T.C. HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ISLAM AND WOMEN SUMMARY Islam is one of the most important belief in monotheism. Islam is living nearly 1400 years and lived many important event within that period. I try to analyze social role of women in Islamic community. The main aim of paper is to explore the position of women, sexuality and marriage/divorce in Islam. RESEARCH PLAN Introduction 1.The Position of Women In Islam 1.1.Changing come with Islam a. Social Life b. Male Dominance 2. Women and Sexuality 1

Transcript of ISLAM AND WOMEN






Islam is one of the most important belief in monotheism.

Islam is living nearly 1400 years and lived many important

event within that period. I try to analyze social role of

women in Islamic community. The main aim of paper is to

explore the position of women, sexuality and marriage/divorce

in Islam.



1.The Position of Women In Islam

1.1.Changing come with Islam

a. Social Life

b. Male Dominance

2. Women and Sexuality


3. Marriage and Divorcement

3.1. Marriage

3.2. Divorce



First of all, I would like to point out that

researchers did scientific about “Islam and Women”

research until today. Nevertheless; we can see that there

are some deficiency in these studies. Islam has created a

change in many areas such as social, cultural, political,

human rights. One of the most important changes have been

in women life.

Being women is very difficult in Islamic community

because women are usually second-class citizen. We can

see that daily life,Islamic implementation and Koran.

Sometimes, women face of baddish stuations owing to some

rules and customs. Also, we don’t forget this point, some

non-Islamic rules are represented like an Islamic rules

because different customs are mixed and Koran’s


commentaries different some scholarly person. Therefore,

researchers sometimes have a difficulty when find an

objective, right and formal documents. I try to analyse

being women in Islamic community and apply different


Women is position in Islamic society is mentioned as

mother, girl, housewife, secondary person, give a birt a

child, depented to man etc. Moreover, women who not want

marry and divorce at any time. In addition to ,Women of

Islam want to put in to claim about anything who have to

verify menstruate, not finished yet they are circumcised,

they live house arrest and cover oneself such that, body

and head. Being women in Islamic community need high


Another point is that women have not a lot of right

and they usually are not equal with men in many areas.

For example, women and men are not equal in inheritance

and testimony. When we look at some verse of the Koran,

we can see that Koran appeal to men. Of course sometimes

it call to all people and only women but these sentences

are few.

Unfortunately, I don’t mention a lot of important

thing such as law, economic system, education. We know

that education level is very low to women in Islamic

World and thus, they don’t join economic life also many


religion sources say that it is prohibition. They have

not law right so they don’t defend her rights. In

shortly, women are not seen individual. Sometimes,

movement of women emerged in different times but problem

about women are continuing still.

As it is seen, understanding women in Islam and find

a solution ways their problem are very important. I work

on this topic firstly women are position in Islam which

starting point is changing come with Islam such as,

social life, political life, male dominance. I try to

show to you before Islam and after Islam, really Islam

delimit to women or women are more free with Islam.

Secondly, I mention that women and sexuality which

is one of the most important thing all history. Sometimes

it is seen necessary and nature but other sides sometimes

it is seen that bad, confidential etc. If we related

women history, we can easily that sexuality is problem to

women because usually they don’t talk about their sexual

life and they live with oppressing’s men.

Thirdly, I examine marriage and divorce issues. They

are very important point because Islam came some

arrangement these topics. Nevertheless, it can debatable

is it equal for women and men. In my opinion it is not.

Also I mention that kind of marriage in this chapter.


To sum up, Islam and women is very important issue

to analyse the women in social life, women’s sexuality,

marriage and divorce, application of Islam on women life.

Generally, these topics are examined by men, of course

can do it, but we face of androcentric discourse as a

matter of fact that being freedom women and equal with

men and women. I don’t assert my ideas or search are

true. The main aim of this paper is to explore the status

of women in Islamic community and contribute some

important and highly controversial topics. I try to from

different point of views these issues.


1.1.Changing Come With The Islam

Islam is a monotheistic religions and its prophet is

name Muhammad. This religion came up 7.century in Arabia

and it has a scripture is called Koran. Koran is most

important source for Muslim people. Also, hadith and

sunnah are another important sources to their. Hadith is

mean that saying or an act or tacit approval or

disapproval ascribed either validly or invalidly to the 

Muhammad.1 .Sunnah denotes the practice of Prophet



Muhammad that he taught and practically instituted as a

teacher of the Shariah and the best exemplar.2These

sources explain that Muslim people how act, how belief ,

social and law rules, relations between person, moral

etc. for this reason they are very important.

However, these sources, that is sunnah and hadith,

are problematic because they are written as documents

after nearly two centuries. In addition, Koran is

different interpreted by scholars. Therefore, people

sometimes live confusion. Another important thing is that

these sources really convey truly. It is not certain.

Religions emerge in a society, it cause great

changing. All people are affected by it. We don’t forget

it; belief is a way of understanding life and living

life. Religion is one of the most important belief in the

world. We can see that some war started owing to

religion, law rules is formed according to religion or

social life affected. For example, some Islam’s thinker

revile after Islam Arabian said that “women didn’t robe

head, they take a walked be bareheaded and women spoke

and laughed with men. However, Islamic rules said that

women have to robe head and body’s parts and attention

relation with men because they are sin.



I examine these issue three title, social,

political, male dominance. Nevertheless, I would like to

indicate, I will not explain detail these topics.

a. Social Life

People are a social alive so about social life’

issues is important in their life. Islam came with great

different application to Arabian community. Muhammad

declared Islam, Arabian society was living nomad

democracy . Women could join war. He kept going some

implementation. However, he changed a lot of things in


Before Islam, women were most free some stuations

such as marry, divorce, sightseeing, working, get dressed

but after Islam women were isolated social life. In the

beginning women went on life old shape but afterwards

everything change. For example, Muhammad’s first wife

Hatice made trade that is worked but after times, women

didn’t work if it is really necessary. Muhammad said that

out work was related with Ali, house’s work was related

Fatima3.This sentence is clearly for understanding about

working women. We don’t find banned work of women but we3 İbn Ebî Şeybe, Musannef, X/165, No: 9118; XIII/284, No: 16355; Ömer NasuhîBilmen, Hukuk-i İslamiyye, II/484.


can see application. Prof. Mehmet Kaplan said that if

women work out home ,it impose burden to her. They have a

successful in job after come to home and wash clothes,

anything do it related home, it is not. Today the

chattering women life suffering. Family is institution in

itself.If women go out home, their homes are falled

down.4 There are many comments like it. In these view,

women only exist for home and husband, children but women

is an individual. If women want to work, they can do it

like men.

Another point is that, women have to be covered in

Islam. According to its view, if women bare get dressed,

they cause sin because men are affected women and it is

bad thing. At this point, this question should be asked

who cause commit sin women or men, that is, wanting are

covered from women to protect men is it true ? In my

opinion is not true because God give volition and mind

all people and if one person can’t stop themselves, they

serve a sentence themselves. When considered from this

point of view women and men are not equal because men can

be bare get dressed.

We find verse of Koran related covered: Nur section

31.verse “And say to the believing women that they should4 Kaplan,Mehmet,Milli Eğitim ve Din Hayatı,Boğaziçi Yayınları,İstanbul,1981 sf.221


lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they

should not display their beauty and ornaments except what

(ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their

veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty

except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's

fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers

or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their

women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or

male attendants free of sexual desires, or small children

who have no carnal of women; and that they should not

strike their feet in order to draw attention to their

hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! Turn ye all

together towards Allah in repentance, that ye may be

successful. “5 Afterwards, Muhammad’s wife were covered

later become widespread between other women. Nowadays,

some countries still have a law rules about it. And if

women implement these rules, they give a punishment. It

is not freedom.

Moreover, Muhammad interfered to how walked women in

the street. He said that women should behind, walking on

the midway is inappropriate to their.6 Obviously, women

are secondary person in Islam.

5 6 İskilipli Muhammed Atıf,Islami Tesettür,Şelale Yayınevi,İstanbul, 1984 s.40


Maybe, you can say that girl child sinked to alive

before Islam, yes it is true but In Islam’s times going

on this stuation. Also, Muslim women are inhibited many


b. Male Dominance

Throughout history, we find male dominance in

monotheistic religion. When examine in Koran, that is

Islam, speak addressing to men. Of course, some section

and verse of the Koran address to women but it is very

few. Also according to Koran and hadith , women are a

gift for men will go to paradise but same situation is

not to women. It is not important to be men or not in

paradise, is important women are prize.7 I interrogate

this view.

According to some Islam’s thinkers this debate is

unnecessary. People do it because they unlike Islam and

want to revile and show to us Bakara 228. Verse said that

"And the divorced women shall keep themselves waiting for

7 Çalışlar Oral,Islam and Women ,Afa Yayıncılık,1991,İstanbul


three periods. And it is not legal for them to conceal

what Allah has created in their wombs, if they do believe

in Allah and in the last day. And their husbands are best

entitled to take them back in the meantime if they want a

settlement. And women have rights similar to what they

owe as recognized, though for men there is a step above

them. And Allah is Mighty, Wise."8 . Another verse Ahzab

35. “Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the

believing men and believing women, the obedient men and

obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the

patient men and patient women, the humble men and humble

women, the charitable men and charitable women, the

fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard their

private parts and the women who do so, and the men who

remember Allah often and the women who do so - for them

Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.”9We

can understand if people are good person, they will give

prize from God. Not only men or women but I don’t agree

al-Baqarah 228.verse defence equality between gender.

According to verse, if men want to again old wife, they

marry with her but is not same stuation to her.

Now, I mention that unequality examples. Nisa 34.

Verse “Men are in charge of women by [right of] what

Allah has given one over the other and what they spend

8 9


[for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women

are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband's]

absence what Allah would have them guard. But those

[wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise

them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and

[finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more],

seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted

and Grand.”10 It so clearly sentences.Women have to obey

to her husband if there is not they can live fearful

things. Other example, Muhammad said that “…,if women

obey to their husband, they will go to paradise.”11 But I

can’t find contrast that is, if men obey to their wife,

they will go to paradise or like anything. It is thought-


We can find similarly thinks Islam’s thinker. Bekir

Topaloğlu mentioned about divorce in his book “Women in

Islam”. According to him women have not right a divorce

because they use bad thing such as if wife and husband

live problem, and women have divorce right, they don’t do

duty to husband and be disobedient. These views are wrong

in modern-day. I mention divorce again in later chapter.

We can understanding Islam speak to men. For

example, it usually used “yours wife” that is women

belong to one men. Also it mention that women are

10 11


sensitive, franagible , moody etc. therefore, they are

inclined false and they are need of protection by men.

Women and men are different , also men have a some

superior property. Of course women and men have some

different specialty by one's nature. Nevertheless,after

periods it is change men and women are human ,thus, they

should have same rights and be equal in life otherwise

one side can be overwhelmed by someone.

Regardless, we don’t accepte male-dominant speeces

and applications. If not social problems and gender

inequality can increase.


This chapter, I mention that sexuality because this

topic has an important role in human life. It is very

natural thing some people and community ,however; it is

not valid all community. Some thinkers said that Western

feel free this topic but Eastern is not. In my opinion,

being from western or eastern is not important, important


matter is culture, economy, morality values, belief etc.

I work on Islam, Women and Sexuality.

We know that some groups want to control and improve

on women’s sexuality. Muslim communities show a similar

tendency to women’s body and sexuality. To illustrate,

Middle East ,Asia , Africa, Anatolia are living different

social, economic and cultural life but usually all of

them suppose that women don’t conduct to their bodies and

sexual life on the contrary they are controlled

community, tribe, family that is male dominance


The Islamist communities have some misapplications

and that put out of commission to life of women. Islam

don’t content all application, some thing are older than

Islam but today, they are reflected existing in Islam.

For example, women were circumcised in Africa past times.

After 1980s radical Islamist defended its. Reason of this

event is controlling women otherwise women can want to a

take pleasure and maybe they can do it mistake. It is not


Another point is virginity. Virginity is the state

of a person who has never engaged in sexual intercourse.

Virginity is one of the most important thing for radical

and male dominance society. In these society, men want to

marry they look for virginity and expect from woman but


men can’t be this shape. If people have a doubt about as

to whether virginity, they can go to doctor to her for

control. It is very pejorative experiment for women.

Also, if woman had a sexual intercourse and leave

from partner after she want to marry another men, she can

be obligated to have sew hymen. Fatıma Mersini and Dilek

Cindoglu similar sentence said that having sew hymen look

like application of modern medicine but not so it is

application of patriarchal structure.12 It is substantial

view because women are obligated people to do it , they

don’t need use method. In addition to we know that

sometimes women issue related all family and if women do

wrong act, they can be killed. Can you imagine “ be kill”

owing to your choosing or what else. Nobody don’t kill to

a men for not virginity because we don’t control him. It

is big unequal structure.

We find information about sexuality and women in

Koran,hadith and Islamist thinkers. These information

about that how to make sex , with whom, when make etc.

Muhammad described intimate encounter “If one you make

love to someone , he should be lovely, patting partner’s

body, say good and stimulating words, you shouldn’t

behave like a animal.”13 Sir Ibrahim said that body is12 Topaloğlu,Bekir, Women in Islam, Yağmur Yayınevi,1985, sf.2613 Arsel,İlhan, Sheriah and Women,Kaynak yayınları,İstanbul,1988 s234


relexed by sex, also sex good come health and wife and

husband relations…14 Also If women are menstruation , they

shouldn’t make sex because Islam see like a sick.

Some Islam sources indicate position of women and

dos and don’ts in sexuality. For example, women unable

return a request her husband. One hadith said that “ If

woman return request her husband in falling this rules

and husband become stunted all night, angels consign to

perdition to her.”15 Women have to make happy her

husband. Another example, … Saffan was young and lustful

so he didn’t endure while your wife were fasting or

praying , he wanted to making a sex but your wife were

annoyed this structure and she mentioned about it to

Muhammad. He called to Saffan and ask is that right or

not? Saffan answered , “ Ye! Prophet, I am a very young

man and when my sexual desire rise , I don’t lean,

therefore, I want to end her fasting and after we have

sex.” Thereupon, Muhammad gave directions “ If husband

don’t permit to fast , women shouldn’t fast.”16

We can see clearly that women is tool for happy and

desire of men. If women don’t do it, they twist in the

wind such as be exposed to bad words, violence and

divorce. In shortly, when considered from this point of

14 Arsel,İlhan,a.g.e. s.23415 Sahihi-Buhari 3.cilt 8.baskı s26916 Çalışlar,Oral,a.g.e. sf.94


view, that is sexual , women haven’t right neither her

body nor sexual choosing.


3.1. Marriage

According to Islam, marriage is the most important

way to satisfaction of sexual. If person don’t marry,

their energy turn to negative things. All people need

satisfaction of sexual. If people don’t marry, you find

a out of wedlock to their needs such as, onanism,

homosexualism , pedophilia or with animals for these

reason not married.17

Koran command “marriage”. Nur 32. “Verse “Get thesingles among you married as well as those who are fitfor marriage among your male slaves and female slaves. Ifthey are poor, Allah will make them free from want out ofHis grace: for Allah has boundless resources and is All-Knowing.”18 This verse is quite clear. Regardless, peopleshould marry. If they are poor, God give a benedictionand goods.

Another subject is that children. Posterity is amatter of life. Religion give a advise have a baby.Baqarah 223.verse “Your wives are a place of sowing ofseed for you, so come to your place of cultivation17 Topaloğlu,Bekir,a.g.e. sf.3518's-order-for-single-people-to-get-married-and-allah's-order-to-grant-liberty-to-those-slaves-who-seek-to-buy-their-freedom


however you wish and put forth [righteousness] foryourselves. And fear Allah and know that you will meetHim. And give good tidings to the believers.”19 Accordingto this verse, women are infield for giving baby tohusband , therefor , husband please oneself to wife.Wife’s emotions, thinks etc. are not important.

On the other side, women can’t marry all men suchas, non-Moslem. That is the reason why if one Muslimwoman marry with non-Moslem, she can be non-Muslim andtheir children give a non-Muslim culture and customs soshe shouldn’t it. However, Muslim man can marry with non-Muslim woman because man control and managewomen ,therefore; in this way Islam is spreaded.We againsee that women are tool for Islamic structure.

Conditions of marriage is that firstly , wife shouldbe spleenless, it is here to stay always. Secondly, wifeshould be virginal because if she is virginal, she latchon husband therefore, their sexual life is good. Thirdly,wife shouldn’t be barren because she have to havechildren to husband.Finally, wife should be housewife,skillful , protecting her purity.Also husband should vereligionist.20Islam expentation high thing from women.

There are varieties of marriage in Islam such asMuta and polygamy. First of all, Muta is mean thattemporary marriage. It valid at a given time. Forexample, Men remain separated from wife during war andthey want live a sexual thing but if they do it withsomeone women, they commit sin because it is calledadultery. Therefore, Muhammad allowed it but after he

19 20 Topaloğlu,Bekir,a.g.e. sf.47


banned in Last Khutbah. It is solution for him but at thesame time, women are used for his needs.

Another type of marriage is polygamy. Koran allowthis structure. Nisa 3. Verse “And if you fear that youwill not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marrythose that please you of [other] women, two or three orfour. But if you fear that you will not be just, then[marry only] one or those your right hand possesses. Thatis more suitable that you may not incline [toinjustice].”21 Nowadays, This kind of marriage is not ascommon as in the past.

Also, we don’t see for women in the same situationbecause according to sources, if women marry many men,this structure is bad. In this case, children’s fatheris uncertain. Moreover, women can live some healthproblems. Also, we know that, Muhammad has a many wife.However, Muhammad’s girls and grandchild don’t want toco-wife and Muhammad support these desires because heknow that polygamy is so bad thing for women.22

As it is seen that women face of many problems owingto Islamic application and different comments in marriagestructure.


Divorce (or the dissolution of marriage) is thefinal termination of a marital union, canceling the legal21 Çalışlar,Oral,a..g.e.sf.50


duties and responsibilities of marriage and dissolvingthe bonds of matrimony between the parties (unlikeannulment, which declares the marriage null and void).23

Islam divorcement’s right give mainly to men.Ifwives don’t keep in with each other, they can divorcefrom old times. Something was changed with Islam.

According to Islam, divorce is very important issue.Family is matter to community if this structure harmful,community affected negatively. Divorce occur somestuations such as incompatibility or if women listen toadvice from husband, husband don’t provide for hisfamily.

Firstly, if women disobey husband, he attention toher. After if it is inefficiency, he should separate bed.Later he don’t achieve result, he can beat to wife.Finally, they should divorce. Beat is matter point.Violence is an inhuman treatment. Unconditionally,somebody can’t use violence to someone. According toBekir Topaloğlu, violence is psychological thing and someperson became wiser only owing to violence and MazharOsman said that “ women is more masochist then men.Womendon’t like strengthless men and most women want to bebeat by husband…”24 These explanation are an unfortunatestatement.

Another point is that women haven’t right ofdivorce. Its defence is women are sensitive and moodypeople , therefore; they can be easly angry and fastlydecide. If women don’t pleased from her husband, she tryto relaxation, she shouldn’t divorce. It is not true waybecause women are overwhelmed by these methods.

23 Topaloğlu,Bekir,a.g.e. sf.131,132


If person want to again ex-spouse, there are someconditional.Firstly, women have to marry new man andafter, must divorce thishim and return old husband.

To sum up, divorcement is very difficult for womenin Islamic community.


Islam is living for many years. It has some trueapplications but sometimes some applications andstatements are false. I worked on Islam and Women becausewomen live many problems in Islamic society. I try tofind some answers to these problems and orientatethinking.

I worked on these paper while I apply differentsources. My aim not launch religion like bad thing on thecontrary my aim understand correctly religion.

Society is changed by religion. Islam came with newrules to many different areas such as law, family, humanlife, economy etc. Of course, women’s life is changed. Iexplain that three part in this working, the position insociety, sexual, marriage and divorce. Unfortunately, Idon’t mention many topics. However, I hope this workingcame new perspective Islam and Women’ issue.

Women are not secondary person in community. MaybeKoran accepted for its first times but life is changethus, community and people change. Therefore, all thing


can’t impracticable. Maybe we comment again for moderntimes. At this stage , wrong thinks are destroyed.

To sum up, people are free while living belief.Weighty matter is that human rights and living humanely.


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4.Kandiyoti,Deniz,Women,Islam and the

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5.Mersini,Fatima, Beyond and Veil Male-Female Dynamics in

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6.Pappe,Ilan,Understanding of Middle

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7.Sucu,Ayşe,Religion and Women,2005,Ankara,Lotus

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