classroom techniques used in teaching learning process of ...

CLASSROOM TECHNIQUES USED IN TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS OF ENGLISH AT STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN BOYOLALI: A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH Submitted to the Department of Language Studies, Graduate School of Muhammadiyah Surakarta University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Education By EKO PUJI KURNIAWATI S 200 090 013 DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGE STUDIES GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH SURAKARTA 2017

Transcript of classroom techniques used in teaching learning process of ...




Submitted to the Department of Language Studies, Graduate School of MuhammadiyahSurakarta University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master

of Education


S 200 090 013











The aims of this research were to describe in detail about the classroom

techniques, teacher’s roles and students’ roles used in English teaching and

learning process at state elementary schools in Boyolali. It was qualitative

research. The data of this research were collected by using classroom observation,

here the writer observed classroom techniques, teacher’s roles and students’ roles

used in English teaching and learning process in grade four and five at state

elementary schools in Boyolali, and she also used interview. The interview was

done for measuring and verifying the data that were taken from classroom

observation about classroom techniques, teacher’s roles and students’ roles. While

the interview was done by interviewing the English teachers where the research

was done. And then there were several techniques of data analysis that used in this

research and they were (1) Data Collecting, (2) Data Reducing, (3) Data

Presenting, and (4) Conclusion and Verification. And based on the research, the

writer found that (1) the classroom techniques which were used in this research

were discussion, dialogue, peer work and games, (2) teacher roles that the writer

found during English teaching and learning process at state elementary schools

were: teacher as a model, teacher as an evaluator, teacher as a motivator, teacher

as a source of knowledge, and teacher as a facilitator, and then (3) the students’

roles that the writer found were: student as an imitator, student as a presenter, and

student as a performer

Keywords: Teaching learning process, classroom technique, teacher’s roles,

students’ roles


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan secara detail mengenai

teknik kelas, peran guru, dan peran siswa yang digunakan pada proses belajar

mengajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah dasar negeri di Boyolali. Ini adalah jenis

penelitian kualitatif. Data dari penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui observasi kelas,

disini penulis mengobservasi teknik kelas, peran guru dan peran siswa yang

digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris siswa kelas empat dan

lima yang di sekolah dasar negeri di Boyolali, dan dia juga menggunakan

wawancara. Wawancara dilakukan untuk menyakinkan dan memverifikasi data

yang diperoleh selama pengamatan ruang kelas mengenai teknik kelas, peran guru

dan peran siswa. Sedangkan wawancara dilakukan kepada guru bahasa Inggris

dimana penelitian dilaksanakan. Dan kemudian ada beberapa teknik menganalisa

data yang digunakan dalam penelitian, yaitu (1) mengumpulkan data, (2)

mengurangi data sesuai kebutuhan, (3) menyajikan data, serta (4) menyimpulkan

dan memverifikasi berdasarkan masalah yang disajikan dalam penelitian proses

belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris ini. Dan berdasarkan penelitian ini penulis


menemukan bahwa: (1) teknik ruang kelas yang digunakan antara lain diskusi,

dialog, kerja kelompok, dan permainan, (2) peranan guru yang ditemukan dari

penelitian ini antara lain guru sebagai seorang model, guru sebagai evaluator, guru

seorang motivator, guru sebagai sumber ilmu, dan guru sebagai seorang fasilitator,

dan peranan murid yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa sebagai

seorang peniru, siswa sebagai seorang penyaji dan siswa sebagai seorang


Kata kunci: proses belajar mengajar, teknikkelas, peranan guru, peranan siswa


The regulation of English used in Elementary School has been prepared by

Indonesian government. It can be seen in curriculum that used in Indonesia. Based

on the regulation of national education minister of Republic of Indonesia number

22 in 2006 about standard contents of primary and secondary education units, this

regulation enclosure mentioned if the background of English was given in

elementary school, it was directed towards to develop the skill so the graduates

can communicate in English language and discourse on a level of literacy. It has

been given the clearly guidelines to English teachers so they were able to do the

teaching learning process systematically.

It also happened at state elementary schools in Boyolali, especially in SDN

Pulisen Boyolali, SDN 7 Boyolali and SDN Karanggeneng Boyolali. So, by

knowing how the English teaching and learning process at elementary schools in

Boyolali after the government gave the clear regulation was very interesting to be

researched, especially about the classroom technique, teacher’s roles, students’

roles that used during the teaching learning process in the classroom.

The technique itself can be defined as the specific activities manifested in the

classroom, which were consistent with a method and therefore in harmony with an

approach as well (Anthony, 1963 in Brown, 2000: 169). Based on this statement,

classroom technique could be defined as some activities that were done in the

classroom which related with a method and an approach that was used.

And then According to E. Anthony (cited in Allen & Cam and in Jacob, 2012:

1), techniques were special tricks employed by the classroom teacher to achieve

the objectives of a lesson. It could be defined if classroom technique were some


tricks or activities that employed by the classroom teacher that were arranged

based on the objectives of a lesson that will be raised.

So, based on two explanations above, we could conclude that classroom

technique were the activities that happened during the classroom that used by the

teacher based on the objectives of the learning that will be raised. And based on

the classroom technique that was done, there would be teacher’s roles and

students’ roles. Teacher’s roles and students’ roles explained about the kinds of

roles that appeared based on the classroom technique that was done.

There were several previous researchs that have been done by several

researchers about these themes. Firstly was Li in 2012. The result of this research

was there were rich mixture activities, they were included formal instruction and

communicative tasks in teaching learning activities process in collage. In formal

instruction, the role of teacher was as the sole instructor that analyzed task and

grammar. The second activity was communicative activities. There were many

activities that could be done in this part, for example roles play, problem solving,

debate, group discussion and etc, and then written communicative activities that

could be done here such as writing reports.

Secondly was Jobiwot, Chebet and Kipkemboi in 2016. Based on this

research, they got the result that if the classroom technique in primary school

classroom gave positive effect, that would make a good relationship between

teacher and pupil, it caused the teacher could choose the classroom technique that

conversant by making the learning alive and enjoyable, so the learners became

attentive. And the effect would make the pupils understand the lesson fast and

they were able to remember more. It also provided pupils more opportunities to

develop their own skills and made the listening, speaking and reading also writing

skills in English classroom were fully realized to enhance the learning of English

by maintaining learning interest that was suitable in real communication.

Based on the result of the previous researcher above, the writer would give

the position to bridge between the previous researcher, where the first researcher

only talked about the classroom techniques and teacher’s roles and the other

researcher only talked about the classroom techniques. So, here the writer would


describe as detail about the classroom techniques, teacher’s roles and students’

roles used in English teaching and learning process at state elementary schools in


Last, the aims of this research were (1) to describe the classroom techniques

used in English teaching and learning process at state elementary schools in

Boyolali, (2) to describe the teacher’s roles that appeared during English teaching

and learning process at state elementary schools in Boyolali, (3) to describe the

students’ roles that appeared during English teaching and learning process at state

elementary schools in Boyolali.


The type of research that the writer used in this research is qualitative

research. Based on Bodgan and Taylor in Setiyadi (2006, p.219) qualitative

research is type of research that result the descriptive data in written or spoken

from the human being that can be observed so the purpose of research was

individual understanding and the their background in detail.

So based on the definition of qualitative research above the writer described

the classroom techniques, the teacher’s roles and the students’ roles used in

teaching learning process of English at state elementary school in Boyolali based

on two main activities to collect the data and they were classroom observation and


The subject of this research was the students in the fourth grade and fifth

grade who studied at SD Negeri Pulisen Boyolali, SD Negeri Karanggeneng

Boyolali and SD Negeri 7 Boyolali. and then the object of this study focused on

classroom techniques, teacher’s roles and students’ roles used in the English

teaching learning process at three State Elementary Schools in Boyolali, they were

SD Negeri Pulisen Boyolali, SD Negeri Karanggeneng Boyolali and SD Negeri 7


The type of data in this research was document about classroom techniques,

teacher’s roles and students’ roles used in English teaching and learning process at


state elementary schools in Boyolali that was taken from the classroom

observation and interview that was done in the place of research.

Based on Mantja (1997, p. 83) the sources of data in qualitative research

consists of two kinds. and they were event and informant. The event data in this

research is taken from the classroom activities that related with classroom

techniques, teacher’s roles and students’ roles that happened during the teaching

learning process in material setting at State Elementary School in Boyolali. They

were SD Negeri Pulisen Boyolali, SD Negeri 7 Boyolali, and SD Negeri

Karanggeneng Boyolali. The informant data in this research was taken from the

English teachers who taught during the classroom observation of English teaching

and learning process of at those state elementary schools.

This method was done when the writer observed the English teaching and

learning process in classroom, especially about the classroom techniques,

teacher’s roles and students’ roles. The writer did the observation directly toward

English teaching learning process in fourth and fifth grades at three State

Elementary Schools in Boyolali from December 2010 to May 2011.

In this research, the writer acted as the non participant observation.The

interview method was done by the writer when she wanted the detail information

that was not found when the writer did observation in the class by interviewing to

English teachers of three State Elementary Schools in Boyolali.

There were several techniques that should be done by the writer to analyze

the data in the qualitative research. Based on Miles and Hubermen in 2016, and

they were (1) Data Collecting, in this research, the writer collected the data using

several ways. She looked for data, wrote and collected the data based on the result

of classroom observation and interview that related with classroom techniques,

teacher’s roles and students’ roles that happened during English teaching and

learning process at state elementary schools in Boyolali were done. (2) Data

Reducing, there were a lot of data which were gotten during the research, so it was

important to write them completely and in detail. Reducing the data was done by

summarizing and choosing the important things that were suitable with the focus

of research. They were classroom observation, teacher’s roles and students’ roles


used in English teaching and learning process at state elementary schools in

Boyolali. So after the data were reduced, the writer got the clear description about

the classroom techniques, teacher’s roles and students’ roles used in English

teaching and learning process at state elementary school in Boyolali, (3) Data

Presenting, after data reducing, the next step was displaying the data. In

presenting the data, the data should be organized, arranged in certain pattern, so it

was easy to be understood, and (4) Conclusion and Verification, in this research,

the early conclusion was supported by the data that the writer got from the

observation and the answers of research result would give the explanation and the

conclusion based on the problem that the writer researched. Here about the

classroom techniques, teacher’s roles and students’ roles were used in English

teaching and learning process at state elementary schools in Boyolali


The results of the research were gotten from three activities; they were

classroom observation, interview and document analysis that the writer did at

three state elementary schools in Boyolali from December 2010 to May 2011.

And based on the research, the writer described four results of research in detail.

They consisted of classroom technique that used during English teaching and

learning process at state elementary schools in Boyolali, teacher’s roles and the

student’s roles.

Classroom Technique

Based on observation classroom that the writer did during the research, the

writer found that Mrs. Ed, Mrs. Hd and Miss Ev used almost same techniques

when they were in the classroom. They used discussion, dialogue, peer work and



The teachers at state elementary schools in Boyolali used discussion when

they taught new materials that the students still had limited knowledge. The

teacher began the discussion by making several small groups in one class. And

then the teacher gave brief explanation about how the discussion will be


conducted after the small group has been formed. And then after the discussion

went on, the teacher would observe the class discussion and would help the group

that had the difficulty. And in the end of the activities, one student presented the

result of discussion. Here, the teacher at state elementary schools in Boyolali

would give appreciation of the students’ performance as the motivation to the

students so they would be more pleasure with English.

The example of classroom discussion found when the writer did the

classroom observation in Mrs H classroom at May 25th 2011. As details below

Teacher : Students! We will make several small groups because today will

discuss about the kinds of transportation

Students : ready mom

Teacher : okay! Let’s begin now. Choose several friends that near your desk!

(The students choosen several of their friends after they made several

small groups, the teacher gave instruction again)

Teacher : now, open page 36 in your maestro book as your guidelines

Students : Yes Mom

Teacher : please classified the kinds of transportation into land transportation,

air transportation and water transportation based on what are there in

your book

(when the students did the discussion the teacher walked around the

classroom to check about the students’ difficulty)

After several times Mrs. Hd instructed one student as the volunteer to go in front

the classroom

Teacher : please one of you go in front the classroom and present the result of

your discussion.

Ria : I am Mom

Teacher : Yes Ria please go in front of the classroom

Ria : Hello friend I am Ria from Rose group

Land transportation are car, train, pedicab, motorcycle, and bicycle

Water transportation are ship, boat and submarine

Air transportation are plane and hot air balloon


Thank you all

(classroom observation at May 25th 2011)

Picture 1. Mrs. H classroom discussion about the kinds of transportation

From the observation above, the writer concluded that the classroom

discussion was effective to build the students’ knowledge and it also could foster

the students’ trust because the teacher gave opportunity to the student to speak up

as when they presented the result of discussion.


The dialogue activity was usually found when the students showed their

speaking skills. In this research, the writer often found when Mrs. Ed, Mrs. H and

Miss Ev measured the students’ ability in speaking skill and also in reading skill,

they would call the students one by one to go in front of the class after the student

read the text about some themes. In this case, the students read the text about

profession. After went in front of the classroom, the teacher would give several

questions about the text and the students would answer the questions.

For detail description, the writer would present, the classroom observation

from Miss Ev at March 12th 2011

(Miss Ev ordered the students to went in front of classroom one by one to answer

the question about the text about profession)

Miss Ev : Sinta, please go in front the classroom

Sinta : Yes Miss

(Sinta goes in front of class)


Miss Ev : What is the kinds of profession that has been read by you Sinta?

Sinta : Pilot, Miss

Miss Ev : Where does the pilot work?

Sinta : in the plane Miss

Miss Ev : ok Sinta thank you

Sinta : yes Miss

(Classroom Observation at March 12th 2011)

From the classroom observation above, the writer could conclude that the

dialogue activity was one of the effective techniques to measure the students’

ability in speaking skill. Otherwise, it could also measure the students’ ability to

understand the content of text as one of the indicator in reading skills.

Peer Work

Peer work at state elementary schools in Boyolali, can be found in several

activities that used to measure the students’ ability in English lesson. But the most

activities that often used peer work in Mrs. Ed, Mrs. Hd and Miss Ev were

translation activities. Mrs. Ed, Mrs. Hd and Miss Ev often asked the students to do

the peer work when they gave the translation material. The activity began by

giving the student the translation material. And then the teacher asked the students

to do that task with their friends in one desk. After that the students were given

the result of translation and the teacher would explain.

For example when Mrs. Ed ordered the students to translate the text about

“family “ in classroom activities at February 25th 2011.

(Mrs Ed ordered the students to translate several sentences into Indonesia )

Mrs.Ed : the students please translate these sentence into

indonesia with your friend in one table ”

One of student : yes mom, may i open the dictionary?

Mrs. Ed : No, you may not.

Please do with your friend in one table

(Classroom Observation at February 25th 2011)

The other classroom technique about peer work was also showed by Miss

Ev’s classroom. Miss Ev gave a piece of paper that contained the text about


profession. She asked the students to do with her/his friend in one desk. After that,

she asked to translate the text into Bahasa Indonesia together. To check her/his

task, Miss Ev asked the students to collect the result of her/his translation. After

all the peer works have been collected, Miss Ev would explain and did the

correction to the students’ translation and for detail explanation, we could see

from the result of classroom observation below.

Miss. Ev : Hello, everyone. Good Morning!

Students : Hello Miss. Good Morning

Miss : we will study about translation. Do you ever translate a text?

Dyah : yes Miss. I ever when I am sitting in grade rth

Miss Ev : Yes. Dyah, please give me the explanation about translation!

Dyah : Translation means we must translate some sentences into English or in

Indonesia Miss

Miss Ev : Yes, you are right Dyah. Now, please translate this text into

Indonesia with your friends.

Dyah : Yes….Miss

Miss Ev : After you finished your translation. Please collect to me and we

will correct together.

(Classroom Observation at March 6th 2017)

Based on the classroom observation above, the writer could conclude that

there were many skills that could measure by using peer work, first was the

students’ cooperation with their friends, and the second was the students’ ability

in writing also could increase because they should fulfill many vocabularies so

they got good translation.


This technique was very popular in English teaching learning process in

elementary school. There were many combination of games that the teacher could

do like using flash card or other media.

In this research, the writer also found in several activities that used games as

the technique when the teacher did English teaching learning process at state

elementary schools in Boyolali.


Mrs Ev used flash cards when she gave the quiz in the beginning of

classroom activities. It was the way, she divided her students into several group

and then she showed the flash card. If the group answered correctly, the teacher

would give the mark based on the point that there was button side of flash card.

And the winner would be given the gift.

It happened in Miss Ev’s classroom. Here she made quiz in the opening of

classroom activities to check the students’ understanding about the previous

material that has been learnt on the last meeting.

Miss Ev : Time to quiz

I will give you quiz by answering what do i ask, and if there are you can answer

my queestion i will give you a reward

The students : yeah, Ok Miss Ev

(all the students look so happy)

Miss Ev : What do you call people in the cards?

(Miss Ev show some of flash cards the mamber of family and asked a student to

answer it)

Petty : (petty rise her hand and answer) Father miss Ev

Miss Ev : Yes you right. Give applause to Petty’s Group

(Miss Ev showed another card) and then what do you call people in this card?

Amran : I am Miss. Grand mother

Miss Ev : good Amran, give applause to Amran’s groups.

. (classroom observation at May 12th 2011)

From the classroom observation above, we knew that the game was

interesting and effective classroom technique to measure students’ abilities

especially for increasing the students’ vocabularies that would help the student to

communicate in English. For the teacher, it could show the teacher’s roles to give

appreciation for the students’ achievement so that the students were motivated to

raise their knowledge.


Teacher Roles

Based on the procedure and classroom technique that was used in English

teaching and learning process at state elementary schools in Boyolali, there were

several teacher’s roles that appear and they were: as a model, as a facilitator, as an

evaluator, as motivator, as a guide, and as a source of knowledge

Teacher As A Model

As Suyanto (2007, p. 34) stated that An English teacher for young learner

gave the example in using English, so an English teacher should have appropriate

skills in English.

And based on the classroom observation in Mrs. Ed’s classroom at March

10th 2011, the writer found that Mrs. Ed had a role as a model when she taught the

students about how to say several sentences about profession. Here she became

model to speak in vocabularies or in sentences. Here Mrs Ed wrote some

sentences about profession in the black board after that she said the sentences and

instructed the students to repeat after her.

Teacher : Repeat after me, I am a pilot

Students : I am a pilot

Teacher : He is a carpenter

Students He is a carpenter

Teacher : My uncle is a farmer

Students : My uncle is a farmer

Teacher : She is a nurse

Students : She is a nurse

Teacher : They are teachers

Students : They are teachers

(classroom observation at march 10th 2011)

As A Facilitator

Teacher as a facilitator meant that teacher has a role as the facilitator when

the students need something during the teaching learning process happened

(Suyanto, 2007)


Teacher as a facilitator was also found by the writer from the classroom

observation at state elementary schools in Boyolali. It happened when Mrs. Hd

taught “Shopping” materil at May 7th 2011, here Mrs. Hd gave the material to the

student and wrote or explained in the blackboard. The teacher read and translated

them. The teacher facilitated when the learner needed to speak.

As the details, it could be seen from classroom observation at May 7th 2011.

Here Mrs. Ed gave the material about the text of shopping. She asked the students

to translate it and the teacher would facilitate the students when they got the

difficulty in translating the meaning.

Teacher : Students please open your maestro at page 29

Students : Yes, Mom

Teacher : Please translate the text into English and if you get the difficulty,

you can asks to me

Students : ready Mom

(Classroom Observation at march 7th 2011)

From the table above we were able to know if the teacher was very

facilitative to help the student so they could finish her tasks. It was very useful for

the successful of students as Mrs. Ed said in the interview with the writer.

The writer : Mrs Ed why you are very facilitative for your


Mrs ed : Yes because I want my students good in translator so they can

improve their ability in English.

The writer : what is the form of facilitator that you usually do for facilitator

students in their activities ?

Mrs. Ed : I usually help them when they get the difficulty to find the

meaning in Indonesia or in English, because the dictionary that they have not

compatible in translation

(interview at march 7th 2011)

As An Evaluator

Here the teacher evaluated the students if they made mistakes in

pronunciation or in writing and the teacher gave feedback when the students made

mistake both in pronunciation and in grammatical.


It was done by the teacher Ed when she was in fourth grade on , March 2nd

2011 when she taught about the vocabularies, she wrote several kinds of

vocabularies in the black board and then she read those vocabularies and students

listened to her. After that the teacher instructed the students to repeat again those

vocabularies and the teacher gave correction to the students, so they could read

with right pronunciation.

For example when student that has name “ she make a mistake when she read

”, the teacher make a correction like in this figure

Picture 2. Mrs.Ed corrected the students’ work

As a Motivator

The teacher had a role to motivate the students so they were brave enough to

speak up. This role was done when the teacher taught about speaking skill.

Here it happened when Mrs Hd taught the conversation about shopping in

fourth grade. She instructed the student to make a dialogue with their peer group

and then practiced it in front of the class, she motivated the student not to be shy

and afraid to speak up. She instructed the students to speak loudly.

The other activity that also showed about the role of teacher as a motivator

was when the students do the best, the teacher gave appreciation as miss Ev did in

her class when she did the quiz

Miss Ev : Time to quiz

I will give you quiz by answering what do i ask, and if there are

you can answer my queestion i will give you a reward


The students : yeah, Ok Miss Ev

(all the students look so happy)

Miss Ev : What do you call people in the cards?

(Miss Ev show some of flash cards the mamber of family and

asked a student to answer it)

Petty : (petty rise her hand and answer)Father miss Ev

Miss Ev : Yes you right. Give applause to Petty’s Group

(Miss Ev showed another card) and then what do you call people

in this card?

Amran : I am Miss………Grand mother Miss

Miss Ev : good Amran, give applause to Amran’s groups.

.After the quiz has finished Miss Ev gave several candies as the


(classroom observation at May 12th 2011)

Miss Ev gave candies as the reward was as an effort of her to motivate the

students so they became more interesting about English.

As A Source Of Knowledge

Teacher as a source of knowledge was the main role used in English teaching

learning process at state elementary schools in Boyolali. Mrs. Ed, Mrs. H and

Miss Ev used the teacher’s role as a source of knowledge when the they

transferred the knowledge about the new material for the students.

For example when Mrs Ed explained the nominal sentences to the students.

She explained if nominal sentence was a kind of sentence that did not have

predicate in verb, so they needed “be” as the linking verb.

Here, the teacher taught step by step. She begun with written sentences

included the linking verb and then after the students understood about that, Mrs.

Ed continued by adding “not” to explain nominal sentence in negative form until

the students understood about the material and could fulfill the theme. As for

detail describing bellows


Teacher : it is the examples of nominal sentence.

(Mrs Ed shown the examples of nominal sentence that written in the

black board )

Do you know about nominal sentence?

Students : no, I don’t know Mom

Teacher : nominal sentence is kinds of sentence that does not have, predicate in


Look at the example of sentence in the blackboard!

(Mrs Ed shown the examples of nominal sentence)

I am a pilot

The sentence above did not have predicate in verb so they needed am,

is, are as a linking verb, am, is, are that has function as a linking verb.

So after the pattern had formed, it is called sentence

Students : yes mom

Teacher : Try ! if this sentence add with ” not ” so the sentence becomes ” i am

not a pilot” ........saya bukan pilot

So ’not’ here, it can means tidak atau bukan, so it means”saya bukan


Do you understand students? Any question?

Students : No mom I am understand

Teacher : After you understand, please, write the written!

(And teacher E asked the students to write the teacher has explained

with the teacher guided it)

(Classroom Observation at May 5th 2011)

From the description above, we know that if the teachers at state elementary

schools in Boyolali were very attentive for the students’ understanding, they

explained step by step the material until the students understood the materials. So,

the role of teacher as a source of knowledge was very seen.


Student Roles

The students roles that the writer found in this research were students as

imitator, as presenter, as inventor, and as a performer.

As An Imitate

As the basic character of children that tended to imitate what the adult did in

everything, this character also appeared as one of students’ role at state

elementary schools in Boyolali, especially in grade four

Here, the writer found that the students’ role as an imitator often appeared

when the teacher taught listening skill. The instruction that followed it “ listen to

me and repeat after me”

The purpose of this role was students could fulfill new vocabularies in correct

pronunciation and also in writing when they learnt writing skills.

These were the examples of classroom activities between Mrs Ed and her

students in grade four that showed students’ as the imitator. From classroom

observation at March 10th 2011

Teacher : students! Please pay attention some vocabularies about profession

that I write in the black board

Students : Yes Mom

Teacher : Listen to me and repeat after me


Students : Carpenter

Teacher : pilot

Students : Pilot

Teacher : Doctor

Students : Doctor

(Classroom Observation at March 10th 2011)

Based on the description from classroom observation above the students

imitated the teacher’s words so they got good pronunciation and they could fulfill

the words and sentences completely. So it could increase their ability in English



As A Presenter

The role of student as a presenter at state elementary schools in Boyolali

appeared when the students presented a text in good reading comprehension and

also in speaking skills. The teacher presented the text in reading comprehension

and the students presented one by one in front of the classroom, and then the

teacher paid attention about how the students pronounced some vocabularies in

text and the teacher would correct when the students finished her/his reading.

The other activities that showed the student as a presenter was when they

spoke up the result of discussion as happened in the class of Mrs. H when they

discussed about kinds of transportation. Firstly, Mrs H instructed the students to

make several small groups with her/his friend nearby. Secondly, after the small

groups had been formed, the students were given the material about kinds of

transportation from Mestro supplement book. Thirdly, the students discussed with

their friends. And in the last activities, the teacher asked the students to present

the result of the discussion.

For detail description was the table below which discussed about kinds of

transportation would give clearly description about the student as a presenter.

Teacher : Students I want you make several small groups with your

classmates, and today we will discuss about kinds of transportation

Students : ready mom

(The srudents choosen several of their friends after they made

several small groups,the teacher gave instruction again)

Teacher : now, open page 36 in your maestro book as your guidelines

Students : Yes Mom

Teacher : please classified the kinds of transportation into land transportation,

air transportation and water transportation based on what are there in

your book

( After that, the students discuss with their groups)

(After several minute Mrs. Hd instructed one of student as the

volunteer to went in front the classroom)


Teacher : please one of you go in front the classroom and present the result of

your discussion.

Ria : I am Mom

Teacher : Yes Ria please go in front of the classroom

Ria : Hello friend I am Ria from Rose group

Land transportation are car, train, pedicab, motorcycle, and bicycle

Water transportation are ship, boat and submarine

Air transportation are plane and hot air balloon

Thank you all

(Classroom Observation at May 25th 2011)

As a performer

Students as a performer at state elementary schools in Boyolali found when

the students got role play in speaking class. Either Mrs Ed, Mrs. H nor Miss Ev

classroom activities, the writer found if the student in their classroom had a role as

a performer. They would be a performer when they practiced a role play based on

the text of conversation. A student played someone based on the figure in

conversation. They performed it in front of the classroom with their group, and the

teacher observed the students’ performance.

The example of student as a performer can be seen from the classroom

observation in Mrs. Hd Classroom at March 7th 2011 that performed the

conversation about family in the table below

Dewi : Hi Sinta. What are you doing?

Sinta : I am waiting for my mother.

Dewi : where is your mother?

Sinta : She is buying some daily need in the grocery.

Dewi : Yes, I see.

By the way. Do you have a brother?

Sinta : Yes, I do. I have one oldest brother. He study at junior high school.

Dewi : oh Yes. Do you have a sister?

Sinta : No, I don’t have.


I am so sorry Dewi. My mother has waited me. See you later

Good bye

Dewi : Okey Sinta See you later.

Good bye

(Classroom Obervation at March 7th 2011)

From the conversation above we knew that student as performer was clearly

in description. The function of this role was making the students to feel confident

and the teacher could measure the student ability in speaking skill.


Based on the results that have been presented above, the writer said that the

finding of this research was not similar with the finding from the previous

research. Firstly, it was about classroom technique. The writer found four

classroom techniques from the teaching learning process of English at state

elementary schools in Boyolali, and they were group discussion, dialogue, peer

work and game. While the previous researcher found six classroom techniques.

They were role play, problem solving, roles play, debate, group discussion and

writing report. The differences appeared because the differences from the object

of study.

Secondly, the teacher’s roles, based on Suyanto (2007, p. 34) teacher’s roles

in young learner were teacher as a premise and counselor, teacher as a helper,

teacher as a model teacher as a facilitator, and teacher as a giver decision. But in

the writer’s research found teacher as a model, teacher as a facilitator, teacher as

an evaluator, teacher as motivator, and teacher as a source of knowledge. The

writer did not find teacher as a premise and counselor, teacher as a helper and

teacher as a giver decision. It happened because every teaching learning process

of English at elementary school had learning objective that caused appearing

different teacher’s roles. While was compared with the finding of previous

research. The previous research only found one teacher’s roles. It was teacher as a

sole instructor. It happened because the previous classroom only focused on

communication, while the classroom that was observed by the writer focused in

multiple activities.


Thirdly, the student’s roles, the writer found three student’s roles. They were

student as an imitator, as a presenter, and as a performer. While in the previous

researcher was not explained as clearly.


Based on the result and research discussion above, the writer could make the

conclusion, if the application of various classroom techniques in the classroom

had many influences to the development of English teaching and learning process

at state elementary school in Boyolali. One factor that could be seen here about

various teaching techniques that appeared during classroom activities in English

teaching and learning process happened, teacher could use many teaching

techniques in one session of classroom, so the students were not boring in the

classroom activities and made the classroom fun and enjoyable.

The other hand that also appeared after using various classroom techniques

applied were the teacher’s roles and students’ roles. Now, the teacher’s roles were

not only as a centre of knowledge but they had several roles that could increase

the student ability in English. It also happened in students roles, they were not

only did task and instruction from their teacher but they had many roles that make

their English develop and they could communicate in real environment and



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