1 CAPITALISM DISSIMULATION AND MINORITY RIGHTS : A REFUTATION OF THE NATURALISTIC FOUNDATION OF GAY SEXUAL RIGHTS Kizito Michael George 1 The important thing is to never stop questioning.” -- Albert Einstein Abstract Since Karl Marx’s expose of the explicit exploitative tendencies characteristic of capitalism and the consequent emergence of prominent socialist blocks in addition to the cold war, capitalism has attained an incredibly complex metamorphosis that the 19 th century Marxian analysis can longer adequately capture. Under the new global neo- liberal capitalism(disorganized capitalism);slavery disguises as freedom, nudity as decency , gender exploitation masquerades as empowerment, dictatorship disguises as democracy, socialized practices masquerade as nature ordained practices, crimes as sickness , terrorism as justice, poison as nutrition , oppressors as liberators, terrorists as freedom fighters , might as right , propaganda as news, ignorance as enlightenment, simulation as reality, the devil as Jesus, privileges as human rights, junk science as genuine science, manmade viruses and God made viruses, genocide as ethnic conflict, genociders as role models, corruption as economic growth, debts accumulation as charity, adaptive preferences as rights, hardened perceptions as knowledge, human rights violations as human rights, school enrolment as education, disinformation as information, conspiracy as truth to mention but a few. This article explores a number of neo-liberal capitalism dissimulations that are inimical to minority rights before situating gay rights as part and parcel of neo-liberal capitalism dissimulation. The article further critiques the naturalistic foundation of gay rights and vehemently situates gayism as a socialized reality and gay rights(as recognized in various legal systems) as legal rights which conflict with moral law and hence internal moral guides. The article further contends that minority rights under neo-liberal capitalism are simply dissimulations intended to disguise the wrath and anti-rights nature of this system. Key Words: Capitalism Dissimulation, Gay Sexual Rights, Minority rights 1 Kizito Michael George lectures in Makerere University Department of Philosophy. He teaches Ethics, Human Rights, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of gender, Philosophy of Social Science and Contemporary Philosophy at Makerere University. He is also a lecturer in Kyambogo University, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies where he teaches; ethics and Philosophy of Religion. Mr. Kizito is also Consultant and Coordinator of Makerere Centre for Applied Ethics(MACAE) and a Member of FES Social Justice group .His research interests include: Ethics and Poverty reduction, Ethics and Social Justice, Globalisation and Development, Gender and Human Rights. He has published articles in the area of Ethics, Human Rights, Globalisation , Gender and Development.





Kizito Michael George1

“The important thing is to never stop questioning.” -- Albert Einstein


Since Karl Marx’s expose of the explicit exploitative tendencies characteristic of capitalism and the consequent emergence of prominent socialist blocks in addition to the cold war, capitalism has attained an incredibly complex metamorphosis that the 19th century Marxian analysis can longer adequately capture. Under the new global neo-liberal capitalism(disorganized capitalism);slavery disguises as freedom, nudity as decency , gender exploitation masquerades as empowerment, dictatorship disguises as democracy, socialized practices masquerade as nature ordained practices, crimes as sickness , terrorism as justice, poison as nutrition , oppressors as liberators, terrorists as freedom fighters , might as right , propaganda as news, ignorance as enlightenment, simulation as reality, the devil as Jesus, privileges as human rights, junk science as genuine science, manmade viruses and God made viruses, genocide as ethnic conflict, genociders as role models, corruption as economic growth, debts accumulation as charity, adaptive preferences as rights, hardened perceptions as knowledge, human rights violations as human rights, school enrolment as education, disinformation as information, conspiracy as truth to mention but a few. This article explores a number of neo-liberal capitalism dissimulations that are inimical to minority rights before situating gay rights as part and parcel of neo-liberal capitalism dissimulation. The article further critiques the naturalistic foundation of gay rights and vehemently situates gayism as a socialized reality and gay rights(as recognized in various legal systems) as legal rights which conflict with moral law and hence internal moral guides. The article further contends that minority rights under neo-liberal capitalism are simply dissimulations intended to disguise the wrath and anti-rights nature of this system. Key Words: Capitalism Dissimulation, Gay Sexual Rights, Minority rights

1 Kizito Michael George lectures in Makerere University Department of Philosophy. He teaches Ethics, Human Rights, Philosophy of Law, Philosophy of gender, Philosophy of Social Science and Contemporary Philosophy at Makerere University. He is also a lecturer in Kyambogo University, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies where he teaches; ethics and Philosophy of Religion. Mr. Kizito is also Consultant and Coordinator of Makerere Centre for Applied Ethics(MACAE) and a Member of FES Social Justice group .His research interests include: Ethics and Poverty reduction, Ethics and Social Justice, Globalisation and Development, Gender and Human Rights. He has published articles in the area of Ethics, Human Rights, Globalisation , Gender and Development.



Exploring Key Concepts

Capitalism Dissimulations and Simulations

To dissimulate is to hide under a false appearance . Dissimulation therefore is a form of deception in which one conceals the truth. It consists of concealing the whole truth, or parts of the truth. According to Francis Becon: There be three degrees of this hiding and veiling of a man’s self. The first, closeness,

reservation, and secrecy; when a man leaveth himself without observation, or without

hold to be taken, what he is. The second, dissimulation, in the negative; when a man lets

fall signs and arguments, that he is not, that he is. And the third, simulation, in the

affirmative; when a man industriously and expressly feigns and pretends to be, that he is

not.The great advantages of simulation and dissimulation are three. First, to lay asleep

opposition, and to surprise. For where a man’s intentions are published, it is an alarum,

to call up all that are against them. The second is, to reserve to a man’s self a fair

retreat. For if a man engage himself by a manifest declaration, he must go through or

take a fall. The third is, the better to discover the mind of another. For to him that opens

himself, men will hardly show themselves adverse; but will fair let him go on, and turn

their freedom of speech, to freedom of thought2.

It must be noted that the purpose of capitalism dissimulation is to hide the oppressive nature of capitalism by presenting capitalism as a promoter and protector of minorities, human rights, democracy and justice. This is intended at checking the chances of the majority-minority that are oppressed by capitalism from revolting against the capitalist elites that master mind this oppression.

In his 1983 essay "simulacra and Simulations", Baudrillard succinctly relates the proliferation of images in advanced capitalism, with the expansion of commodities and the relentless advance of technologies of visualization with simulation. In the essay, Baudrillard describes a movement from "representation" (of something real) to "simulation" (with no secure reference to reality). This movement from representation to simulation changes the relation between sign and referent, so that we lose the connection, once presumed to exist, between sign or image and the reality to which both were thought to refer3. Simulacrum (plural: simulacra) is from the Latin, simulare, which means “to make like, to put on an appearance of”. Put simply, we can think of the simulacrum as the

2 Francis Becon( 1561-1626), Of Simulation and Dissimulation, , accessed on 4-5-2012

3 Mark Poster (ed), Jean Baudrillard : Selected Writings, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1988


sign. For example, a religious image which represents a deity and a company logo are both simulacra. A simulacra is an imitation of a real state or object. The simulacra is a copy of a copy which has been so dissipated in its relation to the original that it can no longer be said to be a copy. The simulacrum, therefore, stands on its own as a copy without a model4. For example images are supposed to help believers worship God; but they come to rely upon these images so much that they become the true object of worship. Another example would be a watch that is expensive not because it is made of pure gold but because Obama once wore it. A simulation therefore masks and perverts basic reality, masks the absence of basic reality and bares no relation to reality whatever. In short, it is a hyper reality. The simulacra that Baudrillard refers to are the significations and symbolism of culture and media that construct perceived reality, the acquired understanding by which our lives and shared existence is rendered legible; Baudrillard believed that society has become so saturated with these simulacra and our lives so saturated with the constructs of society that all meaning was being rendered meaningless by being infinitely mutable5. Baudrillard differentiates between feigning or dissimulation and simulation. He argues that with dissimulation, there is the relationship of absence or presence or a relationship with the true state of affairs whereas this is not the case with simulation. According to Baudrillard dissimulation is a from of pretense or hiding one’s feelings and therefore to dissimulate is to feign not to have what one has6.

Minorities and Minority Rights

International human rights law gives a very narrow definition of minorities. The United Nations Minorities Declaration in its article 1‘’refers to minorities as based on national or ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic identity, and provides that States should protect their existence. There is no internationally agreed definition as to which groups constitute minorities. It is often stressed that the existence of a minority is a question of fact and that any definition must include both objective factors (such as the existence of a shared ethnicity, language or religion) and subjective factors (including that individuals must identify themselves as members of a minority). The term minority as used in the United Nations human rights system usually refers to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, pursuant to the United Nations Minorities Declaration. All States have one or more minority groups within their national territories, characterized by their own national, ethnic, linguistic or religious identity, which differs from that of the majority population. According to a definition offered in 1977 by Francesco Capotorti, Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities, a minority is: A group numerically inferior to the rest of the population of a State, in a non-dominant position, whose members - being nationals of

4 Ibid. 5 Ibid.

6 Richard J. Lane, Jean Baudrillard, London, Routledge , 2009, p.85


the State - possess ethnic, religious or linguistic characteristics differing from those of the rest of the population and show, if only implicitly, a sense of solidarity, directed towards preserving their culture, traditions, religion or language.’’7

The definition of minorities in international human rights law has been challenged because in most instances a minority group will be a numerical minority, but in others a numerical majority may also find itself in a minority-like or non-dominant position, such as Blacks under the apartheid regime in South Africa and the Bairu who were mistreated by the Bahima in Ankole(Uganda). In some situations, a group which constitutes a majority in a State as a whole may be in a non-dominant position within a particular region of the State in question8. There fore minorities should be understood in terms of power asymmetry. The lack of power to change one’s disadvantaged situation, policies affecting that person and the lack of power to know and demand one’s rights make one a minority. Minorities include; children , women, gays, transgender people, the poorest of the poor, ethnic minorities, religious minorities etc. It must be noted under a neo-liberal capitalist system the numerical majority are actually the real minority. The Ugandan slung tebatulabawo( we are around but they do not see, value or recognize us) or tembandabawo( I’m around but they do not see, value me or recognize me) clearly gives a nice clue on who a minority is. Neo-Liberal Capitalism and Contemporary Dissimulations

Neo-liberal capitalism has become a very powerful force to recon with because of covert dissimulations. This dissimulations are intended to fool the poor that capitalism has actually attained a pro-poor human face yet the truth is that the current neo-liberal capitalism(vulture capitalism) is anti-poor, anti-democracy and anti-human rights. The current neo-liberal capitalism is pro-elite, pro-corporations, pro-rich. Examples of dissimulations are: 1. Capitalism and The Dissimulation of the Right to Health

The violators of the right to life through creation of Aids and Ebola viruses create medical neo-liberal elites that publish enormously on the flawed Patient –Zero thesis9 and the so called confirmed hypothesis that Aids came from a green African monkey. Mean while the violators of the rights to life emerge as promoters and protectors of the

7 Minorities Under International law, , accessed on 4-5-2012 8 Minority Rights: International Standards and Guidelines for Implementation,, accessed on 4-5-2012 9 This theory traces the AIDS virus back to a certain "Patient Zero" - one Gaeton Dugas - a gay airline steward who allegedly contracted the disease in Africa (supposedly from monkeys) and then spread the disease to other gays in America with whom he was having sex. This is the theory that was initially promoted throughout the country by the CDC (Center for Disease Control). But on closer examination, the theory is nonsense. First of all, "Patient Zero" lived in Canada and flew primarily in Canada to Canadian cities, and only very occasionally to American cities; yet one must assume that he only had sex in American cities (never in Canadian ones) because the disease broke out initially only in certain, specific American cities. The disease did not break out in Canada until much later. See,, accessed on 6th –January, 2012


right to health of HIV patients through setting up of HIV Aids NGOS to aid the poor , corporations to manufacture expensive ARVs, companies to manufacture condoms, dishing out billions of dollars to elites to fund HIV initiatives which end up being embezzled. Any one who tries to challenge the patient Zero thesis and the hypothesis that AIDS came from a green African monkey will be demonized as a non-intellectual, non-scientific and mentally retarded socialist or communist . At the end of the day the dissimulation becomes so powerful that the reality that AIDS is a man-made virus is no longer important. What is important is the hyper reality that the AIDS creators are now the holy care takers of Aids victims and geniuses behind the discovery of ARVs that pro-long the lives of HIV patients .

In an attempt to expose the dissimulation, Dr. W. John Martin, Professor of Pathology at the University of Southern California and Director of the Center for Complex Infectious Diseases, opines that :

"All at once, new viruses and virus-related diseases have threatened the health of humans and

many animal species. How did this situation arise? Could it be that scientific studies and the

emergence of new pathogens are not totally unrelated events? ... Open debate on this issue has

been soundly discouraged (by the government and the many pharmaceutical companies involved

in this research).Opponents to open dialogue ... argue that little good, and considerable harm

would come from a full disclosure of the facts. Exposing the truth, many believe, would likely: 1)

tarnish the reputations of certain scientists, 2) make it more difficult to maintain science funding,

3) promote antigovernment sentiment, and 4) likely leave many issues unresolved’’.10

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz of Harvard University also argues that :

"Despite its social and scientific importance, the origin of HIV and Ebola have been clouded in

mysteries. Based on the mass of circumstantial and scientific evidence ... the theory that

'emerging viruses' like HIV and Ebola spontaneously evolved and naturally jumped species from

monkey to man must be seriously questioned. "... (people) around the world now face a

nightmarish danger. Deadly ... (manmade) viruses are now multiplying in our bodies. This, at a

time when we seem to have less and less influence over the system of government on which we

depend for our health and safety. "Our reaction is to turn away, and choose ... denial as a means

of coping. Such a truth tears at the hearts of especially those who embrace the paternal role of

government - those who are comforted by our military, medical, and intelligence communities.

Living relatively comfortable lives, unscathed by the unusual cancers and bizarre plagues that

have struck so many other families, the pain threshold for the masses is but a date with destiny.

"Not so for the vast majority of Africans, and urban African Americans. This dynamic may partly

10 W. John Martin, foreword to Leonard G. Horowitz’s book, "EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA:

Nature, Accident or Intentional",, accessed on 5th –January-2012


explain why the vast majority of white people react to the genocidal theory of AIDS with disbelief

whereas blacks largely embrace the notion. "11

S.R Shearer drives the point home by reiterating that ‘’…..only in the U.S. is AIDS a "gay disease." Insofar as the world in general is concerned, over 90 percent of those infected with the AIDS virus are heterosexuals. It's only in this country that AIDS is considered (and is in fact) a "gay disease." How strange! Why is AIDS a "gay disease" in the United States, but not in Uganda, or Zaire, or Rwanda, or - for that matter - anywhere else in the world? Why only in the United States? No one in the government has ever offered a satisfactory explanation for this - until recently when a few brave researchers began to follow the path suggested by the Soviets in the late 1980s; specifically, the connection between certain HB virus studies in the United States (specifically in New York and San Francisco in the late 1970s and early 1980s) and in Africa (mainly in Zaire) shortly thereafter. The studies were carried out under the auspices of WHO (the World Health Organization) and Merck Pharmaceuticals. What brought these studies to the attention of researchers like Seale, Servin and Segal is that wherever these vaccinations were carried out, shortly thereafter an outbreak of AIDS occurred - and in the same population that the studies had targeted: gays in the United States, and heterosexuals in Africa. In the United States, AIDS has remained largely a "gay disease" because of the "closed" or "contained" nature of the gay community, while in Africa - where the experiments with the HB vaccines were carried out in the general population - AIDS became a heterosexual phenomenon.’’12

Shearer further opines that :

‘’….the CIA and various pharmaceutical companies needed human guinea pigs - on a large scale

- for their various programs: the CIA and the military for their biological weapons studies, and

the pharmaceutical companies for their vaccines, many of which involved highly experimental

and exceedingly dangerous manmade "retroviruses," which - if they proved successful - meant

untold profits to investors. The human guinea pigs were chosen out of populations which were

"remote" from the world's mainstream, and for which average people cared little or nothing

about. In order to "cover" the true nature of what they were doing - and the great danger that

was involved - the experimentation was linked to vaccine programs which provided an altruistic

and philanthropic front for what they were really doing; specifically the HB vaccine programs in

San Francisco, New York and Zaire. In doing so, they created and simultaneously unleashed a

monster: AIDS and Ebola’’.

In his article, ‘’Who murdered Africa’’, Dr. William Campbell Douglas argues that:

11 Leonard G. Horowitz’s book, "EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA: Nature, Accident or

Intentional",, accessed on 3rd –January-2012

12 S.R. Shearer, The Drug Epidemic, Viruses, Ebola, And Aids[It's Not What You Think!],, accessed on 6th –January, 2011


‘’But what about the green monkey? Some of the best virologist in the world and many of those directly involved in AIDS research, such as Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier, have said that the green monkey may be the culprit. You know the story: A green monkey bit a native on the ass and, bam-AIDS all over central Africa. There is a fatal flaw here. It is very strange. Because Gallo, Montagnier and these other virologists know that the AIDS virus doesn't occur naturally in monkeys. In fact it doesn't occur naturally in any animal. AIDS started practically simultaneously in the United States, Haiti, Brazil, and Central Africa. (Was the green monkey a jet pilot?) Examination of the gene structure of the green monkey cells proves that it is not genetically possible to transfer the AIDS virus from monkeys to man by natural means. Because of the artificial nature of the AIDS virus it will not easily transfer from man to man until it has become very concentrated in the body fluids through repeated injections from person to person, such as drug addicts, and through high multiple partner sexual activity such as that which takes place in Africa and among heterosexuals. After repeated transfer it can become an "natural" infection for man, which it has’’13.

Dr. Campbell further reiterates that:

‘’Dr. Theodore A. Strecker is the courageous doctor who unraveled this conundrum, the greatest murder mystery of all time. He should get the Nobel prize but he'll be lucky not to get "suicided." ("Prominent California doctor ties his hands behind his back, hangs himself, and jumps from 20th floor. There was no evidence of foul play.") Strecker was employed as a consultant to work on a health proposal for Security Pacific Bank. He was to estimate the cost of their health care for the future. Should they form a health maintenance organization? (HMO) was a major issue. After investigating the current medical market he advised against the HMO because he found that the AIDS epidemic will in all probability bankrupt the nation's medical system. He became fascinated with all the peculiar scientific anomalies concerning AIDS that kept cropping up. Why did the "experts" keep talking about green monkeys and homosexuals being the culprits when it was obvious that the AIDS virus was a man-made virus? Why did they say that it was a homosexual and drug-user disease when in Africa it was obviously a heterosexual disease? If the green monkey did it, then why did AIDS explode practically simultaneously in Africa, Haiti, Brazil, the United States and southern Japan? Why, when it was proposed to the National Institute of Health that the AIDS virus was a combination of two bovine or sheep viruses cultured in human cells in a laboratory, did they say it was "bad science" when that's exactly what occurred?’’

2. The Case of the Crack Explosion in Los Angels

In the 1960s, the United states of America witnessed a resistance from a massive black civil rights movement which culminated into the nullification of racial discrimination and segregation in the US. In order to ensure that black agitation against oppression and discrimination does not happen in the future, the CIA created a drug culture among the American blacks by financing drug lords to sell drugs in poor black neighborhoods of Los Angels (crack capital of the world) in the early 1980s. The money gotten from this

13, accessed on 6th -01-2012


evil enterprise was used to finance wars in South American by leftist regimes such as the one in Nicaragua. This created the crack explosion in the USA. Today thousands of poor blacks are in jail for drug related crimes. Due to this drug culture the black civil rights movement has been fundamentally checked. Mean while, despite the availability many drug treatment and rehabilitation centers, many blacks can not access these centers because they are very expensive. Garry Webb, an investigative journalist in 1996 published series articles in the San Jose Mercury News exposing how the CIA created a drug culture in the US14. On December 10, 2004 former investigative reporter for the San Jose Mercury News Gary Webb - who had been on the CIA's "black list" ever since he broke the story of the agency's vile involvement in flooding the poor black neighborhoods of L.A. with cocaine in the early 1980s - was found dead in his Sacramento area home because of an apparent suicide 15.

On August 18, 1996, the San Jose Mercury News published the first installment of Garry Webb’s three-part series of articles concerning crack cocaine, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the Nicaraguan Contra army. The introduction to the first installment of the series read:

‘’For the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons of cocaine to the

Crips and Bloods street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a Latin

American guerrilla army run by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, a Mercury News

investigation has found. This drug network opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine

cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the "crack" capital of

the world. The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosion in urban America . . . and

provided the cash and connections needed for L.A.'s gangs to buy automatic weapons.’’16

‘’The three-day series of articles, entitled "Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion," told the story of a Los Angeles drug operation run by Ricky Donnell Ross, described sympathetically as "a disillusioned 19-year-old . . . who, at the dawn of the 1980s, found himself adrift on the streets of South-Central Los Angeles." The Dark Alliance series recounted how Ross began peddling small quantities of cocaine in the early 1980s and rapidly grew into one of the largest cocaine dealers in southern California until he was convicted of federal drug trafficking charges in March 1996. The series claimed that Ross' rise in the drug world was made possible by Oscar Danilo Blandon and Norwin Meneses, two individuals with ties to the Fuerza Democratica Nicaraguense (FDN), one group comprising the Nicaraguan Contras. Blandon and Meneses reportedly sold tons of cocaine to Ross, who in turn converted it to crack and sold it in the black communities of South Central Los Angeles. Blandon and Meneses

14 Garry Webb, Dark Alliance: The CIA, The Contras and the Crack Cocaine explosion, Seven Stories Press; 2nd edition, 1999 15 Dr.David Christopher Kelly a British biological weapons expert also ‘committed’ suicide immediately after denying that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. See, 16 The Cia-Contra-Crack Cocaine Controversy: A Review Of The Justice Department's Investigations And Prosecutions,, accessed on 6th -01-2012


were said to have used their drug trafficking profits to help fund the Contra army's war effort.’’17

After the publication of the explosive dark alliance series, the neo-liberal American media utilized its first ruse by ignoring the story in order to create the perception that it was nonsense. After realizing that the story which they had ignored had became very poplar and big , they embarked on their second strategy of counteracting the Dark alliance series. For example the contradictions of the Los Angels times are very explicit in the following:

‘’Rejecting the Dark Alliance assertion that Blandon had sent profits to the Contras from 1981 to

1986, the Los Angeles Times found, based upon Blandon's testimony, that he had sent profits to

the Contras in only one year. The second installment of the Los Angeles Times series also

suggested, based on interviews with various CIA officials and former government officials, that

CIA involvement in such a scheme was improbable. But the article quoted the chief investigator

for Senator Kerry's subcommittee investigation, Jack Blum, as saying that, while the CIA did not

have agents selling drugs to fund the Contras, the United States government may have opened

channels that helped drug dealers bring drugs into the United States and protected them from law


The Los Angels times further contradicted its self by starting that :

‘’The first installment of the Los Angeles Times series was devoted to a discussion of the origins

of crack cocaine. It found that crack cocaine existed in Los Angeles long before Ross began

selling it. In response to the claim that Ross had played a principal role in bringing cocaine to

South Central Los Angeles, it identified several drug dealers from South Central Los Angeles who

were contemporaries of Ross and were reputed to have sold similar quantities of cocaine’’19


One author has challenged the Los Angels times as follows:

‘’During the late 1970's the illicit drug cocaine was expensive and, therefore, could only be

afforded by the well heeled. In the early 1980's cocaine began to appear in lower class

neighborhoods in the form of "crack cocaine." The inexpensive, rock-like substance possesses ten

times the punch as cocaine in its powdered form. This highly addictive substance wreaked havoc

in south-central Los Angeles, now known as the "crack" capital of the world. As police grappled

with a wave of gang warfare and crime, little did anyone suspect that the U.S. government was

responsible for the influx of this powerful drug’’20


A couple of years back many Africans in the Americas, Europe and on the African continent celebrated the ascendance of President Barrack Obama to the USA presidency. According to them this was evidence that the blacks were ruling USA and therefore the

17 Ibid. 18 Ibid. 19 Ibid. 20, accessed on 6th -01-2012


world because of the simple logic that when America Sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold. Little did these Africans know that Obama does not represent the interests of the poor minority but rather the rich neo-liberal elites. In a rather surprising move in December last year President Obama signed the defence bill into law. According to this National Defense Authorization Act, American citizens suspected of terrorism can be detained without trial. This statute is particularly dangerous because it has no temporal or geographic limitations, and can be used by this and future presidents to militarily detain people captured far from any battlefield. The culprits of this law are mainly going to be the poor both in the US and from other placers where America is fighting ‘wars of aggression’. After signing the defense bill into law President Obama ambiguously asserted:

"I have signed this bill despite having serious reservations with certain provisions that regulate

the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists, …I want to clarify that my

administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American

citizens,… Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and

values as a Nation. My administration will interpret section 1021 [of the bill] in a manner that

ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all

other applicable law. …I reject any approach that would mandate military custody where law

enforcement provides the best method of incapacitating a terrorist threat, …"While section 1022

is unnecessary and has the potential to create uncertainty, I have signed the bill because I believe

that this section can be interpreted and applied in a manner that avoids undue harm to our

current operations."21

3. Capitalism dissimulation and the war on terror

After the bombing of the twin towers America and her allies such as Britain and France embarked on an ambitious war on terror. Using the power of media houses such as CNN, BBC, FOX News, Washington post etc neo-liberal elites propelled the propaganda that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and therefore must be attacked. Dr. David Christopher Kelly, a British Weapons Expert who led the inspection mission that was tasked to establish whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction was found dead in the woods outside his Oxford shire home days after he intimated to a BBC journalist that the British government claims about Iraq were false. On September 24, 2002, Blair told the British Public "(Saddam) has existing and active military plans for the use of chemical and biological weapons, which could be activated within 45 minutes."22Tony Blair's government set up the Hutton Inquiry, a public inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death. This determined that Kelly had committed suicide, the pathologist who conducted the postmortem examination giving the cause of death as "haemorrhage

21 Obama Signs Defense Bill Despite 'Serious Reservations',, accessed on 4th –January-2012 22 Sarah Hall, "No. 10 Knew Iraq Posed No Threat" Guardian Weekly, Aug. 21-27, 2003 p. 1., quoted from Steve Moore, Suicide or Murder? The Dr. David Kelly Affair, accessed on 6th -01-2012


due to incised wounds of the left wrist" in combination with "coproxamol ingestion and coronary artery atherosclerosis"23.

On Tuesday 27 January 2004, a group medical experts dissipated Lord Hutton Inquiry as follows:

’’As specialist medical professionals, we do not consider the evidence given at the Hutton inquiry

has demonstrated that Dr David Kelly committed suicide. Dr Nicholas Hunt, the forensic

pathologist at the Hutton inquiry, concluded that Dr Kelly bled to death from a self-inflicted

wound to his left wrist. We view this as highly improbable. Arteries in the wrist are of matchstick

thickness and severing them does not lead to life-threatening blood loss. Dr Hunt stated that the

only artery that had been cut - the ulnar artery - had been completely transected. Complete

transection causes the artery to quickly retract and close down, and this promotes clotting of the

blood. The ambulance team reported that the quantity of blood at the scene was minimal and

surprisingly small. It is extremely difficult to lose significant amounts of blood at a pressure

below 50-60 systolic in a subject who is compensating by vasoconstricting. To have died from

haemorrhage, Dr Kelly would have had to lose about five pints of blood - it is unlikely that he

would have lost more than a pint. Alexander Allan, the forensic toxicologist at the inquiry,

considered the amount ingested of Co-Proxamol insufficient to have caused death. Allan could

not show that Dr Kelly had ingested the 29 tablets said to be missing from the packets found.

Only a fifth of one tablet was found in his stomach. Although levels of Co-Proxamol in the blood

were higher than therapeutic levels, Allan conceded that the blood level of each of the drug's two

components was less than a third of what would normally be found in a fatal overdose. We

dispute that Dr Kelly could have died from haemorrhage or from Co-Proxamol ingestion or from

both. The coroner, Nicholas Gardiner, has spoken recently of resuming the inquest into his death.

If it re-opens, as in our opinion it should, a clear need exists to scrutinise more closely Dr Hunt's

conclusions as to the cause of death’’24


In a surprising move :

‘…Lord Hutton, the peer who chaired the controversial inquiry into the Dr Kelly scandal,

has secretly barred the release of all medical records, including the results of the post

mortem, and unpublished evidence. The move, which will stoke fresh speculation about

the true circumstances of Dr Kelly’s death, comes just days before Tony Blair appears

before the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War. It is also bound to revive claims of an

establishment cover-up and fresh questions about the verdict that Dr Kelly killed himself.

Tonight, Dr Michael Powers QC, a doctor campaigning to overturn the Hutton findings,

said: ‘What is it about David Kelly’s death which is so secret as to justify these reports

being kept out of the public domain for 70 years?’ Campaigning Liberal Democrat MP

Norman Baker, who has also questioned the verdict that Dr Kelly committed suicide,


24 The Guardian, Tuesday 27 January 2004, Our Doubts About Dr.Kelly’s Suicide,, accessed on 10-12-2012


said: ‘It is astonishing this is the first we’ve known about this decision by Lord Hutton

and even more astonishing he should have seen fit to hide this material away.25

’’ 26

In addition, the world was shocked to learn that immediately after the bombing of the world trade centre, the relatives of Osama Bib laden were flown out of the United States to the inconvenience of many passenger who couldn’t fly until this mission was accomplished27. Natural justice demands that these should have been the first suspects. In addition the western media has successfully covered the fact that besides the twin towers there was another building that collapsed that day but was not hit by the plane. So, who bombed it28.

Picture showing the twin towers Source :


Miles Goslett, David Kelly post mortem to be kept secret for 70 years as doctors accuse Lord Hutton of concealing vital information, , accessed on 6th -01-2012

26 We need to recall a similar incidence where the documents of the Warren Commission that tasked to investigate the assassination of President J.F.Kennedy were sealed for 75 years(up 2035) in order to protect the innocent persons who could otherwise be damaged because of their relationship with participants in the case. See, 27 See, Michael Moore’s 2004 documentary film , Fahrenheit 9/11

28 Dylan Avery’s Loose Change 9/11 film, 2005


David R. Kimball reiterates that :

‘’Everyone remembers the Twin Towers exploding at 9:59AM and 10:28AM EDT on

September 11, 2001. Comparatively few people can recall that there was a third massive

skyscraper, also a part of the World Trade Center, which fell very rapidly to the ground

on that day. This was World Trade Center Building 7. One reason that few remember

WTC Building 7’s collapse is that after September 11th

it has been treated, both in the

media and in The 9/11 Commission Report, as if it didn’t happen. “The total collapse of

the third huge skyscraper late in the afternoon September 11th

was reported as if it were

an insignificant footnote... most people never saw video of Building 7’s collapse…

Incredibly, it is virtually impossible to find any mention of Building 7 in newspapers,

magazines, or broadcast media reports after September 11th

.” “The Commission avoids

another embarrassing problem – explaining how WTC 7 could have collapsed, also

virtually at free-fall speed – by simply not mentioning the collapse of this building.”29

According to the New York times the collapse of WTC building 7 was caused by the collapse of the twin towers30. One, wonder why other buildings that were as close to the WTC as WTC 7 never collapsed because of the twin towers. One blogger rhetorically says:

Building 7 was the third skyscraper to be reduced to rubble on September 11, 2001.

According to the government, fires, primarily, leveled this building, but fires have never

before or since destroyed a steel skyscraper. The team that investigated the collapse were

kept away from the crime scene. By the time they published their inconclusive report in

May, 2002, the evidence had been destroyed. Why did the government rapidly recycle the

steel from the largest and most mysterious engineering failure in world history, and why

has the media remained silent?31

29 David R. Kimball, On 9/11 a THIRD Skyscraper Plunged to Earth: The Sudden Implosion of WTC Building 7,, accessed on 10th -01-2012 30 Serge Schmemann, Hijacked Jets Destroy Twin Towers And Hit Pentagon, ,accessed on 10th -01-2012 31, accessed on 10th -01-2012


Source :

David Ray Griffin is Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, at the Claremont School of Theology (California) argues that :

Shortly after 9/11, President Bush advised people not to tolerate “outrageous conspiracy

theories about the attacks of 11 September” Philip Zelikow, who directed the work of the

9/11 Commission, has likewise warned against “outrageous conspiracy theories” What

do these men mean by this expression? They cannot mean that we should reject all

conspiracy theories about 9/11, because the government’s own account is a conspiracy

theory, with the conspirators all being members of al-Qaeda. They mean only that we

should reject outrageous theories. But what distinguishes an outrageous theory from a

non-outrageous one? This is one of the central questions in the philosophy of science.

When confronted by rival theories---let’s say Neo-Darwinian Evolution and Intelligent

Design---scientists and philosophers of science ask which theory is better and why. The

mark of a good theory is that it can explain, in a coherent way, all or at least most of the

relevant facts and is not contradicted by any of them. A bad theory is one that is

contradicted by some of the relevant facts. An outrageous theory would be one that is

contradicted by virtually all the relevant facts32


32 David Ray Griffin, The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True,, accessed on 11-01-2012


After analyzing the contradictions in the Government version he further contends that:

It is, in any case, already possible to know, beyond a reasonable doubt, one very

important thing: the destruction of the World Trade Center was an inside job,

orchestrated by domestic terrorists. Foreign terrorists could not have gotten access to the

buildings to plant the explosives. They probably would not have had the courtesy to make

sure that the buildings collapsed straight down, rather than falling over onto surrounding

buildings. And they could not have orchestrated a cover-up, from the quick disposal of

the steel to the FEMA Report to The 9/11 Commission Report to the NIST Report. All of

these things could have been orchestrated only by forces within our own government. The

evidence for this conclusion has thus far been largely ignored by the mainstream press,

perhaps under the guise of obeying President Bush’s advice not to tolerate “outrageous

conspiracy theories.” We have seen, however, that it is the Bush administration’s

conspiracy theory that is the outrageous one, because it is violently contradicted by

numerous facts, including some basic laws of physics. There is, of course, another reason

why the mainstream press has not pointed out these contradictions33


A letter to the Los Angeles Times also said:

The number of contradictions in the official version of . . . 9/11 is so

overwhelming that . . . it simply cannot be believed. Yet . . . the official version

cannot be abandoned because the implication of rejecting it is far too disturbing:

that we are subject to a government conspiracy of ‘X-Files’ proportions and



It must be noted that as a result of the war on terror dissimulations, thousands of Iraqis experienced heinous human rights violations at the hands o f the US military and her allies. Surprisingly US soldiers who committed human rights violations in Iraq can not be tried by the International Criminal Court because the US has signed impunity agreements with a number of states that aim and blocking the trial of US soldiers in the ICC. In addition the USA is not even party to the ICC.

4. Neo-liberal capitalism and the Dissimulation of Jesus Christ

The Jesus of the bible categorically attacked the rich by saying ‘’But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation(Luke 6:24)’’. He also said that, ‘’ I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God( Matthew 19:24)’’. Neo-liberal capitalistic Pentecostal and charismatic Christianity has created a dissimulated Jesus that aims at fighting the Jesus of the bible. Unlike the biblical Jesus, the neo-liberal capitalistic Pentecostal and charismatic Jesus says, ‘’WOE TO YOU WHO ARE POOR’’, It is difficult for a POOR MAN to enter heaven’’. According to this dissimulated Jesus, the rich are rich because, they are knowledgeable of the ‘fact’ that one can use the faith inside him or her to speak wealth and prosperity into being . On the other hand the poor are poor because they are

33 Ibid 34 Ibid.


ignorant of the ‘fact’ that they can use the faith inside them to create prosperity. Similarly the poor are sick because they have not utilized this power inside them to create health. This dissimulation is intended to disguise the structural injustices of neo-liberal capitalism. Precisely, the poor are poor not because of the structural poverty created by neo-liberal capitalistic polices but because of their own lack of faith. It must be noted that; TBN, God TV and LTV in Uganda aim at inculcating this dissimulated capitalist Jesus. Preachers of this capitalistic Jesus have robed the poor through seed faith, paid healing and the like. Many have private jets, billion dollar mansions among other wealth. No wonder Karl Marx said:

"I deeply admire and respect Jesus; but I hate most of those who claim to be His followers. [He

was speaking of the rich aristocracies and self-satisfied bourgeoisie that used Christianity to

control the poor."]35

This dissimulation is so powerful that the poor finance and support it thinking they are excising their freedom of religion. The proponents of the neo-liberal Jesus explicitly preach about revenge, and can even kill or be killed for this neo-liberal capitalistic Pentecostal and charismatic Jesus. Kato Mivule argues that :

Recently, a number of protests dubbed “Occupy Wall Street”, have taken place in the

USA , centered around issues of increasing poverty, lack of jobs, increasing disparity

between the poor and rich, the unfair tax burden that seems to let the rich walk away

without paying their dues in taxes, and excessive greed and capitalism among big

financial institutions in the USA. The protests that begun in New York City have not only

spread around the USA but also in many other capitals around the world. While there is

no central theme in the message conveyed by the protestors, the core content seems to

be against excessive greed and injustice towards the poor. However, of lately some

evangelical leaders have come out openly and condemned the “Occupy Wall Street”

movement, calling it among other things “socialists”, “evil”, “mobs”, “anarchists”,

“neo-1960's hippies”, and “rebels”. Some of the evangelical leaders have gone to length

in warning their members not to participate in the protests, noting that the occupy wall

street protestors are simply “jealous” of the rich and with a socialist agenda to take over

the USA. Some Christian leaders claim that any Christian who joins in protesting or

voicing against the injustices done to the poor, is engaging in “Liberation Theology”, a

clever term re-coined by some evangelicals leaders as a slur against anyone who raises

their voice to speak out for the poor and the injustices done against them. The roots of

Liberation Theology begun by a Roman Catholic in the 1950s, actually by Priests

protesting the injustices done against the poor by the Catholic Church itself. The Roman

Catholic Church then outlawed some of teachings of Liberation Theology inside the

Catholic Church. However, in the 1960's, the civil rights movement in the USA included

voicing against injustices done to the poor among the message of racial equality; black

Christian churches and other Christian denominations took on this message. On seeing

35, accessed on 11-01-2012


this, some wealthy white evangelical leaders were quick to condemn the outcry as a

“socialist Marxist movement”, and a “Black Liberation Theology” movement. Some of

the rich white evangelical leaders taught that black Christian leaders who voiced against

black social injustices, like racism and poverty were teaching “Black Liberation

Theology”, a “doctrine of devils”. This was done in part as a way to silence any

Christian who voiced for the poor, from offending the wealthy capitalists who by large

bankrolled most of the wealthy white evangelical churches and projects.

5. Women smoking dissimulated as women equality and empowerment

Before the 20th century smoking among women and children was not wide spread as today however in the 20th century capitalism rode on the agitation of women equality then to dissimulate that men were more empowered than women because of smoking. It was further dissimulated that if women learned the trick of smoking they would become as empowered as men. Some advertisers went as far as saying that the secret of male domination was in the possession of the penis, and thus if women wanted this instrument of domination, they should start smoking. According to Wikipedia:

‘’In the early part of the 20th Century the anti-tobacco movement was aimed primarily at

women and children. Smoking was considered a dirty habit and smoking by women was

seriously frowned upon by society. As the century progressed so did women’s desire for

equality. The suffrage movement gave many women a sense of entitlement and freedom

and the tobacco industry took advantage of the marketing opportunity. Tobacco

companies began marketing cigarettes to appeal to women during the burgeoning

women’s movement of the 1920s. The American Tobacco Company began targeting

women with its ads for Lucky Strikes. Lucky Strike sought to give women the reasons they

should be smoking Luckies. They employed ads featuring prominent women, such as

Amelia Earhart, and appealed to the vanity of women by promising slimming effects.

Most of the ads also conveyed a carefree and confident image of women that would

appeal to the modern woman of the 1920s. The ads grew more extravagant with paid

celebrity testimonials and far reaching claims of how Lucky Strikes could improve your

life. Their most aggressive campaign directly challenged the candy industry by urging

women to “reach for a Lucky instead of a sweet.” These aggressive campaigns paid off

making Lucky Strike the most smoked brand within a decade. The 1950s also began a

boom in advertising for tobacco companies. Ads featuring prominent movie and

television stars became commonplace and tobacco companies also began sponsoring

television shows, game shows, and other widespread media. One of the most popular was

Philip Morris's sponsorship of the I Love Lucy show. The opener featured the two stars of

the show with a giant pack of Philip Morris cigarettes. The show Your Hit Parade was

proudly sponsored by American Tobacco's Lucky Strike brand. In 1965, it was reported

that 33.9% of women were smoking. Virginia Slims came on the market in 1968, and used

the catch phrase “You’ve come a long way baby.” This was the first cigarette to be

marketed solely as a woman’s cigarette. The cigarettes were longer, slimmer, and overall

more elegant and feminine. The ads depicted photos of glamorous women set against

photos of women doing mundane tasks such as laundry or housework. 1970 saw the

release of Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company's entry into women specific cigarettes,


Eve. Eve cigarettes were decidedly more feminine than Virginia Slims. Eve featured

flowers or other feminine motifs on both the packaging and the cigarette themselves36


As per now million of women in the Western world are addicted to smoking. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, ‘’cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and produces substantial health-related economic costs to society.” During the time between 1995 and 1999, smoking resulted in approximately 440,000 premature deaths per year and about $157 billion in “health-related economic losses.” Smoking has been known to increase to the risks of, and has been linked to, a plethora of adverse health effects. For instance, “Cigarette smoking accounts for about one-third of all cancers, including 90 percent of lung cancer cases. [Smoking also] causes lung diseases such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema, [it] increases the risk of heart disease, including stroke, heart attack, vascular disease, and aneurysm.” According to the Surgeon General’s Report of 2004, titled “The Health Consequences of Smoking,” other consequences of smoking include increased risk of cataracts, lowered levels of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, heightened inflammation, and periodontitis.’’37 It must be remembered that for a long time Tobacco companies put very minuscule(minute) warnings of the danger of cigarette smoking on ciggaratte packets. In order to protect the poor ,neo-liberal governments around the world have ordered tobacco companies to put these warnings in ‘BIG LETTERS’, so that smokers can easily see them’. This is intended to create the ruse that they are interested in the poor addicts to cigarette smoking. It must be noted that once one is addicted to smoking these big letters mean nothing to that person.


36 Women Smoking,, , accessed on 11-01-2012

37 Ibid.


6. The consumption of Hard Pornography dissimulated as freedom of expression,

the power to choose and optical nutrition

Despite the presence of a ministry of Ethics and Integrity in the Office of the President in Uganda , hard Pornography is being sold on the streets of Kampala and else where for less than 1 US $ . Many children in Uganda especially teenagers are consuming tones and tones of pornography. Despite public appeals to enact the law on pornography, the government is not in any haste to heed to the request of the public . As time goes on many Ugandans are going to be addicted to porn. Many children will be spending hours surfing and watching pornography. Children will find it hard to concentrate in class, do research and socialize. They will have more time for pornography than rioting or criticizing government on corruption. Mean while government will encourage the opening up of porn rehabilitation centers which will be affordable to the children of the rich. It must be noted that billion are reaped from this porn industry but little funding is given to a assess the impact of porn on the social lives of people. Pornography is used by neo-liberal capitalism as form of social control for individuals who have been disempowered by the system.

According to one study, early exposure (under fourteen years of age) to pornography is related to greater involvement in deviant sexual practice, particularly rape. Slightly more than one-third of the child molesters and rapists in this study claimed to have at least occasionally been incited to commit an offense by exposure to pornography. Among the child molesters incited, the study reported that 53 percent of them deliberately used the stimuli of pornography as they prepared to offend38. Another study also revealed that The habitual consumption of pornography can result in a diminished satisfaction with mild forms of pornography and a correspondingly strong desire for more deviant and violent material39. In addition research has shown that "males who are exposed to a great deal of erotica before the age of 14 are more sexually active and engage in more varied sexual behaviors as adults than is true for males not so exposed."40 One study also reveals that among 932 sex addicts, 90 percent of the men and 77 percent of the women reported that pornography was significant to their addiction.41

38 W. L. Marshall, "The Use of Sexually Explicit Stimuli by Rapists, Child Molesters, and Nonoffenders," The Journal of Sex Research 25, no.2 (May 1988): 267-88. 39 See H.J. Eysenck, "Robustness of Experimental Support for the General Theory of Desensitization," in Neil M. Malamuth and Edward Donnerstein, eds., Pornography and Sexual Aggression (Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, 1984), 314. D. Zillmann, "Effects of Prolonged Consumption of Pornography," in Pornography: Research Advances and Policy Considerations, eds. D. Zillman and J. Bryant (Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1989), 129. 40 K.E. Davis and G.N. Braucht, Exposure to Pornography, Character and Sexual Deviance, Technical Reports of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography (1970), 7. 41 Patrick Carnes, Don't Call It Love: Recovery from Sexual Addictions (New York: Bantam, 1991).


7. Capitalism Dissimulation and war/conflict in Africa

Despite calls that a genocide was looming on Rwanda in the 1994 , the members of the UN Security council with veto power argued that this was simply an ethnic conflict that would come pass. Shortly, the world was shocked by the genocide in Rwanda that saw the death of thousands of people. The UN International war crime tribunal for Rwanda was established to put to trial the culprits who participated in the genocide. It must be noted that the purpose of the genocide in Rwanda was to open up the great lakes region and specifically the Democratic republic of Congo to neo-liberal imperialism and primitive accumulation. No wonder US client states such as Uganda and Rwanda and Burundi have done a ‘good work’ as far as looting and helping the US and her allies to loot the Congo. During this looting the poor in the Congo have experienced human rights violations in form of rape, defilement, torture, displacement and loss of life. Despite the numerous reports about these violations the international community has remained largely silent. One thinker has argued that the reason why the USA wants to wipe out Kony now is simply because he has became a nuisance to the Congo lootings schemes of the US and her allies42. According to the Canadian centre for policy alternatives. "Nearly 80% of the strategic minerals the U.S. requires are found in Africa including

90% of the world's cobalt, 90% of the platinum, 40% of the gold, 98% of the chromium,

64% of the manganese and one-third of the uranium. These minerals are needed to make

jet engines, cars, missiles, electronic components and so forth and so on. Africa also

accounts for 18% of U.S. oil imports as compared to 25% from the Persian Gulf, with

Nigeria and Angola being the fifth largest and ninth largest exporters to the U.S.


The Canadian Centre for Policy alternatives further reiterates that :

"Rarely has Western savagery been more destructive than in the Congo. After 115 years

of Belgian colonialism and U.S. neo-colonialism, the Democratic Republic of Congo

(DRC) today is a war-ravaged, balkanized country where an incredible 2.5 million

people have died during the last two and a half years and 2.3 million have been

displaced. OXFAM called this 'the world's biggest humanitarian disaster'. The

catastrophic war which began in August 1998 has been imposed on the long-suffering

Congolese by U.S. PROXIES Rwanda and Uganda which have occupied the eastern half

of the Congo and are plundering and looting it with most of the booty going to the West.

"Genocide and plunder have been Western policy towards the mineral-rich Congo since

the Berlin Conference of 1885 when European nations divided Africa between them, and

King Leopold II of Belgium got the Congo as his personal property. Ten million

Congolese were killed under Belgian rule which lasted until 1960. The Congo's

42, accessed on 4-5-2012 43 , accessed on 4-5-2012


population was cut in half. Belgian domination was marked by slavery, forced labour and

torture aimed at extracting the maximum amount of ivory and rubber from the Central

African country. The people of the Congo probably suffered more than any other

colonized group. Their hands were cut off for not working hard enough and on one day

1,000 severed hands were delivered in baskets to an official. Women were kidnapped to

force their husbands to collect rubber sap and Congolese were shot for sport. Such

atrocities were documented by George Washington Williams, an African-American

visiting the Congo, who invented the term "crimes against humanity" to describe



In addition, of recent the US was applauded by the local and International media for sending 100 US marines45 to hunt down and kill Joseph Kony, the LRA commander behind the death of thousands of people in Northern Uganda. It must be noted that the war in Northern Uganda has been in the offing for over 20 years amidst the silence of the international Community and specifically US and the great powers. One, wonders why the US has only woken up at the close of the war. Bishop Odama one time asked why the whole world goes on fire once one Israel is killed but when Acholis are killed the whole world is silent. He wondered whether Acholis were not human beings. According to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: "Behind the shameful peanut throwing [of aid] lurks a deadly Western policy towards

Africa. The U.S. government … has through the Pentagon, the CIA, the World Bank and

the IMF, systematically demolished African economies … and fueled eleven wars on the

continent with arms transfers and military training. This genocidal imperial strategy has

killed more than four million Africans and allowed the U.S. … to attain Africa's abundant

natural riches cheaply." "After twenty years of [this American policy of economic rape

and pillage] 313 million Africans live in absolute poverty … (out of a total population of

682 million), a 63% increase over the 200 million figure for 1994. Life expectancy has

dropped by 15% since 1980 and today is 47 years, the lowest in the world. Forty per cent

of Africans suffer from malnutrition and more than half are without safe drinking water.

Health care spending in the 42 poorest African countries fell by 50% during the 1980s.

As a result, health care systems have collapsed across the continent creating near

catastrophic conditions. More than 200 million Africans have no access to health

services as hundreds of clinics, hospitals and medical facilities have been closed. This

has left diseases to rage unchecked, leading most alarmingly to an AIDS pandemic. More

than 17 million Africans have died of HIV/AIDS which has created 12 million orphans.

"After twenty years of [this American policy of economic rape and pillage] 313 million

Africans live in absolute poverty … (out of a total population of 682 million), a 63%

increase over the 200 million figure for 1994. Life expectancy has dropped by 15% since

1980 and today is 47 years, the lowest in the world. Forty per cent of Africans suffer from

malnutrition and more than half are without safe drinking water. Health care spending in

44 Ibid. 45 Obama sends 100 US troops to Uganda to fight LRA,, accessed on 11-01-2012


the 42 poorest African countries fell by 50% during the 1980s. As a result, health care

systems have collapsed across the continent creating near catastrophic conditions. More

than 200 million Africans have no access to health services as hundreds of clinics,

hospitals and medical facilities have been closed. This has left diseases to rage

unchecked, leading most alarmingly to an AIDS pandemic. More than 17 million Africans

have died of HIV/AIDS which has created 12 million orphans.’’46

More so, in Egypt the US was always behind the political schemes of O. Mubarak. In fact they endorsed the over 90 percent election of President Mubarak shortly before he was over thrown. However, when the common Egyptians turned against Mubarak and forced his government to resign, the US immediately switched gears and supported the revolutionaries . Therefore the forces behind neo-liberal capitalism have nothing to do with promoting and protecting minority rights as ends in them selves. The pretence of minority rights promotion and protection is simply means to and end i.e. controlling oil and mineral wealth. Gayism as a socialization phenomena

There is lot of debate raging as to whether gayism is natural or nurtured. Defending the naturality of gayism, some scientists claim that there is a gay gene that is responsible for gayism. Despite obvious theoretical and empirical weaknesses of this claim, it has been seized upon and vigorously promoted by many in the lesbian and gay rights movement (especially in the US). In October, 2004 , a team of scientists at the University of Padova in Italy made headlines around the world when they claimed to had discovered that homosexuality in males may be caused in part by genes that can increase fertility in females47.According to gay gene theory, genetic factors are responsible for sexual orientation, with our genetic inheritance programming us to desire one sex rather than the other. This is a very simple, deterministic thesis: A causes B. One of the main original proponents of gay gene theory, Dr Dean Hamer, now concedes that it is unlikely that something as complex as human sexuality can be explained solely in terms of genetic inheritance. He seems to accept that while genetic factors may establish a predisposition towards homosexuality, a predisposition is not the same as a causation48.

Peter Tatchell further opines that :

‘’The relative influence of biological versus social factors with regard to sexual

orientation is still uncertain. What is, however, certain is that if gayness was primarily

explainable in genetic terms we would expect it to appear in the same proportions, and in

similar forms, in all cultures and all epochs. As the anthropologists Clellan Ford and

Frank Beach demonstrated in Patterns Of Sexual Behaviour (1965), far from being

46 Ibid. 47 How homosexuality is 'inherited',, accessed on 15-3-2012 48 Richard Horton, Is Homosexuality Inherited?, accessed on 3-5-2012


cross-culturally uniform and stable, both the incidence and expressions of same-sex

desire vary vastly between different societies. They found, for example, that young men in

some tribes (the Aranda of Australia, Siwan of Egypt, Batak of Sumatra, Anga of

Melanesia and others) had relationships with boys or older male warriors, usually

lasting several years, often as part of manhood initiation rituals. Eventually ceasing

homosexual contact, they subsequently assumed sexual desires for women. If sexual

orientation was genetically prefixed at conception, as the proponents of the gay gene

claim, these young men would never have been able to switch between heterosexual and

homosexual relations with such apparent ease. Likewise, a glance at history reveals huge

disparities between configurations of homosexuality in different eras down the ages.

Same-sex behaviour in Ancient Greece was very different, in both its prevalence and

particular manifestations, from homosexuality in Confucian China, Renaissance Italy,

Meiji Japan, Tudor England and late twentieth-century America. Moral values, social

ideologies and cultural expectations - together with family patterns and parent-child

interaction - seem the only credible explanation for these massive historical



Therefore gayism or homosexuality is not natural but a phenomena that individuals acquire through socialization. One is not born gay but rather one is socialized into being gay.

If homosexuality is natural why campaign for it ?

I have never seen any association or organization lobbying individuals or groups to embrace heterosexuality. The reason why this is the case is simple; you can not promote something already predestined by nature. Thus, the fact that billions of dollars have been pumped into the gay campaign especially in Sub-Saharan Africa and the threats that have been unleashed on countries that are Anti-Gay rights clearly shows the socialization ruse behind gayism. For example: The Obama administration announced in December, 2011 that the United States would use all the tools of American diplomacy, including the potent enticement of foreign aid, to promote gay rights around the world. In a memorandum issued by President Obama in Washington and in a speech by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton here, the administration vowed to actively combat efforts by other nations that criminalize homosexual conduct, abuse gay men, lesbians, bisexuals or transgendered people, or ignore abuse against them. “Some have suggested that gay rights and human rights are separate and distinct,” Mrs. Clinton said at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, “but in fact they are one and the same.”50

Similarly in October, 2011, the daily mail reported that:

49 Peter Tatchell, Homosexuality: It isn’t natural,, accessed on 14-01-2012 50 Steven Lee Myers, U.S. to Aid Gay Rights Abroad, Obama and Clinton Say,, accessed on 16th -01-2012


‘’Poor African countries which persecute homosexuals will have their aid slashed by the

Government in a bid by David Cameron to take his gay rights crusade to the Third

World. International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell has already cut aid to

Malawi by £19 million after two gay men were sentenced to 14 years hard labour. And he

has warned the country's leaders to scrap plans to introduce draconian new anti-lesbian

laws. Mr Mitchell, one of Mr Cameron's closest allies, is also threatening to impose

further aid 'fines' against Uganda and Ghana for hardline anti-gay and lesbian

measures. The policy was disclosed after Mr Cameron defended his decision to legalise

gay weddings when he addressed last week's Conservative Party conference. Now he

wants to persuade those countries where homosexuality is still taboo to follow his lead –

and he is ready to reduce aid to some of the world's poorest people to do so. The cut in

aid to Malawi came after two gay men were convicted last year under the country's

rigidly imposed ban on homosexuality. Pop stars Elton John and Madonna joined an

international outcry when Tiwonge Chimbalanga, 26, and Steven Monjeza, 20, received a

14- year sentence for getting engaged. A judge in Malawi told them: 'I will give you a

scaring sentence so that the public will be protected from people like you, so that we are

not tempted to emulate this horrendous example. 'Malawi is not ready to see its sons

getting married to its sons.' The British Government described their jailing as 'shocking

and disturbing'. The two men were later freed, but Malawi's defiant President Bingu wa

Mutharika went ahead with new anti-lesbian laws, prompting a sharp rebuke from Mr

Mitchell. It is not the first time Britain has punished President Mutharika. The Labour

Government reduced aid to Malawi by £3 million after he spent £8 million on a

presidential jet. However, Malawi has still received more than £200 million from Britain

in the past three years. Uganda faces the threat of an aid 'fine' by the UK unless it

abandons plans to extend the death penalty to homosexuality. Three weeks ago, Mr

Mitchell protested to Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni, who has claimed 'European

homosexuals are recruiting in Africa' and who believes gay relationships are 'against

God's will'.’’51

In June 2009, the Uganda Observer wrote that; ‘’The government is investigating circumstances under which a book with content that

promotes homosexuality was distributed to peer- educators in schools. About 15,000

copies of the controversial book, The Teenager’s Toolkit, some of them in Luo, are in

circulation. An official of the Ministry of Education and Sports has told The Observer

that the ministry was never part of the publication whose origin has been traced to

Unicef, the UN agency that promotes education and health of children. Of particular

concern to the Ministry of Education are some sections in the book that state that it is

normal for children to get sexually attracted to peers of the same sex because “we are

born homosexuals.” The first alarm over this book was raised about two months ago by

the Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity, Dr. James Nsaba Buturo, when he told

Parliament that Unicef-Uganda is one of the agencies promoting homosexuality in

51 Simon Walters, We'll cut your aid if you persecute gays, Britain warns African nations,, accessed on 18-01-2012


schools through books. Buturo told The Observer last week that the UN agency had since

apologised and offered to withdraw all copies of the book from circulation.

The 120-page book reads on page 86: “Many people are sexually attracted to people of

the same sex…we are born with these feelings about who we like sexually, and who we do

not like sexually. It is natural.” The book adds: “It is quite normal when you are growing

up to fall in love with some one of your own sex.” The book then justifies same sex

relations saying it is ideal when one is, “in a place where they do not meet people of the

opposite sex for example in school hostels.” It adds that homosexuality is okay where one

is, “forced to have sex with someone of the same sex because the other person is violent

or because they need money or food.” The book, specifically written for teenagers

(between 15-19 years) adds that people with sexual feelings for people of the same sex

are often unhappy because,“they do not understand their own feelings.”52

Gay sexual rights as part and parcel of Capitalism Dissimulation

It must be noted that because of the persistent night mare of revolts against capitalistic oppression, capitalism has shifted from the use of physical power(brutal force and intimidation) as tool for social control to the use of bio-power i.e. control of the real being of the person through manipulation and dissimulation).With bio-power, the capitalists own one’s thoughts, desires, fears and agency. Therefore they have the discretion to rebel the social; -natural. Under neo-liberal capitalism, the natural is not objective but rather a neo-liberal capitalism construct. Even objective morality is dissimulated as a capitalism construct. According to Michel Foucault, ‘’biopower is a technology of power, which is a way of managing people as a group. The distinctive quality of this political technology is that it allows for the control of entire populations. It is thus an integral feature and essential to the workings of and makes possible the emergence of the modern nation state and capitalism, etc. Biopower is literally having power over bodies; "an explosion of numerous and diverse techniques for achieving the subjugations of bodies and the control of populations"53 Bio-power relates to the government's concern with fostering the life of the population, and centers on the poles of Disciplinary institutions ("an anatomo-politics

of the human body") and regulatory controls ("a biopolitics of the population")54. By bio-power Foucault meant: …. a number of phenomena that seem to be quite significant, namely, the set of mechanisms

through which the basic biological features of the human species became the object of a political

52 Michael Mubangizi, Sodomy books Invade Schools, (8th, June, 2009),, accessed on 17-01-2012 53 Michel Foucault. The History of Sexuality Vol.1: The Will to Knowledge. London: Penguin, 1998 p. 140 54 Bio-power,, accessed on 4-5-2012


strategy, of a general strategy of power, or, in other words, how, starting from the 18th century,

modern Western societies took on board the fundamental biological fact that human beings are a


This type of power, which Foucault calls Bio-power contrasts differently with past

traditional modes of power based on the threat of death from a sovereign. This power is no

longer "directed at man-as-body, but at man-as-species".56

In an era where power must be

justified both rationally and politically, bio-power is utilized by an emphasis on the protection of

life rather than the threat of death, on the regulation of the body, and the production of other

technologies of power, such as the notion of sexuality. Regulation of customs, habits, health,

reproductive practices, family, "blood", and "well-being" would be straightforward examples of

bio-power, as would any conception of the state as a "body" and the use of state power as

essential to its "life". Hence the conceived relationship between biopower, eugenics and state



While exploring the neo-liberal ramifications of bio-politics Foucault opines that: ….. the neo-liberalism conception of the policy of society, had a two sided inconsistency

i.e. it had to produce the willing actors who take part in the economic process to accept

the reality of their economic position and therefore their fate and the working population

or labor force, the ones involved in production, madness, disease, medicine, delinquency,

sexuality. But somehow, none of these faults/errors never existed before practices were

involved and invented to become part of collective consciousness within practices.

Foucault deals with this problem as necessary intrinsic operations of government which

inextricably can produce regimes of truth (Foucault means regimes of truth as necessary

social practices which become necessary objects of knowledge) ; the ability to

extrapolate a collective of co-ordinate errors becoming co-ordinated practices which

become something that did not exist in the first place, but now becomes established

systems of knowledge objects ; and the political regimes of truth (political power upon

every aspect of human social life), the battle between legitimacy, submitting to a

fabricated division between true and false58

. According to Foucault neoliberal

governmentality (a kind of governmentality based on the predominance of market

mechanisms and of the restriction of the action of the state) allows the construction of

auto-regulated or auto-correcting selves59


55 Michel Foucault Security,Territory,Population Lectures delivered at the Collège de France between January and April 1978, edited by Michel Senellart(et al), Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.p.1 56 Michel Foucault. Society Must Be Defended Lectures at the Collège de France 1975-1976 , Translated by David Macey, Picador, 2003, p. 243 57 Ibid.

58 Michel Foucault, The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the College de France, 1978-1979, edited by edited by Michel Senellart(et al), Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.p.27-51

59 Governmentality,, accessed on 4-5-2012


Are gay sexual rights a violation of moral law?

Human persons have been structured with an ‘ought necessity’(moral law(internal moral guide) that tells them that sex with a dog is wrong, murder of the innocent is wrong, lying is wrong, anal sex is wrong, marrying the opposite sex is okay etc. However human persons have the freedom to go against this ought necessity. When ever human persons rebel against the ought necessity, they incur moral guilt. Now, the more one rebels or goes against the ought necessity, the more it becomes perplexed and the more it tends to wards death. Once this ought necessity dies one starts to get the feeling that it never existed in the first place. For example the numerous youth who were abducted by Kony rebels in Northern Uganda and forced to kill their parents, friends and peers have an ought necessity that was ‘killed’ and they look like natural killers yet they have been socialized into killing. The prominence of neo-liberal bio-power kills the ought necessity , obfuscates the difference between a natural and the social construct as well as the natural moral law and the positive law. If gayism is natural why do we need piles of facts and rocket science to prove it?

One of the amusing facts about this gayism is the struggle to accumulate piles of fact to prove it? If gayism is natural, why do we need rocket science to prove it? Why is rocket science irrelevant as regards proving heterosexuality? Some scientists have even come up with documentaries on gayism among animals. Since humans can be socialized into gayism, using bio-power, how about mere animals? From time to time we have seen animals being taken from their natural wild environment and socialized into feeding on human baby bottles etc .Therefore it is not too difficult to socialize animals into sodomy? Is gayism a sickness?

Gayism has largely evolved out of the prominent ascendance of neo-liberal bio-power. It is not a sickness but a socialized phenomena. It is analogous to smoking or drinking alcohol. There is no natural propensity for smoking or drinking alcohol, individuals are socialized into these habits and many have de-socialized out of these habits. Since time immemorial Africa has been having very few cases of gayism, but as I write now, the phenomena of gay porn from the affluent western nations has hit many African cities. In the near future Africans are going to be so addicted to gay porn that many will opine that gayism is a sickness or is nature, yet the truth is that Africans have been socialized into this phenomenon over time.

Do gays have sexual rights?

The question whether gays have sexual rights is an ambiguous one because under neo-liberal capitalism anything can be a right. Actually even a violation of a right can be legal right for instance smoking, abortion, and euthanasia(mercy killing). Gayism is becoming a legal right in many countries because neo-liberal capitalism must dissimulate as a pro-poor system in order to survive. Once the ruse of portraying gayism as a natural


phenomena is bought by the masses, the true wrath of neo-liberal capitalism will be unreleased on the gays. For example in future it will be very expensive for poor gay males with ruptured anuses to get treatment and surgery. Thus hand outs will emerge from capitalism metro-pole to cushion the poor out of this a malaise that was actually created by neo-liberal capitalism. After dishing out these hand outs, the poor will look at the capitalists not as oppressors but as saviors. Do we need to criminalize and persecute homosexuality?

It is an ethical to persecute and criminalize gayism just as it is equally unethical to persecute and criminalize cigarette smoking and alcoholism. Gays are simply victims of an oppressive and exploitative neo-liberal capitalism system. Like smokers , gays are struggling with a habit. We must tolerate them just like we tolerate smokers. However, tolerating gays is not synonymous with condoning what they do. Society must put in place interventions aimed at de-socializing gays from this habit. Society needs painstaking initiatives aimed at engaging bio-power centered social control characteristic of neo-liberal capitalism. Just like we hate smoking and love smokers, similarly we need to hate gayism but love gays. Conclusion

This article has been premised on the contention that the so called gay sexual rights are simply simulations and dissimulations aimed at disguising the evident wrath of neo-liberal vulture capitalism. It must be noted that neo-liberalism has nothing to do with democracy, human rights and pro-poor empowerment. The seeming concern about these nuances is simply a simulation. The neo-liberal economic system has greatly demonized economic and social rights such as; the right to health, right to an adequate standard of living yet its implementers pretend to be so concerned about the sexual rights of minorities such as gays. In addition the neo-liberal vulture system is very tyrannical towards policies and reforms aimed at addressing the re-distribution of wealth in the world, the restructuring of the global financial system so that it is pro-poor and pro-social justice yet its implementers claim to be so much concerned about gay marriage. Precisely the neo-liberal system is okay with granting and guaranteeing human rights that do not confront the social injustices engendered by the global neo-liberal system. Such pseudo rights include; the right to gay marriage and gay sex , the right to smoke and drink alcohol, the right to take ones’ life and the right to violate one’s body.



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