It’s Your Time To Soar” Action Tutorial #1 Inspiration from “The Science of Getting Rich”

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Transcript of It’s Your Time To Soar” Action Tutorial #1 Inspiration from “The Science of Getting Rich”

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“It’s Your Time To Soar”

Action Tutorial #1

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“It’s Your Time To Soar”

Action Tutorial #1

Inspiration from “The Science of Getting Rich”

Early in the book we hear from Wallace Wattles that it is not possible to live a really

complete and successful life unless one is rich. We speak more about this under the

Inspiration for this Tutorial.

Tutorial Topic #1 – Introduction to the Program:

Setting Yourself Up For Success: Success is not an end, it’s a journey. Like all journeys it

should be something you will enjoy; better still this journey is something you will absolutely

love and during which you will have lots of fun. When you take this approach you stay on

the journey, enjoy the ride while loving the view, and stopping for a break now and again so

you can get back into the journey and thrive again.

Your Assignment #1

Thought For This Week:

“The future you see is the future you get” – Robert G. Allen, Business, Finance and

Motivational Author.

Members Community Support Group:

Have you asked to be invited to join the group? Just go to:

Once you ask to be invited to join, I will accept you as a member. You can then see posts

and post yourself into the group.

I will see you there. Let’s celebrate your success.


Caring and Sharing at Self-Made Success 101

sharyn@[email protected]

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Inspiration from “The Science of Getting Rich”

Most people in this Program have been following the Success Solutions webTV Episodes in

Series 1, which are based on the amazing book written by Wallace T. Wattles in 1910, and

still available today. If you do not already have a copy of the book, let us know and we will

get a copy to you.

The first line of the book tells us “This book is pragmatical, not philosophical, a practical


We have based these Action Tutorials the same way. We believe what is important to most

people is to have a process to follow, a process that they can use now, towards making an

immediate change towards their higher levels of success.

This book has been the inspiration for this Program in many ways but most importantly we

agree with the first paragraph of Chapter 1 – The Right to Be Rich.

“Whatever may be said in praise of poverty, the fact remains that it is not possible to live a

really complete or successful life unless one is rich. No man can rise to his greatest possible

height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and

to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he

has money to buy them.”

This is a controversial statement for some; is it fair, probably not, but in my opinion it is true.

I have been very poor financially and I have been pretty well off. I know what I prefer, and

what give me the best opportunities to achieve and contribute.

If you love poverty and believe it is a good thing, this is NOT the program for you. So please

get a refund immediately.

This Program will have a strong emphasis on financial success leading to a Success Lifestyle

as inspired by “The Science of Getting Rich”, the principles there are timeless and have

lasted from 1910 until today. We are putting them into action today.


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“It’s Your Time To Soar” 1

Action Tutorial #1 5

Introduction to the Class 5

Now We Are Working on Your Success Lifestyle..... 5

Setting Yourself Up For Success 6

Objective for this Tutorial: Set the Foundation to Success 6

Success is Simple once You Realize How Hard It Is! 7

Planning Your Success using a Visual Metaphor 7

Visual Metaphor Example 8

Financial Success 10

Some Success Tips 11

Your Future... 12

It’s Time to Take off – Time for Your Vision Metaphor 12



Next Week:

Action Tutorial # 2

Plus: The 7 Step Formula for Financial Success

And: How to Motivate People To Do What You Want (in 7 minutes)

You can use this on yourself to be more productive or to do

anything else you may be struggling with, including building

financial success.

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Action Tutorial #1

Introduction to the Class

Welcome and it is great to be with you for our first class together.

In this Program we will be covering lessons leading to taking actions for financial success

which in turn lets us enjoy financial freedom. This is a great way to live, but it is never


I thought it was, when I was having a great time building up a multi-million dollar business.

I was kidding myself; I lost myself in my business and ultimately lost my business too. I had

lost the strength and the will to stay in the game; motivation was gone.

Just a short time later, after a Tony Robbins 1-on-1, which gave me the motivation to learn

what success was all about, I was off and running again. This time I was so much more

relaxed, sincere, and caring about myself and others. Success actually came more easily, I

had more strength to take the knocks, and the successes I wanted stayed in my life. It has

been a wonderful journey, and still is.

Once I found my Success Lifestyle, what it was for me, and what I needed to get it, I could

not only achieve and grow my financial freedom, but I could enjoy it! I just cannot tell you

how good life is now...

Now We Are Working on Your Success Lifestyle.....

Each fortnightly the Action Tutorials will cover both achieving your financial success and

having a Success Lifestyle – one is not completely possible without the other. Just like a

balance, too much of one without the other and you most likely will tip over. Not fun!

Each Action Tutorial will have one main topic and one primary objective, and around 1 week

later you will receive an email to reinforce and follow up what actions you have taken. You

may notice some repetition in the Program, this is done to reinforce, emphasise and to cover

different learning methods. Images will be added to the next Tutorial for the same reasons.

Please make time to also post in the facebook private community group – this is so you and I

can communicate easily and quickly, but more importantly, it will keep you on track. There

is nothing better than sorting things out in your head by jotting something down and then

getting feedback. This might be slow at first while people “become brave” and join in; why

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don’t you show that you are a leader, go in now and request your invite to join the group (you

can post later).

Look forward to a great journey for the next six months.

Success will take some work from you. Once you get into the habit of success, it will just be

like breathing, but you need to take action regularly so you can develop the success habit

which makes being successful so much easier.

Please do all the Action Steps and it will not be long before you are seeing results. You may

even see some improvement in your mindset in the first week.

The Program is designed so that one step leads to the next, but if you miss, please do not be

discouraged. Remember everything is perfect.

Please don’t save up the tutorials and think you will catch up later. I know, I have done this

so many times, and do not get “caught up” until a long time later, if at all. So instead, do the

current lesson and take the action steps. If you miss a tutorial, do the previous one later.

So let’s go to this week’s Tutorial.


Setting Yourself Up For Success

Objective for this Tutorial: Set the Foundation to Success

Success is not an end, it’s a journey. Like all journeys it should be something you enjoy;

better still this journey is something you absolutely love and during which you will have lots

of fun. When you take this approach you stay on the journey, enjoy the ride while loving the

view, and stopping for a break now and again so you can get back into the journey and thrive


Remember – Success comes in Spurts – so don’t be too tough on yourself. Keep at it, but be

aware when you need to have a break. Work your butt off during the fast spurts and lay off a

bit during the drips.

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Success is Simple once You Realize How Hard It Is!

Success, simple or hard, what is it? It’s different for everyone. But one thing is for sure, we

all want it, in our own way.

Success is intangible. Throughout our life it changes.

In fact, it even changes as we go through our day. Each day, while at work, we want our

measure of success. We go home and the same should apply - we should be looking to

achieve what we want from our home and family life, unfortunately it often doesn’t work this

way for many people.

We need to have a clear vision of what success means to us, but we need a vision that while

always in our mind, has the opportunity of developing even further as we reach certain


Success in anything also needs us to know where we are starting from, what are potential

obstacles and what has stopped us in the past, what resources are here for us, why are we in

this place, how do we get moving towards what we want; and we need to know the finishing

point – the vision we have that means success to us.

It is very helpful to see a clear series of steps – to look at the whole is motivating but it will

not get us moving. What will get us moving in the right direction is to take a simple action

that we do now, get it completed, and then plan and put a time on doing the next step. There

will be a future Action Tutorial covering this more fully and giving you tools to keep you on


I wonder what obstacles will get in our way, because one thing is for sure, there will be


I have found a wonderful way to keep on track towards getting the success that I want, is to

use a visual metaphor.

Planning Your Success using a Visual Metaphor

To start this process, consider something that you love to do, or something you do in your

life that has strong meaning for you.

As an example, I love to sail competitively, I love to go on car rallies in my MGB Sports car

around the countryside, and the strongest meaning for me is around construction and


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Let’s use the last example, which I would use mostly for getting success in my business, or

financially in a work sense; although I could use any three of these examples.

Follow me through this example which I use. When we come to the Actions you are going to

take, you will use a visual metaphor that is strong in your life, or something that you love.

You can if you wish, change this example to your visual metaphor as you follow me though


Make sure it is a visual metaphor. It must not be your actual dream for success, it should be

visual imagery which is realistic but not something that could ever happen.

Visual Metaphor Example

The Starting Point

Come along with me as I take you through one of my visual metaphors, then you can replace

it with your own.

Close your eyes and imagine you are standing on a footpath looking up at a very tall


Imagine it in colour, can you hear sounds around you, is there traffic? How wide is the

footpath, how wide is the road, how high is the building?

This is where you are now, your starting pont, in relation to the success that you want

to achieve. What do you already have, what do you not have?

This could be your financial situation. In this case the building should not be so high

that you cannot see the top of it; this would make your success unachievable.

The Success You Are Going to Achieve

Now someone needs you on the roof of the building! Or it could be that there is something

on the roof that you want. It becomes very important for you to get to the roof; who is it or

what is it that you want to be there for, what very urgent matter is calling for you on the roof?

It is someone you love, or something that you would love to have – now it is there for you to

get you just need to figure out how you will get there!

The success you want to achieve is up there on the roof. What is it?

It could be what you will do when you have an increased income, for yourself, for

others. What you are going to buy, what holiday you will have. No CC debt

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What Are The Obstacles You Will Overcome

You need to get there as quickly as possible! But the building is locked. Can you scale the

building to get up to the roof, hell no! But you need to get to the roof as soon as you can.

A tough problem, can you see how hard it would be to scale the building. Be careful that any

risk you take is carefully considered. Don’t take such risks that will cause danger to what

you already have. There will always be another way, which might take longer, but is more


Often the way you feel about the success you want is that it seems so out of reach that

you just do not try. You say to yourself “it is locked to me no point trying”. Ahh, but

there is another way!

One Solution is.....

You could get a fireman’s ladder. You can then go one step at a time until you reach the

top. Simple right?

Now The Plan

We could go step by step up the ladder. But we see a window open on the 3rd

floor; let’s

take the ladder to the 3rd

floor, go through the window, and then we can take the elevator.

Why Does It Work?

I cannot tell you how powerful this Visual Metaphor Process is. I now achieve so much

more using this imagery, including recently having a hip replacement, and I recovered more

quickly than anyone could have imagined. I use it for small tasks such as planning my day,

and for big tasks to ensure an amazing result in a shortest possible time. I am also using it

for this Program; each Action Tutorial is a step, my success celebration being when all my

genuine Program Members achieve their Success Lifestyle in as short as possible time.

The simple strategy is that we see something that is achievable, for example everyone can

climb a ladder, even a long one. So by putting our Success Object at the finish line, we see

the process clearly and our plan to get there is therefore also achievable, which of course it is.

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Financial Success

Let’s Simplify and Summarize

1. We start with knowing what it is we want. We need to be fairly precise, but we can

later vary some ideas as we see more precisely what we want further down the track.

We decide a date by which we want to achieve the success result, in my case the

achievement date is symbolised by the height of the building. We are not going to be

too worried about the date of achievement, this is only a guide. There are reasons for

this that I will explain later. We then apply this to a visual metaphor, mental video

imagery using a situation that is powerful to us, something at which we see ourselves

as generally being successful but not related to our success result which is then

located on the finish line of the visual metaphor.

2. You know the starting point on the footpath; you have made yourself very familiar

with this. You must do the work on knowing where you are starting.

Now consider financial success in the context of the above. Being at ground level is where

you are now; being on the roof is where you want to be, and the steps in between are like the

steps on the fireman’s ladder, they look easy to climb.

What assets do you have now, what liabilities? What is your current income and what are

your expenses? Do you know exactly? We will be covering this more fully in a future

lesson and will give you the templates to calculate and record these.

3. What is in our way – the building is locked, it is very high. This is an obstacle and

obstacles test us to find a way around them so we need to check our resources, or find

some new resources.

This leads to us understanding what resources we found we had in 2.

4. Now we connect the finish line with the starting line, by overcoming the obstacles,

and this becomes your Plan.

We have some ideas already to get to the top of the building. Continue to brainstorm as

many ideas a possible, so if one doesn’t work, another will. This becomes your plan, just

like the steps on the ladder – what step comes first, second, third, and so on.

In the case of the example, once we realize we can be helped by the ladder, we ask the

question, who do we know who has the sort of ladder we want and if they will not lend it to

us, maybe an alternative is to buy a ladder? Maybe it is not high enough, but would it get us

to the third level, there’s a window open, we could then get in and take the stairs.

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We need to be creative in overcoming the obstacles, and in taking action we might try one

and it does not work. No problem, try another. You keep on until the obstacle is removed,

or you can bypass it.

In the case of climbing our financial ladder, we know it will not be that easy. If it were,

everyone would be climbing that ladder. There are challenges along the way. You will need

strength of character and a sense of purpose to climb your financial ladder.

Using this Program we will we climb the steps on the ladder together. But that is not all.

We will get to the roof in the shortest possible time. We will celebrate......Are You Ready?

Some Success Tips

While climbing the ladder you will get tired. What if the reason to get onto the roof is not so

important or urgent for you, will you keep climbing the ladder, possibly not. You need your

success dream to be exciting, powerful and something you really want, and you know it is

tough but achievable.

So you need to have made a clear decision on what you want to have at the end of that

ladder, what is on that roof for you? What assets will you have, what income will you be

earning? Ensure this is backed up by what this income and these assets will do for you.

Don’t dream for money, dream for what money can buy.

Many people do not realize that we are not wired for financial success for the sake of it.

Money is purely a representation of value. Make sure you are working towards something of

value to you, something money can buy, or something that you will have because of money.

So you’ve got your starting point and you know where you are going. You are standing on

the path and you take the first step up the ladder, great; next step, going strong; third step,

building confidence – you have just noticed that the fourth step is broken. What do you do?

Of course, you do not give up, you consider - can you bypass that step and go to the next –

this could be a faster move, some risk but yes you know you can do it. You give it a go, and

you are now on step 5; what has that done for your self confidence, feeling good?

What would have happened if you had not tried to do two steps at once and had given up!

How terribly sad this would have been.

Once you have taken the first step up the ladder, you will never go back, as with every step

you are one step away from your starting point, and one step closer to your dream success....

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Your Future...

You have taken that first step today.

You will remember this ladder, but you must also build your own visual metaphor.

You will keep clearly in your mind right throughout this next six months, where you started

on the footpath, your decision to get to the roof and what wonderful things await you there,

and you have the help of the ladder.

There will be many things along the way that will try to block your way, a ladder this long

and a building this high will always bring challenges. When you meet the challenges, put

them into the context of your visualisation.

Never lose sight of the roof and what awaits you there. I would not want you to imagine the

roof is so high up, almost to the sky, that you cannot see it, or clouds could pass and

completely hide it from view.

Make sure your decision to reach the roof and what is there for you, is exciting and worth

doing, but achievable for you, something you can see, something you can feel in your heart.

Be aware that when you reach this success, you can stop a while to celebrate. Most people

then go on to the next success, and the process starts all over again, each time getting easier

as you have done it before. Before you know where you are, this process has become a habit

and you keep having success after success just like your heart beating, and you do not even

have to try.

It’s Time to Take off – Time for Your Vision Metaphor

I can relate to this visualisation, but then I am a builder. If I used my other example of

competitive sailing, I could put the same visualisation into a sailing race. You start from the

starting line, and you see ahead of you the finish line, you have to pass all the marks (buoys)

and there are a lot of obstacles along the way, other boats, waves, etc. Your boat and crew

are the resources.

I need you to consider in your life, what is the best analogy for you. Let us know on the

facebook community page.

Always keep in the forefront of your mind, everything you do in this Program is for your

Success Lifestyle, and we are working on our financial freedom to achieve that Lifestyle.

There is no value in having money for the sake of it. Having money is great for what it can

buy us. Money is purely a means of fair exchange.

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Success is like a river, it flows, it floods, it dries up and it flows again.

Success comes in spurts!

This is an important concept you must understand and accept. When you understand this

you will live your life with a lot more comfort and confidence. It is so discouraging when

you work and work and get nowhere. Keep at it and it will come. The answer is you stay

strong and keep moving, it does not matter about which direction. Just keep pushing.

When I learnt psychology, it was taught to us that the ingredients of successful motivation

were energy, persistence and variability. Very interesting ingredients – keep them in mind as

you go through this Program.

Take action EVERY DAY!

I can remember in the 1990’s nothing seemed to work for me, and I was trying so hard.

After a while I knew my nerves were getting the best of me. I would get home from work

and desperately need a drink – bad sign! But I never gave up, it was just like I held my head

up, stood tall and strong, and withstood all the knocks.

Then I realised what success is. It is taking action every day no matter what, strong and

steady. Gradually, you will overcome the obstacles, you will power through the dips.


This Action Tutorial has been about putting a foundation in place, by looking at our internal

concepts in order that we can take action on the outside.

During this Program I will draw together ideas I have learnt about mindset and will provoke

you to look at your own situation and what you are going to do as a result.

This Program is very into practical ways to achieve success and in the next Action Tutorial

we will look at the situation outside of mindset and get into the practical when we apply the 7

Step Formula for Financial Success.

We will also be introducing an amazing process called Instant Influence, developed by a

Yale psychologist and researcher. You will be able to use this amazingly simple process;

How To Motivate People in 7 minutes or less, by inspiring them by showing them why

they might want to take some kind of action. This is done by asking 6 simple questions. You

can use it on yourself to be more productive, stick to your budget, take up exercise, or

accomplish anything else you may be struggling with. Imagine using this to keep yourself on

target to reach your financial goals!

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Develop Your Visual Metaphor For Success

1. Where do you want to finish, what is up there on your “roof”, what is the amazing

success you want to achieve, there might be more than one success you want, but they

should be related – how much income do you want towards this success, what assets

would you like to have in your life, physical assets, material assets, life assets? Be

sure that any financial success is related to what you will do with the “money” and

not the money for money’s sake.

2. What comes to mind from your life experiences which you feel just great about, could

be a hobby, a sport, something you just enjoy doing, could be the trip home from

work each day – leaving the office (starting point) car (resources) traffic along the

way (obstacles) getting home and seeing your loved ones (success) then celebrate.

Now apply this to your success vision, put your success in place at the finish line.

3. Where are you now? Do you know your starting point? Where are you in your

relationships, your health and fitness, your career/business, your life generally? Your

finances, what are your current income/expenses, what are your assets/liabilities –

calculate this in general terms – in a future class “Increasing Income, Adding Assets”,

we will give you the templates where you can be more precise. For now an overall

concept is all we need to consider. What about your network, do you have a good

social/business network of friends, colleagues, associates? What do you know, what

hobbies and sports that you love, what are your academic achievements, personal

achievements and passions? What other activities are in your life.

4. What obstacles are in your life now that affect your ability to achieve the success you

want? What obstacles can you see turning up along the way, and remember there will

be obstacles you do not know about now.

5. What small rewards could help you along the way? For example, if your ultimate

aim is to have income of $200,000 per year, would it be a great thing along the way to

have paid off a credit card so there is no more income accruing? Do not be afraid of

wanting smaller successes when you first start. As long as they are appealing to you,

and are exciting enough that you will work hard towards them. Once you have

achieved that success, you can move on to a higher one. Alternatively you can see

smaller successes as being on each run of the ladder.

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6. Consider that you will get tired along the way, and that is fine. It is natural, so you

always remember the outcome is your Success Lifestyle and that it is paramount that

at all times you look after yourself. You will not be able to climb this long ladder if

you do not have enough water to drink along the way, good healthy food, and it will

sure help if you look after your physical fitness. Remember to celebrate as you

complete each step on the ladder and get on with the next!

7. Now it is time to start climbing that ladder rung by rung, or jumping off the start line

from your visual metaphor, step by step.

We will be sending you an email in about a week to see how you are going. In the meantime

we will catch up with you in the private facebook community group.

SEE YOU NEXT WEEK, BUT FIRST....................

Will you be ready for the next Action Tutorial?

1) You will have defined your Success Lifestyle

2) You will know what you want to have financial freedom – what your

finances look like now, and how should they look for you to feel


3) What obstacles are in your way now; what obstacles can you see in

the future.

4) What resources do you have, who do you know, what talents, what

hobbies or sports, what have you studied either for work or pleasure,

what do you get the idea.....we need know what resources

we have in order to use them wisely and fully.

5) Defining the above clearly is your first step, if you have not already,

do it now.

6) Take one action today towards your Success Lifestyle, it does not

matter how small.

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