Y oung M en’s O’coatSp 912Made of An Wool Scotch Cbeviote with velvet eolltrt, set-in

flteeves, buttoning through with three buttone, patch pock- g i yeu, quarter lined; excellent value at,‘..................................... *

• f t *

Boys’ Corduroy SuitsW kh EiKtra Trou«era

Dandy little SBite t n theee Cordureye In attNctive Norfolk modeli with patch pocket ^ t e and generoutly cut bloomer trottten, fully Kited; tisede }a itu e for boye of 7 to IS yeen; you can hardly match thism anywhen under $6, but we offer ^ QC them wirti two pelrt of troiawa etonly..............................

Bopf School Sotti fat Norfolk etytea, with extra troitsen; aft •olutely Wool; Cool* with patch pocketa and eritched ^ 4a f l C belta; for boye of 7 to IS yeere; very good vehM et.

’ • • •B oys’ MadUnawSp^S

Droaey ooeio hft opoifovtebla eod oenrioeebli, e ri ihaie Mack- faiaweforBoyp o r i l o IS. A voriety «f to*torne eod oaler- # | io fi tq chooqd frdoi St bnljf * ee# *•,*# *e*(S0**e e^eof •'* ■

Mo A Bl A m W M tirM ain Is Mrs* destrabte psnirttx ta vieoaUe fobito. odch with Cep te aieieh; for boye el,» te to ; worth 110; tt IMO.

ItoteP todVMOte; ff< to i f yw r oi . teodale; et f U i to tUk '

o w Bogthh



t f 'r ' 1

>l!Ift(ia(HIRiSK fttfANAQllEDAM

l i lm i Eipm ScMil Vm PivpMiJ Sm etef WmII Bi Rmw^

h j ^ P M l F l M L

vnis TO raPTW ioau qobtilrrMx « « • » « « .

W*»A«Ur-mDVJU.«. <W. » -»*«** iMto Wu m m mkI MMvato m «4 banIM lint «a tw*i«:o« of Af MU <*•»•' "•tortol ot ^ « M a M Uaaholl wool* hi|o** « • •JJ'WiiMiiN W w to «oro w»tof wvroeaoue •« pw** .■(Oi, iipiitoltir 1 ** «t***of P**?!!** *rL!l?ir trifjrll lb« opiiiloo of iho Ww Dopait*'WHO I • liO* « *^7 . - - ■ ■iMuarmm ■tVMI ky tllO 4iotft9lS f f t r l l T j r T J A Uo-tM -.*«. H. UtlfclPWIf- ____ _________li«a>boK of (ho PoMpIo* w M I r f Ti*4^ * •* * to •(•Jo W •* " T — of m jToc«M lUloUlwof UWI •MMM *t WwMOVO. r ^ l i . P M T f « i ’ m iaa ■MToteor of (ho ly * * * ” ^I . IM w»f i^ p y ^* * * * * * „ ^ r V S(M o foMoo on (bo tnhfo^ H« N * ™ «M foKuorina lo«oo *™o *“ iof « "» • aofV* ^ OMHiMfo •( WofMli^y .

'iMrirrUt to four Wtof o j^ w o j j* ? 1 ifii. fouiloo to ^ i« ^**o *y*g ^ian • m hooiM i» » •WW-tWo M W nnOnodi of MtfiHIhroerte • ■ «• UoUM. fhirtooo fof rooo C too—^ » .? W «*

'...........arr-“jrr*NSS.“’!TSflMllM • hcK M ."

•tm M art alltoM U to I* MH m M-'IM Mot loot (MOW* to to* ■■ tk* OXb’

t o ^ tho «oono tOtoo «t tott* .•>* AlaMoaMto th ltM Uoulomat CiltiMl I'« MdEtoU. *t Mto tkM iMloo.Wiltoi— TM •othor aM lyM • “ * 5 mooUbHo •eoatmto of tiM dotooiatloa lyeo onMlMloo of U fb oapteohM. Ho

C S u Mo fiM (bo.Mfo? »«****■**•tMMi to oiiMto(«Wto Om ;*.. **r ^ > th o f t o u u « o * < « y t » i j a t ^^ .J Mto Aototo M *»•* I***. ***^*? ” i f MMO*. Tito roMuo of «u«Mr f m

doto Ml <o*(l««to to iMfOMO^to S r i lK M t of oMrM boMto • 0 2 n ctftoto too*! ho •■»'■*•*• m foobobtr tbo oMorlor Utoft of

h£-H'2l, i:KS•hoto HM.tyfloa JW -*!!??:

Borttoffo » s S * 5 ^ $ ? L j £ 2iM. lMlatto*> rtiototoM m, otbooto. booMtoto; « e ,

"biTlto toltifoJ. « ^

■------■ IWtT TMJo • * »?. f tor ^1 offtodo « • “ ■ t o * l * T j ! I ! l M loot h* (b jito o ro * ^

i of tbo wMlIor qiwatito ^ Mito >w«r or hr r two in>to« awoF.

BnHfc Tritooo B M -to "It to ■ M ttor of oooMbow « M « to »

u oMcto t i ^ oMtb t r c or aM !••• ooMH thaa offoou f iM

. Moeh froto atnrtaro (!**■ » m m f T ta m T S toMb wCM w aat Oomf *, aJthoMlh M M ^h t t o ^ H « l

tot(«r TfUeo, Tbt1 to lltot ototo to ia»i. Ho fw i^ > Miitoriiwnti orhtob olMi •* ■£)*


6LASS OF salts!

The HoltDiamond Storo

i d d i d i l l y to it* p r e s t ig e b y s t u d y in g t h e d i im o n d m a r k e t a n d th e p ro b le m *In iuccessfuiiy antlcipit Ing the w*nt* of the man who la about to buy the

[Are You PiirdiasinK Your Meats atWholesale PricesShopping et Roth & Company'sHE^LDQUARTERS

$ A ,

i f ittEt yii • sidii| •* tt* f>**®*** 1** WHOtE' SAU lim n QWWWIIS ter tfcis SATBWIAT. d

E N U 6 E M E N T R IH 6

a n d b y c o n s t a n t ly o f f e r ­in g b e t t e r v a lu e * th a n i r e u f f o r e d b y o th e r s , b e ­c a u s e

HOLT’SeS M la llM In P ttm tN S i

Brndt Acadtny Stt-N e w m r t i i H> d*

14S Hi ARKET ST,Newari(,N.LB«it N iihe Beef

I Prime Rib SmA I At(baA cuta).........

IS I r lo i iA l O r, SM i ..... .......

L e m P d 14cFiedi Je n e r P*A

17c] P e t i t 1 ^

Smaaft .........i P w k - , g g

KidM M

Geninne Spring Lamb..18c'...He]

I9 c

U M o f L am b

Fonquaftera A L a m b .............

R ib L am b C h o p a

Je rie j VeilL i l i A v U . .

RnmpiAVaA.Vaal Chapi ■ • •

laoMDy tfTm KMurn Oeew

Ym la t NMt

N to ltl A A horIfy

H, Moa o r ------- wbo ooli ■••( ro«<lorlr coo cBoko o oNoOX to floratoa IMrMMrHr Moa* (toi* .tto* »>**ssrasra"*^??^tttob ?aa mS^ M to tM froM IM htooc tbto FM Mt Z b . Moan/ an rMootollM.. htolaiMa «*or «"?H* tooroo^ ^ ^ ^ a t o t o ^ ^ - MooM, ilMOlM aoto. Miiaor amiatoo or* -oM toaaaM btoaoFa ^TM ohomM fm tori a aolt ^ to IMkiaiHFr or f m took kaxa or If (b * » M to toMto- i f ic M lTa foil to toM tow b^ bj^ -tor of aaaaM* or atloaiod to -to o S f& r iL f-to to MMto troM tmr toftokio lokr a lektooMwm •• • ■*“ •* walw ktokro tooakfato Hr a tow tor* M ktoooFo wW (Ml ato tKm. *1^■olio to <m4o ^oto iba a*M to iM tokMa Joloh wwotoaod. wKb ktfcto. a _ — kooa otod for foaoroitooi lo Hook ■)•(••• kMooF* itooMltolo itoo* to aoilrHF. otoo la ooatwiUao iM aolto to orto;i“ “ ..i* liokir oanwa brnoHoa. Ikai oottok Maadot

fod ■alto to laiw itoir* oad « •••( jotOi oaakoo a dtolfiliM tohru oioal lllMa



_ wteifs tlid Tocte to sift, ssitte

PwTbaltatMa. ^tftSMT. Ftiitofn tM tetoylll^ Jg

rKsnd ItoNdi III Iffd^ Stodt "Rtet mSTto Mfid. T l- d-SteW M ta ooad at W M »•!* »»« * i ^ - t to akavt M .M # Fomtoa of djMMjto

It tbo MMI of A lN ^ ^ U rt^ ^ M u Ii SAif. wsAd ^ 5 L ? ! *?ikSlrlliS* M t: BtocbwoHa IHaM ^

VM ai I T- ».••• too*. **to ojtoto .kaH ST Ho* Tto!i City l.**» f a ^ 2 S L * « 3 i

moMi to lU a tf to l. tort

1 3 - : . “ ^ to* ^W * t d a MnrtMrabto droa • • __ iMidod i* diwlklab Iba tba ohoeb la 'tb a • mn^ r band tbo faol

do ,h riM 4.S ? 'u :*^b .'M na‘5S i e ' i SrtV X T i. toMia oaao of Iko Nretoowd daw the WAook at tba dlalant# of a

woMd MdbabtF bakkaa tbo oartb obock. ooon J**aad atatooioo worn •» tbo oaiao o*i

woltr drink whtoh ,u fOMtor totol • •« « oMald MM aow tod (Mb M Mof tM hld' •ora otoaa •»* «bo btood now, iM<“ - •rtodW awtoM bidaor t o l flMItoa i -

Our Poultry bepartmont

n rRd 0 • • a • *I d Oa t e f o a i

• « » t o o * e e * e

Y oon* l A r •''J M M I S cGeem ^ Chkkemi ....... .__EXTRA 8 PE0 IAL8 1

If^MRiiiKtotoiw I "lotolSwobed Sldmed BackLcmBoffiatBMr I^A hmm (half « IRrLamPlA»Baaf.. wkala)

Roth & Company45 MARKET ST

T eL ' 5 2 4 0 Mkt> N ew ark , N . X

W s n o t s ^I 0 . » - I 0 7 ,'» l V (.» IV I- I "» l .

The Masteri t a ^ ^ l aoUd rook.: Beua rwwm.-nm ratos Isr dstArmlsM tM «•»* •a r rodlao ara almplF Mtow from aaeb obaarrad facta to to2 * WMlMatat (or M taa t^ M ) ooFtortM* la Mrra to ikrow M«bt on tbo y, PAeatodsd fM ls Is iucte •>*ylealoaa ao havo e«earred It ***y S u to toftr thatUa daw wMld ato ba tojarjd by oltbM • t tba exytoetoee ftoaorlbadT

doaflat af Ifawark wlaboa to •«• BOkaco that aaly iorfart to bla aaibtttoto I t to aat latoadad to hkiry yaer work to a rlar la to t your money' fcffioloat timo •kd eara and tb* propar »a« tartota will ba uood la ordar ta «at Iba boat rooatto.

tmttmf la <------ --•r 14 «• I-* du arwy

B I IM 1B I0K E I M O B-------------niBJEFMn( XI ; 1 ) 1

Metol Mroto* of dto fffV t. . _|i»W WtOVIDUKCU. Itot.

■oaltot IM w tdm qw ^ f%TM«teMrt ttes *u t4 tep


Women’s Novdty Footwearg p K la l f « S a ta A a y O aly . M r $4 A V ih M

I I V todw M a rt a a M a A wMe Glf«r

to dl bfMk «r titoto , .jCirlAvUea. U tokart •( Mil VW ar EM KU,Gaawftol •» PMMI Laato • r Ckbaa



W B ^ o a r. ar^ daat •* ‘Mm f FuaaMd'a M to f AawMtotloa. ef a S tw r from Jaotto H IU ^ cktof of tbo Ho* Ptawldoaoo Mra VparlmM ^ panwrtiac ta t»to tbo aMilaMM M tbo doportiaoat en eaoatlMO »**'* o a » «p Mtoro tb f Hremoa a_»M*oatlM_M Atlaatle City. tV Haw ^ * ‘JfJ**Haf mat laat a lib i aad

rMetottoM A ta j^ a ibo obtaTa•niborlly ta to rlu tba ^

Hmtiar aetton » • • t o l « Twatoy Blfbl by Haao O a«ltoar V . X »olh Arf«ntbbtl4M toetreetH tM r w trytarloa t* wrtla te Ooopral ■*••«« doay-

TMlUito---------Stet* s to i toPPBvi

otflap itoaa a A, H< ta • r- Dal It. Baoott kaodara. daodOTO

toy Appilotana l OatF.•aaa TaaadkF. (btardar UraalMO

IO« tb i; Miitor * • !«fU«v ibai rM Haw . r - Safartmoni waa aat In aitolba*W w a tba ward! or aoiumf al A *b^ ■. # e * - aaa, a fariaor ohUI af ibo How rra ri- 4mw« tlromoa aad a fonaor rtoa pftol* Mat If tba Ataio nraraoa'a A w a ^ ttoa. an tbo flaor of IM oonroaiiaa laat mantb. .

Mr. Jackioa wot praaoal at IM m « » to t of tbo Rollof Aoooelallon laatnldht and oaiAatood ibol at tbo coovoalton M caltod alloaHoo to tbo tool thal IM txtoulTo oomiBtttoo. appolnlod bF Om - «ral lataeor. waa torfor ibao prortdod bF tow, and that iho eommUloo waa •ppalatod OBlIralF art*h a dtoratard far Uw, aad aftarad a reiolnitoa ta IM ofCaol tbat Mroaftor Ibo rtoeutUo oom-

; mltMa bo'appolnlod in ocrardanro with I t of an act conowatot

' lUtlof Aaooctotton. CMptor III,Lawa af Ht*. npprorod Matob It, IIH . wfctab WM oarrtod. all mtmbora TOttoifoe It aioapt tbaaa an tbo aaaoniha aommlHoo,

• o u tM laoal flro oamiMF and tba FOltof aoaaototion iMatalaod Mr. Jaak- .paa to bto 'torarda aod aetlaa* on tba flaw af tbo oan»aailan and aalharttod tbo oHaria af Hr. Jaakaan ta ooantar- •m tba affeou af tim Miner l a t ^ , wbtab M ra baaa clreatatod tbrautb- 4 a t Um otata.

598 Broad Street

O w ing to th e W a rm W e a th e r

« • find oor P^M tar bobind w m '

•u r faU a n'd W inter gaata.oo w iintaa i b o a o a a rp rta lb i Mr<**iaf' okita aadooata la tho Uifine --------—All •!••» Moi 111. apoeto). .


i uronjamui iwaM if Mr*».“ «irrs 'wEW. a. Atwaal MM

eiy ita ' anA kiatarlaW

N t n m — wawill a«U•oil tampr'*

ear rosular IlM of I t and I t ■kIrU, ntado up la aaraoo. ehay> lota, oTa, at tbo

' lI orico b(

anaHweMMr «n hIbM aljrian. Mat aad battoa pM-

" i C L Z i

O i p o y


W b p m i ^ 16.80 v d u e G i w B o o l^ n A e la tat sofl U4 cAois A felaB,

b h e k . a n y « x l 0 . 4 5 b re w . Very ipKiilfar flertor ay A. . 1 .

'5 ‘5. 3 - i

^ to w a a f a te

f 0 f M a C a a t '


E X T m f e L Y L O W r a C E S q u o t e d b # - | o w f o r S a l y d B y . M « i ^

0 s r t y M ttra t n o €Uflw8Hic<8c aacam a ryw

■ktra kkallly rrti aad WIntor Coati In a TaHoiy M p tiw a fhai S l 4 . y o |

e'" a i r a V AndHora H. 5 . Wtttoan am • an aaanal w

‘AIM SaUibMl andnpo ii of too Muoaonto-

Icatn Ami ilptlta -of prafUa to* Iho poar af a rt AIM toaraa to

•pioolal thli aaU .,,..At I t A. M.. BrnbraMorod Lawn

WaMa far ^loatoTtow anlr, ranatoF ' lllid and tl.H , opoalal ib a totop tbrtF V d toha adTaalafa a t ckaao praat barta lna..

u t t t i D o jy i i : » BhMB, B A A m tf . I b e h e r i t y k f a M V to IsMi; A m* 10

A m - U A tt I I •^ d ack

6 9 c

'« 5 S a '-»

CMMnii'd diM ] 'toW wIata. I

flV.J:-i r - s

, tb a aaBtot toiatoiat d o to i tot poar tma

a m to la tba rtitotoildMi fMM arroa ptr ataA TV

~ ba bald Tnu d ir I map ba tatoto '

.'iV -fnw totopawa*

MaBt W. *- O M j p g a i w bw

■sisittSrziSigbU r toto*rfbit■MOiiWBawMMaMaoaaBBm^toaawiEtoTb a w i tA I N « ib to w to

• M t i k t i v t i A lto,. fto«v4HM MS to A H w b . E bto A # * Y e

is Ad

I mm• L i r M M b tav.'ts 00c


1 . 1 &

a'diaatpaotiiatabetato^b ''«a" ikiAr iu a .:'j£,'sr»ni8Sc-_____ _________M a S S C '

Mi -I* toll l .* ^ m j s r n ^ ........ ■W m m ft n M aitoto, a ^gratoaft

S e S m i ^ B S M S b e b "

« A A A t n r *iwr.ufT.oo'Wt/m • (bto** ** ******** * * *


V \V* J- . ; aw-p V — —

**To Be, Forewarned Is fo Be FofffArwiMP ' .' ’V

Buy Your Stove Before ^ ^That Cold Day Conm

) make it an economical aa well aa ‘‘comfort’ op|»iimlty wt A ^^ offering atovea for Sahirdiv it orlcea wa fool quite aurc will ao - below thoap offered you olaowhere. , i a' . ’iif*f* N

C i i U h ^ N o : » N o . 1 0 N o . n N o . j j N o l 14

R . * « U r . . . M 3 t BJ5 to* **•’» giS S 2 f i £ t ' 8 * ^ - , . . . . . t o J t t o . « t o i t o W M : » » >

G atttaSem re - N0.10 No.»''--------- -------- R o f u l t r ..........t i « J l J t o t « l

1 8 f l l J f f M M ila b a « 0 « * aParhr Stoves

ieEirSasB!. ’Sto t«: ? wAntrlor Stom ii.7t liu t twH »Hf*

PorterSfopet ItJt toW

eater* N o . 125| SpfeCial $2.45.r u e f c w N o - M N o .4 1 1 N o ; » N o . » n £ » .

M t o - t o t o t o . « w » t o i s

M ShgM SX ^ : . toto . tu t iMt Wto « »


. ov

S B ^• i:..

d. ' I -

$650 Oiuch Cover* at $500c o v e r f , e r a l

lutt «ioo«h lor 100 tacky bcyect. Thoy ore |ood h w .J ill MuMfol Orlcnalawl Vcrdoi. pottaiM;design* 10 chooqe from................... .............................

let & Scrim Curtains^.$l;^acrlass,

There are 350 pair* in the lot, ril *>JJ***y L 4 J vns, in white and Arabe color; aill lengtha; a t . . . . . . . .


O n b W

luww: i.i« JrSS 15 %LHOGANY flnian itMiea.ask. Each piece hat cane panel back and a ^ yam ^ s ia ts of W Arm Ghatr and Arm Roeker, rt. .v. t

Dining Suite* at Very Low P r i^$173.00 Jacobean Oak SS & ^ M ^ $195.00 Jacobean 0^ f» m SuM $344.00 Mahogany SAraftto « •$225.00 Mahogany Sheraton tim* S ium M W$254.50 Mahogt Steratoit 1ft ^ .O O DuU Mahogany SSSf SuUm $ W$^ .00 Mahogany 44«M;Sfc Sirf<to, | ^ .: Odd Pieces of Room FwaataY

Sectim -a-‘4 .Inu U J L L


• 1 #

SL*bBeMY®'tk U o

$ ttS DOUeg m > I ' » * W ® b ^ A £ ,-,.CM bik, W«di H * QWl**.**r***i!fY5aiffc bpovb lalih, Vbdtotowrwont vnwm mmwmg

•f Sbilst. «k» dltoto bV HTPliii taMa: 0 7 lAir:n%.a«...*d.*abb

'aMMEtmaw" MW--— P '

Mom■ •at b*** «.q • d*

e m m d k e ^

EJIOi 6S.00 Famti • • ?;* 4 3 .0 0 D o rk • !

* 38.00 ■re«*to» I if if a s . » A c o i i M m o a m ^ o T ^ • ; . S '

» 40.00 • • *US5.00 folM$ 1 (^ 0 0 F ! m o 4 M ^ ^ 3 S ^ 8 e t . • f3 3T.3S Mohooof <M ar^ . • • • *I df5.Aff * i* •I 7J.M M A o tim«*»*• toitos...........................

:’l' -fa. .









I;' i''

■ ( * 1

S9SG t *KF''i‘E"vw'r*'



i'f ‘

W9 Qbm ami Jte ian

8anl9 Cba mt

Miriam S§$M^CANDY

Tain feMW • km af Mr fa* Udaaa H#M*pn4a Ciltaltl AaWfM CkiaatelM far 2 d c•m ia y ......... .777....

H a h n e & C o ^fallNEWARK

ienaa Faraa..'...W rJ iilM Faraa, |Yi iMie Itakkarranu a • • t a . . f i t

IffaM a / Saiki tar n a a d a f . 1 fraak Cal FUmm aadftNvl Onffait

Hahne’s Exclmm Styles—Plus Lower Prices-BringsThe Greatest Crowds Here On Saturdays

H an d k er­chiefs

Mm's Irak Lin«nMM'a M

Ua«B HMdk*■tati W-lMhaa«a ................

Men's InitialMMl'a IbHUiI

■hUia. nad* of euro Irlak

Women*$<AUSt \wonouf KauaiiotjMira:rnT3iaaa,i.n,^..

m e■tUobWr eot ttmmtr to■*£Women'i InitUd

lromoM‘0 faltUJ H onA tr; Initial: ti'luah Ban

Marrita Uh aan: a«wMtaia t . . . . .

W om en’sGloves

BiarrHs Gfmm»% a<ta (Haw oat at)*a;u

Suede Claim

m mChamois Gtoim

Glace Kid Glovesaa r-i’i ’"'asr'i5is s r js r Bias-,^ IH ta t n , a t S t « f


Hahne's Fur D eptL ea d s is atyle, quality asS pries- I« w e®**^J*’’

Inatanes, you *i« th** ^ • » “*ii far taperior to die uaual.

40 Inch Caracul Coate $$9J0n o lea . aolaetad. ^ eatoBai aU laa^ g A ? ! ! i* S . y L —Si!

^ a C o l5 » In t S a i ^ niMra atrloJaatwriM BIp 0 0 *?**^^^ SKrtW.Sra'jSfe y® *.2T»jiHudson Seal Coats HOC

•--St a t ^ 't i «*Ma tm sti*Ma m mmDyed Skunk Muffs $H>50

la tiia Oat ptHotr atria « *>» a a n l fall tM P- autohoa. aail flatahaa wItB

ISf, m i ■■HIV. Wm*l ~*aaea -*0.Bam. w e a « J ^ ^ t . ;

Saarla #• ta atplan flmltboa vUB

KaSa a t•» 12i0

Black Lynx Muffs $35.00«2 jasjiia-Jrtwuf® a :

aaS iaiT; a t . .....................................a l orttB baaSr


SlSai vkOa tBa M

» Hem Fall Ribbons

Oxm aav faU rtBBaM la

S .iS t o 'iScut & Silver

Banding-ru ilT 'jrti

F iction

> New Editiotu ui Books '

Thai Han Made Good»

DaMy U s f Laga T. Tastaaise Aeatasr Om Hi— i Mteaaaft TktSalamsiar Vasws Tins Camat Me i^eroeO asiM aMtai W nye

Cram Hm HmSiuSa sf <

iUk iBr ia t


i#$14M> S t $ 2 Onrssts $ 1 .1 9

[ ' f .‘fotrT h is tot is M s i n i a , F. n .nadkSi uSIotr few. fanTkipY s M S a m laaa fpS rikkmaae sEUa, kd alrdM a Is t i r la t I tMaf «js Mt mSorneme..

Corset$t Special

I * s in seed #r dwpdy will be psy ^ tt bey

t M. and mala, tot

C8kra filllks,

ksM. im eittiNmMrateiem

asM riw t m M i i I t ........ *...............




LitUeFolkswithHahne'sClolliesM ay WeO B e P roud

proud of the Style, Proud of the OutHty,

Proud of their EedtiomyChildren*t Coats

Cblldrm’a Coata a t aaetllaat qmllty C hladillla asd Corduroy; may M kad la all tha latan ealera; doukto-krasaiad aiact; fcaltad back; altaa 2 (• «, e a aftt a a* OB aaaiaaaoaoaoaa M$VV

OUUrSA's SiveaffTS eWUna'a •Seaatata, af all*

wool, la all doalrakla Madea, will tilik raUiu e«d|r, full ftihloam lulahad, with halt; altaa 24 ta SI; apactal 2,9$ I t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Infants* Long Cod slufasta' Uu| Coan, of Saa

qaality Caakawra, Unlibad with as aoibraldtrtd 1 Qgeapa. apadal sM ......

Children*s Plash TamsCfcilitraa'a nath Tama, nada

af axcailaat quality altiih la klaek, with alik Mtaaw; ?Se apodal a t ...................

U ttte Girls' Coats and Dresses W ithas MuchStyle asMother’sTh a t ’S asa H i Sffatwaa halwtan Hahaa’a ChUdtan'i Appml—alao tfro a t advastata- Wa

ka«a a asap aad dtah la our chlldron’a de itiia f that plvaa it a Msla of Hcknata that aiakaa Hahsa’a aaati aid dtaaiM il-

waya dladaotlva from tha raatGirls’ Coats at $10.98GirU’ Coats at $5.00

ht a vartatr otMlUra, f iC i aad b«Ui. of iib<- llnnoi cBotIou , brnnOUlt elnlh taa wtxturoo: nrr ehtc nnd waU awAoMlMB I to it; 5.00fO$$ «n,a«fe*4 toeonionoonor

Other Costs at trm, $9.98, SlJ.Matul$teoo

utbolitin. wool- alwk. oBla* •Bltlaa. eBottno nBnvlou, norau- ror*. braid bound nnd trtmmnd. nlM button trlnmnd; notoH *n Afrienn brown, SuMlan dmoa. anvr blHO nnd arny; f ( J ^ iiM t a to 14: artna....

Girts* Serge DressesOIM Sarv* Preaana. la Sni-

f lu or aoapondtr aiod«i, nilB tiaa. BfaM trlnmnd wile not- Jar; oolata. anvy Blu Br K |W) Blaei: aMo • *» l*s artw t ■

Girls’ Silk DressesOIrte' Tnmu s n DAMoa.*

trtaMiOd vHB Oooraottn oHpo •nliar oM rafea: otBora bwd. aa«a*r nuiBldaoradi d iw Q a fi rto HI artw$« o o.a a 0 0 to

Middy Blouses, 98cUwnrt tnllorad i t r l ia tacB aa

Norfolk, M iod . potoB foeknlt, looad nt tbO oldn, nlM naonktd iD$d$l$; f t a ^ I t« Ml QA«Prl$$ nbootneboitorotanfad*Middy Skirts at $3.50 Gymnasium Bloomers

98c to $2.98' 7 . -Girls’ Tub Dresses, 49c to 9fic,

$1.59, $1.98, up to $3.50.

aSa ssmm=


ftn a r t Set M odels for M isaes& duniorsMisses* and Junior CoatsBrjiaas."«r5.ic?

U aadrabi* odort; StM lAE VllMit 0 n a a a 0 to t't » 4 I’4 » • » a * 0 0 • 00(&drG9aft.|7,9 fo|2S

Misses* and Junior DressesMtaoif aad Janlorir Mlk aad C tott

P riaans a wnnoty of diVnroat atylos praiu tp MmaMf; aaatoftela or* nbarmnuna, eroa# n o * ' loar. t a e ^ aad .aosw i nil onion: atano'

km i» atJ»


Misses' and Junior SuitsMm dlnttnot S S a r n t aaoAaia to ekaoa*

liwCtrintend wSB bpaM, ra m * aadM iini: Mate horn fur. OMlan aed ousai aanurinia urn nb ird lna popUa. whlpoard aad Mraua; til colort: MM 14, lA lA ] 1 MSr 140 b . . . i . .4..*,.'^

Other Suits $10.90 la $t9.S0

Misses’ and Junior Party Frocksm iiy nmdala la posnadwar taSnla, nmpn

ta Alb*, dilma ain noA In tko jutafnl

M a«i’ Dnuy Tailored iuUi, to $3BR usm and Jtna9 isodalA Is brotd$ot^ fabirdim, wUpcerSi sod ew s'i vatr •ana, trinsMd with fur, brsM, valvat A^.bultm i. AH Fsatti ds eynto lined sad letrstioed. Sites IS tV IS. P rio N .,............. ........... * * .i2 2 J $ ts S lt

4 B est in Stsrie Fit an d Q ualityAll lerts of atybs asd estsrlslo 'froe asuiah

to dfOM coats. Nov, dsip pocksts, vids hilf- Ittsd bslts, colltra $st bettos sbout the thsMU, is asw Oils Chin Auhion,

IFemeri'f Coats W£0Of Tesids sad Mlitiraa; fsll Isfo sndala;4aipi patch psMata; aaetwtlMa eeltara; Is tha eaat dsilisMa aadan;• » ^ i . 19.00

asddeeee eeos

Wmmess*$0eaH 15.00Tvseds did newaa; Istflemidfitat: frit daft

$i iH m Uaad la

a a* • e't a do Ule

Women’s Coats 17.50Ja CAtriotSi Oakdfdloa,

Cafdwsy, Tweada aad Mil. taraor fsktss or mulatioa iaieaustr aoentiiklo oaHttij iarsa yatoh saahsli; an ^ • t s d * W i l7 ^.pfflW ««ae eondoait

Cfiais 25,00MiMdalodi, Ziballaa, Ca

daepy, Cobardlaa, 7wood* and It tbs sassM) am#

^ tT M Im

CMS selkwji h S ilS i1 PASS. <


b-m Fi omwe wm-imrm

Women’s Blouses

M ISAtrlnw

IN eodala that are saw and esclutivo. usustly low.

Blouses of Voile,Btc.A I • o orgnadlnn

noraltr aww.Soma anlntllr

JBOd Wllb 4U|.br nlSity oud few , wBlIo otitef* Un WUIorodannelo. tow nad eonvonibln 4al. loro: la ta and «a rr .'.r r . i-w

Btoiises of Voile, Etc. -i

A lo o oranadlt^ boUrtoa and aurf. raa. rn n e r aad tnll* ot«d Olloata. Trtai.MOS wllb laaortlona of orfnndlo, raLnnd Muar hiean aatinra__ouSa to ateioh. Low and m b. oortibla eoUofO nod UodipTrtii' ** ^ 2,00Crepe de Ckbu BUmet

In wbllo, Sbak, brown aad an o n tha vary mwmI Iblns: aoUnr IrtaMnod with fur and bnttona to autab: r * . w o

In priM nn>

a t . . . . . . .

Soiree Cloth BteuiuTallorad tSaol% wttb atw

atnadlnu •allara. point Bntab. Oth*rm wttb low ••itera. Lwtdins fnlt ahndaa. laMimiuE

N eckw earA utoC aps

Etc.Velvet Auto CapsVotvat Auto Capa la

aroon. nnuy, brown. Altea Mm nnd arayt n iM i t M * lai M to; apo*

$I Ruffs at 59cIlnilM nnd not ruSA la bteok. aovp, trowa ^,aad

« isu"i.sra:tpwdnl a t O e v

Satin Middy TiesSatin lllddr Tlaa w in

BomaliUhoa berdor. In rad. navy, black and ate- Klk» amid uraon .........OTA,

Sample Underwear■nmpte lot of toditir

Nockwanr. aueh na ScBuo U hot and atwnodia^ aito rao- te«a. droao act and iMnir niforoat Birlao or asllnrtS 25c

H od eiyand

Undarw’rSilk Hosiery $t

ralntoreod awat. haata and toot and Uata partar tapo: aa nwotlltut waarinp atoak,S5‘iiir.rr:*:!*'L00$2.25 Silk Hoste’ry

W M aa'a Tkraad Sitk k n s* . with nantir ata* I m taaiM; |taa lM ; MuaUr U.IA tor

Union Suits 7ScWoWian’a Saa rlbbal oat*

M BulM aullte la tl] ibasrxr'aSs; ,t 7Sc

Silk Vests $tWonMta OMa Silk

yqata, la pink aad whlao;loo

SOKQSIS Shoes for W om en

ONE of tbe recent trsde pspets ststee thst oboe styles

do not btppen—T M y A n C n e ts d .

T h a t Ii » , sod s n ry Im* poftsfit foetor for s person to know hi bnyiai Sboee.

r Croats • style end keep •sme on tnie lines of the foot costs t Sfvst desi ol

money. Only big ntsnofseturert like the Sorosis Company can af* ford tbit. Otben copy, and that's why tome those leok all right, but are not.

All Styles and Leathers

•4 to *8

G ray and W hite

Hedr Goods

If your h a ir ta |nat bo* plnnlns to "pray" or If 11 laWhlio— a nbada to aratob It u Is twa lot*.

tt-lnob Oray and WWU S n lr Sw lleb40..t.....lSIU

ll-lnnk Oray and ■ sir aw ltahM |.......|S>N

O ray and White Tium * lortealloni . . . . . . . . •••IddO

O ray a«S WBIte-Traaw, fornnatloM ...•■ m m

DerMfSt perfori sad euperti toiene biNShI m M.

W allpaperOim Wallyafar Dtparl.

OMBi II ibnwinp tba•arv latrat dOliPIW

tr# Miiap . and ap.

vary latant aad patU rni lb«t a r t I aa«d la aJI nndnrn and up. to-date hon)4* nnd a t IM vary lowaul prien* VBn fotlowlnp ara only a taw of

If batter Tilutha Hteoy batter ■I

Safin Stripes, 4jcSatin itrlpaa a

p ra tty datiph* t« bad roowo. aald wi OBi-aut Bnrdara t a g ! uiateki par roll . . . . w ’

Fadeless Oatmeals

ssmw mSU vtth $r$ttr m-$«t®srr;,.'.rr;n. isc. ' Moira at Ole

WBIta and araiiu nafraata r otiUol WiMtyi iauiori

■i iBfflrra:anaallaatntIUopa; .

-.T T -T 6be

omom' A tihing o f beauty


It T o u t ssoiai sutidso a ais| of kppnty,wtitby I ef a piasi is e vtiker

pelBted hohm .or dess It btlssg hi the |wa|s wie Sis rsal ef itaj sssMssryT

Tks MW twdm of Ibe IMHI Is • Nats S t fursltire

iyMcsaMikpildtyo«t .Sf^lA^ialler. Nfe

■ - net

Y i ’V




I &

1 1.W* ^ * -I'r


w mm m OF SILK

]tf<v r t i > i . B b t a M P E M o f E M B B O n ^ O E S A N D T A ^ i m i B B i A T a

M tA H iiiM U MfiicBiBmoNn ■ iV\

E m i k i • ( Wn w i * Aft f t u r Hiw Tu MIm I ik M

T k w M e e t i n .I H eeii c a r m s s n R E n o sreaW m o m a f ■■h imIti !!•«•■ M lB laa lb* T w kaltaa n 4 OMalr f* M » ' Wf* M halnMmm tm a Pm Km I m 4 INi * ■NtoalaaHMl mm4 I r n k n V M tm am Ha** *a PntaH Paritr at laiaatay.

g ttff Otfra rtwinM.PATSMON. Oct. II.—Whan AlaMBdcr

«1m Orcat raturatd from kt« wan alow tlM Indian aad CUacn Iroatlan. Im It Miavad ta hava broacht bask to Ma M m la tha Walkan lha rfik lane kapt fe aaaiat br (l» panplaa of tha Par >aat. rn aa lila adraiiturt aptaap Um illk la> daatir at Kurapa. now vtauaUaad In lha Matarltal aaklWtloa la Patanan'a Qty Halt. Tba aiMMtIaa waa ihnwn apaa la tba pabUe tndar aa a aart of aoa> alualaa ta tha flat aatloMl alDi aaavaa- Ucaipt Anariaa.

It la aa axUbitUa tbat MU a alonr at Intataat ta avarp ana tbat tnara riMlita« pula eavariapa oa tha tlaar aad daaataUa tba latailar at fcia M na. tba atorp apaaa ailb tha tattarad naiaaal at a wata aaarly t,a*t paara apa bp atMt awaathp tan at Hd p I. a ataMa enatiaa

Haaa aad waai aauchad tiaai aaan ■ a ta tha t had Wa bnriad lar aaalailaa f t i i a th tin aaadilfti atam lha NIta. II

•■l V' .. t1, i

Ha. I—P an a t tat a t Paaataaat* Caa- BWP MaaMah l■ l t^ld^r taa. laM bp

paaa aa dawn tba nlataa at tbaa ibowlaa faw aaa rnaa attar aaoibar ' '

Ha, » Captla lappatap atadalHaai, Math ta dataatb Oaainrp ■arptlaa. laat bp ewapar UMaa Haatan

■a. 1 Mabtaaatb Caatwrp Vaaatlaa tnaa a t altk baaaada, laat bp balal

thaa it a t waaafnc, oatu It rtaehad lla .dtaUta ta Japanaat oaurt rabaa and Bn-

I aeeMdaiksi piHmanta. aa tbaaa iwa Mtiaaaa ataad haP' I ipabitdii of taffata and damaab

‘-ralvtt. bneada aad Upaatpp, retdad ‘ aMha a t told, aanata aad a«r>

a whata art at aawla> aik la«' waarlac appani aad diaiMtIt

,Bna h ytetarad la what It nap aai bo aa----------IMMI flMCfttn M dMtoMI

aalaetad aaUMtiaa at tia .triad atrp haa a«ar aaaa.

I Main piirpaaa a t tha ashibftiaa la ta tha Uatarp at Ipptlla naar>I aaplatna tha anilatiaa at WMMh

bl ba abawa la daaerlba allk a«- ibtaih tha lattar la aat ad n aaald aat ba aa K la tha waattai a t ptaaHeallp

r f

I aaklbltlaa daaa not praland ta pa lha warp baptaatap a t waatinp

a kpawa wbaa Ibat araa. Ctatha Ifida t ihct wara woaaa l,dd* paaia t paid traavlap lam a a rt platarad aa

I fallaa a t I.IH B. C.. bat haw adnah tha art la Maaat ba aaM. Mar la

wbaa allk' waa flrat aaad la lapaad lha aan)aatara that

Mtiwdaaad It lata tba trar'a hIbNt adaa. Mlk aatharittaa Or.* M. A. Hapar-lUafaUhl.

i lha oaUhMlaa. ara aartala ar ParMa waa tha

, „ WMtarw awaatrlaa ta aaa Waatrlap ta pradaaa aalar pal*

Jm tha dasaratlona at taalllaa. PMd aaaa tahan ap bp tha Alai*

. aad th a n lha aaMblt biptaa. HwaalapMaM a i TaaMaa.

. tbaa aa tha a r t aa tha axhlbtt , had naah tha aana aapaH*

i M dthar a rta Dlffanat aatloBa la np what thair pridiaiMara

aad aarriad H tarwdid to raftoanaat at tabhalpaa aad

la aaah a bawlldarlap arrap at aad waadarfnl tahrlaatlaaM

_ a « to aat aaallr Maad, aaC I ntiP taka tba aa|lMtlaa aa appar.* r fin adpaBlaa toMaad at a abaaaa

jla taa ta aajapnaal. nap wall pro*I thaoMaWaa far atadp.

pam ral. hawarar, lha a aM l ah* ar hbap battoa haw tha aid Mrtoaa

m paaaad an to lha Baaaaa. bp iba Ataaapdrlaaa, aad

la tba •paaaaaaa. tbaa ,I tbp-tam aaath aan ta^ . Chi- aaaa ba«aa to wark apm I warld. aad tha Kaaalaaaaaa

a tha aiyto a t taatito pat* ta daralapad la Italp aad

_ _ Ilham praataaaa at Oar* aad la Baptoad. ^ _

Opa iMpnadaa daapip toajMad bp ^ ^M M toa to that M>k waartnp to a dia* m j i aataatat aaTdautb - W e p e e a ^ • m m Obiaa aad Japan It apraad atoaaal

tba MadliarniBaaa and nbmr apBiaaod rarp lar awap Itaai lha h la to ^ p ^ apaa whiah Aato. Afitoa aad • p ^ n a a t Hoaton aad Hear. Samaea AM Lada fMad It a wafvl tahito ta da* WPtop aad Ihap "hara toft thair IndhtthM pC m apaa W la dntpa aa t aalar. Tba UMlMt wprknaaahlp at K aaaaaaaaa daHpbt la rtob oator, tba

■aarratlan aapraaaad la aaavaatlanal ara an la pvideeae haa to ba paaUllad Mflamaa apaa ina

Waatam toana

Ha. A -t totaaatb Oairtprp ItoHaa Hal* amttoaa a t nraaa ralrat with anbrwM* arad apaaraa at praaa aarin aad paid aad allaar ttaana. tool bp Bwaaaa Baaabata.

TOLS INTERESTING STORYM n . K d U rtee i l A r w k B om h i 1*13, d m m i l a t m ^ t a f

W H A t tn c t A ltw tiM i f M n q r N c w iik C ttfsM i.

Tp n aap Nto a M ia r of oh tga taema up la • i h u ^ nuM itr u d thiy d n id ib t dpy whan ppiu k iitM down l u t t r t b u «fcc a n build, u ld tba Hdfbtt LtxtP*ToM n d a i t Mdnk'h Phtnnuy . Om ««>lk kip ' todty I pubUtbed t tMtImMinI of h'diUd Ova ppon old who h m Mticttod tram ■

MJtd. HATBIIINB SBBBUCICddrioa lllapdM bicfc.Ulto po rfa l btdltfi bp th t pm of Hprbtl LdB't'Tonp. ,To* dtp I hppt OM b a n from Wn. S t b r ^ who id yfPbtbip tfw oldotl M y in Naw JdnNp, tod raoldtp u a o a tir . Thdit two tottlawnlpla UMdudiPdlp dhow tba m rlid of tbtd troAdorfiil H trbtl IUtP«

U i t hann itis to o mdro j M outb to b t dBetclotid in M

TM ik ofniiy rtatodir hn»iiii tlfo

dy.ItdtriMg < d*d.p*wer to rpdiAra p pdfooii o*df n oo*- lu - la vddfd to porfdct bonilb.

M n. ^ b r ^ d P T o : *Owio| to ihf id* ape I iuiva baon botbofod d

'*edt cam with wnhMaa and atonitb- - ""Hd''b would not ditaat

n r food oM I would bloat op with m would te l extfoiMly norvoua and would bare weak m i l t . I ihoutbl ^ > 1 >• ny aaa that I would ioao tfound loataai of ii ln in t. but a friend of mioo b r o t ^ OM 0 bottle of Herbal LAii*d*Tooo had I atartod to um it, and moeb to a y dUTpriio ray atomacb trouble, | i a aM btoai have entirely dleappeared. My Uver Inatoad of bciot tlu«tiah la aetlatnormal and my kidaoya are deiai tboir work iu a manner that la aurpriaii^_______________ . . Ihave gained conaidofabte atrengih, in fact, feel better than I have for many yoara. It la a wonderful madicina and I heartily recommand It"

Herbal Laa-a-Tone it balni Inttp- duced at Mank'i Pharmacy, 10# Mar* ket ttraet, Nawark, wham Mr. E. u Smith, repm entaiiva In charga, la ah* ilalning the merita ef thia ramady .to i'e.Ntwark public. Ha will ramala on titurday avcalng until 10 P. M. to moat ■’lore unoblo to call durlat the doy.— “ " advtnlienw nt la publTabod far Ihn


kibtw eaeart b« terllp otomlflrd. In all the raeae end connlrtoi ahO een* lertoa repreaenud there have b e e ^ o t* hereto e t reel erttollc feellaa. There are m eteee ceier henooolee ew m a the m ftf tmoiif iM laCMlaad as hlaarre a id dtoeareent color rf* foote aiaona the leltor ea aawnc the aarimi. The eeaee of heeutp pMnlr be- laanad to ao poopto or tino and thorn hao boon ao olaedp projrreoeloa to tM renaemeat of the art, Italher It MP»ed In waves, ap aaP dawn.

ABMHca‘1 coalrlhnllea to the exhlM* tlOB ooetiee from Peru, It adds Mthlnp af slnatiUr tmpofteoco to tho dtaptay. Bithoeah It etvoe vertoiy af dadan aad oalor. Far ihto. It to not without In- io rte t however, lor It le worth while aoetoa what has hata daae In any part ef this edatlnent In ea werthy and uoa- ful an art m ellh wsavlap.

Tbat tbe peeduetlen of eneh leatlleo to heeotolnp a tost art « ona of tho aboortooo Inpreeelone th t v id ter moot Uke away with him. With a Jaeuward lopm may ka waveu In kalf an knot wriMt tke wenver with a kahdloom wanM take half a year » da. But It to not tho Mupo thlna by a lonp shot. Tlw maohino haa robbed the fahrle o ' the personal toud) that aav* It to urallly Xdhe lha oaanod muale of tho oelf-play- Inu piano to tho allk of tha Jaouuard

C O W P E R T H W A i r A

Y a n C ^ ’Npw dwmuy’p Ldadlng P p m ltum H ppm S Ihpp IM Q

It s m a r k e t ST., Ne w a r k

T A e “ Value-Superiority” O f

OUR FURNITUREi f B t j fo n d Q m t t h n



kp tho coMMorotoi _ art. for tba prednal at Weetem toom was a Bteeter e» teee edrtri dt ripned foe fbatem warkets.

Mo Isoe deep to tbe rMltoetton that tht Weal had aertt eurpeaetd. If It ppnalod, the brtlllanoe of oolor prodaoed k r tha Bast. There It tomrtMna more daaBlau and peaetrntlod and perdatant to the ealdasu of Chtotoe aad Jopanoat MMd t ta a la tha prodvete of tha West, fuat ae a giuattr freedom of daaton to Ubawm by tho Woat than by the Bad. tlldalltone. eeovenUeaaUeed aalma) petuia, aad hnman flpurea, alt peaaeaatop tbe eewihtratee a a t reetralet of the Lw> vaat, itve way to the Hfhtotea end fHv. amy atol aeaae ef ley that *’tlenuod to B air and Fraaot and Ppato. This refhre, naturally, to the teatllto for eeenlar use. aa the eerltstoalkal veattoaate tnalnUto • a iraverytoff Hftolty aad '"fnlty aur- fuunded by the Hchness end iplendor that waver sen bo eoperated. troM cloth of

A kttle Mde toew to the eaUhtitoa hoM to tho room t t the Chamtiar of Cwto* mroe. neroae the ilveel from the City HatL is etoitUiw to Iheaa who iwm the vogaa of Uttle dlh ptoturaa UMOt of berae laeea ead athlslle aveaU ea brlaht preea ftoUa Here have hsaa palbarod a larce aawher of pMuris woven ta repreluiBcaa far the meat part of tiiar patoUam, aad an eovaftM a phrtod of pothapa sovaaty*ftve ptari,

WhHa Mw af titoas hava fraat artidle tulua, theca ato aame that apfcoaUaato Hh apptaraato ead fsellat e t the naed

snuravtoia aotahty a portrait cf flrat Ftod deat Aanan thaoe pto*

turaa hanaa a triaiwh ef tachatael akiH to the foTM af a hraad ithhea upon which to wwrta a hoauuet af the Bowwra aeleotad

hr th t vaitoao Maiaa. to____ ^ to reailaai. Twoatyflvemwtttos er mete are uasd to tha weartad of thia dwdda upoa a proaprata haad. The HhhoB to aaw htlaa wovwn a t the dlh eahMttou at the Faaawa Fair ■aa Framtaea.

Twe Importaa* reedto aapeetad ta ■pcIiM frua thlt eottveatloa a n the eatoh- IMuaeat ef a anietum ef texltlea for Ihto aouatry almUer to tho Kaon det Tlaaua of Lpaw, Fraaoa. dad a campalan for Iba taactmeal of lawt to protect tho pohHc aaahut uneernpulauo arirreprecea- tottoaa of fabric riraltor to the p a n food totra. Tba war wai pand (or the latwr dovatopmeal at the coaveatloB y e a to r^

Heraoa B. Cheaey, haad of (he f lm ef C htav Brothtru atiaohod by nama coacerae which ha aaM w an adveo- lldaa aad ecUlaa nwreerind octtaa aim "artllWlal iUh“ aa pun alto Thia Mr. enmaty drciaivd to ha>to vlolatloa of tba “moral law of tho ellh ladurtry."

The rteirtalet evtdeatly wen taken by curyctoe hy Mr. Cboaey'a attack, which, ludatoc by thr huM cf caavertoUcoi hrard to the echIhlUea rooau, waa heartily

ProdteUcBi w an fnely amde that the toduatry would aaaa ha eefe- guarded taaluel erierepreoeatatleea and that the time was act far sff when any OM huyina allk would .know Just what ha wee telUnt.

night when Bawdy refaied to ooatlauo lha case beeauM no ana laemad ahla to

Ky tha costa. Tbon, aagorod tor the m at talk la tba oawt rooaa, Buady rebuhed a caadideta for oftico aad

ordered the digbte pul o a t ThoHowaal g irt who le etotoea years old, wurke for Bernard Trule of WaabiHd* ton avenue aad, her uncle eaye. waa tahan by him eul of n pauper's home to Kunaary two yean aga

The girl gate I t a month wagoa, Hot* ka told the enurt. addirm ka tboaaht tka amouat toe ematt flo ctolmad bo had guardlaa'i paparo, hut did aot thaw thorn to court Bahdy aehod. aeon after tha eaae opanad. who was going to pay ta t lha court wark. atating ho wanted to know bocaun ko wtruM aot work two bonn for nMhlau. ftntka said ha had no menoy and Uoa tha roeordor dtomiaood tho cnee.

FBitowlw tbe eadtod of tbe caot mea aad woman In the eourt room etartod


hot now of Trontea, of tha Mow Jornoy Aaooctotlaa *Op*

ood to Womna duttrada was the gnaot at n too and roeoptlon givenby Itw local AntUButfraga Aseoeia* lion at tha hena of Htu. JM« Cow stable Maore. Watohaug avaaua. yat- larday afteraoon.

C tr iM r’t J h t M N c w l i i N i p r «

Bit T « K m Mi t i Fb A He F fiid l W tt Beer.



to talk and Buedy called John Onslow, oandldato for tba Borough Connell, tothe bench, f t e esort rehahod the can- dIdeU and than ordered the lluhte e a t Afterward lha Hawaii «lrl laid she dM not want to no back with bar uaclahaoauee he jaode her work kard, aave

[.off toathtaithe maacy aka raraed.

and elelmod aU


MOItlUBTOffN, Oct. I t —Throa Juddrt old eourt elmultanao iily a t tba court | way lo well until 1 1 o’clook.

■petiei ucreict »t tho VFifl:.NBWTON; Oct I t .—After a ten-mln*

uta dtllbemtiea yesterday afteraeoa, tbe Jury Impanetof bp Caraer Oeergt pMldtld at the MIddlevllla Hotel ah* ■oivsd Alvin Hull, twenty-yoar-old aen of Hr. and Hra. Oeorga M. Hull of NualAura. from all btoma In the sheet* Ing Wednoeday ef Blmor Lanterman, twenty .yeera aM, of aroonavUle. whlto doer hunitng. The verdiot wee acci* dental ehooilng, ao criminal negltgenae belag charged.

Lanlermen, Hull. Jaaae Hamtltca aad Bjatoh Bchweraer went dnnr banting to* aether All three of Ike party prmetl- cally toW the same story. HulM teall- mony was to tho offiMt that after reaching the hw Ung proand on the meaniBla be was etatloasd on a rua*

Hla con


From an artlitio slandpolnL the ii*

tewMt eamm ef too klWf.UNOBIf. Oct li.**-An action etartod

by tftephan Ilotha of Slegler avonua to gel control at his niaca Hary Haweei. oame to a sudden end In Re­corder Henry Bawdy's eourt here toot

m u m

RIME WEEK END SPECIALSA H B T T B it o f U a u i o a l V ahiO b B n d S p I • n d i d E c o a o m iM

^ o c M ^ VrUoy■OnB.MADB ; toFadpe*eltur Ih a^ iil

h» BOX

A rM u y d b y

Extra Sjptdalu h r FrUag atitl Satardag

yoetorday—areo tt Court Judge; M’lWam M. ipoer In U« amln cmirt room, Dieirtot Oonrt Judae. Josaph Hlaca* amn ta the DUtrtot Conrt r nma, and Caanly Judge Jorhiie R. fa lfa ta to tha law Ulitary.

Judge ipeer graated a non-oult ta thr rase of Mr. aad Hra. Uaorge W. Orta egatosi ItM Laehawanaa Railroad. Dam* egea wore asked hecauae af a (ah eaa*UlMd by Mn. Oore a t tbe Orange XU* tioa. It waa ctolmcd tbat tba ear elop waa uaurually high aad ebe waa at* towed to alltht on tho itreot Insteed of tho ptatform. Judge iiwvr ruled that there Is no ttmltotlon ta Ibe h sith t of ear etipa or plnlforms

The Wbarioa MHk* of I t l t was re­called by the suit ol l*ewto C. Nichole of Wharton adeinel Jetvialab F. O'Brtoa. head of e Newark detective egency. which ■uppllcd depMttoa during the leWtraUbMc. Nichole claimtd be was b ijund by the dcpullee when he attemplcd to protect a woman. Couniy Clerk B. Bertram Mott taetlfisd that no pnpers w an filed in Me office concerning tile deputies, but told of hie preisnce In tha eourt room when IM dopultoo were iwora in a t one time. He thought O'Brien wee with lham. He wee aiked to pick onl O'Brien In the am ilieitce and after tiro tripe about the

■court room found him In e comet.Former aherlff Whitfield B. Odlta tce-

lified ne lo the depuUoa and to the fact l l» t O'Brien wai In charge a t Whartoa Tha caa* wee continued until today.

Harry pattareoo. who was ono ot thr captains of the O'Hrien farcae end later wee In charge la atiike guaide e t Rooee* vtIL dee lu court saalettog to the d ^ fenee.

In the 10111 brought sgatnat each other by Humtr A. .PardM of Newark and Tkomae D. laoaurd ot H orrit Ftolne k. verdict of six eeate .was awarded tgoaerd by Judge H Inch men, after a trial toeltog all day. Hr. Pardee ashed tlltl.K for deniegM lo Ma eutomobUc to a eotlU'

with Mr. Uonard's car oa the road botwoin IJU ktea ahd Paraippaay May II, end H H far laee ot nor nf Bw car. Mr. Leonard declared Hr. Fardoe was at fault end eouaht IM l.fl damages aad a lto far loan of tby use af hla car.

Judge aalmoa ,waa eallad upea to to. rtsw two eoannltmeat*. toe ordered the dtooharae ef Frank Falnmr, who bnd hoen to Jail n tew deye on the coaiinltoMDt at Recorder Wheator a f Cketham. Jnda* •ahnoa fouad delMto to the paparn and the recorder tertKIed that

paalone were to boat Ibe weeds, abortly before I o'clock, ke sold, be beard a creahlng aad daw eometbtog hrewB aoning toward him. The mam* tog wee e il^ tly foggy a t that altt- tuda Hull said, and he Immediately flrpd, kilting his trioiid.

Hall sold that lbs runway waa tbe eaaet spot whera ho kUlad a buck, last

end ecniaquanUy ho was unions to make aitoiber kUUng sad fired wllheut learning what was nam­ing et him through the brush.

The funeral of young Lantsnoan trill be held el Id o'etoch tomomow morn­ing at the home of hto parealR Mr. end Id a wnuam Imnisrman. Bev. lanao H. Oondit. pastor of the Tillaw Frame rrsebyterisn Church, will eftlelste. Inc tertnint will be made In the Cedar Ridge Cemetery, Jackaeahorg.

Hra Lentermau, who la almost pres* trated from grtof, naya that ah* con* sldara the ehootlng an aoeldeni, daa la Inexperience In deer hunting and snxlsty le shoot a door on tha part af Hull, whom ehe does riot btaraa Her too end hie compoiiiona on the total hunting trip were memheri at n oem- pany of boys who formed o cleoe triendablp, ehe sold.

dpwt^ amdm »l ihr irBWg,PHILUPgHDBO. Oct. AA—The Von*

alto family met Weda endey ofteowon et the heme of Mr. sad H ra John IL Roeeherry. naar Bralnarda ahd offeated a permanani orgaalaallao by etocUag the (allowing offlooni pranldent. C V. Veiintta. Want PotrUki vies preoidoal. Dr. H. H BooMrd, Upper Hnrmeay; eeorelahr and traaaurar. Fresh C Cola Pbllllpetarg.

thoso attondlog the reunion Mr. and Mra C W. Tniiatto. West Portal! Mr. and H ra WUllam Rota Mr. aad H ra Floyd Boaa Mr. m Rheldon Bash. Bolvidaro; Dr. and Hra U. B. Boaeardl Upper Uanaonlri Mr. sad Mn. Alheyt Hoftmaa Mra BatbM KItohoa Kewioo! H ra Jana Oela Mr. aad Mra Charloa W. Cola Mr. aad Mra William RJteban and aanghter Bloaa- or. Hr. and H ra WoHtagton Van Bil­liard aad daughter Helen, HV. aad Hra Frank C Cola and Mlaa Della Btuto Phlllfpobarg; H ra Frank Dalrympla end eon OonaM. Byooklya; Mr. and Mra Marrtn Hiller and darigfctar VIela and Mr. end H ra JtAn R. Beseberry of near Bralaarda


gywM Prreics of He UXWU.HACBBTTBTOWN, Oot lA — The

sealer elaga at Caalaaary UeUagiaU Ineliiate has choaaa offtoara aa fot- lowg! Prealdant, Claea Oartoaa. iprlig* rleU. Uasa; visa portridont, Katberlao H. Kewall. Nawark} aocretory. Laura J. tpanear, Woonaookot B. 1.; Iroae- urer, Dorothy Hutehltoib homorvUlo; urgoaat at arma. Adaltno T. Coapla BIcoMbury; prastdaht of etwdent gov srnmeat eommtttaa A. Boatrteo Pthner, Poigkkeopola '

Tha Junior etoao etfleera for the tohoel year a ts ; Preitdont, tmlla C Preta Now Tartii vloo prooldenA Klrtam ■book. Recbeeter. N. T.} aoentary, Natalie Farkor. Mt Vsraan. N. ».! trtfaaurar, Margoerlie Bly. Hatobmrg, Coaa.} oergoant a t arm a Ulllaa B Martla, Pakarapn: r epreawtUtlva anatudtnt government eommlttea Haml Winona Hartford. Conn.

iU a B tn io Beeot as Platottold.n*AINPIBLD, Oct . II.—Hra

Tsrda Jg jto j* formorly


of PlalnfMA

That B rii^ t Boyof m ra mlglit b# nv«a bright* tr if he

^COVBBgP MABaR*•a|l_ dmM aAAmmh S i tlow. J t R -

I docket, but could act pat hto handa on R The charge was assault a

tIAACg Ibe «he



W BD tL”liiettoae

and hattary apooPalmar'e *ife.

The cape of MlobPai Hrflulrs of FIcpr ham Paih was conlUiaed until Monday, to permit Ibe attorneya te flic briefb. He- atrite waa flasd ((A by Recorder WlUldm tyacki Jr. of MAdtooa. MtUhg In flsr- ttom Perk et tbe m uem of Bseordw HoWerd Young of Bull tleiorigh. la de* (auH of the ttoe .ascafdnr Tyaeki was sbaut to cemmK KoChflta to Jail «heh procoedinas were u k w to revlev Mi uctioo. HcUUiie was doavtotod cf pro* lealiy.


O w M o d d T m B o o b

at oatf a Hla, u H tho moAta t

iRidfi aad a t vetF ran*

: h .i i

Flabeemoo DrowriOdi Qaaot Paved.ATLANTIC a'TT. Oct. lA—Jaooh

FlOflt. a tlehermaa. waa dfowned aad Thomaa Oabvrae af Walarlewo, N. Tm bid gtrtet. roeousd umonacloua, yeater* day afteraocn, half a mile off Upper B w h i Ahseoon Inlet. The waaeb eap> sued, tbrowtag both mea Into tke aen. Itoieh'e bedf.' was carried oat to aen. Oakorat waa reoeued by OapMlaa Bam Parker end Jack Hedotowv dkkned Um power yaoht AtUop.

, .y .Slll.>M >01,- .......... ...

vtrn Bot handktppng by ddfpctivd vinloo.

Now tbnt iBOfhnr btrd yoar'i ichool work han bngiin, yon (hotUd be ceitnin tkat yonr chlld’n eyen nm nonul.

Mnny t bright child Wnld dtvolop itiora mpidly ind with Idtd *B0H if it were not for tyettmin.

Mntty.n oMiniiigly dnll.chitd could nidtch wits with "bright" pupils if aided by greper glaoaon. ^

Onr OtnBati (RegiotnrddPbydieinni) wfll (Mite «t n*.unlnetlon of ybur cbiH'a «yta and tdrine whetbfr er not glaueo-eidier tetiponry «r permanent— are nocm ary,

Tbe txamiBatioa dote M t obllgata you to purghtii.

gpwMt §an4tt at lA* M ta i.■WARTIWOOD, OiA lA—Cnrrylng

oat He oti-ropoatod threat that N wouW end hie lUo bacaune of hla Ul* neae from long tiM b la Fater Trtoca, fifty-live yeara old. toot and hlUad himialf yeetardaiy »aon, whlto tha fam­ily of bti hcotoPr Joaaph ware eatlag dianor. Tha tragedy cdcdrrad a milk and a halt wuot of boro, to the neaa*ItitlE.

had riitalndl a tuvalvor that bad bean To lha house for eome tlw . I-ytog OB hto MM la a room on t te first near* o ff «w dtotog ream, he plaeed ,iho waapan to hie .Jaw end pallpd'UM tita*ai> ^ family ratoed roTC a™ ktotlM w aa daad « y help eoald ea admlnletarod. Tha pal­let wea^ lata jtoe brain.


wMob Aparatad akianalvaty la Naw Tark few- daraky.and New-


kantnen Bet 'Wwa Manmivf H fiinw i.


Kemhsrg ofgiro wtk* taundnd a p ^ delortiai

Torfc poXaa ppdrafing wflRtha Now jpollas dopartmoat,

tRs Now Joraep Depart*iiUal af Katoo 'ndHolea., Tha ramM up got ha and ta w h o M ^ theft af auta-mobllaa WNwmaltobad hmtbat parttoalai

M M B t H O L tm u B Mlywfel B^idpi af tor M toR

H O tM p rfm jt, ^ . tk r^ tow >**r- ■ wferithM

IV (M iig ie DnvM

to 'lha-

Wbatovav polalB a t learM are furaUaee aad homafaratohlapu euaor(ority* .of TittP a r o B ^

I (ho vsttowo Boos otNoenuto, (be **10100-

by owe moM tbaa IP yaaru ad le id irehlp to far- b, H (ahas gemlHr. ptwa ewtorn plas eerrim, (a sash a tovao lUMawwg ao wa oswimaBd. The

.lerttag furuMura wHtofaeMaw and ( te aartataty easy ara Par (te l eanle ^ hay (hefr heoy

_________ at I te rtHd BeHaM? hatwa ad COWFBR-TMWAIT to TAM HW(UI GO.

A U ( S o e t o N i i r M t o P t o i s F b s n ,

O u r U b o i l Credtt ServiceJie tT aa rlN ^aag fcM p lls tta r lEbamTdMLIaR VWhpMfAflf A M b C Ip i i h

/D>JPe. QgarUpred OoA

* 1 9 5(ap da iuehent tte s i Chtoa C hart, ker elaa Ihbla, a*« aWo pad aaa Arm caalr.heaaUtulty

1 0 - P ig e e M a h o g a n y

elats ad B a g r th M

hrawn. atrih TnbAa, da,to. tost

tailtteebaa, wte MAlfidtr I

natwra) mahegnny, tea rsu

I Ai ^ ‘

S Ptoee i§ahooantMedParlor Suite

r \

3 - P io e o M a h o g a n y

Parlor Suite$ 6 0

Adort jpaehd deolnai, ha hwto ondoaft nateMared eeale, eoeered to a rito Ba

S a P ite o O o o r S h U M

Parlor Suite

lead with egwrad veleaP to a etto - a t -

W $ Caaraatm tka IkiraUfUir of Oor fkmthaa. S t o r o g o W s r s h o u s t p 8 4 9 8 • s n k S t r s s t

O m e * 7 SWe do a gowoeal ■h ra g i hoMoias.

twre. MatlmS awymteeui ehoto vtnm (atwMufu. giann, ate* h r oaportoi aatw*

Iknmitliwiit ( Van Hon Co., K fT A B U M IK p I S S O7 8 ' M s i i i t t S t . , N s w s r t t


ghi» OortWteadmsa ■TRRMTOM, Oft. U.—The oonvlettoa

ef John aararto*T**mef!y proprietot of garage a t Lakseroed wap afflnaed

this attenlaoB h r the Court of JOfrore end Apdoala. ftorgaro waa a'leeder of a aotorlaue haad ot auicwuiMIe ihtovoe

WISSNER WAdlEROOMS]g d M O i B I r Q R c l a U ' s s t , S o u t h

1 4 T i n t D A Y B V E N I N G 8

O lqpiyniifhtaNO

A h lS n % e S S g t t 2 r ^ ^ t u t o lfoath

IN hd oupa

? - S S 5 S 5 i l J S 8 S t t n

WISSNER !H a v e b e e n b e f o r e t h e p u b l i c n e a r l y f o r t y y e a n , a n d in

t h a t s h o r t t f o ie h a v e r e c e iv e d t h e r e c o g n i t i o n a n d I n . d o r s ^ n e n t o f t h e m o a t f a n o u a m u s ic i a n a o f th a c e n tu r y .

T h e y e r e n o t " c h e a p p la n o a ," b u t t c r i t i c a l e x a m ln a t lo a -

a n d c o m p a r ia o n w i th o t h e r h i g l ^ r a d e p i a n o i w ill d t ic lo a e t h e f a c t c o n v in c in g ly t h a t t h g y t f « a b io l u t e l y t h e R n e a t • e n d m o s t p e r f e e r ty c o n a t r u c t e d p ia n o e in e x i i te n c t^

W i n n e r P i a n o e a r e a o k t d i r e c t T rejm f a c to r y to p u r -

e b a a d r t h r o u g h m a n u f i c t u r e r ’a a t l o i r o o n ia . P r i c e a a n d

t e n h a a r e f tx e d a t t h e f a c to r y . S e n d f o r c a ta lo g .

m m m

•fTHNOFlBLl ot too renUs ol odPMng to Alboi Ai toftoan Hoga anmiel eaaveatl BrewmW Amoek A reuBtatioa w 'toe ptoakto an

Jaet hi awMh the farttoi hwaietort. Mn t im HwlaiM, 1 molbodA adegdaf Csatroi, with a •Mme la Uto I oanatry.

Thh Ideal aim. egemm ta ba t vartoua eoelal BOW ga eu tor 1 pMoe, by totting of stoer igenidi on n sound oei tho SBieoa la An able refreghmen the Oenaea 1 Hmiee to Laodi repair' with th •are war haaM.

PfoUMIloa to aMe. Ur. Neel

wUb the drink reiarts • • difi

r iper conditlaa pafttnilarly t temped. The A

hhngalkled: he ahd with a taW Jib of IL

The tlemiaa ( gtatinee i

S * .aM plemmer tbaa be pel drui MMag at the iaM II to the m« tong run the

■ Hr. Neck ei o f.lte

put the eoatral all toa transp campptont area df a ceaiyal h IberHy an Iona ege year aflsr. la detlaa ha ow thtog n pto seen the Uqiior Had k> itMif.

The board hi Ilf work, ead H ■aU be htUen deals wtto eact Use denuuMa, he aaM la hnvi •te two cr tore over. thoA it toOM. ouch te Olageiaeni of U| ehengsa In thepnbllc boaae,.

The beard 1 pabHt heuia < ceniid pcemlao erwa to eomasi arte. When ■ K is dene uw ccm|isMBlhm i meat—to tt Id a period ot fin aaca (or gend

temp* • The heard si policy of reir* of lha toAMnam (opcctoUr raw bat hy pulling nwat to cempei

1 cidrt.Maa»rit''tfJ'' to pagUsh pubHc to te a men d • n very elcee) ■T ket hr tod* IH amdUlcaUot

The aame i totghl he tntr to tUs eemiliT Um the advt *p«h." to the Onpertsat Uca WheUy .dganer Uto only deate tyy that to d<

The soonom Ur. Neck edto •M nmeuM. he tesa to ha to f t to such lsb6rehehar, etc., I amra direct si id a puialr i rtwubec atM * gbther.

C.$Un spaka ysc iorms.

"For Many oatioaal work l^ p s r s l by I NItoy, whtoh, piilll praotieanreacted, Ite | fted iri Ite raM of rigU el hava a t tost

llooasing ayati to our own m tonlee which i of the retail I ttoa a t thete keiptoklBg ate wni take m detibtedlr tan

■*tn ttto oen year ddUva to Ike wark.

''Perhaps th naehtog sngi trade ehsuW e

ttkUe (am af reCra

__ I to whichMM ihaH bd PPW alber kk

'MW ■

tory ycemda Meat. Ha wti to editor et,piaa ef the *




m s




r : - M

i i

SP{;r- ;..-'..^j . ■■■...-,.'7;

I I wfWwIil

fMii l ib Sdta fhct l(

m iPAuiATioii Ann cohmt

•m iM arU L A Mm cm . lt.-O M•< Om tm k » <K tb* n t m U Mpt. M> «M«M lu AUwn J. M»ck, M to t •! 1M * » «Wb>ii lU cuiM . Mm wttDm ■« lit* MouAl MawMllM «< U» Ualtai lUlW ■rtm nc AaMbkiJwi t a n M ay. MO h* A nwiMtMa M aiili«U« >«*«*a#M Mrf « a »ihMU* M u ta««^■MMnal BnwtiMlia m nwiMUr Hm Mk>

, MM M a MdMal awaa«r. *■ mayarM wwi tiM yaytiaaa tna tiw at gm m t* N kaMtlNa. Mr N«ek Ma*tiiir N«anw4 (M a MMiaBa. wfaar* ha ka4 itiMlah U>a bmDmM adachtd by tb* SrisW a*ar« al Canifol, wHh a «Mar ta nm aatla i t«> to a u la th j laJaia haMawa hi iWa aaaetry.

Tfeb Mial aha, la Uia Maw at Mt. N«ah, taanu ta ba ttia faahaar t Uaa Vt tha vatiaat aaalai tarvlaa (uaatlaaa wbteb aa«r a* lu Car ta baay tha aaloM ta jta phtoa, h j MUaf Um b ■« laia tha haM* af athat a«aadatlthat eaa epaiata thaa oa a MiMhI teaaaa t a haala: aah aaha tiw aatoaa ta AaMiiaa a Maea at •>*aaaa» abla raiM fItaaar Uha tha Itallaa n M, Dm Oanaaa Btartialla of tha C am r Haaaa M Loohaa. It M tha '^aay war ratMt" Mth ttia >r»M—, h«t tt la lha *wi way hohM.

Frahnltiaa It laipaaalhli aa« aa*aMr> aMa, Ur. Hack eeataadU. aM aianlr etoitBi tha Hlaeaa data oathiBd raally wltb tha drtbk prablaa, RadaMUaa tw n^atda a t difficatt, Matty aai. aa fu

rv tr aaatlttaaa, aupayfluauai haUdaA It paitkalarly lirtu tiac la tha Aaiaftaaa tiwipta. Tha Amariraa data net Hka ta

bh fMalaUd; ha tuua la rataiaia hiMtaiA ahd with a laW cbanoa ba aiakta a taad m|» a( It

Baihar 1w BaaMla haha*.Tha OaraiaB ar Fraoch aafh. Hr. Nodi

fthda, tfatinaa tha aoetal taattaet aad at tiw MhM inaa mabaa k a btUa aaakr aad ylaaaantar lar a wan ta aiay aabar tbaa to y k druak. Tha ■ailiah boatd la aMrtai m tha taaw Maa far tha •‘yah." aad It U (ha awat lattttartnry aad la thy faati ran lha taalaat laCani Mr tha AiMtfleMi Ulioft.

Hr. Nock tiylainad that uadar tha BaMwaal tha IMahw A at RaflaM ^ put tha eaotmi aC tha U«aar tradta (or all tha traaapurt. maalUaiw aad aa- riaMiiiat AMaa aiMiraty, la tha haadi df a caalyal hoard, with abaatola an- thortty aa leaa aa tha war laaia aad Mr a«a y«ar aftar. Thla baard haa yawar t* daflaa ha awa araaa, and taa da aay- (Mat H iMaaaa la tha way ad yayalatlad tha Uquar trallla wuhta tha Hadta art M ttMK.

Tha boatd baa praatltally luM bafM tu worih aad a M.loo aaHy, UM ayaakai ■aM ha btUtvaa, to ladra taadu. It daala with mcfa araa aa tiw Meal Htaa- Ura damawia, aad la that aaaaa awy ba wld la bava no fl*ad yoHcy. Tbira a rt two er thraa laodral Mtadyiaa, haw attr. that it ba* aatahtlahad a l tha OMt-

attaa. aad ta«oar< Uyhtar drlaka aad eartale

MMHSMmM* ad tbt ««««.W D HAMM. oat. llW > ti*ka MMhr

adfbttt t t btdf k d*Mt da that beat t l thtir m thM wanid fatl HdiaMI at aat bUhd tdlMd la taiibrat t wkb ttwab M feaaaw tawwa yaatar la r that Mtawr Rata ■tnalar aad Hr*, jahh ft .hRMw- I t l t dr. ad Rtraratda aaaana tdairwd tlWIr fldtlalli waddlad aaalvaMry Timb< day, Oatabar aad a law daya Miar aw tartabwd Hra. Mary ChadwMh Waada and $. TMtMad AUaih tha oaly aarviiaia al Uw waddMf yartr. aalda fiMa Ht. aad Hra. AwlagaK m p yaatd |M Rav. RabattiNM adlich. yaatar dd jh a «M rirat ftayiM Chnrah, wad HM adnetattad akitrawB. Ma aad Mr. aad Hra. Chartaa aUm lha hrtda'a paraoM, tad tww athad wanbMa ad tha bHdal w m v dMd aanfai yaart tdB.

A laaieia ad tha dlaatr a t wbM Mnt Waadi and Hr. AHaa warn la ta ta, waa iba wdddMd oaha aaat Iraai ftaaoaai, Wbtra Mr. aad Mra. Ayamatara dtadb* ur. Hw. rm ak Daaald, l aildia. H waa walMbly la illtbid wHh thw dalaa •^MS-

w r i s t s . * .rri*ad ta t lUa da* the

stay ad

m i , ’* a id wmUa artMaa . . ^raraarp. It arHaad M t lUa da* the aw altramry daih bat Waa aat at tha a M« data Ultti. ftaiMaa Hta. OewaM end a dew hlar whe M the wiM al a yrw Maaar at OharUa OBlatwIiy al ONdht (X the aaatdo ha*a a yah, Joha ft aw plt t M wha wan a aatat a t |ha dlw aar, tat t h a r wHb 'a Mw alaad M aalt

^ / S s S . ’BJITSSl. “Hr, and Hra. Cbaika O.- ADta.

la l i l t Mr. AyyMaala waa ataaMd iu aa laM tar, bww the dim ftdynHl> taa ftNatad alan dd fnm Meawaath Oahhty. Ma hw Haaa beta taaaytid wift bit taw MaalMi ta ftad Mlhk. Bbi Ma, Jaha m A>yltdata Ir„ danaarir eaaaty pradatattar al HadMaath CaaBiy, b .MMoftlMi tHtb

ftaCh Hr. ABd Mr*. AMtatali a n aakta ta lb* r t ia t piyUM (tnarA, ha aa t aak daat ad tha M y | ad Ukalaw fhd Hra ApRataM aa yriaHaet ad (ha UMIaa’ AM •ealety.


M. I . A. C M M l i i M f a b I t J b d t-

M w l i A l M K i b M i A n•fc 1 I m M a __

n u a tt» ■ piESBioirs norr

im jB RAiraB BtATS CAMP, C^RdOttmUft Pla.. OR. Il.<'4ha

such Uof ___

abaotai ta tha gaairal ahaiaater at tha yabik heaaa. .

tba baard baa yawar to alaat any yyHta heaM. or (a taha aver aay lb caoatd yraailiaa or ayoa laaorta od Ha awa ta ooavatltiaa with yrlyato aatar- yrta*. t r u e any oaallacatlofi M itada R la dotw iwdar lha taaaral pMa a( aampoMBlIaa fraiaad bP lha aararn- taiat—that Mt by av m d it* yralRa bvar a partod of ihNa yoaia. with aa altow- aaca for tend will.

Cawpata by M l PHaha.'' Tha board tUHtd M wHb a alaady yolky.ed rairaialtB aad dlaeoiira|aaa*M g| tba tataawatata u«b af ‘A arl H«aar.' aaprctaUy raw flo. act by yraWUheai Hit by yulttad IIKhlay danaa a t ralraab- awai ta eaiayalttlna, aaah aa taa. tefMa, M n and cldtr.

Tba/M ird tasaata W work .a par* Maa*Bt'K><i aaadad ratami ta tha ftadUM taibHr hoaat, laabta* It mora thaa a aw n dttaktat ytaaa. It loBowa OM vary cloaalv tha Maa ad Mfom that ■T bat by th y ^ b f ta - lia i ia a TthT la lit laedilkeUee ol Pw ooaUaawtal aata.

Ttw iataa Idla. Hr. Haak daiiatad. Wtaht ba latrodaeM tvaa aiara aaWiy M thi* catwlry, far tha AnwrlAn taloea Hta tba advaatadt over tha Baallih "pul,'* hi that K yaafartad «dm* .rary HworUat llMt of aaalai aandoa ta a WhaUy .Itaainratia lyim t ta fail, k M tha otdf t* t> ^ huHtaHoa ta tha aoaa- Uy that ta dstad aw

Tha acoBoiBto batda at tfata atrvlot, Mr. Kaok adtainad, fa atadoabaadly w au MM aaaooad, and will awra aad awia ba data to ba ■*, BtU. aa a awitar af (hat. ta tu«b panleiitan aa feod, m t, tabor tuhaad t, baakhta, toltat MeflUiaa •baitar, ala, tha aaloaB ta. yafdanaiat Mora direct aad valvabta aataal darttea Id a puraty daaaycnttle way thaa tha akarahaa aad tryaataad dharUtaa p«t |w Iktbtr.

Ptatwaaaa waad *ta M tdamt.Pnatdaat C. A. dehaiMt af Pbdladal>

phla ffoka yaattaday an tha aaad Mr ro>COtlMU

"For ataay yoara." ha taU, ‘‘tba adw oaUanal werh of anr aiaaetatloa wid ^ n p tta d by lha talk al a eoaatrbcttta Mltay, w b l^ however, poa haymMbta ^ t t l ynwtleallr an ear awa y tM t had laaehad iba yatat af oaavicUan ta tw $g tt ta tha nieaiMly of taloaa rolsm and of rIdU obaarTaact at (ha hlw, Wa have at tart aanw to lalrly fkiarat aytawnant aa ta what nanatltnraa a tiod BaaaMad drataai. aad haet aatoMtalwd la aw awa Minda aattata^daflalta prto<- atbtaa wbhta ahoaM cw am lha aaadbat at tba rMall tradai

f paWtt ftaelM af A* W tn .R m jB RftjraB

lACIMatiMtat RltM wira bi an ht ta a ataot hart taday with tha alaaalBd ay a t lha aaeand* ylaad tta Ih tha rapid lira dtaUh. aad the Anar a t tawra thaa l,Md aipadt ihato bayaa Uaia« tha Ikpaa dMMMM raaya yaaittaaa vraotMny ff r lha apaw lap ad Iba Md aatlm al witaba* Mdw>

•p.Friaata Ada* w . HalMytaai tha aaly

taoMhar bC tha Maw fayaar taam who ttatahad ta tha owaay la lha PfaH- danl't laalah, tha Paal aiapi a t wblak waa ahat yeaiarday. Ma abated Nd aad atada alnaty-aaaaod ptaaa.

TiM mateb wna^wan thraoffb a*aaat Uaaal Mn attag hy Omdarp W ease l Abdraw Kapha a t tha Marina Oarpd wha allot a parfaet eaara af flflaaa baltaairaa on A a l,dP«*yard rang*, and taUlad a tatat (bar-ianpa aaara at Mt aat at a pdtitbla Md. Mipea ta aaw Iba talUtary HIM ik a a ^ ih ad Iba DaltaFetatda. 8 a wm rooatva a paM awdol. an aalDcmyb latter Irani F riMi daat tafttaas. aad aaAu

Oarparsl J. atyndy a t tpa UaMad maiaa Ctavalyy. v aa oaoand wlA a W Ml tar aadaw, b a t ha faU aa t aatol lawar aa tha l.tdWyayft m apt, TMH ylaat wad waa h r Oelanat l itwiaat J. T. Lawlaw at Maaaaahaaattp, wha talUad MI aMk hat laak third plaaa iiiwwpt Oraady’B rapid tira aaaraa ware par* foot*

Thraa daya wtS ha darotad ahaoal a«' dulvatr ta praaBai m prapantiaa Mr Iba aattaaol *nd tb* dUfttaatkaiaa bava harp hdftpaad oatthla tareata

IH at lha A att ta wik Htnatad M and tba .l ir iiy tafa fwtaaaM ta patitag I t

on tarptt Rd,

praedtae, pwryoiet mridar dhwniaivaa

II IP dhpiat tad-



IL mA ^ CAmMWM9 yflM WIVi rviSH jCfIi AcMfl CwiMM Plifa|

Gm ^ ’i Afprant

m m m n m y u a

WAdHIMOrON, Oat. 1I.-.A taa^orary Utah ta ptaaa ta.ihoopolai Camaaa a» Fravtikiaal FiaHdtdt at Masita daVilapad taday. ouatotaala ta raponad balking at tiw ptea, ahbeupb twr Mtnlatar, om at tba FawAwortaaa oa'Hfaraaa, letoad la tha fonnaiatabdaMBli tor (tarnala’d ncopai- tioa.

Rda pavatnawat to dadaitlnd foyaiH raeapnltloii, hdplhg for aafly concani of Qaam aala ta Uw ytaa. Aaotbar eauo* fa* data* ta aa addon to havo all l>aw AtaoHiaa aauatrtaa aat otaauKaaaouaiy. Thoaa attnnpanwBii are praaUeatly aaw-

Rat latar taaa aaxt.waik, bowavar, atfkial* hapa to tanahiiy taaMnie oaiab- Uahawai af tha aaw Haalcaa Oovara- waot

Atthauph net tafiaallr proelatiiwd. an tiabarpa pravanitap Vttta laoilvitip orma oereoa tha batdar ta la afTaet ttatar. Cua- loBw apaata ata hoMlnp .up iH Haaflioiu •blpmanta. tachaicallr ‘Tot tavaattaatloo."

C am aaa ‘1 aitltada toward Itvaa and praparty at Remaa Cathalle Hartr w u dtaMPbad taday with Paaratary Law *1^ by Hoatagnor RwatO. tha local

' pralaia. wh* accompaoiad Cardlaal Olb- bon'a to t ta White Haaaa . with tta Fapa'a tart world paoao laotoapi.

Mr. Inailap pava oaoniaDcaa of con- Bdciwa ta Caiyaaoi'a ptadpa ta MrwR NUgtaaa boadapi aad raateralloa a f Gath-

prapiftjr>AiwoM PbahkHa, Unkad'ptatae Oaaaul

OaMtal a l Uaxko CUy. ha* natapad to tota ta a peaWoB with tta Waura- Flatea OB OtBU i.y. m big Attarleab aaw earn ta Hableo.

ihaBkIlB wna appoMtad by Mmwr Fraa- Idaat Roboavolt and (taat cbim lalo tta pabita aya duitap tta Rbarta riplwa. wta* ta bnd n "ran ta" with farawi Am- taaaadar K aarr Lena WltooB. davaral ■ iB lt a Bd» t a waa recalUd btoaiua od a dtaapraataant with Brail lias Mtnlrtar CotdaPB and ba* ataa* b*m oa tta wolt- lag H it

Z IAUEN QtnUL CNIT ENDSMb** tarpata tar t t a m a t p

tad Hodar WtaCHH ta

P*ta wbk tat ta ta m win

I , Friaa____ ta ttapraotla* oa a tarpat wbM

hta eeaw dtfOaaltlae win piapat* tta Mr bottar wort aa t ta aaotartato wbHh ftap dtaai a ahata* af draw*

■ddtap of taa I,fM total ta t ta tatiT tnal « H «

MAVfaiOn Ih* td in ta ta tta J*iB*y**B ^

Hwat ta prntalto on Tarwta N*. T4 and Ihdy dnw Rn. I t far liaa ItaiMoi p»o* do*. TMa tarwta aad iw ataw khWatataaee tarpad iheeaeta eaedWiW altoi*aoaal aad taaie to httta * b ^

Tta fdMaltaa af taa Rattaaal Oaard laaaw Mr Ita aakad MrRto t a a ^ wMtai to M ha i t a t a a n f l l ta r . * *

taptata adfU PW laaFa t o k ^ *»*

haaad o m raa ta taa aatloaai tw


tta _____wr at which wNl auH fora Ita aalaaOaa

S j s j r s w ’ s - “ i £ w 2

ba ta lato t ta Uphaat apRdptato M thdtwo araata. . ____ _ _

It u MHty taat a* Jw iorwia w« «kaot to Ita BOiiad Mietad t a j ^ ^ thaopk Frivmt* MtaMr ha* a aboato W BMka tta Walltawl Onard Mbm. A Hr toatad ttaM Mam ta* Rattaaal Otaid a»

ad t ta aadka m m itr wta d a pMwd taaa tr*« tho

tawMI dwato* *d dta » R f t dKLVIOKRR. Oct. I t —Crtwlnil CMIH

can** ta aa abrapt eoadutao* yaatarday Pdiorwwn. Wtniato f. Martaa at FMI- Upobarp ratlaetad hta ROa at aat guilty of wId* boattap aad plaadad gallty. aad Ita ooart laid Wm ta touat bring W* wR* Into court to ptaaO laataney tor bin, aad upaa hta ptadga lo halt driaktag aad aatt aboHap M* wUy ta wooM b* t*-

Rtoa tadictad for aaaaoH a a | tattary aa fanw* Hanlltan. waa colM bat did not raapoad, and hi* ban af flM waa dadarad forfallad. Tta li*t aaaa •< Rloa ta ' Wd« awblap tor FbatwylvaalA daba Ward a t Kanwlta*, a a alghbB*. wa*

fa ta Ftalor won aaovlatad at aa aaaatdl ■ad* Jidr I* aa FotkMaaa fa ~ Idagtar ad FhUHptaurg

faha Ooolar, aUao VbMr Daekwarta, at Haraloay waa coavtetad at ataaPap alpfet eliilm w rre« Hra. Rlinbaia Ci uato. a aatahbor.

Hariln Farwoaoo at Traalaa rWr u tad kU plaa af aat ataky ta aanuh hattary aa a CanMr at Biataaida and ■iHifAad eiriltv.

Adan BMIh, aa oataa daalar at Ortbrd. waa ooBvIctad of aaaaoit aad battary aa fanWa ■tpataa, a fartoto. Alban Ptolth, * Mfiaar ad Hair Tawaihip, wo* oaa* «t*|*d j d toaaUap thraa ehlekaaa fraoi Lnol* dHoanwa.

C*«iH adjauraad obUI Oatabar M, wtaa a»at*d0ta Wiu ta liapo*id.

O R S P I Y ^ ^

M m A C E i w * * T A l l i t i i i r i

f a w f k w i w FIm .

p i E » r s r n f l r s m n c B M R D

MATTOR. <h, do t U f bart af W tf ta ftawtobwtaaar Arlhar R. Bta- ■ aa ad Kawark, R. f , adeadatad tka aitoattoa ad baarda ad tdlbaaiOd la citlaa la h it ripert, awda taat aipki a* taalr- BiOB af tk* aatanina* af l*dH*la|taii aad ftaaaaa af taa AatarMaa PaaMly a t Maalalpat Itopreiw anla, whiah M Biaallap hard. Hr. 0«a«*n aaM (hat ootoMloalea fam * af povaramant Wdra atlU. ta aa oppariiaaata^ ataga Taa jprtatal t t a daacy. ta bdda<L wa* ta om- aaataaia wwra pawar .ta ta* BaaoeUva ■Rad ba yatoae* t ta adtolatairatlea ad* dIaaN tir tb a r froa paHltaat contral than waa tanaarly the pfaetleo."

"Oa* taalur* o t recant laplataUoa olaap ikl* Ita*" eoattauad Mr, DanoMB, "whiah la alpa ta ta aamaiandad. la I ta forawllaa af boarda af aallwala whteh ambmaaf togattar with tha Bieaatle* tha hoata of Uw vtrlowi adalalitratlvw daparuiaata tadlaad of plaelag t t a whoM bardaa af tha datarninaUon of tha am taal af the aan n a ry hiada la ta loload far the altr gavannoaot 1a Tha taada af tta Idglalatlva branch. It t i certain that lb* aaada of t ta •avoral daparunanu ara batter kaawa and liadac^ood by thatr odnlnlalraUro baada ibaa by ih* oahaalL

"By plaatap t ta bordon aad raapaa- BtalUty upM aoeh a board af aatlawla tha naada of tha **«*ral d*p*rtn>*nu ar opaneta* of gaeirbtoaat eaa ta af dnatoly praaaatad t* aoeh a beard, and Ih* Iraportano* of tfooinl aonditlaiw which may oilat In oM doparVnanl for t t a •!■*' bolap enn b* pabaad upon by awn who woald Mara (bohaaphly ra- nliia I ta ralatl«e iMporlaaea af lha aaiiaaa netlrltlaa of giyronmianl. aa that tb* Toaell* abnuM b* that t ta Mar* Immadtat* a*c***Rla* and I ta noT* urpant arark woaM bar* proea- doBca la t t a ndlutmant of tha bodpat

"It might alto ba noted that tala mora ar fata daw dapartura haa ratalt- •d In bwdgtt aahtMty and In givtag th* ganaral public *nd tha paopla wha pny lha tniaa n oiata bottar appor- lan ltr ta knew fan haw Ita BOaaya ralaad by taantlcB ora dielrlbutad."

Wavna Apahwl Pear Raadtap iHr. Uamnaa aoundad a warnlep oo

lb* plllag up of banded ladabtadaato In dtlaa, with eowwqaaal Ineraoaaa In ta t ratao.

T h* tim* of rackaniag haa arHaad," ta aald. "Many cHlaa hav* ahoirt raachod th f limit and oam* hoc* net- bally pladgad thair credit to a dogroa tayond wta* adtolnlttfatleo."

Mr. oanama baM it waa a trulam chat no bond Aanld b* laaaad (ar a ta rn tbai woald asaaad tta Ufa of tba Im- pravawant It aacarad. la aama waaoa. b* eenllnnad. it appaarad U ba adula> abla to pay band laoBaa In Inatal* manta ra lta r than by pamrittlag tba moaey to aaeumalata la a ilBklag fuag. laotalnMata weald atom ta ta t t a proper rauraa In paying far n pn*n> meat, ta t ta blghar paymoata of t ta tirat few yaon weald ba awt wblla t ta n raa t waa la Ita meat aarrlaaabla oaa- dlUan.

Tbi* did not aaaai la ba t ta aarraet mathod In paying far a watar pUat. bawtcar. In A t aplalan of Hr. Dan* ■aa. In t ta tatter laatnaaa tba ra- ■rca-waralag aapaoltr trooM awka <1 advtaabla that I ta haaviaf ahargaa ta nude duHng tta taltar p*H af Ita Ilf* ot tka baada rathor thaa a t t t a bagla- nlng, whan racanu** ar* Mwaot.

T ta aaMaUitya, Ur. Doatopb ropartad. approTod tb* pHaelpI* of agneoa oaa- Aamnatlan la a*BB*otl*n wlA pabU* taprovatoaata.

r u u i c n i n N n a t i w M i s i a n i v j s o n u n n i i u u i i i K I B B I o ni«f A lFPVftOat ttc -» p 'FA H A ia ___

M hokior b naalHpdl wbniy ta Brio RaUroad. OttoHUllaaar M JohanaaW tta ta a rd jr f ..alght lairaduoad a raratatiaB th k ^ t ta

_ta taaOhartaa F.

beard toll on lha paliM daparWibWl ta arrati ctawi af tratay dtawa by toon- tooUvaa that h a ta k to ^ **tohL?* t t a FaoM k aky. ^ f t o t a a i ^ v m aat cnrHad, M am Oaarpa R, taP ta,**- anaplBp Hr. J ^ i a a ‘i wrath t a lalnp la aat | t a rallnad o f f M ^ b*M aak itato ta ba goad

Ih lauaduolap tab n a a l iU ^ Jahaaoa *014 ta affaH M t Utata M

9 j r s A T i : & & ^tataary. _ ^ _

"Aitaat tba arawa," arpaad t t a * • • -

aUaUanar, 'Mad bald ap a few tmloo triad, dtad I can read wtH rasady

whlla Uwirrt Iking ataara yea taa* tta tba 1a Ita P

raoMBHiasiieB P i n d u n n u a i i n B

fpmlal Rrata* af »M P i ^ nOOtAWAT. Oal. Ift~J»b*

maaloB af ik* Rret Raw Tarh B a ^ aaafa wa* bald ta ra y a a ta r^ ta Ita lactar* ram af tta FRal FiataytaaM Cbnrcb. n a

aigbtralad ta

arpaaldtu** waaap origtaally af twatae eatap^to af Ita awe aaok dnd af , i ^ otata a« tta Jaraaymaa b t t a ^ U wiA a maMHty ftoto Baakaway. Otaaf. Nawtoa, Faiaraaa.aad HarHetawa.

Thirty ar* allv* and twonty-fic* ta- taadad tta roabtaa All * » toar*_«na oavanty aad aama mara Itaa yaara aid. Bom* wira *d*o«p*B! thair wtaa* ar dabphMito They aatoruiata >y Ita Klap'a P a a g b ^ w ta gpra aa •atarttlnmaat aad dtaaar, w in daba H. Oaatta af Baakaway. a HWtobar at tta onpaataaita*, ta itatpa of tta affaapaawata Abant thtrty baaorary awiabaia watt atab l f * y * v .

An addraoa of araltato* waa dtaleafta by Rav. Oaarg* ft Matt Pao w ta tad a raapaaat by FraoMaat David w . P tagT ntw aa daddad ta hold A d a ^ raunlon la tba Haroa* I* Ward Ftdt Mom* M Mawaib. ___ ^

Offleoi* alaotad War* tta f*B*tatap;Praaldaal. Daalol W. PtaM *< F*t*

araaa: aoaraury, aaerpn dan-f*y City, aad iraarare*. W, ft Canaan. Mawark.

Anwap the aw nban wb» Mva j a thM Yiciniir are iaha M. Oatata a f RnMta- way, / W atiitptan Rttata. J a h a ,B a t - tall. Baatga Tbadtabatd. I b M ta ta j to - PM of Dave*. B Iw trd Oa C aap coauBBOi Abraham VliMldPI *1 dara, WUHam BUI af MaoHno. Bdwmta CarbaU of MarHatowi). t a m e r R b * ^ Ryaraae e f tdnabla Ferk. WtlHato O u - eea *ed Drew Major Wotobelt t a Reer- ark. Danlfl Ptagg. David B « ^ Jaaana Palmar of Petaraao aad Oanrp* F. O aaa ta Joraay CUy.

aammliuag aeldanani ta t t a olty.*Th* bMtd ala* a a e a ifa r t HdilH w tA

iltdP ta poneilaa ta th* aratare ta t ta ta»^B B **b Rlvar. and n *aam»d t* ta I ta mtaaral deaUmaat th a t A * "atoapp tad I ta ta Bdhid *r M aaiA." aa **«* aaw a t A a Maailag eallad H. waa ta bhaoia. " t n y aat aaad aoni* aa* dawn ta Traatea I* ta ta th ta r H ta a H im M i r a A ta Mr. fahaoea, aad aiA «ngh ItaM waa teoM ditfa taaaa R a p l iM a tw 'tn la p deA d m t la aauen. ■ » f A n a ia w a t MapA i iH paa tad ta aetata wita A a tta ia afftotata

p p r t i m t i


tm apaa



■ fflET•APv - J


tw aatr-eavaaA

Opmlal PwA* at «M FtBftr ix tU BAT, Oat l ^ T k a t*

fa«rA iTAlao af tta TweatF-ta Raw Jaraay vtaunt**** waa bald yaatattay In ta tard fe ball ta HAIa m raat Tha voMieaa dlaad la tb a Oaw- tral llaeA. The laltawtop adflaara w art alaatad: _ . .

praaldAW C A, Teal*. J taablap Ridgo: aaarolary, J. U R l t ^ tL BaaA O napa: Iraaaurar, DaatM F. Mhanap, HorrtaUwB.

Profaaaar U C Fora* ta —eeaaaaaa dallvarad aa tddraaa R *a* f e taad M btad tta BMt raunlan a l Btorrl*- lown.

CUTS CAFITALTDONg Rl CERT.pmrr ....... ... ....^

TRBNTOH, Oct. II.—A* antooM oaf- ufMal* wa* IHta today ta ih aP t a o n ^ - danaad HIta Camyany wlA A* ■•**••*> ta atata. daeraaatag H* aaUwfjuta *ta|M ataA from tl.Hd.IM la IlftaM .^ ltaa palaHyal offiaa ta tta aompoky H ta Jaraay City.'

CAN YOU WEARA 1 6 . 3 1 0 . 3 1 8 1 . ?

Wa are aalBap mmDa yen baaw a BaAl P**M fhta aan aoH a«COST PRICE? ■ii*i»Bi’ Wm ari


C M f a t D r m sM t T U S s r s S mTaPatp aad Camkdanltaam *M aarft Ir iR A eia.____


t o d t h t t o o r

T ta Maal pppHca- tavetvA

iMptmag aad wfli tab* t

I __■Ta AM aamwetlA I waad ta htopoak

year «ttv* ta ifn ta and awdparaUA H lb* waih.

"Pwhapa th* oMta baportata and Mr teacMag rbggwtIA madb M AM Mb trad* ibatad aaaatabd* A* ataaMRamaab af pebU* Maily m art* ta whlA a l Uada of rafraAOtobtr rhail ta dtodaniad; dad In whtoh tta roM *1 ataahaUe tardy.' MM rhatl t a no tot** mapbarHiil Aa ■py *Arr bbtarapto"

dpfdrt toebd af dto RFRft n i R q m N , Ota. t l .—U e * ta n 0 .

Fayiaa of Bagtawoed waa ritatad t**f*< tary yataarday *f tka FHatntaB ABf taata. Hr wtU 'atrvd i t a ytaihi t a n M adttar of lit* Tipift A* k am im . paprr re Ar aelvtreitp, and ta aieeiliMy. piaa M tb* o o to t a ^ ta A d ifi dM ta

la mmyear i


B r o a d w a y

N o w Y o r k GIMBELS S 3 d s t r e e t

N e w Y o r k

A Very Unique 5th Birthday Sale of


Including a Special MUFF Offer. S im p l i f ic d a t h e p r o p o e i t i o n I t t i

f o U o w i :$ 2 0 . 9 0 C o t t s I 2 U 0$ 1 5 .0 0 B i l l s h t p e d R a c c o o n '

M u f f . . . « • * « ’ 4 SJSO

$44J 0 . $25.00A saving of $19*50

D M n ip t tB n —H ilf pUk4iopd M lztiirp C M ts, t a r t* M lta r a t B Btw iI r to d to a fa r .

O r B ditP i C dfliM iT Cm M, g rpaa , brow o. btaek • b4 BtTjr, M f if ld dll t l lk liiw d. . • : ?

$35dX) Coats (vtrious models) . .$27,5$ $15.00 B ill shtped Rtccoon

Miuffs * t •«• ,* •'j» • • 6 • 6 • * 8i8$

$90.00A s a l d a g o f $19


7^It ■* A_A.-A.inu

al- '-v to?,'*'' f-.'f;'

Valour Ibiyi OoBta. C ta t l R B i

riM O d i (Ml. POVVi fPM'#to«l IldNMMiir m id ' vrw W i


The card ledger on a high gear

f kMiddBltaetatipin t U t a v y l

t i p fd d t ia t I f t in i d d . R ] i f MhcUB* omtvo kyewo am m em w rm o rbI i t a m u i f t i i d « i ta li« l

Dm yton, tki 1. E (ii4 talfK iMftmi toi«|MftafH7t*tiifcMitaito-tail. ltl« ■dtot A fTHM meimjf dm m i “ t a iM tH B g ■ S M a ta T V p w t t t l f t k I tB dddUiw lUckiRdii t l ta kdiBS tor rHBMdWlil t o i id i m n ^M Wy N B lta g tadth U Mto.

f M p « Bd* ettatag A, **Tlt Xn m e tM p r tag MddhMtadi wMtag**> ■

LibraryBureau, i l i ^ M d ^ ^ Nfir Yofit

fi. Allman k (5a.Sm art Clothes

For Misses and the Younger SetAtttttftinal Clethegfar Mlamtndtlui Yeuilfar Set, •mbradfit Frocks, tUlor-mitfe Suite •nd Coftte, are now being dtepUyed In tiM newest styles and In an egtenelve rmofft of attractive prlc«e. Smart and approprlita attire for wear at the forUKomhit ttkiatte gamee alee oonatltiites an important part cf the eihlblUon.

Q l r l s * a n d J u n i o r s ’ A p p a r e lIn the eectlon devoted to the oatfittinig el QIrleand Junlore will be found an lntefeatlll$ collection of garments meeting every re<|iitoew ment of the girl at school—sarvkeaMa tatlai* mades and ceate for every-day nee In addHIoa to the party and afternoon frodee of pro* nounced smartneee for semUsodal occaelene.

S p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n l a g i v e n t o b e t w ^ e M *

s i z e s f o r g r o w i n g g i r l s w h o m a y b e

d i f f i c u l t t o f l t

(Departmante on Second Floor)

V. AUmtm k (5a.2,000 Pairs of

Men’s Imported Qloveswill be on Special Sale tonmorrow (Saturday)

a t SLlO per pairThasa glevaeara made of an •xcatlantwqaallty tdh capa (PXM Mwn) showing •pam' polalt with ragttlar or ehert flnfoie, and alfar •plendld value at tho price quoted.

A emart glbvt fpr Autumn wenr-

Important Satas"^M e n ’s O v f r g o a t i ,

a n d■.t.-V.f-.fft’ '.A.< *3

TWtataj. ,rr»,


im m

■)T|v«» awAM. wklah waa efliMt. ^coM«a t* Mr atarf- ■»! aba Muldn't «"d oat "M pa

avaaitofA ■» taday ato M< •>'*

wm mstmT braaa* intlM al*, feabhMar r a ia B ^

katwaw J. W. O ^ a * Otk af Markat atraal, tU s al«r, aad tha U««aa-Mlar

*t Mortk a n M •m at, 1 »m - .taa.1iHMUi af VMah,aaaaarM «ra a a r I*

........................... afI naaaatal aklinttfivi af , a t May rilata la aaah

•' aii ir, ' a r t aa cwnfwad, a am A a t la J B antM a P. UndabiirA traalaa far tba b.laaal aaaearaj (hat aa atiappi (a Baar . l i a a|taa(la>a it aawafraatad.:

f Ifr. UadMary baa Mt forth tba fMta ' aaaoaralac Iha. flaaaetal laacla In a I'aatM aa fliad taatarday attamaaa with

laifirai Atwaad L. DtOattar. la ahlab ba «naa Iha atararal of a eeaajrewilee

a aaHlaaiaai, wbalaby tha aniSItan af tba Btaaaa eaaapaar Baar naatva ah adai> tiaaal |l,*at. Tba rafaraa baa eallfi a awattot af (ba oraditon Oatabar M to aaaaldar tba hrapaatltoa.

Aa imataa oC Iba OMoat adtata, Mr, t'lAMabuiy, niad‘ a ’aldlai aaHtaat IM

% aaiaa oaaoam far IIM U . J- A A art, iro e e a , tnartaa for tba Ov<aa>Ballay ■"--------- riiad a daub. In ta r t, a ta ln n


bit ta tba Praalaataaaiaiaaad^^JJJar a baart-to-haart talk with ludaa Banaaal-Vatarok riM lIaf »t<m- JlilaMM (aMhla wifa *bara ha WM f a ­in t arhan ba want aai l» lb* futara and aba araailaad ta batlaaa blnL

Tba »la1t af Iba aaaa>a to aattf^ ■ ••,--- - - lamivuo ino<

aha aaaoH aifAka aacnmulatad eurloalty1 T i 5 X ytta& a l i M D n ^tag that lima Hbgllag--llka '* fha labha arf banadiria—had •

otharatba labha af banadiria—aaa apant oow- hara of atanlnaa at aoiaa athar plaaa

than b it'o w n fltaaldh W m waa bad anaagh, Hk l in g lla c aaM. bat hat ta know arbara thoaa khara wara paaaid ■at la ba aaaadnrablA

Tba w lft'a ragnaata fw lafonhaUaa ag .tbla aeara brought Iba ragHr. ^>b. inai calo' oat," aba aald. Hat a tta ap ta a t guM baa wark In trailing bar. wan- darltig aganaa lallad: aM w a a M landar far tba banara af tba lllaatrlont tUnikabaw. >« tbaappaatad ia tba eanrt far aid.

Zfngllng dMa‘t aantradlal bla v l f t p a u r v . . Ha aaJd to tba caort: “¥aa kaaw ho« It ta go lm tif. Indga. Tai wlUIng to taU *110,0 1 go. ^ Iba Wifa.otoa't baltai^ a a ga wbal'a g faiiav going

go tba aaort laid blm la tall bar and laid Bar la |>a|taaa b ln and anotbar danaatto ogbanval waa nlggad bataro It had ilfertad.



-OiMiagy. niad n dabb. In tnra, _ I b ^ f o a n a aowgM r (hr M IM tC >alb

nrara dlaallao'ad bg .tba «aait■III fannal praat of tbair ralMtty <raa

. Ia b iatfatihg to praoa hda atnlhi Mr.■f Undabnrjr aaaarta ibal tba Wta|otlao ; aianM ap oatgbrtiy araaia n larna ■■- I aghga WfilTSihl nndarlalnlp M la ?tba I PaataainA Tfa fraatdb tnyb tnrtbdr (hat! s u s j% * r .2 ; 'K r .r .k ; « . . ■ *«-.. » ™ . i - -J groad a t Iba a tn fb i'a to tnk tba Ogdaar' Pniaraoa.} iM Iag aatdta would roqnira tba birlbg

'a f beoag ataata a t largo aaganaa.

ISahaaa bgnhmgt roMltad In n ala-, et tWt ainta. Near Tn gaaory. Mr. UndaVurr, ad ^ (]< o ttad ii^ H rD d tT

J iM fhot that tbd atain af tba T ra n ta h fg o o ^ graatad la IMandbwghrordwOiaa

agalnat tba Ofoaaa aatata-oanld h to wigad aat by a irtgar baWbtlfeg af . w baaka. laatrtag aa aaeradHag -Iglaa la faoaa.A</4a Oraeae a a e ^ - ,

a« abaat |Tfiaa« ' S S J 'S i lr af Iba naaU divtdaad ta ba- J* tba Adah-Mattoy aatada B r. daaH la r aaataida. atid tba faribar

aa af grortng tba elaigh thaarad- tratrtd gata lltUa'ar Mtlllpte by tm tba graaant dwagtBailat o tttt.

Tbinggaa d PMIadaIgMa baa la m t |t,M l fag go gaMtanani Uadabary of (ba algtn f t tba ■ggMwy / Tba. aM guw al. Mr.■|r*aM r*h I t laM aatla a arttb-

tba Ofgan-Matlar f la la and ta a Idh aar m m . Ayl'M, a A b un«M

H r.'U a d

C a ^ C M f M f f f T U i C i t T i i ^ AHm I Dm i ^ Cm cw s t f

h i m bcMid.

fflX IEam A U ZED .X T $2,000,000Inotadad an o at Iba Ibrtartaa that wlB

ba agaralrdby .tha' llulaal Tobarao Ooot-gaay. lac..}a •!».••*>»•? 1*“ ‘fonaid, w m .ba Iha Caapgball ToboeeoOaaagaav^of .g t t fbatral BcaMM, tbla

adorarn waa tonnadla JN t and iba Halwaon eonpany tbtrly yaara latar.

Tda aanerallaa wUl ogarata aarainltaaoMIgMIaa af tba baalta df Iba. «tbar aid aauUIMiad t<*wcoo cooigaalaa

Tork, pannaytraala lit inoorperatlan

i^ g t r a , giaatad la IManarA tba company la dkaMbtad la maaufactitra anoklag

g a f t e n t ' wtOrtaa tobacco, clgata, clftiotlaa bal'd %nd aguft aad will aigo aoamia. aaiaa-

atwgly ta Iha, ptoduatUig of Ita llu ahd tan atoglaa. Prlrata brandt af tar MiihafaAurara will a ^ ba

aibwiivaly. Tba eoacifk wUl fwih^-lhlaw Hagort gad aapart laaf.

~ T 1>* obgttal alacb af Iba oampany ia glriaad lata l,aat,aaa abaraa of a gar valaa a t t i t aaA. Tba anaouilro and

nfflaar nffl ba. laralad ln< Haw

., OrUl Cambnt Trnat. m a itnab' aaklag- gn agactaa laadad by

,;tba aaMgnng it l* nndo alaar tlgit tba by Iha Inda-


Rml Driiu BntJ» ShiiU Sm Geanr (Weralaiiv,

S y u ftm AiMfL


■art a t tba alalia grarakta'' •Tbaro wtu ba Ogdia-lhilay aatalh

I. tnaadint aaaqwalbrta gratact tbaamilrai h; froah dba i n iMIad .'Tabaaca n w . '

tan aloha IlC dta waa far. Wgggh m d M -tb a H a* -'

' ~ a* Btora. BathI aonirolltg by

____________ aa a f PhllM tl-


acdra advartMng. oam- ikm aa tba bnada bt lobaeca mada by

--------- '~a MralWaa. Tbara wtll haagg gogdblr grtra d g a n tla

aa Jba ,ahM awdaala Tha graaipt i tua dad a raa that tha cam-

baadta bbva an aa«la anggly af laaf an kanf 4 d add! that b a au A of t l^ war J t I t gtaarMiy Miavad tba aoneara la

'M r t lb g at an aagortoaa lUaa. A ffatK- aaagaa b ^ . b a laaoid with tba

i w m a i i w t M l M J a n w Rabagiar

At Martin 1 waa writtah

a s r .Mrttli U m 4 t « l t

" S T KParth


SaOEIQaUUiWNRSn WMi w m n K ob.

A ariMaw la grotaat Haw Turk Martar by anralaglag a haafla float la cainnina af fMatia' hna kaw gra^aaad by fbaiaa M. Halabatdt t(. P a rt aranut. Maai Or- ■ago. Mr. Hainhardt la aa larto tor. and Iba Mrtbmtad mnebtim aaad in tba Oor- waaiial n ta tlag (ifflaa la Ma araattoa.Ma baa taatad'Wt dafgaaa glan • r t l n ' ^ ■ga'jhg^laMndt ta tba Maby DHiaftaNet.

a fftr It la

Cloaar ralatlan nod ataaior nadar- ■laadlng wllb brnllb boarda In ram i aa wall aa arl«B ronm anlllaa (hraagbaat tba aiaia wara adaocatad by apaakara a t tha aacoad annual oonaanllan Of tba Haw /array Antt-Tubarculoala lAagaa, bald yaatarday la Iba T. W. C A. t a r - anly dalagilaa from anll-lubaraalaala aaolatlaa la lowna la Iba atata wara graaant.

Dr. Chnrian W. Cmnbahaw of (bla alty, lb charga a f 'lb a Inflrniarit a t tba Prudaallal Inaaraada C anpiay . ^bA' namdd ataalmian of tha btaeailva caoimltlaa. which waa aagmaatad ta a ■laipbarahig of aaran (a amat tba da. maada af lacraaaod wacb. Dr. abnak- ■haw tnhaa tha p laaa 'e f Dr. P ra d tr ir t *• M ntka a f Mlaah atb. wba waa a l t ^ i l a amatbar af tha eammlttaa. Tba atbar •*0(0bora ebaatn wara! Mlaa Q. U Ha(- tmt. Had Hank; Dr. Ha|gh tt. Kaal,.Or angi; J..H. otrlA Palaiwaa; MlfO Mary a . A n ta ll. Trantaa; Mm- H. C CatylRa. Hayona^ aad Braao( p, Haotaa, aaara ( a n aad traaBufar. ' '

'Tba n im laadoai fbf tba a iaav tira ctiMmiMaa wara btada by a camibntaa eoRtgrliiag Mlaa Catharlnr dardlaar, Bbglawaad; Mra. / . W. Cannlbgbaaa iM tg aranch, and MWard Haawtrlon, tubaraalaalf Inagaatar af- tba atata Board af Mbaiib. «

.. rp al l i ih l u la k gbrt tan OH?.Ta bla bdrtam ba - m a t a Board a t

Hatlih Cap Pa la tba r t ib i ddniaat TubaTauiaalh** Or. da iy daalniad tbat all gbMIa haaHb badlaa ibauU laha arar aaary .gnn af tba tabaraulaata wort. Tba mitar ibot affor t ad g rlra tt ergagtiatlaea. tha pfiyalrlaa tU iaf. fbaaM ba i r t aalid toward affeita tv ^ 'aamldymaa* f * tba patlania who hnaa baaa a u M ,

Or. O ny anaba a t tba Mlaw-im wi of tba aurtat la cbaaging caadllMaa af Oia bomaa a t paHtaia Ha aaM tbnt (ba fimytlaB of baaHb haarda waa W kwh aftar tba nara a ttb a H rt bg glertagtbart IB beagitala wad laatituUohB.

"Wbaa paflaaM labara ta ibatr a i rurad. (baa btglaa tba wart ta AM

'tmiiliiiwtail dor th«a and to h a r t aandt- d a r t In ibatT bomaa tha .Aama aa la baaatorlamd whtnm (bay r t * *Iba gbyaMnh. _

Dr. am y aamihtd tb rt Hart HMi wbaremlar Mia cny, aad that, (abibg aa af UM yaaify fat adab of


PaaHa tangaMb.-ibartOa w;

• ta attll baa^ rrlag tatW gataJbMkan bian I # i in g aaalaaaty la tha

••M a gatralaMW at Takllb Idlllag bar

I bfA baan loMfad. abhgtar alaa ravaala Mra. Paalia

r h aartHaata from Dr. OhaHaaatmpriag tbai Pnalla

' • ' M drW rtnV ’ c a r t " twoTbla gaiaa- ahagtar aalia gf

laaraar la tha HU, tba nlaam a r bar haibbnd.

glth attar a f ' t l

.Magi Mr. and Mra Pmilla atW'baggronly ^ S a tlag Mnh In Iha abatn

la baw Paalia rahabad ■bay a f l t r bla fblafnl Itag aat

wladaw a t bla damiefla

alt gigat bbalatb tha watar n r a dimahoa at twagty^lra aglat tram (ha ouUrtag j* d » g a a t tba atM. ■ •(* ^ fra«M ba

~ ta that alt aaaW daeaga and I ba ta r t algaa ta aupglf <ba

wattM b a n IaaaSi by an alactila H n a l agaratad a t gaiMy HaMt.

OM-malbad af tgaWaa. anggaattd by M r.'lM ahardti would ba to bhaa a aaa a a a a r tt tr af gotuMtiai p r a la M by n w a wataiim af rnaifca aueb ag garattia, la

»‘ af gaalflaa-alnart'.fuartlah af tba

S trlu iS riv iliiiF ii^ iiP t* - p n in iv far % viA

f a i t O f i i W I f a n .


i n NO OOMNECnM R T lE E in MPaaduaniaUy Mmllar in aaany ra-

agacia (a tha abartar ngaaimaBdaf far fw a rk by tbd T a r ta r HavMan Cawmli

HavManagpeintad by Mnyar Bnymanf la

a r t ]aat frartOd M (ba Cl■ - ‘. " \ a .

■■■ ■R agM , aac ratary af. t calB u bla gtt antloh In batwban HArwort a t tba

. _ - !|bMdoa at Blcbidnad, \ a , for adogttaa by ibat «My. T h an b a rtad*) ohartty cbango oaiaartMa a t thd Blabmaad O ty CoahoU wblah aoagbt Iha oa-agaratloh af

AamdaiiaH Mnyar Raymond ■ a Httar ■

(lb lanar tba

tha r at i aar, la Mdwa r t and .Ih^m m IM VIrglala aRy. RaMbar tnmmtitai haww tbnt tba athar waa a t wort. Tbatr j auaaamwidt tinai wara mada about tb f fadla tlam.

Tha g im find aHbmUat ebartrr gaa- tldm (or a Mayor to ho alactad ovary tour yaara whaaa talar? thaU ba l i a .m tnnhahy. ft would araata a caunaH of. flra hwmbata abaMhb by. tba city at laraa far tarma of (war yaara wbkh body wddtf aatn iab t l Itgialadra (una- tJoaa . Tba . grugoaad Hawara abartar haa ilBillar gravlMana. (ba oaiy dlHar-

la Iba (act tbat tba Hawnrb ooundl wauM bara no eaalral o ta r tba aanual appragrlaUoaA aa a board af atIH ■ ata would Irajaa Iba budgat and ftn tba ■mount ta ba taltad. Uowavar, tbara la a dmllar Ifaa In tha Riebroond chartaf which gravMaa tor a pubik afftdihay board af tbraa mambara to amyor and dagartmaal baada In amMag out tba ymrly badgat. aaocamlng wirieh tba aauntU woaM bara tba final my, bowavar.

lb atbar raagaata Iha g rtllc afflataney board *“?(****'* fa t JHnbiaowl la a dim tract d r ttr ta ra (ram aBythiag ra tha Hanatb r ta rta r.. /b la larapaM m a rt a rtaah aa lba Hayar taA m ay tarta< Rar a w m l* tha.M ayw la taaulrad ta advartlba M taad lia lm fo r r ttla a ta ba n iM . AMUcanla /Ita tbair ncim m iai tlaaa Wirt tba CMaf Bwaenttva Ha la raqalrad la aaliat a aaadMata aa

1 filaa a oarlMIcata ta tbat af- ftct. Wirt tba guMH affManey baaid. • a t If tbla bouM Ihll# la mrUfy ag- g ro rtl a t tba Mayor'g chglaa am bk thirty daya tba aggarttmant la

■ tia tM mrauat ba

. Tba RIetamoad affiataacy board. It It gravldad, ahall eanaUb a f Ibaat fudgaa, tram tba Uhanaary Oourtc tmw Banlty Court and CIrault C aart af Rlcbmaadi Ih t lu gartwtaadwnt of gubite a obaata aad tha graaldant of tko Vlr> glala Moatwatca' . laatU nM togathor

-Wirt tbraa aiUaaaa aatactad by r tm a afttalalA -It la, r a ’arraaa,'alaa a alvll aarv lrt baaM far th a ally,

Tha Beard a t Batlmata grwrHad for by tha grwgoaad Hawark abartar wauM ba Iba Majrwr, tba dlraetar a t ftaanoa and tha mambara af Iba oaaaell, la wblab tha Mayor would bava throb Totoa; tba diraatar a f dnanoa and grm l- dant) a t aruaaH two a a rt athar eounallmaa ana aaeb.

U b a N tw arh’a Mayor, andar tba a tw abartar tba Blabmawd Mapar waaU maba all agpolnt mania af dagartmaatbtada. with M whr af ram arai, bat tba RIabarand 'Mayor In ainklhg


riB tbla

I Mga aad tb a araat aaellea tbat tba a f lS dm tng aertd bo hrokan 'garaffla dm tng aartd ba wrokan by iba

agarattaa af tba abctrlenl diyloa tunv m g r ta ah twto tba eram aactioM aad S } yatAMIam wwM ba m at la r ta aur- i lf a . Tbd gattIMulh iwaattaa by eea- raat wWi (ba walgr would form hydro- artda aad bydluttw. tba latlar gna balag Niaaaad ta^ in rt fuaatlty and a t tucb agaad tbaTlt hnmadlataty takaa (Ira.

Tha aH arauH ilaa M a m rt af fan ■haga, Mr. M b ard t kallavm and would rtrendbut to a w id th 'arira mat or anra, which would (oraj a dafanaa, ha mrA ••abH l erulatrai batUaablga or other aur- laea baata. It would ba tmgoaalWa for a •uirtartaa ta daaUoy tba gigaa. tha an- g itoar nrara, haeauw rtay wduM ba m t on r ta bad af Iha watar ar undcrgioaad.

In aa aHida in a n a a r t number of a popular maduAaa a wrltar, daadrIMrt a bygortctkal Invulaa af Amarioa, bringi about tha dafmt a t the allan foa by tha

r of a "wall of lira" af oU gigad to baltla tiald.

rtdra vita b« reawawic'ram t f W.l**.***

^^HuatUbg aa *"Tha Phiwtloak ' af aa Aau-TutatduiBa»a rtctw y ra m W baaCmmuawHy.'’ fahim JaaMaa / r . btera- lary r t Iha oeawaHlaa an gdoraaMan a t tu b c r r t la ^ Brooklyn, palnirt wit r t r t a grlrata mcMy la gir t r t r In l« a .k « t fuat ag pUygraunda'art tirat aatabHihaa aaid latar t a M ora

g e ta tra n t woaM b a ra ta M a a aartUI- m t t raadlag Uba tbla-.

'T aggalat (aaraa a t aggUeahll M t gaatt taa a t (aaraa a t gaatUon) aad eartlfy that la a r t l i lhr ta ba la racggalaad aapart (■ tba work whiob wiu dwraira agwa him. and Ibat aaltbar (rtaadabig ao r aay garaanal a a r woNti m l ooBttdolwHah Haa had ady walghi

h it aggofatHMat. but th a t (bo mam la 'made tolaly Id tba M arao t af tha atly." . ■ . .

Or, Inataaa a t tba toragalag, iba Mayor a n y Dio a orrtiflaata gartlfylag tb a t hid 'aggalntaa Iw ‘agaMirty flttod by traM ng, eagarleeae had ‘ oaaaatlva

I'arta r rr I* r ta atfy.'


I a—■mmxwPBWW

i ' i


Tha agaabar uigad that r ta aeelaty da graatar w art la betlar boaatag caadl- Oana and ta gat Id Haam lauah with baakb bcarda M the d « m wbara rtgy a n wortlgg egnlaat r ta wh«a gUgua

**TaJrag At bla oohHat "The Fghcttoo o f da > AaU-Tubdreulaala gaem y to a Rural Comiaiialty.'* B. H. Obrnt bdjrtb amear a f Adbury Park, a a a a ^ that kaabh aHIcara la rural eOBumrattlaa wara In rm clah l. _ ^ __ •

•Tba aggalatmaut It udually baaoiaiy. Il Id HVun aa hdit pay aad an bait tiraa. and tba nmuHa ara ball work on I k ^ i t af tba appointda," m M Mr. Ohart Tbarj la a atrang aaad of pHrato m O tit an* nurm wort lo atlmutoU la rural gtaem pubttc Inlarmt In tba dangarrf « tubar- buloaM.'* h a 100. gtaadad for g tm lar amogcretiuB Wirt otflplol bodim

Durlag a lU-aty dlacuaMon aa tba gaaatlah a f haw ta gat aariy a a m , Dr. Philip P. /acoba af Haw T art, aaaManI m crataty of (ba Matlaaal AmoMaUah far tba « u d y and PraragUdh df TabarcolaalA urgad tbat ghriM ada aught got la wall la raparting aaa af labaraulaala ualll Iba garma an grorad In iha aputum. but th a t aa early Indloatlan abauld eaata iba aaaa la hr given Immaillala a ltaallaa. Ih tba gth ' oral dlmumlen tbara w et angraaaw •oma haiHailan to tabd aaab a aaaiw b ^ a u ia of Ih t goaaibUlty ofiM laU k ing guatral algaa aad than oaaatag unnacaaaary analaly.

■ataaataa of W art Haglalaid.ra llaw lag lb# ogaalag ramarka af

tho cbalm an,-B aofolanr Haalon road bla ragort In which ba taM bom iba Imgua baa kagi In clam taach IhraagM ani tba year with alt . Ih t maibbdM df ihc ad^ lA tigP , algl a t taU adlan af Iha aaaooiallan'd work, f>u(rtg tba

y ear ,wgrk baa btau axtandad by ar- aanialng iMociatland Caartaa aad •uriouAiUiiB lowna, Olatabara, Qlou- uaptar, VInabrouck KalghlA Wam Ha- bokau, Waal Haw T trk, Union, Irrlag - lon and Waatmid.

la lla cagaclly a* ■ ekarlag haum (ar infannatloh. Hr. Raatcn (old itw t graga. ■anda work had baan earned on amaag aduoatera and nlnlatara for Iba dliaam- tnatton of kaawladga at tubmautoala.

Mr. Raalon urged Ibat aoough oo* trlbutloaa ba UMda lo anabla tba laagut (a amgloy a (laM ■■■ratary aa that tba mall propaganda aould ba tuHildadMMd by pancnal vMta and tba wort a t-

Shoes at Factory PricesYeu esn get Beck Shoes like thii one thst tre up to the mia- Hte ig style, thgt gr« cotnforiible^ and, thst wetr better snd longer than ordintry shoes, for lew t l iu b ilf whtt you would psy for the stm t shoes t t sny of the high priced shops in town.Our show come direct from the fsetory—tt fictory prices; therrt4b no middlemen's proilT to psy, \**The,Bud’' is mode of Hne gun metti cilf, blucher cut. It comes buttoned a t well is laced. It h u t slightly raised toe. The model is Oittfrely new this stuon . The price-only $3.00. O'SulKvsn't of new live rubber tre slretdy ctticbcd.


For Men end Women ATlrO H g b M lo iM in i ttiMM > 6 0 S h o e s fo r M e n ^ # a O O a n d $ 3 .5 0

Aa traaiurar, Mt.^ ItogMi mada J ragort, ahowing a balance of IIIS.TS Calabar 1, 1114. Tba laM ravanaa had amoimtad la II.T0A4I fdf thd aufrdat year. Tba aapandUuna wara It.SSI.ST, laa^ng a halanea of |t . l l l . lT .

Wllb a vtaw la brlgglag about graattf uniformity in tba bundling af tubaaoa.' loaia odiH to atraioa a atmmWm far tba aiudy aad alandafdtoaglon af' attalaa Ihroaahout tba atata waa agnabitad. aa (oUowa: • MUM HmOy H. tuyaam. HM M b : Mtoa Margarat / . Orr, om B ia and MIm CarMrt

■'* ' ............. 'MU1H Boms nrunEBlUfE iron M SDIDK

ability" fay tba’ gtacA Ibg aaly abaaga ram Them wards bra ^baiMatad

OKKiTO 1IM iDonmmAioi ilM M

- f ' V , ’-

ClfiCACKil Ogt. l i - p a g , a f grevagt oaaDiUaa to tba raialMladr

tlag a (,b ak im waa adW M *-*fitir irt 'hkaga's torgaat sm tortHr bawllal. !'

lira grtoia ara abUiaW to iba nraf baur af Ufa and rt(| au Mlii aaat M ■Inipla. agatagl

Tba ^ s r a an i t o gad abd than r ta toby

Ibat ib gtaiad .an a gdgm 'at madaram to ^ HegfueatpM the tray

tb la new mrattod t f llmtMlaiB aa to tagardad m a ‘garnanant raauHl a t vabmsr\h tiS r.3 r'j!« !U .* K ;SbiHna abanca,

otloB of babtrtay< I a f a

th a t da wauM ra rta r ba Hayay a i Mawi a tk and aa iamgllgb aam atM ng/m <M any .than ba O ataraar ar Jjaltad tta ta a


DulSrag W irt r ta pragayyA abgrtdr rt*Mayor oapramod glaaaw<

graggapA_________ lanauia aaar Ibg-ear

toaU M aagl (dOM thgt bdO bOM.fcmd <lw a r tT to tie e . Ma ams rtW d» t b a . ^ day ibflSaw a g ^ a ^ J***H aw art ebartar, a Haw t ^ _ * T d “ 'M •awaganar hag w W to W Ib a vlawd ^ M ayw B U akeaburg af. PUIgdalgbto. IB wM A th a t aaacatfra bad a y iy a W viami Msallaf ta Braviglaoa IR r ta a r t ramwarA Mr. Haymuaf bavlBg; rgM uad ward r ia » ySM ***^

(Cat u ia .cb arra^^^------ibbiaaaA

Ya, H a t rta .ebartm

» i “4 rfa iS “ K r4a'?*raitrabanga af vlawa belaradg w f y» 9 mnalaigaUllaa. j , a,

td u iro f raiMuat ga rta m h , w rt* ttoana ay rtltg tba, baagar M « ♦ •• •

tbdIc'balA r ta k^jj/ar Hatag yM J t w ^r to M

■a«b badl*a aa « » a rg an laa W ^ |M'f draaaag. foundad '»ritk r ta law ^ . i t o f gravlag muniOgal oaadlilabf. Im l warp thd bddt m ta a t ag araualnf ulna •dodymeea.

■gaablgg. la p a ir tg •anaiar'KartiOd. Mr.' H a V u ^ adVaattag tha vnta *•(. i^ a n . «aralBarbW;rt«>,atbU advaaaey. w autg-bul mto

grtahmad___ c a l a ^ a WUb

tha •aaatair'a yldwa, bacauaa t f r ta »a- aaat daimTtaau r t f latlar. Mr.' Ray­mond want on i t:a a y that aa waamd gallilea la tb la al|y ..m alaan that any ona could garttolgaiA )'

Uagaa Otvln^Dr, r t l a f i togto’wan. *Tbd N ert Manto

.iMU'dgatorag'and .MM

m rtaa.lla,<daB try. if tm Halawtr. latlar Ig a fbak g m iy t^ '

“ "■.BK'kra toaAa a flaw far nrabiar war lb. Iba daarotoa af.lha righ t of rta. Mklbg a votar,. unlaag an-

.•mmlty grilUgai. oaaadt. tataUlganUr gtejga gahHf gaaatioaa wjtbant giving a t . I r t r t d|fw>rt[M gf bfa (hair fMdldara/lgii. O uw adhur Iha aniabar M vatafd, without toeraaiing rto ir af- •^ •■ a^ .h o daclaoad, wtH -.ogly latrabaa rta dlffleublaa- of aalt' gavaranraM.' to agMitog bto addrdaa Mr. i to ln a axylAlaed tS a t anlvaraal aag raga haa a a r t r agtotoi 4a any a ta ta Of tha

In (ba aataalab (ba pawar ta ta* a wad llmltdd la tha wxtyama. im v m and b ab av h r wag a bbr, ha IMA P ar « 1 » than IM rtyiymra Y olIngln 'H acw - abaaatto Bay waa aondbad to mainhara a f 'lb a rhurabaK K«w'Haven raaig|rad th a t vatora ba'mrm bvto of Ib a artbo- ^ cbareb and la gaath (torOUnt .oat rtA tw * n t tm Ilia eSrirtW b rallgtom Q i ^ t M Ward dirtudeg frart Iha fra f -

rtM rtrtuay lld and Plyraoutb. ■Ag W h b D fa 'Y ara aahany garm lltad la v e to ' Pregarty ‘aaallfleat|,oaa war* r a i r ^ a c w la avary ana of (ha aotonlag during (ba to lt tr part of r t a aavMv-tovath awtlbyb - .. T . Ml- hldbaa adtg ba waa not aitam gt- lug (o HuflTy .hr dafapd »■? .#( tba

aw tragf wbich ha bad ■ Irtiad In a 'burvly biatartoal way. Ha rararvad ta Vhm. bv adlg only to r (ba n y p a a a oP'Abawlag tb a l aag rag a to (bto anaatar baa alwaya buan a m a t to r af rygalfUan and aat af.rIgbL


muhlIV tbtwgk ca-opyrutiM MM argaa,taatlaa. aalting aHAt bll yaUBtoBa gaiUl- cal .ayM dootoi dl(iarrta«AyMaiiig aurbwtu toard.

organladllaatTlla' agmiar

I tNhwark cbariat

TSAyar Hayatond Band not worry, bla gragiaad abiwtoa to what .to r a ^

4 ba-aaB amivram. tbtobtog tbat ba to' rmiiy alugira ung x

wovhtog far gya^gaaM wd> hg^raa bto own laranato, ba wanta."

MT. Haftwa aggaraatlt dM Art aathk all af Magac ‘Bayman g i (gmarkg tbal

latlar matod ra rta t ba Magot af Nawarh aad aacamghab asaaMbligtSuIbg alty than to ba UnUad ttUtoa Bano' tar, Tba •bpMsr aartaatiy mah ag tga ■uMtcl, daelartnf ba waaH. rartar ba. g■matpT thM a Hgyat aa Oavaiwar, m did not iBoluda to hia geatto HiMtag rt* MayMayor'a. maUfylng. mararh to wlatlng to afcomgltabiiia ■omathtog tor tha. citp. Dr. Oltot atoa aaamad to haw SaQad tog n ag Iba Mayor'a full ■Haiiiag aad farrad toeaUaiuly t t the rfam rt.jK - is r aaMrag’ Mbw JSabM^naad' ' ^raq b lra i'tg atbar arttoa, dhtolip an •raelattoa af Iba -WatHgga (bto afabtry

At tba w m bar f totov wara atoa Mdyer ' R. oeak af oaldwrt. Mayor

OavM H. ilnybaek af Viraga and Mayer b an g .^ ra a a t V m t CaMwallwuitamCnarlaaMayor

HayafUttia o f H arrt C hM w ^ Majraf B nunw atrt af Baattoad a r t

Oakaa af Xaaaa fMia' a.tor Bto mafm;

'»■ \


batogfar T am galai d • a p a r t ’' '

I t la raaalrad tb a t batora tba Mayor aball make bla mtoetloaa ba muat ad- w rltoa tor aandtdataa not only la BIck- mend, bat tbeeagbant ibw etnla a f Vir­ginia, and a lio In a t toaat ana - n ahra gagar la Maw. Terh, Chlaaga, Waahlng- too and Baatan. gravldad. th a t tha Ch«- ■Utatlau germila Iba apgolatlM nt of a noB-raaldant.

Oarrmpaadlag. to Iha diraatar af gab- lid Wdifard to r t f Hdwark chdttor. aa kroj|M d, tha ^ b a n o a d ana w oald,ta-

gablic w al/im commlfalan.•ggalaiaf by Mayor lo advim and aaaanit with him on a l l cbarltadi*. cor. raatlonal raform atery and raaraaitaaal faelllUm and tounM u TMi eommid- •lan weald rao*iva na aalnry.

f city purckaalBg agdnt ntaillar to tba ana rgaommanoad far Newark to aaggaaUA The tarma a t aH offlaara

ca-antd«aiva with (boaa o f U» Mayor. Tba data af ataallcBa da aat aorraapaad. with tba data af any atata a r fadaral alaetiwi. Tbe H ayar la aub- ]act to recall Them grovtolaaa a ra all In tba Ktwarb ebartor.

um m m am kTO aU)«EU 1KADG BOARDHawark'a progoaaA abartar, Ita am-

bodtotaat If Idaaa bald to atbar gra- gw aalva m ulc igalltlaa and r ta vlalaal- tadto Uwt ga with tha auaaatlva attlea wara dealt -with by HAyar Tbamt t L. Bayamaid batora tba OaMwatt Maard a t Trade at r ta fifth abhaal dianar af tha argaatoatian a t Mdnmsu ed rt Snn ra that baraugh laal nlghl. Tho Mayor waa-oao of iba gr|galgdl agaahara tha otbata being Ualtad Btntm ganatar /•m fa ■. H artlaa ahH Bav.' Dr; W. War-' redi Ollaa of Raat Ofanfa.

Mnyar luyraand ala* advacatad aat- frag* to r wemva, tak ing aaaggtaa- to rafar to tb» aggaaita vlawa ktM ky saaaw r Martiha, Wba. kawauari d i t not taka ug r ta ladgdig. '' Abogt ISd d inara tbolaBlag k aam- kar o f wWman g m ato attaadad th a ban-

IiHt, M which itosn A. OBfUy, «r«at- ant a f r ta banrA aatod aa tabatmaatar. Mr. C hrlar graagntad Mr.' Haymmtd an

T ba baft Mayor of tba boat etty a l Iba beat atata to r ta Unlaa."

RenMilONi il Ofav tUifade , . Q r l e t t i t i t FMtMl i l l n A 'i

d $ U M k iik '

i O . IKEKS MVOICE HfflELO« * jp to ^ l i t a d by M ra Mlgorni-

Ltu M- itr ta r fram Saniual MpOonaagh ^ Ib fr . p e d a n t at. tha Rlkar C o ^ f y ,

tb d C au tr If r w f a and Apganto a t T rantM tbla afttm aon upon (£• agtniaa nied In th« Coart of Chaacary. M ra Rlh*r.' who haa baaa' Itviag with ha* mothdr g t '- f lk b fa ra aUamd crudlllae

« n '(h * p a r t of bM baAandi-U

S I S W a d i l a g l Q n WL

/— S i f e t j i S t r a p * ' sI A i ig n la f f la a ril ala, agaaSURgl

Vaa im a i»ii Q Q O ■ v ■ ni J

StoublaUtod wbaaia.

D oll C a rr ia g e s2MRaad bead and I

ragutor t U t tiimm,urday a a ly ; . , " —-

nuiH HAtito W A W m . TSUCKCUM, TSU-

OCIPRIMto ABM f i m i -■ o b i/ ,* a

A mean daganll w tu rawmmu naul Chrintama.

^ y . to awMtol S D ^ tol IbUm g««n gunraytogd lubla caU itM l apHAgg, rubkar- irAaray

ruahleau__ A 12.95SII.I«PallmaB.loran1

■kmountlagto ' eonatrucilva daaartlea.' -Bha la a igbtar -* ‘ -- -- - -daagM ar a t Mm U ta Jaaraa M. K ayv ta

a t ana tlam aMurmaa af r ta lUgbih Ward


tan tea l'i W tni Syra^- [Ho kUM IM aafiai B lk rf

231- 233 Markft StrettN ^M I M ULBBm iV S T IlB rr .


FO U nC O IB R O R s r a c s STEADr .toitohaw*! CotoiUal t

af tba Maal /«•••? jdaty of CdatJal Daama of ..gwrim gaUH>{ orad today la Maadctolr tor a mtoigiain mtivo .amatlag. Tba-lamtaa, rta 'Ami that the aeatoty bAt 'kaH lb Wtot ttonv la batog mbduams di Malal ttobtalilir.’ Mh Mgdad ta tba datagatidh art battorti %tn- am and lagammiattrta'kf atbaT |Mt(t< oUa QTgaaleatloaa. rortodr Qatoraar MS- .ward C. Biakm wan'd taaahar.

Oovan warn gtaead (to IH giMMo d t A laatb taa. Araarlma’fHMg aaS rtudalam af r ta Calaatol DagMa, buff aWf btaA du- gatbtr wHh n a to and ebryaasthtoningg aoatorlaad r ta tabto dacoratloaa. ' tb a to- vacation waa afftrad ’by l^ v , W IlM R, Blailtir, au fty to a .bMtoqraMdt ef .(k r B f l to a ^ Dlmgga Mdwatk. Auiagdd- bitoa uaad to eegrey.tbe,gnedM fatm t ^ raHraad ataUaa to A ehatH beta^tkewai ora a t lira DanMO.' ;

Tha addnm a t waiodem waa raeda by Rar. WlUlam D. Mabitott and r ta ratocaai wtw kg Mr^Mbbty a ffra«eg .> t*d» toa t aactotr. Tbaaa who rata«u*d* to taama rorttalag r ta lua r t am wara /dhw f imayd Martin of r ta Soaialy a t OoUttlal Warn, Mra. Oaerga W. Oadnar. atoM ragoM of tM D. A. M r wiuiaM Pigafbgtag a t r ta $ m m r ■■ at tba CWaiaaatl/ W. f; U iao ta AdaM of lba_^.l Jataw •> *• *•, Rntorl Jr. i f tba Haw Jaraay toiclaiy af stayflawag t* 4 K tadanto and Mra- M attM a ttaataran df (be Utdltd tratad D augM art'df IIW. niafimg L. M im ta of Oton BMgt h «

U Dyer of HaatMatf wdtw aM ito

waa raaaa vyof H M rtM i

MfA W U ^ It 4 ton tiato

t 1.'

Aakaawlddglag the eompllmaat, Mr. vtaoii IRayratnAtaoit up b la aubtadt, tS iy aad

Town M uUdtaf'' IR a gaalMaa ba bold.Ita dltbadrtoalng

imaa wbaa hataamaala am i tbara wara tlaaaafound H dtfflaglt (o t'M m t t aurk hla Impatloaaa,' bat (bara wara alga bright atdaa to ba laabad hga»- Ma daclarad


la tauadid, . hw aauaL_

to toyalty and gaWtoMau A sum t t to ag kt- Jda at! ykai ara

hi* foustfY Ms kfajiltiMftis.givfeiisioniM fasn^

>na( ag A iM rtfb u i aa a: baaaOA IO 'rtg

Kmglgyada. of., r t f . A ta rf •(, *aal*b‘ bad tbair annual .dtanur Ttat a ^ g a t- tm aoaa a t RtangarW gagh aad UalUaad to aUdut gAaaag agaakaig ga tru fua a t 'aadb 'athar. Carera unarg' UM far Abaat lift. Mr. WiiHara 4 . Dtotaraw, gtaaMtM af tb a baardABftad aa toaotmadtar and tojaatod a la t af bum ar wbaa. h a raad maaaMgag a t ra-. g'rat m a i aU tba htgga aaa agdparan . to /k a d ^ d a t not bato i *bla Jto • ( • teilSa (' •>

Addfagum wgr* utola by iPra. Sablal' U MoCarmlabt 0. P ra f WahnaA THW-

•dar Talwar, Oatagtll Aimar Fred R Crum, Dr. ,/aaMa T W HakUag agd Jabm W. Dobblaa, farm er nam bara of the baitrd; William H. Tdang, Im ila a. sSitan '/abd / . Turgatl. 'Wltltatg Raab- lar, ChmiM V .'^ n d ,' «wu4t<k Ihay- wM adk W V. OraaWf, Mm-gdfhrpbddltb itflaaf. ' '

Tbara' wga to. bjw^beeg_ b^.fgma of

D9 Yiia S tffe t |nH n Aphios Afliag Teeth

A n ,

badabaH mayadb al r ta grauada

biabadggd rttdggrdwdlba0 t ih ,n »

gragfASAwaaidd f t 4kmn*


I t PM iraA ggto Id' Ato wStbaal brsltoggpi.' X lw ya^ n a tfa ta Ataa, 1

ibaaU b ' M' (* !■ b l| 'A if i M t a | -Wdrk. M y 'f^ fw jto l l .ira'ftdNM gk' fg dvafy

' dMgUAgdtoy torMW Af jNgewgt ara ggiigt' a ta r . . Tha aooaar gag raallaa ■bwlAgi Mm* I bar (did aiau *a help

r ta baggier and b aairtla r yag w U tb f . . .

T 9 4 M d ilie tS tI 'A M


y-’Vi' — . u' '*'« iiw.k’*’

rran h r ta g n

■aye tu ltra g a la Bat n BlgMi .That ito *»MN! ungaiHalla: ftow aooM

ba haM than to oonaldur |bd. dutoUoa df auffraga aa aa ladlvMual.«lBbl,. *ua ia daatamttoa mada . by H r, ■MMi.'bl-hla,

Snm, AIrtaugh daaUag wHh tba tab-, torn af eRbginahig to ita fundaawUal ag-;:

rta. the nddram of -(fa formar' Dav- traar could ba hardly oanatraad la b a r ' otbaf Ughl tbaa da ba aaUmaftMfA atgunwiit , ' *

"CKIarnrhlp M tMa laad af ouff'esad' 0o( m m with It r ta rifbl |b rotA", f m gaortar.arartrtgi Bklak Mr. Btahm made. TAdard, r ta ra to 1(0 ruab ngkt a a -r ta right la v d t< to w lto u g l. . "A jtor-, aon la torn i w gn totoragt tight to gra, but Wirt no M a w t (Ight to raW,. Tba toquik 'to K ((gBMi tbla jtogwrram-truth It tto - .TT-.. .

* * S a f o t y F i r s t * '

Men’s Suits of the Hour

You win boy som t kind of • fitit lom e- where th ii F A IjL, sowhy net buy one tha t w indo you protid, one that is be tter than usnal, th p f is o H ttlf cheaper than usual and that is up-to-the-hour in style and fabric .' why not buy it


MdBdie gAbdl At fciBggt CMVABlSBt c to rg d

lOurBetterOothes Fs Boys

I totoortoti uf rauab nkMical • to r awalkm u f

lim r ta mfikggg A I. “Tba t n a ghllaaoghy af thA'

laaajg W , got I l yliSH, tu t baaaua* J

ttoiA PAd (to grraon wtoMbdibA iaf |g l la t bP an l a « ^ a l - ( 1gg(.af i to .M It A Arlitoibm' aagaagiAa af hid to toa.ifeHyto iba.nurtm .

“A-gtoagg Ig giran Uio gaggp « / Aka ballot baoauaa It wu| .baAiftt r ta .to a to ; a gm ra/a.(toaA d tig ggw arad iba b a U , A* to iauiA that gowrt^ MBtokto* wawd. Igiata Iba atata. YaH j^ ta r r - ------------”latod aa nay o rtrr rtd -ita to toto Yatrag Ig gg to to m g i toba gAFStoUMt wiOtool (til t o f uHlItoM gtalu ilta ggd A to bo'grritom of'-igM .Hgagilr, A man bag im tf|M ng vata, but to Ma ng .( Og- fartmralMy m*n» vetdiil to »■ rtig tosi,'' .'

Mr..m abti,**mArbad t to "gHlful lag tort af inittW to tto iumaW|' a r •uflribgei? Ma dUgYrt IMS % UM to* (■gfigitg mal ArajtoWg w«a KlS.SSS Aag Ikigit to Ifdlr arrt tto voto for-rtrvmgrr In t t l f WWI dMtd tato rtgg to itSWllDII efaS lOMMiS Is i' ; veto ag MauAI Hi

Wbaa ''r ta

I lls ,

SfRSlUmNPSjBwHsmMTVrrper om t ol Olii <

■ ♦.>■1 " t'toMtoJ

fgrtM lh M > vattd Sg a r t

I aMatotoM•ta a r j u m m

Th^ fam e o f o a r buys’ l and diU dien's d o th iiig has i p r ^ by the per­sonal word o f m any h 4-

Ifafled mothers. Molliera who have been dealing hetia T ^ .te ll yoa .tha t oar B^les i r e the new est and Creshest and th a t o a r fa b ­rics a rab e tte r a n d lia tis r tailored. .* ,,



T h M P I . M M u r « o f F « o t -

I n g O r o B R o d O o r r o e t l yL w e a r

one i>f d o r new FALL SU ITS o r GOATSr- E re ry g a rm n t w t riiow tM faieaaoaii a B i ^ e re if io ^ The p ro d u d o f the best m atm iala and jclaTereat taOorinF skUt ;K a S i i ^ te rh o w e z ‘d n d sS U lT H ir ytUft

mititoM r's• , Yl

M 'Y t o t t a :

be n o t in in know-

tP aM .

Mara r ta t.ItiSAg llw mlaa a In ■aat Orang t i n t ■( t h vatad ta th framatora i rgglMrr IA divan oat a la •f.tSAIA

Yraak L giaa, who 1 dlObar an < toW-ollitaw tog af r ta I ffWaaita hh

Tba Ivad b ig h i whai alatad a t hi waa ( to t J Srnaat H. Ma. Hr. 1 IJJA Naat Manry (i. | Tba atbar SISAIt; 04 Lawta Radi WUIIan (I Arty, Trimi

l^va undar |lg g fagavt

Cblaf of aant ra baa afgladga A Iha gallMni (unity to a that a t hai

U r mavaw Afflaa.

H aary' ■ Mala alra Main atrvi aoancad i

■ mava4naat faunlalaa

Lnllara ■oant rail wlahrr fa4 aamgaign Ug R Bi I'Ulaflald: aarcutlva

r. gaaai M. C, A Wurd «

araan, wl dgcabar rliah'a. wa gagemaat raialaanar df h t h c r Ahitaaogb to davalai

4 a"w aa t w

la bu-k Of T b a garth ba*dad la t Tba boat a Impart mat It. but haa haad. tb a 1 taigart won I t but haa Wa bgva A Af waaraw' reataci trli tbair abara SMtaaa In I

'Tba Baj g raatia t ih Cbriatlanitj ara, aad w t A t ta a . B aagb i ta b yarn you ■ HHn» ngtii

Praatoabt Raaut Caatugattlagu a r a a ab a ra 'ta rty a f tha day

K fi'.* * ', b r aaan la tha

T t waa aSSr-ltomW

bttgad .ft-am ttg ad . ft- r tita d a i t t uyatam thdl ^ U a t a r

.gwa yaafi i t e t R gM itSA tot fa r

ISSIUto Amglra i •adimara.'*

W. J. R. H aa ad rta that r ta • Ibg a gap a n e t to avi aglatt. Ma Ham (ar tb

A- BOW Agat, wblah k f A lban Y

raW ag atai ary ,aik*wb agura wart •aMa” n taam 'ig Mi af an axga tba taam ai

Tba atoul to Waatag aad aailaai

H w aagr


at i r ta Saa (adat Wirt

. marrow aH dtiMaR . _/alM bt af ' tba mi aaMtatob ( motaa aagiiabalrawa a

i k tM i^ ) l k , imHJ. OaaglA gi w ant gara i «<Oa. Add i Aftar tha

MlartAlnad Mf. Ham oammittga i vgylAag av4bad MM A

' Iba lAtorai Trada wwH

*• ■'■ib


■ -fi .1

' ■' 'm " t '- -• p.

S ' l i lA V - .:- , :b ; r . ’J ,A.I ‘ . . A. .


e-10I t



i t i



nSCOUTp^ANlNiM O nw EhilliliiH n^

h tint Bift Stirti Of

O i l l M I M l w r EN0NIM3IIC

INr* llwM MW'thlrd of U t,l«U I W !*•••*• ••■ •J *1 1# Ik* *Miik«liin ,W jji** ■ f>M f*c th* B»r ScMta kt »»•< Or**** f«|«*i jrMUrtay, Ik*f in i t t *k* ikr** 4»jr« «rkl«k •** «k< yMad t* tk* * ftsn Tk« i t i kl* lfc«f- fil*i*l*ni In vnrIiMM jinrt* *1 tk* *ll» rK*M*r U,M«, k«t tk* *|ii«al'int*t Mk iw i Mil at lMMlaaan«r* ikl* neenHas

rrank L. Kran*r. Ik* erdliw oka**. kiMi, wk* la la k* |lv** a uiUtMiilal klkMi' a* Oalek** I* br artatlrlnf Wk'OllitMM In Baal Orang*, I* naar tk* k*k at tha Ual *1 aaatrlhatnra '■Ith |lk t fkkMIt* kl* naiM

Tk* l•aklBg i*am at mlkalgkl laM klgkl, vk*n tk* ttrai raporti wtr* *ak* ■daud at kaidgnarura. III H*ln airHt, «M tkai l*d k|r Baaat C*Mmlnf*»kr >nMBt Mv W*k*r, btarliw tk* Na. U, »*a kU. W*k*r r«»*riMl kUMM at 17*1. N*st nam* M l«* OaMmlpalaatr llanni u ■Haarnwn’ i taam, •I lk Ikkk

rMMTtt w*r*| i I* TriktK(i*ar«t H. NaMUaaar. IMl;

UwU BaMy U-, H<k: City ICniia*** William U WllUgarad, |t« l ; Ml** 0*r-

TrimM. | 1H. and U. U, U aalag, IIW. n « * Mkar taam* ragartad ***** kadar | im and ••**« team* mad* n*tMdrt.

a taiM gigai M m kiHi***d *f*r a f ’tlw Idffaatlad

WMk' Mia N aW g w^'Mkdidk M k Ik* M« ataal ctyUi Bagdad ky OmHa* H, B*kw*k<;*aaawiid4 la r .iM v . wNa aad M r* lM*r*«i aiuakaa t* Ik* gadtiM* M a ra a t Ik* ctw iM * «dg l Cemgeer «l kmarlM, vklak kda a Harrlgaa. It Imm k««g•I*** tk* A n t iraiaar * 1 _____ „ ^• f tk* MidvMa margar,. akaaii daMlalf* ar* dw**t*« gf WHitam t . 0*i«ir. ikat avaataaltg tga i>a«nit* addld Hear* Ik a a a g t tfca Mg awai-ewnkinkiidka

Tk* lattai ki*i** |B Maak cfraM will ka tka-nMMirMBaai k r tk* M m ak la> ta***i* a t Ik* PMUM^MMOk Blaat C*m. gaay. Til* 4 lr«atar*gn atalad la a<**t taday and nM uM * Hggallalkm* f*r Ik* traa«f*r ^ tim ^ g * g h u k l4 -

It alao kmmW kagwa ladkr Ikai Mr. M m ak, dak«adial tka 8 «|klak*« kta*! Caaigaart Ww aMatgad a f*wr>Ma*lk agtia* Mt ikk T ktM * Iran Ckmpaay

II w af kfiaaiiaaad g v ^ n ta r la Maw Tdtk tlwt IMr* wg* xaM iBia Ik* Oaargat^. .Trim paatgaky- r»gr«n*nilag gaymaal* gf *aka*rlg> tlaa* .l» tk f n*a| ttoek a t Ai* HMvato■tMl *■ * “■aad ' llirdaBBaa Ca^gaay.

ekmgany. an.kaa a«*g alatad, I* cngitallard |l* i,e e tl# k gl vkJ«a

li^ Maek kM. ^ tM W l I aaiy |H .a4|M M .»aa'M l4 la y*a< ny a u aapUlafd. by Ik* IkM tkal |t«Mliigtan;Ana* Camg^ayv oaa M

*aai<t 1*,*«*,«d« In; M* Thnt aaly tH ,*#.t* rd a y -------tk* “a * taiagMid* n| tak* atack la tk* aa*

d**ld*d I* rnibar

^ , •*» Ik* ga *l**lr

tkaa caiik. Marmina* .. la r^M baMar a t 8«aib ttga ■tatb tad II I* k*ii*r*d tk rt at Man want* *f tdadk m tgut* ktm and M* *•- ••cUtaa. I** ,4-— -

f m t m

cai*f at P*Uo* William H. U9(*lll aaat ta haad^aartora laday far a kattk t f gl«dg« sard* lU tlng tkat *a maaiy «< ‘ tk* galla*ia*ii kad *nl|*d for iti og^r- ttiitlly to giv* aamtlklng t« tk* can** m i k* kad d«cld*d u saaduei a *g*- M ******* a t kl* dtgartmdkb A tllgl< IM m*v*m*nt I* and*r aay at th* g**l< •ffloa

M*nry' B. riayiag, ark* ka* •l*r** at Main Btr*d| aad Aahtaad *v«nu* bM main *tr**i aad Arliogtaa aranva an- aoaiwtd th a t 'k * w*ald gl** ta ih*

* m*v*m*at tk* graa* r*c*lpu of kt« ooda nantaln* for iMaarraw aad danday-

Lallaf* of congntuUtlon for tb* ■oMit rally h*M ■atuMair aad of go*d trlah** for th* «b*«*m ar th* flnaaclal gampalga ka** b*«a r*o*l**d fratti Al- l*k B. Bcalg. geaal cammiMlaaar i i i’lalBtt«M; fkniB M W«*t, ehl«t •aaat oatcail** In N*« Tark, aad C. H, Pgl- M . B*n*r*l naarttafy at ih* Ortag* T, K. C, A.

W«*d «aa rg«*lv*4 yaiMrday tkat a*T. Aatiwar H. kwhi af fki- •n*B, wh* bad b*«n *w«rl«d aa a dgeakar at l*M nlglit'a dlnn*r In Mng- MaVa aoald k« tmabl* t* k w atk* **• •***mi»i»t Crank f . Omr. neoot eam- MI*i*on*r H Montclair, ■ggll* iBiglBM df gkib tr dttln and tdid •ruriy of th* aktl***phr at ih* •r*«i novapwpft aim I* d«v*l** manboad. . f

Maakaod *a MMVotlaL "lA'Imt » • arc •uffrrtag from today

1* lack or manhood." **ld Hr. wny. *Th« paycklo eonUci of mnn and bay. In a*td*d In th* d*v*lapm«nt at nunkaed. Tk* k**t aaman In lb* »*cU «aan*t Impart manboad; *b* dar* u«i pa«*«*a It. but ha* ■amtthloK h«ltcrr~voik*n- baad. Tk* lK*t man In tb* borld cannot Impart waaiaabood; h* doo* not poMoo* It, but ha* •amcihlng k*lt*r<-rM*Bbaad.. W* bar* Itfi aar bay* to tk* tatolnn* of wotg**.' and they hn*« mliatd tb* rontact nrlth moa that .will d*tr«l*p Ibair cfcarartaiB aad Itacb tktm eg*- lld*a** In th**iB*l**a

"Tb* Bay ieonl martmaa*' t* Jb« graattbl thhig^ilna* lb* fadadailair of Chrittiaaliy. W* aro *irurlng ka a M«* ara, and what wo a**d aba** all lUa** I* *■■*. grery amn Is Bapt OraaB* aaghi to bo a otaat man, and. t toll yom yaa win aavar haaw th* jag *1 ttrinm anlU yaa nr*." r. ■

P r* * l^ t Brydarl* A. Btta** a t m B**ul C ^btlL WM had baaa dtlafad 'l* ' gnitlag back fram . Daytaa. loavlaB Ikorr ta r ty y*at«aday awraing btaiaad' a t tha day bafar*. airlvad In Mnat Or- gnat.wblla tk* dlnntr.waa im gt*Br*«a aad Is a krtdf talk tald at what ta bad data la that aMy.

*Tl wa* a maat tsiglrlag •agtrlMig*.' Ifr^ AblntW oaklk *ta. v W IkatgBg, laat «m*rg*d frata d**tMlat|oiv>^aad hayfaB y*l**d a m ILMMi* far a r**«*ygty •yattm ihdt waald grattot M la M kra agalnat a. raatirrta** a t ita dinaatar af

^ a yaatd ag*. BidWt* tkat ikay tav* ItuV natakad a . oatagalfs l* tala* l l ^ t M for tha T. H. (1 A. and ar* aaw otartlng a «amg*iga lai* thi* la tala* tIM M tar tha Bay Bcaat*. It It agaafk ta IfHglr* ao ta rg i* gat aH »* a**h •kd|mora.” . ■ ■ •

W> X. K Wauamag. aamratlr* ohalr- dgas a t Ita tamgalga, t«iM tb* diMm that tk* Bay f t M m*v*m«al la fill* Ikg a gag aad tkat It wUl gray* a baa- aCtt la avaag laatltaiMk' wk*t*va* ii aslal*. H* %aB*BBa*d.that Ita'm lkl* iiaai tar tin ttral day w*al|d k* aaiald*S*«dlM*t.

A-aaw t*am haa kata ***** t* tha IM. wbith aaatiau a t Bay BcaaUL .Iad hr Alban Trtalaad. It la ih* t i r r IIwm t t a l ia a ** tg>m**W«a ta*a aM*d la laW ag makay far th*ir oNrk caoM. Th* «ry ataawhdy* ka* ta**: ‘‘Tki* M a agar* w ait, •* t ta bay* aikdt M ad **Ma” Tk* aafalatatmit at a kkyd t«am' ta Bayt Oniag* la la tka' aaiBp* of aa aagarlM B t Tka dthw^bagg la tb* taam ar* WIDait Whltdty,' meBeri Baath aad Xakk Wads

T ta Bgaabor at taalghf* dlaaar will ka Wtdtoa B**m. •klai B*aat «BMat1y* aad Batlaaal irakaartr, '

Tk* *dgn a t boa** gt'tb* BiM 0* aag* datat Canatll haa awatdtd t* • kaaitar at bay* ig tn t hadB** ta t m -

la Baakt work. Th* bay* ra-

erTTreeg H * * . H-OeegdPi . % W. W, Traag i t , t K

il*5gX$’ir'3liw**^ TraOWd^

M BRimiBUaM Bl;

dyatal Pwakd' of « r k|f#TI..W AlHiNattlV. H. X. 0 ^ 1«.-rk i* r

K. Col*. •acMty-oo* t«ar* oM, a t an* Ilia* dm*r**r M yi«i gmatWat at th* W*«Wk«tod IttHnaal dk*Hi lat*rrMM. iIM i ta im * r U >1* boat* la MoaUaa'‘ trtba a cj|**biial. hgmorrtag* wkirh taj*i«C(rt«l.iu|lBn*r ta rlag m diaptr ¥ia A T i ta a at Kfw.yii-lata la tk* gbrnglas add win aggartgUy la toad taglth; .Hr. Polo glod k*t*r* aydl**! aotlolagta iinid. Ig gl**a Ual.

Mr. Oolo-WB* glaaatdg 't* aw** tiM hla fargi Ml Moaftna d * giatar la tak* sg k r«ddoiir« la *0*1* Warr*a Couaiy lawi,. .r a t t l tta Howidaa •Bag«M* M - greaUeg gMkdntad,ak*ai,iig*y*aw ag* ta wa* od* «f It* aMlatr*.

A wMaw, Mr*. H*dM fUl* QbI*. siko wtaihlB' lbb< wtik, Mtarlv*b Hr. 0*M, •ad tta** rbU dt* A hd* Bn* wMa. Tkay or*. Mrs i^dtar Staao.aadv Ita B. Col* of glow*rt*vl|l* and AHtad k 0*1*, who wuThrd Iba farai *B w iM ftita r KWd. Mr. CHo'a aoeoed . wBk ' wai' a raiudn at

TOmKDPOSRIM■r. tad Mnu Tktman''A. Ulaaa Mt

IbM bMM far ita Banama-BMihc Xx- gmllMa, wbd*a Mtama day w« k* «b- a try ti 'Tbaraday. A « B * ^ tar m - ildld by Maary ^art, wb* •agoola U mm Mr. BdMpa la p«lr«tt aad gtrkng* afaoHmaay kim w tta fair, wta ntlaokod la a imrbawaaaa Mtulniad trala from JMMlCkutakl''M r. IMItaa wd* arkodylod la Itaya w tdattdar aitht, ta t tadd* kla baalaan* aftelni ta Bait ta gat May. It wa* wlik dWHanlly |b*i Mr*.

•■•T ■'•kt. ki h*bad kkcdaw Mti riatfd la * ebewtal w> Itafmtai *kd am I*at1a« kl* lahoratMT *M *d wata aaat tta Utcki* taago, •taw* ta atarta ataw n «g la tta tfam f*r Mt'dagartn**,

■r. Bdtaa >*]■ kla cklat rtgrtl wa* thM k* ckatd not laho Mo cbtadcal M*tal**y wtib Mm Ho Itaad caaorn Mtlta. hta*y*r, la a aaldbadk RIW wMk dnto wk:eh, k* tao oMalard In tagtrimoal* on* whlta ta grope •ludy oa tta way.. > t tta Biattaa wkta Mr. aad Mrs Bdl-

i M l*ft W*f*: ita n la ry at tb* N**y XoMghfw ItaMola. ttr. MHUy IWam Hul- rhitMi, Mr, M aaa'p cMtf-aairtaHr, g*- •H ^ CtarM* aiM Tk*»d«r t Mltoa, HMr two nao aad Mr*. Jgita Kyra dloaB*, Iholr ita i^h tf ■ •

• tta ta iT tlaaMa ta d (iMil thr after. mm Utawtad tb t l a ^ of Ut* tad of

thr iMw taiHooMp raHforaia wiih t i . Hattk’i ta at tta yboto giar ~Tk* Batt'*- cry at Bata*." Ttay wot* gattta of Hud-

N* Maa}ta fiWM wtaao wtnia** Com* wd*** Blarkiaa wroto lb* May' M tawtag-ita play, Ita tacratary

diBBtr al'Dr. Hatrbiaon'n bola« fa Uwrl- lyk gkik. add th*a woat t* tta dttl'oa i*

■r dtad kyo to Mr. aad Mtd- Bdlaan. Pr. llwtrMaoa *aM Ikrta Wat no *l*nlf1.

oaacd fa tta Baewteyy** ritit la W«*i Ctata*- 'l l w*« a taiw ael tUK of a iur*tr aodal aalur*. ta m M. la dtaytag a rtaon that Mr. U taaa and Hr, Daal*U caanrrd

Irvington OfficeV, «r Cm

Newark Evening NewsMaionic Hall Bllik g1102 Clinton Ave.

, »(T « m i Cdfitcr)

O flo t o a m rrBtn a ,A. M.IB a P . M. ddHy, A4vM> tldMMBtd tB cdvd i f t r pvW icdtioa t t s M iAjr until I t A. M.


N tv k ItdBH, Subdcrip" tidiM a a d A4v«ftiddmdnld trill b t glvBB Cm m b w at* ttu tlo ii • • Bt Cm H omb OSOB.

fAf acaf”Hag* tta.wkdM iM EliteW wk'ddtakter

’’•'S '»,4 ^ .1 ^ ■The rimcr*rwffl b* b*M It 1* «toio*kMoatiar tnoistag" yfmg"'tk< bMa*' ,wiikBar /RimH P. ^ u tm , M itd' •< th* dttwarldrfll*' i.uth*rfni' ckiatk^ ctfIciBt'

.lag.* BarlM-willk* la 'tkdM M w * Uktea I CtwKiary. ■ i- .


fgWtel tantm af Ik* Td^d: , Rt:TH*Biroilt>. Oct. lA~Btilawteg

■rrcial taaalW IbiatB f |a * h««m IranM*. Ctarte* Be, tayoiMWA' fktllMdgkt takr* old. af AddUMi ,gm<tA M M kte oT m fine at HaibMi Birprtdp* Cnagaay. dted laatHghtT'- '

Hr bad bo*s t d r o d h ^ ' Hr. aad Me. LMtaf

Wm ftartnl'ttrrldo* wM ta fc*H JtaM III* tate bom* toemetaw aidht u r *rii*ok. Bor. Haary H. Ig d a Itater at Oru;*Chiilr«li, wM dffkki*.' '

HACM&VACkr<>M^lSU-IMBW dmlih, la ita i^ - tw a yaar* aid, dlad at Hla bf*a*1 n ■***( «ir*«t'-*t ,|g Wolock tkl* awrglag. M* w*a a tetm tar at Pikaaar L*d<*. .« Mgdoate M g* at

iHtakyaeenk, and.'alag .d gMaitar af Odkri»l M Bael PagtTk A. B , at W*ot.f

H* Wta% 'A Hr w a ^ Trraaty

aa aetir* /tem aker ta y <M .b*ldM *d t a t t a Boglmaav Maw Xaaary

V*taa|«*r*v as* *t tb* a lu a t la Borers Caaaty. M* t* agrvtradta-bln.wll* «gd tB m dosdktarg, Mr*. CbtataaA Xaata, M te a t Itta’.Bi XtaW M Mdrarth; Hr*. A nhsr B*a a t Mtwafb athd''"

caaforyd' ngardtag tta grngiiid mgatal IgbMatary la caaacotlaa with lb* I wat* a t t ta Mary Oaamritlad BraM.

■mranmusocMiiiiii rantn run F« swf I'n k a* fat t t a foank Baaanl poattry

■haw kndtr tb* awagtea* af thr B u rr0*k*ty Tasttry Ataeelatlan wtro g*y. f*ytrd yaatrrddy anorsoon at a mr*t- ^ f .o f tta akaw cymmltt** at th* hoai* of taorbUry Charloa P. Bthtarftr. dl P trrrt ayaass, CaldwtlL Thr rtaw wilt k* tald la I *aih-» ta ll, Hoatctelr, Tbnradar. Brlday- ana Balwrday, D«- c**|k*r t , . |* aad It.

Ckartaa W, Batlar of Moatclair wlU t a . JMgarlnlaadoat a f t ta a*hlkltloa lad lawi* Baal Oraluun *f vtnaland **d. ^ a rl* * Mil** a t Waablaftaa, N. J.„ wjfl ta IM iadBta. Prarlaloaa will ta mad* ter ataw | *|* atagU Wrda and 1*1 brarding poaa Priro* will ta at- torod fdr gractleally tvary ' krtad of dOmootto gaaltry knawa ta tkacl«ra

A ta ro t Matwro or t t a otMMItan •will ta ' tk* alarklagi fcf *»t*ota, aa wall


*• prod gMitU. on t ta JadgoO* card*

Kuinu NM* irauiTnMIEn’ UNUfflOII

A m h lsg ikgt la tta ir aginlaa tk* oaadlUglia **« l a r ^ by ihaa* n agaaM. M* far m cirowUtlao a t a gatItMa fkr Ih* rmwll at t t a BoHorBla Tawa Cam- Mlaitee did a*t w arraat a raaall. th* Hdrfh BMIartU* Taagayartr AtaaiBlatiBB Ip ftaalnllaa laat alglit aagr*|di < oan- fM«sr* In Ika coMailMlaw. T ta raaola' tloa adopted waa a ankatHilt* far aa* Inirodiuad by Haa* h . Pootw. whlofc waa aklactad M by aararal mtaikata aa Cta radlCdl.

.n * arlglaat rtaalatlaa dtglarnd' tk* acilta a t tbaao who w*r* otrcalailag •ta roaaU gMlUaa. aad crIUelMd tb*** p ta war* kahlad tb* laaraaMot It alaa had tmbadlad a etlUclam at mam- b«n af t t a aaaaafatlaa wha, It w*i atwried, attamated I* bring gatlllo* lata Ih* orgaBlkkilOa.

Mayo* Xoha a Wgtota agd Comarit- •toatr Edward a Idalh** auradad iht mitetlag aad IlMonad ta I ta datat* whteh amamat oAor t ta latrodattlon of t ta Lawgkmaa rtoMatiaa. Ttay Itfi

M *tln« raoBo d* ■ ■|llaa Blla aad dikctaolaa of tha


Rtorgaaltlag y«*t *rday afteratoa f*c tta wlntM'* werfe, tta lafkai WMfart f**aiailtt»t of tta Orangta *l*et*d m . Palmar A. FsUot chatnaM aad data Hall, baaltb offtcar «f EaM O ram , mo- rtiary. Tta Dtet EHckoa. tlw Baath Oraim* Boetoty for taadlgg Camtefta U

Poor, t ta Qraag* Haaltb Dtgart- m*wt aad Ita Boat Ofaagt Board *f HaaHh war* r*gri**at»A A mgrotts- lativ* from tk* VloWag Nurm*' Amo- rlattce waa dMalaod aad *o«M aat at-

•d.It 10 t ta Moa of Ita eoaunltt** to

m*ot monthly, Tta mrteu* nnrm* nnd Obyeelga* lateratod la tta work wHI m**t wHb tta w mbar* aad cat** will b* dlaciuard from aU aaglt* for tbt gur- go** of aacorlalalng Ita b*«t rnttbod* of car*.

Tta eoaunltt** ptaao alao to try to roach lb* poMk by a campaign pnMMly. to includ* tb* ua* of motloa glcturr flinu.

mcB'ioa. Tway i tn dwrlad t ta tramiBt ta aabatltato motlan.

Mm.•gwdtf BwteOl of fdi BBB’d.

riLLMN. " '1 lA—Mra Agka* r a s ig .m dM ta t-

DtmBLLMN. O ct ■tagita Mstk'tWW'urday a t bar hgi*o on 'Hortb atondo after a. te a t imiaM. mm Anawly llrad a t Bcraatoi^ Pa,; mawylee la th*-------^ aotafr tkro# r * m t t a

1 b* takoa Mobdgjf ig Dwla- jtd r Oag, lor IMotteoat la Ik*


liar, ID n a m iy 't ^ kanTK M l!« ^ - ||U .d M r kta- a laa tf yogra aU; ^

. at mi IffWB.UMO BMAMCH'Oti^'M.d.Acka Vkad.

w ard fU tr^ m r ytata aid, k tedtaa «**- trwalcir a f kllbMtc Mlghlaadd d|«d pad. .daBly test Mgkt at tb* HMPMgth M*. martel ■MbagHal. if* w2i tb* taa af Iftiarad W paM arl *M wap kgta at AdaBtio HighMud*. taMdta h ^ w tfe h* tear** thro* aaac nad lUkdbMrg

Waaiaa' MMa ad J m at. MB CAMt>Bff,0*t.U..rdMa,4Htal|a Dm .

!S??- wha. talk* bat*

___ Mr*. Daaj “ ' ^Oawaty TrtBBA'Hni hddd, irk* wMa ai ppraa y taM eg a

wa* a «M*ran «ir tk* Ctetl War aad ■ay*» yaan dig. A fta a adgw. t«ry ta iBaittawaaga. •BatelkM war* ata- daadad^'* emtar ladga* af tk a 'lM

B, a t A. aad Torktrt Pacd 'CL : T*|di'w*r*i

ad .kgd a •dlata B riM V tk* taapd of tkg M*Mi a t TMaraaa

Igmlal BawM tf •* BdlTd.- CMATMAK. ' 0*1. M, I Bdg**gl day.

r w ^

W DteXBMp; HOCKAWAT. Ool.' - •M ta r ■ - ■ ■

a!% a t HarriMdwa:

wwma Mwiagftntgrgla*IM r*ttaa'im I aatti taaldhi

' alter MMlar glkPn, Bteawiald, h a i 'k ta a itrag id poalatday aMaraadg •Bd'M o* M l g*ap*ate Mraag «!••# Ik* IkeraadkBm. tka rata growaato# tk* Bteril graa aad bfock •Md f*r Mat eidbb Th* n lW > p*M MMaMBtld

ly gpntgtaod rata tu * dvaBlad Ik*

dWdBP wght Mi .d tatha tawa tCktpr vkiM ta Mtar- fad*d wliA M lb* dtaa* « w »Md lai- m ijirm Bigh^ Iba grogfaM aarntMitta

Xadglav at wtadaw dimdHtAla aU k a t' Ih* tekla hgalMag dIHrMte wag « y HM»d tarly MM E M I Mr *.*!»■ mate* oaaigaatd of X, 'AlMt*a(l*r XtetH cUMrawa of th* tadgalrM aPmerttlM at, th* OMSd* Baard a f TikW 4X. OraalB aad Braak X. MBbtak, iW PM rndnagd** rggfggUythr'Mr 1 MMBir d«r *>0a tk d Makw « CM. af UM aMy.

Attar Iba JadM w tka iigMBtti*i' »ntart«laad at w w r « IkeM kP Ml Hf. Mom aggtaHw«et.*d Ik* eataaiitiga tta tka teUMtr la ivpirteas avtaia am Mm waflt* _______MM bate aartiad aat aad bta in aAMad tha Mtaiaat aharrB by- t t a ' B*l|fr af Trada waaM aarta d t a g m .agiwMe for otboT maalaigalMMa aaedtaWNl IS b- liar ooitkrBtldBAAi

. af.dPMBpiae M. MBMItdaaiw of tMHHfWd

H A O U i m W M Ik.jWMi ad d a g itM « ■ IMUckae a Miel Mwp*r. .waa |hH gtoMBMp, afMieata fiwai Mn kwaa . -M -WaaliMBMa tttaaLw. -* o..Ml *BB*6 tad• .Mr., IMdiwai. e e ^

'*» i

■ 1 H M U E J A COiTMia. BaaaH* Xaaaby. aavoaty yrart

aid. dted late yaatarday aft«cw*aa la ta r agarlMaal M tb* Hatal Laaa*. th* bad taoa in ta r aararal waaka fraa* aa at- teak . t f .kaar^ dMtgat. bat bad agg**. * n « r raaoratad wbaa aha waa aaddiair ttetekpe, Mra. iaeaky waa wall kaowa la tMa a i t r fa r y aaia aa iha grdgrtetraa* W X*aaby*a raa taa raa t la Braad atraab

Poaorat *arrtean will t a eandaotod a l Hr* Jaeaby’* ba ita Baaddy aftamana by RabH dataalaa Pam**. Bartel #111 M *rorgraon C ornatm , EHaa.bath. Tk* aarviaa* will ta anaadad by

•mhara *f tb* aararal fratetaal ta a r ta b te argaaM atloaa a t w kM

Hk Xaoaky waa * m*a*kw.Mra Xtaakp wap bar* te Alaaca.Lm.

tala*, sad aam t la tkM aaadtry f a ^ . f t ta ywua a t a Twa g**ta Ml*k- ata m aiited Q targa Jaoaky. Md Mt«r t ta Braad atraal raa taa rae t was ogaaaA A ftts tha daatb of bar kaaband la lf#4 ah* aaatlsaad tb* katia*«a ap tu t ta g i m waa partly dactrayad by flia olgkt yfhta a g a i t waa aa t taagtaad. aad bar taw, Vlatar Xaaaby, laM awnartbig af tlf* Loaas Hatal. w hare b t Ip MlU

Amaag. tb* argaaltatM a* to whteh Mra Xacoby talangad ar* tha Knlgbte aad, Imdip* at Hgsar, M artbs WaoMag* Ida Ite ita . UdU a- AasIMary af t ta Odd IkUapa. apd tb s .Praaan Wolthpotlg. h*H* T afa la Bba I* ta r r lra d by hta aaa, twa tte ta re Mrar danuMt Klll*r and M ta iHarrl* UpBpaar af Naw Tark; Ikrar bratbara.M akari. XpHaa aad A*. g«*l Lcm tart, ppd Iw a graldaMMrae,

m m iw im iK mTh* fsa**al a f f re a k M. CMte* at ttTadueB 'aueat. Maat Ofaeta, w ta was

tatPlly MiPted whsw iMae* by ak a u ta tb* LletaM TnpWway mm

T i i i day afteraoom waa haM ikl* after, date. Ma*< A. Prtdatte Dageoi*. patter af SMkWdta fteOhytetMB* Ckurcb, Bail Otedia, >Jiia*t*d tka nttal i i i aM later, amit wd* M IMaatewa.OMiiatery. m . OUta-M' ta rtlrad by bia w tK T w * **e* aad Ota danghtaw.

Mr. Wih* wda *a* a t t t a Iwa vlatteM a f i te gdaMtet Mtea Andraw MM| H B*y>

aa aaMtaoMi* iMo a atoia af p k a tetaa wsMag ta r a tiwiter

p liw k Mr th* aetehMA Mr. Otaa WM'ktefMf aadta th* tr*n*r tar, UM wbteM'at # bt |k cot aft M* Mda, M*

I hi dt. Jew*#* HataitpL X*bEtfHa*a M * M w , ta* atb*r netba, dltd ab It MateMM.

TWO M i n AT s iB L n j u t r

(Morg* at Hr.


MQIARgiRESIllSnfiAMMaiwllhalasdiag tka* l‘h* Orang*

aibaote *taP*d aaroral 'day* aarlirr thaa Ihl* yaar. ragarte •abmllltd *1

Ih* nmsUsg of th* b a r d at Bdacattea iPdl algbt ibawod a aaw atuadnaa* raoard far »«gtemb*r. Par a*r*rM y«ats gnat tb* Mil larm ttartod am tta Tataday tol lowing Labor Day, and w taa Ita taard. doOdod t* ogoa tb* ochooM on Ih* flrat day at tta moath grodtoUan* wora mad* that t ta attend, aso* at Ih* firol f*w day* wawH k* tartewly affaatad. Tb*a* gr*r*d I* ta ■afoaadoA as Acting Paasrinteadant W. Bartan Patrick reported aa ararag* g*r aaat. of atlondsnc* of lt.4 far th* maalA Both tk* patlag ■Pgsrlnteadant •ad <te«wg* w. Share Ik* atteBdaa** dCfloor, ragorfad Ihal tkl* rooard I* bau tr than tkal for tagttm tar teal yaar.

Baaa rlynlry ailal* kclwten tb* athaaM tar flrat glae* tarh nunth an Ih* attondanc* rail of hanor. T* aa* codrag* roaster stiasganc* ih* baard docldad laat alght t* award a tannor •aah maath ta th* pckaol bavlag th* boat racaid la atlandanr*. and an tta ■nggaotlaa at 0»mmte*l*n*r John X. Booth tb* tannor will ta gtrawnontly owordad naxi Xan* t* tb* *taaol baying tta kaat rioard for t ta y**r. Tta baa* nar will k* naad* by th* plrl* In lb* sawing riaaao* of ita rocollonol acboal. Last month CUvoland dtrool d«bn*l htadod eta Hat with I I I g«* eopL af alttndPP**.

OSiDtfIMIIjllMIM H rsn n irM iiM

_ ________ with •dte at t i l l P‘i Oaaakk nixty r«aiw oM,Ita daarway and eff tb* step* kg na *•■ gteteoa of gna that IkUawad.

Hwraai oa tta Me* aad arm*, b* wa*

a ltb t Oaailllo of f | Pared

stTMi. Oraaga, waa Maws haab thrangb

tabia to tta Oraaa* M*m*(M Mita tial. Tbn hwfta war* e*l of a »*Waa* aalwg*. aa* t a waa abte to rotor* bme* MM atehl.

Tta blatt Mt fir* ta Ita baa**, bat tta moa of Ih* Pofoal Mtaot fiM basa*. two door* away, ktaid th* axglaaten aad ■htetad tka flaiim* baCoM maob Idamg*

WattuBta bad b*«a ftMag tta gas gig**aad nm tbaagbt to bavo toft a Bstat*

■mMUNK•SS 'gM m A A .iate m., I t a fwnpa ^

'Lindsiey’sCgtaM taked t tC C


'T hai b* bnd wltbdrnwB from t ta rao* for Maya* of Kaaray on tb t DtPtaorntle ilohot wa* .annouatod laai nlglH by W alkor W. HaCarroU, wb*

m aa bte raaaaa tk a l glodgo* gtyan im by groetlnom Domocrat* aad

Xaaray m am tar* af th* Hadata Otaaty Damaeratia aaaimiti** bad aat baas hog*. Ho m tatlonod ogoctfteollr a ptedg* atlagod t* band b**a aiad* tbat t ta f ig h t ' fa r gaatmaatar at Arlingtaa wosM t a gaatgoaod a s tll a tta r tlact la a

Mr, MaCatrall ala*-say* tbA Jam** X. MtAylaay, lb* WIllgoBa oaadMate far pootman ttr at Arllnglos, had mads Ih* pootoHles ooalsat tb* toadlag lams af lb* aaacgalgB. MaAvInay maba* a g ts ira l daalgl of tb* ebargoo aad *ay* th* Isaa* was mad* by th* n *g|» aad HcCkirall hlmotir w tan tg* lalU r cam*

: aut off B tarttr Eugoa* P. Klnktad. H« dtoMroa th a t b* baa no bnawltdg* *( plsdgaa having kssn n**d* to MoCarroll Ik rolottea to hotging t ta goatmaalor. ■big otrlf* os* of tb* caatealgn.

Uad*r tbo *l**tloa law I ta Kaatey Dtmo*ralte AaatKiatlon haa gowtr to nil tbo vaeaacy oawaod by Mr. MoCkr* rotl** withdrawal. It m an ta fliod withia fly* days a fte r tk* y*caa*f oocara and mat la te r than flfttan day* prior t* Ih* gaaoral *1*0110*. T ta aaao* clatloB ha* not doeldod whatbar to glaeo, aaath** am a In Iks Mkyatsliy

A a x p n c A u n u r o m iB*r X. P isM M n i lM I , paster of

tta First Bagtte* Cbuyca at Arllagian, gbo has i«c«)T*d a oat] to tta PIrM Baptist chatab a t Bkyseas, hsM a eda. ;*r*nc* 1**1 night with t ta offlctrs at tb* Miter ckurcb and tafatlatd Ihsm that ta had dcoM od^ Bcaept I ta tantatten. Tta ctorsyawe h M ta «ag*ct«d to a*, ttugt.dtarg* at t t a tayonn* thatch N*. rsiiM r II, bat w taa t ta afftoltJ kaaid rwiiwMrd bite ta rsmalB a ilu rt tlm* tteigir ta agiaad to r i c»a«M*> tta atet* ter aad flT* BM final it i t iawnt by ta a .

Mr. ibtadiH told t t a cboiah a/ftelala that aa t a had ba*a M t ta Arbngtaa n«M Mr slgM yaara, b* MH H was b*> eotetod dreeawwtbsd. and M at whll* ta tagrttlsd teaylag, t a batarad an »igcr iBBtty fa* artatew a*«l*Mli* awaited Mm la Ita Bayonn* cburcb.

Tg* Bayona* churah hao about -, tk*IBM aantber of ammbti* aa tta .A r .

Unatoa cangrcsatlaa. t t haa bosa wHh. oift a Btated ga*t*r ilnoa xaiy, wha* Hoy. Dr, Harry Warma wtegaad to

lata ag agaalal tetiteMrlil watk la N trI

Twa moa «*r* h a r t taaM y bofar* aaa* today In aceldaa ta a t th* Harrt. **« g toal of tb* CTcaelkl* gtool Cam. paay of Amorlea. Thoaia* HughsA tU riy roar* old. of 11* Lock teroot, Xor. soy O ty, wag itra o k by a ataol girdar talbg swung Into gtao* and ouSorod a fra tears .o f t t a lotf abaaldor. Ho was lak ta to B t Htebaol’* H otgltal

WIItteJB XonoA oolorad. lhlrty.d*o yoara aid. of * f t Bldg*wa*d aytaa*. Ihl* e ltr, waa a traak *a th* bond by a w hadkarrow which had tallaa thraa •toriai, and k sa a k ta daws. Dragila hi* aataiitan tb a t ha sma aa t ha rt b* waa takan t* St. MMim*ra Haagitol Mr •laaMaaUan. s

S O d A lC T E R T H m ilA N C E S• II l| I. I||l ..I.MII

Mil* Bttal T trtaa BMata, datt^ to r at mta^ Fi m g la ia Btaam *f itatteda* *•*-

M Ofsad*. «M ta amrrted to M«ad faro* af BaKlawf*, gia and Hr*. WBIam H. ftaaa at

Harm Magto a ra ne e ' Baal Otaag*, oa Wtdamday a fta raa te M lb* Paik Atoetm MaibadiM Chnreh. Bate Oraafte. T ta gattor. Roc. Hoary X. I sb ateoe will atti- date. Borauso af a lacoat d«att m t ta (gtedy af I ta brido thats wlH g* ao r*> eofittoa and t ta hted* will g* ueelteeded. Howard dtayrlil of Bate Orang* wW ta

'tate nmg aad t ta utbata will ta Haary anihlagion qf Maft CMenga aad wimam Poreo of MadMae. k ta tta r t f ita brld*. graoM. Tha hfid* ttMLta gty*a M awr. ring* hr bar tawUwr, P . WHiiim bm m s, Hite Blaata gav* a a MMramI u a at ta r

•id.' » > .41g ja iH M if iteBB- MMUL OF nen IF MiKat WllllaM X.


- • . ' f '

M Miff XMufA <trba dM#p**terdalr a t ft. t t S i r a Mki gliaL.tbi* tety, aa tb*««dMI at'-m m aa aa*Mia»d aftlM dteftB M a ItiitSB-kitb. w tttta h*M Meedar ikwn. Mg.' Tta'bagp Mad tbeiatetaaw f t W

ktRhOg IRtOttV SRlHeO|RlilU)MOa RfR RRtItt Ik BBtam WUl wlMPi HM PanSk

a t lagaMtaprin'b* i f f tm a t tMrSiasghiaf.iMte''t«gir NtM i t am m tM taaB dlH atm el wiii t a M tbacteam - -y;af qw'M dir m m tfarn m a ta igy

_ iTaSass■ ta -f tte ta m bfiaMag *f •

ft. Eteteb.t irattea Mr'XamM f t l•rMh,

P af .|ba Waal Magiae ftuE a t Id l Maegkan t t r t t i

gftd M ML •MMteUr* *M r ae « -

te a -m m mm Bf 'f t* Mtey


b*«o yaatetiMy afttemoon lo twenta *f bar f*t«ada, ' ghg «a* aatetetd by bar mattar, bar naai. Mis. Xohn M. Bimmi of K*w Tark, who la ytettlag tar; aad h«r ttiter, Ml**, Aha* Btaaaa. Tta wap* wof* dictraMg M gtak and white. T*. mart iw avsalag MM* Btama and Hr. rats* wW ta tta guaate of MU* El*|* A|l*a of Bteob ttrtal. Bate umaga, at diaacr. Ttay wRt ta aaterlaltud at dM- bar gaadey bp Hr, aad Mra. Xeba Bar. gutep a t fo r t Wpablsgtoa aTanae Maw Totk, agd MatMay m alng Hr. aad Mr*. Otteteco A.. Baechdl af Tarnll svtaao, Baath otaagk^ wM gtv* • dbuMtaf Mar* Mta aavai* M ttal* hanor. Ttaaday ara*. Mg fbof wfl b* t ta dbwir la ta it at Mr. and Mra. A. M. HmlnrDI of Httib asava

rate. Bate 0*M k^ tta gaMeli a ria *Mt MBA*MM. MUtteaat Bgirtei a t H tnaaox

avm*A M a t OTw o wI I aatartalii at dfaatr tamarr at* ataaiag -ta haea* a t bar dpagiiar. Wd* Wlalftad Marab. wha I* to bo ntetrlad Maaday artnlag ta A. XagtnaPa eargagtar a t Bast Oraaga, ana *f Mr. a a 4 .|fn k :a M. aanteatay of HackollMourg. .CMvA will ta laM tor Mia* M aripmt -Matehta af gamniii. wha M t* ta taVMaiwIdt ftMldan C n*ei. Mttat a f MtteOMBgA #b* wilt ta btal max; ftrabk W taa abd WiilMm AHmae bath a t Waa* Ornaga, w ta a n u ta •ubarki Mm XIIm and Mm AllaiaA

> Vdll, Iha “ ------

M ta gteyMm

I lfaa*M af tta bate


#IMH' S '

a.***!/A •'*>' * ■ *•* •• *.i.

IK'.' ' .*' • 'r'''<dVa .- Si* 4 fc., * \ .

‘T t ' '> .'.te.V.

Tfei' "■‘''Ji'■.A!i 'sta 'me £<m* J' ft*:..•ftaidft

_ J trag ae a t t a a l l l g a t a K M Charla* t* 0grit « Trapadt gyaanA Oraaga.

HM Jwaaa E ^ W la o *? l i n u i t y . woai taasBA HIM Oraage aattrtalaag t a r aftarnaae aafd. «lab yaatetdap, Tbra*. tebito gitaad aad aa teMaami kata t* lla« * g ._ m 0»i*% II Mrg. A

aaaat at t t N a r th Iw gip aytag*

* * ® * * * « 3 b u i f i S m l a l t e ^iBViVInMMML ll|fBmBilV Bt



D i o n ARID M T P li r a tL T l A t n i

Pteadlaa gultly Ihlo meratag tattea, Rcocratr Non of Bate Oraaga to drlvlag a tar not gngtrly rogta oroA Engmo g. Lpan. an aku mokWo nnlisteia. wtagaao glo iddiau aa m BH*4 strate, IM* **». was garolfd to awatl soBlsaao Taondar morntag. Record** Noll r*o**y»d do- ristea In *rd*r to aeemanlnat* with tta DtfaHBMwt dt Motor Tahlota*.

Lysa* admitted ntena a Htnooarl teg am a ttnok bi East Oraag* trilkaat ber. lag had Ita m i e rmiitesrtd nadir tta •luntar h* sa*d. Motor Tobtete* lx* sgootor E. Praak BoaBUIor *eaght atabt of Ita oar with Ita Mtea»*r1 namt i r at ' bmooUeatod. Ho anoteod Lyon*.

Rsoardor Nott ongtaJeol that ta wapog to bear frato tha slato aatb srt Use oa Ih* *ntstl*iC at tta aaa af aaoth** teals teg waa tay*lT*d. Ms m M M waa Ms iisir* to osaMim la what has ta«a tta tonsral graoUco la Naw Xsrsty la stadter c****.__________________

u p O f D B B I I I l f lH A H n B n g

HuHiing Tim Will Soon Be Hen.

Wa aatty a M l Uw af Ik s t G am aad U lM la t t a w *ll4ao*a pakaa* •eeh a* Hkdca, Fobuet, Siiggpg DBvId, U ft*m . ShaitBok bM aa* • m U d M SM Ia CgftfM w ft Haariag Oh m * VtaH, T m a a t f gB l OBXbfft V l Cm Cbm*, at BWBir lft. wliti BBsWr.

CdP* IB Mtd BN a a m t t MM CdBM Laga.

JolinN,Lindsley,iBIbi ui Cm SB* DAik E X


■gte* was aSdsd ta th* wantea saf. frag* dakato late glghl la PraakUa MktaL Bate OMage aador tta aaaglo** of Ita ftirft Ward M eal latorotl Utah by iba tartltegatlaa In tta dltcsedan by monii OM af th* aadtona*. Aftor tb* appointed ngonbtra bad eoaotadoA tboir argumoat* ibs aadlonc* waa IgylM ta lako part and Ih* argaannin gra and eon waaad warm till aoarly I t a'Mnoh. No doeltloH waa g ln a .

T ta fanaal dobalara war* Dr. Mary I BlUot of OMago aa t ta afflratottyo and Hloc Margarte C Vbl.te Mow Tkrk aa tbo noganra aid*. Th* eommlUo* la tharg* eaateitad af M. DaPamte Bay. •lal. pnaldiBl mt tbo olabi Laat* Mb< Davit and Wayn* M. Praacb. vM* ana- IdonU, and Bamate H. Qnaebtsouah. •halrmaa of ib* boiao and aebaal da- gartmont.


Hor hand caaght In t ta nuebbi* *h* wa* cloaaing a t Ika glaat of tho Clark Thread Camgaay la Baal Mowark, MIo* Margarte Basra, soyoataan yaar* ol4 at IM Harrtaoa avanao, Marrteaa. tafforad a kadlr tenakad loft hand abartly bofar*

today. Bb* waa ramOTid t* tbo

A H a r v e s t

o f S p e c i a l s

For 3aturd«7 tAU 4$ f SdtBfddir if t aatll

to *’cl*at i t ilM dMarag, wa s t a r tb**« *xifa iB n m m a t* for yoB I* yl*lt Ntw* •rk'g te**f Btedtftt Hard- w an Smt* aad H * lt br wibiIbb

Ita ttoibP Ma*««k tga.IBM ('srteae S*«b IB.XB.Tta Ltefrr >*ars. ma­ma NdHo ■ b a t g o y t t aH *T*te HPBdIsm ItiB

Sac Mir wtsdaw dlggltyp •f aar A irM l •gaeitHItP:

s s s iiV i-Taali for AU Trad**

m m /&5QUIER-b q g B g td l

•Yeftft 1


i B. H. M

Rotti&ColM A I U C E T

Saturday SpaSwenL ML— Eb I v h I IHDIBip h l

rRiwMNwv D m #

Oack Stall, I t . . . Ipi Oftk l e f t I . . . . I S |

Fhl* Cnaf Bte( I t K F m l l i M I M k n J k Z S i

S c U c U u iS i i n f t Kb 2l i

276 M a i n

•ftto* *f Dr. M. O. P. Otegklp, wb*, with Dr. A. A. Malligsn, rondartd firte slA gosdiag h*r ta lag isk** t* Bt. MkhstT*Bo*gtt*l.

At tb* booglut It wa* rbaad that tb* lift arm waa fraolnrod, Aeaordgig to Ih* hoogital aatborttloo t ta tbamb aad Indot flngor of HIM Bo«r'i baad may ta aarod. tt waa nooooaary to amgniate Iho otbor fingers,

OBNESE ROD R fl.SOO lARU Tak Kin. alias U Took Kteit, i

CkUsoo arrsteod In Mowark avonso, Xarooy City, by Cblaoao Inogootor Albort B. Wllay, was tahaa tator* U*ltod Blatea Cammlaslonor Edwin R. Bamglo

Ciurday nttaynoon aad bold In |l,l** II far a taa itag Oteobor tl.Tbo grlnoear I* rbargad witk a rite*-

tioB a t tbo fadoral act ropalrlng Cklaoo* labarar* la thia oonstry ts bar* com. ticatea agg>**ad by tho garorsmoat.

MBh lia ChBtg* of AWaM.Ob a C ham a* aamatt grte*tr*d by

Out Rydoe af wlBdocr otroot, Koaray, M rs w Onaca. forty yaaM cN. of taiBbtaa am bm*. tbat tawa. wa* amoUg late eight by gorgaant Mage*. Aacord- Ing I* tb* goUc*. Othoim wtet to Ry> doa'o boMw Wrdnooday and lauad a nig. OOP botonging to OMteon ce tta nwf at Rydae’o bte rnegt. OHbaoe, ita pallet do- tea**, requoteog Rrdaa lo got tb* bird

' Mm aad whoa Rrdon rnfiiMd tho allogod attack wao eonuamod. Tta do- foagast gave ball, to oggoar far a baar- Ina Monday mgbl baforo Rnordor L. A Wimawr la tta Kaaray Poltc* Oourt

Eaatresa Ptadtag fa Trtetoy tat*.Da Bite aa waa roanryad yiaiorday by

Xadga Obartea B. Claacy of tta Waat Oraaga IMteytte Gaart te th* «aa* at ■terrfi* Bandar af thIa tetyi wb* iMight I* rop*«*r frwa ftsMig gtrvtoa Rptlirsy CefiMMy M*« dpmpgM f*r a •aillatea of Ma «arrtag* with a lr*ll*y aar at Ih* XlPMir ter**t Itn* daring th* iumnm*. Tta Mj* wa* b*g«* * w*ok ago. BanM- miB Baadtr, aaa *t th* flrti Mslatift. and an aoaagaat at Ik* tarring* wb*a th* cm*b aacartad, baa a salt f*r lb* snnM.amwiBt g tn iing la tb* sam* court. It win ate ta ni«**d gtnding th* tudga'a diefteea af th* f im •*•*

_ u’ V T k iail! kdmkte aw

i. T.

M*te St 1 u l* « J ,


BOXESG*od RMMd C*ra*r tn a d Oaam

•I W t, Tf* BBd Nik l ^ f | tIfoll T«g iN d i PBd 0 th* DitMgiB

■I t l J l iSgtaidl ta S*mU Braad Boa** «

a « i wtaH*.Rgy* LibiMi Bkhgl-gtBlid . n ftg ft

«Mi gaaillM , tto tr llgbl, i t n i S gad IL M i tv* Maad.

J ta ftly Bdmid tdd Epcaipldr for

At A D n im o N rsHBWgBfMHlIillillMi

IN sad m MMb BU Otmm-a a m te .m ,» U m t* a t.


Nolmam Ml Bain te.SnS*r. l io A ^ ta S te ^ M ^ te Itedg " ! t IS-Seif n ,ite !i IlM ^lioUsadsr. C«*ii*l **a asd Oak si. Tte

f t l55t !!**'*•* teteX■** Tsllsr te. 1W. IMB.

- if^l3r*lL*teMl sura Ma L fte. l l l t v issU Onta*a«H Wal.1 .H«._


OKANaB VAkkBT—Cull, III luAUed I

^llm aa, MIfkItad A**, Platte*.lUlierman, II faiose si. Tib IIMW.

gCK'IK OBAKOB—Wall***, knife Onai* a**., alar Bsltcsad WBBT onairaB—A % .rtla « 1 valtsr f**d..T*t tin .

Broodte. • Mils te- TolTII**.,a^'&*f*r.''A*rHstersad'S5tetetee*l •riteK. Mwstot, tt* TMIsy f«aA tUt MTIV

Oraaes _ _ _ _ _Thi fool ttaai ib* gteteralBg board*

nf t* BiBBy iiiburgBB towiw hdv* add*iti* Evadiiif N*wp lb* BMdlmi f i r gftdpl tdv*rtt*tnf M an ladtaiHlM dt rtte pgogtfoa *f biMlB*** FfttaW i i I t

' idfttgfolfgtlgB, H v*0 BI t of H t h « fllBt

________ *g*H M• m i t e , gad )■ «higliHiig pB«Mr.


I t

A W I R E L B 8 8

T o t t e H o t s e k e e p e rOh t Sc u b m H b O f M i i i

A H AS P O U O m t '

CnrltiB Jttdp, M M tad f t e t e VMM aed Orgy BasaMl V i n , t e f t Rotea Ftfetwap, Csdl H if i , V g ft

Ctdibas Ub* aad Iraeiiigft* iSmmditBiM ---* MilitatervrtWIlWII HV MIMf fWMMIVgFtoar PMbM, SmIbs aad VBtafohH. 0« r aM di *IU Mlisiy N a f ts i t •xptelag Mtd p r im ar*



mEPHONK ^ ' s a . m■fetemp

Mter ft*ad fa r Maal Bs*im» B. aad I .CBakI** Bofctegtl, iWmorly via*

groiiddat af th* Bate O rsP« Bnltdlng asd Iteaa APk*tePtl*n. wa* otoated gr**- Idsat Ism algbt I* *assisd Mlfok Oar*- m*A wba dl*d a m*ath ag*. Tb* **• caaey t*lt By t ta gramsilaa af.M r. SeUagal waa nu*d by sslateiag Qwri** ft. Hat* a t lb* k«afd af lly**t*fa. Tta ypcdaty la th* b«sfg iriti ta fUl*d lat*r, Th* aiaateatlob paid off Ha atate**ntb Mite*, wbtkb bad-*to(v>wd la tocoly* y««rB aad laaaad IMM.

AdadUlagilbdt b* bad fallad ta aamt hla dangkttr Aena t* MtMte la •*«-

im *a wttb tbs teal* iwgalatMatt VIU- M .-D*«y af $m Itararaat itrate, Bbte

Onag*, ‘waa g si an gr t t a ttp far tw* r* an tbte maratag br Bia**ft» Ntet iC tbat tety. H m *»a»glala*nt M lb* •• . waa Mtebaat Clerbea,*tt*tadeeei affl***,

Btetek Cbtesab f t Mite A,T ta attharm a t t t a Brttk Chaiah

BBlMlag bad L*an AaagtlaMia sf MbM Q iaaga,'at Ua aanaal m iitlag teat alghi. r*tel*«ud Ha ted sfrieirt as t*i>

- idteriL W. Ntei

__ A nW t r i i* *fte*«itwill bt *g*a*d fbteMdap.

t e , Albart A. L**k at-II* Baasteito ay*aa* os to rial nod at a fai«v*B dtanw la bar fesmi last algbt tor Mr*. Obarita Barn* aad Ml** AMn* Bata* of Cbartam to*, a C . wki* tav* h im bar ga totoi T ta tobi* d***tati«b* warn torn* nag ABtotewa B*e«ty r«Mta

F i l l m t h e i o lw « iB | U a a k a n d h M I t o

F R E N U t K J M B & I t t w i R r , P a t M U c e

B n 12L E i f l O m i e , I L J .

F or Hm t o y SooBt M ofsaiBBt la E ast O ra a f i , I viO bItb t ............. la• l i pgypgBfo 9 t . gBgh, f n tpayN M t t* h* BMd* aar N a m jib ir t i t , I t l L BBd og«tlBW a ra ry a h nofltlia m tO O n I w p a y s M t b mad* *B M ty |a t , I f IB.

• Nbbm « t i ,

« a,B B B d B g B i « g % * * g g g g g g • a •

BBdB.B B # t B » f B * B « * B - * A » B t B g g « e 9 B

A m PM fM c m

f i o o o 1 1 0 0 . 6 6 • • * f

6 0 0 J 5 0 . 0 0 • * • ■

0 0 0 I O O j O O B • • •

5 0 0 8 3 , 3 3 • a # •

5 0 0 5 0 . 0 0 • t • •

ISO 2 3 , 0 0

t o o I M S « • ■ «

. 6 0 t o . o o • « B d

3 0 5 lO O • • • •

t 5 2 J 0 B d B «

6 I jO O « a B •

3 J O B « B •

CrwUt t t T d a n K b . . , . . , a r C l f M ii ...... .....................

>MU b«inw*d .. . I B i d i* M ib « y a a t w t h * .


MISS DORA KEEN. F. ROS, K JPktaMphi*'__ urtU gtv* bar roaunwbl* amt baaBMfoMK Wtmtimat taiWata AThe Fint AiceHt of MKlJ

s t'f th w :

1ERIDUU0$ Bdm wmrncf CWfc •( mC.ilDMerfttf«fcrf

| i m u i r i M K n u g t T sOh • vwvMUo* *f t in m « Pph-

‘i * n k e T e n * * ! •o4 t^ r t H***'* «l will IMM t* Ntwurti W

„ 1 kr tw" «»«4 li«rt U»t ultht M O'* IflMSiM WHtUM ClubT i « u i«tiH T .« . e *.

J •nwtawr •»l «( « « rc 4 lfc« Pw*** ■•nrtn* 0«*

«M \ o( tiH tiwllar wnolMi_ .jJNM i?. 4MHII1' •■«<-[ «f ih« BMrt «»-WbA i , n»M o f^ *

{Jlllltt ^ i t airindl tt'Wn (IMgai. i ( til* mt 4 n «d«wi«Oow wMk.

Itftaksrr WM th« iwlll tkiH <»•>■ TIimbm N. Mr0.rt.r, pntt-

f r - - * - « " !».»«.JM trolUr i i fwrk mW fchwibtr. TTh

tiM in (clMirt*. Tntv*Ito wW<lk tlHi

tWiii. ■ « Um • ". mh wh** oI •< *»«»<VartMl •«< <h* «*l*Mlon •< •«<* t tiw M««»; irovtotow far • twwUal aU-

l«r tni«ni(kwn < •« tw4 • fenwwliy tttttt* tfflc* hulUlww far tb* PuMk •tavlM aii4 otbtr buaUHW •attrprtnt. t«k(M« •<Mm w*rt ahown la mu«t«H HH Mfinlnal plua.

•VvnMmM MaCuter. I* ImIm aVMMT tm lW« r«*t uwdtrtaUai. ***liM naai* h im m w tk* <mmr *»• Ji taa< to »pawl.'‘ aaH Mr idiM lkar. "H*

t« til* i f% rtttilt or i rhftio Hi odontlfto r tu o i- IM Mbt i^nalM Hut naatly M la • IVMatOaMU koMBM «f leefweeM

O airwiw. OartH W.

t,'!: S aS *«»Jt

StStatW. ^ "ifiSSJ’c'jtwumw* ^ F. n o M Pja> j y y O. AaikWB. J—wa f _g—■ FtbjffI” *• PMIar. CMl *MW» « « 5 ' P » ^ ®2 ** MPith. ThotMa Iia*. C. H. OiBtek. iaka T lUwam JuHua r . Kaafkan. Job* J. l^M^*WlUur C. Malar. M. B K. Fa*- bT okartaa i . nab. >> B Tawatay. I. WaHar Vawhta, WHIIam H. F. IMIar. Artbur ■. ■airfreiB iaaaaa M. Ballly, CbartM •. WaWia.


NAIHHrSBUIKHTO TOTAL $ U 4 0 M 0 0 OLarfMt EitiMte Em tnMU k

Tm «f Ffict to Gi It Sic- ritorj NcATn.


t kcy. Haay bara aakaB 'Wbr iba Fvb-M r ' - ■Tanalatir >■ Wla Taaariaal Waa M H .^t*a tatabaal waa ooi»au»««a4 t« t«i , Waal Ihfaa «alr fuaeOoaa: Fifai, ta

i iwinaitlao al BroaA aad Marhat _j an! ra ta ll UW Mpaaaloa of lha Una llnaa that radlata inta iba «a- af Wawartt. Hm •atrapoUa af Iba

M hia, wWh na aubarba aad adJoM' k WMtclaaUlWa. aapToabnataly l.aO*.*

aUUan. Tim tanalaal aebaaia aa- > iWa wltb Hm WaatdlaiutbaBaa

MiaUat buataaaa. by dtaarUai Uaaa I Um Wart Inia lha imbarby. abl IlH

hart ftia naatb. aoalh a»o aW Iba larnmal aWralad bbava Iba [ ItTOli

, .jiAa aareatl raaaaw U that It ijw. a Italia* l*a labarwrb** ««ta.

^ aaraln* Itallway bba g ^ i u ^ r Kpad tbiWBfh ir*»*p#»Utl** ba- C niaw ark, Jaraar « ty . lUakai- ' , Palataaw **d bl«b apaad ll*a* la

Hh. Iba Aabaya *»d Th***" ** a t baa* laaagnlaa* •» *•**•M*a at lb* alaatn* laiaaarb**. larmliial tar tba llnaa bulM* *b

m and I* raaalrad far tba g a tam \ |b* b*adar«r* aa* Idagaa 'iba llnaa, * .

arfloa bufldlM la lha tWiw Tb* taraalaal graald** a*

laaaiadL atfte* baiidtag. *«• , haaBhawa tbal It la Mb- . aaaaBiny ta b*»a «*«•” < **"' tb* aorgaratl** baeaed aadar

M- Tba baaaaai aaattara art ftaai lha PrababUal taiatabM

j t f , wha may aa* tba afaaa. •* ib t aaM* land raauirad by tba

raHar* tba -raur C w ar* *M mrbaw Blatlab, aa *m*a bBlld-

"balM arantad I* «**l tk* y a f# raqaltaaMBla a t tba *•*?*•*' laifliiiiatly. tba daaMa af Hm

■ana of lha Amirloan RiralBtlan la- rallad undar tb i bannar af Orang* Cbnpur liatinad to ' Niw Jaraay Aaac- dolta of tb* Ravolutloa'* laat night at lha alnIr-Courib aUtad Maallng wbicb apaaad tba **bboii. It waa bald In arae* Cbarab partih boa**. Orann*.

"Civil Anacdalaa" war* glva* by Hav, Chnrlai U. Bullard, who amphaalaad tb* luf taring* and hiraliai of Morrl* CoBBty talk during th* atruggi* for In- d*y«nd*nca by tb* ceionlait.

Wmiaoi V. Hanallon r*vl*w*d lb* r«- Irani of Wnihlngion Ihrougb Naw J*r- aay, tb* Tranlon and Princalon cam- paigna and tb* Uonmoatb battia la bln u par 00 "Military AnaodoUa"

Rarry Tompitlna, wn* waa unnb a t* attand. had hla papar r**d by lAdal- bart A. Kaayao. blatorinn of lb* chap- l*r. It w*» on ”Doin**ll* Antedol**," nnd gar* * aumbor of Inetdanti wh«r*ln Mnrlhn W*»hlngton. Annla itocklOT nnd olbnr atatana naalatnd th* »*n’ta lb* nnhl for llbnrty.

Rnv B. Ward Right**, anominry. *n- neunead th* anal** a t tb* toHowlog cnndldnt** far mambarahlp. who wnr* alHilod: 0**»g* F, Ailing, R«*. Wltl- Inat ■• Blahop, Or. Chari** W. Bovlngar, Hobart CuahMa* Chapin. Knnnatb Q. Carrlnr, dakn O. Harrtnan, Inwln P. HnrrlnoB. gnMUOl Ib McChnmay. M - ward 1. M*«wltb*y, Albart U Mill*;. tWan MnFarJand Moor*. PrndnrUk J. Marita Payer A. Faranaa Claraoe. R- Palltr, Elroy Handloy. ld»ebw ^ M. taalty, fanaar Judg* Qaarg* w. g|n. nr. Auatla B- Tbewipaaii. ■*•••?► *• - ‘ ' od Oaarga

WABHrNOTON. Ocl II.—Batlmila* af govtrnnant aapaodltur** for th* nail flacal yaar, tatniing about tt.lto.- ***.«». and th* l*rg**t *v*r lubmlttad In tim* af p**o*. will b* pr»»*nlad to­day to th* Bafratary of lha Traaaury

Thia waa tb* day apaelflad undar ih* law for nubmlttlng tba aatlmataa. al­though thar* la no ptnalty atlarhad for fallur* to do ao, Moit of lha mrmbari of th* Cablnal workad until * !••• hour Inal night In ordar to b* randy with Ih* aatlmala* for lhair dapartnanla.

Th* aniraordlnarlly larn* "um of mon*]. which Congraa* will b* tihad lo approprlal* for runnin* Ih* novarn- mant t* du* lo Ih* proipactlv* big In- ****** In th* adininlilratloo a program of national drfanaa and to Ih* uhuaual aondlllon* rafulling from th* EuropaaO



Lil Emy Skj Attock Be Fclmd kf TWw m Germ OliM, It

Fipikr ta li.

StariM Siib Hukif m hr- liw Sinii Siptnttoi


Walla, «nmu*l C. Worthan nod g Taomoh*. . ^ .Frayar wan offarad by iha ehnplala. Rar. Mr. Bullard, th* Pladg* I* th* fjM wan giran by Praaldant ■amaal Carl Down* and Ih* maattag clooad with “AntarioB.- A ooelal boar la ahargt M Wllltata i . OMkllag Mlaarad.

tba dawigataratphad a tploadld dlaplay


i i c n n n R O M K i s u s u n u a m H T K M S E n

Th* aallmaltd Incraaa* for nallunal doftna* alon* aggranaia* about IU».- Oga.PM. whll* burdana rntnllad on an- aounl of Ih* war will raoatr* an In- eraan* of ahout H.MO.OM for th* Btat* Dapartmanl. Eallmala* for lha othor dapartmanta, airopt fitnia War and Navy, and poanibty Coiamarc*. nr* aboal tba aam* a* l*« r*ar- gaanlary R « -ftolA It wan ballavad. would nob for In- oraaaad fund* for a iltnding Amarlaan trada abroad.

Addliloaal govarnmanlal rovanaa* wrlll ba lacaaaary. althar through lagm- latlon or a boad laau*. If I’ongroa* ap­pro**# of th# tocraaaad daphrttaantal aipandlturaa.

DoAroa* to <‘ao* gAgbAdbAdb.Th# national dafan** plan* of lha ad­

min latratlon. catling for an aipandltur* la Ih* n a it flacal yaar of mora than lAta.flM.tga tor army, navy and forll* ■oallona war# aomplatrd today. Bao- ratary Uarrlaon forarardad hla *#tl- mata*. alraady approvad by PraBtdant

U>NtX>W, Oct. OiWMia Ikbt tb* govarnmait bdagl a pbtlap af aanguibary raprtaala agalbat Oornaaay far lb* bW- Ina of Khgllah aoa-eoaihblanu bp lap- pallB raldari taarowod today. Lottaf* add ttlagram* war* r*a*l«bd bp waab* of ibo cabtnat MlnlAior* froai tiirir eobaUtubata tn which thop w*r* wamad that poHt- Ival dcfaal would tw Ibair Al* unlaa* they loob radical atapo. Tfca lataat ra- puri* plan* tb* caaualtla* at th* Xap- pclln raw Wadaapday algbl at fifiy-flv* hlllad aad l i t woandad.

Th* propoaal Ihai * BrUlab air flaot bo alaUOBad In nattan Prabc* to bot»- baril throo Oorown town* *»orp timo Zappabtw raMad aa Bbgllab town mot la- alanl approral la many gaarlara. Ow- cunning tU* pbaa* today. Archibald Mufg mtlitarp oxpart of lb* Dally Tairgrapb. a* Id:

"It la iBor* than probaM* that th* <.:*rmaaB wtll b*v* can** I* wiah fount Eoppalln had unvor b*oa t*r*. Of all th* groat fwaltaobtal etba*. Baillh la owing la It* gaograpbloal attuailoa. and In condltlao* which w* hop* ooob will ailit. on* of Ibo bwot opoa U> attack frana anigbbortiig alataa Oantwap, lb tint*, win aufftr from lb* **■* agooi* ah* I* utlng today. Tbar* ar* ground* for aoirrtalning th* aipacutlon that by Chrlataia* lha manac* that EappoHn* of­fer iMMdoB will hav* b*«a furUar ro- alrlctad. Th* offbiitlv* and dofana* will thaa bav* baaa dnvalopad alaog ado- uuat* Uaao.

"If w# auffar today. Oormahy will *ul- far totbairow. Mar nacandaney In tb* air on tba CouUnanl ba* *lr*ady dlap- paarad. W* may loob forward with o ^ - fidanc* for oa torly day w b« aartal woapooa will to tnrwat upob b*r **Fb papula tIoB."

»B*NvWbkla WF * .

Tfa* BMW. H M Wgarti d. bM wtiiiM w ta mpiwulm Ob a ala* bniit day.

( w m i n T u o r u f f i i i inMlUICDHUBST

COPRKHAaEM. Oof. II, 1:41 P. M.—A Rrltlab at hmaiib* tarptdaad aad aaak aOormaa d*otror*r ihlo wofatag gl tb* aouibara anUbac* t* Ifct ibsad, a narrow atmll batwoan pawimili aad Bwaf which aobbaati lha Baltic with tb* North ■am A graat naploolon foUowod Uw atriUw of lb* torpodo. aad th*/war*bip fouadarad tmawdlaMr.

A wMBaag* trowi PalaterBo, BwaJaa. wMeh braufehl a«wa of iMi lacldoet, add* that anolbar Oama* daatroyar aad a rrulaar uM«h war* aoaompanylnt th* da- atyepar that waa auak ipaadad ta th* aouthwaid.

Infaraialloii rpoalvaf bar* lodtaata* tbal all U* mambar* of th* daatropat'a era* War* laat.

Additional daUlla war* glraa la a aubaaquaat dinpatah. Aocordlfig to thi* Barriaa a Oanaab cmlaar aad thro* daitrayart war* angagad with tba anbaiarina Th* Harman araft mavad la allela* to arold th* attaok of th* oabMurlna wbtcb araa bom- bardod kaarlly. ThI* flontlnuod tar **BM Hat*, uatll th* tubmarin* lodgad a tarpada *b th* daalrayir. Tb* aub- buria* raaa fa lb* aurfaa*. and ra- malbad on lb* aoaa* for ***** IlnM ba- far* It dtaadpaarad.

i abarp looboat from th* Dan lab ooaal I* Mlag hapt, bat no aurrlrort hav* baaa ffuad.


Pour lappaltna, wblob aid baUarad lomaiMMi WiaWMB/ »|r|p*«#vwip ---- vour waiiwaa WWW ww--— --Wilaon, lo th* Bacratary of th* Tr**a- Hmvo paTtl«lp*t*d la th* raid atwt tb* __ . . . .nhm tttad 1 __. . . . M B^** wlab*. wa*w


lb* oagMaoTctal dapartmanl*and alactria oompaalaa with- t of |b* baalnaaa oantar af oH r *f lb* a ta ia

BMHaaaap Waalapad.^ N iilllng lb* tbroa taaln fun*- ia a in h if Bbsaa, tbo daaign af

tarmlhal affard* appraglm aiair aguart l**i af tb* amat daairabl*

apacB and raranu* pra- I* tb* ally.

lip, lb* tmpravam aal *4fla *I aad aabatanlial atruolur* I*

. . . *** bblHlMga *r tb* *tty. tb* aaa* a t th* Public Barrla*

jMl aalp war* all tk* parti- rpama dart Rad npaa, but tb#

I taboii a p bp tb* faraHara awA Tb* laaatta* a t all th* daaliad. Uk* lalapboa* aaa-

BBd many a th a r dataUa Ab- aatbihB waa M t aa t of tb* rp plaaa a sd apaaMtea tloa*. '

iBBrwtaaa advaatag* of thi* pro- la ordar til abU la Mn campati-

Mad* ao aaplaiihtlaB. Tba dnal (*■ th* aaaatraallah oaa-

tb aa l**Afl« ward! and tb* drawtaga aaal aut

Baaaantad la mar* foot, a r aa aiwa

tb* Madiaaa dkaar* gbnaaa af th* plan*

fsdaaiad ta tb* prapoaala. Btaraa ■atar* MddHM •« tb* BbparttnM' w aft w ilbia a la raa par aan t af athar. Tib* tbtw* lewaat blddtra

aalp 1.1 par **ba wark waa a taftad o» Jan* Ifl, 1b* agbwrap awd foaadallc**

amaplatad aarlp la t i l l . *>d th* wark I* la b* coaabwunilad In

a t aawi paar. A ttar wark waa laaMlatlaB at th* ptaJaet

aatlalpatad by achadul*. Th* ■ aad aubarbp war* I* b* bp T ab raarr, t i l l : all *f

|b**l wark by Oeiobar, III A and B* tar, tb* ariiadul* ha* baan

Mr. aad Mr* wmtam O. BargMit of Huttaa Park. W**t Oraaga, wlU aatartala at dtiiaar at Uwtr bata* Maadap *v*ula* far Rabbt dtapbaa •- Wla* at Naw Talk, wba will waak aftarward In Calumht*

•outh Oraaga. «h "0**»ocr**p aad Eottsl Baffraga" Dr. Ifl** *•» •* laDaduaad by Taib* AUaa af doirik Oraaga and wM appaar uadar tb* aua- pla** af lb* Mgaal auffrag* lAagu* afth* Oraaga*.

Ah opaa air aaria* a t ip it ib n wW faaliir* Hewdap avaathd Ihreugbawt lb* Oh m **. Addrmaia wM b* mad* a* moay eaiBata bp Mr. aad Mr*. Bror*tt Colby, Mr. had Mr*. Wlaata* CbwrebUl, Farba «UU* af Now Tark aad aw rlft

Klakaad a t Hudaaa Couaty. Than wW ba baad maMe.

Tk* Diaga* bgadauanara will kaap dap TBoaday aa* will I a a t bat Ma far lb*

pall nrfcon.Tamirrnw th an wlU b* aa *U dap

ruuiwmgi aal* at b H igaartora. 411 Mala atnoi, Kaai Orthi*. aad ta tb* aftaraooa a parad* with aataewblUi bad baad mualc. la tb* avaalag a aamha* af wall haawB mwabar* wBI amb* addiaaaM at Mala aad O aatn atraata, Oraag* aad alaa la tb* itaBaa dlalttel cf Oraag*.

A h **Um far aalarad ralar* waa h*M laat Bight la DouglOH Hall. Oahwood BvtBU*. OraoBO. It wa* arnumM bp Dr. Mary I. BUIat af Bata OthaB*- lam** • Churdimaa praaldad. BpaaklM for Buffrag* war* Dr. Mary D. Hwaaap, Mr*,, tw* Haaflagwa Mra C. E. Eatdtp

d WnllbH R Mamtl. Miw. Harae* Davl* of Eaal Otaaa* bad caavaaaad far ibt* y»npw

mat Hob, T«* halt waa daaaralad la

PtSSMC MmillM lEUIM a M a u u i r w o K u i

•aal aatat* tavelvad In th* un-| :lag aavar* a pgroi tm a f ly thra*

Tb* ftaar Mac* will amount bbl* M aar* foot, about ton oerta a n M M M h ig Inelndot » i work- waam ood wttk u tility room* tbar* b* n i Bltecathar."

th a t Hawork will bacom* on* of tk* baM kaowa aaapari* am th* Atloatlo ~ ft, a lta r F a rt Nawark Tarmtn*! bat

, la aptratlo* a f*w paara. wo* th* laa mad* by Hr. Rdlloch. H* haw th* work af maadow ra-

Alaa vroa ag ita tad fifty paara tg<A igk aaflnlt* alapa war* not tahon

■gjlU UK. Thaa* fact* b* told In Mwflalmlng Br*dtt for bolng tb* m*n dM •rlgtnatnd th* Ido* or lb* port.

fb* amat difficult part or llw work, ailt****^ th* caglnnr. ih* dredging aflhB 4baB**l and uolng th* n r th tho*

id a* tUlIng for (h* maodow* In I t l t , th* work w*i actually

, b* Hid. aad *t pm ont It* aan*______I hav* b*«ii r*cl*lmcd nnd a n•MW *1 Itatary nitaa Tb* ■**•*« In-

glHttaa* aa In bow varloiii dlffl- glBBiw bad b*«n ovtreom* and *n In- •BBi Bm l***°n In «tialn**rin* foliowad.

tM B f Mr. tinllock rcmlii4*d th* J a n that Port Nawark Ttrmlnal

WM b* crl*brat*d u r it W*dn**d*y.

fpmiti awuM <f m n w t .PAhgAIC oat. lA—Chlal ia B tta r lu

Philip Horrla a t tb* Board of Raallb. a gradual* a t CatiikNl Ualvaralty, and Mra Mary Oayor. wtf* at a Mwrar. war* arralgnad la pattof oaurt raatar. day an Mrlou* •horgH aud* M D*‘ tratlv* CaptalB Baapanla F. Tumor a t Ih* dlraetlou a t CaaHataataaar a t Publla «af*ty John R Sabo*. Marria gar* ball for h it ippaarane* bafor* Rooardar Tbemo* P. tSaataU* tb it al- tamoou, whan b* will b* glva* a hoar

**liayar Oaarga N. lagar aad tb* m anbar* af tb* Board a t UtaKk aaafarrad la it Bight and It lo llhtly that Morrl* will b* a tkad to raatga •avarat noa lha age, In oipaatatlon a t raaaivthg aa *P- pKatmant In Nawark. Morrla tubHlMad hi* raalgnatlon. Tk* Nawark ogpalat mant did not matariallM and b* ooa tlBuod In Ih* aorvit* of thi* city, M a g npootutad. a t hi* owa r*gu**t< month to month until bu could flad anothar paaRlon. M* com* baa* Iro n Nowark wh*n b* wot f lr tl appolotad four y tara ago.

Hr*. Oayor'* atery oOh * to light through an applloatlon ah* ia*d* for aid from Poorm*ot*r John R. Moadw. Mr. Haador eallod th* attaullon of Cb m Ib Turnar to lha eaaa. MN. Oayar did not knaw Horrla by iiam a haring Hod* bl* oogualntanc* whan b* vliltad h*r bom* at A*pd*n nnd W*t*r Btraat* a* on la- •poctor.

To Captain T urtnr, Mr* Oayor gave a domerlptlen of th* o tth ih* Implloaiad and tbla. In oonlnuatlaa with a atota- inant that ah* had R at ***> him la Main mv*nua lad t* tb* arroal of Hor­rla Mra o*y*r ®*** •''®*a half doton men lined up botor* bar.

Th* compUlnl again*! Morrl* waa •u lartd by Captain Turnar afUr oon- ■ullBtlon with R**ord»r Co«l*llo nnd Mr. Kahoa AfUr bl* graduallan from Corntll, Morrl* took a *p*cl*l courat *t Columbia Univoritty.

ury nnd Bocrolary Daniel* *ubmltlad hi* •■tlm tlH till* •ttarnoon. *ft«r go­ing ovar tb* final datBlIi with Pr**td*nl Wilaon Ih l i ' morning.

goerotary Danlrl* diaeuttod with tba Proildani lha au«*flon of how many b*ttl*«blp*. batti* erulBor* and •m tllar w arth ip t t# rocommond **ch y**r dur­ing Ib t flvo y ean for which a program bM ba*n mappad out. Th* Pr**ld*nt approvad th* tItO,**4,444 program for ibl* parlpd.

RtpoHa from tocraiariao (larrtaon and Oanlalo will b* mad* public within Ih* next fiw day* Th* army ratlmato* probably will b* mad* publle Monday.

Tb* ptao* of tb* navy, ■acratarp DanMt ndmittad, Includa a larg* bulldlag prngram. H* takd ho daalad to IncraOM lb* capacity of tb* vartau* gov*mt»*al navy yard* and da much a t lb* aaw w ar ahtp ceaatructloa ta thow yorda ioHl coolyaot* will caatlnua, hawavar, la b* gtraa 1* prirti* cawoara*. garritarp DagM h M h* •spactad tbar* would h* tufllcitnt work lo kaap buay both govam-

mad rHval* iblp pard*. It I* plaaa** *l*o to h a rt *em* aaroptoaM far tb* navy bulll by th* govaramaat.

two* WIN A*k g*er«l*ry Lau* HW th*

gardlag lutarlar Dapartamatwill total apprciitaartly t l l* c Of about ll.M t.H * Uh than Hit

aattamla* laat yaar. Kit aadmalH la- alui* |A*H.flM tor lha Aloahau Rollrtad. t f U .I t t for tb* nalbaad ladlab Raatr. vatit* lacloaHtloa projaat, batwaa*

and tl.H4.4M o* athar tn t' gaOta wark. tt.oM,0M lam thaa low yaar far ptintaai , about tb* aam* aHoont aa tool paar for Iba Mod otfloa a Might la ifH ii tor tb* buiaou* of.m loH and oduH tlaa Bad aior* maaty thaa loot paar foe ladlaa vrarfc and natloaol parba

Th* latraam far BaUoaat park* baa by tb* fbcl that

tbla paar hbi* than twto* m amny ptapi* vIMtad lb* park* aa did laat yaar. Tba K unptaa war cauaad amny lourlata ig VMU Ibo parka laattad of abroad.

Additlaaaf aumay to amploy mer* imtaal axaadatr* alaa ha* baaa aabad by Jacratary Ima#'

Lawdow ara* im Wtdaaaday right, war* •iwhiad, bemawoid bound, *tm varimm port* of Hallaad n r ly ym ltiaay Hutaiag. iB moat c**M thay u w Brad m M Duinb aaatiBtin, In acaardaaa* with tba rootwl ordara but aptarMiUy urinjurad.


LONDON. Oel. U.—A Poat MaakbalH ilapa tch aay*: A maaaag* to Tb* AgtOBblodat from tb* Donllar aay* a naval flght bM tak*n plooa lb th* Oulf of' Pinland a t Porhri*. not far from H alringfara On* erulMr I* raportad annk and anolhti haavtiy damagad.

A EaoaallB raid It rapariad on th* r in n l 'h T * « t 1. lha Quit of Plnload. oauatng a ftr*. —

Porhala 1* a panlM ita In Ih* Quit a t Plnlond, tw anir mil** MutbWHl of Hatriugfora and *Mut IM * * * 'a f Patragrad. It la prHtm ** t t a l If a aaa M U * bM tabaa ptoe* It waa bafWvoB RuaolaB obd Gorman war- ablpa ;__________

o u M S l u m s s u n nUinc MW Ttiu ELEVEN

COPBHHAOEN, 0*1. II.—»lv* mar* OarmM ataamara, bringing th* total ta *l*y*4k bay* baan tu ah In tb* Baltin by Brillab tubmarin**. All earriad m a ttla Qanaan I raw Mr* hav* baan M at out afmai ta haat tb* aubauH eaa


maltTRENTON. Ort. II.—Affliwdag aa

opinloB of JuallM Bwevh In tb* du aa* Ooutt tba Court of Error* aad

Aapaal* today tuatalaad tb* HMdlaHx OatmaoB PI*m ta awarding danmav* aa dar tb* wofkmaaF cewtpieaatlae act to Mr*. HaloB ■amlaaikl agrinai tb* E**t- ant Ceal Daek Caa^wny. Th* prtadpat quattloa Invoivtd wM tb* aaMMM of oeoMMuatlon. baHd upaa tb* laotbo* af d o to m rii^ th* amount of wag** racotrod by Mra ■mrianokl'i bupboM pttar ta hi* dontb.

Tho Court of Error* alaa offlruMd th* ■upram* Ceuri la holding th a t lha Point n aaM bi W aiar Worti* OtHpnay ta BOt antlUad I* txamptlan frsm UP** uddar l u obariar fram tb# baroagb a t Point PlaaHnt

Tb* iupram* Court w m afftrmad fn nnalririug lb* Paual* Common Plaaa which aat arid* lha aaavlctloa af Uf' maa Cah*a tar vlaUDn* th* ptumblag aad* af Pataraan.

Th* ooBVlatlau af Oalawr* lad la a la th* Uudaoa Quartar Btaalaa* w m af-

guilty at


tbarftag a aUMWABHINOTOH, (>«*• H.

that th* Hambuig-AmorloanoM•tobmahip compariH *« e tj^U ag la vIolatMn of lb* Mtawnan aa%tniri law, Ui* govarnwanf# appari la lb* famnai Tranoatiantl* gu amMttp Trual caaa warn fllod tbla aflarnoo* la tb# gaptWH* Oaurt A daririta favartag th* ooh**«M*wm taturaad la tb* Ptdarri DIMrtat Caart la Naw Tarii.

Tb* garammontallatMUHtlb* ataam- ahlp aampoalH bav* forma* a eambt— tloa H e> pttoH aad dlrid* buMaaaa.



DAVENPORT, t a , Oet II.—Tb* Mtd- Wm C praparadnaM aanfarana* elaaad a twa-day taaiion bar* al noaa today with a lanahaaa, a t which Caagraaaman Charlaa Q. Laback of Nobrntka Can- grtaamnn Clarano* Batllar af H liaoM ta aad otkor pabllc man tpoka

Th* Congrotamon and otkar vlMlora from Hld-Waotarn i ta tH war* takan far a trip thraugb tb* Reck Iriand Araonat thua morning. Intpocllng th* h^g gevarnmant thop* and th* watar- powar dam.

■anatar A. B. Cummin* of Iow a wko *pek* *1 a banqud 1**1 *v*nlBg. w m appUudad wb*n h* h M;

"It hM ao falltn out tb*t I hav* bam rempallad ta b* niintd agalnat Praal­dant Woadrew Wilaon on nearly *v*ry quMtloB of Damocratia pulley that boa arlMn Mao* h* ha* baan In offiaa but I think that I tpoah for *v*ry patrtotle o lllto a a t I know I apMh for myaalf, wban 1 **y that th* nailen I*, to * man, behind th* dlitingulahod gotitUntan who I* our Chief Eiorutlv* In hi* policy with ragard to th* warring nation* af Europa."

■SATTLE, WlM.. Oet lA—Th* •cutlv* cmniiilttM of tb* NaMaaai Wooma'a Cbtlattaa TampaaBbai Ualaa dirtdad teday t* bald tb* b*rt a ritaa ti coavaattaa a t ladlatapaUa Tb# d a ta t* b* fIMd lalar. wilt b* ta



examinations for placesAS TRENTON POUCEWOMEN

[•Mad that avary on* who could * r Ib tH riMt th* raelalmwt meadow* iin

M r thouid do ao aM vlt« for th i Immaaa# lmi»fO¥«riuint

t a i Mdto.


t AugVOtM of ”

V RBmburg aft Tnad* thie morning an

tb* apaetn l co n m itu* which 1*

8t lb* baard a t th* N*wtrk i*y aalabratlaa W*dn**d*y.

ggaNntttM wlH mak* an Intpectlon ' lovamont of tk* city on th* i jj jh ra ^ r t back|^«^th» hoard.



TRENTON, O et 14.—Tb* Rtat* Civil B*rvle* CommlHlon today tnnounead that th* flrot •lam ination *v«r bald lb N*w J*ra«y for candldatM who tapir* o be potlo*wom*B will b* couduettd on

w*dae*4*y, Nov*mb*r t. n*Xt Tb* <*■(* will b* open lo f*ma1* rMl-

d*nt* of Trenton, In vl*w of th* l*ol ihBt lt'1* to cr**t* nn •llgibl* 11*1 for tb* appointment* lo tb* police dOMrt* m*nt in thi* oily. Tb* Mlary of tho posltloo will b* KIP a yaar to a U r t Aapirani* muni ba of good phyalcal build. h**llby and trilv* and of good charoctar. Th*y muit b* not tnor* itiao forty nor lo** than thirty y**r# uid.

Th* l.agl«l*ture p*H*d a law author- lilng th* appointment of pollcowom** t«v*r*l year* *g*.


Th* Harrtaon BMrd oF Education y*i- icrday aftomoun dtcldtd to rtopwt th* right ■cboal on Monday right for tb* tuH t*rm of Mxty-four day*. S**Mom will b* hold from t i l l ta t : l t s^Moob oa Moaday, Tttoaday, Thuraday and Prtday right* of

A rooeptlan. In honor at Ror, Dr. Har­mon lludtea McQuUkln. paator of tb* Pirvi Pnabytarlaa Church, Omni*, and Hr*. MoQulthln, WM ftvab lott night tn th* church parlor*, Tb*i« wan mualc during th* avanlng, and th* Inrg* numbar of m*nih*r* of-tho church and congrvga- tlon promnt apant Ih* IIm* Informally. R*c*lrint with Dr and Mr*. McQutIkl war* Allarton w. Kllboiim* and Hanry Hal*. r*pr«MBttnf lha *f**lufl: Norton D. wmiam*, rapm inllng th* dtaeona: HIh la iira H. Ifadday, pretldtnt of th* Wont an'* MiHlonory goclaty. *nd Ml» Eattll* Idvlngrion. preild*nt at Ih* Toung Peo­ple'■ Union .

Th* lacopilon WM arranged by • Am milt** at women of lb* pariah, coropoaod of Mra Chari** A. Undalty, HI** Mar' garat R Haaon. HIh Lucy Lindtiay, Idra Pndarlrk B. MMd. Mn. John D. Will lam* and HI** Id* B. iUgg.

Pr**Mlng at th* tablo* . wer* Mia Charla* tJndalay. Hr*, gtiiart Undatey, Mrn. f ^ n k V*adCTpo*l, Mra Rtrhafd S. gtorra. Hr*. J**H I t John aad Mr*. Will- lam Bmch.

R*fmhm*nt( w*ra a*rv*d hy number* of th* Toung Pooplo'i toaguo under th* dirtetlon of Ml** Em eu Abbott, who wm ***l*t*<l by tb* MlaoH MabOl H tia Ruth Holland, Hart* dtrueb. Angl* Voaa Edyth* Poatar, Dorothy Wright. Rllm- bath aunaud . Anabal CrowaH, Eugaria Jamlaon and Fboaba' Jamtioo. Mambar* at th* Bor gcout* who aulitcd wma Ed­win a . T iuertoa Rcgar Towumid. Frank Qrova Flank Obaltarteo. Gilnun Ciaw- Ml, gtapban Bmlth, Irriag O. RaMwIa Harry BaMwIa. Alfrad <«*Mk» and Ar­thur Ward**. . „ ^ ^

Tb* room* war* dacoiatad with H t t au of foUaga dabllM a id atbar a u tim M flowara undar tb* dlraottoa M Edwia Btdoh.

flioMd. U* WM found tubamaflan af parlury,

A Buaabar af otbar dariMnna war* nn- nouaead by th* Court of Error* today, nilbatng atgnaanc** baatd upaa lba«rin*OB*

d E ^ InbaiMad'EowB In lb* Court at Cbaaeorp or Ih* tuptma* Court

Th* aaiM tfflrmod Indudad tba tcOaw

Mr*. Vlala Attwaod agalnat Arthur Alt' ludgHMt la Cba-icary for Hr. Att

Pm I Haliandar aguliiM Otto Pluck tkuMi Choaeory Judgmaut for atwipIntB' aat.

Uala OaUebto agnlnol EttHbath OaR' ch4a; Ckaacary ludgaMri far eamplaln-

MBW TORE. Oot. U .-R*pfo#*nt*-tlva* a f th* buraau of tavaatlgatlan of tb* Oapartm aat of Jualie* IHV* d*- maa dad th a t Max Loubaa ala* haown aa Count H m Lynar Laudaa wb* aara b* la of tb* Garman naMUtr, aurraador a paaaporl liauad by lb* Unllad gtalM OavaramanI laat July, Laudaa w m bald k a rt today In dtfauU of kail an a bigamy obarga

Joaapk f . Bakar, aialtU Bt auparin- U adant o f tb* huraaa al Ipvaatlgatloa

a* auotad M taylag that uuMh Lrii- dan t u ^ n d a r t bl* paatport It will ba-

icalM by tb* *1*1* Dapartmanl Ao- carding to Hr. Baker tk* govtrnm M t'a luvaatlgatlon of London’* Mllvltlo* kM baan canaludad. Aftar tw reh ing Lou- d aa 'i offlc* for tkh p«report and fklltng I* And It govornmaat n genu riritod th* priaonar In lha TaoiM yaatardny aad damandad tb* tocum anl Loadan ■aid b* would direct hla aacratary to ra tu rn th* paaaporl a t anea,

M ra R a u CTBrltn of Albloi, N. T , and Amril* Wandt *f Poughkaapala bath at whom Loudon I* aoeuaod of m arrying, w ort Mtwotod to com* bora today a t Ih* raqumt of the Naw Tark diolriot atlom ay. It w m raportad th a t thay would ho lak ta bafor* a grand Jury ta glva tvidanc*.

POVOHKEEPkia N. T , Oct. I t — M ra Frod Arnold, Wit* of a Poiigbkaa^- ria m trc h tn l want (e Naw fo rk todni ta ta itlfy In tk* «*h of Caunt Max Lynar Louden, hatd tkar* on * ehnrg* of bigamy. Mra Arnold formarly w m th* wif* of a man aamad Da Chlmang and It la oxpaetad aha will b* abl* ta ■ay wbothar Laudon and Da Chlmang or* ona

Arnold." H id bar praMnt hua- band, *tiM bar aanulnan t papar* and will b* abl* to abow th a t aha waa fraad a fta r tk* Oarman tnvaatar hod abandoBtd har In l if t ."


V ill W dir

HOLTWEDDING RINGS!F im o u t fd r th e ir Bn* B niih. h i ^ . c o l o r Bnd f i t r a o r d im r y j

w e ir in g qu tlitiefl.

4.75-ALL C N O flE V iN a I t F A tC

At HOLT’SHa«**Hi't Faramaai Jawalara

BiDad Md Academy Sts. I



rapori* of TurUMi atracHla* agalnpt Ar- MtuliBf may b* glvan tb* Hat* Dapari- mant by Mra. Haary Uorgauttanu, wtf*

lb* Anwiican Ambatmdar t* Caa-

JUSr TR Y O N E D O SE O F M A Y irS W oitodrfiil RcMedjr mmI

^ CoMviMced th a t Y ou C an B t R M to K d to HeaH h.

■tanllBopi*. who arrivad yaatarday at Naw Tark. gh* w h raporlod to b* con- tag her* wltb confldoatMl roperu rmm bar kuatmnd. Ska bM no •agagawiaat, howuvar. with goentary LaMlng.

Th* Turklah Kmbaaiy bar* bM laauad farmal alatamtnt dafaudlng aaiirt

arllal proatcullon af Fraaek and atbar Roman Catholic priori*, friar* and nuna Mar* than IM bav* bo*a arraatad,'aad rifty-tear haring baaa found guilty a t tpl*a hav* baan bald far punlahmant. Thtrty-alght bav* baan ralaoaad upon oatabllahing tbair Inaa- oaaea

Tba TurklMi Embotay oaaoria that oantlaaatad lattar* from^ priaet* and Buaa tbawad aom* of th* prlaata w*r* oatlof M tpUa giving valwbl* mili­tary taarmatton to TurkviPa nnamlaa ta Italy, iwRHrlaad, Bulgaria Orooe# and Ramoala

AHriknn* In Turkay • » In no dnngar, oocccdliig to Mr*. Hooa HoigMUM wtf* of tk* Amoricau Ambawndpr Mdia wba raturiMd t* Now Tork yaotaiday fMH Caattaattaopl*. lb* h M tk* aatlvM traal AmtrteaM with gr*»t oauUdaratl** aad bop* that Iht UnH*d ptalao wtllb*lp th*m to rtM ln tboir

■ - ■* aftar tk* war.taH tb* Tark* .

CjUtRANU GOMC ID MONTOnTAMPICO, Maria* (rla Larada. Taa),

Oet. 14.—Oanaral Vanuallaao 0*»- ran aa who It miktag a Mur at tk* northam atatH of Maxlea, taaaHpaaltd by Oanaral Alvaro Obragaa aad bla atatf M an attlelal aicart laft laat night foe Hoatar*y„oapltal af tb* atat* of Nuavo Lapn,

A briaf atop will b* mad* at Vlclarla capital of tho atafo *f Tamaultpna

F o i n u a s u T o i ends u r

Albavt C. Waad ngataat Hllladal* TawnOblp, Bqrgfu Oaunty; Oaurt Cbaacary ta tU lM i’ la diamlaring Hr. Waad'a apptiHtlan tor on Injunetlea

Banho gebappar agntoat Paul Xrttaaaebmar: Bupram* Court ludg- manl far dataadaal.

Dinah •ehnaldar agalnat Emma ■ehmlt; CbMatry ludgmdnt tar «*m- ■liAiifiL

Ulla M. •lagmay agrinat William IL TIchanor: Chaaoary ludgminl far daftndank _

Hanry Earrar agrinil Atlantia City: BugraaM Court ludgmont far Altnntle City. • ^

t i m Mataiha admlglatyatria agataM BriaRriliead: Mipraari Court JndgHtat for d*f»wd*irt

Waadol Aadf*M tgrinat Hr*. Rattla AadrtM: Cbancary tudgment for emn- ptahmaf.■ HOB Mammealh Tneukalor Company agalnat wnuam P. Manbary; BupraxM Court Rrigoiant far daftodaM.

■Ibhiom WMUm taalnat Jan* H. WaUInt: Chaaeary IndgHaBt far coaa- ririnnnt _ _

John r. Maaahan agataM Etrnay U r- Chancarr fudamari far aamptrin-

wlth lb* warM Mra Marganthau

traatad th* war in thair phllavophio manner and thi waa "Sualnata m UaaaL" Th* aaly tim* tb* gana at Ih* anamy eould b* haaid In th* onpltal w m X(taB tto Ruariana war* bombnrdtag ta*M vui Mii i f tlM BIm M 6m - Ttoifi way* about I** Aamrlonaa ta tt ^ city, af wbam lw**Utrdd war* M o h - •>■ Id lha eallagaa mlaaUaarlaa ^ ■mgloyaa* af AHartoan O j ^ . Fb* wtvaa a f lb* graftaaor* In Ibv R a b a ^ Collag* had *U gon* h#*a M U p Unitad Wataa’

M tyr’t Wottdtffgl Remady hw b * « lik a a by many th ag u n d t of paopm tbragebout tlM Iflfld.’ It ttaf bronghi hentlb fl«d bappiiwH ta tu lfe rcrt who hgd d ttp a ifad of ever belne r*«orril

who BOW ire u r f in t others rho m ty bf /g ffo rinx with Stemfl,:h, L»»k and [ntdatlAfll Arinwnl* to try it. On* float will cOBvinu the moat *itepilC4i ■ •fftrar. It Beta on the sonrea and fenodatidn of thaM alliiMnM, reawvlng Hm poiaonont c«t«rrh and tile fleets- ttoBK and allsylng tbs underlyinc d m a lc lo lim m rilon . Try one do«« of M byr'i VoBderful Remedy—pot it » ■ UK loday-'-yog will be owrloyed with jroBf qnlah recovery. Send for booklet on StoDMCh, Ailmcnis lq,G«e. H. Ms>t, m ft. CbamUt, 1 5 4 - I 5 0 ^ 1 t ln i sffea t ChlMAO, lit.

w U fa by d n i t^ s t s evetywhert. — AdvarMauBcat.


WAiKlNOTON. Oet. II.—JThe ttaltad ■tato* Ooraramant hM daa* ail H can offtoially towaid raiuwing th* aoaflltlta of tb* ArmanlaM la Turkay la lb* epta- toa at Stat* Dapartmant offMaM. Tbtg told Rrpraaanutir* Jabn / . Egan at Naw

making la-


ja ta ty today thatformri rtpraaaotaUoM ta tb* TurhlH Oovaminant thro


nilLADSLPHIA. Oot. II .—CMtoari Hdward Brodi* Olamow, forty yaar* oU. at Worcoatar, Mam. and a m a m ^ K tlM Ltoglslstuf* RAYtot Hlktto. toPflUMtwi auioida today taoauntry bom* of hi* brothar, WUUm dUaaow, *t ElWn* Park, a auhurb r i tbla d ty . Ka *h*t hlmialf la tba naulb .

CAIHEX ID PMSONOS ARRESTEDEngaged tor ■avaral raentha m

e a ta rtr to prieonar* In police Haad- qu arta ra Chari** Behaoc •lity-tiT * y*ara pld. w*« ihl* morning b*ld In t ie s ban on • oh*rg* of kaiplng a ^ ordarly bo o n Boh*ng I* tb* ollagaa proprlator of * furnl*h*d room bout* a t IS Oraan atrnal, tim aat dlracDy *p- poalt* pallo* h**dqu»rt*ra

l a t a iM t night D*f*cllv*a Harrla and Quinn and PntrOlta*n Baumann and gcbroadar v lritid th* hpua* ranted two man nnd on* woman. TW* morning Bchoag iurr*ndct*d to IM polica Tb* witn***** w*r* hrid In IIM ball each. Th* prtvllag* of # * ^ ln g prtaonata *t h*»4qu«rl*r* wtll b* glvan to another man. ,

EHOmWOFSHOniNBrm a R u n D D B Y C u u n

m a tt---------TBENTON, Oct. 14—Th* tallon of

Vie* ChaneoIIor maaaaa in enjotalng Ih* prapoaad margar of Um UnllM H tch la try ComponF nod th* Daltad gho* MtahlnafV Oarporttlan w m ■**- tolnad by lha Oaurt of Error* and Ap- paala in a doalatan handad down thla oftamoan. Tb* aoll w m braugbl by w iniam A. Copoltad of R rookllpa M ata, and Akbl* R CMpataad of M*l-

rough Amhoanador H oT' ‘ganthan. pofotlng out tb* bad affari upmi puWle oriuloo In tba Uritad fltalH af tb* UMtnwBt at tb* Arnwalana nothtag furthar oorid b* dona

Rapraaantatlv* EagM hod Inqulrad M ta tb* ocadttlon among tb* ArxMUtaa* and cedearnlng tb* pollay af the Uritaf •UM* in lb* mattar.

, ByeiythiB* I* rgaigr* h id a im I s • 10 > df Itnctlop td pdf' feral. Nd Mid*

lakd wag nuds when TEETH ware p«t into year roeufl*. It » ■ gravg g n a r fd NEGLECT tbtfls. Yna caarnK nagrtette year feed prepurty wbea year MKh ard DBCAYEG CN MISSING. T i t r t- •a lt i t iiM len la DISEASE.


mya tho Cotagn* GMail* today, arnktai a poiWv* atataUMBl aowottring what hM bitbarto baag m uaoagfligaad n - saar, hM rapUad tUveiably ta tba Pop*'* raquaat tbal h* da Ua utmaat to atop Aiomnlao maamigaa.

DEFER XMAS TRADE BOM PLANSdaflnU* aatlon on tb* p lan t toNo

•oeh waok. Juparriatng Principal Jam** irglat

flam lumarimM* work in atarlagBight; axXkM

ibSa h*at*a«* that aggravtUag qf aartri; tel

**Mg haataH pawar wktih pawms •Srvo

paa «Ui tm* tmplag H. t* *• i4g af■r dMiU i n I mnaatiflM d

F. P iObdi n i a t WM plaand I* obarga ofb* right arbaoL hla aalory batag Itxad

gt 41 par right.Tk* taoebar* aad tkair MIorlM will ba:

Orodaa P n mnla Mobarimf Jr.

boom i^ ria tiM a ahopplng In Oranga wa* tnkan a t a moating of kMlnao# mtrv htoW kn tUto room# oP lh« BtoMiPd Trnda of tb t t elty Mat n lg k t Com- pl*t* data on the coal at aavarol matk- oda of ■xploiUng lacot burinoM bod baan laourad by U* marekanta' oem- m titM a t th* bogrd. but m t h t In- el*m*nt waaihaf gravantrt a l»rg* *t- tandnnea ootlou ataa poatpanad until next Tburoday,

On tk* nclloH 1* ba aoat oat for tho moating th* m*rek*«ta wlH bu tnrm«d that unitta aufttelanl Intaraat I* maalfaatad tha movamagt fw atlm;^. la tin* U * "kuy ta Otan#*" Ida* will k*

Are You Run Do¥m?

» ‘« H m L A I IRGBT SOIQOLS■nral**Ml tiger** far tk* ManUlatr

a iqbt aUaol* akow a raglatratlOM of 4«l pupiM. At U* kigk Mkaol ik t ragtatra- tlan la 411. an laeraaa* a t D tly-iw a fvar laot yaar. A raqum l for tk* foriM - Sian of a gymnMium alaa* far

H lftta Roa* Murphy, Elltabath Ohomben and vtatat Nahfmn, taeh I t par ntghA;

la undw aonaWarotla* hfl ■upariataBd- ■‘ I P. ttandaiant af mght gahaaia MoM*

Twenty woman bar* reglatarad ta r tk* cl*H In eraritatlng *1 th* RAldwib iiraflt •choal.

Th* tograa* at th t bilk a e ^ t now

Th* two oompanlaa comprtiing 'WbAt la ganarrilr known a t tko gfcua Ma- eklaary Truat, war* racantly aublaatad ta tavaatlgatlan by th* Padarul Gov- ammant m eonatllullng tn ntlagad HO- •apoty In vlalatlaa of Ih* Bhormaa owll- trual law.

A danlalan wm ffran ky tk* fadorol Invaatlfttort favorapl* ta th* tru a l Tha Ibo* machintry company, lb* p a r- •n t orpanlMtloA. waa bioctleally tu t - eaodad tn control of tha bualnaao by tb* aha* machintry aerporallan. char- larad ta Naw Jaraay alriut taa yaar* OBO-

Th* corporallOB ncgrirad mar* than two-thlrda of th* prafarrad and eom«oB ■toak af th* caHoagy. Bom* of tho rioakhaldar* of th* eompnay. am ang tkam th* Oaaalaada rafuaad ta part with thair hoifltaga An ngraam aot of


tPR lN aPIB U J. HU O at II.—MBag EUaau Mary Dunaa doughtar aC Oov arnor Dunn* at ttllnala wh* ta to bi m arried Oatohar f t U Wimoai Oarbay, a Cklcog* attarnay; hM racalvad tko foHowing pat* from FraatdaM WH-

■targar wag a u ta r^ la ta tori J u » ^and approvad by tha diiuatara a t aaasgwitaa Hatie* w m g tran at gatackboMarar awallng of tbo ahoo mo- tblnary oamgany ta ratify th* margar, but At tbto jdlMlur* tk* Cnpatouda ka- gnn IlMir auM ta Gkanotry u b iar which tha m traar WM rariialnad.

Tba poNtiM lokaa by VM* Chonaallar •tavao* gad mmataad by tb* Oaurt at Hrgora and Appaato today, w m th a t ika abJact of Ika two oompoalm m a s- prataat ta thair ahartara w ara dtogtaa- ■tor ta tkdl Ik* aka* aM*dita*ry corpora­tion wo* gl«*B mar* axtawaiv* primary pawarg Ikon th* aampguy. Tk* C a ^ tojida atatos that th* margar wauM la<ItrtaM ta aMaat tkatr tutaratria m *toc4i< 4 * ^

"My ttoar Mtaa Dukn*; May I i w ith fa r you imyour appraochtag m ar­ring* tb* gr*at*ri kapplMM and coo- lan tm an l and m ar I not coavay thrdugb you my warmaat •ongriHuto' Ilona la Mr. OorkbyT I with I m l ^ t hava th* pltM ura of batag pratan l ok lha twantlath to coovay my ftite lta ' ttoa* In paraon.

tOerdtoily and atgaarvly yeura fBignad) "Waadrow Wltoaa."

•alt df neriect M uigbaw^ PteVENT THIS BY SAVINGYOUR TEETH. Yon sriff HT maia thaa I clinrte.' Sot BEiTERQUALITY |g iBwotsiWR


DR. FARRd e n t is t

707 R m d , Cor. G i i i r S t ,NBE^AIUC. K JL

S d o n i S A


ayamouiiran with ik« atitktag tokaama af tb* Naw Tark Daak Oampgity In S raob ira war* aituitad today fsr thraw- tog riowaa at tkra* pailaamaa tad atrOta- braokwa Tk* wamm arara aaaat aw by tha atrikara On* paUatasau wot badly

Themaw to th* etawd IH women war* tohm ta th* _ aad aU but OM, who bad a baby ta bar w m a w*M laokad flp to aaba Tbep war* ch flrM with fltoarflHif i i a i a M.

Thar* or* l ,* |l m*a «a r ir tk a Tkay daamad aa toersifl* af Ova aaeto * a hawa

lASr OOTDM (M M m i m vhaldar a ik th* aampaay.

R I B I W n iN t t r a w B c u .u B o u n c r i n c n u n u D

prwBtam. iaclu k win M tuan i

AvhUh bM baan anaa iad

udtog aavarri by wlUlw >•<

tk* tori nutdoar _ aa Bnadap atlar-

— .-’MgwJtte farfc.. ’I k a head p re ram towb iMtrinr. "Ga*

luMbta, tb* Otm at Ih* m m -riml asarcb. from ‘Ol*aMpm,,'.|l||M|b*iit: ovariura ^Mtoatot: MK ^ _atigta from "Oaroian.’’ P M Mtour flarta "0«a VHtoga" t « ’JSi

taaaki vrinta de aeaasfL Mto,” gtradak aad aamafSMs " i w i UtoUtvtoE.

Dttrtxg lb* eaaeart Mr. Radtot a fl will Mm ’tlaafl-br," Taalt; "rb* Haait Buwad

laangariad.l In Waagi

mattT H nraO K Oct 1 4 -1 k a

.kaam lie w tib ar adlodtag ib* k MUsaal Rawer Cemaow toastoar i aad appatoftog AdfoSsat OiawM irn b u r K ggitor Jk aiamsar, ooa aiR im at by ib* OiiRt i t KpnVI l u l AfNMMi twlkir Ik* peaattotof Wougkt ’ 'hy BtooryIb ^ , g Maw f iifcbrabw. aad atbar*ta*H- baSdacB Tba power eatapaair esaa aaa a t tb* aiManw pfaflst fad m Jeasfb R. Haadlsif; *ba was cbsutafl o f ib bariow tSC gS T R aad afMtoHd aMbawto* M wbmMa aaama jiaiiiBiilM ta bi ' • I thanaaad* td

g g a a . ’* " r * ‘‘a ^ f l to icm

®nmIM me r>*Btai---- a WM rnrnammmmm

S—Veholybeiy—NG GUT

I a dayHiB* SnMit

T h a 7 * } » i i T d i > m‘itoP M gIgll WIRHIIWIPgdW fH*NeH-W gUIBl

U t l d l M l i l i f c e Y t e U S U i W e g

Thri ttfMMi Ubit'iil At* «*a ta taatadl e*a Rtat qta MaMB*t*lBlm**t aaUam toU* ta giv* ItaMri nBflt with Ibt bam af rWK

atat* ta,<

N n j Dtpi A ftorii

o p tN UATE

WAfHINOI tbal m r Dam Kraoprtoi W* aaenflad oa th irytag ta dai tbaBaolh Ath today ravakai OammM on t ■too th* Prln Ganata uSm prtoanata In 1 tlv«y datorm Ctrl bav* rio

Admiral B* Kavy Yard Uth* Bcltp** hi I te m w a Fob that ao tract bata meurad.

AtWatant i Fatara aald U that th* 'Jina warrant offlo WM mar* th* crah hod Xtal

Admiral Bi tolttad lo tbi Tk* toller wil{ tloa to G a m paroto he* bl poailW* lo ai Oarmaty't aMlag ttam

NIORrOLK,' dtooptaomaa* tba ' latarbalVUhaha.tho« Thtorfbtdar hi I* raport* thi aparatlag off BtttUh marehi

Coptria TU hav* bwm mil yawl owoad b of tb* omcan Tbtorfaldar to drowaafl. tiuupowerful aoou

U*ut*aaat yawl, WM nav e ^ Wllbalm HI* coatpaaiot ly-two ta iMr


■AN FRAP aautrol avar band* by tk eoaniry aaaa protaotlag iiu MH Judaan atmwaro* oat bater* Uw Na way Capmla* tlud* Ita com

n baltov* ' b* arid, ."wb will aaairol i ■ttoa. It wl atfaetlva-lagt th* atataa

"My eaevto

%kd !I It to la tha toaaa aflaglilgwta pi


tta w nu la I tat* bar* bat 114 par ten a

pwwtd* Fitts u


Flttsborgh at tu rala wktob adalmam af <

Daamnd f n to tatprirva

ra il

t'ttoh Tb* I tot* ammuBlI ■ad mail.jf jsn .pita**. R a nlaarirlaa far tlHdr appaafoi


M auaaa Hi

I l f T I

S i ;a a Ho


L l l f i :. evil 4 , OVt 4

•K ft.

'Do*'Ctott 4i


m t

‘ irnmmrnmW m ^BSQ

v<nasAYV ocTOBis 15. ms.


Sh t I h f u t a a l T i b t A tliaA A ir h t o M l W lie n E l-

o p t i l l l i r l i l i. T i.w l a w r n m B c m m i s

VASKINOTO^. Oet If.—M tarlM tMl ■Ai' OtriiMii •ffMtmrt ?f. thi Inttnili KMBfdni W.lMm t t K o n ^ v X jh m M ca^ M DM r u b t CMIPM M4 « v to

tomw* MHMl goMWTM li ^ A tluttc, th« N»*lr EtopMtwM totoir ravolMd Im t* of atoobo* tor aU O w nM on tto KrotipHmi WIUmIb u f

tto PrlDM BIUI rrltooriob. Tto Owbm RokiMB BBd oMom wU) to toft frtMiMn IR ttoir thlpB uMU It la fail* mxfir totarmlBod whMtor tto tl« offl- o tn tovR vtolRUd tto ir paiot*.

Batotjr of tto Kortalk (V»,rtto Bcltpu to4 'toon aU a ) u i ■JJitowr Polst_ In Hampton

•t nlA t at noato, bat

Katry Yard today N to rtto a'rttM H tiiatA Bel*- ■ - ■ITOIBO tract of M io tilw 'offkm tod ratbota Rtouiad.

Aatotant to o rtta ir of U« T rta tu ir roton Raid today to aonoMorad It Utolf tto l tto MiaafptaraiHO « t t to Ocntoti warrant offletn w»» not vatmitaTr. It WU mart than lltoljr, to aaia, Uut ttoir craft bad a a t wltk dimoulty.

Admiral B u tly 'a u p o n waa traw- dalttid to t to Btata Dapartitoat t o ^ . Tto lalior wtl) t«kc aettoa by rtpraacnla* tiM to OtrmaBT K It It doMrmtatd tto panto toe b u a vM atad. It K la la f pottibto to a r rM t to Oanaaa offtatto Oontoay'i aid wtH to aokad la pwatwit - lag ttom '

KOWrOLIC, ya .. Oct. l l . —MimWtoei dtaappoanan of ala w an aa t offletn of t to bataitod a atia oa laNtor Kroapetu Wlltoha. tto v fh fliM la portod b r Oaptaif ThtoifcMcr htmoalt. «avo Itapotu today to ropocta that a no* O am aa raider la eptraliRd oft i to H ailoaa oooot adalaat BMUah a a n b a a t aUpa-

Captaia ThIarlaMar aald Ito ala offleita t o n toan mlaalBf ataea laat duaday. A yawl owned by Ltoutatwnt TTnffiuii m t at t to offleata, la alas aalaaiBC. Captatn TWarfaidar baUana 'tto man t o n baaa diotraad. thouah t to yawl la lataa and powarful aiwnati to call t to opaa au .,

Uaulanant Hoftmaa, who bought Ito yawl, WM M vifatina oKIcar of tto Kroa-

IM Wllhalai dmtiia bar raldimi caftar. a coaipaBloaa ranaa la aya frem twaa

ty>lwo to tM itr.iS:FOR FEDERAL CONnOL OVER


aoatrol oaar tto laana of a tu h a and hoada by tto wraai rallwaya of the ooaatry aaaau la to lha onVy way of protaollny tha aaMIc from aaploltatlom aald Jadao^ C Clamania iniaratala aawparea ooaamlulanar. in an addrau batora tto Kallaaal Aaaaalatlon of Hall­way Copmlaafonara. which w u to coo- alaio tta oannaUon today.

1 ballaaa tto ro moat coma a lima.' ha aaM.^^wton aeaia alhfla trlbaaal will aaalrol tbia phaaa of railway opar. atloa. It will to a long tima bafera affaeUraUaclalatlan oaa to aaeorad by tto atataa.

*My ooayletlpM oowa trwn o b u m M aid -eaperlae*," to ceatlaaad

It la la Tiow a t tho dlaoluaraa oii tto luM of aiaaka aad boada far U- lafftttoata parpooM that t Uka tkia •taBd." .

n mcEs snu. GO DPKBW TOHK, Oat 11,-d tM l pricaa

aaaUBiit to mom Mytor, rofglto bO- tatf b a n boa« adnUMad l l par tw ta 111 par tan pad abul to opa toaa baaa lalaad from | 1.4f to tl.M por 1*1 panada Plttahar«k. Iron bnra tova

• baaa y a a d ap to t t .ld par ltd panada Phlladalphla. topaa Baatara aukara m jn a U d b c IM S tp r IM panada PttUbarpb an fiarm p laua and a tru - tnrtia, wblah la f t por Ion abon Ito adalBiBwi of oaatrnl makan.

Oaamnd.treu tko railroad# ooaHanM to Impfovo. AfUr laoranaad bnytiy of eaap and raOa tto taada a r t now par- akdalaf heUca matarlat to laatp «aaa- t l ^

t t o Ptmaad f u ataal for oonraralan law anuBuattlati coa tlanu r t r f ta rn and am^prial |a ktoimdny u a raaOi wAi a MaaMaat faftlua‘ npward t a n d a ^ ta prwaa. a n ta kaory daaunA Kaw laanlrlaa far IA«M tana rooontly atadt thtlr appaofaaaa an tto aurfeot.

IMDOilMKrUllirtiOItDON, O a t~ T i-^ iw M nr, ltd.

p u inam, Haaay. I to M par oani. Olw ea«at tttaa, ahatt k « n IK par oanL Ttona monito. I K K i n i par




la. i t tla IfrI


Uladb- Low- Ctaa- a f t aat

P r A iS S* “?* “?i- A j a ^ l M f l M . . . . . . . .L 0 ^ to.. Iita I i i l i i iik^ P ^ * f i n o « a f p a * *

j t i ri) mIM IPPQ IH IH

I I f ‘

*a a a a a a a a p i a a a d I • * a I'a # a a a a


« a a a f * * * d b « b * * ■ # a « d p » P t a d d o f < d * ' « a n a a• a h p o * p a l o o t

n% n ii iiii

10. a. IL _

i• ii^ n*ila ^

fT1 1 .i'm

i f ,M ,ttftlw

I d«bd bbti« b « d « p a • «WPdI P a a « | a « a a y « ' a o P d

4 «i * ‘ * * r u

Piawm »

18: itr . f e n : ^ . nCo Iffi

, f s i i l i i i i » R i i i i i «JU -JI- . «••• I •••*

W o l v « . <a W a < a k r n w a i ' o■W ' l l '

M n r u i i a a B n B i t t i naawnaatoKmnom b

*' VtAAokad.h J J i J ! l W t r * t ! ! ! r

| | | •< * * V w a a a 4 a H

a ^ fa.*!?'.;

km:: i

l l * !

Tiptm €hm Filfw SIhImis. B i iU H S lM lT M c h i i4 7 ^

M i w B y ^ .

lAUET SIUDT AT OOSIIGWWW TOHK. Oet. l l .—Tka ataek mar-

to t'a etaaa taday waa ataadp. tha Wat la tha lam haur m nhtag fraoUanal Ml- Uaa from tha low ta n l . Ualtod itaU a ■ttol moaod up from I tH ta 'H I |> aad an ^ * a a u af a u ra than a palat w u awda ta ^aaplralloa Coppar. n i a t aloek roM to 11. Aaacooda ohowad a weak tana, duH alap a point to TA Thara WM tradtop an a tarya aoata la Aamr- leaa SaMlUBy, which toactad fram H K to I t

Ooraranantn naetonyad; otkar handn atronp.

Haary u l lln y by room irad o n In tto tala aftaraodh u u a a d d ac llau of from fraatlona to avpc I polata. Ualtad ■ ta in ataal conm oa. a tla r aaHInp up to IlK i droppod to U K . WooHnyluniaa dropped from Tl W to *1%. aad Crucibit ■uaL which aold up to HK> droppod to UK. dtudahohor foil from lU lo I I I Y •ootharn ijaelfte yielded a point

Pronounoad market alfoapth w u atowa la Ito lata taroaoon. and many laauu made vlporoua aalaa.

.Hathtahom ito a l made a new h lfh n u r d , a tteh oalllay up to ITI, an ad- vaaaa of tly h l potnia. Oonulldatad Om r u e from I l f K ta I I IK . aad W u t-taphaaan mado a pain of 114, palllap at 11%. Amorleaii Can wan M lva aad Blronp. HlUap up lo II, an a l r a a u of two ^ a t n

Muwoll Hotora r a n a point to PtK, Baldwin Looamotlvo t polnta ta tn % and Amorleaui C u and Foundry aoM np to 11%, an adaanea of ntaont a ^ a t United R tatu i t n l common roaa fram «t% to 11%. nnd Crucible « tn l auvod up t polnta to 11%.

Tba ooppora and rallwayo war# la pood dawtinA Tannuaaa advanotap la 1114 and Anaconda a point to TA llaad- lap ndvnnood 1% to 11% and Brio a polat to 11%. Fractional adoaaou ware noted In many other luuaa.

Money lu n ln a a t 1% par oantTto netlTlIy In Ito nmrtot la Ito

firat flftiiw m lnutn waa without alp- Dlflrtaoa. m u t tranuetleBO hatap by tha aaacutatlaa alamant

I’nltad t t a t u Btul, commOA ytaldtd % In tho firm ftw mlaulaa ta 11%, and than raoorarad tha taao. Amarkan im altlu after dacllninp to lt% , morid up lo 11%. Amarleaa Can w u akmp- ilonally atronp, advaaetap 1% ta H% and fractional pnlad ware moda la la- aplratlan Coppar u d T tn n u a u Cop- par.

Cooaolldntad O u waa ta pafatalaat demand in aplia af tba dontata of cuny M dlnp dtratapmanta. and aftar daoUn- iap a point to m % torn lo t tk Now Haran ytaldod 1% to 11%. aad It. n u l drappad a point to H%. Ualdwlo M - oomollra u U down t% to ltt% . Third Annua wAa In aupply at ciwirou laaA faltlnp % to 11%. Goodrich Itubtor waa aettra and atronp, rtatap % ta Tl%.

Total oaMa of otaohAanr tho day ware | 1M » abaru; hoada lA M l.m .

NEW TOIK Slta MttorTto raopa

mom active a marhot ta a t . . . ._ cloiiaf quolatlona tlitod tor t to "

Ato to . i iS ’a i.T : fT ,

Am. lo M ........Am. Mao., pr.Am. im alt...,.Am. Bnaa.......lAm. Pu^taj . ■ a




g — Todpy'a— I ^ ' a

H - J . - r -HWH a p p a a wT .om. p.* m ^ 1 JHu. . . . . I I (w fik . . . I

O . i i . , , . I 0.

‘ jW*.. a*1% iPf% IMU% U% K «I liS a ;

J ! fI % 1 1 % 114% * II I I Pi n

. 1

f 1 “ ‘ I

. . . . . 1IP<iaUil | | |


11 11 11% 11% II 1 1

0, ta t p r.... -. M. A A ..-

, Co.™

K S. ..... ’S* ‘{|» ‘.’I* ■]}.PM ... M% PlM tl% f t

F ? 2T T '- • ! » * !’*

i S T ; -

x:.I % 1:

t% m %

i t - II f j *| i\tIt

m x m w m w m

' TQPnC Oat H Mmutottla t« l% . .Btortiap. Pt-dap hllla,.

APIMi dimapA 4.pdtti eiMaA AltM. rrtaaA diipApd, 111%: atotaA 114%. tottdm, ddmal i . i t% t aphtaA M%. Urwf, iSmaaA MPi aahtaa, MT. BpMto ^ tapnd. If *ftitlian toadA at T%U ItAPP. dalti

a a h M ,l4%. « mt JiW u. 4t%. dpltuA 11%. eovusm api

wdy. i t a t l rM baddA alrapy..______ B. daui m daya. I% ft% T « i

i^ P f U B t l fid mapthp. I Oanmowaf. a m r ;n U |b , 1 : tow. l i rwUat ra th I: tom itopkJ; aleM at MA l i iln ra d a t A

1 w iI whiak

<X)TT0N FUTURES LAW OUTLOOKJudpw Mdoph. la lira fMaimt fNalrict

Court a t flaw la rk , thfww • bppah lata tJw cotton tfoda of tho eouatry alp Wodaaaday whaa Iw dootdad lha lu r a r tow, tha pwwpnad

• cottop t a tu r u aei, to ho UBOoppUtatlMial baeaum It aflylaatad la tha Pawota add aot In the Howa af RapraaaatptlvaA whara tho CoapUtnUM providu thot all m aapuM for raWay rovoaua imipt orlytaata.

Thla daetaloB woa maAa la a t u t ault, aad whlla tha ptaiatiffb auoeoadad la thair eon- tanttop, ao ta r aa lha lerwar eourt la con- earpod, dtaappolptnuat ta fall hy oppm that o th u aad la u tochaloal objaetlona uryad ayaiaat tha tow w«ra aot paatod ep.

Tha aet w m pamed Auyuit 11. l i l t , and waal lata affoet Pabruary I t laaA It provtdao yovarwmaat atandarda for yr a d u of

, eottop, adjuatim at of dtffaraaou botw un pradu OB tha baala of aotMl eoaimarctal raluoA. and that oontraeti (fu tu ru ) i>on- formtay there to ahatt not bo taped whllo coatraeu which do not^ao conform ahail be tapod two eonta a pound, which would to ' prohtbllory,

Tho fu tu ro of the taw which haa u llod lor aa much erltlelam In tha trad# aa aay othw ta that lha tap rata pravMon la made lo apply to ooBtraeta In cotton futnraa u n t fram tha United t t a tu by cable or othar- wloo to fortlyn urh^nyoo. It they do not harmonlM with the American eottoa futurco ac t

Tba ault luM dacldad pave th r u praunda for the alleged unconatltuUonallty of tha law. FirM, that It w u a tap oa tho prlvi- lopo of donUay on tha u c k a a t u and aot on tho taualBou tranuetad, op tha m antor of

^radlny—buylny or u lllay p ra d u of thla typo. Tba weorid eharpa of 'HBeoBatltu- tlMUllty waa that doeldcd afflrmatlTaly by fwdya Heufh. Tba third w u that a U p on

m aaaayu for the purchaw or u lo of Atnori- can eottoa on forolyn u o h a ay a a ama an Indirect lap on aaporta which tho Conatltu- tien prohlblta

Tho yovarnaMBt h u ataly daya in which to apply for a w rit of e rro r a t t u Judgment la antoraA t o Iho laauO of a arm will act u a auy , I to Lavar ac t will eontloua In full operation and feroo, ihould th e govern- mant appeal, prndtnp final daclalon by tha eupramo Court of tha Ualtad P ta tu . An­other raaoon why no imm odtata ohanpa In procedure a t the doraaatlc cotton exchnnpaa would to likely to tak e place la tha tact that all thair bytawp m l u and rapulatlona tova bean nwda lo conform lo tha Laver taw and could not to Ghanpad dnrlnp lha acaaon.

Opponrnta of the law raprat th a t tha da- rltlon could not hava bean on broader proundi. They point out th a t a declilon on unconalltuilonaUty bacauaa tt orlpinaled in the Senate, even If auatalncd, would not pre­vent the H o u u relntroduclnp lha m e u u r t and, with tho help of tha Banata, re- enaetint Iti whoroM, If It had been d e fu te d becauaa of tha alleyed export tax pro- vlilon any rapanaapo of auch a taw would Involve vital chanpea In IL th o u moot com­plained^ of.

It la worth recording, however, th a t op- pooltlOB to government reputation of cotton fu tu ru trading li not ao pronounced aa formerly. Pome of tha raquirem anta of tha Lavar law u eradIcaUnp a b u a u a re ap ­proved by tradara who a t firat ware active In oppoaltlOB to povernm tnt Intarfarenea.

Whan In p ro p rau through C onprou tha m au u re w u panarnlly regarded aa punltlva ra ther Ib ta aa a revenue produoor. I t waa net until tho final chanpea In It wera made, tt la now Mid. that what la re ta rd ed aa making It a rovanua m aaauro ware Inoor- poralad.


QRAND RAPTtiP. Mich-. Oot I t —T to Oraham and Mirten PtaaiMfclp Uao w u placad ta the haitda of a raoatvor today, Foderal JiUpa Saaalona appolni- lap tha Klaktpaa Truot Company ta roealvara. The Jlga, acoerAlap to tha velnatary patltloa for a rooolvu, u aoJvaat, tovtop approalautoly |Md.«a« ItaMlltlu and aouta of |1.4M,aat

Tto raaooBo raoltod la tho patltloa atatod that foUiwIap tto BaMtaad itaamahlp d luaiar la in ly ta ChleapA watar travpt dwiadiad do aartawaly u to i^ u ca the eoouaay'o n v u tia aad thla w u toUawad by poor frail oropa la Klehlyaa.

Loal year tho Qrahom A Hortoa Uaa floated a bead laauo to cover tha com of aonatrucUap a new doch at Suton Haf: her. Fart of tto bonda ware aold, hot tto dlautar to tto Koattand ateppod tto oataa.


Uod.Porh—Firm.B uf—Pleady.Lard—Firmer; Middle Waat. T.TI#

1*.H.MoUaaao—Ptaady.H ay-ytoody.Hidaa—PtaadiG

/■ L uthaa—Firm.Butter—Weak: ractlpta, t.U t; erum -

ary. u t r u (II aeora),erwm ary (higher acorlep). >tl% :ft rata. H % tl; aacoadk It • 11%.

Bppa—Irrapular; racalpta, T.lff: fru h patharad aatrao, l t # l l ; extra flrota l l # t l i firtta. ITOMi aaconda. ! ! % • l i : aaarhy haaaVy whltoa. flap to faaey, 4l# W i a u rh y bannory hrownA

Cbu aw- Firm; racalpta, l l H i otata, what* milk, traah fialA whita aad ool- orad, apaetata t l • l l % : . dA avarapA ia a t t . 14%.

Poultry—UvA w u k : WaMun oblek- aaA t l % f l 4; fw ta . 1I% « I4%: tnr- korA 11. P iau ap. amlotv W ulora freak eblckauA barraV 1I 0 1 I: fawta, load, 14« ll% ; tro u a turbayA U t t t % . .

HEW TORI ODISDC S E O U IISTto followlap quotattaaa ware f u -

CUmmBid. AOkad. BM. MINDia.

AM. toko


NEW TOHK. OaL l i .—Tba Oovara- m tnl of New Poulh Walaa hta aatah- ItahU o ttle u ta thla city for tha pur- Poae of Incrau tap trade balwaan Aatarlcan and Auainlla.

N. E. OuloA tha trade eomnlaolonar In charge of t to offleoA announced to ­day bla immadlata objact U to aalabllih a diraet ataaauritip line batwaan New Tork and Pydaay. Ha u ld the large trade batwaan Oarmany and A uatrilti tod b u n du trayad end that ta far “ baa ha* b u n tha mml aetiva nation In Making tba huMnaw Oarm aY loot.


ant nod d tauual rataa wubanad today. It la ballavod that aoma of t to taadlag Imato tataad to withdraw frem tto agraa- mant net ta load to below (Our and oao- half par «ant , owing to piratlful auppttaa of moaty. Amarleaa axchaoga advaaead aaoOMr fra e tlu to l.lf .

Tha Mock m arket w u only raodaralaly octhra. Tha uyual w u loaa and Japaaou bead ttAanacUoM wart raecrdU aad Ha>- taaa Mmru ware flrmar oa lha baUaf that t to Ualtad ta a tu wiu raeogalu OarranoA

A m artiu aacuiittu dadlnad la tto fora- aeoA but hardaaad later nndar the lu d of Caaadlan ftetfic. Tto cloMog w u otaady.


WAPHTNOTON. Oct. 11 —The g ru t m- cr*aao In Amartran axporta a ta u tto war la atrlUBgly Mown In a ataum ant by tto Dapartmanl of ConunarcA which g ivu a gain of 1110,101,111 In t to total aaporta during Auguat thla year, u oamparad with tto aama monita laM year. TVa total exporta thla rear In A ugut amount­ed to IM A fU .m .

Eaporto—Crude m atciiala far u u In manufacturing, t t t , l l l « ii in Auguit. H it . .aa compartd with lU .ltA id t In Auduvi. 1>11; foodaiuffe In crude con­dition and food animalt. | l l , l t t , t l l , c o re n rtd with ilt.tT l.lT l: foodatuffi partly or wholly manufactured. IIA- IM.lOt. compared with M l.l lL Il t : manufacturea for furthar uaa In manufacturing. l lA lo t . l t l , aa eam- partd with ltd,TILTH: manufaclnraa ready for conaumpllon, 111,117,141, agalnat l tl l .lll.0 1 4 : mlacaltanaoua.IIIT.TIT, as compared with I l l . t l l .P t l : foreign marchandlaa aiportad. I114L- Ml. u agalnat tLlOI.444

Importo—Crude m ataiiala for two ta manufaotarlng. tiLTOl.lM In AugUL IIIA agalnat 111,444.140 In A ugut. I f l l ; foedaluffs ta crude eandlllon and food anImalA t l t . l l t . l t l , oa a p a lu l I1L1I1.1I4) foodatuffi partly or wholly manufacturaA IM .IS l.tlt, agalnat III ,- T lL tlt; m anufoctaru for furihor uoa In m anufacturing, |l*,010,lta, campnred with 1 1 1 ,0 11,1 1 1 ; m anufacturia raady for conaumpllon. I tl . ll l .lO l, u agalnat I l4 .t l l . t ia ; mlaoallanaour, ll,41LttT. aa agalnat I tT l.tll.


P tm v l i ry Q uB M iit, H tw m r. i i CpiAne PIM T r y W 1 D d ii


NRW TOHK. Oct. II .—With lha Jgry boi filled tanutivaty by twahra taloamoa, who could DM ha dialodgtd for aauu, both the dafanu and tha gavarnmant ffi tha conapiracy trial o< WlUtam Bocha- fallar and lan othar farmer dlractora at the New llBran Hallway today had tan pariiapturr ctollawgea each end tto chtncfi Were that cou tdarabla more lime would bo uoad up In obtaining a Jury Htiefactory to both ildat aad In the court

The Jury box w u fltlad lata yaaWr- day wjth man who lucoaaatuuy Bnawarad all qucaiiona. Tha dalanoa and tha abv- ernmanl each haa eha paramplory ehal- lenRe for each of the alavan dafaodanta Itach aide exarcload ana parampiary chal- langa yaaiardar aftarnaon.

A a Indicated by tba c u u U o u put lo talcamen hy Tirianoay Ntooll of eounaal for the difinie. iha prloMpal dafanu of the dafandanie will be th a t hacaUM Ito nparatkm and raUa of |to Naw Haven ware taaulated by the IntariUta Com- inarce CommiMlon In lha period covai^ by tha Indictment tto dlTMora thaiw-fore ora not taaponalblA


CHICAGO. Oct, 14,—A aurttana that lha B rlllih might gull lha D ardanaltu and iMva H uuU n thipnianta Indafl- miaty bottled up, brought abeut a ■ harp advanea today In tha prtaa af wheat ta thla connaettoA dlapatchu from Uvarpool u ld Ito m arhat th a n woa nirvouA with danand urgaal and a rrira l of auppilu wholly ImdoqualA

Naw York raperta af heavy d tortar- Ing af grain boata for Buropo oauatad alao in favor of t to bulla. O p u ln t prlcoA which ranged from 1 ta t% # 1% higher, with Daoambor a t ldT% ta l«*. and May at lf l% to 101% Wan foMowid by further painA but aUo freguani m c tlo n a from top fIgatwA

Ratal orar the winter w h u t halt ware talluentlal later aa^uR t thR beari. and Ro alto w u talk of a big dacraau ta the winter crop oaraaga thla ta l l Tba cloa* waa unaattlad. 1% ta 1% U I % net hlghar. with Oacamtor a t IH and May al 141%.

Corn roaa with w h u L Offartaga a t llrai ware notably acarM After havtap opined %0<4 to % higher, tha MhrkM acorad a modarata additional upturn.

Crop damaga reporta from Iowa aad Nabruka taudad later to uphold prtau In the corn market Tto clou w u Maady at %«% to 1% net advanea.

Oata ihowtd ladapandant atrangth. Caah houaai lad tha buying. Aw- rialona w u k in ad under aailtag proa- aura from tha amallar packiiA Thara waa no aggreHlva mipport.

The fallowing guolatlana from the C htnge Board of Trada ware rarnlakid by Byrne p MeDannall

High. Lo'^ ^ O p tn . W h u t —

I>ac. 141 Mar. lOi

<5(4fl1i— Dm . BS%

Dec. 11% May. 44

I*ork—O ct............Jan.. IT .II

t o r 4 —Oct.. ___Jan. 4. TO

I f i t1014

art! lake

c t a u ^ s :*\n% !S?3t

St'* aa s:a ssa ssa iit »a

itiH ifiH tl;!I 1!;Ml : » l if ti . i i



tar bureau today awarded 1744.444 af Porta Hlcen 4 par can t gold refuadlBg and Irrigation bonda to tha tollowtag low ut blddara: Poaboard NattaaolBank, Naw Tark. 1144,444, a t 4I.IM| C. F. Childa and Qimpany of ChlaagA rep raun tlag a ayndtaati u m p o u il of the Third and FlOh National Baaka of ClncInnatJ. tha Ohio Natlooal Bank of ColambuA and Paaaangoad and Mayer <lompany of Cinctanatl, 1144,444 al 41.41 and tlM .ttt a t

nctnums, mvEsnnirrs. etc


Ch Mm I UrgM A n k r iw k PRfi t l E ifa m R iif ic l I I I

Mwri PriM tpbt.PO N IIF SAID TO A fflOVE PL A f

HOIIB, Oet. IL —Glia C arfttft f lU lta taday publlahu w artiala b r - (Cardinal O aaquu urgiBp th a t t to Fopg to gtvan aatbo rlty by a lu p u a af Cbrtaa . Man naltaaa to onforao r u p u t for Ini • taraatlonal tawa ragulallag wartarA

TM artlflA vrhtah ta oaM la havo r*> oMvad tha approval a f rap e BuadM t '> X T , adraoatM a lu g u a wblab tm i i taaura raapaci for moral prlndpIiA #»•' forriag tto m with anew u aaeaaaaipt. * '


NEW TOHK. OM. II.—Tha new Intaav u ta ta tha WMgki Aaroptana CaaapMF organlaad today by alaaitag T. Frank Mtovtlia u proaldaiil; C. P. Jaaalaona vtea praaldaat: HaTvay O. OlbaaA vtapi praaldant of t to L Ib tr ir Naltaaat Baak.. Irauurar.


Walla Fargo Company for the Iwairp moniba ended June 14, 1111, akowp p total taeeina of lt.tti.4TT, u oomparaik with 11.144,141 ta 1414. Thla w u agaH... ta I.Tl por ooni. oaraod on tba ttLHTin 4M u p l ia l Mock, apnInM f.TI par aan% u rn o d oa I to u m a aloch In the tWalTP meniha pravleua

Oraaa racalpta fram nparatlapp. amouatad lo I lL tU . t l l , u eompArai wltk H l.tlL IM 1a l i l t . T to p ra lt aad loM l a r p l u of the oompany on J«ab W. i l l l , am eaniod la I t .H t . t i l , ap um pared w ltk IL PT LItt on Jana P% 1114.

lEW TORK OOnON MARKETNEW TORK. O al >1. F fau ia ta f u

la u taveiAbla w u lb u ha iha Bawtb aad tha aMlmala of a taoal upp ripu tku t' bunau that a* la u Uwa Ony-lw* p ff oaai. af tto era* had baap giBud W October * thla y w , a u d to g tu Ibp aot tea au rka t ra lto r a flna u tape tkip moralag.

T to opaatag wan tu a d y a t a diiHdi af OM po4a t aw ttaum har, h«l gaaaa»Bf five ta ahM paiata h igku, tmd datlM tto early trading aetlaw manlhi aaM about twalva l# tktrtaoa pMaia aMd taM algkl'a niaafag flguraA with D u cambu advaaelBg ta ILM aad Ja a a w f. la ILM.

Frtvuta raperta af aa Impravad aa* part danund )a T ax u a lu tolpad tha upward mavaaaaL hut lha marhat mad aoma la u l u ll ia g m tto hnlgM aad Ihp demand w u not aa aatitra u u aggraa* alva 04 It WM aa tha aaHy waaR ad* vanoaa

Tto offletal waatara bait faraapat fap ta lu aad tavru taiapamtiau aitaadidad the toytag towaad the middli af dM day. with Dacamhu Htling ap ta ILTt and January to l t . l 1 aad tha ttaappl IIM about RtaM ua to tU rty-thru pakHP not hipbar. EHmaad thm bauaw Mu, wtiva and thora war* ru atlau at twp or th ru polnta front tho haal aroaai midday.

A ftu roactiaaa of aoata t la id palntP which carried Dacambor oft ta IL It a a i < Jaaaary ta U.TP daring tto u r ty aflat* neoA prtou turned ataadlu, ourlag M Ika abaanod of hadga Rolling: aad rub- itad to withia 4 u I polnta of tto m iW' blab lovaL

Tha following ouataltoai w iti fir*, nlihod by ^ M • Ftagg:

r i l l 1 1 1Oetotor IL Thi bright atar ta tha bW

V of TauruA looming In tba taM. li Algobaran, ranking foartaantk to to B ’ huren ly boat, aoadtag aa Ita Ughi la lorty-flve yure, pogaoBtlBg 111 ttatag tha aplandor of our aaa, yM toMRWigy OB UR only light por ouL u UMW light u i l r i u RiadA

SECURITIES, nV E ST M E H T S, E T C SECURITUS, I N V E S m i m I T C I SECURITIES. n V E S T M l i n . I Iw-e-mwmmwe. * j-,J I RAIMtokldipBPkdhdl


Anglo-Freneh Five Year 5% External Loan

INDUBTRlALg,BlU -A. T , old. 14 11 If 11Mtor-H. cW p.. 4% i% 4% *1

is !s is llOlUk





i t e i iR ig ^ iiryiiTiWBfw, etc

llillliiiS ,N n iW K C ( l|Ndw 1%tlf CldagiiNiinifcOfrititYfllmASt

Ndw T tfk M t« lb r i u p |PCMdPtP B b a i i ( TVald


'BoUi prtneipp] pnd faiterppt ptypUe In New York Gitr In United StmUg (old coin, withMit dddiKtiiMi for uy'prfdpnt or future Britiah or Prendi Tpxdi


Coupon bondt In donoirtinptiont 1100,1500, ind 11,000, whieh mpy be retlttorcd dp to prineipil. Rpgllttred bondp In dPHominttioru of Sl.OOO,$10,000 and $50,000 and luthnriied multiple!.

Cespofl and rggiitered bonds interchangeible.

* ConvortiblP, at the option of the holder, on any date not later thin April 15, 1020, or (provided that notice be (hPtfl BOt litpr than April 15, 1020) at maturity, par for par, into 15-25 Year Joint and Several par cent. Bondi of the Qovemiieiitf of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the French Rapubllo. S u ^ 4}^ per cent, bonda will tiHpayabia, prinoipal and Interut, in U nitad^atea gold coin, in New York City, free from deduction for any praaiBt or futura Brittah or French taxea, wUl mature October IS, 1040, but will be redeemable, at par and accrued Intarett, ia whole or In part, oa any interest dato not earlier than October 15, 1930, upon direa montht’ notice.



l i ^ ^ a u i N i ax iM u rr

AliiWBRniMiiitofthMbondBkAvliif ilraidFbeeD withdrawn for Inveatmiat, w«> wiioao nanra ip* PMT btlM, offtpR Oft bihaV of ■ fOiutrF'Wido iroap of inititatioiii Biid buikoii, tho

l l VMwdd bdonce, rabjoct to prior nle ind chonfo in prko

! P^maat may be ande aitbar hi full oa OcioInh' 20th or at tha option of the parchaaer, 50 per'cent. rn ' October 20th and tho bilanoa oa Docomber 5d.

, \6 'if ■ .AppUiaMafl wKI ha made to Hat thou bonda aa the Naw Tofk f taek Enhaaap

Thapatafy haaft wW ha toady fof WNry oa at abeiM Oyhor 20rti, anahaaiaaMa tip tha daSaWea hendi whan ptaperad.


t % . i t a i e N g m f o i p r

A P, HOBGAN f t c d ,1 CL f t f p m r r •4 CS l I u l ^ l U w

N t o W Y M t K

! W.,,V • A . J . .



y ', .'.i'Lit.ifem

t m i w i m i ^ - m M

lAMfcB w t^Aw m m im B iwil, H I W W tf f t __________________

« « e o n < -« *Ibtr • ( «MM» J e w S n i h f 1M

- .irtU- -------


s r n_ j S aM tt w ^ t a o t ^ t» A - M r w t j « * i r * OMMwr.

g «w»«T iL i* u. ^ S t i E C T ^niM f litfiilyi 9Nii

f p t f I m rtim < ^ ji** jrw t ^

w ^0 Hap flV

fu ,C T * \ ^ 3tM w fifrtai C r ijW

r i« « »<

£ , % a . % U ! MI t OMiMt Mt«K, « l ISg ^ I

I t. M l ; l i « f

: . i i

Um H tk F w f t h t t leiT r w w • fn « i M w n M M M ir ill Wm Ii>

mrim, tm m n m h r ■» ■»>»»■ m •U i n i t f ML rtppwirt Of p

i lp n t ^ fail pa W plataai" S l j » 5 . * ^ J i S ! t a r '

pM aSgt l i t t M Ip p tH i i tb t ftp( Mi tW iant t t< i i a pi, H I I t a f t i-iapp. pa la lp tit# . OaiiaiT It, a l IMiriMal W pitlpaa CliBillanr.

M O H T frS ID R D

p n l P( r a M ^ I M ^ t l M.t V i V ’’

m H U O I U A I I

t r . m p w i f i i t i i I aftaa lit a a t <bi


. « ■

•< *iir pMCHtTp • m m•v ftf «M r w M *

m«pthlRh •! iMf HkMI • « M

tltM ltW attaM ir la liii ta ir m p M u m i m b

I Ma all apra lt bar

'IN t >•*• Mraarpt (ada aaar.

' a l i i M utkA vaD m i L o i t m ,

daeaxiaba ■Paapa baaaath wtU

^ j a » ^ |a m a n /a f K ^ b Kaaaa, Mta

'■ ! • I IO ^ R lf t r f iS ( lUAM

i i s o u m o R t

a ta It baa pliaaat l l a i l a M r ^ M S i t la Brrir IH t(ai w b B b t S l

ara aad attoatlaa W w M i i i aM pa>____T«01U * A. CI.AIU1

' l a II iPWlaaC TMA Bi aateed ' fetta i t tba IbBtlp aar Baoan

n ltv


M la i%a •DM aSa. aai. aWaetloaata la-

e r i i m a a a i r t b .■i. r i i iS J iM W I Mamal AM Aa-

b Mar ta u ta tba maUaip M tba a a t a------ ^aanpaatr pabUtattaa baAp

* W B M FU IT W W m iA I.' “ AtlOtt

U M D U T A U t l

M iT m ii “ j i t ia


t n t H t U i t iJioa, tiAll

HflI.F •Bctm ir m u c i L N a f

.._ _________ ll8 P M f | ( M ,

IM OAAIfM I A V tO ltraitM bM jV pIllitl i pb MM <ba pap. rleai a t baAr aiatatWirii trtaaaiaia, waaA-

BPibiia paA M a l i talataraj Maat ba ■«• aartaaM aa Ibla tiaaa al trarb. D. B . OVN- HAW A tOK. I l l Caatral ara., Bawarb, M. J .

. " w « » T w E fnUM tM IIW N.

. Hb H O U W IK rs g s a r . n b & ? r * . * K 'i i i « 8 .‘ . r e

S o TM. I.

Call lA H M

, t f abaliMli Maaaar baaaa, la paab'aaaAa la abIpalM AatartBaal aaA

aaba blBaalf laa trattr aaalat: alala AM I ' . " '~ ~ la a A aattaaalHr. aHb lalaraaeaa; aaaA

I ■OT-Atraap bar. 2MMlf* L .,................I iMtar pair la ll» . JONM O IU H aH

Orava lar., Irrianaa.BOf aanta* u Bala Iht JawaUr ^ a M f iMITIK

■ J 3 a F E B W K l . ,, . I aaawiMtp aaAjUaAr aiaab. MARTIIl

H. W t i ^ l i l l . IM Wflfbi m .

AH•OTA aaa aara a fiaa paabaHa fat aalMaf

--^-H iilM - __,m 1 I MKfl* • • ! ! , iii

T. ■ g . i j g j s a m _ a r * * g . ; i a i * s gH A N im . lar. Baa M, Haaa wtlaA_________ ^ _ _ _


I BOf^MnAB bar aaaiKl. M raaiA pM. MrCMSauSa ***‘' ^ * * **"* ** IbCf.

aaA DpaOM- I jjpaalilir.

Naiaaili. B, J .HOT aulPA. MOBBOWMCM. bbaI ^ n ^ . raaitb art. aaA Wla i l iiM b M.i Baal Oraata. ________ ____________

\ lUtk M,

S a p T

BOT waalaA la bate M M a ntaba apt arAiitt Dan W H IbPiaiPtll i

BOT la w

r a J S W i l MJM M lb Mala I t a r f ia r t iara a f l i i

I w * r t a n $ L . t m I

BOT. M It OMA I la a B fM itt ta r .

m m i t a m

BOT aaalaA la Maar atAafa. •VO.P WowerMa

W A ir r iD


» ? d 5 r * ? r f e & r 5 c

rAWM T i o w n . B A A

B^TTiat aBM bMbar BaBiaA *Im

AB MMajaTj ra a j^ , MMaibB pImI aM I * 1.. ................................aiMBb, M rat, iMlMiB . aaataaa aaA labpla BA B W lt; Ijn Mibaia «b I pAMf H iia iiiiii, w . m i m n B a oo ., la bba at S a lw B k / .J . 5 -B j.t . I* i.

I ^ & W u r & a & s r . ; r & . s

• i u

M ara^ Oa H ‘2 2 E S ? 9 S

nraMAX, aataalf baaA a a a W ; iO M T lS b lb B A T aB M ^^ II TbataaaaaTlIla, CaAb.| aata Mr MB. B. W. •HITfl

A tH p r.tM t bMBar, BBBailaaaaA. arabWAi •aaTaaiaaT aar rMbi paHr! t l Bataar aU

Bawarb.u u m M i iBMaaA. T i r i n u f i H ,

BAcniBian, m Mm ; m m

WOftU •>

MiBxJCAKI <!|||^<^'

T . l iM . A , II

* n P i T * e e fc ^ o / '

IUIl.~««btaA, Bra aamaMp baailatai Mat- rtaA la warb M .M aabplb; la a r iMaai

ra 111 Baa I

MMV mmM Mr

u r n VMM ttM w

iMAl I [‘i s u i s s r • £ l iMBB waalaA ta aafi aa

ib t MaM M.. Ban Otal i U l * ^ " j a a t "iliaaf ama la w a m lb Mia-

* ■ - . . . . VA' '% ■ -. jH': ■ •'- J V-.. ''a'* -' ■'■■.■ ’■'' ■: ■ ■

•M t.'TTII

aa tbbaalaaaa laBi attaanaaB aa-

____ Blata MM u -Baara aittoa.atari la jaal gtiBa baaM

bariMnlT Mr aAaaaaaaiaaa Iraat AbBHr, Bat UT Baara______________TOPItB MAB l l t l B ialaA fa r h t l ^ pb

waMB. Oili bawaaa a a a ^ ^ W C r a atL, BltTlMB _____ ^ __________ioV lM HAB v a a M wHb aaPM tiattiaB M

I t l ^ i r M itih fPMOrv, •VO,

____ ______ *tl»l

m r V A m D - v o H i iA M n T A II* -W aala l a atlb

m a aitaalaaaaA bi t a r t t l babtHi aalarr I I I bar MibUi bita a raaBf IM ta (ba MBMtaai M larr H *ar Maaw, wRb baai* * b t r i tballac, t l B ttb lb ata,

*i!5 r t | r . r « “ a' K ‘ - s s 8 .-O M A w J C ttt aiO A D t r . ________

J ko bbih

TO la A- BlKOB w nra BflOM; AIAO

------ r --Tl:JAKBRB. HA8 S J « A o * f i ,


S E ^ ' a g a i g a 'o N A o m w i r

■Ht Tta i; baa■OUBBWOBK'

laataal ‘ laaaArr.

IWOBK-^ltabataal ab iia tfrl Mr a l bew aw A i M>raa M laaB lri aa '. A T B trb aaaw M m OrAapa.___ _

CAaBBBTBB waalt a u a ir

■OUMWOBB-OtaA pUla paab. aatwaA; aa

* o 5 i i w 3 i E I 3 CrtS?Tj

AMrtaa Oaaib ^ b . aaia aTlMBaab Baaiarabab, BaMiiil.

■OVBinrOBH-WabMA. tBM. vblM a H t* "• T r n % S K r 3 ^ B ? a « ^ B H ^ r k -

DIB BBTTBB wHh flat rtalB

«OPB«yOBK—PiBartIa Mbaa aaa ba baAM *taaab*T!!!T}iiff^ ^ btatawaabar. Call

■HnOBTIC larlap

MOOpaAroBK-oirl waaiat Mr baaa. ^ T a s ^ r y i a T * * * ^ -

E S t A

IWBBtWOBK—WMIt pbT . . . ______

M O lW irC M —m k a piri

o A s u n t t s e ^ i !

Upb Ml ' bpJ s q :■ t a r s i .I t Aaa at.

•aaib Oiaapa ata.■ O P B ftrO B ^-ybblaA ^ •MaMatajt _ pirt Mr babaibl btatawarbt raMiaaata. I I Haitaini ptB.

IA N IM B ar alpM tiap; baaAr aiaaal

atBBM kata aaA M taa.— -------•arlaa; I n a f f laM iMblaPtr ; pa iiOMM iEi IOmfo IiM rr ro B -A ta i^

Marlkat al,. Ota

a T ^kopaBWOBB—Wbtw plri * Mr ^ b g a e w a rt M aMPU baarAlap '

f e p V WOmc— t g ^ y b y ^ b aMaiy ^Tratcr bra.

' A M

• o o x 4 C t t r m a iMi#ot iiivM oiF*«f •«•

w m a t1B>BbA. H i Barbat . b .

waaibA I t HtMl ta anaAi BMit irpaaOMi. n l

BAB, raaaB ac p t a a i s .________________

" t s ^ j r « 7 i « g a S ; y

m s s r

! BAmBHH BaalaA, BMaaAar aaA BaaAib taaH naAt n r varb. M r u b tl., Ortapa.

l A U n waaMA Mr BbtarMf aM Baadar, i l l Mtaabatb abb, BAIWW-^ ^

BAlimiU>WiattA, a ba ib u I aaA MBAar. al « Bawarr M.

lAHSBB-lOta|ibt Aara.1

b u b w waataA.

aialjll^ Abt, aaPair ln S M la B X j'H A o n m naaA w ia pm

lT ?!T f e . *W im BAMBI

n r ’5 5 a w j s j ' r 9 b i ^ ‘ t t

' biitM MlBA. r w .

BAMBB waawA Mr ■atarAar paap tar, t t i la i ia pl. aBr.

ttASM R VMriaO N f AolorOor 004Com « i WirtlMiioo oo

h * ! “m A m a i" o—< oaroor

ioM or. lolWoftMM-2 S * B ^ S rf lA S S B f .1Ita at.

IBBH waaMA. It*

a B K s B f i g a S B S

BAMBB waataA BaiarAtr a a t“■ ■* CaiBa a t

6 m C |i BMA wMb ta aMAA^ Mitataa abap biaBl aai tb

liH ta aa, ratataat a abA M B n i l ia t t iwaipi ta a t Baa lA IMaa

waataA Mr BtiarAar pbB BpaAaAorBBATOI

rA T M J

■bA tlaCblaAi MfSapI.B g W e rjM W Mily r i p A ^ ^ W i e t aapk I g y t^ ^ ^ A II

." S KMmm -MB J ^•togOOM oftia MM* OrOiilOa_____________

s s R ^ ^ f e a s h t e w r t t t r tiH B a la i . B u t <Baa#a.______________ ^^A in B B i BM ' JtM aU B i^ - a ip M a a a « . **1 .* * ^ **!!!!&______

mSSk l i r n g y a l ^ g a i ^ I "SSSTi Viam ^TtS^.

H. B O U /tA B B W ^ I Bpbaat | , n « p U j t a j ^ m ^ \ - Mub B:, O n i j aW M u t B j iaf f i f B .1 a « i j t a f l ^ " * |

’ • f f l i i t r ' a M Taiba .jbifiaPb taaabti lti ^ AtB O a . faartb aaa., A tuB. A

IB mU 'AkiB I wOFtOO M«a PAVlfc^^^__1 P M M i W r iW VW i O ^ H I Mibb— ^ a aa II P I' I I IM I a p ^ ^ i aa U l a m n t tpHrIWi ablMA ru . BUTCBM wtaM . AHpM O h Bnall aL Bab IHA | tap art., BawaiA T

^ T O K O C l ^m a m o n b a

t .T T u R ii S i a n i i i a wasitA abpit b o t b a do ..

" Baabal a t

S r - S ^ S f i ? a w » | ^

BUTOBBB waalaPi aMaAp artrk. A p ^ al

T B B S r B J W S b J f " ’ -BOOTBtACB waaaaAi_____

M IBW itau baibtr abapi.lATiBMiltIA art.

W J« n i> - irw a a r t t r w lupb irr labai i ba Maap. Ml Batpaa t L

I tB M h tU GbbO W b V bS

BMU. BPTi aaattlaaaaA Apptr jka%BaaAb SaMt al Bailb AiWapiaa a r t .. MMI Oraapb


ABp OOW - - - ^ ■ J?1AD

b BwamKx Ba b pa bbaic

, W AI^ fe ra b lB B C H l BBLP fO B TBBCAbll BOOB, B lira BPIlfinBO ICHm, BUtB BPIimlNO BO O ^ ALBO OBNBIlAliw o b k b m il ooo l) w a o b b i b tb a d t

™ y t 1 VAJrr u u b n

> B s . a r - “ ■“ j w s :rOR ALL A]

I b^pbl^' raaaf taaa. paabuip ana wrappiai h S I iapam aial laharrt pallara atabw. aMa lai

r 5 r Ma l A i t S i Brartra aaA hai»arti a lu Itnl-aUwa aiatbia-

■rlrala baarAlap baaaa. | t t ; alatb,~ u lB ial wbeltwie ------—

taaa, paabbiii anApiBl ararara i_________a u - Ital Aiatlaowa: a lu aaaMaal

wablalBib ata) balpara aaA b lataiaaklla rapalr n aa U a a u ;

Ai aartar. ta a lr r pbb, . ...

I t CtAu at.. tawWBhaA aliaaatfS fT ia

I wba abApnWaaAa raaaiiBL 7 ! S k . ^ £ i » A % . : £

'HAiTpri. ' Mala b u aar.

a rb , alir.



B IMibM DBAPliHAI^-Taaal Bbb. paaA ttaaari BMp

C S b T f t j e

f ttiW S OtG A IIS ^ ■ r b .■UP. AAAraap Bab

i m p BBB. wBbtaf u lalB i f .a J v b H j r i V ^ * ! ! ! S r ^

8 5 ® R S2!Jbf FWfVBVlHB

g iiHM M g V t ” 1 -

BBAUnriJi. MOMMA M bpm iH p u pMaai a t 1 Ian tbaa •„ j a u i j m , m pMIl mBa aa

a K i. I f (F i s r S ? s S ** ■ - _ _ _ =r-- - - - - - - - - - - 1—B^ H a A j M m A P.. Bm a , y t ^aBMa n .|K ynH CIA|t B alBAr Mr BB|bB ^

s s s f i i r ' ^ *l e e n l l n ^ Ptarari am^BMB

Alawlap „ la baaAl _ laatalawbt baaaaata;■im2 * « r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

. ivS i I J y VOMOii MMOl m » mgTOOOM M

I gi,. IRf.


b jf j*

r5 5 S S iln C "T H 5 *'■ - » r—f

J f c i e S i

^ 1 ? u & ^ a u S a t * i S b S 2 C * A S C lM ZABrnTSSitlrtSk 11 *j p « ' «g*B » * . g »

. ^ C T S I r r l B S T E S

I farattara baaaa la tn a tba aar rt a u al

. . aaMBr; aaa wba anPH tiara ptaMr .

paaA aalarr. AAArauB ai i a b ____

OarMaa-WaeaaA O trBaa ptrl u aau : raAtraaaab A tf lr P. t l BMpt w u l a n . W ta

iO -W A ITBa.^

. wHh ratar'-i i i i ^ L T S :

BAMD PBTm A —BaaA w tu a ra puM taia IB)

Pparlalir Bbap, I t la a tP a tfll itab o m b WoBR—IaAIm u

Atpitn^ Oall all waM irrtapaaa.

b u t anpBuai Ht, tW THaaa a i .

JBwkliBBA Tap tppaiWb J K ^ - -

r S a X m i wLAtnibBT—B aal tip tali

Iraiaafb a U r f ln aaA lirw Ta abrb aa laaaU T, Hka I. Hawa aO

rauP bwA fraaXtr ■aarb aa)tar atria |naB la AAMrau

LAOIta* w aaM la arap aaM|B, Mb, a t baaia a*

a a u - ^ t a w at«r. A'Gp GVOMW

U u p teb lelA air*

n ia ta Ta OfRlfnAM. Bawarb.

la aatw iaiMP lAJ r U m i U a m .

MJUOft^WwrtiO. |v # vli R ff^coo v i m <1» tRk|

GGM kAMOTVOfll 1 GGiiPHMB a r£ K R m RGRGv«i

M attlA t;'aaa ap- , a a i j b a Mr paa-R b . % ! U :

BAID—W Hn pirl M tO a V ^ * n i ‘W‘p b a u UK Bniaab Bm H

U PB I' b a a u m l n ^iS^*1!aw u A u

BAlDb—T»a n a t i i waa ap aaab wA lainAraaa,

f a i r abaaibamaM. AppISaalalAlr.

^■fbiS^ M RkItpOGi f m OOtOG M*.«

" i S b f f r ' a . ^ t a WlOftt 4 7 . M. Ml Mtrtli

•al baauw ark aaA rA T tu IlM A. B.

■ m a th a iKABNUlkirN-A aaubu

aaU la appuraaab Ap abap, tai Barbal a i ,

aaa raanp HrAr: a ir Orawar baatar

BVBSB-fcpUlaawP B abarpa a i Iwa rblMn

|a A r^ M Brraal at.. MiMr aa a u i taba a ; ra fa rta u i ta- ibwar, M. i . « a i

^ rssA T tA 's i^MR-

IMab apH * u ^ ; illaa a n .) .u B iin .

JBWBUIT AaBpaaa aaA B a lalar. tb aa a t MASiiBIL^T BtaM B ta taV

% ^ S s s F C S 5 i 5

• r p n ti

____ ____ _ __ ,j io 1«r, ArvMloflkvtffctG vork ot oo lij fjL Oi or ooMRIh oft•M M U t rOtM, AMBRlIAlia x T w J ^

oKr ^ a aOrooft; *o m m I f l lw .

$ 8 h ^ t o v u * a r ; 5aaO M

at a .« ilA b a 1BIBOB P a p u ltl., altr-

baawt .A HaRlIlM

MaWaa 'M f m? w ta At l l f MA BaaaA aL

P A P lB -B A B oSC rlU T S

PlAllD t t a tu . t n i t n a tiA Mr ibMl ar ar- liaBlM; aaaA abM • a a lu t atata Mbtrr

laaBil. AAAraaa f M b Baa lb aH

PUBO tiarar: m m "1m 3 ~ -I f f s s K rS k S i^ E r.

JSliSSmTUMata a t. Baal <WaaAa.


I M VMMI I A. Kp.: A o a

PAHTTBUB waaUA OOU,IA 1 Maanp aab, Haarar, M. J._______ .

lA ItaAu aa tbtuA . aMblllaat. ABi ........... ' H a u ^ w ^ AAAaaat

ORBn : « a : i 8 r i e L '

g e l ^ t a Wirt l ^ a AmpTaaaaA a m , aHr.

POBTKB. ’aailtaA.

b w b h a k b m rlBBa: ^ ^

b5 w £IKBRB aaalaA ■aiai^ ta aaA aa patl taM m ata naakaC M a n la LAB* BOBA Bu ti pPM p ^ A B tU P a m .

w s s s T u i r


A ats^ '^ bADDRBBB 1

5rSr3Sg!?iS■4 f- - - ‘- - - - - — ^


t S 1 3 B 1

5 5 5 i 5B^B5 5 L ^% iiE Iiro 5 5 Soo*55| n 5 5 i5 F ® i S h i r

t e *Wi ^ oWgr» low liorMW IMNOt

AlioiM ■ ■w int.


• n J S f S U « « £ ! • - ? . * g g ^ t a - w s - a s n a

niBLB BtaliA Ma aaaaaAMap wpMn aaptalaau

j lB I A M Vi l la ar apt, u tu b a IbaiaBairMparMbt a aapaitaA t L W f g e i a g J l5 3 i - l a

MBMA b)MaaaHartarlap

J T « f S !m Mpibwpi jAo m Bibatl |MI la aara S L S L f i U SI ^ S m O T I n t / C u f f a t T B r S a S t a


d m t J aaaalaA H waakJB ftaT B A ~ B atiE i

5 ^ ^ M s 3 F E 5 ? E ? EMl, W itaib t (n a . M tan i «>«»»*„*« H M ^ a U^ JG JGjGG 'OHj VVOTVi

• u s a / w ?i ^ i k i m i f ' a i a i u . ttt„M aalb\. M a T f M M l I k l M j r M u C B iib it if r.

l ? A * rr te ^

B b trk n .o u m

■BOBHAiraB torsm i

f A J fJ J j* ^ • m m * « m *A5 ’


t « i IB P . ■.

j r S m s s i A i s f W -

o p Hb a i

H Ban*OPBBAfeHA kaaA uw arb ttata^ara. M ?a a S t n o K A l o m

iTOBA N. aaptrluitA aa waMa bbA blaaaaa; aiaaAr waib: paaA aar-

w aa in tim M iro M. lAMMIOBLU. H BaBaabto m

^ ^ ) T M e £

OMBkAfOBK apparlMH* ^ u ^ u a a A r w u b

1 ap IPU rtaplpp alt pau , LBPT,

’ % a r s s s u r .

PABBR BosaB-TaM a a m M uaatb ARBt

Bm « ^ . papu baim S S A jC*l8 5

Aapi, Plpba PBA

BAPBB baAu; aaparlaa ta n -B -P b l watlaA

BOOBBT, m B b ipu aaT * b o R iI t * ^i . aHf.

BAPBB BOUM-Olatap ■MB a m iauppn. 9

Cb, I II BIBI a i 1Vb| Mt9 mt^m »Ba______m____________


lawairr,- MPtABJI at.

*5i S ? * J i a w r a v - A i M > H .PMlaaaa a n .PTBPOORAPIIBB w tt U A; w a b a n aa aaaa '

•M iaW B tr baa ' ' ----- --------------tM taliaM aa pm iA kal aal tia ta lial ; b Baa aapatla ^ atlitaT MP«a*»l «bA ‘plW w p a M a b * * ^ - ■**•"****• •*■

:bM <— Tbaiaapblr u j i a l i i i i lr a r lm l iP ti i Bitalt Mr

BMWib “ t o S A r i t t i

lotvn v m M IW 1m v««iir ApMvGhlGflM ilat J m m f

■AlBHjklXBA-BapaiHU? o J t t a l . w d K

S r a r S ®■ A M P fcW , JBP jaa ia .

S S l V ^ a T•MaAu waataA _ai ib , At Mbaaba a i ,

VOllAM,abaai I I rwan tap a i t bpap ra ta * M

5s s ' b * * ^ x n n ?u iu S b * b iu 5 S$*u p baalaaaai aa

o a u a i

t j s n k a f f T sGaa B.Pa

BIBB WBUlBUB aal b W tabpBiaaa.s a y c s - p if s & ’

W AItBSfll-WibaaA, t


M OiROkit wrU- P tm tm §im fctffcGik Mt O iio ti.a l i b ' i r ia u i " k 5 6


B ohM B O B iiiS iP gMTlMbiMMWBl MB

BBBBM mmMa I N a

L CalMa aab, a w V m R ib S SO g W M _ w u p fA ..fS g

vravp Bi Vtr^nTHrp Vrl

Ml W a t a V r * ^

a T S t J f A W i

oHMRk •

f S :im M -

aaA iptabip M pawar Ptaab I kOOGf pOGUlGOa AftOGifil Mg :

•a IHWG GittGG.



HAM, M, M n a t u b balfab bapAp b I S t a ^ wWha t m m r ar laiivpta paMlIaa

AAArau BaUaUaTSu U, Baaa atltaa.

PAIBTBR araatt wi

b laA papu-btaAtr. Abh

t s u f f i t r a ^ T S S ^ rP ^IBTBH aaA P A p t^ n im rb n


i i m Baa lAA^NaaaTMAPPtC MAW—b irA aB w B r a l

abaapai a n ap tranapartaUtb <r

) fm all brau kaa a t wuAaML T i i % . ' s r S ( i r r i u R

arpaalM aaA aralaBU ttui baaAla t u t i i aail i u i ar a t t w aUaa u a a u m n aaapt a llm Alj baaA « laaaBwA; N g f ja B u ^ ^ b a a A AAMau BaBbtlb Bm MA

w m o o iraipart li..............

paaA Or* aalBrau ir . Baa M, Baara

r CM taBB. abaw auA waiau a a l

Baa M, Baara t l Bu .B A tinkA IM IanaM t alMr i i l l ibp' IP wtabMB r A w a r f f T t u g i r v L ^ ^TOtJMQMBan iX art ippatiatHr Mr aAVw prtvalaat; b u t ran r u t ia ; |M aa Arau C , Bm t l . Baaa eHIcb


aaa,.g n s * * ^ B f n »

TOuwa* k A u rw iiR w ii ia ' oooti ^ n n n i j M O fG l^ iM irfrM M G VjlkWiVl. M

UmMw oeGGGr t t mr ^ n T B g a W a & r !


u R L o n i p i T w j u r m L - o o R i i iA¥TMTttaJWb‘ ‘ ilMlir'B'' t u r n ~ i j ib ^ a lw

liPlaaAra c u : flap a lh v bato aam ba baA a l KJUI BTA lT A it C aatarp i..lp taB P;.’p>aaa ItABOcill-xiuipBR, aaaualaBl. raUabta. Ibiu

iiBb lr aaaaaaatat wMb UM bAtibu. A u wltb aalibna aaaaatb; aa*B ru paaRlaa

M ialib kaai _____uaptr. Baa I, Bawa

b o Aa -k Ab p]AeSle-aam___ la aalry I

s ^ ’^ n i S r t ba S r ^ H i s s

COOKH—Va baa a aaaibu a t au a raaaB . -------- — -----latU a Daalab M taA riu.

Otapar aL. JO ia ia ta ; Mi 111: kaarb t-A|t - l i

COOKi& tE S a u ^ a. _ . r s s r . ^

a rb . O ptatbpaaMaat baarB*COOK, IBM riau . aBb ii paaMta

A g g r f c y s a f f ^ a j s ?COOK aaA watlraBt

flfM-atau t lfifMl Baat <BaiaBti pba^tCOOK—CaMrtd a a u ta aaM i aaabtaA f t

Aaaaia) bag ia ii^ .# IMM MaUf^ IT malaarjf ^Baaaallal iCOOK—Matbar taA AabPfcMr

I bail ra aaab aaA waHnHi .i l l PMbi M., aMT,

PIPBIIPP ttaab I f

g S ^ . ^ 1 a c “ a i ad b o fi—Wawau arlabat paPMiPb ta aatA ,aP

luBataraab laA au M wHlTtaMAkir v u A

OOMPAnOH. MAT IOaa, SaBru -----

uprtaAj naA w__■1(,Tuw a artMb

CijbABlW ^TaaiB IlkM lat^M uaaa wlai Aafa wtrb alMaatlbBr l*> **WTr a t

- -alau tap tbarpt; tt laa waMK & y j r *

Imr m u T a PTBI MBBP '^WMW

a u ABPnaaMua ta aa raa U r a prlaB.

° .^ 1 i iAuAaatr a i t ^ t u Ittaw M arbat.D A F i VOIIXi—Waaaaa i B btl Aap*# waaB

ar a law baara AaUpi AtaA w P trta tt -AA> rau A- A C ._B n It, Bawa arnaa,________

£ E R>A t! f .iw y j : : g ^ . ! g ! M bi Tl u b M itp a»vGVWOt I GGOGUGGb ^V

wmmo f t t r t®4 g . W i a f r v a a uPBBBIMAKnW. ftn t-aM » a t htMa t r IT

Arp; I I a u A u ; r j u l a t i a M V arA p t.

KBPPHABBM at bMM ar aM bp H lanaa u i l A atb Daaauaabu, f tu r la tu b a i.

ta a A rt!

a « l Arab, la


m wWM j i RHi i M ~ MM} w E B v e S ih w p

w m m t Avoap MM OGftoi' a8S S

u o m m U n S r

* a t 5 V ^ ^ ^ w g g g » 1 S Su ffia w E A V W BaSMa, S a p l t , S S S

t S n ^ a a l S i J S t V T

* ^ a S a f - ; ; f e i ^ i a i a J ^m a* v o


‘■ g g 'N i f t a K a ^ ^s ® 3 ? @ g = ; ^ = s i■alaap ab, aa tt eaalral p rb

BbR , M% pi t i f f l M,


K : '

•a t.. ii


i s f S -T W ew IiC S A w

kUaapu,at b u m

3 2 s SN T S Ir l '

n m o n n uA

o S o S T ijA M l raaap*I-------

. ( ^ r l A aatb I « a b a a i ba. s e k ^ t i s

|P XKWPLAB - ‘ a l ^ apalbtl


T o w S i T S• tar. b a n aali n PaMBi a i. a


B m M B U .k P - a t. aUA tap

^^OMAir v m liI I

‘ OB aad an ar '

f S K 40H1A¥«.

DJQI. M Baiba• WANTBM^Sn'm S X a S S * * *, IWVw G01CV.

> b. •RCDII< la I ........

t iu l bair-aMati

“tbeP lbe anrap M ildi IM ra ru » tM ta b Alt p r u M bair

l>hbn aagBap tia ir aaia "aa tu ■anb-wMIa bal ahaawa Mr tba i


B n a p U b u r^' CUl4f«G*G 1

1Row 4«f*i;

• t t a r M

y W K A B C t^ j^

f llU t

t i l' oiLi

; 5 j r t p ^•Dl

m W c u c o M O tCTOMpo mm

I. I B M

M u S b a r i u l ' , 5C B iw i iS S f

M SuairoA B l

VGv]^ * ■ 1 *

■ t y i W ife I*

’ 3 ; ^r - a w r . k s

W i p b

^rp ^H(H |u W m b

l a a n PIp m S• f e■iftpaHi. H.IWBMBaBnHUamWamB

n jU M to * TM


V-t *


I t ' - '

O O T O l

' » 3 ' 7 1 & i , r s

-y f<mAlt;-mttttf wtmin H wniwfciBtU b tM ltlisj mtH

■W W O MI4. JMnmft MtklnMftn atflM.

S.M k ^ rn fg * * « ir« % rp -= r■ a n o n u T w t u n i B — a u i ____ _____ ^ w o « i i i66oit

'C O U I^^ «ft*l*4, ttkf UHtkwj^<»w; fftwC i iL

r O l O M L; r i f ic i tp u k jr. n m a iR ^ m W ‘ tUMi a n ta f l U f taUMfMM M v W aw

^ * i S * 2 ® aWm - W p.lMy at.

rfMMi a i r ^ w a a kaif.

OfWNf u , m iT ^ i w i n r s i r a

har* aaa dUMl WtMf.taa « . prnm a . IM ta . •rttUa w m katra traa

I. o a a o w .

. f tfff at leqw tiea ta> OflSnr It.pnr¥' WHW w % *r* » u U i

' (>l»a«i| M it. # 7 — n >I.M.M ITcailU 'l «iM aM IhttMata. IM 1

■-.**•1. a f t f tt i atar atat*, tofaK^ at: t e ' s V' «i*f t i t a f w r f i ta 'ta ^ r tT C

-OH 'hM anar tila «mu T . MMiUa far Mila raaiaa

.|aMM'. JOHN ><1X1101 - * s r H K ;

Ua4ir « u j* fNJW.a Halkafff al.. altr.

W a S ^ ^ y ^ - a a e w «ih far a«a«tlaai tiaC? J E ^ AWfaaa* lab r. H n »;. WnMt

* ’ BBCOHImi MAtR-FlBCM j M a M Natwa ta awlrtaa weaaa afeam- taa- ta Fareall’B Hatr Fartar aaa aMav aaaa. IW UlraiwM u iwhKTa«aa K » ! ! ! ;

.Wfte If a M a t M aaaaaaaaaa a< akwUaat Mraaiai I f ^ a aatHiuaa tiaaiaaj aiara bair

afwaaa a « w aaaaaaaaa Wa raa

■ H ^ r - J S - T a a K i< ^ ^ ^ ^ N ^ t M a I S a laaaajiL ~ la tiwnk>aMla katr a n

tha aia n ti

tMiaat, aar a

la fh « rK e M ~ K !!£ ia !f^ ^ n ir '% V % '■ « 5 r * ir a . k « a i i a n - . i - , tCklMtaa’a ■»•*•'»»•

tJaantJ' Half Ha__<tt Bf ia i at. taar. W. raaht.TKRip KtDWia




ii!taJiar~Ca.“ fl1rB S8k" k a ta a f ^ . aaar iRaaJwaa afit

**JR !!** t* > * n «nteiijfle m m w U

^ L j s r a

■NiVWSCHaiNi aiaa

Markat. JACOB «] at a n n n

M r Mli rrfhMV biteu'WtSSSSA'J^t* WHPP>miWI tea

LOSTt^iWm' ' ' H


^ , . afear aaaalat. tK| i w aa-ia aaatat aaUarL

J t laiarwtt .*? • I ’lSSatk

K 3 S ^ ' a ^ S ^ 1 f % S

^i a ' H a H j C T i S a g

aki aA


*gjr*as*B "irk«rr«Hite M4 « |W “ ‘-pTTTllllirjTt Mil r^ A s r f K n i a S s a f S ' :^ . H - s s - a s r aAU. KMM

¥ W ’A vvia c u i i

. aaa, ar ‘abaaa tjalI Mitatai taar akiV akaira tfaaa aaaa)

kta. Mi Praafa at.

NON BAL«~WHIaw__ .j-aawi M ff - i tn ^ aaat |l lawitn JOBB, ta n i l at» I t tar ft.

|ON7< aawtaaa.aaA <>ya^jiaa£J*>* turn*, la raat atatMaa.te «Wjlt ■AiB.'-n i i ^ ' wkMtr 'kaaiwta' A ll

™ ta#f at. aar. Twaal)r4lnt atNpSNA'ctk-.Bat aJr taiaaaa la At

N^ir IM faallk(at aala rkaa*. A« 'w SB C aI Rlufiaik

OROCEliy Batana far aala ahaao; .A taaia taltaalaaaaa laa haoT i l t Baaraaa aaK.naanrlaa alt Uak. Na taah rattatar Itaal aav I t t l l , (a aa a a t laa aaalaUMn: alaa aaaatara aM i H t Araa kra.

NMH kaak-katatra 4Wk. aaatt a a b , ^ ; III «ai tm, aalt

CATO. «t

t ■% aaH n r IWi__ taaiat tWi Matlaaait i«ab

H. aaat tta.

ULT BBAND Pan Troat<«a

_ OLITB o n .W- B. TfRXTO. l i t Araata klAf . Mt Braat

Tnu OnaSi aaa

PBONOaltAPK—IIM aaa . a a t ak e e e e rt|^ wHh_ _JWi I * tBIUHO: WWlMi B w la fla a at..

Iklaaitaa kaahaaaa t i n gGaa e ii tn i U>l, H flra^ laa

MarkatMWI. TABU tar aTO rkaaa; laaat n aaM

b Nanaitar I C l ^ Blara, K Blaaat

_ BlIlaBICB KAMPB.TTOa alafatar.

IBOlini-HAKD VWat naatAa: a S a ^ Btlaa. WAUtHB, M Btyariat a»A

> 1 0 1 OANVAB c o v n BUI

_ , VTOUM.■ Taar IIm laatraaaat; ■esaWaaet, laaaj

t « 1 ^ kaaa: laaikar uaa aaA ataal; wn ^ akaaa. AMnia VMIa. Baa IM, Mia* afttaa

■ t j T g ^ y f e 'S y f f l S

n a i w f *( Brat Barroara.*

W P A lkf

H P t . laatar k tat.' n i t . 'p . aa ilaa ; a a i ^ ' ^ B k ^ a lf 1^ aaklltlaa. C. N lU M r, M

««-----a »* r»__ A- —.A Ba—lia . , .VPWW r W Q WAT MB CABM% TO WaaMa«taa^ a k iJan aa l

aaanj kaaA h M ia ta k M n la lla w M i M WwaM la aka* l a M aaA M l m IM | r M Oaia* a a i aaa laa n w a r l t aM M aMawaal; apaa araalaia aain I a*alaaBr

aat *1(1i a a ^BMttat.

* ? 2 i S ? ' x r .K irSaflS i-SB '*^ir tn a w i wHb knaa.

l a a l M i i J j j .ZJSiTJ

BBAIB BBM. I t aa« u aaM Mt: aatr

! i T s : ^ m ^ v A - sBAtUpR BDITBiftaa itaaaa *•, aaat tlA3rf.i“ » * s i r n t i a s s a a * ^ 5

TaB U I ta*.i parlar taMa. IM .‘ . l l t k . aaatt! tSX’ l%SSSSi.

ATiaMlKlll~-At a katfalk, alataat parlar, kM n a n aat Malaf iMaa taaptipfa. n a n

: iS 2 - iK ir i i s ? r a r■K2M . VAI

rta» aakr Par torpa ta Paniiarat a aM

tfca pfiaa ta ptala____ la aaa pttaaa a a iit paa kart kaaa i m Np a a M la pap



“ * T rt


llA $tN ae\eeC *> allan. akrai . CAB O fB ir^ ^ ' l a n :, taaap takK abun alaaM. t l i aaatF A » d 3 r .* n i a j r


h a i

f O i S A U

I**MB f n aiaaa. kaa«pp lapp .kataaa^ Mwrr rrsAp hmssv rvflkp

lyiib i ■iiiiiii lte>4* %r ^P. K . tkBieikW eiawtaa., M t Capa pa

t r i s rr A ^ K m t a j S T « m Z

•u*. cu i IM JuH w n

XivoiL- aarpatA lladaaa pM a«M a^ feMk ta n riiaaa itta OUl aM ^ 1 laaaA pa CANTMlt'BD*' Maiaap a t, i



t W MtIfc *|liiMtWiMjl

mk teLIKStnaaft *i n

l i W n Itmm, r

* m ? ^ i ! w r a 4 K r 5iHU b A a l i t la tMP Alaka apd tba n n * tina.haap aaar. tk IcM aaati w atni «•■<-M , I ^ M l r r J l w u a A . jl.~ jt..JM Itrpm J ^ c ^ n s T i i s r . , &a M ta n M iT M a a r .Haaaaai Ibpib*

r o f t s u i

ZSSS iJrSSi& M J S t *2:M w l l i aS 5 R m % m ! ^ ^

f t i lw B il F t b i bbA

Ifi-JA U T O H O H L U

_ , PWB NBW H K tP B rM taap Btraln M U aa n aav.apap- tar M r icwteWilUttei: Mm Is f*r •mr

* w a :rla Mataa anA Bapair Ca. ita Balaap at

laM k 'ta a P it^s r - a ^ ^ ”Maaa aOlaa.


[ g « i « s g s . " a r -FOB tAjS^amt OaaaiPBp aaiaanPlIa, IttA

M a i t l j aaaip Mppr aran awt. prlaa »Ma] aa« ttltj. n r Jha kaaa aaaj far abapi I ■aaaiha: 'M jaiiiA U aa slaaa; aPaaa m Hibtapik.. A., rMBLPB, 41 Mltfara pra. a l f i r ^

>l« MABWBtd. laarM i Paaphi t*a < n M app a* MPPr raa M nllaa: praaMBp

pra: wHalar > alaaaiaaianr'a nam alaai y n ^aTO aill aacritlaa f a ^ A o . A*-

Bai H. Maaa atfln.- m t raaAPIar; tPM aar H

PIP rk P Ip M l ap tia M ta aa* ( M I laanPlraa rlpat aaarr A p i m

Hr* pad litrp

ABO lapapp-Mprirt a t. JIaaprh.

«rpand Prt

I t Ram.MalWrrr at..

ABM paa IraaMad idik Ikaaa aaakkp aaim aa iha abMnaa' AaaAaf tpak pat lar' li.

kaaaaaa IPPakleAeepei pad >arp aaatad**aa, a fiaaraea i^ lk reP eb tlir ahalalWrli ailk diaal laaa Wa hara a M n a tai* rant at aiaaap tiwadarlj all ktaaa at aapplM far akirkaai, ptpraaA . raaarlaa. dam. atia aad iaUtlaA; atwid naatla tar w tadan laaiaad a( puaa.'alraa raatlMltai

aaaala aa ape-stadeetrailBaP Bta.ept awa

M. ihraadfc tkp aaak bad n:}M P. I t Pat- atdap. Tka Hprat and flardaa. Ml Mprkal at.

. n » k iR T O l\ j» K ia rtra m , tP i t . toiM l lie I t . nkU u


i n , H .ly M M t t . Baat O raapa._________O u W m t a a m n i t k M M aad I n

CALL MB UP,PBABKtm afr^p H atir; n adirw aaaHap

aratartr rlaalap fcaadi aaraa-panaapartaariat kadri «aaU aiaha Idaal baa ar Pakiira tk iah an la *111 c a m l.M a Ika. Addraat laarlBak Baa t l , N am afftaa.PORDB aad aataaa'ahllaa*aai»<W Hba aa«i

.ramlaala, l l l r ts a r la « tr MPi tin im aaaVS iru T a j: AS?:

Mapkaaa IH«W B. B.HUlWOBILB. t u t la a rM cart att

aaalpaad: haa kaaa raa aaaip a fr* IBaaa

4 K M , IM iftlMTa

i f i . m i .

w i o a o H n

'ijPlrfTi' ■■‘■ii

r i « :

to o * S m m t.VB a lM kaklad a ran aalai paaraauad

p ra rM M aatp aaa aa hatNbI aaa lar •aaa clan ta ip tM t ara kaaa apartakaat la Bead aaad aan 1 # aaarip u paan: 'Baad r haa kaaa aar aM ia; r i taat laaprara.

M hmKm teter teMliMML litetev MBAlIrr HsiI T m m m tktiMiMMiKter m m v * »m M tkkm tJMi b m mt Mreii

i « M M t M m f l T « M•M N H M t MM MT*.Mli IM*E S S /

: s mIwa aaa.iaa traeha,

Vbf Aala B a rh aap ^ lT P n - 'Pkaaa WiPar. «».Bkpkapaap't**'. Nawark.

l i l t MiroBOM i t l ^ a p i doa*! laataai IMa aar pith lha avatapa aaoraddnad aala-

naklta adrpjllaad, uib aneMaa haa aalp kaaa iaatl,«M Mtaa aad la la ja rfa at aan- dlllaa naai raar aala tp rpuaiari tillp MUppaL M v lad M ali A a a r t ^ •up aatata, f*a au ra rliaa. alaaltlt Uahl ■abaraiar aai karas laaaklpa aaat U.fiPt «tU aall tar IIU. Cara a( Waal Bwi Oa- rapa, | l Ulltaiaa ara.

CADItLAC, I t l l . aaraa.paaaaaaari aladi aaad Uraa: taUp aMtp. Jart tka aar par aaa laaklap

art f la" ' ‘ ^ ‘'IBBC;

aalaliH r

llllt HBBCXR. . t i n panappaf'.

MB Maim ai.i 'pkaaa ttaP Miilbalap,


.......f i f l ........................*r.Si::;::; f * ! a : : : ; : “ : f iV ........ M l M U . m . p.QIiKl.a.aa. KM M W ......... m

•VKfc >

Id s m SIX Ckalmaaa, oaaadmakia Md p r a ^ i lp aa paad aa ka». aanlflaa Nm

Mil ndaaa lla, alrip iw ktapar. gatrdWiiil»4 nftir paitkaittn. vA a ln um nl daawB n ilm iN i; IM Martaa. apaiapad «kb aka

iria IINIta a«d alaauta aairmprlar. la Al aaa- dlUn, Mtti u u AaMncaa aee« naakro. kaaatTtiC^ i g n . H Pt POLBT Matar Otr

IdBHT PIX Ckalimra. oaaadraiakia ignflp a* paad aa ka». aanlflaa

k v ^ ■■ aa hara ana aw iani iMap la OaMarak. i n X. X Mfr. Mpaa Btaap Vkta Pbrah I i af Paraanllla. aa Baaiap Taiiipim

( T T w s s j ?:


plTi apta arrniaaa aaT Iwadap • jadralapi. Mi u j I m P. tUBTH. MBaanarla b B w fa r k Ca.. Btka ka> raiind tu r n kaMpan. W » Markrt a t : ■pkoaa MtUP Mk tPODBTM'wwaal ab ee"^ef"T B T 'S w ilp

- .............................. M a d ia lla « -

MBAtWMUrPMBB tar IM I 'a PPMkPJh .adim ratal! and »kaitaala. BpWABD k

BCOMBB. BaHakk Bird aad nM Irpm aa, l u Malhaiap at., cor. CUaiaa at., Inaatk.JtffT raMrad, II paaap tarkapR April

baIrkHi ta Aaraar paarHapa aM PpIklA IM WWia liadkaraa. ptaMlapa «ad paUaU, W taaailaa ahialuaB. dudu aad paaaa, abaap. ita Main at.. Qrai<a. __________ ___Pt*U>rK ttw ir Lafbaaaa, Tla a p ..« M -

p k * i t f Paartap^AraL MUIWb.Md7^ OSK^aada^' ''**' *****

I aaUrta aad M HlfklandTMINTT-PtlTB AWH kataha

a u kit tl tar aada tbrap. tar., aaar Orora a t. InrlnpUMi.WRITB kwkara paUata aad paarHaia: aka

t ld m i nrpkaf* lacakatar, aawa laaikar, «*•; naaa. I t KOrrHBB. ' BapPaa an.. BlUsd. A h ad Ppfk«(kM Mr*.I WniTB I iikira paarllada aad eaap. M l, tar aak rtiiap, ta aaamaal M aiarrac. dt

D B f B B i J C i l i

T m

d J’ldaprad aad otkar a a jo r t .___

til atraau pad kralthp aad n la rt*»: pB N H .ifT a

akat Maaatala B iu k J, O M i Oraapa- ’ ’

: wm n wmtmi [ t lm :

C Q ijjB y p * * • ■<V*' ***Nartbl

|£oaa l aratly Im r oadd labW haaiid, P patwPOB

^ v a K r .OOOD krana araatad ta r 'a atak n a fcaaad.

----- i n a o u u IH Bpriapflaid ara.: itph«;g^ kA^d!Af~MM d a p n r 'a a b . aiaa aaanl

Cpq I tT o k A la a kra.. Maptalab,

* t8 g f c .» a 'Ml!l aOMt-jr/T

ik p * v T S S :

i t i j n a S ?U A Iif% O a n l l i l . l

' -V

m m M i frtii M i iMm .

IJ .I.WWAdtrowAB

I K ^



.'Jf- ' :'k

TMBT M Mr M il, f^ M w r it e I )te*4iM. Mr m im m ; iMcirte HgKt. pmk

a?»RzT'PAJB t i S l i i

to rU a i;■K fb tel r i r : Mr iltiirr

♦vrrIiAiiMi terwarMI. . . ----------_ ir; «ilT w r l f M f n i ; mU avorth tl* mmr* P irit 14 PM% IO t m t ^ ? . __OLDmoKIUk

r tJ tKM M M tr l l t l i tertl* r t l e r t l t k l r c»r

myritomilw lti4 mk^ n «Ta rblllMf m4m~ — ~


r h a r i * " -•Mte.

Af M lU lif ; •tonito ilirl- htib Mti» ilrt. mite.‘S d i K s ^ s r a r o

HVPMOBIIA t i l l aaaip p w a d i rUM «ti aa t r aalra lira

P; ararhaalad aad - . .. kanalai aU a*

‘o S g & a a & .^ t^ ^ 's rH g Stkaa iiTM Ml •laaki aa lira* Mt lia k a p a t

, ; n r ________aka aa* aadpap Ik.

PINB raaaap Naa paaaiaptr Ww ll lk har: At aaadlltMi caa k* aaaa a a r ttwr. PBITB.

Mala a t aad Badkaaad ara.. BaM OruMR. ar WBUTOPP. H I WaalilaaaaaaL.tu t bOCOMi _

Harkl, alaalrla and ran* Ilka paa;

:OMI.K. I im Hfiite:


«ort MaM^i ft*>1................. : 'bW tell *4 • Me M«ri*flp» Adt»T*te If, W ^» # i t l ^

a t : ta t Tiai MarkatWB HAPK aa

Xinw. MuBXtHa raaa n t kp*»<tr iraakk aa aaa, aa an l Man. piPi, a . a a * .. aaakaraaaa- aklla paara la bataat rapakad. MaaBtli Oaaapa aad Bn«lr akap. , iTt CaatrmJ ara.HOOICt. I taar^pltadar IdaaaalT k*rla«

.aar: aaarUaal aipdlMoai. 4U I. Mnar •aka Apaacp, Mala apd ClIMta ata, ICbar- n k t apMil l. mat Onjit ; jpkiiia t*M.aNNtLUAN'P n a d aaar. aaailap * lt,l|ia.

t u t NATIONAU a*plladw, aaH kw ar. alaatpM llakii la

Naat kap raaaaaakla dal ' ---- jOU. Ba« It, Waara iMBRCBui, IH t/

riaetrktal■ N a * v a r A .r s f k s s r : ia i ; '^ * * -

AC MMtaM: fMM« to II Willj ^ ^ . i S i j E i S i i a r VK

R. C. H, H kat •Hadpt'alaatPk Uphta, tlra- laaadamr taarkp; daaaim t aaadRkat

INa: kaka aad raaa tiba aawi raaann aalralira, wtw._ l i t Balarak Raa. .rOH BviM fkarkii* rpadam. IBM laadtli aarlkct oaaditkk: raa^laaa tkaa l*a Baatka;^ a m a S T a ^ r ^ *"***•AMBBKAM Plat

NiSar •V fflT "at 'Pkapa Till i f £ ? £ SSB; IS!:

OrMBLAND. IIU i ptaptlaaljr pa*i Wine ^ 7 n 3 ^ » % . ' 1 S 6 A S ^ S r ix tMia aivk.'Jaraar (Btp,' .PAOlUftD, tt,. aaraR-papapaBw, M ir >Mditek‘KIwwd'SakI At

L d T m 'tam aadrr la *a*aar- t ; t*a.cpllnaat1 ka; , Addnaa Baa, Bat

IPU, Uha a t* , aaadp ivala. Bat

AiBOT tbPaka a t aiiaatrk tlpkla, kippdv s

dOMB hpiMat M a tanpar Mkbalka, all altrUk liiMa. aaHi kil 111 • ar 1 k a .o l

kaairi I dauVarp bX. utrapt _______PXRVICB'TratiT'ba,, t'lt-Wt Baktp *l->

Oratlaa karpalaa; Balnkr, I t ll , atwaa taaaaaaar. Itii; PaakarA IPtf. aar tk paa ■rtaar. ptH: Cbaliaara Banakaat l i l t — '•I H. f i l l : Hadaoa p h ..................JUat ranakpat lUI. Iltl PnaT all k paad atadHka.

raaahaat lU t. •■•#; l l t l i lak-tde aruuB ,

m i i .pam bnobh cm t CaMitr. lU I ____

m i c u im r. batpatai 1111Ikrd naakaat l i l t Paarar- _aaaipptd «Uk aaHwtarltr aad llahiar^BOllMAN. I l l J i ----

c, 1111 A P ^ , wait I t l l B n, I B ra n lt l l l i ■ bb thaaa aan- ntatrk

t . Band.

. patnr Ibaa aiK«: aiaa radatt paar taaall‘.d i

par aaat. aad aU Ti par naat APMr Pltlaa B kf Ot,. TU-IM PaMk Bllraatk iI B kf Otv. TU-IM 1Itll nVBN-l IBNOBBrlnu. atanar < air■MM MMltei *tete ta

MAXWBtX car, IvawrHndar lap k i, fkat.rkaa naditka, aaM adjaalkf, at a bar.

pate, t i Mala a l . , m t Orappa. ______A NKB taaarlataat af k ta aiadtl karlap

ear*; ihk k tlna af paar ta pat karpalaa. DOBBINB, m Balkrllk art.BXOHANOB hkk-akn PaaMnnka dip.

ebakt af Iwa, lar Plapd aar. Addrwa Dap, Boa i*. Nava eifln.POBO kaitap aar far aak; k paad aandl-

■taa; j r in riiaaaakti. l«aka*aBBa Oar-

■TBPBNB-DUBTBA. ltl« ,~ 4 .n M k r. Hn- pamapar. tnaair* P, P, VAN XBUBAN, .III Cn«t*i ara.

? f f T , t f . 'S b 'r i ! i . ‘t r > t i i . ' v e sWanrlp a illlPOBDi aaaaaM af karlap ta** will tall Pari (aariap n r k r Drat MMi OIrBN. <i Atkr N.i fliar fkar.__________ _______BABOAINJlW paaninfr M t Al eaadt

tkn: t i l l . a; Markka^ N t Baath Twanllatk a tfORO taarlaf7 'uaMfiapalppad, rai watt DrtJiBa.


C i T Tigji^ 'tap 'er’SrVAn.^TvlllSriA p

aaaanaaNu al n :M A H.. m a ap

ptwa, V kA amarl knaa, r (Ifppan k ktailirripni« hteiktei M44tm

IH-«iC0N0-KArM» UnKJlM IM•afi'Skkpl

n f i ______fk*. altkar ai far aalt

la n n ataiitL rad (ram aapai kpMliM n aril

------- aan m gr a t dll i,. ........ .

usssrt n i l r aata



n af wkkh i tad aknlpII—MOP„

HON PItmomap^ScI i

I n t r ,

l iSwaru;Wr f —fmmte rm ri

w rW af trimmm Utf pmMy 1•M M>MM

JiSiy o g ;> e r w

H R ^ A I Ii n T p r - nfBACM

HBV baana n aanaaMa aftar WARM vapaa ahaa, t t | abk tar praaar ar Mabar.

k lap wppaat aaat Isr aakt Pa a n Ur kr I ifaaap. cap aa «

HOI'RIB. aadtaMital l99Slito I


aaedleeklpp; w2ltu*^SH5p;*---- --------XL J3RS. ■iM’S e 'X n S P Tm Mte #MiTiMd RUI iw toteteB te*a

TIitiM Ml MirlwtdH7'

ROAN NOME. 11.1 haadai Maid aa& pdfik i flat naakapl, tlU l aka jHa papp. H*.

BtAKB. l lP a d d at, OnpRa.raoOLXN'l aaltH far aak: hpraa. *aBtatiroEss •*i m ptnra m m j

aapaa; aaMmaTplnR.

.. ANDBI Baal Oiaapa.

Mrumsrs:lata, .N. J.

Ik lh a t

tusmisiaoBQMVB r t M h

■MUM mmtote fte teltete mmm m&m IW l

orwHTtiNiTr p*'ki::;a t n ^ la athrad hp iMaadrp k tk Oiaana: n p a a t^ ik a . a iO M m

ATTBNnONI N paa akk to aall :. MU taak. hapara ta hand far

n r WaaMatlaa at»ai aarvinat Iil^ W N T athar kitl^______ _____ _

wllllap taUHIahiiint t r M u aatin aar: IlMliaa aManiwIir: dSfl aat dalth. NKnKkLA^. l7ndh:

■aaltd far tana ar Bwaktdarp li Addraat H. B.

BCTTBB. •ka - iknapb -H aadhautR

IB apf aad paaltrp rwala ikf Maaukir. SaauaH

« l h 2 ik £ m * ‘J!iwfi_____

KVTCHSK Mir* Mf tetoa ilMtoi: mmM Mteta* h jrw ij llto to»***■ Addraat Batakar. Bai tCNawa aS kTBUTljjiaB fW P 'fu n tri ta baalant anRppi

OONPBCnONBRP. tifara.papan Iktal lan iiaT k tk i W r W n i t*»" Ilrkf raam, rm ip u avar l it* waalilrt l**d nda favalate. that aaat l ia t: tn k ni.

h a r ; B^to-dak ftitam Tptdd vrrth a t : *»kr MU >1 mi* kp iba t*U a? Hitarsrtrsstsru' dtSRrABi*,.

thrjf HOhB raatot^*!ina Baida a n af ■rahip; taad naai alkar. tvak, falip -iiijiap« i A S f t f d * T r ; ^ B O H s a akSf n a f t o a t a n J S S T f ite* ( 1#w MRIa flMHtewf MpteV

alakad n aaa ; daaa aa aaaalkat kaMHPMi falip auebadi plan k toaailfaltp ntapdl tnM _j w itnaWy- P n farihar p a r ik d M kta PCnWARTt. H t Bprlaftkld avrBUTOBBB aild pnaarp

araaa. haar aaiBhhan aalpn batwaat M H-lan a t t n p .- j ttaalMd: ap-lwdak flalam : will atrl I nattaaila prkr. I n SCKWABTB, i»rl«dfkld an,, Nawark. N. J.^NpiettONKRT, tkaa k n ^ l ^ . taal

atpan likkaaa. A laaaaa: aya a a h 'f t a n ^ ft*a*^dw «^jj

N»fittTi«ii iirCONrBCTIOlTtKT item hr mm, vHb 1ssr «S'arniUSi.TrivfeCtlMMiiB'caatnilaiwf'f. Mallaaatp aai

a u n i dalap paad kaatnan: laraa lai t tNt larpa k M > l tnaaoia IM wr tapn ana Uriaa f i tau ; n a l |ld i Rt t | Addraat B uptk , Bm II. >t«wa aftlaa.


sit*isr4uas«V2Su.‘*TVi'¥?aV8VK.mfptrntmPOB PAlA Bakkif tlnid laa kaappi al-

BiM n ». I t Tappaa al., Baarap.Pkaaaip Cbaaaa O*..OOOD karat tar i»lk.

I t O a iau m at

HdriBP ib J C ankfpB t a H nsurun S3*■. N. J. _________

BdPkPi M i C u tta fM W « ta a lna. ?ga!ir i i i i I I I i i t a i i r i

M o r r e A q u m t t - m t m t a t i



TOtdWPB. tallp abk. II VPalahaap art.,

dlkp aaar k a ta a tt ikPaMk d am n Oa..

* «£l!‘i * n $ k l6 r l '" * 8 o B l l f f T 8 ‘ Adk* rltk an .TVBLVa-PABitaQK ' ap-taMau. 1| |» ; ;

bat lar aak. taakaaaaaa Oarapa. I CHf.t n an .PlIMJfO taak aM am pMr al praato bran

loaAHfkta, Paath^fiaaath a t, Aral fkar.


S ^V S U lB D

i t o u r a

MaaBatPbal nw rltam R^kHralP; pkatp af

waaap awaHlap aaliaMa taran awatCAN baadk jpaad

atraidkt at f par______ 'w-YaPx'tr:OKIH. I l l WaakhMlnTatHONBT la Ir l ^ S K A ^ dI BimB Orai* iiarm-tl-k!

P & ^

L a a d p u n ^lABT-

POND n aakai t tfla tar: i t i l oandllW. WBIBIMB. fpt M l

A-ijM-tonUlmn Imm ***AKIiMMMti I w V nr A C j y ^ CAKi

KALL. 9fl<m l M il HBT,

U M lU PA flB m CMB, S P m

Mrik Orta*SSU tt*® Sln ' am : a a n a ^ p t^CIST ■«{. jssrat


i n iSTOrn SRAln*> mBjaaMl nm.nmmma Pn*l_n_l

&^SdS*h!SS!i■ I I III “I'ilHl I IB II

f%mp IMa,"!

M .,»• *?i

,'Nawatlt. '

'ip^nk' • ikpf. aria im


AUTOP tar all la iiilPi l i baap, dtp «r Ban,dawasygaySy.^*;K3«sai.**is:4*a




kANOMI 111 alan

®5*S5?fel5S!%'S2!{S!Wii iW ak% i i r o t . i r B T m ^

^^ !itobtoiitdaft' Mn


d l l

N. r„

CONPIXT OP far iaart | |Ri kaaa n Ptnat-v/nisn rsTTiSM rHOHKT la loan an Aral aad

tapaa: aka balldtaa add kaa n n■ONNAkKND, 111 Waahlaftan a t• VvtPVMM WnH PW imam BNfd'W •on vte4 te 'ittcM tan IMtavK”1 ’"‘I ***7 T*

par aaatiMpirtP

LOANS W A N T E D -U A L E 8 T A 1 IWANT u n k a t i n * • aka a*a-fnaNlr

kawa: ra in |«.ldl: Aral nartpapa|l,Md. prlraia: *111 ppp h n n aa>panaa* Addran Mvrtpapa. Bat tlT K»*tSffka _________• _______ _|n a . PBCOND

arir ralaad t tadaead ta f*.**' papa. Baa lit-

V V i ^ a T a V t o r T OMti. AddnwBaai M ^MWt-

Na«* aflka.WAHTXl). PRO tanwd tearifgwa ap m prand jmMOr- Addnaa In tennl7B af IR Naan

'~ O I A T m L O A m - r t tS O N A L

‘ "phan .'w rSb^nT i: and raa'n naatra aw^ ““ ftlOTUriVlNANCR COMP.

I ll K am i at, room III 'P h n t Harlut IHA

taparakad hy aUU hanklnp dapprli


LIBBRAL. aMck kam tp u « * • J f haaaa- bald tarnllara. pknn. al*, wltbaai ^ ataral fnm kaaat: a ln aa a ai aa wllk i*

apmtlhla ladarwni k a n raPkpabla la Mpihlp InplAlaianto, n laeMr; 1 m l n k a :

apaa a la < ln n MMAip.

CANDT, aauta aai n pfirtlnarp a im Map-a ^u icuiH i Wakal N. Z

DBLICATiBPBK, ipBw afUtbktrkaad: alHHtr

If aall Ihla auPlb. lad

bnkan, p ilalkarTf.prmarp:. aaah iradai lappm II Ha

DHjSIfiSiiNMiithla; n w

Mai IP.alan for aak; Jan

a: laina , Mrkaata; pwtd lada laauBU ar*

DBtlO ftONB; ahwl M*' ■ W ; m ' S i U b ,:: ipia liaiii, AtUm 0*1**. Baa B , B ^pr-^m m . w..

PINB awaar kHMhutiwIth aak araaaa: datpa Hkt kaalatn

III aMMhIr; k r ta Mnk of «h a k an aa m ad; * lir auad IpvaatlniBDBNTHAl. 4 CO., bnbara, f (■aath an . 'Phaat Matbanp n i l .

Bartath arai.^bnibhbd-pooh1/PVBiteBMBP-IBi.M.rm Bw t: IWIM*m aplautf ftrnkaad; ai) In p ^

a iM jr in n a* IT* Waahlnftat i

OOOD OPPOBTUNITV—A wall .tataaka alan, wllh Ikrw raoi

baMam: w daUvtrp; aa tapaNIka tWTptklni pair awk war; ihU and* aa uparkara aad I will itap kuptr mill wad k liwda; k * rant:| l ,m ; hara k a fatd ahaaaa if paa *a aa In aawtlHr hwatain and ataka _ ... Planar: n a lanallpak Ihanniklp aar *pN r*« MwiaUi u p n thlah ran aa* pal a , a n d papnp dalkalaaaaa alan far k n tpa* Ilia th an pHm, tkaa daa't awwwi *NI aall and irtra raa n il aartknlar* Addran acoap, Bm II, h n i * f tk * _____HOOD aaktal atm , aatllnf «Mdp. n kaar*

nkaal napHk: ak app n lik a i chaaa*.ia add pranrln: raM. wltii Im raan * m « pfan an ata I I I ; barfain. II Alpta a ta B o n x / ^

PmliaBjfTItM: A*?O.^Bn**n, In'" tkip aatnth * n .| 'ph*a* Halbarrp IPII.

butobor MfitniKy te«f . a . * alAM toVl«li|

d ib cK ltf. teftftetItMrr. MfcMl •WMtaiid d t«f Bten. d«iii« fOM w*^ •jjAm L kMtm OrtefTTi Km t«l, Ktw« «f«

okoCBmr'ltarA. M s t * IMK feWMMM] WtaU Mo«k«4; Iota Ndt; will tte««- Ad4MMQr»tefa Ink t i Nfrv ofrite.

OAIUOK AND UACHINS SKOr.*4 werttiBUy Mr morhiBit

fn|. m tllvK 4tl Cttalcik «rr.II >

IKltyL . Mr teb pfAMfiyHi wMiteb M r«4Bll 1.-BJBM: M nrfrtulNi • SlWiiws, Kq

iind«r#rythi Nn»- YimIi

N«*a is(fh.«.HATK MTilte cbbIu I knvtel tn P*<*.

•Bte: qolrli BrUeB. X. BA).NKa BKND, 2S|<WaiAlneNB ■*. ______________LAlUlB tor m U: t r u 4

khtafite fBT llvt mtan, Bbt« (n bBndli Mto •h u tte l «n4 of burlnuR; U ter* In •lontijuBlteBRAtatf iBurtel Offite.

•«IIb gtteMBBAdAr<

II! tell FomfUIr «r rvtolil Owur, Kttt li. Nb m

tatetewt . Altoithliri ftwai

ft teb i rtePiptf |W t u i ii#food lootibm; iNtBBnr poimU M

IdVNCH room Mr Wtek; food

K«n«rm* kv«.MKaT nvorkBl* hotter w bim* amt rofMtr* •rorrthlMf eompIfM; fwd IM4*; r-Bii rnkii*

»r1o« Im B Mw nMtetlu; telllof ko«tenp fthvr budntes; no BfiBtir Kc« U*N*wi offlte. OmiitB. ^ _____


IWM, . tImM;L a U

°nSkt*tl*^S(ip *** **aapJtaB a£ *"


HOVINO pkwra thaakr In' aak, aa aa* of lb* kaalaat airaak al Nawark: an aceawni

•f itahM**: w aptak *r brokar*. Addma T. B.; Baa tu , Nawi atAa*._________ _PNlNTlNa hnte' '

Chaadkr pma:C B‘ teMdi intetirttaW p NW Wmwa

la. M„ Bait Oraapa

la fw aala; Priaa tala Id aacnanl ot Oantwr P m a tiV'

PNBB waakd wllh IW f« mahllahM“ ddma'-partSSiN O S W C i S i t l r o a m t . a l l I n i p r a v *

ak in knl: na< ahnp; (oraiiun la t t a M i b n : A n a d w M h * l k d > r a a m r n :

kurr. oilybarpaln IplUla*. fated Pawii:« (Itaapa pi-, oiiy

boon, a n r Bread and M*rhd|: rnraa Iwo haUn; Incama 111

I rant t it; alvar* Alkd: a nrenw- 1411 fra tairh n ia Inakr*rsiim N.

iitaOOIfJ-Hitl am n aaaanni af alrknnd ~ ' irltf clip: kiahlkkrd Iblrtr rrawt

' ' ar OariwB wan waniad far I «kkkr and «k * Irada: a*

Oppartiioltp, Baa II, N*<a*

>iaig'.sa.B3J' IP I* 14 ti wanHii

_ poal laMal U4 PaalA* a tffteteB Aw* teaitoi* bAww iwo* soo mw^rnvtm te«

foSSaC W hj(«L"i!i"Sot'I rani a larta lanek

mm iJui"A!»"tWjWtauteBBtel I2S r 2 t kirVwM

iS A *w m a n i in D M tM i pk*

m :PiNA^** BVte, /■

Mtifmmrnm t

J t i c

VU’I X ' . S S ^ ^OMOtAH nknants, Itm u tm ooLutac9kU. TBIW MOW o nw

Mmtivi w MV naw.

i ja iili. ^ t a •'Oit «■ ‘»M* tm \jttkkm m AMV MoMm ,

I ucartlaa I* Uw MinHar I MfnwWir*•S IMlttaifca . . , .....................' ' ' IMttaltM yM (- I*. O w w : MWa tw«, ir«nmiB»,

t , IWHWII, (l«1l NM»Mir *r w«iUn| l»ll haaklM M> l U L. CALTihT, Pm l*5t _


J ^ w ia n '. l* tAlWirfh<f iiiwirn, Liiv u4 mWW|« WMtw M ni> wf rmt.

S u e f e s S S - * = ■ »



Dmyw. ■

«(Wf •■< Allla*. alWT suit >M-^ r e i u i s : .*.? ■•■Mall It., MU



QOOTI TOV <M-mA JaMjMito '«m-*2^CZa5VOTIH rIMMV_________

A S$CO.,'Pltna n w%»»

iflH)' 7 cM*V ItHOnt ••< OuvMlaHu w* «• au «wk M tfV a( kaaaa at lavaat utaaa, «ar atutie ’* " W '______ ____ ^ ( IJia■HkM naflaa k u M •kMli A t la* 5 9 . ImMol BWtan. 5 lMMa m n w alMMC (Sk It kattaat, fW» ailSaaf Maaufc. taanwHMA aBtlMMa h rek M ; a aM »HI '- aaataliM IH tkanua aaa.; lai

leeeirW;' vHkta ?aan

TaL ti t l Mi


> mmm l«l*w «• IMW| m t «4*^ k eG w llw M ^s^rnmm iSAifm Uk» mm; iiiE r55»rS i»

___ cMUMga^aaia, ^ c y y a . Vaa•kaWtar •

_____ kaa* ikarvakiiaai aak kara___ llaatlaaa ta laaiwaaPnalAaai m tka UaliaA -. a ar anw lar BaHVaUfa

I, tka laaAlaa kaaluaa aik aal.

XCTM i'lr ttfQ f AMS

CADnft.D KAarm.

aaoiioD KApRU aiaanMItaai.^RX aCADBiS s j’A l ______iltaa Hr aaf aallaaa at

Oatalagaa m Faaatak* iJS !X iP 2P ^. jSKIflOTOfl rl*a

k. iJtWOMT, PRDKIPAIt' latinailkRa vorW ml aaaiiiaat , a n

aaraat! kaiiatkatl.

ikak, I■ A lf

S » S f »mimm, n


Mai ta Anaaaai; 'aMaiana aaaiaw nrnrUT fiaaal

t laatlni lar aWaak aa«..OUIm i i r t T i . '

aH}. R.

saaraa- R. am

tJtTRMR am:



^A a.' Ika :1 .A1

ira in i'i

SEAL IS T A H FOR SA U --C IT Tr x t m h IWATR ra-rnaakea k m t*a. a«t . A : n n » . s x & ,H *w kL g 2 3 ; ^ 2 * P 5 S ir T "

•o o T u T in m i R T .-ftaw iu g n r k a mwHk waft: aataari laa Ma; Il.taR Ik* aalra aMBaatklkalk at

A pa»Way»JjJm^

•a r 'i f i i v s rw G r s r - * K r J r a r - r «mm mm peyies. . ^m t r m i m titm mm (Am

iM |i ftf W ^ m

Mnv, m w ilt t«• fM as Mr

a It. .way . .It. krtaa aa kata aMaa laika aaaaa aal katk Mak Rtfw laaaaiaaaiB^f katW.maal flaw

taaSalar taa tatia _ laaaw WaMi

IIA • n r

RAN4CRT kwlvaM (laan ilaaaak. aal- MRak. raflalMaA, Ilka aa«i •!». aaaa^ i latwaaau; taawakkta A k im laaan, la afl. Maaa amaa.

T fiJT rraaa CT ap. Craiaaal Ratlalaklak Ml karlaftiaM km. tfWaataappkaaa wkvwtr l l M . ____________ _

iiaal kaia iWlaWn l

Rr NHti M tmi ' ftMw Ilf Miami tm m m tm Aim m A

OlimNKTt riMlL fMUrii. «hw 4. to

T i S S B



S r t X r W S m .MOTOR TAin.

m Ww VBHi Ipil BnmRaitllr lapaiali aaaiaM laat. _ _____

£ « IrM ‘S 1 g ) S 3 L ? l B iaa rara ta M . ___________

HUkT ka aMR; U Martk TlUtlaaajk ak, aau OreaoeKT aMkll twa.|k«U{ ftaaaai laH kasreweawWi aatrlfata Mull— mmlSTaak kawMi aa laMaatlaa •lUt' ptiJSi « r i iy « H ait eaaval am.

jMRRTlLl*'aaauaa, aau Oakiral aaa. aaaaiim-liiallr

RRaunafCMi lar ■«#__ ^ _____ ____

S r - m k 'i f ‘ V 3 r f r A ? ^ ^ ' a £im KM* OFii^iww’iu illr Hi in ; m p u iu w u i m : n fr Miei tM

WAUTtPlTL al«kl-i raaMaaaai aaluMa Car kwlaialaul waai awtk M.aUi will aaaftllaa fw aaaaaaai ralaa

ml H.Mat aMk ta ttu krraa«a«. AMiaaa ■arjialki R aaM Mam amaa. _____

CAaM. balakca**«• c. laauir kaaaa, alaki Ilk am i laiana

at. aaualu; taaHIlM f t i t a H^4 ' <tS?R.

tH l im i Itn m i ’ ltT.. tt-^Tvi'fiMltr m h ; att ti^

mtrnmmmU mmm totfim Httoi: wNi m-

TWO-rAVILTJmBa (aa mia. kartlr raalaR: kloa l alRtikarkiiii^ ^mijr mot fraaa aaa araaw; aa rtaataakla arAr raraw*.WMi Daatltka, Raa I t Kam aWtaa.wtU. la

'tU . wirMlat ItraaUla ttel kwaa Rtu Maraa. aHraaiaa. MtWC, mwttk

__ itaa am aa4 Barfaam■aa 111, Mam altlaa.___


S - f 'ia i? T i iS s r ^ ” ’f i t

1 1 *^' ’ **!-**'***'****'r^ M A B Iu r kagaa: all tawraraaMatti

a«l matliaa la kwar: nam lla aoaatrr. I ll aaBlk Tkirtaaalk i t | ki*

U A L U T A H r o t S A L S -N O U *m u

i s r u s s f traaWR kalk, all UlramBwalt k<* k***l ■arjan wklhlw; kaal kWakkaniaa 1 ; aa> la BaakWai attflcklir. waaT atU; kwrttaaa

Mil 1^ | kHWa

U A L U T A T l r o t S A U --O O T o r TOWN

»to i m i mt tm Htuiiit 1 •Mltw m OtnW tTI'Mkiiutoi tm .: iiriM U '

‘ • “ t mVim m w iikiM Mt m n ir rA tf , i i i m m tm .

ADOtTT k * u n W t taaal wttk aaw tamk ratal kawai an iiiiprakaanaU: aavw, ik t mlw. ataawta ttfkl, mu laaaralt la mm) I

■■ a WMi». iH u IL iat aa VtnttMAK IMfiS auS S t

llaa ml aata am au i aaata U .m u atraaia. kaama amt* aalraaaaa SCtk

t s s r J s s L C9HWW

AJ iMiiak atlr. artUw a S i S s r * “aalaAkl Al aaMf rwiwa. katkl.Ma kaai IMata: lal waaa: B u aaraay i t ^ g r a a : ' ^ ' ' ______________liS S g iC B t i CiijMMuillaa O^aflkrj a i L S O T t S & i s ;fiS ir* M aSatiaa^. mSmaW Rwar t s - s a ? d r ^ j - a r

V m ^ e a

• * C a S f V ^ « a ! r . t * f * . ^ a

a alaattla. anaai an waRwa —: aa aanaaliaair; RtaMMa mRI

i i S i c v c i k jS tM ^ a i inortwRa am aif.

ww^wl. . . . niVIMBMIii WIMWMRaRi aaia »au Mr Maf RMWamMURMTTVRR aU aSkM 'aui^ ka^amri-

aaaaR laaai larfa kaMM taaa. Mr akaha mam H ; Mam waMR aaA kaltuR: aatan s 5 i . * u s ! n a■iikaii'MMW mra'kikat Tl a» S & . T

tkaa waaiJi n Riam waw^Marlat

A ’t S . ’S S l A T : ® ! !la iaa^ awHaa tka kiat: l i u mlwwa aaia warkig. W ailaaaritwaaa^, m Mlau i t

MMKM •«* ■••AfA I***- * •ttm laaiur Mwaa, a u Mam aaR a

tB-, aa kaalv naaw ■STSkli'nal f i i a flat RTlMMi._Hl_OuvrM am.___■ o m w m iM n i aaMrtaaMat kara aim twa-lawUr kaawi aaartr RaaaralaR: UaamMamtai awHaa! wlm M aRMalaf i m n wilt kaail j ta «w ItlM . AMraw Mea U, Mam afllmTRTO RAROAim-RtlH taaa • R

CrU wrI

ttlJM BUTf a ataa ca«r llm m iw haaat: M ItaUli aimr. m tar aaR caa. IW Tra-Bwat am, SaM Oraafa.

RAROAINt la RutaaflaM am irantrUMi lt« litlH , U .lU n a t ttall*. ttallA lailm raaw kiaai, li.aM: M laa ta t aMti-rkiai MMU. it.lM; Uaaa aai t t alRki fl oat kaau. |« .M ; iM it la MaRia am , iw m a n aaR katk, Mt tla i lit. ttM *;alat iwitRlBk M t ta Ml Rtna M mmurn* It. V kkmLi Wiinwurt m K AiU fewwwi

all hkuamaaaati, aMaw ftlM : im4awUr•tX.ROOMkaat aau tiillap, i*,«n ■ .ww".wnf

kaui. MU all latariwaaMBU akaal aaa aara 3 ubR, M.Ml; atmfM aaa-raaRIr >ama« arllRMt MalH. l u alaa kallMWMa Ik all aieUaat, al kaimla WlaMi. W w iU R , Ru r riaaal aaR iprtaRllalR rXJtW 1-ratw kaaati kalk; iitua ktali aiaa-

Ills URklai aaa aaraM j in < l aaak. M* aaaa t aw taat warlseu. IRwRia TU UaSa am . Irrticua. ________OORT tU-rnw kaau:

wui alaaw >aat:•II 1j

•m} ui.

i o o n - i ariiakiatimlBflaa.

Mr aam

■ S u s n r T " ia R a w H » w M i r . ^ ! i r S rRilat^, Mm l i t Warn aRwat

r o t S A U O ft U O A I i a M W T o r TOWN

r o t S A U Oft TO L n > o u T o r TOWN

lART ORRMOR-^M n a t <w aaia. 111 Martk•ram at. Caal Omkaa; r " ----------------

aaa, MtawMlp. ttaaw kH M IM aaR am aR alanii ftammai Inir ■laalii In Umi. ttaMta oaawr. M. A. MRRIU Qmwaua km . Maw Rmuwim, ykwia TBaatora tad PilRRi

ww NmwiftWiVOaiU9fOWM-#or ftwto or tor M i tow

S , m . l 9 $ 5 S :W H iW Itfrw^t^ ^ T Q - I Rillf t

r A n a r o R s a uPARM a« ataau-twa aarw. kaau ewrtakia

1 raaaw: larga kaflt wllk auUi raaw far Ml kwau km__ ________ -Hua i«m : rung MukankarR. rk iin , ufiU. m u a u alaM wau, arim H,l*l4 ll.Uf tt«k.r*l*k_utrta*Ra. AR< uaka rioa, laa It. Mam anka. _____ _CMATHAM—ltAam Mack fana; tac tIM

talll tm l in laau kaau. all latkaM* Mga: kkatRatM al trail; twi ( tU karmt: aaa ww: Ma iR aRjaliu t laetaRlu M

M w uvvtm ooyfTT,aira (krw; u * fti w kamt kani am kanil rkM aat Mi trail Iraak kaalRSJf.= j n r r i S v j f t o f i i i r i w s S ”•OtrTM JjlMK


W A U ro r I mS F V w R.


T D m ^ - 4 N I T 0 r TOWN

WritM^oit- tiiaai wtjjk Mt law Mtat al waRi Ilaw Mtw al laaRi IH. ■» raaw kaaatall

M a!r««R io in t r a___MW ala

fan alM al a l -----a a p « f f v ;

MAMUnrOOD-L _ __________ _

tliil*' fMi nutowiEk liis iS iS RRuwwb


r »

1 1 ^ UHaM k Marik Mi

w-i M*'«i

■ znse.>u

• y s s s s '^ w r s i,

■iqtfTCULni MiWi u »w> iWMBwi ill m i^ * Z i^ r M i^ & M irw S k ^ a S a ? * ' s i■HAtJ. kaawi Mb ratwa; aau MItalaaR

Avuu Maim M waBap: raBRt RHvM kM: HM n t I ttak aR K lW t* tMw

IU-acRR tuw aaR uma.i Wruaaamla, at tU Oa IprUR*

■m w nM( aaaaa, lOMN T. IN, II CURUa at, Mawark. M.

kaaaa. wNkim, IMa-----n ..


WtuHIWU, X. 1. kmwtaW takk

TWRIITTyICRR Cira aau ttukarai 1hO U SU W A N T U M H fT O f TOWN


WAMTRO, iw rml iB IrrlaRtaa aaa faaMto kaaia I u I laataa ala aaR alMM Mki. n u n kaat raaTMa. AMi m X O.


rAun.-M la «**■. r to i

STORES, o m o s , ETC, TO L n

FARM awawR ta Imaa, aartki ra Jarairi V* U na aian w Ma, wlik lataa kara. AR-i f w NOT r « a t i i»«n J a n — —

ARTOR IT., II am i liiaUia l u RtaaR- arawr, w ul awimt aaaRr aura, ala RXVtk. waakfaglaa aaRnBaau «m




ariaal MiimMMaw

MMRT luallH, 111 OmtrM am Rlwt a m naiM; kaU: ilu trti ngkll tkaaw Em i mil aif kaaMua; kaw WaRI -------- •'■


ito ii UTTlKTOIf AVB.. aw w ONtoU it-C ir -m i ^ ‘ ------------

________111 MraaR a

IM lAM'» rcR

noRH w

; uTaaa

niOT M m fw Ufkl n a a tM u la t aU' atta» aM tr lltkl; aM aaaia; aanm ■lilBfnaM aaR Nrau it. lagalra alaia Mi IRriBCflaM am _______MAKUrACTUftlMO»JSm ff\___ai; Niwalk, M.

UNO aaaaa la M l kaat

RNCOND flawi latall; H«M allir rarR raatt: auR -------Ilea Ikra lu t R. II

•CPARATn.> ORTWa M Ika kwt £jWkiiwiktl R. *■ —

OMM-MAllItT elwefVW ^ U trUa; iwaw. ikT Paw a Wat a t ’naaaMt* warwlp..

■ N A H ja*-;■■■nnw w u

I^ m i Fi

aakaR wrut. Mwtk Caw. l . la ^ l^ k |ifiaT kIII M mi t tfwIH

I r

wah iMWi all m ala kMkatk aaak ___, aalkkkukuRi aau


W0TIIia’ !S3t*ltoiO M . ^VIM iM i i t t T in tot liM itU iM iiiTw«M 27eI^^^AM e^3CS5irpwW wwUwW M WRia wiia wwWp . NflwWR^R

7A?S*1{!liWa awa' a u aBalaai.. raa RiMie la . .naau w ‘aau i mt

_ '-TO-BATl

M r o f e i s rtoU t*

•itow Fi l iki kaat wwkwamiRB. It ja u irt ■ uaiaw. mU ai mr ‘aku i mt wa MU ataarfaUp

^aaim M aat-af-tawa traRa,

to tn i hmmiam.m MBOAO at. TCt tMi MAllSaT.

WAMUNaTON ITORAOM Oa, H A< a t; URkt, will mntilatal ‘‘


AVOnOM RAtfl. ik a kakRtaau fkralakIkRa M a U raaw

raawnR traw Raatima witi ka aw lalw ramn Hr m n alaaw at

•ATURD*^ O0TOMR lllk at Caktrtt Aaaiwi Ratwat t n u n Q iu m i A n ,

Ai II A.,11,

n uT T B S S ' T n

w» »3 * S n l S w \ 'X m—n i

al na,

WAttMAMn oo.

•I I t i Mtak at

3 a r H s g » a , i j

I Mil ka nawk: ta ffW- A ilraw

tmfp kaprmmaai aaa■ut tm i m m

m i m v I i l «Mh I


llSittoi tm ttUMtiTt .------------- - — ^

« y s r a j y ^ m f f itlaa, fltlUB aUM im a Ntw f ^ i m natr- twa Cralaa RalMi twau u aalt |AlRraaa m aan ta iwm MraaRWu. Maw Tmk dtp.

m m n-R lk-raaw kaami amar Iwmeat- am ti aaraft arttk iiw ial limr! MJHl

akiaaw Ikia kwmaliw. ARRrau DkWm,■a* H t CalRwall, M. J.

• l U . tan u rMUMa w tp a t auMMr Rir- anal plaa, ai aan aaaRaR, aama.raau arOttla kowa. irirp weRtra Iwgraraank*

~ mt l ^ k a t i naim al; M HalMi tlm m Maw MalloB aaR traUap. AatV I* I VNlIRliR, III OmBR* at. WaaCm

- p. M lttmM rw. MaMawam mT I;Maplaii

S«n(k OrtRfRu n UhwlmliR bmkiali ktawt fmaMa fcp

IM aaR IM Matkarrp at, m M Om* at

3 s ? 3 r r : 5 ^ ^ ^

*& x^ d a S e r i ,

& * g s L S 5 r « s s n :C M il NL

« r » f tW iv iH ri . _______________KAKK im vt* f


u part aa»aia*l far mw lim aw twa-taia - “ waliR fw III aw waMk, aau flitral am kalaaca.WANTBO. a BWRara.twlmnr kaaiai afl Iwartiwwiwlat m If ft. le t w raaw Hr iiamMawl U taikawaaaa naA la ------Rtal OiaaRa. AiRrtw

Nffiftt ' ' i r n i nPU IN B IB D H O U SU TO L C T -

OOT OFTO W N1 fw wlm*CAUiwRtL CTOARl aaMt kaatk fw

tn , wm m l IkrOkaR awall m m ^ _ cotum ^ ik - *K g 2 ;


’' C T ’k ^ t a W ^ I ’KSET ak& g ;

S p f lM U i H O U SU T O U T

« PBR CpIT. Wcwaat la amlallia i M IRWi f^ M » R lR ,.lB .a k Itf jm a im

WtaklHUa am. 1 frwioSaRt. f ra


RT., Ml.

IOM M Itpai tM' n i l

o a r « r UaMa

G S k T

E E E m ; U 3 R s r R i% s n M a e1 OraaRt at

I M, ItaH: wkMfaaM Riaiwi ma-

m iH R P t i^ A n tia-^Aam, raawt: ain tap MMam: ram RTflAlflR ftl RariaiiMR am


T c a - « r

•TATN RT., Rf-Rlwa aaR IwaS S i A j M M


______________R y*D >t.. *Rt am iMlR iMRMtt ,

» f ^ W i . r u g r q i j f .•ROaS RT, raw M t wwrama Dim . w,, I Oanntaal marl ~»lm aaaWR IwR

il l Calaa kiilMiR.

Ml. Ill kamHp m i. A. oi•AMKR A n . III. aaa. f w aaR flm kvm taawaj

M mOM t An~W k-.M i~iri ala laiS amnwaM) aiaMmaalMt a a r ^ aaR a m imbami wiM Rwmi ram waRarata. maMwWm.■ tu M R ir^j ^ a k T ^ M . t ^ m S L S p f w S

■RORN RT., HI, amr IRIakta kaa, i j aam

Rf R o n gr,. Mi-.*ig.taktm p t w fcj #ian*w f f V S a S i iC K S KRKRONM Rt.l a S X 'm E S t T i n i

__________ i r S T i i - iareuawela, twawRIata iiRaaaai ta. taRfInBRAOTtPUtkatk, anlrp. aaimtaR

OATTOir Ay%m m ItoMr %H Mtoi% « -...... - ‘ Our.

S E j S S T i1 ; Ural

m t V M , Cil bur toputoUrr mr*

Rtal Oiaaca._______________________ _

CUMTOM MOA. BReTMM ^ . awWa llala la ■iRara 1 aaR R• I H U

' S S j s

CUMTOM MIUi RROrtL m il ajarlwHl, la im-kn Ijymrfce. ARariw Owaw,

COURT RT., III. amr>

r Waal at—Rkral lla tn aaR eaM waMrt a a t ^ m w f| watt tkka; Iw*

< W y j|.tT .. Ik a yORIral am


ma kam «kta»


n A l L U i n c , TO U TykWMWWkimMWkMNMkMkMkRIWkkMWwRVWSrWia



* i t7 # S w e k $ e * ’A law Riilialili tRailwiMto af laar aaR

dm mawi raal rwr fmatBaklat atrtitlf aa la Rain iij . imlim aaR. faRaaMam mr a a j y * * * * ^ = ™ ^

JLK^MtTICV . T1M~llinKVfO^.......ipirttoUfti wtU| wwiff KtoW j jjnaMwayaat allkRiiR a a . OaaAr_ ^t.. amrIUrMi.tkPtA Iraala am la M t-......lawkw t ARmm aw S r e a w S f w lE


p. A A; wilS w r « r s ?iuliNlt «« NMlUi.

fS r

I liM .

j -JC S p

AMARiHinni^ 'aiai 1 7> m watwtkriRbt , X iAMtMilMic > tU ir ■tritoit iK & S m S S t iAPABTMRMT Raltkn r * M E f i f E i cntwepaaMalai rtM 111 aaatk rmatalk am

” s s . s » , t o « » i 5 t e

" “a i f ’s s f i a i KUapmimeau.all Hfkt faaawfaURki. all

CAMDRM ■», m - r t r a Mawpi afRI Oiaaga am i wmai Oawi mat lU.

pi.nw » - g - Ji-__.iM M m MMtito w W M toi^gw toS t ; « u r . i i « . k 4 W i m ^ 5 &;1mmIv RtmimR! M ka« maWl P rail anR Rtww Ik RialaB ra ja i a»W m iriwiat. Applr m prawlwai m *4. IIWflaw. ___ _


Mr* •Ml; FiWt lA lN<ito> tfcl^

■ S T T 3■it: p m

nm ana, _______________ ■■ o n RT A n . PImjIkR alR

raan* aaR kalki aU lamramwiatn aUMM iaawil i*l taka fM lia au la ) ttaa waM twa Mmki; mat Ml •lira HANUn, f t

ikHBMi aUMM I * a fe * S a !

E S t

manawafi rmR ntUkkaikaat; Baa. bmlra mat Raw.BART? . r t 5 W & J r 5 E i ' t = f ; a


Mikt atiraalln nmmm, m MafteR- OraaRB. ‘

Tat ^

^ i s s s j s i i f s e 'PUT, M« imam kalki

IS IS iS a t

.T M I

QpiUi nmt $tt ?Wl^AKlF-UitN

Kw R I rAN#"^Ttftoto rW toitjIMBI _

l^tMOM PP.. RT rlrnu k

•■aiam .___

UUWOM IT , CR - i n tmiaa. kai

n . m -t£ U i - £ _ 5 E yiu lm o B ' ayrrpawa aaR kad fcml; raat M t 1WO^ARO RT.

Rarm laraa. 1


IKB•MaRlim.- M ll"

1t*'»latl''-’1 »rkin.— Jaalim, kml 1 aamw aa>i imri

" ^ i s S iIM UNIOM Rtfil

BT„ T t-kiiitAKR RT.. nk^n

Wmn kml; rml awma Him.Lirbr’- paai

kBRTT RT. I Ukwtp fCUUHT kiamkul

• t , aau tIatiM ankw raaalriAMT PROMPRCT ala It

w u n A RTPIrai ikar awl

t mrwuai M Ml' ■ ' O0€T----iTom

MOHMOUTM RT ram Itaui aH I ■1^; raal f i t I H Mnawamk; uMARkrt rt.. a woiamaau) am ti t laaalra BURMA^ARIMiTaT.T ri iwi; n a t M W Malta M.

NOIai aM II Aim Hr. aaraui fiai BMrn laamrkia

MORTH PIPTRI Wlik aparlwr

m aw , ka&r allBlikiR; m ria laa Ikim; nal Ml.north IIUNN a

iwi-farallr kmt i l l , . all taiarwri

foN. H i WaaklaIM.

Nirimi MNWARflau; araarMitllnwR; I R 0nUi'nk.' Oa

KpRTM rHTM a knwtlBlV mmm rwp rmaMOHTN TMIKTR rawm; all Iw ir RamiBIt Depel;HklAON n . . II ramw aal kalk;prrnimr A n .. 1

aUktaarna. katk.

Jwaa, kaa* aaU

PAKKRR RT.. 11 katk, all haelw, n a taal U iMWar» a t i? r t u t t j tM . NU flM U to m** tnth

MOVIlia RtOIIIJ i t i . i i i RpyR tm ii0RRVm.R ATI

irsss f 'tjR S


RORRTIIXB ATI rmmakktai lalaiw n . RT.t S S S



NullNull Wivirt] •m<«. IM wi


- - J I_______ Data.kmtara; alatWIe

iiH ~ ‘Itorb• o i m i V i a ^ 1i

aaR tiaaa, la It


R ^ r t T n A i i *Bkaami atrilm

■M ’ Im miaa 1.1 rml wiRira*

R o tg f ly r n u n i'i walari

g n C T h r iROUTH nMIITk flai, mmmmm nw wiati aamai km Iwa Eu Ham: raw•Otmi ORAMtlR^ r s S i T i .

•o tm r m r MMr iim t. iirr tm m

^ •M w rtv t toil

•RMrrH BMITB I flam; twa-lam w i l l aaR k m t

T O -

«■ ftpj u ^ riwflMk'i

f*** **»'- jMliw Mrvittj liMtrt**i**t ** * * ^ 1 toMilMj !«■( to*. AMr«Hj*»"«»*"l. »M m . tt*wm »Wh«.

t r . . w h ^ ^ n m iru iM ai. I nnM I. IwH. all in w ymw ii! Mar" o S s s r - A T S S

\ J L u r


l UUgWr IT, a ■ •» KlWIliarMi Ar* M . ~ r * ’?•'•*• • *•*•• taaw nw im i mt-yL*-«y « ; n » f w i WM. m on>W rM

* 5 J L * * " ,1*T—Uww^»*tt M liMlMt l l l i rM w i •eiaw aiM u 4 ttmi m i l l i !•■ aviw * C. KKIAMI. n fW iaM ittwi n .lUIXMB* AVK, |l» —Ml hiv*. H(W . *•* kaiki an iM imvM mu «w*M>«•<; m i H*. iiMiatw _H ow A K D ~ar. •«, - „ ™ __ ___

**TW lu«*. HcM rMMA: all kanfma* aaaato; rwK riaaia a ili, ,HAMST tT-. H l-^ ^ ra m w a r iia t maae-

JJKVt** TMOt H. O U nH U . |M

, , I W » T TillM*

manUtaL aavir Aeeaaaw taami am i- tm JaalHr, ktai aa4 hat taalpr aarrHa; A, I a a M aiut a m r taaaara laiau aa Haiti t>a la --------- . . .

unIijwm BuiujiMU iJU.,H U tCTTr

" y tM w aw p linpiri M

? ™ 3 5 S » * ' « S f ct t i m«BMtJ i i t n I nr,, n —Ciraa ait

" * _________l iM I tr .. (I* r u t m m i an laynntAtalii

All m t IM. la a A n i l . SAlL

I t f i i ____iltaaat: aiaaaa

u a a a r r t r . aaar. (faat raa Uhartr ft.

aaar talairma—Tka Ian* ■aa Bad mlar. la ia tt II

LiaHT haaaahaaHad. I»a raaaaa II Mata•t.. aaar alaWaa aad trattar: saaira): laf.

ataaaaa raaatrad. laaMta Mild ■OTTOIt.n r n o a p tc r Arm . 9 » -v tn iniHMa ______

OalaaiMa llataMa Variaaai ad rtavi aajai ata aaliaatai dara In^va iaaau ; 4aaaraiA; aaa Ma«d aaalB wt daatk OmMa aaa. | ■,

y fjm ttU V T W A vm . i t .ntHMar laa larta IH ilraaaia Biatatra la la a -lM Ir baaaii M idm iM^ravaMaala; aaraari Miani.

•It«rla JMMa, ataaai BaaL lartt Iraai aad raat a«rr*»«i *«at laaaaaahla.WAdUIMUTON A tm . 1 1 - ^ iart*. ll«l>

r«am BdatilM la tm -(a«U a kaaaa: all laaiatd iMpriMiaiata; aaraiwi naan, a lw iHa w a a iliaia %aat, (aim traai aad rtar aanlwa; m u raaaatialila ____________

^ARIlieN Ma.rdtaaa‘~lMaiad aaan.ataal al flaa laria, naM raanat am dm -

g** .l*,Jd<l . «M*»m ai la intlar llaaa aad ft. ft aad m , ^ u a a.'W “ lin'din Ma.. H w OtHaea-

t lw n a m u d te lh : all laMmataaat, oM *t haali III «• fat. MM. LTOm. Plat Pat_______________

"’f - l i BMi cuiM T 'a^^

ri*N tn m H H m « > * n .•r liff” EtUNmT « t.. M—«U n m | a4

hath; alaan hadt: JaaltW atrvlMi m i ill. InmlfalaattBC. ,,


COWFtB waal Mar ar fl»a raaaia; all lai- armM mla; aaatrallr Im iad. Addraai


MOAB | r _ IHI.Urta aaadajaan: madara l■laraTa^n^a

em O A oW rill—ftetw. plaaaaat m n i ■■• aaaHa WaahMt aa Farlii aaliaida far lira arailriafB, ar laaB aad atfai all laianra- Mialai a n r Idhia, 'MOA^ til, ant arar m r haU-Larad Mata .lai naidna*. anMitaiaa: alaa alniaaf UaM ti wiBMalaa wHrt d«M caalla; caaraMaaaiaHftnaw. __ ^BIWIAD rr^ IN, TBtTRaMai—lllaaIr'iBr.

auhad. laraa aad aanll Uakt lama. |«a- a lad Bat raid aatariali -------■■oadrt. u i t - taaatrllaj (aanat i tleetrtrRyi ataRRMSK IT., II—Van* vnfartaMa laiM

far aaa ar I m «M i aaa a( Mara: aakrearn l l . t l i bamllhr; a m aalRliBarhaad.

■AMt ar.. iHl anraiTiiaaaa: Btraaaallr la- mW hatmaa Itla* aM •amatti atai taaalanaMa raafnr; aatilr taraMadi ialb.

o a k H i. raadaaaMa. , ,htCBIxiiiiTTT, ia>N lH lr Iwralabad raaai

aaallaidaa, ad|at«la« Bath: aaatlaBm hot vaiari all tw in /aam taj raaraailhi litivata faaiWr- t^ O R M OM-BLRMl' krR t r . . I l l rraat farm laT

amiatarialadi •* <!••* <>alB; alaaaUrr hawBieelaa raaaia. laaalra wraad n m : all la K**—a n ia. _ _ _ _ _ _■URS«T*'tr.. Id-Ri taa Rtalad ram hrn r a a ! a i r * u i w r ^ s s i a £ ' * ' j ^ ; £ rM m .

V i Rm i Ai j p u iA S • t • ^Atirt fo r ) iM n t u t t tm m • p ^ i l Rm ) E tM if A m J i iW N B V A IH ( EVEN­ING N E V S . T iiM t «IM v t * i f rM t, *«a o r foqr • liOfM Ip v tr i ib ly c o n - •u lt i n t^ T o r t i t ic f eot- uiniit. I i I t t h t rtefot- n it td nia] t t u t t O M ilw i •nd h a t d n la r ta o r e lrtift lation t»r ib o o M tfo t t copir* o f an]f N c « Jo r ttv n tw if tp e r . R ut i t to Itw itd t apd be c iinv iacod

I taaad at aari Id aaa drig . _____TROMAt n . Raar CMalad aaa.—naa

an l■ ■la lMailt imT datiWa . _ aitaai_faad taMa Baardr W ^ A V e . Il'lHUma BtaM~

B ^ Far raaaia ar iVa aaaclaa taMa; aaatral aad aaaaaaMatWAUHiT ar., td—llaaa a larea raaa, IBIrd

naar liaet. aaiaala Maattat riMraaia ra*I I... . f t I ■M A ID W A N IIDlM«a EMM, NTlIlUa IIM tt H N r li tL t MMiiMAi- «4l»t bMwmfcdit preferred. jQ**

■t |r«Mfllaaa. la^i Blra 'aBaaa maiBar aad raiaa. 0 . ft. i u j l l l . Naara atttaa.

WETi $wmm laaa, BatB tidmil taatBaaa. . . tard aad taaai »RK aaiirait ftai.

Ur: n i m lal aad BomallBa aartauadlMi n - iniHlfriilatta Hid aradarrad. Addma CUa-

n tU IK IIE D ROOMS TO U T9TATA BTm M-^Pwo rooM furllffet hUMRfcRifiMtf: Mfeto thnw mwiwj »tlhnprorMiMilti wmt IdktMAVMiMiR atAtUa.UpililT fLaa i. W«ch m n bniiMNo*|R lurvliMd MMin wtiM rlvAMi VMlwl U bMlb; *11 |mMr*v**««u; t i l l m

i tm* ^ d

■T.. f l.-T a a aiiaaarllai m i„ Btat id»ala>. aUB raaalaf aalan ~ ratal tar aaa ar Iwt anilnatft

BnUMBWICft RT. H—Mat. MfBt raa*. la a arlrata faailla. IBa aaa ar taia ladlaa

^URT IT., t l Mlaalr laaaBrtii l ram Mr aaa aad ««a •aailtaaaMi prlvalt ataaM-

Baalad aaaaa: Bata: all aiadara iMarova. lai tala| Baaa ain l it : I mlaaCaa tn m

a r iR u m bt.. t tn , n m aai raan. aaitawBtai anaaia ai

aaar raurt Baiiaa ta Bm B: all liaaran.

i0AIUHIIC--O O T O f TOWNauMft cMih^ h.'' tm HwMaaaaai.' F mfW itf U*^bedrsMe r*ww;

diftt m •ew etier; b*U: ijiw i!««•• ItN tM rwmmt i*Mr S*£rd. 'PIMM M l QWMMRt_______________________MICK CHIIHOM. t l SvorvTMM IM* ndmtM rvMi r—ntnjWWp ‘tb*M

MteX CttUACHa II W*Mt*r tl llv«. WMMJf Ft***. «i«Mab >»*MU niattof «M(*r: aaaaltMt l*Wa, |*«r ^taiitaa u tftta a> IftHr, _______MAWT aJUIf««a Pavb ft. oarw BlfiidIt Rta. AWMf* t ^ f f rtaal raaM antlitlM« M t. •lactrl* IMU: <br«*

fma UMkawasaa maUm ; r«f«r'ta*it.mAtmm

iTHATPORD PU. IR--«lMMi*h«at*4 f«Ma “ Llleeaej all lwNM**«>)b*au; tFiaata i


ft la rw - ataiani aad aitaiar.' a ->?*'*« "al »r. auranilaaad Baaiad r a w far Rail Baatajtaaadaa. la f ° d leeaike, Rm r™

eWleea^ltWOHIT*'* o!% L ^ i^ c ta iat.. Kaai aidd.. raan « 4.____________ _M Sm oim i RT.. id-ia—Mar tad lln

ram flata: aH l|aar»»■■■■■*■: ^rw , llaBl. a|rr.;_ raal (u . Ilf; .Naa^lawMe. iataUa

■f*ad aad Magiwit _______COURT fT„ lH —Tarr alatMal f r ^ 'HaBi haaaaltaaatBdi alaa Maatitt tiaaia Baaii II atUiaUa' «alk Braad aadMtfBat. _______ _

C0V«V*if., ai—Om lar«d ratat. aaMaBta ft* •‘la «r tw« paraoM; tla t rtwe:

aW I t r a v f a i a ; i f aa*Mihli

FarA dedieem ,aaa.. aaar ftiakaaraBU dtatlta— H: SiBl -TSR aiftftllORC.llrlBi raan. Htatararaaaia:

Batwaaa Oraai laraauBaaaaBiaalaa, Ift

liaa UaaM a t—ftaratId RIlaBatMIla: dl


•* .RraaiiatB} lat. lU l Wai MARtcer RT.. M T-rmM ootin' •paaaaMatiuIlC iBMin

a: BtlB;MMinai arar Marfeai tad Braad aiat laaatra Wad Bim . ar w i Cltaiaa art.

MAWAi'ifliriT.T rt—TBm llaBt aad~a«a raatat; raat II. taatdra J. lTBt.P*>CR,

II ilataa ai.____________________________

NORTUM MAAftW aad t l Attar aft atar^raad; i laatrli-

Mr. aaraaal flaart, raraaa aiatBarr: aH ■adrra aaaaarlaaaaa- I. t, I raaaa

WIDOW vltB ra« thildrta War n am : part laiarari

nai BM ta aaatil III. Ml------


NORTH r iF T R in m i BT.. IM -naaaal Briak apartnaBi; Mat Urat all Artl raaaia. Balk, all UaararaamU: Balia nr- afiBad; aaaratilaat ta A ■Bara-Ran all la Bla- Ikiaa; raal III. <auiKTH IIUNN ATft, Tt_«anM flaari law iwa-fanllr Baaaa. aia raaaia aad itn ta

' aam FHiLLIF. ilaaBaaa Karhata w ar Mni

Allli : All |mpm*M«ilU IRM JNIH, Z» WMblMfftn M. Talti


AHKjfuL rftIftUMAN. Ml Narrlm aaa , Nafrln A akml iBaaa la t rdtaw aad lUad < Mut_tar |U;_a raaJ Bar«ala.

ARI.INaTaN^^*"BBM at aUH g g r i a ! NaTaaiftAUYtPUId M w tiw i* far r*M la mM*'

WMN.wett* H aMMi Omim* Mfi PtrA

00V>T iT-a 1P-«Twm Hm, mmmHHMi «>ma r**Mw h r hamukmmHa; via «MIMMI; fMMItAlj fMlMIMMitM.

COLtmUA ttar Tf—Lm«« trm i aIoav*.nriUM* fe* MMI tv« aImIV* ijr tkm MMMiBi t f r*viM for Uflit MuAMplNp: ImH riiiMiCOtyilBU PTa. a . IM Mar*k«i oM liOMd PfIfrIM IpH**: l*r«^ ciMM, iM«t*d t m u k H fm m i m mit* IR RM»f»dMtfcClKTRIl PTafTRRt rMms__ _RiRR fiRft* FMMI'Plt*R*.CtNTIR PT.a

keiiiWRlx fmiAMd; m w ■ k i. d u ; Muiiai'* ***^' **** '****'TWO laraa, UaBl. faiafaataBla raana; lat'

arerawaata: atatlaaarr Baataa; CM am . an., Batwara Hl|B aad QaHwaa, Addraai •aiM Bai II. Matra alMaa.THIRTRSKTH ATft, t l Baat raan Barn-

lArta reaai la tidal faadtr! alaaai Baalad, i^MmareveaaaUi arlaB It. *Fbtaa HuBal

WARMyi i 1 ILH: Ma«ia"KL

aaar vaiaima lAIMk ftWt •rUrmEii m f ltw>; MRfPMM I

IT., IP—r w t . MIMtltRf._ fMtML WHb WfotR*!TtIf?---

h>MR»k»*y*iiM rvopwt. M.H. vtU> M P1a»* *L, IH, c o i n m t T i o A R o

II—Laasa, Bkair faraliBad II aH Maararaarati: lana Hit laaa tukaa.

WAUnrr BT., I l l —UamUBa laifa traai raaai aad WUImb: aawaltia; | l traaklr: raMaanti Haa. a*rd aaifBfcaaaaad. m tir; aantr

WALNUT BT.. It—Lai«a aamiittaf tad liBfla BaaaakaaplBC raaaii I t aad II: aai haiB. Bat waiar; aaar aUr Ball: laaraa-

CLIITTON BT., 41—WdniaBad

Owfilw Clissiied Ads— B E L M r A O T r o - W

laraaBlr; all iatyiaVBtaaatairaaiBBi aaBlIa. ■: 11.11 aa.

DARCT at., H-Mall raaai laallr fw- aMtad; alt lataraaiiBaata; ILH, FOB- MAN.

WILL rtat lu ta friat la iw, arlaata£ | B g a , ; . “ a s r g L n s a a S S - " -WdlRwiMftF m*' A__ B . ^ _..

NDirni NRWARK-am rm aal UI rata aaw

'Mi.iaa ata natarB BraaB. JANmonth ritTH al. aia-Pl>a aat Ha ran Waatirulir dramiad; tHai ltiliriBli||ai ■aria, raw naiiaaBii, A aa^ H lllilld .NOKTM Th1hTKCNTK~ ft.. Hfirtraaaw; aU tnaravMaiali aataat Baali aaar Rm rlUa PaFot; ti t. _________Vb ^ N Fft, IB. (arm BMeair t<—d i ^

Br aad FrtaaiH i i i aaanr awUra I ■atm Madid ram , tla i i f i : aiaaa ■ai ataalrtHlF. iu U # aarataa: aalr P

CA«r KINNKT FT. « aa nooa. atr:ar aad karli aarltr, alail a l fw tm ; itantaa n a m far Iwa |

kamaUba: naagawbla OlOftlL

aad BMB; all RgBl.FOBHIMI AVI., ttl. aaar Cllttaa — Mk rtttaa. BaiB. ataan Baat. alattrla llaBL

fatal Baas aalllaa: taeaad tr iBlrd flaari

FAHKiM BalB nalaaiM N prtU * t NiftB inaalk H..~daaiBt

iLoOMFIRlA Jam a al. II—Hra ratsai •IF laipnmaBaBta: laraa raiwi taaa Im aarafi iMtB' raM 111; aBat Ba ataa ta la iBBiaatatadr laatMra aw t>a praartm

BLOOMriBLO, OraBard at., Id^OH tr Iwa Urfa n am aad w ranatta. tar dabl aa fata Mind ar laralaBadi art- ■ laam n inla.

BLN FT., I Caaaat ltae traai ri iw i. alaa kail raa..: lamareetsalai kaanBrai hwi flat iBlaaui tm a Braad aad lUrkat an : m l maaaakla.

CLM IT., II Flat laaea WaM nan , I kanitkWilati ILH: aWa I ataarrlMl aaaw. atta f a Bada. ifld . Call dtata.

BIUHTBRimi AVft. HI—MMdM flatr: laa laralaBad raaaa tar Ftatlw aa; BatB: art- ania aa(t«aat: ptlaalai Qarm a Ambhi al


WABRBK Fft. f l-O a a t a m fraai a am tar aaa ar iwa Fta llaRiaa. aad ttaa

mtaa taa HaBt BaaaaBaaBtaei twiran ataaiiWCBHTIIB FT.. IIH —Natia l a ^ fraM,

raaaaetitf raaan tiFala ar ar ■■arali; klickaaaitai alt l■sr#ae■aetA Maai laaa.ilan Btawiilllald a J BaHaatlla aaaawairikotom llV^^twa aiaa~aaaaatt-

Ml m m , tu iin a r r ib b b i t a l l lalMr aad all faanalaaaaa; (B m ■ ■ .! .# tramFaar CaraaHWAdHINOTON FT.. Hd—La tfi valldar-

tlahad ratal aem lata fat '

WAdHINOTON FT., lid —Laam t laaoHM flaw. fcaaaatoaJ^.

Mm tamwm a Baaia; V i

FAHILT ad ddalM Ban bMbIf faraMBad raaw far taBaal laaaBan ar BBalaattladr ar daaUaam. War dal da ataUaa: ‘pMaaa

l i l t BmcB BraaB. Addraaa daUaft Baa II, Naaa aMci

rU M flS IlD ROOMS W A im DTWO I ttlf I

Ml?ta 5w*mltiw*m5'S2rT*ii." aad W, a*aM; nai rtaataaUa la daUrtMa tmuH. laaalta ta» flatr,________

BAFT OMANOft COIt.NBH RHODB IlLAKO _A!*ft Foirrit c u n t o n ft. - ntA -n , l iy B b o o m i a n d Eath. in nrw

jW i

FOURTH AVft. II alaan raan. aaltaBla

la |: anall UtaBaBalta ' aaa; iB m aaa Ueai

II NiealF farlaBii lla« HaHt lar UfSt BaawBaii aaltai BalB; Baat; |rim a

b m la f; an mad; aaai t f . aadM rm Ad~

> Hr U|1it liaai ala: atairam la-

■UU darllaaMn It, N ttn adflai


M , rtVK molUflNO. AUd DBCOHATRp^CKTt Ilf III: _K Kirr^ltO »t 1,

(igUW FOR t N ir low .

FURMSHEO ROOMS TO L ET -O U TM jajni aattad^Mar. laraa BaTratai na. f j f |V A N

at lM *Sw inf a n ., r a iw I lo IdMcIlMWRMM

S J g ‘FBANIUJN FT.. O. mar atti BaB^Utea


b* - * T * T * * ^ . y w d l **j ■ IBBm : f in aaUtdt nana: altiiB Baal aid,iip t S S 5 a ^ T 8 ? N * a g - r g . ^

4RBBN FT., I t - M nW a laret Bad raan attaSad; alat albi

alaailad raam naa. |L H t —

CALOWBLft. N. d,, am Maak I Fartr waaM raat l .a i I r----

aaliklNaaaK m S P ^ dI *PttR*a

*»t M" ^ P«UMgta O ftdl^ft TBa WaraM. Caam WW^ , i r S i i r . * v > L " ^ - ^ " " t ^ j T 2 r S a a * ' r ’ r i s r ^ r

S d \ .*Bait* S r i tW r* * A waranr laHirlinaMat. laaalta Miiiar. iA ~OB4NOft'''Nnrmii Caarl

NOdSriIU Ava,, IM—FM flawt raal raaaaartta; talaiBam IMIft ft f t

......................... '" ‘‘ bS T S2 S a " S r 1 £ S ^ - '

RILL FT., II—Naal|r daearalaC wall tar* Biakad ratal, ta ir lm a afartiaaat; all IniranaiaaUi: ’i Baaaj aaar latk; ratlaad lartif aalf. laqalra TOBK.bill ft.. IL atpaMU aH| kail—HafM

rat«: an '..................... . ................. -aaaaBM.

BAFT ORANOB—Farel aMa: aH l■■waatBtala: 1frah III, ft iTw. Im laa tr Hllw Oraam H Awl

____ rtaata-Idraa awaatiaUaHar IMat.

baft ORANOB—dUraatln, tataad flaar. latm ilaaila

tan: aitB attm a HHtiTi ■ aad. Tal Otaiaea IMB.i T T .

FT., t l Ml Baaaiital laawa m^m m Si “ M*|f"*'*1 *l VF>

___ ___ WAAt OAAWOImg^ VBMRMM Rii tUOK PTa. 111. 9mr- CmmTmI rtib—! « • t

r . a ; . i s r \ . s 2 j * i U i » B & r S t t s s S T f ia v .

i m Waaim)aBtea. IN Wi ___________________F«Hmi TfwFiTiw,. tH .JH. a* Avaa an .—

BnaUfal f l a n . ttaa>ak raaawi aiaaH

■A*r. OdiAiMMBa. BiaatitaBr ______ _

£r£hS.t RH Oaatnl an,-T«a.(kiMlr -- dn rddm. tlM BaUi. laraaal

lan raainaRta. taaalia ad talar. a; TliiBa WW Otm a i

katlara; tlanala

7 Jh*« MI4 HvrSlRt.

fVRlW; fNRHl iMC* ««ttWRRi;R mrmr, mOiRlMI MVtl

•OVTH OAOVI PT.a IH t—ApM tM ^ rm* ^ aad fMdt, la Iva-tanllr k am :^ ftawa:

^ / a S - Z j S r ’rSg^RfoR. ________ ___

BAFT ONAXOft ItT. Caatral art. (Hrda ^ n r d l aaaUaa. Wralmad a|artaaait— Hi aitracHra raam FarRaat irara; tall atrrMa} flat radaaad._________________BUT OBaIMB—Omar Baartanat ad tanaaltrarUiaMSaHlaa; raatlaMad a n _______________________BUT n Mti Wa t u na aiid BatBt all lai-j : u r % E r * . ^ i 3 , n ^WattBaae aaa.. aar. Aidn ai. Waat OtaataFLAT, tta tU flaari i«a-finU]F Btaat: all _ rt t iWl all maaaaawaaM; III AaiJurti at., Baat Omiea. arFM l l Nadaai at, Naw- ark.

BMM FT., IM, flat m i l at la MarbM Bad Bm^NMaUr iBraWwA fwat aam ; an lawran awaMi BHaan MBIil.___________UALdRT FT., H—4 m aa twa fd iWaBi l

raana; l aa n lala lar lia a lk it i lM; llarH Bn raam t raiaa nadaran MdU ■■iBilNOWABft FT„ II—raraMBad fraat pantri

printa fanOr: atafraV taaaUaat IMW aaa-

BAFT ORANoft Mata n . Hd-AArm aaaai faralaBtl n a n m arlaata natlliri tm Maiditrm B rhftnaraL Tal. Oraaea ttll.

lAIT OBANOft WI RRvPI* TR*MbR* RMMR Nadia WMW.'n d ftk r . nT T THaat, fraat raaai afntd lataM talp.

BAfT OBANOZ. WIUMn at.. Hd-Ftawdl dw •BaWt laana; aaiatlir marl emeHn'FBeaaOndia

. Daata an t, raan Hr HaBt

JANBd CT., II—Iatb* ttdMi AHan ram, aasaid fltdr, aaar kaiBj aaMaMa Hr ttaa tr tk n an aK arkaujaai ar ui aFl i

HULIBIIBf IT., H—lflaair faraMBad far IliBt BeaeaeaeHas, li : iMatna II; alda aBttwaa; a f ^ U liaatar Haflf f i rC T ’

a: «R UB-

ar—IB ann ■ awan ■ ar raaaa n-a——aanw Wmm •BHWWaBaiaar awrlaa am awaH lH nH nnar- Baanr taa niaataa ta d K m fa U Brind dtii raat n idan ta: ataal aa innMn.

•oonfriiTBBiNTii ''d T M 'T i^ n taSm | 0 aid valari taa-HnlMJwbh far HU

r t A y t ! f e r h « * & a ^ rfr i i e M g

FLAT! Btavad ta faddad raaa, It Mad;iH an Htawd, tl.H : ataraei O’CCNNOR.

H WniMn al. Oraaea.__FINN fM:

MVLBBBBT Wt„ I t l - t a r i a . IraM raan tar Uadi |timifci i i la«; ataa kaaaiBilllad raan, at aBHctlaa ta aBUft_______ ,HAIUCFT Ft.. IH^Twa HdBt i pr*»*MiRMia

tai klaa reuiiia al ltd Waaila>taa at.______KBW FT, in —WaatlF fUtaliBid n a n aaa- jraye t|fa r JljUt^^m tMai|tag. wllk HI-

MONTCftAlB, Ualaa aft 11—Oaa alita<A ««• Mtft Maaaatlaf r t t n i n ia ad iaar, Bail *Haaa Siw*” aaBBr; naala aaraadi

OBAlioB—Twa aloalr farataBal 'raana'; J i tailTtntiMiai l aar ialn t la tratlap aad

LaakBaaaaa: bintaaaB winaa ar laantnaat prlvaia Hnlip. ‘Fdaat tlMB Oram i 1 la riF .H .ORAMOfl. Hata aL, 111—TanUkad rw Itfrala tanllpi all taain raaMaU; Bi

/* 5 5 S g r = ‘•rOrII «r MPProRR

W«ri eRdesS.

ORAWai, liRlm Rt. 441 pRWTRbt* f tn liliii rvMM wR*k Rt rRiseesbi* ivu«a Mifirt «v

aiwall kaati wUkia tkraa amalaa H aad a n ., ^ a« OBOimt Tl

flat,Jia a it___ „ .«a aar UBta; raat HI.

aal WaiBtadiaa an

*'*%|iiaBd aa l,55"3fiiB ir"raan aal

part IndraamiaataiHMi n i r iH n » i.

north dnend ft .—tnaair fanMka« raataatar*aaa ar Iwa maUraiaB: all In m n .

naatt: eaevaaMBt ta tnilai' a id trata. H Kortli IliUi a l

WHT ORANOB—KtMkaa aad Badnita for llfkt Bi aaiBaialaei an Ineraiiiaiiiia:

■Man knt auFi fltd. H I wataknH an,,•*' *»**" ”■ __________


aa Ptmad Raar: m l l i t Mt i n . Waat Oraaft.a a d l ^ at ikdl In - -—anaBla dacontad far f ill Jaat a Hw

“ a S rS i:

W aad aaa a i n rain Rat. aU 11 1 ! laH ta IIaiad. aaaB naarft { S ta ll

■arrtn a aiF.. lia iiHl^. N. 1. MAN.

NBMON Pft, M, aaar aaart Bum tarFa.Ilaataai fna t raaaa; amplaia far Baatl-

kaaplai, |aa>aBti; lar |t cleaaU; ILH: ata- ■ta I t m H; wall Baaiad; aaw fartaaBtada,NBLdON Fft, ta. aaar taart kaaaa—NaWlp

faratahad traai raan; an Imirvnmaatt; aamkla tic twa ■aalianaa-NIOILT hraioad raan. Rrima tanflr. all

inFrannaala: aataei laaalMai nadarati Addran dalaal Ba« II, Nawa adka.

•aar Braad—NMt, alrr, ' flaar traai

AVON AVft. n . a« CHuiaa — BaaaUfal fraai m n , 1 ar 1 ; aim twa aatallar laami wlui iHvBM H nllri haaad aFMam l; 'ikan.

BOARD—Hira twa raam, idjalatar beard, la mall kan iHka drm

Binn kaatadtwa aMaawL m •tad aalft wMh aa wlibmt . . II lattaad Anarlatk fuallr;

Ilka and nw aatalt rnmmbM. Ad- Niink Nawaak, Baa Ift, Nawa atflea.

ltd OBCRABO dr., IL Biar Braad- Ita aMaatr fuaMBad, ttm , anaad m n m ; handUkt aavaaMarn:

broad i t .. Itl.and amatl aawlr •Bk bat aad caM a

BT dar ta waak.

IF m i l dal Hr ir~■aallanaa ar ladla i

aoVTB . a n —F in

f w t f t r n i IT.. IM. n n HFkl naan ; « I aal; w g jhm t ta aaH _

i3 m m M S n F V s S ?S o irm OBANOB a t b ., iir —n n aHa.

J jU l HIM*. wM RlnfnnaBaata lawilra 111, Hiaad flaar.dBli'I'B'FT.-TwwMnRr Bam

^^yrj^lM F nefta aad talk. MT

jo W t OBANdiB aH l HI". I ^ n 'JF- awBWi ala im n t am kafi! r

.IF dal m fa Nawarfe H waald rtM„ J ll ar IMt Wiartaia m n atanwart

'^ M T C ftA h ), 1% ‘i .- r i^ a p o w h u S T "B m llfa lf iw ^ S ^ ^ S ^ r S T u i m .dda n ij i ii I n H a lia to atatlaa im itaUaf. M kraSr ar m tin i r inMi i IM I Diim

■CHARD ft.. Ill—Larm IraM naa kiicknalta, am am laraa, krtokt wnk m a ^ wanr; kaaaihBaFMet i

RROAD FT. at—RmiF»*im l Hraa. all Uakl nam : aaa ar Iw# ■aaUaaiaai iaIBi alaan

Baht LAM.! IldBt: Board Bnack Broth

aa: BoIBi alaanaMloBal: radw- ML R. DODO-

ORCHARD F C ’l iw im iL alnla. ti«ki waii fwalahad, tm i aad n a r FArMr: ataam Beat; Hr rattiiaa eamta; aaar ilaaela Far!

ORCHARD FT.. 111. atar O ant at.—NaoHr tafahkad naau, aaaaitn a far h n n kiij- lac: Baaiad, HI laaadrr. ata am BatB.

dT„OROADfnat ___. __wan BmI; iMa Hr tm ■iBlIiaMB

I. n w Chirai al fkfar; r«aiRWMbRRtKW IV*ePMpB; ml

ClurRiaMt-'LMrgR nHlMlnf WRUMr fV*mr ■VtlRW* U* bORfd.

a p tm i TBHibt Bft, Ml Fan Mrai lUki lian a; raat raaiaatBH. laaBlra d n n m i

ORANfia, Oaalar aft, i n —dta m a n kttk,t M i i r f f i i iS i

FARK Bf... l i t am ud-BU am "»*« ---- aafaralf ataankaal

0RCHARD7if~ i l l —Twa aaim naaaa Iw Uikt kinBRiajlna. atatwiBaat: taaadrr IvUadaa; kawt: raM laadiaota.

OROtubk BT.. ITI-FMaaiRI. INMiiaBid fraat tonai Baotad: nitakM far aaa tr

twa; all Inprm im anORCnARO FT.. H—Wall baoWd traai n an

tar am ar twa manamao: aH InFnra laaaMI trlvaH faHUp.

FROAD IT., WK caratr Famb al.-lArai dau- bU aad ttalH eoeemla* nofaa; aiiaai hattidaelrla Iliht aad aaa; nutaliM m ar an nah naan MBM haaid.

H S ' E S E T S . 58•ROAD FT., m> lAtaa daakla fraai :

ImmM w rwa jaoUtmaaL k*tk. allTBIBMUD FT., im . BWrldan Paattakli

dauMa am aUiata nana, with BiMd.raatiira in n B n . raaida had Both, aafarotf aMan W t m l ORUtAIIdTr,. IB-MMa M w n a n Hr tfa — -TT:,T.T.-■TT", 'rT T '. ------

" j s r w .*

dim.rA e fa e w N B * —i

•Bcmm A v ^




, R ( ^ AND f u l lO f T O fNr s g S j B S S ^ a W r t

MNNINOTON Ft., tt, Utar Onbard a (^ Madia aad atmaatlm roona: m aU l

FM TA ^ H a ^ WH lai iwa Mwft Ht- iWthtd raiaia ta lw » adwliai (da. hidh

raan tana fwar: two Motka t im HthattaAddiBH..ft ft, Ba« ift Nawa afWaa, •T%nriKB AVN., m . 'ktor d ia ta iT en Z .,

Lana, Mry, iroal ratM. la arlnM fan- nr: Inarm n i aiai im oriaMaa fron Brakl aad N an a i

OUNTON AVft, m —l U n two aHalr BlaBfd naaaaliae n an a far — ' ■ n t t a t t u BaMi HtalriB ll

kaan s a s j r ■rtnta HniCLmrON AVft, IM—LMBt, daalrabiat ata>

' ■'*” ■ wolir tadn aldrktMl

aad iMw rmn. wnb rmiila» wotir tad Mlifa. ta i iS i “tirlaUr

aaauto; alaa •Hf» I

roana; atallrf t s

r u n AND AfAKr-M tH T f 1 0 LET ,.fC S S ft.. ItR Mta Na* al.- _fiaanMd. Matir ram aM nan. afak i kiMkaaidla, tHft. l i t M l hm iMar: - .. ni'Wd -----------

^ lO O M i TO LETiyimiFmBFMNMn ^ taMma w Mindiitmmy

, IB kana, ta ■«■t: nuh, t u am Maan : aiMtM; TaHm aw ac-'

FiANB BVm m —MnWr t p aHBrI aiaon-

daajtad toan: all MIfH.______________.

BMB BT. IH-BRMBttoRk aaMBan adFaaan: alt ntkta, Rwiadfae Baal, Htapt ia i.Maatwa: aaHal Jawidk H nilr

Jaim. frtBfalt Inpraii

d : i i i r . t ‘f£iitt— »5 pfUtrn

$%, w m iixtk - IMPPHllawadm IH-


r . t a i s i ' - 5 n a :

r w ^ s tWH wHk


faABHIKaTON, O at IL—Admiral Boif^ eamiitandaMt a t tha m«F m d at HaiHnBiii lafar- fa R aabla lo iha NtTT ItaiiartniinL rairortad cha arrival lhara af iha auBiiiRrlnaF X-l. K-d, X-T and K‘l. whlaM laft flan FraaalMa Ot- lobar I. Twa HF tha aabmarfaaa—Uia X‘l RRd Uia X-T—m t a naw rdtord far Amtiiaan undaram bm la bv trdral- Mif il|a aniira LIM mllaa m dar tbair Fowar. ' Tlia atbar twa baala wara tawad Fkft r t tha w ar.

Tha tn ia t r Marrlaad. tha aolliar HaMhaft iha I nb IraeuFlt and tha far- F«fa-bdat fa iiro ra r iftw ram a aaaom. iMdlit. tha dubmarinaa.

l i u n m i u i O H i r s i n i w R m u s o f M x n n a

m m TOBK. Oat. II.—Ortof-dirl^aR [ bviT tha dadth i t Bar hwahmd, a aaat ,fanta Haidar Wim w m drawam Mm - .dar, aad ffartUB M faaa Ufa FtBRihuM aad dR laar BaallB. Mm . Swn t k aum

(Mnilr, FBI bar ihraa aBHdraa ta bad, laridB dh all iBa Bhd faf* fa ihalr BtdifclrR hdma aed w aat «a faaa» bar- aalf. THUr RQ im r w«ha HmM daad,

Tba wiiRFB had MaRilhad On badp I a< few haafeaad a t th a RMfoBa aad tbaa

■■■»;.)«■«, dHjMra afea plaHaad iha ladr- M b abdWMB wara AUaa. ■ahaOi iH« MMHh. laB R nf fa mda fa IhMd far:.»dB,. ,

[ ' ■ ^ w . i i t q R t ' c n : i m A '

t I H

FAFT OflANOft Ika HarrlaaB. II Mami fl-T m datumn naan: n alkiiB (_foMn; ucanaal baard; labia taaala aa- aann aiaMA 'Fbaaa IHIW Orami.______

BAFT OMAmB-BabvIlHIIr Mnlibad rani: laai Ntw BbatoBa bana nafam; raflatd wl- law knar, narrr; lauaaraHt*; avwv ka- pnnwwU. M Biaik Waiaai n._________BAIT MANaX FriijiU a t. U-Nawlr far-

g ; i B g r < F c s ^ . r B s f =BAIT ORAHBfa. Baadh Bmwtll at, IL-

a l L T S i l S i . 'S eITMftORANOR, LMtota a m . MB In aH

n m H alMaeilm prlmU '■•ifhborkatd; mar Niaklar ~

HwM Hr-

MB-dnsU, alaanal ala knn : diMrtaM m am am tnUar:

Tka n an d aea a ( .Mfat FiBataa Claro ■avaBd. dauaMlar a f Mr. aad Mfft Fraak X lavBFa a t II* WaaBfattdai aranaa, aad Claraaaa L. Laa. ■ •• a f Hr, a m Mra WDUsm im a a t TIB C b aiU al atraat A rlfailaa, w m la tamRfaad lafa aiBht fa ■I. daha'i ■H i aapal CBmaft Xav. Al­ban M. frit, raabar a t tha tharah, f*T' fam ad Iba raramaar whtah wha tel- fawad br a raaaBttaR aad waddlac « F - dtr al tba hamo at ih a hrMata daroala

Tba hHda. wba w m B f*m ta m arrlafi br bar faMior, wara a bfw r af wbita dwtaa aailB drapad w ith Cbaailllr laaa m d wada wKh a m a rt irala. Mar vail of lalla w m arraaam fa a aar alfaal with aatural araaew bl aaim a and tba aarrltd a tbaw ar B a a m t af BrMa raaaa aad llhaa at tba vallar. Bha wara a dlanom aad FfaUauH Faudiat, tka f lfi of tba bridaeraa n . Mar iravaUat aaa- iHBt* caoelaim a f a B aletaa b lm braad- afatb Mit tr in a im w ith bmvar far tad a hat ta m atm with ir ta rn la e i f t (ha far aad allvar Ia«a.

U ln niadra HavaBa, wba waa Bar atataVa maid af hanar, wara a la w a at Finh Rwita aalln. brmadod with allvar aad a rtah u i la naft Sba rarrlad aa arm bou<(uat af Rlak raaaa. Tba bridta- n ald i wara Iha Mlaaaa famlea Barnrit, Kdna Uaydan and AUaa Bavasa, aaadhti iMtar, and Flaranm Maaaleh of Craa- lard. Thar wara Bawaad allka In pink iBlIa moda avar Utah anpa malaar with bedlma at allvar kraaada. Thar wort pink ta lla aaBR and esrrUd arm bauauaia o f pink ahrraMtliaiaunit. U tlla Bold Bavoea, aaathar tittar of Iha hridt, waa tha fliawar e<rL Bha w a n a fraah af pala plah tatfafa and whlia laaa m d carriad a baahat af plak taafPPPPi

Babart Blm anaa w m haat tarn aad IBaaa who aarvad aa uahan wara Davtrl Paltaa aad IrvlaB B allff a f thia altr: Baatanla Bmlih a f laraar CHr aad X

w haatcrofi of Kaw Turk CItr. Aftar a waddim trip, Mr. aad Mra. Laa wiu n itd a at t i l ML J r atp iiil Bvmua.

f Mil RRsPv Or MNfaldLi vMpPM^


ROMK. Oal. II (Via PkHn, Oft. tl).— Tha ttaltaR laaaral baadauaHara rtparf. nwda puHie kara tonfertiL m ra:

“Ok tka HifaJrrb (Manta Nan) m Iha avtalBB at tba Itth , aaaaqr dalachntt trMd la ruth aar aaFa( wbtaB art now ta elota aaataat with tka amRW'B poaltlat Tka allatadt tiallad, wMh hnavr laaam

”Oa tba Cano, tho efiaieiee af Un tith. aftar vMoat am uarr and rifla lln aad vatkrt at hand Bf irn dm tha aaaair atuekad our poalttam aaat a t MaFfalraaa. Tha ananr'R bH m irr wm baaian back bp aur fin and wtikdiww ta dtaardar ta hi* own UaaA taavIBB tba f r eiaid edvarad with badMa. A auFfair at Hlaam n fall tato o«r haadi.**

VlftNNA, OeL IL —A bbIr far UM Auatrtaai ta Iba ItaHaa iham tr af war la iBpartad ta tha faWawInd otflelal Mata- ■MRt laiuad lodar bp tba Auatflaa War OfflM;

"Our piaiitaM an tha plafaaa at La Fnun, e l Iha plaiaan a t Iriiirdti aad oa Iba pli ttaa of Pol i wHia won ibalfad br tha ItaUaaa. On Iha aaapt front wa bava advanead harom tin llaUaR Irmchaa at Wavereak. Two ItaUaa altaeka amlaM oar paaltlam al HrallvTk w an rapulMi.

C nC U O M K M B S B S I R u m a s H i i i H B

CHICAOQ, ObL IL —Dafaeataa la tha oanvanuaa af tba laraian 'i mltaloRarr Hovanont wara atlrrad tadar br td- draisM tm eklne s rm ta r tfflelaacr In tha work of iha Ckrtatlaa Chwrek ta aproadlac tba BmpaL

"Amartaa ta tha n a ltliiB pal of tha world, wharo paoplm of avarr raaa art hafad fuaad." aald Dr. Charlaa X Bar­ton ot Naw ToriL "Tka churoh maat pul tha crop* an thta oraelhia li It Uia warh af hotaa ailaafana ta at|lkt AaiarlcB a Ckrtatlaa aatloa."

Aaionf alkar apaahara wara ft F. LtBB of Haaaflold. O. wha toM a t tka mlrltaat powar and aftlelaaer af tka Ideal ehuroh, and Or. F.- A. Aear of Haw Tark, wha praaanlad Iha naetaaltr at iMtamatte aappart a t tba churoh br all Ita laambarahlp.


HIDDLITOWN. Cana.. 0«t. U.—A bank, la ba ntanafad antiratr br ilu. danlA ll ta ba apanad a t Waalayan Uni. vatiltr. It wm annopnead bare lodar. Tka profaot la in tba natura of an *■- parimant by tha Antarloan Bankart' Aa- aoclalloa aad, If It pravaa aucraaaful. It M axpaatad that alnillar banka will ba foundad fa athar collafta aad unlvtral- lira of tha oonnlrr.

Tha itudant Inalttntlon will ba under tha direct tuparvlalan a t the Middle, town National Bank and ordara drawn on tha Waata)an Bank will ba paid In ebicka on Iha BUparvlalnF Inatltuilon.

Tha project hm tha approval of tba otfloan of tka unlvanlly.

■O EISIII-A LU RHMt HArp athal Allan, damhlar H

Hr. am H m Tkanm W. Allta of HI BoUavina avaaaa. and Bnr«and j. HMh- aiaoa at Calmikaa, O., w an nanfad tail Bldht at tha baam af tba kridF* mrtalt. Bar. Aflhar ft XnMhu kratkar-la-law of tba krMa aad paPtar at Iha Hataehan yathodlat Ckareh, FtTfornia l the eara- monr, whiah wwi fattaiwad bp a rniF tiaa.

Tka bridt. wha wm firm fa niarrIaBt br bar taUiar, won a towa at white mtta, a»da wttb a aanrt m h i *m trUaiaid wMh CbantlUr laaa. Bha w m a dfaRwad tavattiarB, Rn idtt at IN brMiBn om. and oairtai a iMatair hi quit at krtda raaa*. Her vtu a t taiit waa arranfad In a obb atfaol wtik arania kleneaia. Her tnvaMae coatuoM •m- aMlad af a dark pram kroadcfalk wit tad a btaok valval b a t Bath tha anil and hat wan irimand with fw,

Hm Arthur f t X althl w m W HMti'a mir attandaal. Bba wara bar waddfa* ■oarn ot nU ta m tta Iftntaoi with pripetmo laea aad mrrtad an a m boa- Ruot af Flak abrrmnthanania. LtaHr Ulllar ot Colaafam wm boat RMR Md tho aabm amta Dr. Xdward BndUi aad tvallor Upbach, bath of thfa cMr. Ufm lhair n td n fraa a loatban waddim trip Hr. and Mm Hlcbanan will 1H« ttmporarUr a t m Baltavttia avamui

O B tO R S -fA Y O niT


WABHINOTON. Oet. IL —Oroat Brit- ala haP am aanttd ta a aaoond port- poaoRioBt, until Hovambar I, of the trill of Kaanath. Trtaat, tha yonns Prlnaetan ttadant bald In London on Iha charra Of katne a Oorman apr.

Tha BUta Dopartm m t waa today an- d n v o r la i ta have the court-martial furtkar poatponad a t tha raquaat of tha yauik'f tat bar, auatava Tri ait ot Naw Tork.'^

A* tha ■npltah O ovarnnant rafuaaa to raaaiva arndavlta a l tho eourt-mar- t i ll rtRlrdlnB yoiine Trlam'a allaiad Itiaanlty, hla fathar plana to tall lo- m o rn v with atvaral wttaaaaaa to taa- llfy parMafaly.

Hlaa ftim lhy Fraaola Watarbury, dauKtifar of rhariaa Lacda Watarbury of Halo *traaL Boat O n m a . Woa marrlad laft avti.lm to Harold Balfton Olbbou ot Datroli, formartr of Koat Oiama. The earamony wm parfomad at tha honn ot the bride’e father and w m foUowcd by an Informal racapllon. Rav. Hobart Draw- rtar Bcatlla, pastor of Muaa Avaaua Frttbyleriin Church, afflcMtad. Tha bride «rtt itvan In raarrima by bar ftUitr and wot allandcd by MIta Xatbryn Aina- Ita of Woabimton, D. c . , who haa bean vlallln* bar for aoaic time am who for- iTierly lived In Kaal OraitB*. Archer C. aibboni of Eaat Oram* w m hla brethrr'a' batt man. The ribtioa b a a n n w an I.ou. Ma Cottrall and Ilalan Ollror of Eaft Orinfa. ClUdya Auttln and Uidtllna Watarbury ot New fork. Batty Read and Warjoria WlUtama of Onn*a.


Hlaa Baaata Fm nela. dauihtar of Hf. and H m A lnandar T, Franela of l i t Norib NInataanih ilraat. itaai Oran^a, naa married raaiarday afternoon at the bema of bar paranti to Otoraa R. Navloa, ton o f Hr and K m Jacob Navlua of lom arvllla. Tha oartmeny waa parfermad by Rav. Fradarlok Olaaar ot Aomarvllla, and waa toltowad by a recaption for thirty Butata Tha bridt naa Blven In m arrlaia by bar falhar. and waa altandad by bar aliur, Hlaa Oladya f t Tm nela. aa maid of honor. Howard Navtma waa hla broth- ar'a bail man.


Hlaa H arsarat LIttIa, daathtar of Hr. and U m inm aa U ttla af H I W al­ton aranua, aad Hlaiar Moara af B itu . bath wara nutrriad loaf nlpht ip tba Bpiaoopal Cbufob a f BL Mary Kaeda- im a Rav. Paror C. BMmU. fam ar ymtar of Iba abarak. aaw haad Ftaatar at Bt Baraartra BMMI. (Kadatana paitarmad tka aoramaar fa tka prat. aaoa af about tdd IH aads a m rata- tivta

Tha brida w ha wbf f lv a n ir n ar- rtaft br bar fafkar, w m attandad by bar atatar, Mim H ay U t t la Har lew n waa of aM ram ■Ilk Rud aka aarriad a ■hpwar baaeaat a t brida r«Ha tad wort a faoa v a l i Hfa* HarFami HuM, arBaafaL pfayad tba w addlBi m a ^ . Afamadar Maara wrb bla bratkar'a baat ataa. Tba aawpla w ill raalda la jBimbatb.

w m m 4 imHlaa Oram sSyTiSipeli. dawfatar af

Mr. aad M n. Bbadirlak W, Hafall at IM BaMh BfaamtB atmat. aad Onauva Adplpk Waafaradt Mif Wlmbaib waft iRMTiad fata HMM ta MM faRRM at tba Watt fiaahetertM CfeRfaii f a ilM paHn, Ifar. 'W t fo M - C ^ HRm M hHM mM a- Fartlaad of any aad Jolw T. O'Kaaan B iiliM a warn ika AUm-

Aftar ta ilrcm tarfl fMiR a waft fa.ttimheS;'


tauUlat tamuat HtaBal at 4d I Krnaal Naanth af H I ~ waa fliwd M M day. Dr. BirnhtL _Mamie Oatropatblc CfaliBa, waa aa a dafamaac tn tha aoRlptal wbm aa oftioar waat to khibat t*rdar to aarvo a ta « n a m ka farnad Rack waa e«L Tha m m waa Mt at tha hamL bat BmB larlad to appear la aaiFLhlfarraft****** ******* * warraiii NP

It waa Dr. Boak wka ftturad aa pW > Inmtly raeantly ta attaoka a n ia udafa fat OftaemikH CoUam af wfctak ha waa tba bam. Tba attacka warn dirtatad t t tha nalhada af haulm ‘‘Tlrinar

M S I E M E S r OF J ( i iXv



Hlaa Oairfa Maaaara Pham at Elwoad avaaua am , WtUtataAnmirand af Oalnkuie, III., wara nar- riad teat afaht Ml tha Partta XIU Fran bytartaa Chunk. Bav. Dr. Vkadartak w. Lawtai pa atar a t tha tkarah. par- fernid the m ran m r, wblak wm fal- tawad by a n c aptlm flyaa by Hr. am Mm Cbartaa X AmatrauB at tba bana af Mr. aad H m Howard T. Amatime at Til Farhtr atr ait

Tha brUa; wha wm sfm a ta narriaaa by bar brotbor, (tatar CH Foam at FlaaikiBtaa. wadi a Bawa at whna inUn, nada with a aawrl trata aad trinnad wita r iim «fal tarn af talla waa arramad la a taa aftaat wttb iilHa af tba vaiiay aad ma oarriad a ahower k»adu»t *f brida i lUtai of Iha valtay. BBa won tba (Ui af tba br i liBr aawi. a ita tamf Hit invallne niH eonamtd if a hlaa fcnadeloUi aaH trtnmad wttb tMWvar far tad a Waa valvat bat to nateb har

Tba Himte Marjorta RaUtek aad Janetta Partaa wara krttam nldi, Thar wara Bcwaa of ptok Mffata trin nad wMh pink chtffm a m taea aad oarriad tbawar kouqaau af plah raaoti Cfaarttt X Ana- itraaB. dhrtaiow p in iu B ir o f ta t af fat Caatiml Rallraad. aarvad bla haafaar oa baal n aa aad tha wHara w an Howard T. Am ftrawt. am thar brathar, bad MandavMa BtralL Tha brida waa far- n a rlr ta era ta m a Cbartaa X Arawtram, Tha oDUffa trill raatda la Oataiburf. in., wkara Hr. Armatraae fa aaamolad wHb a bank.

WABHIIcaTOK. Oat. IL—A raqutat af ihk principal aiproaa eonpaatm far par- ■bitaloa ta aalabllah nlatmnm charam an ahipmaau of Ileaar waa danlad to­day by tka latarolaia Canniaroa Can- mlitloa. Tba aanpaalm prapoaad Riad nintaiun ebarpaa af thirtr-Pva caMa on packmao M aat n a ra tbaa Ava pounda. aad Afly am la aw Ibaaa ba- iwaaa Ava aad ih irtr paawda. and a titr - dva aanta on paoboam n ara thaw U lttr pounda Tho cammlaptan faund tho pm- poaal waa aat JuttlAad.

(»10MAL lAHSM i ROUSNIW TOBX, OcL 11—Tba aM CuMolal

manilon which baa atom a t t t i lk atraat am AhaiMaa avaaua ftwea MavWuilaaMrP umaa am wWch woa altrfaatad by indH Uoa to have bean oaa at tba haadamriam af OwHia Waahlaetaa waa buraad today. Upm aat of tba wtadowa aomtekad wilh a diaanm ware tha aleaaiurm of Oaaaral WaaWattoa. Uftyalla. Alaaandir HanUI- tea tad uthara fanout la AnMfteaB blftarr.

lO H L -iN U M HPparitl Aarviat af Iba FBTB.

PLBMINQTOM, Om IL—Tha n ar- rtaB* af Him Aaaa rbaRfawWp Hita eaafaa, danphtar af Mm Marparat f t Hotaanba, aad Oaorva Marvta Xahl, lath pfaaa a t tha Knlaanba haan ta Fiaafalvaata avanna raatarddy. ftasi ' Dr. A W. Baaaa paotar of tba Fraai bviariaa Charaft afflefatad. Tka dat-- bta ria f earaeioar waa aoad. '

Uootar Oadlar af Flamfaftaw amp . baft naa aad Him M a a Cbaaibarlhi df-> ' Ntwiawa, Fa„ a a ld a t bawar. T tt ^ i bridtaataida wara Mlaa Lavtaa I ta ^ Mm af Raabaavllla Fa.,Darothr Mtaatpa aora of Waakti a oomia af iba b rida ,T b t n trab waa ptarad by Mra F. Dm Ibfj Tba nabara warn X Dnniar aad Jafta F.Ftanlaetaa

Iba brida waa pawwid Ui whlta arapa wataar, paarl irtmiiilnBa at ahadaw laaa with vail eansbl ap wli omnBa Moamnii aad aarrla l a ab< bauamt at KUtaraar ream aad HHm Iha vallar.

Tba Btald a t baaar an ra pala ,eWtfon ta tfau , with ebirfaa aad irinniBf, am oarriad a areok with wMia K tltannr raata with whlta rtbbaa. Tba wara attlrm la ptah laffata fon am Hlvar trlwmhiB aadIbn b itliH naaba wHh pibh ____..aar roaaa Had with plak ribbon. TM briia'i BfabB-nwnr n a n waa af n i * akfat Wua aarpo wItB bat ta atafab. ' .

Tka haiM waa dmamtad with nmi U nn faUasa m « pattad ^ n t a . A iB T l i t (oiata warn pranaat fram ID M i maalar, Mantatoa, Mawtaara aad B a n ^ villa, Pn.1 Ftafallalft'Bencrvilla, Wi laBtaa, FlmlBBtaw, Kamila WaatflaM, Cappar UHL ftaavllla BeaHavtIla. Kaa.

Open ibair ratam fra n a heaayaHHFtl trip, Iha aanpla will wnha tkair hawF >In Flaninetaw. wbara tha bridaeiwim , la aafaem la tha n llU as bwataam \

flaHapbar iMwal t pHtal Bwata of lAa FJtlFB.

BOOHTOH. Oat IL—Mlaa KaaW HnaL dauaditar of Hr. aad Mm H an r Rnal a fT t t Birah (traaL wm Rtailil ytaltidar ta Rarvar Lawfa fliWiMiiB Ota at Mm Btriba OalhBbar af Wllltam Mfaai Tba earantwy wm pirfartaid ~Bav. mdarlab B. Cnrry, paafar af Hafaadl«i Bplariipa l Chotvh. Tba ■ waa atMadad by bar aawMn. MIm ta l •nMh at Fatanaa. Tba bai Chaflat ft. I W of llaoataa. ' narcb fran .“Lahanfrla" waa plaraA Mr*. Tbonni Malrom of Bauwtaft 0 .Ika Umndlata raiativaa awd daaa frtmdl af the brida aad ki'idmfaim atfawdad ifep waddim. Aftar a raaiidiaw Hr. aad Hift i OaUaitar taft aa a buaeiMiaa trip. Oft-i faair n tum they frill Bra m WlHtaR*,''

m atB iiia I Braara

BID BANX Oat l i .—Mim M arfartt ■hroavt of Bordmtawn, wtaat a t Mra,; Lrika Btanpar af MoawtaWlk a iraa t an ft. Jana N. Bean, p roprittar a t a ooiA wood and taa hminam bora, wara i


liad raftirday by Hav. J. L. B a r ta m . aafttr at tha ML U atly MatbadM filitirob, aaitaiad by Bar. J a n m Lard,patior of Oraaa Hatbadlat Cfenrah. HU« Allet Bhraava, a tia iar a f tha brida, aad Caltb N. WIfaan, a brotbar-la-taw , ala# of Bardantawa, wara tba attandnlitt. U tU t Haranrat Bhraava Wllaab- H im . Bbraava't aloea, waa flaw ar t l f t A ' raaaptloa foUawad tba oaramaRy, nttar whleb Mr. and Mra. Batra fan m a waddlnc trip. They wfti llva at lAT Broail airaat on Ikalr ratam .

HMUiawTemLONO BRAMCX OaL IL —Tha afar-

rlene of Hit* E lla T ravom daaabttp ot Mm Mary Travara a t Ifarria ava- nue. and Edward Hill o f Aabary Parb, which tom place Jana I a t Farth Ata- boy, haa Jaat bean made paM la Rav. Dr. Xlittara P. CantwalL raetor o t BL . Mary'a Church Perth Amboy, fo—ntrly of tha Church of Our Lady Star af the laa, efficloiad. Mr. and Mm Kill are now on Ibeir way to Clevotand oa an automobile trip.

D ua^rarbort.AyrHal H tnift of Ik* VFFA.

KETi>OBT, Oct I i .—Hlaa Mary Blla- abalh Carharl. dauphtar ot Nawall Cirhart ot Ihli ploev, and Alfred Duet of Perth Amboy, were merrlad at Iha home nf the bride on FIrat atraat laat nipbt by Itev llarbart W. Brunlna- haueen. racier of t t . Mary'a Hplaeopat Church. Mr end Mra. Duaa le ft tor TIr- ■Inla anil niher pointa o f Intarait fa the iouih Upon thair return they wW raelda at Iha brlda’i hona.

Haai-LawmNEWTON, Ocl. I I— Miat Jaanla lawta

of Preedon Towaahlp waa married yat- ttrday attemooa at tba honn of bar parenia to Thaodort H uat Rav,. laaAc H. Condit. paator of tha Tallow Frama Prtabyurtaa Churcb. otftetatad. Mie* FlarViwa IawIl atatar af the bride, waa b ^ eio ia lf, and Fradarlcb Imtth of Newton w ie beat man.

Backaw-Manyoo.PLAINFIELD, Oct. II.— Mr. and U m

William f t Ruayoa o t North Plainfield yaiterday announead tha en*a*amantaf thair dauahtar, Mlaa Clara B. Run-?on, and Artaur C. Backer of plain- laid No data baa been eel for tha

weddlap.MappA-tPTaala W add lap.

fyerial PtiviM af Me F F F f.XETPORT. Oet. !».—Mlaa Lina

CToola, dnuphtar o f Mra Sarah OiTaolt af thit plaoa. and Aunuaiua Hoppa aoo of Mra Mary Hoppa of Hoboken, wara marrlad laat n lch t at BL Joaaph’a Ho­nan Calhollo cniurch. M lu StaUa KtolHaiakl of Bouth Amboy waa tba maid at honor and Jama* C T oota a brother ot tba brida waa boat man. Ib ar w ill llva at tba homa a f tha brldi'a motbar.

Lawta-BalaBar*.HMa Etiaa B. Ralebard. daushlir af

Mr. and Mra Ataam Ralebard at i t Friufaltb # fa« . and Bauall H. Lnafa af AritaBfan wara marrlad taat avanlaB. a l tba bamt of tba brlda'i paranu. Km-.- Dr. OadfS* (taHb. paator of tba Flivt


af Hr.LAuM

IMfaadM Church *f ArlfaftoR. i ^ S um. Mr, and H m m darlab tftiM gflHaalla Tatk warn tba attobdawta. Ubb fatanr batm a brolhtr a f tba bridapraoBL mpH • naddUiB Uip tha paupla wUt ttaa

tanahlta ptam a ta l tw

fyadtt Pm ta M rti BEX*.' >MNtAie.' OaL IL—Aamueaeaww

racrivbd htt* yaaimtay af W A i*^ fa apatataa VataNidny ‘

ta O a.M lFtMfJIriBRfa;j

y S T S 6 l


of tileT ku G nat E vent E ndt Saturday tkxn in g a t 10 O’clock ITitft a W o t^ i^ l O u ^tira t o t Savings .

Opn StLEmini ~

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H m 4M tltr H tM iUi«i kM Mtur*<u Mtk (m«lna i i fTMl; 4i»w«rt ■rttS •m «4* f»rlaf; tera* 4*TikU JpiaMt. t% n M* TOW 3 0 -k«l a am t vain*; tpactalat ........................................

UM110 O’clockIMIiV*^ Underweir

Itataral pmjr «wal ahirta Cfair»«; "I** ■•It

hi f ^ c t aaalttn a*a-

M n ’a S a ltaOtlt nrtt tiriaM a«t(a« «ala«

HIM; caa* Fall t r a ^ t : arsira vail taltaraa and iMrMat a auv •tU af i raaalaf I l M vahia; I IJU

il a t.......... .

Spwiil hr SiturdiK lotlnFlorilDciiartfflMt

WbSa Tkap l—aa.S2J0 Botatai Tmu, it,

M ck ...................... ................. 7 teliU VmM aA MImK a a 91 6Oa lala riawaa Davl» B a n a l Maaai

N E W J E R S E Y ^ G P E A T ItN D E R S E L U N C S T O R E


aa4 U t WalltaH iiry aCatta. «Uli ta MBtah.

P a p i r B a i i i i K

alth m - a i i t VorCmaiala aalla a n |

•II “

Ma a Wa iMvaaTO TOMa» H a * MaTwa-laMl Diielax atrlMB. TICMa

M a ^ m a a ^ f k aa4 afik k r a ^ i i • •4 laraat taaaa.M aa4 ILM l iaai __ __

tallaJlB f 0. ITiO an ! I t aii•altabta (or aa r raom. ue*.ralla

Tit If M li tatai mM T m W aat P ln t-C kua Work a t ffaH C M tat P rim

tUbaaa <n a . apk

A Wealth of Magnificent Autumn Apparel for Women, Miesea and Qirla

2*Hour Sale Sat, Oct 16 StolUM.

i M T t a i i r U l i M i n f l M

i F M I to r t l t a i

Maaitai_ A lfa /*

itaad faat aalaa Afiwti• f a ­i l ta aaaiT araati

aa4 baabaahad wlilta. At,

r araatad •h W . . : ! 5 c

4 ail alaMi IM a W. At,

m M trltt

t m


F e a tu r in g F o ih U m 't N e w e s t C r e a tu m u i n C o a iS f S u i t s a n d D r e s s e s a t P r ic e s

t h a t Y o u W i l l B e E a g e r to P a y . O n M l e o n T h ir d f l o o r .

Women’s Distinctive Faii Suits Speciaiiy Priced12.98 $15 19.98

. Ita Ofirtm VilaM h IWim it thi Aben Priew.A mMt oompnlmiiivi ihiviBi t f M v tad iltnt-fitaiiofiiMi Antnna Siita, includlni

^ moot oylBiiaB iBodtIi of tHa whom. Thty i n 1 ^ T W ind, w i l l r f BRotaldotk, Pielia. WMeeirA t i i h i r n i a d i l a a M S in ii . Etofy ««v otyta ii mbodied iid rrorr aow lAida It roprotoatod; ttiloiiig lad laltli Mcoad ta bom.

Stoiminf For Tn CoitsS w tfg o r coato fo r (tU o ld v ia to r v o ir ,

la the ao v M l laodo lt o f tho omoob, ioom fa r tr in m o d ; m ade o f B i t t i liaA ^ A n h ta a t a i* ,c a r d t r o y , i f t ta tM , b m d c k t k a c a t a h tw i i d i aBd-vorioito o tbo r a o v ^ ty fibrfea. Every coat Ip ladW idoal ^ j h h h l i d u ltra sm art ia ovary g l |respect; all co lo rs ; alt I s ita s for vofflon a i d | ^ B tl ta c s ......................... ............

Other CMta bi Stock, It t a m

ChwntiRf Sflk DrtisesTUvot a d Sitai e s ta h lM d Dmms I h i o t o M d 8 « f i com M oed Diotaso firtki Chpi M itoer Onnos M s Creeo ds Chtoe DttomM e C h T f f e a IW re to -Ik e M M

A BNOt eooetato aaaontiwfli io ^ ^ a m Ito aheae m u r ia l . f u l i i o i ^ la % ^ Q RtiM verjr oevH t ttylM of the■vwi eniatleoUr d w l|ie d aad ta itefa llr trlm m id; la ail iImvuted atidded; apodal at.

Other Stwog PriM V i M I t to US.

•4 laWAlBi a ' S la A 39cM«ahaa»aa»a«a**«a

Weal Drees Goodsla ta trt, I r w

m A

4a w tuay •tlki: ta T OwklUoad 25c

vw tai ou I5c

~«ia’ Vila %i SlvlABad. s iv iaa M Um

M M e t a tajtaii’SSSe ofH e P t M iw

%£ $1,89c i a ‘ t a j r u ? i S o . * ‘r i : y j

Whlto PWtdeoit^ MtaWMta M U afala w ith

i f baaautiit imiwrUd • »tfaa T O UtBd ^ a S i ;•eaaaorti .

valaaa; U «lt S""" S9cC U U lM , S m t a x I M

Tarr Bba S on— *— bi —vorloM

w m L waaotad ■ aSdlaa; alaMtr t i n 0 fg k^ta I ra an ; raavlar tU n m a -

TO c m gtMUa: U »lt S 7 9 CAlp ewfll a a 4 a a A a a a a • « a « a a •

B M M M % H J SIlHtilar II.M ItaSaa: a w

HHMunt A M lltr UTOatai4M lltr•Martaiaat o( oMiar nnM M ; aard u d Uu,> i j ^ . t a Matab; Unit L

»a*S«a*«a* $1.95i l m : an d C k ild n a ’s

_ tCad* i t Fataal ood CtaBOMtalOuT la bnttaii ‘ elaiii aM

$1,00o u f m DUtton 9tfH i * i

IWM to 11 TO UH ta I At ••at*oat*aaa

tS A O W oB M ^ S hoesOoMBflaa fa taa t OoU oad Obb-

Sital O ut: kBttOB Bad tea* atyU;ibM TO LoBla Haal; # • n n

•II Qaadraai' Malt aala•o s eotar elMb tat. At.

“Oiyi" gift HoMb 59c.U ft a pair warth Maa tboa It, bOa a m o t m%ar or* t a t a bbai.

Kr; bMh, whlta and on C A —hd ahadM; limit 4 palra.

Optkal DepartaortOpaalal—Our rameua M a ^ m

Terla U aaa. v tth la 0 | , O VrOUf OMUBUBf. At.

I M 11.00 PafMBM, baavir aap naobalattai

allM Ioom; a atandtrlnOMd w ith ______ __ -ord Buka; Mid rtfa ta rlp jrm^ * H i ® 5 c

tu s sak CM de ChfawOa Ohtni;Vlll oal PBlI or bnhb; m ap o B

8 ^ . * % p ' i r . i r r . . ! ! ° 5 c

I t t m a t s 25e S to c k to p . 14c.•Sma. MStls Bi-I. _4aO. h__a' O i^ lla la witb llnaa baatar.TT. —Bbla BBitar tapa; btaak taitt: aaaaUaft Ha •(DeklaBa

trill waar. Ilka Iran; a j t p a in , AV M r lA C• aapfak ---- • • W

Btad M areerbed N a p h ta s•* " , WTOto 1« tha marhat

ICklli hannad far - a i aatiB Ctnlta. At, S C•iBto

Floor CoveriiosW here Y o u r M o n e f G ees F u r t h e r ^ th e G o erke

Speciai! Giris'Smart CeatsYn vtll fad aer Ued of eoet Sara, oMt that M guguwill p tH N thd tir i , Md whiefc vlll dimply i l Q l l u ta o iih yos becaoM sf tb t vontarfal Myia^ C f a . o Q wordy fabrics ind perfect vorkmenahlp, every becemini tbade; d iw 0 ta Id yo a rt.. . .

OthHGMs’ Ceeta ta stadk. IIM ta l l tM

S i r t t ’ iUI W ^ S « | i

M i M m f t i D r e s f i tGirte' lerse dreesee ta oboil Me

dlffarmr Mytae. Yfn vlU sorsly to dellabtad vith tbeir oaisoe etytac u d dapeodoMUty of awtertaL SoMrt in every detolL la 'Mvy, ItflMt I brovo; eTl titeib 0 1 4 ..................

G l r l a * R a i n y D a y

O u t f i t sCofitlpiitti of tm on aiedel, la s

IliiMeai e f henbociae, with pitidtack, Te ^ b i e m ta re , with lec ‘>ai* TO b ti of teine material ta match, m itlv e ly rolapiwof eod oMhaa edmJrtbte eaiBi for ctarmy vearh- e t | aiiee'O to 1 4 . . , , ,

CSd,, F o u rth F lo o r . e tae o A iin rr a e a ira B a .

A aaw BMaatoNat la aorpat nui- mom 1 r a i ^ Ians, t t lo a M a a AS r S f t t r f T i M W i S f i 1 * 0 0

orrAp ASomevtaBs J W ! j ! T p K . T i ! S iarloa, waaan all 1b b m 1 1BlaiiA wltk riah bardaTB;liT.ea TBiaa

t a 5 ^ p ! r f t . T i i r K i . . a M

OtMO 0 S 4 « U M M « § Alsaaa4aa WaituATtoBeBaai# tmil

la toMi BiM, l a l t laati rMi wiaafai ar n a r a r t a f -------------Bn I . | 2 i 0


2 ,2 5 B edC ots 1.6 S

L*caiWVto taIran

^UatiAlta«s) raoBiraa


Oaad alPAas* snoi n ix o w o•IPA tUlad taalhar_ - ......................... »r alt.

tawa; ararp aaa oow, ataeo ta A - BBS adarlaMt aovarad with . IV C (Boap uaklBSi bH i saatsoa..

Senoational! 1.00 to 2.00 Silk Ghm$f o r A m , Ifo sid R s iu f C h ild re n — A M ar-

p etoua S o le — T h e M u fo r tty o f T h n e G lo r e t W o rth I f to $ i ; A S m a U F a r tA r e W o rthA r« l

^ o iu i 7 Jc ~ -7 h d E n tir e S u r p lu s S to c k o fo f th e G re a te s t S ilk d o e s M ills In th e

C o u n tr y ^ T a k e Y o m P ie k a i P a i r . . . . . ..........

C eU typs fsUs fs r sho rt o f d o lsg th is svetit jflstiiM. Yob’II have to see toeoe ■tavee to sppreciale them . B eettrifsl qiutl- itles—m ost o f thorn a r t a l l ^ lk MIISBses. boHi loBg sBd sho rt styloi. O toioo of v h ito , block sa d m y - ^ l s l f l and sm bro idersd P aris ta d kid polBt backs: sh o r t g lovoi v i th roaod- t d c o ra e r s -so m o in tho om srt tv o ^ o so d effocts, o d to n v ith 4 rove of eabrotdery. It will pey ta boy tbrm ta s i t p iin eod lay ibam away for Xmie ^ f t i or ter wear a t u peuoB. IteMmber, aioai ef ibe UevM tie v en b $1 etal 13 the pcir.

Mapficent Millinery $3.50 to $4.98Staoiliis trlmoNd bale for vooim ted

■ jta te - t ta y ere potirtvely prieed op ta$ 7 ^ iltewbere. itaaiitlee enowo la ritavelteti, uria tod plwb, la eollm, oonti

rad tarbaae, beewHfollyoentale, irhwmwenumeotad with illver, owrich, ___Sewers snd fuioiM. Melt oar Third Fleer Mllllaary Stloa and aoo tbcia

ISneMtnedMin'nBltaiBTbe scareeat TO .oioct hi de tu o d beta

ea the n trkei—ehovo la oam em ie new etylH owdlnm. aoull and 4 A J S U rie owdele; ertilaally Mid | U Ufor tool and hSMo, etch

■issb ■fionis; erijdailly l _ $4.50; totapJat,

Ottrich Plitaw 14 iodiM loot,In ell eolora: worth $1.40, a t, each

t t t f G M M M e to 118 M M y l C M c iA t

B M b .trOB traoM, e«lt braiwa, BTlth aprlad, waban v lra

2.00a s t o J B s a s & a s u u s s i

’ rvTOlIll ^Mw■oftUlu l,ackv p oe«vw^

NueR’t llnei 1 GmiirEml. HaidkeniliieliActual 2Sc and 35c VtsUie —a SonoaffCfi of Each

16ca im dimity foibfoldtred eonur

HatSfeetchlefe; an laam rftfta eaiiret ^ l e Une of hMdkercbiofB; I

liaene, with h tadtoiM spi' bnidertd eoraor daoigDi; ovory one I* Bcrfoct All regular 2Se. Md l8o. vwoee.

Tlie Greate$t Collection of Women’n Famous “Victorja” Shoes Here at» r - - . - i w . a « .

a Bnmber of yoart, sod vS knew thinCoaiprieo M a s t

MtatataMMOs is ^ sane rcliible ihos thst we hive beM lellliig for „ ----------- IMS shoe Is OM of tho boat ever pot o s ibo markot The Gaarho

C e p G M lf a & ^ T O T U W S M t o t • S L * ? 3 to”Ftata Tea. Ctath TO Laathar Ta*. Equal ouat J tm a o i U M

Bprlaa petaBt ‘ Keaelaa

battenIt Mllit,, ounaieul

" S2.4SOnB,|

a a t fat** c5i**'b«Ka***** ****•tplA S I . M

m ta n t 'q S if u T ^ n .maW eBlf; bnUon bbB Ibm ^ b u , Lasla Bn4 CMomaB Q Q

>aaa baata Saada Mtar and aloth lop: a t .........

CeauaseSpecial SI................

O n S a l e I n t h e B a s e m e n t

Haaia, U p oad

•tiaaS 5 s f Z A CMi

pMaat a o t g wariaa pal. matal aal

“ E{*i••MM M ^^Comprtto s l le o ie rB


aatla . with aaUa aavarad. hMlai t | iABt

BrphM alaaa. Can* priba pBtaat T O koa-BMUl oBlf; bam a B t 1.M Wpt. U ^ Qat

CoMprIaa fa a a ia u l ia lf BBS Wet

3« Bwt Ipoa eth . aoS

m taat.®aj^, .ta*bot-

ltatb«r lap; a t im

CamprlH pataat oaa n n n a tA ) aolt; baltaa Wpla; Wotb ooa laatbar tap. « n a I V ta 11 M « m a TO iiH to I ; s l a C 9at

aiAd U ttia sawia' Moda a t nitnaMtai ool

biactacA biaehar atpla; •!••• 1 to IV: $1.19•t.

iL l t sa p v ikiM . ilBta af paonatol call TO

laea biaehar, atpla; alaaa a a joa to »%. Bpaelal, 4 | , 0 y


HMm’t tan imlvCop aaA'NlMB, A aoretnal TO ): varp aarvla*.


Beat, t a a para wool Aosara raptor Syta. aaMlatUe oT ^ Ceot

la Oifard, ^ baatkar; ataw 14 Jm Bbla: varp epactai

M H n 'l U M lip_»MtfBWaratadwltk TOlink a tl~ .— . . . I to 4i apatoai at

1 . 0 0B C U h t o t a k

Pare Waal OWa-

apaclal a t.


*MEN! You’ll Travel Far Before Yon Equal Our SliH ValuesWs a n offoriag in osr dsptrtmoBt—jutt off msin an*

trance, dovnitsirs—tho clsioiott collection of gsmonts yos hove over ooon in thio dty at a pspulsr price. All ths smtrt models—tvo and thrss batten stek gad EagllBh effecto, in nil wool esHimoren, voratedo and targes, in tartan plaids and chocks, mixtnrss and bold and oontorvaHvo stripe o8bcts; til oisM for^mon and yonng moa-»«iid vosderfni vslaeo n t., »lfl ‘ »I5

W H A T M A N C A N N O T U S E A N E X T R A l» A I R O F T R O U S E R S W H E H T H E Y C A N B E B O U O H T F O R

Tkia ta * ^ a * t anemol atfar, (oraorar tbair aur klkhar bloak aba

b' w uia, OBIir*prtaad 111ivlato, bHM

-id tha raBBan .. iiaaa aad affip

aarga and

With Cool Weather at Hand £ Be Interested

and Young Man

i 3 . . .* V 1 ■ - v

iFdry B o y _____ fed « n h

Qreat Sale ef Mabklnaws4>b08 *■ 5ad8 " 6a88

Mllil|4<4ll'- . r-4Sfl4lprle^ljmtnta.

. I • : 11**■' r- ' O' iHs ; r / ' 7 f r ,

'1 .' " l ! ' . . . . <

(All BlaaB. T to 14 TMIB..> I Ma


brawo, praaa and rad.

Boys' 'r.» Ntrfift Sutts3.98

108 M i I J i R i M r i l H i l iPRiil

Ssnph CoRits tJNII ietafl Y«f. VptafSi FamauMaktt

Stat. a


• I f i m * cm k

H i f iM y f u r -

M a r t l l v W ii

2.98 & 3.98in v tS a d a w a M tiT O W iTO pattoTO

Men's Smart Hats

O n M ila o n t h e M a i n F l o o r

. a o d i n t h e B a s a m a n t

Snmd styko u d s t i ^ eptorittn as ths high* p r M moditta. S u thsm. All hanfaomstytnnde of vary Ino natarhdst stiff snd soft medUs.

4kSM>tatata AiP taMVMMi

2,000 Men’s Real $1 Shirts 89cIwlf tfto

tortMB yoflttoi mm

'T sh ta

daabla n ltar tha ■oda af

1* witholataTp Cidapi__ ____

labad tbreacbaat ta Srat-MBaaari u Wi I aaaartmBSia f b

— paw pattorao. le t__TO alaBiv o t oaat. TOpla •ffaato; itiaa 14 to I t ; on

HanaUp ‘

mdliM •aaortowdi o f bea u- IUbI paw pattorao. la a M '


baw. t) at aaaBtrmar.

aaaan-■eti-iTOar•■Arllp low, prtoa. 2 . 0 0

p a 4 • « a

HmTs laM SwMtor Ooalifa tre Baa waratod plaited Swaotar OMta,

V M«k f t with loree ahawt e e to : a ilT O

B 'V- ■8~vsad’"i» 755IS tkta tbraa.Sap aoto ^aolp. f a y s•m®* aaBB* a a W4 P b a a 4 • a *A a p agdi .* a A a a 4

Mufk tU O Swwbir OtolNPara waol ahokar kTO Swaatar Oaata. with

larpa •batn aeUar, o ifard , tm U Ovfwi aoi-. matoaBiaitra hHVf Swaotor Caoti wait p a a

pacta; H c v T O 0 |y i rknltadprloa

O d i M sOaa«. wUb tStUwaratad pliR ad

arliiiha. taW


variatp a f aaw pattar*aialb BalNa la the aitpiwwwrw. dpaepaSaa rfS-SaaddadkiiBo*

l l B ’ t .

Pijans ‘axtrOMTO «tai>

tap iw h ilM to Sta-


" I


„^JSurs»iB.-TiBBp «pa tot.1.00 CffMts lOe

du taa oav ran^ •a s a ta a f W th TO

MMi pratlllp ! Bad



Come to Our October SMile of Enam i^wareTWfi m nf always creafet a sensation here—attend it Dirtet factory shipnmK att large, useful pieces. Assortment of White Ware, Opal, Light Blue, Turquoiu and Oray Steel Enamel Ware.B rs s d R M w H k c « v w » l4 > lf« M k rt i A W e - aOaaihtoM \ Vs1U98101.40Caffes InUar, 8 fauto | -S S 3 B $ i e e l 5 ? ^ / C h o i M j f A n y

1M 4 i u i t o


I M j' \



ta tf

■ w * ..- .-Tv

U i

i 1^ dura tailor fallh

S e n ib



F I r . O C T O B E B 1 5 . I l t t 5 .

Annauneement for Tomorrow, Saturday, Get t$th-Stor€/)p€n Until 10 P. M,

The Loveliest Autumn Blouse Fancies—A t U n d u p lic a te d L o w Prices!^Exquisite Tailkar and

Dressy ModesK a A n i d e r e d C n p t d e C U b m ^ q q S h a d o w L m m O v e r C h l f f o u ^ ■ « v O S t r i p e d H i b n t a k , O r g a a d i e i T n c trf L a e c a , H d k f . l i a c m

BloHiet vitli )u*t tb« little differences dear to the heart of the woman who appreciates the “chic" of a garment—whether it be a blouse or a snit. At Si .OS the btottse wondera in this assortment cannot be duplicated..

1 . ^

Pla ids. Stripes and New Colors For Wear With the New TaiUeur

Dainticat Georfctte Crepei Brocaded PiMiy Wil. Taffetas Black Bfist Laces. Tub Silks Plaid, Roman Strip’d Taffetas

These and dozens of o ther lovely fabrics, in blouse modes featuring the subtle con-1 ceits th a t are "different"— telling trifles that make for newneu.

6 4 3 » 5 5 1 BKQAD S T R L H . HJMm

Superb Apparel at Mid=winter PricesEvery day has seen Us new surprises in the Bedell assortment of luxurious Costumes TaiUeur. The style~show regalia is now completel with the harvest wealth of ne\v mode—as indorsed by Fashion*s devotees. The prUes are no indication of the supreme values!'

Tmo of ikoModtli

at $2S

Fur Trimned CostumesThat Might Be-Priced to $35 to $45

Elegant Nordica Yclvels. ^High Luster Doeddn Broaddotha V

Finest tngwited Gabanttnes Poplins FIm Men’s Wear Scrgea

The <Smarfetf Expressions of New FashionSuperb to a degree tha t borders upon lavishness, these

richest conceptions of Fashion rival anything shown else* i where to $45. Every foreign and American creator of I note has contributed to the unending variety of styles in this assortment—holding modes for every personality.

The Newest Radiantly Soft ShadesLinings show i wide viriety of elegant patterns of finest latin

or ^eau de cygne. Tailoring ia the last word in custom efficiency. The Bedell Suit it a maiterpiece of beauty and intrinsic value.

Owr 81m Rasa* Is double that of any other house. For that reason yon ctn Mirly always be perfectly Rtted at •oce, whether in the wom­en's or misses' sites.

FREE AlterationsAn Added Saving $3 to 110

Sumiihious New CoatsjWould Be $25 Anywhere Else

Regally Rich Scalakin Pluahes ^E le ^ t Velvet Corduroya V

Suped) Plaid Velour Cloakinga Thiatteweeds ZibeUnca

Rich Furs Lavishly Used jCoats so luxuriously rich that $17.98 seem s an insig­

nificant price for the obvious grandeur of th e ir ensemble.! Fabrics so fleecy and fine they will melt frost in to dellciout warmth. W onderful plaids in bold and shadow colorings. ^

Bandings of Rich Velour—Muffling Chin Chin CoDuiCoats with distinctive flares from the shoulder; coats with girdlt

embcitinp; new-old uaker cuffs; buttons that are trimming ii | Ibemaelvwa. Many of the coats handsomely lined throughout. Hut* dreds of models from which to choose—etch a character in ittelf. t

The New Silhouettes The New Colws

Hie Comet Lengths

Linings of Elegant S a tin or Peau de Cygne

1 .* l l

Qant TaiUeur SuitsLuxuriously Fur Trim m ed

Rich ChiffoB Broaddotha ^ ^ j m StmmfairNaedletwiU Poplins ^ T r 7 * 0 0

' Jranty New Aotunui Hixtarea flBe Gebardlnes TaOor Scrgea

Wonderful Embroideries-~~Braidings—Accessories'^lifii^t to Fash|on>,|ld|ftt oeuMaeayea- the

final note In imaitnesa. &forything that ,nSu bMQ Ordained is einbodlad witb the perfect adapti- tltn chanoteriadc of the Bedell Suit at any price. At. IHififi thaae Coatumea TaiUeur are a guaranteed money M V lO g .

Bait InnovationB—Coats in Box, Flare and Plaited StylesS rirtc ia atylM that follow tbo coat tendencica—ditplayinc

Agnaiag ^ialttagi, folds, p^kots, bditt. Every garment aupremety tim red wnq the mbw perfoction of detail as marks every master- falBiM.

Represent tag the Saits at J $17.98

Dashing Coat ModelsUnduplicated at This Price

$ V n .9 8Handsome Plaid Astrachana Scotch Zibdinei Rich Meltons

Snowflake Cloths Colorful Tweeds Boucle Cheviots Corduroya

Sport Coais^Trotteur Coats—Afofor CoatsThe only economy point in the ^ m p o iition of thew

magnificent exponents of Fall and V in te r Fashion Is the exceedingly low price. The Fabrics are the smartest new weaves of the'season in their dozens of wonderful new color blendings and combinations.

/Many with Rich Collars of Skunk Opossum

Many show bandings of velvets which inlay collar, cuffs and bclt. There are coats that are typically for sports wear, and hundreds for every occasidn. The collection ia remarkable in point of unap­proachable values embodied.

FREE Alterations Sale at Bedell Newark Store, 645-651 Broad S t X J X J } ^ FREE Alterations


I l f_ .

Victrola Offer$ 5 . 0 0

Sends Home a $75 Victrola, $5 In Albums and $5 in ' Records.'

Style X Victrola. .$75.00

|5 In Records (your selection) 5.00

\7 One Dollar Al­bums .................. 5.00



$5 Downand

$ 8 a M ontii

DMliLinEpS BPAfl)V The Style X Vietrolt ia one of the most popular

styles and is finished in nithoginy or oak.^ 4 , •• 'iif'

Knabe Warerobms'fit- -

A rm stro n g P lu io Co;

-im-603 Broad Strtat.

'■ i l l


114 MULBERRY STREETT w tw phoM n o 3 8 M ulb arsw

T n i l O D O n U f a p e c l a la o f fo ro d a r o t h e lUnHiniUlff b e e t . P r i c e s In v ite c o m p e r le o n

LegVeelCnr.7,).!»>. . l i eVeal Chops, lb........... t4cBreast V ^ ( ) , lb. 10cShoulder Veal, lb...... lOcLoin Veal, lb...................12cSiridn or Porterhouse .Steaks,

lb. ....................................14cGmcfc. lb. ........................... 12cRuap Corned Beef, lb......... 14cHate Corned Beef, lb.........7cSatt Porte, lb.........................12cAO Bolognas, l b . ................ 14eFowl....Koaatlng- Frtetaaae Sirloin...

Rib Bacon, lb.. . . ____ 14cLeg Spring Lamb, lb... 12c Forequarter Lamb, lb . . .8cLamb Stew, lb..............6cLamb Chops, lb...........12cFresh Shoulder, lb...............12cFresh Ham, lb......................16cBacon (bonelcas), lb.......... 15cGerman Salami, lb— ____ 22cTongue, doz........................ 30cCalvca'Liver, Uk.................12cMorria Hmna, l b ............... .lOeMorrb Calaa, lb. ................ 13eBolM Hama, lb...................2leCase's Belle Head Pork Roll,

ib. .............. &ePUladelplilaScraMM«>ll>.... 8c Samagn, lb ................. .ipc

Rib Roast.. 12cBOWBUaB HAMS, Bx......................................................He

•' IcbickeB. I6c

Top Bottom Bound, lb-------lOc

Rolled Pot Roast lAr• o L in M u t .......... ........ -

When C o n stip a tedM fM ir Jt yaa twdnr rbasuHS aad laadiBei ridNs Ab(i dal Ittneal yaar rtaead, panm yaw Erar, aad u /m n i y o u r w hotm oyofom ?

Wh*n you .to p to m in k of tt. could anything b« m n r . rtd lou lou i? t ' . u l l p a * tH !• not . d l .c .H , It I . . cM dIIlM , I( jo u cut your f ln p rr you du not a ttem p t to h r . I th r wound by burdening your s l e e e r h w ith druf* . I n . t r .d , you .p p ly ih r remedy dlreei to the . e . l of tro u b le : end If you u » the . .m « common lerKe In trc .lln ji t 'M . t ip a t I n , you wilt Mon relieve youreelt e n llr r ly of thle d iM reuIng condition.

In .11* of P ile , end C 'M .< lp .tl.u the trouble llei In I h . I n te . t in . l trec l, end 1. reached direee by the u .e of KSTOer*. The In .e rtlo n of o n . KNTON4 euppueltor) at n l« h t upon retlrln i: le u tu .I ly eu fflc len t to resto re n . l u r . l action, and th ere 1. no m lp ln i or pain.

In the treatm ent of chronic caeea EkTiiNA ahould be uaed both night and m ornlna, for a few daya, regularly , and then nniailonally for a m onth. Thla aimpla but effective iraa tm en t, applied d irre t to the a .a t of trouble, a t once e l lm itu ie i the Inflammation, to th a t the Inlea-

tlnal m uK lH reaume norm al activ ity , Ihua ta ilo rin g the dealre and tba paw er of expulalon. *

An Im portant ad v an tag e In the use of KHITW.VA ia th a t It doea aw ay with laxative# and c a th a r t ic . In o ther w o rd , the appllcailon of BNTOKA eavea the a ta B a rh . thereby aiding In the cooaervallon end auatenance o f the v ita l powera. Thla m oil deelrabir coneuinm utlon haa led Ihouennds of p h yatc lan i since 1177 to preecrlbe the rem edy fo r Infanta from birth , and to expreas th e ir high appreclailun of I t . m erits . We a re ao confldcnl th a t It w ill commend llaelf to those m em bera of the medical profegslon w ho a re ijol fam iliar with II we w ill m all ada- qiiate aamplea to every phyelelan sending us his card.

Do not undergo fu r th a r au ffe ring from CeantlpaHea. Tieeldea th«: dlatrcee It eauee* you, II d eranges your whole ayetem. Uet gu lck rc lte f from ana b o i of BNTOSA.. At your d rugg la ta , to cenla.

PIMPLY? WQi, DON'Tffi- - i . , ^ . , 4 -------- - .

Paepla NqHea It—Drira f k m ' Off with Dr. UwavV

i Olbslbblata.

r.|aaawlll aa< eaUertaaeyeemuaS jM ftt II MS set a saakaga ad 0*. Bi vat iV iQm TsMita. Tba ahla. abaali bagbt (a cMar altar yaa bavt tatna I ha taMata a(bir alabla. -'v,

O aaM «M'WaeS. tba bawm bM tba IHtrwte'-OUM WHtUb r 't tk ^ -'llv a w para.TabM a a n Um aav n i ai i bbrftBtla' tBt «alaa>af 'tbaw>a Mrat ■ 0tgJte ism ar.saH aCMr tabtna.i

c a n TbMan sa iIi-BjWill Saaa, sad Jddi aa eObaUMlr. bat tbaW MUdb la SMlla and atla M n a a<

OHea TaWati B ana ,kt«M mm,- a-biii

CaWa TaMata a n a e m u “ *l artaad talth aMn^atli

f by tbidr aMve eaMr.

Ike laiaWMitf .| m i '.__be eae at iwa aiahtir far a artab. an

IdHr m db b a m m AMI sad leaB. tle a a i m bnbab. Ml WmaMa.' .

aaiM td tU m Hear w ^aad ewva 'Uva leauit.


‘'iiv w ,. .u 'y.




iOOU M W s m


lEW JERSD raTML•ppoiffi Exturtloit ^


n r i c t ' K m B w S T O N ^ 2 * 0 0

v te Seat and Balt. BOVJIO T B V as .lt.l r a i V l l l E N C E t S S & ^ $ 1 , 6 0

■ * * tbtWdiaa>rTii'^ n r . Mcicaea, tw



D a y L i n e(Auaainr u t u w i .

ra!i"aSr:t'CLr“i a r ^ g 5 i ^ , ,1 r t U t l e j M t i I

Olr«c( -e— All T«rli «b4

ju m.1 w. tntk, Weal rein i, Uaaatan ra ta l, c u a .;Sij B W m o a n

Van Dyk’s Special

Fri.& S at.Granulated So^ar

lbs 14 cWith 25c Pnrdiase of Iks or

CAffae—lim it lbs. ['

Don't forget oor Butter and Eflt Dept Best goods at lowest prieaa.

f /O M /

a t aiLKinIwr iaMg IbHL I Bar SnMJbab aetent ssmct to wanttiMidat. I SMadb USUnbIHT irm r. ISTfa it. amw M unam m T c ^ Sb, MBwa,

Laohfnrtba naitta VAN OVS


I The super-smart I of the season.

M eC tJh a esSfaeMe



A A -1 ■ ■ V

IflTROPOLiT---------- »e... FASiL Fa


w x M t m s t m ^ s s s x

t tgsAaeauiAadatdt add.

RED INN,■ A?'.' . •'fe'S,'i-v •• ‘

K 4


f A n S N E E D S O Fi fROBAnON SYSTEMSh Diiii, lUw Yoifc CNuak- imm if Cundiii, likes Rcc-


OAltLANP. C*l. Oft ll.-R.coni- ■MBlilloM rocnrdinc Ih. dtv.loptnwit • f tk« Rnbatlon lyiUm «*r. pr.Hntod >t <Od«ar*a Mu lon of lb* iHinvanllsn of tba AlHbrlcBii Prliun Awuclitloo ■IM lUlharln* BonHot Dtii.. con- ■ll*i<»R*r 9t torr*cil*o of V*» Torb. aaekklilrmui of Ih* cunmltt** *n Pfo-

Rmd parol*. In ■ r.pon from th*( •MHRltl**. Ajoonc lb* Ihlnc urped woro pRlnotakln* Inv.iilfatlon of ih* In4tvtdtial, con*M*ra(Jon of th* r*l*- UoBabtp of tb* ooufU lu lb* probation V ltan , sod of th* r.lalton.hlp h*- ItradB parol* and tha Inatttullon* to VbMl prtaonar* ar* aanlanrstl.' "A* a fonarat prniHuitllon,'' wild Mlaa

Davia, *bi* offandar abould b« plac*d on pfObatloB who la not in aufflrlantlr ^aod plutaloal lOnUltlnn to anablt him I* aam a Uaallboud, aniaa* th* cnart I*

l|tMUOd that h* ha* frlanrt. or tttraa flaanclBlI) capabl* of rarlnc tor Mw. K* poraon ahoald b. ptac*d on ppebetleo who la unfit by raaaon of flpdblaattfidodn.** or paychopathlo da- Sn M ta aontral hi* aallon*."

Darla adrocattd th* a.labtlah- ■Mat af ^ha elaarlBp boua* Oyalain for

. ad alt attaadara. to aalabllah thair allf ■ Miltp tar probation, tlmllar to ih* aya-

. baa. aaiiplorad for Javantt# affandar. In tba CWcac* /aranti* Court. "Both In- ■tttaUoaal oaro and eontrai," aba aald. Rua BMihoda adoptad to train lb* Indl- B ltial who bad baau anti'aoelal to that fed n ap taho bla plac* aa a law abldinc

C< aalf aappnrtlni eltlaaa. Th* crlm- U havtac bo*a ooarlciid, it la th* Matoaa* of tbo laatitutlon to train him

tar bta raedjaatmant to aortaty. Tha ■aoalo (a tha parind In which th* 1**1 of ifcto tMlBlag Is taada, RmIom th« m«n Daallp piana l on hi* Ofra raaourcaa*

M M a h p b la Abaapt Braab. "AUBdla* to tb* paaal malhod Involr-

lag ibarp roprsaalon and rula* framad . aatfralp by prlana offlctata Hi** Darla 'bildt ‘Yba difftenity at thla ayalaa.

; BHtM la tba abrapt braak bolwaan th* Ufa af tbo taatltutloa and th* auddan

- fradtaai «bl«b fallow* ralaaa*. It ' Maaw ta M ap tboughtful poopi* that tb* itaakdawB af tb* parol* tyatam d ta m Ibrgolp aa a raoali of thla mathod

; af M ateM rsUon."Ib a aaaaelatlea last night pkkad Ruf-

lalo, It. T , aa tb* plac* of tta naal ■ t i Hltg, aad alactad th* tollawlag o(tl> aatat Praaldaat, Arthur I'ratt of Utah;

’ atdtatarr. Jaaoph T. Bytra of Pblladd- phia. farm** oatamlaalanar of chaiitlaa Bad Batf lotion of Kaw Jaraay; traaturor, f tpat i F. Fargaa af Cbloago; financialHMMIary, H. U< MIrar of Calumbua O.

Ej. — aabdtlon bp tb* bCTalary of

r * ta rapraaani lb* Ualtad Put** IMataatlonal affair* ralaling t*

th* aaaoolatlon raoominandad- ____ Koran of Beolon, Maruala C.

Brawa af Ibdtaaa sad R. B. ton Klla- rA dahMidt ptoaldaat of ArtadB* Btat* Cal.


|.IBr OF nOFIC DOM ID K DSD HI uhm powm

■AM FfUUfCnCO, Oct U ^T h* ktip drag af tba Faeino Ocaaa la to b* bar- \aalod bp b pawdar eamptiir to abuia aa Segiadloet aaad la mahlhg amntunl-

' tlM ta t tba ararriag u tlan* of Europa,; It w at MUMaacad tadap.

Tba aiaUBMat la aud* that an* of th* larg*** b a a a factuiwra *t p«wd*r la lb* Cnttad Btaua ba* dacidad t* ap«ad a larga aam la thla antarpriaa la ardar ta abuita tba alorld* af poiaab It aaada ta Dll Its war ardara aad which It can aa laegar abtala traai Oaimaap, It p

.ba*a iaag kaawn that bslp, laab aa la to bt iaaBi aioag tb t ihata af tba

. ChlttMuU aoait, ta rieb la pataab.

nsnm S t I M I S D 6 1 G H E ommo'sstATisEciinuT

WABHDfQTON. Oct. II.—A partp of : ala trawi tb* b*m« af real cultur* ana MUMUg—Bocton—vl.Ittd th* Btat*. War aad Narp building today., But**- tag tb* ■Mrotarp of fltata'a ottlea, tbay all ttpr«*ood a daaire ta alt for a mo- Iboat la that dtgaltary-a chair

*Wp tb* wap," aatd on*, “who la th* ■aarotary a t But* aowT"

"Wbp, Oarrlaoa, of cour**," *n.wtr*d | ■natb*r la th* parly.

“Ma, H'a not. It'* Tumulty." rolun- iaarad a thIrA

A foarth oata* t* th* r*wu*."IT* a man nam*d Lan.lna." h* uld.


MCHldOND, Oct. 11—Uovtmor Btaart baa n d ir .d that th* will of Martha Waahlaglon, roctntly r*turn*d t* tba stat* bp i- Ptarpont Uorgm. b* ddaaa Into th* rualody of Fairfaa OaiMlty, from which it wa. itolcn dur- lag th* CSrII War. it win b* fer- BMtllp dattrarad to tha chairman of th* Fairfaa Board of Suparvlior* Monday aad will taka Ita tcrm*r place In th* aoan houaa.

BOY RUNAWAYS AT EA^ONiptctal ftnrirr of Hr \EU A.

■ABTON. Pa.. Oct 16.—Jacob Caat- bar. Ihlrtaan year* old, niid Jam*. 1' Oroan. twalv* year* oid, ar* htld h*r* bp th* Charity Organl.atlcn Boolaly, aiwalllng Inatruction* from th* N«w Sbiaap Chlldran'* Horn* Hocltty. th* bap* hbvint run away from tha f.irm of J, <b Drak* at Naw Canter, near Sutner-

, trlUa,Tb* boyi arrived in rhilllptburg

Wadaaoday night, having aalkad nnd •tbiaa ridaa on freight m ra They w*r* dlaaorarad on th* train by C. R. dtrauaa who look th*m home and rared for UBm until yaaterday, when h« In ought tbolTOaao to the aileuilun of th* char- Itp argbbUatton.

Oaatnar autad that h. had b»n away fraaa tfao chlldrena horn* (nr ihra*M btb daring which time h< waa at flw Draka fni. farm, whti* Oracn wa* at

fbfta lor three nruntha. They aiad that Hr. DraU. abUMil them that tb*y could no longer *iand bd decided to run away.


0*vamm*nt ha* placed an order Ihrtagh a Naw York and a Oaorgla tmabor company lor (**t of ItBbbar, chiefly of yellow pln*i accord-

ei la* t* an ai|n*unc*m*nt today In Th* ■ahUtara Lambar Journal of Ihli city.

Tha ordar call* for f««i of bCarda ll.too.odd f**t of timber, rang­ing glB* from two by four lo tw*lv* bp twal** In^**, aad l.6at,IKKl feet ofHdlrabd aroac «**, tay* t’h* trade maga- ,WI*. wkteh ^ m * It th* Urg**t aingl*

r placed In th* Cniud stataa.

K R ! OOLEKA EPIDEKC AT QEL. , KBKUM- yta wtralaaa t* London. Oct.’ UivwBoparta that a aarlona *pld*mlo of

gOfSaca U raging at KM. th* Oarmaii bb**, bra d«iil«d. (t la aaaarlad

fkdp* Wa** atrip thra* caaa*. tU la th* ■am* m i l p . Tb*** pautnu w*r* i**.

(ttC A G O ilS IlO O rO O O F tB■KICACMh Q*L U.—Faar bar*** w*r*

tu»t «***i«l fInpMB tumarip 1 4*bth wtdMr B falllag wiaU ta*

I lira d**ir*p*d lUMMl«*ir*p*d liMiH* araftt:5?S‘wa®5is^'

L^i^tt>TABLE eSERVICEABLErSAjl F O* ' ' ’'ft' ■ *'

Through the Schmidt Charge A ccount System you can procure every home comfort and con­venience. This is pre-eminently the most generous helpful m odem method for the m oderate salaried man with a family that has ever been devised. O ur patrons may surround themselves

with everything that belongs to an attractive home. W ithout our splendidly m utual plan whereby small monthly or weekly paym ents are made, there would not be the thousands of happy, cozy homes in this city But by breaking up the cost into small am ounts and paying as convenient the greatest assistance has been given to every home maker who buys at our store. Selections at our store are delivered at once. We guaran tee satisfaction to every one of our patrons In both quality of goods and fairness in transactions. Call this week and talk It over.

Fam ily StandardS c a le ., j g ^Specia l .

Weighs u[) to 24 lbs. Hit J gal­vanized chains 12 inches long tt- lached to a 9-inch pan, for weighingcominoditiet in the home. A IS cregulir 40c Kale, special for

No Mall w 'Phone O rden.

Only One to a Customer

Oriole Reed Go-BasketMad* of Imported reed, flnished

la iho popular baronial brown; all in*tt] parts In burnished nickel; light weight, convcnlei^t for travel in |, takes up very littia room; comfort­able and attractive for babp. Me# It tp tcitl.


Handy Telephone Stand, Solid ^ .3 5

Keeps your telephone at i convenient place, with directory on undershclf. Chair slides un-1 der the stand. Writing bed top. Indispensable for a well ordered | home. Smalt price, |1 J5.

m Rope PortieresMakes doorways more atirtctlve.

\ We have aaveral ttylea. All hive lsr|« Rulfy cords in eradualiag lengths up to d feet, as shown In Illustra­tion. Price very spe­cial this week...........


Bureau Rugs

10-Piece Dining Room Suite in New Shade c cFumed Oak-Biufet, China Closet, Extension Table, Serving Table & 6 Leather Seat Chairs

Each piece matches and is perfect In dimensions. Made of the choicest oak and fr-^ished in the latest new fumed oak shade. Chairs are upholstered in real brown Spanish leather. This is a bargain of the very unusual kind. It will highly pay you to take advantage of this w onderful offer. Price is uncommonly low. Spe’l tomorrow

Neat pretty patterns that look {ood an any floor. M Inches ton( b> 27 inches wide. Floral effrets In bright, attrac­tive colors, very tastefully designed. Special,

Wlute Enamel Iron Bed. Gutr-2-inch poatt, with tan filter rods. |

■ntted Bak^*o« EnaneL Easy rolling etttera. Attractive design; very thoroughly QEw made. Full size bed offered at a ^ v w very apecial price. All nicely nnithed .....................................

C ontinuou s P ost San i­tary S t e e lB ^ Attractive because

of its plain and sub­stantial appearance. Finished in genuine Raked-on BiuuRel. 2- inch continuous posts with extra heavy filler rods. Full size; per­fectly msde, low priced.

S q u are C olum n W h ite E nam el Iron B ed

M aspive P ost A ll G enuineB rass B ed

b r i g h t or satin in gen­uine brass. Five ^-Inch

. 3 0

B r a M B e d sA r* Prsstoetwd F rom T o rn tah ls ig by a Gusu'* a n to a d t ,a c q ’-i*r.

fillers and top rail. Per­fectly constructed and wonderfully low priced —an unusual bargain.

Hesvy 2-indh tquare icolumns, with l}-^-incb tap rod ind Bv* l-inch Aller rods. Beautifully Bn- ished in hard Bakcd-t>a Eaain*l. This alyl* may also be had with braaa caps on the posts If de- •Ired. Full s ita Special,

! . 6 0

Guaranteed Brass Bed

G>ntinuous Post

Heavy 2-lnch potta, with big husk orna­ments, five Nnch Bll- ers. Carefully made, thowini not only best material, but flneti workmanship. Price It^ very special,

1 . 9 5

Stylish Dresser iC h iffonn ierExtra Large Circu* U r French Pattern Mirrors. Eklxr PiNC

1 5 : 5 0Elegant all quar­

tered Qik. terpen­tine front; betuti- f u l l y polished Ihrouthoul. Wide tops, c i r c u l a r s haped (French bevel paitern mlr- rors.shaped stand­ards with scroll ornaments, roomy, easy sliding drsw- ert. Either piece, $15.00.

Globe Ornamented Post Brass Bed

Genuine brsss bed of most durable con­struction, with two-inch posts and one-inch flfler rods. Mtssive corner balls tdorn this style and add much to its attractiveness. Lacquered to prevent tarnishing . . . , 1 4 - i ?

Open Evenings Until 9:00

Closing Saturdays At 10:00 P. M.

Handsome Quartered ‘Oak Bed DavenportAuiomaiicalty and easily made Into a comfortable bed. Finely up­

holstered In good wearing Imitation leather, deep diamond tufted. M u­si ve quartered oak frame, finely polished. Deep box underneeth for bedding. Price very special for thissplendidly made piece.. 1 8 ^

Schmidt’s Arion Star Cookin|[ Range Gives Real

Service in the HomeUnequaled for its heating, baking and smili

fuel consumingqsatities. It is made good til through. Liberal size oven, deep fire pot,, patent grate, perfect draft and general high- class ornamental appear­ance. The price la amall for the high quality of the stove.




Schmidt’s Arion Oek .90 Parlor Heater

Not only a good hu lcr, but a veiy wan Btada atova; all tinooth conatmctlon throughout and I•n*ly ornamented with nlchej-plaied trimmings.' Mad* by one of tha heat stove madufacturera In America and wiRintcd eatlafactory to our pitroaa. ’ i ‘ '

J .

Every A rticle Advertieed Is Guaranteed to Be Ex­actly sw R e b re a e n te d and Deacribidt,-,,;.



AvtiisvE hsPAViNiik oR A rroN Ava- NCR FAVIKO—A*iil*iri*m tor k*Mtiu.

M*tk* I* h*««kr kin*. Uwl ** *m **m»»tti*«a *« tk* ••Mr* «l *11 Ik* l**a* **•*•*) **t*M *««uli*r<y MnlU*a k> **«h *l tk* (*ii*wllie lMft***W*nu, awMlv:

Tb* f*vt*i *CriKLAT VlACa. ,

nr*m ■***(«* *v**ii* I* Ik* etiv It**, M- rareinf Is ck* *rovl*l»» Ot Ml stSt***** *1 th* cltr at N«nrk. mtltltS "b* *taiM»**

U*m Swiefcpl **mji* I* dw aHr Ua*," *a-

a n A o v E ita iM titnal*v**ik Mr**l. *cc»rai*> ftt *n *taiB*ii<i* *1 11(ttl*4 "** oral***** tm arS■ ! «rauRTnNTK a v s itu i .p*vi*a I

*cc»rai*> t* Qt* MsvtalaM •I lb* Mty *f 1S*»*k, ••- i*ac* tm arSvia* I*r tb* >•-

ir*M a«*tb a*v«iih *M«t t* asMb m-thfir**!. Md tnm Soutb T**lb *lr**l I* ia.t*fel*v**ib stiMl," t**r«v*a B*al**s**r tl.

H ^ a a ,/$ jfi. .■SaSa»s■talk.■*a

V ■<«! .


fraB tvmmtr *•**»■ la 1A’**bln*t*a **•**•,

ScoriUa* tu lb* *r*vl*l*a« « *• «rdlii*w* IS* rtiv *f N*»*rk. •*lltl»4 "A* «nU- ***** u aravM* t*r th* a**t*a atoMarroM avainiB, i

lt*in Buiin*f. *v*m* I* W**bt*ft*a a**-ihw IS, m s.. . .

Cm APVl&TISEMEIITlHASAySrfWWeriiCsS ■yrw.JW.r%aMlMVnip as4 stMails* shswisf tlis mvtrsl st-

*(ar***tb* wnrikT •■*«• ■*- •IdT h*a MM d*-,— at tb* allir «l«(b *( IM lor •u n lu tla * *v ib* a*r*

•nd ,I* b*Id Mm*MW**t r*mart*** *ll t»u, lr*«l* urctla at i**d aad n*l **t*i< U*bl* ' — '— - ** *far***ld. Irl*t •* h*tb

CISpiitLaT PLacB,

a**dS*rd •*•*■• •• tb* cltr IlMi aa matt at ‘ ,

fOVRTBSMTH aVBIIVa. ' Ihnitb a*v«i|b «ti*«t c« aniih WuM , aad trM* B*«tb ~

tnaFtoH 41. ...


I tm a m I

e m t A o v u m u iO i inS iV b* b**ri b*f*t* (* |4 0*__________

ywday * ( ^ m . tk* 4w«*tjr.flr*s lav,i*b*r, i s i l , at ) p. M,, *r ut« esainl*'


■oans OP


R i i s n REC

TUDITON, Ora t tb* laat aamIMtisUdaHiiy Ih •U tittiu with t WM bald t* bar eswatad i» ** *|ZmO** OdOTldwi

,la u n a ta rd a r aearaataa, irr*ai leadtag aatriaa ■eaas* aad Hou thb pswaaeuior* Ball*4 Sa b**r thi ■pea rii*iii a t eo th* act had not

Th* Broe**dlB| brought by fori ta w , dirartor, I ehl*t el*rk. of valldtty of lh« 4lloru*p 0*0*1 a auarusy Q«a*n •ubataae* of lb Mil M**«d 0T*r su e toh*aqtt*ntl la r r at au i* w* or* whieb bad I ■•aata and Heua

* ^ 1 1 statu t* Juatlea Oarrtso fut*d and In* Jeu ru la « ( th* latur* hy whir) •tag** wa* *t th* eMBBiItt** th* Utl* a t the I, aad 1* other Tha bin wg* V* r«*au« that r•OBBltt** Mibr hilt that w*a •roar'* v*te bj Ih* ronrualon rontlnuad t* *

."Th* bill *c ■**r*tary at ali 1*1h th*r*an < •ipaakar of tbo of tho a*not* throo tltnoo tn p« u* i th* **111 lag b«*n raturnhi* ebiactloB*by b«th bauM


Th* proeoM aad Hr. Horn •utlr* iupr*<It BI«Vtd*d ft■uea jw----- Judlelal

|aUMtB«Bl*, I«W ptae* tb*

i t ' '

at ft

' I


l ^ A B K E V E K I N O K E W « . P R I D A I ? O C T O B E R 1 5 . I M S .


I *


S ^ n M C M rt U m A n Cm m K- kHm A d Wm C m ti t i -

4 ^ . Eiicy.

r u n n n c o i o s are AovnED■•iff ______

TMUIkON, Oat, ] ( .—Th* «e( p m m 4 y *•* f**! M*»lon «f lh« L.gUlM lir( •M M iMaMBf |h* burMu «I Indaytiibl •U lttt lea w ith ih« d.p»nn<Mit of labor * M h«U to ha*o booB oonalltolloaolljr •■ M tat an opinion handod down br #oollee QorrlOeoi tor tho Supruno Court

,lp ta MMardap aftam ooo. Admlttlnp ••m tw m m . Im so ta r lt lM and avon m li- IdMtPC aatrioa In tho raeordt of tha floM to aad Honaa, tba coart bald that tbb prooBuntora In tba procaadlnp had ^ l o d to baar tha burdan o l proof plasad bPb* thont o f ronalRclav tba court that tb o a e t bad not baoa lapallT paacd.

Tba proeaadlltaa to taat tba law war. oroapbt bp formar Banntor Qaorp. l ’. lo w , dtrocior, and Janaa T. Morpan. ablof olarb. of tba old bureau. Tha oalld ltr o l tha anartpiant waa uphald bp Allom o|r Oonaial Waarott and Aailatani Attoapop Ooiiaral Horbort B a p i. Tha oubotaaoo o f tba attack waa that tha bill m oad oaar aovam or Flaldar’a vaio and aobaaouanllr fllad with tha aacra- tary of otata waa not In fast tha meaa- nro which had boon aclad upon bv |h . •anata and Houaa.

JwoClaa Oartaan*a VUw.*ffbla atatuta la now attarkad." aald

Jnatloo Oarrloon, "bacauaa of tba con- fuaad -and Inaccurate antrica In tha Janmala of tha tw o houaea of tha l,ac l.. latora by which tba bill at Ita varloui atapaa w aa at ilmaa alvan tha title of the oonm lttaa aubatttuia and at oihara tha tltla o f the orlalnal Hanata bill No I. oad In other waya Incorraclly cited Tho bin w as yatood by the aovarnor lor roaaons that could apply only to tha soBW iltoo subatituta, and It was thia bill that w as passed ovar the liov- •rnor'a eato by both houaea althuuah tha cintrualon of tha journal entries cootlBOod to appear.

jTha bill actually dallverad lo tha aeaeatary at s la ta and now on fUa con* lalnp tharoon tha Indoreamanta of tha •p a ik ar of tba Houaa and tha l ‘rtaldant of tha •an ala that the MU waa read thrao tlmaa In each houaa and duly Paaaad tha samo, and that tha MU hae- Inp boan n tu m a d by the Ooeamor with bla obJactlena to tha Banata wai paaaad by both bousaa, the objacUona of tba OoTamor to tho co n ln ry notwith- olandlap."

Tho procoodlnps broupbt by lir. I/>w pad Hr. Horpon war# arpued before the ontlro t uproma Court. Aa no appeal la PfWtrtdod for in tha art auihorlilna soda judicial ravlaw of leplalailva

lo m tB O n ta , tha declalon la final It w t t plaea the bureau of Industrial ata-

tlatloo nadsr fnU n a lr i l o< IM A NHitmaac o f lohor, of wblob Coaaialae tiMiar Loarlb T. •ryn n t la tba baoA


BRIiniLK. O ct lA -O n o Rwa poa 0 0 badly Injorwletbat ha awy dta sod U i two ocaaprotcpa war# adyaraly hrulsad j eaterday ,wban Uwlr autoaobda ooUtdad wuh a naaajrtvBiiia naUnwd train nt tha tt.aadnp of tha BrMlo road north of tho Point Flanannt drawbiHpa.

Jobs 3. McCarthr of Rad Raalt tbs nnat sarioaHv Injurod of tba trio, la la tha apriap Laka HoapItaJ aufftaW froM a brohaa rUffat lap and brohan hip sad probaMo Irtaraal InJurlra; It waa aald today that hla chaacoa of racovtry war# tmaU.

f^ank HedpCa of Uttla nivar and Tornon A. Urnnelt of Rad Bank, bU compucloiia, are at their homas. Tkrt former auffarad a broken collar boaa and tbo lattar otita and brulsea oo tba faea and hoad.

Uonnatt was drlvinp iha nnchlBa, which had been hired by Hodpen to lake HeCarthy ua u bualnais trip At tha point whero the ncrldant occurrod view of the cruaalpp la obstmriad by aaearat recently erected eumaur rottopoa. Iladpea aald the party did tu t eee the approarhinp train until It Was twenty fret from the automobile end then the brnkee on the m.-ichlne failed to work.

After tba arcldant lledpaa ramplalned lhal a pucketlxiok rontalnlna It** and a diamond had lieen atclen ftoBi him.


OCEAN CITT, Oct. I l —Oovarnor Fielder diacuaaad aoonomy and tha auallflratlona of tha Democratic nom> Inaea for tha Laplalalura hare last BiphI at a maetinp which wound up a whirlwind apaakinp tour of C\kpa Hay County. Amonp other thlncs IhaaUta^t Chief K iecutive said ha eatoad Iha flaunt bill, which made for a coatly department o f aarlculture, partly ba- cauae the principlaa Involrad In tba nieieure were w rnni. Tha Ooearnor aava hish praise to Senator Harry C. Wheaton, who leeka rs-aloctlon. Wheaton and lloweril D. Taylor, As- aembly candidate, a lio apoko.

Tha lour of tha ijovarnor atartad In Cape May City In the mornlnp. Hoot- Infa followed In Erma, Wildwood, Green Creek, Capa May Court Houap Swalnlon. Dannlavllle, Tuckihoa, Wood­bine and this place. Tha larpaal crowd# ware In Cope May Court Houaa, Wild­wood and at tha local maattnp. Buf- fraatats made thr lour the aame lime me the liomooralle campeicnera and distributed literature and badpaO

Rerhy Mill OchoM Clark WoH*.ROCIfY im .U Ocka IS. — THalrtct

School Clerk Ralph W Avery reslpned ye.trrday afternoon at a meatlnr of tha tioard of Kilucatlon. He and hla family will move nt kt week to Ijehannn. Ind. Rev. Oaorae H. Donovan wa. appointad to fill the vacancy. Henry Sailor was anaaoed as janitor.


RpaHot teraiio of Iha XKW$,aA R rU E U }. Oot. It.—n o y d H. Crnco,

prooidant o f tho Crane Door and Blind Copipany o f Ptoonlc and n member of tba Tountakob Country Clob, DaU- wanna, w as saaloncod to flttsaa days In tha Berpan County Jail yaatarday by Racordar Mllaa C. WhItahaad li> M lo o aovrt and latar ralaaaod on |IM ■alt pondlnp nn nppoaL Ho woe Obarpad with drlvlnp an automoMla In a rsoklaat mannar wtalla andar tbo Influsneo of liquor Wednaaday nlphL Banjamln Da Boar and Joosph Had- alk , both of this ploca, who wars with Crana, war# fined II* each on charpoo of dtaordarly conduct made by Sar- psant John Doldn.

Tha police daclara Crana and hla com panlona after paaalnp an open air auffimpa martlnp at Paaaalc si rest and Pallaada aranua, Wadnooday ntpht. tarnad around and mad# Insultlnp ra- m arks to Iha apaakara Whan n police­man attamptad to Inlareapt them. It la allapad. Crana apoadad up hla rar sad aa ha climbed a hill In Pasaala atrsat struck a traffic sipn, which be­came caupbt on tha front at tha car. Patrolman John Pavatta suam pled to nvartaka tha car In a runabout, but Crana Is aald to have kopt out of hla way nutwithslandinv mn InaffccUva shot at Iha Urea.

I'ollce headqutrlara wal notlflad and patrolman oa poet In.tructad to look out fur tko car. The police of Paa- aalc, Lodi, Wallinpton and Itackan- sack wars also notlflad.

Bovaral hours after. It la aald. Crana attamptad to drlv* hla car throuph Waasinpton avanoa, which ends at Out- aaiara lane In the upper and of tha boroupb. Tba oar had crashed throuph a fanes nod Crana and hla compaalona ware found In Iha machine by Patrol­man Thomas Harrison. They bad a t ­tamptad to roach Do Boor's home In HonrtM ftroot after tourinp Barpen County and had lost thsir way,


JGVUET ClTTc Oet. lA .^H avlnt h««r4 fro in r«Utlv«« nnd phjro^olani tb*t AltVkndor J. R oit of t l [>unciin Avenuoa Cttjra fo m o rlr Ih* pr«e1odtni of tbroo l»rt« rtolly componi«i b«jl now depondont upon hlii mollierc Mrs. Anno Rooa n hobliunl drunk> nrd« ine«|Mkbl« of mooafflng hla own affatra^ a lunacf conpimtaalon and a Jury alttSfic In Chancary chambara y a iU f' day aftartioon racommandad hla com- mltmant to tha Naw Jaraay Atata Hoa* pital at Morria Plalna. Roai ta now In tha Inatttutlon undtr a commltmA&t algmad by Judra Oaorva C- Tannanl, but Chancallof iGdwIn Robart Walkar mual airn a parmanant ordar to kaap hltn thrra.

Roaa llathawa, a naphaw of tha pa- ttant; Mr«- noaa, hla rnothar. and Mra. laaballa UopalB of 707 Barffan avanua* b li alatar, applied for tha oomnillmant. Thay art Boaa’a nearatt ralatlvaa. Hla

bralhsr, Bobart B. Rasa, tba *loa pooH« dent and iroscarar o f iba Commorcln] Trnat Company, diod auddanly a tow araniha apo.


djwdal Pirelic ria .VA'ITP.JA H W B t’Rtl. Oei. U .—Thera waa

plaacy of ascUamant last nlaht In Ha- oerilar Howard Alton's court whan I. Booddar Benoatt. aavanty-flva yaara old, formerly a freeholder and Justice of tba paaca. waa ratuaed tha privllapa a t appaarinp aa counael and whan he refused to taka off hla hat In court. Ai a raault Bannelt patawl a ahort lima tn a call sad than paid a fliw of IS. All the troubla wsa over the arralao- mant of Llvlnpalona Held, a lt ly years old, a conaitbla here fur many yvark. Held, after tha aiormy aaialon, was aanlancod lo a lity day. In tha New Brunswick Jail on a technical disorderly oooduct eharpe.

At 4:41 o'clock yesterday momtnp Harahol Ooorpe Bandar aaw Rrld. with a bap on hla arm, near Iba com crib of Porrint A Buokalewa. Thina. didn't look lipht lo tbo mtrahal and ha ar- rastad Raid.

In oourt Itat nlpht. after Bennett w as barred from tha caaa, Reid pro- taeiad ha nieant no harm In Ihe crib and said ha was only polna thrrr to aei a quart of liquor ha Icfi In Iha bullilinp. Bennett triad hard lo defend Held, but ha la noi a llcanaeil eitorney. Ha ihroatina to brina suit aasinsi Iha boroupb aa a result of hla humiliation.


dsrrtal taratea of lAa t(PirPIIACKBNHACK. Oct. I f —Tba Sul#

truck of Qiarlaa Nau. a chaaaa marchant of :s* Haventesnlh atraat. Jersey Oty. Dearly wrnt Into the Hir-kenmck piver on tho asst approach lo iba drawbrtdpt at U itle I’riry yaatarday oflornuun. « hen tha front wbatia of the truck struck tha trolley twitch, awavvint tha machlna to tha left and cnuolnp It to crash halfway throuph the puard rMla c f Iha draw ctnly tha quiok action of Nau In abuttlnp off hi* cnplna aavOd him from polnp Inin tha ilvar.

A* It waa, tha truck hunp at a par- Uoua anplt. tha front tahoels almoat louchinp the water. Nau cliinp to the alerrlnp wheel, hut hit helper waa thrown Into tha riv'ar. from which ha was raa- curd by wllncaaea of (he accident. Tha truck was lalar takes to a pwrapa for repnira.

ravBlry V stsna# Hanalwn.Upadsl Sfrrtre af lAa .VBV*.

PLAINFIELD. Oct. ID.—Tha annual reunion of the SacoBd Naw Jaraey Cav­alry Telaran Asaoclatlon, of which Captain William C. Smith of North Plainfield la tha praaldanL w ill he bald tn Raform 11*11, PUInflotd. Saturday, Detohar l> Tha mnrnlnp a su lcn will ba devolad to bualneai, Ineludinp alec- tion of offlcars, and thara will ba a prnpram of spaarhai and music In tha afternoon.


' « $pmUt Btrtitt 9f Ik*' yl&W$t

KUSkBKTHe Oetr ISl—In lUt«kIng M iurdpy iru rv o o n ftrAUMpt ««Ih* pppIkAtlod of Ml** Rutk MtilClror «f iClIiMbvUi for r*ln«t*l*m*nt I* tb« r*ind«ilng d«(nirtRi*ot o f Coonty Rtg* 1«t*r VrtMh Kmith'* *ffte** th* Civil 0*rvi«e <'omrnl**lon hoorM *os»* mildly MB*«tloto*l r*v*utloii*.

HI** HcBlroy *dmltt«d drinhhic wto* *nd imoktnv o olsor*tt* In th* e f f l^ whkh It Ip th* botow tn l of th* eoui^* houM Mb* Bvtrrod thbOOhlhl How** dirtctly In chtrir* o f ih* irorke nnd who h»r dl*ml***l, thr*w n■pimpc* nt hfftMlf * 11(1 th* othar girl*, and *h« derlnrtd thnl h* wn* Intoil- c*t*iJ on MVenal oci'ntloni- Ml** Me* Rlroy * countel. 1|*f(»l4 I>*p«w, Ih op«n- liif hU r*ae. Ml up Iha clnlm that th* n<h*r gtrl* war* *9 unlly lo htem* In th« '*f(M»Ung” and IKnt How* had

; alio p*rtlclphl*d. H* r*p*«t*d **v«rnl tlm«a that nb* wna '‘b tln g mnd* th* foat-"

rro**>*s»mln*d by Mr. ImJth In rtf**r«n** to b*r t«p(lmony n* to Mr, Ifowa'a atl*g*d Inobriattd condition, •h* adfi)lll*(l that h* didii'1 i t * f f * r "Eh* K«n*ral appaaranct, an odor *f liquor and th* fact that h* w*g away

or thr*« day* at a tim* lad tn* lo lifltpv* h* waa drunk,“ Ml** McKlroy aald.

Alir* Ntanlon, ■!««> *n ffmplovr* In th« offlr*. iM tlhcd (hai %ll*a McKlroy ’*dlapUy«d llt-f*«H iif tuwarc] Ur. How* during th* latter part o f hm Mrvlc**.*’

How* dltchargtd Mia* McKlroy laat July for all*«*d iDiubordltittlon, Mr. kmith told h*r to apolovlta to How* and *vpr****d th* opinion that *h* could than ratum to work. Ah* chlUd on Howa It 1* aald. r«fua«d to apol- o«lM. aayinv thht It w ai How*'* plw* to apoingiM to h*r. and did not r*> turn lo b«r dull**.

Mr. Howa'i tM tlmohy wa* diractly contradictory to that of Ml** IfcRlroy, H* aald thal *h* alt*mpt«d on *«v«rhl occaaton* (o try to nullify hi* ordara by titeltlnf ^th*r *mploy**t to dl*ob«y them.


A(iectal kerrlca af Ha XMWt, rRANFORD. Oct. U .—A «arllnp to

repnrti durine Iha laol weak, tha altuallon In rrvpact to iha poor of Cranfnrd la mora sariouo at praaeni than It has baan fnr aeveral years It la daclarod that un- leas meaauraa are lakan In Iha Im- mtdiata futnm. tha diatreaa will ba auah that chlldran will be unabla to attapd tchcKil or to po outdoors whan cold wrattaar comai.

_ T b a funds of tba township a n balnp 'appropriated In such a manner. It la de­clared, that than will be no aurptua avmJI- thla for apodal noady rasaa. On# orpan liaitnn. tbo Maa'i Laaptia, baa already taken pratlmlnarr steps to Intarevt tha public la prnpoood n lia f work.

At a raaetlnp of iba opecuttva comnitt lea It was proposed that tho Irapua UD dertaka tha esiabllahroont of n nclphbore

hood CkriatinM. aomawkit « t iha Rr m ! of Iha FlofnftaM onmnonlty Ckrlilnma,A connnitlaa woa appMotod Da tnyasU- pnto. Tha suppssllan iw i bam Mntlo Htal tha Chriatmas tn a nranlly plantad at the Clavalhiid Reba a l. fat daaaratad pod HpMtd on ChrlatmM Monilnp and th a t , It ba mad# n oolloMlap and dlatribatliip I nntar. ‘


diMriaJ farMts af Ha VPWt.I.AFATRTTR. Dot. II.—Wood kas

bam raoalvod h e n that Ulta KaWa Thomai, a naitva of ihia ptaco. and for a few yaara a nurta la Haw Tcrk, has been iranaferrad from tha Ran Crnaa t'nil at Coael. Germany, to War­saw. Ituaala, where aha will altand woundtd German aoldlaro, Misi TIutnaa hoa been nuraltip In Europe tor the last year

Mlaa Thnmaa hod Informed DIandt hare that aha would sail Cor homo neat Wadnaaday. taut now. It la said, bar stay In Iluaata w ill ba tndaCInUs.

-Miao tnbmariM ” Flaoda Onllty.dpecMI arrrire of Ike KKWf.

PATEHPUN, Oct. II.—Catharine Col­lins, "Mias Kubmarlna," charpad with brrsklna Into houaaa and apartmsnta tn Paasate with John Martin, pleadsd pullty to five Indictments when armignad la tha Court of (jiisrtar flaaBions yetarday. Marlin, agalnal ehom tharr are a score of Indictments, pleaded not guilty to all tha bills. Their trials will lo lu place Thursday.

r 'V

M k MQNlI S L U a S iM :

a onafly, nm-i&ity V a t B I a i Btriam

n wm^, tWa't kt *■U. AI *H j

f'E STP3'',l V!»M N Hts



atovfca Of (be m rrm t i

t Wblla 4hla annanaeoaaont cMaarna lloalt about I T \ J M a • #«*>■’■ O veiwala, wa 0* not w im

«o ptva Iba loagwaaslun that aar k'all opd WIntar i a n pot aomplaia- Thay a n mast ewaaplaio.



Tomorrow Ends This Sale ol Fall and Winter Weight

OvercoatsLeft O ver From

Last Season

Values $15 to $25

INVITE you to


compare the style of these last season HILTON

Overcoats .with the new MODELS EXHIBITED ELSEW HERE --

and what will y o u find ?That thSOvercOTU PRODUCED BY US EIGHT

TOTTEN MONTHS'AGO are rnoHern to the minute Ias faithfully a/they duplicate the styles of Fall and

Winter offered els«w!iere; tlley are NOT.the same styles we are offering for the current seasons That is why we are'closing them'^out "NO\^at,|12 each, irikead of $15 to $25.By ally means ^ one befoBy alLmeans get one before this sale ends Saturday night

J r

Our Bid lor Vour Trade b Ike Value We Give


1 4 a

218-220 Market StreetOne Minute Eaet of Broad St,, Neumh

N e w J e r s e y * * O l d e s t L a r g e * ! a n d M o * t R e U a M e F u m i t o r e O o u c .


The Talk of the TownCome and see for yourself w hat real bargains we’r*

offering—only a few items listed here, but there are seven b ig floors full of new, high clasa, guaranteed furniture for your selection and every piece reduced in price dur­ing this Anniversary Sale.

BrassBeds2-lncii continaou

poiti, l-indi Ut­eri, bright or Mtia finish, gatiuntood licquer; eicMilent vilue at $18; tp » citl


Dining Room TableLllm llluotratlon

Maatlvely conitrucied; fully Vat- ranted aa to qualify; | J reiular price ^0 . Spe- | 4 a d Uda)


n e n u I n • leather, quar­tered oak. slip t«sl.


$ n i O

Columbia Grantmotas, Pianos, Sewing Ma­chines, Lace Curtaiiu and Portieres, Carpels and Furniture—all reduced in price during this Anni­versary Sale.

O a k P a rlo r S to v e s ............... $ 4 .9 8P e rfe c tio n O il S to v e s ........ $ 3 .5 0


FuU S in e - 0 x 1 2The most beautiful patterna ahown

in Newark at ihc price. They are made of the best worsted yam, fmi colon. A rug that will give life­long lervice. Fine, soft, silky nap— a beautiful blending of color tchemea in every rug; reg. price $3S; epecitl

. 0 0

9x12 Axminatera; value $29, special____18.009x12 TapeatHes; value $10, special......... IIJIO

Birdseye Maple OdifoniiitTS & Dressen- M E V n tA L O D D PIECK 8

S p e c ia l $12XM> a n d U p

$00 Pirior Suites, special., . , . . .45JI0 $40 Parlor Suites, s p e c i a l .30.00 $80 Pprlor Suites, qpedal.. . . .



W|W fr f MiWi

.iMIts i : .

NoW-liiA;AB «r a# esMiito l»r« adrartlMd cm .

r TcriM for vkMU McIUm lo i 'm r M '

*W WMlBor ttluM

rtuw l—wi-

SlOre- 1

■■ - .H r c M

COMAOS DRAWN>€wdi CmilltMMi Dectdi m

h a s k for F i n y r i n p te AMPrttf $22,258.


OMtiart* M tKflttlnf $11.111.IT w ttt »f4*n < pM ^n4 br th» foot Md •NMrittM M IM CommoB Council lu l iMflit Turalihliic iho i«ar olmliouM *1 try HUL Tbo will im mduM, IM 6*Jeenwd nm tlni of Ibt common Om M I lanltlil.

TM Wttl IMI Ik* l«w kid* r*c*iv*d l» t MMter «H roiiBd to ti* $:i.ui.»4, op* >MBlMil*ly fl.Mk thnn tl» Bmourt to (M emlll of Ih* commlUt* for buy- $•• Um ^•llltMlnao. kOnMqucBtly ih« MOdfkwIloai ««r> Irlmnwil In mok* ih* MMomplBMd piircbM** cvin* wilbln th*

Security SavingsiMimiAiii •Tbt Wkait IVoWi Bdkwif to Um Dtpoaiton

7 4 2 BroadOppMli rM iA ei

DO A LITTLE nGLBINGis to how a llttis inoAsr pul by rtfv larly toon amounu lo a foo41y «um. Then put the flg urlng to your own use by i-om* Inc hore and startlnc a eavinse account. Add to h every pay day and before lone you'll ue

poalUon to mock at pov-Inerly end defy mtefortune.

Jean A* Ulflere. Prm. a. Athe V. PreA A Tr*aA

6 . a. Mwkrfdie V.^Pret W W. huiier, <Hi*ai«r.

M. i. OVoonor'f Bom war* low Wtldm M fBod* iDUUIna llinr* IhiB half thn Mount lo ka •xiundad. Awarda will br M4* t* IImI finn for artb^aa BCirtfatina lll.lf l.lf .

OVMT low MM«ra wan; L. 11. Fla'it A Ok. ll.fH.14, Nawarh Hard won and M N Ir Companr, fl,TTt.!l. Cnmnwrclol TniMM OoManr. tl.ltl.fH : Kahna A Co., Mll.Mi R. R Bnai. M il t»: U m - M * Oa., IM. ITlf f li Atwood Vieauin Clotaar Cawvkkr. Ut$; -luhn H. Bactr. fl.fI4.IT: Bokar Prlntlno Company,Iff.If; W. B. Rood A Co., f i t Tl: Eatuin A H. Tkoapaoa, f f f .tt . Thaoa ora all Kowork aoBcarna.

IA — Win Hi tobulatlon tha oommlt- faa kwmimif UmI a Md on MO pair* «( kluAata from L. I. PUut A Co. for |t.lW , WM kOtiMlIr tba low ftfun on ibat ItOWI, altkeufk that polat la lo ba in-

«~Nl lata todar. Confualan aroa* ny*r Wm 1m( Md bacaaaa, In Iht opltdim

o f tka Mmmltlaa, all tka blddan did not Madk Ika tM a iwaanlnt lo lha word *>air.'' It pair la ika Plaut bid maan*

tkat ffna la tha low Mddar. If n Nfari to a tiBCia Mank*L howavar,tha tam r bid la tka low oaa oo that itam! n dorMopad todar that Ur. Borpar fur

a eaaipla klankot with hla bid, ar Mt ka acoordlkc to itwdflea-

Bob, la wUch oaaa tha lowaat (ki aial bid — iM ha that bp tha O'Cenaor paopta.

Bldi wan raaalvad aaparataly oa Ito |U — wttk aalt prteai for taeh Itam or

S daaaa at aath tlan furnlohad. aa that •BOUBltloa mltht lacnaaa or dacnaaa aaaabtlaa at it aaw nt.

Wkaa tha prunlap pncaia bapaa tema— ra altir Oitaia tu rvm at In th# nacl. ■taatloaa laUadad (or tha oeciac* of Bu.


J f t totiadiat ratilek f. Wmm , frU by tha •eyUSe, AtBoap Utaaa allialnatloat wan

crumb atu , orttar aalt, A plaak atoak act. Quantl.

lit a( bkaMta. plllow eaota aad ibwta, t laiBt aumbar af patdaa ttola aad otharBIWI

lit— HtnifloaBt to amka tba dltfanao* IM t—a tM total of tho low talda aad tha prwapfd award! wara •Itmlaatod.

tM low tat ftoan (to bath taoai (Ittlapi wap aablrtltid bp tbo O'Coaaar Compaay. but H wao rtlad oat oa aa lafanaalHi andtka award wUl — ta tka Nawafk Hard- wfcra aad aapptp Ceaweer.

NKSr l U AND WOODSIDE-fUtp — k in a t tha CotamUa Boclal

'. t a Ml tka aaadal oiNtac to— r.\tpW ta ImiBW h |M . Otaoaweod Lah*. :.:Mia Ik .ffaah. tfaroMa' Dora aad Jaba

OUNallp aia la ehaifa a t tk

\ Ba*. WUMaia J. JttektBaad, M to r of '1 tba CMnh at Our of OoM Counaci, 4 tAa I— haaa Ul la I t . VlBoaat'a Hea-

pUal. Maw Xaik, (or tbo part two waoka. ' to tba raetorp la BuBUBar avo-

TM OhOBraa a t Harp af tka Chareh af Oar Laip at Qaad bora ap-

, from thalr a— aatod ta

lid. Baadap a—« — th# — *bon of th# aaalalp will altaad tha f .If o'clock a

adp af Qaad Opaa—I that tba B*OMaA f ka aad aafalp aaia aa dap aMaktaw tho — tol til alfaad tho f . l f o'c

—d iaattn a— maaloa la a bodp.TVM « h— I aaaktiafr of iha roiaat BUt ■—I Ciuk win ka hald tonipht at I f f Oa OMw awaaaa. Offtaan awa to ka


I S .

paBorti raiadaMd, la CtuB. aa onaaliaUaB of BapMal Cburah, wlH opaa tia laaaaa teaiorrow aiBkt. Tha

wlU WMct a team ripraaaat- I't Bplacopal Chunk. Two

a waafe aia bata< ptai a baaant iplataia baaaflt a t tha Talaea

la kaiac aitaaaad by Col anal k Back Couadl, Jr. p . y . A. H ,

Oetobor t l . Haarp tM coBuattW of ar-

Wada n day tha eouadt U wfU aaiahaato Ha twanly-flrat Urthday.

TM TooaB Raoptot AthlaiM aad to- fJ > atai DBIaa ad Baroat HUl *rU opaa Ita

aaat rwday with a baakatball

f laaaamaata. K n ttw■ l i ^ l l —f-t Mm «—m

«Hli tiM QKf«rd flTe el BloenfleUf.CTm aoa will koM opaa alpht avtry Fft- dap dariBB tha wlatar.


i w a

Tba aommittoa la ckarB# af a mat- pl—ada aodal to ba Btraa Wadnaaday BlBht at DalM Ball) under th* aua- plata at TaUabursh Branch, Dauchtara af Ubarty, will inaat tonlBkt at Union BWl ta m ^ a final arranpamaiiia.

Bararal (rltada of Thomaa Uoora of Baaaat aranua tandarod him a aurprla* Af hla homa on Wadnaaday nlphi, Plano pilaa wara randarad by Ulan Halan

ar pad Andrew Rottnar and 1 poloa by Mlaa Ethel Jackaon and

Jaoobua Othara praaent wart aaaa Alica Uoora, Ellaabaih Doyla

j la la OulBlay. Blala Brlngman, Tal- llp Burka and Ploranca Kottnar and 4— pfc Bua^ A ttbar Bonnakalb, Hay-

aakhd Hodaa, Elmar Bmith, Albart l la o n and Dannia I>oyla.

William Walnrach Jr. of Weat End avanua will return tomorrow from a trip throu.rh Montana and California.

Hr, an] Air*. Charlea M. Burpcaarr of laaballa avanua have raturned from California.

Tha Tuaaday and Thuraday nipht bowllny cluha of Ntrdcrtnaler'i alia)* hart comblhad and alacled tha follow^ Inf affleara; Praaldant, Alfred Tromnna: tacralary, Raymond Da«: traaaurari, Loula Schmidi and Ernaat O. Flachar,

Ulaa Emma R'unar of dtuyveaant ava- aua antartalhad aavaral trlanda laat nipht In honor of htr birthday.

Franli Nlaland of Devin* etreet hat ' raturnad from a trip to tha Panama-

Pacific Bapnaltlon.

ROSEVILLE SECTIONAt tha maatinp of tha lloaevllle W.

C. T. U. to ba held thla evaninp at tha haadquartere, 1 Humboldt etreet, re- porta of the recant atntn conyentlon at Hantclalr will ba plvan by tha delt- BAtao.

Hotavllla Chapter of tha Eaetern Htar Will hold A apaclal martlnp this even*

; In t At Uaionlo Tample In Roaevllla ave- k^'hua. Uoat Worthy Grand .Matron Llllte r ^ w w ta will ba tha puatt of honor.

Braaek Brook Conclava, I. o. H., mat laat Al«ht la RalUbla Hall,

HIM Iroaa U. Hlpatni at North : PavtAth atraat haa raturnad from Koohtftar.

Ura. Bhaldoa Bhanaon hna raturnad te fiT” BlAlrftOwa after a vialt to her father,

Jaba Feater of North Fifth atraat.-- Th* Uail’a Club of Ih* Rouvllla

llotbodlat Bptaoopal Churgh, hotdlnp Ita : t in t aaaattap of th* aeaton That nicht in tha patiah hall, wa* antartalnad fay th* ppator, Bar. Dorr F. Dlafandorf, who

' fA«a *'A Travai Talk on California and tM Far Waat."

Tha ftrat maatlns thla aaaaon of lha llaa'a Club of tba Fifth Avanua Praaby-

.toriaa Church waa bald laat nipht at i IM dMpal la Park avanua.

aiToi Dmucr

R ItopreeM ent, Mr*.H I C^raellOT Avt-


W t BtoatlnA of tho Com* | wao bold yoatarday attar-



^aWUlAAt. W0« * * -

, tloua tnAABaniaM M? work at Ih*

r a H ^ a $ W. who waabidraaf At ibta aaoat-

ba BMAant. Bh* I AAAI «**t< _^A .iNoanil

.Artttff ■nil

K) .' \TAAlMa

B r t t o n -S len c

F la iT rea d ; B road S h a n k r : LatlHeeh Bhdi Cloth Tbpi

SixBuJdon Pattern: ^BlackGdfVctmp Trimmii^

A COMPARISON of BtylBB, vahiee and prIoM in Regmt windows with simfliu'styles shown in other shops

—»tU» more lAoet than all our atherthbig.And remember, m buy the leather—we make the shoe—and we guarantee the

4 quality and woriemanship.A catfomer bi the Regal don i$ a ciutomer cd the Regal fadory.

_^Buy^ power is the secret of our low ' pri^ . A wealth of manufacturing

eimerience explains our mana&cturing efficiency and a world*wtde distribution b the aeoet of our knowledge of author* itati^ style requirements for every purpose and oocasioa

JufsiiSixtyS^les at lUen opedaU (MtEveDclypecUdsatE^ieUcllcusi



When t'oij Buy a

S T E G E RVictor Victrola

Foil Get the BEST Talking Machine the World Haa Produced—and More—

Sieger Service Is a Big ItemIt means efficient, courteous and helpful

things done for you, so that the enjoym ent from your VICTROLA may be greater.

ir you only realized the true value of the Victrola not only as a never failing source of entertainment, but for its cultivation of higher ideals in the education of the children—you wouldn't let another day pass without having a VictivlB in your home.

Without any obligations, come in and let our expert musician salesmen explain the true merits of the Vlr- trola, backed by a thorough demonstration in ventilated sound-proof rooms.

Steger’s Special $ Victrola Outifit » •

All ComfiMe^ContUtliie ofVictrola Model IX$ 5 0 .0 0


$18 .00

1 2 T e n p in . Record*$9.00

$5,00 Per Month Pays For ItT h li 1i only ono o l tbo many a ttracU v * outftta wo oftar for your fvloctlon.

We Have a Complete Stock of VktroUbWe bought heavily against the shortage, of which

we feel assured, there will be before the holiday season. Every model is HERE for your choosing. Prices range from $15 to $300.. We extend the privilege of conven­ient payments. Take our advice, make your Victrola selection NOW and if you desire, we will hold it for later delivery.

Every Victor Record You Want ia HereAnother dtpmrtmmt tk ohfeh Me S m S K R SKRVKB wceeb

' n a n o Mfg. Com panyLaifBBt tiwlBBlvB PUuM MairfBctaiorB la tk e W«rM

SkfB BbU r 741-743 boad St. Hemik#-

I have read your Bda many tintB, but n t« r rtalixed the N r|iliia yen advartlBid until I pricad t Binilar article here in my home town, I mw that I could sava a good deal ef money buying from you and haraafter I will not bother to took elsewhere. Kindly aeid me," etc. Thla la net en every day oocurrtnM, aa moet ef our eua- tomera come here drat, yet it may give yen the aecret of KIRCH (k OO.’S aucceta and popularity.

Your Purehaee* Mag Be Charged

S - P l e c c l i b r a r y S u i t e

W e S e ll It a L it t le L o w ^ in P r ic e — W e H a v e A l w a y s D o n e It— It's O u r W a y

ca Open Saturdag Scening VntU9 0*clock

t - P t e e e L i b r a r y S u i t e

7 7 -7 9 M arket S t- New aris

Heg. M et $40

2 7 ^t>hoto(*rod In gonuin* l**tlk*r at

t f 4 it Quulity llpMtry Otpod••rvIcMftblo full* w*IJ tnudo. kfft* hoenny flplihtdi


VISIT O U R UPH<M .STERY DEPARTM ENTa— *** IM tare* atoator ot Fantoa*#. u##*, rart#t#a •( evoff «#e*aetoau—BMttaahaai. IHal tataelt*, P##eU, r . r M Arabtoa. et*.

kM atr. eiiit,Mai. IMari* Aa-

Rug Department Specialswifllon R sg i W o a l& n b e r i t ig i I M im s e l iR mF#M *•!•*#. all

weeJ aa4 v n n le * # C E g gbatSi iea . B4li aa**..

3 2 . 0 0

liM t r « 11 u a I • ■*ttufu«4uru^• h U i r u s # I

SulluM* l*r rueea.

■vauDOiii run* $sr$ •»*.

2 9 . 0 0

Tan. (U V NAaiMrChilionnler

R tf Prtrt $21.00

1 5Full avail

front, 42-in. ciae, with large, ahapad bevel plate mirror, choice 0 f three woods.

Englander Conch BedVery Special at

1 3 . 5 0Wa have avtry winttd atylt to

teaaa avtry wanted ttata. Our Una tha moat Mmpleie In tha city.

Hcatiig StanM tg. FrtM i*a. eea, at

23.00UphsUtrrsAKDuIks Irathtr «f ipvrtsd tEUMiry. Just 4i craiiy u aeraftrrsdl tft totilksr

f many Brnsd msbofsali*!] Wrob frsu.M 4totAAlly riEtohs4.

Brass Bedffarnlar RrUt $20

1 4 . 7 5

Tm OA « IbtoiMyDresser

All 2-incb braaa bed; neveat designheavy mounta on posts and husks on niler rods.

6 a O OUh* enti. It- tn. fir* IKM.•cr*w d r af I. Elrlc*i fout ruMs • till top ring,draw c « E i • /

R tf. Priet $ 21.00

Full avtil front, 42-ln. case, w i t h 1 a r g t , shaped bevel plate mirror, Choice 0 f three wooda


12A'o. 7 Rof.


Ao. 9 Rof. < Pritm


Oood bak*ra vary aeaaomicalon

Set of SixD I N I N G C H A I R S

Peg. Price $22.25


Four-Piece Fumed Oak '‘Adani’' Dinins Sole

danulna 'Uatbor alia aaata full box conatractlon, with eornsF blocks: high kaa later baeka

Quartered OakBuffet

Reg. Price $85

.983 2

Vary maaaiva carvad buffat; of aoltd quir- tarad oak, Inaly pel- lahad and Inlabad; a tremendouB ipaeial at thla prlca.


ath 6 5 . 0 0



attnehaa wlA*. with lari* tinan aad llaad i l l r t r drawers: China

Clei«t 44 iBchaa wid*: Bxtanalon Table 4S inchos wide: Barvlnt TabUtS Inchaa wida ______I

ilU 'lJUPJ

Tkree-Piece Issioo library Suite

‘ 1 9 . 9 8Keg.Price


$28.50Had* of fin* quartcr.d ^ k fumed a rich nut brown:

chair and roeker upholetered in bait genuine apanlib leather; spring cta ta

QMrtnd OA DftefTdikColonial detlgn;

aitanalon: eolid quai pollened



R tfulor Priet $20,00



^ a c t s y o u ^ m U I O m

aboutD o n tenvy

P e a r l y T e e t h - H a v e t h e m !

DuCEks PureMalt Whiskey


1$ now in use in a great many homes of this city and is giving the utmost satisfac­tion. It is a reliable antiseptic powder, which cleanses the surface of the teeth, strength­ens the gums, prevents acid gathering and gives to the m outh a healthy, pleasant taste. *

Try a bottle of M ENK’S PER O X ID E TOOTH PO W ­DER and if you are not pleased with the results come and get your money back. 20c.


MENK'S1 0 6 M arket S t.


It isthe one true medictnal 'whtakey.. For use in the hospital, in cases of emergency

and for the sick room, ordinary or oonm cial whiskies can never take the i ace of Duffy's.

Because such whiskies oontoin two harmful elements, fusel oil and tannin, they shrald never be administered to the delicat Or those in need of a pure stimtilant ^

Wherever due regard is pven to the digestive process and central nervous forces, the unpreju­diced physician never hesitates to prescribe

t ’i

Duffy’sPure Malt Whisky

for he knows it haa alwm been made tor mefldnsl uss onlyj.and aim Uum oonforais with the ragoiivneats of


c d i ( = ? e ; c : : t


CURTAIN.Fr o m IIu r Ia c t o r y

rO 'i'O U R W iN D O W

S2 New Street. tM a v h w k o lB s te s H f .IM U .

v iu /a nsMbiB agiwiv mmu vthe U. Sl P. Standard.

While exhaustive analyi Matt Whidt^ is unlike any from impurities, it poweasei

It to made mtinriy from « sM gfiiasb the very best grains obtainable, aiid u dtosMed or fioor grain can­not be malted, berein Ouffyto poMsas an amet of in- calculable vdlue.

.In Duffy’s Pun MiltWhUcfyyon can ahvan ob-d in liquid

dosage ISIMtOfiog

health to the daSada the ooovatosoeniL and the Sged.You abould have a bottle in yonr home it all tiroes

to guard igaimt emergen^ and adoden UfaM«$ or to te used to • tonto stiimdsK for tiiB weak sod nm down.

Get n bottle now—from tow iu te

to o o a r i o r JlOQ; oi^ w rite i n K e t o W ^ C P t o e your nqutot.

My Mto WWNr Ob, iMtoitw, IIW•Kfr.}


A Drsmail Pfsptr


A _ atlrrli *«*t— tlw bie«aalag la aatltlad ’Ti «a lha Lyrli Dodaoe, Jai Mlaa M m

Tka te n t Valto4 Buta Af th* comi Aftkira n fa (or tatgaly ktraattkaala lo*. K*lth*i dttaaa. wko d aadaa la wk— tka B AT tba ataal Ut# govama Ska ■ISlary la Waakiag ta Ua tio— AUulte M* aattoata ka BlaABtaga t j

Left fall!

Bara* irr«B t«lia« kr I BAwarlaaani AAMBB (ha aaA. Araik aatraM* aa Uav* that a waa A f i n tha a$**o,i

f t Ito •ft

Th* IBt* Saatlaa g*l ta n M—aa ttaallr aaai Ik* Sqaaioi •aa* avUai pl*A tar gi ylsaraa* ai tha oATtala.t


tk u iE to «tklABB Blaaaradw hi


M m V .e vh* II aiABat

I laat IJPtrti

tba baartr aAAA affari apqaaS kr 1avar a a«ar AAfAsaa. 1 Boh atraat,A allTar la) M Farkhan AlM A atlva M hkld tax " J aa— Di SbmIab. k DhM Itath OatoiMi Akt B—aa; Mw lAaon, Ik a Btotl KulW aactag A«i,


Ta — ap Tbaator t*II— ea tt bM m * of t Boatottaa la th* thouaaa af maroh. pbotagraMi af thaa* b raoogaliaB.

ta A aw atnag ea i oaUtM ”A1 Laart* AMt Jaak Bara* af nqag wtoftAlABMAt lb* atac*.Jaat, Jaok artgtqal ato lauahlng aa

In A im JClddaf," El llArflAFitb Mattia Boot tbatr atngi Altkangh Mak are. a tbay are aa aantly *gpa

Nad *M torlty la a* am u appi* vartona mu DaltoralU i B— aiMr* to tMbOl an In a ailiii^ Oohlea aad Mag aad «


UaaSar- oBtakay ao4 Wli MF. a Iwho aontro

.baartag bti far a numb*


i m .

:-M, mWABI w ars BhaU


* Mfahthi taliW a

h V lia 'V e

f«SV to 'tM

O W l Tte

■>"r •' ■ I i t o v i a k ' a v E M N d o c T O B E f i a i » a

I n EWS o f ike THEATERS^



A DrMttiic PIm for Our Country's Proparedncw Against War

Stagod at th« Lyric.A , atlrrlu pl«» («r prtpwaOsM*

M Stut ttw po««bnit]r OC tUa cotntrr btcoaUai lBv(dT*« In wnr la Uw alar>*<. antHM •Tomortow. Hap »a." aDnetat «n th# L.|rrk raatarSay bjr VVUlUa DoOaon. J u m Mllthall. Hartr Ja«» and Mlw U n a ruUaf.

TUa aema o| actloa la tha haaa a< a tlnUaO Btataa Saaaior, wha an a (taMSar ar tba coimnlttaa un aiuiisry aoS aaval anuim nTaaaa la fara a MU pnatSlat lor tartalr laaraaatd tpproarlatlaaa tar atraatthanlaf tbeaa btmadiaa at oar aarv- loa. Nallhtr itaa artumaaU of a patrloUa cttlaaa, who palata oat to hlw Ika Safi. clw dia la aur laotaettn (orcao amt arham tba Smator ra«ai4a an aa aialaaarr or tba alaal iaiaraata, aacar la fatiaa off tba toTanunant, nor tba Slaeoranr Ibat ^ ■ ““ary auarha of a fatMta anbaaar la Woahltatoa baa atolan from a daak la Ua bona tba plana for SafOaSlac oar Atlaatta oaaboaWl aan altar bla SatamS- aatton to koap Sown tapaaaaa. Baan tba MaMlasa bp bla aaa Jaak. wbo baa MaaS lha n imia. ora at ao otalL

LaA alona la Ua Ubnuy. tba iati. star faUa aOUop anS Sraans of tba karoo irroa«ht la Now Tork aaS Vaob- iaUtOB br an laraSku oaonp m d oar powif l aiiaiaa to naolot l u aSraaea. ASMb« tba vtauina of Ua war la bla ion. AroaaoS trom . bla olanbor br tba Mtraaaa af bla bar. bo oaa barSlr bo- llooo U at all bo boS aaon la bla Sroan waa a n n a o t of taaer. OaarjaraS br tba Sloaoaarr that ba hoS boon tba rMSin at a sltbtaiara of horror^ ha kOMiao to approra Ua MU tor ta- oraaoaS afflelaacr.

lh a ontortalalns ralM M tba pro* Saottoa aalaa tron tba tael that oar- tata MUt ialj b Ua Sraaa nra raallo. tiaallp aaaataS la a baak acana wbUa U a ■aaafnr la olinbarlBc. Tba aoSt. •uao oatSaaltr tmpothlaoS with tba ploa for praparoSaaaa, taSplnp br Ua rtffafiua applaaaa foUowInp tba foil of

AaoUar btanatlat offartBC la tba not latioSiiiOBO Hot Stapbaoa In taiparaafia- Sm o of BSp Van SflaUa In Ua seana ortU Uo Swarb and that of bla rotnn • • IhWkf Watar altar bla twmtr raara* aSaob aiS of tba aairo. Kab. b Uo rac-

aoiao to "la Old Kandtickr." Tba otabOTafa atofo oatUaaa pronrata antor- ■NOS at Ua prodiMtlaa.

Othar oaaMbatart of Ua MU ara: Nad VaUar aaS a aonpaar of tan rauno wauea to a mtuicaJ eamadlatu: Mloa 8 * ^ ®ibhaab alngltw coowdlaDoa; Btonp BoB and ddaUISa Caroa, aero- hago l i a iitoi; B anr Oordoo and Aba X U e< ea leu i Jaatara and fooaph toalhn

Flabw. oinpar and ptanlot._ Appangm to a Photo plar aatlUad "lha

- li joaaph W. (Hrard,abar af Ua Partoa aod

Simnaoa atoak oon.


|b » akaUfe htllod aa T h o Soorat" *ha p u sh tola of BoiH naor la oat torU hb n olooor Utoo Paotlaa ■ S0b aod DaUaar Clark, kt Laaw'a WSSSto. la ardor to ahow Ua hroHS t ta l bar hoOboaS lo a noatar- M pn as wrttbut Mara, tba wit# raa- tSN a oot lato Ua eold. eraoi world to

ialtp broad far tba tanUp, aftor — hito trop a poaltlae ao a dru«

~ a oaarfep atota. th a r fla s that tad a »aal arofy dap la ardor to > Hhanalal t a p aiaot la aot ao oat.

M tbap firirad. tad U toabo I watoa Ua baabaad raoalroa a

t i l p h p i waatada that n a iU t him thlak Wa wifa la aatraa. fh a a to bolp Sklaft dioad Uo wlfo oatora with Ua OTtalMt baidl dUa banaaoo—la bar arm, ami habbp data paarod. Whan ha dads oat thdk Uo 'pboao aall woo troaa a g n tm titm l toaatp tan*or aod that U b V n S u tho aM thtor of a Hah otoal a o S lo t f c ^ to tardtraa.

jfoiu F. oSarap and Ug dlrtod nodalo, who btado Uair loaol P b a t oa Uw Loow stOdO laat Uoadar ropoatod UMr tntar

j portomoaoo had adota promptod tba baortp applaosa oarasd bp aaoom- a u a attart la tho dlrUg oaatoat, epoaad bp Kr, Cantor to looal amalmrt, trror a taoro of potiM to*n aod wanaa aacanad. lUaa Rita wInnA 4 lt Raatar. doa atraot, was awardod tba firat prtia, a allTtr lortod enp. aod Rop Taanp af Sd Farhharat atraat aopured tba aooond, blao a fUbar eup. A aaeoad oaataat wlU ho hold tonoim w nlobt.' Jamoa Daaa aod Uarla RuranA In a

and whlatllnd aat; alarar plnatnt; Clatida

I Kantlnf, In annd and BdwnN Barnao and Mabal Rob. Ih a planalodoa, and Snla tnd

■mil Xullaror, la a atra«d arm and bal. aaeUd aat, ravndad aat tba bia

DSW Roth, a ala QaiMki and Clara I danaa: BdwnN Bai


Ih toaap in tha audlaooa at KaatMp*i Thaotar paalardar tba moot Intaraollns itMi aa Ua ptaffraai waa tba awUaa Rlatnta of tba parade of tha Help Noma •oataUat In U li dtp toot Bnndnp nod of tha Unuanodt of dttaana nioitt tba llna of raorab. So altar aro tho anlmatod pbototrapha thtol tba tdantlllaa of ownr af thoM la tha rrocaaalon ara aaollp raeodttlBtd.

ta a madlap of aonaaaaa and ■trtiad oa a Olandar thread at plot and ^ t t o d "AU for Ua OIriA" Hlat Oiaat IdwU aoaiftad br Winiom Brandall, ftak Baraatt. Eddia Sedan and a quintal of ponai wonwn prpridod a ultUad on* tartaiamaat during tko timo U ar oaoipiad tha otMo. P n tor an ooeatoOkal aoatao Jaat, iaoh Harltp told tueb droll ortglsal ttorlao u kapt hla hoarara In • langhlM aaood Uraugbout bin paralng.

In a mutoaal akit. labalad "Captain KUdor," Borl Sebnalltr, Hnrty Robloacn. Karfla Rittchar, Hany Daliaora and httoa Slattia Baorun promotad martimant br thalr atoglnf. dancing and comlcrr. Altbatogta Caapar Wrtfa and Quatn Mab are. amall paekogea of hwaanltp, tbap ara w amualng laldgtta aa bava lo* aaatlp appaarad bahlnd local fooUghta.

Nad and Nallla Hanlon ahow a dex. tarltp In acrabalic work that oanu gan. aroua applahta, and tba patfnrmaaeaa aa raHana mualaal laatrumanU bp Clwrita DaltotalU and William ■OUatando gira Piaamra ta awap. Othar eonttibutoM to ^ bU m Bvalra and OaMla Manaflald. la a alagiBg and danalag nob and BIUp Oordaa and Niak Kanb U a MOUUiga af ------- Id tsUi.


Mondar. Ooiasaa SI, bp Hotrp Oapn on tp and hi# lUck ooupfMW. Ilf. W ^ . » bractor « Cbdriw^TWaop, who aontrollaf manaiod tha ')uMwbaariag hit natto In TiiV Utolai MOoi

ipivQVQ revioorMBMa js -

niO O LK A IfllO liaBMBWaRK—m ia l a a t af Borrr” M>

W IN Staalfan'o flra.aat drauM, M o f otf^toWmuM ■afartaankh tnaavaiy MPdA *ted Vdha U ar> a rodBdUd «M

MOBIIRT—IftoA Ratrora and a t« - i i MikUit XtodkOh ItH id! *who

s s w s w r s a s i ’atotrtto bHniUu mISuI

Of lUb tttlA frwdnSo fWHwni Rtspon at roRutoSA-Tho tVodalaad WHSr oo«<

‘ U tw o uuoioalorlao, wftb Sallp

Coarap and bla "DIHaw Madalo" baas' •wd.

LtRIO-<Taadavma, wtU Uo ptoptot, “Toomitow Map Ba," a aUrdog plaa far£miP MfMR CssAiiiril.■ JARL.BTOM>aUoto plapa. "Aa Otd •h r todar and "Haa O' U a BaakwaadOand "Volata In tha Klcht" toanarrow.

OOODWIN—Pbata ptapA H urp Mat. tapar la "Tha Hanna at a Thiaa ia l Oon. d l ^ tadap and ChoiSad ChapUa to

Mwaghalad" tomorrow.OURfSBCM —' Tba *odl>elal Oarman

war plal«raa akowing baiila aranaa tad aUtr Pvalopmanta la U a Bnropaaa confUat wlUIn tka fighting llnaa P na. tlohad br tha Oarman and A uitrlu gantna atatf.

FARAMOUNT-.rhoto plnpa Oiaca CuaaN In "Tha CanipbaUa Ara Cowing' ladnr and tomorrow.

fTRAND—Rhoto plapA "Via Wll*. Jam" todar aad i n u n iw .

New Yofi TheRters in BridBr Junta S. IfatoalfA

ASTOR, B'wnp and tf lh BA—"Hit. tba.Trail Hollldar " Slagad nod moatly wrlltan br Oaorga H. Cohan, b'alrlr amuilad Corclcal eamadr with lha haro'a carter ouggantad br that of Ulllr Hundayt

BANDBOX. STU It. and ThIN An.— The WaahtogtoB Igiiara Rtnpera In lour ptora.

BSLAdCO. tu b St., near Sixth Ara— T b i Boomarang." Mr. Balnaco'a abtlllr and the good work at an auallrnt and Wall ebaaan aampnnr ohown to laugh. Bbit aflMt In a ctarar (nrcloni aoniady dealing with the mathoda of doclora.

BOtmi. t tU St., Waat of B'war— *, H. Satharn In 'Tha Two ’Vlrtuaa" by Alfred butra. A oomadr not Impraailva In Iti plot, but with witty llnaa and nmua- leg MtunUona wall wrought by a compa- tant campuiy.

CANDLKIt. tld St., waat af B’war— 'Tba Uouaa of Oluo." Wotl acted and Intaraating drama tailing tha atorr af n women wbA though Innacianl. WM oohvletad af a erinia and bnring tarokan bar puala made n new onraar far bar. aalt, anir to ba avantunllr dlaeorarad br a datactiva with a goM manaarr.

CASINO, B’wnr end I»lh St — Tba Blue Pnmdlaa." Tuneful and brigbllr dona comlo eparattn at U a VtanotH trpa.

CEKTURT OPERA HOUSK. Cant ml Park waat end ttd St.—Nad Wtrbnrn'iTown Toploa." Mualaal ibaw an a big acola wKb plantr of danolns^ aborui girla gorgaouo caalumaa and atonic c(. (acta

COHAN'S, B'wap and tld t l .—XIala Jtnli In "Mlat Informatloa" Tba ttar to tba eapucltr of a privata datactiva flrlhg ampla upporlnnltlaa for diftarant cbamc- UriMtIoaa.

CORT, tith f t eaot nf 1U A n.— "Prtncaaa P aC br Victor Harbart and Hanrr Bloaaom. AgraanMo oooua opar- atlA wtol augad and wall oaot wlU Elan, nor Ptlnlar In lha tltla rata. Oaod. but net up lo pravlauo afforU hr tba aanw autbar tad caraponar.

COMKDT, a u l St. and lU Art.— “Tba BargalA" br Harmaa SbatCauar. Aa Intaraating and. la Ua malA wall acted dranw, which luatiflaa Ita orlgtoal UOa, "A Modarn ShplocA" aS It attaWpla to raodautoa a Jowlah anowar londar, wbo la not ao bad at Shakaopaara’a

ESLTINBB. did at., went of Tth Ara— Cloned.

BMITU. B’war and ««U S t - WlUlam Olllatta la a iwrtral of bln old datoettra matodraBw, “Sharlaek Holaat.'' O&f w**k Md]T.

RORTT.ROUBTB gTHKET, waat of TU Are.—Clooad.

RORTT.BtOHTH gTRXST. aoal of Ttb Are.—Oaorga Rawcott la "What Moaty Can't Buy."

rULTON, dttt St., want of B'war— ''tone Baby," a InugbaMa torca, aajoy- able for thoao who do aot latoat oa abac, hrta raftaamant In tbair fan.

OAnCTT, rwmp and ddtb S t—"Tan« AmatloA'' Wall aUgad oeHat of moatlr hufMront aptaadao tbraadad oo Ua mutual affaetton of a bor and hit dag.

OLOBE, Dongacra Sgaora—gacond ata> noa of "Chin Cbtn." tha laaghabta and atoboratalr produced mualeal aattara. ganaa With Mootgomarp and Stana an tha atatA

RABBIS, did Bt., anot «t lU Are.— "BeUlag ItontA" hrehin l inmidp, wall daao and daallag w lU Uw tmtoatai ad- ranturaa af two young man who win out aflat a ohaeberad aaroar.

HTRPODROMB. tth AVA and 44th St —'Hip Hip Haormp.’’ Big ahow, Indod- tog attraTaganoA ballet, acrobata aad a

rerr toegaow# aotltng tag aa anuougl ax* MWilen ad laa ikmtlma. Mora that hippodraam

HUtilON, 44th Bt, near fib Ara.- Ttodtot RtrAl A vary wall acted drama

ff tho praaant war arHb rnallallc tUge plctma and vtrid aoanta la bodpiui aad

ElWRBRBOCXER. WwaP and Hth It.—Tba Tihugla ptop fllaM with weak- If Ibaagf t f bill. Thto weak, piotura btorA wlU RiMh KaatkOA Mala Hamil- toA Eddie Rap and boroUp Otah aa tba atari wbloh hart proved attraction aaouan to M kapt am a oiooad wook.

LEXINCITON. imxington Art. and Hat Bt—"Tka Show Jtoop." RareloaJ cointdy of Ua dlfflculUaa of plop pro* duatoa, bp read contpnap at popular priMi.

UBERTT, tu Bt.. Otar lib Ara.- Tha Irapraoalra moHag pletura. The BlrU of a NaUaa." ahowiag acaaaa af tba OIrU War and Ua poHod af tha Ea Kltti KIakc

UTTUe, 44U Bt, waat of tlh AfA— aoHdtAINOACRC, Ulh Bt, wait of TU

Ara—"Tba OIrl Who Bmllaa." Agrao> ,abla comlo oporottA built on familiar 'Itota aod WtU Aira avIdanIJp auggaatad by ‘Tba Chooolaio Boldlar" and ‘‘Alma*

LTCEUM, <tih Bt, anal of lib Ara— Marla Tampatt la a curtain ralaar by • M- Bnrrta. anililad "Roaallnd,*' and a ravlval of T he Duka of KlUlacrankta* Cbarmlag and witty comodlai. drllght- fully acted, wlU Ua atar at bar beat. Laet watoi.

LYRIC, 4Sd S t, waat of tth An.— "Two la Company." Vary lunrful and laughabla comic oi'eruUA wall •toged and wall Bung by good enropany. headed by (leorgla Cain apd Claude Rlenunliig.

MANHATTAN ORKRA Hot.'HE. I tth•t., wait of ttb Ara__Mortog picturm ofwar aeanta oti the Tauton aide.

MBTROPOLITAN nPBRA HOUSE. B'war and ttib St.—Ctoaed.

MAXINB ELLIOTTS, Hth St., aait of B'war—Clooad. Opeae Oct. II with "Urianer'A* a recent London aucceae.

NRW AMBTCRDAM. 4M St., near TtbFARK, Cotumbua Clrclo—Ctoaad.FLATHOVSBI, 4tth at, waat of Tth

Are.—Oraco Oaorgo In a rwriral af Loaf- doa MRcbaU'a "Tha Now TaU Idea.* Aa txtnraalr clavor cooadr of dirorca In New Tork, adralr»Mr acted and arltb Qmm Oaorge ta a moot oouganlal rola.

FRINCE8S. ItU SL and 4tb Avu— ciotod.

FUNCH and JUDT, 4SU St. mat atTtb Ava—Ooaad.

REPITBUC, ltd Bt.. near Tth Are.— "Counuia Clay." Aboorblng drama with a haw olaat to lha thama of the In., luatJea of the aoctol Iowa of eex. Wall acted by good company, banded by John Maacn and Jana Cowl.

•HUBERT, ItU Bl., want of Tth Ara —opana Saturday artnlng with "Alone ot Loot,"

STANDARD, B'war and lain 8(.— Road company In "A Pull Houm." at pop. ular prices, Laughabla farcA

THIRTT-NINTH STREET, llib H . aait of B'war — "Tha Unebaatened Woman." by Loulo Aaapacber. Very artlflclat. but well actnd piny of eontam- porary lift.

VITAORAPH. B'wnr and 44tb SI — The Battle Cry of Baaco." Blaborato.

but for tha moat part coorantlonal mar- Ing plcturaa arguing agatnit Amtrlca'i unpreparednoea la oaaa of attack by a (orelgii enamr.

York, llttb St. aad Lanoi Ara— Road company in "Twin Dada." at popu­lar piirtt. Fnrea full ot tougba.

WINTER QARDEN. S'way and iPtb St - 'A World of Ptoamira."


A Mxtars of Sact tad Sul Durkeas tlw H ak Bcantifa

AlwoM eraryeiw fcnowa that Saga Tat and Sulphur, properly eompoondeA biinft back the natural oelor and luiter ta ika hair whtB tadad, etraaked or gray; alee eale daadrun, Itching eealp aad eispe (all.

Taan age Ua only way la get iBlitaee way la make It at kaina,

iloh la mueay and tmubleaeiua. Nawa. dan by Mktag at any drug atora "Wyetb'e Saga and aulphur CompoubA'' you will gat a large boitla of thtc (anioua aid raetpa tar abaui f t ceaia

Oaa'i auy gray! Try It! Me aaa tea peeelbly tell that you darfeanad your kair, aa It does h to u iu n lly and eranly. Tea dampaa a efonga or aeft bruah with It aad draw this through yeur hair, taking ait liiall etrand at a tlaui by noralng tka gray bait dleagpeara, and tfttr anatbar ap. pllcailoa or two. yaur hair baeoaaa btaa- lUully dark. Iblek and glaaar.—Adrartlm-


OR BAD STOMACH“Pifs's DhaepMaf* IM as Watk

StMMMM S tM O f I Bsaltlqr At Onee.

lasUat^ Stops flounwi^ Qaaaa, Baar^urn, Aridity, Dyipipili.

Thera wsuld Sat ba a aaaa*«r Tndil w diaiapgli bat* it raagan who are i to Wsitiib ttoobto bnawahtl.(arBimt and MFai ‘


B _

Tha publio buMlofa commlttaa of u a Coalman Coubto) BacMM yaatarday artar- noaa to aok tba flaaaoa aommitlaa fo» a furthar appraprtatlon of tli.H * for work at Ua City Uaapltul. Whan blda ware raaalrad raoaatly tar tba conatructhm of a na^ laboratary nnd niorgva (ba lotal aloaaded tba nrnllabla each. Tha build- lag ccmrolttao raaolved. howevar, i» i ta ebaagt tba plana, rtgirded mu4l. ■t-'iiTiiiinl- eat If future axpanatoD uare conetdcrail.

Tha coramiUea met with Uiyur Ray­mond and Andrew K. Hrtdy of ihe audl- tor'a dapurtmani to dlacuaa the plana. From Ur. Brady Uie cammitti'e lumed that there waa / • balance «f lll.MO to lu credit (or providing addlilunal hos­pital oncommodAthrti. The recast blda ihnwad that tha towaet figure lor the new laboratory waa IIO.UJT IJ and for tha mouua tll.T IIS I. In addiUun. tll.UVO la raquirad (or fumiahtng the new nurth- mat wing of tba hoiptial. H.eao for fur- ntthing the morgue and la>M>iaiury anu It,MW for a new olavaiur In ihe ucw wing, making a total or lT i.ltn .il

Adrertlelng, arrhiteyfural and rnglncar- Ing fata will bring tbe total up to about IILfSa, It wna aailmatcd. m |t:.uiw more than la In hand The finance lummdlbu may ba aeked lo take action on the re- UUtel previous to the adjniirn'd ineatlng of the Common Council tonight Aldrr- itign WHIlani K Haaa a member of the commlttaa *ae dlepoaed in criticlie Henry J King, the architect, for making tha pravloua aatlmataa too^ow. but Ur

Xing aapfalntdl Uat tha arlgtoal apaalll. rntiana bad In mind wbaa tna aatlmntat ware turnigbad had IMaa altand. at tba rasiiaat of Ua City Hospital pbyttolaoA to nway raapecto. tbua.imklag Ua coat hlghar.

Mambare ot lha Board of Hooltb oon- ftrrod with Uaynr Raymond anrilar ^

boa-Mtbl purpoaca.tba day with a rltw to havina him prove an addiilonnl approprtoUun fur

barlal Oaataty In UIra PnHy.Ura. Edward Mahar aulatad by Mra.

Joaaph ' McUuaougb. wUl oa boaieaa at the card party to ba gjven next Friday cvanlag under the auipleta of tbe Lodlea' Scclal Hocltty of the Church of Our Lady of Uood Couoeel In the t>arleb boll. They will l>e aaslated by Mrs Thomae F Halpin. Ura. WUIIam A Maher, Mrs Jamsa FUagerald, Mrs Ttrenca F. Fagnn. Sire. William Rademaakera and former Judgu Thneuaa J. UnlolL Thomae F Kalpin. William A and Frank Maher. Joeeph McDonough and Henry A Bugle. The proceedP will be uaed (or the rac- teat fuad.

Ta ierre Two far Snyaery Bewaftt,A ebristenlug party lo taka the form

of n lea and raceptloa will be A>ve» by the auxiliary to the board of monagera of lha Nurecry of (he Holy Angela In Ihe Nuriary building. It Mulberry ttrert. on tbe afternoon e( Octolier II Dffl- cere of (hr auxiliary, of which Mlaa Oenrdia Carrigan la preeldenl, will pre- aide at the lea table tu act ae a re- ceptloa coianiltlet Other nivmbera trill aervi «a fluatara.

Confidence in Petty’s!

MbRjf of tiMB m UI omhn froa cooBfakfiUB dlitaBHiPctty'i reputation for Reliability in a business that cannot afford mis­takes is worth your consideration.

IFAervMF vox an, Frttg mUt dalivar ta a .No (ear of atala drugt In Potty pro- acrlpilona — a vast volume of bualnaia and GonatAbt lurn- orora la your aafa- guard. P in t luallty ingradlanta only. In- eluding lha rare druga whlth doetara •ometimaa o rd e r . Prompt and aatlafao- torr tarvlaa, night and day. Praacrlp- tlona malted over night delivered tarty In tha (nernlng. Praa dallrary lualiedaa nil at hewark. Most Dr* •war. Diwnae aad parts el W. Otwnga.

Dofl't Miss This iyeolass Opportooit)!

F O R G O L D - F I L L E D


Petty: He Pula Vp Preeeriptiona

Includiiia Shttr-On and SheU Goods; sbj stjrtB doslrcd; guiraBtoMlto lit m y pair of oyes. Backed by my long gstsbliihed policy of ibsoltite sstisrsetion or money refunded. Examination included by Cliesler, an export in his line.”rfy ■ « OB REPAIR WORK. Dona while ygg wait, U necetMiy, as premlioa.

Me. to 75c. SRhericBl Lbrbb*, 3fic, Eacli.. tL tS to I t JO Ti^ c SphericBl Leaws, 75c. Each.'

12,00 to 12.50 fo rk Compomid U ^ bb, |1 .5q Eb

Readen, remtmi»r theit price* are from 35 to SO per cent, lower mtn clttwiwrc, and If you ilrexdy have g lu ie t it will pay you to bavg t dnplicito pair nude it the above price*.

V nC eO L JC eK 102 Market StreetOpM Ercnliift -nil S. 8a(«riay TUI 1» P. M.

OptHulte Waablniton Bt Next to n a v n M a w 's .

Ryeiy ono of timn Jnit to tho QMen’i teoto—>. light ond tmder and ouch e five, fioTor.

Vs kom cask cotdd blaad th« tofrsdlBDts w*tA sack s e k ^ t t f t Bxsctassi. Aid, i iiit Impirtsat if bFI. ftii Billt li Mkutollg flilxBd la.

Get A u t Jsialas’s Piocsks Ftotn' today.Knew haw to tarra cakss that an eendaiHugiy daUctoos.

M odi to « wtoiito— fto aiiATifCWWeWlf to

ANNIVERSARY 5 A L f Of FURNITUREIverything to Furnish Your Home Complete at Savings of One-Hi

UNPARALLELED BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT MAKE THIS THE GREATEST OF ALL BALBi ^r ^ r c 'j ; ,n , '7 u r . 'h .n ;^ ',s ‘r : r e . x " r o 's ‘j ^ « • ' ra , .ma charge acceuat and at eaca give yeu all lha banaflta anjayad by eur "-"tinrai aheuM ytm Uaelr. cr.dU H will gUAly a^’i

E ^ V E ^ R Y X H I I V OLot fflMH 7M I FarPitnr* for «v«

W K i i ararm ture*^^” an ”f»m—KAr^taSaumL.'cirralK'pSt^nra^il'VaKla'lSamtenaWaa’ i l m a lUfiSe™iom^S!ani7B.^^~ ahow jeu every etiiniioe laa raer mciaoe

n U R A B L ^ E :OOfId CHl

A N D:i{n

W K D I v M A D DToe may inclaie la yaur eaim High Orada

Canu lata ear otara, gatT V > A V ^ wueperimeni eiert ana cenrince yeuraail that ------------------OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE LOWEST-WE INVITE COMPARISONSale of MAHOGANY LIBRARY SU ltES'

4 9 . 7 5

hCtoaojTo iQto- Fkottotiy frftroM, hlfbty poitahofi toad ftiMljr riO" lobod. CoMlatt of nnn ebdlr. ootM toUd drm fOcktr.


iibofiBy ‘l/Hiis XVI.” Bedrosn Smte1 3 2 . 5 0 ®

OotoniM mAbofanybod room MltOa oouM* Ing or full ilM bode droftor and cbiffoniUor. vltb lATto bov*1 plot* nlrioro »nd teiloi Mbit wttk in»Ue*tohovol ^oto miiTora

Sale ot DresMcnReg. Prim

1 7 . 9 5Highly pellaktd nUl walaai draaaer; lafgam^^hapa^mlrrar aa*;

tTanchlaea. roomy drawara weed palla

Three-Piece GoMea Oak Davonclle Salle5 2 . 7 5 '

HofiParPrtoo tlH.H •0410 «adbook tofholotor-

•d In flaoBt ImlloiloB browQ Haaaiahloaibtri golden oak coMtruo*tlOBcpoUlhM iBd flBUllod; MttBo cBB ha mBdtInto (IowoimUo with ono olm*pie motion.

C onsult O ur Ontilt E xpertsBud loam kov trllMleBlly you eon furnitb your home Bt k vorf noBiIttai rf)«i oB very

,. AonTaBioBt tBrnii of piVtaaBi. Tkoro l» ak- •olBtelT DO etwree far Ikk Hrvko.

O ur Spsctol

lO-Pisce Ail Qurltrd Fmed Oik Diwif Sits

9 8 . 7 5

3-Ro4»m O utn tOur Bpoclol

A-Rootn Outfit

Sale of BrtM Bedi

S .98 «a

lUcuUr flTM.M

Ail quirtercd otk con- iiruction; ricb foroad oak Anifb. Consist* of buffet, Chiu ctofciV *ervln| i*ble, exicntlos iible, on* arm and Bvs *ide chtir*.


anFRMinEKRogalar Frlaa git,

8 . 9 5

b o d ; koavy orBBS kBix BadfuMBlkUat f!il- •r rtnU; HnUh- •d bMt boktti 11/lilto onsmol. "Adam" porlod

A ll O lM a

CHINA CLOSETR«f. Prioo l4ieu

Solid guart«r*d ABk. bU BlBM ekloa rlosot. flflolT poliRhad ond ftnlah' od. Haavllr cooBlructtU.

StUw o f


<Wd*l plw a naatlr- ah Bra Saagfall*.

aak rtalah: rar, aupgaati -»ad ttar drB’

Open S aturday Eve^os Uattl 10 (Peloek

Various Activities of WomenExigencies of W ar Times Responsible for Women

Taking Up Many Novel Lines of Work.

H «nr In n«rm«ri)r nr* nowM rvteg M Anlttkian in plnco of iHMIbudt or broth^rn who bovo gon* lo

.tM fro«tMolbo hofl iwollod tho Rtd

OOM fHBdfl h r f l l l .H # iinca lh« wor 1kO§M Ikrovfli eoDcorto In various p o r t l ol tbo world. Whan in Toronto rwOiAtly, wboro oYio OMf for th« banaflt

t i l t Rod CroM, «h4 waa «nterilln«cl At 0*Tbrnmfht lluus«-

who hai tmmvnse ori!ora for•t«4l hlllata uri UUs «telv uf th« w ntrr. Bvauilful to luok upon, th* I* navar^ th«1«si (horoughly convoraarit w ith th* itaol InUuitr)' and output.

WowiMi fird o n ara In O rrat RrMaIng t t SOW lo m«nib«r»hlp In thaBrlltoh Q n rd rn iri' AaaocUllon, Aa a fW U t of wnm»n’a IrteraaaaU inlaraai In •■ riM itvg. •tnv* ■)!• outbrt* li ot lb* VWi T*c*tbb]<a f ru lti w hirh m i - IMt a* Mtd ta ad v an ttg a arc rannad or y tm a r r id and abippod «ia ih t fra* lO*- M^Maat paat te aona ona of lha l.on-

aM nataa, for distribution amona tk a tMdlara or Ibalr dapaodanta No ^■ H ttlir of (ro ll la too amall to ba pra- ■drwd and na vaaaU blaa a ra allowad lu g » l a w aata

At lha itic faa tlan of l i r a Badford V aw tcik. ehalnnaB of iha a iacu tlva M bN a ( tk a Lroamn Club in liondon, a W tttH of taaa fo r woundad aoldlsra a ra kalaB atvan bp tba olub. Twantp-

I la flflp eanaataacanli from tba varloop kaapltala haaa baan antartalnad at A w a a , laa, d ita ra and e lra ra iia t w ith

b ah if aajorad to tba full. In laatanoa tba hoataaaaa a ra choaan

artlk map l et to lha nationality of tba ta ba antartalnad.

A v a ta a n ia aftle ta l cbiropodtat for t t a HU aa ta r a t a l llapton. O.

■ klU sh

kadcaak « i i V

voaiaa a ra aow w ta r ln f af n a ta l and ananalad In

wUb lha d ta tg a of tha Union n o r ara w llad “Proud of H lai"

and ara laK rIbad w ith ''K u a ' W ith tha C alora" ‘Bon W ith tha

“B reikor W ith lha Colwa," or W ith Dm C alera"

a a a ^ n* J S S r .. fWWaa

ara nkw p ra ttr wall rapra> la all k lada of work. Rarant

lAaw th a t tk a r oompoaa I t aaa t. a f tha trainad nuraai. H par

dif th a talaphona oparatorai t l par a t tiM trp aw rlta ra and t ta n o t-

M par aant. of tbo achoot f t par a a a t o t thoaa amplopad

ftHWa rti ii I t par o a a t o f lha aaml- ~ w a rh a n In taxtUa Induatrlaa, I t

a f thoaa aOBapad lo profaa- v a rh . W par o an t o f tha aaUa- a a d I t par c a n t la thoa fa r-

W ra DM oa VUlataAd la aa arcrad- M ai avan t a f th a X taneh O o ra m n a n t

In conn^i’tldii Kith th« w ork she It (Itrec'tjng for th« t>priefu of lh« RrMish sotflierM In thv fkvlii and In the tn)s. Unity Kmveh he* Juat Unueti n «h]| for what to iin oulnider awetim a rtiriouM lot of a r liik * . V iral «>n the kiRl are 4liBi\nr(]t*‘1 loiia white kid Kltivea. Then c(>m«t Jitfsuw |iUAtl«j» iTAmeH. w ril Ititf irapvr. luseiider whI«t andMU de rtilf>|[nr. The last tw o ar« for Ihe ali'k and woundetJ aoM len. ami l>a(rioiir HritleherK at huma a re urKvd to make either or both tham telvee or have them made al a alight additional •ipenec by chem iiti. Tha Jigaaw pue- liaa. the gamaa and tha w ritin g paper and pan rlli are for tha ^onvataarante. man who hava itra n g th anoitgh to think and riArd to ba atnuatd or tmv« their flngara katit buay to glva th a lr wounds tlm a tn heal. The dlacardad w hile kid gloves are U> ha used for m aking wind- proof w aietcoats for iha man in the trsnehsa. Two clever Irish women are aald In hava hit on |h |s idea whan aup> plying com fortable garm ents for their own man folks. Their kid glove lined w aistcoats proved so ea tls fa rto ry that o ther soldiers wrote home bagging for sim ilar garm ents.

T © n n i 5" f O r ^ W b r n o r i Miiadi*$ Veib Planning the D aily M G d Iir'"*\X f o r i o ^ y c i n d L e J ’J o n j ' B y

M o I I d B j L f T J ' i o d t Ndtiondl WorndnlennUCIamplonof thelIntiod5kter.

Thrra la ■ dlatlnctly famlnljw QUalltp about lha vfII th a t uKorda arall with tha praYaltlBl autum n aiut wiBlar alytaa, ao no ona naad ba aurpftasd th a t It la txiraau'ly ftahlonabla for mtladl ta (o valli-d Bha m ar, of couraa. tflaptnaa with a vail with parfart proprlaty It aha

Pr»p&rod by IlxpeH DIoMUm A rtg n S o n G Ivon toK ioclV dK iw

A n d M a rk e t P r lc e j .

l^ady Scoit. the widow lif the explorer, has cempleleid Ihrea months of labor In tha munition works at Erith Rha Ivavea her home f t R uckl^ham ra iaca road, London, every morning at ( o'clock to Im on duly al T. There she remalha till I o*ek»ck a t night.

"I am simply helping, ' she u id re* rantlfp "'bamuiMr I want to be of aarvica In some way. I am in Ihe elertiicat da> partjnent, and hava to wind alectrir colia I am tha otUy woman In my departm ent, where there ara forty w orkara and* of couraa. 1 taka the aaine houra aa tb«y- Wa hava half an hour for breakfast, from

till and wa knock off again fram 1 till I for iUnn«r> Wa hava baan fraa Oft Sunday hlthartOa but I underatand Ibnl wa shall soon ba at work on Suadaya nlno. Evan so,'' aka added, *'f would not miss my work now for tha world.**

Iflaa Dorothy Slavana of Toronto, Cnn< ada, la ona of Mia youngrat eshlb ltora of ftchlnga a t tha ranam a Kipoaitlon. She was Tocently awardad a alh'ar madat.

Lady Jullat Duff, who has a racord of thlrty-alght braca of grouse in ona day, U considered tba Dnaat woman shot In England*

N O 2 9 - T R A I N I N G F O R M A T C H E SI ihluk the chief danger In tra in in g for a lennia match 1a In Ihe d irection

of luo much work When a g irl s ta r ts the season, aha w’lll And h erse lf woa- fuU} out of practice, m any of tho poin ts of her game will need s derided brushing up Rhe has pJenty of reserve energy from her w in ter's reel and a Willi lUaire "to be up and a t II." Ht-for« she knows 11. she will be In an ovefw tennis rondtilon. Of course, the ariiouFlt of iraln log depends on the individual. Iful ii is well 10 rememtper that a toni nan4t lit rei|ulie« a g rea t smi^^tiiit of Induruni (■ and ihni if you hre down very Aiie >uu will protiably h a v e exhauil(.*d )oor resirve sireng lh and iionsiiMv ’V rsok" In the dn ld lng set.

I train Aiiirirwhat dllTvretiil> from rk'SI ulrle beniusr I am Always In inn* (litUin hul my own lUnhliMy is avolijliig lr>u muih Hoik t arn n<»l pntlK'tl- lnil> an iiiUo<‘ii1»- of 'Varly to bed and rsH v to rise" Iruhiing. JiOi* d1> I thilik ari) poriiMilkir diet Rhoubl l>e folluwvd J slmidy ge^ as muth slevp as i th ink 1 need, eat w hal I like -alth irugh J (lo nut eal much Pk-rnn- a hard it—andgenerslly i lr> lo forgei th a t J am preparing for anything In p a r t l iu U r 1 Armly lielifive that most tra in in g w ears, because a girl gets an en tirely ezag gerati'ii idra of ihe Im portance uf the tra in ing and of Ihc m atch : she gL ea away to nerves.

Butler's Pantry Worthy Considerationla A n n a lt houa* * h * r« upno*

W mMWSW. tiMfn phoiiM h* a h n tu r * fAAtPr. I t la laipaaalUa a ih n n rlM ta h a t s th a kK A aa aalaa t a d odor from

. tb a SlAlac r»om o r lo flad plao* (or lha ahlB t AAd o lhar lab ia appurtM onoaA .V bara Ibara ta to ba n u ^ an la rta la - lA f t a d BHTa th in ana lo iar*A a son* aaa ltA l A rraagam aat la o M .th a t ta la th a tlh lt wall baak aad allaw a oaa »ar- MA la paaa from k ltohan ta d in ina t a a * M d anatbar la w tah d lahat w ith- n a t la lartaraaea . la any avant a p an try | AiaM b « l l th t . w all n n t t l a ta d and wMboat laaofaailM a cornara, w hara dual aad doMp oaa ee llad .

O lthaa a ra tba kaynota of tb a b a t- la i 'a p t ^ r y aad la eoaaaaaaaaa tba ■alaaau to hold tham a a d tha i la h ta w aab IbaiB a ra o f m ajor Im porlanca.

' T ha ataaata ahamid ba built ta lh a w alla AAd.yaach to tba eaUtaa, otbarwtaa tha tap of tba cupboard w ill ooUaqt d u it h a rd to bo b raahad aw ay ta o rdinary e aaa lAK.-Tbo glaaa d o o n of tb a ia cap- boarda ihaaW not opan out. but allda I tAawa.ya to aava apace: bba lew ar abalvaa may ba radarvad (o r a rttc la s o( datly paa, whlla thoaa h lch and d lt(l- a a h to raaeh aarva fo r provlilenA pra- aaryaa o r tha “a la l t" china. U ndarnaath tfeaaa alaaata on tb a aide on tha pantry dSSoalta tba alnk. tha opan ahalt (o r ■laolnA tba aax t eouraa to b* aarvad Abauld ba o t am pla w idth and lan s th fa r th a purpoaa. aom ctblna which la o ftan aaclactad, and In conaaquanre ot

..Wbiah dlahat a ra brokan and d innera S iW a A

Tha draw tra to r hnldlnx tha dlth d a d iA allvar pollah, etc., may ba rltbcr

tbia tarvinn txwrd nr boaldc tb ' which, however, •hould not have Ita

covered by a rU> A dnniu almual ImptiMlblB lo keep (ri«

Inaecta. In umne throuah a newly tudlt boafdtal iwrt fitly I nutlcffd that tha a la lu (anarally aloud out from lha wall bab th t and that tha laticali extended A toat twice aa ta r out aa ordinarily, »o

tt WfU practloally Impoaalbln to tba w alla a tpcdally aa th« alnka

t of moat chpaHoiia dlntenalona. Bom* At them w art operated by knee levert. Which left both handa free (or the artlrlea baiac wimhed. Foot tevora alao are nude and are a diatinct advan la .e over the praaant ayatean of hand faureia

In tba kitchen than In tne pan try ; tha alia and number o t ahetvaa la n ito n mat- ta r of Individual cholca. but even If It he run by hnad rather than electricity, Ihe dumb w aiter will aava much i Ibm and itta t t t tb . ___________

will, bill a ml* vcila will play a very bnportant part among her coatunM ac- ceaaortaa. The kind of veil tha weara and how abe waara II, are largely mat-* lera ot laata. Hbe may put on bar vail aimoat any way w ithout jpeurring crltl- elim. and ahe may aalect av a ilin g from beneath which her fair tac* looka aa it It were fatooed with a fern or tlowar pattern, or one through which her roee and ulabueier akin ahowe In unblemlahed iH-etily Nobody will tie turpriaed at vllher

I be »hane of the hat ha« much to di>, of cuurae, with Iho atyla of veil lo be worn tied .rally aieaklitg. iha amaller the hat the more vuluminout- Ihe veil. A email, round, cl.Me-fltttna bal with no brim al alt. which In appearance would remind one exactly of a tea coay tt It were not that It looka to much Ilka a plncuthlofi. la nu d e of black panna vflvet with a band ot ermine anclrcllng Ihe crown near tha top. The veil uted In thix caae cover, tha hat completely and about and below the ahoulderi m carelaaa uneven folda. II la of fine black lace meah, heavily embroidered, except arherw It covet, tha face;'here a perfectly pUIn .pace la left In lha nal through which the (ace Iw ha forth.

There are veila that, ga th er 'd and faa- lined half way up a tall crowned hat, fall In .tra lgh t folda about Ihe face and bead—an ei-.n length all round., reaching lo about the top *>f the upper Up' In front. There are veil. that, throw n completely over Ihe low-crowned hat. are drawn

I back quite imuothly over the face and caught In a bunch a t the back. Juat be­low the hat brim, from which point they fall In flowtni fold* T lier. are veil, that, caught le n ra th the fur band that encircle, the hat crown near Ita lop. fall all alwut th* face and head In (tralght. uncompromlalng (old. lo th* ahoulden; then, again, there are meih vella In many new and becoming varieties, that are worn In the old way. emooth and neat, acroee the face and under Ihe chin and imnihl In an Inooti.picuou. bunch at th* beck of Ihe hat brim.

V'ella made i t gold or .liver ambrold- ered lace-nieah. *nme with an all-over pattern, eome In which th* design orna­ment. the bottom edge merely are pop­ular Velle there are. aiao, with .olid luoklng chiffon borders, two or threw Inchea wM*.

And ao. from the foregoing .am pl*. of veil atrlea and from o ther, not menlloned hare, but which may be dlwtovered for th* price of th* effort—dear mlladi, take your choice.

In citerini for i family ih* houK keeper ihould rcm cm tigr that going of oiif htgrtloal, cheapggt and mogi ptltuble foodi are lb* lecumcai ih w Aft iRvalutblc for aclive irowlng chHdren, und*r tb* wx of outdoor play •n d tctaool gcflvltict. #

Ordinary betiw, lenlitt tnd dritd yallow and green pen offer an aadlng Icty of diahai and combinailoni thit ire extremely rich lo nutiimenl,

and If the family doea not tbow enlhuiitim over one way qf gerylng tbtm,earict;

iry another.Bean or pea soup, com chowder, lentil loaf, baked b can t and kindred

d lih c i m ake excelleni luncheon foundailont, end i f ie r e hearty goup orchowder e iim p lc deeecrt conalitlng of fru it will lu rn ieh all that i t c w tn -

1-bitia l to a w ell-balanced m enu, and ih li appllex even lo ihoge engaged lu ■ rduout labor, a* well •» to the growing children.

R eglaalaA a iMWhaBa grtv*.

dost a MomentM i r i t r en X k mmA Ck*»«*

Csninlled by u. <2ulnitMiaSsRskr

the____ lihS U^n.

For wa, ihrgugh th* A plrlt. byfa ith , w ait fo r tha hup* • ( r ig h t, *oqaa«ag.“—OaL v, 1.

Thou, O sp irit, has t b ro u g h t Into th i i world a n*w ordor o t htrooo—th* m«o who can w all. Thou has t Bwd* patl*nc* divino. Thou b as t tau g h t u* th a t th* r a th e r '! w in may l>* rMwlvwi. Just b«cauoe U Ii H ie wllL Thou haet ravoaltd to us th a t a ooul m ay go* nothing b u t aoerew In th* eup, sa d r* l m ay rufua* lo >«t It go. ooBvIneed th a t tho ayw of Ih* F a th o r • • • • (U rthar than its own. OW* m» tho pow er to w ait to r hop* Itaelt. 1 abal! reach Ih* olimax o t o tro ag th whan 1 hava laarwad to w ait (or bop*.—From "Day Unto Day."

MRhta Fim •ATg'’>nAV.Wtih gwaaeall**. f*r ta* Biiwdey *w4

H a id a r Dtaoer*.BATURUAY ,

RREAKFABT Applaa BtuftMl w ith Fig*

Broll*d Ham F rlad C ornm aal Mutb HapI* g y rup Co(t«*

LUNCHEONip l l t r* a Boup Croutons

W atercraa* Balad Btewad P*ar« Jum blaa

DINNER Ctam Broth

C urry of H u ttoo w ith RIc* Btawad T om ato*.V eg a tab l. (J In g .r U h.rbet

nrNDAY'H DINNER B r.laed Duch w ith V .g c tab l.a

U a.hrd P o u to e . Cream ed Cauliflower Corn Balad

Cocuanut Diane Mange MONDAT'B DINNER

Cream of P o ta to Boup Panned H am burg Bleak with Onion. Ita lian M acaroni Fried E ggplant

Apricot Bponge


Mrs. Cetnpbel! Clerk. fnrmeHjr of this ctif. eh o IS now mekinv her hnme et 410 Perk evenue. Ntw York City, h i t • tinoumwd the onjie^TAent of her deufh* Ur. Miss Eetslle Csmphell Clark, to W. a m Wylie J r . son of Dr. end Mrs. W. GUI Wylie of Weal Fortieth street. Nsw York City A tthoufh no dels hes been set for the wrdUInf ll will -teke piece lets this fell or during the eerly winter.

I (htnk the! e set tw o In th e m orning, with possibly some p m etice of Individual atroken, end tw o o r th ree herd se ts In the le ts eftrrnooni wtU put eny one In proper condition, end th n i the offtlme bed best bs sp sn t In doing somethlriK entirely unconnected w ith tennis which takes one's m ind en tirely off the ie m s niid the comltiff wetcK. >

The nortnel fflrl needs none of th e o rdeeli of the prise flRhtAr; b f couree, n ceee m lfh t be lnie.^hed In w hich th e player bed abused herself durlnff the w inter esMon, b a t th a t non of e fflrl le hkrdly likely to tmke to tennU anyw ay. The Renerel average need# only the development of end o n n ee and the tnlnlml- ■ailop of "nervea," and th is re su lt Is beel to be aaiasd by a perfec lly natu ra l life w ith a fair am ount of tennla.

1 thoroufhly believe In the E uropean vyslem of Ira ln tn f. and 1 th in k the ( t r l who **tra1ni bard*' m ay h u r t both her came and hrraelf. 1

H iera Is one other Ihlnc which may he nrnnttoned here, thn dumbwaiter. No kouse le rompltle without on*' of thes*:. i runnlbf frum cellar to stuc . The human | onerfY saved llrnltli^ss. It may carry up and down the laundry on wash daya the ruffs and waiti. baskets on cleaning days. Ihe coal and prcvlsloiin from the cellar or the nivais for ihe invahd. Sometimes U la more convenient to place the waller

USEFUL AND ORNAMENTALDoor Stops and napf-r of Iron,

WfOUSht Into iht form (if fluwf'rii, fruit nnd Hfttreii and colort'd sml Klsard. sn» :<rumK* tW ag iw»w and miv* I t inf «»f tht» flKum abown repreiientM n Duii h In swhite cap auil aprou. bUir ilrvita srid aabots Thu hub ' flkuru >t-rv«-R ibr douhl#t Mirt*oao of holdliit; yout dour opun and •naklnf pfetly and dt-«'jrixilVD Abedoaa I t The bimchen of fruU or flowers, M id for the same purpose, nre vory d+'i n- tntlva and form a pkasing spoi of culur no the threshold of a rovini ffome of the flower and fruit aroups art» snaHli fttMffh to be used as psprr w-elKhts.

There ‘la a v rsa t peril. Our h earts may be "overoharped w ith ■ urfe ltln r and drunkenneae, and cares of .th is life, and so th a t day come upon you unaw ares." Our mode of living may eend our ap lr lti to sleep. Yea, we m ay vo lUvUSe our bodies th a t Ihe w atch* man sleepe at hie poet* W e can overeat, and dim our m oral eight. A m an's daily meale have v ita l relationship with h is vision of the Lord. If 1 would have a c lea r sp irit I must not overburden the flesh.

And therefore am I bidden to **take heed'* (o myself. I m ust ex­ercise common sense, th e m ost Im portant of all the eenaee. I m ust put a bridle upon my appe> tite* and hold It In sub jection lo n\y leord

And J m ust "W atch!" T he devil ia surpikssingly cunning, and. If he ran, h« will mix an oiHate even with Ih e earram en ta l wine. He will lur« me am ong the winsom e |>oppleB, and put me Into psriloua sleep,

, And I must "pray"* I have a Kleal nnd glorious D efender’ me humbly yet confidently nee Him, and 1 shall be deltv^red from the shares of nppetiie and from the benum bing Influence of all fflosss.—"John Henry Jow elt."


E g g . on the Cantar M arket atatida conlinu* a t their high p r ir* . o t lag i w*ek. Th.)- xr* quoted a t ( i r*nt* (or th . b**t n a .rb r tarn i g ra d e ., w ith rh a sp .r on*, down m low u 11 cen t.. B utter eontlnu*. a t I I lo I I c*nl* • pound. Prie** xen trx lly .1 th* m ark e t thow llttl* or no change from tlio .e of iMt week.

A m erlr.n chaeie I* b ring ing t l c*nte for the d .lrv , 11 cen t, (or the mild and 11 ceni. for tha .ha rp . O ther chaeaa*

*r* priced aa follow .: Im ported iw l .g dO cen t,: aw lu . I t c e n t.: 11m- b .rgar, IS canla; roquefort, f t c a n t.; m ueh.ter. I t cen t.; c .m am lia rl tdo- maatle only). I t cen t.; brta rh .e .* , 11 canta; pineapple cheeae, 10 and H canls; hand chetee. twU for 1 cants: pot cheat*, • cantA two pound, for 11 c*nta.

Cauliflower la priced a t l i - l l c e n t, a head; cucumber* are 1 and I cante cash; lattuce, E to I] canta; larga celery. I t cent! a bunch, and knob c*l«ry, < cento;

tomatocB, from 10 to 11 canta a quart: Q trm an prunet. id c*nta; lima Iwana 10 to 11 cents; s tr in g baaoa, I to 10 e tn ta a q u art; tw aa l potato*!, 10 to II cent* a half pack; 'w hit* potato**. lE and to o*nt* a ha lf p«ck; bruaaala aprouta l l to 11 conta a q u art; peppart, to to t i cen t, a do«en; (tpanl.h onlooi,I c n t i a pound; c a r ro t, and bea ta I G«nlt a bunch; cabbag*. I to 11 canta a head: oyatar plant, I to 10 c*nU; *gg- plant. from I to I I canla *aeh; turnip*, 10 c e n u a half p«ck; apln icb . 10 to II c*nta g half pack: pum pkina 10 and 10 cents each; gr*«n. peaa, Tt canta a haM peck; com , tO canta * doa*n.

P in ttpp lea ar* IE to 11 cants tach ; orangat, 10 to I t e tn ta a d o » n ; Umon*I I to 10 cent* a doaen; grap* fruit, I to 11 cents; casaba melona, 10 to I I canta *ach: pcachta. 10 to 11 jent* a Irdy and from I I c* n tt to g l . t t a batk*t: p tara . 11 and 11 c*nU a quart; I'oncard gnp«% I I to t l eaota a bM k*t; N iagara grap**, 11 to I I caata a haakat; Jonathan appla*. I* canta a doaen, and o thar tpp lM from 10 to 11 canta a half pack; crabapptas, 10 to t l cant* a baahat; plums, I I te IS canta a doian.

Meat prices a re being quoted a* fol­lows: Raef, ro ast rib. l l to 11 e tn ta ; lamb, roaat leg, 11 to 11 eants; toln chope, t l qenlB: rib chops, 10 cents; shoulder chops, 11 cen ts ; ahouldar of lamb, t t cents; J e n t y pork, 11 canta; o thar grades of pork, t t to 10 eenia; vaal, leg, I I centa; loin ehops^ K oenti; rib chop., 11 c e n t.: shoulder chopa, 11 cen t.; i te a k a sirloin. I ! to IS cents; porlerhouee, 11 to I I cente; round aleak. I I to I I cents; pot roast. II to 11 ren t.: .auaag*, links, 11 centa, and meat, 10 c e n ts »

Rev. Dr. George H. Broening. paalor of the Memorial Praabytertan Church; Mr*. Broening and th e ir eon. Norman Broan- In*. returned ye«terday from Princeton, where th«y atlanded th e ■ Inauguration of Dr. J. Ro«» Bteveneon aa prealdenl of Princeton Bemlnary. Dr. Broening I* a g r^ u a t* of tha la tte r Institution.

Herman Berateln and (amlly. (ormariy of W Mercer *treal, are occupying their new hom* a t I Quitm an atreet.

n S S GERUCB OVEN SHOVQtHlM Hadalln* K. Ocriach. daughter of

Hr. and Mr*. A. J. U aulbark of Tl t ,s n i street, whoa* m arrlag* to 'Michael F. Smith ot I I Brill ttr**t. will u k e place on the mornlog of Octobae 11, wa* tb* guest of honor a t a aurprlm mlscallana- ou. ahowar given I s i t night by Him E lln b a th Strack* o t I I I Lafayetts n raa t. Gam**; singing and dancing w na fa a tu m . following tb* p riaantatlon of tha show«r, and la ter n ippar wn* aarvad. BaMiel* of sunburst roate w art th* fa­vor*. TtioH praaaat war* the Ml*.** UoIIl* Bmith. Anna Btracka, Clara Steiner, Lucy Boron, Mary Boron, Mary, Ilarbaia and Agnaa Stracke of thla city and Amy Slabart of E ast Orange. '

M lu Oerlach will b* attended by Mrs. Cornell u . Duffy a . m atron of honor and Utile HaHe M .rano as Dower girl. Georg* Mc.Namaa will be beat man and thoaa who will Mrve a s ushsrs a rs John Sam­ple and Fraderlck Kata.

To pre|i:irr jbe sp lit pea soup for SNturday'x lur.rlu-cn, eonk Iratf a p in t of spill pens over night In w ater ta cover, on* bay laaf. s n . chopp*d onion, one aprlB of thym e and p an lay , h a lt a leaapoonful of anlt nnil u w ltspoon- ful of pepper. Let simmer for Iwa hour*. Prana th* m istur* th rough a ■ lav*, 're tu rn to the fire and whan *1 the boiling point, add on* tablaapoonful of butler, creamed w ith ona tab le- cpoonful ot flour i t l r the noup aa It thickens, boll (or a few m om ents and aerv* w ith c ro u to n , of fried bread.

For th* g inger sherbet, ball tag a th a t one generous pint of w ater, one h lap* Ing cupful of suiinr. a few allca* ot lemon ond half a cupful of Ihe ayrup drained tr^in a Jar of p r.served g inger. Cook (or e ight mlnutcA stra in , coot and turn Into the freeaer. F r^ .sa slow ­ly (or tan m liiu l.a s tir In tha tllff ly whipped white* of tw o agg* and a Cup­ful of th* p ra .ervad g lnsa r. cu t Into ahreda. C on tinu . trasslng un til flriu and sm ooth and earve in c rysta l s h .r b . l cups.

tn preparing th . creamad c a u li­flower, a f te r the vegetabi* ta dralaaS and the cream eauce made, add to tb a la tte r ihe yolks of the two sggt^ la ft from the w h l t ^ used In m aking the g inger elirrbet Hast the yolks w a it blend In thoroughly with tw o teblo- ipoonfu l. of chopped parsley and cook for A couple of fuomvRtt ovor hot w aiorl th»n pour over tho cA ultflow r. T h li l^v«« • much rIcUvr flovor to Ui« ¥«(«•* tzLle. In k««plnf Ih t yolk* of ov«r from o a t doy to tu o th tr . p i tc t l | a dcAn cup th d pour o v tr h iJ f u cup* ful of cold VAttr. t( placed In the letboKe ofic yo tk i will keep perfectlp In th l i way, ________________________

‘T h e d i d i


GRAPE JUICE HINTSTwo r^atfint for h«imo-mtdr urupt Juice

Iti'lnz U-rN altrarMv9 Hutn Ihnt hovjtrbt Ivitlled urc tiuil aniatf»iirff iiieo iMsar tniJ lh:»t Ihpy boll ih«‘ KFvp** Julc/'. T hvrt It jiufflfb'rit minnr In Ihr lo pr^tervTit, and iMilhnf; sixilla 'h'- flavor. For t r-U'ur, rlfli kiokiliK Krupe' Julrc. warm th«

uml run the JiiU'i* ih rou fh n fflratiiinn hag VVhrn It hat iteUl^d pouf it iitio afrrllltfd botl'C't and hrinc them, Mltniiiug In ^^atrr. to t hfttt fiot vrtAlvr th tn :or» ilf^grom nil* It accompllthcd v.hrn I hf> w tt^r trouhd (ha bottle# alm- riffr# liii^rn lh» cork and cover It wUh utraffm .

The May Manton Fashions


(W ith B asting I.lne und Added team A llow anc.i E lve-I’lece

Skirl, 11 to Si walai.Th* plain gored sk ir t th a t D are.

" ^ U b d s n i ly Is o n . of the moat Impor- tim t of th* autumn. This o n . I . out In flv* place, with the fron t edgaa ■etetnad and lapped on* over the other. I t t* a sm art ■klrt and a l I he aam* tlm s a simple and eaay ek iri to make. Mnoa tb* pattern gives both the seam* gad tb* baaling line, it I . . very almpl*

a lte r to nut I t and to sew It, for one only to cut on Ihe ouielde edges

th* pultern, snd, th s basting lln* marked. II Is Im pos.lble to loss

^ * a T lie ^ k in is a favo rite on* fo r th* coat su it and (or the In-

le gowir £ r

n and It m ake, up handsumelyIn woof. The finish, wall

mad* a t s ith s r tb* sUgtalty natu ra l w aist line.■sdlum sla t, th* sk ir t w ill

yard* • ( m aterial i f or m yarda t t o r E4. If tho

w ill or t l

baa up and down: t t f yards . . . i t j r a r d *ka* nsithar f l tu r*


ertda I

s i f t "te t yarda AO(T n

' i T U T tm i W t e M . . .

Camplate C ar* F a t ty CaaBiItt**.E very th ing 1a In rssd lnss* for ths

opening card p a rly o f th s ssaibn to b* given Monday afternoon by th* ladiss' eom m ittea of th e W ashington Society of th is c ity an d tha O rangia In th* club houa*. IS P rospect strse l. East Orange. M sm bsrs *f the sn ts rts ln - m snt com m ltts* who w ill hsv* charg* of Ih* p a ^ y ar* M ra Thaddau* F. De­vin* of Ilaat O ra n g a chairm an: Mrs. Charlae W alsh, M ra C. W. ruulson, M ra Jam s* W allace, M ra 8. E. Nugsnt. H fa H Icbaal Hoey, M ra John T. Cai- sidy, M ra John B. E vsretL l i r a J. H ansbury C allaghan, M ra C harles A, W baten, M ra Jo h n F . Conroy, M ra Loon Jobln snd M ra M lchasl W inter. Th* reg u la r B aturday n ig h t done* wIP be bald tom orrow n ig h t,


Print ButterA t A ll G o o d G ro o e rt

FR A N K ZIERZThe wcll-kDowB f u r l s r , ia ilU l

eated a t S71 W a m a a livH , w here h# would gladly wgledow aD c g g la M te a* before.

RcModeHiif, R c tH trls f m d N tw f u r s w ill alw syg rcce tra hia fgrsem al Btlention.

B U S T E R A N D T H E S f O V E P IP E

<V4fM~ii~krMT ir>rtir-ia~iir>ik n ~iaw

i\* .

HAT MANTON PATTERK»*^Th* May Manlon Pattern*, " ‘ ■ b* bad in all aU<nioetrat:rated

•rdetlgbova can fo r I t a

Old Jack Frost, w ho corns* snooping I sround St nights and p a in ts evary lh ing white with his froety b rea th , wna ha- glnnlng lo m ake th* an im al folk* th ink of putting up their i to v as for the w in­ter. And of coura* th* vary day th a t Holhar Cuddles dceldsd to mov* hsr cook itov* from th* ou t-k ltch an Into tbs houi* was tb* day th a t B ustar had planned to play a gam * Of football. And you can anally guess w hich a Util* b itty bey would ra th o r d o —play a game of football o r tasip lo p u t up a stove.

-'But, Mother Cuddies," ob jactsd Bus­ter. after his m other had to ld him th a t she wanted him to help w ith th* stovs, "tve got to play football. I’m th* cap ­tain of Ih* K ilty Btsr* snd 1 hsv* to bs there to help win th* gain*," *

Now Mother Cuddlaa knew vary well th a t Buetsr did not w ant to help w ith th* atovo, snd U th sr* had besn no gam* of football to play th a t afternoon DO doubt be -would have fouad soma other aaeus*. So ah* mad* up b a r mind that h*' would have to help h s r avan thaagb th* K itty S tar* would hav a te play without th e ir eap taln .

‘T m very aorry, Bnatay," ah* told him, "but I don’t aa* bow t oan db w ith ­out ran . So t g«*a* yau'U bay« t* atay a t hom* th is afternoon,"

You case Imsgln* th a t B u s ts r fa i t an y ­thing but bappr. H a b*g*« to a « Juat aa Uttl* ta tk t go aoaotlaao* w hen th e ir motharg *gh tham t* d* th te g a th a t

do mat w ap t t* do. H o w ao t aiw tm t

" l ^ t will do," aald M othar C uddlea qulcffly* “or ptrhaiM th a n a x t tlm a youwant to play football I 'll m ak* you atay S t horns again."

Be right sftsr dinner Mother Cud- dla* got ready to put up th* stov*. Th* hardest thing to get Just r igh t w as th*StOT* p ip* .

•b* pulled Ihs table ovsr to th* stov* snd Mt on* of the chslro on top of It Then ah* told Buettr to ellmb up aad DC lb* plaeas of pip* tegothor m sb* hondod than up to him.

Aud Juat a* ah* hsd handed Bustqr th* fourth piece th* table bogan to wab­ble and tbe next Instant owor went tb . ehslr and down cam . Bustar, itov* pip* knd all.

Of eouraa Motbsr Cuddlaa w as acarsd n « r ly out of bar w its and teU sura that Buster hsd hurt himaolf. But lha im i* b lu r boy wasn't hurt In ths laaat DuUdd* of a teeny weeny bump hs got badi of hi* aar from Mltlng tba tdg* of tha tabia.

But b t bad no aoonar gat up an th* floor w M a suddan Idaa pogpad Into hi* hated .and h* started t e » s« n aud groan Jum a t though ba had baan badlyhurl.

"Ob teft Ob m y r ba wallad, g r a v ­ing hls tag tightly w ith bath pdwa "My pear lag I My poor lag!”

■Ob, d a a ^ ariad Hathar Caddlaai aa ah* ran far tba Ualmtnt battle. "Mayha th* pear child ha* brohan btg tegi"

Be Matliar Cpddlaa qulahlr #M a basdagt araaed Vaitpr's t*« and teld

te Ite d ^ a i n t It

bte*teg l ln ia irp lli

To have aaan him go iim hlty-llm p an t of th* fro n t gate you would hav* thought th g t ho could hardly hobbi* along. B ut Just ** soon a* hs got olaar o t th* haua* h* forgqt all about being lam* and a ta rted to run toward tite football g ro u n d s s i hard se ho ooaldga­

i t waa n early supper tlm s whoa b* raturnad haras, and Just a* soon a s h* got w ithin s ig h t of tbo houa* bte lag asamsd to grew auddsnty w art*, and b* began te lim p again.

And whan H o lh sr Cnddls* aakad blra hpw hls lag fa ll h* told bar *o«* bsitsr.

Tm g lad a t th a t," aald H athar Cad- d isa "I knew all a long th a t th* Hal- m in t would h a le It, bu t you m aat bar* ru e too hard a n o r yoa got by M ather Rovsr’a w han yoa w aot te th* gam*. Bh* Mid M* how yoa w hteael by, and wban yoa o a n * ham* yon d M a t limp HU you g « b a re '

Boater woB vary m ack aar pctcad a sd asbam ad w hs* h* faond kto matke* knew kew k* kod tH ad to daacH ta fast, b* w aa *0 abkamad b* aa t aa y tmppar, *t *m tkagg li M catnip panealiaaL And a f t tc aappav ha a tk ed It k* o aa id k 't win* Mm d id and b rtn g a p th * * * a l W tl te t W d d le i tot htEL

gh* did a a t *Mld h im h r b te aaoghH - aaa* la th* afteraaaP t b a t whan cb* caid good n ig h t, gk* addMl: ‘M a tw ,

Brag ,yaa w iu n e t try te d*(*»v* wtU y e a r

i w w n t n

1 8 6 5 1 9 1 5 L

C C. SHAYNE & CO./m p M i n t mud O e iw fb e fm ir s o f


FURSInvite your inepeetion of a tuperB line ot the latoif Mvdttee in

SEVER. BUIE WmiE -nd (ROSS FOXI M W g g t e m W t n e t

1 N B W Y O R K

W a a*Bt wnId ^ matlHfi

l I r p S : t u r Mr m ytei pteMP An

Baobttohod in Nmoark l^neetSIfS

Special lkSatimlMy> A^fAulay and TU^eday Only

\ ' ■/-yi-'ivTv'

Owiw| to tho iwooMfttl rO" \ qioaM of Dwr oititoMn te o v lilt vook’s grett vatwii fhrjitf, «• lutfi deddoo to pitoe 40 •ddltiowtl LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR WIN-’ TER SUITS OD tali i t coot price..

r T k aa t SMiti • » tUI tU k tik m d a Bt-w-dito td l- end Mliti and UDMIB Bfwmlda, QgtiidlBi» Sm p§ a a i RopUMk

' ■ f - a m m m m r m m m

A vdkBMMi MRftMy Dm# to 14 iMt NritRifOdI vHl pfodo pnfftoM i 10 |WL *-

^ y w r w OmW . . . . I jM to O H. U O t o A N

BURNETT COHEN1 4 Em I P o rk S trw ot

n i t I iv cM * ;:

4 G E :Jobn W., K

lucky. They h i tlia* they see h

Floturea of t a b y a phologr* hack of 'p icture Hawarli Bvenlni

*^rTiar* areMra. Liltletall •aw her dsuiburraw, or un doll la her pai

"Otw I am Oaote W ittilywhUa," 00*1*

"Did he ask rahbit lady.

’■Ho, but tl* t e as* ma," ap hathar to him.

“AH right.

"1 won’t rai tha Wttl* ruhbl wood, picking th* a n y to bi Bthol Brownay

Bast* waa ho a Bic* time I V>tM>r'a hou* If th* rabbit i a sugar cooki, for bsrsalf wh saw sometblng a vnfee cried-

"Ah. h s ’ T him? Get the

■'That Isn't aaetbar voice girl! --Bh* Isn

"Wall, let’, aald th* first avar her .hou IIIU* fox boyi the wood, loocatch.

"But they ■ Oust.. "I am I

A «ay hopt* •he could, stiO bad im i* fox I Ittlon to lha chased aDer i.

"W alt! Stop barked Ih* bad

"No! No! Ouata hurrylni

But as eh* hack over bar then abd ahe * getting nearer

"Oil, w hat I Busts. "If I c lltUs white I away. Oh, t ki my doU. Tha a t her, thinkin But whan they put bar down m*. But by tl Phcte Wlggtly- go hack with I

"I do hale t Ethel Browne; to bar doll, a i te tb* only tb hoy* will drop Whan they Dm not good to aa

T im duals I bed of Uavss I prd, A * tool shorn dsf aa d ■ te p M r imMihi

"Thla WtU g aw ay," Bii«l* e

Away ah* tera, laav tag I hind, and mm waa a t Ciicia bongalow.

“Why, Snah ta r?" aakad 1 tha l l t t la rapb Jum p up on h t

"Oh. m atti tual*. "I wai hays, who tl




4 '.

• A f t , c a r i f c r I T T g AJobn W., UdiDi »n(j icdwtna lUidniaU nr* tbra* llttl* ehllilr*n from K fn-

tn ek r. Th«]r h ir* a rrlm d who v n v « in« BedKma i lo r l r t far th tm , i^iid *<itty UuM th»)i ■«< bar th*y >tk, “H i** y»u m y atorleaT"

K -------------------- :-----------Blflluraa of ehlldran ara draircd fo r uaa w ith the Iledtim a Klorlaa. Bend

ta b y a p b o to irap h w ith a Una or tw o of commant. Tut nama and addreaa on back of plctura. which will be re tu rn ed Adilraia to Editor, Womaij'a I 'a ie , Nowarli E ra n ln i Newi. 3U-J17 M arkai a lra tl .

UNCLE WIGGILY AND SUSIES DOLL"•Where are you colnff, Bueie?" aeJted

Vra. LIttletall, the rwbtdi lady, ae ehe aaw bar d a u fh itr welkin* out of the borrow, or underrround houae. a l th a M l la her raw*.

"0(1, I am Ju it (otn* over to laa Vbol* W laflly Lnnaeari for a lltila whU*.“ Bual* anawered.

"DM ha aak you to enm *r‘ aaked Ihe MbbIt lady.

"‘Ko, but Dacia W lnU y la a lw e ra tla d k* aaa ma," apoke Buate. "1 wont' ba any bothar to him."

“am rlfh l, but don't atay loo Ion*.

“I won't, mother." and with th a t oft lha Bttla rahbli *lrl hopped th rou th the Wood, ptckln* up a pine tree comb on tba w ay to bruih the hair of her dull, I tb a l Brownayea I 'm tyalrl.

h a i a waa hopping alon*. thlnkln* what • b*^ ftthr ahe would have at I'ncle W lfilly 'a houM, Hiul «he nM wrinilerlnv If th# rtbbit would *lv« hi^r« n i i^ r cfwiilft for her doll n* 'melV e* tor boraeir wh^n. all of ■ ■uddf>n. Mutle MW aomeththf rued* Id the huahca end A Tolce crt«ii-

“Abe he! Thar^* hr r»ow' ( r thini! Oot Ihr rabbit m en‘"

That Ian t l^ncle W im ily,” ppoka a e th e r volc^ "Thai'e on\y a liul« rabbit

lin 'l fet enoufh for u il"Well, le fe cheen after her. anyhow,**

Mid the flret voice, and nukkly bwklnff ®ver her ehoulder. flojle »aw two bed little fo* boyPt who had come out In ♦he woods looking r>r lomethlna to catch.■ » ! ! ? ' * * ■hen't fa irh me’ thought ■uate. "F am lu ln t to hop very f a i l ' '

Away bopped fluale. going ■■ faat a i could, and after her rame Ihe two

pad little fo i boyi. They were lome re­lation to the fu»*y foi, who io often CTiaeed after the rahbli aemieman.

W alt! Stop! We aao t to catch you!" t«r1ied^ the bad foa bpya.

“No! No! You can't have me”’ Mid Miali, hurry inf op.

But aa eba bopped ainna ih r looked bach n ra r bar abouldcr every now and then abd ahe aaw that ih* fox buya were BCtltnc nearer and naeier

"Ob. what ahall I d o r ' U iou*ht.po«r Buate. "If I could only atop them for a llttla while I would have time to *ct kw ty. Oh, I know what I'll do! I’ll drop my doll. Tba fo* boya will atop to look a t bar, thinkin* ahe may be good to eat. But when they find out ahe lan't. they'll put hor down aitaln and keep on after m*. But by that lima I will be aafe at I'hcla W lftlly 'a bungalow. Then he will BO back wllb me and I can get my doll.

" t do hale to leave you In the wooda Ethel Browneyoa Prettyitlrl." aaM Buale fo her doll, aa aha hopped alon*. "but It la tba only thin* to do. And the fox boya will drop you and not hurt yoii whan tbay find you aro only a doll and ■ot food to ant."

Ttwn Bude dropped her doll on a aoft bad c€ Uavea and away ahe heraelf hop­ped ■ m lookad back acaln over her dina Maf awd ahei.akw the fox boya atop ta pt<* Of ‘Btbal.

"T bll will f iv e ma Umt to yet la f tly aw ay," Bualk aald.

Away aba hoppad, faatar than ba- f a ra loavlOf hnr d ta r E thel dolMa ba* h ln ^ and aoan the little rab b it g irl waa a t Dacia W ltg lly ’t hollow alum p b u n n io w .

"W hy, Bnala, w ha ttx er la thai m at* ta r f - aaknd klr. L ongaan , aa ba aaw tba l l t i la rab b it girl, all ou t of b raa tb ,' Jum p up on hla porch.

'Dh, m a tte r enough T exolBimad •uale. "1 waa rhaaod by tw o bad fox. bbya who thought I WAfl you. t


(1ropp«“fl my iloll. so when Lh*y itopp^d to pick her up. 1 Would bi»v« lluii* to run here ! got DWAy. tu t 1 wiMh ; ou would go back with me and g«( my cloll You don't i ’poiC those fos boyn wlU do any th ing to Kthal Brnwn»yei I 're tt) • gif'), do you, aft«r th«>' finil oui ih« ia only a doU, and not good to m (T'*

‘*t)ha I don't Imaglna ao." spoka fn e l* >Vtgglly. but, all the aame. hr waa a llllU worrlod. *'Woni go righ t back to th i woods to get her.’* Mid the rabbit gsnilom an. “And I'll lake my tooth- pow der pop gun i^llh m«, to tick le thoa# fo i boys If I catch them ”

Hut when Bulls and Uncle W lgglly reached the place where the little rab­bit g irl had dropped her doll on the pile of leavee. the f»s hoys w trp gone, but the doll was Ih rrf

*X}h, my poor KtheT” cried Susie, “pid those b id foses hurt you*”

The doll could noi^answer, of course; not being one of the ta lk ing kind.

“H er eyes are rloeed,” said Uncle WIggUy. "Maybe she has fainted, Susie**

"No, her eyes always close when she lies on her hack,” »e1d Huste. ”Bhe la that kind of a doll As soon sa 1 raise her up. like thki. her eyes will open. ' And ^usle held her doll up straight.

Hut the eyes did not ot>eo. Instead they stayed tightly shut.

"<.>h d ea r '” cried Buale. 'Thnee foi hoys did something to my doUle! Kome- Ihlng lerriblr! They might Just aa well luive eaten her! Oh. wake up. dulMe d ea r” ' Husir cried. "Open your eyes and ■peak to me. Rthel* Please do” '

Rut Ihe dolTs eyes stayed shut."fJh. t ’ncle Wlgglly!” cried Ituste. ’*Oh,

Isn't th is tsiT lbler'"lA-t ms see what 1 can do,” said the

rabbit geotleman. He look Huale's doll tn his i>aws. but even when he ehook her. and turned her upside down, the eyes would not open.

Oh, Uncle Wlgglly. w h ft do you a'pose is the m atterT ' Mdly u k e d Susie.

"I think thooe bad fox boys, when they fc <ind ibe doll wasn't good to eat, and when they found you bad gotten aafely aw ay from them. Just stuck sUcka, or etm ething sticky, Id your doll’s eyes,’* said Uncle Wlggtly. 'T h n i 's why her eyee won't open. '

"But what can we doT* Susie asked. "Cdi. my dear Ethel Browneyes Pretty*" girl, how 1 love you!'* And she clasped her dollle tightly In her pawg

”Ha! 1 know w hat we can do. Busier* suddenly cried Uncle WlggMy. "We can tak e your doll to [>r. Possum. If hs can cu rs lit an im als he can surely m ake a doll's syei come open. We*II go to Dr. Ppseum,'*

And to l>r. PoMum U nde W lgglly and flusU, the rabb it girl, went w ith the E tbel doll.

**Can 1 make y*ur dollle open her eyee?” cried Dr. Pottum , tn his Jolly voice, when they aaked him If be could do th a t. "Of course, 1 can!**

Dr, PoMUm w ashed the a ttc h i and teavea put o f the doll'a eyee w ith warns w itsr« polling out aomd o f th e la rg e r ftlckn, which the fox boys had jabbed 1n» w ith aome little tw eeiere th a t he kep t fo r pulling the anim at children 's loose candy teeth. In about a m inute Ethel Browneyec Prettygirl opened h er eyes.

*^li, 1 am so glad!** cried Susie. **Now my dollle U a ll r ig h t again!" And ao V thal was. And If the ehoco'late pud­ding doesn't wash Iti fare* so tt looks tiha a dlab 9 t vanUla Ice cream. TU tell you nex t about Uncle W lgglly and the haiwe eheatnu tg

I OLD AND NEW FASHIONS CONTRASTEDF*re#(>iil end proeprctive members of

¥ M C..A. Bible study cinsiiee g a th ­ered last night a t the l>owii Town Club In an Inaugural banquet and ra lly of the iteaon . There were IM men prea- enJ. w ith tw o spqakera— P m n k il. Ifoagland of 1'atereon. fo rm er secre- ta ry of the Bilk City T. U. C A., and Kev. Dr. Archey D. Bill, pastu r of Bt. Jam es's Methodist Episcopal Church, New York.

Her Howard Adair, aasistnn t p as­to r of the Kecond P resby terian <*hurrh. who Was to have presided, was sum* nionr-tl to Indiana bet*aue« of ih«* death of n brother snd . In his p iste , <*eiisral t^tiTMary Henry A. t'emaen"^ si ltd a^

I tiiulrrnafi. A messHge of sym p.ithy was [ Iflrg raphed to Mr. Adair oh behalf ot j the d inerg

(>r. Ilall contrasied (he old and new fashiona of Hlble siudy. In the old d sy a he said, theologians were aevus* (omed 10 read Into Die Hlble th a t which they expected lo learn. This method, be explained, has gradually been super* seded by tb s modern system of finding out Just w hat the psexagee of th e Hjble mean, and a e t what they m ight mean. It is ihe scientific system, he said, and the only system.

Mr. Hoagland emphaslaed the definite need* In ihe life of the modern bu si­ness man. of a thoreugK um lrrs lan d ln g of the nihle. It mny be easy, he said. In th« rush and hurry of the busy world, to overlook the value of a knowledge of the ancient wisdom of the Fllble. For one who will stop to ponder, however. Mr. HoaKlsrid a s­serted. Ibese ran be no o ih rr decision than to acquire as much H ibllral ktvowledgs as may be poealhle Mr. H oagU nd concluded hts talk w ith an appeal iq those not already m em bers of a Bible clnaa to join a t once.

PragraiB of t ’lasMa.The cla»sc9S. or 'atudy grtMjpa, ' will

begin work Bunday. They are elevep in ntnibcr. as (ullows:

Bunday morning, t ;1 i l« to 15 o'clock. lesdiT. Mr. Cosaena. oourse. ‘‘l*iinclii|f'S SLOd Methods in RellglouB Work.” kunday aftfrm>on, G;15 la d o'clock leader. Ur roiM iia; course, “Men of Blevl;*' same btur, leader, KellgJous Work IHroctor H l>Toy Kmith: courae. "Btudles In the Acts of the AjKMtles” aud "The History of I*hrlsitanUy with Modern Hoveroents and l^'Sdere."

Uondiy night, 7 15 to N o'clock, four dassas; Dormitory group, leader. Her. w . C. Timmons, • couraa. "Tha Modem Man's Bfhgion;” Hosworth xroup. leader, Ftev, Howard Adair, course. 'Life of Christ;'’ gymnasium gnu p . leader. Physical Director B. Thomas Pest, course, "Manhood of the M aster,’' Young Men's Class, leader. Boys* J>lvlslon Bccreiary O. 8. Tst>la. course. Bible readings; I o'clock, Bible Btudy and Training for Itallan-Amerl- can young men. leader. 8. Leroy Im lth.

Thursday night, 5;16 to 7 o'clock, sup­per conferenos for workers and for tra in ­ing In personal evangelism; loader, Becreiary H. W. Hoot of the Bowery Y. M. C. A., New York; 7 to I o'clock, training for leadership of boys' Sunday school classes; leader, Beoretary Don 8. Gates of the North End Community Work; | : tg o'clock. Drtiannla Club; leader. M r Smilh; course, "Manhood of the M aster"

DELEGATES TO FEDERATION NAKDMr*. E4w*r<t O ra r and Mr*. Alna-

w orth J. Hagu* w*r« *t«cta<l dalogat** to th« fall m aating of th a K av Ja ra a r S tata rad a ra tlo n of 'Womon'a C lab a t tba le lita l builnaaa m aating o f FM lIt- aclpoma Clab bald y a ita rd a r In tb a T. W. C. A. bolldlbg. Tha a lta rn a to a alaeiad v a ra Mri. Oeorga TV. Caao and lira . Jam aa M. Baymoor, tba oraaldant.

In tha ahaanca of Hra. Saytnour. tba fira t vtea-praaldant, Hra. Kobart W. Pryor, praildad. Plana w are m m itlatad for lha fira t aeoia) m aating. to ba bald Tburaday aftarnoon, Ootobar IS. a t tha homa of Mra. Baymeur, i l Mt. P laaaant avanua. Phllanthrophy, ona of th a eb- ja e tt fo r vhtoh tha club atanda, will ba tba anbjact of the dxy and iha apaakar will ba A rthu r W. HacD ougall. aacra- ta ry of tha Buraau of A iaoclatad C harl- tlaa.

. j .1. *i ,u.'

TRAVERSWa. mTba DoaMa O narBoat, ittiM r jmX- to t <Mh «r But •o h t. w n b t M .felACh « M h IM g * '

dMhU fto t bwt- tMM. ■ g t P d i n h h g l f h l f Lavld bodig d( laalhaf

$ 4 . 0 0Wm pghk

AA w es«»«

Mb. M |.M at OIM OMh TW »0«*" Bdgt, agw*«t mwng

$3.00AA «• a

t w i


T .i; ^

A Wsw i- 1

u r n

On E very Hand-~~ Sitch Fascinating

NewnessAH over the United States

the bumper erope are being fathered —readb to feed the world. 'Rw work of months, unrenritting, well directed, is beanng fruit.

T B A V E B S '~ ~ 8 B 0 S 8 |

on t h e i r P ^ t now reveal neieh of their harTcst of the new, for t^ e h they sowed e seed at h o m e and in Europe SMmthsago. Reedy first of all to be Admixed, then to be g s r* nered by t h i s cityk t h o u s a n d w h o s e A u tu m n needs are so manifold and so u r g e n t .

'We believe that our new itocks of Ball and Winter Qioei for women and growing iQfads aie the most adequate wf have ever shown—aatik^ ing in tiheir ooneet nlode^ thdr splendid worth, their gres* divenltyy tjieir' fair piioea. .

To meet the demand for a shoe that ahull be the topnoteh of style ind yet oonsemtlTe,

n u v i R shss spedaliied in these BkA Boots at 18.00, $8.50 and |4.6b,

. iddeh wfll oompare favorablywith thoao shown at Four, Fbe end Six Dollars elso- ' vheta ■ . V

eolt^rasd^ i n l ^

.’AaT' .


• Own frcNi S«ii»b«ra*ni


f a tk* M to r sf tkt VSWB:M r^ N aarly s ra ry s ts ts In tk s Union

has a com m lulon fu r tlis rsgulatlon of rallroaaa , and tba In U rtU ts Commsraa (?«iiinilMlon fa r the Psdvral Oovara* m ent has alm ost unllm ltad power to fix rntM. T hera Is g reat confusion and confllcllon of In te re s ts *o much. In fai t, th a t ra ilroad m anagers aonietimes do not know w here they nre at and often find them selves In the predicament of the two travelers In the West These men saw a buffalo bull charging upon thsm and fled for aafrly . nne of them sp ring ing ln(n s t r e t and the other dodging Into A cavr rta the bellowing beast went by Then the man In the cave Jumped out aud (he hull rush^'d bacif. tha man Jumped In. and as (he bull passed h> tha mnn Jumped out: (he bull came berk and |hr> muM Jumped Ip, the bull rushed by aguin and the nian Jumped out. wl>er#upon the man In tha tree shouted. "Ynu Infernal fool, you, while >ou are In (here why don't you atay th r re ”' To which ih# man below snawci'^tl, ” W hit Ihc devil do y<iu know' uboul (hln cave'* There's a bear In h e ra” '

1 am rentltided of th is s 1i>r\ when I read some of (hi* itemuMde frompn lltld au s) for li'W ir frriyhl rsti-a The men who urr ilniTtff nf ilie uirl*tilting kno\^ li'BN than ihev oui:ht lu know about (hr rewl situation For riiAmple: In ■iermany. w lu rr rtinat of(he railroads urr *»w jied hs the Ktivern* nicnt. the sveraK** Himual wnue of a rsliw ay emploi*-r is 1401 In ihia coun­try, where lhH_ hnra are aI) owned by p rlvsta capl(i«l. ihn sverage waue of a railw ay emplo>ee Ip |Nin. or more than twice aa mucli ns In Germany In aplte nf this .enormc^uH difference In wages, the average ffr lg h i ra te per ton per mile In thia country la only 7 I mills, while In Germany it la tl.7 mills In o ther Words, <>ur railw ays pay twice as high w ages aa Germany and charge only half aa high an average freight rate.

Wa bear a great deal of German "effic lam v” In general, and imirh of what we hr*ur le tru e , hut. In view of such figures ae thes^ 11 Is elesr that our railw ays are very niui’h more e ffi­ciently m anaged than theirs.

American rn1lwH\a are capitalised for |®4,t>00 a mile • not overrapltallied, as often charged T h « ^ of Germaio' are capitalise* for Ill'.OOh. those of France for ami those of theBritlah Isles for $217,000.

The buresu of railw ay oconomlct re­cently compiled sta tle tics fnmi In te r­s t a te ' Commerra t'i^mmlssion figures show ing th a t 1,1R7 rallw sy rnmpanles w ith 251.8N7 mt1«e of line, have CZ.INI stockholders on rocord. I ^ e amourt! of stock owned by them la f8.tN&.7<4.llS, or an average of f l l . l i l per stock* holder

Itnilroadg a re our most democratl- ra lly owned InsUtuilona. They are owned by "tha people." and If the railroads are unfa irly I rested*^ forced to roske lower ra te s and urged con­stan tly to pay h igher wages, white being obliged to pay from to to IDO per c e n t noore for evcrythlivg they use -th e su ffe re rs will not bs “W all Rtreet" hut the maaees.

Instead of try in g to hammer down the rstps, every business man In terest­ed In the w elfkre of hla sta te will do well before cDmniltttng himself to a policy of low er ra te s to study all phases of the question and learn If possible If the ra ilro ad s are n»t paid a living wage, It. la possible for them to pay good wages, borrow money fur lmprov«rnentA repairs, etc. The In ter­est of the ra liro a d i and the people ere Identical; when Ihe railroads pros­per the people prosper, when the ra il­roads suffer the people m ust pay the tolL It Is th e ir fu n e ra l The rallroada form a barom eter of huslpesa. Ff they are busy and receiv ing profitable rates the pay rolls are full, the loerchant, mechanic snd laborer a rs happy.

Squeeae the railroads, which form the g rea test Industria l fse to r In America snd Ihe squeese la felt a ll along the line* even am ong those who for polit­ical reasons have considered the big Induatry fa ir gam e and hunted tt In seaaon and ou t of season.


Fair Pkj Leafaen Decide Seati- oeDt All Riflit, bat Laa|U|e

aid Actioaa Improper.

ladfw kax* n

The F a ir I'ley l^ e x u e last night went on record aa fav o rin g (he sentim ent of America f irs t a f te r (he address ou this

aubjecR, m ade Monday by f'reeldent W ilson before the D aughtere of the Am erican Jisvoluilon had been c riti­cised In a paper read by Otto A. Btlefel. Hhough the eeritiment of the addrese wae approved, the words and actions of the P residen t were condemned by the league m em bers

M r E lltfe l had an approving audl- ence When he dlweected the words of the J 'rrslden t. He discussed the address by p arag rap h s and gave his views and In- (e riire ta tlo n s of rai h. At ihv <,uai-tiislon, the m em bers of the league affirmed their a lleg ian ce to th is country.

ll wae firat aitgaeated that lh«* vrMl- (ism of Mr Bllcfel he forwarded to I’pes- (dent Wilson This waa aniended to pro­vide that the paper he printed In panvpli- let form and distributed to memlwra of (.'niigraia, government officials end to the general public.

The violation of Belgian neutrality charged tO U>rmany was denied by Arthur Young, a native lleigmn, who is said to have six brothers aorvlng in tb« arm y of th a t country. He iieimed to have received Information from hii brothere to the effect that French troops were on Balgtao soil days before (he GertnaJt arm y sta rted to cruse the country for France.

I 'e ra g ra p h s taken from two pubHrs- llona w ere read by Hev. Max A. 1> Ilirs rh . Both w ritin g s tended to place the blam e for E ng land 's j^ rtlc lpa llon In the w ar on Mir to w a rd Grey.

The exoarp ts w ^re taken from Dr. Edmund von Mach'a pam phlet entitled "Mir K dw ard 'a Kvldence" and from an artic le by T. Uihson Uowirs, editor of the Candid Review, on ’T he W ar Ho F a r " The la t te r waa prin ted In the l*abour Loader of M anchaater. Englerid. Dr von M ach's pam phlet quoted from a ts i ta r aald to have bean w ritten by Dr. K. C orw allla Conybearw.


The New

Telephone DirectoryGOES TO PRESS

Thursday, Oct 21st 1915

That's the date to remember.

But why put oft arranging tclei ‘for your

2Ut?Je phone until the

Why not get In touch with our Commercial Office right away and enjoy your new tme- phone just that much earlier?


E. W. WOLLMUTH. Local CommercUl Manacfr, ''

2S1 Washinstofi 8 t , Newatfc. N . J .


V otid out tb« p ru ld cn cT of t h . D il i , tnd u itrl* ! Company oarty lu lt Jtin* by p ro x lu h ttd by C laronc. H. K.I*ay ot B a it O raogr. W illiam R. tl«n*on. a n .g ro .d u ea to r , raturnod lEom N.w York to hi* bonio In Benaon, Ala., and (ho rtly a l i t r took to bt* b«d. ov*r- w h .lm .d , (t 1* aald, by tba dlaaatar th a t had o v .r ta k e n hla life’* work. Mow word h a i com . from Alabama of Ban* foa 'a death laat Sunday In a Monlgom- ary boapital.

Tha N .w i In May and Ju n . la tt printtid account* o t two meeting* ot *tockholder* of th* D ia l, company, held In tha board room of th e T itle Osar* a n te , and T ruat Company In N .w York, of w hich Mr. KelM y la p r.aldant. At tha (.oond m eatlnc Hr. Kelaey, voting 1,010 *h*,r.* of atock. chrriad a raaolu- lion a o c p t ln g th* "raalgnatloa" o t tha O ia l. oompany'a foundar, notw lthaland. Ina the la tte r '* declaration th a t It waa not properly before tba meeting.

On both oocaalon* A lgem oo T. Bwee. ney. a truatee of K ow allga School, aa Institu tion founded by B oaion on th* plan ot Tuakege*, and fo r tha aupport of which tha Dixia company wa* or- ganlaed. fouyht hard a g a in s t tha ouil- Ing of the com pany'a head, being aup* ported In hi* opoiltlon by Richard Ijtm b. a oonaulting eng lnaer a l 111 Lib­erty alroei. New York City,

O ther eupportera of Benaon were C hrlitopher P. Connolly o t Beat Or­ange. th e m agaaine w rite r, and BuUar H. Wilson, a m em ber o f th e ^ a t o n bar.

Rollowlng tb e ouating o f Benson. Hr. Kclaey threw tbe Olxla company Into bankruptcy.


The period during wKIch American creative mualclana might enter manu- Bi flpta for the 1100 prlie offered by tbe Newark Uualo Festival Associntlun for a choral oompoatUon to be sung at tha feelival neat Hay end today. A duien compoaltlona have baen received from different paiTa of the country and will bb turned over tomorrow to a commit­tee of promlnant mutlclane for eaaitti- natlon Jydgment. The namee e t ‘ha

win ba withheld until after they. I g daclaloB.

In addition to the compualtlon winning tba prhM, the work* adjudged to be tha eecond and the third In merit wilt be aung on the opening night* ot the fea- Itvala In thIa city, Pawreon and Jeraay City.

Tba Newark chorus will hold lla third rohearaat In the Burnet elrcet acboor auditorium negt Wednoaday night. As the ranks of tha ehw al body are naarly ftllad, thoaa slngars who would toko pun In the choral performsnoee next May must apply for pdaltlona In the choir before the coming Nhanranl. Thor oi apply a t the aaaoclation’s office in tha Wlea building. «TI Broad street, between 0 A. H. and i P. M. dally.

A echedule o f work to Include a new departm eot fo r the eetabllahment of a course In eeuing fur glrle of all age. waa Inaugurated a t Ihe opening meeting if the season of the officers and board of m anageri o t the Jcarlso Blaterhond held yeaterday afternoon in th* Slaterhuod tluUdlng. There will be etternooo elesaea In Mwing for primary, intermediate and advanced glrle. aa well aa evening cltaae* for working glrle. In wnieb millinery and dreeeniaking will be taiighl.

These claaaes heve been planned and will be aupervlacd by Ulaa Flora Upson, tbe new w orker a t the BlatertaDod Bulld- Ins Mtsa U pson will also direct the girls' club*. She will have tbe aaststance of voluntaer worker*.

In planning the sewing cleaaee, ear* has bw n taken not to conflict with ih* sewing work U u g h t In the public schools. The cooking classee will be continued dur­ing the coming year. The social feature* decided upon by the dirciTora Inelude a Hallowe'en perty for senior eluh membrr*. and a eerie, of houee dances for Ihe arnlor member* and their frirnds. The dances wrlll begin November 0 and will be continued the firat Bntorday night of « c h mouth through Ihe leaaon.

In Ihe obaence of th* president. Hr*. Boinmon Foster, the vice preetdent, Mr*. Abraham Rothschild, presided e t tliu meeting.

S h e w n Iwr Mlea W oeetbeff,Hlea Belma A, Wuestboff of )10 Bouth

Sixth street, whoee raarriagn to Walter ■Week of 7»1 Bouth Twentieth itreet will take d ace early In December, wa* th* guest of honor at a mlecellaneoua ehower given Wedneeday night by Mrs. Charles Rrandle of 163 Bciuth BIxth etreel. Among Ihoae preienl were Mr*, fullux Wuest- hoff. mother of the brlde-eleet; Mr*. Au- giiita Keppin. Mrs. John Kurta Mrs. Brnest Wolferta, Hra. Catherine Binder, Mra William Wacker. Hit and Hra. Charles Keaaler, Mra. Pauline Manger, lha Mlaeee R. M. Wuenthoff. Atlca Week, Rote O'Neill. Katherine Binder. Ella Wolferla Marls Weber. Rmma Iteppln, Dorothy and Arthur Rrandle snd Frlede Prlekeri of Btarlington, N. Y,

A Footw ear Feast

For Feminine EyesHit sutunin aiifiby of ityHik

ihota thown hot# ii th* moat unutusl from ths point of *mcIimIv* medob ind pric* BttTBftiv ngg*. H arlud m thsy or*, gt I3.S0 and

PodUw 14.00 to 10.00 ValMS—tho** that pogsMt M BbvBibMt of 'ftyl*. woorinf quBlItbt and oilwi good f t s tu m Inchicbd.

i(h«rx (Nt r*iihi shoe h m d(«cr|i»iln«tlnf oho* k u r tr

Th«rv »fo r ihv tnruktb v ild v i ih v ro ’t • o t v l n t b#<h pr%wnounevE ind unuxuil awAlilAg jrou..

Very U f

Gypsy Boots$ 2 - 8 5p N llla*

M.00 ValtM

Vary t«MhBv ladssd and ih* aasa-un'a lalatl novMiy (llov* Biting all dull kid with light weight walltd aoka Cuban and Bpanish hagls.

Other snappy models In porf*«t St- ting lace and button slylaa, plain or Up In dull and shiny Italhara, w ith kid snd cloth tops. Naal lo* aKarea, widths from A lo D and aaary haal halfht.


TikeElevator Broad St.


S E C O N D f l o o r - h o l t s l o g / l V c o n BROAD £c C F D A R 5 T 3 / A !

State* way

I lF C e d a ra

Jewish Wemaw te Meet.Tha Newark aactlon of th* Counoll of

Jowlab Woman will tiold Its next mast­ing Wadnaaday aftarnoon at I o'clock In tha Jewish Blatarhood building, Llv- lng*t*n atrsat and Bayaittaanth avanua Th* meeting will be nnder the auaploag of the oommltte* on entertainment and memhewblp and Mra WlUlam T. Ropti Of Mentelalr, general f^eratlon secre­tary W New •fetter But* r*d*ra- llM o f Women'o CIoIm. will epeak, •ttor orbleh thers wlU be a rooaptlon to tte momhare and thair goaeta Mra Halhan Weintaargi, tke prealdenl. will

■ebda The slogan of th* aactlon for the year I* "*v«ry member a mambar.-

WediiamMe* Mary BIBa daofbtar of Mt*.

JeoMtb Bull et i n UtUeten areaua Bia Ahiaham Bfoein af Wanaw. M. 0 ,

h a J k b ^ AUMMfy % m «, at the the eerab

CBoMlah. MM a u i OtM at «I db* M B iBfOhk it mooiir rad » rkrawWlIlm Idat

lin in iiT ijT jh in ir^ ^O p e n S a tu r d a y E v e n in g s


YouBuy Them at

BOYSYour Clothes Will Please and Your Parents If You THE McOREQOR store

We know we ctn please, our clothing has proven satisfactory in tho past, and we are improving it as fast as we learn of any method of doing so. At McGregors you ire sure of all-wool cloth, correct atyles, a big variety (at least 100 suits in every size from 6 to 18) and, as our only terms are cash, wo

.can undersell all others.

Knickerbocker Suits for Big Boys & Fat Boys

Slaea from U to IH

$7.50, $9.50 and $15The quality stands out in these gar­

ments; the fabrics are high class; the patterna are tightly. Altogether de- slrabte clothing at a low price, con­sidering the value.

Small Boys’ Overcoats Mackinaws & Suits

5li*a from 6 to 1}

$5.00 and $6.50Ruaaiaii Ovcrcoata, Smart Macki­

naws and neatly styled Norfolk Suita —all specially priced, with a small margin of profit, so as to give extra value at $5.00 and $6UiO.

B oys' All Wool Boys' Corduroy Suite Blue Serge SuiteK n ic k e rb o c k ^ 2 Pairs K nickerbockers for Dress W ear

95c,$I.S0&$2 $6.50 $6.50,$9.50&a2

B oys’ FIrsi Long T rouser Siuits $10-00On Sale in thii Young Men’s Dept liy Ftnn

, . ruaiIn sizes from 14 to 18 we have Boys’ High School Suits—made

from all wool fabrics—cut righ t and well tailored. O ur price is $10.

Other Young Men's Suits, |12y |15y $18, $20, Up to $30. Y(HUur Men’s Overooats (on the third floor), $12 to $30.

Largest l?etatlerf of Clothing lo New Jersey And We Make th e Clothca Ourselves «


Hr. aha Hta, •Uilba Btrmt bara gaaeatrat ed tbeir taei

<4 a'f

s'*', .iK'

,& Co*South Qroad, at Lafayette S t, Newark

» -» ■ ‘TW l , t , . | , : l ; , l n l | | l | | « i l « l | t | i e i | l i . I | | l r i T


tat* to i m t o n tko taioneo. Tb* 1^1- ■arloa vooW* ondontand BoUriac of dip* igmotlo etIcuUtton*. Tbop aoo oaly Matwdenla to bo I'onquorad.

“ItHOoU, Iho drool itwlhoflood. »MI konoofortb IM far away to tho Sul«ariaa

MaMhiallon w«» • tod and■OMO


n m t ' t U lM t I W B c t io t R i f i t w e i E lfic t t f W ar m L i la n r ; Prodic> t e D i i c n N i a d Briliah V i m « h f w t d A atlw rt

* l i c k h * ’ P ta z k a C r it ic i .

droanr pruroodfM, without obotfo, raotly dlrforonl frooi tho horole

i o n s R L A S M SR K T K C O S PUCQE TO IRE POULTRY YARDSiyailol lofotor t f rt* .Vivrf.

iOlTDOK. «tpt. I*.—«uo* load t to bwnuHoc o t tk t jitwat war ih tro bwM t boon auoh a ptam lcrt a t oecurrod » « f ir tt Wadlooday of ihlo oumib at the i t daowt TlMatio." whM « r Arthur Pt- iMto't H w ptay. "T ht w * rtru®. woo■itMUMi i c««t flwt liiiW Amenc«riMMM«v W«i^ Mil "«ll-fUr.'*a i ati-«tar tii4l«a«a atttndvC tboroufYilVta tiN mooi to kaltnaric pl»ra r t «H h Um Hamp of iholr dloUnitulthodIMtooal.

i t r OooiOoorao Alowador and frtno Van* MW(b, barhod up by Alloa Ayiwowortli, llaloa Forrara, MI»ol Playfotr. lAonord Bayno aad tavtnU sthor "bfr oamoo.' ••mad tho awful rooponolbUlly nf rrrat- ta t baforii a ptckod Loadoa audirnro tho MBia.of tha taaotor dramaUat'o lAaat* MUob.' Tho ebaraeicrIoaUon it not ■dan Tbo Londea mtlca untaimeutly tail Plaoro hour alaotot dnautlal.''

Mr Arthur dooeilbod bit play at a eoM- ’ adr, to ootryoao thoaaht that a Wt ' k M wot la olfltw. But Iht author wao

a m t etaiody in tho Coatlntatal aonot. t e tho CoatiMat aaylblaa It a ntnedy

. fkat U a tt a ttn p o n d ^ IhMody. Thoro- i n ra whoa tho plar, aflor worfelna tto iBtlloalo oanoo tbrouab two contady aala • • • of drama and a- flaat ono ot fMkaephIr rtlloetloa. eulralnatlui in an •afeMpy tadtaa. tbo aloapaoiatod n m - alahtoiw tiapaod taiaiUy and aanod that Aftian' plDoro la not what ho wao.

Tbo paw atooo la not a war pUy. Tho h k drwaa lo tbo druai that tho JMIIaii haaU la hoop bit aatno and hit tahM hotoro tba puUlo, Tbo woman of B>a htojr eomoo ei a rtmlly of aortal MMm n who bawo laoMy and ato lookloi Wtr atdal plaoa. Tho ptaya chief man la a MnoUlto author who It too lood for 9 » ja ¥ l t aad tbtrtforo a foltura Nat- Walj» tboat tiro diddo to marry. They MMdd. Tbtlr kladt alwayt do. That la « • Naata why wo ham to maay happy

-Tbt aomtioi hat But wrlttaa a booh Baut tba ta tittr dnuoaur aad h t la ■Pt that It wtB ba a Mt atUtt an tu

dla Tha wntmn, bowtmr, tahao no hurt up ibirtoaa adlUoiw

dt and atoraa tba booka la a aalMr.: tba truth laaka out aa H woald. at

,lha moat Otaaphmoaa tima, But aa tba ■aoalM la about lo oulottaln hlo flancoo • t i lUBliy aad Moada at a tala dinaar ■ttp'. Than tbam It a (rlcbttui aoaaa liiM ad by tba awahaniM of tba piin* 4tala at ta wbat a iracody Udp narriata vaaid bam baaa,

Tba aMmaz ad tba fourth ael, wbom ■Mr i i^ y a ta t tb a b tro to eoattano b it e m h w abd tb a borotao ta • • o ft and Mayry a aaaa o f bar aw a aatibair. M Ifeaa w bat pay m ap paiwoa would eaU a vary f e a n r aad ta t. But tba pubUo aad tba a i B a i m laalan itina raally M a a ta d ) aaOad t t otharwiaa. aad Mr Arthur, aot vM iliw to dapfwaa h it oeiapatrlaU la Mfa d lra haar, baa lakoa aouaaal w itb b it ad n aaro and ahaapod tba aadlu* ao aa U

Ad baraiaa into - -

Hot te r tn t ta Bm with tbam two poofa aiMbn . wbom H baa fomad ta martr. tba aarofmo aaMtana waMaa aoataaiadly

aaaaaa out lata tba alcht W ficarad laa Amarteaaa ara to •••

Kbaa iba ptap. tuaPbai Naw Torlt It not

&4teWtd. Mr Artkar dooo aot cart.•acrat la that ha w u tba firM th m

•ala bafom w broMr oat a ^ k m tnf; Mmd tba mtaaal patalyaU limt a t f U ^ m Maay wittara wbaa tba hatua ftaf a m lalaad. It It aaly lataty tba* ha tptota Iba Baal act af tba play, a ^ Mmh la aartalaly a aatkaabla chanaa la MM. From tba alaaimat mma of tbo attar aata, H falta a tt Into waidiaaaa. _ „ ,aaaaot ta

way to druga or drink bci-om» iinro- llahta. (’)

“ Evan lha lltio of Iho ploy oc*mn to hava p iin ltd oo Infurmod a oludcnt nC tho Amerlran ataga a> Ur. .tVllllam A rebar. I may b» mlalakan, hut I took It to mean 'Hand O rarl' At any laia. whan. In tho third ort, i'h lrk eatlod on (hr dcgenrraia drug tokar to hand ovar tho nacklac* ha yolird 'Kirk In '" at hirn and tha cowaring rrcatura promptly gavo up tha article. The play makea moat Intareatlng, tioguladc rludy "

Anothar crIUr. after giving duo oral a* to tbo play, gnei nn tu oak why Aman- oan playa aia baenming ao aitranrdln- arytly popular in London.

< t« rtn C aaae of goerraa,"W hal la the reaaon of the ir auc-

OoaaT* he querlea. "It la certain ly nol th a t Amarlcan playw righia underatniid Ufa ho llar than our own d ram aliiia . to It th a t lhay ara more akllled or more Indanloua In >he technique of th a ir erafiT To aoma egiant It mny ha. But tha chief reaaon for th e ir hold over lajndon theatergnera a t ihia moment la tha t lha w ar haa almpllflad popular emotlona and th a t ihe Amarlcan dram a- tia ta a re a atmpla paoplt. We mean thay gat Ihe ir itrec lg In lha moat direct way.

T h a i r datactlva p lay i a ra genuine th rU lara T hair oomadlae aro a buaila of ac tiv ity and high aplrlta. W han thay ara aan tim enu l there la no mlg- tak ln g tt, tba appm l la l a tran k apd n a ira aa au y th ln a m uld ha. And whan thay a re hum eroua th e ir touch la aqually aura and clean and a ih lla ra ttn a . Tharo lo not much thought and nothlnp 'educational' la Iheir playa. but Ihera la a movarotnt and klndlliieaa and 'go' about thom th a t oaacily maeta tha mood of w ar tIm a

'T hirdram atlata muai look o u t Thlnga will n a ra r again he aa thay w are in th a t o lb ar Ufa, th a t olher a ta ta of ta - latahoa, bofora lha war. W here are tb a problam a of yaatar year? A t dead aa o u r Intaraal In them. Tha w ar haa brought m down to lha elem ental th lnga, and th a ihaatar, like every o ther InatltillOB, m oat raapond to tha ehaitga.~

•om a H e m e s io l ThIngaA*TTio alamental t b M i l Oaby, for In-

atanha, patroUlng tba aouth coaal to the tu aa of "Tho tn v tu tlo n to tha D anco ' and makthg k m n t of money In mualc ballt adfacont to tba army oampo; Lon­don vacattoaora fiahUng to r a garre t at tha aaaatda laaort* nod paying not un- eomiaonly atam a gnlaoao (ovar t i l ) a graak apiaoa fo r tba worat accomuKida- tloaai Cabtnat ggintalan working on W ed-' aaoday a a i wook anding In Scotland tha roat of tho ttmo; m otbara wivaa and aia- tara o t flghttag man meeting a t Quaan'a Hall aad damaadlng national aorrica hi Hm aftam oon, whllo Sir Henry Wood'!

FraoMoada" orchaatra playa Oerman male thara la tba aranlna. tba tonea

(o tttng buay ta tha Lake dlatrtct and eetttin t ou t In force lo oat up tbo na- tloB'a eU akm aupply. D on't bo oon- f u ^ .

I am only fuoUng a t landom from among Iho oltam atal laieiwata and hap- penlBgn of tho paot Mw daya.

A Ptagna af F o ta a " ao run tha

ria l nawapapar baadlnga, and wa won- w hathar thay ara refarrlng lo the

lAko d la trk t Of to Whltahall. But It >■ tho fofm ar. Aad tb a r urpa patrlota of M aum ta ga up them a a i hun t tba tanea

daim .A plagua of togaa! Wbara taa 'I tbora

a alainia o t fnaao thia year. In tbo lake landa, on WhltahaU, In tha Walah mlnee, • lo a s on tho lioadoa dacha, on eaata and la aamp. uadaf iba oaaB. Thara would taom to bo p ita ty of snod hunting ovary*

tba patitoTa ahoigua.C«(3L I. DOBRIAM.

frriigy of Uclohfr, l i l t . ' liundrada of Oerman eftterra are acting aa Inalruc- to ri of lha Bulgarlaa armlaa.

" I t would hh premature to ahpraia an uplniun about Iho puaalblHIy of a ravolu- tlnn for a t Maal a month. The Bui- g a ilin people are eniharklng upon a rleky adventure wiihuui P>]i, bul it la tw- yund gueollon that If thay find out lhay hava been dnelved thay will aeefc out apd punlvh the guilty. The rupture of dipinmatic relatluiia etupeflcd Ilia Bul- garlana."

F m U y m A b i A r r u f i f« r S if* piyiM O n r k t i l i H M pilil

Cm I fo r T e i r .

W 0R H N 6 ON POLO aO U N D S FOR B N A I N Y 4 t t n C A IE



ATldANTIC c m , Ocl* II .— h*nuncl»- tion of prloevrutling inftll ord#r mttfkod ttitt afternoon aoutoit horo yWi'' torday nf th« joint ronforenr* of rt«Uw RHte* r«tirairnU iis tho N ational IlaM * wariT and 'A m arkan Hardiwar* Manufac^ lu rc f'a aaiMUllAna bains haid In th a Marl borough-dtlcri halm.

Advica to lha bualnaaa man, caU In i u^ion lh«m to make for batiar rom llllona In ihair munirl^aMtlaie waa byHaymeiid IV I'o id irk of N«tv York. t>. K. Harbar, haad of (h* Nallonal aaiocla* tiohe aa.ld (ha( it la unfair that lha am all daalara, who rapra ian t ninaty par cant, of lha lrada« Hhoutd hava th a ir pricaa ra i^ la ta d (brotiph mail ordar compatl* Uoh.

Tt)o country, aald J. I. Andrawao aaloa nTfWairar of tha Amarlcan Nhaat and Tin P la ta ('ompany of PIttaburvh. la a n ta r- l a t Into an ara of unparallalad protpcrld ty

‘ Eiporta,'" aald lha apaakar, "hava iropa bayond all predlcUona and now a ra Incraaaln t a t tha rata of |110,009,000 a m onth/'

Thera waa much dlacuaaloh on a pro» Roaad m arfa r of tha hardw ara man, pain t m akara and dftaiara in autom oblU accaaaorlaa and auppllaa which w ould Invoiva about ftO,MO,ooo In capital. Tha plan waa daeJarad to ba ftaalbla.


K EA H lB tJIta, O ct I I .—A trimateam yacht, riding grucefully for a ItuM In Plata view of acorei uf oyaterm en on the ahera of ftartlaa Bay here, blew up auddewly with a vlolaat eaploatoa yao- trrday afternoon. Tha oyatarmea. who had aUrtad prevtoualy for the boat whan thay aaw clouda of amoka pouriap front II, redoubled Ihglr e ffo rt, ta rew;h the craft aa they heard tha txploalon.

By the time tha agcliamant waa ovar there *WM little left of tha cra ft but u pair of mwai* and floaUng w rtekaga. Am then tha wouM-bw raaeuara dlacov- erad tba boat bad baan Mown up for a motion ptetura. Tha craft wwa tha W ay­ward. w-lDDer of aevaral mcaa to Bar- mudu.

Tha war haa' r a W fwag MOM-MI an a l tboM

I MoSa fniM hafara. At Btarary I tlw y paAdM thaU M y t M a c ^

t t Bm aUU w itr at faaat right

wbatw fat I

__________ ____ Ita lagMA baavaa bal»tlMM and thair atyta and U a tr akIU. F arft labaa a iMatar a tiriarr tathtaath a holllag atafo a t r« * i __gwvaa, ta tara avaa Ita parfla aaS Ma iiaty Mats ta bM aSvaataM aad lanva w ttr ttM by tba aaMmmiaaat and gtalaM.

a a r r in FttM u. Klyitag. IM I tM t t ^ .Iba alAar anai and Walla,

I tbadr attoal n r tba latS* M. gaaaa all to hava ■••• to

la varieaa wayaL Tbatr yra-war mama to bavo baaa toraaS to I aad ao far they have deviaed ae

_ af Making Utotary or dtaaaaile aia a t tba naw aoaSItloDa and aaw apirit that H akwat

aarria baa twrtoa triad ta. Hla Moala ball alar, "Dar Tast* Might hava

FA R U , Oct. IR —T h a t Iba Ruaalnni ( • m a t , ahDfally ggstailad by O anaan agantm wm iba towaadlnta eauat of turn

‘ - f * —* tha Alllaa tha aantlmaBt of I tpgigfeiM yaepta Wag tba aaaartlon

■ ad a a* F haana by A. da Paaaflau, who Frattab Itlnlator a t Sofia a t

T b a avaal aotaaHad,* ba aaM. “with • TWt ot tha Dnka at Mecklaaburg.

Wha taaad • ready tool In King Fordl- ad, a Wind h a l l t^ In Oonaany'o vio-

taty- TB* ChanyafM kucooaa cama too

■Mdolod a a T b a D aahaai” and w ritte n I f a ta a r to a a 'y a a r-a M .aohooi g i/i. H lalavwa fa r Oaby w aa a lahera ta ty toollah. A ftor Iba fa lla ra at th a t ha apparen tly gaim R a s and w ant to F rta ca to find ■ato* In aa iea raa io ta provlaea and t U r w ith I llt la F rench ohtldran, w ha a r t a aw aoupylng h la daya by a tak ln afttM to ll tbam atorlaa about KaM laon.

S taU ng haa le f t th a dram a nlona, bu t taa lu tad B arria In going to Franoa. aaa ha la now w ritin g artlo laa ta r D ally T alaaraph on aoaaaa along

B ring lin t. Though thara a ra a a « a f la ia ra a d raw n in lhaaa akatehaa th a t ap lta la Im praaa lnn litlr pa ln tara would Sm to s«l on oanvaa, thara la no K lu- n a g In thOM. no o H g ln a lltr, no frtah - aaaa. They gropa about painfully try in g to a r r lv t a t aokaathlng, and fa lling a l •vary fraah affurL

A aaaaMhto o f Faroo and T ragady. FidUlpgg -Armagaddoii" waa a

•an M b la o f farea and funny tragody th a t rem inded one o t th a aplca th a t a ra • tM ttIm ra g o tten u p la a C aU klll M a u ta in vlUago and pm dnoad t a aU aariauanaaa by local U lao t.

■ w w haa gone babb ling o ff Into poll KM and becomo a OorMaa harw whno ggaa Uka D ennett and W'alla hav a ho- M ato w ar akperta and hava w ritte n tana a t “atawa," which, o t cou rna Bo ono papa any a itan tio n to ^ L i tor th e w riteri In othata of t t a w ^ n g conntrlaa, they aaam tor

ra gona aomawhat lha aahH rouU tba Bngllah. Ono can only plc-

N D’Annunxts tlylag around In aaroplana dropping pooma on Trloatl

"E ift y p your b e a m !” ba talla th e n —or•tagrihing Ilka that. W hat thay do lift a p a t U eutenant D'Anaunalo down In I t t ly la a flral-claaa nlaaty-horaepowar IWfMhe

I t the wrUera of tha t other ago Ipgu the w ar hare paaaad. naw oaaa are

along, and New Tork la goon to ) a Bna play by a naw Bngllah writer,

Annaalay Vaohell, wboao “quiD' haa baan running all wlntor and a t tha H aym arkat T heater hero

t t Iitadnn O lh o n a r t taellng thair way t tk and thair otyto ta timpla and atrong. ^ a a t to r thla aaaaon. however, tbo .ttmarloan dram atlat haa the beat chance a f hla Ufa to gat a London baarlng.

TU eh-In" haa already baan put on.



Three contracta Were awarded by tha Hoard of Preaboldara a t Ha regular meeting yeaterdgy aftrm oon. Tho Northern ronetruction Company of thla cHy Hcured Iba contract for paving Lyona avanua, from Pprlngfleld avenue to lha city Hm . r a lie bid of A. It. Itaoa a Co. of thla city, who Md I I I ,to r , «er> awaided tba contract for fum ltb lag lO.APP tana of coal lo Over- hrnah Hoapital durtng the year, Navam- MU, U November, M il.

To John Waaamaer Jr. of Irvlngtra vraa awtrtled a contract for completing the rractloa ot a eard en 'a home a t the I.'aldweu reollentlary. The Md waa M.TII.

i)n the advice of County Counael Al­fred N. nalrympla. *he freohnidera au- thnrlied lilt lompromlae of an aeaeia- •nent agalitrl Hie Prograaa R ealtr Com- lany . Tha kceeiaroanl waa levied for Improvanenta made In Frail nghuyien avenua Oiigtnally lha aaacaamant waa M tt.t* and tha realty ooncarn waa a l­lowed to aottle fur I I U , without In- teraaL

Another compromiao autbociced waa Iba payment of I l . t l l . l l by the county to Jainaa F. Kelly, contractor, for heat­ing and lantllatlng werh oampleted In the totoercukala hoapital a l Ovarhrooh. atorma A Oo.. heating and ventUaUng contraclora, now In bankruptcy, were tha oriflnal, contraclora In charge of tba work. 'Through lha rafarto, tha unfln- libed contract waa awarded to Kelly.

Dacauaa tha contractora did not ful­fil an oMIgatlop to a lte r iba yard Hght- Ing ayatom al the S aaa i C ran tn Hoapl- lal a t Soho the claim of l l . lU .g f , made by Kelly for wrurk a t Ovarbrook, waa conteattd. Kellv a g r ^ to aattl# tor (1.111, and upra advice o t counoal the freaboldara compnmlood.

Director W aller A. Bvaaa retairad lo the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company a oontplelnl made by Alderman John J. W alih of lha F lftaaath W ard. la a Ut­ta r to the boaid. road a t tha meeling ycalarSay, tha aldarman atatad that two atapa leading to tha bridge .over the Hor- r u Canal a t N ew ark ' atraot w«fa looaa and out of place.

The alderman ahpraaaad tha hope that tha hxoa atapa would bo repaired aoon, "ao th a t nona lha Flftaoutb W ard votara will meet with an accident and bo apt .to looa hla vota." H r. Evana re­marked that "anyom In tba court bouaa" kaaw auch a complaint fhouid ba aanl to the ownera of tbo cnaal, Inalead of lo tha freeholdara. who have nolblng to do with tha canal.


•pwtal /tra in al Me XKWI.JERSEY CITY. Oct. I I __ S iltin g aa

Judgaa, mambara of tho Board o t B du- ontlon yaaterday attornoon llatanod to Ihe tta llraony la th e effo rt to tu b - • U n tla t i tho ohargai of untalrnoog mode agalnal tha faculty o f tho e rttic and method dopartm ont of th e T each - ora’ T rain ing School by M in Hay S u lli­van, a a tudeat-toaekar, whoaa fn tb o r waa a t one tim a prom lnant In aolltloa hera.

W hen tho tr ia l waa aaacludad, Oon- • r a t Joaoph H. Bronalngar, p rin c ip a l of tb a ecbooL eipraaaod h li hallaf th a t tbo board will wholly axanarata tha facu lty a t the noxt m atting.

Al Iho boaring BUn Sullivan ata lod th a t one af tha taackara bad pralaod h e r Iniallaat, bu t warned bar to bo m ore dlUgont in her ttu d le a sh e fu rth e r H id th a t a "sin bad to ld b a r thad th e re woro no had n a r h a ontorad p ta ln a t h er in tha ra tin g book."

Ooaarnl Bronalcgor tao tlfted la bo- hnM of tho aocttood faculty . So dtS W ao E lla J. RIohardion and Hlao B lanche Balaoy, who aro m am bara of lha faculty. Tha ra tin g hook w aa pyo* dttcod to okow th a t had m arka had boon ak tarad agaluot HUa Sullivan.

A ftarw ard. Owen StiUlvan, fa th e r o t lh a sIrL took iho erltooto atand, bu t ha m ade na anact atotomonto. Dr. H enry Snyder, auporlntaiidant of ochoola, conduetod tba a u m ln n tlo n .

W ith tha eom plolion o f th a baaahaU work to g o ing fo rw nrd a t tba

Polo Qrounda to oonvort th e tu r f Into a football g rid iron . In a okort lima carpan lo rt w ill h t b u iy traaa te rm tn g tho athdium Into a fo o tball a tand. Tha Army-Navy gam e w ill ba played Sat- urday, Novambar IT. I t la practically aaaurod tb h l a U rg a r crow d th an haa aver Man an A rm y-N avy gam e will w itnaai lha contaaL

The d ia tr lb u tira o f t lc k a ta will ha Idonilcal with th a t o t IIM . Tho army and navy allotm ont la aaao tly tha aanta In numfaar and both have th a prlvllago o t purchaaing ad d itio n a l tlckata . Roth aradam laa w ill o ia rrm a th la option. Thay atao hava th a r ig h t to fira t call for l,aoa olhor llohota. tn othor w ord! th a ir w ritten a rd ara to r thaao tiokala will ba accepted p rio r to any through public aala. C onjointly , ihio arrange- m ani gjvaa th e arm y and navy more than l(,oa« aaata In th e ir cuntroL

Tba rem ain ing aaa ti, w hich w ill ba In tha aaal and waat aactlona, aa fhay ware In MM, w ill ba aold th rough tha New York Baaobail Club. The club will a lto hava a lim ited num ber of boaaa lo r aa la Bach box holda four paraong and tha price w ill ba aa In M il, |H aad |1 M aacli, dapaodlng upon loca­tion.

Hall ordora fo r boxaa o r a o a u may now bo addrooaod to tha Now York Baaobail Clufc, ! • • F if th av a n u a Thaie ordora m u it b a paaaad upon by a cora- m lttaa. w hich roaorvot lha r l ^ l to re­jec t any. Tho roaarvad aaata are (I each and each im rehaaar la tlroltad to four. C ertified chacka m u it accompany tha raquaita to r a lngU tlckata and boxaa A pplleanta m uat alao Mod •tam pa for re tu rn poatoga and ra 0 a - t ra t Ion.

n ilD g .'t 'n A L TOtlRNkllEMT.

In the New Sectioni fo r Men’s Furnishing Goodft-«nd

in Our Windows—A Special Showing of

Pure Silk Knitted Neckwear, at

5 0 cRegimental, Heather and Ombre Stripes,.

and two4oae Accordions.

Meyers’ Make

W ashable Tan Kid Gloves* 1 5 0

Guaranteed to keep their shape, even after many washings.


Men's Shirts.. ..$1.00 Heavy PajamaB, $1.50 Fancy Vesta . . . .$1.85


$2 to UHen*a Sweaten $3.50 to $10

Mackinawe,$6.50 to $15

On Walngarth 4fc Wbatto* alien.VlSORg. ORO. CLAIAf m m tu'W eber.. . Ut III

lUPBRVIgnitg.UrlBiled. _______VuNoe'd. HAITI III Neali. .. l i t te t IH

Ldursest RcUikrs of Clothlna in New Jersey, ■ni We Mike the c io th a Ounrives


Handkaa * 1 0 Handicap.TMaia. t t i *ai (aa

BtVIllON A. Oraaf Maaaa Narri.Handle

T-taH. . U t iU t l l DIVinON LKata...... I t l l t a i l l

Cobura. .. I ll IM U1 Ham'chir. Itl IM IIT Haadlaap, M M M

Totata. l U M t i nohd. apf. I Owytr... IMIMITt

Aram. .. tMIIIMT Waod . . l l t lMl l* Haadicap. M ta M


Rahway Hpo WaPa Rla Nniwa. Spatial Samra •/ Ito .Vgwa.

RAHWAY, Oct. I t .— Wbaa H ugh A. Turnbull of thla d ty waa lU a faw naontha ago, bo waa nuraad hack to boolUi la a hoapital h r Hlao Haloa L. K ohalka of Bayonne. Monday thay ware m arriad In gt. joaeph'a Church, R arrana. and laft on thair honarmoan. On thair ro tu ra thay will raalda In thla city.

Following Iho pratanU tjoM of avi- danea loot n ight lo Iba raglhtratlon eom ralttaa ot th a H atropolllnn Aaaooin- tlon of tha A. A. D. a g a ln tt A blt R K lvlat and H arry J . Sm ith, who wara b roaght bafora tha com m ittao fo r aa invoitlgalion ot th a ir am ateu r otaad- ing, the committao pootpoaad action and adjournod un til O ctober U .

Roaooa C. Camphall of T rey , from whom lha ath lalaa w are allagod lo hava damaadad tx e a a a ir t a ip an ao money to ap p ta r a l a aat o t gam ot haU In SuhanaoUdy on Baptambar la , wg« ah- ■ant. Hla avtdaaco la w aataS.

A la tte r w rlttaa by P ailth oa Sap- tam har 11 ta R. C Campbell Ip rala* lion to tba g u n aa of tho E aa tan i Naw Tork AtMotle Looguo, achodulad for Schapactady on Baptambar U , wao pra' santad to tka o a n m illa a l a It Smith explained th a t prpm otara of a P atarton laea had off at ad a ap ad a lly v a lw b lt p rlia la compote th e re • • lh a tam e d a ta and than nahad w h at Ih t Schante- lady paopla would do In the m a tla r ot axponaop Aftor hla o tg aa lu ro woro tw o fwtatad Uaoo w ith llto wordo: " I t will have to bo fo rty hpoko .' Sm ith denied th a t lha printed w arda w ara In tha ■attar whan ba a a a t Cam pbell waa not praaont la explain.

K lvlat waa quaatlonad about hla praeanea In Trey Bopiamhor II , Ka ad­m itted that ha aaw Campbell in the pratofflca on th a t vM L hut denied th a t ha had any eunvaraatloa w ith him about a U tta r h t had w ritten . Ho aloe da- ntad th a t ha had anctooad a lypow rlttan altp In a U tta r to ComphoH aoma time batwaan Auguat I I and Boplambar I w hich read; "I w ill run tn tha thraa- quarlar-m lla race in tohanao lady , hut m uat b are |T I for txpanoao."

Evldanoa wpa given by m any othar ---------------------------------------------------

L arkey M ade Fall Soils and Overcoats$ ^ 0 1 ^ 5 3 0 1

S m i T « froM $5 Is I lD M Efirr G r a t t iBtlmpcsans, BaIriptoobi snd til ths new swsgger O v ^ o s tt—just whst you wsnt, and at the right price, too.


HieB re w m aste r Says

“The careful house­wife always keeps a stock of good beer in the house, not only for regular use, h u t to proT^ide against unexpected visits from friends/*

ira made to t^va aitlifactory icrvteo ■Ivpye, Piid even when yott'rp raady to OlKird • LARKEY MADE tirm nl

'you’ll be pitonigbed to mc how wall tt bii retained its orisintl (orm.

Every ttyle, mtitrial, color In your glie. Each cult and overcoat—4fTeippctivo ofErice, li urefttlly and wandcrfully tilmred. Tbt •nd workmuinJp ta aanirtnce of • perfect

limicni.Your PKwey ip protodrd by the Larkey gapfantop

A slide on the washboard can’t hurt

L A R K E Y t o .140 Mau4Mt SL, Netr«rik

Our Guarantee inTites yon to five the

ffatimal Dollar Shirtk vigorous tub testing—•‘Say, wopr, LAVSDEIt a Sa- lioaal Dollar b'Afrf—(f oof larfi- (actary, n farn it and gat poor M ospy."

Iin’t tha t fair? Select pome of the colorfnl Fall patterns we're showing.Honestly, they’re bully! Remember—

Every Shtrt't a DoHar


SlUpi aha ia S « fraaeiaa#, 1m Aopdia,Vtm rrrk CUy rad Waiklaa-

iM, i

• P i racoivad w ith P ro ar ot delight. In a t oorloua dUltcnltlm w ith tha

PRIVATE SEALThe Brew for You

Bicycle OpportunityTOO MUCH STOCKThe ChttihCtt tt

UfttMmeCoMpan 0 « N e w M th O t t in

AU thmroHttmt fFAstb I29JINI S t u r m , w w , . 1 6 . 0 0 S 4 0 JO O n m a ^mm.,. 2 6 . 0 0 $40 Ivor M m m i , m « . 2 6 . 0 0 Boya’ lvpr M w m , w w 1 6 . 6 0 Fw a m . . . . 1 3 . 6 0

l i g l l i d A l l l t o p f l i i h k

A U S T I Na i WlUUm Straet

Hplf Rtook from Btoap

“ A V in n id n g S t r m A ?Hiogr M nM tt iirmlfly « R tataw Omni kaky. Wc

SoifL a wqHiWi mOdH P»rik» mi mmmmm to ♦Jfr

ofBetwfcw » i^ gitw^ tat Utt f«k tflNtt jam km ttwMod m to *osr RittisrM ew tistts offmliiiiiiMt Fall fslifks ki


ttpgnaga la whlcb It U written. London, eppocolly "am ort" iM idnn, Uhoa good A m i^can along and uaao odd allcea of }g gglxod along w |lh lha currant Bngllah •Pftoty. "She a acopa gM, I mean to ooy ..W hat!” U a gpoclgpgp, "Boom" hko hggp tko wood ot tho bo o t for montha. t t to oM onpraoilap ta "K kk-In" th a t dgpM PP tnavttpMo Ipuak t i "Surat" ■oggy t l a u the pottco oonuaUaUptr mnr* pgani th a t fpaHllpr oM puaSby ttv m lo p b a iP t of daUSM.

TMto Pa Ploog at Dokoto.Htlo ttoaU, "Xtok-In," wao th e of oprioup drimto ta th e rovtowo

•olttap tka am ralag a tta r froduc* Who* «(d | t MoPBt Seme thougM

It POMP* "OhakP handoi" o ttaro gotk- aood t tP t " ta u d aaaar w optt pbowt oovoe Ik tk a N WOOP thapp Wkp figprod to o tIt PMH ho oom* koioo ikoiag tan a . HOMlas to h itti a t tho otoritag Hao: enttpabM o N tto y tt tho •p io m d o p .to top arm y moU, T M F an H alt Qagqtto arltU

is a safe, satisfying and palatable beverage to drink ycxuself^and offer your guests. A brilliant, sparkling beer with plenty oi body and flavor, brewed from the Enest quality of ingredients ai^ under ideal conditions of cleanliness. The proof is in the bottle.


U T L ej H «hBd’iRw

H i!

B A U Q p mToo la l. 1 0 i

Fhlladalphia t Dr. Calvin » Naw Jcracy L

, h . propounded ‘wll: "In Mhfi after II ha. I. and before II o a tc h .i f

‘'III . In Iht daclaied Dr 1 lure of the In Ikw and enuri ^Aova hla find

<’o revtVB .1 wp what till eh wgrr Pal Muri '.Mul knuwD of during that of lha World hava bMn did form of anot runa threal.n for a writ of when the lall poeaeiaion tu fem e

Any good li alra. could ha Hooper was danmeanor o property and If the du. pi been hurried' of th . apher. lo R lx.y htl toaea.

How .*NaaSo In the cl

legal ta len t oppoaing ba honor. The read oom.llU Inning youni objartinn lo p a rp e lra t.d th rillin g mo (or Ihe oppii run by obtali tha flaldera a tra in them i Ing w ith a and hortahlil bahaball."

However, t and return t atanca lha loi o( Iba freah hreathinf co thay battled tng both bail It waa with count.nanoaa day aftarno) pound on th ball.

Tha teacl pitcher of tt at It while I a combi call e hla power an aaaalon and I It under hla oalchar both pooaaaalon o otbare from I haa tha naei plaeae him ii aaaalon. Bo* naadad and found In tha


t t o opponewli boll Hevcp OI Irea at Brai afsatwooa. Ii tha aaaaon fi eontoat wpa Irrlagtoa. Iowa: Right tpckla, Royla tor, Banka: tackle, Haiiw holtbacK Br fltdd: quarter


Law Ot St. C captain of tl to aucoara J: aUa to play i o( a weak ) yrara taw 1 promtaant a haa won hte and baaobail, Juhlor year. •crMiy tann

The follow torday tn Iht


David W I W a N Mth a IL

Katharine p lp la I'alog IS* ft n fr 8

loaao T S t pear, n a • H Sop at. lOixl

Joatph Oe Koohar, w I BIgriow at, 1

Arthur D ' J t Damoi

. >1*0. ft'. Joa H anIm itii at al. W aablnttoo

ttb lU o Ki Xattka. w a pv„^ «ilso . (

gvid Tor n g Cl

{to ’ To

pa, a a ClinI

•pr f ip a o r ■ Joa K utai

, OUT! jOPria S Y

k«rn, W ^

Cba^laa o t al. fia aocond g

. . Br jllavl


—Will/e k n WM

“ XtlTfelS

II n»ey Had FoOowed Hr. NcLel- had’i Renooiig TWy Waaldi’t

Have Woo Serial.

BAU IS PrrCHER’S, m O IE X HOLDSToo lit# to tk« of M nir# to ih t

Fhllidolphti t#ira, cAttiM th» dodilon b | Or, Citvlti Mclvoilirtd. ttich « r i t CM N#w ierM y 4rhoi*l, uo lh« quwUi'o h i propoitndid t<» h;» Ham l i l t w#cH. lo

*wft: vihM# ^lom^ftlon it i bi^#tvi||ifW r It h ip lift the h io d i of (h i pttfh ii in d b#for« It r# ichei th# h itim in oi CA(chMf‘

“It u tn ih« (K.Miipioii uf (hr pttcb#r/' dodir#d Dr McLiUiiwl irvd lo th« incm- f>«ri of the fr««hmAn d m h« quotrd ihr liw in d enurt dioliiofii oti t>oip#iilon ti

h li finding.*'o r«Ytvt iiM'lint hUtory iiv t ip#«uli4i

v4i w h it nflghi hivp (Men, ■uppoi'*My'r P«i Morin of Philidelphlg U irt *>mS kmiwD rif ihlN v ilu iM r point In I n during that f iu f i i l W id n i^ iy 'i girnt of th# World Stiriii. Th# rm iU mlghi h i# l b##o d lfrrrrn t. When dinger In Ihf form of m o ther of thoie Hoptnn horn# ru m th rc ittned . ho hnvo ippli#4for 1 writ of poMMi'cin ig i in i t Hnopir whrn th# li t te r Intirfrreii with Rlioy't powMilon !u the t- iu n i of wliwiihi th< gim o

Any good liwyer. In view of th# deri lloil. could h ive proved rontlup'vely that Hooper w ie gufliy or i h!gh mli- ! dogm einnr or wnri#. in r u l t l n g the | proporty and poMetHon of Pltrher Rliey . I f the ditt procifipop of lew could h iv f j been hurrlod nufflrlently the po«aeMine I of the iphere would h ive iMen returned to Rlxey before Hooper encircled th« | haaeil I

Hote A eeom t of f»mi# >l1w1i( Reid.So In the ch im plon ih tp g^m ti of IflB I

U g il ta len t la tIUely lo nupplant the i oppoilng b itje rlea for the phice of honor The etory of the g im ea may ] r a id eom elhlng like ih ii "In (he th ird | inning young n iirk e to iie entered tin objection to in alleged wicked cluut pecp^ffa^ad by the buder. Al thle th rillin g moment. HigJ.brow, couniel for the oppoilitR tHum, mnfle a home run by obtaining an injunction a ra ln e t the f ie ld efi o( the hnme team to r e '

tU i ln them from touching ur Interfer* Inc w ith a iphere of rubber, leather and horieh lde commonly known a i a b ibeball/ '

However, to leave the p u t and future and re tu rn to the preeant. In Ih li In* ■tance the local law academy, ihe puplli of the freahman r l a i i ir e onc« more breathtnc tomfortabty. For a week they b a ttled w ith the querfi coneull* Ing both baaeball and legal au thorltie t. l l w a i w ith relieved m indi and rclaied countenanoea th a t they llitened yeiter* day afiernoon to Dr. McT^llind ex ­pound on the law a i applied to biie> b a i t

Tha teacher explained th a t ih# gitober of the ball^reiained tkoeaeirioa •C It while It wae In the a ir through a aom blnallon of having had It ur'«?r h l i power and co n tro t the phyilcal poe> aoaelon and the m anifeet Intent lo keep It under hie co n iro t The baiam an and OatOher both have the Intent to Obtain poaaeaalon of (he hall and to exclude othera from It. hut In fhelr etaea neither haa the neeftaaary power over It th a t plaoee hlrn in phyalcal relation m poa* eeealon. Both tn tan l and contr^^ are heeded and th ia com bination only found in the p lirher, eald Dr U cteltnnd

FRANKUNS TO NEH nRCOHE A. CT)m F jrcoat A. C. ot BrookbD will b«

tk« an»onMU oT the Tnutkllii A. A. font* hkll MOV** on Ik* D«rtb*lti tflvldoe iiid* Ires a t Bfonrh Brook t ’lrk totnorrov •ttWBooA. I t Wilt h« th* k«nio4 ttm * of th* M u o n for th* rrsnkllD i. Th* l«ft ooktkkl w u 0 U* with ih i T rl-H ut of IrriastoB . Th* riw aU lM Uik*-uk fol­low*: RIaht *iid. Captain Strabl*: rtfh t taokl*. Roylaa; right guard, Ookurn; e«n* tar, Banka: laft guard, H artagraj I tn lacki*, IfalloTT; left *nd. W rrnich; halfhach. Bratkoh: I tft h a lfb a i^ Had* flald; quartarbaek, K*«f«r: lullNuik. Tul*.


Law of 81 . David*. Pa., ha* b**n *leet*d aaptaln of th* Princeton baMb*ll t**n t* nKO**d f* » « t io r t . who adll not b* aM* to p lar a n r bait next aprlng becauee of a waak heart. For th* paat Ihr** Vmiw Law ha* bean art* of th* moat aromlnant aihlatea In Prlncaton. K* haa won hta U ttar twiM In both foothill and baaeball, and In hi* aophomor* and Junler r*ar* we* a m*mb«r of th* uni- iMrattf tannia team.

Y. 2.:Pica** tta i* what mak* of w h*alt

P ra n k K ram «r. JackI* Clark, Bob B paara Alf t lo u lu t, Alt Uranda and Raggl* McNamara UM for racing. W hat taarna finlahad (Ir*t and n ro n d In ih* Naw York «lx*day raiw In m t ? FAS.

K ram er ride* « PUrea, kpeara and U cN im ara rid* a F randr whaal b ea r­ing the name uf Camanade. Hpears n ecad o n a llf ute* a Franch Ba*lld*. Unullel ha* aaveral d lffa rin t m«k**, hut iiae* the C*m*nad* In moat of hi* rate*. Clark* 1* riding a Donald Mc- Dougall h pedal. Oranda ride* a Baa- (Idn. W alter t tu tt and Joe Fngler e o n the l l l f alx-day race and W'.irth M itten and Juhn Bedell flnlvhed iec> ond.

Y Z. *Ar# lh#fe o ther Intttarurt whi*r# a

th e r iff t i l l eummonetl memberx of th« muiticIpaJ police fun# a« k part of th i poiuw ooifUtatu*. i i th# xh«rtff of Huiixon County did it> (h« r i ie n t Huy* onn# itr lk c ^ K. B-

Not In N‘#w J«n#>, a# far i i we are iw ir # A# to nlh#r (itAlei It lx Impox* x)bl« to pay.

y.z. *”Ifiiw do 1 find out (h# correct name

of a child born In liouth Orange In ID04* CONSTANT flSAD Ka.

I If Ihe name U wanied for court uaa.< w rite to the i t i l# regixtrar of v ita l I xUM iiirp In Trentuti In order to get

ft certified copy of the birth record I Th# fee lx f l If wanted for any o iher I purpoee and If the child wax born In I Houtb O range Vtllagf, writ# in the I r e g i t f r i r nf viihI ptaUxtk'x In th a t 1 place. If the child wax born in Houth ' (Grange Township write to W illiam Q. , I Miller, re g ip tr ir of vl^al xlatlitlcx.' Maplewood.

Y 2.:lx a text her in the Newark public

xchiM3lx allowed! to keep ft pupil in a t boon tim e? t*. M

No. It wax xtaied A( th# Board nf Education al the city hxll a le a rh rr in not aUnwed to keep a pupil in dur> Ing ihe iii.ion Intirmlatuon. The law Allow# (h# teAcber to deialn a pupt) for any p a n of an hour afte r the cloie of the afternoon eeeelori.

Y 7-t'Ah the women vote on November 3

if the nm endm cnl giving them euffriA e lx carried on th« nineteenth (»f th ti m on th ’ KT Al„

The women will not vote tbix year IX the reauUx of the xiierlal election will noi be innounred until Sovem^ b«r H.

PA TB O N ^Y ou filled to x tite in w hat aubject you are Intereated. We will be glad lo an«w«r your quextiun If you w ill m ake It more explicit.

Y Z :When wax the Brooklyn Bridge

opened? R C X.The bridge waa upened to traffic July

3i. lU l

T r . . *Which oily la i i te d highexi #■ a m in -

d fac lu rlng city. New York or N ew ark?< 1 y. H ,

New York lx rated ( tr it and N ewark lx ra ted tw elfth .

v z . ■+'Can a perxen be prevented from x#xi,-

Ihg re la iiv ta and frlendi In a county Inxtitullon? How do«x the law act in auch a eaxa? R. M. H.

I t lx ImpOMlbie to anxwer thlx quex* tion w ithou t knoertpg more dctnllx. W hat Ihatltu ilop? Wax effort made to xea the re lative when public lx ad m it­ted? U there any reaaon why perxon In iaa tltu tlo n xhould not w ant to aae relative? (Aenerally apeaking the righ t of vlelt cannot be denied, but xpecial glrcttmadancea m ake exceptlone to ihe rule.

Y.A re th e re any achoole in thlx city nr

Hew York where denilxtry could be atudied In the afternoonx or evenlngx? If eOt give me the nxmee and addrexeea

I t c.No. A mem ber of the fltatx Board

(if r>entlxtry xtatex that he haa never heard of a dentlalry xchool where a perxon could xtudy In the afixrnoonx or even ing i and doe* not believe there IX each a one in the oountry To prac­tice d^ntlxtry In thlx xtxte. the taw eayx a peraon muxt be a t leaxt tw enty- one yeara of age. of good moral c h a r ­ac ter. and have received a p relim inary education equal to th a t (urnixhed by

the cuinmun xchoolx uf ibU i ta te and be g raduated In coureea w ith n den ta l de*Jre# from a dental achool. college or

apartm ent of a ud^vxrtitjr recognlxed by the ikoard, or xhall prexent the w rit- ten recom raendattoh of a t leaxt five llcenxed dxntix ti In thlx xiai# of five yeara' xtandlng. certify ing th a t he ta qualified to r xueh an exam ination , or ahall hold a diploma »r Ucenxe con­fe rrin g full r igh t to practice dentlalry In xomx foreign country and gran ted b> xofue au thority recognlxed by the buird .

- 4 —Y Z.'

W here can 1 obtain a liat of trade publicallonx? L I*. L.

You can obtain a Hat by calltTig a t thlx o ftloa The Hat lx too lengthy lo piint. Or you can get one at the Free J*ubll6 L ibrary.

Y. Z.iHow can I get to Mt. Vemon. N Y..

from Newark by au to ’ MOTOHldT From Broad and M arket atreeta drlvx

xaxt through Market and Kerry atreeta to the Exxex and Hudai'n County L in ­coln Highway, form erly the P lank road. A fter croxxlng the H ackeneack River, tu rn teft Into Wext Side Park , keep on th rough , paaalng fo in ta ln on left. C roix tro lley trackx In Waal Hide av e­nue. them upgrade to Hudeon County boulevard to Fourth xtreel, Vnlon HlU. B ear r ig h t down hill to W eehawken ferry. Crow Budxon Hlver nn ferry. Drive through Korty-eecond atreet to Broadway* turn left ahd follow B road­way to Columbui Ciri'le. T hru futlow F ifth avenue- Al 13fith atreot pick up W hile p lalna Puat r«)ad, fulUrw lu Mt. Vernon.

T Z :About how l o ^ would It (eke 1<> go

from the T w enty-th ird xtrert ferr> li> the i)rand Centrul MtAtlor) bv lakliig (ha croaxiown car and tran afe rrin g at F ourth avenue? How long would it lak e a taxliuLb lo cover the dlatance?

A RBy car about tw enty m inutes By

taxi al'uiit ten mlnutex.

Y Z.;To whom ehould I apply In order io

aecure a poaliinn on the county police fo rcer r II

If you refer to the county park police, apply to Alonto Church, aecre- ta ry of the Kaaex County i 'a rk Com* midxion Thee# are the only policemen the county haa

Y Z.How often during Chtober and No­

vember will e iam lnatioha for aulu drivera ' llcenaea be held a t the Newark city hall* K. C

Every Monday.

Y ZAl w hat time doea the T renton fast

line car leave Broad and Market a treeta? lioea the aame schedule hi) d good holldaya? W hat la the fare?

W J ACara lexva the corner a t a quarter

a f te r the hour from 4.1.1 o'clock A. M. to 9.16 o'clock I'. H. They run on the aame acherlule i<s far aa New Hruna- w ick urit'l m idnight. The same ached- ule goea f'>r holldaya. The fa te lu Treniori and back la 11.46 One way It la nlnety-flva cxnta.

Y Z.Will the Newark Technical flehool

conduct a plum bera’ claea Ihia year? If xo. when oan l apply for adm laaion’ W hat are the qualKIcatlona? F. O-

The courae wax x tarted recently Ap­ply any day or evenhtg a t the achooi You xhould do an a t once. The require- m enta are a good knowledge of a r i th ­m etic and A p lum bera apprentice ce r­tifica te . The achooJ will not accept any appllcantx who are not connected w ith the profeaaion.

T Z,:Could you f iv e me a goed bicycle

rou te to Rahway? L M.From Broad and M arket atreeta, ride

oouth on Broad and tu rn r ig h t at L in­coln Park . Continue on to Cllnlon ave> nue and (urn left on A»tor atreet. Turn r ig h t on Frelinghuyeen avenue. Crnaa (he rallroAd. Take teft fork on New­a rk avenue Into EHiabeth* Turn righ t on W eetfleld avenue. Turn left on Cherry atraxt. Croax railroad bridge. At ra ilread turn righ t on Kahwgy ave­nue. C ro u the ra ilroad and Into R ah­way.

T. Z :Can I get a llcenae t» keep eix pig.

enna** A. 9. FI t la not neceaxary for you to ob­

ta in A Ikanxe.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERSTh* to llow lnc il*«(li w*r» flU J y*a.

ta rd a r In th* countY r«(l*(*r'a ofDi..*i NEWAltlC-

D»vl4 W Hill a t u i to Dora FaUkOtt, w a s 11th *t 111 n n fr Tth av, l lk l ia , *L

K ath arin * R ynlck and hu* to Kr- p lB la I'aiocnaa* a t al, a « Catndan at IM ft n f r 8 O raar* a*. I l i t l l , IL1I4.

Jaaae T S traiia a t ua t* H arry F Hoia- aaar, a a a H am harg pi I I (t a fr Dr*a- «aa at. l U a lH . U-

Joaapb Oaahwald a t a a to Anna C Baakar, w a B a ln o n t a* I I f t n fr H fa lo w at. l l a l H , | i .. A rth u r II C rana a t ua lo Ja> H Bwann.

M a Damaraal at la i ft n a fr Nr* av, ITalla, 1 1 .

}*a M •m llh J r a t ua to Jonal* 8 It al. a a 8 flv an av m ft * ir

'aahiB itoo av, l la lO l, tiao .WkllU Kraautar and bua to Auguat

• » J ‘ .......................................

L > n -

XM lk*. w iV Y I lh at f l l ft a tr l» lh— •»-iao, II. '

1 Tarakla a t ua to Heraoo 8 Corr a a Cuatar av 14I f t * a fr Huu- I at. i i i l l f and a th ar tra n u . I t.

___rla T a ra h li a t ua u iU B ton M'f f i & , T o S a ’r g ? ? o ^ ' l i l U c t W .„ a , «g. a a C lin taa av Tl f t w Yr Baytnour

A n n . a a 8 O rangr av r i ft w (r A*h- land at, 11,101.

Sam* to *am*. n • ror Ja ffrv r pi and B*ymour av, |7,iOO,

OUTSIDE o r .VEWARK.Loula U ratn «t ua to Normal H A L

Aaan, W trrangc, a a Hpruc* at H* ft a fr W tillngtoQ av If T*u.

M argara t E Macktuion to Anna E Congar, W Orang*, n a William i t 110 (1 n w fr W blttlaiwy av, ll.lOA

K ltlaballi Lauoha and tau* to Oraogo Vallax U A L A nn, W Orang*. w oor lot No to t i t ft a t r Tremont av, |f00.

John M Koll *t ua to Orang* B A L A n n , Orang*, n • cor H ayw ard and B u m tld a at*. 11,100.

Allan B ra lt to Oao C Fraaland, Mont- nlalr, w a r lo v arh lll pi liO f t n fr Gl*n R Idga.av , |TI0.

O as r Bid*wall lo Cha* 8 Orban. N ullay, w a R utan pi <01 ft a t r H arrI- ta n at, |ToO.

C lara C Du B olt and bu* to Juliac C B O nngA n w a N Mapla avCuatatns. B OrangA n w a N B

H I f t n a f r W linam at, 11.000.Wm 8 F a ta at ua to Mutual Baa LIf*

In* Cs, Olan Rldg* and Montclair, w ■ ^ u ^ ^ u rd I t . f t n tr W aablnston av,

ilufeart J A aM tr a t uaH lllarlng . BloomfUld, i a Ui a fr Spring at.* .

1 a t tut t*a a r T W aar and Madiion av a i i a t n . | i

Jo* Kuaay ot ua to M artin H Uold- n « oor Halaay and Faarl a ta

, ’ OUTBID* OF NEWARK.Ja ttI* 8 WItaon to Oaorgia W PHig-

b am , W Caldw all, e*»t*r C antrai av l^ d I 2 landa a t Morao* W lnlOjma

to Wqi H A rcr at 71 f tnpnng la*.

Bam* to Mtna, Bloomflald, a a M arcyt ft a fr Spring at, | t . ' “

I Cotiaolliu__ Sullav . (

eor lot ^

J lit a a a t I t f t a f r Spring _ . J 111. a * Safnalo Coaaolln* atA L

ig t t l , i t .Cbarla* Bmllh o t ua to W illiam F orth , kl, BalUvIllo, w a High a t 1*1 ft w fr

aaoand^rly '* land, loAtlL 11 .O iaa 8 Organ a t a a to b ao F Bid*-

L m U tl i« Hkrrr P«to«gkjr

A . jC iaajyH niar a ir at al lo Wm Brka

' ' ' B«ul*r to a ^.: W iS iltg t a v t ln a t 18 iHttA*, B Or.

_______M at aa to K Of p BAaan, S u iU y , a * fium bart pi n w at No. II. t IH .

f ^ a P Buclar at « ( to aam*. M ont, olalr, a a Bloomflald av IT ft a fr H a r t­ley n , ItIO,

Ju lt* R Sail « ua ta Wm F Ihupa, O ran g a a g Cantor at n a O U n d a la ^ a land, fi.H d-.. '

Bmma B Bmltk to Howard W r Inat. H ont«ralr, can Fu llartoa av t i l f t a fr C W B aadforffl land.

W m m rk n a t M 10 n a B 8 » t a r , B O ran g a 0 a Pnrkw a> 111 f t a f r Now at. iLT lff

F A B R ealty to H *aj7 W oww, 8 O ran g a n a Oakvlaw av I I f t w f r D anl B akar'a agb (I.IM . .<

K arg g ro t 0 F aator M d h q | H ' Otmi Rldg* B- A L Attn.^ B IM a u M I. Union pi 110 ,n w J r H yrti* tv , 11^

■anm t* Jakob Z lm m artr, B loam:

BOXING CHATTERYoung Kelly la hack in town, auffar-

Ing a apralnad hand, th* raault o t h it bout w ith "F ighting Bob" a t Eaaton, Monday. K*lly w ai la tar mntchad to boa Ty Cobb*ot F h lla d tip h ia Novrm- bar I. ,

E n trla* for th* Naw York Alhlatic Club'* a m a ltu r boaing tourtiay will r lo (f Monday. P au l Pilgrim . M rlro- putitan A aiocltllon, 11 W arr*n Btrral, will accapt *ntrt**. Th* w»lght* to b* cont«*tad ar* 110, ISO, 110 and UO pound olauva. An a a tra pound will b* allow td ro n tia ta n ta

Bill Brown, wall known In Eaatvm boklng clrclaa wlU rafar** the Huran- Cotfay bout a t th* Oardan naal Tu«a- day night. Both th* prlnrtpal* today ware rvportad roundlog Into form.

Lao L. Lawta, m anagar of Fraddle Saldal, Ih* local bantam , w ant* to know w hy th* o thar llltl* fallow* ar* afra id of hi* boy. galdal la w illing. Lawla a a y a lo trea t any 111-pound boy In th* country . H* alao announhaa th a t 8*1- dat I* w itling to te c a p t Ulokay Dal- m ont'i challenge All th a t remain* for a bout b*iwa*n th* pair I* fo r Jlmml* B rlanaa, Dalmont'a m an ag tr, to niaat ^wtaM^m*^fln*l_ari™ni*m**^,


Matia* Ii aartMr g l ^ that ta* iiaard *< Raglalry and Blaattaa la aad ter *a*h elea- tlen dlatrlai la the lew* *1 Ballevllla ta th* ea jafr *t f c i i a will meet upaa ■raBUM^ la, m i,4_«* aftaram ■*«. *IiSHVh™ ***** **•


I •<* j t 'Qian

■ t-?%*aMBiM*hifP]tra at u* to Alwdiaii


follow ing mortgagod w*r*'fU..dl ^ NBWARK.

■allar Conatruotion C* to IFoat ■ at Co, • a.ftiF»*i»' kr HI ft BTf

riV ^Ji*^5t*aW !!a r and othor traot.

*lo* I* ataatloB fat Bearai

Twviv* 1 ___________ ______________ _

citimBJaatlaw ^ th* p g a a

fittryctRwr • S liW V

w w n r s :

. WWW m WBB BBAL BBVAmJSB C B T CITT. Oat. I I — Th* W Iow -

UiB Aaod* o id m ortnta* aftaMing propoftp in W a tt Kudaan war* ro - coriad rattarfgy:


■WtXE.9hikxti«{C ^ _ — —B

f i m B M iiJlmimd Ptmiloa "Timetky ■Idier'a


m, g n n . « ^ ^ u ^ r

:anY' ilUV


I {M hlnaan at *1 inr ahorttf j

-------------t o * to J ^ lk Ho*gv n o ft w fr

nty^vannmit • fr Orovw at.



It’s a Wonderful Game-k Merchandising—It’s a gime that the gen­eral public little under­stands.—It's the secret of suc­cess. It's the inswer to • question hundreds of i men who have bought, suits and overcoats st/Hahne's this Fall.—How thii store can give better stjrle and better] quality for lower prices.

New Knitted

OvercoatsF o r Y o u n g M en

*15One of the best all-around topcoats made; light weight, yet warm; i ^

shower-proof and wrinkle-proof; requires no pressing; exceptional ) ^ wearing qualities; shown in heather green and oxford gray in a knee ' 'length model. Quarter lined; sizes S4 to 42. Full line of siies — verified price elsewhere $ 18. Our price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Men’s Splendid Worsted Suits

In dark gray mixiures—neat stripes, plain graya, hairline blue and white stripes, gray checks and gray and brown stripes; tailoring exceptionally good; sizes .15 to 44, including special models forSlout men. at .............. ........................ v I OOther Lines in StoeA, SIZSO, $18.00,

$20.00 and $25.00

Patch Pocket Suits at $12.50Young men'* palch pockat modal *ult»—

juit Ihe finiti ihlng tl the price that you ever taw. Shown in a new Rngliah model dote flt- liug than coti, with toft rolling lapel*, high cui wtiitcoat, Biraight line trouaert, F A Snlthed with or without cuff*; alie* 34 lo .18. at...........................Other Lines in Stock a t $16.00, $18

and $20,00

Boys’ Mackinaw Coats, $4.35

4.35Made of heavy blanket cloths in gray

plaids, full length, Norfolk style, double- breasted, with shawl collar; sizes 8 to 17, a t ................................................

Boys’ Chinchilla Coats'Heavy brown, blue and gray Chinchilla

Coats, double-breasted style, self collar, but- toned closely about neck, wool lining; 2 ^sizes 3 to 0 ............................................ v a 'tO

Boys’ School SuitsW ith extra knickerbocker trousers, made

of strong cheviots, In neat dark green and gray checked patterns, shown In a new model Norfolk style, with full lined knick- 1 QO

s; sizes 8 to 17.................................... O » y 0, ers

Blue Serge Norfolk Suits

$4.98Made of pure wortted fail

color cloth, new model Nor­folk jacket with patch pock- ell; trouaer* full lined; aliei 7 lo 14 yeir», ^

Boys’ New Corduroy Suits

$5.85Soft flniihed brown cordu­

roy Norfolk tuiti, finished with yoke plaited back and front, patch pockets, full cut irouiera, lined through- out; sites 7 to 18; at ....................... 5.85

Boys’ Chiociiilla Overcoats$5.98

Made of fine all-wool cloth In navy, brown and gray, double-breasted atyle, with velvet collar, wool or worstedlinings; sites ,1 lo tO, 5.98

Kindercraft Shoes for Boys and Girls

These shoes ctnnot be excelled for their style or excellent wear and fitting quslities. All styles and leathers6 t o 8 . . . . . . . . f l . 7,1 t o 12.00 J 8y , t o H 12.15 t o $ 2.50

11 1 t o 2, 12.65 t o $ ; i .00Growi/tff Girls’ Shoes, to 6, $3.00 little Gents’ Shoes, 11 to W/^, $3.25

Boys’ HatsSailor or rah roh shape*,

In blue and brow-n cordu­roy, blue velveta, gray mixed tweeds and cheviots, blue serges, shepherd and club check ctssimeres for boys 2/j lo 10; tweed and felt hata for larger -boya,

The Difference BetweenHahne’s Shoes for $3.50

& Other Stores at $4Is IN the price alone, as f»r as we have been

able to tell from actual comparison this past week. A m an’s efficiency depends greatly upon his shoes—if they fit, wear and look right he generally works right, but if they do not his. work suffers accordingly. O ur $3.50 line includes all styles and leathers.

' Men*$ $4M Noveltg Shoes a t $SJ9

• f


Who Come Just Inside the Door

'E offer tpecitli in■11 sorts of fur­nishing goods It

prices remarksbly low.

New Fall Shirts

Made of extra fine mad­ras in four new and differ- ent designs, each in three different colors, and, of course, the designs arc woven and printed. Made up in our way in negligeestyle with stiff 1.50

$I Shirts, 79cMade of fine count per­

cale, with stiff cuffs; also mercerized ahlrta in soft materials and with soft French cuffs l Y v

(jOfiyji: ’Brand

Silk Socks29c

Black, tta, ' ha l l o ana blue; usually fiOc.

Neckwear 55cNew ahowini ef buutlfal

open end feur-tn-hiade, end a new fnd lerge ve- F f f _ricty of fancy detlcna O n L and aolid color*----

Neckwear, 85cMade from allka that usual­

ly go into tha Sl.fiO klad, cut full length and of g o o d width, at ...................... 85cBlanket Rtdies

Juat 100 In the let, in a Uege choice of de- ^ i jP aigns and colora; ^ 4 * i ufually $3.50 . . . .

Gloves at $L50In iin waah cape with em­

broidered back*; alto grey suede with black embroid­ered becks, some with aelf spear back* ...............

Auto Gloves, $ 2 to $6.3o


Domet Pa­jama Nigrht Shirts and Under­wear.

Shirts and Drawers

Wool Underwaar In ntiural and gray, medium weight, ahirtaln aiiea 34 to 50, draw­ers 30 to 50; special I 0Q

Doubls’breasted Shirts at $1.28

S p e c i a l000 Ribbed Shins

Dr*were. In acru and gray, per garmcni —


Domet PajamasMad* of extra haivy domet

flannel, well made and good

MffAt Shirt,Domet flannel night ihirla,

soft, fleecy gartnents, tbit erecut long and full, 98c

M l t E V i m iilC TlC W ffOTICIt l a U V I U E ELECTION NOTKtSNeUari thaos*

^dultgj■Oe, r - pvaea.

O al

ua. at,.lUfT uosTaAOm

ta ndsHtP I | v ^ * i i t lav n* n w fr Saainiy

aaaa«,‘ i^nB .

■«*- au

eftr ar Nawarki tSMie* waaienr aiaag h M kaaMary IIm 4* a palgt aiaotlr I* raMl* with lit* eantar tin* at OarO** tvnaat lk*ot* gartharly t* iS* Mienartieii ef tM 1 2^ Jagg

jU JSa'aleSe^ie tfia Ieatw ||m1 sm all — ' “ ■la m

..BM at Hm at Msai* elN**


M u x v M u E uenow ffoncis


ii**iCl* ta'MM iiaW iS?


I t u t v i u i ElICriOH ilWIKt t ttbM t* w e a ta iu r .^ a g UW , i e r - "evnter HM a f tfrli* avttnAt- «*.«* -tie* al Jf

n u s .■aesae -eeetloa a lj


i S Fta* aagti

if- r





The Final Chapter in the World !^ es

Onii« Bfwkn to Perfoni Dit3 lUf, Accuiif to Dotos Fnod



■ M n u r r ;o k « r » a U t o f Hi* O rin t* 4k«rek iM « tn **• conplotod tk« n o - •••■• oekoAilo. f in o l t« o o » • «t t f *• eoiBpotltloti fU rttdtw o WMko iwoH* fhureh»»h t)M l»o*o* ofo 0»o iro l P rorty t«rl«o . ■oOi«l PfO ibyU rUn. Colvory llolho- 4M , r i m CoaomiotloM ). Pork Avmu», rH S lty O»**ro«*llonol, Howthorn*

Mu b Aobbub, N orth Oronao, Aseoo. lUroTMod and Holy

M lovai

a t A O ** B»K>'<a. NArth OroBO. W—arthol vsT Hu b a* a*.

iloaiharM A»**»*. _— ----- sil*o*l »B it,I wm c*oar««aii*o*i try OB North (W on. ; It— B lty T*. H»itf— rlBltT TO. Holy Tftolty,

a* OB Prat Mam m l.I I —& a tm oa. Mo»a Aooaat. Hawthoraa Aoaaao.

I— P rat OaHTafatloB*> oa Caloary oa. f t. Ao*B

I—Holy Trtalir oa Path Am **, ? oa Tttnlio. _II— Calvary oa B a trlhan t

[ iw AraB** oa P m Caaira-I I—Oaatral oa P m IManB*A. Baly Trialty.

^Jay. It—Park Aooaa* oa Harthf t. Ao** 0*. Irlnlly. ___ _II—ItAwlhorM Anaa* oa P m

a. Haaa Aroea* oa Caloary. It—Trialty oa OMlral, North

Tiialty.^ y , M—Nathoi oa P m llatemed,

f f t* Aoaaa* oa ft. Aooa

TiImjTir. I—Maaa Aooaa* oa. H*ly TWaliy. liawliHrBt oa Nar^ Oroaia

l —Celwy Trleiy, Flrtt Om <■to A fm ,n r« t ll*rori

vf. Ctoiitm,PM Tffo Trill*ArMMwt V*. UMr TrttoKr.

AtMiM irt. nrtCm NarttoAvm* Tfh C««trM, Ttorh

t r e w n v»oWnm»9i*9* U '- F IrM. Ceagr^ssilwsl ««,

itaivttoMM AvMMi n , FtrM

,,■111 . I^M orth Orttst* Otmtni, Ml R#UwI>

I—Caloary oa p m Matanaal, oa ■*** Aoaaao.

I I—Park Aoaaa* oa ■*<M, ■ H fa l oa Caairal.

I -^ L Aya** oa ■aartboraa oa TOWty.

aaaay, I I —Maaa Aotaa* oa Park Caloanr oa Holy Tnalty,.11—p m Caa^traBatloaal oa Cal<

H —Maaa Aoaaa* oa Haw.Aoaaaa Trlalu oa. park Aooaaa.

ay. II—Maly THMly oa Pim Ha­lt f t - Am— oa llaM Ooaacaf

TrtMty,y, I—Pim Oaayoaiallaaal oa oary oa Caatm.I—Haaa Aooaaa oa Ataota* oa Park Aoa

' Trialty oa ft. Aftaa arih Oraai*.Araaa* oa Pim Caa-Caloan oa m ili^

l l - M y ~. Trialty oa OHMfal, oa Trialty.

Oraa^ oa IfBaa Aoa-___ ______ApaaaU —ftawthara* Aoaaaa oa Aoaaaa oa Batkal.

la ^ Oiama oa Caloary. ft. CaaBtaarttaaal.

oi>‘'ra ikAvMM rnkBedwl,

TV. CaWm v . jvtl«val.

_ . JIM lu tv rM vio

> IS if j tMtItMt M. Mi. <^T&r*.ML »Mto«fr n m

.TlftMr oa Northirta RKi .

■nr«M€_ m _ M«m AVMM.II Ml Am *a USS;... oa I f ta .aly THaliy oa P m Caa>

f tJ S a w H La s s y ’s!:.--—*aN <j T a n m Oi

•iry o a— "i — 91*

a m i a aB. d / m a *a Caloai

O raaiaaloaiy. Park


flow MuCit"Dot (aocwnutfl

fW fhN T f l s d H iS SfA N D A R t* OIL.y

C O m P ^ n V ?

*Ats <rw»HV• t ^ R ioe*

i H t COST OF Sw ATTPNC Hf^s G one U P - TT IS

E^iM ATto That h o o p e c sT H t. C li SSXMO

WCJi.P -fAKt pA-^S <=PP A S dCOiER IM

EolUJT’ t T o Ea r n w h a t Ca c *» P i . f t N t a i o T f l s i i


. -Th e HDM€siy OF O A S E & A u - rtA $ AiJAiM


AUO 'fWE fJATlONAL ComMISH OF Co u r s e .. <3oT ITS A n n WAI-

P P w R V

I' H t u u .v /H o e« tca

ihouC H T r f „ , W A S OiSHOW CSt-



DEAOLy ^A$E5 naoi-t -five HOT S to v e L tA CU E. w i n -

ito v j 6 £. iwhA l c o


AMrkii Soccer OvapioBt CtrM Afsiut Tiitlifi! ^ e i to

HatNMl Lm |m Gum .

ItOOILYMS TRANSFER HOME GAMESAn appartun ity to (a t b lint on loc-

M r cup tla oppopanta wlU ba affordad fo llow an of th* h irk in s B*ma Sunday. Tha aeo tllak-A Liarlcana b o ld a ri of lb* Ani«rleAB ehanplonah lp , and lb* Allay f t iy a who a r t Had for th* load In th* N ational Ia b c u * r a c a a ra a)* tad to claah a t Clark** flalA B aal N aw arh, in B laBBo* contaat. Th* a a n * taam * ay* alBo cardad to B>*«t on th a t tia ld Oa- lobor I I la Ih* f lra t round for th* ABiarican cup. A lan M ontcom ary will r«t*r** aanday 'a ram *, w hich I* ala lad la a ta r i a t t e 'olock.

Nacaaaa MAnhAttan fla lA Naw Tork, w hara th* M ’ltoklyti V. In itndad to play thlB toAaon, ha* bo«n tu m o d Into a playBroand, tho B ro o k ly o lta t baoo daoldod to p lay th o ir how o > « b *b a t W ta t Mdo P a rk . Jo raay c i ty . Th* Ja r- **y A. C w ill oppoa* Brooklyn.

Th* o th p •**!* cardod arllt b r in e


Fruktott Win Start Settit Thnt- rvw Aftenau by TacUtof


BOTH TEAMS REPOIYED IN SHAPETh* football taaaoB will b* offlclaRy

■tartad In Nutlay tonorrow aftarnoon when th* Franklla Athletic Aaaocltlloil eleven of that town faeao th* Bnyoiui* Vlklna*.

Th* PrankllBB bny* born pracllelnf fallb/ully for th* part frw weriit and aro aald to ba In aliain *■ a reaultof their ptrllralnary work on the arid- iron. A rapraaentativa Nutlay tram It txpHted to tako th* field. Th* Vlklna*. on part parforaanneaA ihould elv* a good arcounl of thainaalTaa.


Th* othor jam * cardod will hrlng tofathar th* Babeooh A Wllooi altyaa of ,ay*Ba* and th* Haladoa ThitU** at Pataraon. Thfai gam* will bo playod M Baymna

Th* Waft Hadwa «l««an. whlehthara* land w ith th* AlU y f t iy awin h* :


IflW TORX. Out. II/—rraddlh Wtlth, Ih* hghtwetgbt eluuhptak. want* t* ra- tfra M ora h* «n*ta arid* hit fItUo hMMia. haaraww, h* want* to angng* la flow nora boata Aa hta oppon*nit h* pleha Willi* mtchfn Charity Whilk iohaay Daadt* and doo Handot.

tVftrh W almott rtady now to hot. Bt< It Qnlalng hard dally and aapcota to bo In fighting fom ahortly.

HOWUNG NOTESOamto la th* Xnighta of Pytblaa

Iitaguo will ho miltd tbta at*ana oa Ih* Watngarth A Whaiioa allaya. Pirinn todgaa art npoctad to onttr and open- Ing matebt* will b* roltad Uonday, No- yambar 1 .

■ te io ta rr John A, (X H ata of th* taeh a - w aaaa lo tg u * h a t iMotd a e«ll for a m atting lltk d a y night a t th* Llewellyn alloyt, Orang*. O fflrtra ar* to be elected ABd A acbadut* la to b* drafted.

Howard Ptalfar, manager of lb* Tab- eraaclo aoeoada, la looking for game* with Junior church or gunday tehool taama. Th* following ar* preferred ie n p tr Paratu* aeeonda. Watt Sid* Chapel toooBda, Brolberhood aecond* and Roatvlll* Preabyterian Beaonda Pfalfer can b* reached at III South Twaaly-aocond atreal, Irvington.



Nittn Bedt ( i&g Wtod LeimHere I u Aip w Lmi

Reed Juney.


Red Moi p layer* began to laae* Boa- ton laet n ig h t for ih t i r home*. Hach had a check fo r t l . t l i . tO In hta pocket a* a Hill* eouvenlr of th* eerie*. T w en­ty -tw o playera th a re d equally In th* apllt. HcNally, one o f the eligible*, who w et w ith the team only a abort tlma, reeeiv td a am allar turn th an rh* othera. Riley, th* club ee c r tta ry , end U rttn , th* tra in e r, got flOO tacb . And tb tr* w tr* o th er gift*, too.

b e b of the Phllly player* waa given t t . l t l l l . Th* tw en ty -fo u rth ebar* waa divided Into th ree p a r t* On* of (hea* waa for Oeaehger, a p itcher, w ho re ­joined th* club In Beptember, and tha o thar two p a r t i w er* ipH t between Hike Uee, th* tra in e r, and one or iwo other*.

Bill Carrlgan. m anager of thoae Boaton Red Boa. duean't Hka to aieep.

"It aeema like a waate of good tlm*,'’ he explain*.

When (?arrlgaB flrf t broke Into the b'g league* hla baU t of etttlng up late at night brought him acvrral rebukaa from hi* manager, but BUI eaptalned U a ever- elon to Neep. demonatratvd th a t he could get along nicely on a l l boiira of Bleep a day—and thereafter wa* excuaed from

f t " a t 10 or I0 :ie ."tum tag

Th* N aw arh A. A. dafeatad Mickey D alm ont't five W edneeday n igh t In th* eacond gam * o f a aorloA 11 to 11-

Th* B aal O ranga T ria n g le i will play tha P ra n k lln B ig Ply*, a lto of R aft O rangk tom orrow n ig h t a t New U n- eoln Hall, Baal O range. Th* Trianglea would Ilk* to book gome* w ith Junior tea tna W rita to John Oannon, T1 Ath- land ayenua, E aat Orang*.

Th* Alpha A. C„ a baaketball team of the North Rod. will meet 81. John * team on th* la tter 'a court Saturday night. The Alpha* would Ilka to hear from a few 110-pound church team* In Itvia d ty , Th* maneger la II. W hethem , I t Ka*t Sylvan arenue, Newark.

The All-Ncwark baekethell teem will go to Brooklyn tonight lo play the Knight* of St. Anthony. The team* will line up ** followe: All-Newarke—Por- w arda Rtcbanboach and Cleary: center, HcHahon; guard*. R .' Clark end Durrer. St. Anthony— Porwarde. Srhmelke and Kelley: canter, Riickeri. giiardi, Brunner and Johneon.

Th* Chatham baaketball team of Brook. lyn, I* now a rra n g lsg d t i ie with all flrat-

Oftfer* a t th a P artM m n Piatd oiab • t n ha«a g i m p tp h t t p 1,*** b u « la . BMfMW. 1 W B aal rawad the th a MSehaet T. a g ia f t t Maaaaftal Otm fo r ganior piay- « « MB he i ta ,* a . M m P . M elM dea f t th a laadar w ith a a f t I I . Warren

IS h aU at w hh a

yewnde ftp ft* Oftebar ftUI *1*0 ba playod. ThetMB OMa- *** Owaa win s la p a l l a

A. I. Wbaatan «1Q meat A. O.

lalph n . Pbpae.> gyaat will h r tw BAl a A Waal ae

t te Bk b , Tha> hftW**D B, , .

n .

. ‘ ^ ^ ^ n d Y u .^ and H hity

eagWotWoe Ohaftea I*f t* Ma WMHal

TMa wilt ha eandaated w M ttnftilea fa r ih*

I t f t eaoh ttyMew. ht t w etlew f t r th* eptow a bmb

e e e e e s ^ a t a g a lr ia g lo r a w am f t W i awatmi dmaar.

other. Th* teagft will gUp f tb a r I t . T ha laftiig teaai

pn jrjtD R fJP H IA . O ft, U .—The Pa- elfio Cotet t i net to **• th* Phlllite end Rad Soi gty* a a ImttatloB of how th* World'* Berle* ylLa won and loil. Pro­meter* out th a t way will not meet th* deiBAnd of tha world champfone for a guaranty and expeaaea Thia we* an- anineed laet night by Robert R. McRoy, buelnee* repreaeatatlv* of the uellonal eommleelon. a f te r he had r e d l w l word by wir* Ihel Ih* W efterner* could out aieet hi* new term*.

At a meeting o f the preeldente of the two eluba, th* membere of tho natlunal cohualaeloD and WtlUam Lang, repre- aeatlng Pacific Ooaat la le re tla held lo Boetoa oa Tiieoday, It waa agreed that th* team* nbauM m ake the trip. Al (he tlm* H wae expected there would k* • * httob *yar finaacea. and Mr. Mc- l le t WM appftgted to reproeent tha na- t M t l

ad f tp ftifb xrm

■ m H M H n J K U A C D E P lS S B O V IO F E n s n iK E


Th* Nrwstk Bowhag taagna Itftatm Tha aurtala d r o p ^ an tha elicott b ftJW M at th* National Turn Vartin.

-brnk <d bawtftg lataeaft and th* in- ’ t* ehlaft new elab* far iht ar-

Ian Maaed N to paaa teto ah- f tr ^ aeaaoa f t leasL Th*

■ h t C M ^ th* MhOanal IMra i wwr* th* aafp m m repraaantad a t

gwm nt to g f t dftba f t

____ i a t f t* N*w>I tho Matralh Aarft


‘V K ^S& lPS ,,S t t t> And W agtl


Herald Jaoviin. nbelltut* Inflelder for Ih* Red S««, imhka *e on* of the beet little dancen la New England.

HaroM learned how to dance during hi* high erhool day*. I* a gracoful young eler, and conalant praetico line* then hte oauted hi* admirers to m y that Vern I'aetle hasn't aay husky edge on him when It come* to terpeiebaresa eklll.

• 4 «Dlcli IJobUAML* Gr«t m c k t t for tho Ron]

Rot* li • d«ntlit duilnc tbo off-M soa. "Hobr" arouM with hltnditlini th* bM«ball ioftaon* a klc of tooU

dtoLfcrdl to OMt«t u m In rrndortnf flrit- aid to molar auffvrrra, Tho p layart wbo havo bMn glvd^n 'f1rat-aki*tooth«- bounded" by "Hoby * inaiat that ha'a a r«al, roffiilar palnieaa dentlat penon,

Krrd laiidtrufe flrat bate man for th« Phllllea, proooun<'aa hla aam a tbuaLjr: Lu* day-rua.

TitlehoUcft imI OAer Stan ScM- iled to hffm to Sillini

Meaortol Gases.

Worthington Longfellow Hlttea of DeveapoM. Is., th* little cy c lis t will laed a party of eight profeselODal rider* Moo- dey morning et 10 o'clock on a road trip to (TiJeago. The start la to ba mad* from * the Velodrome. Alt who will lask* the trip hev* been elgned to ride the ati-day race In Ihe Windy City. They are. la addition to Mitten. Ivor Lawso*. Emeet Ohrt Oresey Ryan, Uoyd Thomaa, Percy I-awnnee, Norman Hanaan and Pred Iky. th* young Atlanta ridar. The cyeUita In­tend lo lid* ovary ifool of th* dletanco. { Tha ohiect le to tit Ibemaelvea for tho week's grind.

Mitten) th* organMcr of th* party, will be the pathfinder and tbs llttl* Iowbb he* selected routes through dmub- | talnou* country whorover poaalU*. T h*: rider* figure th* balder the rid* th * ' beter condition thay will be In when they reach their daftlnatlon. A slop for a say will b* made at HeadviUe, Pn., when B race meat will be i ia g f t by local people. Meadvill* la the bom* Iowa of "ButeSer" F w . the amateur, who eom- peted *1 th* Vetodram* all summer wtth- 1 out finishing loeld* the priso Hat la B 1 .Ingle race. The cttlsea* of MeodTlIlel Ihought Fey was a worid-bsater whoa i he left the little town to conquer the cycling world and they are runalng th* meet to see Just why Fay failed to fulfil ' their expectatloBi.

Champion Kramer I* dividing hie Mm* Mil* week between training a l the Velo- drome each morning and appearing at Ih* Wcycle and motorcycle show la Madleon Square Garden afternoon and ivealage. The champ la one of lb* chief altractloo* at th* show and l i never without an audience when ringing th* pralees of tlw American-made wheft h* wine Itle race* on. ThI* ts a new riunt for Ihe champion, who has alway* shrunk from the public when there was any talk­ing to be done. But he I* getting away with it ettcceeefully, and. dreea-eufled end alweye amlUng, he I* making a fine Im* preaelaa.

Bobby Byrne, Ihe Pblllle*' third b**e- man. ha* looked forward longingly to the • nd of the basebell ecaaon, beewut* It will enaM* him to hustle beck to 81. Louie end claim ae hie bride the sweet­heart of hie boyhood days—Ul*a Lnura Shields.

Years ago when Byrne, Just In hla leena. played anulsur hall in St. l-onlo, lie met Miss Shields, then Just a girl la short trucks. Tha wedding probably will take ptec* the latter p |rt of Use mooth.

Th* greatest embItloB of Grover Alex- ender's life le to pilch e no-hlt game, Wx time* ht has seemed about lo rtallm It—yet every tlm* some oos hatter ba* ruined hie chance.

The closeet be ever came wa* May & of this year. Art ButlSr of lb* Cardlnale singled with two out In the ninth. On June I Buck Wheat of th* Dodger* ruined the ao-hlt proapccte with a slngla In th* ■evenih. Pred Herhle of the OlanU ringled In the aeventh off Alexander on July S—the only hit made by bis team on that day.

It waa Sherwood Magee, oneUnw tmiin- n t * of Alexander, who shatterad Alax- ander's dream of a no-hlt gam* Septem­ber I f la Doatoa. Mages dropped a Teoa* Leaguar bgck of second—the only hit th* Brare* mndc off Ihe pitching wonder (If th* FhlUle*.

la t i l l Alexander pitched a one-hll gam* agalnet the Brave* and In I f ir he let th* Otonta down with a Magle tdoglo.

cigaa horn* team* that ar* desirous of booking a tallahl* ettractlon. Th* leem sverages IM pounds and has played eev- eral of the leading out-of-tm n teams. Address all challenges to B. Ahtstrand, t / t Forty-elghtb stroeL Brooklya,

Ths Oiklenf Club will Inaugbrats its Iwsh^wll season W'ednasday Bight, meeting th* fast Rutledge A. C. at tha


NEW TORK. Oct. It.—An InvtUtloB loa-mll* auto race, in which efforts will b* mad* to brtsk all existing records up to that dlstanc*. will b* held on th*

New Lincoln Hall. IJncoln avaou*. Or- new Sbeepehead Bay track. November I.eng*. Th* OskleaPa Itne-up will Include at forward!, Tom Pllaalnimon*, former Rnuth Orange High School star: Charley llinchcltff of th* Domratlo Big Plvc.-aod Ramay Corbitt RItchell of Company K will play center guard*: Pred Manning, the oll-ernund Pru etar; Jeme* Curley nr Vine Coen. The Oakleafi will play every Wedueadey night.

Six and possibly eight care Will par- tlrlpei* tor a gold cup end prlaee aggre- gattng tlt.E tf. Dario Rests, Ralph D* ralma. Ralph Miitford, Barney Oldfield, Bob Burman and Rddle Pullen already have signed for Ihe race ICddle Rleken- backer eiwl Kerl Cooper also ar* expected to be In llna.

EKPECr SOME lECORDS TO TOItLEMany cinder path cracks of the metro­

politan dlBlrict In fddlllun to titleholden from Boelon, Baltimora, Washington an i a l far Weat aa Chltkgo will participate Sunday la the James E. Sullivan me­morial track and field game* acheduted to be held at ths Reservoir Pleyground. Jersey City. The recalpta will he add«<l to the fund which la being raised to erect a monument to ih f lale oIBclal.

The response lo the call for entries swamped Bocrelsry Turn Cesridy and when the books closed Wedne4d*y night * program with beadUnerw of the ath­letic world wae aeeured. The meet was arranged under the auoplcca of too cltl- aens of Hudson County, o f whom Sbafttf Bugene KInksad Is the chairman.

Among tha teaturea which will ba tn- tjoduced are a flye-mlU run and half- mile race. They wlU b* fought out on a hslt-mll* ttack and It would not b* eur- prlriia It th* record* erar* toppled oy*r.

In tbs Bve-mll* men Hannas Kolab- anlnaa, lb* wonderful Plnotab wotid'e champion, will essay to emaah bis owa beat mark tor tbs rout*. Among thoae who will run agnlnft the champion nre: Nick Gtanekopuloo, Chnriaa P o r ^ Hugh Honohan. Harry J. Smith, Pat Plypa, Gaston BlroMno, Tom B ar^ n and Rtn- eell Bprlngslean. Th* flrat fiv* nanted wore enlered as eowteb men la ih* loeal Columbus Day run. Smith wna tha gniy ana who didn't start.

Joe Itlggliui of Boaton, Naw Engftnd tltleholder, will be th* honor aiaa In tli* half. He will be opposed m ost Uhely by Dare Caldwell and 'Tom Halpla. Olben entered Include Homer Baker. InteiM- Uonal champion: W'UII* Gordon and poa- elblr Abel KIvlat.

TABERNACLES TO OPEN SEASONThe first gam* nt the eeeeon for the

TeberBSCI* basketball team la scheduled to be played lotporrow night with Hid Dlmwoodi of Paet Orange, at Boat Or, angr. Weber, Dopp, P. Burfchardt. Gor­don and Nagley will be lo Ihe Tabemaol* tlne-up.

Bob Spear* t* probably th* only rider, with the eirepiloo o f Kramer, who Is not thinking about the coioing New Tork rix-day mce. No amount o f monar end

5lory would lure Bob Into another grind.[*Ihas rtddea rii-dny tscas, bnt not b*>

caue* be wanted to fM* tfcam. Two day* of th* Boston raca tyro year* ago and Bob ewore he would navor ontar anethar. Hs started la that raca baoaua* be needed the money. Bob'* n n t Maftay race woe In Auetralla sevaenl years ago sad b*started In that contaft aolety lo get money

Mocfor" Pappat a boardenough to pay bill, which only amountad to about |4.TI. and. etartlng In a Mx-day toe* to pay a ’ debt of that agw unt Miowi th* depth of' BoPs Integrity. Bob waa gnmt and w eft through the me* tha end. “MolbeP^' Pepper hsd her tm lftag U U * Jus* aero** lb* etreet Rom tha troch aad when Bob j ataggered up th* ataps after the mca ft* , thought she wa* galag t» atags g ttn * n t| In her hauee, sad Bob thought an, loo.; And la the ehd M r*.,Popper wa* tha loecr. Bob anrhed op sueb an a p ^ t a In tbet race he ata eyerytblag bui tia l gax flitaree. oad "Motbei" alftoM bm, come haahmpl.

Meneger CbapneoB ftti raeftyed l e m fur leaelBg th* pcogatft f t A tlfa ^ whkfc I* dasired lor a *H* for a w ftlir I m * end th* ngwre* ar* efttiUXy ft* Ws} ^the ptoaotera ft beaak area. ftouM tharace* dmw ftpaoRP ^ w d i

Negotlaglou WiE ,and If a laduelloa. eaaaot ba a * o o r f t» other rit* WlU b* aaagbt f t that slip.

PEiniiM Bin!J.c.A Biin IA w n D A tiiu n s iiiiE n i

Th* second dual owet f t iho * ftm * hetweea tho P n d s a t la l A. A. ^ f t* Perth Amboy T. M. C. A. yrtll U ha f t a f t lagnortow afternoon a t Bronoh D r i f t Park, Perth Amboy ftow ed th* way f t th* ftmt meet held ih e ra ••■ * .» * * • ^ * ginp by th* ecoe* of 11 f t IT. but tb*| Pru boyi promise a d ltfe rsa t reeult thlgi

■* The event! to be confteted am - t*** yetd deft. I l l-y a rd dash . t « - y ^ mm IlC-yard run. running high and brasa lump*, twelve-pound abut put a f t rriOP ra n . Pl»* polat* f t l l b* e r ^ t a d f « first p lan , two for e o c f * ^ third. Th* meet I* scheduled f t eU rt at J o'clock.

eommiaalan on th* Joiimey.

At a m eeting yeeterday of Ihe PlilU- delphl* playtrw a t which they received Ihetr ebare o f Ihe W orid'a Series money, all consented to Join the pdrty with the eicrpllon f t Chalmere, pitcher, end WblUed, oiitflaU eit who had other ptens, Mr. McRoy then celled up Preel- deal Lannla of th s Boaton Ameriree Iwagi:* club on the telephone, and wee told that th* world's chempinn* hxd de­rided not to m ake the trip unl*« they received g guaran ty and eipensex. A* Ih* national commlaelon representitlve could not glvs thl*. he called th* trip Off. to the great dlaappalntment of ih* Philadelphia playar*.

Th* I ta f tllv * plan fo r th s trip Weat called lo r gaaM* a l Cbleogo, Omaha, Denver a f t Salt Imk* City. Requeeii tor a game al Dubuqua, ta.. and on* a t Xanaaa City also had l*een received. Ten tb o tw aft doUam waa guannleed for a gam* a t Konaaa City.

V kf. hag tag a ggt f tpFw ft iBm Mg »IWR|R|R|> Biltoi fl(C tiMMM a m H a r t <tas

.P M h ' 2 m

iNea,e-ftf ‘ J '

Cartridges forYour Big Game Hunl

ruvTi I S H f t lg W l I

T f t I himCMiiUahi


Btmtmjimh TflffT ss¥teitgig|giSold hr FMor hMsw M U r m d l it ! id m

l i atotof BbssElftnU la*»— llb lgE MgH llltC M at lgB i _ ImbOw

ATOWER OF MIGHTY VALUESM f u r a a f t M t i




m m sjm

E V E R G R O W I N G V A L U E S A L EO u r e v e r - in c r c t i i i t g b u s in e s s r e g s r d l e s s o f p o o r , g e n s r s i

s o d t r t d e c o n d i t io n s e ls e w h e re is s f i t t in g t e s t im o n i s i to th e > s u p e r io r S25 v a lu e s w e o f fe r a t $14 .75 m a d e - to -m e s s u r e . S u c h

v a lu e s in g u a r s p t e e d im p o r te d a n d d o m a s tic w o o le n s a t o u r low p r ic e i f b o u n d to m a k e b ig b u s in e s s f o r u s . M a n y o f

o u r c u s to m e rs (w h o w e b e lie v e a r e th e s h r e w d e s t b u y e r s in N e w a rk ) o r d e r tw o s u i t s a t t t im e , f ig u r in g th e y a r e a c tu a l ly p a y i n g w h a t th e a v e r a g e t a i l o r c h a rg o a f o r o n e s u i t— w h y c o n t in u e to p a y h ig h p r ic e s w hen y o u c a n a c tu a l ly s a v e $ 1 0 a n d h a v e th e ta m e s ty le s , t a t i s f i e t l o a a n d a ll a ro u n d g o o d lo rv ic o t h a t o th e r a c h a r g e y o u $25 t o r ? O r d e r y o u r P a ll l o l t o r o v e rc o a t n o w — w e g u a r a n te e t o s a t is f y y o u o v e n t h o u g l r y o u ba a m o n g th e m e a t c r i t ic a l , a n d f u r th e r m o re w e g u a r a n t e e to a a v e y o u a t l e n t $1 0 . C a n w e d o m o r e ?


10 ,000 Y ards Beal w Veliie 1 ,100 P a tte rn s


MAIL MIDQIS n U D L’ 9aieaf blaak.

Addma MAU. ORDER DEPT** W 86th S t , N. T.Ovcrcoals, $ 1 ^

l iT ^ lUJlIlD IN I14IN n o c m 8AM*US G B in v m T GIVEN ro i OOWAnO^


•RNEWABK MiUOLET STaa New WARIC 81^lSS71M wvr.litlTlhA»h8lit \ M Mk1 1 1 R f h d i A m m V m I N S t o M l ) I K4 0 1 • L l f M r M A m

^ Hliv UU Bt > iM g.A * ^ 8 i b 4 U . * 4 W ^ . [ » I 0

S to re a

1 D m v A k e v t U H h 8 tc » ;

v i 4 i . i n w . i i a i S L , N . T ,

A m l i tr l w a b w l v h e B V n i

S ttlM fe P M IN m t C to to i

Am. ^BIN Fifth Am,

^ m r n m m v u i i > BMt m r n m i * 1 '




L i c i l H i |h S e b o

if Seaioi Q \ Ek«

nOliPFAVATOSouth aide Nlgl

r e a l tee t on the | Sheotlng the tti eleven a t Rehwey 'Which Coach ‘ i f tra n g lh e n the I f t e n mad*, I’hllli ta r . going to fuUh ■ar. T here la '* d gam e w hether lb* good In the he • * g h t to stan d hit aver, and in rec a h o w a ab ility to I obape.

R oland King, t b rouck gam* J*xt a re g u la r berth. I lea l w^ek. Heruua be ran the learn h In to hi* own. t ’ai aopp w ill b* the ro w '! encountvr. o f th* local t«xm . an d TVackenhuth and Rluine; guarC o sn ie r, M akoiky, le ft halfback. All C ap ta in Bloren, an

M aatelair 'M ontclair High

fo rd H igh School R u th e rfo rd Field row afternoon a t ; b a a been travelln etip , aod 1* the fi h ill and W allact M o n tc la ir will bu seorlDg com binall ocorpd about nim gam e*, w hile Wa bohind, W allace terfaack. The pli to p condition.

If M ontclair In have lo ihow a vi th* la s t gem*, k th * few remaining ra t* quarterback , a ta r . Th* line-up w ill b*: Knd*. Otack i* ! , Tloweer i P h lllipe and Say q a a r ta rb a c k . Syr* Law**: left halfhi fu llb a ck . Stavenao B chnelder end L an d T ilton : ouar< dum ber, center, 1 te rb ack . W allao TYhlUhlll: left h fu llb a ck , I’aaaann;

K aat O rnag E ast Orang* Hit

T o rk tom orrow ■ H ig h School of Co BOX Oval, Lenno s tra e t. Th* gam* b a rd ea t on the schedule. Th* N th* elrongeel tea

■Harvard, Style of

Y i

H e rv ird will g su ilid n i champi; icafi'w in 'parigO D H tv e n t s d Ih* i r t ls t iv d m erits o tw o w eeks to m tl t f t s v a e tw o wet

T he g re a tta t s< f t parhapa an *x th e typ* of play t f tw ln g and Ju*t th a Individual* ot ■r* eapabl* of B row n and an ae g ra d u a le a and geoutlng method; g ln tan a a t New-H ggy they have aoachee a very ; S o u thernare ' wa] tu rn have, o f cou fo rm atio n In a p w ho w ill tak e lh<

T Phataver th* i t a am ploy a m ■ go lne t th* Vln p rav lau a gam* th g m team alw ayi god ra th e r then g to r t and m ake a Ha opponeata oft w o rk ou t' a cam p • f ganerhlahlp a ■ •w ar In otteOH o a ta ly ta r th* Crt th ra e o r fo u r : .w orkad w ell In < ward player*, qui h av e m ade no m ■ a a u have mad*

Harvard hat al ga Its punUng g mean* of defefiM SUM U ftia. A ftI •aa xrlll k* a t a I ■ettud dfttaooe le Thortoga of the i hoot hootlgg f t ggoH dnd hli gvi OMaethlag tai the i pgrd advantage o ■ o m rd klcfeer*. f i s i it f t tb it U b area f t Vme*. Her gdMtiAitablp dee eveot. the Orim M M oA » ro w aWWOM IM g W MHmh* gad aata m ftaaldTea’B poMVkgiala’s «ft fte eevesa te e t B utf te aMpuaftd thai

* r C optala H akai•...... ......— ..


Pyitteaioa p p f tv a r d *0, t M* vsb a p OonwH M. O a rta sa e H i' R a tsaM TA Ms'FpJfA f t A m p «a,.Oi ftav eM T W t . n t u b a r g h i paw Tarn tl • a l p O iadi

A M U a. L a k ft* oa.": ~ftws_Bus a '

I I M t U « W M aiftfftM



EVENING NEWS. FiUDAY, OCTOBEK 15, 1918.7 , ' ^ / • ■1 “ -V i -

' t i



Ltcil Hi|h School ii Rrst Red Test . if Seuoi 00 Dnioi Ceootr


S outh aid* HIch School win h c v . > M ai Mat on tha (rid iron tom orrow lu f rM tln s th« llahw ay H lsh School « « » o n a t Rahway, a ahtlt In Iho I In . V hich Coach Ca»*Uaro f*«la will M r .n a lh a n ih< team inatw lally h a l •M n m ad ., i’bitip fav a , rcwular c .n - ta r , golnc to fullliaclt in |i|nui . f Oard- • • r , T h a r , l a 'a doubt In tha mlnda of •om a w hathar lha huaky man will roaha «ood In lha bachflald. Hla w alghl * d g h t to aland him In good ataad, how« •var, and In raccnl iimctlcta ha baa J h o ^ t i ab ility to buck tha llna In good

H olaad King, th . a lar of tha Haa- Brouck g a m . la . t Tuaatlay, haa aarnsd g ra g u la r berth. Hr aublted for Da Vita Jaal waah. Barnuac of tha way la which ha ran the laatn he haa righ tfu lly coma tn io hla own. t 'ap ta ln IJIoran and All- •opp w ill bo lha lialfbacha Jn tom or­ro w '. e n ro u n tir . Tha probabla llna-up of th a local team will ba: Bnda, Hillman an d tV ackonhutb. tacklaa, Alaaander and Rluina: guard .. Smith and Mount; oan lar, Wakoaky; q iu rta rhack , K ing; loft halfback, Allaop'p: right halfback; C ap ta in Bloran, and fallback, Fava,

M aataialr as. H ulkarfard,M ontclair H igh School and R ulhar-

fo rd H igh School got Into action a t tha R u th o rfo rd F itld d u b grounda tom or­row afiarnoon a t t o'clock. R utherford h a a baan travallng along a t a .paady eltp , and la th a favorite. With W hlla- h lll and W allaca playing their heat M ontc la ir will buck up agalnat a a iirt noorlttg combination. Tha former haa a c o r ^ about nine teuchdow ni In two Samoa, w hile W allaca I. aot very far bahind, W allaca la an aarallan l quar- to rb ack . Tha playara are all In tip ­to p condition.

If M onlclalr Intend! to wtn It will have to ahow a vast Improvomrni over th a laat game. Morgan Syratl, ona of th o few remaining veterana. I. a flrai- r a ta q u arterback , and la axpecttd la Otar. Tha llna-up of tha U oniclatr team w ill ba; Bnda, O'Connor and Oaborna; tack laa , Tiowarr and Dlnckle, g u ard ., P h il l ip , and Saylta; canter, Haarce; d tw rta rb ac k . Syreli; right halfback. F. Im w ea: left halfback, Summarfleld. and fu llb a ck , Stavonaon. Rutherford: Knda ■ohnelder and Lewla; tack laa Ward an d T ilton : g u a rd a Harrawa and Mu- euR ibar, canter. Captain Black, quar- ta rb ack . W allaca. rluhl halfback. W h iiah lll; laft halfback, Bonnie, aud fu llb ack . I’au an n an ta .

K oat O n a g e In hew York,E aat O range High School goea lo New

T o rk tom orrow afternoon to meet the H igh School of Commerce team at ban- nog Oval, L innoa avanua and IIM h a traa t. Tha gam e thould be one of the b a rd ea t on the auburban achool’a acbedulo. Tha New York eleven baa th a elrongeat teaia In tbe meirop^lc

Harvard Squad on Endurance Run and Captain Eddie Mahan


W am er’i E i i t O m p K m I Q m c S au o B w iA C l m ^

PMu m M M A f ln c t io i .

I b ESTU YO m C H m N E t A I I S tAnwncfto A. A. «T Em R Or«nff«

morrow «ft*r«oon wm pitiy imk ik M o f t h f M u o f t . W o r q t r b » |booliwd Putnam olnr, d ia n f lo o i a f tb* Junior O rdrr Lc«vue« aa tho aUraftr tion a t Orova Str««t Oval. KaM O tana^ Tba PutYiaaaa bava a alr«u f nin« aa4 oufbt to b« caiiabla o< hoMIng tbair o«ni with th« Amrrtcaaa. ospadatlr aiM t W anw f ahnouncta th a t h t wit) not iMva out hla ragular llna-up, Baar wtU h a r t ' Hughaa'a poauiaa oa tha a o n n i , whtla

a j|d know ing of tha rtren g ih of Kaat (ffang r haa prvpara^l far a hanf battla# Th< Y oikara hiivr ta o m«n on lha Wiuail who weigh over !0a pounda ao4 an o th er one who ilp i the acalaa i t 110.

r^oit ttritnae m il five New York with lie ■irortgeti line-up and Ifl confidant of a i r na- No New York t i im haa aver Oafeoted R ail Oranae and the iubur* batiltee Inalat th a t tbe racord will not Ire broken Tomorrow The 1lne*up foe Knit O range will be ICndi. F ran rka and H erm an , tack le i. Maynard and Chaae, auarde, FIjrnii aDil Thom ai; caii' ter. C u rtlo . q u a rie rb a tk . Lequln; right half, Conadon, left h i l t . Bloaa. and full* back, Ablfot.

i:a»t atia ta f*Ujr DleklaaaWeThe Ham Side v a n ! ir fi»tl>all team

d>f««ted the arrube to a practlea game o( Kaat Hide Perk yealerday and ih doing ao had vt-ry Itltle trouble, ae they showed up well on the attack- The I»w n Neck bfjya ere actuduled to meet the DIokin- aon n ig h School t<am et .Icraejr CUy t o morrow aftrm ngn. and are going Into the iMillle to redeem Ihemaelvet In the eyte <»f their eurportere for tha defeat handed them hy O n tra l laat Tueaday. Eddie Berg and Billy Atno are eapacted to tw mafhataya for the ha<kfteld.


OTEALLrRO M Sm U N EandFiaP _ ^________

;H arvardy With Fa ir Knowledge of Opponents'

Style of Play, Will Meet Virginia, Conquerors

Yale, at Cambridge romorroiv.-e-

H srv g rd wUl tik « In tu n i lom orrow w ith the U n lv tn lty of V frtla lk , the S M iihcrn chgmpion of tOM, which p v g Ygle g tum ble two week* g (0. T h ilc

^ g ce tw 'w in 'p srito lu will be In ie re tlin t, the r e tu lt in A curei of the c*>ne at New HsY«n and lh« Poe ( t C w ih rid t* will be of littig gervlee in determ ining the n lg iiv g n e r i t i of the Blue and Crim aon. H arvard h a i bad l i t warning and tw o week* to make fu rther preparationa. V irg in ia , on tbe o ther hand, hg* had th e u m e two weeka to itrong then iia a ttack an d defense.

Tha s r e a t ta l gdvantaga for H arvard la par h a pa an axcellant know ltdga of th a typa of play tha Vlrgtolana ara fol- law ln g and Juat w hat aort of S gaina th a Ind iv idua l, on tha Southam alavan a r a capab la of putting up. Raggla B row n and an aaalatant. both H arvard g ra d u a lc a and man aiparlancad in ■eouting mathoda, w althad tha Vlr- g ln lan a a t Naw-Havan and It la aa fa 'to s a y th ay hava glvan lha Crimaon aoaehaa a vary thorough idaa of tha ■ eu th arn ars ' w ay. T*he eoachaa tn to rn have, of couraa. praaantad tha In­fo rm atio n In a practical way to thooa w ho w ill tak a Ih t flald tomorrow.

W hatav ar th a raault. Harvard la apt t a am pley a mora varaatlla atlaok a g a ln a t tha Vlrglnlana than In any p rav tau a gam a thia aaaion. Tha Crlm- p e a taam alw aya procaada with cara, an d ra th a r than hit hard a t lha vary a ta r t and m aka a wild a ttam pt to ruah Ma opponanta off thalr faat, prafara lo w a rk out' a cam paign wharain lha bate a f ganarhlahlp will oaunt ga wall aa go w ar tn oftanaa and attaok. F o rlu - a a ta l r to r th a Ciiaiaon, d u r tn r th a taa t th ra a o r fou r yaara, tha plan haa .w orkad w all tn two w ay s Tha H ar­v a rd playara. quartarback and othara, hav a m ada no m lstakaa and tha oppa- • a a i a hava mada many.

H arvard haa alwaya dtpandad graaOy a a Its ponllng gama. tha naa of that tn it~ * of dafatiaa and atlapk a t eppor- tu n a tfOMe. Agalnat VlrgHda tha Crtm- •an wRi ha a t a dtsatvaniaga aa fa r aa aa tu a t dM anoa In klehlag I t otaaemad. Tharwiaa of tha aeuthern team did tha haat haotlag of tha yaer In tha Tala gaaia dad Ma avaraga on punti ahowad gataathlng In tha nalghborkood of tlflaan- yard advmntaga e ra r tha aan a work by B a rv s rd klekart. Ihtnild tha VlrglnlnaB M a r t ta tM s ktokina aama, t a d a t the

ItaBca, U arvgfd 'i atie g g tt «4U be dacieeatd. In aueh an

th e O rlauoa wHI be (eread te a f g ruiuilag a tta d i. th u s ena a te a iWr taat a f tha a a r e a r t «f-

• mms a a d gala aaena lu tl kaowtadge a t «ka aldtag'B pe««r i s advaaMsg tha halL TlrgiMg>a aad p ity wU, a t ewuMa. se t a tc raea ta a t B rag whaa H arvard la ha- t m aM guatad ihara ta alwaya tha ehgnM t a gMeg than eaea w tH aia by tha saa g | O aptata ita b a a In tha dani flaM, Ha a .... .. — ,-----— III J ,1.

r o o r i A U . T O M O tw n rO H c o i i i c i a M D a o »

r r l a a t t a a yg ta f a y a t lg W irvard va, Y lrtla ia .

v g lp H n s n iM diprgaU v a B a tto a il. g n t t t iiS g ih v a >Tangaat R u tg e rs ra . X g U ta h e rg N g v y jfg BeagaytYfukte.A iiair fg cO elg a la Btaves i v g O gterfard. n t la h u r g li vs. CM rM t.Bher T o r t VMverMiy « a Valan. M y Cneaa «g. .M w aokueetta

A g i la g 'L ehigh m 'A lh flg M . f h m i t a l a w . Oettyaburg.

I v a B edhtaler.I v g O gigden g g d .^onoradg v g


1i i hard m«n to itop In the open, b^ll In hand.

V lriclnli h i i i t t r o o f line, in d If one mmy Jud^e from reportj from Ctm* b r ld te Ihe Crlroeon It not getllnff on very well In the forw erd ranke. There he* been a deal of eb lf iln f from center Out to the tick lea , and It Ii quite likely th a t the Crimeon hnemefi will not play very well topetber | i 1e spc to be ■om ew hit of a teat Of Indlvlduala. im i there aHwio (me mos’ lewrn much of H arvard 'e atrenirth One may eee a ihorl»c<' of lf‘im work forward, but may aome fa ir idea of future poe- •IblLitloi by th r play of each man, whet- ever hla poiltlon may be.

H a rv ird may elmrt the o m e with io tn a w b it o f a patched h ickflcld, with pOMlbly MitaAti end the q u arte r aa the only re su la ro playlnr- UcKlnlock la out w ith ait In ju ry and word cornea tb a i K In f m ay not ba uiad. Wateon or W lloaa w ill probably play quarterback, W ateon la th a b e tte r aenerah bu t Wit* ooa la o f m ere value In td v a n d n g the ball and tn Intarferenoe* aa wall a t de* (anaa. w a u o u waa Loran*# ftra t anb- a titu te laat year, flheuld Wlleoa ba ttieib, howevaTp H arvard la not apt to m aka any aertoua m latakea tn frid lron B t r a ta t r Peroy H au«htoa pouada fe n - eraU b lp Into hla men tf notb lnc elae. No team oan a ffo rd to maha m latakea w han th e opponanta' Judgm eat la aloe* to rUwUaa.

T '

RO l’BLK, and plMty of It. la aiim ctad In aoccar football d r - H .i following lha opaning game, tomorrow of tba klanufacuirera'

boccor Football l.raai,e. I-Nari tliing point, 10 a w ar b a tw e n Ihe I'n ilcd S ta le , Foo tball Aaaoclatlon on on* >Ma ami tn* Atnarlcau F ooiIibII Anaoclndon. Ih- •National Aaaoclatlon Football I-eague and tha Now Ja ra ty Slat* Football A, aoclktion on lha other. The ihreai- «n*d apllt la dua to lha fact that p la y rn einployad In th* ahopa which will bavr K am a In tha league w ant to play with (he .h o p eleven . H alurdai’a and with I hr c lubi w ith which they have ilgnetl Sun- day* The I'nilort S^aiaa AecoctotUHi Iv ag u ln it thla plan It la i-lalmrd th a t a profeaalonal player i-.n play with no club hut the one with which he ha, ■Ighrd for the araeon The American Football Aasoclatlno. the State Aaao- elation and National League have a lready given th r lr coneent to the p lay e r , lo go aheiiil and lake part In the gam aa of the new laagu*.

- + -A num ber of a lar aoccar playera of

thla vicinity are employed In the ehope w hich hava learn t entered Thete p la y e r , a ta te th a t It la their Inlentlnii to Ignore tb* I 'n itcd Stale* Football Aaaoclatlon. W ithout exception, the p layera aaaert that If II cornea lo a qucatlon of deciding whether they will rem ain undar the Juriadlctton of the governing body or play with the ahop team * they w ill decide to remain with the .h o p taamo. U ffictal. of the .Na­tional 1-caaua are booilliig the ahop league and are defying tbe I'n iled S tate* F ootball A aiocltllon It la not llk tiy th a t a llh er tide will back down, an d fo llow ing tom otrow ’a gamaa It i t n p a c te d th a t the MCcar taama In thla t i a ta w ill pull away from the t,'. H F. A., In caa« Ih tr* ta any nttam pt mad* lo tuapend the playara. I’ractlcally all of Ih* taam a In thla tia t* and New York City will he affected. The war hai been b raw lng to r aevtral month*.

e ttam p to n * -4i t H l l tm

■Now th a t It la all over lha Red Bo* tta n d ou t t a a rem arkahle hitting team. T heir team balling average for Ih* lerle* la . ! ' l That of Ih* r iilllle t waa 111 D opciiti can figure ih li nut tw o way*. The Red Sox bigli halting average may have been due lo poor rh ila tle lph ia pitching, and the low to ta l of rh ilad e lp h la h ilt may have been due to phenomenal Red So* p itch­ing. The la tte r atium pilon lan't unreaaonahle, becauai It waa all Mg- ufed ou t befor* the aerlei ihui the atrongeat dapartm ent of the Iloiton a g g rag a tlo n waa the pitching. At that, though, tha pitching w-ork on tha diam ond didn 't ahow up aa any th ing ao very w onderful. FOiiar waa th* only m an who waa really a aenaallon. Hla w ork In the aecond game In Phlla- delphla, wher* he fielded hit poiltloh w ith really rtm ark ab le alilU and knocked In lb* winning run, aland* out a* Individually the moat brilliant feat of the aerie*.

ll lurnod out th a t tom aihlng waa lack ing w ith th* Phllll**' *tlck w ork, they •**m«d to lack th* •b tllly to bang out long h it* a t tho erlllcal momanta. T halr w ork •* rlt* r In th* **a*on In thl* d ap artm en t waa practloally aa good a* th a t of Iheir opponanta Tha only w ay to account for It, than, la to aacrtb* t t to tack of confUane* and to narvoaanoa*. Ludarua and Bancroft, w ith H v an and fiva hits, raasaotlvaiy, couldn’t w in th* aarla* alana, aesn w ith the aid of Aloxander Tha o th a n aoemed to ba h rpnollted by th* Im- portanco of th* ooeaalon. by tho tra- MendouB a ic ltan lan t. After th* firat gam * B ooloa loat thla aiag* fright. Th* taom d idn 't do anything atartllog though uatll tho firot gonw in Its hsaM town, and tliaa tho boll bagaa to goll. Tho PHin w ars auro of v icto rr, th sy w *N f ia o r to tsk o chanros. th a r iMd on unbon d in r dotsrm inatlon to get Ik s g u a ^ n a * o v sr arltk «ai«kly. T k ar did. Tho tao llag th a t victory was thatin, arllh lb* strong pUchlng, wog Iho goHoa fo r tho Boalon boitaro oftor Ihol f l m g a n o la tha Haasaebusotta onplfkl-

.1 '

W aM i H oM lr W n g M

F ro d d r W alalt .eoMoa oat w ith th s agaM noam ogt th a t ho I t wilUnc to f ig h t an d to ro tlrs . Ih o tw o o r t Ihikad to k o d ru h i sa tsn t, sa g arsf. w hda It la a o ta m p tsa w ho la u ih la g . K t m lg lit f tg k t, ro a know, giMl ra tlro «g- s a p ig t i i l r —r s th s t /a n td o a ly . In fn o t B n i w h a t r r o d i r M s n t la th a t k* la w U llag to ra tlro afkar fo ar a io n f lg h tg • r d a K ko Isa 't d sfw tsd , aad to 1stt t g u k a d r >* **•to r kig U gh tw slgk t ekaaiplonaklg tltla . Ho llg a r so U ist ko ana takd « t WilUg M takio . tk s tofaMT shaiagiaMi O tarlo f

P O O R s c r u b :A rookir iquaft tht cotliR^ bln.

To Kivi lh« i# im 1(« praan in i up. leui thouHh they l-hII ihe iu n g tk»«

irrtjh ,Vuvj never hear Ihey'r* e le tn ln a up.

n I Mil-i'.it

S I M P A R I T H M E T I Ciit«>) iiuH H i|uuIlerhiti u^ hn( wqijlrl thi- tlliririiiloriB of

illhHt'k hr?O

S I G N S O F T H E T I M E S .J fsfiirf» M tin 'Ji (>(<1

fiiit Mtji eK> h Kcd titrn iTCCrfor «•«< h ijiiiit- hd* iTl th« #erlelAc'^pttni; lb ht'uT wnd forly-flve mln- uttH MR iVt-rM'* treutth “f a i im r ,he VA ai ir«'1ng |<ild 17 !B e inirut*

Nt/w tlirri. If ti ball pl«y«r iu( Rti-idy work. F'>-ry minute of ever> hour of v-ivrv tUv *'f the SiA in the yr*r hti Kulerv WaaijM lie |3 MH.SItl. Hy ■ llltle e<*ciiomv N, fellow getHnH pihl i t thi*

I'otvhl »av> etkoiigh l<v buy beef> Rleuk (w t'f n vv ef k In h)p devUli1h<

Anil It H happenni io h" tviP ) c i r I.ed l3>v4T,iJI. All of which got* ».r ihow ihet In ir lte nf war* and ru- mere o f w nr. IT» ipHF t'f Ibe prophe- (iei, ihe onlv ilga of The time# aU h vihic'h rhf ere conceriwd—if the dol­lar

THINK OF IT!N hkketpeire !■ ta1<l to h a v i h id a

vociliiilil'jr of 1 4 . wordi . A lUpply t ik i th«t m uil m ike tb t g ra ro pallar of env) eteal over lb* f i a ta r a i of Md'iRre K iu ff. Muger in d o lh er um* pare b a lte ra

oA C O N T R I B U L A T I O N .

I In III* liifty of bulldint.In The far-off I’htladelphto

Bill a hiinchid and wretched blackbird tvalling ■ tVoo !■ me. ah me!"

On lua hrcaat a laded " P ' t'un. ulxea

On the hatliemeuia of B.wton,Mtandlng airalxhi another bird

Hhri1I.T criei in mo-'klng gloo,■ Wod lit you. but Joy tn m e” '

(In hi* breaet a crimaon'"B”I-tal:da forth


A N G L I N G .In one way flam liton Fleh. th * old

H arvard captain, |e well q tialtfled to In a tru rt the all alara he w ilt lead on 111* flald agalnat R u itera . F ish ought to know aom eihlng about th* ana l* of eluding a tackle.


another chanc* at DUIon and hgv* tha winner maet WelnerL

Th* BuDivor, of courae. would b* matched with th* winner of lha Coffay- Horan bout and th* victor might b* th* r lth l man to fact Willard.


W hite. Johnny DurJSee in d Joe M»n- | a rhanco In the ellraiaatlofl trial* and *o dot He !■ tra in in g now and w nn li j doei WVInerl. rtavHge ha« ■ good rlalm. Iti begin the te r l* i th i flr*t of n e i l tr rsu e e hr J* the only bo ier that ever y rn r and ftnleh H ahom July 4, tSoiw \ *tupped Moren iccompllihlng the alunt ib i i he a a n l* id do thl*.) Frrd<b five round* Welnert davlilvelyhi*n i ki^pt in fighting Iflm right , whipped Coffey hi niltfed«lpbla laat Oc

Bawbalt and track and flald athlattca are dova «u tba Bpeidvay Athletic Club ichrdula for Huoday rooming and nftar- hoon at the Uolordrotne Oval. The Oak* leaf Fi*dd < Lub of E**t Orange will croaa h a ti with the S|>eedwara In the tn n m in g 'iV t of TlbtN^■ rM) Ihe Vitiaburgh Tlgero will be th*(ipponrnti lo the afternoon. The ftaid ^ e ( w'lll' follow tha aftemr>on baarball.

For Y. Z. Qiestiou iM Aniwen id Adtiitioul SportiM Nows

Sec P ag e t 3 2 a d 3 3 .

SMBS "KIXB- BBiTIJII,Patnan Jr. a ti. JU H. Tsaat'a Stag

Pitcher, Who Will Oppoo* Agitr- lean* Tomorryw.

the champlou WUJ rolp an King Beatig and Bendor as s bMtar?. Bsstl* boa batg twirling wikBing ball for Uw PutaaiM. for aereiwl r*«US sad t* bow rsBkdi oa on* of the cftT* k*dt sad# lot fwtrlafh

NsrdoU 1 Orang* D. B. C. sloaM Itt aoaaon laat wash with s vtctoar OYSt thk BdtwHi Oub. Tb* Onag* hoy* M « claim tb* Boml-pro chsnwIiniaSilp of tha Orangot. B*l Vrano'o groat wstk ( i t Naidair* taom, coiipltd Wtth LsbbF. Kllng'a botUna uid Jo* Hsrtta'a glfrklBfc war* wlnnlns factor* In th* toM*’* lanf

id foatdataata I* tba lawm'a r**ord.

Th* Weatlnahotia* aln* wilt Waatingbau** Club o f t i l l tomorraw afternoon *1 Colunbis OraL FoeaM tflit. Th* l i l t boy* onttured Ui* pantiant NY the Hanutactunra’ IdagiM. “nM tasM Included llasa, •paary, Armatronak Habarbutk, HrOM. S h w and Heal*?. M of whom ar* axpoctad will Uas-iip of^M B th* preeant t*

P r i newton v*. f A la y e u s

Prlae*too will uk* on aasthar huaky •leven lonurrow, th* fourth of tb* ata- *bD. aaorattown, Rutg*r*, BYTacti** and now Lafayotu, and aot an opgoaaat that ha* roaomMod Iht eld Utp* eteven* that drlftad tala Pnanoton to ilv* tk* Tlaara

Usht practlc* preaaialdtr to Mt Kaek ManijM (sr aa ntatortai

a Mt td lk fatl*to maaaura up wall wtth tkd othatt

taat hava oona kafota, thoogh pssMklg aat as airaag as Hutgora dr g/r aakps- U m Eastostaa*. hswavar, hava a htMhr la a n of aaipariaRcad anan who tfS taane lag uaiiar aa esoiliaat ooaah. H mf pUy«d a ratbar poor gaSM laat wtab. hut wan haadteappad hr sabatlMiaa.PMa MaafloM. oaa of tb* ktad latfclaa la th* stkairr. *aa *a th* HdatiMS aad aa* *r Iw* a g w ngalM* did sot ptaj.Pats *iM Ih* dtkar aMwitaaa a n now nadp fsr Ik* haiu*.

PHapYtoa hat pYagram d aaaMwh t la tgMB work this wath aid « a r 'ks aa- pbaltd .to pUg a kMtsr gaia* oa aHaa** aad dafaaa* pm* a , wart ago. Joha Huah, Ifca M d sYMht fH* paabaUp ast givaa hla M*a tap mm pMpt, hut ha* had aasMMr wsak ta ptrfm ih* iimpi*<4t*aa* Mnadr taaiBi m asstaa wQt

UM hlsMieapawi Yrtth Drlita (Mag tk* svar-tMad

piPq gai, eiHiqat tasi dMuYdar, will agiH sail agea TihbUt'ta host tb* hall an r th* srsis

tt ahouM ast k* iMssatair.' how- pssisd. la *U tha gaaaa* Iht dsttaas OYor, with th* tpp* of aCfoast that Ruth has haop straag, Maatdsrlag th* lata- la MMhiat- >t Is « ( ihg right dsalga partapasd pMpara aad Uw aapgMMsl aad tb* waa OM hoakp gad Mgaadp «oadhlM> r*r two waplM Jtai Cwhmp anough i» taak* tt Bd. TMi* wsWi Ig ar baa had abarga at tb* ila* wovh aad •aarta aocaaaarp aad that ahauM l e CaaMg. orttb wMp la baad. I* aapau*

ot daMg ttuah good. Th* Cm iMpriTr-i"“ M waak and

U i d a U

along and h* mn> to up agaiuat aomo men ulio ha ie . Take Charlie White, for luatance. He can be ra lher In ­delicate not to say rude, when he get* in to a rin a , as hi* recent Boalon per- form anca* Matlfy. Freddy m ight do well lo save (Tharll* for lha laat bout of Ihe four.

KIvlal and botliJiThe reglei ration commute* of tha

M elropo tll.n Aaaoclatlon of the A. A r . haa ahown com m andahl. prom pt- neaa In fo rcing Roico* r . I'am phell, official hatidlcupper In Troy, lo gi*n ool Ih* n am e, of the a th le te , whom he rei'en tly .■■cuoed of demanding ax- o rb llan t expena* money for oppearlnk In racea a t hcheneclad,'. The com m it­tee had Abel R K lv l.t of the In ih - Amerlcan A thletic r iu h and H arry J Smith of Bronx Church Houa* before 11 last night and .ek ed for *om* e i- plan.itlon. Th* men didn't Improve Iheir l a .o a p y by appearing wHh coun- lel nnd try in g to obalrucl Ih* preaenla- lion of evldance. Campbell waa not present Th* commllla* adjourned w ithout m aking a daclxlon and will dem and th a t h* glv* hla aid* of th* story. If he can 't aubalantlata It. h it raa lgnallon will be aakad for: If he can. lha a th la tea will ba pravonlod from p a rtic ip a tin g In fulur* A. A. U. com- peililona. Thla la th* aecond tim e th* recent ly appointed eonm ttla* haa tak en a vlgoroua stand.

- + -Qur«Y H « i V | w « i g N l N i l t i a U o n

Th* question of salacttag an abl* op­ponent for Joa* Willard, th* chamotwn. ha* now aiminored down lo but a few caodldataa. two of whom will have It out this month a t Naw Tork. Jim Coffay and Fraak Moian Juat now loom up aa th* moat logical oontandar* for ih* crown wora Ini' th* Kaaaaa oowboy. It I* hoped that th* pair will aatU* th* quaatlon of FipTiaunT when they meet at Madlaon Squar* Qaidob, Oetohor It. In a tan- round hout. Of court*, ther* ar* otbar haavltp who laalal thOY have a chant* or thouM bo gtvon oonslderatloo, chieflp among Uisaa, bolag Ohtrll* Walnsrt and Jtm ttaVigB it Ovaaf* and J*«k Dillon «( Indiaaapil*. OunMnl Smith, who should raallp got th* tlral Omsk at WUlari, boa boaa abowttw sath poor form of Ut* that he I* out of tk* qiMOtloa, *• Is Al Raich. Smith lo th* oidp boxar that avar dbtalnsd a iwaittp round gadalon w ar Jaat.

Th* hoavpwalght altuatlon, that of plchlas a man ter WQtard to matt, la a gaodr *M . K o n a add Coftap ar* looksd upon hr tha maJoMtp of flshl tans aa t t * t w * twat man I n t t * dNalon. J i m

toMau tta t h* m «ht ta b* biym

S tCo iliaT IreP rQ fll o iC p b M i u U o b T i r e sTMiili or Itl O ut «r ttw blihdst

,tioa tlrsg m si* aoM (»r Itw iMogir ibgg pnftm d 4ttlgn Mf for pp- M tk d o ta M ird ‘

f W *K M . . . . S7.W


t o i i m . . . . , ».«0 10.10a 2 a 3 H ..- .< l l .0 f ,11.00J t e t . . . . l& TI 1 M «94x« . . . . tO J»


toiler, droppltif th« Irlih h iiv y w ttv h t In th e fifth round (or i ihort count. But iluA i comri DUIon, who h i i d rf iq tid both VVelnrrt and AiVigR, m d who UUnki he can Urfeal WlUard t( vertalnly l» a guMf iltuAtloi

When the Uak of an op*poo^m for WtUiird li aiartcd th i pro* m o trri « Ut not look for the rla^ e re it ooi uf th« lot, hut for tb« une they thJnk will b« ripablq of plvinp lha (-hamplon iK il iMitJe- jr ih ty wanted th« clav«r«it th^y wouldti t have to tto vpry far, fof W rlnerl h i t tha edi# In ih«t reapact. (^'hartir ii too y<iunf to fo up iqalnvt a man ot ^ ]Ua^d a hulld* fnr *\ tn thquRh h<* la I 'le irr h« (rouM not hoi'v tu f opq with tha mnn that Jack Johnaon roughed around for t«rnt)'-alx round# and than had to Mta lha duat.

At any rala, Wrinert. Kavap# and Dll- J >D ought to be given 4 chani-e hefora tha final aelertion la mada. Ona way out of II would ha for Horna antrrpriaing r>ro- .notrr to arranga a a a iitt of aiimmatlon tjouta. T>lUon kqovked out W^lnart, but he didn’l knof'k out ftavaga. T hai en* lltlea Jim lo a lltttr tha benafit. aay w^ma. But then again W'etnert heat Kavaga. Tha meat could ha atralghtenad out If Dll- ton fought VVrinert and the wlnnar met Aavagt. The Idaa would ba for W'alnart to wipa out hJa knockout dafaat in d than iyy to put A ivagi out of the running. Another way would h# to give Savage

M o y ^ 'lo S a v i- A D o lla r 'T o ld b v trip f/ew < :rk S h o v M a k e r

T he game principle tb it makes * an automobile cost coo-

aiderabty leas when produced by the hundreds of thousandr-that same principle is what aaveg you g d o l l a r on every pair of NEWARK thoee-QUANTmr PRODUCTION.

We ee!l over two mUlion pain of NEWARK ihoea through 157 Newark stores in the United &atci.

> diomlupHr wlndewt *ad you

f3» Q L ^


188 MARKET ST. 0 2 MARKET ST.* Usvr. ICset *1 g ro * a SI. N**r WumiwslM ft.

.Ye,t la N a rm F a C*l*Bolh Klam Are Opo* Hlghl* •* Aeea*mS*l* Owt ru taM tew

Mali Order* .hipped by Faraol Fs*l.inker Yrwark klaro* Mnrbyi Jersey Ctly, Habakeo. r*ler*—,

Msroooe. l i t ai**** lo *T ritfe*


T hisB aautirulE lactrlcaU 3rU gh tod& S tarted % '■ m

CHEVROLET ‘4-90* F R E E !See It in Our. Windows * • im M a g A ^ t J •



'f i i


rlf' '

Last week of this sale of Suits and Overcoats, values $18 to$22.50, at

N E W A R K E V E N IN G FB ID A T . 18, U 18.

Bamboier’s Saturday Shopping Honrs, 8 3 0 to 6 o QoABetween


OurselvesTIm MW BMibMftr s te « h si

tMt •PM ttim yM" »«»»”??•SpMklw lo Wiil' •» ®» '•>*?*•

«oibra;T brtim I eta My tl)»i(bm yMfi b*T* bten ibc

•ad moM fniitfal af <nir n Ww. And b«tnt H» h«P-

It fotlowt H it »h«y h«v« been

(tore WORKS. |£ r > r tS * e f . . i« « le SIKECURE la the whole eeubllibment. We wwit bard, bM beeauee we have to, M b Z ^ • • VANT TO. The daya ere boon loo ataort and tbe veekt a«d montbe and yean fairly ullep by,

Tbera a n no poUtlee In tbie otore; M cHduee; no intriguca We arc all werkini for a conimpn end— •oeooaa. I do not know of another •ten e ^ n tbo abeence of theee Ihlato li n o n noticeable.

TMe io a BETTER atorc today Aaa It waa the IQih of October, t i l l TUa m a boner aton today Aaa H wao a yoor t |o . Tbia la a

•ton today than It waa laai or rroa yooterdayl Wbal •I tblaga tbo fittnn bolds

la oioro for tbo honn of Bombercer l••lHUyfontold. Our pool ocbiere* aMBta jdll bo iaoiinllcani la com-

T S b U .

altnatd te nab* ladas-'e ponelvM'' a ssrt of mu* Ml ajr RNTHUHlxaM

iTOHTt.THOCkely I bave aMde eewM*

what of a n e u of n, but oIm m take tha t n S r t of it la aUae of the


Boys* Shoes Fall Weight

M-E-N“Stein-Bloch” 25.00 Suits

“MONROE^ is the name of the first. It it an English cut—alim, perfect, form-fitting lines that lend a tall, clean- cut appearance to the wearer. Soft roll front, athletic cut vest, patch pockets end other features equally important. The new "Cyril" stripes are featured in the materiala. Price 25.00.

*^AXON” is another handaome suit. It is not so ex­tremely ‘.'English" as the first model, but it is cut along the same lines. It is not so snug. It does not fit so close. It is designed for rndn who demand more freedom than the English "Monroe" model gives. Price 25.00.

"STANDARD" is the conservative model. Built for the man who cannot and will not wear either the "Monroe" or the "Saxon." Nevertheless, it is stylishly cut and finished. It is minus the slimness of the other twiA models. Men of mature years prefer this suit. Price 25.00.

Bamberger 15.00 Fall SuitsBest in Town at the Price

This is no idle statement. It has been proven agiin tnd again. No suits sold In Newark at $15.00 are so well tailored and finished throughout. No suits at this prica can boast of such a wide and splendid range of materiala. These are the features which have made the Bamberger suits at $15.00 the best In Newark. ‘

F all and W inter T op C o ats , $15.00 to $25.00Tbo new wide, fret, boxy effect li all the (o. The ttyle-lovini

young fellow demendi thie type of coat. It la ewagger, and at tbe Mme time dreaay. You would not hoeltate to weir It ciiber over your dreM ckrthea or buiinete suit. Nowooi coloringt—but th ^ a n mb- duod aorta.

Special empbaaie an the KuMad Fall Top Cooto ot ia.N. ' BAHBEROKR'i, IRCOHD PL4X)R

you equip the Uttle fol- towa w ith ' Bambarger’a "Foot IM ae i* ’ bhoea you insure them agaia tt the cold and damp of aa n n sn waather. Basidea, you give ttiom coffifort, foot-eiae and B oenaidarabla am ount of •tyla, l i i e h tbe little fdlowe v a s t aa much aa their fathere or Mgger bro theft.

•eyp* bea ceW "Believe Blvehof” vHb gieM been eak eeiea, Good- fear wMtod. Built on tbe "Foot- Tndaer” iMt Sliea 2H w SH, at

Beys’ Ounavtal end Pstoat Coll Buttoa aad Laos Sboaa. HsveCaod*year odidtod bottoma. Oa tbo "Foot- tialaM" loot I to 6 ^ . At

■Me’ Ouamotal Blndvr and But- Itu Bbooo. A shoo tha* io oorvlco-gbla, betb for ocbool and droM woar. ^ fh e t^ M f" last Sisoo I m 5)i.At IMandSJM.

la gmrawtalUttlo

a Blaebor aad buttoa, also paioat •a "Ftet-Trainar” laat. Sixes

• to IIM. Prioid SM m i t.TI.•M BHBdBRtl MOOI*D PUIOR

Sale 1.50 to 2.00 Shirts, at 1.15Men who arc alive to big opportunitiea will be quick to stamp this tale with their

approval, aa hundreds of men have done daring the past several daya. This is a ule of aeveral thousand of the finest novelty shirts we have ever seen for this price or any­where near it. They are actually $1.50 to $2.00 shirts. We have them in hundreds of colorings, in both the plain and plaited style, and in all sizes from I3H to 18. They are wonderful shirts—so decidedly different, both as to pattern and style. Men are buying them by the tvoa, threet and half dozens.


Save onThese,M enMEN’S 1.00 TIES AT «0o-Ne

■aa eeutd ask baitar tics than fh ia i. Wo offOf tboa la a bril- Utut aoMriwoal of coloringt, bo«fa loud SBd oubdaod offoeis.TbOM iIm will look wolt pooping

ddlWtioovor tbo top of tbo BOW Englisb vetls. Groat variety of paworao. $44# por H dosen.

MEN’S 140 AND 140 PA­JAMAS AT SOe-Oudag laoMl paiamso, that are lamo, reomy ■ad coBfortablo. Brawl aacori- itiMl In the aowcti potlomo.

MEN’S 75c NIGHT SHIRTS AT 500—TboM oroof oitrs botvy quality, aad bavo outra long bedim—bolng 52 inebos long. Siaos 15 to 19, In a doMrabw range of coloringa.


M en’s 1.50 U nionSuits, 1.10

Velvet Ribbed Un- derweir. ,

Made of Combed Egyptiin yarn. Lon sleeve, snkle lengt style,

They are slightly Im- Mrfect, but the wear- iniIng qualities are unlm* paired.

Warm, comfortable union suits at 1.10.BAIIBBROBR'S 1ST FLOOR.

M en’s Fine ShoesOur best advice to the

Newark man is to wear a good, heavy soled shoe these days, with plenty of style to

400 New W inter Coats for GirlsDeveloped pt Fathionable Maieriah

. }^armly IntertinedAs this article is being written many of these coats

are being unpacked. They are new in style and in fabric, cut along the modish lines that even the “littlest" girls In­sist t»on and which mothers find so likable.

There are models for tiny girts, for bigger girls and for "fast growing girls," who have outgrown the regula­tion sizes intended for their years.

And there are as many prices as there are models.

G irb ’ Z ibeline C oats a t 5.00Little girls like coat*,of zibeline, because

it ie toft and warm and glossy, all at once. A good model it cut with a Rare and a belt and finished with a smart velvet collar. In green, brown and navy, 5 to 8 yean.

Girla* W in te r C oats a t 7.98CMinchillai, teal plush and zibeline in many

aiylet, and a very good-looking corduroy coat of wide wale, tailored, flaring, with a vide belt.

G irb F u r T rinuned C oats a t 10.98Of soft zibeline, well made and lined

throughout, fur on collar and cuffs. Other models in teal plush and broadcloth, strikingly developed. All the prevailing colon.

Girb* S m art C oats, 12.98 to 20.00Coats for dress wear, in broadcloth, silk

lined and fur-trimmed. Very warmly inter­lined. Alio coats of imported corduroy and seal plush, autumn shades.


Little Fellows* Fall TogsFine Corduroy Suits, Extra Knickers, 5.00

Boys are delighted with suits of corduroy. These little suits are particularly well made. The quality is all there. It is surprising that we can offer auch high grade suits for as little as 5.00. th e costs are khaki lined. Sizes 7 to 17 yean.

it. Our cork sole shoe at 6.00 is remarkably sturdy and good-looking. It has brown vid kid lining.

We are showing a tan box calf blucher, made with double heavy soles, st 6M.

At 4.50 we have • hand­some all laca Russia calf shoe, on the yean| man’s lu t. This shoe alto in dull calf.BAlfBERaSR'a, SBCOND FLOOR

SUITS WITH EXTRA KNICKERS AT 840—No better suits In town for tbo price. Wo offer thorn In (ray, olive end brown colorinss. Tbe knickert ere full lined. Every mother knows they double tbe life of the suit.

SUITS WITH EXTRA KNICKERS AT 7.#C-You cenoot dupllcete the aseortmeni of models which wo offer in tbii lot tl S7.00. They arc emartly tailored, finely finished throu(honl, and stylish in every line for the little fellows.

SUITS WITH EXTRA KNICKERS AT 1#4#—Hsnd-Ullored sulta. If you with iray, olive or brown—wa btve It. The cloth li fin* Scotch tweed—that looks end wears so well. Sixes 9 to IS }uars.

NORFOLK SUITS AT 3.P8—For tbe price we doubt whether you can find tulta ao tood. Porfectly tailored. In hi(h-tra#e materiele.

NORFOLK SUITS AT 1.95—The price Is very moderate. The euftt are extremely fine for tbe price. Tbe tallorina end finish arc all that could be deelred. They have patch pockets.

MACKINAW SPORT COATS AT 5.55—These coats are bound to be popular with tha boy*. They look to well and have tbe much de- elrod swagger about them.

OVERCOATS FOR THE BOYS—The lime to aelcct the Ilille fel- low'i cost It now. Full toooilmonit ire here io eiici from 2 to IS years. F rlcoo |195to911


IMPORTANT!ISc. 21c, 22c and 25e

Pllh>w 'nibiiigB tl2H c36, 40, 42 and 45 incliea

wide; remnant length* An extra heavy quality that will wear like Iron. While It lasts, I I Me a yard. Pirat Floor.

12Hc Octagon Mesk lltagneYiV dltag , Sc Y ird

This veiling cotnei in small, medium and large octagon- shaped mesh. Choice of Mack, navy, taupe, purple, brown. Firet Floor. '

S9c WMte Hilmtii SUkat4$c

lilk,one yard wide. A servioeanlc, •ailtfying material for waitia, dretsee, ehlldren'a wear and lingerie. Second Floor,

VBztooa LOO Aitldca of SUtrerware, P rie td 67c Baby sets (food ptnhor and

bib.chain), baby tpoons, olivo ipoont, olive forks and apears, cnease aervera and pearl- handled lemon fork*. First Floor.

76c Browu and Black CoMjr For Bt iSc

Very fine quality for trim­ming suite and drostes. Two Inchei wide. A popular 75c grads; reduced for Saturday to asc. First Floor.

Interesting Prices onWomen*8 Apparel Infants* Pretty Bonnets and CapsA Taitored Broadcloth Suit at 27.98 (os iUustraied)

A i ^ t M givB tkm dar Hnaa to th* ra th tr ^ m p figura. Tli# bank Mmw5 i wida tatwrtad p aa tl, aad tba two narrownr panola are in frontwUh croai ploooa of tbo motorlol tot in )«•* bdow tbo vtiatline to give

io in bipg long-waioMd offset. Tbe coot io in bip loa|tb, buttoning atmight to tbo ebit. vbb btock bone buttone, which ere otoo need profutely u trim- flitag. Tbe ntrereible collar b faced with velvet, tod tbo skirt la plain with cBff poefcetB.

Atttatfon ia d ram to tbo line qualitr of tbia broodcletb. If you prefer a faMrin med model we have a aplendid eeeortment at thii end other p r i ^ in oil poptilar nnterialt, colors end fart.Women's D ress S k ir ts a t S.OO, in a ll fabrics & colorings

A naMtiade of otyb* tor woer with tailored end fancy blouses. Os* owogfor model ie in o jnannleh mix cloth with imitation pockets trimmed with buttons. It lo shirred ocroe* the back with a loose belt.Fur-Trimm ed C orduroy Coat a t 15.00

This 1* e very emart modoL cut oe full fitit lino*, with a i^ l th bolt. The sailor n d ouffo oro odged with dyM epooouin. Unod thrangbout with • good

Other oeets la eilmaroo aod plain cloiba, with oet-ln and raglon titovoo and tare bottoBW, an alas matkod a* tbia lew price.IFomEfi’f W ool Velour Coats a t 20 .00

Ityttih gmmonto la plaid wool vtlour, with the cellar piped Ie velvet. May ha buttoned to tbo cMn or worn low. Very pretty and practical. Velour la one

There is not an item for the deer Kttle to t that mother* will not find u* ready to supply. Our department it crowded thia acaton with the m oat charming little coats, the neweat and d^ntiMt little caps and bonnets, and the cutiningeal dresses for the little ones.

WHITE COATS OF EIDERDOWN, CHINCHILLA AND CORDUROY NOVELTY MATERIALS—Made with bclte end without bel'te; tome of empire iiyle*.Otbere a n trimmed with fur of different kindt. Pricee range from •» low ei 240 In easy lUgei up to 16.98.

COLORED COATS too numerout to de- •cribe Individual ones. Every color Imagineble t*

dieplayed and ere mede In corduroy, vciveti, broid- cloth, plush, bouclee end mlxturee. Many art trim­med with fur. Prices ranee from 140 to M.#^

CHINCHILLAS FOR LITTLE BOYS AND C lR L^D ouble without belts. In navy bine, illver gray and brown,

PRETTY BONNETS AND HATS-Whelher built on plain lintt or "picture" linee, will be found In great variety of both colon and ttylee. All the newest Ideal In velvet, plueh, cbinehllla, cloth end ellk. Alao fur hate for the little once. Not a tinalo little bonnet that the moft critical mother would dii- ipprove. Prices range from 75e to 10.00.

CORDUROY TAM O’SHANTERS-In navy blue, black, white, brown tod Copenhagen. Mede with rub­ber In band to fit eny tlie bead. Price, 50c.

and sintio breaited ttylee. With and

Exquisite Millinery, 9.50Pricee range from 545 to 8.98.

Sale 88-N ote

25e Silk Taffeta Rlbbtmi, 19c ■ Yard

Plain ollk taffeta ribbess In the moat deelraUe colorings; 5}« tnchco wide, with a corded c ^ . Excetlom ribbon they •re. P int FIoot.

20c Oriental Nut Coraatds at 15c Lb.

Chocolate Ravored caramels, cut Into iqutrct tnd filled with peanuts end filbert nut mcaie. Take home a pound or two. Pint Floor.

60c Roll Y>p Brad Boxea Reduced to 39c Theohybmd boxea ore of

retniar family six*. Tboy art painted white and art ttandl- ed with tha word* "Bitad and Cake." BBsamul.

of tha I a’o-BMW popular BUterlals.BASIBVROBR’a. THIRD FLOOR

NEWW om en’s Shoes

a t 6.00

Extremely chic hats, developed in first quality silk velvet and hatters' plusb, admirably trimmed with bands of fur, large metal buckles and smart ostrich feathers and fancies.Black and color*.

A velvet trlotme li adorned with 1 bird's head end long coque feathers, ftllioi back- werd over the crown.

An elangated tricorne (lllui- trstedl It adorned at one side* with t wheel of Imiiallon egret.

A graceful picture hat (illue- tratedl hat en exldlHd Milct ^Sitndlth buckle In front tnd a / gloMy black plume at the back, f

And there are many etbar*. ' - v

M usic R olls

{tu i)

The extraordinary beauty of these blonaoa, combined with the remark­ably low price at which we have mark­ed them, compela the ettention of every woman who ia a judga of ma­terials, stylo and workmanriilp.

A satin atripe crepe do diloe, flesh or whitt, hometltched.

Crepe de chine with bands of filet and veotoo of shadow lace.

Plaid taffeta with collar and tie of ploin color oilk.

GiorgBtto end crepo de chine in flesh and whits. '« Geer ed ehif

Embroidered Mlk net i i )Mket of- foct, wiBi colored velvet.

Block lle t loce jecket effect over white allk null.

Cream ahodow lace over chiffon, with hoovv lae* trimming.

In all thia apteodid aaaortmant you vrin turoly Bud tbo blouto yen w m t otSjOOk


Black mat kid is the material employed, and the graceful, foot-fitting vamp Is outlined with white stitching. The Louis Cubfin heei Is of leather. This model 1$ also shown In patent leather with vesting top. Both styles have welted soles.BAUBEROER'e, SECOND VtjOOH

Many of ihew ban are hand mada on buckram foundations with wtrad edges finished with liny foldi of velvet or silk. They •re recommended to women who appreciate flnenett of workmanihlp.


Former price 41c, now tSc Former price 54c, now SOe Former price dOc, now S8c Fornwr price 79c, now 45e Former price 89c, now 5le

Never before heve wa offered pleyer-plano owners a chance Ilka thia la secure a cbeioa library aelae- ilon of Opcratle, aeesic. Dance and Sacred Music.


B arringer G irl C orsets

Theae eoraete oMSt every requirement of the' growing girre figuit, giving eupperf wlthoui Interfering wHh de­velopment or treeden of movement. Made ef etraag coutU, wMl boned. Eight modcu from which lo aeleet 1.09 I* 5.99.


Six Important Items in Sale of Women*8 Handbags

Fur F low ers and N o v elties

The maiority of theao Mgt are Rne enough and pratty ououili for Chriatmai giving. Jt would bo a good plan to buy several now. Their prices are remarkably low.

GENUINE PIN SEAL HANDBAGS, 140—Theae foraMly eold at 2J0. Thay ira In nwlen shape, amall size, moire lined, with purea mid nilmr. Black. ' > tV

140 MOROCCO HANDBAGE, 1.19—Melon eheped, iteMP Hn«d end lilted with puree md mirror. In black and colort. Vill waar very weH.

GENUINE MOROCCO LEATHER HANDBAGS, 140—Ferp^y pricedIt la dlfflcatt to cenceivt of fur being dainty, yet this bulky sub-'

•lance aeblevee |usi auch en effect In a variety of new mJlllnery Irim- mlngi, which we have fust placed on display.

rmeily prieat $3.00. Mfioo eheped, with pltlted frenle, puree aaid mlrtur. NIem tiaol

GENUINE PIN SEAL HANDBAGS AT iM —Fortaerty eeM at S ^ . Of

K fur belle, belenclni en wire etemv, are H e and 55e.a and novelilee, Includlag bude enciroled with fur, lower*

with fur peteli and a seen of charming novelties In light and dark fura

superior quality, Httad with nurae, m lm r and pqwdar has. Mein Hoed. FINE LEATHER HANDBAGS AT IJO -Form er eelMog prim 2.00. tin

combined with liivcr tlniel, a n priced at from SOe le 5.95.Fur band* lor nItUnery trlmmlna; aonulna boayor. autrla, krtminer,

nieh, Alaska end nkuak, opoMUn end kollneky. •St *• a m ravd.lAMBBRqRR'O, THIRD FLOOR

atal, acat, goal akin, eaal aod nwreem ia eeveral attractive etylee, with It- tint*.

SEAL AND MOROCCO CRAIN HANDBAGS, no^Theie an iwular- ly priced at 1.00. Sevetal good eiylm to aeleet from, Sited up la dlffeiwt way*.


I] iportan t O fferings in F ine F u rn itu rem


IIIINGTON TABLE—TWa la ^ r iv e ly the

■ of furniture lo

bffott* over filet net, with color- liffoB embroidered medaUlons.

Adim Pwlod Bffd Roooi PieeeB Bedseffdn (JUutrated Abort)

n # Oreewr Is II iMhee 1o«e , |1 lacliee Oeen, SM I Ite lM sek Frwek ylate Mirror. Has two w w l and lotm drawers, and la triMiaed wttk am oiiea fcaDdle* n {m iil .e e . at -atm .

ba bag t« malMUoar. and In wal

aad had atwo

Tfc* abava dreaMr ma; ■ul. wllb a taxti-lnnh

Tha ebUtoMlar I* a aa iOlSw Wtdfi ha* a 1*■*11 aM fear larf* draatera;

draaaar aad la Mat iwe

Mrtaat ■ateb te tk* dr«avwrjfr^iiPlSk^Tj

The arijiMia table Ie II Inebee w tiR bea ew* teas draw- | P M la ItiwT im h trtfiieate m tn m t ragmar aA.((, at

‘Tk* kadetaM la (eU ala* aod t* a ferfaat mat«h te the tar lUrN. at 9994R

beat knewa ringle plact Aawriea. It peaaeaeia alt the grace and ckara ef tbe origlaal sow at Mount Ver- ■oa. The lop dtawer Ie fitted with a illd- lag sad removaMa tray, and has roomy •adpedkete. SpoelM at 95.75.

OOLOIN OAK OR MAHOGANY FIN- KBR—Has breod benliter hock


npholatered In high gnrie taaeeiry, baa earn baak; regular ft540 at I1T40.

THREE-PIECE MAHOGANY UBRAKY SUITE—Maaetve frame finiilied larich mskoitny, choice ef lapeetry, leatiier or velour; regular $100.00, at $5740.

SOLID mahogany, 4 - IW n S tB ff IAL BED-Thia bed I# bu«« .<>« ^ grade mlid mriieg^. la ef Nmriifw four-poet desIgiLTbro^^ premd aanltaiy ateet le« J5j***3 tha aema e^im u a matal ^ ^

r full alaei rtgultr SaaOO, atalflgle or full alaein i j i ,

SOLID mahogany OR JACOBBM OAK TEA WAGON with. wheels and lemevaMs tray; regular IIT40, at flUB.

Gstt Uff Tibk* Redu«dThem teUea am bunt ^

grade eeUd uubasmqr- N« .9l<>9|9of furultBii Ie to rnwh growini dmaend,


faaa rubber tirad whoelt. wood top aad re- amvable ttuyj malar $18.60 at IldJS.


R J j I V I O e U W W f A S toOak may be had at tbe I

nor la it at uieM of erBamental ■•■$■<• tog

r u fOllewUig lisas. wbMi wlH lU every p ^ b le reqidrcment end oaoeldera- Uy under too rosulot prim:30134 to, Blae, regular 11741 at $ 1 ^ asxdo In, aiaa. ragutar 104% at 1440 Ma43 la aim, ngalar * 4 ^ at 154# S4a40 to. rim, rtgular 2S.0Q, ei 194*


Little Giris’ Tamsp 98c

Tbaae gay llitta Tam e’Shanicn art wbelly bemm- lag te gtrtisb faeac. We letlthem Tigttlarly at $145. They

mada of i mam or ribattae ploBb, cut to gama m to **i afliaoihly, aid am finlalMd «i3 with a allk cord aad tsa-

! all oatofs; mdumd tooi- pamtfly to 9$e. BAMBBROBRfR, IR]} FUXIR

Bike In FYRGX Gl*a»w«feto ta* bae«|| - te

Use the tscaU- ton . They are fu kk and con- psnimtt w h e n tkspptnt.

Mail or *phont your ordtn when you cannoS shop mpsrsonai BandmttPs*




atteaOrauiUMil* Oufftaa* a ■ifht *lbo Audlfortun

' ••»• air to Oreumd tl tive vlawi On tk« eqki rewdtttem (•eeJd flid «h* audiie BUS. * J. < , W ea n A i

• llaaea^uii ' fMd 0*11*1 ‘ aten el w« . ErffU Md Jfaw~J«rm!

There wit e e e q i f a w - i c a e r l e d e

I e n d d e * « . , * d e e v i d e

■M Ulleai , WfBir* but i Tbe op* I w e n d e r i i i ii m et fast* I er «Nif*et I letliae a < i rieu* laau I that tb»I tblam Uh I TMr* •

FNvUlf^I whkb m*• Ua* a aw


Cbm Ves?!tr.".

^"eurtiM" «i ;‘»9*ptt aet I t l m d et II

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I B JW5m« pb

’0rh AmEim

KieeeuMitig c J S :i b eviM;"I w«dd fate* ! . "W«MB I

bat dueebee.

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tUiUMT leli IIOLHe, eftetat) Prod anti

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Pollded ua tbe taewiMM iMund eeiM Emm to*e ivoadHkAu

Aeotber n •Mt la i t t t . betao dated i I*tl9.«NL Fm

The Frudn

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