CLOCKWORK RUNE75 (A Lake Stevens Original)

Clockwork Rune 75 Kamiah Kitsap and his mother Maela Kitsap travel from a little evergreen farm town to nestle in a new development in a relatively upscale neighborhood village known as the City of Township (Aqualand) Kamiah Kitsap of Age 11 goes out for air and finds Roland Tristan and Joseph lounging on “The Blanket.” Roland Tristan and Joseph meet Kamiah and make a pact; a secret club. Kamiah joins the Trio and smokes weed for the1st time Kamiah Runs from Township Police Department (TPD) in a hallucination phase. Roland, Tristan and Joseph shatter fireplace in Township Development. Township Police Department responds to complaint and races to the scene. Kamiah seed TPD in open-eyed dejavu and runs opposite way. Roland, Tristan and Joseph reach Eagle Middle School. Roland, Tristan and Joseph meet Starla and Lila. Starla and Lila throw stones at windows. Kamiah reaches Eagle Middle School. TPD stops Kamiah. Roland, Tristan, Joseph, Starla and Lila see Kamiah and TPD. Kamiah walks away and sees Roland, Tristan, Joseph, Starla and Lila laughing at Darla.

Transcript of CLOCKWORK RUNE75 (A Lake Stevens Original)

Clockwork Rune 75

Kamiah Kitsap and his mother Maela Kitsap travel from a little evergreen farm town to nestle in a new development in a relatively upscale neighborhood village known as the City of Township (Aqualand)

Kamiah Kitsap of Age 11 goes out for air and finds Roland Tristanand Joseph lounging on “The Blanket.”

Roland Tristan and Joseph meet Kamiah and make a pact; a secret club.

Kamiah joins the Trio and smokes weed for the1st time Kamiah Runsfrom Township Police Department (TPD) in a hallucination phase.

Roland, Tristan and Joseph shatter fireplace in Township Development.

Township Police Department responds to complaint and races to thescene.

Kamiah seed TPD in open-eyed dejavu and runs opposite way.

Roland, Tristan and Joseph reach Eagle Middle School.

Roland, Tristan and Joseph meet Starla and Lila.

Starla and Lila throw stones at windows.

Kamiah reaches Eagle Middle School.

TPD stops Kamiah.

Roland, Tristan, Joseph, Starla and Lila see Kamiah and TPD. Kamiah walks away and sees Roland, Tristan, Joseph, Starla and Lila laughing at Darla.

TPD approaches Roland, Tristan, Joseph, Starla and Lila.

The group scatters. TPD chases.

Kamiah meets Darla.

Darla is crying.

Kamiah gives green (Attolini) hanky to Darla.

Darla stops Crying.

Kamiah runs off without introduction.

Interlude- Tomahawks v. Montgomery Thieves Ring 97 Dance off Sk8 Day on Field Day Middle School Graduation Memories Friends Boring Moments Summertime Shindigs Frisbee College Girls Sports Stadiums Videogames Fishing School Supplies- ……..

-Days Later-

Eagle Middle School comes around.

Kamiah dances makes music and does Track & Field. Kamiah ignores Darla.

Darla sits alone.

Kamiah goes to Tomahawk V. Montgomery football games.

A1 S2:

Olympic High School (OHS) students of all ages gather for pictures.

Roland, Tristan, Joseph, Starla and Lila meet Ryan, Austin and Jason; a team of good-looking nature and tighten bonds for upcoming Aqualand Invitational.

Kamiah joins Ryan, Austin and Jason that have a great respect forThe Olympian Track Team.

The Olympians redevelop a sense of involvement so close; the Olympians become prepared for a great awakening in the 2015 season.

Kamiah finds complication with Ryan, Austin and Jason.

Kamiah, Ryan, Austin and Jason begin an “adolescent stage” and seek an enigmatic dealer named “CAKE.”

In the ultimate quest for the greatest cannabis, Ryan, Austin andJason find confliction with Kamiah, due to a lack of time-commitment and shuns Kamiah’s off-time efforts from “The Golden Season” his fellow Olympians keep talking about. “D!”

One bad grade flows from Olympic High School classroom, making Coach Arms confront Kamiahs ineligibility for the 2014 Free-Time list.

Kamiah is onwardly obliged to attend Saturday school in hopes to complete the season in good-standings for the 2015 season.

As Kamiah expects, he encounters distant friends from Eagle Middle School that introduce another opportunity for spontaneity.

Kamiah, Roland, Tristan and Joseph smoke A-1 widow (by CAKE) in bathroom. Ryan, Austin and Jason get envious.

Ryan, Austin and Joseph tell Mr. Chung. Roland, CAKE and Joseph approach.

Mr. Chung influences expectations of “innocents.”

Expectations lead Kamiah to Principal Jone’s office.

Kamiah Gets….Expelled.

*4th Quarter, 2nd Semester. Senior Year*

A2 S1:

Kamiah goes to new school district, home of Triton High School.

Braxton, Norton and Winston of Alpha Theta Zeta (ATZ) hear new kid’s story from Olympic High School, and Kamiah Kitsap.

Kamiah becomes well known as “K.”

K becomes popular.

Alpha Theta Zeta introduces K to Zeta Tau Alpha (ZTA) girls.

Marissa of ZTA creates Wednesday Pledge for K, the new guy in town.

K gets set up with Yearbook Editor-In-Chief, Katrina.

Darla transfers to ZTA Land and earns a fighting chance to date her middle-school admire, Kamiah.

Darla becomes engulfed in education for THS.

Education gets the better side of Darla’s senior year.

Darla asks Kamiah for phone.

Kamiah takes Darla’s Dad, Ben’s fishing pole.

Darla’s dad, Ben makes pledge to help influence Darla’s participation in the newly launched General Equivalent Exam (G.E.E.)..

Darla denies.

Braxton, Norton, Winston, Marissa, Katrina and Darla mention Prom.

Kamiah asks Katrina.

Braxton, Norton, Winston, Marissa, Katrina and Darla vote for Prom.

Kamiah gets voted Prom King.

*The Prom Anniversary of Chief Running-Water

A2 S2: Darla asks Kamiah for hand in Prom.

Kamiah denies Darla.

Katrina goes to Prom with Prom King.

Kamiah walks to the middle of dance-floor.

Darla shows up.

Darla sits on Kamiahs knee.

Hip-Hop Association performs previous assembly encore for graduating seniors.


Sing-a-long Invitation Media Promo.

A2 S3:

Darla Takes General Equivalent Exam:


A3 S1:

FINALE: Kamiah returns in the 4th Quarter 2nd semester for the final season’s performance at The Aqualand Invitational after sparse, but dedicated working out on any spare time.

Darla builds popular vote to Kamiah play/ participate for OHS.

Triton High School denies dual enrollment at Olympic High School.

Kamiah takes Urinary Analysis before sentenced to expulsion.

Kamiah writes keynote speech and dedicates new philanthropic initiative to Aviation Science with Certificate of Completion to nationally launched General Equivalent Exam for Darla.

Olympic High School recognizes Kamiah’s efforts and accepts enrollment-to-commencement.

Kamiah hosts final Olympian team gathering before Aqualand Inviteand takes championship prep with a grain of salt.

Confetti falls as the local crow cheers and the opposing Triton High School is the new school, which gives a benefit-for-a cause to the winning Olympians.

Team Triton congratulates Team Olympians and Kamiah with Darla, the Drop-Out ride into the setting sun on an Appaloosa(held by Maela Kitsap) horse never to be seen together again.

Show and Tell Trophy Class…

Kamiah graduates and steps on stage with final words.

Final Scene on stage away from lectern

“On the count of three.”

Boy and mom move to development.

Mom: Ya know, Kamiah Kitsap, there is a beautiful park around thecorner. Maybe you should go out and get fresh air. You could use the exercise as a growing boy, that eats his veggies, right?

As Kamiah reaches the counter.

Kamiah: Yeah, I know aaallll about those green sprouts and how the DON’T fit the C&M diet.

Roland: Hey, I see a new kid.

Tristan: Get the Blanket; let’s go meet him.

Joseph: Whah, look at this green stuff in this nicely folded bag(WTF are we going to do with it?).

Kamiah: Hey guys, what’s in the bag? Can I have some of your cookies?

Tristan: Yeah; you’re new, huh?

Joseph: Hey, look at what I found. It’s green.

Kamiah: That definitely doesn’t fit the cookies and milk diet, dude. Ugh, can I just get away from the vegetables for one day?!

Roland: Look, that stuff looks like baby Brussel sprouts. It’s pretty weird-looking in a good way, of course.

Tristan: That’s definitely some pot. Ya know, mar-ih-jah-wanna? Iknow how to smoke it.

Joseph: Alright, I found it…Now its mine. We do this…we create a society, a secret club that only we know about.

Tristan: On the count of 3, say cheesecake

Joseph: Okay, you ready: one…two…two and a half…two and three-quarters

Tristan: C’mon!

Joseph: Three

Kamiah, Roland, Tristan, Joseph: CHEESECAKE

As team travels along, Kamiah finds himself building sandcastles on Noreston Valley’s sandy shores in his first “lifted” experience.

“Where does the King live?”

Anonymous: Somewhere over the rainbow way up high…(Grayston Loch’s)

Kamiah: Haha, I have a uke. Anonymous: What’s a Uke? (Background:shhhhh, be quiet, were on the stage)

Kamiah: A Uke is the abbreviated terminology of a particular 4 stringed instrument.

Anonymous: Remember...always keep new friends and stories separate.

Boy awakes from open-eyed day-dream.

New York County Cheesecake factory drives by. Kamiah notices thatfriends are gone. Far into the distance, the 3 begin to race as if running from Kamiah or desperately chasing the Ice Cream truck.

Kamiah: Hey, wait! I remember my dream! Where are you guys?

Roland, Tristan, Joseph: We’re going to the school.

Boy had not been dreaming about the noise that caught his attention-in-attraction. Friends mischievously vandalize a new homes fireplace. Kamiah’s second daze comes as a track and field runner, gliding silently away from the cops penetrating the dejavu of track & field, police and ice cream.

Tristan: Hey Starla, you guys should come see this awesome kilorocket.

Starla: Here, let me see it

Tristan: Yeah, you can

Lila: Knives are for 1st graders

Starla: Yeah, watch this (boom)…Shatter-Record

Lila: Let me try; whoopshh; oh yeah

Tristan: You guys are nuts. This is a school.

Roland: Man, oh, man. Bad Idea…Bad Idea.

Joseph: Bro, if I could ride a pony…dude, I’d name it shadow.

Kamiah: Hey, I’m here. Anybody around?

Cop: You! Right there; what’s your name, kid, what’s your name?

Kamiah: I’m Kamiah. I’m just….

Cop: Yeah, Copy…Niner-4-27

Cop runs off to car.

Kamiah: Ohh-kaay<quizzical>

Tristan: You’re being such a douche about this…stop it.!

Joseph: Bahahaha, pencils are for nerds.

Roland: Tehee, hee.

Cop: Roger that. You kids…

Chase. Everyone Scatters

Kamiah: Hey, you alright?

Darla: Oh, just fine, I’m glad I made such a great first impression on you…

Kamiah: Oh…Uh, well, here’s a hanky…It’s green.

Darla: Well, thanks, I’m so glad chivalry still exists. <Girl sniffles>

Days Later…

Maela: Are ya ready, hunny? I can’t chauffer all my life, ya know.

Kamiah: Yeah mom <Dream State> (Chivalry still exists?…exists…thewalls could be painted with silver and the floor with gold…beforechivalry…)

Maela: Well, hurry your keister to this caravan before the mast sets sail little one.

Kamiah: Yup, any minute now. <Kamiah is sobering up from prior daydreams>

Roland: Hey new, you’re with us on the Journey 12, come on.

Kamiah: What’s the Journey 12?

Roland: The J12 is an adage for 12 consecutive grade school years.

Joseph: Yeah, we are Team 97 Angels; you know…our cheese grows asit goes.

Roland: I know, I know…Nose goes.

Tristan: Nose Goes.

Kamiah: No’s goes?

Joseph: Knows….Oh, I guess I’m the last one. Does that mean that…?

Tristan: That means Kamiah is the new cock of the block…Bshhh<slap>

Kamiah: What’s That?

Joseph: You saved me from heady potheads and pencil breakers…uh, I mean I’m the Leader.

Kamiah: Pencil breakers are always in some kind relations to cockof the block?

Tristan: Only if you’re ashamed to admit your love for the 97 ANGELS; don’t worry, buddy.

Roland: Yeah dude, it’s not like I’m gonna …well, you know…oh, um.

Tristan: Maybe it’s time that we a-see a good school year. I heard they are the best years of a child’s youth…even better thanK-Grade!

Kamiah: K-Grade? Is that a poor analogy for Kindergarten? If so, I remember the lamest, weakest years of my life were spent singing months of the year in Spanish and getting made fun of. They totally jacked me up!

Joseph: Well, then…we should, like , do something else. I got some incents, man…

Tristan: Dude, this is CAKE. Let’s Vej N’ Sprout after lessons.

Kamiah: Again with the veggies?!

Roland: No, Kamiah. Vej N’ Sprout is a…um…a, proverbial, I mean pronoun and saying that, ya know…means toke a jay.

Kamiah: Oh yeah, now I can tell you my dream. Okay, so there’s this little place called Noreston Valley and this King, right, gets the Queen prego. He travels in anxiety of the soon-to-be Prince and finds a new territory called Hyperbole.

(Input Joys of Lovely Nothings)

Kamiah: Yup, my dream. Not exactly a daydream of a Dark god…just on the other side of the hedge. I’ll to keep it short. It goes like this:

(Input Joys of Lovely Nothings) In- Lochran Territory

Tristan: Alright mushy-boy, enough fairytale folklore for a wholecenturies clock.

Kamiah: Whait, What? I wasn’t even finished. In all my days, not once have I been cut off telling story-time.

*Silent Awkwardness

Tristan: Whell, I’m glad I could provide you with a new experience.

Joseph: Bfffff, Ppssst Bagagagahahahahah

Roland: Kamiah, you’re pretty brave man; standing up for yourselfin new crowds. You remind me that as Team 97 Angels, we musn’t have fear to drive our actions, but honor and pride to govern them.

Kamiah: Do you doubt my sincerity?

Joseph: Nah kid, we just think you could win an Emmy for that performance.

Tristan: You’ll do just fine, kid.

Joseph: Yeah, don’t forget! You’re not on the stage alone, at least.

Roland: What an imagination, you have! Kamiah Kitsap; the Air Bender.

Kamiah: Air Bender? Is that a daemon or a deity? My family on my dad’s side are royalty; descendants of gods. You know… The LittleCompany of….Olympians.

Tristan: Wait, so you are saying that something’s different than some things?

Joseph: Yeah, cookies are way better than veggies. But, what doesit take to Vej N’ Sprout?

Tristan: Hahaha, you stoner…you pothead…you Wake-N-Baker, I thinkI can manage to keep …what, whait, WHAT THE DEUCE?

Joseph: What?

Roland: What?!… Spit it out man (at Lunch Scene)

Joseph: You’re right, these puny putrid peas taste like penis water, man.

Tristan: My stash…I…I, I must’ve smoked it or something.

Joseph: Is it gone? How will we Vej N’ Sprout now?! I want some Cheesecake NOW!

Kamiah: I am ready to replay “K-Grade.”

Tristan: Man, this is no game…. I can’t go back to K-grade…I’d rather hear your story…

Kamiah: Well, then!….:

*Dream comes back in to play

Four-stringed Instrument Grayston Lochs looks like : Mountainous: An undercroft forming a

walkway 2 wings (N&S ) blockhouse, guardhouse, court yard, stables, 97ft. Yellow/black cedar gate, two bridges, Kitchen, Portcullis, Seal of Copper, Brass and very poignant triple-walledvillage (Jo-OD-EP)

<Film-Scratch><Ends frantic Search>

Joseph: Okay Dude, enough storytelling… you have officially developing a fonduk bond to the J12 experience.

Roland: This story shall bequeath truth for the child-kingdom in generations to come.

Joseph: Yeah, whatever…I’m not a bank man! That stuff is not easyto find!

Tristan: I had to be super brave to see us Vej N’ Sprout!

Now, it’s gone…someone jumped the border with the hare-brains.

Kamiah:Wait a minute, do you mean baby brussels?! My story was way bigger, man! Yours stinks like fish…brains!

Tristan: Okay funny guy, the weed is gone and we gotta wait for another time. This really bites.

Kamiah: Oh… I thought I had finally got the hang of this secrecy…this…right of association.

Joseph: Kamiah, you’re a noob… don’t jump so close…WE are the 97 Angels! We don’t accept the mundane social constraints of lesser mortals.

Roland: Kamiah, are you prepared to follow those Little-Big ancestral steps of thse royals that came before you?

Kamiah: Alright. It’s the Journey 12 and I think our pledge on Wednesday last summer is honored. Remember, Angels; a Gentleman does not cheat anymore than he fails to honor the Gamer’s debt.

Tristan: Great, now that we can trust the newest member of 97A, I’ve got 4 premium tickets to see the Tomahawks v. Thieves game this summer.

Roland: I’m in.

Joseph: I’m in.

Kamiah: I’m in guys.

Roland: Aaight then; we got ourselves some secrecy. You, feel me?Real personal privacy…the good stuff…now, the best. I’m talkin’ some real human dignity.

Kamiah: That’s right Gentlemen. With this sense of moral and integrity…

Tristan: Our commercial potential shall coexist through J12!

Kamiah: Yeah, and we catch a swinging hit man on the way!

Roland: C’mon, Kamiah, there were more than 5 hit men on my baseball team. This is Aqualand Football, here!

Joseph: Go Hawks!

Tristan: I’m glad you guys came. On the way back; Kamiah, ask your mother to take us to the Earth Lounge. RING 97 is holding a dance-off, plus, it’s Skate Day! So many roller-girls will be handing out…copper.

Kamiah: Yeah, she’s not a chauffeur forever, but I’m the man of the…anyways, the plat of land is with Madeira’s Olympians, right?

Tristan: Yeah, we call it The Web.

Joseph: So, where are you cashing your bits? Ya know, ya copper-gobbler?

Kamiah: If it makes you so pleased, I do all my shopping for apparel at The Opera House…and…around The Web.

Kamiah: Oh, I mustn’t begird myself with pretentious, exotic reasoning nor should I place myself within your expectations so

quickly… I’m going to Grayston Loch to enjoy a summer with grandmother. My regards to your preparation for our next objective; The Olympians of Aqualand!

Joseph: Good times, brow…good times…

Roland: So, what about those boring ones?

Tristan: C’mon man…It’s Township…there’s no…games…no bowling… Allthere is to do is capture the mudhole.

Kamiah: Gah…the end is never with you guys.-Bye!

Maela: Kamiah? Kamiah? School is less than a month away; come to think of…it’s tomorrow and we’re halfway through today! Are you excited to  be a BIG Strong OLYMPIAN?

Kamiah: Yeah mom, I’m excited to be a Big Strong OLYMPIAN.

Kamiah: The Elements of Command shall be in my hands as I conquerthe day of shame…picture day.

Maela: Well, Mr. Educational, if you need to borrow some confidence from Mr. Cyrus Bear, it will ease your stress of rank social class, kinship and serenity…stuff. Go Get em’…tiger. <Awkward Silence>

Kamiah: I will… do my best not to think of college so much, this could really be the game changer, mom.!

Maela: I’m sure the Associated Service Collegiate Network and Anonymous will have loans defaulted by then.

Kamiah: oh, yeah, right! Like the governments really gonna drop out by then. (I might have had celica-sex by the time that ever happens)

Kamiah: Hey guys, how was summer without me?

Roland: Without you? Uh…

Tristan: Mhmmh… We made fun of you as we watched the TV.

Kamiah: Oh…

Joseph: We missed ya bruh, welcome back!

Tristan: Shut up, no we didn’t…just joshin’ with you, piggy.

Joseph: Yeah, man. We knew we would see you soon.

Kamiah: Uh… Thanks, I think.

Roland: Hey look, their goes Starla to the vending machine!

Joseph: Man-bro, she always looks pretty rad in green.

Roland: Of course…I guess it’s an Aqualand thing.

Tristan: Geez, are you two bozo’s heterosexual or what!?

Starla: Hey Lila, what drink are you thinking goes with green andorange?

Lila: One that’s got flavor, duh! I really like green-Italian better..

Starla: Uh, simpleton-raspberry, then, it is.

Roland: Hey, Lila! Hey Starla nice selection for the Day of Shame.

Starla: Yeah, Go Olympians, right?!Me he ha.

Kamiah: Hey! … I remember y’all, didn’t you throw that…

Tristan: <Punch> Dude, these are ladies of class; they wouldn’t dare such an allegation to another. Have some respect, man. You never know what kind of drinks they might suggest with that outfit!

Lila: My point exactly. Learn the social rank; um…what’s your name?

Kamiah: Kamiah. My name is Kamiah.

Starla: Don’t mind her. She’s a tapioca ball sometimes.

Lila: Oh yeah? Well, you’re a simpleton. Ha! Beat that!

Joseph: Ha, Kamiah… There’s plenty of dick-for. Don’t cock-block the dam between our fish, man!

Starla: And there are plenty of other fish in the sea, love!

Kamiah: My, oh my, I’ve been begirded by recreants. What am I to do?

Coach Arms: Dance…Dance…Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance….

Kamiah: And what, might I presume is that type of dancing? Shall I string within regalia and commence to step the right step chantof the Peninsula Navy?

Ryan: The Navy? I’m friends with Aviation Techs that take planes on the Republic’s boat! I’m Ryan. My pleasure…is of water-ways and boy, am I glad to meet y’all in the woods out here in this purdy little land of Township.

Kamiah: Whaiy, it’s a mighty-fine pleasure. These here are mah buddies through J12. We are the 97 Angels. You wouldn’t by chance, wanna bring yer frends, would ya?

Jason: Yeah, we’ll be there!

Austin: Hold on there, partner. These Angels here done bid us fair-thee well. Let’s give em’ a round on the J12 wheel.

Jason: Oh…well, hey there little Olympians.

Ryan: I’m an ‘S’ and lemme tell ya, these years are better than K-Grade!

Jason: Yeah, only if The Tritons lose to Noreston Valley in the open season.

Kamiah: I was looking in to the steeds and saw that the Kanadicans took Fittest on Earth.

Ryan: Well, well, well look who did their homework. Nice job, Angel Face.

Roland: Ha, Ha the Little-Big royals have bowed to your presence,Lord Angel Face.

Starla: I like! But, maybe you’re a little too tied between the veggies, if you catch my drift…

Lila: He’s not a pledge, Jason… I mean, Ryan…

Tristan: Yeah, like you know how to be an Angelface. No way, dude! We’re Big Olympians now!

Austin: Gone by tomorrow or here for today, you remain a frosh…Now, go take your money and get to shame pagin’!

Lila: Don’t doubt my sincerity.

Ryan: We’ll go together, Kamakin. That’s your name, right? Besides, Angelface over there (Stare at Starla)

Pencils are for nerds. Don’t put that in your ear like that!

Kamiah: So much for cheesecake in the park…for now.

Austin: Okay, J12 Angelface, I’m in.

Jason: If you insist, Ryan…I’m in.

Kamiah: Alright guys, let’s go get some pictures taken.

Kamiah: Wowee, look at that backdrop! It’s a pencil-breaker’s!

Austin: Ya know, this kid’s a real cock-block, but I like him. Hey pigface, what do you say about a Vej N’ Sprout after class.

Kamiah: My name is kamiah, and I know what you mean…Austin Angel.I’ll smoke pot with you guys, but I have my first practice comingup and this is the season everyon’ is calling the Golden Season!

Jason: Speaking of; anyone catch the Tomahawk playoffs against Montgomery?

Kamiah: Yeah, my journey12 buddies and I caught the match and hitthe Earth Lounge out on The Web!

Ryan: Dude, you like to dance? <Echo> Where’s the echo coming from. Cut the charades, mehhann!

Austin: I knew I recognized that sugar-licker from somewhere…that’s where y’all come up with the name ring 97’s Angels? Ha, fun place, ole chap.

Kamiah: Oh, so now I’m an old friend, huh. I’ll keep the seat warm, but don’t expect my legs to bend much!

Jason: Hey look, kid; I’m not askin’ you to penetrate a new jurisdiction.

Ryan: Look, man, the J12 is just a way to make friends. Go do sports and we’ll see how you feel a little later. Whadayasay; 3:47p at the batting cages by the Rock?

Kamiah: Deal, I’ll see you at lunch guys.

Austin: I’ll be headin’ out to catch the Mountain Blaxe after, soI’ll have to catch up with you and Jason later, Ryan. Is that cool?

Ryan: Dude, don’t look at me like that, I’m not your eye doctor. I am busy till 3 p anyways. Jason, you can pick up Austin from Blaze Transit Center when he’s finished with his conference.

Jason: Yeah, what is at the mountain Transit, anyways?

Austin: Boo, you don’t need to do that! I have a little bit of stress to cool off.

Ryan: So you don’t need a ride?

Jason: So, that must be…um a Vej N’ Sprout gardening-gathering expedition for ganga, then? I have a 10 page dollar to add in thepot.

Austin: A barrage of questions, why don’t you! Okay, I’m meeting this guy. Lila told me about a guy that always has a flatbilled cap and a pointed beard. He calls himself CAKE and supposedly hasthe most desired strain of weed in our area called Blueberry Crisp. It stinks and I wanna smell it.!

Jason: Um…Awkward.

Austin: Well,<Pause.scene.pause>… my knees, they itch and my penish, it’s hairy. <scene: Arab dog-walker comes in to dream with a corndog> His dog’s name is cornbread.


Mr. Chung: Goodevening clauss. The time in Winjun is 18:23 and our morning shall begin with reciting the months of the ano en espanol. We shall begin… Now… Abril, Setiembre….Yeah yeah, whatever…lets groove on crasshh

Harche Parkland: Hey, get a load of this guy!

Roland: I wonder where this king lives! Do you think he likes baseball? My royals go in the playoffs, but the Tomahawks stompedthe house! This summer was kind of a big on!

Harche Parkland: Oh, yeah? How so, Misseur Mickey Chaparone?

Roland: Lol, whaaat? No…that’s not me?! I’m …ya know…a froshbit, but you can call me RHO. I mean, I’m in with a J12 Pledge group.

Harche Parkland: Ow I shei…Well, Rho, Rho, Row your boat, till you answer me…Ohp, I know this one! Marry J, Marry J,; I danced and smoked some weed!

Harche Parkland: I’m Harche Parkland!

Roland: Oh, Okay. I am Green. Bam! I can sass ya, Harche Parkland, but it just doesn’t seem to fit the bill. Do you like football? Their seems to be….

Mr. Chung: Hey talky-boy, lessons are learned with patients and more realistically, learned with silence! You shall complete tasks after class. There is no time regarding education as a practice to pointlessly gawk upon an instructor and learn not histeachings. As for the rest of the class, the Act of Succession, The Scrolls Act, The Dane Laws and the Magna Carta will be the consort known as next week’s homework.


Coach Arms: Alright, when I call your name, get your fruit basketto the yellow bleachers. Y’all be on team Noob and the rest O’yuh

will be a-jumpin’ in jerseys as Team Goob! Keep it cut-n-dru. I don’t wanna be a goober, now. Hop to it.

Kamiah: You heard the man, chop-chop!

Classmate1: Hey, Frosh-Boss, check your chaffing checkers!

Kamiah: Oh, no you di’int! I be all kinds-a upset tryna prove that title.

Classmate2: Aye man, I seen you before <PSH>. No you didn’t

Coach Arms: Hey there, little-buttercup. Let’s discuss this upcoming season. Are you still coming out for 2014 Track in spring?

Kamiah: Yes, indeedy, Coach Arms.

Coach Arms: Bottles ain’t for whimps. Now, pony up and let’s frolf the balls off these Frenchdogs!

Kamiah: Whatever you say, Coach A.

Coach Aems: You bet your bottom dollar, K.K. I’ll see ya after class.

Classmate 3: Hey, dude, what was Arms talking about when he called you buttercup?

Kamiah: He is the Track coach. Do you …

Classmate 3: Boy, oh boy! I do too! Cool. I don’t wanna spoil thesurprise

Classmate 4: A surprise? Him? What kind of surprise?

Classmate 5: The Golden Age is supposed to be this year’s frosh team. Are you able to invest your time? But of course! Everyone is supposed to be in his class!

Kamiah: Oh! Well, if you insist, I am more than willing to be an Olympian. I mean, not that I wasn’t in the first place!

Classmate 6: Hey, look at that, another promising noob. What do they call you? So anonymous!

Kamiah: The easiest part of moving into new places is finding friends doing the same activities. Anyone whose anyone is the best at something…ya know? So, I’m Kamiakin and I am a dancer.

Classmate 5: Sure am… what kind of dance? Ballet, salsa, watz-tap. Liquid-pop, solo-techniques?

Classmate 3: Rumba, LombaRda, Bachata, Merengue, Belly?

Classmate2: I know! Hip Hop, B-Boy, Tutting, Alternative?

Classmate 7: Viennese Waltz, Foxtrot, Which ones?

Kamiah: Uh…um, let’s just say I’m a fairy-tale dancer!

Classmate 7: …Cool..

Kamiah: …Um…yeah

So00o0o, who likes cheesecake?

Coach Arms: It seems that chatty-boy over here could use a new addition to the conversation: Cheesecake, steak, Narky-frocks, Basket-dates, lima-beans, sweet-potatoes, peanut butter, Apple Pie, shall I go on?! ( Background: No0o0o0o0o0o0)

Kamiah: That’s great n’all, but what lesson is there for me to prepare?

Coach Arms: Well, Mr. Kitsap, many of my champions seem fond of my words of encouragement and boy, do they take heed. Always stick and move before entering The Milk and Cookies Diet, don’t tell new friends old secrets and never address a child by his first name!

Kamiah: You mean, I gotta call everyone buttsweat?

Coach Arms : Hey Guy! Anyone that;s winnin’ on this team has experienced buttsweat a time or two. Your drive and passion will definitely need to be present if you intend to see the arena for the Fittest on Earth <Bum Bunm Bum>

Classmate 2: Golly, howsoever would you pick it up? Did you see her testicles… their bigger than mine! <pshhh-slap>

Classmate 5: As you shall grow, grasshoppa, so shall each of the two.

Kamiah: What..?

Classmate 2: The kitchen keeps a garden <snail on hand>

Kamiah: Gosh, are you feeding that thing?


Mr. Chung: Hmm, yes…let see…mhmmm…ummmmm…hmmmm, Ah, yes, Kitsap. Kitsap, you say?

Kamiah: Right…

Mr. Chung: Well, mr. Kitsap, it seems there have been…a few concerns with your progress. I see there may be just a few more options that best suit your particular situation.

Kamiah: Oh.

Mr. Chung: Yes, my point exactly, your participation has been a functioning factor in this semesters progress report!

Kamiah: Aww-mann, this is gonna be a downer on this year’s stonersports Mr. Chung! <Coach walks in>

Coach Arms: I sheee…well, that concludes my reason for this visit…Kamiakin…huhh…this ‘D’ leaves me no choice but to remove you from the 2014 Free-Time Advantage list. You will be attendingthe… <Mr. Chung interrupts>

Mr. Chung: Delinquent’s school on Saturday. <Coach Arms respond>

Coach Arm: Yeah, Saturday school

Boy: Okay, I get it, already!

Mr. Chung: See you deir misser Kitsap.

Roland: Well, look who decided to show up to the meeting. I was afraid we might need to call the hounds for you, bubby. What keptyou, brother?

Kamiah: You won’t believe this! Arms has commanded to Saturday school.

Tristan: No worries, dude. We’ve got a fe extra pencils and some home lessons. We’re in, at least, I’m in!

Joseph: Really? You’re just gonna vouch me in? Okay, sweet, I’m in.

Kamiah: Wowee, thanks guys!

Mr. Chung: Good Morning crashss. Now, as many of you have been advised before, the spring and root of virtue lie within a good education. Today, we will be confronting outstanding assignments and delinquent scores and the recautions of having good grades

and maintaining progress lies within studious tendencies and (bla-bla-blah-blah-blah-blah)

Tristan CAKE: Hey guys, I got some Blueberry Crisp, yo!

Joseph: Amazing idea, but how we gonna ditch this gig? Crawl under the table?

Roland: That’s a great idea…He won’t even know we’re gone!

Kamiah: Do Whhhaaaa?

Tristan Cake: Hey, Feeling spontaneous?

Kamiah: Yeah, I do feel spontaneous, where to?

Roland: Follow Me! <Teacher Keeps Blabbing>

Cake: Ahh, where’s the weed…oh my gosh, not again. Oh em gee. Hey, look this time I get a back-up. MMMMMMthat’s dat A-1

<Apple, lighter, Baggie, Cologne, Music>


Mr. Chung:…and that is why winning is a style; a method of travel; not a place…you…hmm.Crash, excuse me to the restroom!

Jason: Whaaaa thahell r yew duin?

Austin: Dude, you found CAKE and you didn’t tell us…

Mr Chung: …Uh…

Austin: Mr Chung, look, look what I saw them dooing!

CAKE: Uh…no?.

Joseph: Dude, what are you doing?

Kamiah: Me? You…youp…spent…it seems…ugh… upon ejecting crhronic..! <Throws Apple>

Mr. Chung: Is the restroom still occupied or are you just smokingpot in here?

<Kamiah gets written up and sent to office on Monday. Principal Jones has a barrage of questions!>

Principal Jones: Mr. Kitsap, it seems we have a problem here!

Kamiah: Uh…I’m in the process of transferring.

Principal Jones: Well, if you’re in the process of transferring, I see no reason to expel you. However, for the remainder ofyour time; you will be required to pass a urinary analysis. You may not return without it.

Maela: Hey honey, how was school?

Kamiah: Great! I wanna transfer.

Maela: Wha…wha, what’s wrong with this one? People, I mean parents kil.. ..mmmhm, fight for their child to be educated in this school district. What’s your reasoning, darling?

Kamiah: Well…I may have made a few minor adjustments. Ya know,… to ease the cannoli in the coffee, shake the dust off the strings…Perhaps, to drain a little juice from the lemon-I might have force the hand of my teacher to act less rash than he would have delt.

Maela: Kamiah, what did you do?

Kamiah: I already signed the papers for a credits-earned transferfrom the respect Olympic High School to the authoritative campus known as Triton High School! I start tomorrow… …

Maela:… Then, as the man of the…um…I guess theirs nothing left for me to say on the subject. Kamiah…, go get em, honey.

Kamiah: Okay, you definitely handled that really well. Are you drunk?

Maela: Perhaps, the lemons have already been squeezed. Come to think of it, so has the frosting. Whadaya say we paint the town red? Let’s go out shopping. I know how you’ve grown attached to the Opera House and you could use a few threads that are new to you.

Kamiah: Haha, okay,. Let’s go out for some Ice Cream and Cheesecake… Oh..yeah, painting the town with lipstick is a littleout of the question. Boy, oh, boy…that’s for the Lobsters & Crabsanyways!

Maela: Are you coming at me like a French Dog, mister?


Winston: I got it, I got it, I got it! <Catches Ball>

Kamiah : Whoa there little fella. It seems bare are a-flyin! Can you me where the kitchen is?

Braxton: It’s Norrrrrrrth!

Kamiah: Thank you, Mr. Bullhorn!

Norton: Hey Brax, this kid has a name!

<Runs to meet him>

Hey man, I know who you are. You got away with a crazy Saturday! You’re a fricken legend, dude!

Braxton: Oh!,…He is?


Kamiah: Ehhhh, you could ssay that; yeah, I could play! And as for being a god, I came from a lonnng line of royals that have been found in the Little Conpany ofGods papyrus of Ani.

Winston: Well, we’re kinda like the Royalty of the School. We areThe Alphas. We stand for the services dedicated to the students of haroldry here at Triton High School and would love to give youa brief overview of our brotherhod.

Kamiah: Continue, please.

Winston: Take it away Norton.

Norton: As Winston has said, the brotherhood of Alpha Theta Zeta is a strong team of leaders that advocate for Healt/Wellness, Education, Activities, a product of Environment and Music. Braxton.

Braxton: Adding to Norton’s statement, we are a powerful service organization that stands for Leadership, Service, Ingenuity, Honesty and Integrity!

Kamiah: And Zebras are not cats for the record.

Braxton: Boy oh, boy you are a mighty interesting character, there you.

Norton: And perhaps, interestingly enough, you seem to be healthyand in shape. My fellow man, you shall be a great addition to allthat you do.

Winston: And dare I ask, what is it? Racquet ball, tennis, Croket, Equestrian, fencing; c’mon boy, spit it out! <Boy takes awad an sets up to spit, the swallows>

Kamiah: 97 Hobbies, but a habit ain’t one.

Winston: ya know, I like the idea that you’re insinuating that a jack of all trades can be royalty.

Kamiah: So it seem! What is there to do around here?

Winston: So, did you really pour that milkshake on…ohp, wrong story.

Norton: No, no, he got a cake-bag blown through an apple…and flipped enrollment dates.

Winston: Whaat. That’s nuts, man.

Norton: Yeah…Kamikaze K! We’ll call you K.

Marissa: Hey_ Norton. Whose your cute new friend? Does he have a name?

Braxton: Boy, does he! Marissa, this is K.

Norton: Yeah, K’s with us. Where’s your posse,hun? Oh, here they come now.

Marissa: Kamiah, meet Katrina…you see, Katrina is always a littletoo busiy to be with the girls and maybe it’ll do her some good to …ya know… Learn the ropes a little bit. She’s always tied up with editor stuff… like yearbook, and Associated Student Body.

Really, she’s not available to meet every time we need her, so…maybe you’re new and she’s busy..Maybe you could tag along with her! Ya know…if you want to.

Kamiah: Thanks, but no thanks. I got a kitchen to find…

Katrina: Oh, Oh, I know that’s at. Let’s discuss this…flipped apple Pie…or Cake…whatever…

Kamiah: Sure…sounds like a plan…what’s your name, again? Katrina?Cool. You ready?

Katrina: Yeah, totally, let’s go. So0o0o0, what’s your title? Kamiah, Foreverboy-Wonder?

Kamiah: You could call me K. I’m the new cock of the block! Ya know, the Big Cheese, The Macho Honcho, The Whole Pie!!!

Speaking of pie, the girls have invited you to a day in town. I just got the text. Dungrandois’ are required to enter the diner.

Kamiah: So, In the Opera House…those were on the new-stock half off list…Indeed an easy accommodation for Wednesday’s Pie day.

Katrina: Yeah, not many guys or men or boys get in…so, think of it as an initiation. I will see you on pledge night… Gotta run. The kitchen is at that building, on the right~ Ciao!

Kamiah: Yeah, later. Um… Katrina. Bye, Katrina.

-<Darla bumps in to Marissa and breaks her glasses>

Marissa: O-MYGOSH, my Celic Accessories. Now they’re ruined.

Darla: Sorry, I’m new to the surface. Can I buy you a frappe? <T-Pain BYAD>

Marissa: You’ve got a lotta cohones offering beverages on the first date, hun. Let’s go before someone notices this Reputation-damaging experience!

Darla: Oh, right…yeah, that loser who broke your glasses…definitely awkward.

Marissa: You… are retarded-amazing.

Darla: Uh, I know, thanks?. Yeah, thanks.

Marissa: So, clumsykins…do you have any money for me? I mean, youdid, afterall break my glasses. <Darla writes a check on check # 0065>

Marissa: Great, that should suffice.

Darla: phgwew. I’m a glad that is enough, it is my allowance for the next two weeks.

Marissa: So where did you come from, anyways, lassi?

Darla: Yaknow….Olympic High School. My grades weren’t too good.

Marissa: A little trouble in your classes, eh? I know a cute lad that could use a dining buddy and Neapoli, himself knows a tutor is in store.

Darla: I heard of a popular stallion, by the name of K.

Marissa: Yup, that’s the one.

Darla: What the hay. <Darla gets missing assignment><catches up>


Principal Milton: Misses Mathlete. I have your Senior Year’s scores, and dates of progress reports in my possession and it hascome to my attention that you have been losing valuable time to make these assignments up. I will leave it up to you to handle missing assignments.

Darla: Yes, Principal Milton. I will place my options with my already….I-understand.

Marissa: Sometthing I should tell you…Kamiah…Hey, Kamiah…ugh…K.

Kamiah: Oh, hey, I didn’t hear you come in.

Marissa: Yeah..Right. Anyways! I found this cute little transfer from your school before you got here…she needs a lift..ya know, amile-high tutor. Can you foot the bill?

Kamiah: She will be at Neapolips diner, I presume? Sure…

- At Diner

Darla: Hey, Kamiah, over here.

Kamiah: …Where is the girl squad you were supposed to be with. <Darla points>

They gave us some space. Oh, I brought my homework too…um…Is thattoo much? And since we will be with the ATZTA’s and they have a phone rule… I could use yours…

Kamiah: Well, the ans is Z=x. 2.5 Y/ 1 and Darla…thing like cars,Key’s and phones don’t come easy. <Film Frowny face eats pie slice>

Darla: You’re right, that’s a dumb question…um…let’s bounce this joint; is that you say it? <Laugh>

Kamiah: Okay, I guess Pizza’s for another time.

<At Diner>

Darla: Sorry we had to push it off…things in Township always seemto get the best of good times inconsiderably spent. Come on in.

<Enters Darla’s House>

Kamiah: Hey, I know I said that things don’t come around easy, but looking around, I found another phone and…well, here you go. This will help teams dedicate consistency to excellence!

Darla: Great! How could I ever repay you? I know..I’ll pay for your parents jointed power chair…uh…that’s not more than 350.00 is it? Or how about a Cheesecake-peanutbutter sandwich every day for the rest of the year…Do you like fishing…how about this triple-gear-reverse wheel from 1965…the one with the 7 crowns on it.

Kamiah: Oh-boy, oh boy, oh, boy oh boy good deal. That’s a great deal. SOLD> <Pawn-stars Diluted Intro>

Ben: Darla! Darla, it smells likee a man in here. Darla!

Kamiah: That’s me. I’m the tutor-guy. They call me K and we haven’t begun studying. <covers his mouth>

Darla: Uh..yeah; Dad, this is Kamiah and he’s my Homework Assistant. He likes fishing and is new to the Tritons…too!

Ben: Oh, why din’tchya say so…Kamiah, you got yourself a nice pick on that three-pronged reelin rod. Is that your wager… <AWKWARD SILENCE><Staring Contest><Wild-West>

Kamiah: Ya reckon a choppin’ of beef on the plate?

Ben: Questions for questions don’t make answers. Are ya considering staying for dinner?

Kamiah: Boy oh boy, before the first sight of moonlight, I’ll be on my way <Grins and Handshakes>

Ben: Goodman. Darla, where ya been hiding this one? He’s a tutor.You could learn a thing or two from a tutor.

Darla: I’know, Dad…

Ben: Whadaya say, I hand ya 50 smackaroonies to keep her in shape?

Darla: No, DAD!!! <Darla Runs off>

Kamiah: Well, this is awkward… Maybe another time…


Intercom Voice from ASB: Goodmorning Tritons, today is Wednesday,the 17th and our Editor-in-Chief has a few words prepared for thestudent body. And how are we doing? I know, I know, I know, I know, Stupendous. So, Prom is on Saturday and we will begin votesas early as today~~ The Tri-pronged spear sha be given to that special chosen lotus, as always…follow Neptune’s Knowledge and goTritons GO!

Continuous Chatter: I Voted for you. I voted for you, too. Dude, I so voted for you. I did too and you definitely got my vote. <HEADS HOME><Tells his mom>

Maela: Hey, love. How was school today?

Kamiah: Well, I seem to be making…contacts.

Maela: Ya know…they say, business cards are like gold when you get to college. Keep it up…it could be useful.

Jo: Alright hun, what’s on your mind

Katrina: Nothing, Dad…Okay, perhaps there is a few inquiries I have failed to inquire about. I have a reason to believe a new boy to the school campus is pursuant to propose a special request

for an escort to the 75 Anniversary of Chief Running Water. What am I to do? <looks North-by-Northwest>

Jo: Oh, I see, the gentleman you speak of has quite the followingthrough Township.

Clothes make the man and roll with curls.

Kamiah: Hey Katrina, I’ve got a shoulder for your arm if the billneeds to be paid. Whadaya-say, tuts, you; me, the Studebaker moon…it’ll be for what it’s worth at face value <Gleam, Enlights both faces, valentines song><Film-Scratch>

Katrina: Ya know, I’d love to.

Kamiah: Great. Pick you up at 7:00

Class: Goodday <Printed on vote stand>

ASB: Sure to cast your ballots for the 75th Anniversary of Chief Running water before classes are out. Ta Ta for Now.

Darla: Hey, Kamiah, I voted for you! Do you have a date yet?

Kamiah: Yes, Darla. I have a date for Prom.

Darla: Are you sure you have an escort already, like a date?

Kamiah: I-Just said that.

Darla: So, do you want to go to prom with me?

Kamiah: Is something wrong? No, I have a date, I’ll see you there…or whatever.

Darla: Ohhh, okay. Well, bye. <Chipper Loons>


Katrina: Oh my gosh, you’ll never believe who got in. K is the new P.K., Marissa!

ASB Announce: YOUR 2015 PROM KING is KAMIAH Kitsap!

Braxton: You wont believe who I heard is going to Prom with <Whispers>

Winston: Ahaugh! Shut up, that’s a tall one!

Where did you ever hear such a thing, Brax? <Ariel Scene-to sky and fading hand-to-duo>

Braxton: Whell, he said it, but she spoke it to the ASB’s and they said it to him and he confronted Katrina, but Katrina told she didn’t mention that to anyone, but me. So, pipe down..

Norton: ooh, ouch. <Door closes in background.>

Marissa: K; she is a sweet heart. Don’t let those hairbrains spoil your fun, hun.

Kamiah: Okay, bye guy. I’m going to class early! <Group chatters profusely>

Darla: Oh-my-gosh, Hey K, so are you going to Prom. <Awkward Annoyance>

Kamiah: Uh…yeah <Boy Goes to Class>

Jo: Ohh my gosh, come on down, honey. The camera loves a damsel!

Katrina: Dad; so many pictures.<ugly pic> There are so0o many reasons not to publish that one! <one hand, then pose> <Denies the pose>

Maela: Well, don’t you look great in a stunning gown like that. Give us a spin.

Kamiah: Katrina, you look great <Earth-Angel>

Jo: Boy, does she always.

Katrina: Thanks, Dad. Kamiah, you look very handsome.

Maela: So, whadaya say we get this show on the road, you two Aquabirds? <Drinks glass>

Kamiah: Unless theirs anymore pictures to be taken by Mr. Township Press, himself.

Jo: Eh, you two go enjoy that dance. My groovin’ days are well-due to the time capsuls. Oh, Katie; here’s the papers for your Journalism passage in to VIP.

Katrina: I won’t let you down, Pa. <Earthangel>

Kamiah: Thank you for the chance to make a difference in your daughters life.

Jo: Go rock that crowd guys. <Fades to Suzie Q.>

Maela: Well, we’re here. <Opens Door> <Goes to front entrance>

Kamiah: After you, my fair Senorita.

Katrina: Whai thank you, Prince Charming.

Braxton: Well, look who made it; the still-great K’s, Katrina & Kamiah, King of the Chief Running Water People! < Shy lookaway>

Kamiah: Hahah, very funny. I voted for king, but you know I’m thePrince. Let’s take this fiasco to the dance-floor!

Winston: So, who was that chauffer, dude? I thought you were stag.

Kamiah: Dude, that was my mom… She’s from Greyston Lochs. <Awkward Loud to the Middle of the Dancefloor scene><Fades out>

Darla: I’m here, I made it. Kamaiah, I Love You! I love you, Kamiah <Darla runs to the faint sound of heart beats…to the prom king, who kneels down and opens his arms to accept the approaching damsel infatuated to distress>

Kamiah: Darla! Why, it’s absolutely a surprise to…Ohp, okay. I’m glad to see you too.

Norton: So K, you have two dates to the Senior Prom? Where’s Katrina? <Darla sits on knee><Pink Panther intro>

Kamiah: Well, I reckon that one is the VIP center of Attention. This here’s the newest tutored student by yours-truly, Prince Kamiah-Elliot Kitsap, Prom King of Triton High School’s 75th Anniversary of Chief Running Water. Darla, for your hard work, I present to you a gift. Braxton, Take it away <Team Addresses>

Braxton: Alright guys, hit it. <HHA comes together for encore>

Norton: If dancing is for you c’mon.

Winston: Sponsored by The Township Press, Buzz the SustainabilityWASP and The Team Column.


<Fades to B5-97 ways>

Katrina: It was nice sharing this night with you, Kamiah. Throughthese rough interviews, I had plenty of great coverages. Now thatwe are in the final stretch, how do you see a newly formed futurefor the Kitsap Family Name? <Interview Hand Model> <Amazing Graceon Flute>

Kamiah: Well Katrina, it has been quite the experience moving towards a positive future for the Kitsap Household and I, for one, am proud to have new light shone on Old Kingdom wounds. Through tough sparse workouts that lead to full exhaustion, to the tatalizing taunts of invaluable time spent learning new resources; our search for what we stand for revolves around that earthly Web of Life. Knowing our position towards the Western sunand the Southern flowing creeks remains a teaching that our ancestors handed down. <Tribal Drum> From Little-Big Man, Little Wolf, Little Carpenter, Little Bluff, Littlebird, to Smoholla, Denakwida, Roanoke, Seminole, Big Crow, and Osceola, Tetadaho, toAganstata; From the Old- Man at the Lodge, we learned the practice of thanks and forgiveness. Living as the Great Spirit has brought us closer, we see the story of Pride and humility near our dwellings as the elders recite the living breadth of Coyote’s life lessons. What we do from this moment will change the future of our existence. In short, I see good tidings for theKitsap Family Name.


<Darla’s Home>

Ben: Hey Lulu, how are the homework assignments going? <ConcernedDad><Cracks a beer>

Darla: Dad… <Solemn Tear rolls down>…I haven’t done well enough to graduate with my class…What am I supposed to say to the other kids when they see me again, next year taking the same classes? My whole reputation; it’ll be over. They would laugh me right outof school. The wheelchair jokes don’t tend at this school. Peoplego in the woods and jump in swamps from the humiliation.

Ben: The swamps, really? That’s what their doin’ these days? Well, it’s your life. At 18, you’re out anyways.

Darla: Hiem Dropping Out…<Stupid Look>

Ben: Okay, I suppose that’s your decision, but the time you spendthrough these 4 years will be remembered as the most memorable years of your life. Use this time to prepare for your General Equivalence alternatives testing. <Head Down>

Darla: If theirs such a thing.

Ben: Yes, love. A new lad in town came up with it a few weeks ago.

Principal Milton: Ladies and gentleman, your 2015 Prom King, Mr. Kamiakin Kitsap and his prepared words of encouragement. <Principal’s Office>

Kamiah: Thank you, pricipal Milton. Hey Tritons, it’s that time again to see your name up in lights. As the the Aqualand Invitational approaches, the Olympians have had their eye on taking the trophy home for the umpteenth season. My words are your inspiration. Go, Tritons, Go. <Intercom Turns Off>

Harche Parkland: That was some speech; K! That’s what they call you around here, right? I’ve been knowing you as Kamiah for quitesome time now, since I transferred from Olympic High School.

Kamiah: So, you’re an Olympian-Convert too, aye? I have a meetingtoday with the Principal of Olympic High.


Darla: Hey Big K. I am losing some serious faith in my grades andI’m glad you’re doing okay, but this school thing just isn’t working for me. So, I’m calling my classes off today. I heard from the girls that you created a new thing called the G.E.E. With the ATZ’s. I figure, if you could write a Letter of Recommendation, I could get popular votes for your meeting…I onlyheard a little…so…you’re really moving back to the Olympians <nods, yes> but, they’re so….so….aboriginal company to here.

Kamiah: Hm,huhgh, yes; you are correct on that observation, but Ican’t go back to my own Grayston Loch’s abode in Lochran until that time has brought a conclusion. Darla, listen close: I need the popular vote to spread. Without a doubt; a Letter of Recommendation would accommodate for your time?

Darla: You Betchya. <Shakes Hand>< Gives Kiss> <Darla takes votes, makes name><Kamiah goes home>

Maela: Hey Darling, what’s good news? <Book Image?>

Kamiah: Good news is a positive saying of new happenings. <Chuckles>

Maela: Oh, you’re quite charming you. I bring to the table some good news of my own. You remember that damsel that you took to the farm, well, her paw got word from a young lad new to town, who started a modulation standardized test from the upon Heaven #3, Aviation Department, or ASCU. Wait a minute…youp…and..uh…um <silent pause>

Kamiah: Wait, what.? What’s it called…huh? Did he say Word FROM anew lad or Word THAT a new lad….um…uh…mom…I am that new lad.

Maela: Hmm, ya know, I did believe that Sounded familiar.

Kamiah: Precisely, they’ve invited me to produce the pitch and keynote speech for the project launch date in MAY. <Mistaken, Strange Face>

Maela: Well, you’re just a-gonna havefta prepare a hell-of a conference, love!

Kamiah: Like the 2nd Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln? HAHA With malice towards him whom shall have borne a just andlasting chearity for all! <America, America>

Maela: Thaltz Thau Spirut! <Rocket Power Outro-Guitar Roll>


Toes-In, Toes-Out,, Backwards, Lunges, Long Run UP STAIRS <shining ROCKY Theme> , Push Ups, Sit-Ups , Weights

- New Scene: <NLT I-Choose-You>

Shower, New Clothes, Hanging shoulder towel.

Slow walk scene across the bleachers(LS?), head down, Gatorade, water bottle in left hand

<NLT-I Choose You> Enters Doorway with Blinding light, has an epiphany in gym NLT-to-Cinnemetropolis

Kamiah Rides off on a Palouse Horse

Kamiah Pulls up to school on horse <Paisley- Two People Fell in Love>

- In School

Principal Jones: Hello Principal Jones<In Mirror> How ya doin’? I’m wonderful/… <Door Opens with knock>

Eghem, yes, come in. <Doors open>

Kamiah: Good afternoon Principal Jones. I’ve decided to finish myyear out as an Olympian.

Principal Jones: Yes, so it was before; it remains today; you must return with a sufficient Urinary Analysis <inside Head- PissCup, Plus weed Leaf = 0 Scroll imagery>

Kamiah: And as for the different training schedule, what are my requirements to see that Tomahawk Stadium, one last time before the Aqualand Invitational?

Principal Jones: The pre-requisites remain the same, Mr. Kitsap, that is all, Mr. Kitsap. <Kamiah is dismissed><Enters Clinic>

Receptionist: Help there little boy, what can I do for you?

Kamiah: <IN HIS HEAD: My knees, they itch and my penis, it’s hairy> I need a physical. <Nurse Comes Out>

Nurse: Well, come on back. I’ve got a window of time, right now.

Kamiah: Uhhmmm, um… I just need a U.A. Sorry, someone said they touch your balls if you say physical. <Nurse perks up tits>

Nurse: That is true, you little nasty boy, however, you hjave to pay for that and a Urinary Analysis is strictly a diagnostic testfor active bodily contaminants and inhibitors. <Boy pees in cup>

Kamiah: Oh…welp…this is hawkward!

Nurse: Well, whadaya know, Little nasty boy likes Tetrahydrocanibinol…It’s best to wait and let the niacin pass a few weeks or not indulge at all. There are laws allowing use, even recreationally: I-502, 215 and 2012 Boy: This is not fungus!Stop laughing at me. This is not fungus.

Tristan: Hey Dude, where ya been?

Joseph: Yeah man, your new school’s really ben kickin us old kingdom-comers down and out!

Kamiah: Hey, shut your pie-hole there buddy. I’m workin’ on it, I’m workin’ on it. <Awkward silence>

Joseph: Working on homework for the Tritons…ouch…Adding injury toinsult.

Kamiah: Nah, kid… puttin’ things back in order, setting the boundaries and rewriting the playbook.

Tristan: What are you sellin’?

Kamiah: Cake, baby! Cake. No for real though, I just failed my U.A. I’m toast. What’s new… I do?

Tristan: Chillout, chill out! Here’s what you do. Go back and geta reception voucher that you came in.

Kamiah: Oh, that’s so brilliant misseur Cake. I shall commence toprocession. <Boy leaves the convo to go back to clinic>

Reception: Hello there…uh…yes, Mr. Kitsap. There we are. I believe this should suffice! <Takes Paper>

Kamiah: Yeah, I just need to prove I was… <Boy reads recognition paper> yeah, youuhp, this is grerat! <runs out and sees Roland>

Kamiah: Hey Roland, Can I get a ride my Pony is a little tired and I gotta head to Triton High School.

RHO: You Betchya, I’ll show up at 3:33 PM. Later <Trots to stall>

Kamiah: Mom! Mom… <no one answers>

< Kamiah tajkes leftover workout meal and pokes 3 holes in pear and smokes by himself for a whole session. Kamiah gets blazed.>

<Roland pulls in drive way><Kamiah has a dream-sequence of The joys of Lovely Nothings>

RHO: Hey Dude, you won’t believe this! The Tomahawks are forfeiting… the season over an intermarriage and they decided to reschedule.

Kamiah: Dude, that’s so colossal…super sad…and absolutely colossal!

Let’s take a moment of silence to honor those of our family who did travel the 4 and 5 hundred Elliot Miles. <2 minutes, then peace Apple>

Kamiah: That’s some powerful stuff, Man. Let’s go make a difference in the community. Let’s go add a positive influence inour community.

RHO: Kamiah, you are absolutely right. <grabs keys>

<Two walk to car and get in>

Kamiah: So, what are you up to today after the school?

RHO: Well, they have a show going on around The Web somewhere <Arrives at School>

Kamiah: Oh year, Well I’m sure you’ll find one somewhere if you keep lookin. It’s Saturday, Man. Well, Later <Closes Door>


Principal Milton: And a good morning Mr. Kitsap. How are the splendors of being a prom king to this date?

Kamiah: Ya know…thihuh…Well. It’s not what it’s crack up to be. The conversation…the masculin attention…the expectations…I do think the benefits are a blessing.

Principal Milton: Well-said, so what is it that brings you in today?

<With Arms Wide Open-Creed>

Kamiah: Ah. That remains an enigma I seek to make nown. PrincipalM., I’ve been here a little bit of time and already, have a been welcomed with arms wide open. The air is crisp and the rains are plenteous…however, I seek the vitality of philanthropy and friendship, communing with my interests and that is something special; a rarity in itself. Principal Milton, I am leaving Triton High School… Unless, perhaps, you will do me the honors ofaccepting dual enrollment. Would you honor such a request? <Short…Awkward…Assertive>

Principal Milton: Kamiah, I have the heritage of this land we arein and though I cannot honor a dual-enrollment, I shall leave youwith high regards as a student of courageous vigor and inspirational candor. Remember a Gentleman strives for virtue through the pursuit of Excellence. <Boy shakes hand and walks out> <To Olympic High School>

Kamiah: Here you go, Principal Jones.

Principal Jones: Hmmm…I See… Where did you find this? There are no results.

Kamiah: Um..uh..that’s what they gave me to give you.

Principal M: Well, this’ll Just have to do. Welcome back, K.A.M.I.A.K.I.N. Don’t act like I don’t know where you’ve been. The Team Needs you, Angelface, go get dressed up and we’ll see you on Monday, ole chap.

Kamiah: What a Relief.

Principal Jones: Yes, I agree and now that we have discussed these…um, terms; it would be wise for you to place a vote in yourstudent-body to confirm everyone’s on the same page. I hear a fewTritons like to play Gossip-Go-Tell at the Earth Lounge. Go see what there is too offer sometime!

Kamiah: Fantastic! I guess my Montra should be to stay greedy till we win that championship.

Principal Jones: That maybe so, and as easy as it seems…take thischallenge with baby-steps. Ya know…one foot after the other. Accept your blessings with a grain of salt. <turns away>

Kamiah: Alright, man. That’s definitely inspiring…gotta go..uh…that way. <Walks Northwest>


<Lonely walk to school Stadium to sit on Bleachers>

Kamiah: Hmm…greetings folks…Mhm..greetings ladies and gentlemen…uh…ladies and gentlemen, my name is Kamiakin Elliot Kitsap and asyour student-Executive Pledge of the 97 Angels, brotherhood. Consists of building title-based experience for your youth-leaders of tomorrow…today. ..uh, after establishing title-based experience for youth-leaders of tomorrow…today, the Alpha Theta Zeta Brotherhood seeks to implement…Um…Greetings dick-fors and buttheads, today I have found a dream… a dream that is unlike that of my peers…a vision…an awakening… a spiritual mission, thateven southward-flowing streams could bring Hidatsa my way, and Heprovided an alternative through xxvi purgatory that offered Leadership, Health/ Wellness and scholarship… Uh, this is harder than I thought man. Maybe austin is right and these are checks a Spaniard’s ass can’t feign…ehghem..Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the ASC University Ceremony for the induction of The G.E.E Module 1 Standardized test. Before, “Prototypes” made up the majority of all Aviation Pilot projects, simulations and general-purpose typifications were the standard. Today, I bring the gift of EDUCATION on behalf of the ATZ Brotherhood at The Associated Service Collegiate Network University. I present to you…The General Equivalent Exam.<simulates audience clapping>

As we have seen before, we shall see again; the Alpha Theta Xzetas at work on a new and innovative improvement. <Calls darla to the stage with hand and imagination>

Yeah, tats what I’m talkin’ about. If remembering to eat eating almonds will boost my memory, I will eat 5 pounds of em’ and add some peanut butter to get em’ down…Ah, with milk, this speech will be cake.

<Darla is found, walking- A Walk to Remember Theme>

Darla: Kamiah! Heyu Pretty-boy; does the shoe match the foot or are you just searching for glass slippers alone?

Kamiah: Huh…What are you getting at?

Darla: Oh yeah, I’ve been working on my, apparently, dry comedy. What are you doing out here, strolling so…so…solemnly for..? It’sso lonely.

Kamiah: Uh… just trying to get away from hideous characters like blonde chopper-dick-chics…

Darla: As healthy…ehghem…as that may sond… you, yourself could use a little comedy brush-up, K!

Kamiah: Well, that settles it then, DARLA! We could use a lesson in comedy together.

Darla: Chyup. In my last few weeks, preparing for the…Exam, I read in Shakespear that a comedy can be romantic or neo-classicaland perhaps, a tragedy may come…perhaps, a war in the final days…then again, perhaps the saying goes without saying…make love, notwar. Hit the bed….you get what I’m saying. Ground…!

Kamiah: Darla, the floor is not lava anymore and MISS Suzie’s tugboat has already sailed. If you mean sex, say sex. I know the story between the birds and the bees is supposed to be sexual , but when my…anyways.., the bee went to work and the humans took the honey. The hummingbird got te land back afrom the tobacco thief and the Creator gave the natives arrows to kill the thieves. Females produce…<Darleans in for the KISS and Kamiah

holds his eyeys wide, until he falls into a deep exotic trance and Darla makes him cringe, faint and fall to the grass.><Darla gets on top of Kamiah><Kamiah sits up and rolls off, stands up and brushes his clothes of dubris>


Kamiah: Whaiy, Darla, I believe that was a stolen kiss! You trespassed my body like a-criminal. What’re you up to in that mind of yours-How-long did it take you t plan that fiasco; plantin’ kisses like that!!

Darla: I knew, I’m so ashamed! How could I ever have thought you felt the same way..<Darla turns her head down><Kamiah feels sympathy. >

Kamiah: Yes, precisely, ‘HOW’ is the exact sentiment of my conferred explications! <Awkward silence>

Darla: So0o0o, you don’t wanna hear about my prom night? <Kamiah stares Strangely>

Kamiah: Yah-Know, you got a lotta cohones changing the topic so…

Darla: GOSH!, I don’t wanna talk about it.

Kamiah: What-do you mean you don’t wanna talk about it? Okay, let’s change the subject, hun… If it means that much to you…yes, Darla, tell me about your night. <Kamiah looks up>

Darla: Wellll or not, it was a beautiful night and there were no leather jacket-punks to take a bow…it gets worse. Bla-Bla-Bla—blabla, blablablabla- bla bla! And now my only friends a rock.

Kamiah: Oh,…really? Um…sorry?! If…there’s anything…um…ulll…I can do…is…uh…you let me know…

Darla: Well, I am glad to know, Kamiah, Chivalry does exist.

Kamiah: Yeah, thank you; Kamiakin Elliot Kitsap, the Chiefly Noble in my family line did have a slight glow in his personality. Maybe it’s a hereditary characteristic from the Old Man’s line, himself.

Darla: Well, I appreciate the sympathy, but…um…if its okay with you, I’d like to change the subject!

<Kamiakin steps on to the paved pathway that parts>

Kamiah: Well, Darla. It is my pleasure to offer you a Favor…I’m all out of favors now, so until that time when I hand you an award, I’ve got a keynote speech to prepare and I presume you will maintain your consistency till that time?

Darla: Consistency on vote!

Kamiah: Cheery-oh!

Darla: Good day my beautiful Kamiah!

- <To the Lecturn off the stage>

Jo: So, Junior, aren’t those steps and stage lights intimidating or what! <Weird look and interaction>

Kamiah: Ah,huh and that is what I would like to forget!

Jo: You can’t forget, Kamiah! Imagine if the Powhatans forgot what they did for John Smith. Wouldn’t the Ancestors of Little-boy Oakes and Joseph Smith be disheartened if they hadn’t known the truth of their kindness? Yeah, they would have been disheartened if John Smith hadn’t given a positive cadence for the 1620 Mayflower that landed upon Plymouth Rock! Now, get yourself together and rock the crowds mind, brother! <Pats shoulder 2 times>

Kamiah: You’re right. I’m a-gonna rock the crowd; this, I promiseyou Taj-ay…err Today.<Starts ahead into distant stage entrance stairs>

Jo: Thalts thau spirut. <Takes the Mic>

- At Lecturn

Kamiah: Good day to my fellow Aqualand Patrons and welcome citizens of Township. Patrons of Lochran, Welcome!

Principal Jones: I’ll take it from here, Mr. Kitsap…<Takes Mic> After a long and studious year for the Olympians of Township, I have had the pleasure of knowing and loving the teachings we stand for. As many of you know, Kamiah took…um…the…high road to Triton High School early in the 2015 school year. Today, he is back and officially runny for Green in this yea’s Aqualand Invitational. Fighting through the trials of life, I hear throughwords that, Mr. Kitsap leaves THS as some sort of King with courageous vigor; a Gentleman of Righteousness. Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to welcome back Mr. Kitsap and his efforts.Also, the blessings of youth have been bestowed upon this Olympian; Kamiah, this is your year, and I am honored to present you with an Enrollment Acceptance to the 2015 Olympic High SchoolGraduation Ceremony on this day, Tuesday, May 2015. <Crowd clap, Principal Shakes Hand> As I may recall, you have prepared a few word of encouragement yourself? < Kamiah Smiles>

Kamiah: Um, huh, huh, forget it…

Principal Jones: Nah, come on up ‘Kamikaze K,’ let’s hear the good news.

Kamiah: Alright…hughh…When you have a dream that is unlike that of your peers, even the slightest drop of inspiration is hard to extract. By those moments, you find prototype after prototype being discarded as inconclusive. The results you’d like to see become faint memories of a once prominent expectation.

Typifications change and so do the functioning structures of the initial project.<Pause View Audience> Ladies and gentlemen; the General Equivalent Exam is the key component to the U.H.-3 Aviation Program, established and constructed at Triton High School by myself and the promenent brotherhood of Alpha Theta Zeta. Perhaps, our encouragement remains to excel and not for thesake of advantage, but for equity through education. By establishing educational values, we leave room for the best to maintain excellence , nobility and progress upon systemic belief,which leads me to my purpose with you folks tonight. Darla, come on up, dear. <Darla comes up shyly> You see, after I created a new…contact list & Darla transferred from Olympic High School with…under…um…ineligible sch…uh…failing grades, a student made a request of me to tutor ‘a new lass’ that was in her care…ya know…popular people stuff…so, here. Darla, congratulations for taking the first generation of the UH-3 G.E.E. M-1 Test As a token of appreciation, I, Kamiakin Elliot Kitsap award you this officiallynotarized signed and dated Certificate of Completion. Darla, I love you, too. Keep your head up and see those college applications through with motivation to achieve the reward you deserve. As for the rest of you, I would like to thank the supporting staff dedicated to seeing the GEE Test become a success; shout-outs to ATZ, the crowns of ZTA the Township Press for the coverage, Buzz, Metronome Man, The Team Column, and the ASC University…um Township, I will see you folks in the stands onThursday! Remember, go Tritons g…uh…I mean: Eat your Ambrosia, Olympians. <Audience claps as Kamiah exits stage –(Lupe -Superstar)>


Maela: That was great, hunny. You did marvelous. You really knockthe pants off em; even I was impressed with your performance.

Kamiah: Thanks, Mom. I did my best and it’s time to get the reward.

- In Car

Maela: Ya know, Kamiakin, this really may be the hardest thing tosay but these last 4 calendars have really hit the fan…and well, its just…I am absolutely proud to say: you did your best and now it’s time to get the reward.

Kamiah: Waking to the 4AM Wake up Calls always seemed to be a battle. And now, here we are, moments from the finish line. What next, dare I ask?

Maela: Well., The Townsip Press has published your acceptance to run for Green at The Aqualand Invitational Thursday, and I can really benefit in meeting with your fellow Olympians, just one last time, at least. Take em’ out for Ice Cream and Cream Cheese.I know how you love them so0o much…

Kamiah: Mom; cheesecake. Cheesecake!

Maela: Oh, right. Cheese Cake!

Kamiah: That’s right, Mother! With a pint of Ice Cream, tucked into a cheesecake; smothered with peanutbutter, I shall rule the world!

Maela: And the decillions of angels shall bow at your coming ! Zebras and Lions are both cats and the world was eaten by dinosaurs.

Kamiah: Mom, this is real-deal corn-meal! College is just a planks-walk away and I can’t depend on solids & stripes to get methrough.

Maela: Well, you’re just gonna have to win that race and take application acceptance with a grain of salt.

Kamiah: Alrigh, I’m going for cheese-curds at the Earth Lounge. Maybe I’ll meet a professor on his lunch. They are famous for showing up and having small talk. Later, Love Ya!

Maela: Don’t forget your business cards!

Kamiah: Okay, I’m back. You’re right, I should call them and maybe the 4-A’s will get to The Web and meet on the E. Lounge fora quick overlook of our competition. I mean, you really can’t have too much technique! <PHONE RINGS> Hey Norton

Norton: Hey Brosive; you ready to kick some Triton Butt? My ATZ Brothers and the Alpha Leaders at ASC University are counting on our confeity celebration.

Kamiah: Okay…So, I’ll have Winston pick you up on the fly!

Norton: That’s just fine; I’ll have him reach for the keys. He’s with me. Hey Winston, the lad that we danced with, to whence the celebrators of Chief Running-Water’s Anniversary’s looking for company. We will be at the Earth Lweb’s corner in the E. Lounge. See you there chap.

Kamiah: Perhaps, a group chat. We can expect a few regulars. Go Olympians. Good Day.

- To The Web

Kamiah: Oh my gosh, hey Darla. What are you having for plates today?

Darla: Oh, nothing more than a Spanish Mary-Tea and maybe a Prince Biscotti! <Wearing Emerald Green>

Background: (Harche Parkland): Shhh , be quiet we’re on the stage.

Katrina: Yeah, darlin; we need you to KISS IT! Keep it short or silent.

Marissa: Don’t let her win again, Darla. She’s already got the upper hand on you!

Jo: You’re right, Marissa; Darla, you can take the plaque, but, boy oh, boy…pick a winning team already.

Kamiah: Alright, alright, that’s enough patronizing for D-Tard.

Darla: Yeah, you got jokes, but for your information, I heard ASCU today and my mentor, Mr. Jones…I mean, Principal Jones is coming to discusss my options as the Remedial Scholar.

Roland: Hey Kamiakin, good to see you and your teammates patchin’up the loose ends on any lost time.

Jo: Hey, RHO, take a look at that! Metronome Man as revealed his identity as the infamous Harche Parkland from the City of Township!

Harche Parkland: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great honor to introduce this evenings special guest. Holding the power of education in his hand, I bring o you Mr. K! The new guy & hopefulof your 2015 Green Olympians, Mr. Kamiah Kitsap and his prepared words of encouragement. <Audience claps>

Kamiah: It is an honor to be with you folks here at the Earth Lounge this evening and I would like to honor the Team Column andTownship Press for the coverage and discovery of these events hosted by your very own Aqualand Superhero, Metronome Man. <Harche Parkland reveals identy like scooby solved> As we have come to know and love the City of Township, many of our very own neighbors are heros in their own right. Some have employed their time and service for our ROCTask Forces. Many of your friends and family are in The ASC Network, MIG7 and are Olympians of Olympic High School! Anyone from the sands of Lochran Territory of course, knows about improvements in education. This young man we are honoring with homage today has achieved an educational feat many scholars find challenge in completing! For example, Siddartha, Hidatsa and the water may reach a point of no points, standing; but the moon controls the flow!...Um…Darla, our very own special needs advocate shall take on the new program of UH-No.3 at the ASC Networks ASCUniversity, sponsored by the Team

Column and the Township Press under the provisions of a completed application and submitted results of the General Equivalent Exam! When adulthood takes us by surprise; many of youcan remember, the colors change and visual perception is a new experience. As new experiences come with new challenges, we look to the progressing future for our answers. Ladies and gentleman; the General Equivalent Exam’s Trademark Holder Mr. Kamiah Kitsap!<Audience Claps>

Kamiah: Thank you, thank you. I won’t waste time on an introduction, so let’s get started. The General Equivalent Exam is a standardization test that make up the system of belief behind micro-sociology and macro-economics. The GEE Test Modulation ONE is the first preemptive examination for the U.H.-3 Aviation Department at the ASC University in Grayston Lochs of Lochran Territory. As you may have received word in the local paper…uh, wha is that called, uh. … Um… <crickets>..uh….uh….duhh…um…hmmm…hummm..uh…the…the…the whatchya call it, thae, ya know thereading stuff…the…ohmmm, muhhh..The Township Press!!! Has denied a powerful solution to unawareness in the community called circulation! In closing of this evening, I’d like to congratulate Darla Uood Mathlete for completing the first G.E.E. Modulation No. 1 Standardized test for the U.H- 3 Department under the Aviation Program at The ASC University. Darla, come on up lassie.

Darla: Thank you, love. In only so many years of knowing the little boy down the street, racing through the rain and searchingthe marsh for answers; the time we have so sparsely shared has remained a promising history to cherish, for as I speak today, even the importance of these memories is easy to overstate! <Takes Mike>

Jo: Yeah, that’s enough, that’s enough, that’s enough, that’s enough,; get off the stage!

Harche Parkland: Takin’ over my stage like dat…!! <Whpshhh>

Kamiah: Hey Winston, can I have some of your cookies, please.

Winston: Hey, only if CAKE is around hahahahaha, just kidding..kinda.

Jo: Hey! You kids…I mean, Mr. Kitsap, get up here, don’t be such a harebrain.

Winston: Alright Kamiah, now remember: Always get your hobags bred from North and you will be fine!

Jo: Yeah, yah, come on up, buddy!

Kamiah: Okay…one last time. Hey team, and supporting fans of your2015 Olympians < crowd goes wild>

Kamiah: We are proud to be back together after an ugly …….by trial and error and have further plans to host a community pep riot. Aqualand Stadium; Home of The Olympians! <Crowd goes wild>

Kamiah: Be there or be cubed!

Roland: Hey K, tell em a bout Rodeo’s and the Dirty Sanchez!

Katrina: Oh my gosh, Don’t DO THAT!

Kamiah: Hey, Katrina, you made it!

Marissa: Hey…I’m here too!

Jo: I like ‘K’ in my Russians, too! You’re just gonna have to believe me!

Katrina: Daaad, you’re embarrassing me…

Darla: Ha! Now, look whose Kosher

Marissa: What’s that supposed to mean? ,Everyone scatters.