Guide to Downsizing - NEATSPACES

Take the stress out of downsizing with NeatSpaces. Guide to Downsizing

Transcript of Guide to Downsizing - NEATSPACES

Take the stress out of downsizing with NeatSpaces.

Guide to Downsizing











TABLE OF CONTENTShere's what's inside








Don’t want to do it alone? NEATSPACES will

help you create a personalized downsizing plan

so your project will go smoothly, meet deadlines

and ensure that you and your loved ones will be

treated with compassion and empathy every

step of the the way.

Now is finally the time to embrace your next

chapter and downsize your home.

To other people, your belongings just look like a

lot of stuff. To you, they represent years worth

of living and the people, places and events that

mean most to you.

With the NEATSPACES Downsizing Guide, learn

how you can make downsizing efficient and

emotionally liberating with the right steps and


Introduction toDownsizing

[email protected]

Your home reflects a lifetime of memories. As a compassionate

provider of professional downsizing services, we know that it’s

important to understand that downsizing can mean different things for

different people.

When downsizing a home, a person will often experience one of two

emotions: excitement, or dread. In some cases, individuals may

experience both.

Along with all the fond family memories, unresolved conflicts, differing

interpretations of what was said or not said, different expectations

and current disparate socio economic positions can surface at the

table when letting go of the family home.

It’s important to note that downsizing the family home can trigger a

range of emotions for adult children, grandchildren, step children and

extended family. A home’s contents and stories can mean different

things to different people, and the process of downsizing will look

different for everyone.

The Emotions ofDownsizing

page #2NEATSPACES [email protected]

Downsizing can be exciting and full of


You may have loved the last chapter of your

life spent in your home, but you’re ready to

shed that identity for what comes next.

You are ready to embrace the simplicity,

camaraderie and activities of the next

chapter, by shedding possessions, and

identifying space for those that are special in

your next life. Your possessions have served

you well and you are happy to have someone

else reap the utility and or pleasure that you

have enjoyed over the years.

Moving is usually stressful but you won’t have

the burden of your things to bring forward. A

fresh start in a new environment can be


NEATSPACES page #3 [email protected]

Excited—Let’s Do It!

This isReally Tough

Downsizing can be very emotional and trying.

You may have preferred to stay in the house

that you’ve called home for decades. That was

always your plan.

If circumstance has forced your hand, you

likely haven’t had time to embrace the

happiness you might find in your next chapter.

A simpler life, where the burden of daily chores

and household maintenance are no longer


It’s hard to let go of the past and the burden

may be overwhelming and weigh heavily. You

may be navigating these uncharted waters

alone, without the support of loved ones to

lean on.

Moving is often stressful. When you have to

make choices to part with the things that tell

your life’s story, it can be overwhelming.

The process of downsizing the family home at its essence is similar to the

dispersal of the non-titled assets in your estate. While you may be taking many

valuable and sentimental items with you to your downsized home, chances are,

you will have to disperse of many items that hold both financial and emotional


Most people have not done a lot of inheritance planning, but this process will be

easier for you if you have already had some of those hard to approach

conversations with your adult children and extended family.

In spite of making every effort to be fair, equitable, and thoughtful in your

decision making, each individual will bring their own emotions to the table.

Consider the following in the context of your own family fabric.


Family & Extended Family


[email protected]

Fair: What is fair?


Are all of your children treated equally or should

preference be given to a first or last-born child? Is it

right to compensate the child who has stepped up to

care for you in recent years or make amends with the

child you love dearly but has been estranged for many


You may also consider if one of your children needs your

support more than the others. But really, what’s fair?

Is it fair to give things to stepchildren to whom you have

bonded over many years? Should your children’s

individual socioeconomic circumstances govern your

decision-making? There are a lot of factors at play when

making these important decisions.

Equitable: What is equitable?

[email protected]

What may hold huge sentimental value to you, may be

considered junk to someone else.

Some people cling to emotional and sentimental ties to

things not driven by the monetary value of items. Other

unresolved sibling conflicts and confrontation can also

resurface during the process.

It’s easy to divide by equitable value with the support of

appraisals, but how do you divide things in a

sentimentally equitable way? There is a great book called

Who Gets Grandma’s Yellow Pie Plate that illustrates this


Downsizing can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t

have to be. With the right resources, approach and

mindset, the process can be positive and seamless.

Consider the advice, tips and tricks that can help

make downsizing an uplifting experience.

DownsizingTips & Tricks

page #6NEATSPACES [email protected]

page #7 [email protected]

Before you begin the physical process,

consider the following ways to

categorize the items in your home.

Common categories include:

Keep, Give Away, Sell, Consign and

Auction, Donate, Recycle and Garbage.

Resist the urge to store things you don’t

use because, chances are you won’t dig

them out later to make those decisions.

If the answer to what you want to keep

is “everything”, you have a big hurdle to

overcome. Understandably, if you have

lived in your home for decades and had

the space to store things, you haven’t

had the need to do much mulling or

culling over the years.

Set realistic expectations for the value

of things in the current market. There

may be some high ticket pieces of art,

furniture, china or table top decor but

dining room suites, particularly china

cabinets and large buffets, have little or

no value in the secondary market.


Create DigitalBooks Categorize

A major challenge that comes with

downsizing is deciding what to do

with your meaningful and nostalgic

memorabilia. As much as these items

are meaningful, they also take up a

lot of room, and can get in the way of

the decluttering portion of your

downsizing efforts.

Consider making a physical scrapbook

or even a digital book with images

memorializing some of these

keepsakes. Trips, events, milestones,

and awards are examples of

memories you can commemorate

providing permanent legacies with

digital books

Digital books are a great way to give

a memory or story to each of your

loved ones or to yourself.

Once you have considered your new lifestyle,

available space in your new home and what

you love, it’s time to begin sorting things into

categories. We recommend using colour

coded stickers or labels to mark the

categories directly on each piece.

If you have the space and the manpower,

designating a room or area of your home for

each category works as well.

Garbage and recycling can be skimmed off

the top and disposed of. Things for donation,

sale or to be kept, including clothes, linen,

bedding and other soft goods, should go in

clear bags or well marked boxes not garbage

bags.This helps avoid disappointment if

someone inadvertently tosses it.

Families can be divided when emotions spike while downsizing, especially at times of

grief. Thoughtful participation by you at this point in time can ensure a smooth passing

of inherited legacies, rich in both monetary and sentimental value.

This is a good time to have those hard conversations with your kids about what they

want, why you want a particular child to have something and the story behind some of

your legacy keepsakes.

Don’t be disappointed by your children’s or loved one’s answers when you had always

imagined a particular piece of furniture or memorabilia being perfect for them, but

also be prepared for competing desires for sentimental things.

page #8

Sort, Edit & Purge

Have the Hard Conversations

NEATSPACES [email protected]

Transitional moves can be overwhelming

with the combination of timelines, difficult

decisions, high emotions, and the

magnitude of the job.

When observing the task at hand, it’s hard

to know where to start. Enlist family, friends

or the services of a company that

specializes in downsizing and senior move

management. Professionals like

NEATSPACES have downsizing project

management expertise and a reputable

group of third party services for supplies,

movers, packers, handymen, and cleaners

If downsizing involves selling a home, you

may have to approach the task in phases

including decluttering and organization to

prepare the home for sale, selecting and

packing what moves with you and packing

and disposal of what remains.

Things always flow more smoothly with

advanced planning. For one, consider the

footprint of your new space. If the

footprint you are moving to is smaller, the

length of a sofa, bookcase or dresser may

technically fit on a wall, but the scale of

the piece may overwhelm the room.

The best way to prepare for this is to

print out a floor plan. Take accurate

measurements, paying special attention

to the depth of things as the new room

sizes will likely be smaller. One trick is to

use green painters tape to trace out the

dimensions of furniture on the floor in the

new space.

Critical thinking and good choices will

make moving day a greater success.

page #9NEATSPACES [email protected]

Get the SupportYou Need

Floorplan-Measure for Scale

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category 2 here

Inheritance Planning is gaining traction in

the new age of more minimalism. Take the

time in your retirement years or anytime to

keep ahead of the accumulation of things

we all gather in a lifetime.

The reality is that things tucked away ten or

twenty years ago may not hold the same

sentiment now. Files can be shredded,

storage areas can be sorted and purged,

and out of date or clothing that no longer

fits can be donated.

If you’re in the early stages of research into

downsizing options and transition is not

imminent, embrace the opportunity to sort,

edit and purge your life legacy of memories,

collections, books, and décor items. When

the time does come by choice or chance in

the future, the task won’t be as

overwhelming and you can focus on the next

chapter with joy or, at least, without dread.

It’s a warm feeling to think that you can

pass treasured furniture, legacy décor and

memorabilia to your children. While this

would be lovely and make the process much

easier, prepare for a different reality.

Times have changed, spaces are smaller

and your adult children already have

established homes that speak to their own

taste and décor.They are a generation

removed from family folklore. Have the

conversation, be prepared for the answer

and don’t take it personally.

page #10

Set RealisticExpectations

NEATSPACES [email protected]

Your Kids May NotWant Your Things

There’s Never a“Bad Time”

Without a doubt, furniture is one of the

categories that is important to get right —

especially if you are doing the work yourself.

Furniture is often big and heavy, expensive to

transport and, if too large for the scale of a

room, makes it look smaller and presents a

safety hazard.

Furniture can often be a category with strong

memories attached to it which hinders the

decision of what should be moved to your new

home versus what is practical.

Furniture & Décor

page #11NEATSPACES [email protected]

As we age, we find it harder to sit down and

get up from being seated. You may

currently have several living areas in the

home you’re moving from, but you will likely

only have one main room and maybe a

smaller den in your new home.

Choose the sofa and chair that is most

comfortable and supportive or replace it

with something new if it’s too large for your

new space or you want to start fresh with

an updated look. It’s important to get this

right as much of the day will be spent in the

main living area.

Even if you are moving from a house to a condo, the dining room

may be considerably smaller than what you are used to. You will

likely pass the torch for large family gatherings to the next

generation if you haven't already.

Maybe your table will fit but without the leaves in it that you are

accustomed to or, if you are moving into a retirement residence,

you won’t have a separate eat-in kitchen and dining area. Scale

down your table and take something that works for day to day use

like reading the paper, doing a puzzle or having a light snack. Your

main meals will likely be served in the dining room at the residence.

Sofas & Chairs

page #12 [email protected]

Dining Tables & Chairs


brand name

Bookshelves and accent pieces are

great choices for family photos, books,

and decor items. Using vertical space

over horizontal surfaces is a trick to

display and store things. Bookshelves

with storage cupboards or repurposing

a china cabinet are great alternatives

for smaller space living. That said, you

don’t need to fill every wall however.

Less furniture will make the space feel

bigger, create safe pathways and

require less upkeep.

page #13

Table Top DecorBookshelves &Accent Pieces

NEATSPACES [email protected]

Table top decor can refer to a wide

variety of items ranging from figurines

to travel souvenirs, to vases,

candlesticks, mementos, and other

things we have lovingly decorated our

homes with.

Table top décor is a category you can

discuss with your children or extended

family. What out of the pieces you

cannot take with you, do they want?

Sadly, some of our collections like

Royal Doulton’s have little or no value

in the marketplace. Taste has changed

and there is a large group of boomers

downsizing creating increased supply.

This is a category that can be

photographed and enjoyed over the

long term in a picture book.

Downsizing the Kitchen


Even if you have chosen a full dining plan in a retirement

community, it’s still nice to be able to have a light meal

or snack in your suite. Pack four (six if you are a couple)

luncheon size plates and bowls, two sizes of glasses,

wine glasses and knives, forks and spoons. If you have

family or friends for more than a snack, it will be served

in a private or main dining room at the retirement home.

If you’re downsizing to a condo, your kitchen will likely be

smaller. Be disciplined with how much you choose to take

with you.

Staples & Food

[email protected]

Many choose the full dining option provided by the

retirement community even when equipped with a small

kitchenette Your need for staples, canned goods, and a

large variety of spices will be reduced and not a good

use of space in a smaller kitchen.

HELPFUL HINT: If your move is to a condo or smaller

home, pitch food with expiry dates that have passed.

Consolidate things like spices and baking supplies. Shelf

organizers may help to make up for the room that you


Everyday China, Glassware & Flatware

Pots, Pans, Pyrex & Utensils

NEATSPACES page #15 [email protected]

As with food staples, the need for pots, pans, pyrex, utensils and serving dishes

will be greatly diminished. Light meals, simple cooking and easy clean up will

be the order of the day. If in good condition, this category is easy to donate.

Even if the next chapter has a full kitchen, think about your lifestyle. How many

will you be cooking for and what will you be cooking? Large family meals are

now only on special occasions.

Small AppliancesPack your coffee maker and an electric kettle! If you have a full kitchenette

and plan to make light meals, take a small food processor, toaster, and a

blender if you like smoothies or frozen drinks.

HELPFUL HINT: If your new kitchen has a smaller layout with reduced counter

space, you may consider smaller scale appliances. A two slice toaster, a

small food processor and single cup coffee maker may be wise choices.

page #16NEATSPACES [email protected]

China, Crystal &Flatware

Whether you are moving into a retirement residence or smaller home,

you may have already passed the torch for family gatherings to the

next generation. The need for formal china, crystal, and flatware for

twelve or more has passed. Offer these to family but prepare for their

preference being something more modern or of their own choice.

If you want to have your tea, wine and other light snacks in style, set

aside 4-6 side plates, teacups and wine glasses to bring with you.

There is a second hand market for many patterns of china and crystal,

however, breaking up the set will reduce its value. Consider using

everyday china or treat yourself by purchasing a small set that suits

your current needs.

Clothing and linen can either be one of

the easiest or most challenging things to

deal with when moving. Consider the ways

you can organize, pack and purge items in

this category for a more seamless moving


Clothes,Accessories &


page #17NEATSPACES [email protected]

Clothing in general has adapted more casual styles compared to previous times. It’s now

acceptable to go to dinner, the theatre or symphony in more casual attire.

Remember that you will likely have less closet space once you downsize. Your retirement

home may require you to “dress” for dinner, but that doesn’t mean anything more than smart


That said, by all means, keep an outfit or two appropriate for a wedding or fancy occasion.

Choose comfortable clothes, clothes that fit you well, clothes you can layer for different

temperatures, and clothes you can mix and match. The fewer that require dry cleaning, the


Men, the same rules apply to you. You don’t need the 15 suits that you used to wear to the

office and business events. Select one or two, along with matching dress shirts and ties and

ditch the rest.

page #18NEATSPACES [email protected]


You will likely only need one larger purse for times you might go out shopping, on a

trip or out with family. Remember purses can be heavy. Consider, what do you really

need to bring with you?

Select a few cross-shoulder or smaller options that can accommodate your keys, a

phone, medication if necessary, a small amount of make-up, a package of tissues

and a small wallet for your identification, credit cards and a little cash. Keep in mind

that you won’t need your wallet when going to meals if you are in a retirement


Men, you might decide that a small satchel will be handy in your new environment

for keys, tissue, medication etc.


page #19NEATSPACES [email protected]

It’s important to be comfortable. With the

exception of a wedding or special occasion,

your new lifestyle likely won’t demand many

dress shoes at this point.

If your shoes are uncomfortable, require a lot of

repair, have worn treads, don’t coordinate with

any of the clothes you have selected to take

with you or you haven’t worn them in years, now

is the time to let them go.

Men, the same principles apply to you.

page #20NEATSPACES [email protected]


LinenAlways a category needing an edit. You

may need to purchase a smaller bed for

your new bedroom and will more than likely

only have the beds you sleep in, so for sure,

there will be bedding that needs to be


Some retirement homes supply towels but,

even if they don’t, two sets of towels is

more than enough. Your dining table will be

downsized so tablecloths, placemats,

napkins will be another category in need of

an edit.

Your condo may have a spare bedroom, so

a pullout sofa may be practical so the room

can double as a den.

page #21NEATSPACES [email protected]

Hobbies are good for your mind and soul. If you like to knit,

sew, do needlework, paint, draw or do photography, you

should bring the supplies needed with you.

Make sure you pare down supplies to a quantity you can

easily store. After all, you will be introduced to other

activities provided by the retirement communities— you may

learn a new craft or hobby and have fun doing it with your


In a condo or smaller home you might have more flexibility to

dedicate space for your hobby.


Exercise EquipmentBeing fit is critical to overall good

health. If your condominium or

retirement residence has a gym or

offers classes, you may not need to

bring your own equipment.

Using the fitness facilities in your

new home will also offer social

connection with fellow residents.

Bring a few small pieces like hand

weights and bands for personal use

but let the rest go.

page #22NEATSPACES [email protected]


Sports EquipmentMany basements or storage closets

are full of outdated sports

equipment formerly used by your

children or you. Be realistic about

what you are going to use going

forward as storage will be limited

in your new home.

Remember that many items in this

category cannot be donated due

to health and safety standards.

If you’re a book lover, this category can be difficult. When books are an important

category, you should try to fit a bookshelf into your floor plan.

Even if you have room for a shelf, you will likely still need to edit and purge your

book collection. Remember that most retirement communities and many condos will

have a library to borrow books from — you might even donate some of yours to it!

If you can adapt to reading e-books for at least some of your reading, you can save

space and make use of the added convenience.


page #23NEATSPACES [email protected]

Subscriptions CookbooksIf you love leafing through newspapers

and magazine subscriptions and

archiving them in decorative containers

in your home, you may rethink this.

The reality is that, if you are downsizing

into a retirement residence, they may

very well subscribe to magazines and

several copies of the daily newspaper.

If they don’t subscribe to the ones you

like, then by all means remain

subscribed — just be disciplined in

passing it along when you are finished

with it.

Cookbooks are a beloved category in

many kitchens. Recipes on pages stained

with tomato sauce, oil and coffee are

the foundation for the meals that

gathered us together at the table for


It’s important to note when downsizing,

however, that many great chef’s recipes

are now available online.

What a nice gift it would be if you took

pictures of family favourites and created

recipe books for family and friends.

Include pictures of the great times you’ve

gathered around a table together. And

you have a great keepsake that takes up

less space.

page #24NEATSPACES [email protected]


Address macro categories like old textbooks

—they are now outdated and will likely never

be opened. If these are newer textbooks,

consider re-selling them through university

student groups on Facebook.

Encyclopedias fall into this category as well.

Remember most of this information is now

available online. Novels-with the exception

of a few epic ones, you are likely never

going to read them again. Be very

disciplined when sorting and editing this


Textbooks,Encyclopedias& PaperbackNovels

[email protected]

You have wonderful souvenirs and

memories from traveling the world, but

you won’t have the space to display

them all. People collect different things

as they travel like art, spoons, decor

items, Christmas ornaments, mugs and


While you enjoy the nostalgic trip down

memory lane, others won’t. This is a

great category to let go of or create a

digital memory book for each trip or

one highlighting many trips.

Do each of your children have bins of

childhood trinkets, high school and

university memorabilia in their

childhood bedrooms or in your


Time to pass this along. If they don’t

want it, create a photo book marking a

sample of their school work from each

stage, certificates of accomplishments,

trophies, ribbons, art, class photos and

give it to them as a birthday or

Christmas gift.

Memorabilia & Keepsakes One of the most emotional responsibilities that comes with downsizing is sifting

through an accumulation of memorabilia and keepsakes that are meaningful, but can

contribute to cluttering a smaller space if not pared down.

Memorabilia and keepsakes tell the story of a life well lived, across many of the

important people and events in our lives. Usually, their value is derived from

emotional and not monetary value.

Travel Childhood

page #26NEATSPACES [email protected]

Every family has family legacy

items to pass from one generation

to the next. The downsizing

process is the perfect time to pass

the torch so to speak. The

decision about who holds this

legacy may be difficult but it has

to be made. Be sure to document

the history of the event,

celebration, honour, letter,

furniture, art or décor item. The

item together with the story is

more meaningful in perpetuating

family legacy.

This should be one of the last categories to

edit in the downsizing process. When

something has sentimental value, it’s very

individual. It might be a collection of letters

from a young lover, a secret that you have

not shared, it might be research you have

done or documentation about a difficult

time in your life.

If the documentation needs to be kept

because the information would be valuable

to the next generation(any information

about a family illness, adoption etc.), make

that decision. Keep a secret file if you wish

and label it “Do Not Open Until I Die”. This is

not as uncommon as you might think.

Photo Books are a great way to enjoy

pictures of your grandchildren,

wonderful notes and cards from them,

art and small gifts that you cherish.

Transfer them to a picture book so

you can leaf through them daily as

they sit on your coffee table in your

new home.

page #27NEATSPACES [email protected]



Sentimental & Personal

A category filled with sentimental value, often

monetary value and family legacy. Choose a

few pieces of practical jewelry that you will

wear on a day to day basis in your new


Choose a few special pieces to use on a

dressy occasion like a wedding or other

celebration, but consider keeping these

pieces in a safety deposit box or small safe

that you can keep in your suite.

You may also want to consider gifting other

jewelry to your adult children or

grandchildren. Enjoy seeing them wear them

and tell them the story behind each piece so

they carry that legacy with them.

Consider having things reset or repurposed so

they are a more modern style and will actually

be used. Cufflinks can be made into earrings

and vice versa. Old wedding and engagement

rings can be made into wonderful pendants or

clustered in a ring or earring.

page #28NEATSPACES [email protected]


One of the wonderful benefits of downsizing to a retirement residence, is that your

meals will be prepared for you and typically served in the dining room. Generally only

bring enough to prepare a light meal or snack. Even if you have the option of doing

some cooking in your suite, meal preparation will be simpler than in previous years.

You may have room for a small dining table and chairs. Consider if your kitchen

dining table better suits your lifestyle now.

If your downsizing plan is to a smaller home or condo, you will likely have less

storage, counterspace and need for as many gadgets, serving platters and small

appliances. Be careful not to pack more than you will practically need. Consider

replacing some counter top appliances with smaller scale versions. You may have to

replace your kitchen dining table with one that has better scale for your new kitchen.

page #29NEATSPACES [email protected]

Downsizing ByRoom


BedroomsWhether you are moving to a retirement home, condominium or

smaller home, plan the furniture layout in your bedroom carefully.

Your new bedroom may very well have smaller square footage.

Your bed may have to be scaled down from a king to queen or


Even if you don’t have to change your bed size, it’s a good time to

consider swapping out your mattress for a new one. Make sure

there is enough clear floor space around the bed, dressers, night

tables, and chairs to ensure safe pathways and ones that are

large enough for a walker or wheelchair to pass through if that is

a consideration. Make sure area carpets and cords do not present

tripping hazards.

page #30NEATSPACES [email protected]

Whether or not you will be able to take the dining room table that represents years of

good times and conversation will depend on both its size and scale and décor choice.

You may very well be able to set the table up without leaves and have four to six chairs

placed around it comfortably. Alternatively, you may be choosing a more relaxed and

comfortable décor in this chapter so a glass topped less formal choice may be

appropriate especially if it’s the only table and chairs in your suite, and you will be

having light meals on it, writing on it, doing a puzzle and more.

Buffets and china cabinets may be too large to move with you and specifically placed in

the dining area. One option is placing the china cabinet in the living room or den where

it can double as a display for some of your décor items and storage. One thing to

remember is that traditional china cabinets and large scale buffets have little value in

the resale market.

Dining Room

page #31NEATSPACES [email protected]

Living & FamilyRoomIf you are moving into a one bedroom and

den or a two bedroom suite, and only plan

on using one of the bedrooms as a bedroom,

you will have space for some living room and

family room furniture.

With all downsizing decisions around

furniture, pay attention to the scale of each

piece you would like to bring. Be mindful of

chairs and sofas being the right height and

stiffness if getting in and out of a seated

position has become challenging. Select the

appropriate number of side tables, coffee

tables and accent pieces. Bookcases or

display cabinets can make good use of

vertical space to display items without

cluttering a lot of other surfaces.

page #32NEATSPACES [email protected]

Chances are you won’t need to tackle any large

handyman projects in the next chapter. It’s wise

to pack up a small toolbox if you are moving into

a condo or smaller home, but retirement homes

have maintenance people on staff who often

assist with hanging pictures and small repairs. A

professional move manager will also often assist

with hanging pictures.

Noting the Emotional Value


Garage & ToolsThe garage category, whether you are transitioning from a home to condo or

retirement community, is one that can largely be let go. There might be some

items of value in lawn mowers or snow blowers, so gift it or sell these to family,

friends or neighbours. Toxins must be disposed of responsibly (paint, insect

repellent, oil, gas/gas cans, lawn care), but the rest can easily be donated.

page #33NEATSPACES [email protected]

Tips For ToolsPack Up a Small Toolbox

While this category can be easily donated,

it’s often a category that has sentimental

value for families when someone’s passion

was woodwork, home repair, building things

and other hands-on projects.

If someone loves woodworking, home repairs and renovations in the family, and this

is a sentimental category (or you want a practical solution), consider purchasing

toolboxes for each of your children or grandchildren depending on their ages. Fill

them up with ageless tools and gift them for a birthday, Christmas or just because.

Important & Valuable Belongings

page #34NEATSPACES [email protected]

Paperwork & DocumentsPaperwork and document management and storage will likely be a challenge in a

smaller environment. Check with your tax professional to confirm how many years of

statements, receipts and other tax information you need to keep.

A lot of statements are now available in digital format which eliminates the need for

paper bills from utility companies for example. Small amounts of archival paper can

be stored, but consider digital storage for the rest.

Make sure important legal documents are stored safely in a filing cabinet, accordion

file or safe ensuring someone knows the combination. Your Last Will and Testament,

Financial Powers of Attorney, Medical Powers of Attorney, Letters of Direction and

funeral wishes should be available and a trusted family member or your executor

should know how to access them.

Electronics ArtConsider the use of slim, wall mounted

TV’s allowing for the use of surfaces for

other things. IPads and laptop

computers are wonderful alternatives

to older desktops needing a permanent

desk to sit on.

page #35NEATSPACES [email protected]

Pick out the pieces of art you love. Let

the others go by gifting them to family or

selling them through a gallery,

consignment or auction. Remember, art

appreciation is incredibly individual.

If you wish to sell any art, gather up any

documentation you have including

invoices, appraisals, and artist


Consider a collage arrangement for your

art in the main room and bedroom. This is

a creative solution to use more pieces

than hanging individual pieces over a

sofa for example.

Framed FamilyPicturesFramed family pictures are treasures

that signify the passage of time. They

mark celebrations of the wonderful

milestones of marriage, birth, life’s

milestones, successes, travel, and good


You will have to pare this category

down, but you don’t have to lose the

memories. Create a photobook that is

easily accessible so you can leaf

through it on occasion.

The downsizing process can be daunting! The piles, hard to access storage spaces,

the sheer volume of things in the closets, the basement and garage can be

overwhelming. It might be the reality of a tight timeline that is causing the stress, or

not knowing how to schedule all of the needed services to get you from here to

there, but we can help.

The compassionate team at NEATSPACES offers senior downsizing services to help

make the process easier. We can assist you from the very beginning by helping you

prepare your home to sell, plan what you can take with you and advise you on the

disposition of everything else.

We understand that your home reflects a life well lived, and we will help you

downsize and prepare for the changes ahead. We’re here to help with a

personalized plan of action, and compassionate, trustworthy hands-on support.

After we simplify your sorting, organization and disposal to make moving easier, we

help set up your new home in a way that continues to reflect your personal journey

so it feels like home.

How do you decide what to keep, sell, donate or get rid of? What should you pass

on to your kids or family? Will they want it? What has monetary value? We help you

find the answers you are looking by helping you evaluate your new lifestyle and the

reality of what has value in today's marketplace.

page #36brand name

Why Choose Neatspaces

[email protected]

Meet tight timelines

Deal with family members

Supervise and oversee professional packing

Arrange for shipments to loved ones no matter

where they live

Interview, schedule and oversee movers

Prepare your home for sale to get the best price

through decluttering, editing and styling

Create a detailed floor plan

Reserve elevators

Unpack and set up your new home by the end of

the move day

At NEATSPACES, we provide patient and

compassionate boomer and senior downsizing services

to help make the transition seamless. From

decluttering to packing to move management, we do it

all to help you downsize your home with minimal stress.

The next chapter will allow you to do what you enjoy

without feeling bogged down by the accumulation

that’s piled up over the years.

We take the stress out of this life changing event and

help you make it through faster, easier and with


What We Do

If you realize you’d rather have help downsizing and

make the process as easy and stress-free as possible

then call us today in Toronto (416) 262-1199 or

Burlington (905) 483-7678 to book an appointment or

email us at [email protected].

" Thank you so very verymuch for this fineservice, it wasexpeditious,uncomplicated to arrangeand very professional.You provided exactly theservice that youpromised, mostimpressive!"



Edie Michel, Owner


[email protected]

“I Don’t WantPeople GoingThrough My



When you enlist our help for your move, we respect your

things and your story. We act with confidentiality and

empathy respecting the journey in life you have taken.

This is a no judgement zone. Additionally, all of your

possessions will be handled with the utmost care and

you are the ultimate decision maker about what stays

and what goes.


“Can’t I Do ItMyself”

"Is it Expensive?”

Many think moving services are too expensive, but our services come

with high value.

We can help organize and prepare your house for sale on a tight

timeline by decluttering, editing, organizing and staging your home.

With our efficient timeline, you can accept an offer that has a quick

closing because our expertise will get you packed up and out of the

house faster than doing it yourself. We know what supplies to order and

movers to book to make your move seamless and save you money.

We can make your move more cost effective and efficient with our

connections and processes. E.G. We have relationships with great

movers, junk removal services, cleaners, consignment stores and more.

[email protected]

The reality is that trying to tackle all the responsibilities of downsizing a

home is overwhelming. NEATSPACES has a team of dedicated

specialists and relationships with third party service providers from

consignment stores to cleaners who are used to working with a senior


Allow us to access the right resources to make your move go more

smoothly so you can focus on enjoying the next chapter.

"Are YouInsured?"


Yes, NEATSPACES is insured.


"Where Willthe BelongingsI Don’t Have

Room for Go?"

"I have a lot ofCollectibles and

AntiqueFurniture. Is

there any valuein selling it?"

While the demand for antiques and collectibles has changed, we do

work with several auction houses, consignment companies and other

vendors to monetize what we can for our clients. We can advise you on

the best approach following our consultation.

[email protected]

We will advise you on how best to dispose of items/belongings that

won’t fit into your new space. Options include auction, consignment,

donation and disposal.

"Do YouArrange for

Other Tradesand Servicesthat may beRequired?"

Yes, we can arrange for cleaners, gardeners, junk removal,

donation removal, movers, boxes, paper and tape and almost

anything else.

"AdultChildren andFamily Are

Not Availableto Help. Is that


FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSThat's perfectly fine! We work one on one with most of our

downsizing clients.

With all of the technology available today, we can include

family by communicating through text, facetime, email etc.

quite efficiently. This can be a daily update or we can send

pictures of things so they can be included in the decision

making process of what to keep and what to let go.


What Happens ifyou Come AcrossMoney, Jewelry,


Family Photos orMemorabilia?"

Will you arrangefor movers?

Yes, we work with several fully insured professional moving companies.

We ship locally, across Canada, the US and to international

destinations with our moving partners. One of our referral partners

specializes in moving museum quality art locally and internationally.

[email protected]

The NEATSPACES team of organizers are trained to create a “safe

zone” on the job site where all valuables, personal correspondence,

photos, legal documents etc. will be gathered for family review. In fact

one month we located a lost gold wedding band and 500 Euros on

different job sites. Our clients were thrilled.

Do you providefree


Yes, we require a telephone conversation with each client to determine

the scope of the job, their goals and timeline. We may request pictures.

Most downsizing projects are followed up with an onsite consultation.

Moving Checklist


Moving Checklist

[email protected]

Your Personal ListBook movers.

Reserve elevators at your

current and new home if


Order boxes, packing

paper, tape, tape gun,


Measure existing furniture

and carpets and make a

floorplan for your new


Label furniture for your

new home, or family,

friends, consignment and


Sort, edit and purge as

you make decisions about

what you want to take to

your new home.









a. Pack things being given

away or for donation.

b. Pack things for your

new home.

Moving Checklist


Moving Checklist

[email protected]

Your Personal List8. Arrange for pick-up of

scrap metal, garbage,

recycling, toxins.

9. Contact your insurance

company to arrange for

adequate insurance on your

new home. Cancel your

existing policy if you have one

on the advise of your

insurance broker.

10. Cancel or transfer utility

accounts to the new owner or

tenant. It's best practice to

stop the service the day after

your closing date.

11. Set up appointments for

your cable TV, internet and

phone provider at your new


12. Cancel other home

maintenance contracts.

(Gardner, pool, A/C, snow


Moving Checklist


Moving Checklist

[email protected]

Your Personal List

Bank & Credit Cards



Alma Matters

Doctors & Dentist Offices

Driver’s License

Health Card


13. Complete address changes

for the following:

14. Complete a Canada Post

Change of Address Card

(NOTE: Takes 3 business days

to come into effect and if you

have mail addressed

to a business coming to your

home address, you must

complete a second Canada

Post Change of Address


15. Notify friends and family.

Moving Checklist

page #44NEATSPACES [email protected]

Your Personal List








To-Do's Priorities




[email protected]