Have Your Glasses - Northville Historic Records

; " c . *„ '• ;"• V w •• . '. •.••" •••• lfcLE 'VoL'XMi,•; N6. :\ ; ".H' : ~:: : . •• ' ."• L . : ^ i : : loiV^i::^ ... j,,.. ; .• •"• '.,• —T* 1 ! ""presented "hertoorii .with, ' a n e w ' >• ! ;' S aimftyery gobd'.'. "S" hittie k r bobifelets ' 'sire beitis: made by the .Slksh grade.' j/Th't.pupils ottbe Flratgrakle are ^' i ' i 'the story'.J ofr ••"" i;: :;:'. Ttie '.F.!r«t : (trHders : bav'e tneinqrizea iiieVpoefii: ; vThe ~ Body ^ Hbu8e'\Vln STAHKY'S STGCK /HALF INfERESr IN K FILLY DRfNGS $5TS.. Lets Go of One '* ire vitiSU IK II I > 11 ri ijdi '»ri,wi iillli r Htmk fnrm iiixl uj) i IT H'nlil HI, Munltttrlt m )tj Js < Si, w ii |i iinl*iil> it ?<n r \iv WIIUHC Hlr< uiir, p i ititntv thu \()!IIIK n nri rkivt iitln t IM>I l i >< nrll .jr m ^l s l.irinnn iliiv im.rt lor I In ^ find be?n a resident <n[ Kor.Ehvlilr fur lorty' .T^nrs,. icimlnp' Uorp.]U( ilri: ill filfi ugp,<if Uilrt.v «ovi;ri, Jin ]<, iiy)!<". peveo daiiichtcrH.l thrwi.iit..whoin n'ru married, nnd tvvoj, sorts.. Tin 1 funura! WBB beldjWj j ^ : .A[VNUAL MEETI]NGS ;V ? " HELD THIS TO Hull MRS. AM WOOD mlm il In 1 1 M>M l>\ hlin I lohu 11 ill uni ' I inhum hiiHJ II t» pnfit t\\tt J*iiri« (mil nlll t.iintl II i> t o c'D Pn altiiuii.h II!H [iu|f 1 it r t 4t 1u tliln w \s solil for Mrh Vd,n. Wood I|II 1 Jit her lioiue nn \ortr R(<3i S'lmmj aftcnoon ol p.icnmnnla lining o (i, 111 onlr utiout two wefLs S!« wiu a RlMer of tlir |ii.c« Hnraci \\ Horn fitid liui >1C1 II rpHl(l<]lt ()[ NOTtMllli lt]f> piisi thn?o/ fo ir v«.ur<< '1 beriinpral w * I eld Tiicduv e(t»»ruooi Jle\ il M lime mliLlailiik iinrlt,! et. Board of IMrwtora i tin! over '^Sju'ro/i rrwiin ' In f hi. f 1 Ul fllltflU 111 ll <tul I ^ Ijnrmou , = in v The (,,r "*n i" din i tnrn ( lulu I \r lt 9, in I'lilllliiit, S m , tar y own ^ 3 UP t v % Hint, MirhlPgrlt f.i > I) 1 ) !.(tt<!\ iln mnn la iu Vii">rlfH \ri oin Sh inr $i 009 lant Hinumef •ire maklnp; fhtiuaflvea famous «.'№•! and ttic horBti'n.11 H onmicuultv ure fortnu I In M !n their m'dit j tn Annual Lburch Meeting lri< antiial meetinjr of t'le I re In Untl IXH > C. P. ANGELL DIED MONDAY tenan ih irch w<ir tLlfl on Ihnr°dni ' venlig ! « i I T. large coamanv BMIIIMBI aad^all wcrtaerrel wito a bountiful suppir by the ladles In the new parlors and kitchen which liif lng I vert. thuj. Macd for the firnt time 1 IIK Report of t>e varloJ8 offKe>T! >"nd organ!? atlo PI ehowed a < pro^perouH ye ir r "*he raff bi Udrng |tOr t $ j>6, or \"hlch oearlv all ha | been paid A. henrtv vote ol tbanko 1 s IT it Hi. Anliuat rauti Dg: n f tin Nnrfli ville State ^»v!.p Kb ^ ^ ^^ , 1()d iu.jdBy aitoriioou A rt!rWttul o{ » pf r tpnt vrai [n'd aiuj ?]jO co «0oi J to the Piirpluj. lisp following « us p'c cted Simmon Mlll.r Vic L VV l>r D!rc tori , I oilier t I A labbltt (.has Cold run Gto s iencer XI < Verkes 'I ft Ii nardson i : )rraVJe are aiiia'tq tie n.,; . ,',> . ; Tbe banK deposit for lust yrfitrk fl \j The ia'rg&'t was rfre" ; (tl>:h l trfth; $ 9 0 V ' T ' fL'he' s ..\; cfisss of J h e Ftrst grade Is" alb^EtivAldS'o's rea:di?rs :for" su^pk The . d'iQ ;ttie tgrea.of, a' Rt:ow . The'Tbifd gra ^ : ftrlze ipTf FJlnt, da y nlglit after schobifiroh) 1 to 5:SQ r : The; f'ourtii; JrVadB : :;A IpuptHi 'aTe: happy lti' their, work of leaking oht •bill Mt; f]'g th4; i jlti^ Vf he. i i\' ;cl !>si< J ii 7 = the IK 1 otl'ergar t«a lias «;irtediMflk'wL>HYltigtbl8i week.. 'I'he.cvropieteil wiirls.'.'^ llv lie "a anil Sreifw'ii;»st«r,closes .7j'in! 2B. tli« nprliig•• Vdsutieii '''trotn Aprtf l'*iS. Thin inakL ft th^.end of tUe.vtfii.f Juno I'I.'' •" ,. '. . ,T\\\ :. H .Sixth 'gcni\&,hus cbiu|>K'li"d fcliy !*tilily of t'ne Noxv : Bi?.(?ifind.iS!nl.oii ittW.iililpf| un'Llie w;nll V.111 "grovp to ^'i|u winit,tKi>y are !:«jinlilp i|f 'TuiiiK Tin) Isluiicrgartrn pniillfi (iris m«li lii!C l»ipl!rieii(.(lr;gK t)f florin jtnii <lo ii;.,«f™.i,,, r r. »|;i,.,;," II... ri,.^ ; ills) TniiUnj, ilninliiKH 'l! I'n IIDUHIH Dm 'lnpdriil aal seven in (he i [lrolln n( {n tli iJitrh HL1IX>/U fi>r ill ii PinilHti'r Ifjftt I 'D\Vl'> tl ( main rrttiiu ilfimo ?"'l '>H l < to liirliti tii(> M M n i/it In r our In ntIII,, hhH hf n ill t ii I < si tlnnkH ti> (Hir nrj tllulmt ] mltor lie tills IH tlutt a three >L1OIU fi« In tin nximl lii'MK (jrudL I our la leamliijr a. new ,>airlullc oo'ij; the nett Nile ll1fc'(U, Mv \lfci It.»n and It l)U!n ti't to mitrlvat the old out of the aaue t'i'e ID popular ty I>o not f j'jret tht. basket ha I gam (Ills ([rldii^i eiealntr_ Neit week pml Li we plav Fontlac High ftp tnut thit tLe crowd will !if ] sniffi'l^nt to make It a paring] proposition Othtrwve oor oasketj ball *e>isou will lie coinpirat1\?lj 1 short !he'i9!l .«5 CASHBuys '.his UuaranteedKiiciieri Rarige. .NOW pNtV 1 'vfh'.le';.; s t o c k fels.,. "' ' •••"•' ••. • c •••' . . . . ; , •;. • JAMES A. HXTFF r NORf HVILLEi K CASH i^O CUPID >' e wrj jooJ ineniis When lejves, so dots Cupid, o^ten At iny rile provi i iv toi iu ife anJ anldren is a LHjrY Btsi k i , PL F ASURC cail ccme to >ou u J yours in ^reater number it, "\b vou journey through lite, vou alwavs SPPNn LESS thin vou mike and BANk <l e rest Vonr money v.ill grow rapldlv In our bunk Let OUR Bank be \OUR Bank We pay 1 per cent 'ntei~.=t Northville Stale Savings Bank. i was VS C for hl s I | f he VS C \jrke* for h l l The annaal meefn ffo ; thn Laph[ira labors as chalrreau ol j state ba^ Ings Bank w a 8 h e ld In t(mt commltceL I II t plate Tueadaj aiu rnoob \. filvl Had Been Resident of Nortlmiie icr Fortj Yeir» « P AnseH riled atnlshorue<n ^[ie F'snery roail early J»oo<"»«v Taoniing at ii general breakdo ^.n | if y oa ^ ou i,j jj^e ro He ha T h€"n in 111 health fo-sonifi Reco>-a 'Rant Aas can ma^e * te death of h's -vlfe obo i t ' to- voa "phone RecorS Offlee, to piTiclent buIid'llE ami W 4 \ Tbaver wer&jdend if elecSfd tniat*e«. la place o» t M I and SoOO loalln deceased, anil R k Mi.Kahan>i followiaK \rao declined re clretica Wm G~ elacted Ye-kes was elected elder In place \ Slllam "ierke", deceased i. per "e^fc wa8 declared,' carried j l8 6 Irp i n o xht | Board o 1 - Directors V/anted.to Rent^For Sals. Etc. *V Rert, For S-->le Lost, rojnd "^ o f t? 1 notices. inserCeJ Lra^r thii IieaJ or c^ni per wor^i *or ir<= n or*, tin Siid ha. cent i_^r « tri* 'or t n h v n roney ! SPECIALS. 1 Large Package Snowboy 10c 1 Small Package Snowboy 4c 1 Tall Can Babbitt's Cleaner- 7c 1 Small Calx Babbitt's Cleaner 4c "Cranberries" . 10c qt; 3 qts.25c MOSS BOSE SPINACH . 15c can i*o 2, Nothing Better on tlie IQo can THE HABIT" AT s gYDER'5 Preslaent—P. t> Tlce Prudent— Cash er—L H R (Tirihten^on > S Te«r!l fc Seal l» lerke" > Miller fl caah'cr I! Smith J \\ E ant >eelec<td a?»-i t School TTotes. the | Tbe C Fifth Is ha^! nK a general I review of V S I "\fra Scnercr ]Karten Monday Tbe jjold fish 13 'n room this mrnt'i _W al'acs Ro-s na 9 B Ti=ltor last weeiv Mrs Erama bm'th Se ond grade last w^ej^ The Fifth gradct^ "iilchlgan. My MIcht e o> Euth "Preston Js <, c t ot the Firth gi-ade on act ount of sickness | The Second gratf<i oor8 andirfrk: [are learning nboat children of iajian The-e has beea o Q i y 'one absencp eo lar this montii !n th e Seventh grade "Lena Pltkersop or the Slith «rede I «III c°ll it pnvatp sale household Hooc3= bedroom sulte«, rupre etc lire irank faut!iera f 23w2p school tbe leaienlDR pr &. Trpe to do a.t ttie ritcord ofhee by piece or by bou*- v Stf FOR SALT - Dry -wood Wlh Bell pLone l-'a Charles -- 2iw2p S4.LE— Hon K e bd.rn extra larcolot (heap for cash rbas Bluck, NorthvlHe I FOP SU^E—^ \& 1 porcelain lined steei bath tub <> It, aad u--ed but little Goad as new cueap En (ji 1re a t Taa Hufli hardware Btore 14tf LOST- Necklace with garnet pen iflants, otrQbflBtmas day. between •"5-Hla street and Rural rilll O.lne ttry rinaer piease leave at Record oifrcei. 24wl FOTJND— A xoM ring Wednesday nijrbt In Catt»7moie hail Owner mnv hav« pame by call'npr at this office, provliijrpropertvandpav'ng 2.K! Jor this act PROEESSIONAL CARDS. D B T B HENRY PHYSICIAN ASD Surgeon Office and reMdcDco 33 Mam »»re«t OfficshoTira S 00 to 'VCOB m s-i 12 00 to 2 30 ana C 00 to ^ 30 p m Both Phones 4 TiR T H 10BNER HOMEOPATHfC J-'Phvioctaa and Srirgeoa Office door wo*!; ol Park Hone on Mam atre^t. 0I&-X honr«. 1 00 to 3 01) and f 03 to *• 00 p m 3ota Ti Lphouc ill. a Fruit Caiiloiiiu Na\el Onnge'-aie ]uu-, md ot good color , and the price- lie _nsrhi per do/ . 20c, 30c, 40c, 45c,~60c Giape Fruit, good si~e, each _ 10c Maliga Giapes, be»t luaLU, ])LI TO 20C Califoj nia Figs perpacLige 10c^ Tmported Fig- per 15 20c Dates—Persian Hailoowi \er\ cho-co pei lh 1 0 c Dromedar} 7 , pei package ... 10c Nut^ cf all kirjd-5 ihxtd Xu^ 20c, 25c \Ve Laie plcntA ot th't good pn>e mi^ed Ta*i\ C°ud\, pei 3b . . " . . 10c B. A. WHEELER Both Phones. NORTHVILLE. Have Your Glasses adjusted by one •who has masteied tJn. \ science of e$n ies*iug; Correct jour pje faults w ith becoming glasses- In such delicate natter we feel our re- sponsibility You coukl not be in" safa hands than Q. W. & F. DOLPH Or. SwiflBldg. OPTOnETRISTS. flainSt , NORTHMLLS

Transcript of Have Your Glasses - Northville Historic Records

; - " - c . - * „ ' • - ; " • V w •• . ' . - - • . • • " - • • • •

lfcLE'VoL'XMi,•; N6.

: \ ; " . H ' : ~ : : :. ••'."• L .- : ^ - i : : - l o i V ^ i : : ^ - - • . . . j , , . . ; . • • " • - ' . , • — T * 1 ! " " p r e s e n t e d " h e r t o o r i i - - . w i t h , ' a n e w '

>•! ;' S aim ft yery- gobd'.'. "S" hittiekr -bobifelets' 'sire beitis: made by the .Slksh grade.'

j/Th't.pupils o t t b e Flratgrakle are^ ' i - ' i - ' t h e - story'.J ofr ••""- i ; :

:;:'.-Ttie '.F.!r«t:(trHders:bav'e tneinqrizeaiiieVpoefii: ; vThe ~ Body ^ Hbu8e'\Vln




Lets Go of One

' * ire v i t iSU IK II I > 11 ri ijdi

' » r i , w i i i l l l i r H t m k fnrm i i ix l

uj) i IT H'nlil H I , M u n l t t t r l t m

) t j

J s

r» < S i , w ii |i

iinl*iil> it ?<n r \iv

WIIUHC Hlr< ui ir,

p i i t i tntv

t h u \ ( ) ! I I I K n nri

rkivt i i t ln t IM>I

l i >< nrll .jr m

^ l s l . i r i n n n

iliiv im.rt l o r

I In

^ find be?n a resident <n[Kor.Ehvlilr fur lorty' .T^nrs,. -icimlnp'Uorp.]U( ilri: ill- filfi ugp,<if Uilrt.v-«ovi;ri, J in ]<,-iiy)!<". peveo daiiichtcrH.l-thrwi.iit..whoin n'ru marr ied, nnd tvvoj,sorts.. Tin1 funura! WBB b e l d j W j j




mlm il In 1 1M>M l>\ hlin Ilohu 11 ill uni 'I inhum hiiHJII t» pnfit t\\tt

J*i i r i« ( m i l n l l l t . i i n t l II i> t o c 'D P n

a l t i i u i i . h II!H [ i u | f 1-it r t 4 t 1u t l i l n

w \ s s o l i l f o r

Mrh Vd,n. Wood I|II 1 Jit her lioiuenn \ortr-R(<3i S'lmmj a f t c n o o n olp.icnmnnla l i n i n g o (i, 111 onlrutiout t w o wefLs S!« wiu a RlMerof tlir |ii.c« Hnraci \\ Horn fitid liui

>1C1 II rpHl(l<]lt ()[ NOTtMllli lt]f>piisi t h n ? o / fo ir v«.ur<< '1 beriinpralw * I eld T i i c d u v e(t»»ruooi Jle\il M l i m e mliLlailiik iinrlt,! et.

Board of IMrwtora i

tin! over ' Sju'ro/irrwiin ' In f h i . f

1 Ul fllltflU 111

l l <tulI ^ Ijnrmou

, = in v T h e

(,,r"*n i"

din i tnrn

( lulu I \ r l t9, in I'lilllliiit, S m , t a r y

o w n^ 3

UPt v

% Hint, MirhlPgrltf.i > I ) 1 ) !.(tt<!\

i l n mnn la iuVii">rlfH \ri oin Shinr $i 009 lant Hinumef

•ire maklnp; fhtiuaflvea famous«.'№•! and ttic horBti'n.11 Honmicuultv ure fortnu I In

M !n their m'dit


Annual Lburch Meeting -

lri< antiial meetinjr of t'le I re In





tenan ih irch w<ir tLlfl on Ihnr°dni' ven l ig ! « i I T. large coamanvB M I I I M B I aad^all wcrtaerrel witoa bountiful suppir by the ladles Inthe new parlors and kitchen which

liif-lng I vert. thuj. Macd for the firnt time1 IIK Report of t>e varloJ8 offKe>T!>"nd organ!? atlo P I ehowed a

< pro^perouH ye ir r"*he raff bi Udrng|tOr-t $- j>6, or \"hlch oearlv all ha-| been paid A. henrtv vote ol tbanko

1 s

IT itH i . Anliuat rautiDg: n f tin Nnrfli

ville State ^»v!.pKb ^ ^ ^ ^ , 1 ( ) d

iu.jdBy aitoriioou A rt!rWttul o{

» pf r tpnt vrai [n'd a i u j ? ] j O c o «0oi Jto the Piirpluj.

lisp following« us p'c cted

Simmon-Mlll.r Vic

L VVl>r D!rc tori,

I oilier t

I A labbltt(.has Cold runGto s-iencerXI < Verkes'I ft Ii nardson

i:)rraVJe are aiiia'tq tien . , ; • . , ' , > . ;

Tbe banK deposit for lust yrfitrkfl \j The ia'rg&'t was rfre"; (tl>:hl trfth; $ 9 0 V ' T '

fL'he's..\; cfisss of J h e Ftrst grade Is"alb^EtivAldS'o's rea:di?rs :for" su^pk

The .d'iQ ;ttie

tgrea.of, a' Rt:ow. The'Tbifd gra

^ : ftrlze


da-y nlglit after schobifiroh) -1 to 5:SQr

: The;-f'ourtii; JrVadB::;A IpuptHi 'aTe:happy lti' their, work of leaking oht•bill M t ; f]'g t h 4 ; i j l t i ^

--Vf he. i i\' ;cl !>si< J ii 7= the IK 1 otl'ergar t«alias «;irtediMflk'wL>HYltigtbl8i week..'I'he.cvropieteil wiirls.'.'^-llv-lie "a anil

Sreifw'ii;»st«r,closes- .7j'in! 2B.tli« nprliig•• Vdsutieii '''trotn

Aprtf l '* iS. Thin inakL-ft t h ^ . e n d oftUe.vtfii.f J u n o I ' I . ' ' •"-,.- '-. . „

,T\\\-:. H .Sixth 'gcni\&,hus cbiu|>K'li"dfcliy !*tilily of t'ne Noxv:Bi?.(?ifind.iS!nl.oiiittW.iililpf| un'Llie w;nll V.-111 "grovp to^'i|u winit,tKi>y are !:«jinlilp i|f 'TuiiiK-

Tin) Isluiicrgartrn pniillfi (iris m«li-lii!C l»ipl!rieii(.(lr;gK t)f florin jtnii <loii;.,«f™.i,,,r r.-»|;i,.,;," II... -ri,.^-;

ills) TniiUnj, ilninliiKH 'l! I'nIIDUHIH

Dm 'lnpdriil a a l seven in (hei [lrolln n( {n tl i iJitrh HL1IX>/U fi>rill ii PinilHti'r Ifjftt I 'D\Vl'> tl (main rrttiiu i l f i m o ?"'l '>Hl < to

l i ir l i t i tii(> M M n i/it In r ourIn ntIII,, hhH hf n ill t ii I < si tlnnkHti> (Hir n r j t l lu lmt ] mltor l ietills IH tlutt a three >L1OIU fi« Intin nximl lii'MK

(jrudL I our la leamliijr a. new,>airlullc oo'ij; the nett Nile ll1fc'(U,Mv \lfci It.»n and It l)U!n ti't tomitrlvat the old out of the a a u et'i 'e ID popular ty

I>o not f j ' jret tht. basket ha I g a m(Ills ([r ldi i^i eiealntr_ N e i t weekpml Li we plav Fontlac Highftp t n u t t h i t tLe crowd will !if ]sniffi'l^nt t o make It a par ing]proposition Othtrwve oor oasketjball *e>isou will lie coinpirat1\?lj 1short

!he' i9 ! l.«5 CASHBuys '.his UuaranteedKiiciieri-Rarige. .NOW pNtV1-'vfh'.le';.;

s t o c k fels.,. " ' - ' - •••"•' ••.-•c •••'--.- . - . . ; , •;. •


C A S H i ^ O CUPID >'e w r j jooJ ineniis Whenlejves, so dots Cupid, o^ten At iny rile provi i iv toi iuifeanJ anldren is a LHjrY Btsi k i , PL F-ASURC cail ccme to >ouu J yours in ^reater number it, "\b vou journey through lite, vou

alwavs SPPNn LESS thin vou mike and BANk <l e restVonr money v.ill grow rapldlv In our bunk

Let OUR Bank be \OUR BankWe pay 1 per cent 'ntei~.=t

Northville Stale Savings Bank.


was VS C for hls I

| f he

VS C \jrke* for h l l The annaal m e e f n f f o ; t h n L a p h [ i r a

labors as chalrreau ol j s tate ba^ Ings Bank w a 8 h e l d I n t ( m t

commltceL I II t plate Tueadaj aiu rnoob \. filvl

Had Been Resident of Nortlmiie

icr Fortj Yeir»

« P AnseH riled atnlshorue<n^[ie F'snery roail early J»oo<"»«vTaoniing at ii general breakdo .n | if y o a ^ o u i , j jj^e roHe ha-T h€"n in 111 health fo-sonifi Reco>-a 'Rant Aas can ma^e

* te death of h's -vlfe obo i t ' to- voa "phone RecorS Offlee,


ami W 4\ Tbaver wer&jdend ifelecSfd tniat*e«. la place o» t M I and SoOOloalln deceased, anil R k Mi.Kahan>i followiaK\rao declined re clretica Wm G~ elactedYe-kes was elected elder In place\ Slllam "ierke", deceased

i. per "e fc wa8 declared,'carried j l 8 6 I r p ino xht |Board o1- Directors

V/anted.to Rent^For Sals. Etc.*V Rert, For S-->le Lost, rojnd

" oft? 1 notices. inserCeJ Lra^r thiiIieaJ or c^ni per wor i *or ir<= n

or*, tin Siid ha. cent i_ r « tri* 'or t n h

v n


SPECIALS.1 Large Package Snowboy 10c1 Small Package Snowboy 4c1 Tall Can Babbitt's Cleaner- 7c1 Small Calx Babbitt's Cleaner 4c"Cranberries" . 10c qt; 3 qts.25c

MOSS BOSE SPINACH. 15c can i*o 2,

Nothing Better on tlieIQo can



Preslaent—P. t>Tlce Prudent—Cash er—L HR (Tirihten^on> S Te«r!l

fc Seall» lerke"> Miller flcaah'cr

I! Smith


ant>eelec<td a?»-i t

School TTotes.

the| Tbe C Fifth Is ha^!nK a generalI review of V SI "\fra Scnercr]Karten Monday

Tbe jjold fish 13 'nroom this mrnt'i_W al'acs Ro-s n a 9 B

Ti=ltor last weeiv

Mrs Erama bm'thSe ond grade last w^ej^

The Fifth gradct^"iilchlgan. My MIchteo>

Euth "Preston Js <,ct ot the Firthgi-ade on act ount of sickness

| The Second gratf<i o o r 8 andirfrk:[are learning nboat children of iajian

The-e has beea oQiy 'one absencpeo lar this montii ! n t h e Seventhgrade

"Lena Pltkersop or the Slith «rede

I «III c°ll it pnvatp sale householdHooc3= bedroom sulte«, rupre etclire i rank faut!ieraf 23w2p




p r &. Trpeto do a.t ttie ritcord ofhee

by piece or by bou*- v Stf

FOR SALT - Dry -woodW l h Bell pLone l-'a

Charles-- 2iw2p

S4.LE— HonKe bd.rn extralarcolot (heap for cash rbasBluck, NorthvlHe I

FOP SU^E—^ \& 1 porcelain linedsteei bath tub <> It, aad u--ed butlittle Goad as new cueap En(ji 1re at Taa Hufli hardwareBtore 14tf

LOST- Necklace with garnet peniflants, otrQbflBtmas day. between•"5-Hla street and Rural rilll O.lnettry rinaer piease leave a tRecord oifrcei. 24wl

FOTJND— A xoM ring Wednesdaynijrbt In Catt»7moie hail Ownermnv hav« pame by call'npr a t thisoffice, provliijrpropertvandpav'ng2.K! Jor this act


DB T B HENRY PHYSICIAN ASDSurgeon Office and reMdcDco 33 Mam

»»re«t OfficshoTira S 00 to 'VCOB m s-i12 00 to 2 30 ana C 00 to ^ 30 p m BothPhones 4

TiR T H 10BNER HOMEOPATHfCJ-'Phvioctaa and Srirgeoa Officedoor wo*!; ol Park Hone on Mam atre^t.0I&-X honr«. 1 00 to 3 01) and f 03 to *• 00p m 3ota Ti Lphouc

ill. a

FruitCaiiloiiiu Na\el Onnge'-aie ]uu-,md ot good color , and the price- lie _nsrhiper do/ . 20c, 30c, 40c, 45c,~60c

Giape Fruit, good si~e, each _ 10cMaliga Giapes, be»t luaLU, ])LI TO 2 0 CCalifoj nia Figs perpacLige 10c^Tmported Fig- per 15 20cDates—Persian Hailoowi \er\ cho-co pei lh 10cDromedar}7, pei package . . . 10cNut^ cf all kirjd-5 ihxtd Xu^ 20c, 2 5 c\Ve Laie plcntA ot th ' t good pn>e mi^ed Ta*i\

C°ud\, pei 3b . . " . . 10c


Have Your Glassesadjusted by one •who has masteied tJn.

\ science of e$n ies*iug; Correct jour

pje faults w ith becoming glasses- In

such delicate natter we feel our re-

sponsibility You coukl not be in"

safa hands than

Q. W. & F. DOLPHOr. SwiflBldg. OPTOnETRISTS. flainSt , NORTHMLLS

NUARY^! 2 / TS>j.I-

I .; . Train•[.• Blip;oh h a e c h d jRapids at" .9 o'cloelj-.jESiesday mov&'in$.ana tiVat'-was. tKe-G: R.. ;£;'I:--irom;Jhe

train- had . reached.

N £ W

VIER'' PfifEACH E"R titii 3'kl^L-. IK |$jj?.j*'?P j . :"tb^tfscfer"h"a<i7Sfil.WJO'.-oii "de^

; : tcer'grs^^aJx^Rpct;:which you :l«-.-^p—"T<e<j;t<5;lzB'iSj'V pujfehlsfeS Jsq№e" :£rpfii >t fo-.

iimiiy:-,attt«ifr: ffit'6" l ie ' sffeet':

P p i S d N E R OF-MIS&'tlNNELL.-

.child was Nearly spffoSatecl before h

iiorse-ateilingi.'^TSei'ciise' is . be i i i s" ta ie^ .up

'public '1-Eest^rt. g | : ^ p ,

Snt1- "an•'( the';:, assoeiatioii:; se-curiig.530.000.K'MtecIi UiVMe :-di-

started an-.paign to' secure';;the.=iiecessafy


i':.;pr--f$(i,(M>6 tp! tha.

;.TSe. cabinet .;foiT3.'s!.=by.. Dr. : S ;3(i;i nnnonncec! t)ie : terras, it-jrilt offerto t i e Manchiis'.^on . №eir su|>m>s£loa.'


tij'e {'Jt-5': couricil-1 iaEC.?Haiii a . ivaste • .nf water ;paitiped.


. Ai;I]r' lie Appealed'

ihan I'Svaoj.feJesrtlessly! pb;soiled^itl

vi:ronge<J;tyRiiisoi.cSniiiion- as ' l t i i & i i J i i S j^h t ; j d

~gether.,.wltfrS iyjuiiiiy • : t n pjind in' the holding of olSccs tnider th«>Tstafe ' i t ! ••| ' : 'v : ':•{[&' 'i :

The; of fde. repuWicans; qj f': Is" sboVv'n';Ciy: • Use faci.- tSat ' t


:-M Demarid uower Telethon*;r^Rates.' ';4\OfflcfSi|'Pc'toe':3iic]>^aS-"'§toe:tel-

-iaod ;"Baj-: City: ct r i > i £ i i S ^ a a o d ;Baj C ty : c o n l e r r e .aKti"niet;-the': loua!'; hoard/oIVedminis-'i ioiiersisn'-l . reiire.5entativesrv::o£- the;Thus iii "'tKe. southern ;iGo."Fees .a re ' sioiiers j Kn<!. represeata-tiveS-vVbt- the

r.bv.- being iu'piSbrted..fed arid clotted1; Sa.siEaw'feoard of tradp, fn'Bay -City,by; the"TeVq|iiUprianesF-aiid;- any 'ahpse ! to (iiscfcES the request ' -of ^-ther"localof- ihrav-.is^Htv-oTeiy" punished _T>y t i e | boariSfof a'reductioh of -.he te'sphoc'ere;>cl»iibaK;:5<)T'erii7nen*- •> ."" i ra ies . _• - ' . ' '.. =•:. .:' ..-. - ' • '. "-!!-! .-" /'••' :,,. •'•" '•:,- ' -.,' }_.' ' ' j-j .Bay 'City: airt "*S':iSiD^x' l i a t e . t i eCipitol Building' Breaks Fir* l aw ." •'= = - ' - - - * •--•--"=-

insurance Cppmjsisioner G._4. Paim-bi"^saVi? i.hiit the caiiitpl Ijniidirj^ r.si t . irties6i!t.-:cpii'stroeleu' does'rkn cori-

j tonu ^vri'a: ihet requirements -uf ' t h ejiiaio Ore law, d'uu ii: ppsfible be is

>'ct i lml ' a l^ r f •"'•<•iin^r- swing] in

i.'pGi.nuriiru! ifj

'liIiciEcfe-OTioy.it'tie lower fcfc'sc T.h"c:

locai lioardr ileclares i t ^."ill 20^ cieforeLhis>fe



to^ ^"fiprn.f 'Riches.bti'j:• opened.." }iis.'yur^H:.:fpr.J

s.. Hetore.the American;pn::at':''fts!:ann'Dal;meeKiJjJ

at'••Milwaukee; Wis;,

sonie time- to accerrt. 'Ijis Tes;gn,atI6n.even, wlien. urged to": do.:5:q..'by.;Ri.che-

Tcft-rs Ib'jlitis ih."il;?'stn.*.c'of oiit. an.il.iri

to j"e'.'crrts: iii-thd eoiiifi>clei^'s Gflive IT*. Sajiinav.-. ihnrc. v.-p;ro

' the. rjjji

degrcee "qelow.icro acti was i q"uuitil,.tfa«".nextmorita^.i lie ivas Badlyf f p z e n ; - : - - ?'•','•< • :••'•'-•' •'•. :,'

:trial on

tw.o.; sma]i. boys ; te'StiSed;: tbati p e ^ t h e Debrmaiih'. i

"aeanj:'jh.e shooting an 'dj&okinjrup 'at 'th'e : •i'rtiid.OT.;, Saxi-.-a" irorijan with".'a'revolT'er iii:-her'lianas. '. • . , ; •; ' - .; ; . .;• . ; . j i • . . _ j _ • . ' " " - ' . n ! ' j : ,;'.'";;'•: !

( JacJcson—Saalipoj. n.ii iirotea. out-iii BeTetal:-sectipij! ._>OL Ute: city;!but '•" tho' ]qcal.':;!ticaitB. r.iuthDrjtie'anre usir.g' eyffjr Jprecaution to: prevent"nospread of tb'e^rdiseajy, and uow"ha\-olh<?- sit!i'aUoiil;t(iiB«r ,cbp>.rol. Eigbteuii;'i:asea cf-.a .miiei Typ's-have iiesn*' re-ported iinii. prom]itly qtfarariUued." -.•;

iiio'.before ci•"eiic(«6afiscribed % the said Miss'frdneE'tiii^Ctliaay; o f - j '

- ^ - - . ' : - : • •

ice /anypie. ];Xpu"; wHl i, .,deiye. a'-'ipoiletJ pf.-taiuabje infpHtidp;; t^iiiiig-^Sii;.al>6T*t:ili'e:;£idneys-A"«.


(SristfiEy|ngI^Vgi t h i t ^ t h i ' ^ e

tioh.br. TiiWrciilpsis, in Ks=taif(?| Sn-'.nuai. .staLemeatJ I'pofiya oiit,' iijpwij!\erc.'

•wfeailit cdissiaers-&.jr4 'sigilJSaSt;wfeailit : cdissiaers-. &.jr4 ' s i g i l J S a ; ;'than; tbe",asgtesite'i .expeqdituifls,i'.:

Guilty; ^Sentenced to Dje'May,?a.

.:. apfiarpnUy inperfect ' .lijaith,'' M'illi;Vm U.ufcnlros.:

=n0 saiO: "I belieYr i vIW- ijriler raif.a'tiocto'r." ' HeUrinJ;,

lio flicii In'n" fSv'.f rnliiu.ii*.* Hh jvaay..iHiii' olti. anil had!

s/Lit fl.oni orynipclsij. l i e lives] .v.-|(liis 's(Hi.,'"ATi£u6ir liiif«rrlt-(ji". L'IKI wan

of i

Ui:it'tin;: livf-s of •!]y'. (ijsl-O'flllllllO!! "BUin'R

the. a-obk «T

si?.!.:; : ininin pIJ-J u c i.'DnTfi(;. 'JI. . r.OKOT1.iii'r; A.VJ:-:!

luii. ri>1l'nvl."icr.-d

.V|iu!!anll.- j

(:tt)ai(:(Hf-3. ! . . Kwltli.

lvoirnn. iit.i" n.wcrt' .foiiu.i M:

j ' l i - f i l l !u l«i n h t j ' f i ' ( i f . - / im ; hy

i f l i i i i « 'Hj l -(j l i ' 1 l i ; r . . ' ! i l r i f r f . . '••

^vrr. ;>\rrt i1! .tiling in Mlii. lirni:-0i . l ! : ! i r - : | i ' r ' : i ( V l r i i ( t

i'l'in "t .i!i'- Ur«» iti^^ i i d l invo

i i i y | i !>nr n i l -

WIRE BULLETINS.Il lrr. Hi::: :ii:i'J;.'

Kr"^i ;|imt:iiMin • iliii-

lie. vrui; iluwn liyiog"s. Jk-

«'>io«-a-s- !fa;,i i«l luadcd .withy<-'ars eld.

i!-i-i«<: '•("'••w.oril! ii!.' . • viuilii under


.on the; ^ o

Farmers", t-hjl) fris»o iuvesi::.eu

(ii I ho la-it-yearin the county clerk's oftife shev.

SISSaginuv,- county .runKs Jiigh^c coia.pii.ri-r|

.. soil, with others in the state, Wayne j'2CtV more;. . The .figures

show a? yoarl-;.'' gahi. • i FG.r,.l9ia;-'-2;iL |

giL-.-it sau-cy-li'dinp: t(ii:ts

i'il:l> SiT>0',lilO!iO!l,nOe,«OU. ' Tac u;:fis U:S intact.. ' .

-: Oouijitrolkr o; . the • Ciirrtr»c> liar- j 5I ray anaoirsros :;i a.a'nflieial stmeiiirT?: : lc; :.

• irfs:i"O!ii:iy:i;?gi:!s.;iil national!ha:i;;s 10 .eiecL Jirecrorr ^lip; 'live_lv.'-

? iitimt"- i.if« vlc-iiiitv el thi:' insriru-

ftccdo!!. -^;.!. i"jr:ii3>. ; S ;

n a s tlcsivU . ^ • : ' .' '•"-: t h e . fdnriir (-Joe;!.-;;! ..-.vasJUogsl.1 on i:-voi::ts."*-li<i....vverS::Hni;<.-cmiais?-!O7!S 7iT, ,!ayu:

lbeir \. j F-:i. ra= iaun

cent oi i.iia' iotaL. • _lp'!".jgp9 •'biily :&!•"• •iierjcent of. ihji^ total!;.- ex'iieuflijoreawas /from" public lnrjds.; aiid: in 191';it. had increascii ;to;fii(j>(ier pjmt.-.' ln.jl a i y over S9,i'.0iWn 'of .tlib.^)'-j.EiJfl,«.|Jii' .atierit Was fro so (edera!- slaje. ' ftitftuci-l>nl.~<ir! <to«nty fu'n'di. " Hint's ttic ctfstVJOTU; at "lha anli -luberculnislR aB30clr(-

fa to'tirge tbc! inibtictn"' provide far. iiiiiereiiiu'BlB "i


la, 1'•' I

thijS tc nulaSiiui:;!;

• soil iHricori;iii(liiii;:iVruitrBPH.

01 ifnldfH ; ; i

iitr^L1.t*in '


G. rciijioniiil'ility!ii.3eiii:«J- th<! Inptiiiijc mofterrnvpialilp Sl^h

' • " . • •

il 'inr- iiF tive.- JR'JJiilVt1"'*ii;{:i wfij'l^ In . i ' j -a f!av*..ri(-

y !)<v-r!' iiin.il> I J ; Ma'-n l.c;jl*i:llJifB*linlIlM!,'p;->i. :iiiii!'<uu5jf y-i«rili*'5. Or'- Kli:i| lilll.liil |;j,VCIU,'H!li ,15 ftjtlll< uiipl'r. 'jir^iiktijii, iir.il ivliini'l^ JJi.

:(ur. : 'i-.jii.iiify Vuiii . n-VHiicii.ni"'ln.fjiiiiuicii] td ilii-nii Hiyin,

il . ^" 'y i i nniciii . i:iA-ii<iji -\Upin<.v<-r.v j-'.-ai- iiii|i'|in!'l!n.;.p lit.

Cgrns . - ed . . '.'l.ci/d <;-i;iriuu.. ii-ilii :i -isfj of i.

fl \\.-i? In luil .rtwini;' wlif ti aan stiH<i]h5il nmi::it] ttiu i.irlous

S!JIIS, with no inKiitiwi" <if !inrcb;ia-ntry.hinK. An' l:o lms&f'l a large.ilUniJy dociiruiftd stall- iiic young.

Jpilj-i sc-itsr !ie!;t:r:i.'ii him. "f f iu ' i jmibuy a elsarettt! lioliler, air?" iilHj'-asked. . -X'o, thaiik you. I <Jon'ismolte." v.aa .tlie curi iei:)y. "Or apen wiper worked v.ith mf owii=

:haEds3 r ' '••I don't, vfrlw." "Then do-tave ' tSIs liice-liiix o t choco!a!R3." j'l 'don't 'eat sweets." T!:e" young1" iajlf's

i . was eiLau?feJ- " "Sir." ~?.he-said STiraly, '•will you 'biiy this boi.of •''soap?"' '. '•;•--..''• • . i : ••-. .

•The joang n-ar. paid uji-' - - '


A silly .inair.is easily eonTineed thatbe. possesses raore wi=doEi in oa^ daythin the !ate i ir . Solomon did i i : ai r

s toat Tw:n Fails.

IconvejaiOD; committee; « v . ,» -«^ . 6nd- »11 Brings Relief-in Wa.lPapers -are Sled «lth- the secretary R e f e j ^ ^ ' 1 ^ r e g r e t ia - -

St.1 j or state dissolving the 'SeahoaSl coni- i w, ., f - a t

2 . i-pany, .-n-iitSi was incorporated in Xew.j-^"^' 'JrJ.ee}Osborrt Nan-.es Good Roads Dcieg:• t ioi : . * .

• Gov. Osfaom Itas gained I'oe IOUOT?:- I'irig delegates to the National~^Jobd

• Aatotnobile association, to i.-e h«ld at { -The Sagshij.CotEeciitat. of t t c At-:WasUJn^QB. Jan: J3 sad 17:.' A. F. ilaniic;flee: hereafter...wiU ' he -icde--.'Pecii,i.Dctrcii.:'B.-Jk. Skae, D.etroit; ] WEder.t • p£ any division;.: icsiead oi

F. C. Warniiais, Graad Rapids; Edwin; v " - ----- "

S. George::Detroit;-V.", W-.Todd/.TacK-so.n; ;B.'.F.Clcielar.d, Jiurisa: Towns-end /s_ Eir, l.aBSinjr. .••;

at the pas's'Eg_;,or t i e

. -. - shore, and nearly: dead from 'exposure.: •l"acfco'Sncnts2-i:helIo!irii.O'-iiSSc her 1 Kncifoj.and .Snath/wbd liye Jiear'New '• • • • • - • " • • • --• '- .. . • j Baltimore, started.out in qujst of flah : =

Tic te r bay.;.;They- choppe<l holes1B.@. in ti'eVice^aud^ placed "their-Jiufts wSes'

' ' ' '•-- J ^- 4" a heavy yest^^Vina came lip' Sid firofe^ri ieamltso ' iSrcwt. ; .1-1" i. .'-- : th«" ice froni^he T>ay into'the lake.Potatoes—^Cz'r lot. ^.rack; S ic p«r by • ^ -__ - - :

in bulk aj?<l 'Jtfc. hi .sacks per bu. j ' •• •: . " : - . ' . _• •Dressed Foriitryrr^etiickens; -15^14c: : ' lpEiiantn—rEIiaer Davis , ; .* iaxm

haadl. was bnrned to death andEdward. WJarB narro*-ly escaped' the

yzc:"So;- 2.chickens-, 10c; hbns;:ioi:;- X6. ^!.-3anie fate" in rescuing his Klfe andJ - -"--• ^.^—\ii»hr^i. -i%i^-izisnTn-f SOTI_ ! mil«c east. of. this citT, was desi


"The cGrmnHtee --appoiiit^l. >>>;. , ' tbe•'•Miohtgac KeVTeratioa of Labor" to, -ii::

dffe h ' i

!>;ibiic:3t. yie siavy;. de'parlraer.t.• . .Secretary-pf'ti7e .• Interior- Fisher

.autiorize'rt: t ie .rejUatusitics service • ;oaegotiate- "lor" -1.hr .iijtrchase oj" 'Uie

• The' Michigan ....Fnrieriil. r'J3irectoi=,aid Etohalmcrs"..' :i's£ec;?.tior, Jield. ;a_•mee"iiiig"a;. the .Hotel :UrIcsd«n.;FUn'^

Creek as 1'a.vorme -the oil! In

after.t!:e.ficath- 6* Mrs. Say.

his "sleeping" wife .and rclaQdren.'. and

Js" pror!in ' t i s

pyitjed i?y- al:e : '^apti-trust;sum:loJ;!?531jiJ3?.0S. • : '.'-I ;:Ji.-'-i-:• :••••' Califoi-Bians jjre" in :3.=state"6f-panic

. over the nrospeet of : the ~api>ea"rance' ;pOL-tin'&--:P?.c5jH«-coast b? i i ie ' dreaded;

to : afijojt. the county' rc'aas. ^ y s t 'The ypteAvas.lO.to32, y/ith ;f.7p-3ietn--'hers absent'-. This ;i.s,'ii.c. second S i e.tbc'Supen-ispFS haye.denierd; the", ejec-tors; permission ;tp; say":; \r tat ' theyvrant..-"''i^he .cortEsit Ge- wlio ^vent ovef.-t i e petitions; asKEgja rcsutoaissioh.^Ibie Ibcai' optipn"'j>i-oii6'Kitipq-:r^p.o tedsalKcicrit signatures'anad:a:.resolution

.rapidly- dsstroylagi the ^rujt^prderin? a'j-oteJat.;jt.he^Aprij;. c

T h e . ;" V\ '••.


is fulfilled if you start.the meal with. F .

:bits cf tpasteci cornre.acly tp servfe ^<iir

ifrpnj; 'tjie k^ i f e n c f sugar.-

: :-:-" . '.•,- '• •': ' P e o p l e ^

-.-"The"; Memory'"': Lmgef$"


~™° """^ ' di* df^tbe jifgfiti.iootla t ie '_?—'-—•*•:fevefjfffefn's -'it cbntaioed .oi.Vyafue;janft• tb'eii- set it pn 'fire.'.i You,;see: jve tiaye"no .rnen.,'foi^s ;iiere\.'except^-two,"n'fi;gr'Ges, • • ivfep' 6a.ve; clu hi- to" :iig; -'n e cause.tbey .'were'';" so 'aged 'tbey-r.were""afraidto leave^jusi. ma'n;rh'a?.Editn...'2iiy''or'd

.;ar^:-Vp'afc%;;^itb'-.a. caVairy e::\ tateiu's afl js'ortJi.-.-l aa-suirc we shall

In TsJ?

-•• ; 3 i o r e £ S ;cc-umT>3 and Crslfi:USsp&tcri'eK. while V

• o? tfce'Xortlr aretfeftJ>£cl ter": tn a- hul -arid.-. ,. Tbe£

sc- it-la

._ -~1 BSwflfc- Out WlftIT: SreiinsinT.-• «.iRSc!erii

.Beyond.';> .^"J:carne;'opposite, an open-:'ing^leWlnjj'• 1'njathfe arbor;/!rsuaden4y;;


so fiercely^for/th'jS'ShebaB.aofhr ft_ nab.b & ^ f e i diy..J;5;-ja^Jew,scouting


; ^ r p ^ y £ e~a&' sbwfi Jtbe/-iaiiiJ '-.T.l'

. ::r>It" was. fset-pld "<Jaiis.civil Strife'

; iiipqn ; <Ser-

to fear:"

'." "Surely ,''--sa'i&\ a familiar- vqiee,:""

' -Shei'.lcfi" pot^so- much"as' <SeiEC; -to:l'ock agJiiii^at ,eitb.«r; of us.;cut as"'stie-iubvedjsiowiy" oat of sigbj^Jiss-Minor.turned^ind Ipciied liitoVmy face wicuquestionias 6£eS :. Wh?t .she-^ mayna?e read there. I know not. DUL- sfee-sanir^bacl!- upon ji... bencb.--arjd burst-int6'-;a:.oie~rTJ; pear .of laughter, rz~ ^Isn'f' U":pertectly ^ndicuiousi" sirocfiea^'as r£'opn:~as-"sne -was*.-'abie jo.s'pbak. "Only bdo. tiope'she -vron'ftei;A r t h u r . " " / ' ' • • • . " • - • •

:' " ' " • ; . .

in Jier honor;.r.brAugn'i ciit some, of.'"tier 'ae-.v gowasjovshow:'to, tbffguests.-;- l-icking up a6eautiflH.:aflk eteatida.fsie :iiew it up

. col-lege for the Cirisctrias_&oHday3'-aE<ltke old fpiksfwerfc £a"viB.g-a recsptioa


jiiag -fetier:

wrissd tfiiiJ-'Ea

. < ' • : * - -

•C^- ;^-lrr}poMffSitp';iWdaf>srs> . i .-.-. *Eiarniae caT'efully: .every5 bottle .ofCAST OS1A- £kki e'and^s'ar^remed? ior.-.•: | CASTOHIA, d s i f

would-ieavei'';v"i-"• iVIs ^ j

:;;.."jviiy5 ceuainiy';' d6-;yoa iitbw tier?Isn't, sb'i_.a'|«ieflshtfui';'pid d«ar—:Just

jas.spoa:a5'.a;ibini".i'r' >-. :••'.•:• -;: =.r'iri^toia^barid_":fs*vftllr a i y ^ a r t y i ' ^"Jed—really?:: Wi-y, da-ypu.-:feip-i*;atriaf^baa-.g'of ;ft:fata beV- ifead thati ha3 "run-ar^ay .(roia "faer.,.\ 1 ;sh6iiid

.saypve.. tfe|; vfifjSesS-" tkeir-";meSClnK: :!t.;*ouldJb%-.JpibstV Interesttn'gf:" Biit • JO;J

:.:^.Detetm'iiied jtlia't?.3 ~': wouFoV r'no£- ;..be-tempted;•":\r. yet.-,Besirifted/; a i d my. \i-vacious ..eosi panics &o ever-ylMng-t'or'sraatecl at once .'"•'.'" '•'•-_-'- '"Ob.--befc:-e s e -go in.."woii't. you tlo


For ^p'j'w 3.0Chiidren,Crj';for1?ieU;h^rs..Cas"toris: "

,. i t 'a- woman. :still'-JhW "faith 'in; 'her *. ._ ,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'•...• .'/-.hiTsbihi after reaimgSvSar tlieppp<>....She glanced up: at. me... her-Jor.s \imon:^ys)iT }nni;wb^r<imiins (oi : -iphes- wet 'biit.,aerrdarlx. eyes, spa?*-.! o f l j c e .>e r loyiaty; is the «Sr tfiifig. {: \ \

'.Blessed,:is' iiie.; seasbii;; vOh.";she', .woa't care so Jtar "as you%ve^bdficerned/'.^beTexclaiibed^fcdif- ^ g i j a e wbtrieiwbrld'.iii'a cbcspiracy•?j?F,«?.u.yr'._:.-:. ut;_ I suppose ^he. will j . ; 0 . . iOye"'!--Kamiitoa*VV'dght Maliie;- '

i f learSe'd' :tt& truth- . ThV'riu.ri qt a^b.urri.'o -.a..cat: stops wiiea '

. got- tSe-wor£trtif iV-rOB,"°bapta№Wa^he, -is^mi'I ba1r">li:::nif3e3.:'upT- t. . ^-VfSmaW, ike. '-•


caSnqt..beip believmg iis* bbtli,1

know/'sbe would be so -cpld .-and:''!


' j tecioa; idap.^ds. ^qw "sis'!..drin*t'"' trow' rniicb Jcbut.; wjiut's a-' 65ri' 6u Iri^tbercput.:u-i^t's .a

tirer iiss3 "r

n'l rio iiIiEtaUoJv. thct's a !'ac.',. i^ e r : Sines _\vd u

.TeiTs-iiafVlibar jisli "tij)ii3es IeFt: tbarast'wi&e ftot tiortb-?; Rorl.er :fior oBtp

, crtVjilry; r.iids. an" v,;Tini-tb'e uliiG-ijfiliie^

•?.'hncitr:rs wjjied up cs I;1OHII ts.a.«I:jl«.• -"Du'tu Win cfow"-.vii(:ii'f:starvi3tcrfc<iealK

' irli tiler- valley- ricv/.7.. \Vhy,: <NIJ>, 'iboin. , ihsr ilBscftcrs.^ih"" sich .triqji. Ii; or"

R«inS?fl[i .uow':till tluiy're liii^-iiy nt U; -nrj army, iiri' IbeV don's.'sliynr for imili:. . In .ips'.ncr a r'c^'rrjcnt. !.I sen tnore ti'ir., Ji" hriniirrrlau' nftv- fn'frht? 'nincb.' up.-" flij -thor While ijrlnr t\yij vviolr ngp. nil"

^'i^yro. \vurnc .pi r a. parcel (jr.. i if rat en.I tfeoitmj flis'liow'fhoy, Bor'MaHnTj hut

v l-'il lict ahf< KlV-'rm n not ol' ti:nr> <ifnrt1

:. 'Uuiiinnl at Ijtite' i"'l<ile of nfr.ilra t:;. • tnQ-[iorUi tind. w<jii't. of our defeDufug

-Jlnes had already'reatrhed lno- iudGC'-l,• ^^-i^Priflcatlon liad .Formed par!, of."iuy

^lsiructloni; bu! Ilungay's honielj' yet^aprilo do«criptfon aiadn'the Eil|i:Ulonnpnoar terribly ro.-ii. am! iny <!iouj;ht

' -went Instantly forth to thoio I know1

•wjia might ,-ven tln-n l:c rCxposoU lot i l s gtojlt :ir.d .ur.?\prcto<l

: / . " The

bnce'sheiferevi her; v.-rfuid jeiirn if-.pos-filbie/'ii.^siie v.-3sJ;yet='-:tlie!%;^ T h e n —",eil,, ifr flie bphiJaEo'f'f . p "lipped" >{o'rwhat ight i

plipped" >{o'r.-what i • iiajpeb/; as

'.it' uivs't Lave- Seen twd c'ci'p'cj;:' * eb'ad baifi23;rt.'ar bcrKes, I-re2!e.tnber. an.bqiir1 previous^ .arjd ;tbe Serjre'apt bsdenjoyod his iioouday siesta.:ib^ijcattiLUe Ehadc^DF a great busii 'beating pufcpie lilQEisriis. *;Tr-.e'r'baU we .bad behii' f

•traveMiig • since :carLy--"Triornjrig vrai:n^ |•is?, and : qut amotii;1.'graat- trees., arifl !croEse'l awl ' tccroraad tlia lilile.stream \Ciilleri '(lia; Gqwekiji -.uhiSL. I- al.njqs(bought .i>.c boil lost cur..sr"ay-.:-"W« met '

"Vitii ni> onjj In all-Mi'u long i!3)"s rid'in?, pot even j \ . t tray nepro,.' nn.1 ill-dfcd it...wis. t-oino liourK Bacu' we, bailpaii.^ctl 'a' h o i i ^ of nuy-lciinl. - K':rjvlnGtbe t>rot}lv !:Ghiii'l us vvc tcllmi sio\rly)\\i a Ir/ng hllf. Kr.;l iit '.ho lop rini.(;oy;

•'C:ai.',-' be r-nid. .''I h":it-tri < hcjr Siin')r

Tbo y o r y a l u b t of it Ju Uii;,di:itanco

IJJUC4!«1 wt l i ; back^fA'oin I lib roail andtiimniit, lil'lilcn froiji elRhl by (Iflo.Irtr^ri : t rees an olttrftEJjionPd, - -hig-roqmnd* b?jiiKe :it-lt>oUdd: In,.be. builtiLlter-Iho cplorilal-fype.'a wii^c yei".ind_aUpon Uifeii. aldrs, wllli iiuteil colnmiVsr

Co s-upport.•"II.it n't no sfgri's CJJ fe

: i of any irmiblft- hayin' "c^ri:very ranreplipn or l-.'ditl, Urro- j J f d s ! l j l l s,<H,- l yp h i s


s l j t e w J ^' •= " -.U"S .\s uip.se .1.3 ityony. ro^niing over UJO: i;cs.cciu!

-l-fet:l could never rest untU aftWed "homebody ter bum lav. Trro£ her snJe.ty, and since my "order

_Eranfea me full n-Jibority to. prolong

'. i klu seeriet l [linr^^ •

y eyes

my journpy, I mlabt ascertain vrliuiber'jr t>or, sLe"3'et rcniainstii wiLhin" thevnlley. . ... - . >'•-. "icO" I asted, my mind-San.Uy sfet-!

ter bum ..lew. Trr- filercliirr.Iey I.1? u HmoKiii*.1-':. • '

Of eourrsc. now I \ca"s tlsorc. i n e ' o a l j .sensiblo thlua for/rue :tc.-dp wouldbavobtifB to ride openly iq the ,-Tront ;door, acd .iiy.'s learn all I desired./ But-j

man who loves. v;bo is

. . . . .•Haye tbose=feJIow£ Sot clow.ii tbat





1^ •:>A

eoncocteelos; ani l t toa}d ;

cur erplaceivi;'

"*ith i l l fbe'scard,s"Ue feit.il ties;Be5ide?..j't v:"ss clcsr' l.bcre wa$

" cciilt! do, to aitiow E;£rfi.'^. ait U

'- "I' J Contrary Human Naftire. '-._Peop]e ;reeai;-ta &r,d it easier to bo:

kind tfca.ii Jto T?e genii!iie3y-a;)preci'ativaof 3 ivIinincEs 3oi!G tlicin,' -•

;ntrii-'jier.". . « ; * i » H -As tb he tb^re - o r t - ^ - ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ &

(our;;! in in^ir^coiuiTinj


.d-we oftii^joi SJIO; it. T e a . d e ofVi'isiT'J №1 ,a>i<j you vj'st can't .

' * :

^ & . ^


0 ^



V ' l - . -

cerve failed '-.'vie • She J Was ^ttie i•'wife- of 'another.- 1'could not confess"!

j a r yeir •."Wai. I

jTiiifc*' i"er -s"HOW.IOE

V t S e y e ? " •-.•

• • • • ' . • - .

reckonvr-a. capig; would

" 'Boat two fiars,• -T turhiyi and lob

rot . jut,, duru t£-i." - - . '-it take us. to r.ac'ch

i - • • ' ' ' " • •

.i-reskqa." " "-k'ed a t ':c3v' jnen in


"po;_ycu Net See? THis !s Captain:

.you only; Testerd^j'-

L-^fe:_r .

! t<ir: i.-iini

""-liiil. V-

i! vindication"*y p! (rue }IA

Ss'otbiijg .pleases E.onie Ro?!e mpf»han tiui biip.orlTiriity.. U>. eprerVd bad

: i ' lcrs vu:;rL> iri>"<? TO I H D A I S-HICMUCR rjrl-'rf>ry^l!ia; l jil-i ir.rn-i U d=j^. fJj-;.

>Ki;jd t.-ri->ro 'be best tor <:fnc;a'rnsn to

d- In* ' w i l l .Kfidri l

c;j«.»r In a^iiuri?K.-». U!.il_ ^^£' 1JV Mj1 rftct

?at. Ills own word*3£<»; liis rtiijTitHe.

p- Kvmp for f'hil'Jrpn

*.: "Losl—A 'a'ttifinil! ir.lni:for It 'Is KiJn

nirtVn lm:rr. «(r^. 'i'licr:- is no r<^


CD d i - .

i'J aorcctiniL'fi tbo ' f j r i ' j father , 'or'-n yon'iip: inrin tin? SUIIIH?, wliea ..

aan't tlnvliousrr IIL- wanted. :

-"i.tiit. I ivirli y/jil lf> Min l Arlliurj"" •b-V)!!;'1 lliinlt nut, MhiM Minor. ! f«i)le.'»rni fv!>»n<lali!|Ji.f:Vr UculWniint Cnloi).jHit \ni! vrv.'ir Uirrnrriil ltnlfoniiB. flci'v#ilnil; r..iltltco-nt ftn;5i>, and n in<ii>tl»jcicro.': lid.lft S\lth ."orniiiil fortcB behind

j us,-' wouurr.atiir.'illy bav-' lo li« ahos,-I illii onn. l l r w j v r r i l i o I.U-uitnuiu iiiid | .- oSn.v«>SK"1 , - - L TTinr l«KA.\A'rlVlC .

I rni^ht con^init- u> a iclniial-ary trncc. , 11,1. !: R hj>o .,f IE. WU!:i surii:i'ior utihor. ,\l:ijor Flreminn.' | onr

w,,w1il_ not lik,!y prove cf the *.-irr.« , , f yQu ,..ua •„,;,„.. t l ! c № 0 yDa , u r e #

trv to Kivti liio fjric yau ia:iror..

«»SK"iinswio<joixtNi-:.".ATI VIC JI1U."IO <>1~1MN'K. lx«,U for

( . i tuy*; .- l:%-a t h e ^cirrid

••fiirr,you ^[ji in

] tlGtir^ard, I *iert:i.i::ly cuiisicftfr it be*!.." I T •! q^d 1 lie:.] oui jiiy liand. "-"aureiy'wo I i S •...art-as lnM<ls, 'and.J " ^ y :a«,,e t!,ar.'} ^

1 yon ^ i l l , : n t L T « l e m .iy b h a l f ^it l ; j1 yon vrili;-intLT«-.le in my .liislia'lf5!rs.'

. . . ., . i.sperilinig^.abo^t .you only; yesterdaj.! bad'vcEturejJ to come to be? m love'.-1 That is, I was, Jfor really ;i do. not re-

She' osr: u]»

dicblo*jf5; •"•• i T h y . of c o i ; f i y ,1llioifi h I den't siippbse £dui i'care3~ vc-sy much, l.ut ?he l;e!ierTvpuld"bs hig3i\$' proper to l)e phcI. don't ihiek. she 'lilies yon EO

Why; You're Tired-^Out of Scrti—Have No Appetite.

CARTER'S UTTLE-.DVER PILLSy.-iirput you risht jin "a few days

T h e y do,,tiajr duly^".Ctp:eCcri>'

sfiriation..'See what 1 mean!'" A»4 placing one

| _• "TaSe your veer, dqnn into, that bol- i tnaSe-jj-ou )iosKirelyl.vam

"K6v.;,"-she. ca1d, smiling"; dowb upon i ic-?xad i.i; every cherished /'hope.- 1-1m<>, "please jast haid- ui'e bere ror -a i"str"ode savasaij. dqwc:tbe lqfe hi!-' and j : ,'"i

ura tbiisiend-.";-'- • mounted niy hdi-si.. 'How rougbiy for- j'

' - c ie group bad. taken xfce preccntJozijto S i""i vj|] -; » (j,••* tuildi a fire. Tbe "sei-geaiit -lay Sat j '"'I "sbail-''iVjt

upon bis back on,a grassy tpoil.:- • l-mpris tiaG-arT'Tioar. so .•.: ."Efcers." I said siertiy.. . -..:."; . " i mea f*: sfrSg^'": '" •

_'•?, " He arose ppaderpas. aid'.ca'ffie -for-j. ..'".rjof -is:-it. "Captaia.- . ward-n-iti a^deciaedly"baiting gaiL " .I <ieni air.oyer," : .-: L "VosI .E6nj.."ior2" i e asked;. . " ' "^ "Yes." 1 .«aid.:;"I-!want-'j'pu to Save. ffledien; getiieir.sayperat once, as we

j ^ * -TStaii:te obliged to rids a good^portion'' = o£ tiio nijb.t. IGet the TGen td tteir

slipper: We snall^o on izx as" bqur."-;

•Hov; often' sfece ..tiave i smiled ar' i t e expression up.on his'su'.eknii rcuml

:'. .;?2C9" a5 be turned ntefuiiy away.'

scarcely dcob.rier^.fn

As she fellboth arias. For

ly,. be- sbEeat. j vrarit to talk a.*x> t you 1 am competed [ rnoraerrt sfce lay. ipar.ting^Lad Ktartled'-sa't perrai; the !;tp go to. Edith. -She hasn't power to hou 'niy breast: then, asiwitb a litrj'e

'tune bad simeied rae;.io be sure.':£iidb.QVi"- extrerpeJy small -the insp:rauori-ileft-' 'Well, perbaps 1 deserved St for'ever 'Bcrrcittirig rcyself irr iqve ' one |sylioni I ksew to tpe t ie wife" of an-other. : Doibtless she. ba'a ^sehed upor:tbis slight pretexx^ to;.t.e'nd-of Die.•

vfas^ak-e.sulv- rejciCLng .'over its ^'"• : .-.-.. '•; ; : _i;.stqp nie you Snow...bat' tUn sure I j-^lacsTisbe diseagageil bertself Iroa-m-yV t i i l ' .br-^it i niust bore ber a-.rfiitiy: Arid tben to .j embTac^. u;e- stood tlierc band in ^aand jaj. ; .;•" ' . ' -;j:th"irik that :\vheh you stood there just | asd: face to" face with'Edith" 13r«nbah. i^i

• I rode-;dowii.. alone icto the. ibicfc:; n.cw, and' i: saw your graj; tuiiforn;^ ! j^Sbal l I ever forgot ihe "look wiUun ]'; !n tny agitatiqn I iorgot entirely t&6 !wcoiis ac-'ihe" foot of t ie bill, and dis- sctcally thought -<;tne guerillas tari j ber eyes.? . HOT.- plainly I saw it, a!- ; p'resepce of -Maria BcLgray at tbe i


An • Embarrassing Situaticn;: .It, -was well'iniq tbe .third'day vrben.Tr^rajiie dp-!>'rii!ito tbe" fertUe jalley

h d f a u

been", discharged i r o a t t e : became rnergeue rear, in-bqpe of••j from Vviom i "rrji.?tt

to tb.,2>.rrreat :ibo"ase' abd its-in'raatss. .'.-Ir. ^ras a' siigbt apw-ard -treod ofland I. had1 to traverse, aud altbougb

-the house was a oast sightly .object

at the fCqwskln..- It had' pfoven an uu-eJeatEal ride tifos fkc £or »'e had ibef

adventurts and bad obserreffof coBsidoratlo.B torn.


apd ;stood QpoD t t e very summit of theT t i o D ; y'ai". jso..'ssurrouaded" was it

tr.ees, bqtb Jrnit:'ajid!or!iarSehta!c.I was-enabled to rcafcro-bhriltUe p't'itsSituation; until'-.I approached tip out-


-wstb" no1 oneL- noircould/l':;pe'rceive any negroes aboutthe. Blava.quartern ! Yet ibe;placevdid

- While constantly observant of tliose not i>ear. t i e appearance'.of-desenion." ppfntg regarding which, I bad^beetf dis-1: f iere were liprses in tfee.6tatle.Ja cat"f^rtcried, .toy.: oce. 'overaiacteT.l^.j.was- curied !iis;:on.^pud qt Lthc ,--.-;.tik>agSt:during.atU iiose fcours "was thejf door.. steps, ;MqV empie'= contlbued to"

• jpvssibility of. a^slriinreeting.witb Edithjj.pour iri'.a- diil! y^ilow^cloud. J r 6 m tbe-TA-cTinof.!.^^ -r«v.i-ir,« •/if':«™vii''iMfet"J!l'(r.igjjg^'';'^jijj1I,gjrJ .;:A.ltdS^tlier^Aber©;

:! ajice''.'& 4'Rr.1 "Her sreet ins .of me In-. -trJe~'FederJaL); hospital" had-:"been._,.6oli

^vfeetiy gractons". so: marked -vitii. te.O-

.i'-'L'llrS^,v.'ords; and.oy.en 'more.qf tbetlooiv;''':.-ifjiich .accompanied; Ib'eiii.- -bad-,so .re-;

i 4 " * l i ^ I i 'r.l.:.lvqr)ged tp^eacpuilMr Ber.\agai!i.;

,was: mgcij:1.in " t ie . sH3a£ioijrto :pusitie,ever.: aad'.!'i: no• iqnge'r. cegre{tcd;:lb'st-.i•ha{S;e"xer.ci£ed':£'6rjie.caufion';.in iny ap-

: ;Tbe!orcaard. withgarden;: iajc. bet ween'the bouse;acd. t teitobie; 'pwVected -j&y} a"'towvfoace':Gtitoble.; pwtected -JSy'- a, "iqw- .foace Gt;•wblteneSi:! pisk pts.; fj; Sol .1ar: as} t; cqula ]obserive: • ii':contained"• do.'occtinanOanc.jbspCTe,. ii' conteined":n'p'. occtipanli^ano.

rug! quite. strbD^ again. .Mrs. Brenuan. j sot.; see? This is Captain \Vayne/' Golfer's Chorcli, and ^ had no desiretlen, is. st:U with yp

^ l " J " L 1 ! t "- "Oa, .y^s;; -we .nare;"bhen- her* all f inclined ter head.winter- long.'..-it lias: been:'so"durli.; for !• ~"i rccbgniied Captain ^Wayne." wasVeally' notbiEgfhas bappened. .and tbe.' ber calm answer; "and regret greatly

d h t j i " I t ! i W UW

;"Sbe tamed toward "ine andsligbtly. to-.meet titem.. They we'rje- a p r a a c !

- . _ jrcrniac:]'. KUI.T-3 "<Ao»• -^?^--S^-ttat tlie naxatMir o . «ettUT.s

,^,x--s>-& ..- 1 ltj . yvestrern- C'rh.-wTrv -froci&~kTs?,iS*$/*ZA t"lie: C S. "sras GO n ^ r cont"| ^ | p ® yr?v!5jrcHT?10 ""^

• liic.Ir land one ct tlie

Veally n o t g f s p p . . . g gvalley- is quite devoid of-inhabitants tiajing"Intru(!e<i ujon.Wm. UWs:—exen--tbe,negroes tSvey;one buating .ifrely. uninteniionai. and 1- • Ua-x

s en-

freedom.-!'Eat idajor Brenoaiiandi could not bafeTspefcenat: tnatare!tq. be :bere,:t5iis atterapen.

which maflc. matters even -worse tnab

Errand of rnercy^ of lar srehtertance ti£an my. rSvenge: " • : • . : - :

i" As. we swung aiops.tbrousri tfife'neayily.:

: timbered'land fripsitig .'oui | |road,! Bnngay• pressed bis mule.into a j ^

.Wot'and'finally succeeded.in-ranging-up st nij side-• Even-. In piy distnrbec ;mental condition I was ainuEeid-at Ws.unique'.' style .of .riding, -altbuu'gb'" Iwould ;'xi.Gt!w-ouriyi bim-by laughing. .: • - . • • ' • . : ' = " « • < > • B R ' ' b ? '

.- " '.'ry Wonderful .-Liickj- ...... ; 1 ; ; .• .RcoS—TaylPr: -was always ! i ; r o m :.pats nian." b i t doesn't- if aeeia "woride>.';

his liick snoul j ' s tay vritb.hrv:tp.tb.e': Ralei.ih—-How ^-Sas

!?ornedy {h© prompf;.rx5lli9f: 61Hay Fever; ""• £&if."yoiir(t :tW;t ibTTOESJlBPCS



Beco&: Nar&vilte, Mich, Friday, Jamuwy 12, 1912 _

H K Nortbville RecordNEA.L

itrtfi—' -CO.

NORTHVILLE. Ir. ilmd V[-«. Henry Jam«a have

Purely Fcrsoaai.

ayonhawtaiioni. 01 »vi»tfagAa Indepet <lert Ne^pioer PurOiihed49977 ^Wiy isornlnK bj "hc Rccorc _ -*•> —-r •*• — —» -— ——• —TJ-tater>, a i Nor[h>ul«r M u M e a r and Secord Item Bos in the iio»Tnfi» I••tared at tbe Von u n i t P»*i office i

Practical, progress \e cie^n fiesnHJtorou^ and rel'abte Vothirg inter-ttoma! published ->.it ea ir ot be ppr

fo- re! jof rta^o

Ten** of MibnertptloE—Ont >»MtJ>» ix iroo'lis 50c; thrc* inon " -st h , \>o re-w subscribers 25c tn ad

}/ Single copies. Sc.


Honk of Petrnit w«* avlaltor YWOsesaav

Miss Haze! VaaMcfcel x.was tbe-gi-est of 1 etrcilt friends butuJuy

i has Htumao has TStnrned iroma visit wliti: relatives ID KofcheiteiT

Jv-srMlsa I lillan Kraniittof Plymouth

TlMud Mrs i(i ton- w hite Wedces-day

Miss Lottie White flaked herb»otber and family ID Detroit lastweek _ /

Mrs P W Kem'ilc!.' <>f Pontlacsp^nc Thursday at tbe U i m e o t DW trafr ~ u

D \ Dn'fte of Detroit hpentSunday w!tb~hia s'ster, \Iw John

Costs Wow ta Educate.The township taxes this year at

•fit. on a thousand valuation Is apretty high figu»e The laTgeTjsortloo ot It <»bojt one halt) 1etehool tax In the last twenty f\cjttu* the school tax ail over the

coaatTf baa been Mmplng up like a J M , 6 a £ ( m h M | | I f t r ^,sitea M r 3

•vUA cut ana tbe end Is DO wbprej \eljle Coffren. In Pantia,, a shortnear Tc eight The school vopula t'mejpast

Uon, at least In tbcountrv placesJfc co greater than lfc was then and

tke p-aptla are getting ~1!alese valo&bie sSuiraMoc than theyikJ a quarter of a century ago Theteocbie is there are too tnanv fufls<sod frHls being crammed Into thepoplUi and v. hen tuey (i lit schooltfcsy have a Mnatteri'ig of eieiy

1*1 Dg from deep see to living

i3Is6 Elizabeth O trauder spenrSunday wish her sister and familyIn Derrolt

Mr and, Mrs Link of Poatlacspent Sunday with Mr and MiaK \ Grant

~JIr and Mrs '1 G Richardsonretnrned Wednesday from theirv\ estern trip o-

Bert Temple f! Cnrd-well Moatbae been visiting hie aunt Via H

machine c ilture and rorealcomi)lotf | B n - e s > a n o m ^i n o w M g e 01 a w thing that reallv L U™. ^ ' a t a t h Kar MMted h<r

.daiigbter, lira A'tert / a r j at U n«t« tbeui for fhe liotfle of ilfp And yfborreienti-

i ateon ofMrs JOnt. Is vIslMog hla iiotlier and

yet tbe earn aflon ib roBtlne ai oattwli_e as much as 5t rjld thec ^otni.nl the 'eaJ'na: business -uen 01 thtj sister at tlie Kai Jo^a liora"day «aj iLt Ir'lln \TI11 be tat out J P r ° r John Loitllir of" Dtfrol"

o! the country and <ll)i

nnd Fntc'lsb, "irlUimcti' J

anil pcogrn[!\ will lie ton ftroni, esprcifliun. (hi.

Tbi; faxpn.Tpr_B are pnvlng a 'grotty"yomjd'; fifrnrp i$24,0iJ0.« =yc!ir').: Tur-?lirw (•(i'mifj-. Midi I iin1 •vfiyive' duty',»L livinl. n ("mft o ! Ibi- j i i i ir , mK>mS t o

ijc t n - i m r "Hia iijihllc j)ri'>« . t o (vili

p/irh iitlifr" llnrw. ,\ n C>('CIIUVF;

^cHaf.m fnr u r a j w wpiililJ.i.. ro.irf In

auDt Mr i>fin Mix (j \A ' raft\lw ' i Wnrmrnf T/Llrult HJ cnt

Iwt rr'(,)iT tioti -1 >tunl i\ -\Nltli ner

i A lazy iiver leads -to; ciirom'c ilya-'pspsia and consriifaiion—vveaUsGs theHbojg nysfpra.; • Down's It^gnlotis (S!Srbnts piji* li)>xj..correct iho liver, '.one.Hie fitorii;ich; c;iro cormSfm;ioes= ' . .

-li" rrpmr.n vrlioppr-nks (|f(irn pcf-«;(inal kmiwicdpe cvis>J limp:«xperic7ic0[ vjt.,M r s . T. !I,"'!'>r"K«i>, nf tVilion, I'a^ vlui Bajr :"I kn^w fr-..ni c^pt-ni nc" tlmtt!IlifimlierVJn'

.1'ni-c-Ti3Jip I litre i^ nul l ing Inafcl \ i r halu riy (ill iT(Tt-)i;l ,

Mrs M Keyee, ot Owoeeo tbe pastweet.

Mr au-a Mrs Frank Alien returnedto thel* hrime In Webster. >* i ' ,alter a twe whets' visit with. MwUose Little

Mrs OBD >ortosand eon Reginaldhave returned -to Detroit a'terepeidlnj! the lit.lSdava nz itic homeof \1 L smitn

After bpendm< tbe holidays wt£htier par-uta, ill-» Marlon Babbl«ie"(t -iiindjy for G-eeu'WIch tone , toresume her school ^work.

ii, it is q«< p fTork, ,Chtcss'o apd hmton woold havehad very little on Detroit, To-tie*g€nta aad^t« the -airect r«prs»eiit»Uses of mamsficiurers-tJirov^ieutihecountry "Detroit s annual ~ahow is agreat attraction Th^se agents anda

* -


The Cons t ru - ton of a Special Building to Help House Its Auto S,howThrough t h i Co-operation- of - t h tCity Officials h a s N'ade a Hit l->Other Cities.

Detroit ~ sjcce~s in ite eoustnsciCK of an Annex to V\ayne Gardens

for t t e Ele%ent!i \ni>ual iu 'omob ItShow of the Detroit iufomoDile Dealers assoc 2tion o h e held Jan 22 L<>Jan 27 incluane l a s attracted ti<eattention of other cities and otbershov o-gan zatlons where space h i 'been overcrow ded_ in t he ' pa s t and i'Is not minrobable lh£t oth"-r cilie•»ill follow the e\<»mDle or Detroit ancapp'v io i ipace from ilie oTty acJ theclosing o f s 're»U to 'enable the i i toconsfne t a special bu'ldin? The annoimcetnenr <j£ Afaniser ^\ alter ^\ IIniot that a n aniicx to Vravne Garden"Tvoulf1 b« const? jcted "p-a* receKet-bv the trai 'e TI th satisfaction anao^e^ lorii a'jpl cauor« for space we-cimmpj a el\ nadt Tre>=c appl cai f-deraaiia^d o \ e ore1 tnou^ind feetiron? f i n l a 1 ; c jnla npd In th» uinp?and tLere is r i o ^ " i - t s of still b»ingan o\c7floT\ The 4t i"e \ r^cured 'noapphi ons of m n ^ makers of raotoT/ruck1; p ' e i J e ear^ mol[>rcv"ie" irdarccs^o-ie^ T-o^c miKers haxi notficiued i i n - ci;iiiiM*irfs .it live Uetci. f^In^ OTing (o the nnni ' i l oierrrov-di r p oi IVame G?rdeTia l l i c e ib i "ne\erv prospect i i n l Detroit« ttit-17

numliT ->i v^hibitors^-s ill number ir>1less ;haii e ^ h i j , ftiving rihe" sliow n*lii'e huh'.qr tho'ib'ausf /r.v..;ths liiaSinppos'dhii\'fifir.tmfz l ' lral^howB ainl a"po-Eitwni=rnn!jiti8c--(IirirEfly .next ti> thenatiopa) B5iirar,.of N c * Ynrlfi :i7hic.afr<-3n<3!ISof'(on:i. Nqr iio''!s th'fl Hsl of aiidi-;(ioniil <!x]i!l)i!ori Mr'Dtiim)) ••iixJnd<?iny b=il'i1>roinjiJvcni:iuaV"r3, ancl «1lhtli^aililitl-ii] fff.Kp?", nulmlt'Kloj's for•.v^ril !i!:<ny $aiiw in thii list ro^Tin j ;ll:r isfICI-.V i;jviMi!i." Hail the l<!.i<llnirKiiy tit Mic-hlKjiu lir.il :i luillilinf; 'of«:iin;rW'nt I''.''- In KH'<- Die one hunitrc.'!

rep-eseBtatKes. rea'ize that »t DetroiIt •Rill fce WJSkib'e to find maE>-j|0\eities'both In the pleasure car, in sfrand Wesson'' field that will'not bffcund at the optional shoves- It \%generallv realized, that Detroit set"the pace .n he m-nter of inro\&tioBand at the present " M outsiders real

{ize that with additional suace, De-troit T l1 te liable to present man^tbisgs o' mterest o tbe crjntrjlarge ~>t is doubtle's tnie tiatof the Detroit mad. cars to t tjnlv at De'r&t v. ill not be seen

national "jLhib'is *o" a year fo comeand m spite of the eEOrmoti porpo*tlons to ^iicji 'he automobile hasreached there are till not enoughcars as is eiidencd by the demandfor e^ery new proiiuct piesented 'uc-cessf-arv jn" Qoti-



For A?ed People

Old Folks Should be Careful in TheirSelection of Regulative Med.ctne I


Comforters,.. . ?1 50 for $1.15; $2 5 for $2.00;S3 50 foi $2.50.

Blankets . . . . 39c; 58c, 69c, 7dcs $1.15, $2to $5.00—Ml reduced. , ^ *

Carpet prices this week, 25c for. 20c, 30c for 22Me,45c for 35c, 60c for 46e,- 75c for 60c.

Ruga . .$1 .00^1 .25 , $l.€f5, $1.98 to $3.50Ladies'-Nigkt Robes 3t>c, 69c> 79cFlannel Petticoats, .19c; Kuit 39c; Wool . 69cEden Flannel . . l l c y dChalhea 43ic. ^ C , 9 ^ c y d••oraets . 39c, 79c. $1.15, $1.75, $2.25Lounge Eobes . . . 69c . 89c, $1.15, to $2.75



Lona In Or« Service. ISeveoiv joar<- n"h cnn? firm »a* the i

record of - n aged c»nb worker *^ho |tas jus>t d ei v Trowbridse « i l l s •Engli-nd He UegaT »orK when he v a i jolpht aTid one half jears old


w e have a eafe oepcnnabie, anoa3to«ethr' Ideal reniedv that I spartlcnlirl> adapted to the"requireaiente of aged people and personsot ft^ek uinBtitjtions who sufferfrom constipation or other I5bwel(Jleordeca- We arc so certain thatIt will rel'eve"1the8e LomylalntiS <indsrlve abeolutp satisfaction In e^crvpartltular that we offer It with ourpersoiii.1 g' nranteo that It shnll<_ost the u i r notiilnp Ii It fal'«< t'salwtantlat*- our T?I IWIP ThinrenieriT t» ca!U.d HPXDU OrderllLS

Kii«ll Orderlies are eaten juet like.cao'H.i are parJIci'larlj prompt andnjrrteMtile | n ai tinu. mav UL' tftur nil nn> tltne ciiv or nlsli' 0 ) no:

IIHB pdliirrlnot ii nnnieu. griping"XCCHKIVC li.iureui'HH, or' otber -Uh-fJcBlrjibicrffi-cti"..: Tli.oy'ttave_.» wr?.nilU! Tinl••p'smlUvo ai:!1nu upon" tfiertfKiniH with -wlilclj tliry oiiiiiR inctfiJtnct,' 'iipiJiiriJtiily o<itint; : us ivri.Riiluflve Uiiili:' upon tjie rplnxcilnuiPCi'llnr emit, of thevtrvnuttnlhii wfiiijiiiiiwfi) r<"»ti/ri! 'ilvi ' luMvvl(i<>ri)iiR'. «>•'! - ImiiK

1'hni'. r-hrii. Ky. -27-r• mlv Ht i» i i r 'Ktnr r - T i l "

,\. K sinnir,v, NorHivi

«n«l rili'iltiir

[ti-Tiil S|.;ri!.

' De!ica«el)< Expressed J

We alum a vo^cg woffian of 20 sam ,me-. *no1ias.E t«in brothor 31 yearsold. but this is. a very rnre case.—Blue jMot.it (Kan j Sun =

,0ne Preciojs Posss^sion1 b» gous cici 10b H*. jf eieiTiring

ejrteri the *t-itu o em .re—Georgeir!f<s th

The Pity el It l' I'jont &e mn" that a -aunan

•= oni ]yw to ntc^erTe her bea tyr< (ovpr^ that lie Is so c> d that

Tnc Kcil Consideration,l i e j i r j i ttune in tMs woi'ii f- not

EO n irn wbrre v.t n a n ) TH Mime ^ earc1 .g.nifig.—^UolmGSV^ --• . " '

4 R';co7d V.'Sut Ad Will hcln'>o:ioxctiange somettilng you have- ninJilcHi'l-sv.'iTil lor sohidtlilbit: i-'ou hrcVtjn'tand rta .want, • . . " '['. '••, . . .

Jf. AV. <'ojM'lahil, (af fhj'ldr^'Olilil, pur-rhiu»fd n Ixiiili! nf ("hninberlsin'ei. Ooii^hHr?in:ily for Mfj Ijny •vlin hail a'coli^-antl he-Con; ih*v iK'Lfk-wrtH rlj TIKC(1 th.c buy's cpjfiTVSV* pfin^. Is llini n"! ix-l[*r limn (o (>ny artvc-iiftllnrdii.icrt bill? Sold liy all'ilenlr-rji.

Lii/c 5tock A 5pncia!tySntisfnction Gnranlccd.

3JW, . . - • " M I C H I G A N . 'I

You no doulit read QUI- Big Aiiuounciement iu Last" Week's Recoyd.ain: Event Gqes: Merrily "On. r] . -,: : • :

ding the'^Zeror' Weather" thjs

f. •. --> All Quills ;:nd CoDiiorteri at Sale Prices.

BliV-ikwi i-toek iriust.oe disjidac-d of—some bargain's

| • • Children's Dresses at Sale prices.. _. • V "

Odr stock of 101 i-)72. Coats, mdst be .disposed 'of'

j regafdle-55 of fonner prices. :_- ; : •"•-• ' -7 "

. There is.'-al ways someone picking dp bargains at^ ^ ' o u r Lace, and : Emliroidsr\r Tabl^. '• JJ.ave . you been

.tlitre*? '" . : ' . ' •' : . - .

'•Men!s "$ 1.00-Dress Shirt«,."Libn Brand, during:

saleiat...... '.... . . . ' :- . . . ' . . . . - ' . . . . ^ ;. . . . . . . . 5 5 c

Secnre a year's supply of Bed Linens during

' j s a l e . " ' . • • • • • " . ' • - . ' ' . ; ••

The-Best: Gi-ades of Prints and Pe^caies are in* ' this sale at sale"prices.

'•'•'••\ ; : J ",! "-MEN'S CAPS!.r"" ' \ - : .'•; ^ 'e i?re disposing of pur entire H.ne of 'Capshave inadeTprices tliat.are laovinc them. .-. .' . "

i / .' Outing Flannels and Ginghams are In the sale. - Reayy . ' W o r k ^liueps.'oCte-v^uesV: '35c;" 3 p r § 1 , 0 0 '•"-•.' They .are going fist—get yours.

At'-llie "time of. going to "press there .are "a few r '• : .Men's Corduroy Coats left, .S3.50' gra:de:at ^'I'.G

.Sweaters "for..Men—our :,S2 50, "i62.7o-and $3.00 -; ' . S i v - e a t e r s i o r : . . ' . . . ' . ' • . . . . ' , ''•'-. '.'•• • .•=. . . ' . • /: , $ 1 ^ .

•Canvass .Gloves.. .. . . ::. .'.-'. -......'. .'.;.T7c.,

3Uen"s=!$l.O9"and $1 25 Outside Shirts at!.-. .'.".;.69c"

: Boys':'St:hoo5. Trousers.,,: ..,;'] 35c pr; 3 p r .$1.00

• ; ' . " • • . . , ; ; ; ; : - - H O S I E R Y . •;.'-• - - : . ; • •: .

If any member oi the:family is in need of Hosiery 4§?*';>''• .•••':

•diis;is.the place tc get ttero. ' • ' . :-" _ •

, - \

Ladies1 Cashmere Gloves. ;- 2 5 c G r a d e s i t . .> . . . . . , r . . . . . '.-...• -.-...'. • •

,-..50c Grade a t . . . - . C . ''.. ...;'.. .\ :. '33c .

".' . . Handkerchiefs. .•• - \. .. : .

/ %5 Grade at . ' ; - . . . . : : : . : - . .> - .7 fo r .25c . ;

" '-.'.l e Grade..:.:.','.V::. .v.t;..... , .. . :.'.' . l i e , :. -gzs -( .1• • . k j ^ p - - , • . " : . . : •• • 1 7 5 • v s i : « •<)

Tick .Mittens at>. •. />.".:.:.:'.../..:: . . r.?,;. . £>C p r -


&•^ J : ^

Steeortf: J$*tin1l6t MIA, Friday, January 12, 19)2.

z bowg TlrtfrScores of Nortimfle Readers we

Learning the Duty of the


le>J filter the blood te the Udnevs'

to -do this




When tt*ej fallkldneya are hlct _

BatkaLbe nod manylollow

Help tbe kidneys do their work»oan a Kiauey Mil* build t p wc&i

kidneysNorths Hie peopie endoite oor

Mrs J R Craaeon, S Center s t ,NortLvllle, ilkh , says 'Uoau sKidney i*iil!j bate U«n u"e<}lu«urbOBBenoU anil imco given ..enttre«atiafaction *. w«niu«?r ot -w>famil» wan troubled by alaratj backand "pains la ibr lulna and wbeoUuaa a K4(itfev 1M14»althaea, we Qetlfitd to gtrial \ supply was procured fromHprdock Bros Uri's Mure and theycooa broug&t relief lbere hast/eeo no return attack, o' tbe trouble1 have oeeu convicted that Doat>»Kidney 1'1'ls are *ii efr«U>e kldnejrtjiuedy. t,

For %Ale bv- aU deale-s Pvlce "iOcents Foster Milimrn Co Bnata.o Nt , sole agents for 'lie United States.

fiem-amtter t ie name—Xtoan s—inotake no other


ia the jprrningard thiee iiinutes atnight, vntn agiou TOOTH BKt'Sriard PAISTE HI I Keep -vour {eertctan and vhr» i_et us reco npieid

- EuthymolTooth Paste

for the care of joutte-lh Ware economica1 tian 3 powder or fiqu d~

kt'THYMOl T O O M PASTE w.llaccomplisr just Vfhat it \as trade forJt w lit ntaKe the tee(li white purifythe Heath and kesp th» mouth in adran healthy tohdit.on 1 nis f icdnet is 10 expari"\tnt V»e u<=e it andwe know whit Ac chin it> In i factvTry F thvmol Tc</h PT-IC c i ' i u rteeth to ni3nt._

Price, i$ Cents a Tiijje." -"V


PJiotie 2 47-J ;

D I A M O N O D A I R YN o r t h V i l l u ' s . M o J d I'.iny," ( iverj j -

jihin)! in.ii s t r i c t l y snnit:i 'ry contil l ien. '• All (nili< -,vt ae!J[ is thtf p roduc t oioor o\vn. (b icy* O u r li:iy.ujj* (f-Csl;cOws a t :il5. t i m e s :if t l ie ye:ir j ; iveS

' . y o u - a h i g h jjlafiJal-il r.{ iniSk ;it iilllimes.,'1 it Ss worth :.< few centsa rt'eek.' to kiniw what yen ;iri*getting. ' .: '


- , Ci:C,

NORTHViLLE.. Tic Cter la Brief.

George Kldd and family baremoved to Flint.

Mrs Jamas £>a.vagu has been quitetil but t« somewhat better

^telgti baUs are beard ocvaaiooal.ythese days J doaoflp goofl, too

Betd Stlmpeon deUvered for Pareona' grocery store

\lr8 K R UcKahan ftrecovertng from bcrrecentoperatJoa

Mm T 3 Henry Is *ule to be outagate after a severs attack ol grippe.

Mrs ifarv Ambler «s only efljtbtljImproved after a two weeks


COMPOUNDFor-ever lirea decadss a fa^onfcoo«*eJioldrnadicineforCOUGHS,COLDS, CKOUP, WHOOPING^OUGH. BROr»CriITIS, FAR^laadSTU?IYPREATHINQ T k


it first sijjn of a cold Quck, saft.and reliab c ihe E«e Hive on the£«rlon is theniark of the genuine.Kefeise susUtutes.

For Sat« bj AU Druggists.

Mrs Vfvron White Is quite 111 with

Mrs Jvthe Main

Sii hrarterVIO' tluli




Mttjiirre haustay n<tb

Wlliraui Phillip* unr'wvifioperation t->inrs<1<iv ( t

"s doing nlrelv

Tbe intiiia! niect'njr and binquefi at Mrs Foi t lie Vine «

s Neai e nettMr^_F B tJiUrta'tieil un

Mi .OT thelino been II! with jrrlppe the

past wet-k

The NorthviPe hlk* vrlll *rlve , t

dnncttiy pariv Jn the rlii»v £"•]<! ty*emnff, Jmi 2C

The- »no« pluvr VIB* t»i>f eart>•Tuesday morning &nd t.j tuod

3vaBtaRt, too

ThePsvcbe Ct,ib wnn ver\ plenaan'Iv3 entertained a t tbe borne if\litn l..tda BlcLardsoa fueadH-r

Ha,ve vou got Tosr Record calen |durTPt ' There e>re a l i t of u'ceone* left Better cull and jjet one 1

^petial m^etlnj^ of Mvpiric l^odct t0 t\ n' f Xuehdav evening Jim '

i>> ork In r l ^ r and iset^nd ttunl i

Mr and Mrs li G rilMns , f t I"naa.nt.ly entertained the \ieiry '

Go Hnuurl cliiblunc 1 uesdiiv evening [

1 he Hrhool of w bl< h V>r!ne Hnjrlt1B teacher hi a Deen c'ot-erl for t *nweeks ia ociounf ol the extremecold v eutiiiT

Per\Ui?n hifil In theI iiiiton tuniiK'ilp>j C'IUL-K, conaucreo

Ilttlr f^ e<1n#i«iav[i»rty for her l'ttle dmi^httr H«Koee

*» J l.iwn iman ot ivtrolrrtt thf O \ Klatlon tt#one«il i

V pubJIo 1 ilisti\ \ It snii Wi/ccurred

-e and ' H ft ood«cra 1n aueodHnceand W K (. Inatal


Detroit Auto Show Has aWord


Opti<nis*le Ton* Penade* theat Auto- Dtsters and Agents— r

' pertanie of O«troit ax Show Tcwr |Now


Some idea, of the deioiat o*~sthe \\Kjae Gardens aaa theth» tin." of ibe Fle^ejito 4.1lomoSle thow oi the Detiui Ktcmobile Dt aie 2. ascT}cidi.ioii, Jan»o Jan _7 inclusive ha-- been obtained f r<a i M.an-iiei \\ alte7 \ \ ilmot 1 <"said Hut th° ceiling jfGaTdei-b ^o ii be mF\er>one ii -ue-.=irg and asager r*»eei\cd his inrorinat oi iotne decoratois f-ho ^nl come to Detroi* IO ciriv on isot explain whathas aeieed *o

to the-first one v,to -aDJs,,in a c o n ct |-descrip ion The aboie apeliEg s'&tcord£5g to "the Biaaager and does ro

j beeai to appear In the dictionary Th,' I show decorations, "will oe \ery elabo

of tbe , t e t h l s r € a j . , T h e Leij n g w l ! l s h o ,( officers! pretty Bea'ly every^color is ine rai

afternoon, the I

NINETEEN HUNDRED TWELVEEVERY DAY of themay aid In increasingcial worthYou only have to openaccount with thispays interest onfull time.

In the center ol tne^maiiimesse »uto£T>ile vheel ^11ervlun a. dHlcloun banquet j »a iximesse »uto£jT>ile vheel 111 be

a t Cue (i rtai k \ beautltul bunting j «usp ended and this1 will be majpflair SsJ2 was presented to tbe[ protn'nent oy an elaborate system of

Mlirnri at»o lutloti tiv tiie 1'6&U in. the rear iestoons t)£ Ughts

rt r r

v^K lhlf l

1 hcru \\]l litChubb dm rdi

nda.v .ut tunl>y Oap'tiila j

iilsa KMn'Towpr IPJIfiir '[lutrnlf- wSfiere cfifher fwsIdriKn tlil«.'wtnjithu C'lriHurrntory of M'i.sic. "

ie"ijn .t'lriiidT fore !ii>r iJ.iimhicr. Mrn.'(iiiinul Tri'iit Ut.llurlH<ni ilurlnir tin*

x l ie annual mcet'ui! ol theof til" i buii_h wl'i l» hp] i Moninv)<in 1') In the" church parlorn Alar^c rfl'«"n l u t l s reijii'stfd fi" tbl"\e the inoft Iniporrat t biiBiuepsuieetl is ot the wbdlt \ i « r Oi rjiti<er» lor iiic u> uiliu veir are tolie eles re'i IUI'I t.tl circle k'att*r« artcxpei tfd t<t hrl ^ la thnlr r^tniri<incl t 'uir inouti \it-o thCHu w lipli..l*st..l their dolltr .B|..,ul.l - ...tn.prepnreit f.u n.']iort to tht; trensiifcr

At (.hla. time.-.the \\>n fecmrf^ nff.-Ti;'}by \V;Jt. .MO*!I"IT, Nor'lh'villeV.niitiiiUItirftir.iO'in. K t u Im-inrnrsU'il' to -thewiniiliiK circle ,imi then mild Bin! tii'1..ini>uey"'i|i"rirt"'l from the aulo 1H toIns, ml.i)-'! 11) fhv wlirtilut: i"lri"li"'s


wlll be *tT-ang from tbe center to ^nparts of the "building ano th» ent -eceiling mil be studded b\ electriclight" liie walls of tae b lining i\illbe eoTer^d b> d^aperv '"f lace ui a i.teitjre ahd t ie bo-ders throuthu iTill be compofcfd of beech >a\e^ T ffloo"« mill be covered by sreeii bi rlap

Tht ground ROOT OC the nvain (mildIng " "ill follow clo1-0! the decora o «of №e npi cr floor the floor being i'=o j bf <j|>t(j u t tbeco\cre<5 trtlh grei-n burl ip Sml'-? | jv.nrtb*l!lt TtDt '

I f>oi — MarkI i — ( h ir'tu

fiegal Unie-slurg a Feature•v Jistinct_ feature of the Detro t

show w'll l>e f>e appearance of the

r \ i the flr«* Xnder=lj'is toirin= "a? to 'sel' helow SI COO it i- =ni"to Tiro\e ope of the c^^f. a~ rdc^oi"1

f the eit re *ov. D*>u'er ~v>\ o 1^ rt

^een tl is inodel h 10 JJ^OI OLII r *_

31 ** rf the ce> f * offered 'or T i J

For iieop e T. 'IO do "mich ( l r n i r " (\ ioi'rf-\ roa< > t i e I dersl ng ? «

ha e prr^ed K'eai a"d ill in'e"<to pur(h?_e cait, '!i ^ca^jn ai oi 'din* fail tc »-x imrt this nc^ peiiit t e oi er Ro">i L >-!*•» i n ^

What T&ey Are Paying.V r h ' l l l ( M a r i e t ™™*tei *p to

»h»at ^lieat r««i— 1

bhelletl corn—0 <-Baled h < ~-r taa— $T3 0(1H i ^ f i ! -vc— * " oTrt-isoi Hois»—*«•«)C i t t l — * " (J> atnt -*—J' fifjB - hi i<~—a ( 0 Bi-i-f on oot—*U a i c i t In — t " <;»

I New Officers

I T h e Icillowlni? oHutr i-

and teeqh len*"* will be line alH uaon the l o ^ ' t r floor. An'.-eLtiboraKMliRlitir g •> t " m has l m n i r r jn-ea 1 i l

tbe lower .floor and for the annex.- Alocalf irm has-been K'vettlhe contiacttO'i^ecorstp' the airnes. ":. ' '" :

: 'Amoiiif tl*e nKitiiber? n f - l h t ' l ) . Ai>. A. in this city. t!:o roiritifis .wison.Is expuflcd L'O 1'e the best ever knou-nIn flic aiiti:itiQtUli; Indiipfiy. Earlyj=iilc.i"-ln _1S1^. nwxli'ls luivtj fxopfirjtiiltlmsu or"!««(.'yc-av suul 'lcmaii(l':.fc<T


air.ihi! .<4U iiiic! n(NnrliivUlryc/isH ' t l i | .

. Nj.'i clli l

i n ?::!i> t>. in.

T d l l r l . m.it'fi.Tf'l II tilii^rc!

. | i ; i in[,>t-l« (ijlit ' w r t ' h . ' ) | i"

1 iii" <it't<>Ht. n ^ l i l r i i i N n !

I <:( N o r l l i

f J i > s . ' ! - ; » - i - n l t i K - . • • > t . i " i - i i

V i T H ( ' M _ S ( ; l r i l l I n n T l i r r i l U

Sni i r in .y fs-hiiul n r u ! J ' . .

Urn iiHiiiil l u m r n . ' _ :

T J l i " : t m i ' i i j | I I M M I I I C H H l


>.\i.<'iit-i"!. ! w j

v . " . r r , j i V i

iiilyj At Ui'«;l)':"rtians" nov:

' lh r 'fsitMis cif rolil :i jrr<*:n <l<-• fur In Itiis

IJ Iv.-^.Iaaiert.U. ."Paliiiur . ~K = K . - ^ . . . 1 . ' B f a u i : ( i u % J

<JI"jd. K x * - [ ) r . 1 \ i i . Tijriii.-r' . 'Imp - i f n . )li MOKIIIT. "

Merit'—S'uhwcl Mu!>?<№ : ••M.iif. \ .—Tril l ium '-iiirjirtf]

• \§Y ii. of ij;'"—Archlf Hrfi'i'nKr.i'tiri XI. ijf i | — ThtuniLH.I'leviiii)!!.-i'"nl>-.i: C. ISUL-MI-.V . "'''••

: ' No. Limit 1c Itr, Stretching.

Say, You!

Ihl- H l i l / i - l i K i l l h i- i l>-)r | l . i i t lili.in

II vv iii!)ir-'aUi| iliin

i irv.-i fiom Hi--! ;Vv,-«

W.irk 10 . \ . ; i n dtliucdi


ilttli-... M


niiiri-, lei-al -.KStKfo. c!>ilf<-i:li-s anilK i l t t l U

I T h r l r r ini.ttf) In . \\ :

| l lctn-r OrlfSi.".-| . \Vnrniib(- \ c m t h c r . I s ioj a;; t.lu2 < >ii<>n _ lit'vtexv

• ••'riii" Kin:<i«t|ii»i:v-.l

llll.-ll of

l l . - l l l ' l < l l - I . >t> I


li'.f -winr

. iln-I he


' ' 1 \V.,C.' T. U. ,N«ics.-Illy I'rrB^ i.'in'ii'pjiiittili-

'ICvt'rV lllt.'lll!)IT (li tl;i>tirsri-il K i ' l i c ]>rft'i!iit, If -{tl.ii',.lii-\t ini'dihin t<) hi;:

I>'!<-', i i ' | . |

( l iIn nlreudj"

fii)«ri;l8r)rM't o

henct ' . a


thzt sitl'saipcion: IE ypa ;arc" fn. srrears reinemberthat we can aiways findgood use for' - •

the MONEY"


ArchIn tl»e Iliiicl Tirlsvhii.s heoD Uirwi toof HI • h e a l t h a n dt i m e tii o u r

MKVL *ru:-H»laV HiMrs. Mary Wlikinaon.h e r !» rCfjj.Tt'^trirj o l i rJn

t l i i i i i r ^ s t f t h liti ^V-t c-i

' i U K U : | 1 J > " l i i c

' | S'-illHlf'sill!"."

t i l l - I l o i l i s i - O l

r . I I ( l ; S ,;!

Hle i-^ i 'P ! -.1 llTiEt t l ' l l l : i n ' t h e i

in.ly--.'i-y:- sai.l ho. "jur";r r:i»illilifi fill", f'.rr-f-;his i:i "every. i.':irt?-niMl.-ir;-. hi S"i(-ceinbor ;il'j'_.-: u-

. ! ^ v.-.ll.,,:-o-i-«. t l i o

of Sii!fi nf Julv

.icrsi -iirft-" toClZlt! L-C'llt ..f<jl'

tht- i;towr.

:;x;ir.-iTife of

3 w e l l Sll'JiT

lx-r of iD.etici:

aas a sao^i

in il>.e:ltst "of-

ana li(?iir t u t

hibners v.-lio crowd ;tio n>ain~ .and ilin x annex:. io: the GnTtte

They- include :;he Einiore. Aat

ii«K liecn c-lt-jk jlibe iirtlclff • wtiiiiiold i(ir Sbint; tlmi', i required, t^nly r.irresign on account fiuraihh anil uli sviij.pil^^spencilne aniu^jeach art'VIe erxten. : •

- •. • -. - 1 ftve vvil] hlTve .-T{i<r.-!

The Mofjcrn >A'ootlojeri'of. Amerlc.-x icl'ay.nlgh't. I'ome' i uhel.'l a piitiili;. i'nstiillatlo'ii'of officer.*'!•^biirsdny- nl^lit, their families being!

present. .AVeer t h i work, ' cJanclna i g ; . j 1 p o ^ ; , p f t r l t f t e l i a e l 3 t , 'wa3 preseuted=i a^^MEtoaVMotilr '"dar~Cwjiji >,njoyed uctll a Jate hoar.- , , /-,>,«, a siiit ta le Sun.Yay.'.by ;the i'Dstroit Mo:cr Co.irXeraan-iane- . . .

Har6ld Turoer .very' pleasantly j'pnpila; not as an l.nriiiiitloo tr> leave. • (Pierce, Stogaard-Dayton jmil'na'acJirj :

entertained the Senior class, &i a !'but tbcontlcae to iiiay with us. .. LaEg1,12v.i.-k :-i5o»"or. Co.% Lo?.i6:f ^ID;er jf U>ne o'clock lanchecJn a t ' his hqii"e!r ' . '• > ' :-' • - : ' i Co:, Ciiniiragiirr: Atito Co., (E.-M. F.I

fsaturday. '-The dining room decora ! PreSD-nenanXnUTCn. KDies ; ^ F l a n ' ; c - r s ) - ' F o r < J - , e l 0 ) O T Car'Co.. j .'jtlons ^ P r e fed and Wai*.- the. e .a^i ! " ^ W ^ ^ ^ f 1 ^ ^ m « - J Abbott-Detroii^Totor Co., Lion Molw-| If

tyl'ltWp iif l ! ( ( u h X i i ' r l h r o p n i l H : n i .

•!]•• H t V i e t . \ l o i n i ( i . v , , . r , " i n ; 1.1. r t i [.wit

' V ' i n i t ( ^ u i l H t l t l i l i ' H j t ' l i ' r i i i i i . M o t I . " * 5 - |

At this l i m e . Ilii- |ir>>irr:iniH fur.tin-f_iir nirfi [jr.'pari'rl tills milij^ct vvut

irt ; i\^t-^ynei; t a Mrs. Ni>rUir'"ip iu\ lendet*'-? ' A»* 'Mi r.. liuMvenly t-'n i.h^r luirtC;i!l«-d

hvr iiome t<i i'jin the- 1niuinieriil>l.-thrnn.ur <•!" ^rood mottu-r.-iffn. inaiiHli:nhftlniyo, tii-' i n e t t l u ^ wlll l i j " c «aif i i iurbi ! si-rvk-e fdi' her, l:i -r«'-un-tsirirancB of lic-r go.Kl v.-.-.rx^.u >]pr-

.M.T With US.. .' ; '

H OW;aHout that printingjob youje in need of?

. Copic ia Rnil.iicQ ctn aboutit ;il yoijr firci epjJorfaniJy.

"Dftn f M-iit unlU *lho very •

: iafll rontnent. but fiUo" U* el'*'l:Mi^ 1iuio~. Obd vnc'l! aboiV'-you wh:if blgll grader ^orfcwe: c:_m tarn out. .

}' W. L. B.i' .

FllUins; our ss

Co., Clialriiers Motor Car Co:, Garter- j other privatecar ce...CadiJKcOJotc'ir Car Ca.-; piJsJfl.-.n-erd' and

Card of ThanEs!

ibtJri tbantThe'Klng'i Daun

j ter*. Uie f'reshyterltifi. Jiuiiesund J


Swe-Si alid Sour' Cre.am

"Vurnislied on Application. |

:; Motor itbCo. JPacK-Co

rei.-enc illness:.

individuals WHO s e n t ; ,[ellcacieis dnriniS' m y [

V|iw: ./ . " > V . " K > T O I : . f DEl^ROiT NEWS ADS,! .

Get Your Moiiev B a d j Detroit News Liner r Adsi received at the NdrthyilleI Record Office. : .


c . : .1 I-EXCHANCJED ;

colors. :. . .-: . •; , .; At the morning services on Aunday

\V. p.'_. Gorton ie op and riroiind • ^% f- Xerke>;•. was.- ordsiaecf amiagain aftet: a .sar^re actact ofj'.nstailed 'as elder. ;T^o tuemiieri3ti!iammat!cin o ! * t h e , longs—^just' were receivedinto

Estates Settled anil Hanaged. "jaad

tr tmeotriocla; \V!llls mlgbtj^ji gla<l to get out agjfln rl; "'

Sales Co., Seidler : Motor Sales " Co.uTacjjson i, WarrexpDeirbil Car -I'Cz... r

Orant,Bics. :>.aio. Co. .ifEventt ^rji)'. ITnited irotcr Deotilt -Co.! •>!!;- ColnmSia aTiaJ Sampspr:). L. •

ThLs Medicine Ddes not

actori!}^ Benefit You


physicia'tis raal;ii).? a;of stomach



ftjsurance and Loans. - Notary Pafclic"BeUJPVoae, 60. 124 Jv. Center St.


also . tbanfifal

NORTHViitE GREENHOUSEChoice Violets 2 dcz. C)

Tor.... :..,.:.,.... . . ; . .~

.(tv!^&p!XPN, Prjopr'.: "Both Phones.

many friends for their expressionsympathy during -his

i the two citizens who sens hlm_3U•.-••iliafy;' tta<5 wixb red rlbbbu," Mr.jOorton. gives notice t'ney will havelattenttpn iioori as he gathers his(old-tlrne strength and"hmsr-Je.

Talking about cold weather, Gapt, 1

.The Supday ". sciipol attendATCil P*e Auto Sa!e» 'Co.- I Electric). "OaS»seo the 100 raart'oa .Sueday last j Jan'd iror.or Car Co.. .JJarquetteilctT was a fice#t;irrr io.r the new

y e a r . ." ••

• - Tile list of

Carriare^o (Detroi, ia"on Co ' "TO "4 P*

Monday Vciio.oJI I

Fiandei-s Mfr. r-'o -rElectric) C iare--:co6thlnof- andlheaUng* to thP>- • " - • • ; - • ' - * • •

perlence.-iuS :to

an excellent remedy for; tirjTellei of acute inBlgeetion and! ^

TbeiriDgrecients! N "

(:00. _ : saJ PoELiae.

iTarmirttrJon June-

E. K-Slnaoae. ehova: by a Record 1 1 ^ ^ t u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l t o ^ C ^ - ^ ' ^ ^ '^1^°™? ^nibra^ of the .tomaehfrom h!s thermometer that J907 bad !ii b rar!a'n BesWrPcweV. ^ . r - °-.this year^ beat by several • nilles.'' '

i From-Jan. ~22 to

Through, cars l.v<iv.

~... . s*:'5.iU "p. -m "l tiafl p. "m."L^3ve 'tf.'ariie for Xort^vrrle

N^rthviile. ".'or.

nights of.;or . belo^^. I

above I")' and for| that . tSnie- StjJen.'?3.'it was 15~~127, 10 belo«v;.-: t

reb. ;•»,'•§. jietow: Feb.

32. S. %&o\y; •2l,''l2 -hciqj;;: 2-id,'15Bai.ow: 23,10'" "•'"

make a fine i.>f<jposHSon to jman wltii rifenncts: T'. E. ['iiOS.Oahland Ave'. Derroif. ,-2-i

r i a t h e

.-• :cn ?:cr:e tree:---. tl:e Kissell Kar 'Go.'.]!4-tf=o Hcytr-rd O.ir.tcr Car Cft- of Von \

Isd.•• aUt p . A;; MILLER,{TtitV

- • • - ; • • • ' i


: • ' ' • - I

! -To' feeL.siiong-, hav.esoo/i^ajipetite 1 remedy"and- digestions Sleep squnill? and-cijoy ! -, ."i •"•"."•)He;;:'ns3:"Bjirabcli. Eloo.a Bitters, t ie. •- Ngreat ly stein tonic Vuid-bollder:.. '''..t.-A • Tf y

HerrcshofC. libtcrCo.- • a.E.d-' 0U1 e r s . --.:. ^fyouhave.yonnscKiiaren'yoiiliayeper.' ^ : ^ ' ° w ••"- " • - " : ; - - " :.:'•; ! :

'.IIPhaps'notiqflj} that jfisqrdersof-O stotosci j ;;'A-;&rg«;_imnsber of accessory: deal;

• DMro:t territorr, the Xeuaiinn-j stomach disorders.po..' .w.V.o•••v.-il) show" thei "nig's ;:*| • RcxaiH Dyspepsia Tablets aid" to .

i$-jre"''be3l!b.y- ippctlte.. aiddiges-.t1f»d, Land ; pvoinpte liijtiltion.". Ae^evidence of tur sfacere Eaitb ki Bex*Ubvspejjsla' Tablets,vwe ask. :yosi t o .ti'v "thetn &t P^r vls^..; If- t^ey; ;0.o Inot give you entire satisfaction,-fwev.-HI return you tiieiaoney yoii p'aWus J'pr.'them, ivit l ioit^ question or

formality- They come.in three sl'&es,p b ^ 5 0 ' e t n i e ' d b Hirer aid liKsrj ives.

-'QiifBa- RaBse ^ ^ ^


S&VERS!T OVERLOOKS PU6ET SOUNDrlerrrr Castle a Unique Bjtid<ng

-Ereeied Many Years Ago by anEccentric Englishman. —

Port Tovmsend, Wash -Oa tineBumro t o f a i Ji hill back ol ?QitQovn- en.1 Jbe sta*e p n of ent-\nd oTerloolsBg t£e to* atand <t

tmusJe- building much resembUu ptie In the early davs Viliih. tber^

oo neighbor'B<» residences thetrue ure often" unaerwent>3eark.amg

b eve aboard hip pee"btaocula*-s or fieia fciass

a t does to this d ^ Ttheu ome=hT-visionea. tGun I pick t out a

oa <.b.e or 1 inrvof tiuilding ^

The ca tie i the trjcinre i»ieu bv t i e people of thp ovrn- ?i<s

bi_lt juany >e»r a™o in boom timesb an eceentr'c EaglishmaD"" whoturouf bis habit and eccentric1 iewa »no»a as a^iiermit __

n.c e «re i>er>pp , few bui'd'n"""loeauo is i t i e TJnitet. State affording xiev s as rand -as the -one v he*e

IL £ e in arcni ecture slanas^nd. nc r' 30ft teet. l i ove ea

i i etliite1 o er ookn i acnut erou

nc onfl re t re c ie offir f r nfccd vnd o rc te m ir.1 \* v i ii-ct co I'IL In t*ic cisr ie gret> I -foc-hiU^

(i-» maje trc 01 rapi ran en nou-1 I to. "JG31" i$*.iMl T I bfhi

ivhKii old St_»[ i lU irum. s?£bt i n n d :a \ jltfc r color m !i h m and out

\ftcr the old 1 igI e ca-ilo" pis i 1

UK prQpn'.sll!oii ^Vliitli v.i:'r lii: ijrsi'c:onsre3K at itii jirre'iiit svastoi:

to priiyi.lc for iUo 'reUrcnifni : anil..PciinloitiiiR. nr'pi!i|il«yc.i nf Ui-j T«.nit--('(I' fitaicn I.lfn-SavliiH'ScrVIni .is <H-

v in Jitnn1 u Jilif, is of bri"l<t I

o-cr ihou 1 lio

Bid ROCKY MOUNTAIN GORGE!rji3 of nieft" in (h« -Ktirlc!.

rmxrro LOT urn lirarrJ Canyon cf the ArkancaG River; One of tlip Mo8t

iri the VVost.nfit P'ilr;il wheIn- I 'm-' i i i ' r fn rmanr i ! tif rll!i>!ror

illicit IilllTianllrirt.1^

n K f. Cnncr i : sn ii< i\n \:\»liili Mil* po in t t>r ii:itjii)nf; t in- iit\-rB-

:iw H n i i i ^ o ^5vo rec:oKfitii'in li iIt. !E

f^-wil l n<>! h . ivo Inn u i l f he l r r i£} i tB-- r rw. ho i t i<h'ou'ii.

i""4 nn lynf i l i>^ l i ; i i i!ifia!i!TIEy i \ n i i o l d

33.50 Recipe Free,for Weak Kidneys.Uelie\es 1 n n ? - y au.1 Kulney

i rouble Back-u.be, S aimnff,S\\/»l ng. Etc

S^ops Paii KI tne Bidder,Id and Bafck *

_Wo la-i t l ba «.c «ithin a. vrto be*m to £->\ 0*3 b * Zwieiv

qicrv passage •oftiruie, t e frrelHi &a~k ol the l-<roci <-hea r^c- i

cfe -weal Tcs ivti-Safo o L e e\t!ow kn -si.?n uoire m l k

-}ia«or nKlu? \e t m i a t-i •> ur-1brca >i Tctfptes ne^s anrt tne « _ . , - , - .

I h ** recipr tor ll cs ur * bte*>cu can de tni on ana * >oi \-y»

,quic ' —. . . to

ght toi. doc

nrtlmjit ni •»!"

ma.-e a .qulc '-ccovory. ouvm ^ rd^g« i -opy or it ^alor-nouldc scra& o u ' -sF-ustthi p esenpiicn S»t ^l-av_ — ,•-•.-•---ut. gl-*u to e d t o v enMKl **e#u t-drop TO" a. line Ike th>- I>" *. "p

RoWns -l, I . >*>* L <* Buiid-ns Det-eliI Mich anfl I ^ -ii ei<i i t bj tetu-n ina' i n pi ii cr\t'opt 4s vou w!l! e ff»»i

cm }frt t. t i "eone crnta_*> onlv pur?ii rni> S3 -emed't hut *t lias gr«.at i o i

4 It nil oule^jy roft it ix> er once ^ 'i u e t, 'O I tMi k j M h->d be te "C •- I

it s without aeia> T will eo oufre-—>o-ic n ^ e it and care jcn^ i - 'botoe.


| A womsoB connection sb.'j do wor~en EHOT aSout enthu lasm*j at the la t iiatlonal ennve 'pnj men cheered duv candidates forI an hour ~1 That all r,l fe* said W wife

thr*№ U r «i our for s stye bj~ t


"A faff day"! alter buth "^e nolirpd.&n mfiamed cpot on our b o tup- mch ocn egi.ti preading untilb b Tvas ccmn eteiv cohered even 'nhi e *>=> OP tad scaip For aigbt

he vr b nua""»d fro-a head tofoo* Hi. cuutd ^oi Lave a- sti c^ of

tain"- f Ot.r regt.1 r p' v« cian.prc^o cced K chr n c ecz"m He ia vcrv--d is-pn lfi n and lana wl "i

<• In In. I c lit-- neverthelctjie di•> bv v i co.npie e <•" "arerc lie

lo ing " h e rapicilr tMt —c be-•xaino ijlarhiiM.tiSd aecided t,o try Ciitl-

atii! tiifitmentL .:..;•' ;••;.'','Xbt liiitil'l cornmcnccd.ii?:0? CiiH-._

cura-.Sdtip jini Oictmeut uonld/^vo lollho. icd'tcd iil;e, as.T.-o'darc«j aot

wusli iiitn.and 1.bad been puttins oneiipplicn.Jon afle,r"an'otlict on. bira: O n 'removing Ui'e ocaie from =hits bendhair c;ni№ off, and. left him jeutirojy

since "^e liavo boon u^'' 1^Cutlcnra. Sij:i;i arid Ointment he 1U3ns much hji'r as ever. Four - vcelts

j riffar ivq bjlgaa . 10 Jivm tl:<> CuliqiiraSunp. nnd'OlnTmctir ho wta enurelyrL!ri?d, I don't "bolirvd" anyone CGUid .



^tn' ^ ii. iv.iivr-ly tlint Huch :x pinn of rir.i p -rLSin.s 'will do jiistlco tu I li e r

-~.l i:?'V!:>i!iit":l. ni-i'!p;i'f'ati»r risks' ' "ariisfcijiirior t!it-v:ipeSi

-iitn ia. -.:iy oAcr 0rnni:l> ofsairviw. _ Qni'.e ::s:i!e from this is (1>vikar ^iTl tic- '--.\ertcj upon •pr<ispcf(i\"A>r t'-}-~ S'-lvut!. Indeed. tii<j oEHoial;]S-,!v":Tfl Strvico j s f t t i tliat v.itb a «, t si cr-aiiri'.nvr.r :n:A pc-nslon plan in niic-.nt o i e rp

- M~ior-:vl "!. s> o: JHCTI• Tsi!i:^K; atin-.cten t tl cci' d o n Ml.-*rq so imich, inust bee.is .depend niioji-"i5i,i ;v.div!>lTial. : Aod. oy the way. probably very

. Sc:*-<£•.on." rc-ders know' that, the Ur.itcd Slates-• J^i.rc--?5Vin^:£fcrvicfi is tile" largest as.woll aij tlio

.'ai'si. eiScfeuJ. in the worlds Like t£c- £re.-ri(!n ..'i^i o'.";:' c::\;:'S;- tb.ty a.r-e on duly, all the- time sntl

d a y , risfi'. -.heir 1!TSS-'evory'thus ' tiicy № lo awreck. Ijut, for -that mateiri if ihe surfm-en -lici.:io r^iori1 i;:iii clLsch^r^ Ihe uuties cf their ''nigbt•patrol" cr. li.- lonely-stonii-sT^e'pt Uoc.c^?s ^3:cv

. ' rnorrr ar'cucv? rrnri than ateost. a iy o.t'.isr C-Iass

.i T™:'rco5G"of l i p relief wcirk of the Arr.tricar..'djft>-'r:2v:::s Service !s exyar-afng- n'Y the -.vhlle.

. jl:?. ~::c 'as-2 c.r nearly l.ilPO wreclcs 'nrid Thanks'iirg-:-:y :o lip- niri'cf ihese brare and'esr-erier.ced .3ieb .ed'y so".c:::iy-fOi;r out of .this lars^ Tir.rah^r

iazs rric-7: ' « s o r a greater. In t3Sf: .-.-rerl-is. of.

^iliiiir.t:- vossels and -sargcos; to. "ttf t e a ! val-ja- eS 51'I.?S.0..00i,-'.ar:ii ol ',:iis amoanf tlie sur.-irisins

•^.roportion cf SLO.'/ JT.OOO .v.-£s ^'aved. ThiE^n i:-?e!J vr.aije? tiho ttro miiEon dollars a veir" u-j!:cbUnc'e "Sr.ra spcTis "en his IJfe-Faiini; Sei-vji-o

• -scero i?ke '. t.reuy good: irTvestmei;'-- sri'd :hat. ;s«ftln>';t'.faliinrr'inter-consideration the !iv£s im-periic.d on the shipwrecked vessels." There"•were•5,661 'person's on" board the craft th::f met. d\$-

'•: • vaster Issl year a a d J t c tcia! loss of. life, xjhic-h':Tf*s fifty-five, ifiouifi havo been'jaany <in<cs_ (hat.•snxiibsr biit for the. succor afforded ty "Uncle

• .Sam's AefceS of the beaches. '-.' ' ; "; .•_.'• "- Eprae." '(joverrior JVilliam 'A: Newel!, of N'e'w

Urarsty-Is geiieraliy recosulzed1 as the founder of: 4 t e Ofe-SaVing: Service and "be took the inlt!a-" • 4ive" as .the: result of a; marine disaster which- he

" "~lrto" witless daring, toe "sansaicr of.JSC9ti" tfce Avstraliaa bar k: -"Connt Perastc" -was

-srrecked on Locg Beach. Xavr Jersey-i Tjie riir-^ieen 'members of the crew. Wl of-.wloni. ;a-fere "

' " " " "".«d."might readily- have beea-sivied "had'been'. £ti .-heod;apparat33s:"sucli ^s'jGow- con-

':.-•' -«ttrntcs !Ji'e resylation-equipment cf tt'e Uo'Itcd" ' States'life-saving-crews. ...' \ •'- .,- "-^ ; .>

. ' - . - " . ^he .c^ed'thus^pointed oiit'niadelsOiOFcerul an '\'~ topr^&lon.upo'zi'-the-.taiad of. Mn-'-Newel t thatjie"Irsoqa -after'entered' upon. experiraents-'K'itJi :bpws

• -...- ao;S <itTov.-sl rocKets' and a~ shortened, blunderbess: • L-SSJI'means, of t^irbwing lines ijp-ships strasdedia-•'•/ " .po^itipieS iaaccessibJe'by^njallJjiORta.' TSyentuaity.

- Siiii". e:;j)erinaent3' .fulminated "H.complete success:1= use oj A mortar or carfonade with bill acd

-:. . . - • . - \--l-^i--.^-;.i j-.- '*„-. .::-•;.::

1II:SJ^ About This tlnie. Tiir..Sewel! v.-i-s e!ei:t&d .to(-•or.g.Tes~s dr.d on Vvs' fis»i resolution rd2y; oi llie

; first .session ..of <ne Ihirtieti: congress^ori jJr.-;' t!£_:y 1.3. IS-si.'~to be eir-ft-^ue 'intrcSueefi in the =^tiSional lesUI.at:;is i>.s" measure wliiclJ. Ia:d -the

. l'O[indaticrx ol div Life^Sa^aiEg Service. • "•Tlift iiatiCTjal governnieht .no.v-'apiut&ir.s up- .

'"»anV cfi .tiirte : jiVi^ared iife-ssviTij: s^uons"TSVSr- tribnted on th* coasts of the Atlantic Ibc Pa-

clfic she nu'.i of Mexico wnS.tte Great Lakes.Each pC. these, stations- is nianfd .by a crew. c«':t'ro.t; 'tix . toje:5":tt su'rfrtie^—liardy ^riol fearless

: fe'l!o~a. who ars splemiid ^peeipaensjof :pftystca! .cjafifiood'i^i] w;bo iire st:J:.ei in handling';boats inaiijaj-. seas.-pr.d in" Diasipa!ati.as >!•« various.:rae-

ciimstaiicBs i'ecourfe is had ' - tof lie wreck gunand beae'ii-apparatus with'a yieir! 16 cirryiug on

" resciie v.-ork-'througii: ihi-. • instrsaentaljty.. of t i ebreeches "buoy: pr ^the ,l"ife :czr. r'-, First of ail ashoi.: jK-itb a Ilrre attached is • firsu^acrpis'-ttie

Coin.—'Tin' .Grand. C.-inyonin ono of !hp inoBl

gorges i t i-Jlic llockyijKJiinlains, 31 in ion mllcK lonK~:i!idthe raili-ti:iil-'-lli<v Oenv.c!1 and Hiorifanil'.!—by n m:\rvi>l of /nginciirliiK

hnri' mn i lp J t ' u IlioroL'^hfdrc. loth«" V,'C:

uarroT.Tst part of. tlic canyon13 known an !];<! Koyal Gorge. ' Thorncl Kr.inite :ind gnfelrs'walln." "sparlt-l:riK ^'. Etji niicA, tou-er aloft on t'ltii^r•U;:nd -2,827'footi^Jlie sky ia a thread,

si obliterated by'1 she jagged Tanj-nnd the stars rnay he seen at.

Atone point,the-hangrt.ngbridge, thevrjdth is "but ten yardii, and .the roaii-

liRs been built ojit ove!''tli;":ivaL2iVliver bails madlv throusTi;. the

;ine snays now toitJie rigbt, now! xo the icit, - drassiug. the train; ^rtjieI'.vista kV.eki. raonwEtarilys cptr.s aaainr a % a y i s always

tsfeir po"sseSsion the crew oS ia sliipwrected/cratt:can' quich'iy Tiaal cut a; larger -line, asd iinally- a

-thrce-iiich :lia.v"g£V- Attached to' : 'tie ia"s-sgr ts;a-l>dard . vhich bears .in:£!ng~sii cir'oiie side .and ia'Frahch on-.iini :pther instructions as to Sow t6pj£i;e the ha'vrser "fast-to ct njasc ci" tHe best placlTr\!>5:l can be.fpunS. ; ' . - ' - •• • . ." ' . ' "... Wiien''the shipWeceeii nfar;n«rs signal "f.h .t'

tnd perhaps.

; o.'; shcre "haul; the hav.-sei j Iaie^tie"shore ev.a '-iy nicans I '

of. :: tripod ••:>• order .ro.!iif;:t v.cii :c)ear _of LP«""aver, arixrr v.hfc-h iliere' f*s scut OTX to the sh»pa hre^ches teoy'. susperAea. frden a traveler bloct,cr" a"-!i/e e£r defending "frcirt -r-Inss runnins- oc ;i . ,. ..-•_- , . . - , .- :-.the .hawser. ^Only 6ne peAon .at I time ten^-i lr' ^ah i5 ^ l n ™& b ? o k € a m a s ^ s ' i

as^ aids fa the brs. vrc arid the racier: wus of oarooast T£Tro2irCT! inr tlie c^n^erc^s ta&lj of cheat-ing :ho ceop cf .jts pr^y. For tfcvoticTi to :i.d*:tythp.t. neceyritat^s •c-terr.ai visrilaTjcie arid ti'.o ,mcst-

es; .w^D.of SGO ocr "mniiifc'. Moreover tliey rc-CC-;7G that ^ay for n::ly nine rr,oi>t5s a year, theC!-4v.'s being !.--i(i. ojf durir^s ^uce; .luly'artd As-'giist. at .v^liich season severe stortas and yjrecksar t a'aiost 'unknown. Pl-.ccia a ijfe-sarer -be iu-r.-Jcd.'auriBg; his si;;tir.er "lay-o^"' i c net _oniy-c.innct-^et- hack into tee service but he.-cacnut

. upcer. e::!3t:cg "ccuditior.s'draw any puiisiqr orretireoient ^ y , no isstter. haw many year^ he i; ~.?3feiy.; ashore, after -v.'Tiich an-icgKiious

.."has faitlifnily kervefi see nation. -•j h e : vase .majority, of rescues eilected; by:th=

!:fe-sayisig Lcreifs are aceomplisiie'd by raeans of' . iifebca^s or surfbeats. 'These-stahcji ireft^-wlsicli. . .-.,-. -.-. . . . - . - - - -^- -. ~• as" noW-nianiifactured. are.&iaiost unsinlcable;: are"" ' to' baiit'it"ashore and. thus preserve' Intact.<r vai-

"!lcfr,TO ;\h lined !lip" C".i<lwirn' Ifetn-•"iljiiK wd foiikl liar'Oly locii nt iiim,"5isr<iis aucli a pltlRjl .-flgiit- - ilo ivouM :rusa " ticilll" I ,vniii(j| (i;cnt liiiii,,tliey6crap(l to ircHnvo lilni lrb")niinh; Cutl-r.uru ' Soap -iiiil Olntinonl . Rtind byifu'niFeHca nni! Om rciinit IScy finjcV-!y niid purely brink i» tliotr oivn rcn-(VmrueadaUou." iSlKiiet}) Mrs. 'P. H.HflRaer, >|jll Hall, Pn., IVb 20.= 1911.-..-" Allurtiigli- Cullcura Sn?.p nnil OSit-ratrit'-'nri'" sold t)y:druKKlvs(?i anil iS ill-<iiR evrrywlsore. a unuii-ie of.—e»''b,with !ilNpU£t> Ijanlr. will IK: maihti i'v^Qoti applicritlb]i" lo "Culir-ura/' licpt.20 K.: iloston, '•'' - 5 -

: U.ncfc Sam's RcpreGcnt,itive. * •.• Senator "fohn Shurp .WililnniH l.tiisof .-v negro tsd in a som.l>eVn townwas not thft least z^triosja ^.cl^r

Sam's Ecrvanis. "One liay wLttr'tT'e•niJill Ui'f.' for Itiat"" ttiwii was tliro'.vrifrom tbe train tbft pouch was ca\txhtup "liyi. Fills"r tliQfinutive . cotirier, svlic.started off, as .was Ivis _v.-out, on a brisktrot To the: •fosi.:oB\cS.^,' .- ". ,s ho was roundiiig a corner-tjf -iho

staflo.n' be'-;escdiratercd u ^r.rgt;.. boy..with" tijp"resuli that" the little;co-.irierA 'as lipset-.- WJien" the latter get'.up5and readjisted himseU he txfmed upon,

i t'.ie G';i:et. exc:a;Diii>S'." ' ' , ".

!• "Wok heaii! "Yo* ^vants to be lieer-S.ful 'br,ui dis ciiUel When yo'.jars ir.«.

"i yc'-' jars ie gortaent of ds . United'..States. I .carries (is mail!" "


! "' . Just, the Thing. :f " Howen^-I'in'\ery fond'p^ travej... •i" I PoweiIncome around -scrnei nigh:\-sn'A I'll let yoa ivalfc the Soar Vith":

trtth ge;s buss; ficiibn is'apt..o f i t s e l f . • ' . : . '

Grand Gsnycn ov th& Arkansas.

5i=<tal by-ffce-.breeciies. b-.cv, but from' four- to sixpeopic.can he "carried ashore at eacb^rip of• th* x of si

. iiio car. \yh:cEefer be the vehicle•trips continue (fatil aU-i^ie imperiied persons aro

ictl device kno^a astTie bawper cutter-is'drawa"out to tie \f7"eck. along tha'-'cablewayi and -upoa -.

canyons -wooded nnd mysterious.Bands ofinbtiauiJB sheep are saeni

almost daily, on. the liiga cli!Ts as thetrains clriib tSe backbone olcontrfieufcr ":•'• : - •'.' ..' " ;: . •

_the ivicai yeSlcIes;' for. jabiug'consideraole ciini-bers^cf -persons .froci imperiled vessels, in. a 'IItl-

anriviug at the ' terminus ' of" the Sawser taito-\^^V'cally. cuts-the'rGpe. alloHinsr tb'e life s'arcrjS'-"r-

""'"'•• " ' _ , t ' 1 " ';' ; " ; ; reserve'Intact.,rv^'-,'vab?o: pa.'tof ttefr apparatus.

' Aiab5tioi:s .'-inventors are" .constantly, devising;f f t f ti f th " C i t dfted sjrace'-of tjms.." H-irbe patrolman; "w.lio.'ii! his; ' .uew-fornKj of.aparatus for t i e ..use of the "Cnited

i-fgils.oa tb.e Wasli-discovers a vesssl ashore artd" States Kfe-saving; crews; " .InfleeS.. these invea-l : h i i f j i f i h h ^ f l

tery- or;the';lighter. surfboat is h'apied..overland:to^ :rot. many of: th j-new":* ideas that'Jare ^advaaced. a.p*oini' oppasite. the .v.-reck arid'rlauEebe.dr'as .'cii:- ' prove praeticsble, for tbe .:exsct|n"g-condition's o(•'cniastances'Tn.ay dletate. Fonneriy 'tdV;of .these

• t-oats.were" p.-ppel:ed by/'oars ahd'manylof :theha-the::roagb and2reaciyJserrioe'.involved'and- the."above inenticred classes pf 'apparatus, co.ajlane -to

', Lights on Saby^ Carts.Paut^-Baby carriages iii.J

seta -ciTist herealter- carry.1 olights when- .^ised:: .after"."-fi»rJi-7>tiT0j«alte lights In rrqnriind'.a.red oneat .th&, rear.f It's; all: .diie to.a-mistalie, akind Q- "joker'" that someliow got in:thecetr law just, passed by the JegiSr/latcre,.biit it "goes," accojrdingjto ah

rows}and k dieV express.i?agxms'ar.fji^the':proylsipos'ofthe

p 4 c r > s~ Ach or Irver aLJ

cl fo? & free p smj' PA-W-PJW PI13S-

ct lt>~ prove' ttl*t .postlivcly cere In-wOi:, Sour Stasi-EeTciiap; 'Wind,-

Prt.!. tin'r.y^v EJrt & №ereon Stj.,f iiilidtlDili, p». - :

* Ind^ vritos Nov. 3S,-• 3955:""'>"o flosbt yon-rcran rater in j " get h f t i b t t : r J i a s o i i B K E i f t

aisp'ihcfiiced in^the'provi'siobs/of.the \^Tajn^'S\if^^^a^^saiJrt:aS£ •Idv.-, • y?niclir really; was""ro.tead.ed only *• »-._«!t«yr- a.*- I-.O.T«»^«STOI, sit!i*«, i a . -1

to" h e l p , a u t q m ' o b i l i s t s " a n d• c l i s t s , b y c q i i p . e l l i a g : . K p r s f w l r a v n i - v e -^ h i c l e s t o ' c a r r y l i g h t s . . \ B u t ' - t l j e l a n -" ^ j a g e - .yvas c lu ' in^i ly- ." ' "p i i t^- - ' - ' the o v t e V .

j e r i i e d " c r a f t w i t h a s t f l a j j J i j p a t i . - r l ' n d e r . E u e J i e i r - ' . •. t h a n . ' ' n i n e : h n n d r e ^ : f t e f : ' - ' • ' . : '.'-,'-• ' ~--. . •'"-.:*-. "• •"", • .*""":'•" ' " 4' : "• T f f i m t t | : f f i V A i r i f l t * T ' ^ h 1 t V l T r T f f f ' 1 ' ^



>• Step That Backache[ WITH THE HEW REMEDY

DR. DERBY'S:iDNEYMLS•5 and 50, CentsAak four drugstst for free Mrtple

~" or writ©

The Derby Medicine Co." RAPIDS, MICHIGAN

GRAY'SPCWOEi'.S FOR CHlLDftfflRcbcve. re \ en&otss Coait p*th*. itoirjcft and "bowels. Uad ij |Mothmfer '"y^ir At an Vnw 1

". =a=nr>le jn led FKFR.« . 3 . l l m U L.k.,. H.V. 1

WeakWomenshould heedsucl? tfltejngp ashead-ache, nen 01 sntss, oackacl^* de-pression s*d \re;n*->ess andtlie sys'e^i ^ tli the a*d of

Prsy«r is *ne soul sincere Jesiret t t r d or unexpreu 3

£tae n-otion o* * nidden flrcThat trembles la ihc

Prajer ts the burden or a. IgiTbe "falling oi a tea1-

ilhe np*.e-d glant.iu£ 0* an ereTV he i none tout God is TICJT

Pra>ex la Ore

Pra\^>- Is the tontftc si rer*5 \olcaRecurn_ny frotn his n y i ^

W b 1 aigels in then ^on.js rcjoiti.And ^r, *BefaoM 1 c pr^ s

The ^ints In-p av.tr appejx «& oneI i w. jrd^ ai-fl dc«£il *nd Trj a*.

^Vnti \iiLh the t * e1* and Lis> SOPTlie r fel'ow"hlp iht> aiyL

;t Xa"m of sp^Grth No" p-a>er f& DIR3 o.n;in try "*rnt i*olj spiu p!it*.A£-

xhe sublj'nest strains That rt JC1! And Jcsug- o~ t*i<_ le-*ison h

^ i tie Our *tia*> «> ital O « T <T?*e Chr'stian s native * iis watchwu d at t*v £*i es of de I**He ente-» ICP^CE. b\ *s-a-\e-

Fo»* sinners in

O t**oi by whom TieTb fe rl e tr 1 ire *\a\

The pat. oi p~utr * \ °1t >1 orJ e"c*\ u ">OTV to praj

+ o Co<3

> c t G


HAVE YOU SUSPECTED YOUR KIDNEYS*There arc tyro to tell Tr"iatber yoTi

ha\ef\eak. Ijdnevslhe fir~t I I'uroJgh tnc p» ns m t)i£ back

ia<5 otoe- onivrarf lgiay ~Xae second Isby e"«*Taiiia ion or tlie Li^nej secret*oiis

'''hat JS sviy^pHy"t^.iu. make such al erajmn^tion wnen jcu -apjgjv for:

e Sad r {he*o i-> tinv sign or -Lidin i race , Sad r {heo i tnnsy trovUe J u «tc s\itel> lejcjcd"> Kidnev a ease f •« •i3ange'-ooi« tta* itJT a tad nustite fo pyerioot or ies'ect Jtard if pain IT i\c* b^tl. J<*<rirxuig h ^

or ft-fivrfiil, ne-koos tired cOE.t son * I"*3l ev ir

1 h " L

There are Two Ways to FindOut Whether the Kxdnejs

are Sick or Weak

rt tou3j t.,. Look ipr

?*lore or Je*s tiianpints p£i&cd daily

Too dark or too pal"Pvitgcy too fc^Quem

reduce®, or *c»Idinc ai > d y jf-i*ry or clou

h c d o > edn.(if ^th- follow nj '

f«e md one ba f

o l o ror much

cjf-i*ry or cloudy

or oily loolnntf J*y<"h f * Jl

ithncs.whic%i tfatlitr*^wet? to stand.

ETUJ whtriu la faax«a lt*u u ^ fffa

>COIh k R

SQ VERY PRECOCIOUSS mpie Explanation of-Facts _Th»t

(•Tad MjpJe Yauojg "Father GreenWith Jealousy

If Tvas » we* dsi artf in cor=e-ojvnte the guests bad to sdi* indoorsI lie jouns couple started, to tain, ofliie-y baby

JGh ') bj had Jn=t cu< bis J r*ttnrjUi said the fatter nroiHl^

Ifideefi " «fiTa the other \ * IImine cut Iii3 ons ego

-. "'Stir baby," said tbo flrst, "ia JuSt

"Ori'ra," aaid ' t i e sorond.'' "cannot. only talk, but read." . .. •• ' .

(•,'KripFn :hln loiters already; <!orsn7" anjd tba.first, with a riule or

' ' Jealousy In Jiis ."vole-;. '.• • •' "

' "<№, yes, in3e«!"dV'_. saiii tlie other.;' "Afld. can -figure ;llKo :-?n: expert sic-

coiraJiinl:"' '" . ' • Si

vaUyi" finjd <ho first, " 1'Hun lieb« older (him-mlrm. How riYfi Is

Getting Rid of Annie

on -the surface -L or » jelly I k e flu ,

St&uilnf o2 the Linen or bxd -odorXenpojarj rimgc« miv SLCJF fo- i •in*

froa tHin^^ taien, buf -* tlie-^isified ap-pttt^T \ift eoT\?in.*efl vour 1 -Ine\ arc o itc : or 3e and uee^i 1 elp "\e;;li.c& n -ij pro\sscons

p- IO

, ^ f azid othef ^£ JJL> oidisease

Xhe foHomng «s>e is tj-p^^^ o; p peffccied by Doan * KMUICJ PJL- 0-i.tffjr.tt is tht best evideacc

IN BED FIVE, jMONTjiS.Cured After Doctofs gave tip Kcpfe-

N J IT LBi<iar^on r lied Key,sajs 'A v oxi£ diagLo»i^ ot xxycaused me t ic jraon'fcs oj embleft hen X had been, m bed helpless ioroocths^l ires a mere has «r boaes.troubie.begpn j«th taia Jp ^ " bici,aftei: » few Treels o^ iT mi , jnerves S»*t^-•uray ec-Dpiefdy and jpy eyw^got Jsai »l""&.- i fr^-jueai. diz=7*PiS','"^J'ft^e<l atyi,?*1-and never »>emed to cefc ecgjisn «Ieej> I r

alinosx went crazy xSe action 6 i h 1 6

hai t 3cert\ yu r t o . »go by TnUiout a'passag T e dtx^oi-a ^gan to taxe the crater from cot -ivitb ».esthete- *Xhey 6id 'h <? once u day £pvfifty days On Chrirfniai^THv £\e yoa»*ago, my dftff£or *oTd 22e that jn\ tirco W**1

about up I lived throx^i tne $zr tailnight, contrary «o exjeciat cs and t Wnert day a. f—cod g Te 1 c a 'bo 01 JJaan**'hadney Pill- I u^el it "ni » tpcotE^figed to ccitmue W hen I J I t:Vc- £mlbo^es I got ou or J"<1 I k»p' en KSIT'en'i*-elj Ael\ atid To-a t - t d^ +"<> L^J—[{he <a»=—I iiavu ae\er L.d a ta ^je is.my b '


ins !>in wire, "lirjw »lil Is Wlllli.'V ' . :

Foit He Hiti Known the Worst . -!'

1KJI(T«, arid IIIH wife.jui<rtiaii"niiilea nrl-uljvcs unit (rloidfl :i:<kn))iiiit jyliotlier

- I'ntj " I ' I ] lijro In )ni:(r_s,|iajylllaKC band'Tilay once ;iHaiti."'_. AcrOi-tHnjily' theyllWEo band itntlinrfil--'Wlinil ill lasrlit-liiiil r>liiy<-<!." •rf:iy Aw H w i l r Hnt .NiH(Jov->d-ljy/' aiul li;:d ^tki^ii-iri? o u n dc-

- 5'-u"rluru. Jtra, O'SiiiiiineKsy. kucollhK

"Cas je die ;:isy mni. Pat." "Yis."j . replied l-at. • ''i.c:in die; alpy. nmv. :1K>!I

h:i^l;otliinij jLvorse'JliiHi ticit,"

1 am sur^^that tbis »rTaugrmenihao HOL proved a lacces" •saM ^ rSineon Smith as t s peered tarougbtbo dusty vlndow of tlio back officeInto tbo shop where a trim I7gi.re ivamoiins abou* t^ing bo quets of violeus .Not but That 4n3fe is i n ceejioiigl g r! bi-t 1 JicJ u jjost anno> n_ to hi\e- i worn ifi ibo- hePiace iesterda* sbe I~opijed herliundbig on itiv upv. de 5 ^ and cpirl j

The <ia\ bofoit. siie 'eft tbree hi!"inns sn& onp ifeti pin oa i1!' «a=hs ard at'ded Mi Foel Smith

H i H t t ke up nil tbe IOOUI on

oce -iu'e of the olSn -iml [ SP* *abbi Je.ei.. U.ne I ^ p . o hi tL..k J , I C L U^n.

"Aad !:Uc'alv,ajrn..leaves tlie end ofb*r parnsol sticking out so Unit I-sfiunbje over It.""- .". . . ' . ' ! '

..] "iVml. abe's forcyer dropping. herliOBdlccjrcbier fcr soriie pne;t.y pfcl^uti.1 ain't c beoii on shy l<nous BO Often"since- I M'aa u young nuiti,'- drOIarn.d

. .''Nor"j.~: ng'rued .!«i:l. :

lieyund, ii? Itio iH<iro. Auiiie i:on-rinubt/ to arran^u bv.r flnwrrR'und tobum (.•uutcnleilly " : litllo..siting' Sli'jwns u- nlfehl. Kffjti-lfiqkfilp Mill.• iC-Ulr

c ynr.. I-'or )>vr jicicf. nitO t-ursUlcit'tlT

Oils Srnirli ilr<lill>!f:-i' r|iti"|-i flicip. il"

0^;i Hit) tll^iri '^l lulFl of oili li:liHie!orit

••TiKMi;^ j i u t ii.in!"'-|iilrr"K Vii-rtl.ln.". : ; i ld-ASr . Shiii-oii S t n h l i . "Hht. 'o TJin.K<>nf> n i r >n> .A'jM-ruhin you ' m u s t KCII 111. ijr; Allhirv'T ! - "" a

"Nij iy , ' S l i u - u n , I tin! "Isn'i. j i iayhiR-

" Y > s . ' t i s . I'vi; 111snJ,'. 1 ii it"' ;:U'<>::'.

iui- t o :u t:iiniiii|-j(ijili.= :tr,y I frrir^ illnnil.!Jirt s i m p . . :in"ii ii'n.. o n l y r l u i . y o u i.ake

Not esacUv but ' ve suipectea. JiTt one o~ TA O >ojng Hien are bLvI lug bOLtinmeres ia'eU tbaf cant af

Tord tliein and Its gertiEg hem Uftoi bad habits Fae. Smith Brothers nev} er wanted to ma"ke tbeir n one\ ojt oi

otl e" peop!"s foo'shne=« I d-inno sI O J can tell her that But vdur*smart Joel vou I find a "vav Cood1 *.k to vou ana *ic elder ui»inbe**ot the •''•DI \T is oT to PUJOJ bis \&>aliOL o ibe dti oh ct his bachelorheart

froi,'- w?el s liter \ben Vr ^imejnSn ith returcod to m <-it} ne ven'directlv to the quarter^ be hdJ sharedfot *ear w'tli hK lirotLer It hid

secrLeJ- to h.n, ll.a^ Joql moa more" ths1 ! bis sharsot , the

rooiiii' but tilings seeinod .so--strangely,tidy', that :Be -caricliiii';d' his brottk-?inu^ta t I,i5t:liavp .renlizecl low sii-J};;h jt-Jvos'to leave hjs . possessions

en Your Back »s Lame—Remember Ihe Name*

QSoW by aB Dealers. Ertcs SO cexus. Foste^MiBwrt Co, Bunato, W. Y , Prepdeta*

Hopeless Csse"De troauie uia me anG raah Tti'o'

admitted old B-otlier Gaumpers amaat, TCII le we 'gr-»e most o de tune•sre doct greea^^e same tiire I kin

('gr^e bout an~ thing and she h n greeI bo-v anytliing but -re k«Jn * gre"I sriil ei.ch udde- bout it _TVhen I ai

vrln'n o 'gree'«.]u he- =ae •non' greeTirid m°, and Mibftt ue is remi'v togree WiJ n." X e r'langed mjh mind

I and kam t gree wid he- V e klrI Sofe r, ee sepa a e but vo hain t! ^rPe 'o^edder on c« ^ \me iliini, "uI 6c <* T:^ time i r d le rau t e tn >• de, m b& nc gits -Piic


Grass Pike5 Cents a Poui*5

Salt Lake Herring:S3.5O Per iOO Pound KfrijgAll kinds—First Class—Prices lowSend cash vuth order Ask for 1pn e ust. BENSON & BAXELf), Bay Cib,

Leaving hisi'lravcUuB Ijng, .c

hastened to (he shop. ATier'allivjis lio place iuore l a h'\n liUisithe nUl stiitid, nnrr lii:_ was .£<!...ItioUing forwanl fo- st-UiriR \ritoliarneAH asain. Tim uning^npiinUdi'd ' :t rtpldqnic. :nitl<ttte floin. Hiu 'window- nevurfresh ;in«l tjUujiiiiu^.


M\ciieliow, ;SK lli ^ U pflour, llu* ii?acr< has*!"Iif:fi<:(l fiiVUyply id all

' \i ithiiv




m l fhnrc.

^_, Was Testing the 9ab.y. ' - • ' .I.iii.le-Tliii 'WsrrJner, of" Arioi3OB

ofp, was delecteii :n tlie act of puil-i ing out the baby's hair desiiite. her.fvatitrc iirotjjst. •• '- _ „ ; ' J":

';/-. J>i6t.-wanted to see."= lie sai3 .'inpiPoation, "ivlietlier =be was coldtfrage'Inby. = Teaciisr fold ua~that?s

xhe iray.yqij can te'li'a chicken. If,the',feathers come; .but easily the chicket

in J cold slorage." • .Es to ?ay, -jptiil fsrirjins pen-ew York Times. - - ••••

JNMATCHTpWKV . \;=urtunately no Faith Wis Required,

For She.Had None". ;

' .: -"liad no faith. v;hatever, l;>it.'pnthe."adTiea of a. iiale, •i'earty' old graitlemaii

ilie from eiperieiice, 1 began to._iisd. Grape-Nuts abbiit 2" years .^agri,"Trritesan'Oblo wbmkn. "wlio siys she1

ig-iO, is feioTsn to bei'iajr, and admits,i growing plump .on. i£e nsw:

e t j . . : . \ . . . ."x shall not try to tell r °n how I suT-reSL fQr .yesTS Jrom'a aerahffed stom-

&'r:ij..t&st rejected; almost -all sorts 'oi'oed, and digested what little; was fofo-i 'o jon it only- ai the "cost .of sreap.

mS'piiB-"' * • : " ' : - ;

in iiiw Wpfli: . "back'-uK.Mn. nio you?9UII|UIF.I' ioi!'\<v lia'.l a i>p!i!ii'l'.vl var-a-"tlon. ...:Yiin nfii ItitikiiiK sine." .? " ::. "^u ;irc yoii. .liiel." rettirn^Q-. ..Jil*Ill'ci!lifer. r'U'orl; nlhKt. ;;Kr'co Vltl[ you.1- !><•.! ytm'vo r.ninci! . Ion Vuun.is.Tuino:t (r.-fl" a n<*\v li'uf. .if:o, I'-nven'tytip1.' \\'i:f;i-i? iliil you .ntov.- ;s'.vjy all;><ii:r duds iip to tl'.e reuin?"

I'.ve movetl." = . .- ""Moved?- For. mercy's ?.aut>,.-.viioi'e

f ' lo?"- r : • : . -. "': •• - L;"Oil. not very,far: . Ouly just .irijend

tho fpjiic-r and up tlio streer ;i way."."\Viili, I declare! I gsuss 1 tmglit

lo bav#; stnyed ;it home 10 look afteryou. i see yon liuve. gat. rid nf_iu:r

' n i e . " . ; ; • • ' . ' . : ; " :

• ' :

~ - -

. --•^Yoi:,-ihat is—-yes." : • . •: ' "'Afi'e.r 1 icft you 1-got ilsiniuns; tliai

-tdatler orer, "and 1. cocelc'Sc-d.- per-haps, i re 'nere a little tod hasty.- 1intended tp drop yo;i a^liae abonL.it.but I didn't really, xhink' you'd havethe spnnk to do: it. anyway. I'd liketn.Knoiv- how you managed it. if you

| "TV'eli. no, J doe'e knov.- as j : tcindteliipg.' Tbe.iruih oi the nia.7ter is,Simeon,-1—] married • her." j - , ' -" '"* ;'Biiso my snuH' Lord love ymi,you are. smart, Joei! And 1 ceveronc'p tbousbt of trying that way my-

I A i e ^ n c f K of nia t r imoQi^ 1 l i a inJug wili enuble a mant'j predici bru<..-slonris in iidvsnce^

DEFIINGEGoItf Water Sfan&: W. N.U^ DETROIT, NO. 2-1912. "

—I Beerlbat tlioy haverbnnd the North Poie.t = i

Benbam—That?s pi> tficon vby yriuShould^o^jbiir cooking 11)ere. ' ':, '

The Father: of Him, ". "'- "Census Tiiltur—(.:ivn the -ages . (if.yoiir jive tbiiilron. . -

^"iii l i i ' i—Ml - r l g i i i , '..Msiry f i l l 'I'OihJi ' i i ' rn in ^t ' lHonVb^rr^-lbl '^een, yen,{hat imisi In- rjgli l ; iinii Jdl in . '6--.Inha~-ah( i ni - - r io 'c ^ K O ' I I K » » . - f ( e v o ; i , IKUCKH; tlHru ILi-ic-ii—wjilt^a iiiliuito, tln.'Vt-r fonld ?;I>*5HT:IU-IIT jiovt 'blii : ^ n if*—bur F'n-it i s—le t m o .s.>f--nnil Arch-ie— liciivenf, inni i ' my wife ^v!U tiebuck ut luill'-iiai-t iivn- i :>ti t you i.'oitw

i i i ' ! ' W ' i l ( ^ i

What Ails YoiilDo yoii fe<:l T?cafey tired- U«tTOndcntI:haT^ frequ«wt heii3-ecbts, coaled tongue, hitter or bad t*s(o i.i morning,"htflrt-bcrn," bclcJiing oC f[ntr actd rising* in liitoat aftc^

cfitinit .stbroprfi ^na^r-or biirn, foul brcathp' &txf «pcl!rr

poor or variable appciitct nauscn ft times« «m(.- kindredBy ID pi cm*? ; >

Ki you KaTfi mnT eon«IdcraM» number of- obpv» *Tmptanx.i you gro qnfTertn^ Ifroca

nxRSj. torpid Vncryvllh indigestion, nr 0j3pcp*r*.X>r, Ticrc*\'» <j><iUcn Medical liiNiroTcrri* cn*doup at the jtiZ-tX vclqablo mcdit-innt pHncfplctjknown to mzdiefll ncltrico fnr tbo pcftn«oent

, «uro of ftticii ebnarrrinl cnni!i(i<;ni. It it a »ncitdGeScnt liver, infitorator^ ^*>m*cb totuc, IJQ-WBJ 'Tcfplaiur aad ncrro ntrcn^lhebdl:.

The "GofJcra Nfcdfcul Dbro^'cry*' \% not ajhitent medicine or''secres\ fiiU Iht bt its ingredient* bcin.< printcd^bn its hotUC-TPnipper andvndcr oath. A ftjoncc at Ihruo will QV-UTV (hat fi Odfiiiinn no iilcylw»!,lut hr\\ubioitRta& drtifj*. It ia a Ctiid extract iuads with purci, (ripl$\ycerir.c, cl pTGpe? tticajilb, (rum the roots (»i txativuu Arafncail

1 'fcrcat "plaaf». W<irld'»"rjinpcns.ir>- Aledical AinuciatUnt; Prop*., iSulf


Htm- fciuny l'cepie; IV):II n :ul Iliis :ui!rV,realist- r!-ci WI-'L;1:[>: inl!u*:nL-o.i'F OHM liuLanf-trj^riy nf lift—txikiui; i;oWi]ur—on tin;t-OSt OLIIVIHB; ' . ' • " . . • ' - ,

Y t t i l l s -a .lr.-ikaE,1 rl-ijt t c:)a i'jfil:i- !->'rl.-il.iJeu if thiS lioiisev.-Ifj- w H I u n l y v:iy ;Litl'A^ more lUfi-nUon [o tl"? VliuU-i* t>r i.t rIJ^IIJTI/;- r"-N'I<'r. • Soine liiinl: thi ;ro i.scc.-inorav In br.j'Jns ij;«i ch-jhj> .'-'Itip Can"HakinS rou-Jors- T3ic-at BakhiR.IVnviT'-i-s.^^s not nlwcyd niiiforin, anii sotnclfnie.s

:^roduVfr fJiiU:re.-i lri= thi.1. iKikiiif?. ;0i,-t th-itesnlt"f5 tli.it more Is lest in O!:e (ir lv»ospjllei3 lj.i-:!n^s tlian you F_ct--n(t"-on" lioJi-

tho \vl:r.!e yr-£sr. The cheapVi P a H i U li


pins- P'-WiJ'-r in tho \vl:r.!'•Hle! "dun" ElV:i^s Pavr.Ms.ft. ,' :. .

O ] ldI5

i^was- -treated'"by imany'dittereiit;docifers and tbey gaTe tne many dlffer-

t d i l and 1 evsnL, .jiliiFeariin ei!2e from-inyTiqtne,:tciiiK-j.'.in.t>gfaange of scene might do xnogood-i l.'*e^-iKajr; iu&ge ct the grarity*6f my

/ ' jnljitipn wiien I tell yoa I wajr.som.e-ieS cqinpelle.fi te bse morphln's iior

^ j t i s at a time. _" - . ' : • • ' -; '•= : , "• ;|'"For two •years" I':Bs.fo eatea brape-'sNuts'fpodiiat Jeast -twice a day and I

' t h I l f•>JcaE now.:f£ay that; I . bave perfect"L I bavi Ltesenno ^tiediciiie ja1

Ke-^rape-XntsJaaS <lbhc it; alK •[i3 C33f eat absolnlely suyUiicg: I.Yris]j;i

wiiiip.ul stornacb. distjess.'-;.: ' :-.: •-'•r:' •'! am a iusiaess woman and can.jrajii^Diy 2 .or 3 ^ ' i t s .a.day and feel.^^tSr-fpr. domglgp^..; t- Say!e (to fuse!Brains, iii my ••woik,- slid if is: reaiark-Hbfc bov q-ilcki:"alcrt 3"3Q.;tireIess';my

p ^ - POKtuni Co.,

I'm sure. we'Ti coth; lgen Incon-venienced Jong enough bj1 ibis—ei—misplaced yoans trotnaij^l : . : -

"I suppose you are right. S'meon,out i t 's ' a ''kind of a ticklish job. Ireckon you tfoulfln't miad if I tirouglit.upson i e good e*cuse: for getting rid

;6r her."' ' , j '•-- . . .•"TJs8:ati tbe oxeuso • sou want;

JoeL ' ' - , . . . • - .

• -1 paight ie3I :ber -sac isn't alwayson_ tfrne in.'tile morcing.". - * _ "

"'"•••X'won't do. Tried "It myseir notlong ago^ and sbe said sacil be more.pronipt in the'fTiture, anil sbe'-was'fora.weet.'" '..;• •. : • • • " • . ; .

• "We.inigbt cut, do7n Ser .wages"acfi'then sbe "could leave'qC-her own"acjecrd."- • " . .-. : -• "N'o good-. •! (ijd^tiat-.sasie thing a'monih:.^Ko;: r;ed she said she'd try to",,<io batler'-vrbri; so. I-bad to'Taise iier-again ;tbe i>ext'Month.•'• ••. \ .;.-:;',:.;tTil.i.fiH her; sne ; '.Isn't.. .Scciirctelepoiigb.' . Sner"fret]tiently'. maJves ' njis-taates-.'in change."- ;

: ' •: --...!.".u ''}'• <•<?'!• you'"virhst v.ili bap'pea tUen."Sa^s'lt, nearly..-crr. atd ssj'-^-e nev^r,whs'.'tnv~1?-" gpodjJat. "figures..1 '^Iiisar-ofoel. you\1. be a b r u t e t p . discharge a.poor girl-beeause-oncc in . ^iiie^sheimadb:'a. EiJstakeiof a iev:. pennies."" :.••'Bo you riiinl; (iia*. ;r 3nv'u,:ay s te

. . . ' / Stating it Cprfebtly...A' youiss lawyer jra's. eiEx_1_--!=, -stolid country' yokel; la'- a ^orse .deai-Jing cane. - - -. : . - : ' ••""

"N'6«". lir. attend t c i i e , pleass. - D:d'Mr. Smith, sell rile plaintiff a_Eorse inJune" last '" :••'•

"">>"•" • i ' : . - -'

V "What! A t ".ste.Touare asKct-j-ler Ccr.exactriess. Well,: then,: did Mr.* Smith, junior, sell the torse?" ._ "

"Come. come, slf.dpn't quibble". "Did,lirs^ Smith 'sell'the horse?"

~%o." -.'. - " . •' . " "

-So'.:- • Did;Sir. Smith sell anytliisgto the plaJctirt in-Jujie iast?'r

"Aye," . , - . • ' ; . " . ' . -"Ah- Terijars "yotwili.telJ UE-wh?.t

itbatwaK. ; ;. :- . ; " :.j " :K sold un a rnzie:''-— Kschange; •i '__••.... :"• ^ • " . . • • j " - " - - . . ; '

J . pinehrBell RHetoric.1- iv -Wrhaf's an epljgraia?'! asked ' Mr»

Cunirox.' :-,J.- ' ' : - • :-. ' • J •" "A-T epig-raii isT

: ;soiKething tliatJ sotrnds- good but doesn't convey ;(ny-i'rclial'le meaning."; .v

r.Ms.ft. ;i1 On i]ie Qtlidr: Iian5, nii-'.Tii'- hbiisp^vivjppfe',:\ th^L.i"i! .bnklh^r fcordcr is of n<> valueiitilt'St il«i>-"pav f«^i\ents. A pninid for It"—/r.i- 'pri^fr- c-liarsetl -fcr ttie J-ii?-l priced

:;"Trast". bnina^ . : T1:l3 is a^mlaiake, "iirf:]j<i tvist, V;?.Kj2g;~po'\vder chaf ear. t o made

:ca.-i be sotcf for L tx per pound if the p a ^1afAC!l--rer:. is -Ijaii5rieci: %TUi a • reasouiiblftproiir, CChera 1P nTia "bra'mt:on tht-; rnnrket•that" ir:&:ts . tfres^ rtquiremnnls. -Tf-'faCA.T.CM311 K'.KIXfl-;i>OWDER iccqin-?n£iGde«l by- 3cad;n.£r physiirin.is ar.O c ^ r i -ists: ii.sfrd- 5n iri'.Hlocs- oi • liorara; and

i The Highest ATvai\l.ut thct ' ' i V l

: ;No Claim for Reciprocation.JaehfiReeves tells this, on Feiix

partly; "B'bq use2 to drive a Bighthack "tiefoje ho retired, to'- the-presl-deiiey of a-.-.refectory, Trhere tbe gooiiE |are; sold" from the..wood: - f ' . ' - J

•'I- didn't see yoo at Slurpby's f«- j.neral," -= 5d an acflualstaneB to. Mc-Carthy. ""What's the reason yon didn't"S P ? " ' • " "• . ' • - . " - '

I '"Why should I T retnrned ^ 5Ic-Carthy, somewhat touchily.-•-... '"Sure, jMurphy niver iitteidea my funeral."—

York Telegraph. ' .

S2.25r *2.50, *3, ^3.50,H & »5 SHOES-All'Styles. "All Lea&er., AH Slits t^xd W-dtht,

for Mefr, Women and Boya,THE STANDAHU UP Offl A J. »-TV" • -••

FOR OVEftSO YEARSTHE NEXT TiME YOU NEED SHOES£iye W.L.Douglas>bioes a trial. W.L.Douglas name stamped on a. shoe guar-antees superior quality and m6re <?alue Ifor the money than other makes. Hisname and price stamped OR tFie bottdm"protects the wearer against high'pricesand inferior shoes. Insist upon having 1

[the genuine W. L. DouglsLS shoes, j\ T^te no substitute.1 JJ,lf«S»irigSiJ* 5

3W 3 » 0H3ES 3 7 MATT,, SSoes'Sffiit ETtaywhers—Mi CSirges Prej^iat'. mv.l-Tl«icli*i>bb^**7t"Tit;tkoid;injo«rroini;ie"^sdirft<«i Jaetorr- 'raie ircsmfcarei*.- -X,..- . of-lO3t>sihoTn;lT'. mcil^l;*ua*«yl*d«IrS5^ Mi*amt-w3dUtB*!tt3iT.w-':n?: >'tia

Smokeless Qii Hcatec bxoarDedrooincc^dwlirnyoudreisy |4 y

ess Qii Hcatec x ywmyir«t5>. Do ytxx'vteiet jxpe. freeze £a « cellar? !*£t :

dally wKea liie witul vrtails* aroenri t te eq>osecl cornea of'your Brw«: r? ' _ - ' " j , - : ; . .-

^ "PierfecSsa SniolceJesvOS Meatef r>ns£j complete com-EDA. .Gin l ie carried anjrWkcre. AIwaja icady fot otsc—r-..

When Yopr Eyes JN!eed Careyrjilttf^fc^ieHciaeaj-.' Xo SraftFine—acts <Julcl:Ir.' Sty "It ior TOta,TrWatery Ey^a and. <Sracalato*l Kyellds. Ut m t d Bc«K in:'ea<;Ti Pa^ltpse- Sltiris

by our

*luriso Kyo Sal-ro in Aitptl'r 3^l>c^- 2x>' and We

Nlurlrio Eye-Remedy C?)., Chicago

Mislesdiag Sneezes."How did yon..come on-wifi your'

Etndy of the Russian iaagxiage?" . ':••>Tot welL- .WMle I TVSS trying to

prdnouace a few wbrd3 our-, "faisilypbysiclaa came alosg. and Corcefi meto txke^all kiacs of aediciiie to. breakiip'a- cola."- ' .:• . ' . • " - . . - .

. '• Engineering in Montana.. " Henry; J, ifcDaiiel, ex-City.jJngai'eer

.of Atlanta^^o.W; in'.cteirg€i. of Govferji:

that.:te = contiaicte'dIS' 'iernb'iei: -icwhlRh:^ppii}sfcian'cpiaref£eT«, but

erpkeW "\Rsm;. was,. cuied. b'y; Ta-yltf^s pherpkeW \Rsm•edy.pf-Svreet'.Guia and iruilem.' ForaH-Col.4E}-"WnpoPliig Coiugb, etc." " '; j i t druggistis,-'^ SOc. icd, #1.00 a

: '&A r-bcfpr&^ibutjjft^'ttMen^ivit^.'ar.,

Standard Oil Company

By a New, Quick, SureNoX-Ray, No Pant NoNo B n ^ g blasterGtiaraEteje. R.R. No.

"Eifi ? years'aso1! noticed a E a ^ sore'clweeye- It keptc^eadmjf and "paining nis. r-syeni zas i»

d tfie doctor reraovisi it in ^0

JOHN y o u s s ' .:•


show is the'

<t Every.icar shown wthin^iev^beforekn

'--ft More 1912.Trucks-<£ More, ne

rfej&esentafjve '-;: j ; 4 - : ; i ; ; ; ; . . • • _ ; ; • / - . ' : •

ClOJ ji rnqdcil,- some-iiautoinobil^sKow.-

d• •' !£j>i • = <LBswiutiiu! and 'or iginal decorai ipdi ^i<i;the repre- . _ :"

. iivA ' - • ftefitative crowd of iieKlers.enthusiastSj-p'retty w o m e n - • "-" ~' -*$', ,, " e n d g o i d d o f t t s . - m i k e vt w S n h t h e t r i p i o D e t r o i t " • • - - . -

yy\ ". from cipher .a business or pleasure sJaD£p6'iii ' -~ ~-

• j | j " : • / .;: ; Wayne"Gard.eHS, Detroit V.^ -;. '.;'J%iU .M6riHay.ni2ht!to;Satureay^night, Jan.-22nd ;to: 27th'' "•


the/ Detroit. Show - '

To be'seea 3t-s?ace No. 21 ' AisbVlier famous Regal Unders!unss;

''_- The Regal Motor Gar Company,.Detroit, Mi<iu

Libefty:BnisK folly eguip*jjfe(j,:!n;cladi{ig:i j, ' J : ;:/' • / *J ' '"/nfvjfH';mofeir. top,-:wind shield ancr. gals lan ps\>.'*'.-.• 3 ' : ' / : ' 1 ' " <''.;>> ^Mjle ;


-"• tTnioii T n i k Coiripany CeVflficate's of -D'ep6»ftjrlild" 4 percent-yearly; £«terSst is rcmlttet! sejni-aniapailly. -They are jj'a^abls ort s. tixsA Gate,, ana _

i - Gtf _the.~cbasi :ct:rK£\?.-!£eaIaB'dr-'a:avvaiitaee-Is; tdicp.'pf' tfce-jsrio\vfr':rd'ut.es"taken by 'tbe.wtfales'ia tfceir passage,'and net's are successfully set roKtlfenr

Such: a7piffer*nce. •-,1'

• o'e i >

F!=«e^T tne 4.i<>niy 4 P2

e. t ie «,<!:«'s««

s'snd'TKeiifi tedowii.

fp; Perfurr.e.species rilagre.eiibis


' t.!CEn.--Rr' TOJRJiia CAIT ^ r

I > ~^"'-?' 'Jia'i^A'i'.Lc.!? as good a s his" wife ;

• r . b i t i h s ' he 6i;sjot ~-o \ii.--,\s r i p e , fpr-


t, 35 KorSe PoWer Toufiag -C&rj

^equipped HSOfpt>-. _ __'i,IE TERRrtOKY StlLL OPEK.

-•TO DEALERS' i! -c ;;.,:• ' 7 : ; i y r , f ' WRITE US NO t7.

: 15-719 Woodward Ayenu^ Detroit ;

I M uur large exhibit Dt space 3E, Detroit Autornotiiie Show, Jan. £to £T


»hc WJIJ cJmrscfrr: und ?*;J: we (DO 6Jic.-i 1<**lccti^n of aMoicrCjir wMui isol hfin:

oTl9 tfi>n-vp. Hie •

Foster Motor S^les Co.:17E1

Grant Bros,, Auto Co.

1000 Woodward Avenue

In,' ij// fully iy'jip(pc</; iMoili-l "A* ftnA.'J»lcr, ()^)e wJi«-rI^(K); 'U* .UnrJrrrtlijMi: l^hntlelcr, ^I^OX); Mft<lrl rK*arh^cr Toiinnfi (J*r. i^OO, 'KK' : R6»<lntcr. $900:

fc-creiil Delivery, $W0j nil o( lasi ihtce models </n

^65, Woodward Av«nu^ DtTROlTM«i'jnrrr -.

-Modi't rl.MndH J

i_i<>n "40",5ii.t |.o*-ien;-3r» d.lH- r(lirinj>r'l. $1600

I-iiir, "40". (ive r-A* c«BEl i«Mtin« rjir-fuity r^^ipl'Lion V-1O*\ two [jimarng.-r rnacb lc-r. luily <ri|u.p



^/____^ SPACE No. 66 AND 67. ANNEX 7

SEE THE D6SCO SELF-STARTER v/«lias, bctn .id.>intil oy Ihe piir.cipil AuloniobJEe martufacrtireri -"•; '"

: -u Can Be JnsiallecS On Any Cara!j Yew poun3s" . ." - . =f* l u =? olih*1- wri>i»tailiyoiir motor


T T L • / • '"'"• I * '"LS'/Z* T ^ E LARGEST USED CAR DEALERS IN AMEB^CA= J fl& Jj*.Qp&lClTl€t LsQm Woodward and ISPalmer Ave., Detroit Mich.


•-y. .Vi-'^^f fanriens a! ioverj i ie : country- } y/\\\ haye'.fe's five,i^'j ^liewVniociels tKetc• sthd "\vill sliow you cafefuUy every

V.-.. ' l i ttle aetaii of their constnittiori. Look ufiTh^ Cartcr-'.'; ,H ca i Loctii, a-ajd asfcfor^'GcoigpV, tJbatViide. ••-••-.

GEORGE REASON'. Afcna^er.,"


1246 Woosiward Ave. Detroiti Michigan


niattrr. of tire

flaid.cSf^onw-O. : tliirmff rt-i;<J?rpri [ t o tqiriyni i r t : btr finnra'liniui^trutioH-aw^ont anij

iLP--orOj;oce wirli lit> rirovisTOn-i 6f-.6;J:i].' luff

sM (^nil. Cmy-f- -.li'ioty'" !»•> app^i<iesajmirrijj.- end-ajluwif;p' i.jiii! ' y ^ 6^uairrKi-iU'l^i-'tUton -- : ' ; y\

i hN. cr<{rr hi>- lilfliil^lH] th l^e fiirtvf-tF jirrvuiii* ' In H^I-* 1 im» dllh'iflu? ,V<iH!r. iilt- TIforil. ^-iii.'wpfin.jicrn^'tlcirwjirii'tii; .in win' ("oii.ti; v. of Wa

: ' ; i j - \:i:i •• .

• • : t l .

.are. read jby'!th'e :-people".:jbec2use:J[t ~givis ':$fijttn a?"n;e;.vs; or-a.bspiSu)^;in--| • icercse'vi P.eopls-i'ictlpS'g'v'; •'

9 ;

^ ; ^ g . y

saves.ti'mf-isii; trouBle".":'

jyoift lvvai;es tOrtbe iiiir.A .ti-in of fliis cpniiatinitj, 'oura''.v;erayrne cblumns"


Mr-", (ii.'n. i'urkur «-;\S iiume 'li'lr.ilt. riiin.l.iy.'Mrn . li,: J-' ,\rirlrrui< nf \\'j

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lvl(i- <if Now.l lli !.


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Cliiyl l l l l l l n i lH . IK VIH'IUJIK R|H Mlrtlcrilt, IfraniS I *(.•(!£•' (mil . VV. C iiutiHutii -vlul l i i! n:l«(lv«'H llyrv tU)n Hi'l'X-^n t lii: | i | l i iK.tlil« «iiv'V " p. j M m . -inmi.'ii tlVirriH MJKMIC II ti;W

II. 'I '. NlirtniWiii, wl(i! i i a i ! i > l C A , ' il'«•>." <Kl Xoiv" iMi ' )s6/J Uilk H'CTU r-llnl<f>:i! tin.-J tvlfi' r i i i 'Tn i l i u ' i J i.Oe: s i r . j i m i Mrff i : lii^rbi li t ; № ' r " o fK u r n n ' r ' H H u b WVtlii i^dny n! . O e <;r}«t!U l iui tct i , 'V.(.'I:<IMIIII... rwuc-jitlyK i t H I M IHL'X". , ' '- . -Jv lHt^ ' i l - t l i . ' i r Htolur, M rH -liV(Trti '

Tli«-' hiilli-s lu-r« hnvu' n r ^ i n t / c i l ' n i <i«">iliMl. _ "••••vi;.. • . : . . . ^-. 'h"iiin-.v-tt'urk H u l l , liitMii-xi u i reUi i i t . i i i l t \Vpjfn lioiwuhuSi! ^ I I U I I H ur<ft iv 'ha iitlrt n t \\K l iutiie 'ol M U s ,li:iiiflc tu-ltj^ : ) iuved t o Uujlr ut:vi I a r m lioiui 1

until .I'Vl>rii.iU\y i ' Jnd. ; Lyvi>. mllt-H WL-Ht of lu' .vu. • Nnv'ij " : A. T n ^ l o r rtiiiJ fami ly u i Hitnc!--. |'ie^[il<.' ttr..' g l ; i 4 t o .-ly^icunie t l ietn

.15. MiKlloiHi-nmi «lfi> f r o m _V\e«i j Tl i? netoWl f m n n a l lmot[Uet of t t i envMHay uucl l S;itnr(lu.v o i l i i s t jVeet- j :,OvV -iV. C. ' I ' . (J. wili tie nelii^at. ib'c

~ ;——>- f-g''- - " ! li»mlst i-lihrcti jjavlprs.. JMII. 3S>.-

~.r:->-„ • * — ; — - -


I' •' r -'

Thr "i'JncSI №{$ -A-t\irtt. N e * VoiK. i f r '"vice a- i. i Criifn. :ii'I'Dr-ul.irl'riiSs.""':

A strlcily iiunk-rn up.- tiuiu'.e Hnii-I. I'tn-,. t!.i:ly'. localc'J in tfie• ver\ li<-att oftht citv.

"•Where lite is worth



r S 1 - ' 5 O : ' - P E S VOAY AND UP


•ft'cures piles, eczema; any .sisia Itch- ;j m , . , n b t ! r a :wl<[ be Kikec at. this Time 'ln?. AH =an«3i« aai.it.; j r n e WfJi(iC« for .h^ne^. j e a r^ re a« ;

_ _ _ ^ _ — ^ | | {allows: PreaidenC. Mra. Kffie r.oot;L ' U U R . i s i i . i ^ A m i . v / c u r - n u i y i t i u D i L x . j u r r L i u , n u i r y t n u i K i J i ^ l . ' ' ' ' '~ • ' • " ' ' • • • • • • • • ; " i r i < * ^ * * . ; v i i - e T i r e e i f r s ^ : S a . r ^ b : . T j i v i O T ;

Automobile Equipment Co. ' . WALLED L ^ E HEWS, j i reco^w;^: ; M«: Mae uokouib:


SATiSFACnOAl G^AiNTEED OR MONEY REf UNI1ED . •io Ditve an Aulornobiie." ser.ifr^e bnreqaeitSTATE AUTO SCHOOL ,

Jrl 7 Seiden Avenue DETHOITI7Hear Woodward

Rales 75 cents and up

KO.T' Dcmaiajipfj~ vras borne, froco! Lareu. . , • :

j Pootlac over Sunday. _••''•• i ; '-~~ r^ • ^

• Fffed Prate left i fonda j atghtior, . cusn ed <-!».r Msiid^Jen-yeefertaItlnGo!ok-a<lo. ' j A J O H p g °Q Up ! t a'^ ^ e S courtCns

C- F."Kose^ who has been hocafif.or; for s^reral years; ajid The young-siaiith'e.'jh'olidaj.is rtlurtied -tti Teini№ee i Feefcea_ to .:l*e iii. no hurry 15 marrj-

ur it Opp. Public Library, 50 Farrar St[and Bates St


Rooms: 75c.'; $1.00, $1.50 Per Day. Excellept Metis 25c.

AUTOMOBILE -: S-" : .^. • ' "HOW CS.THE TIKE ' . - .

FULJ, COUI^t covering everyiKijtg pertaming to AUTOMOBILES." Both theoretical-and practical training on .Carburetors, fgnition. Transmission,' Oiling 'and ^CoolingSyjlerns, REPAIRING and DRU'ING- Satisfaction guaranteed. Diploma given. :

235 .'-'i'-snff Avcnu» iatt• V -~~.Z, -.S'.CH, - •

It. : T: Snilth bj U'!lke-<tiurre.: Pa.: rMiO .Mi«s S.fyra Sraitb cf Toledo:!

iObio. are visit!Dg Mrs. Kir Aagel'jIfor a tew days. - I

I Mrf. I ra Car'ups, Mrs.'-Ites: AngelViJapd iiiss Glinda1 Sriiltb rweot tv:

iietrolt Satarday nighc_to attend;t i e :-S-eadioe; oi Mamie -Sa.>H.b to]Frances iicCaiio -which 6t turrefl a t ISX.' Alice's ch^irch .'--'oudav nioroln^:-?




i'% ••••p.


• • > •£ • • . : • • • § .

• t



in• • - «caase-o.

•.'• i \o: Alv.-sys Listing. _ ,; j: T o mf-rry ones idea!'would be fiae, j: we. -oi-i'! .only i s assured .of not |-aking -:p. ••-' •• - - ' ' !

- ""I'.ve. changed my miDcT.- said be."Well. TU, seli -ihee" wta-. s\e'fi do." j

kni'i she.1 -""If folks: k'now tliaj it'sthee. esy i ias 'given me up i "ebanija be.able ro .se t another eiinp: -but if'LbeyifaTnjr We•.gl.FC.a! xhee ; u p ' i can. get6l! -1 l a o i . ; So we'll have baaqs pub-lishea. snd. B-'UER. ,tlre 'e<i.(iii3g day !corries 0\c paisbij| wfi) say^ (6- ihep."".Wil:" iKou'- fia'i-e .slws.-wouian" f ir l i yredden -w:/c?" and *.i:o-j must say, '3wUl : Arid.-.a-hien ae says to me. *Wnt rtaou n re tbjs man to bs thy wedded I

This .neiyWinchestef 'is reloaded by. recoiithe iSriiig irieclfiin

A'b'alJ.etfifisdfrdS] itstHkes a

frabbn enough

nor cumbeL Jome to EaniJIi.in coristfuctidn

•• 'h- . • - • c i

:w j-earaV3s jepposed tfl. — _ — ^a great ws-ny years Ow*toniprdiOTinced-.it a local di3e;ise"andpri

. , . ._ "proTtate .a cocetitiitioijal iataM'&Q'd

tfeareJore-Tt uiTfes -cpi;»ci"txi'Gona| ,trratsi«BC;affair* Catarrh' .Onr?, in ST^I fac tuxea li j -T» J.Uheney &, CoU Toledo. ObioTis th& OTUTJCOTI-•tHtjtiona! cbrt on. t ie mark*t_ I t ti"takenlnt«rnallTiri-doscq froni 30 drops•tdRtjaBt'-kpooufjiL_ Itaccs diriec.£J.7.OD t i e blood, abi?.ma'cous pc.rfu.cps of tb* syetein. ThcToff«r

dollars JOT anT " etfs*''it. faili

Tse qay canie, and ivlien tiie minis-ter asl\€<!;tbe imponaut tfyesiioaibeman answered. -1 wSlL" -

Tben the parsop said .;o tbe' woman:

iisiand?" snd. she sa:cj; '.

"," Eaid the young.teaa. furious-ly. ""ym.^a.idTon >woui<J. say.-.i jwihna.-"

- ' ' " ! "Loow "iSat."" said! tbe-' ybung'TOmm. "but I'Te-phajiged my mindBince."— -N '

.: :Wien :yoj'. haTe abid cold, you want ibt,best;nied!cine ottaiaableJ BOW to cureitwitt•aiHwIeicleUjas-ppaiMe.v Hero JBiidrag-

Tee percentage of those betweeii"the'1 ages of 2$ an5 70 yho are

—^—•- --—- Let Us.Pure ^ct^jAcicicc. rhrc-'nic oriaoiie Ailment*-cone to'.-c^.irvc^c of v^c ttko nr^drrurcric^JOOUJ?"*"itl\ o n t foot_-_ > —:—•—— •• •—:: :— -.• ;

JM§>ri J i ' I U 9 U H ^ • l^ | D ^ *• V **4«.'r.'Tu gnSevers vbo claim t h u -A-C pna caira liitrz «ifwr other corior? D*Q I»I»ea—taer o -r:-;! t-.'

~ (HIB MnTTft"Smi inr««a-^aI<?cBc!M" l t s*Jc : ; : ' '^~cru : 'a-Utln m U l I U ! CaHof->crit«lOj>AYin>»5rg4cJi:fienK-. j -

