Dolibarr Image Guide Dolibarr Stack Components

Dolibarr Image Guide Version 5.0.1 Dolibarr Stack Components Websoft9 Dolibarr is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running Dolibarr on Alibaba Cloud. Dolibarr ERP & CRM is an all-in-one suite and easy to use software package to manage your business (customers, invoices, orders, products, stocks, agenda, e-mailings, shipments…).you are able to setup the application to match your need and only your need. Integration between the features/modules you decide to use is ready “in-the-box”, so, even without customization, users are immediately ready to work and won’t have to make any double entry on your information system. Software Version: Dolibarr5.0.1 Software directory: /data/wwwroot/default/dolibarr Basic software environment: LAMP ( stack-linux-image-guide/) PHP Configuration File: /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini Virtual host Configuration File directory: /usr/local/apache/conf/vhost Virtual host Configuration Command: /root/oneinstack/ Database install directory: /usr/local/mysql Database data directory: /data/mysql Database Configuration File: /etc/my.cnf

Transcript of Dolibarr Image Guide Dolibarr Stack Components

Dolibarr Image Guide

Version 5.0.1

Dolibarr Stack Components

Websoft9 Dolibarr is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running

Dolibarr on Alibaba Cloud.

Dolibarr ERP & CRM is an all-in-one suite and easy to use software package

to manage your business (customers, invoices, orders, products, stocks,

agenda, e-mailings, shipments…).you are able to setup the application to

match your need and only your need. Integration between the

features/modules you decide to use is ready “in-the-box”, so, even without

customization, users are immediately ready to work and won’t have to

make any double entry on your information system.

Software Version: Dolibarr5.0.1

Software directory: /data/wwwroot/default/dolibarr

Basic software environment: LAMP (


PHP Configuration File: /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini

Virtual host Configuration File directory: /usr/local/apache/conf/vhost

Virtual host Configuration Command: /root/oneinstack/

Database install directory: /usr/local/mysql

Database data directory: /data/mysql

Database Configuration File: /etc/my.cnf

Login on Alibaba Cloud console,get you Internet IP Address

Open you Chrome or Firefox on your local PC,visit the http://Internet IP


If verify successfully,you can enter the boot page of Websoft9 below

If no response from browser,please check the Security Group settings

( to ensure that

port 80 is been allowed

Verify the Image

Database Password

After the installation of Image,please verify it

This Image use MySQL for database

#default user/password:root/123456

MySQL User Guide: Click here (


Step1. Create a database

Start to install Dolibarr

1.login in MySQL:

Method 1:Use following URL to open phpMyAdmin page: http://< Public net

IP >/phpMyAdmin

Method 2:Use SSH command to login in.

mysql -uroot –p                                #enter mysql console

 #default user/password:root/123456            More MySQL User Guide: Click

here (



2.create a database:

MySQL [(none)]> create database mydbname;

MySQL [(none)]> show databases;


3.Create a Database User and grants permissions to the User:

MySQL [(none)]> grant all privileges on mydbname.* to username@'localhost'

identified by 'userpassword';

MySQL [(none)]> flush privileges;

MySQL [(none)]> exit;

Step2. Add a virtual host


Use SSH Command to Add a virtual host:

[root@iZbp1i4rjdsy216yq7lgucZ ~]# cd /root/oneinstack

[root@iZbp1i4rjdsy216yq7lgucZ oneinstack]# ./


Note: Input the derectory for your domain

is  /data/wwwroot/default/dolibarr/htdocs

Step3. Install Dolibarr

Open your domain name via browser:

1.  Click “Click here to finish Dolibarr install process …”;


2.  Select a language, Click “Next step”;


3.  Click “Start”;


4.  Enter your database configuration,  Click “Next step”;


5.  Click “Next step”;


6.  Click “Next step”;


7.  Set your admin account, Click “Next step”;


8.  This installation is complete, Click “Go to Dolibarr…”;


9. Enter your admin account, Click “Connection”;


10.  This is the Dolibarr page.



Name: Name of your company or foundation

Logo: Add here a logo of your company (.png, .jpg or .gif). There is no

recommended size but the image but the recommended format is png

with NO transparent layer (Dolibarr use FPDF that does not support this


Pays (country): Don’t forget to define your country because some other

options depends on it.

VAT: Also tell if you have to manage VAT or not.


First setup

After Dolibarr installation, you must setup Dolibarr parameters to match

your needs.

The first mandatory step is to define your company/foundation. For this,

from home page, choose menu “Home->Setup->Company/Foundation”

and edit informations for company or foundation you want to manage.

Activation of modules is the second mandatory step. What modules you

will activate depends on what you want to do with Dolibarr. In most cases,

you may want to use all modules. You have to activate one by one each



module you plan to use. For example, to manage a company, you might

activate modules: Third party, Invoices and Products, but probably a lot of

more modules.

To activate a module you want, go to page “Home->Setup->Modules” and

click the button ‘on/off’ in the “Status” column to enable it.

If you are not sure of the meaning of a module, you can activate it one by

one and see what new menu appears in Dolibarr (the horizontal bar, also,

after activating a module, check that you grant to yourself permissions on

new features that were enabled). You can activate or deactivate a module

when you want.

Once a module has been activated, some of them may need a particular

setup (click on the setup icon that appears on the right of module line if a

module needs its own setup). See documentation of module

( for more


Choose here which menu manager you want to use for internal and

external users. The menu manager changes the labels, orders and

organization of left and top menus. See page Menus system

( for more information.

Other (Boxes, Alerts, Security, Limits and accuracy, Emails,

SMS, Dictionary setup...)

Setup Boxes (


Setup Alerts (


Setup Security (

Setup Limits and accuracy (


Setup PDF (


Setup EMails (

Setup SMS (


Setup Dictionnary


Setup Other (


On this page, you can define force language of application and the look

and feel of screens. In a first use, you can keep everything with default


Note: Activating multilanguage option in this screen, you will be able to set

prefered langauge of customer to print their Invocie/Propal/Order in their

own language. Product translation will also be available

Other entries in Setup menu are advanced options. You can forget them if

you want.

The last step is to create users and assign permissions. Almost all the

modules, even activated earlier, are not accessible if you do not give

permissions. To do this, you can go to the menu Home -> Users & Groups to

define users and their rights. Attention, you should consider to check and

reset the user rights when you enable a new module. The list of rights

available depends on the activated modules (see above). It is

recommended to configure permissions after activating the modules you

Automatic Backup

1. Login as superuser,admin tools->backup,you can enter the interface

2. Click the “Generate backup” button,backup database

3. then download all files in /data/wwwroot/default/dolibarr/

Manual Backup

Backup & Restore

want to use. For certain actions, if you do not have the rights to do an

action, Dolibarr will not show you action. You might miss some useful or

important features. To give rights to a user or yourself, if you are an

administrator, go to Home -> Users & Groups, select the desired user,

then click on its ‘Permission’ tab.

You can avoid these configuration steps for each new created user, by

configuring the default rights (understand rights allocated automatically

each time a new user created) by configuring the default permissions on

the menu Setup Security


Backup is very import for using Dolibarr

Dolibarr have provide the automatic backup tools.

1. Download the entire Joomla file in you root dictionary by FTP or

other tools

2. Visit http://< Internet IP Address >/phpMyAdmin,login in to

the phpMyAdmin Panel

3. Select you database,then Export you database

4. Click “go” button,then download the SQL backup file


1. Restore archive file (zip file for example) of documents directory to

extract tree of files in documents directory of a new Dolibarr

installation or into this current documents directoy


2. Login as superuser,admin tools->restore,you can enter the interface

3. Restore the data, from a backup dump file, into the database of the

new Dolibarr installation or into the database of this current

installation (dolibarr). Warning, once restore is finished, you must use

a login/password, that existed when backup was made, to connect

again. To restore a backup database into this current installation, you

can follow this assistant.


This section describe process to upgrade an existing installation of Dolibarr

from an old version to a new one.

Customers, Prospects or Suppliers directory

Products and services catalog

Stock management

Bank accounts management

Commercial actions management

Orders management

Commercial proposals management

Contracts management

Invoices management

Payments management

Standing orders management

Shipping management

Expense report management

Following social and fiscal tax payments

Double entre accounting

Agenda with ical,vcal export for third tools integration

EDM (Electronic Document Management)

Foundations member management

Leave requests for employees

Mass emailing

Main modules of Dolibarr

This is steps to process:

Step 1: Download package (for example from official web



Step 2: Unpack package files into Dolibarr server directory dedicated to

Dolibarr: /data/wwwroot/default/dolibarr/

Step 3: Remove

file /data/wwwroot/default/dolibarr/documents/install.lock if it exists to

allow usage of the update tool.

Step 4: Go to the page that updates the database structure and

data: /dolibarr/htdocs/install/ (

Step 5: Restore

file /data/wwwroot/default/dolibarr/documents/install.lock, with read

permission only, to disable any usage of update tool.

Realize surveys

Point of Sale

Donations management


PDF Generation of all elements (invoices, proposals, orders, …)

Import and export tools (CSV or Excel)

Bookmarks management

LDAP connectivity

Can be extended with a lot of other external modules available

from ( (Skins, Google sync,

AWStats, Bittorrent, Gravatar, …).


1. Open Chrome or Firefox on your local PC

2. visit the http://Internet IP Address/phpMyAdmin,you can enter the

login page

How to login backend of Dolibarr?

How to access phpMyAdmin?

If you use IP installation,please visist:http://Internet IP


If you use domain installation,please visist:

Websoft9 Dolibarr Image have installed the phpMyadmin

phpMyAdmin install directory: /data/wwwroot/default/phpMyAdmin

Following is the step for access phpMyadmin

3. select you language,Username:root,Password:123456

4. Click the button “Go”


Following is the step for access phpMyadmin

1. User Remote Desktop Connection of Window to connect to you ECS

2. Install a Chrome or Firefox browser on you ECS

3. Open Chrome or Firefox on your ECS

4. visit the http://localhost/phpMyAdmin,you can enter the login page

5. select you language,Username:root,Password:123456

6. Click the button “Go”

chown -R www.www /data/wwwroot/default/dolibarr find /data/wwwroot/default/dolibarr -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; find /data/wwwroot/default/dolibarr -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

How to change the permissions of


How to modify the allowed limit for


When install new extension from back-end it will not successful,may be the

permissions of file and folder is not appropriate,you should change it

Web site root permissions to follow:

file 644, folder 755 ,Permissions Users and groups www

If there is a file permissions problem, execute the following three


; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept. post_max_size = 16M ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files. upload_max_filesize = 16M

# service httpd res

memory_limit – Minimum: 256M Recommended: 1G or better

upload_max_filesize – Minimum: 20M

post_max_size – Minimum: 20M

max_execution_time: At Least 120 Recommended: 300

# service httpd restart

How to modify PHP settings?

How to change the max_execution_time?

Modify the  /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini file to increase the allowed size for


then,restart the apache

The PHP configuration file allows you to configure the modules enabled,

the email settings or the size of the upload files. It is located at


There are some PHP settings that need to be sufficient to install.

The values for PHP.ini below are suggested values only.

After modifying the PHP configuration file, restart both Apache and PHP-

FPM for the changes to take effect:


<IfModule mod_php5.c> php_value max_execution_time 90 </IfModule>

; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds ; ; Note: This directive is hardcoded to 0 for the CLI SAPI max_execution_time = 90 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data. It; idea to limit this time on productions servers in order to eliminate ; long running scripts.

Dolibarr does not contain a Payroll module.

Tasks on the project module can’t have dependencies between each


Dolibarr does not include any Webmail.

Double party accountancy is available since 5.0 but reports are not yet


To manage several companies or foundations, using one installation, you

need to add/buy the Module MultiCompany

( on

( Note that without purchasing this extra

module you can still make as many installations of companies as you need,

but you won’t be able to share elements between them (like customers).

Dolibarr can’t do coffee (not yet).

What Dolibarr can't do?

If you receive the message “Maximum execution time of 30 seconds

exceeded”.You may also like to extend the max_execution_time for PHP

and you can modify it by two methods below

Method one: edit your  /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini

Method two: edit your .htaccess:

Those features are not (yet) available even in the latest Dolibarr version.


ERP & CRM Dolibarr – software libre – open source


Dolibarr Help Links
