Curious Myths of the middle ages

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Transcript of Curious Myths of the middle ages


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University Press:

John Wilson & Son, Cambridge.




The Wandering Jew i

Prester John 30

The Divining Rod 54

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus 92

William Tell no

The Dog Gellert 132

Tailed Men 144

Antichrist and Pope Joan 160

The Man in the Moon 189

The Mountain of Venus 207

St. George 221

The Legend of the Cross 270

ScHAMiR 313

Melusina 343

The Fortunate Isles 394

The Knight of the Swan 430


^Ije Ulanbcrlng Icro.

WHO, that has looked on Gustave Dore's mar-

vellous illustrations to this wild legend, can

forget the impression they made upon his im-


I do not refer to the first illustration as striking,

where the Jewish shoemaker is refusing to suffer

the cross-laden Savior to rest a moment on his

door-step, and is receiving with scornful lip the

judgment to wander restless till the Second Coming

of that same Redeemer. But I refer rather to the

second, which i-epresents the Jew, after the lapse

of ages, bowed beneath the burden of the curse,

worn with unrelieved toil, wearied with ceaseless

travelling, trudging onward at the last lights of

evening, when a ray less night of unabating rain is

I (1)

2 The Wandering Jew.

creeping on, along a sloppy path between dripping

bushes ; and suddenly he comes over against a way-

side crucifix, on which the white glare of departing

daylight falls, to throw it into ghastly relief against

the pitch-black rain-clouds. For a moment we see

the working of the miserable shoemaker's mind.

We feel that he is recalling the tragedy of the first

Good Friday, and his head hangs heavier on his

breast, as he recalls the part he had taken in that

awful catastrophe.

Or, is that other illustration more remarkable,

where the wanderer is amongst the Alps, at the

brink of a hideous chasm ; and seeing in the con-

torted pine-branches the ever-haunting scene of

the Via Dolorosa, he is lured to cast himself into

that black gulf in quest of rest, — when an angel

flashes out of the gloom with the sword of flame

turning every way, keeping him back from what

would be to him a Paradise indeed, the repose of

Death ?

Or, that last scene, when the trumpet sounds

and earth is shivering to its foundations, the fire

is bubbling forth through the rents in its surface,

and the dead are coming together flesh to flesh,

The Wandering yew. 3

and bone to bone, and muscle to muscle — then

the weary man sits down and casts off his shoes


Strange sights are around him, he sees them not


strange sounds assail his ears, he hears but ohe—the trumpet-note which gives the signal for him to

stay his wanderings and rest his weary feet.

I can linger over those noble woodcuts, and learn

from them something new each time that I study

them ; they are picture-poems full of latent depths

of thought. And now let us to the history of this

most thrilling of all medieval myths, if a myth.

If a myth, I say, for who can say for certain that

it is not true ? " Verily I say unto you. There

be some standing here, which shall not taste of

death till they see the Son of Man coming in His

kingdom," * are our Lord's words, which I can

hardly think apply to the destruction of Jerusalem,

as commentators explain it to escape the difficulty.

That some should live to see Jerusalem destroyed

was • not very surprising, and hardly needed the

emphatic Verily which Christ only used when

speaking somethrng of peculiarly soleixin or mystei'i'

ous import.

* Matt xvi. 28. Mark in. 1.

4 The Wandering yew.

Besides, St. Luke's account manifestly refers the

coming in the kingdom to the Judgment, for the

saying stands as follows: "Whosoever shall be

ashamed of Me, and of My words, of him shall

the Son of Man be ashamed, when He shall come

in His own glory, and in His Father's, and of the

holy angels. But I tell you^ of a truth, there be

some standing here, which shall not taste of death

till they see the kingdom of God." *

There can, I think, be no doubt in the mind of

an unprejudiced person that the words of our Lord

do imply that some one or more of those then

living should not die till He came again. I do not

mean to insist on the literal signification, but I

plead that there is no improbability in our Lord's

words being fulfilled to the letter, That the cir-

cumstance is unrecorded in the Gospels is no

evidence that it did not take place, for we are

expressly told, " Many other signs truly did Jesus

in the presence of His disciples, which are not

written in this book;"f and again, "There are

also many other things which Jesus did, the which,

if they should be written every one, I suppose that

* Luke ix. f John xx. 30.

The Wandering Jew. 5

even the world itself could not contain the books

that should be written." *

We may remember also the mysterious witnesses

who are to appear in the last eventful days of the

world's history and bear testimony to the Gospel

truth before the antichiistian world. One of these

has been often conjectured to be St. John the

Evangelist, of whom Christ said to Peter, " If

I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to


The historical evidence on which the tale rests

is, however, too slender for us to admit for it more

than the barest claim to be more than myth. The

names and the circumstances connected with the

Jew and his doom vary in every account, and the

only point upon which all coincide is, that such an

individual exists in an vmdying condition, wander-

ing over the face of the earth, seeking rest and

finding none.

The earliest extant mention of the Wandering

Jew is to be found in the book of the chronicles

of the. Abbey of St. Albans, which was copied and

continued by Matthew Paris. He records that in

* John xxi. 25.

6 The Wandering yew,

the year 1228, "a certain Archbishop of Armenia

the Greater came on a pilgrimage to England to

see the relics of the saints, and visit the sacred

places in the kingdom, as he had done in others


he also produced letters of recommendation from

his Holiness the Pope, to . the religious and the

prelates of the churches, in which they were en-

joined to receive and entertain him with due rever-

ence and honor. On his arrival, he came to St.

Albans, where he was received with' all respect

by the abbot and the monks ; and at this place,

being fatigued with his journey, he remained some

days to rest himself and his followers, and a con-

versation took place between him and the inhabit-

ants of the convent, by means of their interpreters,

during which he made- many inquiries relating to

the lieligion and religious' observances of this coun-

try, and told many strange things concerning the

countries of the East. In the course of conversa-

tion he was asked whether he had ever 'seen or

heard any thing of Joseph, a man of whom there

was much talk in the world, who, when our Lord

suffered, was present and spoke to Him, and who

is still alive, in evidence of the Christian faith ;. in

The Wandering" Jeiu. 7

reply to which, a knight in his retinue, who was

his interpreter, replied, speaking in French, ' My

lord well knows that man, and a little before he

took his way to the western countries, the said

Joseph ate at the table of my lord the Archbishop

of Armenia, and he has often seen and conversed

with him.'

" He was then asked about what had passed be-

tween Christ and the said Joseph ; to which he

replied, ' At the time of the passion of Jesus Christ,

He was seized by the Jews, and led into the hall

of judgment before Pilate, the governor, that He

might be judged by him on the accusation of the

Jews ; and Pilate, finding no fault for which he

might sentence Him to death, said unto them,

" Take Him and judge Him according to your

law ;

" the shouts of the Jews, however, increasing,

he, at their request, released unto theni Barabbas,

and delivered Jesus to them to be crucified. When,

therefore, the Jews were dragging Jesus forth, and

had reached the door, Cartaphilus, a porter of the

hall in Pilate's service, as Jesus was going out of

the door, impiously struck Him on the back with

his hand, and said in mockery, " Go quicker,

8 The Wandering yew.

Jesus, go quicker; wliy do you loiter?" and Jesus,

looking back on him with a severe countenance,

said to him, " I am going, and you shall wait till

I return.'.' And according as our Lord said, this

Cartaphilus is still awaiting His return. At the

time of our Lord's suffering he was thirty years

old, and when he attains the age of a hundred

years, he always returns to the same age as he

was when our Lord suffered. After Christ's death,

when the Catholic faith gained ground, this Cartaph-

ilus was baptized by Ananias (who also baptized

the Apostle Paul), and was called Joseph. He

dwells in one or other divisions of Armenia, and in

divers Eastern countries, passing his time amongst

the bishops and other prelates of the Church ; he

is a man of holy conversation, and religious ; a

man of few words, and very circumspect in his

behavior ; for he does not speak at all imless

when questioned by the bishops and religious;

and then he relates the events of olden times, and

speaks of things which occurred at the suffering

and resurrection of our Lord, and of the wit-

nesses of the resurrection, namely, of those who

rose with Christ, and went into the holy city, and

The Wanderbig Jeiv. 9

appeared unto men. He also tells of the creed of

the Apostles, and of their separation and preach-

ing. And all this he relates without smiling, or

levity of conversation, as one who is well practised

in sorrow and the fear of God, always looking for-

ward with dread to the coming of Jesus Christ, lest

at the Last Judgment he should find him in anger

whom, when on his way to death, he had provoked

to just vengeance. Numbers came to him from dif-

ferent parts of the world, enjoying his society and

conversation; and to them, if they are men of author-

ity, he explains all doubts on the matters on which he

is questioned. He refuses all gifts that are offered

him, being content with slight food and clothing.'


Much about the same date, Philip Mouskes, after-

wards Bishop of Tournay, wrote his rh^-fned chron-

icle (1243), which contams a similar account of the

Jew, derived from tlie same Armenian prelate :—

" Adonques vint un arceveskes

De 9a mer, plains de bonnes teques

Par samblant, et fut d'Armenie,"

and this man, having visited the shrine of " St.

Tumas de Kantorbire," and then having paid his

devotions at '* Monsigour St. Jake," he went on to

lO The Wandering Jeiv.

Cologne to see the heads of the three kings. The

version told in the Netherlands much resembled that

related at St. Albans, only that the Jew, seeing the

people dragging Christ to his death, exclaims,

" Atendes moi ! g'i vois,

S'iert mis le faus profete en crois."


" Le vrais Dieux se regarda,

Et li a dit qu'e n'i tarda,

Icist ne t'atenderont pas,

Mais saces, tu m'atenderas."

We hear no more of the wandering Jew till the

sixteenth century, when we hear first of him in a

casual manner, as assisting a weaver, Kokot, at the

royal palace in Bohemia (1505), to find a treasure

which had been secreted by the great-grandfather of

Kokot, sixty years before, at which time the Jew was

present. He then had the appearance of being b.

man of seventy years.*

Curiously enough, we next hear of him in the

East, where he is confounded with the prophet

Elijah. Early in the century he appeared to Fad-

hilah, under peculiar circumstances.

* Gubitz, Gesellsch. 1845, No. 18.

The Wandering Jetv.- ii

After the Arabs had captured the city of Elvan,

Fadhilah, at the head of three hundred horsemen,

pitched his tents, late in tire evening, between two

mountains. Fadhilah, having begun his evening

prayer with a loud voice, heai'd the words " Allah

akbar " (God is great) repeated distinctly, an,d each

word of his prayer was followed in a similar man-

ner. Fadhilah, not believing this to be the result

of an echo, was much astonished, and cried out,

" O thou ! whether thou art of the angel ranks, or

whether thou art of some other order of spirits, it is

well ; the power of God be with thee ; but if thou

art a man, then let mine eyes light upon thee, that I

may rejoice in thy presence and society." Scarcely

had he spoken these words, before an aged man,

with bald head, stood before him, holding a. staff in

his hand, and much resembling a dervish in appear-

ance. After having courteously saluted him, Fadhi-

lah asked the old man who he was. Thereupon the

stranger answered, " Bassi Hadhret Issa, I am here

by command of the Lord Jesus, who has left me in

this world, that I may live therein until he comes a

second time to earth. I wait for this Lord, who is

the Fountain of Happiness, and in obedience to his

12 The Wandering Jeiv.

command I dwell behind yon mountain." When

Fadhilah heard these words, he asked when the Lord

Jesus would appear ; and the old man replied that his

appearing would be at the end of the world, at the

Last Judgment. But this only increased Fadhilah's

curiosity, so that he inquired the signs of the approach

of the end of all things, whereupon Zerib Bar Elia

gave him an account of general, social, and moral

dissolution, which would be the climax of this

world's history.*

In 1547 he was seen in Europe, if we are to believe

the following narration :—

" Paul von Eitzen, doctor of the Holy Scriptures,

and Bishop of Schleswig,t related as true for some

years past, that when he was young, having studied

at Wittemberg, he returned home to his parents in

Hamburg in the winter of the year 1547, and that on

the following Sunday, in church, he observed a tall

man, with his hair hanging over his shoulders, stand-

ing barefoot, during the sermon, over against the

* Herbelot, Bibl. Orient, iii. p. 607.

t Paul V. Eitzen was born January 25, 1522, at Hamburg;

in 1562 he was appointed chief preacher for Schleswig, and

died February 25, 1598. (Greve, Memor. P. ab. Eitzen.

Hamb. 1S44.)

The Wandering Jew. 13

pulpit, listening with deepest attention to the dis-

course, and, whenever the name of Jesus was men-

tioned, bowing himself profoundly and humbly, with

sighs -and beating of the breast. He had no other

clothing, in the bitter cold of the winter, except a pair

of hose which were in tatters about his feet, and a

coat with a girdle which reached to his feet ; and his

general appearance was that of a man of fifty years.

And many people, some of high degree and title,

have .seen this same man in England, France, Italy,

Hungary, Persia, Spain, Poland, Moscow, Lapland,

Sweden, Denmark, Scotland, and other places.

" Every one wondered over the man. Now, after

the seriAon, the said Doctor inquired diligently where

the stranger was to be found ; and when he had

sought him out, he inquired of him privately whence

he came, and how long that winter he had been in

the place. Thereupon he replied, modestly, that he

was a Jew by birth, a native of Jerusalem, by name

Ahasverus, by trade a shoemaker ; he had been pres-

ent at the .crucifixion of Christ, and had lived ever

since, travelling through various lands and cities, the

which he substantiated by accounts he gave ; he

related also the circumstances of Christ's transfer-

14 The Wandering Jew.

ence from Pilate to Herod, and the final crucifixion,

together with other details not recorded . in the

Evangelists and historians ; he gave accounts of the

changes of government in many countries, especially

of the East, thi'ough sevei"al centui'ies ; and moreover

he detailed the labors and deaths of the holy Apostles

of Christ most circumstantially.

" Now when Doctor Paul v. Eitzen heard this with

profound astonishment, on account of its incredible

novelty, he inquired further, in order that he might

obtain more accurate information. Then the man

answered, that he had lived in Jerusalem at the time

of the crucifixion of Christ, whom he had regarded as

a deceiver of the people, and a heretic ; he had seen

Him with his own eyes, and had done his best, along

with others, to bring this deceiver, as he regarded

Him, to justice, and to have Him put out of the way.

When the sentence had been pronounced by Pilate,

Christ was about to be dragged past his house ; then

he ran home, and called together his household to have

a look at Christ, and see what sort of a person He was.

" This haying been done, he had his little child on

his arm, and was standing in his doorway, to have a

sight of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Wandering yew, 15

" As, then, Christ was led by, bowed under • the

weight of the heavy cross, He tried to rest a Httle, and

stood still a moment ; but the shoemaker, in zeal and

rage, and for the sake of obtaining credit among the

other Jews, drove the Lord Christ forward, and told

Him to hasten on His way. Jesus, obeying, looTced at

him, and said, ' I shall stand and rest, but thou shalt

go till the last day.' At these words the man set down

the child ; and, unable to remain where he was, he

followed Christ, and saw how cruelly He was cruci-

fied, how He suffered, how He died. As soon as this

had taken place, it came upon him suddenly that he

could no more return to Jerusalem, nor see again his

wife and child, but must go forth into foreign lands,

one after another, like a mournful pilgrim. Now,

when, years after, he returned to Jerusalem, he found

it ruined and utterly razed, so that not one stone was

left standing on another ; And he could not recognize

former localities.

" He believes that it is God's purpose, in thus

driving him about in miserable life, and preserving

him undying, to present him before the Jews at the

end, as a living token, so that the godless and unbe-

lieving may remember the death of Christ, and be

i6 The Wandering- Jew.

turned to repentance. For his part he would well

rejoice were God in heaven to release him from this

vale of tears. After this conversation, Doctor Paul v.

Eitzen, along with the rector of the school of Ham-

burg, who was well read in history, and a traveller,

questioned him about events which had taken place

in the East since the death of Christ, and he was able

to give them n'luch information on many ancient

matters ; so that it was impossible not to be convinced

of the truth of his story, and to see that what seems

impossible with men is, after all, possible with God.

" Since the Jew has had his life extended, he has

become silent and reserved, and only answers direct

questions. When invited to become any one's guest,

he eats little, and drinks in great moderation ; then

hurries on, never remaining long in one place.

When at Hamburg, Dantzig, and elsewhere, money

has been offered him, he never took more than -two

skillings (fourpence, one farthing), and at once distrib-

uted it to the poor, as token that he .needed no money,

for God would- provide for him, as he rued the sins

he had committed in ignorance.

" During the period of his stay in Hamburg and

Dantzig he was never seen to laush. In whatever

The Wandering Jew. 17

land he travelled he spoke its language, and when

he spoke Saxon, it was like a native Saxon. Many

people came from different places to Hamburg and

Dantzig in order to see and hear this man, and were

convinced that the .providence of God was exercised

in this individual in a very remarkable manner. He

gladly listened to God's word, or heard it spoken of

always with great gravity and compunction, and he

ever reverenced with sighs the pronunciation of the

name of God, or ofJesus Christ, and could not endure

to hear curses ; but whenever he heard any one swear

by God's death or pains, he waxed indignant, and ex-

claimed, with vehemence and with sighs, ' Wretched

man and miserable creature, thus to misuse the name

of thy Lord and God, and His bitter sufferings and

passion. Hadst thou seen, as I have, how heavy and

bitter were the pangs and wounds of thy Lord, en-

dured for thee and for me, thou wouldst rather under-

go great pain thyself than thus take His sacred name

in vain !


" Such is the account given to me by Doctor Paul

von Eitzen, with many circumstantial proofs, and

corroborated by certain of my own old acquaint-




The Wandering Jew.-

ances who saw this same individual with their own

eyes in Hamburg.

" In the year 1575 the Secretary Christopher

Krause," and Master Jacob von Holstein, legates to

the Court of Spain, and afterwards sent into the

Netherlands to pay the soldiers serving his Majesty

in that country, related on their return home to

Schleswig, and confirmed with solemn oaths, that

they had come across the same mysterious individual

at Madrid in Spain, in appearance, manner of life,

habits, clothing, just the same as he had appealed in

Hamburg. They said that they had spoken with

him, and that many people of all classes had con-

versed with him, and found him to speak good Span-

ish. In the year 1599, in December, a reliable per-

son wrote from Brunswick to Strasburg that the same

mentioned strange person had been seen alive at

Vienna in Austria, and that he had started for Poland

and Dantzig ; and that he purposed going on to Mos-

cow. This Ahasverus was at Lubeck in 1601, also

about the same date in Revel in Livonia, and in

Cracow in Poland.' In Moscow he was seen of mary

and spoken to by many.

" What thoughtful. God-fearing persons are to think

The Wandering Jew. 19

of the said person, is at their option. God's works

are wondrous and past finding out, and are manifested

day by day, only to be revealed in full at the last great

day of account.

"Dated, Revel, August ist, 1613.


" Chrysostomus Duduloeus,

" Westphalus."

The statement that the Wandering Jew appeared

in Lubeck in 1601, does not tally with the more pre-

cise chronicle of Henricus Bangert, which gives


" Die 14 Januarii Anno MDCIII., adnotatum reliquit

Lubecae fuisse^ Judaeum ilium immortalem, qui se

Christi crucifixioni intjprfuisse affirmavit." *

In 1604 he seems to have appeared in Paris. Ru-

dolph Botoreus says, under this date, " I fear lest I be

accused of giving ear to old wives' fables, if | insert

in these pages what is reported all over Europe of

the Jew, coeval with the Savior Christ ; however,

nothing is more common, and our popular histories

* Henr. Bangert, Comment, de Ortu, Vita, et Excessu

Coleri, I. Cti. Lubec.

20 The Wandering yew.

have not scrupled to assert it. Following the lead

of those who wrote our annals, I may say that he

who appeared not in one centuiy only, in Spain,

Italy, and Germany, was also in this year seen and

recognized as the same individual who had appeared

in Hamburg, anno MDLXVI. The common people,

bold in spreading reports,, relate many things of him;

and this I allude to, lest anything should be left


J. C. Bulenger puts the date of the Hamburg visit

earlier. " It was reported at this time that a Jew of

the time of Christ was wandering without food and

drink, having for a thousand and odd years beefi ^

vagabond and outcast, condemned by God to rove,

because he, of that generation of vipers, was the first

to cry out for the crucifixion o% Christ and the release

of Barabbas ; and also because soon after, when

Christ, panting under the burden of the rood, sought

to rest before his workshop (he was a cobbler), the

fellow ordered Him ofl:' with acerbity. Thereupon

Christ replied, ' Because thou grudgest Me such a

moment of rest, I shall enter into My rest, but thou

shalt wander restless.' At once, frantic and agitated,

* R. Botoreus, Coram. Histor. lii. p. 305.

The Wandering Jew. 21

he fled through the whole earth, and on the same

account to this day he journeys through the world.

It was this person who was seen in Hamburg in

MDLXIV. Credat Judajus Apella ! / did not see

him, or hear anything authentic concerning him, at

that time when I was in Paris." *

A curious little book,t written against the quackery

of Paracelsus, by Leonard Doldius, a Niirnberg phy-

sician, and translated into Latin and augmented, by

Andreas Libavius, doctor and physician of Roten-

burg, alludes to the same story, and gives the Jew a

new name nowhere else met with. After having

referred to a report that Paracelsus was not dead, but

was seated alive, asleep or napping, in his sepulchre

at Sti-asburg, presented from death by some of his

specifics, Labavius declares that he would sooner be-

lieve in the old man, the Jew, Ahasverus, wandering

over the woi"ld, called by some Buttad^eus, and other-

wise, again, by others.

He is said to have appeared in Naumburg, but

the date is not given ; he was noticed in church,

listening to the sermon. After the service he was

*J. C. Bulenger, Historia sui Temporis, p. 357.

t Praxis Alchymise. Francfurti, MDCIV. 8vo.

22 The Wandering jfetv.

questioned, and he related his story. On this occa-

sion he received" presents from the burgers.* In 1633

he was again in Hamburg. |- In the year 1640, two

citizens, living in the Gerberstrasse, in Brussels, were

walking in the Sonian wood, when they encountered

an aged man, whose clothes were in tatters and of

an antiquated appearance. They invited him to go

with them to a house of refreshment, and he went

with them, but would not seat himself, remaining on

foot to drink. When he came before the doors with

the two burgers, he told them a great deal ; but theA/^

were mostly stories of events which had happened

many hundred years before. Hence the burgers

gathered that their companion was Isaac Laquedem,

the Jew who had refused to permit our Blessed Lord

to rest for a moment at his door-step, and they left him

full of terror. In 1642 he is reported to have visited

Leipzig. On the zzd July, 1721, he appeared at the

gates of the city of Munich. \ About the end of the

seventeenth century or the beginning of the eighteenth,

an impostor, calling himself the Wandering Jew, at-

* Mitternacht, Diss, in Johann. xxi. 19.

t Mitternacht, ut supra.

X Hormayr, Taschenbuch, 1834, p. 216.

The Wandering Jevj. 2j

tracted attention in England, and was listened to by

the ignorant, and despised by the educated. He,

howev^er, managed to thrust himself into the notice

of the nobilit}', who, half in jest, half in curiosity,

questioned him, and paid him as they might a juggler.

He declared that he had been an officer of the Sanhe-

drim, and that he had struck Christ as he left the

judgment hall of Pilate. He remembered all the

Apostles, and described their personal appearance,

their clothes, and their peculiarities. He spoke many

languages, claimed the po\Nrer of healing the sick,

and asserted that he had travelled nearly all over the

world. Those who heard him were perplexed by his

familiarity with foreign tongues and places. Oxford

and Cambridge sent professors to question him, and

to discover the imposition, if any. An English noble-

man conversed with him in Arabic. The mysterious

stranger told his questioner in that language that

historical works v;ere not to be relied upon. And

on being asked his opinion of Mahomet, he replied

- that he had been acquainted with the father of the

prophet, and that he dwelt at Ormuz. As for

Mahomet, he believed him to have been a man of

intelligence ; once when he heard the prophet deny

24 The Wandering Jew.

that Christ was crucified, he answered abruptly b}-

tcUing him he was a witness to the truth of that

event. He related also that he was in Rome when

Nero set it on fire ; he had known Saladin, Tamer-

lane, Bajazeth, Eterlane, and could give minute

details of the history of the Crusades.*

Whether this wandering Jew was found out in

London or not, we cannot tell, but he shortly after

appeared in Denmark, thence travelled into Sweden,

and vanished.

Such are the principal notices of the Wandering

Jew which have appeared. It will be seen at once

how wanting they are in all substantial evidence

which could make us regard the story in any other

light than myth.

But no myth is wholly without foundation, and

there must be some substantial verity upon which

this vast superstructure of legend has been raised.

What that is I am unable to discover.

It has been suggested by some that the Jew

Ahasverus is an impersonation of that race which

wanders, Cain-like, oyer the earth with the brand

of a brother's blood upon it, and one which is not

* Calmet, Dictionn. de la Bible, t. ii. p. 472.

The Wandering yew. 25

to pass away till all be fulfilled, not to be reconciled

to its angered God till the times of the Gentiles

are accomplished. And yet, probable as this sup-

position may seem at first sight, it is not to be har-

monized with some of the leading features of the

stoiy. The shoemaker becomes a penitent, and

earnest Christian, wdiilst the Jewish nation has still

the veil upon its heart ; the wretched wanderer es-

chews money, and the avarice of the Israelite is


According to local legend, he is identified with

the Gypsies, or rather that strange people are sup-

posed to be living under a curse somewhat similar

to that inflicted on Ahasverus, because they refused

shelter to the Virgin and Child on their flight into

Egypt.* Another tradition connects the Jew with

the wild huntsman, and there is a forest at Bretten,

in Swabia, which he is said to haunt. Popular

superstition attributes to him there a purse con-

taining a gi'oschen, which, as often as it is expended,

returns to the spender.f

In the Harz one form of the Wild Huntsman

* Aventinus, Bayr. Chronik, viii.

f Meier, Sclivvtibischen Sagen, i. 116.

26 The W^andering yew.

myth is to this eflcct : that he was a Jew who had

refused to suffer our Blessed Lord to drink out of

a river, or out of a horse-trough, but had contemptu-

ously pointed out to Him the hoof-print of a horse,

in which a little water had collected, and had bid

Him quench His thirst thence.*

As the Wild Huntsman is the personification of

the storm, it is curious to find in parts of France

that the sudden roar of a gale at night is attributed

by the vulgar to the passing of the Everlasting Jew.

A Swiss story is, that he was seen one day stand-

ing upon the Matterberg, which is below the

Matterhorn, contemplating the scene with mingled

sorrow and wonder. Once before he stood on that

spot, and then it was the site of a flourishing city;

now it is covered with gentian and wild pinks.

Once again will he revisit the hill, and that will be

on the eve of Judgment.

Perhaps, of all the myths which originated in the

middle ages, none is more striking than that we

have been considering ; indeed, there is something

so calculated to arrest the attention and to excite

the imagination in the outline of the story, that it

* Kuhn u. Schwarz Nordd. Sagen, p. 499.

The Wandering yevj. 27

is remarkable that we should find an interval of

three centuries elapse between its first introduction

into EurojDe by Alatthew Paris and Philip Mouskes,

and its general acceptance in the sixteenth century.

As a myth, its roots lie in that great mystery of

human life which is an enigma never solved, and

ever originating speculation.

What was life? Was it of necessity limited to

fourscore years, or could it be extended indefinitely?

were questions curious minds never wearied of ask-

ing. And so the mythology of the past teemed

with legends of favored or accursed mortals, who

had reached beyond the term of days set to most

men. Some had discovered the water of life, the

fountain of perpetual youth, and were ever renew-

ing their strength. Others had dared the power of

God, and were therefore sentenced to feel the weight

of His displeasure, without tasting the repose of


John the Divine slept at Ephesus, untouched by

corruption, with the ground heaving over his breast

as he breathed, waiting the summons to come forth

and witness against Antichrist. The seven sleepers

reposed in a cave, and centuries glided by like a

28 The Wandering yew.

watch in the night. The monk of Hildcsheim,

doubting how with God a thousand years could be

as yesterday, listened to the melody of a bird in

the green wood during three minutes, and found

that in three minutes three hundred years had flown.

Joseph of Arimathaea, in the blessed city of Sarras,

draws perpetual life from the Saint Graal ; Merlin

sleeps and sighs in an old tree, spell-bound of Vivien.

Charlemagne and Barbarossa wait, crowned and

armed, in the heart of the mountain, till the time

comes for the release of Fatherland from despotism.

And, on the other hand, the curse of a deathless

life has passed on the Wild Huntsman, because he

desired to chase the red-deer for evermore ; c n the

Captain of the Phantom Ship, because he vowed he

would double the Cape whether God willed it or

not; on the Man in the Moon, because he gathered

sticks during the Sabbath rest ; on the dancers of

Kolbeck, because they desired to spend eternity in

their mad gambols.

I began this article intending to conclude it with

a bibliographical account of the tracts, letters, essays,

and books, written upon the Wandering Jew ; but

I relinquish my intention at the sight of the multi-

The Wandering yezv. 29

tude of works which have issued from the press

upon the subject ; and this I do with less compunc-

tion as the bibliographer may at little trouble and

expense satisfy himself, by perusing the lists given

by Grasse in his essay on the myth, and those to be

found in " Notice historique et bibliographiqiie sur

les Juifs-errants : par O. B." (Gustave Brunet), Paris,

Techener, 1845 » ^^^^ "^ ^^^^ article by M. Mangin,

in " Causeries et Meditations historiques et litte-

raires," Paris, Duprat, 1843 ; and, lastly, in the essay

by Jacob le Bibliophile (M. Lacroix) in his " Curi-

osites de I'Histoire des Croyances populaires," Paris,

Delahays, 1859.

Of the romances of Eugene Sue and Dr. Croly,

founded upon the legend, the less said the bettei'.

The original legend is so noble in its severe sim-

plicity, that none but a master mind could develop

it with any chance of success. Nor have the poeti-

cal attempts upon the story fared better. It was

reserved for the pencil of Gustave Dore to treat it

with the originality it merited, and in a scries of

woodcuts to produce at once a poem, a romance,

and a chef-d'oeuvre of art.


JJrcstfr Sol)n.

Arms of the See of Chichester.

ABOUT the middle of the twelfth century, a

rumor circulated through Europe that there

reigned in Asia a powerful Christian Emperor, Pres-

byter Johannes. In a bloody fight he had broken the

power of the Mussulmans, and was ready to come to

the assistance of the Crusaders. Great was the ex-

ultation in Europe, for of late the news from the East

had been gloomy and depressing, the power of the

infidel had increased, overwhelming masses of men

had been brought into the field against the chivalry

of Christendom, and it was felt that the cross must

yield before the odious crescent.

The news of the success of the Priest-King

opened a door of hope to the desponding Christian

Prester John. 31

world. Pope Alexander III. determined at once

to effect a union with this mysterious personage,

and on the 27th of September, 1177, wrote him a

letter, which he intrusted to his physician, Philip,

to deliver in person.

Philip started on his embassy, but never returned.

The conquests of Tschengis-Khan again attracted

the eyes of Christian Europe to the East. The

Mongol hordes were rushing in upon the west with

devastating ferocity ; Russia, Poland, Hungary, and

the eastern provinces of Germany, had succumbed,

or suffered grievously ; and the fears of other na-

tions were roused lest they too should taste the

misery of a Mongolian invasion. It was Gog and

Magog come to slaughter, and the times of Anti-

christ were dawning. But the battle of Liegnitz

stayed them in their onward career, and Europe

was saved.

Pope Innocent IV. determined to convert these

wild hordes of barbarians, and subject them to the

cross of Christ ; he therefore sent among them a

number of Dominican and Franciscan missioners,

and embassies of peace passed between the Pope,

the King of France, and the Mogul Khan.

32 Prestcr yohn.

The result of these communications with the East

was, that the travellers learned how false were the

prevalent notions of a mighty Christian empire existing

in Central Asia. Vulgar superstition or conviction is

not, however, to be upset by evidence, and the local-

ity of the monarchy was merely transferred by the

people to Africa, and they fixed upon Abyssinia, with

a show of truth, as the seat of the famous Priest-King.

However, still some doubted. John de Piano Carpini

and Marco Polo, though they acknowledged the exist-

ence of a Christian monarch in Abyssinia, yet stoutly

maintained as well that the Prester John of popular

belief reigned in splendor somewhere in the dim


But before proceeding with the history of this

strange fable, it will be well to extract the different

accounts given of the Priest-King and his realm by

early writers ; and we shall then be better able to

judge of the influence the myth obtained in Europe.

Otto of Frcisingen is the first author to mention

the monarchy of Prester John with whom we are

acquainted. Otto wrote a chronicle up to the date

11 56, and he relates that in 1145 the Catholic Bishop

of Cabala visited Europe to lay certain complaints

Prester yohii. 33

before the Pope. He mentioned the fall of Edessa,

and also " he stated that a few years ago a certain

King and Priest called John, who lives on the farther

side of Persia and Armenia, in the remote East, and

who, with all his people, were Christians, though

belonging to the Nestorian Church, had overcome

the royal brothers Samiardi, kings of the Medes and

Persians, and had captured Ecbatana, their capital

and residence. The said kings had met with their

Persian, Median, and Assyrian troops, and had fought

for three consecutive days, each side having deter-

mined to die rather than take to flight. Prester John,

for so they are wont to call him, at length routed the

Persians, and after a bloody battle, remained victori-

ous. After which victory the said John was hasten-

ing to the assistance of the Church at Jerusalem, but

his host, on reaching the Tigris, was hindered from

passing, through a deficiency in boats, and he directed

his march North, since he had heard that the river

was there covered with ice. In that place he had

waited many years, expecting severe cold ; but the

winters having proved unpropitious, and the severity

of the climate having carried off many soldiers, he

had been forced to retreat to his own land. This


34 Prester jfohn.

king belongs to the family of the Magi, mentioned in

the Gospel, and he rules over the veiy people formerly

governed by the Magi; moreover, his fame and his

wealth are so great, that he uses an emerald sceptre


" Excited by the example of his ancestors, whe

came to worshii) Christ in his cradle, he had pro-

posed to go to Jerusalem, but had been impeded by

the above-mentioned causes." *

At the same time the story crops up in other quar-

ters ; so that v^^e cannot look upon Otto as the inventor

of the myth. The celebrated Maimonides alludes to

it in a passage quoted by Joshua Lorki, a Jewish

physician to Benedict XIII. Maimonides lived from

1 135 to 1204. The passage is as follows :" It is evi-

dent both from the letters of Rambam (Maimonides),

whose memory be blessed, and from the narration of

merchants who have visited the ends of the earth,

that at this time the root of our faith is to be found

in the lands of Babel and Teman, where long ago

Jerusalem was an exile ; not reckoning those who

live in the land of Paras f and Madai, | of the exiles

of Schomrom, the number of which people is as the

* Otto, Ep. Frising., lib. vii. c. 33. f Persia. J Media.

Prester John, 35

sand : of these some are still under the yoke of Paras,

who is called the Great-Chief Sultan by the Arabs;

others live in a place under the yoke of a strange

people . . . governed by a Christian chief, Preste-

Cuan by name. With him they have made a com-

pact, and he with them ; and this is a matter concern-

ing which there can be no manner of doubt."

Benjamin of Tudela, another Jew, travelled in the

East between the years 1159 and 11 73, the last being

the date of his death. He wrote an account of his

travels, and gives in it some information with regard

to a mythical Jew king, who reigned in the utmost

splendor over a realm inhabited by Jews alone, situ-

ate somewhere in the midst of a desert of vast extent.

About this period there appeared a document which

produced intense excitement throughout Europe —a letter, yes ! a letter from the mysterious personage

himself to ]\Ianuel Comnenus, Emperor of Constanti-

nople (1143-11S0). The exact date of this extraor-

dinary epistle cannot be fixed with any certaintv, but

it certainly appeared before 1241, the date of the

conclusion of the chronicle of Albericus Trium Fon-

tium. This Albericus relates that in the year 1165

" Presbyter Joannes, the Indian king, sent his won-

36 Prester yoJin.

derful letter to various ChristiaH princes, and espe-

cially to Manuel of Constantinople, and Frederic

the Roman Emperor." Similar letters were sent to

Alexander III., to Louis VII. of France, and to the

King of Portugal, which are alluded to in chroni-

cles and romances, and which were indeed turned

into rhyme, and sung all over Europe by minstrels

and trouveres. The letter is as follows :—

"John, Priest by the Almighty power of God and

the Might of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of Kings,

and Lord of Lords, to 'his friend Emanuel, Prince

of Constantinople, greeting, wishing him health,

prosperity, and the continuance of Divine favor.

" Our Majesty has been informed that you hold

our Excellency in love, and that the rejDort of our

greatness has reached you. Moreover, we have

heai'd through our treasurer that you have been

pleased to send to us some objects of art and

interest, that our Exaltedness might be gratified


" Being human, I receive it in good part, and we

have ordered our treasurer to send you some of our

ai'ticles in return.

" Now we desire to be made certain that you

Prester yohn. 37

nold the right faith, and in all things cleave to

Jesus Christ, our Lord, for we have heard that your

court regard you as a god, though we know that

you are mortal, and subject to human infirmities.

. . . Should you desire to learn the greatness

and excellency of our Exaltedness and of the land

subject to our sceptre, then hear and believe : — I,

Presbyter Johannes, the Lord of Lords, surpass all

under heaven in virtue, in riches, and in power


seventy-two kings pay us tribute. ... In the three

Indies our jSIagnificence rules, and our land extends

beyond India, where rests the body of the holy-

Apostle Thomas ; it reaches towards the sunrise

over the wastes, and it trends towards deserted

Babylon near the tower of Babel. Seventy-two

provinces, of which only a few are Christian, serve

us. Each has its own king, but all are tributary

to us.

" Our land is the home of elephants, dromedaries,

camels, crocodiles, meta-collinarum, cametennus, tcn-

sevctes, wild asses, white and red lions, white bears,

white inerules, crickets, griffins, tigers, lamias, hy-

enas, wild horses, wild oxen and wild men, men

with horns, one-eyed, men with eyes before and

38 • Prestcj' yoJin.

behind, centaurs, fauns, satyrs, pygmies, forty-ell-

high giants, Cyclopses, and similar women ; it is

the home, too, of the phcEnix, and of nearly all

living animals. We have some people subject to

us who feed on the flesh of men and of prematurely

born animals, and who never fear death. When

any of these people die, their friends and relations

eat him ravenously, for they regard it as a main

duty to munch human flesh. Their names are Gog

and Magog, Anie, Agit, Azenach, Fommeperi,

Befari, Conei-Samante, Agrimandri, Vintefolei, Cas-

bei, Alanei. These and similar nations were shut

in behind lofty mountains by Alexander the Great,

towards the North. We lead them at our pleasure

against our foes, and neither man nor beast is left

undevoured, if our Majesty gives the requisite per-

mission. And when all our foes are eaten, then w^e

return with our hosts home again. These accursed

fifteen nations will burst forth from the four quarters

of the earth at the end of the world, in the times

of Antichrist, and overrun all the abodes of the

Saints as well as the great cit}^ Rome, which, by

the way, we are prepared to give to our son who

will be born, along with all Italy, Germany, the

Prester John. 39

two Gauls, Britain and Scotland. AV^e shall also

give him Spain and all the land as far as the icy

sea. The nations to which I have alluded, accord-

ing to the words of the prophet, shall not stand in

the judgment, on account of their offensive practices,

but will be consumed to ashes by a fire which will

fall on them from heaven.

" Our land streams with honey, and is overflow-

ing w'ith milk. In one region grows no poisonous

herb, nor does a querulous frog ever quack in it


no scorpion exists, nor does the serpent glide

amongst the grass, nor can any poisonous animals

exist in it, or injure any one.

" Among the heathen, flows through a certain

province the River Indus ; encircling Paradise, it

spreads its arms in manifold windings through the

entire province. Here are found the emeralds,

sapphires, carbuncles, topazes, chrysolites, onyxes,

beryls, sardius, and other costly stones. Here grows

the plant Assidos, which, when worn by any one,

protects him from the evil spirit, forcing it to state

its business and name ; consequently the foul spirits

keep out of the way there. In a certain land sub-

ject to us, all kinds of pepper is gathered, and is

40 Prester John.

exchanged for corn and bread, leather and cloth.

. . . At the foot of Mount Olympus bubbles up a

spring which changes its flavor hour by hour, night

and day, and the spring is scarcely three days'

journey from Paradise, out of which Adam was

driven. If any one has tasted thrice of the foun-

tain, from that day he will feel no fiitigue, but will,

as long as he lives, be as a man of thirty years.

Here are found the small stones called Nudiosi,

which, if borne about the body, jDrevent the sight

from waxing feeble, and restore it where it is lost.

The more the stone is looked at, the keener be-

comes the sight. In our territory is a certain water-

less sea, consisting of tumbling billows of sand

never at rest. None have crossed this sea ; it lacks

water altogether, yet fish are cast up upon the

beach of various kinds, very tasty, and the like are

nowhei'e else to be seen. Three days' journey from

this sea are mountains from which rolls down a

stony, waterless river, which opens into the sandy

sea. As soon as the stream reaches the sea, its

stones vanish in it, and are never seen again. As

long as tlie river is in motion, it cannot be crossed;

only four days a week is it possible to traverse it.

Prester yohn. 41

Between the sandy sea and the said mountains, in

a certain plain is a fountain of singular virtue,

which purges Christians and would-be Christians

from all transgressions. The water stands four

inches high in a hollow stone shaped like a mussel-

shell. Two saintly old men watch by it, and ask

the comers whether they are Christians, or are

about to become Christians, then whether they de-

sire healing with all their hearts. If they have

answered well, they are bidden to lay aside their

clothes, and to step into the mussel. If what they

said be true, then the water begins to rise and gush

over their heads ; thrice does the water thus lift

itself, and every one who has entered the mussel

leaves it cured of every complaint.

" Near the wilderness trickles between barren

mountains a subterranean rill, which can only by

chance be reached, for only occasionally the earth

gapes, and he who would descend must do it with

precipitation, ere the earth closes again. All that

is gathered under the ground there is gem aiid

precious stone. The brook pours into another

river, and the inhabitants of the neighborhood ob-

tain thence abundance of precious stones. Yet they

42 Pfester jfo/m.

never venture to sell them without having first

oflbred them to us for our j^rivate use : should we

decHnc them, they are at Hberty to dispose of them

to strangers. Boys there are trained to remain

three or four da3's under water, diving after the


" Beyond the stone river are the ten tribes of the

Jews, which, though subject to their own kings,

are, for all that, our slaves and tributary to our

Majesty. In one of our lands, hight Zone, are

worms called in our tongue Salamanders. These

worms can only live in fire, and they build cocoons

like silk-worms, which are unwound by the ladies

of our palace, and spun into cloth and dresses,

which are worn by our Exaltcdness. These dresses,

in order to be cleaned and washed, are cast into

flames. . . . When we go to war, we have foui^teen

golden and bejewelled crosses borne before us in-

stead of banners ; each of these crosses is followed

by 10,000 horsemen, and 100,000 foot soldiei's fully

armed, without reckoning those in chai^ge of the

luggage and provision.

" When we ride abroad plainly, we have a

wooden, unadorned cross, without gold or gem

Prester yoJrn. 43

about it, borne before us, in order that we may

meditate on the sufferings of Our Lord Jesus

Christ ; also a golden bowl filled with earth, to

remind us of that whence we sprung, and that to

which we must return ; but besides these there is

borne a silver bowl full of gold, as a token to all

that we are the Lord of Lords.

" All riches, such as are upon the world, our

Magnificence possesses in sui^erabundance. With

us no one lies, for he who speaks a lie is thence-

forth regarded as dead ; he is no more thought of,

or honored by us. No vice is tolerated by us.

Every year we undertake a pilgrimage, with reti-

nue of war, to the body of the holy prophet Dan-

iel, which is near the desolated site of Babylon.

In our realm fishes are caught, the blood of which

dyes purple. The Amazons and the Brahmins are

subject to us. The palace in which our Super-

eminency resides, is built after the pattern of the

castle built by the Apostle Thomas for the Indian

king Gundoforus. Ceilings, joists, and architrave

are of Sethym wood, the roof of ebony, which

can never catch fire. Over the gable of the pal-

ace are, at the extremities, two golden apples,

44 Pyester yohn.

in each of which are two carbuncles, so that the

gold may shine by clay, and the carbuncles by

night. The greater gates of the palace are of sar-

dius, with the liorn of the horned snake inwrought,

so that no one can bring poison within.

" The other portals are of ebony. The wi dows

are of crystal ; the tables are partly of gold, partly

of amethyst, and the columns supporting the tables

are partly of ivory, partly of amethyst. The court

in which we watch the jousting is floored with

onyx in oi'der to increase the coui'age of the com-

batants. In the palace, at night, nothing is burned

for light but wicks supplied with balsam. . . . Be-

fore ovir palace stands a mirror, the ascent to

which consists of five and twenty steps of por-

phyry and serpentine." After a description of the

gems adorning this mirror, which is guarded night

and day by three thousand armed men, he explains

its use :" We look therein and behold all that is

taking place in every province and region subject

to our sceptre.

" Seven kings wait upon us monthly, in turn,

with sixty-two dukes, two hundred and fifty-six

counts and marquises : and twelve archl)ishops sit

Prester yo/ui. 45

at table with us on our right, and twenty bishops

on the left, besides the patriarch of St. Thomas, the

Sarmatian Protopope, and the Archpope of Susa.

. . . Our lord high stew^ard is a primate and king,

our cup-bearer is an archbishop and king, our

chamberlain a bishop and king, our marshal a king

and abbot."

I may be spared further extracts from this ex-

traordinary letter, which proceeds to describe the

church in which Prester John worships, by enu-

merating the precious stones of which it is con-

structed, and their special virtues.

Whether this letter was in circulation before

Pope Alexander wrote his, it is not easy to decide.

Alexander does not allude to it, but speaks of the

reports which have reached him of the piety and

the magnificence of the Priest-King. At the same

time, there runs a tone of bitterness through the

letter, as though the Pope had been galled at the

pretensions of this mysterious personage, and per-

haps winced under the prospect of the man-eaters

overrunning Italy, as suggested by John the Priest.

The papal epistle is an assertion of the claims of

the See of Rome to universal dominion, and it

46 Prester jfohn.

assures the Eastern Prince-Pope that his Christian

professions are worthless, unless he submits to the

successor of Peter. " Not every one that saith unto

me, Lord, Lord," &c., quotes the Pope, and then

explains that the will of God is that every monarch

and prelate should eat humble joie to the Sovereign


Sir John Maundevil gives the origin of the

priestly title of the Eastern despot, in his curious

book of travels.

" So it befelle, that this emperour cam, with a

Cristene knyght with him, into a chirche in Egypt


and it was Saterday in Wyttson woke. And the

bishop made orders. And he beheld and listened

the servyse fuUe tentyfly : and he asked the Cris-

tene knyght, what men of degree thei scholden

ben, that the prelate had before him. And the

knyght answerede and seyde, that thei scholde ben

prestes. And then the emperour seyde, that he

woldc no longer ben clept kyng ne emperour, but

preest : and that he vvolde have the name of the

first preest, that wente out of the chirche ; and his

name was John. And so evere more sittiens, he is

clept Prestre John."

Prester John. 47

It is probable that the foundation of the whole

Prester-John myth lay in the report which reached

Europe of the wonderful successes of Nestorianism

in the East, and there seems reason to believe that

the famous letter given above was a Nestoria:i

fabrication. It certaiuly looks un-European ; the

gorgeous imagery is thoroughly Eastern, and the

disparaging tone in which Rome is spoken of could

hardly have been the expression of Western feel-

ings. The letter has the object in view of exalting

the East in religion and arts to an undue eminence

at the expense of the West, and it manifests some

ignorance of European geography, when it speaks

of the land extending from Spain to the Polar Sea.

Moreover, the sites of the patriarchates, and the

dignity conferred on that of St. Thomas, are indica-

tions of a Nestorian bias.

A brief glance at the history of this heretical

Church may be of value here, as showing that

there really was a foundation for the wild legends

concerning a Christian empii-e in the East, so

prevalent in Europe. Nestorius, a priest of An-

tioch and a disciple of St. Chrysostom, was elevated

by the emperor to the patriarchate of Constanti-

48 Prester jfohn.

nople, and in the year 42S began to propagate his

heres)^, denying the hypostatic union. The Council

of Ephesus denounced him, and, in spite of the

emperor and court, Nestorius was anathematized

and driven into exile. His sect spread through the

East, and became a flourishing church. It reached

to China, where the emperor was all but converted


its missionaries traversed the frozen tundras of Si-

beria, preaching their maimed Gospel to the wild

hordes which haunted those dreary wastes ; it faced

Buddhism, and wrestled with it for the religious

supremacy in Thibet ; it established churches in

Persia and in Bokhara ; it penetrated India ; it

formed colonies in Ceylon, in Siam, and in Suma-

tra ; so that the Catholicos or Pope of Bagdad

exercised sway more extensive than that ever ob-

tained b}^ the successor of St. Peter. The number

of Christians belonging to that communion proba-

bly exceeded that of the members of the true Cath-

olic Church in East and West. But the Nestorian

Church was not founded on the Rock ; it rested on

Nestorius ; and when the rain descended, and the

winds blew, and the floods came, and beat upon

that house, it fell, leaving scarce a fragment behind.

Prester yohn. 49

Rubruquis the Franciscan, who in 1253 was sent

on a mission into Tartaiy, was the first to let in a

little light on the fable. He writes, " The Catai

dwelt beyond certain mountains across which I wan-

dered, and in a plain in the midst of the mountains

lived once an important Nestorian shepherd, who

ruled over the Nestorian people, called Nayman.

When Coir-Khan died, the Nestorian people raised

this man to be king, and called him King Johannes,

and related of him ten times as much as the truth.

The Nestorians thereabouts have this way with them,

that about nothing they make a gi'eat fuss, and thus

they have got it noised abroad that Sartach, Mangu-

Khan, and Ken-Khan were Christians, simply because

they treated Christians well, and showed them more

honor than other people. Yet, in fact, they were not

Christians at all. And in like manner the story got

about that there was a great King John. However,

I traversed his pastures, and no one knew anything

about him, excej^t a few Nestorians. In his pastures

lives Ken-Khan, at whose court was Brother Andrew,

\vhom I met on my way back. This Johannes had

a brother, a famous shepherd, named Unc, who lived


5© Prester John.

three weeks' journey beyond the mountains of Cara-


This Unk-Khan was a real individual ; he lost his

life in the year 1203. Kuschhik, prince of the Nay-

man, and follower of Kor-Khan, fell in 1218.

Marco Polo, the Venetian traveller (i 254-1324),

identifies Unk-Khan with Prcster John ; he says, " I

will now tell you of the deeds of the Tartars, how

they gained the mastery, and spread over the whole

earth. The Tartars dwelt between Georgia and Bar-

gu, where there is a vast plain and level country, on

which are neither cities nor forts, but capital pastur-

age and water. They had no chief of their own, but

paid to Prester Johannes tribute. Of the greatness

of this Prester Johannes, who was properly called

Un-Khan, the whole world spake ; the Tartars gave

him one of every ten head of cattle. When Prester

John noticed that they were increasing, he feared

them, and planned how he could injure them. He

determined therefore to scatter them, and he sent

barons to do this. But the Tartars guessed what

Prester John purposed . . . and they went away into

the wide wastes of the North, where they might be

beyond his reach." He then goes on to relate how

Prester John. 51

Tschengis-(Jenghiz-)Khan became the head of the

Tartars, and how he fought against Prester John,

and, after a desperate fight, overcame and slew him.

The S}'riac Chronicle of the Jacobite Primate,

Gregory Bar-Hebr£eus (born 1226, died 12S6), also

identifies Unk-Khan with Prester John, " In the

year of the Greeks 15 14, of the Arabs 599 (A. D.

1202), when Unk-Khan, who is the Christian King

John, ruled over a stock of the barbarian Hunns,

called Kergt, Tschingys-Khan served him with great

zeal. When John observed the superiority and ser-

viceableness of the other, he envied him, and plotted

to seize and murder him. But two sons of Unk-

Khan, having heard this, told it to Tschingys ; where-

upon he and his comrades fled by night, and secreted

themselves. Next morning Unk-Khan took posses-

sion of the Tartar tents, but found them empty.

Then the party of Tschingys fell upon him, and they

met by the spring called Balschunah, and the side

of Tschingys won the day ; and the followers of

Unk-Khan were compelled to yield. They met again

several times, till Unk-Khan was utterly discomfited,

and was slain himself, and his wives, sons, and

daughters carried into captivity. Yet we must con-

52 Prester yohn.

sider that King John the Kergtajer was not cast clown

for nought ; nay, rather, because he had turned his

heart from the fear of Christ his Lord, who liad

exalted him, and had taken a wife of the Zinish

nation, called Qiiarakhata. Because he forsook the

religion of his ancestors and followed strange gods,

therefoi-e God took the government from him, and

gave it to one better than he, and whose heart was

right before God."

Some of the early travellers, such as John de

Plano-Carpini and Marco Polo, in disabusing the

popular mind of the belief in Prester John as a

mighty Asiatic Christian monarch, unintentionally

turned the popular faith in that individual into a

new direction. They spoke of the black people of

Abascia in Ethiopia, which, by the way, they called

Middle India, as a great people subject to a Christian


Marco Polo says that the true monarch of Abyssinia

is Christ ; but that it is governed by six kings, three

of whom are Christians and three Saracens, and that

they are in league with the Soudan of Aden.

Bishop Jordanus, in his description of the world,

accordingly sets down Abyssinia as the kingdom of

Prester John. 53

Prcster John; and such was the popular impression,

which was confirmed by the appearance at intervals

of ambassadors at Eui'opean courts from the King

of Abyssinia. The discovery of the Cape of Good

Hope was due partly to a desire manifested in Portu-

gal to open communications with this monarch,* and

King John II. sent two men, learned in Oriental lan-

guages through Egypt to the court of Abyssinia. The

might and dominion of this prince, who had replaced

the Tartar chief in the popular creed as Prester John,

was of course greatly exaggerated, and was supposed

to extend across Arabia and Asia to the wall of

China. The spread of geographical knowledge has

contracted the area of his dominions, and a critical

acquaintance with history has exploded the myth

which invested Unk-Khan, the nomad chief, with all

the attributes of a demigod, uniting in one the utmost

pretensions of a Pope and the proudest claims of a


* Ludolfi Hist, ^thiopica, lib. ii. cap. i, 2. Petrus, Petri

filius Lusitanige princeps, M. Pauli Veneti librum (qui de

Indorum rebus multa : speciatim vero de Presbytero Johanne

aliqua rnagnifice scripsit) Venetiis secuin in patriam detulerat,

qui (Chronologicis Lusitanoruni testantibus) prsecipuam Jo-

hanni Regi ansani dedit Indicse navigationis, quam Henricus

Johannis I. filius, patruus ejus, tentaverat, prosequendse, &c.


®l)e Piuining Hob

IT^ROM the remotest period a rod has been re-

-^ garded as the symbol of power and authority,

and Holy Scripture employs it in the popular sense.

Thus David speaks of " Thy rod and Thy staff' com-

forting me ;

" and Moses works his miracles before

Pharaoh with the rod as emblem of Divine commis-

sion. It was his rod which became a serpent, which

turned the water of Egypt into blood, which opened

the waves of the Red Sea and restored them to their

former level, which " smote the rock of stone so that

the water gushed out abundantly." The rod of Aaron

acted an oracular part in the contest with the princes


laid up before the ark, it budded and brought forth

almonds. In this instance we have it no longer as

a symbol of authority, but as a means of divining

the will of God. And as such it became liable

to abuse ; thus Hosea rebukes the chosen people

for 2)ractising similar divinations. "My people ask

The Divining Rod. 55

counsel at their stocks, and their staff declarcth unto

them." *

Long before this, Jacob had made a different use

of rods, employing them as a charm to make his

father-in-law's sheep bear pied and spotted lambs.

We find rhabdomancy a popular form of divination

among the Greeks, and also among the Romans.

Cicero in his " De Officiis" alludes to it. "If all

that is needful for our nourishment and support ar-

rives to us by means of some divine rod, as people

say, then each of us, free from all care and trouble,

may give himself up to the exclusive pursuit of

study and science."

Probably it is to this rod that the allusion of

Ennius, as the agent in discovering hidden treasures,

quoted in the first book of his " De Divinatione,"


According to Vetrauius Maurus, Varro left a satire

on the " Virgula divina," which has not been pre-

served. Tacitus tells us that the Germans practised

some sort of divination by means of rods. " For

the purpose their method is simple. They cut a

rod off some fruit-tree into bits, and after having

distinguished them by various marks, they cast them

* Hos. iv. 12.

56 The Divining Rod.

into a white cloth. ... Then the priest thrice

draws each piece, and explains the oracle accord-

ing to the marks." Ammianus Marcellinus says that

the Alains employed an osier rod.

The fourteenth law of the Frisons ordered that

the discovery of murders should be made by means

of divining rods used in Church. These rods should

be laid before the altar, and on the sacred relics,

after which God was to be supplicated to indicate

the culprit. This was called the Lot of Rods, or

Tan-teen, the Rod of Rods.

But the middle ages was the date of the full

development of the superstition, and the divining rod

was believed to have efficacy-' in discovering hidden

treasures, veins of precious metal, springs of water,

thefts, and murders. The first notice of its general

use among late writers is in the " Testamentum

Novum," lib. i, cap. 25, of Basil Valentine, a Ben-

edictine monk of the fifteenth century. Basil speaks

of the general fiiith in and adoption of this valuable

instrument for the discovery of metals, which is

carried by workmen in mines, either in their belts

or in their caps. He says that there are seven

names by which this rod is known, and to its ex-

The Divi7iing Rod. 57

cellences under each title he devotes a chapter of

his book. The names arc : Divine Rod, Shining

Rod, Leaping Rod, Transcendent Rod, Trembling

Rod, Dipping Rod, Superior Rod. In his admira-

ble treatise on metals, Agricola speaks of the rod

in terms of disparagement ; he considers its use as

a relic of ancient magical forms, and he says that

it is only irreligious workmen who employ it in

their search after metals. Goclenius, however, in

his treatise on the virtue of plants, stoutly does bat-

tle for the properties of the hazel rod. Whereupon

Roberti, a Flemish Jesuit, falls upon him tooth and

nail, disputes his facts, overwhelms him with abuse,

and gibbets him for popular ridicule. Andreas Li-

bavius, a writer I have already quoted in my article

on the Wandering Jew, undertook a series of ex-

periments upon the hazel divining rod, and con-

cluded that there was truth in the popular belief.

The Jesuit Kircher also " experimentalized several

times on wooden rods which were declared to be

sympathetic with regard to certain metals, by placing

them on delicate pivots in equilibrium ; but they

never turned on the approach of metal." (De Arte

Magnetica.) However, a similar course of experi-

58 The Divining Rod.

ments over water led him to attribute to the rod the

power of indicating subterranean springs and water-

courses ;" I 'would not affirm it," he says, " unless I

had established the fact by my own experience."

Dechales, another Jesuit, author of a treatise on

natural springs, and of a huge tome entitled " Mun-

dus Mathematicus," declared in the latter work,

that no means of discovering sources is equal to

the divining rod ; and he quotes a friend of his

who, with a hazel rod in his hand, could discover

springs with the utmost precision and facility, and

could trace on the surface of the ground the course

of a subterranean conduit. Another writer, Saint-

Romain, in his " Science degagee des Chimeres de

rficole," exclaims, " Is it not astonishing to see a rod,

which is held firmly in the hands, bow itself and

turn visibly in the direction of water or metal, with

more or less promptitude, according as the metal or

the water are near or remote from the surface !


In 1659 the Jesuit Gaspard Schott writes that the

rod is used in evei'y town of Germany, and that he

had frequent opportunity of seeing it used in the

discovery of hidden treasui-es. "I searched with the

greatest care," he adds, " into the question whether

The Dlviniitg Rod. 59

the hazel rod had any sympathy with gold and sil-

ver, and whether any natural property set it in mo-

tion. In like manner I tried whether a ring of

metal, held suspended by a thread in the midst of

a tumbler, and which strikes the hours, is moved

by any similar force. I ascertained that these effects

could only have rise from the deception of those

holding the rod or the pendulum, or, may be, from

some diabolic impulsion, or, more likely still, be-

cause imagination sets the hand in motion."

The Sieur le Roj^er, a lawyer of Rouen, in 1674,

published his " Traite du Baton universel," in which

he gives an account of a trial made with the rod

in the presence of Father Jean Fi'an^ois, who had

ridiculed the operation in his treatise on the science

of waters, published at Rennes in 1655, and which

succeeded in convincing the blasphemer of the divine

Rod. Le Royer denies to it the power of picking

out criminals, which had been popularly attributed

to it, and as had been unhesitatingly claimed for it

by Debrio in his " Disquisitio Magica."

And now I am brought to the extraordinary story

of Jacques Aymar, which attracted the attention of

Europe to the marvellous properties of the divining

6o The Divining Rod.

rod. I shall give the history of this man in full, as

such an account is rendered necessary by the muti-

lated versions I have seen current in English maga-

zine articles, which follow the lead of Mrs. Crowe,

who narrates the earlier portion of this impostor's

career, but says nothing of his expose- and downfall.

On the 5th July, 1692, at about ten o'clock in the

evening, a wine-seller of L3'ons and his wife were

assassinated in their cellar, and their money carried

oft". On the morrow, the officers of justice arrived,

and examined the premises. Beside the corpses lay

a large bottle wrapped in straw, and a bloody hedg-

ing bill, which undoubtedly had been the instrument

used to accomplish the murder. Not a trace of

those who had committed the horrible deed was to

be found, and the magistrates were quite at fault

as to the direction in which they should turn for a

clew to the murderer or murderers.

At this juncture a neighbor reminded the magis-

trates of an incident which had taken place foui

years previous. It was this. In 1688 a theft of

clothes had been made in Grenoble. In the parish

of Crole lived a man named Jacques Aymar, sup-

posed to be endowed with the faculty of using the

The Divining Rod. 6l

divining rod. This man was sent for. On reacl\ing

the spot where the theft had been committed, his

rod moved in his hand. He followed the track in-

dicated by the rod, and it continued to rotate between

his fingers as long as he followed a certain direction,

but ceased to turn if he diverged from it in the small-

est degree. Guided by his rod, Aymar went from

street to street, till he was brought to a standstill

before the prison gates. These could not be opened

without leave of the magistrate, who hastened to wit-

ness the experiment. The gates were unlocked, and

Aymar, under the same guidance, directed his steps •

towards four prisoners lately incarcerated. lie or-

dered the four to be stood in a line, and then he

2:)laccd his foot on that of the first. The rod re-

mained immovable. He passed to the second, and

the rod turned at once. Before the third prisoner

there were no signs ; the fourth trembled, and begged

to be heard. He owned himself the thief, along

with the second, who also acknowledged the theft,

and mentioned the name of the receiver of the stolen

goods. This was a farmer in the neighborhood of

Grenoble. The magistrate and officers visited him

and demanded the articles he had obtained. The

62 The Divining Rod.

farmer denied all knowledge of the theft and all par-

ticipation in the booty. Aymar, however, by means

of his rod, discovered the secreted property, and re-

stored it to the persons from whom it had been stolen.

On another occasion Aymar had been in quest of a

spring of water, when he felt his rod turn sharply in

his hand. On digging at the spot, expecting to dis-

cover an abundant source, the body of a murdered

woman was found in a barrel, with a rope twisted

round her neck. The poor creature was recognized

as a woman of the neighborhood who had vanished

four months before. Aymar went to the house which

the victim had inhabited, and presented his rod to

each member of the household. It turned upon the

husband of the deceased, who at once took to flight.

The magistrates of Lyons, at their wits' ends how

to discover the perpetrators of the double murder in

the wine shop, urged the Procureur du Roi to make

experiment of the powers of Jacques Aymar. The

fellow was sent for, and he boldly asserted his capa-

city for detecting criminals, if he were first brought to

the spot of the murder, so as to be put en rapport

with the murderers.

He was at once conducted to the scene of the out-

The Divining Rod. 63

rage, with the rod in his hand. This remained sta-

tionary as he traversed the cellar, till he reached the

spot where the body of the wine seller had lain ; then

the stick became violently agitated, and the man's

pulse rose as though he were in an access of fever.

The same motions and symptoms manifested them-

selves when he reached the place where the second

victim had lain.

Having thus received his impression^ Aymar left

the cellar, and, guided by his rod, or rather by an

internal instinct, he ascended into the shop, and then

stepping into the street, he followed from one to

another, like a hound upon the scent, the track of the

murderers. It conducted him into the court of the

archiepiscopal palace, across it, and down to the gate

of the Rhone. It was now evening, and the city

gates being all closed, the quest of blood was relin-

quished for the night.

Next morning Aymar returned to the scent. Ac-

companied by three officers, he left the gate, and

descended the right bank of the Rhone. The rod

gave indications of there having been three involved

in the murder, and he pursued the traces till two of

them led to a gardener's cottage. Into this he en-

64 The Divining Rod.

tered, and there he asserted with warmth, against the

asseverations of the proprietor to the contrary, that

the fugitives had entered his rooin, had seated them-

selves at his table, and had drunk wine out of one of

the bottles which he indicated. Aymar tested each

of the household with his rod, to see if they had been

in contact with the murderers. The rod moved over

the two children only, aged respectively ten and nine

years. These little things, on being questioned, an-

swered, with reluctance, that during their father's

absence on Sunday morning, against his express com-

mands, they had left the door open, and that two

men, whom they described, had come in suddenly

upon them, and had seated themselves and made

free with the wine in the bottle pointed out by the

man with the rod. This first verification of the talents

ofJacques Aymar convinced some of the sceptical, but

the Procurateur General forbade the prosecution of the

experiment till the man had been further tested.

As already stated, a hedging bill had been dis-

covered, on the scene of the murder, smeared with

blood, and imquestionably the weapon with which

the crime had been committed. Three bills from the

same maker, and of precisely the same description.

The Divining Rod. 65

Nvere obtained, and the four were taken into a garden,

and secretly buried at intervals, Aymar was then

brought, staff' in hand, into the garden, and conducted

over the spots where lay the bills. The rod began to

vibrate as his feet stood upon the place where was

concealed the bill which had been used by the assas-

sins, but was motionless elsewhere. Still unsatisfied,

the four bills were exhumed and concealed anew.

The comptroller of the province himself bandaged

the . sorcerer's eyes, and led him by the hand from

place to place. The divining rod showed no signs

of movement till it approached the blood-stained

weapon, when it began to oscillate.

The magistrates were now so far satisfied as to

agree that Jacques Aymar should be authorized to

follow the trail of the murderers, and have a com-

pany of archers to follow him.

Guided by his rod, Aymar now recommenced his

pursuit. He continued tracing down the right bank

of the Rhone till he came to half a league from the

bridge of Lyons. Here the footprints of three men

were observed in the sand, as though engaged in

entering a boat. A rowing boat was obtained, and

Aymar, with his escort, descended the river ; he found


66 The Divining Rod.

some difficulty in following the trail upon water


still he was able, with a little care, to detect it. It

brought him under an arch of the bridge of Vienne,

which boats rarely passed beneath. This proved that

the fugitives were without a guide. The way in

which this curious journey was made was singular.

At intervals Aymar was put ashore to test the banks

with his rod, and ascertain whether the murderers

had landed. He discovered the places where they

had slept, and indicated the chairs or benches on

which they had sat. In this manner, by slow degrees,

he arrived at the military camp of Sablon, between

Vienne and Saint-Valier. There Aymar felt violent

agitation, his cheeks flushed, and his pulse beat with

rapidity. He penetrated the crowds of soldiers, but

did not venture to use his rod, lest the men should

take it ill, and fall upon him. He could not do more

without special authority, and was constrained to re-

turn to Lyons. The magistrates then provided him

with the requisite powers, and he went back to the

camp. Now he declared that the murderers were not

there. He recommenced his pursuit, mnd descended

the Rhone again as far as Beaucaire.

' On entering the town he ascertained by means of

The Divining Rod. 67

his rod that those whom he was pursuing had parted

company. He traversed several streets, then crowded

on account of the annual fair, and was brought to a

standstill before the prison doors. One of the mur-

derers was within, he declared ; he would track the

others afterwards. Having obtained permission to

enter, he was brought into the presence of fourteen

or fifteen prisoners. Amongst these was a hunch-

back, who had only an hour pi-eviously been incar-

cerated on account of a theft he had committed at the

fair. Aymar applied his rod to each of the prisoners

in succession : it turned upon the hunchback. The

sorcerer ascertained that the other two had left the

town by a little path leading into the Nismes road.

Instead of following this track, he returned to Lyons

with the hunchback and the guard. At Lyons a

triumph awaited him. The hunchback had hitherto

protested his innocence, and declared that he had

never set foot in Lyons. But as he was brought to

that town by the way along which Aymar had ascer-

tained that he had left it, the fellow was recognized

at the ditlerent houses where he had lodged the night,

or stopped for food. At the little town of Bagnols, he

was confronted with the host and hostess of a tavern

68 The Divining Rod.

where be and his comrades had slept, and they swore

to his identit}', and accurately described his compan-

ions : their description tallied with that given by the

children of the gardener. The wretched man was so

confounded by this recognition, that he avowed hav-

ing staid there, a few days before, along with two

Provencals. These men, he said, were the criminals


he had been their servant, and had only kept guard

in the upper room whilst they committed the murders

in the cellar.

On his arrival in Lyons he was committed to

prison, and his trial was decided on. At his first

interrogation he told his tale precisely as he had

related it before, with these additions : the murderers

spoke patois, and had purchased two bills. At ten

o'clock in the evening all three had entered the wine

shop. The Provencals had a large botde wrapped in

straw, and they persuaded the publican and his wife

to descend with them into the cellar to fill it, whilst

he, the hunchback, acted as watch in the shop. The

two men murdered the wine-seller and his wife with

their bills, and then mounted to the shop, where they

opened the coffer, and stole from it one hundred and

thirty crowns, eight louis-d'ors, and a silver belt.

The Divining Rod. 69

The crime accomplished, they took refuge in the

court of a large house,— this was the archbishop's

palace, indicated by Aymar,— and passed the night

in it. Next day, early, they left Lyons, and only

stopped for a moment at a gardener's cottage.

Some way down the river, they found a boat

moored to the bank. This they loosed from its

mooring and entei'ed. They came ashore at the

spot pointed out by the man with the stick. They

staid some days in the camp at Sablon, and then

went on to Beaucaire.

Aymar was now sent in quest of the other mur-

derers. He resumed their trail at the gate of

Beaucaire, and that of one of them, after con-

siderable ditours^ led him to the prison doors of

Beaucaire, and he asked to be allowed to search

among the prisoners for his man. This time he

was mistaken. The second fugitive was not with-

in ; but the jailer affirmed that a man whom he

described — and his description tallied with the

known appearance of one of the Provencals— had

called at the gate shortly after the removal of the

hunchback to inquire after him, and on learning

of his removal to Lyons, had hurried oft' pre-

7o The Divining Rod.

cipitately. Aymar now followed his track from

the prison, and this brought him to that of the

third criminal. He pursued the double scent for

some days. But it became evident that the two

culprits had been alarmed at what had transpired in

Beaucaire, and were flying from France. Aymar

traced them to the frontier, and then returned to


On the 30th of August, 1692, the poor hunch-

back was, according to sentence, broken on the

wheel, in the Place des Terreaux. On his way to

execution he had to pass the wine shop. There

the recorder publicly read his sentence, which had

been delivered by thirty judges. The criminal

knelt and asked pardon of the poor wretches in

whose murder he was involved, after which he

continued his course to the place fixed for his


It may be well here to give an account of the

authorities for this extraordinary story. There are

three circumstantial accounts, and numerous letters

written by the magistrate who sat during the trial,

and by an eye-witness of the whole transaction,

men honorable and disinterested, upon whose vera-

The Divining Rod. ^i

city not a shadow of doubt was supposed to rest

by their contemporaries.

M. Chauvin, Doctor of Medicine, published a

" Lettre d Mme. la Marquise de Se?iozan^ stir

les moyens dont on s'est servi pour decouvrir les

complices d'un assassi7tat coffimls d Lyon., le 5

yulllet., 1692." Lyons, 1692. The proces-verbal

of the Procureur du Roi, M. de Vanini, is also

extant, and published in the Physique occulie of

the Abbe de Vallemont.

Pierre Garnier, Doctor of Medicine of the Uni-

versity of Montpellier, wrote a Dissertation phy-

sique en fo7'7ne de lettre^ a M. de Seve, seigneur

de J^lecheres^ on Jacques Aymar, printed the same

year at Lyons, and republished in the Hlstolre

critique des pratiques superstltleuses du Pere


Doctor Chauvin was witness of nearly all the

circumstances related, as was also the Abbe

Lagarde, who has written a careful account of the

whole transaction as far as to the execution of

the hunchback.

Another eye-witness writes to the Abb6 Bignon

a letter printed by Lebrun in his Hlstolre crl-

*j2 The Dlvmhzg Rod.

tique cited above. " The following circumstance

happened to me yesterday evening," he says :" M.

le Procureur du Roi here, who, by the way, is one

of the wisest and cleverest men in the country,

sent for me at six o'clock, and had me conducted

to the scene of the murder. We found there M.

Grimaut, director of the customs, whom I knew

to be a very upright man, and a young attorney

named Besson, with whom I am not acquainted,

but who M. le Procureur du Roi told me had the

power of using the rod as well as M. Grimaut.

We descended into the cellar where the murder

had been committed, and where there were still

traces of blood. Each time that M. Grimaut and

the attorney passed the spot where the murder had

been perpetrated, the rods they held in their hands

began to turn, but ceased when they stepped be-

yond the spot. We tried experiments for more

than an hour, as also with the bill, which M.

le Procureur had brought along with him, and

they were satisfactory. I observed several curious

facts in the attorney. The rod in his hands was

more violently moved than in those of M. Grimaut,

and when I placed one of my fingers in each of

The Divining Rod. 73

his hands, whilst the rod turned, I felt the most ex-

traordinary throbbings of the arteries in his palms.

His pulse was at fever heat. He sweated profusel}-,

and at intervals he was compelled to go into the

court to obtain fresh air."

The Sieur Pauthot, Dean of the College of

Medicine at Lyons, gave his observations to the

public as well. Some of them are as follows


" We began at the cellar in which the murder had

been committed ; into this the man with the rod

(Aymar) shrank from entering, because he felt

violent agitations which overcame him when he

used the stick over the place where the corpses

of those who had been assassinated had lain. On

entering the cellar, the rod was put in my hands,

and arranged by the master as most suitable for

operation ; I passed and repassed over the spot

where the bodies had been found, but it remained

immovable, and I felt no agitation. A lady of rank

and merit, who w^as with us, took the rod after

me ; she felt it begin to move, and was internally

agitated. Then the owner of the rod resumed it,

and, passing over the same places, the stick rotated

with such violence that it seemed easier to break

74 The Divining Rod.

than to stop it. The peasant then quitted our

company to faint away, as was his wont after

similar experiments. I followed him. He turned

very pale and broke into a profuse perspiration,

whilst for a quarter of an hour his pulse was vio-

lently troubled ; indeed, the faintness was so con-

siderable, that they were obliged to dash water in

his face and give him water to drink in order to

bring him round." He then describes experiments

made over the bloody bill and others similar, which

succeeded in the hands of Aymar and the lady, but

failed when he attempted them himself. Pierre

Gamier, physician of the medical college of Mont-

pellier, appointed to that of Lyons, has also written

an account of what he saw, as mentioned above.

He gives a curious proof of Aymar's powers.

" M. le Lieutenant-General having been robbed

by one of his lackeys, seven or eight months ago,

and having lost by him twenty-five crowns which

had been taken out of one of the cabinets behind

his library, sent for Aymar, and asked him to

discover the circumstances. Aymar went several

times round the chamber, rod in hand, placing

one foot on the chairs, on the various articles of

The Divining Rod. 75

furniture, and on two bureaux which are in the

apartment, each of which contains several drawers.

He fixed on tlie very bureau and the identical

drawer out of which the money had been stolen.

M. le Lieutenant-General bade him follow the

track of the robber. He did so. With his rod

he went out on a new terrace, upon which the

cabinet opens, thence back into the cabinet and

up to the fire, then into the library, and from

thence he went direct up stairs to the lackeys'

sleeping apartment, when the rod guided him to

one of the beds, and turned over one side of the

bed, remaining motionless over the other. The

lackeys then present cried out that the thief had

slept on the side indicated by the rod, the bed

having been shared with another footman, who

occupied the further side." Garnier gives a lengthy

account of various experiments he made along with

the Lieutenant-General, the uncle of the same, the

Abbe de St. Remain, and M. de Puget, to detect

whether there was imposture in the man. But all

their attempts failed to discover a trace of decep-

tion. He gives a report of a verbal examination

of Aymar which is interesting. The man always

replied with candor.

76 The Divining Rod.

The report of the extraordinar}' discovery of

murder made by the divining I'od at Lyons at-

tracted the attention of Paris, and Aymar was

ordered up to the capital. There, hov/ever, his

powers left him. The Prince de Conde submitted

him to various tests, and he broke down under

every one. Five holes were dug in the garden.

In one was secreted gold, in another silver, in

a third silver and gold, in the fourth copper, and

in the fifth stones. The rod made no signs in

presence of the metals, and at last actually began

to move over the buried pebbles. He was sent to

Chantilly to discover the perpetrators of a theft of

trout made in the ponds of the park. He went

round the water, rod in hand, and it turned at spots

where he said the fish had been drawn out. Theiij

following the track of the thief, it led him to the

cottage of one of the keepers, but did not move

over any of the individuals then in the house. The

keeper himself was absent, but arrived late at

night, and, on hearing what was said, he roused

Aymar from his bed, insisting on having his inno-

cence vindicated. The divining rod, however, pro-

nounced him guilty, and the poor fellow took to his

The Divining Rod. ^>j

heels, much upon the principle recommended by

Montesquieu a while after. Said he, " If you are

accused of having stolen the towers of Notre-

Dame, bolt at once."

A peasant, taken at haphazard from the street,

was brought to the sorcerer as one suspected. The

rod turned slightly, and Aymar declared that the

man did not steal the fish, but ate of them. Aboy was then introduced, who was said to be the

keeper's son. The I'od rotated violently at once.

This was the finishing stroke, and Aymar was

sent away by the Prince in disgrace. It now

transpired that the theft of fish had taken place

seven years before, and the lad was no relation of

the keeper, but a country boy who had only bc^n

in Chantilly eight or ten months. M. Goyonnot,

Recorder of the King's Council, broke a window

in his house, and sent for the diviner, to whom he

related a story of his having been robbed of valu-

ables during the night. Aymar indicated the

broken window as the means whereby the thief had

entered the house, and pointed out the window by

which he had left it with the booty. As no such

I'obbery had been committed, Aymar was turned

78 The Divining Rod.

out of the house as an impostor. A few similar

cases brought him into such disrepute that he was

obliged to leave Paris, and return to Grenoble.

Some years after, he was made use of by the

Marechal Montrevel, in his cruel pursuit of the


Was Aymar an impostor from first to last, or

did his powers fail him in Paris? and was it only

then that he had recourse to fraud?

Much may be said in favor of either supposition.

His expose, at Paris tells heavily against him, but

need not be regarded as conclusive evidence of im-

posture throughout his career. If he really did

possess the powers he claimed, it is not to be sup-

posed that these existed in full vigor under all con-

ditions ; and Paris is a place most unsuitable for

testing them, built on artificial soil, and full of dis-

turbing influences of every description. It has been

remarked with others who used the rod, that their

powers languished under excitement, and that the

faculties had to be in repose, the attention to be

concentrated on the subject of inquiry, or the ac-

tion— nervous, magnetic, or electrical, or what you

will— was impeded.

The Divining Rod. 79

Now, Paris, visited for the first time by a poor

peasant, its salons open to him, dazzling him with

their splendor, and the novelty of finding himself in

the midst of princes, dukes, marquises, and their

families, not only may have agitated the country-

man to such an extent as to depi-ive him of his

peculiar faculty, but may have led him into simu-

lating what he felt had departed from him, at the

moment when he was under the eyes of the gran-

dees of the Court. We have analogous cases in

Bleton and Angelique Cottin. The former was a

hydroscope, who fell into convulsions whenever he

passed over running water. This peculiarity was

noticed in him when a child of seven years old.

When brought to Paris, he failed signally to detect

the presence of water conveyed underground by

pipes and conduits, but he pretended to feel the

influence of water where there certainly was none.

Angelique Cottin was a poor girl, highly charged

with electricity. Any one touching her received

a violent shock ; one medical gentleman, having

seated her on his knee, was knocked clean out of

his chair by the electric fluid, which thus exhibited

its sense of propriety. But the electric condition

So The Divining Rod.

of Angeliqne became feebler as she approached

Paris, and failed her altogether in the capital.

I believe that the imagination is the principal

motive force in those who use the divining rod


but whether it is so solely, I am unable to decide.

The powers of nature are so mysterious and in-

scrutable that we must be cautious in limiting

them, under abnormal conditions, to the ordinary

laws of experience.

The manner in which the rod was used by cer-

tain persons renders self-deception possible. The

rod is generally of hazel, and is forked like a Y


the forefingers are placed against the diverging

arms of the rod, and the elbows are brought back

against the side ; thus the implement is held in

front of the operator, delicately balanced before the

pit of the stomach at a distance of about eight

inches. Now, if the pressure of the balls of the

digits be in the least relaxed, the stalk of the rod

The Divining Rod. 8i

will naturally fall. It has been assumed by some,

that a restoration of the pressure will bring tlie

stem up again, pointing towards the operator, and

a little further pressure will elevate it into a per-

pendicular position. A relaxation of force will

again lower it, and thus the rotation observed in

the rod be maintained. I confess myself unable to

accomplish this. The lowering of the leg of the

rod is easy enough, but no efforts of mine to pro-

duce a revolution on its axis have as yet suc-

ceeded. The muscles which would conti^act the

fingers upon the arms of the stick, pass the shoul-

der ; and it is worthy of remark that one of the

medical men who witnessed the experiments made

on Bleton the hydroscope, expressly alludes to a

slight rising of the shoulders during the rotation of

the divining rod.

But the manner of using the rod was by no

means identical in all cases. If, in all cases, it

had simply been balanced between the fingers,

some probability might be given to the sugges-

tion above made, that the rotation was always

effected by the involuntary action of the muscles.

The usual manner of holding the rod, however,


82 The Divining Rod.

precluded such a possibility. The most ordinary use

consisted in taking a forked stick in such a manner

that the palms were turned upwards, and the fingers

closed upon the branching arms of the rod. Some

required the normal position of the rod to be hori-

zontal, others elevated the point, others again de-

pressed it.

If the implement were straight, it was held in a

similar manner, but the hands were brought some-

what together, so as to produce a slight arc in the

rod. Some who practised rhabdomancy sustained this

species of rod between their thumbs and forefingers


or else the thumb and forefingers were closed, and the

rod rested on their points ; or again it reposed on the

flat of the hand, or on the back, the hand being held

vertically and the rod held in equilibrium.

A third species of divining rod consisted in a

straight staff' cut in two : one extremity of the one

half was hollowed out, the other half was sharpened

at the end, and this end was inserted in the hollow,

and the pointed stick rotated in the cavity.

The way in which Bleton used his rod is thus

minutely described :" He does not grasp it, nor

warm it in his hands, and he does not regard with



From " Lettres qui deoouvrent I'lllusion des Philosophes sur la Baguette.'

Paris, 1693.

The Divining Rod. Z^

preference a hazel branch lately cut and full of sap.

He places horizontally between his forefingers a rod

of any kind given to him, or picked up in the road,

of any sort of wood except elder, fresh or dry, not

always forked, but sometimes merely bent. If it is

straight, it rises slightly at the extremities by little

jerks, but does not turn. If bent, it revolves on its

axis with more or less rapidity, in more or less time,

according to the quantity and current of the water.

I counted from thirty to thirty-five revolutions in a

minute, and afterwards as many as eighty. Acurious phenomenon is, that Bleton is able to make

the rod turn between another person's fingers, even

without seeing it or touching it, by approaching his

body towards it when his feet stand over a subter-

ranean watercourse. It is true, however, that the

motion is much less strong and less durable in other

fingers than his own. If Bleton stood on his head,

and placed the rod between his feet, though he felt

strongly the peculiar sensations produced in him by

flowing water, yet the rod remained stationary. If

he were insulated on glass, silk, or wax, the sen-

sations were less vivid, and the rotation of the stick


86 The Divin{77g Rod.

But this experiment failed in Paris, under circum-

stances which either proved that Bleton's imagina-

tion produced the movement, or that his integrity-

was questionable. It is quite possible that in many-

instances the action of the muscles is purely invol-

untary, and is attributable to the imagination, so that

the operator deceives himself as well as others.

This is probably the explanation of the story of

Mdlle. Olivet, a young lady of tender conscience, who

was a skilful performer with the divining rod, but

shrank from putting her powers in operation, lest she

should be indulging in unlawful acts. She consulted

the Pere Lebrun, author of a work already referred to

in this paper, and he advised her to ask God to with-

draw the power from her, if the exercise of it was

harmful to her spiritual condition. She entered into

retreat for two days, and prayed with fervor. Then

she made her communion, asking God what had been

recommended to her at the moment when she re-

ceived the Host. In the afternoon of the same

day she made experiment with her rod, and found

that it would no longer operate. The girl had

strong faith in it before— a faith coupled with fear


and as long as that faith was strong in her, the rod

The Divhting Rod. 87

moved ; now she believed that the faculty was taken

from her ; and the power ceased with the loss of her


If the divining rod is put in motion by any other

force except the involuntary action of the muscles, we

must confine its powers to the property of indicating

the presence of flowing water. There are numerous

instances of hydroscopes thus detecting the existence

of a spring, or of a subterranean watercourse ; the

most remarkably endowed individuals of this descrip-

tion are Jean-Jacques Parangue, born near Marseilles,

in 1760, who experienced a horror when near water

which no one else perceived. He was endowed with

the faculty of seeing water through the ground, says

I'Abbe Sauri, who gives his history. Jenny Leslie, a

Scotch girl, about the same date claimed similar

powers. In 1790, Pennet, a native of Dauphine,

attracted attention in Italy, but when carefully tested

by scientific men in Padua, his attempts to discover

buried metals foiled ; at Florence he was detected

in an endeavor to find out b}^ night what had been

secreted to test his powers on the morrow. Vin-

cent Amoretti was an Italian, who underwent peculiar

sensations when brought in proximity to water, coal,

88 The Diviitmg Rod.

and salt ; he was skilful in the use of the rod, but

made no public exhibition of his powers.

The rod is still employed, I have heard it asserted,

by Cornish miners ; but I have never been able to

ascertain that such is really the case. The mining

captains whom I have questioned invariably repu-

diated all knowledge of its use.

In Wiltshire, however, it is still employed for the

purpose of detecting water ; and the following extract

from a letter I have just i-eceived will show that

it is still in vogue on the Continent :—

" I believe the use of the divining rod for dis-

covering springs of water has by no means been

confined to mediaeval times ; for I was personally

acquainted with a lady, now deceased, who has suc-

cessfully practised with it in this way. She was a

very clever and accomplished woman ; Scotch by birth

and education ; by no means credulous;

possibl}' a

a little imaginative, for she wrote not unsuccessfully


and of a remarkably open and straightforward dis-

position. Captain C , her husband, had a large

estate in Holstein, near Lubeck, supporting a consid-

erable population ; and whether for the wants of the

people or for the improvement of the land, it now

The Divining Rod. 89

and then happened that an additional well was


" On one of these occasions a man was sent foi"

who made a regular profession of finding water by

the divining rod ; there happened to be a large paily

staying at the house, and the whole company turned

out to see the fun. The rod gave indications in the

usual way, and water was ultimately found at the

spot. Mrs. C , utterly sceptical, took the rod

into her own hands to make experiment, believing

that she would prove the man an impostor ; and she

said afterwards she was never more frightened in her

life than when it began to move, on her walking over

the spring. Several other gentlemen and ladies tried

it, but it was quite inactive in their hands. ' Well,'

said the host to his wife, ' we shall have no occasion

to send for the man again, as you are such an adept.'

" Some months after this, water was wanted in

another part of the estate, and it occurred to Mrs.

C that she would use the rod again. After some

trials, it again gave decided indications, and a well

was begun and carried down a very considerable

depth. At last she began to shrink from incurring

more expense, but the laborers had implicit faith ; and

90 The Divining Rod.

begged to be allowed to persevere. Very soon the

wa*er burst up with such force that the men escaped

with difficulty ; and this proved afterwards the most

unftiiling spi"ing for miles round.

" You will take the above for what it is worth ; the

facts I have given are undoubtedly true, whatever

conclusions may be drawn from them. I do not pro-

pose that you should print my narrative, but I think

in these cases personal testimony, even indirect, is

more useful In forming one's opinion than a hundred

old volumes. I did not hear it from Mrs. C 's

own lips, but I was sufficiently acquainted with her to

form a very tolerable estimate of her character ; and

my wife, who has known her intimately from her

own childhood, was in her younger days often staying

with her for months together."

I remember having been much perplexed by read-

ing a series of experiments made with a pendulous

ring over metals, by a Mr. Mayo : he ascertained that

it oscillated in various dii'ections under peculiar cir-

cumstances, when suspended by a thread over the ball

of the thumb. I instituted a series of experiments,

and was surprised to find the ring vibrate in an unac-

countable manner in opposite directions over diflerent

I The Divining Rod. 91

metals. On consideration, I closed my eyes whilst

the I'ing was oscillating over gold, and on opening

them I found that it had become stationary. I got a

friend to change the metals whilst I was blindfolded

— the ring no longer vibrated. I was thus enabled

to judge of the involuntary action of muscles, quite

sufficient to have deceived an eminent medical man

like Mr. Mayo, and to have perplexed me till I suc-

ceeded in solving the mystery.*

* A similar series of experiments was undertaken, as I

learned afterwards, by M. Chevreuil in Paris, with similar



©l)c Seem 6kcpcr0 of (!5pl)cstt0.

.NE of the most picturesque myths of ancient

days is that which forms the subject of this

article. It is thus told by Jacques de Voragine, in

his " Legenda Aurea :" —

" The seven sleepers were natives of Ephesus.

The Emperor Decius, who persecuted the Christians,

having come to Ephesus, ordered the erection of

temples in the city, that all might come and sacrifice

before him ; and he commanded that the Christians

should be sought out and given their choice, either to

worship the idols, or to die. So great was the con-

sternation in the city, that the friend denounced his

friend, the father his son, and the son his father.

" Now there were in Ephesus seven Christians,

Maximian, Malchus, Marcian, Dionysius, John, Sera-

pion, and Constantine by name. These refused to

sacrifice to the idols, and remained in their houses

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus. 93

praying and fasting. They were accused before

Decius, and they confessed themselves to be Chris-

tians. However, the emperor gave them a little

time to consider what line they would adopt. They

took advantage of this reprieve to disjpense their

goods among the poor, and then they retired, all

seven, to Mount Celion, where they determined to

conceal themselves.

"One of their number, Malchus, in the disguise

of a physician, went to the town to obtain victuals

Decius, who had been absent from Ephesus for a

little while, returned, and gave orders for the seven

to be sought. Malchus, having escaped from the

town, fled, full of fear, to his comrades, and told

them of the emperor's fury. They were much

alarmed ; and Malchus handed them the loaves he

had bought, bidding them eat, that, fortified by the

food, they might have courage in the time of trial.

They ate, and then, as they sat weeping and speak-

ing to one another, by the will of God they fell


" The pagans sought everywhere, but could not

find them, and Decius was greatly irritated at their

escape. He had their pai-ents brought before him,

94 The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus.

and threatened them with death if they did not

reveal the place of concealment ; but they could

only answer that the seven young men had distrib-

uted their goods to the poor, and that they were

quite ignorant as to their whereabouts.

" Decius, thinking it possible that they might be

hiding in a cavern, blocked up the mouth with

stones, that they might perish of hunger.

" Three hundred and sixty years passed, and in

the thirtieth year of the reign of Theodosius, there

broke forth a heresy denying the resurrection of

the dead. . . .

" Now, it happened that an Ephesian was build-

ing a stable on the side of Mount Celion, and finding

a pile of stones handy, he took them for his edifice,

and thus opened the mouth of the cave. Then the

seven sleepers awoke, and it was to them as if they

had slept but a single night. They began to ask

Malchus what decision Decius had given concern-

ing them.

"' He is going to hunt us down, so as to force

us to sacrifice to the idols,' was his reply. ' God

knows,' replied Maximian, ' we shall never do that.'

Then exhorting his companions, he urged Malchus

The Seven Sleepers of Ephes7(s. 95

to go back to the town to buy some more bread,

and at the same time to obtain fresh information.

Malchus took five coins and left the cavern.. On

seeing the stones he was filled with astonishment


however, he went on towards the city ; but what

was his bewilderment, on approaching the gate, to

see over it a cross ! He went to another gate, and

there he beheld the same sacred sign ; and so he

observed it over each gate of the city. He believed

that he was suffering from the effects of a dream.

Then he entered Ephesus, rubbing his eyes, and he

walked to a baker's shop. He heard people using

our Lord's name, and he was the more perplexed.

' Yesterday, no one dared pronounce the name of

Jesus, and now it is on every one's lips. Wonder-

ful ! I can hardly believe myself to be in Ephesus.'

He asked a passer-by the name of the city, and on

being told it was Ephesus, he was thunderstruck.

Now he entered a baker's shop, and laid down his

money. The baker, examining the coin, inquired

whether he had found a treasure, and began to

whisper to some others in the shop. The youth,

thinking that he was discovered, and that they were

about to conduct him to the emperor, implored tiiem

96 The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus.

to let him alone, offering to leave loaves and money

if he might only be suffered to escape. But the

shop-men, seizing him, said, ' Whoever you are,

you have found a treasure ; show us where it is,

that we may share it with you, and then we will

hide you.' Malchus was too frightened to answer.

So they put a rope round his neck, and drew him

through the streets into the market-place. The news

soon spread that the young man had discovered a

great treasure, and there was presently a vast crowd

about him. He stoutly protested his innocence. No

one recognized him, and his eyes, ranging over the

faces which surrounded him, could not see one which

he had known, or which was in the slightest degree

familiar to him.

" St. Martin, the bishop, and Antipater, the gov-

ernor, having heard of the excitement, ordered the

young man to be brought before them, along with

the bakers.

" The bishop and the governor asked hira where

he had found the treasure, and he replied that he

had found none, but that the few coins were from

his own purse. He was next asked whence he

came. He replied that he was a native of Ephesus,

' if this be Ephesus.*

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesiis. 97

"'Send for your relations— your parents, if they

live here,' ordered the governor,

"' They live here, certainly,' replied the youth


and he mentioned their names. No such names

were known in the town. Then the governor ex-

claimed, ' How dare j-ou say that this money

belonged to your parents when it dates back three

hundred and seventy-seven years,* and is as old as

the beginning of the reign of Decius, and it is

utterly unlike our modern coinage? Do you think

to impose on the old men and sages of Ephesus?

Believe me, I shall make you suffer the severities

of the law till you show where you made the dis-


"' I implore you,' cried Malchus, ' in the name

of God, answer me a few questions, and then I

will answer yours. Where is the Emperor Decius

gone to?'

" The bishop answered, ' My son, there is no

emperor of that name ; he who was thus called

died long ago.'

" Malchus replied, ' All I hear perplexes me more

and more. Follow me, and I will show you my

* This calculation is sadly inaccurate.

98 The Sevejt Sleepers of Ephestis.

comrades, who fled with me into a cave of Mount

CcHon, only yesterday, to escape the cruelty of

Decius. I will lead you to them.'

" The bishop turned to the governor. ' The hand

of God is here,' he said. Then they followed, and

a great crowd after them. And Malchus entered

first into the cavern to his companions, and the

bishop after him. . . . And there they saw the

martyrs seated in the cave, with their faces fresh

and blooming as roses ; so all fell down and glori-

fied God. The bishop and the governor sent notice

to Theodosius, and he hurried to Ephesus. All

the inhabitants met him and conducted him to the

cavern. As soon as the saints beheld the emperor,

their faces shone like the sun, and the emperor

gave thanks unto God, and embraced them, and

said, ' I see you, as though I saw the Savior restor-

ing Lazarus.' Maximian replied, ' Believe us ! for

the faith's sake, God has resuscitated us before the

great resurrection day, in order that you may be-

lieve firmly in the resurrection of the dead. For

as the child is in its mother's womb living and

not suffering, so have we lived without suffering,

fast asleep.' And having thus spoken, they bowed

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus. 99

their heads, and their souls returned to their Maker.

The emperor, rising, bent over them and embraced

them weeping. He gave them orders for golden

reliquaries to be made, but that night they ap-

peai-ed to him in a dream, and said that hitherto

they had slept in the earth, and that in the earth

they desired to sleep on till God should raise them


Such is the beautiful story. It seems to have

travelled to us from the East. Jacobus Sarugiensis,

a Mesopotamian bishop, in the fifth or sixth cen-

tury, is said to have been the first to commit it to

writing. Gregory of Tours (De Glor. Mart. i. 9)

was perhaps the first to introduce it to Europe.

Dionysius of Antioch (ninth century) told the story

in Syrian, and Photius of Constantinople repro-

duced it, with the remark that Mahomet had

adopted it into the Koran. Metaphrastus alludes

to it as well ; in the tenth century Eutychius in-

serted it in his annals of Arabia ; it is found in

the Coptic and the Maronite books, and several

early historians, as Paulus Diaconus, Nicephorus,

&c., have inserted it in their works.

lOO The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus.

A poem on the Seven Sleepers was composed

by a troLivere named Chardri, and is mentioned by

M. Fr. Michel in his " Rapports au Ministre de

rinstruction Public ;" a German poem on the same

subject, of the thirteenth century, in 935 verses, has

been published by M. Karajan ; and the Spanish

poet, Augustin Morreto, composed a . drama on it,

entitled " Los Siete Durmientes," which is inserted

in the 19th volume of the rare work, " Comedias

Nuevas Escogidas de los Mejores Ingenios."

Mahomet has somewhat improved on the story.

He has made the Sleepers prophesy his coming,

and he has given them a dog named Kratim, or

Kratimir, which sleeps with them, and which is

endowed with the gift of prophecy.

As a special favor this dog is to be one of the

ten animals to be admitted, into his paradise, the

others being Jonah's whale, Solomon's ant, Ish-

mael's ram, Abraham's calf, the Qiieen of Sheba's

ass, the prophet Salech's camel, Moses' ox, Belkis'

cuckoo, and Mahomet's ass.

It was perhaps too much for the Seven Sleepers

to ask, that their bodies should be left to rest in

earth. In ages when saintly relics were valued

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus. loi

above gold and precious stones, their request was

sure to be shelved ; and so we find that their

remains were conveyed to Marseilles in a large

stone sarcophagus, which is still exhibited in St.

Victor's Church. In the Musseum Victorium at

Rome is a curious and ancient representation of

them in a cement of sulphur and plaster. Their

names are engraved beside them, together with

certain attributes. Near Constantine and John are

two clubs, near Maximian a knotty club, near

Malchus and Martinian two axes, near Serapion

a burning torch, and near Danesius or Dionysius

a great nail, such as those spoken of by Horace

(Lib. I, Od. 3) and St. Paulinus (Nat. 9, or Carm.

24) as having been used for torture.

In this group of figures, the seven are repre-

sented as young, without beai'ds, and indeed in an-

cient martyrologies they are frequently called boys.

It has been inferred from this curious plaster

representation, that the seven may have suffered

under Decius, A. D. 350, and have been buried in

the afore-mentioned cave ; whilst the discovery and

translation of their relics under Theodosius, in 479,

may have given rise to the fable. And this I think

I02 The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus.

probable enough. The story of long sleepers and

the number seven connected with it is ancient

enough, and dates from heathen mythology.

Like many another ancient myth, it was laid

hold of by Christian hands and baptized.

Pliny relates the story of Epimenides the epic

poet, who, when tending his sheep one hot day,

wearied and oppressed with slumber, retreated into

a cave, where he fell asleep. After fifty-seven years

he awoke, and found every thing changed. His

brother, whom he had left a stripling, was now a

hoary man.

Epimenides was reckoned one of the seven sages

by those who exclude Periander. He flourished in

the time of Solon. After his death, at the age of

tivo hundred and eighty-nine, he was revered as a

god, and honored especially by the Athenians.

This story is a version of the older legend of

the perpetual sleep of the shepherd Endymion, who

was thus preserved in unfading youth and beauty

by Jupiter.

According to an Arabic legend, St. George thrice

rose from his grave, and was thrice slain.

In Scandinavian mythology we have Siegfrid or

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus. 103

Sigurd thus resting, and awaiting his call to come

forth and fight. Charlemagne sleeps in the Oden-

berg in Hess, or in the Untersberg near Salzburg,

seated on his throne, with his crown on his head

and his sword at his side, waiting till the times

of Antichrist are fulfilled, when he will wake and

burst" forth to avenge the blood of the saints. Ogier

the Dane, or Olger Dansk, will in like manner

shake ofl:^ his slumber and come forth from the

dream-land of Avallon to avenge the right— O

that he had shown himself in the Schleswig-

Holstein war


Well do I remember, as a child, contemplating

with wondering awe the great Kyffhauserberg in

Thuringia, for therein, I was told, slept Frederic

Barbarossa and his six knights. A shepherd once

penetrated into the heart of the mountain by a

cave, and discovered therein a hall whei^e sat the

emperor at a stone table, and his red beard had

grown through the slab. At the tread of the

shepherd Frederic awoke from his slumber, and

asked, " Do the ravens still fly over the moun-

^ .ins ?"

"Sire, they do."

I04 The Seven Sleepers of Ephestis.

" Then we must sleep another hundred years."

But when his beard has wound itself thrice

round the table, then will the emperor awake

with his knights, and rush forth to release Ger-

many from its bondage, and exalt it to the first

place among the kingdoms of Europe.

In Switzerland slumber three Tells at Rutli, near

the Vierwaldstatter-see, waiting for the hour of

their country's direst need. A shepherd crept into

the cave where they rest. The third Tell rose

and asked the time. " Noon," replied the shepherd

lad. " The time is not yet come," said Tell, and

lay down again.

In Scotland, beneath the Eilden hills, sleeps

Thomas of Erceldoune ; the murdered French who

fell in the Sicilian Vespers at Palermo are also

slumbering till the time is come when they may

wake to avenge themselves. When Constantinople

fell into the hands of the Turks, a priest was

celebrating the sacred mysteries at the great silver

altar of St. Sophia. The celebrant cried to God to

protect the sacred host from profanation. Then the

wall opened, and he entered, bearing the Blessed

Sacrament. It closed on him, and there he is

The Seven Sleepers of EpJiesus. 105

sleeping with his head bowed before the Body of

Our Lord, waiting till the Turk is cast out of

Constantinople, and St. Sophia is released from

its profonation. God speed the time !

In Bohemia sleep three miners deep in the heart

of the Kuttenberg. In North America Rip Van

Winkle passed twenty years slumbering in the

Katskill mountains. In Portugal it is believed

that Sebastian, the chivalrous young monarch who

did his best to ruin his country by his rash inva-

sion of Morocco, is sleeping somewhere ; but he

will wake again to be his country's deliverer in the

hour of need. Olaf Tryggvason is waiting a simi-

lar occasion in Norway. Even Napoleon Bonaparte

is believed among some of the French peasantry

to be sleeping on in a like manner.

St. Hippolytus relates that St. John the Divine

is slumbering at Ephesus, and Sir John Mande-

ville relates the circumstances as follows : " From

Pathmos men gone unto Ephesim a fair citee and

nyghe to the see. And there dyede Seynte Johne,

and was buryed behynde the highe Awtiere, in

a toumbe. And there is a faire chirche. For

Christene mene weren wont to holden that place

io6 The Seven Sleepers of Efhesus.

alweyes. And in the tombe of Seynt John is

noughte but manna, that is clept Aungelcs n:icte.

For his body was translated into Paradys. And

Turkes holden now alio that pL'ice and the citce

and the Chirche. And all Asie the lesse is yclept

Turkye. And ye shalle undrestond, that Scynt

Johne bid make his grave there in his Lyf, and

leyd himself there-inne all quyk. And therefore

somme men seyn, that he dyed noughte, but that

he resteth there till the Day of Doom. And for-

soothe there is a gret marveule : For men may see

there the erthe of the tombe apertly many tymes

steren and moven, as there weren quykke thinges

undre." The connection of this legend of St. John

with Ephesus may have had something to do with

turning the seven martyrs of that city into seven


The annals of Iceland relate that, in 1403, a Finn

of the name of Fethmingr, living in Halogaland, in

the North of Norway, happening to enter a cave,

fell asleep, and woke not for three whole years,

lying with his bow and arrows at his side, un-

touched by bird or beast.

There certainly are authentic accounts of persons

The Seven Sleepers of Ephesus. 107

having slept for an extraordinary length of time,

but I shall not mention any, as I believe the legend

we are considering, not to have been an exaggera-

tion of facts, but a Christianized myth of paganism.

The fact of the number seven being so prominent

in many of the tales, seems to lead to this con-

clusion. Barbarossa changes his position every

seven years. Charlemagne starts in his chair at

similar intervals. Olger Dansk stamps his iron

mace on the floor once every seven years. Olaf

Redbeard in Sweden uncloses his eyes at precisely

the same distances of time.

I believe that the mythological core of this pic-

turesque legend is the repose of the earth through

the seven winter months. In the North, Frederic

and Charlemagne certainly replace Odin.

The German and Scandinavian still heathen le-

gends represent the heroes as about to issue forth

for the defence of Fatherland in the hour of direst

need. The converted and Christianized tale brings

the -martyr youths forth in the hour when a heresy

is afflicting the Church, that they may destroy the

heresy by their witness to the truth of the Resur-


io8 The Seven Sleeper's of Ephesus.

If there is something majestic in the heathen

myth, there are singular grace and beautj'^ in the

Christian tale, teaching, as it docs, such a glorious

doctrine ; but it is surpassed in delicacy by the

modern form which the same myth has assumed —a form which is a real transformation, leaving the

doctrine taught the same. It has been made into

a romance by Ploffman, and is versified by Trinius.

I may perhaps be allowed to translate with some

freedom the poem of the latter :—

In an ancient shaft of Falun

Year by year a body lay,

God-preserved, as though a treasure,

Kept unto the waking day.

Not the turmoil, nor the passions,

Of the busy world o'erhead,

Sounds of war, or peace rejoicings,

Could disturb the placid dead.

Once a youthful miner, whistling,

Hewed the chamber, now his tomb


Crash ! the rocky fragments tumbled.

Closed him in abysmal gloom.

Sixty years passed bj-, ere miners

Toiling, hundred fathoms deep,

Broke upon the shaft where rested

That poor miner in his sleep.

The Seven Sleepers oj" Ephesus. 109

As the gold-grains lie untarnished

In the dingy soil and sand,

Till they gleam and flicker, stainless,

In the digger's sifting hand ;

As the gem in virgin brilliance

Rests, till ushered into day; —So uninjured, uncorrupted,

Fresh and fair the body lay.

And the miners bore it upward,

Laid it in the yellow sun


Up, from out the neighboring houses,

Fast the curious peasants run.

"Who is he.'"' with eyes they question;

"Who is he.-*" thej- ask aloud;

Hush ! a wizened hag comes hobbling,

Panting, through the wondering crowd.

O! the cry, — half joy, half sorrow,

As she flings her at his side


"John! the sweetheart of my girlhood,

Here am I, am I, thy bride.

" Time on thee has left no traces,

Death from wear has shielded thee


I am ag6d, worn, and wasted,

O ! what life has done to me !


Then his smooth, unfurrowed forehead

Kissed that ancient withered crone;

And the Death which had divided

Now united them in one.


lllilllam ML

ISUPPOSE that most people regard William

Tell, the hero of Switzerland, as an historical

character, and visit the scenes made memorable by

his exploits, with corresponding interest, when they

undertake the regular Swiss round.

It is one of the painful duties of the antiquarian

to dispel many a popular belief, and to pi-obe the

groundlessness of many an historical statement. The

antiquarian is sometimes disposed to ask with Pi-

late, "What is truth?" when he finds historical

facts crumbling beneath his touch into mythological

fables ; and he soon learns to doubt and question

the most emphatic declarations of, and claims to,


Sir Walter Raleigh, in his prison, was composing

the second volume of his History of the World.

Leaning on the sill of his window, he meditated

on the duties of the historian to mankind, when

William Tell. iii

suddenly his attention was attracted by a disturb-

ance in the court-yard before his cell. He saw

one man strike another whom he supposed by his

dress to be an officer ; the latter at once drew his

sword, and ran the former through the body. The

wounded man felled his adversary with a stick,

and then sank upon the pavement. At this junc-

ture the guard came up, and carried off the officer

insensible, and then the corpse of the man who

had been run through.

Next day Raleigh was visited by an intimate

friend, to whom he related the circumstances of

the quarrel and its issue. To his astonishment,

his friend unhesitatingly declared that the prisoner

had mistaken the whole series of incidents which

had passed before his eyes.

The supposed officer was not an officer at all,

but the servant of a foreign ambassador ; it was he

who had dealt the first blow ; he had not drawn

his sword, but the other had snatched it from his

side, and had run him through the body before

any one could interfere ; whereupon a stranger

from among the crowd knocked the murderer

down with his stick, and some of the foreigners

112 Willia77i Tell.

belonging to the ambassador's retinue carried off

the corpse. The friend of Raleigh added that

government had ordered the arrest and immediate

trial of the murderer, as the man assassinated was

one of the principal servants of the Spanish am-


" Excuse me," said Raleigh, " but I cannot have

been deceived as you suppose, for I was eye-wit-

ness to the events which took place under my

own window, and the man fell there on that spot

where you see a paving-stone standing up above

the rest."

" My dear Raleigh," replied his friend, " I was

sitting on that stone when the fray took place, and

I received this slight scratch on my cheek in

snatching the sword from the murderer ; and upon

my word of honor, you have been deceived upon

every particular."

Sir Walter, when alone, took up the second

volume of his Flistory, which was in MS., and

contemplating it, thought— "If I cannot believe

my own eyes, how can I be assured of the truth

of a tithe of the events which happened ages be-

William Tell. in.

fore I was born ? " and he flung the manuscript

into the fire.*

Now, I think that I can show that the story of

William Tell is as fabulous as— what shall I say?

any other historical event.

It is almost too well known to need repetition.

In the year 1307, Gessler, Vogt of the Emperor

Albert of Hapsburg, set a hat on a pole, as sym-

bol of imperial power, and ordered every one who

passed by to do obeisance towards it. A moun-

taineer of the name of Tell boldly ti^aversed the

space before it without saluting the abhorred sym-

bol. By Gessler's command he was at once seized

and brought before him. As Tell was known to

be an expert archer, he was ordered, by way of

punishment, to shoot an apple oft' the head of his

own son. Finding remonstrance vain, he submit-

ted. The apple was placed on the child's head,

Tell bent his bow, the arrow sped, and apple and

arrow fell together to the ground. But the Vogt no-

ticed that Tell, before shooting, had stuck another

arrow into his belt, and he inquired the reason.

* This anecdote is taken from the Journal de Paris, May,

1787; but whence did the Journal obtain it.''


114 , WilUam Tell.

"It was for you," replied the sturdy archer.

" Had I shot my child, know that it would not

have missed your heart."

This event, observe, took place in the beginning

of the fourteenth century. But Suxo Grammaticus,

a Danish writer of the twelfth century, tells tlie

story of a hero of his own country,, who lived in

the tenth century. He relates the incident in horri-

ble style as follows :—

" Nor ought what follows to be enveloped in

silence. Toki, who had for some time been in the

king's service, had, by his deeds, surpassing those

of his comrades, made enemies of his virtues. One

day, when he had drunk too much, he boasted to

those who sat at table with him, that his skill in

archery was such, that with the first shot of an

arrow he could hit the smallest apple set on the

top of a stick at a considerable distance. His de-

tractors, hearing this, lost no time in conveying

what he had said to the king (Harald Bluetooth).

But the wickedness of this monarch soon trans-

formed the confidence of the father to the jeopardy

of the son, for he ordered the dearest pledge of his

life to stand in place of the stick, from whom, if

William Tell. 115

the utterer of the boast did not at his first shot

strike down the apple, he should with his head

pay the penalty of having made an idle boast. The

command of the king urged the soldier to do this,

which was so much more than he had underta-

ken, the detracting artifices of the others having

taken advantage of words spoken when he was

hardly sober. As soon as the boy was led forth,

Toki carefully admonished him to receive the

whir of the arrow as calmly as possible, with at-

tentive ears, and without moving his head, lest

by a slight motion of the body he should frustrate

the experience of his well-tried skill. He also

made him stand with his back towards him, lest

he should be frightened at the sight of the arrow.

Then he drew three arrows from his quiver, and

the very first he shot struck the proposed mark.

Toki being asked by the king why he had taken

so many more arrows out of his quiver, when he

was to make but one trial with his bow, ' That I

might avenge on thee,' he replied, 'the error of the

first, by the points of the others, lest my innocence

might happen to be afflicted, and thy injustice go



Ii6 Williajn Tell.

The same incident is told of Egil, brother of tho

mythical Velundr, in the Saga of Thidrik.

In Norwegian history also it appears with varia-

tions again and again. It is told of King Ohif tho

Saint (d. 1030)-, that, desiring the conversion of a

brave heathen named Eindridi, he competed with

him in various athletic sports ; he swam with

him, wrestled, and then shot with him. The king

dared Eindridi to strike a writing-tablet from off

his son's head with an arrow. Eindridi prepared

to attempt the difficult shot. The king bade two

men bind the eyes of the child and hold the

napkin, so that he might not move when he heard

the whistle of the arrow. The king aimed first,

and the arrow grazed the lad's head. Eindridi

then prepared to shoot ; but the mother of the boy

interfered, and persuaded the king to abandon this

dangerous test of skill. In this version, also, Ein-

<lridi is prepared to revenge himself on the king,

should the child be injured.

But a closer approximation still to the Tell myth

is found in the life of Hemingr, another Norse

archer, who was challenged by King Harald,

Sigurd's son (d. 1066). The story is thus told:—

William Tell. 117

" The island was densely overgrown with wood,

and the people went into the forest. The king

took a spear and set it with its point in the soil,

then he laid an arrow on the string and shot up

into the air. The arrow turned in the air and

came down upon Ihe spear-shaft and stood up in

it. Hemingr took another arrow and shot up ; his

was lost to sight for some while, but it came back

and pierced the nick of the king's arrow. . . .

Then the king took a knife and stuck it into an

oak ; he next drew his bow 'and planted an arrow

in the haft of the knife. Thereupon Hemingr took

his arrows. The king stood by him and said,

' They are all inlaid with gold;you are a capital

workman.' Hemingr answered, •• They are not my

manufacture, but are presents.' He shot, and his

arrow cleft the haft, and the point entered the

socket of the blade.

" ' We must have a keener contest,' said the

king, taking an arrow and flushing with anger


then he laid the arrow on the string and drew his

bow to the farthest, so that the horns were nearly

brought to meet. Away flashed the arrow, and

pierced a tender twig. All said that this was a

Ii8 William Tell,

most astonishing feat of dexterity. But Hemingr

shot from a greater distance, and split a hazel nut.

All were astonished to see this. Then said the king,

' Take a nut and set it on the head of your brother

Bjorn, and aim it at from precisely the same distance.

If you miss the mark, then your life goes.'

" Hemingr answered, ' Sire, my life is at your

disposal, but I will not adventure that shot.' ' Then

out spake Bjorn— 'Shoot, brother, rather than die

yourself.' Hemingr said, ' Have you the pluck to

stand quite still without shrinking?' ' I will do my

best,' said Bjorn. ' Then let the king stand b}^,' said

Hemingr, ' and let him see whether I touch the nut.'

" The king agreed, and bade Oddr Ufeigs' son

stand by Bjorn, and see that the shot was fair.

Hemingr then went to the spot fixed for him by

the king, and signed himself with the cross, saying,

' God be my witness that I had rather die myself

than injure my brother Bjorn ; let all the blame rest

on King Harald.'

" Then Hemingr flung his spear. The spear went

straight to the mark, and passed between the nut and

the crdwn of the lad, who was not in the least jnjared.

It flew farther, and stopped not till it fell.

William Tell. 119

" Then the king came up and asked Oddr what he

thought about the shot."

Years after, this risk was revenged upon the hard-

hearted monarch. In the battle of Stamfordbridge

an arrow from a skilled archer penetrated the wind-

pipe of the king, and it is supposed to have sped,

observes the Saga writer, from the bow of Hemingr,

then in the service of the English monarch.

The story is related somewhat diflerently in the

Faroe Isles, and is told of Geyti, Aslak's son. The

same Harald asks his men if they know who is his

match in strength. "Yes," they reply; "there is a

peasant's son in the uplands, Geyti, son of Aslak, who

is the strongest of men." Forth goes the king, and at

last rides up to the house of Aslak. " And where is

your youngest son ?"

" Alas ! alas ! he lies under the green sod of Kolrin

kirkgarth." Come, then, and show me his corpse,

old man, that I may judge whether he was as stout

of limb as men say."

The father puts the king off with the excuse that

among so many dead it would be hard to find his

boy. So the king rides away over the heath. He

meets a stately man returning from the chase, with

t20 Willia7}i Tell.

a bow over his shoulder. "And v/ho art thou,

friend?" " Geyti, Aslak's son." The dead man,

in short, alive and well. The king tells him he has

heard of his prowess, and is come to match his

strength with him. So Geyti and the king try a


The king swims well ; but Geyti swims better, and

in the end gives the monarch such a ducking, that he

is borne to his house devoid of sense and motion.

Harald swallows his anger, as he had swallowed the

water, and bids Geyti shoot a hazel nut from oft' his

brother's head. Aslak's son consents, and invites the

king into the forest to witness his dexterity.

" On the string the shaft he laid,

And* God hath heard his prayer;

He shot the little nut away,

Nor hurt the lad a hair."

Next day the king sends for the skilful bowman :—

"List thee, Geyti, Aslak's son,

And truly tell to me,

Wherefore hadst thou arrows twain

In the wood yestreen with theef


The bowman replies,—

William Tell. 121

" Therefore had I arrows twain

Yestreen in the wood with me,

Had I but hurt mv brother dear,

The other had pierced thee."

A very similar tale is told also in the celebrated

Malleus Maleficaruin of a man named Puncher, with

this diflercnce, that a coin is placed on the lad's head

instead of an apple or a nut. The person who had

dared Puncher to the test of skill, inquires the use

of the second arrow in his belt, and receives the usual

answer, that if the first arrow had missed the coin,

the second would have transfixed a certain heart

which was destitute of natural feeling.

We have, moreover, our English version of the

same story in the venerable ballad of William of


The Finn ethnologist Castren obtained the follow-

ing tale in the Finnish village of Uhtuwa :—

A fight took place between some freebooters and

the inhabitants of the village of Alajawi. The rob-

bers plundered every house, and carried ofi' amongst

their captives an old man. As they proceeded with

their spoils along the strand of the lake, a lad of

twelve years old appeared from among the reeds on

122 William Tell.

the opposite bank, armed with a bow, and amply

provided with arrows; he threatened to shoot down

the captors unless the old man, his father, were re-

stored to him. The robbers mockingly replied that

the aged man would be given to him if he could shoot

an apple ofi' his head. The boy accepted the chal-

lenge, and on successfully accomplishing it, the sur-

render of the venerable captive was made.

Farid-Uddin Attar was a Persian dealer in per-

fumes, born in the year 1119. He one day was so

impressed with the sight of a dervish, that he sold his

possessions, and followed righteousness. He com-

posed the poem Mantic Uttair, or the language of

birds. Observe, the Persian Attar lived at the same

time as the Danish Saxo, and long before the birth

of Tell. Curiously enough, we find a trace of the

Tell myth in the pages of his poem. According to

him, however, the king shoots the apple from the

head of a beloved page, and the lad dies from sheer

fright, though the arrow does not even graze his


The coincidence of finding so many versions of the

same story scattered through countries as remote as

Persia and Iceland, Switzerland and Denmark, proves,

William Tell. 123

I think, that it can in no way be regarded as history,

but is rather one of the numerous household myths

common to the vvliole stock of Aryan nations. Prob-

ably, some one more acquainted with Sansls:rit litera-

ture than myself, and with better access to its unpub-

lished stores of fable and legend, will some day light

on an early Indian tale corresponding to that so

prevalent among other branches of the same family.

The coincidence of the Tell myth being discovered

among the Finns is attributable to Russian or Swedish

influence. I do not regard it as a primeval Turanian,

but as an Aryan story, which, like an erratic block,

is found deposited on foreign soil far from the moun-

tain whence it was torn.

German mythologists, I suppose, consider the myth

to represent the manifestation of some natural phe-

nomena, and the individuals of the story to be imper-

sonifications of natural forces. Most primeval stories

were thus constructed, and their origin is traceable

enough. In Tliorn-rose, for instance, who can fail

to see the earth goddess represented by the sleeping

beauty in her long winter slumber, only returning to

life when kissed bj- the golden-haired sun-god Phoe-

bus or Baldur? But the Tell myth has not its sig-

124 William Tell.

nification thus painted on the surface ; and those who

suppose Gessler or Harald to be the power of evil

and darkness,— the bold archer to be the storm-cloud

with his arrow of lightning and his iris bow, bent

against the sun, which is resting like a coin or a

golden apple on the edge of the horizon, are over-

straining their theories, and exacting too much frorr.

our credulity.

In these pages and elsew^here I have shown how

some of the ancient myths related by the whole

Aryan family of nations are reducible to allegori-

cal explanations of certain well-known natural phe-

nomena ; but I must protest against the manner in

which our German friends fasten rapaciously upon

every atom of history, sacred and profane, and de-

monstrate all heroes to represent the sun ; all villains

to be the demons of night or winter ; all sticks and

spears and arrows to be the lightning ; all cows

and sheep and dragons and swans to be clouds.

In a work on the superstition of Werewolves, I

have entered into this subject with some fulness,

and am quite prepared to admit the premises upon

which mythologists construct their theories ; at the

same time I am not disposed to run to the extrava-

Williajn Tell. 125

gant lengths reached by some of the most enthusiastic

German schohxrs. A wholesome warning to these

gentlemen was given some years ago by an ingenious

French ecclesiastic, who wrote the following argu-

ment to prove that Napoleon Bonaparte was a myth-

ological character. Archbishop Whately's "• Historic

Doubts " was grounded on a totally different line of

argument ; I subjoin the other, as a curiosity and as

a caution.

Napoleon is, says the writer, an impersonification

of the sun.

I. Between the name Napoleon and Apollo, or

Apoleon, the god of the sun, there is but a trifling

diflerence ; indeed, the seeming difference is lessened,

if we take the spelling of his name from the column

of the Place Vendome, where it stands Neapoleo.

But this syllable Ne prefixed to the name of the sun-

god is of importance ; like the rest of the name it is

of Greek origin, and is »'/ or *'««, a particle of affirma-

tion, as though indicating Napoleon as the very true

Apollo, or sun.

Plis other name, Bonaparte, makes this apparent

connection between the French hero and the lumi-

nary of the firmament conclusively certain. The day

126 William Tell.

has its two parts, the good and lumyious portion, and

that which is bad and dark. To the sun belongs the

good part, to the moon and stars belongs the bad

portion. It is therefore natural that Apollo or Nc-

Apoledn should receive the surname of Bonaparte.

2. Apollo was born in Delos, a Mediterranean

island ; Napoleon in Corsica, an island in the same

sea. According to Pausanias, Apollo was an Egyp-

tian deity ; and in the mythological history of the

fabulous Napoleon we find the hero in Egypt, re-

garded by the inhabitants with veneration, and

receiving their homage.

3. The mother of Napoleon was said to be Letitia,

which signifies joy, and is an impersonification of

the dawn of light dispensing joy and gladness to all

creation. Letitia is no other than the break of day,

which in a manner brings the sun into the world, and

" with rosy fingers opes the gates of Day." It is sig-

nificant that the Greek name for the mother of Apollo

was Leto. From this the Romans made the name

J^atona, which they gave to his mother. But Lceto is

the unused form of the verb Icetor^ and signified to

inspire joy ; it is from this unused form that the sub-

stantive Letitia is derived. The identity, then, of

William Tell. 127

the motliei- of Napoleon with the Greek I.etc and the

Latin Latona, is estabhshed conclusively.

4. According to the popular story, this son of

Letitia had three sisters ; and was it not the same

with the Greek deity, who had the three Graces?

5. The modern Gallic Apollo had four brothers.

It is impossible not to discern here the anthropomor-

phosis of the four seasons. But, it will be objected,

the seasons should be females. Here the French

language interposes ; for in French the seasons are

masculine, with the exception of autumn, upon the

gender of which grammarians are undecided, whilst

Autumnus in Latin is not more feminine than the

other seasons. This difficulty is therefore trifling,

and what follows removes all shadow of doubt.

Of the four brothers of Napoleon, three are said

to have been kings, and these of course are, Spring

reigning over the flowers. Summer reigning over the

harvest. Autumn holding sway over the fruits. And

as these three seasons owe all to the powerful in-

fluence of the Sun, we are told in the popular myth

that the three brothers of Napoleon drew their

authoiity from him, and received from him their

kingdoms. But if it be added that, of the four

128 William Tell.

brothers of Napoleon, one was not a king, that was

because he is the impersonification of Winter, which

has no reign over anything. If, however, it be as-

serted, in contradiction, that the winter has an em-

pire, he will be given the principality over snows

and frosts, which, in the dreary season of the year,

whiten the face of the earth. Well, the fourth

brother of Napoleon is thus invested by popular

tradition, commonly called history, with a vain prin-

cipality accorded to him in the decline of the power

of Napoleon. The principality was that of Canino,

a name derived from cani^ or the whitened hairs of

a frozen old age,— true emblem of winter. To the

eyes of poets, the forests covering the hills are their

hair, and when winter frosts them, they rejoresent

the snowy locks of a decrepit nature in the old age

of the year :—

" Cum gelidus crescit canis in montibus humor."

Consequently the Prince of Canino is an impersoni-

fication of winter ;— winter whose reign begins

when the kingdoms of the three fine seasons are

passed from them, and when the sun is driven from

his power by the children of the North, as the poets

call the boreal winds. This is the origfin of the fabu-

William Tell. 129

lous invasion of France by tlie allied armies of the

North. The story relates that these invaders— the

northern gales — banished the many-colored flag, and

replaced it by a white standard. This too is a grace-

ful, but, at the same time, purely fabulous account

of the Northern winds driving all the brilliant colors

from the face of the soil, to replace them by the

snowy sheet.

6. Napoleon is said to have had two wives. It is

well known that the classic fable gave two also to

Apollo. These two were the moon and the earth.

Plutarch asserts that the Greeks gave the moon to

Apollo for wife, whilst the Egyptians attributed to

him the earth. By the moon he had no posterity,

but by the other he had one son only, the little

Horus. This is an Egyptian allegory, representing

the fruits of agriculture produced by the earth fer-

tilized by the Sun. The pretended son of the fabu-

lous Napoleon is said to have been born on the 20th

of March, the season of the spring equinox, when

agriculture is assuming its greatest period of activity.

7. Napoleon is said to have released France from

the devastating scourge which terrorized over the

country, the hydra of the revolution, as it was pop-


130 William Tell.

ularly called. Who cannot see in this a Gallic ver-

sion of the Greek legend of Apollo releasing Hellas

from the terrible Python? The very name revolu'

tion^ derived from the Latin verb rcvolvo^ is indica-

tive of the coils of a serpent like the Python.

8. The fiamous hero of the 19th century had, it is

asserted, twelve Marshals at the head of his armies,

and four who were stationary and inactive. The '

twelve first, as may be seen at once, are the signs

of the zodiac, marching under the orders of the sun

Napoleon, and each commanding a division of the

innumerable host of stars, which are parted into

twelve portions, corresponding to the twelve signs.

As for the four stationary officers, immovable in the

midst of general motion, they are the cardinal points.

9. It is currently reported that the chief of these

brilliant armies, after having gloriously traversed the

Southern kingdoms, penetrated North, and was there

unable to maintain his sway. This too represents

the course of the Sun, which assumes its greatest

power in the South, but after tlie spring equinox

seeks to reacli the North ; and after a three months^

march towards the boreal regions, is driven back

upon his traces following the sign of Cancer, a sign

William Tell. 131

given to represent the retrogression of the sim in that

portion of the sphere. It is on this that the story of

the march of Napoleon towards Moscow, and his

humbhng retreat, is founded.

10. Finally, the sun rises in the East and sets in

the Western sea. The poets picture him rising out

of the waters in the East, and setting in the ocean

after his twelve hours' reign in the sky. Such is

the history of Napoleon, coming from his Mediter-

ranean isle, holding the reins of government for

twelve years, and finally disappearing in the myste-

rious regions of the great Atlantic.

To those who see in Samson, the image of the

sun, the correlative of the classic Hercules, this

clever skit of the accomplished French Abb6 may

prove of value as a caution.


^l)e P03 (f^clUrt.

T TAVING demolished William Tell, I proceed

---*- to the destruction of another article of popular


Who that has visited Snovvdon has not seen the

grave of Llewellyn's faithful hound Gellert, and been

told by the guide the touching story of the death of

the noble animal? How can we doubt the facts,

seeing that the place, Beth-Gellert, is named after

the dog, and that the grave is still visible? But

unfortunately for the truth of the legend, its pedigree

can be traced with the utmost pi'ecision.

The story is as follows :—

The Welsh Prince Llewellyn had a noble deer-

hound, Gellert, whom he trusted to watch the cradle

of his baby son whilst he himself was absent.

One day, on his return, to his intense horror, he

beheld the cradle empty and upset, the clothes dab-

bled with blood, and Gellert's mouth dripping with

The Dog Gellert. 133

gore. Concluding hastily that the hound had proved

unfaithful, had fallen on the child and devoured it,

— in a paroxysm of rage the prince drew his sword

and slew the dog. Next instant the cry of the babe

from behind the cradle showed him that the child

was uninjured ; and, on looking farther, Llewellyn

discovered the body of a huge wolf, which had en-

tered the house to seize and devour the child, but

which had been kept oft' and killed by the brave

dog Gellert.

In his self-reproach and grief, the prince erected

a stately monument to Gellert, and called the place

where he was buried after the poor hound's name.

Now, I find in Russia precisely the same story

told, with just the same appearance of truth, of a

• Czar Piras. In Germany it appears with consider-

able variations. A man determines on slaying his

old dog Sultan, and consults with his wife how this

is to be effected. Sultan overhears the convei'sation,

and complains bitterly to the wolf, who suggests an

ingenious plan by which the master may be induced

to spare his dog. Next day, when the man is going

to his work, the wolf undertakes to carry oft' the child

from its cradle. Sultan is to attack him and rescue

134 '^^'-^ D<^S Gellert.

the infant. The plan succeeds admirably, and the

dog spends his remaining years in comfort. (Grimm,

K. M. 48.)

But there is a story in closer conformity to that

of Gellert among the French collections of fabliaux

made by Le Grand d'Aussy and Edelestand du M6ril.

It became popular through the " Gesta Romanorum,"

a collection of tales made by the monks for harmless

reading, in the fourteenth century.

In the " Gesta" the tale is told as follows :—

" Folliculus, a knight, was fond of hunting and

tournaments. He had an only son, for whom three

nurses were provided. Next to this child, he loved

his falcon and his greyhound. It happened one

day that he was called to a tournament, whither

his wife and domestics went also, leaving the child

in the cradle, the greyhound lying by him, and the

falcon on his perch. A serpent that inhabited a

hole near the castle, taking advantage of the pro-

found silence that reigned, crept from his habita-

tion, and advanced towards the cradle to devour

the child. The fiilcon, perceiving the danger, flut-

tered with his wings till he awoke the dog, who

instantly attacked the invader, and after a fierce

The Dog Gellert. 135

conflict, in which he was sorely wounded, killed

him. He then lay down on the ground to lick

and heal his wounds. When the nurses returned,

they found the cradle overturned, the child thrown

out, and the ground covered with blood, as was also

the dog, who they immediately concluded had killed

the child.

" Terrified at the idea of meeting the anger of

the parents, they determined to escape ; but in their

flight fell in with their mistress, to whom they v/ere

compelled to relate the supposed murder of the

child by the greyhound. The knight soon arrived

to hear the sad story, and, maddened with fury,

rushed forward to the spot. The poor wounded

and faithful animal made an effort to rise and wel-

come his master with his accustomed fondness ; but

tlie enraged knight received him on the point of

his sword, and he fell lifeless to the ground. On

examination of the cradle, the infant was found

alive and unhurt, with the dead serpent lying by

him. Tlie knight now perceived what had hap-

pened, lamented bitterly over his faithful dog, and

blamed himself for having too hastily depended on

the words of his wife. Abandoning the profession

136 The Dog Gellert.

of arms, he broke his lance in pieces, and vowed

a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, where he spent

the rest of his days in peace."

The monkish hit at the wife is amusing, and

might have been supposed to have originated with

those determined misogynists, as the gallant Welsh-

men lay all the blame on the man. But the good

compilers of the "• Gesta " wrote little of their own,

except moral applications of the tales they relate,

and the story of FoUiculus and his dog, like many

others in their collection, is drawn from a foreign


It occurs in the Seven Wise Masters, and in the

" Calumnia Novercalis" as well, so that it must

have been popular throughout medijeval Europe.

Now, the tales of the Seven Wise Masters are trans-

lations from a Hebrew work, the Kalilah and Dim-

nah of Rabbi Joel, composed about A. D. 1350, or

from Simeon Seth's Greek Kylile and Dimne, writ-

ten in 1080. These Greek and Hebrew works were

derived from kindred sources. That of Rabbi Joel

was a translation from an Arabic version made by

Nasr-Allah in the twelfth century, whilst Simeon

Seth's was a translation of the Persian Kalilah and

The Dog Gellert. 137

Dimnah. Bat the Persian Kalilah and Dimnah

was not either an original work ; it Vv'as in turn a

translation from the Sanskrit Pantschatantra, made

about A. D. 540.

In this ancient Indian book the story runs as

follows :—

A Brahmin named Devasaman had a wife, who

gave birth to a son, and also to an ichneumon.

She loved both her children dearly, giving them

alike the breast, and anointing them alike with

salves. But she feared the ichneumon might not

love his brother.

One day, having laid her boy in bed, she took

up the water jar, and said to her husband, " Hear

me, master ! I am going to the tank to fetch

water. Whilst I am absent, watch the boy, lest

he gets injured by the ichneumon." After she had

left the house, the Brahmin went forth begging,

leaving the house empty. In crept a black snake,

and attempted to bite the child ; but the ichneumon

rushed at it, and tore it in pieces. Then, proud of

its achievement, it sallied forth, all bloody, to meet

its mother. She, seeing the creature stained with

blood, concluded, with feminine precipitance, that it

138 The Dog Gellert.

had follen on the baby and killed it, and she flung

her water jar at it and slew it. Only on her

return home did she ascertain her mistake.

The same story is also told in the Hitopadesa

(iv. 13), but the animal is an otter, not an ich-

neumon. In the Arabic version a weasel takes the

place of the ichneumon.

The Buddhist missionaries carried the story into

Mongolia, and in the Mongolian Uligerun, which

is a translation of the Tibetian Dsanghen, the

story reappears with the pole-cat as the brave and

suffering defender of the child.

Stanislaus Julien, the great Chinese scholar, has

discovered the same tale in the Chinese work

entitled " The Forest of Pearls from the Garden

of the Law." This work dates from 668 ; and in

it the creature is an ichneumon.

In the Persian Sindibad-nameh is the same tale,

but the faithful animal is a cat. In Sandabar and

Syntipas it has become a dog. Through the in-

fluence of Sandabar on the Hebrew ti'anslation of

the Kalilah and Dimnah, the ichneumon is also

replaced by a dog.

Such is the history of the Gellert legend ; ifc is

The Dog Gellert. 139

an introduction into Europe from India, every step

of its transmission being clearly demonstrable.

From the Gesta Romanorum it passed into a

popular tale throughout Europe, and in different

countries it was, like the Tell myth, localized and

individualized. Many a Welsh story, such as those

contained in the Mabinogion, are as easily traced

to an Eastern origin.

But every story has its root. The root of the

Gellert tale is this : A man forms an alliance of

friendship with a beast or bird. The dumb animal

renders him a signal service. He misunderstands

the act, and kills his preserver.

We have tracked this myth under the Gellert

form from India to Wales ; but under another form

it is the property of the whole Aryan family, and

forms a portion of the traditional lore of all nations

sprung from that stock.

Thence arose the classic fable of the peasant,

who, as he slept, was bitten bv a fly. H*^ awoke,

and in a rage killed the insect. ,v . lute,''

observed that the little creature had aroused him

that he might avoid a snake which lay coiled up

near his pillow.

140 The Dog Gellert.

In the Anvar-i-Suhaili is the following kindred

tale. A king had a falcon. One day, whilst hunt-

ing, he filled a goblet with water dropping from a

rock. As he put the vessel to his lips, his falcon

dashed upon it, and upset it with its wings. The

king, in a fury, slew the bird, and then discovered

that the water dripped from the jaws of a serpent

of the most poisonous description.

This story, with some variations, occurs in ^sop,

/^lian, and Apthonius. In the Greek" fable, a

peasant liberates an eagle from the clutches of a

dragon. The dragon spirts poison into the water

which the peasant is about to drink, without ob-

serving what the monster had done. The grateful

eagle upsets the goblet with his wings.

The story appears in Egypt under a whimsical

form. A Wali once smashed a pot full of herbs

which a cook had prepared. The exasperated cook

thrashed the well-intentioned but unfortunate Wali

within an inch of his life, and V.'nen he returned,

^^^'^'^ySL - iiii' eftbrts at belaboring the man,

to examine the broken pot, he discovered amongst

the herbs a poisonous snake.

How many brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, and

The Dog Gellert. 141

cousins of all degrees a little story has ! And how

few of the tales we listen to can lay any claim to

originality ! There is scarcely a story which I hear

which I cannot connect with some family of myths,

and whose pedigree I cannot ascertain with more

or less precision. Shakespeare drew the plots of

his plays from Boccaccio or Straparola ; but these

Italians did not invent the tales they lent to the

English dramatist. King Lear does not originate

with Geofry of Monmouth, but comes from early

Indian stores of fable, whence also are derived the

Merchant of Venice and the pound of flesh, ay,

and the very incident of the three caskets.

But who would credit it, were it not proved by

conclusive facts, that Johnny Sands is the inherit-

ance of the whole Aryan family of nations, and

that Peeping Tom of Coventry peeped in India

and on the Tartar steppes ages before Lady Godiva

was born ?

If you listen to Traviata at the opera, you have

set before you a tale which has last^ for centuries,

and which was perhaps born in India.

If 3^ou read in classic fable of Orpheus charming

woods and meadows, beasts and birds, with his

142 The Dog Gellert.

magic lyre, you remember to have seen the same

fable related in the Kalewala of the Finnish Wai-

nomainen, and in the Kalcopoeg of the Esthonian


If you take up English history, and read of

William the Conqueror slipping as he landed on

British soil, and kissing the earth, saying he had

come to greet and claim his own, you remember

that the same story is told of Napoleon in Egypt,

of King Olaf Harold's son in Norway, and in

classic history of Junius Brutus on his return from

the oracle.

A little while ago I cut out of a Sussex news-

paper a story purporting to be the relation of a

fact which had taken place at a fixed date in

Lewes. This was the story. A tj'rannical hus-

band locked the door against his wife, who was out

having tea with a neighbor, gossiping and scandal-

mongering ; when she applied for admittance, he

pretended not to know her. She threatened to

jump into tho.uell unless he opened the door.

The man, not supposing that she would carry

her threat into execution, declined, alleging that he

was in bed, and the night was chilly ; besides

The Dog Gellert. 143

which he entirely disclaimed all acquaintance with

the lady who claimed admittance.

The wife then flung a log into a well, and se-

creted herself behind the door. The man, hearing

the splash, fancied that his good lady was really in

the deeps, and forth he darted in his nocturnal

costume, which was of the lightest, to ascertain

whether his delivei-ance was complete. At once

the lady darted into the house, locked the door,

and, on the husband pleading for admittance, she

declared most solemnly from the window that she

did not know him.

Now, this story, I can positively assert, unless

the events of this world move in a circle, did not

happen in Lewes, or any other Sussex town.

It was told in the Gesta Romanorum six hundred

years ago, and it was told, may be, as many hun-

dred years before in India, for it is still to be found

in Sanskrit collections of tales.


^aWtit iHen.

T WELL remember having it impressed upon me

-- by a Devonshire nurse, as a little child, that all

Cornishmen were born with tails ; and it was long

before I could overcome the prejudice thus early

implanted in my breast against ray Cornubian neigh-

bors. I looked upon those who dwelt across the

Tamar as " uncanny," as being scarcely to be classed

with Christian people, and certainly not to be freely

associated with by tailless Devonians. I think my

eyes were first opened to the fact that I had been

deceived by a worthy bookseller of L , with

whom I had contracted a warm friendship, he hav-

ing at sundry times contributed pictures to my scrap-

book. I remember one day resolving to broach the

delicate subject vwith my tailed friend, whom I liked,

notwithstanding his caudal appendage.

" Mr. X , is it true that you are a Cornisl

man? "

Tailed Alen. 145

" Yes, my little man ; born and bred in the West


" I like you very much ; but— have you really

got a tail?"

When the bookseller had recovered from the aston-

ishnjcnt which I had produced by my question, he

stoutly repudiated the charge.

"But you are a Cornishman?"

" To be sure I am."

" And all Cornishmen have tails."

I believe I satisfied my own mind that the good

man had sat his oft', and my nurse assured me that

such was the case with those of sedentary habits.

It is curious that Devonshire superstition should

attribute the tail to Cornishmen, for it was asserted

of certain men of Kent in olden times, and was re-

ferred to Divine vengeance upon them for having

insulted St. Thomas a Becket, if we may believe

Polydore Vergil. " There were some," he says, " to

whom it seemed that the king's secret wish was, that

Thomas should be got rid of. He, indeed, as one

accounted to be an enemy of the king's person, was

already regarded with so little respect, nay, was

treated with so much contempt, that when he came


146 Tailed Men.

to Strood, which village is situated on the Medvvay,

the river that washes Rochester, the inhabitants of the

place, being eager to show some mark of contumely

to the prelate in his disgrace, did not scruple to cut

ort' the tail of the horse on which lie was riding;

but by this profane and inhospitable act they covered

themselves with eternal reproach ; for it so happened

after this, by the will of God, that all the oflspring

born from the men who had done this thing, were

born with tails, like brute animals. But this mark

of infam}-, which formerly was everywhere notorious,

has disappeared with the extinction of the race whose

fathers perpetrated this deed."

John Bale, the zealous reformer, and Bishop of

Ossory in Edward VI. 's time, refers to this story,

and also mentions a variation of the scene and cause

of this ignoble punishment. He writes, quoting his

authorities, "John Capgrave and Alexander of Es-

seby sayth, that for castynge of fyshe tayles at thys

Augustyne, Dorsettshyre men had tayles ever after.

But Polydorus applieth it unto Kentish men at Stroud,

by Rochester, for cuttinge oft' Thomas Becket's horse's

tail. Thus hath England in all other land a per-

petual infamy of tayles by theye wrytten legendes of

Tailed Men. 147

lyes, yet can they not well tell where to bestovve

them truely." Bale, a fierce and unsparing reformer,

and one who stinted not hard words, appljing to

the inventors of these legends an epithet more strong

than elegant, says, " In the legends of their sanctified

sorcei-ers they have difiamed the English posterity

with tails, as has been showed afore. That an Eng-

lyshman now cannot travayle in another land by way

of marchandyse or any other honest occupyinge, but

it is most contumeliously thrown in his tethe that all

Englyshmen have tails. That uncomely note and

report have the nation gotten, without recover, by

these laisy and idle lubbers, the monkes and the

priestes, which could find no matters to advance

their canonized gains by, or their saintes, as they

call them, but manifest lies and knaveries." *

Andrew Marvel also makes mention of this strange

judgment in his Loyal Scot:—

" But who considers right will find, indeed,

'Tis Holj Island parts us, not the Tweed.

Nothing but clergy could us two seclude,

No Scotch was ever like a bishop's feud.

* " Actes of English Votaries."

14.8 Tailed Men.

All Litanys in this have wanted faith,

There's no — Deliver tis from a Bishop's wrath.

Never shall Calvin pardoned be for sales,

Never, for Burnet's sake, the Lauderdales


For Becket's sake, Kent alwaj^s shall have tails."

It may be remembered that Lord Monboddo, a

Scotch judge of hist century, and a pliilosopher of

some repute, though of great eccentricity, stoutly

maintained the theory that man ought to have a

tail, that the tail is a desideratum^ and that the

abrupt termination of the spine without caudal elon-

gation is a sad blemish in the origination of man.

The tail, the point in which man is inferior to the

brute, what a delicate index of the mind it is ! how

it expresses the passions of love and hate ! how nicely

it gives token of the feelings of joy or fear which

animate the soul ! But Lord Monboddo did not

consider that what the tail is to the brute, that the

eye is to man ; the lack of one member is supplied

by the other. I can tell a proud man by his eye

just as truly as if he stalked past one with erect tail


and anger is as plainly depicted in the human eye

as in the bottle-brush tail of a cat. I know a sneak

by his cowering glance, though he has not a tail

between his legs ; and pleasure is evident in the

Tailed Men. 149

laughing eye, without there being any necessity for

a wagging brush to express it.

Dr. Jolinson paid a visit to the judge, and knocl-ced

on the head his theory that men ought to have tails,

and actually were born with thein occasionally ; for

said he, ^' Of a standing fact, sir, there ought to be

no controversy ; if there are men with tails, catch a

homo caudaius." And, " It is a pity to see Loi'd

Monboddo publish such notions as he has done— a

man of sense, and of so much elegant learning.

There would be little in a fool doing it ; we should

only laugh ; but, when a wise man does it, we are

sorry. Other people have strange notions, but they

conceal them. If they have tails they hide them;

but Monboddo is as jealous of his tail as a squirrel."

And yet Johnson seems to have been tickled with the

idea, and to have been amused with the notion of

an appendage like a tail being regarded as the com-

plement of human perfection. It may be remem-

bered how Johnson made the acquaintance of the

young Laird of Col, during his Highland tour, and

how pleased he was with him. "Col," says he, "is

a noble animal. He is as complete an islander as

the mind can figure. He is a farmer, a sailor, a

150 Tailed Men.

hunter, a fisher : he will run you down a dog ; if

any man has a tail, it is Col," And notwith-

standing all his aversion to puns, the great Doctor

was fain to yield to hnman weakness on one occa-

sion, under jthe influence of the mirth which Mon-

boddo's name seems to have excited. Johnson

writes to Mrs. Thrale of a party he had met one

night, which he thus enumerates :" There were

Smelt, and the Bishop of St. Asaph, who comes

to every place ; and Sir Joshua, and Lord Mon-

boddo, and ladies ozit of tale"

There is a Polish story of a witch who made a

girdle of human skin and laid it across the thres-

hold of a door where a marriage-feast was, being

held. On the bridal pair stepping across the

girdle they were transformed into wolves. Three

years after the v/itch sought them out, and cast

over them dresses of fur with the hair turned out-

ward, whereupon they recovered their human

forms, but, unfortunately, the dress cast over the

bridegroom was too scanty, and did not extend

over his tail, so that, when he was restored to his

former condition, he retained his lupine caudal

appendage, and this became hereditary in his

Tailed Men. 151

family ; so that all Poles with tails are lineal

descendants of the ancestor to whom this little

misfortune happened. John Struys, a Dutch trav-

eller, who visited the Isle of Formosa in 1677,

gives a curious story, whicli is worth transcribing.

"Before I visited this island," he writes, "I had

often heard tell that there were men who had long

tails, like brute beasts ; but I had never been able

to believe it, and I regarded it as a thing so alien

to our nature, that I should now have difficulty in

accepting it, if my own senses had not removed

from me every pretence for doubting the fact, by

the following strange adventure : The inhabitants

of Formosa, being used to see us, were in the

habit of receiving us on terms which left nothing

to apprehend on either side ; so that, although

mere foreigners, we always believed ourselves in

safety, and had grown familiar enough to ramble

at large without an escort, when grave experience

taught us that, in so doing, we were hazarding

too much. As some of our party were one day

taking a stroll, one of them had occasion to with-

draw about a stone's throw from the rest, who,

being at the moment engaged in an eager conver-

152 Tailed Men.

sation, proceeded without heeding the disappear-

ance of their companion. After a while, however,

his absence was observed, and tlie party paused,

thinking he would rejoin them. They waited

some time ; but at last, tired of the delay, they

returned in the direction of the spot where they

remembered to have seen him last. Arriving there,

they were horrified to find his mangled body lying

on the ground, though the nature of the lacerations

showed that he had not had to suflbr long ere

death released him. Whilst some remained to

watch the dead body, others went off in search of

the murderer ; and these had not gone far, when

they came upon a man of peculiar appearance,

who, finding himself enclosed by the exploring

party, so as to make escape from them impossi-

ble, began to foam with rage, and by cries and

wild gesticulations to intimate that he would make

any one repent the attempt who should venture to

meddle with him. The fierceness of his despera-

tion for a time kept our people at bay ; but as his

fury gradually subsided, they gathered more closely

round him, and at length seized him. He then

soon made them understand that it was he who

Tailed Men. 153

had killed their comrade, but they could not learn

from him any cause for this conduct. As the

crime was so atrocious, and, if allowed to pass

with impunity, might entail even more serious

consequences, it was determined to burn the man.

He was tied up to a stake, where he was kept

for some hours before the time of execution ar-

rived. It was then that I beheld what I had never

thought to see. He had a tail more than a foot

long, covered with red hair, and ver}' like that of a

cow. When he saw the surprise that this discov-

ery created among the European spectators, he

informed us that his tail was the effect of climate,

for that all the inhabitants of the southern side of

the island, where they then were, were provided

with like appendages." *

After Struys, Hornemann reported that, between

the Gulf of Benin and Abyssinia, were tailed an-

thropophagi, named by the natives Nlam-nlajns


and in 1S49, M. Descourct, on his return from

Mecca, affirmed that such was a common report,

and added that they had long arms, low and nar-

row foreheads, long and erect ears, and slim legs.

* " Voyages de Jean Struys," An. 1650.

154 Tailed Men.

Mr. Harrison, in his " Highlands of Ethiopia,''

alludes to the common belief among the Abys-

sinians, in a pygmy race of this nature.

MM. Arnault and Vayssiere, travellers in the

same country, in 1S50, brought the subject before

the Academy of Sciences.

In 1 85 1, M. de Castelnau gave additional de-

tails relative to an expedition against these tailed

men. " The Niam-niams," he says, " were sleep-

ing in the sun : the Haoussas approached, and,

falling on them, massacred them to the last man.

They had all of them tails forty centimeti'es long,

and from two to three in diameter. This organ is

smooth. Among the corpses were those of sev-

eral women, who were deformed in the same

manner. In all other particulars, the men were

precisely like all other negroes. They are of a

deep black, their teeth are polished, their bodies

not tattooed. They are armed with clubs and jave-

lins ; in war they utter piercing cries. They cul-

tivate rice, maize, and other grain. They are fine

looking meu, and their hair is not frizzled."

M. d'Abbadie, another Abyssinian traveller, writ-

ing in 1852, gives the following account from the

Tailed Men. 155

lips of an Abyssinian priest: "At the distance of

fifteen days' journey south of Herrar is a place

where all the men have tails, the length of a palm,

covered with hair, and situated at the extremity of

the spine. The females of that country are very

beautiful and are tailless. I have seen some fifteen

of these people at Besberah, and I am positive

that the tail is natural."

It will be observed that there is a discrepancy

between the accounts of M. de Castelnau and

M. d'Abbadie. The former accords tails to the

ladies, whilst the latter denies it. According to

the former, the tail is smooth ; according to the

latter, it is covered with hair.

Dr. Wolf has improved on this in his " Travels

and Adventures," vol. ii. 1861. "There are men

and women in Abyssinia with tails like dogs and

horses." Wolf heard also from a great many

Abyssinians and Armenians (and Wolf is con-

vinced of the truth of it), that " there are near

Narea, in Abyssinia, people— men and women—with large tails, with which they are able to knock

down a horse ; and there are also such people

near China." And in a note, " In the College of

156 Tailed Men.

Surgeons at Dublin may still be seen a human

skeleton, with a tail seven inches long! There are

many known instances of this elongation of the

caudal vertebra, as in the Poonangs in Borneo."

But the most interesting and circumstantial ac-

count of the Niam-niams is that given by Dr.

Hubsch, physician to the hospitals of Constantino-

ple. "It was in 1S53," says he, "that I saw for

the first time a tailed negress. I was struck with

this phenomenon, and I questioned her master, a

slave dealer. I learned from him that there exists

a tribe called Niam-niam, occupying the interior of

Africa. All the members of this tribe bear the

caudal appendage, and, as Oriental imagination is

given to exaggeration, I was assured that the tails

sometimes attained the length of two feet. That

which I observed was smooth and hairless. It was

about two inches long, and terminated in a point.

This woman was as black as ebony, her hair was

frizzled, her teeth white, large, and planted in sock-

ets which inclined considerably outward ; her four

canine teeth were filed, her eyes bloodshot. She

ate meat raw, her clothes fidgeted her, her intellect

was on a par with that of others of her condition.

Tailed Men. 157

" Her master had been unable, during six months,

to sell her, notwithstanding the low figure at which

he would ha\e disposed of her ; the abhorrence

with which she was regarded was not attributed

to her tail, but to the partiality, which she was

unable to conceal, for human flesh. Her tribe fed

on the flesh of the prisoners taken from the neigh-

boring tribes, with whom they were constantly at


"As soon as one of the tribe dies, his relations,

instead of burying him, cut him up and regale

themselves upon his remains ; consequently there

are no cemeteries in this land. They do not all of

them lead a wandering life, but many of them con-

struct hovels of the branches of trees. They make

for themselves weapons of war and of agriculture;

they cultivate maize and wheat, and keep cattle.

The Niam-niams have a language of their own, of

an entirely primitive character, though containing an

infusion of Arabic words.

" They live in a state of complete nudity, and

seek only to satisfy their brute appetites. There is

among them an utter disregard for morality, incest

and adultery being common. The strongest among

158 Tailed Men.

them becomes the chief of the tribe ; and it is he

who apportions the shares of the booty obtained in

war. It is hard to say whether they have any re-

ligion ; but in all probability they have none, as

they readily adopt any one which they are taught.

"• It is difficult to tame them altogether ; their in-

stinct impelling them constantly to seek for human

flesh ; and instances are related of slaves who have

massacred and eaten the children confided to their


" I have seen a man of the same race, who had

a tail an inch and a half long, covered with a few

hairs. He appeared to be thirty-five years old ; he

was robust, vs'ell built, of an ebon blackness, and

had the same peculiar formation of jaw noticed

above ; that is to say, the tooth sockets were in-

clined outwards. Their four canine teeth are filed

down, to diminish their power of mastication.

" I know also, at Constantinople, the son of a

physician, aged two years, who was born with a

tail an inch long ; he belonged to the white Cau-

casian race. One of his grandfathers possessed the

same appendage. This phenomenon is regarded gen-

erally in the East as a sign of great brute force."

Tailed Men. 159

About ten years ago, a newspaper paragraph re-

coidcd the birth of a boy at Newcastle-on-Tyne,

]:)ro\i(le(l with a tail about an inch and a quarter

long. It was asserted that the child when sucking

wagged this stump as token of pleasure.

\'ct, notwithstanding all this testimony in favor

of tailed men and women, it is simply a matter of

impossilMlity for a human being to have a tail, for

the spinal vertebrae in man do not admit of elonga-

tion, as in many animals; for the spine terminates

in the os sacrum, a large and expanded bone of

peculiar character, entirely precluding all possibility

of production to the spine as in caudate animals.


^utifljrist ani) Jpopc loan.

I^ROM the earliest ages of the Church, the ad-

-^ vent of the Man of Sin has been looked for-

ward to with terror, and the passages of Scripture

relating to him have been studied with solemn awe,

lest that day of wrath should come upon the Church

unawares. As events in the world's history took

place which seemed to be indications of the ap-

proach of Antichrist, a great horror fell upon men's

minds, and their imaginations conjured up myths

which flew from mouth to mouth, and which were

implicitly believed.

Before speaking of these strange tales which pro-

duced such an effect on the minds of men in the

middle ages, it will be well briefly to examine the

opinions of divines of the early ages on the pas-

sages of Scripture connected with the coming of

the last great persecutor of the Church. Antichrist

was believed by most ancient writers to be destined

A.ntichrlst a?zd Pope Joait. t6i

to arise out of the tribe of Dan, a belief founded

on the prediction of Jacob, ''Dan shall be a serpent

by the way, an adder in the path " (conf. Jeremiah

viii. i6), and on the exclamation of the dying pa-

triarch, when looking on his son Dan, " I have

waited for Thy Salvation, O Lord," as though the

long-suffering of God had borne long with that

tribe, but in vain, and it was to be extinguished

without hope. This, indeed, is implied in the seal-

ing of the servants of God in their foreheads (Rev-

elation vii.), when twelve thousand out of every

tribe, except Dan, were seen by St. John to receive

the seal of adoption, whilst of the tribe of Dan not

one was sealed, as though it, to a man, had apos-


Opinions as to the nature of Antichrist were di-

vided. Some held that he was to be a devil in

phantom body, and of this number was Hippolytus.

Others, again, believed that he would be an incarnate

demon, true man and true devil ; in fearful and

diabolical parody of the Incarnation of our Lord.

A third view was, that he would be merely a des-

perately wicked man, acting upon diabolical inspira-

tions, just as the saints act upon divine inspirations.


t62 Antichrist and Pope yoajz.

St. John Damascene expressly asserts that he will

not be an incarnate demon, but a devilish man;

for he says, " Not as Christ assumed humanity, so

will the devil become human, but the Man will

receive all the inspiration of Satan, and will suffer

the devil to take up his abode within him." In

this manner Antichrist could have many forerunners;

and so St. Jerome and St. Augustine saw an Anti-

christ in Nero, not the Antichrist, but one of those

of whom the Apostle speaks— "Even now are there

many Antichrists." Thus also every enemy of the

faith, such as Diocletian, Julian, and Mahomet, has

been regarded as a precursor of the Arch-persecutor,

who was expected to sum up in himself the cruelty

of a Nero or Diocletian, the show of virtue of a

Julian, and the spiritual pride of a Mahomet.

From infancy the evil one is to take possession

of Antichrist, and to train him for his office, instil-

ling into him cunning, cruelty, and pride. His

doctrine will be— not downright infidelity, but a

*' show of godliness," whilst " denying the power

thereof;" i. e., the miraculous origin and divine au-

thority of Christianity. He will sow doubts of our

Lord's manifestation " in the flesh," he will allow

Antichrist and Pope yoan. 163

Christ to be an excellent Man, capable of teaching

the most exalted truths, and inculcating the purest

morality, yet Himself fallible and carried away by


In the end, however, Antichrist will " exalt him-

self to sit as God in the temple of God," and be-

come "the abomination of desolation standing in

the holy place." At the same time there is to be

an awful alliance struck between himself, the im-

personification of the world-power and the Church

of God ; some high pontiff of which, or the epis-

copacy in general, will enter into league with the

unbelieving state to oppress the very elect. It is

a strange instance of religionary virulence which .

makes some detect the Pope of Rome in the Man

of Sin, the Harlot, the Beast, and the Priest going(

before it. The Man of Sin and the Beast ai"e un-

mistakably identical, and refer to an Antichristian

world-power ; whilst the Harlot and the Priest are

symbols of an apostasy in the Church. There is

nothing Roman in this, but something very much

the opposite.

^ How the Abomination of Desolation can be con-

sidered as set up in a Church where every sanc-

-/ ^-'i^ >y ^- ' ., .

N. / ,, ,. . r -


164 Antichrist and Pope yoan.

tuary is adorned with all that can draw the heart

to the Crucified, and raise the thoughts to the

imposing ritual of Heaven, is a puzzle to me. To

the man uninitiated in the law that Revelation is

to be interpreted by contraries, it would seem more

like the Abomination of Desolation in the Holy

Place if he entered a Scotch Presbyterian, or a

<i> A . Dutch Calvinist, place of worship. Rome does

(I' IImaJ^ "^'^ ^S^^^ against the Daily vSacrifice, and endeavor

Jjuy0v%^W^'^ abolish it; that has been rather the labor of so-

liif-*^ ^^'ji called Church Reformers, who with the suppression

W/**'^-'^" Qf ti-,e doctrine of Eucharistic Sacrifice and Sacra-

fi-^eJ ^/^*f^lnental Adoration have well nigh oblitei^ated all

f/^tht^^tx notion of worship to be addressed to the God-Man.

^*^ j^ Rome does not deny the power of the godliness

of which she makes show, but insists on that power

with no broken accents. It is rather in other com-

munities, where authority is flung aside, and any

man is permitted to believe or reject what he likes,

that we must look for the leaven of the Anti-chris-

tian spirit at work.

It is evident that this spirit will infect the

Church, and especially those in place of authority

therein ; so that the elect will have to wrestle

Antichrist aiid Pope Joan. 165

against both "principalities and powers" in the

state, and also " spiritual wickedness in the high

places " of the Church. Perhaps it will be this

feeling of antagonism between the inferior orders

and the highest which will throw the Bishops into

the arms of the state, and establish that unholy

alliance which will be cemented for the purpose

of oppressing all who hold the truth in sincerity,

who are definite in their dogmatic statements of

Christ's having been manifested in the flesh, who

labor to establish the Daily Sacrifice, and offer in

every place the pure offering spoken of by Malachi.

Perhaps it was in anticipation of this, that ancient

mystical interpreters explained the scene at the

well in Midian as having reference to the last


The Church, like the daughters of Reuel, comes

to the Well of living waters to water her parched

flock ; whereupon the shepherds— her chief pastors

— arise and strive with her. " Fear not, O flock,

fear not, O daughter ! " exclaims the commentator


" thy true Moses is seated on the well, and He

will arise out of His resting-place, and will with

His own hand smite the shepherds, and water the

1 66 Antichrist and Pope yoan.

flock." Let the sheep be in barren and dry pas-

tures,— so long the shepherds strive not; let the

sheep pant and die, — so long the shepherds show

no signs of irritation ; but let the Church approach

the limpid well of life, and at once her prelates

will, in the latter days, combine " to strive " with

her, and keep back the flock from the reviving


In tlie time of Antichrist the Church will be

divided : one portion will hold to the world-power,

the other will seek out the old paths, and cling to

the only true Guide. The high places will be

filled with unbelievers in the Incarnation, and the

Church will be in a condition of the utmost spiritual

degradation, but enjoying the highest State patron-

age. The religion in favor will be one of morality,

but not of dogma ; and the Man of Sin will be

able to promulgate his doctrine, according to St.

Anselm, througli his great eloquence and wisdom,

his vast learning and mightiness in the Holy Scrip-

tures, which he will wrest to the overthrowing of

dogma. He will be liberal in bribes, for he will

be of unbounded wealth ; he will be capable of

performing great " signs and wonders," so as " to

Antichrist atzd Pope Joan. 167

deceive— the very elect;" and at the last, he will

tear the moral veil from his countenance, and a

monster of impiety and cruelty, he will inaugurate

that awful persecution, which is to last for three

years and a half, and to excel in horror all the

persecutions that have gone before.

In that terrible season of confusion faith will be

all but extinguished. " When the Son of Man

cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?" asks

our Blessed Lord, as though expecting the answer,

No ; and then, says Marchantius, the vessel of the

Church will disappear in the foam of that boil-

ing deep of infidelity, and be hidden in the black-

ness of that storm of destruction which sweeps

over the earth. The sun shall " be darkened, and

the moon shall not give her light, and the stars

shall fall from heaven ;" the sun of faith shall have

gone out ; the moon, the Church, shall not give

her light, being turned into blood, through stress

of persecution ; and the stars, the great ecclesiasti-

cal dignitaries, shall fall into apostasy. But still the

Church will remain unwrecked, she will weather

the storm ; still will she come forth " beautiful as

the moon, terrible as an army with baunei*s;

" for

l68 Antichrist and Pope yoan.

after the lapse of those three and a half years,

Christ will descend to avenge the blood of the

saints, by destroying Antichrist and the world-


Such is a brief sketch of the scriptural doctrine

of Antichrist as held by the early and mediaeval

Church. Let us now see to what myths it gave

rise among the vulgar and the imaginative. Raba-

nus Maurus, in his work on the life of Antichrist,

gives a full account of the miracles he will jDcrform;

he tells us that the Man-fiend will heal the sick,

raise the dead, restore sight to the blind, hearing

to the deaf, speech to the dumb ; he v\-ill raise

storms and calm them, will remove mountains,

make trees flourish or wither at a word. He will

rebuild the temple at Jerusalem, and making the

Holy City the great capital of the world. Popular

opinion added that his vast wealth would be ob-

tained from hidden treasures, which are now being

concealed by the demons for his use. Various

possessed persons, when interrogated, announced

that such was the case, and that the amount of

buried gold was vast.

" In the year 1599," says Canon Moreau, a con-

Antichrist and Pope Joan. 169

temporary historian, " a rumor circulated with i)ro-

digious rapidity through Europe, that Antichrist

had been born at Babylon, and that already the

Jews of that part were hurrying to receive and

recognize him as their Messiah. The news came

from Italy and Germany, and extended to Spain,

England, and other Western kingdoms, troubling

many people, even the most discreet ; however, the

learned gave it no credence, saying that the signs

predicted in Scripture to precede that event were

not yet accomplished, and among other that the

Roman empire was not yet abolished. . . . Others

said that, as for the signs, the majority had already

appeared to the best of their knowledge, and with

regard to the rest, they might have taken place in

distant regions without their having been made

known to them ; that the Roman empii^e existed

but in name, and that the interpretation of the

passage on which its destruction was predicted,

might be incorrect; that for many centuries, the

most learned and pious had believed in the near

approach of Antichrist, some believing that he had

already come, on account of the persecutions which

had fallen on the Christians ; others, on account of

lyo Antichrist and Pope yoan.

fires, or eclipses, or earthquakes. . . . Ever}' one was

in excitement ; some declared that the news must be

correct, others believed nothing about it, and the

agitation became so excessive, that Henry IV., who

was then on the throne, was compelled by edict to

forbid any mention of the subject."

The report spoken of by Moreau gained additional

confirmation from the announcement made by an ex-

orcised demoniac, that in 1600, the Man of Sin had

been born in the neighborhood of Paris, of a Jewess,

named Blanchefleure, who had conceived by Satan.

The child had been baptized at the Sabbath of Sor-

cerers ; and a witch, under torture, acknowledged

that she had rocked the infant Antichrist on her

knees, and she averred that he had claws on his

feet, wore no shoes, and spoke all languages.

In 1623 appeared the following startling announce-

ment, which obtained an immense circulation among

the lower orders :" We, bi'others of the Order of St.

John ofJerusalem, in the Isle of Malta, have received

letters from our spies, who are engaged in our ser-

vice in the country of Babylon, now possessed by the

Grand Turk ; by the which letters we are advertised,

that, on the ist of May, in the year of our Lord

Antichrist and Pope yoan. i>ji

1623, a child was born in the town of Bourydot,

otherwise called Calka, near Babylon, of the which

child the mother is a very aged woman, of race

unknown, called Fort-Juda : of thfe father nothing is

known. The child is dusky, has pleasant mouth and

eyes, teeth pointed like those of a cat, ears large,

stature by no means exceeding that of other chil-

dren ; the said child, incontinent on his birth, walked

and talked perfectly well. His speech is compre-

hended by every one, admonishing the people that

he is the true Messiah, and the son of God, and that

in him all must believe. Our spies also swear and

protest that they have seen the said child with their

own eyes ; and they add, that, on the occasion of his

nativity, there appeared marvellous signs in heaven,

for at full noon the sun lost its brightness, and was

for some time obscured." This is followed by a list

of other signs appearing, the most remarkable being

a swarm of flying serpents, and a shower of precious


According to Sebastian Michaeliz, in his history of

the possessed of Flanders, on the authority of the ex-

orcised demons, we learn that Antichrist is to be a

son of Beelzebub, who will accompany his offspring

1^2 Antlcht'ist and Pope yoan.

under the form of a bird, with four feet and a bull's

head ; that he will torture Christians with the same

tortures with which the lost souls ai'e racked ; that

he will be able to fly, speak all languages, and will

have any number of names.

We find that Antichrist is known to the Mussul-

mans as well as to Christians. Lane, in his edition

of the " Arabian Nights," gives some curious details

on Moslem ideas regarding him. According to

these, Antichrist will overrun the earth, mounted on

an ass, and followed by 40,000 Jews ; his empire

will last forty days, whereof the first day will

be a year long, the duration of the second will

be a month, that of the third a week, the others

being of their usual length. He will devastate the

whole world, leaving Mecca and Medina alone in

security, as these holy cities will be guarded by

angelic legions. Christ at last will descend to eai'th,

and in a great battle will destroy the Man-devil.

Several writers, of different denominations, no less

superstitious than the common people, connected the

apparition of Antichrist with the fable of Pope Joan,

which obtained such general credence at one time,

but which modern criticism has at length succeeded

in excluding from history.

Antichrist and Pope y'oan, i 73

Perhaps the earliest writer to mention Pope Joan

is Marianus Scotus, who in his clironicle inserts the

following passage: "A. D. S54, Lotharii 14, Joanna,

a woman, succeeded Leo, and reigned two years,

five months, and four days." Marianus Scotus died

A. D. 10S6. Sigebert de Gemblours (d. 5th Oct.,

1 112) inserts the same story in his valuable chroni-

cle, copying from an interpolated passage in the work

of Anastasius the librarian. His words are, " It is

reported that this John was a female, and that she

conceived by one of her servants. The Pope, be-

coming pregnant, gave birth to a child ; wherefore

some do not number her among the Pontiffs." Hence

the story spread among the mediaeval chroniclers,

who were great plagiarists. Otto of Frisingen and

Gotfrid of Viterbo mention the Lady-Pope in their

histories, and Martin Polonus gives details as fol-

lows: "After Leo IV., John Anglus, a native of

Metz, reigned two years, five months, and four days.

And the pontificate was vacant for a month. He died

in Rome. He is related to have been a female, and,

when a girl, to have accompanied her sweetheart in

male costume to Athens ; there she advanced in va-

rious sciences, and none could be found to equal her.

1 74 Antichrist and Pope yoan.

bo, after having studied for three years in Rome,

she had great masters for her pupils and hearers.

And when there arose a high opinion in the city of

her virtue and knowledge, she was unanimously

elected Pope. But during her papacy she became

in the family way by a familiar. Not knowing the

time of birth, as she was on her way from St. Peter's

to the Lateran she had a painful delivery, between

the Coliseum and St. Clement's Church, in the street.

Having died after, it is said that she was buried on

the spot ; and therefore the Lord Pope always turns

aside from that way, and it is supposed by some out

of detestation for what happened there. Nor on that

account is she placed in the catalogue of the Holy

Pontifls, not only on account of her sex, but also

because of the horribleness of the circumf-;tance."

Certainly a story at all scandalous crescit eundo.

William Ocham alludes to the story, and John

Huss, only too happy to believe it, provides the lady

with a name, and asserts that she was baptized

Agnes, or, as he will have it with a strong aspirate,

Hagnes. Others, however, insist upon her name

having been Gilberta ; and some stout Germans, not

relishing the notion of her being a daughter of Fa-

Antichrist and Pope yoan. 175

thevland, palm her oft' on England. As soon as we

arrive at Reformation times, the German and French

Protestants fasten on the story with the utmost

avidity, and add sweet little touches of their own,

and draw conclusions galling enough to the Roman

See, illustrating their accounts with wood engravings

vigorous and graphic, but hardly decent. One of

these i^epresents the event in a peculiarly startling

manner. The procession of bishops, with the Host

and tapers, is sweeping along, when suddenly the

cross-bearer before the triple-crowned and vested

Pope starts aside to witness the unexpected arrival.

This engraving, which it is quite impossible for me

to reproduce, is in a curious little book, entitled

" Puerperium Johannis Papa3 8, 11^30."

The following jingling record of the event is from

the Rhythmical Vitce Pontificum of Gulielmus Jaco-

bus of Egmonden, a work never printed. This

fragment is preserved in " Wolftii Lectionum Memo-

rabilium centenarii, XVI.:"—" Priusquam reconditur Sergius, vocatur

Ad summam, qui dicitur Johannes, huic addatur

Anglicus, Moguntia iste procreatur.

Qui, ut dat sententia, feminis aptatur

Sexu : quod sequentia monstrant, breviatur,

l*j6 Ajitichrist and Pope yoan.

Hz3ec vox: nam prolixius chronica procedunt.

Ista, de qua brevius dicta minus laedunt.

Huic erat amasius, ut scriptores credunt.

Patria relinquitur Moguntia, Grcecorum

Studiose petitur schola. Post doctorum

Hffic doctrix efficitur Romae legens : horum

Hsec auditu fungitui- loquens. Hinc prostrato

Summo hsec eligitur: sexu exaltato

Quandoque negligitur. Fatur quod ha;c nato

Per servum conficitur. Tempore gignendi

Ad processum equus scanditur, vice flendi,

Papa cadit, panditur improbis ridendi

Norma, puer nascitur in vico Clementis,

Colossceum jungitur. Corpus parentis

In eodem traditur sepulturse gentis,

Faturque scriptoribus, quod Papa praefato,

Vico senioribus transiens amato

Congruo ductoribus sequitur negato

Loco, quo Ecclesia partu denigratur,

Qiiamvis inter spacia Pontificum ponatur,

Propter sexum."

Stephen Blanch, in his " Urbis Romce Mirabilia,"

says that an angel of heaven appeared to Joan

before the event, and asked her to choose whether

she would prefer burning eternally in hell, or hav-

ing her confinement in public ; with sense which

does her credit, she chose the latter. The Protes-

tant writers were not satisfied that the father of

the unhappy baby should have been a servant : some

Anicchrist a7td Pope yoajz. 177

made him a Cardinal, and others the devil himself.

According to an eminent Dutch minister, it is im-

material whether the child be fathered on Satan

or a monk ; at all events, the former took a lively-

interest in the youthful Antichrist, and, on the oc-

casion of his birth, was seen and heard fluttering

overhead, crowing and chanting in an unmusical

voice the Sibylline verses announcing the birth of

the Arch-persecutor :

" Papa pater patrum, Papissae pandito partum

Et tibi tunc eadem de corpore quando recedam !


which lines, as being perhaps the only ones known

to be of diabolic composition, are deserving of pres-


The Reformers, in order to reconcile dates, were

put to the somewhat perplexing necessity of moving

Pope Joan to their own times, or else of giving to

the youthful Antichrist an age of seven hundred


It must be allowed that the accouchement of a

Pope in full pontificals, during a solemn procession,

was a prodigy not likely to occur more than once

in the world's history, and was certain to be of

momentous import.


lyS Antichrist and Pope yoan.

It will be seen by the curious woodcut repro-

duced as frontispiece from Baptista Mantuanus, that

he consigned Pope Joan to the jaws of hell, not-

withstanding her choice. The verses accompanying

this picture are :—

" Hie pendebat adhuc sexum mentita virile

FcEinina, cui triplici Phrvgiam diademate mitram

Extollebat apex : et pontificalis adulter."

It need hardly be stated that the whole story of

Pope Joan is fabulous, and rests on not the slightest

historical foundation. It was probably a Greek in-

vention to throw discredit on the papal hierarchy,

first circulated more than two hundred years after

the date of the supposed Pope. Even Martin Polo-

nus (A. D. 1282), who is the first to give the details,

does so merely on popular report.

The great champions of the myth were the Prot-

estants of the sixteenth century, who were thorough-

ly unscrupulous in distorting history and suppressing

facts, so long as they could make a point. A paper

war was waged upon the subject, and finally the

whole story was proved conclusively to be utterly

destitute of historical truth. A melancholy example

of the blindness of part)' feeling and prejudice is

Antichrist a7td Pope yoan. 1^9

seen in Mosheim, who assumes the truth of the

ridiculous story, and gravely inserts it in his " Ec-

clesiastical History." " Between Leo IV., who died

855, and Benedict III., a woman, who concealed

her sex and assumed the name of John, it is said,

opened her way to the Pontifical throne by her

learning and genius, and governed the Church for

a time. She is commonly called the Papess Joan.

During the five subsequent centuries the witnesses

to this extraordinary event are without number ; nor

did any one, prior to the Reformation by Luther,

regard the thing as either incredible or disgraceful

to the Church." Such are Mosheim's words, and

I give them as a specimen of the credit which is

due to his opinion. The " Ecclesiastical History


he wrote is full of perversions of the plainest facts,

and that under our notice is but one out of many.

" During the five centuries after her reign," he says,

" the witnesses to the story are innumerable." Now,

for two centuries there is not an allusion to be

found to the events. The only passage which can

be found is a universally acknowledged interpola-

tion of the " Lives of the Popes," by Anastasius

Bibliothecarius ; and this interpolation is stated in

I So Antichrist and Pope yoan.

the first printed edition by Busceus, Mogunt. 1602,

to be only found in two MS. copies.

From Marianus Scotus or Sigebert dc Gemblours

the story passed into other chronicles totidem verbis^

and generally with hesitation and an expression of

doubt in its accuracy. Martin Polonus is the first

to give the particulars, some four hundred and

twenty years after the reign of the fabulous Poj^e.

Mosheim is false again in asserting that no one

prior to the Reformation regarded the thing as

either incredible or disgraceful. This is but of a

piece with his malignity and disregard for truth,

whenever he can hit the Catholic Church hard.

Bart. Platina, in his " Lives of the Popes," written

before Luther was born, after relating the story, says,

"These things which I relate are popular reports,

but derived from uncertain and obscure authors,

which I have therefore inserted briefly and baldly,

lest I should seem to omit obstinately and pertina-

ciously what most people assert." Thus the ficts

were justly doubted by Platina on the legitimate

grounds that they rested on popular gossip, and not

on reliable history. Marianus Scotus, the first to

relate the story, died in 10S6. He was a monk

Antichrist and Pope Joan, i8i

of St. Martin of Cologne, then of Fulda, and lastly

of St. Alban's, at Metz. How could he have ob-

tained reliable information, or seen documents upon

which to ground the assertion? Again, his chron-

icle has suffered severely from interpolations in nu-

merous places, and there is reason to believe that

the Pope-Joan passage is itself a late interpolation.

]f so, we are reduced to Sigebert de Gemblours

(d. 1 1 13), placing two centuries and a half between

him and the event he records, and his chronicle

may have been tampered with.

The historical discrepancies are sufficiently glar-

ing to make the story more than questionable.

Leo IV. died on the 17th July, '^s^'^ ; and Benedict

III. v\-as consecrated on the ist September in the

same year ; so that it is impossible to insert between

their pontificates a I'eign of two years, five months,

and four days. It is, however, true that there was

an antipope elected upon the death of Leo, at the

instance of the Emperor Louis ; but his name was

Anastasius. This man possessed himself of the

palace of the Popes, and obtained the incarceration

of Benedict. However, his supporters almost im-

mediately deserted him, and Benedict assumed the

1 82 Antichrist and Pope Joan.

pontificate. The reign of Benedict was only for

two years and a half, so that Anastasius cannot

be the sujDposed Joan ; nor do we hear of any

charge brought against him to the effect of his

being a woman. But the stout partisans of the

Pope-Joan tale assert, on the authority of the " An-

nates Augustani," * and some other, but late au-

thorities, that the female Pope was John VIII.,

who consecrated Louis II. of France, and Ethel-

wolf of England. Here again is confusion. Ethel-

wolf sent Alfred to Rome in 853, and the youth

received regal unction from tire hands of Leo IV.

In Z'^<) Ethelwolf visited Rome, it is true, but

was not consecrated by the existing Pope, whilst

Charles the Bald was anointed by John VIII. in

875. John VIII. was a Roman, son of Gundus,

and an archdeacon of the Eternal City. He as-

sumed the triple crown in 872, and reigned till

December 18, 8S2. John took an active part in the

troubles of the Church under the incursions of the

Sarasins, and 325 letters of his are extant, ad-

dressed to the princes and prelates of his day.

Any one desirous of pursuing this examination

* These Annals were written in 1135.

Antichrist and Pope yoan. 183

into the untenable nature of the storv may find an

excellent summary of the arguments used on both

sides in Gieseler, " Lehrbuch," &c., Cunningham's

trans., voL ii. pp. 20, 21, or in Bayle, " Diction-

naire," torn. iii. art. Papesse.

The arguments in favor of the myth may be

seen in Spanheim, " Exercit. de Papa Fopmina,"

0pp. torn. ii. jD. 577, or in Lenfant, " Histoire de

la Papesse Jeanne," La Haye, 1736, 2 vols. i2mo.

The arguments on the other side may be had in

" Allatii Confutatio Fabulce de Johanna Papissa,"

Colon. 1645 ; in Le Qiiien, ." Oriens Christianus,"

torn. iii. 2^. 777 ; and in the pages of the Lutheran

Huemann, " Sylloge Diss. Sacras.," torn. i. par. ii.

P- 352-

The final development of this extraordinary story,

under the delieate fingers of the German and

French Protestant controversialists, may not prove


Joan was the daughter of an English missionary,

who left England to preach the Gospel to the re-

cently converted Saxons. She was born at Er.-

gclheim, and according to different authors she

was christened Agnes, Gerberta, Joanna, Margaret,

184 Antichrist and Pope yoan.

Isabel, Dorothy, or Jutt— the last must have been

a nickname surely ! She early distingiu'shed her-

self for genius and love of letters. A }oimg monk

of Fulda having conceived for her a violent pas-

sion, which she returned with ardor, she deserted

her parents, dressed herself in male attire, and in

the sacred precincts of Fulda divided her affec-

tions between the youthful monk and the musty

books of the monastic library. Not satisfied with

the restraints of conventual life, nor finding the

library sufficiently well provided with books of

abstruse science, she eloped with her young man,

and after visiting England, France, and Italy, she

brought him to Athens, where she addicted herself

with unflagging devotion to her literary pursuits.

Wearied out by his journey, the monk expired in

the arms of the blue-stocking who had influenced

his life for evil, and the young lady of so many

aliases was for a while inconsolable. She left

Athens and repaired to Rome. There she opened

a school and acquired such a reputation for learn-

ing and feigned sanctity, that, on the death of Leo

IV., she was unanimously elected Pope, For two

years and five months, under tlie name of John

A7ttlchrist and Pope Joan. 185

VIII., she filled the papal chair with reputation,

no one suspecting her sex. But having taken a

fancy to one of the cardinals, by him she became

pregnant. At- length arrived the time of Rogation

processions. Whilst passing the street between the

amphitheatre and St. Clement's, she was seized

with violent pains, fell to the ground amidst the

crowd, and, whilst her attendants ministered to her,

was delivered of a son. Some say the child and

mother died on the spot, some that she survived

but w^as incarcerated, some that the child was

spirited away to be the Antichrist of the last days.

A marble monument representing the papess with

her baby was erected on the spot, which was de-

clared to be accursed to all ages.

I have little doubt myself that Pope Joan is an

tmpersonification of the great whore of Revelation,

seated on the seven hills, and is the popular ex-

pression of the idea prevalent from the twelfth to

the sixteenth centuries, that the mystery of iniquity

was somehow woi'king in the papal coui't. The

scandal of the Antipopes, the utter worldliness and

pride of others, the spiritual fornication with the

l86 Antichrist and Pope yoan.

kings of the earth, along with the words of Rev-

elation projohcsying the advent of an adulterous

woman who should rule over the imperial city,

and her connection with Antichrist, crj'stallized

into this curious myth, much as the floating uncer-

tainty as to the signification of our Lord's words,

" There be some standing here which shall not

taste of death till thev see the kingdom of God,"

condensed into the myth of the Wandering Jew.

The literature connected with Antichrist is volu-

minous. I need only specify some of the most

curious works which have appeared on the sub-

ject. St. Hippol)tus and Rabanus Maurus have

been already alluded to. Commodianus wrote

" Carmen Apologeticum adversus Gentes," which

has been published by Dom Pitra in his " Spicile-

gium Solcsmense," with an introduction contain-

ing Jewish and Christian traditions relating to

Antichrist. " De Turpissima Conceptione, Nativi-

tate, et aliis Prtesagiis Diaboliciis illius Turpissimi

Hominis Antichristi," is the title of a strange little

volume published by Lenoir in A. D. 1500, con-

taining rude yet characteristic woodcuts, represent-

Antichrist and Pope jfoarz. 187

ing the birth, life, and death of the Man of Sin,

each picture accompanied bv French verses in ex-

planation. An equally remarkable illustrated work

on Antichrist is the famous " Liber de Antichristo,"

a blockbook of an early date. It is in twenty-seven

folios, and is excessively rare. Dibdin has repro-

duced three of the plates in his " Bibliotheca Spen-

seriana," and Falckenstein has given full details of

the work in his " Geschichte der Buchdrucker-


There is an Easter miracle-play of the twelfth

century, still extant, the subject of which is the

" Life and Death of Antichrist." More curious

still is the " Farce de I'Antechrist et de Trois

Femmes "— a composition of the sixteenth centu-

ry, when that mysterious personage occupied all

brains. The farce consists in a scene at a fish-

stall, with three good ladies quarrelling over some

fish. Antichrist steps in,— for no particular reason

that one can see, — upsets fish and fish-women, sets

them fighting, and skips oiT the stage. The best

book on Antichrist, and that most full of learning

und judgment, is Malvenda's great work in two

i88 Antichrist and Pope Joan.

folio volumes, " De Antichristo, libvi xii." Lyons,


For the fable of the Pope Joan, see J. Lenfant,

" Histoire de la Papesse Jeanne." La Haye, 1736,

2 vols. i2mo. " Allatii Confutatio Fabulae de Johan-

na Papissa." Colon. 1645.


®l)e illan in tl)e IHoon.

From L. Richter.

EVERY one knows that the moon is inhabited

by a man with a bundle of sticks on his back,

who has been exiled thither for many centuiies,

and who is so far off that he is beyond the reach

of death.

He has once visited this earth, if the nursery

rhyme is to be credited, when it asserts that—"The Man in the Moon

Came down too soon,

And asked his way to Norwich ;"

but whetlier he ever reached that city, the same

authority does not state.

190 The Man in the Moon.

The story as told by nurses is, that this man was

found by Moses gathering sticks on a Sabbath,

and that, for this crime, he was doomed to reside

in the moon till the end of all things ; and they

refer to Numbers xv. 32-36 :—

" And while the children of Israel were in the

wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks

upon the Sabbath day. And they that found him

gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and

Aaron, and unto all the congregation. And they

put him in ward, because it was not declared what

should be done to him. And the Lord said unto

Moses, The man shall be surely put to death : all

the congregation shall stone him with stones with-

out the camp. And all the congregation brought

him without the camp, and stoned him with stones

till he died."

Of course, in the sacred writings there is no

allusion to the moon.

The German tale is as follows :—

Ages ago there went one Sunday morning an

old man into the wood to hew sticks. He cut a

fagot and slung it on a stout staff', cast it over

his shoulder, and began to trudge home with his

The Man in the Moon. igi

burden. On his way he met a handsome man

in Sunday suit, walking towards the Church ; this

man stopped and aslced the fagot-bearer, *•' Do you

know that this is Sunday on earth, when all njust

rest from their labors?"

" Sunday on earth, or Monday in heaven, it is

all one to me !" laughed the wood-cutter.

" Then bear your bundle forever," answered the

stranger ;" and as you value not Sunday on earth,

yours shall be a perpetual Moon-day in heaven


and you shall stand for eternity in the moon, a

warning to all Sabbath-breakers." Thereupon the

stranger vanished, and the man was caught up with

his stock and his fagot into the moon, where he

stands yet.

The superstition seems to be old in Germany, for

the full moon is spoken of as wadel, or wedel, a

fagot. Tobler relates the story thus :" An arma

ma, ket alawel am Sonnti holz ufglesa. Do hedem

der liebe Gott dwahl gloh, 6b er lieber wott ider

sonn verbrenna oder im mo verfrura, do wilier

lieber inn mo ihi. Dromm siedma no jetz an ma

im mo inna, wenns wedel ist. Er hed a piischeli

uflem rogga." * That is to say, he was given the

* Tobler, Appenz. Sprachsbuch, 20.

192 The Man in the Moon.

choice of burning in the sun, or of freezing in the

moon ; he cliose the latter ; and now at full moon

he is to be seen seated with his bundle of fagots

on.his back.

In Schaumburg-Li-ppe,* the story goes, that a

man and a woman stand in the moon, the man

because he strewed brambles and thorns on the

church path, so as to hinder people from attend-

ing Mass on Sunday morning ; the woman because

she made butter on that day. The man carries

his bundle of thorns, the woman her butter-tub.

A similar tale is told in Swabia and in Marken.

Fischart f says, that there "is to be seen in the

moon a manikin who stole wood ; " and Praetorius,

in his description of the world, \ that " superstitious

people assert that the black flecks in the moon are

a man who gathered wood on a Sabbath, and is

therefore turned into stone."

The Dutch household myth is, that the unhappy

man was caught stealing vegetables. Dante calls

him Cain :—

* Wolf, Zeitschrift fUr Deut. Myth. i. 168.

t Fischart, Garg. 130.

\ Praetorius, i. 447.

The Man in the Moon. 193

**. . . Now dotli Cain with fork of thorns confine,

On either hemisphere, touching the wave

Beneath the towers of Seville. Yesternight

The moon was round." — Hell, cant. xx.

And again, —"... Tell, I pray thee, whence the gloomy spots

Upon this bod}', which below on earth

Give rise to talk of Cain in fabling quaint?"

Paradise, cant. ii.

Chaucer, in the " Testament of Cresside," adverts

to the man in the moon, and attributes to him the

same idea of theft. Of Lady Cynthia, or the moon,

he says,—" Her gite was gray and full of spottis blake,

And on her brest a chorle painted ful even,

Bering a bush of thornis on his backe,

Whiche for his theft might clime so ner the heaven."

Ritson, among his " Ancient Songs," gives one

extracted from a manuscript of the time of Edward

II., on the Man in the Moon, but in very obscure

language. The first verse, altered into more modern

orthography, runs as follows :—

" Man in the Moon stand and stit.

On his bot-fork his burden he beareth,

It is much wonder that he do na doun slit,

For doubt lest he fall he shudd'reth and shivereth.


194 -^^ Man in the Moon.

" When the frost freezes must chill he bide,

The thorns be keen his attire so teareth,

Nis no wight in the world there wot when he sjt,

Ne bote it by the hedge what weeds he weareth."

Alexander Necham, or Nequam, a writer of the

twelfth centiry, in commenting on the dispersed

shadows in the moon, thus alludes to the vulgar

belief: " Nonne novisti quid vulgus vocet rusti-

cum in luna portantem spinas? Unde quidam

vulgariter loquens ait: —" Rusticus in Luna,

Quern sarcina deprimit una

Monstrat per opinas

Nulli prodesse rapinas,"

which may be translated thus : " Do you know

what they call the rustic in the moon, who carries

the fagot of sticks? So that one vulgarly speak'

ing says,—" See the rustic in the Moon,

How his bundle weighs him down


Thus his sticks the truth reveal,

It never profits man to steal."

Shakspeare refers to the same individual in his

"Midsummer Night's Dream." Qiiince the car-

penter, giving directions for the performance of the

play of " Pyramus and Thisbe," orders :" One must

The Man in the Moon. 195

come in with a bush of thorns and a lantern, and say

he comes in to disfigure, or to present, the person

of Moonshine." And the enacter of this part says,

" All I have to say is, to tell you that the lantern

is the mooa ; I the man in the moon ; this thorn-

bush my thorn-bush ; and this dog my dog."

Also " Tempest," Act 2, Scene 2 :—

" C«/. Hast thou not dropt from heaven?

" Stcph. Out o' th' moon, I do assure thee. I was the man

in th' moon when time was.

" Cal. I have seen thee in her; and I do adore thee. Mymistress showed me thee, and thy dog, and thy bush."

The dog I have myself had pointed out to me by

an old Devonshire crone. If popular superstition

places a dog in the moon, it puts a lamb in the

sun ; for in the same county it is said that those

who see the sun rise on Easter-day, may behold in

the orb the lamb and flag.

I believe this idea of locating animals in the two

great luminaries of heaven to be very ancient, and

to be a relic of a primeval superstition of the Aryan


There is an ancient pictorial representation of

our friend the Sabbath-breaker in Gyffyn Church,

ig6 The Alan i7t the Moon.

near Conway. The roof of the chancel is divided

into compartments, in four of which are the Evan-

gelistic symbols, rudely, yet eflectively painted. Be-

sides these symbols is delineated in each compart-

ment an orb of heaven. The sun, the moon, and

two stars, are placed at the feet of the Angel,

the Bull, the Lion, and the Eagle. The represen-

tation of the moon is as below ; in the disk is the

conventional man with his bundle of sticks, but

without the dog. There is also a curious seal ap-

pended to a deed preserved in the Record Office,

dated the 9th year of Edward the Third (1335),

bearing the man in the moon as its device. The

deed is one of conveyance of a messuage, barn, and

four acres of ground, in the parisli of Kingston-on-

Thames, from Walter de Grendesse, clerk, to Mar-

garet his mother. On the seal we see the man

The Man in the Moon. - 197

carrying his sticks, and the moon surrounds him.

There are also a couple of stars added, perhaps to

show that he is in the sky. The legend on the

seal reads :—

" Te Waltere docebo

cur spinas phebo


which may be translated, " I will teach thee, Walter,

why I carry thorns in the moon."

The general superstition with regard to the spots

in the moon may briefly be summed up thus : Aman is located in the moon ; he is a thief or Sab-

bath-breaker ;* he has a pole over his shoulder, from

* Hebel, in his charming poem on the Man in the Moon,

in " Allemanische Gedichte," makes him both thief and


198 The JSIan in the Moon,

which is suspended a bundle of sticks or thorns. In

some places a woman is believed to accompany him,

and she has a butter-tub with her ; in other locali-

ties she is replaced by a dog.

The belief in the Moon-man seems to exist among

the natives of British Columbia; for I read in one

of Mr. Duncan's letters to the Church Missionary

Society, " One very dark night I was told that there

was a moon to see on the beach. On going to see,

there was an illuminated disk, with the figure of a

man upon it. The water was then very low, and

one of the conjuring parties had lit up this disk at

the water's edge. They had made it of wax, with

great exactness, and presently it was at full. It was

an imposing sight. Nothing could be seen around

it ; but the Indians suppose that the medicine party

are then holding converse with the man in the

moon. . . . After a short time the moon waned away,

and the conjuring party returned whooping to their


Now let us turn to Scandinavian mythology, and

see what we learn from that source.

M;lni, the moon, stole two children from their

parents, and carried them up to heaven. Their

The Maji in the j\Ioon. 199

names were Hjuki and Bil. They had been draw-

ing water from the well Byrgir, in the bucket ScEgr,

suspended from the pole Simul, which they bore

upon their shoulders. These children, pole, and

bucket were placed in heaven, " where they could

be seen from earth." This refers undoubtedly to

the spots in the moon ; and so the Swedish peas-

antry explain these spots to this day, as representing

a boy and a girl bearing a pail of water between

them. Are we not reminded at once of our nursery

rhyme—"Jack and Jill went up a hill

To fetch a pail of water;

Jack fell down, and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after"?

This verse, which to us seems at first sight non-

sense, I have no hesitation in saying has a high

antiquity, and refers to the Eddaic Hjuki and Bil.

The names indicate as much. Hjuki, in Norse,

would be pronounced Juki, which would readily

become Jack; and Bil, for the sake of euphony, and

in order to give a female name to one of the chil-

dren, would become Jill.

The fall of Jack, and the subsequent fall of Jill,

200 The Man in the Moon.

simply represent the vanishing of one moon-spot

after another, as the moon wanes.

But the old Norse m3th had a deeper significa-

tion than merely an explanation of the moon-spots.

Hjuki is derived from the verb jakka, to heap or

pile together, to assemble and increase; and Bil

from bila, to break up or dissolve. Hjuki and Bil,

therefore, signify nothing more than the waxing and

waniiig of the moon, and the water they are repre-

sented as bearing signifies the fact that the rainfall

depends on the phases of the moon. Waxing and

waning were individualized, and the meteorological

fact of the connection of the rain witli the moon was

represented by the children as water-bearers.

But though Jack and Jill became by degrees dis-

sevei'ed in the popular mind from the moon, the

original myth went througli a fresh phase, and exists

still under a new form. The Norse superstition

attributed theft to the moon, and the vulgar soon

began to believe that the figure they saw in the moon

was the thief. The hmar specks certainl}^ may be

made to resemble one figure, and only a lively im-

agination can discern two. The girl soon dropped

out of popular mythology, the boy oldened into a

The Mail in the Moon. 201

venerable man, he retained his pole, and the bucket

was transformed into the thing he had stolen —sticks or vegetables. The theft was in some places

exchanged for Sabbath-breaking, especially among

those in Protestant countries who were acquainted

with the Bible story of the stick-gatherer.

The Indian superstition is worth examining, be-

cause of the connection existing between Indian and

European mjthology, on account of our belonging

to the same Aiyan stock.

According to a Buddhist legend, Sakyamunni him-

self, in one of his earlier stages of existence, was a

hare, and liv-ed in friendship with a fox and an ape.

In order to test the virtue of the Bodhisattwa, Indra

came to the friends, in the form of an old man, ask-

ing for food. Hare, ape, and fox went forth in quest

of victuals for their guest. The two latter returned

from their foraging expedition successful, but the

hare had found nothing. Then, rather than that he

should treat the old man with inhospitality, the hare

had a fire kindled, and cast himself into the flames,

th;it he might himself become food for his guest.

In reward for this act of self-sacrifice, Indra car-

202 The Man in the Moon.

lied the hare to heaven, and placed him in the


Here we have an old man and a hare in connec-

tion with the lunar planet, just as in Shakspeare we

have a fagot-bearer and a dog.

The fable rests upon the name of the moon in

Sanskrit, 9a5in, or " that marked with the hare;


but whether the belief in the spots taking the shape

of a hare gave the name ^a^in to the moon, or ths

lunar name ^agin originated the belief, it is impossi

ble for us to say.

Grounded upon this mj'th is the curious story ot

"The Hare and the Elephant," in the " Pantscha-

tantra," an ancient collection of Sanskrit fables. It

will be found as the first tale in the third book. I

have room only for an outline of the story.


In a certain forest lived a mighty elephant, king

of a herd. Toothy by name. On a certain occasion

there was a long drought, so that pools, tanks,

* " Memoires . . . par Hjouen Thsang, traduits du Chinois

par Stanislas Julien," i. 375. Upham, " Sacred Books of

Ceylon," iii. 309.

The Man i7i the Moon. 203

swamps, and lakes were dried up. Then the ele-

phants sent out exploring parties in search of water.

A young one discovered an extensive lake surrounded

with trees, and teeming with water-fowl. It went

by the name of the Moon-lake. The elephants, de-

lighted at the prospect of having an inexhaustible

supply of water, marched off to the spot, and found

their most sanguine hopes realized. Round about

the lake, in the sandy soil, were innumerable hare

warrens ; and as the herd of elephants trampled on

the ground, the hares were severely injured, their

homes broken down, their heads, legs, and backs

crushed beneath the ponderous feet of the monsters

of the forest. As soon as the herd had withdrawn,

the hares assembled, some halting, some dripping

with blood, some bearing the corpses of their cher-

ished mfants, some with piteous tales of ruination

in their houses, all with tears streaming from their

eyes, and wailing forth, " Alas, we are lost ! The

elephant-herd will return, for there is no water else-

where, and that will be the death of all of us."

But the wise and prudent Longear volunteered

to drive the herd away ; and he succeeded in this

manner : Longear went to the elephants, and hav-

204 The Ma7t in the Moon,

ing singled out tlieir king, he addressed him as

follows :—

" Ha, ha ! bad elephant ! what brings you with

such thoughtless frivolity to this strange lake? Back

with you at once !


When the king of the elephants heard this, he

asked in astonishment, "Pray, who are you?"

" I," replied Longear,— "I am Vidschajadatta by

name ; the hare who resides in the Moon. Now

am I sent by his Excellency the Moon as an ambas-

sador to you. I speak to you in the name of the


" Ahem ! Hare," said the elephant, somewhat stag-

gered ;"" and what message have you brought me

from his Excellency the Moon?"

" You have this day injured several hares. Are

you not aware that they are the subjects of me?

If you value your life, venture not near the lake

again. Break my command, and I shall withdraw

my beams from you at night, and your bodies will

be consumed with perpetual sun."

The elephant, after a short meditation, said,

" Friend ! it is true that I have acted against the

rights of the excellent Majesty of the Moon. I

The Ma7t ht the Moon. 205

sliould wish to make an apology ; how can I do


The hare rephed, " Come along with me, and I

will show you."

The elephant asked, "Where is his Excellency at


The other replied, " He is now in the lake, hear-

ing the complaints of the maimed hares."

" If that be the case," said the elephant, humbl}',

"bring me to my lord, that I may tender him my

submission." ^

So the hare conducted the king of the elephants

to the edge of the lake, and showed him the re-

flection of the moon in the water, saying, " There

stands our lord in the midst of the water, plunged

in meditation ; reverence him with devotion, and

then depart with speed."

Thereupon the elephant poked his proboscis into

the water, and muttered a fervent prayer. By so

doing he set the water in agitation, so that the re-

flection of the moon was all of a quiver.

" Look !" exclaimed the hare ;

" his Majesty is

trembling with rage at you !


"Why is his supreme Excellency enraged with

me?" asked the elephant.

2o6 The Man in the Moon.

" Because yow have set the water in motion.

Worship him, and then be oft'!"

The elephant let his ears droop, bowed his great

head to the earth, and after having expressed in

suitable terms his regret for having annoyed the

Moon, and the hare dwelling in it, he vowed never

to trouble the Moon-lake again. Then he departed,

and the hares have ever since lived there unmo-



Sljc iHountain of l)enu0.

RAGGED, bald, and desolate, as though a curse

rested upon it, rises the Horselberg out of the

rich and populous land between Eisenach and Gotha,

looking, from a distance, like a huge stone sarcoph-

agus — a sarcophagus in which rests in magical

slumber, till the end of all things, a mysterious world

of wonders.

High up on the north-west flank of the mountain,

in a precipitous wall of rock, opens a cavern, called

the Horselloch, from the depths of which issues a

muffled roar of water, as though a subterraneous

stream were rushing over rapidly-whirling mill-

wheels. " When I have stood alone on the ridge

of the mountain," says Bechstein, " after having

sought the chasm in vain, I have heard a mighty

rush, like that of falling water, beneath my feet, and

after scrambling down the scarp, have found m3'self

— how, I never knew— in front of the cave." (" Sa-

genschatz des Thi'iringes-landes," 1835.)

2o8 Tlie Mottntain of Ventis.

In ancient days, according to the ThiJringian

Chronicles, bitter "cries and long-drawn moans were

heard issuing from this cavern ; and at night, wild

shrieks and the burst of diabolical laughter would

ring from it over the vale, and fill the inhabitants

with terror. It was supposed that this hole gave

admittance to Purgatory ; and the popular but faulty-

derivation of Horsel was Hore^ die Seele— Hark, the



But another popular belief respecting this moun-

tain was, that in it Venus, the pagan Goddess of

Love, held her court, in all the pomp and revelry

of heathendom ; and there were not a few who de-

clared that they had seen fair forms of female beauty

beckoning them from the mouth of the chasm, and

that they had heard dulcet strains of music well

up from the abyss above the thunder of the falling,

unseen torrent. Charmed by the music, and allured

by the spectral forms, various individuals had en-

tered the cave, and none had returned, except the

Tanhiiuser, of whom more anon. Still does the

Horseliierg go by the name of the Venusberg, a

name frequently used in the middle ages, but with-

out its locality being defined.

The Mo7i72tain of Vemis. 209

"In 1398, at midday, there appeared suddenly

three great fires in the air, which jDresently ran

together into one globe of flame, parted again, antl

finally sank into the Horselberg," says the Thi'irin-

gian Chronicle.

And now for the story of Tanhauser.

A French knight was riding over the beauteous

meadows in the Horsel vale on his way to Wart-

burg, where the Landgrave Hermann was holding

a gathering of minstrels, who were to contend in

song for a prize.

Tanhauser w^as a famous minnesinger, and all

his lays were of love and of women, for his heart

was full of passion, and that not of tire purest and

noblest description.

It was towards dusk that he passed the cliff in

which is the Horselloch, and as he rode by, he saw

a white glimmering figure of matchless beauty stand-

ing before him, and beckoning him to her. He knew

her at once, by her attributes and by her superhuman

perfection, to be none other than Venus. As she

spake to him, the sweetest strains of music floated

in the air, a soft roseate light glowed around her,

and nymphs of exquisite loveliness scattered roses


2IO The ]\Iountain of Vcmis.

at her feet. A thrill of passion ran through the

veins of the minnesinger ; and, leaving his horse,

he followed the apparition. It led him up the

mountain to the cave, and as it .vent .lovk^ers

bloomed upon the soil, and a radiant track was

left for Tanhauser to follow. He entered the cavern,

and descended to the palace of Venus in the heart

of the mountain.

Seven years of revelry and debauch were passed,

and the minstrel's heart began to feel a strange

void. The beauty, the magnificence, the variety of

the scenes in the pagan goddess's home, and all

its heathenish pleasures, palled upon him, and he

yearned for the pure fresh breezes of earth, one

look up at the dark night sky spangled with stars,

one glimpse of simple mountain-flowers, one tinkle

of sheep-bells. At the same time his conscience

began to reproach him, and he longed to make his

peace with God. In vain did he entreat Venus to

permit him to depart, and it was only when, in the

bitterness of his grief, he called upon the Virgin-

Mother, that a rift in the mountain-side appeared

to him, and he stood again above ground.

How sweet was the morning air, balmy with the

The Moiuitaln of V^enus. 211

scent of hay, as it rolled up the mountain to him,

and fanned his haggard cheek ! How delightful to

him was the cushion of moss and scanty grass after

the downy couches of the palace of i^evelry below !

He plucked the little heather-bells, and held them

before him ; the tears rolled from his eyes, and

moistened his thin and wasted hands. He looked

up at the soft blue sky and the newly-risen sun,

and his heart overflowed. What were the golden,

jewel-incrusted, lamp-lit vaults beneath to that pure

dome of God's building


The chime of a village church struck sweetly on

his ear, satiated with Bacchanalian songs ; and he

hurried down the mountain to the church which

called him. There he made his confession ; but the

priest, horror-struck at his recital, dared not give

him absolution, but passed him on to another. And

so he went from one to another, till at last he was

referred to the Pope himself. To the Pope he went.

Urban IV. then occupied the chair of St. Peter.

To him Tanhauser related the sickening story of

his guilt, and prayed for absolution. Urban was a

hard and stern man, and shocked at the immensity

of the sin, he thrust the penitent indignantly from

212 The Mountain of Venus.

him, exclaiming, " Guilt such as thine can never,

never be remitted. Sooner shall this staff in my

hand grow green and blossom, than that God should

pardon thee !


Then Tanhauser, full of despair, and with his

soul darkened, went away, and returned to the only

asylum open to him, the Venusberg. But lo ! three

days after he had gone. Urban discovered that his

pastoral staff had put forth buds, and had burst

into flower. Then he sent messengers after Tan-

hauser, and they reached the Horsel vale to hear

that a wayworn man, with haggard brow and bowed

head, had just entered the Horselloch. Since then

Tanhauser has not been seen.

vSuch is the sad yet beautiful story of Tanhauser.

It is a very ancient myth Christianized, a wide-spread

tradition localized. Originally heathen, it has been

transformed, and has acc^uired new beauty by an

infusion of Christianity. Scattered over Europe, it

exists in various forms, but in none so graceful as

that attached to the Horselberg. There are, how-

ever, other Venusbergs in Germany ; as, for instance,

in Swabia, near Waldsee ; another near Ufhausen,

at no great distance from Freiburg (the same story

The Mountahi of Venus. 213

is told of this Veausberg as of the Horselberg) ; in

Saxony there is a Venusberg not far from Wolken-

stein. Paracelsus speaks of a Venusberg in Italy,

referring to that in which ^neas Sylvius (Ep. i6)

says Venus or a Sibyl resides, occupying a cavern,

and assuming once a week the form of a serpent.

Geiler v. Keysersperg, a quaint old preacher of the

fifteenth century, speaks of the witches assembling

on the Venusberg.

The story, either in prose or verse, has often been

printed. Some of the earliest editions are the fol-

lowing :—

" Das Lied von dem Danhevvser." Niirnberg,

without date; the same, Niirnberg, 1515.— "Das

Lyedt v. d. Thanheuser." Leyptzk, 1520.— "Das

Lied V. d. Danheiiser," reprinted by Bechstein, 1S35.

— " Das Lied vom edlen Tanheuser, Mons Veneris."

Frankfort, 1614 ; Leipzig, 1668.— " Twe lede volgen

Dat erste vam Danhiisser." Without date.— " Van

heer Danielken." Tantwerpen, 1544.—A Danish

version in " Nyerup, Danske Viser," No. VIIL

Let us now see some of the forms which this

remarkable myth assumed in other countries. Every

popular tale has its root, a root which may be

214 The Mountain of Venus.

traced among diflerent countries, and though the

accidents of the story may vary, yet the substance

remains unaltered. It has been said that the com-

mon people never invent new story-radicals any more

than we invent new word-roots ; and this is perfectly

true. The same story-root remains, but it is varied

according to the temperament of the narrator or the

exigencies of localization. The story-root of the

Venusberg is this :—

The underground folk seek union with human


a. A man is enticed into their abode, whei^e he

unites with a woman of the underground


(?. He desires to revisit the earth, and escapes.

, /. He returns again to the region below.

Now, there is scarcely a collection of folk-lore

which does not contain a story founded on this

root. It appears in every branch of the Aryan

family, and examples might be quoted from Modern

Greek, Albanian, Neapolitan, French, German,

Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, Icelandic, Scotch,

Welsh, and other collections of popular tales. I

have only space to mention some.

The Mountain of Venus. 215

There is a Norse Thattr of a certain Helgi Thorir's

son, which is, in its present form, a production of

the fourteenth century. Helgi and his brother Thor-

stein went a cruise to Finnniark, or Laph\nd. They

reached a ness, and found the land covered with

forest. Helgi explored this forest, and lighted sud-

denly on a party of red-dressed women riding upon

red horses. These ladies were beautiful and of troll

race. One surpassed the others in beauty, and she

was their mistress. They erected a tent and pre-

pared a feast. Helgi observed that all their vessels

were of silver and gold. The lady, who named her-

self Ingibjorg, advanced towards the Norseman, and

invited him to live with her. He feasted and lived

with the trolls for three days, and then returned to

his ship, bringing with him two chests of silver

and gold, which Ingibjorg had given him. He had

been forbidden to mention where he had been and

with whom ; so he told no one whence he had ob-

tained the chests. The ships sailed, and he returned


One winter's night Helgi was fetched away from

home, in the midst of a furious storm, by two mys-

terious horsemen, and no one was able to ascertain

2i6 The Mou7italn of Venus.

for many years what had become of him, till the

prayers of the king, Olaf, obtained his release, and

then he was restored to his father and brother, but

he was thenceforth blind. All the time of his ab-

sence he had been with the red-vested lady in her

mysterious abode of Gloesisvellir.

The Scotch story of Thomas of Ercildoune is the

same story. Thomas met with a strange lady, of

elfin race, beneath Eildon Tree, who led him into

the underground land, where he remained with her

for seven years. He then returned to earth, still,

however, remaining bound to come to his royal mis-

tress whenever she should summon him. Accord-

ingly, while Thomas was making merry with his

friends in the Tower of Ercildoune, a person came

running in, and told, with marks of fear and aston-

ishment, that a hart and a hind had left the neigh-

boring forest, and were parading the street of the

village. Thomas instantly arose, left his house, and

followed the animals into the forest, from which he

never returned. According to popular belief, he

still "drees his weird" in Fairy Land, and is one

day expected to revisit earth. (Scott, " Minstrelsy

of the Scottish Border.") Compare with this the

ancient ballad of Tamlane.

The Mountain of Venus. 217

Debes relates that "• it happened a good while

since, when the burghers of Bergen had the com-

merce of the Faroe Isles, that there was a man in

Serraade, called Jonas Soidenian, who was kept by

the spirits in a mountain during the space of seven

years, and at length came out, but lived afterwards

in great distress and fear, lest they should again take

him away ; wherefore people were obliged to watch

him in the night." The same author mentions

another young man who had been carried away,

and after his return was removed a second time,

upon the eve of his marriage.

Gervase of Tilbury says that " in Catalonia there

is a lofty mountain, named Cavagum, at the foot

of which runs a river with golden sands, in tlie

vicinity of which there are likewise silver mines.

This mountain is steep, and almost inaccessible.

On its top, which is always covered with ice and

snow, is a black and bottomless lake, into which if

a stone be cast, a tempest suddenly arises ; and near

this lake is the portal of the palace of demons." He

then tells how a young damsel was spirited in

there, and spent seven years with the mountain

spirits. On her return to earth she was thin and

2i8 The Mountain of Venus.

withered, with wandering eyes, and ahnost bereft

of understanding.

A Swedish story is to this effect. A young man

was on his way to his bride, when he was aHured

into a mountain by a beautiful elfin woman. With

her he lived forty years, which passed as an hour


on his return to earth all his old friends and rela-

tions were dead, or had forgotten him, and finding

no rest there, he returned to his mountain elf-land.

In Pomerania, a laborer's son, Jacob Dietrich of

Rambin, was enticed away in the same manner.

There is a curious story told by Fordun in his

" Scotichronicon," which has some interest in con-

nection with the legend of the Tanhauser. He re-

lates that in the year 1050, a youth of noble birth

had been married in Rome, and during the nuptial

feast, being engaged in a game of ball, he took oft'

his wedding-ring, and placed it on the finger of a

statue of Venus. When he wished to resume it, he

found that the stony hand had become clinched, so

that it was impossible to remove the ring. Thence-

forth he was haunted by the Goddess Venus, who

constantly whispered in his ear, " Embrace me ; I

am Venus, whom you have wedded ; I will never

T7ie Mountain of Vetius. 219

restore your ring." However, by the assistance of

a priest, she was at length forced to give it up to

its rightful owner.

The classic legend of Ulysses, held captive for

eight years by the nymph Calypso in the Island of

Ogygia, and again for one year by the enchantress

Circe, contains the root of the same story of the


What may have been the significance of the pri-

meval story-radical it is impossible for us now to

ascertain ; but the legend, as it shaped itself in the

middle ages, is certainly indicative of the struggle

between the new and the old faith.

We see thinly veiled in Tanhauser the story of

a man, Christian in name, but heathen at heart,

allured by the attractions of paganism, which seems

to satisfy his poetic instincts, and which gives full

rein to his passions. But these excesses pall on him

after a wdiile, and the religion of sensuality leaves

a great void in his breast.

He turns to Christianity, and at first it seems to

promise all that he requires. But alas ! he is repelled

by its ministers. On all sides he is met by practice

widely at variance with profession. Pride, worldli-

220 The Alountain of Venus.

ness, want of sympathy exist among those who should

be the foremost to guide, sustain, and receive liim.

All the warm springs which gushed up in his broken

heart are choked, his softened spirit is hardened

again, and he returns in despair to bury his sorrows

and drown his anxieties in the debauchery of his

former creed.

A sad picture, but doubtless one very true.

AMORE interesting task for the comparative mythol-

ogist can hardly be found, than the analysis of the

legends attaching to this celebrated soldier-martyr ;—

interesting, because these legends contain almost unal-

tered representative myths of the Semitic and Aryan

peoples, and myths which may be traced with certainty

to their respective roots.

The popular traditions current relating to the Cappa-

docian martyr are distinct in the East and the West, and

are alike sacred myths of faded creeds, absorbed into

the newer faith, and recolored. On dealing with these

myths, we are necessarily drawn into the discussion as to

whether such a person as St. George existed, and if he did

exist, whether he were a Catholic or a heretic. Eusebius

says (Eccl. Hist. B. viii. c. 5), "Immediately on the first

promulgation of the edict (of Diocletian), a certain man

of no mean origin, but highly esteemed for his temporal

dignities, as soon as" the decree was published against the

222 St. George.

Churches in Nicomedia, stimulated by a divine zeal, and

excited by an ardent faith, took it as it was openly placed

and posted up for public inspection, and tore it to pieces

as a most profane and wicked act. This, too, was done

when two of the Caesars were in the city, the first of whom

was the eldest and chief of all, and the other held the

fourth grade of the imperial dignity after him. But this

man, as the first that was distinguished there in this man-

ner, after enduring what was likely to follow an act so

daring, preserved his mind calm and serene until the

moment when his spirit fled."

This martyr, whose name Eusebius does not give, has

been generally supposed to be St. George, and if so, this

is nearly all we know authentic concerning him. But

popular as a saint he unquestionably was, from a very

early age. He is believed to have suffered at Nicomedia

in 303, and his worship was soon extended through

Phoenicia, Palestine, and the whole East. In the seventh

century he had tAvo Churches in Rome ; in Gaul he was

honored in the fifth century. In an article contributed to

the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature,* Mr.

Hogg speaks of a Greek inscription copied from a very

ancient church, originally a heathen temple at Ezra, in

* Second Series, vol. vii. pt. i.

S^. George. 223

Syria, dated a.d. 346, in which St. George is spoken of

as a holy martyr. This is important testimony, as at this

very time was living the other George, the Alexandrian

bishop (d. 362), with whom the Saint is sometimes con-


The earliest acts quoted by the Bollandists, are in

Greek, and belong to the sixth century ; they are fabu-

lous. Beside these, are some Latin acts, said to have

been composed by Pasikras, the servant of the martyr,

which belonged to the eighth century, and which are

certainly translations of an earlier work than the Greek

acts printed by the Bollandists. These are also apocry-

phal. Consequently we know of St. George little, except

that there was such a martyr, that he was a native of

Lydda, but brought up in Cappadocia, that he entered

the Roman army and suffered a cruel death for Christ.

That his death was one of great cruelty, is rendered

probable by the manner in which his biographers dilate

on his tortures, all agreeing to represent them as exces-


The first to question the reverence shown for St.

George was Calvin, who says " Nil eos Christo reliquum

facere qui pro nihilo ducunt ejus intercessionem, nisi

accedant Georgius aut HippoHtus, aut snniles larvae."

224 -5"/. George.

Dr. Reynolds follows in the wake, and identifies the

martyr with the Arian Bishop of Alexandria. This man

had been born in a fuller's mill at Epiphania, in Cilicia.

He is first heard of as purveyor of provisions for the

army at Constantinople, where he assumed the profession

of Arianism ; from thence, having been detected in cer-

tain frauds, he was obliged to fly, and take refuge in

Cappadocia. His Arian friends obtained his pardon, by

payment of a fine, and he was sent to Alexandria, where

his party elected him Bishop, in opposition to St. Athan-

asius, immediately after the death of the Arian prelate,

Gregory. There, associatmg with himself Dracontius,

master of the mint, and the Count Diodorus, he tyran-

nized alike over Catholics and heathens, till the latter rose

against him and put him to death. Dr. Heylin levelled a

lance in honor of the Patron of England ;* but his his-

torical character was again questioned, in 1753, by Dr.

John Pettingal in a work on the original of the equestrian

statue of St. George ; and he was answered by Dr. Samuel

Pegge, in 1777, in a paper read before the Society of

Antiquaries. Gibbon, without much investigation into the

ground of the charge, assumes the identity of the Saint

* Historic of that Most famous Saint and Soldier of Christ

Jesus, St George of Cappadocia, 1633.

S^. George. 225

and the Arian prelate. " The odious stranger, disguising

every circumstance of time and place, assumed the mask

of a martyr, a saint, and a Christian hero ; and the

infamous George of Cappadocia has been transformed

into the renowned St. George of England, the patron of

arms, of chivalry, and of the Garter." *

The great improbability of such a transformation would

lead one to question the assertion, even if on no other

ground. Arians and Catholics were too bitterly hostile,

for it to be possible that a partisan of the former, and a

persecutor, should be accepted as a saint by the latter.

The writings of St. Athanasius were sufficiently known to

the Medisevals to save them from falling into such an

error, and St. Athanasius paints his antagonist in no

charming colors. I am disposed to believe that there

really was such a person as St. George, that he was a

martyr to the Catholic faith, and that the very uncertainty

which existed regarding him, tended to give the com-

posers of his biography the opportunity of attaching to

him popular heathen myths, which had been floating un-

adopted by any Christian hero. The number of warrior

saints was not so very great ; Sebastian's history was fixed,

so were those of Maurice and Gereon, but George was

* Gibbon's Decline and Fall, chap, xxiii.


226 S^. George.

unprovided with a history. The deficiency was soon

supplied. We have a similar instance in the story of

St. Hippolitus. The ancient tale of the son of Theseus

torn by horses was deliberately transferred to a Christian

of the same name.

The substance of the Greek acts is to this effect :—

George was born of Christian parents in Cappadocia.

His father suffered a martyr's death, and the mother with

her child took refuge in Palestine. He early entered the

army, and behaved with great courage and endurance.

At the age of twenty he was bereaved of his mother, and

by her death came in for a large fortune. He then went

to the court of Diocletian, where he hoped to find ad-

vancement. On the breaking out of the persecution, he

distributed his money among the poor, and declared him-

self, before the Emperor, to be a Christian. Having been

ordered to sacrifice, he refused, and was condemned to

death. The first day, he was thrust with spears to prison,

one of the spears snapped like straw when it touched

him. He was then fastened by the feet and hands to

posts, and a heavy stone was laid upon his breast.

The second day, he was bound to a wheel set with

blades of knives and swords. Diocletian believed him

to be dead ; but an angel appearing, George courteously

Si. George. 227

saluted him in military fashion, whereby the persecutor

ascertained that the Saint was still living. On removing

him from the wheel, it was discovered that all his wounds

were healed. George was "then cast into a pit of quick-

lime, which, however, did not cause his death. On the

next day but one, the Emperor sent to have his limbs

broken, and he was discovered on his knees perfectly


He was next made to run in red-hot iron shoes. The

following night and day he spent in prayer, and on the

sixth day he appeared before Diocletian walking and

unhurt. He was then scourged with thongs of hide till

his flesh came off his back, but was well next day.

On the seventh day he drank two cups, whereof the

one was prepared to make him mad, the other to poison

him, without experiencing any ill effects. He then per-

formed some miracles, raised a dead man to life, and

restored to hfe an ox which had been killed ;— miracles

which resulted in numerous conversions.

That night George dreamed that the Saviour laid a

golden crown on his head, and bade him prepare for

Paradise. St. George at once called to him the servant

who wrote these memoirs (ocrrts kuI to. vtto tov ayiov

VTTOfjivrjixaTa crvv oKpLf^iia. yrdcrr] crvvira^ev), and commanded

228 St. George.

him, after his death, to take his body and will to Palestine.

On the eighth day, the saint, by the sign of the cross,

forced the devil inhabiting the statue of Apollo to declare

that he was a fallen angel ; then all the statues of the gods

fell before him.

This miracle converted the Empress Alexandra ; and

Diocletian was so exasperated against the truth, that he

condemned her to instant death. George -was then exe-

cuted. The day of his martyrdom was the 23rd of April.

The Latin acts may be summed up as follows ; they, as

already stated, are a translation from a Greek original :—

The devil urges Dacian, Emperor of the Persians, king

of the four quarters of heaven, having dominion over

seventy-two kings, to persecute the Church. At this time

lived George of Cappadocia, a native of Mehtena. Me-

litena is also the scene of his martyrdom. Here he lived

with a holy widow. He is subjected to numerous tortures,

such as the rack, iron pincers, fire, a sword-spiked wheel,

shoes nailed to his feet ; he is put into an iron box set

within with sharp nails, and flung down a precipice ; he

is beaten with sledge-hammers, a pillar is laid on him, a

heavy stone dashed on to his head ; he is stretched on a

red-hot iron bed, melted lead is poured over him ; he is

cast into a well, transfixed with forty long nails, shut into

Si. George. 229

a brazen bull over a fire, and cast into a well with a stone

round his neck. Each time he returns from a torment,

he is restored to former vigor. His tortures continue

through seven years. His constancy and miracles are

the means of converting 40,900 men, and the Empress

Alexandra. Dacian then orders the execution of George

and his queen ; and as they die, a whirlwind of fire carries

off the persecutor.

These two acts are the source of all later Greek


Papenbroech prints legends by Simeon Metaphrastes

(d. 904), Andreas Hierosolymites, and Gregorios Kyprios

(d. 1289).

Reinbot von Dorn (cent, xiii.), or the French author

from whom he translated the Hfe of St. George, thought

fit to reduce the extravagance of the original to moderate

proportions, the seventy-two kings were reduced to seven,

the countless tortures to eight ; George is bound, and has

a weight laid on him, is beaten with sticks, starved, put

on a wheel covered with blades, quartered and thrown

into a pond, rolled down a hill in a brazen bull, his nails

transfixed with poisoned thorns, and he is then executed

with the sword.

Jacques de Voragine says that he was first attached to

230 SL George.

a cross, and torn with iron hooks till his bowels protruded,

and that then he was washed with salt water. Next day

he was given poison to drink without its affecting him.

Then George was fastened to a wheel covered with

razors and knives, but the wheel snapped. He was next

cast into a caldron of molten lead. George was unin-

jured by the bath. Then, at his prayer, lightning fell

and destroyed all the idols, whilst the earth, opening,

swallowed up the priests. At the sight of this, the wife

of Dacian, whom Jacques de Voragine makes proconsul

under Diocletian, is converted, and she and George are

decapitated. Thereupon lightning strikes Dacian and his


St. George, then, according to the Oriental Christian

story, suffers at least seven martyrdoms, and revives after

each, the last excepted.

The Mussulmans revere him equally with the Christians,

and tell a tale concerning him having a strong affinity to

that recorded in the acts. Gherghis, or El Khoudi, as

he is called by them, lived at the same time as the

Prophet. He was sent by God to the king of El Mau9il

with the command that he should accept the faith. This

the king refused to do, and ordered the execution of

Gherghis. The saint was slain, but God revived him,

St. George. 231

and sent him to the king again. A second time was he

slain, and again did God restore him to life. A third

time did he preach his mission. Then the persecutor

had him burned, and his ashes scattered in the Tigris.

But God restored him to life once more, and destroyed

the king and all his subjects.* The Greek historian, John

Kantakuzenos (d. 1380) remarks, that in his time there

were several shrines erected to the memory of George, at

which the Mohammedans paid their devotions ; and the

traveller Burckhardt relates, that " the Turks pay great

veneration to St. George ;" Dean Stanley moreover no-

ticed a Mussulman chapel on the sea-shore near Sara-

fend, the ancient Sarepta, dedicated to El Khouder, in

which " there is no tomb inside, only hangings before a

recess. This variation from the usual type of Mussulman

sepulchres was, as we were told by peasants on the spot,

because El Khouder is not yet dead, but flies round and

round the world, and these chapels are built wherever he

has appeared." f Ibn Wahshiya al Kasdani was the trans-

lator of the Book of Nabathaean Agriculture. " Towards

the year 900 of our era, a descendant of those ancient

Babylonian families who had fled to the marshes of Wasith

* Mas'udi, iibers. von Sprenger, vol. i. p. 120.

t Sinai and Palestine, p. 274.

232 SL George.

and of Bassora, where their posterity still dwell, was struck

with profound admiration for the works of his ancestors,

whose language he understood, and probably spoke. Ibn

Wahshiya al Kasdani, or the Chaldaean, was a Mussulman,

but Islamism only dated in his family from the time of

his great-grandfather ; he hated the Arabs, and cherished

the same feeling of national jealousy towards them as the

Persians also entertained against their conquerors. A

piece of good fortune threw into his hands a large collec-

tion of Nabathsean writings, which had been rescued from

Moslem fanaticism. The zealous Chaldsean devoted his

life to their translation, and thus created a Nabathaso-

Arabic library, of which three complete works, to say

nothing of the fragments of a fourth, have descended to

our days." * One of these is the Book of Nabathsean

Agriculture, written by Kuthami the Babylonian. In it

we find the following remarkable passage :" The contem-

poraries of Yanbushadh assert that all the seka'in of the

gods and all the images lamented over YanbQshadh after

his death, just as all the angels and seka'in lamented over

TammiizT. The images (of the gods), they say, congre-

gated from all parts of the world to the temple in Baby-

* Ernest Renan, Essay on the Age and Antiquity of the Book of

Nabatha;an Agriculture, London, 1S62, p. 5.

5/. George. 233

Ion, and betook themselves to the temple of the Sun, to

the great golden image that is suspended between heaven

and earth. The Sun image stood, they say, in the midst

of the temple, surrounded by all the images of the world.

Next to it stood the images of the Sun in all countries;

then those of the Moon ; next those of Mars ; after them,

the images of Mercury ; then those of Jupiter ; after them,

those of Venus ; and last of all, of Saturn. Thereupon

the image of the Sun began to bewail Tammilzi, and the

idols to weep ; and the image of the Sun uttered a lament

over Tammiiz and narrated his history, whilst the idols all

wept from the setting of the sun till its rising at the end

of that night. Then the idols flew away, returning to

their own countries. They say that the eyes of the idol

of Tehama (in South Arabia), called the eagle, are per-

petually flowing with tears, and will so continue, from the

night wherein it lamented over Tammuz along with the

image of the Sun, because of the peculiar share that it

had in the story of Tammiiz. This idol, called Nesr, they

say, is the one that inspired the Arabs with the gift of

divination, so that they can tell what has not yet come to

pass, and can explain dreams before the dreamers state

what they are. They (the contemporaries of Yanbiis-

hadh) tell that the idols in the land of Babel bewailed

234 'S"/. George.

Yanbushadh singly in all their temples a whole night long

till morning. During this night there was a great flood

of rain, with violent thunder and lightning, as also a furi-

ous earthquake (in the district) from the borders of the

mountain ridge of Holwan to the banks of the Tigris

near the city Nebarwaja, on the eastern bank of that

river. The idols, they say, returned during this flood to

their places, because they had been a little shaken. This

flood was brought by the idols as a judgment upon the

people of the land of Babel for having abandoned the

dead body of Yanbushadh, as it lay on the bare ground

in the desert of Shamas, so that the flood earned his dead

body to the WadI el-A'hfar, and then swept it from this

wadi into the sea. Then there was drought and pestilence

in the land of Babel for three months, so that the living

were not sufficient to bury the dead. These tales (of

Tammiiz and Yanbiishadh) have been collected and are

read in the temples after prayers, and the people

weep and lament much thereupon. When I myself am

present with the people ' in the temple, at the feast of

Tammiiz, which is in the month called after him, and

they read his story and weep, I weep along with them

always, out of friendly feeling towards them, and because

I compassionate their weeping, not that I believe what

S^. GeoTge. 235

they relate of him. But I believe in the story of Yan-

bilshadh, and when they read it and weep, I weep along

with them, very differently from my weeping over Tam-

miizi. The reason is this, that the time of Yanbilshadh

is nearer to our own than the time of Tammuz, and his

story is, therefore, more certain and worthy of belief. It

is possible that some portions of the story of Tammuz

may be true, but I have my doubts concerning other

parts of it, owing to the distance of his time from


Thus writes KiithamI the Babylonian, and his translator

adds :

" Says Abii Bekr A'hmed ibn Wa'hshlya. This month

is cajled Tammuz, according to what the Nabathaeans

say, as I have found it in their books, and is named

after a man of whom a strange long story is told, and who

was put to death, they relate, several times in succession

in a most cruel manner. Each of their months is named

after some excellent and learned man, who was one, in

ancient times, of those Nabathseans that inhabited the

land of Babel before the Chaldaeans. This Tammuz was

not one of the Chaldaeans, nor of the Canaanites, nor of

the Hebrews, nor of the Assyrians, but of the primaeval

lanbanis. ... All the Ssabians of our time, down to our

236 St. < George.

own day, wail and weep over Tammuz in the month of

tliat name, on the occasion of a festival in his honor, and

make great lamentation over him ; especially the women,

who all arise, both here (at Bagdad) and at 'Harran, and

wail and weep over Tammuz. They tell a long and silly

story about him ; but, as I have clearly ascertained, not

one of either sect has any certain information regarding

Tammiiz, or the reason of their lamenting over him.

However, after I had translated this book, I found in the

course of my reading the statement that Tammuz was a

man concerning whom there was a legend, and that he

had been put to death in a shameful manner. That was

all ; not another word about him. They knew nothing

more about him than to say, ' We found our ancestors

weeping and wailing over him in this way at this feast that

is called after him TammuzL' My own opinion is, that

this festival which they hold in commemoration of Tam-

muz is an ancient one, and has maintained itself till now,

whilst the story connected with him has been forgotten,

owing to the remoteness of his age, so that no one of

these Ssabians at the present day knows what his story

was, nor why they lament over him." Ibn Wa'hshiya

then goes on to speak of a festival celebrated by the

Christians towards the end of the month Nisan (April) in

St. George. 237

honor of St. George, who is said to have been several

times put to death by a king to whom he had gone to

preach Christianity, and each time he was restored to life

again, but at the last died. Then Ibn Wa'hshiya remarks

that what is related of the blessed George is the same as

that told of Tammuz, whose festival is celebrated in the

month Tammiiz ; and he adds that besides what he found

regarding Tammiiz in the " Agriculture," he Ht on another

Nabathsean book, in which was related in full the legend

of Tammuz ;— " how he summoned a king to worship

the seven (planets) and the twelve (signs), and how the

king put him to death several times in a cruel manner,

Tammijz coming to life again after each time, until at last

he died ; and behold ! it was identical with the legend

of St. George that is current among the Christians." *

Mohammed en Medun in his Fihrist-el-U'lilm, says,

"Tammiiz (July). In the middle of this month is the

Feast El Biigat, that is, of the weeping women, which

Feast is identical with that Feast of Ta-uz, which is cele-

brated in honor of the god Ta-uz. The -women bewail

* Chwolson : iiber Tammuz. St. Petersburg, i860, pp. 41-56. The

translation is for the most part from the Christian Remembrancer,

No. cxii., an article on Tammuz, with the conclusions of which I

cannot altogether agree. My own conviction as to Tammuz will be

seen in the sequel.

238 Sf. George.

him, because his Lord had him so cruelly martyred, his

bones being ground in a mill, and scattered to the

winds." *

We have then the Eastern myth of St, George identified

with that of Tammiiz, by one' who is impartial. What

that myth of Tammuz was in its entirety we cannot say,

but we have sufficient evidence in the statement of Ibn

Wa'hshiya to conclude that the worship of St. George and

its popularity in the East is mainly due to the fact of his

being a Christianized Tammiaz.

Professor Chwolson insists on Tammuz having been a

man, deified and worshipped ; and the review below

referred to confirms this theory. I believe this to be

entirely erroneous. Tammuz stands to Chaldee myth-

ology in precisely the same relation that the Ribhavas

do to that of the Vedas. A French orientalist, M. Neve,

wrote a learned work in 1847, o^^ these ancient Indian

deities, to prove that they were deified sages. But the

careful study of the Vedic hymns to the Ribhus lead to

an entirely opposite conclusion. They are the Summer

breezes deified, which, in that they waft the smoke of the

sacrifices to heaven, are addressed as assisting at the

sacred offerings ; and in a later age, when their real

* Chwolson : Die Ssabier, ii. 27.

St. George. 239

signification was lost, they were anthropomorphized into

a sacred caste of priests. A similar process has, I believe,

taken place with Tammiiz, who was the sun, regarded as

a God and hero, dying at the close of each year, and

reviving with the new one. In Kuthami's age the old

deity was apparently misappreciated, and had suffered,

in consequence, a reincarnation in Yanbiishadh, of whom

a similar story was told, and who received similar worship,

because he was in fact one with Tammiiz. Almost ex-

actly the same legend is related by the Jews of Abraham,

who, they say, was cruelly tortured by Nimrod, and mirac-

ulously preserved by God.*

The Phoenician Adonis was identical with Tammuz.

St. Jerome in the Vulgate rendered the passage in Ezekiel

(viii. 14), " He brought me to the door of the gate of the

Lord's house, which was towards the north ; and behold,

there sat women weeping for Tammiiz," by ecce inidieres

sedentes plangc7ites Adonidem ; and in his commentary on

the passage says, "Whom we have interpreted Adonis,

both the Hebrew and Syriac languages call Thamuz . . .

and they call the month June by that name." He informs

us also of a very important fact, that the solstice was the

* Leben Abrahams nach Ausfassung der Judischen Sage, v. Dr.

B Beer, Leipzig, 1859.

240 St. George.

time when Tammuz was believed to have died, though

the wailing for him took place in June. Consequently

Tammuz's martyrdom took place at the end of December.

Cyril of Alexandria also tells us of the identity existing

between Adonis and Tammiiz (in Isaiah, chap, xviii.).

The name Adonis is purely Semitic, and signifies the

Lord. His worship was introduced to the Greeks by the

Phoenicians through Crete.

Adonis is identified with the Sun in one of the Orphic

hymns :" Thou shining and vanishing in the beauteous

circle of the Hora^, dwelling at one time in gloomy

Tartarus, at another elevating thyself to Olympus, giving

ripeness to the fruits !" * According to Theocritus, this

rising and setting, this continual coursing, is accomplished

in twelve months :" In twelve months the silent pacing

Horas follow him from the nether world to that above,

the dwelling of the Cyprian goddess, and then he declines

again to Acheron." f The cause of these wanderings,

according to the fable, was that two goddesses loved

Adonis, *Aphrodite, or more properly Astarte, and Per-

sephone. Aphrodite, the Syrian Baalti, loved him so ten-

derly that the jealousy of Ares was aroused, and he sent

* Orph. Hymn, Iv. 5, and 10, 11.

t Theocrit. Id. xv. 103, 104, 136.

6"/. George. 241

a wild boar to gore him in the chase. When Adonis

descended to the reahii of darkness, Persephone was

inflamed with passion for the comely youth. Conse-

quently a strife arose between her and Aphrodite, which

should possess him. The quarrel was settled by Zeus

dividing the year into three portions, wliereof one, from

the summer solstice to the autumn equinox, was to belong

to Adonis, the second was to be spent by him with

Aphrodite, and the third with Persephone. But Adonis

voluntarily surrendered his portion to the goddess of

beauty.* Others say, that Zeus decreed that he should

spend six months in the heavens with Aphrodite, and the

other six in the land of gloom with Persephone.


The worship of Adonis, who was the same as Baal, was

general in Syria and Phoenicia. The devotion to Tam-

muz, we are told, was popular from Antioch to Elymais.J

It penetrated into Greece from Crete. Biblos in Phoe-

nicia was the main seat of this worship.

Tammuz, or Adonis, was again identical with Osiris.

This is stated by several ancient writers. §

The myth relating to Osiris was very similar. The Egyp-

* Cyrill. Alex, in Isa. ; Apollodor. lib. iii. c. 14.

t Schol. in Theocrit. Id. iii. v. 48, and xv. v. 103.

I Ammian. Marcel), xxii. 9. CElian, Hist, animal, xii. 33.

§ Lucian. de dea Syria, n. 7. Steph. de Urb. v.


242 S^. George.

tian sun-god was born at the summer solstice and died at

the winter solstice, when processions went round the

temple seeking him, seven times. Osiris in heaven was

the beloved of Isis, in the land of darkness was embraced

by Nepthys.

Typhon, as the Greeks call Seth or Bes, a monster

represented in swine or boar shape, attacked Osiris, and

slaying him, cut him up, and cast him into the sea. This

took place on the 1 7th of the month Athor.

Then began the wailing for Osiris, which lasted four

days ; this was followed by the seeking, and this again

by the finding of the God.

Under another form, the same myth, and its accom-

panying ceremonies, prevailed in Egypt, just as at Baby-

lon that of TammQz had its reflection in the more modern

cidtus of Yanbushadh. The soul of the deceased Osiris

was supposed to be incarnate in Apis ; and, in process

of mythologic degradation, the legend of Osiris passed

over to Apis, and with it the significant ceremonial.

Thus Herodotus tells us how that at Memphis the death

of the sacred bull was a cause of general wailing, and its

discovery one of exultation. When Cambyses was in

Egypt, and the land groaned under foreign sway, no Apis

appeared ; but when his two armies were destroyed, and

Si. George. 243

he came to Memphis, Apis had appeared ; and he found

the conquered people manifesting their joy in dances,

and with feasting and gay raiment.*

We have, it will be seen, among Phoenicians, Syrians,

Egyptians, and Nabathceans, all Semitic nations, peculiar

myths, with symbolic ceremonies bearing such a close

resemblance to one another, that we are constrained to

acknowledge them as forms, slightly varied, of some

primaeval myth.

We find also among the Arabs, another Semitic nation,

a myth identical with that of the Babylonian Tammuz,

prevalent among them not long after their adoption of

Islamism. How shall we account for this? My answer

is, that the pre-Mohammedan Arabs had a worship very

similar to that of Taramiiz, Baal, Adonis, or Osiris, and

that, on their conversion to the faith of the prophet, they

retained the ancient legend, adapting it to El Koudir,

whom they identified with St. George, because they found

that the Christians had already adopted this course, and

had fixed the ancient myth on the martyr of Nicomedia.

In Babylonia it had already passed to Yanbushadh ; and

it was made to pass further to Gherghis, much as in

Greece the story of Apollo and Python was transferred

* Thalia, c. 27.

244 'S'/. George.

to Perseus and the sea-monster, and, as we shall see

presently, was adopted into Christian mythology, and

attributed to the subject of this paper. And indeed the

process was perhaps facilitated by the fact that one of the

names of this solar god was Giggras ; he was so called

after the pipes used in wailing for him.

The circumstances of the death of Tammuz vary mthe different Semitic creeds.

Let me place them briefly in apposition.

Nabathaean myth. Tammuz.

A great hero, and prophet ; is cruelly put to death

several times, but revives after each martyrdom. His

death a subject of waihng.

Phoenician myth. Adon or Baal.

A beautiful deity, killed by the furious Boar god. Re-

vived and sent to heaven. Divides his time between

heaven and hell, subject of wailing, seekmg, and find-


Syrian myth. Baal.

Identical with the Phoenician.

Egyptian myth. Osiris.

A glorious god and great hero, killed by the evil god.

Passes half his time in heaven, and half in the nether

world. Subject of waihng, seeking, and finding.

St. George. 245

Arabian myth. El Khouder, original name Ta'uz.

A prophet, killed by a wicked king several times and

revived each time.

Oriental Christian myth. St. George.

A soldier, killed by a wicked king, undergoes numerous

torments, but revives after each. On earth lives with

a widow. Takes to the other world with him the

queen. Wailing and seeking fall away, and the festi-

val alone remains.

From this tabular view of the legends it is, I think,

impossible not to see that St. George, in his mythical

character, is a Semitic god Christianized. In order to

undergo the process of conversion, a few little arrange-

ments were rendered necessary, to divest the story of its

sensuous character, and purify it. Astarte or Aphrodite

had to be got out of the way somehow. Slie was made

into a pious widow, in whose house the youthful saint


Then Persephone, the queen of Hades, had to be

accounted for. She was turned into a martyr, Alex-

andra ; and just as Persephone was the wife of the ruth-

less monarch of the nether world, so was Alexandra

represented as the queen of Diocletian or Datian, and

accompanied George to the unseen v.-orld. Consequently

246 St. George.

in the land of light, George was with the widow ; in that

of gloom, with Alexandra : just as Osiris spent his year

between Isis and Nepthys, and Adonis between Aphrodite

and Persephone. According to the ancient Christian

legend, the body of George travelled from the place of

his martyrdom to that of his nativity ; this resembles the

journey of the body of Osiris, down the Nile, over the

waves to Biblos, where Isis found him again.

The influence of Persian mythology is also perceptible

in the legend. El Nedim says that Tammuz was brayed

in a mill ; this feature in his martyrdom is adopted from

the Iranian tradition of Hom, the Indian Soma, or the

divine drink of sacrifice, which was anthroponaorphized,

and the history of the composition of the liquor was

transformed into the fable of the hero. The Hom was

pounded in a mortar, and the juice was poured on the

sacrificial flames, and thus carried up into heaven in fire;

in the legend of the demigod, Hom was a martyr who

was cruelly bruised and broken in a mortar, but who

revived, and ascended to the skies. In the tale of George

there is another indication of the absorption into it of a

foreign myth. George revives the dead cow of the peas-

ant Glycerius ; the same story is told of Abbot William

of Villiers, of St. Germanus, of St. Garmon, and of St.

St. George. 247

Mochua. Thor also brought to life goats which had been

killed and eaten. The same is told in the Rigveda of the

Ribhus :" O sons of Sudharvan, out of the hide have

you made the cow to arise ; by your songs the old have

you made young, and from one horse have you made

another horse."*

The numbers in the legend of the soldier-saint have

a solar look about them. The torments of St. George

last seven years, or, according to the Greek acts, seven

days ; the tyrant reigns over the four quarters of heaven,

and seven kings ; in the Nabathaean story, Tammiiz

preaches the worship of the seven planets, and the- twelve

signs of the Zodiac. Osiris is sought seven days. The

seven winter months are features in all mythologies.

The manner in which St. George dies repeatedly repre-

sents the different ways in which the sun dies each day.

The Greeks, and, indeed, most nations, regarded the

close of day as the expiration of the solar deity, and

framed myths to account for his decease. In Greek

mythology the solar gods are many, and the stories of

their deaths are distributed so as to provide each with his

exit from the world ; but in Semitic mythology it is not

* See my note in Appendix to " The Folklore of the N. Coun-

ties of England," London, 1866, pp. 321-4.

248 St. George.

so, the sun-god is one, and all kinds of deaths are attrib-

uted to him alone, or, if he suffers anthropomorphism, to

his representative.

Phaethon is a solar deity ; he falls into the western

seas. Herakles is another ; he expires in flames, rending

the poisoned garment given him by Dejanira. Phaethon's

death represents the rapid descent of the sun in the west ;

that of Herakles, the setting orb in a flaming western sky

rending the fire-lined clouds, which wrap his body. The

same blaze, wherein sank the sun, was also supposed to

be a funeral pyre, on which lay Memnon ; and the clouds

fleeting about it, some falling into the fire, and some

scudding over the darkling sky, were the birds which

escaped from the funeral pyre. Achilles, a humanized

sun-god, was vulnerable in his heel, just as the Teutonic

Sigfried could only be wounded in his back : this repre-

sents the sun as retiring from the heavens with his back

turned, struck by the weapon of darkness, just as Ares,

the blmd God, with his tusk slew Adonis, or sightless

Hodr with his mistletoe shaft smote Baldur.

In the St. George fable, we have the martyr, like Mem-

non or Herakles, on the fire, and transfixed, like Achilles

and Ajax ; exposed in a brazen bull on a fire, that is,

hung in the full rain-cloud over the western blaze ; cast

St. George. 249

down a hill, like Phaethon;plunged into boiling metal,

a representation of the lurid vapors of the west.

Having identified St. George or Tammuz with the sun,

we shall have little difficulty in seeing that Aphrodite or

Isis is the moon when visible, and Persephone or Nepthys

the waned moon ; Persephone is in fact no other than

Aphrodite in tlie region of gloom, where, according to

the decree of Zeus, she was to spend six months with

Aidoneus, and six months in heaven.

But it is time for us to turn to the Western myth, that

of the fight of St. George with the dragon ; in this, again,

we shall find sacred beliefs of antiquity reappearing in

Christian form.

The story of St. George and the dragon first presents

itself in the Legenda Aurea of Jacques de Voragine. It

was accepted by the unquestioning clerks and laity of the

middle ages, so that it found its way into the office-books

of the Church.

O Georgi Martyr inclyte,

Te decet laus et gloria,

Predotatum militia ;

Per quern puella regia,

Existens in tristitia,

Coram Dracone pessimo,

Salvata est. Ex animo

Te rogamus corde intimo,

250 St. George.

Ut cunctis cum ficlelibus

Cceli jungamur civibus

Nostris ablatis sordibus :

Et sitnul cum laetitia

Tecum simus in gloria ;

Nostraque reddant labia

Laudes Christo cum gratia,

Cui sit honos in secula.

Thus sang the clerks from the Sarum " Horee B.

Marise," on St. George's day, till the reformation of the

Missals and Breviaries by Pope Clement VIL, when the

story of the dragon was cut out, and St. George was

simply acknowledged as a martyr, reigning with Christ.

His introit was from Ps. Ixiii. The Collect, " God, who

makest us glad through the merits and intercession of

blessed George the martyr, mercifully grant that we who

ask through him Thy good things may obtain the gift of

Thy grace." The Epistle, 2 Tim. ii. 8-1 1, and iii. 10-13;

and the Gospel, St. John xv. 1-8.

The legend, as told by Voragine, is this :—

George, a tribune, was born in Cappadocia, and came

to Lybia, to the town called Silene, near which was a

pond infested by a monster, which had many times driven

back an armed host that had come to destroy him. He

even approached the walls of the city, and with his ex-

halations poisoned all who were near. To avoid snrh

Si. George. 251

visits, he was furnished each day with two sheep, to

satisfy his voracity. If these were not given, he so at-

tacked the walls of the town, that his envenomed breath

infected the air, and many of the inhabitants died. He

was supplied with sheep, till they were exhausted, and it

was impossible to procure the necessary number. Then

the citizens held counsel, and it was decided that each

day a man and a beast should be offered, so that at last

they gave up their children, sons and daughters, and none

were spared. The lot fell one day on the princess. The

monarch, horror-struck, offered in exchange for her his

gold, his silver, and half his realm, only desiring to save

his daughter from this frightful death. But the people

insisted on the sacrifice of the maiden, and all the poor

father could obtain was a delay of eight days, in which

to bewail the fate of the damsel. At the expiration of

this time, the people returned to the palace, and said,

"Why do you sacrifice your subjects for your daughter?

We are all dying before the breath of this monster !


The king felt that he must resolve on parting with his

child. He covered her with royal clothes, embraced her,

and said, " Alas ! dear daughter, I thought to have seen

myself re-born in your offspring. I hoped to have in-

vited princes to your wedding, to have adorned you with

252 Si. George.

royal gannents, and accompanied you with flutes, tam-

bourins, and all kinds of music ; but you are to be de-

voured by this monster ! Why did not I die before you ?"

Then she fell at her father's feet and besought his

blessing. He accorded it her, weeping, and he clasped

her tenderly in his arms ; then she went to the lake.

George, who passed that way, saw her weeping, and

asked the cause of her tears. She replied :— " Good

youth ! quickly mount your horse and fly, lest you perish

with me." But George said to her: — "Do not fear;

tell me what you await, and why all this multitude look

on." She answered :— "I see tliat you have a great and

noble heart;yet, fly !" "I shall not go without knowing

the cause," he rephed. Then she explained all to him\

whereupon he exclaimed : — " Fear nothing ! in the name

of Jesus Christ, I will assist you." " Brave knight !" said

she ;'' do not seek to die with me ; enough that I should

perish ; for you can neither assist nor deUver me, and you

will only die with me."

At this moment the monster rose above the surface

of the water. And the virgin said, all trembling, " Fly,

fly, sir knight !


His only answer was the sign of the cross. Then he

advanced to meet the monster, recommending himself

to God.

St. George. 253

He brandished his lance with such force, that he

transfixed it, and cast it to the ground. Then, addressing

the princess, he bade her pass her girdle round it, and

fear nothing. When this was done, the monster followed

like a docile hound. When they had brought it into the

town, the people fled before it ; but George recalled

them, bidding them put aside all fear, for the Lord had

sent him to deliver them from the dragon. Then the

king and all his people, twenty thousand men, without

counting women and children, were baptized, and George

smote off the head of the monster.

Other versions of the story are to the effect that the

princess was shut up in a castle, and that all within

were perishing for want of water, which could only be

obtained from a fountain at the base of a hill, and this

was guarded by the "laidly worm," from which George

delivered them.

"The hero won his well-earn 'd place

Amid the saints, in death's dread hour ;

And still the peasant seeks his grace,

And next to God, reveres his power.

In many a church his form is seen

With sword, and shield, and helmet sheen :

Ye know him by his steed of pride,

And by the dragon at his side."

Chr. Schmid.

254 ^^- George.

The same story has attached itself to other saints and

heroes of the middle ages, as St. Secundus of Asti, St.

Victor, Gozo of Rhodes, Raimond of St. Sulpice, Struth

von Winkelried, the Count Aymon, Moor of Moorhall,

" who slew the dragon of Wantley," Conyers of Sockburn,

and the Knight of Lambton, "John that slew ye Worme."

Ariosto adopted it into his Orlando Furioso, and made his

hero deliver Angelica from Orca, in the true mythic style

of George ; * and it appears again in the tale of Che-

derles.f The cause of the legend attaching itself to our

hero, was possibly a misunderstanding of an encomium,

made in memory of St. George, by Metaphrastes, which

concludes thus :" Licebat igitur videre astutissimum Dra-

conem, adversus carnem et sanguinem gloriari solitum,

elatumque, et sese efferentem, a juvene uno illusum, et

ita dispectum atque confusum, ut quid ageret non ha-

beret." Another writer, summing up the acts of St.

George, says :" Secundo quod Draconem vicit qui sig-

nificat Diabolum ;" and Hospinian, relating the sufferings

of the martyr, affirms distinctly that his constancy was

the occasion of the creation of the legend by Voragine.f

* Orland. Fur. c. xi.

t Noel : Diet, de la Fable ; art. Chederles.

J Christian Remembrancer, vol. xlv. p. 320.

5/. George. 255

If we look at the story of Perseus and Andromeda,

we shall find that in all essential particulars it is the same

as that of the Cappadocian Saint.

Cassiope having boasted herself to be fairer than Hera,

Poseidon sent a flood and a sea-monster to ravage the

country belonging to her husband Cepheus. The oracle

of Amnion having been consulted, it was ascertained that

nothing would stop the resentment of the gods except the

exposure of the king's daughter, Andromeda, on a rock,

to be devoured by the monster. At the moment that the

dragon approached the maiden, Perseus appeared, and

learning her peril, engaged the monster and slew him.

The scene of this conflict was near Joppa, where in the

days of St. Jerome the bones of the huge reptile were

exhibited, and Josephus pretends to have seen there the

chains which attached the princess to the rock.* It was

at Berytus (Beyrut) that the fight of St. George with the

dragon took place.

Similar stories were prevalent in Greece. In the isle

of Salamis, Cenchrius, a son of Poseidon, reheved the

inhabitants from the scourge of a similar monster, who

devastated the island. At Thespia, a dragon ravaged tlie

country round the city ; Zeus ordered the inhabitants to

* Ilieron. Epist. io8. Joseph. Bell. Jud. iii. c. 7.

256 6"/. George.

give the monster their children by lot. One year it fell

on Cleostratus. Menestratus determined to save him.

He armed himself with a suit covered with hooks, and

was devoured by the dragon, which perished in killing

him. Pherecydes killed a great serpent in Caulonia, an

adventure afterwards related of Pythagoras, with the scene

shifted to Sybaris ; and Herakles, as is well known, slew

Hydra. But these are all versions — echoes — of the

principal myth of Apollo and Python.

The monster Python was sent by Hera to persecute

Leto, when pregnant. Apollo, the moment that he was

born, attacked the hideous beast and pierced him with his

arrows. And from the place where the serpent died, there

burst forth a torrent.

A similar myth is found among the Scandinavian and

Teutonic nations. In these Northern mythologies Apollo

is replaced by Sigurd, Sigfried, and Beowulf.

The dragon with which Sigurd fights is Fafnir, who

keeps guard over a treasure of gold. Sigfried, in like

manner, in the Nibelungen Lied, fights and overcomes a

mighty dragon, and despoils him of a vast treasure. The

Anglo-Saxon poem of Beowulf contains a similar engage-

ment. A monster Grendel haunts a marsh near a town

on the North Sea. At night the evil spirit rises from the

St. Geoj'ge. 257

swamp, and flies to the mountains, attacking the armed

men, and slaying them. Beowulf awakes, fights him, and

puts him to flight. But next night Grendel again attacks

him, but is killed by the hero with an enchanted sword.

He fights a dragon some years later, and robs it of an

incalculable store of gold. The Icelandic Sagas teem

with similar stories ; and they abound in all European

household tales.

In the Rigveda we have the same story. Indra fights

with the hideous serpent Ahi, or Vrita, who keeps guard

over the fountain of rains. In Iranian mythology, the

same battle is waged between Mithra and the daemon


It seems, then, that the fight with the dragon is a myth

common to all Aryan peoples.

Its signification is this :—

The maiden which the dragon attempts to devour is

the earth. The monster is the storm-cloud. The hero

who fights it is the sun, with his glorious sword, the

lightning-flash. By his victory the earth is relieved from

her peril. The fable has been varied to suit the atmos-

pheric peculiarities of different climes in which the Aryans

found themselves. In India, Vrita is coiled about the

source of water, and the earth is perishing for want of


258 S/. George.

rain, till pierced by the sword of Indra, when the streams

descend. " I will sing," says the Rigveda, " the ancient

exploits by which flashing Indra is distinguished. He has

struck Ahi, he has scattered the waters on the earth, he

has unlocked the torrents of the heavenly mountains (i. e.,

the clouds). He has struck Ahi, who lurked in the bosom

of the celestial mountain, he has struck him with that

sounding weapon wrought for him by Twachtri ; and the

waters, like cattle' rushing to their stable, have poured

down on the earth." * And again :—

" O Indra, thou hast killed the violent Ahi, who with-

held the waters !


" O Indra, thou hast struck Ahi, sleeping guardian of

the waters, and thou hast precipitated them into the sea


thou hast pierced the compact scale of the cloud ; thou

hast given vent to the streams, which burst forth on all

sides." t

Among the ancient Iranians the same myth prevailed,

but was sublimated into a conflict between good and evil.

* Rigveda, sect. i. lee. 2, p. xiii. Ed. Langlois, iii. p. 329.

t Ibid. vol. i. p. 44 ; ii. p. 447. In the Katha Sarit Sagara, a

hero fights a daemon monster, and releases a beautiful woman from

his thraldom. The story as told by Soma Deva has already pro-

gressed and assumed a form very similar to that of Perseus and

Andromeda. Katha Sarit Sagara, book vii. c. 42.

SL George. 259

Ahriman represents Ahi, and is the principle of evil


corrupted into Kharaman, it became the Armenian name

for a serpent and the devil. Ahriman entered heaven in

the shape of a dragon, was met by Mithra, conquered,

and like the old serpent of Apocalyptic vision, " he shall

be bound for three thousand years, and burned at the end

of the world in melted metals." * Aschmogh (Asmodeus)

is also the infernal serpent of the books of the Avesta


he is but another form of Ahriman. This fable rapidly

followed in Persia the same process of application to

known historical individuals that it pursued in Europe,

In the ninth hymn of the Ya^na, Zoroaster asks Homa

who were the first of mortals to honor him, and Homa

replies : " The first of mortals to whom I manifested

myself was Vivanghvat, father of Yima, under whom

flourished the blessed age which knew not cold of winter,

or scorching heat of summer, old age or death, or the

hatred produced by the Devas. The second was Athwya,

father of Thraetana, the conqueror of the dragon Dahak,

with three heads, and three throats, and six eyes, and a

thousand strengths." This Thraetana, in the Shahnameh,

has become Feridun, who overcomes the great dragon


* Boundehesch. ii. 351, 416.

26o S^. George.

In Northern mythology, the serpent is probably the

winter cloud, which broods over and keeps from mortals

the gold of the sun's light and heat, till in the spring the

bright orb overcomes the powers of darkness and tempest,

and scatters his gold over the face of the earth. In the

ancient Sagas of Iceland, the myth has assumed a very

peculiar form, which, if it would not have protracted this

article to an undue length, I should have been glad to

have followed out. The hero descends mto a tomb,

where he fights a vampire, who has possession of a glo-

rious sword, and much gold and silver. After a desperate

struggle, the hero overcomes, and rises with the treasures

to the surface of the earth. This, too, represents the sun

in the northern realms, descending into the tomb of win-

ter, and there overcoming the power of darkness, from

whom he takes the sword of the lightning, and the treas-

ures of fertility, wherewith the earth is blessed on the

return of the sun to the skies in summer.

This is probably the ancient form of the Scandinavian

myth, and the King of gloom reigning over his gold in

the cairn, was only dragonized when the Norse became

acquainted with the dragon myths of other nations. In

the Saga of Hromund Greipson, the hero is let down by

a rope mto a barrow, into which he had been digging for

St. George. 261

six days. He found below the old king Thrain the Viking,

with a kettle of quivering red flames suspended from the

roof of the vault above him. This king, years before, had

gathered all the treasures that he had obtained in a long

life of piracy, and had suffered himself to be buried alive

with his ill-gotten wealth. Hromund found him seated

on a throne in full armor, girded with his sword, crowned,

and with his feet resting on three boxes containing silver.

We have the same story in the Gretla ; only there the

dead king is Karr the old ; Grettir is led to open his

cairn, by seeing flames dancing on the mound at night.

In the struggle underground, Grettir and the vampire

stumble over the bones of the old king's horse, and

thereby Grettir is able to get the upper hand.

Similar stories occur in the F16amanna Saga, the

younger Saga of Olaf the saint (cap. 16), the elder Olaf

Saga (3-4), the history of Olaf Geirstafaalp, the Holm-

verja Saga, and the Barda Saga. The last of these is

strongly impressed with Christian influence, and gives

indications of the transformation of the evil being into

a dragon. Gest visited an island off the coast of Hellu-

land (Labrador), where lay buried a grimly daemon king

Raknar. He took with him a priest with holy water and

a crucifix. They had to dig fifty fathoms before they

262 5/. George.

reached the chamber of the dead. Into this Gest de-

scended by a rope, holding a sword in one hand, and a

taper in the other. He saw below a great dragon-ship,

in which sat five hundred men, champions of the old

king, who were buried with him. They did not stir, but

gazed with blank eyes at the taper flame, and snorted

vapor from their nostrils. Gest despoiled the old king

of all his gold and armor, and was about to rob him of

his sword, when the taper expired. Then, at once, the

five hundred rose from the dragon-ship, and the dcemon

king rushed at him ; they grappled and fought. In his

need, Gest invoked St. Olaf, who appeared with light

streaming from his body, and illumining the interior of

the cairn. Before this light, the power of the dead men

failed, and Gest completed his work in the vault.* la

the story of Sigurd and Fafnir, the dragon is more than

half man ; but in the battle of GuU-Thorir, the creature

is scaled and winged in the most approved Oriental

style, t

Let me place in apposition a few of the Aryan myths

relating to the strife between the sun and the daemon of

darkness, or storm.

* Bardar S. Snaefellsass. Kjobnhavn. i860, pp. 41-43-

t Gull-Thoris Saga. Leipzig, 1858. c. iv.

5/. George. 263

Indian myth, Indra fights Ahi.

Indra kills Ahi, who is identified with the storm-cloud,

and releases ft-om him the pent-up waters, for want of

which the earth is perishing. Ahi a serpent.

Persian myth. Mithra and Ahriman.

Mithra is clearly identical with the sun, and Ahriman

with darkness. Ahriman a dragon.

Greek myth. Apollo and Python ; Perseus and the sea-


Apollo identical with the sun, Python the storm-cloud.

Apollo delivers his mother from the assault of the


Perseus delivers Andromeda from the water-born ser-

pent. In other Greek fables it is the earth which is

saved from destruction by the victory of the hero.

Teutonic myth. Sigfried and the dragon.

Sigfried conquers the dragon who keeps guard over a

hidden treasure, the hero kills the dragon and brings

to light the treasure.

Scandinavian myth. Sigiird and Fafnir.

Like the myth of Sigfried. Other, and perhaps earlier

form, the dragon is a king of Hades, who cannot endure

light, and who has robbed the earth of its gold. The

hero descends to his realm, fights, overcomes him, and

despoils him of his treasures.

264 St. George.

Christian myth. St. George and dragon.

St. George delivers a princess from a monster, who is

about to devour her. According to another version,

the dragon guards the spring of water, and the country

is languishing for want of water ; St. George restores

to the land the use of the spring by slaying the


This table might have been considerably extended by

including Keltic and Sclavonic fables, but it is sufficiently

complete to show that the legend of St. George and the

dragon forms part of one of the sacred myths of the

Aryan family, and it is impossible not to grasp its sig-

nification in the light cast upon it by the Vedic poems.

And when we perceive how popular this venerable

myth was in heathen nations of Europe, it is not surpris-

ing that it should perpetuate itself under Christianity, and

that, when once transferred to a hero of the new creed,

it should make that hero one of the most venerated and

popular of all the saints in the calendar.

In the reign of Constantine the Great, there existed

a great and beautiful church between Ramula, the ancient

Arimathsea, and Lydda or Decapolis, dedicated by the

Emperor to St. George, over his tomb. Ramula also

bore the name of Georgia, and the inhabitants pretended

St. George. 265

that the warrior-saint was a native of their town. A

temple of Juno at Constantinople was converted into a

church, with the same dedication, by the first Christian

Emperor, and according to one tradition, the bones of the

martyr were translated from his tomb near Lydda, to the

church in the great city of Constantine. At an early

date his head was in Rome, or at all events one of his

heads, for another found its way to the church of Mares-

Moutier, in Picardy, after the capture of Byzantium by

the Turks, when it was taken from a church erected by

Constantine Monomachus, dedicated to the saint. The

Roman head, long forgotten, was rediscovered in 751,

with an inscription on it which identified it with St.

George. In 1600 it was given to the church of Ferrara.

In Rome, at Palermo, and at Naples there were churches

at a very early date, consecrated to the martyr. In 509

Clotilda founded a nunnery at Chelles in his honor ; and

Clovis II. placed a convent at Barala under his invoca-

tion. In this rehgious house was preserved an arm of St.

George, which in the ninth century was transported to

Cambray ; and fifty years later St. Germain dedicated an

altar in Paris to the champion. In the sixth century a

church was erected to his honor at Mayence ; Clothaire

in the following century dedicated one at Nimegue, and

266 St. George.

his brother another in Alsace. George had a monastery

dedicated to him at Thetford, founded in the reign of

Canute ; a collegiate church in Oxford placed under his

invocation in the reign of the Conqueror. St. George's,

Southwark, dates from before the Norman invasion. The

priory church of Griesly in Derbyshire was dedicated to

Saints Mary and George, in the reign of Henry I. The

Crusades gave an impetus to the worship of our patron.

He appeared in light on the walls of Jerusalem, waving

his sword, and led the victorious assault on the Holy City.

Unobtrusively he and St. Michael slipped into the offices,

and exercised the functions, of the Dioscuri. Robert of

Flanders, on his return from the Holy Land, presented

part of an arm of the saint to the city of Toulouse, and

other portions to the Countess Matilda and to the abbey

of Auchin. Another arm of St. George fell miraculously

from heaven upon the altar of St. Pantaleon at Cologne,

and in honor of it Bishop Anno founded a church.

The church of Villers-Saint-Leu contains relics of the

saint, which were given to it in iioi by Alexander, chap-

lain of Count Ernest, who had received them from Bald-

win at Jerusalem.

The enthusiasm of the Crusaders for the Eastern

soldier-saint who led them to battle, soon raised St.

St. George. 267

George to the highest pitch of popularity among the

nobles and fighting-men of Europe. England, Aragon,

and Portugal assumed him as their patron, as well as most

chivalrous orders founded at the date of these wars. In

1245, on St. George's Day, Frederic of Austria instituted

an order of knighthood under his patronage ; and its

banner, white charged with a blood-red cross, in battle

floated alongside of that of the empire. When the em-

peror entered the castle of St. Angelo at Rome, these two

banners were carried before him. The custody of the

sacred standard of St. George was confided to the Swabian

knights. In the early part of the thirteenth century there

existed a military order under the protection of St. George

at Genoa, and in 1201 an order was founded in Aragon,

with the title of knights of St. George of Alfama.

In 1348 King Edward III. founded St. George's

Chapel, Windsor. In the following year he was besieging

Calais. Moved by a sudden impulse, says Thomas of

Walsingham, he drew his sword with the exclamation

" Ha ! Saint Edward 1 Ha ! Saint George !" The words

and action communicated spirit to his soldiers : they fell

with vigor on the French, and routed them with a slaugh-

ter of two hundred soldiers. From that time St. George

replaced Edward the Confessor as patron of England.

268 St George.

In 1350 the celebrated order was instituted. In 1415,

by the Constitutions of Archbishop Chichely, St. George's

Day was made a major double feast, and ordered to be

observed the same as Christmas Day, all labor ceasing


and he received the title of spiritual patron of the English


In 1545 St. George's Day was observed as a red letter

day, with proper Collect, Epistle, and Gospel ; but in the

reign of Edward VI. it was swept away, and the holding

of the chapter of the Garter on St. George's Day was

transferred to Whitsun Eve, Whitsun Day, and Whitsun

Monday. Next year, the first of Queen Mary, the enact-

ment was reversed, and since then the ancient custom

has obtained, and the chapter is held annually on the

feast of the patron.

^ In concluding this paper, it remains only to point out

the graceful allegory which Hes beneath the Western fable.

St. George is any Christian who is sealed at his baptism

to be " Christ's faithful soldier and servant unto his life's

end," and armed with the breastplate of righteousness,

the shield of the faith, marked with its blood-red cross,

the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit,

which is the word or power of God.

The hideous monster against whom the Christian sol-

S^. George. 269

dier is called to fight is that " old serpent, the devil," who

withholds or poisons the streams of grace, and who seeks

to rend and devour the virgin soul, in whose defence the

champion fights.

If the warfare symbolized by this legend be carried out

in life, then, in Spenser's words—"Thou, amongst those saints whom thou doest see,

Shall be a saint, and thine owne nations frend

And patrone : thou Saint George shalt called bee,

Saint George of mery England, the sign of victoree."

©lie Cegmtr of tl)e €ross,

Sibyl!. vi. 26.

IN the year 1850 chance led me to the discovery of a

Gallo-Roman palace at Pont d'Oli (Pons Aulse), near

Pau, in the south of France. I was able to exhume the

whole of the ruins, and to bring to light one of the most

extensive series of mosaic pavements extant.

The remains consisted of a mansion two hundred feet

long, paved throughout with mosaic : it was divided into

summer and winter apartments ; the latter heated by

means of hypocausts, and of small size ; the former very

large, and opening on to a corridor above the river, once

adorned with white marble pillars, having capitals of the

Corinthian order. One of the first portions of the palace

to be examined was the atrium, out of which, on the

west, opened the tablinum, a semi-circular chamber pan-

elled with alabaster and painted.

The atrium contained a large quadrangular tank or

impluvium, the dwarf walls of which were encased in

The Legend of the Cross. 2yi

variegated Pyrenean marbles. On the west side of the

impluvium, below the step of the tablinum, the pavement

represented five rows of squares. The squares in the first,

third, and fifth rows were filled with a graceful pattern

composed of curves. In the second and fourth rows,

however, every fourth square contained a distinctly char-

acterized red cross on white ground, with a delicate white

spine down the middle (Fig. 2). Some few of these

crosses had a black floriation in the angles, much resem-

bling that met with in Gothic crosses (Fig. 4). Immedi-

ately in front of the tablinum, on the dwarf wall of the

impluvium, stood the altar to the Penates, which was

found. The corresponding pavement on the east of the

impluvium was similar in design to the other, but the

St. George's crosses were replaced by those of St. Andrew,

each limb terminating either in a heart-shaped leaf or a

trefoil (Figs, i, 5). The design on the north and south

was different, and contained no crosses. The excavations

to the north led to the summer apartment. The most

northerly chamber measured 26 feet by 22 feet; it was

not only the largest, but evidently the principal room of

the mansion, for the pavement was the most elaborate and

beautiful. It was bordered by an exquisite running pat-

tern of vines and grape bunches, springing from four

272 The Legend of the Cross.

drinking vessels in the centres of the north, south, east,

and west sides. The pattern within this border was of

circles, containing conventional roses alternately folded

and expanded. This design was, however, rudely inter-

rupted by a monstrous cross measuring 19 feet 8 inches

by 13 feet, with its head towards the south, and its foot

at the head of a flight of marble steps descending into

what we were unable to decide whether it was a bath or a

vestibule. The ground of the cross was white ; the limbs

were filled with cuttle, lobsters, eels, oysters, and fish,

swimming as though in their natural element ; but the

centre, where the arms intersected, was occupied by a

The Legend of the Cross. 273

gigantic bust of Neptune with his trident. The flesh was

represented red ; the hair, and beard, and trident were a

blue-black. The arms of the figure did not show : a line

joining the lower edge of the transverse limbs of the cross

cut the figure at the breast, leaving the head and shoulders

above. The resemblance to a crucifix was sufficiently

remarkable to make the laborers exclaim, as they un-

covered it, " C'est le bon Dieu, c'est Jesus !" and they

regarded the trident as the centurion's spear. A neigh-

boring cur6 satisfied himself that the pavement was laid

down in conscious prophecy of Christianity, and he

pointed to the chalices and grapes as symbolizing the

holy Eucharist, and the great cross, at the head of what

we believed to be a circular bath, as typical of Christian

baptism. With regard to the cross, the following laws

seem to have governed its representation in the Gallo-

Roman villa :—

The St. George's cross occupied the place of honor

in the chief room, and at the head of this room, not in

the middle, but near the bath or porch. Again, in the

atrium this cross was repeated twenty times in the prin-

cipal place before the tablinum and altar of the household

divinities, and again in connection with water. Its color

was always red or white.


274 "^^^^ Legend of the Cross.

Six varieties of crosses occurred in the villa (Figs. 1-5) :

the St. George's cross plain ; the same with foliations in

the angles ; the same inhabited by fish, and bust of Nep-

tune : the Maltese cross : the St. Andrew's cross with

trefoiled ends ; the same with heart-shaped ends.

On the discovery of the villa, several theories were

propounded to explain the prominence given to the cross

in the mosaics.

It was conjectured by some that the Neptune crucifix

was a satire upon the Christians. To this it was objected

that the figure was too large and solemn, and was made

too prominent, to be so taken ; that to the cross was

assigned the place of honor; and that, independently

of the bust of the sea-god, it was connected by the

artists with the presence of water.

It was supposed by others that the villa had belonged

to a Christian, and that the execution of his design in the

pavement had been intrusted to pagans, who, through

ignorance, had substituted the head of Neptune for that

of the Saviour.

Such a solution, though possible, is barely probable.

My own belief is, that the cross was a sacred sign

among the Gaulish Kelts, and that the villa at Pau had

belonged to a Gallo-Roman, who introduced into it the



The Legend of the Cross. 277

symbol of the water-god of his national religion, and

combined it with the representation of the marine deity

of the conquerors' creed.

My reasons for believing the cross to have been a

Gaulish sign are these :—

The most ancient coins of the Gauls were circular,

with a cross in the middle ; little wheels, as it were, with

four large perforations (Figs. 6, 7, 8). That these rouelles

were not designed to represent wheels is apparent from

there being only four spokes, placed at right angles.

Moreover, when the coins of the Greek type took their

place, the cross was continued as the ornamentation of

the coin. The gold and silver Greek pieces circulating

at Marseilles were the cause of the abandonment of the

primitive type ; and rude copies of the Greek coins were

made by the Keltic inhabitants of Gaul. In copying

the foreign pieces, they retained their own symboHc


The reverse of the coins of the Volcae Tectosages, who

inhabited the greater portion of Languedoc, was im-

pressed with crosses, their angles filled with pellets, so

like those on the silver coins of the Edwards, that, were

it not for the quality of the metal, one would take these

GauHsh coins to be the production of the Middle Ages.

278 The Legend of the Cross.

The Leuci, who inhabited the country round the modem

Toul, had similar coins. One of their pieces has been

figured by M. de Saulcy.* It represents a circle con-

taining a cross, the angles between the arms occupied by

a chevron. Some of the crosses have bezants, or pearls,

forming a ring about them, or occupying the spaces

between their limbs. Near Paris, at Choisy-le-Roy, was

discovered a Gaulish coin representing a head, in barbar-

ous imitation of that on a Greek medal, and the reverse

occupied by a serpent coiled round the circumference,

and enclosing two birds. Between these birds is a cross,

with pellets at the end of each limb, and a pellet in each


A similar coin has been found in numbers near

Arthenay, in Loiret, as well as others of analogous type.

Other Gaulish coins bear the cross on both obverse and

reverse. About two hundred pieces of this description

were found in 1835, in the village of Cremiat-sur-Yen,

near Quimper, in a brown earthen urn, with ashes and

charcoal, in a rude kistvaen of stone blocks;proving that

the cross was used on the coins in Armorica, at the time

when incremation was practised. This cross with pellets,

a characteristic of Gauhsh coins, became in time the

* Revue de Numismatique, 1836.

The Legend of the Cross. 279

recognized reverse of early French pieces, and intro-

duced itself into England with the Anglo-Norman kings.

We unfortunately know too little of the iconography

of the Gauls, to be able to decide whether the cross was

with them the symbol of a water deity ; but I think it

probable, and for this reason, that it is the sign of gods

connected, more or less remotely, with water in other

religions. That it was symbolic among the Irish and

British Kelts is more than probable. The temple in the

tumulus of Newgrange is in the shape of a cross with

rounded arms (Fig. 9). Curiously enough, the so-called

Phoenician ruin of Giganteia, in Gozzo, resembles it in

shape. The shamrock of Ireland derives its sacredness

from its affecting the same form. In the mysticism of

the Druids the stalk or long arm of the cross represented

the way of life, and the three lobes of the clover-leaf,

or the short arms of the cross, symbolized the three

conditions of the spirit-world, Heaven, Purgatory, and


Let us turn to the Scandinavians. Their god Thorr

was the thunder, and the hammer was his symbol. It

was with this hammer that Thorr crushed the head of the

great Mitgard serpent, that he destroyed the giants, that

he restored the dead goats to life which drew his car, that

28o The Legend of the Cross.

he consecrated the pyre of Baldur. This hammer was a


Just as the St, George's cross appears on the Gaulish

coins, so does the cross cramponn^e, or Thorr's hammer

(Fig. ii), appear on the Scandinavian moneys.

In ploughing a field near Bornholm, in Fyen, in 1835,

a discovery was made of several gold coins and ornaments

belonging to ancient Danish civilization. The collection

consisted of personal ornaments, such as brooches, fibulae,

and torques, and also of pieces of money, to which were

fastened rings in order that they might be strung on a

necklace. Among these were two rude copies of coins

of the successors of Constantine ; but the others were

of a class very common in the North. They were im-

pressed with a four-footed horned beast, girthed, and

mounted by a monstrous human head, intended, in bar-

barous fashion, to represent the rider. In front of the

head was the sign of Thorr's hammer, a cross cram-

ponnee. Four of the specimens bearing this symbol

exhibited likewise the name of Thorr in runes. A still

ruder coin, discovered with the others, was deficient in

the cross, whose place was occupied by a four-point star.*

Among the flint weapons discovered in Denmark are

* Transactions of the Society of Northern Antiquaries for 1836.


The Legend of the Cross. 281

stone cruciform hammers, with a hole at the intersection

of the arms for the insertion of the haft (Fig. 10). As

the lateral limbs could have been of little or no use, it is

probable that these crucifonn hammers were those used

in consecrating victims in Thorr's worship.

The cross of Thorr is still used in Iceland as a magical

sign in connection with storms of wind and rain.

King Olaf, Longfellow tells us, when keeping Christmas

at Drontheim—'*0'er his drinking-horn, the sign

He made of the Cross Divine,

As he drank, and mutter'd his prayers;

But the Berserks evermore

Made the sign of the Hammer of Thorr

Over theirs."

Actually they both made the same symbol.

This we are told by Snorro Sturleson, in the Heims-

kringla,* when he describes the sacrifice at Lade, at

which King Hakon, Athelstan's foster-son was present


" Now, when the first full goblet was filled. Earl Sigurd

spoke some words over it, and blessed it in Odin's name,

and drank to the king out of the horn ; and the king

then took it, and made the sign of the cross over it.

Then said Kaare of Greyting, ' What does the king mean

* Heimskringla, Saga iv. c. 18.

282 The Legend of the Cross.

by doing so? will he not sacrifice?' But Earl Sigurd

replied, ' The king is doing what all of you do who trust

in your power and strength ; for he is blessing the full

goblet in the name of Thorr, by making -the sign of his

hammer over it before he drinks it.'"

Bells fvere rung in the Middle Ages to drive away

thunder. Among the German peasantry the sign of the

cross is used to dispel a thunder-storm. The cross is

used because it resembles Thorr's hammer, and Thorr

is the Thunderer : for the same reason bells wpre often

marked with the "fylfot," or cross of Thorr (Fig. ii),

especially where the Norse settled, as in Lincolnshire and

Yorkshire. Thorr's cross is on the bells of Appleby, and

Scotherne, Waddingham, Bishop's Norton, and West Bark-

with, in Lincolnshire, on those of Hathersage in Derby-

shire, Mexborough in Yorkshire, and many more.

The fylfot is curiously enough the sacred Swaslika of

the Buddhist ; and the symbol of Buddha on the reverse

of a coin found at Ugain is a cross of equal arms, with

a circle at the extremity of each, and the fylfot in each


The same peculiar figure occurs on coins of Syracuse,

Corinth, and Chalcedon, and is frequently employed on

Etruscan cinerary urns. It curiously enough appears on

TJie Legend of the Cross. 283

the dress of a fossor, as a sort of badge of his office, on

one of the paintings in the Roman catacombs.

But, leaving the cross cramponnee, let us examine

some other crosses,

Sozomen, the ecclesiastical historian, says that, on the

destruction of the Serapium in Egypt, " there were found

sculptured on the stones certain characters regarded as

sacred, resembling the sign of the cross. This representa-

tion, interpreted by those who knew the meaning, signified

' The Life to come.' This was the occasion of a great

number of pagans embracing Christianity, the more so

because other characters announced that the temple would

be destroyed when this character came to light." * Soc-

rates gives further particulars :" Whilst they were demol-

ishing and despoiling the temple of Serapis, they found

characters, engraved on the stone, of the kind called

hieroglyphics, the which characters had the figure of the

cross. When the Christians and the Greeks [i. e. heathen]

saw this, they referred the signs to their own religions.

The Christians, who regarded the cross as the symbol

of the salutary passion of Christ, thought that this char-

acter was their own. But the Greeks said it was common

to Christ and Serapis ; though this cruciform character is,

* Sozomen, Hist. Eccles. vii. c. 14.

284 The Legend of the Cross.

in fact, one thing to the Christians, and another to the

Greeks. A controversy having arisen, some of the Greeks

[heathen] converted to Christianity, who understood the

hieroglyphics, interpreted this cross-hke figure to signify

'The Life to come,' The Christians, seizing on this as

in favor of their rehgion, gathered boldness and assur-

ance ; and as it was shown by other sacred characters

that the temple of Serapis was to have an end when was

brought to light this crucifomi character, signifying * The

Life to come,' a great number were converted and were

baptized, confessing their sins." *

Rufinus, who tells the story also, says that this took

place at the destruction of the Serapium at Canopus; f

but Socrates and Sozomen probably followed Sophronius,

who wrote a book on the destruction of the Serapium,

and locate the event in Alexandria. J

Rufinus says, "The Egyptians are said to have the

sign of the Lord's cross among those letters which are

called sacerdotal— of which letter or figure this, they say,

is the interpretation :' The Life to come.' "

* Socrat. Hist. Eccles. v. c. 17.

t Rufin. Hist. Eccles. ii. c. 29.

X" Sophronius, vir apprime eruditus, laudes Bethleem adhuc

puer, et nuper de subversione Serapis insignem librum composuit."

— Hieronym. Vit Illust.

The Legend of the Cross. 285

There is some slight difficulty as to fixing the date

of the destruction of the Serapiuni. Marcellinus refers

it to the year 389, but some chronologists have moved

it to 391. It was certainly overthrown in the reign of

Theodosius I.

There can be litde doubt that the cross in the Serapium

was the Crux ansata (Fig. 12), the St. Anthony's cross,

or Tau with a handle. The antiquaries of last century

supposed it to be a Nile key or a phallus, significations

purely hypothetical and false, as were all those they attrib-

uted to Egyptian hieroglyphs. As Sir Gardner Wilkinson

remarks, it is precisely the god Nilus who is least often

represented with this symbol in his hand,* and the Nile

key is an ascertained figure of different shape. Now it is

known for certain that the symbol is that of fife. Among

other indications, we have only to cite the Rosetta stone,

on which it is employed to translate the title alavS^ios

given to Ptolemy Epiphanius.

The Christians of Egypt gladly accepted this witness

to the cross, and reproduced it in their churches and

elsewhere, making it precede, follow, or accompany their

inscriptions. Thus, beside one of the Christian inscrip-

tions at Phile is seen both a Maltese cross and a crux

* Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, iv. p. 341.

286 The Legend of the Cross.

ansata. In a .painting covering the end of a church in

the cemetery of El-Khargeh, in the Great Oasis, are three

handled crosses around the principal subject, which seems

to have been a figure of a saint.*

Not less manifest is the intention in an inscription in a

Christian church to the east of the Nile in the desert.

It is this :—KAeO>¥<AIKH+EKKAH^GIA.

Beside, or in the hand of, the Egyptian gods, this symbol

is generally to be seen : it is held in the right hand, by

the loop, and indicates the Eternity of Life which is the

attribute of divinity. When Osiris is represented holding

out the crux ansata to a mortal, it means that the person

to whom he presents it has put off mortality, and entered

on the life to come.

Several theories have been started to account for the

shape. The Phallic tlieory is monstrous, and devoid of

evidence. It has also been suggested that the Tau (T)

represents a table or altar, and that the loop symbolizes

a vase t or an egg % upon that altar.

* Hoskins, Visit to the Great Oasis, Lond. 1837, plate xii.

\ " Hieroglyphica ejusdem (vocis) figura formam exhibet mensae

sacrae fulcro innixae cui vas quoddam religionis indicium super-

positum est."— P. Ungarelli, Interpretat. Obeliscorum Urbis, p. 5.

} Dognee, Les Symboles Antiques, L'CEuf. Bruxelles, 1865.


The Legend of the Cross. 287

These explanations are untenable when brought into

contact with the monuments of Egypt. The ovoid form

of the upper member is certainly a handle, and is so used

(Fig. 13). No one knows, and probably no one ever will

know, what originated the use of this sign, and gave it

such significance.

The Greek cross is also found on Egyptian monuments,

but less frequendy than the cross of St. Anthony. A

figure of a Shari (Fig. 14), from Sir Gardner Wilkinson's

book, has a necklace round his throat, from which de-

pends a pectoral cross. A similar ornament hangs on the

breast of Tiglath Pileser, in the colossal tablet from Nim-

roud, now in the British Museum (Fig. 15). Another

king from the ruins of Nineveh wears a Maltese cross on

his bosom. And another, from the hall of Nisroch, car-

ries an emblematic necklace, consisting of the sun sur-

rounded by a ring, the moon, a Maltese cross likewise in

a ring, a three-horned cap, and a symbol like two horns.*

A third Egyptian cross is that represented Fig. 16,

which apparently is intended for a Latin cross rising out

of a heart, like the mediseval emblem of " Cor in Cruce,

Crux in Corde :" it is the hieroglyph of goodness.


The handled cross was certainly a sacred symbol

* Bonomi, Nineveh and its Palaces, pp. 303, 333, 414.

t H. W. Westrop, in Gentleman's Magazine, N. S., vol. xv. p. 80.

288 TJie Legend of the Cross.

among the Babylonians. It occurs repeatedly on their

cylinders, bricks, and gems.

On a cylinder in the Paris Cabinet of Antiquities,

published by Miinter, * are four figures, the first winged,

the second armed with what seems to be thunderbolts.

Beside him is the crux ansata, with a hawk sitting on the

oval handle. The other figures are a woman and a child.

This cross is half the height of the deity.

Another cylinder in the same Cabinet represents

three personages. Between two with tiaras is the same

symbol. A third in the same collection bears the

same three principal figures as the first. The winged

deity holds a spear ; the central god is armed with a

bundle of thunderbolts and a dart, and is accompanied

by the cross ; the third, a female, bears a flower. On

another and still more curious cylinder is a monarch or

god, behind whom stands a servant, holding up the symbol

(Fig. 17). The god is between two handled crosses, and

behind the servant is a Maltese cross. Some way above

is a bird with expanded wings. Again, on another the

winged figure is accompanied by the cross. A remark-

able specimen, from which I have copied the principal

figure (Fig. 18), represents a god holding the sacred sign

by the long arm, whilst a priest offers him a gazelle.

* Miinter, Religion d. Babylonier, Taf. i.

TJie Legend of the Cross. 289

An oval seal, of white chalcedony, engraved in the

M^moires de I'Acad^mie royale des Inscriptions et Belles

Lettres (vol. xvi.), has as subject a standing figure be-

tween two stars, beneath which are handled crosses.

Above the head of the deity is the triangle, or symbol

of the Trinity.

This seal is of uncertain origin : it is supposed not

to be Babylonish, but Phoenician. The Phoenicians also

regarded the cross as a sacred sign. The goddess Astarte,

the moon, the presiding divinity over the watery element,

is represented on the coins of Byblos holding a long staff

surmounted by a cross, and resting her foot on the prow

of a galley, and not unlike the familiar figures of Faith on

the Christian Knowledge Society books.

The Cyclopean temple at Gozzo, the island adjacent

to Malta, has been supposed to be a shrine of the

Phoenicians to Mylitta or Astarte. It is of a cruciform

shape (Fig. 9). A superb medal of Cilicia, bearing a

Phoenician legend, and struck under the Persian domina-

tion, has on one side a figure of this goddess with a crux

ansata by her side, the lower member split.

Another form of the cross (Figs. 19, 20) is repeated

frequently and prominently on coins of Asia Minor. It

occurs as the reverse of a silver coin supposed to be of


290 The Lege7td of the Cross.

Cyprus, on several Cilician coins : it is placed beneath

the throne of Baal of Tarsus, on a Phoenician coin of

that town, bearing the legend Tin ^isn (Baal Tharz).

A medal, possibly of the same place, with partially oblit-

erated Phoenician characters, has the cross occupying the

entire field of the reverse side. Several, with inscriptions

in unknown characters, have a ram on one side, and the

cross and ring on the other. Another has the sacred

bull accompanied by this symbol ; others have a lion's

head on obverse, and the cross and circle on the


A beautiful Sicilian medal of Camarina bears a swan

and altar, and beneath the altar is one of these crosses

with a ring attached to it.*

As in Phoenician iconography this cross generally ac-

companies a deity, in the same manner as the handled

cross is associated with the Persepolitan, Babylonish, and

Egyptian gods, we may conclude that it had with the

Phoenicians the same signification of life eternal. That

it also symbolized regeneration through water, I also be-

lieve. On Babylonish cylinders it is generally employed

in conjunction with the hawk or eagle, either seated on

* These medals are engraved to accompany the article of M.

Raoul-Rochette on the Croix ansee, in the Mem. de 1'Academic des

Inscr. et Belles Lettres, torn. xvi.

TJie Legend of the Cross. 291

it, or flying above it. This eagle is Nisroch, whose eyes

are always flowing with tears for the death of Tammuz.

Nesr, or Nisroch, is certainly the rain-cloud. In Greek

iconography Zeus, the heaven, is accompanied by the

eagle to symbolize the cloud. On several Phoenician or

uncertain coins of Asia Minor the eagle and the cross go

together. Therefore I think that the cross may symbolize

life restored by rain.

An inscription in Thessaly, EPMAfi X0ONIOY, is

accompanied by a Calvary cross (Fig. 21) ; and Greek

crosses of equal arms adorn the tomb of Midas, in Phry-

gia. Crosses of different shapes, chiefly like Figs. 2 and 1 1,

are common on ancient cinerary urns in Italy. These two

forms occur on sepulchral vessels found under a bed of vol-

canic tufa on the Alban mount, and of remote antiquity.

It is curious that the T should have been used on

the roll of the Roman soldiery as the sign of life, whilst

the designated death.*

But, long before the Romans, long before the Etrus-

cans, there lived in the plains of Northern Italy a people

to whom the cross was a religious symbol, the sign be-

neath which they laid their dead to rest ; a people of

* Isidor. Origin, i. c. 23. "T nota in capite versiculi supposita

superstitem designat." Persius, Sat. iv. 13. Rufin. in Hieronym.

ap. Casaubon ad Pers.

2g2 The Legend of the Cross.

whom history tells nothing, knowing not their name ; but

of whom antiquarian research has learned this, that they

lived in ignorance of the arts of civilization, that they

dwelt in villages built on platforms over lakes, and that

they trusted in the cross to guard, and may be to revive,

their loved ones whom they committed to the dust.

Throughout Emilia are found remains of these people


these remains form quarries whence manure is dug by the

peasants of the present day. These quarries go by the

name of terramares. They are vast accumulations of

cinders, charcoal, bones, fragments of pottery, and other

remains of human industry. As this earth is very rich in

phosphates, it is much appreciated by the agriculturists as

a dressing for their land. In these terramares there are

no human bones. The fragments of earthenware belong

to articles of domestic use ; with them are found querns,

moulds for metal, portions of cabin floors and walls, and

great quantities of kitchen refuse. They are deposits

analogous to those which have been discovered in Den-

mark and in Switzerland. The metal discovered in the

majority of these terramares is bronze. The remains

belong to three distinct ages. In the first none of the

fictile ware was turned on the wheel or fire-baked. Some-

times these deposits exhibit an advance of civilization.

The Legend of the Cross. 293

Iron came into use, and witla it the potter's wheel was

discovered, and the earthenware was put in the furnace.

When in the same quarry these two epochs are found,

the remains of the second age are ahvays superposed

over those of the bronze age.

A third period is occasionally met with, but only occa-

sionally. A period when a rude art introduced itself, and

representations of animals or human beings adorned the

pottery. Among the remains of this period is found the

first trace of money, the aes rude, little bronze fragments

without shape.

According to the calculations of M. Des Vergers, the

great development of Etruscan civilization took place

about 290 years before the foundation of Rome, more

than 1040 years before our era. The age of the terra-

mares must be long antecedent to the time of Etruscan

civilization. The remote antiquity of these remains may

be gathered from the amount of accumulation over them.

A section of the deposit in Parma, where was one of these

lacustrine villages is as follows :—

ft. in.

Roman and later remains a depth of 41Midden of ancient inliabitants, three deposits separated by

thin layers of red earth or ashes 6 8

Latest bed of lake containing piles 7 o

Secondary bed containing piles 3 3

Original bed of lake containing piles 21 o

294 TJie Legend of the Cross.

Twice had the accumulation risen so as to necessitate the

re-driving of piles, and over the last, the deposits had

reached the height of 6 feet 8 inches. Since the age

when these people vanished, earth has accumulated to

the depth of 4 feet.

At Castione, not far from the station of Borgo St.

Donino, on tlie line between Parma and Placenza, is a

convent built on a mound. Where that mound rises there

was originally a lake, and the foundations of the building

are laid in the ruins of an ancient population which filled

the lake, and converted it into a hill of refuse.

From the broken bones in the middens, we learn that

the roebuck, the stag, the wild boar, then ranged the

forests, that cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, and dogs were

domesticated ; that these people had two kinds of horses,

one a powerful animal, the other small-boned, and that

horseflesh was eaten by the inhabitants of the terramares.

Wheat, barley, millet, and beans have been found about

the piles, together with the stones of wild plums, sloes,

and cherries, also crab-apple pips.

A bronze dagger was found at Castione, a spear-head

of the same metal in the deposit of Bargone di Salso. A

hatchet came from the terramare of Noceto;quantities

of little wheels, of unknown use, have been discovered.

TJie Legend of the Cross. 295

also hair-pins and combs. One, for a lady's back-hair,

ornamented, and of stag's horn, came from the terramare

of Fodico di Poviglio. The pottery found is mostly in

fragments. Sometimes the bottoms of the vessels were

rudely engraved with crosses (Figs. 22, 23, 24).

At Villanova, in the Commune of St. Maria delle Ca-

selle, near Bologna, has been discovered a cemetery of

this ancient people. The, graves cover a space measuring

about 73 yards by 36 yards. One hundred and thirty-

three tombs have been examined. They were constructed

of great bowlders, rectangular, somewhat cylindrical, and

slightly conical. Earth had accumulated over them, and

they were buried. They were about four feet deep. The

cist was floored with slabs of freestone, the sides were

built up of bowlders ; other cists were constructed of

slabs, and cubical in shape. A hundred and seventy-nine

of the bodies had been burnt. Each tomb contained a

cinerary urn containing the calcined human remains. The

urns were of a peculiar shape, and appeared to have been

made for the purpose. They resembled a dice-box, and

consisted of a couple of inverted cones with a partition

at their bases, where they were united. Half-melted

remains of ornaments were found with some of the

human ashes. In one vessel was a charred fragment of a

296 TJic Legend of tJie Cross.

horse's rib. Therefore it is likely that the favorite horse

was sacrificed and consumed with his master.

The mouth of the urn which contained the ashes of

the deceased was closed uith a little vessel or saucer.

Near the remains of the dead were found curious solid

double cones with rounded ends ; these ends were elabo-

rately engraved with crosses (Figs. 23, 25, 27). In the

ossuaries made of double cones, around the diaphragm

ran a line of circles containing crosses (Fig. 26).

Another cemetery of the same people exists at Gola-

secca, on the plateau of Somma, at the extremity of the

Lago Maggiore. A vast number of sepulchres have there

been opened. They belong to the same period as those

of Villanova, the age of lacustrine habitations.

" That which characterizes the sepulchres of Golasecca,

and gives them their highest interest," says M. de Mortil-

let, who investigated them, " is this,— first, the entire

absence of all organic representations ; we only found

three, and they were exceptional, in tombs not belonging

to the plateau ;— secondly, the almost invariable presence

of the cross under the vases in the tombs. When one

reverses the ossuaries, the saucer-lids, or the accessory

vases, one saw almost always, if in good preservation, a

cross traced thereon. . . , The examination of the tombs

The Legend of tJie Cross. 297

of Golasecca proves in a most convincing, positive, and

precise manner, that which the terramares of Emilia had

only indicated, but which had been confirmed by the

cemetery of Villanova ; that above a thousand years be-

fore Christ, the cross was already a religious emblem of

frequent employment." *

It may be objected to this, that the cross is a sign so

easily made, that it was naturally the first attempted by a

rude people. There are, however, so many varieties of

crosses among the urns of Golasecca, and ingenuity

seems to have been so largely exercised in diversifying

this one sign, without recurring to others, that I can-

not but believe the sign itself had a religious signification.

On the other side of the Alps, at the same period,

lived a people in a similar state of civilization, whose

palustrine habitations and remains have been carefully

explored. Among the Swiss potteries, however, the cross

is very rarely found.

In the depths of the forests of Central America is a

ruined city. It was not inhabited at the time of the con-

quest of Mexico by the Spaniards. They discovered the

* De Mortillet, Le signe de la Croix avant le Christianisme.

Paris, 1S66. The title of this book is deceptive. The subject is

the excavations of pre-historic remains in Northern Italy, and pre-

Christian crosses are only casually and cursorily dealt with.

298 TJie Legend of the Cross.

temples and palaces of Chiapa, but of Palenque they

knew nothing. According to tradition it was founded by

Votan in the ninth century before the Christian era.

The principal building in Palenque is the palace, 228 feet

long, by 180 feet, and 40 feet high. The Eastern fagade

has fourteen doors opening on a terrace, with bas-reliefs

between them. A noble tower rises above the courtyard

in the centre. In this building are several small temples

or chapels, with altars standing. At the back of one of

these altars is a slab of gypsum, on which are sculptured

two figures standing, one on each side of a cross (Fig. 28),

to which one is extending his hands with an offering of a

baby or a monkey. The cross is surrounded with rich

feather-work, and ornamental chains.*

The style of sculpture, and the accompanying hiero-

glyphic inscriptions, leave no room for doubting it to be a

heathen representation. Above the cross is a bird of

peculiar character, perched, as we saw the eagle Nisroch,

on a cross upon a Babylonish cylinder. The same cross

is represented on old pre-Mexican MSS., as in the

Dresden Codex, and that in the possession of Herr

Fejervary, at the end of which is a colossal cross, in the

midst of which is represented a bleeding deity, and fig-

* Stephens, Central America. London, 1842. Vol. ii. p. 346.

The Legend of the Cross, 299

ures stand round a Tau cross, upon which is perched

the sacred bird.*

The cross was also used in the north of Mexico. It

occurs amongst the Mixtecas and in Queredaro. Si-

guenza speaks of an Indian cross which was found in the

cave of Mixteca Baja. Among the ruins on the island

of Zaputero in Lake Nicaragua were also found old

crosses reverenced by the Indians. White marble crosses

were found on the island of St. UUoa, on its discovery.

In the state of Oaxaca, the Spaniards found that wooden

crosses were erected as sacred symbols, so also in Agua-

tolco, and among the Zapatecas. The cross was vener-

ated as far as Florida on one side, and Cibola on the

other. In South America, the same sign was considered

symbolical and sacred. It was revered in Paraguay. In

Peru the Incas honored a cross made out of a single

piece of jasper ; it was an emblem belonging to a former


Among the Muyscas at Cumana the cross was regarded

with devotion, and was believed to be endued with power

to drive away evil spirits ; consequently new-born children

were placed under the sign.f

* Klemm, Kiilturgeschichte, v. 142, 143.

t See list of authorities in Miiller, Geschichte der Amerikan-

ischeii Uireligionen. Basel, 1855, pp. 371, 421, 49S, 499.

300 The LegeJid of the Cross.

Probably all these crosses, certainly those of Central

America, were symbols of the Rain-god. This we are

told by the conquerors, of the crosses on the island of

Cozumel. The cross was not an original symbol of the

Azteks and Tolteks, but of the Maya race, who inhabited

Mexico, Guatemala, and Yucatan. The Mayas were sub-

divided into the tribes of Totonacs, Othomi, Huasteks,

Tzendales, &c., and were conquered by a Nahual race

from the North, called Azteks and Tolteks, who founded

the great Mexican empire with which Cortez and his

Spaniards were brought in collision.* This Maya stock

was said to have been highly civilized, and the conquered

to have influenced their conquerors.

The Maya race invaded Central America, coming from

the Antilles, when the country was peopled by the Quina-

mies, to whom the Cyclopean erections still extant are

attributed. They were overthrown by Votan, B.C. 800.

The cross was adopted by the Azteks, from the conquered

ISlayas. It was the emblem of Quiateot, the god of Rain.

In order to obtain rain litde boys and girls were sacrificed

to him, and their flesh was devoured at a sacred banquet

by the chiefs. Among the Mexicans, the showery month

* It is exceedingly difficult to classify these races, and arrive at

anv exact conclusions with regard to their history. The Tzendales

were probably never conquered.

Tlie Legend of the Cross. 301

Quiahuitl received its name from him. In Cibola, water

as the generator was honored under this symbol ; in

Cozumel, the sacred cross in the temples was of wood or

stone, ten palms high, and to it were offered incense

and quails. To obtain showers, the people bore it in


The Tolteks said that their national deity Quetzalcoatl

had introduced the sign and ritual of the cross, and it was

their God of Rain and Health, and was called the Tree

of Nutriment, or Tree of Life. On this account also was

the mantle of the Toltek atmospheric god covered with

red crosses.

The cross was again a symbol of mysterious significance

in Brahminical iconography. In the Cave of Elephanta,

in India, over the head of a figure engaged in massacring

infants, is to be seen the cross. It is placed by Muller,

in his " Glauben, Wissen, und Kunst der alten Hindus,"

in the hands of Seva, Brahma, Vishnu, Tvashtri (Fig. 29).

This cross has a wheel in the centre, and is called Kiakra,

or Tschakra. When held by Vishnu, the world-sustaining

principle, it signifies his power to penetrate heaven and

earth, and bring to naught the powers of evil. It symbol-

izes the eternal governance of the world, and to it the

worshipper of Vishnu attributes as many virtues as does

302 The Legend of the Cross.

the devout Catholic to the Christian cross, Fra Paolino

tells us it was used by the ancient kings of India as a


In a curious Indian painting reproduced by Miiller

(Tab. I., fig. 2), Brahma is represented crowned with

clouds, with lilies for eyes, with four hands— one holding

the necklace of creation ; another the Veda ; a third, the

chalice of the source of life ; the fourth, the fiery cross.

Another painting (Tab. i., fig. 78) represents Krishna in

the centre of the world as its sustaining principle, with

six arms, three of which hold the cross, one a sceptre of

dominion, another a flute, a third a sword. Another

(Tab. II., fig. 61) gives Jama, the judge of the nether

world, with spear, sword, scales, torch, and cross. Tab.

II., fig. 140, gives Brawani, the female earth-principle,

holding a lily, a flame, a sword, and a cross. The list of

representations might be greatly extended.

It was only natural that the early and mediaeval Chris-

tians, finding the cross a symbol of life among the nations

of antiquity, should look curiously into the Old Testament,

to see whether there were not foreshadovvings in it of

'' the wood whereby righteousness cometh."

They found it in the blood struck on the lintel and the

door-posts of the houses of the Israelites in Egypt. They


The Legend of the Cross. 303

supposed the rod of Moses to have been headed 'v\ith the

Egyptian Crux ansata, in which case its employment in

producing the storm of rain and hail, in dividing the Red

Sea, in bringing streams of water from the rock, testify

to its symbolic character with reference to water. They

saw it in Moses with arms expanded on the IMount, in

the pole with transverse bar upon which was wreathed

the brazen serpent, and in the two sticks gathered by tlie

Widow of Sarepta. But especially was it seen in the

passage of Ezekiel (ix. 4. 6), "The Lord said unto him,

Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of

Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men

that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be

done in the midst thereof. Slay utterly old and young,

both maids, and little children, and women : but come not

near any man upon whom is the mark ; and begin at My

sanctuary." In the Vulgate, it stands :" Et signa Thau

super frontes vivorum gementium." There is some doubt

as to whether the sign Thau should be inserted or not.

The Septuagint does not give it. It simply says 809

a-rjfxfiov. St. Jerome testifies that the versions of Aquila

and Symmachus, written, the one under Adrian, the other

under Marcus Aurelius, were without it, and that it was

only in the version of Theodotion, made under Septimius

304 TJie Legend of the Cross.

Severus, that the T was inserted. Nevertheless St. Jerome

adopted it in his translation.

On the other hand Tertullian saw the cross in tliis

passage.* The Thau was the old Hebrew character,

which the Samaritan resembled, and which was shaped

like a cross. St. Jerome probably did not adopt his ren-

dering without foundation, for he was well skilled in

Hebrew, and he refers again and again to this passage

of Ezekiel.t The Epistle of St. Barnabas seems to allude

to it; J so do St. Cyprian, St. Augustine, Origen, and St.

Isidore. § Bishop Lowth was disposed to accept the

Thau, so was Dr. Miinter, the Protestant bishop of Zee-

land. But, indeed, there need be litde doubt as to the

passage. The word for sign used by the prophet is ipi

Tail, meaning, as Gesenius says in his Lexicon, signnvi

crucifoi-me ; and he adds, "The Hebrews on their coins

adopted the most ancient cruciform sign -|-."

The Mediaevals went further still : they desired to see

the cross still stronger characterized in the history of the

* Adv. Marcion. iii. 22 :" Est enim littera, Groecorum Thau,

nostra autem T, species crucis quam portendebant futuram in

frontibus nostris apud veram et catholicam Hierusalem."

t In Ezech. ix. 4. Epistol. ad Fabio]. In Isaia c. Ixvi.

\ Epist. ch. ix : 2Tai»pJ»s eV t^ T eyusAAf j/ «x*"' ''"V X*/"*'-

§ Cvpr. Testimon. adv. Jud. ii. c. 27. August, de Alterc. S3113J.

et Eccles.

The Legend of the Cross. 305

Jewish Church, and, as the records of the Old Covenant

were deficient on that point, they supplemented them

with fable.

That fable is the fomance or Legend of the Cross, a

legend of immense popularity in the Middle Ages, if we

may judge by the numerous representations of its

leading incidents, which meet us in stained glass and


In the churches of Troyes alone, it appears on the

windows of St. Martin-es-Vignes, of St. Pantaleon, St.

Madeleine, and St. Nizier.*

It is frescoed along the walls of the choir of the church

of St. Croce at Florence, by the hand of Agnolo Gaddi.

Pietro della Francesca also dedicated his pencil to the

history of the Cross in a series of frescoes in the Chapel

of the Bacci, in the church of St. Francesco at Arezzo.

It occurs as a predella painting among the specimens of

early art in the Academia delle Belle Arti at Venice, and

is the subject of a picture by Beham in the Munich

Gallery.! The legend is told in full in the Vita Christi,

printed at Troyes in 151 7; in the Legenda Aurea of

Jacques de Voragine ; in an old Dutch work, " Gerschie-

* Curiosites de la Champagne. Paris, i860.

t Lady Eastlake's History of our Lord. Lond 1865, ii. p. 390.

3o6 The Legend of the Cross.

denis van det heylighe Cruys ;" in a French MS. of the

thirteenth century in the British Museum. Gen'ase of

Tilbury relates a portion of it in his Otia Imperalia,*

quoting from Comestor ; it appears "also in the Speculum

Historiale, in Gottfried von Viterbo, in the Chronicon

Engelhusii, and elsewhere.

Gottfried introduces a Hiontus in the place of Seth in

the following story ; Hiontus is corrupted from lonicus

or lonithus.

The story is as follows :—

When our first father was banished Paradise, he lived

in penitence, striving to recompense for the past by prayer

and toil. When he reached a great age and felt death

approach, he summoned Seth to his side, and said, " Go,

my son, to the terrestrial Paradise, and ask the Archangel

who keeps the gate to give me a balsam which will save

me from death. You will easily find the way, because

my footprints scorched the soil as I left Paradise. Fol-

low my blackened traces, and they will conduct you to

the gate whence I was expelled." Seth hastened to Para-

dise. The way was barren, vegetation was scanty and of

sombre colors ; over all lay the black prints of his father's

and mother's feet. Presently the walls surrounding Para-

* Tertia Decisio, c. liv. ; ed. Liebiecht, p. 25.

TJie Legend of the Cross. 307

dise appeared. Around them nature revived, the earth

was covered with verdure and dappled with flowers. The

air vibrated with exquisite music. Seth was dazzled with

the beauty which surrounded him, and he walked on

forgetful of his mission. Suddenly there flashed before

i him a wavering line of fire, upright, like a serpent of light

continuously quivering. It was the flaming sword in the

hand of the Cherub who guarded the gate. As Seth drew

nigh, he saw that the angel's wings were expanded so as

to block the door. He prostrated himself before the

Cheiiib, unable to utter a word. But the celestial being

read in his soul, better than a mortal can read a book, the

words which were there impressed, and he said, " The

time of pardon is not yet come. Four thousand years

must roll away ere the Redeemer shall open the gate to

Adam, closed by his disobedience. But as a token of

future pardon, the wood whereon redemption shall be

won shall grow from the tomb of thy father. Behold

what he lost by his transgression !


At these words the angel swung open the great portal

of gold and fire, and Seth looked in.

He beheld a fountain, clear as crystal, sparkhng like

silver dust, playing in the midst of the garden, and gush-

ing forth in four living streams. Before this mystic foun-

3oS TJie Legend of the Cross.

tain grew a mighty tree, with a trunk of vast bulk, and

thickly branched, but destitute of bark and foliage.

Around the bole was wreathed a frightful serpent or

caterpillar, which had scorched the bark and devoured

the leaves. Beneath the tree was a precipice. Seth

beheld the roots of the tree in Hell. There Cain was

endeavoring to grasp the roots, and clamber up them into

Paradise ; but they laced themselves around the body and

limbs of the fratricide, as the threads of a spider's web

entangle a fly, and the fibres of the tree penetrated the

body of Cain as though they were endued with life.

Horror-struck at this appalling spectacle, Seth raised

his eyes to the summit of the tree. Now all was changed.

The tree had grown till its branches reached heaven. The

boughs were covered with leaves, flowers, and fruit. But

the fairest fruit was a little babe, a living sun, who seemed

to be listening to the songs of seven white doves who

circled round his head. A woman, more lovely than the

moon, bore the child in her arms.

Then the Cherub shut the door, and said, " I give thee

now three seeds taken from that tree. When Adam is

dead, place these three seeds in thy father's mouth, and

bury him."

So Seth took the seeds and returned to his father.

The Legend of the Cross. 309

Adam was glad to hear what his son told him, and he

praised God. On the third day after the return of Seth

he died. Then his son buried him in the skins of beasts

which God had given him for a covering, and his sepulchre

was on Golgotha. In course of time three trees grew

from the seeds brought from Paradise : one was a cedar,

another a cypress, and the third a pine. They grew with

prodigious force, thrusting their boughs to right and left.

It was with one of these boughs that Moses performed

his miracles in Egypt, brought water out of the rock,

and healed those whom the serpents slew in the desert.

After a while the three trees touched one another,

then began to incorporate and confound their several

natures in a single trunk. It was beneath this tree that

David sat when he bewailed his sins.

In the time of Solomon, this was the noblest of the

trees of Lebanon ; it surpassed all in the forests of King

Hiram, as a monarch surpasses those who crouch at his

feet. Now, when the son of David erected his palace,

he cut down this tree to convert it into the main pillar

supporting his roof. But all in vain. The column refused

to answer the purpose : it was at one time too long, at

another too short. Surprised at this resistance, Solomon

lowered the walls of his palace, to suit the beam ; but at

3IO TJie Legend of the Cross.

once it shot up and pierced the roof, like an arrow driven

.through a piece of canvas, or a bird recovering its liberty.

Solomon, enraged, cast the tree over Cedron, that all

might trample on it as they crossed the brook.

There the Queen of Sheba found it, and she, recog-

nizing its virtue, had it raised. Solomon then buried it.

Some while after, the king dug the pool of Bethesda on

the spot. This pond at once acquired miraculous prop-

erties, and healed the sick who flocked to it. The water

owed its virtues to the beam which lay beneath it.

When the time of the Crucifixion of Christ drew nigh,

this wood rose to the surface, and was brought out of the

water. The executioners, when seeking a suitable beam

to serve for the cross, found it, and of it made the instru-

ment of the death of the Saviour. After the Crucifixion

it was buried on Calvary, but it was found by the Empress

Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, deep in the

ground with two others. May 3, 328 ; Christ's was distin-

guished from those of the thieves by a sick woman being

cured by touching it. This same event is, however,

ascribed by a Syriac MS. in the British Museum, unques-

tionably of the 5th century, to Protonice, wife of the

Emperor Claudius. It was carried away by Chosroes,

king of Persia, on the plundering of Jerusalem ; but was

The Legend of the Cross. 3 1


recovered by Heraclius, who defeated him in battle,

Sept. 14, 615 ; a day that has ever since been com-

memorated as the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.

Such is the Legend of the Cross, one of the wildest

of mediaeval fancies. It is founded, though uncon-

sciously, on this truth, that the Cross was a sacred sign

long before Christ died upon it.

And how account for this? •

For my own part, I see no difficulty in believing that

it formed a portion of the primaeval religion, traces of

which exist over the whole world, among every people;

that trust in the Cross was a part of the ancient faith

which taught men to believe in a Trinity, in a War in

Heaven, a Paradise from which man fell, a Flood, and a

Babel ; a faith which was deeply impressed with a con-

viction that a Virgin should conceive and bear a son, that

the Dragon's head should be bruised, and that through

Shedding of blood should come Remission. The use of

the cross, as a symbol of life and regeneration tlirough

water, is as widely spread over the world as the belief in

the ark of Noah. May be, the shadow of the Cross was

cast further back into the night of ages, and fell on a

wider range of country, than we are aware of.

It is more than a coincidence that Osiris by the cross

3 1


The Legend of the Cross.

should give life eternal to the Spirits of the Just ; that

with the cross Thon- should smite the head of the Great

Serpent, and bring to life those who were slain ; that

beneath the cross the Muysca mothers should lay their

babes, trusting by that sign to secure them from the power

of evil spirits ; that with that symbol to protect them, the

ancient people of Northern Italy should lay them down

in the dust. •




T will be remembered that, on the giving of the law

from Sinai, Moses was bidden erect to God an altar :

" Thou shalt not build it of hewn stone, for if thou Uft up

thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it " (Exod. xx. 25).

And later :" There shalt thou boild an altar unto the

Lord thy God, an altar of stones : thou shalt not lift up

any iron tool upon them " (Deut. xxvii. 6). Such an

altar was raised by Joshua after the passage of Jordan :

" An altar of whole stones, over which no man hath lift

up any iron" (Joshua viii. 31).

When King Solomon erected his glorious temple, " the

house, when it was in building, was built of stone made

ready before it was brought thither : so that there was

neither hammer, nor axe, nor any tool of iron, heard in

the house while it was in building " (i Kings vi. 7). And

the reason of the prohibition of iron in the construction

of the altar is given in the Mischna— iron is used to

shorten life, the altar to prolong it (Middoth 3, 4). Iron

314 Schamir.

is the metal used in war ; with it, says Pliny, we do the

best and worst acts : we plough fields, we build houses,

we cleave rocks ; but with it, also, come strife and blood-

shed and rapine. The altar was the symbol of peace

made between God and man, and therefore the metal

employed in war was forbidden to be used in its erection.

The idea was extended by Solomon to the whole temple.

It is not said that iron was not used in the preparation of

the building stones, but that no tool was heard in the

fitting together of the parts.

That temple symbolized the Church triumphant in

heaven when the stones, hewn afar off in the quarries

of this world, are laid noiselessly in their proper place,

so that the whole, " fitly framed together, groweth unto a

holy temple in the Lord ;" an idea well expressed in the

ancient hymn " Angulare fundamentum :"—

" Many a blow and biting sculpture

Polish'd well those stones elect,

In their places well compacted

By the heavenly Architect."

Nothing in the sacred narrative implies any miraculous

act having been accomplished in this erecting a temple

of stones hewn at a distance ; and in the account of the

building of the temple in the Book of Chronicles no

Schamir. 3 1


reference is made to the circumstance, which would have

been the case had any marvel attended it.

The Septuagint renders the passage, 6 ouoy Xt'^ots

oKpoTOfjiois dpyols (OKo^ofifjdrj. The word aKpoTOfios is used

by the LXX in three places, for mi?3iin, which is rough,

hard, unhewn stone. Where it says in Deuteronomy

(viii. 15), "Who brought thee forth water out of the

rock of flint," the LXX use aKporojios. Where the Psalm-

ist says, " Who turned the flint-stone into a springing

well " (Ps. cxiv. 8), and Job, " He putteth His hand upon

the rock " (xxviii. 9), they employ aKporoiios. So, too, in

the Book of Wisdom (xi. 4)," Water was given them out

of the flinty rock," « irerpas aKporonov, which is paralleled

by " the hard stone," 'Kldos <TK\r}p6s. And in Ecclesiasti-

cus, Ezekias is said to have " digged the hard rock with

iron," (opv^e (Tihrjpa oKpoTopov (xlviii. 17).

Aldos d-KpoTopos is, therefore, not a hewn stone, but one

with natural angles, unhewn. Thus Suidas uses the ex-

pression, a-KXrjpa Kol arp-qros, and Tlieodotion calls the

sharp stone used by Zipporah in circumcising her son,

oKpoTopos. The dpyois of the LXX signifies also the rough

natural condition of the stones. Thus Pausanias speaks

of gold and silver in unfused, rough lumps as apyvpos kqi

Xpva-oi dpyos. Apparently, then, the LXX, in saying that

3i6 Schamir.

the temple was erected of ciKpoTo/ioiy apyoTs-, express their

meaning that the stones were unhewn and in their natural

condition, so that the skill of Solomon was exhibited in

putting together stones which had never been subjected

to the tool. This is also the opinion of Josephus, who

says, " The whole edifice of the temple is, with great art,

compacted of rough stones, e'/c Xi'^wf dKporofiwi', which

have been fitted into one another quite harmoniously,

without the work of hammer or any other builder's tool

being observable, but the whole fits together without the

use of these, and the fitting seems to be rather one of

free will than of force through mechanical means." And

therein lay the skill of the king, for the unshapen blocks

were pieced together as though they had been carefully

wrought to their positions. And Procopius says that the

temple was erected of unhewn stones, as it was forbidden

of God to hft iron upon them, but that, nevertheless, they

all fitted into one another. We see in these passages

tokens of the marvellous having been supposed to attach

to a work which was free from any miraculous interposi-

tion. But at this point fable did not stop. Upon the

carrying away of the Jews to Babylon, they were brought

into contact with a flood of Iranian as well as Chaldsean

myths, and adopted them without hesitation.

Schamir. 317

Around Solomon accumulated the fables which were

related of Dschemschid and other Persian heroes, and

were adopted by the Jews as legends of native produc-

tion. It was not sufficient that Solomon should have

skilfully pieced together the rough stones : he was sup-

posed to have hewn them by supernatural means, without

the tool of iron.

As Solomon, thus ran the tale, was about to build the

temple wthout the use of iron, his wise men drew his

attention to the stones of the high priest's breastplate,

which had been cut and polished by something harder

than themselves. This was schamir, which was able to

cut where iron would not bite. Thereupon Solomon sum-

moned the spirits to inform him of the whereabouts of

this substance. They told him schamir was a worm of

the size of a barley com, but so powerful that the hardest

flint could not resist him. The spirits advised Solomon

to seek Asmodeus, king of the devils, who could give him

further information. When Solomon inquired where As-

modeus was to be met with, they replied that, on a distant

mountain, he had dug a huge cistern, out of which- he

daily drank. Solomon then sent Benaiah with a chain, on

which was written the magic word " schem hammpho-

rasch," a fleece of wool, and a skin of wine. Benaiah,

3 1



having arrived at the cistern of Asmodeus, undermined it,

and let the water off by a little hole, which he then

plugged up with the wool ; after which he filled the pit

with wine. The evil spirit came, as was his wont, to the

cistern, and scented the wine. Suspecting treachery, he

refused to drink, and retired ; but at length, impelled by

thirst, he drank, and, becoming intoxicated, was chained

by Benaiah and carried away. Benaiah had no willing

prisoner to conduct : Asmodeus plunged and kicked, up-

setting trees and houses. In this manner he came near a

hut in which lived a widow, and when she besought him

not to injure her poor little cot, he turned aside, and, mso doing, bfoke his leg. " Rightly," said the devil, " is it

written :* a soft tongue breaketh the bone !

'" (Prov. xxv.

15). And a diable boiteux he has ever remained. When

in the presence of Solomon, Asmodeus was constrained to

behave with greater decorum. Schamir, he told Solomon,

was the property of the Prince of the Sea, and that prince

intrusted none with the mysterious worm except the

moor-hen, which had taken an oath of fidelity to him.

The moor-hen takes the schamir with her to the tops

of the mountains, splits them, and injects seeds, which

grow and cover the naked rocks. Wherefore the bird is

called Naggar Tura, the mountain-carver. If Solomon

Schamir. 319

desired to possess himself of the worm, he must find the

nest of the moor-hen, and cover it with a plate of glass,

so that the mother-bird could not get at her young with-

out breaking the glass. She would seek schamir for the

purpose, and the worm must be obtained from her.

Accordingly, Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, sought the nest

of the bird, and laid over it a piece of glass. When the

moor-hen came, and could not reach her young, she flew

away and fetched schamir, and placed it on the glass.

Then Benaiah shouted, and so terrified the bird, that she

dropped the worm and flew away. Benaiah by this means

obtained possession of the coveted schamir, and bore it

to Solomon. But the moor-hen was so distressed at

having broken her oath to the Prince of the Sea that she

slew herself* According to another version, Solomon

went to his fountain, where he found the daemon Sackar,

whom he captured by a ruse, and chained down. Solo-

mon pressed his ring to the chains, and Sackar uttered a

cry so slirill that the earth quaked.

Quoth Solomon, " Fear not ; I shall restore you to

hberty if you will tell me how to burrow noiselessly after

minerals and metals."

* Gittin, Ixviii. Eisenmenger : Neu-Entdecktes Judenthum.

Konigsberg, 1711, i. p. 351.

320 Schamir.

" I know not how to do so," answered the Jin; "but

the raven can tell you : place over her eggs a sheet

of crystal, and you shall see how the mother will

break it."

Solomon did so, and the mother brought a stone and

shattered the crystal. " Whence got you that stone ?"

asked Solomon.

" It is the stone Samur," answered the raven ; " it

comes from a desert in the uttermost east." So the

monarch sent some giants to follow the raven, and bring

him a suitable number of stones." *

According to a third version, the bird is an eagle,

and schamir is the Stone of Wisdom.

Possessed of this schamir, Solomon wTOught the stones

for his temple.

Rabbinical fantasy has developed other myths con-

cerning this mysterious force, resident in worm or stone.

On the second day of Creation were created the well by

which Jacob met Rebecca, the manna which fed the

Israelites, the wonder-working rod of Moses, the ass

which spake to Balaam, and schamir, the means whereby

without iron tool Solomon was to build the House of God.

* Collin de Plancy : Legendes de I'Ancien Test. Paris, 1861,

p. 280.

Schamir. 321

Schamir is not in early rabbinical fable a worm ; the trea-

tise Sota gives the first indication of its being regarded as

something more than a stone, by terming it a " creature,"

i<^'"a. " Our Rabbis have taught us that schamir is

a creature as big as a barley-corn, created in the hexa-

meron, and that nothing can resist it. How is it pre-

served ? It is wrapped in a wisp of wool, and kept in a

leaden box full of small grains like barley-meal." * After

the building of the temple schamir vanished.

The story passed to the Greeks. ^Han relates of the

eTTox//- or hoopoe, that a bird had once a nest in an old

wall, in which there was a rent. The proprietor plastered

over this crack. The hoopoe finding that she could not

get to her young, flew away in quest of a plant ttoo,

which she brought, and applied to the plaster, which at

once gave way, and admitted her to her young. Then

she went forth to seek food, and the man again stopped

up the hole, but once more the hoopoe removed the

obstacle by the same means. And this took place a third

time again. t What JEhan relates of the hoopoe, Pliny

tells of the woodpecker. This bird, he says, brings up its

young in holes ; and if the entrance to them be plugged

* Sota, xlviii. 8. t ^lian, Hist. Animal, iii. 26.


322 Schamir.

up never so tight, the bird is able to make the plug burst


In the English Gesta Romanorum is the following

story. There lived in Rome a noble emperor, Diocletian

by name, who loved the virtue of compassion above every

thing. Therefore he desired to know which of all the

birds was most kindly affectioned towards its young. One

day, the Emperor was wandering in the forest, when he

lit upon the nest of a great bird called ostrich, in which

was the mother with her young. The king took the nest

along with the poults to his palace, and put it into a glass

vessel. This the mother-bird saw, and, unable to reach

her little ones, she returned into the wood, and after an

absence of three days came back with a worm in her

beak, called thumare. This she dropped on the glass,

and by the power of the worm, the glass was shivered,

and the young flew away after their mother. When the

Emperor saw this, he highly commended both the affec-

tion and the sagacity of the ostrich. On which we may

remark, that a portion of that sagacity was wanting to

those who applied the myth to that bird which of all

others is singularly deficient in the qualities with which

Diocletian credited it. Similar stories are told by Vincent

of Beauvais in his " Historical Mirror," * and by gossip-

* Vincent Bellov , Spec. Nat. 20, 170.

Schamir. 323

ing, fable-loving, and delightful Gervase of Tilbury.* The

latter says that Solomon cut the stones of the temple with

the blood of a little worm called thamir, which when

sprinkled on the marble, made it easy to split. And the

way in which Solomon obtained the worm was this. He

had an ostrich, whose chick he put in a glass bottle.

Seeing this, the ostrich ran to the desert, and brought the

worm, and with its blood fractured the vessel. " And in

our time, in the reign of Pope Alexander III., when I was

a boy, there was found at Rome, a vial full of milky liquid,

which, when sprinkled on any kinds of stone, made them

receive such sculpture as the hand of the graver was

wont to execute. It was a vial discovered in a most

ancient palace, the matter and art of which was a subject

of wonder to the Roman people."

Gervase drew from Comestor (Regum lib. iii. c. 5).

'•' If you wish to burst chains," says Albertus Magnus,


" go into the wood, and look for a woodpecker's nest,

where there are young ; climb the tree, and choke the

mouth of the nest with any thing you like. As soon as

she sees you do this, she flies off for a plant, which she

lays on the stoppage ; this bursts, and the plant falls to

* Gervasii Tilberiensis Otia Imp., ed. Liebrecht. Hanov. 1856,

p. 48.

t De Mirab. Mundi. Argent. 1601, p. 225.

324 ScJiamir.

the ground under the tree, where you must have a cloth

spread for receivmg it." But then, says Albertus, this is

a fancy of the Jews.*

Conrad von Megenburg relates :" There is a bird which

in Latin is called merops, but which we in German term

Bomheckel (i. e. Baumhacker), which nests in high trees,

and when one covers its children with something to im-

pede the approach of the bird, it brings a herb, and holds

it over the obstacle, and it gives way. The plant is called

herha meropis^ or woodpecker-plant, and is called in magi-

cal books chora." f

In Normandy, the swallow knows how to find upon the

sea-beach a pebble which has the marvellous power of

restoring sight to the blind. The peasants tell of a certain

way of obtaining possession of this stone. You must put

out the eyes of a swallow's young, whereupon the mother-

bird will immediately go in quest of the stone. When

she has found it and applied it, she will endeavor to make

away with the talisman, that none may discover it. But

if one has taken the precaution to spread a piece of scar-

let cloth below the nest, the swallow, mistaking it for fire,

will drop the stone upon it.

* De Animalibus. Mantua, 1479, ^'^- P^S-

t Apud Mone, Anzeiger, viii. p. 614.

Schaniir. 325

I met with the story in Iceland. There the natives tell

that there is a stone of such wondrous power, that the

possessor can walk invisible, can, at a wish, provide him-

self with as much stock-fish and corn-brandy as he may

desire, can raise the dead, cure disease, and break bolts

and bars. In order to obtain this prize, one must hard-

boil an egg from the raven's nest, then replace it, and

secrete oneself till the mother-bird, finding one of her

eggs resist all her endeavors to infuse warmth into it, flies

off and brings a black pebble in her beak, with which she

touches the boiled egg, and restores it to its former con-

dition. At this moment she must be shot, and the stone

be secured.

In this form of the superstition schamir has the power

of giving life. This probably connects it with those sto-

ries, so rife in the middle ages, of birds or weasels, which

were able to restore the dead to life by means of a mys-

terious plant. Avicenna relates in his eighth book, " Of

Animals," that it was related to him by a faithful old man,

that he had seen two little birds squabbling, and that one

was overcome ; it therefore retired and ate of a certain

herb, then it returned to the onslaught ; which when the

old man observed frequently, he took away the herb, and

when the bird came and found the plant gone, it set

326 Schamir.

up a great cry and died. And this plant was ladua


In Fouque's " Sir Elidoc," a little boy Amyot is watch-

ing by a dead lady laid out in the church, when " suddenly

I heard a loud cry from the child. I looked up, a little

creature glided by me ; the shepherd's staff of the boy

flew after it ; the creature lay dead, stretched on tlie

ground by the blow. It was a weasel. . . . Presently

there came a second weasel, as if to seek his comrade,

and when he found him dead, a mournful scene began


he touched him as if to say, ' Wake up, wake up, let us

play together !' And when the other little animal lay

dead and motionless, the living one sprang back from him

in terror, and then repeated the attempt again and again,

many times. Its bright little eyes shone sadly, as if they

were full of tears. The sorrowful creature seemed as

though it suddenly bethought itself of something. It

erected its ears, it looked round with its bright eyes, and

then swiftly darted away. And before Amyot and I could

ask each other of the strange sight, the little animal re-

turned again, bearing in its mouth a root, a root to which

grew a red flower ; I had never before seen such a flower

blowing ; I made a sign to Amyot, and we both remained

motionless. The weasel came up quickly, and laid the

Schamir. '^2'/

root and the flower gently on its companion's mouth ; the

creature, but now stiff in death, stretched itself, and sud-

denly sprang up, with the root still in its mouth. I called

to Amyot, ' The root ! take it, take it, but do not kill!


Again he flung his staff, but so dexterously that he killed

neither of the weasels, nor even hurt them. The root

of life and the red blossoms lay on the ground before me,

and in my power." With this, naturally enough, the lady

who is speaking restores the corpse to life. Sir Elidoc is

founded on a Breton legend, the Lai d'EHduc of Marie

de France ; but another tale from the same country makes

the flower yellow ; it is a marigold, which, when touched

on a certain morning by the bare foot of one who has a

pure heart, gives the power to understand the language

of birds.* This is the same story as that of Polyidus and

Glaucus. Polyidus observed a serpent stealing towards

the corpse of the young prince. He slew it ; then came

another serpent, and finding its companion dead, it

fetched a root by which it restored life to the dead

serpent. Polyidus obtained possession of the plant, and

therewith revived Glaucus. f In the Greek romance of

Rhodante and Dosicles is an incident of similar char-

* Bode, Volksm'ahrchen a. d. Bretagne. Leipz 1847, p. 6.

t Apollodoius, ii. 3.

328 Schain ir.

acter. Rhodante swallows a poisoned goblet of wine,

and lies as one dead, deprived of sense and motion. In

the meanwhile, Dosicles and Cratander are chasing wild

beasts in the forest. There they find a wounded bear,

which seeks a certain plant, and, rolling upon it, recovers

health and vigor instantaneously. The root of this herb

was white, its flowers of a rosy hue, attached to a stalk

of purplish tinge. Dosicles picked the herb, and with

it returned to the house where he found Rhodante appar-

ently dead ; with the wondrous plant he, however, was

able to restore her. The same story is told in Germany,

in Lithuania, among the modern Greeks and ancient


Germany teems with stories of the marvellous proper-

ties of the Luckflower.

A man chances to pluck a beautiful flower, which in

most instances is blue, and this he puts in his breast, or

in his hat. Passing along a mountain side, he sees the

rocks gape before him, and entering, he sees a beautiful

lady, who bids him help himself freely to the gold which

is scattered on all sides in profusion. He crams the glit-

tering nuggets into his ])ockets, and is about to leave,

when she calls after him, "Forget not the best !" Think-

ing that she means him to take more, he feels his crammed

Schamir. 329

pockets, and finding that he has nothing to reproach

himself with in that respect, he seeks the light of day,

entirely forgetting the precious blue flower which had

opened to him the rocks, and which has dropped on the


As he hurries through the doonvay, the rocks close

upon him with a thunder-crash and cut off his heel.

The mountain-side is thenceforth closed to him for ever.

Once upon a time a shepherd was driving his flock

over the Ilsenstein, when, wearied with his tramp, he

leaned upon his staff. Instantly the mountain opened,

for in that staff was the " Springwort." Within he saw

the Princess Use, who bade him fill his pockets with

gold. The shepherd obeyed, and was going away, when

the princess exclaimed, " Forget not the best !" allud-

ing to his staff, which lay against the wall. But he,

misunderstanding her, took more gold, and the moun-

tain, clashing together, severed him in twain. In some

versions of the stor}', it is the pale blue flower —

" The blue flower, which— Bramins say—Blooms nowhere but in Paradise "—

{Lalla Rookh)

which exclaims in feeble, piteous tone, " Forget-me-

not !" but its little cry is unheeded.

330 ScJiamir.

Thus originated the name of the beautiful little

flower. When this story was forgotten, a romantic

fable was invented to account for the peculiar appella-


In the story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, it is

a word, "sesame," which makes the rocks part, and

gives admission to the treasures within ; and it is ob-

livion of the magic word which brings destruction upon

the luckless wretch within. But sesame is the name of

a well-known eastern plant, sesamum orientale; so that

probably in the original form of the Persian tale ab-

sorbed into the Arabian Nights, a flower was employed

to give admission to the mountain. But classic an-

tiquity has also its rock-breaking plant, the saxifraga,

whose tender rootlets penetrate and dissolve the hardest

stones with a force for which the Ancients were unable

to account.

Isaiah, describing the desolation of the vineyard of

Zion, says that " There shall come up briers and

thorns " (v. 6), n^'^' n^imil ^"lyamb (vii. 23 : cf. also ix. 17 ;

X. 17). And, " Upon the land of my people shall come

up thorns and briers " (xxxii. 13), where ^^'O'O is com-

bined with f ^p. The word rr^tJ never stands alone, but

is always joined with n'^QD, which the LXX render

Schamir. 331

oLKavOa KOLx'^P''''^'^ '}

the word in the fifth chapter they

render xh^°^ aKavOai ; that in the seventh, x^pcros and

aKavOa ; SO that x^po'os is put for n''?2:23, and aKavOa for

ni23- The word in the ninth chapter is aypwoTis irjpa,

that in the tenth, wo-etx'^P'''^^ '''W ^^W- Upon both

names the translators are not agreed. Now, this word

" smiris " is used by Isaiah alone as the name of a

plant. The smiris, as we have seen, is a stone-breaking

substance, and the same idea which is rendered in

Latin by saxifraga is given in the Hebrew word used

by Isaiah, so that we may take nia^ n''72Ci to mean

saxifragra and thorn.* In the North, we have another

object, to which are attributed the same properties as to

the " Springwort " and schamir, and that is the Hand

of Glory. This is the hand of a man who has been

hung, and it is prepared in the following manner : wrap

the hand in a piece of winding-sheet, drawing it tight, so

as to squeeze out the little blood which may remain;

then place it in an earthenware vessel with saltpetre, salt,

and long pepper, all carefully and thoroughly powdered.

* Cassel, Ueber Schamir, in Denkschrift d. Konigl. Akad. der

Wissenschaften. Erfurt, 1856, p. 76. The Oriental word "smiris"

passed into use among the Greeks as the name of the hardest sub-

stance known, used in polishing stones, and is retained in the

German " Smirgel," and the English "emery."

332 Schamir.

Let it remain a fortnight in this pickle till it is well

dried, then expose it to the sun in the dog-days, till it is

completely parched, or, if the sun be not powerful

enough, dry it in an oven heated with vervain and fern.

Next make a candle with the fat of a hung man, virgin-

wax, and Lapland sesame. Observe the use of this

herb : the hand of glory is used to hold this candle

when it is lighted.* Douster Swivel, in the " Antiquary,"

adds, " You do make a candle, and put into de hand

of glory at de proper hour and minute, with de proper

ceremonisth ; and he who seeksh for treasuresh shall

find none at all !" Southey places it in the hands of

the enchanter Mohareb, when he would lull to sleep

Yohak, the giant guardian of the caves of Babylon.

He—*' From his wallet drew a human hand,

Shrivell'd, and dry, and black


And fitting, as he spake,

A taper in his hold,

Pursued :' A murderer on the stake had died ;

I drove the vulture from his limbs, and lopt

The hand that did the murder, and drew up

The tendon strings to close its grasp ;

And in the sun and wind

Parch'd it, nine weeks exposed.

The taper .... But not here the place to impart,

* Collin de Plancy, Dictionnaire Infernal. Paris, 1818.

Schamir. 333

Nor hast thou undergone the rites

That fit thee to partake the mystery.

Look ! it burns clear, but with the air around,

Its dead ingredients mingle deathliness.' " *

Several stories of this terrible hand are related in

Henderson's " Folklore of the Northern Counties of

England." I will only quote one, which was told me

by a laboring man in the West Riding of Yorkshire,

and which is the same story as that given by Martin

Anthony Delrio in his " Disquisitiones Magicae, in 1593,

and which is printed in the Appendix to that book of M.


One dark night, after the house had been closed,

there came a tap at the door of a lone inn, in the midst

of a barren moor.

The door was opened, and there stood without, shiv-

ering and shaking, a poor beggar, his rags soaked with

rain, and his hands white with cold. He asked pit-

eously for a lodging, and it was cheerfully granted him;

though there was not a spare bed in the house, he

might lie along on the mat before the kitchen fire, and


All in the house went to bed except the servant lassie,

who from the kitchen could see into the large room

* Thalaba the Destroyer, book v.

334 Schamir.

through a small pane of glass let into the door. When

every one save the beggar was out of the room, she ob-

served the man draw himself up from the floor, seat

himself at the table, extract a brown withered human

hand from his pocket, and set it upright in the candle-

stick ; he then anointed the fingers, and, applying a

match to them, they began to flame. Filled with

horror, the girl rushed up the back stairs, and endeav-

ored to arouse her master and the men of the house;

but all in vain, they slept a charmed sleep ; and finding

all her efforts ineffectual, she hastened downstairs

again. Looking again through the small window, she

observed the fingers of the hand flaming, but the thumb

gave no light : this was because one of the inmates of

the house was not asleep. The beggar began collect-

ing all the valuables of the house into a large sack—no lock withstood the application of the flaming hand.

Then, putting it down, the man entered an adjoining

apartment. The moment he was gone, the girl rushed

in, and seizing the hand, attempted to extinguish the

quivering yellow flames, which wavered at the fingers'

ends. She blew at them in vain ; she poured some

drops from a beer-jug over them, but that only made

the fingers burn the brighter ; she cast some water upon

Schamir. 335

them, but still without extinguishing the light. As a

last resource, she caught up a jug of milk, and dashing

it over the four lambent flames, they went out imme-


Uttering a piercing cry, she rushed to the door of the

room the beggar had entered, and locked it. The

whole house was aroused, and the thief was secured

and hung.

We must not forget Tom Ingoldsby's rendering of a

similar legend :—" Open, lock,

To the Dead Man's knock !

Fly, bolt, and bar, and band !

Nor move, nor swerve,

Joint, muscle, or nerve,

At the spell of the Dead Man's hand !

Sleep, all who sleep !— Wake, all who wake !

But be as the dead for the Dead Man's sake


" Now lock, nor bolt, nor bar avails.

Nor stout oak panel thick-studded with nails.

Heavy and harsh the hinges creak,

Though they had been oil'd in the course of the week.

The door opens wide as wide may be,

And there they stand,

That murderous band.

Lit by the light of the Glorious Hand,

By one ! — by two !— by three !


But, instead of pursuing the fable through its further

ramifications, let us apply the schamir of comparative

336 Schamir.

mythology to the myth itself, and see whether before it

the bolts do not give way, and the great doors of the

cavern of mysteries expand, and discover to us the

origin of the superstitious belief in this sea-prince's

worm, the stone of wisdom, sesame, forget-me-not, or

the hand of glory.

What are its effects ?

It bursts locks, and shatters stones, it opens in the

mountains the hidden treasures hitherto concealed from

men, or it paralyzes, lulling into a magic sleep, or,

again, it restores to life.

I believe the varied fables relate to one and the

same object— and that, the lightning.

But what is the bird which bears schamir, the worm

or stone which shatters rocks ? It is the storm-cloud,

which in many a mythology of ancient days was sup-

posed to be a mighty bird. In Greek iconography,

Zeus, " the sether in his moist arms embracing the

earth," as Euripides describes him, is armed with the

thunderbolt, and accompanied by the eagle, a symbol of

the cloud.

" The refulgent heaven above,

"Which all men call, unanimously, Jove," *

* Cicero, De N. Deorum xvi.

Schamir. 337

has for its essential attributes the cloud and its bolt,

and when the aether was represented under human form,

the cloud was given shape as a bird. It is the same

storm-cloud which as " blood-thirsting eagle " banquets

its " full on the black viands of the liver " of Prome-

theus. The same cloud in its fury is symbolized by the

Phbrcidas with their flashing eye and lightning tooth—

oX ^opKlSes vaiovai 5r) Kdpai

TpeiS KVKV6/J.0p(p0l, KOLVOV 6p.fl iKTTJfl^Vai,

fiovbdovTes, &s odd' rfkios wpoahepKiTai

&KTl(7lV, Ouff 7] fVKTepOS P-'^VT] TTOtL

(^SCH. From.),

and also by the ravening harpies. In ancient Indian

mythology, the delicate white cirrus cloud drifting over-

head was a fleeting swan, and so it was as well in the

creed of the Scandinavian, whilst the black clouds

were ravens coursing over the earth, and returning to

whisper the news in the ear of listening Odin. The

rushing vapor is the roc of the Arabian Nights, which

broods over its great luminous egg, the sun, and which

haunts the sparkling valley of diamonds, the starry sky.

The resemblance traced between bird and cloud is not

far fetched : it recurs to the modern poet as it did to

the Psalmist, when he spoke of the " wings of the wind."

338 Schamir.

If the cloud was supposed to be a great bird, the light-

nings were regarded as writhing worms or serpents in

its beak. These fiery serpents, kXiKiai ypaja/AoeiSois

(fapojuLevoi, are believed in to this day by the Canadian

Indians, who call the thunder their hissing. It was

these heavenly reptiles which were supposed by the

Druids to generate the sun, the famous anguineum so

coveted and so ill comprehended. The thunderbolt,

shattering all it struck, was regarded as the stone

dropped by the cloud-bird. A more forced resemblance

is that supposed to exist between the lightning and a

heavenly flower, blue, or yellow, or red, and yet there is

evidence, upon which I cannot enter here, that so it

was regarded.

The lightning-flashing cloud was also supposed to be

a flaming hand. The Greek placed the forked dart in

the hand of Zeus —" rubente

Dextera sacras jaculatus arces ;


and the ancient Mexican symbolized the sacrificial fire

by a blood-red hand impressed on his sanctuary walls.

The idea may have been present in the mind of the ser-

vant of Elijah when he told his master that he saw from

the top of Carmel rising " A little cloud out of the sea.

Schamir. 339

like a man's hand. And it came to pass, that the

heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was

a great rain " (i Kings xviii. 44). In Finnish and Es-

thonian mythology, the cloud is a little man with a

copper hand, who, rising from the water, becomes a


The black cloud with the lambent flames issuing

from it was the original of the magical hand of glory.

The effects produced by the lightning are differently

expressed. As shattering the rocks, schamir is easily

intelligible. It is less so as giving access to the hidden

treasures of the mountains. The ancient Aryan had

the same name for cloud and mountain. To him the

piles of vapor on the horizon were so like Alpine ranges,

that he had but one word whereby to designate both.

These great mountains of heaven were opened by the

lightning. In the sudden flash he beheld the dazzling

splendor within, but only for a moment, and then; with

a crash, the celestial rocks closed again. Believing

these vaporous piles to contain resplendent treasures of

which partial glimpse was obtained by mortals in a

momentary gleam, tales were speedily formed, relating

the adventures of some who had succeeded in entering

these treasure-mountains. The plant of life, brought

340 Schamir.

by weasel or serpent, restores life to one who was dead.

This myth was forged in Eastern lands, where the earth

apparently dies from a protracted drought. Then

comes the cloud. The lightning flash reaches the

barren, dead, and thirsty land ; forth gush the waters

of heaven, and the parched vegetation bursts once

more into the vigor of life, restored after suspended

animation. It is the dead and parched vegetation

which is symbolized by Glaucus, and the earth still and

without the energy of life which is represented by the

lady in the Lai d'Eliduc. This reviving power is attrib-

uted in mythology to the rain as well. In Sclavonic

myths, it is the water of life which restores the dead

earth, a water brought by a bird from the depths of a

gloomy cave. A prince has been murdered,— that is,

the earth is dead ; then comes the eagle bearing a vial

of the reviving water— the cloud with the rain; it

sprinkles the corpse with the precious drops, and life


But the hand of glory has a very different property

— it paralyzes. In this it resembles the Gorgon's head

or the basilisk. The head of Medusa, with its flying

* Compare with this the Psyche in " The Golden Ass," and the

Fair One with the Golden Locks of the Countess d'Aulnay.

Schamir. 341

serpent locks, is unquestionably the storm-cloud ; and

the basilisk which strikes dead with its eye is certainly

the same. The terror inspired by the outburst of the

thunder-storm is expressed in fable by the paralyzing

effect of the eye of the cockatrice, the exhibition of the

Gorgon's countenance, and the waving of the glorious


Strained as some of these explanations may seem,

they are nevertheless true. We, with our knowledge of

the causes producing meteorological phenomena, are

hardly able to realize the extravagance of the theories

propounded by the ignorant to account for them.

How Finn cosmogonists could have believed the

earth and heaven to be made out of a severed egg, the

upper concave shell representing heaven, the yolk

being earth, and the crystal surrounding fluid the cir-

cumambient ocean, is to us incomprehensible : and yet it

remains a fact that so they did regard them. How the

Scandinavians could have supposed the mountains to

be the mouldering bones of a mighty Jotun, and the

earth to be his festering flesh, we cannot conceive : yet

such a theory was solemnly taught and accepted. How

the ancient Indians could regard the rain-clouds as cows

with full udders, milked by the winds of heaven, is be-

342 Schamir.

yond our comprehension, and yet their Veda contains

indisputable testimony to the fact that so they were


Nonnus Dionysius (v. 163 et seq.) spoke of the moon

as a luminous white stone, and Democritus regarded the

stars as Trerpovs. Lucretius considered the sun as a

wheel (v. 433), and Ovid as a shield—

*' Ipse Dei clypeus, terra cum tollitur ima,

Mane rubet : terraque rubet, cum conditur ima.

Candidus in summo . . . ."— {Metam. xv. 192 sq.)

As late as 1600, a German writer would illustrate a

thunder-storm destroying a crop of corn by a picture of

a dragon devouring the produce of the field with his flam-

ing tongue and iron teeth (Wolfii Memorabil. ii. p.

505) ; and at the present day children are taught that

the thunder-crash is the voice of the Almighty.

The restless mind of man, ever seeking a reason to

account for the marvels presented to his senses, adopts

one theory after another, and the rejected explanations

encumber the memory of nations as myths, the signifi-

cance of which has been forgotten.



TT-MMERICK, Count of Poitou, was a nobleman of

-'—' great wealth, and eminent for his virtues. He

had two children, a son named Bertram, and a daughter

Blaniferte. In the great forest which stretched away in

all directions around the knoll on which stood the town

and castle of Poictiers, lived a Count de la Foret, re-

lated to Emmerick, but poor and with a large family

Out of compassion for his kinsman, the Count of Poitou

adopted his youngest son Raymond, a beautiful and

amiable youth, and made him his constant complnion

in hall and in the chase. One day the Count and his

344 Melusina.

retinue hunted a boar in the forest of Colombiers, and

distancing his servants, Emmerick found himself alone

in the depths of the wood with Raymond, The boar

had escaped. Night came on, and the two huntsmen

lost their way. They succeeded in lighting a fire, and

were wanning themselves over the blaze, when sud-

denly the boar plunged out of the forest upon the

Count, and Raymond, snatching up his sword, struck at

the beast, but the blade glanced off and slew the Count.

A second blow laid the boar at his side. Raymond

then with horror perceived that his friend and master

was dead. In despair he mounted his horse and* fled,

not knowing whither he went.

Presently the boughs of the trees became less inter-

laced, and the trunks fewer ; next moment his horse,

crashing through the shrubs, brought him out on a

pleasant glade, white with rime, and illumined by the

new moon ; in the midst bubbled up a limpid fountain,

and flowed away over a pebbly floor with a soothing

murmur. Near the fountain-head sat three maidens in

glimmering white dresses, with long, waving golden hair,

and faces of inexpressible beauty.

Raymond was riveted to the spot with astonishment.

He believed that he saw a vision of angels, and would have

Melusina. 345

prostrated himself at their feet, had not one of them ad-

vanced and stayed him. The lady inquired the cause of

his manifest terror, and the young man, after a shght hesi-

tation, told her of his dreadful misfortune. She listened

with attention, and at the conclusion of his story, recom-

mended him to remount his horse, and gallop out of the

forest, and return to Poictiers, as though unconscious of

what had taken place. All the huntsmen had that day

lost themselves in the wood, and were returning singly, at

intervals, to the castle, so that no suspicion would attach

to him. The body of the count would be found, and from

the proximity of the dead boar, it would be concluded

that he had fallen before the tusk of the animal, to which

he had given its death-blow.

Relieved of his anxiety, Raymond was able to devote

his attention exclusively to the beauty of the lady who

addressed him, and found means to prolong the conversa-

tion till daybreak. He had never beheld charms equal to

hers, and the susceptible heart of the youth was completely

captivated by the fair unknown. Before he left her, he ob-

tained from her a promise to be hi?. She then told him to

ask of his kinsman Bertram, as a gift, so much ground

around the fountain where they had met, as could be cov-

ered by a stag's hide : upon this ground she undertook to

34^ Melusina.

erect a magnificent palace. Her name, she told him, was

Melusina ; she was a water-fay of great power and wealth


His she consented to be, but subject to one condition,

that her Saturdays might be spent in a complete seclusion,

upon which he should never venture to intrude.

Raymond then left her, and followed her advice to the

letter. Bertram, who succeeded his father, readily granted

the land he asked for, but was not a little vexed when he

found that, by cutting the hide into threads, Raymond had

succeeded in making it include a considerable area.

Raymond then invited the young count to his wedding,

and the marriage festivities took place, with unusual

splendor, in the magnificent castle erected by Melusina.

On the evening of the marriage, the bride, with tears in

her beautiful eyes, implored her husband on no account

to attempt an intrusion on her privacy upon Saturdays, for

such an intrusion must infallibly separate them for ever.

The enamored Raymond readily swore to strictly observe

her wishes in this matter.

Melusina continued to extend the castle, and strengthen

its fortifications, till the- like was not to be seen in all the

country round. On its completion she named it after

herself Lusinia, a name which has been corrupted into

Lusignan, which it bears to this day.

Melusina. 347

In course of time, the Lady of Lusignan gave birth

to a son, who was baptized Urian. He was a strangely

shaped child : his mouth was large, his ears pendulous


one of his eyes was red, the other green.

A twelvemonth later she gave birth to another son,

whom she called Gedes ; he had a face which was scarlet.

In thank-offering for his birth she erected and endowed

the convent of Malliers ; and, as a place of residence for

her child, built the strong castle of Favent.

Melusina then bore a third son, who was christened

Gyot. He was a fine, handsome child, but one of his

eyes was higher up in his face than the other. For him

his mother built La Rochelle.

Her next son, Anthony, had long claws on his fingers,

and was covered with hair ; the next again had but a

single eye. The sixth was Geoffry with the Tooth, so

called from a boar's tusk which protruded from his jaw.

Other children she had, but all were in some way dis-

figured and monstrous.

Years passed, and the love of Raymond for his beauti-

ful wife never languished. Every Saturday she left him,

and spent the twenty-four hours in the strictest seclusion,

without her husband thinking of intruding on her privacy.

The children grew up to be great heroes and illustrious

348 Melusina.

warriors. One, Freimund, entered the Church, and be-

came a pious monk, in the abbey of Malliers. The aged

Count de la Foret and the brothers of Raymond shared

in his good fortune, and the old man spent his last

years in the castle with his son, whilst the brothers

were furnished with money and servants suitable to their


One Saturday, the old father inquired at dinner after

his daughter-in-law. Raymond replied that she was not

visible on Saturdays. Thereupon one of his brothers,

drawing him aside, whispered that strange gossiping tales

were about relative to this sabbath seclusion, and that it

behoved him to inquire into it, and set the minds of peo-

ple at rest. Full of wrath and anxiety, the count rushed

off to the private apartments of the countess, but found

them empty. One door alone was locked, and that

opened into a bath. He looked through the key-hole,

and to his dismay beheld her in the water, her lower ex-

tremities changed into the tail of a monstrous fish or


Silently he withdrew. No word of what he had seen

passed his lips ; it was not loathing that filled his heart,

but anguish at the thought that by his fault he must lose

the beautiful wife who had been the charm and glory of

Melusina. 349

his life. Some time passed by, however, and Melusina

gave no token of consciousness that she had been ob-

served during the period of her transformation. But

one day news reached the castle that Geoffry with the

Tooth had attacked the monastery of Malliers, and burned

it ; and that in the flames had perished Freimund, with

the abbot and a hundred monks. On hearing of this dis-

aster, the poor father, in a paroxysm of misery, exclaimed,

as Melusina approached to comfort him, " Away, odious

serpent, contaminator of my honorable race !


At these words she fainted ; and Raymond, full of sor-

row for having spoken thus intemperately, strove to revive

her. When she came to herself again, with streaming tears

she kissed and embraced him for the last time. " O hus-

band !" she said, " I leave two little ones in their cradle


look tenderly after them, bereaved of their mother. And

now farewell for ever ! yet know that thou, and those who

succeed thee, shall see me hover over this fair castle of

Lusignan, whenever a new lord is to come." And with a

long wail of agony she swept from the window, leaving the

impression of her foot on the stone she last touched.

The children in arms she had left were Dietrich and

Raymond. At night, the nurses beheld a glimmering

figure appear near the cradle of the babes, most like the

350 Melusina.

vanished countess, but from her waist downwards termi-

nating in a scaly fish-tail enamelled blue and white. At

her approach the little ones extended their arms and

smiled, and she took them to her breast and suckled

them ; but as the gray dawn stole in at the casement, she

vanished, and the children's cries told the nurses that their

mother was gone.

Long was it believed in France that the unfortunate

Melusina appeared in the air, wailing over the ramparts of

Lusignan before the death of one of its lords ; and that,

on the extinction of the family, she was seen whenever a

king of France was to depart this life. Mdzeray informs

us that he was assured of the truth of the appearance of

Melusina on the old tower of Lusignan, previous to the

death of one of her descendants, or of a king of France, by

people of reputation, and who were not by any means

credulous. She appeared in a mourning dress, and con-

tinued for a long time to utter the most heart-rending


Brantome, in his eulogium on the Duke of Montpensier,

who in 1574 destroyed Lusignan, a Huguenot retreat,

says :—

" I heard, more than forty years ago, an old veteran

say, that when the Emperor Charles V. came to France,

Melusina. 351

they brought him by Lusignan for the sake of the recrea-

tion of hunting the deer, which were then in great abun-

dance in the fine old parks of France ; that he was never

tired of admiring and praising the beauty, the size, and

the chef d'ceuvre of that house, built, which is more, by

such a lady, of whom he made them tell him several fabu-

lous tales, which are there quite common, even to the

good old women who washed their linen at the fountains,

whom Queen Catherine de Medicis, mother of the king,

would also question and listen to. Some told her that

they used sometimes to see her come to the fountain, to

bathe in it, in the form of a most beautiful woman and in

the .dress of a widow. Others said that they used to see

her, but very rarely, and that on Saturday evening (for in

that state she did not let herself be seen), bathing, half

her body being that of a very beautiful lady, the other

half ending in a snake ; others, that she used to appear

a-top of the great tower in a very beautiful form, and as a

snake. Some said, that when any great disaster was to

come on the kingdom, or a change of reign, or a death,

or misfortune among her relatives, who were the greatest

people of France, and were kings, that three days before

she was heard to cry, with a cry most shrill and terrible,

three times.

352 Melusina.

"This is held to be perfectly true. Several persons of

that place, who have heard it, are positive of it, and hand

it from father to son ; and say that, even when the siege

came on, many soldiers and men of honor, who were

there, affirmed it. But it was when order was given to

throw down and destroy her castles, that she uttered her

loudest cries and wails. Since then she has not been

heard. Some old wives, however, say she has appeared

to them, but very rarely." *

In 1387, Jean d'Arras, secretary to the Duke of Berry,

received orders from his master to collect all information

attainable with reference to Melusina, probably for the en-

tertainment of the sister of the duke, the Countess de Bar.

This he did, making considerable use of a history of the

mysterious lady, written " by one of the race of Lusinia,

William de Portenach (qu. Partenope), in Itahan." This

history, if it ever existed, has not come down to us ; the

work of Jean d'Arras is a complete romance. According

to him, Helmas, king of Albania (Scotland, or, a^ the Ger-

man popular versions have it, Nordland), married a fay

named Pressina, whom he found singing beside a fountain.

She became his, after having exacted from him an oath

never to visit her during her lying-in. She gave birth to

* Keightley's Fairy Mythology, i860, pp. 483, 484.

Meliisina. 353

three little girls at once, Melusina, Melior, and Plantina.

A son of Helmas by a former wife hurried to his father

with the joyful news, and the king, oblivious of his prom-

ise, rushed to his wife and found her bathing her thret

children. Pressina, on seeing him, exclaimed against his

forgetfulness, and, taking her babes in her arms, vanished.

She brought up the daughters until they were fifteen, when

she unfolded to them the story of their father's breach of

promise, and Melusina, the youngest, determined on re-

venge. She, in concert with her sisters, caught King Hel-

mas and chained him in. the heart of a mountain called

Avalon, or, in the German books, Brunbelois, in Northu-

belon, i.e. Northumberland. At this unfilial act the mother

was so indignant that she sentenced her daughter Melu-

sina to spend the sabbath in a semi- fish form, till she

should marry one who would never inquire into what

became of her on that day. Jean d'Arras relates' that

Serville, who defended Lusignan for the English against

the Duke de Berry, swore to that prince upon his faith

and honor, "that three days before the surrender of

the castle, there entered into his chamber, though the

doors were shut, a large serpent, enamelled blue and

white, which struck its tail several times against the foot

of the bed whereon he was lying with his wife, who was


354 Melusina.

not at all frightened at it, though he was very considerably

so ; and that when he seized his sword, the serpent

changed all at once into a woman, and said to him :

' How, Serville, you, who have been in so many battles

and sieges, are you afraid? Know that I am the mis-

tress of this castle, which I erected, and that soon you

will have to surrender it!

' When she had ended these

words, she resumed her serpent-shape, and glided away

so swiftly that he could not perceive her."

Stephan, a Dominican, of the house of Lusignan, de-

veloped the work of Jean d'Arras, and made the story so

famous, that the families of Luxembourg, Rohan, and

Sassenaye altered their pedigrees so as to be able to

claim descent from the illustrious Melusina ; * and the

Emperor Henry VH. felt no little pride in being able

to number the beautiful and mysterious lady among his

ancestors. " It does not escape me," writes the chron-

icler Conrad Vecerius, in his life of that emperor, " to

report what is related in a Uttle work in the vernacular,

concerning the acts of a woman, Melyssina, on one day

of the week becoming a serpent from her middle down-

wards, whom they reckon among the ancestors of Henry

* Bullet, Dissertat. sur la Mythologie Fran5aise. Paris, 1771,

pp. 1-32.

Melusina. 355

VII. . . . But, as authors relate, that in a certain island

of the ocean, there are nine Sirens endowed with various

arts, such, for instance, as changing themselves into any

shape they like, it is no absurd conjecture to suppose that

Melyssina came thence." *

The story became immensely popular in France, in

Germany, and in Spain, and was printed and reprinted.

The following are some of the principal early editions

of it.

Jean d'Arras, " Le liure de Melusine en fracoys;


Geneva, 1478. The same, Lyons and Paris, without date;

Lyons, 4to, 1500, and again 1544; Troyes, 4to, no date.

" L'histoire de Melusine fiUe du roy d'Albanie et de dame

Pressine, revue et mise en meilleur langage que par cy

devant ;" Lyons, 1597. " Le roman de Melusine, prin-

cesse de Lusignan, avec l'histoire de Geoffry, surnomm^

a la Grand Dent," par Nodot ; Paris, 1700. An outline

of the story in the " Bibliotheque des Romans," 1775,

T. II . A Spanish version, " Historia de la linda Melo-

syna ;" Tolosa, 1489. "La hystoria de la linda Melo-

sina;" Sevilla, 1526. A Dutch translation, " Een san

sonderlingke schone ende wonderlike historie, die men

warachtich kout te syne ende autentick sprekende van

* Urstisius, Scriptores Germanias. Frankfort, 1670.

356 Melusina.

eenre vrouwen gheheeten Melusine;" Tantwerpen, 1500.

A Bohemian version, probably translated from the Ger-

man, " Kronyke Klratochvvilne, o ctn^ a slech netn^ Panne

Meluzijne;" Prag, 1760, 1764, 1805. A Danish version,

made about 1579, " Melusine ;" Copenhagen, 1667, 1702,

1729. One in Swedish, without date. The original of

these three last was the " History of Melusina," by Thiir-

ing von Ringoltingen, published in 1456 ; Augsburg, 1474 ;

Strasburg, 1478. " Melosine-Geschicht," illustrated with

woodcuts; Heidelberg, 1491. "Die Historia von Melu-

sina;" Strasburg, 1506. "Die Histori oder Geschicht

von der edle und schonen Melusina;" Augsburg, 1547;

Strasburg, 1577, 1624. "Wunderbare Geschichte von der

edeln und schonen Melusina, welche eine Tochter des

Konigs Helmus und ein Meervvunder gewesen ist;


Niirnberg, without date ; reprinted in Marbach's " Volks-

biicher." Leipzig, 1838.

In the fable of Melusina, there are several points de-

serving of consideration, as— the framework of the story,

the half-serpent or fish-shape of Melusina, and her ap-

pearances as warnings of impending misfortune or death.

The minor details, as, for instance, the trick with the

hide, which is taken from the story of Dido, shall not

detain us.

Melusina. 357

The framework of the myth is the story-radical corre-

sponding with that of Lohengrin. The skeleton of the

romance is this—1. A man falls in love with a woman of supernatural


2. She consents to live with him, subject to one con-


3. He breaks the condition and loses her.

4. He seeks her, and— a. recovers her; (3. never re-

covers her.

In the story before us, the last item has dropped out,

but it exists in many other stories which have sprung from

the same root. The beautiful legend of Undine is but

another version of the same story. A young knight mar-

ries a water-sprite, and promises never to be false to her,

and never to bring her near a river. He breaks his

engagement, and loses her. Then she comes to him on

the eve of his second marriage and kisses him to death.

Fouqu6's inimitable romance is founded on the story as

told by Theophrastus Paracelsus in his " Treatise on Ele-

mental Sprites ;" but the bare bones of the myth related

by the philosopher have been quickened into life and

beauty by the heaven-drawn spark of poetry wherewith

Fouqu6 has endowed them.

3 5 8 Melusina.

In the French tale, Melusina seeks union with a mortal

solely that she may escape from her enchantment ; but in

the German more earnest tale, Undine desires to become

a bride that she may obtain an immortal soul. The cor-

responding Danish story is told by Hans Christian Ander-

sen. A little mermaid sees a prince as she floats on the

surface of the sea, and saves him in her arms from drown-

ing when the ship is wrecked. But from that hour her

heart is filled with yearning love for the youth whose life

she has preserved. She seeks earth of her own free will,

leaving her native element, although the consequence is

pain at every step she takes.

She becomes the constant attendant of the prince, till

he marries a princess, when her heart breaks and she

becomes a Light-Elf, with prospect of immortality.

Belonging to the same family is the pretty Indian tale

of Urva?!. Urvagi was an " apsaras," or heavenly maiden;

she loved Puravaras, a martial king, and became his wife,

only, however, on condition that she should never behold

him without his clothes. For some years they were to-

gether, till the heavenly companions of Urva?i determined

to secure her return to her proper sphere. They accord-

ingly beguiled Puravaras into leaving his bed in the dark-

ness of night, and then, with a lightning-flash, they

Melusina. 359

disclosed him in his nudity to the wife, who was there-

upon constrained to leave him. A somewhat similar story

is told, in the Katha Sarit Sagara (Book iii. c. 18), of

Vidushaka, who loves and marries a beautiful Bhadra, but

after a while she vanishes, leaving behind her a ring. The

inconsolable husband wanders in search of her, and reach-

ing the heavenly land, drops the ring in a goblet of water,

which is taken to her. By this she recognizes him, and

they are re-united.

The legend of Melusina, as it comes to us, is by no

means in its original condition. Jean d'Arras, or other

romancers, have considerably altered the simple tale, so

as to make it assume the proportions of a romance. All

that story of the fay Pressina, and her marriage with King

Helmas, is but another version of the same story as


Helmas finds Pressina near a fountain, and asks her to

be his ; she consents on condition that he does not visit

her during her lying-in ; he breaks the condition and loses

her. This is the same as Raymond discovering Melusina

near a spring, and obtaining her hand subject to the con-

dition that he will not visit her one day of the week.

Like Helmas, he breaks his promise and loses his wife

That both Pressina and Melusina are water-sprites, or

360 Mehisina.

nymphs, is unquestionable ; both haunt a fountain, and

the transformation of the lady of Lusignan indicates her

aquatic origin. As Grimm has observed,* this is a Gallic,

and therefore a Keltic myth, an opinion confirmed by the

Banshee part played by the unfortunate nymph. For the

Banshee superstition has no corresponding feature in

Scandinavian, Teutonic, or Classic mythology, and be-

longs entirely to the Kelts. Among others there are

death portents, but not, that I am aware of, spirits of

women attached to families, by their bitter cries at night

announcing the approach of the king of terrors.

The Irish Banshee is thus described :" We saw the

figure of a tall, thin woman with uncovered head, and long

hair that floated round her shoulders, attired in something

which seemed either a loose white cloak or a sheet thrown

hastily about her, uttering piercing cries.

"The most remarkable instance (of the Banshee) oc-

curs in the MS. memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, so exemplary

for her conjugal affection. Her husband, Sir Richard,

and she chanced, during their abode in Ireland, to visit a

friend, the head of a sept, who resided in an ancient

baronial castle surrounded with a moat. At midnight she

was awakened by a ghastly and supernatural scream, and

* Deutsche Mythologie, i. 405.

Melusina. 361

looking out of bed, beheld in the moonlight a female face

and part of the form hovering at the window. The face

was that of a young and rather handsome woman, but

pale, and the hair, which was reddish, loose and di-

shevelled. The dress, which Lady Fanshawe's terror did

not prevent her remarking accurately, was that of the

ancient Irish. This apparition continued to exhibit itself

for some time, and then vanished, with two shrieks similar

to that which had first excited Lady Fanshawe's attention.

In the morning, with infinite terror, she communicated

to her host what she had witnessed, and found him

prepared, not only to credit, but to account for the ap-

parition :—

" ' A near relation of my family,' said he, ' expired last

night in this castle. We disguised our certain expecta-

tions of the event from you, lest it should throw a cloud

over the cheerful reception which was your due.* Now,

before such an event happens in this family and castle,

the female spectre whom ye have seen always is visible :

she is believed to be the spirit of a woman of inferior

rank, whom one of my ancestors degraded himself by

marrj-ing, and whom afterwards, to expiate the dishonor

* Like Admetus in the Alcestis of Euripides. Tiiis story of

Lady Fanshawe is from a note to " The Lady of the Lake."

362 Melusina.

done to his family, he caused to be drowned in the

castle moat.'


A very remarkable story of the Banshee is given by

Mr. Crofton Croker. The Rev. Charles Bunworth was

rector of Buttevant, in the county Cork, about the middle

of last century. He was famous for his performance on

the national instrument, the Irish harp, and for his hospi-

table reception and entertainment of the poor harpers

who travelled from house to house about the country


and in his granary were deposited fifteen harps, be-

queathed to him by the last members of a race which

has now ceased to exist.

The circumstances attending the death of Mr. Bun-

worth were remarkable ; but, says Mr. Crofton Croker,

there are still living credible witnesses who declare their

authenticity, and who can be produced to attest most, if

not all, of the following particulars. Shortly before his

decease, a shepherd heard the Banshee keening and

clapping her hands under a lightning-struck tree near the

house. On the eve of his death the night was serene and

moonlit, and nothing broke the stillness of the melancholy

watch kept by the bedside of the sick man, who lay in the

drawing-room, by his two daughters. The little party

were suddenly roused by a sound at the window near the

Melusina. 363

bed : a rose-tree grew outside the window, so closely as

to touch the glass ; this was forced aside with some noise,

and a low moaning was heard, accompanied by clapping

of hands, as if of some female in deep affliction. It

seemed as if the sound proceeded from a person holding

her mouth close to the window. The lady who sat by the

bedside of Mr. Bunworth went into the adjoining room,

where sat some male relatives, and asked, in a tone of

alarm, if they had heard the Banshee. Sceptical of super-

natural appearances, two of them rose hastily, and went

out to discover the cause of these sounds, which they also

distinctly heard. Tliey walked all round the house, ex-

amining every spot of ground, particularly near the win-

dow from whence the voice had proceeded ; the bed of

earth beneath, in which the rose-tree was planted, had

been recently dug, and the print of a footstep— if the

tree had been forced aside by mortal hand— would have

inevitably remained ; but they could perceive no such

impression, and an unbroken stillness reigned without.

Hoping to dispel the mystery, they continued their search

anxiously along the road, from the straightness of which,

and the lightness of the night, they were enabled to see

•some distance around them ; but all was silent and de-

serted, and they returned surprised and disappointed.

364 Melusina.

How much more then were they astonished at learning

that, the wliole time of their absence, those who remained

within the house had heard the moaning and clapping of

hands even louder and more distinct than before they had

gone out ; and no sooner was the door of the room

closed on them, than they again heard the same mournful

sounds. Every succeeding hour the sick man became

worse, and when the first glimpse of the morning ap-

peared, Mr. Bunworth expired.

The Banshee is represented in Wales by the Gwrach y

Rhibyn, who is said to come after dusk, and flap her

leathern wings against the window, giving warning of

death, in a broken, howling tone, and calling on the one

who is to quit mortality by his or her name several times.

In Brittany, similar spirits are called Bandrhudes, and are

attached to several of the ancient families. In other parts

of France, they pass as Dames Blanches, who, however,

are not to be confused with the Teutonic white ladies,

which are spirits of a different order.

But, putting the Banshee part of the story of Melusina

on one side, let us turn to the semi-fish or serpent form

of Melusina. Jean d'Arras attributes this to a curse pro-

nounced on her by the fay Pressina, but this is an inven-

tion of his own ; the true conception of Melusina he did

Melusina. 365

not grasp, and was therefore obliged to forge a legend

which should account for her peculiar appearance. Mel-

usina was a mermaid. Her presence beside the fountain,

as well as her fishy tail, indicate her nature ; she was not,

perhaps, a native of the sea, but a stream-dweller, and

therefore as closely related to the true mermaid of the

briny deep as are the fresh-water fish to those of the salt


The superstitious beHef in mermaids is universal, and I

frankly confess my inability to account for its origin in

every case. In some particular cases the origin of the

myth is clear, in others it is not so. Let me take one

which can be explained— the Oannes of the Chaldaeans,

the Philistine Dagon.

Oannes and Dag-on (the fish On) are identical. Ac-

cording to an ancient fable preserved by Berosus, a crea-

ture half man and half fish came out of " that part of the

Erythrcean sea which borders upon Babylonia," where he

taught men the arts of life, " to construct cities, to found

temples, to compile laws, and, in short, instructed them in

all things that tend to soften manners and humanize their

lives ;" and he adds that a representation of this animal

Oannes was preserved in his day. A figure of him sport-

ing in the waves, and apparently blessing a fleet of vessels,

366 Melusina.

was discovered in a marine piece of sculpture, by M.

Botta, in the excavations of Khorsabad.


At Nimroud, a gigantic image was found by Mr. Lay-

ard, representing him with the fish's head as a cap and

the body of the fish depending over his shoulders, his

legs those of a man, in his left hand holding a richly

decorated bag, and his right hand upraised, as if in the

act of presenting the mystic Assyrian fir-cone (British

Museum, Nos. 29 and 30).

This Oannes is the Mizraimite On, and the Hebrew

Aon, with a Greek case-termination, derived from a

root signifying ''to illumine." Aon was the original

name of the god reverenced in the temple of Heliopolis,

which in Scripture is called Beth-Aon, the house of On,

as well as by its translation Beth-Shemesh, the house of

the Sun. Not only does his name indicate his solar

Melusina. 367

origin, but his representation with horned head-dress

testifies to his nature. Ammon, Apis, Dionysos are sun-

gods ; Isis, lo, Artemis are moon-goddesses, and are all

horned. Indeed, in ancient iconography horns invari-

ably connect the gods represented with the two great

sources of light. Apparent exceptions, such as the

Fauns, are not so in reality, when subjected to close

scrutiny. Civilizing gods, who diffuse intelligence and

instruct barbarians, are also solar deities, as the Egyp-

tian Osiris, the Nabathaean Tammuz, the Greek Apollo,

and the Mexican Quetzalcoatl ; beside these Cannes

takes his place, as the sun-god, giving knowledge and

civilization. According to the fable related by Berosus,



he came on earth each morning, and at evening plunged

into the sea ; this is a mythical description of the rising

368 Mehisina.

and setting of the sun. His semi-piscine form was an

expression of tlie idea that half his time was spent above

ground, and half below the waves.

In precisely similar manner the Semitic moon-goddess,

who followed the course of the sun, at times manifesting

herself to the eyes of men, at others seeking concealment

in the western flood, was represented as half woman, half

fish, with characteristics which make her lunar origin in-

disputable. Her name was Derceto or Atergatis. On the

coins of Ascalon, where she was held in great honor, is

figured a goddess above whose head is a half-moon, and

at her feet a woman with her lower extremities like a fish.

This is Semiramis, who, according to a popular legend,

Avas the child of Derceto. At Joppa she appears as a

memiaid. The story was, that she fled from Typhon,

and plunged into the sea, concealing herself under the

form of a fish. According to Plutarch, the Syrian Tirgata,

the Derceto of Palestine, was the goddess of moisture ;*

and Lucan (De dea Syra, c. 14) declares that she was

represented as a woman with a fish-tail from her hips


* Plutarch, Crass c. 17. According to Greek mythology, this

goddess, under the name of Ceto, " with comely cheeks," is the

daughter of Sea and Earth, and wife of Phorcys (Hesiod, Theog.

V. 235, 270).

Meliishia, 369

In every mythology, the different attributes of the deity

in process of time became distinct gods, yet with sufficient

impress of their origin still upon them to make that origin

easy to be detected.

As On, the sun-god rising and setting in the sea, was

supplied with a corresponding moon-goddess, Atergatis,

and Bel or Baal, also a solar deity, had his lunar Baalti, so

the fiery Moloch, " the great lord," was supplied with his

Mylitta, " the birth-producer." Moloch was the fierce

flame-god, and Mylitta the goddess of moisture. Their

worship was closely united. The priests of Moloch wore

female attire, the priestesses of Mylitta were dressed

like men. Human sacrifices characterized the worship of

the fire-god, prostitution that of the goddess of water.

From her came the names of the hetarce Melitta, Meleto,

Milto, Milesia (Athenaeus, lib. xiii.). Among the Cartha-

ginians, this goddess was worshipped, as appears from

their giving the name of Magasmelita (the tent of

Mylitta) to one of the African provinces. Mylitta was

identical with Atergatis ; she was regarded as a universal

mother, a source of life.

In Greece, the priestesses of Demeter were called

Melissse, the high-priest of Apollo was entitled Kvpio^ to>v

jxeWicra-wp. A fable was invented to account for this


370 Mehisina.

name, and to connect them with bees and honey ; but

I have little doubt that it was corrupted from the Semitic

designation of the servants of Mylitta. The Meliss^e are

sometimes spoken of as nymphs, but are not to be identi-

fied with the Meliad^e, Dryads sprung from the ash. Yet

Melia, daughter of Oc'eanus, who plunges into the Haliac-

mon, strongly resembles the Syrian goddess. Selene, the

moon, was also known by the name Melissa. Kal ras

Ar]fxr]Tpos iepeias, cos rijs ^(dovias 6fas /xucTTi'Say, fj.f\icr<Tas ol

TToXaioi fKoXovv, avTrjv re rrjv Koprjv yiieXttrcrwS?;, '2e\rjvr]v re,

ovcrav ytuecr(o}s irpodTaTiha fifXicraau fKaXovv.*

When we remember the double character of Mylitta, as

a generative or all-mother, and as a moon-goddess, we

are able to account for her name having passed into the

Greek titles of priestesses of their corresponding god-

desses Demeter and Selene.

The name Melissa was probably introduced into Gaul

by the Phocian colony at Massilia, the modern Marseilles,

and passed into the popular mythology of the Gallic Kelts

as the title of nymphs, till it was finally appropriated by

the Melusina of romance.

It may seem difficult at first sight to trace the con-

nection between the moon, a water-goddess, and a deity

* Schol. Theocr. xv. 94. Porphyr. de Antro Nymph, c. 18.

Melusina. 371

presiding over childbirtli; yet it is certain that such a

connection does exist. The classic Venus was born of

the sea-foam, and was unmistakably one with the moon.

She was also the goddess of love, and was resorted to by

barren women— as the Venus of Quimperle in Brittany

is, to this day, sought by those who have no children.

On the Syrian coast, they told of their goddess plung-

ing into the sea, because they saw the moon descend

into the western waters ; but the Cretans, who beheld

her rise above the eastern horizon of sea, fabled of a

foam-born goddess.

In classic iconography the Tritons, and in later art the

Sirens, are represented half fish, half human. Originally

the Sirens were winged, but after the fable had been

accepted, which told of their strife with the Muses, and

their precipitation into the sea, they were figured like

mermaids ; the fish-form was by them borrowed from

Derceto. It is curious how widely-spread is the belief

in fish-women. The prevalence of tales of mermaids

among Celtic populations indicates these water-nymphs

as having been originally deities of those peoples ; and I

cannot but believe that the circular mirror they are

usually represented as holding is a reminiscence of the

moon-disk. Bothe, in his " Kronecke der Sassen," in

372 Mehtsina.

1492, described a god, Krodo, worshipped in the Hartz,

who was represented with his feet on a fish, a wheel to

symbolize the moon in one hand, and a pail of water in

the other. As among the Northern nations the moon is

masculine, its deity was male. Probably the Mexican

Coxcox or Teocipactli (i.e. Fish-god) was either a solar

or lunar deity. He was entitled Huehueton-acateo-cateo-

cipatli, or Fish-god-of-our-flesh, to give him his name in

full ; he somewhat resembled the Noah of Sacred Writ ; for

the Mexican fable related, that in a great time of flood,

when the earth was covered with water, he rescued himself

in a cypress trunk, and peopled the world with wise and

iiitelligent beings.* The Babylonish Cannes was also

identified with the flood.

The Peruvians had likewise their semi-fish gods, but

the legend connected with them has not descended to

our days.

The North-American Indians relate that they were

conducted from Northern Asia by a man-fish. " Once

upon a time, in the season of opening buds, the people

of our nation were much terrified at seeing a strange crea-

ture, much resembling a man, riding upon the waves.

* Miiller, Geschichte der Amerikanischen Urreligionen. Basel,

1855, p. 515-

Mehisina. 373

He had upon his head long green hair, much resembling

the coarse weeds which the mighty storms scatter along

the margin of the strand. Upon his face, which was

shaped like that of a porpoise, he had a beard of

the same color. But if our people were frightened at

seeing a man who could live in the water like a fish or a

duck, how much more were they frightened when they

saw that from his breast down he was actually a fish, or

rather two fishes, for each of his legs was a whole and

distinct fish. And there he would sit for hours singing

to the wondering ears of the Indians the beautiful things

he saw in the depths of the ocean, always closing his

strange stories with these words :' Follow me, and

see what I will show you.' For a great many suns, they

dared not venture upon the water ; but when they grew

hungry, they at last put to sea, and following the man-

fish, who kept close to the boat, reached the American

coast." *

It is not impossible that the North-American Indians

may have symbolized the sun in the same manner as the

Syrians, and t4iat this legend may signify that the early

colonists, to reach the New Land, followed the Jish-

* Epitomized from Traditions of the North-American Indians,

by J. A. Jones. 1S30, pp. 47-58-

374 Melusina.

course of the sun, which as man goes from East to

West, whereas when it dives it swims from West to East,

the course taken by the Indians in their canoes. The

wanderers in the Canadian forests have also their fish-

woman, of whom a tale is related which bears a lively

resemblance to that of Undine, and which is not a little

like that of Melusina.

One day an Ottawa chief, whilst sitting by the water

side, beheld a beautiful woman rise from the flood, her

face exquisitely lovely, her eyes blue, her teeth white, and

her locks floating over her shoulders. From her waist

downwards she was fish, or rather two fishes. She en-

treated the warrior to permit her to live on earth, as she

desired to win a human soul, which could only be ac-

quired by union with a mortal. He consented and took

her to his house, where she was to him as a daughter.

Some years after an Andirondack youth beheld and loved

her. He took her to wife, and she obtained that which

she had desired— a human soul.

In the Undine story, a water-maiden, in like manner

and for a like object, is adopted by an old fisherman, and

becomes the bride of a youthful German knight. But the

Andirondack tribe was ill-pleased at the marriage of their

chief with the mysterious damsel, and they tore her from

Mehisina. 375

his arms, and drove her back to her original element.

Then all the water-spirits vowed revenge at the insult

offered to one of their race ; they stirred up war between

the Ottawas and Andirondacks, which led to the extermi-

nation of the latter ; one only was rescued, and he was

grasped by the fish-wife, and by her borne down to the

watery depths below the Falls of St. Anthony. In the

German story, the husband is weary with the taunts of

those around at having married a water-sprite, and bids

her return to her element. Then the spirits of the flood

\'Ow his destruction, and send Undine on earth to embrace

her faithless lord, and kiss him to death. The name of

the fish-woman is in German Meerfrau or Meriminni ; in

Danish, the Siren is Maremind ; and in Icelandic and old

Norse, Marmennill ; in Irish she is the Merrow ; with the

Breton peasantry she is Marie-Morgan. In the legendary

lore of all these people, there are stories of the loves of a

mortal man and a mermaid. According to Mr. Crofton

Croker, O'Sullivan More, Lord of Dunkerron, lost his

heart to one of these beautiful water-sprites, and she

agreed to be his, but her parents resented the union and

killed her.

On the shore of Smenvick harbor, an Irishman, Dick

Fitzgerald, caught a Merrow with her cohuleen driuth, or

3/6 Melusina.

enchanted cap, lying on a rock beside her. He grasped

the cap, and thereby possessed himself of the nymph,

who, however, seemed nothing loth to obtain a mortal

husband. They lived together happily for some years,

and saw a family of beautiful children grow up at their

knees. But one day the Lady of Gollerus, as she was

called, discovered her old cap in a corner. She took it

up and looked at it, and then thought of her father the

king and her mother the queen, and felt a longing to go

back to them. She kissed the babies, and then went

down to the strand with the full intention of returning to

Gollerus after a brief visit to her home. However, no

sooner was the cohuleen driiith on her head, than all re-

membrance of her life on earth was forgotten, and she

plunged into the sea, never to return. Similar tales are

related in Shetland, the Faroes, in Iceland, and Nor-


Vade, the father of the famous smith Velund, was the

son of King Vilkin and a mermaid whom he met in a

wood on the sea-shore in Russia.* In the Saga of Half

and his knights is an account of a merman who was

caught and kept a little while on land. He sang the

following entreaty to be taken back to his native ele-

ment—* Vilkina Saga, c. l8.


Melusina. 2)77

" Cold water to the eyes !

Flesh raw to tlie teeth !

A shroud to the dead !

Flit me back to the sea


Henceforward never

Men in ships sailing


Draw me to dry land

From the depth of the sea ! " *

In the " Speculum Regale," an Icelandic work of the

twelfth century, is the following description of a mer-

maid :—

" A monster is seen also near Greenland, which people

call the Margygr. This creature appears like a woman as

far down as her waist, with breast and bosom like a

woman, long hands, and soft hair, the neck and head in

all respects like those of a human being. The hands

seem to people to be long, and the fingers not to be

parted, but united by a web like that on the feet of water-

birds. From the waist downwards, this monster resembles

a fish, with scales, tail, and fins. This prodigy is believed

to show itself especially before heavy storms. The habit

of this creature is to dive frequently and rise again to the

surface with fishes in its hands. When sailors see it

playing with the fish, or throwing them towards the ship,

they fear that they are doomed to lose several of the

* Halfs Saga ok rekum hans, c. 7.

3/8 Meliisina.

crew ; but when it casts the fish, or, turning from the

vessel, flings them away from her, then the sailors take

it as a good omen that they will not suffer loss in the

impending storm. This monster has a very horrible face,

with broad brow and piercing eyes, a wide mouth, and

double chin." * The Landnama, br Icelandic Doomsday

book, speaks of a Marmennill, or merman, having been

caught off the island of Grimsey ; and the annals of the

same country relate the appearance of these beings off

the coast in 1305 and in 1329.

Megasthenes reported that the sea which washed Tap-

robane, the modern Ceylon, was inhabited by a creature

having the appearance of a woman ; and ^lian improved

this account, by stating that there are whales having the

form of Satyrs. In 1187, a merman was fished up off the

coast of Suffolk. It closely resembled a man, but was not

gifted with speech. One day, when it had the opportu-

nity to escape, it fled to the sea, plunged in, and was

never seen again. Pontoppidan records the appearance

of a merman, which was deposed to on oath by the


" About a mile from the coast of Denmark, near Lands-

crona, three sailors, observing something like a dead

* Quoted in " Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas," p. 349.

Mehisina. 379

body floating in the water, rowed towards it. When they

came within seven or eight fathoms, it still appeared as at

first, for it had not stirred ; but at that instant it sank,

and came up almost immediately in the same place.

Upon this, out of fear, they lay still, and then let the boat

float, that they might the better examine the monster,

which, by the help of the current, came nearer and nearer

to them. He turned his face and stared at them, which

gave them a good opportunity of examining him nar-

rowly. He stood in the same place for seven or eight

minutes, and was seen above the water breast-high. At

last they grew apprehensive of some danger, and began

to retire ; upon which the monster blew up his cheeks

and made a kind of lowing noise, and then dived from

their view. In regard to his form, they declare in their

afifidavits, which were regularly taken and recorded, that

he appeared like an old man, strong limbed, with broad

shoulders, but his arms they could not see. His head was

small in proportion to his body, and had short, curled

black hair, which did not reach below his ears ; his eyes

lay deep in his head, and he had a meagre face, with a

black beard ; about the body downwards, this merman

was quite pointed like a fish." *

* Pontoppidan's Nat. Hist, of Norway, p. 154.

380 > Melusina.

In the year 1430, after a violent tempest, which broke

down the dykes in Holland and flooded the low lands,

some girls of the town of Edam in West Friesland, going

in a boat to milk their cows, observed a mermaid in shal-

low water and embarrassed in the mud.

They took it into their boat and brought it into Edam,

dressed it in female attire, and taught it to spin. It fed

with them, but never could be taught to speak. It was

afterwards brought to Haerlem, where it lived for several

years, though still showing a strong inclination for water.

Parival, in his " Delices de HoUande," relates that it was

instructed in its duty to God, and that it made reverences

before a crucifix. Old Hudson, the navigator, in his dry

and ponderous narrative, records the following incident,

when trying to force a passage to the pole near Nova

Zembla, lat. 75°, on the 15th June. "This morning, one

of our company looking overboard saw a mermaid ; and

calling up some of the company to see her, one more

came up, and by that time she was come close to the

ship's side, looking earnestly at the men. A little after, a

sea came and overturned her. From the navel upward,

her back and breasts were like a woman's, as they say that

saw her; her body as big as one of us, her skin very

white, and long hair hanging down behind, of color black.

Melusina. 381

In her going down they saw her tail, which was like the

tail of a porpoise, speckled like a mackerel. Their names

that saw her were Thomas Hilles and Robert Rayner."

In 1560, near the island of Mandar, on the west of

Ceylon, some fishermen entrapped in their net seven

mermen and mermaids, of which several Jesuits, and

Father Henriques, and Bosquez, physician to the Viceroy

of Goa, were witnesses. The physician examined them

with a great deal of care, and dissected them. He asserts

that the internal and external structure resembled that of

human beings. We have another account of a merman

seen near the great rock Diamon, on the coast of Mar-

tinique. The persons who saw it gave a precise descrip-

tion of it before a notary; they affirmed that they saw

it wipe its hands over its face, and even heard it blow its

nose. Another creature of the same species was captured

in the Baltic in 1531, and sent as a present to Sigismund,

King of Poland, with whom it hved three days, and was

seen by all the Court. Another was taken near Rocca de

Sintra, as related by Damian Goes. The King of Portugal

and the Grand-Master of the Order of St. James are said

to have had a suit at law, to determine which party the

creature belonged to.

Captain Weddell, well known for his geographical dis-

382 Melnsina.

coveries in the extreme south of the globe, relates the

following story :" A boat's crew were employed on Hall's

Island, when one of the crew, left to take care of some

produce, saw an animal whose voice was even musi-

cal. The sailor had lain down, and about ten o'clock he

heard a noise resembling human cries ; and as daylight in

these latitudes never disappears at this season, he rose and

looked around, but, on seeing no person, returned to bed.

Presently he heard the noise again, rose a second time,

but still saw nothing. Conceiving, however, the possi-

bility of a boat being upset, and that some of the crew

might be clinging to some detached rocks, he walked

along the beach a few steps, and heard the noise more

distinctly, but in a musical strain. Upon searching round,

he saw an object lying on a rock a dozen yards from the

shore, at which he was somewhat frightened. The face

and shoulders appeared of human form, and of a reddish

color ; over the shoulders hung long green hair ; the tail

resembled that of the seal, but the extremities of the arms

he could not see distinctly. The creature continued to

make a musical noise while he gazed about two minutes,

and on perceiving him it disappeared in an instant. Im-

mediately when the man saw his officer, he told this wild

tale, and to add weight to his testimony (being a Roman-

Mchisina. 383

ist) he made a cross on the sand, which he kissed, as

making oath to the truth of his statement. When I saw

him, he told the story in so clear and positive a manner,

making oath to its truth, that I concluded he must really

have seen the animal he described, or that it must have

been the effect of a disturbed imagination." *

In a splendidly illustrated work with plates colored by

hand, " Poissons, ^crevisses et crabes de diverses cou-

leurs et figures extraordinaires, que Ton trouve autour des

Isles Moluques," dedicated to King George of England,

and published by Louis Renard at Amsterdam, in 171 7,

is a curious account of a mermaid. This book was the

result of thirty years' labor, in the Indian seas, by Blatazar

Coyett, Governor of the Islands of the Province of Am-

boine and President of the Commissioners in Batavia,

and by Adrien Van der Stell, Governor Regent of the

* Voyage towards the South Pole, p. 143, quoted by Goss


Romance of Nat. Hist., 2nd Series.

384 Melusina.

Province of Amboine. In the 2nd volume, p. 240, is the

picture of a mermaid here reproduced, and the subjoined

description :—

" See-wyf. A monster resembMng a Siren, caught near

the island of Born^, or Boeren, in the Department of

Amboine. It was 59 inches long, and in proportion as

an eel. It lived on land, in a vat full of water, during

four days seven hours. From time to time it uttered

little cries like those of a mouse. It would not eat,

though it was offered small fish, shells, crabs, lobsters, &c.

After its death, some excrement was discovered in the vat,

like the secretion of a cat." The copy from which I have

taken the representation for this work is thus colored :

hair, the hue of kelp ; body, olive tint ; webbed olive

between the fingers, which have each four joints ; the

fringe round the waist orange, with a blue border ; the

fins green, face slate-gray; a delicate row of pink hairs

runs the length of the tail.

With such a portrait we may well ask with Tenny-


" Who would be

A mermaid fair,

Singing alone,

Combing her hair

Under the sea

In a golden curl,

With a comb of pearl,

On a throne .''


Mebisina. 385

The introduction to the book contains additional infor-


The Avetiissemenf de rEditeiir says :— " M. Baltazar

Coyett is the first to whom the great discovery is due.

Whilst governor, he encouraged the fishery of these fishes;

and after having had about two hundred painted of those

which were brought to his home by the Indians of Am-

boine and the neighboring isles, as well as by the Dutch

there settled, he formed of them two collections, the

, originals of which were brought by his son to M. Scott

the Elder, who was then chief advocate, or prime min-

ister, of the Company General of the East Indies at

Amsterdam. He had them copied exactly. The second

volume, less correct indeed in the exactitude of the draw-

ings, but very curious on account of the novelties where-

with it is filled, and of the remarks accompanying each

fish, was taken from the collection of M. Van der Stell,

Governor of the Moluccas, by a painter named Gamael

Fallours, who brought them to me from the Indies, and

of which I have selected about 250. Moreover, to check

incredulity in certain persons, I have thought fit to subjoin

the following certificates." Among them, the most curious

are those relating to the mermaid.

Letter from Renard, the publisher, to M. Francois


386 Mehisina.

Valentyn, minister of the Gospel at Dort, late superin-

tendent of the churches in the colonies, dated Amster-

dam, Dec. 17, 1 716.

" Monsieur,

" His Majesty the Czar of Muscovy having done me

the honor of visiting my house, and having had occasion

to show the prince the work on the fishes of the Molucca

islands, by the Sieur Fallours, in which, among other draw-

ings, is the enclosed plate, representing a monster resem-

bling a Siren, which this painter says that he saw alive for

four days at Amboine, as you will be pleased to see in the

writing with his own hand, which accompanies this pic-

ture, and as he believes that M. Van der Stell, the present

Governor of Amboine, may have sent it to you, I re-

marked that his Majesty the Czar would be much gratified

to have this fact substantiated ; wherefore I shall be greatly

obliged if you will favor me with a reply.

" I remain, &c."


"Dort, Dec. 18, 17 16.

" Monsieur,

" It is not impossible that, since my departure from the

Indies, Fallours may have seen at Amboine the monster

Melusina. 387

whose picture you had the courtesy to send me, and which

I return enclosed ; but up to the present moment I have

neither seen nor heard of the original. If I had the

creature, I would with all my heart make a present of

it to his Majesty the Czar, whose application in the re-

search of objects of curiosity deserves the praise of all the

world. But, sir, as evidence that there are monsters in

nature resembling this Siren, I may say that I know for

certain, that in the year 1652 or 1653 a heutenant in the

service of the Company saw two of these beings in the

gulf, near the village of Hennetelo, near the islands of

Ceram and Bcero, in the Department of Amboine. They

were swimming side by side, which made him presume

that one was male, the other female. Six weeks after they

reappeared in the same spot, and were seen by more than

fifty persons. These monsters were of a greenish gray

color, having precisely the shape of human beings from

the head to the waist, with arms and hands, but their

bodies tapered away. One was larger than the other;

their hair was moderately long. I may add that, on my

way back from the Indies, in which I resided thirty years,

I saw, on the ist May, 1714, long. 12° 18', and on the

Meridian, during clear, calm weather, at the distance of

three or four ship-lengths off, a monster, which was

388 Mehisina.

apparently a sort of marine-man, of a bluish gray (gris

de mer). It was raised well above the surface, and

seemed to have a sort of fisher's cap of moss on its

head. All the ship's company saw it, as well as myself;

but although its back was turned towards us, the monster

seemed conscious that we were approaching too near, and

it dived suddenly under water, and we saw it no more.

" I am, &c.,

"F. Valentyn,"

Letter from M. Parent, Pastor of the church of Am-

sterdam, written and exhibited before the notary Jacob


"Amsterdam, Jidy 15, 1717." Monsieur,

" I have seen with mingled pleasure and surprise the

illuminated proofs of the beautiful plates which you have

had engraved, representing the fishes of Molucca, which

were painted from nature by the Sieur Samuel Fallours,

with whom I was acquainted when at Amboine. I own,

sir, that I was struck with astonishment at the sight of

this work, the engravings of which closely resemble the

fishes I have seen during my life, and which, or some of

which, I have had the pleasure of eating during the

Melusina. 389

thirteen years I resided at Amboine, from which I re-

turned with the fleet in 1716. . . . Touching your

inquiry, whether I ever saw a Siren in that country, I

reply that, whilst making the circuit of our churches in

the Molucca Isles (which is done twice in the year by the

pastors who understand the language of the country) , and

navigating in an orambay, or species of galley, between

the villages of Holilieuw and Karieuw, distant from one

another about two leagues by water, it happened, whilst I

was dozing, that the negro rowers uttered a shrill cry of

astonishment, which aroused me with a start ; and when I

inquired the cause of their outcry, they replied unani-

mously that they had seen clearly and distinctly a monster

like a Siren, with a face resembling that of a man, and

long hair like that of a woman floating down its back


but at their cry it had replunged into the sea, and all I

could see was the agitation of the water where this Siren

had disturbed it by diving.

" I am, sir, &c.," Parent."

One of the most remarkable accounts of a mermaid is

that in Dr. Robert Hamilton's " History of the Whales

and Seals," in the " Naturalist's Library," he himself

vouching for its general truth, from personal knowledge

390 Melusina.

of some of the parties. " It was reported that a fishing-

boat off the island of Yell, one of the Shetland group, had

captured a mermaid by its getting entangled in the lines."

The statement is, that the animal was about three feet

long, the upper part of the body resembling the human,

with protuberant mammae, like a woman ; the face, the

forehead, and neck were short, and resembling those of a

monkey ; the arms, which were small, were kept folded

across the breast ; the fingers were distinct, not webbed;

a few stiff, long bristles were on the top of the head, ex-

tending down to the shoulders, and these it could erect

and depress at pleasure, something like a crest. The

inferior part of the body was like a fish. The skin was

smooth, and of a gray color. It offered no resistance,

nor attempted to bite, but uttered a low, plaintive sound.

The crew, six in number, took it within their boat ; but

superstition getting the better of curiosity, they carefully

disentangled it from the lines and from a hook which had

accidentally fastened in its body, and returned it to its

native element. It instantly dived, descending in a per-

pendicular direction.

"After writing the above (we are informed), the nar-

rator had an interview with the skipper of the boat and

one of the crew, from whom he learned the following

Melusina, 391

additional particulars. They had the animal for three

hours within the boat ; the body was without scales or

hair, was of a silver-gray color above and white below,

like the human skin ; no gills were observed, nor fins on

the back or belly ; the tail was like that of the dog-fish;

the mammae were about as large as those of a woman\

the mouth and lips were very distinct, and resembled the

human. This communication was from Mr. Edmonton, a

well-known and intelligent observer, to the distinguished

professor of natural history in the Edinburgh University


and Mr. E. adds a few reflections, which are so pertinent

that we shall avail ourselves of them. That a very peculiar

animal has been taken, no one can doubt. It was seen

and handled by six men on one occasion and for some

time, not one of whom dreams of a doubt of its being a

mermaid. If it were supposed that their fears magnified

its supposed resemblance to the human form, it must at

all events be admitted that there was some ground for ex-

citing these fears. But no such fears wei;e likely to be

entertained ; for the mermaid is not an object of terror to

the fisherman : it is rather a welcome guest, and danger

is to be apprehended only from its experiencing bad treat-

ment. The usual resources of scepticism, that the seals

and other sea-animals, appearing under certain circum-

392 Melusina.

stances, operating on an excited imagination, and so pro-

ducing ocular illusion, cannot avail here. It is quite

impossible that, under the circumstances, six Shetland

fishermen could commit such a mistake."

One of these creatures was found in the belly of a

shark, on the north-west coast of Iceland, and is thus

described by Wernhard Guthmund's son, priest of Ottrar-

dale :—

" The lower part of the animal was entirely eaten away,

whilst the upper part, from the epigastric and hypogastric

region, was in some places partially eaten, in others com-

pletely devoured. The sternum, or breast-bone, was per-

fect. This animal appeared to be about the size of a boy

eight or nine years old, and its head was formed like that

of a man. The anterior surface of the occiput was very

protuberant, and the nape of the neck had a considerable

indentation or sinking. The alae of the ears were very

large, and extended a good way back. It had front teeth,

which were long and pointed, as were also the larger

teeth. The eyes were lustreless, and resembled those of

a codfish. It had on its head long black, coarse hair,

very similar to the fiicus filifonnis ; this hair hung over

the shoulders. Its forehead was large and round. The

skin above the eyelids was much wrinkled, scanty, and of

Melusina. 393

a bright olive color, which was indeed the hue of the

whole body. The chin was cloven, the shoulders were

high, and the neck uncommonly short. The arms were

of their natural size, and each hand had a thumb and four

fingers covered with flesh. Its breast was formed exactly

like that of a man, and there was also to be seen some-

thing like nipples ; the back was also like that of a man.

It had very cartilaginous ribs ; and in parts where the skin

had been rubbed off, a black, coarse flesh was perceptible,

very similar to that of the seal. This animal, after having

been exposed about a week on the shore, was again

thrown into the sea." *

To the manufactured mermaids which come from

Japan, and which are exhibited at shows, it is not neces-

sary to do more than allude ; they testify to the Japanese

conception of a sea-creature resembling the Tritons of

ancient Greece, the Syrian On and Derceto, the Scandi-

navian Marmennill, and the Mexican Coxcox.

* Quoted in my " Iceland, its Scenes and Sagas."

®l)c Jortunate 3s[t3.

INmy article on the " Terrestrial Paradise " I men-

tioned the principal mediaeval fables existing relative

to that blessed spot, which was located, according to

popular belief, in the remote East of Asia. The Ancients

had a floating tradition relative to a vast continent called

Atlantis, in the far West, where lay Kronos asleep, guarded

by Briareus ; a land of rivers, and woods, and soft airs,

occupying in their thoughts the position assumed in

Christian belief by the earthly paradise. The Fathers

of the Church waged war against this object of popular

mythology, for Scripture plainly indicated the position of

the garden land as " eastward in Eden " (Gen. ii. 8) ;

but, notwithstanding their attempts to drive the western

paradise from the minds of men, it held its ground, and

was believed in throughout the middle ages, till Christo-

pher Columbus sought and found Atlantis and paradise in

the new world, a world in which the theories of the

The Fortunate Isles. 395

Ancients and of the Mediaevals met, for it was truly east

of Asia and west of Europe. "The saintly theologians

and philosophers were right," are the words of the great

admiral in one of his letters, " when they fixed the site of

the terrestrial paradise in the extreme Orient, because it

is a most temperate clime ; and the lands which I have

just discovered are the limits of the Orient ;" an opinion

he repeats in his letter of 1498 :" I am convinced that

there is the terrestrial paradise," namely that which had

been located by Saints Ambrose, Isidore, and the Vener-

able Bede in the East.*

The behef in a western land, or group of islands, was

prevalent among the Kelts as well as the Greek and Latin

geographers, and was with them an article of religion,

upon which were founded superstitious practices, which

perpetuated themselves after the introduction of Chris-


This belief in a western land probably arose from the

discovery of objects, unfamiliar and foreign, washed up

on the European shores. In the life of Columbus, Martin

Vincent, pilot of the King of Portugal, picked up oflF

Cape St. Vincent a piece of carved wood ; and a similar

fragment was washed ashore on the Island of Madeira,

* Navarrette, Coll. de Documents, i. p. 244.

396 The Fortunate Isles.

and found by Pedro Correa, brother-in-law of the great

navigator. The inhabitants of the Azores said that when

the wind blew from the West, there were brought ashore

great bamboos and pines of a description wholly unknown

to them. On the sands of the Island of Flores were

found one day the bodies of two men with large faces,

and witli features very different from those of Europeans.

On another occasion, two canoes were driven on the coast

filled with strange men.* In 1682, a Greenland canoe

appeared off the Isle of Eda in the Orkneys, and in the

church of Burra was long preserved an Esquimaux boat

which had been washed ashore. f On the stormy coast

of the Hebrides are often found nuts, which are made

by the fishermen into snuff-boxes or worn as amulets.

Martin, who wrote of the Western Isles in 1703, calls

them " MoUuka beans." They are seeds of the Mimosa

scandens, washed by the gulf-stream across the Atlantic to

our shores. Great logs of drift-wood of a strange char-

acter are also carried to the same coasts, and are used

l)y the islanders in the construction of their hovels.

In 1508, a French vessel met with a boat full of Ameri-

can Indians not far off the English coast, as Bembo tells

* Herrera, Hist. General, Dec. i. lib. i. cap. 2.

t Wallace, An Account of the Islands of Orkney, 1700, p. 60.

The Fortunate Isles. 397

us in his history of Venice.* Other instances have been

cited by commentators on the curious fragment of Cor-

nelius Nepos, which gave rise in the middle ages to a

discussion of the possibility of forcing a north-west pas-

sage to India. Humboldt, in his remarks on this passage,

says :" Pomponius Mela, who lived at a period sufficiently

near that of Cornelius Nepos, relates, and Pliny repeats

it, that Metellus Celer, whilst Proconsul of Gaul, received

as a gift from a king of the Boil or Boeti (the name is

somewhat uncertain, and Pliny calls him a king of the

Suevi) some Indians who, driven by the tempests from

the Indian seas, landed on the coasts of Gemiany. It is

of no importance discussing here whether Metellus Celer

is the same as the Prsetor of Rome in the year of the

consulship of Cicero, and afterwards consul conjoindy

with L. Africanus ; or whether the German king was

Ariovistus, conquered by Julius Csesar. What is certain

is, that from the chain of ideas which lead Mela to cite

this fact as indisputable, one may conclude that in his

time it was believed in Rome that these swarthy men sent

from Germany into Gaul had come across the ocean

which bathes the East and North of Asia." f

* Bembo, Hist. Ven. vii. p. 257.

t Humboldt, Essai sur I'Hist. de la Geographic du N. Conti-

nent, ii. p. 264, note 2.

398 The Fortunate Isles.

The canoes, bodies, timber, and nuts, washed up on

the western coasts of Europe, may have originated the

belief in there being a land beyond the setting sun ; and

this country, when once supposed to exist, was variously

designated as Meropis, the continent of Kxonos, Ogygia,

Atlantis, the Fortunate Isles, or the Garden of the Hes-

perides. Strabo says distinctly that the only hindrance in

the way of passing west from Iberia to India is the vast-

ness of the Atlantic ocean, but that " in the same temper-

ate zone as we inhabit, and especially about the parallel

passing through Thinse and traversing the Atlantic, there

may exist two inhabited countries, and perhaps even more

than two." * A more distinct prophecy of America than

the vague expressions of Seneca— " Finitam cuique rei

magnitudinem natura dederat, dedit et modum : nihil

infinitum est nisi Oceanus. Fertiles in Oceano jacere

terras, ultraque Oceanum rursus alia littora, alium nasci

orbem, nee usquam naturam rerum desinere, sed semper

inde ubi desiisse videatur, novam exsurgere, facile ista

finguntur, quia Oceanus navigari non potest " (Suasoria I.).

Aristotle accepted the notion of there being a new con-

tinent in the West, and described it, from the accounts

of the Carthaginians, as a land opposite the Pillars of

* Strabo, Geog. lib. i.

The Fortunate Isles. 399

Hercules (Str. of Gibraltar), fertile, well-watered, and

covered with forests.* Diodorus gives the Phoenicians

the credit of having discovered it, and adds that there

are lofty mountains in that country, and that the tempera-

ture is not subject to violent changes.f He however tries

to distinguish between it and the Elysium of Homer, the

Fortunate Isles of Pindar, and the Garden of the Hes-

perides. The Carthaginians began to found colonies

there, but were forbidden by law, as it was feared that

the old mother settlement would be deserted for the new

and more attractive country. Plutarch locates Homer's

Island of Ogygia five days' sail to the west of Brittia, and

he adds, the great continent, or terra firma, is five thou-

sand stadia from Ogygia. It stretches far away towards

the north, and the people inhabiting this great land regard

the old world as a small island. This is an observation

made also by Theopompus, in his geographical myth of


The ancient theories of Atlantis shall detain us no

longer, as they have been carefully and exhaustively

treated by Humboldt in the already quoted work on the

geography of the New World. We shall therefore pass

* Aristot. De Mirab. Aucult. c. 84.

t Diod. Hist., ed. Wessel, torn. i. p. 244.

X yElian, Var. Hist. iii. 18.

400 TJic Fortunate Isles.

to the Kelts, and learn the position occupied by America

in their mythology.

Brittia, says Procopius, lies 200 stadia from the coast

between Britannia and Thule, opposite the mouth of the

Rhine, and is inhabited by Angles, Frisians, and Britons.*

By Britannia he means the present Brittany, and Brittia

is England. Tzetze relates that on the ocean coast,

opposite Britannia, live fishermen subject to the Franks,

but freed from paying tribute, on account of their occu-

pation, which consists in rowing souls across to the oppo-

site coast. t Procopius tells the same story, and Sir Walter

Scott gives it from him in his " Count Robert of Paris."

"I have read," says Agelastes, "in that brilliant mirror

which reflects the times of our fathers, the volumes of the

learned Procopius, that beyond Gaul, and nearly opposite

to it, but separated by an arm of the sea, lies a ghastly

region, on which clouds and tempests for ever rest, and

which is known to its continental neighbors as the abode

to which departed spirits are sent after this life. On one

side of the strait dwell a few fishermen, men possessed

of a strange character, and enjoying singular privileges in

consideration of thus being the living ferrymen who, per-

forming the office of the heathen Charon, carry the spirits

* De Bello Gothico, lib. iv. 20. t Ad Lycophr. v. 1200.

The Fortunate Isles. 40


of the departed to the island which is their residence after

death. At the dead of the night these fishermen are in

rotation summoned to perform the duty by which they

seem to hold permission to reside on this strange coast.

A knock is heard at the door of his cottage, who holds

the turn of this singular office, founded by no mortal

hand ; a whispering, as of a decaying breeze, summons

the ferryman to his duty. He hastens to his bark on the

sea-shore, and has no sooner launched it, than he per-

ceives its hull sink sensibly in the water, so as to express

the weight of the dead with whom it is filled. No form

is seen ; and though voices are heard, yet the accents are

undistinguishable, as of one who speaks in his sleep."

According to Villemarque, the place whence the boat put

off with its ghostly freight was near Raz, a headland near

the Bay of Souls, in the extreme west of Finisterre. The

bare, desolate valleys of this cape, opposite the Island of

Seint, with its tarn of Kleden, around which dance nightly

the skeletons of drowned mariners, the abyss of Plogofif,

and the wild moors studded with Druid monuments, make

it a scene most suitable for the assembly of the souls

previous to their ghastly voyage. Here too, in Yawdet,

the ruins of an ancient town near Llannion, has been

identified the 'YaSerot of Strabo.


402 The Fortunate Isles.

" On the great island of Brittia," continues Procopius,

" the men of olden time built a great wall cutting off a

great portion of the land. East of this wall, there was a

good climate and abundant crops, but west of it, on the

contrary, it was such that no man could live there an

hour ; it was the haunt of myriads of serpents and other

reptiles, and if any one crossed the wall, he died at once,

poisoned by the noxious exhalations." This belief, which

acted as a second wall to the realm of the dead, preserved

strict privacy for the spirits. Procopius declares that

this tradition was widely spread, and that it was reported

to him by many people.

Claudian also heard of the same myth, but confused

it with that of the nether world of Odysseus. "At the

extreme coast of Gaul is a spot protected from the tides

of Ocean, where Odysseus by bloodshed allured forth the

silent folk. There are heard wailing cries, and the light

fluttering around of the shadows. And the natives there

see pale, statue-like figures and dead corpses wander-

ing." * According to Philemon in Pliny, the Cimbri

called the Northern Ocean Morimarusa, i.e. mare mor-

tuum, the sea of the dead.

In the old romance of Lancelot du Lac, the Demoiselle

* In Rufin, i. 123-133.

The Fortunate Isles. 403

d'Escalot directed that after death her body should be

placed richly adorned in a boat, and allowed to float away

before the wind ; a trace of the ancient belief in the

passage over sea to the soul-land.

" There take the little bed on which I died

For Lancelot's love, and deck it like the Queen's

For richness, and me also like the Queen

In all I have of rich, and lay me on it.

And let there be prepared a chariot-bier

To take me to the river, and a barge

Be ready on the river, clothed in black."

Tennyson's Elaine.

And the grave-digger in Hamlet sings of being at death

"... shipp'd intill the land,

As if I had never been such."

Act V. Sc. I.

When King Arthur was about to die, with a mortal

wound in the head, he was brought by good Sir Bedivere

to the water's side.

" And when they were at the water's side, even fast by

the banke, hoved a little barge with many faire ladies in

it, and among them all was a queene, and all they had

blacke hoods, and they wept and shriked when they saw

King Arthur. ' Now put mee into the barge,' said the

king ; and so hee did softly ; and there received him

three queenes with great mourning, and so these three

404 The Fortunate Isles.

queenes set them downe, and in one of their laps King

Arthur laide his head. And then that queene said, ' Ah !

deer brother, why have ye tarried so long from me?

Alas ! this wound on your head hath taken over much

cold.' And so then they rowed from the land, and Sir

Bedivere cried, ' Ah ! my lord Arthur, what shall become

of mee now ye goe from me, and leave me here alone

among mine enemies?' 'Comfort thy selfe,' said King

Arthur, ' and do as well as thou maiest, for in mee is no

trust for to trust in ; for I wil into the vale of Avilion for to

heale me of my gi-eivous wound ; and if thou never heere

more of mee, pray for my soule.' But evermore the

queenes and the ladies wept and shriked that it was pity

for to heare them. And as soone as Sir Bedivere had lost

the sight of the barge, he wept and wailed, and so tooke

the forrcst." *

This fair Avalon—" Where falls not hail, or rain, or any snow,

Nor ever wind blows loudly ; but— lies

Deep-meadow'd, happy, fair with orchard lawns

And bowery hollows crown'd with summer sea,"

is the Isle of the Blessed of the Kelts. Tzetze and Pro-

copius attempt to localize it, and suppose that the Land

* La Mort d'Arthure, by Sir Thomas Malory, ed. Wright,

vol. iii. c. 168.

TJie Fortunate Isles. 405

of Souls is Britain ; but in this they are mistaken ; as also

are those who think to find Avalon at Glastonbury. Ava-

lon is the Isle of Apples— a name reminding one of the

Garden of the Hesperides in the far western seas, with its

tree of golden apples in the midst. When we are told

that in the remote Ogygia sleeps Kronos gently, watched

by Briareus, till the time comes for his awaking, we have

a Graecized form of the myth of Arthur in Avalon being

cured of his grievous wound. It need hardly be said that

the Arthur of romance is actually a demi-god, believed in

long before the birth of the historic Arthur. This Ogygia,

says Plutarch, lies due west, beneath the setting sun.

According to an ancient poem published by M, Ville-

marqu^, it is a place of enchanting beauty. There youths

and maidens dance hand in hand on the dewy grass,

green trees are laden with apples, and behind the woods

the golden sun dips and rises. A murmuring rill flows

from a spring in the midst of the island, and thence drink

the spirits and obtain life with the draught. Joy, song,

and minstrelsy reign in that blessed region.* There all

is plenty, and the golden age ever lasts ; cows give their

milk in such abundance that they fill large ponds at a

milking, t There, too, is a palace all of glass, floating in

* Villemarque, Barz. Breiz, i. 193.

t Mem. de I'Acad. Celtique, v. p. 202.

406 The Fortunate Isles.

air, and receiving within its transparent walls the souls of

the blessed : it is to this house of glass that Merddin

Emrys and his nine bards voyage.* To this alludes

Taliesin in his poem, " The Booty of the Deep," where

he says, that the valor of Arthur is not retained in the

glass enclosure. Into this mansion three classes of men

obtain no admission — the tailors, of whom it takes

nine to make a man, spending their days sitting, and

whose hands, though they labor, are white ; the warlocks,

and the usurers,f

In popular opinion, this distant isle was far more beau-

tiful than paradise, and the rumors of its splendor so ex-

cited the mind of the medisevals, that the western land

became the subject of satyre and jest. It was nicknamed

Cocaigne or Schlaraffenland.

An English poem, "apparently written in the latter

part of the thirteenth century," says Mr. Wright (St.

Patrick's Purgatory), "which was printed very in-

accurately by Hickes, from a manuscript which is now

in the British Museum," describes Cocaigne as far away

out to sea, west of Spain. Slightly modernized it runs

thus :

* Davies, Mythology of the Druids, p. 522.

t Barz. Breiz, ii. 99.

The Fortunate Isles. 407

" Though Paradise be merry and bright,

Cokaygne is of fairer sight ;

What is there in Paradise ?

Both grass and flower and green ris (boughs).

Though there be joy and great dute (pleasure),

There is not meat, but fruit.

There is not hall, bower, nor bench.

But water man's thirst to quench."

In Paradise are only two men, Enoch and Elias ; but

Cocaigne is full of happy men and women. There is no

land like it under heaven ; it is there always day and

never night ; there quarrelling and strife are unknown;

there no people die ; there falls neither hail, rain, or snow,

neither is thunder heard there, nor blustering winds—

" There is a well fair abbaye

Of white monks and of grey;

There both bowers and halls,

All of pasties be the walls,

Of flesh, and fish, and rich meat.

The like fullest that men may eat.

Floweren cakes be the shingles all.

Of church, cloister, bower, and hall.

The pins be fat pudings,

Rich meat to princes and kings."

The cloister is built of gems and spices, and all about

are birds merrily singing, ready roasted flying into the

hungry mouths ; and there are buttered larks and " garlek

gret plenty."

408 The Foj'tnnate Isles.

A French poem on this land describes it as a true

cookery-land, as its nickname implies. All down the

streets go roasted geese turning themselves ; there is a

river of wine ; the ladies are all fair ; every month one

has new clothes. There bubbles up the fountain of

perpetual youth, which will restore to bloom and vigor

all who bathe in it, be they ever so old and ugly.

However much the burlesque poets of the Middle

Ages might laugh at this mysterious western region of

blissful souls, it held its own in the belief of the people.

Curiously enough, the same confusion between Britain

and Avalon, which was made by Procopius, is still made

by the German peasantry, who have their Engel-land

which, through a similarity of name, they indentify with

England, to which they say, the souls of the dead are

transported. In this land, according to Teutonic myth-

ology, which in this point resembles the Keltic, is a glass

mountain. In like manner the Slaves believe in a para-

dise for souls wherein is a large apple-orchard, in the

midst of which rises a glass rock crowned with a golden

palace ; and in olden times they buried bear's claws

with the dead, to assist him in climbing the crystal


* Mannhardt, Germanische Mythen, 330 et seq.

The Fortunate Isles. 409

The mysterious Western Land, in Irish, is called

Thierna na oge, or the Country of Youth ; and it is

identified with a city of palaces and minsters sunk be-

neath the Atlantic, or at the bottom of lakes.

" The ancient Greek authors," says M. de Latocnaye

in his pleasant tour through Ireland, quoted by Crofton

Croker, " and Plato in particular, have recorded a tradi-

tion of an ancient world. They pretend that an immense

island, or rather a vast continent, has been swallowed up

by the sea to the west of Europe. It is more than prob-

able that the inhabitants of Connemara have never heard

of Plato or of the Greeks ; nevertheless they have also

their ancient tradition. ' Our land will reappear some

day,' say the old men to the young folk, as they lead them

on a certain day of the year to a mountain-top, and point

out over the sea to them ; the fishers also on their coasts

pretend that they see towns and villages at the bottom of

the water. The descriptions which they give of this

imaginary country are as emphatic and exaggerated as

those of the promised land : milk flows in some of the

rivulets, others gush with wine ; undoubtedly there are

also streams of whisky and porter." *

* Crofton Croker, Fairy Legends of the South of Ireland. 1862,

p. 165. See also Kennedy, Popular Fictions of the Irish Celts.

London, 1867.

4IO The Forttmate Isles.

The subject of cities beneath the water, which appear

above the waves at dawn on Easter-day, or which can be

seen by moonHght in the still depths of a lake, is too ex-

tensive to be considered here, opening up as it does

questions of mythology which, to be fully discussed,

would demand a separate paper. Each myth of an-

tiquity touches other myths with either hand, and it is

difficult to isolate one for consideration without being

drawn into the discussion of other articles of belief on

which it leans, and to which it is united. As in the

sacred symbol of the Church each member predicates

that which is to follow, and is a logical consequence of

that which goes before, so that the excision of one article

would destroy the completeness, and dissolve the unity

of the faith— so, with the sacred beliefs of antiquity, one

myth is linked to another, and cannot be detached with-

out breaking into and destroying the harmony of the

charmed circle.

But to confine ourselves to two points— the phantom

western land, and the passage to it.

" Those who have read the history of the Canaries,"

writes Washington Irving, " may remember the wonders

told of this enigmatical island. Occasionally it would

be visible from their shores, stretching away in the

The Fortunate Isles. 411

clear bright west, to all appearance substantial like

themselves, and still more beautiful. Expeditions

would launch forth from the Canaries to explore this

land of promise. For a time its sun-gilt peaks and long

shadowy promontories would remain distinctly visible;

but in proportion as the voyagers approached, peak and

promontory would gradually fade away, until nothing

would remain but blue sky above and deep blue water


" Hence this mysterious isle was stigmatized by

ancient cosmographers with the name of Aprositus, or

the inaccessible. " * The natives of the Canaries relate

of this island, which they name after St. Brandan, the

following tale. In the early part of the fifteenth cen-

tury, there arrived in Lisbon an old bewildered pilot of

the seas, who had been driven by the tempests he

knew not whither, and raved about an island in the far

deep, upon which he had landed, and which he had

found peopled v.-ith Christians and adorned with noble

cities. The inhabitants told him they were descendants

of a band of Christians who fled from Spain, when that

country was conquered by the Moslems. They were

* Washington Irving, Chronicles of Wolfert's Roost, and other

Papers. Edinburgh, 1855, p. 312.

412 TJie Fortunate Isles.

curious about the state of their fatherland, and grieved

to hear that the Moslem still held possession of the

kingdom of Granada. The old man, on his return to

his ship, was caught by a tempest, whirled out once

more to sea, and saw no more of the unknown island.

This strange story caused no little excitement in Portu-

gal and Spain. Those well versed in history remem-

bered to have read that in the time of the conquest of

Spain, in the eighth century, seven bishops, at the head

of seven bands of exiles, had fled across the great

ocean to some distant shores, where they might found

seven Christian cities, and enjoy their faith unmolested.

The fate of these wanderers had hitherto remained a

mystery, and their story had faded from memory ; but

the report of the old pilot revived the long-forgotten

theme, and it was determined, by the pious and enthusi-

astic, that this island thus accidentally discovered was

the identical place of refuge, whither the wandering

bishops had been guided with their flock by the hand of

Providence. No one, however, entered into the matter

with half the zeal of Don Fernando de Alma, a young

cavalier of high standing in the Portuguese court, and of

the meek, sanguine, and romantic temperament. The

Island of the Seven Cities became now the constant

The Fortunate Isles. 413

subject of his thoughts by day and of his dreams by

night ; and he determined to fit out an expedition, and

set sail in quest of the sainted island. Don loacos II.

furnished him with a commission, constituting him Ada-

lantado, or governor, of any country he might discover,

with the single proviso, that he should bear all the ex-

penses of the discovery, and pay a tenth of the profits

to the crown. With two vessels he put out to sea and

steered for the Canaries— in those days the regions of

nautical discovery and romance, and the outposts of the

known world ; for as yet Columbus had not crossed the

ocean. Scarce had they reached those latitudes, than

they were separated by a violent tempest. For many

days the caravel of Don Fernando was driven about at

the mercy of the elements, and the crew were in despair.

All at once the storm subsided, the ocean sank into a

calm, the clouds which had veiled the face of heaven

were suddenly withdrawn, and the tempest-tossed mari-

ners beheld a fair and mountainous island, emerging, as

if by enchantment, from the murky gloom. The caravel

now lay perfectly becalmed off the mouth of a river, on

the banks of which, about a league off, was descried a

noble city, with lofty walls and towers, and a'protecting

castle. After a time, a stately barge with sixteen oars

414 TJie Fortunate Isles.

was seen emerging from the river and approaching the

vessel. Under a silken canopy in the stern sat a richly-

clad cavalier, and over his head was a banner bearing

the sacred emblem of the cross. When the barge

reached the caravel, the cavalier stepped on board and,

in the old Castilian language, welcomed the strangers

to the Island of the Seven Cities. Don Fernando could

scarce believe that this was not all a dream. He

made known his name and the object of his Voyage.

The Grand Chamberlain — such was the title of the

cavalier from the island— assured him that, as soon as

his credentials were presented, he would be acknowl-

edged as the Adalantado of the Seven Cities. In the

mean time, the day was waning ; the barge was ready to

convey him to land, and would assuredly bring him

back. Don Fernando leaped into it after the Grand

Chamberlain, and was rowed ashore. Every thing

there bore the stamp of former ages, as if the world had

suddenly rolled back for several centuries ; and no

wonder, for the Island of the Seven Cities had been cut

off from the rest of the M'orld for several hundred years.

.On shore Don Fernando spent an agreeable evening at

the court-house, and late at night with reluctance he re-

entered the barge to return to his vessel. The barge

The Fortunate Isles. 415

sallied out to sea, but no caravel was to be seen. The

oarsmen rowed on — their monotonous chant had a

lulling effect. A drowsy influence crept over Don Fer-

nando : objects swam before his eyes, and he lost con-

sciousness. On his recovery, he found himself in a

strange cabin, surrounded by strangers. Where was he ?

On board a Portuguese ship, bound for Lisbon. How

had he come there .-* He had been taken senseless

from a wreck drifting about the ocean. The vessel

arrived in the Tagus, and anchored before the famous

capital. Don Fernando sprang joyfully on shore, and

hastened to his ancestral mansion. A strange porter

opened the door, who knew nothing of him or of his

family : no people of the name had inhabited the house

for many a year. He sought the house of his betrothed,

the Donna Serafina. He beheld her on the balcony


then he raised his arms towards her with an exclamation

of rapture. She cast upon him a look of indignation,

and hastily retired. He, rang at the door \ as it was

opened by the porter, he rushed past, sought the well-

known chamber, and threw himself at the feet of Sera-

fina. She started back with affright, and took refuge in

the arms of a 5'^outhful cavalier.

" Wliat mean you, Seiior ? " cried the latter.

4i6 ' The Fortunate Isles.

" What right have you to ask that question ? " de-

manded Don Fernando fiercely.

" The right of an affianced suitor !


" O Serafina ! is this your fidelity? " cried he in a tone

of agony.

" Serafina ! What mean you by Serafina, Senor ? This

lady's name is Maria."

" What !" cried Don Fernando ;

" is not this Serafina

Alvarez, the original of yon portrait which smiles on me

from the wall?"

" Holy Virgin !" cried the young lady, casting her eyes

upon the portrait, " he is talking of my great-grand-

mother !


With this Portuguese legend, which has been charm-

ingly told by Washington Irving, must be compared the

adventures of Porsenna, king of Russia, in the sixth

volume of Dodsley's " Poetical Collection." Porsenna

was carried off by Zephyr to a distant region, where the

scenery was enchanting, the flowers ever in bloom, and

creation put on her fairest guise. There he found a

princess with whom he spent a few agreeable weeks.

Being, however, anxious to return to his kingdom, he

took leave of her, saying that after three months' absence

his return would be necessary.

The Fortunate Isles. 4 1


" ' Three months !' replied the fair, ' three months alone !

Know that three hundred years are roli'd away

Since at my feet my lovely Phoenix lay.'

' Three hundred years !' re-echoed back the prince :

' A whole three hundred- years completed since

I landed here ?'


On his return to Russia, he was overtaken by all-

conquering time, and died. A precisely similar legend

exists in Ireland.

In a similar manner Ogier-le-Danois found himself

unconscious of the lapse of time in Avalon. He was one

day carried by his steed Papillon along a track of light to

the mystic Vale of Apples ; there he alighted beside a

sparkling fountain, around which waved bushes of fragrant

flowering shrubs. By the fountain stood a beautiful

maiden, extending to him a golden crown wreathed with

blossoms. He put it on his head, and at once forgot the

past : his battles, his love of glory, Charlemagne and his

preux, died from his memory like a dream. He saw only

Morgana, and felt no desire other than to sigh through

eternity at her feet. One day the crown slipped from

Ogier's head, and fell into the fountain : immediately his

memory returned, and the thoughts of his friends and

relatives, and military prowess, troubled his peace of mind.

He begged* Morgana to permit him to return to earth.




The Fortunate Isles.

She consented, and he found that, in the few hours of

rapture in Avalon, two hundred years had elapsed.

Charlemagne, Roland, and Oliver were no more. Hugh

Capet sat on the throne of France, the dynasty of the

great Charles having come to an end. Ogier found no

rest in France, and he returned to Avalon, nevermore to

leave the fay Morgana.

In the Portuguese legend, the Island of the Seven

Cities is unquestionably the land of departed spirits of

the ancient Celtiberians-; the properties of the old belief

remain : the barge to conduct the spirit to the shore, the

gorgeous scenery, and the splendid castle, but the signifi-

cance of the myth has been lost, and a story of a Spanish

colony having taken refuge in the far western sea has been

invented, to account for the Don meeting with those of

his own race in the phantom isle.

That the belief in this region was very strong in Ireland,

about the eleventh century, is certain from its adoption

into the popular mythology of the Norsemen, under the

name of Greater Ireland (Ireland hit Mikla). Till the

ruin of the Norse kingdom in the east of Erin, in the great

battle of Clontarf (1114), the Norsemen were brought

much in contact with the Irish, and by this means

adopted Irish names, such as Nial and Cormac, and Irish

The Fortunate Isles. 419

superstitions as well. The name they gave to the Isle

of the Blessed, in the western seas, was either Great Ire-

land, because there the Erse tongue was spoken,— it

being a colony of the souls of the Kelts,— or Hvitra-

mannaland, because there the inhabitants were robed in

white. In the mediaeval vision of Owayne the Knight,

which is simply a fragment of Keltic mythology in a

Christian garb, the paradise is enclosed by a fair wall,

'' whyte and brygth as glass," a reminiscence of the glass-

palace in Avalon, and the inhabitants of that land—

" Fayre vestytnentes they hadde on."

Some of these met him on his first starting on his

journey, and there were fifteen in long white garments.

The followang passages in the Icelandic chronicles refer

to this land of mystery and romance.

" Mar of Holum married Thorkatla, and their son was

Ari ; he was storm-cast on the White-man's land, which

some call Great Ireland ; this lies in the Western Sea near

Vinland the Good (America) : it is called six days' sail

due west from Ireland. Ari could never leave it, and

there he was baptized. Hrafn, who sailed to Limerick,

v/as the first to tell of this ; he had spent a long time in

Limerick in Ireland."

420 The Fortwiate Isles.

This passage is from the Landnamabok, a work of the

twelfth century. A turbulent Icelander, named Bjorn of

Bradwick, vanished from his home. Years after, a native

of the same island, GudUef by name, was trading between

Iceland and Dubhn, when, somewhere about the year

looo, he was caught by a furious gale from the east, and

driven further in the western seas than he had ever visited

before. Here he came upon a land well populated, where

the people spoke the Irish tongue. The crew were taken

before an assembly of the natives, and would probably

have been hardly dealt with, had not a tall man ridden

up, surrounded by an armed band, to whom all bowed the

knee. This man spoke to Gudlief in the Norse tongue,

and asked him whence he came. On hearing that he

was an Icelander, he made particular inquiries about the

residents in the immediate neighborhood of Bradwick,

and gave Gudlief a ring and a sword, to be taken to

friends at home. Then he bade him return at once to

Iceland, and warn his kindred not to seek him in his new

home. Gudlief put again to sea, and, arriving safely in

Iceland, related his adventures, concluding that the man

he had seen was Bjorn of Bradwick.* Another Icelander

brought away two children from Vinland, and they related

* Eyrbyggja Saga, c. 64. Hafnice, 1787, p. 329.

The Fortunate hies. 42


that near their home was a land, where people walked

about in flowing white robes, singing processional psalms.

Northern antiquarians attempt to identify this White-man's

land with Florida, where they suppose was settled the

Welsh colony led beyond the sea by Madoc in 11 69. I

have little doubt that it is simply an Icelandic reminis-

cence of the popular Irish superstition relative to the Soul

Island beneath the setting sun.

" In his crystal ark,

Whither sail'd Merlin with his band of bards,

Old Merlin, master of the mystic lore;

Belike his crystal ark, instinct with life.

Obedient to the mighty Master, reach'd

The Land of the Departed ; there, belike.

They in the clime of immortality,

Themselves immortal, drink the gales of bliss

Which o'er Flathinnis breathe eternal spring,

Blending whatever odors make the gale

Of evening sweet, whatever melody

Charms the wood traveller."

Southey's Madoc, xi.

This Flath Innis, the Noble Island, is the Gaelic name

for the western paradise. Macpherson, in his Introduction

to the " History of Great Britain," relates a legend which

agrees with those prevalent among other Keltic peoples.

In former days there lived in Skerr a Druid of renown.

He sat with his face to the west on the shore, his eye

422 TJie Fortunate Isles.

following the declining sun, and he blamed the careless

billows which tumbled between him and the distant Isle

of Green. One day, as he sat musing on a rock, a storm

arose on the sea ; a cloud, under whose squally skirts the

foaming waters tossed, rushed suddenly into the bay, and

from its dark womb emerged a boat with white sails bent

to the wind, and banks of gleaming oars on either side.

But it was destitute of mariners, itself seeming to live and

move. An unusual terror seized on the aged Druid ; he

heard a voice call, " Arise, and see the Green Isle of those

who have passed away !" Then he entered the vessel.

Immediately the wind shifted, the cloud enveloped him,

and in the bosom of the vapor he sailed away. Seven

days gleamed on him through the mist ; on the eighth,

the waves rolled violently, the vessel pitched, and darkness

thickened around him, when suddenly he heard a cry,

" The Isle ! the Isle !" The clouds parted before him,

the waves abated, the wind died away, and the vessel

rushed into dazzling light. Before his eyes lay the Isle of

the Departed basking in golden light. Its hills sloped

green and tufted with beauteous trees to the shore, the

mountain-tops were enveloped in bright and transparent

clouds, from which gushed Kmpid streams, which, wander-

ing down the steep hill-sides with pleasant harp-like mur-

T]ie Fortunate Isles. 423

mur, emptied themselves into the twinkling blue bays.

The valleys were open and free to the ocean ; trees loaded

with leaves, which scarcely waved to the light breeze, were

scattered on the green declivities and rising ground ; all

was calm and bright ; the pure sun of autumn shone from

his blue sky on the fields ; he hastened not to the west for

repose, nor was he seen to rise in the east, but hung as a

golden lamp, ever illumining the Fortunate Isle.

There, in radiant halls, dwelt the spirits of the de-

parted, ever blooming and beautiful, ever laughing and


It is curious to note how retentive of ancient mytho-

logic doctrines relative to death are the memories of the

people. This Keltic fable of the " Land beyond the Sea,"

to which the souls are borne after death, has engrafted

itself on popular religion in England. The following

hymn is from the collection of the Sunday School Union,

and is founded on this venerable Druidic tenet :—

" Shall we meet beyond the river,

Where the surges cease to roll,

Where in all the bright For-ever

Sorrow ne'er shall press the soul ?

" Shall we meet in that blest harbor,

When our stormy voyage is o'er ?

Shall we meet and cast the anchor

By the fair celestial shore ?

424 TJie Fortunate Isles.

" Shall we meet with majiy loved ones,

Who were torn from our embrace ?

Shall we listen to their voices,

And behold them face to face ?"

So is a hymn from the Countess of Huntingdon's col-

lection :—

" I launch into the deep,

And leave my native land.

Where sin lulls all asleep :

For thee I fain would all resign,

And sail for heav'n with thee and thine.

" Come, heav'nly wind, and blow

A prosp'rous gale of grace.

To waft from all below

To heav'n, my destined place :

There in full sail my port I '11 find,

And leave the world and sin behind."

Or I might quote a poem on " The Last Voyage," from

the L}Ta Messianica, which one would have supposed to

have been founded on the Gaelic legend told by Mac-

pherson :—" On ! on ! through the storm and the billow;

By life's chequer'd troubles opprest.

The rude deck my home and my pillow,

I sail to the land of the Blest.

The tempests of darkness confound me,

Above me the deep waters roll,

But the arms of sweet Pity surround me,

And bear up my foundering soul.

The Fortunate Isles. 425

" With a wild and mysterious commotion

The torrent flows, rapid and strong;

Towards a mournful and shadowy ocean

My vessel bounds fiercely along.

Ye waters of gloom and of sorrow,

How dread are your tumult and roar


But, on ! for the brilliant to-morrow

That dawns upon yonder bright shore !

" O Pilot, the great and the glorious,

That sittest in garments so white,

O'er death and o'er hell 'The Victorious,'

The Way and the Truth and the Light,

Speak, speak to the darkness appalling.

And bid the mad turmoil to cease :

For, hark ! the good Angels are calling

My soul to the haven of Peace.

" Now, ended all sighing and sadness.

The waves of destruction all spent,

I sing with the children of gladness

The song of immortal content."

It would be a study of no ordinary interest to trace

modem popular Protestantism back to the mythologic

systems of which it is the resultant. The early Fathers

erred in regarding the ancient heresies as bastard forms

of Christianity ; they were distinct religions, feebly tinged

by contact with the religion of the Cross. In like manner,

I am satisfied that we make a mistake in considering the

Dissent of England, especially as manifested in greatest

intensity in the wilds of Cornwall, Wales, and the eastern

426 The Fortunate Isles.

moors of Yorkshire, where the Keltic element is strong,

as a form of Christianity. It is radically different : its|

framework and nerve is of ancient British origin, passing | \\

itself off as a spiritual Christianity. f

In St. Peter's, Rome, is a statue of Jupiter, deprived

of his thunderbolt, which is replaced by the emblematic

keys. In like manner, much of the religion of the lower

orders, which we regard as essentially Christian, is ancient

heathenism, refitted with Christian symbols. The story

of Jacob's stratagem is reversed : the voice is the elder

brother's voice, but the hands and the raiment are those

of the younger.

I have instanced the belief in angeUc music calling

away the soul as one heathen item in popular Protestant

mythology—" Hark ! they whisper ! Angels say,

' Sister spirit, come away !'"

Another is embodied in the tenet that the souls of the

departed become angels. In Judaic and Christian doc-

trine, the angel creation is distinct from that of human

beings, and a Jew or a Catholic would as little dream of

confusing the distinct conception of angel and soul as

of believing in metempsychosis. But not so dissenting

religion. According to Druidic dogma, the souls of

The Fortunate Isles. 427

the dead were guardians of the hving ; a behef shared

with the ancient Indians, who venerated the spirits of

their ancestry, the Pitris, as watching over and protecting

them. Thus, the hyinn " I want to be an Angel," so

popular in dissenting schools, is founded on the venerable

Aryan myth, and therefore of exceeding interest ; but

Christian it is not.

Another tenet wliich militates against Christian doc-

trine, and has supplanted it in popular behef, is that of

the transmigration of the soul to bliss immediately on its

departure from the body.

The article stajiiis vel cadentis Fidei, of the Apostles,

was the resurrection of the body. If we read the Acts of

the Apostles and their Epistles with care, it is striking how

great weight, we find, is laid on this doctrine. They

went everywhere preaching— i. the rising of Christ; 2.

the consequent restoration of the bodies of Christians.

" If the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised ; and if

Christ be not raised, your faith is vain. But now is Christ

risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them

that slept. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ

shall all be made alive." * This was the key-note to the

teaching of the x\postles ; it runs through the New Testa-

* I Cor. XV. 16, 17, 20, 21.

428 The Fortunate Isles.

ment, and is reflected in the writings of the Fathers. It

occupies its legitimate position in the Creeds, and the

Church has never failed to insist upon it with no faltering


But the doctrine of the soul being transported to hea-

ven, and of its happiness being completed at death, finds

no place in the Bible or the Liturgies of any branch —Greek, Roman, or Anglican — of the Church Catholic.

Yet this was the tenet of our Keltic forefathers, and it has

maintained itself in English Protestantism, so as to divest

the doctrine of the resurrection of the body of its grasp

on the popular mind. Among the Kelts, again, reception

into the sacred inner circle of the illuminated was pre-

cisely analogous to the received dissenting doctrine of

conversion. To it are applied, by the bards, teniis such

as " the second birth," " the renewal," which are to this

day employed by Methodists to designate the mysterious

process of conversion.

But to return to the subject of this article. It is a

singular fact that only the other day I heard of a man in

Cleveland, being buried two years ago with a candle, a

penny, and a bottle of wine in his coffin : the candle to

light him along the road, the penny to pay the ferry, and

the wine to nourish him, as he went to the New Jerusalem.

The Fortunate Isles. 429

I was told this, and this explanation was given me, by

some rustics who professed to have attended the funeral.

This looks to me as though the shipping into the other

land were not regarded merely as a figure of speech, but

as a reality.

Sl)e Ixnigljt of tlje 0t»an,

" T "^ TE rede in the auncient and autentike cronicles

' that sometime ther was a noble king in Lile-

fort, otherwise named the strong yle, a muche riche

lande, the which kinge had to name Pieron. And he

tooke to wife and spouse Matabrunne the doughter of

an other king puissaunt and riche mervailously." By his

wife Matabrune, the king became father of Oriant,

" the which after the dyscease of his father abode with

his mother as heir of the realme, whiche he succeded

and governed peasiabli without to be maried."

One day King Oriant chased a hart in the forest, and

lost his way ; exhausted with his ride, he drew rein

near a fountain which bubbled out from under a mossy


" And there he sat downe under a tree, to the which

he reined his horse the better to solace and sporte him

at his owne pleasure. And thus as he was in consola-

cion there came to him a yonge damoysel moche gre-

The Knight of the Swan. 43


vous and of noble maintene, named Beatrice, accom-

panied of a noble knight, and two squires, with iiii

damoyselles, the which she held in her service and


This Beatrice became the wife of Oriant, much to the

chagrin of his mother, who had hitherto held rule in the

palace, and who at once hated her daughter-in-law, and

determined on her destruction.

The king had not been married many months before

war broke out, and he was called from home to head

his army. Before leaving, he consigned his wife to the

care of his mother, who promised to guard her with the

utmost fidelity. *' Whan the time limited and ordeined

of almighti god approched that the noble and goodly

quene Beatrice should be delivered after the cours of

nature, the false matrone aforsaid went and delibered

in herselfe to execute and put in effecte her malignus or

moste wicked purpose .... But she comen made

maners of great welth to the said noble quene Beatrice.

And sodainly in great paine and traivable of bodye, she

childed vi sonnes and a faire doughter, at whose birthe

eche of them brought a chaine of silver about their

neckes issuing out of their mothers wombe. And whan

Matabrune saw the vii litle children borne having

432 The Knight of the Stvan.

echone a chaine of silver at necke, she made them

lightli and secretli to be borne a side by her chamberer

of her teaching, and than toke vii litle dogges that she

had prepared, and all bloudy laide them under the quene

in maner as they had issued of her bodye."

Then Matabrune ordered her squire Marks to take

the seven children to the river and drown them ; but

the man, moved by compassion, left them in the forest

on his cloak, where they were found by a hermit who

" toke and lapped them tenderly in his mantel and with

al their chaines at their neckes he bare them into the

litle hous of his hermitage, and there he warmed and

sustened them of his poore goodnes as well as he

coulde." Of these children, one excelled the others in

beauty. The pious old man baptized the little babes,

and called the one who surpassed the others by the

name Helias, " And whan that they were in the age of

theyr pleasaunt and fresshe grene yougth thei reane all

about sporting and playinge in the said forest about the

trees and floures."

One day it fell out that a yeoman of Queen Mata-

brune, whilst chasing in the forest, saw the seven chil-

dren sitting under a tree eating wild apples, each with a

silver chain about his neck. Then he told Matabrune

The Knight of the Swan. 433

of the marvel he had seen, and she at once concluded

that these were her grandchildren ; wherefore she bade

the yeoman take seven fellows with him and slay the

children. But by the grace of God these men's hearts

were softened, and, instead of murdering the little ones,

they robbed them of their silver chains. But they only

found six children, for the hermit had taken Helias

with him on a begging excursion. Now, " as soone as

their chaines were of, they were al transmued in an in-

staunt in faire white swannes by the divine grace, and

began to flee in the ayre through the forest, making a

piteous and lamentable crye."

Helias grew up with his godfather in the forest. The

stor)^ goes on to relate how that the hermit was told by

an angel in vision whose the children were ; how a

false charge was brought against Beatrice, and she was

about to be executed, when Helias appeared in the lists,

and by his valor proclaimed her innocence ; and how

Matabrune's treachery was discovered.

" But for to returne to the subject of the cronykill of

the noble Helias knight of the swanne. It is to be

noted that the said Helias knight of the swanne de-

manded of Kyng Oriant his father that it wolde please

him to give him the chaines of silver of his brethern


434 ^/^^ Knight of the Swan.

and sister that the goldesmith had brought. The which

he delivered him with good herte for to dispose them at

his pleasure. Than he made an othe and sware that he

wolde never rest tyll he had so longe sought by pondes

and stagnes that he had founde his v brethren and his

sister, which were transmued into swannes. But our

Lorde that consoleth his freendes in exaltinge their

good will shewed greatly his vertue. For in the river

that ranne about the kinges palays appeared visibly the

swannes before all the people.— And incontinent the

kynge and the queene descended wyth many lordes,

knightes, and gentilmen, and came with great diligence

upon the water syde, for to see the above sayde

swannes. The king and the queene behelde them pite-

ousli in weeping for sorrow that they had to se theyr

poore children so transmued into swannes. And whan

they saw the good Helias come nere them . they began

to make a mervaylous feast and rejoyced them in the

water. So he approched upon the brinke : and whan

they sawe him nere them, they came lightli fawning and

flickering about him making him chere, and he playned

lovingly their fethers. After he shewed them the

chaynes of silver, whereby they set them in good ordre

before him. And to five of them he remised the

The Ktiight of the Swan. 43 5

chaynes about their neckes, and sodeynlye they began

to retourne to theyr propre humayne forme as they were

before." But unfortunately the sixth chain had been

melted to form a silver goblet, and therefore one of the

brothers was unable to regain his human shape.

Helias spent some time with his father ; but a voice

within his breast called him to further adventures.

"After certayne tyme that the victoryous kynge

Helyas had posseded the Realme of Lyleforte in good

peace and tranquilite of justice, it happened on a day

as he was in his palais looking towarde the river that he

apperceived the swanne, one of his brethren that was

not yet tourned into his fourme humayne, for that his

chaine was molten for to make Matabrune a cup. And

the sayd swanne was in* the water before a ship, the

which he had led to the wharfe as abiding king Helias.

And when Helias saw him, he saide in him«elfe : Here

is a signification that God sendeth to me for to shew to

me that I ought to go by the guyding of this swanne

into some countrey for to have honour and consolacion.

" And when Helyas had mekelye taken his leave of

all his parentes and freendes, he made to bere his ar-

mures and armes of honoure into the shyppe, with hys

target and his bright sheelde, of whiche as it is written

436 The Knight of the S'wa?i.

the felde was of sylver, and thereon a double crosse of

golde. So descended anon the sayd Helyas with his

parentes and freendes, the which came to convey him

unto the brinke of the water."

About this time, Otho, Emperor of Germany, held

court at Neumagen, there to decide between Clarissa,

Duchess of Bouillon, and the Count of Frankfort, who

claimed her duchy. It was decided that their right

should be established by single combat. The Count of

Frankfort was to appear in person in the lists, whilst

the duchess was to provide some doughty warrior who

would do battle for her.

"Than the good lady as al abasshed loked aboute

her if there were ony present that in her need wolde

helpe her. But none wolde medle seynge the case to

her imposed. Wherefore she committed her to God,

praying Him humbly to succour her, and reprove the

injury that wickedly to her was imposed by the sayd


The council broke up, and lords and ladies were

scattered along the banks of the Meuse.

" So, as they stray' d, a swan they saw

Sail stately up and strong,

And by a silver chain she drew

A little boat along,

The Knight of the Swan. 437

Whose streamer to the gentle breeze,

Long floating, flutter'd light,

Beneath whose crimson canopy

There lay reclined a knight.

" With arching crest and swelling breast

On sail'd the stately swan,

And lightly up the parting tide

The little boat came on.

And onward to the shore they drew,

And leapt to land the knight.

And down the stream the little boat

Fell soon beyond the sight."

Southey's Rudiger.

Of course this knight, who is Helias, fights the Count

of Frankfort, overcomes him, and wins the heart of the

daughter of the duchess. Thus Helias became Duke of


But before marr)'ing the lady, he warned her that if

she asked his name, he would have to leave her.

At the end of nine months, the wife of Helias gave

birth to a daughter, who was named Ydain at the font,

and who afterwards became the mother of Godfrey de

Bouillon, King of Jerusalem, and of his brothers Bald-

win and Eustace.

One night the wife forgot the injunction of her hus-

band, and began to ask him his name and kindred.

Then he rebuked her sorrowfully, and leaving his bed,

438 The Knight of the Stvan.

bade her farewell. Instantly the swan reappeared on

the river, drawing the little shallop after it, and uttering

loud cries to call its brother. So Helias stepped into

the boat, and the swan swam with it from the sight of

the sorrowing lady.

The romance of Helias * continues the story to the

times of Godfrey de Bouillon, but I shall leave it at this

point, as it ceases to deal with the myth which is the

subject of this article. The story is very ancient and

popular. It is told of Lohengrin, Loherangrin, Salvius,

and Gerhard the Swan, whilst the lady is Beatrice of

Cleves, or Else of Brabant. In the twelfth century it

seems to have localized itself about the Lower Rhine.

Probably the most ancient mention of the fable is

that of William of Tyre (1180), who says: "We pass

over, intentionally, the fable of the Swan, although

many people regard it as a fact, that from it he (God-

frey de Bouillon) had his origin, because this story

seems destitute of truth." Next to him to speak of the

story is Helinandus (circ. 1220), quoted by Vincent de

Beauvais : t "In the diocese of Cologne, a famous and

vast palace overhangs the Rhine, it is called Juvamen.

* Helyas, the Knight of the Swanne. From the edition of Cop-

land, reprinted in Thorns :" Early English Prose Romances,"

1858, vol. iii. t Specul. Nat. ii. 127.

The Knight of the Sivan. 439

Thither when once many princes were assembled, sud-

denly there came up a skiff, drawn by a swan attached

to it by a silver chain. Then a strange and unknown

knight leaped out before all, and the swan returned

with the boat. The knight afterwards married, and had

children. At length, when dwelling in this palace, he

saw the swan return again with the boat and chain : he

at once re-entered the vessel, and was never seen again;

but his progeny remain to this day."

A genealogy of the house of Flanders, in a MS. of

the thirteenth century, states :" Eustachius venit ad

Buillon ad domum ducissas, quae uxor erat militis, qui

vocabatur miles Cigni."* Jacob van Maerlant (b.

1235), in his " Spieghel Historiael," f alludes to it—" Logenaers niesdaet an doen,

Dat si hem willen tien ane,

Dat tie ridder metter swane

Siere moeder vader was.

No wijf no man, als ict vernam

Ne was noint swane, daer hi af quam

Als ist dat hem Brabanters beroemea

Dat si van der Swane sijn coemen."

And Nicolaes de Klerc, who wrote in 13 18, thus refers

' to it in his "Brabantine Gests:" "Formerly the Dukes

* Reiffenberg, Le Chevalier au Cygne- Bruxelles, 1846. p. viii.

t Maerlant, Fig. i. 29.

440 The KnigJit of the Szvan.

of Brabant have been much belied in that it is said of

them that they came with a swan. "* And Jan Velde-

nar (1480) says: "Now, once upon a time, this noble

Jungfrau of Cleves was on the banks by Nymwegen,

and it was clear weather, and she gazed up the Rhine,

and saw a strange sight : for there came sailing down a

white swan with a gold chain about its neck, and by

this it drew a little skiff . . .."— and so on.

There is an Icelandic saga of Helis, the Knight of

the Swan, translated from the French by the Monk

Robert, in 1226. In the Paris royal library is a ro-

mance upon this subject, consisting of about 30,000 lines,

begun by a Renax or Renant, and finished by a Gandor

de Douay. In the British Museum is a volume of

French romances, containing, among others, " L'Ystoire

du Chevalier au Signe," told in not less than 3,000


The " Chevelere Assigne," a shorter poem on the

same subject, was reprinted by M. Utterson for the

Roxburghe Club, from a MS. in the Cottonian library,

which has been quoted by Percy and Warton as an

early specimen of alliterative versification. It is cer-

tainly not later than the reign of Henry VI.

* Von Wyn, Avondstonden, p. 270.

The Knight of the Stvan. 441

The next prose romance of Helias is that of Pierre

Desrey, entitled " Les faictz etgestes du preux Godsffroy

de Boulion, aussi plusieurs croniques et histoires;"

Paris, without date. " La Genealogie avecques les

gestes et nobles faitz darmes du tres preux et renomme

prince Godeffroy de Boulion : et de ses chevalereux

freres Baudouin et Eustace : j'ssus et descendus de la

tres noble et illustre lignee du vertueux Chevalier au

Cyne;" Paris, Jean Petit, 1504; also Lyons, 1580.

This book was partly translated into English, and

printed by Wynkyn de Worde, " The hystory of Hilyas

Knight of the Swann, imprjmted by Wynkyn de Worde,"

&c., 1512 ; and in full by Caxton, under the title, "The

last Siege and Conqueste of Jherusalem, with many

histories therein comprisedJ" Westmester, fol. 1480.

It is from the first thirty-eight chapters of the French

" Faits et Gestes," that Robert Copland translated his

Helias, which he dedicated " to the puyssant and illus-

trious prynce, lorde Edwarde, duke of Buckynghame,"

because he was lineally descended from the Knight of

the Swan. This duke was beheaded. May 17th, 152 1.

We need hardly follow the story in other translations.

The romance, as we have it, is a compilation of at

least two distinct myths. The one is that of the Swan-

442 T]ie K7light of the Swan.

children, the other of the Swan-knight. The compiler

of the romance has pieced the first legend to the second,

in order to explain it. In its original form, the knight

who came to Neumagen, or Cleves, in the swan-led boat,

and went away again, was unaccounted for : who he

was, no man knew ; and Heywood, in his " Hierarchies

of the Blessed Angels," 1635, suggests that he was one

of the evil spirits called inciibi ; but the romancer

solved the mystery by prefixing to the story of his mar-

riage with the duchess a story of transformation,

similar to that of Fionmala, referred to in the previous


We shall put aside the story of the swan-children, and

confine our attention to the genuine myth.

The home of the fable was that border-land where

Germans and Kelts met, where the Nibelungen legends

were brought in contact with the romances of Arthur

and the Sangreah

Lohengrin belongs to the round table ; the hero who

releases Beatrice of Cleves is called Elias Grail. Pig-

hius relates that in ancient annals it is recorded that

Elias came from the blessed land of the earthly para-

dise, which is called Graele.* And the name Helias,

* Hercules Prodicus, Colon. 1609.

TJie Knight of the Swan. 443

Helius, Elis, or Salvius, is but a corruption of tiie Keltic

ala, eala, ealadh, a swan. I believe the story of the

Knight of the Swan to be a myth of local Brabantine

origin. That it is not the invention of the romancer is

evident from the variations in the tale, some of which

we must now consider.

I. Lohengrin.

The Duke of Limburg and Brabant died leaving an

only daughter, Else or Elsam. On his death-bed he

committed her to the care of Frederick von Telramund, a

bra»'e knight, who had overcome a dragon in Sweden.

After the duke's death, Frederick claimed the hand of

Else, on the plea that it had been promised him ; but

when she refused it, he appealed to the emperor,

Henry the Fowler, asking permission to assert his right

in the lists against any champion Else might select.

Permission was granted, and the duchess looked in

vain for a knight who would fight in her cause against

the redoubted Frederick of Telramund.

Then, far away, in the sacred temple of the Grail, at

Montsalvatsch, tolled the bell, untouched by human

hands, a signal that help was needed. At once Lohen-

grin, son of Percival, was sent to the rescue, but whither

to go he knew not. He stood foot in stirrup, ready to

444 "^^^^ Knight of the Swan.

mount, when a swan appeared on the river drawing a

ship along. No sooner did Lohengrin behold this, than

he exclaimed :" Take back the horse to its stable ; I

will go with the bird whither it shall lead !


Trusting in God, he took no provision on board.

After he had been five days on the water, the swan

caught a fish, ate half, and gave the other half to the


In the mean while the day of ordeal approached, and

Else fell into despair. But at the hour when the lists

were opened, there appeared the boat drawn by the

silver swan ; and in the little vessel lay Lohengrin

asleep upon his shield. The swan drew the boat to the

landing, the knight awoke, sprang ashore, and then the

bird swam away with the vessel.

Lohengrin, as soon as he heard the story of the mis-

fortunes of the Duchess Else, undertook to fight for her.

The knight of the Grail prevailed, and slew Frederick.

Then Else surrendered herself and her duchy to him;

but he would only accept her hand on condition that

she should not ask his race. For some time they lived

together happily. One day, in a tournament, he over-

threw the Duke of Cleves and broke his arm, whereat

the Duchess of Cleves exclaimed : " This Lohengrin

The KnigJit of the Swan. ^ 445

may be a strong man and a Christian, but who knows

whence he has sprung !" These words reached the

ears of the Duchess of Brabant ; she colored and hung

her head.

At night, Lohengrin heard her sobbing. He asked


" My love what ails thee ?"

She replied :" The Duchess of Cleves has wounded


Lohengrin asked no more.

Next night she wept again ; her husband again asked

the reason, and received the same answer.

On the third night she burst forth with :" Husband,

be not angry, but I must know whence you have


Then Lohengrin told her that his father was Percival,

and that God had sent him from the custody of the

Grail. And he called his children to him, and said,

kissing them :" Here are my horn and my sword, keep

them carefully ; and here, my wife, is the ring my

mother gave me— never part with it."

Now, at break of day, the swan reappeared on the

river, drawing the little shallop. Lohengrin re-entered

the boat, and departed never to return.

Such is the story in the ancient German poem of

446 TJie Kjiight of the Swan.

Lohengrin, published by Gorres from a MS. in the

Vatican ; and in the great Percival of Wolfram von

Eschenbach, verses 24,614-24,715.

2, The swan-knight of Conrad von Wiirzburg re-

sembles Lohengrin and Helias in the outline of the

story, but no name is given to the hero. He marries

the daughter of the deceased Duke Gottfried of Bra-

bant, and fights against the Duke of Saxony. His

children are the ancestors of the great houses of Gel-

ders and Cleves, which bear a swan as their arms.

3. Gerard Swan.

One day Charlemagne stood at his window overlook-

ing the Rhine. Then he was ware of a swan floating

on the water, drawing a boat by a silken band fastened

round its neck. When the boat came alongside of the

quay, the swan ceased to row, and the emperor saw

that a knight armed cap-a-pie sat in the skiff, and round

his neck hung a ribbon to which was attached a note.

Navilon (Nibelung), one of the emperor's men, gave

the stranger his hand to help him out of the bark, and

conducted him to Charlemagne. The monarch inquired

of the stranger his name ; for answer he pointed to the

letter on his breast. This the king read. It stated that

Gerard Swan sought a wife and lands.

The KiiigJit of the Swan. 447

Navilon then unarmed the strange knight, and the

king gave him a costly mantle. So they went to table.

But when Roland observed the man, he asked who he

was. Charlemagne replied, " He is a godsend ;" and

Roland observed, " He seems to be a man of courage."

Gerard proved to be a worthy knight ; he served the

monarch well. He soon learned to talk. The king was

very fond of him, and gave him his sister Adalis in mar-

riage, and made him Duke of Ardennes.*

4. Helias.

In the year 711 lived Beatrice only daughter of Diet-

rich, Duke of Cleves, at her castle of Nynwegen. One

bright day she sat at her window looking down the

Rhine, when she saw a swan drawing a boat by a gold

chain. In this vessel was Helias. He came ashore,

won her heart, became Duke of Cleves, and lived

happily with her for many years. One thing alone in-

terfered with her happiness : she knew not whence her

husband came, and he had strictly forbidden her to ask.

But once she broke his command, and asked him

whence he had come to her. Then he gave his chil-

dren his sword, his horn, and his ring, bidding them

* Northern Chapbooks of the Emperor Charlemagne. Nyerup

Morskabslasning, p. 90.

448 The Knight of the Swan.

never separate or lose these legacies, and entering the

boat which returned for him, he vanished for ever.*

One of the towers of Cleves is called, after this event,

the Swan-tower, and is surmounted by a swan.

5. Salvius Brabo,

Gottfried-Carl was King of Tongres, and lived at

Megen on the Maas. He had a son named Carl-Ynach,

whom he banished for some misdemeanor. Carl-Ynach

fled to Rome, where he fell in love with Germana,

daughter of the Proconsul Lucius Julius, and fled with

her from the eternal city. They took ship to Venice,

whence they travelled on horseback to Burgundy, and

reached Cambray. Thence they proceeded to a place

called Senes, and finding a beautiful valley, they dis-

mounted to repose. Here a swan, at which one of the

servants aimed an arrow, took refuge in the arms of

Germana, who, delighted at the incident, asked Carl-

Ynach the name of the bird in his native tongue. He

replied " Swana." " Then," said she, " let me be hence-

forth called by that name, lest, if I keep my former

name, I be recognized and parted from thee."

The lady took the swan with her as they proceeded

on their journey, and fed it from her hand.

* Grimm, Deutsche Sagen, 1866, ii. p. 267.

The Knight of the Swan. 449

They now reached Florimont, near Brussels, and

there Carl-Ynach heard that his father was dead. He

was therefore King of Tongres. Shortly after his

arrival at Megen, his wife gave birth to a son, whom he

named Octavian, and next year to a daughter, whom

they called Swan. Shortly after, Ariovistus, King of

the Saxones, waged war against Julius Caesar. Carl-

Ynach united his forces with those of Ariovistus, and

fell in the battle of Besan^on. Swan, his widow, then

fled with his children and her husband's body to Megen,

fearing her brother Julius Csesar. There she buried

Carl-Ynach, and daily fed her swan upon his grave.

In the Roman army was a hero, Salvius Brabon by

name, descended from Frankus, son of Hector of Troy.

Caesar rested at Cleves, and Salvius Brabon amused

himself with shooting birds in the neighborhood. One

day he wandered to the banks of the Rhine. On its

discolored waters swam a snow-white swan, playfully

pulling at the roge which bound a small skiff to the

shore. Salvius leaped into the boat, and cast it loose

from its mooring. Then the bird swam before him as a

guide, and he rowed after it. On reaching the castle of

Megen, the swan rose from the water, and flew to the

grave of Carl-Ynach, where its mistress was wont to


450 The Knight of the Swan.

feed it. Salvius pursued it, bow in hand, and was about to

discharge an arrow, when a window of the castle opened,

and a lady cried to him in Latin to spare the bird. Sal-

vius consented ; and casting aside his bow and arrow, en-

tered the castle. There he learned the story of the lady.

He hastened to Julius Caesar, and told him that his

sister was in the neighborhood. The conqueror accom-

panied Salvius to the castle, and embraced Germana

with joy. Salvius Brabon then asked the emperor to

give him the young damsel Swan in marriage, and he

readily complied with the request, creating him at the

same ^ime Duke of Brabant ; Octavian took the name

of Germanicus, and became King of Cologne, and Ton-

gres exchanged its name for Germania, after the sister

of the emperor, its queen.*

It was in commemoration of the beautiful myth of the

Swan-knight, that Frederick II, of Brandenburg insti-

tuted the Order of the Swan, in 1440. The badge was

a chain from which was suspended an image of the Virgin,

and underneath that a swan. The badge of the Cleves

order of knighthood was also a silver swan suspended

from a gold chain. In 1453, Duke Adolph of Cleves

* Jehan le Maire, Illustrations de Gaule. Paris, 1548, iii. pp.


The Knight of the Swan. 45


held a tournament at Lille, " au nom du Chevalier au

Cygne, serviteur des dames."

On the 13th May, 1548, the Count of Cleves pre-

sented the players with a silver swan of considerable

value. Charles, Duke of Cleves, attempted, in 16 15, to

revive the order of the swan. When Cleves fell to

Prussia, the Count de Bar endeavored to persuade

Frederick the Great to resuscitate the order, but in vain.

With Anne of Cleves, the white swan passed to our

tavern signboards.

The myth is a Belgic religious myth. Just as in the

Keltic legends of the Fortunate Isles, we hear of mor-

tals who went by ship to the Avalon of Spirits, and then

returned to their fellow-mortals ; so in this Belgic fable

we have a denizen of the distant paradise coming by

boat to this inhabited land, and leaving it again.

In the former legends the happy mortal lives in the

embraces of a divine being in perpetual youth ; in the

latter, a heavenly being unites himself, for a while, to a

woman of earth, and becomes the ancestor of an


An Anglo-Saxon story bears some traces of the

same legend. A ship once arrived on the coast of

Scandia, without rudder or sail ; in it lay a boy asleep

452 TJie Knight of the Swan.

upon his arms. The natives took and educated him,

calling him Scild, the son of Sceaf (the skiff). In

course of time he became their king. In Beowulf, it is

added that Scild reigned long ; and when he saw that

he was about to die, he bade his men lay him fully

armed in a boat, and thrust him out to sea. Among

the Norse such a practice was not unknown. King

Haki, when he died, was laid in a ship, the vessel fired,

and sent out upon the waves. And the same is told of

Baldur. But the shipping of the dead had no signifi-

cance in Scandinavian mythology, whilst it was full of

meaning in that of the Kelts. The Scandinavian Val-

halla was not situated beyond the Western Sea, but on

the summit of a great mountain ; whereas the Keltic

Avalon lay over the blue waters, beneath the setting

sun. Consequently, I believe the placing of the dead in

ships to have been a practice imported among the

Northern and Germanic nations, and not indigenous.

The classic fable of Helios sailing in his golden

vessel deserves notice in connection with the myth of

Helias. That the sun and moon travel in boats of

silver or gold is an idea common to many mythologies.

At first sight it seems probable that Helias is identical

with Helios ; but the difficulty of explaining how this

The Kfiight of the Swan. 453

classic deity should have become localized in Brabant

is insurmountable, and I prefer the derivation of the

name Helias from the Keltic appellation of the swan.

The necessity of the knight leaving his bride the

moment she inquired his race connects this story with

the Grail myth. According to the rules of the order of

the Sangreal, every knight was bound to return to the

temple of the order, immediately that any one asked his

lineage and office. In the popular legend this reason

does not appear, because the Grail was a genuine

Keltic myth, with its roots in the mysteries of Druidism.

Of the different editions of Lohengrin, Helias, and

the other Swan-knight legends, I will give no list, as

the principal are referred to in the notes of this article.

University Press : John Wilson & Son, Cambridge.

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