Dear GNLD Family Member,

I have recently been reminded of a key aspect of our

Business that is very important but too often overlooked.

And that is the importance of customers. In the broader

sense of the term, everyone using the products can be

put in the customer category but for the purpose of this

article I am going to be referring specifically to those

individuals who wish to take the products but are not yet

ready to start a Business.

There are many reasons that a customer is important,

but here are the ones that stand out to me.

1. Having many customers creates a strong foundation

for your business to rest upon.

2. When customers experience the benefits of the

products they become loyal and will facilitate a

residual income for you and for future generations.

3. Some people take longer to make a decision such as

starting their own Business, and becoming a

customer is getting that person one step closer to


4. Customers have friends and family that they can

introduce you to. Those people may want to be

customers or even Distributors.

I wanted to share this with you as a reminder that great

businesses are built on sharing the products and the

Opportunity and when we do this we are likely to run into

some people who only want to be customers. I have

encountered Distributors who see this as negative and

become discouraged but I want you to know that this is

actually an exciting opportunity for growth, relationships,

referrals, and future commitment.

I built my personal Distributor Business with this mindset,

along with a positive attitude and an ability to see

potential in others. God has blessed us individually with

different gifts, some with wisdom, some with

discernment, or many others. One of my gifts happens

to be encouragement. It is amazing what people are

capable of with a little encouragement and love to move

them towards accomplishing things they never thought

possible. The same goes for you. You are capable of

more than you ever thought possible, especially when

using the special gifts God has given you.

Thank you for being an important part of the GNLD

family and for joining us on our mission to change lives

through health.

God Bless,

Jerry Brassfield, Founder

Founder’s Message






04 - 2013

3 I News You Can Use Boost your Brain Power

9 I Charlie & Alta Bolton GNLD relationships – 40 years with GNLD

18 I East Africa Convention 2014 19 I The Power of Relationships People are No. 1

17 I Aloe Vera Soothing and calming, inside and out

13 I The Wilsenach Family and Brian & Annette Smith 40 years & over

21 I Step-Ups Recognising achievements for July, August and September 2013

25 I World Team Conference 2014 Hong Kong



Food for Thought


Achieving a Healthier Mind & BodyOptimal health and a lifetime of wellness come from not only achieving physical and emotional health, but by also attaining optimal cognitive function. However, today we face many challenges that have a profound effect on both our body and our mind. Poor dietary habits, inactive lifestyles, stress and aging itself make it difficult to achieve lifelong health and vitality. The good news is an abundance of research has proven that our lifestyle choices can make a difference. A nutritious diet rich in plant foods, more physical activity and daily use of supplements can all positively influence our body and our brain throughout life. This issue of News You Can Use brings you the latest scientific findings in this important area of research.

Shed Kilos, Gain SmartsMaintaining a healthy weight may not only be good for your body but good for your brain too. In a recent study conducted over a 10-year period among 6,401 British men age 39-63 years, researchers found an association between being overweight or obese and impaired cognitive function. Published in the journal Neurology, study investigators compared body mass index (BMI), metabolic conditions including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar, and cognitive function at the beginning of the study and again at 5 and 10 years.1

Study subjects were assessed on measures of cognitive function such as reasoning and memory. The

researchers found two interesting trends:

1: At the start of the study men with a lower BMI had better cognition, and

2: Over time men who were obese and had multiple metabolic conditions were significantly more likely to show a faster rate of cognitive decline.

The results of this study suggest that vascular problems associated with excess body weight might affect brain function and that maintaining a healthy weight may help prevent declines in cognitive function that occur with aging.


Protecting Brain Function With a Diet Rich in AntioxidantsStroke is a medical emergency and occurs when the flow of oxygen-rich blood to a portion of the brain is blocked. Without oxygen, brain cells start to die after only a few minutes. Sudden bleeding in the brain can also cause a stroke if the bleeding damages brain cells. Studies have shown that stroke can be prevented by controlling risk factors like high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. It can also be prevented through healthy lifestyle practices - not smoking and eating a plant-based diet rich in antioxidants. To prove this point, researchers at the Karolinkska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden evaluated the diets of 36,715 women over an average of 11 years. Among 5,680 subjects already diagnosed with cardiovascular disease researchers discovered that women who ate more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, tea and dark chocolate were 46-57% less likely to suffer a stroke.2 Researchers also calculated their antioxidant intake and found women with the highest antioxidant intake ate fruits and vegetables twice as often and drank 17 times more tea (known for its high polyphenol content and potent antioxidant activity) than those with the lowest intake. This was the first study to connect antioxidant

intake with stroke risk among people already diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and draws attention to the importance of a diet rich in phytonutrients.

Green Tea —Need A Brain Booster?A growing amount of research suggests green tea may promote brain performance and protect brain cells from neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. Although studies have varied in their design from scanning people’s brains to forming Alzheimer’s plaques in a test tube3, the focus of these studies has been on the polyphenolic compounds found in green tea and their effect on important areas of the brain. In one recent study published in the European Journal of Clinical

Nutrition, researchers used MRI scans of the brain to evaluate brain function in healthy subjects as they performed tasks testing their working memory – the type that allows the brain to both store and process information at the same time.4 Subjects’ brains were scanned after consuming two different doses of a beverage containing green tea extract or placebo. Compared to the placebo, consuming the green tea beverages increased key areas of brain activity related to working memory processing. Researchers noted that this was the first study of its kind to show that MRI brain scans could be used to examine the effects of green tea extract on brain performance.

Berry Intake May Slow Cognitive Declineby 2½ YearsCognitive function is a measure by which the brain is able to manage and use available information for activities of daily life and changes as we age. And while everyone has to age, it appears some people are better than others at successfully curbing the

green tea beverages increased key areas of brain activity

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effects of aging on cognitive function. Could it be due to differences in diet and other lifestyle habits? Recent research suggests it may. A diet rich in berries–blueberries, grapes, strawberries and other berry fruits may protect brain function from declining as we age. In addition to their well known antioxidant effects, berries contain flavonoids that appear to directly affect the brain by boosting its signaling functions, preventing inflammation in the brain and protecting cognition and motor control.5 The scientific support for the brain health benefits of berries was recently boosted by one of the longest and largest studies of its

kind. Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital analysed data from the Nurses Health Study, a cohort of 16,010 women age 70 and older who completed dietary surveys every four years, beginning in 1980 and who were tested for memory and other cognitive functions every two years between 1995-2001. Publishing their findings in the Annals of Neurology researchers found that women who consumed more berry fruits (such as a half cup of blueberries per week) saw slower declines in cognition equal to 2½ years of delayed cognitive aging.6

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A diet rich in berries may protect brain function from declining as we age.


Fatten Up Your BrainAlthough some of the strongest scientific evidence for the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids is in the area of heart health7, latest research continues to show that consuming a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil may also offer brain health benefits. In a new study published in the journal Neurology, researchers took blood samples from 1,575 participants with an average age of 67 from the long running Framingham Offspring Cohort. They measured blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids and then compared them to performance on cognitive tests and MRI scans of the brain. What they discovered was that study participants with the lowest omega-3 levels scored the worst on tests of visual memory, executive function and abstract thinking. Lower levels of omega-3s were also associated with lower brain volume as measured by MRI.8 The smaller brain volumes were estimated to be equivalent to about 2 years of structural age-related brain aging. Although this study did not measure changes in brain function and size over time, it does provide more evidence that consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may be beneficial to cognitive health and aging.

B Vitamins Can SlowBrain ShrinkageOccasional forgetfulness can be a normal part of getting older, but more advanced memory loss and declines in thinking skills can be a sign of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a condition affecting 10-20% of people over the age of 65. Although not always the case, having MCI may increase the risk of developing other forms of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease. The cause of MCI is not well understood but many cross-sectional and prospective studies have shown that elevated blood levels of homocysteine, a by-product of the body’s metabolism of the essential amino acid methionine, is associated with cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease.9

One approach to lowering homocysteine levels has been the use of a combination of B vitamins (B6, B12 and folic acid) and studies have previously shown that B vitamin supplements can slow brain shrinkage in elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment.10 In a very recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences researchers wanted to know if B vitamins would be effective in preventing the shrinkage of regions in the brain affected by Alzheimer’s and whether or not the effect would change with baseline blood homocysteine levels.11 To answer these questions they assessed the effects of a combination of B6, B12 and folic acid over a 2 year period among elderly subjects who met the criteria for the diagnosis of MCI. MRI brain scans were conducted at baseline and again at 2 years and subjects were randomly assigned to either a B vitamin supplement intervention or a placebo. Researchers found that subjects who received the B vitamins showed a significant reduction in brain shrinkage compared to the placebo group in the regions of the brain that were affected by Alzheimer’s disease. The average loss of grey matter over 2 years was 3.7% in the placebo group compared with only 0.5% in the B vitamin group. Furthermore, in subjects with high homocysteine levels, areas of the brain associated with Alzheimer’s disease shrank eight times slower in the B vitamin group than in the placebo group.

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It’s critically important for pregnant women to get

enough choline.

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Are You Getting Enough

CHOLINECholine is an essential nutrient needed for proper liver, brain, and nerve function, memory and transporting nutrients throughout the body. This nutrient is especially important during pregnancy and lactation because of its very important role in infant brain development, memory function, and life-long learning ability. In fact, studies have shown that women deficient in choline have a four times greater risk for having babies with neural tube defects such as spina bifida.12 Therefore, it’s critically important for pregnant women to get enough choline.

Choline is important for men, too. When choline stores are inadequate there is a diminished

ability to metabolise the amino acid methionine, leading to increases in plasma homocysteine. Elevated homo-cysteine levels are associated with greater risk of several chronic diseases including heart disease, one of the leading causes of mortality in men worldwide. Choline also appears to play a role in reducing inflammation, and inflammation has been linked to obesity, heart disease and cognitive decline. Based on findings from the ATTICA study, subjects whose diets were rich in choline and betaine (a metabolite of choline), had the lowest levels of several inflammatory markers including C-reactive protein, homocysteine, interleukin-6 and tumour necrosis factor.13

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1. Singh-Manoux A. Obesity phenotypes in midlife and cognition in early old age. The Whitehall II cohort study. Neurology 2012;79 (8):755-762.

2. Rautianen S, Larsson S, Virtamo J, Wolk A. Total antioxidant capacity of diet and risk of stroke: a population-based prospective cohort of women. Stroke 2012;43(2):335-40.

3. Rushworth JV et. al. Prion protein-mediated neurotoxity of amyloid-β oligomers requires lipid rafts and the transmembrane LRP1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2013;288: 8935-8951.

4. Borgwardt S et. al. Neural effects of green tea extract on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012:66(11):1187-92.

5. Miller MG, Shukitt-Hale B. Berry fruit enhances beneficial signaling in the brain. J. Agric. Food Chem., 2012, 60 (23): 5709–5715

6. Devore EE, Kang JH, Breteler MM, Grodstein F. Dietary intakes of berries and flavonoids in relation to cognitive decline. Ann Neurol. 2012:72(1):135-43.

7. Leaf A. Prevention of sudden cardiac death by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. J Cardiovas Med 2007; 8 Suppl 1:S27-29.

8. Tan Zs, Harris WS, Beiser AS et. al. Red blood cell omega 3 fatty acid levels and markers of accelerated brain aging. Neurology 2012:78(9):658-64.

9. Wald DS, Kasturiratne A, Simmonds M. Serum homocysteine and dementia: Meta-analysis of eight cohort studies including 8669 participants. Alzheimer’s Dement 2011:7(4):412-417.

10. Smith AD, et al. Homocysteine-lowering by B vitamins slows the rate of accelerated brain atrophy in milk cognitive impairment: A randomized controlled trial. 2010:PloS ONE 5(9):e12244.

11. disease-related gray matter atrophy by B-vitamin treatment. PNAS 2013:119(23):9523-9528.

12. Shaw G et al. Periconception dietary intake of choline and betaine and neural tube defects in offspring. Am J Epidemiol 2004;160-102-109.

13. Detopoulous P et al. Dietary choline and betaine intakes in relationship to concentrations of inflammatory markers in healthy adults: the ATTICA study. Am J Clin Nutr 2008;87:424-430.

14. Colodny L, Hoffman RL. Inositol—clinical applications for exogenous use. Altern Med Rev 1998;3(5):432-47.

15. Camfield DA, Sarris J, Berk M. Nutraceuticals in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD): A review of mechanistic and clinical evidence. Prog Neuro-Psychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry (2011), doi:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2011.02.011

Your Brain Needs InositolInositol, also known as myo-inositol, is a vitamin-like substance. Like choline, inositol appears to play an important role in the brain and nervous system. In fact, it is highly concentrated in the brain and serves as a key component of cell membranes influencing what moves in and out of brain cells.14 As a second messenger, inositol helps relay signals received at the surface of cell receptors and triggers a cascade of events within brain cells, including the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin. As such, this has lead to the investigation and study of inositol for alleviating symptoms of stress and

anxiety as well as the management of panic and other mood disorders.15 Although the body can endogenously make it’s own inositol, studies suggest a sustained supply is needed to maintain cell membrane phospholipids and produce the second messenger, inositol 1,4,-triphosphate (IP3). Eating a well balanced diet including plenty of fruits, grains, nuts and beans plus filling in nutritional gaps with inositol-containing supplements, is an excellent way to ensure your brain gets the inositol it needs. n

For a Healthier Mind & Body Selected GNLD Nutritionals Product Solutions

Core Nutrition Pro Vitality+

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Fruits, Vegetables, Berries and Green Tea Antioxidants

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40 Years with GNLDThe long road which GNLD has walked with its African Distributors started back in 1971 when a little known Business Opportunity was first introduced to our shore. In the formative days, often with no resources and only belief in the Opportunity, GNLD pioneers forged ahead to transform their lives along with their communities’ lives. Today, we celebrate the success of those early Distributors. Those who rose to the challenge are still enjoying the rewards of being part of the GNLD Family. Congratulations, without you we could never have made such positive impact and improved the lives of so many.

Charlie & Alta Bolton The Wilsenach Family Brian & Annette Smith

Top: Golden Products, 1970’s Centre: GNLD, 1990’s Left: GNLD, today

04/13 LIFESTYLE 10

Lifelong Relationships

“Many things have changed over the past 40 years, but

one thing remains the same - GNLD is, and always will

be a Business where People are No.1” says Charlie

Bolton. Top Distributors for over four decades,

5 Diamond Directors, Charlie & Alta Bolton have been

through many ups and downs over the years and have

come out shining. “Every story in GNLD is different and

worth telling. Our story is one where the challenges have

helped us get the most out of life.”

Charlie & Alta joined Golden Products, part time in

August 1973 to make some extra money to supplement

their income. Five years later Charlie was employed

fulltime by Golden Products. “The reassurance of having

a monthly pay check was great, but the drawback was

that we lacked freedom in our lives; and most

importantly, Alta was not involved anymore. I believe

working with Alta and fostering lifelong relationships are

the two things that have kept me involved in the

Business. If it wasn’t for the GNLD Business we would

never have been so close as a couple. Life would never

have been so good. We wouldn’t change a thing

because the journey we have travelled has brought us to

live fulfilled lives, brought wonderful people into our world

and most importantly has brought us closer to the Lord.”

says Charlie.

Giving up the security of full-time employment, Charlie &

Alta became Distributors again in 1986 and started the

Eagle Team in 1987. This was the best decision we could

have made and at the same time a very difficult

adjustment. Suddenly we had to apply the strategies that

we had been telling others to do. Money was tight for a

Charlie & Alta Bolton

couple of years and we were faced with several

challenges. Later we would realise that adversity is often

a blessing in disguise. We had to go out and work hard

at building the Business. Communications were not as

advanced or speedy, but the one thing that remains the

same is that this Business is built one relationship at a

time. Many of the things that we had to do are

fundamentals in the Business. Eventually these tasks

became second nature and we learnt to love them. Share

the Products and Opportunity with everyone that you

meet. This is the key to success, whether you are a new

Distributor or a Diamond Director. Never stop doing this

and you will succeed!” Charlie says emphatically.

“Even when things were tough we carried on. Too often

people give up and do not realise that they are about to

have their dreams realised and their lives changed.

People sometimes give up right before the finish line. It

may sound like a cliché that winners never quit and

11 LIFESTYLE 04/13

quitters never win, but nothing is truer” says Charlie.

“Over the years we learnt that the best investment

you can make is in people. It’s very rarely that investing

in people disappoints. People want to have someone

who believes in them. The time you spend getting new

Distributors on their feet is crucial. Once you have got

them going it is gratifying to see them continue and build on

success, reaching goals and making their dream come

true through their own work and determination.

The greatest reward of being part of the GNLD family is

the relationships that we have made. We have friendships

that have lasted a lifetime. Over the years we have made

friends that have become like family. One of our first

relationships in this Business was with Bill Binns and

Graham Caldwell who were pioneers of GNLD in Africa.

In the early days they always gave us the reassurance

that things would work out for the best. They motivated

us to follow our dreams. Alta and I cherish the

relationship we have with Jerry Brassfield and his family,

Roget and Julia, Marco Taylor and Warren Brosnihan.

“Forty years is a lifetime,” say the Boltons.” Every

member of our family is somehow involved in GNLD. The

Opportunity has allowed us as a family to enjoy several

benefits that ordinary “businesses” don’t allow. We have

been able to build a family, based on strong foundations

and wholesome values. Disney World has been a fun

destination for us over the years as well as time spent

together at our holiday home at Kenton on sea. Alta and I

have enjoyed working hand-in-hand to build a better life

for our family and those around us. Today, we have an

incredible lifestyle thanks to this fantastic opportunity.”

And what about the future? Is retirement on the horizon?

“We retired into GNLD the day we got started in the

Opportunity. We don’t see GNLD as work but as fun.

Why give up what you enjoy doing and are passionate

about?” Charlie responds.

Charlie & Alta Bolton, from yesterday to today

04/13 LIFESTYLE 12

“GNLD is about caring for your fellow man as much as

you care for yourself. The Opportunity is a gift that needs

to be shared with all. Because of the Opportunity and

Products we have got the most out of life. We have

grown as a couple and as individuals and have been

fortunate to be part of the growth of the GNLD Business

in Africa.

We give all the glory to God for all that we have


13 LIFESTYLE 04/13

“We are extremely proud of the legacy the GNLD Opportunity has allowed us to leave” says Casper Wilsenach Senior. Forty two years ago Casper and Nelie Wilsenach could never had imagined that they would be enjoying a worry free retirement in a luxury home overlooking the Hartebeespoort Dam. “In the early days our young family’s future was very uncertain and we struggled to survive on my small government salary. The GNLD Opportunity changed all of that. The amazing thing about GNLD is that it has not only looked after us in our old age, but has allowed our children to look forward to great futures too. I am confident that one day the Business that we started back in 1971, and handed over to my son 20 years later, will in turn be inherited by our grandchildren” says Casper proudly.

“When we started in the Business I asked Bill Binns if anyone had made any money in South Africa in GNLD. To my surprise he answered “no”, but reassured me that we would be the first people to get rich through this Business. He was right! Our success was unprecedented. We were able to live in our dream house, educate our sons Casper and Anton and were even able to take care of our special needs son, Paul - for the rest of his life. We have lived an amazing life thanks to GNLD.” “It was very emotional and we were filled with great joy when we were able to hand over the

A Legacy of Success

The Wilsenach Family

reins of the Business to Cas and Louis. It is wonderful to see them doing so well and looking after the legacy we have left them.

In all our lives, Nelie and I have not seen a business that can match the GNLD Opportunity or that has had the longevity that we have enjoyed. No other business has stood the test of time or can be handed from generation to generation. There is something special about GNLD people. This was never just a means to make good money it was a way to live and a path to a better tomorrow!” says Casper Senior. Today, Cas & Louise Wilsenach run a very successful GNLD Business, They recently stepped up to 4 Ruby Director status and became part of the President’s Team.

Cas & Nelie

The Wilsenach family

Enjoying the great outdoors in style

Cas and LouiseBeing recognised at Convention

Enjoying the GNLD lifestyle in Zanzibar

04/13 LIFESTYLE 14

In the 70’s when Brian and Annette joined GNLD it was customary for men to go out and provide for their family while women stayed at home to attend to their family’s needs. “I bravely left the corporate world to pursue our dream of living at the coast,” says Brian. “We joined GNLD full-time in 1973. It was all very sudden, but we don’t regret anything. I don’t know if I would still be around if I didn’t accept the Opportunity back then. I think corporate life would have worn me out by now. When we decided to move to the town of George I did not have a job to go to. I knew I wanted to work for myself, as my family ran a business in the 60’s, so I grabbed the Opportunity as soon as I found out what it was about” says Brian.

The Reward of Time “Throughout our lives whenever our family needed something, we put in the extra effort in our Business and we were able to afford it. Golden Products training taught us to have guts, be positive and be determined to succeed. Being part of GNLD even brought a rather shy Brian out of his shell” Annette chats. “GNLD has always provided us with the means to do what was necessary. We needed money for private schooling. I spoke to the headmaster of the school and told him I didn’t have the money, but I had a great Business Opportunity and I was determined to succeed. That’s the sort of confidence GNLD gave us. Our sons got great educations at St. Andrew’s College. I even went to the then President of South Africa and asked him to move my son from the Army to the Air Force. Today, John is a Captain in South Africa Airways!” Annette says proudly.

“Sadly we lost our other son Derek when he was only 18, but we have no regrets about the time we were able to spend with him. Because of the freedom the Business allowed, we were

also able to care for the elderly members of our family and spend quality time with them in their golden years. At this stage of our lives when many of our friends have retired and are slowing down we feel life is just getting better. GNLD is not a Business to retire from. Who wants to retire from life? GNLD has given us the wellness to enjoy life and ample time to spend with those we love. Accepting the Opportunity 40 years ago was the best decision of our lives. We are thankful for being part of a relationship which has lasted a lifetime” say the Smiths in gratitude.

Brian & Annette Smith

Left: Brian & Annette showcasing products old & new

Above: Annette & team

Left: First products arrive at George station

Below Left: Brian & Annette with Mickey Shapiro

Below: Annette, family & friends and her Golden Products yellow Valiant car

“It’s the most precious commodity - time is the biggest gift” says Annette. “Through every stage of life we have had the privilege of being able to spend time with the ones we love because of GNLD. Today, many people have to sacrifice precious time with their families to have a career, build a future, or sometimes even just survive.”

Annette, Bill Binns & Annamaria Ricardi

The Smiths in Sun City

15 LIFESTYLE 04/13

AUSON AUDAX, Tanzania“Dubai was the most exciting GNLD World Team Conference I have ever attended. GNLD never stops surprising me with the quality of lifestyle they offer. The 5-Star Grand Hyatt Hotel was simply the best. The meeting and the guest speakers were so inspiring, giving us a lot of knowledge to help our Business grow to its full potential. I would like to encourage everyone to make sure that they don’t miss these events because they open new doors and fill one with new hope and excitement.”

PRUDENCE TUMUHAIRWE & EDWIN NDUHURA, Uganda“We enjoyed the lifestyle in Dubai, the excursions and the shopping was overwhelming. Most importantly we got a great opportunity to spend time with GNLD’s top achievers. At these events you get exposure to the limitless possibilities that GNLD holds. Get a once in a lifetime chance to share ideas with other successful Distributors and get your vision renewed. We are fully charged and inspired to develop others so that they can join us at the next World Team Conference.”

JIMMY KYEYUNE, Uganda“Sharing ideas and experiences with people from all over Africa was amazing. Wow! The recognition was unbelievable. Only when you have been on a trip like this with GNLD will you know the true meaning of luxury travel. I got a chance to spend my birthday in this exotic place, which was beyond my wildest dreams. The Business meetings inspired me to be more focussed – this Business can take you anywhere you want. I now have the desire to motivate others to work hard and take their next step.”

CHARLES NJANJA MIRA, Kenya“Being my first lifestyle event, I had never seen or imagined such a destination or event existed. The biggest satisfaction was that it was the first time that my wife and I travelled in a plane - we felt extra ordinary. This could never have happened if it was not for GNLD. When we shared our experiences with our team we inspired them to put in the work needed to qualify for the next event in Hong Kong.”

FLORENCE NJERU, Kenya“This was my first GNLD event outside Kenya. Being hosted in a luxurious Hotel in Dubai with personalised service was an experience I had never imagined. I strongly recommend all Distributors to qualify and attend the next World Team Conference and realise what an amazing Business this is. It’s the only Business that works while you enjoy lifestyle. GNLD is the way to achieve your dreams.”

It was thrilling, amazing and beyond what anyone could have expected! World Team Conference Dubai was a huge success with attendees being treated to a world class lifestyle. Here are some comments from Distributors who attended. Be inspired to qualify and attend World Team Conference 2014 in Hong Kong (see page 25).

World Team Conference Dubai 2013 Feedback

04/13 LIFESTYLE 16

World Team Conference Dubai 2013 Feedback

17 LIFESTYLE 04/13


East Africa Convention 2014


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04/13 LIFESTYLE 18

Be part of one of the most exhilarating events on the GNLD Calendar. East Africa Convention 2014 will be taking place at the KICC TSAVO BALL ROOM, in Nairobi over the weekend of 14th-15th February 2014. You just can’t miss out on this chance to meet with your fellow Distributors and take steps to a great future with GNLD.


East Africa Convention 2014

Win BIG!

*For draw qualifications see the East Africa Convention 2014 Incentive Flyer

Open Evening Experience Meeting - Friday, 14th February - Starts 18h00 - Invite Guests

Convention - Saturday, 15th February - Starts 09h30 - Distributors Only

•TopInternational Speakers

• Inspiringtestimonies by President’s Team Members


Book now and put yourself in line to WIN BIG! You can only be entered into the Cash and Product draws* when you book before 20th January 2014. Ask your Distributor Centre for a Convention Booking Form. Book and pay now to secure your place.

See East Africa Incentives Book 2013 how you can qualify for FREE Registration, Travel Refunds and a Consistency Dinner Invitation.



19 LIFESTYLE 04/13

The industry which started in the 1950’s has allowed many people to become successful, where no opportunity existed before, providing them with extra income and greater freedom.

Excelling at direct selling is all about developing strong relationships. We have heard it many times before: building relationships is something we need to be good at - listening, connecting and creating networks.

Many of us juggle multiple roles - at home and at work, with full time jobs and households to run. Throughout the world people find the flexibility of the direct selling industry suits their lifestyle perfectly, allowing them to work in the evenings, on weekends or whenever they want.

The Power of RelationshipsKey factors of building strong and lasting relationships!

One of the main advantages of the direct selling industry is that it offers an equal opportunity to everyone, regardless of age, gender, level of experience or education.

Providing valueThe foundation of a strong relationship is that it is beneficial for both parties. If the value only goes one way, the relationship is doomed to be short-lived. One great thing with GNLD is that everyone is a winner - the Distributor and the customer. The Distributor has the opportunity to help others while earning extra money and the customer gets great products that can make a real difference.

Good communicationBeing a good communicator will help in all your relationships, personal and professional. A common mistake is believing that sending information by email or sms message is communicating. Getting your message through a face-to-face meeting or phone call is preferable. Direct dialogue gives the other person the chance to ask questions. Also make sure you listen carefully. Be aware that depending on the cultural background, personal experiences, education and so on we interpret the information we receive in different ways.

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The Power of Relationships

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” - John Maxwell.

Having fun!Remember that not everything is business! Call your customers from time to time just to ask how they are. Enjoy a cup of coffee with your team and show interest in their weekend plans, family or hobbies. After all, relationships are the foundation, not only for this Business but of many aspects of life.

Be sociableSocial networking sites such as Facebook make it so easy to maintain relationships with larger groups or with people over long distances. Although it’s not the ideal setting (see Good communication) it can also be a great way to get started if you are a little more on the shy side. Social media let’s you get involved at your own pace and allows you to gain confidence talking to people in a less formal setting. Once you get a feel for it, make sure you mix it up with one-on-one contact, such as a phone call to strengthen and personalise your developing relationships.

SupportProviding support to your team and customers will strengthen the relationships. Be accessible, try your best to promptly reply to all inquiries, check how they are doing and keep them informed about new products, seminars or anything else you think may interest them.

TrustBuilding trust is crucial for building a good realtionship. It is important to keep your promises, have open communication and be helpful. When talking to people, find out how you can help them to get what they want. If someone feels that you are only trying to sell something for your own advantage they will instinctively not trust you. If however, someone feels you are genuinely interested and are trying to help them they will be more likely to trust you and the products.

Creating a connectionBeing genuinely interested in and curious about people is a great way to expand your network and create new relationships. It is also important for maintaining existing ones. Asking questions and getting to know each other strengthens the connection between people. If a person has a new puppy, just moved house, got married or had a baby - remember to ask him or her about it next time you meet. Re-connection builds trust and makes people feel special.

KnowledgeKnow the Business and the products - or know where to find the information. Being knowledgable builds trust, helps you provide great customer service and makes your team turn to you for advice.

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J U L Y A U G U S T S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 3Step-UpsCongratulations to these Directors who are reaching for the top by moving up one or more levels

3 D I A M O N D D I R E C T O R S


5 D I A M O N D D I R E C T O R S


04/13 LIFESTYLE 22

1 D I A M O N D D I R E C T O R S


- Nigeria


5 R U B Y D I R E C T O R S


- Ghana



2 D I A M O N D D I R E C T O R S

23 LIFESTYLE 04/13

J U L Y A U G U S T S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 3Step-UpsCongratulations to these Directors who are reaching for the top by moving up one or more levels

4 R U B Y D I R E C T O R S



- Nigeria





3 R U B Y D I R E C T O R S



04/13 LIFESTYLE 24

2 R U B Y D I R E C T O R S




1 R U B Y D I R E C T O R S


- Kenya










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Whether you like shopping or have an interest in

other cultures this thrilling city holds something

special for everyone. Grab a bargain at one of the

many electronics shops or visit a historic site and

enjoy being part of an ancient culture stretching

back thousands of years.

By qualifying for the incentives detailed in the

World Team Conference 2014 Incentives Flyer, you

can receive generous Travel & Accommodation

Refunds. In fact, you could visit Hong Kong for

FREE. With GNLD the world is your oyster.

Discover the Pearl of the Orient, Hong Kong.

W O R L D T E A M C O N F E R E N C E 2 0 1 4

Pearl of the OrientJoin GNLD in exotic Asia to experience magnificent Hong Kong – Pearl of the Orient. This is the city where the jade green China Sea frames the world’s most modern architecture. Visit a place where east meets west, and where the past meets the future.


04/13 LIFESTYLE 26

• GR² Control Thermogenic Enhancer safely allows you to burn fat and stay energised.

It’s Simple. Less is MoreLook better and feel better with GNLD by choosing the

GR² Control Weight Loss Programme to shake off those

extra kilos, and keep them off.

What’s best about the GR² Control Weight Loss Programme is that you get the tools you need to reach your weight loss goals and maintain results. Ask your Distributor Centre about informative tools like the GR² Success Guide, GR² Weight Loss Tracker, GR² Enjoy & Avoid (easy reference booklet) and GR² Mindtalk CD.

• GR² Control Meal Replacement Protein Shakes taste great, mix easily with water and are effortless to incorporate into your daily routine. GR² Control Shakes help minimise fat storage, reduce cravings and keep you off the “glycaemic rollercoaster”.

• GR² Control Appetite Reducer will help you feel full with smaller portions.


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• A L L T H I S W I T H Y O U R G N L D P A R T N E R ! •

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