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VOL. B». MON OA Y, Jl'NIÎ 1800.VICTORIA, n.c NO. 7li.

Choice CanesIn order to get our Gold and Silver Headed Canes at Jobbers' prices we found It necessary to buy In very large quantities. Ihese goods have just arrived and now we have as good an ass.rtment as any wholesale house In Canada. Prices are at the very lowest notch. A A * We would also call attention to our UMBREL­LAS. We are now showing some specially good.

Challoner & Mitchell,jewellers, _ .^ 47 Government Street

FOR SALE—Lot 30xl20 and two-storey brick building on Johnson Street, below Government! a bargain: easy terms. * One acre cor­

ner Henzics St. and Dallas Road; longterm! low rate of interest. * Cot­tage and full lot, Chatham street, near Cooky cheap! easy terms.

ro LET—Fine Store comer Yates and Douglas streets! lately occu­

pied as grocery! possession July 1st (This is the only vacant store on our list)




We carry the best garments to be had and sell them for less money than many stores charge for infe­rior articles. Our showing of Shirt Waist* Is the

largest and most stylish assortment in B.C. Prices from 50c.

During this month the balance of our

Ladies’ Jackets»Capes and Costumes

Will be sold at Oreatly Reduced Prices.

P I.—Statements In our advertisements are verified at the counter.

Oar Compound Rrrap of Hypo nhoepMtês contains the best know» tonic* for tie Bl-»*d, Nrrrti and Muscle*. —12ft dose* for ft .to.

John Cochrane.pMBMiari N W Cor. Yates CHEMIST } ^ Lfougia, gt.


TELEPHONE 1U f-r Fainting, I hanging. K»«l—mining <Md Glaring.

, miter, UWk Dosglsa rirset.‘IE

Applv thl 4 IS) Chat limn sire, t."

r . BOY WANTS*) for light • eveuTKg "from 7 TSm, U. I TO LET—Nicely furuiehed botw, with large rt ground* and «»PbaK tor a nommai ren

»l deritig eowmer-v ..«fefUlb*, umuMMfc.u given immediately. Apply to Helsterumn A Cu.

FOB HAl.K <>lt EXCHANGE—AH my stock of thurmiglibnd lllack Ml nor.-a chickens. Alex. Hendry, Kft Chambers street.

WIDOW LADY, wtib two »mal* children to support, would Ilk.- to get two respectable hour* 1er*. Apply M M . Times office.

The FickleFrench

President Loubet Mobbed While Attending Rases Near Pari*


Interesting Statement by Head of the Republic -Determined

To Do His Duty.

Proceedings Will Be Commenced Again-1 Count Esterhasy and

General Pellieux

Times ol

The WestsMe, j« The Hutcheson Co.ld-

I Ut Us HI Yew Prescript!—. m

OPENEDFor Business Again

a»4 shall be pleased to bite tut ~ id patron* and the public gcuvrally vail and Hast their properties. Inspect the bar gains I Offer, In both business and resl- «'entlal realty. Fire and life tueur*nee- so­licited. Beet household coal for sale.

To Close so Estate.I offer to4.v VERY CHEAP e V(iAI. ANr> WOOD - R.ker * Colaloa,°-—™1 'l—wharf .0,1 oOw. BrllertH, Rtwl. Jam,»

Bay; telephone B*7; «ity oflet, Hwluuer ton * Oddy's, telephone 41)1.

WANTED Old «upper brass, sine.--lend, •«-rap Iron, rope, canvas and sack*; high­est prU-cs 4 v.u.k Apply Victoria JuukAgency, .10 mare ItreH. 11. Auronrm,Agent. __

KODAKS from 13.00 and suiiOles; new

L.jÿjn............... ..................I__________LI IIP COAL. M 1 COAL, RACK COAL,

HLACK COAL. Telephone <HH. Munn. H-dland A Co.. Troupe* and Broad street.

(Associated Frees.)Paris, June 5.—The papers this morn­

ing praise the calmness of Pm.idvut lx»ubet throughout the demonstration* agsinst him ffftjwUjf.

In riidy to the steward* of the Au- | races, th<- preeMeel rvu.ark J, “You are in no way responsible, and to

Dupuy and the minister of Justice, M Lebret, ant on the Ir ik h j

M. I.aloge, who moved the Interpolla- ] tion, rose at 3:0 p m. and said the hour ! cf action bod struck. (Cheers.)

M. Pitus de Lugentay. Conservative, > representing the second division of Diana, ! Cotes du Nord, shouted “Loubet Is not honest, he la n Pannmlet.”

These llaliult were received with xlolent protests nhd shout* of “order.'1 but de Lugentay persisted. In spite of the uproar and hootinjr In declaring that hon-uit men were Arrested yesterday.

President Deaenanel ordered M. de Lu- gentay to withdraw, but the latter refus­ed and the discussion was suspended, th.o deputies being requested to withdraw, in order that M. de Lugentay rtrtght he expelled. The commanding officer «•n duty at the Palme Bourbon then entered the chamber with A .aqUttd ~ cf soldier* and requested M. de Lugentay , Ip withdraw. The latter waited until many of his colleagues had left the bouse, then row and walked out escorted by sol­diers. TIw-wm- cheering -end eounter 1 heertng when M. de Lugentay appeared in the hall.

M. Lagoge asked What measures the government intended to take in future, and the Premier replied that after yes­terday's Incidents the first step was to address a respectful greeting to the na­tion's elect and to “the firm cltlsen who was and who remains a guarantee of the Republican communion.'' (Cheers.) Con­tinuing-. the Premier said yesterday at

1 Aut»J:l: “The advance guard of the re­actionary party protested -against him

The BillDisallowed

Dominion Government Vetoes the British Columbia Anti-Japan­

ese Legislation.


Why the province Declined to 1 Amend the Measure as


Interview With the Hon. C Semlin on the Action of Ot­

tawa Authorities.

«JET KMLRTiS? *8211> —1 iro "* "D8° V,b T; “ T: ' —^Ir t*‘o , 11» Government ifn-et. j races to-morrow I would attend (reded to enlarge upon “the coarseness

UNION BREWERY DEPOT. 150 Govarn- ment street, down stars.

U-roomed house; rhvlcv a te; liumedlnte po**«-*sl«ui.

P. C, MACGREGOR,Notary Public. C<mveyaucer, etc..

*92 Government Street (Jn Ormond’s).

A A A A'A A A )\)\ A A A A A A A A A A )X.

We Are Talking Rolled OatsESI Have b-, ift.r them fur a ton* I ini,1

in,w van .apply you with

Ml 1 ... 2pfcp 25c 901k $k $100 ♦51k sk 1.60 22>,*. sk *St 7 Ss. 25c

VICTOR BICYC1ES.The highest gmde possible to make,

the same price as low grade makes.At

TAKE ANOTHER TOWS.V tiled Stales Treops Still Bn-) ij the Phil-

Ipplags-Dcwej Pixpnrleg to Sail From Hongkong.

VICTORS* welt Tor >SS.OO STGAMNS " AO.OOIwpsrisl M 40.00

First visse rcpslr work.

These goods are the product of THE AMERICAN CKKEAL COMPANY. None better.

Dixi H. Ross & Co.

JOHN BARNSLEY B Co.1!» Government street.


The entire plant of the B. C. Ool«l Storage * Lv Works has beem ira» vsted at an expense of $3,000. The filtration and «fisttllsVoe Is now perffN-t, end nothing can more alwolutely pure than our Ice and Hydros.


were races to-morrow tbenu 1 ha re an luyitation to wituesa] t lut I • in ml Prix on Sunday next, aud you may tie sure I will lie present,’1

On his return to'the Elywee, M. Lou- l«et said to those who accompanied him: "All niy family opposed uiy becoming pn ii«k m. and 1 had no dnift t > re nrain at the Klysee. While U l* danger hum to be «.bief of state, niy duty is «•tegr, and let my enemies. If I haw any. be convinced that 1 shall a<fomplieh my Biiswinh to the end.”

Of 130 iierwok arreeted in connection with the dem«metration 34 are still in custody.

Tbs- government will accept an immed­iate discussion of the interpellation of M.«fge. iiuh-|Hmhiit wK-ialist r«i»re-

ting «me of the Saint Ihiti* districts

(reded to enlarge upon “the coarseness of such a demonstration against an. In­vited guest. (Cheers.) The « remler then said: “Repr?aen4attvea of degan«e and good taste have given us an Idea of what France may expect from their idleneka and indolence."

and there'g nothing gained In calling It anything else. But there era

Spades and

Nicholles & Renouf, Ltd.Yatea and Broad SUL.

Victoria, n r

(Associated ITees.lMmuIIm. June 5.-The liaitalioM* of Wash­

ington tr«K»pe under I <*lonr| Who) er. on board the ('jumm, wei> towed from Pasig to Morong on ttniHlny and landed under

_______ __________ cover of well dlm-icd fire from (be “tin< lad" army gunboata. « The rebel*. e»i

I trenched In th.- «mtsklrte ef the town, re- — served Huh fire unit- the <ronps were

ashore and In the open. The Americai artillery opened fire on the ‘uaurgenii snl drove them from tbetv. p«'sltl«»w<. killing nice aud w.mwtlng hve. The WafWiigtoii troops then i«*»k the town, the rvbf-N See­ing to the hills- ....

While the Americans were on the way to Morong the Insurgent» opeivd fir.- from the shore battery at Anrona. the first striking- the <"oro4asga*a awning. The N a pitta u waa a too fired

* Deweyh Betnrw.Hong Kong, June Admiral Dewey I ft

the Leak hotel and returned to the Olym­pia yesterday.

This morning he paid farewell rleâîe to Governor General ()as*-t.lgue and . the com mander* of -warships In the harbor Ad mirai Dewey’s health has been consider­ably benefit led by hla r-sldeiu • at the Peak. He has refused alt s<h-1»1 Invita­tions sad taken perfect rest. He appear* somewhat haggard from the effects of eon tinnal strain and climates. The Olymp.a will sail at 4 to-morrow afternoon.


U»|te«l B*tttn> Displeased With the Transfer of the Caroliuew.

(Associated Ftes* iWaKhingtMi. June 3.-—The stale dv-

partUH-nt ha* as yet WfehreJ M .dTivial uiD ices ‘cvnci ruing Selin's ge—lon of tbv (' to Germany a* annnunced in the Quvtm U«-g«-ut"* speech from the throne at Madrid yesterday. The Unit­ed States doc* not look with favor np-

Thv strategic portionwent mg one of the naillt UWl ulstricts . ™ eiain* uw * i of the Seine, on the suiijevt of the invi- ! on the transfer.d«nt* which occurred yeMday. A ! <»f the Caroline group is so great that itgrwt niiwlitT ..t '«IUmI ■« »*" ! » 1 dklinrt diMclnulBer lu hate themKl.twu I mid lliu vi.iturV I '«H into Ihv liaud» of a powerful no-

j tion Wte (iermany. (foam. - tbe rehinl Uoetenaot Oal.rd lia. lann *M<* »hv Vuil.-l Slot,. kavv a, Muln.l.

rhargt'.l with ntt.-rln* wlltloe» ctituL , *1» right In the mldti „f livrmony » and mith «.«nlllln* M. T.umy, c-bief of I ”w w hat la .m.r,- uu|,ort-th,- Hlunliipnl linlilv. ant. the Cemlme. are Oil the tLmk on

M. Kuille Zola arrive.! In l*»Hs from "'<■ *«t line of trM.port.ti .it brtVeen la.ndon ,»terd.y ,-tenins. but rvftte.1 | H-n-deh. and the 1-J.iHi * «te- . I in­to any or.e mceptitw hi. intimate ! ' tr'.lme Inland, «bu . are met.n.e, frien,K There wa, no eaeitentent in the «IM «bv •« I'hlHwine,. farm


BICYCLE :: SUITS«4-00 - «3.00 - «6.78 - «3.73

Bicycle Knickers


$1.75 2.SO


B. Williams & Co.,

Bicycle Hose

BOc. #1.007.5c.

per pelr.just opened:

■attars. Clothier» a ad Oat til 1er». 97 JOHNSON STREET

WE GIVEm Trading ,u?i Stamps

A carload oitu Wail Paper

A large assortment of the latest de-

i Harnlsomt Frelies sad Cellistsroe ingrain wr*.

J. W. MELLOR, 76 78 F*tStreet. Victor!.

Jaet arrived.



(Heidelberg end^ Lelpslg). Late analyst for the Frovlhi'e of New Brunswick. Office. 2* Broad street, opposite Drtard Hotel. Victoria.

mmm b-BGfïiDoofliU iooflen Fumiiure iode 10 Order

Branch Sto StreWEt V

iltere Hepalrlnfi.


IHH GAS CO. art loaning and connecting HKh.K OF CUAKUh Gas Cooking and Heating Stoves.

<! F»dfiss.SI.25 $erXa*kTeel.

Stovçs can be seen at the Gas Works, Lower Government StreeL

emu! nMm Settocatel, Bey Drewael. Girl Petelly

leered h6 Several rereee, Prwlretel 6y Stock

City Auction Mart, 73 Yales Street

W. JONESauctioneer


1500 lbs. English Preserved Potatoes 2 Combination Safes.I Lady's and 2 Gents' Bicycles.


Corner Yates and Douglas Streets Ice Cr«a* Soda, sec

New Ice Cream Parlors-AT-

101 Mmisor St, between Bread aed Douglas

Mentent and best In the city. Try our Ice Cream aud Le Cream Hod*. You'll call agsln If you do.

T. BAB ANTIS, Proprietor.

bread srethind Breed,

emit U s Machine Roller Bread. Try It.' For sale Hy all grocer*, or leuvr orders for waggon to call.

M. R. SMITH & CO.COAL, $8.60 PBR TON New Wellington

Collieries. Klngham A Go., agents; office, 44 Fort street; telephone call 647.

COAL AND WOOD-Best sack. $5.80; Dry Wood, per cord, $5.50. Flint A Co., 13Breed ■■


i Associated Frew.)Chicago. June 8.—A special to the

(’hrnnide from Arthur, Ills., says;One boy drowned, a little girl fatally

Injured l»eneath the hoofs of horses, and two women and a man brought to death’s door by "shocks, all Incident* ac- it>mpa.u>iug the funeral, of a man wit?. wt a auihiHi drxlfi, uiadi1 fourduy a TTmark»We one in this 5$y.

The strange chain of dtoastvr >wg*p when the knal grand army i*mt burieil T. I*. Wells, who was asphyxiated^ by gar ln»a hotel in Chicago last Wednes­day. While the ceremony was Id pro­pres» at the «-«metecy news reached tiua Baker that his 13-year-old son had just liven drowned. The shock prostrated Mr. Baker, who bad to be taken home in a carriage. When the new* was broken to hi* wife she went frantic and became unconscious. Both are in i precarious condition. While the funeral was in progrwm one of the cnrrlagi* ran over Mr*. Wm. Mnlltran’s two-year old daughter, mangling her h or riidy. Mis* Ola Clark, who witnessed the Ut­ter accident, fainted fend ara».carried to the nearest house, where she lay for bourn before recovering sufliiiently m be removed to her home.

*HeH rhin* be teslde».- hot policemew are stationed neor the residence.

Estirhaxy Interviewed.Parla» June 6.—The Matin to-day pub-

li»h«»l au interview with Major Uoout E<erhazy, in whieh the latter anuses Lleuteuant-('ol«»ueJ l>u l’aty de (*laiu of i having. f«»r safety, placrii .ikUn mother- in-law's house *t BrisM‘1* an mttraor- diuary d«Kuro«iit whivh prutect* them I toith, notably a long report liy (Lateral (lout*» discussing the plan to be followed in order to screen Etfferhaxy.

The Mutin'* vomwpond«sit at Brussels • oufirm* the *tat$nn--nt that 1‘aty do Clam litft >l«»vuiiHiits in poaw**lon of the |)urerl family.

The Ministi-r of War, M. Drants. ha* ordered proceedings to be- taken agaiuri Esterhasy for obtaining and n*ing docu- mtm» «-omWtih! with rh«. *o caltc.l “Sec­ret Dossier," and the Minister has Iso issued instructions that prwwling* 1m- taken against (leneral Pellienx. for the manmr iu which he eoudtn-t$«d the E*- terhary case.

Meeting of Ministers.Paris, June 8.--The Minister* met this

morning. President Loubet in the chair. It wa* decided to remove advocate p-n- eral SL tnmLerL au»l to begin proeeed- ing* against M. Tardi. p^wident of the- assize* court, before the council of the magistracy, for, the way iu which they conducted the l-ase against M. >1. De- roelrde ami Mana-1 Ilnli«-rt, who witc JtottttUted «.h Wevlnesvlajr last of the charge of incltihg soWieni to liumtiordin a tion.

lection of hundred* of small island* ex­tending roughly between l «.*i degfeee and ltri degrees long, east, and degrees and *2H) minute* lut. north. Pelew was the nauM* giv«-n to the extreme «astern i'land* of the group. The Marianne*, which Include» also the I#adrone*, lie north of the new group of Carolines.


iH|h-vI*I to the I’liue*.)Vaneoerer, June 3.—The “hatchet"

man ha# made hi* np|M-araiue bi/n*. Last night a determined atUmpt mu* made to end the life of Jim K««v. u well known Celestial. The n**»i!ant was Ah, who is all.-g« l to. have Uvu importe-d fr«Wn San Franciw-o fur th« pun*>*«‘ of m;tiling n!d score* the highbinder* have mhfi their follow vnimti x man, who is" *ui»powed to have givi-n the polieev in- fi»rinati«m iu this city. The whole of (.’hinatowu i* excited. Ah Ling has been secured by the jadice. K«-e i* *eriou*ly hUnred «émit the h«nd.


<Associât*-d Ihpess.ihan Francisco, June 2k—The little *.hvner

rigged boat, Cuke. 30 feet, lcng aad ftyt tore, ssHed for Manila V iptuin Fn Itch*-, the *ole «na-upaut of the .v«-*ae4, pn Imisi-s to make a lour of the world Jn tto frail eoektoshell. Hr rl itms be cvueseil the Atlantic In # vessel of even smaller uiu enslon*.

(KpetiaLCo the Titovs.)

Ottawa^" J6ne 5.—An order-in-couned ha* lieen |nun*ed disallowing the anti-- Jupau«-*e |egUlati«»n in British Columbia.

The Smilin-Murtin tiovernment fefu-ed

to amend the act aa de*irc-<l by the Im­

perial aüthoritiew, stating that it would iuipt-de desirable lnimigrati<m to permit an influx of Japanese, and would op­erate to the detriment of the laboring

The main bill only has been «IlsaUottr.- e<L Couipanie** bill*, of which there are it number, will remain in otwration.

The above despatch indicates that an­other stage in the negotiation# between * the. Dominion and Provincial govern­ments ha* been reached. A* indicatel in a despatch to the Times on Saturday, the provincial government were first a^k- ed to withdraw the législation Which wa* at variance with Imperial policy iii its relations to the new eastern power. Thi* the local government refused to do. ~ t- ting forth their easous in a lefigthy des­patch to Sir Wilfrid Laurier,,of which an epitome is contained in the- alxive Lb-gram.

Hon. Premier , Semlin was first ap­prised of the action of . the Ottaw v ;i <t • thorities at noon to-dny when a Times man communicated the contents of the anecNl dcepnteb to him. He ^expressedthe liedief that the «-xi-nisi- <»f the veto |. »wer verted in ttu- Dominion exec-ttfivo had been employed purely at the-in­stance of the ImiH-riitl cabinet. T quite Min* they would not disallow our measure on their oVn initiation,*' he

The disallow a nee, as stat«-<1 above, ap­plies only to the main measure, which prohibits the employment of Japs and 4'binamen in mine* or» «n g.«ver«meut w «rk*. It will not affe<-t private bills. In'many of which anti-Japum***- anl imti-’Vliinv*** clauses exist.

“What c<Mirs«^ will the local govern­ment pursue? Will they rc-ena t 'lie umaanreT" wu* a*ked of Mr. Semlin.

“As to that I cannot make-any state- u»*-nt,” he rtfriied. “Action will be wtfli the legislature, and it will "be.for them to say whether or not the legislation will again be |«lu<*ed on the *tat ite

Hon. Joe. Martin, when questioned re­garding the matter, sai«l that h«- bad not reti ived any intimation of the action vf the Dominion government. He mld- ed that he luul not even seen any , m- mhniration asking the Provincial gov­ernment to writbdra\% the measure.

“Such a communication may h ive c<inM'.'* be added, “to the (k»v«*nn>t, but 1 have not seen it."

Hon. Fred. Hume, Minister of Mi ies. ffxperaacd Uawtt in ilnO ir tetma (»d add«‘«i tligat ht- coocludedv when-be" saw th<- d«s|r.H<h from Ottawa in the Satur­day*» Times, suiting (hat the gbxvro- m^nt had been irèkrd ta withdraw ‘he mea*un». It must have copie tie fore th? WMcil while b«- was in the upper coun-


Mr. Martin was not. prepareil to say wbat course the cabinet would adoi t un­til the matter w i- emantoi ftvially to them.

‘lo- tb^TtHlUk (VlbwlfU «-si


(Associarod Fre»^)New York, June 5.—At the dlre<-tlon of

Pope Leo, Archbishop Corrigan at the morning services at St. Patrick's cathe­dral yesterday ordered a call * to conse- tration. It to binding on all faithful and wm issued simultaneously in all dloceets throughout the world. It to 24 years since a »|niii«r call was made and the occasion for making IL at this time is the p$atis conference of The Hague.

.Te-aptStiBfE Uaneroi* xUi B*ii*d«flre and Oonse, fiending the result of the n\ quiry regarding Du Pnty de Clam.

Zola'* Return.L Paris. June 5.—The Aurora has a lung article from M. Zulu entitled ."Jnatice.*’ He says h«* did not go into exile in or­der to flee from justice, hut to gain time

. ro aa not to allow tiro fertile glimmer of light to 1m‘ extinguished. After alluding to ibe bitteriaeea exile, be a«M~: “l rtffnrn becanse the truth 1» manirwted.1 do not return to nrnsr» trouble or ~(te= monstratïon, I wish neither applatnu* nor rew-ard. oven if any believe I U*ve

i merited. My own reward is in the "thought of the innocent innti whom • I have aided to draw frag ilk- tomb. It the struggle 1* finished. I desire, so far as I am tonct-rnsd, o» victorious tri­umphs; no political mission nor honor. My soul i* serene, ^n.«i without anger-dr rancour, hnl if the great criminal g.*** unpunished, "people will nev.-r believe in the imim-ns'ty of the crime."

Marchand ht Home.Pari* June •"»,—Major Marchand pro­

ceeded to ThoUw*y, nine mile* from Macon, yesterday evening,- in order .o visit his parent.-. _____i__ _ . __3__ _____


Santiago, June 6.—Several letters have been received by American officials mak­ing vague chajgea of oppression against Americans aim^threatening an early re­volt if the Americans do not immediate­ly evacuate the Island. ,


A Deputy Escorted Frans Aha Hoto» ky Soldiers.

"-----0----- -- -(Aftooelafe.1 Frews)

Paris, June B.—The chamber of deputies met a^t O'clock this afternoon. The pub­lic galleries were crowded with fashion­able people. The galleries of senators and diplomats were also full. There was large attendance of deputies. Premier

_ _______La tlq?. liftrac JIifcdax^ ---- ------

tAssoeiiiteU Frews.)London, June 2k — Lord Kitchener of, Sirdar of the Kgyptluu f«»r»e*. arrived here tu day and « allvd upon Sir. JL. J. Balfour, first lord of thi- -treasury au l gvveiumeut, lender In the Bouse of Com­mons, with whom the general had » I mg

Mr ltslfour will today make a full ex­planation Iu the House of Commons of the reasons for «lestroytng tbv tomb, of the

nt tUMdsMsan» and- tW disposal at the renia us. *


iAssociated Frees.)Belfast, June 5.—There were . exciting

scenes here this afternoon In tonseuuenve of a Nationalist semonstration, headed by Mr. Wm. O'Brien and accompanied by hands <»f rouble The Protestant* threat­ened trouble with the result that a large body of police and troops Is stationed In the streets.


«Aswoclatcd Ihress.iSfiaughai. June 3.—The rChihcsc gov­

ernment has the Loan for the ronatructiou ».f the AnghMîcrman niil- way, from Shanghai to Tientsin. 'Hie

required he* bwir wvurod from the Hongkong ami Rhànghii Bank igg Corporation and the Herman batiks at Tientsin.


(Associated Press.)Madrid. June 5.—8«-ut»t 1’srvajal, for-

roer miniwfer for foreign affairs, is des L

PPfoflfoi Arwdu* mbald vs. Macintosh in the Supreme

' Cbatf the 'appeal wk* "dismtssed ‘ ‘ wtfS

Alaska IUmadary.In the House to-day Premier LanrJè,- r ad

the protocol on the Ala ska boundaryTh«*re l* really ivVth ng nexv to In- added

to what has already been *ald on the sub­ject.

Kir Charles Tapper, In reply, sold that tilt» only left the matror where I he'conven­tion adjourned. It would In- hit «'res: lug to know what took place afterwanls lu cni- juxlion with, the proposed modus vlveadi, lN-ndlug arbRratIon.

Kir W Ifrld Laurier said there wa* no piopoHttlon for a modus vlvendl. There -..ere negotiations going on for the per­manent s4-ttlvm«-nt of i hi* boundary. He was not In a position to give particulars of the negotiation*. There was a proposi­tion to have a prov'nxHal boundary on the Lynn venal. For ‘he last two .rears there 16vn been provisional boundaries at fhe summit of White Fa** and at the summit i.f Chllkoot Fus*, and now one was wanted «.n the Dalton trail.

Sir Charles Tupper *ald that the poel t in <.f the government was stronger than he

> anticipated. H<* however, touched « n a difference which bad arl*«-n on a quest on .is to arbitration, stating that If the Unit'd States claimed to haw held the property •luce-182ft, fifty years' posaeartm mlyht b‘ vlaln<e«l.

Kir Wilfrid said that If the l ne which Canada <-ouleudi-d for was adopted, tie iall the old settlement* which Russbi had along the Lynn canal were handed over

I to Britain under the 192ft treaty, and SO : years' possession would not apply on the

part uf thp United (Mates. However, ho added, there would be little gaine! by dls- cuselng It further, as there was much1 work left for eminent Juriste to f “

ictoriab< ,ST‘


Invisible Rose Leaf Face Powder.

Pure and harmless. Is the Best

Corner Fort and Douglas Sts.

Is : : :Up-to-Date.We are leaseeable. We are Prompt.We are Careful.We Bey the Beet.

fc4*44«**44**4********i““Ï5;jOur Ottawa Letter

Ottawa, May 27, 18MB*—For several ytirs pa at a large eectkm of the ment be re of the 11 oust- of Common* made Ntroitg effort 8 to get pari ht «ten t to ad jouru for a few day* wh<4 the Queen"* IdrtInlay, arrive»!, instead of merely for tme day as had been the cUaUM». The exact rehso*i was not made publie, but the object was to assist in popalarising lh" hv,r<e race* in To root O; when the (';• n;i>liau I ». r»->. known a* the 1 plate, was to l** drawn off. Tkh year

~ÏÏÏÏ;ÿ“<\Y*rr-'«n-epcw»ftrt;-'-«mHw-J*re*ede»l. once vsUblkhed may be looked upon a* 1mm inning an annual event in the near future. The government did not lose much time by the holiday*, and it i* very questionable if a day more has l*een added to the length of the aeastrm. The presenee of Mr. Seagram, who for eight sumwiveywrs ha* been able to cap-

t>rigin and lliatory of Some New Vari­eties of Wheat Produced at the Itoiuiu- ion Experimental Farm.'* In hi* pa|>er he traeed the history of some of the meal promising of the crow bred varie I ties of wheat which have been produced during tin* |-.u»t ten years at the ex pt‘rin;ental farm*, and showed how those varieties c<nupar«*d with the standard sorts, and for what latitude* they were suited. A society that deals with such practical subjects, no matter w hat its name might be. cannot fail, to be pro­ductive of much good.


The Petition of Complaint Which Was For­warded by the Late Ministry of British

Columbia to Lord Aberdeen.



X Spanish Garrison At Baler IU-fuse to.Evacuate the Town.

ttSfftti, Jtftifr TT.—A ¥t*»it rtfer recently called at Baler, <>ff the east coast of the island of 1n. 1-, get tin* S|iaiH*.h gar rison which the Filipinos have been un able t«* subdue. The garrison is com inanded by Lieutenant Martinez, and of* 5Ï men originally eomprising it there are only ;Ut left. Lieutenant Martinez re

ifitM‘4 to leave. He said he had sup

His Honor's Exhaustive Statement of th? Case to the Governor General With Copions Quotations in

Support Thereof.

Following 1« nn of the- l.-ngthj- r.,|U«t the resignation of lour iwtitton- peUtion lent by Me»»*. Turner. Ebert» rn-J wwwy. w . rtl llat-i I ' r I1-.1 , v. I IV otllll IIV Hail iH'llllOn Sell! III .lll’WWI «. i ... u. —------ ^

ture the Queen's plate. In the House of ‘plies sufficient to last Mm three months j . p « .. ... 1.^,1 Aberdeen, complain 1 Your p«>titiouer* furrher charge thatCoij.inon. ha. ao doubt h,-i|.-.l to .how bl. ,|,.,.|ur,.,| h). „„y where he ”, : „ ,, |, ,">» UeutenanlMoreruor and pulelhuae partie» who wen- clamoring wa. until In- «tarred. Colonel Aguil.r. in* '*» **”“*, , “ “ . laW III» iWlKih n-apeetlng hono- raying that an iiretbut ..n-reta.-v to (ivnvral Uio«. th.- Spanish M. lnt»-». in dnunianing them pom eoudiua ao.l of y«r irSitlon-lullday cart 1h* spent by a day at the representative in the Philippines, took ft»*». in August. 18W8. The Times has also era.races. This year Mr. Seagram fnitet to wjth him an order for Martinez to pvacu- rvcvjv,.1i for publication a copy of-the let 1 In eniqmrt of these- charges reference get the much-coveted prize, which full ate Baler, but the best r»i>ljr to it he ; . . ||jf> n,,nor to the Govern»*- j* to correspondence api**iuled

could get was that Martinez was to quit * 1 fhll ionwhen llem-ral lti... eame, to ! lieneral. commenting on the petition,

tell him to leave.thinks that Martinez has become crazed. 1 eud petition

to Mr. Wut. H. ndry, "f Hamilton.When Lord U'me and Princes* lionise

were the occupants ' of Government House the Uoyai Society of Canada came into existence. Many expressed grave doubts as to the wisdom of the name in a democratic country tike Pott1 ada. and not a few' «ipvnly pre-livteil that it would lie a short lived body. How ever, thank* to a government subsidy. which followed its organization, it has

pullet! through ami to-day it is in a mor»* Jlouristiiug state than at till y other per tod in its Wstoryi. Imlei-d jit looks now as if it were going to have an abiding name, and become a |**rmanent institn- ti >n in the country. with, of cortnw. the guarantee that the government graiU contiumK. From its k**eptioB Sir John (it rye Bourinot." cferk of rhe House of Common», has l**vh the moving spirit of the - l itty. and it Is probable that th.- k ni ght h.—I that Indecently received «a* p«;t in a small degree due to hi* vff rt' in promoting and Recfiing the n«- VtVcîatnTn‘afloat. Its first president. Dr.,. William Dawson, was also honored with a title. Sir William presided over the three great scientific Unties of Canada, the VuiU’tl States and tlie Mother Coun­try.

The .iiiimnl meeting of tin* society op* tied here tm Tuestiay last ip the N’or- msl school. - The President. Mr. T. C- ' Keefer. M. G., (’. E.. delivered hi* presidential a»Mr«*s* during the after- no--n sitting. There wa* a very fair att*‘it*lanee notwithstanding that pax!la nm >t w :is not in session^owing to the adj mrnnient. over the Qw*en’» birthday. . Mr. Keefer selected forbid subject that very appropriate topic the *Canadian Water Power an<l it* Electrical Pro» 1 net in ltet.ition to the I"«ndcvotope.1 Re­sour it of the D»*ti\inion.*’ The lecture wa* rntei.1 Wy. maps ami diagram*,nm! dealt with a question of meoh pra *- tical interest to many persons and of real import mce to the whole country. There. Amassa literary evening when prose a* Well as poetry was repre**-nt**d in thil, pr 1 gram me. The poem to the mem­ory of the late An hiTmld|i nan. whb'U w read by—the author of It, Wi liam Wilfrid f'ampoell.wa* of wriecial intere-t. tMiiers who-took part -in Umv- cntvrtainnxent weie lion. J. W. I>ingb*y, Attorney-General of Nova Hcotia ; Pre­mie i March iml. of Quebec; Hon. G. W. Iloss, Minister of Education for On- tari- ; Rev. F. E. K<s»tt. of t^ueb*-c; Dun- ctn C. Sv< -tt and Dr. S. E. Dawson. Ot­tawa : His Grace Arehlnshup O'Brien, of Halifax, piesukd.

I»r. !.. o. How aid. the distinguished en.t ten"! 1^*1. .'.I the department uf. agri-

.ctureat yesterday's fneeting. This lecture, w hi* It dealt with iiincrt life, wn* vivid­ly illustrated by Dr. Howard from his

Thé proceedings in the s»**t-k»tis fiii* year wi re of more than average inter­est. Sir J. M. Is» Moine. Prof. Rev. Dr.

T.T. P.. ). M 6. Suite-. Addu UuB.-vl'u.-romransr: w. n r.Hifitmi, m: 1 .1.

Am-h-Ui-J""d uthiT* tin»».' *w^htT-iTMiTrîTîuFëcî. the rSTfîf ôT“ÏÏTsforîëST

research or stmlit** in- criticism in the literature stsXion*.

Plie question of a hydrographic surrey for Canada similiar to that of the Vtill­ed State* ha* la-vu a subject which lias been discussed for some years past, and came to the front somewhat pr«»minently in parliament this session. Sir Lotti* l>avies, the Minister of Marine and Flsbertf*. white. admirring that tie hir*- an o|hmi mind on the matter, d<H»s not seem to favor the scheme too highly, and has made the puhlie anmiuncemeiit that not lung would be done this season by the departUH-irt to give effect to the represent at ions of those who have been advocating the organization of such a .department. On. the other hand the ex- Ministvr of Marine and Fisheries. Sir 'Hiblivrt Tupper. is now championing the can*,- "f tin- scientists, nUbough In- fail­ed to give them Vountenaiuv. during the tinn* he was the n^sisinsible hi*a»l of the department Prof. Alexander Johnson, LL.IX. of ^Ictiill University, Montreal, brought this subject to thé attention of the society In his address entitled, “The

* Need for a Hydrographic Surrey De­partment for Canada." Dr. Johnson is certainly well eeqnainted wdth the whole question, an<l hc*mny f*»riy be diwrijwd a* an eiiUmsiast.

W Bed Dswwen, M InsL. I gave a pnper “Illnstration* of Remark­able Secondary Tidal Indulations on January 1«t, 1800." The observations on which the paper- wa* based were made with the recording tide gauges in the region of Nova Scotia. -

Prof. Saunders, director of the experl mental farms, read a paper on “The

’ I (Petitioners here qnote ftom Lleuten*a nit- tn taupaii.t i" _* ___ -.........Colonel Aguilar This i* the first time this corr«‘si»onm*nce ant-GovernoFs let ft*r <TT Tirh ^flily b*

ia* Iwvv^me crazel. r eu,i petition have appeared in the prm Mr. Turner, n-ft-r to the fact that on

auk yon mi.iovs?

A sluggish liver fall* to filler the bile from the bits*!, ami when the powmous matter goe* throogh the 1**1 y -hi ihc rtrt* 1 la lion. ‘ the whole system Is tainted siel (lernngi U. This I* tailed bill eism»** amt can be completely cured by I>r. À. W. Chase’s Kidney-Liver lilts, which net d1- revtly cn the liver, making It healthy aaj active. One pill n tlt*e. 25 cent* a bvix. 1 be cbe:i|H*t iiifslhlne In the world.

..f Itnti.h Columbtn : the 8th August Mr. Turner had 17 *up-JL , . __ _ i porters, with an assurance of two more

To the Bight HtwbfltW Sir John. Camp-1 (’assiar. which would divide the as- l*-ll Hamilton Gordo», Earl of ,AtH*r- *vmW> lit to 19. then endeavors to show

Governor-General of that the Iâeu tenant-Governor was sit­ing throughout on the assumption that Mr. Turner would not have a majority

deen. tdc.. etc.,Canada: \

Th,. petition of John llvrlH-rt Ihirnrr. of 1I1,- city of Victoria, mcrchint, laic l-.-cuicr and MIni-t-T of Floaniv, and Mininter ,.f Agriculture for the pm Tin..- uf BritUh t'ohimhia . Jauu-« Baker.of Cranbrook, K»«t Kootenai . Idea' - j h, lbi/erd hi, | jn WM.|ùng an ex-CoUineL late Mmi.ter of Mme» of the, ruw Iu dj„niil„ him ,nd d„ m, prorlmv of British OjlotnbU; < harle. (-|^. red..,lax an the loan»Edward Poole,• of the said eitj of X I- I

in the assembly, and that it wa* hi* duty to call ou ia»me one who would bave, aud that it was not until after the Lieutenant-Governor perceive»! that CaMsiar would siqq**rt Mr. Turner that


G«,rnian FoiiSgn Minister A*lvise»« the Boer Govern men t to Grant Uitlanders


Rcrlm. June —The A*sociate«l Pn^sscorrespondent lertrn* from nn excellent sou rev that the interview- this week b»»- lxmi Ik.AY-J. Uyd-i. the minister at th»* Transvaal here, and Baron Von BimHow/ the minister »*f foerign affairs, was not of a very conlial nature. Tin* i foreign minister »*mt4ratH-aHy l*4d the |Transvaal representstHre that the widest and lvst <-ourse for the Boér government wii*. to tiuik»* ;iea»v with Great Britain anil above all to »p«*eilily grant reforms.

The N’egotiatiohs.I>ui»lon, .Tune S.-A forecast *»f the ne (Petitioner* here quote Todd. 2nd 1 eaj,| c«»mniunieation arc made,

gotiations Iwtw.-en President Knig.-r a ml p„gv 37, to governor exceed- j (Petitioners bvre quote from U.-uten-Rir Alfred MUner at Blonufootaine. ' lllJ( his rightful [*>wers. and then ref**r ant-Ovrenwr'a letter of 10th August tobased upon information obtained from to case of governor »>f Mauritius, sus- t Mr. Turner, in reference t»» lack of c^on-a high <»flu*al at Pn*t»>ria. i* giv.*n in lM.luhnl in lxs7 pending investig»ti«u. of tn some of his colleagues, do-the Pall Mall Gazette. Presnlent Krug- | rujaj commission into charges preferred j niat.ter of toe blank warrants, and the

against him. I»ctiti»*ner* then quote des­pa t»h of Sir Michael IIiek« Beach of July 3rd. 1H79. re l»etciller cas»*, from Todd, 2nd editiou, page G*w*. quote Sir Wilfrid Laurier from Hansard. 187*. P- 19W. as follows: Tt would certainly b«* th** duty of the Ikmiinlon government to interfere in '-r.b r to redress a wrong which the people cannot themseh

torn. Imrristerat-law. late member »f the government of British Uolumbia.- without portfolio, ami David M»-Ewen Els-rt*. of the «ante Hare, late Attorney- General u( the said proylbce, humbly

j shewx«t h :! Your petitioners were members of the ’ governuH-ut of British UoTumTua until

the Sth day of August. A. D-. 1898.Appended to this petition i* the <*or-

reapundenct- which pzv<*t**l between your iM'titioner. John Hvrliert Turner amt the Honorable Thoir as K. Melnji**». Ueutcn- ant-Governor of the said province, rela­tive to the dismissal of the government, ,.f which your petHloner, John Herbert Turner, was Prime Minister.

(Petitioner* here quote Todd. 2nd

and character of the petitioner*.!Having given the*** reason* for hi* ac­

tion your p*-tdinner, John Hcrtiert Turn­er. on the Vth August, _ deemed it hi- duty to send to the I Juatenant-Odrem or a communication of that date, upis-utltil thereto, in which he asked, for the cuti- stitutiona 1 reasons set out therein, a re considératiun on the part of th** Li«*u- teunut Governor of hi* reqnest for the- n**ignation of your petitkmers.

On the 15th August the lieutenant- Governor, in a comiminivati«m address­ed to your petitoaer. John H. Turner,

j undertook to “enter into certain details respecting the grounds"' to shiw his

( "lack of e*>nfideinv." and In this con- 1 nection the following extracts from the

er was pr»*p.*ired, with the concurrence of the burgher*, to reduce still further th»* term* of residence necessary to the qualifications of n voter, but on an in- «•ou>i«b-Brate votevthe iq»p**r raad allowed the Uitlanders ti> make a compmmise on the education qnestion, which will give an improved municipality to Johan

11 ! -r;i!it t-i th.* Ultlanden.

Attorney-General's* ad - ting issuamv of warrants ou bis own author- ity.1 So that the rt*tqKin>ibility assumed by the coining government was, definite aud limited to tlie qu«*stion of probable parliamentary support. I

Your p<ditkmers would first observe that this statement and the preceding statements are obviously inwnsistvnt.— " «• 11 • > l— - -I'-- ------- •*" »•» " CIV Hl/1 'HUM;

full measure .f <s»ntrol over the police. 1 r*.üMsly." and again from Hansard. Î871>, 1 an,j cannot all t>e true. Still the. declaration in regard to* the p ^27 from Laurier on TXelller <*as«-. j Your p«*titiouera charge C«pe “boy*** ,-ind narivr* win hold good. ; HS f«,n„ws: “NoW n* regards the Lieu- - staremetits is maliciouslyPresident Kruger can impose upon, them liiffereiitisl law s, w jii<-h Im* says the I>m- don fsmvehtion gives him the right to do.

The question of th«* «lynnmHe m >hop <>ly, th** i*#/.»-tte says, will prove the hardest-.

that the latter,. ....... .............- .jiallHousIy false.

under the constitution. And first your (s-titoner. John H.-rl-ert the laws says that he shall be re- Turner, for himself denies that the Lieu- uiuvaWe for^ cause; but what can a 1 tenaut-Govi*rm»r at any time, expresse»! cause Is ? I believe that th(*se case* of fojH want of eonâdvnw iu his csdleogues re.m val van well be offeneew of a |s*r - or. in any of them

be paused to be Issued, a royal eomufts- slon of Inquiry Into the charges above preferred, and they are ready sod anx­ious that the powers under such a com­mission may be of such a character that no tar as your petitioners or their char, aciers are concerned. th.- enquiry may be. untljaRéd ami unreatricivd.

And your petltlbnersTlt dqty bound will ever pray, etc.


D. M. KRERT8 Government House,

Victoria, H. C., January 18th, 18».

To Ills Excellency the Governor-Generalof Canada, Ottawa:

Your ExcellencyBy a despatch from the Honorable (fie Secretary of State, dated the Uth ultimo, I was Informed that a memorial from Mr. J. H. Turngr cf this city, and his colleagues In the late government of this province, had been addressed to your Excellency, adklng thxt a royal commission be appointed to in-

•quire Into certain ( barges, which It 4s al­leged that I made in my official capacity, reflecting upon them. The Secretary of State says: “Before considering what ac­tion, if any. It might be deemed proper to adopt. I have been réquested to for­ward a copy of the memorial from Mr. Turner and his former c&Ueague*. to you for any observations or comments-^-ou might think proper to make on the statè* mems côntalnéd In the memorial r«terre4 to."

I have the oonor, therefore, to. com Miaule witb fhë àbev^ déspktcti; Wsiiti-" mit to your Excellency the following ob­servations and comments In respect to the said memorial :

LThe petitioners do not Invoke your Ex-

» ellenvy’ supervision in regard to th* constitutionality of my- action In dis­missing them.

1Thvy express themselves as:"Well ntMM i-- abide by the wlshoe

cf the people of the province "f British Columbia, constitutionally expressed In the usual manner." (Memorial p. 2.1 |

Your petitioner, Mr. Turner has already indicated what he means by the phrase ",constitutionally expressed in - the usual manner," as In his letter to me at the •th August last, appended to the memor­ial. he quotes with approval the language Of lord John Russell, saying the assem- tty "Is the legitimate organ of the peo­ple. whose opinions cannot be constitu­tionally expressed except through their representatives In parliament Be Also quotes from Todd's Parliamentary Prac­tice In the British Colonies to th. effort that "Parliament Is the voice of the peo­ple."

Sim e my present ministry assumed of­fice, on the 15th August last, six bye- 11ertIons have taken place for the Legla- JllLve. Assembly of this province," with the result that five out of the six were favorable to the present administration, end of these five, four went by acclama­tion. And on the 5th day of January in­stant. the Legislative Assembly of this prcvtncjB met for the first time since the <!l*mihiu<l of your ptditioners. A Speaker w-jis elected without a division. On the. following day the first division occurred, the occasion being the second reading of a hill Introduced by the Attorney-Gen­eral dealing with certain election peti­tion*; Th* result of this division was that the government were sustained by a vote of nineteen to thirteen. The said bill subsequently went "through committee and passed Its third reading. Other bills. Introduced by the government, have since passed the Assembly, and yesterday, the 17th Instant, the address In reply to "the 8|ieech from the Throne was adopted without any amendment having been of- ftied and without any division taking place. Your Ezcellecy will therefore ob­serve that my ministry, who assumed re­sponsibility for my action In dismissing Mr. Turner and his colleagues, have the confidence of the Legislative Assembly of this province.

In view of the above facts. I submit, those passages of the memorial wherein controversial points are raised as to the constitutionality of my action, are, for the purposes of the memorial, clearly re-

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’il SCIENTIFIC combined medical and fl mechanical cure has been discovered * ■ for “Weakness of Men." Its succe* has been so startling that the proprietors ®°w announce that they will send it on trial—remedies and appliance—without ad­vance payment—to any honest man. If not all that is claimed—all you wish—send it hack—-that ends it—pay nothing.

This combined treatment creates health, strength, vitality, sustaining powers, and restores weak and undeveloped portions to natural functions.

There is no Ç. O. D. extortion, no dn> cention of any nature in this offer.

If you are interested and in earnest write ▼our name and address in the blank form below, cut out the coupon and mail it to Erie Medical Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.

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Eddy’s MatchesMOST






e e see, » •» •«»«• nn •«**•**n n

Manilla DripsIs a dainty table syrup of exquisite flavor Its purity is guaran­teed. Your money lack if y u do not like iu Of all g.ocers,

~ Ma ufactured by the

Imperial Syrup Co.,Powell »freet.

opp. SH|«r Refinery. Vancouver, B

74.1 per cent, were adulterated.A stroke of lightning burned the tin} ;

from the hat of I,yman Newkirk of Wor- : t ester. O’,,, tore off his coat and shirt, anjl took a strip of flesh and skin from hlj

moved from discussion by the petit loners' 1 back, but failed to Injure^ him fatally.

In the r*nk of Gibraltar there are ml!«*b of tunnels.

kith Pelt. th. TrttfK.A riMn "doesn’t have tc

soiial vharHvtvr. but never "ff.nv»-* »"ii Au.I nil your petitioners say that OO tUTt»"! with the ilisvharge of iluties of explanation n-s|HN*tlng the blank war- an official character. If, for Instance, rants was ever requested, a* it evubl tin* Livutenant-Govern»»r by some flow* j hare been |*r»mq»:l.v and satisfactorily ly «lisho'norablv conduct bring* the Urown given.into v'mtgmrijE, this and sfcuilnr of- [ Y»mr petiti»>iu*w. Juhn .Utrrbcrt Turner,fmers mtghr bt- ennw* f»»r. rerosv si, c MncEwr-n fCberts au»T Jinnif h,- sticks within tire rirrii* of hi* fyne-1 Raker "Arinriieri^SHierat - ■ qiM- Uro-■tions. tufwevcr tyrunieal hi* act* may Is*, . vin<*ial Secretary referred to), iletiy that he is not removabti* trecanse he is cover „n the 2nd <»f August. <»r at any time, ••d by ministerial responsibility. He is they or any of them informed the Lie n menaBte W The people who-can set him right if they believe him \\T»*ng and un do what he had done.")

X**ut .pkiiUuAtiat-axw. uot uumind£uL .that. culoniai governor may be sued in : the

pen tin. niKiMi liiiffffTf"m <7rdcr to commit xur-' ride. • He doesn't even need a gun or any kind of weapon. All he need do is w«>tk hard and si the name time neglect bis health. Death will

do the ,re*t. JITrn tvfl'adays are all in a hurry. They bolt their food, and get indi­gestion and torpid liver. The blood get*

‘•impure. When the btord hrtmpnre. sqnhei or later something will "smash.” The -mg*b wiH be at the weakest and- ■verworked point. In a marshy country

it will probably be malaria and cfiifl*. A -vim king man will probably have a bilious attack. A clerk or bookkeeper Will have <!, adly consumption. A bu*me*6, or. pro- firssional man, nervous prostration or exhaustion.

It isn’t hard to prevent or cure these dis­ease* if the right remedy i* l-Aen at the right time. I)r. Pierce’» Golden Medical Dlucovery makes the appetite keen, d!ge»; lion and assimilation perfect, the liver act­ive. the -blood oure and the nerves steady and strong. It drive* out sit‘disease germs. It makes rich, red blood, firm flesh, solid muscle and healthy n< rvenfiber. It dates malaria and bilious attack*. It cure* nerv ou* (frustration and exhanstion. It cures 98 per cent, of all cases of consumption, bron­chial, throat and kindred affections. ,I>r. Pierce’s Comm<m Sense Medical Adviser contains the letters of thousand* who have been cured.

• ! hs re been one- of .your eta» y patients, by taking Dr. Pierce’* medicines," writes Mrs Per- llaCook ofuo W jdtlt . Covington. Ky. ” Your ’ Favorite prescription * and * Golden Medical Discovery * have saved my life when It was de­spaired of."

Send 31 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of customs and mailing only, to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., fur a paper - covered copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, —cloth binding 50 stamp* A whole med­ical library is one iuuo-page volume.

trmtnHiormmr.Digest of petition of Turner et al.


court w tv Hi* r tîîï* rails'»" 'if Aclti'ili spring lIHUWnwfin'liHt'ifltr hi* prirnte

yttllf <raiMrtTy, 8» hgi been rtuetdeff +*r the jmliciiil cummlttct* of the Vrivy Council. iSecn Hill vs. Biggs. 3 Moon*, I*. (•'.,. 4115; Musgravt* va. 1’uli'l". 5 I'­ll.. Ap;>. Hti). Neverthriess the facts hereinafter n*ferv.l to. your petitioners

taut*mit, are pnqwrly (lie subject for roy­al commission.

Your i**titi<iners invoking Your Excel letH-y's anpervision under the 50th sec tiv 1 of _ the. British Nort h A meric a A ct, desire* to refer to certam acts oF fhe IJentenant-Governor of British Colum-

4*itt. In iWng riii* they have no wish to remove (e'un the provincial urena an> purely (KiliticaJ question arising ont "f their dismissal, and for which minis- tet* of the crown can fairly In* held re- tqsftisilde, your |s*titiouers twing w<*ll *ati*fie«l to abide l*y the wishes of the

*pe»i(de of the province of British Colum­bia oonstituthmally expressed in th»* usual "manner.

Your petitioner* nevertheless feel ri*m- pel led to draw Y rtîfvc Excellency’* atten- tion to the conduct of the Uvsitenant- (tovf*rnor of a |M*rsonnl character, in re- gani to which ordinary constitutional method* available in the province afford no adequate means for fully vindicating the personal h«Hior of y»mr petitioner*.

a* h«HMi jmpngnetl. by. t be Uea- tenant-Governor.

(Petitioners here quote T'^ld. 2nd <*di- tk»h. page* 817, 818. fix to informihg an incoming ministry of all reason* lead­ing to'dismissal "f ih«*ir pr»slv«'« ss"r*-.i

T«ir p»*tiii*.tiers charge that the Lied- tenant-Gotemor did not »>Wrve that candiMir due h,is ministry, but war* guilty of misrepresenting the reasons which Induced him to summarily aud anddeuly


..Th®i.-.?a.,»antiipn.-lh<rAJUoroey.î.nentr.ti could have the"warrant issued on

"AflrtYhcy-/ Jeneraf sitiB AnnTOey-tJcnerar ^ reeomniendntkm il til* M^naiuN

And your petitioner, David MacEwen Eberts (the Attorney-General referred to) denies that In reading the section of the act he intimated to the Lieutenant-Gov­ernor so monstrous a proposition. (Peti­tions here quote the section).

Your petitioners Indignantli^epudlate the dishonorable Insinuations contained Ip the paragraph above quoted.

___ The public press In British Columbiafrom such a statement very properly In­ter that for the dishonorable conduct suggested In this paragraph your peti­tioners were dismissed from office; where­as as your petitioners have shown, no stich reason was given or insinuated either when they were requested to re­sign t>r when Mr. Beaven or Mr- Semlin were Invited to form a cabinet.

Your petitioners therefore humbly prav that your Excellency may he pleased to

statement, and are therefore Irrelevant end call for no reply.

11.Your Excellency will observe that your

petitioners confine thelg complaint to:“The conduct of the Lieutenant-Gover-

ner of-a personal character, in regard to which ordinary constitutional methods available in the province afford no ade­quate means for fully vldlcatlng the per­sonal honor of your petitioners, which has l»e*e impugned by the 1 .laiiinnani. Governor.” (Memorial, p. 1)

Your petitioners Iheretrpon quote two passages from Todil's Parliamentary Practice In the British Colonies, the first Irrelevant for the purposes of the tnem- ortnt, because bearing only on the con­stitutional aspect of the dismissal, the second equally Irrelevant, but which I hefe "quore as" Tt'ïï bYSfr»of the ■ptoffw whtek fnkow:



I was eeriously afflicted with ir cough fur fltffri years, and last fall " had' a mon* wvere cough than ever .licfore. 1 have used luatiy reeuetliew without re­ceiving much relief, and Isdug reciun- mended to try a bottle of Chamberlaiu's (lough lLmu*»ly. by a friend, who, know­ing ma to In* a poor widow, gave it to m<\ I trie»l it. and with th»» miwt grati­fying result*. The first bottle relieved

"v much and 1I1.* *e*-*Hid IhsiW- bs* ’ ’ ab*c!ut«*iy rurt-d me. 1 have hot had as ] , rond trntitti for twenty y*eu». Respeetr ; x , fully. Mr*. Mary A. Beard. (Inremote 1 1 Ark. Sold by H«»iulenem Bros., whol»*- aah> agents, Victoria and Vancouver.

TonSgSitIf your liver is oat of order, cnaahif Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart­burn, or Constipation, take a doee of

Hood's PillsOn retiring, and tomorrow your di­gestive organa will be regulated and ▼on wiU be bright, active and ready for any kin4 of work. This haa been the experience of others; it will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS aro ■old by all medicine dealers. * els.

t’puil H Ilium* OfHal that the-g*mti*m«n whtv vney be-in­vited by the Governor to. form a new ad­ministration shall unreservedly be In- 'l by him of |M . Irvumstances whhh led to the resignation or dismissal of their predecessors In office, and that they shall he willing to accept the en­tire responsibility to the local parliament for any act of the Governor which have toon Instrumental in occasioning the resignation of. or aff«>ctlng the dismissal of the outgoing ministry. For It Is an undoubted principle of English law that no prerogative of the crown can be con­stitutionally exercised unless some min­ister of state Is ready to assume the re­sponsibility for the same."

On this your petitioners base thetr^flrst charge as follows:

1 "Your petitioners charge that the Lteu- 1 tenant-Governor did not observe that candour due to his ministry, but was guilty of ‘ misrepresenting the reasons which Induced him to summarily , and

illy request the resignation of jreur ! petitlonen." (Memorial, p. t)

My reply to this charge Is:I 1st. This charge. If true, could be mad,

only by my ministry, and not by your petitioners.

2nd. It la not true, for I did unreserved- , Jly Inform the gentlemen invited to form V hew «fdmtnletration bf tke ctrcum^ stances which led to the dismissal of their predecessors In office," detailing them aes they are detailed In the letter of the 15th August last to Mr. Turner, ap­pended to the memorial, and the gentle­men so Invited to form • new adminis­tration were “WtlUng to. accept the en-




S uoe fin tend eat.

Mined byWhiteLabor.

Best PrnltctlM hlan< Nat Coni $4.25

CURERfek Headache and relieve all tho trouble* tod fient to a bilious eUt# of the system, such at Dlxstneea, Nausea, Drmnrtneee. Dletreee sflW sating. Psiu la the Side. Ae. While their mod fierkvMt auccee* haa Wa shows ineuxuw

SICK,et Carter’s Little Liver me «%

equally valuable in Constipation, curing aud paw Venting this annoying complaint whi le they ate*eoereclall disorders oftheatumarh.sUiT'nUte theNver and regulateXhe bowsU. Krentiumyrntif

~ HEADïï?Jjïît£i£ra^«Sdtiw mu. pun ~h.


ACHEae.lwrfiemuyewLlMtlw.I.'^ig nnu.o.rputlu.1. Oir plIUc----------

Per ton. delivered.Good fuel for cfook eg stoves

«est fratetUea ) It ff C? A****** Id.dl) : :

Per tooi delivered


Sole Agents for Victoria for the New WeUin„too Cut iertes. --------

Telephone Call No. 647.Wliari, Store St iSprsti i Wharf.)


Furniture removed anil packed fur shipment.

Works over Lon\*re Saloon, 0 John­son street.

Postal orders promptly attended to.GEOPQE EDMOND».


(Continued ei page 8).

Car tor's Little Liver Ptflear* way wesll end ymjetS toUka.One er two ntoe msh* a *~e>57/Seetrletly vegetable snldeBetgriye ^e■«PN hel by tiwlr gesUe action plesee di who wriksa U rialsetSSeenU. fiveforM. WkfMeffih‘1 i~*—-------

OUtTU NEMCWt Ca, N«r Y«N. '

bin Suite. 1st ton

in f enCot Blanchard


„ plumberHum andVa sr Fitter

REMOVAL.The Ran Francis»*» Baths remove an M»»n-

ilay from Government street tn No. * Tvounce avenu»*. Mr. Geiger, while thank

1 ing his friends for their pant patronage. L would be plessetl t«> hsv** them transfer It te bls. g^rvtior at the ntw etaud.


TIE MSWSUl COnESNlKICE^Continued from pare 1>

tire reaponatblllty to the bx-at parlia­ment." for my ac-tfon which waa "Inatru- na.1.1 Jn sgetllnr the dlamlaaal of the

David UcEain EU-rta, of. the jmkl city ’ ahore and by ihe eald eoreeapohdence, that of Victoria. Hut it is not the petition of there was the Interview on the 2nd the eajd James Ha her, inasmuch as he August ; that your petitioners had prwvt,ma­ll its not signed it, and so he is mipro(ier- ly endeavored to obtain my signature to a ly made, a party to It. without any air special warrant for »I5.«SI to be ripended parent authority from himsetf. and in In JBaaalar district, prior to the'ejections this rosiest is lit no different position Ihtre; that the subject inntter of the said from Mr tioorge B. Marti*, alao a nolo- ' Interview .with the Issuance of the said 1er of my lath ministry, who has neither! special warrant; that at the interview l signed uorTmmïrnrniê'VrehT.Tflît, Aml—ngaltt refoaed to wnrruat; anathe su'd C harles Edward Dooley is no that the Attorney-tleneral. Mr fcbe.laproper party to the Memorial, inasmuch ns he is in no port of thv *ui<l com*- ■ pcndcnce, u|Kin which thi* charge Is | Imsvtl, mentioned or inferred to, nor was j he pr«*s«*ut at any of the interview* men­tioned in the maid cor reepoudeti«% and eo camuit possibly be, within tin* pnr- \ vU-w of the 094» von, vrn Bgwhose eon«lu«»t and character 1 bave made and published false statements.

■ it. Such charges as arc contained in thv said correspondence are there made officially to your petitioner. Mr. Tuner, respecting the official conduct of hinuadf

outgoing ministry;'* and I did observethat candour due my ministry, and was not gullty or misrepresenting the reasons which Induced me to "summarily and rudienly request the resignation of your petitioners," and not only to my ministry, but to the gentlemen who first undertook the formation of a ministry after the dis­missal of your petitioners. In proof of this l here quote from an Interview with Mr. Robert Heaven, published In the Victoria Times of the 15th August last;

"Asked this morning If he could tell the public the circumstances leading up to his undertaking the task of forming an ad­ministration the Hon. Robert Beaven re­plied at follows: .

.. .Yes I can A week ago I received An« Mrtl,ï <wre*pondet*v was subs»- the following letter from HI. Honor .hi *>« ‘»e «.Iviee of MJ pmwmlI.leutmaht-Oovcroor. (Here follow, the “ oie< i"llT published. Th » Ile,ter of the .th Augu.t last from myrolt ,in ,M- ra"'to Mr Beaven. appended to the mem- into nwhiet of the U.ait.mant t.i.vm, ‘rial I I at once made ... appointment ” “ * r-wwmal ch.nieter nor wu4 , u,. unIlft, „n,i did «<>••• t"ls *u an> »«"• « iH-rsoiml publicationH remap r^i h" '," act on which re- £ « tim .WgH WW aUltim-nla

srirrrK ZZ-Jjattpsedlately WBne* Jf*th T*" lng ,hv -'-I character .ITrmL

■tfvlciî and conduct brought «bo*L * ; " pettUntirn, nrv « .-.ritined lf af ferent condition of affairs. an*J*hatletter of the 15th August last from my delay which must have t self to Mr. Turner, nfa-mb-l to the mrmorcalling a session might result ln g™ ) X«w I subu.R to Ytror Kxceiïëtoï-ÿ that Injury This feature of the case 1» on* u<1wbere in this letter la there a or state- upon which the press and general pu i m,.nf ••|ni|HiriI|IIg the p*r*.»mil honor" Of ere entirely In the dark. 1 under**a” , ! your petitioners, or concerning their per that It Is considered contrary to j aenal conduct or rhani<*t.-r. Although it


th'en read me a section of the He venue Act, containing the following:

“If, upon any application for a warrant, the auditor has reported that there la a* parliamentary authority for issuing It, then ui-oh the wr'tten opinion of the Attorney- General that there la such authority, siting It, the warrant may be tuned, snd shall be sufficient authority to the auditor to au- tborlae the payment out of the treasury to the amount so ordered to be expended *

Mr. Ebert* denies that In reading the mn-tlon of the act--he Intimated »•* ths Leutenant-Govcrnor so me nstrous a propo •itIon. Hut why did.Mr. Eberts read me

Troops ForAlaska

Bent From Fort Sheridan.

Hvw General Anderton "Drove Out' the Mounted


..Hi ttm .■iJl.a.giHw therein nicntlomal. ! ÙVÜmu t, ",IM. at that---------—-----..terriew, ...I uinter .hi- clr,..m...«c«

stated? And 1 would further point out to y, ur excellency that to one not learned m law. and not moiled lug certain -celions of the institution Act of th's proxlnce, such a section very readily Conveys the meaning prima fade, that the Attorv.ry- Oeneral has a power over the treasury hi certain cases, and that bis written* m«y be suffi, lent authority for the Iseua ice uf a warrant* and "shall be sulfi •••

K’JIU rJH tl

nh„;.;^.^t«...tmr1m. ri.4 P^ | M Amtirwin i. lut

° f'.m » nillltarr !.. theAnd ao I ivtoderat4hm1 Sfr FJT»*UA'

alruvttuD uf the Mill ' "ur-ttouersl.say ;. _ M_______ I <

and"dîôve out of the territory the Do

! Jurladlctlon of the United States at thedate of this.-treaty shall remain' wfthlr the territory and Jurisdiction of the Untied Slates."

The commissioners regret that they are i.twolutely unable to accept the suggested i.iidltlcitt'oii to tbelr firoposltfoft. to'cansc ibe ..suggested American tribunal dhf not

--------------- provide a tribunal wlUch would necessarily—---- -----------------------M-v-r—i-------nr—*— th lb* IHtasltrte event uf difference*. ut op!n-A Company of Infantry To Be rou nu.ii, .yap.*,. „r m. qiu..noa a„j be-

cause the amendment rv spurting * he •‘«laat" waa a marked ami Important de­parture from the ruh-s of tin* Vvm-xnelun boumlary reference, which left all such queal'on* to be determlued by the trlbuna!; liera use the words added by the United Htate* • laim that effect should be givu to their occupation of land In Rrltish ter­ritory, which Just tee, reason and the equi­ties of the ease do not require.

The Americans enquired whether the British eomm'sslouerx had comddered the quest Urn of selecting an umpire from the American continent. The ltiltlah m**nihers replied In the affirmative, adding that they thought It most ohje«-tionabk* In vlt‘w of the policy long ina'ntalned and recently re nserried by th" government of th* United States towards other nations on said continent. The «electIon of au umpire by any. such nation would not offer a guar antee of Impartiality which waa the first (jiiatitle itlou requisite.'The Americana then proposed to |ir.we31

to settle the remalq'ng subjects as tiler tin.ugh- It would he un wise to defer ad­justments so nearly concluded. The Itrit ish ntmiulsslonvrs rep'b;d lhat all qui étions should be deferred until the boundary was disposed of, either t>y nfreiaent or by r» foretime to arMtfatloii, becauat» the manner I» whb-b they were prepared to adjust

l-ndw directions from the war depurt- meut Brig.-Uvn. T. M. Anders*m, coui- manding the «lei>artmeiit of the lakes, has ordensi coin pa nj E, 7 th United States iufautry, to Alaska, says the Chi­cago Record of May IKrth. The company is, stationed ut Fort Hhethlan. Capt. C. S. Farnsworth Is in COBtuund. The sol­diers are to do garrison duty ««» phice of a company of the 14th infantry, which htrv tweti withdrawn and wnt to Manila. Company K will leave for^San Francisco prohnldy to-night, from which place “ will be trun»|Miite«l by water * °*way or Dyeu.


■I ................. of the Alaska boandiu y ques-lloir He is the Ànui'lcan army officer

j who, says the Record, ahemt a year ag«n'^'«nfiSRiSï») j «.mrirmimnr »ity ■»



nothing will do this like Wilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills.

After such serious diseases as Typhoid Fever, Scarlet Fever, Pneu­monia, Diphtheria, La Grippe, etc., the Heart and nerves are left in an extremely weakened condition, and the blood is thin and watery.

Getting back health and strength again seenis slow work.

At this time there is noth­ing that wîïl help a convales­cent to health like Milburn’s . Heart and Nerve Pills.

They impart vitality to the heart and nerves, enrich the blood and invigorate thewhetlc system. Since the recent epidemic tof Grippe, thou­sands dt people have not re­gained their strength—don't feel their old self A few boxes of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will banish all the evil after effects of this disease and rapidly resto-e

health and animation. Mr. T. Barnicott, ivith Messrs. Hutchinson &hm » ioe> Here prepert-ti io itijum r-ftîher hunort.nt ,Thompson, Aylfficr, Ont., made the following statement

----------------------- .oil. L*<•ns, <°“duet or rharaeter. Althoughetiquette to make known the full qetaua notor|OU8 thal nmmber* ofat the present time. 1 can say thlu much, that In one Instance alone. ha<l the IJcutenant-Oovernor accepted Mr. At tomey-Oenctal Eberts's advice, and constru- tlbn of the Revenue Act. as ex­plained to me by Hts Honor, an Import­ant check which the Constitution Act places on the payment oUnpney out of the treasury would be a dead letter, anl the power of the members of the gov­ernment of the day over the money In two treasury would be prartlcally unllmlt- ed. This Is a power whivW the best of

late min stry, your petitioners, were at­tacked In the press of Canada and Great Jititalu for the allvg«*<i use of their olflvialIKMltton* In flirt barn ii,r privât, .mw- -^ ^ lB r,.M„,n.r fiIT***1* "r » "P« ul.tlw ebarartrr. nniih- "F0" V, * l„t. lliv abt*«!.. ui, tntervJ.a . b,d . Irb ........... „„r iSli V. btm h,

"Xo •“»------- . . ,.»*« wH-oibo I nilnlot I I»llw that h»d mwlwemlf *hr" ' thm., it ,UP|—,1. for .1.0 piirpnw*TM?k ao” I no-, a, fair, will ) of Inking ,„».e..lnn of ralliai, I. lan.l.

olmrrxo b, I hr above enotod lirrrvirw with belonging to the Lifted State».Mr. Brawn. p«bH«b«x> In >•« Vlrt.vrH | n„„. of A,« 15th tost. i

that a week prior to this.

upon whether It wuuM )*v post hie to arrive at • a settlement of all question* which might at any Mme occasion a«'Ht» contro­versy and even conflict.

The he ties In the controversy were the subject of diacnaaion by the general at Hie oftef ;n the Pullman bulldiur jrtt-


llerlln, June 3 —The new* that the |<eace > nference had renlly taken up the sub-

tcrd.ny afternoon. He drew rmphatie jevt <»f Internationa* arbitration eiime a* a

in official vorre#p<iadence. nor otherwise, <Md I advert* to tf; or make vv^eruiug this; nor coacerolng the fact that one of the members of my late niln istrjr. one of your petitioner*, acted as legal counsel lo » .railway corporation in This province In salts adverse to the |

rtnrr wo!HJ pnr., * «tb'lHh chill

the a negation of malice

conclusions of tint dutiow of the United State* In the premise* to thwart w li«t he eoMsl.h red an attempt »di tin* imrt of'

wishing to publish charge* iQty \\ |md ciivHetl f..r ytwrs in ordcr to „ „„ ut. mlttl.irr. own of «a grt -ontml of TsIuntJw Paoiflo port, inolttolnl H-raot-r. .bat ' . î.™ '1o-rTtng 'n „m,-l«l wrwrii.anli'1." lh- i. ..lui. I bad iigiilino thMo. «Itboagb tb'f ,1 ...MW, Id ioj-rxloa. V.

and. a* d...«n h, tbo pa-.H.In 1 Beetle. i b-r bed lon-n►ratemctit vf Mr.

governments to my mind should not pos- «.rcuieiit of which he was _ ____ „*.ess. and which the Constitutional Act j foitrvrn ng any other pha*«‘ of the e«.nduvt expressly prohibits. It was very evident „r character of your petitioners ef a per U*ut the rehvtlpns between- the Lleut'en- M>nal nature. Hut I admit that my said ont-Governor and the Turner administra- : letter <*f the 15th August lust d«* * «ontaln lion were of a character that could not statements reflecting <>n the official com |»e continued. The circumstances connect- duct of Mr. Turner ami Mr. Eberts. Your*d with the ministerial action and advice excellency will .dwerve *•“* -- —*------- oieuiosed by the correspondence, and commuul.aIlona with Mr

fitted by Hts Honor to me, bought' the said letter «»f the 15th August, nuk<« concerned to coneider that prompt action wa* nv nientUn of complaints on my part a* tram** of s

M|kl. and that It b«.ro, a duty to lb, olBi l.l madaet of b mwlf aud ml |„g,dl.""n»-n.l.hT, „|u|progn*»». a<k nr for |k|. rwUuall,..

Qcnrntl AmleraonV dekerFpIbq . f hi* work of last yivar to the llevor'l nyorfccr is lift It* short »*f knmoren* to .those who n uivusUt the Soapy Smith sJîl«Min clos­ing raids which set wed ta» I*** thv whole

-■? . (0 M.Rrieme» waderuakUig thv ffC • dulv ^f lioaoral Amlvm>u"s lucu.n îi'„ ,t i ii,« «drolal.triritee. But 'bo Tho fiom-r.l «y. in tho mu,-* of

”, * Taraor', lotto. In m, of tho •------L-■ ■'If- K'crla. Your latuw of M, I»'"" m,.murtal thobaf -uy .rit ion Wh Augmit, gppondod ro tboboamriaTurn. ,, prior t ‘. l,i.ln „,.loi,. Ihorol, oanl.-d »•* h A turn»!, muk. ,on,o„„»l In 4« '"I rigor .»

eanantlal, and _—. „v-<»r if ibOHsUile to assist In averting leagues, but Mr. Turner s letter to me In

. . — ,__ I.ii.ol 'Vlth liiifiial 1 1.1 Bn.Ia « rlsls in provincial affairs.But If. by the above charge, your peti­

tioners mean that l did not observe can­dour due to them, and that 1 wa* gu» yof misrepresenting to them the *** which lhdu«c*i me t<> "summarily and

his cab'net. tbit, for that pirp-*e were still In

i ’wtter reC*»nshier___ .»r

teply, ,late<l the 28th August last, and the letter »»k ng ,,,r '**' ' j çy^ider- appeaded to the nBcmortsI, clearly shews hi mac If aud to‘ tavseif butthat every plisse of tbelr official conduct. «1, no alternative, „f theut whl. h complaint 1» made In mjLTetter : t»» give-a. «h*ta»H|'i " ' thl, ...mhic? of of Angnst 15th. was .lUoussed at fltjhial n>uipliln,M l h*‘ 1 ee|imlt to yourInterviews us. cither alone or \u y.,ar (hat tbv nv.,0.>rtnl e»n-

.•hnrg. . H“i -pie* It cite..utdanlT- rmiuml lh,l, r».lgngtlnn then, ranjuurlloa wllh ». m, of I,', mllwgifr.,... I aubmlt that a Lteutenant-OoT.r- villi th. v .pilot, af tho in. I hr of tbr .ufl.-l.

lK>r J undo, no coMUuilonal obligation bla.ik ». .ad In I wo r.w. only I. , '•<■>»'» "P,P^ro.n„ „f » rural ,■«1 . „,t or anv of his reasons for a Here any *eh*tsHtlal vanatlon as to the warrant th lirtltlou-dl'arolLai to -n outdoing mrolrory. bu. of ,b. I.IrrxH... . b.„ .,uo„ ........... « •« *‘k"’ ^dl.rol.mal to an .................... .wl lb, ar.|.«y;__________________ i t|, r «cliriof.

"Hurlng several Interviews with you I * 1informed y«*u that wh’U- I had every re- epert for yonnh'if per*uully, I hnd iMèle ' or no confident e in s.»me of y >ur c dle.igu >*. an*! thl*. together with the verdict of the ' cJectorate on the Pth July last made v {

•serrrally -accept

oiriy b» an Incoming mlnUtry P^P»^;If callul upon, to .late and defend .rob reason. In Parliament. ^

a Thv dUTerento between yonr^peli t louer» and uijmdr in regard putiuii. imrlial.ront.ry rotpro rt rognlng of

t-âr.aaUr“di«^rand i-™»» »f | I. P—tM, f. , me

* reataiun. the recommendations of the cxt**iMve conawcr.* all diacneeed

eb«d le ut servantsI4EI TENANT GOVERN^»


-warrant* ohAtt« m«T-<;vu,'rtil'


^ «IbelX and.' tliaeuimed" unr.o. rvvdly “ roy Part, at interview, mentioned .,,my huer ot the I5th Auguat last to Mr Tmcbct. to the Memorial,Turner, awvu<lei »— -—■ __ . ithe matter of the blank warrant» > I ierv>„ beroor1 did not nvnieet an interrW » ' yuur petitioner., but eut tbiroi out from thebe with which they were oui I" m». 1 awaited an i'»imry_Xo imiuiry, however, waa made *»« petitioner. »«, that had I r^u«*ed .h explanation re.|a*tiw the blankwar rani, “it ..void have been prumetiy aati.factorily given.". Mr Turner m bn. letter to Itte of the -ihth August, aj IH-mlol to the Memorial, sugg.-sts ratbvr than gives the cxplnnatioh as

clL”Lt, Governor to Mr. Tamer, Aogust l.*»*tu

IMPS.Your h..n«»r- may have cutcrtAincd a

thought of that kind, but during all my in-varefer!/ cou-

eealeil the fart. Upon one wrest »n your honor did say that one or two of n\y <*ol- Icagues were not impular, I» it certainly never did your honor stale that yon had" a not c-inflde»ce In them. Your honor states I that this, coupled with the vote f the 9th July, made It ImiMunrlhle for yon to un­reservedly accept the. iwwomemlafions of the exc'-utlve council. For the first time I have learned, and .-from a n-pn*wntatlve of the crown, that a sounfl suffi» lent rea­son for the cx'stenc** of * Ihek of <âintl«lence

l*oesiWy you not made y mi non ( t,y a representative >4 the crown Inaniuaintwl .with the mnnncr of lrroced- executive cruaell may lie that some of Itore with rvspfct to whitt yon t.-rm war- .................... .... '*"'*lU-r ’rant«<; they nre rcqHisitioiia. and the sjs- tvm i* such that if by «hume, among a large" nuuilM*r of sheet*, a nlauk one got J fn. it rtjuhl 1m- of no nee.

I am ready to tnk« this explanation that it was a matter of accident, only j observing that it was wven, and pot mu*. itt by -iltmee, tliai thaivseven Wff9 huWTtfid in•fid in no reapcttl differed fruau the j cxceltcncy that to tame a royal comother slu*Ns. qxccpt that the 111 mu*i..u to Inonlre into the Intrinsic profilling in ani'irtnts wCfi- WlinK III view ,7nj,,iliy of that dtsrnsslon having tunip»!of concurrvat circumatuu<vs, and m*t i n .mv want of conflilenvc In. or on theknowing that it was u mistake. 1 pre- popularity of, one or two of Mr. Tamer’sfvrred to aw ait an Inquiry, or exidann- i (.0neflKQe8< WOuld be futile. The o^her case tion, rather than t*> suggest au improper j fif 0,Hl(p,.(|n(r 6tatementa la the only serious ,

meiubera are" not popular,Mr. Turner to Lt. Governor, August 26ih, i

IMUM. .Even these statement* agree in this, that

there was} at an rtfilal Interview with my : j chief adviser, a discussion re«|»ectlng "one j ! or two” of h's colleague*. 1 reaffirm that

It wo»' concerning the conflilence I felt In j • » t*. i them, ilmt to as adrtacra, and not jllID rent 1 |,li; their popatortty Hut I submit ?• -

Ntcelas II. has Uls .toy's work a;mil* régulât«*1. He rise* »t H o'clock. and at U drinks teg with the Empress. At half-past V he retires to bis cabinet, where lu» spends an hour lu reading the Russian end f'.n gn ucwspajier*. The two foreign papers, which be never falle to examln.*, are the Part* Figaro and the I*»nd.»o Time*. - At half past ten hr takes a sharp j walk in t In* p*4k ur garden of the pala»v J In which he Is residing At eleven begins the serious buwlneiw of the day. Htate affairs are ao arranged that the chiefs <*f

wo department* are received every day.Today the M'nlster »»f Foreign Affairs

and the Minister of Justice, to-morrow th - Minister of War ami the Minister »d the Interior. After attemUng tft tbelr rep«»rts the hour for reo*ptlt»na has arrived. Eve-i for the highest |»er*<»uage* It Is adifflcnlt matter to have an Interview w'th the Osar. Every minute of his time i* carefully eal- «•nlated, amt even tira ml I>uk«*« who ar • aditflied to Ids prvsem-e ar»- t»»l»l l.ef»»re they enter the length of time which they are not to exceed. One day In every weeh is devoted to military reports. At half past one the <’sar has luncheon with the Empress, a meal to which It Is usual to Invite any distinguished etranger* visiting Ht. Petersburg.

If the weather allows, the Emperor and Rmpres* drive-et* After luncheon ami make » call at wne of the iiwelgn <-mto.sto. s or

I f»ukcs After their

lolertlew: “When I r«nchial the «li*|mt- •»! tiTritorv with United Slalni IriMpa 1 found that the Dominhin p«li«c had tak- eh posscsHiou of Skagway aud entahlish- v»l a military -o®ce there Mnfw Illus­trating the lMiun»lnry l*»tw«sn Alaska

the Ynk» n district a* fixe«l by the I>»»niini«»n government had Uni tircalnt- e»l hroadcn*>t. Ten «lay* later a fnU-com l»any of uniforme»! I>»miini«m police came up to strengtlu-n tin- iidrnnlnge already gained af Skngway I»y taking pomww?«Ni <>f Dye«. hut in the mcantlme I had cw- tnhlTshcd two garriwm* lit Wcngway. two iu Dyea. and one at Hay ne* Mission, which la the heginning of thp Dawson trail.

"Tha gave me the a«lynntscv »>f p»s- s« a*i«»n. and when the Dominion police finally, appeared Lmdifiwl thv oflwW m command that he xrottld hare to take hi** nvn arrow tho h»ir«ler Immediately7 that my" direction* were to rtd American territ»»ry of I'nnadinn pollee. W, 11. th.- I«oiier retinal find w »■ h.-rground wec since "---- ——h- ——-

E MIM WESTHIlDetg’l, el ike Pm«4l.ti S IW Jelet Ml«k

C*b-I«:, i • J,* Mm Aetrkggs

«■>«< Brill»* Proposals.

I visit one of the Grand■ni».,..» m ln.|iilr. Into tiro pro- I ,thii r,.,.rir„ . UmIH-i nam

her »*f Indl«-S to tea. the Gxaf Wtrew tw Ida room aud works alone. He Is alone,

rh. ... ». r ro.<. with hi. priv.i. „. r»l»rlM. fruro f.ror i'll____________ _ , ______________________ be util, .erluiM ! »'««• rrortl.i* th» prtvit» ropnri.

BiKivv nuking for au Intiwlvw iu re- d „ *lh, „nlr mprtilng «bl-b , ',*7 lin'1 TÙ.’rborT' ".rli of

.... “form—1 m. "**' ln 'fT) *Lr !lfj“ I *Tb« |. tiro tluro Uurl'g whl.b Stw»*« H

p.Mibm-rfW .̂.....I»l*b.

the Inip*'rial family dines. Hoim*t nice.

Taoadon, J11 u«- 3. — Iietulls of the prm-ed- ings of the J»»int high ••oHMiilsti..» at Wash legten in February r. toting le the IJritisli proposals for arbitration on the Alaskan boundary que-st'o* are given In a purlla » mentary pw|H-r lssue.1 tonight. t The British eommtwwlem-r*. ft says, pro- |H>**-.| the luinuailate appoint men* »»f an arbitral tribunal ,|.f. 1 tW bntWd

ary lietneen Alaak.i and <'ana»la from the seYitberniuost point »»f Prince of Wales ■•hind to Mount Ht. Ella*, tu ae»a»r.|«u« e slth the AngheRusa'an treaty ».f Fehroary Jtk 1M®, the tribunal to euuafot of thr*» Jurists—one nominate»! by the Prtv> G.-uu- ' ell. one by ITesta» nt M»'Kinley, aud the third to be selected by the two nominees. The rules goverulag ^lie arbitrators w«-re

clufrgeLTin- I"iug». Blé tv Um . which i* '*■ follow»;

•'Your pidltloncra charge that the L'n»ul«-mtut-*lovvrnor made and 1 uhlish-

—wt .faW ..tuteimai[s, r*aqMx.,liu-:di.ct and character of y»»ur iwtiti.incra.”

In support »*f this Your Kx.elU n. y t* Referred to the cofrespondencv apix-udi-d t,, the Memorial, .wWch !•* tbn cofres-

"ponditve f.irwanled with my r*|»ort to Your Excellency »>f the tilth Angu-*t last, and published in the otficiwl tl.izrtte of this province of the 20th August last, together with au, adJitmiuii letter ail- llRto» Turner to myself also dated the 20th August last.

In answer to this charge I submit :1. It is too vague to be definitely an

awe red. dtul it is too vague ‘‘t«i draw Y«mr Excellency’s attention to the ron­do» t of' the LU-iiteni’ll-dovemor- of a person 11‘l character.” In siwh a serious matter a* invoking Yonr Excetirticy** anpervtsion in r^xrard to conduct of mine of. a |H*rs»jiuil character I submit that the Memorial shotrf.I hn'vh d.dlnifely and nneqnivocally stattsl what the fal**- statements were which" it i* albqee»! that 1 made and published «-oftcerulng the conduct and character nf your petition­ers. as well m when and where they were made ami published. I shall deal with this -charge h.-w.-V» r. ha definitely m iis v.igutuu-ss will jxHrmit.

2. Thia <4iarge i* In n peti­tion purporting to 1'» tie- petit.T»»hn Herbert Turner, of the <dtv of Victorl'», etc . James Bilker, of Cran- brook, etc., Charlè* Edward Pdoley^and

Referring to thl* your petitioners, after quoting that part <4 toy sal«l letter of tho 15th August dealing therewith, say, at the » .»*«•. of th»* tm-toorial:

“Y*»»ur petitioners charge that the latter statement I* mall» lously false. Your petl- tloners. John HcrbeH Turner. David Mac- Kvrsn Elierts and James Baker (the At- toruey Gem-rat arid Provincial Secretary' re­fer re-1 to), deny that bn the 2nd August, or nt any time they, or nnjr of them. In­formed th<* Lieutenant-Governor

hen tired, the <>ear dines atone with hla r»>ns4>rt. but usually he .lines In the tore» ball of the Winter Palace, where .-mer* are told fur forty |*rs«in*. After dinner the Gsar vet 1res- to - hi*, uw u apartmen I*, aud pn»*p* the vvc.lng with the Empress vntII eleven.

From eleven to twelve he works In h a estouVt. Ula adjutant awaits him here

tic. " fail with the latest r» |H.rt* from the pr. f. - t

4t»g Id* sanction tlic Attorney General c»»ul»l | have the warrant Issued on the Attorney- General's rectguiiwudatton without hi* alg i pture And your petitioner, David Mac- ’ Exvcn EWrts (the Attorney-General "re­ferred fob d.'nl.-s that in r.-adlng the sec tltfiii »»f the act lie Intimated to the Idea tenant-Governor *0 nvmstr.Hi* n propoel lVn. . . . Yonr i»eGtlonera Indignantly

,4 Ht. Peti-rsbiirg and from the various Min stem.—Le sure Hour.


Of tiro ample .re !' tfll.lfl wllb ». an. form „f 'humor, .ml I hi.dlNCSHee. The reason why Hood s 8areap- erllla rules when all others _fall *4 In the fo.t Ih.t It effeti«all»expel. tb* humor. «< mful». mill rheum. !*>»» ernptbms nre jieMunnently cured by this

as followsA - Adv»»rae h.dding or pres<‘riptl;»n «luring

a period of 50 years shall make goo»| the B4K. The arbitrators ntojf regard ea­rl naive pothlcal eontrnt of the tltotrict. as well as settlement thereof, MiifllcUqit to cof.stltule adverse holding, or make pre­ss r 11 » 11 \ »■ till»-.

I' The arbitrator* mar WtBgGkl »n I give effect to th»* right of clalirs n*s lug »»n any other grouml ta lid ac«»,-d hg to luternarional law or principles of Interna ] 1 tonal tow that the arbitrator* mar deem

contravention-wf ruto A:U—In determining the lmnn-lary,

Territory' of imw pxrty HhiriT be found' by the tribunal to have b •«•ff »*"«>»*»

ronty”Tn occupstlou of the subjee’s j

gnat mu-pr se to many. TbeKrents Krillnug. often th* reflector of the v"ew* of the army 11 ml nppér rirrlea,. ackiiowb»»lge<l that Hlr I

had litoyed a iHaaas I game «in M. De Htnal. an«l then d.‘<-laro1 \ that the Ides of arbitral ton of *wh a 1 sweeping nature as Great Britain pro|* er-d I Wits cut «-mi hi»- n nd out of the quest tor a > far ns Germany was ropccriicd, as It would »i| en the door to constant fr rolgn Interfer­ence In the International affairs of n'it’«»n«. The paper also doubts the errretnew- of the . v ersii n ma king >L. 1 *e fitaal accept th»» British pr»qw>ral a* »t c»»n*'«1ers It woUl.1 t*e going too fur lk»y«»n«1 the I net r.le­ttons. It also remind* Russia of her Poland am! Finland, snd Great Britain h»-r Ivjsh qtiwtlen, and expr»***»* heîlef that neither f ower Is willing to a.-eept *n |»ra»-tl«e .Si’-tch a «ourse a* Hlr Julian Pauheefote ha* out line»l. It is twllevxl thl* art Id* reflects th»; »ffilul»-u of the government.


Fortune-telling ami divination ar»» eyerv , where ut jnune In Afrf«-n* they are carrlc I •ui In the Eastern1 (toadsn by a man'pula tion of sand olhsrber-rsmlel. Thl* Is th»* art »*f reading the «jet-rel* of tie futur»- ami predicting distant events from signs nn»l lin|iros*lons i:is«1«* with" The finger»- at hsphssur.1 <>u 1«m**«* sa ml. In Ko-.l» f*u and Darfur n<d»ody will stsrt on s long

- jwarney or undcrtal»5- anymfitter of tin ‘ lortanre without first cormrttlng the h»csl MiUidoracle upon. th«‘ result of hi* en*»-r-^ pr'se.

An Arab friend of mine, who had travel- », »1 long In the Da'rfnr, ttffd me the fallow- : ! lag Interesting IncMmt referring to th»» 1 urt of rew» II ng in the sa ml, It hud com-»

i to the ears of the Turkish gi vernor of a j province that an »dl man in «he nelgl bor

hood was astioilsblng everybody by the. tl- L H«• I ness <4 his dtoinotlon* The r«>v«*rnor j Ullarrl this man to be bnmght to f»»ie i

! him, as he wished to submit him to 1 test. | As soon ss hi* messenger hsd g«»ae. he bad two hare* placed by I he- side » f him j

' ni.d«»r s "tabaga” la large basket like over ,1 aide ».f differently c«dore»l r»«e t* an I n*«* 1 , for covering f»w»ll.

The messenger, how» ver. dl«l not find j the obi man at h«»uie. Ill* nephew, who, !I Hit a boy. waa already well known f«»r h's

Î cleverness In the mysterious craft, off .Ted j to gu to the govmor Iu bis umle'» place, ■ and retarmsl with th. in»»***»nger

I The governor looked at Him with «Ils- In Hexing eyes ami said. "My son. if >'ml J can r«*ad swr.'ls In the sand, tell, no* what i Is umler this tatwga." V»

The youth *h*H*k up tho saud which he | bad bronght with him 'u a corner »>f hi* : g«wn. lie sut hlm«»lf on the grntind. j nisde his manipulât Ions and sign*, a ml re- | piled, after short meditation, "There, nul »r , the tales gw. I* wool like the wool of n-w y l*»»rn « smels, then» are also ears ’Ik»* those of donkeys; If my uncle were hcr.» he would say that there are hare* underneath t.hgt ewver-."—Korl ltorgh-iff. In tin» 1 all

■Mall tiwsrtle. „ ..

“ About a yt»ar ago I was quite sack with La Grippe, which left, .m/, eygtgati ...exhausted condition.

“I could not regain strength and was very nervous and sleepless at night, get­ting up in the morning as tired and unn-treshed as when I went to bed. 1 was very listless, had no energy, and was altogether in a miserable state of health.

“ Milburn * Heart and Nerve Pi Us L which I got at Richard's Drug Store, changed me from a condition of misery to one of bright and happy healthfulness.

' “ They built up my system, slrvrtgtheiied my nerves, restored vigorous circula­tion of the blood, and in tact made, a neiy man of me. They are a splendid remedy for all enfeebled and m-nous c»mditi»ms, ând I heartily recommend ilicrn tv an) on * suffering from the after effects of Grippe.” ,

Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cure Palpitation, Dizzy nnd Faint SpeHs, Short net», of Breath, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Anaemia, Dys­pepsia, St. Vitus Dance, Partial Paralysis, Female Troubles, Weakness and General Debility.

Sold by all druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price, 50c. a box or 3 for $1.25, T. Milburn & Co., Toronto, Ont.


How disappointing tofind that w«»rk Is not reuly as promised.

OUR NEW RULE, June i, 1899,Any voe «u-di^Hug wi.rk from u* an<l finding It not ready sharp whett nromlaed will receive the work as a gift. We will Une «mraelyes the amount 6

The Province Publishing Co., Id. Ity,— Printers, Binders anil Eniravers,

Wear New Poet Office. __________ *___________________

We don’t give tntd'ng stamp*, bur wit! knock ten per rent, off your bill f*»r caah when y vu l«»n> ' u*v e don’t need 1.» enter It up then.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••filENOYEDTe 97 Douglas Street

5 •. :

We are carrying a very larg" «tncl, «1 Ready made Cluthiag, Vni!- r wear. Dry Goods, Lace, Notions, Silks, Jewelry, etc., all. direct from

• the makers, and we are therefore able to sell at very low prices, as we are sallslled with small piofits.

HERE ARE A FEW SAMPLE PRICES :Ladies' Wrapper, from 7'c “?•Btoutee from 50c up Men', Suspenders from 5c up. lace Curtain», 2',' yard», 40c pair.

lilror Watch «Mb Hick-1 Waltham Nommmt, $6 S3

Alapaca Top Skirt, S3.CO Lustre SKirts, $2 50 Unified Shirts, 50c. :



THE SYRIAN STORE « Deuflas Street


ripiKtlale Ihr iti.honor.blr ln.lnn.tlo*, eon #re,,t nivOhin.,

Gentle, reliable, sure.public pres* la British Cobunbia from aueti , ~ .a atatement very properly Infer that f««- »«»* »'<r toU‘î----------------------Hie ilUhonorable .oudmt Migseet»»»! In this >îr. F. Kctchaa», -jf Pike City, L«* palggraph your pet’tlouera were «llsmlsa-d "Q^ring. my brother's laf*» mek-fr»»»n whereas, ot jtmr pe flttottcrs L^^ fmm semtr» rhf^ilmytiRm. ChaBllx'r- l,are shown, no auefi reason was given or - |ain»g paln Balm JTa* the only remedy insioHRted either wh« n They were r^-qnest J gnvt» him any Many- oÆer»rff to resign a? when Mr. Beaven or Mr. testified to the prompt relief fro*Se rntln .were Invited to form a cabinet.“ pj|in which this liniment afford*. Fdr

I wmtid ask your excellency to observe. I , pv Henderson Ritoa., wholetove a» points of agreement, fltaclosed by the Victoria and Vancouver.

or eltlxeim of the other party, such effect shall lie given to awh occupation -a* rea son. Juatlce, the principles of International law snd the equities of the ease reqa’re. | v. The other articles provhte for m»*et1ng Of) day* after the print»*»! article* are aubmlt- ted; that ali qaeatlom». In» luffing ffnnI J« figment, shall Is* determined by n ma- J.iriiy of all the nrblfrat»»rs and that the ih-thlnli If possible to he lenderod w’thln throe month* of the ctorc of nrgnmctrt*.

The <»<infludlnic artlele provt»*e<| that the high contracting partit* ahnll «-ngage to «»insider the remit »*f the pr.M»t»e<llngs as n full, perfect nnd final settlement of all qirest'ons referred to the nrMtrotors.

The American* accepted th»» proposnls ns the basis of n readjustment, bnt propose»!In ndrtttlon to the Anglo Ru*«lnn treaty tbit the boundary shall 1m» defined In accord­ance with the RuswvAmerican ireity of cession, or the same shall 1m» established by th»» tribunal nuder the ride* hereinafter i i rovldetl. The tribunal to consist of six j tinpnrt'al jurists of repute, t-hr»»e to 'to* | nominated by the ITIw round! and three | by tlu» President "f »he United 8hue». J

• - 'n-eot aa. follow* "In cotial'lerlug the que* J tion of the *cnaat‘ referre»! to In »aW treat- l lea. It la understood that the coast of the* 7 continent Is lntenlfid. and that all seule menfs on tVto water settled nn«k»r author Ity of the United States and under the !

î EASTLAKESare the quickest laid Shluglee obtainable, beesuae of their

Perfect Fitting Patented Side Lock

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They are Fire, Lightning, Leak aud Rust proof—and offer you not

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Made cither Galvanized or Painted.

Write ns if yon' re building—we’d like you to thoroughly understand the practical reliability of genuine East lakes.

They never disappoint.



Our Sale will be continued until evetything is removed’ , .".

OreaLBargain* in-Crock«i-y, ■—— Glassware, Cutlery, Etc.

......TIT Weiler Bros.Fori «treat.








New Is the TimeTo boy bedding plants, cut Itowcra, roses ami curmittoua, nnd plants In bloom; big and choice tesortmeat. Headquarters for floral work.

WIH. DODDS, 207 Fort St.


Is prepared to supply and erect In work lug order Mining, Mtll'ng aud Mc aUarglcal Maclilucry by . tile best maker*; Haud, power and Dlnmoml U'X’k 1MH* a *P*“- daily. Office: 14 Jloard of Trade build

NOTICE.The annual general touting "f Lh‘tl

ilcnt Older of Unite*! Worknei- BnlM nif^


will be heY?tb

J. D. WARDEN, Secretary. |

AFWwdatKm. Llmltéd Unbillty will W» new , nt No. *6 Fort street on Frl.toy, June Oth, jartbu'ar* apply te at I p.m*

TENDERS FOR WCOD.Tend«»r»« will be "received up t i th.» l»Hh

June for supplying '-**1 cords »>f h r- l. »!ry l wood to the Victoria VHy Un» Ji»* S*-»m»»'.a, io to» delivered ln twenty curd l »t* a* he to>ar»l may require.3 FRANK II FATON,

■ gecrotgry Boar* M: .,, •

ma saii-ai 4»ab6ainrare» ochre detiro f



Supply from their Nanaimo, Southfield and Piotection Inland Collieries

Steam ■ Gas »ee House e Goal

of the following grades :

Double Screened Lamp,Run of the Mine,Hashed Nut» end Screening*.

X SAMVELM. KOISINS.Superintendent

kny of hie reasons for a dismissal to an outgoing ministry, but only to an In "om- lng ministry, prepared. If called upon.ttr state and defend guch reasons In parlla-

Wo may point out for the Information of the Colonist that an Incoming ministry must a wept the responsibility for the acts of the lieutenant-governor. The out­going ministry haa no rights as a minis­try after dismissal: Its members become at once private cltlsens. and It depenJs v«ry UL gtfly on the quality of their early training how they take a dismissal. We hope the Colonist will take this, correc­tion and explanation with a better grata than Mr. Turner and his ministers show­ed whtn they found that their services were .no longer required. And. by the, bye, the Colonist owes .Hla Honor an apology for mlsconbtruing his letter. The dismissal of the Turner government needs no further discussion: tne Lieutenant - Uwtrnor did his duty manfully, and the people are quite satlsfteu.


hr-Mt article expïâfelng the eland taken T>y the United States on the Alas­kan boundary question the Chk-ag > Record says:

“When the United States took the ter­ritory known as Alaska all the rights of

The Daily -Times.Sunday)

I. lay (

by tne

Times Printing & Publishing Co.118W. TEMPLEMAN. Manager.

Offices................................. • • Uroad streotT whvti that topic Is mentioned and look,Telephone............... .................... .................. °‘ J tf he does not actually say: “Oh that

I that had ^eld M to£i$ue!"SUBSCRIPTION PRICE:Daily, one month, by carrier...................... J®I *u k >. one w-eek. by carrier,............. •£’ Week Times. per annum......... L60

Opv for changes of advertisements munt be blinded In at the office not later thanII )»*cloclt a m : If received later than that hour, will be changed tt> following day

All communication* Intended for publics lion should be addressed “Editor the Times," Victoria, B.G.

The DAILY T1MK8 Is On Sale at the Pol­io win g Places" In Victoria:

CASHMORE'8. ROOK EXCHANGE, 108 ibruglas street

EMORY'S CIGAR «T-O’D. 23 Government

KN1GUT8 STATIONERY STORE. 75 Yates street.


VICTOHI A HOOK AS'n BTATIOA'KRY COMPANY-, til Goverhmeut street.

T, N. H1HHF.N A COMPANY.. 89 Govern­ment street.

F. CAMPBELL, Tobacco niât. 92 Govern- nient street.


The Mayor and Aldermen Will Have Some Important Business Before

Them This Evening.

Mr. Henry Croft has given the follow­ing statement of the proposal ’he will

__ bring before the city votmcll this even- !KO«m ram* wtth th«t territory. ^ teUtoï 1» ttï rYfUmstion of the (Pda made no claim to the boundary Which . ____ IIt now marks out. The United States has held undisturbed possession for more than thirty years. That would conell- , tute a good titîç In England, even were there no other. If a Canadian subject de­manded possession of a piece of land In England from one who had had possession for twenty years there would be no hearing of his suit.The owner would merely show that he had been undisturbed In his possession for that length of time, and the case would be Immediately thrown out of tourt without any further^evidence. It Is absurd for the Canadian government to expect that" It can get a hearing before nn International tribunal for an exactly similar cause which would be refused by the courts of Its suzerain. It ta» not a vase for arbitration."

| This means that the government of the United States do not consider that coun­try hound by the treaty defining the boundary lines, Will not accept the Inter­pretation which would be put on that tfanty by *« Independent tribunal, but Will Interpret It to suit their own Inter­ests and Will stick to the territory they hnx*e grabbed and which their action proves they know they have no legal title

-to.- . To «void appearance of hyppcçlsy |he tepubllv should withdraw Its represen­tative from the conference at The Hague

■ t- • * • ppaed i" i in i-Among the better-class Conserva- j The Imperial government has taken the open fence, au.l the ltridgv is «lesigmtl


Conservative newapaper* obstinately maintain thi^t Sir Charles llibbert Tup- per greatly enhanced his political refu­tation by the manner In which he latnd- led the so-called Yukon charges, but it

a strange fact that one may search vain for a conscientious Conservative

1 who will do hught but shake his head tf

The city to give the principals repré­sente'! by Mr. Croft an tuition until the 1st of January' uext. iu order to se< ure

SMUT capital. If the propos»! Ik* accepted, the cjty to .furnish proof of dear title, arrange with property owiv j era Interested for a release of water­front rights, and, to give the company a lease for fifty years, with exemption "j from taxation of the James Bay flats, including all lands east of a line due south of the west side of Government j street, in exchange for which the com­pany undertakes to 4mild a stone and steel bridge of substantial character, with either masonry or metal piers filled with concrete, the entire work to tie com­pleted to the satisfaction of the city «■ , gineer, or an arbitrator mutually agreed Vpon, and the bridge to become the pro­perty of the corporation upon completion, to be thereafter lighted and maintained by the city. At the same time the com­pany undertake* to fill in the flats to i uniform height of” tojjr feet above high water mark, to a point on a level with the went side of Government street, util­ising the reclaimed urea for recreation park purposes, with ormHnental kiosks of one story at Intervals almig the west side of the bridge (with access from that^ structurel, gwiumiiug and other b*tlia," bicycle traeh and field for liurasac, baxv- ball, cricket and other athletic spoils, a first c!ass" theatre, a winter garden, and i summer park laid ooi with flower l»eds. ahruhg and walks - the area is pro- posed to he enclosed with an ornamental

A few weeks ago thousands of White Gaiments were sold at our January Whitewear Sale.


That is the seat of the trouble In the Conservative party. at the present mo­

tives there Is the bitterest feeling of hos- advjt.^ of British papers and publish- to be |>raeticaily permanent and highly tint y toward Sir Hlbbert. his father and ^ the correspondence relating to the Al- **' *,“l 'rK“

Mr. Q. E. Foster, on account of the tH)Undary negotiations. This wa*aspirating blunders which have been |^M|Ute|y necessary to counteract the committed.. Those Conservative* say nf ,he anti-Canadian campaign tn-that none of the leaders mentioned will J.UgWWte4 by the American < or respond- ever again be entrusted with what may e(|U of ^ Ix,n<ion newspaper*. The pub- be called plenary powers on behalf of eUt<.ment amply bears out thethe party. " \ Canadian contention that the proposals

Wlmt the Conservative party wants ftf ^ ,trtttwh commissioner* were emi­ts a man . i\ ne£t\y fair and Just, while those of the

representatives of the United States were simply unreasonable and preposterous.

4idw "In the worst way Is at the bedrock of Its fortunes, and un-, les* the hour produce the man the party must go to pieces. But there 1» no such

.man in the Conservative ranks at the present time: It would be the opportun­ity of any man's life to step into ttv) breach now and show the Tories how to reorganise their forces and repair the

GEORGE MAHSDEN. News Agent, corner damage done by the three prime b.under-Yate* and Government.

H. W. WALKER (Switch Grocery), Esq ul­na It road.

W WlLBY. 91 Douglas street.MRS. CROOK. Victoria West post office. •GEO. J. COOK, Victoria West.T. REDDING, Cralgflower road. Victoria



ers. Y'et one can readily understand -why even though the hour has come the man has hot—the theories, the policy of the Conservatives are exploded; they are no longer tenable by any man who has a reputation for common s#-nse to lose. More than half the Conservatives to-day are. In their hearts, good Liberals, though, they lack the _ moral courage of ML Costlgan to break away from the

Of the statement forwarded thereafter by IÏÎ-. Honor the Lieutenant-Governor

In another place In the current Issue of the Times will be found an epitome of, the petition sent by Mr. Turner and his i *ham and fallacy of Tor>lsm. On tie cotl«,K„,s to til. B.cellencJ Ih. Oov.r- , <'■> «"«■ CotMemtOVe P«rty of noMkmral, U.rfi AlK-rfiren. and a copy j -Ja *1» •>* r«.nta*U.d. Ih, fe n-

; carnation must come from the outside.1 if a party there must be.

of British Columbia to the same quar- The new Tory party will be largely ter. The Time. I. privileged, lo publish Tompomd of men .of odv.nood JJber.1 those documents for the first time and ex- ’ ytews. and differing only slightly from du.ively in the province; they are dlreet ; the regnant Ltherall.m which 1. now from Ottawa, where they were the .uh- guiding Canada Into the promt.,.! land, jact of-some animated diavus.lon a few and welding th, Canadian poop*, into s day, ago ! strong, progressive nnlhvn. ,

There I. not mueh to be said about thl. 1 How mu(.h i.inger are Agulna|do and matter now. it wa. so thoroughly thrash- hl> rawn-<omplewloned bu.h-wha Iter, td out at the time uf dismissal. Hut It Is ((| >t lnJ (hf, We«t Point Napol-espedtenl to point out for the benefit pf who nave beefi atrategtslng for nearthe lmat defender and ap.doglst-tn-chl.ef ^ ^ year and trying to get him to vome outof the dismissed ministry that It has yet ( ^ the pgp a man and get shot tnto apologise for doing an Injustice to His | <ecent fa,hl(>n, Thc cold dew of appre Honor. In commenting on the (Torres- nenslve sweat is beginning lo dampen theFood. t..e last week. At that time thl' ...rrugaled lot. head ut I.'iitU- Samuel, asTin I - warped th. ctllmdgt that It wa- thi. lUggssllos „ l.nm. d "th ,ttalking without the hook, and was mak-i he, gl>ne ,md a fool of himself

. Ing mlrtake. From a perusal of IBS tor-, pver ,h|s apprnprla,lo„ ,,llli y.respondin' e which we publbih to-day It -------------------------

What prl<-<*" Captatn Alfred Dreyfus foi8 next president of the French

The writer of th, poUtlcat fables for Uv morning jmptT ha* nn lM|lMfiM second only to that of Its own cx»rres- 1 undent at Ottawa.

• • •Hamilton Herald : "In the 8tatek. Can-

ufia I» being called the spoiled child of the Brttlrh empire." We don't know about that, but we do know tnat Canada has In the past been the despoiled « hlld of the empire, and that she has been despoiled by American diplomats and governments with the knowledge and consent of British statesmen. ' But that ttMM ha- peieei n. ver lo fvlurn. f

Which of the great national heroes now Imminently Iwfore the world will be re­ceived with the most hysterical enthus-

oriiamvntal as well us substantial. The several work* in tlu*. event of the pio- poeal iM-iug accepted, are to lie com- , ■need before tin* l-i -*f March i> with an expenditnre **f not lm thm $2.ei<MiO<) in the ensuing year, the city be­ing at the same time required to arrange • with the Domiuimi government so that the company may lie allowed to dreilge Victoria harbor and utilise tjiv mud so excavated for tbt1 filling lu of the flats — sn l the «-ompnny nf room having also sole rights in and control (tf the re­claimed are i during the iwiod of the

In .addition to this Item of business the coun< il will Ih* ajsked to vxpn*** an opinion upon Aid. lb*vkwith‘* pro|*>*ed by-law to borrow $13(>,0bo for the |«ir- IMise of constructing a park In the north cud of the city. Tbe amendment of the present building ami street* by­law 1* also proposed by Aid. Bi'ckwlth. and the mendier* of the annual court of reri»ion are to he appointh1. Aid; Stew art foreshadowing the .np|vdr.tee* in n notion suggesting that the mayor and Al l. Humphn y. M < i and Brydon fitrm the board.


"WARTS. „. . L firstVf;iss wkii, r •! th<?

Rail ml III ou Club. Apply wnn re fare un »—ü----- "-------> at w

wAvrrr» ,\Badminton. < ou Friday, June 9,

WANTED A boat IV.x P. <t

WANTED—A competent girl for general housework; nluiu i*oofe; wages, <3u. Ap- ply to Mr*. J. Fred Hume, Ds'las Iload

WANTKl»—Any qnaaHty of tdd ranks.—Ap­ply Victoria Cooperage, Wharf eti>*et.

WAXTKI^-dtellable pàrty CT parties . to work twtr claims tn Atttn (i sfr.ct. xppiy to J. and II., Times 'office.

U<K>I> FITH GUARANTEED; general sew- lug solicited, |1.0U per day. 179 Cook street.

retail dry Apply

WANTED—A salesman for goods business by the 1st June. l‘oet Office Box 10, Victoria.

WANTED- A saleslady for retail dry g .ods bindueas by the 1st .June. Applv Post Office Box 10, Victoria.

A COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER wants a situation, either whole,or part time; high­est city reference*, nml can furnish se­curity If required. Address F.8., Time#


TO LET--Five-roomed cottage, with gar­den. Apply-5 Janie* slriet* James Bay.

- TO LET—Well furnished suite*; also single room*; electric light and all conveniences. M. Walt, the Vernen, ti*i Douglas street.

J .d RKNT—Offlce In the Times building, I ground floor. Apply at Times office.

------ - FOR SALE.

i FOR SALE—Brand" new Weyden, gent's >• and My’s; fido. Johns Bros. Dnnglas


COMMENCING WEDNESDAY. i FOUND Some mum y. Require quality and quantity. Apply IL, thl* gffiie.


PASSER GEMS.Per steami r Charmer from Vancouver —

«Sundayi-John Conner, A L Clark. M K <'liver, LUI» M Illlls, Mr* Topp. 8 llarbei*. Mr* Ma neon. Ml*s« Vincent. J K Fagan. K A Quigley, Mrs F Busy* tube, K Bancombe, J He later. C M’llgrd, F Springer. H <> Foster. W 11 Hottamt. H Ward. M O J-hm < apt Kthershanks, Mr* 11 Springer. N Har

lasm on hi* return to his native land. y.«tle, V W Knyder. lion J Mat tin. Jas AF «Stérile». T W Palerao». W M:tnw-n K

will be seyn exactly where the -Colonist was mistaken. There was only one point | next president of the French republic? In th* Lieutenant-Governor's letter which After Devil's Island the Blyseè should the Colonist could not approve, and n » ^ have ho terrors for him. He Is a Jew, to wonder, the way It got the fact* mixed, be sure, but that is not so bad In Franco Here l* what the Colonist said on that


Dewey or Drejrfus?• • *

It Is now said that Dewey's alleged 111- r.te* was merely nn attack of shyness. The A merit ana ought to take great care of that hero, for It will In* a hard mat-' tar Lu pick another out of their svvfoty millions of people emit ted in that way.

..... ... V----TThe laborer* on the Grand Trunk rail­

way have fqirmed themselves into a com­bination and strut k fo/ an Increase of wages. They recelvetl 97 cents for 10 hours' work. The company are Importing Italians by the tratnluAd from the Btates to take the places of the strikers. Per­haps the paper which sees a menace to the state In labor unions will Inform thi public which ride of this combination it think* Is Inflicting a blow on national In stliutbuie.

The following gives nn effective illus­tration of the evils that result from high protective tariff*. It relate* to travel­lers arriving In the port of New York:

"Americans returning from Europe are still treated as intentional smuggler*. Mr. Dlngley's personal luggage limit Is yet unrepealed: and American women must

now as it used to be, and besides the anti-samites have had such a .dose of

t»ke exception to the following Wular opinion that they are quite fiktfy #tÙI explain the bnvt of their undercloth- pnruujr-.iuh in the LleuD nunt-Quyernor'* to make themselves scarce for a decade mg,t point out In which trunk it I* to be

Defier nVision

Jnuilcson. J Kelly, R H ilyrm*. K J M 'rvln.J A ih.i.sldson, Kafir l.nff. Geo I> Hall. • W G MeKensle. «" R King. W McGIrr, C W lu* Nova. II K W ilker,'Me Gilchrist. Mi*. MiTti* rsos. Il B Wewart, Mise • 'baedU-r. 1 J It Lovell. II Hntoker. W Willard, Mr« It Boggs. W J Smith. M 11111»,- Mrs W*nl, IV H Hnrst. J Gem lie, Mrs I>e Nora. F L Do Nova, I'ress < >rm*lla. Mra Cornelia, A W tiurk T Kalns, U Gates ML* F niais it.

Per steamer <'banner from Vancouver- t8alarday>—<1 C JewclL Mrs Dix. Mies I .et tlie. D l^>nc. j A 11 Harman.' MU*Hchwengers, Ml** I. Ibw*. T A Brydon. Allan Cameron. R Crow ll.ik<*r, K A Wylde. W E’ Boll"». K Ru**. <lro Bigger. G Blackwood. Mis* W Woods, J Craw­ford, John Cough tan. J J oh anon. T Mill - enhy. c «loll. D McKensle, O W Powell. Mr* Rhatn. C Parsons, MU* Burton. R>y

fly steamer Utopia from the honnd: W. «Saturday)—J«i* Tlnuupson. II It Oamcro i. H Jennings. Thus Jones. Gerr c«.W*eft, <? W Clark. W W Dean. V <ulmrn. P Can fii-liL A T*»-, G Moore. 1 A Am si«m. R F" ni» ml. 8 Fritter, T D Me», a If.j w Bpencer. •: H ri»rk. J W ..............

1 Miss A-toirn. MU* l'onr*»v. N J WKeeler, Mrs 11 Harry. P I. Plltn-n. MU* M-F*r- U iid. c E Jones. R M Henry, 8 * malty. R llarlone. G II Hanford. Ml** Adams.

Whatever men and women care for in White is here.

Soft and Pretty Inder Garments, Dainty Muslins and Cambrics, Dressing Sacques,Skirts and Blouses.

What a variety for women 1—and much that men want for summer time.

TheSameOldReasonApplies ■r To the Prices

-—ALWAYS THE SAME. Our makers must take care of their largest customer io the West in qualities and low­ness of prices. Ten per cent, profit to a manufacturer on a hundred dollars is but ten dollars, but half that profit—or five per cent.—to a manufacturer who sells in five thousand dollar lots is two hundred and fifty dollars—and this is the secret of the lower prices we buy ard sell at.

Â. * W. WILSON. I'lunfi,.-,, and Oa. Ft,- t«*r*. Bell Hanger* and Tinsmiths; Deni­er* In the beet dem-rlntlon* of Heating ami Cooking Stove». Ranges, qtc.; ship­ping Htipi.lieil at lowest rate*. Broad ■creel. Victoria. B.C. Telephone call


VICTORIA COLUMBIA LODGE,, No. 1. meets first Thursday Iu every

nth at MahooIc Temple, Douglas eet, at 7:30 p.m.

B. 8. ODDY. Seeretary.

SCAYKStiKlia.JULIUS WEST, délivra I Scavenger, succes­

sor to John Dougherty - Yard* and ons

tooli cleaned; contracts made for remov­al earth, etc. All orders left with James Fell A Oo.. Fort street, grocers; John Cochrane, corner Yatee and Doug­las streets, will be promptly attended to. Residence. 50 Vancouver atreeL Tels-

phoM 130.


B. F. TOLM11L Veterlnnry Burgeon—Office at Bray's livery. 1W Johnson atreeL Telephone 182; re*l<lence telephone 417.


C'ORSIGSEKS.Per atenme# t üatuo r from V*Hl«"VMYer ^ ,

• Butunluyp-b Bitcii.vr, W tTTimeron. Hen- !

-r « w ■. submit that a lieutenant-governor —=------------- ------ --

tinder no constitutional law existing Crude rubber is steadily mounting In should give reason* for the dismiss» 1 of ,>rice and iJ now higher than at any i ministry, but only to the Incoming min- ( t|me ,n ^ hlKtory of lhe trade. What a

latry- :ind I am prepared. If calbnl piK.n. to stat » imd defend such reamms in i«*r- f Hument ’

pity our climate bars this great modern ! necessity of life from otir fertile soil. If

, . 1 it were only crude Ideas that were want-The îh^.Aoe«^n 1» have a ^ ^ ^* *„,* of ^ argulher.t wiih it*. n nr t^Rk-tann sgalnst thd unlVefae antw«- f--« in.*—. mea - '«» n imtd tntne thrv'd win.I par e, over thé ,0 whetKëj ^ 11 1”T M1 ^ " 1 ■]the lieutenant-governor has any right to • ^Sow for the seersuckers. Ice cream slat - and defend hi* reasons in parlla- lS4>jagi g'rtmp salads, and Johannes Col- j Una. Esquire, In the shade. Up the Arm or

"If he means the provincial legislature under the family fig tree. It I* summer, le 1» wrong, and tf he mean* the Dom'n- , out uf breath with the sprint to get

found WSttT < herolses are. valued. There may have been Mime relaxation In the rigor of In­spection. but the system continues In force, bringing blushes not only to the cheek* of American women, but to those rf all Americans who care for the good name of their country. The Imputation of bribery Is confirmed by dismiss*U. On­ly by paying, the Inspectors can the re- t ii r iilri k N«w X.'vke, Uvudl Hh.1outrage at lit* euatom honne. an* al-

Houm lu* I» not lorroct. and If hr 1 ^ Autumn got the door »hutthe Imperial Cmimm he-a lur- p _

æ . i . . _ 1 — «■«. I, ml Ko 111 It - Ohmean* .............. - , -------------—-------tlori, pari passu fortlter In re and be jao- , How |ong (one Is tempted to add. ers—d «e*n’t know what ne a talking how long Is Fort street to remain

" T bs a sampK of the WHd West show, for-And so the Colonist aerobatted lts«-lf | In the packing. up? Its present

into polemical knots and logical Imposai- | t.ond,.|on j, lhe cause of considerable d— tlllties ‘till It would have taken a man mage lo cycles and ai*, 0f no JRtle d- wlth tied hair to tell where It was at. It was ill a blunder on the part of our con- temporary. His Honor never put In his

One New York paper has b£en denounc­ing the put rages above described so un­sparingly that It ha* been boycotted by nil the large dry good* houses, which of course the law is Intended to benefit, and the result of actions In regard to the matter pending- tn the court» in -bele* é waited with Interest.


ItobertMou, Victoria Book A Btatlonetjr Btore. lllckuiau Tye A <"<»,- B O Kle*- By. (‘apt Juo N«'!*-»c. T G t lis I lone i. Brack nian. Fred Norris, W A Lorlwer, B <1 Fur i llpfe Uv, Auks, Holden Vo. 11 K Man- «lay,* Langley A U », W WUby, T-irner, lleoton A «"o, John Mercy k Co. Ilendvr- M.n Bros. Wade A McKe .n. Mr* V Hl«»»r, f V <; Henshaw, <i \ Car let on. Hud»..» *hwy » ■ - m .1 r n .i'O't , G i tU.y.r, i'lla Wlillrh

. va» m r I‘under Co, l»‘ h Kow x Co, Bank

nage on the part of their pwners.

Mr*. Tbonia*. wife of a farmer, wsfc),lter thu abaurdlly defined to him by « ri« whlk *»"•• V-

the morning paper: cd if called upon to ttale and defend." etc. This a how the pansage appear* In the «letter (see Time* to-day), and the Col­onist might have known be*t®r than to fall Into so rtdictildûs an error:

‘‘J5.dt.lf bys the above charge your peti­tioner* mean that I did not observe can­dour due to them, and that I wa* guilty of misrepresenting to them the reason* which Induced me ‘aommarily and sud­denly' request their resignations, then:

"(1 T T submit that a lieutenant-gover­nor Is un$ler no, obligation to give all or-

1 ville. Out., on Saturday, and Instantly kill ‘And I am prepar- , ^ Garnet Ste'nbnn. agp«l 17. wa* cut In

two by a circular saw In Parkin'* tie mill,

Bud management kerps more i>eoplv iu poor circumstance* than any Vtber oue cau*<*. To lie Successful one-must look ahead and plan abend so thst when a favorable <tp|N»rtunity presents Itwdf he Is ready to take ndvantsgo of it. A little forethought will also save much expense*nml valuable Unie. A prudent and careful Ilian will keep a bottle «>r

nmlHtliiin's Colic, ('holers and l>1ar-

»t Lindsay. <m Saturday j (k-neral Carlos Exeta, ex-president of ' Salvador, lie» dangerously ill at home at

Oakland, Cal.

leu Watfiou, K. JJ MArylâÜl-£e'JS-F-L-» [_ Wï W ht I eh rad. HiT Prior â Co. T, ,

f UN A. B u Elect Hr Rim oh T.etser * ‘ ' Co. hyo C llinton, J Barnsley A Co. J Batik R I* RUhvl. F It Stewart A Co. Wilson lt>e*. C* i umaii Tye A Go. D K Ktanlaml, Wcjb r Bros. Naval Store K<H»i»er. ; ; Dominion Kxphv*» Co. Merchants Bank of Halifax. Mr* MarpoK S Meclure, C 11 Mm In A i ..

By Steamer Utopia from the Sound : Mr*, j •Sulurday v -Henderson Br -*. G W Forrest.G U .liluluu, Hudson * IhQT Co. K.«r*mnn Hardie Vo. J 1! T«sld A Sun. F* B S vwart j A Co. S I*l*« r & Co. Slncln r Co M Vasl- j la tor. 11 J Ln ngt« u. !■* J Patton, F W Pst- j, A A Green. J C Voss, I* XcQnad» ]A Son. Victoria BAS Co, 11 Jaefcmnn. Midler Bros. Bank of H «*. Fletvber h<>«. *It M hllefleld. W««h A M. « M Nrvln. A W Knight. Geo Marsdèii. 11.(1 Main. O R Ormond. F Jone*. W Withy. F Campbell, \K Est ley, E Sh‘-rhert. Caiiadlsn I» #,e. J Mercy <*o.. II l.og*n. Onions A Pllmley, R

oen Remedy in th«- house, the shift les» j w ^.xnnghh.ii, J D George,

—A chance to secure bargains may not rtceuw again ns nt Wei 1er Bros.’ re moral sale. Everything in our FoA sir. it pretnUex reduced. *

It ron ere tired taking the large old- fashioned griping pill*, try Carter's Little Liver Pills and take some comfort. A mas can't stand everything. One pill i dose.

fellow will wait until necessity compels It and then ruin his host horse going fort a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besiilciv, one pay* nut 25 cents, the other is out -a hnudred dollars and then wowleèt why bis neighbor is gett ng richer wbHe he h getting tkvnrer. For sals by Henderson Bros., wholesale ngegits, Victoria and Vancourcr.

Fully WO.#» domestic animals, valued at 1.206.000 pounds, are annually devoured by the wolves In Russia.

1er «‘earner «’banner from Vancouver-• Sunday > Turner, -Ileefon A Go. Victoria 81...e Co. Mr* C K.‘*' he, Ames H dilen Co. Mi* J 1. Width vro. 1*1 » her A Io*lser. Ord h.-UM-v offievr. Nayal Bto'«‘kee|sr. I* Me* Qitade A Boo. l*>weBkerg A Go, l*n* A Lelser, Ersk'ne, Wall A Co. E G Prior A•

Are ready, f'om the simple Corset Cover at ioc. to the daint'est confection in fine Lawn and Lace from Pari*.

Drawers, Chemises, Gowns, Skirts and Corset Covers,

Not a garment—even the cheapest—but what is made of good, sound muslin and generously cut. The medium and finer qualities are made of Fine Cambric and Lawn, and arc perfect in make and trimming.

Drawers from 13c.Chemises from 15c.

Gowns from 43c.—,—— Corset Covers for lOc

A splendid collection of SAMPLE PIECES at about half thc usual prices arc included, as well as about 500 Soiled Garments at veiy special prices.

— 650 Doz. Men’s ShirtsARE HHRS. ——------ J------------

Unlaundrled, linen bosom, collar and band,at 38c Laundrled at OOc. and 7Sc.

SAVOY theatre.Jackson fi McDowell. Progs,

......... *---- VICTORIA, B.C.VETER H. BM1TII. Rt*ge Manager; GKO.

W A LB II. Muwii-nl Dlrv. -tor.Performers will plea*v aiblrees all mall

t«> BA Vo Y THEATRE. VANCOUVER, IL C. v. O. Box 352.

rr«traaac lor Week Umetatlat Hay ZS: ^Uv.-ni h. lining npplaune gm*t* the Charm­

ing Cantatrice. BEATRICE LORN B, uur Lyric (Jueeu.

A J »«-'Tde«l 11 t. They Have sCrei«te«l aVeritable Furore, c A MAI ETTA Bl»- TKRB, the Berio Comic (juei-n*.

Unstinted Approbation Tendered to the Em­press of I Rescript‘vo Biugern, EVA LAN G DON.

A Genuine Pair of JCaiertalm-rs. ^ XUeeeo .Comedy Connie, PETE SMITH and LOTT A ELLIS.

I A Wealth of Appreciation Beet owed on the Two Athlete*. BILLIK ARMSTRONG and JAMES O'NEIL, who have Fought Their Wsv to thV Mnnnete of Sueeesa by their Earnest and Conselentlous En­deavors.

IOLU PERU! SISTERS |„ an Original Budget of Fun. lucludirg German Songs and Dances.

THE GREAT BIG FRIED, in hi* Imperson­ation* of Great Men. Past and Prem-nt, Personally Port raying with Marvellona Aeeuracy the Most Notable Men iu the Public Mind.

A TRIUMPH. Comment Is Ontclawed Re­garding these Aerial Womle.r*, Suffice to Bay Tnidr Equals are Unknown. THE THREE FLYING BAN YARDS 11 Their Thrilling Aerial Casting mid Return A et Performing marvelluu* S-jmvr- saults. Pirouette*. Ac. , In the. Air. Thc grestefikt attra*-tLm evor brought (o Victoria DO NOT M1HB THIS ACT OF ALL APTS. If you am not *atlslb-<I your * money will l»e r^- fu tided.

: To the Public.ity .

thanking our ninny custom era and friend*; fur their patronage hod of informing Î them mtd tire imhlfc genpreMy tbit W* j have ppSPffl “P ht * ...............

j- - - M nte« St.. Nf.rt » tht Fjrt **n! where we are prepared to supply their I wants with every thing In the bakery line I from a bride's cake to a ginger nut, and

we tru*t that by g'vlng strict attention to buduetw and l»y w-rvlng first class giwds wc will continue to merit their confidence and support a* In the past.

Note the address:

Mc.HlU.AX BROTHERS,84 Yatëa at met. between Broad and Doug-- tan. —à-------- :—r---------- - -

Lace Curtains.Quite a thousand pairs at command. Many sty'cs at leu

than cveiy-day prices.

‘Sale Gommenees Wednesday Morning at 9:80 o'clock


............... >»c .......................... ...

JmI to b»nfi. « lnr*p «MOTtminit. Ibvlufilng the

Price, free $12.00 tv*»*.

i Eagle, Columbia, Edison.

Large assortment of Rec< rd* .it 50 ont* each; [ier doses, $6.00.

(all »nd Hear Some Talking.



From the 1st of M*y the Victoria Daily Times will be deltvered to sub- seriben st 20c. per week or 75c. POT month.


WomenTell ■ ■ Women

(if Umm tLiluty packages of

English *LavenderFlowers

fi/r sab* at our store. They ar«* usetl as a mvth preventive and for IHTfimilng tvnrtlrobe*. Second ahlp- uv ut Just to baud.

tOc. per PacingMoth lialUt In- lMshtfcvtnm* rn

Always on hand: sect l'ou «1er «»<l ahundattCe. 1 ..*■



—Smoke union made cigare.-4HONDI is a pure Pylon tea. *

—Washing machines at ft. 4. Brown & Co.’s, 80 Douglas street. *

—Superfluous huir removed by elect roly- Us. Electric rarlorn, 114 ïates street.

—How U» get printing for nothing. See our advt. Province Publishing Co., Limited Liability. ___ ______

—Atwood’s Cough Cure hits no equal. Try it; 25c and 50c a bottle. For sale by all druggists. *

—The Verdict ; Va wveil'd lev Çream Soda is the best iu towife The New Drug Store, 40 Government street.

—The Friendly MVlp~ Association will hold its monthly meeting tix-worruw fore noon .at 11 o’doc lç at the City Market Building.

—IIOXDI is growing in favor dstty. *

—Court Cariboo, 1. O. F., meets this evening at 8; tlelegatvs to the hign court will give a report of the proceed ings. •

—A large audience w«/prêtent in the hailt 28 Broad street, last evening to listen to the address ou the “Phlloauphy of Hope,” given by members of the Uni­versal Brotherhood.

mn lEïioi


51 King's Road, Victoria, B. U„October 15th, 1SH.

I was a «offerer from Imllgeetlon for at «1*10 a hot ! yëâf* and nothing. gave me anyi t i mug at U..HJ a not ( X friend mint mended me to try

«upper will he served at the grand fn.r ■ itadam’s M'cribe Killer, wfetch 1 did, get- in luMlitute Hall at n cost of 50 cents. | ting Immediate relief. 1 And also that Its AU atbe-r ev,ulu„ <,t th, fair b««h l« ! «•»«*»at 6 o clock, for which there will lie a , w ..............................charge of 25 cent*. Single admission is 10 cents; a season ticket, which entitles the holder to a chance m the grand drawing, costs J^cetrts» •


Dally Report Furnished by the, Victoria Mideological Department.

Victoria. June S.—4$ a.m.—The Pacific hlgli pressure area'which moved southward dur­ing the passage of another-stofm across Uurlboo last night. Is again spread'ug dVer

—this pteytaee» su will prolmbly eause-con­tinued fuir weather; while' east *>f the Huskies- the l*a«ometer remains «himrraaUv low and the weather ' showery. Shower* liave .occurred from this to Kamloops, and

- Cariboo reporta light «now.Victor*a—Barometer. 29.1M;, temperature.

40, minimum, JW; wind, W , 2 asiles; riln .07; Weather, clear.

New Westminster—Barometer. 29.96: tem­perature, 42. minimum. .7#; wind, calm; rain. %1S; weather, clear.

Nanaimo—Wind, N.W.; weather, clear.KamliNi|H> Barometer. 2!» 70: tejyperature.

40. minimum. '44; wind. N XV.. 20 ni Uw; rain. .42; weather, cloudy.

llarkervlllv-‘Barometer. 3». BP: temper* Hire. 8*. minimum. $8; wind, calm: «now, .01: weather, snow.

Neal*. Wash—Barometer. 2?» 92: temper*-

—Geo. Varty and Goo. Morues, the [ i it„ivtine ~~ " r " young men whojyittced the rewidenev of

___ U. S. Day on Rockland avenue several—To-morrow evening the fuucy fair in weeks ago and stole a large quantity of

Institute Hull will be opened l>y His jvw cilery. came l**fore Mr. Justice Honor the Lieutenant-Governor and ■ Wnlkiw this morning, and were each Mrs. Mc lunes. ; sentenced to two yi-.irs* Imprisonment in

-—O—— ' the penitentiary with hard labor.* | your bicycles nxvti up by the '

old reliable firm, Unions & Pliwley, the only practical bicycle umbers iu city ; 4 J and 44 Broad street. *

___ im h.iiu. rompt-M, witkob a but lieof MI.rolK' Kltlfr.- A. Af.I.M T. ^

Vitro *1.00 "ptr bottle.



r—For Soups: tx-util, Beau, Pen, Barley,


SMOKERS——^La g* Pt..«. .f .« t. e B.”

S..ok, , Tob.c o *1 ïnc. Each.—Mr. A. T. Ambrose, bf the Seattle Ar- ugements j

for an excursion of Seattleites on Sunday FRAN2C. CAMPBELL’S,WM*. Mr Ami,row expert, that up- 0U Po.t t Ste, C...r..»t Swards of 506 will come over and the City ----------------------

llice and Nut, iu meal form, quickly pre- geatnc j^* been chartered for the trip, pared.—Health Fowk Store, near the ; ArrangetaentS' have been pkde for thj 1 Post Office.


___Q___ , '■» vhroM*r of the Mryclr, burns»! br, Capital I'uuixh-The cxaininatiuu ut candidat vs fur : ,h* vMtur*. — - ----- ---- ----------- —'—j--------------— meut. -----—————

entrance to the Victoria High school ; _The funeral Newby, son of bf1WM,P;11*M,ilin*"Hn«scy of the Prov«a-couMliriKVM », »«th l-ark .rhp.., «< N„wby. tuok pUuu ,„,.rda, from aMonday urxt at t> a_m. Ihe family realdrnre and from Vhrlat ftom ,Uat Vsato, the

—TbAWdlTd i>rtti'lw-il Trautwa nm#t« Cathedyl..1t«r. Canon tlranlanila jtuIlau kitlwl n youa# wm «»*»to-morrow aft,-moon ill thr kecnKbry1» I oetclatine. Tbrr. wna a very lar,e at- t:rïulwuuk, been found guilty amiolfi,v, ,-ity ball, at 4.15. Uenyril t.nai- ; tendanc. lb* fo 1®»»*» «lln* “ Jf*"' ».ut, u«-i to la- hanged. He waa. triedneaa will rome for ronaideratmn. bearer»: AVIlfrld Ooddard. Cleveland Mr j Drake, who I. pre- ___

1 Wheeler. Pool Phllllpa, Ou, Goddard, ,i<i|lg „ ,hl. N.lwe artluea. The tek-Nowbiggiug * Auderaon prae.ioal | CUud. Andrew George. Prank date of ,k«u,iou. ! “m 7-2* fcJS aùïTho W

nacblnytw 1(6 Dougla. atreet. Al Fox, W m. Torrld^w^ , wnrrp, It nPrjlHl II,ww. Now. 0,0 Kail,-,-. ,f„-r ,11,! -The n.a„.„^TTh, Old Worn., a A ^ ‘ ' L'" 1 ^ one mrniu,. earn, the eomdu,

A Farcical Bate War

The rare W^a Cut From f 100 to $2.60--But It Soon

Went Up


tt rv. 4<k minimum. 4«t: wM- W.. 12 nlle.4. ah(>rt „oti^, fiUcHi the part of Allan-a rain. .t<: weather, clear. Dale in a very creditable manner.

Vnrrlnod. Oregon—Bar**«»ejer. Tfi.Ott; teen -----©-----peinture. 44. minimum. 44; wind. 8.W.. «î —Court Vancouver. A. O. F., will nt'lcs; rain. .01: weather, cloudy. have a great deni of business at the

Tacoma -Barometer. 29.98; temperature. , regular meeting to-night. Several can- 52a niinlmnm. 42; wind. 8.XV., 4 mUe*; rsln. didates will present themselves for inltV .|w; weather, fair. ; atiou and officer* will 1** nominated.

San Francisco—Barometer, 29.82: temper election being set for next meeting night. IHpre, 59. minimum. <s>. wind. 9.\V.. 4 'phe subject <»f the annual re union will mile*: weather, clear. j also In- brought up, some of the luem-

liers lieiug auxious to repeat last year's

mackinds V» —,—< -------- î . — .Sewing machines ami lawn mowers are | —^ie managers of the our siN*c*uItï * I Home thankfully acknowledges the f«H-™ 1 1 ___ o----- lowing donation.: Mrx Taylor, to.pot.

—Victoria theatre on Saturday after- Mrs. I*arseU, l***k; Mr*. Bennett, but- iioou was comfortably tilled dren, their parents and friends,Dees the final performance"Itohiu Hood,” which was __— „ —--------- - --------- .in excellent style by the members of terson. Charlotte Hues and meat; Mrs. police, the company. Miss Emma Sehl, “ '* w ‘‘

the Nice Legal Complication» Which it May Involve.

The Story of a Bluff and How the Canadian Development

People Bit.

News has reached here of a reckless rata war which broke out among the steamboat companies «qieratiug on the upper Yukon, and which for a apace made things decidedly intermtiug at I*uke Bennett. A big slash was made in the fare from. Lake "Bennett to Dawson; from $100 the rate* went down in big Jumps until on* e<*nt|*auy wn* quoting $2.50, and at that rate sold 250 ticket*. The rate war, however, died abruptly after a brief existence.

It «wins that up at Lake Bennett are a number of owner* of river steamer* and agetitw of the tran«[wrtafi<m oom- pitirie* of Virtorht and Fngrt Bound ojHTating on the upjht Yukon. They live well a ml arc convivial spirits. Stum- times, tfcfttgb, the gond Iffthg makes ba.l judgment, and had «ndjUUtU tffr ilhrp* ' rate-war*. The first more in this Gilbertian comedy rate war was mode b> (’apt. 8. 8. Bailey, of the Benne4t and Atlln Igike .Vo., which own* and

Is to ojxTnte the steamer Hailey ■ffijjj hlte

•owl unionthat he wax not satisfied with the pro*- pvefs of the huslncKS for hi* boat, and made a rate of $D0 to Dawsm. notwilh- utamVng that the other vompanie* were quoting $100. He had no Teasel on thr Yukon below White Horse, but he re­lied on *ome other vessel to protect his traffic from there down. His thoughts




The Latest Designs.The newest ShadesSPRING SUITINGS


J. T. BURROWS ft ’OT.,6IV£ US A CALL ——** Tellers. 88 Deutles Street

Whitely. egg*; Mrs. MvTavish, Greatl ('unstable (’la)arils, at W hose instance were to *e*nre the tetenmer Mevvin. but, aud clothing; Mrs. Heaven, clothing the Cklusman is being prosecuted, was aeeordjng to^report*. «he will not In-trom Dorcas 8ociety; Mr*. Helmvken. ,,u duty iu V’hiuatowu on Saturday, Mrs. Dean and Mr*. Durham fourni Ah Y irk Mig*g»«l in vending fish fruit in a iH>*itiott be had taken up in the

—O----- ... , lt gutter. A crowd of jabbering Chinamen—The Dtituf.V -Minitder t*f Agriculture ||aj v,,ii1Y-teil about the peddler, ami

has received « communication fnun according to the.affiecc» ttbstruet-Hon. 8ydney Fisher. Dominion Minister t«lv wa|g The conauible repented If iof Agriculture, in reply to a request warawj him to more on. but beyond jfrom the Farmers’ Institute of British riMinjng la io a neighboring house aud ... ______________ .... _Cidumlda for him to visit the province ,,r,B|Ueing a license which he Claimed ' rector, to |o«e their bends e*»mpl#Hely.

.. iaL i"x— 1.-1 ,^..l,..v VI r 1 .** », l. ,_ 1 .. ..... ... . ■ .

available. The other companies were net pleased at thi*. Unlike good |*»ker player^, they failed to diweern the bluff, and then mine thehadjodgment. JLan• - liotly else put the rate IlfTTovrer. quot­ing $50. This seems to have eao*e«l the Canadian Dovelopmeet Company’s men at Lake Bon nett, who are heeded by It. Maitland Kersey, the managing «W

business very long. There are not enough of them to materially reduce die earnings of the thm» big compel nice, no mutter what rate they qipde. And the three big companies have determined to maintain the rate herctofou* quotes!.

The rate war may thcn<ore be con­sidered as prnciicnlly over. The small esintpanie* cannot, of course-, mainUiiu a rate appreciably htwer than that main­tained by their heavier rivals, since the)- would thereby do no harm saw-to thetu- •eîvea; •

Forecasts ___ •For M hours ending 5 p.m. Teerdiy. Mcle.rla and VleliTty. Fresh »*• strong

westerly wind*, generally fair, not much fl ange In ttHiipcratiire.

auccessful fete. The juvenile court meeds on Tuesday night.

—After a week's absence in the Gulf uf Georgia, D. U. S. punira returned to

earnest, and down went the fare h>

ge nerally fair, stationary or higher tamper a lure.


Lower Mainland. Fresh westerlv winds. ^ )>u Saturday afternoon altout 5 “ * 1 vi-k..- * - Ua the way home the Quadra

j callyd at Vanesmve-r. aud front'that i»orf Captain Waibrau had as guest* Lady Davie*, wife of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, her two daughter*, her niece. Miss Ursula Davie* and the lier. I Veil Wiggius, brother of Lady Davie*. Tlie' trip from Vancouver waa delightful, aud Waa much enjoyed by the distin­guish party, who will remain in Vic­toria se-veral days.

CITY NEWS IN BRIEF.—Drink Blue Ititibou Coffee.

—L.nwp mowers and garden tool» in variety ' at It. A. Brown & Co. a. 80 Douglas street. q

—The vestry meeting of St. John’* Church will be held yvmorrolw (Tuesday) evening at 8 o’clock.

-----o-----—Don’t bother with |>oor drugs when

yog <iiu buy the l*•*! f<>r the same price at FawcHt’s, 49 Government 6trvvt. _ , *


—lithographing and engrnvipg, punc­tuality guaranttssl or yo,u get the work for nothing. Keè our advt. Pfbvlme PaWilhisf Limited Liability. *

—Monuments, the largest stock in the -—province to «eject from, and all kinds of

cemetery Work at A. Stewart, corner Yates aud Blanchard streets. •

—Use “HOXbr pure Ceylon tea.

—The Rochon family, with an orches­tra of ten piece*, will give a promenade concert at the fair in Institute Hall to­morrow evening. Bandmaster Finn, who has charge of ttm nmsieaV part **f' the fair, will fkrovide a change of pro gramme every evening.

—Rev. IVrcirnl Jerm*. rector of St John’s Church, on Saturday evening |H*r- formed the cvn-mony, which Jivide Mr. Arthur Brook* Cotton and Mi** Mar­garet FJnlnjsou, daughter <>f Mrs. Roderick Finlay ami, man and wife. Ma­jor J«»ne*-gseve the bride a why and Mr.

-ILtfithl, itidieri.ann..,iuiJL.i».*at man. Mr.

Mondi!A 8.

-This evening Ihe first fof the weekly iday excursions to Sidney by the V.

railway wiU leave the HiUmJe avenue station at 8 o’clock. Tlie at­traction at the little village by the sen is the newly erected dancing pavilion, which will be charmingly decorated and ilhimlnateil. The music will be supplied by the It«»ehon family orchestra aug­mented to ten piece* and the Mum train will leave Sidney at 11.30. Street cars will meet returning passengers at the turner of Hillside avenue and Doug­las street.

—There waa a g-*odly turn-out of ex ccrsioni.tta to Goldstream yesterday, al­though the weather was hot so invitb.g a* on the previous two or three day*. Ten evaehea filled with |>asM*ngvrs left the Store street «tjition and after jqh-nd- ing a very enjoyable day Jn the woods, the pleasure makers Wt*re land«*d In the city on their return trip at a few min­utes after *ix o'clock—In ample time for church. With the increasing warmth of summer these little holiday jaunt* to the charming spots iu the vicinity of the city will in all likelihood tievome enor­mously popular.

—HOXDI ha* a rich liquor. *

—Exprès* Service to Dgwaou.—The Canadian Development Company are sending forward a shipment of exprew matter to Dawson by the atearoi-r Itoaa-

" th*. -uflrtTTTT fnim Victoria on Thursday, June 1st, ami tln reafter will" forward nb pnjents smii-We«*ly bn the sU'tiUHTH of the Alaska Steamship Company ami the (.’. 1\ X. (’■ouipany. Regular avr- vlw, fust time. ear»»ful handling, ami prompt- delivery are guaranl«M*l. The Company also undertake the deliv.ivy in illavr'sva i,tf litter? ip

V'isher stat*«* that he will he unahta to tbe vlfi<.vr M iustruvtiuns. The latter. |come at the *iroe time as Dr. Fl»4*her, . ̂ QJ||jy i^t hi* patiimev and escorted Ah $10.but will be here sometime in the full. yj< k t<> the kxk up where he was de j The cut gave Bennett City tin- ni<e»t .wheja ht* will endeavor t*> meet the Uutil to-day. «‘netting day in her history. HundrisUm of thr* Institute iu the matter of ad- i ^Ugjy Solicitor Bradburn appeared f«»r , „£ miner* have been waiting there fordnwe*. Dr. Fbtch«r is, exjHstcd In lir'(lsw.„tion, and J. 1*. Walls for the ( w«iek* for the opining of navigation.Victoria about - July 10th. rtefCTIFF. The fornic? made a formal ap* They ex|M-cte«l to pay $100 for their

i'% .. / . ® «... ' pliestiou for a«ljoumnwnf. but Mr. Walls ! passage «low n the Yukon. When the,h« "> ”” >»*<»- -th -!«* — *

wive a report upt«n, aud to m.ake a profit**!, decision regarding, the Meet inn of a .

for a .......... I h,n„«.. . Tl„ rv,H,r,. *“* *“JM„w„ tuwhich came from the trustees, iwom' *. ;.k , , **, u tl,,amended that lot No. 7 iu the government hud out with what mm» he wasreserve, ou the new road and altout equt , c ,/!*., .. . , . , . .Uiataut Ix-twe-D Elk Ute and UurUu.a ! «J.. Bj^Nn, herv teterjertfld . r,-

It was urgetl that this mark to the eff»-t, that until witnesses

'The arrest of the man. Your Honor,” He was

bail bees examined it would be just asBay be seletfied.lot i* as nearly as possible the centrevf tlw.dl.lrli-l, th.- riT.nilBltnt had »'*• Jur ^lr- * '“u* ,u my Kat.tim-,1 t. pU«. it at thr of ! But thr lattrr ... grt.tlNg trarm thr rraidrnta. and it fillBlIrd thr rond, “'rl.-r thr collar hj thw timr. and ht» 1,00 iiiHriMd by thr dr|«rtm.ltt, that iruiixnatiuu «a» routuwng hla alm-rh.

the - Pwdflpment Company there waa a mad stam.- ]Xd$ for the eompnfii's offices to buy ticket*. Mere people than van be car­ried i« two- week* bought ticket*.

While the long line. of would-be pas­senger* wn* waking to secure tU ket* at this rat»', sonic one shouted that the SJS. Ballev pe*iple bad cut to $."». and to *aTi­the Other V the fif#"crowd •b-serMV the Canmlian Developmetot Co.'s office • and -r.uvi«-b*«l to 8. 8 Bailey’* office as to a new found creek.

The Bailey people were in it to raise the other people right out of the ganw*.

mi i »■>■>»Personal. |

A. L. Clarke, of Ottawa. Is at the l>rta~d.W. o tfnnl. of ttltnqra, I» *| «,h,. Oriental.J. A. Hie wart. Host <m. Is at the iKunla

b-u. . -4Janies McFarland, of ill sers ville. Va., i*

at the Hmn uIud.K. J. Ms n ln was a psiweng.T fry

couver yeMerday. AJ«»ha A. lioMkleikr af X'snrotsver. |« a

g««st at 11*4el VliterU.IVmm Kaiite returned yesterday by the

• harmsr (ran Fast imtCaptain" Kttcrshuuk* was

fr«»*n Vaueoiirer yi-sti-riLiy.w. M. Htmretl. M M flarto and SI. XV

Huth>n. «»f Seattle, afie at the Qtiecu’r*.J. M. Kéllle. M V P.. ,.f Rey.'st kr. Is |a

the e'tt. He Is-at hi* usual quarters, the

a pa-*ehger

Satisfactory Clothing.

io secret ab<of clothing ycu buy her»* ho doubt of It* economy ; every suit !■» sold 'tinder a positive gu;irantv«« by us thst your money will Ite cheyrfuHy refunded If suât I* not satisfactory.The "ntereat of the buyer anil sell­er are mutual, ami we eilHt y.-ur pstrouaxe en the single proimsfilon

—■”*atb»fsetb>n or- your money

Sore Seed lively Patterns • In New Spring Suits at • $8, $10 and $12. •

These $1.50 Tweed Treusersf«*r men we* to have caught on. Jmlgliig from the way they've Ih««‘ii seiHng, Certainly they'd be cheap

• at $24IU In any other store!

W. G. CAMERON,In Victoria! 5$ Johnsonflothier


^ v ! * ** <H1 1 * lar i-xpr»*** tnewcitni envelapw.nnrh further- partimlWr* sf 14 the serviee-are obiaiuabb* at -ihe genual office of the company, .T2 Fort Street, Victoria. •

—Little''"Bbutanni Hanna had a narrow es ape from death yesterday afterndon savoring almost of the mirmcalORK. Mr. and Mrs. Hanna took a drive out to Foul Bay yesterday ami B1<mmuuu no tsimpanied them on b«>r biçjfdr. On the r.‘iu«n journey, passing on the narrow r«wd between Mr. Pemberton’s find the school house, the road de*cen«liug into a little valley and In-ing Ijped * along either aide with trees. Mr. llauua was

him from going Into that territory and It" called to by the little girl to pull to one la an actual fact that many men. who side. Whether her wheel ha<l got the have gone there have voided their Insur- 1 I teller of her and was r it titling away te an«e policies tpr so doing. The policy­holder» In tho Ontario Mutual Ute

m The Increasing traffic to the Yukon and Atlln.goldfields and the expansion of all beam he* of trade In those region* have lalwed an Important aspect of business which call* for serious reflection. The tiiechantc, the cterk. the merchant, the banker, the doctor, the lawyer, the Jour­nalist, the Judge, all In their turn wake

, t.p unexpectedly to find that busies* ne­cessities require their presence to 'the -northe-Ti goblflcld*. At such a time It Is distressing for à man tp And that he haa_ an Insurance, policy whlth prohibits

happPy free from any worry * on thht wore as the policies Issued by the On­tario Mutual am absolutely free from all restrictions as, to travel, residence or :

■ not known, Imt Mr. Hanna pulled to one side expecting her to pas*. 8be turned right into the horse and became fin tangled up, it Mug necessary for Mr. Hanna to unhitch the animal before he could get» her freed. Blood wa* pouring

occupation. The Ontario! exercl*- profusely from a wound on her forehttad.*e caution In the selection of risks In the

^'flrrt toi ta nee,-but having ac« epted a man and Issued him a policy It does 'not ham­per him with cumbersome conditions, but gives him a passport to the Whole world. There I* nothing gives a man so much

: aatlafaction as to,have a policy In an old reliable company. Which protects his in­terests and family untter all ctrcujp- staoces. »w h a f»olSvy can be had in The

* Ontario Mutual Life.

R. L DRURY.Manager for B. C.

give him lot 7 yn the government re- ’ Bratlburn wrfs at once interested. j hi* cohijmhy, made the Miowing staU*-starve iu «-xchauge. “.Well. I ve had o gix»«l d«-al to do with iut*nr, which practically writes tiuis. to

---------------------— :t,” exi lahtnil Mr. Wall* hotly. “When 1 .l.. war.ICE BREAKING UP. , 1 <«nm":ne»i the charg»> book 1 wa* un

Last Sunday.

News was brought by steamer 11 um­bo! U that last 8uinlay the lee com- ; mnavtl to go <>uT of Istkv Bvttmdt and ? great rhanuel# were cut through the ; iake’t* froxen surface by the action of the suu. wind and current*.

On Monday two m«<w*. heavily loaded j with suiqdies of various kinds su|qx»*«*l rweognlxnnce

I able to uu l« r*tand whether it was the Chinaman, the fish or tin* cvnsJaWe who

■ waa obstructing the »i»l«-w alk. The «-«mstable Minis to have l*«*i rather mixed. He gave the fish a free ride as

• well a«i Ah Yick to the kwek-up.”Here Chief Sheppard rom; nml gravely

a«Mre*«e»l the court.j “I may say, Your Hmior,’’ li«- begun,

“that I r«dcase»l the fisli on tlielr own They would have driven

l„ be i*, rt at lla«aon,«ktt IVaiaHt i »« ™‘ "< >>«.>;_hall if I hail at-City. Thev got a considerable distante ; °!!^ •‘♦‘••'«In.down the lake when Ihe ice came to. The-court «milixl approval upon the X.dh.e again ami when the ,-h',-f f"r h;a IhouAtflih.e... and ordered Teft the nevwa wvre reported tu to in a tfU<«rnm,„t until to morrow thedanger.,,» condition. ! ' meant,me Iwlng allow.,1 ont

T»e*dfty saw nnntber section »»f the olL lake çb-aml of in*. St«tuiil»«usi enptaina J ex|** tc.| to 1h* aide to «tart for White Horsr to-'diry- m* tty-tnftrrt£fr; r ' jmnitvlcr of th«* water route !»» Dawson w ill l*c rl«‘(tr :t« *>on n«i Lake Bennett ls«.navigable-; In fact the lower lakes.Thirty Mile river if»'! the upper Yukon w»»re clear of ice me first «if tin» w»*k.


fri*».»New York. .Itipe 3.—Ib-lh* Auderaon.

«va* she ha* tievome k if own to the pub­lic. Carrie Jon»**, the nurse girl who dihanpenred when Marian Chirk, the two-year-old ibrughter of Arthur W.

Steamers loaded with rich Klornliker* Clark, wa* kidjMpped,' was found yes have probably left Dawson by thi* time, terdny afternoon in Summit. N. J.. at The first trip np the Yukon will doutd- | lor a ont’* bouse. 8he ?tt first denied

.....3Dt3HOnat* will" hare in shn hml ever known rite 4 M.irk-. Hn. l*.-ilmhce jL-gyeu-t .deal".of. floatipg jce... 8<w;-., lug...ckuaidy...qtuaetiunvtL...""Bauiaver,:.. -alu-. eral steamers wintered at «-r near Daw \ u and nafenrd flint aha wfiaarm. ko there will he no delay abont com-■tearing Up riv.T trawl

There trw ttiflny rumor» floating about 8kavwny almnt the drowning of certain w»«ll known 8kagwny men. There i* nothing d»«finit«* knomti about the matter exeept that all water way* are ex«*ee»iingly dangerous to travel.

ce trr Little Liver Fill*it da « he. biliousness or consttps-for sick heat____ __________ _________

Mon, yon will never be without them. They are pnrolv Ttyetable. small and easy toÉMffiegffiffift filWttake. iNoh’t this.

Carrie ‘.Uhhk. and that she had ab- duUvd tin* child,


M«>ittri*p|. June — Sto<-k ttfarki t. niorniitg board: War Jvtgb* xd;. 38». 881$. Payne xd.. 385, 3Ni. Montreal and Lmiihm xd.. tlfi. 51$. Republie. 18». 182), Bales: XVar Eagle. 1.000 àt 387; Montreal and IgOtnbm. ÔU0 and Itltl at 57; Republic, 500. 133. «W at 132j.

—Do not delay, but e<»me at once, and have'the ehoioo of the largest stevk -«>f—While moving to onr new store wo

have divided to eontinne onr gn*nt re- ; g«»ods in British Columbia at greatly duetion sale of last w«*»*k. till aU, is re- ! reduced price». Weiler Bros., 51. to 55 moved. Weller Bros., Fort street. • Fort street. •

and the worst fears of the mueb alarm ed parent* were ar«>used. Getting her into the buggy and leaving Mrs. Hanna and a smaller chihl lM*hin«i. Mr. Hann;t drove «itdckly to the hospital, wh»*re he fourni, tutedt Uf his relief, that little Blpaspm was not M-rioualjr hurt at wF, the w-iuml Wing sinqdy an ahraaiofl of th«* skin. To-«lay she is progressing favoraMy and nothing but a alight .mark will remain to remind, her of the acci­dent.

*J0 lbs. VAN. «RAN. HUMAN . 20 lt»s. RICR (boat Jap.).......2U H.» TAPUM A .........................2i* It*». BAOO ....................... ..........

8NOXV FLAKK FLOUR»............TIIRKK STAR FLOUR (Sack»............OOILVIK’8 HUSO. FLOUR <8n« kt. .

i CALGARY F1A>UR...................................ADVK.VT FLOUR . .................. ...

—Upton's teas at Hardn Clarke’s. •







Our patrons will oblige by placing their or«leiM as soon as convenient toHMl# delivered fresh every day.

ca Cream, »odo Weter, Tea, Coffee, Cocoa, etc.

■erven tiuy and evening In our el> gcat tea rooms.

Telephone. 101.

akeside hotelCOWICMAN LAKE.

Ike Mated f ishlee and Summer Resort of the Islaad.

EXCU1BIT BOAIiNti.Stage leaves Duncan'* Monday.

XVeduesdajr and Frhlay. Special tickets- will be l»sue«l by the E- A N. U. K. <’o. A»r Cowlchan Lake on Momlay. W«*<lne*day *n«l Frl days. b«*»m! for 15 dajr»; $5.00 return.Mich



(A**o«Mated Press.»Lilloori, June 4, 4 a. m.—The* river

ha* risen uImmU a foot mu«y* last evening The weather is cloudy au»l »‘*»oU»r._ l-Ht^—Tbc river ha* rt*»n al*ait £uuLxittkV...$uEmM lt i* raln'ug and

I .itlooeî. Jmti» f». - The river, hn* risen about fiftisii inches *in»v last evening. The weather i* cloudy and calm

Yale. Junv 3.—The water ha* risen six in«-h*** in the hist 24 hours.

Gur<4ie!|v. June 5.—‘The water I» abont standstill. The Weather is cool and

CATARRH CURE |Hk seat direct to the dlee**ed

ujeers, clears the air Mope dronoinr* In ihe

permananuj « Catarrh and*I.*y Fev«. Lila

>r. A W MtxHehw Co. Toronto and A FEMALE STAGE ROBBER

(Associated Pr»*s* tPhoenix. A s ir... June 5. -The robber*

who held up the Globe and Florence tfnge l,i*t Tuesday have 1ns*u raptured by Sheriff Truman, of Pimaeo 0>nnty, near î Benson. One of thum turned ont to he a woman named Pearl Hart. She made a strong fight. Both were asleep with gun* b****ide them. When awaken­ed the man *i**mnl paralyze»! with fright hut the woman, T»*n<*bing for the gnnu w Inch bn.I 1*>«*n N*nt«>v«*l. sprang fio her ft*»4 and fought vigorously.


Those d«**iring free inwtractlon la art ahomd apply to The Uaim»1iamRoyal Art Union. IJmited, 238 ami 240 St. James street. Meet reel. Canada

The Art School is maintained in thr Meehani»**’ Institute Building, Mon trenl. and 1» absolutely free. Monthly drawing*, on the last <l*y of each month are held at the St. James street offi.'e for the distribution of Works of Art.


(Associated Press.)riuyenn*', Wyo., June 5.—It is report

cl from .Union Pacific son revs that the Albany I’ouuty stw riff*x„i>o**e has cap­tured thr»x* T’niott Pa rifle train robtxf* six miles from Casper, Wyoming, ami that one of them ha* cow fenced The neat of the gang 1* being pursued

Twenty-eight varieties of thegrow to Italy; to France. 11

and v thi .•( -X .m oarer, ar*. rivHt from the Tertiilnal (Tty un yi-s « r ' •Vi> > »'lmrm«T.

Nonuau Hsnllc, of D«*lw, |l. CarM'l A Ç , was a im«a*eng«*r ln«m tb«* Terminal City «in yifstenlsT'* rharmev.

J. A. 'Kiil'ertoB, marine *ui?er'nteo«leni of j the ('. I*. It . came over from Vanc«»i:ver } yesterday to meet the lUeom'ng Ku pr?3N of Holiday Seggtstkm.

Empn-s* of

T he cut urad»‘ by the offic ials of the Canadian Dovdopnu-ut («Mnpauy at I>akv Beumdt was a direct breach of or­der*. insttucthm» from the Iniartl of dir»»d«r4, puWiug rate* back to- the for- iu«T schedule,, have lievu dispatc4u*d to Skagnay iu such |**remptciTy form as will admit of im> tvuqioriling or dirtobedi- »H»v. And for the remainder »rf the send#nx pa**4-ny»va going by the Cana­dian Devidopmint t 'ouqwuy'* Utats will l***y the full tariff rate, as, if traffic is to Im* carried at a loua, tin* directors a tv i*r- fectly willing that their ixmtpetilor* ta-

’vtire the whole of ifc The <ihject i»f our ImsimsMi is to we-tire a profit, and if no huaiu«**M offer* at profitable rate* we will go without. NX’»- rely on the via** of our boat# tmd the cmiqdetends* -of onr »*«|ui«iment ah«l aevviee a* Indng siieh a* b», gain us a share <rf lh«* trade at a fair living rate. There wW be wr t-nt pit»** at the Coast t(gen« i« *.”

The rat»* of $100 from RtWiniNt to I>nwson, including men}* ami berth, has. thivrefore. Ixvn r»**t»*r«hl by tlo* Cann- dian I)»h-«»lopm«*nt (VimpUny. which with ifv'ght ltout*, i* th»- *1 rongi'st tin the

. r»v»*r. Thi* company owns am! op»*nttr* th? steamer* AiistrMlnn. - Cohtmbijrn.

Cauaslian. Yivtotiun. Anglian., and. Ahr»*, "fifF- TMtebL ~ ... __ _______

The officer-i of tin* B»*nn»dt Ja»k«* and Ktomlike Nm vigofintt C«»m|Wnjr. owning and ««|HTating the. atoamer*-Ora, Nora, am! Flora, when #a*<*n thi* morning said tin? n«*r«i not «•oncermxl in any rate war. if rate war there was. Their rate was $HK) pi Dawson, and $100 it will nmiain or they, will tie up their steam-

It s**em# that Cajda-n Bstley who started thr* trouble, has placed no tick­ets on sale in Victoria or Seattle. He. offers an ngroimo-nt to furnish pn**«*ti-^ gcr* tran*i>ortatl«>n 1m*1ow While Hors»* on some boat m*t wpc» ifi«*<l, in cormer-tlon with bis own Invtt. He itgrn** té semi a pa*«eng(*r 552 miles for $5; amt 454 of the*** mil»*» 'mil*! lie on another man’s *t<mnt»*r. for wh'ch serviie the oth«*r man must be paid, presumably out of Cant. Bailey’s pocket.

It does not eeem likely that Capt. Bailey or any of the other owners of in­dividual boat* will keep np the cutting

awaiting the arrival of Japan to-nmrrow.

Among the h .anew anl Lviiml passe age i** from .ti e mainland on Sntur.lay were <*. K. Jones. K. Crow Baker. W. Ih an a ml wlf *. and XV. F. Mullen

William Blnmlell left <;r Satur lav even­ing hy th«» Utopia en route to I. >a«lon Eng-, vin the i in- it üé'lhrn Ra Sway ami White St ir Lia# h.s

Arthur R. Melville. Naiinlmo“; II. Har­rison. Vauruuver; and E. II. J««hnson, N *w Westminster, are among th * recent sis ut the Dominion.

J. Gcrtmiri Tlairk* ha* left for Kaml<M»i»* Tufessl.m'al IhhIpcm, hsrltnr In pre-

pnrsMoa the |dnn* f«»r a bl«M*k to In* er •« led In the Inland Capital Hty

Ml fils m Cn*lg. of Mtsirs. R. P R'ther St Co., well ki\own as the le ider of the Arlon <"lnh soil In tnu*l« nl circle* g *ner a Hr. Is reported to M *131 very $U to Ffnnctsco.

A. K.*on, of Detro't.A>ialagi»afl from the tiortli«*rn trail nnl wh«, lut «ltd* to return to some valasbt* pls«*«*r .grouud he discovered while In the north.

(\ Tapper Harvey, of Mount I'tilacke. N, ft.: I* one of th<»se who returned la-*t wee'» from the Krftmonto» trail. Al hough »e tm* what di*i»ppot»te«l with his ex(*rlen«e* In l wit lull Colu.ptb|a In- has concluded that having come so far nwsy from home lie hid t’i'ffcraray kvre: irmH* new Tor a ratich.

OR. A. W. CHASE S 2gc


It» DOUGLAS STREET ... OPPOSITE CITY HALL government street. %»■»■»»«»■>mW»»W»»00»»»0»»M»»»»»»»»»»MOW»(



Scots in London Frensied With Joy at the Hero's Home-


Rival Show to the Kitchener Tri­umph-Highland Commander

Royally Welcomed.




Bvyuud a *toul f»»ç, » dauulWaa eiiirit, and a natural aptitude tor light- iui:. Lieutvnaut-i’ukieel Hector A. Mac- tlvuahl, C. B., baa bad f*W adtuBUgee from varvutugv or deaceut. HP tnelight tirât in u luutdy OHiç croft ,n* in the pariah of Fwlltedi, in the Black laie district, half way between BlngwaU and Cromarty. Hi* psreuta were cruft

general on the spot. T«o armies saw vlshea arrfVtng at OmdumuiB. 11*.»«** It all and our at least admired hi* In- tiling I wish to tHl you la that the brt trv,„,i x Bdy aa a gladUtor, gade which was entrusted* to me wai boi

with what to someLooked Inevitable D$*a*kar

atariW “him iu the faw, he fought hia brigade fur all it waa worth. He qeiek- ljr moved upon, the beat availalde ground,.

u tluit in all action* It latwu mn altacke wmm ». il.è Kindfine and !u.- ,iw»S«>i«. <<t «#èhort hrtrmil. fma'M^M .tir-lkw, H«- 111 nf She MOta tt .t MM «* ***

g^T^m «-nSnewiesr-W-M «■»• «.—«'a» Ug.rath«r,<-ti.m to Colimel Maedoeiild. ae When koine!*..!, ou.-e

The b. ginning waa hard ami uupcowia- battle against tnimeadou* odda and won. iug. After a few years niant in nequir- luslevtaiou or tlurry would have totally in-' an vlviueiitary education in the par- wrecked Macdonald*» brigade, but hap- iah wvhvot he vrrnt to Dingwall and ^ (facdr Brigadier well knew hia busi- WOtked for' some time « the bote* —stable**. By "the time he was woeeteen Years «»/ age the first vr«m»ptiurt* of the ambition which afterward* th»v«4opcd m*.ra foily under iihm* favorable condi- t loti a iuduved him to I**1*'»* hi* native tTi-i eroveevt to lnwemeew. lie wa* there HVlH-entivesl to a drî^ ttit" a couple of years of indoor work con­vinced him that he required more stir­ring work than nerving behind a couater and puzzling over the color* of clan tar- tana. A twelvemonth*» training with the Merchant*’ Vompeay of the Inver­ness Volunteew served him a* an intro­duction to military life, and at the ewd of that time, on 11th March, INTI, be followed the example se* by *«» many of the same mime, and joined the HCnd Gordon Highlanders, lie had at length found the work foi which he was euiled "by nature, and he took

Even the Drud^wy of It with spirit and vuthu»ia*m. Twelw-

volunteering he found was an excellent help in the edurathm of * pri­vate soldier, a ml toward* the end of the year iu which he was vnlieted he was judged efficient enough to accompany » draft of the Wind V» Jullunder, iu India, lit India he finished hi* owti drill, and In 1STJ "received hi* first step of pnmio- tion by being ag»pointed drill <*>ri>orol.For a twelvemonth he worked is this capacity and |K*rforwed all hi* duties so well that he van then made sonsrawl. and in rtie following year, «luring the march to Mboltan. he was r»i*«*d to the gra«le of «‘«dor-iwrgeant. Haring thus rapidly rea«hed almost the limit <*f tbe noB-eoi»mi**loned rank hi* progress waa necessarily *t«>i>p<‘d for a time, and It waa a* <*nlor-*wcgeant in Caiitahi Mac- CallunTa company that be went t<» the front in 1NÎS. The «-ompany cwcort««d General Hobsvts ami hi* staff in the famous march "oil *Vabtil. aml^ a sharp «•ngagethent in- the Pa** of Sbuturgur-^ dan gave Color-Serge®nt Macdonald •« opportunity of laying the foundation of the fame which has since jnade hi* name familiar. -—- :

To the Pisgile of Britain

Assailed by the Dervish Army but I brought up the threw batteries placed under my evmmaud, ami with t titan I assît iled tin? Dervishes. (Cheer».) The fire of those batterie» brought that

êrà! aid üi'wrlf ilfe^Vt *nn«l fonkeil ab»ul, aad .iaoTto large boat dowu upon theS. a* .Luv;.ot wou,., U- bi, a,r | die o, -a. He W - ***?* IJr.Sr.irSSr JZl Sfgt

tire at thein when they «unie.iwithin infective range. It waa tbu» that the firm attack was destroyed, ,and_the .bfi-

tes*. gade was run Med to change front. "* Bul­la hi* official despatch* the «nier my object in stwelling upou thia U that 1

mad. *,*-!,! me»*oe U.v ...... 1ml- don-1 think .uIHrUut vmlU la odrot •Slacdonwld's brigade,*’ he wrote, the hriillery of the army, and I wish to

. highly tested, beuriug the brunt of impress <U-ou yvattack* delivered at very A


Canadian Pacific Railway Company

Ha» »tatlooe«l ffw'ee <luld«*e at Banff, Iaikee m the Cloud* and Glacier for the convenience of tour- Ute wishing to explore the moun­tain» copy

asked ColonelMacdonald how it felt to be in the ravk- «< of battle, hie analysis w a*. “I don't think you feel anything in particular:** London Corrvsponilent Glasgow Evening Nvwa. ,

Nearly errryone ^ needs a “prtng

it U to my self and the whole nnpy. that th« very great « are he has for-bmg de­voted to The training of lii* brigade ha* proved so effectue!, «maiding his men to behave with the gw*»*** stoadinawe un­der most trying circumstance*, and re- XP|lr|y PVery,ine „,,w « rMs pellinfi most Buccti»*fnliy twu determmiHi mesilclne, and Hood1* tiarsaiKirllln Dervish onslanghta*" , odd* the t»e*t that money can buy.

Whether or not Cokmel Madonnhl** achi«-vcm«-nt on that <>oc»shm reeeiyeit all the official ’recognlBon .which it «b- serv.Ml is a question which need n«>t l>e further d«4»at«idr but the warmth of the welcome exten«le«l to hint «‘ii hi* home­coming i* proof thtit hi* countrymen at least are prom! t<> iwegnise l‘«^ s.*nriee» to the nation. "

In Mr. Bennet Burl. igh*« latest v«w sion of the rapture i f <*«d one I Mtvd.mnld and hi* brigade absorb all the "honor* of #!«• fight:

faowi»’* brigade was Are rest, but it was almost a mile away, and the dvr- vish«Mi were wool to move *«> that the ordinary troops seemed to staml still.And Ivè'fl*, for relisons of hi* own. de­termined to remain when* he was. In- «Tecinion or flurry would have totally wreek.’il MactVmald’s brigade, but hap- pity their brigadier well knew- hi* bttsl- itfMi. An or-liT w*s sent him which, had it l»oen obeyed;- wotild have ensured Inevitable disashr t«> th<- brigmle. if not

A Catastrophe to tln<kAriiiy.He wa ; bade to rctin- by, poiwiMy. hi* divirion commander. M«c«loiiald km-w l*‘ttvr than -attempt a retr<»gra«lv movt- «nwfit, iu fhe fail* i»f ttwi and daring a toe. It would have ,s|*41ed annihila­tion. The sturdy Ifighlumlnian *«i«l,.•‘I'll no do it. I’ll she them damned first.

1’rvf R. F. Rattan, of McGill Univer­sity and Urof. E-1 ward», official analyst, Mootteal, certify that >


" I» alnoletrly non-injuriouâ to food nvuenals cooked in contact with it"

This is momentous testimony. Or­dinary cheap enamelled ware is not safe ; it boms end chips-— the enamel preparation is not pure.

Run ae risk. Every piece of1 is labelled sod ■

The Thee. Davidson *fg. Co.MOimtKAL.\V* maun ju«t light." Am! ■uu-eawhlli-

| XTajor-Gnu rat A. Ilm.tpr waa «t-urrymaI • hurry up t« infiirvi-im uis .« wise e_e___Be_j_6a^e-=~

and to the areriea of the weiflL daeeral muasun . nih.-r 1 eoild _ _Hubert** deapatehes ma«H‘ generous men- 1 tun reach Meed «Hi a Id in time were bring Hie UaFaI ||î)là/CAI1tion <«f th«- part which the gallant color- 1 Ht.nt him by the Sirdar to try and hold HV/IUI l/(lntjvllsiTgMint had taken in the fighting in on. that help wa* nauing. •• ■■ as, •• aad «T Tatss lthe Pass, ami five «lays after in the bat , And in n sulwqimnt vhwphv:tie of Charasiab he 1«*«1 a seceessfiil as- { He won practical!/ unaided. f«»r the

EflHtt FOR

Hawaii, Samoa, lew Zealand and


Cum tout hem Co.(LIMITED.)


Time Tabic No. 41 Taking Effect Jane 1. ltW. ,

VANCOUVER ROUTE.Victoria te Vancouver—Dally, eseent

Vl#Mhî^«a‘ n i? s.m. Vancouver toVletofi»--Oa||y, except M imlav, <u i i&

°r °n ■rrt',al of 0. P. R.NEW WBHTMINSTHR ROUTE.

u«v« Victoria for New >N>stmln«t»r n;ct,,n»r \vmî ,,tilu Wanrt—lluBdây at l{ « Wednesday ami Frl«lar at 7 o'ei.M*

and M«ut?abjr Island*-Frielay at 7 o’clockUay litN7,riW,</H"lv*<*r fvr Vlc’orl* M„n- u 'f,,';.. À6,° c.l<ît'k. : Thursday and

at V •/Iw*. for llumper Pas* Phurwlay ami Saturday at 7 o'clock, y”7 V&T* M‘>rv,lhy *#,*nd»—Thuredsy at

NORTHERN ROUTE., ®tt?m*klpa of thl* c.mpaiîy will leave for Fort Klmp*<m and In termed-at,, porta™îïBC^°^er', 1,nb ■*! 20th eachmonth, at 8 o dock p.m.

ALASKA ROUTH.- fiteanmhlpa of thl* company will leave V.v kiy for \\ r.iiiiiri, Dyea and Hkagway.

BARCLAY SOUND ROUTE.Wb Wlllapa leave» Victoria for Albernl

and Hound port*, on the 1*t. 7th, 14th and <>f each month, extending latter tripe

to *Vl|ali-llit- ainl « U1H- S '.It,.The <s»miwny re*«-rves the right of

changing thl* time table at any time w'-th out notiflcajlof-- *

. - <> A. OARtnETOlt.(leu«-ral Freight Agent.

C. 8. ltAXTEIl.Pawn-ngc-r Agent.


^ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Î

The White Pass and Yukon Route


From Skaguay, Alaska, to the Summit of White Pass in a Comfortable Railway Train.

D. D J«mes ha* been appo’nted Custom* Agent for the White Pane A Yukon Route In Alaska and British Columbia. lie will make hi* headquarter* • t Hkagway. The appointment la made that patron* of the White I'a** Yukon Route will not be subject to troublesome delays or en-easlve duties.

SB: ALAM»t»A ^> Wndnooday, J*a*^iRhUatBALIA to Mil W« dne*d«iy. June 28. at 2 p. iu.. f«.r HONOLULU only

Line te COOLGAUDIB, Aue.. and < APE- TOWN. SoutteAfrtca

J. D. SPBECKLES>A BROS. Co..Agentm. 1H Montgomery. St..

Freight office. :$27 Market street. San FrancfiM'o. ______________ ■

Washington & Alaska SS. C ’y.LIOMTSIMO EKPHESS

.... -To-

Dyca-Ska^waym ftA HOURS.

SS. CITY OF SEATTLESat!» for Dyea and Skagwer direct everyten day*. Ne eiofie. No delays Beond

lay*. Hates name »» onNext selling

C. P. N. Co,, id., SteamersWill leave Turney Beetoa A Co e

.—Am folldwe tt 8 p.m.

"TEES" . . . Juk7,2I “DANUBE" . . June 14,28

And from Vancouver on following day».

wG%For freight and pawage apply at the l6e rumpany, 64 Wharf street,

Victoria RL The coffipeny reserve* the right of changing .file time-table at any time without Botfitantlon.

trip In seven other steamer*.

Friday, Oth June. vSutMiequeot aalllngw June \A , 38h, July

fith. 2lMh; August 4th. 19ih For rate* and Information apply to DOD WELL A CO.. Ltd. 64 Government street Telephone 880. ■ . .________ .________




Dyea and SkagwayDirect every ten dava. No aAfp*. No de­lay*. llooud trip In seven data. Bate» aame aa un other steamers. Next sailing

Monday, fitk June.Subsequent aatllnga June 18. 25.

For rates and Information apply to DOD- WKl.L A COT. lad.. Agent A 64 Ooverement etreet. Tele phone 880.

VICTORIA, B.C.«suit <*« two gun* WI gallantly that he : |tiU4.i, was all but over wlum the Gomel gjnii^pw^rw<Sfc°rimtSiJaa ZZl^AnSeSS again received sperisl mer.tiott, ; Corps, hurrying up. formed niton nt* i,i#n*. Newly furnlahcd and rvltted

—* I* - thruugbovt.In OctolKy, 187t>. he. to«>k rriief right, after he ha*l f#<•«*«I nlvmt to re-.squa.1 uf men up n great height, an«l n- «rive, the Slu-ikh >M Din's «.mdaught.Hwed an outlying picket, which, but for The Lincoln*, who arnrcl later «>n.hi* «Hev«v manfKSivre mul timely arrival, j Helped to Hasten the F'lighfniitht have l-'H mmihllali-,1 1» tb<- Af ^ ^ enemJ whow r.-|iulw wa. iuwiii-Rhan«. w hat hi- got hi. rommlaMott for ^ ^ lnJ „f Wau, h..|.- « bri-

wa. tin- mnurn-r in wbb-h I» , ja|> ww Kithin i_.m r„n|, „f M.i- di«urlx,l tht* arran«raaMit« aaad, ” ! ,luull|,|. |> „i». brigaik » .rv not win law body of tnl.-wn.-o to have " t" «’ y, ,u 1Mj„, „„ mUvh. . . . . If th,"thi- 5th Lancer», who. «.,-orlm* I..rd al|Uc ur<1 ^ Hirch (lf lbl. r,,„, „r

1wr^,"k"lD',|ln, VT L..M 1 Omdumwio th.-n- he Im ready mad—«, lean nearly JdO yard, broad. Macdonald . v h(j ,wmil|„, „„ ,lluI,d.-r to W r,.l.-.-mw„. With hi. ,-mnnaay. "hlih at^o f co.r.«ia«. oowdart afterward, time wna urnler the command of Lien- ... , . . .tenant Grant. H«wtor t.w.k half | Ilia JUtcception in Lumbm.the company In hand, and. throwing The IlighJoudvra in Loudon on Hatur- ; the» <itit in *k$rmi*hing onltr. emtted s ' ,jUj. uight Jid honor to Cotouri Hector , diversion by kiKicking over ffbout 4<> , ^ Macdonald cutertgiuiug him to a trlbcwoien j.i*t in front of the a«lv»n<-ing jc<»enplini«m.tary banquet at th«- Hotel lagncers. Cecil, the first of a serin» of similar

In tl.v ticliting which followed he fig ■■«■■■■■■

JOHN MICHAEL, Proprietor.



ured ao prominently and performed *u«* deed* of valor that Ixnxi Robert* public­ly complim«Mite«l him before the troop», »n<i effvrvtl him hia choice between a Victoria Cross ami a commission. There

. nie difficulth1* in th«- way of n mon. Twweriewttr wôrimwv- i • wiwri'i"*, hnlillat -

fun«-ti«m» taking phnv in different porta ot the cvdntrj. The Duke of Atindl preaided over a distinguished company uuiubcfiiig al*»ut four liuntlred, and lu-riu.lmg the Karl of Duamutt. Laitd Strathcuna and Mount IV-yaL GeneralSir JL JSséto.IM V. Ef i>vMld *J*?JSS2

Dly Hat. Run.

I v. Victoria .................. !• :<li 4:26p.m. 2 IXi

Ar. GuJ«la:renir. ........... 9 2* 4 M 2:2RAr. Shawnigan Lake.. 10:14 6:3» 3:11Ar. Duncans ................ 10 48 6:16 3:47Ar. Nanaimo ................ 12:14 7:41 5:15

Excursion ticket* aa to and m»all pointa on Haterday* and Hundaya.

The following mice ase In effect on Eun-

! rwm,commission - in the British army, but j- dime, Colonri Ian Iliunilbui, Bollit*Macdohald fa«*el them as be had- «lone shearer, Olnegow; Mh J. M. Barrie. /> a1/1 ctrAlftt far more difficult position» and took the-. >|r William Grant, Mr. William Stew- \JUlxlu 11 VU Ill

_ < Dininixsiun. The dfficFfs <«f the regi- j nr| B««gie, Mr. Ben net Burleigh, a in I Mr. 4 mont, rvcognikififf hi! "Wnrlli, extended w Klnnlf.l R«»se,aoldierty welcome to him. and «oh their \n pr«qMwtug the t«»a*t of the ereeing.

^ with *4 mur ntfwtr flm «hHirmnh âlnpfrtifvf sword of "honor. Flight yearn after join* * <v>hmri Mnnkmntd’s carevr, which be «!«•- Ing the ranks he had. by hi* own energy scribed ** a WÉïflitlf one.- A* to hbe

and ReîBni ^Children under 12 fun

*nd vuriMs *ec-ue«Al hia-.«-«Humi**M*lb.Mjî n_jMwrvÛMFw In. the RomlAn. bail Major Mac- ... 1<1 few month* later was epiK>liit««l wn end lieu tenant and Afterwards litsiten- nut. At thç ctose of the Afghan cam­paign be served in the Transvaal, ami in 18-85 he went.

.Still Keeking Active Service, —-■ t«> Egypt. Mince.then hi* W«»rk lay with the KhcdiriaJ jirmy," with which he bus

«b ma hi not had his briiraib- wriï in band. Ounliirmnn might not have been the sue*- ces» It Wa*. He bail hewrd one i>o»1tton oecup$e«1 by their gueet at Omdunnan t«»ward* the rlrnr of the battle «l«.-*crltH‘4

Tlio Cockpit of tlie Great Fight, and also that the battle wg* mainly won

Shawnigan Lake•nd ReturnChildren under 12 yem



bred, werkdi and f'nnghT for ahttosF by 4W cool Wlmviur vf th«* brigadii-rt'een year*, rising by Htawr** through the ranks of captain, major, and brevri- Meuti lunt-coloneL 1Ih< «crowning ex­ploit so far f««r no mao'* «•ar«s*r «an l«e judged n* a whole while he i* yef only 47 yeurs of age—lui* bwnt hie e handling «•f the Kvudamwe brigade rim»ugh the Soudan «•ampaign. On the opeuktif <yf tho ertmpaiyn he wa* ayqiaiSstANl tj» Tka* «‘«m- maud, ami the inognrffreiibw-rvice' which It vcrnieri-l limit In- eqill fn sfi ill ^ the public mind. Thi? *hor*est of meseniriew «•an scarcely have, forgotten already Unit nt the battl«- of < Imilawum “Old Mac’s Macks.” a* they are admiringly termed! by the Egyptian army, had to iiear th«- brunt of the tight, and by their ati-iiili- iie**. valor, and drinvminattnn ttirned a threateueil disaster into a complet!» and

.«-rushing vli-b-rx. Guv uar c«>rr«-^H.n1t Vuit r«»f«*rring lo' thc ' finit wrote: “find the brilliant. th«- splendid d«el of arm» wrought by Macilohald 1n*ii «time under the e> es of n sovereign, or In some other amilDti h» bad lurdr been « rented »

Duncan’s~ «nd muni............... . $1 •

Children under 12 yeurs


ami hi* black troop*. (Cheer*.) They wore prmid of llwir < vuu-t i>men, and «m larhalf of the illghlanrl asam-ialion* «if ixMidon and other friend* he had great j l*I«vi*ure III presenting a mwonl «if honor to their guest. (JLxiud eheew.) The I>ukè then. nini<l*t fb«» greatest enthnel* A. DUNKMUIE,asm, fnMtwqiil tb«* benutlful w#g|*m to !______ Itosaldt»LI’oionri Mni drtn.nld'* t*dt, j .. » «*..' 7 0 "

i’„i„mi Mii--vn«i-i .... ,,.,4,4 nth victoria and Texada Island.tremvmhm* enthueimen on rising to re*pond. the dwering coBtlouing fbr aeme ! 7 ~~ ■minutt**. In tffie course #«f hi* speech, 1 ( oluntil Mimlonald «aid: **1 prwueN* that it i* owing einllridy- to my having | eonmonded a brigade of the Egyptian |,imiy that I am tu-re timight. (No.) 1 There is one thing, howeviT. I shkuld , mm to tell you ht^rc. bj-«-su*«» I think U ha» Insii very much mlsrrtNvwmtet.l, snd that fg about k jwtfiè of the arriofi nt 'r Onuturm.ui. . The wlwlom ami fomdght nf the flit liar waa shorn-n by idaring ! three hafterir» of artlttery at my com- j mend, with a yiew to prevent the Der-

For rate* and all Information apply at eoaepany'* olH«w.

OHO. L. (vOlTRTNBY.Truffle Manager.


Victoria ter Nanaimo, Thnrid.iy. e..« .8 ».m.Nanaimo for T«‘xa«la, Fftilar............7a.m.Tesada for Nanaimo. Hiivardny.... v.T a m. Xauaiuio for Vletorla. .Tiueaclar,v... ,<l Am.

railing at way porta.Every Wednesday at 7 ajfc. Hr Hooke and

retefnaewe day.

For rates apply eu hoard or at Porter’s Wharf.


“ALPHA"WHI. leevc Spratte' Wharf for

Dyea, Sltafway and WranSelMAY 87th,

and from Van«*oorer at 12. noon, on the following «lay.

For freight and paaaage apply at the office of the company, 3ti Fort «tract. Vic­toria, B.C.

The company reecrvc the right of «-hang­ing thl* time-table at any time without notlftantlou.

J. D. WAREF.N. Manager

O.R.& N.— AND—


Bennett lake and Klendyke Navigation Ce., til.

Steamer» leave Porter » Wharf for

Skagway, Dyea ..d

WrangelAa fotiowa :

SS. CVTta - - - - Way 18 SS. A»UI.....................*a,MAed from Vancouver on following days.

For freight and paeaer-.-r rites apply


39 GOVERNMENT STHEET..The Comp*nr reserves the right of

vhangtej^ thu^tim* telle at aay time with-

100 Pounds Baggage Free.Investigate Fully. Do Not Be Misled.


———skaguay is the gateway


J. H. GREEK. H. |„ GRAY,Commends! Agent. tinm-ral Traffic Manager,

16 Trounce evenne, Victoria. Dexter l’« rton lUdg.. Seattle. Wash.

Read 2 rente In stamp» to any nf our agents for onr new map uf Atlla.


Chilkoat Pass RouteChllkoot Relireed O Transport Company.

A Ieoh « Rellwey 6 Treneportnt Ion Company. Dyen-Klondlli* Trenaportntlon Company,

The Boscowltz Steamship Co., id.

STR. B0SC0WIÏZWilt leave Epratfs wharf on


For Naas River and Way PortsVIA VANCOUVER.

,__ ______ _______ .R| L .Pollman palace alecpers. upholstered tour­ist sleeper» end free reclining chair cafe; •team heat, llntseh light.

For ticket» to or from any prints in the United Htaiee, Cahsda or Europe, call on

BTCnAfm-HAbb, A««H*t,— -------- , lUti «lovuruiucnt street.

---------E. H. ELLIS, Uen. Agvnt.A-attle.

— ------ w. H. HULBURT. O-P A..Portland.



HALL, GOEPÉL & CO,100 Government fftraeL

Spokane Falls 4 Not them Nelson * Fort Sheppard

Bed Mountain RailwaysTho only all rail 'route without change of care between Stroknne, Roeelend end Nelson. Aleo between

Neleon and Roeejnnd.

DAILY TRAINS.Ia»ave. Arrfve.

8:3U t.m............... Bpokane .3:10 p.m.9:48 ........... Botalaud ...........p.m.SffiO s.m.. ............ Nelson ........ 8:86 p.m.- done eaeeertlse et Nalnsn wltb steemer for Ka*lu and all Kootenay Lake Points.

Pn**enge * for Kettle River and Bound- Creek connect at Ifsrcue with stage

0. O. DIXON. O. P. â T. A..Spokane, Weak.

pae*agc apply at the * " * . Ktore atn

For freight and «x.mpanya ufflee, Janlon bloc*,VU*"rin. B.<

Tii# company reaervea the right of eharv lug this time table * It hunt notUleailun.

H. LOGAN. General Agent.


Operating a System of Aerial Tramways Between Dyea and Crater Lake.

Thee# tramways did three-fonrtbe of the bueln foubftfthe uf It thla year.

year and will do

Old Yukoners Employ Thl» Route Almost Exclusively.

Wlee men will Investigate the routes end condition» before committing th<*lr freight to any particular tra'I. Our facilities enable ne to give-a cheaper end more expedltlone aenice than any other route. We ahell glee both, ae will be demonwtrated upon application.



For ratio and full particulars apply te

DODWELL *,C0.. Ltl. R. P. RITHET S CS.. Ltl.

Fast MallTHE NORfN-WESJLRN LINEHave added two mere trains <the Fast Mall) to their St. Panl-CMea-

^ eorvlce, nwhtng eight train»


Via Montreal, Quebec, Boaton or .New York, and all atcamehlp lines.

For all Information aa to eeU'ngs, -galea, etc,. Apply

B. W. GREER. Agent. Cor. Government and Fqrt Itg



Lune, uovrrnment and l


PARKER. General

ooo ^ to —,mum,mm uns*,HASH,cuaho’f'orki

kettle uivif HUM, •UTTE,ST. NK, CHICAGO,

sad all pelât» iait and South

I THe only Itie two dally tnmel K***wtlnental treSna, -...........

another Vines. 0<H>d Krvl7‘ Bate» ae low For all Information, thee carda, maps,

etc., call on or addreae „ , „ B- K. BLACKWOOD.Freight and Paaseugcr Agent, Victoria, prit lab Columbia. *

A. D. CARLTON.Assistant General Passenger Agent, 22B

Morrison street, Portland. Ore.

h<et Somd k Alaska SUamxhip Co.TIME CARD Me. 16.

ffhbject to change wttbowt notice.

Pacific Coast Steamship Ce.

For San Francisco.The company'* elegant

atenmahln* QUBBN, WAL- ■KA. WALLA, and Ot ATI L LA. carrying H.B.M. malls.

_ _ leave victoria, b.c , ffn.m.. June 3, R. l.t. 1R, 2:t. 2S; July 8, 8, 18. », 28. 28; August 2 ami every fifth dayt hereafter.

Leave HAN FRANC ISCO for Victoria. B <*., 10 a.m , June 6. 10,, 1R. 2(>, 25, .Hi- July 6. M, 15, 20, 26, :rt>; August 4 and every fifth day thereafter.

ary Cdally-


^L'OTTAGB CITY,» June 14, 29; July, 14,

^LITY OF TOPEKA, June 9. 24; July 9,ORIZABA, June in.AI. KI. June 4: July 4. |1>: Atigi.nt 3.

And every fifth «lay .thereafter.The *'earner COTTAGE CITY will call at

Victoria p in. June 14. 2lit July 14, 29; Aug. 13. for paeeenger* and fnlirht.

F« r further Infurmutlun obtain folder Tb«- . .,m|wny reaervea the right to change

without pn-viiMia iu>t>r«» «teamera. sailing dates and hour* of mIIHht

K. P. KITI1ET A CO..-Agents, ... .61 Wharf street Jlctoria... B.C.

f.OODAf.L, PERKINH * CO.,Ueoeral Agente, fias Francise*».


When people are contemplating a trip, whether ! on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beet ncryloe obtain able so far aa speed, comfort and safety ara concerned. Employee# of the W1S- ÔON1IN CENTRAL LINM are paid- to aerve the public and our trains ar# oper­ated eo aa to make close connection» with diverging line* at all Junction pointa.

Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cara on through traîna. ?

Dining Car service unexcelled. Meals served a la Marie.

In order to obtain thla firet-clane service, •*k the ticket agent to tell you, • ticket

THE Wisconsin CENTRAL lines

and yon will make direct connections at | 8t. Paul, for Chicago, Milwaukee and nil | poibte Kant.

For any further Information call on aey ticket agent, or cetHWN»i with

J. C. POND.— General Pas». Agent,

Milwaukee, Wla.OT JAB. A. CIX>OK,

General Aeeht,•b 246 Park street, 1 <k_:iB fvrlUn*, ore. . J „ ,,,


SUNDAY).T-r. Seattle ...........................Ar. Fort Townsend.........................12 fibLv. Port Tow a*» ad------- - -------. -124Wp, »,Ar. Victoria ....................................... 5:30p.m.


trr. Victoria ....................................... 8:no p.m.Ar. Fort Townsend...................... !:<*>«.mLv. Fort Townsend.....’.............. l:30a.tu.Ar. Seattle .......................................... 6:3ua.m.


Victoria & SidneyRAILWAY.

Traîna will run between Victoria au«l Sidney *» follow»: „

DAILY :Leave V'rieria at. ..........7:00 a.m.. 4:00 p.nxLeave Sidney at..8:15 a.m.. 0:15 p.m.

SATURDAY:I.eaye Vlrioria at..........'.7:00 j.m., 2:00 p.«i-Leave Sidney at....... .8:15 a.m., 5:15 p.m

SUNDAY !Leave Victoria at.......... .11:00 n.m., 2:00 pm.Leave Sidney at.......... .10:1$a.m., 5:15 p.m.

THREAT Northern

I Stree*. Vktwl». B. C,

•3 |SS.,,ltopia”Connecting at Beattie with, overland Flyer.

J. U. IlGGKltS, Agi,





In stato during the day.

Donald Guthrie, chief of the fire de- fturtment. submitted his report for May K. the lust meeting of the council, whfch was ai follows: Fire alarms: May 11. Bt. Charles Hotel, damage alight; May 24, rluu te on Washington—strwtrabout 2125.

There were 59 arrests during the month of May. There was collected In fines *724. •

KA9I.O.Captain "George D. Reid has returned

from an extended vjalt to the East. He turn come back to accept a position with, the Kootenay Railway and Navigation Company as company storekeeper.

Colonel Veits, bf Minneapolis, la again In town. The colonel owns some prom­ising mining property in the Ioirffi). on which he had some work done last sum­mer. He Intends to go on with develop­ment work again this year.

DONALD.Malcolm McDonald and W. Totion. of

Heaver,, the latter partner of Scott, who left for Tete Jaune Cache about a fort­night ago. returned to Donald on Thurs­day. and reported the first fatality at­tuning to the Tete Jaune (’ache gold ex­citement. It will be remembered that McDonald anti Kls mute. A. Maôhetté. left Golden a fortnight ago In a boat which they bufit here, taking iflth them 1.200. pounds of provisions. -At Klnbasket I<ak«- they were Joined by Tolto. and de­cided to run thé rapids on the Columbia river r>»tween Klnbasket Lake and th-i confluence w‘lh Canoe river. AU wen! well till, the boat reached 21-mtle rapid, r.lne miles from Canoe river, where the boat struck a rock and upset. Tolton saved himself but Machette was drowned.

GREENWOOD.The plant for the Snowshoe mine Is ex­

pected this week. It consists of a M horse power boiler, a Ledgerwood hoist and a Cameron pump.

J. E. Kelly. D. C Corbin's mining ex­pert, was In the city last week, lie spent several days at the King Solomon mine In Copper camp. -Considerable develop­ment Is being done on the King Solomoh.

The, business men of Greenwood hav-j subscribed liberally towards the construc­tion of a wagon road from Green woo 1 to the West Fork of Kettle river.

Sneak thieves have been busy here. On Tuesday last the burglar or burglars en* tered the bedroom of F. T. Abbott, ex­press agent for Snodgrass and Son’s, at the Palace Hotel. Anaconda, and took his vest containing Î134 and watch from un­derneath his pillow notwithstanding the fact that Mrs. Abbott and two children were sleeping in the room. Mr. Raton’s bedroom was also entered and a^Wir of trousers and five dollars taken away. On. Friday evening H. M. Keefer lost a pair of trousers ânÜTSSr nr csshr -

GOLDEN.One of the employees of the Columbia

River Lumber Company named Cope­land had his toe cut off by his foot catch­ing In. one of the saws. He was removed to the hospital for treatment.

The body of the man who was killed In March last at No. 19 snowshed by the slide which occurred simultaneously with the Rogers Pass fatality, ha» been found in the base of the valley, and the re­mains were burled at-yiUec*llewaeL

Rev. Mr. West man. an .ordained minis­ter from Victoria, has been appointed to the charge of the Methodist congrega-

—Uwt at -Qelden.r On Tuesday Rev. Mr. Cropp was pre­sented with a purse containing W"hy members of his congregation In Golden, with their best wishes for his future suc-

• CÇS8. The presentation was made Just be­fore the train left for the East.

Th# court house Is to be removed from Donall to Golden Immediately and will be erected on the site of the present gov­ernment buildings. The building now In i se will be moved back and will be util­ised to provide prison and other accom­modation.

The first pack train of ten horses, car­rying about a ton of. supplies, went out on Friday morning for Tete Jaune Cache. Other parties will follow dally.

VANCOUVER.Five boys were severely reprimanded lr

the police court on Saturday for playing with the Are alarm boxes.

Workmen were busy on Saturday cut­ting away the bank of the Canadian Pa­cific railway track, so as to ftps hid tftfc

"TffliwBHir wr gitêïCTfirus far down aa the Chinese sheds.______

Mr. Charles Grunt, of the Vancouver custom» house, has been transferred for quty at White Horse rapids. Mr. Peter McAlister bus been appolrutd U> tafre Mr. trrànt‘8 jpîàti* fit YWdo'uver.

and expressed the hope that great rAults Ing to the Indian church, where they lay would come from their work here. * ÈÊ ‘ ‘

ASHCROFT.There will probably be in all $1,500

or more for currying on the agricultural association this season, about $600 be­ing subscribed the first day by the citi-MM. ------- —

The reports lately received of the Brett group of mines on McGillivrny creek are very favorable and it looks ns though valuable quart* mines would be openedup in that section. ________

and Stewart

KAMLOOPS.1 Chaw. W. Gladwin, a recent arrival j from Nova Kth>tia, has obtained the ep- j pointaient of city policeman, rendered I vacant by the resignation of Chief Kelly,

and the promotion of Constable Met!ill i to the office of Chief.

At Ü& residence of T. W. Orahafn. ("ultra Ranch. Shuswap. on Friday niglit. May 26th, Theodore Lutge ed away, after a week's illness

Tfturuwl hruuchitig.horn., via Ashcroft last week after com I Gorman,- and In hi» 74th year, pleting some asscssimyit work

in his 74th year. Hepleting aortic assessment Ivors „„ , ctinw to this province 40 year, ago and quart! claim. In the McGillivray crook : "a* w''11.. “'.Iwn'diatriot They arc Tory enthusiastic ! Hugh McKinnon, the well known min­orer the future of the I-ilooet diatriot aa ; or and prospector, do-d at the Royal In- a quartz mining aoctlon. I 'a»'1 Ho"P‘*«! "™ * «d»! morning. Uo

roil MBit.Work will begin on fhe foundation of j

the smelter on the North Fork In a few days. Mr. Jay P. Grave» hàs let the contract for one million four hundred and fifty thousand brick to be used lnwth3 erection of the smelter. He has also pur­chased six hundred thousand feet of lum­ber. and will shortly close fbr two million feet more.

The new city council Is now fully or­ganised. all the committees are appointed and are hard at work arranging tor tha erection of sidewalks akmg Government avenue. One or moee^streeta grad­ed Immediately, and the sidewalks con­tinued lo the station grounds. The gen- i-ral water supply system will' shortly he " established.' - .....*—........... —r-r-.?.-====j

SALMON ARM.The regular meeting «>f the Salmon

Arm Fanner's Institute1 will lie held lu MeOnlre*s Hall MondaymJune 12th. at 8 1». in. The following gentlemen willdeliver addresses: Thqs. Wilson, Van- ^ ^ ____ ___ __ohiivor. frail: A. i.VStmft, *•>««• j limns* the"Arm. dairying; J. R- Anderson, Victoria, of n.n,.willg th, city H«-trir »,artificial fertilisers.

Mr. J. I>. Mcttnire met with an un­fortunate - tieddAit last week on Canoe creek. While felling a tree he was struck with a limb and had his arm broken below the eitKimr m three places.

The Sainton Arm Lawn Tennis Club organised for the season with the fol­lowing offieers; President, A. B. Currie; viee-prewidént. Rev. A. Dnnne; sec.- treuî, S. M. M<t i uirc.

NELSON.The work of filling in Ward street near

Baker Is going rapidly forward, dumping car having proved very success­ful.

The recorder's office Is doing a good business these days. 1300 were taken In yesterday In payment of free miners' 11- censes. taken out.

Several men are now employed finish­ing the upper part of Bt. Saviour's church, on which a good deal of work yet remains to be done.

The case of Regina vs. BrewstSr wae before' the assise court on Wednesday. The priaoner who was formerly C.P.fL agent at Trail, was accused of theft of the company's money and of falsifying and suppressing entries. The total short­age on the company's bodies amounted to

ceased was about UO years of age. He was a native of Maciutyre, Grey county. Ont., and came to British 'tVlumlnn 20 years ago.

The adjourned quarterly meeting of the Inland Board of Trade was held in the council chambers on Wednesday evening last. The business transacted was mainly of a routine order. C. 8. Stevens presented the report of the com­mittee appointed to prepare data re freight rates. A letter from W. T. New­man; M. B„ regarding the forthcoming vitlt of the Canadian Mining Engineers* AnwociaUoq. was discussed; aw* the see-

Instructetl to ascertain probable time of visât, with a view to inviting the visitors to slay off at Kamloops. The matter of seintiug a mineral exhibit to the ’ WhifJfH industrial .fair„r»too nmsrdcred. and the wereary instructed to inquire of the Minister of Mines whether there was to be a provincial ex­hibit.

There was a fairly good attendance of ratepayers ami property owners at the public meeting in the K. M. A A. A. llall on Tuewiay evening last called by

mattering the city electric light and

Are the BestFVERY BEARING Is absolute'y du-t-proof. ------—THE CHAIN cannot wear nor stretch.THE NEW SKELETON GEAR OSH la absolutely dait-proof.THEY WEIGH as per cent, less th a others of equal strrn thBVURY SPROCKET l« accurate, being gauged to the Iw . thousandth part ef an Inch. FITTED with Nsw Ball sod Roller Beariags, wheels rtvjlve longer th*n tuose fitted

w th other bearings.

Agente Everywhere.v * Write for Cateligue. ^Prices from $40.00 Up.

Sole Represent a tlve»-.M. W. K A ITT B CO., Victoria, B.C.

A. LOZIER 8 CO. - • - ■ Toronto Junction, Ont.


Horn russell, j% ATLIN, B.C. »l HfSi-cBss itoimdaiion nr 100 People. 3a — %TBHMe grzanuaui.--------- 3-

* vJ. H. RUSSELL «Rerently,of Kamloops and

^ Vancouver. *



ATLIN MINES.Reliable Information can oe bad by applying to

RANT « JONtS,Notaries. Mining Brokers ) ... 1BI, _ ■and General Agents. { ATLIN, B.C.

that the Victoria pnblic owes Dr. Ilitn<- Iowa: It. Roediger, business manager: aisrtwng M hte "wwltwf mé If bn MA Harry <*, jffrel, managing edtterj W,. not h»«»w them, then, he ktertrs theta uew^ Thompson;-.mwioàote-.WlCttr^-.WRIikRt- Mc-

weter works plant. His worship presld wf and in Opening the meeting brieftr stated why it had been called. He said the boilers had to be reset immediate- | ly. lid this of itself entailed one of'tWo

nu«l ought to take tie «mly « ourse open to o gfutlfuisn aud withdraw the claim and apologise for hie rwdeoess in last n'glq's tllol>e. When it comes to a “show-lows’ It will be seen that the Doctor Is sway ahead lu the game, am! that be has r.> right t«» s plere of the railway subsidy pi* which Victoria l* a*ked te dlv de between the Kaanich railway and the De Ctsmoe syndicate. Those syndicates did s« luv'hhig. " One *WMi a mHwny. nod oper­ate it. The other spent h«-npe of mpm-y to get a„ charter, aud failed. Dr. MliU4* must not be allowed to lake his seal at

«WaMlâlûlilLIn the matter of “TUB WATER n.AVKKX

(OXHOLl DATION AOT. 1W7." part 111. ami Amend iig Act*; and In the

S oetltlon of -THE ATUN W A IKK WORKS COMPANY, LIMIT KD." for a rertlAeate uudi-r the pfv iialoua of Hevtlop to of wild Art.

1|H| 1. This t* to «ertlfy that the AlinCanadian government completes its line TV»terw<krk* ('oniptmy. Limit, d. a specially

! the festive board when the subsidy pk- Is , being handed round. He has alrendr had

more than his share.. SKIP.

Daily Paper For Dawson

thing*, either the shutting dmvn of the plant for two or three weeks, or the purchftbe of an additional boiler. Under the ciecsmotances the question arose a* to whether it would nbt lie better to put in an entirely new plant. The present plant was inadequate, and was a çon-

iear Mwee **T nnnerossary expense forlh i retmirw. Roughly e*timnte«l a new plant

would c«»st between $25.000 and $50,000.He would like to have the wishes of the ratepap«‘r* in the matter. A general discussion ensued, varions «.pinion* being expressed, the prevailing sentiment be­ing that the service» of an expert should be obtained to inmieet the present plant and rep.wt upon the requirements of the city in this connection. M. I*. Gordon moved a resolution enibodying this senti­ment. which, after dim ussion, wasa.kiptfd. Before the meeting adjourncl \ e ■the city eJei-trician and engineer ex- Arrangements Will Be Made FOF plaineil certain matters in connection _ r>»llw Toino-rnnhirwith thf prv«ui plan, ,n.l>Mv. Meta1 a DaU? T^egripmC

an<l figure* to show that a new plant { Service,wonld.ln tbe long run, prove a profit­able. investment for the city. T>nring the

In tyre, suin-rintendent of mechanical «»•-- partihvnt; Will A. Steel, general man­ager for United Htates, with head­quarters in Seattle,

One impoi-ti-nt feature of the News will be its telegraphic service, as ar­rangement* have been made for prtHiir- ing an ample service as soon the

from Beniictt into Dawson, which will W before the summer is over. The. tele­graph lines is already in use from Skag- wejr to Lake Bennett, ami next winter the gnrnt army of gold seeker* along the Upper Yukon can read the happening* of the «mfsitle world after a lapee of but three or fottr days.

Soon after it* establishment the Daily News will court fuvor through the pub­lication of a -q* « iully prepared midsum- m«r iiiiihIht, llaml*<»me lithographed cover* will be taken north for ' thil special e«flti«m. but the balance of the work wHI be done at the office in Daw*

A RERI E8T.We <lo not t»ké the liberty of para«llng

__ ,, — , n, ny;ii n- the names of those cured of cancer beforeWell Equipped FlRUl Will l>e tbe public, but we request the adrirr»* «.fany one Interested, W« send full part leu--T. ken N)rth 03 the Stern­er Ro nek;.

about 11.506. but the chargw against the, discussion il was e4U-ite»i ibal Ibe city's prisoner were confined to amounts of j present borrowing power was only $57,-$140 afrd 100.SO. alleged to have been ab­stracted In February last. The prison­er went Into the box to gpre evidence on his own behalf, and acknowledged that he had received one of the amounts, but swore that he had not kept It but i«ad de­voted It to covering the shortage of his subordinate. Sinclair, who 1» about to be tried on a similar charge.

In charging the Jury his lordship put three questions to the jury In each count. They had to decide whether he . had re­ceived the rboney. whether he had made (or permitted to be made) false entries. and whether he had appropriated the money to his own use. The Jury were out for two hdurs. and on their return announced that they answered the first two questions in the affirmative, but were unable to agree as to whether or not the prisoner had stolen the money.

NEW WESTMINSTER.Radcllffe, the professional hangman, ar­

rived from Kamloops on Saturday and visited Perrier at the Provincial Jail.

The council last week Invited rrom eighty to a hundred representative cttl- sens, besides the members of the council and the exhibition directors to meet with and advise the council on a certain mat­ter. which proved to be the request of the% exhibition directors for a loan of 13.606 from the relief funds, to put the eocie^r into financial shape and enable It to successfully carry on this year's show. A lx ait forty cltlxens responded to this In­vitation. and approved of the proposal by a unanimous standing vote, to lend Lhe sumto the exhibition directors. Tfils the


— .atrosls, u> Iuul-on flafMfflai, Luru V «"'MMJL.Two or three notable, transfert» of real

«state took place last week, at figures that show the price of land Is not going down. Mr. J. J. Banfleld negotiated the sale of 70 f«*et on Granville street, oppo­site the "postofflee. on which will be erect­ed a handsome brick building by the pur­chasers; also a 19'i-foot kale on Cordova street. Mr, George Martin also handled the transfer of a 21-foot piece of land on Cordova street.

, The police are talking of raiding one or two down-town saloons and of visiting a lew of the blwks on the bûsIneSs streets to eject and arrest gamblers and loose charicters that are now beginning to frequent otherwise respectable quarters.

It Is understood that the C.P.R. tele­graph management has decided . upon erecting a suitable building on Hastings rtreet, near the Bank of British Colum­bia for the accommodation of the com­pany's business here. The proposed edi­fice will be three storeys in height. -Work ort cfhstructlon will begin shortly.

Members of the congregation and frlendi of the Homer, street Methodist church welcomed their ne* pastor. Rev. E. E. Bcott, In a reception In the school­room of the church on Friday evening. G. W. Phipps, the recording steward, presided over the gathering. He read s resolutive .forwarded from the Toronto Lourd concerning the pastor and hie wife. The resolution was paused upon the de­parture of Rev. Mr-. Bcott for his new charge In the West and it expresses gra-

... tltude and appreciation of the services *>f Rev. and Mrs. Scott In their work for the cause of the church. Mr. H. Harris welcomed the pastor on behalf of the congregation. For the I^dlee’ Aid Misa Barnes spoke a few words of welcome

To the Editor: Mr. Halit, in the GJk*» last night, well earned the dictionary defin- " It Ion of hie name—“To use reproaches, to « hide, to scold." The manner \u which l e Plied egon'xlng adjectives upon me.wae ter­rible to hear and worse to endure. And what were the head and front of my of­fending ? I showed that Dr> Milne, whom Mr. Raltt thrust into toe publie eye m a martyr to the cause of th. \ 1 â ■Railway, ha* l*tu>a pwlooa well. pakl for bis advocacy of that work. If my state­ment waa false, why did not the illidw'a tor respondent attempt lo show .Its falsity. Instead of resorting t«» scurrility ami de- famst'on. Hut. Mr. Editor, the statement was only too true, ami that's where thé shoe pinches Mr. italtî ami others of hi* das* who try to make up for lack <»f number* and sense by (he mdse and dust they raise over every conceivable' ques­tion.

Inferrnrliili). Mr. IL.ltt RMR the triuh of my charge, but says 1 d«« not gtx> “the Doctor credit- for time ami money a|>etit to obtain railway coi.nrcibm with the Boundary country.*' Don Mr. Raltt mean to say that Dr. M'lne supplied all the oioney spent on that ««cession? Was there not n syndicale Ltrmed to pay his expenses to. at and from Ottawa, and was not the Dcrtor paid for bis llm<‘ while there bii«1 for his outlay In vhampsgnlng the mem­ber* from a fund ma«le up by that syudi- cate? Then, aw to the “#rrtoN“ hMSdefrd

«el.In «In..Fire broke out In the Oyster Bay res­

taurant adjoining the Douglas bakery on the corner of Gpluipbfa nttd Begble

nftcynnon hnd did «Inmage'Miwmitlntr to TiefirTy $500. ; Dxivld Esplarri driver of the chemical engine, waa badly cut on the face by a falllg noxxle off one of the

The remains of the late illshop Dur- leu xere conveyed early yesterday morn-

sign an agreement while at Ottawa (See*4

lncorp4«rated <-ouii«auy wltblu th«- mean ng vf part 111. of ihe “Water Glauses Him- s.»lidsO«fW Art, InN’?."’ Incorporatwsl on ih* 18th day «.f April. IW, fur the sole objeqt of eonatruvt.lng ami «q»er*tlng a water­works system for ttw* supply or the uulu- e«iruorute«l localities hereinafter detlu «I. SOU the purposes necessary sin! Inridentsl thereto, has by Its prtltmi prayed f«»r the : gçautlug of a «-«Tilth hte under the pro­visions of section 58 of «be said aet: and furthermore, that upon the bearing of the sahl petition It has been made lo appear to mÿ *q|lsfhctIoe that the company ha*«• .mplied w'th the provisions «>f section u- of the said art, » and that the faets *4044e to lo me are seek aa L» justify the «-onatruction ami operation of th«- proposed undertaking ami w«»fhs and the <l4«ln* and exercising of all arts ami wi power* In CO*weed»* therewith.

I i. .Ami this l* further to certify that the *•«11 undertAk ng. as shown by the dœ®- m« nls and piana TH In eeppert of the •aid twtltlo*. Is •• follows:

(a) I'lie c«>uipauy progsw to eonvey water from th.-lr Iniukc ;.t Burprlse l.ukv l|i the ■abÉfijÉÉÉ- Jassuir Dlstrct


Watch Repairing Department

Complete stock of material kept for Bag- llsh, Waltham, Elgin and Hwlse watches, enabling us to fit or reconstruct any m*fc# known. Amerfcaa watches cleaned and warranted one year. 75c. ; lever staff. Il»; Jewel hole. 50c.; all other repairs In Ilk*

Wa tehee regelated free Nick le clocks cleaned for 25c.

Isfs and th<‘ nam«t« of |«cr*otis positively At II» Division «»f Cassia r Dlstr et .>y g

tiermauenlly cured by our na'nlcss m«‘tb«xf. fourteen Im-h conduit |dp»- westerly a «il*- iT<»TT A JVUY. Bowmanvllle, Ont ! lam-e ««f about f«et to a womR-a

j cistern situated 50 feel above Dlaevvery

Tl,-- |raK metropeB* <>f the golden Klondike is rapidly gw «sing from that state of girimitive rtnlenes# neccusarHy | incident lo the settlement vf 'a remote territory to a progressive young city with all the modem lmpr«>rements and con­veniences to Ih* f«.siu'd in an enterprising western community. Allhuugh. with but a couple of years’ growth Dawson City, in it» 20,UUO iiihalntants. has <*«Hu­man tied the attention of the world to a greater extent possibly than any other mining settlement. » '

Reaching out many miles in every di­rection. tile running atreama glisten pebbly gold, which - is garnered by the niilli«iii>t and pound into Dawson’s lap ere it tin«U an outlet in the great world I beyond. The virgin gold is one of the gilentifitl commodities in a country that now demands all the necessities nnd ninny of the luxuries of nnnlcrn civilisa- . lion.

While many big enterprUçs have ha-1 a « ««riluii negation in Dnwnee nee greet n«*vd has been w«x*fally lacking, in, that the city hi without e brfmd standu^il. L ably edited and thoroughly up-to-date newspaper, 'litis requirement is about to Be supplied in tb» estaMlshm«*nt Of tbc Dawson Daily News. Every arrarig*- ment has 1h-«-ii completed for taking in­to the Klondike country a newsguipor anil j««b printing plant such a* will a«l«l to the' fume of th«* Yukon country nnd provide ample facilltii1* for the publish­ing of a daily pagivr such a* a < ity of aOjOOQ people might welLbe proud of.

Th# men w ho are about lo îtitich thin

«cut need <»f the Northwest TerritoryFiiriroiiMi 1 mw

fovenautlug to withdraw fr«Hii all agltaiio.iIn favor of the ceostrudloo ««f the V.^y. A K. Railway lâlo ,Uie Boundary lu re-

And did The iiortnr iinF Wiüfïy5 dispnse «# the rhart^r nf-the—Vf.—W-A>—kL— Railway-L>- McKens’* A Mann for «‘tv., etc.,etc.?

If Mr. Raltt knew «»f them* facts when hv wrote hi* first letter, he shoe Id be ashamed of himself t«« have even suggested

pa|M*r men.Mink

By name they are Captain ,1 i;.M-,liL-.r «nil-William Mill.-f Tacoma; W. F. Thompson, of


l*>ntlfHi, Jnee a.—In the House of Com­mons l**t mouth Aifmlral Field brought up the questiou t»f “«rluiplng" and the dener- t uns of British sailors, chiefly In American ports, the upwind ticliig that the British n mU were requested- to report on. the

To-«lay an Interesting- Mne book wss Issued, niuiprlflnt tb«‘ reports of the <x»n- snls at New York, Rsi* Frsmlec*. Phila­delphia, Baltimore aud Portland. Ore, drtcrililug the operations of the Iniardlng bouse kee|HTs hivi shlpp'ng master* In al­luring them to leave lh«dr ships. The gen­eral gist Of the reports app«srs to be that the sailors desert In onler to secure tb«*

• higher rates of wages obtainable In lh- American ports but that the number of desertions Is dc«Tearing.

Ï00R LAZY LIVERNeeds stirring op this Spring.

Nothing can do this so effectually and remove every trace of Im­

purity from the system e» Laxa-Uver Pills.

The pest winterhas been e rather held

People living indoors a good deal, •sting quantities of meat and heavy foods, are likely to have their system clogged up with impurities.

No ope can feel well with these poisons elrculating in the blood.

The head feels heavy, the tongue is eomted, appetite p<x>r^bowels constipated —no energy, mental or physical.

Lax a-Liver Pills are what everybody needs this spring.

They relieve the constipation, act onthe sluggish liver, clean the coated tongue, improve the appetite, purify the bloody olexxr^hje^coDwebi^from^^the brain

Slid fuli of energy.And they work so perfectly that they

"do hot gripé-6F iüim, Wirwn or wmkra,


Meat■rtâ*â«- .TO LOAN £

A Swim;lion 8 Oddy.i 106 Government StieeL

Charles Heyward,i Established 1867).

lpr;»P«««! «11

tyre, of Tacoma; W. F. Thompson, ofTrail, B. C.; Harry G. Steel, of Sham«>- or cause the slightest inconvenience, kin, I*a., and Will A. Steel, of Seattle. , Price 25e. s bottle, or 5 for $1, at all

liis .I«$aau... drueeUi»-. SejLjaawiiaL kufc" '-juul McindfJEti, . JEiil*, lot t

u^-r.a f H» [iriniM[iul owners, and served —T——in the capdcitie* of fAnrinro* manager ■ ami foreman respectively. -Mr. Thoinp-

t«snsl«f. nnd from the said wooden cis­tern westerly al*»ut ITitSS) feet hv a twelve

' Inch pipe te storage reevrrrtrS with a <-ia|uv!iy of about 3,500,4*0 cuMc feet of eater and from the wald storage res rrolr* s«»ulhwvslerly about I2.«**i feet by a 12- lm-h piiN‘ to «he «Ustnhmlag r«*erv*»lrwsil-.' uu.«•*! 1KI fe»t above the hlgln *t point of Ailln tiisr-Kltv with a «-a pa ci y «»f aboet

HiWf »«•( g Theills'rlbuiliig rvservo.r southvrly about tie* by a 12 lutU pipe «<• Atlla tmvualie

, and to ibstrilmte tho water bv n«"ins -if | l'l|N‘* for the u«o* of the luhab tania.

i in) Tin* iiiiln«'irpiraw-d locv'.ltles. for 'which the above company was In •orporoted with-the nbjvet of-coKStruçtll g uni «ip.Yat- j lug a waterworks syw'eni and f-»r purp-.s.-s - n«-.«n*.iry and In •i«l«-iu,il ihvreto «-mmiaàs | of all that land sllualv In the .«if

lltrilsb «'«»hi in Ida In the Distr'.et of. Casdar.. more |i'«rtb-itlarljr descri loti as fallows: |l.,m».U-»l uu the nurthwwt by KorpiDc Lake, «m the southwest by Atlln foiko, on the soulUosst by a Hue parallel t«» nul

j three mlbw dlstanl from the hue «»f pr*-- lo.-uul pine uis shown on the pLn of H. C.

i Dii-x*;u. V.K., D.L.K.. tiled her*.»)t «»«!I on iho northwest by a line three miles disUnt from and parallel It Nild fine vf

««ed p pe. ____The i«iqir.»vlmnic nnjuber of p“m.n<

ually vert «loot within th- s:il«I imn.or- puraiid banU}l«n Is alniut df.ecn hnn«lrod

I (’ÛKI). the number ««f lims, tw« nty <2U);! the munbe-r of dwelling b«»HK<»s 1* about

■«•von hundred the iiumlwr «.f anuhvj«H«-upled fur Imli.strlai ptirp»»-*** la four <4i.I <«1) The «itignt ty of wnt«w t<> I «• applied for is one t hoi sand (1,000) miners' intbe*.

! The «-ml united -, minimum «in.inilty of tm- , n-« ord««l water evallalde l* ten thousand (|(i,<mii) |n«h' < The iMUiy <»f Hiqqdv 3ml

I bead of water will not be afiYetetf by the 1 proposed system.I »el Then- n/«- no lands s«tight tu be taken ,*T™r company uml.-r |hiw« rs of «•xpronrla- 1 tl«m for the purpose* of the undertaking and no lamt* will hi» #ir*-cip«| thereby,

j :t. Ami this U further to certify tl'at th-» amount of «-apltal «>f sal«1 company, which shill in- duly nubscr bral for liefore the co n

I pony shall tie authoriz 'd to « Xe else I i eorpmwtc pow«»rs. Is h«‘rvbv flx«d at ih- suer of «S4<M**0 forty thousand dollars.

| 4. Aud this I# further in «-ertlfy that the time w'thin which tbc snl-l capita* Ih t » he

i siihwribed Is fixed at thnv months from , the «late hereof, and the time within whl •*! HiiCh uiulertuklng Is to be vonwoenccil 1* tix«il at ulu- month* from Jbe dot-e^ he e f.

f 5. This t« fnrrh.r t.i '«•ertlfy TTihT T tore In [Hmml the f«»llow'ng «xmdnlon* an«| re­strict Ion* which I «loetu necessar* j_Q the

v.:,n mn

! wo to supply water to. th» amount «if 2rv.. «4SI gallon* per «lay w ithin the sahl un'n •or------- ——-------------- i egàtihu

Funeral Director end EmbalmerGove remeet street. Victoria.

Notice Is hereby given that the flist sit­ting of the annual Court of Kev|*lun of th«- munb-lparty ef the d-ty of Victoria

Id In thewill be. held

ywTxhwrTW’it wtir* w*t tftn ■from th«- date hereof

I Dated 31 Ht .lay of Mnv. Iflflp.A Jn«lgv of th«i Bspreme Court of Britishr LuUu,4*L AnrTTKtt kl.i nttV. T. ‘


Operations FailedTO CUKE MR. THORNTON OF ,

ITCHING PILESAfter Fifteen Ye«us of Great Suffering He Was Entirely Cured by

..Dr. Chase’s Ointment..MR. W. D. THORNTON. BLACKSMITH, CALGARY, N. W.T., sjtys: “Kpr 15 years I suffered untold agony from blind, itch­ing pde* and can honestly say that I have spent about $1,OUO trying different so-celled cures aud have been under treatment with well-known physiciens in Orillia, Peterboro end I«akefiebl.I had 15 tumors removed bnt coeld otitoin no podtive cure.I hare suffvretl more than I esn tell, hnt can now say that I am » positively cure d by wring one box nnd a hAff of Dr1. Chase's Oîrit- • f " ment, and I consider this ointment worth its weight in g«dd."

If you are skeptical regardin g the merka of this wonderful remedy you wre at liberty to write t«« Mr. Thornton or to Mr.C. A. WeMace, druggist at Calgary, who knows the <*ierum- stance* of this remarkable case-

Dr. Chases Ointment isknown the world over ns the one absolute enre for piles, whether Wind, itching, blee«ling <«r protruding. Fur sale »t all dealers or Bdmanson, Bates St Co., *Toronto. . ^ ~ 0

Rrantford• ai es cm iav ■ ■AND ENJOY LIFE.

son hu* been for several years publisher of papers at Trail, Nelson nn«l Gkmora.For f»ix y«‘ar* past dL G, Steel was editor anil publisher of the HhnmAkin Daily Herald, Will A. Steel has been connected with the leading paper* on the coast, anil prior to coining west pub­lished a couple, of proper* in Pennsly- vania. II«» i* now serving hi* third

-temm*4M4—4®eeeetney^—-teeæ^fcrof •*f 11•.Wnnhington State Pres* Association. All of these .promoter* are thoroughly, reli- able nml capable men, who stand well in their respective communities,

The equipment for Dswsofi’fc first ‘daily newspaper will Ik» taken north on tne stefitoer Roanoke, which sail* from Seattle next Saturday, and will hi» Inml- ed in Dawson early in July, when publi­cation will at once Commence.. The plant will include a large «-yliniler pbwefpress, job presses, engine and iMiiler. type , . , _wetting machine*, paper cutter, n. large ,’w< haie the finest stock In the city. quântRy of all kir»,1* of tyjie. cabiimts, ! êtes from tto. Guarastced.impi»*ihg stone*, safe, roll-top «lêska. | ——typewriter*, a supply of new* nnd book j paper to last about fifteen months, com­mercial stationery, nml. ih fact, every- , thing needed in a first ela** office, such ;

JI8 eU.Ul. U». e*t*bruibe«l., 1» 41 tbi^ »»«- | WOTIÇ4R.

VICTORIA WATERS IMS.Attention is called to Bee. 22 of the

Water Works Régulât on by Law. lhiiH. which res«ls as follows: “No person shall sprinkle, or use In any manner whatever, the water supplied by the city, upon lawn*. gnr<!e,iis. yards, or grounds of any descrip­tion. except betwii'U the hours of ft ami V In the morning, and the hours of ft and H» In the evening, unless the water so us««l •hall be supplied by meter.'*------------------- JAR. !.. RAYML'R,

Water Commissioner.City Hall. May 22. ixno.

Council t lumber. City Mall.Duuglax street. Victoria city, on

Monday, 1211 day of June,ProximoAT lO A M,

for the purpose of hearing complaints pgalnst llie aH*essm«'nt made by the as ht-Hsor au«i f«»r revising uud correcting Un» assessment roll.


Vlvtorto. B.C., Ma, II. 1906.

“LAND KEOISTItY ACT.In the Matti-r of the Application of The

KukHiluU Quarry Vompauy, LtinLed Liability, for n Certificate of Iudefcaa- IMe 'FitU- to the East half of itertfton* Six <li) and Keven (7>, Range Hevei»4 VII. » iplamk-han Distrlrt, and the west half of 8*>ctlon Six (♦») Range Eight (V111.1 Quauilchau District, ex- ci pt iwrt i4.7'.«) acres, thereof, whl«-,h "Was by ileed dateil 18th Dectrmber, _180fW ronwyiil to The RMiuiualt aud Naual- mo Railway Company.

Notice 1* hereby given that It Is my In- tvntbm to Issue a Certificate of Indefeas­ible TUle lo llie above Lunds to The K«*it-Htbrh tpwFTT company i.imiMrt T-Pir-irry.on the 1st «lay of September next. hiiIvhs In tin* in«-antime a valid objection thereto be- made to nn- In writing by s une per» m

■in asUln nt lntsmas>.ilu>u?LJi, or in...►i-me part th«-r«*of.

May. 180ft.

8. Y. WOOTTON, Rvgtstrar-Gereritl. "

VLekoe^ lL 18th.,.

NOTICE.Notice Is li«*reby given thi»t I intend I»

■ 3

apply “t the next sitting of the- Ui-i-nslng Court for n transfer lo J«f

glviidtil-- . .............

HR ______ ifer to John Michel of mylicense to sell wIl.h nnd liquors retaT UiHiu the preniist-s situate on the south std«» hi Yates atrrtt, between Dmigta# and l'-r«»ad Htr«-«‘t*. In the clti of Victoria, It. C* known aa I hi- llawaon Bet*



ONIONS & PUMLEY48 asd 44 Broad Mroot

Werial will aggregate about forty toil*. | With one rxcrptlon. She owptTf of the :

Dawson ifitiy; News will aceonmanrNotice is hereby given that the Yukon

.lining. Trading and Transportation Cnm- _________ P accompany p*ny (foreign) srlll apply to the PmH—»t

th<4r irianf on the Roanoke and tak> lift <«f Canada at the prroent wwelon then of their resilience in Dawon. Three or »î rof«Mtr machine operators and printers will I e,ten<i th^tlm^ for construtdlng" Its fall also be added to the party. Any itriill- ' way. _ a, . ...tlonal assistance milled will be procur- MAÇORAKBN, IIBNDBR8ÔN A McGIY- ed in the north. The management of ” ' Roilritors for Applies*:»,the new paper wHl be directed n» fol» Dated Ottewa,’'ISth April. 1800.

The annual examination of candidates f r « utrau« «- tv a High School will be held In the

Hi fori saoa eumo, mono,Commencing on ^ •

Monday, June 19th, it 9 o’clock aun.Candidates mu»V be pnvtual.

ALEXANDER ROBINSON. Bnperlntcmlent of Education.

F.lmatlon Office, June 1, IW.

Prom the 1st of May the Victor!» Dally Times *111 be delivered to rob scribe re at 20c. per week or 75c. per momth.


Not 1er l« hereby «t»n that anpTIcallfiB vlll be mail.' at th.' neil allllua of th* Boord of* Comml*lon«« of the L'tly of Vl.toiia for a imn.r.T lm„, h j lirtK-k to 4L it. Harrison t»f tbc r.*t«lt ttqaw

illeense of the premises known ils the Roe* Bay Hotel, situate on the corner «>f Bridge 'nml Work streets. In sahl C\tr (>tYH t«>r1ft F. J. BROCK.

Dated the 3rd day of May. 189».

NOTICE.Notice I» hereby rlv«-n that npplli-atl*'»

will Ih- made by the m, 1- i-': 'Jensen, at the next sluing of the Bonn* of Licensing Oottmiaa'anera of the city «tf V'etArla for a traimfiT from the will Sarah Jensen te Henry < . Mar? of the rc- tulDlluiHfr lleense now h«-l«l b.v her «>f the |..n-mises situate on <*ourt Alter, in ' the «•Itv of Victoria, know.o afcl the B.Mwn, ringHa‘,M>n SARAH JENSEN.

Dated thli 13tb da/ of M»r. lglft»NOTH K.

Notice I* heteby gtreo that xrY the next sitting of the Hoard of Ucemdng Lo.mmk»- slonerir of the city of Vlrtoria we. John McPherson and Hugh K'njsoo, a mill for a transfer to Fenlinaml B. Neo- hergvr. of the license held by u* to sell knlrlluoiu I'qnora by retail on the prenilnen known aa tee J«wj* Saloon, •denied « Johnson stt^et. In the rit y of Urtorin.«■*,be “‘iM&rkjSUrt*.




i AMBamcck. •=

SHIPPING NEWSawww| S'£ HAfKNiNos of a Day Along


British ship Puritan, 23M tons. Capt. Dunning, I# report«1 as having passed Varmanah ix>lnt at 9 o’clock this morn­ing When she casts anchor In the hai l>or of Esquimau—ahe Is bringing a full cargo of coal from Cardiff for Her lia Jeaty'a fleet—she will have completed the frrst»gt voyage yet made firnn England

3,500 cases of salmon, last year s pack, from the Brunswick cannery on Rivers Inlet.

Two of the crew of the steamer Port­land. loadlng:*t the outer wharf, fell Into the hold on Saturday. They were notseriously Injured.

PartiallyWiped Out

1Steamer Cutch sailed for the North yes­

terday. She had » passengers from here and a large number were awaiting her at Vancouver.

Tug Csar returned on Saturday night from Vancouver to which port ahe towed

p.m.1 hulk Robert Kerr from Pepar-

•r Cutch sauen ror me norm . «_ , n .She had 30 i»assengers from here Thd Mining Town of Republic

\ isited by & Destructive Fire.

this port. She is 197 days from Cardiff. This breaks "the record previously held by the Hudson's Bay Company's fast < Upper Tttanta by one day. The Titania made her icvord of 108 days about six years ago. Her captain did.not long en Joy his honors, for a few weeks after his fast passage he was killed by falling over un embankment at New Westminster, wilt13 returning late one night from party. The Tltanlh carried general pro-» visions from London to Victoria and New Westminster for the Hudson's Bay Co. Heal leu the Puritan, which has made fruch a fast trip, if the signals given to Canna pah have not been wrongly read. the*e g re two other coal ships on the way from Cardiff to Esquimau. One is the British bark Klrkhill. 11*2 tons, Capt. Howell, 78 days out. and the other, th; British ship I»ady Isabella. 18*» tons. Capt. McKinlay.-25 days uuL The Julrk- hlll was spoken on April S3 on the equa

• tnr.riB-wat. ’herahaedc—■ -—

Letters received by tne Canadian De­velopment Company from {sake Bennett tell of the breaking up of the Ice on the lake and of the successful launching df the company's new steamer Australian at Bennett on May 28. The hollers of the new boat were fh-ed. and a short trial trip gave very satisfactory results. She will make her first run to White Horse rapids June «. The Australian was built by Reese A Sons, of Pittsburg, and Fletcher A Sons, of New York. She was sent over the White pass in sections and set up at Lake Bennett this spring. She is built of steel. Is 115 feet long and twenty-six feet beam: she has three fore and aft and seven transverse water-tight compart­ments. Is handsomely fitted up, has elec­tric light, and two searchlights. This boat has been especially built for the ser­vice between Bennett and White Horae ■ api is. a distante of ninety-eight miles. She has a speed of fifteen knots an hour, and will make the trip between these two points dally, connecting daily with one of the Canadian Development Company's eight large boats for Dawson.

News comes from Hawaii of the loss of the schooner Bering Sea. a vessel well known to Victoria sealing men. She was tormerly a sealer, sailing with another Alaskan-built vessel out of Sitka. She had been reiikmed the Mokulele when engaged In the Inter-Hawaiian Island trade. She was lost on a reef aj Hans- lei bay, Kauai. The Mokulele. or as she

» Is better known, the Bering Sea. was built at SUka some years ago as a sealer and made one cruise. Then she was tied up for some years and when the Alaskan rush began was sent to the Sdund. from Where she made several trips to 8t. Mi­chael. Last June she weht to the Ha­waiian Islands with general cargo, and changed hand* there, remaining in the Inter-Island trade. Another disaster to the shipping of the Hawaiian 'islands Is als) reported. The steamer Iwa was burned and sank at the entrance to Pun- alulu.

The establishment of a $2» rate to "Dawson. ISO to Cape Nome and US to St. Mb ha d. first-class. 16 said to have been due to a threatened rate war. When the combination was made the all-wfter com­panies were on the verge of a rate wara. They have been fighting for several weeks. They managed to keep their troubles out of the newspapers, but the various traffic managers have been threatening all sorts of things. The story told by lrmnsporation men blames the British American line for starting the trouble. Manager Frank Waterhouse went to Vancouver, it is said, and quoted

lure Bay.

BKwmer Utopie will roech Breekmen * Ker', wharf at CM p m. She will Ball from the Inner harbor at CM.

Steamer Irlande”will replace the Charmer on the Vancouver route to-mor row morning.

There Wu No mtèr ând AM Flames Spread With Great


ISteamer Tacoma of the Northern Ba­

cille line IB due on Thursday from the Orient.

Steamer Humboldt sailed from Van­couver this morning for Bkugway.

Damage is Estimated Over $66,000 -List of



Steamer Danube Is scheduled to sail for Lynn Canal ports on the 14th.

Sealing schooners Otto and Viva nailed to-day for the Behring Sea.

•fug Vancouver la here from Vancouver with a scow-load of bricks.

fltenm-r Kln-hlu Muru will nail for the -Orient on the 14th. ,,


I Associated Press. V■.melon. June S The coroner', lue»,

which" ha, been Inve.tlg.tltur the death of M„ leaf lee Bare lie, tie I'auadlau nurao who *ut herself „l the Hotel M.lfOPOtC lu thhf ell, ea Ma, al.r last, ha, rermnjl

1 , verdict adjudging tem|e>rer, lumnlt,.


«Associated Press. 1 Republic. June 3.—Early this morning,

a Utile before 6 o'clock, the atillnees was broken by that dreadful cry in a mining camp of “flra." The gong rang out and the cry was repeated over the town.

A small blase.. and as steady as the I laze of a candle, had eaten Its" way through the roof of the Shlggle building, AIïtTthe time flame Issuing from the roof gave no idea to the onlooker of the fur­nace rdhring Inside. Suddenly the win-

Sporting Rows.UCROMK.

Vancouver, June 6.—<8p*riol>~The first leci teh la tlte settlor championshipsen played at Brockton Point thissea urrvit on Saturday, when theTet ty sud New Westminster teamsvro k*.

V - was vanquished, but not untilaft -d tight nu l nearly at the callof fheu ouljr 17 in nutee remained,-eu* mul-Lwo- gaiittw tu 1U-credit and

excitementthe th* th»

su» n betting the ball through theVs ports. There was one peer lierpoi : the match—all the gamin weremi ugh the post* at the south «luiof I. At times the play was verysp1 it getterslly siMuklng It showedu « I of the early season The NewXX *r team was much heavier thenth- ivers sml was -ewh stronger Intb -e. While the combination wassi. 'he Yami>uver ranks contalueduu ig players, who. while excellentat I lers. aiqHHriil to lack the nec*s-mi nt to store when the crucial mo­rn. ed. This applied In many «x-vaeh a dltferv ut tale »nfght be 1«-I<Lf,. iiver repeatedly pretaed, passedIn (he sphere usually wentid ''‘"«%,

I Leighton, P. O. Box 300, from whom all ! further particulars ran be learned.

A C ha nee.! The following advertisement, clipped

from the Vaneouver News-Advertiser, Is worthy of wider eirculation In Vlct->rla than It would receive In a Mainland paper a id Is therefore reproduced here. It “WANTED—Partner with 81.10 to bring

thoroughbred race-horag) here for July races. (This horse can win.) Tralo-.-r, Box 10, News-Advertiser.”

Kemp ton I*ark Races.London, Juue 3. At the first day of

Kemptoo Park meeting the Suburban ban“ * tç —


„ , - W mifWiML" wag"prevailed among j. h, ivard's Verry Method'*! Eleven

large crowd of spectator*. But uorsra ran. ’ 1» red from the Eraser did the , The Kempton Park two-year ok! plate, ab.»ut three miiiuies tP-fore the ,mo aeroretgae, was won by Sir K Grif’

*-■ uld «unounge» ’tiuie” they , nth'» ratt Rice (7 to 4). with 8Wrn* np.Mr. Bottomly’g Stage Marriage was second,

|. S. CRICKET.Saturday'» Matches.

The representatives of Her Majesty at j w»rk Polut and' on board the veeaels of 1 Hie fleet established their reputations on I Hat-inlay afternoon as ex pimente, of the na­

tional, game of Old England, defeating I two elevens of civilians from thei city.

At W'.rk Point the il M. Y eleven tried ci ni'Iusious w'th the I’ulted Banks and ran

i l,P 1® against their opponeutk* feeble con- ' trlhuttoii of m For the hanks J It. Otl

Tipple carried Ms bat throughout ‘he 4n

~___?eü?Iî.r>DC!î,d,,,f Jî“7 •rangement for shipping your freight from Bennett toF*wson, please write or give us a call. By using oar barges you ran Iget for u. i— -*■-----*-— - - * w -frelg it for ver» mash lee. Ihsa whet eteamboal, would roe. Two thoOMhd

w*” ‘i*—? .*» F« heegee derln* the eeeeen of law wHhootar^sccldent^ _eh^pped In tlilew.y errfre wit Lotit lose of weight a tel In■ he beet powlbie condition ftF"making go<il''bwf." On fônr'.rrIv.ï'.rVtewwiii von

have yonr own warehouse, and. If neceaeary, your own dwell'ng. and you can move your good, when you ere ready »nd uot I.,Yore. Thl, may save you hundred, of dollare for teaming, atorage hr., while nt the earns time yon run no rl,k from a re. ln.urtnee en Tonte on eergo may be effected at our offlee If you so desire. If you wish to make rapid lime we will arrange a |0w for yon pant the lakes.

Verify these facia before ahlnplng your freight and It will nave you money, trt *euwett*tiheK'a " *-“d m,,ch“1',l"T at nl1 kln,u ronatnntly on hand at oar tu IL-.




Wa offer this week several bargain* la property. Investigate them: it costs you nothing to do so and you will J»> repaid for your trouble.

FOR THIS WEEK.$2.000 to loan on Chattle Mortgage or other collateral security.Vente Phoenix Fire Inaunince Co., of Hartford. D

F. 6. RICHARDS 8 CO.,No 15 Broad street, next Dr'ard Hotel.

Money to loan on Mortgsgi- Notarira Public and Conveyancers. Beet household Coal for eale.


uluga for a well and carefully played IS, 1 but the demon bowling of Captain Irarnee.

net thla wny:' In the first g»«c • Cwbner Halt sad Corporal Barraehnaffc dow, were raised and men. barefooted £ Aowedumch dash 64*1 went « proved too much for the remainder of the

mivMiJ ** vim. Ttiue and time again theXV er ports were assaulted, and atjsHAt atu

1'ifH Jltiwnto Hdward TV. vogue in the

I HiKH.h. art- amuwat the uun.1 ahvieiit i ni„.,. „f Kugll-h hull marki'tl plate In

eatalt'Utv. They are mentioned in ntun- trerlemi will, and ttivraluri.w through

r’gn for .he

are ns early «» thv rvign of atxvwlv t»mv mb»n-igu of Henry VIL. *nd

a,we very 1-TnWtr u. a thrialrning gift from that period I» the lime of the r.wuknonweulth- Wealthy gate Ae child a com|»lvtw *et. ««there « smalW nun»b«*r. whiUt a ,ux.r ,arsonschild uennlly got. one tnfh “*figure of thv saint afUt which the in- The faut wna named »*r ehw »h«- iM»tr« ti saint Yt thv duuor. .\ilu»4«n« t«> the cusU»m occur in thv play* of J«»P'sou and Beaumont nn.1 F1i4«*»t. Only two Md* **f thirteen 81*wtle *|>»»tw are known b> exi*t On*- in the powew. cm of Corpn* rhriati C«»Uvgxx. VamUrhlgc. and tfie other fcs the pr.qxwty of the Goldsmith'* Company. 1-n e#ch case «mr I>m< t* r*Trr*mtc«l, but Jh4** hit is < <Hnq*viutU» Id his ubsvtuiv hi*place being taken in the one *»-t by Paul and in th»* «>Hh«*r w*t by Mstthla*. Th„e fir<t set dates from the reign of Kllxft- twth and 4.he *«*««mi4 fr<»m the *<irli*»«t d:tv* of Charles I Each figure ha* an emblem, so that it U possible to i»lcuh- ify the Intended. The an-civet hall mark»*! ajMietl»* *p»K>n that i* known V» exist is of fh»' ymr,14DH. *nd tho' latest wn* made in the year of thv Restoration—thongh. of course there

'■I are mrniern attCtqtH-c. The- practice ..of., prwnting ft»»m at *hrirtenjngs, appear* to have «iwindlc \ to th«- vanishing point during the Cowmi«>pwealth. nml the ex­cessive rsrity of the Mnstw t^*M»n i* pro- baMÿ direr îh pftrt at lesst. to the im­age breaking propensities of the 1‘uri tans.—8iH‘ak«*r.

and with want clothing, began Icapttig from the windows and escaping ms best they could.

The flames spread rapidly and fiercely. Powder was placed under some of the buildings In order to blow them up and

Save the Town.The powder was partially successful, but the rugged boards caught easily and soon the entire block was In flames. The wind steadily Increased and whirled tjhe flames from house to house.

In. a moment the buildings on the east side of the street were In flames. The orth end of the town was doomed. There was no water and even If there had been.It would not have availed" much. For two hours the fire burned on the north side of the. street. The Miner office had a close call from the flames which stopped' In front of Its eorlrugated Iron roof. The dynamite explosions shattered every pane of glass In the building. Spellman’s Iron mof curled and blistered and It began to look as though the whole town

Would be Wiped Out of Existence, open space below the Republic

Trading Company's store was the only thing which saved the lower end of the

All the saloons were closed by order of the sheriff.

The jail la full of looters and «wards, are Watching the goods on the hillside. Special deputies arc sworn In, but the town Is quiet and' peaceful...Banka! and. other business have started

In temporary quarters. The streets are Full of people and the ruins are still I smoking.

Befor.; thv fire was f-flrly out. one man started to shnvel away, the debris prep- ; oratory to erecting a building. As It i was on thtr ground that had been declared a public highway by the county commis­sioners. he was arrested and the lumber throw n^off the ground.

A number of persons combined and


banker*. Corporal Barraricugh and Cap­tain Bar lira for the R. M. A. plied up 72 runs and put a very dlffl« ult c«>niptexl«>n rm the game to that It hud «warned Ini n wllately after the naval men went 4o the qrluttl. OfiffÉl f«rcen«- (18» n .t out) play- e<l good cricket, as also did Captain Poole til). The full score follow*:

ill went through. Foreman shot I the ball «truth s d femv man's rolled through the posts^ The

ten ailnutra.nd game was over In 1% minute*, h'rts ha.l ft all their own way. roeiblnation told. d game ws* the bmgest In the

m 1 was a test of endurance Itlasted .V» minutes. First «ne Mde then the other had the advantage and It was a aeH«a of assaults on the goals. Twice were the New Westminster men Inert and play had to bv »u«vetMted. Then two play» r* got Into

-a fight and were ruled off by the Very 1m- J partial referee. A. B Suckling, better known as “Bvney.” Th e game went to j the Vancouver team In the time stated.

The fohrth game emled up matters. f«»r }In nV4 minutes It fell to the lot of the boys In grey.

The fifth, and de« ldlng game, has already bran refernsl to- f B. M. Af.'e—

There la no doubt that the New We*t Of. Frsln. ran outmlnaters bad the tw*»t of the . match throughout, through superior lacrosse, but as the season mlvsnces, the Vancouvera pi «mise to develop Into s very fast team, which will take a M «.f vamiu'ehlng. They mist tuure m«ire practise aa a trap»-

j.h. Rl^ wh«. Its* plajiMl on th«* team for some year*. I* leaving for Atttri. and on Hsfurday h«* plnyexl hie last. game.After the,(match the club presented h'.m with a tieautlful gold l«Kket. stud.led with diamonds. “

An Innovation w«* a telegraph wire fromw'lW* *« tnteeaiae aiatiaaed j Ota tb r.aieea .roaetU Ike Vârkt el.Ten

»—a .....a M-e*. a,it * rn twas pitted a gainai the " A IMeiis. and •!-

Vnlted Banks— $F-<J. II. QMlrspla, not eel...............................W. A. I.ohb. e lacvlck. b Harrarlongh.. A. filllesple. h Barrnclough.............K. XV. Carr Hilton, b Barnes...................T. R. Fulcher, b Berne*.......... ...............<1. H. Holt. st. Poole, b Barnes............N. B. Drrasly. p Lcvlck. b Barnes.. ^C. W. R. P«ioley. h Barnes.........................K. Warllvk. b Hall..................................... ,J. B. Oreen. r and h Bitraes..........F. J. Daniel*, b Bar ne*........ ...................

Sapper Levlck. b Lobb.........................I-'<• XX'..rl'« k. h ll'lton .

I'orp. Barra dough, h H. filllesple. .; <\>rp. Kelly, b Lobb. ..........1 Capt. Barnes, b Gillespie ... :........I. M*J. Trotter, p Hilton, b lllllesple.

Corp. Green, not out...........................! <îr. Hal!, c XV.irl-* k. h ! Gr. Sawyer, c Pooley, b Gillespie.. fir. Irving, run out.. .

Outfitting m KlondykeWILSON BROS.

Hare the best goods obtainable for money, and are ready to sell them at a reasonable profit. We have bad a large experience in this business, and it will pay you to call on us.

Nos. 76-79 and 80 Wharf St., Victoria.►****0**0*«*0*0*0*0*0*0**0*040*0*0*0*0*040*tH ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦


i nose wnom we nnso our mat ? prong and Sommer xrtth Bminess or Dress Suits are here again. ‘ We hare just as good value as we did last season.aed have a mmh larger stock of aO the latest shades and novelties to choose from.


ITotal .tan

in the grand stand and sent out n'ng*' re|H>rt of the match. The enterprise of the C. P. R. Telegraph Company U to be<1-in mended.

Bought I’p the Product of Both Saw Mills for It Stated period, and. aAw nil the

TACHTINO.The Se/*nd cles* Bare.


Hailway* in France differ much from railways nt h«»mv. n* Mr. L. R. Sim'h’-- man |s»ints out in Cnsstdl'a Màgaxine

------ for May : It may here he noted that noa rate that cleancl out the town. Manag- ^ charge, Va^’ond * registration fee of a

* N. Gray of the North American p,.|Uly j„ „,ntie in France for bicyclescompany quoted a $50 freight rate Dawson to get back at the British Am­erican people. Everything pointed to a ; rata war. Then came the proposition to ! form a combination which resulted In ; the formation of the published list.

J. W. Spenevr. chief inspector of the Transcontinental Freight Bureau of San Francisco. which makes the freight ; tariffs for the various crpaa-^ontlnent railways and secs that they are carried j out. is here to Instal an inspector at this port Geo. Rkttton vw to-day appoint-4 ed to UiAt position. Inspectors will *4sclie iflaUIifid it Ybikÿm^8^

taken as lllggag**. wii:tt« v.-r tin- «Ii-»tjiihw traversed may be; but «me ha* to see them into tin* van one*» self, unless a porter ran he won over. Forter* nml their way* are very interesting. When you arrive by train at the Lyone station yon are met by a we! of |mrter* who wiU carry your stick and hat-Wx. and g»*t you n cab. Have your heavy luggage <>n the said cab th«*y will ^n«»t. They |h»- Ikely inf«»rm you that th»*re are other, porters for that j<Vb. Tipping i* obliga­tory. Without that there woeld be bo

T |»ortenr, fhr the company . ^nrfy jçivew ! them ri fixcd «HTary of two franra a day. Twhanfmifi aliWt1 fires nmm

A paragraph. or automatic tide guage and barometer, the Ingenious Invention ofMr.

rnia company.TyYwayof ai'ling" to their income, have devised

shingles. There la not llkeHy to be a very great lumber famine. The combine, how ever, will undoubtedly raise the price of both lumber and shingles, but probably not to tha extent feared.

It la understood that most of fBè bulld- Iga destroyed will be re-bullt aa soon as Itosaible. There vu much liquor stolen during the fire and as a result there wee a great many drunken men. The com­missioners ordered the sheriff to close all the saloons until to-morrow under pen­alty of forfeiture of licenses.

The country records were saved but the rev books that were received a day ago were burned. This Is a lorn of $700 to the county.

While there will be a great deal of building going on. the present force of carpenters will be able to do all the

There will be no suffering for food, and all people will have shelter.

The Losses.

Th«> losses were as follows; Republic Trading Company, $17,000, ,Eureka News

. Company. $3.009; A. W. Strong A Co. ctsrar*. $4.»*»: P. K. Watters, clothing


Saturday was rather too rough a d.iy f«»r the smaller craft which entered for the finit of the aeries of club race* for set «md ««laa* trawls under the au*plc»>* of tbv Victoria Yacht Club, and during the afternoon Mr. Gore'w Vrtft had to retire because of the carrying away of <*n«* »f her Idocka The starting gun waa flreil promptly at 3 o'clock ; the Frou-Frou. P un mmlctre U. A. Kirk; Nom». Captai». A. Males by; Vrlll. Captain Gore; and ! nr

Jcea.. Captain Drake, being the brat* wh eh crossed Ike line, all very nearly together The Froa-Frou at once assumed »he lead and kept It throughout, finishing at 4:4 30. The Xoreen finlrtud at * 15. the lurleeu at 4:31:4*» The smaller veaaela were ac­companied around the course by the Vol­age» Captain Clark, and the Dorothy, Club Captain W. H. Langley, both of the larger yachts, having on h«ierd a large number of ladles, by wb«>m keen intcrrat In the rara was taken

Next Saturday afternoon the .ac* »nd race of the eerlea for Inuh first and aecond class vessel* will start at the same ttm«-, the gun to be fired promptly at 3 /clock.

though three «*f th«- Chilian lmt«n.-n g<>t listo disable flgurea they were unable to siert il« feat. Fov ke»* 18 not out wa* » very useful performance for the Albion#, but Baldwin and Rowe lmsled splendidly throughout and run getting »•* no easy n after. The wind mil'tated a little against tlie work of the willow wletdere and the mut« It waa remarkable* for the number of catches, which -ll<ntl**e.l the batsmen. The Naval team played spleiolld vri< ket. Liiut. I'syk-jr mmpillug 35. Lient. Sln.mon* 4k, and Captain Finals adding a very we,I played 'Jk. not out. Rowe and Jenk’n. with 22 and 12 re*|»ectlvely. were the other d-.uble figure «coww. Tka saorv la. ap-


J. PIERCY G GO.Wholesale Dry Goods

Spring itock in Underwear, Silk, Wool and Cotton, Prin Zephyrs, Fancy Flannelettes, Muslins, Lace

Curtains, Dress Goods, etc.■S, ar, X8 and X» Vales St. ... VICTORIA, B.C

1IIHIMIII " UIB».. mm. 'Wsa ms. $2.500; XV. CMlverton and Sheldon.

.. pram-in tk-.l„t ,rr,n,Hnrnl. wWrr »*•<____ nhielnssd nermittiniE Tom M alah. saloon. $1.300; J. W. Carter.

Napier Denlaon of the government , 5 • nlatform when nurtlng restaurant. $1.009; B. F. ' Keck,iLatratAnmttnrt *. rTtrs liai» bcin Mt*h t y.fiL- to i»X».. UP ttU.. plflM'itfll SlACfi.-QM^t+ytn*- "vr"’*-It■ ■ "VolSiiî' 'JT ,hZ •' friend '1>1Owd 4 b.

. old customs house- Tlie records every movement ôf the wntee, even that made; by a passing steamer.

Steamer Garonne will leave Vancouver to-night for this i»o^t. She will arrive early to-morrow and remain at the outer wharf loading cargo until XVednesday evening, when, on -the arrival of th*> rfearner Queen from San Francisco, she 'will sail for St. Michael.

Ships Hëreulèf and Sébastian Bach are «bout loaded at Chemalnus and will leave for their respective destinations In a few days. The Hercules Is bound to the Vnlted Kingdom and" the Sebastian Bach to Tientsin.

Steamer Tees of the C.P.N. fleet Is in the list of rapid passage makers between Ekagway and Victoria. She arrived this afternoon aoout 4 o’clock after an excep­tionally good trip from Lynn Canal porta

RMS. Empress of Japan Is due to­morrow from the Orient. She has a large number of saloon passengers, aliout 1B4» It la said. It le exr*ected ahe will bring a 1 Ig shipment of the new tea crop.

Tug Lome returned to port last nightAfter towing the British ship Dundee to H*a th' Dundee took 1.*2*185 feet of lumber from Moodyville for Calcutta. The ïxirne Is now blowing down.

Steamer Tee* I* due from Alaskan and northern British Columbia porta.

St ‘Atoer Boarowltx Is due on Friday from the North. She will bring down

and checked, with the time of the* train for which it is issued.


(!hn.les Knapi>. puhlisher -of the 81. Ijonis Ilefiulilic, ix«-ently n.a.le the state­ment that the extra aeWa for which thé «laily impers of this country were taxed during the Spanish war, laid down in New York city, cost thern $2.000,000. ami that if the war had continued « year it would have cost them $7.000.000. Thi* gives a very goo«1 tdéft of efhe magnlfl- «•ent entwpriae of the daily press of the l'oiled States. At the name time that the newapnpem were put to this extra­ordinary 4‘xpcnse their advertising pat rouage feU off, so that it la estimated the war cost not les* than $5.000,000, a net loss of that sum. The price of paner ruse so rapidly at the same time that pvt Hit in circulation wa* absorbed in that alone, so that the war was very unfortunate as a tinsimws matter for the new simpers. Th<* pnnt y ear, instead of bidng a good one for the n»-w«|»aiM‘r* on account of the di-rtiaiid for news, was n hard one on them financially lieeaiise of increuscd cost of pu Miration. Ne wlapo|H-r Maker, New York.

nlAf.'NHHI Mi HF4t"«MSK.

Ifo-^-If 1 Vrere rich, darling, would you tore me nvr« than yen dof

She—I might nht lore yoii any more. Uimry. but I kwtg I WOtlld lo^k for­ward to mir wedding day with a degree of iui4»atience that perer seems to po*- J sous me at present.—Chicago News. ., j

saiKKm. JtLmr.JL. U fiwar, rasMLence, it Philipps and Sima, saloon. $1.866! Halllnrsworth and McCutcheon. bakers. $3.500; Blegte Vienna cafe. $2.060; McMil­lan and Marsky. saloon, $1.000. About 30 ether* sustained losses. The total Insur­ance la $20,000.

Total ........................................... ....................>Navy.

Lient. Collin*, c Martin, h Anderson. . Lieut. Hon. Hay. c Martin, b Anders-mBaldwin, b Fowke*..................... .................Lieut. Cayley, e Martla. b Anderson..Lient. Metcalf, b Anderson.........................Howe V Fowke a............ ................ ................

At U; «. S'""' " ...........At XVashlaatoa—Washington. 11 »« yr.Jenww.ei


BASEBALL.fieturday'a I.eagm; Games.

At New York—New York. 2; Diu’svll'.e. 5. At Philadelphia- llUshurg, 15; Philadel-

1-1*18. 3.At Baltimore—Baltimore. 5; Ctlrogy, 1L

SwInner*ou. R. H., b Rowe..........Uaukln, b Rowe............................. .Green, A. A., b Rowe............ ......................Martin. II. J.. e i'innl*. h Rowe...............Anderson. A., b Rowe........................ ..Cuthbert, H., h Baldwin...............................Goepet.’ P., b Baldwin . .. , .,»•.Verier. W.. b Baldwin......... .................Fowke* F. C., not oat........ ................ ...Grtl^th. J. H-. c 81 m mono. I* Baldwin.. Martin. J. K-, e Collin», b Rowe 1 eg byes.-........ .....................................................

If you want anything In my line it 1 w«>ul 1 “ II on me, «>r seed -a -pay you to ca

card for estimates. Vrlvee moderate.

or *eud w ipneta! work guaranteed.HELLO!

WM. P. TURNER,The most practical and experleno-d DESIGNER. DRAUGHTSMAN sad ENGRAVER on Wood

and Metal; Die Maker, Kmbraeer, Rubber Stamp Maker uu«l Vhotographer on the 1‘aclflc Coast and In Canada.

:::::: } VANCOUVER.'


Six Firemen Hurt.Pa.. June 5.—Frank Mel-Phlladelpbia

km's feed and grain store wks destroyed by fire this morning. Six firemen werehurt. The lose Is $25.000..........

Theatre Destroyed.(Associated Press.»

New Orleans. lot.. June 6.—St. Charles theatre, one of the most noted play houses In the south was burned la*t night. Parson Davies had been manager of the theatre for three years.

BALD HEADSprevented

1 using

TOMBARBER SHOPS |m Trial Tmn-m-nl hiwm or tar*r b.*«W '|t .In.ey.u, ||S SoMt* HMSO. St «X SampCTwliX hrtis SB tk* Isk. IN -imsS

P"J JMEIM0S.4Ca.lmM.


At Boston-Rost on. »; Cincinnati. 2.At Buffalo Buffs 1«). 7; Milwaukee. <•At I>etrolt- Introït. R: Ht. Paul. 3.At IndUnapot>—Minneapolis, tl. Indlan-

-^■A4^Ci4a»nhua-4^oiiubIni y.2l

Capt. Flunls,! Byes ---------I Leg byes....

No balls....

not cut...........

THE Tl'RF.Vauixsuvcr Fixtures.

Fallowing I* the “card" of the races at

Tfllsl•H inn

.W^^ ^«ïhwraf «VUr wï*^rm. mew::

Mill mote noticeable^ hut lu-r«* again the wvimr* ..f Her Mujestv’s uniform dem«»n*t rail'd euiHtlority over their opp ment*, the Mfiond eleven of the Fifth Regiment C. C. Hiis't'iig and «lefeatlng the eleven

I tasting* Driving Park. Vancouver, during i nf the |\,|tPRi*te Scb«iol, the seory* being, the D«milrJon Day ech'brnilon.

First Dny Friday. June 30th, 1ÇK>;First Rnii*--Gentlemen'* driving race to

mod cart one-half mile heats." two In three, for h«»r*v* eligible to the 2?40 elosa, owner* to drive. PrLto cup. value $10»l or J*pech; i" that amount

Second Race- Running; one half mile and repeat ; weight for age Purse f'~'A

Third Race— Pony race. on«> half mile and repeal ; fur jMinlra 14 hand* 2 In. and under. Penh'S 14.2 to carry ’ 135 n*a. H-rcn fi à. alhiwam -• for every one-half Inch under, ihirse $VMl.

Fourth Race—One mile running; weight f«>r » ge. Pur*e

Second Day Hahirdav. July I*f. IRfiN;F’flh Race -Free-for-all trot or pace, one

mill- he,11*. three in five. Pti.riu' $2X0.Hxth Race-- Five flgliiha mile and repeat;

weight for age;, winner of rn<e No. 2 to rarrjr W !»-*. extra. Purse-$250.

Seventh Han* Three f.etrth* ml*e pony hmifil.-ai». Phrae ♦»*«». Entranm* ffe $-no- Starter*. $.*i addhlonal.

Eighth ICace—Domluiva batullcap. ouenf>.t mmm mth». for a»f ng**: *****gtreu by the < »hsen* of Vancouver. Porœ F2W». . En Ira lice fse, $5. Starter*, ffi addl-

Xinih Race One nml <ntc*inaricr ntll«‘ hurdle race inirac $2<a1.

Eut rie» clone on Wedueschiy. J |!>n 2S*h, at V p m., with the secretary., Mr. R

It cgi tuent, 56; Collegiate, 24 In ! ll*‘ inning*, and Reglim ut <B tu the Colleg*'* 4V. In the second,Innings.

_ THE WHEEL,~~That Bogl iu»-

Dlstr'vt -Centurion Dallalu, of the Caua- diau Road Club, Informs the Sport lug Editor of the Tlm»-a that the announce tuent made by him 0» Thtiwlay of the postponement of the 20-mile road race waa decided upon for g<»od and sufficient rea-

ns and the state of the wind Juatlfled the change- The weather had been lU'ttled for several «day* and It nat thought better to welt a w«H-k In the hojie that condition* might lx> more favorable. Messrs. Campbell ajnd Cfi^'(Roi»her dl«l not go out on Saturday afternoon for the pur­pose of making a atari hot for the purpose of looking over the course. Mr. Dallalu announces that the race will take place on Saturday next, commencing at 3 o'clock, tbh start being made at the east end of the Breed"» cross road arouud tliq peulusu Mr to du- t«'hil -,f again over I bo *au»e course to eome point abcut the corner -Of tne Breed’a -csss* road on the west side, the iMatnave t*etng accu­rately m*'ii*ure«l. A very strenuous effort will be made to wake n record for the distance and th«« mk»erial which Centurion Dalia'n has at his command Is of a quality

„ RazorsFOX'S.

Alao Table Cutlery,Bach Warranted

GOVERNMENT ST.N.B. We guarantee our cutlery 1st class

which «‘ticouragra the hope the effort will i successful.

THE RIFLE.Scores at Saturday's Match.

The high wind prevailing at Clover Point on Saturday Interfered somewhat with the scoring, but In spite of this some good records were made. The result* by teams were aa follows;

First Team. h«»m. Rod ley ................................................ fit

I». Alexander.. .. 2S 28 15 71

Capt. Blanchard....................Scrgt. Letllee.It**». C. Harris.....................Corp. R. Harris...............Mil ITIHfOr., Duncan..


Second Team.Gr II. f’urrle......................................... ..Gr. F. Fester....................................................Gr. H. R. Smith................... .........................Capt. E. H. Fletcher........................... ..G». II. «alley....................................................Gr, C. Wilder*..................................................

Gr. J. Mairhead..................... ...........................Gr. A. Rrayshaw........... ...................Of, A 'Cnrtl'-y............. .....................................

Ti)lrü Team.Gr. R. H.^John*.>n............................ on

Gr. Oolquhoun. ,.i. ........................ 51Gr. Barnes............... .. ............51Gr. W. Duckett......................................... 5»Tpr. Raiinders................................................ 30Gr. William*.. 37Gr. Utile..............................................................Gr. J. Richdale..................................................... .«<;r XV Bitbda - »

At the Cos I City.Nanaimo, Juno 5.—Following Is the score

n,aik> by the Nanaimo Rifle Aasorlatlun team In the weou«l shoot of the Canadian Kiftv Lt ague ou Saturday

There was a high wind all afternoon and changeable hasey tight, whl«-h waa ver>- hard to shoot In.

ATHLETICS.Inter X'arslty Contest.

Oxford, Eng.. June 5.—A cable from Har­vard and Yale accepting th«* chatft'trge of Oxford and Cambridge for an athletic con tvrt, provtded^ eerialn rcTMttttop* are aal^ Tttffcÿ ' ■uggCrt % cTtlir r~ July 12, 13 or 14a a. *ul table day*.:fiu tniineof ' these " fia teawill do as the contest mnat take place on Ha*urday In order to catch the London crowd. Jvtly 15 Is the date for two great social fwnctlona HUrii and Harrow crtgkul match am! the E«iip««e 8tr.kra at lÜndÉrwii _

#h t Miff.1 Tr ts UTfderwtood Orfonl an* Cam­bridge will make a counter profnisnl for July 22, the Sat unlay preceding the break­up of the London season and the exodus to Goodwood races.

K. Adam.........................G. K. T, Vlttendr'gh.




« m25



A Cameron,, v, r«t *»m,<U Watson................

V. H. Barker ....ê.. *2 23 27 X2W. 11. Wall................... 28 22 3t> N)Geo. Carpenter*.... — . .20 28 21 . 78W. Millar....................... 30 23 22 73J. Dick...........................; 28 22 25 73

CHESS.The International Tourna ment.

London. June 3.—At the 4:30 o'clock »«1- Journmeut- of the International chess tour­nament to day, Janowskt worsted Kchlec- ler, Manwkxy dl*i*oeed of Bird, and Trich- mann Wat Tinsley. The btti«',i‘ ffimw were- postponed. PlUsbury and Btuckburne ha«l the best of positions against Cohn and Lasker renpeet'reiy.

NOTES.A. T. Amhroee. of Wattle. Is In the eitv

and la trying to arrange for the foar-oan*l crew, which will take part Ij the Inter­national regatta at Vancouver on July 1st. In go over to Seattle on the 4th. He wish e* Sloo to get the Vancouver crew Mr. An bro*e la alao endeavoring to secure a visit from the lacroeae team of the J. B« A A. on the glorloua fourth, and both matters are being conslden-d by the com­mittees Interested.

pOR SALE Corner Store, well lu * ented. $.1500.00. Two cotmei.SSOO*

met. ok «lute. $450.00 u«0MA $400.00. eAe, TERM , a ITEM.

Swlsecrton 6 Odd’. 106 Bsx't $t
