Consciousness from Spiritual and Context of Modern Physics

Consciousness from Spiritual and Modern context of Physics And its Unity in Simplicity

Transcript of Consciousness from Spiritual and Context of Modern Physics

Consciousness from Spiritual and Modern context of PhysicsAnd its Unity in


Index• Introduction• Consciousness from Spiritual Point• Consciousness from the Point of Science• Problems of Modern World and Truth of Life as a key Solution

• Comprehending Consciousness as a Science to Evolve our knowledge of Life and Universe to higher level

• Stumbling blocks of Science and Religion

• Why Science is failing to comprehend Life and Cosmos Sensibly

• The Principle and Design

Part-2 Exploring Life for Comic

Truth• Life as Key to Cosmic Truth• Evolving Science to comprehend Consciousness

• The Secret of Cosmos in a cell • Breathing and Mitotic and Meiotic process in Life

• The vision of souls • Life’s Truth from Ratios• DNA With 5’ and 3’ Ends• What Causes Time Direction • Judgment• The Present Period and my Concern• An Appeal


• The knowledge, thoughts, visions shared here emerged from the central realization of a “Principle and Design” that revealed when I was working as Bio-Technologist.

• • It was further strengthened as I left my

career to seek Truth of Life and Nature, in freedom, living as a farmer in an

interior village.

• All conceptual thinking's of modern scientific schools and the ancient

spiritual schools has concretized it.

• Since I am not a trained physicist and know not much mathematics, I restricted my self to conceptual part of scientific developments and read through the mind of great scientists.

• This was a period when I was seeing great simplicity behind Nature and visualizing simple techniques and technologies that can influence various fields of human interest such as, food and agriculture, health and medicine.

• I also could visualize simple efficient machine technologies. Simple and efficient way to generate energy and even visualized possible development of intelligent machines

• Much of these thoughts were pointing to ancient knowledge.

• I did try to communicate with many temples of science and its occupants but it turned a futile exercise.

• Though disheartening, I pursued the inner call attempting to understand the great unanswered question of science – The origin and existence of the Universe and our role in it.

• From 1991 till 1996, Like a dog, trying to catch the tail, I went around with many models of thinking on this subject. When I tried to link one point of the circle another point broke.

• In 1996, I happened to go to a Retreat Center where lot of miracle cures were occurring. I went there as an observer.

• But a call within reminded me the philosophy that observer is inferior to a participator – You can study and write a thesis on Mango, but if you have not eaten one, the thesis is lifeless – every sensible person can sense your vacuum.

• Though I never believed in God, I was sure of a

Force governing life and Nature in the universe. I also had model of explanation for the miracle cure that occur in Retreat Centers. I was there at the Retreat to check it

• My decision to participate led me to unconditionally surrender my mind and whole being to the Higher Force. This led me to a glorious moment, where all the pages that Nature revealed, spontaneously and effortlessly collapsed into order

• In those moments I was taken from the realm of mind to realm of heart and beyond to a space that transforms and Gives Life; A space that carries all the information.

• This is the beginning point of my Theory of Consciousness as a basal field that supports the universe eternally by unfolding and enfolding

• The enlightening experience was associated with a call to advance science to this reality.

• I resisted this call because of my experience of communicating with temples of science and the fact that great people like Noble laureate James Lovelock and a host of well placed intellectuals, even physicists are not taken seriously when they speak of living universe.

• Further the world of science needs truth of Nature and God in mathematical equations and I am too weak in it.

• However, when I saw the world unfolding into destructive end, I could not resist the call. I understood that I am being self centered. Thus I decided to take the cross and walk.

• By Grace on the way the reality became more simple sensible and encouraging for me to continue my struggle

Consciousness from Spiritual Point

• In simplicity consciousness is a field having a quality of awareness that helps the system to perceive changes in external world and use intelligence to make changes in internal space –time such that the material aspect of the system we see balances and adapts.

• Universe is conscious and perceives the change in all things in its field. The opposite is also true, every life and every atom are designed to be conscious and make changes in relation to change happening in universal conscious field

• In short, Consciousness is the space-time field through which Life’s information unfolds or enfolds to sustain the system. Here the information of life actually exist in spiritual form.

• The field of consciousness can get expanded or get constricted giving life or taking life.

• Spirituality, its culture and practices that ancient saints developed and handed over to us and which was lost in time, is directed at expanding the consciousness of individual and thus family, society and the whole world.

• It was also directed at resisting the constriction of consciousness

• In short everything exist and is related to Universal Conscious field or God Conscious field and all that exist in it is also is designed to be conscious of the Universal field of which it is part.

• The only life that looses connectivity with once own consciousness and universal consciousness are humans

• Humans as he matures, he becomes self and ego centered and becomes slave to material world directing his minds force along with material force directed to Black Hole – than directing it to Life Force or White Hole

• Thus much of spiritual scriptures of the ancient specially of the east and its culture, works to help people control their mind and thought and direct it in the right direction towards truth and justice and work for the well being of the society.

• This is evident from all spiritual scriptures and Epics

• For those who seek Truth and liberation it teaches the art of silencing the mind such that it can connect to once own consciousness and go deeper and deeper to the root of Life Force

• The Priestly class were called to connect to their consciousness and expand it to connect to the root consciousness [ God Consciousness] and thus gain Life Force and transfer it to the society in its fullness for its well being

• They were supposed to hold the Living Light and transfer its knowledge. They were resisted from seeking “self” and becoming Ego centered and become slave to material world.

• The fall of society begins with these people. Their ego, self, ignorance and their slavery to material world is the starting point.

• The role of priestly class is simply to make kings and the lower classes to connect to the consciousness and walk the path of truth and justice and thus sustain the Kingdom of God or Golden Age.

• The deterioration of Kingdom of God or Golden Age starts when the priestly class uses their gift for self advancement building their Kingdom. The Life, light and knowledge deteriorates and world of darkness begins to engulf.

• The serpent that makes Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit is a fallen angel.

• The Ancient East probably had Knowledge of Life in its fullness. But it deteriorated in time.

• This ended in the formation of many god’s and religions, conflict and wars. It led to corruption of knowledge and growth of injustice

• History speaks of God manifesting and leading great wars to restore truth and justice and Messengers of God manifesting to resist the deterioration.

• God resist untruth and injustice – we human by our

ego and self take the forbidden path upsetting the balance of Cosmic Being

• Its culmination probably ended in West, when God manifested as Christ made self sacrifice to conquer death and give New Life and initialize the Kingdom to New Time Cycle and New Balance.

Summary•In Short God consciousness is the field or force or information/knowledge that flowers from within and thus supports, every thing in the universe, the atom, molecules, the plants animals and humans. •The constriction and fall begins with Humans [demi gods] made in His image, because of their ego and self and material slavery.

•God Consciousness resist the fall but time is inevitable reality. The whole system thus tends to death, forcing God Consciousness, to explode from within [Big Bang] to give New Life with Free will to all souls. •There is a Primal or God Consciousness and intelligence that creates and sustains and we are embedded in it.

• When I say atoms and molecules are also conscious, I mean it can relate it self to energy changes in the environment of which it is part. For example -The electrons in an atom jump to upper or lower levels in response to energy or heat change in the environment.

• When I say we adult humans who are self and material centered is least conscious, I mean we are disconnected from Nature and the whole cosmos of which we are part.

• Today in our ignorance, we are exploiting the material Nature so recklessly that we are upsetting the very design and functioning of her to sustain the balance and support the life in it.

• If we fail to awaken to Truth, we end in our own self destruction. The signs of extreme stress on earth is very evident and we cannot close our eyes in the name of economy or ego at individual and national levels.

• Universe is self organizing, we cannot conquer or destroy it. Any resistance to self organization of the universe only brings, misery and suffering.


• Here I have summarized spiritual knowledge of the east and west. Spiritualist from various religious schools can understand this core and expand – The fanatic religious people may fail!

• I am sure History of cosmic existence, knowledge written in great scriptures condensed in to 9 slides cannot suffice the mind of over 8 billion people now enslaved to various schools of thought – religious and scientific

Consciousness from the Point of Science

• We the people of the modern world seek Truth or light or knowledge of life and Nature by way of our mind and its five extensions connected to the outer material world.

• Life and Nature we observe is synonymous with

flow and motion and change. Thus science is preoccupied with predicting flow and motion by using some chosen mathematical tool.

• The motive of early scientist was to bring mind of humanity out of slavery of religions. Religions have exploited people because of the unpredictability of forces of Nature

• Modern science began in west when religious leaders were ruthlessly ruling people, amassing wealth in the name of God and the unseen forces of Nature

• This prompted revolt from sensible people, they cleverly separated spirit/soul, mind and consciousness and began to focus on matter and body. Slowly liberating mind of people from clutches of religions and make people to think.

• But science too ended up developing technological

tools to exploit Nature and has failed to lead humanity to truth and understanding of Nature –

• Einstein said “Technological progress is like axe in the hand of pathological criminal”

• Great Philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurthy said “we have evolved from bullock cart to air plane but we have not changed mentally, we carry hatred, war - - with occasional Joy --”

• The term spirit/soul and mind and consciousness were anathema to science. But this spiritual terminologies existed at the back of all scientists.

• When Newton proposed Gravity and instantaneous connection, when Einstein proposed Gravity Net where physical information flows in time, they were actually speaking the Consciousness of the system that binds and holds the system together.

• Unfortunately what they visualized were simply one side of the coin – The centripetal force directed to Black Hole or Singularity or the Forbidden Center. They could only perceive time directed towards it.

• Thus science ends in black hole and Big Bang, singularity where all laws of physics fail. They see universe that shears away [Heat death] or goes into violent explosion in Big Bang.

• They failed to observe life and introspect their own role in Nature. They failed perceive a force acting from black hole to sustain the world

• It was Einstein’s theory that led to such incomprehensible concepts like Big Bang and singularity in time. Thus he strived to invent and introduce a second space-time field that opposes gravity field that gives stability to the universe. He tried and retracted.

• Before Einstein could rest on his laurels another theory “Uncertainty Theory” broke the back bone of Newton’s and Einstein’s world. It was shown that Nature is not predictable, we can only speak of possibilities and tendencies. Great scientists now joined to change the language. They used statistical mechanics and gave rise to Quantum Mechanics.

• Statistical mechanics helped scientist to keep away the fear of collapse to a point or shearing away of the universe. The chances that a system containing trillions of atoms tending to 0 or 1 are very negligible.

• Developments in another field of science called non-linear science led by Noble Laureate Ilya Prigogine showed that time direction is inevitable in Chaotic system and that 0 and 1 are possibilities that has to be included and that you cannot over look it.

• Thus birth and death, beginning and end to the universe became inescapable reality that science had to face and answer sensibly

•Mean while Developments in Quantum Science conclusively proved that the observer [ humans directly or indirectly] participates and is inseparable from Nature and its understanding.

•For example a particle or atom moving in closed system, can be anywhere and every where in the whole system at one time and collapses into particular area when it is observed

•This became incomprehensible to human mind. Its implication opened the gate way to eastern mystics and their thinking.

• A famous thought experiment that describes quantum mechanics is a Cat in a box that Schrodinger described

• The experiment goes like this – you put a cat in a box such that it can move to the left or right within the box. Experimenter then shoots a bullet at the box. The chance that cat is alive or dead when the box is open is 50%. This is common sense.

• Incompressible aspect of quantum mechanics is that this chance remains the same even after you shot the box a billion time. The result is known only when we open the Box – This is known as wave collapsing into reality when the observer observes

• Fallowing this science has made many developments, such as Black Hole, Information Loss, Dark Matter, Dark Energy. It has developed new concept and Theories and visions of universe and its origin [String, parallel and multiple world and Ekpyrotic Scenerio of creation]. But its advocators fail to present it in a sensible manner such that it is comprehensible to all

• At the practical level, partial developments in science has only empowered the criminal minds with technologies and power to exploit Nature.

• Thus we see a society where individual and communities are restless and Nature that is turning violent and destructive

• The uncertainty theory gave scope for religious people. The world now became open to religious schools and scientists. Religious schools are fishing in troubled waters to advance their institutions and Temples of science have become a ground to feed technologies to pathologically criminal minds ruling the world.

• People who seek truth and understand Nature or work to treat the pathological criminal minds of humanity are wanting – Consequently earth is rendered unstable and she is reacting

• Lifeline of society is getting constricted and people are growing restless and is taking self destructive paths.

We are so ego centered about our scientific achievements and knowledge. The truth is that we know very little about life and the universe. We do not know

•What property gives gravity •Why free fall acceleration is independent of weight •Why ratio of acceleration two interacting bodies is always 3 •Why wave particle duality exist.•Why gravity is weak force and why electromagnetism is strong force.

• Why strong nuclear force and weak nuclear force.

• How huge amount of energy can be packed into smallest quantum or light particle [Ultra violet Catastrophe]

• Why gene is triplet code • Why DNA is double helical• Why chromosomes are paired• Why mitotic and meiotic division • Why trinity exist every where • We don’t know what lives and what

dies.The list can be end less

• The present scientific interest in consciousness emerged as a consequence of developments in quantum science and information science. That basically rest on non linear science that rule life sciences.

• Mind and brain that processes the information

became the catch point.

• At cellular level centriole and micro tubules are visualized as the seat of consciousness. [Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose]

• The quest is driven by motive to develop super computers and intelligent machines.

• Science is coming hard way towards the goal but has failed to enter the core area and is only feeding more technologies into the hands of evil minds.

• It is true that Human mind being made in God’s Image has immense potential and power. All through the Scriptures and Epics of east, it is well depicted.

• But when people bestowed with this potentials uses it for self centeredness than goodness of society the whole world takes a destructive path.

• Those of you who have read or seen Epic Mahabharata on TV and has concentrated on the spoken words of Lord Krishna specially when He kills the three great warriors will know this reality explicitly.

• The wrong perception of west and its science is that Brain and mind is the root of consciousness and power.

• Eastern thinking sees it beyond mind in the realm of heart. They see Consciousness as the field in which life and universe exists and functions

• Brain and its sensory inputs feeds information's and co-ordinates functioning of the body in relation to a world beyond brain and mind.

• The real processing of information and order to act to specific input of information comes from the inner world and its center.

• The center of inner world is the heart and its brain [AV node that controls its pulse].

• The proof is that Life can exist in Brain dead state and yet do all the functions necessary for the life to exist.

• Another proof is that Life and Nature is bestowed with a phase when mind is at sleep and Life Force works to repair the system.

• This design is evident also in Nature in day and night and climatic cycle.

• The beauty of Ancient Rishis and spiritualist is that they were taken beyond the realm of heart and its brain to a space-time field, which is source of all information, knowledge or Life Force that creates and sustains the universe eternally.

• They called this Universal Consciousness and intelligence field, where Life force and intelligence exist. This Life Force is called by different names in different scriptures, Vedas call it Brahman, Bible calls it Holy Spirit, Koran calls it, al-Ruh and al-Quds, Chinese philosophy calls “Chi” and so on.

• Consciousness is a force that is always directed against Gravity field and its force. It is termed as upward causation by Dr. Amit Goswami, Dr. John Hagelin and host of other Quantum scientist who advocate for consciousness and spirituality of ancient east

• The key error that modern temples and its occupants have made is that they attribute consciousness to brain and its sensory capacity that links to the material world as its base.

• They made the material world and the space-time field that directs opposite to Life Force their principle investigation area.

• Today we are slaves of different temples of religions and different schools of thought and their erroneous thinking.

• We are like 5 blind people touching an

elephant and trying to figure it out.

• We have particle physicist, breaking into atoms to see the God Particle that gives Life [mass] and symmetry

• We have cosmologist peeping into cosmos and Black hole to find the secret

• We have non linear scientists seeking the root of Great Attractor that can create spontaneous order.

• We also have spiritualist fighting for a space in this vital arena.

• But none seems to have sensible explanation that includes and accounts all developments and make it comprehensible to common man.

• One Good thing that I see is that there is evolution and spontaneous enlightenment and awakening in various degrees.

• But in the absence of Whole Truth in simplicity, they all tend to end in supporting one school or other and express truth in complex manner that modern man cannot understand

• This situation of enlightened people is best explained by an Allegory – “Plato’s Chair of Science”

• Here people are chained to chair at the mouth of cave and light is burning behind them. Any object that moves behind them creates a shadow. Scientist can figure much information out of it. But such information is much inferior to the one gained by a person who escaped from the bonded chair and explored the external world and the source of Light.

• People bonded to chairs only see limited dimensions. They are not free and their imagination is constricted. Einstein said “Logics can take you from A to B, but imagination can take you everywhere”

• The problem comes when he returns to speak the knowledge he gained to the one who is chained.

• The truth is that we are all slaves to one or other chairs, we look to people sitting in front, on chairs of Silver and Gold and where prisoners are more securely bound.

• We lean upon them to lead us to light and liberation !!!!!!!!!

• There is a saying the best place for thief to hide is the house of the Judge – We have self centered material minded people sitting at the top and ruling us as slaves

• The figure speaks of dimensions and its limitation

• The figure speaks evolution of scientific efforts to comprehend motion.

• But it is not complete till we understand the cyclic Nature of arrow.

• We are only back to square one, where Newton visualized everything moving in straight line in an uniformly accelerated manner.

• We need to evolve to know how this arrow is cyclic and is perpetual including two basic laws of energy

• The only sensible way out is to visualize universe as living.

Problems of Modern World and Truth of Life as a key

Solution • Life and Nature is pulsating and balancing system

between two limits – Truth and Justice is fundamental to it. In short unrestricted free flow of Life Force between the right and left and inner and outer world is vital to life.

• This also is true for economic and social system. The biggest fallacy of modern world is “self” that corrupts the free flow creating Black Money or Economy. We know life collapses when flow of blood is blocked.

• The whole world that is self centered and slave to money is engaged in creating “Black Mass”, Black Money and constricting the flow of Life Force. The system is fast heading to self destruction

• The people sitting in top chairs and ruling us are doing nothing to treat the Pathological criminal mind set. In fact their self and material centered attitude is leading us to grave. In democratic world we are participants. We as individual who select and elect leaders are also responsible for the state of the world we are in.

• In the lack of Truth and Justice, the free flow of Life Force is constricted and we are unbalancing Nature inviting huge destruction. The pathological criminal minds in religious institutions are leading us into war and self-destruction in the name of God.

• Only Truth of Nature and God beyond religions as science can save the situation.

• In the absence of Truth, driven by ego and self, we live in ignorance.

• We have always seen the opposite as enemy and developed and directed our intelligence to shoot and kill.

• As a consequence, as nations we are at war with all weapons of destruction in hand

• Religions are fighting and killing within themselves and are waging war against other religions in the name of Life giving God

• Temples of science are feeding deadly technologies into the hand of Pathological criminal minds and survive on huge funding from them.

• Scientist speak of colonizing mars and creating designer babies and time travel at a time when our earth and our existence on earth is endangered with dramatic climate change and sudden peaking and falling of heat leading to destruction by all forces of Nature.

• Being in parallel world and in the absence of Truth of oneness, we have pumped trillions of bullets at the “cat in the box” in the centre

• No human mind has potential mind power to open the box to find the cat alive!!!!!.

• This invariably means Conquering of time and death and giving of New Life and Initialization into New Time cycle, needs the intervention of a Superior soul and Mind

Comprehending Consciousness as a Science to Evolve our knowledge of Life and Universe to higher

level• Nature is the best teacher. Much of the knowledge

and power that the ancients spiritualist and modern science has acquired comes from Nature.

• Falling apple led Newton to discover gravity. Einstein observed a Spider moving on a globe and expanded the globe in his imagination to develop General Theory of Gravity.

• Keeping in mind the stumbling blocks of science and religion that is hindering our understanding and comprehension of life and cosmos, let us return to Nature and observe her from a point of freedom.

Stumbling blocks of Science and Religion

• The Key stumbling block of science and religions is creation and existence of the universe in time.

• Two basic unflinching laws govern Nature and Cosmos. They relate to energy and matter.

• Both science and religious people know that the foundation of life and cosmos is energy. Matter we see is only a manifestation of it.

• All theories eventually has to account for the two basic laws of energy.

• First law says energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed.

• The second law says that there is a time direction to material Nature.

• The second law of energy means the revolving planets, and electrons in an atom should loose energy and fall to a center point.

• The Big Bang Origin and the concept of Runway Universe comes form this thinking.

• The question here is, if matter is manifestation of energy and if energy is lost as the system collapses to center where is the energy for Big Bang coming from.

• Thus simple logical questions vey often exposes the contradictions and inconsistencies in theories of science.

• This calls for wholesome review of the foundation of science and the conceptual foundation of various schools of science.

Why Science is failing to comprehend Life and Cosmos

Sensibly• Science is failing because it has failed to perceive the “Principle and Design” behind flow and motion that is key to cosmos and life

• It has failed to perceive and differentiate the light or energy particles and atomic matter and how energy manifest into atomic matter.

• It is has failed to differentiate living matter and atomic matter

• The only way out to make science comprehensible is to invent New Space-Time Field and Force that opposes the gravity field of the material world that Einstein searched for such that universe maintains certain ENERGY TO MATTER RATIO.

• I some time wonder how the world would have been, had Newton observed the tree that took the apple up in space for it to fall and Einstein had blown the spider in his imagination than the earth.

• What stands out as we step in to Nature is that life acts instinctively against gravity. A blade of grass growing, a flower unfolding, a seed sprouting all speaks this loudly

• The second of law of energy applied to Life and material world shows this opposition.

• This makes the ancient vision that universe is Living conscious and intelligent being a better choice to explore.

• Life is not beyond time. All life goes through birth death cycle. But life is bestowed with the ability to conquer time and survive time by evolving the information is a valid reason to think in this direction.

• Universe needs to be understood as Light or Life Force or information or knowledge unfolding to Transform and initialize the system into New Time cycle.

The Principle and Design • Modern world seek to capture Life Nature and

Cosmos in some mathematical equations.

• But my mind was seeking the cause the Principle and Design that governs the basic attributes of Nature.

• The basic attributes of Life and Nature is flow and motion, that is accompanied by spin and curved displacement in space.

• Flow necessitates a left and right and non equilibrium or Asymmetry.

• We see here Principle – An Instinct to seek Equilibrium

• Equilibrium or Symmetry is death.

• This meant that anything that moves and has life should have non equilibrium Design. In other words the Building Blocks of Nature and Nature as whole should have non equilibrium design.

• Such Design can only be imagined on ratio’s- say 4:3, such that a quantum of energy flows from right to left changing the ratio to 3:4 so that reverse flow occurs. See fig – next slide

Here we visualize a string with positive and negative end that exist 4:3 ratio. They get attracted by instinct to seek equilibrium. But quantum Nature of energy transfer ends up in quantum dancing between tow states 4:3 and 3:4 Where flow directions Changes

• By virtue of its non equilibrium design, its leads to spin and curved displacement in space.

• The motion here manifest as spiral one like a drill. A drill cannot move one bit unless the opposite yields. Thus parallel world is a reality

• By virtue of its freedom in three dimensional space this particle quantum dances with maximum speed and can be visualized as light particle. Two such particle with opposing spin can unite to form the simplest atom hydrogen [ Recall E=mc2]

• Now the equilibrium point is centralized and we see matter and gravity manifested

• Important point is that the two light particle also should exist in ratio – other wise the equal and opposite cancels and the system becomes dead

• A hydrogen atom looses one degree freedom in space

• With in the same rule of ratio, two hydrogen atom can fuse to from helium atom with right or left twist.

• Here the atom loses two Degree of freedom in space

• Helium atom is known as inert atoms and responds only to heat induced winding and unwinding.

Light Hydrogen


• By virtue of design a helium atoms can develop a inner space that can open up and interact with outer space in three steps.

• Two helium atoms with opposite twist can form a molecule that is highly stable in space and can show creativity forming DNA molecules and living systems. They form the quantum entangled parallel world that is instantaneously communicated through inner space and is communicated in time through external space.

Time bound communication

Instantaneous communication

• One of this pair is dominant the other is recessive and exist in ratio. Which means one hole is white and other is black. The white one forms the center and the determining one the other simply a supporting entity. Male and female and together they form one.

• These molecules when stressed by gravity and

time can add non inert matter onto itself such that it balances it self.

• The system can develop GENE and DNA or information when it is stressed positively or negatively.

• This means morphologically living system can change both ways depending on the environment and forces acting.

• This creative capacity is spoken in non linear science.

• The blueprint of creation is stored in spiritual form inside the White and Black Hole.

• The white hole perceives even minute change in external world and works to balance the system.

• This process in life manifest as breathing, mitotic division and meiotic division and reproduction

From this point of visualization of Big Bang, Parallel world and Ekpyrotic Universe

Scenario, Self organizing Universe Scenario and creation spoken Spiritual scriptures in sensible way tracing it back to two Primal Souls or Inert atoms became a

natural process of thought .

• This is explored at length in the links at the end

This work and thought are built over a period of three decades – I did try to communicates

with temples of science. I today strive through social media for I see depth in it. I am and powered by great minds and their quotes

Here are some that inspired me - Einstein said •"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction.“• "A person starts to live when he can live outside himself." •Logics take you from A to B, but imagination takes you everywhere”•"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."

• "Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it."

• "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

• "Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater."

• "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe”

• "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

Max Planck said •“All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter.”

•“Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of Nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.”

•“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it”

•“Scientific discovery and scientific knowledge have been achieved only by those who have gone in pursuit of it without any practical purpose whatsoever in view”•“Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'Ye must have faith.' It is a quality which the scientist cannot dispense with.”

• These inspiring quotes from great scientists, and the words of all scriptures, which after my enlightening experience, I could easily comprehend has given me the courage to swim against the tide for the past nearly three decades all alone.

• I am considered an idiot, sacrificing highly paid job, leaving behind parental property and source of livelihood that I strived hard to develop, to go into uncertain life, spending time on the net trying to awaken the world to dangers to which it is leading and call the attention to simple Truth of Nature and God.

Part Two Exploring LifeAs way to Cosmic


• Life has parallel world; male and female [Dualistic phase]

• Life begins from a cell. [Monistic phase]• The journey starts when Essence of the Father,

call it DNA and gene, information or spirit or masculine energy enters the feminine to create that little perturbation or pulsation.

• Modern biology thinks DNA and genes carries information. But my experience of observing nearly 200 thousand cell/tissue cultured tubes and life in Nature spoke clearly that genes at best are like weight that a BALANCER uses to balance the balance. Life seems to perceive minute changes in the environment and responds to it.

• Dr. Bruce Lipton a renewed cell biologist speaks it authentically – Consequently Epigenetic control of information is now a talk in life sciences.

• My research and observations agreed with Dr. Bruce Lipton. But I visualized it as half truth. A truth that is lined with western thinking.

• Research results are pouring in to show how words and external factors can change genetic information.

• However, my focus was on the other side of the coin – the unseen force that helps it reprogram it self and survive and perpetuate in the material world that in time is directed to singularity and death.

• I was in favor of great Noble laureate James Lovelock and His theory of Gaia, where life molds its environment for it to perpetuate and survive eternally

• As I wrote earlier the complete comprehension did not come very easily. Between 91 to 96 my mind developed several thought models, that were close, but were failing from one or another context. Like a dog trying to catch its tails, I was going around and around. When I link my circle at one end it would break somewhere.

• But all the pages that Nature revealed and thought and models I visualized collapsed effortlessly into order as I surrendered my mind, ego and accepted death to Higher Force.

• What revealed was the seeds of Living Universe Theory that the ancient east preached and forms the core of all spiritual scriptures

Life as Key to Cosmic Truth• The key realization during those glorious

moment at the retreat center was a drop from the realm of brain and mind to heart and its process.

• The next step was realization of space and channels that carries Life force.

• Life is sustained principally from information flow from the external world into this space and channels and constant renewal of information.

• The other source of information flowing from Nature comes through five senses is transmitted through the brain

• I visualized Life and the Universe as the interaction of two forces and space-time field. The body or material world we see is juxtaposed between it.

• Both these fields seems to carry information and force or energy that are directed oppositely yet are one. The flow, motion and life we witness comes from information flowing in and out.

• These opposing force appear opposite but are one, they give way to one another to sustain life – The breath of life, the day and night cycle all speaks this truth.

• Life takes energy and matter from the material world and transforms in to anti-gravity force that helps life to survive and grow against gravity.

• This thinking invariably meant there is no doubt that life plays an important role in cosmos and even the existence of one living being, a living cell, a living soul can stop collapse of the cosmos to singularity

• This conclusion was easy enough, but a scientific world ruled by physicist and mathematicians, who thinks universe is material and who looks for answers breaking atoms into particles are not going to accept a Living Universe Theory, unless much of their theories and concepts becomes inclusive and one creates a path ways for them to comprehend their work sensibly.

• The worst part is that one has to express it in some mathematical language bringing it down to some equations. Then one should suggest an experiment that proves the claim.

• Thus I resisted the call of consciousness to advance science.

• But with advancement of media, seeing the world unfolding into disaster, specially 200I Twin Tower collapse, I was moved.

• I decided to take up the cross and walk

Evolving Science to comprehend Consciousness

• Science is the dominating force and knowledge that controls us. Its concept and theories are though refutable from some context, they are not refutable in some other context.

• The Big Bang Theory, Black Hole, Singularity, Parallel world and Ekpyrotic Universe scenario, Self Organizing Universe Theory, Electric Universe Theory all have their own merits

• Any new thoughts should include all of them.

• A living cell is considered a whole being in its miniature form. It has central nucleus and a outer layer or body.

• A cell is made up of atoms.

• Let us seek the cosmic origin and its existence in a cell its organization and functioning traced back to an atom and a particle. Much the same way particle scientist seek God Particle to seek the secret.

• A living cell is the union of information [ DNA and Gene] form two Parallel Worlds and it creates images of itself taking energy and matter from cell and body in which it is contained as it divides and multiplies to form the whole being to conquer time and perpetuate.

• Life survive by three basic processes, breathing and mitotic and meiotic division by which it exchanges information

The Secret of Cosmos in a cell

Breathing, Mitotic and Meiotic process in Life

• The DNA helix is quantum entangled capable of winding and unwinding and thus can respond to forces from external material Nature [ Breathing]

• In the process of mitotic division the paired DNA condenses and two chromosomes unite at a point called “centromere” and this begins the duplication process and division of one cell into two.

• In the meiotic process the phenomenon leads to four cells. Each with one strand of DNA and pairing from two parallel world; male and female

• In a cell, Life process begins as little perturbation or wave generated from a point in the DNA as the information from parallel worlds [ male and female] unite.

• This perturbation and wave seems to generate from the one “Centromere” and seems to communicate instantaneously to other centromeres.

• The action taking place in centromere then seems to communicate in time to the whole cell through the DNA helix.

• In my imagination, I began to visualize “centromere” as heart and soul of the cell containing an atom.

• The term spirit/soul is anathema to scientist

• The spirit can be equated to energy, both are unseen and is only experienced

• But to equate the term “soul” to an atom was not acceptable unless it is conclusively argued and presented. This cannot be done unless we imagine how energy manifests into matter or atoms, why matter gets attractive property and gain centripetal property that directs to black hole

• What matter forms the core of life and why it is different and produces anti-gravity.

• Why and How this atoms or soul develops DNA helix and genes and how they end up to form complex body working against gravity

• Why and How Life Force works constantly against gravity force.

• From where this force emerges to create and sustain the system eternally.

• Why life has to go through cycles of birth and death.

• How life goes through birth and death and eternally perpetuates

• The key emerged by Grace when I visualized, the Quantum Particle or light or energy particle as a string and particle functioning under a “PRINCIPLE and DESIGN” that Nature was revealing to me and understood how it quantum dances and why and how they manifest into matter or atom and molecules

• The second important step emerged when I

visualized atoms in three dimensional space that has near symmetry with a INNER SPACE that can manifest into channels, which are amenable to contraction and expansion and is capable of opening and communicating information [Inert atoms of periodic table].

Note- We explored it in first part

The vision of souls• I visualized that Centromere in DNA helices

possibly has a pair of inert atom with an inner space that responds to heat and energy changes in external world.

• It is capable of winding and unwinding in response to changes in the environment. When one unwinds right to left the pair winds left to right thus balancing the system.

• When it is pushed above certain critical point, it opens up its inner space attracting a complementary pair and exchanging information with it. [pairs of chromosomes coming together and causing mitotic division]

• A third level of information exchange occurs to conquer time and death. Here the four inert atoms with the string of DNA and gene, forming a pair and complementary pair, separate forming four cells each with single set of information [n]

• In the process of conquering of time and death [Reproduction], one of the these inert atoms from masculine world leaves its body pierces the feminine to unite with a chosen inert atom in an egg cell to create a pair, that can create its own images and expands into space-time from within.

Important points to note here • Life is a pulse and the pulse begins from one Primal

Inert atom and Primal Quantum Light particle .

• All other inert atoms instantaneously perceives this pulse trough the inner space and it is transmitted to the whole system through the DNA strand in time.

• The process happening also affects the parallel world or recessive feminine world. The whole system is quantum entangled.

• Very clearly there is a physics working behind life – It is a matter of

comprehending it and extending it to the universe visualizing two Primal Souls or

Inert Atoms and information contained in it

Life’s Truth from Ratios• Life is a system that tries balancing it self. It is built on trinity. The fallowing fig explains


4 4




HellForbidden path Structurally it is

1:2:1 Ratio

• A Quantum Energy flows from the heavenly to Earthly.

• It is supposed to exist quantum dancing

balancing between A, B and C and is forbidden to move towards D or Black Hole.

• But in time system tends to Black hole, which necessitates a flow from Black Hole back to White Hole

• This secret of restoration from the Black Hole

could only be understood from life and its design.

• The 5 ‘ and 3’ end of DNA helices speaks this design. See fig Next side

DNA With 5’ and 3’ Ends

• Life is a system that is designed to resist the flow and loss of Life Force and fall into Black hole.

• It is designed with a reverse flow and thus ensure perpetual existence of the system in time.

• But the question raises why then life has to go through cycles of birth and death.

• How Living universe takes Birth and sustains itself.

• The key question here is what causes the time direction to the universe. This cannot be answered unless we take few pages from spiritual scriptures.

What Causes Time Direction

• Bible tells that God Created Humans in His image, gave him life and dominion over everything, with a resistance not to eat from the tree at the center.

• This means humans knew everything and was empowered with knowledge to rule the world. But he was resisted from seeking “self”. They were resisted from aligning with material world or gravity to Black Hole.

• If you can look at Earth its Design and functioning to sustain certain energy to matter ratio and thus life on earth, we will understand how we are influencing it and Why God forbid Adam and Eve

• Earth has parallel world design. When west awakes to sunlight and goes into unwinding state, east simultaneously goes into darkness and winding state. They are designed to balance.

• As light peaks in west it gives way to darkness simultaneously the opposite happens in east. This manifests as day and night that spans 12 hour cycle and is enclosed in another bigger peak that spans over 12 month and manifest as climatic cycle. This speaks of instantaneous and time bound communication

• The change here occurs smoothly over a period of time through several layers of grid points around and inside earth. It helps the system maintain certain ratio of energy to matter.

• Gravity and time here is directed to a center but is resisted by design

• Let us now introduce Life into the system• Plants absorb light and heat and create

organic mass that grows against gravity. • Plants if unchecked can take the system

towards anti-gravitational collapse.• Thus herbivore control plants and carnivore

control herbivore and the system is designed to self sustain. It is GAIA as noble laureate James Lovelock argued.

• But he failed to introduce humans into the system and visualize the proces

• The scenario of Gaia changes when we include Adult Humans created in the image of God and given the Dominion but resisted from taking forbidden path to the Black Hole.

• Humans by his self and ego aligns with material force and fall and takes the path to Black Hole. He see the opposite as enemy and source of his misery and lives a life of fear and economy built on self defense and war.

• Both science and spirituality cannot

overlook the two laws of Energy and information.

• Thus when humans souls become self-centered and fall to black hole the Creator is forced to pay a price

• Here we have to visualize Creator as Light or Life Force. We need to visualize it as

information and knowledge unfolding to maximum from a Primal Soul and slowly enfolding.

• It has a qualitative change as well as quantum one. To understand this statement we can take life cycle, which has qualitative change along with three major quantum change from childhood to first part of adult hood and then to second part of adult hood where “I” manifests and old age leading to death.

• From a statistical point of a system containing 100 trillion souls, the fall begins when one soul falls from light to darkness, a quantum shift happens when 25 trillion falls. When 50 trillion fall the system goes into disorder and begins to collapse when 75 trillion fall [3:1] – Creator is forced to go into recreation phase

• From this point I could comprehend the Big Bang, parallel and Ekpyrotic Scenario, the self organizing universe and so on

• From this point I could visualize the beauty of all spiritual scriptures, the Vedas, Upanishad, Bhagavad-Gita, the concept of Vedanta, Chakra and Kundalini, Forbiddance of Bible and the importance Calvary Sacrifice and New Birth, Koran etc.

• It does not mean I have researched them. It simply means now I can comprehend them when I read it.

• I could visualize Consciousness and intelligence of Primal Soul Unfolding to sustain the world from collapsing.

The importance Calvary Sacrifice now began to unfold as a science than a religion

• The fig below speaks how ancient India was advanced in its Knowledge of Life and Nature

• I could now understand Why Vedas spoke Universal Time Cycle in terms of Truth and justice

• Why Lord Krishna had to manifest to lead the great war for Truth and Justice

• I could understand why God forbid Adam and Eve to eat from the tree at the center.

• Why God had to manifest as Christ and make the Supreme self sacrifice to conquer time and death with free will to all souls to Restore the Kingdom of God or Golden Age.

• The Creator is pure Love. He is absolute Truth and Justice symbolized.

• God consciousness and intelligence or Kundalini of God is unfolding with that great sacrifice at CALVARY with free will to all souls

• I could visualize, God’s heart and Love Transforming all souls giving New Life with Free Will and illuminating our Mind so that we get liberated from clutches of minds ruling us in the name of unseen God.

• The universe remains the same, but it makes qualitative transformation reordering it self, giving free will to all souls.

• This is karma in Vedic philosophy

• We are due to enter Golden Age – Seeing the Mind and Light of the Creator.

• God consciousness and intelligence is emerging as GREAT ATTRACTOR STATE. The system will collapse into new order around it.

• He [God] alone can uplift us from Black Hole.

• Only God can open the Box in the center containing our future, that we have been shooting at ruthlessly from time immemorial .

• Only he can initialize the world into Life and New Time Cycle and Restore the Kingdom of God or Golden Age.

Judgment • God does not Judge - Revelation of Truth or

emergence of light exposes us as to how far to right and left and below we are from the center.

• The process can be understood as judgment or division of one cell into two.

• Even this could be understood from a single fertilized egg cell. The information get concretized at the union of the masculine and feminine parental spirit.

• Once this process completes in the nucleus a Bright radiating object called centriole arises near cell wall and it then divides and twitches the one cell into two and sets time into motion.

• So in a way Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose School, which attribute consciousness to microtubules are right but they are seeing one side of the coin

Summary• Universe is Living conscious and intelligent being.• We human are created in the image of the two Primal

Souls which are one. We exist to the left and right of the one whole

• We are like cells of on whole being that lives. We have the complete information of the whole and the information is truncated for specific purpose. The whole lives through each one of us and each one of us is connected to the whole. But our space-time position in relation to the center differs.

• When scriptures says we are created in the image of God and He gave Dominion to us - it invariably means we are light and energy beings and we had all the information and the knowledge of the universal system.

• We were resisted from turning our face from our Creator and become slave to material world.

• But we the created being fall, because of ego and seeking self. We become slave to material force directed to Black hole.

• This sets the time cycle into motion, God resists the fall and tries to balance the system. Eventually comes a time when the system reaches that critical point of 3:1 where fall becomes inevitable unless a restoration process is initiated.

• The masculine PRIMAL SOUL now gets stressed or wound to critical point of winding and it breaks down. The GOD PARTILCE in it now gains maximum energy. We must recall here ULTRA VIOLET CATASTOPHE of Max Planck’s work

•The God particle now spiral to pierce into parallel world that would have unwound to critical limit – This is conception or conquering of time.

•We are visualizing here Big Bang Creation through a Ekpyrotic process, which eventually self organizes with free will to all


•The System reorganizes and enter New Order or Golden Age when the Light or

Spirit or Information released emerges

The Present Period and my Concern

• This period is compared to pregnant woman trying to give birth – Earth is stressing us to evolve

• The more we delay greater the pain and suffering we have to endure.

• I am concerned on two basic points, the increasing heat we are releasing into the environment and decreasing time given to earth cool her self.

• This is accelerating the change of climate leading to huge destruction.

• The situation is augmented by loss of forest.

• The second point is that the increasing heat is making mind of individual community and nations restless and is taking violent paths

• The scenario is made for evil minds in religious power centers to exploit. Unless we awaken, this can eventually lead to war of huge magnitude, in the name of Life giving God, with all the weapons of mass destruction this could be suicidal

• The only way out is to know Truth and God beyond religion as a science and develop technologies based on life and that is Nature compatible

An Appeal

• This knowledge came to me by Grace and I have kept it open to all. Take and spread the message and awaken the world

• I have limitations to use or acquire modern

technologies to take this knowledge to the world, I am doing my best against odds, working round the clock on the net, caring very little for my health and well being.

• It is 33 years since I left Lucrative career in

Bio-technology seeking Truth

• It is over 12 years I am living a uncertain life, with no steady source to live on or an occupation that pays

• I see huge depth in the vision and knowledge revealed to me.

• I see many technological possibilities in various fields of human interest. Food and Agriculture, health and medicine, intelligent machine and energy generation and use that are Nature compatible.

• I see scope of reinventing many ancient culture and practices as science.

• I have resisted writing them in depth because unless truth is known, partial technologies always ends up being used for self advancement

• Writing and Exploring these technologies is not possible with out help coming to me

• I now wish to get back to some organization that Philanthropically interested in technological advancement in various fields of Human interest.

Contact 918884545158, 918242451547 Grace New Age Research Email – [email protected] [email protected]