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2 01

自 小 家 貧, 唯一娛樂是到球場



足球啟發生命 香港賽馬會賽事

化驗所是國際馬聯全球五間參考 /

中 央 化 驗 所 之 一,化驗師郭盈博士及化驗所團隊,研發利用馬鬃毛化驗,單一方法能檢測逾一百種違禁藥物,比傳統的驗血驗尿,對藥物的追蹤期更加長,確保馬匹沒有使用禁藥,印證馬會重視賽事公平公正及具誠信力,馬匹的健康和權益都會受到保障。

馬鬃毛驗禁藥獲獎 陳 銘 坤 與 跑 馬



跑道管理達世界水平 阿 強 中 四 退 學

後,終日閒逛,有 時 與 朋 友 在 屋

邨跳街舞,曾短暫當紮鐵工人,賺些外快,對前途可說是『零計劃』。後來阿強經社工介紹參加了「賽馬會鼓掌 ‧ 創你程計劃」,透過生涯規劃,認清了自己對跳舞事業的才能及興趣,並朝排舞師這目標邁進。現時除兼職教跳舞外,他亦重新求學進修,以加強自己與國際專業舞者的溝通能力。


Anniversary Bulletin 26-4.indd 1 26/4/2016 上午10:26

2016年5月13日(周五)(Friday) May 13, 2016

P.003 真.黑白(Tell it like it is) 漫畫 – 尊子(Zunzi)

P.004 香港大學校長 馬斐森教授致賀辭

Message from Professor Peter Mathieson,

President and Vice-Chancellor

of the University of Hong Kong

P.008 黑白分明 記者從良


Journalist's conscience will

tell what is black and what is white

Sham Yee-lan, Chairperson of HKJA

P.012 致謝 Acknowledgements

P.014 2015-2016年度香港記者協會執行委員會

The HKJA Executive Committee 2015-2016

P.016 表演嘉賓/嘉賓 RubberBand、《囧報》編採精英

Guest Performers : RubberBand

Guest: Smart Post editorial team

P.018 捍衞免於恐懼的新聞自由


Freedom from fear

Eva Tsang, Convenor of Press Freedom Subcommittee

P.022 當「還原基本法」遇上李波「被失蹤」


Revisiting the Basic Law in light of Lee Bo's "disappearance"

Mak Yin-ting, Convenor of China Concern Subcommittee

P.026 修章 激戰連場


Hot debate over membership amendment

Shirley Yam, Vice- Chairperson of HKJA

P.030 反思業界操守與專業水平


Rethinking ethics and professionalism

Luther Ng, Member of the Ethics Commitee

記協48年的第一次—檔案小組 P.032


A serious look back: The Archives Committee

Chan Kin-kai, Member of the Archives Committee

《記者之聲》新團隊、新專頁 P.034


A new page and a new team for the Journalist

Tony Cheung Chi-yan,

Convenor of The Journalist Editorial Board

記協過去一年活動回顧 Major events in the past years P.038

使命的召喚 P.050


With a sense of mission

Ng Hiu-tung, Co-founder of the FactWire

傳媒氣候惡化 P.052


Media climate changes for the worse

Chris Yeung, Veteran Journalist

香港新聞界團結起來 頂住「亞文革」惡浪 P.056


Media solidarity to withstand

the “Semi Cultural Revolution” surge

Ching Cheong, Veteran jouranlist

友誼萬歲 記協盃 P.060


Friendship First JA Cup

Ronson Chan, Co-ordinator of the 31st HKJA Football Cup

圖輯:最壞的時代 最好的記者 P.062

Worst of times, best of journalists

傳媒概覽 Media List P.064

獎品贊助鳴謝 Lucky Draw & Table Prize Sponsors P.074

廣告商名錄 List of Advertisers P.076

特刊工作人員 Publication Staff P.078

002 003

真•黑白(Tell it like it is)— 尊子

004 005

006 007









真相真的能記錄下來嗎?被譽為世上最尖銳的意大利女記者Oriana Fallaci生前表達過這種恐懼:「當我碰上重大事件或者大人物時,我會感到痛苦,擔心自己的眼睛看不過來、耳朵聽不過來、腦子理解不了那隱藏在歷史叢林中的蟲子。」真相從來就不易揭發,真相或人令人不安,但令社會更公義,記者站在公義的道德高地,懷有伸張正義之心,但有時卻因自以為義瞎了眼,看不清真相。





當媒體逐漸不再扮演守門犬(watch dog),追尋真相為使命,擔當社會「第四權」監督者,甚至淪為政府、政黨或大財團的哈巴狗(lap dog)時,從做推手到幫手,更不堪的是做殺手,摧毀香港。歷史會記着我




008 009

Half page size / Horizontal - 206mm(w) x 136mm(h) for 48th HKJA gala dinner bulletin - 2016

After the Umbrella Movement, the year 2015 seemed to be relatively calm and, yet, the community became more fragmented and the wounds continued to fester. The 2016 Lunar New Year Incident in Mong Kok told the world that the situation had turned from bad to worse. In the news business the chill deepened.

Currently the Hong Kong news scene is awash in political issues: the Chief Executive’s creative proposal to encourage office-workers to swim in the harbour in Central during lunch-time, the action-packed incident in Mong Kok featuring the hurling of bricks and the police opening fire, a radical group’s disbelief in rational debate and having no bottom-line in the fight against the Government, the mystery over Lee Bo’s departure from the territory without going through proper immigration procedures, the education minister calling on the Security Bureau instead of the police for help. These are, in fact, just a few examples of how ridiculous the situation has become.

Today, Hong Kong has become a city where fallacies have become the norm; black and white have become blurred. However, truth is all the more precious when lies are everywhere. This is why our theme for this year is “Tell it like it is”.

Traditionally, we are taught to tell what is right and what is wrong. In fact, it should not be difficult for any one to tell what is good and what is bad. Back in the Han Dynasty, a renowned scholar, Dong Zhongshu stated that what is black and what is white should be made clear so that citizens could know

what to follow. In order not to confuse black and white and avoid calling a deer a horse, the journalists should follow his or her conscience. At its end the recently released movie, Ten Years, reminds us of a quote from the Bible: “Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live.” (Amos 5:14)

Hong Kong is currently in a time of evil and we do need press freedom, but not the freedom to fabricate facts or to tell lies. To prevent any abuse of press freedom, we need to build on the freedom of the conscience. An English historian used to say that freedom of the conscience is the most important thing and no authority is higher than one’s own conscience.

The role of a journalist is to start from freedom of the conscience to freedom of the press and to reveal the truth by fighting courageously against those who have power, and thus protect the benefits of the public. But can the truth be really revealed? Take the Causeway Bay book store case for example, even the staff members in question came out to tell the public what had happened, not many people would believe that what they said was the truth.

An article in Initium Media, an on-line medium, tells of the hardship of the work of a journalist. The author commented that it is difficult to grasp the true facts hidden in the dark among obvious changes in the open. It is frustrating for a devoted journalist to face a situation where there are puzzles that cannot be solved with the available clues while investigations are being hindered. In the news business, one can only uncover the absurdities of Franz Kafka. There is

no place for Sherlock Holmes.

Can truth be recorded? The late Italian journalist, Oriana Fallaci once said "......when I find myself going through an event or an important encounter, does it seize me like anguish, a fear of not having enough eyes and enough ears and enough brains to look and listen and understand like a worm nidden in the wood of history." Truth is hard to come by nor easy to face up to. Yet, revelation of the truth is essential to a just society. Journalists who stand on high moral ground would sometimes think that they are blind and they are unable to see clearly.

Spot l ight is a recent popular Hol lywood production with a storyline on how four investigative journalists dedicated to break a scandal involving dozens of Catholic priests who were alleged to have committed paedophilia. It is a real news story and the movie shows the audience how journalists are able to shake up the high wall of a hypocritical establishment. In the movie, a woman journalist states that she was there because she cared. Today, Hong Kong journalists are here, because they care.

The surging development and revolution of

the on-line media with a growing emphasis on hit rates have created much pressure on traditional journalists, who are pushed to work harder and harder and to become multi-skilled workers. Hit rates threaten the credibility and authority of traditional media. Nevertheless, journalists are continuing to work hard to find out the true facts, because they do believe that it is still the way to build up media credibility.

Today, many Hong Kong journalists are worn out. News investigations are being interfered with, and some journalists have even become targets of

physical attacks. A number of local journalists have decided to leave the profession and change jobs and some chose to stay to continue the fight to reveal the truth behind the news stories. For the sake of an exclusive news picture, a journalist would hide himself in a ditch for three days. Some would wait for long hours for a target person to appear. During the Mong Kok Incident, many journalists worked continuously over twenty hours. Collecting news is not an easy business. Its improvement relies on the commitment of many parties, including the management, media owners and the government.

History would remember and the audience would condemn, should the media fail to perform the role of watchdog and to uphold its position as the guardian of the Fourth Estate in society. It would be worse should the media degrade itself to become the lap dog of political parties, big corporations or the government.

The comments by a well respected mainland journalist, Yang Jisheng, author of the book, Tombstone: The Great Chinese Famine, is quite inspiring. He said that the news profession could be either a contemptible business or a sacred business. It is a matter of choice. In his view, once a journalist puts his foot on the evil path, his name would be nailed forever to the Pillar of Shame, as his written words in black and white are indelible.

We worry about deterioration of press freedom in Hong Kong and self censorship may become a structural issue. Journalists in Hong Kong are under great pressure, yet, they will not give in. Rather, they will be humble and alert to continue their duties to tell the truth and be a watchdog for Hong Kong. It is because we care.

010 011

Mr Vincent Chan陳昌華先生Dr Gabriel Choi Kin 蔡堅醫生

Consumer Council 消費者委員會Democratic Party 民主黨

Hong Kong Construction Association 香港建造商會Hong Kong Fur Federation 香港毛皮業協會

Hong Kong International Terminals Ltd. 香港國際貨櫃碼頭有限公司Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals' Association Limited 香港公共關係專業人員協會

Hutchison Port Holdings Ltd. 和記港口集團有限公司Hon Dennis Kwok 郭榮鏗議員

Hon Alan Leong Kah-kit, SC 梁家傑議員Dr Donald Li Kwok-tung 李國棟醫生

Many Wells Property Agent Ltd.祥益地產代理有限公司Media Old Ghosts 傳媒老鬼Hon Claudia Mo 毛孟靜議員

Professor Leung Yuk-ming 梁旭明教授The Professional Commons 公共專業聯盟

Dr Louis Shih Tai-cho史泰祖醫生Third Side 新思維

Dr Wong Yam-hong 黃任匡醫生Hon Alvin Yeung Ngok-kiu 楊岳橋議員

Sponsorship of all wine for the occasion by Mr Henry Tang 唐英年先生贊助全場紅酒及白酒

The Hong Kong Journalists Association extends grateful thanks to the following individuals and companies for making this event a great success:

Professor Peter Mathieson, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong香港大學校長馬斐森教授


The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong 香港中華廠商聯合會Squina International Group Ltd. 雪肌蘭國際集團有限公司

Ms Akina Fong Kin-yee & Mr So King-hang 方健儀女士及蘇敬恆先生

RubberBand Smart Post Editorial Team《囧報》編採精英






AMOREPACIFIC (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

Apple Daily 蘋果日報

AsiaWorld - Expo 亞洲國際博覽館

Brunswick Group Ltd. 博然思維集團有限公司

Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong 香港經濟民生聯盟

Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd.國泰航空有限公司 / Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Ltd.港龍航空有限公司

Hon Christopher Cheung Wah-fung 張華峰議員

CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd.中華電力有限公司

Coalition on Tobacco Affairs Ltd.煙草事務協會

ExxonMobil Hong Kong Ltd. 埃克森美孚香港有限公司

The Foreign Correspondents' Club Hong Kong 香港外國記者會

Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行

Henderson Land Group 恒基兆業地產集團

The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited 香港中華煤氣有限公司

The Hong Kong Bar Association 香港大律師公會

Hong Kong Disneyland 香港迪士尼樂園

The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd. 香港電燈有限公司

The Hong Kong Jockey Club 香港賽馬會

Hospital Authority 醫院管理局

The Kowloon Motor Bus Co.,(1933)Ltd. 九龍巴士(一九三三)有限公司

Lan Kwai Fong Group 蘭桂坊集團

Mr Lau Ip-keung Kenneth M.H., J.P. 劉業強先生

Link Asset Management Ltd.領展資產管理有限公司

McDonald's Restaurants(Hong Kong)Ltd.麥當勞有限公司

Media Old Ghosts 傳媒老鬼MTR Corporation Ltd.香港鐵路有限公司

New World Development Co., Ltd.新世界發展有限公司Mr Luther Ng 伍立德先生

NWS Holdings Limited 新創建集團有限公司Ocean Park Hong Kong 香港海洋公園Octopus Cards Ltd. 八達通卡有限公司

PCCW / HKT 電訊盈科/香港電訊Pfizer Corporation Hong Kong Ltd.

美國輝瑞科研製藥有限公司Positron 正能量

The Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong 香港地產建設商會

Sino Group 信和集團Smart Post《囧報》

Standard Chartered Bank(HK)Ltd. 渣打銀行(香港)有限公司

Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. 新鴻基地產發展有限公司Swire Pacific Ltd. 太古股份有限公司

Swire Properties Ltd. 太古地產有限公司Venture Investors Alliance of Hong Kong Ltd.

香港創業投資者聯盟有限公司Mr Anthony Wu Ting-yuk GBS, JP 胡定旭先生

表演嘉賓 嘉賓

012 013


岑倚蘭SHAM Yee-lan


Dept. of Journalism and Communication,



任美貞Shirley YAM


名譽秘書Honorary Secretary

陳碧琪CHAN Pik-ki


名譽司庫Honorary Treasurer

陳健佳CHAN Kin-kai


執行委員ExCom Members

周家誠CHAU Ka-shing

蘋果日報Apple Daily

張智仁CHEUNG Chi-yan


李家聰Li Ka-chung

蘋果日報Apple Daily

伍立德Luther NG


香港記者協會地址:香港灣仔駱克道348-350號恆發商業大廈15A室電話:2591-0692 傳真:2572-7329網址:

Hong Kong Journalists AssociationAddress: Flat 15A, Henfa Commercial Building 348-350 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong KongTel:2591-0692 Fax:2572-7329Website:

執行委員ExCom Members

吳家儀NG Ka-yee


曾善璘Eva TSANG

星島日報Sing Tao Daily

義務名譽核數師Honorary Auditor

大信梁學濂(香港)會計師事務所PKF Hong Kong

義務名譽法律顧問Honorary Legal


沈士文大律師Erik SHUM

陳尚德律師Melvin CHAN

徐偉奇律師Philip TSUI

臨時總幹事Interim General


張敏儀Cheung Man Yi

幹事Executive Secretary

李凱怡Wendy Lee


567 8













014 015



Local Cantorock favourites RubberBand comprises of vocalist Mau Hou-cheong, Lee Siu Wai, on bass, Lai Man-wang, on drums, and guitarist Clement Fung Ting-ching. Their original songs tell of their love for their city that echos the social sentiments over the local cultural and political turmoil.

Their inexplicable camaraderie which culminates in their musical alchemy: supple yet resilient,

fluent yet graceful...they are RubberBand!

風 靡 本 地 網 民 的 港 視 劇 集 《 導 火 新 聞線》,今年暑假以電影版再度登場,當中一眾《囧報》編採人員,包括輝爺(王宗堯飾)、方凝(周家怡飾)、阿咩(楊淇飾)等,繼續挺身而出,為公義犯險,務求報道真相,同時向香港傳媒行業致敬。

The Menu is a television series produced by HKTV. It is about the newspaper business in Hong Kong. The film will be released in the summer of 2016. Lok Ka-fai (Gregory Wong), Fong Ying (Catherine Chau) and Mallory Mak (Kate Yeung) from Smart Post would be back and fighting for justice again. Also, The Menu is a salute to the Hong Kong press.

016 017









018 019

Hong Kong came through a rugged path in 2014.2015 was a seemingly peaceful year, yet the

city was masked by hidden peril. Journalists are facing both physical and intangible forms of violence including HKU’s filing for court injunction to suppress freedom of speech; Li Bo’s claiming to return to the Mainland “by his own means voluntarily” to assist in police investigation; reporters’ being assaulted on-site were rationalised as “sand and gravel”.

With kind assistance from experienced members of HKJA, I am honoured to have taken up the Press Freedom Subcommittee responsibilities in 2015/16. I thought it would be an easy job. Yet I soon came to realise that freedom cannot be taken for granted, especially in times like these. We have to pro-actively defend our basic rights before they get corroded.

There have been much fewer cases of reporters being assaulted this year as compared to 2014. However, we should insist on zero-tolerance policy with regards to this. The year's instances of violence against journalists include: reporters of Apple Daily assaulted while reporting on vote-rigging and the Mong Kok unrest during Chinese New Year; numerous reporters from Ming Pao, TVB, i-Cable and RTHK were attacked by protestors and the police; reporters of HK01 were beaten up by “security guards” when reporting on the Tuen Mun night market, yet the

police on the spot did not offer any assistance. It is highly irritating to see that people with power fail to protect reporters. In fact these people may even turn to violence. Credibility of law enforcement authority therefore dropped… and dropped.

Assaults came from protesters, too. A number of protesters on various occasions were hostile to reporters. They had uploaded reporters’ photos, business cards, contact numbers, to the internet; Hundreds of reporters’ Facebook addresses were listed out. In extreme cases, reporters’ safety was threatened. Protesters shockingly posted on web some photos of reporters and claimed that they would beat them up. An organizer of protest shockingly described violence against reporters as “sand and gravel”, or collateral damage in the revolt. This must be stopped. And we must denounce those who hurt reporters with such spontaneity and indifference.

However, compared to physical violence, the intangible form of violence is more alarming. Last November, HKU filed a court injunction restraining disclosure of the content of the university’s council meetings. The injunction had in fact exempted the contents that were already in the public domain. The statement the university issued on the first day had, however, completely left out the exemption, which

appeared suspicious.

This prompted HKJA to organise a protest against the injunction. I have covered numerous demonstrations but never rallied any. One night, the ExCom of HKJA called a rare and urgent meeting at TC2, journalists frequently meet in this cafe, to discuss whether the association should intervene in the lawsuit. My jaw dropped when I learned that legal expenses could be over a million dollars, and I was worried whether the association could afford it. But this matter was too important. It is unprecedented that

an involved public organisation refuses to disclose information in the name of confidentiality via a court injunction. This might become a precedent for obstructing media reporting in the future. The impact can be profound. This is why both the chairperson and vice-chairperson were so insistent in pursuing the case in spite of the huge expenses.

The hearing of the injunction has not yet started by the time the HKJA Annual Gala Dinner takes place. With all the insanity in this city, I pray “May God bless Hong Kong.”

020 021











022 023

journalists on the relevant areas, the Subcommittee has continued to organize seminars ahead of major events. These seminars were intended to provide information for journalists thus enabling them to grasp the key issues for reporting. For example, both the seminar on the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and the Taiwan Presidential Election Study Tour, had been popular with members.

Some of those who joined the Taiwan tour were senior journalists covering China news. Their professionalism were admirable, since some have paid for the cost of the journey out of their own pockets. I had high hopes that the trip had been beneficial to their reporting of the elections in Taiwan subsequently.

Members of the Subcommittee were happy with the opportunities to organize the above activities for the benefits of members. What we did not enjoy, but had to do as part of our duty, was the issuing of statements in response to incidents of infriegment of freedom of the press and of expression on the mainland. Take the example of the detention of Wang Xiaolu, a reporter of the mainland financial magazine Caijing, by mainland public security officers in August last year. The Hong Kong Journalists Association made a timely response and issued a statement, calling for the immediate release of Wang

on the ground that he was held longer than the period allowed by law.

We learnt from past experiences that issuing such statements could only achieve minimal results. A few days afterwards, China Central Television carried a news report of Wang's "confession" of committing the following crimes: that he had gathered information using private sources through abnormal channels, then added to this his own subjective views when writing his news articles. Although the actions Wang has admitted to have taken might not even have been illegal, the fact that he had already been labeled by CCTV as having confessed and was repentant says volumes about the judgment-before-trial approach adopted by the mainland authorities. When Wang made a low-profile return to his home six months later just before the Lunar New Year, nobody knew whether he was only released on bail or was allowed to walk free.

We shall continue to make our voice heard, no matter how little we might seem to have achieved. As the actor Liu Kai-chi said in the film Ten Years, "We must not get used to this!" It is because getting used to an unjust act equals to conniving in an injustice. As usual, we shall steadfastly refuse to be accustomed to any injustice. Although by doing so we may not be able to right every wrong, at least by trying we hope the situation will not depart too far from justice.

How ironic it was to see the unfolding of the "disappearance" saga of Lee Bo, a proprietor of the Causeway Bay Bookstore, only two days after the China Concern Subcommittee has publicized a workshop to revisit the Basic Law. The original aim of the workshop, entitled "Returning to the Basic Law", was to assist frontline journalists to consider issues relating to the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link and the proposed co-location of mainland and Hong Kong boundary control facilities in the light of the Basic Law's principles. Would it be meaningful anymore to study the Basic Law, when the document had been utterly disregarded by those who came here to snatch a Hong Kong resident and forcibly took him across the border?

Subsequent developments of the incident did not change how I saw the case. Doubts and concerns held by people in Hong Kong have not subsided despite Lee's confession made on television allegedly orchestrated by the "powerful agents" on the mainland, and the withdrawal of reports to Hong Kong Police in person by those who have been reported as missing. Who would believe that the other bookstore staff, Cheung Chi-ping, was really a free man, when he had a "chance encounter" with a newspaper reporter in Sha Tin during which he had declared that he had freedom?

Luckily, journalists in Hong Kong, who continued

to measure Hong Kong's autonomy with the Basic Law's principles, have not become disheartened because of the mainland's disrespect of the Basic Law. Their strong desire to have more comprehensive understanding of the Basic Law was reflected in the large turnout of the three workshop sessions – with more than 100 participants in total. An additional session had to be added to satisfy demands following one which was conducted by Professor Johannes Chan, of the Faculty of Law in the University of Hong Kong, who is also an Honorary Senior Counsel.

It was encouraging to see that the insights given by Basic Law Committee member Professor Albert Chen, a constitutional law expert of the Faculty of Law in the University of Hong Kong, had been put to good use by journalists during the annual session of the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. During the annual session, Hong Kong delegates to the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) have made different proposals about co-location arrangements. Armed with fresh insights on the issues, Hong Kong journalists were able to fulfill their duties in providing timely and insightful information for the public to facilitate meaningful deliberations.

On top of organizing the Basic Law workshops in a timely manner to help boost the knowledge of

024 025










在此,衷心感謝三位小組委員,包括兩位前主席李月華和Cliff Bale,還有前新聞工作者兼「義助律師」鄭美娟的無私奉獻。讀到這個陣容,大家應該不難想像,小組的討論有多熱烈了。

026 027

Constitutional amendment sounds boring. But for this time, we disputed the changes over and over again.

The topic at hand was highly debatable – the eligibility of online journalists to HKJA membership. Online media forces are blossoming – proudly and rapidly. Every organization of journalists must embrace the changes now in the making and absorb the “e-Generation” for long-term growth. But is any and every person involved in online media a journalist? The issue is problematic. This is the age when everybody is and can be a journalist. If you don't believe, just pore over news sites on the Internet, worldwide. In this age everybody’s a journalist. What makes a person a journalist? What is or what makes a website a news site?

The Constitution Committee invited researchers to look into attitudes of governments and journalist groups in over a dozen countries. Before we could go into the details, we disagreed on the principles of reference: to set the standard according to the United Nations and Western governments? Or is it impossible to set a standard in the constantly evolving internet world, so the less obstructions the better?

Getting out of the first two rounds of disputes,

the subcommittee proposed the term “digital platform” to replace the term “news websites” to be one type of news institution in the current constitution. The employees in these institutions are eligible to be HKJA members. We reserve ample space for future development. Considering the HKJA executive committee needs the flexibility in approving applications of membership, we did not propose specific thresholds for such “digital platform”

Next, we found that, a due process of the amendment was not evident.

In the past, as a common practice, the members attending the Annual General Meeting voted on amendments of constitution by raising their hands. The constitutionality of that was, surprisingly, not certain. It was because the constitution was strict on election of the ExCom members but rather vague on other aspects.

Should the amendments be voted in a secret ballot by those attending the AGM? Should members vote by post in secret ballot before the AGM? For the former option, fewer members can participate in the dialogue to set out the policy and thus be involved in the decision-making process. For the latter, we can include more members in the decision-making but they cannot participate in the process. This may be mere technical nitty gritty, but given the perils of

press freedom these days, it is essential that the HKJA can uphold its independence.

On the advise of our Honorary Legal Advisor, the ExCom chose to merge the 2 options, i.e. secret ballot by post and AGM secret ballot have both been adopted. The more members participating the more secure the collective decision-making in this amendment. There would be consultations with members before voting, so the ExCom may be able

to gather more opinions and, perhaps, refine the wording of any amendment.

I would like to express my gratitude to the three members of the subcommittee for their selfless contributions: the two ex-chairpersons of HKJA, Daisy Lee and Cliff Bale; and May Cheng, former reporter and our pro bono lawyer. With these names revealed, the readers should now be able to imagine the temperature at our discussions.

028 029









HKJA's Ethics Committee deals with complaints and criticism from various sectors of society about ethical issues of the media.

During the 79-day Occupy Movement in 2014/15 members of the public raised questions about journalists' roles and their methods of reporting. The committee received over 20 complaints during this period – a relatively large amount within such a short period in recent years. Thanks to the hard work of our committee members, who conducted thorough observations and made comprehensive analyses, the committee was able to reach the most pertinent, unbiased judgements possible on the complaints.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitudes to the committee members of the previous term, veteran journalist Mr Stanley Leung and Mr Ronson Chan for their contributions.

Dr Grace Leung Lai-kuen, from the School of Journalism and Communication of CUHK has stayed to serve in this committee. I am grateful for her help, guidance and sharing her experiences along the way.

With veteran journalist Tim Chan and myself joining the team this year, the committee now consists of scholars, senior and frontline media workers. I believe this new structure will bring in different perspectives to bear on complaints.

Within this term, as of the end of March 2016, there were only a handful of complaints filed. Amongst these few is one about problematic practices that needs to be discussed. Some cases were related to lack of consensus between reporters and the interviewees – only after the news were published that both parties realized they disagreed about what they

understood from the interviews.

Journalists want the freedom of unbounded reporting and editing. We want to tell our stories as intact and transparent as possible. On the other hand, interviewees may want to preserve their privacy whilst believing they were only expressing their own views.

R e p o r t e r s s h o u l d m a i n t a i n a g o o d communications with the interviewees. We should sympathize with their needs and difficulties and maintain mutual respect with each other. Our good conduct can gain the trust of the society so that reporters can strike balance between public interest and personal rights.

Complainants want speedy results concerning their cases. However, there are strict procedures to follow in the handling of these complaints. The job requires collecting basic information, investigation and to hear the views and reactions of the involved parties. Members of the committee would discuss and reach their judgments to be handed in to the HKJA ExCom for endorsement. The process takes a considerable amount of time, because we take every case and every step seriously. For this we ask for the understanding and patience of the public.

The commit tee handles every case wi th prudence and sincerity. We try to put forward feasible suggestions to maintain a high standard of professional ethics.

Times are changing; the forms and modes of media are evolving along with them. It is important for us to have the support from society in such times; opinions concerning professional ethics will surely help the industry improve and thrive.

030 031

▲記協前主席黃國華翻看舊照片。Wong Kwok-wah going through old albums.


我 們 邀 請 經 驗 豐 富 、 曾 任《有線電視》新聞資料室前主管林鄭燕娥,以及她的前同事李雲虎、譚麗琼,翻開這48年的寶庫。








T h e H o n g K o n g J o u r n a l i s t s Association is already 48 years old. Through these years, it has accumulated a considerable amount of precious photos, documents and audio tapes — in 60-plus boxes ready to re-tell its part in history. The Archives Committee was formed this year to begin a proper stockpiling of our treasure.

Three highly experienced media archives people have joined us to open these boxes. They are Mrs Lam Cheng Yin-ngor, the former archives manager of the Cable TV, and her former teammates Tiger Lee and Sarah Tam.

The need for space comes first in order to take out the contents of the boxes and to categorize them. We rented a temporary office for this. Going through the dusty materials, surprises are popping up: a strange looking “lion head statue” was actually the official stamp of the HKJA. There is a souvenir from Chris Patten, the last Governor of Hong Kong on a Chinese restaurant order slip, he wrote a note to HKJA beside a cartoon portrait of him. Let’s see what he wrote and why did he do so? Any former HKJA ExCom member or any others who can throw light on this, please let us know.

There are photos of HKJA activities too. However, there is no information as to dates or what functions when these photos were taken. We have invited the former chairpersons, Wong Kwok-wah and Serenade Woo to check and see whether they can tell us about these photos, all of which recorded the “those good years” of generations of journalists, some of them recording the splendid HKJA Annual Dinners. For the time being, our goal is to finely documenting all the materials before the 50th Anniversary of the HKJA.

這 個 看 似 擺 設 的 東西,原來是記協印鑑。O l d H K J A r u b b e r stamp.

▲末代港督彭定康在1997年,在一張點餐紙寫下給記協的話。A note from last governor Chris Patten.

Files in archive 舊檔案

Serenade Woo 前主席胡麗雲

Memories 那些年.....

032 033








《 記 者 之 聲 》 今 年 2 月 號 承 接 上 述 主 題 , 由










▲ 《記者之聲》2 0 1 6 年 2 月 號(左)及2015年10月號(右)

034 035

The Journalist has been led by a new editorial team since last year. In the midst of hassle over my wedding preparations and as a new member of the HKJA Executive Committee, I was delegated the duty as convenor of this new team. What pressure! Let me show my gratitude to every member of the editorial team, they are my friends, fellow journalists, ex-colleagues, former journalists and senior journalists. With their contributions, we have published two issues so far.

We also opened a Facebook page for The Journalist so fellow journalists can now read our "selected articles" in the Facebook in addition on reading the digital The Journalist on our website (

Creating this Facebook page is our response to our times. In the editorial process, from deciding the theme of an issue to actually publishing the journal, there is a great time-lag. The best moment to publishing those articles usually has been missed. We hope that the Facebook page can be a solution for timeliness, and provide a more convenient way for reading and sharing the articles.

A mission of The Journalist is to enhance professional standards. In the past few months, we delved into how journalists should respond to the everchanging environment of the media. We produced a cover story "Media hits turbulence: Dailies disappear, journos in jeopardy" for the October issue. It looked into how Hong Kong journalists should equip themselves and how they should cope with the situation. Through our interviews, reporters also shared their views on how the "rules of game" in newspaper and electronic media have changed.

Following this, in the February issue, we invited Ng Hiu-tung, founder of FactWire to discuss his views on the current media environment when campaigning on "reserving" professional journalism. The cover story was a resume of the Taiwan election, "Compare, contrast and rethink media cultures across the strait: Taiwan general election". With that story, we called for a reflection on how Hong Kong media is striving for survival, while maintaining its regional and international influences.

The Journalist is also a platform for sharing. Apart from the more weighty topics and reporting the activities of the HKJA, we also invited journalists to share their behind-the-news stories. Last year Chan Yuen-tung, China Desk reporter for Cable TV shared his saga of a surprise interview with Premier Li Keqiang in the hospital where he was visiting victims of the Tianjin explosion. And SCMP reporter Jeffie Lam wrote about her experience in the Edwards R. Murrow Program for Journalists.

In future, we shall put more effort to digitalize The Journalist. It would include an evaluation of discontinuing the printed version. Please keep on supporting us, "like" us, not "angry" with us, on our Facebook page and share with us your opinions.

Last but not least, let me show my gratitude to Fennex Wong, the Chinese Editor of The Journalist, Jackie Sam the English Editor and Ben Ng the designer; members of the editorial board: Wings Leung, Lam Po-yi, Mo Hoi-yi, Stuart Lau, Eunice Chiu, Pasty Moy and Luther Ng; and all volunteer translators. These people contributed by interviewing, writing the articles and post-production work. I hope you will all continue to work with us in the coming year.

036 037









SwireCorpAD_Arrow_AW215x285out.pdf 1 15年4月10日 下午3:44


公開信 《東周刊》第616期題《政改表決前夕 獨家直擊 激進派招死士攻立會》之報道中,關於記協會員審批之描述,與記協一貫以來的實際審批程序和做法有極大出入,就此致函《東周刊》社長兼總編輯關慧玲女士,以正視聽。Open Letter The description o f H K J A ' s m e m b e r s h i p approval in an ar t ic le o f Eastweek has a big difference from HKJA's actual approving process. Letter is sent to Ms Kwan Wai-ling, the publisher and chief editor of Eastweek, to raise our concern.


聲明 記協、獨立評論人協會及國際記者聯會憂慮新國安法開啟立法損害一國兩制的先河,令港人包括言論自由在內的人權受到潛在威脅。Statement HKJA, ICA and IFJ concern about the new National Security Law of PRC in relation to principle of “One Country Two Systems", fearing that human rights, including freedom of speech, would be threatened.


行動 為改善新聞界與警方的工作關係,記協聯同香港攝影記者協會、香港新聞工作者聯會、香港新聞行政人員協會、香港報業公會,與警方一起舉辦前線工作人員交流會。Action HKJA, HKPPA, Hong Kong Federation of Journalists, Hong Kong News Executives' Association, and the Newspaper Society of Hong Kong have arranged a meeting with the police in order to improve the relationship between the media and the police.


聲明 記協及攝記協促請當局盡快釋放內地被捕記者高瑜,讓她能夠及時得到適當治療。Statement HKJA and FCCHK jointly call for the immediate release of jailed mainland journalist Gao Yu so that she can receive proper medical treatment in time.


聲明 創刊二十年的《忽然1周》停止印刷及網上業務,是當時十日內第二份宣布停刊的印刷媒體。加上《成報》因業務糾紛,暫時停止發行印刷版,記協對此感到難過。Statement Sudden Weekly with 20 years' history announced that they will suspend printing and online business, which is the second closure of a media organization in 10 days. Also, Sing Pao Daily News stopped printing due to financial disputes. HKJA feels sad about the critical situation of print media.


聲明 記協反對重新考慮限制公司查冊,呼籲公開大數據,促請政府訂定《資訊自由法》,以改變現時政府日益隱密的作風。Statement HKJA re jec ts the idea o f reconsidering limiting company search and urges publication of important data.


講座 記協舉辦「財經新聞工作坊之A股大戰」工作坊,為新聞工作者講解事件的來龍去脈,以及對國家政治和經濟的影響。講者:瑞信私人銀行部前亞太區研究主管兼董事總經理范卓雲(右)、摩根大通私人銀行中國經濟師陳東(左)。Seminar HKJA invites speakers to explain recent changes related to A-shares and its impact on China's politics and economy. Speaker: Ms Fan Cheuk Wan, Former Head of Private Banking Research Asia-Pacific of Credit Suisse Group (right) and Mr Chen Dong, China Economist of J.P. Morgan (left).


聲明 記協認為由傳媒出身的梁家榮接替當初以政務官身份空降的鄧忍光,出任新任廣播處長,情況較過往理想,期望梁家榮能捍衛港台編採獨立自主。Statement HKJA believes that it is more appropriate for Mr Leung Ka Wing, who has a media background, to be the new Director of Broadcasting. HKJA hopes that Mr Leung Ka Wing can uphold RTHK's independence.


公開信 記協、國際記者聯會及獨立評論人協會致函約見政制及內地事務局局長譚志源,表達三會的憂慮及關注新國安法對港人之影響,惟局長以「公務羈身」為理由拒絕。三會認為其理由匪夷所思,再致函要求局長重新考慮與三會會面。Open Letter HKJA, IFJ and ICA would like to make an appointment with Mr Raymond Tam, the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, to express our concerns about the impact of new National Security Law of PRC, but Mr Tam rejected us, saying that he had a "busy schedule". HKJA thinks the reason is ridiculous, and sent another letter, urging Mr Tam to reconsider meeting with the three organisations.


聲明 記協對有56年歷史的《新報》宣佈停刊及逾百的新聞工作者面臨失業,感到可惜。Statement HKJA believes it is a pity that Hong Kong Daily News, which had been established for 56 years, had suspended publication. More than 100 journalists are facing unemployment.


038 039


聲明 記協認為發展局作為特區政府政策局,在回應傳媒及團體指控時,應選擇合適渠道回應社會質疑,要求政府部門勿把Facebook發帖當回應成「新常態」。Statement HKJA believes that Development Bureau as the policy bureau should choose suitable ways to respond to questions from society when facing accusations from media and organisations. Responding on Facebook should not become a new trend.


聲明 記協促釋放因報道被刑事控制的內地《財經》雜誌記者王曉璐,認為事件威脅新聞工作者履行天職的職能。Statement Wang Xiaolu, a mainland reporter of a financial magazine was detained because of reporting. HKJA urges the Chinese government to release Wang as it threatens the role of reporters in fulfilling their mission.


聲明 記協及攝記協要求政府積極跟進《端傳媒》攝影記者關學津在泰國被拘留一事Statement H K J A a n d H K P P A u r g e t h e government to follow up on Anthony Kwan's case.

講座 記協舉辦「五中全會與香港何干?」工作坊,為大家講解「十三.五」規劃將如何論述香港,以及「一帶一路」與香港有何關連。講者:香港科技大學經濟學系教授雷鼎鳴(中)、中國時事評論員劉銳紹(左)、新加坡李光耀公共政策學院碩士鄺健銘(右)Seminar HKJA invites scholar and commentator to explain how China's 13th Five-Year Plan and "The Belt and Road" would affect Hong Kong. Speaker: Mr Francis Lui, Professor of Department of Economics, HKUST (middle), Mr Lau Yui siu, Commentator (left) and Mr Kwong Kin-ming, Master of Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (right) .


聲明 記協、攝記協及香港外國記者會對泰國當局雖准許《端傳媒》攝影記者關學津取保離境,但並未撤銷對關之刑事檢控,表示極度遺憾,並要求泰方馬上撤銷有關控罪。Statement HKJA, HKPPA and FCC deeply regret the decision by the Thai authorities to continue the prosecution of Anthony Kwan for carrying body armour and a helmet, despite an international appeal for the case to be dropped.


9月 September8月 AUGUST


聲明 記協、攝記協及香港外國記者會高度關注《端傳媒》攝影記者在泰國被捕一事,促請泰國當局,基於關學津只是因採訪而作出的保護措施而無意地觸犯有關規定,撤銷對該名攝影記者的刑事檢控。Statement HKJA, HKPPA and FCCHK are deeply dismayed by the Thai authorities' charging of Kwan Hok-chun Anthony, who was assigned by Initium Media to cover the aftermath of the Erawan shrine bomb. We urge the Thai authorities not to press ahead with the criminal case against Kwan and decriminalise the legitimate use of body armour and other relevant protective items.


講座 記協舉辦「調查報道」工作坊,為大家講解製作調查報道的方法。講者:有線電視前新聞總監馮德雄Seminar HKJA invites speaker to share his experiences on investigative news. Speaker: Mr Fung Tak-hung, Former News Controller, i-Cable News

040 041


行動&聲明 記協聯同攝記協及香港外國記者會到泰國駐港領事館,要求泰國政府撤銷關學津的控罪。Action & Statement HKJA, HKPPA and FCC protested at the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Hong Kong, urging the Thai government to drop charges aga ins t An thony Kwan.


聲明 就香港大學成功取得法庭臨時禁制令,限制任何人士傳播商業電台廣播有關港大校務委員會會議的內容,記協、攝記協、香港電台節目製作人員工會、壹傳媒工會及明報職工協會認為,事件對言論自由和新聞自由均有負面影響。Statement HKJA, HKPPA, the RTHK Programme Staff Union, the Next Media Trade Union, the Ming Pao Staff Association believe HKU's injunction has negative impact on freedom of speech and press freedom.


講座 記協舉辦一系列的財經新聞工作坊,以增進業界對財經市場的認識,當中包括:港元聯繫匯率操作實況(講者:香港金融管理局貨幣市場運作處主管黎巧兒�)、財金圈生態大觀(講者:瑞信私人銀行部前亞太區研究部主管范卓雲)、從實例了解上市審批(講者:香港交易所上市科副總裁馮嘉儀及助理副總裁陳靜堃�)、從公開資料中發掘新聞(講者:獨立評論人David Webb�)、2025年的香港金融市場(講者:香港交易所集團行政總裁李小加�)、從財務報表看企業好壞(講者:香港立信德豪會計師事務所董事林鴻恩)、教你速讀招股書(講者:香港證監會企業融資部高級總監戴霖、企業融資部總監黎志慧及企業融資部助理總監陳子文)、基金經理如何揀股?(講者:安聯投資高級基金經理鍾秀霞�)、拆解公司及主權評級(講者:標準普爾企業評級部董事總經理李國宜�)、為中國證券市場把脈(光大控股執行董事兼首席執行官陳爽)。

Seminar HKJA organizes a series of workshops on financial news from October to December to increase the profession's understanding of the market, including: Operation of Hong Kong's Linked Exchange Rate (Speaker: Ms Kitty Lai, Head of Monetary Operations Division of Hong Kong Monetary Authority�), Understanding the financial jungle (Speaker: Ms Fan Cheuk Wan, Former Head of Private Banking Research Asia-pacific of Credit Suisse Group), Cases studies on IPO approvals (Speaker: 1. Ms Julia Fung, Vice President of Listing Department-IPO Transactions of HKEX, 2. Ms Maria Chan, Assistant

Vice President, Listing Department-IPO Transactions of HKEX�), Digging up news from public information (Speaker: Mr David Webb, Independent Commentator�), The Hong Kong financial market in 2025 (Speaker: Mr Li Xiaojia Charles, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited�), Speed reading of financial statements (Speaker: Mr Andrew Lam, Director of BDO Limited), Speed reading of Prospectus (Speaker: 1. Mr Michael Duignan, Senior Director of Corporate Finance Division of SFC, 2. Ms Daisy Lai, Director of Corporate Finance Division of SFC, 3. Mr Clarence Chan, Associate Director of Corporate Finance Division of SFC), How fund managers pick their shares? (Speaker: Ms Christina Chung, Senior Portfolio Manager of Allianz Global Investors�), Understanding corporate rating and sovereign rating (Speaker: Mr Christopher Lee, Managing Director of Corporate Ratings at Standard & Poor's�) and China's Securities Market (Mr Chen Shuang, Executive Director of Everbright).

10月 October 10月 October



講座 立法會秘書處聯同記協為傳媒朋友舉辦「解構立法會《議事規則》—立法程序」工作坊,講述一般法案的立法程序。講者:立法會副秘書長梁慶儀Seminar HKJA and Legislative Council Secretariat co-organise seminar for journalists to strengthen their understanding of the rules and procedures of the Legislative Council. Speaker: Ms Odelia Leung, Deputy Secretary General of Legislative Council




5 6


042 043

聲明&請願信 記協對菲律賓當局拒絕商業電台記者入境採訪亞太經合組織(APEC)峰會表示極度憤怒及遺憾;並致函保安局局長黎棟國,促請局長向菲律賓當局提出嚴正交涉,了解及跟進有關情況,並致函菲律賓總統阿基諾三世,促請總統刪除該黑名單。Statement & Petition letter HKJA expresses concern and outrage over a Commercial Radio reporter being barred from entering Philippines to cover the 2015 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministerial Meeting. HKJA sent a letter to Mr Lai Tung-kwok, the Secretary for Security, urging Lai to follow up on the incident; also a letter to President Benigno S. Aquino III urging Philippines government and APEC organisers to abandon the blacklist without delay.


聲明 內地記者高瑜被指洩露國家機密,經上訴後,法院將她的刑期減至五年。記協對裁決極度不滿及遺憾,認為高瑜不應被裁定罪名成立,促請當局盡快釋放高瑜。Statement The Chinese government reduces Mainland reporter Gao Yu's sentence to 5 years. HKJA was strongly dissatisfied as Gao Yu should not be sentenced. HKJA calls for the immediate release of Gao Yu.


活動 記協組織台灣大選選前交流團,赴台灣與主要黨派參選人或選戰策略人會晤,了解其選舉工程。E v e n t H K J A o r g a n i s e s a P r e - T a i w a n President Election Study Tour to meet with the major candidates and members gain a better understanding of the election campaigns.


行動 & 請願信 記協、攝記協、香港電台節目製作人員工會、壹傳媒工會、明報職工協會、獨立評論人協會及大專新聞教育工作者聯席七個傳媒工作者團體,共同發起聯署,要求港大自行撤回,禁止商業電台及任何人士發佈有關港大校務委員會會議的錄音、文件及內容的禁制令,並到香港大學遞交請願信。Action & Petition letter HKJA, HKPPA, the RTHK Programme Staff Union, the Next Media Trade Union, the Ming Pao Staff Association, ICA and Journalism Educators for Press Fredom has staged a signature campaign to urge HKU to drop its application for the injunction and hand a petition letter to HKU.


聲明 特首將香港大學校委會會議之錄音被披露事件形容為不道德行為,記協未能同意,倘以保密凌駕公眾利益,將會削弱輿論對權貴的監督。Statement To put the principle of confidentiality before the public's interest will certainly erode the media of its capabilities to monitor those in power. HKJA disagrees with Chief Executive's declaration that the disclosure of recordings of speeches made at an HKU Council meeting was an immoral act.


新聞稿 記協決定就香港大學申請禁制令一事,申請成為申辯人,在法院就該禁制令提出抗辯。Press release HKJA makes a petition as an interested party against the injunction application by the University of Hong Kong on the publication of information about its Council meetings.


講座 記協邀請 Google 新聞實驗室團隊,分享最新趨勢,以善用數據和互聯網的竅門。講 者 : G o o g l e N e w s Lab 項目經理 Nicho las Whitaker(中)Seminar HKJA invites Nicholas Whitaker of Google News Lab to speak on the best practices of making good use of data and the internet. Speaker: Mr Nicholas Whitaker, Media Outreach Manager, Google News Lab


11月 November 11月 November

活動 記協特設秋冬滋補蛇宴聯歡聚餐,藉以與會員相聚聯誼。Event HKJA organises a snake feast in November for members to get together.


聲明 記協就路政署深夜發出新聞稿宣布港珠澳大橋工程將延遲一年至2017年底完工事宜,向申訴專員作出投訴。Statement HKJA will complain to Office of the Ombudsman about the Highways Department issuing press release at midnight to announce the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge will be constructed a year later than scheduled.


044 045

1月 January1月 January

公開信 記協及獨立評論人協會就銅鑼灣書店事件致函廣東省公安廳廳長李春生、中央駐港聯絡辦公室主任張曉明及政制及內地事務局局長譚志源,促請當局盡快澄清事件,以釋公眾疑慮。Open Letter On the issue over the Causeway Bay Books, HKJA and ICA sent letter to Mr Li chunsheng, Head of Guangdong Provincial Public Security; Mr Zhang xiaoming , Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government i n t he HKSAR; Mr Tam Ch i - yuen Raymond, Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs.


講座 「360全景拍攝技巧示範」工作坊介紹360全景圖像應用,並示範由拍攝到拼接的製作過程。講者:資深媒體工作者黃志全Seminar The workshop introduces the application of 360 panorama as well as camera shooting and editing. Speaker: Mr Wong Chi-chuen, veteran journalist


聲明 內地《環球時報》發表評論指內地就香港出版書籍進行調查合理合法,記協及獨立評論人協會強烈批評該言論荒謬,促請港澳辦、中聯辦和香港特區政府澄清,以正視聽。Statement State-owned Global Times ' editorial suggesting it is both legal and reasonable for mainland authorities to investigate books published in Hong Kong is both absurd and appalling. HKJA calls on the Central and Hong Kong governments to immediately clarify whether the editorial is putting out a new and official interpretation.


聲明 記協對立法會議員(金融界)吳亮星指「銅鑼灣書店報稱失蹤五人是返內地嫖妓時被捕」時,對本港記者就「失蹤事件」的報道所作的批評,表示遺憾,並認為吳亮星的言論有曲解「公眾知情權」概念及記者工作之嫌。Statement HKJA regrets the speech given by Mr Ng Leung-sing, the member of Legislative Council, about the Causeway Bay Books incident and related reporting, as it distorted the idea of the "Public's right to know" and journalistic work.


講座 記協及國際記者聯會舉辦「版權條例修訂法案」工作坊,就版權條例修訂法案的爭議作出詳細的分析及解讀。講者:美國德克薩斯A&M大學法學院教授及法律與知識產權中心聯合主任余家明先生及「香港版權大聯盟」發言人林旭華Seminar HKJA and IFJ invite speakers to analyse the disputes over the Copyright (Amendment) Bill. Speaker: 1) Mr Peter K. Yu, Professor of Law and Co-Director of the Center for Law and Intellectual Property at Texas A&M University School of Law 2) Mr Lam Yuk Wah, spokesperson of Hong Kong Copyright Alliance


講座 記協舉辦「創投行業ABC」工作坊,講者以她在內地投資的實例,為大家介紹這個行業和內地創投業的現況。講者:啟明創投主管合夥人梁穎宇(後右二)Seminar HKJA invites speaker to introduce venture capital with her experience on investment in China. Speaker: Ms Nisa Leung, Managing Partner of Qiming Ventures


聲明 記協高度關注內地企業阿里巴巴集團可能收購《南華早報》,憂慮香港新聞自由的空間會進一步收窄。Statement HKJA is concerned that control of South China Morning Post by Alibaba Group will further compromise press freedom in Hong Kong.


聲明 記協對資深新聞工作者鄧景輝先生遽然離世表示惋惜與哀悼Statement HKJA is saddened by the death of Mr Kelvin Tang.


聲明 記協對有記者在執行職務時,被警方以涉嫌「遊蕩罪」帶返警署扣查,致未能繼續履行職責感憤怒,認為事件嚴重妨礙採訪自由。Statement HKJA expresses anger over the detention of two journalists by the police on allegations of “loitering” while they were carrying out a reporting assignment. This incident is a clear infringement of press freedom.


公開信 記協、攝記協及獨立評論人協會致函警務處處長,促徹查交代12月25日記者在執行職務時被扣查事件。Open Letter HKJA, HKPPA and ICA sent letter to the Commissioner of Hong Kong Police, calling for an explanation of the detention of two journalists on 25 December.


聲明 《蘋果日報》記者到葵青石籬邨跟進區議會種票新聞時,有市民向記者施襲。記協強烈譴責暴力行為,強調對記者施襲行為,絕對不能容忍。Statement Reporter of Apple Daily was injured by demonstrators when following up on the news relating to the District Councils Election. HKJA strongly condemns such violence.


12月 December

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聲明 記協對多名記者在旺角騷亂中遇襲受傷,並一度成為滋事者的襲擊目標以阻擋採訪,感到極度憤怒,並嚴厲譴責這種妄顧他人生命安全及粗暴妨礙採訪自由的暴力行為。Statement HKJA expresses outrage as a few reporters were targeted and hurt by the troublemakers. HKJA strongly condemns such violence that obstructs freedom of reporting.


聲明 記協對接連有「管理員」等人士向進行採訪的記者施襲,感到痛心及予以強烈譴責,要求警方徹查事件,同時要求領展解釋事件。Statement HKJA condemns the violence against journalists by the "guards". HKJA urges the police to investigate the incident and Link Reit to give an explanation.

活動 記協組團到大埔慈山寺參觀,除導賞遊及午齋,參加者可自由參與慈山寺的修持活動,包括茶禪、供水、抄經、行禪、禪食,借景調心。Event HKJA organises a visit to Tsz Shan Monastery. Visitors enjoyed a guided tour, light vegetarian lunch and also a selection of experiential practices including tea zen, water offerings, sutra copying and walking meditation.


新聞報道獎 記協協辦第七屆金堯如新聞自由獎頒獎禮暨座談會。Press Awards The 7th Annual Kam Yiu-yu Press Freedom Awards Ceremony, co-organised with Kam Yiu-yu Foundation.


公開信 在年初二(2月9日)凌晨旺角騷亂中,多名記者在場採訪遇襲,其中《明報》記者在出示記者證後,仍遭多名警員圍毆,記協致函警務處處長責成警方刑事調查事件及嚴懲涉案者。Open Letter HKJA condemns in no uncertain terms the violence that rocked Mong Kok the previous night, resulting in several journalists being hurt. HKJA calls on the police to bring the perpetrators to book, and peace and order to be restored immediately.


3月 March2月 February1月 January

活動 記協舉辦台灣總統選舉觀戰團,到訪參選政黨的競選總部,參觀壹傳媒動畫公司及台灣獨立媒體《報導者》,了解台灣新媒體發展。Event HKJA organises Taiwan President Election Study Tour, visiting the corporate offices of various political parties, as well as Next Animation Studio and independent media The Reporter.


講座 「一地兩檢」與《基本法》如何相容?記協邀請兩位講者為行家講解《基本法》中央與地方關係及港人權利。講者:香港大學法律學院陳氏基金明德教授(憲法學)、基本 法 委 員 會 委 員 陳 弘 毅 ( 上圖,右)、香港大學法律學院教授及名譽資深大律師陳文敏(下圖,右)Seminar Is "Co-location of customs, immigrat ion and quarantine facilities" compatible with the Basic Law? HKJA invites two speakers to explain the Basic Law, including the relationship between the state and a local administration as well as Hong Kong people's rights. Speaker: 1) Prof. Chen Hung-yee Albert, a member of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee and Professor in Constitutional Law, Faculty of Law, HKU 2) Prof. Johannes Chan M.M., S.C. (Hon.), Professor of Faculty of Law.

1月23日、1月24日、3月19日 2月17日

請願信 記協致函民政事務局局長劉江華,促請局長正視任職網上媒體機構的記協會員被拒進入政府部門採訪問題。Pettion Letter Letter to Mr Lau Kong-wah to express HKJA's grave concern that members have been denied entry by government officials in to press events due to the i r employment with online media.


聲明 記協不滿新聞處拒多家網媒進入新東補選會場採訪,認為政府長期以來對網媒的歧視政策,不但有違新聞自由,亦與鼓勵創新科技之大政策不符。Statement HKJA was dissatisfied with the arrangement of GIS which declines to give access to online media to events related to election of Legislative Council.

講座 記協舉辦「內地銀行評級淺析」工作坊,請來國際評級公司標準普爾為大家講解分析內地銀行之技巧講者:標準普爾金融服務評級董事總經理兼分析經理曾怡景Seminar HKJA invites speaker from Standard & Poor's to talk about how they analyse banks in mainland China. Speaker: Mr Tsang Yee-king Ryan, credit analyst of Standard & Poor's rating services


048 049


真社(FactWire News Agency)的採訪部,當時那個由工業大廈貨倉


這八位由近三百名應徵者甄選出來的記者,並不是新聞新丁。他們在農曆新年前仍在本港各大新聞機構任職,包括《明報》偵查組、《星島日報》、《東方日報》、《蘋果日報》、《壹週刊》和香港電台,他們富有經驗且有大樹護蔭, 但都受到記者使命的召喚,離開眼前相對安定的崗位,加入傳真社的新聞奇蹟之旅。




In the morning of February 21, at the dawn of the Year of Monkey, eight reporters visited FactWire newsroom for the first time. The office was located in a revitalised industrial building, where facilities such as phones and computers weren’t even installed. From the moment they stepped into the conference room, they decided never to bring their mobiles into this room. As trivial as it seems, this decision represents the price these reporters pay to become outstanding and responsible investigative journalists.

The eight reporters were selected from nearly 300 applicants. They are experienced reporters. Before Chinese New Year, they were still working in various established media organisations such as Ming Pao (Investigative Reporting Team), Sing Tao Daily, Oriental Daily, Apple Daily, NEXT Magazine and RTHK. With a sense of mission, they had given up their comparatively stable jobs, left the shelter of their former employers, and joined FactWire for an adventurous journey.

FactWire is different from the media organisations they had worked for. We do not have a wealthy businessman to pump in the funding, or a glorious history to rely on, or a strong team with a hundred editorial staff to support us. Nonetheless, we have one thing here to make our reporters too proud to look back. This is we can tell things like it is – our tenacious pursuit of the genuine truth.

In the first meeting, looking through the window of that conference room, the Victoria Harbour was shrouded in heavy mist. Sometimes, truth can be shrouded in the bad weather too. In the cases of malfeasance or abuse of power that significant public interests are impaired, some reporters remain somewhat passive until the involved parties

r e v e a l t h e t r u t h but mists arise to shroud the black and white in perplexity.

The reporters of Factwire could not bear the waiting, t h e y w o u l d b e unstoppable. It is because, there is no boss, superior or salesmen from the advertising department in here. They can work "normally" for news stories. We believe that the greatest obstacles to truth are the inability and irresolution of oneself.

FactWire aims to become the most credible news organisation in the world. Starting with eight reporters, we present the truth, in black and white, tell things as they are. There will be a day when the news industry will be proud of FactWire’s reports; professionals from other sectors such as lawyers, who share the same perseverance in pursuing the truth, will consider joining us as a career goal.

FactWire is born in times when falsehoods block our sight to truth. The only way it can carry on and go further, is to accomplish its vocation of our epoch, to become the news organisation that reveals the genuine truth.

記者團隊 從280名申請者中遷選出八人組成




About FactWire

Reporters There are 8 reporters selected from 280 candidates.

Official website

Information provision inreport. factwire. news

050 051








政 府 口 說 對 傳 媒 採 訪 提 供 協 助 , 事 實 卻 與 承諾 有 差 距 。 協 助 記 者 採 訪 , 政 府 責 無 旁 貸 , 因 為記 者 是 市 民 的 眼 睛 和 耳 朵 , 替 他 們 監 察 政 府 、造福社會。任何妨礙記者工作的行為是損害公衆知情權。











052 053

"We are the best generation. We are the worst generation... We have seen the Hong Kong society in rapid decline... Under the increasingly dim political environment, hardships of different kinds have pushed Hong Kong towards demise. The 'one country, two systems' (policy) exists in name, not substance. Ineffective Legislative Council. Malfunctioning law enforcement departments. Discredited media..."

So said the University of Hong Kong student magazine Undergrad in an article in a special edition entitled "Declaration of Hong Kong Youth" published in March. Just as the bashing on the "one country, two systems" framework and the Legco, the negative verdict on the Hong Kong media has not caused a stir among the populace as if it is a statement of fact.

Whether i t is or i t is not is in the eyes of beholders. It says something about the growing feeling of scepticism, if not cynicism, towards the media prevalent in the society, particularly among the young, at a time when the interplay of political and economic forces has become more complex.

Traditional electronic and print media are no longer seen by doubters and cynics as the mainstream social institution. This is not so much because they have been deserted by readers. Not yet, to say the least. It is largely because they no longer take what they read and watch from newspapers and electronic news bulletins as the whole truth. Far from it. The widely-perceived view is that the so-called mainstream media has sided with the power-that-be one after another. The verdict: don't trust them.

The depletion of trust, support and sympathy towards journalists in some quarters of the society has been reflected in the outbursts of disgruntled netizens over media's handling of the Mong Kok unrest. Television news footage saw some protestors

of the footage about the alleged beating of Civic Party member Tsang Kin-chiu by seven police officers was rejected by the judge. The judge also said no to a police demand for the identity of a TV cameraman to be revealed. There should be a balance between police's crackdown on crime and a free press, the court ruled.

It is inappropriate to speculate the police's motives behind their move to go to court for the media to heed their demand. If anything, it has reinforced fears among the media that the Government is seeking to tighten the grip on the media by making the maximal use of their power.

Aside from going to court for unedited TV news footage, the government has been embroiled in controversies on a list of media-related issues. The granting of licences for free-to-air TV service and the Commercial Radio is one example.

As the row over its refusal to issue a new licence to Hong Kong Television Network run by Ricky Wong Wai-kay dragged on, the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau has been questioned for their delay in giving a reply to the application by the Commercial Radio for a new licence. The broadcaster's current licence is due to expire in August. The Government normally informs an existing broadcaster of the result of their application one year before the current licence ends. On March 22, the Government issued a new 12-year licence to both broadcasters. Both, in securing the renewal, undertook to "review and revise their written guidelines to strengthen guidance to their staff" to "ensure strict compliance with the impartiality requirements" for factual programmes.

The delay had been described by a popular

current affairs host at the Commercial Radio, Stephen

attempting to stop a TV news crew from filming their clashes with the police. Some journalists were reportedly attacked by protestors. Meanwhile, a reporter from Ming Pao claimed he had been beaten up by police after being asked to leave from a bus where he had entered to take pictures of the disturbances. He said he had clearly identified himself as a reporter.

The dilemma confronted by journalists who covered the Mong Kok clashes is hardly new. They had suffered similar plight during the 79-day Occupy Central movement, being caught in the middle of the confrontation, at times fierce, between the police and the protestors. The prolonged protest has emerged as the most obvious case that shows the environment for journalists to do their job has turned from bad to worse as protests became more violent. Worse still, some reporters from certain media have been singled out for bullying by enraged protestors, claiming those media are not fair to them.

The Government has not been helpful, contrary to their pledge of being a facilitator for reporters to do their job. That is important because reporters function as the eyes and ears of people in monitoring the government for the well-being of the society. Any attempt to hinder the work of journalists in playing their role poses a threat to people's right to know.

It is primarily because of the vital importance of a free press in upholding the city's freedom of speech and expression that an attempt by the Police Commissioner to force five media organisations to release their unedited news footage of an alleged police beating of a protestors at Tamar Park in February has caused an outcry in the media sector and society.

Police's request of a High Court for the release

Chan Chi-wan, as "unusual."

Stephen Chan and his colleagues are not alone who feel bewildered by Government's media policy and handling of some broader issues that have implications on its commitment to openness, transparency and accountability.

Defying its own promise of boosting competition in the free-to-air TV market, the Government faced accusation of political manipulation in rejecting HKTV's application for a licence. Its delay in giving a green light to Commercial Radio's application for licence renewal has fuelled speculation about whether there are something unusual behind the scene aimed to rein in the broadcaster.

The policy towards online news media is another case in point. With the boom of digital media, the Government's repeated refusal to grant accreditation to reporters from online media to cover official events is hardly usual. It has raised concerns that officials may be bent on suppressing the growth of online media because most of them tend to take a critical stance towards the Leung administration.

There is no denying there are a host of technical difficulties in giving accreditation to online media organisations in view of the diversity of their nature. Some are seen as political advocacy groups, not news media. The difficulties in setting rules for accreditation, however, are not insurmountable. Nor they have emerged as a bad case that feeds the depth of doubts about the government's commitment to be more open to the scrutiny of a robust and diverse media.

Chris Yeung had worked with the South China Morning Post and the Hong Kong Economic Journal. He is founder and editor of an online opinion website, Voice of Hong Kong.

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and from the cultural sector. The media was one of the five purge targets 50 years ago. The knives over the heads of journalists are being sharpened.

At the Communist Party's News and Public Opinion Work Conference, Xi Jinping’s speech on February 20, 2016 was the signal. Xi issued a directive to raise once more the Mao’s era cry that the media was uninformed. He said:

“Party news and public opinion work persists in the principle of the Party nature, which at its most fundamental level means upholding Party leadership over news and public opinion work. The media run by the Party and government are the propaganda battlefields of the Party and government, and must be surnamed Party. All the work of the Party’s news and public opinion media must embody the Party’s will, reflect the Party’s standpoint, safeguard the authority of the Party Centre, safeguard Party unity, and must love the Party, uphold the Party and be for the sake of the Party”

To ensure the principle of “media must be surnamed Party” can be achieved thoroughly, Xi said that media should follow the Party’s orientation. He declared:

“A l l leve ls ’ Par ty newspapers and Par ty periodicals, radio and television stations must stress the orientation; metropolitan newspapers and new media must also stress the orientation; news reports must stress the orientation, supplements, special feature programmes and advertising must also stress the orientation; the orientation must be stressed in current affairs and news, the orientation must also be stressed in entertainment and social news; the orientation must be stressed in domestic news reports, the orientation must also be stressed in international news reports.”

Can Hong Kong be spared this semi Cultural Revolution? Fifty years ago, the British government withstood the pressure of the Cultural Revolution for

us. Now, after fifty years, who would stand up and confront the situation for us? I am afraid we must bear this burden ourselves.

Just a few days ago, the film “Ten Years” won the best film prize at the Hong Kong Film Awards. It is such inspirational news. Presenting the award, the chairman of the Hong Kong film awards, Derek Yee Tung-sing quoted US president Roosevelt, “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself’”. What an admirable statement! United as we face the fear, journalists and the cultural sector can withstand the surge of this semi cultural revolution from the North.

Footnote 1:The number of deaths is debatable. It is beyond

the scope of this article. See:P.1 Dong Baoxun and Ding Longjia, Grievance

Redressed – the Misjudged Cases ( 董寶訓、丁龍嘉:《沉冤昭雪—平反冤假錯案》); p.9, Ma Lichen and Ling Zhijun; Crossed Swords: The third thought liberation campaign in contemporary China (馬立誠、淩志軍:《交鋒——當代中國三次思想解放實錄》;Preface, Reflection, Zhu Shihua. (祝世華《反思錄》) He quoted Li Rui, To treat Mao Zedong (李銳:《如何看待毛澤東》)

Footnote 2:1 Ji Xianlin, Memories from the Cowshed (季羨林

《牛棚雜憶》); The introduction, Editorial Committee of A Collection of Ji Xianlin, A Collection of Ji Xianlins Works (《卷首語》,《季羨林散文全編》)

Footnote 3:From publicly accessible material, it seems that

Liu Liangbiao (呂良彪) has raised the term “semi Cultural Revolution” in around 2011 to describe Bo Xilai’s (薄熙來) “Chongqing Model”. After the historian Cheng Yinghong (程映紅) published the article “The Quasi Cultural Revolution in the Chinese Politics (《中國政治的「亞文革」狀態》) in 2013, this term has been widely adopted in mainland.

This is the 50th anniversary of Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution. That catastrophe was on a scale that was rare both globally and historically. According to Ye Jianying, one of the the Chinese communist's great generals, in a speech at the 1978 December 13th Working Conference of the CPC Central Committee closing ceremony, the Cultural Revolution caused 20 million deaths. Over 100 million people, one-ninth of the population then, suffered during the massive purge. In monetary terms some 800 billion yuan went down the drain. (1)

The late Peking University Professor Ji Xianlin described this disaster as having the four “mosts” – most savage, most cruel, most absurd, most ignorant. He added six “extremes”: extreme savagery, extreme cruelty, extreme absurdity, extreme ignorance,

extreme inhumanity, extreme violation of conscience. (2)

The cultural sector, including journalists, bore the brunt. When the “The May 16 Notification” was released in 1966, the Cultural Revolution was ignited. It identified five cultural sub-sectors, academics, educators, reporters, artists and publishers for the massive purge. In this turmoil, many reporters committed suicide. Many were tortured to death in the cruel purge. Renowned reporters who chose to end their lives included

Deng To (鄧拓), Editor of the People’s Daily, died on May 15 1966.

Meng Qiujiang (孟秋江), reporter, died on March 16 1967.

Fan Changj iang (范長江) Publ isher of the People’s Daily, Editor of Xinhua Agency, died October 23 1970.

Chu Anping (儲安平), Editor of Guangming Daily.In 1967 the revolution surged Hong Kong. The

leftists in Hong Kong cried out “Long Live the Red Terror”. An anti-leftist radio host of Commercial Radio, Lam Bun (林彬), was burnt to death by the leftist. A second target of murder was said to be Louis Cha Leung-yung (查良鏞), the founder of the Ming Pao. But Mr Cha fled to Singapore and lived there for a while. Hong Kong was not spared the mainland's rage.

Fifty years on we suddenly realise the mainland is on the edge of a “quasi-cultural revolution”. (3) Journalists feel the chill in the midst of all the preposterousness. This phenomena comes in the shape of a personality cult, highly centralized power, silence enveloping the Communist Party under the prohibition of “improper discussion” of the Central Government (「妄議中央」), highly uniformed public opinions whilst the Communist Party demands “ media must be surnamed Party” (「傳媒姓黨」).

Very much the same as fifty years ago, this quasi cultural revolution started with an ideological struggle

058 059

The Hong Kong Journalists Association’s football tournament, better known as the “JA Cup”, has entered its thirty-first year. Starting in the autumn every year, guys in the media begin to gear up for a series of competitive football matches. In recent years some of these media teams even managed to secure sponsors, thus making the games more attrative.

This year the Jockey Club's Kitchee Centre has also begun to support us by letting us use its football fields, thus greatly easing the pressures in our never-ending search for venues. Two media persons with professional soccer expertise also joined us to run the games. With improved fields and game management, we corrected some of the rules to raise the quality of our competitions. We introduced a “consolation match” so that knockout teams competed for a new award called “JA Shield”. This allowed each team to play at least 4 matches in the JA Cup contest.

Media football fans showed their support for the games by linking up with fellow players. It provided a good opportunity for newcomers to the industry to get to know the players. Two new teams of financial reporters and younger reporters joined JA Cup this year. They also brought a large number of friends and teammates to cheer on their favourites on the field. Win or lose, there were big, happy smiles each time the final whistle was blown. More than happy photo-shooting and handshakes, the JA Cup is not just about competition.

Nevertheless, there were testing moments. One player was badly injured. His fibula was crushed during a match. An operation was necessary. So was a year's rest on doctor's advice. Ours are amateur

games. We hope fellow players will be considerate no matter how heated the competition. The safety and health of our friends are most important. We hope the referees will rule strictly against fouls and misconducts.

We would like to express our gratitude to Dr Stanley Ho, Mr Pui Kwan-kay, Mr Timothy Fok Tsun-ting, and Mr Kenneth Fok Kai-kong for their long, unstinting support of our JA Cup Tournament. And we hope these matches will continue to bring laughter, camaraderie and togetherness among all journalists and friends in Hong Kong.









060 061









Worst of times, best of journalists

In times of trouble, absurdity and sophistry, journalists in the frontline stand firm on what is right and what is wrong to ensure justice is done. They guard the narrow ground of facts and truth. In the worst of times, reporters become protagonists of news. Press Freedom that was once as natural as oxygen, becomes a struggle.

▲4月20日晚上,明報職工協會舉行集會,又在外牆貼上「不明不白」字句,質疑公司突然解僱執行總編輯姜國元的決定。(明報)Members of Ming Pao Staff Union held an assembly and stuck slogans on walls after the sacking of their executive chief editor Keung Kwok-yuen. (Ming Pao)

▲天津爆炸事隔數天,有線記者陳遠東在醫院守候期間,遇上到場探訪的總理李克強,立刻把握機會,邊「扑咪」邊用手機拍攝,充分發揮記者「多功能」本領。(網上中央電視台圖片)Days after the Tianjin explosion, Billy Chan Yuen-tung, i-cable news reporter, seized the chance to interview Premier Li Keqiang. Chan filmed Premier Li with one hand while recording sound-bites from him with the other, demonstrating a reporter can copes with multi-tasking. (Internet photo)

▲大年初二凌晨旺角街頭爆發暴力衝突,《明報》記者被警員毆打。(蘋果日報)A Ming Pao reporter was “punched and kicked” by police officers during the Mong Kok unrest. (Apple Daily)

▲日本熊本縣發生大地震,《蘋果日報》攝影記者何家達在現場採訪,一道巨大的裂隙,足證地震的破壞力。(蘋果日報)Ho Ka-tat, photographer of Apple Daily, captured this stunning crack resulted from the Kumamoto earthquake. (Apple Daily)

今年3月,在亞視停播的記者會上,各行家見亞視新聞部攝影師到場後即讓出講台中間位置,讓他擺放亞視「咪牌」。(明報)Before the ATV Press Conference to announce the end of the broadcaster, fellow journalists give space to the ATV microphone. (Ming Pao)

▲去年10月,《蘋果日報》揭發「國力事件」。記者在追訪嶺南大學時任協理副校長兼總務長夏迪星,在菲律賓太歷國立大學的博士畢業論文涉嫌抄襲時,夏迪星拒絕回應。(蘋果日報)Oct 2015, Apple Daily exposed the incident of the “Lifelong College”. The Apple Daily reporter alleged that Herdip Singh, then associate vice president and comptroller at the university, plagiarized his PhD thesis for his degree from the Philippines' Tarlac State University. He refused to comment. (Apple Daily)

▲(蘋果日報) (Apple Daily)

062 063

Sky Post 晴報Chief Editor

Mr POON Siu Kuen (潘少權先生)

8/F, Kodak House II

321 Java Road

North Point, Hong Kong

Fax︰2811-2068 / 2811-0318

Email︰[email protected]

South China Morning Post南華早報Editor-in-chief

Ms Tammy Tam


G/F, 1 Leighton Road

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Ta Kung Pao 大公報Chief Editor

Mr JIA Xi-ping


3/F., Kodak House II

321 Java Road

North Point, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

The Standard 英文虎報Editor in Chief

Mr Ivan TONG


10/F, Sing Tao News Corp Building

3 Tung Wong Road

Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong




[email protected]

Wen Wei Po 文匯報Chief Editor

Mr LI Hui-wei (李曉惠先生)

2-4/F, Hing Wai Centre

7 Tin Wan Praya Road

Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Tel︰2873-8288 Fax︰2873-0657

Email︰[email protected]

Local Newspaper本地報章



Mr Alan LO (盧覺麟先生)

10/F, Overseas Trust Bank Building,

160 Gloucester Road,

Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Tel︰3408-3718 Fax︰3408-3737

Email︰[email protected]

Apple Daily 蘋果日報Chief Editor

Ms CHAN Pui Man (陳沛敏女士)

No. 8 Chun Ying Street

TKO Industrial Estate West

Tseung Kwan O, N.T.

Tel︰2990-8388 Fax︰2370-3283

Email︰[email protected]

China Daily 中國日報Chief Editor

Mr Ray Zhou (周立先生)

Room 1818, Hing Wai Centre

Tin Wan Praya Road

Aberdeen, Hong Kong

Tel︰2518-5111 Fax︰2814-8564

Email︰[email protected]

Headline Daily 頭條日報Chief Editor

Mr LAI Ting Yiu (黎廷瑤先生)


Sing Tao News Corporation Building

3 Tung Wong Road

Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong Commercial Daily香港商報Deputy Editor in Chief

Mr LIU Xiaodong (劉曉東先生)

Hong Kong Commercial Daily Building

332 Kwun Tong Road

Kwun Tong, Kowloon

Tel︰2564-0768 Fax︰2565-5456

Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong Economic Journal信報財經新聞Chief Editor

Ms Alice KWOK (郭艷明女士)

G/F., United Overseas Plaza

11 Lai Yip Street

Kwun Tong, Kowloon

Tel︰2856-7567 Fax︰2811-1070

Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong Economic Times香港經濟日報Associate Publisher & Chief Editor

Mr Eric CHAN Cho Biu


6/F Kodak House II

321 Java Road

North Point, Hong Kong

Tel︰2880-2888 Fax︰2811-1926

Email︰[email protected]

Metro Daily都市日報Editor-in-Chief

Mr Fung Chi Cheung (馮志祥先生)

18/F, Paul Y Centre,

51 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong,

Kowloon, Hong Kong

Tel︰3196-1600 Fax︰3196-1611

Email︰[email protected]

Ming Pao Daily News明報Chief Editor

Mr CHONG Tien Siong (鍾天祥先生)

15/F, Block A,

Ming Pao Industrial Centre

18 Ka Yip Street

Chaiwan, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Oriental Daily News東方日報Chief Editor

Mr LEUNG Wa Kin (梁華健先生)

Oriental Press Centre

23 Dai Cheong Street

Tai Po Industrial Estate, NT

Tel︰3600-0000 Fax︰3600-8800

Email︰[email protected]

Sing Pao NewspaperCompany Ltd. 成報Editor-in-Chief

Ms Mayee LAU (劉美儀女士)

8/F, United Overseas Plaza

11 Lai Yip Street

Kwun Tong, Kowloon

Tel︰2570-2201 Fax︰2887-0536

Email︰[email protected]

Sing Tao Daily 星島日報Chief Editor

Mr LAI Ting Yiu (黎廷瑤先生)

15/F, Sing Tao News Corp Bldg

3 Tung Wong Road

Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong

Tel︰2798-2323 Fax︰2795-2513

Email︰[email protected]

Local TV/ Radio本地電子媒體


METRO Broadcast Corporation Ltd 新城廣播有限公司Chief Editor

Mr CHIU Kwok On (趙國安先生)

Basement 2, Site 6

Whampoo Garden,

Hunghom, Kowloon

Tel︰3698-8547 Fax︰3150-8549

Email︰[email protected]

New Tang Dynasty Television新唐人電視Executive Director of News

Mr CHU Cheung Man (朱長民先生)

Flat 9, 4/F, Alhambra Building

385 Nathan Road, Kowloon

Tel︰2369-0830 Fax︰3905-6358

Email︰[email protected]

now News / Business NewsChannelnow 新聞台 / 財經台Executive Vice President

(News & Business Information)

Mr CHEUNG Chi Kong (張志剛先生)

3/F, Telecom House,

3 Gloucester Road, Wanchai,

Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Phoenix Satellite Television鳳凰衛視Executive Chief Editor of PINC

Mr Oliver LU


2-6 Dai King Street

Tai Po Industrial Estate

Tai Po, N.T.



Email︰[email protected]

Digital Broadcasting Corporation Hong Kong Limited香港數碼廣播有限公司News Manager

Mr TSUI Hou Ming (徐巧明先生)

8/F, Telecom House

3 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai

Tel︰2630-6363 Fax︰2630-6567

Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong i-Cable News Limited 有線電視新聞台Executive Director

Mr Ronald CHIU Ying Chun


G/F, Cable TV Tower, 9 Hoi Shing

Road, Tsuen Wan, NT

Tel︰2112-5899 Fax︰2112-7838

Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong CommercialBroadcasting Co. Ltd. 商業電台Director of News & Public Affairs

Ms May CHAN (陳淑薇女士)

News Department

3 Broadcast Drive

Kowloon Tong, Kowloon

Tel︰2338-2842 Fax︰2338-0147

Email︰[email protected]

064 065

Bauhinia Magazine紫荊雜誌Editor-in-Chief

Mr LIU Wei-zhong


Room 1001, 10/F, West Tower

Shun Tak Centre

200 Connaught RoadCentral,

Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Capital 資本雜誌Managing Editor

Mr WONG Chun Wah


4/F, Wah Shing Centre

5 Fung Yip Street

Chaiwan, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Cheng Ming 爭鳴Director

Mr WAN Fai


P.O. Box 20370

Hennessy Road Post Office

Hong Kong




[email protected]

City Magazine號外雜誌Publihser

Mr CHING Siu Wai (程少偉先生)

Suite 1101-03, 11/F

1063 King's Road

Quarry Bay, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

E Weekly E 週刊CEO

Mr Ken CHIU (趙偉堅先生)


75 Hung To Road

Kwun Tong, Kowloon

Tel︰2300-9000 Fax︰2300-9100

Email︰[email protected]

Local Magazine本地雜誌


Eastweek 東周刊Chief Editor

Ms KWAN Wai Ling


9/F, Sing Tao Corp. Bldg.

3 Tung Wong Road

Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Economic Digest 經濟一週Chief Editor

Ms Wincy CHENG (鄭玉珮女士)

6/F, New Media Tower

82 Hung To Road

Kwun Tong, Kowloon



Email︰[email protected]

Economic Reporter 經濟導報Executive Editor-in-Chief

Ms YANG Yan Chun


16/F, Kuo Wah Building

342 Hennessy Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong Tatler CEO

Ms Zita ONG

6/F, Guardian House

32 Oi Kwan Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Radio Television Hong Kong香港電台Director of Broadcasting

Mr LEUNG Ka Wing


Broadcasting House

30 Broadcast Drive

Kowloon Tong,




Email︰[email protected]

Television Broadcasts Ltd.電視廣播有限公司News Controller

Mr YUEN Chi Wai


News & Information Services Division

TVB City,

77 Chun Choi Street

TKO Industrial Estate, N.T.




Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly 信報月刊Chief Editor

Mr Vincent TENG


G/F., United Overseas Plaza

11 Lai Yip Street

Kwun Tong, Kowloon



Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong Magazine Editor in Chief

Ms Luisa TAM

Room 302, Hollywood Centre

233 Hollywood Road

Central, Hong Kong


Email︰[email protected]

iMoney 智富雜誌Chief Editor

Mr Ricky Suen (孫運喜先生)

Rm 1009, Kodak House II,

321 Java Road,

North Point, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Ming Pao Monthly 明報月刊Chief Editor

Mr POON Yiu Ming (潘耀明先生)

15/F, Block A

Ming Pao Industrial Centre

18 Ka Yip Street

Chaiwan, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Ming Pao Weekly 明報周刊CEO

Mr LAM Pak Cheong (林柏昌先生)

16/F, Block A

Ming Pao Industrial Centre

18 Ka Yip Street

Chaiwan, Hong Kong

Tel︰3605-3705 Fax︰2898-2590

Email︰[email protected]

Mirror Post 鏡報Chief Editor

Mr MA Siu Chuen (馬小泉先生)

2/F, Sang Woo Building

227-228 Gloucester Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel︰2576-9288 Fax︰2577-4130

Email︰[email protected]

Strategist 港股策略王Creative Director

Mr KO Ming Fai(高明輝先生)

Flat 2, 12/F, Tak King Industr ia l

Building, 27 Lee Chung Street, Chaiwan



[email protected]

Open Magazine 開放雜誌Chief Editor

Mr YIM Mou-wah (金鐘先生)

P.O. Box 20064

Hennessy Road, Hong Kong


Email︰[email protected]

Wide Angle 廣角鏡月刊Chief Editor

Ms LO Mei(魯薇女士)

Rm 1608, C C Wu Bldg.

302-308 Hennessy Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel︰2575-3877 Fax︰2838-1079

Email︰[email protected]

Next Magazine 壹週刊Editor-in-chief

Ms Louise WONG (黃麗裳女士)

8 Chun Ying Street

TKO Ind. Estate West

Tseung Kwan O, N.T.

Tel︰2744-2733 Fax︰2745-6829

Email︰[email protected]

Yazhou Zhoukan 亞洲週刊Editor-in-chief

Mr YAU Lop-poon (邱立本先生)

15/F, Block A

Ming Pao Industrial Centre

18 Ka Yip Street, Chaiwan, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

News Agency新聞通訊社


Agence France-Presse法新社Regional Director


6201-5, Central Plaza

18 Harbour Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Associated Press 美聯社Business Writer

Mr Kelvin CHAN

Rm 4808, Central Plaza

18 Harbour Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

066 067

Foreign Newspaper外地報章


Bloomberg Business News彭博資訊Bureau Chief

Mr Hwee Ann TAN

25/F, Cheung Kong Centre

2 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong

Tel︰2977-6600 Fax︰2977-6003

Email︰[email protected]

Central News Agency中央通訊社Correspondent

Mr Stanley CHEUNG(張謙先生)

Room B, 20/F, Pico Tower

66 Gloucester Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel︰2527-0444 Fax︰2865-6810

Email︰[email protected]

Dow Jones Newswires道瓊斯通訊社Managing Editor

Mr Gerard BAKER

25/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road,

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel︰2832 2340 Fax︰2583-9933

Email︰[email protected]

FactWire 傳真社10/F, 4 Hing Yip Street,

Kwun Tong, Kowloon

Tel︰3709-6737 Fax︰3003-8609

Email︰[email protected]

JIJI Press日本時事通訊社Bureau Chief

Mr NISHIMURA Tetsuya (西村哲也先生)

Rm 801, Jubilee Centre

18 Fenwick Street

Wanchai, Hong Kong


Fax︰2501-4458/ 2522-4654

Email︰[email protected]

[email protected]

Kyodo News日本共同通信社香港支局Bureau Chief

Mr SERITA Shinichiro (芹田晉一郎先生)

Rm 1804, 18/F,

Tai Tung Building, 8 Fleming Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Nikkei Quick News日經 Quick NewsBureau Chief & Correspondent



Level 21, No. 28 Hennessy Road,

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel︰2511-6322 Fax︰2511-5917

Email︰[email protected]

Reuters Hong Kong Ltd.路透社Bureau Chief

Ms Anne Marie ROANTREE

10/F, City Plaza 3

14 Taikoo Wan Road, Hong Kong

Tel︰2843 6441/2520-3688



[email protected]

[email protected]

Vietnam News Agency越南通訊社Chief Correspondent

Mr Nguyen Ha NGOC

Rm 04, 38/F, Block C

Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

[email protected]

Xinhua News Agency 新華通訊社Editor-in-chief

Mr JU Meng-jun (俱孟軍先生)

381 Queen's Road East

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel︰2831-3519 Fax︰2834-5114

Email︰[email protected]

Yonhap News Agency韓國聯合通訊社(韓聯社)Correspondent

Mr Harrison CHOI

46E Tower 3, Les Saisons,

28 Tai On Street,

Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong


Email︰[email protected]

Asahi Shimbun朝日新聞Bureau Chief

Mr KOYAMA Kentaro


Room 704,

Tai Tung Building

8 Fleming Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel︰2806-2126 Fax︰2806-2079

Email︰[email protected]

Asia Times Online Ltd.亞洲時報在線Acting Chief Editor

Mr James UNWIN

Unit B, 16/F

Li Dong Building

9 Li Yuen Dong Street East

Central, Hong Kong

Tel︰2367-3715 Fax︰2316-7647

Email︰[email protected]

The Wall Street Journal Asia亞洲華爾街日報Editor-in-Chief

Mr Gerard BAKER

25/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel: 2573-7121 Fax: 2834-5291

Email︰[email protected]

Esquire Magazine Korea /NK NewsHong Kong Correspondent /

Daily Contributor

Mr Tae-jun KANG

Email︰[email protected]

Financial Times, UK金融時報Asia Editor


Unit 5905-5912, 59/F, The Center

99 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong

Tel︰2845-3311 Fax︰2868-4224

International New York Times國際紐約時報Asia Editor

Mr Phil PAN

Rm 1706, K Wah Centre

191 Java Road

North Point, Hong Kong

Tel︰2110-5635 Fax︰2110-5685

Email︰[email protected]

Lianhe Zaobao(Singapore) Hong Kong Bureau 聯合早報Correspondent

Mr Norman YIK (易銳民先生)

Unit 8, 13/F

Tower Two, Lippo Centre

89 Queensway, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

New York Times 紐約時報Bureau Chief


5A Borrett Mansion

8 Bowen Road, HK



[email protected]

The Straits Times(Singapore)海峽時報Hong Kong / Regional Correspondent

Ms LI Xueying


Singapore Press Holdings

1308, Tower 2, Lippo Centre

89 Queensway, Hong Kong




[email protected]

The Yomiuri Shimbun讀賣新聞Bureau Chief

Mr HIGA Kiyota

Rm 1801, Lucky Centre

165-171 Wan Chai Road

Hong Kong




[email protected]

Nikkei Inc.日本經濟新聞社 Hong Kong Bureau Chief

Mr Yasuo AWAI (粟井康夫)

Level 21, No. 28 Hennessy Road,

Wanchai, Hong Kong




[email protected]

Foreign TV/ Radio外地電子媒體


American BroadcastingCorporation(ABC News)美國廣播公司

(Finance Department)

Ms Linda LEE

19/F, Tower 2, Times Square

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong



Associated Press TelevisionNetwork(APTN) 美聯社電視網絡Senior Video Journalist

Mr Rafael WOBER

Rm 4808, Central Plaza,

18 Harbour Road, Wanchai,

Hong Kong


Fax︰2877-7687 / 2802-4888

Email: [email protected]

British BroadcastingCorporation(BBC)Desk Editor

Mr CHEN Jin Song (陳勁松先生)

Room 706, 7/F., Beautiful Group Tower

74-77 Connaught Road Central,

Hong Kong

Tel: 2544-3344

Fax: 2544-3374

Email: [email protected]

CNBC Asia Correspondent

Ms Emily CHAN

Room 5409, 54/F, Central Plaza

18 Harbour Road,

Wanchai, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

068 069

Foreign Magazine外地雜誌


Bloomberg Businessweek, US彭博商業周刊Asia Regional Editor & Correspondent


27/F, Cheung Kong Center

2 Queen's Road, Central, H.K.

Tel︰2977-6000 / 2977-6619 /

+63 2 406 4980

Fax︰2977-6669 / +63 2 406 4986


Bloomberg Businessweek (Chinese)彭博商業週刊/中文版Editor in Chief

Ms Vivan KWOK

Modern Media Holdings Limited

7/F, Global Trade Square,

21 Wong Chuk Hang Road,

Aberdeen, Hong Kong


Email︰[email protected]

The Economist, UK 經濟學人Asia Business Editor

1301 Cityplaza Four

12 Taikoo Wan Road

Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong

Tel︰2868-3030 Fax︰2868-5027

Email︰[email protected]

The Economist Intelligence Unit , UKEditorial Director

Mr Charles GODDARD

1301 Cityplaza Four

12 Taikoo Wan Road

Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong

Tel︰2585-3888 Fax: 2802-7638

Email︰[email protected]

Forbes Magazine, US福布斯雜誌Senior Editor and

Shanghai Bureau Chief


Email︰[email protected]

[email protected]

Fortune Magazine, US財富雜誌Sale Development Manager

Ms Florence THOTE

34/F, Oxford House,

Taikoo Place

979 King's Road,

Quarry Bay, Hong Kong

Tel: 3128-5175

Fax: 3128-5003


[email protected]

Time Asia, US時代雜誌Editor


30/F, Oxford House,

Taikoo Place

979 King's Road

Quarry Bay, Hong Kong




[email protected]

Nikkei Asian Review日經亞洲評論Deputy Editor

Mr Zach COLEMAN (高明先生)

Level 21,

No. 28 Hennessy Road,

Wanchai, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

CNN International Asia Pacific有線電視新聞網絡Managing Editor

Ms Ellana LEE

33/F, Oxford House, Taikoo Place

979 King's Road, Quarry Bay,

Hong Kong


Fax︰3128 3984

Email︰[email protected]

Media Corp News SingaporeBureau Chief

Mr Roland LIM (林成興先生)

Room E, 6/F, China Oversea Building

139 Hennessy Road , Wan Chai , H.K.



Email︰[email protected]

Radio Free Asia自由亞洲電台Chief Correspondent

Mr James ZHU Xin-qing (朱杏清先生)

904, Mass Mutual Tower

38 Gloucester Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected] / [email protected]

Television of Spain西班牙電視台Unit G, 12/F., Seabright Plaza

9-23 Shell Street

North Point, Hong Kong

Email︰[email protected]

Voice of America 美國之音Chief Correspondent

Mr HAI yan (海彥先生)


Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong Press Council香港報業評議會Chairman

Mr WONG Kwai Huen(王桂壎先生)

Room 904, SUP Tower

75 King's Road

North Point, Hong Kong

Tel︰2570-4677 Fax︰2570-4977

Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong Press PhotographersAssociation 香港攝影記者協會Chairman

Mr CHUNG Lam Chi


L6-15 JCCAC, 30 Pak Tin St

Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon

Email︰[email protected]

Foreign Correspondents' Club, Hong Kong 香港外國記者會President


2, Lower Albert Road

Central, Hong Kong

Tel︰2521-1511 Fax︰2868-4092

Email︰[email protected]

Hong Kong Federation of Journalists香港新聞工作者聯會Chairman

Mr JIANG Zaizhong(姜在忠先生)

Room 909, Kodak House Phase 2

39 Healthy Street East

North Point, Hong Kong

Tel︰2832-5822 Fax︰2591-6733

Email︰[email protected]

Media Association傳媒團體


Hong Kong Journalists Association 香港記者協會Chairperson

Ms SHAM Yee-lan(岑倚蘭女士)

Flat A, 15/F., Henfa Comm. Building

348-350 Lockhart Road

Wanchai, Hong Kong

Tel︰2591-0692 Fax︰2572-7329


[email protected]

Hong Kong News Executives' Assoication香港新聞行政人員協會Chairman

Ms Ho Chui Ping (何翠萍女士)

Box 11682

General Post Office, Hong Kong

Email︰[email protected]

070 071

The Newspaper Society of Hong Kong香港報業公會Chairman

Mr Keith KAM (甘煥騰先生)

Rm 904, 9/F, 75-83 King's Road

North Point, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

The Society of Publishers in Asia(SOPA)亞洲出版協會Chairman

Mr Raymond WARHOLA

8/F, Win Century Centre,

2A Mong Kok Road, Mong Kok,

Kowloon,Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

Independent Commentators Association獨立評論人協會Convenor

Mr Bruce LUI (呂秉權先生)

Email︰[email protected]


Initium Media 端傳媒Executive Chief Editor

Ms ZHANG Jieping(張潔平女士)

Unit 1907, Prosperity Millennia Plaza

663 King's Road, Hong Kong

Tel︰3520-4500 Fax︰3520-4388

Email︰[email protected]

HK01 香港01Publisher/ Editor-in-Chief

Mr LUNG King Cheong(龍景昌先生)

11/F, The Octagon

No.6 Sha Tsui Road

Tsuen Wan, NT, Hong Kong

Tel︰2117-0101 Fax︰2117-3480

Email︰[email protected]

Online media 網上媒體

10Canadian Journalists for Free ExpressionPresident

Ms Alice KLEIN

555 Richmond Street West

Suite 1101, PO Box 407

Toronto, OH,

Canada, M5V 3B1

Tel︰+1 (416) 515 9622

Fax︰+1 (416) 515 7879

Email︰[email protected]

Commonwealth JournalistsAssociation 英聯邦記者協會President


Commonwealth Journalists Association

c/o Canadian Newspaper Association

890 Yonge St., Suite 200

Toronto, Canada M4W 3P4

Tel: +1 (416) 575 5377

Committee To ProtectJournalists(CPJ)保護記者委員會Executive Director


330 7th Avenue, 11th Floor

New York, NY10001, USA

Tel: +1 (212) 465 1004

Fax: +1(212) 465 9568

Email︰[email protected]

International Federationof Journalists(IFJ)國際記者聯會General Secretary


IPC-Residence Palace

Bloc C, 155 Rue de la Loi

B-1040 Brussels, Belgium

Tel︰+32 2 235 2210

Fax︰+32 2 235 2219

Email︰[email protected]

Stand News 立場新聞Chief EditorMr CHUNG Pui Kuen(鍾沛權先生)9E, Everest Industrial Centre, 396 Kwun Tong Rd, Kwun Tong, KowloonTel: [email protected]

Hong Kong Free PressEditor-in-chief and co-directorMr Tom GRUNDYRoom 701-705, 7/F, Core B, Cyberport 3, 100 Cyberport Road, Hong KongTel: 2297-1911 Email︰[email protected]

852 Post 852 郵報 Chief EditorMr YUEN Yiu Ching(袁耀清先生)14/F, Spa Centre53-55 Lockhart Rd, Wan ChaiTel︰2331-8197 Fax︰2331-8167Email︰[email protected]

Article 19 第十九條Executive Director

Mr Thomas HUGHES

Free Word Centre,

60 Farringdon Road

London, EC1R 3GA, United Kingdom

Tel︰+ 44 (020) 7324 2500

Email︰[email protected]

Overseas Organisations外地組織


International Press InstituteInterim Executive Director

Ms Barbara TRIONFI

Spiegelgasse 2, A-1010,

Vienna, Austria

Tel︰+43 1512 9011

Fax︰+43 1512 9014

Email︰[email protected]

NHK(Japan Broadcasting Corporation) 日本廣播協會Hong Kong Bureau Chief



Room 1107B,

Hong Kong Arts Centre,

2 Harbour Road,

Wanchai, Hong Kong



Email︰[email protected]

International Freedom ofExpression Exchange(IFEX)Executive Director

Ms Annie GAME

555 Richmond Street West,

Suite 1101

Post Office Box 407, Toronto, Ontario

Canada, M5V 3B1

Tel︰+1 (416) 515 9622

Fax︰+1(416) 515 7879

Email︰[email protected]

Reporters Without Borders無國界記者Secretary General

Mr Christophe DELOIRE

47 rue vivienne

75002 Paris, France

Tel︰+33 1 4483 8484

Fax︰+33 1 4523 1151

Email︰[email protected]

World Press FreedomCommittee(WPFC)世界新聞自由委員會Chairman

Mr Richard N. WINFIELD

11690-C Sunrise Valley Drive

Reston, VA 20191, USA

Tel︰+1 (703) 715 9811

Fax︰+1(703) 620 6790

Email︰[email protected]

International Media Support(IMS)Executive Director

Mr Edetaen OJO

International Media Support(IMS)

Nørregade 18, 2. fl.

1165 Copenhagen K


Tel︰+45 8832 7000

Fax︰+45 3312 0099

Email︰[email protected]

(篇幅有限,未能盡錄)(Due to limited space, the list is not exclusive)

072 073

LUCKY DRAWCompany / Brand Description Value

Cathay Pacific Airways Limited CX - 2 Business Class round trip tickets from Hong Kong to Tokyo in Cathay Pacific network HK$58,060

Cheung Kong Group One Unit of LG 55" Curved 3D OLED TV HK$23,980

Wynn Macau

One night complimentary accomodation in an one-bedroom Lake View Suite, including buffet breakfast for two persons at Café Esplanada A dinner for two persons at Ristorante l Teatro Italian Restaurant to the total value of MOP 1500 nett


Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited KA - 2 Business Class round trip tickets from Hong Kong to Shanghai in Dragonair network HK$16,780

L'Oreal Hong Kong Cosmetic Gift Hamper x 2 pcs HK$12,000

Ocean Park Hong Kong 香港海洋公園

A Premium Package for Four, which includes:- Four Ocean Park Daytime Admission Tickets- Four Vouchers for Honorary Panda Keeper Programme- Four Ocean FasTrack Tickets- A Set Meal for Four at Neptune's Restaurant


Hong Kong Disneyland

One (1) night complimentary accomodation in a Kingdom Club Room at Hong Kong Disneyland Hotel Eight (8) complimentary park tickets (one-day admission) of Hong Kong Disneyland


Mr Walter Kwok 郭炳湘先生 HK$5,000 dining allowance at Dong Lai Shun (Causeway Bay) (2 sets) HK$10,000

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office 台北經濟文化辦事處 Sogo Gift Certificate HK$10,000

DBC Digital Broadcasting Corporation Hong Kong Limited DBC HomAzing (10 sets) HK$8,990

Sa Sa International Holdings Ltd. Suisse Programme - Platinum Luxury Collection HK$5,270

New People's Party 新民黨 Ch teau Haut-Brion (Wine) 1982 Graves HK$5,000

Folli Follie Hong Kong Int'l LimitedSantorini Flower Envelope ClutchSantorini Flower Glimpse WalletSantorini Flower Watch


Regal Hotels International Spa Revitalizing Room Package for 2 Persons at Regal Airport Hotel HK$3,980

InterContinental Hong Kong 香港洲際酒店 InterContinental Hong Kong Harbourside dinner buffet for 4 persons HK$3,819

Dr Stanley Ho Macau package (one room-night accomodation at Grand Lisboa and 2 return TurboJET tickets) HK$3,500

Hong Kong Fur Federation Cash prize HK$3,000

Hotel ICON Chef recommendation set dinner with wine pairing at Above and Beyond for 2 persons HK$2,790

Luk Fook Jewellery & Goldsmith (HK) Co., Ltd. 六福集團(國際)有限公司 Coinwatch HK$2,780

Door GiftCompany / Brand Description Value

AMOREPACIFIC (Hong Kong) Co., LimitedAMOREPACIFIC MOISTURE BOUND Kit (3 Items )AMOREPACIFIC Treatment Cleansing Foam 30mlSulwhasoo First Care Activating Serum EX 8mlSulwhasoo Luminature Essential Finisher 8ml


Table Prize Company / Brand Gift Value

Shiseido Hong Kong Ltd. Makeup Set HK$34,000

Club Monaco Luis Morais Bracelet HK$24,500

Fook Ming Tong Tea Shop 福茗堂茶莊 Harmony-Traditional Nanyan Supreme TIE GUAN YIN 75G圓和罐–傳統南岩極品鐵觀音75克 HK$17,900

AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited AWE Travel Adapter HK$10,000

Yoshinoya Beef rice bowl VIP coupon x 250 pcs HK$8,000

Coca-Cola China Ltd. 可口可樂盤盤樂 HK$5,400

Nikon Hong Kong Ltd. Nikon Key Chain HK$5,000

Ocean Park Hong Kong 香港海洋公園 Animal Plush Toys HK$5,000

PizzaExpress (Hong Kong) Ltd. PizzaExpress $100 dining vouchers HK$5,000

Maxim's Caterers Ltd. 美心精緻裹蒸粽禮券 HK$4,750

Hong Kong Disneyland Star Wars Stacking Meal Set HK$4,400

MTR Corporation Ltd. 沿途有禮 Mobile Sticker Commenmorative

LUCKY DRAWCompany / Brand Description Value

AsiaWorld-Expo Management Limited Song Joong Ki Asia Tour Fan Meeting in Hong Kong 2016 - 2 tickets2016宋仲基亞洲巡迴粉絲見面會香港站門票兩張 HK$2,760

Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant 一念素食 Spring menu coupon of Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant (2 sets)一念素食清泉宴席券(兩套) HK$2,256

Panda Hotel Dinner Buffet for 2 persons (2 sets) HK$2,015

Cheung Kong Group One Unit of LG 3D Blu-ray Player HK$1,890

The Peninsula Hong Kong Set Dinner in The Lobby for Four (wine excluded) HK$1,650

Shun Hing Group Panasonic LED desk lamp SQ-LD220 (3 pcs) HK$1,644

ACCA Hong Kong Links A4 Document Holder HK$1,600

China 3D Digital Entertainment Limited 《導火新聞線》換票證20張 HK$1,600

EGL Tours Company Ltd. 呔金屬健康手鍊 x 2 HK$1,600

The Excelsior, Hong Kong Sunday Brunch for two persons at ToTT's and Roof Terrace HK$1,514

Ngong Ping 360 Limited Round-trip Ngong Ping cable car journey on Crystal Cabin for 2 guests (3 sets) HK$1,530

Cordis, Hong Kong Buffet dinner voucher for two people at The Place HK$1,236

Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel Dinner Buffet for 2 persons at Café Lagoon HK$1,272

Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong Three-Course Set Dinner for two people at The Lounge HK$1,100

East, Hong Kong Semi-buffet dinner for 2 persons at Feast (Food by East) on the 1st Floor HK$1,096

Holiday Inn Golden Mile Dining voucher at Osteria Ristorante Italiano HK$1,000

The Royal Garden HK$1,000 dining allowance at Sabatini Ristorante Italiano, The Royal Garden HK$1,000

The Wharf (Holdings) Limited Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel Dining Voucher x 3 sets HK$1,000

Madame Tussauds Hong Kong Family package 家庭套票 (4 tickets) HK$980

Watson's Wine 屈臣氏酒窖 Yarra Yering Number One 2009 (75cl) HK$528

Swiss International Air Lines Ltd. 2 bottles of Swiss White Wine HK$400

McDonald's Restaurants (Hong Kong) Limited McCafé Coffee Box Set (10 sets) Commenmorative

MTR Corporation Ltd. MTR Crystal Train Commenmorative

074 075

P.035 Apple Daily Limited

P.057 Asia Financial Holdings Ltd.

P.017 Centaline Property Agency Ltd.

Facing Inside Front Cheung Kong Group

P.007 CLP Power Hong Kong Ltd.

P.077 Dr Louis SHIH Tai Cho

P.057 Great Eagle Holdings Ltd.

P.027 Henderson Land Group

P.058 Hong Kong Academy of Medicine

P.015 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd.

P.029 Hong Kong Housing Society

P.030 Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Inside Front Cover The Hong Kong Jockey Club

P.023 The Hong Kong Trade Development Council

P.021 The Law Society of Hong Kong

P.053 Liberal Party

P.080 Midland Holding Ltd.

P.073 Mr Ronald Arculli

P.071 Mr Koo Ming Kown of Nam Tai Property Inc.

P.079 New World Development Co. Ltd.

P.019 Sino Group

P.005 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd.

P.037 Swire Pacific Ltd.

P.009 Urban Renewal Authority

Hong Kong Journalists Association extends its thanks to the following advertisers for their support:




Zoe Hung


King Cheng


English Editor


Jackie Sam


Chinese Editors


Sham Yee-lan


Fennex Wong


Zoe Hung

特刊工作人員 Publication Staff


Chinese Calligraphy


Fung Siu Wah




Zephyr Yung


Creative Director


@Blitz Brand Consultancy Ltd.

Anthony Yiu Koon-tung




Regal Printing Ltd.


Content Design


Ng Kin-pan


Yip Chi-man

封面設計 Cover Design

080 081

何家達攝 photo by Ho Ka Tat





