1 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW INTRODUCTION Extracellular fibrous amyloid deposits or intracellular inclusions containing abnormal protein fibrils characterize many neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, frontal temporal dementia, and the human prion diseases (Ross, 2004). Burgeoning evidence suggests that accumulation of proteins capable of forming amyloid deposits may represent a common pathological mechanism for these diverse illnesses (Dobson 2004, Kelly 2006). In each of these diseases, misfolding of a particular protein can lead to its aggregation, involving a process in which monomers interact to form dimers, oligomers, and eventually insoluble fibrillar deposits. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, representative examples that account for the majority of cases of neurodegenerative diseases, are reviewed here with an emphasis on the fundamental importance of aggregation as the pathological trigger. For each disease, we first outline the major characteristics and then present the evidence for the crucial role of soluble oligomers (rather than the end-stage insoluble fibrils) of the aggregating proteinβ- amyloid protein (Aβ) in Alzheimer’s disease and α-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease. Finally, we discuss future therapeutic and diagnostic approaches, based on current understanding of Aβ pathobiology.






Extracellular fibrous amyloid deposits or intracellular inclusions containing

abnormal protein fibrils characterize many neurodegenerative diseases, including

Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Huntington’s diseases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,

frontal temporal dementia, and the human prion diseases (Ross, 2004). Burgeoning

evidence suggests that accumulation of proteins capable of forming amyloid deposits

may represent a common pathological mechanism for these diverse illnesses (Dobson

2004, Kelly 2006). In each of these diseases, misfolding of a particular protein can lead

to its aggregation, involving a process in which monomers interact to form dimers,

oligomers, and eventually insoluble fibrillar deposits. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

diseases, representative examples that account for the majority of cases of

neurodegenerative diseases, are reviewed here with an emphasis on the fundamental

importance of aggregation as the pathological trigger. For each disease, we first outline

the major characteristics and then present the evidence for the crucial role of soluble

oligomers (rather than the end-stage insoluble fibrils) of the aggregating protein— β-

amyloid protein (Aβ) in Alzheimer’s disease and α-synuclein in Parkinson’s disease.

Finally, we discuss future therapeutic and diagnostic approaches, based on

current understanding of Aβ pathobiology.



Our modern understanding of how proteins function comes from almost 200

years of biochemical studies. Biochemistry is the science that studies the chemical

processes in living organisms. Using different experimental models, biochemists

demonstrated that most of the cell's chemical reactions and structural components are

mediated or supplied by proteins. These experiments revealed that proteins are crucial

for proper cell function. Actually the word "protein" comes from the Greek proteios,

which means "first" or "foremost," reflecting the importance of these molecules.

Figure 1: Proteins are long polymers made of amino acids.

(A) Part of the amino acid sequence of a spider silk protein. (B) The three-dimensional configuration of the same protein.© 2010 Nature Publishing Group Askarieh, G. et al. Self-assembly of spider silk proteins is controlled by a pH-sensitive relay. Nature 465, 236–238 (2010). All rights reserved.


In 1917, the German chemist Hermann Staudinger proposed that organic

molecules such as proteins were organized in polymers, giant molecules made of small-

molecule constituents linked together by chemical bonds in long chains. This idea

contradicted the prevailing hypothesis, and it took some years for biochemists to accept

it. Today researchers know that proteins are long polymers made out of a set of twenty

small constituents called amino acids (Figure 1).

How are proteins made in the cell? The answer to this question took decades of

study and the birth of a new scientific discipline: molecular biology. Many experiments

had shown that DNA is the vehicle of genetic information, and that DNA contains the

information to make proteins. While discovering that DNA is itself a long polymer made

out of four different types of small molecules called nucleotides, scientists realized that

genetic information is transferred from a language system of four letters (nucleotides) in

DNA to a language system of twenty (amino acids) in proteins.


The structure of a gene is one-dimensional. This means that a linear sequence of

nucleotides codes for a specific linear sequence of amino acids linked to each other in a

head-to-tail (amino-carboxyl) manner. The process of converting the information

contained in the nucleotides to amino acids using the genetic code is called translation.

Conceptually, translation "expands" the concentrated single dimension of the genetic


code into a fully realized three-dimensional protein structure. From this point of view,

DNA and the genome are very similar to a highly compressed digital file, such as an

MP3, in which a lot of information is packed very efficiently. How is this possible? The

Nobel laureate Christian B. Anfinsen postulated an answer. He proposed that all the

information needed for a protein to fold into its three-dimensional conformation is

contained in the amino acid sequence.

Figure 2: The energetic funnel

Proteins fold into their correct minimal-energy configuration because of the physicochemical properties of their amino acid sequence. Proteins fold rapidly because amino acids interact locally, thus limiting the conformational space that the protein has to explore and forcing the protein to follow a funnel-like energy landscape that allows it to fold quickly.© 2003 Nature Publishing Group Dobson, C. M. Protein folding and misfolding. Nature 426, 884–890 (2003). All rights reserved.

To test his hypothesis, Anfinsen applied extreme chemical conditions to unfold an

enzyme. These extreme conditions were called "denaturing" and were created with

substances like urea, which at high concentrations disrupts the noncovalent bonds of

proteins; and mercaptoethanol, which reduces disulfide bonds. What happens to a


protein exposed to denaturing conditions? As the primary bonds that hold the protein's

three-dimensional structure are disrupted, the protein unfolds. Later, after restoring the

natural cellular conditions, Anfinsen observed that the enzyme's amino acid structure

refolded spontaneously into its original form. He concluded that the native (natural)

conformation of a protein occurs because this particular shape is thermodynamically the

most stable in the intracellular environment (Anfinsen 1972). That is, like everything else

in nature, proteins achieve the lowest energy state possible. In other words, from the

physicochemical point of view of a protein, the amino acids pack in such a way that the

free energy of the molecule arrives at a minimum.

Amino acids have different side chains (R groups), which give them different

properties. Some of these side chains are big, some are small, some are hydrophilic

(interact with water), and some are hydrophobic (tend not to interact with water

molecules); some are positively charged, and some are negatively charged. In a properly

folded protein, hydrophobic amino acid residues are together, shielding each other from

water molecules; hydrophilic residues are exposed on the surface of the protein,

interacting with the water of the cytoplasm; and big amino acids make nooks and

crannies for small ones. This kind of tight folding and packing minimizes the overall free

energy of the protein.

An average protein has about 300 amino acid residues. If we consider that there

are twenty different amino acids, the combinatorial number of protein sequences that


can be made is astronomically high; by the most conservative calculation, the human

body synthesizes at least 30,000 different kinds of proteins. Furthermore, the number of

possible minimal-energy configurations of a single protein sequence is also

unimaginably enormous, and usually only a few may have normal activity. Surprisingly,

newly synthesized proteins usually fold correctly in the appropriate minimal-energy

configuration, and thus they are able to do their job correctly.

As Anfinsen demonstrated, the information needed for proteins to fold in their

correct minimal-energy configuration is coded in the physicochemical properties of their

amino acid sequence. Usually a protein is capable of finding its functional or native state

just by itself, in a matter of microseconds. The concept of how proteins explore the

enormous structural conformational space is known as Levinthal's paradox. In 1968,

Levinthal proposed that a protein folds rapidly because its constituent amino acids

interact locally, thus limiting the conformational space that the protein has to explore

and forcing the protein to follow a funnel-like energy landscape that allows it to fold

into the most stable configuration possible (Figure 2; Levinthal 1968).

Most proteins follow the correct funnel, but some of them have bifurcating

pathways that can make them fold in very different but energetically minimal

structures, and only one of these is the native conformation (Dill & Chan 1997). In these

cases, something must come to their aid, helping them find the correct native form.

Amazingly the rescuer is nothing less than a protein itself.



Proteins that have a particularly complicated or unstable conformation

sometimes have difficulty achieving their native state. In these cases other, specialized

proteins called molecular chaperones help them find their native functional

conformation. Molecular chaperones were first mentioned in 1978 by Ron Laskey, who

found that nucleoplasmin (a protein found in the nucleus of the cell) is able to bind to

histones. Histones are nuclear proteins whose major function is to interact with DNA to

form structures known as nucleosomes (Laskey et al. 1978). Laskey observed that

nucleoplasmin acted like a chaperone, accompanying and supervising the activity of the

histones and preventing inappropriate interactions. Later, John Ellis extended the term

chaperone to describe proteins that help other proteins fold or assemble into protein

complexes (Ellis 1987). Interestingly, the existence of chaperones implies that some

proteins have inherently unstable conformations that can "flip" from a functional

minimal-energy state to a state that is nonfunctional or even toxic. Why is the final

conformation of a protein so important? The three-dimensional structure of a protein is

what allows it to do its work, to connect with reactive sites on other proteins and

molecules within the cell. In other words, the multidimensional structure determines

the function, and this concept is one of the most fundamental in biology.



When native folded proteins are synthesized in a healthy cell, usually everything

is right and well. However, our genome also codes for proteins that, as mentioned

before, are inherently unstable because they have the property of folding in alternative

minimal-energy states. Only very few of these alternative structures are functional and

useful to the cell; the overwhelming majority are useless or even toxic. The functional or

native conformation of non-membrane-bound proteins is typically water soluble.

Chaperones will help unstable proteins fold correctly, although some proteins misfold

anyway. Misfolded proteins (also called toxic conformations) are typically insoluble, and

they tend to form long linear or fibrillar aggregates known as amyloid deposits. But how

can a protein change so radically by folding differently, if the sequence of amino acids is

the same? The answer is in the way the amino acids interact.


For many proteins, the most prominent structural motif of the functional protein

in its native conformation is known as the alpha helix, a right-handed spiral coil (Pauling

et al. 1951). When a protein becomes toxic, an extensive conformational change occurs

and it acquires a motif known as the beta sheet. Note that the beta sheet conformation

also exists in many functional native proteins, such as the immunoglobulins, but the

transition from alpha helix to beta sheet is characteristic of amyloid deposits. The


abnormal conformational transition from alpha helix to beta sheet exposes hydrophobic

amino acid residues and promotes protein aggregation.

Figure 3

As discussed already, misfolded proteins result when a protein follows the wrong

folding pathway or energy-minimizing funnel, and misfolding can happen

spontaneously. Most of the time, only the native conformation is produced in the cell.

But as millions and millions of copies of each protein are made during our lifetimes,

sometimes a random event occurs and one of these molecules follows the wrong path,

changing into a toxic configuration. This kind of conformational change is most likely to

occur in proteins that have repetitive amino acid motifs, such as polyglutamine; such is

the case in Huntington's disease.

Remarkably, the toxic configuration is often able to interact with other native

copies of the same protein and catalyze their transition into the toxic state. Because of


this ability, they are known as infective conformations. The newly made toxic proteins

repeat the cycle in a self-sustaining loop, amplifying the toxicity and thus leading to a

catastrophic effect that eventually kills the cell or impairs its function. A prime example

of proteins that catalyze their own conformational change into the toxic form is the

prion proteins, discussed below.

Under normal circumstances, the cell has mechanisms to prevent proteins from

folding incorrectly, as well as to get rid of misfolded proteins. Proteins that have

problems achieving their native configuration are helped by chaperones to fold

properly, using energy from ATP. Chaperones can avoid the conformational change to

beta sheet structure and the aggregation of these altered proteins; thus they seem

fundamental to the prevention of protein misfolding. Despite chaperone actions, some

proteins still misfold, but there is a remedy: The misfolded proteins can be detected by

quality-control mechanisms in the cell that tags them to be sent to the cytoplasm,

where they will be degraded (Figure 3).


The concept of an infectious protein, or prion, was proposed in the 1960s to

explain scrapie infection. Researchers found that the infectious agent that transmits

scrapie is resistant to ultraviolet radiation (which typically destroys nucleic acids), and

they proposed that this agent was actually protein based (Alper et al. 1967; Griffith


1967). The idea that proteins could be infectious by themselves was highly controversial

because it appeared to challenge the central dogma of molecular biology. Eventually

Stanley B. Prusiner and his team purified the prion protein responsible for scrapie, and

they were able to show that proteins can indeed be infectious (Prusiner 1982). For this

work, Prusiner was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1997. Prions

are also responsible for transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or TSEs, that

include infectious diseases such as scrapie in sheep; bovine spongiform encephalopathy

(mad cow disease), whose infective form can cause Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in

humans; and kuru, the only epidemic human prion disease known.

In the late 1950s, before the idea of prions was even proposed, an epidemic of

the neurodegenerative disease called kuru suggested that proteins could be infectious.

Kuru was discovered among populations of the Fore tribe of the eastern highland of

Papua New Guinea, and the disease was associated with their cannibalistic funeral

practices. With experimental testing, researchers showed that kuru could be infective in

chimpanzees after intercerebral inoculation with brain suspension from kuru patients

(Gajdusek et al. 1967). Years later, after kuru was recognized as a prion disease, the

discovery that in some conditions prions can be infectious across species led to the

naming of a similar neurodegenerative disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. This affliction

could be caused by the ingestion of beef containing toxic protein particles. The

conformational error in the toxic protein can also be caused by a mutation, thus making


the disease familial. Prions are not an exclusive phenomenon of mammals; they also

occur naturally in unicellular organisms such as yeast, which therefore have become

good experimental models for studying these protein conformational changes.


Figure 4

Accumulation of misfolded proteins can cause disease, and unfortunately some

of these diseases, known as amyloid diseases, are very common. The most prevalent

one is Alzheimer's disease, which affects about 10 percent of the adult population over

sixty-five years old in North America. Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease have

similar amyloid origins. These diseases can be sporadic (occurring without any family

history) or familial (inherited). Regardless of the type, the risk of getting any of these

diseases increases dramatically with age. The mechanistic explanation for this

correlation is that as we age (or as a result of mutations), the delicate balance of the

synthesis, folding, and degradation of proteins is perturbed, resulting in the production

and accumulation of misfolded proteins that form aggregates (Figure 4; Finkel 2005).


Among the environmental factors known to increase the risk of suffering

degenerative diseases is exposure to substances that affect the mitochondria, increasing

the amount of oxidative damage to proteins. However, it is clear that no single

environmental factor determines the onset of these disorders. In addition, there are

genetic factors. For example, in the simplest forms of familial Parkinson's disease,

mutations are associated with dominant forms of the disease. This means that an

individual with a single copy of a defective gene will develop the disease, yet two copies

of the defective gene are required for recessive forms of the disease to develop. In the

case of Alzheimer's disease, and for other less common neurodegenerative diseases, the

genetics can be even more complicated, since different mutations of the same gene and

combinations of these mutations may differently affect disease risk (Dobson 2002, 2003;

Chiti & Dobson 2006).


Protein aggregation diseases are not exclusive to the central nervous system;

they can also appear in peripheral tissues. In general, the genes and protein products

involved in these kinds of diseases are called amyloidogenic. Such diseases include type

2 diabetes, inherited cataracts, some forms of atherosclerosis, hemodialysis-related

disorders, and short-chain amyloidosis, among many others. All these diseases have in

common the expression of a protein outside its normal context, leading to an


irreversible change into a sticky conformation rich in beta sheets that make the protein

molecules interact with each other.

The general pattern that emerges in all these diseases is an abnormal tendency of

proteins to aggregate as a result of misfolding. The aggregation can be caused by

chance; by protein hyperphosphorylation (a condition where multiple phosphate groups

are added to the protein), by prion self-catalytic conformational conversion, or by

mutations that make the protein unstable. Aggregation can also be caused by an

unregulated or pathological increase in the intracellular concentration of some of these

proteins. Such imbalances in protein concentration can be a consequence of mutations

such as duplications of the amyloidogenic gene or changes in the protein's amino acid

sequence. Imbalances can also be caused by deficiencies in the proteasome, the cellular

machinery involved in the degradation of aging proteins. Inhibition of autophagy (a

process by which cells engulf themselves) also promotes amyloid aggregation. In

addition, some evidence suggests that the severity of these diseases correlates with an

increase in oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, alteration of cytoplasmic

membrane permeability, and abnormal calcium concentration (Table 1; Lin & Beal



Table 1

Disease Genetic





APP Gives rise to Aβ, the primary component of senile plaques



PS1 and


A component of γ-secretase, which cleaves APP to yield Aβ





The primary component of Lewy bodies



Parkin A ubiquitin E3 ligase



DJ-1 Protects the cell against oxidant-induced cell death



PINK1 A kinase localized to mitochondria. Function unknown. Seems to

protect against cell death



LRRK2 A kinase. Function unknown



HTRA2 A serine protease in the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Degrades

denatured proteins within mitochondria. Degrades inhibitor of

apoptosis proteins and promotes apoptosis if released into the cytosol


lateral sclerosis

SOD1 Converts superoxide to hydrogen peroxide. Disease-causing mutations

seem to confer a toxic gain of function



Huntingtin Function unknown. Disease-associated mutations produce expanded

polyglutamine repeats

Lin, M. T. & Beal, M. F. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in neurodegenerative diseases.

Nature 443, 787–795 (2006) doi:10.1038/nature05292.




First identified by Alois Alzheimer in 1906, Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible,

progressive brain disease that slowly destroys memory and cognitive skills (Alzheimer

1906). It is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for more than half of all

such cases, and currently affects more than 24 million people worldwide, with 4.6

million new cases each year (Ferri et al. 2005). Age is the single biggest known risk

factor, with the incidence of the disease increasing from one in ten of those over 65 to

almost half of those over 85 (Evans et al. 1989, Kukull 2002). There is no strong sex or

race effect, but because women tend to live longer than men there are more women

with Alzheimer’s disease. The average duration of the disease is about 8 years, but it can

last in excess of 20 years.

Figure 5: Pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. (A) Tangles and plaques in Alzheimer’s

disease. Neurofibrillary tangles are intraneuronal and consist of paired helical filaments, the subunit of which is a microtubule-associated protein called tau that has been phosphorylated at multiple sites (dark staining structures). Amyloid plaques are extracellular and are largely composed of a ~4-kDa protein called the amyloid β-protein (Aβ) (round diffuse structures). See Acknowledgements for source information on panel A. (B) Lewy bodies in Parkinson’s


disease. Nerve cell with 3 Lewy bodies that are double-stained for α-synuclein (brown) and ubiquitin (blue). Where only α-synuclein is stained, the color appears as pale reddish-brown, but where ubiquitin also is stained, the superposition of color gives a dark black and brown appearance. The blue staining is not seen on its own, because all the ubiquitin-immunoreactive structures are also positive for α-synuclein. The halo of each Lewy body is strongly immunoreactive for ubiquitin, whereas both the core and the halo of each Lewy body are immunoreactive for α-synuclein. Bar, 10 μm. Panel B has been reproduced from Figure 3 of Spillantini et al. (96), © 1993–2005 by the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, all rights reserved.

The disease is divided into two categories based on the age of onset. Early-onset

Alzheimer’s disease is extremely rare, accounting for only 2% of all cases. It develops

between the ages of 30 and 60 years, and more than half of all such cases are genetic,

with a strong Mendelian inheritance pattern (Rossor 1996). Late-onset Alzheimer’s

disease is by far the most common form of the disease. It too has a genetic

predisposition but appears to involve several gene polymorphisms, some yet to be

identified, that individually or in combination increase one’s risk for developing

Alzheimer’s disease (Chai 2007). A genetic component for late-onset disease is

supported by the finding that the age at onset of Alzheimer’s disease is significantly

more variable for concordant non-identical twins than concordant identical twins,

providing evidence that genetic background strongly influences the timing of the

disease (Gatz et al. 2006). Genetic factors that predispose to Alzheimer’s disease are

difficult to identify because their inheritance does not cause the disease phenotype, but

rather modulates the age of onset.

The disease progression is similar for both early- and late-onset Alzheimer’s

disease and is arbitrarily split into three overlapping stages: early/mild, moderate, and


severe. The initial onset of Alzheimer’s disease is insidious, with memory loss the

earliest and most frequently cited symptom. In a living person, there is no precise

diagnostic test that confirms Alzheimer’s disease. A diagnosis of probable Alzheimer’s

disease is achieved by excluding other conditions that might explain the observed

symptoms. Currently the most important diagnostic tool for clinicians is

neuropsychological and mental status testing. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) criteria for diagnosing dementia requires loss of

two or more domains, including memory, language, calculation, orientation, and

judgment (Kawas 2003). Neuropsychological tests, such as the Mini-Mental State

Examination (MMSE), can provide clinical insight into the patient’s cognitive changes.

Patients are considered to have mild cognitive impairment, not Alzheimer’s disease, if

they present with memory loss but have only minimal impairment in other cognitive

domains and are not functionally impaired at work or home. Thereafter, computed

tomography or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can be used to discriminate between

other forms of dementia. An experienced physician can diagnose Alzheimer’s disease

with up to 90% accuracy. However, a definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease requires

not only the presence of severe dementia but also postmortem confirmation of two

histopathological features, tangles and plaques (Nussbaum 2003).



Techniques for imaging the brain are progressing, and both the sensitivity and

specificity for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease are constantly improving. For instance,

MRI of the hippocampal formation can be used to identify atrophy found in patients

with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease, as such atrophy is absent in the

normal elderly. Similarly, changes in the volume of the fusiform gyrus can be used to

distinguish between mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease, whereas

common cerebral alterations such as enlarged ventricular spaces are used to support

the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease (de Leon et al. 2004). Positron emission

tomography (PET) allows for visualization of metabolism in various regions of the brain

by using 18F-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) as a surrogate marker of glucose

metabolism. In patients with early Alzheimer’s disease, decreased metabolism in

parieto-temporal association cortex and cingulate gyrus and more marked changes in

the medial temporal region and parieto-temporal association cortex are detected. As

the condition progresses, abnormal PET-FDG is also obvious in the frontal association

cortex. In addition, changes detected in regional cerebral perfusion studies by single

photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) can distinguish between mild

Alzheimer’s disease and forms of vascular dementia (Masdeu 2005).

As will be discussed below, accumulation of Aβ in the brain, manifesting as β-

sheet rich plaques, is a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease. Recently, researchers at the

University of Pittsburgh developed a thioflavin T analog, Pittsburgh compound B (PIB),


which binds β-sheet–rich fibrils (Klunk et al. 2004). This compound crosses the blood–

brain barrier and binds amyloid deposits in the brain parenchyma, where binding of PIB

labeled with carbon-11 can be detected by PET imaging. As one would expect, an

inverse correlation exists between FDG-PET imaging of glucose metabolism in the

parietal cortex and PIB binding (Mathis 2005). This novel in vivo imaging technique

provides promise for more definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease by detecting the

pathognomonic Aβ accumulation; following the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in

individual patients; and, tracking changes in plaque burden in response to amyloid-

lowering therapeutics.


Microscopically, the Alzheimer brain is characterized by the presence of

extracellular amyloid plaques and intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles. Amyloid plaques

display a broad range of morphologic and biochemical characteristics and contain

numerous proteins, the principal of which is Aβ (Glenner 1984, Masters 1985). Aβ is a

4-kDa protein with a common core sequence but heterogeneous N- and C-termini. The

most common form of Aβ is 40 amino acids long and is called Aβ40. Aβ42, a less

abundant form of this protein that differs only by having two additional amino acid

residues at the C-terminus, is particularly associated with disease (Bentahir et al. 2006).

Compact, neuritic amyloid plaques contain thioflavin S and Congo red–positive fibrillar


deposits with both Aβ40 and Aβ42 present. Diffuse plaques, on the other hand, are not

fibrillar and consist almost exclusively of Aβ42. These immature deposits may be

detected in the brains of young patients with Down’s syndrome before the

manifestation of Alzheimer’s disease–type dementia or in brain regions that do not

display the complete extent of Alzheimer’s disease pathology described above. As a

result, diffuse plaques are considered precursors to mature, neuritic plaques. Dilated,

dystrophic neurites, activated microglia, and reactive astrocytes can be found within

and immediately surrounding neuritic plaques (Meda 2001). The processes of neurons

found herein display abnormal signs of enlarged lysosomes and numerous


Neurons bearing neurofibrillary tangles, composed of hyper-phosphorylated

forms of the microtubule-associated protein, tau, are also frequently found proximate

to amyloid deposits, and their temporal and spatial appearance more closely reflects

disease severity than does the appearance of amyloid plaques (Thal 2006).

Neurofibrillary tangles are not specific to Alzheimer’s disease, however, and are found in

other disorders (for example, subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and progressive

supranuclear palsy) not associated with the cognitive dysfunction and memory

impairment that characterize Alzheimer’s disease. Indeed a growing body of genetic and

biochemical evidence suggests that neurofibrillary tangles are downstream of Aβ.

Specifically, experimental evidence suggests that abnormal Aβ accumulation triggers tau


pathology (Gotz 2001, Lewis et al. 2001), and tau has been proposed as an essential

mediator of Aβ-induced neurotoxicity (Alexander 2002); however, the steps connecting

Aβ to tau remain undefined. Aβ has been shown to induce the calpain-mediated

cleavage of tau, leading to the generation of a toxic 17-kDa fragment (Park 2005), and to

induce abnormal tau phosphorylation at disease-relevant sites; a recent study even

suggested that tau phosphorylation is the limiting factor in Aβ-induced neurotoxicity

(Leschik 2007). Similarly, tau appears to play a central role in the memory deficits

apparent in certain transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease (Roberson et al.

2007). Together, these results suggest that Aβ plays an initiating role in a pathogenic

cascade that requires altered metabolism of tau to result in disease.




Considerable genetic, animal-modeling, and biochemical data have emerged to

suggest that Aβ plays a central role in initiating Alzheimer’s disease. Aβ is derived from

the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by the action of two aspartyl proteases called β-

and γ-secretases. APP is first cleaved by β-secretase shedding its large ectodomain and

leaving a membrane-bound C-terminal stub (Cai 2001). This 99–amino acid stub is

subsequently cleaved by γ-secretase and Aβ is released. Depending on the exact point of

cleavage by γ-secretase, two main forms of Aβ, comprising either 40 or 42 amino acid

residues, are produced. The proportion of Aβ42 to Aβ40 formed is particularly

noteworthy, because the longer form of Aβ is far more prone to oligomerize and form

fibrils than the more abundantly produced Aβ40 peptide. Production of Aβ is a normal

process, but in a small number of individuals the overproduction of Aβ, or an increased

proportion of the 42–amino acid form, appears sufficient to cause early-onset

Alzheimer’s disease (see Table 2).

The evidence in support of a causative role for Aβ in Alzheimer’s disease is as



1. Localization of the APP gene to chromosome 21 and the observation that

Alzheimer’s disease–like neuropathology is invariably seen in Down’s syndrome (trisomy

21). This point is further supported by detection of a rare case of Down’s syndrome in

which the distal location of the chromosome 21q breakpoint left the patient diploid for

the APP gene. This individual showed no signs of dementia, and amyloid deposition was

essentially absent from the brain upon death at age 78. In addition, duplication of APP is

also associated with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease.

2. Synthetic Aβ peptides are toxic to hippocampal and cortical neurons, both in

culture and in vivo.

3. Inherited mutations in the APP gene that immediately flank or localize within the

Aβ region and increase the amount or aggregation properties of Aβ are sufficient to

precipitate early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Mutations lying outside the Aβ domain are

proximate to the β- and γ-cleavage sites and elevate Aβ production or increase the

Aβ42/Aβ 40 ratio. The five point mutations that lie within the Aβ sequence are clustered

around the central hydrophobic core of Aβ and cause an increase in steady-state levels

of Aβ and/or an increased propensity of the Mresultant Aβ to aggregate.

4. Inherited mutations within the presenilin 1 and 2 genes increase the Aβ42/Aβ40

ratio throughout life and cause very early and aggressive forms of Alzheimer’s disease.

In this regard, presenilin has been found to contribute the active site of the protease (γ-


secretase) that generates the C-terminus of Aβ (Bentahir et al. 2006, Kumar-Singh et al.


5. In humans, Apo E, which codes for apolipoprotein E, has three common alleles,

ε2, ε3, and ε4, and genetic epidemiological studies show that the ε4 allele is a major risk

factor for developing late-onset Alzheimer’s disease, whereas the ε2 allele appears to be

protective. Importantly, ε4 is associated with more extensive and fulminant Aβ

deposition than is ε2.

6. Mice transgenic for mutant human APP show a time-dependent increase in

extracellular Aβ and develop certain neuropathological and behavioral changes similar

to those seen in Alzheimer’s disease.

7. Finally, injection of synthetic Aβ into the brains of tau transgenic mice accelerates

tau hyperphosphorylation and leads to tangle formation reminiscent of the other

hallmark that characterizes Alzheimer’s disease, whereas reducing endogenous

expression of tau ameliorates behavioral deficits in APP transgenic mice (Roberson et al.


Table 2. Genetics of early-onset Alzheimer’s disease


Figure 6: Production of Aβ by proteolytic cleavage from APP followed by association of Aβ to form oligomers and

fibrils, showing potential targets for anti-amyloid therapies. Aβ, the gray shaded box, is cleaved from APP by sequential action of 2 proteases; β-secretase carries out the initial cleavage to form the N-terminus of Aβ; γ-secretase then cleaves the C99 stub to produce the C-terminus of Aβ. The parallel dotted lines represent a membrane bilayer in which part of the C-terminal region of APP is anchored. Hence γ-secretase activity is a protease that cleaves a substrate within a membrane. Production of Aβ by secretase action leads to Aβ monomer, the concentration of which in the steady state is a balance between formation and degradation. Monomers can associate to form small oligomers that increase in size and eventually lead to fibril formation. One anti-amyloid strategy is to inhibit the enzymatic action of either secretase (shown by a black cross). A second strategy is to remove soluble and deposited Aβ using antibodies (shown as semicircles).


Aβ is a natural product present in the brains and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of

normal subjects (Walsh 2000, Deshpande 2006). The presence of Aβ itself does not lead

to neurodegeneration, but neuronal injury ensues as a result of the ordered self-

association of Aβ molecules. Within the amyloid plaques that characterize Alzheimer’s


disease, Aβ is organized into fibrils 6–10 nm in diameter, whereas in vitro, Aβ readily

assembles into very similar amyloid fibrils. Many studies have demonstrated that when

synthetic Aβ is pre-incubated to form amyloid fibrils, such preparations are directly toxic

to neurons (Deshpande 2006).

One important caveat when considering the activity of Aβ assemblies is the

dynamic nature of the aggregation process. Initial studies clearly demonstrated that

aggregation of Aβ was essential for toxicity, but characterization of the assemblies used

was limited and it was assumed that, because amyloid fibrils were Mdetectable, it was

fibrils that mediated the observed toxicity. Yet this ignored the fact that in patients

dying with Alzheimer’s disease there is a relatively weak correlation between the

severity of dementia and the density of fibrillar amyloid.

In contrast, robust correlations between the levels of soluble Aβ and the extent

of synaptic loss and severity of cognitive impairment have been demonstrated (Lue et

al. 1999); the term soluble Aβ refers to all forms of Aβ that remain in aqueous solution

following high speed centrifugation of brain extracts. To date, most studies of soluble Aβ

brain levels have employed assays that cannot identify the aggregation state of the

species detected. Thus, although one cannot attribute the effects to a specific assembly

form of Aβ, the solubility of the species in aqueous buffer following ultracentrifugation

(typically >100,000g for >1 h) would indicate that the preparations used are free of

fibrillar assemblies.


Furthermore, in very recent studies, antibodies reported to be specific for

oligomeric, but not monomeric or fibrillar, Aβ revealed abundant anti-oligomer

reactivity in soluble extracts of Alzheimer’s disease brain, but none in age-matched

controls (Georganopoulou 2005).


SDS-stable dimers and trimers (so called low-n oligomers) of Aβ have been

detected in the buffer-soluble fraction of human cerebral cortex and in human CSF

(Walsh 2000, Enya et al. 1999). Similar oligomers are also formed by a fibroblast cell line

genetically manipulated to express mutant human APP (7PA2 cells). These cells produce

and secrete significant amounts of SDS stable low-n oligomers of Aβ that migrate in

denaturing SDS-polyacrylamide gels with molecular weights consistent with dimers,

trimers, and occasionally tetramers (Walsh 2002). Because of the easy maintenance and

fast growth rate of these cells, 7PA2 culture medium has provided a convenient tool to

investigate the biological activities of low-n Aβ oligomers. This led to the discovery that

Aβ oligomers can inhibit hippocampal long-term potentiation (an electrophysiological

measure of synaptic plasticity) (Walsh 2002, Wang 2004), impair complex learned

behavior in the live rat (Cleary 2005), and reduce the density of dendritic spines in

cultured hippocampal neurons (Calabrese 2007, Shankar 2007). Additional support for a

role for prefibrillar Aβ assemblies in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis comes from


studies using synthetic Aβ peptides. The first nonfibrillar assemblies identified were

protofibrils; these heterogeneous structures range from spherical assemblies of ~5 nm

diameter to short, flexible rods of up to 200 nm in length. The principal difference

between protofibrils and mature fibrils is size and relative solubility; fibrils are

frequently several microns long and are often associated with other fibrils, whereas

protofibrils tend not to be associated with other protofibrils and seldom exceed 150 nm

in length. Consequently, unlike fibrils, they do not sediment upon low-speed

centrifugation. Protofibrils can be generated under a variety of biochemical conditions

and appear to behave as true fibril intermediates in that they can both form fibrils and

dissociate to lower-molecularweight species. Acute application of protofibrils in vivo

rapidly alters synaptic physiology, whereas chronic application causes cell death. A

second soluble, nonfibrillar assembly of synthetic Aβ called Aβ-derived diffusible ligands

(ADDLs), appear as spheres with a diameter ~5 nm and migrate in polyacrylamide gels at

~4, 8, 16, and 18 kDa. ADDLs are formed only under certain specific in vitro conditions

but can cause neuronal death and block long-term potentiation in ex vivo preparations

(Wang et al. 2002).

A recent study reported that synthetic ADDL preparations can bind excitatory

synapses and cause a reduction in spine density (Lacor et al. 2007) similar to the findings

observed with soluble Aβ oligomers secreted in cell culture.


Together these results provide compelling evidence that soluble nonfibrillar

forms of Aβ are potent neurotoxins. Indeed, in the human brain it is likely that multiple

Aβ assemblies that are in dynamic equilibrium simultaneously alter neuronal, astrocytic,

and microglial function, and that different toxic effects may occur virtually concurrently

in various regions of the cerebral cortex.

Thus removal or neutralization of such toxic species is an attractive therapeutic



To date, there is no effective treatment that can prevent progression of

Alzheimer’s disease; available drugs can only delay worsening of symptoms.

Therefore there is urgent need for therapies that alter the progression of Alzheimer’s

disease. The Aβ hypothesis posits that increased steady-state levels and consequent Aβ

assembly is the primary event driving Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis (Figure 3). The

rest of the disease process is believed to result from this aberrant assembly. A number

of different anti-amyloid therapies are under development; two examples are discussed

and illustrated in Figure 2: decreasing the production of soluble Aβ monomer and

removing soluble and deposited Aβ. Reduction of Aβ levels is particularly attractive

because it may be possible to titrate Aβ down to concentrations that will not support

oligomerization. It would be anticipated that cell-penetrant agents that could reduce


intracellular and/or extracellular monomer levels below the critical concentration

needed for oligomerization would thus prevent Aβ from assembling into toxic


Figure 7: The Aβ hypothesis: an increase in the concentration of Aβ, especially the 42–amino acid form, is the

underlying cause for the pathological features of Alzheimer’s disease.

The development of potent highly selective inhibitors of β- and γ-secretases that

can readily enter the brain and lower Aβ production (Figure 2) is being actively pursued.

Similarly, efforts are also ongoing to develop small molecules that can upregulate the

enzymes that control Aβ degradation and thus lower Aβ levels by increasing Aβ



Anti-Aβ immunotherapy employs antibodies that recognize multiple different

toxic Aβ assemblies by both directly neutralizing them and preventing their toxic effect,

by promoting microglial clearance, and/or by redistributing Aβ from the brain to the

systemic circulation. This approach has already been shown to reduce cerebral Aβ

levels, decrease amyloidassociated gliosis and neuritic dystrophy, and alleviate memory

impairment in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease. More importantly,

Alzheimer’s disease patients that were immunized with aggregated Aβ showed

diminished cognitive decline and slowed disease progression compared with patients

that received placebo (Gilman et al. 2005). Unfortunately, this phase IIa trial had to be

stopped prematurely because 18 of the 298 patients who had been immunized

developed meningoencephalitis. Notably, in four cases that have since come to autopsy

(two affected with encephalitis and two not), all showed evidence of clearance of

amyloid deposits. Thus in the first clinical test of the Aβ hypothesis it appears that (as in

preclinical studies of mouse models) targeted removal of cortical Aβ beneficially

modifies Alzheimer’s disease progression. Efforts are ongoing to develop an equally

effective immunization protocol that avoids induction of encephalitis. Thus there is good

reason to believe that therapies directed at preventing the generation of toxic Aβ

assemblies will soon come to the clinic and that, unlike current therapies, they will

actually halt further deterioration and offer the potential of restoring normal cognitive



With the advancement of potentially disease-modifying therapies, there is an

urgent need to develop methods for use in early ante mortem diagnosis. This is

required, not only from a clinical standpoint, but also because it affects the integrity of

clinical trials and epidemiological research. Currently there are at least four methods

that have evolved from our better understanding of the disease process: analysis of Aβ

species in CSF; visualization of amyloid plaques by PET as discussed above (Fagan et al.

2006); measurement of Aβ in peripheral blood (Irizarry 2004); and measurement of total

tau and/or phospho-tau in CSF (Kahle et al. 2000, Buerger et al. 2002).

Given the genetic evidence supporting a prominent role for Aβ42 in disease,

many studies have investigated the diagnostic utility of measuring Aβ42 in CSF.

For Alzheimer’s disease patients, Aβ42 levels in CSF are typically reduced to

around 50% of the level found in controls. The mean sensitivity and specificity to

discriminate between Alzheimer’s disease and normal aging are both >85% (Blennow

2004). However, decreased CSF Aβ42 is found in certain patients with frontotemporal

dementia and vascular dementia, and measurement of CSF Aβ42 alone is insufficient to

discriminate between Alzheimer’s disease and these dementias (Riemenschneider et al.

2002). CSF Aβ40 is unchanged or slightly increased in Alzheimer’s disease (Fukuyama

2000); consequently a decrease in the ratio of Aβ42/Aβ40 in CSF has been found in

Alzheimer’s disease, and this decrease seems more pronounced than the reduction of

CSF Aβ42 alone (Hansson 2007). Alzheimer’s disease is also associated with a significant


increase in CSF tau and phosphotau levels, and combining measurement of total tau,

Aβ42, and phospho-tau identifies incipient Alzheimer’s disease in patients with mild

cognitive impairment with very high accuracy (Herukka 2005).

The reduced level of CSF Aβ42 in Alzheimer’s disease is believed to be caused by

deposition of Aβ42 in senile plaques, hence leaving lower levels of Aβ42 to diffuse into

CSF. Accordingly, studies have found a strong correlation between low Aβ42 in CSF and

high retention of PIB (Fagan et al. 2006). Factors that may contribute to reduced Aβ42

levels, in addition to deposition in senile plaques, include formation of Aβ42 oligomers

that escape ELISA detection and binding of Aβ42 to other proteins that block the

antibody recognition of Aβ. For instance, ELISA measurements of plasma Aβ levels in

Alzheimer’s disease have yielded conflicting data and this could, in part, reflect an

inability to measure Aβ oligomers. This possible confounder might differ for antibodies

used in different ELISA protocols and could explain some of the contradictory results.

Development of anti-Aβ dimer/oligomer-specific antibodies should obviate concerns

about epitope masking due to Aβ self-association and may provide a useful system to

measure Aβ dimer/oligomer levels in both CSF and plasma.

Indeed, a small number of preliminary studies suggests that measurement of Aβ

oligomers will be of benefit (Georganopoulou 2005, Pitschke 1998). If this holds true in

larger studies, one would anticipate that combining measurement of disease-linked

assembly forms (oligomers) of Aβ together with measurement of tau in CSF and PIB


binding in brain will provide a highly specific and sensitive means of measuring both

early and incipient Alzheimer’s disease.



During the past few years there has been mounting evidence that the underlying

pathology in several neurodegenerative diseases arises from the production of soluble

oligomeric assemblies of a protein characteristic of each disease. In the case of

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, these proteins are Aβ and α-synuclein,

respectively. It is clear that such oligomers are deleterious to neurons in their vicinity,

though the molecular mechanisms by which damage occurs remain to be established.

Emerging therapies are likely to be based on preventing such assemblies from forming

and/or persisting. When oligomeric assemblies grow in size, they can form insoluble

deposits of amyloid fibrils. Emerging diagnostic tools are likely to include the early

detection of these fibrils.



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