Book 1 Lesson 2

49 Book 1 Lesson 2

Transcript of Book 1 Lesson 2


Book 1Lesson 2






دسته بندی واژگان درس








درسنامه گرامر درس دو سال دهم صفت

‎در‎درس‎2‎بــا‎»صفــت«‎آشــنا‎می‎شــویم؛‎هرچنــد‎کــه‎شــما‎از‎قبــل‎بــا‎تعریــف‎و‎کاربــرد‎صفــت‎آشــنا‎هســتید.‎صفــت‎کلمــه‎ایــاد ــن‎درس‎ی ــم‎در‎ای ــری‎ه ــم‎دیگ ــکات‎مه ــت،‎ن ــف‎صف ــز‎تعری ــه‎ج ــا‎ب ــی‎رود.‎ام ــه‎کار‎م ــم‎ب ــف‎اس ــرای‎توصی ــه‎ب ــت‎ک ‎اس‎می‎گیریــم:‎ایــن‎کــه‎جــای‎صفــت‎کجاســت،‎صفت‎هــا‎چــه‎انواعــی‎دارنــد‎و‎ترتیبشــان‎چیســت،‎و‎ایــن‎کــه‎صفت‎هــای‎»برتــر«‎و‎»برتریــن«‎چــه‎طــور‎ســاخته‎می‎شــوند.‎راســتی،‎می‎دانســتید‎بــرای‎واژه‎ی‎صفــت،‎کــه‎واژهــای‎عربــی‎اســت،‎برابرهــای‎فارســی


قسمت اول : جایگاه صفت ها

١- قبل از اسم:

1. They have a beautiful house.2. I saw a good program on TV last night. 3. My sister has two young children.

‎.1آنها‎خانه ی زیبایی‎دارند.‎.2‎من‎دیشب‎یک‎برنامه ی خوب‎در‎تلویزیون‎دیدم.

‎.3‎خواهرم‎دو‎فرزند کوچک‎دارد.

۲- بعد از فعل اسنادی )ربطی(:

1. I didn’t know your mother was French2. That film looks interesting.

‎.است‎فرانسوی‎مادرت‎دانستم‎نمی‎.1‎.2آن‎فیلم‎جالب به نظر می رسد.

‎5‎با‎شما‎که‎باشد‎داشته‎شکل‎9‎تواند‎می‎to be‎فعل‎.است‎to be‎فعل‎،انگلیسی‎زبان‎در‎اسنادی‎فعل‎ترین‎افعال ربطی: مهم‎هم‎to be‎و‎been‎و‎being‎و‎be‎فعل‎4‎که‎بدانید‎باید‎اما‎.am, is, are, was, were‎:هستید‎آشنا‎آن‎ی‎گذشته‎و‎حال‎شکل

‎.هستند‎to be‎ی‎خانواده‎اعضای‎از‎دو‎)رســیدن‎نظــر‎بــه(‎seem‎و‎)شــدن(‎become‎هــای‎فعل‎.دارد‎وجــود‎هــم‎دیگــری‎اســنادی‎هــای‎فعل‎،to be‎جــز‎بــه‎ ‎معنــی‎یــک‎از‎بیــش‎کدامشــان‎هــر‎چــون‎امــا‎.باشــند‎اســنادی‎فعــل‎تواننــد‎می‎هــم‎زیــر‎هــای‎فعل‎.هســتند‎اســنادی‎مهــم‎فعــل‎ــال ــه‎افع ــوط‎ب ــدن«‎اســنادی‎محســوب‎می‎شــوند.‎مثال‎هــای‎مرب ــه‎نظــر‎آم ــا‎»ب ــودن«‎ی ــی‎»شــدن«،‎»ب ــد،‎فقــط‎در‎معن دارن

اســنادی‎را‎یــک‎بــار‎دیگــر‎بخوانیــد،‎تــا‎متوجــه‎شــوید‎منظــورم‎چیســت.appear, feel get grow, look, smell, sound, taste, turn

قسمت دوم :ترتیب صفات

‎امــا‎.شــوند‎تقســیم‎مختلــف‎دســته ی‎10‎از‎بیــش‎بــه‎تواننــد‎می‎،کننــد‎می‎توصیــف‎را‎اســم‎خصوصیــات‎از‎یــک‎کــدام‎کــه‎ایــن‎‎بــه‎بســته‎،هــا‎صفتهشــت‎تــا‎از‎رایج تریــن‎انــواع‎صفت‎هــا‎بــه‎ترتیــب‎عبــارت‎انــد‎از:

: عقیده یا کیفیت .1: اندازه و طول.2: سن و قدمت.3: شکل و عرض.4: رنگ.5






: مبدأ یا ملیت.6: جنس.7: هدف یا کاربرد.8

عقیده یا اندازه و طولسن و قدمتشکل و عرضرنگمبدأ یا ملیتجنسهدف یا کاربرداسمکیفیت







روش تستی حل تست های ترتیب صفات

تست های اِستارت !

.I really liked that ……………. Ball my uncle gave me on my birthday1) blue, big, plastic, beautiful 2) beautiful, big, blue, plastic3) beautiful, plastic, big, blue 4) big, blue, beautiful, plastic

قسمت سوم : انواع صفات مقایسه ای

)as برابری صفات )الگوهای


1. Our house is as big as your house.2. It’s warmer today. It isn’t as cold as yesterday.


نکته : Jamshid isn’t as old as he looks. He looks older.




You are as old as I am. = You are as old as me. His wife is as tall as he is. = His wife is as tall as him.

صفت برتر )تفضیلی(



١- صفت های یک بخشی:

nice nicer ‎cheap cheaper ‎

۲- صفت های بیشتر از یک بخش:

beautiful more beautiful / careful‎ more careful‎

‎،آوریم‎می‎جمله‎در‎هم‎را‎مقایسه‎دوم‎طرف‎وقتی‎.کنید‎مکث‎،دیدید‎را‎than‎که‎جا‎هر‎و‎بخوانید‎را‎زیر‎های‎نکته: جمله ‎than‎جای‎به‎اشتباه‎به‎مبادا‎.است‎than‎،ای‎مقایسه‎ی‎اضافه‎حرف‎این‎،انگلیسی‎در‎.کنیم‎می‎پیدا‎احتیاج‎»از«‎ی‎اضافه‎حرف‎به‎قاعدتا

‎.ببریم‎کار‎به‎ای‎مقایسه‎های‎جمله‎در‎نباید‎را‎from‎ی‎اضافه‎حرف‎from‎بگویید1. We need a bigger car.2. This restaurant is nicer than the Pizza House.3. Let’s go by metro. It’s cheaper.

‎.داریم‎نیاز‎تر‎ بزرگ‎ماشین‎یک‎به‎.1‎.است‎هاوس‎پیتزا‎از‎بهتر‎رستوران‎این‎.2


‎و‎فعــل‎از‎خبــری‎اگــر‎.باشــد‎فاعلــی‎بایــد‎ضمیرمــان‎،کنیــم‎می‎اســتفاده‎جملــه‎یــک‎از‎than‎از‎بعــد‎نکتــه: وقتــی جملــه‎نیســت،‎ضمیــر‎مفعولــی‎بهتــر‎اســت.

You’re twenty years older than I am. = You’re twenty years older than me. His wife is taller than he is. = His wife is taller than him.

صفت برترین )عالی( ‎است‎»ترین«‎،فارسی‎زبان‎در‎برترین‎صفت‎عالمت



١- صفت های یک بخشی:

nice ‎the nicest ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎cheap ‎the cheapest

۲- صفت های بیشتر از یک بخش: ‎

beautiful the most beautiful careful the most careful






‎نشــان‎گــروه‎یــک‎در‎را‎چیــزی‎یــا‎کســی‎برتــری‎،برتریــن‎صفــت‎طــور‎چــه‎کــه‎ببینیــد‎و‎بخوانیــد‎دقــت‎بــه‎را‎زیــر‎جمــالت ‎یــک‎ایــن‎اســت؛‎شــده‎اســتفاده‎the‎تعریــف‎حــرف‎از‎برتریــن‎هــای‎صفت‎تمــام‎از‎قبــل‎کــه‎کنیــد‎دقــت‎،ضمــن‎در‎.دهــد‎می

قانــون‎اســت1. Yesterday was the hottest day of the year. 2. She is one of the nicest people that I know.3. The film was the most boring film that I have ever seen.

‎.1دیروز‎گرم ترین‎روز‎سال‎بود.‎.دارم‎سراغ‎من‎که‎است‎هایی‎آدم‎خوب ترین‎از‎یکی‎او‎.2

‎.3این‎فیلم،‎کسالت بارترین‎فیلمی‎‎بود‎که‎تا‎به‎حال‎دیده ام.

– est و er تغییرات امالیی هنگام اضافه کردن

large larger , the largest‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎.شود‎می‎حذف‎باشد‎داشته‎وجود‎e‎صفت‎انتهای‎در‎اگر‎:تغییر اولhappy‎‎happier, the happiest‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎.شود‎می‎تبدیل‎i‎به‎،باشد‎داشته‎وجود‎7‎صفت‎انتهای‎در‎اگر‎:تغییر دوم‎حرف‎،باشد‎رفته‎کار‎به‎)i‎یا‎o‎مثأل(‎مصوت‎تک‎یک‎،هم‎آن‎از‎قبل‎و‎باشد‎)g‎یا‎t‎مثاًل(‎صامت‎تک‎یک‎،آخر‎حرف‎اگر‎:تغییر سوم

تک‎صامت‎تکرار‎می‎شود.‎‎hot hotter, hottest ‎‎ big ‎bigger, biggest

نکته مهم :/busy ‎ ‎busier‎/busy busiest‎ صفت های بی قاعده

‎شــکل‎ناچاریــم‎پــس‎.کننــد‎نمی‎پیــروی‎رایــج‎قانون هــای‎از‎برتریــن‎ــا ــر‎ی ــه‎صفــت‎برت ــرای‎تبدیــل‎شــدن‎ب ــر‎ب صفت‎هــای‎زی‎.بســپاریم‎خاطــر‎بــه‎را‎آنهــا‎برتریــن‎و‎برتــر

صفت سادهصفت برترصفت برترین






1. What’s the best film you have ever seen? 2. “Is your headache better? “No, it’s worse.” 3. It’s a long walk from here to the station; farther than I thought,4. You have the worst handwriting.



تست های اِستارت !

1. Non – smokers ……….. than tobacco users.1) live healthier 2) are healthier 3) live more healthy 4) are more healthy

2. Mercury is the ……….. planet in the Solar System.1) hotter 2) hottest 3) more hot 4) most hot


3. It’s more ……….. for me to phone than to write a letter.1) easy 2) easier 3) difficult 4) much difficult

4. Man is still more intelligent ……….. robots.1) and much cleverer 2) than most clever3) and more clever 4) than the cleverest

5. This car is certainly ………. But it’s much more expensive.1) better 2) worse 3) best 4) worst

6. It was not as ………… I was expecting.1) cheaper than 2) cheaper as 3) cheap than 4) cheap as

دو نکته جانبی:

١. صفت های بی طرف

clever, common, cruel, gentle, narrow, pleasant, polite, quiet, simple, stupid

برای‎تفضیلی‎کردن‎صفت‎های‎باال‎می‎توان‎هم‎از‎-er‎هم‎از‎more‎استفاده‎کرد.cleverer or more clever/ simpler or more simple

برای‎عالی‎کردن‎صفت‎های‎باال‎می‎توان‎هم‎از‎-est‎هم‎از‎the most‎‎می‎آوریم:cleverest or the most clever / simplest or the most simple

۲.می توانیم به جای older و oldest از elder و eldest در همان معنی استفاده کنیم، به شرطی که:


My older/oldest brother works in a bank. = My elder/eldest brother works in a bank.

نکات تکمیلی :






تست های آموزشی گرامر درس دو سال دهم

جایگاه صفات1. There are ------- of different countries.

1) facts interesting behind the anthems national2) interesting facts behind the anthems national3) facts interesting behind the national anthems 4) interesting facts behind the national anthems

2. The homework that our teacher gave us -------.1) difficult seemed very 2) seemed very difficult 3) very difficult seemed 4) seemed difficult very

3. A baby blue whale -------.1) gets bigger than a great white shark 2) bigger gets than a great white shark3) gets bigger than a shark great white 4) bigger gets than a shark great white

4. We ate a ------- and left for work.1) breakfast delicious, ready got 2) delicious breakfast, got ready3) delicious breakfast, ready got 4) breakfast delicious, got ready

5. Choose the correct word order:1) The employees new seem hard – working2) The new employees hard – working seem3) The hard – working new employees seem4) The new employees seem hard – working

ترتیب صفات6. I am going to wear my ------- tie to the wedding.

1) big cotton blue 2) blue big cotton 3) big blue cotton 4) cotton blue big7. I am drinking from a/am ------- cup.

1) small English tea 2) tea small English3) English small tea 4) tea english small

8. Their dog is a ------- shepherd.1) brown big German 2) big brown German3) German big brown 4) brown German big

9. She makes ------- cookies.1) heart – shaped delicious chocolate 2) chocolate delicious heart – shaped3) delicious heart – shaped chocolate 4) delicious chocolate heart – shaped

10. Sohrab never lets his little brother drive his ------- car.1) sports expensive Italian 2) Italian expensive sports3) expensive Italian sports 4) expensive sports Italian

11. The boy was carrying two ------- bags.1) red big plastic 2) big red plastic 3) plastic big red 4) big plastic red

12. I bought a/an ………… watch last week. 1) Germany 2) India 3) China 4) Japanese

13. She gave me a ………. vase. 1) small Egyptian black 2) black Egyptian small 3) small black Egyptian 4) black small Egyptian

14. He recently married a .................. woman.1) young beautiful Greek 2) beautiful young Greek 3) beautiful Greek young 3) young Greek beautiful

15. We have a/an ..... ....... clock.1) old wonderful Italian 2) wonderful old Italian3) wonderful Italian old 4) Italian wonderful old


انواع صفات)مساوی،برتر،عالی(

16. Helen and her brother are six feet tall . Helen’s brother is …… . . her .1 ) as tall as 2 ) taller than 3 ) the tallest 4 ) tall

17. Pluto is ……… planet from the sun .1 ) farther than 2 ) the farthest 3 ) as far as 4 ) for

18. This dictionary is …………… the one we had before .1 ) the most useful 2 ) more useful than 3 ) as useful 4 ) very useful

19. Lesson 1 is ……… . important than lesson 2 , but lesson 4 is …… . important lesson of all .

1 ) less – little 2 ) little - least 3 ) the least- less 4 ) less – the least20. Tom bought a large bag last week was very ……… . .

1 ) the heaviest 2 ) heavy 3 ) heavier thon 4 ) as heavy as21. The film was very bad . I think it’s ……… film I’ve ever seen .

1 ) worst 2 ) worse 3 ) bad 4 ) the worst22. My friend and her sister are all ……… . their children .

1 ) shorter than 2 ) as short 3 )the shortest 4 ) short23. My young brother has … . money as my sister , but my older brother has … . Money of

all . 1 ) as much - the most 2 ) as many - more than 3 ) the most - much 4 ) more than - as much

24. You’re standing too near to the camera . Can you move a little ……… away? 1 ) far 2 ) farther 3 ) farthest 4 ) as far

25. George and Mary have three ……… . children . Mike is …… . of all . 1 ) young-younger than 2 ) as young as-young3 ) younger than - the youngest 4 ) young - the youngest

26. The river was ------- I thought so I decided to turn back.1) deeper than 2) the deepest 3) more deep than 4) the most deep

27. A: “Why did you buy these oranges? “They were ------- ones that I could find.”1) the cheaper 2) as cheap as 3) the cheapest 4) the most chaep

28. It was an amazing day. It was ------- day of my life.1) worse 2) the worst 3) better 4) the best

29. The United States is very large but Canada is -------.1) the largest 2) more large 3) larger 4) as large as

30. Everest is ------- mountain in the world. It is ------- any other mountain.1) the most high – more high than 2) higher than – the highest3) more high than – the most high 4) the highest – higher than

31. You’re nicer than the other doctor. The other doctor isn’t ------- you.1) kinder 2) as kind as 3) as kinder as 4) the kindest

32. The tomato soup was ------- the mushroom soup. I liked them both so much.1) more delicious than 2) the most delicious3) so delicious as 4) as delicious as

33. You should read more books. Movies are not ------- books.1) as interesting as 2) interesting than3) so interesting than 4) the most interesting

34. My mother always says that health is ------- money.1) more important 2) most important of3) the most important 4) more important than

35. This bag is too small. I need something much -------.1) biggest 2) bigger 3) more big 4) most big

36. I enjoyed my visit to the museum. It was ------- I thought.1) the most interesting 2) more boring than3) more interesting than 4) the most boring






37. The flat outside town is cheaper but it’s also ------- from my job.1) the farthest 2) more far 3) the most far 4) farther

38. Both his movies were amazing, but I think his first one was -------.1) good 2) better 3) the best 4) as good as

39. I think ------- person in our family should be my grandmother.1) oldest 2) the eldest 3) the most old 4) elder

40. Everyone knows that London is ------- city in England.1) biger 2) bigger 3) biggest 4) the biggest

41. One of ------ languages to learn is the Chinese language.1) the difficultest 2) difficulter 3) the more difficult 4) the most difficult

42. Playing video games is not ------- exercising. Exercising is much better.1) as best as 2) as good as 3) better 4) more good than

43. The ------- planet from the Sun is Pluto. It is even ------- the Earth’s moon.1) farthest – the smallest 2) farther – the smallest3) farthest – smaller than 4) farther – smaller than

44. This teacher is …………. all the other teachers in this school. 1) the best 2) good 3) better 4) better than

45. Girls are .................... boys in oral skills.1) successfuller than 2) more successful 3) the most successful 4) more successful than

46. Who is ............. actor in your country? 1) more famous 2) the most famous 3) most famous 4) famous

47. Sharks are ................. than whales. They are .......... animals of the sea. 1) more dangerous – the most dangerous 2) more dangerous – more dangerous 3) the most dangerous - more dangerous 4) the most dangerous – the most dangerous

48. Karoon is............... than Atrak. It is ................ river of Iran.1) longer – the shortest 2) more long - the longest 3) longer – the longest 4) more long - the shortest

49. Asia is .... ...... than Europe. It is ............. of all.1) biger – biggest 2) bigger – biggest 3) biger – the biggest 4) bigger – the biggest

50. This problem is .................. than that one. Actually, this is ......... problem of the book. 1) more difficult than - the most difficult 2) more difficult – the most difficult 3) more difficult - most difficult 4) more difficult than – most difficult

51. Gold is ......... It is ........... than silver. Actually, it is .......... metal of the world.1) expensive – more expensive - most expensive 2) expensive - expensiver – the most expensive 3) expensiver – more expensiver – the most expensive 4) expensive – more expensive – the most expensive

52. Kate’s bike was ............. mine. We paid the same price. 1) cheap 2) as cheap as 3) cheaper than 4) the cheapest

53. Kevin is ............... me. We react in the same way. 1) more nervous 2) nervous 3) the most nervous 4) as nervous as

54. This isn’t as ................... as I thought. 1) easy 2) easier 3) easiest 4) easier than

تست های تسلط %80

55. All these laptops are expensive. However, that one is the most expensive ....... 1) of all 2) in all 3) all of them 4) in them all

56. I think Algebra is the ......... subject of all.1) the most difficult 2) more difficult 3) most difficult 4) as difficult than

57. The learning process would be .......... for me if my English teacher were……1) easiest - most patient 2) easier - more patient3) easiest - most patient 4) easier - most patient


58. Let’s walk to school. I think it’s just ......... taking the metro.1) as quickly as 2) as quick as 3) quicker as 4) more quick than

59. My mother speaks English ......... I do, but my father speaks ........ of all of us. 1) as well as - better than 2) as good as - better than3) better than - the best 4) as good as the best

60. The guests were sitting at a ......... table. 1) large wooden beautiful 2) wooden large beautiful3) large beautiful wooden 4) beautiful large wooden

61. She is wearing a ......... dress.1) lovely new red 2) red new lovely 3) lovely new red 4) new red lovely

62. He was a ......... dog. 1) black smart Portuguese young 2) smart young black Portuguese3) Portuguese black smart young 4) young smart black Portuguese

63. A ......... sports car was parked in front of the restaurant. 1) big, red and white, wonderful 2) wonderful, red and white, big3) wonderful, big, red and white 4) red and white, wonderful, big

64. A ......... boy was chopping wood in the backyard.1) strong young little 2) strong little young3) little young strong 4) young strong little

65. A ......... boy was chopping wood in the backyard.1) strong young little 2) strong little young3) little young strong 4) young strong little

66. There was an … painting hanging on the wall of their bedroom.1) interesting old French 2) old interesting French3) old French interesting 4) interesting French old

67. The traffic in city centers is … the traffic in the country.1) as busy as 2) busier than 3) the busiest in 4) more busy than

68. She has ordered a/an … ring for her wedding.1) Italian expensive gold 2) expensive gold Italian3) gold expensive Italian 4) expensive Italian gold

69. Today was Anita’s 23rd birthday. She’s married a man twice as old as her; so her hus-band …

1) is 23 years old 2)has 23 years old 3) is 46 years old 4)has 46 years old70. Their little daughter has … hair.

1) long black beautiful 2) black beautiful long3) beautiful long black 4) beautiful black long

71. There are two classes – one for the … students and one for the … learners.1) more clever – more slow 2) cleverer – slower3) most clever – most slow 4) cleverest - slowest

72. That … professor is one of my father’s friends.1) old German chemistry 2) German old chemistry3) chemistry old German 4) old chemistry German

73. Some of these fish can weigh … 80 kg.1) more 2) much than 3) as much as 4) as many as

74. He is the funniest and … the whole office.1) interesting person of 2) most interesting person of3) interesting person in 4) most interesting person in

75. There is no doubt that my brother is a … .1) better swimmer than I 2) better swimmer than me3) swimmer better than I 4) swimmer better than me

76. I’m on a diet. So I eat … chocolate and … biscuits that I used to.1) less - fewer 2) more – more 3) less – more 4) more - fewer






77. She took the money and put it in a … box.1) black metal small 2) small metal black3) metal small black 4) small black metal

78. He thinks he’s … man.1) world’s the stronger 2) world’s the strongest3) the world’s stronger 4) the world’s strongest

79. Tennis isn’t as popular as football. In other words, football … .1) is not so popular as tennis 2) is less popular than tennis3) is more popular than tennis 4) is the least popular of all

80. The …; and he is only 23.1) amazing is a new director 2) new director is an amazing3) new director is amazing 4) amazing new director

81. There was a … cat lying on the kitchen table.1) black fat big 2) fat black big 3) black big fat 4) big fat black

82. The more money he makes, … useless things he buys.1) more 2) the more 3) most 4) the most

83. You’re … anybody I know!1) the most stupid of 2) the stupidest in3) stupider than 4) more stupid from

84. Our phones are the same size. In other words, my phone is … .1) so big as you 2) so big as yours 3) as big as you 4) as big as yours

85. Sending emails is more … than sending postal letters.1) easy 2) common 3) easier 4) commoner

86. Didn’t the woman look lovely in that … silk dress? 1) beautiful long green 2) long beautiful green3) green beautiful long 4) long green beautiful

87. A: “Can I help you?” ”.B: ”Yes, I’m looking for a … dress for my daughter

1) small, pink, cotton 2) pink, small, cotton3) small, cotton, pink 4) cotton, small, pink

88. An eagle flies ........ a sparrow. 1) higher 2) as high 3) more high 4) higher than

89. Why don’t you go there by train? It is .................. expensive and ............... comfortable. 1) least – most 2) less – more 3) more – less 4) most – least

90. The coffee at Golzar coffee shop is cheaper than coffee at Hedayat coffee shop, but it isn’t ..............

1) as well as 2) as good as 3) as well 4) as good 91. His new car is more som stave ...…..

1) expensive than my car 2) cheap than my car 3) expensive than me 4) cheaper than me

92. As a matter of fact, this is ................ book that I have ever read. 1) less exciting 2) most exciting 3) the exciting 4) the least exciting

93. The flavour of juice is .................. improved during this year. 1) farther 2) further 3) the farthes 4) the furthest

94. Last week I bought a .................... shirt which was very nice.1) Chinese large black 2) black Chinese large 3) large black Chinese 4) large Chinese black

95. Today was Ehsan’s 33rd birthday. He’s married a woman .................... him.1) twice older than 2) twice as old as3) twicer old than 4) twice as younger as

96. I’m a bit .................... my brother, but he is ........... 1) thiner – taller 2) thinner than, taller than 3) thiner – taller than 4) thinner than – taller


97. He earns more than me. My salary is ... 1) as high as him 2) as high as his 3) not as high as him 4) not as high as his

98. The blue dress is ................ the brown one. The color is ............1) better than - better 2) better - better than 3) better than - better than 4) better - better

99. The cookies that you ………..1) smell delicious baked 2) baked smell delicious 3) delicious smell baked 4) baked delicious smell

100. The country does not succeed when just those at the very top are doing well. We succeed when the middle class ...... security.

1) feels bigger, when it feels greater 2) gets bigger, when it feels more great 3) gets more big, when it feels greater 4) gets bigger, when it feels greater

101. Hawaii is probably ..........1) one of the world’s best known destinations tourist 2) one of the world’s best known tourist destinations3) one of the world’s better known tourist destinations 4) most of the world’s best known tourist destinations

102. My brother weighs 85 kilos and I weigh 80 kilos He is ...... 1) heavyer than me 2) heavyer than I 3) heavier than I 4) heavier than me

103. I like your car. It is nearly the same car ................ mine. 1) in 2) of 3) than 4) as

104. He can’t teach mathematics ....... .... an experiendced teacher. 1) good 2) better 3) as well as 4) as better as

تست های تثبیت %100105. To be honest, … .

1) you cook as bad as Zeinab 2) your cooking is as bad as Zeinab3) you cook worse than Zeinab’s 4) your cooking is worse than Zeinab’s

106. Which of the following sentences is grammatically WRONG?1) He’s just as strong as ever. 2) He’s more strong than ever.3) I’ll spend as much as necessary. 4) Please get here as soon as possible.

107. Which one is grammatically WRONG?1) Mercury is the most small planet in the solar system. 2) I’m better at mathematics than at science.3) Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. 4) I live in the most comfortable city in the world.

108. On March 27, 1964, North .................. recorded earthquake hit central Alaska.1) the America’s strongest 2) America’s strongest 3) America’s the strongest 4) America’s stronger

109. It’s not cold but it is not ......... yesterday. 1) so warm as 2) more warm 3) warmest 4) coldest

110. Tom was hanging out with a bunch of other boys, most of them .................. than him. 1) a little old 2) much older 3) a bit oldest 4) a bit elder

111. Mahshid is 18 years old. Her friend is ................. 1) the older than 2) oldest 3) older than she does 4) older than she is

112. Avatar is probably the worst film ..................... 1) I’ve ever saw 2) I am seen 3) I saw 4) I’ve ever seen

113. A...................Was parked opposite my house.1) new shiny Italian sports car 2) shiny new Italian sports car 3) shiny sports car new Italian 4) new sports car shiny Italian






114. Which one is grammatically WRONG?1) I write more beautiful than my father.2) He is cleverer than his sister.3) I tried hardly to be a successful teacher.4) It started to rain so I opened an enormous red an yellow umbrella.

تست های آموزشی واژگان درس دو سال دهم115. . . . . . . . . . . fruit and vegetables are good for your health .

1) National 2) Difficult 3) Fresh 4) Rocky 116. I lost my ……… . . , so looked at the map .

1) way 2) lamp 3) forest 4) metal117. They ……… the city against the enemy .

1) defended 2) carried 3) moved 4) collected118. When the first ……… . of rain began to fall , Peter started to run .

1) cells 2) facts 3) organs 4) drops119. They looked at the blood samples under the ……… . .

1) telescope 2) observatory 3) microscope 4) microbe120. In my city , the temperature is one degree………… zero .

1) against 2) above 3) without 4) round121. Tom can’t ……… . . . the table because it’s too heavy .

1) cross 2) move 3) orbit 4) defend122. When you travel………… . , you usually need a passport .

1) downtown 2) above 3) abroad 4) longer123. They collected information about the richest ……… . in the world .

1) metals 2) cells 3) heavens 4) nations124. It’s very……… . . to climb a mountain in bad Weather .

1) dangerous 2) expensive 3) rocky 4) cloudy 125. I do daily exercise because I want to stay ……… . . .

1) dangerous 2) delicious 3) healthy 4) nervous126. The human . …… . . . is a very powerful organ . It controls all parts of the body and

allows you to think.1) heart 2) cell 3) brain 4) plasma

127. My friend went to the hospital and ……… blood today .1) pumped 2) do nated 3) sent 4) lost

128. ……………. carry people and things in hot dry places and can go a longtime without water and food .

1) Cheetahs 2) Camels 3) Ants 4) Organs129. Water is not a/an ------- if its temperature is above 100 degrees Celsius or below 0 degrees

Celsius.1) material 2) liquid 3) drop 4) element

130. That’s -------; I’m sure I put my glasses in my bag but they’re not there.1) wonderful 2) strange 3) helpful 4) strong

131. Stop ------- him. What he did was wrong.1) defending 2) carrying 3) collecting 4) describing

132. You should ask your doctor’s ------- before you start exercise program.1) quality 2) opinion 3) fact 4) conversation

133. Your coffee is cold – let me make you a ------- cup.1) clean 2) healthy 3) delicious 4) fresh

134. They were very kind and helped me ------- my baggage up the stairs to my room.1) compare 2) pump 3) carry 4) add

135. Could you give us a ------- about how to do this exercise, pleas?1) hint 2) sign 3) turn 4) gift


136. Mina and Maryam look completely -------, but they act very differently.1) alike 2) famous 3) neat 4) national

137. You have to be ------- what you say to Behnoush – she can get upset very easily.1) brave 2) dangerous 3) careful 4) wonderful

138. A special building for studying stars, planets, weather, etc. is called a/an -------.1) observatory 2) telescope 3) microscope 4) orbit

139. The man gave a/an ------- to his wife to stop talking.1) drop 2) ring 3) sign 4) exercise

140. No wonder the children are so happy – this is their first time going -------.1) downward 2) close 3) abroad 4) upward

141. The family of a brain – dead boy who had an accident recently decided to donate his -------.

1) signs 2) organs 3) brain 4) blood142. our house is always so ------- - how can you do that with three children?

1) neat 2) cloudy 3) far 4) powerful143. We met them when we were ------- our baggage at the baggage claim at the airport.

1) crossing 2) choosing 3) collecting 4) comparing144. That can’t possibly be the right way to do it – use your -------!

1) detail 2) quality 3) brain 4) material145. Today, your cell phone is more ------- than all of NASA’s computers back in 1969, when

it placed two astronauts on the moon.1) careful 2) powerful 3) expensive 4) talkative

146. Most animals and plants have millions of ------- but the simplest forms of life have only one.

1) cells 2) organs 3) orbits 4) hearts147. Tomorrow will be ------- but there won’t be any rain or snow.

1) wonderful 2) clear 3) neat 4) cloudy148. German cars are famous for their ------- and safety.

1) size 2) sign 3) quality 4) interest149. The Great Wall of China is one of the Seven ------- of the World.

1) Elements 2) Wonders 3) Details 4) Abilities150. I am ------- information about Boushehr. I am planning to go there next month.

1) defending 2) describing 3) collecting 4) carrying151. Cooking above 70 degrees Celsius all the way through, will kill those -------.

1) cells 2) organs 3) microbes 4) drops152. He became more nervous as the day of the exam came -------.

1) farther 2) clearer 3) deeper 4) nearer153. My son doesn’t show any ------- in school at all. He doesn’t have any friends there and

sometimes sleeps during lessons.1) creation 2) sign 3) problem 4) interest

154. When I arrived at my camp site, I ------- a fire to cook a meal and make coffee.1) lit 2) collected 3) fell 4) cooled

155. The fact that we dream shows that the brain is ------- during sleep.1) helpful 2) worse 3) deep 4) active

156. I can’t give you any good advice if I don’t know all the -------.1) organs 2) facts 3) thousands 4) wonders

157. It will be ------- to see what she is going to do with all the money.1) interesting 2) strange 3) strong 4) boring

158. A: “Let me ------- to you how it happened. “ B: “ OK. I want to know all the details.”1) compare 2) seem 3) listen 4) describe

159. The bus that fell off the bridge was ------- children to school.1) defending 2) calling 3) carrying 4) describing

160. His film had all the ------- of a good comedy.1) elements 2) organs 3) cells 4) liquids

قلم چی- 1396- سوال: 63

سراسري- 1384- سوال: 0

سنجش- 1393- سوال: 0

قلم چی- 1395- سوال: 77

سراسري- 1389- سوال: 76

سراسري- 1391- سوال: 76

سراسري- 1384- سوال: 0

سراسري- 1382- سوال: 0

سراسري- 1390- سوال: 78

تالیفی منتا- 1392- سوال: 0

سراسري- 1393- سوال: 76

گزینه 2- 1394- سوال: 0

گزینه 2- 1394- سوال: 0

قلم چی- 1394- سوال: 0

سنجش- 1394- سوال: 0

1 - Our new teacher was a(n) .................. student and we could barely put much trust in what he wasteaching us.

inexperienced young physics physics inexperienced young

young inexperienced physics inexperienced physics young

2 - In the cupboard, there are some .................. tea cups used for special occasions.          

beautiful small Egyptian small Egyptian beautiful egyptian beautiful small small beautiful Egyptian

3 - My friend has bought a  .................. car recently.

blue Japanese new new blue Japanese Japanese new blue new Japanese blue

4 - As far as I remember, there was a(n) .................. table in that room.

old square wooden wooden old square square old wooden wooden square old

5 - I saw a /an .................. paining in the art gallery.

old interesting Japanese interesting old Japanese old Japanese interesting Japanese old interesting

6 - He has recently bought a  .................. car.

Japanese big beautiful white beautiful white big Japanese

beautiful big white Japanese white beautiful Japanese big

7 - My brother has a  .................. table-lamp in his room.

round beautiful white beautiful round white beautiful white round white beautiful round

8 - Fred has bought a .................. cotton dress for his wife as a birthday present.

Japanese red pretty pretty red Japanese red pretty Japanese Japanese pretty red

9 - We could buy a ..................  blouse from that store.

Korean blue cotton nice nice blue Korean cotton blue nice Korean cotton nice blue cotton Korean

10 - Yesterday he bought a ..................  shirt which was very nice.

white Chinese large Chinese white large large white Chinese Chinese large white

11 - Didn't the woman look lovely in that ..................  silk dress?

beautiful long green long beautiful green green beautiful long long green beautiful

12 - The  .................. castle was built in the  18th century.

stone beautiful Italian big beautiful stone big Italian beautiful big Italian stone Italian big beautiful stone

13 - We saw a/an .................. painting in the museum.

old nice French old French nice nice old French French old nice

14 - Didn’t the woman look lovely in that .................. silk dress?

beautiful long green long beautiful green green beautiful long long green beautiful

15 - There is a gold coin in the  .................. box. You can have a look in to it.

small black metal black small metal small metal black black metal small

نام و نام خانوادگی:

نام آزمون: تست ترتیب صفات

تاریخ آزمون: 1398/04/16

زمان برگزاري: 25 دقیقه

مهرداد رهنما


سنجش- 1393- سوال: 0

گزینه 2- 1395- سوال: 76

سوال هاي امتحانی- 1392- سوال: 26

سوال هاي امتحانی- 1391- سوال: 25

سوال هاي امتحانی- 1390- سوال: 25

گزینه 2- 1396- سوال: 76

سوال هاي امتحانی- 1392- سوال: 25

سراسري- 1397- سوال: 79

قلم چی- 1396- سوال: 79

گزینه 2- 1397- سوال: 76

سراسري- 1393- سوال: 76

سوال هاي امتحانی- 1393- سوال: 24

سوال هاي امتحانی- 1393- سوال: 25

گزینه 2- 1396- سوال: 76

16 - This is a  .................. computer. You can get it for your firm.

Japanese powerful business business powerful Japanese

powerful Japanese business business Japanese powerful

17 -People living in small cities of Europe tend to drive  .................. cars.

little old Japanese little Japanese old Japanes little old old little Japanese

18 - He was moving a .................. box.

red large plastic plastic red large large red plastic plastic large red

19 - She was wearing a .................. hirt.

white cotton beautiful beautiful white cotton cotton beautiful white white beautiful cotton

20 - I'm looking for a .................. clock for my table.

brown cheap Japanese cheap brown Japanese Japanese cheap brown Japanese brown cheap

21 - The best present I have got is a .................. shirt.

blue beautiful French beautiful blue French beautiful French blue French beautiful blue

22 - The boy was playing with a/an .................. car when I saw him.

small blue iron blue small iron iron blue small  iron small blue

23 - I have never forgotten the  .................. table at which we all used to eat our meals.

beautiful brown large wooden large wooden beautiful brown

beautiful large wooden brown beautiful large brown wooden

24 - As he was very poor and in a bad financial situation, he was wearing a(n) .................. shirt.

old white cotton. cotton white old. white codon old. old cotton white.

25 - I got shocked. I received a(n)  .................. cotton shirt for my birthday.

nice blue Italian blue nice Italian nice Italian blue Italian nice blue

26 - My friend has a .................. woolen rug on the floor in her bedroom.

lovely long grey long lovely grey grey lovely long long grey lovely

27 - I want to make some  ..................  flower for my little brother.

paper red nice nice paper red nice red paper red nice paper

28 - My father brought me a ..................  shirt from Turkey.

cotton nice red red cotton nice nice cotton red nice red cotton

29 - You are my cute daughter. You look lovely in this .................. Sari.

beautiful Indian red beautiful red Indian Indian beautiful red red beautiful Indian



ب ت ترتی


مهرداد رهنما

از مبحث ترتیب صفات : 98سواالت کنکور سراسری

1. The …………… house at the end of the street is one they have been living in for over

thirty years.

1) old big stone green 2) green old stone big

3)stone green big old 4) big old green stone

98سراسری انسانی

2- The birthday gift I love most is actually a/an ……… clock.

1)wonderful big old Italian wooden 2) big old wonderful Italian wooden

3) wonderful big old wooden Italian 4) old wonderful big Italian wooden

98سراسری ریاضی

3- The -------- refrigerator that I have bought didn't seem nice to my wife.

1) wooden nice big German 2) nice big wooden German

3) big nice German wooden 4) nice big German wooden

98سراسری خارج از کشور