Class Constitution by MGIS Grade 8 students

THE CONSTITUTION OF GRADE 8 The Governing Council of Grade 8 Mahatma Gandhi International School, Ahmedabad

Transcript of Class Constitution by MGIS Grade 8 students


The Governing Council of Grade 8 Mahatma Gandhi International School, Ahmedabad



I. The Council and its Members

Article 1.1: The President and Secretary

Article 1.2: Agenda of the Council Meeting

Article 1.3: Role of the teacher in the Council Meeting

Article 1.4: Decisions of the Council Meeting

Article 1.5: Calling a Council Meeting

II. Membership to the Council

Article 2.1: Conditions of membership. Article 2.2: Who can’t be a member?

Article 2.3: Maintaining Decorum

III. Fundamental Rights of Members

Article 3.1: Right to Freedom

Article 3.2: Right to Equality

Article 3.3: Cultural and Educational Rights

Article 3.4: Right to Constitutional Remedies

Article 3.5: The Right to Constitutional Remedies

VI. Fundamental Duties of Members

Article 4.1: Respect Article 4.2: Defending ideals put forth in the preamble and the constitution

Article 4.3: Striving for excellence

V. Legislative Procedure

Article 5.1: Procedure to put forth an agenda point Article 5.2: Authority of the Council Article 5.3: Applying for funds to take the class project forward

Article 5.4: Absence and replacement

VI. Directive Principles of the Council

Article 6.1: Ensuring a conducive environment for studies

Article 6.2: Ensuring smooth functioning by arranging for logistics

Article 6.3: Uphold the rights and duties of the Council

Article 6.4: Execute, equally

Article 6.5: Maintain good relations

Article 6.6: Ensure Peace and Harmony


The Constitution of Grade 8 We, the students of grade 8, have solemnly resolved to constitute the class into a Direct Democracy, Social and Federal system to secure to all of the students: JUSTICE and social agreement within the group;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity; and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the class

In our constituent assembly this third day of February 2014, we do hereby adopt, act out and give to ourselves this constitution.



Article 1.1 The President and Secretary

Article 1.1.1: The member of the Council has the right to have a president and secretary in the Council meeting.

Article 1.1.2: The member can put forward his/her name to be elected as the president or secretary.

Article 1.1.3: The president and secretary should be members of the Council.

Article 1.1.4: The president and secretary should be elected by the Members only.

Article 1.1.5: The decisions of the President should abide by the preamble and the constitution. Article 1.2: Agenda of the Council Meeting

The Council should discuss and analyse the agenda points proposed by the members and should give a diplomatic and formal solution to it that will be documented and recorded by the Secretary. Article 1.3: Role of the teacher in the Council Meeting

Article 1.3.1: The presiding teacher has the right to overrule a council decision if it is unethical, biased, unconstitutional and/or compromises the integrity and sense of self of one or more members of the council.

Article 1.3.2: The presiding teacher overseeing the council meeting can propose a solution, rule or amendment to the class constitution. If the council infringes on the rights of the members, she/he can overrule the council and make decisions. Article 1.4: Decisions of the Council Meeting

Article 1.4.1: Decisions will be communicated by the Secretary to the class through the dedicated email address for the council meetings.

Article 1.4.2: Decisions will be taken on simple majority voting. Article 1.5: Calling a Council Meeting

Article 1.5.1: The Council Meetings should be conducted on a quarterly basis or based a need.

Article 1.5.2: The meetings can last between 30 minutes and 90 minutes depending on the number of agenda points. The time limit must be respected.

Article 1.5.3: The members must consult with the President and Secretary and discuss their agenda before the commencement of the council meeting

Article 1.5.4: The President and Secretary must set the agenda before the meeting.

Article 1.5.5: Only agenda points will be discussed during the council meeting.

Article 1.5.6: All decisions must be documented and recorded by the Secretary.


Article 2.1: Conditions of membership

Article 2.1.1: The member of the council should be a bonafide MGIS student studying in a particular class, in this case Grade 8 (MYP Year 3).

Article 2.1.2: Members holding the position of President or secretary need to be re-elected every 4-6 working weeks.

Article 2.1.3: Members must abide by the Preamble and the Constitution. They must maintain decorum. Article 2.2: Who can’t be a member?

Article 2.2.1: Teachers and parents cannot be members of the Council but they can attend part of the council if the agenda demands it. Article 2.3: Maintaining Decorum

Article 2.3.1: The President should be unbiased in listening to the suggestions from the council members

Article 2.3.2: A member should raise his/her hand to speak during the council meeting. They must be polite and respectful toward the President.

Article 2.3.3: Members should participate and contribute to the council. Article 2.3.4: Every member of the Council must exercise their right to

vote for their new president, secretary and/or decisions made during the council. Article 2.3.5: A member should only vote for the right, ethical solution

that he/she believes in, decisions should not be swayed by nepotism, bullying and/or false promises.

Article 2.3.6: Talking amongst members without permission from the President is not acceptable.

Article 2.3.7: Only points of the agenda can be discussed. Article 2.3.8: Personal attacks and vendetta will not be entertained during

the council meeting. Members must be respectful towards themselves, one another and the President and Secretary.

Article 2.3.9: Difficulties and complaints must be resolved by talking about the issue. No judgements about the person, only a discussion about the actions of a person, how it can be improved and what action point needs to be taken.

Article 2.3.10: Members will put forward different points in the agenda: complaints, suggestions, achievements, review of work done, feedback,

important class decisions that require voting for example the class trip. Article 2.3.11: All interactions must be formal, polite and respectful

despite any disagreements.


Article 3.1: General The council shall not make any rule or amendment to the constitution which takes away or abridges the rights conferred by it. Any class rule or amendment made in contravention of this clause shall, to the extent of the contravention, be void. Article 3.2: Right to Equality

Article 3.2.1: The council shall not deny to any student equality before the rules of the council or equal protection within the territory of the school.

Article 3.2.2: The council shall not discriminate against any member on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them.

Article 3.2.2 (a): No student shall, on the grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to access to the café, sports ground and equipments, the library, computers and other devices.

Article 3.2.2 (b): No student shall, on the grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth or any of them, be subject to any disability, liability, restriction or condition with regard to access to the use of any water resource including- Bathroom, Taps, Cafe Taps, Pathway of the school, school buses, etc. Article 3.2.3: There shall be equality of opportunity for all students in

matter relating to the council jobs (Example: to be the president of the council, to hold a position of authority in a department of their preference etc.)

Article 3.2.5: No title shall be conferred by the council other than duties which will be on rotation basis.

Article 3.2.6: No student of the council shall accept any title from any outside class.

Article 3.2.7: All members have the right to be the president and secretary, and to hold a position of authority in the different departments of work for the maintenance of the class. Article 3.3: Right to Freedom

Article 3.3.1: All council members of Grade 8 shall have the right to- Article 3.3.1 (a): Freedom of speech and expression. Article 3.3.1 (b): To assemble peaceably and without objects that

can hurt the sentiments of another member Article 3.3.1 (c): To move freely throughout the school campus

Article 3.3.2: No student shall be punished or physically tortured. If they

make a mistake then it will be addressed through the council meeting. Appropriate action will be taken by the council depending on the nature of the mistake. A meeting can be convened urgently depending on the nature of the mistake.

Article 3.4: Cultural and Educational Rights

Article 3.4.1: Any member having a distinct language, script or culture of its own shall have the right to conserve the same. They will be allowed to express themselves in the language of their choice during the break time.

Article 3.4.2: During class hours, members will need to communicate in the language of instruction.

Article 3.4.3: The language of communication during council meetings is English. Article 3.5: The Right to Constitutional Remedies

Article 3.5.1: The right to call a council meeting for the enforcement of the rights conferred by this part is guaranteed to all members of the council.

Article 3.5.2: Any member who contravenes the preamble and/or the constitution with members of the council of another class or teachers is also liable to called, because the right to call a council exists for members of all classes in MGIS.


Article 4.1: Respect

Article 4.1.1: Members must respect themselves, other members and teachers. All members and teachers must uphold this value.

Article 4.1.1 (a): No member shall under pretext or reason resort to hitting, using abusive language or treating another council member. Article 4.1.1 (b): The council has the duty to enforce mutual respect of its members and school property. Under the direction of the class teacher it can take necessary action and decisions in the council meeting if fundamental rights and duties are infringed upon.

Article 4.1.2: Members must preserve and improve the class property and school property including chairs, tables, stationary, whiteboard etc. Article 4.2: Defending ideals put forth in the preamble and the constitution

Article 4.2.1: It is the fundamental duty of each member to uphold and protect the unity of the class.

Article 4.2.2: Members must render council services to other members. Article 4.2.3: Members must promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the council members of grade 8 by transcending religion, language, sectional diversities and other backgrounds. Article 4.3: Striving for excellence

Article 4.3.1: Members should work hard to develop skills such as organization, cleanness, kindness, class coordination etc.

Article 4.3.2: Members should participate and contribute to the class project and modules.

Article 4.3.3: Members should strive toward excellence in every aspect such as project mapping, class presentation, class participation, and everything related to class activities.

Article 4.3.4: Members should perform the class duties allotted to them by the President and Secretary, to the best of their abilities.

V. LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE Article 5.1: Procedure to put forth an agenda point

Article 5.1.1: If any member of council of grade 8 has an intention to pass a new rule or amend an existing one, she/he has to inform the present president and secretary to schedule a council meeting.

Article 5.1.2: Thereafter the agenda will be finalised by the President and Secretary with inputs from the members of the council prior to commencing the council meeting.

Article 5.1.3: The time limit will be decided depending on the number of agenda to be covered and the President will formally open the council meeting. All council meetings must be supervised by the class teacher to ensure continuity.

Article 5.1.4: The agenda points will be discussed during the council by allowing all involved parties to express their point of view equally. Witnesses can be called upon.

Article 5.1.5: If any of the members have any objection it can be raised in the council and clarified by looking at the issue from different perspectives.

Article 5.1.6: The decision will be taken by the President and Secretary in presence of all the council members. The President must call for a majority vote to pass a rule, resolution or amendment to the constitution. It will be left to the discretion of the President, Secretary under the supervision of the class teacher. Article 5.2: Authority of the Council

Article 5.2.1: The decisions of the President and Secretary will be deemed final.

Article 5.2.2: The rules, resolutions and amendments to the constitution can be amended if there is a majority vote.

Article 5.2.3: All decisions and cases (agenda points) would be documented hence the President can refer to previous decisions made by the council and apply the same in a similar case.

Article 5.2.4: If any council member is not in support of the rule or decision proposed, they can raise their objection and justify their argument in the council meeting. Depending on the arguments put forward, the president can revoke the rule or decision.

Article 5.2.5:The council has a limited amount of power:

Article 5.2.5 (a): It has the authority to maintain decorum in the class

Article 5.2.5 (b): It has legislative and executive power to propose a rule, decision or amendment and ensure that the decision is put into application.

Article 5.2.5 (c): The Council cannot restrict any member or deprive them of their rights.

Article 5.2.5 (d): The president cannot raise their voice while speaking to the members

Article 5.2.5 (e): the President and Secretary aren’t allowed to pass a rule, resolution, decision or amendment without considering all the different perspectives possible to give a balanced judgement.

Article 5.3: Applying for funds to take the class project forward

Article 5.3.1: Approval If any member of the council needs money for a class project or module, he/she has to take the required form from administrative officer, propose the budget and justify it, fill up the form and get it approved by the class teacher.

Article 5.3.2: Documentation and Bill Refund

The members who have signed the form must keep all the bills, maintain accounts and return the unused money back to the administrative officer. Article 5.4: Absence and replacement

Article 5.4.1: If the President or Secretary is absent then he/she should be replaced by an aspirant to the job.

Article 5.4.2: If the President or Secretary is mentioned in one of the agenda, she/he must be replaced while that point is discussed in the council.


Article 6.1: Ensuring a conducive environment for studies

The Council must make the necessary arrangements allow the council member to study in a conducive environment

Article 6.2: Ensuring smooth functioning by arranging for logistics

The Council is responsible to arrange for and provide all the necessary material for the smooth functioning of the class.

Article 6.3: Uphold the rights and duties of the Council

The Council considers its primary duty to uphold the rights and duties of the council members. For example if a member uses abusive language, uses risky instruments such as a lighter without the supervision of a teacher or an adult, any member of the council is in full right to bring it up in the council and to constitutionally refrain such behaviour of its members.

Article 6.4: Execute, equally

The Council shall, as far as possible, devise a uniform code of conduct for all members.

Article 6.5: Maintain good relations The Council should maintain good relations with all members, teachers and council members of other classes.

Article 6.5.1: The Council should solve disputes through peaceful means. Article 6.6: Ensure Peace and Harmony The Council should do its best to raise the standard of living of the council members within the means of the school and to improve harmony and peace between its members.

Credits Authors Aashini Parag, Aiman Ranginwala, Bhavya Pariah, Bilal Mansuri, Cyprien Badiou, Diti Desai, Humera Pathan, Jugal Vagadiya, Khushi Patel, Kuldeep Chauhan, Meet Purohit, Mihir Kanani, Om Patel, Pooja Parmar, Radhey Ruparel, Rhiane Kall, Ritie Rajaswi, Salif Kadri, Saumya Nanavati, Shiv Patel, Sumera Pathan, Soham Nanavati, Tathya Trivedi and Yash Chawla. Grade 8 (MYP Year 3) students, Academic Year 2013-2014 Formatting and Editing by Radhey Ruparel and Cyprien Badiou Logo by Radhey Ruparel, Jugal Vagadiya and Cyprien Badiou

Under the direction of their class teacher Lissa Chazot Inspired from the Constitution of India

With deep gratitude to Smt. Anita Karwal, IAS, Shri. Lalit Padalia, the Electoral Office of Gujarat. We would like to thank the founders of MGIS as well as the senior teachers for inspiring us with their work in the school.