F rffi#&mffi - Phil Rose

!ffiffitrf etrt*ffiff**ffiffisffi {ffiffiffi*ffi*m!ffiB F rffi#&mffi t*fu *il- sKE Sr*r r*E*traffi*l En.tll.l rilttf s lHrl r#rxl fiE tb f*rll rf &e ** Snru;* I*rna#** rt {*re#,ftrrf hffi s**

Transcript of F rffi#&mffi - Phil Rose

!ffiffitrf etrt*ffiff**ffiffisffi{ffiffiffi*ffi*m!ffiB


t*fu *il- sKE Sr*r r*E*traffi*l

En.tll.l rilttf s lHrl r#rxl fiE tb f*rll rf


Snru;* I*rna#**rt

{*re#,ftrrf hffis**



(';,tttr s?scr&rJ xn!tsRinitcu T0 Bs[ Toiiss)

,rtrSI[tAOT 0;' i0i;'&;{TS


with the aid" of informa,nts into the lr:itb.orto iitile sturj.ierd Ctr::rese (iu)

&ialect of NingXro. $omE possible elalyses of the data ara also d.iscussed..

:-tant aspeets of tha }i'i-irgpo tonal system,

whicb arc dosoribed both in perceptual, a:rd: acoustic tcrrss. llglveverr. a"lsow-

led.ge of tbe Ningpo segaental structuro is a prerequisite ior iiris C.escrip.'

tionr. @&.tb.e l1ain points of tbe segrnental phonology are treated..antecei.ent-

1y to tbo sectioil on th.e tones.

Tb.e 1'tringpo tonal $;.sie.,:: is rendered. etreeedirgly complex by tb.e presence

several'subsystems of tone sandbi. One of tbese, numerical-atonic sa$dh:5-o

d-escribed. in chapter. iv. Qtirer tytrres sf ssn.lhi are briefly cxernplif:-ed-' *, '' '" , ]'

chaBter-.v. *.*,.

-" t'"A oork 'of "tbis scopo cannot concern itself wj.th periph'eral .topicsr md

tba nain body of ibo text is d.evoted. to tha citation tones, and- how they are

nod.ified. i-) vhen foLlowed. b;r atonio syl1e.b1esr sd ii) rvben in siiaple serrt-

enceso son'e probl-eins arising fro;r the netulc of sitation tones, tlieir not-

a.ti-on, and. their relation to tones in nornal speech., al.e aiso brieily ment-


I,exical tone sencjhi rules aro not {ea1t {;'itb'.




S SHf* $il* * ffffi*- ry ffi*fr'#r l* ry ftn ffrf*rrnbr l. r* I{nrh ftr tbrils sl*SS ffffiffir td**m t* ry1 tHil rilnrr r# ffiillb

rffi *ffi f* *fr ffirfi trffi htr f;rrdtlr lt$trt ffil" &o tilr rlrr ir $d



" '

t-- \ .Unrpiir J. (-Lrrtt'ccucr,t-on/ ri:.iii, irr.lo:t-irnt ... r.

3i:.si c nethoiLolr:i:y. . " .. .,.,

Soi':re asp*r:ts of thr: iit-t d"iaiectg.. r.3

Geo;;alri:.ir:s1 -Loc;'biort <i:l i;iu;1 po.. e. r

Ci,_,i:tc.r 2. (1'L:c Selni,-:ti'i:i'l rrl:onclo.-ir otl IYin...po)

Sy1lr:.ble r;trlictutc. .

Pbonoio!:i-e::1 sl,r::'{;eir. " . .

Cbi,',rt of Initir'.1/.,'inel co,nbinatir:ns. . r....., ... .11r12

Initials...i r.ro o ri .-.:..

l;1ed.ie.1s..... ....: 25


Terni.nals... ,

Chr.pter J. (The Ci-b:'iiott ,'ones of Li.l,,;ro)




Cire"pter 4.

Cbapter !.

Piror:etic nature oil tot:*s

Tor.,:li riotation and aiescrlptj-on,.. . . . r. ..

^i +-.+i nn *nnqcVf, Uq vlVL uvrrgD. . .. . c

0-L.he:: rei'erence,s to l'lirrgpo tones , . . . a

Ani:.l;rsis of citi,tir-ln, l,ones ...,.t\(-iiO:rLC 5r'.1'.,;1r1 J ntOill-C1-i;J/. . .

I'l1r:6po aioriic sy]l-ablec .... ;-l

i +^-..r: ^ ^-----lL.:d i,oI.t_LU cilt.Illiill-

li iti:;er: c;:i si-:niiiii.

(S;mt:rctic Si:.nri-bi).Fh:'iher t;:1es o.i Si'.lrihii " . . . r ".

$err-bcnee'l1l.;1cs ..,r, ..r'!.

'loir,ls in ..:riblcct po:,;iticii"... .,...

Toni:ri i.n'.iv',rtlir.,J'i'o'.':Liion.,

', a\ri-r,. , . .;: ^11-i., gri lr,!. J,ia r:r. : Jt VIr r

TOircl iir 'irr i] .,i::itioit

9r,r-'L;:; i.lt 'l.t'.,:ncc?. .,.

l.; t:,t.-l:.i. :i::, . .i-tti;iice?. . . .












( "\( Ll


, 'I



!, _i




Clraptqr. 1.-ISg! .

rn- Infornant" Sasic Uethodol Sorne As?ects of the Tlu nialecti:"

firis clissertation d-escribos soite aspects of the pironology of the

lTingpo d.ialoct, which is a menb*t :t

ibe i'lu dialect Sroup "t *Ott:"*:

;ect south of H&Ezl]-gu. 1 bayr in tird provinca of ?rrb;ia.'ns

(see nlatrlr p.8 ). Tbe asllects conpriset

1) The phorrci-cgy of the sy1Iab1e, rvlth special refererico to the tones,

their pitcb, loudnossr, and. lellgtb Characteristlcs, anCr. the :'a,coustic

correlates of these.

Z) Ttre phonoLogy of dis],llabic a:id trisyllabic exp::essior:s, witir special

reference to th.e tones, tb.eir pi.'i;ch. contcurs, a,::d, '*r'here releven'l;, their

loudness a::d length characteristics, and" the acouctic correlate;: of these'

's of this v:o:rli lvas r':cc:'de"lr'. T!.e corpus of ru,terial r,rtich for.ns the basis of tl:is v:orj.l I


'Desei:ber t L973.

Jiy prinary info*oant, A. Ilee, ph.D.'4'fu#ift , r,as born in 1.94s

in $bangbai. of monolingUal pareilts w}o spoke tbe d'ialect of their naiive

;J'',r;t " -ffiitir*po,

,this clialect h.as re:rained his first language d'espite\

lland.arj-n influence at scbool-e and Cantonese influende sihen the l'arriily

moved" to iio:rg (ong, lrres,-rnably since it rves the sole'falSuags spoken in

the home. It j-s interesting to note that tire infor-nant also read's to

himself in ifingpo. I{e care to Engiand' in 1"968'

Dr. llee is very proficj.eiit i:r catrtonese. lhere (lces not sc$n to b'3

any phonological or phonetj-c inf.r.uonce exerted. b;i ]:'is nr"tive dialeci; on

hls ca,ntoneS{:}, o:l viee-,iellsec ir.oi,'errert }.Lie';''arnrlarin shovls t::r'ce s 'crf

l{i.'g'o i-nf:ue";ce in suclr. re:tu'c: a3 lro';t..dt'l"cre:itiation of '-'i'*af J a:r;i

-r,;I ta-11,3] r*r It,"1"n1; (::e:r;*nti-c,n of ri:tivc s.und' t 'n zicl*pr.*h*)'

J. A1-t ui:C.;r.]i.tie* Chiri,:ne fo3::s lile. ill 'lhr'; 'p:Lri;::l:t ::y5-ce''r of Io;''ailj-*::ltiorr'

.-$brther pred.aeinanfl.y Lexica,L eind. orthog:raphical d.ata have been

enthusiasticalL;,' furnislied. by his sister, l,iiss .

a'rve11-lsro'.v'n' liong iior:g journalist.\

ExcluC"rng the nate::ial io be foirncl i, Zb].,q (lgZS), no lingu.istically

use:'u1 investigiti-on h',1s, 'bo ny li:iorled-ge, been ca,rrred- out r'-. jl; 1'1:...1sh.

cf i-.':-e ;-;ticuler -locr!-it;'. (:ee, horcver. bibho5::alh;r' for a list of

other d.etailed. ivorks on idingpo - Cl lq. ('f9le) is quite recent ancl inter-t

esting frore the pornt of vierry of lexicon.) The data. l" 3ntog. (rpzg) show

riarked. *iffe::ancee from the naterral gathered. in this exami-nation, both

ir the sphere of tcnes2 and also in the seglnenta-l scund.s. }',i:ether this

is d.ue to d.iachronj-c ch:;rXe ove? ?-Q yoats, dlf.,lcrences in the infornantsr

soeial d.ialeet, or bottr, is not clea.r. I:n an;r case, tl:e ba,sic work of

ascert:in:Lng tb4 segnen-ba1 struct':re and. citi'.ticn tones t'ras executed.

aceord-ing to norr:i=.l fieLd"-';;ork technique:s, ntthoui relyin5 on any litcr-

ature pre.riou-sly vritten cn liingpol tl:us one avord.s being subconscj-ously

precond.itlened. intc hearing vrhat is not there.

The infornant ws-s presentecl vritb isolated. :ritten Chrnese characters6

and asked. to reeici then aloucl as ind.ilri.dual iter.rs tr;ri.ng to ar"'oirl arry

listing intenation. liis pronuncia.ticn r/as reccs'le{ on ta.pe" fbon tlus

corpus, basic. syllable structure and. citation tcne bontre"sts vlere as-

certtined. b;r nethoCs o;l conrnutatlon: 5\:rthe: jr.nfornation on seSrnelital

s'tru.cture and. tcne sancll:i ',','ai aocLlil'llate,l tirr,:ubhou.'b tlie l:oriod of re-,A

see.rqb froin no.ce ciiatic:: iorraf , d.isyll:bic',;o::-i#, si.:::;-'-16 se::tencesi

anii- r:uriging texts of spokeir and" tryitte:: iisd.ern $t:,.;ldl*r'd. Clrj-::ese6r aL1



$ee p. 54 fo: a cc,:tpirlsoir of the tcnal values::i-:corita'i in -4ig (lgag),';ith tllor:c oi:-c:rir:r'f ::, tiri-s; ii'r:.'k

l'ri'Lh the u-rr:eption oi col:vtlri-ent recoulse to the Chi:'rese script.

fbon var-roug soui'cos:.

Iiereunder L.S.C.

Those cb":r:'acte:r,.-: .'i4tich',:lc::e

r.::jected b;;r iri.n as b*ing rlcrteiti:.er ut:knorvr: tLo tl:e infor 'ri'nt or'

ctirrent ir: i;ing;:c lre.rt: igno::ed.

rend.ored into idioiiiatic l,lingpo b; tbe inforrnant. A:1"1

ed. o.n tape.. Infonlation on interrsi-ty, d.uration, a;:d.

variation lvas obii.in:d. fron osci.J"lograns, and n€'Jl:o'!'/


respon*es were record.-

f\rn d-l'rei:ta} fr e ouency

anC uid-e-bat:rl spec'bro-

fhe "fiu grou! o:f dialects, to rftich lLiiugi:o belcngs, e:ciend.s over the

south-e,:,stc-:",:t p::.T'b of -&-ru:o ytrovi.nce a::d" most or- ihe norih-ea.strli:ir ps}t\

of A-rljiElg province. 3a11ard (1959, p 103), stetes;t

tt $h.e riru d.ial-ects inay be d"efinedl ers those vari,eties of Chinese in

whicli tire ti';o fea.ture a;ces, rroicirg a:rcL a.sg.1ra.ti.or:,, Etre rejuired in the

ltop eeri,as, i,eo; the ccn:b:-nation of feat-representation of th.e ir:iti:.I

ures tbp.t sets th.eLn ape:1; r'ron otjier varie'bies of Chi..rrese.rr

( rp,Sp) 1 i],reAncieni O}:inese, and. Froto-''.,;u a: :'eccnstrqctei- in 3a.11arc.

accord.ed. tirlee series r,f inii;ia1 stops: e-spira'leJ-, voiceless-una.spiretea,

atid. voiced", thj-s ihree-l?a;r arsti.nction being preselved. j.n the noder:n i:Tu

rlects lihich bave vciced

stops of app.alenily pboneriic sta.tus, e.g. SHg:gjru' qk + t

**sJ"" E_ ffi I ard g'l"rl.q't: )+{t ,j,J,l , but these do not seen tcr

have been taken into accountlo, eithec in tbe above d.efinitlor, or in the

worki:rg hypothesis api;earlng in Uulg- (fgeg p.1)rI

.'.' ..1l.ft- ry t trb "L # iru, ltl-ZY-' i,l--t--HihA k H")fr #,i# rA K,L a &,z- (:'fi_,,)- )x Fro * ZZ (eb ,k 4yyd.'

('lUu tvorkS.ng; b;r-pcth+s:,s ivi-ricb. vre !io\-{ teniatlvel}t siater is to consi'Ler

fclbhrr t:-+,,e'bei:,5 o,= the s-rocia.l ci:lr:tcteristic of the \Iu rl"ialecis a



;1. o

sc* jg6 (rge,-; r. l-Lo ri),*+* +r,{: {ltrij{} p, ?.i3 if)r

\.^;t{j{., :: l;.,'I Zd: ,.'" IL

:l'tj i:.t.?e:].T.'it, h{;lt;,:1"e1:r'ci:.r,tl.r:?lj.r-1t'itY V*IC:1. ( fi::,' iri:ich,C.l.i::e -'c tj-i.':.|.':c l,cr -fc",,11.

aud. ilff,TZ"I .r.7

*:rc1 lIYirYZli p.9

tl:o ci;trrc-cteri ;'"i c,qce below p.13 )t

( eud^-va'-"^a*-^"n{* *

v f \)l;,t/t\\t\A/t\')

;rti cu i.a,'Li otr',';ithig e:CtjUSi",ret i.iJilOrjfl




.. ' :d.ivision into three series of stopsr p t k , ph th kh ,.b a g.)

Hovrever, tb.e vast majority of non-liiu dialects have simplified. tbe

Ancient Chinese tirree-way stop system by loss of the distinctive featuro

of voice, rvitb. subsoquent reorganisation of initial stops accord"ing to

various factorsr one of lvhicb being the original Ancient Chinese tonoo

Tbus, both I{"$.C. abd. Cantonese b.ave only tcro sets of inj-tial stops:

aspirated. and. non=aspifated., both without voi.ce, vrhereas the iTu d.ialects

have retained. tbe original Ancient Chinese voiced. stops in some forn or

other 11 d.istinct ibo;: the otner tivo Ancient Cbinese series. The extent

to vrl:-lch thi-s d.istinction rests primarily on the presence of voice inlflngpo stops 1s d.iscrrgsed. below (Cb. Z, p.f.5 )r

the i:Ju d.ialeots ere genelaLly not only conserva,tive in their retentj-on

of afl- original tbree-iray initial stop series, but alsc ir: the d.eveloprrent

of theil tcnal- systerns from ihe proto-Ier:rgueger Ancielrt Cbi.nese j-s re-\i

St**t constructed rvith four tonenes, three of vhich contrast by d.ifferent pitcbv'


i CCI;TCUB - one is envisa6ed as levei, cne as iising, one falHng - and one\P --,s.f$ V,.of i",rhich contrasis by I,EIiGTI{, by virtue of the fact that the sylle.b1es\ . r,t (\/r, \" _$/5;i Il trith rilhich jihis tonei:e occlrrs are clcsei" by a final x -trtr -tr or -k, a;rd.

:< &",' )\ -a

" O\d are sb.o:ter than tirose not thus closecl, 1?

i,iow, at7 intiuaie rel-ations-iip i-s positec oetrveen t::e naiure of' the

initiial cf t,re proto-LanEuage e,nC. i.-le ruones, in ti:::.i s;ilabl-es I'rith a

voiceo. initliL] e.re concelveir oi ae havin€; intrir:sic 13 a-l-Lotones in e

lower pitci: register tl:.an tb.e aLlotones i.n sylJ":rbles vdth a voicefess

inii;ial, 'lh.is situation ;rrir be :'ou,rcf ise* as:-


t^, -,


r/rone -----> l_-inc.i "'J / #

/l-+ roi"*al[-l (:rtte::d. rg69 r p. -l(,).t- JL_-l

./ b4l:'or cetuil.,, s:c bit (rgec i)pbri, -d'.q. (Wzt: irp iffr: :.iii ??), a.ncr

(Wq p. 9i ri),*i[Trest (l9bi p.,i.ffThe lour tone;res.e'.re iir;iitio,rai.11. te:iic'i fr/"C (even, or leva1 't,

"r,Y-,f; (.'i;irr6), d (6i.1:-; *'Ling)1 .,,'.i :L (',,tilf,:t3).

5'or art *-ip1:Lrratii:n of ti:rti'inEii-cr ae use* hereo see iTan;-i (f96?J, otCir*;rg ( flte p, 2$5 ;:f.) ; $.r lowcr"wl o$e"t o* Fo *t ri."t.c.J.o*re*r'l r**€*r*p*v*if ,,eeq' ' / L/'f""j ha9 , q-2' l^$^'"fu q Fet*c*t , -iir:t, of cclursc. ';l:,* articrriljJrl, r* '' *c IIl0iI; see ',iiatig (196? p"93 ff')


The Aircient Chinese tonal systern iita';r bo represented- tl.us:-


\ cil',rcmrr::n T _ri'rr"itu.L J i-_:,1

level ri sing l*llivrr" ehort

hi r-rhI

lt6 I


rr I J I / -l .l I J -l ,i4,..'_\i$j

'iririlet tl:e systex baso.l cn to::eri.c cc::tr:-sts of co::tcur anCL 1,ength, {\

an oppositictr of REGISTIR d.id. not e:rist until loss o:'the vo:.ced. initj"als

in rnost non-lTu d-:-aLects resulted in to::enisisation of the cliiference in

register. 3;'virtue of tb"e preservation oi th.e voice fe:-.tu::e in','Ju, the

Ancient Cl:ineee allotonis;r d.esci:ibed. above bas a1s;o, in great 1:art, been

. t.-.pietervecl, (There a?o slrne pcssible excepiions anonE the iiu soncrant

inrtials, .see belov;, Ch. 2, p. 23 ). iioreover, iiu uirper and lower register

all-ctones lra-re usually phoneti-ca1ly so, rnore so than in sone otije:: d"i.a-

1.ectstr, ( zt\o, .t967 , p.96)

The consecue}ces of ti:nilvoicgd-tr featq]e "e.{:e+}rtj-on

:-n i'/u (liingpc)

contre-sted- .."iith Cantoness arid.l;"S.C.

ia both Cltrto::ese ani" i.i.S.C., the loss of ti:.e Anciert Clnnese r,r6i6,s

fe;.tr:.re h::s vesuLted. 1n the burd.en oi coirtras-b bein3J c:rried- exclusivel;r

by ';lie 'ccil* aiid. r:c ionger by the coi,rbir:ation oi- tone + n:trrle of i.r:itialr

and lrence :,lso i:r the tor:enisis:"ticn of . the Ar:cieirt Chincso a.r.lotonic

diifererrcc of high ali. loir re;istcr. (5:c t:rble or: iol-l-o,iir:g f!te).

1s A notational dovice rep-r:esentinii the }:ypoi;hetical pitch contour,scc bel o,,r r p" J9 ..


Anci.ent Cbinese Cantor:ese 11 d n-,t_ngpo . Xxaraple

' uBper!evel

ioi.,erI ti'lI sr/


I ul']


')*?b i4--tc.'J







/ si'//s\*/

I tL'/lsLrr


1)-4{- to ca,use


W r:e.rketI

upper-il.J I i no



I st'' //aL. /lsLl



f) \:

lfv to trv

+- aifairfupper



/s,k *ft/

/srk /



lsrl"I ,"rt']

I a't-t']






tone Toial: I 9 4 o

Tonene fotalr 4 g/8 + {q/A ( see belovr for d.iseuss-ion of various tcnexiicanalyses-Cir.3).




The upper entering tone has split in$o tl'ro tanes in Cantonese. Tbeirtonenic status 1s C.isputed.r, see R;rgaloff (ryAnr !.86). i,ote also theretention in the citering tones of Arcient Ciriirese f:r:alx(-p) -t -ic inC::.ntonese, their re,iuction iu i{i:rgpo to [?] e aild- th.eil ccrupl-ete c.is*a.:)pea.rance in ';,j.S. (j.

l{ote that there is no direct cor'r'esponiance bet'.',,'een Ancient Chiueseenterit:U -Lones a,nd,i.S.C. tone trn;oi they are d.istribui;ed over all fc,urtrl"S.C. tclles.

18 -:.rrcielrt Ohlnese lor'.,,T risir:g tones in sy1llbles ';iith non-soirollnt init-iels nave joi.ne'.i- the il.S.C. reflex of the Ancient Jhinese falling toneme.



?he Tlu clialects are *rrther cheracteriBed. 1s by:-:- * -.---_ -----

l,ronopli-bi:ongs anC scarcitT o:l -brue d.ipirthcn;s. lliil5;tcf'r:

morrophthongal nucleil 3o long vo'rrels L L t y

1) a proliferation of

irrs the fo1lov:ir:ga*V'l L ce-&e-Jt



^)1O-'o- D Lr I short volvslg

These aan be sl:ovrn for convenience on

I i + i-r 5 €1conventionai vovlel d.iagram.




f:rero are also three d-iphthoirg*, ["!.', our */]. 2) tAere is genere-11y

only cne nasal terminal 2o. ln sone',i'u d-ialecis, an original nasal finerl

bas nasalised. the preceaing vovel and tb.en been lost. }tringpo has onlyrn *.- ryf

one nasal terninalr-!. r .sd ibo follo';'ing nasalised. voriels: [l.Y,&;rrJ .

3) the Atcient Chinese final stops. l,'hich orj.einall;r closed. syllables i-ntt-*t'

the entering tones, h:ve a]l reduced. to a glottal-siop.

€.g. Anc:-ent Chinese x J t-ta[,tstrungtitt--;' iiingpo [f# I,, ,, J dup 'tun' ,, V*tt]

,, [pelo ft,o*ior;':S,, I pDK 'huncreaxr ,, lb€L, li iij.:'r"",, ,, I Pory"ight', --> Ll 1

, _- / t_^?.-le for nore con:plete d"::'iE, sse Y.lkul (r9go p" 59), 3:11.arJ (f169),rn).o (rl5?) a

20 for explr.n::tion of these tcrnsr. see belol';r Ch. 2t;. g.

2L tlle:e is a Cegree c:'reCund.j..rc;" in,rri',irg lurlgtidtr:rks over sonre oftheee vovdls, but iiiis ,t.rti.-bioii^bc.s tr*en rotlinod, except 'it}:en ti:eshc,rt \rowels are fofic'.':ed b;* * L? ] ter-:iir:alrfor ihe rea;dert s

coirvctiicnce *

,'l t


e-A 6u



'rn )iir:31:o, the glott;rl ntop te-rnin:} .Ji:npoe.r.rs uriler -=.11 condj.tioiis

excei:t Ll:try,nce i:'inalllr' or in non-cl.ose ju:rcture, e.g. f [*5?l r,roa,(br-rt ,F lt\ L* lLr*til ,,.,n0 .t'


tjo8raph:-gal locE-tj-gl of i{ingpo

't'T t\r A ttTu r.5r. UJUPtt0vllicf





r;'r_-':?TT rl.T,^aUlU Id:: J

;1 _rt-er-nT r

L ^:U { !!- JL

-,\ -'.*5:Y::*r-i-lli i .. .^h^rr a !ra Pv



Si:arter 2-; _ 513:Sll0i-iliiifAl Pi{CiiOICGY 0F ijIt.rGTO.


ion.' Detail;d lei;::rks on ljeJ*entrls.

' fhe follolrln6 ch:,pter d.eals rith the segrnental sound.s oi l{ingpo. At

this pcint a tcntative phonological systen i-s proposerl, in conjunction ,,rith

a set of syllable-stl:iicture rules, to serve as a flame of referenco with:-n

which to present the subsequent phonetic d.etail and. d.e,ta on conplenentar;r

dlstribution ancl allo,aho;:ic r,,ariaiion. The sl,sfsr,.j projjoseo. is tentative,thesince a:ry phcirolcgic;l sirtelrents :rlrst be naCe vith reference tolpi:rtlcular

toilal systera analysis chosen, a d"iscussion of r,';hich is found. in Cha.pter 3

beLo'il. ilo:eover, this paper is intend.cd. r:,rinasily as a presentation of the

plro:retic fa-.cts of i,ingpo s:rd. not their a:alysis, inportant as it is. rn

orcler to 51v* the reacler an linpre$sion oi tb.is phoneiic raz.l:-ty, a b1oad.

phdnetic tranecrirotion is enpl,cyed., e:cepi uhere the

na.rrolr tra:rccripticn is specifically d.ictated.

l{j-ngpo syllable structure nay be d.escribed. v,t_th


use ofaphoneruic or a

the follornlng re-';.,rite

Sy11a.b1e--+' Initiai r' Bo{y

" 3od.y }"inal, ' fone

. Final ->F

(r:eaiaf ), Rb.;me

Rb.yne --) iiucleus, (?enrinal)v

".r.Afi? [La i]'ij t ?. 6 l'root'rltlilucleu.s Ielninel-T-,7,,.-l--.--/I-edial lih.ni.: / |T i I\l

I\l \ jri nai Tonc

-ll-r'-Initip-l RnAv./-lnr'e ill" Bod-.r -._ -------_ I_\_r\ I--*--r- I- $yllab1e

Tlitb reference to the sy11able struoture rules above, lt should. be

nctsi th.at the Initiai of a iiingpo syllab1e carries::oithel a d.lstinctive

loud.:ress contour nor a clis;iii':siive pitch contour. iicuivaleirtly, th,: aonein

of the tcne iE the 3c{rrr(not the By1lab1e, as is implied. in tl:e re-r.rnite

rules u$ed. in Tuy ( ISTA)).

A tentat:vo pb"onological rystem be outlinedl

fnitialst , \ --l_J flosl_ves

ii-) Aifricates

...\ -L]'L, -Lrr]-Catl_Ves

maJr no1:\,



























Zero initialj

l) oral vorvels

tii.) l-asalise,L

VolYel s

. . . \ -. - .-iii) Diphihongs ei

iv) syltabic sonoi;,rrts


I{uclel l


ou cevIt



I e:ccl-usivc of ihe Ter;:ii'r;J uhen this is itl , a.s il cii;at*crr to::ec I ;ir:d.6


Chsrt illustratini tiie overall lnitial,hinal conbinationg:'in Ninsoo

ci-t:tion foint':.-;'l-1,::.bl:s

I{ote: 1. Capitai letters are used. to refec to tire r',hole series, thus K

iriplies ]cir k g; r (but not the velar nasal).

?, A, x d.oes not necessarily iuiply occurrence of :iirral vlitl:. e.11 rlcrr-

bers of t]:e Initial seriesl there ers eone cornbinations r;hichr ai-

tbough pbonotactical-ly possible, siml11 <1o not have a lexical ex-

poner:t. Thus there is no ryord- [tf"t'/f in lTirL3po, although t]:e:"e

is a [ta"] -',to hit, fL and a [dU.] !, ,to c.ansl*,n:'3o for soinbin:tions of Q vrith !'inars beginning wi-th "[jrifryrt ],sde i:. 20 o

R^.-\-itioL\ t_ L # ,L+


IN X x



ITft X

5I lkt

f i\)



..:_F X












lr' u se/ CU, 'j; l-


x X


x X X






















r*II- ' i---- i-i..ti,\t

"*"t._._ _l_

T{L\Lg _)r

?v'{^) ,$,*jr-J





l'ol: l*l ' .;,i .r-1". ;;€o l. 16,

[nr*J r' "i"D[t"u.1n1'f



-l I 3-e i-c i:€..ix

, .11: r'








;-T*.*"ul l'J"-:-t---


lhe i'ing;o segri*rrtal sounds a:.e ireaLt ;;ith beIow. They are d.jvirlerr

r;:tc fou:: sec;i ors, viz: .r,) i.'irrii,1c, r) i-=d.::.1s, 0) 1,uc1ei, and D) ,Jermi-

n1ls, the secticn on the fi:itiqls bej.ng f\rther snb={ivid.ed lnto: i) plos-

ives, i.i) .{ifrj.ca',;es, iii) cricatives, iv) ionorants and. v) zero 1nitia.l,

ancr the section on iluclei being; furib.er sub-clivj.ded. into i'rOral: volrels

and. d.iphthongs, il) i{asalisec vo,ve}s and. iii) syllabic sonorants.


.\1l Ylnealr-a^4 I j ;v *; v J r

liingpo i:1os:-vas ha.ve a bri,partite:

b11abia1u d.entaI, and" velarr ed tirere

ponclin6 to each place of articulatir:n:

and trhat ive she-Il tern rtVoicsd.tt.

dl.tisron for place of a::'i;icuLa.tion:

are three serles of stols corres-

Aspirat ed., Voicel e ss-Unaspirated.,

\{u d.r:rlects are

register voicerL iso-"/voi.ced. plosives, Y',18.n

tt''/oi cerl rr ilosivesl As mentir:ned" .::bo're (p. 3), the

consid.ered" to be nece.jsslily d.efined. by a Lo'.,';er tone

g1oss. Regarciing ih.e phr.rnetlc reallsation o,' ibe iTu

irgeo; p. 61), renarksr

tl .rG /- l-)n 'f - b dF p- r-'H,A1fr, hb )W )Tk?P' +t s\P", **mw+

3 # # jiv F!1

ah, Eh_ ru_ (h

*t...,4 H-, +fr

pI, tg' Kfi , ii-'-) rz ll;qa/L- o

a+ fr_ )epa) rrt 'T'

4y b' d'k i.7t

17\ --,r- 1)-/4 +K

3: *rtk- htJ

(fbe t{roiceciit ltlosi.les b ,1 g are un''./oiced" d.r-rri.ng closure - the vocal,

r:irords d-o :ot vibrilte... -).elesse is acconpai:ieC by a conpi:rativel;r strong

flow of brertily voice (1"3.t. voiceci aiir stre:rl). The:e sour:d.,; riray be trarrs-ttJ^

cr"ibecl as b c g or. b6 S A'ff or pfi tfi lfi.. Ttris is general.ty

api:l-rc;,-l;ie to',Y',r :)ronr-licj.ation. ).111're corpus of iliril.rri;f o:caniried- d.oes not d.islrl.el, tbe Creg::ee or'}:c,i:c*

,r,rrirei't:i' in rrvo-i.cei-rr -ill<;sivs e^rtierl]"i.tioii riuli;ssitlrL b;." tha above cr"rotation.

ihc i:houetic ci,at* for iiingpo ere :rs .[oi].or,si


In cit''.tion forn, voiceni; tlrroui';hcrrt tl:e irold ph:ise. ,:.ncl unaccoillur;15iafl hq

*,-^ lr I l

'J--v L .1 ) I *,;:L:i oecur in the lou regirtors, ",g.{Fo" r] ,bi;,.

The articul:tion.l-escribed. in yr-i:n (ry&), (s:c:bove), is iounrl crp-

ecially in tone two, but less freluentiy in tones f-o,.:.r and si-r. A certain

anount of breathy voice nry r.l-so bc i:eerd on tbe lfucreus. Trru":rflfi lpng

,]I -'ricnd.r. iicl'rcver, tito olrici; ol voicirr; is so,:etines delayei, r,;liich. resr"rLis

irr a slighi bui:r.u,.cj-ib1e r.s.lirrtion, u.E.t&'.[*t*" J 'hellr. sonetj.nes br.eathy

voice is nissin; alto5etl:er, proir-ici-ng i.r.ticufr.t:-ons liltc-ffi hn *r. ] o"

[*"" f ] rhead"r. These latier are particulail;. ch.::s.cteristic of r.,orrnal

speech, ,;;}:ere breaih;,. voice j-s aiflicLrlt io hea.r an;n;ay.

All the above z*:trcrr.laiions occrlr uaue1.1y in non-clcse junctu:'er(vhich

nornai-l7 corr:esloncs io r.orcl-initial positt":). rHus, trt td. [ro, *t^ ]rio s',',tcp ti:e ,grouit&, rd.L-4,fr [;[at r giArlr'bc eat sur':.rt. ',i:nen, hovevi;],

the rtvoice4rr soutrds occur in cl-oee junctu::e, :: norrnai, iu11;,- voiccrl" sound.

is ireard, ..z.YYF., [tr1i1' e.ci-] tarn;,' & AK [*43" oonj,su.ccess

or far.f'uue'. In cfose junoture befo::e f if '.""a l" lr / z / ha.s a voicerL

bilabial fncative alio:honer Ip ] r c.i. iS+ )? [*.=' f \, r'a'J


pe,:rd. irornal speecb., all ilvoiced.il plosiv€s :re le:ris.

rJg.i.celas*-!jr . sjl!:.,,t.crf ,:iosi;.-,,:: Zl.t o ( i9 ZB, p, 27) sta.tes th:rt tne

artlculatior: of ilu voiceless--Lrn:spi:'ated" i,1oi:ives i-s gei:r:'"i1;r tenser an3

crlsper th;.n the coi"respcni-irr; ?e:cirrg :ound-s. In cit:tion lotm, rl:,:se sottnd.s

in iiingpo :.le soi'aetir;i,es s1i;i-L'b1;l voi+ed. Tirr-t;. are a1v:,.;7s ve:l:Jr tense, fc::tis

sounds i:ncl :rre n"ver .""rn*ttonr.lo by breathy voice. In norinal- speech, 'rl:e

voicel-ess-'.rr:spir:..ted- pio::1/es i::*'c ncar-Ly alv;:;rs .rer;r 'lense 'lortes "nd-

us',tall;r ::ticulr.icC '.'it::out 'rcicc, -'.i-*iiou;h s,ror Jic voicii:5 .lces occur',

especiallT irr t5; vc1i"::eliec r.ir* irrt+:-voc:.Lj-cu.l-17. Tnc occilt':cllce oll ti:i:r

-poru.rirc voicir:.; c.t:l usilc.lly be re'lcr::ed. to rnytli;r :r:C./ol' ltl'er:s f:ctors.

r}on the s"bove. rlatal it car: be obs'erved. that th.e onset and. d.istrllut"

ion of voice a.ncl"breatl-r;l voice rn iTin5lro ilvoicedrtplosivcr in ,:;1.-c.',cr'.:

jr-l::cture a"re tor,; Eressy and- unpred.icta,ble to $erve as 'i;lte phonetic basis

of the pbrcnological eo:rtrast with the voiceless-{rnaspirated" plosives,

especially vrhen these rnay be voioed. themselves to a certain extent. In nor:-

close juncturo, the ttvolcedrr and voiceless-un:,spirated" plosives a.re d.isi;ing'-

uished. consistently by a lenj.s vs. fortis articulation. This rListl.nction

also occurs in close junc-i;u.re, but here it rs sui:jror';ed- b]'a voiced. vs.

voiceLess contrastn

It rrill no''.r be appreciated. lvby quotation niarks were usei for th.e lower

regioter rrvoicedrr plosives: in non-close juncture, tile vocal chord-s d.o not

start vi'oratir:g r-intil a,'b l-east reiei.se in 'uho vast najori'by of cases.lihorra

vibration d.oes start however, it 1s i:.sua1ly to proclnce brea'i;!; voice, &nd

this recuires a laryngeal articulator;r gostu.re which is diife:'er:t ilron 'i;hat

occuming in nornal lhonationa o

@r The aspira'i;ed. scrios o{

en-b, exce;ot th.at tire aspiration is strong.

Plosivos requires no co:iia-


Id.eal}y, then, i:ingpo fiay be acccrded three serles of plosives, viz:

t)[Ofr th iih .. .aspirated fortes. I , l-z) p t k........unaspiraied. iort=". I

in eirvi-r'on'rie:rt/Tones 13 5'

3) !t*t **) j'qt......Lenes, + breat\r .roice. in environnonly'Ton es Z 4 6t

( non-close ju.ncture)

b d. s-J.......'roiced lenes. in et:vilon,.*,.*Aon* s 2 l. 6,Jl

(c-r'cse ;lrnctluo)l

ljione of the plcsives is fofloire,l,urt [t] "r Li] r or i.ho r:redial/r1l .

l tlt f. :'o, 'l. ri\/ , c.i:. i.,r -il:e ;i,rd, Hfi to toi:,l;:e , is eir:,r'aqt*ri.st:-c cr

fhe s1.::ccl: o- o-Lli-:r tcII(,rij 'b.Lelt-q" In s1o'.,1, "'j,:feltl1

s:)c;rrh, ,:, -:,ltl-i':iontl,jj.{--.

2 Sse i,ariei.iogerl ( 1g?1, 'r-'.13).






pal:ital on-gliae occurs betrieen itre piosrves ancl L il , *,g.+- L pj]-S t]:-Y- I

r,e:rr E Ipt-r, r-tt] ": u:,.,i -'j..:r i'r:;: .nrr;-et, 0fi [ Ll-rrL?

t] ircn.

Tl:e d.e::t:l plosiv,:s ,c.o noi occur beJoru / , I arid. /* /. The vel"ar

plosivcs d.-; flo" occur bejore I t ; ut / , ,0" uniqr-re (?) :;;,-L1e,.b1cn4r. e<1 r r I - /{'} t l..--" I .rr61 U\ t J .t/-, tiris, 1s the only e;ri:oneni oi ihe co:nbination vel:;r - t Ll .

$yllables in g- a-Te rill'e arnd. conl'ineil r,ror-rtly tc rlii,,lect ,voi.d-s, e.€.

$L Lqott I n o.' "'o,,d.*..i', Itgr''] r"' to *quor',nI qr,f] r.''u*r, strrr,'

Ar+- ,- j 21, rF-'l [-o *

, -l r r \' 'ril Lg a.'J esg-pi rnt:n [5* e *

J '' '*o

'*o' *"uv.


[ thiX '] '*o siva.Lr.ov6

,''q L tdn 'l 'ro,nn'.iv

''rt laLd'r " I ). 'to rc:irr,e,'"y,_

l- o JI t'..tns,i'1 ' ,,-;-]-ii,rsr

dI t<$r1 t I 'to ron o',,.':d:

LgdS "J r.' ,,""y stiriii) A;-irlc..aies

Iiingpo aiiricates havetr,ro places of articul:.tion, d.ental ana alveol.o*

paLatal . .+nalogousl;,r to th.e plosives, there a"re asiriratecl, voiceless-

unaspir:''tec1, and rrvoicec.rr scur:d.s occui'ri:rg at both places. As uiflr th.e

plosi-ves, the rrvoiced"il soiud-s a.re tre:';eci d"ifferentl.;r, depend-in6 o;r tihether

they occu.:: in cl-ose or ncn-close juncture" In rioll-cloee jui:cturr:, t;ro - i.o:-

ir.e elenent is al:;irys vojcel-ess. cnset of volce ne.y ti"Ile piace ii--te in +,he

fli.catir,'e eleieent, or tli-is too lir.y::enrin Lirivoi.ceii.. Sreathr'voice ita,;r sf{s;-l

be hearcL on ti-re LY.i-cr,1:ive eleine;:rt, i.rii. i:l so on ti:o vo,,;eJ. es.irecj-.:il-1;r in iore

t1"'o. In clole junc'cule, rtoriur.l- voicing occLli:s tlrroi,i5hout ti:c ribcrl.e of the




rl,J to s1;urt

t-l,I to topoij

a1, 'I t\. n1 '.'

3 Dn :'e;:;;rs to :ron*i,-.1. C. fc:;.1i,---, l',lti-cil .:!rc irresu,::b1;i.:t Ii i.n1i';c ri.i:.icct, o1'i:il:, ritt:..i:e.i in;cncr:rr11cirr-.::ict'.:r e:1.'t-s-i;s i'oi. -ili.:',vo-::ii in {:tiefi.'[ion.

,ry' _l :' nt r l :. ::r'l-

i--J,;,c,:r.ir iiL::.'[LJthe trr,"cicerlrr scr:l;rls ,'ri1l" be; ^cr;:ilscribcd, f | , 3l :.n iron*clnse ;iunctr.r.::e,enrl Ib d- t,'.1 iti clor;'; j'.rncl't,',r.rc1 b:'e':-iir";;'v,:j.ce lvi]-1 not r:]oL.il:rl.J:,r "Dc

i.l: ::'-:,t C. "

9l_ tner

affricete. The uvoicedrr

are tense fortis eourtdso

frisated. release of tire

j)el:tal afflic:tesr

sol'-nds are always l.enis. The voicel-ess-unaspir:r.teC

The aspirated. sourtd-s are strongly aspiratecl, The

aspirated. iiental aifricate is very shorio

h"o- .aspirated. I'ortis.aa. a'

* ............ unaspirated. iorti-s.. (fi)d.?''" . ..,.. r.. .. . 1enis, t breatliy voice.e&.)

/in environ;rcntf tones 1 3 5

Iin enrrironwenLf Tones 2 4 6

(norr-close juncture)

i:r environnentf Toues 2 4 5

( close juncture)

fu I .. . . ... .. .. . voiced. l-enis.J

eTg"lrrp*l e s o-Lt jzrt-a1 af{ri cg,-t?.F :-

+ tt*#] s'.relrrci *,,)6lts"'1, dregs,, E[#f]"' ro exa&iner .

n + [ya1Lsfl',,,oou"','A &LeY dfy'] rpropaganda'| .

$ach pironel:e of i;ire cierital series pos;esses a lrali:.ialised. aLlophone,

[q,;u tl dE I , berore lzl r o.E. e t\thr' ] 'rooa',

ffi- htt' l'*gainr , ,A4 [.J*t".] 'vea1+'hl rhis a]-lophone

stiil- ccntrasis rith the palatal affricate + ueciial f i f ,"uUinations befoae

Itl , howe-/er. rn,u.s, fu1*Uf/ ' bo produ"-'i{tot',.,if n"roou"r'

The aspiraied. d-ental aifricate bas an interesting palato*a1veolar ailo-

phoire in the unique case of "7-pJtiCtt]'to eatr. Tiris sound" contr:rsts

-rro f-tt-Jh"ttl ''r,hornt, *;r;: "-;nce rlai' be intorpreted ."/ts!,*""7rvith a phorrer,ric I ',, / r:ed.i-al. Ti:e c1:ar.;,.cter


-"-"- p\tn':{|' '"'^'

e.n atternative, but rrot rree .rari&n'u, c..o.uncla;t:f ;*$i, j.*. ,: ;;"

conpour,d -dlf["U'JLfl r. I ti-"ecr'! .

The voice& .i.ei:taf aff:'i.caies are unstable in close ju"nciure ai:C. oiien

lose their'p] osive'elelre:ri. SiririLar' *ch.enor.iena have been recorcl,ed., but iLri;h

far less ileouenc;y', for [g{r'arrali;," anci Fu J, ".s. ),* l"ltfL$rten'r-c*t

tf '+

k{^*1i"u";.) orte,,j !A-f" Ltnqatnl ^- L't*4e! i)" :ro',.

5 Fcr l-abiali::irtion of collsc:ti:rlltsr see p. 2? .

6 ,jbe lrVOi ce/i r ij.:ir+;:.:f 1,. ',.'r'ica.tr:S .rif 1 nOrLl"r.l"l.lrcfoso jur:cture, eitd. LCrl ir: cj-cse ;iui:c-Lurelnorullllg' bc :.ti.r.li*d..

Lre iratrscribed.breaih;" valce

Is'",]t"will" rroi


Palatal ai'fricatestl'rIt6:r ...... ...as*?ixated. iortis. I- Fin& .. ..unu.spir:,ted lortis"Jf4(6). ...le::ic + breathy voice.

environiront / rorr*o I 3 5.t-t

in environ;ier:t/ fot "" ?'4 6,

(non-close juncture)I

rn enviloninent f rones Z 4 6t

( c1o se junc'bure)

q ..... d...volced lenis.

exq:irles of ^--aLa'bal q. .liqatssr

)'L [Lerrl' ] ,r{.(,eij,r ,&,L [t i ] ,ro 'u"ora,,ftQ

ZA [t"u\'],*o a*', fr

vord.s ccnstitute a nir:iraal

[d'"{''*" Tf a] 6 |


? rlvoiceiil :Li-i::ic;';es ',','i11 trorn:l11" be

t aa1 ( clore ;ulr:c"i.:::e); 'b:';":'i;ig.' vcice

s gee P.11, ;lote i. stc :1lsc jl.]rJ

tr;;,;rscrlil-:*a I gt1 ( non*clo:e ju.r:cture)viil not rjormall.J' be ma:ti'.el1..

I r v 2llClat4 lt1sr,,,ryrr.


Tbere is consj-d"erable latituc"e in the ariicuta'rion of /t6h, tf.- oo* d&rl

o""u"rir:6 as ti:ey clo befcie nj-gh ;':.o::t vo',rels [i i y i t]*rA the ]*.cdj-er - [;.I

axdlj, thcrr sor:etifics a.rrrroxiileie a palato* alvecla.r position. Tl:us both

[t!t^t5' ] ona [trJlZgtl, rciea:' ()A ), aie heard. sris ap;c]ies ro i;rie

patatal fricatlves :rtso. tlus t 5q' ]*ra t *.1 '], ,lieri.rt, (ir;d ).Tbe palatal affrlcaies are j-n ah:ost total ccnplen:errtary d.istributro:r

rTith. tb.e d.ental a.-if icates, il?iich d-o not occllr before ar:y of the higii tYon'u

vowels e;reept ll I . lxa:nples of th.o clental aff?icate /*alatal af:ricaie

contr:r.st bcfore fi f t *,

H/+3hi ''/ 'ro,,",'J u*.*!J&OV'l'.r, urger. + l*W,s-ecialr vs. fA

l&j' /, 'ro co,:tribr-rt *' .44, /*i"/ 'ro jrs.ss o*' vsn tr"/*i/''o.,'.l,ri,,' .

ll:ere .:1:io exieis 1 de:::** o,l con;lener:t..r;r d.istlib,ibioit letre"o -:nu,

pa.lataL af-[rio;;;tos :i]:c] tll.i vcLel.r plccives. { i:.:1 Tp $ contt'r,.st ,rtorc f'T f

and li I , & /XLt'I ,ru r.ookr vsn t( /t.vrl'ro ower,

*' I Eni' I 'broai'l ,,". -t]l /kh1'I ',o,r:'5c,B/fr ,'ql I t t

A conirection bs:tr',re-;i 'bhe velar scries or' i:losir,'es a:rd t}:e 1:aIi"t:r1

ta.\ ],.;relr' , LtiY

-r ot]

aff'ricates is ihrther er-::.-'l.rasi;eo by the so-calfed. trJ"-oii y)- 3( pirenonenonre

^ i'.rircreb;r certa:tt l;ords be;i-ir:iing l;r*r,h vels:l L=loLrnds'naver.luo to hictorrcal.cl l

. , \r.,\1ae2y2t ar: e.lternativs pronunciatlon rvith the correspon.ling Falatal a,firic-.//" /1'/\n*+ I t-_--' u,ru"rnr*r*r, c.e. ,;F, [t<^i/K"]* [tqd.ro,= h + 6 ,R.

[tti L.]t'pitt"J" ] ,.,,. ttre pi,lro*oi,ir*1"' (l:-terary), but 5 '& X-[pdita-oCl']'*ni ,t t,,ese peopler , ." A e hikal; or:s+ri'r ( coil o.u-


...\11r- / i?IC-atlves

, llingpo f:'icatrves have four places of articulation: 1a.bio-d.enta1, C.en-

ta}, ;rlveolo-pa1"ata1, ancl glottal" There are voiceless a.nd. rrvoi^eiltr -fricat-

ives corresS:or:e1ing to eacb. place of articuiation. The voiceless l'::icatives

/-. are iortis; tl:e trvciceC.rr :lric:riives are leiiis n,i:cr vithout voice in non-

. cfose juncture, 'r'Ir.ere e.rticulation is often accocp"nied. by breat\y voice

on th.e vowel, €.8. "Lf ^k'lL+* J t tolrt . In close juncture, the l-abio-d-ental"

and. dental fricatives are nornal flrlJ.y voiceC lenis sour:d"s, but tb.e behav-

iour of the palatal and glottal frrcatives is slightly anomalous, (see belowr\.

,lin enviro:raent/ t-ones I 3 5./irr cir.,'i-lon:rcnt f fo--u" 2 ,ni 6t/

( non-clo se jr-rncture)/irr enviro:.:ent / 'Ior:es 2 z\ 6t


( cloee juncture)

Labio-de:rtal iYicati',res: r

loLf ..........o vciceJ.ess iortis"

y&tl .......... le:ris + breai;i5r voice.o-

vlr r r.. r..... voiced. fenis.I

. .- rjEo kh YtrA (diffcr.ent Literar;- a::d colloruial readrri;s). Tlns then-

onenon is not con-iinecl -bo th.e veLa:'s anrl p:.1ata1s, :fur-tire:: exanples ofi,: ingrrq rvo:L'Cs bavi:rg both a litere.r;- and coiiogial proi,lu.nci:.tion :Lre:

fr l4*"nl iiit.;, t31f ti (coi:.), e.i. E Ai-+ [af'!"iff1]''.,.'"r,',

but r- rl + k""n*{ l:-,0 ;,""terda;,. A kfu I *Lt*fa'],,.,,,,, i.,.i;.

LK tft I *t5 "l,,'-.,, !or,-,l.e,, but A A Lftit''.*c' J r.-,;,,"o,;,te' . ),,f[g*-l * L4r*]'1u,',,,'or*, r'.ircnclrt , t.:: ozir€'t-e, [tgu,.l*r'pT

c4ltIrJ' iot:i:rlisi;tr ,

b"t& 4af t


?vb,tic5 rci :)1.6.ri{3,:rs*,'"l,' . fi [t1-L3l'.,o."' hhl-ftd''..,'





4q:!Er&,s qf .-Le&3-9=!@stfa' l' ".,*u.'*', /& Lya"ttorhorlse', /Lioet{ lne;ativo li.rticler,€[. F"t1' ro

kfr [t] L'u'd,liu.dry,- -' *

:;cnd. our , , W ",+ /r, [y6tdtunttJ

ci*:tion !orn:, iioi;e tirat 'bhere

/ru (,.u1 page$ 25 ,znJ, ,r.- 4 ttt,.jt "*{ *T f,-'q--


I mrr --l- |rql4g v a

t | ] is oi-tctr sr-r.bstitute,L .jor

. )(/ / tis no ' i vu/ 1 ( seo 13,gs 25 ), or

raxcr = /.nr" /).

[Y 1."*l ,. "/ -t!u

lant:.-l irrcr.ti.les :YTII s ....r..,...." rroicelesg iortis.L

_(fi)'zt \.a..,.r.r.ro lenis + breathy voice.


.t..l-3r env].Tontlleiit / Tones J


irr environinent .,1 lones 2

{ i:orr-close juncture}I

in enviroirrent / 'lones 2i

( close ;ur:ctr-rre )



,1 ,, t.. o o voicecl lat-.is.-t

e{arpl*j,.-q:i Ie:tJ al t:jjr,t-iue q"r

-t/,8 [- rur-'r.7- L5& I r)airt ,

It"t w;t#&[r. ,o1 tt:aloa, ,. )'lJ [:c'l'**nu' , 9:E lk "7r snaker,€- P* lfY L!.ti.U gr+J'r,LJ

In citation foln, [t ]is o''ten sub;:tii;uteo. for

to Tb.e rrv.t:i_cecltt l:;.bio-<lcntal_ er,nd, d.entnl ft:icrtives Hi:1-1 iloriiial-l,;l be t::i;'r*r.t,

"-O f V :'.oti i+-3 j.n ,.o,,-",.i,;c i"i-,c-l;'-l-:-'e, ','rl Lv], Lz] iii cf'iss

;Llnrltilrte. .ir*ath;' v'lico '.:i'i-1 :r':rt :lo-i::r)i:r'l-l;/ be na'rlEed'



tA-Ul p )'i:ess ageircyr

L+) ,

Pelaial iric.:,,*ui.lesi Tire trvoicecltr r::errlber of tne paiatal iric"'";i-./e jrairIr

is mer:tlcned rn rt|g (t95,:At-.,24) in the conte::t of a contras'b betl"+een fric-

ative vg. fiictioi:l-€iis !-,1;.rte.1 souncls in rringpo. :lltirough -bh.is solr-rii1 d.oes

:rot sirictly have-bh.e sarle irlace of a.r'i;iculaLicn ancl d.isi;ribution'.1s its

voiceiess cot:,l"berpapbr( :'L is a :ial:rtai l.n.i- not iil-rreolo-p;l1aia.i sound, iii';d.

be ire:'oed :.u

a .;oicelesg fe

,?j{1 'f ,' ccr'=ei:iona *f a1*,"f,njnl

I ^

I, r:r '.on-+lc:;e: j'-tricture, I < I t',r:i-s :cund.. In close ;r-tn:'i,r.:.:'e l:o';c)'/or,

-bnere *u,.-o] f,-:&Jd' kJnl&1.uu,1.1 c,1.:5/;, i i; ;,a;,

:Ls night be exPected.,

lr 11a.A 5(*r rr @wvr0 , *'W

or--e a,p-L *jt.tr oo ,",'r!s 6ftt t'"t*'?.-oi

L?"s ;*l"re 1) &eJA"kts$i


r1it sorreiines beco,las a nof iilal voicei *'ic.ti're , LZ ) , il; couetin,;s rc|f;i-

cerl ir;' / /: /, i.s. it beeornes a. t'rictiorrless continuar:t, and.is .':oinetirles

::e.olaceC by / il /, i,€. it is rLrolped-, (fnis is t;,pical ol thc irliolect of\ -^.

A. 1:ee; I. Iiee sastns-Lo retainthe friction in tbe najority o-f cases. ) Tire

pa-liltal i,'ricaiives in ilinEi)o :r.re the,refcre as ;lolloissl


Zl t / il1 voicedlenis (t,i'

Iid... .. vc.riccfcss ;'o::-iis. i.l: envirot:r:ent /Tcnes 1 3 5.


( rron-cloee junctr-r::e) ,

I). in envirorunent / rones 2 4 6t

( close jufictu.re).

I a.*rl "i'"1 rlo::::,erlv '.'Ln4) {".* n*+* .-9-f- :-,v-l-l:.ol "-al-rir n:!Ji[-Jji-l-B-l-::t'i u:l :.'J!il- ]i-rt-

t n -l f.< , "*,1;l ir€ ''l t -

glng.Je-!!-*l- -d;J: ,.-YY u'*A',:r *" /4{

frl {-rr,1-;;;, , t'# [ i{u" ]'",,.'.r, , E l, a;y'l '!toninrsr,

*L[:A' : **.' ::i:,1 *,."',t't',.,r$,' ! * "l .:"=;::


It I ttl' 1 'r" inst:uct'l ,Klrrir11"',g_lgs**oi .:p.,!tj* j,i:Sd:it-29., -aJlt L G"l-!'l ltto irrstrLrct' , l I L4' tvl

,r,,_o*,&K G.tj.1ur't T ,;i,.:- ':;..i1, ,.4,t to1* 1 ,t" 'u,pui"y,'9 L*:;l ,*"11,"u',..,,u' ,i, (i[o1E:ri ]:*" .",'l::,', (r- ,.* ',,,::,

6r I t:r" I 'b"io'"' * Ltr- ,i'F ."1t'rgi1 ;, L L a'l 'ri"=t', 6l ' L t;," J'bo:o""', 4L rt'J

Anal.ogousT:J ic ilre situatrolr in the der:ta.f :.r,c ;:'il:,t: l :'"" riclries, the

d.ental- an,:l p;,1ataf ir1c1tives,i.::e ir,:rfnost toi:1 cotir.-r1c.,le:rtr::)r;listlibuii'rn,

cojr-*ri.sti::i o'1y bo,-'c;e / T /. fiff ,/ {/'/ '="t''tt vri € / ki" /I to choset , ( se23,r,,ont,,.1 co:t-i;l',.st). 'lhis i-s :,, v.:::;, tt"a..ou.., cori+;r:s-L itoi,r€rvc,rr

sr-noe / bl" f ,rrrt,o::lrs -i,o i:e a, u;rique s.i;;l-l i','l:Le ir: s. iit:et:r i.,liiol-+'.:t 12.

(t-. :: ee 1t::.:: f 7Yt / , :j-je J'rLo',r, l'. i3). i'ncre j's tro *

/ oit /'

t1 ttht:'lvoice.itl ?:,1',1-!'-r1clorie juirciu::e), i'.i!ci


12 - i;. C. i r, ''i ul:Itt,;?

tL& 0\,a is a e,ft, lr^r"?L"r, T



Gl-ottal- :Yice,bives:r-1L tt J. o ",/oiceless fol:tis[C I . lenis + bre,:,-5h;,. voiceL 3..1" " ..

ilt: .,... o r ....*.brea'bh;l voice

in envirot,,,tot /Ton""in er:vj--r:oo,t.,r'tt

r/ To..'t* *

(non-cLose juncture)Iin eiivirorrijiellt / Toitcs

( close juncture)

l- 3 5.:.246'


In rron-ciose juncture, the frvoiced.rf fricative of this pair is invariab-

1y accoi:ipaliecl by brea'uhy voice on 'the vo,,tel. It is itself, holve'Jerr l';ithout

vcice. In noynsl epeech it is cjten dropperlrr;olretiltes leaving lire;th;y ','oicef o 1 -

euciible on tlie vor'*sl, In close juncture, I h J d,isappearsr and, the subsequ-


totrl i'alling and irigh-risil:6r ccntours are r"ithout b::eathtr" voico'

e,'{a.iupLeE of Gl-otiel fric::.j;j.ves I

e ntt115' r 1o stu.d.rr'ir ,

lut {:rdhal ,1o ;rau study?t . tf f,f a""n

{ [ h".^* ] rrire' , i4 tt;H f h.L' ] ,china,, ){ t h


















e Jur





t-i.rorl Iti

I s't-leat I ,




iq:d- iz1UJ.*

i tf *€'rt' 1

,L "1yl eu J'i,ilky iia;rr.

J'l-+ gl*J t colct sweat I .

4,7o I h*i ]- ,to ','iaitr ,41-Lhui-7 'iber:rnc.'l , hL"tuiff oy*l'a:tbru#ecs' .

4, I rn'r' ]'*o shour', fffi fhi" ] 'ileisure', -t q ffi:Z*-

[b;{ [6tt'*c" ] '.or,,unu ("ro,,o'*se) ,c i [ $""] ra).e'1 ( ,,.,, belov).

tsoth [" J ,,ta [frJ ,r" articulai;e;d. wi.th consid,erab-Le cavi'bJ, ;.riction'

rh,-rre i- ; -*7

tu,/(*e" p. 26).. f'"ot/,/+if{l] ,G.Br H''tiger',.,tol"',,,.-re'" A Labio-velar f'lcn:.-Live, [rtl , o""o"u*befo'e / " l, /n/rLt7 ,

.+# r -:

/ T /, airtl- / ur ,/ =t ihe ui;r'er re;i.:ier toles, c.5. 4X- Lr$'J r '1o""crr,

tf- [net] ,arr,o*ured.r. This cound iorrns a iairrj.'na] con'rri:st irt sone clses

lrith glottal llricatives, ancl is ir-.robably best r:nai;isod as / h f + f '' f .t?

llxarrp1es oJ' tlie above'contr:ast are: ./ l.eir / tCfh*t vs. / .li'cir /ta;he,:r,

!:-' :F l' :--l::::*3-'T--1".."""': :_--r* i{ot -b}re iir:::o .l-l:-tiaL, .ro.i' lihic'n eee be-lo\;, it. ltt' .

- -r

:.uircls r1'r) +".rrrrsc::i-neci:. 15i.,]i'.c.g'r:-c1c,e-

juirctulu), L.r'1

,jurlcrLuel. - i I

OJt-a' ( -r -'f--- -1 - t161-12\€nrc h>4r'iil4{4'P'LtLl


\ C LO.itj




As voicei;oui:ds, +,he solrorants usui.lJ.;' o<:"u., in t]-e 1o,i re5itti:r ton_

es 2 4 :nd- 6. ]io,vev:r, ti.i',:;'o :.:r,J Joril.: slr]lir,blr;s ili-;h sonora.i:t i,-ritia..1s

t;jri-ch a:'e found. rn the Lltirci' ::e;,;rct,er tenerc I 3 :.::i J. 'Ih"uc:k:*^\b,G.*.t T r-l lb@

V-) Lma J l.r./::..r-'r (c. t .i), /.-*

, i/L!, /-z*-*rfr-l


I r,,if ft:c'],uo*, ("..'.$] [*uq! ,ask, ) ,ILTl"t ]l*" ,ci::a*' ,".,. ff6'L t**-],*o trust, )F Ir',u'1,*o carr]r, (".r .f,jL"*] ,;*,,e,.."*n",,i.

Tn nttr*r ' ^- ^.,....,.L.- i - rt^^ a ^--. -- - rL\i L.LalrJ;iu Locilities, sonoreri:r'bs in the 1ow regi-lter tones are a^rtic-

ul-ri,'1 ',"rth hrr;r.r".; :,'cicc, t::us Io: or t,f ] . ir,.,\" (rtir, :). ?3) r:unt-

ions th*t ilicre are alrio nultciorrs iiu iitrlea.fring ale3.sr nore in Jilrfii-l ii:,n. _.\ .-in el.ql5l;J ihiit Co rrot .rsp!;.,,y tr- s char:.ct.,ristic. -^ost of t::e i.ini,1_ro

exr':apLcs recorried in ci tr,;ron l'or:l :-re i.,:ticulat:d '.;ith - sJ.i;.irt a,rount o-i

brer:.ti:y .roice, .=ihi-cir x:i?-;' a]l:O splea,d ontc ,;he -o16',1s-1. 16. In :rol,ir:1l :i,,ecch,

t1ls altrcuf i:tion rs rii if:cr,rl- i to :re:.r. lireatli;' voice 'r':iLl not bc shovn be-


r-l| ;rasals: ^:'ing;:c hr;.four n:.saLs: I n n T 4l . The p,:1.1-.1 n3s:r."1l_-L_If ," ,.r, conplccrer:tery risj;ributron ,;.ith the rlenra:.t..u't1- ")i;r-.;J;: 'd$tl'

bil;,blal :lnd velar . nasals :r.r-so '1-rncticn :,": l;r11abic :or-ln,-i-s , (.::.r,e 2. 3rl ) .

-:@:c1e1rta1-:Fey|.n'"],.,,l'jrr:u]t,,B.L|n@*]r.,..],ili]t,I[f i 11' .l ,r" cet;.r, ,43 ln,r"] ,i;;;r;r, ,9 L na' ] , ," c.rriry., , , Afr[^.i-] ,i,--.,.in',RI nal rr:rcr:,,rfr[,."i" ] , ,,,,,.h,,ffi.[.,"..{ ,.

,.r,ou (sing. 1,,1r#[ottl ,r.,.,'ou (,]1.),ft,irl#U I r,--rr-+,,iP In*rf=]reiticu).tr-rrel.El"!r.,,r " ,K [*.! ,]i.cer, lfi- [ *tu] ,r,,."-,, +qIt"uIrsr-o,,, tE L t^laT;uo rr-r-r. ,, fr- [n.ai] r.rr ,.1..:_,,::e r.,\,:, ,, + tn "!rE Iy""] ,,,.'.,'o, ffi [*L"I rtc:.i;:r.,:,,'i',? T;o"] ,",::,-r,,' tt,totlt;tl, ,tr7

+L I rrrul ,,:,.,;.,y,,e+, [.n*y1,*" .]. ,,, fl [or^'ni.]D,,rr b,.,.:::r, , lfrIor.or,! _ , ic 5-ri.,rr,_ B [,],ctf r,:;.cr , 'd [ ",,.10]

,;. :.-. r:,-r.r ,';I[*nr"J 'r,',,,, ii ,,Ht**rl ,,,o,.,,,. ,:,]'i[*d,fl , ., ", )ilf

' '

L S.e-.j | :1,_.. i"t r .

16 il::rr:'.th.;, Voir-:e ric,i; ilot c';t:":: ItI .i,1^1.!', ,tn i.:r -'-',.- r.1 .,-r,,: T,-:.,i..:t.l t,lii.-r.r..

lbo o.J.U*r* ,! I.- .'r*i. tn,l.-.^ its ,+e-a.w*"s*-J1."-.^ Ro,*-t'a^".fi,n*r"(*a , */*l,i- ri f wrzul,

tLb. ha^qn-\o&ot fo c,^ sovrorr"nt rAl\,*\. L y*.- h1'\t"icJ \\ic*h-ass.













I ^ ^1-J ni!



1- I




, y.l1




, ,1.]

TLJt"ar0* fmell,rzr:,i.zel), /tt



-. 1rJ





-tf ]'=o"ni'',g', E6 | t^J'!e:r1,eriencer, + tf:yu]Pa.tatjrt : h Itf]'=o"ni'',g',,l.u,o:,rsn , , H tfrlVl 'oriii;-:r, + " tfi*] rooiy'i ,tf*[tit'J :r:r"r.,,

tit . iff #i' "'hot', .,1fu [f't"'] 'i'i-rcr.r ln L;df i:icatr,

n [1.1et{ ji.rtu ';.1:'.2-,:tI l-- [ffi-] t,rint , -4 '[.f,r5t] ,., or.,r ,'o'=l,l . +t- t pif ] ,. ,t ,c::ty, .. :v-u-r p4,,, Bp.[a,a+] ' ' ,*o", , _'/L I l"- ] 'outside , ,To\.-i1t*j ,]:arrr.,,

f! fq-r"i'' '': Fp tyul'irori;;,',"ItV I,1o^f]1'*"-ri; i'3 t,iA,to be-ov,*re or,, '4A fiutl ,..1lo',,a'i ,H$;# L E,ry*1

'lo\,^" filU-Lateralss: There is only one lateraf rlL J. li:lorr"1-,les oi this a.re'-'.lr6t

H't [Lr*] 'r.o,,,,S I r-r"] 'r" ;cln',"gL [ !y- I ,ai,,o'aer1y,, ]!ft, [nrLyl1e,ro 1:1rn,, ,fr- lt: ]',o ";;"' ,+y'[ La' l'ro pu]r'|,

)b Il5,9','u'6,,ffi tUA! ,tr;o'!, ffi L]t-J'!::oc.d.'!, F+ Luio"]

mi,.terials,, L Ltdl ,orJ, , 4iu( [ua"] ,;:c_r_rr , "+E Lpyl ,r,;ilrln5,,

B If*tj.t'r,hu.rider', W Iiut.r"] nou.n sl,'-ii:r, i [lrtt] '|rix'! ,

ff, [Lu:"]'!pun;er:r', Bk [!i"tl '*io o.rit'!r fi L-Auq_-- 'rirensthr,

)+4, [r-q" J ,,o c.rip' ,W f-t*l ] ,,o.ron , , 4h lLil"],."H""r,.v

v) Zerc kitiql


A zeto ini'',ial , / d be posrte,i to .:ccnonise rlescriptron oi

Initial- + .,,ed.ia.l and- :-eC.i,-.1 a-Lone1'Lo:r-o',"rirjons, i;s hrs -le,.in ,-lone on pr(ges

11 and 12 above, proviilii:;' that i;l:is is ca,-br;recl -l'cr in the s;ri1a.'o1e-liluct-

ure rules

I d / L ^ t;,'o ailc9.:ror:cs: i) a'ten'ie crr;i;t -co t;:e l r-iclij'.r;: c.r .-:cli:-..-!-!I Y I ;--.D \ -

f * .. I .(Ii: cit-:tior: :'or:r ti:is :-s so,r;tj.t,iJS s, l"ict-r,..1 rto-:18 ); '-'nil ',.i .to!.ircne


rlt? i.:1,'3 -r-o b

i:t, t' '

i,rr -F1 i! I

I t -"rj

s ilr*:.-'.rn:'i:Lnt

3;i.oi i;:r1 s"bop oi-1,,:i't, ' \ / rn,-.:) \'"i (J \ rrJ;'' ,). .:'l ).

I l-'l i 'r tli,rrrr;'o:','L "J

i,;. .re,-i-j-al .i- ilucletts, '; j.i:

i:.r / { / + -.urcL.rus ( i:: rcclrec')oires ro bl:': rrr:.ii:'l

Jt, Ii. lr.:e hr.:', l:o l\:: t i:c,-Ltepo,:;iLrl-;r -:. S. C.' j.trf -1.u.-,:rce .

l' . - ,,

\ 4?\ *r ),'t ;ti- i7 +t, ',






f ;,y:t+r'io'rcr, + [ "tl '|etrit' ,_\h.'t;' ] 'vi.r1':3e' ,Wnl*r! '-r"o:,.,,

;/Ll";] d '-: ",L, u,, '+ t ..it l',-o.lo u1'I *rd I t'J , : ;or.-.,',

'/& ly'] rlruc3c', l**l I a'j ii. 'c:i1ir, fJ I a'] ]. 'lto ,3ct

SS.:g!,1S--- oll-Lfrf + ii g{i rrL + ir.ucLsu s j:or:gin:':t i on 1:

t, [.,A' '] ,cu"r-, ,^ffi [ .ia"] ,rral1,, idd t

iort'. ffi [,1a"] t]rori';cr:tn1r, T [ *"*jtto :'eet'! , & [ ,+e{ '|-;o bc ablc' .

I t'fltt'l '"n"' T [y'] r' tr' "'E{C la'l

ju' ] ,""","t, )fu [.j*{tunr-rerne,,r.'i;r:t r oft [t*tl

3. _jllilst-

The:'e a::e th:ee ;:e,1ials in ilingpo, I * , i ,a.nd-

ar g1ii1e occllrs 1:hone:;tir::).L;r ,.'..tor / / /, f *:n/ 'o, / h ,/, a.nd- Il. i.'he un-v|#1.+t+1"/ra*

rottncied pal;lt:il gi.i,le occ',ljrs rchor.e;ricl11;, s.;1*" / { /t } , T , I ,n /t / t /t

The round-ed prilltill glicLe occurs p):one'nicali;, 3;1u" / 'l /, T0 , and- F..

In t.:e Lov; re1lstll:r-Lones, bre,itln;, vcice xay rea.dily be h+ard. on the

l:ec1ia} glid.e, so::e-riines spreadi.n; onto ihe.lo'*eI , r'.'herr ihere is a Zaro In-

:: . " i'(" tUU rl

,, i'rr* [r1*1

Soire of ti:e "'ori::s ',rirlch hl.va tl:rl; :,rticul:tion


.'. W t1't ] ,*o ',,otf"'.^l tA r'th5-

gL'_l in :rol*cfc.r:re junctule.l-\:iicoiiespond io i.-. $. C . 'i.'o::i:rs


[+off t] '' tr':'i sht' .'6 L Lj" ] ' i,'tt er' , c

-" J J , f

Tire se:uen"" f y',.t-z/+ f is tat\isecl -'s L

ba;i-nnrng rii'i:h veliir o: 1:thic-vir1i-r.T gounrtr: b*,"ore ihe ,rin,1 ,-r. . Tl:ll"q )&nt )--L t f nhzJill r'1.:l:etr -rni '|Ja lI 'to :rt1,1rortr, i,re botir L pU J in :li'i1'poE Sirrce-Lr

I p" J . tr""o*u= [*t I in c].ore jr";.nei'.rle, j-t is1:'.;ei;ed ;',: .n.;:: el1o1..bone

of the I'iedial I u, /, rri,tl:e,r th;rn, :-or exanple, ol therrvoiceclrt f u / ot'

t E t. (tins is i;h;,, '';t.ere i-;re iro si)Jrunce^rfl ,r* / or*/ f,u f , (r€J p:.ries 2"w

* \2 -I-+ I-,.. I Zr r v r-1a,nd z2)). 'rhus, X'-R tl Ltrt r..lu tsh€t J 'l)on5v'u villrger,

)A&)ifl t#1 aq* *u"] '!-ro;r1ir:r: :r':€r'

i" sj-iniL;,:r co"Te:il;oi-ulence occllr's iu ii:e ul"ri)er re3'i.:ter tones, ,iitliough

it is oi not ;o rui;c "lii i,-.'rrilgi';ion .rs in t're Lc'rer lelic-bef' v::.,..J'1rs, ,r,C

L:r:.s io 'xp 3,ii1,1f:z5ctl l.ri:'l;::r-r:it1;'. T::us;, . h.:*';:.s t,:'-..:'c .,.:e ..'o::tr,:l [$"t] ,,, tt"1rn l.ing1,;o, (tio c:th.r,,l-er :-.:d" t';i{ierr les':ectiv*1;)e ,lii t'l-uu ffut ]

';r.-'.ri'e -v!;!:!a i* r,J[+"-J. ,,:.":-.s.c. loli;s '\:c\ col'r.sirono, ic these 'r]e

]d h[ f,.r-, iut ili.n3;o --'ori:rs co:ijes:oniiin3 io ii.S.C. d. "t* f-+u: 1 i.ttdb 'b d

ti:ese niiturall;,- belong 'r-.o t^re / n / phonene, ol :,h.i:li L+] ?= ot ailophot:e.

(ltris is why there is t:o * / ,o" / rn i.ingpor(:e.: pa::e 22)),

C. ];UC:EI

Foy aese oi- i::'e::ence, the r,'owel" 5.i:oneiaes, togeiber iritl:' i;lt::j-:: irrajor

a1lo;.holes, are fj-sied- he::e. lite e::r'{:eria other tlirn lhcneti-c u":crn 'r}rj-cl.r

thiS anal";,'si-S is';aROCl.rF.-Is Concei'neil'.,iih- ihe Lin51:o ior:'; :f,;r,Ite.:t ail"-l.i-;:-is,

and eri; iij-scus.;eC" ::elo',;, (cll:;;-'i;':.' 3). ft io -or.i'{'icj-e:rt llere 'b'r r:':ic ti::.u

VOi,Jel -i-en,::T.t] :t,s tic;,,.'Led. .,.s non-',liton3.:ij.c. ll]e Cf ::1 :,lou,:..:htholli':l-!, t.tl-tcl- -:i :'.:';;

Thc ii1.i:ilro:r..s f*i or..r ,:::ti

/ i / or / i /, /?/ o / u / o, /, /,;nin;+ls r-ri.ll-b then iiicLr-rCe 1' j :,v e.nd.

tlrel-o'v t :; f et cu lr:rl *_V /l ourrjv.ir.

fhe ri;r.sr;_lii€:ci. vorr.-,]-s, [t a: -l. ,.-.t) L' J a O_ l r 1lre,:ent a cli;rhtlJ/ rlore i:,.ob_letaa'l;j-c case jor:1lli]l;isis..rvcn ihe:lost rii:r1listic e.;ll)l.oach i.:.n;:.'l y.;c": na.:a]-ised vor,,,eI s zs.r -r,ho:i,;laic eorbi*.,tion of V + il ,i,here'ossibLe. ilo,.,rev,,:r, t1^,.,:,

nasalrse'L liingpo vowels [r T xJ ca'not sirnply be i]n,.r-J.'se,1 as 1 ,- / *tlre nasal Terr,rinal I I / etc.1 due to the presence of tql ;r,nd t€tl .dytsince tirere i-s no coutrsst lin,,.1 1Jr beti;,cen nr1si L,s, tireo'etica.l 1;., *'y n:srl_e:tcept /', /ma';r l:e i:.i':en to :relrresent the unlerl,v*in3. co:rl;irrr-ti;". rn initi"l\)/posltion,

if ] is in cornirkrrient.iry cisiribution r;ith

Ir] . iro,,.,cverr e.n

unleri-lrirriri rcr,'resenriij.on o-l [tt J =s / ,I /, ani..]. / r / ...t / :3. /,lrould" ir:vol-',re posltin3l a hi_:;li1y ,,rnn;tural urnCc;:1;rins slrstenr rihich Au, / I /,J,

.lt--and' /Jt /, but no / " /. ( ii pe;,raiar n:.sar.,fiua1 is, i:.o,,:errerr surp:cisingl;,-

lrl'repc:rtsd" for lfin31:o b;r !.,'-r. 3:rller (res4, ?. v3r, as rve-r-l as a veiar.)frithis -oaper, nasalisedr- vor;els a-,,Te treated. as unit tr,honer..ies, i.e. / f /,/ g /t I g /' ^"u-!:l' :.u,* a' r,tr|Arr{\eF,,* 'u1 i't'' l';drrr.4*l*l*lp bl{;r*,

3ef'rre i"/ /"'/ /*i /:t/ and /T/r rnd.ti:eiirec11:t*/q/ /fand- / ,; /ioftil con:,;orr,,nts :r-Te strong;i;r labi:,lired. This 1abi3.

'' ?,li s:rii on, .r, .i i1,


tb'oug'h a,ebe'g*eterisiic ieature of l{ingpo, i;i1L i.rot }oe n:r.rkerl in tne t=r,n-lfscrrptior_ Jelo',i.

lcl:g vo"'tel-s occur onl.]: in open s;r11a'i11,1,.tr i,+. thcse w:ril-,cu-b the i,elnj_n-

a'Js / I / "t Fl . Siior't vo':el:; ocrur in syLl.,bics ,iti, tonos i'iv.: rrr.:i $:i,s;l l*ri.ri,r,.l-,1 t -t:l c:n only 'c,; iclro,,,i)d. bjr the rir-;.sal,

r { a r ,aL+ I r'irrrl- t5l or:L;' b; 5.:e g'.l.ottr.:). ctcp in 1c'::*cl-ose junct.1r.cl L t I

,:.tril. [E 1 nirJr ire 'oi].o,'c,r ir;, 'roth. rJov.cl.s r.o1l-o;;eil ii;; th,: ;:-lot i;,,i .;top

are e:r'b3e*e1y sirc;:t rLrrcl tr;l:so.ilinr-rs-i;he i.1 ott:,,.L ":to;r, or:,::.crE:,ul..e n:_sll

'le::rrinr.l , tl:e;., ir.e -l-e;s siroit:..rj(1 luss tetrse.

et--o;.,',.irj.:r-i -'i-i:-..ljon j..:l c'rr-r.j..r,i;r.r.16 r;*,' / *l* 1, Itut rrot ir,,, /,rrt i, *:--*-**

aotr' ^dtto.h.m{ Ska.).ir.3 r,,r.Pl-ci.* ^ p"r"*.;,ll 2 Qil,ri^, te,pa+.-JLl" \H.) .


se y J nirlit l:e .,n,rI;,serl ,_rs / t- / +

"n,1 /el * / v / oz- /1, /. rir*,jr"3-

V /. Ti:e ulil,htirongs are tr,nscribeciI



'lhe Cescriptron oi' tLe iildi,rridul,l Iluclei

i) Cr':.1 vo';,'el-s aLnd. clir.;hthon;s, ii) tll s,, 1isec.

u.;-'it.tl L' tt .

beLor'{ is divided. lnto:

vowelsranii iii) S;,rLltrbi-q :ron-

i) Cr,:.1. vor,',.e1s :.,rid, c'-irhtl"roni'.ri

Tho phone,u" I t / hrru tvo 1on5 ancl t:;o short ai-1o.rhones, viz: [i] 'no

[t]'aird [{-] :';td ti][il, luis hi;,h -Jroirt

"".-*utu *.r, uor#is ertic;ulitec ',,ith '. s,,r,].l but

aui.ibl-e dei,pee oi irictlon -r'ter / 1, / /ta 1,/,r,,, / / q / xx^ / tj f,'.t -:.^but rrot ai-ter / tgn / T p !' and / t /.trir r" in conrr,r-erneni:.r;g ci-istrrb-

ti ] r' ;:ich onlY occt'iisution ',';ii;h lhe hi6;ir froi:i bL,rcre-alveola:: vc.;;el_

a''tet the d.ental- aiiri-o:,te; r.ld-.:i'ricativel21. I d''' ]-$ .r]ticu];:red in i:;1,-

}oxiinately ti:e sa.tr3 J,ositron as the pre:edir:g clerrtal- sourrCs. ial.lard (fge9,

l-r. 64 ) gtves its prrsitron :."s t.. .., e t i I i s invr,:ri:Lo1;,' :,c;ccrr.criniul

by a 5ood. c1cal ol r-likc i'ricticti, lrncl has a \i'cT\t cha::actcristic lnrt|ll

intensity shape, imespecti',ie oi 'i;ire ir.:te:rsi'by ccntour of its toi:e.

Zn)ro (fgZA) recorcled iuo such rrbu'zedrr vovrels for i,:ilrgpo; [.'t I :i.nd.-I'its .rounded couutelpalt, tt ] . Interestingly, alihough tl:e inlorruant in-

Isisted. that he still nad"e a. riis'biirciion betv;een ihese sound-s - and. tiris,-;a.s

physiologically.risible in the 1:os|tion oi'his ii.ps - neitber he nor the

vrrj-ter could. d-isti::1,uisi:1tcrceptual17 betleen theii. iiis eistc.i: rejec'becr any

d-issinrilari.ty bat,veen tbe t,.vo photres. Thc rnlorr:rant vi:.i,s a.bl.e to stilulate

correctly r,'hich riorcls sirouLcl e';y,i::oic.-ic':i1.;r lrave the rounti erl ,,r.ird -. hicir ihcr. 1.unrounded. votveL. LU J lt,:.'.; irot been n;:rkeci in the trln:-:c::igtion s'ince its

Iroun,led feature per;-orns :ro ilistinciive itrnc'bion i-n the ii:loiura,ntr ii iiriclect.

rn norr,rat- st),:,,ch, i-rc L 1 ] t"L+1"1,L '.';o ber, ii lr:rit, c.

*Zr* y- [driu 2" h{JI"r j,i:e is e. ;hu,*cnt,.

I i ] t= -'rc'L'rcntl-;; 11]p!3-rr;J-.ucl- in unstrc::scrl L,osj--iio:rr ,." i,. I


?1 Sitr,:e 'clte onl.r, i{rrc1i:i t,nrl- .l .edj..'.,1-r: occi-iLrii-:.:.' dirrj,}'i1',.r , ,'ir;:r tlts *. l-l ',t,i_l::orrucis iJ: ,ir,i'S, S,i.,:e -lir$ h3..:h rr.cr;i -i;;;,;.( iri.l,", i,i".r,;::, -l , :r.il.lri/,titii iioit*oocui:'l..'enirc .,'i oi,Lgr' .,,ri c-l.ei rriL i t,:,i i,- -l- ii i; .rir-i ,. * j 'i;..r:it,:c1 bi..i i:,:;,,lucl*i ,loll,'-, t t b,.i.ctl.i tc 5 ;r:r.' L. -:iii i.: .,ci,ii;,:.t;ici: ,;rltrufclr. .;i tit:1.'

;'.'\'-' : / I '/ '"c ''cl

*?-r^ san^,re"p\c*a,.nn-t+.rl* g X,1,.1{r,(L)-d3 tafi),"n U $ i-n./, Sfu -r*R. q-#ffi bb $ e*: v

2tLH1.e'rcJ*fict-e,A'% t ..,

*s" Fn 4v..

[{] -"0 ['i],*- i;1ie counter.parts of It] ,,ru [11 respective].i,.,

'1n isn,ts of d.lstribution. Tirese short vo'r,iel.s only occur in s;r11.iJ:lg;s in

tones iive ,,,i:d. ei::, or belore / 1/,( i ), r.heier,s [i] ona [.1 ]o""ur t'J"tl:e otbcr tones.'ihin 1ri:lciJlc l,n,r1j-.is to the o*,her piLil:i'l oi'lonil:rnc]" r;]:orb

l'v Ivo',rels Cescribc'.l bc,Lo',;r. L 1- J i'll+ r',ri lity o.' this vo,',rl iraries consld.erablyr

tiliot?l i /,t-/,/i-/, L\1 / /-3/,[!],"[u],ntrril- non-rounied vo'.lel ti ] onr;, occur:s

rr-r'ber .,-:e ucnt:1 e.iliricates anrl ,'ric:,tives. i,iren it occurs in ii:c; initialsyl};*b1e ot' a polysyLlabic riord., it 1s lou,rerecl *"[d ]. trr.r"rf ft+t"i


; t [e " rf , J''r,,i"tvr, .,,.iri

Z -f ZEa" rilure"] | thiL:t;r r'n-ree,, put

+ :- [r{ "}t.] 'i,,,*lvc', ff /1a [uE .']rr { r'e::.i.iy'.


*ks-si*l- tJ-t'& Fi' ] '|io . ivr , + [yi.] 'ii,ot ;re bt, +fr

fthi'J ,roa*",, jA t+i".] ,rl;*e ,, P ki ],,,"oi.,, ,?.^!I\, itil[fri' ] ''o ..ri'', + [yi*] '

rpa;'cr:,,thl [*tkJ,,'u,",, )q [g.fl ,,oor,1 .A tifi,.,,,r,i,t ltoht'J, "*,,i,,, A [.1uto],,,";,t+fr [pr\.rn'],,.rri** intcr-

"-, :L ftr llil,':,#: i;itlf3x, ],1".d#.f:J1";"";:tr LOoft' ] r:rnyr ,€- [*"*.r1 rc::o'ii,rI , Fx* [ c.i'] 'to J;u. '.

'fY3 '€ 6ryJ sThe hish front roun{ed ,ronu*r ff,J occurs a-s the &i;r,-"* or' tht:

phonene / v 1-aft6r, rhe p::J-i,tri.l ir:j-c',rtives r.nclilf-cic:r.ies, /'),/r'/ d./r l=

r,;ith It J , t r, -] is: :ij-cul-;;,i;r;it ,,'ith :ro,:ie frictioir,e:ice:',t ,",**r' ftef,] .

rli-though ti:e 11troi:t-',r** f ., f ::tL / f / 'Tc ?r'rirent j.n ti:.e idiolr-'cts oi

boih A. i{ee lncr, 1.. i':ee, tirc..,, l.:ave a, aii,le::er:t tLi-:itri-butiorr i-n };ot}: c;r:., .:,

(see uncle= / T /, !"r.€ 3-1 .)F

- - t r lv.95::- -!:9-9- - J-::-./-2 tn=*-

I tny' ,] '"""'o'rtccr , tIt ./'tiie r;urii:,ile t,]_{ll .,

ltnhy ' ] ,*r riricr, , SlL I oy ' ] , ooots r .

I y '] '.* ' ,m t:ty+] ''''"." '.::'' ,'h-



The phon*iae / t / is::+",fr:;.;1. ,,sa. sliehtl1. nole than h:lf-onjn -flront

vol:alr I t ] t-t cr-oes 'ot occur .r.t'ter ,/ ,!j ,/, ,/ pl /, ^,lthough serrucnciril

t"ir:c [toVl1t']t!| j r::,1 [rcWt]ii?1 \ :.o,'ro;.;jbr:;, r,.:e ]rtter,",,r;r".,.'otu, ' ltes / kV\L /, :'.1 .1- vsL::.rs r.r-rrt-,f ly t;ll,:ing a :hort, rion*;rhonainic palrtal on-grlir],c

ia sLcr.', ^"-",rr.,-:

specch b:lo=c / g /, ','-:ui BF* [dt*J, .r,. ,, M [t n,r']tleird.f , lgl ,.[rcrt' j

r]'ocrrr . / t- ,i is o;t,,n r.aLilec liith an oi''-:,ti;le,

i.*. f 2a i itt- r

&t !t' pr.*ei-+a:ls-e--€-/ e -,/-, Wklptt f '.,iitj.-,r,, ,% Ivr"JI r,at] '*

r Lc,occ|;

c clirtr6,.le t .

e / b:,,.s res'Nricigd. occurraltce, belng fonnrL cnl;r si1s3

/ ,, /. ii j.s iu couplor,r.;itt.:r;,r :;-istlinrt:cn ',,ith / L / -rn"

,*tt +en] '"*.,'.,.',, ''r' , M 1I t +,. .,,-r-! --,i *L. I

J vv _/.-j. u .. -. u-- tr3Lsce

h I tu.*_,1 ::,lv:rbie,l ;artic1e, Af^- [ *.*u] ',rrt,n , , )#d [ ".i]

I Frr'l 1 II q-L4 a

131 [r.l,r,a] 'to oi'sn', # ifi*] '|twe.:i;r'| , fL

The ph.onerne fiS iirC. S, /n / z;tj

/+ /e-<an-,rles of

' /cfl l:

fhe p]:onea, / * / 'c*u t',;o allopnon**; la I occurs il tcnes one to four,

(except bero:e / 1j)di.# I pccurs eve:;.rehere else. I rl is a s]i;;irt1y

less than iuJ-ly- opF#rrovel] ei:d- ,i-o:s not occur ;,lirt I anc. / 1.j /, LU] i*a roi.,rer cerrtraL vor.reL . @z

J -

bx:,npt-esoi /a/ ,t4F IA*]'-oli::eu;r, "b iSa:]r:5,tr,n [ho"] t. rrlior, ,6 [ptfl'ii:T:rd?ecr, b I bott] 'i;]:it:',L lthett-l ,tcr ovcrc ,,,n, , Q! L_ iet'.1-,,,,c::r:, , AhP [U1e"t] ricct,,

'1 J lniettl 'irr -:h:r1: -r,' ,fiL [+t"t] -rto

;:,rd- o: ,r', *P- | p5ft l'to r*bric:te, , A L. tntl" tccrcu:rr , ft-' l4.tg .1

f to e:ci:r,,'f- ["#l'-l *' y--+.S.,'b.ifli:, t--fUt t11 r rit r:,ir,trc I .Ftzv+'vv'" i;1,; d\^; '"**cJlJ *t' FrT

rlf .i,.,,r+.-,,),"

.|.-lio :u,.,,,.e e,^|;,Lt\ 1:'i.,.crye:"^rL ..,^1.,;rr,!;.l

{.-, 6rd, rrn ; ,1Y,1dr,r,,lt

Q..''qo."1., o\ 3 \\t. I r ir t,-' . *.,]"". : .a- ; e, : ^',,;,,. f"l-" ;Jtl'l 'f . Lli ii ..,\''-' 'l 'f rtii'*l' :'.:: i'J",' ,


Tlre phoneroo / a- / is rearised by a non-rounced. bc,cl::

ule,tcd- in a position slightly clocer than f'u11y open, i.e.not occur :.ftcr i, / ,n /, or :itjr pa1.:1,:-,1 lountis.

examples. ot / q z, $? t S*" ],to ro.recp,rit.

++ t hd ] ,sooa,, bw*t ii-.,": ] ,oi=t.": ,, #u



It d"oes

f +'l- L+CL -)

tto ruilti',Lr<tn* I ,*o re1;r ont,



I bo" ] ,*o ]unr , I'e t 5f 1 ,r, -n,nJl

fhe ph.onene / I / is repz'eeeniecr by a long and a short allophone, Ic ]F V-1

and. L5l respectively. L5l occurs ir. onrri"oment tones live and six,

[f ] s''rcr;rrhcre e1se. Ltl is a h'.l.i'-open becl< ::oriirlec. vorveL iLncl iices

not occur after / d /, / a /, n, alter velar scuncis it hEs a ncrn-phone,ii-

.s d,oes not i:rchre" [Al ). the' rourrded. ,bac]< voivar [ 5] r.ies

bet.;eerr Ic] and. tp] . t5] r"re-r::rde,l :,rzna.fr.ophoneof /c /a::d. not of / a- I sii-:ce bo*: Lr] incl i J ] t.bi:tise tbe preceding

consoirant, r:here:.rs L Ol rLoes aot . t\l toes not foltowan.r,:.:,1ai:.1s ex-'ocpt I {r1 /, / f i f, e,^d. / fJ /.

exasp.ies or {c.} rtef l3c"] ,to c}.mbor,, t] ftt "'] }. ,to

sncoih '*t:, fl+ [fh*rl ,ro :,ltr:,aare,, ,{rE I O6'],p"i.u,, X.-[*Ua'] ,-:"*r.' , .J- { rJrt 1 ,s;narl,,'H [ ^r I ,ilo',;er,, ft['n"al ,too-ih, , )Li prjl 'ncrth' ,'iL [anrt1-,*" ".""r,;K[ld'?tfl ,io r,eep,, @ [ r""'] ,cour,irl-, , i4 trrJ{ :to .t,a1,,,

)H [q="]l ,:nii:tr::.*', AL I u""f,.r",L".,, ry# -l^""'j" '

'!chisol',;.tL i""t],tob,,tire', tt t qatt],holc'. :;)!-

-:.J L*\(W;k; r ,vfcl ,g;y.,ffi#J$i#The phcnc,ou f u / Lt.r tro :rLl:phones , Ltl ::ri ttl . L?il ';

.:"uT in enviror:irrcnt bcfore thc nrsur. t:=ni.r::l / ! /, L"l :1sc-..trere.

L"l :-s a h.i5ir b;-'clt round-ei. v,:r'cl, r.ncl :c'letir:es c3uies :rl--l.o*oho::ic v: !r-1r;ion r.fter / 1,, / ":;:c. / lt /, (icc ;;--,;c?6). [d] is L;ro:,e o;cn r;r..:r.fu1 ,...t-v-lLrst .{- A+,f , ,l zL l- rlei::rple:; or 1_;l_: latfl L phr,'J',ror,,A+L sur'l ,:o.i,:r_.'.,.


..,:' :32

t [q\,.^' l,o*".,, fr [ai*- ] o.lr.r"*,, FB Itr'..rt 1 ,to crr:t::uct,,

,q.. [tia' 1 ,i;st,, ifr [in..lr]' I 'i;o p. c: t]:rou3i,re I sr:( I ,to cs-,-t :.-'/ I { '\? t- .+-l -\ -J 9cort',% L$dl J !. 'old-',.o:rr:.nr, St Lla4"J tto iranilort'!, ffr,

qi^t, 1u,'J.."r,, fL [.3'r5; ] ,,r;; ."j*o",,. '

The l"ipbihon$s :'.re; falling, thcy 3.rii!

/ "7 / r This phoneiee is phoneticr,.lly [cef1 , Th.e -irst eierent j-n thc

cli.pl:th-ong is sonetiiles blc.ied, ti:e i.iph'r,hong then being prouounced L?Y] .

1 dQgjj'+fr Slc€'iar wrd.i \"r,!s o1\l,suL{r*/.p:Lo$gy,ss[.

"'-f",".r-r*-o=r /o./ i , ffi Ltoy'J ','t'.r;;,r"' ,- : FUY^]

t:::ouuhr ,


6I L#,*;" ] ,:ecrery,, E L'4oy") rs,-i, ,Pf "y''7^".?i

#Lg'l L ph*yl 'bs sPr't oPo*"

The pironet f *t 7' is pironeticaliy [+rl . It does not occu.y after vel::rsr'

p:;latiLle, or i t / " l'icte, i:o'.:el'er the occurrence c.ft:r ,/ , / in i}:e c,v11--.

atorc ${ /veto f , '-"3{ , S' , ',';hicn re:uLts frotn r: coale$cence oi fD /r*u/an,l. @ /f't;e'.n / , ( not' and rtbl-er respect!-veiu') .

sgg]---*sg*L-gr-{--r- L1 L p*' ] rprebibus',41L[t-*t.ut'l rto r.ir5er,

fr.T;*.1'--.*i-* f [*'] 'cord,.

The pirone*e / ou / is p::onotic:11;r L":tt . It ioes not occur:.r-ter F and-

t}:e lleCials.

ex:.r€.lcs sr ..1 cu /jf"L[ot"*J]'*o'crea,trt , Fj I U"* ] rii:;.'J/t'

e ffiIl*rao' b::oui,.r,, d6 lt u."* ] ,,,.-o',-.'.1[ t",Q ].r, rij.c].r.

(lus oocu..rs r:i a" sf,,r::c, ..,,;i:.'-::t o. fsa""5a1 .) g [ -4o"Ir trer,

Ai [,3"*11 "5c ::]-r,:r?r.

':.'oltt lQil*l'cl.r.r:ilc1 :i;-Ll.i i:i1';,''f yl,:':r

,/ a:rC thc '-eiii,:1s. lt'hi: contr':i.ct

',-' j.:,1;:'in.ril- i:ci; i.t1:.' i-'-I I il-,;'r'1-

lr i :.lr

:2 is

iiiai (li'i. lJ-

l:ttr -.:t.




'aisation, but a.lso by iire;;bseltce or pr.'esence of an element of friction on

the vcweL, { nas,l.1ised. vc\.;els i.r,e never acco,::i:rani+d by this irict:on )1.

Ihe clistribr.r.tiotr oi / T / aztA I i I diiiers in ti:e iCiolccts of bcth

j.n.:-orlants. In A. iir:ers i-d-rol"ect, ihe onLy lLiqh r'ront unroun,j-eri".,1o",,,:e1 occur-

rit:g a-ft.lr ti t, / t /, i::r r. lleets speech. the oral voi:e1 occnlries this tr;os-


;' ex:,rlp]es oi ./ f / : tL,T '] ,si:y,, ,%hItrut '] , r., ooo, ,

'l# L LT4] ,to pityr.lpht'] rto cheat,,flL-

Y [ *t* J 'ri.,t't,,i'5r,

'Ihe phonet"e f ! /ccc.rrs a.iter /d /, /t* /, I \/, iyrl/,W, ?,

Kr?Srf, ;rPh f.:-:t-r i u /, ii h,.,s a ,on-n:rs,,.1iserr otio;nJ,r*, fJtt . Tlr.,,re

is olso a di.'ferenco in iList::ibr-iti-o-rr i:+iioeen f ! / and" /:, /r,..J lri-th /A /and f r / :.i:ove, iir ';ire ilj oLec.ts oi cotb ir'rlcrii:intst I. -;ee has il:e orr.1

vo','tel r+iter TS ';::.J S, :r::d. clors not l:il./e th,: :e..,ue rr"* / FT /. (Instcad. lhe

hr.s /S:lh. A,t+:r Prl. lTeehr,,sthepironeine /o/, ii=.,'so:.--'t,:r /t/.?hese ji:,,cts of non-correpond.eno€ ireian that some Lnitials, (notably ?S , S,

a.nd. tF i p contra,st or:1;r ber'ole / V /:n f . lieers ioi.olecb, anC not beiore

/'Y l, r-r.s l'ri'ch A. liae, (=*u i,tr. 18 and 21). ?he sr,:me lrrinci-pie ap,ri1-i-es to

th.e /v-/* / tt / etc, contr'€rstbe'forc /i /, (see a.bov., /a /, a.nc1 p.13),

Aswiththe /f /*,,'i / contrast, tire /i,i-/ V / contrast j-s,supp-

orted- b;, "i,h, absence ol ":rese.:-rce o:' :,"n erLo;rr,.int of f:i,ction, tl-.e n::s,.1i;e,-l-

vo,.rel being,:riihou.t irictron.

I tt-t"] rye'-'.rr , K tI l.tt ] ,*o cl:re, , +

ft'l *t * ] r'bo a'roidr .

I c;-t:;otic I

' X.^r.u"1" lqw- ."\ lF\'6'*'


ttv | , IThe pholr',-ne / '0- / 'rocs not o?cllr ;li't':r i i /.

T-,/-,oh [*ol ri::rlr ,,&,t rra'y.'v]::_o, _/_9_J-.-, L L So- t ri::r 11 ' , Q&- .L-t"rf;; Xft [sa'] ,io,i:;,,, 'rH t

I ,*o

sau ]t.(t'llil , /4.

I I'ri ztl I "


[ 5t"l '!-'r*n

-t't'ile phonerne /

ex",Ln ples of /




rrot occur after i;he Initi*: e { F ,nt f n f .

i l?e" ] '! iri enil'! , tT I ttt ] ' .o i:itr ,

41 f - - \.

I i:itsri:esi,t ' . 'K Ll<EsJ

iii) E'it+iq r.t,"1.,r'l

liingpo has -br';o l:,"rsill ;lrld- ono l-;r"Ler':rl s;7J-1abic souncis, LT I ft j t

The bil-abial sou,:d- L1c-crll:s in irori: r:el;ii;t.]rs, i:ui l-1l),r).:rr regi:-lt':r e-,-lrlpl:r:

ioi: ihe vel-ar and 1at*:::..i ;;cu:rd"r+ h,t..,re irot be ;i'i loit,ii',i. Tn i;hrr 1,1 ;i:r ie'11i. IIL':a;=

"b-nese.:;oun+s occur in crtr-llon io-.'it vilir 'L'::eatir;' vni"", Ilris is riot sho:r'ln belo'l .

hi o:"der -bo con -'or:ir -uo -.;lle s.'r11:rb1* ;iructure -,'t,r.l-:]s cntlityrd- 'i Jov':)t

the syiiablc scxrirrls iriay eiiiiel b+ ccr:eidere.J. :rs :-rr,iaj';ndci:t llttclei, as rlone

t.r t '.-- / /-* Ihut'e, r,e. / 9ty f etc.r or i.s con,':j-nations of i I fS /' / ?T /,(;lbielt--c.i;t

b9 lus'uiiied- b;r ihej.r iersl:ecti're in1;enslt;r coiltours). nT ., ',w\



In ;cr::e -,;o:riis, tl:e .:rl.i::bic lati;:':i1 l:,,,s an :rl.ti)rnatrve ;::.onu:,ciit!c-rt

as a retroilex vorvel L*1. aS

Sy1 l;:.brc sounls only ocruL in::, i'e'a;.'o:rcls. l:oet o,l'"tidch :llc €l]:?.nlpl-es

lravirig ;;.f i;rrr..,trve .litcr';rr;r l.'lii ccl'r"o.':j'r-i r:c:'fi:'.:sr (""-i' "19), "':'' 9t'

,vru,, [rl"]-[p..rJ , fr'. '':.:;h,,[,,1 ]",[,1 ,,"1,^W ';r,r', lt"lf

-[], "1-" -

'rr.,,i,,1rio'.: o'i- -ell.1,:g.:.gp*ir::, *S ht] rr.io'Lir.*r,rrot$,

I It J "'n:t-'tb -?!. .r1'r. i )1r_Y l

n,v",,fg. t\J_# &|-y]

':)v"',fi [y],,?:, "flT;+[f moth,:r,, $. f] jn [tS"1q.i*/1..,.r;::r].t, jn r;iic :,tcrniit'r', A

,:'ive-vi::,1's',{tfeftL[tcjf,-'r'He*]''tr'.'r5:,'or:-''rr, fr tr tu*u"tuhjn'J,i;rc,.eoverr, 4: il. 'R fh ;*;i-l+f ] "''...:,rcrirr, *- n fl [th"tL-;.J,,r,u.,,, :,

,,8)|3 Tfi ft$":it' , ,.,, *z;. iiil ;,? i'; u-.pYl.1]'r: ::i'j::'!.


D) rrn:Tltltl

Thrre is or:J;, one ni'.:;1.1 T,::r;,iinal, / 11 /, occurrin!- eltcr Li,],L?b] ::rrd'

Lt ] fl ,ot- is re:.r-ised- by n. ver:r nriol,r,on* oit*r Lil ,,.n,1 ftil ,^

Ly riore forr,valcl articulation ;,i'ter Li_) ,*srr-ot"rr'Aueu€aA !fl]

. The E;1ott:r1-stcp, -,';irj"ch cl-oses syl labies in tcnes iive. e.nd. six in non-

close juncture, may a,lso be rega.r,cled e.s a ft:rnlna.l, in courplet,r,:trtrr;r rliltrib-uticrn ',,rrth the tt,:-s,'.1 , lj-nce tire .iotta.1 s-i;op oiii;r occu r,i j-nlernri::oiriront boncc

l-vv'rw-'lfive and. sir, i.nd the nr.s:.11 never cioes. Onl.;' 'uhu vo','re--l_s I arPl Cr+ J n?J.

be i'o11o':rred" b;r the glottal stop. In cl-ose juncture the glottal etcp disa.pp-I!ears, (see .p. B). ill Iiuclei beior.e /S I ""& [?.f are r.;hort.

Tl-lis concl,udes ihe su.rveJr o;- th.e

d,er of this d-irrsert.*tion is concerned.

ir in;po tonal s;rstem.

liing-i-ro ::e*:nent:,1 ;roLu-:,j-s; tj:e reirr;-"in-

lii'uh sone i,.spects of tl:e corrtplex


$}aptqr ,1". - qq _S tPhouet:c }I:+trrce cf, Tones, Tonal }Toi;a,tion a.:rCo I.Ilfi re$Cf1]. tlClt. {,t'iai;:iOnipti-cri, Ci'L,ai;:ion

i'tbereas e"]1 lai:guage"s use vi:riations i;r pitch to convely cll.fiercnces innesilin8; in -i;l':.e br:c;rd sense;, Trne J,anguages have tJ:e char:cicril;iic ilr;.tt'i:e7 e:'j:ibit rtl.exicelly sii.ni l'i ci:nt, contrastive, but rel,atirre lri.bc;h or*r

each s;llal:ie ri. (lika ig48, p. j). ,il:.us, iii a giver T,one 'L*r,nu,,rr*, iire

same syllabj-c segncnta.i sequ.ence may be ui;tered, by var.ia-:;j-on of. funclanelt-

a1 f'rec*uenc',', ;;l'Lh ciii'i-e}ent pitch. contours, ano" to each cr:::tlastj-ng, 1;i,Lch

contuur tiiere co:'r'espond-s a d.ifiio-rcr:t :,;fererr-Liii} lreani-i..;_;. rt should be

no'i;e,-r, Itorievc:-', 'bh.at not olrl;,r y;..i,ia.tioirs rri fund_ar:rcntal_ irec,.ue;.:c;1, i:ut

aLso v:,:i;,tj o;is in curr*tro-: ar:d 1l l,cnsit;-, i-nt tjre i,erriptuiii correJ-atcs

of thes+ -i;',';o, j-"eo ienEthr anil, louclner;s, b.ave been consificrec- ;ssenii:r,l

artd" ir:te6:'iLl consi'uiuqlrts oi tcnes ,:.r:ri .i;heir i:bonetic reelity.Fike (1948, p.5 ff) cLa;;:i''ies 'iro,.re i:,r:;u:.ges irito trio ,:rain t;4res:

Iiegister ar:rd- contour. Almcst all oi' tas iiino-rJihetsn gr-'ou;) oi langirages

aTe o'i- the Co:rtour v;'r'iety, where tire tcires rnclude a.t ]eagi; one exiribii*insi a change in pitch c.irectior: vithin the d.orne,.j.r: oi- ihe sy1.lab1e, i.e"at least one bid.i-resticnal or nci:-re"t:.f=r"." tonc. Ti:is is in contreet

to the situ::.'bion in a Begister Tone irang:uege, rrlr,,helt.J tire tones nariilrg tilsl*xicaL iteins 3:fe coijii);.rirt1ve1y sto;:.d,y s-i;iter. (L:rcer.o;:_r;i. L9?1., p g5"),

e.s. irl cirn;.' Africe.ri li',:rg;u!.:geso lii-ngpo, r'ritb tirree bii.ireci;j-onaL tones

iir citatior: -iorr:i, ir: tirereiore a contou.r ?one 1rirn:Lrrse.

lie-ferc::ce lves lt:.rie above to 'Lrre clntribnticn thr.t r,:l-rtive ir:'t:ensit;,,

eri,i- C.,rr'::,tion lnlke io the 1l'l:crrretic rt:r1i--11. oi' toues" ifu:.:toclLr,,iL ( j.96S, i).36)reinarks: ticf the ti.:::ee acor-rs'Li- c dr;,:cn:;i crlsr fund.nrnentieil flerucic;.,(,,.,,.a.a,'irr.,,i ., : -,...'l ",]irr., -i.:-r^\r i .\_,.;* -v;v'i., :. J {u*-vv-.,!. ;.J ..,,_.,,j -r_i 1;]fe :CCi.,-i a,:r...ji1;r :d-C,rti.lj,:Ci. :.nil tiiC

t }1,:g-bhr i;lll-ilrct-i- onin;

lr:t n{i:,,1 i,n -i;iri.s ',,.'crl: i.rr.:;:; iil' te'-'.\; c'-''i'i-;i L)

-' .r.

l:li{r;,,:.l c:"i-cI j a;cit tt .._..rt.

J j: :t,.;'.,;,-t.. ,.r" $5 1-'i'", :1r.,:. e;l ie-l.r s.


<*t*tr. r^


on11r ono usr-rall;r inentioneil in col:itection I'ri.ilr j'l.S.C, tcnes. ,I'he rerna:Ln-

i:rg ti'ro d.i::lensi.ons arc, holievel, ecuirlly iinport:lnt; this c:in be obser.ved-

in sj.tuations ';.'irere tones cirii be di,stin.';!sited, .rlthough fund-ainentl:1

frequeucy is e:rciutled., as in ivhisperingtr. lioreover, it is also cla.irne,i.,

(lCratoctrv/t, 1972, p. 54), th:r.t the chc.yacteristic intensity contour ot

I{.S.C. tones t';;o and. t}.rree se}ves to Cistin6uish theil when thej-r funda*

trienti:l lreouency iLncL.d.uration features are neutraliseci in the rvel-]*hro.;.;n

exarnple of l,i.S.C. tone sand.b.i. For illustration; In fire corrrbinatior:s

)g- '{t, (tor:e z}, tiner"e is rro ..o I - )U J:L (tone 3), ,-,,;iner,9v

a::a F- ur[, ('uone 3), rgoodt .)6 jd, r\,aner, both sequences (,0/i gllIthere ls no riir:et anC 'o:XiiiX rgood- uiiier) have id.entical fundariental

fYeruency e'u.j d.uration aue to to;re si,"nd-ri, but thc:-ntensi-ty contcrirs ofthe tones on the initj.;rL sy1lab1es re,.rain d.i;ferent e:rd" serve to d"istlng-

uish tb"e tuo ex;rrei;sioRs. I'r; eir.ouSj be pcintea. out at tli:-s junctur,e,

however, that ex:;ctly the op=cos:.te resuLis bave been obl;ainea in an ex-

perinent to erssettain v;hether such r:eutralisations oi pitch. contours i,r

Ili"S.C. i'sere in fact still disiinguish.able - i?ar':g(1p5?A) founcl conbinarticns

of tono fwo {,..tone three tc be homop}ronous wi-th se6r,ientally iclentical tone

th.ree * tone tl:-ree cornbinations.

Soc6use oi the controversiali-ty oi this topic, th.e ncst importa.nt

irnpl:cati-cn oi' '".;hicir is th;t in nor'ii:l,l spokeir ii.S.C.3 the relrtionshipbetr';ec:-t fut:d-ement:rl- freouency and. intensity inay not necesse.rj-ly be intr:-n-

s'i;uriy ti:e intensiiy colrtoul-i;1 il ir,r:yo oflTlngi-ro tonic s}.i-l-ables, arrici aJso -relirtive torr-rr. our:tion ,,ii thin v.1:ii-ori.c


:tonal !a:'s*iglrs

toi:ic sy1libJ-es in ilirigr;o

:-t;r sh:.i:et :or e..oi: or ti;r sir

3 l'he fu.nda]ilcntlLl .flrr,)l-rus:rcy/ir:ten:;ityllle:r11ii rih;ysic:ti11r ,;ii,,.t oi or.,., being

do in fact d-i-splary I'air1y ircri:rogeireous intens-

tcn*: :,:: citttj.on jlcrn - rn -i.he tna$ority of

relat:ioiiship is ofintli r:;i. cr"1J-y ti:e

courio b;r noirrr:cti"on r:l' thoothcr.

lree p, 4, fooiircl,e 1.3"

cesesr ti:e tol:e orl an isol,:ted-;:ronosylliibLe cl+ir be recognisea f'ronr itsin:bensity cr:r:tour'alo;:re, i'rhen tl.re contours t'or the initials irre e:cc1ucleC6.

Thr:'overall intensit;r levcI for {;he;e srrapes, as; f$r as csu be deduced.

fron oscillograns, correl-ates vrith char:ges in funrLainental frecueney, i.e.the higher tne ,:'irnd.anental- ilequercy, tlle hi.gher the.intensit;r level.

I1or",'e.relr there occur some cir.ses lrhich nnay represent a d.egree ofind.eper:ci.ent control oi intensity within the paramet€rs of this fund-unental

fr:equenctrfr:tcr:ri t.r level corre].ation. .tror ezaill;le, the ch:Lr:,.cteri-stic

pitcb cotttolrr for liinglo tone thri+e is high, brclirectionaL Lrd concave,

yet rts iil-r,ensity shape';end.s tc rnaintain a level, or even rising contour

tl:rou5'hout t]:e clurc.tion ci the tcne, d.espite a Cr"op in pitch in aid clura.t*


riith recpcct io the ini;ei:sity shrires for iiing'po t.Lr;e,:, ihe follol.iir:g

d.escrip'tive terms a:'e used.l

i) iFlt".irt Yg, Qr.agr-ra,.L Qirqqt 9f ,IllqqqltJ; Thls usually correLates

frequency, Thus the firsttvith relatlve high. vs. 1ow o::set of fund.ar-.ienta1

citation ione has an abrupt onset:

[he seco::d" citation tone has a

' intens'Lt;.r cc.l.boul

grad.ua.l onset:

iqtensit,y contgur

onset oi fun'la,aenitll fre,luenc;;

o i' intensit;,;

intensitrr contour



II "-"rl-. " -*- -\

Fo. con'tow,

Fo. contou-r.

nay l:ave either.

-Fo. contour

llotrever, tones r;tj-tn loiv

abrupt cr g:'i:.ilr".1 orrset

(iii.ngpo tane z/Q .rr:

(iiing;po tone { irr

lexici:l ea.nrlhi? )

srrbjec'b pol: bi,:n? )



See p.

$ee pp,

Scc irp ,

fi) Iuratior: of Ta.'1r The intonsity peak roa.y be prolonged., as in

(tlingpo tone 2/{ in lexical sandhls)

The in*ensity peak may be maintained. for a short period.,

of first tone citation forns, (see above), or not at alJ,

various level toi:es:

$Iingpo tone I before atonic syllables )

...\rriJ *ti_b_nrpt vq. .Qrq,4!rql 3,al.l-qff .

si:a:rl, as in citation tone three:

inter] gity .contou:: Fo contour%


citation forins, (see above). ihere may also be te'o pea.ks, as in some

citaticn tone four shapes:

Lntgnsijg._qojlqlll !b contor:r

The decline in intensity may

as in tho iirajcrity

as in tone 'Ll,ro



ir:iensit:l co::torir Fo cantour

lhe fall-off nay also be grad-tta1 as in most citation tone one slapes.

In most tiorks on Chinese d.ralectology and tones in general, tones

ase marked ii.sing the notational system suggested. b;,'Yuen B,err Chaolor

( *o-. 1930). Th-is systein inaiFtes pitch contoul by reference to a five-point scaLe re-oresenting norrnsl pitch range, ) correspo,ro.ing to the highest

pitch. The scale is not to be equated lvith ec,uidisiant points in terns ofc.p.s., sirice percol:tual clistance of pi,cch 1s not a linear lunction ofabsol-uto freciue:rcy. Although the use of 'a five,point scale has proved.

insig'htfuL ii: phonological toire-feature terml11, the:.e eTe several. points

rryhlch shor-rL'i. be illentionecl in conjunction vith its irnl';1e;nentation.

I Seo 1t.6z! .e Sue p-7,1 .1o

-lc. ,rr o il !,j,j]tlt l;rrf1 r:sii.o::s, e.r,. ijr; I11 lieo l{,;rng , ( r1;;7; . ::"*t l rr.lt

ri:t:' e,*1-, sr)e llt,,n

OT ,1 . +. lrl* n '",: .'- 1 '1 ^,"! -vl lr-,lie



In the first place, the notation i,g intended to represe,rt tlie pitcli

coi:trur of tones'. As rnentioircd brie,ll;i rbove, so:nc i':ourLil corrteni'i -,,h,,t

r,:1ir.tivc irii;.:.isi-'l1t :uic'L ,lure.tion .;re s.ual.l-y vitlJ- congoi:onts oL- rvjr:rt is;

perceivecl as tone. 'Icl a certa.in exterit, ojl courso, a sta.tenent oi-' r*J.;"1-rive duririioi, .;;i'i;ilin a tonal l:arr.digi,r is pl:ono1ogica.lly unnecesija "l n**

alg Q9AZ, F. 25), stetes tr ,.. 'uiie e;ra.ct sh:rire ol'i tiie ti,,re--ritcir curvc,

so i:,r a; I have obscrveo, has irever beer.r i. neceiij.:..:'Jr d-istinc'lj.ve -f'ea;iurcy

g;iveit the st;::rtin6"a;rc1 er:ding points, or tl:e turning point, ii any, rx iire

flve-iloi.:rt r:oalc. . . .. . rr. ilo;cvcr, thcre e,rxi-sts a t<.:i:al Listinc Lio:: j.n

1''ingi:o..vlrichleg-bs;;recise1;ioniheii'bove|]r,cto:::Insubject1{pcsitlon 12, tones four and six.:.re both 23e i.e. Ai , but tone si:c,ri

being an o:ii;ering tone, has er shortel d"ura.tiorr and rises therefore nore

abrulrily tiran tone f,<.rur, i.e. ione 5:

ljeccncl;r, -t::.o constrain-b oi ha.ving to accoLno,-ii.ie perceptue,i irn,ir.ess*

ion ol 1,i'cci:. c.c;iour irio:r firre*io-int s::ile rcsufi: rr::J-sio':tion ol

both tliis percci:tual inlrression a::ci also the aooustic rea.lityrs of the

io;:es, l;l:en a 1l'-rt';i.cr-tla.r1y cr.:rr.l-s; ir;..Tacti1.,r is ct)1lcer;1€rf. A:':.i-1, this" point na;' be reaclily exeiaplified.'froin lli-ngi;o. In the c:tatj.cn tones ol

i{ingoor+ there inre }e}ce,otual1y, and a*oustical1y, t;o bi'lrrectior:i:,"1

collceve to::es - to:res tr:rec ani four. irTo-i.v, tole tlmee st'.;'-ls, -r)'.r:.irf

both irercelltr-'.a.-l-1y ii.::d aoou.iici*l.1;i, , belo l 'iio;3e oi:c, i.;,ii i,-,:tc cl:e 1j c,:

a-. belor.' tone -ij-r,e. Trhi s ,lrear.ts ti:.i;.i:r i I re.,;r,*;:e,rt:,-f -Lr:l o ,l tol,-,.1. ;.r;3,3;:,1;lit:i

is 'to i:3 l'cciir;;te, t?re ::i;;he,.;t nu:rbrrr o:i th* "tite =1"- ::l: sc,lj e :'.'b l;a-icn

1l ;,i..^, _:. li5 . .

13 'lire i:otl i;i-r::: is noj: of cc'rirje ints'nrlecl, 3.3 i! re'L)lteseiitl:,.-l;j.r)."t ci ,-rlco'.'liiir:/r^{'... i'!- ' i--,.r.i^. -.a ll-,^.;ov+! -u,- [Li]11S:lraj a gOilbil:-.i;iOr: o;" llti,OCL'if.;'C..-, ,11leJ':..itCe, !-liid- COr'tvui-iei:ci-, ic:: ;.r:'1trt5.n1'tt (1:, 24). ?bilr io:::r'-r-l-rii,rn j.s rorii:,','h-'i ::: i|1' :-'i;,i;Lrf l:-.f ill,r"i.'.c./l ;,rurit sr'-,.r:el;/ ii;i,'.r"' : -: ':,cCLr.r:rte Icr-ri3r.;g;i{;-'i,j 11.r ir I ,..,rt-

. cr;1riir.;-'1 :!.il'.:r.:.:,1o;i. .*iso, j,i ti:,: i1ti1;:{lgt :i-:; tlsri,i ir,"t S.;iire :.'cr.i,: c'f

^J J dfuk" tr r":-:er:iriL:,.on, ,:::l couiil jlr.rlti-l-::.bl.l e.ir.e lt ':r. $(:)1j,:iiicn .,:1:.:-.:l::.

,J"i.d irot derli;.ite excessirrel;r ".'Toil

i:i-ic perce,-'tr"ri'L con'bcui': cf tir.: t:;,r,,j.1 ^r i' , . . A t.- ,.. ...,1 41

-'1 . ':J .'^'\r Lt | . '


tl.c st:;.ri;itis point c.l turre th:-ee c:l b";1ri:.cci1 is 3. iince cii;ai;ioir.i,onc

?hree is bid..ireqtionir.l , ii;s'conton:: :lust be rei-rt'e**r*eri b;7 r:i_dtc:rr .l;o ',c;-i tr-t-

?, i,e. 32... (lts end*pr:i-nt i-s lrere irue1*vant) Toner four:::i.rtr.; belo,,,r

tonc ti:::ee, is ;i.l-so l;riirrectj-oi.:a.l ::r.u ';h.:rer'or.e must be rep::esenteri:by ZI ,,'6hus * {*. O

€.uOfo*" @







,h,l-<1,3t.;l- E-l6>tfil;rItv

I '" ' .:' l--t'i{'l^'\ Cr-\rii).1,:'d t,:,1 S a?., (

':'^e l-]th h::f,r,rc-,ni e I!:.'.:,:e

for crta.tion tones, ;47.)

fiic :lbove representatrcir d.j-stcrts tne percel--tuili'r'ee.liby oi tlie -bcrral

parad,ign, hower/er: since tone three d,1ps only s1i.ghtLy, Encl tone i.our,

-v',hilst rii-ppi::; re]:rtively lorver, doeslrot rerrch tho'aottor; of the voice

l'ange, as 2i \.rolild ru.ggest. Also, 2\4. t= the ,'rescriptlon oi Li.S"C.

cii;ation'bonr t.:ree, ?.lia;,et this has:i d-istinctll'lcr;cr dilr i',1 5rtcll

ih:i:: i'iir:g'iro 'Lone iour.

?he ::iinEi:o tcneil }a.rra-iiigrr v.ihan,i4:subjectll pcsi-tion contains four

ri-uing tonesl tone three is 34r tone six ls 23r but is of short d-uration.

i;oii', for sone e:carc1;1.cs, tone t',.'.lo 1i-es bet,,veen -'6one-Lhree and. tone four'.

3ut if ,,:re have to r:epreseni this on a. fj.ve-point sc.-'.le: tor:e f'our lrus'c be

given tire noi;tLon 72-, and. i+, is ccri:.inI;,'not as -1-o'.,r a:,; this. 'litr-ts:





1i.nita'Lj,ons iii nir:c1", :..1)':i- sincs tbis L-,lli:::;-Lirr:s ri'L:',t:

;itcir, icuCileis a:lci 1.,:l;1;jr e'rilacteiistics or :.r.i-trg1:o

r:liteiil of ior:e ie'cters is used ir.: ii notltiolr,rl cor:v{)ri-

(Coinirare -liiis =.:a":li

vriih the

1Cl;h l:::.r';i:.oi'lrc. t::lces forOF \

suoJec'b io:1t1o4r ;'" '.:).)

;'li -l-.1r _i:i:_r r5

investigi;tron o.i

\lJot:esr',;1:c !Jr:.rc

ience,e,t;.)*-3" [: ju",rcua.d"] ; J .l ::z zz.l 'thc ooiil is bi1't'.w-

rf ciata ){ iu.nii-s}rei- rty p::osoc1:-c jri,,nirs, ;ljd tr'ircj,nJ$

," sii,llJ o !rosoclic g;.'ai:h, is slio'",n i-cl.o,, r

f.*o(O *T^eO


1s see p. U5.


.aLuluration ---------)-

l,istriblrtion of intensity is ,.:ho*;n

Tracings of 10th h;*rlnonic of ton*ls aro used.




thickness of contc,ur,,

.orovir'ie a. rou{.}r iln-

prossion of the rel;iive 1;osi-tions of tones within a paracligm. This ne*htid.

has of couf'se its Crawbaol;s: r*ra.t is psicei'"'ed" as tone is nct an excl-usj-.rc

a::d. d.ir+ct function of iundlrrental frecu.enc.yi ncr is pitch a linear function'\ _

of absol"ute irecluency, T}:e lnrtial cornponent of a. syl1ab1e C'oes not furiction

as a tona carrier in lrlinairo r but. of coursc, perceived" seginonts are not

acousticall;; d-isclel:e tr.nit'r:, so it is di;-iicuLt to tell ;;here exa.ctly to

start the Lotir h.arnorie trace i.n nan;; cr.sc$, Fin:r.l]y, allowance must bt rnad.e

for the nu-nerous icii-os;mcratic variables ca,o:ible of infLt:encing any giver:

pitch contour, atnong them ttage, ser, nass ancl. ten:;ion of ilro vocal fold.sn

enotionaL staterr, (Cfreng \9'(2t !. f}I)" The intrinsic relation bbtivcen hlgh

volels and. overa]l r:ri'^;irrg of litcble shouLd ne pa:'ticularly emplrasised,

ancl in all tone paracli€ps illustrate,l, carc rvas taken to use examples i-) frcrc

the same recording d-ate, and- ii) uith e.s ne3.r irlentical vo-,'/efll ac pos'.;ible"

Finall;rrthe ,cerceptrr:,1 in-':ression - what tbe tone(s) soun.J(s) like -

is describecl with rel--elences tc features of pitch contor.tr, (e .S" eradur,L,

abrtrpt, rising, falling, concave, convex. ), orientartecl to ?olnts higli, mi.1,

and. 1ow iu nc,rmal pitch riing:o. lThare necessarJr, overall pi'bcb leveL i-s:-'.lso

specified-. The contcrrr:,ncl- or,rerall 1cvel oi l-ourrti-.ess are al scl re.fe::red tii.

ivnere ii sirecf j-r-c tcne bears.a p,.'Tcejjtr::,.1 1;' e-rj.tl-orit rel-ations.:ri.p in 1e::gthl?

l6 La.d.efoli,lcl

Lr see above,

- r, /61., clr , p. 4J ,

F.36, -r-ootnots 1"

i1," ..:j. .".:..:];':rti.-..:".,. .-;,i ;,i ; ;;;..il,.:., 'sl*ryrgi"ffi.S#

.': . ,'.;.' j

;it: !.,i: ,r{:$,nt ? jiri'




other nernbe::s of its

referred. to, "blie dat,a

fhe 1''ssssclic iea'turcs ci

befol';, . 'Iones ona three and- five

sither aspii'ated", or voiceLoss -

pa.radigrn, this is nen'Lioned". l?here tona.l" r}rs3,f,j_6n

are accu-stic.

the six i{iltgpo citiLtion tones are ,given

ale upper registerlsr- *.nd. norrnelly ha.ve

unasirirated. fortis fnitials. Tones tvro

four and. six are lor,ler regi-ster1e, anc have rrvoicedil rnitia.ls.

Tone one t

The Prosod.j-c featurss of the first tone.-.s it appear.s in j-solatign

a^l'e as fo]lo',lsi- fhe overal1 pitch contour is fa1ling. It starts r'ron a

poin* jris'b in the ttp;er ihird of tire pi.tcir renge a.nd. falls, usually grad--

ua1ly anC then abruptlS', to tlre lo',ver thj.r,C. o.i the pitch ra:]6e. (It::eit;hcr

st:..ris irs tr-lgh ns, i:or r-alr s as lo';i i'.e ;1.;i.c. torre four). cite.tiolr floliris

i"i-th a final fl1 or nasslised. vcwsl or zero lr:rtla1 sometiincs lia.ve a very)'abruiri fall in pitch, a$:opi)osed to th,: grad-ua.1 contour C-escribed above.

Since this is the onl;r fi,,lling cit:.tlon tone, a.n exact specificeLtj.rLir of

the pitch contour is of nc toneruic relevance. The shape of the pitch con-

tour aad its cluriLti-on d.o, in fact, ve.:.p', but still iemi,.in tc a great extent

vgithin the'liliits of il:e voice raJlge specified. ebove ;,nd *.lso occupy a. con-

st:rnt ilosition',rithin -lhe cita.tion tone paracil:ir in relr-,.tion to th.u other

tones. ?he firr,t tons ,-:ver::- es :iri tl:e slio:te:;t of 'r,i]ose -rone:i noj; posscljij-

ing a glo"Lte-1-stop tcrr:a:.::rl. Intensit;r rs usually ccnce;:-br,:reii in tire ,.'irsi

third- of ti:e ta:':, :'li11i:.r;-off gtad.i:-a1ly .,i:-th thc r;itch contourl thc exact

intensit;r ccntour, how"tr*r, colr'gf).r:tcs vitl: ';l:c s.recj.jlj-c i,itch couiolr:

the nore 5rac1-.ulli ti:c i;111 :-l: pitch, the lnore grr,cual tlre fl..1-1 in rri'i;ensity.

In terns of'the five*pcir-rt -41)ro- sel"l.e ilris torre couj"il be riari<ed. il2 or.14.2.

LE See po 4.

trlicq.l ry-osodic rfapb,of'-_!_o::.e o.:lg:

Tons tuo

1'l:is tone has very characteristic prosorlic .leatures. In terrns of tne

tentative iriteria establirrhed. by iTang (1957), it couri"s as one of the iircst

uiar,<ecl-borie,$. The Jritch contour of the tona is convexi ?J:e str."rting point is

in tile loi';e:.thj.rd" of the pitch t'ilx€,,e. Tl:e p:-tch contour rises:riri.f?l;j1;,f

pitch'-:::lge :unC' il:.en fal1s to a posi:{;ion slig}Lt}y highe:r than uhere it start-

ed.. loudr:ess is cr:ncentrated. in ti'e ai;ex of tlre tone, i.s. in the beqi-nning

of its last thirrl. it: citation forrr, slriiablas in tone i,;ro have the seconC

shortcst tiuration, excludi;:g ib.e e:rtcling or g;lotte.l-ctop tones. Breattry

voice is coiffionly hearrl on the 'i;cr::e tli,o l{uc-1-euso (see p" 14.). On tne lltglscale, this tone may be given tlie notation 2J2 or 243.

!:{_pisj.-L :!qlo_di c- slaph j'I l-ote tyo,:

t'on': tlrree

Tnc pitcir contc,ur

rnid pi-bch rartre for t::e

abru.:t1-1- t:o a !'oj-nt i'

thi:'Jr oLl the rlur:,"+,icn

of tcne tlr-ree d"ropr: ,3rari.u;;,)-13r r'rorn : pornt ii: tl:e

iirst tigo third-s of i-ts riuration. it 'bi:en rises

the u,LaFeI tidrd. of tloo pitch r:r.nJlc, trl:.il f irst tlro

of ioue iir*l'ee ,are alwa,;rs relativel;r ]iit5"r in pitch

tban tone four, but the end;iroints of both *ones may J.ie on leve1s v*ryclose iildeei' to'onc *notltc::. The listribution of intonsit;7 is char.acteri.sccl.by a tend'ency to tna,intain ln ev€)n l-orrd.ness cver ihe lirct tv;o-third"s, i.ritha t;rpical suilden inclea.se a.t tire ehrj., Interestingly, ihis incie*r:e in ..:irtic*

ulatory eifort at the end- of ths torLe may sometirnes bo ,lollowed- by rL g).ottal-stop' The glottal-stop d-oes not occur,in normal- speech hol';ever. should thepitch d.Iop abnomally low in mic1. sylIab1e, a corresponding intcncity .lrop

nay be noticed'. fone -Lir::ee hrs t]:o second. longest d.u:.ation in isolaticn,rir:d. can be narhed. 334 or ?,24,

Ty-pica1 p:qosodic fraph of.-toire tEree:

Tge. four \L!rl

The pitch contour of tone iour resembles that,lor irI.S.C. tone three,(see Kratochvil 7972, p. 19.)t in that it is lorv ancl concavo, but i"b does

not dip as d.eeply and. rises hi6b.er (see belovl, F. ?0.).It starts irr the Lo';er tirird. of the pi-tch. range, irnrl ilr.en run:j appror(-

i-rnately concentric:1ly to toire i;bree foLthe first ho-ti:irdi; of its dur-

atir:n. Tt then rises alruptly, and. may encl ir: th.e u.cuer ttri-rd" of the r-itch

ran€ie. Intensity is usually concentrated.

of tho tone being the loud-e;t. forre four

and ni:y be malired Zl3 cr 214,

3nr-g*]-jri q.!9jf.9--fg1:jl i o ne *+-!rr.-i



both e:ciremities, rvith the end

the longcst tone in isol:t:on,





Tono five

The uppcr cirteri:rg tone isr read in citation form -,'rith a glottal-stop

Tcrrain,'1l. Thc pitch con*"our lies hii;h in the upper third- of the rritch f irnfle,

tone five being the higbest of all the tones. Srectrograpb.ica.lljr, the i'unda-

mental irequency contour fa1ls slightly, but the extrernely short C.ur:tion

and" truncated, nature of this tone gives the impression of a level pitcl:.

fntensity shapes for diSferent examples aro not perticula::ly homogen-

eou$t intpr:sit;r i:rsiy be evenly clistributod., concetttrated. in rqid. dlrrationrcr

disola;r a gredual fr,ll-off. E:is is the chortest tone, and m':y tre ne.rked i.

trpi c:.1" pg q lq*} c gl*-g{- t qsg :rivg:

Tone six

T1e lowar entering tone is also read" with a glottal-;top Terminal in cita.tion

fo311. It cornmerices in a?proxinatel;r."the same position , as far as funclanental

frequency and" pitch contoui are concerned-, as tones tv''o and iour, iiisinS;

sha,rply to alnost upper tb,rrel pitch r'rnge, it is cut-off b;'r the g1c,ttarl-stop.

Intensity is concentrated at the end of the tr:no. It is the seconrl shortcst

of tiie six tones, tho dr-ration being almost tvrice a.s long as tone five. Tono

six na;; be narkcd- 23 or 24.

T.rlical prolc'1ic il'i'.:lll ol tone llix:1t---


Jire' . lQ..tlr lgrmonlc.,Pon toqT.q oi al"1 si"x cit',rt:-orr t,oneg ih. Lgkiion to

orr%:..rotlrqr ,.crr tjle*.ey-Ui311sj ii1Ulil *,a [ ,f l}fJ, i::c t]:ei-r'-gi,rs-Ei€g


ta*9 'To,.s- ($ Ef"'*O-- ToneG


T.^e-fa",a- @

Ba.se Linelurirtion

->(Anoihar cj-t:;tion tonc p:r.irig:r is givt'n on p?.ge 49")

In terias oi inpressio::rstic s-'11a',r1* 1er:6t1:, the; t-o;o s:itelillg -Lones

fo:n a honogeneouc g3oup corrtrastiii5; uith tciies crn: icr f'our, d.espiie the

fact th:.t in soine e:{a:riptres tb,e si:ith ione i s r:e:r.rer in d,ur::tion to tone

one than tone five..VEt

Ex;;'lnle,< of tona-l ccntynst in cite'tion ionl;



IE\. o-

qllel'rcy aot4





Tone 1 q



i,t iT.Jtl' l:2-l




r1- ./t/



xtJt0 iriov€


A ril1lrolcopper




re si st

l/W4!a/^.:ir:z- r, -_1





ti{ffito save




.lJ4. r,-h



^ -lz/Wi;ine

.r-13vR_i-.i-^'*'jr -"!g


io li.iie


tu1 tt:;A 'qp /L- L=l

^--,..-t- .,---':Jirg.ts ! Udi

h'l crl(targe b ere;iry


Lp +€_


JaI! to ::ei:t


to colrect/-r, fftl



'i"heit ret'erence is r,,:d.':'uo the nulrber of tone:r a given Cirlnese clia.lect

?o:iceL::1e;-i, t.:.:ii u:11:;l-1J, ii;rllies tor:c: :-:i c:-'i: .'i;j on i.o:'1,:. The Llci;crif,tion

of i'ii.ngi:o tones :*:ove is :ro exception. Ilowever, there i=.re cr-;r'ta.in imlrort-

ant ti:eoretical ai:o. lllicti-caL conse('Llences oi tire use c:' citr.tion ioriius.

Cita'Lio:r jolirs: ir.r:e s:rlg1e Ejrlla'b1es r'.'iien siroi{er-i, olt reir.i, r;; isol":tion,

aud. tire pr.o:lunciatioir of such syllebles is tr,-riteatount to a nuairrg oj'thc

Ohirrese char:.,cteis in cruestion. The occuirel'lce o-l citaL-iiorr Jo::tns iil rior*

riral s;;eech, is rest::1ctrC. to i,rcS-s;6gic :nd- netr,lingrtictj-c occ.,,::io,:s:, .?nd

the 1:otontir,l d.ang,er vhen e.r,ihing,:.,n infcrnant. to reed a list of charactei"sr'

is the possibl;r vri-ae phonetic margin betlieen ti:e cite,tion articulartj"on

aircr tbe actu:.l aeafisation oi tire sa:i:e syllablele ii: ricrutal sneeclt. The

= l-a"* Isituatior: is ax.it't -fo i;he t'recnent}y enccuntered citi-.-rior ree..d-l;i- L -- J

ior tbc ii:d-e,ir::ite artlcle I ar rr: Xn51ish, uirich '. i. c-li cr i j y ortdv :'r occurs

in that for,:r',zrr; normai slJeech. (Tiie probieils encountercri in conjrrrictiott

with iiingpc crt'.Lbio:r --'c::ns :i.::e hoi'ievel not !rr-r:t:r"ilJi o.i'a seg"aente.l- na,ture).

Tire ruajor cause oi suprasegr::enial dispa.rities bet'-vean citsiion tones e.ncl

thei:' reaj-ise,t,ion :-n no:rne.J speech resides ilr the sup*rii:iposingr es it

tJere, oi i,.i.u-iiioir.:.i proscCi c i;lc{ors sui;:} e.s stte::s, rh;rtlrn, a::o into;r-

ation on tne cit:,-t:oi: t,otie, v;lii-cii riodiiu, i,ts pros,c,lic parr.,;te-Lers iri val'-

ious w:.yszo. Il order tc na;ilia}l;r red-uc€ 'r,he lrrfluencc c:1 ti:ece 'l:-,ctcr:s,

this p:;.per conc,j-:rr:s itsel- j u;,inl-y ,,'ri-iir asol-aiea d.j. s.yll'rci-c oi-br)*'ilrlcct se

and- sinple cLecfa.r:,ti're urit;..lr..iiioi::.1 tr:-s;rl1:lbic ::ilt i; ericslj" '-lo"evet'; €\rerr

d.ecfar:,r.tj-ve r-i.z:,l.lcitioitai so'il-br:illce j.r:1;onl,'i;ic:: ini-l.ueutcr:s. t,-l- 1'rosorlic cc'trl-

tou.rs oi:r tc:.re to l. c..r-L.iii ret;.t'ec, ;:ii:!-s'.ii:o-,; j.i't'ul:,.. fc.r11o'.;in;1 .'i-.;rr-.fs;

t.T,ive o./ ltcjlcir,tirr,-: th; i'1lr;:.oi;i-'i.:r',;e u,ord- irr t-:is cl',,'e A* t t.1f] l.-i' t

Th.e i;rr-orirra.rlt'.:r:'J c1.i--.:.cd to resyoirci i'tor:o:;.'-l.1.lbici',11;;-l,o ye;,/ito i,'..:*st-

j.o1si oi ti:e t:,t'.4fo*J,i]tk, [,'',o.r*it"vbtlal '..,-,u yoi] c.o:i,i.J?t j.:i i,i:i; :,. li,::;,,-

It Lnr-r;-b nol; bt: *'or-'o'bt.r'i 1,h:t ev,-.ri 'bhl liollrsyl--L:.bic Le-"c-c:,1 e:c1rl:cr'is-ioiie cr':,:;,:.'l- -ili -uiii.s ,.ioL:r i:u; "io :t cili''i:, ill r-',-tt.::i: L ci.t:.ti-.rilic:,.ir-1, ilii,ii ,i ii-c;,. i:r,r.; iro-i r.:uii.1 Uot "io lr-iii'cr,.;l.l ,.f -r,'Cto:i,ii or' Scirriirilce l'nJ1;iiiil ,-: l: ..,. ." 'i i ''i,i,rl.: r,ir;,, ,

Il:il i.;: c-lr.ir:ied. ''ri' i-.3.C., (:,,:c ,;-r:..'l;oc1ivi.L, i96ll, i',3? ), but l'-''e'b,:i-or,,, qiil rrf,i;;' !r, ,'t-;I' i,- ;,'r,--'-'.'1; r.ic-L''i lccl, exi,:rni-n:,tion cf' the rcli..tj.otr*sir.i-p ir,l'tr'"'ri',:ii ci.t::.'ti-irr.t icr:o r,ti.d. it*::',.,;fj.,.;r;ti.c5t ii:t iror;il',.i i:rfr.,g)i:h.


( :-:,t. I coi,reI ).,Jri cj-ngrs

1., I ., ,U i./c Ir J ,rj...rOri .t r] :; i i : .rL

_l 1

hal;lcni-c of ttre

i:i,.i.;r' be coi:rp:.lied"

nonoeylLcibic tlec-

r.,i i n .. +-,,-; ^."1i,4 uf.L -:: vj j).1.w ..L

o:' the lCth

i,ll-r: -toi"t?s i


cit:-;f,i611 tone parad"i5rn:

iJLse Li;:e

citatlcn tone parad.igra pai'adigr,i of toiles rni.l-uenceC" 'i:y

unei,:o'i;ionai d.i:cl ar:i.iive i :tonr.-b*

Tire modificatlons thrt r,ray ba observecl are practical-ly itieirtica,1 .;,rith

thoce recorc'.ed. i-'or i:.S.C., aitd.'constitute esseutlal-]y c,oinpression of over-

all pitch renge iin,i conce;:ir;,tion in the spealierrs i.rid-pirrch r..rnae,

(arrows txt), togetit.;r rvith e, shoriening o;'dur:rtion. 'Ihe e,'-iect of fall-ing sentence iuton;rtion, (rrroor, ':/r), can be observerL in that thc risin5contours. of torres three a.nd four d.o noi rise so hi6'h, relatively- spealcing,

as thei-r citation fcrrn counti:rpr.rts. Intellsiiy ch:.rilc'cer.istrcs are a.lso

mod.i.fied- ar:o lels pronounced- in the non-cit:,tion l'oriirs.

For a, '--ipeal<el oi' if in5-:1io, 'bi:e task o:;' assigtrin6l a ione to isola.tecl

syilables, is re;-id-aletl e-rcel,tiona,11y coiirllc:i b;r exteitsive le,rici:.1_ hnd

2Lsy.titiictie iolre sartdLi. This means ti:et a.r:;r gi-ven cit:rtion toiieirG pcesess-

ec a vsrie-b; of i'"i.Lotot':e:i iI't liLrriital s;reecil eacii uith Ji,-'icr;;it ;rrosot|lc

r'li1:r.pee. .t'or cx.Ll;iple, i,jing;,;o. tcrrre iour iriis at Leart the ,.'o1lor;1 l:;: pi.ich

I;e,;e.rCin; er,r tj:e i;t:riy$is, ( seo belo',v, 1.60 ), irl iu':_,,o rii,..,v be iLccorrl€d"2,3, 4, or 6 toiiei,res, t,r"ri tirir; d.oes nct subsii,.nri::lly efte:: thei.r'is;:l ll.r-,ibur o.' al--r.otori.;s due io lexic:11 l:i."::cihi.





i) zL3

1 r-r_ J


ii: r:itir,tio;r -forilr.:eZ4 tn

33 224 a ) ,to wr.lkl

final position, ilu:i *1W-Eg Ltfl 213 J ,ro,,,ii,





ii) in subjecL positi'on, u.g. W # ylLu+ trd-5;i .4jI 33"422 I'bhe road" is good.l

in lexical san.jJ:i, when firsi syllabla in


22 a di s;r-lls1fo1(t

t.,t] no


42 in a ciis;rilabic

L*$ t*:l

v) tl A+1.

lexicat expression, €.8. W- W tUf22 34 -4i:: le;ri.ca1 sar:diri, irLre:i l_lst sJ.j1a,ble

lexicai exprossi-on, o.g. ,6d ffi.23 42 I \ tti:-5hr;a;,'.

in po j-ys.l'i1",-.bic le>:i_ cal_ e:c|rsr*ians, ;,lielr r:oi :.irst s;1ii:.ble,

e.s. 'i- fu W L njd-".[^,*] 44 /,4 44...._JI_J

I I I'sjre.}t higir,;ra.;r,.

In vier'; of this ciivrrsit;rr it is irot surprising the."i; the inforr-na1t

aci<norvled"3ed the ree.C.ing oi'citaiion forrnrs to be the harcle:;t tr"sli. i,ore-

over - and this point ha.,: been raised. in i:revi-ous li,ceratureas, in eon-

junctiolr rrith tnc rel-ationship bet,,veen tor:es on isolatecl cita.tron syll-ables at:d- tones in norilaL speech - r.rilere exiensive lexicr,l torie sar,rd-iri

exi-sts, it r,r:';r r)rova irn"',orsible to assigri en inirerent or uriderl-;,'ir;-: tone

to a bound syJ.la,bic'llori;lietne sir:ce its prosodic featules a1.e aLwa;.s afr-.ect.-

ed by sandhi' Theoreticall;r, tllis problen nay on1;, be :.esolveo- by artific-i.aL lecourse to orti:ographical etynoic3;r or sot,lc otjier iorrri of extl:r6ro1ri_

i on.

this process oil c1:Lver;ificatio:r betlieer: cit:r"tiorr r'c'rr-rtr ::ir,jr, r:o::rri:..1

speech;:lovi.ctel;1'et i,no;ltr-i' i'actor renclcring t,lc cj--L,l,tioi:-lo:':.: /ric1r,rr,.l-

speech colresi)ond.enc,: i;lole tt:ltuous. ])r_re tc tlie irreienctr o:' arr extrei,;e1.y



. indic:Lte; atonic s;,3,Lable,

i(er:;iedy (rg5l, F* j6? ff), iirrd"

ses ciri:ptsr. 4.

atjc1lirO, ( pellrorr..i-}. corrlr,i',utic-iicln) .

intere;ting tonel pheno$el.on in iiingpo, the d.egree of di-verBillicai;ion ini.,y

'be -lotic.:tj- ;vcii ,i-u::thcl , ho',seve::: In i;ing}o, ;:1tlir:il;"'}, tiic:'e L:.i.'e on-1.;r si::

ci-b'-rtion tones, lexical toire sandLi rules opcrate iiccord.ir)g to :ir: *ih!-li'aJr f,,s31,.1 ,systeni coriesponding to the Proto*t:ru or Ai:cien-b Chine;e torrtl

;ysten. iliquivi;1enti-y., tc,r:al distincti(,ris are inaLie in 1exj"ca1 s:.nd"hi- pait-

terns that o"o noi; occur bet'*eerr nonosyl.labic lrorrls in either citation form

or iionnal speech.


For e>runple, no d.is'i;inctj-on

H [*o"] t i;o bu;r'i <-Ll

tH L***J 'io se'Li ' +eitirer in cit:rticn fcf i.r, or wherr

+ l,lingpo to:res one to

23 42 (L,Zr3r4), ana

is rnad.e in liingloo bet-ui€eo

Ancrent Chinese lor''ier ri-sing tone, and.

Ancien'c Chinese lovierfal "ing: tor:e,

iollor,red- by ei:: atoni c syli ab ie, ( S**

chai:te:' {), c.€j. tt '|F 5 'r i:ouE}rirJ r 4, --J ,. '!....,

t -l + -trlYlit ,? : '!r sord' j-t ry ;':' ral , cnd vei

a, clisiinctron be'b;ecn l,ncicr:t Chinese l-or,er::ising and- lol'rer fa11in6'tones

has to be observecl i;hen tone four occurs on the -rlie'st sy1lab1e in a lexi*

ca.l e>lpression in order to proouce tire correct lexical sanclhi tone shapet

the combination l{ingpo tone -iou:' (e--l"cisnt Chinese fo",l,er rising tone)

inctu=:-ve, prod"uces ti'e con-'igurr,'.tic'n I \.lI ,Z + (5,g), but tire coni:ination liing;po tcne

four (4- Ancient Cinrrese loiver faliir:g tone) + itingpo tcues one to six

incLu.sive2 pl:od-ucer ti:e configuraiicn J -l 2? 24, (Lr?r-l,r,r) e:',e *-J 1

22 4 (5r5). i:;t-rte th:.t ',,i:e tcrraL shal:e ol the vrhol-e exllrers:lon rs iLiffet'er:t,

d"epe^:C.ii:g ort tire proveit:'.i-)cc of lli:rgpo citatj.on iorie :'our, i.e. -J 111.r I \/1

Icleirti-c:J. srtut''uir:ns &s til.it descrj,beC ;,-bove -Jor iiingpo, i.e' under-

d.j- "er,err'tiaLiol:,irr cj-tt,tj-.-in ['o:rus, rre ;:ct excc,r'i;ion,'f]17 1;-'1q in Cirineue.'

-1. -+\./ v \ .-i- .€T- tLt--:ii'iLJg--i, jL tFit-l try (rl:;r PP+20! 21,23), 5;ivc;: cxi:iiiile:t r:-'' v:'.1';'i1r|;

cor.r.:ie:=.-b:,, :j^'or.i ila,*g g\ & (.1.{*i.gl pr.'ovir:ce), e:rd U.i=-u

)W EA, tii"l:Yi,. i*ur,,"'i - . \,r-r 't',':.,, (i953, nt )5t56) notes

uj-i::i1'rricni:] cci::lvir:ur i,tt l,::r:chtttt liol'*;ie,r, l'nd. Lrl; (flOO, p 35) iir



,\ i-Y[rr*i5:yi a( lfr'*e.g -J\ //1\

ri it is "o:,-i'nle to uirJal'- oi nclrces ol ir.bstracilou, licn.i;jrerel:,.iio:rship bet..;,lerr iii:'ri.;1ro cir, ti-c-rrr tones r.nd- tiieir ilor^,i in nori:r:,l

sppecir r-ralr be :liiJ, iiue tc thc i,,ctrJors eilui rer-,tcc1 ,'bcver to 'be ccnri j.er-

ebly rnole lrbstri-ic-b thi,.n in i-.S.C. Hor;ever, this feet.ol abs-tracti6rr per-

formed","ihen the j-nio:.'nani t]ronourlced crtaticn formsza v;as achieved- vrj-th a

hig'h clegree of cor'.sietency - citation tones most reserrrb-Ler1 tones on freerrt:emphatic,cj,eoll^rr;tive r,ioi:os;;riliioics j-n r:orn:l speech, or ior:es in cbject/fj.ual26 lrosition.

ltuatocl:vit (1968, t0. 3?) siates: il the i;ene:-'al- tende:-icies oi ilre i.ou:(1.^.s.c. ) tol.e: i-:'e coi,i,.ro::ly ce;ronstr,,ted on isol:,.tcti- tcnic s;rlJ_abl.es.

Tirrrue cj-t:.tion ='r-'r.;i : p::cctically rrevor cciuf i.r;1i.v.: s::eeclL, but tircy r.reuseful- ,:s 3'il ill-ul: tl:'ili'rc: s'bartir:g ;roirrt ior p- nole o r-i:il-e d- discu.ssior-l

'olr the relationship bet,;ieen su.pr.r.,le;leenteJ- :.bstr:a.cticn a-nd. cor:e.rete s[:.r--.rr

As fe.r as I;ingpo tones ii.,e cincl-:,;t3ii. ,r,ilut o i.t-,,?, ii: :;urri, ilrree naiil .i,.r.j;

i:i r,hich the citu.tion tctte;: - rtruprlr.$e;lrontai abstlec,cicltt - &i;,1'er: i-ro,;l

the ttconcrete s:r:.i:err of l:onaal sicechl i) L;.cll o:* rhTth-1, stl.ess, and_

intonatioi: ia.ctc:rs, ii) 'ro:re ,-:rn,cii ,:iod.ilic;utio.:. iji) citetign toleu.nd-er <ti f fer eut i a- ti- on .

At fir;t .,:1:nce, ii see;rs thccretj-car-i-;r iros;rbl_,: -;ll ,"-r, th-: crnc::trte

sllape of iiiiri;_co tone;; i:r norn::.] s;ecch coui:l be ,t3e4i"te,.i itivon i;l:e

oit:rticii tone ard. :l s!'itclilcl.tion ot' i; rhytirr; stre;:q a;:C_ iir,ccni.trolr

factors;. ii) ic::c snr:tlhi r.:oc-i;-1cs.tion, (il-,i::;'1il;iir:; oelorc i)). .?ut.

cltre to ii-i.), ',,i'i ti:. soi::e 1e::,!.c31 sand_ln sl:,:.r:esr a.ti;r c1e:::,vation j-r: tirir:

dire ciiorr l;ou.l"d- bc ;:l;slL'l{-r, sLilce tjLe cit:i,*j-ol:-tone b:.seci ;;16:g.i.,.--,-+--e1.

24 'Ih; :-i:ioi;itrirtll.::,rrr.i -r,. *ir.-, r

-r.r: t'. c l9t'e f,to /1a

;:l^:L :.,ineli iri g ir.Etiroci_ c.:' ie::iii.l.1 pi{1; +;i-orr ior;rsl.s ti:,::;.: oclcu:::'ed i.:: nol,iil_l- s;.roecb".il



26t *'oj,c oire'i or f ici,e :'oUf.r .i,cLrrir not lll-ow us to preclict lc::i.c:i.l

:il::ir()s i'o:: thc,;:. ruonc:- i-r d.:--. or: poJ.ysrrtllbic e,{plre i:,;:,orts.D?'

fhere €.re :r.]co "1:1-obreus ccnce;rnin3, the reliLtlorinhiJ: betl;eert

etic si:e,i;e of cii;;:tion forras errd. the ;ohonetic airaile oi- to:re,-: i::posi-ticn, ior ':;l:j.ch :uc t:.:1o.,,:, 1,. g3


the phon-



&hRffi4L++pn FB,R/n tu4 Affi- &-4tt




€{ 4?* {LAt]



Refi:rence i,s ;it:r.de



*fr{Ldl/. ,?€l7 ltrJ .

. --/of r;i::5po in Y-iri',n, (tc;r:f;, ll.

+ r * o)F-6 hooi !


'f )&, *lk4L tfl-\l

.-h,4ll(*;onE so:jrc;rculig (Xi:r.nghai) s;;ea.xers, ,che upycr_rlsingr_.1ailii:S, inu

*level toneszs li:ivc corilesceC, with the result tLrart, tire enteri.rrg r..ird noi:-

entering -bo]rcs boiiig civid"ed. irrto u;per lnc lo,,,cr regieters, tb.ere are

orily four torres. S,ini']sr pbenomena of srmpli:lic::t-io:: have atrsc been d-j-s-

coverecl recei':ti;i 1:: ti:e;.ir:gpo u:-b:.n arca:-'ri suchoz rarr:,l c.:rstricts),

I]: the i'lingpc citaticn inaterj-a.L r-lescribe,l :ibove, tire siurplj.i-'ic;iiionj s evj-ciently :rot e,s ,lr.;.stiZeas tl:,,t in lh::n;hai, a. i-al-iiiL3 to*;cther cfAncicnt chinese upi,,er-1eve1 and up1:er-ial]i"irg tones, r.ni. of Ancien.b

Chinese }o',';el-ri-;ling i;.n,i. fo',r,er:fa1l-ing to;ies havit:g. pt:ocluceri si:r c,it:..tj-cr:


26 Since cii;l.tion tr::.:c onelilcc ti:e situ:rtion ';;i.thlexic:"L sl;r.u!:i.

G. i', ti:e ner"r'l:r;,Li sationa,nd. iiucsii,.r:.

i.r e. r.c;il-ex oil ii;oci'bi,tion tore four,

of fina-!. voi-ced. :r.nr-1

":rcj.ent Ci:incse to:ree. riili-r:h,:..-::a still *ia-b:i:guisl:ed. in

vcice-i-erss scltnlls ilr Cet'l,,ll:r:27

2a .f'ol -bl:e ton:rl :;istoiu ,'ro;,r ';,]:j.ch

€e 3:pccia11;'/ ',;i:i:rr -bl:."i ;:e-Lori'bio:i ol-coi.ipleu:ent) i:r Jt:xic,:l sandh.i is

tlre se toi:ea iiave cter,"e loi:ed" sec pF . t1,e5.

a:r ei.r,ltt*-,';lr.*v s;,'st<;,1, ( 1 . ,r " 'i;c,; c::iS::j-lia1:.r,n--lIo;l

\L::::O (t9a.l,pp "76, i7.) ;ivos

':;t :.]i.'l-t :-irfcr;r:rrt i

1o','.'er I ut treri.e';al lt'isir,6


' 30ths iolloi:ing ve..lues ci ili"ngpo citaticn

tori'er I u'rr-rer

for,rs :'cr

fa,lling l laifi"g






Eheee r/i',111€s tita;; be conpareci r;;itl: tl:cr::e cbi:.r:-:ei in tirj.s irrvesti-gu.ti on l

TqtS k gre-?, ioi:q,:". Tone 5. ?or:e 6.Lr_oFerLeveL +upper



!r t,iJ v a

11 si::g

f.VlrV ria

-l a:,-sr

;.: tl14- r494-+l]b,

i ciierr-l .:i ne










- 42 *fr2# if+ af:r 5 z3f\I1..3. Tirese tone$ i,l'e nrar.'{s'l- belor; wi1;}r. -hi:e djg- not,,:ii-orl a,s:

Tone 1:L2 , foire ?1232 , Tolie 3:e3r., Tor:e 4:Llg, !c:re j;S , lone 5 \Zlr ,

lie str.s1:cl'b; tir-t ihe 'lingpo rei1e:t o -' .\ncien'c 0li.'ir:esc 1l-i;er -ri sirr3

ha'r fe.llar: tcgo',liei:liii-rir ttre 1o',uer :ial-[ins^ tcne. T]ris is r:cn-,liiiri;c1 b;r 'bhc

lroaerii d;.t:.. i'cr cii:,t'i on to-:es.31 Th: plcs{)nce o:. 3 JO'r''u:irGi :ilt:.r i.i:t i-:c-b

ret'lex or the ;ltrcient Ch'inerie Llpirer iilllii,:g tone is i'.1so leco::ri,:C, but



iio'i;c tir:rt his liethod.. 61V? Lt r.lilr3 ICCU:.::te

aiid. al-ro r'o:' toliic "1'

oi rirlic.-bj-orr here et:trlloysx':*,r€;i;:li:*t j-on oi pr-bch.

ati;;]ic co, rbin,:,.iions, ;Jc:l

;har;:e l'ii ;:'l.llts tocci'I'l;cu.t, I-;1.-

: -'i ; ., tt*:r

p. 51

renari(1rlg on the special cb.a::acterisdics oi the tonal syste;,r, (p. 8{), he

,irites fhT rAh4&h ( Li:e lrp.,"r lcve 1 u.n,; u;,.r;'er -fal-1ii:g

tones are clifficult to d"i-;tinguish), arilrough.| fro:n the c.ata he gives,

(se" ,corre), tl:e iritcir. coittours ot'both thr:se tcires clo not seeir srnilai

enougl: to cause confuuion, In anlr casg, in'uhe id.iolects oii iriy inforriiants,

Ancient Chinese uppcr falling hp.s coafesced. ;ith Ancie:'rt Cirinese u;oper

level in citetion fornr, end. before-1I Ancien'i; Chinese u.pr)er leve]

\ Ancient Cl:inc;e ut1:er failir:g 4y- rtc eh'rrrger

A further copiiaent may also be not6d", (p. 84)"i

E@I /n)

tr \,il)






'ffi nJLevel iii:cL

and. i:eL.r;irl

h [ ^r'J .i +2

onset of -boire in tils l-o,,';er

a d.lstinctrve rlincii.stinctfalling toi:es is i.o,:; tiris gives themllil

ilingpo accent).

'iiJ:ereas. the onsei; in these tones is not p:,r{1cu1ar1;r 15tt in t,he

naterj-al reocrcieC, in tho case oi liinllpo torie t','ro, (loi,,er level), a coa-

bination of brea.'Li:.y voice, risirg-fa.l1ingi pi-uc}:, :.:rd. d.islribution of in-

tenslty cioes cor:tribute 19,.',\pt n:-ght be consirj.ered- as an imi.rresJionistic

ch:;riicterisaticn oi these lTingpo sounds.

In an earlgr, weLl-kncrrn artrcle, Yuen l{en Ch^:.o l,,rrites rr . . given

a language, ti:e::e is riot:rece:s::r'i).,.,, one unique solution -'or'vlt? I'r'ocle;;

of reclr-rcj.:rg ,rs ;ctr:rcl-s iirto eler::entslt (2i", 1966 p. 54 - see:.Lso 9. 45).

t'his i;rui$;! lts,;: be rei:ciily e:<empliiied usln; the 'i:ateri;f so ir,1 p::ese:rt.ed".

It 1'd.it Ol recr.11cd. th::t irirrgpo h.a.: tru:ee sets of sto! i::i'i,r:Ls

aslirr.ted *.:'id- voiceLess-ui:aspir:i.tcci ire;inni.ng sy11ables uitii tones 1r 3r5;

ttvoice,:r.il, be 5i.,rning: :,;rl--l-i.b1c:, i'ritb tolrcs ilr;ir 5o Tlre 1:l.lter t..'lo sets are


atonic syllabla, e.g.:I fiol;er I

Ft L)", il = /&

. f /


ut:iuitl.llr leept t[sirnc'; blr vlr-tious f"l'c-borsra :

i n nor:-cio;e jultctu.t'e: ;:'or-i;1s vs. leiiis (! bi'e:ti;jry voice)

--f ^ -,- a^$r- i r arla rrr,'i no'l I ilni rd.r:lcJogajtrnc'bulc::vc'icelessio::ti$ris"voic€dlenis'

.ilrri:her;li-,ri:, 'iroLic:.i ,l:.'r,"e e;ic. si): ccclri iil l;;'l i-l.illes inlrch siioricr th':"n tlrr:se

irt tortes oi:e, t',"o, tinei' . ;'.:rd four.

'Iilis slj;u:tj-oll lri:ry be an:-''l;rsed in v':rious Ylalrs:'

i ) ig inir;oil-ncin;r: a. rt;gi stel coittrE;.;t, tov.:r.,:l j-c s''ir"tus ilal,r be accolcl3C"

to eaci: oi'tbe six clt*tior: to:r;s. The *-'lorcei-!! seL of i::i-ti':'f; ;:':i';hr

I -/ilieir ;e ".i::-;,'se;-i r-: l11r1lr)i'3s o: f t' t i: ts tQ-

'; Q t: h-/ '

occurria3 i.n tbe 3i1r,'iront,lent Torte'les 2, 4t 6, a-:rd thi; voiceless-/

Ll*i.:.si:ir,,'isr'r ;Jt o,- ir:iti-. ls :rs allol'lic::+ s af f :-' t rt ts' +'Q I G f

r:ccuriin.r; i:'r the eiivi-roiri::etrt ''l"roii+"'er: i, 3) t'

This a:la;.,,sis ili:: ti:: ':'r./J-jt:'i;e .iill.'.-'i; .u,:c i:c.:]*tj'i,lei; iirconsil;tai:-i

real.isl,,t:-o:r oi tirc rrggj-9g:1ft solr.nuss3 is ::i.:1e3i:ieC- 'to non*s;rs-tenai;ic

lihOi:1.:tic vt-:I.ia-bio:i. .--o:'ecver, an i.nJet;l'1 l,;l'..c;i ., lTlI i'wpr'+c I; tc si:;:c 3':;*'

ilion'b;.il ;'Oil;r:;,t in ::Ol'l-ClClse ;UnCr;U.f esa nCUl-: 'Ca cOU::"ie'red "n'i 'th't: Ul:;AiSir'ke-

ablet8 ic,"eirtity of e:r.ch inc-iviclu:il- cj-'taiit:i toi:e sha;e' ?ire::e t'rould' af so

+ . ---.be a subsi;:,r'ri;ia.i. 1.3{'.l.c.i;ic.n i:: the pitonene i.nve:ltcr.;l .

ii) The::r|i;lsis in r) ;;:cve i;right be ,.ever:etir s.na lilo*einic st:.ius ba

.accorcled to iite rryg-i g3{rr lnitia.}s. Tlie si:: tor:el'; t:trg::t "bel:

-\e &II:-l-rs'-1

as t[:leo to:1e:rtes, e:,.ch hir.ling 1-1r5n ri.gister ai]-otones i:'l;eL a::':i-rr''ie'i' and'

vorceless-unaslir:itecl in.tie'-l s i'.r,c]- a. --l'cr"; ri'3iir;*-'r alfotone:':-te::ri1'r)l-cedrl

In:ti.i.ris. firj l: :lo].utr.cir .. cu'].c Ti}i-,-,1ijt.: ti:e iru;;rber cf toncllec; b;; ,r,1rree, br-rt

lut .;,;oii1d. co;t;.ij-,',.:1"::'.b1;.- -i.rrc:*:1:i:'3 "Llie plr::eille i'ilvcntoi;"' ''lt::tlt'-rt;:o?e: I r''i

\ij.as iilet)tj-r:;:ca :n i) :bl,-.':', *,r- r :-]t, r',,lii1; i,:"si s .l:,r: a pllonologic:'i colrtr-ilst

bcti;e;it t,ht ilvoici}il lt ir:=--:l.r-++ts :to,.rriii.:: li;i.- th,i 'voiccl.cs:,-:-L'11-ri':' '];':'t-:: 'tc;'i $i)'!r'ilf,'3

is so.ne {;j-rire:i i,,ir,jr,:j.:1,,';. (:err -,r.15). it '."ou1 l :'ls:o hlr,ve io be ;;-:;illt-il-'': i';d'

bf ,





34 (-,i i "LO

-l.i.i,ti b;r

.^ lriijr)!,, i/r 1,).

l)';e l, :1 4.r-1

.r.)/-r l -l;,!:. _'. :"' tL J

1:J:- t j-Li n 'i i:,c L1 :jr1i : friin:t o s;'.t- i.a,ir 1i; s;.

] , [-'l ';'r''

of r{)cct.lil.:-tioir lr;ti r;y i;,:o.L:,i,-;.1 C*j.t:c:;e

i.' -l




vi:ri ch 1oi;er ::egiste:: aLLotr:ne i;ails t;rth ',';bich. u3;:er registel allotone.

':tor:es :-'ive:,i.1.";li::,lt:.1:i ce;,,..ri1-ed to;.:1;]:*r orl J]'outtd: o'-':i)-].'.'-.ble

len.;'i;ir * toe,"* are tl',e eiri*rir:6,; iorres. iieg:'.'rLieii d"i.:,chro:trca11y, :lnd. lltont

the -r'crnt oil vie.,; of s;.nc}.rr:nrc cjta,t:-on ';ot:e i:lt:.i,',es, tlie ir,rrl.n5e,'ient

v;hich sLr.A1,{esis ii;self is of course tones on€i anC. tvro,"a.nd. tot:es tnt"o, ;-",r:c1-

four. 3ut, li: a type o.,'tone sirnd.hi .d-escrrben belolr, tcites one ancl th:'ee

are neuttaliseC., as tirs also tr','o :.n'1 llour. In su' ject positrons6, there

e.rre tlfee Bsllerii'ie noi:-ente::ing risi.r:g to:res aiid on:i fallilg, ancl no

rorir r:'hich ot're e.rr:'.l:ge:l:nt ::::;ht liil:e ,-)To-ob..'ious s3r,,cl:r-,r:'i c crit'.:ria ^l-!,,,r !i-rr

cecience over the otiror. In lexical s:wdht:'tones one er.ncl fcur have'bwo

d"it-fer'eni dii.ch-ro::ic:.L1;,r cci:clitrorrvr-i sht'.;jes e?rcii, rl;ereas tcnes trio and

tl:rae have only cne. iror tl:e s-hc."'e l'eagon$, a three-torle:ie so-iutlon

rvotili appcar -'1-c:::; i',ccc'.ri'.bl-c thrn i) :bo're

...\ .\ --,^^1-- --iii) iihilsl .analysis i) above ecco::is reco$nrtion to the six

obvi-ously oi.'fere;it ic::t,,1 shli-,eri on iiing:.e,o cj-taiion syllerbles ai:qi bo'ch

i) e,r.id. il) exploit'r;he neat pa';teining of tones a-r:cl Inrtj":',ls in Ningpo,

a phonenic soluiion ihi."t incorpcral;etr bo-ih ihe ttvoiced.tf lnit-lals ltnd" the

tor:,es woulci be raore acceirtable. 3e:;p5-te ihe sizea.bJ.e i;b.oneirte invento::;r

tbus incu.Treq 1t seeins io represent a rnore p1i:,usible perceptu.'.:.1-,r:icburei

the j-cie,1tii;;r of e-'.ch i,ionos;.'1l.able being as::ureci by r- coi-lb:-irr'tion oi both

firctcrs, alihougir tr-rs iroul-ri :r€iqL'r-re -,'e:r i f:-cailcn b;r s.yrrthesi s e:<perirr:er:t;.

fhe a:ticulator.y cit:rr:cteli.stic oi bre:thJ,'-loice peculiai to ihe liu d.ia-

lects in the. 1o-,r regisiei: tones vould al so be g'iriei: a s-peci:1l status ireie

this 1:Osrtir:n aciclted, l.nc not ccnsid.aled as roit-sJ,'steuatic r.,ho:ietic

' vi,rriatioir, as in :-) ' -i'l:is atia'i;'*sis, i'e' oi a-t iei:'si forrr -boneire-;' antl

also phorie;;1ic s'ur.,,tus for. ti:.e trvoiceiirt selies, unrre::lle e tire traiiscliirti-on

usei i'n this xorlq, :'nri' is af*o t}:e ii;!,1rcit brr:-:is ilol'tiie i''ol-loi;rn1; co't-

]ir9ilt, .'i]:rich hii:;lrliglrt,.; ti:e ilclr*t it,lllorti:.nt aS',loct oi tlre col'::e].l.tlon ol

tones aniL liriti.i:1s in'lJLi; 'rflle cl'j-ctinctic'ii ii: tl:'e voicrn6; or'tl.re iru

initi,,.,.l;:; ,,ril.1 l:.:;.;rr.f i; -i-.r i: hi 3'ii..:r tieEirle o I' ilr lor,,l:i1;iorrl.1 f'(;jdl:1ri'-l-iiric." 'j5or

36 iiies ,r" i"l5 .

\|ories the,ii is the cr.rte r-oi r.a:lclaril a:ttL urost other d.ialect*.|| (git)lg I9"'1,

1.95r lootrioie 2). (tu :.:.S.C., pelcci';'tui,.l" in.cr:i;i.,,, ii-ott :,ic tc tiie iCenti-'ty

oi t*o seglren'ba,l-ly icientic:ii but ionei::ic;i1ly c1i-'ferert cj-tatl-on sy.Lflflsg

i:rr by clei-rnitionr fun:ir,rhetL c;iclusively i:y th.ei:' res-pective toncs, e.g..tu& rrru (tcoe oi:e) rboolct vs, Mt nit\ ttc::e i'orrr) 't:r'eet

Il .the .l.bove exiulple, the so-Le rl"i.'.'erence iir te.;lerential {rleirriiiU is

conveyed by the tones, th.erefore there is no ledu:td':ncy in,t]:eil function.

ri-1ii s prlnci5rle o',rte.iii s -r:e',;',',een seg'nerrtally id.eirtieal syll;ib1e s in :ii.',i-'erent

toneg i-r:'r?t-tr i.e,,-\riren tiie iOnas Sh:,Te t;re Sene 3e3:isi'r,el . f.hUS:

M /u^t t

/,n.urr'u, ,=. *F/ro\5" /,':;elr ,E/tI' /


rrvat*l'r (irigh uesis:'i;e::), or /*f '/'r.*rt

vs. ffi!/7f'!tree I

/ 4"t, / 'ro;,n' .,=. { / d;t+r/ ',,,,,,*' ( -Io", re."i :'--,:r ) .

"'.4ll"f.l, tJiL

f.iior,;gvel, ";ir;ii tiio ';.u citaiioi: syl-L."b]e s-o:.' d.r.iierent re6lis'ccr: ar.ie coll*

t::e,.sti:d", tire. itl"e;:iit;r oi- tiie sy11e3l.es in qui:r:tion is nclr tlieoretic: lly

essur,e,J. by tiie co:lbinai;ioli o,'a pnrticuler tct:c sJ:r:pe-;;iii. -uj-ie il.ltulle o.r-'

t].tc Tnitial .- since a ciral3e in regi.ster irnl:Lies a ci:anle ir: thc itll'6u:.': of

tl:.e lni-bial - ancr the sy1llbles no lotrger cli.'i'er onL;r in tone, e.8.+n / t/

r to ru.nr , "-. tlf / po t tto rer,or.t' ) .

Tire iiilr1,1-rg et:';elt;i1' torle;:,;, i;l'nes :ive a'::d sir:, occull virl) a sltoi't

aLi:,f 51Oti;:.1-.:.itC , '-..r:'.,;-iii:,f j-'- irtrn-Cl-O.ii] ;Lt--1C"';r'!:" Ct.:'.'::"';i:,C '.li Lii jr'1" b r

srLort,./c',rclr e.-r'.r,?t t+"t{r;,r1'?:-,,:i',fiIEttlr*.,:--r'r: urrt ,Tt

[4+ Uttt] r ;;1 ;ci':''l'' '


Iri th.e p&r3E1a-ohs a.bove the ieass.bi.lity o:' ii-r-broducing a -r;hortei,ric

distrnciion oi re;tuier ,.nd/r,r rtvoicert iii tbe iiingpo torra.L syntel,: ','r.::s

brieily riten'r::r.oneC1. Ii; h::.s beeir i;oilrteo. out -o:i so;le ( s.::1. ii,;'rgi'-1oI i, 19J-i),

tifilt tlre n:j-,.tute or tlic cn';c].'iii5 -r,oll-.]s ii:i:e;.1 lJorlriiile a. solili-Lo,r .,rhich- coi.:-

siC.erably silirplii,'res -bi:e tc:neL s;'s'rerii, by invclii.llii s. ;r-iioneilic 'Listirrci'ion

o f Le:r;tir.

V(l:; e 1


i;r +-:.tL,ri.;j..r." 'i;iri: .1,i-si;i,:iit...' i:rt 1.e;i..:til b.:t''',-,i:it ci:tc::il:lil l,,itd- i:on*

cr,rt;,,,i:rj" t,:rri{i s;,.iL:..i-,i*i, 1;i-rc i)tir.lb;1'or'tcril'-',l','"' ;. ir'r -i;.1,' sJ;storlr cortl-ll b"r

::,:iUC+c1 'C;,, t',,;g-), U1tt r-tr o,:"'u;r S.';t Ojl SltO::t VO';lCi ililr.lrie:ueS rvOU'l C ]):LV; tO be

\ r;/5q

establisb.ed., becuu*u t:r" [1] is i:ot ahva.ys prererrt, and the probleni oi

*11oc:,,'; j"ou oi -bird errtr:riil;t a1trotoires to :l p:l.r'bicul:.r tonci.:e v;ou1d. sbj-11

t.\De :)1'ei,eiiI, \ Scg i.rrlOV!', :l .57 ).,

In arr :rticle c::1r1or':-n5 iie po:;l;ibilities oi tone slrstem anil;1sis:r.

(Eygalof 1, \,)6j, p.17S), i-::trlcri:::5 use i s i;i-cle oi tlie fe ct tiri,.t entcr:-

ir:g torlos i:Je too sirort to particiltelte in a cont:::,st o;. contour, ancl i..re

thus s}'sNeniceLll;r leripi:eral, in oruer to red.uce ti.re r:uiaber oi toneinic

ccnti:li;s in Shar':."hii clia.Lect to ni137, ( ttrl s i)r:eslrpiroses acceptr-.nce ol

the non-phonerqic siatus of re$lster).' This seet:rs to be a viable solution,

as long as the entering tones, from the point of view o!' ton:,} patternin6l,

can i-n lact be re,fir'ieci ers sl:crtened. co.:.::terp:,,rt$ o,f one .::" the 1.oii;er

'borc,re s. I:: i, i.rr5,.g ii:i; i s iioi so ; 'clu 1o;;e: eil'be i'tit,,'' t.rrre ( icne s:"ri)

v:-rigs ul.l-e:r i:,toii:-c s-...-rllli co:uitior; li-ke !one ;'ourr bu-t ii: finaf i;osi b-

i-on38 li-lce tcr:e tro, r.nal in lexicai sarrdhi coarbinaii-ons" both entering

tc:ie,; iorc co;nbinations 'l;icl: ar: not. s'"i;ce.:trbl-e o'i :.nalog;r t'ri-tli thc noi'r-

entering tone, cotabinations.

In the frnal anal;rsi.s, it scens aC.va-:rt;geous to follor,i sinologi-c:l

ir:.clition g.nrj ireat ti:e entering tones a: tones in therr o-u',u rightt

especialiy sinco. the si:ort voi-rels i:r 'l;i:e e:rtering tones (anC bo;lore ly)may bo plausi"nl;r positec.L, i.e. in phorret:-c tenite, s,i shorb allo1;hoiies of

tbe long vcsel phone;ies, lion-1:honeuic vorel ).englth belr:;; dete::n-:-iled by tbe

tone anrl,/or ll l .

-.-_.*---*3? Sh-nJh:ri is a.';lu d.ialeci, For soiae Jioulrg Shai:gir',li- people, the -bo:re

l;/ itc:,i ob;;ii-.i::; isl


ir C';e: j- )

..\1.1 I

ltllroiccalrt.-[ni"bi:ii.-. obvir.'Lc :]ecer.r;.jitJ o rl sepairaie ;cl:c.t;s :,ic::

l:j lir ;:r:c. fo:r :i..;istclsTirc e-r-L-rilr; t..);le. cO;itil' ::'L iti Lit iioil-;'.t'b-l-'-;:; +uollcrl b-r

sarLlt.nle ic.tJ'Ln, l:rcncel trlCl-r d,:lstir:r:tj-ot1s lloirt, incxj-st.:-lirt:lrthi pci;i-; .ltt vil: ie l-,:. ',->hcllc) o':ictl, ( -'. Uti)

fe1 ffidtdc., ttw

li cln*,:n*;cr i:

3 tr see p. 9'0 .


& rerleug solrrtloas to tbe toneratc erae$rals €,f Sln{3rc arr elrunclarlesfl


"*) Iacsrperatlng t&s pere@tcre of l langth e,nil +" reglatcnr

Scgl'etsr PhoaeroLe 3agj,ster lJslr-pbosegie

.&mgtb lboaorr,{e 4 l3onemg 2 fon*es

asrgtb Ss-rilreaemls {tuqs 3 ?crence

{e r"glrter ccatlss* ras nsrt{eceil, s:r Fgr j6, lrc. tr).).

t) Ipccrporeticg 'irho In.gs.E€telrs of tleag*b and, + svol,cg!:

4si.sgd 3&saalo toiceSon-gbcneeie

I'sngih lhsn*aia 3 tonenes 4 ?onenes

"rmgth Sorpploasls 3 €.oasrs 61!oaee*s

{* ,slutlorr lnsqr;ratisg a + SsAeE{ fsala11:e eas ae11tloirei. oa *€se 56

.a if 5?t N. :1), ).t) CooUising"i',"oieo'f e:o$, regist€rl

JroStb i&,lraE,.'r'rc

:,eagtl Son-Iibonaarl o

{gds soltrtisr is dfsc$ssatl, nd,q 1r1).r ih€s 5?.}.


!}ir.3.tr!,rq 4r_, . IC: T4t"Iic1-Uil.runq.*4i9l:iq,*s';+l:,"l-st.l:rlolrglg&,@?i-lee (1918, r). ,il st:.ies: tt?he inpo::tar:t featr-lre ie the relative helgbt

of a syil;rbl.e in relation to precedi-ng ancl following sylll,bles . . it is

d-iate context that constit-

ut':s the essenco of toneni.c contra,s'b.rt

One of the bost method"s of ascertainin;; totral

il:is i;rincipl"e of rela.tivity r';rthir: the functior: of

ab1e, proviCing of coursr: that su.ch s711ab1es exist


c0ntra.sts ls to exploit

a i-ol-loi,iin5 a,tonic s;'11-

il the 1.:rngrrap.e unir;:T

fho. general chrraoterls'rics of atoiiic s;.1 Lab1es j_n Ir..S.C. :r.rc suirunariscd-

tb;r I'lreitocl-rvil, (t Ip., ir.3?); ". r . syllablcs with ton:r1 fei:.iu:..cs;,errrra.nent-

1y r';d'.tced. to sucii l. d.e5rcc ti:at t;lcy a.re co::::ii.ered as tonel-ess oi atcnic.

.From the point of viei'r of ti.re gramrnaiical stru-ctule ol the 1-an3'.:..ge, e"il

sy11eb1es of tj:.is kind. relr:"essrrt ari.'i-<cs anri otiicr ite;is r,'itlr. liitl"e lexic.rl

uea"ning and" heary bulciening in 6Sarimatical function. Ibora the p}:onetic vj-elr-

point, th.ere ;ire several fea-i;ures i'.;hich these syl1ab1.es share besid.es the

lack of iona-L coniours: tiiey arc nel'Fit stressed. . . their peak sound.s tenC-

to be prod.ucecl vrithin a sma.ll al'ea near ihc nrd.-central position of the

ton6ue, they h:'ve iJr uirrlronou:rceci Joudness coi.rtour, v€r;r sbsrt cureiion,

ancl their pitclr feal;urcs ai'e €iover:ned. by the toni:s of ti:e su.r::ouniring s;r1.1-

a,bl.es, rna,irily t,-e-procgcling one, as i;ell as such adrii'bion'rl I'trctors as the

6ir.,en intonation.rr Thj-s chrr,ractelisation n*ed.s to be slilriltly cLralificrl ior,

t'iingpo ato:rj-r: s;rl1ables, the intensity rncl duration features oi i,,hich ;:re

itot rccluced- to tlie e-xtent nori,rll in li.S.C.

The mcls"b inpcrt:,lnt l:tonic s;'11rbLes in il:j.ngiro aro:

a) i,..e-j1il:,r:.1"-gli.uuri,::::, '([d [.g5 ] , ,,.rs r.s rolru-rl-rly e.:uiv:.lent to,

4a* pless speci-;-ic tl:r:r iirralish tpirrret iu ,a pai-r,: o.['6;1ir.ssr, or rr;]-icel

iri tii slici: oi' bt'c: cit, l.'i_'iu;-li; co,'o b.,t,.,,e.en a nuru,c::-L r:.i.rii- . riouil, c.L..

- 4r8 /", I i'rs TrrI"] (:-:it. otre cla:si i'ier .,r:-n) r a ijran r r;4A ft< 'A I i, .3 r ^u'l(aL da'J ( tit. olrre cL::er;j_,'ic,r :.1i,.sir 1i, l:irri;1;)_



t la'h o i f-iglrtiiing.r .

A qr11:rb1"h5]"r.r,ro :tuirctions as :r .Ug-9*ij:1;i:r,1ii-sj*19::jisi.g ,r

.p$!L91g, iii ilucii, tL.: sr.iae ,,tily.i,.s r,t.S.C. !g., e.g. & $ €.[yC.y5 sf i _

(rit. r pi;i;se:slve p:rticre boo.,) ,,-,.] o*r,.E) Wg" Afl [nt"n ba1]'5 3J1'k,"a' ] (i:-t. rrorsc ru* suborxi;r,-,ting

?iirtic.Le tirne) I ;,-irert the hcrse rur:s' . Cne j.rii..:ci'bir r,i i.r ,. -lerepce beii;een

ihe usc oi tirie pi;rticre .-i.ci L:.spc. de- ic iluit qe [.qb] ir cori gaior;r'*J'J

;r,-;lti,r attributive ail;ieciives j-i iiingpo. lhus i-.S,C. frjorJn r,..:ooc1 i,r€rtr.

ta gooa rnani bui ;.iin3i:, o # g*. /r- [ aJ.drJ.i"f l; er=i,, ad"ject-

ive beicre a ncuil 1n r-.ing.,or ",'ji:r tre rccuisl-ie siross i,a.i't;ern, istcns-iiir;s

tire ad.jecti.ve, €.8. f*K [nJ rf:] tlg3y_ ..;oo<i. uaier t ) .

c) -&9.-ggftenqe- isl!3sie.[6 I 2 . A furtiier rrrieresiing c]raracterisi;ic ofi{ing-po is tilai the ninir:al, non-ccqtezi; bcuncl seritencesconsist;: cj' three

nonosyllablesr ei-tirer subj;;ct + ne,i::-.iive (or .;d".rei-:;)+ verb, cr subject +


verb + s;n'i;ence i:a::ticle. :,cr.€xiu,r1€, trL6 Xe [^Ct C'1?,:55J

'(tire) ito:,;ers s;,ierl ;iicc, . tEVt 3. Igf.igtJ,".1.,35] ,tro ,"],,,, 1s nea,"r'.

All the ['qi J aiori:-c s711abies unciergc ncr'liiropbocenjs ::].ter..natioir

as :-ol-1o,.,s: -,,

[gU]*[.55] , :.:i=rr :; i-r-ij:t rerrn:.irt-, 01- .3si:;r-

isei vc,i;rri, c.L-. Ff tit,l 1 - 'i,,,' , L.g;1 * Lcfu'.gi 1 ,;,r..., . eLka* I 'io i-"ltt *T3:1--* Lxai l;i 't::,, r . .,-1.

'r,, t,, r' : i ,,..,;ou b' .

ri) tt'5]-"[pJ, .uoj- ,.": ar:e, ... . l{&f, [ re-] ,

rotie:: (of _fr,;it) ' o_[351* LUen. {5} 'ai;.irc.,. ,

,:i) j-:-a-,.-.--'1.! r)*.-'t-L[t+ ]2.'o:...r i. 1:a.,t t.,r-,sc, c.:;.: A tLf] 'ro cc.,rer,


'i'iie;.;e ;.illit.)1.,:,s ii..:.t:i.)il;:'L,ic-l-c;r b) ',;r,l c);i-u iju] c)'..1 CL:. ,. :1..1,

f \^" /,"

I ra"l ]t,Y-

QIrf" Ito lun! ,t? "taf.


s.lndh.i in ihe ,,'ra;l ilescribed. beloir. For e:r,,irtpler l;he srr.i:ix ,'iir n

22 42, despite the ilact tha.t ihe suffix, e,nd the ione on the iniiial niorph-

ei:Ie, are identical i.;ith ihose in tb.e previ-ous exainple.

The six ii i::rgpo iones, liiren iollorved. bri an atcnrc s;'Lla,b]s of i;he i;rpe

d.esc-ribed" abo-,.e, unoeri'o iieiinite san'1hi cbar:6es. Their prosodic featu-ees.,

in atonic s::.niibi a..::e des,:::ibed. belot^r. (1i.8. rjhen i.e'scribing tone s;,.n.1iri, j-t

is often expedj-ei:t '6o L,.se -bhe 'Lerius rcorrtra.stlvel ::.n,i- tcoii'Liruor-r.st. rCon--

tir:uolrs refe::s to a srnooth tra:.:isition, I:rima,rii;r rn pi.i;ch (u'oJ::ut also in

loud.ness (intensiiy,), bet,*een tr,,ro s)'11ab1es1 rconirastiver to:r riort-striootit

transiiion in pitcir, lou.jness, or both., )

3- /r, ^

f-nor." jt^: \<hX5'vniQ,f vt] Iirir.vc J,cLr e.nll v€,c,"nt :'ooms?r, \,8 lfi) ,

Ita-: ug] ri :,itoura ru;r i.t.r. (!o lrvord airjr iir:,'l-uci:ce ,'ro,n i-ni;e,'rogai-

j-ve or,::.rlrri:::r+uive illtonatiorr (see.o. {B ), obserrra.iions on atorric s:r,r,:rlj:.1 :re

ccni:li:ed. to ccnl:inrtions -oi,r'bh [.95 ].,r.a [ ,15 ] , (;ariicles a)-r).i,c)).

f) lTorci--;ormii1g derirre.iiclnal suifixes i:i t:i i-n6;1,o e,le rirostlJr tonic rrid ..olloil

rexic:.r sandrrl ru1es, €.r,r. Fgta [t"h"'d*t"] -l \ 33 42,,cartr ,(;fr,{At*f *t'J :1 ),1 34 4z,,r'ar,er, ,7r#SL*i,r:kil -l 4 ?z 3,t,,'srce-

uu' , if,jMUt tsf l.'r1 -1 \ 34 ,:2, ,r,j.r,. in "o,'f,

v;orcis hs.,:;sy;', r;l,e

suffrx is atonic a,nd. ihe pr*cedir:g tonic s;.L1ab]e ia influencod" b;r a.torij_c

'lone cns + 1tonic s:.11lLble

The l,rost ir,t}oltant sand.hi fe.'-,tu.ro oi tliis combrn.,tion is th.:t tbe

pitch orr the toilic s;r}l:,ble;:o longer ialler'u,-lt assunes a leveL contour

in tjre srJie ilitch rart3.'e a.s the stirtirrg -coini; of i.-i;s ci-i,.:.-l;ion l-'orrn, i.e.hiSh ir:-tc}:. rarr6;e, abont -l OO. fhe funtla;ilenta.l fre,luency coittour ur3y i6,rys

a verir slig|:t::ise in thc inislaLe. fn tl:e rna,jorit;r o:.'ce.r:es, ,uiie pitch on tire

ittonic s;'r11-';.b1e ia11s Jrom jr-rst belolv the level of tl:e pitch on tb.e tonicsyl1ab1e, a.nir the san(ihi niay 'Lherefore be consiclered- contirruous. Tlr.e f.a11-

ing pitch contour in the tone one citaiiori forirr is thus manir-esterl" on tirissyl1abler bttt the ialL is rnore abrllpt. -[ir a fev crsos, the sanclhi is con*

trastive, anri tbe atonic s;rL1rib1e l-ies muoh lower in the pitch ra.n5e, r.iithrtot!:e resuLt tb.at it is less relatively proninent,. i{{ p'r,lr.,*y}.-*,:X .ts-".e-i

Ths ciistributjan of ilttertsii;r ovel tl:e 'i;onic s;r11:.b1-e is evar: a, T,irer.e

is usually no drop ln th.e ove::a]l higir inr*nsit;r level between the ][uc]-eus

of bj:e tonic sy1lab1e ani tlr.e;tucleus or'*,he fo11o,;ring atonic sJ,l.1:r.b1er ex-

cep'b rvliere tbe fl;nCanental irec1,:ency / pitch contour is coritragtive.

As far as coni)arisons with the falling cita'i;ion tone one allow, there

is no essential c1i-ffererrce betv,'een its d,rratron ancl that of tire l-eveL tone.

T/itb.in i;he atonic sandlri ional ]a::ad.igra, tone one averages as just the

shortest in tluration of ihe non-entering iorle:i, The e,tcnic s;r1-1-;:.b1e is, in

terms of *he rati.o of its duration to that of tlie tonlc syi.1:ble, consi d-el-

ahly 6r'eater tiran its -i.S.C. counierpart, (a,s +;tns is -',-L}-rs'Lra.tec1 r1

?.ratochvri 19?2 (p. J,?if ,)). In co:rjr-:-nction ,;,,ith continucus funC.anentc,l

frequency ilnrl intensi'i;;r iactors, this contrrbr.ltes on tlie perceptual- level

ro a tnol.o even 'irstributic:: o.fl li'c,minence betr,een i;he tor:ic eird. atonic

sy.L-Litol-os-![an rs t]re cizse fo:'i-.S.C. AlL ato:iio sl..lli:bles e:lctlpt the

ir.rtevl'sg'3tive *nrl acvis:lti-ro per-i;icl- ["6n1]-ose thls re1ati.;e i)io.r,ilrc]rce

unless a. tresi:.l teiiiiiira.l o:: nasalised vouel is p:;.'esert, j-n uhj-cir cege il:+inter:sitlr conto',rr C"isJrl-i'-lrs a fa1l"-oflf, jliris 1s pr'eilun.:,rb--;r causerl b;-:":r in-ci.i:ese rr; 'l;.ii: ri.irir-Lsioil r:rtio bet'ieen voiuile of c;,:iesszve I.:uiiuo.!:rl-'J. .l-r,i:Ll(l vo-1"',i,i,i: c,. -i'e,.;lnartct ';'i:eri t!:.e v*iltn ili 1o'..,ei.ei. -ln .,. S. i). , tiiis :- saiso ac;cr:r,lirani.crL b;,r a ci:'c,p j,ri-L1Le do coiiLcr-rr: but in,.i:_r-r31ro biris dcr;s nots,l)1lcrr:.''Lo bc the caseo t*4?at


atonic sy11ables af.ber all tcnes.)rl| 'f .,i+':.

Trrticjrl p':.os'+ic ;.'r:u]:. iqr. "boi'ie tlne l'!I_gt.l,:c -:1r1 1irl: 3. e co::rbir:i:.ii on

f one _ t',rgl*qt grj*_jT,_L.L :r'?l_ c

the tonjc s;rlli'"ble iir this corubination loses:irort of the frlling uitchcontour 'uhr1t is present in its ci';i..tj-on fc.rra, i;i'uhout l:orrevex becoiling uni--d-irectjonal . In ii:e :,ra;crity of casos, i;l.re thn:iai:e:rtal fyecuency ]ii,.;: a con_

vex sh":.pe, but slmetin:es it only flattens o'Jt, The fund"z,e{:ta1 i_,:e.,uijrjcJ.i iilthe to;:ic syllable also rises €'enertil1;,'i:igher-;;itii-1n ihe lr:,,r.l,;1iirri j;hen incitation fortn. irios{; of the falling pairt of the pitcb contour ap-nearlng incitation fori,r is trans:.'erred. to th.e aionic s;.11ab1e, l;hieh con,uinues th.e

d'irection of the pi'bc}: fsirly sharply i.oi;n:uard,s. The sar'ihi is trrr-is cont-

- inuous, but there are, a,s in tone one above, i.nireouent exanples of cant-

rasti-ve sand.h1. fhe rund"aliental irgqlrency on tlie atonic s;*11ab1e usua11;7

falls lower then tile et:ci of ci-i;atiori tone ti-io, arrd. be-J.o,,v the level of the

stariing f,oint of the preceaing ionic s;rl}abIe.

^UaA, J-,oudness 'i s usue.1ly concentrated in the 1:;s+" half oi- the tonie s;rl]ab-

C"'/at. ?he tton-prolonged. i-n'ccr:si'b;i peek cor,responclbs to -i;he irigiresi poin-b of.\the f\.:.nCa;ierital f::e{uui;c;,, contour"There is e 6lraclul;1 rise to this pee.k,

ai:d-, at the en* oi'ihetonic sy1ia,ble, a s1i-ght d"::op j.n ini,ensiiy. Trai:-

siticn in i-ntensit;r betv;een tonic :r,na aionic sylla.bles is i:o::iirlr,l1-1,' contin-

uousi aijd the ov;rall ii'rte,rsit;,'si:e.pe;'eser:blcs thet o,- isolp-teJ citrtiortllo tones.

fhe tcnic s;rJ l.r':cJ-e i:l -li:.rs iomilneition a,pp::'o:rirri,.1,es in ciurs,tiilri -bo

i-i;; c:Lliation.i-o::;::, j..e. inthe si.fie t:.iae tl::rt it tr:kesr il:e i,uir,j,i:-ne;:til

i'rrlciiencJ o!t Lltc 'brriic s;,'i-1 blu ic; :.,ir,r :;r-t\i :: i.r..,.t.,;r ,.'i;l--1 , il.r,: c:1. 1, bion

fui,ri;:;::crrtll flcluenc;r contotrr i:it;e.: r:,r:rJ f:.1.js. T*::e j;vlo .tends to have

-l:,n.-: i .r "-.' F.,'rit.; ;''i,-iirit,,r: tr.r,.. nirra -l .-. -ii,.,. ,'l ,.,rr-.-.4a-Lr-tvnu .'L .rrt; .'J ,^ kL{4.\v:.!-,rj *;! Uv-],-l ._(),.1I', 1.d., *_..r..._.v

in running speech, (,fUis i:.orplies to

this con:bir:a.tion tia,"y be rnalked.






dur:ation r,ii'biri.n the i.':'-rad-i;ir. Tiie utonj.c :ytlabLe al'ter.tone tyrc h.as a

Srei,Lter iiegree of reli;.tive prol:inence than in ld.S.C. Since i;.r nost ceses

thi-s ca;eirot uer'ive llo:,t fii,trl:.,.ri:nt,-"1- irecuency cL)r)tour ( 1:i.tch I,ror0inence)

or intctlsitlio i'b is'i;o be refcrre,r to tiie iur',:.tj.olr o.i'ti.:e...r.toni.c syll-i;,ble

coi,rpareii to th:t oi tire tc:lic .;yl-la.ble, il-c i::.tio of :iilcir na;, be i.rs

great as 1 t 2, . This eor;ibi-ria-bion nay be n:-rked. 243 2, ay 2411. 4 I

T:rttical-" prosotlq E?'altl *ggurgJlr?dig3.

l-ql,g _three , * r,.tcnic :;:..L1_:.b1e.

The piich o.i ii:e *onic s;r1lai:1e is levcL e.ird. l-ies in the nrid. pitcir__l

Tanger about 33--l . the *uncle.ilenti.l frecuenc;i conioul i,ray clip ver;r

s1ight1y. ?he rise in pitcir observp"ble on ihe cii;atioir tone three j.s

::eprocLucea in thi-s conbinatj.on b;r a relatrvel.y higirer posii;ion of the

atonic sylie*ble, r;hich also usuaily has a rising; pitci: contour. T?re

sand.hi is cc:rtinuous.

fhe over:i11 higa level intensity rea.d"ings i.orbhe rhole coirri:-rne.iicns^--..r orlil t

si:ow a ccntou:: sinilar io ti:i..t o-fl to:ie three ilr cit:,trori4 i.e., abrupt

onset iollor,,'ecl by eve;r or ltetrr even inielrsit;r r,iitli a pgrs;,ptc|-ble rise in

loud-:ress at t;:., c:rd. ca::rica uostl;,, by -t,ire etonic s;r.i-lable ar,ncl an ab::upt

fali off.

Th.c ionic c;i11,r.'n-lc in tl:rs ccnbrnition 1s shor.-i;el than r;1,.c coi.res-

poriail:g citaitia:r -'i)Iirti ',iitirj.n the par,:,C.'i 61,r, i-i; rs e.i-biie:: ec ut:f j.i: C.ula.t-.

i-r:ir to, o:: siigirtiii i,:-c::t+:r'ti:lan, tone one. the r.er.'bio bei:rlee:r bl:; <1ur.:*t-

j.or:s o-' tj:.r: ir.tonj-c ;;,,r1:,,i:ir:, uirri 'iJr+: tclic tJ,11::b1e i: ,r(r [; ii;j :"f e i:ib i.s j.n

tor.ro ona;.il{i t'f,rio-i;',',o eri3j;tl.rJ,:s, The ,:.bc,nic t.tiJ.J.iibl.c:r.,ei;i,,iris^ hc,,.cvo.i:,

:e (:i;.t.. cl,i.r'ictic; t-ri [:]'-, ':.1:,,rt-1 ,,r -.;.'1j i:-,..,:

i-): i;el: tor:o:r c)rto irlicl. -b\Jo. 'j'}:is gouliji::r.:.'b j.or: Iilil,;. b,J tn;r3]icd, 3-1 'ri*J I


l*ff g*:g-o;:ggli--*ail*-brlrors*.tjg-gol-el-on-Lq s.-,"i1iLl: ]e corbir:r:r'bion .

a.q*-*_,. 1. .. ., --|;Y'l!7Y.{a^-Fryry'- .. tni*;s;ir.;+;,h3;*jj

"48- .--a+.

'Ioqp f qqq j*r! rrj]Lg_eillg_qlg..

2i, As .,itl: tcne tliree above, ii:e pi.tch rise 1;resent in the rsoli,t*

ed citatlon loriii is c;-r::ied, b;g tire at,rnic s;r11.:i.ir1e, the lritcn of i,,;l:ici:

rice; ia::'i;* e):;-.1:',11",r to i,tiC p:-tc: rtu,.-'e. Th;-: s:.-rd"h.i 1s ccir'r,i;tuous.

Tire over:"-l-l 1o'; ievei iittensit;,' re:rcii:gs show a grldual Cecrea.se in

the tonic sylla-ble" :rihen the intenri-t;,'si=pe -'or the atcnic s;'1leb1e is

ad.d"err, hotvever, a coltour reseinbling that of citation tone four exar:iples

is ohtained-. There occuls a sirarp increa:re of intensit., cn i;]:e atonic


lhe tcnic 1.,i-rt of th:s ccnblni,-tion is th.e lcngest in ihc perad"ig,n,

bu.t shorter tiran its citi:,';ion for;;i. The atoi.ri.f tcrrtc s.;,r-11a,:r1e iiliraticri

rltic is ;iot ae Srert :.s in tc::c one. Ti:c e.'iio.,r c s-'-'l-i . -.1.e r+'l;:.i:-r;:

irorvever, t}:e riegree o-i reLau#e g,roninence char:rcter:-i-erbic cl th.e atc:rlc

syl1ables arti;r tc::e:: ciis -b,;o and ih:'ae. fl:i"s cc:r:b:l-r::-r'tio;l iir:.:l/ be ira:rired.

The 1:itci: cil .ii:o

tonic uy11ab1e fies in 'i;hc l-oir,cr ihird' oi tiie ;,rii;c!r

ri,ng.3, a.nd. eiLher ciii'5 v(?r:., sfielirtly, cy it ]evel, i.ri., -l

22 oy


T,l iti. cj I l:::]-i- r_..:.S:-.i=l_ lg *r:_iq,'_q-ij,-!.g;.r;.......n.;;,_1 1. r: ql : : o., ri-: j:;:,i J=.

*-t **-h-*- . '. , . , r. ..---. . jl:::_:-j,::_yi:


s.r11:.b l-e

'rn this co:,rbii:u'bio::, the i.ri.tch of tcnc i'ive is level :rnrl lier in the-1

hi3'h piicJ: ri.'.r:ge, u.borre the lerrel oi' tc::e one, I :. (L'hc glotti:1*stoir

tcrininel- is lost but i;he s;rllr:.ble leiraii:$ si:.o:-i). ,I'4" ri.ic,rr contour o.i

the atonic s;'}labro bel:.aves nlulcl: as tiut o,l thc atonic s;-llablc a,lter a

first tolre, aciopting a coiltinuous railirrg coiitour.

l'he oycral"f higi: ievel irriertsi"ti" contdur oi il:e'bcri: sJrlf:r-ule lsckr:

any veilalel-{net che.:;ctcris'i;ics, r:l in tone fiv.: cita';ion r'orur, ci .v.ri'he level of i-irteneity of the atcnic syilable in this ccnbinatlon rney be

as hiSh ars, or even irrgher tharn, thrrt ,'cr tire tonic s;r1lab1e. Th:-s fact,togetl:er wi'cl: the equal d-u.ri:.,-uions of the en',;eniigi !o:"re.,li-rre ei:d tiie jlolfc,;t*

ii:5 i:to;:i c i71 1:,)J.e ol'ie:r 5ive r (j rllr':-r- '):to-i:-':te;ic3 To 'ijotj1 s;.,i1acJ-e:, rr.':;r,i-te

the fact tirrLi t::c .nrnda.i,ent:.1 l::equenc;. co:r-bour of tle i:.tor:ic s;rll--,51u

falls beloi'; ir':t oi the toi.:lc s;-li:'cJe.

Tone five is tire snortest ";ri-thi:: thi.s particular paradigiri, anrl isequal in cru}ation to its citatioir :-oln counie:.p:rt. rliiiet coiribinatiorr

cre],- be narhec 5.4.1 'l

ilor tono five + s--bcnic il-:ble coi,rb' i:a'ti-o::.cal" ?rosoiic p:'":ir

Tone si:< * :r.toiric sl,'l1::rj:"1o.

\thereas .tone f i-rre 1:r.'L'r,eLl:: :l:r ;:.i;o..i-ic sar:dhi ,: s *oi"A n1,.. i:iJ :_\'U t.'-j.5 Ug'.L.tj,j -,J u;jju u:tg, t JiiS j])l

cloes l:':t !lJ,tii]l:i] as tone =t',;cr:1,$ rn'Lght b,') e--;;cct,-rri r-Io;:l :,ts crtr..ti()ir tii:,.p,j,

q.v. l, lc ;1o l;t':1 ',,toi: '1,:l:r.rin:r1 is l-or,t l;.:rl "irre ;rrtci: oii .bhe io:ric :;r1L;.i:1eI

]ic,.,,;-:: '"li: loil ,r:'lc:i Ti.ri:s'J, :rr.r-r. e:,:r:.i.1:its: l1i.'',rt tiip J r. 'iirc :r-l-oi.:ic

sy11er'r:J-e c:t:rlies c. sir::;r rise ir: pi.tcirr analo5ous to thc tone lcur co,l'l:ir:-

:tio::s, Tl.i,: ::::.:.irth-i i:; coirtinrrcul;.


Tire 'bo:.lic sJrffabfe usual1;r iras a:r oVdrlr.i 1 1o1,, even intelsit;r contourl

'iri:e1"to;etl:er ';;i'bir .r :,:j.riJ:1; ri;c i:r ir: Le;r,;i-i;' cn tL.ri- icuic s;r11r.,bl-r:, the

c'r;abinertion ressnbles a short ei-tation tone four iilbensity stri-r,po. .

The totiic s3'11ai:1.e usually has a d"r-rre.tiorr :rppro:rirnatel;,' equal boti:1.

to tone i.ive in tiii:; parre,dignr, e-"nl a.]so to the ioil*or;ing atortic syllable.

In so:rtc piiradigrlrs neasu1.eci it},r,il$ r,rargina.l-Ly gr.eate:: iri cl-ur.l.tion. It isa.livei;ls sliorter tl::n in cit:-,.tion -forn l:orvever. Sotir to:ric and. atoniu s;i11-

ables nre L1sui..1 1;' equa,111, prcnrineirt. Tins colibj.n;rtion r:s.., be ru::.:,k-cct 2.-1 .


qqqlc €ps"-ph__lgr 1_qll_e sLx + a.tonj_c s-vll"abl_e cor:bj,n:-:t:i-cr:.


.":::ljt'.-f. ,',


10tir h,"-:'ilionic traces oi all six tones + atonic s:,']lables in

relation io one anothel a.:rci su3'3e sted. Zh)ro not,.ttior:.


t ."@ gflt

-i"ac QQ.]

to"".Q !:.k:$

Tone@ zvg.2.

.iJlse Li-ne

fri tcnlc ct i' it::,i.r::tr,sior:istic syJ-1:lb1i: lcrr3tir., -LL,r: trro eli-ijilr-i-nJ tones

fol"iri L: lici.:o;'e::eoil;j irotlp, c..i,lt].rr$iJ.i-rrg v,;itii 'b]:.-: r:ci.:-e::.'ler.irig toncl;.

itlor,, i.r. Ceil'11l::lyjsoit o-1.1 tl:e:,_..j:orre l);r.?ta1ifj;iit vj,tli thi.it o,i'citir.tion tone

}:ration - -r





sha?es o1l pr :47 , it i,tir.;y' be seen1bl::i; a.Ll totres lose the .ilj'n;.r'l p;'+"rt oi'i

tireir ciuril-l;iol:, vi-bli'Lb.e e;lccptioii o" the cnti:ring tOites. Ione:*i'cne,

-bhree, and. iour lia;r be regi"r$eC as; u.:iitiir:ectionai and l'erncl . lone trr;o in

lnost calles r:e1airrs bid,iri;ciioiia.li-ty. 'Ioire six tlay be reSiircer.l ;:,:l fe''r91"

1,'ith t1c er:cepr;i o1 or:' tcne si r, (a:rit possibl;,' tcriie i'ive), -uhe int--nrit;r

;r,nd pitch coltor-r.rs c,l isolar.teci tonic cita.'Lion syll;rbies are re:lI'orlucetl ove::

ti:e vyl:o1e to-;ric + atonic co;i:bin:Ltion. i?iih tlia er:ceptioit oi'borre tiro, ll'itT-

*iion relatijron[ii:-i;)s l;-i-'c}1rn.t]ii: 'i;otirc p;r't oi. 'r;he i.;:i:r.iriiEil itrii usnir.J-ly tire

sa:iiE a.j ilic,,;e oi:"L.llili;r,:'ii: tire ci'b:.tion 1,'rlr'..:C,l-,'1, btii-rc:tg'-i cnc:;nlji tl:Tee

afe 6itsn equ:rf in durlition, .t.G tlr,€ also tones iivs l,,r:d.;;j.x.

lbe''lct'il:iLt:intensriy Con'b,lure ;re repToti,,rteii c,V*-f t'Jilo iour +

ato1,iic s;,'1Lab1e.an.i ione t,irree + a-l;cnic sl.'l-f.:.cle ccrritiuc-i;j-o':s i-n prlrti-c-

u1ar" const,i.bu.tes an i-nt*resti.:i; d.:, ierence f:r:cr,: -bi:e ":'li.C. 'borie 'i;i:lee +

atonic s;,'11ab1e cor:loination.

. These l;!.S.U. coiabi.p:,-blorrs, al'l;b.ou;h irresunabLy e::iri'oi.iiug r,.rl overa.ll

intensii;;r Jqy?,f. on the atonrc sy11al1a co;rrensu:-ate r,;lth. lbhe pi LchL, d.o not

Cisp1i'; the f-iir';l ri-se in iiitensity g*ltg!f". cl::;racte::lstic o;- +"lle ':;'3'C"

tona -Lnrec in isoliitiorr. ?he inten-ei-'r,;r sital,es -ior lin;';lo tonc:;';hr'.'e ari'1

four are hor.'e,trer i:ientic:ll in re],r"i;ive d"rsiribrliion of i-ntensirrr .riLh


as i1Uch. i-i:r'Lensity;-Ls the en'-1 1;1,,.::t Of ::.'ucit'ic crt;r.trc:: r:.-r11::'i:,::, ( sre

cliaara,i be1o.,r)o Ti:i.s -jac'bo:: i-s tr.t-iiLoubteri"l.;,' irlsii'u:rlental j.n the 9p"; -';3;

reli;'tive :::.'o:,iiitence of i;ini;';c ;,to;:ic :;;11lbles r"er'lr;ioile..-'i- lbove

Cciito: r::': tive .-,::ogc.ric ,:,1 .'111 : cll -..5.r-; . ';t:r.= 3 ';i,j il:-tt'* o _!"1*]*j

:.-. ni_-i;l-..l,aLi: iCi':rl ;1-i11-1 :,.:i,1--111-tl t-:': rllr.lii- .




rn ti:.e erlri-n:-1;icnc r--1:.'i;:irrcir. iiove, ;h.; relatrve iosi.ti-cir of -bl:e

r.-i<;i.i9 ;-.;'1.1: i:1es' :!.n the p:,tci]- It.ilge rta.;: l-rg s1.,r,:te,1 a; foLl_o,,,:s: g;,11"31g3

ai"ber tcnee one, fcur i,r:i,l six irlve th.c greatest pl.rt ol i:heir lrtch ccn_

touilin tl:e r;:id-pitch r.,rnfe, the atonic s;.11a.b1.e aiter. tcne :'i.ve 1,.,in.r

si.i1;ht1y hi;hor. Tone ti:r*€ requil-es iir: a.toiiic s;iJ-1.ii.b1e-bc i:c izi th::

higir pitcir ra-ngel ti:.:-s is ti:us -bl:e h:ghest o.L'ihe atc.nic s;,1,1.abies.

Ii is irrteresiirri{to iiote thait the dj-iferei:ce iu iuncu;.rneni;s.l frer,,ue,rcy

beti';ecrt tLe toi'Li-c atld. a.ton-i c sr;r1-1able-, in icne tirrei: iij i;jll)itcj:fij):tr:l ,r l:,;-,.f fthat cf the correspond,i,ng 'bone four combination. fone ii..o 1s nol.r,ral-ly

iollowet1 by an atonic syllib}e in the 1ow, or :ni.i *r;itch rarige, and. thisthlts a.,r."r1'r.g'es as tire Joi;est o:- tnc.-r.tonrc s].f1ables. It is j-.::lrort:L:rt to

Tei'ieinbet:, a!,;:i -oointeii- out :r-bove, i;::at the over;.iLL position in the .i,jtch

r;in.ger fund.i,.;::e:rtal .lre:rlerlc;r ccriour. ai:i possibiy d-uratio:r cr. atcriic

syllables Fi:.'e infiuenced. also b;r a:ry subsecnent sy1lables, as in i:ouraL

speech oi ior:3cr constructions.

In the section above on colibinations oi tonic + atonic.syllables ini'Iingpo. the :ri:c bcsic overl,l-l- tone-- shapes l'rere d-escrihe,1, yr?1".

' liingSo tone 1 .r atonic s711e.b1 e






f 2+ It !l ------*- 243.2

Itlllirtt- J'T

il n A- ilv.t

lloryeve-rr v1i.en th-e tonic s;rllable is a

.i'otrr', tirlre iJe se-v,en 'd-if ferent



51 4

tt ---*


nuneral , and. in e:-thr:r tcne one

tone sh,,rlres possib]e ior ton:lc






+ atonic conoin:rtlcr:s.


;-'l rr;., I

i-\,-l:. A !.r"-

, . -'r ') -..'t -. -i . . .;. :, -'i ..i;,..:.1.:......jIe -);: .[;t]ij C.:.:S',-r i.r; a]..,;:',/t: -Ll,,r ...Cn+I,.,1 C;ll'.1:,.ril'i-U:,, [ 1*11liro scvelr rli-ijL-e::ent tor:e shay.res :tt'e iir'l ijx:l.ririrl.e of a, .qj-ttt.:r.-i;:i.on ,irr l;i.ir113o

r,'iiere it is nccess;;rJi'i;o dlis';i.n,1:;ish botr,Eeeir::eiLe,.:es of 1,l:e Ancrc;r'L Ctrin-

ese uprer-}c'ye1 :lncl ugrper*11;1L1ing tonesrand af so roTlexes of l;lre A:lr:ient

C:rinese 1r:ue::*:-'j.srrrg ai'rci Jower-fal.1ilg tories, ;r-1.'chor-tsir th.e rer.'l-r-:r:cs c;i 'cltose

torres:L:'e not clii,.'ercr-tietccl in ci-'bi'.tion -'oin cr i-rt r:o:ci.'.''1 (i-"", ncf*il'.rlr-:r*

iea-L) l,-ionj-c ;;aiiC.hi ccrnbini,.ticns. I-i;.ii..,,s iceniicnecL ibo.rer (1,5f ), i;h.e.t

illis d:r f.ielerrt j.a,t:io'ir is essent:l:1. i.n i;l:.e ciise of l-e--rir:i,l. j s..',r.ndiri r1.-::,r;r31

';]iose ntir;terical e--{r-rli)ies are ii,pp:ire.rt,L;," -i;he cirl}r car.$es of a 1;ortic + i.r.'ioi:i c;

coil'tit::tiicri rei',i.;:i-u j-nJ' il.It e1-;rlit.*il:,r.;r 'uorral s;; ste,r 'uo ::riF:r-lTe -i;it.,.;.:.1' co.'rec-b

tona,l si::l1:an 'I'i:.i:.s, iihe:er.;i bcth : f SatJ ,.*,r iil [-sr'-l "'" { i::: in cj-t*',r b vlJ r.- L I

j, . -:: L,-r- v'-

a-bion fo.r"':;r * -bl:e troi:,rai. :li.:.r;,;o i;cne one sl::t.1te - .;rl:*l iol l-c'::ed ,r;,' rllc ':'tc-. j-,:

[-1;] , f*etf , ';;hj.r;h cc,r*E rron the Arci.en'b cjr:|nese r-rp;e,r-ierrc] tc:x;,

b""-o"r*" fsa'' 551 :r.ri--J "i , i.i'rd, e;:i:-ioiis ii.Lus the s:^i;:e ovela.-Li- ;i"t'.."pe

e,e no::ne.l i,:i:e three + atoni.c e;rf-1s13-e conbinati-or:s, orr ,1or i;ha.t lta'Lter,

/L [t"J,f] rrrir,et + i;h.e a.to:,ic aenere] c]ii$sitiet [-X*J , i.u.

[t#f;J,-r"4. ru Lt1l ,iroi;eveL, ',;hrch co.rres ,]::.'o,ir Ancie*t carnese

upper-fa11i-r:g i;or,e, bccones [s'y65 ] -1 .l 4i+"3t v,,t:rci: is tt:"e ro?r:1*r r,ton-

ic sa.ncini siiiLiie lor -,:iirg;lo tone one.

!l1e s.j.iire s:i-ir;a-bion e:lj.sts 1,;ith reLi1rcl to tone r'oi,r.i1 3i:-bi:, fu-Lylt]::,ir,:lIffi11

r. -'l

ffi LLli-J coirre .--'toin .-l;ire Aii,;ierit Chj-r:e;:e l-o,;;tlr*Iising tol.re, Lnti :r.::e in ci-b-

a,tiori io:-',ltI

.*4 2I3, '.,1tc:r 'oite s:;: nu::eral-s aJ'e fcllov,ed. b;r 'i;he ,!:cnerc)l- c:l-r-s;-

i,lic.r, a y.z'i!:,.t,o:tic riiritri.i:i. t;lr:-:e il 1':'o:.trcrrl , r-r:'-cl-''.: 1r:,\; r-i..i'; c,i: i1'c 1;c:'-

in <...-l'l-irlo (4 v v, , ,,..l'; clil';,iliIit 'D.)l"ri,:r, p,i3 ) . Tl:,e e-icrtic s;iii:,r.ble I'oiloir:.:t.:

'ihis iori r:i.se 'i;olio -,1-rc; ci-'i;ilcl r:ii .1:11; iri-1;-rer: irr pr.bc;h tira:-t, c).,: .'-:t ii:c

s;lrrte hi.5ht i:is, i:h"e euil p':ri.ii ol 'i,llc i;o;'r:Lc s"yl 1i,b1c, i;n'l it c:'.J:i.'i"-r:,j liil i",i L;cl:

ccr:tcu.r do';;n a,.:ai"r;" !llrt:1.rj-rucrii rir,:]i-re ol'tliis llr'f.i-ct-;.l.ar co,i'Lrir-ri;.:t,i.ot: iij co:ivil-r:]

i%Ti:c -.i:r;',-ro r,-r.:rc:.c:]s -Lirus ,rrr*.'t"l -:r'e ; ffi [-L\t-Jttr,ror ,]-f[pja%l''r1,,s,r.Li't ,- fga'] ' 1;''rgs', lD [11 ] '!.'c,r]r.'r.

tu] 'JTLie




and vory siirtili:r" to thrit of' Lone tr,vo + atonicr syllable coiabj.rr;,.tions. The

rlj-:'t'ere:icc in thos':-br'.'o pitcir slu.pes 's *r1i-'Lrt'-r.ncL crepcii,-i"s i:r,esu,ir;blJr o5

tlte rcLr.i-i-vel;,'hiSii.er e:rl-poi:rt o.,l tone t;to. Slen'bh hnrnonic traces of a

rninimal pair are €;'iven below for ilLusiratior. lhe louer rise tone is al-so

coiltrasted i'rith tl:e norinal torie,.'our atonic se,nlhi shape to show i) d-it'*e-i.-

ence in i\nd.a!1enta1 -i'reouurr"yfpit"h coritour, ii)tUe d-ifferent r"elai1ye pos-

itions of ihe a'bonic syLlable.

]_Otlr lt:r.i,gg_9__Ig,,,c!_o:1. Z 4lA,, rf:i$1__ _ ),.d*J-.{-i5-Lj,.:1 lP 1+ L}f. qb I zt3.zr . ,.{r-i sh's'


Ease I'ine

loth hrrrnronic tra-ce of H 4j- -/_rgan.JE / *_ z?.3 ,yc.jl,t$,,,oa ffdlrr1r1l


/ sarne A. Ch.

fiiords sltare 'r,he

( 1or'ier-rl sing) tone. )

Duratibn; -------)-

NwssicoL *3frdhi L${

I-,Nos*-L {-Lh trrre

<ttmie sadLl

3a.se Lir:e



toi:e four, 2L3 . i-Iol'rever, this viorrl cornes fr.on an .t'cicl:,; Ci,j-rresa

d-ir,Lect worc- *# t3je{ rt;,;entyr , is, tiiie bllnl a.nd iffi LL1t"-1

7i'; ote ';'r't'u tl:e cott'L;t-tr' , c:.' tone tivo is sli. litl;,, irle-.u-l-a.r. rn bl.ri.s exan;Le,in t!:r,:t the fir'lling irrrt ol +uhe eh,-ipe is cnr::ild exc].utively by the 3i;o1ic

;"i#i;;totir r:, lire 1oi;e' rj-si.,i,.:''i;oirc-r.:,..ro,i.c s;r11ab1e ""n.,r,"r.u:r,irr:,ii:a.iabove 5ive cxceltcnt e:{c:rrrliiica'i;io.: o,l tiie 'ix,oblcrrrs or- tlnrrsi,,t,trg.'l'"'7'

.1:itc).r veriiLtioli into a five-1;oi.nt scale *

hJJ'.{-*-Lj$g lP 3" /# 15

, --_ _24-?.2? . _l rlshls j_


j)ur'.:.tion - ----tF

lor';er-leveI tone, and rvl:en i'o11oi'red. b;r

overa,ll teine ::1n1.e lii;e tha.t :'or i.]oi-iflal

l-rioris, i.e. ; "l 22,3 .

]t i-s rvorth notr"ng tirat tne tonal cirarec-beristies of th.e reflexes ofE

the fou:: Artcient Cl:lnele'bones illtft::a-iecl above.rre exactly i;--e sAlj:c arj those

i;hat ai)pea,r oit'bl:e initial s;'iia'ble in i,. fc;rcaf sarrd-hi conbina,tionre i.c.

tone o,:e (+--i.iii. u1;1rer*lave1) n 3J , toire one (<--r.rJl:. r-ip;er-f'alling)-i

I qq, 'rone four (4-n.g6. lorier-rj-srrrg) I ,t , tone four (+-a.0h.

loive::--fa11:-ng) J ,, c

EIgglqs-_qf cg.ntffr.$q qb!q1{j.qgje';qqgl1. :Jo3rc Sg[d.hi coin]?inetio!15-.1::-{ruiner-

/_i_q4l_ sp.nd-bi-.,

'l oo", rreportedt.

'l ,+r. 2 | .r3nr ..l| ::.4'l ,r't'l z:':'l zz't



/po"'rE/ |

/.bnr. t$ / /lI pu". t5 / -l/ aoo. rb I -J/ ua,?'35 /n.)I tix o.Xb / _l/ 1''lbJL'5 /n.

/ 3^'15 l*o'f t/#ii3'. i; / ll/f i\3'' 16 / 4loiL; , 's4'lly*u.t|/ l'l/f.,u.#i j.l

the general cl.n.ssifler, it l:.ae a;r

-tone :'our atorric s,ri:dhi co;rrbinl.t-

t iul I ( of -tooa) ' .

t e:;braceclt .

| 'LvJo | .

t brightt .

?43' 2".. rfislunongerr .

23'3 ... rfive peoplet.

I r1.,irrteclt .


I cited.r .

I draill..t u t Ir",t:le] r,

'pur'bcgether, rt [ fidl 1;]1.

'l ou'

.l z4l'


C:, t t1








e $"e 1:age JJ


Chr",::te:: l. Slli1i',:CTfC 3-l:DilI---i-


' 3: irdLr:-i -:.oi:ie 3i.iiro1e 11en"i;errce T.j'r'en;

{el.:eii. , *i**e-riip",3xjt-il.Egbi'- -Au-e:-l*fi,LJ:*.4*"'r*:slr-q'tr:*f.r':


In ChrLptc-r' {, 'bLrc r:rodr"icaticrrs th:'.i thc pr<.rsociic fe;turcs of rrroi:o-

' 30 vihert foLloliecl b;r aJ: atonrc syllable ..iere exi:rnined. InSy-tJaDl.es U]lCLeri-

nirny Clii.i:e:e rlial-ects, cs9ecia,l1y tnose oi the ilu and. liin groups, -bire

concatei:ation oj tt^;o or more tonic s-v11i:b1os r;ray ir.,volve iao:.,e d-::i,.stj-c

chuige- in tire i;r'osoci:Lc r'ca-Lures of one or moi'r) o; t:-eir uiiJwti;r:l4; or

cit:'iion i-o::t":s, ';han the e.::ircr.lli;tor"i e-rig;encies of inutual- tolia1 acccriuiio-

d;tion i-louLq seei:r to clesi;nd..

lhe c<xc.itio:r: t-tiidrr ;,i:.'r-cr v:':ious rlr,les oi torie:e:ldhr:)..-.lrlgi are of'ben

restrict{ji io ryllabfes joiiieo i,cg.:iher to -'of',r a. Je;ric;1 ririit - rrle:licr'ri

sandiritr, lic',,evor, in iiii:gi.'o, c"nother t;r1e ol slrjd-h.i - s;;iii.actic sandhi -

na,v also be fouird, uher"e'o;'s;i1"l:.;nles ste.irding in cert:in surnt.:cti-c relat-

ions to one .riiother ha.ve iLi:lierent p;'osoiic si:apes itoin tirose affected by

l.ezjcal saudJri. 'lhe ru1es :'or ler:ic:1 sancihi :ire fairiy cor:uilic:.tea, i.rii-l-

a:e not de.:.jt r',{th. ir: tjrie ,ct.,ler.' gsi..e e-;:r:r1;1ir; oi -ti-icrent i.,.,i.;el of

i{in3.'1.io tone sar:d.hi. e,re 6iven belo,r:

a). ;-,tLxicii,'J-{iD:Ir

rlaLMC J 4


I - ,.,..- r

+1.,::,t1.ii I

"1 1. I r.-.a IL)J

"u -


;, I I ,,-i 1.-.'^- Ir!.(- tlr.LI!!

] [","i

lh'-dJ Ak &Fu

6'lPJC J


) -'l "

42 '.,'i :- ;.rir,.

1 l-1 *

BR t de"l

in .flre


[.1r1'J 4[.qi I

4n" [1'fo'ollBk

I pj"'l






Iitf i1"$*1,.\']r cL-.i; .:t 1r:r: j-,, j r .o/1 AlfA A'l \llg\ tifi-

t 9 s,rsge,*dlL d"o^t'{ 0c hi!. A+ +l}l}t+ , dh au e.\J\ l€^t"{ irhl^ 4- " di,.,,;,,'}*" Il"*.''tits""nJU




r [+d]

)'& ln." lffi1 t hfleLl*'*j

zr:l* l'r'';h:'':;ir;ii'

,,4J f u*nrJ

'oil+ Pr-ere't-z,zJ Lbf**J


J\ l

-J )-1.f *+l'sl- ,*.1

Lacneeor)J22 ;:..-, 34.

| ;jhi:ii:j.:iheres,: | .

L)'& t141Zdl"


F t3"1 -!

Atl'-l ^l"H L,*,f,] Jft t *,'*! ,)6,zl*tg:14

A [r*] 4







-J ^,i

' -bo r';a,nt ;l


IIio ccnet

' i;a i;u;rtl



I to be a.ble

[1c' la"1;rgl di.

7 /J\I :,-, .. ..,.a+

u!? ,rGli u

33 232i n, n-,r , ,.:; I

t to 'ccine I


c). tlu,.;ncii.jj-:i.::r;-r ( seb

d),. l{L:;iQq4!I_vg,i{,lii

Ld.*ddq" ldosa'd"ffd ]) J" 14 )_7

) -J 14111'h foiai*.t5Knl1."*'

'tgcna,;te:. :l ) ----ltdl

is .S[,a^n6fi^i . r . J

+En"{ii. W'-Yt';ii:ere cioes ho live?r i) nor;.t:.1 tlrcst,icr:r ---*-*

.\1 j --01'iir-L .'Lr,eSlLc;1 i

1 f J l,lOl" 3 C::li. j'-;;{ 13 ;

2? ':2"+ I j ?2 -?4

.'\l_ t. .,I i lc: e .)rrlr::: i_:. o i

23 22" ty 34, t1\y A.2.

rl,'? ..4 J \tT

l1 ,:; ,:ll 41 \e)

[.J"lkt'e] -.J I 44 44t -.,it L] i ;.io irr:ictcr IttdJ Lxhal

( c" :1. rrol-'. :r'.1 l:-:ic:..L rii..il{lhi


'l' L c1t' I -1 3-1rt

L*r'] t. 4 z:43

t-Incrnl"l. -lc:lic;]- $aiid-hj- shaire r 34

4'Lr"jc'l 4 T4

{614iti,3,. ) 4 zz34

(ncrra-tl 1c-:ical sar:c1]r:i shal:e -ior

three t 34. 44 44 I 34 43 32 )

+& t *l 334

ffi [+'g ^'l A'|>I7t- TLCUJ L!4

(ncrral LexlcaL s*ndjrr shape 34. 4

, ...-.,-'t't ,l'ri''rr t"t


424 \I sirrr l- l- | |

l-rL-r ef iirir, rrs,

e:rpressions-ii-tsirorttl.i-, -U ^^'., t I

'l \ )


tE"'*e'] -.-l -1 44 44

'l' tYL rciiild'f

[.JitiUL:] ,:lJl*,,r t,r 4,4

t:ins-11 a.iillrl*l ,r-g I+,iith initir:} sy11a.ble j-rr tane

4t I I r

I a'tt3'J ,. --] --l 1!, t,4

R+ FL rlit'tle stcor '


0f iire various t;pes cf tor:e san'i}i j-llustrai;e* aborre, ihis cha;;tc::.

d-eals speclficaliy i'rith the si.laires o-f tones as they ayiree.:r in sii.rpl-e tri-

syllabic i;irrgpo sentei-,ces , a.2., H * fi< [ 4*io it' lt']rlre vrants to co*er , 4Vtt} 'l'L I n^C* yt"mfr."i ,r,u riot bus;i.,1

_A )\+ L +"f *tt p.td 'He hasn,r a pen.r, 4L * g*L y* tr'ht65] rrriii ioing. I etc.

IasFiie the fe.gt tba'c the sen-bances ex:'.iirined. beiow consist of onl";, l5;,-

ee s;11t-bles, -l;lle ton:1l 1:b.orro,nci,s. ti*i.t occ;.1 j-yr ij:cr: ?Je i::j:r,1;r col,.11e::,

and the basic proirlem v,:h:-c]:. a,rises fron this collplexi-Ly rs;linchrrg 3,n e.d-ecu-

ate cot:ceptual franet'orlc ';;i'!-,.h.in vii:.ich io d"escritre and" e.tpli,tn the .di.ffe- ent

ncd.r flcltlcre t:i:t tl-:.e toiies uncicr::o. In vj-c'x a ' +,his cli 1e.i, la, -bl: rest cf

ch.rptet' 5 ccir,:rrises e ;:-bcitetirent oil i"rb.oiietic f,acts, their occt:.1'ren6e being

-or the r,io,lent d.cscnl:ei by reieiei:ce-bo s;'-:-i,'r.c'bic ,;ositio:i :-ir vii-:.'iolic ectrt-

encc t;rpes. Tlu-s jis foll-or';ci. b;,, I b::i.ef d.j.sculsicn of j.)ossjibls itr,^,-rr;-lct oi'

the il:'.teriel p:'c,:cllbed-o


Sent-e.lce._ T,?,:s

In liini;.r.,o, ti:e ninii;i:,.I: -'rce, (in ttr: sense oi rroit*ce:rte:et - or

cliscou:';-;e - bcu:icl.) decl:"rati-vc sentence co,lsj-sts oi' th'rec nanoly1}ab,les..,

Ti:c t-lree i:;..iicl ty;res oi'rrtinini,,1 sentences d*lft vrith in this sectio:., i:.j..e:

Tv r-'e 1:jr-:--:' r-I .- . I| ,,trncii.ve Vcrb -l(fro) ilo;,rlna-L Subjec-b + I I + tarticle.

I *i',.;lr'i;iv: Torb IL'- -- J(The telns fu:rctive a.nd. stativ: vcrb aye ti,.};en f::oir ITSC,\. jr lr.l::ctive verb

may be reltard"eci as the equiltalent of an Snglish int::a.nsj.tive or transitr.re

verb, e.g. So, -Liice, and. a strrtive vcib ai ti:e eoui.vale;rt of, a:r ad,jectrvc;

.\inelusj-vo of capula;.; €.$" to be big, 'co be tE"11)

gf#lsg-s,r iltist,c" ryL- I " +v*3* l1*e"tot.r"f51 'i so, an goinst.

( iu;:ctrve verb) .

t You r,?etrt I

(functive verb);

rl-lowers srnell" nicer .

(stative verb).




xnf.e-,Q-L Il* d.au- '

S-[.:$] ," :rn ob1i.6ati*;r senience pi.rticle,",&Lf J ] :.

31ulrs ikd(

It'lie cov is bigt "

( sta.tive ve:: r) .

s a, p,:riicl-e rn,j-rcat-

i-Sti,trve r/erb I

l_ur,.n*trv. Vcrt'.1


?l:o fo::..u,t:-v: isi;ei',. ariv,:-rbia.l n:.;r be l. ne1.a'civel *"t,. )k Lftagl"]I I i.oit | -b h.a,ve ;:1:ty .lir;1tgr rI ft" mds

;j():.:1-'::c.)' cr:l .i. i,-r.'l;,,.::;i-,'rit.i-rre 't.r..:e ..-. fr fu+ [ fS["t1 Pt'lIthis is ir l*v1| H n E-'t Pil T.+trsl'i.i;ti[nirfll,,, t'i ri,,,:;i .'(rL\'lr tool:,re: no-l; .lclrli; ,.;:'ui.r. ;',:;.rlb j-ror i t,:e r:onill:,i t,€_ L+f ]','.'h-i-ch rs '.rs'-l:,,1--l-;r a,tcni-ca (s.:i p. ?E r'or ::e.;i':cntr,L no,;c), ';hc tollul-:rl:-.;J(),) :'.3tJ :l;l -'O1.";.7i;t 3 ;:"it lCitCCrl;.

-;r-r'i: ;rcl; Ol] L y8t'] , ic;' ,l:icjr :r-.,; bi-,1c,., l.'. f,? ,1.,c-t;noto j.

4H L"IL I noo* Ls*y1 15 ]

L ^"' qa'. F]

ing past tonse, see aLso p.61 ff.above.

t:ige ?./

"- \ r-.(F:o,) L.or:iinal :ubjaci


(Xnpty) ;iverbri',.1 +


The :C-verbi;il r:ll,i]. i]so erther ilrve

! t*"u Fy* tc=l"i' J

L rfrn L!''#t *h'-]t i*r* f tnr^r l

e:np'i;1 t l-il ;1i]icr) c:tse j.t.: i'u-r:cbion j.s iii-r:rt'Lic;il tc the. oblig:tor.y nen.tence

iin-,l" l'..:.'i;icl-e L.35 ] , ti:3t is, ir;3 i.:1,gs.,ncv is ool.ig-r,to::, r i. ti:cr e .:Te

Orrl;'r 'i;i;O o'drl.ci-' ,'{.,},;ii.,.f,-i ygi in t::r; UttereLnce. Tl:e CO.iir.:ori:si; :._iVefbi;;.1 USe,J i.tr

t'i'j:.: iui:c'b.iui: i; 2*J

[*1tt] ,. .t-t r:o:...es,, oiirls iri ;il- .:ut :t.,,i orli.;i:tor;.,,ribu::c ic :.*.r. q14*,r,:.t. :it {.-F F." l_4r" n n' 4a,1a-1tsrrJ.es arre loils, ffi ry\ frA- [ Uhitro1. te* i ,:.ron is hard!.

,t:;.;;:*:sioiis oi t;lpe 2 serrtencel: b., elelj-*uion or-. the firi:rl_ ;,.a::.Lic1.es L,3;le.rrd ['leI i.::]; arso

-acc.;iri:bre, uror:e i:: LXSl fut.-,".irri-; r:o ch:1.i,,-e in

;.rci.:ri.rr5. ,.,-r*;. +tgi 7( t* t fiJ rr.r' ]ri.Ad ] tti:.e ccr., 1e b,:3,,

t*; t- h "|LL ,1:r* ci' tr*Ltr'. g; 1 ,r ,e::i ."ir.st,.J v-

tlr-,-,p ?4. -'r -) a

' /.r\i,or,r.J lexic:r,1 col:t.-nt, c. L,, ?L

I ir -J:I l; ' f I ;o !-:rr'cr , "L


//y. -r-lR* t-, o

'1.,1 .f f f i:r r"reiy br.rs;rrr +t n h .I I t 1l- g'cr i]: ,,1'e j I t r or iijillr be le-cicr 1i;,

l,*rnctive t,crb I fcr:lcct I(rro)iic:::fnat Subjec.i; * I i* I v--- |

l-_tu:*.}i ary veri_l f-ttunctive

,leru J

Exariples o-r' 'b;r;:e 3 seni;ences ar:c:i) +LE d<. I rr*p"*f,rf],i b,_i;r wate',,ii) e; ffi * [ ,f * q'e3 &hi'] ',r

,,o.,ia'rro," *" *:.Seutence ii-) above na;,. be expl,n.led b;, suc,si;it;rticn of a -fulciive ve:b +

object eo:istr',rctj-on in the intransitrve (_fr_i:ictrve) v+::b slct. Thus:

At ro E 4\ h-f cjfrn*tf 1 ti i,',irt to u,-ry \.,a-r,ert. rhe addirio. or e

i)aJ'iicle in t;rpe 3,/:tt) sentoi:c;e; corrl)ote s a lre:jronstrabing o:: 1:1e:, iii.r.1

atti-'cude, e,s. $ m * X* lfc *jf tkhj.dSlrbut I r,v.:rnt io io ...! ,,

i:.:1.i. gucir sentences a::e ch.e,i.acte::iseC a]so b;i il:ei-r rl-ltoni:.ii.o:] cc:l,icLu.. tt5lrna..'/ be arliorl to sente;rce,s or't;';re 3fl)';;itircL:rt a ch:r,rge iir lre3li-;ig;.

The ciraracte:'isti-c tcir'.] shi-i.i-'ct i,.s;;ociiLir,ld- -,,iih ve.r.ior-,.s s;,ir.i;i,.cLi.c 1c:;i-L-ions i:tr,..r Io',1 be exs;r-i nedo


B? I j s qt_ _q*4_4gssr!iel Posi-tion

lire 1,1'6;s-iic ierrtr-r.res whic'h cir.-,-t,ircterj.ie -ucnes on

oi birc .s1oi,s (l'ro) :iol:rnarl -'rlr'trjoct ancl Advr;r;:ra1 ( cee

d.escribed- bclo'1.

Tone one ( rrubieci 1tcsil,ionJ

.\ =,A,,l 5ei o-feitiilli ri-.:.:-si-ttlr toneis.


rrronosy-i ilbic iiLlerss.\$eilt,e-rccs elCOrreJ : ;.e

l) Beiore1c-,'r "s3ist.rtones; c:: toiresi.n nr:ut-r...1i coCsanihi,


It :,ri:.y thus be ilarlied- zl-1 . lor eletr;rpl.e,

"l *tI .13 :3.+ ri)he poerrr .-i.s 1'coo' , il-TA 1e-.

l- r .,n, -'1L nt cta'nal.JUL ^"'nrJcj'a'l

'f ril :1ur.3 Iitor..ers sneLt nicer , tL t'fu # "

\ .13 43 42 | iro';:eis sr::ell- (very) rricer.

The pitch contour of tone one in t}:is positi.on ia.11e, after a short per-

iod of levef pitch, fran a point in 'bhe hi;iii pitch rar:ge, col:respondil:g -bc

its citat:-dn'ucne starriing poitrt.Ti:.e hei6i:t o:fl i;he end.-pornt of its pitch

coiltouT is cietcrnin:d. b;, ti:e toi:e oi thc folio',:,r;t; s;'ilab.Le: :jiren i'oliol..,ecl

by a non-neutral.is*dabigh register tone, the fall rs s1i6'ht 'but percep'tlb1e,

atrC iol:;:s a ccrllrastive s;:iidhi patiern lrj-tli tones orle arid- -.-'ivo, .tnd a co.nt-

j-iluoUs pai-l;.ern r,rith 'i;oire Lhi.

T\ * x."l s1 h-f.6il 11:1


lir"hen fc11o',zed by one of the lo'v re5rster tones, or tones in neutrali-sed

saiiihia, thc i-all in pitch in'r;onc one is steepe.r.'- to i,,bout rrrro pi-tch lrangd-

but no'b as foir as :;oulo be su.;gestec by 42 .

The Curati-cn of toue orie in subject ]:c,siticn ilvere.;.es ar the shcrt'esi oi

the noit.*crrtering tones.,0nset ol" bi:.e cverall hi.gh inteiisi'i;y is ab::u1;te rriiil

it is uijt1n1l"- clis-l::ii;rrttcl eve,rl -' over +,1:e tone.

ca1 prosodi.c gra,1:ii oi- tcne one i:-r .;r"rbiect

L ;lr i LL't-;) Ii,-, [r

o.i torrrls'''"-:'lij:iitcc tlcjlt*-, ;,,-: I r.. 'i n:^r ,1


: ;:J;,' :...i:;i ,:-i n,i C ,l ci,':;:i.,' .';:.Ona1 COnCept'i.i"le; cb.;i.-r:l.ctr:::i gtic:'l tt+lirr:::ibed ir: this

in i)rC ;..,r,r'i-i-C'iti L)irt - , 'l' - \l, ;.:U. ijJ r:C-L / : r .t.V+1"'O.r..: .1/:



TJ,ie 1-'-r- bch coniour of totte- t,,,ro ii't "-llr.b:i c3t ;o:i.tion rescribl-ec; i-ts coi:i*

r:'t.r' 'l,:c lo:e ,:.:': :.tonrc s;r1J .rble, ;ith the e:iceltion th.lt it rllor,s ;rc,t r j. r:e i-ic

higir':,it?:in tl:+ 1l:ra.ci3re. llroir a liosition in th.e lo,;cr third of ';j:.e,-',i'b:l:.

ranae, tile 1:it*n r:-ses fa.ir,ly ei:,,r;1;r ar:d.lettens ou* j-n rrii_d. pitcir r;.n:'e.

I.t ua-y drol; r"g;:i-n sl-i-ghtl;r, although ih.is d.epends on t..e foltcv;i.ng syll;:.i:fs

solne\',,ha'b, Lor'r regisier tones often being lrece.Jecl by tbi* d.rop.':i::-ih itsir..: r r:: :ri':chr 'cci:e t',':o hiis tl:e ir-'€e,,t9;.it i,.ir'..tion il tl"-is -:'T1,ri-i;'r.;1 o'Licr.-

1'il-s,3 it is a;r1::c::i::r:iefJ, enr-r.-,f in cirtr;.tlon to tones iour e:nrL thr:ec.

flie inteitsit., contour usuali-;" exhibitr:i a gradu"*l onset i:.nd. -iali.]--off ,;irth

rro 1::cl-ong:rticn of tl,e pel.1l, r.rLrj.ci:. l-ies rr: tl:e n. J.il.a to li,sb i;?Li:d orl -i;l e

+^.!-uultc o

,ue i;o i:rc -li,,ct tl:iri tcn,: ti.io ifo.,s rtoi :,.'i-:e rr; :tir:h ii: ti:i-s 'r.:r:a-d.i-...T.1

a$ it d.oes iii atcr:ic si..jr,lhi ,(Z+l), rts nota"tion is probleriiati-c vhen rt is

r'::'-'i;hoil.i ri,s ::1i.3'irt iinal rtrop iri p:-1,cb., ( see belorv, ton.; t-our).

S*lSer -s"!.J3.ji_-lasr-1194

q":'q--:sg{.*L"gri:g-t-*lo-git} jr)the pitcn cr,r::'itor-rr of tone fci:.r oiten begins ancl fiilielr.es a.t 1.olntc ver;r

clbse to ii:.ose oir icne two. l-t st':,rts iiT lhe lo':,rer thlrir oi "eb.e pitcb" T:.r,rjge,

ancl rises...3'acr,r-r.-,.1 1;',.,.ie11 in'bo rnid- 1.1tcb. -r'tjt,Je, ii'it.i:r:ut ll.cr,ieve1' the lolv ui;

over tne first t'.o-i;irr:.'d.s of i iil lerr1;ih ''.hrcii is -.r'esent :-u c:Li:;.ti.on for.it..

( ft is ver)r fij.r.ril-e;r' icl ,i.S.C. toii,: two. ) lL'o;,lc i'oul thrrs dif i'ers i;l:,e rnort ol

all ihe toiros in thie siecifi.c p::rr-d.ii1n iroi;t its rcsioctivo cit:iion lo.ri:1,

( r::.rr: 1C"Li.] il,:r.li,rot'ric ti:.ces beLorv)

Torie fottr hirs $(r,,re'tir,ies tire 1-oi':;;cst .1lr.rli1;icrn oi 'i;l:rg i:it,::adr5rn, htr'b olt:ir

-= ,.t(.

its d"tration equaS-s th-a'c of iories tlio ar.rrl tbree. The orrly cliiLlerence lvlticil

is coi,tetirrres ob*ierv..r,lle i,ett,iee:r ti:e iirtei:si'i;;r contotu"s oi ione 'br.:o irncl bor:e

fou:: is the 1;1s.cei:ient of the non-pro1cn3c,:cl pea.}c, 'irhrchl in 'chc csss o.f -Loiio

iour, Lies i'le;rt:el' to, or c,t t}:.e end or', ',,1:e torie. i:orniel .1.;1, hoirever, thi: in-

tensity ci:aractenstics of tones tvro and",four in ihis posiiion lrre in.i.ii:tinp.-


The tonaL cont:'ast between tones four and. t-'i'o is inter:estir.rg, r.itd. 1-.:J:,o*

se::ts a i:roblern.'or notation" .,bou-bb.e point o-'vietv oi' ::'und-r-rr,ieat*f t'::.:cLlen-

cyf'gttc\:- coii'i;our, (rii.,r:e ii;iensiLr, l..n,i ciurat,rolr ,lerc-Lors a;o lir;bl-e ;o ilr-ict-

ua,te), tcne fou.r na;t lie overe,ll lower tha,n tone'bri'o. In r;l:is c.:se it ilouilcl

h,,,.vc *;c be rla.r.r:.;d. 12 c::13, but i.t never lrls e, sti,rtin5,.;oint ac Loir as';h:!-s.

Th.e irtost frecUeri-L leii,.tive pcrii-Lion cf i;l:e lun'iari,eirt:} -.recu.ettc;,rlt1:r',,:ii cotii*

otil of i,onss t';'o arid ,.'ourr;i.eo i'rith siari ailtl ecrl-.1"'oin*,s :,i 'bhe sane Leve1s,

provicl.es exetapliiicatlort of one i:re?ns o-i ional cliilfereniiaiion rrreniioiied- in

}j.ke 1948 (tr. 9) I il Coiitours mir.y d.iffer in cbaracteristics other th.an tlir-

ection of gLide.....o.e.g..,...Diiferences j"n corielation betvleen the tine..I

ancl clisto.itce cf riso,rt Thus tone four rnay be rega'Jded. as(e) I4, a.nd, tone

two as 233 or *2, 1 -l . t'.,j-ninal pe.irs ciepending upor this cont:ast

a,:re t / rl' ia.4tpi-r:it ira-s / tiish is vory gocd.r VS. / n4 iaatBldr \u" /JJ

ryou are very goo,c.t. /gtc*tct* .vd..t^ / tairr I good?t vs.

/ f"2 ho-3 '116 .1.r. I 'horv are liour teetli?t


10rh he.rrncnic traces of -!g4g--ionl in- q}1q ! p *t-fS:--ifg ir: ciia'lion



f:: e oueric;,'

subj cctlositiot-..

diration *-.*>

--, a)iIJJ

t,,vc:nr1 ilour j-n sr:i:;iectJ'telrr.tive jro::itj.on'' or ionel srtion.



ac lr€Lceo

ljase Lineduva'bion


.I.-,r trr *a.1 glg:g{i2*g-?d}_ of tonsioqlq-_Lry subj ;:c.t 1osii-.- on.

-lr):-'"r t:

-r*'"' -t4at-:,-1. ..''y--:+:,"{:'1:*r""'

'1 I

Tone t,h:[ge-J su Li-ect :o-t:tion )

The pitch of toue tl::'ee in this po$itj.on riies ilorl a ste.rtt-ng i:oiilt

in nij.ci- pitclr-riinge irrto tiio r,ipper i-ritcl:-ran{c. f {, r,ise.ls i,o+; e.l}ribit ihe e ij--

ght inrtlu.l di; :;hi.ch is t;rpical of tone i;h,ree in cit:tion oonrt. Soneiiiles

ti:e pitch con'bour of tone ti:::ee rl-oes rict r5-se very n:uch, in i;i:j.ch c-i,ce it

rnay iie near t]:e e;:,i-.I:oint c:' ione ;.'cui.

Tone three is usu. lfy cc,u.-ii i-n iiuration tc'i,jne,s t,-io i:,;'rd, ilonr. The ir:-

ieniity Si:a;,e oil l,liiS'loitc fies cn a.n o-,/:Tr11 i,i.gi;'rr lciref i:l:rn ll.-oie ofl

to:ies "ric

e,liC i:olr-r, i:ird cit;;1:La;'s ,',.,n rt,cn con+"c,nr ;iith abri,tl:t onset ;.rrc1 .,1,r1j-;

off . TirjLs tor:e i.r:J/ l)e rllrl:cd 3/l-.

?;.irisr.1 proso,lj.r: r,.r.i:h of J;on+: three j-n sr-:b-i ec.t l.ori-bion



t+loiie ,ive (snbjeci irr6siNiqn)

This, the slhortest of al-ll- s:-x tcr:es :,iso in su-l:;iect loliticn, cr:ltibits

tjre sivjle pitch- ch:,ri.,cterr$tics lr,s its cit:iticn countcri):).rt, cxcept tlL,rt i.t

iocs not l-ie cu.ite so hlgh lri'bhin the }:eradi;rn. The pitch is still higircr

th,l.n in toire oi'rc hov,'ever, ilrLci inlrst bc m:'rr!:ctl !. Th.c glott:11-lttop is usuai_ly

lost, and there i"s a. hi;li*ievcL bur st of ir:tensit;..

T:ri:icel irrosori.ic fll"ar..h oi' tone j: ir,.e :i:r sub.iect r:osi-tion

Tr, r.? *+,z-*(. {* ! j qq3:*j:.:.i* o. I). Tone six lurs, u.s in crtn+,ion forn, the secor:d- shortest' d,u.r:ltion of al]-

si;ltones. Ii;s pitcir stirl'ts in th.e lower pitcir-renge, and" rises sl:ar-pl;,r in-

to mici. pitch-ia:rge, but not as i:"ig'h as in citation fo::n. The tone r,a;,r be

given the notation 23. The funclarrental frequency starts above tna'l; of tor:es

two and four. Tire glottal stop is u*uaLly lost.

l'Iorrae.llyr'uhi-s tono hiis a loiv-lcveI b,.rrst ol inteneit;.r simill.r to tone

five.r but. so.:ietines a rise in intenslty over tl:e tone rae,y be observed-.

Ty_!ig.r"l prosctlg._g:iJ. ot_ione si:r in _s_ylject _r_osl+,ion

/4": ''--'.l

iis ina"v be obi;erved- ,lron a comparison of the 10tn nalmonic trace; ovo.T-'-

lea.t', oclurt.rence it: slr.bject po;ition ci'.rii;es tcnr:s iour and-,th.'t.-e to'beco,'ie

unj-il:ilecii ol:r1, b;' cu-i;tiir-'-o l':' i;i:c ilr:..:;t 1:i--rt c,,i 'uh.:iT 1e n1.th. Irr thc c:: se

cl +.c,ie l"ou::, 'ulii-,i t.l;,.. l)u cc:l'{;Ti'{:';i',r]. i;ttir tlle hii.jt .-..: nttil: al.lotc.ie c* :., .S,C.

totre tiu'e e bcfole another. iono lilree, ( Ire, -'-,:',1;e lJ ), lwhereas li,$.C. tcne

ihree loses the last Llu.rt of its 1en61'bir, the l;ingpo tone j-our loses itsfirsi ilart. Tlris l::r;r be seetr-irorn the resulting inten*ity ccn.i;ours, t1:us

(.1 ^ I - --li,i.$.C" tone tlrre* h.".**_g--------- wN-'^/ .lone th.ree.


liingpo to*e four. _1 _.-.i

the last part of tone one is also tn-rncatecl, All tones in subject posi.bioii

have an overall sho::'ber d.uration than in citation forrn" fhe resulting tonalparadigJrn, luj-th r'or-rr rising tones, represents a rather con'rrlj-catccl coniligi;r-

ationo i

As i.n cita.tion forn, al.lrL aionic s:,ndlii, tones firre atrd- sil: constituie

a perceptuall;r separate group fYoin the norr-entering tones by virtue of-bheir short 1.en5th.

lQj]l-b:::,'s,*s*s-*q-e!.-oi--Etg:--in FLrbtegt rgFli-rcc. fgi-,Hr_eg_:l3Le*"!-r:a tiof

=1S:.:.*i.:.lAf::r_r-f ltfr "e s'b e,J ijt ii,o _n c t : li on .

T"|'e€) "9.

T*t.tD u3 Tatc@3lFireouenc$

To'.a T.-.€ 23 T*,.@



subj ectposi.tion

Base Lineduration ._-----?

In nunerical. ai;or:j-c sar:C.hi, a certlr.in co:.respond.cnce l.:as lrentj-oned. be-

tiveen the sand-hi shaires of tor:es o"e (fron A,Ch. uppe::*-1-e.re1 :*ird. lrp,oer-

-'a.llinS), :'ottr ( i$c.,' ,,,ll;. -j.o,.,r:-r-licj-il:, lutcl 1or,;el.-.al1iri-1) ,

g,nd the siial;es o-i these tones in lerica,l saniil:i, ( p. ?4 ). l.rcrn tiie,;c,i.nt

ol:'vlero'of $ancihi behiiviou.rrtone trijo ijtt,j/ be rel:lardecl a.s :,iitcrr-t.;Lous: its l"+:c-

1cir.1 san..il:i sh:lr:r: is 2?1 lir,rt, its p-tori,i-c;,;h:.pe is ?.1 3:..itrl its c:te.tion;.:ha1,.5

232. -it -ri..l,1 be vroti;eci.'blr.rlt i'i; is aLso clii"ficult to accoiaort;r+,e iL siltis-

r-erctctri-L;; ,.ithiyl 'tl:o r;,;i.rJ i.:ct :'i,siti-c;n i). f.i,-,li.Jx r:.:,-:i::1, 1;'le 7,h-\.o i1c,!y,.lisn. r;ro,lie

i;-;"o i:,-'"so 'Lencis tl bo 'jnor:ritrl-ou.r: vith. refiSect to i:j:e Liu::,:li;!on r.cla1;i.onshir,'rl




















I (-(\-, ()(S t'(d S





\ u<.








v;i-Nl:in csrtalg pa.r;1dielas. iihcr:ea,s tl-l'e otlier tones slr:.i:a a more or l"e$'s corl-

stilnt:.o-L..,iir.i:;hirr 'bc,re t,vo is tlr.e tbird, lon;iesi in clur:tion in tl-Le ci"tat*

ion pa.::i:.,.j.iggr, ii:e seconrl 1on,';cs'b in rlu.r*tion in 'Liie .r.toni-c sa.ndbi .p:,:acii;pt

i.ncl aveyri;e3 i:;l t:e 1cn.'";;st i:r llrtra-l;ior: in :lubje ct :oiition.

Tb.e descfip'Lron ot- tonos j-n srrbject r:ositron aborr€ h:s been ca,;'rieci-cut

vrith::eference to monosyflabl-es. It is'uell- to note hcre thit rronoslrl-lr.bic

subjects, eseecial)l' thp pronolrns'(&tt-rj 'r',)ffo[t".*] , ?o.[t"-] r;rout1

H tdz*lol 'he/snc /it, ,)fr- [neto]o';,1,r'(p1ural) ,fq VK Id'l;t:]pf.v,e',

FWIdot*llg"t] rt]:e;rt ), cften occur uith rlucir ::<+itucecl pros:odic f,eat-

u1'esr Generall;r spe3klng, tirere a::e not n&ny non-prononinal inonosyllables

xnich cr,n occu.j: in;rr,rbject posl.tion, since the rlajorifi, gi subjects consist

of d"isy)-J-abj-c or po1;r,s3r1labic lexicail e:qfressi-or-is, ih.e i:rcsoCic shape oi

r';hicii is tlet,cllrr:-nc,j- by 1e;cical- s:rlCl:r rules.

Tones onil to si:.- ir,cl-r-isi',ie (-C.drfuii+-+-Lo"!M-

!'or solne pctential i'illers of l;herad.verbialrs1ot, see .sentence t;rpe 2,

pages ?B and 79.

At nognal ierilpo, the prosodic ieatures ',vhich charactcrise tones in the

adverbiaL i:osition are o-'iten greatly red.r-rced'. l'o:: exe;nple, tone one may

lack its lil1l j-n pitch aird be just a si:ort, high level tctre, or torre iive

roa.y be artieulateci lower in the pitch range. .'Iouever, ln s1or"', careful,

speech, tire tones oI] inonoslrllabl-es occurrin3 in tl:il: posltion r1i:'.rlaJ' a

parad-igryn sitnilar to 'chalt of tones, in subject pociti-on, ';;ith the exceptro:r

that it i-s s1ii3hi1y cornirressecr to',vare$-the mid" pitch rilngel and- gener:-111,'

;irorter in o..tcr:l..if olit-'l.t;i- cit.

Llsing'l]:.e treta cit'i1re; sha;;e o.f tones in cu'l'ject posriiot-l , tne

ional shaires of t;'pe I sentertces liie')r be d'esc::ibeil e'c a coilbini:Ltion

of t]:e si:< iono* n: 'uhelr i.|, lcil ar: oubject ]]os'i-ti-otr plus l'rl i'toni'c

combj.n,-riior ,'i,".: i:scri.l-jc':tl i:r 'hiLi-tcr ,1r +.i-i. {U A 3*"[$*Jkd$. ]

[a";t' [r.it{ 14 .l


o f otre


)1 -l

'i ),1 1,.D- - "iJ L'23 44'3, rJ,,r'l;-",1.1', it2- ?'L X.."

,.j?€)en | .

f brood. is r.c:'.' , fr t*, y[^.'15.!5j 1 j .l +z ,.t,,uro rlo'.,,er i.


IrZU^ltl:U-q,rj!-i,gALt!i;ii.,!;3lrJ_ar,-{_$ig!i_y:lYgtb *L$.:-j*t"*-tD-

trhe tones of ei'u,":iilii:.r"y ve:'bs a.nd, ,.'unctive verbs uhen follo';'led. 'oy l.n ob-

jecty in iirj-nim'el sentences of ii::ee nonosyll:rbles, unicr:':o o. speci-a1 for'n

^n *^-t-: ri --ri -.^OI ;:Oftr -.'r ,:iri].on.

ilhj-s modii'ication is ch.ari:cterj.seil b;r tire neli:ef,'of to:res or:s a,nd three

to a leveL tor:e', ::ricl tbe sin:rla:c neutr*lisation of tones t,,-ro a.nd i'or-r.r in a

level cr sli;lhiilr f:ai.1ing tolte ';rirj-ch 1j-es scgre';;hat lowe:: than the neu.t:ra,l-ie-

ed" ulpi'r regist,;r tone, Tire:;oslj.ti.on o-i i.otl: neul;ra.ii-sre,1 tcneg in the

pitclr range varies, I{; is e:i,oed.ient to rrark -bhen 33 and- ?-2, but a-'lthough

this agrees ,,=rith fi',ct: of ccntinuous and ccntrasti-:re :,iich sand.hi betlreen

n,:r-'.irlLised 'Lol,:s ir.l:d- 'dt:lr,:s j-it l:n:;1" .;c;,'i.-;:-cr': ( ;e.,, b;:Lo'.,, !'.:;re BB ,\, j.t io'r;:

i:ot vis ):. vis coilc tc',.e,:: iii sr-r'rjec+" 1:olition, :specitr.1J.;r toire four.

The nrvutrali,:led- l-orv to::e usuall), i:as a fai)-in5 intensity contour iiiti-r

intensi-ty cor:ce::tra'i;ed. r.t the be5inriing. rnlrecu.ei'rtly, t]:.e inte::sit;, i:eatc

is prol"onEeC- sone'r,.h.at. Thc intensity of tl:.e hi,gh neu.tralisecl" tone has an

even d"isi;ribt-rtron tirou.:'hout.

Tire tv,'o ei':tering-Lcnes:),'rtrrni j.n tl:e ,s,ilne {ia.)' a,: the ncn-erite::i:rg tor:es,

alti:ougir tl:.ere is of .couriie no neutralis:.tj,on. 'i'one .'lve, the Dp|q3.' entr:::i-ni;

tolre, lies i-n r".rri,-'j-tl:1"'-:',,rr-e, abou.t 3, (ir ci.t':tj.orr iol":: i'l is j), 'r.;itl. tone

six:lssr-r::e,s a Lev*i piich corrtcur in l-oiv 1:itc1: r:!:r:.,.e" .botit 21 (in ci.tri:on

forr:r -i-t is ?,1F.

'ith.e nerit:a..lisa.tj-on irh':riotrene. resrl-l-ts:"in '',1:e ;'i.:i:ror.;i.t4,i;. gf)J- l,l <

a.rces, c,:. it /;tf\ J-' ri:e i-n.Li,.J': (rt) ';.'j'll; i,,,.Lrr5 Ljri:

i- r q ..Xr/3 ^_,\t6l i Ithe tlritti:s ol jiuier, rre bo'i;i: L $Z"u 6J']-l J\' ) 4-t LN-, L, . f\ ./ (..1r - 7 -'1;o '{;hj-rr"- o'r r / q:; t / ='t,r i:,1-'}'r ).

certs,in Lt'i; J; r-";r'-

E ta r/ t:r-

I ,:: l:, r,l.'l

- tXOtt], ---., il, i;-'"' : . . i,:11.,,', 'l;,;i ii,,; i,;'ril. .r;,tiy 2" .L,ri;.




"'5sth',:*--1, I \ t, 3 .':r,,c+'iJ.::.-€-srjgir;lg:pji, 4:*"l ),8 tyr" 5f - -?

,r crrink so'p, 4F ttfr kL L nd6 nEtsel'] ,,1 J ! ?3 z 42,

4*,4Ei ffi r;*ou -;rotect the cou.ntr;.,r , *r-n- 4f;- 6Jrolr--r coun tr:!, , *re both L n{" **,3" K.c3t J )

{ / r'r+ia / =' ' to q:roiecir, fvtetz f = rto re';ur'nr ).

T"*cr i/3

Toles zJk

rlrou ::ettrrn ic,r

?_3 22 i,

l:;xi'.ml-tles Crf ente::ini tolcsrixrir.rr+9s _or q{lryiI,

rYou p;;,y taxesl .

l1-*.r; r:;:l- e.s_o 1 !r:J " i 1 .n11r.s- ,,]j'i :J!.'!-l:a,e{ -tjj=g r f sa" Eio / Ito swecpr

33 ?24 4 ) I vso / ?: l,\i+ ,,to buircl-t 22,zzr1]J . if,;\T oL, /tto plirrt boo:--s, 33 !,? 4

.ttl , vs. /p jLJ, oL, / '.1,c ,.uote frorii r." boci-.r

zz 42 ) -'{

, / tuiu" yLf /rro rescrru"u""]o,''*, :z zlzl -l , vs" / *z,jon

fl'rf /rtc recir*=t *o,'oo"""i ,t nz) 4tOt,h l::'.::: :oni c t,r:+,ies o-l-n?B.lI., llf*ir::g.lij1:-!g.5gj,c bf-o1;;.b;r ii-r:,.,J-Lc,r,:

rl,.ri,.il.:i- r.'rris.,l e s crj-lreC- De_Loii J ,

i) non-cnteringtones


neutrallsed" tones final parad"igm

Base Lineduration

2) enteringtor.,e s


final parad.iErn

:lese Irined"uration-**---> , ' l

f;t tir* iloscripLir:l-of tottal piritcrns in 'l;rir-ry1.1-ariric .lentunces uncler.ta,ll*

r:r.t ii.t 'i;hj*: citLr.flic::, i:l:.ure ::*ntfti rtr.r i;ltc cl+;ieri.i)t-on oi bh: ,-,it'..1',c o{-' 'lhori:

tort..r[l',ui:.ii:it o.l(.r:i].. :r.'i:';iii; ciiii (ll'che iienttrncsgr

r'i-ria 1 iro si. ti olr

The pro;sOd"ic rleatures orj tones iri iirral position are d-escribecl below.

'-[ne fillers of +,his t)orition aie: i) i:rorroi"r11l.bic noui: objects precederl b;r

a traursitlve inncti-ve vc-t, *.s. -#L tr-€, tt[--[yc* jf41i^]rr :o,ir er iioir.3,,..\ ,,Y * l*-ii) l\rirc'b:-vc 'rrerbs pr.ecede& by ao a.uxil.i:.::;.r e" j,t. +tt +'F"Ly; j3t*f 1t.r1 ;iant to se1lr, iii) fr-lnctive anci stative.relbsi prececled b), an i"d.verb-

ial, ".s.4fi^n *-Lho,f f Lc.hi'] ',rou s'o as neltt , L (g n[fjlnrr.a' Loy' ] I jertie is expcnsiver.

'r'orro o.:e ( f_i::r.L _l:srtj-crl)

In final posi-ti 6rt, exaririrl-es of tone

honogeni:ity i-n thoi r litci: ccr:tonr ttan

';,'l,i c\ ir,rv lr:;rr,i r mr,li'..'lrr,Ctl? oi1€ loTr;t$, ';:i:ich ir:r.Jr ir.lv.: i: . r r:.,"u. , g

"o:i5e 43 ).

o::e exhibit a g:reator dcgree of

is chara.ci;eristic lor the cit::,tion

or vei:Jr airrupt lali' in prtch, ( sce

Tl:e initi:rl pari of tire pitclr contour is usui,fly 1eve1 o: g're-tiui,r11y

falling , followed by a sirort, fa.irly abrupt fa11, lo,-r.clness is cor:centrated,

in ihe iirst p.:rrt of tha tone, correspondinE to tire flat initial pitch con-

tour. The tone may be narhed. {2, a,e 1n cita.tron foril.

!qt-e trio ( 1rnal i:or;riion)

Ti:e prosod-ic characteristj"cs of thj-s tone in iinal positioii irJe vel),r

sirailar to its citation .lorin shape. The t;rpical ciianondr--shl.pecl intensii;y

contour, i . e . :-t-r.d.t'.lLL ott::;t r-:ilcl .- iil-1-o i'f anLi non-prol-orii't,ri 1.,,r,:lc, occurs

vlith gre;lt::egtr1;,rit;r in t: ;is pocition. rlone tuvo na.lr be rnl";y be inarlied.232.

Tone three ( iir:r,.l 'rosition)

f<xe tlre.r tjii'-llers frou: j-te crt:'.tion i.'orn i.rr i.ts i;itcll :-tila,pe, '.rhicl: c1.oes

ilot have an irii-tial cl.i;;, br-rt a fiilrl;'iongl levcL conto,-ir ip'r,5.e nirL;lir-tch-

ranga before a -.i-nr-r,L rise ,;c i:i6;h pitcir-r.-.nge. I.-:teirsit;, is a.j -.or cit:+tion

fot'i;ts. Tonc -blrr.;e r:i"--.- be i.iirlie,l 334.





?oneri1!.- r ^

^ { ^. \.i-'Olle i' O'.iI I I1n],1 i)O:.r111O1 J

An;r1o;,'aus1y to i;ono tirlee, tone iour tloos not d'isplr.y a,n initj-al ck:op

in 1:itclr., br.rt:remains fiairly leve1, l'tlth a Liubijtr.ntlal. final rise'rvirich may

in sone caseg re:rch:is l:i;;ir,:.s-:;ho end.-iloint o1'toi:re 'birrcc.'ilone fout rii,:-iy

thus be mar,:ed- 224, 'lhe intensity ccntour of toiro i'our irr tnis g;oi:ition re-

ssmbleri closely that of the ci-trzticn llor.in. i:lo::i:*11;,'tire:i'e is orrly one loiicl.-

ness rre'-rke a.nd this is at the rnd" of the tcr:e, Th.ere is a g,ra,,l.ua.l r'i.se in

inteirsit;,' to this pe"Jl.

Typical proscrCic f'Tr.lrh.s of tones three and. four in fline.l trrogition.6


r gt n {it u _fi4**{'-+l*r*:-o-g:i*dTliose tor:es have prosod.ic El-:.'..)cs rei.ie::ib1irr3 thei:: res.rective cj-te'tion

forn:s. Tone five l-ias sLi:-:lit-L;r ls1.;sr, in the parad"ign h.o;ievero Both have re-

cogniser.bl;r typrcal intensity contours, tone five ',vith ,r. hich level burst of

iniensit;r1 iind. tone sir witn:i rise in iirtensity at the er:d-. The;7 1;11,:.;r be

mark-ed. J and. 24,

l0th ir:i.rieo-rri c trr.,.ces o:l torie"':


1i.io1'1 .f Coiil'liiT-()

i-,r-ri-!r.9."L $ir! Ci-tatiolr

6 i)rcr i-rociott: :,r1r,r Ii1"l'rcr. e sseil'b:!,.r-1. i";,.'

oil Lhe o1;iit:l-' 'i;oues

l"::on tholc of toncsilre ncl-b ,,,'r;ivln, sj.ncr: tireee i1o trot d.i':'l--ir: cit:ltior'. :-trii, ct "rr"



'ii"ihir: tire i-r'r-lJi.;.;i,r cJ tc::cs iii lirr:,1 l.ositron, -l;he l-ei;{:th.-rrici r-lurat-

i-on vaLucs itrr.'r) i;l:oq6 cbt.-ining in t}:e aj.tetionl p:rr:.d.ii11i.'

. rt'ora a coritlrlr.risrllt of lC-L.li irarlroni-c'br:ices flor tones in.lin,Ll pori-i-ticn

ir,nd to[.;s rt: cit':iiol'] -iorr: i;i-Lir t]icse in subjyct position (see r.bove), iiiiu.;r be crb:ie::vecr'th:lt the tona1 1:,::-r""aciigur -'Ln finaL pc,sition re::irescnts .Ljr,:

nearest appltlxitiliLtion in generl:,l ::ha,pe to the ci'b:.tion tor:e p:ir,:rc1igtn.

i,Jra}Ip/in,3 t|.,; vi..1.iol-ls :.);:.r.:.r:r-j..5iis i:esc::ibe,l ;:bove, ,tire tc:r,:.,J r.:i::,,,,,e oi the

other tv;o types or' sentences. (Z arrd. 3), m,,;y.be predictecl irom the tones oft

the constituents.

firere rarains lroi;ever the;;.roblern of accounting for the ciil-'r:rences inthe shapes oi toni:.1 para.,h,E:is iii a nore elegant a:,cl ir:sigl:tlr-rl r;a;r ihr*ri -o7

etaployir:g ti:e cliterionOf seluential position, a,s has been dole i1 the cies_

c:: i pt i orr s t.b orre .

S-tress InrlLuence?

At i'irst gl;-nce, ei a.;',pei*s ts:i a uisiii:ciion rii:_giit porsibli, be ma.cle

between those shai)es l';b,ich ;.re .i;oen.r'cLe to ucscription i,,j.t,hin a conceptir.al_

franeworlc of stress inf] uerice, and tbose whicb are not. Thi-s solution has

proved success.i'ul ior l-.S.C. In l:ic'b, in lr-ratoctrvil ( ' g72) it nn..ry be seen

that the pr6ssCic ch:iracterigtics of tones in .:.S.C. can oi:1y be ir:jnrLled.

by prior::efereirce to the c1e6;ree of stress on the s;r1-r-a.b!-e ii: inestion.

i:.S.'C' gtress i;atterns ney iir turn be 1:reclicted. by t-,:ro nain consicli*r;;t-

ions3 !r1.'flbere tnsre is no r;trorrg i-nfluei:ce tc tl:e coir*r,iir';r, t,,yo juxti,. fos-eci, rtens autoil:,tica11;' s,4ont the iani:ic pattern,... .f, ';jhere ttre::e is ,ro

stronS influc-;nce.tc ths ccnt:'aJ;r, st::essed e.nd. i-rnsti.cssad. r;;,'i-1;rbles al'i;er-

n:',te ro,gltilarl;r iil ar:y:re{-uclrcc of t,;;o cr nore,......'tlie ii,tiletU,:,,te ju.:ri::.*

position of tno 01'tiiol.e s.tressed.:.;71-1l.bles is,not l,r;rrrritted,.,,(p. 11"1). A

knot"'leclSe oi the fj-:ted. poii:ts of stress, ( e.;.1. r,:h.ich ilisyLli:hic lc:r-ic,,.1

conl;-i;t:ttct:-olis al'e ! :.:tres,serl -j- atonict or lltrestie.J- + Llnlr,rf i;Gsi:iit ctc. ), is

aL so necess:il:y.

Strcur.r ir: ii. S" C. I -' jec*,J -ll:c tout: ol :L t:,,.]l:,b1c il...i er::,e..:,uf,:Lt j.r.l!; its |r.c-

sodLc conbours. ilo'r',,lvcfr i;luit i;: tire ll:r.p,: of tlir cuntcr,lrs bc;'cre thc;y :ire

t -{'-l'.:lrlI'ItcrI? Ir* -l,he ul:iilcl;i,t,1 fOritr Ot il:e ci taticilr ,'crrr o | :l top:,. hc., be

tiLi:c:n as tlto sltape ii) tc,.,-';rio oi vrhich orl slE;:,-g€ration p;11r'g..1,:s,."t5ot,




. (.i,)

It ei)t)eil.r.s frcia ih.e r+o::r1ing in :i::ir.tcrcirviT ('197?), rihen 1'or" ex:rilr:)1c uristrecs*

r;d.-unstre;iiie{i coxlbin,rtians ::r:e cl.i-$cu:scd, tiLat tl:e unstressed shlpc of il

tone'is sorneholv consirlergd ens a norlificgtion of tl:.e e.ita.tion tone: trltr lh.e.

patte::ns of a syllaLble ivith a l:1€th tone iollovred" by a sirl"l:ble vr:-th tbe lorv

tcne, the iirst retains r1,:__g:fe;n*!_ie.Bi!{'es. hut the.Fecond. loses g[i riry.l

ris-c." (p. 4E)7 " (In i:'a.tocrrvil( lr72), tLcre is not ir, sii:;le lovr tone, strcss-

ecl or unstressecl, vruich uislrlays tLe fin:r.l rr-se pr€sent on i;he lorv tone c:lt-

^ .- \a'ut-on iormd ,-- \ .

Stressecl tones eJe a,Irp:irently aLl so consioereci. as exaai-a;erations of j-sc-

t.lated. j-tens (* ciiation for;ns?) rather ihan of u-nstresserl iones. t'hus a

sl,resseiL hig:ir ione is trlon€ler'uhar: in isoLationil (p. 5il, a.n,,1 a st:'essed"

lorv tone rtf oses :.ts .'inr.l- riserr (p. 12).

Ii the tllree ';ciirl -JiLi':'.iii 1-11g on n::r"e oO ?.-ie tlori rer'er.;-'ci- to, b-.a:'ini;

in:iind. that I:i.S,O. sentences corrosponriing to l{ingpo t;,rpes 2 ancl 3 have a

siress p,'.r.ttern of ttnstlessed. * urrstressa*/.:tonics- stlesseC, it i;i1l be

seerr t]:at the iringpo Iij-na.lr Fl,raiign, ."vhich corlespond.s; to the li.S.C.

stressed rara-diErn, is nost easily u'.nc1erstoocl as a.n e::ag.c,era.ti-on of the toiraL

fep-tuves of th.et slrbjuctt (=M"S"C. upstresseii) pa.ra.l-ir"r.rr plus ihe eifect ot*


ser:tence irn;l1 intonatj"on,,a.nd- not as ,. exaggexation of the cit'rti.or.r i'orrn

parrr,oii,r:rr.;hich in -act displa;'s rnore eraEleraticn of ton;.:.l ccntctr.is t.ri,,rl:

thet finaLr (= i,i.S.0. stlessed-) .Dilrad-i.F,'n, even takinS ihe Jac!: oi iltori,,..t:-oi:.i

influence or the clta.t j.on ir;;i',r,di.g.rn inio :r.ccot:r:t. Tlie .''., ct -b!l:.' L :. in'::o 5i:r1 '1 -

ables iii ai-"'etbia3- i:ositi-cn n-i,ve even iitore reriuce.i p'rosoti.ic fe:;t'.ires 'ciirlr

1n subject positton-( s,rc p..,q5 ), cor.rrespcnr1s to o. sinillrr rec-Luctic,n in Li,S.C8,

. iiol':ever, it is ei-ri-,ient frorn tne 10i,h ni:.rilionic.traces r-r.br:ve tilat, i'tlti:te-

r.$ stress is ne.niie,;ted iir ii,S.C. hlr 6'::llri,iuration of a.]1 ltrosci.i-ic eotitc':rs,

in i'iingpo the on1;r uniiofir qrr:.!'i-:er;ltion ap?ears to occtltr int\e l::ranleter

? ]j .!. tlii;I'. iolter = i,..{j.{,: , -i:crre 1, tl-c.:t ti,t:cl = .,"S.C. 'Loi'le 3,. .lui;tlggig in<.fro'i;: :i:if:e.

8 ,t..tl:e .;:(;oj.rcl :,1;r.i-l.r.itli, (j,r i,..ir"j.:...;1..1-;.:j,ic -...S.,1 . C^.;r1t'csCj.on).. Tuir,:rj lcr a,t--i..flj.f,r-- ::,e]ir.i;j..,r,:-1..v r-r;j-.Ot:j-1.aril'b 'i::-r1., l. -e;.' tt.:r,':il itr ,.,]OV.i,:lt,.l C ,:'+,rn1 r':jla,)oji...l-ilr,-r-r'r',,,1 i,.ji.L',cr', i:,-,n'ii- i.i.r,r,'1.. , (i' L) h: ,;: 'l;l::: rr:':, 'il o1' t',lr '.rlci,ic ,;""i--i':.Jf c. ..tt,:.i;i'l;o;:irvi.1 ( 19?::: :r1,. :l LJ, il.rj .,) Colitcirl;,; ol' or;.#i.i.Jts i,tiiie.















of ciurltion f lun5th. Tircre."re, to bt sure, "irn.',n;uu

i:: the ritch contour,

but 'ii:ese rge 1cir-l conl;:icnr:u.Gr;j,ili rio nct ::t!:ibj.t uriior:l tcn<ioncicsl i!:.c

s:l.'|i)e pr'r.)f ies 'bo tl:e iu.nil;,j^rent:,.1- frecuency contou.rs e the end s oi- tor'ics on()

a.'rd two seer:: to ]rave becn shiftecl do.fir.,rar:cls, *o:ies tl:lee ,:.nrl fivo 1r,..,o.6; l),-,t--r


shiited up.,varcis.

In tb.e,rl:-n4.1 anal-ysis, the r-Lborre e,\:c1-1rsl1s on ihe,srritabiLit;r oi the cr:i.-

+ugJ'i3u oi ::tress a.g :,. concgrr'f;r.;'.1 -lt':ti.e,;.or-., '. i-ihr.: r.l:'i cl: J;o ,l-esc-.r:'lc :o::e

p::osod.ic varietions rn -,i:r",lc'|ones i.:ne'; de;end on r"hr-'tller: on the le:lcept*

ui:1 Lertel, chci.raciaristic stress petterns r;jrJr be ielt tc be a, pirrt of l.;ling*

p,: r-'.tterarices. I:r tha nr,teria'l co :.:.1: elaan:ned" thrs na;'be confirne,i, but

ri'rth -Lhe ::eserr.aticir thrt thrre rlces not seen to 'oe il; Sreat e- cti-ff:renee

i.n pro-l-nerii-': be'{;,'leen -i-rin:lpo.u,i:s;iresseC- ani tt:lsse,1 si.iJ:lles i:; -,",Lere i s

in.l:i.S.C. Therl ti:e i:roso,3.ic s;,':;teits oI'th.ese two langr.la!'es e.re no'b ?orfl..,r-

etrt h?.s alreacl;f i:eetr nerrtioiied- iir ccr:j:rictj.c:r ::itl: the grei:.ter reier-bj.rre

prcrni:rbnce crl atcnl c s;,11:bLes, (see p. ?O ,\, Another ext:jlpLe tn:ry b* girrer::

In sone lexical san,.ihi coiibir-rir.i1ciis, a iina.i ,:tresseC s;,r1 -Lable in :.i.$.C.

co$sesponrls to an unstressed- c.irlfa,b1e 1n;,rn.ii)c, c.l.

;p6;'{,-r'$" , ti.,eo t:u}e ' is ttrlitq; pjfl'l I ! 34 43 32.

In sutn, ihen, il:e iiosorii-c s}:apcs oi ti'.c il:r.i-i1.fi grs iri ::.,1.;r:i;iel ::',nr,"i

Ifinal pc:;1tion Iira.;; fs tr.t',rl"erstoori :r.s viJ.Ti:::,tj-cirs" p:irr:ri.-L;r in liu:a'bir-c,-r, ,l.r,LL-

sed" b-' 4iifeirent d.egrees of st::ess, of ti:e subject (.u.n.l-f::essed) pa,::,.ri1i,1li.

'Ttlfit hO.,v 1ha 3i{:r.t,a Oil 1:"r::,lt-5.,i i-..! iO be': aCCOi,tOCl.;+ted. iS ;-:.5 rrqN Ltilr.rufe: CGYi-

-i'rontcd.-,,:i"th 'lhc ci.t-,tion 'Lonc p:rr::,r]-:i-;n on p,3.ge 90 , it .;,:el:,; tii,1,.i,cu.1.t to

:r+1,.-te it to 1,he 1r...,;;+;ye';led dT stressed. iorrrig in .,r.itJi 1'g;;"rr fr'r',.r r,,i. l--1, r,r:;.1:e

senso of tiie :-r.i'rect* oi :il*.sir1 , c,;r,liv,,r,lent1.1'rtli,,l rr.nrl-er1;'irr11 o:' nniiic.iirji,lil


Sandhi Ir: f'j i,.trnc,r?

I.i i:r enti-c..i-l- stt"e,r; ir:l.-b+,ir:,:In:i

'i;ir.r.t j,s Lins'bru..ir:rlil * trriril;::essetl -

r.Te a.s::ililli,-:il iC:: -:GIl*t:i]C€ t)/r-1e,3 ! :rirC 31

gtreri sed, tht.rre is no riiiy 'tc accor-rnt ,'or:

the ncul;::rrlir:nti-cn -,henofileua cn e,r-ri;il-i:'.Tir i-"rni ,'r-1nc1;i.re ve::i:s, ,:r.s opposed. tc

t1-'.s lloi:-:r',:ti'!;.::r,r,Li-:;e,i -i,;r'a,-iii::l 5-u qtl'.r.rririq,1 ;lositi-oii" .;i-il i,r 'tlt*,i ,

"i'.r:.;,,1,n:-j, ol'

stress. (."f. th.c tci*t r,:,,brs::n;: on htr* ma" thA']t'[-H)6{lt{.ll Z 4?-,

'r buv soLtpr,*q|h.[ya*..y"t"ui]1,'{\,, "..,

':2,'r'}1 ;o;,r:'rsviv11'1i.sr.)

Co;:se,luent1;r, t"r.:is llc:'::i o.l ;onl,l" ix;ut::a,l.isi:.ti oil r,i.l.r.;i; be Lr:r,,ier;.;tooti ,r,rs

a type of syni,irctic ',.lanii.l:r r ofr.-;Ti:tiver so "o

;1it\j: l:, pl'ir;-r -ro i::rc e lfecte o il

stres; snd-:ntott:.-ii-o.r:.1'f, -,'.--bc o0ser-rc{. -ll,:i';r;r. rn 0isy1r;;l:ic:o,rl,trucLioi,r-;,"

boi;ir sentetrti r,,,L .:r,riii" :tolf-;ierr-ben'ii.:;Lr -.uvhere l:itr:::e i_s a. ,::oi;,i ii;,:gree of ;_-Toa:ti:it--

1y ut-terallce- initii',.l posi-tion thai,le'Lerqiines {1-rs *<[;:-pi3 of an initj-al tone.

ft is 'i:-itelestin5 to not.l -blrr,t a ';;,'pe cii rlir;.1-1:.-llic coi:ii;in..:.tron ce.ilrr]

Vert*Object Conporlnclf patierns,:as th.e functive verb + ncrrinal ob;ect cor:st-

ructions Cesc:ibed- abo,rer ( i. *" I neu-b:'al-isaiionr crr the fr::st i;o:..:e :rnd-t li-na1 |

sirape on tire secoirC-), d-espite ihe,fact that rne.r:y of tiie:,r n:,;r be 3c051:.rd";d-

froin ttreir s;,mta.ctic 1:ehr:v:-olrr &s lexical units, e.nc1 sucl't usits usr.r.:,,J-L;'

conforn io lexrc:rl sr,.irrl.lii in llrrr::9o.-'jhr.l, io & e I?i WK* fur4L/te"L d*i* tr"rc'k*a' nti'colt pd dalf ry'-;:"J.,s 3e* b5-n3 ""'r'1,'- on ,,'opr", ,+-.o,-' - d ,al I J

+k#LLp*,1*j;l ''to;ei re.rel,3et, is a so..call-erl vtr:rb-object cccpor-:ni1

consisiir:g or +L tpcil -{ rr, rio ::ei-':,,yr aird 4/f" tgl.;1fif{:'-',e, rir*tr,:,rr:

and. has a, tonlrl si:ape;,,s tlu,t fo: no::niLl r'ti.nctj-ve verb -r rioini-r-;), cirject con-

toic koi rti'<.f pa da1r,f3.frjk*ct J e rl,,r Lo'es rs.,r,,r,tr-nr:' ::,:,o,'1e,t, uii(:ie

?&t{,t't't Lp"aiflr';o r.'.,',;.:..ir is :r :'t:iit:t:ve vc;rb cor,rto;t:r. c;t t.'ro ;r:rnon-.'..'ij,

e li'iro ;;:'oirl. c:-r o f-'

r'iil'.ilii l:1."-::::, i:luritl I'ei,l.'.1'r:,.i


10 ';;ith tiie $i:-:'rrr:

vi]b*o b; e {::i; s,3i;;rsur-rti-1"* , t lic j,r r.iJ't-,'1, r .

r:oil1lc:i. ;:j.;r: l!-rt,, ior:l"rvii ( f tiii, pc-lie.: :.rt.rir,.v.i olir i,.nrl\ ..

.' l ' 1. . ,: ?Ir :j(r'iiil

(^ur:r3.er1.yiiti; Lorriifi.

ffl- ipat \ or, ,to :.epa;,, ai,rr. fl,lll LdoJ,f] 4rrr,,roltii:i .'.. 'uonli.i ;iti.r pc ,Letc-lr:'lir:ecl lr;,- ,l-.rxic,-i" l,:;rrL,-ilri t.uies, i.e.

Sotlr by tiie n:,tl1rs of :i,herr cori.:ti'tuents e:rd. tiieir 'ional br:ilivicr,r"q tnc

vi:rb-object cocr,oou:rd-s and. i'r-r.nc'Lrve verb + objc.ct constn.cti-ons ii.Te cl.e:,-.rl;r

ii:el-i,t,.d" Ij.o,.,,evcr, ij:c,recon,'j-,:rl.,icr.j.lrob1er.l -in this ch:,1:t,:r curLt:;rs on-Lhi;

tc'na.1 patte:rning o.[ iLu:ri.liary verb + functi_ver/stritj-ve ve::ir colsiruc.Llons,, !{i;Iiich \bave'tlle s,e:iie'bonal pl,'t,t+L-'ns:rs Jbnc'bivc verb + objcct conltrt.rctions,

e"L-iL:c';,:J', tt;cir" -i;,irt-lctic |9'5,g,iir,-, 1- rs colrll:'r ,ltely .c.r',1 :lelcrt. .-o:reov:;r, i,.rci:

plecccle,J. b;r the n6.:i3,1;ir,re ;orrticl.e U LYnt'7, thr::.r. tcnrl ch"le chi,n.,:es oi.rce


leu;a.ral I I ,ritC

-1 \ 4,1 42.

rnore, v'rrT&HIr;f*IJ-J )Erro, 'to ,oi,arrt ro bu.,rr but

IyJ'q"'r,,a*] "

J I )- r*z,,nct ro.;;:nr to buy -Lh.n


I r.ri'1L

on ';h.o au.xi.1i.:.ry verb. ( Ii"ru ng;,r,in, ii is iniossible i;o ex1i.:.in -bi:e

r .-3'le:rce i-n t;he si::r.pe of ;l:e ione oti LAi?iJ;-r;' :o1.r rel,rx-'cnce to ltle*. )-J"\"!*'t

rr-bion to this proi:1err: renains as ;iet ob:cri:re, bu.t it is lihel;r the,t

a**+a^D UJ-'JiJE

I.i --.^-^!tir._Ll_1lF

?he *oi..

it ..sill-

invoLve refersnoe to s;'ntactic ;i.n:tb..i, a; in the exa-lrples abcve.

t'hese problems, r,nd" ihose nentioned. ea"rlier in this S.i-ssertation, are

inpo:rta.nt sinee ar: acleqt-tate i.escription of lling:po utterances, in whatever

conceptiial fra.neivork, is contiirr-'ent u;on iheir =o1u.iion.


-tlT QT Tl.\^ri I -l'-iv*"*:il::+_ j-r

1!t5'rt;3o*o_r.L-,lq.l. ,+i;t?=;; o.--.,ri. T;r.,:r:o-Liujr,i{ jh.r,,. t}i.:sir:ie

Urriver;it;/ of Ca.lifornia, Serleeiey.

r9?3:weg&qg"lqr,.g--Ejjrq$-;le-y:s,t-!ta. ?r.,i'r,i1' preser:ted to u.re;

$ix'bh Jntelnr,rtional Cr:nielence on Sino-Tir.:ctr,n Li.rn,,r-

ago and. Lrri-lluistics.^l2-4t-

19361 0n j;]re Study of the lii,n51:o ])ra]r,ct. lfl Q.E Uo

* [fu|e, {,,r,n-r,.,, r_ r2 ti\ r2*X -L -3*=I-ir'.) v frTtJ +#'Ili- tols \e2"

C).r*ng T.ii. 7972 z iievi-er; of F.jj"!'r"ei-nga.rinerrs rTonesi in Tan.randse-i,.]

I r r i -bluti r,:l ii-l: i. l_ i nv,.: st r !:i. t io n . " !i-,::t,i]V-

i',:r'rcst -i.,j-,1. [.t,5J t i.jg*].:,.-,::.jj.:]L,:._.:_. -,r,;,-,i, l.i.ri ,rr r;:, J-,,:r:;Lor.

(, :luC(jiri il,i ti,l_Cl,l .

:,, i-g-o:i-t-i-9*ir?:!l :rrl;r- o I _:*-i-1t:. i_ ilr.a]_; ct q.

'3 )L Li terai.'r,' -ie :.orr,: ;-'-ubl-i:+iiinr; liouse, lleldng.

ss{',rbdrsP,R- brt -fr-

li.rr i;;r er: 3 " 19 15 :

iiennedy G.A. f9i3

Kratochvil i). 19{i

1C't )-/'I L

La.de lo6,:ed P. ]!oi I

( socoi,i crij tior,),

I9'iL : .ir::til.ii.,j i::,rii,: i,o Lj l, r.1j -,1'l-1

)t,izb e

*- e..f,k S u ftk *y,.* jg*11.

"'*:;._k -lqgi n 1 9,:f?*!11i-f,cj'nq._ :i:. c h i v r; s it r i,, t r_.. ;] e s

Crientl l-c4."' Le;rCe et Stocl:oln.

' T1;o tone ir:,ti;erns in Ta;''l:isic. La;n:.1ta,':e 29

l !:ie Chj.irese lorl.:n.1:r r,e To.l .t.,. llutcnin;cri .l-j,;i ver::j_.r;-r

Libr-r 13', T olcroi't.

, A f-lgrtlis:e i-n Chir:ri,sc ;l.r:onr.r.11;i,r1 i.-i.n1 , Ur,r'r-r.b lisl:e,:i


of Clticr,3c- I':'itsr.

ri1 .i;i,:'l;*i,riiilc:ltr 'Jur:,'itt: --1


Sir:. irliu;.:i- ,

Tl ., n:,-r'r 1, 1 i Q ,1r1_.1,/1.

::t-t(c] 1r-. jJ. L9.ili


:?.'r'r.Ini-l .i Igfrj_t,,-) 3,itt;lcitce




lli:e i;i-li.;:x) lia.lect. The China il r:vir:r.jr vol. l_3.

Ttlt'9- .tt!l'j:ll9g. uni vcr;;i t;r o' i:ichi"gi.r.rr .lress, A.:r:lt

i-ie )j l{;j.nctj ons tojr:r.'l es

3r:11-r:t:ln iic l-a iloclcte

d-ans un liale,:ctL-

,1e Lir:gr,ii ctiru;,. rl.o

Lt\:^ O

Sheppiirti G.lT" (lld. )

'rav ''i"ri'i' rli'| z iJimlo19-.*:::-ltirg,I qi -Sg,.. unpuhlistred i,h.ll,th.esi.s, Universj.iy of td.inburrgh.

j!j?o e ilori;ieir ?irorolo;icar- strirr;tLrre., JL. 5.

r/:u: it,;A 1!)6 , € +f h f+ 4,at-t#WffiylZ',4, * e ^,

f# hA,.i SrS i!-- Irciv to Anaiyso an.r. lecortl Tones in Linr:*,ribetan

T - -^ ---l,?r.n,:L1rige5 . w:j{ 48,

r?*ng ''T.S-Y.

196"t : Fir.oi:o-logica.1 i,eatures of lone, IJA! 33.

796'l;\ : To:'.,e lt:ree in ?eliln3.ese. *gggl:!_fl_ji_lhgg-*i_-inJ' jic:earch, ( Serrtelrbi-:r ).

YrJScr196? seitj-onr- : y'-,re jli-c-ti"r:"lt:,-p.!cn*i-, c.i:rnese. in:tittr.te of.,':li. Liastern Lln;;uz€.,es, yele Lr.?.

ytid-n Ji?i:'.f, et :.1. . 'gSC

: A Srl.lyc:; of _C_h-incr;.e ii ,lects. il iAe'&. %l* Nf-*; jrr*,ry ,-orrr 1,-rbr::hi'g

sei,:ins. k'? w+g_ Hhlr*

Tsrng ii11s, [Jnilrr;:sii;,re ?*ki-ng,

19],C I A S;rsieic o:f Tc,ner Lc*ters. ,!e :: .iitre lrl:cnrti-c.'e .lJ.

1!),55 : fl:ie lr: orr-uui-quenilss oll ;',i_er,eii,ic So]uii.'s ci!'hotr.;ltic S;r"stei:rs. :i..lr.:lir:-s :-n Ir.r_rr: r_rj_ :"bics:, I .t

-ldj-tion, i:r.rtln Joo:: ud.

Cor-i;::lsbive ri$lrrcis.l cil i;he i'lu l,:j ,f ucts;.

A ,Gr.r:t,lit'ir :o fl S,f,:l:.,:i Ll| iir,: lc, i.jr:iv.t-l.lttv

- .*$ €_***_-,-.:-_1 - ":.

. tlj!i.t i].t'cl;r;,,li:;:i:*l-e-. ;.1C los *,:1,.,_.,,,_t.is.

]-!t'iil; t i:irLi:il**r::i,lir_f:: I _li*.':l:i;L 0.ri. i.r .


I'.1-:Ii'i tlri

,:i_c'Ll :t e ,

.1 i: l''

T.. ,i-1:, . -i_ I

o ;' {,:...,1.i i'r:r.*

ig EA ,ra nt+,*__fr- 4/L

r t-i n.^, !

rrccd;{ io^/Y.I.'t^.* . Llql

L. plo.{-",,& tor. } paltftt24. i p.el. t,o^i r{3 t *. "$.; pLr..e,o.afrtf g.^Lt

V ;lk i'S!trfl*"' " 51, ;f: i x* e& o-#.

t. p131. yra *acrr ir-< I nlLl-,f.ptr'i'r} ,; fr, -,"t"r* '-u*it ^!\a* /, I l**lr.uo tlO. pgl* *qa \< e" rx,t1.{v* /REI..rl. p\Q- sA^ is f lb.rr.: o.'sl.. i,,rr . sh. "*,*lyJ11;-"jq,t!!#: t*r$rI note j,,

f?,i'i 5 SH."lT;il:3i r.ill l^,nr ;,,, q " .bv zL

ry p3. {^ to. Jt'fi* pL* d, {6 r.4 ^.,up.

h),^d.Eilc-l , ats., eaov,bn,{F ff/Ia-t tlbl p. 6b ao*'.rulg^16"[.,

-h*a'c or?. < vor'c.,1({r,4 p,rr..r^++UU ;'