Iky Jn M Pato Pont Mísb The Biú Stft Parad This Morning at JO ...


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Transcript of Iky Jn M Pato Pont Mísb The Biú Stft Parad This Morning at JO ...

Today Iky Jn M Pato Pont Mísb The Biú Stft Parad This Morning at JO o'Clock

rRrwTrjaelt, iaVmr

4 . ...






SUMMARYEUROPEAN WAR IF VILLA WILL' te tfci süte UfVeatfMi AH the halloas engaged m thé

migMy straggle m Helglnm and Hte

LIFE flf VOLA their dear- - rrjr.4 4he TeiuM ,northaeWrl


Ftaare arem




United BiMMtn afj Iba tone, go tar as Is known, III I M AICentederaey. The member at ar there bss been Rule progress enbavsebsM, .new fertjr-iw- hi swaaber, KELLY rtthervelder but- - freat iba aeeowtehi eensideraMen, ef tbehr atea, are H thst have tillered through treatneMent beetth;. The tbembiWmea-sates- i this stern engagement,

tent ta the besae staring the wbfeR has been going en Incessantlyee" by the Chapters' Texas far several davit, may be character-

ised OUT CARRANZABE aa the fiercest of the whole war.Theaundt upon thousands of Ger-

man. .The eks jeai .te )fce.heeie jby the rttatorcements have been addedebaptera, m respenae t ny call nade te the great masses of troops which

'ta the flan' Antéale eeaveatlen year have been endeavoring te force their WILL LIKEWISEage, have giren, mere, pteaanre to the way la the northern porta el rraaee.eMladlea than eny'resaeabraaea ever it ts said that this eeesetess push-

ingv i 4. forward of vast bodies at GermanAa I .bare aiated in soldiers Ir by 'direct order of Ihe em-

peror,theoateiHsn aa ebaimansay



Confedérate beates a csmpslgn against wklrh at aa early ABDICATEeanmHtee, many" "

ehapter write to see taqnlrtag uhat FOR NINETEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF ORGANIZATION? INITIAL BjUSI-NES-S.dale Is considered among Ibe possi-bilities,. ! provided a suitable base canmay we send la me aM tedies la the

borne?" Te this tagntry I reply. "A. SESSION DEVELOPS SOME UVELV DISCUSSIONS WHICH END IN HAR be found from whleh to. direct Iheforrea.V tret wlH gire aH af .tbem.pleaamrnqmovs: criminal nre, and thta wHi be an appropriate MONIOUS AGREEMENT? REPORTS OF OFFICERS SHOW PATRIOTIC WORK Similarly the allies have been

CONDITIONALand a beentifal gift, frasa ar dear and among the1 troeps at the RESIGNATIONSEIZED NAT "qCJADALUPE at friends; divUlea, united BEING PERFORMED front, are the .British Indians, who,

BuMers at the Ceafedaraey.M BY THE ORDER; according la account, have been bear-la- g OF FIRST CHIEF PRESENT-

EDO.CHARGJEOf ATTZMFT-IN-G . We send a greeting 'ta the Raberi themselves well.

E. Lee chapter, at El Faae, and the A new rebellion In Ihe union of TO CONVENTION;TO ASSASSINATE COM wish wat their aneeeas may eentinne,-- . The nineteenth enana! rnnrnntlan nf tti'n chapter application blanks," W. children's granted to any speakerY except upon unanimou-


South Africa baa given reuse foranx.lety both to the British and Ihe Southrentemberlag wet thta exeeHeat ehapr Texas divlelon of the. United Daughters of auxiliary application blanks,-- , 1,947 annuals WANTS COMMANDER OF

MANDER ter was oraealted by Mrs. A. v the Confederacy opened. at lose o'clock and so folios of old songs. U y t. No member shall speak ,f6r more thin I Arrfcan government. Generals deOF NORTHERN Wwkler, one or the nefcleej, treeat timr m ine'Mii racial or in "The rollowlng chapters have, been ad-

dedtwo minutes 10 a mouon, i Wet and Beyers, notable figures In

i f 'woneb or the Southland ene great Paso, del Norte. M delegates from' the var to our list! Col. J. Vi Natson chapter, 5. rrq subject shall be debated for moro I South Arries, have placid themselves NORTHERN ARMY' RE-

TIREDARMY IS EXECUTED FOL In athtd and bearU All neaer and

loua chapters over the state being present. iiueoarai anteiopo cnspier, ai Anteiopei than SO minutes. ' I at Ihe head of a molt In Ihe Orangereverence to her sacred memory and. the



nreslded.Hamll, presidents or ikq turner cnapier, uvuigjion, ana ft. No momber shsll speak In debate over I Free atale and' western Transvaal. ' ToVrIVATE LIFE;nunuies uniu an wno wisn nave aponen. The thisextent1 of rising' Is notLOWING, DRUMHEAD nverlaattag appreciation of her The. afternoon aeaslon was enlivened by 7. CbSDtcr. rcDorts shall be limited to

labors of love. several neaiea aiscussions, ine cnair three'" minutes,, snd committee reports to Iknown nor can lis t Importance ba REITERATES MOTIVES OF

COURT MARTIAL With a greeting Me our president, 'envolved in' one arter the reading five minutes. Discussion of reports shall I foretold, but already' Ihe South Arri-cen5 GEORGE of the or credentials government had .knowledge of theeach sfHeer and delegate and Ibe report .the-- committee out ctcecu ten minuios. i

desire (hat this convention when a delegate, protested that proxies 8. In voting, each delegate mutt have prospective movement, has Issued a HIGHEST PATRIOTISMC may should he allowed' to volo In. spite of theCAROTHERS, AMERICAN be eharaiterhed un iior uaugo anu ue in proper se proclamation to Ihe people calling forand

by fruitful, delibera-tion

fact, that they had not'been' oualined with election, time. Or the vote wifi.be cast their assistance and has taken mea-sures

AND ANXIETY TO HASTENwomanly efforta. In the name me creoentiais committee.. Tbe motion to O nlAat riAnHnv Inttninilnn. iMmREPRESENTATIVE, HEARS of oar cause and good feeling, vote on the credential committee's report chapters mutt cast their vote according to Theto quell the rebellion.'

Yours very sincerely, was made and seconded, but when Presi Instructions. British admiralty Issues warn-ing PEACE OF REPUBLIC

CONFESSION OF CRIME; .KATIE DAFFAN, dent Hamll opened, the question ror dis 10 All proxies sent the president, must to vessels whose course maycussion, nureoers or ueieraies protésica be placed wlth'.votlng delegates prior to carry (hem to the waters to the north

Superintendent of Ibe Confederate thisction, loud cries of 'Tioi rror arising me nnai report or ine creaenuai com-mittee.

of Ireland, as la these waters Ger-mánWoman's Home. wiicii uie cnairqian asxea wneiner ine minea have been laid wllh the By ihe Auoclattd Pnil '

wíncUco MuJc4 notorious criminal or question 'should bo put to a vote. 11. All resolutions must ba read from the I result that one British steamer, Ma-nchester

Mexico City, Oct. S7, Vénüatlano CarranzaDESTROYERS WASHED ASHORE. President Hamll ruled that no nroxles floor, and submitted without debate to the!ra Commerce, , has been blown submitted his resignation, 'to thecuiu. ti so wn 10 ins police ts "El should be allowed' to Vote whose names sndOlUeaAmaUna , rttu. . commiuee on resolutions in writing. up. Additional ehaanela In the river convention today, Ills offer tov...,. MKUMXV wfmwji. Three' United Statea Vessels' Caught la Gale credentials had not been submitted to tho It. No 'one not a member or this ornnl.was arrested and executed by, villa army mi virgiaia uiest. credential committee; and met with vigor xsllon shall be allowed the Moor of the! Thames have been declared closed to relinquish his pott ts supremo cbler of the

Offlcit at OttdeUDe..Zae.. on muU Bu the Áuodtitá Preasous condemnations of her action. 4 Promt nouse, except oy .unanimous contení or navigation by tbe admiralty In order nstion, however. Is conditional on tho re-

tirementereatej, roHowtejr; w alleged, attempt, ta Horfelk. Vs.. Oct. 97 Unitednent amonr tboae whn tnnlr i.art In tlut house. to frústrale attempts by hostile snips to private Urn or Oeneral Fran-

ciscoThree RtateaiismMum 8eaeral Villa, before be protest, against tne action or ine cnair was This set of. rules .was subm tied hv Mm. to . reach London. f Villa, in offering to resign. Generalwas Daty torpedo, boat destroyers went aahore Mrs. a. n. Howard, delegate from ine Hous-ton

dames Oscar Barthold, Joseph BSlbrell and AlPortugurse mission Is In London Csrranta said he was actuated only by thocíuito, íi is Mia, ne mide a fun eon of r the Virginia coast early today (during a chanter. The dlacilsalon was ended nauei muaaey uates, wno constituted tne I arranging details for Ihe possible co-operation

highest motives of patriotism' and that acaevcro auirm, wnicn conimuea uniu iste when the motion waa made to but the mat-ter committee.knowledges that he bed 'been ihlred at m mnleht, Two of the véasela. tiMt Rtirrnnrtut to avote, 77 voting either In person or All resorts1 were received with a rlilnvl nf ihe Portuguese army ceptance or rejection or his orrer must de'

...CZ. J" inmineut - uurwHa effteieto and the Juett, were' released and proceeded by certified proxy to' sustain the ruling vino ui uwui tu uro coinmiiiees.wHh, the allies. Manuel, Ihe former pend on wheiber his elimination would con

wh6 wished to put Villa out" efthe way or the chair, and st against such, action. Metdamee Mamie W. Cox. or i.allu. ., a. kief ot Portugal, has offered bis ser-viced

tribute toward hastening peace In the rer-- "

.win cooion ae .nemea uenersi, PabloThe third, the Fauldlnr, still was fast be-tween

The report or the' credential committee Leastrunk or Tyler, and J. D. Williams or I o Ihe army of Portugal, abould public and the furtherance of true demo-crat-lctwq. sandbars in Lynnhayen bay to- - then waa aooroved with a rlalne vote of nrenuami .were SDDomiea on ine resom- - the republic Join Ihe allies sgalatt Ideas.

' thanks. - nons commrnee. Germany. In discussing tbe lender of his resignaPtl" of CerraanVarroy. ilfe savers from Cane Henrv todsr made Thirty mjnutei were inas the.awHfe, several spent, an attempt Weleeme' Raeecbes Delivered. A4Hava dispatch from. Lisboa, tion by General csrranta.furnished tfce MeneyIhé unsuceessfnl attemnta to rMti th explain a-- passage In the reoort or tho by a high govern-ment

Th ír Jrrív ror W xiiKng of VHie and. Paulding, wblcb carries a crew or eightyfour. executive committee concerning 'the right At the aternlnir session veñ. rriav wel. way; Of Madrid.; rroorla that German ofriclal sold today:

a rroRouso. Moseie, ornee or po- The auxiliary cruiser Panther was or Mrs. D. A. .Dunn or Crockett, one tad come addréses were delivered by Mayor IreeaV have Invaded Ihe Portuguese "General villa has charged Oeneral Car- -lice In iMMiaa 'Ctttr. rirnuu. standing by tonight with a hawser made only v past president, to legally vote at C. E. KeJt. on behalf of El' Pa an; rdiimvl frivrnico, " " r ainca, ana rants with being t who desiredhad persBly him the commission fast to the stranded boat. All errorts to pull meetings or .the, executive' committee. Ac-

cording.Judge-ele- Adrian Pool, on behalf or the! that preparations ,are under way for to take advantage of an accident and per

to feetre; mi," her tntotdeeo water were abandoned., how. to' the reoort. Mrs. Kunn aiated ta MR; CHARLES LELAND HAMO, coon'yjfcr'ugge reyton r. tawinn, on the dispatch to Ihst province ot war petúalo nwiseir in power, oeneral car.JtUl! .northern leader, jjfftelsl ever, for. (ear she. would .not stand the the executive committee that she had alt President, of I tie local U. a V.. and Mrs. B. E..e ' "t Lonxvlew, .snips and troops from? Portugal. rants now shows hit. rood falta to tlmfWr awoanttef tengan Villa's straifi' ways been given notice of meetings of the Tefas. ThomuMi, on behalf or the D. A. n. TheKith seas', broke over'lhe- - PauMWir board, of dtrc 'In qrdsr. thavshe might nvaJafTon wis offered by the Xev, Barnes The Russian general staff reporta world by declaring that. It vthe. ptrwattlci

--tors cnapier is at 'Rólsn, ta bé W-- e absence of the' Rev. c. W. Wendell, tan commencement 0r righting along or himself and villa are. to .be a check on

wwtgrvers, . Tne-- irate- -' h 1 an.n knownxaa. Uxi.terltJ'si nhapier.v .. who was to liaVé delivered the ooenlnr the front- - m eastern Prussia and claims peace and .to democratic progress In Mex-ico,monism.. However, lesieaogtn Carreaneadlaa eeretarv'a RaaarL victories ever ibe Germana at Various they should itep down and out, AithA VMUUkl ano repori 01 iin,,tji K. ntruis, corres-

pondingfhe're are several reasans ny f take pelel ta Russian' Poland, you Americans say, 'il is new uo to' Mr.secretamr for the Tans division,tuarex, ,Af Late reports- - to the yardnary indicated read sectTona or the constiiuilon, and slated pvoKi iiv.uio ,n wcitjiratia jfou tp hi A newspaper dispatchgueUea; ebief for the follows; . m letters from Rotter, YHIs."of .the information depart- - tiM 9HO was ug jcaaina . that she bad consulted the sttornej general year, .written, Paso ihsn any other delegation that lias

lurm lire umaion or me aoruu A' hole was storo In the BnrrouKha: star. so 'of which were to defunct,, chapters and ever come here," said Mayor Kelly. "They dam saya thai enrrsl Von Beselrr, "The followers of Csrranta are willingCarelhera Hears. Caafessloa. board bow .and the men .lost her starboard by,

u. ifsvuhim In heriu iuv





wat w i or rs. a. b. wnite, concerning tne are, first, I tm the son or a Confederate who commanded Ihe German forcea lo. let hlitory Judge us by this act of dlsOeorge C. Carothers, went or the state not legally' entitled toú vote in the execu-


'orcalenders;' yh

aridpost oards on mat-- , veteran; aecona, i am ine, Drainer or a when Antwerp wis taken, has earn Interearednait on his psrt, for we csn mtkuters importance; nearly a thousand Confederate veteran; and third, because milled suicide at Bruges. sacrifice in thodepartment, reported, was present meetings, and waa only accorded the circular letters pertaining to work, such no greater interest or pcaco

when right through courtesy. On motion or Miss everyone of ?ou s j0oklng." r i m i ana psinousm."the would-b- e assassin made, his as the'llterary contest instructions on con-vention,Octavia Barlow, division, Judge Pool ststed that it will be a great.historian, Mrs.'Incriminating the. Carras, GASiXPLOSÍON etc I have been able to. keep theleaders. Kunn was unanimously made a member of pleasure to all El Pasoans'wha can to takeexpenses for the entire down 10 less ZAPATA DELEGATES CLOTHED O.N'LYine was yearroiiewmg conreasion HuHca exe-

cuted. ine executive noaro. t me aeiegaies over tne countryside, and DAVLIDHTAt the arternoon meeting yesterday, Mrs.man as or wnicn was my personal don-

ation-onshow them the magnificent roadf around THIEVES tVIIH I'UIVfcH TO mVKaril.ATC

General Villa's officers bare compHtned Nunn stated thst sift bad never sought the division debr. the city and county and the crops that Bu the Auoclated Pmiiu uhj awerais or wte Aguascaiienteg cen uuiiur ur umce m tíiü aiviaion, dui inai Report of Division Custodian. id uiaaiiig- - tne vauey laiuouB, Washington, Oct. he latest advicesMINERSicrcuee, Hau me- - attempt to Kill the EN1ÜÍBS It had been thrust 'upon her: that she had Urges Chleamauoa Monument. received from Its special agents by tho.commander-o- f

taken rreat niide In Iti and that it hail made the following report, lnbrlerr 410 tOOT RESIDENCEthe. northern amy division, ' Judge Edwards deplored the fact. thst on slato department at Aguascallentes. told ofand-- H u eipected that the confession or been a deep Xurt to have such action taken applications for membership m chapters the battlefield of Chlcsmaura. the onlv lh. vltlt of tbe It Zapata delegates touy tne Doara or aireeiora. sirs. Niinn ,ia registered; names or 17 veteñans from the erectedWhich has been forwarded monuments in memory of the Ousdalupe, where Oenersl Villa has histo the ONE HUNBRflfj ANe.FIVr. MBN IN R8Y 7 years old, possibly the oldest active Aiuert oiuney jonnaion cnapier or Austin,convention, win cause something- or a sen ALTON. HXLWtS, Mtf. ARB Indexed. Who have received crniaea nf bse' tr,,Tec,1d by thbe'goveromní! ?,ow TtÍottme,'úiiytUrDt'i - con- -salten, there.. TO m BEAB, honor;' 66 applications for cresses or honor t'h orlnAND ms.1'BI

Muilea, a native or Argentina, was ar-rested

from the 'Dick Dowllifr chapter at Beau, JAMES E. R0WE.V. It appears from official reporta that thein. Mexico CHy several years iw mom. The department has received a num-

berZapsta delegates did not come ss duly aui

.on a' charge or having murdered a Oerroan Foriy Others are Known to Have of fine 'papers from' the division his lhorlied representatives nf the southerncotuular reprfsentatlre to that city. Found Killed Twenty-eig- Bodies Re-

covered timetorian,

helpingand I


anentour museum

a rreator


nf Robbery Believed to Have Occurred Shortly I chief, but as a, commission to exchangerullty, he was sentenced to a life term Last iMshU relics snd valuable papers. " nwoti ivmiD ramjiy yí i iiuprejaians ana viows wnn mo convenuon.In the Bolem prison or Mexico City. The Work of Division Hlatoriaa.

Away From Home, When tbey had sattifled thcnuelves withmorder or the German consul took: place i I the character or tbe convention they wereBu th AñtacÍAttd Prtññ Miss Octavia Barlow of El Paso, divisionto uto ,0 ZipU U11 fuU iU,bor'uuiei iiurmae. Mí.f.T" Tetflrtnoyalten, ills.. Oct. ne hundred and ni.iui.au, icjiui icu uni ui.tue Jul CHSpicrs Vetterdty morning while Jame e. howenMujica escaped from the penitentiary m fire mea 'whav were trapped on the lower reporting at the San Antonio, convention, eiFebruary, 1911. when Oenerala Felix DIat have thereported during pat year, tblevel of 'a Burning aune near here today,and Bernardo Rejes led an uprls(n In the believed reports covering Mo chapter meetings, sndwere tonight to be beyond hopecapital and turned free ail or the tomates a number of business meetings. More tbsu NortredburTi.r(k0nin?i tLX2JLt0 tver-,n-

" hid d complile un- -or rescue. Tnirty or forty others or theof the prison. Since that time be has too communications were. received during dKerc..,rMÓn.rx.,908 who entered the mine this morning the year, and hundreds or letters aad.pott-card- stheen in Mexicoresiamar city unmolested. were known to be dead and late tonight nave been, written' In 'Arrived From Mexlee Cttr. 88 Domes nsd Deen recovered. TfmgT reports and historical



ob-tain J'D.tlv3e.toate'woTk't.V.,hUi1 or.W'0S'M or ottar. del.beTitlons 7t Tta nvcntíon',

Tho alleged, weuld-b- e ? fínSu.!"!..' "9 Pv'o "Pttchet hid Indicated that Oen.assassin arrived at The fire followed a gas explosion that dreds of hooks, pamphlets and papers' hate the hura-u- .oeneral villa's Headquarters, It Is reported, been obtained from collectors, many ofuccurrcu nre, minutes rciore ine minersfrom Mexico City on October 9, and at. once them priceless, havlna-- been writ an bv ni.ere to begin work. About fifty men badsought an Interview wj the conrntAder, dlers on their personal experiences, andnot entered the shaft, but the others bad who now are dead. Two thousand,offermr Ws services wtMi the sevendtvlston of gone down and begun to scatter to the hundred programs snd wo circular tettersine Borm. n men was sew to 'the com-mander

unrrór 'thfe'i:: aveillon Choice,various woruags. Mheo'twere aent iu various cnapicrs or WO divtlof one eí the groups and assigned The sound or the exptosiea was beard in Ion. Two hundred and fifteen nriuui mm were disturbed In their work when Mrs Tno announcement rrora Mexico Cliy thatto duty aa a private soldier. RoyaMea and every adult person In the useripts were received durinr the year, ihe Rowen returned rrom the convention Csrranta bad submitted bis resignation con.Some time later he ágata appeared before eicept the enure emcuae account ior isa var vn thetown, .telephone operator, bur shortly trier noon. dlilon! on retirement to private lireGeneral Villa with theor


Oat, being ies u, iwj wwe, nescue parties quicxiy Mrs. Edith E. T. Blessing, peer laureate Thst tbe Job wss don by experienced of 0"' Villa, waa In line wHtt reportstnan superior ability, should berive a comnmim. Tke

Cere organized and help waa summoned or the chapter, sent her report, to ba read crooks was tbe belief axoresaad u.i ni.hi from American Consul 81111m an who statedman wasback to lmisiyir rom stMTounamg towns. uasm ine mine, by the secretary, being nnabto to attend In by detectives, who based their opinion few W "' Carrania waa wHMng

the statement haUfMMawerior. with nowevar, prevented the rescueiX front peg.

Eerson. Mrs. Blessing reportad that the upon the manner In which ihe entrance 16 f,lrn " ix Zaj tad Villa raUa- -be given pro-- . etratwr more than firteea buhdrad feet two poems, wbjab bad been vts effected. Several auspecM were round- - lul,h ,nelr P,L 18 tB0 constltattoMHatHKrtlea If We serriee and rhteMty war- - into (be working and they were unable published In 'the Dallas newspensea. and ed up last Blghi, but no real ehie to the ann'

to reeesi tne m men entrapped 00 a lower " Identity or the thieves waa 'totum. The The Washington government baa rreat Rmpar m. iMrd'MsM, Mondar; K la said. leve which, waa la flamea. One hundred MRS. EDITH Lt, LESSINO,Rules and Regalatlaas. . detectives are keeplngra claaa wateb for tUrt fitinttlned an ahaotntely pasaive atoMtjna aeugm mm. ceaMsanaer, ad It was and Wfty men, howerer,were taken from The committee on rules and - - efforts to dispose of tba tat uui . h.. Iliude toward the eeniro- -on this y Wt that the alled attempt at me mine unbarmedr hut mere than eiabur Poet. Laureate, Waco, Texas. also submitted tba following rulas. and MISS OCTAVU BARLOVV, serlpttoa of the Jewelry war telegraphed veri " trreeted tbe ntiiaaal aaavsn-l- o

or now ana sean evareeme by as. Two Daughter In the stste. and baa rendered for the caventton! Historian, EI Paso, Texas, dirrerent ciUea ihrougbaw the Southweat ,lon but ,he Impressloa baa bee, generalttf there has been no daslala t. No member shall be recornlaadorfkrfsj wee at hw surraee. faithful service In the nromotk. of tba by the sail riUiAmi, I that If all the factions arae unnn akaiby aesber MmmI FaMo Oonsales or Frw wwi. -- " vi man mm aawf)' while have erectedother stateaA msne rescue car rrsnv Rentan, ills., ar cause. tar. magnlfl- - for provisional pretldent at Hatcieea Hobate, ttte Carranka frielala. who rivad naarb four batsra after the aploston Maav -- -' - mihU-li- r rrltlrlud Umm . ffiTm&Üitil,!ftL AVuTnmlZUt.n woukl eda fopKo member shaH speak twtsa aa aba enlace 5 W!the MsintTMaanMweee aeewaeit br Mujiea as hsssigators for her aclUwi at the emiitfarwiw a or

VÜta'a supply Mygwi beemets. The same queatiou. dlvtilon to tata the matter in hand and mo or toiasM Ntearltt. lis North ''"vu."' TíT?ZZ!.of Use MSMNraey m Mfef 'SeMi have commHtaa, and Mrs. HamH defended barwere: pr lawn waa a. An extension or K ABMrl"n forcerescue msssmm time smhwith vlgar fromByj - - .. i Hattsk that she bad no Inltnsissi af net be erect i beawiHul monument to the dead ttreet. Jewelry 'and a quantity ofEfvwi mm of ph cnwfvwnuvi wa vsr-I- n and aeon bodies bad been clothes tr Cru'- -raaavared. "pwi ra. nuna, wu inai aae waanaal Tetant of Htat battle. were ttkea. Mr,. RMefcrlst reportedCompanies were orgasiaad td battle the asi aenons r ana execnuya earn). Tbe delegatat then tlood in honor of Iba Ma lost to the polleens w we tower level, btt marta rear jw agwia eoflfederale.veterani. Residente at W Betartaf aaeeet rennned RRCR1CV SHUWtMi tjatwao

ed K would be bnpossmle to anbdna the The faMawing other reports ware Mrs. TyndaM, Miit rtoieaatela. 'Mr. Tya- - in ik. n,u i.. -- iw.' . j:r .:.iaaf uiirranv aaawaaaaaira-- u ana ir. cKton tsng --wir aaumiabd'u. :zrzivrrr.. rrs"zr"m i0eyva4e a ySiaaá a)jgtrata at Cate lire naiesa me unrnwg calved yaaterday arternoon; a Mr. Caraos itnr "Oht Mack-Joe- asid I ? been entered aM maiaeked, but noih-- l i,y JOtaK W. RGCEJlTS,sealed. It waa innaunced that IW4 would Aitdtthag CeataaHlee t. ggggggggggggggggPPB"aTaTaTa lJ mcle Ned." i wt oi tsiuo hms, ii whu a wno hurried (Staff Corro latataat laarnlnr Tiste s.inet ae none until au nope er stftng the Raparggggggggggggggr rW.bggm Mrs. C. O. Ruektr of El Paso, gave a raid- - to the scene In aa taiimablle found thst AguaMaUete. 0L ST. The Balioatal

Trtalmcl, Cato 0i. WStfttlng coal roirawin mu was aaianaonesu Raeeept for the year tMi. fl.7M.Mi dls- Mg. wiiy, ana was eniraace nan miiiiarybursaaasnt, ti.m.Hi 'balance on band. from "Sty rouqwea" by laMattrd ta bftaklng convaaHH was called lo order atibwrs bt tb a eg to and Frtnseee aHs !!Mwí, runda, üetlyaburg tablet

Mrs, Robert, Undsr. who tang; "Bonny a rear window, 8 o'clock tala afninsin and at once ra- -TOTAL Of II RCA8 Rlue Flag" ani "Ulile." I y I solved ltaeK RMo exacullve seialon.triets, flfvm Mitas west of thisahovt city, SHOWN RY CASUALTY LMT, un. x, si. titles or oan anuMo. reenona

day cowincetf srismia. uawg atten gy M awlolcd Pné tecau)- - ad to the addreues of welcome, tba meet tRRHt, rmrkvelt, I The greatest secrecy is maintained aa toseldtara' gravaa aw tber battlefields, lag tlii wat tailed to order by preeiuenl l. ...... - ,Bfl tuaiMta m ba brournt up during- - theHayatton. IUi., Oct. STA lotaj of at Lead HMI total. ftMIM. sjanre on hand, Io-

ta). roll of I Bf Ey'llH M Btwoeraile Leaders sesaioa. bK there laIs shown 1st the eaeweMr Hat laanad Iste Tie Hamll, and the call atUve and hon. good reason tar thtMwaste of Men were seen, ene between 8e M .H,e anipaa committee ts .tonight by officials of the rraabtm Coal ufary orricera or me mvwtoa waa. given. I " ' whhlm. belief that mm matter of ibe absototanai and Prtaero, bear OtstfUagando. and .umm HMwr wwaa MM Fail"y"'Mad Whknasnaiaes

Ratass.B. Knohle, r. K. Tbe officers ere greeted wHh apaaause.l Rif th Anoottl af Mm aenvention and tba liim

men were entombed thta marvlnc, HacoMRsg seereaarr's t. Mbmiited'by aggggggRml lggggggggggggggggggggm many or thtm making-- shirt speeches. Altoooa. Pa.. Oat. gr. - (onllnuliig hit I or Oeataat Cerrania will be (tut wlariniiSltUtrt 1st cbara of tba liOasi Wmas o The banvy decrease hi the smmasr nf Mrs. Jtiéki Van , rm wiiitír r (iiv'tuiea aou-- i ranipaign aoar atserveat the maneuvers. Wti smh tm MHrfi w tMwiai raruer hi ine nay was ac for tn dtvlatan. "The caanmitteti

secreisry otMla from ine nonert k. Lea, cbapier, fret-- rneoaoro In aildretalnr a meet. I J : -- 1 .m mini, aa MM irmr mmi m mtm roustted far la the resMraMoa, taia4 i ,c.& mtavutes of the. eonVenllon

appointed laMt ti.,nit rrivlar utuirireat bui. llnr here tnwigjbt staclareil that llie lletmb-- l ., I -- I.TTTr? ... ..thaw tUtnmt. scores os sainara who bad V held tn baa Bunaio fhuktaa-- it tmnni.ihia SMet of cbrytaathemums. 15 P. e leaders were ajow M I r'ffiR 'Z.J7taina

' i -ar iniDorlaatthe day bM wba were toe bnay itititlag K B11 y. at bireauest Tbe ballroom ana we roof garden of ibe ...n.iiimna aa aaaaaaaaiu to tha

iw waew 10 hhw m worked with than" be I '"" at ataatco, wmcn wgRijba Rt Mm nt- -Paw del None artcall or Mrs. R vina.htmwully deamted saii "fin ggR gka thirly vein of nay.ttamék at a reply to tan jwaaert arrogant,dhf wbat we aaatM.mKSfn AMI MAbat iNMblft, Twenty mSiiiNs before tba aasdnilna soar ine msnaftas, chapter

I then fa tbe convention. CtsWadaraie. Tesaa and I Mia i' Itamiiar tt those BMH. 1 i af Carranxa. Tba it isn waa htaa m mine, ooiy mbwt as mtof rwmt 'si rasarla ti, Uanad states flags, Hwitgaa; front Mas ell- - bava hsaaTir', me rain aaia. m anata. waH ikflnltely amasbwat tba cooven- -SM tksAu4uia Itdnéé il of rba daw iurra itaMbaa iiiilua tham aweb mm ana on ia waast! mbm or Beama ana i aomeliung ror wt aaopts,. "soverelra BÉmarsjs aa poasllla, hi the republic- Ym.. (M. W. After bwaa- - surface. ToariaM twenlr-fa- Wain Rartbai dKUtoa aaassy doiaaa ta.mia w.y. farsut are pltc4 araafM the jmH m ihel". The moil I cautd éx aiü

ewiw AguMtajBaatat Mm provioonalStnUalTat rwwan MM tntriysaB saasi i ' fmna m f ir . . . ACCttioaai, of Mettati-T- ;a OmSm tummt tm mlaalna. It la f ornaaasa i inaulr dacoratid la BWwpra. litMm uullrmmat svsiv Pr rnrva, sine mat tbarty-am-- still ware lb barf aadara.

tog of Rj aRvwilaair a tba roa.5f Many atreaMcrt. Over Use pretidead'a It) laRtaSggggbMMasafr ta mm- - and woaibt naeir ba leauahl at blRai U M Ibner aaauaalTVlJniw cbafr MMI CajMHB;. eaMssa ha te riabta anow wnaaa Ofsoavetxjea nova in lveae. CaTSkMivsan an wa taaswd TtCXAs i or aaaastwe lis Mlsm Otatrat"HT lr"T .nenian sent thatr.fUkt, HL. and fraaa Evansvitle, Md.7waa ways coplea as iu Mtoutb a wreath af vergreeaa. Tba roof I HM-- IMtMaTi CMNVRfbasss ruabodi ta tba saasjs and their rswsra, bv Tartrtsas . . 1 raaaisad aaaay eesuplalr.i. geoa m sinsng wiea jiaga, aa baaaers JavábsiLa iril Prtts ir a m, r m itftbawf&ran a Mir 'af shswa gewar wIm ss aailaa populatloa as btt- - and flats stream JagtatUy froat tba parapet. Tt., Wi -A MaiisaHaa'feim baaiiad ene wMb bis ana alkm-ab- MM anant tb entire day aid io Tesas aaaaara'

tba greater tart M ha night reKumc na "J b , eiad RH kHtarn. 70 post nidi. Htrfiilr b'illiitirleatT pladaad Itasi la al- -Carraag i'aaa

. AUfeongst a native' t Oernaaey. ba Mlnic attoiaptsnf a aamsauiah iba ftaa and g : and have wrtu aiv uT. laiocaiwa nay. t. r. wimiml. la a uwitruimn lo Mvaat ma "nara aast Ra no k.RM ea.i naa vj mtwia rer

I fb baJsaj asbtaeaasa ana cam Muaie-ar- WtMf. W7 fiotton at kia than i aia nay' atMhaa la aba aovaraBT powavS tt tw.aBat tjgj a. a.,sgtisfgjL , atJáaaaf tariSS wail aMI aarws praswi. jofet. Taarn. J 8Baa raga rv) aty RRajM 1


iant to All Wmmm


TRiinatids apon H mm audi of vromed SOUTH AFRICA 1is Wotik's SjMKdalskMMr or bladder iMadil and Mver

ON CHANNEL txetWomen's

wóomtoámi fs ansvo to

BotMttr,4e but hisnir ,tfuilii or M it RKERALB MC WKT 'AM) BCYbM BMWÍThe Piano House of hny or ildMr dvaeate, tahcti S.EA tn ok unamyBig If Mm Mdner are am Rt health U MMM.ditkm, ief may esjMé mm other orgto heeevM dlteased.POUTS SEEMS you jmt surfer s trM do) wit pm Marernmeal of Utea at BanMi Mtttm rtasin im c, eearimr-aww- wenngt, mm More seriatM Mstaf Than ThatReceived the Appointment atN sod loss of sintjliloit.

Poor hlth makM yM Brvous. IrrMabl and rnaybd tWtBMidaff H makes gar

VJhr tht Attoctctti rrtn 6 Bm Ynilttw LsrwdrV Sene, Wmmmt Brttttti, Or ', :?

Jtmkiitt Finito Ce. have been appointed the imunrfaetnref TO HAVE BEEN oneBut

so,hundred of wewen etata tht Jkr.

London, Oct. nAHother rehelHon has far.hwhan out In South Afrk. Oewersl ChrH--

atente for tke fametu and world renowned Ckkkerwf fc Sen hllmer flwamp-Jtoo- hy restoring MratM 3 rnafcngx ferias PenrlHtc, Qr .i;to me Ktaneyt, proved to Bt Jtist the rtm tlan d Wet and General ChrteMea Fredpieties for Northwestern Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. tit

Aneeded to otercom Mtch condition farfck Beyerl havo Hkca th d of the lot t 4 .... t . . .. 4 i . . . . . . $itrood kidneyCHECKED hialunr and

modkitw, poMinr res robots' In th Oran go Freo sute' and westera 3 Packn Mert4t's Fre RtMHHttc; Salty 1 C 'They have just received nnd have on display at thek ware-room- s.

blesstnr to ihoustwdcurtttre va4e,

of nervous,should


TrwiJvatL ( v... oC2.1 1 --2 1 3 Texas St., a fine assortment of these famous worked womoi, Oeneral At Wet la the lato Bottta African

Many tend for aota hatsta tn a vea was commander-in-chie- f or tho Orange 7 Catta 2-- Park atna Beans in Tomate 5e, nf ,4upright, players, and Baby Grand pianos, and extend a cordial what Swamp-noot- , Kidney, Liver Freo I DC;

STILL d Bladder remedy will do; for thetxt State force. He' waa commandant st Btmham W1. ar. i.............all music and fine call

GERMANS, HOWEVER, every reaoer w hm paper, who ba not Lsdyimllh and was teat to relieve Generalinvitation to lovers of artistic pianos, to Ñ.tried 6 Cana 2-- l. TaWhaita Pan. Burnkam Y. Pack,lredy ir, hy,encloMi; Hat cení ta Cranio aa second in command. After ocn g'jj, ;

and Inspect the most beautiful lino of Art Designed Chickering PUSHING WITH ALL THE Dr. Kilmer It Co., Bfeghtmpton, pt, y., may erl, Cronje's surrender he received fullreceive sample tile hottla hv mtmi mn. commend. He was on ot the signatoria

tf Sons Pianos ever exhibited west of Chicago. This invitation FORCES AT THEIR COM Yound

cm purche tho regular fifty-ce- or, tM veeremttnr pete conference and njr year, Tabla. Wanta frem ua. MÍ Mv,,alio bottle at 11 drug wm appointed minister of sgrlcultaro in Groaadas, Maa4. Frttit Melis extended to professional musicians, music teachers, as well MAND AND ARE MEETING iter. Vagetafclea.General do Wet wat opposed io. the gov

as lovers of music and parties interested in the purchasing of WITH MOST STUBBORN erMnent'i action' ta regard to tho prssentCOLORADO BfHLVM BOXING Wi tnd etny in October attempted to I E IfATHHTS Neat & Sapply Cé, -

fine pianos. RESISTANCE FROMBOUT EXD8 I.V speak t a meeHnr held la pretest or this

FIST riGHr-DRA- action, but was prevented from doing to byBv tht Afoeiattt Prtit sympathisers or oen. Louis Both, we pro 220iV4aaa Ava. Phone 2576

FRENCH, BRITISH AND Colorado Springs, Colo., Oct. 17. A mir or tne union or south Arrie.Jenkins Piano Co. fist Tight wi theunex. Brigadier Central Beyers wat alsoBELGIAN TROOPS. peeled culmination or th scheduled noted figuro tn tho South African war snd

rirteen-rotm- bout t tho Raaop wst enairmM or tho Veerh guv peace conarena tonight Between "Fighting fertnee. Last Seeteatfeer be resigned as

The Big Piano House. Dick" Gilbert of .Denver and "Sailor" commandant general or tho union force beV the AnocMtt Vrtit Carroll of thla city. Gilbert- -' waa cause or his dlsspproval of tho action of

Phone 2958, . , 21,1-21- 3 Texas St London, Oct. 87r-T- h German" raid on the awarded the decalon In thó tenth ureal untara in sending commandoes to HEADACHY. BILIOUS. STOMACH SOUR?round on t foul.channel ports, u 11 cálled here, seems to conquer German southwest Afnc.

EL PASO, TEXAS. hare been checked for the time being, or, When th wrd was announced tbo Having put down the rebellion in theat any rate, the German have mad little, if general, flttlc encounter commenced. northern province of Cap Colony ltd by REGULATETho YOUR BOWELS! 10 CENTSany, progress since they succeeded in cross second of the respecUv Lieutenant Colonel Marltt, the government

were tbo first to enter tbo of ihe Union or South Africa it now faceding the Yser canal on Saturday lut. They "main event." Then several or th by. the more serlou rlsintr under Generalsare aim puaning wun an me orces ai ineircommand ana are meet nar wun moat hud- - ringtid spectator Joined In the ma-

leo,do wet and Beyer, the utter or wnom re 'Tou'r bliloua! don'tTou have a throb. and resort to harsh phyalca thatUNITE!) STATES WKATHKIt BX'flEAU DAILY BULLETIN. born resistance from French, British and which. Uited lor nearly half an signed the command of tbo Union force bins- - head. bad andhour, several policemen and sensation In. your a. Irritate injure. Remember, that1tan troops. special when Premier Botha decided to take up

Observsllon.Txtn K I p. m,, 7Jlh Merldlsa Time, Oct. 37, 1911. ie loases on both aldea continua to be In officer were required to "referió" arm against Germany. taete In your mouth, your eya hurt, your sour, disordered stomach, lazybsttle, the your akin is yellow with dark rings liver and cjogged bowels can ha quick-

lyPreclpl-Win- d proportion to ihe fierceness or tbo wlndup, which wt déelarod s According to in official report receivedtat urn wmcn mesne tnti iney are greaior man "draw." under your eyes, your lips are. parched. cleaned and regulated by morning

Volociiy list 14 those In sny battle aince war was declared today, armed rebellious commandoes are No wonder you feel ugly, mean and with gentle, thorough Casoaratsi aHighest lut State or DI- - .per hours, now nrinjr inreo monins ago. already in exlateacet ins town of Hell Tour .system Is full ot box will keep your .head clear and,

p.m. today, night, weather. rectlon. ,bour, Indies. Allies Win on Coast. OBITUARY bron, fn tho northern part of the.Oranre bile and constipated waste not prop-erly

make you feel cheerful and bully forAbilene ......'.'.'i... 4 M 31 Clear E Along the coast, wbero the allies hsve tho river colony, h been salted snd the gov Passed off and what yon need I a month, oat Caneareis now wakeAinirlUo 50 V 30 clear Si assistance of tho French and British war Floater PhytlclM 'Deed. eminent officials have been taken prisoners, cleaning up "Inside," Don't continue up refreahed feel like doing a goodAtlantanoite. Id no oa



41 Clear Wahips, they have apparently more thin held Dr. William T. Ralrd. a 'nlnnr or is while' s train hat been stopped tnd armed being a UlllOtte, constipated nuisance day's work make yourself pleasant

Boston 3i i as clear w lossestheir own,

on theand

Germansafter inflicting

have compelledvery heavy

them Southwest, died at hie home, No. tsst nio cltltons of the defense force bivo been to yourself and those who lova you, and usef uL Clean upl Cheer up)cnirsgo 41 U 88 Clear sw to try for an opening further inland. ,. Up Orando street, yesterday, .at nonn. np. unen rrom it ana disarmed.Cincinnati 43 46 30 clear Wi to yesterday too antes usa peen forcea to Btlrd was for tomo lima A irmr mrnnn Tbo union government haa Issued CANiWJCATHAIITIC,Denver 4 70 33 Clear w tve way at eom points, bul today, accord muig.BHuooea ai rort bum. and ntd been proclamation to the people announcing ibeteDetroit 3ft 40 . Cloudy to ine rrencn oeuciai communication Id the practico or medicino here for evend and explaining that, although it wisDuluth. Minn. ...... 38 49 W I I. Cldy. hive Mireeerted. la hnlrtlnr their D011 many

tware or these rebellious Drmrttiont. itEL PASO M M 41 Clear mouth of tboyears., e wat 80 year of age.

Hon at every point from theOalveiton es si W Clear . Yser to the Lens district and between Deceased 1 survived by his wife and naa oeen taxing ttept to presen peace

Hivre, mom to M 31 clear v4 Ypres and noulers, where there has been two 80ns and daughter, it! mm. Th. without bloodthed.

Jacksonville m u clear funeral 'Now, continue th procltmttlon, "theIS some or me siernesi iignnnr ui mis Will be held todav at n. m rmmLittle nock 43 M 3ft Clear niniirv battle, and where the British ln ItJto undertaking ettabliihmest or Menean, duty of the government it cletr. It Is de p'Lot 78 M ( Clear termlned deal 'with the ItJjBh: CCNT OXM-AM- V DIU STOdlAngeles dlan troops havo made their flnt appear-

anceoaumpns ana iisnrora. interment will to matter with i HI1Nsahvili 44 48 34 Clear 2 in the firing line. be in the family plot at Evergreen ceme-tery.

firm hand and is taking all necetstry stepsnew Orleans so ea 54 Clear llefflm nerluva Reaull. to this end. The majority ofvery' greetTho runeral will bo conductedNew York , 34 it 3 Clear fha onDoslnr force sro so strong thst It underOmaha m so ... w clear 8 t&A 0 musí be msrur.day before a dectalve re tho aaiplce of Uia El Paso County Medical cttuen in every province or tne union araVhounix 78 W 04 Clear SKT ' 4 suit Is attained by either aide, despite the society, or wbleA tho deceased was s char, thoroughly loyal andMetest the very ideaIlipM City, S.D.... W 04 .iS Clear NWl1 S great losses they are suffering, and which tor member. or reneiiiotu. wnen tncy are aware of tneKoiweil , .... SO M 34 Clear 8á& row greater as report louow reuur. The member or tho local twit nr th aituaiton iney wm undoubtedly give tneSt. Louis 44 40 B30 clear 8vjhf o Alonr the. whole froet. atretchinr from Orand Army or tho Repuhllo and the El government every assistance In reatorinr ACCUSES CHALTTEUIt. of the river snd he missed a pockethookBall Lake City ..... tn it .,4$ cioar the river Olso to the Meuse, rrom which ro csniu or me unttea oraer and wui careruuy .aotttin from sriv containing upward et 1160.San Antonio ........ co 'to Clear Kak withdrew their best troops to coorederato vet Arlieia Cowataa Declare He Was Rehbed

W-ftho Oermans erans win attend the tervjeet. ing tho rebellloua movement say encour He accused Snook of the theft, be said.

San rranclaco ts "7í m clondy 4 strengthen the army which it attempting to snd causes Arrest or Driver,agement or The cltnens' calledSanta Ve 44 84 30 clear SW 4 advance along th coast, the French have support. ire automobile wtt Hale in Patrolman whoRoy Snook, an driver, pursuit- - Leteher,Seattle is es 48 clear It. s been taking the ortenalve, and to the north Bodr Takea lo Teaaeiiee. upon to co on tne aiert na give ue gov.wltneas drama,wtt a to thl part of theWashington t 38 44 30 clear WW 8 of solttons have been engaging In an ar The body Of 0. C. Winder, a wllrhm.n. ernment information and assistance, and Before Judge Murphy yesterday afternoon reported the matter to headquarter. AsWlchlt, Kan. 44 so is clear S, 10 tillary duel wtth tho. Oermans. in which who died October 8 st hi home. No. 7 those who have been guilty or disobedience for preliminary hearing on the charge Investigttlon instituted, by .Captain GarnerYum 83 88 64 clear .00 they havo destroyed eeveral German North Florence atreet, waa sent yeaterday under the defense tct are sdvlsed that no or then or over s0. the hearing wtt resulted tn the arrest or snooks, who spent

batteries. Tbey acem to have beentheplaying to tho old. homo or th deceased, at Naah action will be taken against them if they continued until 3 this afternoon." the night in the city jtlL .

reason Tor tbls state of affairs Is perfectly siblo for that war and no credit can be threeat this

reportagama for




announcedlas) vllle,

and her:Tcnn.,


children. Theby Mr.

funeralWinder remsm


de1 wetat


the cavalry leader who (VCoroplttnt In the cate waa filed by iot, !hooked

Sam Flemingst th


yesterdayJll on the


sadofplain. Taking-- the case of Carranca. In tlo given lo any political parly for )ho fact the destruction of German guns. iar gave the British so much trouble In the iiaie. a cattleman rrom Anion a. betng a tutpielou ohtrtcter. Later Mrs.rangemenis wero made by the Brotherhoodcontention Is composed or that wo sro not Involved In it, Germans Brit en Back. Hale told .the nollra ttiit htt In l,t.Ilrat place Hie of naltroad south African war. it was announced that Fleming .was also taken into custody onFurther west tne orrcnsivo ucucs or me Trainmen, or which deceased Monday withthe very men who placed, Carrans In power "Thero Is no peace cither In Mexico or t'rfnrh has driven the flermam. Who were was s memocr. h bad offered hi aervlces to England.

a party of friends. About I the charge or vagrancy. Both were laterto with Mexico. Our holds in. lUMui 11 y returned to, una siae released on bond.and whose support enabled him carry navy Mexican' threatening nancy, back acroaa the iron-tie-

out the duties or the orrice until tho port, uur army, noids, a Mexican city a The oermans. However, are ao GOVERNOR AHUMADA HERE. Need Olassest Ask Serall. loa Texa St.Of tho Dictator Huerta, city In a foreign country and may bo en- - strongly enirencnen aiong uui ionr n near Oregon. (Advertisement.)

EAIIre Army nrpresenled. gaged in ngntinr at any moment. If this that It Is believed they sro preparing to reOfficii! L'ader Diaz"Every military division or tho constitu la tho peaco or which they boss! main for tho winter, holding their position Regime TAKEN TO FORT WORTH.

tionaiist army Is represented here, and ir achieved In Mexico, It Ja of queer and under their preaent objectives, the nortben nil netirra rrom Hesitan Follllcs.tho majority ot the delegates so will, It Is unususi kind and with moat precarious porta of Franre, have been attained. Mlgtlei Ahumada, governor of the State or Archie Mtllath to Fare Indictments Re- - New York ind Return $95.00roisna.llallíes in fiouinernJust as much within their power to elimi-

natenoia on oxiatcnco."t 'vi-r- wriniii battles also are Droceedlng wiiuuanus

ministrationror many years during tho ad turned by Grand lury There,

or supersede Carranta as It was within In southern Poland and tn Galleta, without of Oeneral Porfirio' Din. ar. Archie McMith, of this city, was yester Lwtk NINE Mola.htm in the office In HAH NO FAULT Russians, however. rived here yesterdsy from tho pacific coast'their power to placo HILL TO iriNU decisive results. Tho day morning taken to Fort Worth In cutIhe first place. It was the bravery and WITH NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENTS. have crossed the Vistula norm or d ror a abort business visit In the- - city. Gov-ernor tody of deputy sheriff, to antwer loability of theio men on the battlerield that with rreah army corps, which Ahumada has been retldinr In the Los andReturn$50.00Dtl ihe Aiiociattd round AngelesJ'rws eight indictment him

tnebUd Carranta to retain his power and should have a marked effect on the fortunes united 8tatet tinco the resignation of Dlat against byNaco, Aril., Oct. Uenjsmln Hilt battle. from their own ine grana jury mere.of the They appear a president or the republic.all he has la ho owes lo tho Itor army.

the Carrania commander of account to bo breaking down the resistance Mc.Math was arretted several days agothe Naco, Son., Señor Ahumada was ofuu never the intention of the men who or the .Austrian south or I'rietnyst and governor tjioai or ine rort worth author! Sin Francisco ui tttm $60.00mad Carrania ftrst chief that he should bi garrison, Issued a written denial today of throughout Galicia, whero righting or the u. uiuuiiiiiiHwucii mo irnucro revo' ties, and hat since been held In the countv

and when be shows, signs or character has been.golng on lutlon broke out. Ho turned over the ora dictator, the atubbornstatement given out'by constitutionalist moil Jill in default of rrco ball on each of tboflee to Governor Abram Oontafbs, Limit SLX AftMtUt- -,becoming- - a menses lo tho liberty or the for teversl weeks. Madero'agents at Douglae, Arts., yesterday that he eight countt.Rebellion. appointee.South Airlranhe is to removalpeople or Mexico subject Toe Fort Worth rrinrt lurv hn tvurifrom office Just as any other man who has established censorship over Mexiran



tirito headedhasvbroken

by Generalout In


ouimcssThe rormet


in tnewho haa extentlve Inveatlgatlng chtrgea ot "forgery srowin TICKETS ON SALE EVERY DAY AND ARE CiOqD ON THEUnited States,falthlets the for ami had barredshould prove to cause news American newspaper de Wet and Oeneral Beyer. Neither baa taken no part In Mexican política Unce out of the printing or large quaritlty of

which th constitutionally army took the men from Sonora. or these men have any political followers, tne outbreak tho counterfeit villa currency. The currencyof revolution. Herieid. oeneral Hill said that had but It la reared that some of th burgos, waawat stamped wjth tho fac slmiln signatureConvssttoa rowers Urflard. Jbe no criticism like themselves, who retain some or the on of tho mott popular Meilcan ofriclals Sunset Limited"Broadly speaking, the convention Is to msko of the news sent from tho Ameri-

canbitterness aroused by tho South African or the old regime, and hat a holt of ot sianuei cnao.ana s. verges ana tne au

clothed with much, of the same powers ai border concerning tho faqiional striro war. will Join. rriena tn El Pato and throughout tbls tnorttiet have been trying to locate tbihave been person who forged tbo slgnaturea or thethe stockholders or a large corporation. In of German mine layer again vnciiun ui mo Boutnwett.Sonora, which he la the military com- - and have succeeded In mining the toen Chihuahua official.bitty HWhen it is for the intercuts or the concern mandar. north or Ireland, th ririt victim of "water tter Ihe Suoar TrusL DAILY EAST AND WEST.thta the executive head should be removed The five armisticedaya between lh Hill which hit been the British steamer Man-

chesterlile Aaiúalaítd P COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT.

there la no question or tho right or tho Villaand troops under Oovernor Maytorena, commerce. ew Orlesna. nrt. rt Th. a tstockholder!, by a majority vote, to so de which for nearly four weeks besieged tho slana riled suit todsy in rlvll district court Brief Session Yesterday Consider Matters For further information call atcree. Were the question nol auch crave town, has served both aldea lo reorganise OFFICIAL STATEMENT here to enjoin the American Sugar ftefin. ot Routine Business. CITY TICKET OFFICE No. 206 NORTH OREGONone, Carrania's claims to the to ap-

provetheir forces and atrensthen their field ISSUED rilOll UEItLIN. Iijg company from doing business In the At a brief aeatlon of tha countv commit STREET

or set aside the actions or the con. equipment. Hill received a rapid tiro one Uy the Auoctotal VrtH state and asking tho appointment of a re slonert court held 'yesterdsy morning the Phone 142entlon, would be lsughlble. pounaer today Berlin, (via Amsterdam ana ceiver Tho suit waa riled at the direction matter or turnias- - over an aooroDriation"Even the very men upon whom he counts II la rumored that Hill la preparing for Oct. rr Oeneral headquarur under dato of. Governor UUI, and. la auppiemenwry o ui imi io mo ei i'ikj urscuo noinr assos recent ouster suit filed aanjaaaaanBBaajby the elation waa discussed. Nostate. action watto tupport htm in the event or an armed an active campaign against Naytorena, of October 17, announceti taken.rlaib, are men who have pltdred their roost "The battle on tho Yaer canal near Yprea ' Diimcr iiiuea an oroer

whose forces have retired various dis-tances.

ouvruuwr aa tue aate ror hof. A number of bills against the countysacred .honor to abide by the decisions ol One body or troops It 18 ralle and southwesterly from Lille Is proceed-

ingwere armroved and the member or tne

majority or lb convention, In witness of way, but a band or Yaqul Indians of wtth tlM samo stubbornness. Yester-ds- y court impeded the county jatL A numberwtucb they have placed their Upa to th about I .too is encsmped within two inllot the Oemafi troops mad progress. ACCI1IENTAL SHOT FATAL. or cota and some bed clothing waa foundflat or our country and aimed their names of tbo .Naco entrenchments. "On the other battle front In the western neresttry and ordera for lla purchate werethereon as a pledge for tbo fulfillment of Habeas theater no imfwrtint event bavo occurred. Mrs. MarU Marco Suecunb to VVMMd tuiiiuriicu. aumv iiipruveittvtti la txtecorpus proceedings wero begun ,,M' Monday Night. piummnr or in pnton were ordered.that oath. "To ihe wVor Augusiowo tne mack ortoday to securo the release Mrs. Maria Mirona lubn ur ... .,.11pf Captain The annual rintaclal report of the'Small Indeed, inuit bo Carranta'a opta Islas, who shot and kllUd Captain Vasquca. the Germans la slowly proceeding. To ihe hich the auditor eipectod to have

county,ready 19Ion of the men who havo loyally served tho S brother officer In Hill's command, and southwest of Wrw our troops hsve re-

pulsed flSi"15 South Bant F street, dM-Vr- yesterday waa not quite completed. It will "In the Fancy Goodscause or the people at the risk ot their own Mexican private tail night as the result sll attack "of atrong Runtsn force. terday morning at Hotel Dleu. whortl she be taken up tt the next meeting.Uvea and UbrrUes, If he minks they will w a ooiaierout Morth or Ivtngofed a new Russian army r.r. "OHowin- - mo aociaent. An ininparty ending a brawl.repudiate an oath or this character m'.rtly The ahooting took ctrpt haa croased tho Vistula.' Duett ronduEtert h Jhhim unrafaj. Early Morningthat he mall be permitted to renin an or atreet. Just

placo on International .uiirii in m, voratct mat deceased came to An alarm from box IS brourht the rmthe which h bu arrost the border. Captain Invigorating; to she Tale md Sickly. her death ai lha ro.uli nr hi.n, uu deptrtment to Oregon tnd San Antonio In all offlee, duties or proven Islas escsped to the American aide, where from a pittol accidentally dlsebrd while o'clock the big store and in many smaller enes, there mttreett it t thla morning, wherehimself utterly Incapable or fuMUIng," tw Old Standard soBerst ttrerthentiir tome, abe Is held by the united stales border ROVE'S TASTELKM Chill TONIC, drive out """ rrancnco nenien. fire had broke out in th bittmeni or tho always one iUpartnieiit that is like a corner out of WoftslsfkntLpetrol. It Is said be fired, oq the. border Rentería, a youth employed by Mr. Mar-

is. first National Bank building under iuWK.84NMNATOR



MEXICO.troopers who anttrd him. tho system. A tnto Tonic, 'lor sdutt and dent,





Lh ft..the

I.B remises

snk .andformerly.Truit. r.o.



the Unionware

The buyer of tkis ditpartment cannot be a person, ef prosaicwe, .U tA Associated J'rm HILL MtaClVK HELO 6UNScmiorrn,


nr theof the coroner uu ma ut uhmium uicaiy exiingaiinea on ino arrival or .ne mind. He or she must have imagmation, must have an UHaW-slmMÍ- íncircumstanceeWorcester, Nets.. Oct. ST. The policy or of the tragedy by eoariment. There waa very lltila ln

the sdmlnlstrstlon towsrd Mexico wsa crltlAMI


cannon01' hllltAPMCL. Urge Mlalatarial rued, I.OimlV Attorney R. V. I'nvin Th rnuniC the rira being unible to tnreak in the fire-

proofof art must have an sMKeciatkm ef vfhat is beautiful.were received yesterday by iw I h A liarlo I d J'r iiuiiirjr muna iHi sBoowng wnt bulldln. Tho origin of the flamacited United states iltnator Lodge, la aby

l Republican oa. Seajamin Hill, the carrans com-mander

Washington. Oct. f. rlini for Matura- - accidental, without a k anadew of unauQwn. That buyer must go to the far ends of the earth for his mate-rials,

speech rally tonight. oí flaco, son., according offi-cial

rating to rlso ministerlat re' uuw u; criminal ww. nw yewm watto campaign"There war two policies to pursue," lie consular adtiret received her. Tho Iter fund of liwoo were taken u here f th rtawlt or the Catta Fit tXr. for his designs, for the gathering of his swehandwe.aid. "Owe of tout abstinence and the othtr cannon wers shipped to inn by the n today at a convention euthorited by the rtirlnMv. la WBlnln, Bu ih AtiacUUi Praiaefficient Intervention. The administration, last general conferesK or tho NelMdlst t'iiiui, xuiai oa een ten upan tne The tora term thatageala or the t.arrantt government. rounter but a mamuu imm a Ui ,n. New York. Oct. 7. Cantiln wiimmi for depart want la, TOn aey And Ulj iawith ,evrf-ur- y ingenuity, adoptee A oarload pf sbrapnri accompanied too cnurcii. I'romincnt mtawtor and la: flayer, ' Ooodwln Fitch, father or the late Clyde th time of year whan erary waataa let tttt eky attanld bairttt to Mr a sartas afrom all leriluns nf ih Munlrv areneither course, managed to pursue n gun i. Tbo ordnance li to be used 1(111 will Fitch, tho playwright, died today at hie rcvlr rWia ta "Tfen ñr. &oo4i."by tendlnr the leniuni. whle tail threewhich hd iie effects ot both. deftndin the borne tn thl city. 11 w horn In lisrword.in ton of jieco against fur-

therdays. President Wilton tettwt sent letSo rar as tM, war In Eufvpa la of the To a vtatter from Mara It might heattempt Njnora state troops Kr.io tae convention, rtwiw to its worg R6eeaeanr to exalaln that tkno on t thl country is respon- -

uimsk Oovernor lose Maria Mayiorm to at 'a cause of justice aad hvoUnc." TO REGAIN fiMTJ Mi 6suars Die. Good la a. department et finished aad vtnftnlahad article ot tha sdornwanttek tfce border port. By IX AtiaHt rrtM T the peraoA or of th itaaaa.

it U understood that th pu-u- u ... New 64ns, Oct. wat receivedtrnnseat ha SetMecd the service of four

eatlentea convention. A iassmm ho haa seat CLEANSE THE KOOD here today of the dth at Evtngtoo. Vs., For eaampfa. Mar ara dalatr dWaa far a tan aanrtea.' aula t n.uJT. F MoKtmU sipen MKncati aruucrynien. la the gtntral in session Mm? followsMet.

i or Je E. D, Btuadera, for many year fabric and wHh tha daastjna all atarnaad thawi, ray rar yM-- siaaddn to"Waco. Son.,enturaI

Oovafasr Mayttftn u yeaterdy ro "Peace Convention AssemMtd In Agun dean nf th law department or Tutano convert them lato warts ot art Marl a uttiow taaM wRk daaiaa MaUtvaAUHrey-tW,- " Fnctlw, porud JCllotuttfor It. south ajui formerly lawof Naco, with a partner of Cktai and desltnt unllnlattad; UUe aM snaafa tha atran fábrtaaaawaiaU or Md troofté. strictly observing Hm calientes, N, When your blood La Imams, weak, luatKO White, of tho United Slates untanteSoyawt

Rooms 101.11 MMis Building.artniatics (trdrred by th AguaacalieaK "Your body la hereby sdrtted that at an thin and dihlaMateJ. vou no.! unique dealgn eomtnardrom Jaat. rna Ambla, Jier ara yanw to, a aaora U

Pros t4f. rouitnuon. Umet, all order front you to Rurulf and Ibly enjoy send health. fJkjMSc aya. colora raa,dy far yar kntttln neaJta in convert lato warm sweater) and saMt.OentrU JMM hU'refiudlated tb Agitaa

I say. troopt muat b addrestsd to throutn tent becoanaa1 raoopttve nt W or all AWASULKNTkM NW TVMaHNAL. mrs nan many ulnar anarraiaf uutanaa. iUsm first eMtf, v.bom naagnlta a your dloeaae. nd gams ara I Wi iky: ta odNy superwr hi an mstter linas tog to In sonn natrt ot tha hnaV. oaaral Vla Katead Railroad tVataat Caa And alwajpa M Vaaoy Oanda danartmant tlaaaá ht a Uacher ta taM uatr tcltuB iwd movewMta, aroni(, cmw to M ttiaa tailasi, to katst ynai wttat your work.

"CN. BENJAMIN V 8MLLJ Put yW had U nadUlonLevy Gixljcery Cq. antral AUaMdo Ra Houta ta CaaStit and do an tvt . it wl orrtcUMr anhouncad that Oaatral H is ta htafj daasHsneat ium ttahn to aaaf .aákar tasat ml m ttv.VHt haa tranattrrad the ttraahiil of theOtkon Gen. SarMoor- - Alvralo, a caer nny Kond's Maa Barilla, uti ntraaw VWM railway to Asuattallantas front Tr-rea- n,mi W haaaaa, Maa Htt charnOanr Instas a la 111 iSni WnAatt, m1h aihar grfSSificr waa recenUy r44d ssmb Jail and peeMtaarty tita Uuai pu4 TWt aaitan waa token anta Hka U Matta to aair home, th Mhtta aaaaonai an v)tMt mmMm m Msm in bwiterMotdN nr oovernor . hut ha Jnat hen Man Mfc.IjiItMn tñw Ttteorder fvow the Aguueallentea ceadartnee. Wtsot pgnaM (tlanaton ot Mw VHt torailwayS A. Ill M Tl. RAlNdXAJrOE and 44ted through M Paso yetfir an rout wa a reH or th att

jrnaaesi-lent- a

af Cr-r)- Wn laaaw aanan now to Man haaw'wlalar hnm raaáana nl nLatade, whr ha will .4r Haalro Mveral we aau In ataantnar tramo IB adtan ajana star to tsar tareas t s . M' ta tsaja tjaaajaxéa CadttanPUOKWIfEA iruoum M Manenftrat prootad ta Otty r son. in aaarttat. it mm .atoan it ti north of Agwtiealtoaxs. fliatral YUaa hastarrna with Oaaaral Carraña. Ms Jer-a- y fojr yasfn ngi' im ud nil mm baan In pn Un at tha tanttary tnwkmm Orré'frompt Attmihm r through tha iMtod Stttn wa hsjsd at to Afiiimaltanto atave carranaa tnd lank thrnna this aar ftar tka aNWrtanar of a4a al UUa aatwnrat hoaUM hi ardar kt ( nSMrr todnjr.- - Ik witi nsarnty nana vau. train aarriaa. wMoh !v J. i K, O fluid SJsm4 af rraai hr isaarnunt attlatali. I. ii a.....i. win

ptaalnUatad tha "J tiaussjs ymn mm and aaa4atwt at asvtassn sit in lllist aajSJX Wlir laganggjf nji

EL PA ,M0RNíHG tlME3at Ms wtM a4 IM ether M asa mm- - ntmm mrnmi m stop! mthat


net dretsaarv.a SMtM . 1 paeetti: tied

Al a SMMM- nr im. aiaitsasea. 1 believe,ihow met sesH gilts mere SMfS M a year

ACTS UKE DINAMITE ON UYER thin roomeii, It Is usasag" poorly: trained, tmermnred ytMith wA htaliyor badly hurt Ht feetbeW. 7 seldom Notic to th Comptítor in the uPrnUr,"heir or s member or Ma sjjaWt elevenbeing him? mjured. Mo m ml. Ism not

I rtteaec. Urnnr pafeMs- - to take eaeASSjf with their I f llltin-AmfM- i'' ContMtrfctMMftlM "DbdUtm'g Uvér Tona uri give you th Ut rhildren. Btri I melataia V rtrr boy y

Urar mw clMnMnc )P Te" Ocwdy eesae outMiMfe

of tbasama



a 11



pericieenm some

ntaac,ssjR ef sthiitlcs.

Is the mHrt. iiltFieed fa, ÚÁ Martíii,'0ii oí thi ju4-- y,W$m kWVjKat


itero, sm ,tiebut

deserved Ml MM that

luopyrisai, ,vrw,caw,

ey immc.i

a wsmerer ojrnai veluRterd.t a in Use cbrtteet, rtWHl be HKeeeary ' to "arraiHrej iW asratfcerfreceived, a perfemerti rt uiui w tonight asmI rfJt doesn't straWthUn yen HfW who, ht minion. Us judge, which will Wet dema We the 'reJLe i MM a awn wewu ir yi tlfHt ua MMI make you feet fle and my sea Weak Bewdr Irta WtMillsn. ínBedately. regret delay, m we ture many

f4,.lMir. almsgt.a, Mtm- - eonetf-P- rtwww by wornlnr I want yea to go mied, perhspt btcsuse It ft a ptkhers Jl 4seela(cd JYCm youthful hearts are béatieig fast with hope. Just watch our "Ads" we hepe toHtMR to met . buck t the Mor and get your meaty. hhm, ms MrreriMBce was exsne ae won' colttmeui. a. Oct. ST. Weak Gowdy announce the winners tofrierTew.Caramel ta nvereury e; ouMMÜver Da da set's Liver Tone I (teetroyiser the derruí rviwitv'a. nonon Sstionali' rsteber M one or the

wfefefc mm aaereess 6T the Mmm. m1 r sale met because It Hi re I Hrr "uaeMi ts smell for a stitcher hi the Big heroes ef the 10K series, wea given corCáleme!, was K (em lute miit medietas; entirely vegetable, thrre miHi m iici, wo meii iwh ii.iuii dist reception upon his reteea home herewMh bow M( crashes Into It, bcaahlasa It eeeutet aallvato or make you Mek nre juiced again it Mm whea he was, with tonight, fleveral thousead men marchedK tt. TMK S when 7011 feel that awM I guarantee that one speoafal, of likes

the Otente ror a ehert time, beeaeseMcOraw.knew

".Me"' In a pertde which eeerW tbe' youngnausea MMI cramirtBg; It you Art "nil Be dean's Uver Tone will wt yew that Mtiexiiph

them sisey.wss a,

However,mod pitcher trien, snd catcher from his train te the Mete house, A Week of Woolen Offeringsknocked out," If Uve hi tersM tinman river 10 woric ana eteaa your he weuld probably nave nanr oís te him where .Governor Jsmei M. Cox and Mayor

M beweie eenetfpated Or, you have bowses 6f that eour bile and censll- - If he had not bed so many pitchers srounl Crorte i. K'ard made sddrtiws or wei During this entire week we featuring woolen fabrics of dependableheadíaehe,; fMswtaeea, ceated tongue, it p4d waste which Is cIogtag tt his ckib st the time that the player could coma. The procession' was .heeded by sit are specially everybreath a bad or stomach tour,, Just system and making you feel miserable, noi larow bis mi away wjiaoui eitasnrcr bands. Oowdy wss accompanied by ioshtts grade ht special prices As an instance of the values offered, we quotettry a; spoonful oí harm leas Dodaon's t guarantee that a bottle of.poleon's Inr one. Dovore, Boiion otitflelder, whose Dome It Si INCH CHIFFON BKOADOMTlI 04 INCH AUi WOOL. STORM SETtOKLive Tom, Uver Teas wHI keep yotw wire fam When HueeJeh wss turned esek t the.Kara' jr guáranle. do to Amy ily reeling una tor montas, uiva 11 vo minors sm seeered with the Toronto club, in Murray city, o. Bpongr-- and shrunk, an excellent high lustre and An excellent heavy weight, pure wool, sponged and

drag Mor and get & te cent bottle of your children. It la harmless; dswm't lackhe resHsed

at sisethat

lahe roust make


wenttor his

10 Your name, business ana sdress in th on umsn. ah me leaning street - f- nr ahrunic, snown in naw nna otncK oniy, 69cDodeea'a Liver Tom. Take a spoonf vA grip and they like Its pleasant taste. work to makesetaea carerui

way. sostudy or the "Who and What Are tou Leeaiag tori shades, specially priced, the yard splaVvp specially priced, the yard,.,

pitching He has the lat hem columa or The Tlmea will hete you tA Wonderful grouping la offered at this nominal prTotng, includingor any pitcher In bssehell, I believe. He secure mors buslnsss. rbone MW about It. Wftleis it WmIcms at

duces this to asgo, which Attorney Meere never throws that ball until he knowi iAdvertisement.1 serges, broadcloths, crepes, eplngallncs, whipcords, diagonals, gabar-dines,AGREES TO DO HIS anaettaced woutd be furnished. where be Is throwing It. After the sesión poplins, panam, taffetas, cheviots, cashmeres, henriettaa,

with Toronto, Rudolph put tt up la Kelly,By the .siiocfafrtf

Kid WHHsmsPrtu

Bsfests Brsadl. HtkeY.. pebble cloths, plaids, Mrlpea and checks, ranging from il to 54 $1 tkeYm.Inches wide.I wsat to go up to the big league,' he new York. OeL H "Kid" Wll ants or

HANDICAPPED BYTHE WAR told kellr. Baltimore, bantam-w- e rht UtM holder, outKILLING IN MEXICO "Supeese they den't want yotit'' answer rought "Dutch" Brandt of Brooklyn In ten

'ra kcí 17. rounds tonltht. Wool Coatings Are Specially Featured"I can inike tood In tho blr show now, Mike fllvhon nr RL Paul dernatad Blllrhdtisiry ead Commerce of Austria-Hen- -

fid. If - can't, then I want to suit bate iMaxweu or rnuaaeipnia, scoring moca-dow-A magnificent selection of coatings la offerod In almost unlimited the andan variety-o- weaves

QUARIBt, gery Are nrougni to a bnoaea ball and take up plumbing or something In tbe first, second and seventh newerWiTWBRN MEMBCRS w hival cHaadsttH. acnsHiie. rounds. colorings and at prices that aro most reasonable.FACTW.VS AIMS I.V COURT W, Kellr DUt It no to MeOraw. and "Mac""'v SUMi MURPHY. still bad s good supply or pitchers on hand..vjfcVj, ' Corresnondenen Asseetated Prisai But shout this time George stallmts put tSpcIal ffr Wmlen Week Only

Vleter Venice. Oct. to In a bid for Rudolph, and MeGraw waived Amusementsecfcea's Bead edseed.Aríer Wordy We will tailor to measure any ooatlng you select at' S5.00 the yard or withoutiiiimm, ra nntn mre sweats difstry sad cenmierce hive been to his claim, and tbe young pitcher from the your may more any, Are Exehsagea. sudden standstill iy the war. Exports Bronx stsrted to work to nuke in (Adverlliemerit)' charge whatever. Absoluto satisfaction guaranteed.

!uve ceased, manurscteries, with rew ex voBion.Peruses nudolDh's most remarkable cer

ceptlons,- have been Shut down and mer romance in the world's series the "BKHI.0 THB SCENES" TOBAY.wasCharged will) making meats agslast tha cbant and store keepers are without ens manner In which he handled the hatter AHfejjf Hector Rampa, a (V11U secret service toreers. The army has absorbed the great on the Athletics, with Fred Mitchell, the timeTha Wlrwam today will thnw for tha rirst Special Offering of- - Children's Hats

poi. (Vicior ucqoa wis Deiore juiuco i. majority or the workers and of the re-

mainderveteran coach of the Boston pitchers, he In Texas tho Paramount reature, "Be

hind the scenes." In which "Little" MsryJ. ;)Jiirphy, yesterday morning Ja peace pro-ceedings.

many thousaada have, Jeteed tbi witched tbe Athletics plsy just one gsina Pltrrrrf la ,la,pkil V rnnlnh!!. .nranks or the .unemployed. wt


be rscedLesaus

them,seasonthe rinal

in Phiiadeigame or Wigwam 1 representative In Dallas, secured That Are Just in FromDurlnr the examination or nemos' by Vic Agricultural Interests are In a somewbat phis. Particularly Rudolph witched Baker. mis great prouuetton snesa or every otner

tor Moore, itlomev for Ochoa. a heated tx better position, with prices or com and thester Id the slste. It Is a Famous Player"i in nx I've rot nia weakness, '.mi envguracnt occurred, which was only quieted ctuia steadily advancing. Although tho announced Rudoloh to Mitchell. "He Mta production and Daniel Frohman hlmieir dl- - New Yorkwhen the judge threatened: to fine bom reciea in 11 is a ciiarmingmajority of farm laborers have been called 110.-- im voruon, ana you krow j piayea proaucuon.men

During-for contempt.

the examination It was brought to the wsr. the harvest for the most prt on the ssme club with Tim.' Jle could not Isstory





talentt.cy miss

It tspickroru

strictly A beautiful selection of, the cleverest hats for children that weleft. But mi a siow osu on tne insiae corner, neout mat naa Hamos or hid been gathered .before they or tho snd It givesucnoa secusea a story stsge onemea 10 tike those snd let the umn re call have shown and they bought that ofana rarmers were at a 'figure permitsnre to the Ochoa residence in the tho land proprietors peasantthem limpies lmo ,h4t unknown lend behind the

arsnd View addition,, and threatened to aro now confronted with' the difficulty ofinaiae."

strikes, I'll try Baker on a slow,

one scenes and In the dressing rooms. It is our offering them to you at a decided underpricing.nave mm sent to the penitentiary ror the finding labor ror the autumn Held work nudoion did snd rot away with it. Baker rrom tne pen or Margaret Mayo to Whoseallered crime. rod sowing; which cannot all be done by will Dull a hall on tha outafde or the Díale credit are three or the blrreat bits or the These two groups present the newest child fashions othamos told the court that on Saturday and tbe few old left at to stsge. nsmely. "Behind the Scenes," 'TJabytho women men right Held, the Philadelphia slugger bat-

ting the season in velvets, In heavy silk repps, with exquisitelast, when 1be, In company with Paso po-lice

Mine ana "Twin aeas." every aqmirorfrom the lert aide or the plate. Theorricers, searched Ochoa's or rice ror hemq.twlrler Lime Nary snouia see ner in mis flower and lace trimmings Suitable for ohlldren up to

counterfeit Villa currency, the latter had Finding tbe ordinary moratorium Insaf youngthat ball over

from.on the



kept edgingor the ture, which Is her very latest. Each s! 14 years. -

threatened to "set" htm. witness also de flclent to protect tbe business and finan' piste snd bad Bsker rouls will run one snd hours, childrenairea na tne tartjet ror a num-ber

clil Intereits of. the monarchy, the governshort files. "

poplnr up or is cents; aauits ss cents. AT 3.50 AT $5.00or vil names.. "which he berged to be ment bss been forced to resort to other .The day or the rirst game I went down HATS THAT AHE HATS THAT AUKexcusen irora. repeewr. expedients to prevent total collspse of the in tne uoston cenen heron GIRL'S lYrUmo: LEADS TO CAPTURE wortTH wohtíi fulií:This corroborated Act Fuur s.oo $7.30testunaay was by industrial ana mercanuie raaric wsr stsrted. Rudoloh said to met OF HURDEHER.lllf. Chief or Pattea tlreM. whn. with

number of dtv detecuves. was called urjoni

credit banks and 'loan"lnitltutions bare "If 1 walk every man that fices me, I Wo would urge an earjy selection, as we fear they wiltto testify. '' Cáptala. drew lso swore that been foanded to finance necessitous

or orrielstbust won't

He didn't,(rive them



ball tooutguessedhit." "The Nystery of Ofsyson Hsll" st tho not last the entire, day. Sale will be on the Third Floor.ness enterprises, a systemucnoa jwresienea to v sei-- riaroox.

has been tneir Diners nesiaes. ah ins uoston pitch Unique todsy evolves one or the most pusDuring" tho examination Assistant County supervision or Insolvent firmsAttorney 1'ewel endeavored to show that lnaumirated to Drevent an ovorwbelmlnit fast






sc'sling situations ever recorded hi tbe his

ucnoa waa a:o" jnan, wno would line numoer ot Dansruptcies. t analnted with tbe Athletics' catcher's weak' tory of crime. The story, as a whole, AHiMHueiT C!u(Q)(Q)sñBg If Wmmesi9iy carry out Ms threat. 'The first Of tbe war Credit banks Is being neis on slow ones, They slow balled this is the work or a marvelous imagination $5:22Attorney Meere, on hebalf or. Ochoa. ob- - or Every rolo is sssumed by s nnishr d artistopened In Vienna, wtb a capital i,m "cira" to aeain, nut ituaoipn nas toia me Hat atjeciea .10 intsthe

rorm or .testimony,involved'

ana tne oeo divided into shares or Tha nur since that be alloDed over two fait ones The piece has been stsged with the sameargument on legal points occupled some little time. Dcse of this bank is to lend money ta man on him. . care and skin which bss always entrador

When Ocbos took the stand in his Own ufacturers 'and merchants 10 enable tnem themTheir


declaredfor third

Rudotoh.atrlkes. and he took tied Untversal-Eclai- r Productions. Also' With the above' shipment came forty odd more ot those hats we sold so

bebair he readily admitted that he intend, to meet current obllgstlons In bills end riot in a boaitrul way, ror he is modeit Mary' Plckford, in an- Imp reissue, "Mary rapidly last Saturday Many are even better values. Principally black velveted- to "blow the top or iumos' head orr," and other commercial Patients," with Mary Plckford, King Bag'scceplancei paper w iue exireme, nuqoipn sua or wcinnis sailors .with the new soft crown and' shaped brim, silk ribbon trimmed,but. had no intention of perfonninr this railing due, and us .operations are turntea after the series: got and owen Moore, Don't rorget, Mary Others are trimmed with large white silk bows or with pretty feather fancies.somewhat stsrtlinr fest the Araerlcauon to Vienna and lower Austria. "1 wouiu use to. pitch agslnst nine men Fuller makes her rirst sppesrance with theside or the river. He would wait, he said, like bim every afternoon, lie only All are extremely smart and represent the very newest fashions aa worn in theFor Smaller, msauracturers snd tbe mid can Uhtverssi program Saturday.Hountil

declaredhe could




Mexicanthe same

soil.die classes ot merchants and trader hit a ball to one field, and, If you keep east. At SS.OO 'we believe these are the best values shown in 1 Paso.

Is tne Dsn on toe outside or tbe piste, he I KEYSTONE KOMEDY CRECIAN.chain or local institutions beingtreatment Ramos should'' organ1rroiu the latter will never bit It tare. Ha won't hit all 66 9happen to see him rirst. . ited under the administration or the Aus- TMsthose on the Inside either, but be ts liable Tlhea Aire luay Bays im 8'fihe quarrel, witness 'maintained,'

was eri. cans, tne state ctnic or trie to bust one snd' blow the ball tuna." The Love Thief," Keystone mlrib.proaj political right, .which

whateverconcerned monarchy. These loso- banks will tssee I have taken "this opportunity to show YOker, is the comedy feature st the Grecian Children and mothers, too --appreciate these speolal offerings as well as the clever designing andonly 'Mexican people. :and killing besrlnr tresiury bills which me rsns or ine country wnai a great pitcner smartness of the dresses and coats.was Deeetsery would, b done in Mexico. today. Chester Conkltn, the original cryingRudolnh la in my estimation. Ilia akin Inwill be legu tender in su pumie ornees,He told tbe court that be "boys" had orten working tnose pnusaeipnia matters was re comedían, la tbe "Love Thief." He hssand alsd la the ban!,talked of killing Ramos, but that all: agreed markame. because his "ilurr" is not won lots of trouble In steeling the girl he loves. CMMresu'sto wait untU they could get him in Mexico. ana in general ror aii payments not fpei bisque KEwrn:sderruí, ir a batter knew when his rait ball This lesds to a succession of ripld-flr-

Quesloned by the county attorney as to eificauy required 10 be made in currency. waa coming, be could bust it almost every actions thit Don'twho be meant by the 'boys,!'. Ochoa said Their chief object la to tide business bouses time, but Rudolph keeps up those sloware exceptlonsUy runny. 25c and 50c landmiss III There will also be shown a strong andhe rererred to men who held dirrcrent po-

liticalover tbe "war by granting loans on mer spttters and curves snd then works la a HUDllEH KEWMES-- -y(ews from tho. entertained by er indis and inland commercial paper.. rait one when he has tbe bstters hinging two-re- feature todsy. Tbe entire program

llamos. extra In "tete de negro' "Popular Special" atts good!in cases where a business bouse is test' on uicir toes 10 lima me siow one.Ochos agsln assured tbe court that no "They are suckers on a curve bill," de with "Popular SfmciaT tprovisionalporarlly Insolvent, a special, syi 50cviolence would be done on 'American soil, dared Rudolph, "ir you work their weak' "FIGHTlNa THE Whistle .tern or orncisi supervisión ñas peen insttafter' ,whlch the court dismissed tbo peace nesses." A world war: with thrillinga Juve story.proceeding's. Defendant was warned, "how., tuted to enable thef business to be contln CELLULOID KEW.

ever, to be more careful in, bts remarks ued- - On the application of either the trader George Stslllnrs contends that a blr lea'is aepiciea

la oneaj



Mneit warloaay.



ture PIES $5.00and that tr he felt he roust utter threats sue msnager roust be developed tho ssme written ror the movies. Comolete cbanre IE- - 01agslnst his enemies to go across the river to appoint experts 6 set as guardians or as a ball player, and that tbe man who or vauaevuie tonignt. Tne musicsi unir- - A)K6tJi: dc 50c This splendid grouping offers valuessnd utter, them. . tmstees, to superintend tbe- carrying on of makes good at tbe helm should have two leys, a special act or great scenic oesuty, CELLULOID CHAR.1C-TE- It This store's value giving was never you might expect Jo see marked toOcboa wss also under lleo bond on the or three vein' schooling In the minor Dean. and Dean, slnrtnr. tslklnrand Dorecharge, of havlnr counterfeit Villa money mo Business in too general interest 0( iikt better emphasized than In this won-derful

sell at as much as 112,50, Thelesgites before be Is ready to ro In there JIOLLS .and dancing trio, completa 'the 11In hit possession. Justice Murphy, at the creditors, so as to prevent- unnecessary

sou 3C grouping of children's coats dresses are beautifully made anduihujc men. is one or ine dcsi ever onerea tu rsso forconclusion of the peace proceedings,- re bsaicruptcies. ii 11 nni an mnrn KnAwmv niffnMi mt theatergoers. and dresses, In the newest winter cleverly designed, offering a broadit Is' knowing' how to get tt out of 'your INDIAN SQUAW AND styles. Upward of 20 distinctive choice of the newest materials and

layera, aya eiauingt. --a mamger mull ALICE JOVCE AT BUOU. OOWG1HÚ PLAV models, In blaok, brown, navy, colorings, French and storm,

ie able to study tbe Individuality or' a Todsy' the Dllou will feature Alice Joyce SUITS Sixes Up to and In combination with wool plaids and novelty Romanserges,

player. 1 don't believe in making a wall greenGIRLS! CLEAN AND BEAUTIFY HAIR In "rate's Midnight Hour." a novel producplayer e machine. I like to have him be-lieve tion of eicellent quality. Mlas Joyce Is $1.25 plaids. Materials are excellent suitings are employed. The coats

be can think ror himsair, becsuse well supported by an cast thstyears , grades of pure wool aerge And nov-

eltyare of fine Persian lamb, Astrak-han,there are so many declaloos come up that mskes this picture worth your time. 30x40 IN, CHIU BLAN-

KETSwodlena. Handsome silk gir-

dles,silk plush and handsome chin-

chillas,a ssii


Held."must mane ror niroseir on A VHagrapli comedy, entitled "Potto's CA silk braid and novelty button offering a selection of de-

siredtheNO DANDRUFF 25 CENT DANDERINE Leracv." which Is one or tha belt the Vita. sJwCFable Patterns.Stslllnrs contends that the fallnrei or graph company has relessed lately (which I, trimmings. Sizes to 16 years. colors. Sites up to It years.many smart pisyers wno nave taken charge awill uso ce ormeant sometmng, partor Blr'leirue teams snd railed to produce

Stop washing kak! Try timt anluxuriance.

Incómparable softness, lustre and inwinners.


num.due to


pisyerslsck or




Weekly."The Dream Olrl" snd Hesrit ChUdran9 Wool; CMdireini's Woolana a icasi it gone as toon aa uus nap Arthur Johnson In "The Belovec' Make hair glossy, soft Besides beautifying- - the hair, one Friday, apt ess.

plication of Danderlne dissolve Adventurer" snd "The Bond of Woman Breases, f2.46. Bresses, $2.9Band abundant. every But I happen to know thst Stalling keepiparticle of dandruff: Invigorates the pretty close hold on his pisyers when hood."ecalp, stopping Itching-an- falllna; hair. no uauer awings si tne AUBrrwuuM. sises a to t years Navy. Copen, Car Sizes up to 14 years Wool serges

vanaenne is to im nair wnai iresn lint on him la two hitli Tha Paat Cllv Danes club Is beMmg rtvt dinal and brown wool serge, taltbfed trimmed with shepherd checksSurely try a "Danderlne Hair showers ot rain and sunshine are to snd no strikes, or tbree balls snd one

cent dsnces every evening st the Auditor-in- styles. A pretty selection ot childish andstriae, wiinoui siaiiinrsvegetation. It roca right to the roots, Ullla and Kaaass streets. Ooed muilc styles. fancy plaids an excellent value.

Cleanse" If you, wish to immediately direct word from the heneiInvigorates and strengthens them. Its "When 'Joih' psvore went to bat for sna rcircsunmiia Kfo ytuuuvw.double' tha beauty of your hair, Just exhilarating, stimulating and life-pr- Tyler in the tenth inning or trial thirdmoisten a clath with Danderlno and duclng properties cause .She hair to game," says aiauigi, -- i aon t mame aim CHILDREN'S COATS, EXERA CHILDREN'S WOOLdrrw It carefully through yur ,blr stow leytg--

, ttreiur ana beautirui. for finnlnr. I carried him to three snd bwiivmrc suits.taking one small strand at'a tthse. Thla "ÍTi Ann saI sr hia rwmtt v sa two from the bench, snd then he missed the 92,feS andwill cleanse the hair ot duet, dirt or lustroue hair, and lota of It, if you will next ose. a rut ball right over tbe cester fpaclal ValuMat 93.68 $2.75 $4.50any excessive oil In a few minutes Just get a 25 cent bottle of Kaowltoa'e of tbe píate." inShown colorsI andyou will be amazed, Your iialr will be uanaenne irom any drug More The Athletics were tnrlnr hard to wateli Shown In sizes up to years embracing a r white,wavy, fluffy and abundant and poesesa toilet counter and try It as directed. SlaUlMS on the bench durlnr tha series la broad choosing of the newest áad' prettiest sizes to 6 years--

discover whether be wss ordering bis plsy. styles In dark or bright colorings, ) CHILDREN'Sers to hit or take one with the count k mfVYSlieTITI SWEATERSthe hitter's rsvor. Children's KnitrTecjBM,.., ,Sta to $1.00 $1.00 $2.95oui 1 croucit umn up, "'u uwrge. in ot clever UP TOOffered a number styles, InI bad another nlavar a 1 v down at thaTOD AY other end of the bench from me giving the scarlet, white, cardinal, oxferd, navy and Shown In all colors andsigns to the bstters so thst the Atlilotics brown. Jf sizes to 14. 1


could, look st me until they ruined their

Show Grounds Texas St Cotton Add.eyes

I wsatwithout

to telldetecting

you thstany


man Is forced in ''Michto travel some when be gets sneed ef rosy prospecta DmfrMtratimGeorge , and such" stck MiwaMjrf (Me ' MtiáR"llaÍr

A parent bss written in to me and asked out to be dáarílewone.turnwhat I think about his son trying ror the .

football team st college. jL-.- ,,"Ne started at Cornell this year," reads IslsWrl sTsmrVffVIthe letter, "and ha wuila In attemnl In et Firat FUcon me rresamsn eleven. I sm sgainat it for

rear was he may.be badly Injured. Wouki 'you advise me to let Mm go en J" speculative; tecuritiee,Thst le a hard question to answer. Much

would dfsead on tha build snd strength or paying high ratee ef inter-

estim, tuj. 1 uea i Dcueva.tnai looiosu nuns rlks.tbe OrdSBSry un. altaourh tt li nlavnd carry largevery dtrfereatly now Fretn when I used toplsy, I am sure thst K makes s boy much a factor, fiwiug tb tie lessened denuml. Cherry Is tbe wood most used ss a back-

ing600 more sett rehear ami ssjvnly. ror there M FINANCIAL SITUATION Aflillllonil tiesvy.fspori: of virloui roui ror the, metal pistes rrom which Illus-tration'Aali4 no rooai la. Mm gsmsTfer any boy with the absolutely safe In- -, tivkllilci snd hu rcJisrdlao rur Hie account of are printed in masailne snd perlodlceli.the 1 tslat c4.Hm quMar In him. It alsoANIMAL II la chosen shove all others beiAmiMistsr Indures Mm te teem, ami thst sites bim vestment for the linporunt Oermssi hsiareiti ere said la beAverage feslura Crl- - cause M holds doeslnilrol as s lis stupe,ACTO ThrtlllaiZ pries in kenlxr tela haAv la mod rnn. iUtfstlsS Is under ii'f OIIS44AS.Í te fscl. ihJpnwnli from not warp

dltlon. Me Is etst ef mSachier and bss 4 '"man or woman H a savÍAge :r trrloo, fjjailltloaa CoaUsue to Shiow I till port 10 csimirWs st Mir sra ..tuuntstng or iwtet, works smooihly end does notrow ipwa tor sm tmmmm- ciaarcltes or to tlrures waeee my muil soon errsce SPtK,

na heer ta be wnaM. ir a hat vera bank depoait paywg 4 per Ameriesn utiSsaiim shrosa. Tudiy'a ex-portshralcslly fit. f wwM M h May root- - of ruteas atone ere inure then:cent coHspeunded semi V Us Mortal' irsi double Ihote'gf say art alnce I'w oiubreaa

Most er taa mm York, Oct. n. Reduction of the of alto tehMi530 bsisbiH pteyers bsva Iwsilliitestesfier w uinghe en rootcaH a rtintae wen nig vBnuslIy, .yrhere mek semrterly ronuoon dividend of tbe United Ui largs aiMSSSAM. bui wllbout any. sure- - Cttatam Aaaay Office

24-LI0NS- -24ssgaers wase My eaoHgb ta Nbm aene4w MbJm bieel rorporslloe ffekl IVi to Htof I rispie srrees.' smeti m law irice ss wn

callase- - "flsasr' Co4iins ptsyed at tiuui .Money ie Miwe ever ams auoteg sjsstJHKers HITCUKTIma. ead every sjssj I see t mml mf fta wat uw inom wmirniHf inn 14 rsssajreea, Chsralatsy ystsHnrsiitstse-am- a )clcMraasmsr tti ss mads In Mm pre.x the ausSsm, I this t taw gems sswrnber yesui. S day in tbe ImmcM ssilrtcl. tHfüuifsm.ajtslw ass ées aatatlves tw Ore smtas.ra,

HaVTlsaeaOeaal Wttsf-fSli- njg rwtsaitttil at mV AM Amirtssa leseiM park Aeupung lUe Uitestmeat lltustloa ss a nd s tlEil iurnürs of Hut feden 1 ! Mean il us At,' vsfWIsiiii P4 Sssar rsa SSI hetweaa Yam sad rUwriun. coiullllous rusMloued M show narivt. msjy Indi I vi nwir nrii innmm. SSj Jgf- - TWSSA -

i gag? yWwimfAt sarter- - sseedr linr'ii'nint. Kxttnilvs rtssllnsi In nieat SusrasaSm or inai baujt maicaieot4W and Ut 11 sues were sanounred, lb. 1 ot the hoard ia;a.v inemTIWIlJMNMMCMMUMITM cesm was evea naassr mea tasa he m 4li per mil Ui.ui or two Masaacbusttts tent h d section by lbs ifiluss ut J(q

amimal a rwmum 506 Mtlay, ead eaevha ssM CatM were tliylag sstKs selllar MrI store par, une l'romi mmtmmm Ban wmmjumivnr ft esM for Yale. Tic welgfead W fesst amtl banking Jicc, rrporliKl an order for lie ItUfSjillon te trad In ttjs souw krfffMl aetsasls. CttM as lislaaiS u uiek tuaftú weiilt vt tlah-fl- beodi, whlrh ceiase Of mt rouvo suuauon wm ' H.MOHlOO tas bums .sad tas rraasii team waI si as not rsiirrly nWd st the twx. or ti nf ass msmruuH-- iiiumii ui.hn assM 10 smock mt UM Tate estas to give day, because ti tH Mnall rteetlng uss railway, Alrli showed a net iese of 3t IIkern a cheese. Taa resaM waa ska iUaa i wa Hutawortbs', boas'sr, that Um jUaaW' Urea rsbt ks the SHdd Oat lau lUiJwKa,

ANIMAL to husktes were down U rxid and staad-la- g was only for beads ot tbe trtl U s lashirtil Bsuk of Oerisasy fui GlaaalalMW . 1'sssisif (, IWMS m front or CoiUaa wasting fe Muí M tr.v, sVsWlUSkg lililí. SA4IUOA f M tto ssu4 slsniHcsat Item; or tsrelga Faftpt aa

catch taa bell oa- each kick, sad, as soca rttU'tt. ...... m. saury wsninwms ui ra set sas be Made the eMch, mm www ta mi uisa torvifS esraaagf wss ufmaai sw. w nrsmr ÉAfis.

I! WediHMslsqr,

tstw r ri-n- r r tvw tiotwni Mtafcio Gmr RtaÉiVti.The eprrence ot its cuntida" grew M ttar Lons come frtHM Meat am Ottt' 'tyZEE. new nw aiaajaiiHT ran. "há- - ;

flU Om4 Valley. wt foet several ihoueai4 ef prM in th Mfclwai eauattaJ, WH8t a SU BiaJJUl, a 'St toM'aswrvt that ghmm Wmm

lrs by s4ilpp4 th4r iwoduct to CMtmMm HMMltttaotle derlng" mzénfit?, Hm r Jiniii Lrsl xk I '0 W6 pfa ' Y" ' latsda .ett-ai- of th tfaaaHa HUmm Ú ttm'MSttt M NIMM El NN, fMlr I Chicago u bt afreéeiltlon of hnlWr m pCarran- - fir feeoliitetr m éatr4 of' iMrtO Upt wwnell. ThttM) Osa Nm$t MÍr W..... ofricwi - Wed by melon growefs at other points In the wuthwea, and thai thpVthe mlWory Hajaaum now the HtnJ .HIai, aa. partly t"iaW.W

The'ajte;tey cM4i.oupe growers e4, Fecee, Tea, ine ciy r wwwp wm im wwBBBK resi- - ,1"'IM fJÍ a Jm sa4lta; ) IMtMB, saVpKtMt' 'a, la. te-sijto- .

wejfcis$cVaiK ot twenty cars of caWupea in,ttrc dence, a iPBW earn VpM)jpMVf 40Jh4lM ea mi MMiwar imTtte' recos Times says: proceed iisrflscate sM.:M$M 91 ' i

KhSíwt :tre U what U coH the producer of Wee covete awjian That in What H biiWam the c4tel at H sary Mto market twenty cars of cantaloupe this seaaoa;; six be partly bee is ,t by tMreMMK ADVtUTiaiNO repukswtativb.

Kw tYett. C. tocMMt Special, Atraer, TrlkuiM:NIMIMr. teen nf iheee. eM. were shlpfied by freight, thre ers The, M ! 'Mhald sayal. Of i:;H$M a BWy,No," w tt i.- ttjaad htMri ltM.

cmhm,L. a.a. C,





ui'l Butte Mf, by exprese and 6n car sold to local dealers in JPecos. tame wlHm Am Iteawsd pawty ma béW. sjijiid.Tmremtr. Aaañit

coieetr-0- ,r1.Hmt Perner, oH Mltoiu

NMer, Ed .tete, These twenty crs contained 6,400 crates) frow th moMte iM Mu, in when a both Mai oil A frm tb4r will m-'- a t what Vbanegan -ifi JltfH best InformatiofT obtained tho consumer paid In round profe-te- a w'taWfc have been trtiiit w by t$ M.werkitHC' far awr It ttm IT fmire paty

8UKMPTKm RAT. figure $13,t6''for the 6,400 crates, and this Is an ex- - ties. wit Ke Mterscd to tkMr,ifM awn- ImÍrM 6JlirtlNfca"A lit fcB( tj tfc3l Wsrt tWtlj18 Mall In Advaaee.) peedlngly consen-atlv- price. Now of this $13,8-6- ID irt. according t,a Matawent Or at Heme fdiR the cable .. WaU the halan éf pewer. Aad Uta, m ''

nrMDMIy aadSunday,Ssatiey.

omall moms.

yer .....................t..,, ... ......w

4.n ps Id by' the. consumer for these melons our producer erenbajr by lM. Lula Sanche secrtirTa'.the An-d- . weM e4im lW fWe,' ' rem, '( afeea-- aa i iteaabls. It wtN prevé, mmOaMyIhwy ana



monthmonth , ....... M have received $50 for the entire twenty car of melons, governs tat a the federal dkWleU , I wewMid tlnrfe Í aM,, ;, ta wtaat the Ceten4 m Mtia ta é, that Miew.

T ftwe-a- Times, om year ...,,... 00 leaving as "a profit to Ihe railroad companies, the ex-

préslMtjtMitz Ponton says tHat tn'the oMW1 wider Tt,.

Daily and 9uf4r.W lÓS4x!LlTr!?...i.. .i... .7 companies, the commission firms, the Jobbe'r, ptrtr't a unkm yf .the aatsr 'twa partiee.cptnun ecuioft tune ratea fcnwta, the retail dealers and the brokers of $12,750. So k quests, aMI eemplalnts aa to the uos'slo ad.twner Or I'd se new gay, rarwaii. 'OC, eeunf, that' wnl eanaet a bea tMSufejcrtfcers H rail tu receive twtr papar regularly art wlll-U- seed that It tost the cantaloupe growers of Ship of hiauoa and autoe,,an4 that ewinc to H aaneunt That wHh fact we tw esMtslea; BeyubAtam party 'as at prewmt lioastKuted. Tana lie-p- it

resuenesOtre poatofrice

to nouryaedren

ine DUfiaeiin rail,


ro taewreci.wTunty id átate, Pecos, Texas, $12,750 to market, 20 car of melons, of workvto be dope by Mm and hi Me4tethere I weútd tett wKh great prsttsien bMeatt maehlne H tedr aivery bet tut'tmÚmmTRenUl py money oretr, draft or regittercd tetter. Tho commission firms soy they lost had benttle time to g'o Mto the eaeee (nvtáMillyí Hew the Germane bHe. the duet. H w ur year age. Nor it k Mkely tt ba bassd' ata

cóflecif- -Faene tete.





employetruak Une

or money In handling thls' twcnty cars of melons. The Vht,the authorltlea .have deeM4 to do, he we ver, the Pregreeeive arty a at .present csaaWiitii,)ltw oeperuneRi you wun ana connection win do miao brokers say positively that they, have lost money this and It wlH be dene within a very few day, he '.sJU, But I'm only naif a liar, '

wM! be a new party,, wHh ssma new ñama fáaílaii ttmfiner M

deperunentip. m. and on



direct:and holidays ttw year on this deal and tho jobbers claim to have lost to order that all automobile numbers' be, r.erstgr In And no higherI aeke, dMvMa t the Whig party ever the Hajeetef seavery

Ww..k . Maaater MM..,. Editorial and Reporten money, and the retallera say that If they have another, the government 'of the federal dletrlct, tegether. with So ,fro w newsI retire m'1848 and I$ll'frt ferae th orgaWl4ej'if thetete..sociery ta. ana out. Mir. Mi...,,,.Aar. ana tire. uepu, season like this they will be forced orit of 'business. the names of theff. present .owners. The namee ofthe Tf my censclencesay I mC IMtr, and then reeittted1 m the Wh(s'aaltheIf im carrier rail to dclirer the paper promptly, notify u "

oter any or ins soots teiepDonei. "Now, It all these companies handling these twenty possessor of the propertl will be compare4j,wlth the ' a - TlmesiPleayHne. Free'(MMera getting together a' the KepulMeaaa e

Any erroneous reflectiona upon tbe standing, character or cars of melons did so at a loss of $12,800, what wou old list of name:of noweeesor In poseeaslenVof Aho IKO'and INo: ."'


la theof

columnany person,

or Thefirm

Times,or corporation,

will be gladlywhich

correctedmay they have to get for their services. In order to make authorities; 'and cJtange ewnerhlp writ be'Vroaght ,, Colony Charges May Follow War, "It will take time for the rrefreeetve tateaeh

upon na oeinf arout nt to tne aticnupn or tne management. money 7 ' . out with mathematical exactness, C New York Telecrash. ' the" Heembllsans the same lessen, that the Tree Seksrs"The sixteen cars 'that were shipped by freight "When this Is "done. the secretary says',' alt autos ?WheW th war tátaáá ot Stirene are' Alsnetlad and at'.iltepaither 'Northern WhWj. it maVlafis

Southwestern Progress. sold in One and sttch houses arenet Indispensable the'' last shot in Um confUetinnw racins-- ' has 'fceeawere the following markets: car, Lincoln, aa, absolutely years sabre.''' ík'-,J-fired, the rearrancement of Weundariea and fsesitler.

new II. Z. McCullough, pastor of the First Fres Neb,; one car, Denver,' Cnlo.i four cars; Chicago; four for use a barracks,, hospitals or pther such military lmea will not, be eewflned to'tlje contrnent of- Herope. 'CaktheoirreBlve partr hut that long 7'' '

byterlan church in tho city of Santa. K, ha demon cars, Pittsburgh, I'a,;' two carsiSt Louis; one car, or administrative purposes, will be returned to their w,4tn tne exeeption or vAtria-Jwnajar- y ane tne "Olí, ye4 'It jkVdewn te bedrock now. We'liave'.astrated himself to be some celery raiser, as he has New Orleans; ono car, Georgetown, Ohio; one car, owners, by'the new 'authorities, providing the eriglnal Russian empire all ot the1 prlncloal hatkme Involved hundred thousand yeteHln this state mre, prebablybrought Into the office of tho Santa Fe Now Mexican Buffalo, N. Y. owners' have no charges against them outManieHfig of In the great struggle have ee4ntal pseeeeMons, prd- -

tfii year twtee Ás many," That Is pleW telaMthe'samples of his handiwork which measure more than i "Now, the railroad companies for delivering these oyert acts of enmity toward the (ontltutleaUst over



aepenaenetev wnicn are1,scaiierea. an ba'hinee óítjpoww' T

, '.B(. '

three feet In height and cause the Sania Fe paper cars from Pecos to the above "points received $3,840; cause." The redistribution of many- of these )eeeeleh.to wander Into a Ions; discussion of "tree celery," the express companies for delivering the three cars It Is to be hoped that restitution will be made In consequent upon the suecees of the arm of either GLIMPSES INTO'THE PAST.

from Pecos to various points In small lots,' $520; the every case whero property has been1 wrongfully taken the Triple, Alliance power or those of the TripleEntente, "will entail great change In the map of the (FROM XXX 'n OJT THE MOKXINS, TJJamicommission firms report for their services about $C0o: in Mexico City, for the constitutionalisms cannot affordArizona have just completed gathering; world. 'The most radical change will probably be

tho brokers' charges were $220. This makes a total of to rest under the pdlum of thievery attached to the picturethe 114 crop of honey, and the average- yield of made lrt Africa, whose map presents a remarkablt THIRTY YEARS AGO TODAY,liquid sweetness was 63 .pounds to the colony, which $080. Who got the other $7,670,7 form of confiscation that has" been practiced In the. of the juxtaposition of protectorates and1 céle-

nlesnit Is evident that made out of national capital of Mexico. The constitutional army belonging to Great Britain, France, Italy Jielsome one moneyis a dccreWa of 7 pounds from tho average-o- f last glum, and Germany.. ' - . Frank Clark I making a hard fight, for' the officethose twenty cars of Pecos cantalounes. but the tiro has posedi'as the army of the 'people, and when It is of district and clérkV " "

. i'Ki.year, According to the, latest statistics compiled re-

gardingGreat Britain' eelonles and protectorate encircle county

Arizona bees, there are 23,770 colonies In that duccra will probably never be able to figure out Just placed Incontrol of the national capital It aho.uld the globe. France has possessions' In Africa, India,state. who got the coin. And It. will be that way so long as realize Its duty is to protect and inot to take that which China. South America, the West Indie, the North At Capt. J, D. Sclucam Is 'up from Santo Dominga

they pursue the preacnt',mothods of marketing, may please Its fancy. ;U" lantic, the .Pacific and the Iridian oeeans. Gepaany and is jneeting his old friends here.' .,',,. ." '

luía vuiifiiivfl in jxít ium, v.tiiib ,nuu lcio raniiG vvvnet. ' v '

W. F. Gordon, of Bowie, Ariz., has a. bed of aspara-gus

While several of the foreign holdings of the .p&wrjthat has become ohe of the show places of that A copyv.of the Chicago Gxamlner of October 20 Is The" Paris F.lgaro suggests'that Emperor William, engaged in war are without adequate military Mr.J3. Schutx,- of the California store,1! a candidate

Frau Krupp and a long list of. German notable, be at strength,- - few of the principal poseeoeiona of Greatsection. He has, contracted to sell hlsentire crop at mailed to the Morning; Times from Springfield, 111., for commiseleBer. He haa bean in Bi Paeo for ' somaonce seized and held as hostage; for the payment 'of Britain 'and France are unprotected. . . .. .... í ' - ...

the rate of 10 cents delivered In Bowie, In Africa, British interests ume.nna wen qusiuiea lor ine position.1 xne limesare paramount-i- Egyptand estimate that he will be able to realise at the rate people turned out In that city to see Theodore Roose the ,$240,000,000 Indemnities already levied by the Ger-

manaby agreement with France at the beginning-- ' eMh en takes pleasure in Indorsing Mr, Schuix for any- - of fíée

of about $800 per acre from the crop; Asparagus velt, and the sender writes on the margin of "the paper úpon cities and towns that have come Into their tente. France haa a protectorate " oyer Mereee by he may seek. '. ipossession. The) Figaro adds "that when the French agreement' with "England. Her 'Algerian pomeialonadoes not require a great deal of water to mature, and "not quite the make out," .Whlle thetake'Cerman cities, and town not burn them, facing:' the Mediterranean are bounded on the ert "by

he expects to begin marketing his crop'aiout March 1. Morning .Times Insists Colonel Roosevelt Hra very theyfwlll Jim Sheldon, one of the old .El Paso boys, earnTripoli, an Italian aepenaency. unnne ,i tea, see anabut will'dead political dudk, It ho, never questonedthe fact simply hold them asaguaranty of the "pay-

mentcontiguous to. Bgypt is the Italian dependency of In yesterday from' the Olla river "county and; brought

that people will turn out' to and hearshlm. We of proper Indemnities Slut';'the seizure of Ger-

manEritrea, the African, east coast British ;8omal- -

Jhe most encouraging sign of the times from' the see nQri are with him several samples of vegetables ra4ee4( there.standpoint 5f the mining men of the southwest is would, give him at leasi 40,000 hearers right here In towns is going, to proveVjuet about ás difficult lland, Italian Somaltland. British Bast Africa, German They were .the finest ever peen In tht atty.- Mr.

for the French a, the captHre'ef the emperor and East Africa, Portuguese Bast Africa and the eaatern'El Jasoif he should come arnongvus, and next day jfiierden stated that that eeetlon of 'the bestwaa onethe reopening of the' customs market for ore at Doug-

las,portion of British South Africa.,

Ariz., tho 'Copper Queen, smelter taking all the vote 39,995 good Democratic, votes against him. Our other German notables, or as-

. the'

capture of ParleThe entire southern oart of ihe Afrlean continent; fanalnc eountrlea in the .entire eountry 'Vm? !",. '.by the, Germana.

ore offered on that market, Tho Great Western prop-

ertyupnngriom inena snouia get ine iaea mat an tne peo-

plecompriesa tne ruin bouw Airican union,, wgjen em

who' turn out to hear Colonel Roosevtlt are not braces Rhodesia, tne Transvaal, the orange ntver Seme, have been crying-- bard times in EI Paae.' bitiat Courtland Is now shipping to the smelterRoosevelt people. . . ' The restriction that Ho horse under the age of Natal and Cape polony1. On the west' coosClrom as we go down the atreet we. see' n. btóldUíáfiaabout ten .weekly, The .Elghty-flv- o and Oonney , 'South Africa thereare.cars ' ' British German Southwest Affive p'eara mliat bo exported1 from , Denmark, has all, sides, .whienís far from eyídenee ofi;'naVd t tinwa.Mining companies, of Lordsburg. are making regular rica. Portuguese West Africa, the Belgian Congo state.

shipments, and several of the smaller concerns, in A few days ago Mr. and MrsTVSI Turner, who live greatir iimuea 'ine supply: jsermany, can araw irom French Congo,; German Kamerün, the Niger territo BH Paso Is growing all the timet V" have no háfd timnSonora also making regular shipments. on Owl cxeek, near Gatesvltle, Tosas, went to the cot that country; "German .horse dealers are. said to be ries, British protectorate; French West Africa, Ger here. In the west, where every one ho plenty andare one pulling the teeth of thousands o horses in order to man Togoiana, rulan uoiq coast' ana tne ivory cat, abundance ' 'ton field to gather the. fleecy staple, as usual. They there la an of work. . v ,

The Hock Island Railway, company has 17?. 92 were at work some distance aparfiwhen Turner heard make them appear older in the veterlnarjClrtspectlon a FrenchIt is In

possession.Africa that the most radical bounlary

his wife fte which they, are compelled to undergo before export The baseball boy have, at last agreed that,. theymiles of railway In the state of Now Mexico, from cream, ran to her and found her down change are likely to be made after the war.which received on her knees on a cotton sack. A huge rattlesnake permission, can be obtained. .All of which! gdes to Concerning the armed strength of the colonial have had sufficient training to go into a real; game',

the of It rcvenue'oft operation ahad crawled between her dress and underskirt, and prove that necessity Is still serving, as the mother of possession "of Great Britain, in the union of South and wilt meet the .Fort Bile boy next Sunday! o'theyear, with an operating expense of Africa there are about 10,000 regular troops and 75,-0-

The road carried SB.SST'poasenRers during the she was holding It by Its neck with her hand. He auxiliary troops, including the burghers of theground. at the end of the. San Antonia 'street J ear

year and average of 79.38 miles each, yielding a reve-


took hold of the snake near. Its head and puiledli Transvaal and the' Orange River colony. In the em-pire

Une. A record crowd is expected. There haa bee'

afrom his wife's clothing, throwing It from hlnT, 'arid Prof. Huafo Munaterbers: has withdrawn the resig of India there are abqut 80,000 English and 185,-.0- much, wagering on the game. .

of $129.754,03. It carried 934,468 tons of freightit nation, he placed in the'hs'nds of the Harvard officials native: troop. The commonwealth of Australiafinally succeeded in killing The snakeof $9,65 miles, which yielded was a mon- -an average revenue has a military force .of 175,000

sterand carried ten rattles. when he understood a Britleh friend of that Institu-tion

mea. The ladles of El J?ao are invHed to atteWd theamounting' to 8661.286.it. The French army In Northern Africa la' aboutwas about to withdraw a future legacy of $10,000,-00- 0 95,000 strong, ot which force 18,000 are natives, In meeting tonight, which will be held at the courthÓMs.

is on account of Munsterberg loyalty Vo Germany. Algeria she haa about 25.000 men and 17,500-I- Hon. Lobbock. will, give an addresa, enCarf Young, tho Yuma valley cotton grower, drove It reported In England that the khedlveiot Serious dpubt as to the existence of the British coin, T.unls the leading; questions of the .day, In speaklfls; of thetwelve bales of cotton through the streets of Yuma, Kgypt, who Is now sojourning temporarily In Constan ,has no doubt had something, to do witheaabling Pro-

fessorproposed meeting yesterday the statedAriz., a few days ago, which represented tho first of tlnople, has been forbidden lithe British government Poor Mr. Smith.

Munsterberg to arrive at the decision. that the ot ladiee at public meeting lea'di-a- '

the fleecy staple ever seen on thoso streets, and the to return to Egypt, The loyalty of the khedlvo to A minister' was recounting seme of presencegraceful feature to. the meeting whichtime Is not far.' distant when Yuma will be sending British control Is very strongly suspected, as his experiences ,in marrying people,. "There's an Id

1 charming atPassenger Traffic Manager Bryne, of the Santa Fe, all .times. He stated that he hoped 'maay wljl be1 laout shipments of cotton by the car load. The valley closest associates are Turks, who'are said to be wholly custom," said he, "that the bridegroom shall klw thedefinitely announces that through passenger traffic attendance.land of that section under irrigation' Is peculiarly under German control. It Is believed that tho khedtve andixjs bride immediately after ihe marriage .ceremony Is t

'Galvestonbetween Angelea.and 8an Franciscoadapted to the production of cottoB.and the crops has been Informed by tho British government that It over.

will go Mqctfect In December. The officials are al-

readyFIFTEEN YEARS AGO TODAY.planted this year are making very satisfactory yields. will be wise to prolong his visit In Turkey until the "It's, a good, practical custom, for it serve moreat. work on the new time table, which will be

close of the prevailing European w'ar, and It la fur handily than anything else that I know ot to d jípate Casaa'by Belcnand Lubbock eut-of- f. . Zt. E. BeekerXef Srandes. "is mthifetF'eThe Southern Pacific railway carried 18,006 pas-

sengersther believed that he Is wise enough to profit by the the awkward pause that almost always follows, a bualnes. He will remain 'here seme) time

an average of 139,42 miles each during the last admonition that his presenco rnEgypt at this time is A London war dispatch say that the' atllea are simple, Intermal ceremony. For this reason .1' keepfiscal In the state of New Mexico,' according to not at all desirable. the, custom alive.year gaining steadily in : the reenter. And that Is pretty 3. J. Mundy haa returned to this city frem an;.c--

annual rep'ori, which has 'been filed "One (lay a man whom. I shall call. Smith tothe company's evidence Is camt.good that the; commlaeary, department tended tVip to Chicago, where he ha spent the paiIn Banta Fs. It atao arried 1,786,771 tons of freight, J. F, Duckworth,, a North Carolina mountaineer, living )to its best traditions. All Jwop who are the parsonage to be married. Mr. Smith was a'Pemp- - féw 'weeks. '. ' ' vof which 3,103 tons were Intra-stat- an' average dis-

tancehas Just been congratulated by President Wilson over big eater , manifest a decided dlepoirtWn to gain eu. consequential little man. The- - press-activ- e VXÍ.

of 1$,0 miles. The company's business in theafact that he the father ofjienty-flv- e children steadily; a?,the center ; i ; Smith was a fine, wlneeme girl, , V, Judge A, B.;FaU returned from La, Crue 'yesNew Mexico was exceedingly profitable, for the pas-

sengerna nas voteu ine Democratic, ticket tor alxty-flv- e "Afer the ceremony Mr. Smith, In spite of hi terday. The Judge-ha- bees la New Hftxlee fer'seme

revenue amounted to $74;139.10,- - and the year. There are nineteen Democratic votes In "the Prof Huro Munetbéc'.re4sm4Pi Harvard pempeeKy, did to know Just what wjua-th- day pastfreight revenue to $;,828,128,86, Theftótat operating Duckworth family, and when the fStt becomes in prd'er.lSwi the uiyejM4 mgh ,ataajto itself a next tfc&g to do. e, a la my practice la oueh etosr--revenues in the state were $3.731. 313. étjand the oper-

atingthere will doubtless ?SeBblandlshmnts poaelble cy of $í."f,fM; ?t Kii ! i P there eacUi' I said; My dear sir, It 1 your prlVlleg-- a to X. C. LtghtUdy-h- returned. ta thia eHrtramta

expenses only $1,408,7(7,41, wr$cS!l a pretty coming from Col, Theodore Rooaeveitjffor here I a is a doubt as to the ,li)ai;,.em wMMieterbers salutethe brMe. , .t trip ,ta Earepe.jwhere he haa been spsnamg.ssmatlme

good showing for th; 1(8 miles of tracBthe company man after his own heart In the maUerJof putting an out, and 'that ought pimt ;tka 'rífiti,yr to the 'Je; eurned arouad and tended M hand ferm-ally- ,, VteHMa hk.aM haaae and friead. He w4M.be: eater- -has In the state, w effective quietus on race suicide. ' board of director; ' said; 'Mr. .Smith, I congratulate you, " talnea by same of his frie4 heea tanighC

..XrULLi AINU nlLKfJti AliaO to-- - mThere's a Surprisé rfor&When ffélTaims Around. By STERRElT

mmt-- TAiSiúfr SmWtK Srit.iiiKm t . immts tntiü' mi U4.L it. . .... m,'-3m- i iw i.b vai .. ih mmjj . i . "Tm



fife---- ' saBLLm bbIbbbbIsbbbbLV 1



T .ajJL 4a, 4La Vua-- ! 17.- - lupfllw Vm its 'y 'jftf1) SptfitfT rsr

DTCKU, OC DasWUlt, HOC C&KCS, IDAOC ngTOEJiaBf 1 lliatlif it rMrrttannrtrmttty wtth Royal Baking Powder, and tiapp' h. M. MMmer, trata patieji trw ai Paria, k, utbe altrscH mm theletter at aaj aimamed IPrisah tohMer to Msaf llattam, Ttttt, kthe Ü ti W. railwayyour ünaers atdytrcoda. It it the taitr a- - nted m re jesUfáay. father m IHrts art ishhihia by Has rwro

"WsawSiil is tbe itomtih about a'clock

'J. ' peqxín food that aid digewaqn. B. L. wkhiae. reaafa 1'sisisMtr Mthtct the vP. k s. w. nmm, afjlew yark In mtd as oee tost 1 am obliged to leedéitr. MI rewirdar tor .he ynw vmm n avep ar neaa an di 11.

" Z:W- - if" 'I hMMniiiljfiii UmmI 1 ' - - " Vv V i'.í "tb Battle ceaitsasa m rige. I am se.1 'ft . . UMU n U UAULT 111 1VUTU X. UnMl . Sk ?2.

Mr's.'Wm' and tVaaMr left yet twee the two earns, sad. wiuswt ex

ir Ir Tv' COfWnf troin the punty, wiiolMomentM and tg, r terdey'sfer

RahmtanBt, lom. : orar

HBsrstion,sse. seme

mare,ttrsexthdh IM.oeo

st mybuMtotHMSi and

piH Wouldn't You like to Hearspsat east moattm to receive oi a wnicnMv , 'Vfitñcéi óf it ingredients, which prombfe dt ti.. vVaklr' I. Torraa. of TataaaaA ttfeet, wm .sai snort me ipectanie. i remaas .uuireyer,Who hát hm mim 111 with tsajtbew g uaM four

fMOpn. Food rawed by it will not dittreai.(

Is rrper ted rKy mttch Impraftw.ttot).MS aatt

It Itarwraaea

then thttand

I senreclststha m itaaa

me neednot the New November 'W-Vict-or

Of umbrella. I who never atri rted one.td Mta. IIThu peculiarity of Royal has ben noted by OulHer Httrnder. ton of Br. I tthMttm my cost, .but. I am unable toA. MagTUdtr, wat burned yae raer dttenstiBa the gravity ef my wound for,iwin;.-- . .r, rvu .u. ternaati by ta aastottett c tu Wve mars tt as much mud as htasd."J lv,"f" .eaaava. trJ a.Nrastaso aiu vftw. t '.ar-- ht the ry waa very sttgex, "Teward two o'clock there Ii i Ml In Records?' the firing. I swtlt the stretoh hearers, but vaccordinfflv earnest in iti nnise. mm. ttarrr sima hat rent to Lw Graeet Hks slitsr Asms, they do taet come. The tto attend a tertet af card parties that are heura ae ttreeteuily, rtwr, aliÑiaah I

recomroending it in tic preparation of'fóodi V? S behtg given by same af the" todiM he which sentlnuet.tsar


toward 4 o'clock You're welcome any time. We'll be glad to play. theCruces, and w return Taartaay,, la taa irte rima l tee earning in rtace otfor thoK of delicate digcition. V M s rsasaa-re- r tirttsser seerert me oerur rruk wums ar ateten. Taatt. It tat. new racortie for you and you are free to ask for anyin tho city roc aa htdefhMto length at, Mbm, 'Thl ttm It tt far road," I say to f,

"i am done tec, a htsw rtem a rms numbers you wish to hear. J'-

E. ft. FiHMten. at Cblhttahui, M44eo. It buH ra. .irutt ot the bayonet and theywould ttftlih me. A leat thsught or my

here ror a rew oays. family tmj I try .w Mam my awn rifle tad Here are a few of the. records: AROYAL end it. it It HteltM. the run la no moraUní R. I.. MauaMer of M Pttdi Mt ittt than a lump, of. mud, at tUsky city.

night ror DMMt mm Fori wena, nrnae, "Thare are five war minutes durings 17ÍJJ When. Tou'ra a Lent Way From Home. ...... Henry Burr

where tbe win rtbft friend tad fataHvat, wnita i stm wtin a eaimnats mat aur.German In tha Palace of Dreams. .,.....,... Henry fiurrana win Be rene, aeoui a man. prises me. A asks me in trench!

How ara ml''Mra: r. h. Todd ar tM7 mwmv avenut bat "I showed htm tht ptaee where t wti 17SJ Kvryiody hoye Chicken.. CQlilns-Harki-

lutr null MM. w. d. fturtbura atBAKING POWDER Washington and .her Mn Richard or Doug perhaps"ReaiHirt


to nothing,ha tayi,many'That


Roll Them Cotton Bales,. i, Heidelberg Quintetteua, Arm will get well,'

"I that S5SB Mlilloent WatU Hesitation) MoKee's Society OrcheitraMra. .., Marlaau returned yesterday from Ham they ara from Lorraine,

mkiim r.itv.. wnere ana naa Deen ror two which It lucky. They ara clad m grey, Mighty Lak's, nos (WalU Hesitation) . .McKee' Hooloty, Orch.which makeiAbsolutely Pure No Alum nem thwatt Invisible In wtr,, monuit Tiaiuog retaurn m ureira. I speak or this to them. They answer:mm.. Bell Feote, who toent two yean in V 'Indeed with your red trousers we can Í011B Harmony 'Be.by , .Nora Sayis

California, baa returned to El Ptto to make tee yeu a leaf dfstanee. you mtkeu;.erbner noma aere- - isrgeas,- -

"The Oermtns went On tlie wtf , promls lEBTlr-Kaow- e aka Kal (Hawaiian) ..iTooU raka Hawaiian TroupchnuM nH evaá examined ror Inr to return to look tor me u wen ai 'vnnr Lei Rose o Kawlka (Hawaiian)', .Toots Faka Hawaiian Troupeother who like myself lay on the battleRoberts.BannerOIusm sea Or. Horton, sot new. I tata hope. It teems good to be Ml'

Rocco Reata, director, announces the fol-

lowingBuilding. Ka grinds tbe lenses tad mtktt alive, althourh 1 am in a torry plight. 66872 Nlnlpo (Hawaiian).,. . A.Toots raka Hawaiian Troupe,up ,your Btatses. (Adverutemem.j "The hours pant, night arrives, it stillprogram, which commence! at 3;30 1 Kamake (Hawaiian).. . .Toots Faka Hawaiianrain, uty oretxt. rro one; neither stretch ...... Troupe

i triHT DPF.nA be the attraction erbersr nor my Lorralnes of the dav oeMtrcn, "Horthwind".. Chambers at the A'ntmpra, (AUTerii8emewt.j fore. It it not until four o'clock in the b7íÍS; Good Mor'nlns, Suel .....V. Ernestine Bchurnann.HelnkOCIETY Overture, "Nabucodonotor., ......... Verdi atierneen or tne second aay mat tne, n

Telaah-n- e Selection," "Ermine" , JacobowaKt 8MREVEPWT RATE CASE. same back. I have pasted 34 hours f. i''i ..ú. vWaltt, "My Old Kentucky Heme".,. Herman In reflection in the rain, witn a wound 70110 The Messenger Hoy,,. ,.,.,r.,.....,.,...Harry Ludr0 4 9 Canoa Heads Be Made which eau.w me much aurtering. 'Mtanrka, "La Catrme" ....., Seven Mate Text May, " ' 'Medley telection, "Hits no. ",r.....ilarni Delta easts. two


Germanaof wood

put meat


a' canvassend. They

with IÍ680 niRoletto Quartette, Fairest Daughter of the Onuses.,,.Soar, ''Slog Me the Rosary",. ..Klickmanh Bu tXm Amtaelattd Prtéi carry me to a namiec, aoout a ammeterMarch, "King ot the Turf.".......w Tobtnl Shrevahert. La.; Oct, 47-- a- bearing and a hair distant, and atretch me put there ............Borl," ''

Jacoby, MoCormack and Werrenratht "The Star Spangled Banner." here today before A. 0. Outhlem, examiner in tha apes, air, ttill in, the rain, but onPartiet attending the .concerts in autos ór far tee Intérnate ' commerce cammitsion firme, grasad. Then they go hack to

BfsEAMS M.B. Wataon. Mr. ted Mrs. Ptrlfleft on tbe other vehicles are requested aat'te start Off tettimony adduced m support w an ap search Isr ethers. They brmr back thutII o'clock train for'Lol AsrelH where they during tne pltylar of the 'naHenal aeMnat pHeattoa to bare the orders of the eom 7oo or rao wounaea, or wnora o ire

Ob,' ski of bfs. I used to think will epead a month, and then to to Ifidltna, o mttstoavfa whit It known ts the Sbreve Frenen."I tasked, t ftmlthed. I munch W.G.WALZ COMPANYI'd rb- - am tmyour MMM cool, tad drink; where ttey will 'make tbelr heiM. Nltt Mr. Tbemaf Brtdge. iuim ru Min annly to all the ordinal de.But hete, where r pitying dew, with jay a bit or army biscuit which i

I. loiter sttkVh' ear from you, W'ataea' has Hred (e El pato fdr ten yeara Mrs. Louis Tbamt, tlU Mantesa street, feBdaaie, twenty-tw- o m number. Special find dsBetem Upon my urieat entreatyoh, tkiM of biuei; and nta fiara airela, af rrttMs here. will entertain tblt aner&don at tucUos uaui' ar tbe Loultltnt Railroad com a OerfMMt - sMtenis to rive me a Man of

bridge, at her home, , Mtaaiaa taked that seven additional rail wine I ram nia. naas wrnicn ne net juee ; 103 South El fa StmtOlu mirror truel 'Id ven alose Haaer far "Bridal Party. ways In Texas not made defendants tn tho ruled, i tntnk him. That warms me. TbeWho knew how long ma y ra haré frown; Mr. and Mrj, T..M. Ryan ftre a .very prlgtttiaault be included ts defendants in uermaa is going away, when he changesReeepUea tor 17. B. C 'his mwd and demand! payment for nittou cfi tno grim rwieCTion true-W- on Until 9 e' Clockmourn with m but, only you, cnarannr dinner last nisnt ar taair nomo Batutlful. indeed, wu the recentlon ha this tcuon. glass af wine. I Jabber a little German, Opn Evtning

by the rail'on Montana street;- eompUfflentary to tbelr TbA main onnoaltlon offeredhonor of tbe delegttes tad0. mirror truel vltttMg rrlendt i uaaarttano ana rive mm s ten sou piece,' aaurnter.-ttu- e vinrtnit May tad Nr. Raían or the' United Daughters of toe Confederacy roads seeking to tboW that tbe Texas rates. the only money J htro left. He takes bhn i

KQH,. Mt(r M riyl vim rB. growa old Dtvls, .woo itre married tonlrhr. and given by the Dtutffttert of tbe Amerlcaa uAd uui auii ibt x UHriwD raro. stir afr content.Oncd taitei-e- l 'bmWi jrour tletmt of goia; their hrtdtl Dtrty? BeautlfuL white1, oeraa- - RevQluUM it thf hemajBf MrvR. P. Camp, m taa tow. and urging that a mtximnm vsame German orftrert com to talk tow Ici'wwmi to feo rray? . mi Iterated ' the ttbyx and .the eoler hell tt Wf Wm avenue yetterdty anerhods be etteoninea on re oat ui wimyiu hi. una or mem stye to mat

eeHwno was Gfiwnna HH imn. ins puce rrom t to a o'ewcr. , n. mtaa between the Texai rates and the pro 'v'lt it your govermnenrs fault that youThe house' tbrenbhout was decorated here.'carde were dainty 'handealaled wnlle and tMMit mterauta rate. The matter wtt are

'v Cwmbtr'a Joaratl. ' lilies'of the ' dellcloq beautifully. In the reception; hair aad by Mr. Outhelm "They all tneak French. I note the re. ham and bacoa with tbelr net weight ws pending arrangerhentt for her retnoyal togreen valley.' A taken under advisementaraptng tne ittirwty were Texts, confed marks ot thli orricer, because it sppeart to recommended today to Attorney General the aaylum at San Antonio.Ccsiptii(ry Bkmer. tevenreoarta alonar. w ta terveo The ptrty erate and American flags, while behind a for coatlderttlon by the Istorsttte Com' me to lndietie a curious mentality. '

Included; Misses Virginia Mty Ilyan, bower of palms .sort music wat played dur merco- csmralttton. "The third day ot this calvary, they put parsons by commissioner iitrtigan or tneir. wi Mrs. E. wiMfiua entertained Lucille Maloney, Bessie oilaon. r mo reception. ut In a. barn on the hay. We have at yet mayor bureau or weignta and manures, A Urge stock or raoring paper of beat

wriiti ,a dlnwar thir hema on "i'edro Sarah Divls, Messrs. Ralph Davis, Harry n the drawinr mom nlnk tan rrén Hh. received no care. I ber the oemana to In telling these meat to retail butchers duality, il.M per roll sad up, Lander Lum-

ber,MrMt, SaMa ,ernlair, in boner of HIM pate, Harry Henderse, Howard Oilman. bon.' with large roaettei 'gracefully en take off my clothes. I nave been tbie to It It iilered. tbe pickers make ho allow Co. Pbon 99.MtrtwrtM Blteor Waisoa and Mr. Marios Joe B. Davis iwraea, nung irom uie cornert to tne orys antra a blanket which fcaecens to be there. ance for the weight of paper and burlapDavis, Mr, and Mrs. 0., and'L. PttrMc, ef Teiw City; Thu, who wens Mr. tad Mrs.iT. M. Ryan, The

tal chandelier. SUFFERED AWFULLY I don't know to whom It betongs, but wrapping! containing' the meat, sad the Residence Burnt et Odetsa.inirrud.hit RttM. Dainty pink roK wem kr

boys re. The library was a bower of autumn nereittty stinet acruwes. They are quite butcher therefor ire forced to charge By Times'' Special Correspondent.prettily arra(d la tbe m;er ot the table, celved pretty go friendship, stick pins leaves and the dlnvsbsded lampa added w wining- - to no wnai I navs stsso. aay coal coniutsen enough to Day for the wrap Odessa, Tex., Oct, rr. The residence otas ravors. ana the trina' favors were dainty the beauty .of the. room. watst'totked t wbleh Dr.my routers, were Hi' C. L. McClellan. one of the handsomestaod Métetti' tlx diaar wa'a'courts perhaet never hat a dlntnar room ap tie lata than Mckaret of mud. removed. plaga, which, on com package!, weighrmrree tow yen ptn. sets, ttiss Virginia are homes In, this piece, was destroyed by fireAnent ibom prsaeat wen Mr. tad Mty was surprised witit a Deauurui dla peared more beautiful and complete than NOW QUITE WELL My falHflr ahoes. my a and from tlx to nin ounces. Sunday night. Only a small portion of tmMrs. WlttmM, Mr. mm Mm. Oarld 8barp, raoad ltvtUer from Mr. Davis.. did Mrs. Campbell's In Its attractive dco torka follow the sime route. My feet and household goods were saved.and MIm Wati Md Mr. fatrlefc. TM my wound make me turrar. I tase out my Dr. Cummini, physician aad surgeon, oto

ef t&e won Wig ru tpeat ia 'play- - Art Department Prsjraa cent electric lights of red, white and Mae' littlfl pocket settlors, I cut my shirt and Mint mug. rnpne tw. Don't give your baggage checks to anyintertwined witit ivy extended rrom each riaaaei belt free at my wound which on on the tram, save them forLoagWftU'iThe program tor the art department ot comer tod met in the .center, under WMeb A Luiy Stjfftxinc Wm S Ir titva not seen. It It dlttretttntty long, but Park Ratara. oulck auto delivery service. Phone t.table fcnreid with huaiuuwas a a nothing tstositbet me langa r, aftertoe women's cjub wntcn meets this after. any.ratrtok'WtfM W4ina, noon' at 3 o'clock sharp. Is at follows : Cluny lace cloth and, a large Vaao of wild teme Thttt at Tttam. Jlta; Wm what 1 have teen. I make, a mod ai n Is Edstr D.Pirk end J. D. rtrk hav Juat

Mite Elinor Wat daurdler aaiera bbo. urniea ranaieaucKi w m tunic tirat In Right Way Laundry: good work) Ph. ill.KwrtwrMt ton, Talk oh Ideal Club House.... C. M. Olbson bad; a dressing out of IM aid things returned rrom a, trip to new mcxicjo.of, Mr. aad Mr. Jm Watton, of Ft. Boule thtdet. At one end or tho dining room-wt- my poucn. inen i roil myseir up in my

,vard treM, a4 Mr. Mtrkm L Patrick of Talk on Ideal Home Mrs. S. J. vieiacU a tttr with red. wbite and blue llahta. UnaUe te StrBigMté Hdr Body blanket. I have no longer asytMnr military Phone 7. Wllon-Mllte- the betl Held da Burglary Charge.im Heiation or tne picture to the Home. Bfnau American nags were given to tne ana i am sunost naxet srreatedTexn CHy. TMt, were married lart nlfbl except my cap cleaners. While work specialty; Henry1 Pi ion was yesterday morn-

inglit Motive end Story Miss Elinor truéate as favors. Delicious cakes aad Jeea innately jersey keepsmy me warm, wbtle, haat a o'eMek, at Mm CtmteH or fee aturdían tha police say, was m thePore her. wero enjoyen aurinr tne arternoon. m tpeAntel. After the eeremony, deUrntfui Piano eeto, "Rondo." (Mwdejaaohn.) receiving line were Mrs, C II. Kelly, Mrs. Walnut, N. C, "About 1J yeara They tort the flermtn wounded rrom Dr. Jaroieson, dire ates of kidney, blad act of burgUriting a room in the Mateldinner for the family and intimate rrlendt u. o. oiowari. nira, l. a. n mm ot urecraix. aro." saya Mra, & W, MeClura, of tne Kronen, come noun srtar tner trim der, akin and rectum. M MIM Bldg. Orndorf. He wia booked at th city Jailwas eajtyed at the boma of Mr. tad Mrs. Mist note uoeaman Mrs. Paul Atkinson, Mrs. Chtrkt. Lettnd In the sanitary service ef the setrd whlei as t suspicion ehartewr aad later trtat-terr-

The members at the cloaa of the. prepared Htmll or Longvtew. Mrs. A, R. Barlow, Mrs. Walnut, "I batTan to fall tat.Hea.tiii, get hat been taken nrlaanar. Tha French doc Per chapped hands ut Wardma Hand to th county toll.program, are resetted to take pen ta a It. P. Campbell, Mlit Elite a. OrlffMge or tins worse all the tima. I wasn't able tors get to work with first drstilngi. They Louon. I'fi. is. o norw aiaaien.tpesitaeou discutslea of the topics of the Dallas. Mrs. T. C, Wettbrook of Hetmt, to do work, suffering awtsHy at Siakeope ror men with tweture or lodtor Need aitttett Ask, Ssgtil, m Taaaa St.,dtyj nrt. h. u. t uti it nuattriiie, Mrs. lam my it thi moment they are going to mi NeMce, near Oregon

i. o Van Wert or Mtrtnall. Mra. Jamet K. times with pakuf In sMaa, eepeaially on the candor, the uermsni tike away the Lady Macea IGRAY HAIR Htifeweea Ptrty. Blvins of Laagvhiw,' Mrs. i. f. Burtan of the right side, and nose ef the; time French doctora and the wounded Germane. All members ar reuettd'to attendSoustoa, Mrs. W, p. hsugli of San A Meato, we. jn our turn, tre tranarerred to use special butwttt meethur rrldajr afternoon

Mlt Loulee Amador dellfblfully enter Hi Retgtu of Palestine, Mrs. A. waa I well. ' courL ' ai 1:30. a l ua a. or H..aau. viinmr mam. NATURAL TRADE COURSEttbted with a pretty Halloween Daily for t n. iiowara or Houiton aad Mitt octavia Sometlmea I could nottrtghten "We are now at the end of the fourth bera are Bivlled to attend. (Adver Mtement.)few of her friend tt the home of her par. Barlow. day or tnis ixsrciae. Tsar nave warnedrnii, w. ana r. i. t. awhww. The itauee At tne fraat doar la announce the aritatU up my body for the Intents, taKtrlng. m inn w are prnwra. ianirn wa icira Try th tn .Bar. Yen rat tha

Q-k- a. wat prettily deeaatted with autumn leaves were Mrs. H. Wr brotad ui, tttittod m X tuffered mare or leas aU aha'tlme, lhai tha PrtiHltna tre retrsatlnr. What Ii Mat. T. P. Keith, prop, Looks ss 11 .Normal CssdWfea Are AhMttK autiwri a. w. t.imi r. a. w. r going to happen? Will Mast; take hi alongMt Awwtif. aad haUeween tkatchet. Apple biting aad and was IrraaTUwr. , to Be Rtord WHkstrt.ApyL. Parrar and 0. M. Baum. or leave ut to ourtsrvast All ntthi the Phone f rr tuto barras truss.tpple dackhig and dtfferetK haUowaen A rardul had helBad' aaSuw T .Those asiUllng hi .introducing the sweatt troopt march tinder our window, one heartgarnet were enjoyed. A five Courts dhuier Were Mlatet Laurainaud Pink, CItraTPwk, tbe noite or rest and guttem comfatarted trying- - 1L I bought star 'bot trampingYeu. tai tura (ray, faded, treaked wa Men served, Xn Me eenter of the VlrtHnla Stewart tad JotftpMae Wootea, asid manda. Dr. Ptgtl, DMtUt. Ra; k MaSidg.with gray hair beautifully dark and tb)e wtt Urge pumpkin. Dancing and Matdtmet W. W. mit, Jutla aharpe, Y. W. tles, and after using two ar mraa bot-

tles,"outaiae or inn atesta or inrtrnti norrar Bv fAe4aaoctd fret

hMtreua almaat overs lht if yoH'll y, mUslc were enjoyed after the dmner, Thaee Beawa, V.. M. Bray, A, W. Potter, C. M. I commenesd Imprevhstf," vat ting which 1 hsvt had tor eight dtyi, i ass TAKE HOTICE-- No mere" toto'-a- the wen Wtthtngton. Oct, atroito-lion- a

en retlrtár, Hair Color er pretent weret Mr. and. Mrs. J. E. Amadari Marehead. J. R. Mccied. Prank Payne. M, tima, until I hlaMr booeful ror las final reaulM of tha end of Pedtfal Street, ht MinhtHttl Heights, between Sir Oeorg rslth. Amértoanbetter all the w4 twatrelyta hair and aeala. Q.Kan Hair Mitaet Mary Cody, Oerirsde Cody. CvaHaa a. wuhtnii, U. K, Mawkti H. E. jhomitaa wtr. because I ass, at, to provs on tw along th rout of MM prepetid ícenlo banker tad the fo4V reserv beard toColor Restorer la a' clean liquid, harm-tea- s, 9tedmod, Mary svedmoad, Uopeldlat W, Ji Bule and 15. B. Prewltt. ' well. which mi sreat y Mnrrlsed me. I eonfe. highway, wW b toM at prat price orCh-tet- t,

not atlcky, 4Hsktfal to iiaa and Róeme Amador and. Lmím AmaderiAM the ltdiet were beautifully

chr:gainaid 1 bésame strong assd haaHhy. That tt that the rBenthing of tuppHe tui and stoo per lot after ttetemljer IS, rlear up problema ef inlermtloBtl rtotnee

, darken the hair se naturally, evenly Mettm. Wettly RoMntoo, Maymaml Lereatt,and carried large beuauet ot ya tame.

gained fleah, weighing g just nevertnd ammunition.

lacked fifaad,I


meal nor ertrMteWe havs On that, out an dvaw tat price ot lio will bo resumed here Friday, orttotoi are

and completely, even to the vary raota (rank CanUMi. haipk Prraten. Rieewrd ladle i wlab ia thank Mra. shadow wha I oommtwi't4''tvklng s tmgta oay. ts. tervice it msrvcmutiy per lot win he etrectlva kt Ma location. irtcltaéd bow to hop that tbethat ltd ona can tell K tie bean ap-plied.

Amador, 7. C Ttpten, Martin Amador. far ttvisg her home ror this receptts aad a orgtnlted. It Is sue of the great tuccettel & H. LMVttt, Sole Agtwt. In tbe natural course of trad wmQBan Hair Colar Heatorar aleo Ó tar the maay kind eeurtetira thewa taeea. Cardul, My wark ia a plaswra,.híd I fnit war. h m not in inn. their burden and possibly prMH a said.prod ucee that soft, fluffy, dark luater. Cetiatry dab' Saaae. fsel Ilka dfrlft My werk sia,llBr.the I bava at lt stopt In bed. I have no Tat saw will papar, s Oetding, 411 tion or im wnoit' praaiim.

tfclckaeaa and abuadaaa ta the hair Aa ehterfaal Biaaerv and I hams' fever, only to mr Irep do I dream thtt Trust Itdf PH. 1X17, uwi pric. Offlcltlt here pointed tedat to th fstwhich makae the hair m faaelaaUnt' There wilt be ma regular midweek dace Mr. aatf Mra. A. K. tvmn aa ia. cure waa pormanaat, R the? are trsnitoeMns tne and that It raini. that th rate for rorat the Cow try cwh toataht tad qlta well and strong ever atnsa. T But thl mil hshjcTnailon It dUsppearlng, tsetses to Rwjuta, aelaatuva, baetdea tmMM f, termal bt very dellaturul dmsver at the PhsaM i for rest cast. York htd dropped to wttsM S'tow eia afyms eaaJp and tetUita; hair. large crowd It e.apieted M aMead. Ceantry etuh Monday algtil for taaaa Cardul U a fias wU Metas far atMaW-Va- g "I e murar yaa wun an my tntru" noisMl, wd iht laetvtoeis'ejtiard to iMa' darkea arajr ha4r ar no ffttstdi from tit Louia aftd ttaw Vark safety PtostahftUar.llTtsTfasl Newaad I reeewtssaadH'. fw m women, REv'lTlEl. roualry tre evldenti iiitasa ta tase earnTry 1C Mf 7'Oa. hattht only C. T. Vt city, wcludtng a of tbelr rataIK Mi by Kelly rallara, and The W. d-- T. U. ww meat wHh Mrt. U fritada. , f tav friends who hswa Th tpsolotment M M.,. Kyle ai ttfety of their own obliga Moa k Ato htaal cttaa.

1 V ataela'iDfw atara, m V. Taaaa. A. fatter Ktta arta ratea at i p'ck, IIM trouble." ? (Adtreriltemeato.) Mpervltsr for th M Hee'tc southwesttrn nelt of excitan. Ta tset that Uraal n

attffMe4 Vy.'mall. Etat BoMttvaad. ta rakl baaeaget for the Thousands of worn have wassssam railroad tftm ws laasaaced yeturdty bis freed that tenia shall not bopaátOrttagrapaayta Red Croea, AM abate taleeiited la the Mehop

mutic.last night



theiHiaj.r. U toll of the hslp Caniajt has em M Dr. Kbet, fitatiit, I MlH Vldg. rrom ta geatrst ates., ar the compaay regarded a contraband aad shall be on th

to thl city. Nr. Bjtto,iWwo. bit been to rrre JJt. to matd to hp toward nad.week will pteate antjjtv . aevatry orcbeatrt, was vKy. in a ta thm. Cardul Is tv ROM ramats' teatea.anear iuvm prntei wm iMaaa iftttfir eaDCclally an the t Ure fKatesrs CsaHrmsd. , tas ssptoy of MMitota' for tome ttmo log a bans .tor stas snd opeastg

Cadet BflH. , Ha ward it. Mickok, LteuieaaaH ami gains, It has shown rtassf a amsast VfUI 'r it Tht rintt tt train Intftecter.,' laiinlt Ed U Tlaksr roarkat twrm . .Jls rwl rMrvalck. wsalc WSStSM. ft"l who rlgnd riitaiaj. Ths new "safely bank wlU-- aaw sssasto tore weskt sadTtw cadet dftK ttarledr yetteeaW at a, m a. ncLaa. ra. ni ami in. alúa to Hints re, n, uci, n i iw nvw atex

tn., at the High aebaaU. Abavt aeta hundred 'amiaWe flerrard, Mlaa Mtrte utti la rely worth a inex it a tata suprema court toewr coantmed rirtt'1 ma wm tiismt m new owtei at altb th vast tsiiirtss'to he rekutcd withWaat. .boya were out to. pceoWee aad the artllkvc Mtta Viraeata atawtrt. MUs


Btaaaiai.baria, Jrfln taaing vwaiH taway, ta the sentence nf lit Imprltonstml toaaoMd on. ne.

ciactodtbelr s

totat Was field, condition ar

ahaw dullid improveaHtaLwtt tmder the dtracitoa a iitetad coiT mwon A. Ellison, convicted la'Chave eounMitt Pan- - Margaaxi Mit tCdittt Meetta.wtu aad Ueutttjaat Br your taijp'wckt for LoagwiU'l II wa W ih4 M way even & poitiMeWtHer. Iiaaaii, u. khwmt, t, w. buruae, Bievart. Tllg of sstault en a twwyear- - tm. loalck deHvary sapto. Pbon I. trttoi ;m tata eonrluatosi Wtttoh will(.leutaaatM ureeee ire tajjaat, ir ,'ert Mtta tXttri, RooriB- -t, MJa tad sjs hvtoto Biiiastty for any sort et agree,tH aaSCISUHBSSa he a Ntwi tata uwtMM r. Th iwalVtM ' town, nsvtsl goad teat wiéea Sha Brltiib tovi rait tat. tattftirana tt per roll' burion-usg- t. rs. a.t. tt is uaa. Ntoh bjtjaiars sad American batirá.Tort Baiae, by the nrenaih aevairy bd. MeCwkbttr, O. CandyLleal me n l c loogwsH'i ttsttth. tiiiiall MsAdoo wit roast esas toolgblPhons I forHBatJtJBBJtjntJtABSEXSSS MlMamacmaBaamka . U. Mart, UV la Mlastto. set atasaaai eeaoittont ira tkaat to cotas

UlMlaattlI A. L. taJ to ta aiiifau fter we out otJfW sgsuiI Ofsisttsa . .L. CríBMthM. UsaatMasaS Praaaala M. ura Clft Jwt.CtMfsrd ttoass asid Ltoutenaatl Special M4aJc'dJrM . oi. yrtiiHs i. Xbafc Mae weiaht ar uawtuI

t or noaor n a be JsfBmt tha fact thttYork. u- - it simuei siibtun, bare today, altar wassaisa bill to allownAphTtM Stat vies aaaeaai.M ruiiiass. wtiMm, Uagwaai Mailn. rartlty Of .m I tjswsntment w sW.'tossa: atrclal tbipt.TiiwOyfe, Mra. J. J. 4 w "r firn'-- r on Ibo inlai'ytssnjt sVAmtafitC úr$nít icnt. At tunc; BBBH prob bly aSW atada by lb ad.mm. MMiaon attW said Utt Jt koiay .county 10 PW SBK hill through U

eém tits capital a HcAdta aW tbti tr ruca asasfew of to stay lasaived treatwaaa aatuiuut h at "svailtbt asp. rrt mi

Hto rafVreafaa a be ti rea. aaa imk waSk .BBPataeua.aipctd U haa hi tSLVS va iiusm SB wwaascrt couon ta asassy

taiMBitas'Mras by ttMsctat arsaa. which wist t.was a hMiaa 3i TM gUCC tf,tSBbtMa3 NvAhhlrMU HraoaS hag s tKna aw i"M bsibs, s amas-- i at MiUa av. U

sjatatf towi, stMlwi. leas Va M"tktVflWaie MM aaa tot m m. wtt) tf rsaaraj

SCHOOLS 'AHP COLLEGES íslisiss, a am pes tray .Ths hV.Jto aasBaatuat aiigaati Jas tosass KMiHuauiy M straw u V. Wa, , P"laai Sam at IhaVsapvtod seaaMsusaiitssi wiacasaisr UMtag, aarwW saaiftos tbti bsssswTuaraTSamlSH? apuMi, I, Bcauuar.i. r. WlOiSflaV Jatssa BtoiMd Vtrafe laiisjur. to mm par ax tor Ilia toVases. Hitf Jr., B. e. mtl. fTB.tiSM,tata. Mar law varfc. Ot. las iabiw w gMtoittoa; as

fcairtaae Mtaplitot twaai to tar loa J ta sBFaalit anat Aratw I s ar wfTS9f LAHaVMilS ate Taasua. ' , i- Praia, a,TTttaar PInm 4039. ar lasa aaabai sMrsJ? tassaitr. a esaWataaa ash Lgaca. sad Mia a He Pollard. stoa bass tor latht .to ssark wiesaid tsa to saaiasad as th toll



T MHrir tisfef a tHri' Bjff'M TarK Altor Any Meat Vou M sTftfrMfraVR CWCUIt, VRvlJffenl- te Sal, rmmm.Y at m . m.

It jwund étevist ridiculous, ta ttiti eeaiMwr a ble- - meal without tiitn nd Mtom Grl Tra4ttM ta FHi-efht- f WHbfort afterward, atoes'! Itf Welt, try thismiMf mm demonstrate It truth. You vttHI Aniiaaia AaioHf tve Iraa4aa ifcaow him if Men (t Jary) decida the. lews ft p peti do hs A0ajeeferl4tnr ar iwra. not onir nave in men u.Htuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, but hundreds of

Tke Clrcua.ingttaana as wcu.The circus came hi at

And att Is a lralMaW.Willi tM poles H hare and canvas to

spare,With camela and etephaak, VK.

The "raiorbacka" atew as ther hiiitle, 'Thfl outfit Is moved from Mm train,

And naught bul excitement aM bustleFrom now until (XgMfall WW .reír.

The farmers are up wiik the'reetilni,All swearlnr "by heck." sag "by hen,"

Their wives help to Wtch up tbe Dobbins,And drive into town with the mens

Trie villagers jokuwltta the farmers,In best Sunday raiment 'arrayed,

Tlie Horados stroll wlltt .thelr.charmers,Awaltlsr the glMed parade;.

H'ht ln I rara about thla mralT .A 111 To ono who Is, weary of cities,tie Muarl's Dyspepsia Tablet will digest It And jatcd with pomp and display,realty tor me." The thrill of real joy be knew when boy

J it think! One Infrredtent contained In jiemras wim iius marvelous day.Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet will dlccst SAW And the wealth or the haughty andicorninglime us wrism in rooa. Like so muct cheep. Junk Iw would trade,thu tell that such aid, toDoe ín't you yo Tn lrl Vin irla llf'..rarüro.''lKxlr means' rcllevtnr your distress from- -

tnntif With penuts,ad pink lemonade."What the thousands are dally dolnr you

rin itirvlr rin. Pvr rr rnnrtitlon 'Of atomach Today is the dsy for all good-- men andsod dlrcsllve troublei ha been relieved by women :to cono to the aid or.ibo'sfnali boysBlitarrs uyipeptia Taoieis.- iiwy. m and girls or Él PK. w

tested and tried for year. They ars thu ' It'J. circus anotherThey day big fun day fofnation's dyprpi. remedy,m uild

greatestrhpvrr dmrH are sold. BU Til V young and did; the day when excitement Stella Roka

ttu manner of proof la all ypú need to know ana sumía rush up and downwnai course 10 pursue. the spinal, column', of every .Mayhew . Joeé Collins Dolly

K any man can prepare a belter remedy youngster, and the .grown-up- too, not sothan tuarl's Dyspepsia Tablets h can make srrccieo, are few and rar between. PopnUr musical cetaedy star, who ap-

pearedPrta Donna In "Tfce Pais Sl)W.f Of tbe Itaaew Dolly SteteM, wonderful

millions or dollars. I there, a better onT The Barnes Wild Animal circus Is In El in "Hlgb Jinks," says i , aseéM aad poavlir atege favoritee, taystwtiv not uas thla hint to awaken your

common eme and make you ro to your raso for tbe day. and will give two perlove Frozen Mints always so fresh and 'The sweet", delicious flavor

ItruRirlst today ana buy a do, lo rai uno romances at the show grounds at Texas "Oh, I just , ''frozen arewiahtn; fee trial of these tableta mease street, in the cotton addition. The" per' Mints: they are so delight-- wholesome, that I prefer them, to any ofFnwen Mints is captivating.emires . a. oiuari us., iu. formanco hours are 9 and 8 o'clock, andMnritiall, Mich., and a small cample pack tbe show's glittering street pageant will I am very fond of themi "age will be mailed free. leave the show arrounda nromotlv at 10J0

a. ra. lo traverso' the principal 'down townstreets. 4

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . The arnés show Is 'ranked as one showIng the largest collection of trained anl A-

U Paso Heights Inv. Co. to Edwin rtule, mals ever shown In one lot, a troupo numi?10; lots 13 to IS. block 101, El I'aso bering over toa members.

addition. Oct 22. These animal actors have been recruitedHeightsEl raso Heights' Inr. Co Mich

animalfrom the,

family.ranks or almost every


. and New York's New Delight Ielena. I200 lota 9 to 12, block 101, El I'alo Asiatic liona, tlrern.. leonard. numaa 'andHeights addition. Oct. 22. - jaguars, gristly, bro$n, black and lluaslan

E. W. Vaughan to Mrs. M.-- Jacksoni polar bears, seals ana sea TU6s, eiepnants; MiiitsKUSO: lot 3 and cait hair or lot J, block 1M, camels, icbras, 'hyenas 500 fit tbe world's Frozen have taken Greater New York by storm a slimmer snow-stor- m

i:asr El raso addition. Oct, 17.' premium horses and pontes, raonkeja, dogs of millions of drops of delicious frozen confection I Everywhere findJames Anthony Lewley to J. M. Bid'ord, and even goats navo been eeat 'as actors or snowy youEasttwo:



or rractlonalSept. 4,

block 133, theSlxty-riv-

Barnes troupe.big wild animal features are youiaj and old atlike enjoying these creamyf refreshing Mints of exquisite flavor.

J. M. Bcdforfl to A. r. Kerr, J00 south presented, the principal one being a grouphalf or 'fractional block .30, East El raso or twenty-fou- r African lions

addition. Oct, 26. ., shown in one act by llefr, Loul itoth,which Is the most tbrllllBg wild animal

John W. rhllllps ct ux to J. t. and Annie spectacle ever shown, tlota 7 and' tho east .1t. SWvens. S3,7t0; FROZENA large number or young women trainers

fH!t of lot 6. block IK, East El raso addi-tion.

present feats with wild aniFeb. f, 1913, máis, prominent or wnona aea wne. uonno

g. r, AVelstgcr and n. II. Wcistger to wim a group or pumas. asa Persian leopIr.rlque. flameros. 17,750; lots 1 and 2 and ards Mabel Stark with group of royal Ben'the east half of 3, block , Oolden Hill ad-

dition.gal and Siberian tigers CHEWING UM. -THE mm -Oct. 17. One of the aensatlonal features on 'the

A, 0. Illnlleman and John T.'Caln to P. program Is the large number or trainedJ, i Crowley, 13,2:; lot 13 and the east, half bears. Bis- BUL tbe champion wrestler, beof, 13. block 81, Iiassett addition. Oct. 21. ing the star. Tom, Dick and Harry, Jug- -, ' Frozen Joints are more, than a chewing, rmnthey are a novel, olightful;cliewng cS&clionr-fin- e

V. K. Hunter et ux to Herbert II. Hunter, gllng, sea Hons, is another ad ingredients can 3. them.,wholesomeíantf .M.appetiringfor healthyII and other considerations, part of lots 1 amaslng spectacle, Sampson, the aviation digestionpure, pure-foo- d pt.to 5, and the south IS rcet or lot e, block Hon. and Tom, Jerry and Brutus, horse Made fentirely from the finest .Sugar, CreaofMxnt and. Chicle--wit- h the most wpnderTüi;TliQnty98, East El raw addition. Oct 23. riding Hons, comprise wild animal training

JC T While to Mrs, Palmyra Longuemare," feats that are absolutely unrivaled. flavor you ever tasted. The benehcial etiects ot their constant use are aemonstracea py ineircram,

,0oorlying40 acres



adjoiningor the Canutillo

the La mules,Forty,

goals, dogs, ponies,clown


and popularity with singers and speakers, and others whose voices are subject to severe strain.Union east ditch, and north of, the Border-land

bears provide the laughing spots .on theroad. Oc,t. I. snows program.

Santiago Chavez and wife to Edgar D. In the White and Gold Packagelirown, 11 and other considerations! g.ou Hid Taken Ills Welaht la Medicine.acres of land In the San Elliario grant, be-

ginning at a cement post at the southeait had taken his weight in medicine ror 10 JPROZEN 3HNTS Vcorner or J, W. Eubank s' land. Oct. 2ft. and constipation, but never used any-thing that did htm so much good as

Building' Permit. Tablets. For sale by all dealers , KOHLBESG BK0THES8 .1Advertisement. . DtttribBten 81 Psbse, TezaaPcrry.Klrkpatr(ck Co. lo build a busi-ness 'Itbuilding with apartments above, on GERMANY AND MONROE DOCTRINE.ldts 11 to 19, block 89. Campbell addition. 7W18000. , Interesting Letter Irora Citizen ol Hamburp

II. Hrettler, to build a store and bunga- - to His Son In Kl Paso.lew, 40x89x90, on lots 5 and 6, block 23,

Editor El I'aso Morning Tlmesii:ast El raso addition. 11,300.

build metal Dear BirDarbyshlre-Harre- to a llererrtng to tire article In this morning'swarenouse ior paucms, on 101s 0 ana 1, Times "Oermany respects Monroe docblock 77. Campbell addition. soo.It. E. Mck'ee, to make repairs at city jail, trine," which mentions the reiterated

statement or Count Von Bernsdorff. the(plumbing, etc.) 13,500. fltrman ainhaiilrifir. la the United States.Mayrield Building k Improvement Co., to that September 3 Germany Instructedonbuild a garage at IS27 Upson avenue, tseo. htm to deuy most emphatically tbe rumorsBecause which undoubtedly bave been published byor extreme drought the fire risks

on tbe national forests In the Northwest urn enemies' press, war uermany inienoato acquire territory in South America inhave been greater,, thla season than la case uiey should be victorious in we pres.other since the sinceany 1910, worst yearest war, I beg to quote from a letter Just 'ithe forests were created. Much less dam-

age received from my rather in Hamburg, tier- - fflwaa done this year because experi-ence in was gained in the fires many!

Tbe report in circulation here is to theof 1910,errect that Immediately after the Germancable' to your country was cut, which, asI save attted, was previously done by adEntilan cruiser two days before war waaofficially declared by England, (tats isauthentic,) the enemies' press pubUabedTone Up! statement arter statement that Germany

to acquire territory In South Amer Mesa Sandia. "While In camp In Duraugo sa Frank X, O'Brien bad been nómlnaiéd or federal troop will be extended, tatftrica in case we are successful In this met WILSON INDORSES FREUDENSTEIN vina aeni eanisaanes arreai r ixuuen-Mel- on tbe DentocraUcr ucket ror Judce of tbe days. The order, under the aovarsar,a

Hit iwMcn win be, stancm together as we but Oeoerai Herrara refused to de-

liverMarlon county Juvenile court. Tbe court proclamation, would bave expired OeC 94.

, Diifs éá.) Of course, we know that these state- - the younr aw into tbetr bands. watt ordered the election commissionerssaenta, as well as maay others, are Ms Wbea ttte attaalc on I'arral by tbe Her td substitute tbe name or Newton M. Ty-fe- r, Speclat Breakfast.

Fwá Dies It e to merely arouse tbe feeling of Amer II. B. FERGUSSON DIED FIGHTING reras occurred Friday moróte- - Frauden present uKumbeat, for tbat f O'BrMi t FiWE FOWC 8AV9A8S. buaHwbaatlea sgalnst us. Tbe most regrettable fact, stein was to the. party UMt invaded tho an the Ueket., asta aoffee, Weatoa's, MtHowever, Is that we are taformed that yoar town on a traa and yarttajaated in tho Judce Taylor early today riled tbe, pe-


street flcbllar. Wbea Mm retreat waapeepte are inclined to seueve sucn BOB- - which resulted In O'Brien's namewholesome, appetizing x. Tbe Americans are we best Mends NEW MEXICS SWCKESSHAN AJNO BMriltTIC WOHAL T MtPSftT vTMAT sounded asd aba Herrara troops boarded beta removed rrora the Ucket, It waa HlHtM firViavWte MkMAa y

we have on HUt globe, at heatt, we on tats THOSC, Wits) 'HAVE HTW Y roilHER EL, r.SA' WAS the traHt aaa taade tbaer as1 tape Freudea-stei- brought out la tbe action atatoat O'Brtea By AitocUi4 TrtHfood that puts life and cousiaer mem so. IM to twak that wa IN PARRAL. , aad twa eoaapeateaa were cut off Mat be not only appropriated the name, of Borne, Oct. 97,EarlaaiMke shock tovigor into but doesn't vaaékl violate tbe Monroe Doctrine Is rldlcu-Mat-

Land unable ta.. Jeta t the ismíb body. The Freak X. O'Brien, a BU LettU stHNSr,one, toree taetaaatves in tne toytoern Itoaf... toas Jbaaa aay aalaaalidFor years and years we bave worked mea gaataaied yard blrt ateo ctatawd me SC. Lotas allaiaiclog the system, nra our retallóos sad meadaolo

LHMe Mere Ttwsi siatMi" That CeaaWtwsaU Cut 0 w'sm Menem U lfa Tm, ot the Freadaastsln baaae, near whlta they record a bis awn. 'Joba F. cMcned tqfeoauld lUtw lltin la Ike Htt4; Voula. WH Twa Ctaaaaataaa. d happened disturbance af mm ar Jaaa sevarMy bavawittl Urt United sutes ead fee tbevrtt that to a.. have, served several terms to the 'Mis

' Such food is we are WMble to defend ourselves acatenBeetafM

art.jetttitnu WK ra IJatH A faff Mat. The trio raaatlned 1st .btdtar until tbe next sourt clsUture aad to bava baatt, a eaMi baNi.reUto , Zffa2yi' 4?'a day, when taair ea was discoverede vernaious reports Marta us deeciy. presan dae tor mar. Hate rasará was aw.

Ow traaM, Import as well aa eaDort, as so fipecWlraioT, by the vttta aaMlera. Tbaer surreader be by Mm. real rraa: X. O'Brtea. aaMHtlpo to iMf Vitoa smaller ' áij )EmiihaUe deatat f taa )iuailii xaarts Utc demandad Mtey apenad fire asd cost Tke term to tbe Accordter to'ttot Utt.dvioM.Hitsdaav- -IflMMftM wMi the united ataMs Uut tas BftHta l e. ti. masquerader' served a

Idea of haettltfles against Uteca U praaae- - State CtMlraMB ) V. PMton tMa taro that Afvin R. Fradiaitila ymt aaawtsd turned tubtsat mbUI aM Mtree ware killed. St. lettls worbhauaa and admin fd hartar aae has bean dans, sad toare bava kaea sjaGripe-Nf- j ivroua. 1 win you coma osamee yaw Wif rectlvea ttte fesMwsaf televrafalrera by villa soldiers at .fwmívm safen to Tbe body M M youa mm was burlad caused tne poaca of that assy treuMe oh WallU. : 1

fellow clrtsens that the abara atttaauat ?resldeat WHon at WaaMaftoHi El I'aso yestenlar r frtiaaat k' the In Parral sad will be bceurht to El Faaa atoar occasions, ite ilid hoi aaaaar to cH LM BOlateg kart another He added to all tbe 'Mines It rutón, State .(Miel ratea. Mata youar remar W fassaa by reUtrvaa aa aeoa aa permission for Its wftaa today's acMaei waa taasm.Mkers that stave come through we eaemlea' ret ti. M i Tii true stery f.tM youth, removal east ax obtalaed from the Mexkaa i i

The asttire autiiorMUa.nutrition of in orswr to prejudice taa aentofora as related lay wllsals imm taaat;,we Inril Is a real t4easu to saaak for taose Alvtsi riaaaaaate la. wao was a seenrrtaaaly f : or the citlieaa of we I'arral at aw Hate, fellowMyouar av Me Anovltt Priwheat and barley, includ-

ingww have stood pr te caaM ef the peo-- Isof sdieaWMal dlapoatstoa. surviveduattM gisiM tawara us." rreuaiaalaaii., wM wm M yaaat ef ate by Baaver. Coa Oct. in a-- a tele 9k laifaUttS ! HIto QasstmlMIwinand Itave nanlaaliia, a very Hi. Cthe vHtU mineral salts Tstts sbows mr father's feellnr ol dm sat Jwt, aniThad beea ed m bisu M Par his numir. Prattdenstela, who re p torn a confereaee today wrto eotoael Jamesway taelf sUfaeK, propractical to St Faao, asd who is almostaf odd sides pre' Loekett, faderal t totraa w sswaaty millioa cittaM of ral for some four years. Jst saaaa aaanner commaBdlna- - to roo pa

of tratad was trtef ovar the uatlmely deatkphosphate potash, inrurred Mae eMatty or fliaaal Tttta. and tacoiorad eeai autaa sataas. uovaraoI waaaU tbaaak, you to give tM letter "Certataly Coarentaa my B. Fer uhea.Oera4 Maetoyki aiflsaat avaeuate of aar.'avy. his aaaaer. sen Freutfaa Amaneas annauacod iiaasto toat Um tnm

1esc. your kMM alteansa and pubiiab it w your tusaon of Kéw Wei lea le' wm af these

ine wwh Mm ta statatTsse lives be, bemv connected wMk wadar whlcb all tttooat to toe. strike ON- -

weu cwajswea yr. Mi qualiWea;tiye lieaa teatai, M sen-k- e ruafMfa UH tianiilir fSepartsaasM' store TIfatMr. triet bave been cloaad.atoea the- arrival Ski"

iff Long balcetl, easily di- - in aWe .lioiise .af ruiaaaniaalirii, anj yearn a taawaaM of this cftar. dtad, - M15 sWO, K, SCHWAB, Mwoukl a4M W m littaa .mum Kan Jui " iiawa .1 va years aa. aad a stater. Mesa

IKMBiaaaaiai , ready iteveatj an to MsL,mat bis coaaswaaasv aDould Freudeniuia, iiml away to to Pafood wteWeevam Utlheitlet HsMtAaaaMH S'o. sec. um tbe bouaa wlaaa, witii l IMMjtim h&ttX "tyears aaaaa.m or ice. be ! (Jsj De rimllv U watt kaown la that afctvKey a r. '"Wrly a mk

sipaary 10 Ifierai Man kaoaw ar sMaaauui Vh . -- lar ie bmwaavad sasattves baa a beat oftary of the nary Me affactttwsr Isas; M to waaiaai: ayaapataa was Mmm) STAtE NAUONÁL BANKof Mm Met; ctidrch.with aaaiueaaa a ls lúe. Tena., aaaat Avxn tstoi.Mondar ta tbasSK. t M lb bia swat saaaaaP tsMUTirosa a tour ar cuati war. bSaat itaaat a of CI as lalsgaCotii laí--

I!aaaaaV 1AasMtotad to laaataaaatoi Ma MastWhMa ajar IM nppiaj'.fiHi I J, Ayer . aaaay )t wsMfr ,ot savaalflMaaialthe new Mea af lasjaaay to BV Uaaas. li4srmiMi mMmIco ( áurea. ato Bf Aaaasasaaf kaatwitb O, L. for a." arila Mai. a. W. aaafclMaV Aat- -

tsafssiaiui 11MS. lass, Oct. af, Hm F,El Vuq auatrtct ritm mm b4e awt. sad. fur Sate hf aj daMHrsv (rBrSaa. toraaaib Ma auuraay, lata tasait ototmoB JLV aHaflsmr.greater dmletaamnt of Mat ML ble fiMhe lrttajsNat, admMtod to eoart toat ba bad. baaaasaaaat tecav KL of toratw to to nimtoal eaaart af L JL OSUSUMMX. AaaCsvuauc aaiaMiiiam ta St, aVaat. aM toa toa bast intimad tocual. laaa, mbm Fraafc t. VBrtoB to sassarnto atot MBrnfataMafM

ll a4MnMnanSMaaMvim

earni" v IL4KI-"..J- !' .U-iJ- L

.TWUJW-pr- . 'aM BM. !fi.

av. BT BOTH rAI,r ' Ill . 1 W apwaaasa

MmhMmi MncwtMHi aaal otbwvtoh- -RCTIaV-if-wir an ta uva aw, hswrouooMM Mr. Mñís ,WNMw al(Atiiri irfw twgraff g'j; gi gi- -

m mwa íSftW 9aW PrW" Citaré PlaUj3Lr Clirj Miuihiiiuii, lc ht 2 for ah.C" ,r' raaos

f aHHa'ni jt. Mi Ma. ata..).. OUOMI WHnwMmnf rtiamaWfOsV It mrMeaee insatMi; ated MlK rattory. 3aav Our Mmég-t-Wt- mr Ck- -Tasa BiassiihMe Ohaifatau .Masai' B. Matón " II í'MMa ia wfvm arnwiywi .araray

.. Maaia, ss4 at .Oaaaty Imaas thai JoMaMit. 'Ft9I a tJm ft.,á aswt M (. irta! feftf aafroraMaa i iliilin.W ae' '' - 'iiL 'BMisaaf j V

ftr pat' laswaafrtas' faaliaas WslaaC.at Osaatr ' hssahi I Oetotter M. saetí Jtl Mr' arwneis imn auuiaiaas. iw. I ' Shi i-- I a' 5.aarwi at. üoMornta.. faM "WUMasas to Jfce comoratioa

m.mY-Vt-et, MaUMa Aaatear. étai istoa sahn at leant tm'mot vmctSlDÉ I r It St. MM Mueea stneL mt4 a llM aan ti ma n nnonMiu,a- - Mtlal at Coaeordia, Broaeoa.H. CaRtatr. . state' aaafrmaa ror

NawMlRY-.SaiMnt- ile Mtwaaw. aaa Ac. IUm rum nv büh"!Wf 7 1- asaar , f yean. Banal avoeeria. latyoad tba asasrtMa last the ssaipslaa orCal, rrocTtsslr caaatdans. WUsoa ror aon

ras;, tdtlscTaaf, eem-- ;has asada taa etccttea of the lie- -

ae waputaicaa sm DcraoeratK eaair-- a

eUha the eleastan of a worktnr ma.WtrtMtlC,Ot yrFHlt deUfcs Oí "ta Jartty 'm ;ta'ietifMtare. Chairman Ely;pun for t tmm,m Josa taM v Jioaden, Oat. arHSapoala Mm It- -

care, at Mm surplus eottoa crop wmjhm seaklnr a. majority beMevlaeWIHamWUdrfAjtorhasc Hist, wtth, the house wore ,ihM te, kr Um Federal iiMm to' the praeabUHy of pood letMettea H8ef. The board's owHm of 'the pie aame awsars tee Mrtjo?eaaatlle1

rreatrv ,wn raeerattr nauta nade pajktte teatghc The eaflocalra sow drawiasr It i inroaenewtJStlO Olmlf J.' bas been, as- tisaal bt New' Meilee, amkedexpeeted toe reach the bees aeras tae raBBRAE ItaamilVK MfffalCTfl. by extrema bitterness, candidate of' alleaa or e wee, end MtMA wifMm.ful toeifht that the phm would'iseet. wHr "" TTrT iss w. nmr records sad hoaesty.surraet toklir support to Mh)r 1M

-- -'

frrt" I Frrtaasea'a' EleeMea Ceaeeded. ,differs only la detail from wrLvlrXr quiu, This bu had the efr renf rally of dls

Ireyteue stmoancsmonta of the hoard. Coman whUum tnátoat nude nuMle swhhs me roiers, sea a tifOl rete 18

The fHM M shews' is ta be admtaístered hAuri Miunu tuiiii I woked ifOT. " S'under the dlteeUoe of a committee to be uumi kuh i ik. Huh. r.i Ferrussoa's election to eonmss ls 'eanknows a the central districts the daw of his last call " '. ofeommlttee, to fee serve on ut. V lA I lllrr Vilrijrl Will I II y, . I 1 I I I I .1 r A I VI I rzi . SBBcomposed of the indtvldtiel.members or the for their condition, the resenres required J8"? AfVo Ij tfi"serve board. Actual admmlstraUoB. of under the twesent national banklnr act and ' certain. la an effort to avoidmo iu wm,B uaaer a "cotton loan com nose exoess or the anooats rewired f? o'" Democrats aad the "'"''waM-- imlttee." consist or W. P. 0. Hanimr, by tto federal feserro act,' wawieaas atyioed j two piaees on the i--

hI0 Ucke, betv.ea the two , races, theuraouw im iiro soara,- cmiibu! raw M Aecordlns- to bis rittires. the reserves BBBBBV'Werburr oí the board, Colonel E. M. House, held... September ...n were swo.ooo.oeo in ex- - !:ÍÍ!.ÍLTS??, ...f,??1 Amerl .A-Austin, Texas: A. H. Wlawtn. "New York! WW v.r im wuwnt tcuuum-uwr- a un inn I , . .. enmnm,.rJsmea 8. Alexander, Hew York; James B, Uw. Of this vast sum su.oooeo was la IStS1 i 9 iM PUB1cForran, CtHéego; v Foetus j, wade, St. Boston dlstrlcL sS3.oeo.osa m wew York. Borolqated. ror the samo reason.Louiii.in.L,, Rue. fhHadsUilUa, and wil S67.000.060 m Kaasss Clt. sst.ooo.oeo to Dal L aaaao or nm it is Claimed that be isJlMB A." Gaston, Bex too. las and so,ooo,oeo ta san Francisco. ;r7.Z-r..- l. A

There, are to be two classes of ami. rk. tflb ,h,. ,h. o.-- .,. for the corooratlon com. TODAY ISscrtptioni t. .. II .it .. Imlsslen and should be eiefcted recsrdleaito, the, ruad, the first known"A,", to feo,oeo,909, sad to be

ur corporatres .ana.urma m reserve, matireraests: aro tt,t6e,7liS. Heraaadez Beelared Unfitted. REDClsss- - "B" .subscriptions On the other band, Hernandos, the tie. kETTEJt STAMP DAYare to, bp made by, banks or bankers la ANOTHER REBELLION publican representative of the nstive ele-ment. It is charred. Is utterly unfitted bothstates. has broken etrr

Appllcettens for loans must be submit by educstlon and ability for the position ExlrmIN SOUTH AFRICA. YmGt Free10 waicn ne aspires, in or tftls 2H Stampaind Values in Departmentted to ; siete and. Weal: committees, "wMeti By the AnotUUi Press proof un-fitness,

Eoeryare reail redóte, approve ibera, sad made London, Oct. Í7. Another rebellion bis record as a county officer isthrough basks er " bankers, "who are re bas broken out tn south Africa, Gen-

eralcBed by his opponents.

quires tet-a- company appUcattoae with Christian de Wet and General Little attention has been paid to the Pro.ucrjptwíL to . "B" certificates Christian Frederick Beyers have taken rressive candidates. Francis C; VYilson.

sraounttttg te 9e'per eeht of the' kan re- - the lead or the rebels la the. Orange rrokressive candidato .for conneaa. t 1 minu free tamos i wFree state and, western Transvaal. -yoaar lawyer or.no llttle ability, formerly

teTWs príeally mésteí that the son-c- invmrnenuy luenimea, WIIB- IBS epuallcan

itIf iyeu :coIiW them M yi would year cosjmm, k per cent on yotar parehases, nobvkitA!jpaea.sutes, partial pstisg win loan

T$ .porCjathit .and.the, dotUn states per at tao AHMBaarsMverHsemeat.) . I holder almost conttatiaIly.a&d:mlaed. the"NT: wjractlfcMt we Water gooda for U bbomv Ittaai wy store Taawc.

coHVff ,rorj sopsoriBer.WRI receive certin- -eates yareoipsiipa wwca scail pe trans reas in teel1"""" 01 ionwy ior toe pueaw itwiant,ferraate Uhe klar Fortuito which be had been SDOOtnted Iw rnrmer Freeconimlttee's books sad beai TweptgSiamps' ' oolums of The Tlraes will hem vaa m I President Taft. M arnt m aamiiouB oer "áent latere!. secure atore business. Phone MM about it. on the prostéssíve ticket. The efrorta ofceat,


wtll be made yoa"receipts


atcottono per

earefta driver.. FBoaa roiTessívaa nave oeoa eonfbted al H? 5H.book RM Le' Py make the fact kaown aad yet. will fee --4as sottfat,on the bato,f S eenw,r W,Bost entirely to dlseredlttar the Rseubii Sta a Free! Ne are naceaaarv. A mood tía t U K,,U "C' s. u't;, auAjr - Xems na ciose pomiiti oBsorvars creditpouadjor .wJddliBr, 'Ajt expenses for ism win ieeeJ tn bw..efforts- -vTHuimiiati a mm aati(j iartos aust M aer we eieaHoa or tM Republican eaadiporae;as.?ia wwr, twaatee fnad Our25cftrLb. nates tmpossime, so rsr as nTsmsftsrestM y - oeaaeHon or per esa corporation commissioner are coo :r Te&pi&mps Freecent rnptiwe'saee Yssae wans, watch cernea.will bejueedíatSete. provide funds for the Italian Cream AHaekhM Heraandek at Rone,payaeat; of,, i un i n s of adjntnlstrsilon, eg- - E. B. Oarcla, Progressive candidate for

Viait.aHsr Basemettt baiceay, wfeefe tba sfeMHn Mrler k located a- -d wkaraOfiHsanavjwK'.io

tt)MiV;.;eoee i- - or I per ,eeat rw lejisiature from Deming, in the south, ReelLetter Day wM raeaíve.lO "5. Je Greea Tradka; Stamp Free. Yon need not make aVera part- of the sute, has been Wcke.seat, lata. All aBawon ror loans most he made Wth Nwt uw Arriba la thecounty north, to earnbefereeanMnr 1. IMS.--. The loan win

have a7itrtty of one year; wlft' prow- - 15c Per Lb.palmpeople.

aslnstRio Arriba

HernandeiIs Hernsadex'

snionr the nativehomeiw m rvmvii m ma iiinimt on approval county and the Progressives are particu-

larly- anxious, to humiliate the Republicanla the rapyiaaat,rstserlbers to the cntuitwe m ui uwii sajiiwicx.fund jae otsM "A" oefHfl cates wlH be Fert assea. Well Received.taiea.sare ef M a pfoaorMoattsly laraer uourreasman yarrusson,. who did notdere v mm. Mm MtHlaaalay amouats of teave waanragroB unui snr the adjourn-Ble- next legislature' sueceed laeach aiOMbeeaaae 'eavatr Of "rasen an rower, the idea being undoubtedly díte tocongress Saturday. iMrtuu agreement, with . the IN THE COURTS.aweraor,te presentbig meeting or Democrats in Raton last '"" VIEW the Influence of western thought.a" iueiy to go out or of-

ficenight, and was given an enthusiastic wel without ever ftedtog Toat how; much"When the Japanese sincerely become Justice Court.come to. new Mexico aner his ions-- ah tlrelr services are considerad, worth to the winsiian iney are as firm believers and (B. B.sence. as good people ss tho Christians or other MtCllntock,. Judge.)

feetlss have been arraawd ror Mr. Fer.peopleoi ui cuuany

they served.omcers




netthe III CHRISTIANITY lends. Out ror this they bavo to be' taught on


a10.Lewis vs. J, II. Adams, suit

nssoa at Taos; on Thursday, aad ta santa iiaie constiiuuon imunr ia nu,t in k grsap ibo unnsiitn iaea or uodihBd wel.Fe Frhtay. Me will, not visit the eastern come truth because It is truth, ta ttiair. Herbert a Lewis vs. J. W. Btockard. suit

1 t;1.-- mwigicKi ror on contrsct, HO.portion or the state, it being generslly iiioepcnaenuy 01 wnst tne numen mind mayIT1SCOPAL BHHep BttCBf Emeterio Bsreels vs. 0. 1L k a. A. Rv.fiVBRtl IUU1K II,"rasotitised that the, country east of the ..t9H1.9PK?K w,u' "xw the attraetlon ATTlTUBt: Of JAPANte

OI Co., suit for damages. 1100.tBeaatsiss Is almost oUdlr Desaearatie st Ihe 'T6WAHO HttLMMN.' Tba Western Groeery Co. vs. Lux Diss.cts Best sutos. esrerii.year. drivers.., rasas tM.

State Oaatnaaa El v, aad carsAraHen cm TO THE PUBLICLata ok tlMSn (Adverusemeat. suit on sccount, .

Western Grocery Co. T. Loses, suitsatsatoaer Wt hiatas' are teuriaf the nortkam ui rcaerai oireet, m MsatMttea Hatghts, People of raspea Seek Net That Whichvs.

or the Ibe route of the preoosed seentc tuvtiw.v Is THE BK3 KH) is IN JUABar(Adr.) on sccount, II.part ate, WlMíaros especially auk-h- tr True But That Whleh Will Be Host vs western arocery Co. vs. if. oleum, suitMáriésÁ Date will bo sdvaaced ta prtoa mBooks aa appeal, to the rstlroad men to Xaad eah:on BeasHetal la Cenatry. on sccount, ..uf mm ior aaataer'. terra, aota tatted to 15. Present prices Me to SS9 MCh Saeelsl Break last, 3Se.a cooa hw erewa. at tae Dawaoa ami """ pote PURE PORK SAUSAGE, buekwaett cakes

last aiht aad reports' say they ware Associstd Fress Cornspoattrnce. tod coffee. Weston's, sag sea.'Aatonlo, JusHcs Court.(J. J.p EandjjiCQtendUrs Jitteaed to amatively, by the miners. AUSTRIAN, BUBJwCr SBfaW. Ksruixaws, japaa, spt.,3a-T- he Rlaht (Advertisement.)

Murphy, Judgs.)the BepuMtcan. congressloasl asa Reverend H. st, Oeorg Taakar, bishop of nay snook, theft over teoi coowuint

taaate, aceomaaaiM by farmer Judge Maaa, uennsa tasats javeatlsattaa ..Am.i r kjoto and mlssioasry of tae American .Roofinr st. S4.se and si.safiled.

H wlading up htsisafapaiaa In the lewtH uarei ire ea negus .Mnssráasrge. Fpltcoptl church,, deUveredt an Interesa per rou, Burtvni.inga .ua., pa. so-- aoBunch of Dates Calendars " p raso'tr.Boaiawestera aad Batat Joseph Xletamaa, a Juaraaaaisaa mr. address to the American. aasstonarles dur vsrtliereent. - k WANTED To bear from anyone that knewMaad railroads. Heraandex sooka inniai tug their recent retreat. ht the moaataiaichant, was, arrested yesterday awwuig by or worked ia bridge gang wi: J. B.(at Tucumcari. VilU officials oa a charge or havtag eoun- - here. Your name, business aad addeeea tn we Humphreys, near Pearson, Mexico, bt' Feb- -'Memorandum Calendars Wilson and McTeer, of the Prorresstras. terreii money ta nis posisiitsa.- - H was Jspaa wants retiste, taa blslioD said, but Who aad What Are Yea usMat rnrt" rutry, lft. Any lerermauoa wih aaara la Clorls toalsrht. Toatorrow ismv ttxen to uamaaaua city to iasrsáate peni only ss a mesas io aa sad, and not haeaas. eoluinn of The Times wtH aesatyou to predated. Address W. H. FMaa, Luaboak,sscure mors baslaess. Phaaa saal" T woai nm wucre, n is cuiail. tentltry oa the morstog trata' 'asaTiaati in or us, wrraaic irwa;er sasiiiy. jsurveytttc about It.

I""' sweagtn aas aevsispsa, tried there. s religious coaaiiioas smawg tue -(- Advert)itmsnt.) T.IBdasaUaa Ceatailsslsasr WHIIuml ' Kleinmaa is a native of tisns of Japan, Br. Tucker found everyAaeeaaCajM hit Reed StassesT LIGHT OPERA wtUAsaisa8.'taaTasts wa k. tk.A stataesent made rsesatly by BepaaHaaa ease is bemg taken hp hr taa sWmin Where a decided tnasaaae of lataeeat la nesr St,at the AltMii)ra- -(Curran 's Book Store I etMMrtaaa Uly that the tuto bad speat consular represea ulives ta OaahsssasM snd rtilglon. Jspaaasa afflclals were taMrtax Advertisement)

mm to the past tana years ia taa t juarei. about religion, ha hf, snd advising theirivama at nuga wiiasM ss a eorpofaBM subordinates to pay respect to H. Kver

I'h I eoawatsstoaar and thM ihli mu - stnee the wsr wtsh'BUttis the peoate hadw wastsa sbobki we voters feu ta aaa-- mi tne neea or asmeming peyoadimmwe mr, wuuaais at artice, aa Ohildran ar power.last a Mttie to the saMa- - of tas asa The liberal aHitade taken by aavansasenlOsear L. Owaa, also a saeaabsr of taa fir FLrrciicrf orncisis itaa aad' wonderful effect ea tiioinuauoa, at a auitasM htaaed today, CASTQrllf; people, eipiiiattr bt the satattsr assces,i y mi conswawapie puaws tkaar The national fear ef socialism, he' saM. hadseaat oa the adaaailoa at kaa mi- - ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbesbb: fyr a iiiasssaan ir Ikapressed taa people with the' fact thatm msnie, waoas aa caaraaa with MSaaveka lenity csnaot stand without Idsailam. aadtttM aad. faetUtte of the offtee tal Bh iBatsiitm was tvtpossibie whmui sMigiotu 'bbbbKiraw na Donaeai correaaaaaaMa. poes lass wtsrest sirniiy a meas.towanM m iTaaatst taar have worked with Mai far taa aa sssea. ua tas aae r rristianiiyT" atespast tarae years, neither of the other twa PLAINVIEW i)esatTpafastaa" asansnlssleaifs are -

snd a aoBM or morsiiiswan sMsmci teatCOAL AND WOOD ovar t praiasit or havtaa sir. wttBaau beea ueeuccestfut. Oa the atasr haadwiatiaaa aa ames, apaktng or taa WN re was aa. effort lo Mtertsi tae musesMasassaaiiwisi at tas asaensa of the asa, for shrines and seeredrerpranca passes.pVt, Mr. Owaa said teaaytaat at iMr. Golden Drois seea in tne saareeeeg or wnWtUUsas has aaly maBsd. the prlsaary NURSERY snd in tae tMaai isaed of

DelicióosSur Chaanaaa Klv that Mm p Tucker endeavored ta Mad aat thetto aat dash oa wtuen wsaisiit psssshtrs , sdfMsWtaaaa a two. third maJTx jovtv sa tae taaastilurs ht takaa to nsas , their sudlsaees at Mm Kyoto. i Nutritions'taat naty aaiaaama ' d was told that taa seastoet af aa

cunar aaca asajartty atasaaU


aamosiaaof as- Ma the lareaat sus4 aaat, atook t wu the vary tMsajsal mistar oi

apeeed taa. hsauklltsai haaa aaaa n.mui Bar bavo evar had prnpaeatsd o Be bare ta Railway .Basais.'' Tableths whole, Btaaap Titabar Ffdwat asatoward aw asassioa or bbssb varietsaa Usat Hvaaaat insi to saaai sisaaaMtatw of tka taaiaai or a

would Bjetiil and sa tata bass, r"tnett was uuiuastaa. wsaatrn wasaf, byamata, ataca aaajast laws

jarat Tata of tpt irom astr aBhtass. JfA BBja. for the sake af treta bul .tsRaO4 as roaa ta

I asset ataaatly by tupscUUy la BBaeatar vagAa. tasa truth was aisgiset.BaBsad JHDIts a law ruiag aas aat art n a affs-- tafi that tsWaaa Sa4 "MUsailay wast Hita tas sap trae has wast SET Iwould bast M is risararaa aaaalaarsaiy at af Ja eoa riT a, t ssssbt aas afwas ta pastan tayaay, The if fthat waaaf ea ttat Baal was haat.

ta aas mdtaily af Ms saauiy. Aest as tas 2mh Mat taa ISBaaiooary fwaad taa afssa taat tat saasaavt bbbbbbbW Omf -

law am, twtce pasan, saty ta saTaatt ay 1 Bal ' ' WLana to. tap ehewe). aai asr aaa' af J .aaV" jar-- t mataattoa tatt tar aa) saM af ata

IlaBBtTIríW MM! Bishop, Tat ser pamasadiilim i" mmm- - twassty asnsers atwa aa. Janeaeaa Isfaatea ahaoat The of Ood ia aalayad isstteas prtrtks af work-at- as as m ss Masar ass CMwtaasat salary, Ths ssaawBaaB tor-- itssrisuaa aaw. Thare Is t at

lili elA MfcWNc ma 24V 1114

tfflfe' mt clU. lstrNsxt tttM rMaadBBaaaai aaasav. aaa aaasaaaaai asf MMieirieetM !, usan untsatH faeh tMa. attM af Ma

THREE CORNERED M'DONALD CHEEKED Af tar hnl lnnwsa I mmr Mtjr after MMtr iWHij ha han favüKeYourM wtslKlhe and and are entine in jl i that he- rratj mm Jaevrwait wtx jpt1lili,-h- i WhalMltarr toar. OaM af MM

tm atSMHeil a cuniwaii tnrt a orafMuflM or traar MMt mm totjn ahl apragreis 'atwhole peopue, broken ' i.aweat MMt; Mat 'war' Ratjta M avary one af 8?

FIGHT IN ARIZONA 111' DEMiNGTHRONFc raited Rt gtxblil Msaoar tnMM MMted M MmSoft and dear 1 dale we Me ao boe tits never htt kaataM ayofl tM a ttMaf Moa waa ItatajMltaWr ttaalNaa, W wwitxii. .iiaaas6 nsrty ef New México., heauty. hot swvr Rvt aarryraa.UM Waai well a Mtaa MjRi'iAa- bulMtac ke MM

SeM,, Mar repretaatattve. Wis th i meat h Mm IWiiMaf atr tM ttrf hap ef mm Wat am autoatobtM Mlvnew mxtt ttévmkfioñ mamm clear. fer Ma Mpublicaaleii. that be lettriin eaM.RaiK takapars tmw km ems. Tbe mttM tar reader I luistMta

MPUM? JlghLlihiuiw 14mm takt said tie SeM not be h rCBBBBl There are i.tw ef taator m

MHl MM them lo fó aaMMl aM unseat service, aaj aaeryiaa; atwai avwt xaa aaw- -

rrohrhrllea Céillate fer Beaafef fréiakés BlMd Ber Baeeyttw anal A I tat M MM tentta tM.,ttM Iteu'ribrVnr soldier a ww num. warf sawTd Help Make Natttft tttr It tevtetur and looted yottr etMtor HliTI IsaslTC tjTaSíM! JaaH'aBrl tWJ taWMMetX HlHal lmcweui mxm19 Succeed Marh Hh, meay WHfc Adatlnlttrallon. eye Vattesj he voted win Mm machine JSñSm risky servia, tu eaty rm awve aeaa- -

laAfMufiiral men hMilIy elected. "or Ubtkren ttyed m the Republ

I repair. ,Ratee t m -

All Tlnket Bñttíál fíémiBñHÍtmt Bv Timet Retct CorrtiboiiitHl bA4M M the Hit, WMM Ma Heo tattde these turn A4ata44Ma, Maea. pHttj.Phoenix, Arla., Oct. bo lilt week Demlflr. N. M- OcL DemM cotMaftM Holt, of fM Ana county. tht there ar

efheiwew wojm

iet,Rof the iMlitleal camptftn openinr, with or Luna county had the MMter pólltci tM fwatutlOTi to carry oat Mm dirty wi motor csrs attMrirga ZJtrht aa4 RWy RUalMg.an me torces or an tne partita out and on rtlly of the present empt M the Cry Yettr Majretentttivr, s, i. amm, ttooa kum, fresnHit stump, merrily battllB away for the tat tneater Monday nigrit, wu uoverw M m hit duty Md MMUM be retui T heary vehicle apeclrty rarvolet of tbe votcra and represses in tbe William McDonald it the suttker of Mw to tM Mit tture.first itata election that ANiona lias ever evening. The hill wat crowded and ibero "SeeMtor Citron ixid a Beaasnaa, u is mo nrsi real sum election wa quito tprinkiinr or women la tM Mcmm rot statehood and that the adOBtteif '.WeWAVik.th election three years aro wat but audience to hear the remark of the enter a MfHtBiicao conHttiiion met that new irinnitf1 hatpi fan ecno or tne coniuiutionsi convention, executive of the state of New Mexico. Mateo wis a Republican state, but the1and what reputation (be Waders of that Tirare were several prominent Democrat aatt avt and now tney want to chantebody made in it waa uied at cimpaiifl on ine piauorm, amonr wnom were s. i, tlon and abolish the ttate board ef SetMontmltltsmaterial on tho stump to follow tne art smith, repreaenttHve m the last legtM. tlon."yantare th? rrant of itatenood rive. But tura from Luna county and codM to OFEFAS0tblt csmpaJm Is dlfferaM in many ptrllcu succeed himself: District Attorney ;ah The tevernor's address wa received wish Spedialt.lars. Tbe Democratic party, after thrto n. waaaiiif naror Joan LorMH. i. h. trett anthiiíiiim throughout the. mcethsf.year of lervlce and office ti ttandlnr Vaurhl. Dr. M. J. Moran.- secrettry or Dm i., p. m. uoyemor MCDonatd, icconvupon ita record ud tskintr arain tho con-

fidencetttra board of dental examinen, county GMHHtie Aps4é CtoW New ChMteDeMBrt

Of Arltorilani and for two year! Chairman P. A. Illllttrd. 1. A. MhoMy and waat to.Myndut where he wit Introduced U Nerw Crop .THE LOCKtt:more upon what of crobiiyi or worth, of Kdiior C. ti. VallandlrHam of tM Remitir té mm neoDle there by J. s. Vaurht. Arter Pare SttlUaa.Bytneüseor political ntliieausnese hit bean manifested Headlight. The governor wat introduced dHIverín an address, tbe governor mat Ptf)clly New Saedka HOTKIi ARTS) ATAR'nCaWMduttnr tk three yean last patL From th by Chairman lllliltrd and m hi pee) tne pcopir personally --and made a number. ."lSc P Qtnrt. RaUirta.head of in ticket down tbe men ar on tcaihingly routed Mm nepublicM mtjority or new rrwndt 'Try Some for Frewck ArtiaKekaei f?ara ar ttria aaat SaatiteM Saraetain nr nr Jino, and tbit week ei tb in in ittt legiiiatttre. ror imh" rsnx pout When the party returned from Mynda ÍH aaa. Tca ''

Cancura forces atHrmettud by BenaWr Mireul A teat mtthoda. Dr. and Mrs. M. J. Moran ráve an eight' Hallowea 103 fer M. ....soap Smith, fHrMter H4try r. AtMrit and Con All Ret Ntl kféubllMM. course dlwwr tt 6,o'clock, in honor of the New EnUth WtJRHta BntaaaJlti SrtHKR VL J. Zxekle, Mar. Mmm. HÍ

rresstMn riaraen, rtinforcenmia mat win oovernor NcOMk iM in pant "Í do governor, ai ine aran noma on Fine street. 2t PV Potwei. ISc Per FtHRééVtell heavily Wdes the final ballots are not care tptuc w mytir ttefteniiiy nor Tbe table Wat ntftaaomely decorated, theFor the toilet and berth ated coueced.

' do I car to be fltyed up' In the twwspa- - coior scneme oemg yenow tnd white, with Nevy Seeded Rtiiin AGUACATES ...2crant ntkUá CñaMáttit. i trs, nut wnai i am anxious isr it remit. cqrretponaHHr enrytanthemums. Mrs, Maby occasional applications of WíilM twre it HUM doiiM of tfis outcome have riot bem a ntrtltan Mvamor bul ran was aMted Ht servlna- by Mrs. V. I aA'BP . ,1

Cutí cura Ointment. You may of 1H cofitett, sHIl the opposition is mk-in- r in va io an rovcrnor io an ine seeme. Morton, Ml Miry Mihoney and Mil's iron Tkt Gruí htta hard fitht, van tnourb it may tw 00, not hetd thtl all nesubllcan ara ra uiaraaou. ibq gueiis prvtcni were uov Watson Groceriestry these fragrant miper-cream- y divided between prorreislvet and tiepitb cal nor Ha I want to bo quoted htIm eraor William McDonald, District Judf $1 abasta Va Rraaa MWemollients before you buy them. licani. Smith, for United State senator, thit 11 Democrttt ire saints and perfect. 1.011B neDicit, nepresentaura s. J. smith A raflaea. naataa tM tu.

has to fitht a field or four opponoats, At thlt lima there somothlnr of import-ance

Mayor John Corbett, County Chairman Pt Are Famotifor Quality M.ata aMfaaWtílbraáT-tarj-

Samples Free by Mall the chief of which is how reeoimlied to before the people of Iho tute. Shalt a. minara, Democratic state commute rarawaM,whb ar


aaaatbo K. v. Chirtn, independent rrorreitiye we Vota ta susttin tha wit and Hire men E. a Vallandlrbam and H. L. Kerr. J,

CnUnm Soap and Otatmeat M4 tbroucbout ta Prohibition!!! . eandldaiet, who it making: of Prttident Woodrow Wlltonf a. anoney ana Dr, r. E, Morton. 210 and 212 TexarSt,book,

rl. xmnmLltxrtl iinpHal




featea.with 11 tne race boon ti dry amendment and If you hid the opportunity tonight would Phone 5151 and 2 and 3 anal A and 5. '

number of other prornttei. amonr which you put another man" In hit pitear Who .Would You Believe It? 'Is included one to introduce, 'work for and would you put in hit plice. noosevelt or People orten iccept statements with a so Weekly Hatea. rkée tm.vota for national amendment maktnr all Tin 7 no. we ire an wiison men except

or mental reservation a much as to v mm Tixm VVeMtfjrnam notORDERS convinced," which leadsU. S. ARMY us to reOf iho Untied Statet dry. Tho W. C. T. U inr women ana mey ar Wilson women, mark that there Is nothlnr ihm win m ihn. i IU 8. aMataa.and many or tha women, to tay notninr Where Remande I Laeklan- - oughly stlsfy .you of tbe excellence of A atw place aot a aMttL aer

Itrtrrlal Wtrn In Thr Vlmrm or many or trie mea, ap for Charm on "A Ml Pjlnvr&tkmln ft n Cbimberlaia'. Cough Remedy a a personal roo miar bou iieaply a iM.nniWasbinrton, Oct he folio win army tuis proposition, rna second wormy oppo doea be not deserve tn commendation of trial. Mrs. John Ftshtoa; Peru, ind.. who thkr mw, tltaa, rarja. ris K. r.oracrt nave oeen iisueai ncnt li Don J. Lorenzo llubbell of Ganado every cltlten of the ttate or New Mexico used this remedy in her family for the past ce.'s TaJü rrem Moat,, Tlio retlrnatton or Pint Lieutenant trueApache county, a politician of the old ror ni strict attention im jmii, ojr ui ii, -- i aiways give I WHERE TO tnRtvafl. HaVMichael J, sheahan, medical reserve corps, to duty tt Wash Cough Remedy to children DINK U Trs wtq. tü rtsya teaalaa- - hatala.11 accepted, errective uciooer . school and a, man or cpuntlen mends mgfon by ktaylnr at his post lit tbo Inter when ilck with cough or colds.

myI like It; Tbe irmy retiring boira appointed to llubbell hat been tbe leader of the no- ettl Of the neoDle who elected him. In better than any other because they tike, l

meet 11 tori uim Houston, Texas, dj ape publican party in tbo state for many yesrs tread of returning;' to tbe tale and looking willingly and ft it free from narcotics. Mclal orden Slav I. lili la dissolved. and hat lerved with diitincMon in teverat arter hi politic! feweeir Hernandet I 1m never failed, to gira immediate reller."f Major Junes M. Phalen, medical corpi, legislatures, betide beinr state chairman new man and not experienced Jn the way tor ins or aii ueaiert. Advertisement. riisayer and-Chemi-


division,HI., Is



Tex.,dutyand Fort

and aeverai timet. Tbe third opponent li Dr. of congressman, and Senator Thomas B. diivara. The New Three Nations Cafemil repair to mis city ana repon to tbe i. Bernard Nelson of Mesa, oaadldtte of the Catron would be hi mentor and guide. Best(Advertisement.)

autoi. earerul panna s SISO. W. OAlkOSHOat '

rnier tnvision minus inairi lor insiruc Progressive party, whose long residence curon nas been igilnst President Wiltontlon and assignment to duty. m ana tnowiedre or Aruoaa makes nun In every molturé and would tell Hernan-

detTHE MOTOR BVH,Vf WAR. Next --o AJsWkOtra Tketjr - émm ;EI Pato Street Kffaatatlra JTier BWepara ta tin

Major Allte W. Williams is relieved from ícircely let formidable Uma llubbell. In to voto no on everything and oppose u nao etsenar.further duty with field hospital No. 3, Ver addition to tin no stands sponsor for Wilson on every tootet It Is pure and Machine Which. Once Carried Taris Popd Good tJatBCt to eat. ErirytkttHr clM a! staútery.Ortiz, Mexico, and will proceed tp Wash number of things in the Way of promises simple business proposition and would you lace Now Brlno Breae to Army.

SaMk Syaawtaee S JSI flMM.'Vaaa)ington, d. ;., ana assume cnarge oi ino that appeal to Arltonlan. The fourth ti cnooso an unexperienced man nxe Hernan-

det.Associated Prest Correspondence. Saesaal Dtaftef Everr Pay 40. R b,Ht te, .Held medical supply depot In that city. Bert Davis, candidal of tb socialists, who who' would have no control or his Pirls, Oct, batUe-erre- d. Upon the arrival or Major Williams at the motor

rliri mcfiimi minnlv ttenot. Washington. 0. ta president of the italtwFedaranon Of vote, or will you Yów ror a man who ia but, us identity hidden under a thick coatU., captain William A, Duncan will proceed Labor, preiideni or me local plasterer!' been tried and true and round lwv at or mud. thundered through Paris the other. EAT ATio wrerson uarrams, iorir union, president or the state socialist party ma puu vno can no you mo most SQr-- a ay, mourn unrecognizable to the eye. it FLORENCE CAFEFirst Lieutenant ray W. Branson. Twenty-thir- d and a man well known over the ttate. Tie, a ilranrer or o whó li verted in Dr. Cari SxnitK

Inrantry, la relieved from duly with There are torn taction of tM tuto whore government trrtirirthe orranlied mllllla of Tennessee, effec-tive

the radical vote will ro .Into the socialist Enforceraeat of Law. ha been renoviled and remodeta aM the Club ROTTUR. BCPOD, SKDT, ZilTRMJl'November is, and will then proccc tocolumn because of uto advocacy of the . "Since my election I ivavn tried to da mv litaeji counter dtkeontMet. neatv or HoüM Cafo KIBNKY AND KUAXMwmatate ownership of rMses tblt It being iu DooSw tor laeiea and taaHnB. QtMek SI6KASM 'Wt'.irh nr the follawlnar officers of the uui rvp ait oi uw people or ine ttate. 'taryie, good reea asa ietmlr orle. '

medical corps, arter hts arrival In the made by uavis and nit rnadt i naya upturn ine law tfatntt Democrat 3T Rooaaa S17-1-

United States, will proceed to Texas City, Hayden Haa Kaay Rare. end nepubiieana alike and If anyone can 39 Tlt Street. .IraC' 8AM. rat JTtrat Hatlettai Basle MMg.Tex., and report to eommtndlnr rnrel, Congreiiman Hayden' hts practically tbow me where I have protected wrong-dct-

Hreond division, for attlmment to ditty even were he Deaocrít, I will re--neen looortaa tn rorcy rrerroiiivet rwith union at the poit indicated! after mi ltn af Once. My frlenrfi. An nni lot .mmei Major nobert ft. Winn. Fort Dei election to hit pretest, position and willMoines; la.l Major Frank C. fianer. Fort win in a walk. Tul fiat beenvconceded all IKpublleant fool you by nartisan view

Mivcnwonn, nan.: iapiaiu ui n along. At Htydcn stand in wim mew, cry or 'loor out ror lots. SMfftrsrs ef H4tttrli&IMS done his dutv and tt u vnrclass by himself. It it a native son,:ach of the "following; orricer of the educated in Amona tnd hi mad rina duty to return him to congress to assist Would yeu Riueva ta ir I tail si that

arter nit arrival m ww oun gretf president In I can eura you la ti day; LM bM rarermedical corps carrying out hirecord for himself in in the threethe nation congress ran to tots or tar worst .ca turwill toproceedUnited Slates New Yorkpoucien iyeir that he hat been in mat body, lilt t Return $95 SSindicated after his mm too: report to the Williams i flood Condnetor. cava baea curea latí time. There iscommandtnjr orfleer for duty: Ciptaln opponent li Henry L. idt, not seriously bo raUurea wits tar treataMM. n th,Henry F, Pipe. Fort SlOcum, K. Y.t regarded. Mr, Etas is not very wen known "Demlng hu two etndidttai ror itit nr. 17 rar that t have trotted Reawn&4

0, Norttiintton. Lelterman roncril in tho state and is considered weak as rice and rtcpubllean Chairman Ely Is urging I hare cot oae failure, t wouM be rhtdJwsptttl, San Frtncltco; Captain John P. candidate. ' you to vote for his candidate fof corpora- - On ale daily, Llaalted mbnth. Good for' atep- - to explain to you toy saethoel ef treat-l- a

Flacher, Kcneral hospltil, Fort Biytrd. It. In tho gubernatorial race, while Hunt's iiuu cuininisaioncr necauso ne live in OVer. A10. trOOd rolBtr and returning vta 11. Heeaorrholi. No ta teH lrew.t First ueutenani ucorre newiu. election It foregone conclusion. Inroads urmmr. ir you insist on stand no-- bv tha routoa. your vocation. Dr. Heaaersea tatat, Ta.u.nj mm Pnrt I.awtnn. Wash. Demlng man willWinston, retired, with are being made tn hla strength by Cam' you have to vote for both VIAF.dward T,Captain eron for the Republicans and Younr for tbe oi mem. nugn Williams It a personalnilit detailed

consent,foris nri m

nerulttaf tírete Progressives, tuipb Cameron wat tt ltn mend or mine, but ir I wanted a mod For Absolute Successni ttrnetAA ti th hrnoer time to Dal oeiegat to congress from tne territory corporation ommltiioner t would not votelai, Tent, and enter upon reenilllitf duty of Arizona, and it mkinr the race upon ior mm., wtt a good conductor on the In Raising Chickens Fed Texas PacificEdward W, Sint Fe railroad, thatDecember I. reilevinr Captiln ntvinr achieved ttateheod when smith b It all l,en arforBtuart, seeond rild'rtllrry.- - who wli I pro-

ceedhim, Adolph Hill, tbe Dcmoeratlc candi-date,tried and failed ror twenty yeara. Cameron "PERFECTION"nil retlmem. Ctpitln Winston it HENto Join capable man and the office anbat the of the big interestsfor tupport mines,is


um asanbo raay


Quartermasteron recrultln ranroaat tnd ctttie and contidertbt opportunity

be rely entrustedto make

to him. Now it tho AND CHICK FOOD Through aíeoplntr car aavioe to ChlcaM, St t,éuü.thed money it being spent in bit behalf. The corporation Uunntita aiiMM.U ...J n...

C aplató J6seph V. Slier, medical corps, B, P. hat riven the word tlonr the lino entirely Democratic and to make tt will produce mor Beta, haaJthUrnow n temporary duty In New, York city, to vote for Cameron, and current rumor the Democratic parly reipontlbie, ohleka, than any food ait thais relieved from runner duty at fon earn placet the sent He in tha tarn boat "I can ret nearer a Democrat ir he it marketHouston, Tex., and

eaitemwill report

department,to the com

for Young hat no grett Interest behind rum, doing wronr and Interfere, but If I censure TRY IT Vmtudmr tworal, ne win ten me thatjifPUDiican It bitas ittendlnr iuron New York city. but it a great campaigner and it drrduty utjkJiutlneii and, First Lieutenant James 8. Kennedy, med-

icalfrom the radical vote of Hunt becaute ntny ticket. The


he wtt not elected por Sale By All Grocersnui m inreserve corps, Is relieved from tem b bauevet. Ilka Mm, in a number of innoduty at the port' of embarkation, vattont that have heretofore been espoused

governor tnd tied my hand with a Bepub- - OPEN ALL NIGHT ifiaiveiton, and will return to Fort Barran-cas,

by the present executive. Younr is not am. i asseri mat i navo not W.D. Wise Seed Co,Florida, for duty. mayor 'or Phoenix, to which position he appointed a man to an omcial position Mall, Ireerii3tloa filled and deliver jBariJkirigrealisation of Mrat Lleuteaint that hat not done hit duty better than tt By at any time Uy or night 'wat elected in a a campaignCharlea W. Tooker, Jr.. medical reserve has ever been dona herara. i n nm Wholesale and Retail Mail O riera Filled 'Promptly, fcorps. Is accepted, effective October . against ttjq two big ring that sought tt been round the stale am ruvstt to arm a SATDrsa aoootjxt aaa a.

First Lieutenant Howard T. Clark, coast control Phoenix. While hit mayoralty rec ror nothlnr ror the pasthouse

trat Santa Fa Seeds Feed Poultry tUOVUU TOV tXTWD XKXT JftOOMU , A. E,' RYAN, ic CO. 1

yean. Iartillery corps, will proceed to, the general ord la not very great, ttlit It it considered amhospital. Fort Bayard, N. M., for observa-tion

a mi initronune tnd not bit fault on ao askinr you to elect a Democratic hen of Supplies Wa 9r 4 ser'eaM tartar, emtMaadaa twlea arary rr. Wt aand treatment. count of tba bedfellow that

the legislature, .composed or men who will tHMtaMaai. wdar tha áaaualtaf wsM Uw oí tka teta ar Trim. USSecond Lieutenant Charles L. Byrne, were elected at tbo ame timo he wai.

tttnd out for meaturet benenetat ia th ISO N. Stan tea, OtslhaatHUi Sad.' ara a, qaartatr ywad Jaaalr. tv yrefiStd ay suala awr.Twenty-thir- infantry, Js transferred to the

interest in the prohibition campaign la Needpeople.

or Routs! Phone 11 and 5M0 OfM s4at, ht addlUam to haaa aaMTatalaat. la aafa, yfafttahta aaAChapUtif 'fioraee A Choulnard, Firth In-

fantry,gemng varmer every day. Incoming re-porta uenerat

Legislature, tNMtmt HaaaaV haat trraa mm, Mala tat a Stata Baakt ha Taam. DR. A. BURTONit transferred to the TweHy-thtr- from all secllost or tha ttito Indi-

cateAiioreey Clancy, who wu elected

l a neenMlcan and received ih iwmii mrnrnm 9omxt worn oon. rmmmooMJu.'AinaMmmxuAmr DENTISTbv7í

the vote will be exceedingly doto, vole or tbo Republicans OBI SBaaanUT MAIti Oimof absence i Colonel Frederick B. tM Willi the great majority that It ex-pected

elected, said, 'The MM'OSW!. Oraduata Loufcavllla Call 1IH.T.Folti,





ten dayitFred

tofrom Mtrtcopa county the "dry" greatest

i nunesilr4Mtlv

ivriiiaiure,'need or



oftesl Dr. Che Ha EL PASO BANK Sc TRUST CO.. El Pasey Tea. Batasltohed Rara alaaa 1ML- - -

expect pull the state out of tha wetColonel Daniel B. Devore, Tefttti told thatLieutenant me It wat a dlsaraea to hir ainfantry, ten days! Ciptaln Edward L,. Na-

pier,Tne "wett" at this time are spending more iTHtWMMMpernletoui) lebfey controlled by three tn. Phonea Ofrice 1971 Rea. ,

medical corps, two months end tawr money than at any previous time and whole The list MMfett or the rMkaaUAMdiyit Colon! Ouy L Edte, medical corn, page Hi many of the' dally papera are g

dM allleglsltture the

ono month t Ftrat Lieutenant Albert Gilmer, bought up at tdvertlilng, while every they could as theyfield artillery recrimine officer, save available it. 'to (Hit It over me.poittrground 1 covered Withday. flaring potten advising tbe people to vote

Why Fear Law Ws Vetoed. HI lataraál aM St-ars "Tak Lift Earn""1 vetoed the "fence law' beeauaa it wu al uitaiita

A Pertinent Question. wet. The nepubltcant are etuttoned to unconstitutional. The renca rúinM' r u jgeeMMMjS Walk o a Rtibtr" tímml"In wbet rot wet wth a potted carrying tho pic-ture

The question has been aaked, mw wat alright tul It carried tot)way are Chamberlain' Tablets superior to of former Preildent Taft. whoaa id- - piopoaltlon under onemany rata Ftas. , LwKa' 2Sefatlfat" Tbe answer It, "They are mow vice on tbe Arizona constitution wit not head. Every n t

bid and senile tn erred and more retíante, tMteeWdt wbtltt the Democrats ire being IbOUtd b rtUtnable with tlva Knur. .oaiaiititaa Vraa Méa'a 3ScBesides they Improve tbe appetite, cleans honed in like but a fence law wB sot setUe tM Spaa-Enthta- Vmanner by tho picture ofs4 tnvttorate the stomsch, correct Ulaor-a- rersy. rimers aHt cattlemen tsMuM b Ftw byor tbe liver and leave the bowels In a GtMlrmaa Oscar V Underwood of the fatf td each otbr. I am a rrMM ar the

M BgUghM-.- aROOlBlW(BJJ eÍt(tWaJfcJjtjytoeeMWfJ

of pills,and



their draiUewhtt

effect,ta way



commit or the national ftraeer and wIIHsm; M ret out of Mm Way Mwqm Sim t ImÚ it. Re Wm JméhmwmMmWmémU aneat followed by rmitlpallon." For Ntst AHce M HlrdseH has already Tnatt BU.144-l4Ja- Vfttt av aM acMevH Mttlnctton in her eimiitJm for 316 Maa Are. , ,

PiMtaw(Hla county whole, headquarter. .A aH'ARTAN FATHCB, ror watt were opened ,bcf last wee.

fcnaaHsi gelene. Rerelvea Re(iorl of mmIR tferert Win uirdMll succeeded ta Camera Coupon STUbf' ts Wllhoul a Qulier. obtaining strong resolution or Indorse-ment

SHORTiiANDCorrespondence, ot Mm anil division or Olla couaty OamaaMat itaaatrtolxrs ate ta aaaitatAtsoclatM fr aKfrm tatBrd or WrM th ad ajUraaaea at atarea SERVICEIftroirad. Oet. is. The luisslw JourMl Trade, tbe Clve leagu. nam mint Xaaxaás Orarr aiiiai ItaaMaty

s i?ti? ajiliatioti of prominent worn. otMHíhecrlbora to thU sapar 1 tata atmattt aM aad Mat.. . vBviet telle aba Mlawinr ivory of the Bpar.tan conduct or Cotonel Lopoukbtne. He wu Mat the Firmen' Co operttlve association. provided blow, pryaaitt at Tba Brahaai . TW ia Ha tMac we tirivHr h do. ie to siva yot tymúí andtJstenlnr, aftef Mm tint treat battle In Dá-

llela,wakh t the central body of the Fannert' with 11.89, and w wfH MUrat- - ta yMi the fftejaiit aerviee. botfe in tHtr MMMTact daaiaVtUBt mm1 in ouruaatoft hare,to tbe realtor or the report of Ut Hwlln ActMty

"rerybi I'hoenlt.

stronr oritnltauon. H?M Uodal B PrM Ceuatara, MMM kf Ul dairvary acrviee.ftt imeni'i

we havecaatiaMsea,

loM?tw killed and wouadtd,' tbe riuaors ot bard timet and aWatMUta Kodak Ctk. far tMa great 'Sastatan-ti- e, "Write ta year )Hat trowbl.."be lKk ,jf snotM toulldlnr activity la tb one Premo TUm Paak uU baak erf

told.was-- How many mlsHiri killed?' demanded etiy Phoei proper rontloue actlv. Rlata InstructloB. lacludl: yae Tuttle Paint Glaaa Co.Eicel LopoukbliM. Duriavt Mm perm or October that baa to th tuonthly wmmmm -- !

0 many alreMT KMd Jtt city building Inspectorpas mm si wefHr-iu- i peruutt (or butt-ne-

- " ejaUynow many


'gfci houM. reaHawcei and bnprovemeat It by taM U to for fctataraS Mt aaatiggregattijr 4ot to IIOOam. it ahowa 1st" la lb name af.lMi vfrkcr' the speclYMlniti, aX whieb will mere mm--

r Lodo

fiiMpeinune-- s


allHUM the compku f Jfattie


offMW at4 Rustler mm MM1TM acUvltf at a of cattle

iMá nam kUcalel. ibm nave la the aeajr aaamaat i a4' ooAtaaakdhst'atesar a ks éMf ÉW, Uhouaadnkw hit tutti 1st ut an end t rV Cta Tfaktnnil aataMt sat.km, k4a4 m m wtMtt


Blgsji,MilÉ.tl M


mtdaviCMtr- -

(vama .w. T. awwai aIenr ei bh naeaioa m H tt WrAtrua Krta riverabout twwatr aaitM bate kjm, gaienta ty . 'yearllatt, forty bou ssj' a, uber or , I pf , f I M,t Gunter I-io- telcalve ware iwov4 k IM ratal uponthe rusa, mm af tjw ttUiuta wr eat ha atirali i ie I at aaay tMaaa, tjawaaaar lttaMuraBaUU UAaXXlaunMiattly rtnaa aa Jm ttniea rr laaaaaaaat jsaMjtaah taatj Wm"

OA1TOBIA I tti IE heattiaat Ujks

I ' if . EL Fasó MOtífájptesmorning FORM CHAfcT MORNING PIN ZARETl HEfi

FOR WINTER MEE, 0t, II, HtJ. Wmmmr tfmu tree frai , '' 'w.'íSwíSífíía&í mí, toft. 4ftaer c)ri vany gg

HI niwr .M:aT)ne mnai mu. TMM i. 140, Itlft. MaPM won'ír W IMU4HTIA AMC : , Nt - fnDMrl "A.Tan aw Mttivsa,.' C 9 HKiCl lit. II !..

t M Ble . u! fl M a S2 i'22f 235. ......v."a?M i ftTfltr Matttee m a rr the Omtaa;

s 18918 a4 Ja tia fat Ha.7' f 7 KwtiSt " jttJvMWi idJ aflHtMVHaBaaSkaiu M Vñ avaraaaa,av . 'ii? At u. i .tit

,m a Iftjj toj MM. BY T. H, 8CHKIBA(J. 20 forM

Tho Meat Important arrival at the.í,fI....l..,...m ti M ti W II" e4aW M and Twe9r......o.t..t7 9

ir n ft Juerea 4eky club so far thte aeaaeti, the Wcmntanurnni imin li !s 11 cmBI to 4, Mw 1 to., TrtterwHeh.' rtto 1f M í. Mwtw mu Mfl MM Of HOOW ....Wl u if' annoaeeinent of whkh will be reeelrtdH Wl. ' . .J.-- - " ' with mm greatest ot pfía.üre, by her vast 1íifiSÍILi 1SrS,,K.fíft w.ííwwh Imm hki mm MatlM MMt t.m, piuca llwW W0.0. , IHjlji PUCJ, ofat m. ,j3rt KM. Uuw ENl f.iu. ncrmH! ry nr, iim iwr army adfhtrefa IH tkU .section, ta that

ere ram it i nt.war.. wood (irira'aMnely nd drw m( tt M,to in or m grand Texae.bred race mare Paft i or mtkln Met urnM for zereie, who rcachM the acefie of barf. Hit' mar wniiant victorka tn the raat yet

tersar, accompanied by nfna oihera f ihaTwo, nd óM-h- mlt TMMIk f. Wr. Fla. JnrM-- . UmSuL CrSláíé,;.....i..i...éi.v...í I", t'l t Peel Iff to

Loetemr the picture ot health ami with JotmMc totVama a nice

w yin iofy evo ra or navinr aireaiiv nian kMriv, Uytt tór tAt tltttaoiJtkM. ,Y- a- ojMi't attake1MM ..l a 9 m i Ntna elttlt brilliant vlctnrle ta luí rríMt mi.

Vi i MeEwen ............tü t t l' t t AIMi thocwh aha ! attll wliMa kar mnr.vaILnM Ctd CJntt4 .bite yovt UtitOtftikyove3M

......... .'.tí Ii 4

4ír4 4, Le

uwair' J?. I treat daughter of Abe Frank tferoat and tfecy tioa't Unvt Uut rtty aftartnitc.v.iie uninia appeari eepasie or XMtnyíil,...i,u. .1.4,.,,,! 7J..Tt 7' i 7i Mever MutMM pldi MMkenburj, HttifM f4éce . StMMMfl hirer, te- - H,. further to her brllllaat record before, tbo XawalMr,UatmaOfM

96M MkiX' iAi....t...lH a. - 9. .1 HmSÜ MiHkenkrr rvAeHtf boidALwiM under ttew reetrihit to tira ttretck, hco were dn of the new year, certain it is thatSfetnnon filrsr Jw m kerd Kw., Utter thowed a Ñf tun or.ipeed' Jpd fc wore sne passea into heri, ce 7 to how tse s. taMw. pW i ta , e 3 to 4. rrhi-- IMrleattr but Tire w aMMfled aceixk SyetAt. rea a flr mtjlut k form aha will hare estabUahed a record

Jtmry AinivK wan Mm umtim mai'( im i.ri w r-- . f i i',, i T y - fi for wltming racei in iier first three yearsT11"D HAatH-M-fweH- Of A mlle. TWm :l ;6 itl

on the turf that can be pointed to with2113wy.M I.ttw hunr twmiy ficattr.tit ttonneit, " , r uiiue, hi every jover or turn 1 rai thar.ouaiiorea ana a reeora that will live

21 19 aci!-- íx furíoDf i., tm , ;n i;s,. fitii-- . aun i. wm; some, lime before it la emiaiart. IL J. iUTrrOLDS T0ÍACC0 C0.,lTi.!W,ii.C.HV MWnour ..,..,; . ,.,.111" 4. .. t ft t ir EutwHT .... . . v trrw.v ww 1110 aUDJVCtsser Witer Weltea Ttoiter Of a special Sketch a eminla at nwk,04tt .am i.oeenrnn sl Louer when her brilliant recaní iin raaiiaaTovlar W M A Í0I7 J, J. LIIII Larrefir

.'. ,'8eoe to if 17W orseetie t Liuy iruiy ano it a credit ve tne breeding farmsS Aitón (wttiaiir. oirt W- HChUtHflgW mi lire aura or 'lexae, ana 988 today OCCU

s2 s5cüt rju. n :v 7Í ? 4H ColttMl 1 .ím uMle Jtmmi 7 DvU pies the place m tt heartai Of the localí Ott . Meritmie ,..,..,f ........IN S 8 ' ,í ' Moor,. lovers of a great thoroughbred once occu tótal Barela, 5S5 high game Paichal, (Ms Leithton 3 (a 89 314


LrirAHLniltn HUy,.-- .

0fVii tt i i

MuMéU twidf Belnur. etraleM: té.M. nlae C4.90. bew N.10. Water Welles. pled ay that other mat Texas-bre- mare, marginal it pms rout juage jiasi.i,........ 7 Murtin, IMeee (M.W,. tow Hk UriienrrM, Wiv k.m; .íerateiicd HiMnlllatlon, Yerkrllle, Meadow, fn the earlier days of the Juarea Totals ............. v,.39-37O-3-- 10J

ih si 8Whitn1 y SfRjrth -. 8trlkerTW' Jockey elub ceurae. Caetna Points won Athletics, 3! Braves; U. hightest Ler it' i 1 0 t b Murphy rrlr ly; Vote,;Tdlif Pet. ÍÁ

Ronllag and Athtellc; pub...... ...,..(03 3 ,. I t0 to cemftfeell . íWimour'Tíceo uncía jimniw KM'auomraetes we iirsi tjusner. men ww mía a Pan Zareta mdmi rrnta ha f.n .... FEDERAL LEAOUE. game strelttx.. mi hlgii 430.

. t( V)x 11 11 ttv Mccebe , tour teed and had plenty lert at rmeti. Water weiie racea prommeatiy aii no. . uuuBioareo. a no retened en- - Pirates Tonight Cactua Hagtie. "

ytr end wiiy aext beau Lotiengrin outiranied i. i. 1.I1H t enn. lucxy mis rail from Canada with at finecttrlMte, pnce 89 to M, how. 17. lo se. MerttM Lee, uee 3 te .TI:, 'jl Penner ............. 4544, how ti . a record as any race mare haa nvr cmim ALEX.NDER WLN FOB ÍÍATÍONALS.?. floBimen,-w- b ta 4. 'ficrílched: Ken, tteven PeHce ' 'u! 91 14 FOURTH MAGE-O- oe alie. Time :SI, ;Í8. 1:(J Í' 8ttrt (OÓdí won while sheKelly . 135135135403

ChrletW 'lowjy, cloced i mitin? íid krtiU' drirWy.- - " went 10 Canada In the aprlng 143 133 tOd 374hrpke cP gamely and to 1h Iad. urn un nun iiieeung or mo JUtrei jockeywuson ,i.. Phillies' Star Has Better of rilehera Battle

Wt.au- 4 H hir. Kin. Jockey club, rightfully crowned one or iha ntien Wllh BIH James.or Lady Jane f!rey SOM1 neoablicaa 97 5 Hi Kl t II Callahan of the turf. Totals 4IÍC420 sos laai By IhfAnoeteM Pn$$

sow Paint Bruatt ,.,..,..,.i,.iM s 81 Jl Jt I s Buxton A glance back throueh the fll nt thn Tigers Lowlston, Ida., Oct. 97. The Na-tionalfurl0fis- - Tlnfe it 17 'stm 9017 Montreaeor ......... .......103 1 3.k Sk 3. 3. McCaheV defeated the2Í20.kiTK s, His. rsoaj won

4 4 4 4 Steward Tlmea for the paat season over the dally capron'

..,,..,... 405 Americans herotodav." error eontrlbutinr in an immiS0T8 HolUéy .A,!..... 7 4 tv. H S Jt nyan uiru ma races anowa una race maro 8iein 1111431(-0- 493

lnitpt. Hori.. Wt.au 5 h m sir. fmJmtojr. dSST iOtSTacttca.- ....... ......tj.. ...... 95 9 e 6 WcAtee striving for victory with the ben lhA mrr liuticr .;..... Otherwise the tramo was a Ditchers battle.

869 Lackrote ......... m .........108 3 t It 11 WnM 99 tor 4 acknowledges at present. The same glance Jo which Alexander bad the better. Score:sW tet' Heart ,.,..ii.,.,..i09 6 e. it, It Murphy 07 to SO Mpobllcan, atralfbt 17.50, place 18.10. ibow H.80. uiuusu' mo recoros WH snow mat upon Totals It. it. E.rrsa coWe .i... ...... 4 at 41 J. Jl Robtnasn 10910 90 place: t.u, anew fv.v. mimironer. biiu f.u ocrciciivii; itmffi;i, j every occasion abe was asked to trre Nallonali t. ....,. 4 t 4

s TResjerei .....,...wo s E St 41 4i Hartwell I nepuBiican lonoweu MODtrer ins luai.nau, men iwi mo icau aim item raiut weight her Polnta 3t Tigers, li hlab Americans 13 4sou Bot Himeley ,t08 t 0 7 St Oros ÍBrBhraafe at end. Latter raced roruardly all the way and finished ramely and. Was. to opposition, yet In her last ramo Stein, tea: high total Keener. ,452. Batteries Alexander and KUltrert James(Met)norai,Te4 ................101 1 g gl. CoJHm - ratehlfiir the winner at end, Montrotaor waa taken wldi tnoat of the way. fourteen race! abo has been rirat nr te... soso ond M all but one race, in fact, aba bas and McAvoy.

sebafo s "8í lillli ..,.ti 8 8 7 LortHS(ffin)Ftirloflir .....,..,.......il 0 7, '7 8t Keotti "",01 i It FIFTH hACE-M- Ue land oseilxtcenth. Tle 98 H7 i 5, tili i., t;41 M. been, out of the-- money but once since the airrlltx.,:,.. US 170 134


,3041 Harbard . ...,)0t it tOJ 0 vi Metcair HUH Start goodi won wily. ich iau nciniiy wat spring, ana thii rec-ord

it Aeeldenlally tailed.Km Búlala ........... ......... ......too to 4 t0l.l6 10 Smyth n(.i Horse. sir. Fin, iockey was, achieved on no. less than aeven

I'crguson, OO 10-0- 300 Bu the Attncta ted frtettry yorir, tan .,.., .w ...,....,100 12 ,. 13 tti tt It Rice 1 1 J follara different raeo'1 courses in all aeetbwia nr Crinóle nrerv. mi net rr Ttum.. nUN (iraWW Wofrktown , , ,.,..108 7 ,, It' j, M . tí Tyiorr MVSQuickuncle

siartBen ...... ..113

;,5' S" Callahan North Amerlea. Tottrta' .. 357-- 41 Vaux. asalstant master mechanic of the

Uckroe,.plece ill to so, ahow to . Stoutbeart, place 5 to 2, ahow 8 to 3, Colle. 9974 Autumn ......... ,,.,,..,108 8 e jí 3t, Troaler Hart Newman, the Junior member of the Bravea- - .. by.Crescent

the collapseMlning company,

of an unfinishedwas killed


1 9 34 4 8 Darla Koenur ......... ,." 308bpw,j97 to SÍ. ScratChedi Guide Post.. t . 9680 Pontetraet I'.JM firm of 1. V, ,Noman 4c son and the Powder house,wf!' Ji me erection or" 'Lackroee, futwin to hi beat form, went right, to the rront and maklai alLtbe 9814 Nctmaker ......... ,,.,..,100 7 7 7; í. McAtee trainer of the. atable, talked cnttiutiaaticaiiv Mllleft. ,10-1- 40 140 '4W which he was superintending-- .pace held StoutMart aaro at end., Latter mored up raat turning ror honte but fat-- ., 9990 Sepulreda ......... ... ..,;..itt s

tea Butwell ycsierosy w mo paai season ana declared,. 4 4 7 Mccahey"IfrM after trm to too leader. Cope a good race.

'Bob iieaaley fUMahednraat, 99g9PbylUa Antotaetto ,,...,.108 It the most successful that th itewmanlioyaj Tafyt t. j .., -'4 MUluela paid! J Oulclf Start, ralght 4)37.10, place 9J.80, ihow 9J.80. Uncle Ben place colors baya experienced since they were

2121i . FIFTH .RACBMIle and 701 yarda, Time t lili l;4i f.5, iut t,to; .thow íi- tAuiumri. ahew ,.eo. iicratobed; Font, Abbonford, Ea,rl or first seen on the American turf over, tntrtyatari asad' wm itrlvln:. a tievoy, Aatrologer, iarly Light, Be, ........... yeara, ago...

I - Oulck Start moved up with a ruab after paaaing the hair The Newmans are the ploneerg flies Hotelamongndi :nrw. Wt.L m u et iWr.r.Flg. tnfkjey. '. ñaST away eattly at esa. ..Uncle Ben Baa a rough trtp Jmi nniauea garaeiy ana .ouigamea....104 s 9 ta t I Autumn Hi the laai few rldes ulled up slightly lame. Autumn fan a good race auch

mo lewa.atatcmcnt



inoroughoredsmade yaaterdav

and8 M Tayjor, 138 ta 90 Ponterract gun, wyimveaa to a wajK java.nobeft Kay a fill 8' 3, jMatt. 8 to, 1

by young Newman Is aa great a compli-ment9883 AHaa OokL Jf 5 2l ÍV, 4 Keogh 9111! SIXTH RACE One mile. Tinfté ;94,-U- ÍM4 i:M Start good! won a could be placed to the credit

9841 . ,,...,,,,,,,,,,.188 1 1 M Murphy 5 ad agito., . , - ' y . m tareia, rpr 11 was ijer brilllafll I RoatM. 9b1 Baltia. rrarr eaedara aaaaaaaaailtMaa9880'S0lUS 3 4 t Lortua 1 Wt, W. 4 :H "tr. in. torkay achievements this season that made such or comiori fr guttta,

IZv'7' rdic.1.1.,!0ii,ho!S,L,tSJ0- - írí!y Et?H.Fpnce

....l,Z,.Ln"it t 9 to te. J.jfW PeiáMfLady dratrt"rA' I. .".TmíI..,.V;,..t

. . 9781 ,t

7I 7 9H&9Í'! Hlawant a


raced, suchpossible,


perforrnersvet the. Newmacu

ia Bon nMtis wnrtour bath, i sa. ili,. m.moc,krybecan lowTy. as'usuai; movetf up fajllílerlng rrtíh 4 llmá Láfly Ffen ...'.Í.Í.í.AÍV f.l 9 ,91., Langford Domo, Booger Tied. Sad Sam.- Bohbv Hetrh ROOMS WITH BATH. ,,,,..11.39, ItUM, tttM, M M

FrrHit 4 te final atrldea Latter eloaed a big gap ael would have won In few mom progreaalve ....., ,.,10 4 4 3t a' 4t'T4t nuaien and. oihera. When her owners place her Weekly and,' monthly rates en apntteatten.atrtrie:, Robert Kay fiad ajroug trip and would ha?e. been closer, with better llnilaa RmttMtr ....i .......169 6 5 I Ambrece- - uuo aucii aiara aa mese, men truty tnehandllnar. Allot Oold and KrtoMlrea racing earlr'other Into aubwilwjWV 1998 Afterglow ......... .............107 3 ft Schultinger turf world hat acaulred another oueen.

Visit our splendid cifa. Popular priaaa. Oeae W9098 Caw ;N0me 4r,..rt.i...,l.....;97 7 7 y7 Louder atores, ttwatera and baach car unea.

12itf,xW WACK-- MI na TtoeiiS4 9.3, ;48 .iSiU'9, 1:49' 9884 Milt Eleanor ..Tí...... ......... .107 3. 8f 8 .KedeilJ Part zareta was taken across the river Lea HeHaday, Pre. fieerA. CelHat. .Seo'y Trees,,i7 Blart goad wen driving. -- Borgohd v.,.f ..,""M"',q " 9 9 Í MoertJ wiwi tne resi or tne newtnan string yes' terday. and this mornlnr ta nrohthiv takHvit. Hrwue. ' Xt u str. Fin. Jnrker. odiaa Mutueli ald: Lady arant, atraight 113.40, place 95.00, ahow ll.to. .Penalty, place tng light exerclso over the courae whera;9fW8'ioe8iein ,,,....,,...,..,108 I I" Obert 73 to 88J0, ahow 98.60, ,oe Flpn, ahow 9J.90, Scratched) under cover,- bu Ground, aha forced the greet Iron Mask to suchtata Weyanoke ...i , ,..119.. 1 9 Moll 19 to t Beaumont Belle. . . .... .1 . . .. . . ..... .t . speed as the. turr world had little dreamedsew Bonne motee ios 10 3 Metcair 8 to 5 Lady orant outoreke uer nei ana sowing ine moai apeco, noin away inrougnoui. and where she Is destinedyet9888 MHtOfl B i....... I. ...IAS 8 4 Hanover Penalty waa. away slowly, closed a wc gap gamely but nung in tho final atrutet. Joe to some

1848 84n41 v.. ...I. it. .,,,11 6 i . tóftu íBOwea gwo apeen ui m war. brilliant performances that will equal If not1999 Marahoa .....1U 0 c Martin ccupae. inese inai nave oecome turf bis LONGWELL'S9886 Beulah 8 Vi.i.',"..,. ,..,113 ? l3 34 7 Taylor tow.

81 t8 9 , Ott tAWttt hiIE8. TODAY'S SELECTION. others In the Newman string, yesterdaymetm ...Vil,,,. .111 n 9 Morntiy J were Doctor .Oatiin, named alter a.11. 40 M) 0 Bollinger líoeeMl IVtre o Tili rrmea v 1 Dobton Laloela.' locil lover Of a fliie hart anl AÜT0 BAGGAGE TRUCKSioetetn ptace 87 to" 35. how 3. 1. weyanoke; place 7 to 10, ahow s to I.. Baltimore, Md., Oct 97. first HAt-- Bu 1. Beasle. Latimer, Kaat, WHawt, Whose breeding leads to the belief that be

BotHW Kiolae. ahow l to'!. Seratheti . Henollc!" 2. The Reach. Coy, Klva. - win yet help to add to the fame of tboJoe Siel. te4d the leaiae from the aiar Land tn a drive, Otltgamed Weyanokaat end. 1985 Andromeda- - 115! 9073 Volant . , 110 3. O'netlly, Ask Her. Oander, . Neivman colors! Ben's Brother, a borse. as

Latter, moved ttp: fear traan a alawv' beginning but. bung after getting to the lead. 4t Altara,, ,.., 110 4. Little Father, Hodge, Floral Park. his name would Indicate,' a full brotherouttvtv aum iuauni.Lt .m. miiiun a tais- - race. aieuiaq a aono early, 8008 Vaaa , 113 9898 Mlaa Franeea 110 5. caiabir Converse. Hank O'Day. to the former Newman run.t t. ID 989 Shorthand ., 110 6. Injury, cream, Biar'ActroH. palgner. Uncle Ben. and a frequent winner

Qo nnywhere In XI .Pasé day or night. It you are coming soasé9975 Tamerlane. . 113 1919 Piedoieer1910 Mtnatre) .. ttu 1985 Ellaen toga 110 Beeper Laoret mis past aeason.-- oíd une Bao Is among save your baffegé cheatea for longrwaU'a. It yoU are coins awayaau 1. RuUArrtv 110 t. All Smiles, Dr. Cann, wta Jennlflri. the missing from the Newman stable thisHpmsn race Mlle and i. Bun Around, Frost Boyal, Flatbuah. season, navinr seen sold before the atable phone for Lonrwell'a ta take your baggage to the atatlon. Tou'H

9100 Spellbound. HOI 9875 Elect ..,... 10 3. Harry Uuder, Pat Hegan, Fifty rive. left Canada, but is attll winning races forTailors U Particular Men 98U Caletbump'n tlj Front Royal lot 4s. Dlatant




Flittergold.Borro. bis new owners tn the east. nevar mlaa n train or hatvé your baggage too late It you use Lesc-wal-

ItwT rrogoodmather

' ,. U105 oooSTay


108 & Little Nearer, Dangerous Maro, MudillL The rest of the atable coeaista of Joierma Taalcaba or tmcimc truelca. Small eoati perfect aerrlee.arate, neoecca aerr savin. Llttla aim.f Ur 105 aOti Ifeimaker 1983074 c anger

988 FlatbMtl ... tC 9044 The UfCMfl.. W0 HIGH BCH4XK, ANSWERS. Ethel FrankI. Ill savin and one oiher tm'.9089 H'a Brother 10 9089 Buit Arotwd 190 year-ol- out of Joate'a jewel by the New1998 Laay Msam iai . . . Wllllag To Play Beat Teta Frena A. A 14. man sire abb rram.THIRD HACtMiie ana Anotner recent arrival whoie atabla ta

smo Lalrton .. 1181 9tot HarryLauder m well known to local followers of the Htrr LONGWELL'S9SI0 Fifty Five . 11) 90n o'r iSasda 998 To the Ttmcitis mai or can u. rerria. whose horses9880 KoWO Orand tlOl 9S8 Be 4 wee. .98 In reply to 'a published letter ka the arrived Monday, aloaur wita, ik nt b b Fhoie rkoie9it

9&MvincteliatorAviatreaa . .




teeBeaar988 Times' I wlshJc attfMBtt the roHowiar facts; Ripley at Co, In the rerria urina toara'

FOUKT1I KACJJ Five and fw- - On October M we, the El Paao M4g4i school are the two268-21- 9 Ciiff Nat'lMtnk Miig. Hester and Daltton. the winner of tela TRANSFERPlSfV'HOuie.aM. Tm football team, played the Mfttttte'A, M.1941 17M U See.M ..... ' year's Denver derby, Otttara.ln the string 1 19848 ll'tr raime in 907 Hign e college first team, scoring a temtriown are reus, reuna, inaaa, vtander SAd Msgleaa. ft i t.MwtmiA taai

asd le. and mliíln an easy Held taai; betides kon, while In the Rlpfcay airing there areFIFTH hace Five one-U- fur

9877 uuienisnore iwwn wtw . . outplaylag the college team ,thp8ttiMiat theBeilcolore, Judge Sate. Trtttane. Maantk and 3, 3. IXKRWKIit, Owner,Al Wormwood, Buc Thomaa la anotherm Brsiwiriower game. On November 8 we fl a return recent arrival, cowhae-- the 10 Saa Fnuotaoo M,449 reavocK to (wiataf Helen m game with the first team at La 'Cruces aar property, oí.

iaaaalel u. a, Reynolds viim ene oilier ia taua ate.3MXTR RACE Jl lie one.Mxteeatál and were beaten and etttayed, ble. "

9848 LrttteHearer 1 990 Napier . ..18 they scoring two teuchdewM aeat fiakinr The biff atabla of, Kay Spence. with' iha98e , an eaiy field teal. flow, forExclusive Agents (Mltlfaagr. mi urpena pttrpena of exception or iioogo, na sur or the little,98M Orotund between Hie(M841FUiaway compartios two finu 1 want Is now quartered at'tbe track acrM y

9994 Be , .... eceotaurt to repeati The Heallla rrt teaaa aawed(998jlu4ill , rtver, having armad a few days .atnee,two touehdewna and kicked a Hodge Is raclntr wtttt fine tuccaaa atteal. The XI paae M4h aenoet teaaaTaaaMrfwaetntr clear) araett fa4- - at preaent and will prove a d4ffteli Californiaom toucMewB H4 aataaid aa eaawlekl probltm for the eefeeri to solve wfta heLAT8itA I8KTHI9W. goal. m;. meets them In the handicaps aM 1 tatas atfor The Dtmmt turn la aw eswriem,e.4M rae juarea trae mhs winter. mt m

relative merits of Ike teams, far ta' aw come down with the stable of W. I. Weber.came five of El mo Mia fjaMafj' inVaE which Spenoa atas traías, after ha dotemm a m players were not playlatg ta the aai.f of racing at Letanía.Bee. The preatmpHoa wtuett aetwatea .thaiBUkMM .' teatro frocji MeilUa's sec team ia aa GokkthEananzShaéÉ High CJejae . 9 wimpled by gvoulae iparlinaiat aM BOWLING SCORES.BrooroiBaWa tttl 9M mitnuaiiOB agamai ornnaia M Ik jhSix jurtenfu Mail to J5I paw. iw ; Wljiraaa BeMrlbig and A4h444e Chib. Starti Limitedclerk . ..... I. believo we have a better team (. M HOilllE HO. i VI. MHES(AV KflKitty MoUae aae High thaa can be c4teete4 at Jm KcLaln , ttf-1- T-t 480ieCpiii Toe wa . eav Mexico A. k M. co4t. a4 we aaav nogue ir-i4-i- 411 PWJatílkKAIN OFSplnnar lía 1161 K19 prvve tun,, not. m mm.........

MM Chrü Laaamm .

. taH JM8 J44Coy

Dockerr but on the grfatro. 3lHciui .,. , ut THÉ OÜTHWÉSTt iaM Iieipeclfuliy aubntltted. reenws iti are at swi

TlttTOdCSal Haw. Mite and 70 rít J. CHARLES A. RKUk'AUP, Ceaetk38t Truaiar. ilri)A ucr Grand totals 848y8J8s 388 9917

UeWT OFERA;WlH aon b the aHrtaaangJgawiar WW8 K9J- 4B LetiVM .9 9o 2 p. m. Arrivtw tJm Awflee 2:40 p, mx,t JM AlhambraAilvetitaeaaanf.) ISrtag . , . . m taw 341

3 WflTOderV to " ui a Mtalc yajajr reservation W MtlIUt ut tak cMa4,. tot .884 HJ 441

tfHHCHESTFR Pif 1 8if ' tll8wM)'toeecl toUli , I4

Tirru itairajii; ruriwM. nti rama--l uenÍH, Mat Mata toiat-- ro-

sot CowSST, ', tea! laTf&M 8a.,, t imaj, m, powu won awapnan. t na J,ySmf-- a ptntt roan M8A ftnouf.in I UfATMS no, t vas" mimutiT m, 4.

tMartaaea igSngaBH att9f tfttt , 44IvbjVHHI snfttfuttf n4a8 ,. 171 .ato. ta - 448

.. 188-- la. ta. 144

FiW tKÉBH OYÉfftaW 1rWaj9fÍ8$ BoféStiaf falitVLte. ttoaAd toM 7ta74-74-- WÍaal4WáaeMaa4rdiaM aervee m an aiyiee, as to gBtarts i. , . .. H4

PILYOUIKI CAJPl BtckalaaBvWiAtan .,.,,,,,,, 811



CalnfaMkWkirll B ft CWVWP8jNIB9 ntteroer .., ,ti,4,11 iniaj 9BMWLr' rT1J tfmer .....,....,..

y jII orand totaial Potoia wina lhrtnir, t i n npi

'. i f paso "P?" Tqy.a&dL .

i.) j i



cwbibwm rete tGwbGíür of ftteHast,AJT AKifc Tt fíHíty Aih

MY bOMG "ITS A 3"RGNT Ufe IF- YOU COMT WAkW- - Th o Th .

Lofe at me, Feuow )cmei5s-- 1 mot --tfte n6ii&.jex-- i ir r i w --n unn?RGilOK OfrOKi MA As 5UAAtJTk- - of TbK LOOK, TTfe UvjeUfftRe Of XbUQ CmLbReN MD t Awr To Wf lWb

MO yoiiD boos T ouirfoRe-fATHep- j; lot us MAYOR eCÜSG THC JOB" t 37 ?k-r-

-Z rWRTAGe OP u dck v r js mj&zij - J i rn-m- r i avaaasB whhik xr- - wv MOMfeV AKwV LOUCH 1 uiLL fte eBl T6 jNC A

LOT or 1

MB 1 lf AllVbA'ii)! ir.



. p-te- ÁQe. 5o!M3 To use THISMCTHOk TO SA6" W TT2eJGTH

OF CWbíbATs VAJHo fVAvleTo vifce sR

gggjv vJArriKj3 TO . HÍWHJ El PHONEY FILMS- -

AdvertUing Rate Card Male Help Wanted. SkiMtioM Wanted. FtHTiiihed Roobm For Rettt. Aparnaent For Rent. ÉL PASO CIJSSSIF1ED BUSINESS DIRECTORY,itcnogrsph'eT desires ELEOANT, largo bedroom, close la. I'h;sa. FOR RENT Beautiful s and 3 room ACCOUNTANTS. JEWELERS, ? .'iCLASSiriED LINEnS. '.position. Addres.Copetent,cre Timet. Urge, lry outside room, sleep-

ingecntD(f word eicn dtiiy imerlion. FOR KENT Well furnlsheA, rooms. Urge porches.' dreslag rooms,- kitchenette, THURSTON audit co. Phone 3000. Hoobu watches cleaned, sec, roam springs setsHi cenis 'jr word on ttunday. and office deeping porches, heat, lavatories; and all steam heat, janitor service, unfurnished,f.Vi crnu pr word eich 7 lnicrtloni. Bridge carpenter, Ñ. U 12.71 day! Cimrt man wants position!, references.' '

Address modern conveniences, in new home, iclmtr- - walking distance, Apply to II. B. Stevensa City National Beak B4d. t


San Antonio,.crystals


Jewelry,cash reoW'


times,line month. Steady, caretj jo perper cook,' n. .u., wnno mint vai mo. i.uiion or phone BJ46. ADDING HACMfm. :No id.

toukeo for

for intu

indeHMiethin H cent).

period (tf.) Dicker. Texts, fire advanced. Mo per too EXi'EiiiENCED drug eierk desires position. HOTEL DEAL'MONT, block east Of P. BRAND NEW APARTMENTS New Fennell wWyWwvM. HATTRES9ES HENOVATBB.Xo td runtiVen over tba telephone. Order to (incon-tinua


FALL Il MITCHELLCan do prescription work. Ad-

dressClean rooms by week, or day. Apartments now ready ror occupancy. Burrough Adding Machine, sag MUU BWg. wwwwvwsvww

"U." tds mut bo made in wrlllnrv Drug Clerk, care Time. Fort itENT Modern furnished room, close Living room, wlta built-i- ..bed, sleeping DALTON Adding Maetunee, m Mills S- t.- pU SANO k. WELLBORN. PHONE'SQW. ,All clairvoyant ad double rate. JAPANESE wants position as cook, also help in on W. Mlsaourl St., with heap and porch, kitchenette, bathroom; all conven-

ience;MAUAXINE BAR8A1NS, ,Ultplay, adverllilng- on clasatried page In store; willing to .do any work outside. sleeping porch, tor gentlemen only. Phone furnished or unfurnished, as de-

sired;tfouhfe price. Ao.cnii permitted. 514 S. El Paso St. IIM-J- . close In; .walking .distance. 711 Nr wswmwwmvw. WOMAN'S Home' Companion, American,Santa Fe. kinds or otUe Bought; rrora mopolltan. irearst's, Good, Housekeeping,

LEGAL ADVEIITÍSINO. WANTED Work on survey, by experienced DELMAli ROOMS, 417 N. stwHen,. run. wtr.. medicine to bouies. Illinois Bottle Pictorial, two l year ti. Sunset, Revtaw orLeía! a.lvcrl8ing- - at legal ratea. EMPLOYÉrtS' CLEAIIINO' HOUSE. rodman and chalnman: speaks Spanish; rree' cams, soc-f- t aay; .o up weeiiy, FOR nENT Furnished apartment or 4 Co., U06.E, OverlaaaV Phone 1041. Reviews, 1 .SO extra, . Llppman,. Brglaam wining to work. G. S., care Times. room, first floor, newly furnished, 11 ' Mundy. lr Paso. Tag.

DISPLAY AD SPACE, Engllsh'Spanish stenotrphT. Cook for workFURNISHED ROOM, lMp4nr';porcb; close clean and new. 1105 Nevada St. H10HF.ST price aW fer any kind of bottles.

open flat rale, week daya, per Inch, boarding house. New Mexico. Man andPLASTEni

Hons. Phonono Repair

sum.or an desert-- "

e " '111. f'HUUOv XISU. II. NetOH- - iOi Mgrtte.. Phone 8. MANUFACTURING JCWKCBm feach Insertion, 7 centi. COMPLETELY, elegantly furnishedcolumn vide, woman for, ranch, $0 permonth. Lunch

Same. Sundays, each Insertion, 8i cents, counter Blrl. New Mexico.? m. room and COMPETENT woman wmh work in fan apartment and Urge- sleeping porch, with AítENTKRíí. HAVE your old Jewelry' made 'into 'Bew anasmndlnr display-ads- , per Inch per month. poiro. good cooki;jMrer not to stay nights. front and back porches, close in on W. Mis-

sourir artistic piece; mod. prices,' work guaran -

111.00. 13 MILLS BLDO.tipOPHONE li. ores liompcmaw, care Times. St.; no ick;or'chlldren. phone lt4-J- . LOKO k McCULLOUGH, carpenter! AJobbing teed. a. N. Umabardl Co., m S. Bi t'Ué;

contracts for large amounts or display ad boarding bouse aesrs'deatrabla location a specialty; future retiring. 6701. ,MOST . furnished MERCANTILE AQS.VCMSS..deslranje apart-ment,

.reader to discount, COMPF.TENtjrefBafl wmh work In family; 'or subjectspace on Montan, phone tm.good cooK.7,'Agflres care limes. In tba Ctty; steata heat. Hotel CAItPKfS CLEANgTO. wyMMwwwwwwwnEADlWO NOTICES, RUNNING water, light. oaih, laundry. Lockie. Phone ,5. wwwwwUmwwwwwwami LOCAC MERCANTILE A0NY .'

PAYEIl k TWYNIIAM EMPLOYMENT CHAUFFEUn, American, wishes position. DU Report and ratters of tedivleteaJ, eel.noraq Apirisnenu,each insertion,rure reading matter, pec AOENCY, Stale waves. Address Box 133. caro Times. apartmenti1 cottage, Steam and vacuum carpet cleaning, rh.3000. leeMon. Member or the national Asaosla- -line, cents. Licenced and Bonded. FOR RENT Nice, .clean furnished rooms, close In. Pbone MM. Hon or, Mercantile Agencie.Locals, per line, earn Insertion, IS cents. All CUase ntilrotd. Smelter aad WA81HN0 AND inONINO, Phone 5080. ana up. fnone mm. mn n. Oregon CHIHXY 8WEHVS. HARRY PATEMAN. Mgr.,EL PASO TIMES CO.j Mining Men, Clerical Help, Cooks, FURNISIUSD apartment far rani. Phone n$g.

301398Publishers Et Paso Morning Time, Waitresses, Etc., Furnished. WadRooaaord?" NICEPwiim,1front In)


bes--t- location in city. 107 THREE rooms, private bfc.'.sn het! CHIMNEYVVVVWuvvivXAnjTJu

SWEEP atove set up' aa re- -Iteratd

EI Paso, Tenas. Write, wire or Phone U Your Want. built-i- feature, dose in. Carolina '.Apart- - iV!ir. ifa&iTelephone till. a'iSr5 W2tsM- - Phone"' S ,1,

100 W. Sin Antonio Street. WANTl'.D Young lsdy wants room and NICELY furnished front room for rent ta to., MoyiNQl Moving! Call Oddm'g Transfer Co.

TIMES BRANCH pne Block West of Hotel Po Del Norte. board with private family, no children;Phone


cr gentleman. o K. kio urande FURNISHED apartment, with ' bath. STOVES repaired and set up, Pbone 7H.cioso in. rnoue ibw. Upson. Phone 1307-- OPTOMETRISTS ANO ePTKUAlve.

OOVEltNMENT P081TIU.T3 re eaty o get,OFFICES NICE front room, hot light, bath. NICELY with,' private CIVH. ENGINEERS. ?yñQ?5MTSVV.'Jly'?'VMy iree uoonoi j o,u ica now. wmv GET YOUR NAME In the "What Are You water, furnished apartment,

wWv--wvvwwvwwy- Vooq, 41L OvMsaad.of It todiy-NO- W. Erl Hopkins, Washington, Looking For?" column of the Time. It pata; jvry.iaiuv ucw. rjiom fwi.,ror the convenience patrons DAVID M. WHITEwill help busloe. Call rACKL6gat moraD, C. you

The Timen maintains branch office at ELEOANT (Formerly Territorial Engineer and EngYU. 'pnone cow aeoui it. rooms, steam heat, over new BEAUTIFUL furnished cstuneat:Ibe following plaoess MEN for firemen, brakemcn. fl!0 monthly. vcTTvT, ix nuflk ou., iitt omu Anionio, very large room. Urge clostir large S. Land Com. or N. Méx.), civil engineer-an- GOODS packed by oefcer

10 Texas si.; Elite Cigar stand, corner nouu age, postage. iiauway, caro limes. YOU.NO man desires room and board in nrl pantry, nice' pain, 1 sleeping poraaeai wrveyor. 1 De Wit Apt. Phone aioo-- Transfer. ,torge. prlng fh6l:rm and Me Ave.: Highland Drug vate family. Address p, o. Box K5Í. stitJ TWO' partly furnished rooms,, with sleeping; evervthin-- , In aotrtment tbsolutelv new ana ' 'Store, uigblanu t'aikt East El Paso Drug THE theater of war has been transferred to ing price, iieicrciicei. handsome; walking distance; also on ear CLEANING. PLUMBERS.Alameda Boulevard Drag ttie theater oi pleasure at the Alhambra.Store. 9tl St.: 913 Grand View Ave, line, special price to. permeseai lapopta.

diore, Boulevard and rioreac Sts: No children sick. Pbh,390. ifiady, laundry, Phone pA8S ujy plumbers, all workor 67U. Firt-ci-WANTED work;To hear from any one that knew Wanted to Ret NICELY furnished bedroom, with sleeping latlafactloA back! teedi San Antonio 8L Phone iwi.or worked In bridge with J, B. Hum-phreys

or moneygang porch, In closeprivate home, in; no sick.Runrrlptlnn takefl.Want Ad and FOR tal adapart Bring ana exchange It for ate oa thenear Pearson, Mexico, In Feb., 1012. YOUNG married couple want. small fur. TRY CoAny Information will be appreciated. Ad- - nlalied Darunent or bouaeken(Hg room ment, everyimng

No; n! stwtoHÍ eaUe1,ror a dellvered- - tor Ms7noneaiol TcanMIgurcm w. il. runp, I.UDOOCK, 'leías. with private batli: muit be Strictly ftnti ONE furnished bedroom, with sleeping sey Auartment

yurcu. i iiouo iij. or 1 and 3, also evi pronto plumbers. tM Tecaa. raeae,.PerteaaL WANTED Bright young man to tell good class; referencea exchanged. Address CLEANLNG ANB gLa. Work gMKaateed.on rmroaa trims; advancement to hust-

ler;M. M., rani Times, roil RENT Two bedroom, nicely fur FURNISHED prtmntr room and bath;

MOSEf TO LOAN. 315 Trust Building. smtll cash deposit required. Apply E, uet YOUH NAME m the "What Are You nlahed. private Umlly, walking distance, everyimng, new; .sieaHi viu Apu a, BR1NO US to PRESS.-- PAY CASH cad save money on your ptemb-Onl- y

(JET YuUll NAME In the "What Are You ii, .wcuim, ivi Aninony ni. Looking ion" column or the Times, i Phone 4eM. ioo$ Arliona, SS4 W. MI0Uft . .' so Cents a SulL Morenead, Ibe Tailor, Ing work. All work guaranteed. Ken

Looking Fori" calumn of the Time. It will help you get mor business. Cal LARGE40 N. Oregon su pnone saae. 9M7. Br Easo riumeing Co., H souta

will help got more business. Call LOCAL repreaentatlve wanted) no csnrass- - pnone soso oout it. front room, with or without break, Room For Rent-- Y gtat 'you Homkeepfatg EXPERT cleaningfast andInr OF ftnllrltlnie rmilrf1f nuul InMm, and dinner. 408 Prospect, Phone 1. pressing; price r ipilona. S0 about It.- assured. Address National resonable. capliol Tailoring Parlors. . IHIpaminci.M.UO glasses?. American optical Co.' iicany i.o., N traen Wanted FURNISHED room, with breakfast, reason Vila 1MTVT Phone 3064. ...--- . . . -uidg., washing to Buy. able, for 1 or i salesladies. 310 8.ton, D. C. ocnoa. -room apartment, bath," furnished.. ,m 0UW3 repalfatf. Allen Arm 4; Cycle Co.

WANTED To lecond-han- tool and HOUSEKEEPING, and furnished - room house, unfuralsaed. 300 CHINA PAI.NTJ.NO.1'iliNU cut and polishes nativa gemas fin LEAHN automobile repairing, arivtng on buy rooms; ewwwwwiwMwwwwwwww HUG MANUFACTUaERS.

jewelry to order, til San Francisco SU cars: electrical civil ejirmeer. gun, n. Monr, vn s. u i aao ai. nm neai. rnoae xnv.K.rnnm tin,. fn ml .,1 flAmtk In..... SIRO LESSONS, 5UCI tiring. Mrs. Nre. Ph. 1HL "?'-- -

lag." aurveylngi method most practlcil; MODERN heated reasonable Pbese . HU03 made frm old carpels, rboae 3000.room,, furnished"...,. ,...,.f70house,tniENU V1KE never misses a vaudeville LIST vour birarilns In real eatata with us. 'show. Saturday matinee at the Alhambra. secured!

uum mu ixuru wnuo learnmg; politlón We make a specialty of It. Atidarion oMv-j- . no sick. uarsge;.ir(iHatrea.--wwmmwwwmwwwwwwmwww

DETECTIVE AGENCIES..SSWINQ MACHINtSel.satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue IIS Main 8t. Crawterd Theater Bldgnealty Co., sis Herald uidg. Phone MM

WANTED Hrass and copper. Phone iooi. tree. National School or Knrlnrerlnr. nun THE BEN WILLIAMS DETECTIVE -- w-- ,Warehouse opposite T. It P. depot. We WANTED To bnv 4 or 5 room collate with THREE rurnUhed housekeeping room, with Investigation made in civil and orlmw SEWING MACHINES ror reat. The easy

pay highest market prices. In I black or car line; imall payment "'MSsleeping-porc- hot aad cold water, SWH cases. 7 ut Nat Bank Blag. Phone 4406. í?1 start-- - V0 ll. Foata k

TWO good magaxlne salesmen. Apply &fy down, balance rupnthly. Address care JOHNSON Texas St" phone (teM-- No children. , ; ankler, tu w. atantoa.TO II. A. SLOAN I Am O. K. asd W r,l. mi if. Oreyea. wo ta.

fine health. Write me. U W. Sloane, 1i nuts. HOUSEKEEPING ultewltb' private bath; , .M . JuMin White aad tMaad- -

Edgecotnb Iioad,, New York city. Female Help Wanted. WANTED Old rubber and lunk. Phesa 1602. aiso Sleeping roam, 'm DÍpboMk k QALL0WAr' 999 M1Ui iir R.TKJtLIJ clairvoyant reading with La Bello WtreholtM opposite T. k V, depot. We FOft RENT l.nvin rurnlatwtd THREE room, with' private raUy. 801 WHITE SEWING MACHINE OFFICE;fací, cream. 3t0 Tejas. Pliono SW8, WANTED A woman for cooking and gen pay uigiHH maraei price. with Urge tile bath and oulW nlwje i'umam. raone in- - HEAD CATTLE.. 303 S. Sianton. H. L. Stewart,, Agt.

THE SCENIC IIIQIIWAY wlU entr Man-hattan

WANTED To buy 'or lease vacant loU In (no kltriienette) ; averytfemg new 'an Sg FURN1SHED ROOM BUREAU aHWABaS WAKKtrouSEtT.Heights, according to the survey WANTED iteliabie woman for general South ami- East EI Paso ror tenement grade, reference required. Auia k Mrf, rtOOMI ALU, KINDS ftOOÍ rfecf g horiea mulaanow being made, at the west end of fed housework; no washtngi must hive ref-erence;

nouses. Oive location and price. W. M., Atrmia. 10 N. Staaioa. Ptwaa egfT. hauled 7,, t PASO trunÉ" rÁcróaYlltwl'.eral St. Lots In Manhattan Height at ibis good home Tor right party. cire lime.'??point wilt be advanced IM each, effeetivo p. u E.. cre Time. NICE outilde rooms, rtmalog bet M eotd TWO rurnUhed housekeeping room, twNov. 1J. C. II. Leavell. sole AgcnL water, gas heat. Véndeme Hotel, Mta per wee:, rww ivi.Hi Wanted MUcellmoH. A. C TnUocb, SHBrr YVfmKS.

LET Utt DO YOUII CLEAMNO. Satamea Wanted. TWO or s rural hed housskeaung reotn. DRAUGHTSMAN.1 Men' suits cleaned and pressed..,.-- Mc jji"svsa utr YOUR NAME in the "What Are You RAIMNA tu E. Missouri. I'Bofle w. All Classes or "Work Neatly Done. ACME SHEET' METAL WORKS Setter!l.aotea' suits rtraned and preasea.,, ,,,..tc WANTED Timn lot Mletrntn for every i.ooing ron- -'

column or am Tima, it When visiting or ahapptng ta XI rM ) U8KTO. room, rtaapjag perea. e Stewart Phone 47. Hotel Meager. El fo, Texas. Jfia?w,i roatr actors of aH kiaa. 441Ladles' skirt cleaned and pressed..... ...Ho vrauv , now tura ana Aniona; wlH help you get more fewlne. pail the Ramona nvim. cemeaay leaajaj) at . rexa gi, pnoaa Uso.'

All Work Called tor and Delivered. Mcril money making proposition. Addre m N. Stanton. Haarn, wHti m GET YOUR NAtfC ia the "WMl Are YOUCL'T FIATE CLEANINO WOIIKS. Wtern Subdivision Co., SOi Jlertld BMg.. am. Kite wo m. MpM. geaa 5Tv Looking Fori' eotama of Ties, it wwwww-wwnwwww- , 8444N PA3T1M.

Phone 67WS. El po, Texas. WaNTED To buy econd-hn- tost and wee or roomn, win bata yon vet,. mor iislntss. Call CALUXHWHA FLOW At, CtiWE can sell your mining stocks If they

guns. Molir, m 8. El 1'aso St.WOffcL MEAGbtt

. LIS ' . pnone sosa anom w, We Kanato the very best rlawars ta the EL PAiQ SIGN CO.. 14 Weaa. Use- -hue any value. Information rree. El Paso Repair 51iepa WANTElt-O- ld ruMer and Junk. Phaaa Mr, j. w. mi HOUSEXEEPINd ROOMS. N. Oregoa. city. Make desla for all oeaasioa sa .Wt-

w. w.j....vl mriwae MH7,bicurltlfi Co., SWfwo Hcpubllc Bldg. SS02. Warehouse apposite T. k f, kUfwL roasu at two dayr notice. c. Papa. Kl Paao'a

STOVE rewiring; HOUSEKKcrtM room, atoa tn. Phone 4. FlowerMaacorner Mesa Ave. tad Tesa lWWanlS.new part mad and cr. ma pay nignesi maniei price. AsspU batMu faetNl tOUEEN MAY, clairvoyant, MOM 8. El raso. M4 for all make of tvis. L. J. Peelw, wu near a. a.t ra St. Iaaae )t. IIP(Hon ! D. H, Iron cosy MWe; prtr kh. 887 North TWIWHlTkHSWork, cornac E. Fifth : a4 OtTle Sstpoiy Co. AH

,.g. FWfence St. I'tiona 3U. atle at Hat ta, rasa.MADAME jOHN90N. 117 Telas. PHone 377L Spa!1 Notice. ti , t m aJ ffM aaWam.) W St. raoae May Agt. Corona typewrHor.rural! IrauseaaeatagTHREE nleatjrACMK adjutuble dress forms soM M eny KT YOtía NAME in Iba "What Are You IN common accord MI utlng our law THE KENNARD. tomsi a sntav a. aaswa. ra. . t gal. B. OAS.. 7ei 44, . mnw Mat. ' " "'"

leUtur Fori"term. Phone sí. column nf the Tkata. It wHn this date we have uissolted Mm aH rr" TitinaantTta.5ll n.V.1 " CIU that went under the najM of THE AafT oi'iVHruNiTica COMPLETKLY ' lurneU aouekB4ng .?-...,v,VL- ; m?:'UltOKtiHAQE k l.VE3TtAT COMPAVf. some ram suilts. M .I rae.i tLtttt and Fewmi. thirty taya reckoned .from today, aft b EL PASO IRON ANB MMTAL CO., iWSM BmWBñnSjSSSmCUSHIONS made, furniture rmlrtM, t that liLVA KviuáBeas FOR RENT kfkiplwr d bedrooats,ions anv Denoliur aaafa all at the AthaAa. iM. mi Ml WW Til.iikt imWLm; tn the "Wait Ara Yaw onW. HWa Vim!, lease call for deilaHe arrangeniesm'. At all set. T , nlrelv linalaáa Caambell.

LBBkasw column of tb Tl. M oyiej Alberto Outierret. l'lcio M." TWO nicety fwsatihm ryw. prtvi ham ILLINOIS mjTAá ESlZtJ,lwill M tf) get mor bullae. CM uuicni; ví i mini. ji I'LEASANT. K m K. Overlana. W.kASta. lHs.pnosta Nurtery. IILATEI) room, eM ft. (HI. Hj Fe. fter t j. á. ! days. St N, Slantoa. "TV- - y. oetavt. aaa tWá jSSSZ'

If you. iM to rcscn til the people ViEWgIlUV h.s th, LwVm Nw American. i LE.NUIU rntt. oaan Ha HE. w LIGHT hoimlisaaWg roeaa for rent, rhaaeWAitTtvD-O- M

. V'arlwMS4arüraajlllt



k P. ataaaj.nSS

, ..rj .

ftlaiSI j IL ll j-

KM nl td. a Muythe lira im ver had propagated W jay túttmTSmitkn v.rlotlei St hat been ttkd tad do loit ptu. WASWn wwitiiaa t elm.LoiT-- oo swiMr iHs,.' royl purple au lh Wit. perfKIIy free frum nv Alien.. rtlavmv torraar Kksiiuu W tii Americio rooms. HOUáMMrll'ii aad faratahed rooms, HM

tomo i i ven. rtM aw-- or return to W . MNMty.of propgIa varia. AllWly niTUllhtfa.Ktteiwn. tú Sao -ají

demnud.loam t,

Phone sos? weetc a. VIH u anana,$ , tl7LocWelwd tie JkM eiim gat uied by trot. I'rlie I4ay ta LaMaav.4poocij(, ciatt private bou fur lwe. MM aouekialug room, osa- - Drwiaastsj.a; wtmW nalxa MM Sudaa grass seed fur BEDROOMS eaaapi eJbae fa. NICE, veryI sile; jN on awttcittun. mm Tt.in, rwiiiwr. inmw. raoae vm.V Agenta wanted ILlt.MSHKU jíjTTikMtmaflt. SHWMf.Soaeial to M ) comma a) un. I'lilnvTew Nurtery. TO THE PUBLIC No mora Met til be' I I - p ii invfcy. Tem told I L'Iimsmed raoan tor ayailjaajiia.taaaudlng HtMaMt) FT Rt,rl 61, Ms proposed rout, er tfe tcenlc cam, m ftr wmm.

NEWLY hwaaahaj 0 CT YOUII NAME la ta "Woit Ar YMtIva; Vr ellajWT i injlja. reauiar uoysic IirivtM mT.,7 Mon tori" mi ww or tn TMttaa. It ,and o4xaMb. cuiii, nnnui. C II. LeaveU. Sol Agent. 'iI lana. wfj aaip you i4 ia bmlnaw. GM

Offtc stMmd 7 yVs. jus llersld snii. Uflaaaa auui anoail M. :T )OUM AME I the "'EI Are Youorfic hour S it la, i u t av. an. tooking Kerf" column,. ef.MM Tuna. HCU 33kKTr'aAaCaJtILWHY uol uut W vJÍ ÁÁU la iUm ti IfB??

1bMK1mí i lit ,r ir1J ÍMVM,Ve,í 13iaMWBWr?Lr LePMgr iVWI rat'

RKNT-r- g: Ml),raata tout.


cornerTWi mmm . mm, wmm, wm mmw- irews aa virgmw a. w. a, . i, mmtmum Sasla.

tor gayaa caaai uar rock1 JsTiinrm iN.' r it m. rom mm. ....agiiwri ta kMHaiva aotllej. for uia at il j muf . .a ? ' 'g..fal L'Jtt tL , 1-- 'U... 'Li ml. WUXIAMt, M)tKY M UMUt, tt --- f

HM-t- i hii,ikuin.

and 0,14 aMakw, LAJK mmm Pfo, wmj awa,i rr.Wirba ' iSL a 'ST. WlKJLD ItLTZFajMlly trida M. i" have MkMtfr t. aareat, aitaawWanted ift ami couwr, rtmf IM. I fdá fciUiTMrawx jti4LlWg!.ffqlj ( Ml K7IW 'k ' toa iMiaW 9WMftl4a, M 4 mttlB6&tmm atSPtl sir inv r Itm i siww, ijjljFr p nTMiunaf JJM reajkaaal V. a P. daaoa. Wal

kumnH ' mmi. m wm mi .Mimr wminjiiiipiMi.! Iab W Hba m MM ' TT Itaosiaaf ftM ÍTMlt tjkf rnilfifflM fsaWataMT.AaaoriMtaa ll MMsi Jov, w taT I

eaisiv m lilaila, iblWm WtmW WKmmmmmmm wlawsf 4 pmmmmr ! mm9 mmmmJmwim kwíw wjjlFWlPPaPFa 1 faVsVJjW w tmmrn

... II .

. u.fW.BWIllll.llMa,,, , ... . - v,; If.It's "Good Buiineáiw te Téll flbpüt Yjfr Wanti-Tr-y a Little Want Ád

WbamMmmmmmm f Veas ÍtalUii fiiaiai PaitlfM rW jMm RaalJa. writ, wHhsaar rtmWprOH ahowtac

i.i in),. 'ajJiaaj Aflame AfraiaJsaa. iiSTertke dls- -aaMr$á7 i j,ftlTl'iS?! if 2 Ajsiwaaim wmuvwrt u 3rVBsXlfa líílfCoejfses8ssef jr. tssyr8 sty esas,i.,. 4 .sea asa naiaiu SHesr, tNTwiB'pr8T 'Cisje. seere strtsMiur.paf wr .i,,.... .988 aWmMoÑT r ith rtsaaaal Beak, Olvea aader my baad aad. acal of ssldOrenr sere: metPM.Mgl jr9Au í,8 and

PHItMV. ttaMl aaayMn0t3Sy' Ma CTy. Hliwaal Ban. ' rear., at nttmr at .1 Paao.

" a6 Ml? tQt AftfA ár CAa wH tad' ef" (Seal) TM4. . H: dayeasae B) ..n.. ......... f MaelUrL Ww"d HelW t FirstMr. AUSTIN a atete Bank af cHat, Teg, October, tuV.Oaalsj BtttMinr.

. Ki. mm, GO., 3:ííí) y WE WANT TB BHJY Clerk Tltrlet Court.


El PsaaTescAJEDA.

County.; rea fee i...t.....i. k afrasmvef aemaa; or tmmnttmt, tkelr BILLARD a HENRY, PHoNI Security Trust Mid Saving Bank By E. M. MONTB8, fteaaty... MM good hotel 48 rVatw, w oner yo oniaerrtrea. Hi raee rtaaa'Btte. , Ayfc Stock, or El rato.HrwurtKr water la all secisnrw m., S07 th-- wpmincs aw. BsawkV IBON Js Heapet, any learta, pat tee n.

We"Mtrsnlee the taM'aWak u re) 888 Taaati t r CS.,cam. wiih ,i. OCT A- BtJIPnSSESSS. ft Sleek aad Baad DashwaAMW Mmt. MljlDs Mvisksf ae'Hieseeaaastlt Wo are hellIsW a LAik SALÍ Three tase teta ta ateek ta. Ftrat NattMat Baak Rédate g, THE GRAIN MARKET

ROO!!, awjiias ajpeciattsse, and neat) yoa x w, rar 9m eaaa. raaao apta or Ml Pave, Teia. rheae IK.99 ieartedV ma'pb-ae- a.nim' roteMatriTaye, mhwmi s Note the lTyefs' aractteal MmmifiiMB Mr choice Joe- - A rstMiy rrowtnr mM nmm bnet hmtHK at tettotf. ajassii makwn- - a ne profit m lita monility- -. I. P. COLES BROS., Reel BajHI MK thet'atfrhy wa are raar,a4 aaeert. Mia. g

MfeMCt NOT fh)U0 MOfliCa fww H ttf reaiaa areaTERHAY, BUT FIMSIIWI ÍTEABY ATbastea' sots aceat. Md IOOWÍto' Mrery Jera, fine M,.EY Al, ONE ANt) e..KHJHTM aWCLINC.MAX ñmH ittasWacturiair waansa. tfa; prerlta & CROW ELL. soelarvllSfi.,"W' CHANCES. ranee, sea arim at4r. Mhwtv Lafal Natjeje.

Let M atJrW what TÓ LOAN. Mi Trust BuHaW

Jas f,3Lg!fj;" . Jhee 'M pirlor. very yrofiteblB law. t. f. NAÉMETT 901,rMTiriES Matate teavtnr a hit heir Mrs. ota A. D. Cera, Loat tWtaa the Bay"fr , wti-rea- raereaHoa ara ear- i (rim ma twa or more cnuuren rjy aad its Let 8m cat-r-rayou nave to invest, comr sM see us. - pbhuus. Ainaaaara raeyer. I former wife, the etact number, names aad visitad' Ware. Hepreseed.



CO., HORACE B. STEVENS, SfJ paved sTrrkt t Mvet lot attáo ft1. 8f8 unknown to this vlaintur. andHeal Estate and Insure t.rsatn wMaa SMaaealaw. I too aefl; pavmr aatd fafí tit per maaHli wililift' Jl D"n n aaminisirationfyne 8OT. toa Herald Bldf, d, estate, It there pe isterieted Pitacash, 88 per saaata. Bar them. P, Bex sea. any likelihood or

.atf aaasteoea aeleeatoe 8aol ttaa aastait awMHD yew wottim wun eater' neea ror anyi wsi noie no. I nas nerolofore CMcafO, Oct. n. When look a downM year. 9e?taa. ' . ewemirni m wwhi-- m me Aineeasra. Pop tké - rMntnaaaáan. .i.Vnnm mm aim ran neics nos. i lo 0, I0CIU ward Mide today, influenced by railing off

IT. ÜtDEN REALTY 00. bunralow on 4 earner lota aa Jwnlaaa, one ire, are ion pasi aue asa unpaid, and in call andmm' TO LOAN. 31 S Trust BultdMu. 1 FREE olalntlff hat exarcistd Its ontlon Ha. speculative by the piling up or, amite N. Ijhwwyn au pixwee For Sale Real Estate. Btocx rreai pavanr: 17 rewatarea co-trujan--tllT YOUH.NANS la.tHa "What Art fen mckens aad avarythtar raea. MUtHy dared all or mm note due at provided doniMUo stocks. Trade' finished steady,

ROOMING HOUSE, HARVWl' Lesklsur fart" minean of the Tlasaa. it at. i piaiMiiii is ina.terai. owner and but tt?tHc under last night. Corn lost8 roe, Myrtle. pleno) two, Moo dMM.. wm,blS yen eet saora tustaaaa. Cat

as sea hoiéer of alf or Mid notes, m wen as tha He net and osls lc. in provisions thefctsaaalew. Iea sar bm. hardwood vendor Hen securing paymeatr8 ftee Rio V same, as outcome was. io c lower.ream, orando St.: new hjnri-tur- yttvwwv nrau aiu im ' unrnsnyeattWj.efoM ta. Soen, 9 .:. naate. at) ta ate asatai)' law, cash, aalaac WHO. ARE WE? mai, aiurauin pamtesv Baa Often Most .of the lellinr or wheat came from

it rootm, opp. city haTt i,noo. ten.-;- MONEY fO LWN.W TTUSt BttlMtajv at yw Mia, Iviunsaiai derendants hare railed ana owner who bad recently purchased becauserooau. alAa-a- rttrnllnn. nrlillg. hatha! HERE IS A .BAROAIN A OOd vaytAff 8et ''roewinwBtjw, near 'ajmi WHERE DO WE ÜYE? hi



thereof,neea fios.

plalntirraINK, inelu or ih large export business current, itBeauty. oay Meo down, pnce ti,790. market, dolar HOO to fm per montUr eaah. ir voa are leoftMur fw ntai.t- - atonr 8-- loto .laWm í jjriiijifc.

IrmHseuthe amount of said

.tonotes, with


wss nouceaactivitytnai


Eiimnain demandtne con-

tinued thajo roofa. rent no, Texis Bt, snap t ta Other business for aelllasv WHAT AGÉ?lo roe, maaeion, Bear city belli 8988,reason JPh. roaaa bouse, aardweod eors, soaam neat. IS OUl and ttiornerl fees thereon, si there general publlo had not developed any sat- -

8 room, n. Oregon: rent He: ta. ' reomtar house at Marra. Tesas oa s earner me, Beauuna . Tiei, an n. ore Waafa1 aMOflK pW? MM Iterest torofeer with tu costa herein tainea Duyinr eninusissm and mat more airea, av. we Bare iu uaay aeaai sanaav tana riatntilT pray thai citation Is. lention thoUto meat, go appeared to. be. given to in-creasedmodernprom, A Meal Bárralo ooee aa. aa I trt asid 'tefMMania tawtn aa tlu Hiraai.iltchea, visible sunelv than$0 men tu prom. M tuxurleM rooms.- 1- crened porch. 8 lots, rented, ctdso MTitttaraaV tn thA ItHeral

reMM, s. a peo su, reat m: u.m to business secttosirfor sate; part tun. Bal-ance

81 Paao. St., laie.'. éieiad"

aloae ta warm Pkeae Blar, laad that upon a nau bearing hereof it hire' but rsmlllsr sales.me awejey. . . - : MuafHieai asimii eaca oi ilia oerendantleasy tema'.v C.- - Farmef.-ffar- l TM Kerardleu of estimated exnorta. aalea orn mfw renm; suites; oeeuvi n,W 84 feet ea IgviMaj'ear tor the aAioiint ar aalil nAlaa urn ii.ii38 . l.ooo.ooa bushels at the Maboard and or ad-ditional

roems. eer P. O.: steam: HJM, Milhnerys Mock from FOR BALE atore, invoice aattftaaT Inclusive; aggregating the sum or M9, lo' rorelan business here and at rin- -rooM. r. ltttte mtet ( .'AloffliWeso.; price; 9 years' lease. C, care T Two o ,St í t gether with aii faureit and attorneys reel luth. thA wheat market showed no decided

011 EXCHANOK 84M p40 8d atber.m ,rraei,aa4r8W, teraat.

98. ACRES, 7H. " doÉw acre. thereon, according to the true tenor' and tendency to rally. The beat prirea wereTÓWLE, WHk Pklro. effect thereof, and that lta. rucios, iur or a pusensTT irooa uio Ave. I 8MSAU ..aasJi.- - háíMa vendors lien on scored right, at the atart, the lowest tq thouro- bdoyo uxicriuwi property so tore closed final- hour of. theti MalMt. .Crawford Theater. Phone 04. te. jhusi ne a tato moaei, rnone 'iva. ,Bl,rUr" seston--

ioekr-a- ec'raer aahaivotí5ioiit. I'ííl'iill alT I a aealnit slid defendanta. and that m Ideal weather for the maturing arid nNKAL TREATMENT ellflMsMtea the drkak as4 hH ter&s. ' iproperiy oe eoia accorainr lo law and the I or. com cereal under bearishat s miles n. w.vww; paredi KWO. Tlae Is aerea of Aatnony, itSIMPLY DELIGHTFUL bablL arising from the taledrug--

. Da Bhaeag seal or MM iur ea aparweai aita. acre in Mrairat-ria- per aere. .Jproceeda thereof,' or lnfinent. Trsder generally were antieii

main ez set. r i so niucii merooi a. may. oe necessary, ie paling a generous- - arrivtl from the newfl rooms, í block rrom. Cerner le "Library; 189 aeree ftt Carroll county. Ark., to tradeluniicc; conservsiory) Tinest screenci WANTED Bottica phone sees. Fire Insurance. I Notary. Work. for achoei laad. WeU basroved. ate per i

I foraiipucu




and generalui

reliefm juafmuni, crop.

Oat tagged with other staple, dtsplteit. Drena new rurniture warenouse oddosiib t. at i. ocdoi. we acre. Herein rail sot but barefree rents nice Income pay nirneat maritei prices, i. H. SMITH a SONS, Ato' aere oa Bed. river, near OotaesviUa. you before ttid continued demand rrom the seaboard.-court, at It, aforesaid next regularat tu, 10 trtde. I term, Provisions were decreased br the wesk.a aown. naianes fiiuimonthly. Coit way over nrlee. BUT YOU WANTED TO lease soda fountain or clrar Any kind aad slis tracts you want, lar tnii writ, with your return thereon ahowing nesa or rraln and hogs. Tho bulk or the

iiw juu iiafo cacvuiou luo samo trading wat in Itrd,siana. Añares urar iitisna,. cere Times, ur iraao.MUST HURRY. raie Witness, 1, A.' Etcajeda, dark of the For Closing prices were as follows iPARK BROS., of eoterae. LEASE taken Ban Dayiaeat to build aoart n

I. c. Tandy.KEAL.Tr CO., ty.flrst district court of 1 Psso county. wneat uecemoer, ii.tiHt Mav. II.IDH.

meat house. Caá rumias site. F. E. W. nooBM ll-- U Morgan Bid-- . Pboae ittft.I Olven ur.der my hsnd and aetl of Hid corn December, othci May, 70e.lit Mela St. Crawford Theater Phone m. care iimei. court, at office In the city or El Paao. Texas, Oata December,. 49úc; May,. ssHc.

nooMtNO house for Je. or trade for reat ANNUAk Income tleo guaranteed on real i ui, ura aiu uiy vi sepieiBeer, ivia. Pork January, 118.17; May, tl.ottala lavaatBAaal Af ASAAA tAtvlw 0.47; January. tO Sa.see owaproperty i aeinc rooa duumm. (Seal) Clerk. District Court. El paao Hi October, IIO.O) January, 9.7S.VALLEY LANDer asa teve tfenri conuniHnn. uu ner care iimvs WILL NEVER BE, HOUSE BARSALNS. county.soon,

tel. Pilonoaun

08.o"Ma au. veadoae no OW1NO to' a recent inlurv I am eomaelled CHEAPER THAN IfOWi" By M. 8, iiaynes, Deputy. METAL MARKETS.

n acu ine lunuiure aaa year lease oi Beautiful "bunralow, tleefingIn factA FKW JtOOMINO ItOUSBfl. toeastern buyeri art' cOmlnr porch, brick rtrage, located oa 4 lots, NO. 11,800. New York Sliver.

e roomsí sen Antonio St.; rent Mt... H75 or which la the beet in tde dtv. Write ror now. The rovernment will be corner on Montana t. Bee Bt. This It CITATION BY PUBURATIrlN. BpetUt VTtrt to Th Time:throwing dlri8 roenMi Metorrui Ave.i rent HO.ju o terms, saaunan uoici. loot bcicd. cat valley cénala withinon two

thirtyof the


Weaa. Ideal borne. Tha State or Texa-- To the Sherlfr or Any new. yorx, uci. X7. Nerranwe paper, 8x

9 rooflM; downtown t rent iw. ......... 7400O0D business best location la are only allowed water for Constable or El Paao County, Oreettari You Iurloo aerea.opportunity) 9.room bouse, la Alisons llrer.9 eleen u' clow In: cloie onroom) wtilitlej Wo am jacrniy cummanaea io summon ine un tótte."

. 0 city; Darrein ir laxen at oncej amait caan own over 1.060. in various sued SLraetar south. Price for a few The Tlmea wilt heirs, .reot li tonr Kie jtetmi). payment. Address q. c. w., care Times. tracts,- - mat wo must dlsaote or days giva raerehtndlrd known, or Dolores Lujan do Alarcon,rooms; Miforrin Ave.i rent t0..... 80 shortly. 8t ir or the

84.080) cuy term. 8L Lout Metal.:room all 1. L k.i riot HO (lease). M TO TRADE 9,860 equity la Et Taso lots interer.' yoa we

anywiu be

roitowlnrlo order ea eeaice or any advertiser en tiie lar, and, ir deed, then the unknown heirs itf the Anoclattd Prtitit .tooms: d'ntownt tranaientr rent ).. seo yaiueo ai ai,ow ror ciear irriraoie lana, rive full description or lake

pleased Several attrsctive bungalowi bt rilf-f-e ui suniga ae veisico, oeceaaed) tne St, Louis, oct, d firm at 8M8.T00ma; Myrtle at.: close in ....... sto aress ju i., cars nines. aud show them i

you up rent ptrts of the etiyt one at tt,M, cIiMlfled pare for the nearest correct I unkaawn beirs or E. Velssco, deceasedi the spelter dull at H.oo.U reestti toed location! lenrlease.... 880 87 acres olese to CaautlHo, rood oae at 11,000, ts,609. H.M0, H.Tte: tvoo nwavwu unir ui rairicio AiarcoBi uo- -1 rooms i downtown) translerrti r 175. 1.980 3Tror.ra haüse, nice and level, and 'several other. All eaa be Btmfht solution of the unknown baby pictured! cea! the unknown Ifclra or Jose Alarcon, El PasO Htlsl.88 room; stetm beat; iwell location... s.ooq SWELL BET CKAR STAND FIXTURBS FOR

in alfalfa. Price IIM an acre.partly on eaay terms. I deceased) the unknown heir of Lorento Mexican currency, 90.

See ua nrstand,ave time,. worry, and re-- OAt.b, vnur, lltl, -tn arres, to la rm stand or alfalfa, above. .Farty.elght hours will bi allowed Awaan, deceased; the unknown heirt of Mexican .gold, A

vrets. t We Mil roomiar bouses .exclusively, balante is 1A corn) not a Better Ktertat brick heme ta Ihunt j'-- i i marta ae nusuuos, deceased! Doctor. Mexican pesos (El Paso buying price), to.eoneecjoestly cao tiro ypu just what you pteee of toll a the valUy. Price IIM Kejht, on Mi IM feat of ground. price to ftMvafaaa auestloa. When vnii aaari I Plffoaderfer, whose Christian nsme ts un Villa currency. 19: Carranxa currency.waaw ssy tern. ir you wun. afoerci ami Room. aa acre. M; Chihuahua currency, K0.

Na Trouble ta Snow Yob. 19 acres, faeej pared read, ail tn your answer bt be are and meaHon dti l!S??S'a?i.."1L'l.r.P.r. ty.S. Attrcaa, ao- -'JASt A. MCMAHONj1 CUnVAJJWCEMT HOME alfalfa, in the heart of the I, a Union Buh-Schua- Ctinf any EI Paso Satetter Suetatlea.

aes H,- aianton st: phono era. FOR TUBERCULOSIS. district. Frlea liw an arre, of IsiSe picture appeared, parent aad "S,, WJ&!&P&r!S& (Corrected Daily.)

baroain OB.room roomlnr bouse t Joca lUrh.elaaa BOeammodatlons. nursinar and II acres at Chsroboreflo. mwid 1. Bote Agent Pig lead, S.U. , 'ricellent. table' board) ratee 110 per week room bouse, about half in fine relative of cannot tar Dlfrenderrer and deceasod altter Bar altter (Handy It Harmon ouotatloa).

tlon csaooi be beat in El Paso i. rest Park aaei Fraakfort Altura bear baby contest for prite. Martin 'tip. Cor. Sis.. of Alarcon. deceased! Alarcon 48.lnr orehariwell rurnlsbed and aad vineyard, faces paved Shaliti.leasei park, rort suae ear ooor. PBoae sen, lrtFltjar HiH! de Dirreaderfcr, It abo It living, whosenoaern. rawe ion. ruau bb saaia alien. Price asM.aa AddroM Baby Editor, care Tlm, maiden Is unknown MARKETS,name to piaintirrs, but UVBBTOUKSTEAM HEATED rooms and board. Bae JrOa acra.',MONEY TO LOAN. WTrust Bulldter. 84 .área, at thembof éeo, toé, HrA BARatíN ' who Is, or wm, a alster or Martin Alarcon,

piece of land, on main ditch, faces "Wfcf ana! What Are Yes deceased, and wire or Doctor uirren. rort Worth Llveatoek.paveu roso, meo sue aü acre. BüH.w.Mi sms. derfer, whose ChrliUsn name la also tin. pretal Wire W Th Timn. .

Hchh8 For Sale. A number of tenaere tract, all Loekmg For? anown; uio unknown oeira or Loreiu Fort Worth. Texas. Oct. 97. Cattle Re- -planted to fruit, on easy terms to TTUiiiO, Porfirio Dita 8L, 11m twt do Alsrcon. decessedi Frank Dir. ceinta. 9.860. including 800 calves." steers.

0R SALK A sasp. Dandy home ROOM and board, close tn. Phone 4408. suit purchaser. We own til of the CONFKCTISNKRMtS. renderier, Tranouillno Dlffenaerfer and the tl.i5.lt) ttoeker steers, siocker. at.; souin tronii taw. Heuoera: aisir, BOARD and room at lllO NCvada. above and would accept tome good cow and heifers, tlf1J0.

us noDeru. Banner .ciar. city property as part payment on 87Uxl98. Prospect Ave.: iijgo. rour owa ViíVs cílw,fCT,'!8BY.VÍ!s. U0,J!: H"' 8w ElUarlo lo whom the grant or pii, 8,0, Top, I7.; bulk,tame and make terms ot. the balance ierms pavinr paio. " v nana Known as me nan emano grant, or 9799740

FOR SALE Cheap, email brick bouse, on 8 to sulu rrant to the inhabitant of Die town orrood lots, one dmck rrom car une. win No trouble to thaw. A few deslrable lota la' Sunset Helrhta ai CONFEQTIONERY 4t7 Mesa. rreaiaio qo san tiizirio, in. ti raso couniy, Cbletie Livestock.

sell lurnlsfied, ir desired, .part cam. dsi raw eaca, easy lerme. cread, rou and candle. Phone 9889. Texas, wu originally, granted, by making Étl tka Assestatad i'raunee call tat Federal St., Itirb LA UNION FARMS CO. pubitcaiion or this citation onco tn each Chicigo, OcL Receipts, soeo.mom ROOM and board,- reasonable. Oil Montana. , (With Hawkins Bros.). Two desirable bulldh altea on Arliana AMUl EVTS. week for eight consecutive weeks previous Msrkct weak to to tinder yesterday's aver-

age.fíR SALE Modern reldenco Hi SLj llM each; paving aad atdewalk paid. i Murphjra comed- - io tue return dsy nereor, m aome bewapa-pe- r Bulk, gr.g87.! heavy, 1797,69; plgt,Sunset ileltbts; K.750, terms, llellberr U ir you want to reach all the neoole all lent. ("Ask anybody.") published lu your county, to appear l.967.

I ne urn use uau waai aua. CSWANYi al the next reaular term of the nutrletnifttr. 'ts orar. solo Areata) up. Krwm Furaituro Co. court or El Paso. county, ror the Thirty. Beeves. J.toa;i6.75 steers. f&708.;FOR convaleaceata, room, board ana sleepNEWMAN INVESTMENT CO.

' First Floor Miel itso Ketel. fourth judicial district, to be bolden at the catvea, 710.75.Lirastoek For Sl. inr po rents. iui Arisona. roone isw. . pts, HMO. Marktt strenr-Shee-

TiiRvisai BATua. I r,rr ..... u. i ,r.rt... vr..SELECT BOARD and, roofM; reasonable, Heal Estate. Insurance, Bond. ; ltmht. 8e7.7.

FOR SALE Fine horse,- - barsess add buggy i 10 rc staatos su Pboae 8ié8-- too saa Aaieaio st ON THE MbA, ClanBAOER has returned, too N. Oregon.! being the 4th dsy or January, 1815, then andcheap. Apply ít E. overlaid or Hi N. K satas City Llvtsleek.ui' asiwH- - pouiiun i ueu hi aaiaFOR reatieaten, select board and rooms, ti.TSO Beautiful buna-alo- ok He LOTS CLOSE IN. Iiiicro on the BM day of October, 1M1, in a Bp th Áttocialtd Press

Mrs. uepew, u siyrue. fnene zt&i--J vada SLi 11.080 cash, balance auiL All lmprovemeatg, 'pared E3AVjKoCMy-Tr-ea' aTi)51v"T)'I"Vráiíl ,ul, numbered on the docket of aatd court Eanaaa Cllv. Oct. 97- -1 loaa llaealnta.'aso will buy first diss, ssddle tx lleod.room bungalow, to ru front,. Bear street, etc.a I o. wherein Freak Murchlson and 18,000. Market lower. Bulk, r7.5Q heavy,and til Pfionepickle, Meta, 377.ít saddle, bridle and blanket; rood saddl CONVALESCENTS Rooms and aieepinf car une, spienaio location! füoo cais,,pai Very desirable buttdter sites. Maurice l'eaie. alias Morrla Paaae. are t7.t67J0 plat. tfl.S,75.filis, io iro i la rooiw iia. porches; home cooklnri.ratea reaaonabie. anco to suit. From 88tp us). TAH.OfU.VSI. Inlilntlrfa. anrt llrh aa1 all n( itut ninnn, Cattle RecelDti. IS.oíjO. Msrket siren-- .

1930 Anions. Park car. rhone 349, 88,900 bunrslow new, Río Orando RAMEY BRCl., woolaBÍaro I td partle above aatned. and whom Prime red steers. t9.to9to.EO! westernOUR winter worthy of youFirst Ntt. yourSt.; will take lots oart Bay. ftt monthly. Bank Bldg. Phone Ml.Pet Steele Far Sale. Víll uvi vu voer ,nni flus M ina luwii tjjto modern nome, K. E1 Paao; laspecuos. Aiierauona sa repairing, l n w iii am un uk titers, .aW.75j calves, HSIO.M.wnere you are aara or ras Bees reauiisi PARIS TAILOR SHOP. PHONE 84. rollpwlnr named other persona, via; He- -' oncep neceipis, u.ouu. Msraei steeay vt

FOR SALE Persian aad 'ABrora kitten. your ad amounts to 7 seat eaah yod fewttJDOO


aso per rnonin.t.rootn rjiinrslew. fugia HuWo de Alarcoa, Pedro Alarcon, too . Limbs. I7ti7.esi vearltnas.

til fountain Call rar HKHAMUNU. I Juan Alarivui.rood free. CAanurlMi lUrunret a sea WANTED. l',.n. 80489,BcMiilet. 805 W. El Paso at. pnone.nt,Imn srsn ror to want Ad Boy. llnei

.650M89 cash, aao

bungalow.ixr month.

Fort Llltlnr or . & or & roaai all Vmef 'iWiMi CaTrTemea: AUrcon. Carolina Montea. JmuV MoniiiBoulerard) over the city. W the prloa. It right wo Alterations. Raaaira rar men and woman. I Fldencta Alarcon. FTaaclaca Alarcon. Neca. C8TT8N MARKETS.GOOD HOME COOK1N0. til MESA.' canFarakwa far Sale. uioserate csan pajamn, iwiaace stm. AlareatLtlOO modern home, 37V4 ft. cii lucm. Parla Tailor Shop, M N. Oregon. Phoaa SLlclo Alarcon, Faustino Temía oar.ROOM and board. 804 N. Stanton. Phone HAM ICY BR40., ci, r., rraiicuca ue Aia ayu, uirenio New York Cattaa.

WILL aaerirtee house or ruralturej Wil-J- .. rront,fp cata, no per month. First Nat. Bank Btdr. Fbeaa lit, Alarcon, Iiataon Alar eon, ande. ft. oareia BU Iht ÁH6ttett4 Prtt a.I use, lor a wianu. rirat. rojuo mwterii aowe, spieaawa K are defendants, and said psttaea alieginr New York. OcL rt Recorta thst exbort

FURNITURE for 4 room apartment for ssle; BOARD and. room, reasonable. 01 Nevad si cation, San Diego, Cal.) Bichante fr El THE CA fWDY ,Av NBEL REALTY CO., that on Jaausry t, (914. Dlaaitlffa were demand was already Improving aa a resultCITY PROP1 VALLEY lXnD, Mixed possessed or aparea! of land of the British attitude on col tonNOTICE I not raapontible for .and carrosaam anyiw I'er Islandsho aporisaeni ror reni, umo, ROOM ana board, reason stile, close 885 Acre 88 aerea oa i beat ktnr HENIAL8 AND INSURAíPte. a,n.a,u ui au vuu.ii, a ui and a reeling that lae rrom reportad m theamis csairaciea jiy airs. n. iiuoewsu. tvwaa, pariIn cash, balancevalley) to centPApne we. per aH. . HuaepohL the great to the inhabitants, or- the town of south might result In sorm reduction ortito Per Acre. acre 1 nula Tsieta. CIIEAPBA THAN RENTIHa. Presidio .da San Ellaano aad, bets known crop cstlmatM seemed largely .respoaathlepaver rosa few ceso, i, i, 9 ana e yeera. brlak aa 1 aoath aad tulSesjoitd HaaW Goods for Sale. SiiaeosB MPn.. ror the or still more ajHNnUUcpavease I 00 Per Acre 7 teres Ysleta Iowa, va. .i i laa surrey n. isa on m lawatü. expreaslaaa. sentiment In trsde oírdes teaVy,,vr here Ex-portshouses. 1 block HHerurhsni terms to aaM. aa., CITATION BY PmiCATION. .XlUS! iílíÍ..0,.."jn.;

WHY ttfow, away your OM turaitura wbca ONLY natural methoev M Buckler BMr. fACHinCE. Tha State or Texaa-- Ta the Sheriff or An H00. .and ror tha day were in execs of Mfim are posuveb the bicbest payers for NEWMAN InVSTHENT CO. aaodera home oa Ma Oruuf 1 . biles, while offer Of. spot cotton1 rrom Jbo'taaiaio oi su raaa tou I

aeeoed kaad runMiure bm koHseaetd am. CONVERSATIONAL BBethed, PabBoro Col, iu'" ri-- a tatsavi terms; are hereby commandedueaaiy,

to suntaioa Mrti JJ ,," u. Kl,rTTT:.PJtceable

A aouthwett were a shade higher, aad somaetee. W PM New aif Secestd Masut Stars. SfDBT BE BMH.O. local operator are now Incfmed to believeJohn A. D, Martin aad roe unknown heirs of .!5,t"r5 JE0?!'"? tS i?4 u.ed ÍP!I'MM MM, 30 8. KIPasa, , "EVBRY ONE A BAROAIN." This hperlmeat on Moataaa at.. M ft annth that the cotton trade his passed throughINTERNATIONAL Institute. IMS Saa Astéalo, front. 7 ajrtBtl: two.UtMds value at f,0 a,iS."WwWflS da'te" ó? "fllSw thJirortEa' IUonV'they the deprtsatar paaae of the aliualloa cre-





a. El Paao St--tools and ROOMS North side. UlSO; IIM dewa. Hi IllMO, eeaslder a trade far asyjg rep etM sueeeaalva waaks nrevlaaa la saw allege that they have M KrMsaea been by the war. II la expected that thatuns. Scores for Rant, a pwBn, CI4UIIJT, plana of the IIM.aeo.aBO pool for rtaMtetar

1,'OUA MANTEE Mm SMt prteM sed in Burner MeiaeiTB. surplus upplie will be cotapteted M uiaebandMhee. I H. CaeesMS Hmm (as. ROOMS A beauty, on Montana A ttiattruter lot about 78 n.- faaas. n ti to ro into oeeraHea eotacldeatally with thaAn Art Here Will heal that Vaoaat Store, terms. Will trade. deep sad o ft, aero as bank, saa stmtti and federal reserve system.

WANTED AM klsuM ei risrauure. We pay YOUR NAME la Use -- What Are You toruw, sa nreeis parsa, ear 89JO0OUT asiiM,aM ine ssmebouse thereof, ta Mae dtv of El Paao. Tosas. oiaers, aao.iiavofor roar 8os thast assy nra to the ROOMS Every convenience oalyasoreA Looklar rort" col una of' the Time. II fMO an fha nm ú. i Wmh.r oii ta.-

- sdverMiy to ait otners, m eaoecisuy sd New arista CeWea.Mtr. 888 I. Pasa., w Fuatuure buswaaa. 111 Nina bi. uAaaiuT Natsu ptiaae 9to. th X aséele tea Prt.in Pttooe IM. will help you set mora Call tame betaa tai id dsy of Noveaabar. '1914. T;..0.?. P.tf..B f'i' Orleans. Oct 97 Seat setteepbona teto aoout K.

ROOMS Basement aad t tleaaiar parents; wstY pav aavr then aad there ta aaswer peuttea filad in J 1 .' W occupancy, ew stasia-when you .eaa buy a hessaa with said court oa tha 19th dty of August, 14. " JMyL0j..W ' fit ,J,"n? at He Sales, im hales.

Aktasaioail! -- Scet-siijiL v time iiv large JleeiHarjaoreli aad a Meek at a suit Bae&erea on tha docket of ssld SfgfhfSÍ g".'..aatlyBteel Truat Surplaa.

REALTY tf.189; ftaTraaa hataaaT court Jta. II M, wherein El Pasa laa and J? "SiÍ2PW!t.Jy Aul(HCT VtHIH NAME la IB "WW Are TOU SECURITY CO., for aa4 iBTpa? Mu the ÁnüMated PrwsLeoktsw Forr eelums Of the Ttsstee. II Far Sala MtnaWaiieoBa. 488--9 First National Bsnk Bulioier.

and Mrs.' Jatsa A. B. Martin aad Iba utkoown ?t ae. asía .""n", er.any oí mero, is New York. Oct. 9T.--B- radaatar the divl- -411 'tMSt ms ii saoHt bwssnssa. Call new, aooawitiw oomplmk beirs of Mat Í 1M08 ax BBM isiioa or fire dead oa the comataa Heat .far tho mied

BtktSM ISi SSMUl.lt. ror defendant. Mat Mid pell tie aWartoa thai fJ. '"JiT Uffs have ouarter of tha year rraat ta Maular ralaroa sed.b8d tye a.Taii. tule to said of IU per cent to ar i er real,

WkBt ASM SB HM TUMS, BUNGALOWS FOR SALE. OET IN Off A JÍJlLDÍTlá I an the leaa star af January A. Jo Cfi.tS .Jí.cLWMYW M msi yew oaaee. A raea llaraiaar ftases offfi deceased, far valuable Pf'y fi0 J I hereof: tun the directora of the UaMae atataa mee) coryew aVe re of sm Mm rejNsitsi Twa very oeakraaie aear the new propoaed Martta, aaw aare Informed. poration lodsy rulfiOad ganisal xpectsHoaaexecated aad e4l Ia iiaiwis m wm mí muí a raasns we nave Krerai gooa eonstderaaaMt, atada, CSÍ.5?1!!Nr.' snd clslm- - aa wera.aswa ic.iian a pi sev.er.rtkaQBi ' nrS3 aagauiiarm io as paaa ice ana ajarrkteraior ".-"-- "Tnadc U lee Boaaa. tor north: httlll-l- rliM.anfree. ytHtr beataar i ilaaini m fmrsttaei jm. j Hid the r laaaPli upen aa.to aald tract orfeflK Waut Ad war. .. atovea.'. Laaal Furallure Cm., asa a. ataa. nvery eoavenleace. Extremely ANDEHeON'FILLKH RKALTY OaV, plaintur Barata, bis fi cartean viador ea r1'?' .l aa cured, the aefiott af alwaeijiuaooa shawaUtaJ aad. r m woica la uatea. yaaaa fnm. . 8(toa very aasr terms. , ! Buexier snoea ntaaa aat. aoies, nnaatiired from 1 ta 94, tnetaapra

after oHvH ta the first half afEY'fU 848 TrM Kwllsjaai. iaied Jaaaan- - 94. lilt, far ta sua. ai 8M aaowa.io piaaiwra. m wsauion io ana.wUWAN.. rmc. k&aui i " " 1

TO, SALE Twa MtiMsaj aaa realms. Heem itauTTqn

Two fcepaatlc AUTOMOBILE POk AALtL . " each, payaaé to the Ofdar of the MM BI fupporj or ihelr atiaa-a- r Jiiuiiation plain theSty

VtM.awa laseBaa as

tacreaaedOf 9JMJ88

io at

Tka prlae la rttM aaat thesr are ta saed . . i'noaa sew. Nice, llrtit taasfh Paso Ice aad Rerriiereter ea.. aad aata No. Wta ? .Y .aBi aaaer ne louowinr aaasaas aaaasaaBBa laraer thaa In tkatsaenioa. Addrsas fit, cere ftm. aaaipped. at a threat. Ahra lattT--S 1 due Faaruary ll. IML d eTsryiioDiB dated

visi uaa. fcavatfaa;


rrsnaH. Looiois

wereaaa oaiariar. wtaUVs ihe nel laeoma af

POM iCUJji U'lUAD CAMS. OS Re tn ma toa tvpewrH-e- hsjaod ea . i ft arrvA. ?hertirunuLall otllLZeM, SsFhtJ IKat, ai vaaa beat tt.ieoo lifter.Ma, aoai'l bed SBaaasaaa .aaa soesafs í. 8 DAILY BULLETIN. ' 889 Mills SI, Maeea tac. ivahu at El Paso. Tsiss. lusa 'ta sWreit ctaaa to

f. rockiñv-cbair- SaaaM brkU, near cari MAX), terral.. 1 33 Áaa mu until nald al iba rM af a 'ser I reaeei o. N. a ta ata to H. O. Clunn. dated Year aaaae, baataeM and addrM hiusaa aerea, atuso, ohta.. to uade far an ...,.m Inlarail KayaaOa I October 8, t9Mi'A atina, sdmiaistrstor, 10 Wha eat What ara You LooMa Par1'

SALE M'boTseeower tour- - SPECUL BAROAM-ava- eer araa-haa- d sew. Paaa nroaartv. . Party wishei I or haartdows, eaeaai tar ,. .... all BU.aa .La kl.M.I ML n. UBTCia. r sv, iwi ti iw mansa af fe Tlaaea will bata, aa taesuianuwi; UH asastiiasi. IsV Mbarfar, Xt Myrtle. 8 peeass,, Arstaaa St,i 8389, waia ÍÁY SXg interest fraw awtartasr ttMaof H ffiif.Sn' S. stay to. isuvi u. o. Maura aaape' huataeaa. Phoae 9911 aawat m.

teat aow. , f, KNOX, akTrata oi to per Mat per aaausa. aad all a) lr Maren mt. 1999; "(iMiVmjíltMeayMMSLHOLL.far aesk for Mills Pheae Madrid, Fran- -aTiaots z, raaaaraae, 7. ManuelIt ltd aald aaiea luruser praviMar ior aaa oav-- 1raaak Biar. 8S Traat Mr. tm.r BiTaa. or 10 Pr ta auaniiMaiai. un ms prui cltca de a oircia an.t nicarao

DCHlHTaSLw LED, raraar is 4 rood, level tot wHhaa t Mae af aa 'ailaand



owkasrara placed

aa Mtasaav's i ihi" farra. Jetut Ptrr mu AUTO STAGg UNEStia, tal Tsaaa I ' SMALL cis PAtlaff Itaada or an suoraay ior ceeatciioo aa Jtooo.ro neiii.ris, centEANCH AT SAN NUZAMO,hi ' - a. DrMartla aaomlasd aad be taaelica Agulrre de Oarcla SLOW TOersl seeoad ya west tB&assed. Price Hte res to yea Mata saw lllIMpft,.as

Wl8VlWs Igsse acre. low, coialmilr rurrthaa hat ami heirs aaaasriaaa Mail la la ta m. Loonue, Via Wave OJoaeta Aata.Wirt hi trade seta air rop 8. Mi: 1, A. tole taffwilit' arty. reat oardwaast floor tarnaaBaaii she eaMunl or mm ala is. laSli Jesua Pi' M tasaj. 'paar La Ma a. la ajatlva I Mid iioni.ri v igUai, vryySa Aaa,tiotw W'toMk tenor aad alf aat peraort aa asm tl imaes rsrr. .waary

for staaBaama El tana (o o, N. latiata. JarTIbetog w aa aaaauaii aaa ar UMiiaavi iaaaaBB avenpaao aaaaaa iwperay "V. ratoTÁTÉM anuísas firm Hiua asaf. lanor tad DtifUia t mu,ay .raí. eapeal aa ta aaaM aaa i Baal an ar I ataaaaaraamaBBBaa n Alarconaoiea war ataan m a part af ae aur. atrta. N, lw. riitaUffa deny

urica af IMa Baa. at aad 88 Moek laBtaasaaaanr any or mem. aaa anyre laasaa) rwa. Baja :fa-.- ; IK at. Altara Park aaaMina ta tea ally orias laa aw sa is r io aauj tajaa, ur aii, KT.Biaa calAoautic daiATaMaBSu i heal) isssaiMaT aaaAa. taw aajMaM aKbmubbt. paao, at raaa aaaaiy, Taaaa, eativtrad IthiririL mm Uii aa d tlafeaaallt are fTSafl Sur bMituty. mjbY rea et u t abT IB said El raaa laa aad Bafrtaaaetar, V sa laf MaaaaaBT s ike sutuM afd1bb4 aad rara akaalssaaaisi aWfcflV $Smm m maTnTTTrr. psgraam! welakl ijm aaaM turke: tMBaaJBawl safuf BavlaMI.

pit I jaasa . . jaénes. a datadiaaataaai ajM ine clilaat .aaaariadcloud aaaiearMaal be aosa ka Baa aaxt 10 dan. IE as toaaisteraaiua. a uaea

8 Ftrat at aaar amata, wa. Vna, raaak, mk aate MM ááa.. I Jbbb fafl taTtaV dimsce five latís sadMJBf- - (Aoaraaa wia. suooxiy. xwiirasa.jai" J-- gf! ta urav far rtlailiai sa aa.Kmm y.f 7 acrtaad. aad tasa a sal asad or Tty

St) ttítk atea a vaaitar'a aaa wm retailed uSTtaa at, upoa haaainr, ta he aattiaa atSM ef aiiS Vack tssvctcaa renew iKJTtCE At tote a m m I end of Pad aftaaMIsi a aa. ltve daacrlh4 aa to Meara wa lataaaeal tajav itatá and Baisseaalun of aald tract a

i syes assjssseee 0ssn$ keiaii aral IU . SB HalBaaaaaa laiaaiiii iaa aav v. i 01 seta auwa hats la aaeaiiaaadt that afiar Bá .ü taror their san n i ras, coala af aun

BfaaiirS rattse af aad dallvary uf last aauva da I far aaoiral ealMf.svSnXrl aSS M." ríasea in ill an acrtaad aateo. IrWora the fUtag or 111 aa. aai aavB yaa asaars apa

JuAna. CkML trim sat saca. f taaal M. suit, Us said Tea A. U. Hit Mm ut4 saeuart7 iu raioUr Jaaaary, mi lam, tat


Report eetnmlttee for JoesMng toldler IXPERIENCU Of MOBLE Mr endorwiejfflf 'of MBgr stieiy,tf'L" . . . ..sc.Ac..-- v .m JLJu, '

III COU? GET grave Mrs. Aanrs t. guw, unnitm. OT tope that MM wmm 9nmt0m m MUI' t vflHBHr'WeetloAdjournment.

ofneer. WOMEN fti 2K koyThe


Kal alaa..ga tVcteetú ' 'ercn of s.essse He

1EUEF AT ONCE Mterary evening, MU Octavia Uartew rttMrand It I fin Htat a. The horrible experletiees HiM.rrfany vM.state historian, presiding. . " be at)aMe to "give Hewer H

Poem, "My lierliage."-- Mr. Bata noble women In Europe hn,va.dured Is im." The wbeeta of tuve-r- 'Prirn. Mrr West ehuMer. Waco. during past few nonths CM never ceses,' grind for one.atsr ad gtvs sM tK'WITHOUT QUININE nhort storv, "A I.lttle Vlrglnlsa." M be all told. Here In Amerieev many cfraHañilly lo pay hOmsg e to tita raan

Mary A. Mlggln, Dick Bowling checker, men Mm ever need a en amy's gna. ; 'ypr Your -- ;7',-fc:v:..4. women, both younx and Olá, stave ex-

periencedor.Mse resittrtr, m4 cier ' ginsnaa

Dramatic aketch, "The South and Her much mloery AK4 sttlferlntr. of Austin, report an htereaee In ourProblem." Mr. Louis E. Kuhne, Stephen Mlddle-atfe- d women abiMK to expe-

riencebersMsi of tie. n. E. Lea chapter Ml

II. parden chapter, San Angelo. thst dreaded ch ot life rasa, nasnng wun 70 new ntemner. sssa MeM9t9 tole) &t ffeftft2 Short story. "0n. John II. Morran.- "- Ulertlia ".U 10 le constat nied upon a : Chancelahouli profit by th eerlenee fit -- LastMr. Maurice n. nivlns, Col. nobert B. Levy metfcedieal manner IH wMetl m Dai Map' fevr Wi. thousands Of noble womeet who havem chapter, Longvlew, died Mm work of her omee. Everythrough Abe same period withKono01 division Is jkW atnred wteNDramatic skeien, "United mugnter

the confederacy." Mr. Duthce Bbaw, Col little or no pain, misery or dlscom- -the fetters! association s vN i the st4Uta LTow cm id grippe and break. op ft. D. Levy chapter. ingviw. 13r. llcrce'a Favorita rrescrlntThe reftsersr general, mm. carowne Ham AVV To buy Iota mi Mm weei ed f 11 semi mret In HanMrtta M41v,ft "f "

a overa, cold either la head, chest, rreaentation or unno mean. burton', ki been mot kind to our retto. AW along; the reitta ét the Seed poemte'htffhWAy at greaapt teas'lody or limbs, by fnkina; a done of Acceptance, Is and ho been for over 4 years Jttst trar, refMterlng ail stiistence possible two

"I'Hpe'i Cold Compound" every two Presentation of lurrctt loving cub tho medicine that every woman neetfa .Charters have been granted tne follow ' $425 to ISae per let. The Mm wW Ira lurvMiced $S ah o Kev.hows until three doses nre tnken. Acceptance. when passing-- through the changlmr Mff chapter this yeari January to,, Jeff 7SW .16th. Now hi yoitr time to secure a ettbtc legation In jv It promptly open cloggcd-U- p jnoe-- Music. days. It la not a secret prescription,, T. Rogers chapter No. tM. at Camerseuir'is ana an passage in me nena, Tfce deleeales present for the convention for its InfcredJenM are printed on the; March si. Antelope chapter no. !, at Anstops na.1 discharge or nose running, cre Mr. W. P. naugh. san Antonio; wr wrapper: It's v temperance medicine, tetepet May 7. col. Jt v. Mateen chapterrelieves slok headache, dullness. I. 0. Seattnink, Tyler; MU .Perca Lamar Jiot only does if build up the entire me ISIS at Hubbard! August l, Tom Heara

sore throat, sneezing;, ore-ne- Went and Mrs. Kate Gerald WfV waeos system and make It strong; and vigor-ous

aaMer No. Iti9. at Hughes spring,and fctlffneai. Mr. S. II. Walton. Waiahachlci Mf. Hal tonouo-- to withstand the organic TM kitln Datran chanter at Beaton: Pat

Don't slay stuffed-tip- ! Quit blowing W. Greer, La redo Mrs. Edgtr P. Hutching, disturbances, but It has a quieting- ef Ctefeume chapter at Cleburne, and Laand snuffling;! Base your throbbing Marltnt Mrs. Hallht Walker Wheeler. Mart; fect upon tne leminine organism inai Orange chapter st La Orange, have .betsnhead nothing else In the world gives Medame torn Elgin. J. D. fledd, John Van reduces tne aisircsa 10 a minimum. retMMted. The charier or the Williamsuch prompt relief as 'Tape's Cold Werl, Marshall: Mr. 8. W. Bholar, Orangei For any womanly ailment, dlaease or IV Hardeman or Kllleen, and AdamCompound," which costs only 25 cents Mia. A. n. Howard and Mr. Jonn u. . complaint, no matter ol how Ion ktn chapter of Ilurnett, were returned for TR Place ofat any drug store. It acta without t'aletlne Mrs. Mary K. Bryan nd Mr. standing;, we advise nnxloua women to cancellation. Beauiifullionjes,assistance, tastes nice, and causes ho get Dr. Pierce's Favorito PrescriptionJ. r. nurton. tlouitoni Mr. T. C Weat-

genuine.Inconvenience. lie sure you get the brook, Hearne; Mrs. M. B. Fsrrl and Mr. In 'cither liquid or tablet, form.


dllifcentchanter extcritlon

In it cfrortscommittee

lo reviva-an- d

ha been

Mamie Wmno cox. iiuntivwei Mrs. it. organize chapters, but the floods of theMili, Lsmpatas) Mr. M. M. Turner1, Mr. Ño Cbrge for Tbk Book. spring sad' summer, followed by the de

K. utvin i ois uivins, Longviaw; prettcd financial condition, prevented thenIke White and Ml Clara Sterling,DAUGHTERS 8F CUNFEDEICY Mrs. from accomplishing au tne y had planned.

Auiiln: Mr. 0. B. sawyer, Beaumont Met It has been my privilege to lgn m(Continued from 1'no 1.) dame W. K. Biuhder,. E. ft. Baiter, Joel If you will send '20 cents,-o- r stamps. membership certifícate tbl year. FromIitport or printing; committee Mrs. May P. Elliott and J ano Morton wrd, Bellont to pay for wrapping and mailing 'anS thi number1 you will see less than halfMr. J. B. wiuiam. Iirenhim: Mrs. w. i,

ration Arnett, Weatherrord. enclose this notice, Dt, Pierce of the our, new members bvo De,en provides wunMr, a,Tan ferro, Mr. W. 8. wuon,deport of transportation committee Mr, Buchanan. Mr. J. W. Doremu and Mr Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y wU required ceritncate or memi)erp.

trust next every members of our dlyearF c cox. Amarino. lienrr cilne. Bryan: Mr. "D. A. Kunn, send you a revised copy ot his Com vuion, can proudly Boast or being wte po

ntport of. the anniversary committee. Crockett: Mr. J. T. Self nd Mis Elite mon Seme Medical Adviaer.vtn cloth iestor of a membersMp certtrtcate. I nrge i' aSsVsV: d Je''i' "K'(sir. J. Ji. wiuinms, iircnnain Grirrinr, Italia; Mr. Besile Jone Howard!

Mr, binding. 1908 pages, with color, plates. chpr presidents. to. see that IM matterDel nio) Mr. A. Zumwalt, Hputton;Deport of the 'historical eoiffnilitce. Mr. sick I not neglected.M. .. Wheat, Mempiii&i Mr, e. w. wneeier, Just whit' you need in cause f

Charles u. Barrett, iiuoiaviiie. Thrdugh the': chapters, m Crosses ofaccident. Treats of Physiology.licport of the chapter extension commit' ness or Honor have been beitowed on our. deartre.-- Mr. É. 8. ortrfinir, Dalla. The El Pato detente are: Anatomy, Sex problems Marriage, re reieran. I understand there 1 some talk

Itcport of the Confederate homes' com Meidamea a. It. Barlow, K, D; Franklin lations, Hygiene, Exercise, Disease and Of discontinuing the bestowal of croMOA,ml l tee. Mis Katie barran. .Aualln. W, II. Aldtidke. D. P. Beckham. S. D. I'rew. its prevention. t sincerely hope every member of Texas

Chapter reporta from A to 4U.- Itt, K. W. Mitchell,' W. E. flace tad Itobert a dlvltion will proton gainst thlt, and thatResolutions. Lander. The' alternate arei Metdame me iiwe bronze creis win pe given tneAnnouncements. L. Ely, C. It. Morehesd, C C Crew, W, veteran Just a long aslhere 1 a requeat 4Adjourn to s.oo p. m. cepic--

, s. w. Fant, E. o. rerkin, H. cyru st the afternoon sestlon today. According for them. '

.Mlernoon Srlon, 30 O'clock. ii m. u. wiiuams ana w. J. Buie. to member of the credential cotamitteo, The Annual 'were late in being ent oat.Mr. T. C. Westtiroolc, second vice preil Evening Session of Convention. nrnitei who were not aualiried to the com thi year. The treasury wa empty and

dent, pretldlnr. The Invocation last night was offered by mittee yesterday morninr will not bq al your prealdent was not willing to borrowInvocation Ilcr. Mr. Olllctl. itev. chtnes L. uventreet. lowed to vote at the election mi anernoon. money for the publication of our yearMuilc "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground." Elltabcth, Mary. Anne and Charlee Kelly, The seaalon last nlsht was Dreldent' book, in January, I tent an appeal to the list of monument In to tend Texa division for the honor of hiving ams is credited with having some "goodScripture, reading llev. omen. 15, i J, to and S year old daughters of Mayor erenlnr. Mrs. Charle Lei and iianui, prci the chapter, urging them to pay their tho Information to 'some member ot tbo served it during tbe past year, and hope ammunition to fire' at the luncheon guestMat of dead Mrs. John Von Wert, Mar and Mr, c. E. Kelly, entertained with dent of the state division, delivering her due tt once and send in order for num committee,. that I have been able to show, a good ac-

count.and will be followed by a ehort WW from

thall. muilcal number on thé Mano, mandolin. annual addrci, ber ot Annuals desired, A. second appeal The committee having charge of solicit ,f If. &- Sherman- on' "How. To Oet New Mem-

ber."Music "The Deathlcs Army." ft. 1. Car. guitar and anare 'drum, and Charlee, Anne Mr, llamll summartxed the work of tho was aent out In March, but, the response Ing funds for the erection of tbe Bbltob, A I lay the icepter down, I hare naught Mr. Sherman bas been allowed' butaon. and Elliahcth lang, to the accompaniment of past year In all department of the U. D. C, wa alow, .and sttcr consulting with, our Dick, Dowllng, and Barnard E. Bee memo but prsiso for every' one; not one real

bing-sentimentfive' minutes to make bis talk, he having

Memorial address Mrs. J. A. Banders, Mary as an encore. and commended tho action or the student' treasurer as to finante, we decided to rial, bare untiringly looked after this mars tbe good reeling t distinguished himself at Toronto in thatWharton. ' 'jefferaon Davia," poem writetn by Mr, council ot the State sftlverdiy in setting have l,(X. Annuals printed a heretofore, work and no doubt would have bad much hsv for all. bar none. In after war It will lengHt of time.

absolutions Mrs. Louclla Style Vincent, Edith T. Lesilng. poet' laureate of the divi aside May 30 as confederate Day. Mr. with the hope tbst the full number could better report, bad- the 'financial condi-tion

be a source of great pleasure 'to recall theTalla. ;r sion, was rcd by Mr. Wet', .after which llamll also spoke favorably of the work be sold by the time the printers had them of the country pot been affected by many nappy incidents or my omciai career.

Muilc "One Sweetly fjolemnfThoughu"- - Utile Miss Sadie Bulb Aldfldge recited done by the omclaU in reducing the debt ready ror distribution, but our hope wero tne European war. With tbe consciousnei .or having done1. J. Tyndall. "Southern Héroe" and "My;Aunt Maggie." of the organization during the patt year In' Vain, st .orders ror les than half the Hits Daffan, tbe capable superintendent my duty a I saw It, and with "malice

nenedlcilon-tie- v.' Clllett. The KIK' club quartet lang. "Tennessee," to tax) and thanked the various chapter thouand ero sent in. After consultation of, tbe Confederate Women's home, WIU toward none, but charity (or all" I am your Newfive minute Intermission. Í: ana was encorea twice, tiBgingt"io the for their willing response to the call for with the directors we decided to send An bring you greetings from the .veterans and faithful aervant, Program TMUyCall to order-- by iTeMdenWNr. Charlea gandío Light" ana "KentuctyBabe." fiinds to liquidate the' organization' Iní nuala to those chapters which had not yet mothers or the Confederacy, and will tell MflS. CHARLES, LELAND IIAMJL. t thI eland llimil. h Mrs. m. e. uryan, or Hoauon, read- debtednea. . yet senr In order, and readiest them to you how. thankful the dear- old ladles, are President of Texa Dlvltion, United Daugh-

ters,Ileport of text book committee. Mr. Mary paper, "The South Since the'VWar," giving The addresi contained a glorious tribute remit the email sum of fifteen cents for for the splendid library contributed by of the Confederacy.W. Blrge. Austin. statistics snowing tne errect; or the war to the memory ot the veterans and mem-- each copy. This wt done, the latter part the chapter and their mends. A L HAM BRAIleport of library committee. Mr. Mary upon the south, and the cottar the war to bers ot the U. D. C who have died during or'Auguat, with tho remit that many or the Sorrow and vain regrets nave been our OPKP.A will soon be the attractiont. uryan, Houston; me souiu, esumaiea ai more man ó,uuu. the vcar. and the "OldcfJbeads" or tho or- - chapters sent In check to, cover cost or potion; this year. The death angel bas at the

oeo.two. . ; gsnlxatlon were thanked j for their assist-ance

number sent tnem. in tata way we dls knelt before the home or .many of our Your nam,"b turnees aha address In tae HGHTIlfo THE WORLb!Mr. W. D. Howe tang ."Today," and at during- the administration. posed of the one thousand eeple. After most .loved member,, The teH of death "tlHirt anil What Ara Voy (inVInr Vnn - Today Onlyan encore "When You and;I Were Young, The address in run iouow: trying, the new rule ot making chapter has been heavy. Never before basT column of Tas. Time wHt help you to motion picture drama of ab-

sorbinguaggia." President's Annual Address. pay ror. their Annuals, I; Dieve it to be such- - havoc been wrought tn our rank secare mere (rsstness. rneee rao aseui it.Iñis Bank A poem by Mr. Mamie D, reck, of Coral impractical; and recommend returning to In one short year. Our mead and bene Interese It gives acana, "I Am Longing for My Old Black To the Officers and Member or Texas tho "old way" of sending Annuals to the factor. Col. S. A Cunningham, answered BL PASS AD CLUB atartllntr Uluatratlon ot war la'Mammy," wss read by Mr., west. Division,, United Daughter of the Con chapter according to 'membership, ''one to the last bugle call December 90, 1913. Too its terrible aspects.

The orneen ror the year win be elected fedcracy: every seven members.'' much cannot be said in praise of tbl man WHI Hsve Another of Its "Get Together" VAUDEVILLE PROGRAMAt the conclusion of the busiest year of Referring to. the financial condition, Luncheons Today,among men. itu puce can not be, fined,my Ufe, I am happy to be here to render want to lay that our .debt has been great He put himself, Into' the lite, or the world. the 1' Pasé-- Ad Club will held one óf It's Deas, Dof txtd Deas tlo you an account of my stewardship. To ly reduced, being only Woo now, with He "lived In' a house-by- the tide of the A stnglngr, talking' and danoln

RAILROAD TIME TABLES have had' the honor of being the prealdent the help of the corresponding secretary road and was a friend to. man." in May"get together" luncheon at the Sheldon trio who tickla, ,the palate ' ofor Texas division United Daughter or the and our efficient treasurer, the appeaia one of our Mr. ,D, 8. cafe today at, 13:30 p. m. Secretary E. c laughter. ,

Time Table No. M, Eifeellva 12:01 a. i Confederacy-- , the queen of patriotic organ ror financial am navo been kept perore Ktnougn or .uaiveston. laid down ner, bur Davis stated yesterday that In addition The Mwieel,

May 27, JIL Itatlon, to mo the highest honor .1 ever the chapter. I want to thank those chap, den and passed into the. Great Beyobd. to Its regular business,, the club would , drkys(Mountiut Time Only.) hone to receive. And through the remain ten, which have resoodded to the "simal Surely and truly it ha been said "Death hear from member on the "get a new. Three .experta with mimical .In-

strumentaÜ.P.18. W. SvaUra. ing year of my lire, be they few or many. of cUstress," for It 1 to their credit that lores a shining mark," for the nation wa member" camparín now m progres. whose act la stagedFrom North and East Arrive. I hall treaiure in my neari tne innuincr tm administration na seen enaniea "to called .to mourn the, loss of tbe wife of our a report from botn teams wiu be beard with beautiful acento eleetiietU

i Calirorntan , :S3 a.m. able acts of kindness and courtesy ibown pay a we go," and reduce the Indebted-- , southern president, Mr. Woodrow Wilson. end an Idea gleaned as to the manner or effect.3 Oolden Slate Limited 1 p.m. me by tbo veterans and daughter wher nest, Instead of increasing (t. Next year in tne name or your division, a message application that have' been solicited since ADMISSION:8

I'rom the West ever I have been, and to tho beat or my I hope bur division can be' freed of debt or sympathy was- forwarded to President tbe last meeting. President Clabourne Ad Day Performance. ...5a and ldCopper City Special ,. 7:tsI Oolden State Limited S:SO

ability and opportunity, will try1 to add and we will never again be burdened ai Wilson and his loved bnes., A cloud .of Night... ....... lSo aad aeFor North and East Depart.p.m. nappiness and gooo cneer io ine uvea ut ive have- been for the past six year. sorrow spread over the entire South last j...

4 Oolden Stale Limited S:ts run. all members of our organlxallon with whoip in educational and historical .work we week, When the new of the death of Mrs. Oliildren COMING OON:2 Calirorntan , 10:40 p.m. chanco to meet, and may tnejr number are progressing as report from these com-m- l Caroline ' Merylweaiher-'Ooo'dle- was given Ory The blgxeat musical atiraetlaa

no many. tee will show,. Less than two raoatst out. Mr. Goodie tt was the founder of our FOR FLETCHER'S EI Peno haa ever kaown. -3 Oolden a uta Limited , S:00 p,m. To ua Is trusted tho'foed' name and his ago the chairman or the educational- com-

mitteeorganisation, an mother."


wiw ..ijr oyctiii 7;u p.m. tory or trie oid souiu.:r we mu not ne resigned and I placed the work In whose sweet, gentle influence will lire after CASTORIAItto Grande A El Paso Hallroad. trav our trust. the hands of another member of the com her, "Death la i tha common, heritage of(Santa-F- e syttem.) am going to give a oner review or mittee, Mr. M. E. Bryan, who brings us nun,'- - set u so uve uiai wnen me "tens

From the North Arriv. our year work, and trust that' you "will splendid, report. are sounded we may answer' the call, withoutsos Mexico Exprets , tO:ooajn. not rind it tiresome. It was the good fortune of eight, of our mmor, nopmg lormai reward tnai awtiuflJ El I'aso Paotnger 8:10 p.m. I hope I may be pardoned In taking chapter to have Ml Mildred Lewis, me rattnrui. Murphy's Comedians818 Kansas

For the North DeparL pleaaurabte prido In pointing to the work historian or the general U. D. C. Sorrowfully has the chairman or tha reso Unique Tiycity ana Chicago Pas.. 8:SoDiv uuicu rasb mui 8.U0 P.m.

a m of the past year. Many thing have been lecture for .tbeni on the occasion or her lutlon committee, Mr. LOuella Stylea-Vl- "The Mystery ef Grayson Bast"accompiiibed and our division steadily visit' to Text in May. VWIe in Texts, cent, tendered our heartfelt aympatby to our ' CRAWFORD Two.reel Eclairllarrisburg a moved forward In all our undertakings. Mis Rutherford lectureGalveston, San Aatoolo ttv. gave.- twenty-thre- e bereft filter. Her resolutions and letterIs accommodating and at liberal (Southern Pacific Syitem.) it na peen my pleasure to visit aiaranati, and talk before, pproxtmtely,. 7,060 peo-ple.

of lympatby, were promptly forwarded, in MART PICKFORD Inwith its patrons as is consistent Huntsvllle, Houston, Oalveston, Brenhan), She Is one of the most gifted and every cate waere tne necessary informs "MAWS PATIENTS,".

uoppera gove, Lampasas, Amarino, uam- - magnetic women In' the South, and bat Hon could be secured. An 'Imp Reissuewith sound banking principles and 101 SunsetFrom the


V:15 p.m. eron, Farmerarille, üreenville, and Austin made history a lire, study, .so It goes with-out

To our faHbful treasurer, Mrs. J. F. BurComplete change of playa Mon-day

Tomorrow an Imp Masteras justified by their respective bal-ancea.

ICS Sunset Limited , 8:30 a.m. chapters during the year. 'I found them taying that sha' la a very tntereittoy ton, I tender my sincere thank for loyal and Thursday,.....to.-sop.m- . all in a very .prosperous condition. The and instructive ipeeker. The Albert Sid lupport end. unurmg service. She is a A four-a- ct and a "Neator Comedy

cordial southern hospitality accorded me neV Johnston chapter of AHtm 1 endear faithful friend Jn oil tbe word Implies.comedy-dram- a that "When Beaa .Got 1h Wrong."

Come and in109 Sunset Limited ,, , 8 its a.m. will be an oasU In my Ufe' Journey, Much orlng to have Mis Rutherford placed on Any president v doe not recognise tbe ia there with the punch. Mary Fuller Saturdaysee us our new lu auuici i.iirv ...11:00 p.m. io ray regret invitation to visit toe cnan the lecture course of the Mate Unlvertlty, stcsnd elianeé of'ae ''older hed" ha

Banking House at 104 San i UaltrornianFor the We-t- i:t),m tera at Texarkana, Angleton, Center. Hughe, and with the concerted support of the 9&u aurely missed the best there I in sage ad Regmlar Prieea. Continuous tí M. to 11 P, M.

So andtOi Sunset Limited 9;J0D.m. Spring. Cleburne, Will Point. Kl Pato. Daughters of Tesa, tats can be done. vice and motherly instruction. I am under IBo

Antonio Street. Elgin. Ladran ro, Hearne, Port Arthur. Ed Tae printing committee na raimruNy many obligations to; our Mrs. CorneliaTexai s racltle Hallway. na, Wharton, Wichita Fall and Forney, dlseaarged Its duit, being prompt and Hranrn-ston- Mrs. Mary c Bryan, Mrs. v.

From the East Arrive. had to be declined. cowteou at all tune. t arns, Mr, w. r. niugn. .Mr, w. t.3 Fast Express ...... B:3o a.m. June H sod V5, 1 had the honor of being When death claimed Mrs. D. S. KttKHtaa, Wroe. Mr. J. B. Bti&rell and; others fort CMibnVof the


8:50 p.m. present at tne, annual reunion or my father chairman of the rotaMHce to tacata m. loyal support and heneat, eandtd' advice. ATft Ceanont Ball 7iU

Depart. brigade, Ocneeal Tota Qreen's, held In thi dters graves on belMsflekU, I mHw1 Would that I coatd rind ward lo ex-

prés GRECIAN BIJOÜajn.ION 4 Ft Exprés 0:30 p.m. beautiful HtUeclly of Drenbam, with Tom bar friend, Mrs. Asstaa T. Agnue, rabies my taaaks, for the many courtesies THEurecn cnapter. a noitesi. i had the plea tac work. Her trepar! wilt give tni shown taa and tbe many acta of kindness TODAT

Nalloaal Railways ef Uetlee, ure of mcctlnriKVeral of mr faihcr1 com alled account ef what see hag - done i taa lovely "receptions; newer and TODAY AUee Joyce faaLeave Arrive rade. Kroro kVenhajn, I went to Coppers valuable souvenirs given tae on occasions "THE LOVE THIEF" "FATE'S MIDNIGHT HOUR"Juarea...... 6:30 a.m. Jutri....,, Cove, where l'pent three very pleataat a oar errortt nave been (nada, ta eaaea- - of my vlatts w4A be laattag tnementoe of

days with the veterans and daughter ) lie. the children' aaxWary. to every emen tne grande! sad moat pleasant year or my KXEVJSR KEYSTONE KOHEDV A Novel Xaleaa Dramatiai puco, r.very suinmer tne veterans tar, but this wa too good to eaM ta', na, lire, i appreoMe the good friend thai Also "JOSIE'S LEGACY"take their families ,to a nearby park and ja1 taere I little ta renaetr J L. I hive made and' hope and trust it mar A THANNHOUaWR One ot the beat VttareaH Oeaaadtaacamp for three dayt, and It I truly a re Te norsry aaa nimw umanui mwr be my good fortwae to meet taeai all again, TWO RKEU seen In many days.union or Drotnert. bean on ibe atort far dirtHa jad My year ha bean ruled win pleasant oc FEATURE THURSDAY:July so and 31. Uattended the date re currences sad Jteepy. oecaateaa.

jjEra union or the United! Confederate Veterans? fliyasT aid Mr. M."tTSí5 My thanks ara due to every chapter, for "A MaJowna of tk Poor" IHE DREAM GIRL"'Our Prices Lowest neia in ureenvuie, ine naugnter taxi uw saport the rraiu or taair i eases, tbey have been faoit kind and obliging. ICxcepUpnall Qood Piettira "Hart-5et- T WeekiyMcitlsena or areenvHte did everytMég in I uo cnainaaa as in' coneMMoa,rl desire to again thanktheir iKiwer for the1 comfort and ptssmro mltte. Mrs. J. B.of their vtiltor. It was my privilege lo enriurglnglr of

16 POUNDS GRANULATED SUGAR. ,$1.G0 extend, loving greetls In the name of tao nonpr uays, Mamv. . Daughters of the Text division. AHer qty observadmy greeting, on motion of Dr. Logftaa of ra. t, u f'qx. ana atsraiaf Ma

Km. Fancy Califomk Potato . . . , .25c Kunn, mo enure meaweranip or tne tranaportaatM iSbSCi amí16 Mm. Sweet Potatoe aSc wa uikde lionorKy membt-r- or tfce cured reduced rataa" aa ásl

veteran association, for which honor I due nolle wa seven TaeFáfsey Pink Salmon, tall cans, .,10c tendered our sincere taenks. board of dtreetor aa WIGWAMon Autust 9, i wat invited by Camp jh nrie ratMvav Mm emaial roataFrwh Egs (guaranteed), per doMH . ,30c trader or tialvettou, ta Uve aa.ir i vrntion, Taa oMteUU war aajHpamr sadWMCMMtn Cream Cheese, pf:lb. . . . ". 20c the unveiling or the monwswM erected In raurteons at aH mmm.' Taey sgm ta each

memory of the heroes of Hm Mttle or Oat chanter arestaeat .a asttar mmmm. Flrtt 9kowmc m a 9M of TsmcmSnowdrift, better.than lard, 10 lbs. far $1.25 ve ton. t afforded me a douWe pleasure granted 4 hiH ta'Nrifcaf d- -

accent this invitation, a say father took rrtlstssjr taa aaavsntlen.Fancy ftMsUrry Coffee, 3 lb. or. , , 90c mm in tne name or uivetet from au Tha BwMstlva coMmtttM. wttfc'atr.,x


6 Larfc RblU Toilet Paper, . ,25c vm I went to oalveaton, soso me anted by 8 nt, a eaairwsa aas sttassjaawwuv fainty "LittW Wary Pickforr treasurer, ra. i. r uursaa. wo were of our..tartM la tae l altaawi nan.6 Pkgp. UaMcda Crackers for ,25c Met st the tram by a compítese of veter The prtas menu

Beans an ana dtugnters and esromai ti tae usi of ta swaieum lie,7 lba. Majtaynn for. ffi......... 25c hotel, where on account, af tae dla tgsta saved oar nisi sum this2 Can Nwi&Pack Tomatoes for .if, .15c weather the unvolMtg osawonle cesaveatpse well aaa a reatsMpa. asking fBEffll!n) THE SCENES"1aable The vettrtn sets rianshtera laglitlir aaaaa aa Mtagprtal

t I Can. FaijMKiSo Corn for. ,VL ,fS!....25c eaak other In tnaMsgr tav4lt a taa ptwpasa afaptag fljellilin In

3 (Cant Fatiflsvic Bean for. . M . Mxt.. ,25c asasta the


one,of the erarv


that at saay ha aaa open

ym W P:kage. . ."J!,. , .20c a. A asms 7. the aMmm eta-- atea. u. mmf, cnasnaaa aa asaasm chapter sweaUQusty vis. atan pasturas af taa aaa themFaacr Creamm iltptjlir. per lb, . . , , . ,tfft , ,30c tsxag meinkars. We had Mas an sw iraitai. rassarts aaet at bar

vtastang uta Caasaaderate finds 'asjsad the vewraa and rnnmasi af Slii anta mmTmmmSr TM anaj 4aV Wm."llaiaraey tanstsrl sared for, wtsk be bag ua aaa. I Mai v sea am MBiaW fM l&mrt&mt'tmft . Lion G ry Coaiipy ktllM aad asssnr tuiurtea ( bv with and laatasa las wmtj byNat state, but ilaaejinr, let ua "4s la ta rasa w tr KaW ol all oi ti oiWa rem ! r the dear neat a da'Qstatstsaat ssoaloa.uis.SkwiM. nornm MM Jv424 fx TBaaassivuig, saw aa nan ameau la aaa aanj. nadar taa saesBnraMttusw. of Mr. Mal W, , aa pavaevaraai The udenl cmwh( of ttte, state ay- - uawtaktstg, get la ara asaay aaaaverity set eataa. stay sg lata Hm I as asartaajr. four priaiJit asa a a a paetNai t mmmmm

El Precio de "El Morning Times99Es Cinco Centavos On o 23 Centavos Mexicanos--No Se Pague tíasl i i i ii tmmvmmm Hti Él m iiii'imfci im . "' " '' ' ' '" "' frw i Hi m- ilii'i ni iiÉniiiiiiiii) ii

A0 35.)

.tegfc1glÉt& '

. C



Menr XSatáilinhiirti ,












QUE SOLEMNE UNA:FORTALZA-ívlOVÍBL- E Moderno tipo, de caftonse construidos'

por la fábrica de Creuzot La. fortaleza' puede moverse fácilmente de un lugar a "XICO.NACIONAL- - DEM&

.l I. f'fi J .j. i fj i ii i J . j.wuu pvn auuic ra vj tanm y auoiHW wc 4wun c wuau uiuu jwa euJiLccM c,ti ct iw uuiuim ijuc-n- i vcw, hgvii ctg4C(etuua ycuius pita jcuiuc y lunes uc

Especialypara el Times observación. De la Prensa Asociada.Águascalientes, Octubre 27,

. México, Octubre 27.---EI Gral.T k UtL íf como una protesta de oüe resoe- - se. hacen pasar por subditos britá-

nicos,posición de esta cruz se relata CON ESFUERZO GIGANTE. Venustiano Carranza envióXA convene Km mimar se icuiihj hoy

.hoy a, las tres de la tarde y se tarán las .decisiones de la' mayoríá EL LUNES EN LA NOCHE están obteniendo pasapor diciendo qüe cuando el Zeppelin, Pans, Octubre 2?, Las pecu-liares

su 'renuncia a la convención ' deerigió ;en .solemne sesión secreta en está convención. tes, para salir de Alemania y din en quése encontraba Luckhardt, tácticas de ios alemanes, a Aguascalientes, como presidente

El más absoluto, sUerjcid se girse a Inglaterra, cuyos pasapor-tes

lanzaba- bombas sobre Ambcres, lo krgo de las costas del Mar del provisional de la répúbhca.guarda acerca de los asuntos quji nión que. Carranza tiene de los GAUCHO. MUGiCA TRATO los han proporcionados diplo en lbs combates recientemente re-- J Norte, continuaron sin cesar hoy,

Sin la deserán tratados hay Tazón hombres1 qucifiirvieron leatmente á máticos y agentes consulares ame gistrados en dicha ciudad, lá" má al volver sus grandes cañones so- - .embargo, promesa re-

nunciarr pera de lalos principales la causadel pueblo, quearnesea- -

DE ASESIHAR AL GRAL ricanos. quina fuerdescubierta por 'un re ureicupori, y ios anauos ,;rcsis-tierq- nnación la

como jefe supremocondiciónque hace lapara suponer bajo

tónicos serán la cuestión de la ron sus yjday libertades, si pien La embajada inglesa sabe que flector yiacto continuo una lluvia los repetidos taques de de el Gral. Villa retire tam.soberanía de la. misma sa que todos violarán su.juramen- - muchos extranjeros han cruzado de granadas fue arrojada sobre masas de tropas. Cada pequeño que se

actitud del Gral.conven;

Ca to y su palabra ya comprometida el canal de la Mancha armados de ella, tocando una-.d- e las balas' los progreso de los alemanes encon- - bién de los negocios públicos.ción, Ta VILLA EN EL CUARTELrrnáza.

y tan solo por permitir1 due él. Ca pasaportes obtenido, por medio de bastidores de un propensor, es trójobstinada resistencia de parte Al renunciar el Gral. Carranzarranza, se conserve al frente de la engaños; y, comoquiera que los tando apunto de intühitilarse delos aliados. dice que lo hace por los más altos

n Se segura que la contención presidencia, los deberes de la cual DE ZAGS. funetonanos ingleses están stem completamente la máquina. " ElÁcruzanuento ayer del Yscr motivos de patriotismo y que detiene en preparación un manifies-to

tiá probado ser incapaz de cum GUADALUPE, pre., alerta contra los esplasisus GuandóTLuckhardt. se dió; cuenta párete qu esolo tuvo un efecto la no aceptación de este ofrecial,pueblo k México, qtié

-- arro?será plir y llenardehidamente: sospechas han crecido, ahora' de del peligro, inmediatamente sé morai, porque ios alemanes se miento suyo defiende sf su élimiv

'lina á las. como respuesta punto. puso a, aserrar el propensor, com vieron entrentados a una sólida naciun cuninuuiria a ta .aproxima-ciónÍantes pretencionos de Carranza , VIGOROSA REÍIITEMCIA. . El embajador confiesa que el pletando su obra en media hora linea, de tropas aliadas, y se les de la paz de la república y al

Ícbo. manifiesto resueltatneaU .tiene frente1 los V ',000 pies de los cañones de cumplimiento avanzado de lasconvenció el Ofrecen, lee, ahadot a? kn1 endites problema que en (a impidió avanzar no sin nacer so-

brehumanosWookmará la ta-- Tsarr- A tanefonerios 'am eri can os, que,rén las'fortalezas. Citando hubo ter-

minadosfuerzos-- én direc ideas democráticas--, . .

poder soberaiKr-rHiíéxico- y de: Metnanss enCOMETER, TRAS UNA presen tan; actualmente a la Gran su trabajo y la el Zeppe-- ción d los puertos del canal. La Al discutir la renuncia del GraU

signar! a Águascalientes, la, api De la Prensa Asociada.BREVE CORTE SUMARLA Bretaña-e-n Alemania es bastante un corría con una veiociaaq. ac w naturaleza de la región impide Carranza' un ált'o funcionario dijo:

tal, provisional del pete. Berlín, Octubre 27.En infor MARCIAL: FRANCISCO difícil, porque no es nada factible millas por hora, Luckhardt repa rápidas marchas por .estar los te "El Gral. Villa acusa at Gral.i Hablando" tíel ásuntó "de ia' soi me fechado 'hoy a', medio día, el MUGICA .YA HABIA COME-- poner en claro si el solicitante, que lró un "JboquétB"fabíertó en él ;cas-c- o rrenos cortados por canales, y Carranza' de ser un personalistaberanía. d la convención y de las, cuartel general dice lo siguiente: TIUO OTRO ASESINATO habla inglés bien, ce o,tío subdito ,de la máquina 'por una de laá dos senes1 de defensas los sepa que desea aprovecharse de un ac- -pretendones de Carranza, para te-

ner "Hacia el'iOeste del canal de EN MEXICO ; 'LOS OFICIA brftánico granadas. ran de Dunquerquc. (A la 3a. plana.,el derecho, de veto las dir deen. la TesoreríaYsér," entre Tííeuport, Dixmudc, LES DE VILLA PROTESpbsicions de la, asamblea. Raul y

TAN ANTE 'LA CONVEN Williams, hizo público esta noche' Madero, unode los representantes puntos que se encuerit'ran en 'po-

der CION- - DE AGUASCALIEN el he,cho ;de que las, reservas dedel ejército del .Norte, dijo, hoy:, 4 del enemigo, nuestras, tropas

TES DE EtTE'ATENTADO. los bancos 'nacionales en, los doce Cérea de eheeekte 'IKarfcuVNo debe, haber ninguna duda. atacaron' las 4 trincheras de aquel, distritos-d-e reserva federal, teníanejne." Vendida ordinariamente Nuetro catálogo de ropa hecha

- "No 'debe haber ninguna duda tropezando, con vigorosa , resis él 1 2de Septiembre último, $580,-000,0-

Un atentado sin resultado," pa aSOckUbra. listo. Envíenos nombre.acéréa de que la convención es la téncia. en 'exceso de k cantidad - eatá su

sobrrate'en Je; república más que. asesinar al Gral. Villa, se, hieo que fija la nueva ley del ramo. DéM4eree4ee , 39c Khra

La flota británica auxilió losVenustiano Carranza, asi corno a por Francisco Múgíca, conocido esta vastas. urna, $53,0o0,00e estántampoco que, toaos los demásjejes aliados, pero'' fue obligada a re en Jos circuios de policia deMé-xic- o, en Boston ; $83,000,000 en Nuevamilitares v ciudadanos' es tán en el troceder cen el 'fuego de nuestros como el gaucho argentino, York; $57;0O0,000 en Kansasdeber dé repetaf suar disposicio-nes,

cañones calibre. Tres en la población de Guadalupe, City; $84,000,000 ea Ballast ylia razón de esto está perfec de esos barcas fueron fócadospor Zacs., en donde tiene establecido $50,000,000 en San Francisco.

tamente clara. Habiendo de Ca- las balas 'de nuestra artilleria.Tp- - temporalmente su cuartel el mis-mo

El documento del citado inter-ventortranza: en primer lugar Ja con-

venciónda f atarde qer2f,.la folta se' man Gral. Villa, según los mensa-

jesmanifiesta que ks reservas

está formada de" los jefe tuvo fuera, del alcance dé núes oficiales deilos secretarios de en todos" los bancos nacionales enque colocaron a Carranza en el tros cañones. . Villa a Carlos Arguelles, su agen-t- dicha' fecha, montaban a $115,000,-00- 0

podér'y léa que lo apoyaren para 'En las inmediaciones de de información en esta, ciudad más' de lo que se requiere le-

galmente,que cumpliera con sus, deberes Ypres han cesado, loe ataque, más . Por este mensaje se .sabe que '

hasta k eliminación de Huerta. al uresle dedKho-'Iufar- en 1 por la confesión que el gailchp'hi El consejo de reservas federales,' "Cada visión del ejército Oeste y Suroeste de Lille, pro-

gresazo ante el agente del departamen-to

dió esta noche, detalles completos

constitueioualieta está represen-tad

neustra ofensiva. Durante de .Estado, Geo. Carothers, wél respecto al pkn del fondó.oe prés-tamo"aquí y si la mayoría 'de los un encuentro etectuo. en las ca Gral. Villa v los 'oficiales de su de $iPi'0O0,0Ck), qie se des-

tinarándelegados sí- ael lo deseen, te may lies de dicha población, los ingle Estado Mayor, declaró haber sido al cuidado de k'eoéechajusto y tienen ,el derecho de, eli-


sea: fueron oWieados a retirarse, comisionado por el Gral. Franeis sobrante.de algodón en élSur.sufriendo muchas bajea ydekn- -.ó sustituir á Carranza. co . Cosía --Róbelo, inspecto GndXüo en mteeire poeer ;ow ptwiii de. Policia k PERECEN CIEN MWWOS.exactamente eomo tuvieron el de en capital, .paravane

recho de llevarlo al princMHo al ñeros. r i Villa. En la mienta En una. terrible exploeioñ' seque"Al Norte de Arras mwstrasC,-- , u'c h&hh reémkÍM solo k dj0poder. por yaléptía verified n Royekéñ.vy'yfuerzas contuvieron-u- n

capacidad de estos hombres en ataque áS mtM de dinero de parte dey De la Prensa Asociada'.,?los franceses, quienes' tuvieron' el campo ck. batalla, que Carranza GraL Pablo. González para llevara Octubrebastantes bans ÍHasp' Royalton, JTJrrAjeon-secuenc- kensus vcabo misiónretener ePpoder todo lo su peligrosa.pudo y "En el 'teátr oEste de la guerra Después de haber el gaucho de Hna, terriWc 'etejplo-sió- n

que rocío kp timu, nuf tie k Idea al nombrar, a, Carranza nuestro moñmtentb ofensiva contesado, se le hiso una supera ocurrida hoy en htMipa"primer Jefe" convertirlo en un contra Aúguetowo sigue progre- - corte marcial; Múrica fue senten "Mitchell," cercana a eeu','íiik-ció- n, rdictado, y ouaado mueetrasJmta cietra

mruu, ailas


uní, bc jdec-- ciado a muerte, habiendo stdo, eje se cree que probanMejeJáte

de ser una amenaza peraJa líber ensiendo kiPorahkaJ cutado tnntedtataniente dsenuee. perecieron cien o más de 1m Mi

tad del tnrfebte meiuceee, es Ron mhfCiioileetá Los oficiales del GraLVtk.ee neros que se cncontraoanobjeto de ,renocion del pueeto, LsWcidido

aneetras annae;compktanunte.

peso no se ha tánaUepénte apesadumbrados y I penando sus labores tn el. Hag Est exactamente eomo cusMtner otra iihhiwi pvr ow nnwnu .vjntvei aci iirq.

L persona eá quien se hubiera per-- P XSrcXNITUN JPUJOsLOl. De los 300 mineros que cntm--dido k fe en favor de U causa De k Prenee' Asociada. V tseten pnrf nBo anee, k confer ren al trabajo, leo pudieron Dia De Estampillas de Letra Colorada

l por k cual ei ejército consthuciof Isbndres. Octubre que boy. eeiá en sesiones r de la catástrofe, JO másI LLi?.t r it .1. t..iÁll. AgusscsHswtee sacados muertos se. """"""""""" '

un mensaje recibido en Roma, de yLa convsncUw tiene derecho, AveJnea, Albania, una coKimna de FrancMco Miaica fue sentsainna. como 100 o másse ouedasuny

ciado el cónetfleenWrados Cualquiera upé coleccione come le hace con lee obten--."HaWanoo más .imiMaeResUe, 00 hombres nfrten anuales al por aseeenato del entre loe escomheñm 30 Estampillas cupones

esa ccyeoejan UsfK el pAtac tiérelle rerulsr de ore un gift de 5 per ciento sobre sue compra, no obstantepoder que ks ic riojMitst d ana ta wm Va Urta c aeflBHa1 Se algunos anos. .Pssji Debido a eue deepuee de lainv el hecho de eweeeárBsh-nenanle- i mek sancia y a mae neju precio que cualquiera ocre

gó VlshSanMca. aiejunoe nine de prVilíií&n se declaró el fuego en fU del ranm en Tenme.

siaonea los mueidhisnMte- - sión yeunndo el "ciuBtÉlaao" tu4eaneU rimen del Oro. se 'cree aein.r rhttré'generlal dimrhfÍMMFée

ejM jPPMM' re-

mover man en Onegniease,

y ponienoo en fu do eeennane. en uásAn.' de otroeMne, esgracinM qu H .tedareej 20 Est illas Gratis mía quisca' que deeee emnsesr un nueve Nhne HOYrr rciirado, tunhnáfrcnflnanta el ga a estos .ñltimo. inmediata pi9v am m prnucncwna, nsjMos no JaññTan sai vanee. DE ESTAMPILLAS DE LETRA COLORADA.

derecho loe accionietaj, expre-sado

mente weiuuU los goejws stgmnr PMSEWTA UVA QTJPJA. PORTENTO K AVIÁCUpIt. Afenga a rernupej estampilla noiolnlemenU graH. Wo.ne.neseeertopor una mayoría. Reepcto al ron hack Keevo, i e1tlá untoan pm eneunr a énleccmnar

derecho de Carranza para aefev Por lililí ai lkgadon ekt in AiÉnneié en ññléWlñm no eetacnpillae, egihh4j-nliiis- i

mt o desechar loe procedimkñtM rior s sane ejn los Kpiiwlns griev k ñetMlinv ejlsnvtilt k cenveeiesófi, sjejhdsnunente ev goe e kHDe k Pnuee Awchen TiiítT. del f 1 'ce o loe eneblos de 'WasaMButeL Octnwe tr.ntrnrtor Unddurév del escuadrón 10 Eáemm&e eef JÉÉ nonnksjpfnv

Los auanto aowpeee e Buei, Tepeleni, Snbsi y PremiM.lenihak4or ingte, Sér CecÜ IprunMdc ewentra elelsjw de pfmmmy donde esMnarb

ns Carranaa eeper tfCjn. ynltoeke pertenerieam a AHnuñn jjRica, jrwento hpy sau nuek nnlcon k crita de hierro de primetnl Unte ejkuW eeeno. eWeewnV, mmVfká9tBsnte greda, un tánnn. DIEZ uaMPlU-Af-t A R

na kMoa ea k bné-ln- o mar retkw de k frcnttejiM isjirMniurg de letaeln, reenélckM. '1 No ee nejeeaMo bese? i nnepie mmmonra tawptaf w psaoo esñra fJMr" tív 'jae Hdtni IgMgeaM OHM 1 MÍO ftkMlSMolO. CO(A lenV

' ji faifa


IB. WMO MOKMNC TlteS in ofMMfMcloR, koHn wn si dad en todos lot ramoi de la ae linea y el íiiform oficial breten- -tuaciórt ije casi BÍcmpre redunda tívidad humana, por teatro años COMtSIOI SIN JUdo por él Cor!. Hatíitld at Cttar-- eclaltstaei 1new 9rfeMW 'totfC íífcí 4faf anH6 en j'crjHKio uc la ciase irauaj éc guerra intestina, le twpari kl ecncral habla de mm Jtuu didora. A Clon oei capuai cxinmcrt) y n PIEIOS paró sobre los mrfdsiw smerjea AUtmám tm Xa Jmtá a BaM I Sha Él

Cuantió I6s obreros están ora cional. la Dáralizackin de his in nos antes ét me se rmcHera. . d Imm, ifiiPM ton WiBtKraSn pvm mmtm otmhm cernea to b raso, mm nlzados v van a ia hiíelira, tienta dustrias, el estancamiento &1 co La petíció ét HHl, 0m re ! aattnwiSnétt St Ofbro MmtmtmtM Omm

antes que dar parte a las dcmi mercio, la disminución eit las im-

portacionesLA COMISION ZAPATI itUniones de esta resolución, pra y exportaciones, la DUO OUK OMIRVARIA ai urai. ,uiiS4

SttNtet Mrba. Cells Bur Oretoa. Ique encuentren apoyo, siempre miseria pública, todo es ame' A LA COMVBHCIpH. HMNft VftÉfdMkaV f JCiBMMfeAftt 0lft ttffttaWMMsnVlal

.Vadee 1m eeatUateaciaata deatfáa Mr dl que la nueiga sea justa y se adap naza para el éxito de la huelga LOS MAXINOf JIERIDOl. Omnamam kJ hhHí Ma trténWft 1 te a los estatutos de las repetidas Su falta de oportunidad es paten De la Prensá Asociada, tkM ,M llMllIN S10fO. WWtéttH, IMNT aMt M

'M rAM momu,"9 timrs uniones. Asi los patronest trope te y manifiesta. Será un grano Y diimés coniteitísaria sus imM Washington', Octubre 27. El Mru m Oorr, rirtanú. Ommti y w mmei. FASO, TEXAS.

zarán con una barrera inlranquca-blc- , más añadido al desbarajuste na narco hospital "Solace," de la ma-rinaMPMMKTAlTrea Htj ahuhcws ex. con Una resistencia obstinada, ciortal. al desequilibrio social ra aHtensaetew. ,4 americana, recibid órdenes aMlUm miinlMun mimIIm lniwS'i UtrntnM,'

Kueva YertliTBAHJEftOSt

8- - C BecXwIIB. Arese la que, para vencerla, tendrán n económico ouc en estos momen de zarpar de Veracruz hack el ae pmHo r wwto yw nwi Swm 4HMM, MMMtO M "La TrlitHM. cesidad de gastar fuertes sumas en tos precisos amenaza la vida de De la Prensa Asociad. Norte, tomando a bordo los maM. Loeter; I. C. Beckwltn, A(cn(U diferentes formas y apelar a la in ia nación. Es natural que la idea VVashirtirton. Octubre 27. La.t rinos nuc se encuentran enfermos anáw 'rniífitririB mmMWW'M Tercer Bseto nacional añvsirM 'aatar.w; a Vtfaiwm vwtMi, LUUNr Btrava. oiiif fluencia de la autoridad, en solici-

tudde huelga lleve implícito un me-

joramientoúltimas noticias recibidas en el ea los barcos americanos anclado

de apoyo, a las Uniones de al que el trabajador departamento de Estado de sus actualmente cp aguas de Mexico, DOCTORES AXJEIVIAJSJOByCcbrtiorMterten NIDm.

'eulrlt4atM. Leiih

eay Claude

( eiudtdiAndrus.

a capitales, a todo aquello que pueda tiene derecho; pero ir a la huelga atientes especiales en A miase Cuba, Haití y Santo Domingo, Kmmi De 8 tu m a S p. m.,

prestarle ayuda, en su explotación en Mexico cu can uuuwua ínt-

icoslien, se refieren a la visita hecha Los marinos serán traídos al hos-

pitalBnmlngw 4e 9 m, m. m tM L

PRECIOS BE BUSCntraQNi desde in-

memorialde prueba para la nación por los 28 delegados zapatistas naval del gobierno á fin de Curta No. f. CWte Mm Na.

despiadada, tiempo v(Por eerree, pese sdeltntado.) que Al rre8t ée "I Kraw." Str Tint. M ISmo, Tmm.WrlHient y lot dennc, ua flo,,.s.oo ejercen sobre la espalda es sencillamente un contrasentido Guadalupe, donde el Gral. Villa qac reciban las atenciones meDlarttmeets y to floteroi, nKHimlLK) del trabajador. y una insensatez. tiene su cuartel general, y los cuá-

lesdicas.Bierieineat to7 dosMacoi, I meiet,, etDiariamente jo domiaros, 1 del W. ÍUVAK y líUÜINU. reeresaron a la convencióny mes.f....7tc Pero para la fuerza capital TENIA DINERO FALSO.Harnero de li domtetot, solamente, mismo día. TeIrrfi-CTe- r coru. UM. titrciooil OPORTUNIDAD PARA Fmás la fuerza de laM ano ,.,... no hay que SERAN CASTIGADOS

.IPor nuestros repartidores.) Unión obrera, no hay más que la De los informes oficiales parece Corñercianteque se captura y se Una Kanta lndapan lauta GANAR DINERO V-

Diariamente y loé dominroi, i me......7ic solidaridad obrera, no hay más Los carniceros que vendían carne desprenderse que los representan-tes

envía a Chihuahua. Inrlerl uMed tu dinero en" donde 1 oro. Podemos comprobar con Boletín ea daTeléfono mm. que la firmeza en los ideales de los de caballo y muía. de Zapata no vinieron con el José, Kleiiíman, propietario de dute utlUSM. Aquí aay tul buen rwffoelo. la Bolee. Petrolera, de Místico, uta, lascon $HM.t t tompri um mtenltlccarácter de aecúnea de ALAMO, DÉ PAKUCOVISA UAkrpima nun obreros. De la Prensa Asociada. delegados autorizados cm da to cixrtM, a u mejor kxilidid duna tienda de curiosidades en la valen actualmente tl.zS mex., es OVeeirPaMisfted Every day la tft rear De nuestros Louisville, Ky Octubre 27, debidamente por el jefe suriano, si pmo. Ffwuoe iwom me. mo.oo 10.21 mas de au valor,estaEL FASO TIMES COMPANY. manera para vecina población de Juárez, fué Ai mniuio V '! 'mMÍÁA bUuii Mmndni.sino como una comisión, a cam Tenemos en eats, acciones qué recísi-moshermanos los mexicanos no hay Los primeros pasos en una inves Bdiricio de) "HHtíú" 318. TeÍOQ (80S.En Itred tn Iat rotiofflce it El Peso antea de la sisa que eenUnuainasTexas, u second das malt ratttr. , mas que la Unión ; pero union or-

ganizada,tigación qu edetermine si se está bíar impresiones y opiniones con MDEteOH REALTY CO. vendiendo & 11.09 me, as DB4ats-qu-

PUBLICATION OFFICES I unión seria'yYespetablc, vendiendo aquí carne de caballo y los convencionales ; y que, cuando porcias autoridades de dicha po-

blación,sabemos del aumento. - T

THE TIMES OnE. satisfarán Es una buena oportunidad para ob-tener

BUILDWO, SOUTH se del carácter de lá INSTITUTO INTBRNAClÓftAl, PrlBHrU,00.1 STREET. unión consciente, Union que no ce muía, por carne de res, se die acusándosele de' tener en Huperlor. Cerner eM, iiUeaM. Curto 4

una Jutfena utilidad, que Irá creAddreH tn communications to, Tb Mem, tenga por divisa más que 'el me-

joramientoron hoy por el gran jurado lcl convención, informarán a Zapata

su posesión cierta cantidad de mo Mpecii. Efeotr Mermwofi C&11 Sa ciendonegocio

dlariameqtebien definido.

por tratarseLas acciones

da Untar Times, El riMvTuu. del resultado entonces recibiráneficaz del trabajador, condado do Jeffersoti la tun y Antonio iMt; TeMfeao MM. Intenudo.y por

' neda falsa. Kleinman .fue lleva-


aon Valorea al cortador v ae nuedeaY cuando esto no es posible, ia local de snlubridaJ. autorización completa. COLEOfe PAUKHUt. realizar en un momento. i

La comisión, sin embargo, hizo a la penitenciaria de Chihua-hua,

El Pm, Ten. Cll N. Oféiea tlS. Loa tenedores da estas acciones estánHECHOS í COMENTARIOS cuando los obreros no están uni-

dos,P. gran jurado declaró culpable Curse de latió. tttuRcl y Comercio, da plácemes.

cuando por institnto de soli hoy a un tarnicero, por una cu entender claramente a los agentes agregándose que allá se le Cutdro doeento eoaipleto y oómpeteate. Escriba Usted o telefoneo pidiendo

daridad se identifican con cuai- - sación técnica, y la Junta de" salu del gobierno americano en dicha juzgará por el delito de que se le Clitet diurMi y nocutrau. UHérMdoi bien mapas, detalles, prospectes, etc.(tendido, L. Director. Teier. 3430,LAS HUELGAS MEXICANAS movimiento de su gremio, bridad, oyó, a puerta cerrada, la convención, que había llegado a acusa.

WUtOn,Mexican Petrelaum Stecsc

Con todo movimiento obrero 3uier clase laborante, los obreros declaración de doce matarifes 3una plena y completa inteligencia El Sr. Kleinman es austríaco. EtpecMlldM

OH. fiUUXCKMOen erermedtdee

tí. BLL8H0RTH,de raujere Agency

simpatizamos, hijos del unidos deben acudir las, vendedores de averi con el Gral. Villa. actualmente ea ODertcKmet auirurrlca. oricin 'or bajoporque no a carne, para encontrápdose lie E. Seruada MS. Ciua Ban Anldnio Teléfono 6710. No. 18 Buckler.Blds;.pueble, queremos que los de aba ganizaciones, antes de lanzarse a guar hasta dónde se ha extendido Aunque los funcionarios de es el amparo de los agentes consula- - ul iueiuuu nit. ftcuacocia man i. EL PASO, TEXAS.jo, como aespeciivamcnie jos na la huelga, y aún SÍ esto tampoco es la practica de poner a la venta te gobierno no recibieron detalles res alemanes

! ae V.'i'juarez y r.,uní NO VENDA, compre al, enmble ustedrria el capital, se levante. Admi posible, mantenerse firmes, liga-

doscarne prohibida. , de las deliberaciones habidas hoy huahua. aerrasaieattui ae enrueda, maso

Cananea la idea del en la convención,, despachos an El lunes en la noche fué rlílea, bnat que apa ala nreeien Cuando quiera venderramos la huelga de en fuertemente por Se han hecho declaraciones ante tam Teléfono 11. H. wobr. asi a. j ORO O P1ATA v1306, y fuimos perseguidos por ha mejoramiento material, y no tran dicha junta, afirmando qué caba teriores habían indicado qUe la re-

nunciabién aprehendido por la policía de "aaov. RECUERDE

del Gral. Carranza sería Que nosotrosberla alentado; lamentamos los re-

sultadossigir con ci capiiai.-aunqu- por ca-

tanos y muías uecrepuos, se lian es Juarez un americano de apellido COMPRAMOS pedacerla. le cobre Paramo precio mi altos que cual-

quierde la que conmoció a actitud haya necesidad de cam-biar

tado matando y se venden como sometida a discusión por los cene Beal, residente de Nuevo México, bronce, huesos, land, cueros, Jarcia, otro s inmediatamente, al coa

Orizaba en 1907; no quisimos de residencia, de oficio, de carne de res per, toda la ciudad. rales Ubrepon; Lháo y Castro, Beal se encontraba con Jé D. Mc-pi- trapos,Boulevard


Herman Blocb, y Co., E. tadoipesarao




Ud.creer en los desastres sufridos por todo. La actitud de cada trabaja quienes fueron delegados por la en el automóvil de este últi-

mo,espera)dies minutos ensaye de'para plata,

los obreros de Nogales, Ver., dor aislado no se pierde; es la ser asamblea para entrevistar al pri cuando fué detenido .ptír la (03 s.INSTITUTO


PATTKHSON"Tel. tía. media bora para ensaye de oro ,

cuando en 1012 fueron fusilados milla que se deposita en el surco mer jefe: policía. El cónsul americano re Escuela para varo041. tatemo y. eiternoa. fundiciónSe expiden

ti secertificado

desea.de ensaya


SALE LA eauicio moaerno. Maestros experiméntaEXPEDICION.por la espalda por los dueños de del trabajo para que más tarde 1 anuncio recibido de: la Ciu sidertte en Juárez está haciend( nos, uuii nociur oo Compramos 0 tratamos amaleanlas fábricas; impasibles asistimos fructifique, y dé ópimos frutos a De la Prensa Asociada. dad de Mexico, respecto a que Ca las, investigaciones del caso. IH0LES, XSPAK0L Y MUSICA. y


venda ea otra, parta antes daa ese torneo de las tarifas, en que los obreros que vengan después. Buenos Aires, Octubre 2C. La rranza liabia presentado su re EL PASO IROIf k ME1AL SU) vernos.

expedición antartica británica, en nuncia, bajo la, condición de que UN COLLAR DE PERLAS Antonio 1M4. corapnuao cobre, (Ierro, Cía. Refinadora y Compradera ti irlos obreros de hilados y tejidos lu-

charonJas huelgas que en estos mo bronce, buea'os y bule, etc. Teléfono títo. Metales.

como buenos, contra las mentos se verifican cn'Montcrrcy, cabezada por el Teniente Sir Er Villa se retirará a la vida privada QUE VALE $1,800,000.00 Cañe da San Francisco No. a.

nest H. Shackletoa, partió rumba está de acuerdo Informes del APAEMDA USTED INOLES-C- noctUT- -ambiciones hipócritas de los pro-pietarios

la ciudad de México y en otros conMav Maver. comerciante de

- su en ei instituto "Lyoia paiterton." aal bur, hoy. ;. , cónsul Silliman, quien manifestóde aquellas factorías, y lugares serán simplemente desas-

trosas.perlas londinense, quien, fué due

en todo tiempo y en todo lugar, nos Las condiciones del país, NECESITA AñTEOJUST hace días que Carranza estaba lis ño del famoso collar de medio mi SE LIMPIA relojes por tée .cuernas seci InteresantePrerunte bertu. clle Tun no. 10 dimitir, si Zapata Villató aha pasado que obreros mexicanos, SU desorganización, jla inseguri yUón: de cual; fué robado He Villa. Carranza., cbtbuahua. calle

abandonaban sus puestos en el dólares,fel Amonio IOS. Denver Jewelry CO Ba aaber quo en laejército cnstitudonaliata. en él año pasado, en sü tránsio de AL COSTO venderemos (odas las mingueru FARMACIA RIO GRANDE

ha echado en mea, rouu tt unaicr.Pans a Londres ,se para jaraEste observado.gobierno na 'ara, y Stanton il9cima la tarea de coleccionar Comerdo-nu- u InternaUonaLdesde el principio, una absoluta per Taqulrratia TeL 708.actitud pasiva en la controversia las para hacer un nuevo cpllar'que U J. AHLLLAfiO S tiUO Couiliraiao Hallará TJd. siempre lo .que busca.

cueste, un millón y medio ep oro, venoeaaos, moneda naazteana os toda Medicina do Patenta Fr&scessuCarranza-Vill-a lo afectepor late. HUU Bldf. 106. TeL SOU.que En la actualidad lé faltan sola "Productos de México, eta,a1 la convención la impresión; pero

mente doce, para completar las SE, NECESITA Uúa mujer mexicana para Eschipnloso despacho de recetas.general es que, si todas las fac tranajo de casa. Dinrtrse a la tabaauerlaUna Oportunidad ciones se ponen de acuerdo, res 200 perlas indispensables. Dice ae av. Meta 200.

Mayor cstl haciendo esa cokpecto- a: la persona que se elija que SE SOLICITAN Dos Señoritas de buena DÍAMANl'ESpara presidente interino! en la con lección nara &auaitt;iuu uiuuia presencia, aue sepan contabilidad, tiaravención, ese individuo obtendrá pero, que al mismo tiempo, no du do oficina. Dirlrlrse 4 Av. Lerdo No. 3. C. Pacamos loa más altea preotos

da de que podrá Vender el valioso juarez, Méx. por diamantea, también Oro yreconocimiento formal oor los Es plata, en cualquier forma.collar, el cual se compondrá de las UN LOTTE De ísxltó y un cuarto de adobetados Unidos, y las tropas ameri bomba do arua. calle T. & r. en 37S. La Calle Saa Antéale SSSHLa Edición Española, del Paso Morning canas serán retiradas de .Vera- - perlas más finas que se conocen,

mitaa, ti contado y el resto en abonos, GENEVA JEWELRY CO.Weiss vi a. man ion.

hasta el 15 de Abril cruz.. Loi mífor! cutot. cea (tBOMOMiTimes, por Teléf. tlOfAdrertUmeat. DE LA .DICTADURA A LA ANARQUIA.

la suma de 93.00 SE DECLARA CULPABLEHUiorla Polillea de Meilee,

ATJTOMOyHiH DK RENTApor namOa Prlda.Desde uce once años estaba Obra enaclonal sobra las última re El Pase Auto a Taaa Ueae parade la iustlcia. AVISOS de OCASION Toludono en Mexico cdn la muerte do lo alquilar 10 grandes autos do ca-

minoDe la Prensa Asociada. ares. Madero, la, decena trades, etc. La y taxis, jurante toda la aoeká'El Paso Morning Times publica las noticias del día imparcial; Nueva York, Octubre 27 El edición española de venta en "La ideal.1 y todo al ala. La estaeidn está

Loa Diluir usa tola vex tM E. Overland) Internacional Book, LttUe situada frente al. Hotel Paao, delmente y sin prejuicio. Es el primer periódico que da las noticias más Dr. Richard C Flower, promotor Una

Una lineapalabra



u 11.00M Pltsai




norte, 609 s. Oreton. Norte" Calla W. Ban Antoniode empresas mineras y quien. No. 11. Teléfonos ttl y 44,de todos los de los Estados Unidosimportantes centros México, y AUJUlTJSS aciivub. necesitamos un carro de bueso. uerdespués de habér sido acisado --tx.Para la venia o VASO MOflMHU man siocn & co.Europa. Una información exacta, acerca de los acontecimientos de robo, cómo resultado de sus liuKs" íiliciiiinoi aaenie en loa Kaiadetpor rt TUV19 Nilcvn UKXICO r A1UZUNA

México, es la demanda del pueblo que habla el idioma español en la transacciones, evadió la acción WUUUCAen

MBXICAMAjwaaa tas pouiacieuea




y esjaaas

úsanosIti Pase


parte Norte de México y en el Sur de los Estados Unidos. Solo el de la justicia, desde 1903 hasta slOMES.Etcruiano

.noy mitmo, vmmoui...... r. u.

Mnrnlnir Times. QUERRA Sqfué Toronto, LINOLEO tapates, algunos 'de benaososque aprehendido en tíQ Mi. El Pato. TU.. U. S. A. y llana de la 6amTimes publica esta información lo más exactamente posible casi liudho une ysrua. rouu I Bsrepee as ey Canada, el jueves ultimo, se con-fesó

VISITEROS uawa y vuelva otra vea. re- - Zlokler rl. Stanton ttl. eolarya. Boalle-- r allí ftn sátfstaf lasiempre muchas horas antes de que lo hagan los demás, periódicos. culpable hoy en la Suprema rreterla. Plnturaa, uarnicei y víanos Z. JOSEPH COMPRA TODA CLASE Ba tot rasada.

planos a precio bajos. 439, calle sur ti KRNAnBf LOftZ MERMN THE N.uone. le Desperdicios de cobre, bronce.Una mfermació completa se da por el Times acerca cW Ja guerra .Enfermo, viejo y sin un céntipato. A. Yane. sine, fierro, hule. Ademas costalea. nANsaa cirr. mm.

europea, atj como también las noticias locales de mas importancia. mo, el hombre que hizo dinero UUAHANTüK ELECTRIC CO. ceras.C Ju&resv

7 nuesoChin,




millones meato ae esta-fa?

La ensreta mtt ratonablo en la ciudad. 13 ó.La Eslioilfi Español por poren. entregada por nuestros repartidores a para aparato elíclrtco y u compottura.

, cualquiera dirección en la ciudad, o por correo a cualquierjinto de nuenaíTi'- -mineras,

i..-- ,.lucnar;declaró

v aii muicaric-que


-noci-- i

411 at BoukrartL Alauii Sugtr Mittmlos Estados Unidos 6 México, HASTA EL 15 DE ABRIL DE 1915, juez que reconsiderara su dicho, D. W, OLVERA ZVNIGA Navelato, StnaJeacostara salé $3.00. Esta oferta catará en vigor solo un tiemna muy contesto anuí YHinni

altoFacultades, 4 México y Texas Vendedores por mayor eleiLo he tomado en considera ORO Y PLATA '"V1 OesMuHerte 4SS 8. BUútes

corto. ción. He trastajo todo el dinero A. W. LOMBAAM Oí. TeieTeMat Azicirj AcaWCali s. m Pm ta?. serado Pito.

Córtese el inserto que junté, tratar de quedar ResIdenoU SSSSt Ofletsa, SS4A. Raakle Se Mac'cupón abajo y envíese inmediatamente alDe-


MAIZ 11.U, frijol tt.W la m Mbra. Peek,Circulación del tuera de hacer lo que ahora aca Stanton MM. Tewrono Me. Asantede Morning Times. bo de verificar voluntariameate." 212 West OverW StMetEl Dr. Flower fué declarado Mead de bmmMm de

culpable por cinco capituló por ten lih VA ÜD. PARA MEXIOOT CaskAteun gran jurado en esta ciudad, eri IN6LES Cletee noctura. AprendUaje ri dteero-e- la AveatSn Veré Ke,

pUo. coterie raiBMfe. Tew. m. 1, da JuArei, nata j ssinnia flCUFONr 1903, por robo vanas señoras a panel era o Wen asa la atacaón Mquienes indujo a invertir fondee SE REATAN 9 Cuartee aawtefeladoa con fanmaaritt. KxsaKs cnncLwnaMenu, wntna paraewer, ataronia w.en empresas mineras, fcn varias MAYMt

ocasiones dejó perder las fianzasDaparUmente dé ClrewJaei. j que habla otorgado; posterior-

menteárente eieluawos de 1m fanrieM.

El PaM'Maraifl;,

EL PASO,Timei.

TEX. Ifue arrestado en Terra CMfnTMM( Minialt CMKKHi)iiiiK$ti ti M 4 Hyt cualquiera


tasado.de diaere

Aereaseea aseeHaute y Galveston; más tarde se

Manes Oarrasita .14 save de mercancía y al mejor Mee,' 5Aeri "V ocultó cp varios puntos de Norte Mm SaCMhuaaa. ..,.,, .,ií,..,,,;...,..lf 1 eUvos jiUacz CBMiussMtN ce.

Sur América, hasta que fue Moeteda aVUl,yiJ,,. ,,....,..,11 sea tayasDmco aBrevMbai.la esertwitdatlque dk k efatia msmUI. v ará aprehendido nor un deticüve de O, S. MKXJ90 SUIOKXKA6K CO. ISC.7 Sm jayanrt.'us Ti NaUesal m.

1 focts aeemBkJle 9 uv4n 1 lumiiB $3.00Bro. Mu ú Mal esta metrópoli.m Mrfk4 aviarme U C4Ms'i.EUfiojde El Pm Memkg TW DEMANDA LA ENTJUK3A.iMla 1 1 5 dm Abril a U Ureeié algAltáui

v v. ir Y i. De José Islas,y w


maté a'

M ofi-

cial CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE 1M se cowiitjoWíP JiDe la Prensa Asociada. Aaaocte a Coaililgnu set mmmL

Naco. Arir.. Octubre 17. El yepamaa lsei sastres praséasi pt Moneda aaaUtiilaalaVi y da éanee. Mim aa "atcjttsesa aerma estav mGral. Benjamin Hill,. )U e la m

-f- im r OKy xauoeiM aaK wumís mw jmh, tminn lia Mm Udad. Pteeieeguárate c .watreata, ea m peUsuan,Sonera, heno aov ma fetsaat rs4t IB JOY1MAtictón neat ! Cork Haiti elcoman na as e c las ttopas amcrVU sai sania. Estafen AviiiMiÑSsen I $rcanas ea la frontera, nUernra aJosé Istsav capitaa te la guaran--lisias I Cana Teaaa i

uon mawnraaaquc mato anca-- a aasne aattiruéMmmtmm

mIiimiihi a tasaa s tt$m Fmtm al W a jsu aaweso acamo, ca la


2f OltdftM19l4Se Pague Maefago al lado americano y ,ÜM restablecer ej orden y lhysjjurdi pjsjcorádor goneril del S4o de ag5-j- Vb

lo ftoldwW anMfkáiMM .fñten en un psk 'adyacente, eosbo el de Wkfvi'Yorx, ónñ, en oHÉinian ikhrie e( fita, V Mad que s traía, a su territorio, ale-ga- éVJen Lanqon, íeíe de inteettga- -

' . Btottdo no OMtAOMt m que allí domin actualmen-te

cióñ, está practicando una Cilentadoiv, EL ARHiSTIGimfó V tnckttékáó. k ftñruia.' At lulwsi a tiempo respecto a loe método dei M' declara qpe al ocupar precia el re-

feridoventa de talca artkutos. riomo, dm

WtLtON CKMSUKAP ". clM lm.LOf TK BKLlOKSANTSi territorio, lo hace única-mente UN MAPA INTERESANTE. Estufas

MANTUMEN LA SHWKN la éées temo medida 'precautoria,Por mi péÜticá pM m sin tener intención de intervenirÍtO ORDENADA. fofl .IMStiCMMU Del Times pera ilustrar les noti-ciasen w sirjto de Aytena. de la cUerra. Ahora ee el tiempo de comprar

Mül Hwk.t la convencí um no- - Worcestcr. Mass.. OcfatWtt 27. REBELION AFRICANA. Además de atractivo, motlco d lo mejor. Calentadores deEl cMdor LtxJft cril44 U po ilustrición es el interesante: nape.

lena deadeamperio; que Carraña. litica que ha secvido Ht lebicr Prenlwntes generalea boeroa t- - que I gerencia del Times ha có $2.00 en adelante)

no hacía .México, en um discurso ; man parte en Mía. locado fuera de la bucursal xso. v. calentadores de carbón desde

DttMuestrag Por informes oficíales recibidos pronunciado esta noche en una De la Prensa Asociada. celle de Tcxás. Untó a la .Posta , 45.00 en adelante.reunión republicana Dijo: Londres. Octubre Telegraph & Cable Co., paTa dar Calentadores de tiro de aireayer en el consulado coftstitucto-nalíát- a

"Había dos programas que se-

guir,de hbcr sofocado la rebelión que mayor comprensión a los oespa 'caliente, los mejores desdéde estabilidad se sabe qvc Uno, de abstinencia total, y estalló en la provincia Norte, de choa que la Prensa Asociada pu

laaeetraNMM't k afiilapatos



tme jncr fnisMitu rctiuiu ei general el otro, de intervención' eficaz, lis-

tala Colonia del Cabo, encabezada blica de la guerra europea. Los $1 5.00 en adelante; estufas de

teaes tos etilos y 4 rrr tu, jete de la guarnición carran-ciat- administración, con extraordi not' el teniente coronel Meritz, el abonados de la Edición en Espa ae-er- desde $37.50 en adel-

ante,-pWas par..- lee) de, Naco. Son., cuatro fia naria inrénuidad. no adoptó nin gobierno de la Unión $adiricana fíol, deberán estudiar sUs noticias marca "Charter Oak."04 Mr vmle de fl.S a. mantes cañones de 75 mm. y Un guno de aquellos; pero siguió Un se encuentra ahora frente a frente relativas en este Mapa importante Estufas de segunda mano de

ntrgófl de granadas pera los mis-mos.

sistema que tuvo el electo de am de un levantamiento mucho más y oportuno ,a fin de que las noti-cias

tedas clases a mitad de preeíos.Los cañones de referencia bos. serio encabezado por los generales publicadas se fijen mejor c Véasenos para muebles bue-

noDread way 11 los usará él general Hill para la "Por lo que se refiere a la gue de Wet y Beyers'. Este ultimo re-

nuncióla mente del lector. de todas clases. Este es el

defensa de Naco, en caso de que rra, europea, ninguna persona de el mando de las fuerzas de Diariamente las señales se mue-ven

lugar para obtener gangas aleste pUnto sea nuevamente ataca este pals es responsable por la la Unión porque el ministra Bo-

thaindicando losTnóvimicntos de contado o, en abonos.

do por las, tropas de Maytorena. misma.-- v ninruno de nuestros decidió tomar las armas con los ejércitos y ty fóltá de 'las' naCARRANZA ENfllTJtWRIiWNCAI Se sabe qué el gobierno carran-cist- a partidos políticos puede vahaglo tra los alemanes. ciones pcngcrantes. -

(De la la. plana.) ha contratado los servicios, ríarsc de que no nos hayamtw vis Hoy se recibieron informes ofi TEMBLORES EN ITALIA. Fountz & Zinklerde cuatro artilleros americanos, cíales comunicado actualmento envueltos en ella. quecidentevUrGraj:

oernehiars H noHer. quienes se encargarán de jas pie "Nó hay paz en Mcxícoi ni con te existen varios grupos arpiados, DeRoma.

la PrensaOctubre

Asociada.27. Durante Teléfono 1106 Calle N. Stanton 1 1 3 JCarranza ahora mueslfá zas aludidas. México. Nuestra marina ocupa El nueblo de Heilbron fué captu

su buena- - fe ante el mundo, de Se informa ótfá parte las últimas 24 horas se han expor que un puerto mexicano. Nuestro rado por los rebelde y reducidosclarando que, si Jas personalida el tendido .bastante los temblores engobernador Maytorena se en ejército ocupa una ciudad mexi-

canaa prisión los empleados públicos,des entre él y Villa, van a de-

tenercontraba acampado con sus tuer-zas

ciudad de un país extranje además de haberse desarmado a el Norte de Italia. Aquellos 3c bfe a Alemania, destruyan todas militar, y se aceptarán los de me-nosel avance de la paz y de las en el kilómetro 15, al Sur de han sentido con mayor o menor las de brava nación. los 45.

ideas ro y no es uuicu que icnga qut los guardas de la población y cap intensidad Turin, Génova, Flo tropas esta de 00 añps hasta dedemocráticas el enen progreso Naco, agregándose aue tanto él, unión de lasSi turadoocleár en cualquier momento. un tren. en austríacas, y en

de México, deben suspenderlas y como todos! los hombres qué lo esta es la oaz de aue se jactan El cobierno de la Unión expidió rencia, Leghorn,Venecia,

Pisa,contándoseLucca, Bo-

tona tren a Berlin y Viena, dcspiieá de EN UNA COMISARIA.salir. Como dicen acompañan, están. obserVandp es-

trictamentecomo la alcanzada en México, es una proclama dirigida al pueblo y no haber destruido la marina alema Confiesa Ud. haber llamado

'Ahora todo depende de el otros muchos pueblos de menor burra a esta señora?armisticio ordena-do

de una calidad rara e inusitada y manifestándole que ya tenían no na y paralizado su comercio in-

teriorVilla.' por la convención de Aguasca-líente- s. la más precaria que se conoce. ticias de esos movimientos; pero importancia.. y exterior. No ló niego:"Los Secrúrt los'últimos mensajes re Piies tiene Ud.partidarios de Carranza el en ese caso quegobierno quería suprimir-

losdejan a la historia que nos juzgue El general Hill, como se dijo EL SOL Y EL VIENTO.que

sin necesidad de recurrir al cibidos, no se han experimentado SIGUE EL BOMBARDEO. pagar una multa.por este acto de disinterés, por anteriormente, fué ascendido de derramicnto de perjuicios de consideración- ni se Digamc, señor comisario', y si

El sol el viento discutían so-

bresangre. Contra fortaleza delasy Przemyslhan registrado desgracias perso llamase señoranuestra parte, pues no haremos brigadier íi general de brigada; co "Ahora," la proclama a una burra, ja--

dos el más agregalosmás cuál de era nales. por las fuerzas rusas.interés también lasacrificio multa?grande el gariaen mo premio a ios servicios presw-tado- s fuerte. "el deber del gobierno está bien De la Prensa Asociada. 'üe la paz y del patriotismo.' al ejército, carrancista du-

rante La discusión fué larga, porque claro. Está resuelto a tratar este EL GENERAL DE WET París, Octubre 27. El bombarNo.El sujetó la da-

ma,la defensa de Naco, Tam-

biéndirigiéndose aasunto de hierro hacon manó yde los dos quería ceder. deo los contra la for-

talezaEL AVANCE ALEMAN. el coronel Calles, segundo en ningunoese fin se están dando, va los na De los rebeldes del Sur por rusos; le dice: --

Entonces,Viendo qUe por eLcammo avan de Przemysl, dice un des-pachóSobre la Polonia rusa llegan en

jefe de las fuerzas carrancistas zaba un caballero, acordaron pro sos necesarios. La gran mayoría peleó contra Inglaterra, a la Agencoa Havas de Pe-trograd,

adiós, señora.

existentes en Sonora, fue. ascendi-do bar sus fuerzas desarrollándose de los ciudadanos de todas y ca De la Prensa Asociada. continuó' durante la no-

che,. OTRA LISTA DE BAJAS.detalle completos. del grado que actualmente tie-

necontra él. da una de las provincia sde la Londres. Octubre 27. El. gene

con la ayuda de poderosos De la Prensa Asociada.De ía Prensa Asociada. al de ral dé Wet. actual jefe de los regeneral brigadier. cómo Unión es enteramente leal al goVas a ver, dijo el 'viento reflectores. Londres, Octubre 27. Hoy ei.Petrograd, Octubre 27. Infor El' general Hill ha desconocido bíerho detesta la rebelión. Cuan beldés de Sudáfrica, fue generaltan, sólo con echarme sobre él, y Los desertores dicen aue mu la noche se publicó una lista demación recibida de Vár--secura, la soberahia de la convención de las tuerzas festaaodo todos ellos en jefe de delJtcngan perfecto coda desgarro sus vestidos. chos! de los defensores de la for bajas, que comprende los dias 23sovia, detalles del lacompletos asi lo hace dé duranteAguáscalientes y sé nocimiento de la todos sin Libre Orange, gue-

rraY comenzó soplar cuanto causa,a taleza están sucumbiendo de epi y 23 del corriente. En ella seintentado avance, alemán en la saber a este alto cuerpo, en un te-

legramaexcepción ayudarán al gobierno a boerak- - De Wet se encontrabapóclía. demias y que medicinas y provi-

sionesdan los- nombres de 15 oficialesPolonia rusa, y dice que los gene-

ralescuyo contenido dice mas restablecer el orden se cuidarán en Ladvsmith. de donde fue enPero cuantos más esfuerzos ha y se lian terminado. Todos muertos, 52 heridos y 17 dispermoscovitas están absoluta o menos o siguiente: bien de prestar el menor apoyo al viado a incorporarse al generalcía elel viento, más óprimía ls hombres de la guarnición-está- sos. Lntre los heridos se encuenmente perplejos, por no poder ex- - "Naco, Son. Convención je movimiento revolucionario. Se Cronje; orno segundo en jefe.hombre su abrigo, gruñendo con obligados a trabajar continuamen tra el .subteniente, Sir Philip Leelo llamanplicarse erroí deunque Paz, Aguáscalientes. tra más caminando, cami-

nandohace un llamamiento, a todos los GRAN BATALLA. Brocklehurst, qué formó delos. alemanes al demorar un ata-

quei'Pbr la presente participo aquél, ciudadanos déjen UNA te en tas lortiucaciones, que 10 parte

siempre. para que nó se De lsYBrensa Asociada. rusos se asegura destruyen con la cxpidición antartica británicanocturno, hasta que'

perdieron Udes. que ahora y siempre todas El viento encolerizado, descar sorprender y para que suministren Paris. Octubre 27. La oficina facilidad. de 1007.la oportunidad , las órdenes de ese alto cuerpo de-

benal gobierno toda clase de informesgó sobre el viajero lluvia y nieve; de Guerra publicó hoy en la noÁl mismo tiempo, sin embargo, transmitírseme, por conducto pero el hombre no se detuvo, y ayuda, advirtiéndoseles a aque che un lacónico resumen acerca LAS MINAS 'ALEMANAS. ENCUENTRA UNA MINA.

los generales rusos siempre han del C. Primer 'Jete, a quien reco-nozco

Comprendió el viento que no llos que se encuentran convictos de la grandiosa batalla que se es De la Prensa Asociada, De la Prensa Asociada.sido. .francos para confesar las como superior a todos TJds. era posible arrancarle su abrigo. de desobediencia, que no se pro

el ac Liverpool, Octubre 27. El Al Londres, Octubre 27. El va-porta desarrollando en;.profezas del mániftes en todos los asuntos relativas,, a ellos si. xsorte, ha hecho la observa-

ción"Admiralenemigo, y Sonrió, el sol, entre cederá contra permanecen Francia v Béleica. El texto del mirantazgo Reddan'.que se di

tap, su. ádmtracióñ. por el avance nuestrasMaccibnés y"mov!mienlos, dos. nubes, recalentó la tierra y el tranquilos en sus respectivas ca dice más o menos lo.si-- a los dueños de vapores, de rigió uci navre a uoiona, trope-zócomo relámpago del- - Gral. Von "General, Benjamin Hill pobre caballero que se regocijama sas. ' resumen que los alemanes han logrado co hoy con Una mina, seggun

Morgan, al mover cinco cuerpos El general .Salvador Alvarado, con aquél dulce calor quitóselo yguíente:

"Nada nuevo hay que comuni; locar minas alrededor- del Norte mensajes de Dover para la agen-ciade ejército sobre las difíciles y ce dél ejército carrancista, reciente-

mentese lo echó, al hombro.

FABRICANDO QUESOfuerzas de Irlanda y que, por lo tanto. Reuter. "QQinienfos pasajeros

nagosas regiones de las cercanías puesto en libertad por las Ya ves, dijo el,, sol al viento, "CAMEMBERT" EN LOS carjhan

excepto que nuestrasen ios ata-


ningún buque debe pasar dentro que se encontraban a bordo deUNIDOS algode varsovia, del rumbo suroeote, autoridades de Hermosíllo obede-ciendo

como con el bien se obtiene más ESTADOS progresadola región de un radio de GU millas de ía ísia dicho barco fueron bajados en

La aparición de los, alemanes por órdenes de la convención, mal.emprendidos por Tory, ' Dóver.el La de lasque con mavúr oarte nersonas ubicada ai Sur de Uixmude.''esta fue esta ciudad rumbo La- -parte j&mpletamcnfc pasó por a LEON TOLSTOI.

inesperada, porque la rcd ríe sis-temas'

redo, 1 ex., por donde se internara creen que el popular queso La-NO HAY INFORMACION, HERIDOS AUSTRIACOS. OFRECIMIENTOS DE REY.

.ferrocarrileros alemanes y hacía la capital de la república, NO MAS PERIODISTAS. memoert se laonca soiamenic en De ía Prensa Asociada.las plataformas construidas ad- - con el objeto de incorporarse a Francia; pero existe tal demanda

Del atentado contra la . vida del Londres. Octubre 27. Se-i- n Manuel de Portugal se ha ofrecido

hoc para cañones pesados, señala las fuerzas del general Carranza Las noticias' de Naco las propor- para, e' articuló Impófta'do, que ha jefe del Norte. forma scmioficialmente en Petro al rey Jorge para luchar.ban la probabilidad de un avance Primeramente conferenciara cón clonará la oficina. hecho que muchos individuos y al-

gunas De la Prensa Asociada. grad, según un'mensajc al "Cen De la Prensa Asociada.del rumbo noroeste, del este, o de el general Carranza antes de lo De la Prensa Asociada. ,

estaciones experimentalesWashinsrton. Octubre 27. Nin tral News," que, el número de lie Londres, Octubre 27. No ha

Dóüclas .Octubre El de este pais hayan intentado hacer ridos austríacos han pasado hiendo sido servi-cios

cualquier 'otro rumbó, menos del mar pane activa en ios movimien-tos

27. ee eún informe del aeente consular. qtie aceptados sussuroeste. del ejercito. Su viaje a través neral Benjamin Hill, jefe de Ja queso del sabor excelente del Carothers, diciendo del atentado por Viena, solamente, y los que para cpmbatir contra Alema-

niaSe afirma que los alemanes co-

metieronde los Estados Unidos se há guar-dado

guarniciónijfi.. uc- inIT acó, oon,,r" uccre-t- óJ.' francés. El queso que tiene fama

contra la vida del Gral. Villa, se se calculaban oitciaimente por el rey Jorge, de Inglate-rra,un grave error, al no se en secreto para que no se le hoy la censura para todas las bien cimentada se importa de la

ha recibido todavía hoy; pero los 136,000, montan ahora a 200,000, el y de Portugal, Ma-nuel,noticias de Naco los de pcqucua ame uc wamcuiucu, uc cuando los ha ofrecido alguir la ventaja derivada de su arreste. y puntos funcionarios manifiestan que los menos. gobierno

la frontera dominadas los partamento de Orne, pero se fa de, la república de-

seandoca vienen deinesperado los hubie- - por despachos oficiales que portuguesa,avance, que MUERE DE REPENTE.NIEGA LA ESPECIE. brica n Calvados, en donde la in

raJtegado jiast ocho ..millas de rrancistas. Los periodistas y re-

portersMéxico llegan un día después que De la Prensa Asociada. ' tomar1 las armas con los

dustria ha llegado a tenerhu-

lleraamericanos serán lanza-


granlos despachos, Las noti portugueses en caso de que éstos.yarsovíasin'quc su presencia' HUI dice que no 'ha impuesto la nuevos. Londres. Octubre 27. El Tedel Estado de Sonora todas importancia. la se unan a los aliados.sido nótadá. y. cias acerca del atentado contraa la Gral. Sir Edwin Firanklynnientccensura prensa Los intentos hechos en, los Eslas nóticias serán dadas lasPor razones que se ignoran, lo's Prensa Asociada. por terés en los círculos oficiales, divisiónDe 4a autoridades cónstitucionalistas de tados Unidos para fabricar-e- que que comandó la Tercera, EL DEItCHO V DA LEV.germanos decidieron súbitamente Naco, Ariz., Octubre 27. El

Douglas. i so de que se trata, hasta hace poco SOLO POR EL DERRUMBE, del nuevo ejercito de Kitchener, De su cuerdo naco el orden: d sudemorar é ataque hasta lamaña-h- a general Benjamin Hill, a cuyas

Dieciseis toneladas de casqui-- lian oDtenioo exiio; pero na que De la Prensa Asociada. lauccio noy uc icycmc. .. ajitaconlamo brotan Isa catástrofes.siguiente, lo que permitió'a los órdenes se encuentra la guarni dado establecida Una estación ex Younerstown. Octubre 27. A El derecho' habla y manda desda lasrefuerzos' siberiarióá' y" otros pro-

tegerción de Naco, Son., publicó hoy



Hillen las


Dcrimental cruel Estado de Con consecuencia de un derrumba ENTREGO LA FIANZA.cumbres de las verdades; la ley re-plica

y porla ciudad debidamente. Do-cumentos

un escrito necrando categóricavarios hombres muchachos de necticut, Ja que ha logrado fabri miento recristrado en un teatro del fondo da las realidades; el

fueron encontrados y El vicecónsul comparecerán ante'que mente lo declarado por los agentes Naco, fueron comprados 'los car un producto tan igual al irán que se estaba construyendo en es-

taderecho se funda en lo Justo, la ley

en poder de, los oficiales alemanes constitucipnalistas de uougias, porees, que el departamento, de Airri tre el gran jurado en Abril. en lo poilble; el derecho es diviso,

indican que el plan general era quienes propalaron la falsa vendedores de nerros viejos. ,población, perecieron Emilio T. Lópezí vicecónsul de la ley es terrenal.

atacar a Varsovia esa noche. Una noticia deayer

el general Hill' ha-


Se sigue observando el armisti cultura cree que. esta industria po-

dráhombres, cuatro'resultaron heri Carranza en esta ciudad, acusado Ast es la libertad, tal es al ferae:

explicación por el cambio de tal establecidoque

la censura to? ció declaradb desde el viernes ck tener pronto una base comer dos y seis más quedaron enterra-dos

de enlistar hombres para el serví ail es la sociedad, tal es la ley. Dapara cial. - los escombros. Varias aquí dos tribunales: dondeuno asUkntre Jas fuerzas del general Hill entreplan, es que los invasores no pu-

dierondas las noticias, aerctrando que y

El procedimiento empleado en cuadrillas de trabajadores trabaciq del ejército dé Círranza, en los hombres da la Idea, otra ada

obtener la ayuda' del ele-

mentolas de Maytorena. treeó la fianza de $1.000. parabia despedido a todos los penodis difiere catan los hombres del darse; elel país algo delde.Francia, remover iosAyer falleció esta ctudad el jan activamente porpolaco, con el que con-

taban.tas americanos de bonora. en comparecer en Abril ante el gran uno que es absoluto, al otro que as

coronel Ignacio Figueroa, de lás pero es bastante complicado; y, escombros a üin üe saivar, si es relativo. Se estos dos trlaimal, elEl treneral Huí manifiesta juarao.aue fuerzas de Hill. Fipueroa, como para terminar ef producto, si ne-

cesitaposible, a los que se encuentran ,t primero es ntctrIo, al ssgwada eLos generales rusos admiran no tiene objección alguna que na se recordará, se hirió accidental-

mentede un mes o seis semanas, u cuajo uc iih. YA COMENZO EL EXAMEN úUI; del uno al otro hay flaatuaclon

también el desenredo abrupto de cer a las noticias enviadas a la propia pistola' al antes de que el queso eotcllisto de las conciencias; la u. tamMable,los teutones,

siendocuando se vieron prensa desde la línea divisoria. caerse de


sucaballo, hará cofno para el mercado. , DEFUNCION EN JUAREZ. De Ies arsetades pocitener mone la


spionda.variable: la im sareaa. la

flanqueados, tan completa i,os cinco uias uc rmisucio que da xalM v9Hta.precipitada su ret1rada,'q'tíe loa observadas las fuerzas de un mes. PORTUGÁIi. C. de Már La ley procede 4a( aracho. peroy llevan Hoy se recibieron en esta ciu INVADEN La señera Benigna B. Meléndeí'ylM Chacón, ac como el rio, dtsHsáor su curso,

rusos n lograron alcanzarlos, y so-

loHill y Maytorena les han servido dad de Douglas, mil rifles 30-9- 0 De la Prensa Asociada. quez, a la eded a tm anos. usados de tratar dejpásar moneda aceptando todas lea eerraturas y to-

dastrabarow combate con a reta-

guardiapara reorganizarse y completa sü Paris, Octubre 27. En ménsaí Aver a las seis de la mañana faisiitcada de vnw; comparecie-

ronlas Impuresas de tas riberas. Kre

pocf varias millas. Todo equipo. El general Hill recibió neralnuevecitos,

HiU,. quienenviados


de recibirel m

je de Lisboa enviado por la vk de falleció en C Juarez laSra. Be ante el juécdc paz, para ser cuentementsrla; frecuentemente

la contradiceel efecto"1 asunto, inclwyendo el avance y hoy un canófTde tiro1 rápido, C, de Márquez, dejando in examinados, . obedece launa buena remesa. $ Madrid, el corresponsal de , la nigna a causal tal es la fatal con

retirada de torbellino de aquellos Se rumora que lili mee los agencia Hayas comunica lo si consolables a una numerosa ía Lorenzo Lunsvlfúe multado en dición humána,es un rompecabezas para los s, preparativos necesarios para em-

prenderXL EJERCITO GRIEGO. I milla. El entierro se verifica hoy $5 y costas póperturbar la paz El derecho ,y la ley discuten sin

una campaña formal con "En Lisboa se han recibido In en la mañana elt el panteón de (mum.cesar, y da su debata elocuentemente

v r tempeetwaso," tan salen las tin-ieblas,Los habitantes de Varsovia di-

centra las tuerzas e May tere a que Ha reswettsj tomar posesión de la formes de que las tropas alemauM Juárez. La finada era un ade las cerno la lus.

prontoEn lenguaje

que los geritMNOs han. cesado se encuentran acafitpiuks a. repu ciudad de EiMrus. de manera violenta invadieron la vecinas mis antiguas de Senecú. REGRlMkA LA PATRIA psrlataeMUlro moderno pudiera, dede arrojar bofflbáÁHimque éstas lir díttaácia. Um parte e ellas De la Freña Asociada. ' provincia de Angola, ubicada en él cirse! al derecho. Cámara A14a: la ley.no causare sino poce perjuicios pernuuwce como a i milw de Londres.' Octubre 27. Los d! Oeste de Alrica. CUANDO TERMINARÁ. Los oncUseny soldados belfa CiMar saja.

La Inviolabilidad de 1y, nlyaóos jpW Jo.fíros Nac, m tanto ui un grupo co-

moplomawcos griego acred latados "El eobicrno.está haciendo fe kosv'sm , Inglaterra.

I libertad, la pas. nadavWa


sna. In- -Twimy. Uk fktmntirSi mti se hi- - de 1.SO0 indios yúU se en en la capitales de mx principales do los preparativos para dcspeA Cuándo terminer 1 guerra De la Prn Asociada, oluM-e- , nada da Irreprochable, Ut tarimrtM ara recMr al tmmUo, ha cuentran postados a seto dos mi países 4A mundo kan notificado cker inniedia-tament- varios bar- - con el trMMMO de qultnr LondreeV r Octubre 27. Kntre al derecho, j .

levantado el ánimo de h varso-yfaM- oficialmevee los cuando los alemanes Hi cadalso, la esaae y el cetro, lanas 9 MM inn.iici mc i.ujmn a dtferesXcs go eos de guerra con iropas poriu-geseti- Terminará lo mucMsB millares de refugiados todas lasvvkndo la cittdad casi a las trosMHt del general HJH. biernos, mh el gobierno Unico hacia el lugar de tos Wbaraten al ejército franco-Ing- - belga SM se cncuént an en esteHtarre.

asde el matstsiieivayasdades

sin divorciadel a,

t 4a4o swsrmal. Hoy swiMaron su tvumt ka decidido lomar p rumien nue-- m. tomen l'art y ocupen caoi to- - est; ta familia haaaai! estado de silla ,oe oucialas gttWtmu encamina ss a con-seguir

VMSfttttc de IrMt, petifsjifri, ! s el territorio n r rancia nun pals, Mtwjsvande numeroM Va ciudad, tal así. ta ley.

9 lT"iaÍrtad M capita la cual fue m3ntV i jercito ML PRSCIO tE HUEVOi. r on la escuadra Mgles, Horadan le e IsatteMuas de aquel ejercito; HI derecne; sr y venir.Isfaa quié, como se 4ij dssr grieto eumsjbnentsisdo le. dcl- - D la Prensa Asociad. , Gran Breian y ocupen Lon-

dresy la SMWión de su pal lia able yaader, urntsW,"

fiwM fiacno nwntf, aio n i a sieWa que m Vejo e In cfcr' Chicago, Octubre 27. Se M , y agoten y arruinen a Rusia, iq uskaScina para facilitar su ElLa

sufraleyi eissaisii,,


el Ia un Mwpañero M arma cmi ceieorada pac los iwtisjn dores llegado a un arreglo para man? en colaboración de los austríacos, a sg;rctno y ai serrcHi aciesvrimmmMu oras, , junUmcatc um un soldado, dss sntmnjero peirá fijar el estado U-1-1 nor los precios soorc mantequilla llenes también han de Vencer a .HVcito en campaAa. taipu de um Wfia que terwi4 m de Grecia. 1

v huevo entre- - km cemirNeuew los servio y montenefrinos. adán dos ofkisiM en as la lay. yri inn u tragedia, Kl gobierno griego besa su de Nueva York y CMcago, Terminará, con fin distinto, redutaswlento, para todos la kittlcia,

La eatSaVM ai

tar; H

i .... J'juifti Islas, al cosfsSjsj; fbifelt propósitos sobre la necesidad de afirmación de Franklin Ktu4y, cuando lo ajados maten de hm- - fugiadM a propósito para servicio xwm as iota


Suscitaa Guerra. 99

fLafcrinttsa Stana, de Montenegro, a quien un Escritor Alemán acusa d habtr idfjk Prorrítfeíá.déH

t v: 'iKAtrrrDie uonncto europeo. uc uomo ih ocis ruja 3act ncy .uws u reuuvu"lc"cI' sm

feuentran Colocadas a la Hora de la Máá Temida Gtírra del Mumo.

3 Cuando la nota mortífera del úl cesa Ana, llegó en 189J a fer la es-

posade Mbñtcncgrocpn; una líistoria

timo cañonazo habido en la más del Príncipe Francisco José . tniáinienté maravillosa. SlKungrande guerra que lia presenciado de Battcmbcrg, y nojlíay duda de 'imperio servio se rcsfablcccilíjllosW

el mundo quede en silencio; cuan-do

ver hasta dónde llegalí las simpa-- .'

la sangre que ha regado cam-pos

tías de aqúclla.casa Xchic y Vera, confederación qué pudiera;?eam--:estériles y destriudas ciuda-

des""la bella y la nina" de la familia, biar completamente ía confoma- -

se haya secado en la cansada solteras ambas, tienen stí alma y ció'n política del Cercano Orienté'tierra y sc sume el inmenso total su corazón en favor de la gran lu-

chay sus prpblcmaá, se deberá

de muerdos y heridos; cuando se presente. valor de cstcpcqüjeficontempla con calma el devasta-dor

Nunca conoció un conquistador sudo .patriarcal. En la' actualconflicto, parece que se trata Montenegro se cnorgullcceíídc uaq,yp3;rmonicncgrinos usan una

de una Jiorriblc pesadilla, y la hu-

manidadtener un precedente no rivalizado cintaíñegra; en su cachucha, roja?

se estremece con la enor-

me,por otro Estado en toda la penin-

sulay con todas las pasiones dc',un

pérdida de vidas y el costo sin balkánica. Aislado de todos Ímebloprimitivo, presienten la

precederite; el mundo, entonces, los demás pueblos de losBálka"-ne- s, que deberá serbio-grad- a

no inflcnciado por' Ja fiebre y la estos montañeses resistentes con la unión de todos los

amargura del conflicto, tomará la nunca han conocido la mano de Estados servios.tarca de poner en claro quién fué un conquistador. Confiados 'en La familia reinante. .


el responsable de esta guerra. Por sus inaccesibles, y abruptas mon-tañas,

A, principios deLSigle XVI, cl;los datos que existen en la actuali-dad,

íos montenegrinos han gobernante de Montenegro era unsabemos, por una parte, que su vida nacional y su príncipe' pío, que amaba mucha a

el Kaiser ha sido acusado, por su-

puesto;política a través de Ja Iglesia y quien entregó la au- -,

lo mismo ha sucedido con una lucha de centurias y 'del. des-

membramientoloridad ejecutiva al obispo metro-politano,Inglaterra y Rusia mientras que, eslavo. Las dinas-

tíasque llevó el titulo de '

por otrpjlado, se insistq. en que han caído; los reinos se. han "vlddika," o príncipe-obisp- Po'r,,'

FrancistíJ7jbsé,t por, vengarse 'del derrumbado; pero este diminuto tres y media centurias- el podérrdoble asesinato efectuado en Estado ha perdurado, en su liber-

tad,temporal y espiritual descansaba

Servia, aplicó la antor-cha

del dominio extranjero. en unas, sqlas manos, siendo.-.c- l

encendida al "depósito de Aún' cuando las hordas turcas "vladika" un pequeño papa balká--nic- e

pólvora de los.Balkancs"; pero amenazaron, hacer uña irrupción Etí,109G 1 afamilia Petrovicsiempre hay resortes secretos, in-

fluenciasen la Europa y su marcha triunfal Njcgcs, entrojen poséáión de es'fe

ocultas y fuerzas sutiles barrió el imperio servio medioeval, poder del principado y.en todos los grandes y complexos esta raza montañesa guerrera gobierna-- , todavía a Montéñe-Sr- o.

movimientos mundiales; y ha sido guardó sus pasos vígilándolos de gancia. de la "pose"-- montenegrina.en esta época de progreso, que ha día y de noche ; y la .sumisión a. la Mas grande aun que suardor feRp, si ,las,(prcndas de ropa auretornado a la de una gigantesco '"'autoridad turca, filé puramente bélico, es '.el?, intenso sentimiento metftan un peal, el Rey Nicolás essalvaiismo. ouc se puede decir nominal. Cuando su' vicia capital uei iiatioiiiiiiu uc tus iituiuciic bastante inteligente para esthjnu-la- rQUE UNA MUJIiK FUh LA ;s'e vio amenazada, Ialbandonaron, Trinos, un f sentimiento nue sus a,su pueblo, ksi perspnalipente,PROMOTORA DE LA GUE- - ' como los otros cslajs del Norte gobernantésíiimulan por medió de como por decretos. Mucho JqucRRA. '"' incendiaron y abandonaron a Mos decretos reales como tambiénipor pu eda paraccr 'extravagant e'y ab-

surdamenteul Conde fazapary, tinado cmna- -t cow, trente ai enemigo, y tomaron medio del ejemplo personal.lgor arcaico en el mundo

jador de Austria-Hungrí- a en San camino hacia las cimas de las ejemplo, incumbe a todos eVuso occidental, tiené,sü propósitó'ócíil-t- o

Pctcrsburgo, autorizó la declara-ción

montañas, para buscar un asiento de los trajésjiíacionales, 'proscri-biendo

en Jos, JBálkancs. La polí ticade que la guerra empezó co? a su gobierno, dentro de los pé-

treosJos prosaicos vestidos eu-

ropeos.austríaca, rusa' y alemana,. hanThe-ch- o

mo tempestad en un vaso de agua, y muros de'Cjettingc. Pintoresco como esj. el ofijetivOi.de tal se,vcridáddepor decirlo asi ; que, por añosjan-teriore- s, Unpucblo 'maravilloso es este vestido íhacefresaltar la extrava- - las asociaciones servias que;

en los salones de Anas-tasia, llamada' también Stana, es-

posaPrincesa Stana de Montenegro,

del Gran Duque Nicolás actualmente Gran. Duquesa Ánaá-tás- ia

generalísimo de las de Rusia y Esposa deli Jefefuerzas rusas, y especialmente en del Ejército Moscovita- .sus "five o'clock tcas" se conver-saba francamente de la "próximaguerra." tria por la Triple Alianza, se ve tíLas Mujeres "Aguilas" de Monte-negro.

forzada, por tradictenes, por inte-reses y por el desarrollo naiural- -

Esta princesa fieramente pa-

triótica,uc asumas panucos, a csiar contra

previendo la lucha, con la ,VquelIa y ligarse con los enemigosadivinación de la espera histórica de Austria, de tal. manerá quilas

9 muchos años, víó qile empeza-- i íidas , veces .a. Ias'maniobras Idel S consecuencias no están muy'disla cu los Balkanes, y la llamó "su

( ejercito ruso,. .r i .

' v ; '' pi tantes, y sus resultados hán de ser 4ÜRtierra." El Dr. Wol von Scheir-brau- d, :"f .severos.

una de las más conocidas Un pronóstico que se realiza.: i'V i. l'Vt Todohombre poderoso italiano,autoridades Sobre políticafeuro-'pca- , Pero, por favorable, que hayan:' f lo mismo que en Rusia y los Es

escribió recientemente desde íldo las alianzasa hechas por las. r .t'adbs balkánicos, lo negarla quizá,Vicna: "El Gran Duque Nicolás S princesas montenegrínas. y no' " 1 pero'dejó ya de ser un secreto que

obstante la parte importante que, se está preparando una especie dpStana haya tomado al promover ' confederación d todos Iqs jsta-- ?

. laTguerra, es el matrimonio de He- - 1 Jj r dos balkánicos, bajó la .sqprema'

lena al Reyde Italia, lo qucha,,, f'f cía de Rusia, que los pondrán ensido la ayuda diplomática más un-v- 's .'posición de enfrentarse a Austria,

. portante para el Key Nicolas, la' --con el auxilio de Italia, para.de--.que ,se destaca plenamente en el i'' trotarla, aunque sea ayudada porpresente caso. Durante la crisis :

4 Alemania.agtída de' 1908 y 1909, enhre el im- -' ;'.,l,.Ete plan no es nuevo. Estabaperio austríaco y los eslavos del í, en .'embrión desde que l .heredero

i írtfSur la,' ayuda de Italia fué no sola- - : ' ''de ja1 corona de Italia se tiniÓamente valiosísima Montcne- - -para !l?Mina princesa eslava, que estabagro sino también la actitud amis- - ; destinada a ser Emperatriz de Hií-- V

por resultado ci refrenar. lasaspi-tfjji- ! tosa de, aquella hacia el peqüeño 1a y siguió adelante cuando elraciones de la unión delí imperio. pnneipado, para que evitará, la' " ' ' iirin'cipe fué rey c hizo una Visita

Itf Por otra parte, había siddjlá líumillación de tratar directamente álTsar, pasarído por Viena.siní

fija de.kNcolás I hacer-qu- ; CDnrViena con respecto a ciertas a visitara Francisco Jcesiempre esiuyicra arqienoo'ia ua- - alteraciones hechas al Tratado de La. culpa de Ja guerra francoma del patriotismo seryiaDe ahi ' 0 jBejlin, durante 1909, fué favorable prusiana, se ha echado en granes que el ferviente naciówálismo páía Mohtenegro. parte a la Emperatriz Itwen, dedel pueblo montcnegrino.hálla ex-

presiónt' fAl discutir hace cuatro años, un y ".4Prancia, que sobrevive' auR y si

hasta en los chafSíetines escritor inglés, el poder de estas : es verdad lo que afirma el Dr, Vonde los hombres y en las,icaguas "mujeres-águilas- ", predijo una r S,chierbrandt tendremos, el. espec- -'

de las mujeres; en la níreza de t gran guerra comp la que se est.'j táculo s mujer; una, com-parativamentelos violtnes unicordes yeü'-l- etej-n- a verificando; pero tal predicción se joven y plena de

prontitud para la gtmra. habla olvidado. encantos y de. Ja alegrja de vivir;Ja. Gran Duque StMi se de-

leitaExtraña es la situación de Italia y (a otra, anciana y encorvada,

en el mecamMño y.'rfparati-vo- s porque, aunque está unida a Aus- - lastimoso espectro de lo qvie fue;bélicos; 'y está tan interesada ambas tienen participación en laa

Reina Helena le Italia, Hermana en la victoria de la. eaww, que ha doe batallas más grandes, que hade la Gran Duquesa Stana. suplicado se permiu f marchar visto el muftdotí P. C M1., yHV.

( al campo de batall. diciendo; T. y B., tradujeron."Qué más a. propósito que dé yo

es, comete sabe, el leader más po-

derosomi vida en mi guerraí"

enlelpartido de la guerra Esta-e- s Mna mujer Jwffuosa, yen Rusia, gran influencia tan inteligente comal fascinadora.sobre el TsayA,es, más que nin-

gunaFué educada en Rus por la ma-dreotra persona, el responsable del Csar, y se wWó en ma-

trimoniode, Ja guerra .actual" con el Prici Georgio,Asi es que dl ido de águilas Romanovski, .pero, kfiwníón iúi

fa las montapas M pequeñb desgraciada, y se divorciaron enbalkánico, tlwn sido las 1Q06. Al aKo sigubote se casó

"jtffes-águilas- ", aitksas de con d Gran Duac Nicolás mcualquiera Híra con loi YalU, Crimea, y ti kclQ prod yo

oicx ürnwips y ei tifgpiiu, unrc mucjiá seftMció payt se súpita

4tíc 4,7fMMM Mfanlin tatm' mmmm HanutM&imQrgmmitictmm' Y conuna )wm y rte ñitda MoAeow. -

pmww fKei)ir MMU4cl Poiiirtarmwte m mpoj quetí de la atit4'4e It;MÜfBtcl skwfrt klárf mm4q af k. prMcesaA uáiuk. V ouc Moeraha aáMuaHÍmw M. m primer mmt r La

"Pf'lÜUs, U Principa Vera de Montenegro, pifacwa k ha acoaipaftaflo repe- - El JRey Nicolás y U Reina M'tjito de lontencgro La PriuccM Militz'
