Human Development Daily Lesson Guide

Human Development Daily Lesson Guide

Transcript of Human Development Daily Lesson Guide

Human Development Daily

Lesson Guide

Human Development Lesson Plans *Six lessons plus a seperate assessment are inclusive in the “Sex Education”

portion which will require a signature to be opted in. If not, the student is automatically opted out.

HD Day 1- Social Skills- Botvin (All students)

● Supplies: Social Skills WS for students, Botvin books ● BR: Would you consider yourself a shy personality? ● Botvin Intro (Teacher manual) 12.2 ● Overcoming shyness questions ● Popcorn read pg. 72-73 ● Ask for 2 volunteers to come up front and role play w/ prompts (notes in Botvin book) Prompts:

Prompt 1 - You ran into an acquaintance at Lagoon, and you’re standing in line by each other. How would you start up a conversation?… Did you give any compliments?

● Prompt 2 - (new volunteers) Meeting someone in the halls at school that you don’t know, but would like to get to know… * Then I give suggestions (or you can have the class suggest) from the reading on how they could start or enhance the conversation, Politely!

● Hand out the WS Social Skills Practice. Students will do these in groups. Have them do

Section 1-Goes hand in hand with reading in Botvin ● Then have them read pg 74 in Botvin and then complete Section 2 ● Have students complete pg. 75-76 in Botvin

HD Day 2- Adolescence (All students)

● Supplies: Books, Adolescence WS for students opted out, AND/OR Unit 5 packets ● BR: Name one interest or hobby that is new for you within the last year. ● Talk about what adolescence means and answer bellringer together. Discuss 4 changes of

adolescence… physical/emotional/mental/social ● Discuss and have students follow along on packet page “Physical changes during

adolescence. ● Books- assign students to read pg. 545-550 w/ desk partners ● Complete with assignment: 2 word maps and 5 questions at the bottom of the page.

HD Day 3- Healthy Relationships (Ana from CAPSA presents) ((Opt outs leave)) ● BR: Think of 1 friend you have, what is one reason you are friends? ● Hand students a Health presentation log to fill out about speaker notes

HD Day 4- Human/Reproductive Anatomy systems(Opt outs leave)

● BR: Name one bone of the skeletal system, and one organ of the respiratory system. ● Answer bellringer, discuss how the students may have covered these systems in their science

classes, but because of the nature of the reproductive system, we will cover it in our Health class.

● Brief discussion: Ground Rules ● 5.2a Female reproductive anatomy slide ● 5.2a Male reproductive slide ● 5.2b Anatomy Review and labeling PP w/ picture page in packet ● 5.2c Matching terms

HD Day 5- Human Reproductive 2 * supplies: flyswatter and poster made up ahead of time with answers. Also colored paper for students to create Relationship poster (Opt outs leave)

● Supplies: Make a game poster with 20-25 index cards--Answers to review questions from Reproductive Anatomy lesson. 2 Flyswatters

● BR: Name your favorite movie monster, creature of villian. (Halloween) ● Finish Human Reproductive Systems definitions. ● Read pages 534-535 about 3 stages of Fetal Development together. ● Review Reproductive Systems game… Flyswatter, swat the answer (answers written on index

cards on a poster board (3 x 5 cards) Instructions in Canvas ● Have students create a Healthy Relationships poster (instructions on Relationships

assignment) OR next activity… ● Kahoot: Healthy Relationships Do you know the difference between healthy situations and

ones that are a Red Flag? ● Have students pick three red flag situations and write why they might be considered Red Flag

and what to do in that situation. HD Day 6- Abstinence and Boundaries (Opt outs leave)

● Supplies: Packets ● BR: What is a boundary? ● Have students read “What is Abstinence?” page on Canvas ● Abstinence Slides w/ packet ● Discuss boundaries in our world e.g. Who has ever been skiing and seen a “boundary area”

sign? Why is it posted? OR Hunting… are there any boundaries you have to abide by when hunting?/ Playing soccer… are there out of bounds areas? WHY?

● Boundaries slide w/ WS ● Practice writing boundaries then get in groups and practice voicing at least 2 of your

boundaries. ● On back of worksheet answer the two questions at the end of slide show

HD Day 7- Unintended Pregnancy (Opt outs leave)

● Supplies: small white boards and dry erase marker for each group (8) ● BR: Name one thing on your bucket list. ● Unintended Pregnancy slides w/ discussions in groups

● Costs of raising a child in groups and white boards (1 per group) ● Discussion: We’ve discussed that one of the reasons to choose abstinence is to wait to have a

child. When an individual is ready to choose to have a child it is one of the most amazing things! The human body is really cool! Show Video

● Kahoot quiz Puberty & Adolescence (Can we make this a Quizlet?) HD Day 8- Communicable Diseases (All students)

● Supplies: Chrome books, or computer lab access to print off assignment ● BR: What is a communicable disease? Name one. ● Read pg 334-340 and talk about cross-word puzzle assignment ● Hand out Cross-word rubric (a copy of this on Canvas) ● Give students 15-20 minutes to read and write down some questions from the book. Give

specific instructions on how to use ● Go to computer lab or use chrome books to create puzzles.

HD Day 9- STI’s (Opt outs leave)

● BR: What is the difference between a bacteria and a virus? ● Discussion questions on STI’s ● Have students complete WS with Canvas page ● Short STI slide presentation finish WS. Have students use the book (pages below) as

reference to answer questions on 2nd side of the WS. ● Health book pg. 341-346 & 351-353 ● Take a chance on ME activity(optional, from Mary McCarley) ● Review for Test

HD Day 10- TEST (Opt outs have a seperate assessment...bring them back in after test is complete)

● BR: Name two non communicable diseases. ● Test ● Watch Crush Diabetes and write 5 facts they have learned.

Human Development

Packet for Students who

Opt In

Name: __________________________________________________________Class Period: _________


Unit 5: Human Development 

You will need to bring this to class every day. DO NOT LOSE THIS PACKET!

    _____ 5.1 Changes in Adolescence & questions – 10 pts. _____ 5.2 Female & Male Reproductive Systems/Anatomy/Matching – 15 pts. _____ 5.3 Why choose Abstinence – 5 pts. _____ 5.4 Boundaries – 5 pts. _____ 5.5 STI’s and Communicable Diseases – 10 pts. _____    ____________Total points earned for Unit 5 notes 45 pts. Possible 

5.1 Physical Changes in Males during Adolescence--Starts between 

ages 10-14 

  ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

_________________________ _________________________

____________________________ ____________________________



____________________________ ________________________ ____________________________


5.1 Physical Changes in Females during Adolescence-- Starts 

between ages 8-14 


____________________________ ____________________________ ________________________ ____________________________ ________________________


____________________________ ____________________________


_________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________







5.2a Male & Female Reproductive Systems  BR:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Female  Male 

What is the sex cell called and where is it produced? 

1________________________________________ 2_________________________________________

3______________________________________ 4______________________________________

Name the hormone(s)

5_________________________________________ 6_________________________________________


Facts about hormones

___________________________ and __________________________ work together to __________________________ secondary ___________ _________________________________ in women. Examples: _________________________ & _______________________________.

__________________________ is responsible for _______________ during _______________________________________.

Fertilization is __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Proper care  1) Bathe or shower _________________________. 2) Do not wear damp clothing. 3) Do self _________________ __________________. 4) Have regular __________________ check-ups. 5) Report changes such as… 6) Maintain good ______________________ during menstrual periods. 7) Practice sexual _______________________________ before marriage.

1) Bathe _________________________ 2) Keep _____________________ _____________________ and dry. 3) Always wear ___________________________ gear… 4) Get regular _______________________ and report any _______________ swelling, tenderness, or __________________. 5) Do regular ___________________________ __________________. 6) _____________________ from ____________ before marriage to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted disease.


5.2b Human Reproductive Anatomy   

Label the diagrams below, using the following terms 


Scrotum Uterus Testes Ovary Sperm duct Urethra 


Female Ovum/Egg Bladder Vagina Penis Fallopian Tube Cervix Male 


The _______________ Reproductive System  

  The ___________________ Reproductive System  


1.   4.       2.   5.  

3. 6.  

5.2c Human Reproductive Anatomy – Matching  

Match the following terms to their correct definitions  

Uterus  Scrotum Cervix Ovum  Testes  

Ovary Sperm  Urethra Fallopian tube Vagina 

1.____________________ Sometimes called the womb – if an egg is fertilized it will implant in 

the wall of the _________ and develop into a fetus 

2. ____________________ The opening or ‘neck’ of the uterus at the top of the vagina 

3. ____________________ Connects the cervix to the outside of the body – sperm enters the female’s body through this route 

4. ____________________ The female sex cell – sometimes called the ‘egg’ 

5. ____________________ After puberty, an egg or ovum is released from here once every 28 days or so 

6. ____________________ Carries the ovum from the ovary to the uterus – the egg is fertilized here 

7. ____________________ The male sex cell – it is adapted to swim to the egg 

8. ____________________ Produce sperm and testosterone 

9. ____________________ A sac of skin which hold the testes 

10. ___________________ Pathway in which urine and sperm exit the body 

5.3�Abstinence�BR:______________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

Define in your own words:

Abstinence: Affection: Intimacy: Fidelity:

Abstaining:_______________________________________________ from something. Sexual Abstinence means _______ having intimate sexual relations until marriage.

WHY CHOOSE ABSTINENCE? Write your 6 BEST reasons:

Appropriate ways to show affection without intimacy:

Sexual Maturity Males and Females _________ @ ________________ ___________. Males and Females have gone through ______________ and their bodies are now ____________________ of ______________ __ _____________ _______________. HOWEVER…Being _____________ ____________ _______ ______ mean a person is ______________ mature!!!


















� �

5.4 Boundaries . BR:___________________________________________________________


What is a boundary?  

Guidelines, Rules, or___________ that a person sets to_______________ him or herself.    Examples of Personal Boundaries  


WHY are boundaries important?  






How do we set Boundaries? o Talk to _____________ members and friends about dating 

__________________. o ________________ what is ______________ to you. o Decide ________ what you will say how you’ll act, and what you’ll do if 

someone tries to _________ your boundaries. 

 Practice writing some personal boundaries: 1-__________________________________________________________ 2-__________________________________________________________ 3-__________________________________________________________ 4-__________________________________________________________ 5-__________________________________________________________ 

5.5  STI’s 

Important Terms 

STI’s stands for: S________________ T____________________ I________________

STI’s are capable of being spread from person to person through??

1._____________________ 2._________________________ 3._____________________ 4._________________________

Bodily Fluids which STI’s can be passed

An STI can be transferred from one person to another through these four bodily fluids:

● ● ● ●

Bacterial Infective agent that ________ be cured if caught early enough.

Viral Infective agent that has ________ cure, but is controllable with antibiotics, if detected.

Name 2 consequences of contracting an STI:

What you should know: 1) Most STI’s have either very mild or ____________________ HOWEVER, when there are no symptoms, people don’t know they have an STI and continue passing them on to other partners. 2) Many STI’s can be treated and cured, but early ___________ is important. When left untreated the long term effects can be serious or even fatal. 3) STI’s are most common in which age group??? ________________________ years. 4) Define Abstinence : __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name 2 Bacterial STI’s--symptoms-- & long term effects: (Info from text and slides)

Name 2 Viral STI’s--symptoms-- & long term effects:

Instructions: Mark the “True” or “False” box for each statement.


1. Someone who looks “clean” can’t have an STI.

2. All STI’s are 100% curable.

3. The most common STI in the United States is HPV.

4. As long as a person with an STI isn’t sexually active while he or she is having symptoms, his or her partner can’t catch the disease.

5. Some STI’s can have long-term consequences, like fertility issues and pain.

6. Many STI’s have no symptoms.

7. Anyone who is sexually active should see a doctor for regular STI testing.

8. All STI’s can be treated with antibiotics.

9. Many people with STI’s don’t even know they have them.

Human Development

Packet KEY

Physical Changes in Males during Adolescence 

 Physical Changes in Females during Adolescence 


Physical Changes During



What to expect

Physical Changes in Males during Adolescence- starts between ages 10-14

Grow 4-12 inches Facial bone more defined. Deeper voice, occasional cracking Shoulders broaden Perspiration increases Pubic hair growth Sperm production begins

Acne Facial hair Muscle mass increases Underarm hair growth Weight gain

Physical Changes in Females during Adolescence- Starts between ages 8-14

Grow 2-8 inches Facial bone defined Development of breasts Waistline narrows Hips widen Body fat increases in hips, thighs, and buttocks Pubic hair growth

Acne Underarm hair growth Perspiration increases Uterus and ovaries enlarge Menstruation starts

Adolescence in Text BooksRead pages 545-550 silently or with a partner

2 Word Maps

Adolescence Puberty

Understanding the Text

1) Explain one intellectual develpomental change during adoloscence.

2) Name 3 ways teens grow emotionally during adolescence.a-b-c-

3) Think Critically From the example on page 547 if you were Akiko’s older sister what would you say to her? What advice could you give?

4) Is Akiko’s social-emotional development abnormal? What about her physical development? Explain.

5) Think Critically Teens face a lot of challenges. Which do you think are hardest and why?



Female Reproductive


Beginning of Life...The story of your human life began as a

single cell. This cell was created from the

merging of two cells. One cell from your

biological mother and one from your

biological father. The combination of these

two cells produced you--a unique human

being unlike any that ever has been or ever

will exist!

What are some body systems you have learned about in science or


What are their functions?

Reproductive SystemThe human reproductive system is a body

system in which organs work together to

make the creation of new life possible.

Unlike other body systems the

reproductive system does not work at

birth. It does not become capable of

working until puberty, which is when the

body reaches sexual maturity.

Female Reproductive System

O b j e c t i v e s :

● Correctly identify female reproductive system.

● Explain how the menstrual cycle works.

● Explain what causes fertilization to take place

● Describe ways to care for the reproductive systems.

Like other living things,

human beings reproduce.

It's what keeps the

population going.

In humans, this happens

when the male and

female reproductive

systems work together to

make a baby.

What Does It Do?

The female reproductive system enables a woman to:

● produce eggs (ova)

● have sexual intercourse

● protect and nourish the fertilized egg until it is fully


● give birth

The female reproductive system includes a group of organs in a woman's lower belly and pelvis.

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM•Females produce ovum or egg cells.

•The egg (ovum) cell is the female sex cell.


•Like sperm (the male sex cell), the female ova or egg cell

contains 23 chromosomes from the women.

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMWomen are born with as many eggs

cells as they will have for their entire


–About 1 to 2 million

**This is different than men who

produce sperm starting at puberty

and will continue throughout their



•The ovaries are two small glands that create and store egg (ovum) cells

and also produce estrogen and progesterone.


•Estrogen and

progesterone are the two

female sex hormones.

•Each hormone has

different characteristics

to balance out the other.


•Estrogen and progesterone

work together to stimulate

secondary sex characteristics

in women.


–Increased breast size

–Widening of hips

–Softer features

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM•Egg cells in the ovaries do

not become mature enough to

be fertilized until puberty.

•Once a female reaches

puberty, hormones cause an

egg cell to mature in the


Fallopian tubes

reach from the

ovaries to the

uterus. They are

about 4 inches

long and as wide

as a spaghetti



•Once an egg cell is mature enough, it is

released into the fallopian tube.

•The process of releasing an egg into

the fallopian tube is ovulation.

–Out of the 1 to 2 million egg cells in

the women, usually only 400 egg cells

will be released in a life time.


It will take about 5 days for

an egg cell to travel through

the fallopian tube which is

only 4-5 inches long.

It is ONLY in the fallopian

tube that fertilization takes


FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM•This means that there is only

about 5 days in which a

female can become pregnant.

•If the egg and sperm cell

meet outside the fallopian

tube, pregnancy DOES NOT



comes out of the fallopian

tube into the uterus, it will

eventually attach itself to

the wall of the uterus.

•This means that

pregnancy has started.

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM•The uterus is the place

where a developing baby

is sheltered, nourished and

grows. It is a hollow,

pear‑shaped organ with a

strong muscular wall with

many blood vessels.

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM•The endometrium is the lining of the


•Once in the uterus, a fertilized egg (also

known as a zygote), will float around in

the uterus. After about 10 days the

zygote will attach itself to the wall of the

uterus, where it is protected and

nourished to grow. At this point it is

called an embryo.

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM•When an egg is not fertilized it will

enter the uterus. Then float around

for about 5 days before it, along

with the extra blood and tissue

leave the body.

•This is what we call menstruation

or having a period.

Menstruation•Menstruation usually occurs every 28 days on average for most women.

•It usually takes 5 to 7 days for the uterus to completely shed the extra

blood and tissue.


5 to 7 days

Menstruation•Understanding the menstrual cycle

can be confusing

•Now that you understand the

different body parts of the female

reproductive system and how they


•You can now start to learn about

the menstrual cycle

Menstruation•Let’s start at the beginning

•Most girls will start menstruating

between the ages of 11 and 16 years

of age.

•Some girls could start earlier and

others might start later because of

when they enter puberty.

Menstruation•A girl will not know when

her first period will start.

•The process starts many

days before the bleeding


Menstruation•Once a girl begins to go through

puberty her body and hormones

begin to change.

•Inside the ovaries one egg cell


•It takes about 13 days for the egg

cell to develop.

Menstruation•While the egg is maturing in the

ovary, inside uterus the

endometrium (lining of the

uterus) starts to thicken.

•It is preparing itself just in case

there is a fertilized egg that

comes from the fallopian tube.


•Maturing the egg cell and

preparing the uterus usually

takes 13 days.

•We call this day 1 through day

13 of the menstrual cycle.

Menstruation•The hormones estrogen and

progesterone cause the mature cell to be

released in the fallopian tube.

•This is called ovulation.

•It usually occurs on day 14 of the

monthly cycle.

•The walls of the uterus continue to


Menstruation•During days 15 through 20.

•The mature egg cell will float in

the fallopian tube for about 5


•Remember in the fallopian tube is

where fertilization must take place

in order for pregnancy to happen.

Menstruation•This means that there is about 5 days

per menstrual cycle that a female

could become pregnant.

•In order for fertilization to take

place; sperm cells must be present

inside the female’s fallopian tubes at

the same time an egg cell is in the

fallopian tube.

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM•The uterus gets rid of the extra blood and

tissue by contracting and squeezing.

•The contraction of the uterus can cause some

women to experience “Cramps” in the


•Cramping is normal, but can be unpleasant

and painful.

For temporary relief one can use OTC pain

relievers, a warm bath, or a heating pad.

The cervix is the lower

part of the uterus that opens

into the vagina. During

childbirth, the cervix

expands to about 4 inches

(10 centimeters) so the baby

can travel from the uterus,

down through the vagina

and out into the world.

The vagina is a

tube-like pathway

that connects the

uterus to the outside

of the body.

The bladder and urethra

(where urine leaves the

body) are separate from the

vagina. The vagina is a

seperate opening that leads

to the uterus.

Sexual REPRODUctionHumans reproduce through sexual intercourse. During sex,

male sperm cells travel through the vagina, then swim up

through the uterus to the fallopian tubes in search of an egg


In the fallopian tube, the

sperm can join with an

egg IF one has been

released from the ovary

during ovulation.

FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM•Fertilization happens when a

sperm cell “fertilizes” the

woman's egg, forming a zygote.

This is the first step in

reproduction (getting pregnant)

23 chromosomes from a sperm

cell + 23 chromosomes of an

egg cell = zygote with 46


Prenatal Development

Gestation is the physical development of a

fetus inside the womb during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is measured in weeks. Most

babies are born 36-40 weeks after

fertilization. During pregnancy a developing

baby changes dramatically and rapidly. This

is know as prenatal development.

Pregnancy● An organ called the placenta forms in the

uterus. It helps to support and protect the

embryo as well as removing waste.

● The Umbilical Cord also forms and is

connected to the baby at the abdomen. It is

full of blood vessels and carries food and

oxygen from the mother to the developing


★ Around 3 weeks the babies heart starts to


If all goes well, in about 9 months, a baby is born!

Care for the Female Body1.Bath or shower daily

2.Do not wear damp clothing longer than necessary

3. Do self breast exams to check for unusual lumps.

4.Have regular doctor check-ups.

5.Report changes such as pain, itching, discharge to

parents or doctor

6.Maintain good hygiene during menstrual periods

7.Practice sexual abstinence before marriage.

Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive System

Male Reproductive SystemMales begin to produce sperm at puberty.

Sperm is the male reproductive sex cells.

Sperm cells are the smallest cells in the human body and are produced in the testes.

Male Reproductive System•The job of the sperms cells is to find the egg cell in the female and fertilize it.

•Fertilization is the joining of the sperm and egg cells.

•This means that the 23 chromosomes from dad combine with the 23 chromosomes from mom to create 46 chromosomes

in a new embryo.

Male Reproductive System•On average men will produce 100 million sperm cells in each testis per day.

•Why do men produce so many sperm cells?

•Many sperm cells are misshapen or non-functioning.

Male Reproductive System•Most sperm cells will die off before they reach the destination.

•Sperm must swim 4 inches against a current.

•This is equivalent to swimming 24 miles.

•Out of the millions of sperm cell, only 100 sperm cells will actually make it to the egg.

Only the strongest ones will survive the journey.

Male Reproductive System•Sperm cells are unique in their shape and function.

•Sperm cells have a head, midsection, and tail.

•The head carries the genetic codes from the dad.

•Mid Section carries nutrients for energy

•The tail (flagellum) helps move the sperm through fluid.

•The sperm is the only cell with a tail.

Male Reproductive System•Sperm cells are created in the testes.

•Testes or testicles are the two small glands that produce sperm.

•Inside the testes, special cells divide so that each sperm cell contains half of the man’s chromosomes.

Male Reproductive System•Testosterones is also created inside the testes.

•Testosterone is the male sex hormone that is responsible for many changes that take place during puberty.

Male Reproductive System•The scrotum is a protective skin sac that holds the testes and regulates their temperature.

•In order for sperm cells to survive, the testes must maintain a certain temperature.

Male Reproductive System•Normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees.

•This is too warm for sperm production and survival.

•This is why the testicles are on the outside of the male body.

Male Reproductive System•The seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and the Cowper’s gland all add fluid to the sperm as it passes through from the vas deferens.•These fluids are added to the sperm to help nourish and protect the sperm once it leaves the male body.

•The combination of the sperm and these fluids is called semen.

Male Reproductive System•Once the semen leaves the Vas Deferens tube it travels down the urethra.

•The urethra is a tube inside the male penis.

•The urethra has two functions in the male:

1.Carry semen out of the body

2.Carry urine out of the body

Male Reproductive System•Inside the penis, there are empty chambers called the corpus cavernosum.

•When a male becomes sexually aroused the chambers are filled with extra blood which causes it to become elongated and rigid.

Male Reproductive System•Because the male body is changing so rapidly during adolescence it is common for this to happen without being sexually aroused.

•This is completely normal and in most cases uncontrollable.

Male Reproductive System•It is important that males get regular medical checkups.

•Checkups help men protect themselves and prevent future problems. It is important that if a male has anyone of the following symptoms that they seek medical help immediately.

● Pain during urination● Swelling or lump in the genital area● Sores or irritated skin● Pain in lower abdominal

Care for the Male Reproductive Organs1.Bathe regularly

2.Keep skin clean and dry

3.Always wear protective gear when playing sports

4.Get regular check ups and report any pain, swelling, tenderness, or lumps

5.Do regular testicular exams.

6.Abstain from sex before marriage to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted disease

Human Anatomy Review &


Anatomy Review & Labeling

Ø :Ø -: : :

: : -: :

: :







13_Sperm Duct ___



The ________ reproductive system

* Uterus

* Vagina* Cervix

* Ovary

*Fallopian Tube

* FemaleOvum/Egg

1 Fallopian Tube

2 Ovary

3 Cervix

4 Ovum/Egg

5 Uterus

6 Vagina


What Boys Want to Know

about Puberty

What is Puberty. Decoding

Puberty in Girls

Human Reproductive

Review Game Questions

Human Reproductive Review Game Questions Directions: Write each answer on its own 3 x 5 colored index card and tape them on a poster board or tape them on the board. Get two clean fly swatters. Divide class in two teams. Have one person from each team come up front with the flyswatter. The first person to swat the correct answer scores a point for their team. Questions: 1) Ovum: Female sex cell 2) Sperm: Male sex cell 3) Chromosomes: There are 23 of these from the male sex cell and 23 from the female sex cell. 4) Ovaries: This is where eggs are produced and stored until released once every 28 days (or so). 5) Estrogen: One of the female hormones 6) Fertilization: The joining of egg and the sperm. 7) Fallopian Tube: Carries ovum from the ovary to the uterus. Egg must be fertilized here. 8) Scrotum: Sac which holds the testes and regulates the temperature

9) Urethra: Pathway in which sperm & urine exit the males body. 10) Testes: This is where sperm & testosterone is produced. 11) Testosterone: Dominant male hormone 12) Adolescence: Time of development between childhood and adulthood. 13) Underarm Hair: A physical change during adolescence that happens to both males and females. 14) Hormones: This stimulates physical changes in the male and female during puberty. 15) Menstruation: This occurs when an egg is not fertilized and leaves a woman’s body along with other blood and tissue. 16) Gestation: This is the physical development of a Fetus inside the womb. 17) Uterus: A growing baby is sheltered, nourished and develops here.

18) Check for lumps: Name a way to maintain proper care of the reproductive system. 19) Female: Which gender is born with all their sex cells they will ever have? 20) Male: Which gender generally starts puberty later than the other?

Healthy Relationships

Slides and Assignment

~10 TIPS~


1- Be honest

2- Choose your partner carefully3- Ensure your values match

4- Know what makes a relationship work, and WORK on it!

5- Know what you want: communicate & compromise

6- Love yourself7- Respect each other

8- Practice appreciation

9- Have no expectations10- Have fun

Text Books

Refer back to page 486, & 456-457 for the following


Your Assignment

Write the words “Healthy Relationship” down the left side of your paper in a creative font on a computer, or in nice lettering by hand.









Use each letter as

the start of a

word or phrase

that describes one

component of a



R espects your opinionELATION ever resorts to violenceSHIP

Red Flag Situations

Healthy�Relationships:�Red�Flag�vs.�Thumbs�Up�1. Says "I love you" 2. Lies to you about where he or she is going 3. Gets jealous if you talk to someone else 4. Constantly accuses you of cheating when you haven’t 5. Asks what you want to do on the weekend 6. Makes an effort to get to get to know your friends and family 7. Cheers you on at games or recitals 8. Puts you down 9. Understands that no means no 10. Makes decisions for you 11. Compliments you 12. Seems obsessed with you 13. Blames you for things that go wrong 14. Says "no one else would ever want to be with you" 15. Makes you laugh when you’re sad 16. Criticizes you 17. Breaks things in anger 18. Wants to know where you are at all times 19. Pressures you to do things you don’t want to do 20. Respects your opinions 21. Makes you feel guilty for having outside interests 22. Threatens you when you don’t do what he or she says 23. Tracks you down when he or she can’t find you 24. Expects you to stop seeing your friends 25. Calls you names 26. Pushes you around 27. Is proud when you succeed 28. Thinks your interests are stupid 29. Tells you that you’re lucky to have him or her 30. Hits you

Abstinence Slide


Ground Rules

1.No joking

2.Be respectful

3.No teasing

4.No personal stories

5.No judging others

6. No put-downs

7.Keep it G-rated

8.No slang

9.No side conversations

10. No phones, devices,



To know

Abstinence:Active choice not to participate in high-risk



Showing fond attachment, devotion or love


A physical closeness or engaged in sexual



Committed and faithful to one partner.


ABSTAINING: To hold oneself back

VOLUNTARILY from something…

Sexual abstinence means NOT having

intimate sexual relations until marriage

A B S T I N E N C E… WHY?Allows time to:

● Mature

● practice relationships based on more than a physical attraction

● prevents pregnancy/STDs

● Religous/moral/spiritual belief

● Improves self-esteem and self-respect by practicing self-discipline.

● Allows you to focus on goals.

● Acquire knowledge that contribute to career opportunities.

● Practice for making commitments in marriage.

W H Y ???are we discussing this now?

● Decisions we make today will impact your future● If you make these decisions ahead of time, it will be easier to

stick to them● When we understand what these “words or actions” are and

the consequences, it is less likely someone can convince us that it is “no big deal”.

We will identify

ways to show

affection without

being sexually


● hold hands

● make playlist

● give compliments

● go skiing/boarding

● spend time together

● cuddle

● go for a walk

● play frisbee (fill in the


● go to a movie

● give gifts

● go on a hike

● hug

● meet each other’s


● have a picnic

● be good listener

● write a poem

Sexual Maturity

Males and females become sexually mature at

different rates. Being sexually mature means males

and females have gone through puberty and their

bodies are now capable of creating a human life.

HOWEVER...Being sexually mature DOES

NOT mean a person is emotionally mature.

What is Abstinence


You’ve probably noticed by now (if not, you will notice in the future) that members of the

opposite sex don’t really have “cooties” and that they are actually okay to be around. In

fact, at this time in your life you just might find yourself becoming physically attracted

and drawn to another individual(s) as you grow and mature. This is perfectly normal!

Do you remember how we talked about how hormones in your body affect you both

physically and emotionally? One of those hormones deals with the sexual changes in

your body. As you grow, mature, and reach the age at which you are ready to date and

then get married, those same hormones that changed you physically during puberty will

create a desire in you to become sexually intimate with the person you love. It is a

normal desire.

You may not realize it, but there are desires triggered as you begin to show signs of

affection towards those you are attracted to (holding hands, hugging, kissing, and so

forth). These desires will be new, and you will need to learn how to control them. When

you learn to control these urges, you will be able to show these signs of affection and

still be able to have control over your sexual desires.

Some teenagers become sexually active because they are physically capable and have

sexual desires, but they may not realize that they are not emotionally mature enough

to handle this type of relationship. There is wisdom in waiting to have sex until you

become more mature. Let’s discuss what it means to abstain from sex.

ABSTINENCE Abstinence comes from the word abstain, which in this context means to voluntarily

refrain from having sex until marriage. Abstinence before marriage can enhance

and raise the quality of your relationships before and after you get married.

Choosing that one special person for life is a major decision to make. Marriages based

on genuine friendship and love are the ones that tend to make it through all the tough

times. It can be hard to tell if you are in love, or simply lust after someone, and having

sex at a young age can confuse this decision. Abstinence from sex before marriage

plays a large part in separating sexual desires from feelings of love.

Additionally, there are some risks that you take when you engage in sex. Abstinence

helps you avoid these unnecessary risk. However, it is important that you know these

risks so that you are aware of the effects of being sexually active. As a class we will be

discussing three risks involved with sexual activity: physical, psychological, and


Boundaries Presentation

~ Personal Boundaries ~

Boundaries1. Guidelines, Rules, or limits that a

person sets to protect him or herself.

WHY are boundaries important?

● Protect our rights● Make us feel comfortable● Keep us healthy● Help us feel respected● Keep our body safe

Examples: Stating boundaries1. “I want to hear about your day. I’ll be free to give you my full

attention in 15 minutes.”

2. “I would like to talk to you, but I do not want to argue anymore.”

3. “I will hang out with you, but I will not gossip about other people.”

4. “I really enjoy holding your hand while walking together, but I don’t want to kiss you when we say good-bye.”

5. “I like you, but I don’t enjoy hugging people, please stop asking for hugs.”

Examples: Boundaries we set

Physical contact: I don’t like to hug people unless I know them well Keeping your personal space or items: I don’t like it when people I don’t know touch me or get

really close to me I prefer that someone asks to borrow my things before

taking them Language:

I prefer to not use cuss words when talking to people.

A Lack of Boundaries Invites invites

A Lack of respect!

How do we set BOUNDARIES???

o Talk to family members and friends about dating expectations.

o Determine what is important to you.

o Decide NOW what you will say, how you’ll act, and what you’ll do if someone tries to push your boundaries.

Think about what makes you uncomfortable or upset. Write

5 personal boundaries to protect your own rights!

What would you do or say if someone was pressuring you to go beyond

your boundaries?

P. O. W. E. R.

P rotect myself and others.

O wn my rights and responsibilities.

W ait.

E xpress myself clearly.

R espect myself and others.

Unintended Pregnancy


BUCKET LIST● As a group discuss

biggest Lifetime Goals/Bucket List Items



With your table, pick your top 2 most important bucket list items.We’ll share these with the class.





What PERCENT was the Utah teen birth rate as of 2017?

In 2017 15.1% of Utah teens had a baby

➔ Parenting skills

➔ Understanding day-to-day responsibilities

➔ Assessing finances

➔ Support of family and friends

➔ Age of the parents.

The expense of raising a child from birth to 21 is CONSIDERABLE!

The first step should be making the decision to have a child. This decision is based upon

weighing many factors like:






Pregnancy - Baby’s 1st Year

Think of everything!

2 Minutes!

Let’s see what you came up with!

One person from each table will stand up. Write one item from your list on the white board!

One table at a time, share one item from your list.

If any table has that item on their list, BOTH cross it off of your list.

Once all of the items on your list are crossed off, sit down.

Last table standing wins!

What are your totals?

Best Guess….Include 3 totals:

1. Cost of pregnancy2. Cost of baby’s first year3. TOTAL cost of both

*Write #1 on your board

Actual Cost of a Pregnancy & Baby

Were you close to the actual costs?Pregnancy: $8,802

Birth-Year 1: $14,970

TOTAL: $23,772*

*Based on Average Pregnancy/Baby

*May Differ Higher or Lower

*Not Including Childcare Costs or any complications.

We’ve discussed that one of the

reasons to choose abstinence is

to wait to have a child.

When an individual is ready and

chooses to have a child it is one

of the most amazing things!

The human body is really cool!

Abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy &


Options teens have if they become pregnant...








Sexually Transmitted

Infections and HIV


What are STI’s? ● Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s) are infections which are capable of being spread

from person to person through: 1.sexual intercourse 2.genital contact 3. IV drug use 4. blood to blood contact.

● Bodily Fluids STI’s are spread through: o Semen o Vaginal Fluid o Blood o Breast Milk

● There are three categories of STI’s: o Bacterial (Can be cured if caught early enough with antibiotics) o Viral (Have NO cure…yet, but are controllable if found early enough) o Parasitic (Can be cured if caught early enough)

Consequences of Contracting an STI ● Pain during urination ● Sores on genital areas ● Some are incurable, once a person has it, they will always have it. ● Some cause Cancer. ● Some can cause infertility (not able to have children). ● Some can be passed from an infected female to her child before, during or after birth.

What you should know

● Most STI’s are spread through contact with infected bodily fluid. ● Most STI’s have either very mild or no immediate symptoms. HOWEVER, when there

are no symptoms, people don’t know they have an STI and continue passing them on to other partners.

● Many STI’s can be treated and cured, but early DETECTION is important. When left untreated the long term effects can be serious or even fatal.

● STI’s are most common in which age group??? 15-24 years

● Abstinence is the BEST way to prevent exposure to an STI. Abstinence is:

o The deliberate decision to avoid harmful behaviors, including sexual activity before marriage and the use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs or other harmful activities.

STI  TYPE  If Left Untreated Genital Herpes  Viral

Painful and severe outbreaks. If spread to a baby, can result in physical or mental damage.

Hepatitis  Viral DEATH

HPV/Genital Warts  Viral

Can cause cervical cancer, anal cancer and cancer of the penis.

Gonorrhea  Bacterial Infertility /damage to reproductive systems, epididymitis (painful infection of the testicles, can be life threatening.)

Syphilis  Bacterial Severe damage to internal organs and other body tissues which can result in death.

Chlamydia  Bacterial Increased risk for HIV/AIDS, women can get PID, infants of infected mothers can develop dangerous eye infections. Can result in infertility.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) 

Bacterial Fallopian tube scarring, infertility, higher risk of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, long-lasting chronic pelvic pain.

Pubic Lice  Parasitic Can spread from pubic hair to other hairy areas. Can spread from person to person through close physical contact.

HIV/AIDS  HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus  AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 

Viral HIV:Virus that infects and kills cells weakening the body’s immune system.

This sometimes leads to AIDS which leaves the body unable to fight off infections and disease. Leading to


Conclusion / Solution ● _Commit_ to abstinence before marriage and fidelity after marriage. Just say NO! ● If you choose to become sexually active it is NECESSARY to ask a doctor or another

trusted adult about how to protect yourself from diseases and unintended pregnancies!

STI’s Presentation


Sexually Transmitted Infections:

*Not spread by toilet seats, towels, doorknobs, or from swimming pools.

Quick Facts▶ ¼ of sexually active teens will contract an STD

▶ No cure for viruses

▶ Bacterial infections are treatable with antibiotics

▶ Infertility is a real consequence

▶ Sexually active teens are 10X more likely to use marijuana than non-sexually active teens

Gonorrhea▶ Symptoms▶ Burning sensation during urination

▶ Yellowish/greenish discharge

▶ Females often have no symptoms, but it can damage fertility (PID)▶ Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

▶ Treatable with antibiotics


▶ Burning sensation during urination

▶ Yellowish/greenish discharge

▶ Females often have no symptoms, but it can damage fertility (PID)

▶ Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

▶ Treatable with antibiotics

▶ Leading cause of pink eye and pneumonia in newborns

Syphilis▶Treatable with antibiotics, but cannot reverse damage.▶Sores - lesions - rash - fever - organs - muscles - paralysis

▶Around or on genital parts, anus or rectum, mouth

▶Babies can be born stillborn to infected mothers

H . I . V .▶Stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus

▶It Infects and kills cells, weakening or attacking the immune system. At some point, HIV completely wears down the body’s immune system and leads to A.I.D.S.

AIDS➢ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome➢ Often fatal disease in which the body cannot fight

infections and disease.➢ New treatments= Living longer and more normal lives➢ NO CURE, but is manageable with treatment➢ Transmitted through contact of bodily fluids:

--Blood--Semen--Breast milk--Vaginal secretions

treatment for STI’sBacterial Infections can be treated with antibiotics and in severe cases surgery.

Viral Infections have no cure but prescribed medications can ease symptoms and breakouts.

Sexually active teens with multiple partners must be tested to prevent the spread of diseases.

STI Example Activity


PREP:Prepare index cards, one per student , with the following letters written 

very small on the back corner:  

- 2 cards—write “S” (which stands for STI)  

- 3 card—write “A” (which stands for Abstinence)  

- 2 cards—write “M” (which stands for Monogamy, meaning having sex faithfully 

with only one partner, like a spouse) 

- All remaining cards—write “U” (which stands for unprotected) •  


1) When you begin the lesson, quietly tell the students you give the index cardS 

with an “A” on it to not sign anyone else’s index card, even if asked. Quietly tell 

the two students who you give the index card with an “M” on it to only sign 

each other’s index cards and no one else, even if asked.  

Distribute a prepared index card to each learner, noting which ones you give 

the “A” and “M” cards to. (There are special directions for these three learners 

noted above in the preparation section.)  


2) While playing “Take a Chance on Me” music, (or another song) Direct students 

to move around the classroom writing their names on the index cards of other 

students. Ask students try to get at least three names of their classmates on 

their cards and then return to their seats.  


3) Next ask “How is everyone feeling?” and when most answer fine, explain 

that just like with STIs, people often don’t know they have one since they 

commonly don’t cause any symptoms. FOR this experiment, we’ll be relating the 

signing of another’s index card to engaging in a sexual behavior.  


Explain that some students have now been exposed to STIs and we need to 

figure out whom, so they can go get tested. Ask the students to turn their 

index cards over and look for a letter printed on the back.  


4) “For the purposes of this activity, some students have been exposed to others 

who have an STI. If you have a letter “S” on your index card, can you please 

stand up.” Once those two students stand up, next say, “Now, if you have the 

names of either of these students on your index card, can you please stand up.” 

Once the next group of students has stood up, finally ask, “Now if you have the 

names of any of the students standing up on your index card, you too need to 

stand up.” At this point, many students should be standing. Go on to explain 

the following, “Looking at all the students who are standing up now, we can 

clearly see how many have been exposed to this STI which started from just two 

students and quickly spread.  


5) There are some students here who have done things to protect themselves. If 

you have the letter “A” on your card, please wave your hand in the air. These 

students were practicing abstinence, meaning not having sex with another 

person and that kept them 100% safe from getting any STIs. If you have the 

letter “M” on your card, can you please wave your hands in the air? These 

students were practicing monogamy, meaning they only signed each other’s 

cards to try to reduce their risk of getting an STI by just having one sexual 



6) Process the activity by asking the following discussion questions:  

• Could you tell by looking at each other who had the “S” written on their 


• How did it feel to find out that you were exposed to an STI and needed 

to get tested?  

• How did it feel to not participate for those learners with the “A” or “M” 

on their cards?  


End the activity by explaining that only two students started the activity with 

an STI but so many were exposed as a result. Explain that this is often the case 

with how quickly and quietly STIs are spread to those who choose to casually 

participate in sexual activity. 

Teen Internet Safety


How frequently do you use electronics?


Internet Safety Tips

ONLINE THREATS ARE REAL•1. YOU are your biggest threat•When you post or upload something STUPID•Before you post or upload think- Would I do or say this if my GRANDMA was watching me.

There are 3 main threats to teens

being online

Bulletin Board

Everybody Knows Sarah





ONLINE THREATS ARE REAL •2. Protect yourself against

online predators•Be 100% sure you know

who people are that you talk to or accept friend requests from•Avoid the temptation to

give personal information•Be careful with online

gaming as well.

ONLINE THREATS ARE REAL• 3. Install filtering to your devices

to avoid exposure to pornography.• It causes serious psychological

and relationship damage and is a proven addiction.

• There is an “indispensable link in the chain of behavior” that leads to a loss of the value and importance of human life. Meaning people become “desensitized”.

• This quote comes from the Ted Bundy interview-

• Ted Bundy who was on death row, decided to give one last interview. He chose to speak to Dr. James Dobson, who was the founder of Focus on the Family.

• He discussed how pornography was a possible explanation for his behavior.

• He said that living in prison for a long time he learned that ALL of the other men who were “involved with violent crimes there had without exception, been deeply influenced and consumed by addiction to pornography.“

• We are not telling you any of this to make you feel guilty… It is a warning of the potential dangers of not being careful with what you view online.





Friend or Fake

Friend or Fake???

•I don’t care if you tell your friends

•What’s your favorite video game?

•Let’s just keep this between you and me…

•Do you want to meet in person?

•I missed you yesterday, I’m glad you’re feeling better.

•Let’s just keep this between you and me

•It’s OK if you don’t want to tell me that

•Why won’t you tell me, don’t you trust me?



Human Development Test