Call before cut plan okayed - Lincoln County Archives –


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Call before cut


THE WINNER. From left, Maurice lorioux. Gary Myers and Peter Strobel admire Myers' painting, "Song of Summer." which Lorioux judged the winner 1n the Ruidoso Summer Festival Art

Contest. The pointing will be featured on the 1983 limited edi­tion summer festival poster. Myers will receive a $5,000 check for his winning entry.

Gary Myers wins Summer Fest art prize h' HILl.\' AI.I.STl<rrEH

Starr Wril.-r

After several hours of Judgmg h!l ptPces of art Monday aftPrnoon. Santa ~-P artist MauncP Lonaux select!'d <;ary MyE>rs' pamtmg. "Song of Sum mt•r.' as·the wmnf'r of thP 1911.1 RuidoRo Summer Ft>stival Art Con test ·- ---

Mver.; will receivE' a $!i .000 check for ·hts pamttng Th(' work will b<' made tnto a ltmtted !'dttton po,.,tPr for the festtval

"BIPss vour hPart." satd Mv!'rs whpn ht> . ftrst mf't Lunaux at a cPlehrat10n tn honor of Myt>r~ · sPIPc t10n Monday ntght

ThP gouaehP patnttng fpaturPs a woman seatP<l on a chatr wtth an opt•n hook. a rosP and a g111tar In lh1• hackground ts a st<Jff of mustc from Johann Strauss· waltz. ··Arttst'-, L1ft• !V!Piody·." and a full moon

Th,. pwcf' ts a ckparturf' from th<' Wt>stPrn stylP !Viyf'rs IS h ... st known for

"] wantPci to do some!htng sptTtal for the Huu:ioso SummPr FPsttval.· satd !\1vers ·1 don't Ilk<' to ht· ptgNnholed ... he addP<l

Myf'r.-; satci hP hf'gan lhf' patntm~ soon aftf'r tht> contest was announn'<l m ThP Hutdoso ~pws VPhruar~· 7 HP

satd he drew manv skptehes and studi~. expt>rimenting wtth colors. clothmg and pos!'s heforp settltng on hts fi-nal design

MyPrs satd he abandon!'d other pro­J!'cls to work on tht> pamtmg He fmtshed the patntmg on thE' last day tht? art pteces were being accepted

At the celebralton Monday night. l...oriamt -talked about lhe .• se.lectwn process

"It's always a difficult Joh." satd the arttst. who has judg('d numProus othpr contests TherE" wert> manv fin<' talenLs rt>pr!'Sent!'d 1n tht> contp~t. hf' not!'d

"It's a mat tpr of tht> prOC'!'ss of Pltmmation." Lonaux Pxplamed Hf' satd mmor t{'chntcal weaknPsst>s E>limmatPd a numht>r of talt>ntE'd ar ttsts · pt{'<'Ps

Lonaux spent ftvf' mmutps dPscnb mg what hP ltk!:'d about MyPrs· pam ttng HP mPnttont>d the monochromallc tonal1tv and warm color.; of tht> pamttng lle spokf• of thP composttton with a strong vPrttcalm tf'rt>st that nows well

The background. whtch ts smooth <Jt the top and gradually shtfts to a stnJ<· turP<l pattern at the oottom. also tm pressP<l Lon au x The musH' and t h•· mo<ln tn the hackground pleasP<i htm

as we-ll "Very fine work I would like to se!'

more ... Loriaux wrote on tht> Best of Show nbbon he plact>d on Myers' painting

"I think it will make a fme poster." said Loriaux. Monday night the pam ling was packed and ready to be lak!'n to Denver, where lithographer Jerry

. _ .TeweiJs!BdU .malw .~JU!:!lei. ft91!L !!!~. painting.

Myers will help design the postt>r Summer Festival organtzers art> st!ll undecide-d how many postt>rs to pnnt

Loriaux satd ht> dtd not know of Myers· work beforP judgmg the con test HE' satd that would not havE' mal tt>r!'d anyway. bee a us!' thP stgna tun•!­of all thP arttsts were coverpd hy tap!' for the JUdgmg

In addttlon to Myf.'rs· award. Lonaux pmnf'd first. second and thtrd place and honorable mentiOn nhhons on 18 pte-ct>s

Ftrst place nbbons were awarded to an untttlf'd graphtc pi!'C'P hy .I D Yoakum. "High Mesa Song." a hattk bv J)pmse Dorn. "MescalE'ro Harn.·· an 01l pamting by Martm Host>. "llopt World ... a watercolor hy Lorf.'n Cashemona. "Th!.' EmPrgpncP_ ·· a sculpturP hy Sam Ptlgr('('n. "Apache SerPnadP.·· a pastel hy TPrn Sodd

and "Htgh Country Farm." a pastel by Joe Dunlap

Second-place ribbons were award­ed to "Sierra Blanca Tiffany." stain­ed glass by Easy AI Harris I II, "Technology," a watercolor by Stephen Long; "The Blanket She Wore," a battk by Denise Dorn: '"Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep," a scu\.Bt}!_re by Walter Rawley; anr;! ·"elk Dreamef .. s 'ftil'le~ a pa!rte.J'by Terri Sodd

Third-place ribbons were awarded to "Grizzly." a sculpturP by Walter Rawley. and "Penasco." a pastl:'l by Jo!' Dunlap

"Mute Btrd Song ... a pastel h) Dorothy Btshop. "Sterra Blam·a Water m Wood." st.amed glass h) EasY Al Harrts III. "Afte-rnoon War-mth." a batik hv DPnise Dorn. and "War Chant." a ~culpturc by Btll Caste-r. all rPCcived honorable- mt>n \ton nbbons

Tht>se ptPCPS will be auct10nf'd June fi at the Inn of thP Mounta 10 (;ods Half tht> st>lling pnce will go to the ar­ltst and half to Rutdoso Summer 1-'!'stlval lneorporatl:'d

ThP 18 pt!'C!'s will he on dtsplay at Secunty Bank. Rutdoso StatE' Bank and FtNI Ctly :\atwnal Bank unttl thP a uctwn

Downs presses on with cleanup plans by BARBV c;RA:\'T

Staff Wri!Rr

A village-wide cleanup of Ruidoso Downs was planned by trustees Mon­day night. including a regular spring cleanup April 22 and 21 and a pro­gram designed to force residents to rid the village of all refuse and junk

The spring cleanup will coincide with Operation Trash, to be con­ducted in both Ruidoso and Ruidoso Downs Any materials weighing more than 50 pounds, including old junk autos, can be deposited for pickup at regular trash receptacles. Trustees requested volunteers to help with the cleanup. and to loan pickups and wreckers for use during the project.

Trustee Jake Harris will coordinate the efforts Friday, April 22, and trustee Harrold Mansell will direct Saturday's operation_

The long-term cleanup operation will involve property which violates the village's ordinance prohibiting "filth. sewage, garbage, refuse. trash. standing or stagnant water, lit­ter, rubbish. ruins. weeds. brush or any waste matter whatsoever." The village clerk will issue warnings to

Ski Report Sierra Blanca. Undldurb.-d

snow depth midway on th.- moun­tain Is 90 Inches. TherE' bas be.-n no new snow this week. SurfacP conditions art> packt>d and macblne-groomt>d. Thf' In­termediate, expert and novice trails are being machlne­groomt>d nightly. Skiing condi­tions are excellent. W.-ather is sunny at report timt> and chains art> not rt>qulred on thE' road to the ski resort. All lifts and tra lis art> opt>n.

owners of any property noted in viola­tion of this ordinance, giving 10 days to clean up the offending material

If the property is not cleaned up within 10 days. the owner will be cUed into municipal court. where a fine of up to $..100 could be assessed. If the property remains in an unsatisfac­tory condition, the village will clean it up at the owner's expense. Trustees set fees for billing property owners for the village's labor, which include $7 an hour for manpower, $30 an hour for use of a front-end loader, $10 an hour for a dump truck and $25 an hour for a garbage truck

Property owners will be given 90 days to pay the bill, after which a lien will be filed against the property_

Mansell pointed out that the cleanup should be conducted in phases, working with property along Highway 70 from the east edge of the village to the west in phase one, and with property along all village side streets in phase two.

In a discussion of wages and per­sonnel practices. trustees tentatively approved a 10 percent across-the­board salary increase to be included in next fiscal year's budget. It was

noted that the increase is dept>ndt>n t upon the village's overall budget outlook and approval by the state

Mayor J. C Day encouraged the board to approve the increase to be worked into the proposed budget for next year Police department employees pointed out the disparity between salaries in Ruidoso Downs and other municipalities. Although trustees agreed that wages are low, they argued that the village can pay only what it can afford.

Despite the trustees' concerns, tht> motion was unanimously passed to approve the increase.

In other buisness, trustees: -Approved a schedule for use of

the village park by softball leagues. League representatives announced they are looking for an organization to run a concession stand during games.

-Called for bids on needed repairs to restroom facilities at the park

-Heard Day read a letter from Mule Skinners president Melvin Means thanking the village for sup­port in obtaining use of Ruidoso Downs Race Track this summer.

-Discussed the need to search for a building to house the maintenance,

water and sewer departments -Heard Day read a letter from the

police department commending Chief Charles Robinson for his leadership. Day also noted that officer Dale Patrick recently completed basic cer­tification school

-Stipulated that residents wishing to run a sewer line to the main line to hook onto the sewer system should present such a request to the board.

-Were ·reminded of the district meeting of the New Mexico Municipal League April 13 in Cloudcroft.

-Heard Day offer appreciation to state Senator Charlie Lee and Representative Mickey McGuire for their efforts in passing legislation to obtain money for the village from the racetrack's gross receipts tax revenue.

-Heard from village clerk Wilma Webb that the Ladies Auxiliary will offer assistance with the village cleanup and has plans to paint the municipal bulding_

-Heard from Day that Planning and Zoning Commission chairman Jim Tidwell has indicated he plans to resign from the commission because of lack of time.

Don ,t forget-Saturday is Fun Day! ChildrPn of all ages will enjoy an

EastPr egg hunt. an Easter bonnet contl:'sl and a variety of games at the Fun Day in the Park this Saturday. April 2. said Chamber of Commerce t>Xecutive director Ed .Jungbluth.

Thl:' countdown will end and children up to 10 yl:'ars old will begin their search for the morP than 2.000 hidden eggs promptly at 10 a.m. at Cedar CrE'ek Recreation Area. said .Junghluth. Along with lht> hardboilen and tlyed eggs, numerous prize eggs

: '\ ' ~: .

with gift certificates inside will be hidden in the bushes. trees and grass

The hunt will be divided into three areas for children up three years old; ages four to seven; and ages eight to 10. A golden egg with an extra special prize will be hidden In each of th!' areas.

The Easter bunny will be on hand to watch children searching for his hid­den eggs. He will also hand out other goodies to those at Fun Day

After the Easter egg hunt. children

of all ages will participate in three­legged races, tugs-of-war. egg tosses and other games.

The Easter bonnet contest will wrap up Fun Day in the Park. Prizes will be a warded for the prettiest. fun-, niest and most outlandish hats.

The Warrior band and band boosters will sell soft drinks and hot dogs at the recreation area.

All the events should last about three hours, said Jungbluth.

....,....,. __ .

plan okayed by TIM PALMER

The Ruidoso council Tuesday ap· proved village participation in and partial funding of a proposed "One Call" utility system. whereby persons digging into the ground will make one phone call to notify all utility com­panies.

According to the plan, as outlined in a letter by Cablevision manager Paul Crown, local utilities would join to form a Ruidoso Utility Council. This non-profit organization would hire a secretary to receive calls from those planning to dig.

The secretary would then notify the utilities, who would send out employees to point out the location of underground lines to backhoe operators. The program is designed to "reduce dig-in damages, periods of of utility disruption, and the risk of in­jury to excavators and the public," Crown wrote.

Costs were cited as $1,000 annually for purchase of a $10 million liability insurance policy. and $500 monthly to pay for a secretary. "If all five utilities participate . . the first month's payment will be $300. Mon­thly payments for the rest of the year will be $100," Crown predicted

Village manager Jim Hine told the council in its pre-meeting study ses­sion that Ruidoso Natural Gas has agreed to participate; that Continen­tal Telephone has agreed, pending ap­proval from higher up: and that Texas New Mexico Power has agreed on a six-month experimental basis. The Village of Ruidoso water and sewer departments are the other pro­posed members.

Hine pointed out, however, that all bUt Cablevision had refus~d to share lri the e5lTmated i2:soo sfart-up ll!gal costs to incorporate the Utility Coun-

cil. He said Crown had offered for Cablevision to split those costs evenly with the village to get the project under way.

Councilman Frank Sayner blasted the other utilities during the regular council meeting for refusing to share the start-up costs. He said he was "quite appalled" that the large utilities would not contribute.

"It's kinda pathetic," said Sayner. He added sarcastically that Continen­tal, with its recently approved 60 per· cent rate increase, obviously cannot afford to help.

There was some discussion of whether the secretary for the Utility Council should be a village employee. Crown had suggested the village sub­sidize that person's salary for work done not pertaining to the Utility CounciL

But assistant village manager Frank Potter said this would give the village exposure in terms of liability, and that village insurance costs would go up. Potter referred to tragic accidents resulting from cut gas lines in Portales and Odessa, Texas, however, indicating that the Utility Council is needed here.

It was brought out that the cost to the village for participation would be more than made up by savings through avoiding cut lines_ Purchas­ing agent John Cupp said Albuquer­que utilities subsidize a similar coun­cil to the tune of $10,000 a year, figur­ing it saves them $50,000 annually.

The council voted to accept Crown's proposal to split the start-up costs Cup to one-half and not to exceed $1,250> and proceed with formation of the Utility Council by ordinance. It was decided that persons calling in should be able to give 24 hours .notice of in-tention to dig. ·· ' · ·· · ·


RAW SEWAGE often runs out of this cleonout pipe between Hill's Pancake House and All Purpose Ice Company. according to wastewater deportment employee Mac Macleod. Macleod (shown) contends frequent stoppages in the line ore caused by clogged grease.

Grease and oil cause sewer line problems

bv DAVID SHEPPARD . Star f w ritPr

When grease and oil from restaurants and gas stations clogs up in village sewer lines, colll:'cted wast~:" backs up and builds up enough pressure to blow manhole covers out of the ground.

When that happens. the Ruidoso Wastewater Department is faced with a repair and cleanup that can run into the hundreds of dollars.

Unfortunately, such clogs happen all too frequently.

But there is a simple solution to the sewer blowouts and r{'pairs And it is one that more than half the businesses that dispt>nse grease and oil into sewer drains have failed to comply with.

"I'd say 50, 60 percent of the grl:'ast> and oil businesses do not havP an ap­proved grease trap." wastewatl:'r department crew leader Mac Macleod told the village council Tues· day

Macleod and departmt>nl sflperintendent Blair Halladay

··~'-'~' v~u couuctl approval on thetr proposal to require wastewater ap­plica tions and discharge permits from any commercial establishment before a sewer tap is made.

The employees indicated the re· quirements will ensure businesses in­stall and maintain grease traps and will allow the department to monitor compliance.

Halladay, who has been with the department since the 1960s, said the village has a law requiring grease traps for food preparation and handl­ing businesses and gas stations, but it was never enforced.

Now, with increased demands on the system. clogs have appeared more often due to coagulated grease.

In some cases, sewage will back up into a house that sits lower than the line stoppage, or pressure builds in a manhole and pops off the cover.

Macleod pointed out one area where he said wastewater department E>mployees have been sent six times since lc1,,l summer to clean a clogged line.


Page 2- Ruidoso (N.M.) News Thursday. March 31. 1983

by BARBY GRANT Staff Writer

· \Vh1cb enhaaeea the developmental skills of the mentally retarded.

Garcia feels tbat "with some aggressive development of commtmity-baaed programs, · the majority of individuals at Fort Stanton could be placed successfully ln community­based programs hi a locale closer to their residence." Those patients who require in­stitutlonallzatlcm would be transferred to the Los Lunas Hospital aod Training School.

But Delgado feels the proper ccnatlnuwn of servieeB lor these patlepts bas not been developed.

...,Uiq-. ADd the community Is ..0.11'11oa to i<oow how to deal with these !ndlvlduall!, be asse:t1ed. . . -.. ' - ,_;

'I1le Fort Stanton Hospital and Training School facility baa been targeted for a change in use by state Health and Environment Department 8ecretar)' Bob McNeill, but Fort Stanton administrator Mark Delgado said he intends .. to try like hell" to prevent that from -"'I·

Utheaystemwereworklpg~ly,he_ex~ p]alned, patlenls would be able ~10 ....,.,.... trom the tnelltu- to commlu>lty jll"!llll"OIDS to seml-1-.......,t Hvillll to Independent llv· inS sltWlti(IDS. . . . .

''The system is stagnant," Delgado claims.

McNeill confirmed last week that bls department is investigating possible alter­DBteuses for the facUlty because of "trends In the last 10 or 15 years towards placing the <developmentally) disabled in community residences and semi-independent ltvtng sltua­tioas away from large institutions.''

Among the alternate uses being studied are an alcoholism treatment facility and a long­tenD nursing care facility, according to Robert Garcia, director of the Behavioral Health Services Division of the Health and Environment Department.

But Fort stanton administrator Delgado feels the laeility ;s already doing lis best to place patients in community-based programs when they are ready.for them. ID the last six years, 180 Fort Stanton patients have suc­cessfUlly beeD placed in community pro­grams, which Delgado indicated is tbe highest sueeess rate of any school of Its type in the state.

"They're buUdiag more and more IP"OUP homes," he noted. ''They're just creating small institutions around the state." ,

He alleges that most commulllty programs are just a cluster of homes in one ~rt of a ci­ty, which often are referred to as 'institution rows.''

''They are really oot de-instltutionalizlag; they are just Institutions within the boun­daries of a city," be declared.

Delgado ar~ lllal If moat ·of llle F..-t Slanloll J!i!UontB .... noii!!ISOdtrointhelnetiiU· tioll, ~vf$ll·'w1U appear, meaQing thoSe patients wiU. rem .. Into. fonnel' behavior ... -. Ho IOo)a ... ~ of the patleQis Will Deed to be ....... lllullonilllzed, but the , wUI no longer be there to tat<e·lheon "to.

Secretary McNeill lllldersCored-the ptemise .that ••the welfare ot the resident fa para· mount'' in his decision to change theuseofthe Fort Stanton Jacllity. He feels that in llliht: of current trends by the f;Ourts and ~ lawmakers to remove the ~tallY cfisabled from lnlllllilllcmo, Fort - "will eventtQ~lly ~Ole point of ..... patlentless -· He agrees tbat the tread toward de­

institutionalization is a good trend. "Our philosophy and goal are to prepare clients tbe best we can.''

McNeill pointed out, however, that the courts have already ordered a nmnber of the patients in iDstitutions In the state to be plac­ed in community programs.

The state sbould therefore makct more ade-quate use of the facUlty. he lndleated.

McNeill also -stressed his Intention not to threaten the - of Fort Stonton ...,ptoyees nor to harm the area's economy by his plans to change Fort $tanton. A decision on how tbe facility will be utiliz­

ed in the future Is about two years down the road, McNeill reported.

"Can we enhance the quality of life of that individual'?" is the question Delgado said is asked when deciding upon a program for each of the Fort Stanton patients. "We're not try-

''The reality is the days of the Fort Stanton facility serving the mentally retarded are numbered by virtue of court decisions and statutes," the secretary stated.

"I don't want·~ take any actions that 'Will jeopardlze~-·sjob.'' bustotod. McNolll sata be hopes employment at the faciUty wUl be increased by wba:tever type of program is instituted there in the fllture..

"The underlying issue is a change in ser­vices for the developmentally disabled," he pointed out. "The objective is to place them near their homes. We're trying to prevent in­stitutionalization wherever possible,'' McNeill continued. He asserted that community-based programs ''provide a mucb more homelike setting"-an en\·ironment

ing to hold anybody back." . He argues that there are a lack of communi­

ty programs available in which to place pa­tients. McNeW agreed, but pointed out there are new group homes opeoing this year. "There are not spaces readlly available, but we're gradually meeliag the demand more and more."

Delgado admits that about 17 percent of the Fort Stanton l_)8tients have been ordered out of institutions by the courts, but he feels those patients ordered oot are not necessarily ready to leave an institution.

He also indicatedJhat be ~ans to be "con­sulting with ~Unl~es in the area" and with labor uulon rePreientaUves of Fort Stan-­ton employee& In the near lutW"e, so tbose peo­ple directly affected by the changeover wm

He said the adjusbnent process takes longer if the patient Is not completely ready for commuolty placement when he leaves the

Council okays cut plan~--(FROM PAGE 1)

Also Tuesday, the council agreed to allow the sewer department to re­quire a wastewater discharge permit from new businesses before they can be issued a building permit. Sewer superintendent Blair Halladay ex­plained that there is a problem with cooking grease [rom restaurants and oil and grease from service stations

These establishments are supposed to have grease traps, he said The per­mit will require businesses to show type or discharge and means of collec­tiOn It will also requ1re the busmesses to maintam the traps

The council also gave v11lage at­torney Lee Huckstep permission to proceed with an ordinance redefinmg certain property usages Huckstep said the 1dea came about bt-cause of a rt'quest for a molt'! to con­dominium--and thus commercial to re:mientlal---convers•on

-Received a proposal from the Noon Lions Club to build a "Lions Hut" on land in Two Rivers Park behind the Chamber of Commerce building. The club is proposing a 99-year lease of the park property so it can build a 36- by 60-foot building. The club has offered space tn the building for an office for the parks and recreation director. The council turned the proposal over to parks and recreation director Pam Graves and the parks and recreation commission for consideration.

-Heard Mayor George White read a letter from RWdoso Downs Mule Skinners pFe&ident Melvin Means thanking them for support of the mule races.

-Agreed to impose a SlOcharge for bad checks submitted to the village.

-Agreed to impose a 10 percent surcharge on business license renewals applied for after March 15. IThey come due January I each year 1

ments of Margaret Gaddy to Planning and Zoning Commission, pending ber approval; MUt Alcorn and Mary Dean to Arebiteetural Plans Review Com­mittee; George Shoemaker to Ex­traterritorial Zoning Commission; Fred Heckman to RWdoso Water Development Corporation; Emadair Jones to library board; and Buddy BuncHck to the water board.

-Approved construction of a to-inch sewer line along Paradise Ca­nyon Road. Hine said the project will be done by the v!Uage and paid for witb existfng sewer bond funds.

-Approved a request from poli~e chief Dick Swenor to purchase com­puter software. Swenor said he had been given estimates of $15,000 to $20,000 as the cost for software, but that he had learned he could purchase it through the International chiefs of police organization for $2,000.

-Discussed whether to take action on the bigb price of gasoline In Ruidoso. CouncUman Don Dale sug­gested the coun~u instruct the village attorney to write to the state Attorney General asking for an Investigation. Councilman Benny Coulston agreed

RIBBON CUniNG. Aspen Interiors manager Charlie Smith cuts a ribbon to open the store Monday as (from left) Budgie Green, Sandy Dacy, Julie Smith, Jill Bailey, Joan Bailey, Doris Hembroe and Ruth Shockley look an. The store, which provides interior furnishings and ac-

cessarles, Is located at 2002 Sudderth Drive. Experienced interior designer Julie Smith offers commercial and residential design service. The store is open 1 0 a.m. ta 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday.

There are different zoning rt'­qu•rements for commt'rcial and residential property-in terms of set. backs. density and grpen space- Huckstep pointed out But hE' noted m a letter to the council that the vtllage was powerless to prt'vent a motel to condo conversion last fall becaust' of tht' looseness of Its defml· t10n of "motel'" and "hotel"

-Accepted the following bids for water department supplies from H. G Reiter of Albuquerque for 500 meters. $33 each; Bowles and Edens of El Paso, Texas, for 15 meter boxes, $44 20 each; Reiter for 100 water meter couplings, $1 each; Water Work Sales of Albuquerque for 10 meter yoke relocators. $17.94 ea~h; Reiter for five 6-inch mechanical joint tees, S99 so each, Water Work Sales for rive 6-mch tapping valves, S214.11 each

-~~·vtrt~ ;,cr. . ·1 k d · bl . ~c::J!:l.'FAI'T.l~~u:.-·'-'oufict ~· .. l.ears rain pro em The new ordmance. wh1ch defines

apartment. boardmg house. hott'l, motel and travel trailer park. will "shut a faLrly large loophole" m thE' zonmg ordmances. Huckstep sa1d

... In other business Tuesday. the counc•l

-Passe-d on a request from Marian Black to locah~ a directional sign for C'.arnzo Lodgt' tn VIllage right-of-way to C'upp and Huckstep for study

-Accepted the low bid on the cemetery fen~ of $13,016.28 from R & R Fence of Ruidoso Downs.

-Accepted the low bid on cor· rugated metal culvert of $6,834.60 from Hydro Conduit of Albuquerque.

-Approved Mayor White's appoint·

prices are a "tourist ripoff," but in­dicated the Chamber of Commerce should press for action, not the coun­cil. Dale said bls concern Is whether the law Is being broken In the matter of gasoline pricing.

-Approved request from Leon Eg­gleston for travel to clerks' meeting at Minneapolis, Minnesota.

-Adjourned into executive session to discuss water rights acquisition.

Sewer line problems----(FROM PAGE 11

ThE' ImP, located belwt"t."n H11l's Pancake House and thE' All Purpose let' C...ompany on Sudderth Drive. has a cleanout p1pe where SE'Wagt' spills out and runs onto the stret't

MaciE'Od cla1ms tht' problem is caUSE"d by tht' rPStaurant wh1ch he says has no grPase trap Ht' satd he has asked tht' owners to mstall onto. but they Will not comply Tht" village has filed a complaint m municipal court to try and rectify the- matter

But restaurant cD-O"A·ner Terri Hill contends the line does not come out of the restaurant and that the establish­ment regularly maintains its grease trap. located behind the building_

"We have a grease trap in the back.·· she said "It's emptied and

maintained properly. We'd be happy to show them, but they've never ask· ed to see it ...

Hill says she "definitely. absolute­ly'' believes restaurants should in· stall grease traps on their sewer lines. She added she wtn cooperate wtlh the village if her business is found In er­ror.

Macleod claims that Is all the department asks of any business discharging grease. oil or other damaging substances into sewer lines.

He said if widespread 'dumping is not stopped soon, the new treatment plant at Biscuit Hill could be damag­ed. Macleod told the council oil deposits already have collected on concrete surfaces of plant facilities.

The wastewater employee said his department cannot Install grease traps for customers, but that it will in­spect them for proper maintenance. He pointed out the traps-which are containers witb a series of baffles that trap substances-are relatively easy to install.

A spokesman at Alamo Pipe and Supply said the Ruidoso store does not stock the traps but they can be ordered from Alamogordo. He said depending on size, grease traps retail for SSOO to Sl,OOO.

Village manager Jim Hine said the application and permit requirement goes into effect April 1. He noted a building pennlt fCV" any establishment affected by the rule wUI not be issued until a wastewater permit is granted.

RUIDOSO DOWNS village clerk Wilma Webb (left) and Operation Trash organizer Barbara Duff look over the schedule far the cleanup campaign to be conducted April 22 and 23 and April 30 and May 1 . Operation Trash 1983 will

offer free dumping, cash for recyclable aluminum and discounts for paint supplies to residents af Ruidoso and Ruidoso Dawns par· tlclpating In the cleanup. ·

'- ---· . --- ~ ........ ........ .-i ~-~ """"~" ........... -. .._·4'- .. ~ ...... .., .............. ~ .... ". ,.


The recurring probJem of drainage in the village surfaced before the village council Tuesday in the ronn of a neighborhood dispute.

After almost a year of asking the village to intervene In a problem bet­ween him and bis neighbor over a wall that he says blocks water runof'f, Manuel Csrrlllo received assuran~e from Mayor George White the village wtU do all It can to help resolve the problem.

Carrillo told the council he had in­funned administrative officials and municipal court about a waD his neighbor erected near the separating property 6ne that blocks drainage and causes flooding on his property.

But he claimed he was told It was a private matter In which the village could not get involved.

But the C'(lllllcil Tuesday lnstru~ted village attorney Lee Huckstep to research a municipal law concerning blockage of fiood waterways that may apply ln carrtno's case.

If Csrrillo's neigbbors, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Burt, are found in violation · of tbe ordinance, they may have to provide for drainage through the solid block wall they erected.

The waD runa the length of the pro­perty line between tbe neighbors at the corner of Spruce and Davia drives in Ponderosa Heights. Carrillo's pro­perty is located uphUI from the Burts, and Csrrillo claims precipitation runoff is blocked by the wall aod floods his property.

But Mrs. Burt contends since the wan is located on heuJ!r;perty, she sbould have to do no to alter it unless It is absolutely necessary.

"We checked with tbe proper authorlUes at the Ume and they okayed u;· she 1;10lnted out.

Burt said she was told that as long as drainage cao now past the wall along the edge of the street. the wall would conform to village design stan~ dards.

Councllman AI Junge suggested Canillo seek legal steps to resolve the problem, but CarrlUo argued he · should notbari to pay lawyer's f~ if the village bas jurisdiction.

Tbe councU asked Huckstep to review flood waterway provisions In the subdivision regulations to deter­mine If the ordinance is being violated.

Committee chairman unhappy byDAVIDSHEPPARD

Siaff Writer

A dispute surfaced TUesday bet­ween the Grindstone Dam OVerslte Committee chairman and assistant village manager Frank Potter over access to engineering doeuments on the proposed reservoir.

Committee chairman BW Karn questioned Potter at two separate meetings whether engineers submit­ted a preliminary geotechnical report that exPresses concern over the quali­ty of the dam Bite, and why thereview committee never saw the report,

Ac:cordlng to Karn, the report. . which he contended was released in December, points to a 25 to 30 percent yearly water losa from the proposed t,ooo-acre-foot reservoir, through ground leakage.

Kam told the village couneU Tues­day night be asked Potter twice 1n the past two months. about tbe report, but that the assistant village manager denied Us existence. Kam said he learned from another source, who he dld not identify, that tbe report was

Karn asked Potter iD a private meeting earner Tuesday wby reports bave been withheld from the commit­tee. Potter said the committee has not been detded access and that Karn's group could look at an the reports at its next scheduled meeting.

make determinations on the site. He said, "I'm totally satisfied with their reports,"

Tbe assistant village manager add~ ed that a fiDal report on the dain design is due to be released at the s~ comf council meeting In Aprtl.

Councilman Don Dale agreed with Potter that tbe committee "bas no right to all lnfonnation,.. and be claimed the pubUc. does not care about prelimlnary reports, that It just waotQ a dam builL _

Karn contended before the eounen the committee was established to review aU documents on the design, as well as contracts with engineers and contractors. He asked the eGUilcll to "reiterate the right of the Grind­stone .Dam committee to look at reports... Karn disagreed, saying, "It's tbeir

Councilman A1 JUDge expressed money, they have a riglit to .know concern that the committee bas not what the geoteehoical report I&'" He bee pn' to the ...........- nd · also said be wobld prefer to be told

n vy .... e-.... a sug- documents are prlvtleged bilorma~ gested it should get the information. tlon r:ather· ••·- Ued to a·•-•~ the'• ex· But he added &ome of the dOCUJilents UUIII LIUUL u.

"are 11!ally dangerous (to nilease) at lstem::e. · · this polnt,'"·biocause of-U"•- The discussion led lo a q-lon tioo on purcbase of t&e G~ ewer the ~e of the· -®tomlttee. pl'Opl!rtyfroinownerDon_Dorman. Member Tim ·Paliner- asked .••Why

The counoll has met 1Q several clos- have the commttti9?''. lt It eilhllqt ed. sessions m recent mentba: to bave aooess to -docUments. ,Palmer discuss appraisals of t1ie Grindstone .also pll(ntod obi the .. mmltlee bso canyon site and eondemoatkm pro- nev~ beetlgiveli a- -'jn'eOiJje- -&dtidt&m· cedures. Potter admitted earlier of ~~~;...-.:.. ... rioa ...... _ •• ~ .... ~In· 'nlesday negotla6onscm thepure!iOse. ~~-~·- •"" ~ released In December. -~b•·· ••·-•-••-• ·~o~ ·dlcatedbelelltheCOMillllteedoeanol · ,.._ qareoo._.~........,. needaeCesslothe""'"""beca""",be.

The connell did not deny the But, he said, everytbtng else on the said. the members lick the expertiSe reporl"s ..U.tence Tuesday. eoun; project ;s-...... tbly. · · 10 -•-· ... ·~-"·•••• doowl!OIIIs. eUman Frank Sayner acknowledged Potter- uplalned to the COUnCil ., ....... 1-'i' .. """"' ._.-;JUw;;cu. "

the estbnate on leakage conlnlned In was .,..igglltod as UaiSc>D lo the COlli· SOfiiOJ", whc>NOen~~ ~f!\: t1ie documeut, but bO emphasized "the mllfoeaJillhewOilldDolreleoselnlor- -· - -~ ftOm. •• ~~. finding was contingent on total )m:atlon be deems BeDSltlve. councU .. appointed ~ommtttees, removal of topsoU trom tb• reservoir "I have <ODtrollin& aulhortty ...,. .,.l!ted by -ling the •ommlttee

· Site. ~~ quoted engineers as say· the oversite cmnmtttee.'' he ~. -deslp the- daft\ and' saW~ Uut C'Oi~ ot. tng if the ~is not removed down "'U I do not want to rei~ -lnt()tnUl• fiS0-,00:0: Iii ~t6t8f rees. · . to the bedroek1 the leal<age would bO Uon, I Will not rei .... it." . • l!ei!~I<>I'OimOI', hellldl\:atOd reduced C!ODSI~bty. Po- also said • the ~Uteo lbe _,.lllio llbould Dol have baed Sayn~ told Karn if he was going to never wu gl\ren a~t to.bnfacb ,:_ i!aULbllshld. urt'a ·aoout: tfru we· dd

release 1nfonnaUon from· the report, the pto~et design. Wlth lJ~)'te:_..· 01q- own tJ'b ~d of ·.jl;\liq· lt t4J / to include the "second half of the Enginee_ ot tbe COtmellt lUKl -It' -eomntl~ "'.1\e-.a~. - · . ' · . . ......... " . sbOuld not ve. UuS ll.alll to tov~ow • Dlftuil&loi! conollilled whl;n c::<.m-

But the lncornplete infonnatlon contracts. :-..- :·•~ · cl'fliW(ll6n-.;yt:oalzttonllSkeCt-YlUaP given Katn o~ly lllustrat~ the lle pointed out ~.vlUa"· ·tletkl.lottESClt!Stmt··tb~'teh'1Jt.O frustration of hi~ commlttef' If! teylng tafned two englnettJng: -rtrmli: _ lind. · &froctiGM .gtftn tQ- tJWr ebJn;tijltfec! .· toobtatnaccesstodeslgnreports. -nu~~s .. p11t Ll'UbL -il~ Uie ~~o~W ~ Whettlt\W&llppb~Hted~ -: . . • .. -.' . ... .

__ ..___ -~ -· ·~ .

"'1~"~~-... ~~~"''l"""f~ ..,._..,. "'I!!"'IP"' 'll'"'!l~'"nl ,~"'1·~·~·-.r .... ~:'IW''IIIf:'iii'liii"~~\'fi'~.,..,..:"!!l;""":""'~ __...., ...... ~.,..~."'l"""""-.-.,.. ~.., ~ ~ -. -.-.,. ""~""llll'~·~ .~ l· . " '

' > "• '


,· . ·- ' '' •'

· Page 4- Ruidoso (N.M•l NI!W• TI1Ursday, Mar~h 31; 1983 . . . . . .. . ,:·, . .. ··· ,,.·d·.test for.Ruidoso. · :··: ;.·,:· -:riqrs' ~.hOpe fPI.' • fl~t.p.a~,m~I," · ,.l G~dy WiUiiUJUI()D,· Mike DOuglas:, fi.~~J.l' ~~~~i rb:t:rE!~.;.t;,_g 'l'he tal~Wd sopbointJnt WllS fifth In '-'nd .l!.irie Strobel {cmna !iiDild grout( of .-.~ ... wa~u~ -- ~"" - . . ... ,. .... ~, . the 1,600 ~l:er$ last week with a $printers fpr the W!irriOI'!I. TbeyWJII ·•~-~te. )n. fieltl #~~ •ntt:·-~ ~~~~ . '4:tlU9tiriu!tgQot;lenO\Ightobntakbis- probably run th~ or lOW' rel~y put,-'dJ$eU$.andl~illt.Jint).P. , ... , ..

with " ' Gary BrowJt· .. •.

: '111• Ruidoso Hil!b Si:hooi """" ll'ool< ~ WUI get a beiiOr idoa <>!' llow I~ ~tands .in the AM dlvlston When it COJDPf!tes- Jn ·the Portales' Jnvt_tatlQnal Saturday at -Portalet:~. High Sci,IOOI.

·The ·m~t- will start· ;it to· .Q..m. Ruid0$0's.gir1S wiU not cOmPI!i!te a,nd

.. until Frida~. and Sat\ll'day,.

~~~1ri~'ft:.:O~~~ com~ ·m_ the .Th~ Warrlor·boy.s competed in, ~lle

.Whl·te Sand$ Jnvlta.:Uon~ll.· in AJam9gQrdo last s&tumay a~ihst -mostly M.AA; diVisiOn -schOols 'ilJld,

-. f~d thi!i! going rough, sCOr\lllf jus_t In cese '(inyon~ -~.s .$Ollie loud. ~svilh~· won the NCAA cha~plon- onepol'nt, · . .

rumblings'· from tbe · u9rth this · ship .in .1980 and . Is: a· traditiO!ial , How~ver, the Pottales Inv.itational · weeke,nd, d91l't woi'cy, it*~ not an ear- ~h~..... . .. ;....:~ ._ ..... ...: ,_ U WiU· have ·mainly AAl\ division and

thquake. ~. · .._....,. B~s - Nu.n.u "'~'~l'Q_ na M dlvision achools compe«ng,

.OWIO!icilqol recoi;d •. _. - , ·' -. -_. ~Q.( PortalC!:i. . . . · '.· Se.nior O~.f-A·s. ··:_$~Ulf~-h~~ ~-1i.4D_'d_ · -"1. Ud!Jk Cisco will_®:ve a good WUiiamat;tn ·ran ·the 100 meters in -~c;pbO.;nore·~ge. Gre~J:Q:-_ ~,aye CfuUlce Of Wl,n~tng the 1

1500 Jri~teta, n 11.1$ lasl season apd recorded· ·an ·thi'Qwn the-slJ,t)t pU~-~.the ~5·f!M¢.1U~·~a

'l'b.Jikew liatd,· '"He'll probabJy ll,Dfi tiJn¢· at AlamogOrdo .against a· d\lrll'lli. the early se¥~0# ~~ Dt~~'7e. ' -~·f.Qtest «me @~ring U.e m~t/' sWong WlruJ; He~ aliiQ strong.~ the 'l'hef coqlit ~lor's$'40 feet,SilOD. , Bobhal!lastrqngkiokandalmost 20Q.mettn-s. :. ., .... _. FretJhmMChip_llJlJilSey,.bQUJi;l~o ·finished .Jwrtb;-- in la,t· w.kend's • __ Strob~.-r~m ._ 11;!,18 1.00 m~~rs- last -eontl~au~.-~ lmpro\'ti! ~- both,tlle:J!iihO:t 'meet. He tQokfOu~,t:tl'iu thoJJtate ~ ~end .-and. sholl!d improve con- put ;md d•s<:Piii._ . .· .' · .:· . . · · ·, ~<Uvislon-m~ last year .with a strong ·suterably !:be ~t ()( tbe season. EuteJ"-iS a po~tUU standcnat.l:g the .kid; at-thE; eA(I, getting&-4!~17.3 thne, _ D~ugl'fl,~S- is tb·e Warriors' top long jl,unp. . . ·· ;a"- ~ ·

__ n'n ptobably just be- some con=e State a~ CindereJ.lil teams. TblS ~~~ 110Ur-lineujt will be basclaUy.,.the : .. •-: ,. · baaketball:fans whqoptng lt up at the_ Georgia's :n:BST-EVER trip to Uie .aa~e as tas,t week except' fur ·a f.fWI

p; University of New· -M~ico <UNM> NC,A~ tour~ament, .while the ~ who are_on vacatlont" Wa.rrlor arena in Al.bug~ue1 as they waleb Wolfpa<*: ~;mnn.ved the rugged Atlan- · head _coach Ronnie MasKew · sald. the National Collegiate A't1Jletic u~· Coast Conference;:~, probablY the "Steve ·s_nic:fuw and Mark JohnSton . Association (NQAA) chmnplousbips. ·~est con(erence in f:be c.bun~. f.te'tJJ.e oJI]y (Ulcis l know for ·sure who

· BObwill-]JtobaWytunon.thespririt' ~tne~rman·. . . . MasJtew :teelil A.r.U$la H~.-~,ool medley relaY alSO, He ran the Freshm!!ll Bobby DickinsQn~ Mike u tlle met;!:t ravorl~. • ·. ' ~ · .. · -fiOO.met~ill;ilimcbQl'tegiDUlateventlasf Wi1lialll$0Jt 'and &Jss_ell Easter join. ~'Tbey'fe· s~ong '-"~ .fll~:.'!!on· ~ week as _n.utdoso am.hei:l thtrd In tts sophc;mt~ Wade J?roctor as ·.a, pro- , Jal ret;_ently,' M !j:,(ljd. WheY heat With a 3: 53,0· time. Mqkew· was.. mJslng group ofsprinters. · •. cotnPtl!t~ lllg&lnst mostly · AAA ·and di.Sappoin~wlththattlmebutthinkS' · 'The Young foursome ran a .48.2 in · M scllooli!,~t they had some -very _ the Warriors Call-Improve on it. . tile 400-meter-. relay at Alamogordo good Um•. . ' · · Fre!i:~~vanScottand.navt<IOr" and should get!J the_,eason Ot~J!»' ~s wh1~ cobld compete

dorica along with so~mQres David $~along, . .at Portalq lnclut;~e.c;lefendlng MA Landrum , and li"ranelsco Oltvera. · ;Easter • Manuell'Jlontano and Chris division state champlcm LbVirigtim shQuld gtye the WIU'l'iors plenty of· W)'nri 'Will ._go in the hurdles again. Qigh S¢hool, Tucumcari ltigh School

The University of Houston.·, (UH), Georgia ~ked very unpressive in won't l:!e abl8 to make the meet" North carolina State University defeating the defending.NCM chfltn- . SnidoW is a sprinter andJohnston Is

. <NCsm, ·the University of Geofgla pion UnlversityofNorth~lh~a Tar ·a 400-me.ter ruriner and tong jumper;

depth in tbe distance· raceS. · · Easter will prl)bably ·run the and· J$llltgb School. . BfoQ!ers Curt anc;l Kip MCClellan 300-meter l~ hurdleS w~le Montano I;af;lt' · year'!i meet. was · cancelled

(l]GJ ancl the University of LouiB"VilJe Heels Sunday. They show~ both Cisco Bob wUI probably b~ ~e Wal'-(ULlarethe-luckyfinatiqur. -speedanddepth.GeorW;aiOQksstr'ong. . . t . • • •.

are el&h!d to cOmpete In Ute 800 and Wynn ate scheduled .to compe~ bec•U$8 of htgh winds, but tbe meter. arid 400 me~rs, ·respectively. in the UIO·meter high hurdles. Mon- weather iS supposed to blli! good Satur-

. · · · taDQ ran a 1~.5 last Weekend in his day.· Jn semi-final acUon saturday enough to beilt the WolfPack &tturday - ' . ~ ·

NCSU wili ~With GeQr~ in 8 .andadvanceh;'Monday's.finals. . · . . ~ battle of sUrpriSing teams at 1:30 So it looks like a Houston-Georgia T • p.m .• wblle-Louis'viUi!i!8nd the fav.oted . finale. • --. ... 1 g ·e rs Cougars from Houstqn will go at it . Th-: Cougars. are . the logtc~l · . · -afterwards. The finals wiD be Mon- favonte, but lq8lcal favorlte;s don t ..

compete. at Hage-rman

day. always win in the NCAA toumamentt I see the top-ranked Cougars goiniil: Still,. Houston sho!Jld pull out the

aU the way and bringing an NCAA champumshlp, beatmg Georgia by championship back to the I,,ne Star about 10 points. state. · But the hi~t winn~ Of the tour--

Houston ha!;i everything, Including namentsbould be tire cltlzens of Albu­an outstanding defense - a 25-game querque and·New Mexico in genera). winning streak and 8 seven-foot lf the·seats at the UNM "Pit" are center from .Nigeria who had never -compJetely filled, and the reception

· touched a baskMball unUI1979 Albuquerque gives the tournament is ·The Cougars have one of the "tanest 'poSitive, it will probab1y increase the

teams in the country, and it showed in Duke City's chances of getting a thlli! Midwestern Regional champion- returnNOAAengagementfairlysoon. ship agaimt VUlanova. And who knows? 1tJnight even paVe

Houston blocked 13 shots Qndhad 11 the Way for· a National .,Basketball slam (junks, something that's sure to Association franchise to come to give the other three teams at Albu- Albuquerque. querque something to think about. New Mexico basketball fans have

Actually ~uisvme has the best flocked to- tll,e state high school tour­chance of 'beaUng the Cougars. The nament for mal]}' years, and there's 32-3 Cardinals have i:ood height "and no r:eason why they won't show the talent plus tournament experience. same enthusiasm this weekend.

Cowboys wi II compete • In benefit rodeo Cowboys fi-om throughout New

Mexico will compete in a cattle­roping contest Saturday and Sunday, April ~to-. at Strauss Ranch near Las Cruces to benefit the Universny of New Mexico Cartcer Research and Treatment Center.

The contest wUI be called the Alma Cobom Memorial Roping Contest. in memory qf Mrs. Alma Cohom of the Coborn ranching and rodeo family in southern New Mexico.

"Century .. team roping will be held on the first day of the competition. ln that event, thi!i! combined ages at both ropers must equal or Surpass 100 years. Th~i'e will also be a B-roplng contest and a youUt-roping contest.

Sunday's events wUJ feaiure mixed teams <one man· and one woman, or partners of the same gender, but one older than 401.

For information on registration and entry fees, 81ong with directions to Strauss. Ranch, contact Susan Chamberlin at the VNM cancer

Research and Treatment Center in · Albuquerque n-m-4526>, or Rawley

Jackson of the 'MOuntain Bell com­munity relations team in Las Cruces (1-526-2459).





" . "

'The Ruidoso Men's Slow-Pitch Soft­ball leagUe has cancelled a meE!ting for this Friday and reset lt for'7 p.m. Thursday~ April 7. at the Ruidoso PubJic Library.

AU participating teams, represen­tatives or sponsors should be in at~en­danee. For further Jilformation, con­

. tact' Tim Eckerdt at 378-4279.

, The c8Pitan High S~bool track clocking.· team is comJ)eting in the ~german ' Tiger boys coach Mel Holland was Invitation,a.l today after coming especially pl~iW-Sed with McElhan-through with an impressive perfor- non'-s efforts. · . mance in the Fox Relays at Fort. : "W. javelln toss. was reaDy good,"· Sumner Ia&t Saturday, . . Holland said. "I'm not su~ If that . Capitan's boys squad scored '19 would be good enough to Win state,

points in last Saturday's meet, the Hagerman's got a couple of guys who . best the 'l'lgers b~tve done at the Fox have thrown tt over 170 feet."' ·

Relays in several years. The Capitan girls ~lso caine Tim McElhannon led thlli! Tiger Per- throogb wlth several fine efforts In

formers with a second-place effort of the meet. . · 162 feet in the javelin. capitan only scored two polnts·but

Junior Todd Proctor placed fifth in had to face some tough comP.etltlon. thE! pole vault with a 1o-e effort and Shatman McDaniel finlsbetl fifth in was third 1n the discus with a l35-foot the 100 me4u'S With a 13.66 c:Jocldng

into a stiff wind. Becky Phllllps was . toss, Defending s~te A division !Ugh fifth In the so-meter low hurdles with jump champion Robert P~rker a 13 4 clocking Tracy Herd made the cleared 5-11 m·.bJs speciality for third nnais of the toOg jump. ~ce, Parker has been _bothered by_ a "It was our fint meet and we were

!.~::k· . . · go~ng lllHili~IJ!sA ~"" ~!!lf. .. lll•• • o;n;;ua,yr Paul Sulllvab. firushed third J':~w.ere. .AA,.-,8.114, ~ ~l$fr;i¥ld mtbe200meterswitha24.6Umeand nger gf.rla -C94Cb )l~ ~.-.!'We also ran on the Tiger 400-meter relay did pretty good for our first meet. squad which finished third. Other We'D get better.'' • members or the relay team were capitan will also compete 1n the David Beavers, Danny CUmmins and Dexter Invitational Friday, April 8, McElhannon. Beavers also finished and the Carrizozo Relays Saturday, · fourth In the 100 meters with an 11.5 April 9.

Love Run set April 9 The fifth aiUiual I'UIUiing of the

Marine Corps 10,1100-meter Love Run for the Muscular Dystrophy Associa­tion will be. Saturday, ~pril 9, at Taylor Ranch near Albuquerque.

The race wU1 begin at 9a.m. and the' entry fee is $5. Runners will be-able to compete in one of eight men•s and women's age categories: 13 and under; 14-19; 20-29; 36-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69j and 70 and under.

Trophies will be· awarded to the overaU male and femallli! Winners, and to th' olde:st and youngest male and female finisher. In addltton, medals will be awarded to the top three finishers In eacll age category.

_Registration fonns may be obtaln-

ed. by writing to the following ad­dress: Marine Corps Recruiting sta­tion, P .0. l3ox 218'1, Albuqu.erque, NM 87103; or by calling 1-766-2470. ·

Cage tourney

on next week Tbe second annual Pee-Wee bclys

basketball tournament will be Friday and Saturday, April 8-9, at the Mescallli!ro Community Center_ .


There is a $30 entry fee and only the first 12 teams that sign_ up may com­pete. The tournament is for boy~~: nine to 12 years old and the entry deadline is 4:30p.m. TuesdaY., April~·

Softball league to have meeting


'~~~~ An IRA helps you so:ve money ~ · now and for your retlrementyears.

you open an· IRA octount by April 15th,

N Littcolb County Women's Softball ASsociation wU1 ha\1'$ a general meeting at? p.m. Thursday, March :u, at RUidoso Rubllc Library, ·

Tbla Ia an otganliri:tional dleethig to 'VOte on bylaws for the· upcoming ' season. AU prospective teams Should hav-e represep.tatlves lH'eSeDt, alut all

. ·lbtetested. persons ate Invited to at- · timll.

or er home to· AII-StQt_coge teQm

RObert Parker, a 6-2 senior frori:t capitan High School, has beel.JUlmed . to the South AD-Star AA-A team which wiU play the North All-Stars In

Albuquerque this swnmer. · · Parker averaged more than 18 points a game and was also a strong re-.

bounder this past season. He was one of the main reasonS' the Tlger'13 won the regulBI'-Sii!Bson district 5-A chal;llpionship a~d quallfi~ for tpe state playoffs. · '- ~

Capitan lost to Melrose 56-55 in the state tournament opener but finish­ed the season with an 18-6 record. The Tigers• record might have been even better. but Pa,rklli!r missed several gCunes with various Injuries,

The North ~ South AAAA·AAA all--star teams have also been selected. 'lbree players from district 3-MA were named to t-be squad. They Included Mike "Nunley of Deming -High School, Brad Darnell_ or Cobre High School and Chris Cerney ?f 'I'ularosa High School.


_}, .~

.. / . ' ~~

" . •. '

TIGER STAR. Copltan High School basketball star Robert Parker has been named to the South AA·A AII·Star team, Porker averaged over 18 points a game during the season jn leading the

to the district regular-season title and a berth in the


The National 'Weather Service in AlbuQuerque is predtetb.g a·~-~ warin day ThUrSday with ... thwesterly winds goatlng to J5.30 roUes per·. hoUr. '111Ursday nl!lhl wlU be partly cloudy with winds gusting from the west-northWest at 10--20 mUes per hour. The predlcUon for Frldll)' is part- ' . 1y cloucly and <ooler Wllh gwJtlng horlhweo! winds. - Ohllnce8 of ' preclp!tallon are twoper<ent todaylncreaslilg t.oflve-1 t.onlllht artd . 111-tFr;day. :rbe-forecast from Sablrday through Monday · calls· tor fail! temperatures and breezy afternoons: ··Daytime _temperatures ahould tie~ normal. · · ·: . , ,

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:aJt.o.- ·

.. ···-···••·b. ... ~ ~--~ .......... ~ ....... -.... .., ................ ~· ..... ·~---- ', ... -· • >


.. ttt G,u•y S,Own ' . Stqq a~ ~~te ~nk. ~~: :. Sjlorta W~l1'1'" 11o ..,....., '"" i<omJo a 2;>-17 J!eot·

· . ~ton. ...,.. S.Curlly ·.DBnk l\looday ·l.lttle Lea..., blilll<etball.can be a nlgllt. Wile lelom baij lost to Nosl<er's

l~rtrlng ppet"ieP.ce ·and a lot of··tun-- ~·111 -last, ;Fr,td,.y,. Jt~idosQ State for both tbe,-players and the_t::QilCheS., B4Jik'li recor.'t\ _ ls- DOW w· fot "the """-b1 • • • • · · sq&on, . . -- · _

.-. ·_ .. q~;~,..-,.QidpSQ-BertomlilL~tuet~gue·.. Rlcliatdlon, ·-who- works l;at -Fnt· ba_SUtbJIU protrl;lm has it~t games at F--' Sav.ings ,·0 R•'~-0, Is o•- -•

\ , .. Wilitl! -...tam il!lacne so~~o01 ...,. - ·~ ~ ~~-sium :~onday, ':ruesday. _aDd,· StW_eraJ ~- .wh9 ~lte. ~!me -off - ~1] like the CbQllenge most of aU·" ~day-nisJtts. Y(ruths mneto 1~)'¢~ .. trcnn. ~r acl:iviti~ to. COach ~ Llt- cahdetaria Said ''It's Q.-Jot of fun \o -.m play tri ~ lf!lqt~Q and rilan,y of ue Lell~ -•ms. : None. C)(-· the . tea b 1rioi~ . . pia bo ~ n~ver plafed J;Ja;;ketball be~ .c~~ are paid' fol' thel.f e(forel. c ~~8-~boW.~. Y. rJket .. Joining tholeam••. ' · · · Rlcllaroison also competes In the baeall. to why I a. ''· · · ..

"!>_,... . ·Wedn~<lay Ni.Ktit Ml~d :aoWuns nde~ b.q aJso. been lDvplved •'YQU know, 30 days agq A• lot oJ \~fP!e. coach!$ Q ~rn~'s wftball: witll the lottUe L~gue pt"Ogram for

these kids C9Ult;ln't even_ dribbb> .Qte ....... 1ealil ~nd plays .011 a .men'eo .ofiJmll . several years. ~etoroe thiS season, he -baU;w .. satd .. lefJ,gu.~. (!~iilatm' Roy team. He _.SQ ptaYC!d.-·-bilisketball at ll~l~. Lynp. Willtlrd coaciJ _a ~lnor Seay.''Now10Qkat.bowmuelttbey1Ve ~oso High School and Jloiido Dmsiontea~. llnproved/' · · . · kboot ·- - · 'Ple Jeaguese&Son wlllendAPrU 15~-

·Tbeyc)UUls-eNo:itheprogramsince: Anc;Jther cgach Js Dr, T. T,·Maf~ After Its c~lur:;lon, chamPlmlsht'p _lt's _tl].e fifflt cOmpetitive ex:~rience ·quardt. ' · - . _ · and participant lroJlbles wUl he given -for most of thtml; The coacbes a1so "What I like bB!it abo~t c9ching out. .- .. ·

· . get • kick·out.oflt. < Littl$ LealiUe basQtbaU ls ~able But the real·-.wards wUt·be thO tub "l enjoY the sPort and . also l~e to teach the child to be saW;fted wtth and -Challenges · the eoac;!bes and

working with kid$," r:;aid Albert cmly the :best from himseU," Mar~ players had durtns; the· re'gul~i-Ricbardson, coach of the Minor Divi~ quardt said, . season. · . . " '

-=«•»>'~~""'~'W."""''-•''"""""""»"=x~·m-'<<''-»--·'~~-=«·»"--'~' ~~<;<;, , .................... ~ ... ~=~ ....... ,~ ................... ~ ...... ;o........,...;....,. • ...........---,.;o ....... ...,... ......... ,....,.....;.~«.-.:,...._.,

Inside the·Outdoors · A,prllt,1983 marko tho beginolng of

a new license y~r for the New Mex~ ' leo Department· of Game and Fish.

Legislature voted. tO raise the price of , hqntlng and fishing -priVIleges lQ the

state for the upcoming year. 'l'he following 'Jist is tbe new price

sheeP, $38; oryx, $48; Ibex. $28; small · t'fa ":.:~,tr(i;

Anyone fisbtng in New MexicO waters or buntil8: WithiJI the state ~ thiS

. date and tor the next year must have --in their Poasessloil a- l983-Q4 license. In dddltion,. anyone buying a new Ucense wlll find that ·there bas been an Increase in cost. ..

The 19e3 New Mexico State

..: SChedule and includeS all vendor arid ~i!P!IcaUon fees. · ' . RESIDEN'l' HUNTING ·

Deer, $19i gener-.} hunttng, $22.50i Reneral hunting and fishing, $26; bear 1 fall turkey 1 spring turkey and cougar, $10.50; antelqpe and javelina, $23: elk, bighorn sheep, and Barbary

Fishing season opens I ' . . . .

at Bon ito Lake Fridcry Fishing season at Bonlto·i.ake

opens Friday and will conUnue tbro ... gh November 31,

A -fisblng license; with a trout valldatton (required at Bonito Lake) costs $14 ror a resident or New Mexico. Non~restdenls must pay $25.50 for a license with a trout validation. ChUdren under 12 . are not required to have a

llcens~. Only one pole iS allowed per fisherman. ·

There is 8· bag limit of eight rainbow trout. Fishennen can have a total of 16 trout in their possession, but at 1east eight must be brown or brook trout.

Bonito Lake is about 16 miles from Ruidoso, off Highway m. Thei'e are signs. pointing to the lake. . · ·

iame (squtrrel& andgam·e birds other than turkey), $9.60; fur dealetl!i and trapper's, $10.j;O; junlor tr~pPer (12'to 17 years of ag_e), $5.25; lii8lll9r and handicapped general huntln,K, $11~ · -· -. __ < lind additional datu" tag, $5.25. NON RESIDENT HUNTING

Deer, $146; Dearandspringturkey, $76; fall turlc$y, ·cougar, and small· game, $51; antelope, $123; el}t, $213; b~ghorn.sheep, $373; Barbary sheep, $303; oryx and- Ibex, $503; Javelina, $103; fur dealer and ·additional. deer tag, $51; trapper's, $3011 nongame, $ll6. . FISIUNG . · .

Resident season llcenie, $8.50, with trout validation$14: junior-senior and handicapped <not .l._sued to nonresidents), $1.50, With trout validation $4.50; notarestdent season lleense, $18.50, with trout validation $25.50; one-day and five-day Ueenses <same for both resident and nonresl· dent), $5.25 an~ $10.50 respectivelY, With ·trout vaUdation $8.50 and $15

• respectively.

-.,_ .

One major change in the basic Jll;lense structure made by the legislature pertains to big game llc:enses. In the comlng ~ ... botb resident and nonresident b'Uii'tei-s. will have to purchase a separate license ' · tor each of these specie:;~. One other change ot Importance was the ellmln~Jtlon of a nonresident bow Ucense. -ThiS y~r non· resident bow •· •• .• _.1 ~-- . •- " hUDters will hilve to buy a regular ·•• · nonresident deer Ucense stratified lor

. bow. . There are bunta beglnolng In April

. ~ .. '

. ( , ..

on three big game species and since proclamations lulve not been received froiD the printers at this time,l would Uke to give you these dates: bear and cougar, Aprll1 to June 30, l983j spr·

. tng turkey Aprlll& to May 1,.1983.

DRIVE FOR THE BUCKO. Kennela Davis (B) af the Roundup Realty Little League basketball team dribbles around an opponent on the way ta

.•... .. . •. ~ .... ~01~·· ·~

f! -- .. ·' ~ '~ .... ;-........

--------------·-·-·-· the basket In a' recent game • .Davis and his 1eammates play In the Minar Division and ore coached by Sonny Candelaria.

In addition. most flshlngwaters are open as or AprU 1, 1983, so remember to boy. new11183-84 hunting orfisblng L I d . d II t H II . li .. nsebeforegotngo•LTbeprlceo! OCQ fiVers 0 we . a 0 oman a license is much less than the fine-l'or

LOCAL BOWLERS WIN AWARO. Carol Simpson (left) and Flo Maul of the Ruidoso l!Vomen's Bowling Association (RWBA) hold a pia· que honoring tf'e local group for having the greatest number of .+earns per number of membership in t.he state women's bowling tournament in Las Cruces. Maul is the Women's Bowling Association state director and Simp$_on Is treasurer of RWBA.



. IT MSANS KIRScfl WOVEN WOODS · TRIPLE YOUR ENERGY ·SAVINGS! Some woven WOods, without linings, have Revalues of 1.7. Excellent. But those same shades, with "silver.., linings; have R-values of 5.5. it's not magic, ·l:>Ut it Is a Kirsch es:clusive; See it soon. . ONSALEAT

,•tttth1~ · ~t~w . . . 35'- Sudderth . . ·

Ruidoso. N~M. 88345

being caught without one.

·cleanup set

at softball field There wiD be a cleanup at 10 a.m.

Saturday at _All· American Park Field in RUidosO Dowas.

Any member of the local softbaU leagues is encouraged to help In the cleanup.

Also, the 'Ruidoso :Men's Fast·Pitcb League- w1ll have a meeting-at 7 .p.m. Monday, April 11, at K~Bob's Restaurant.

SUDDERtH 2S7-7573


Several :Ruidoso drivers competed Don Jones was third rwmer--up in in the Drag Club or Alamogordo com- the Pro-ET class, while Roy C8pp$ petition Sunday at Holloman Air wasthirdrunner-upinthecansolation Force. Base. bracket of the Same class.

Soccer signups· continue There will be further signups for the

Ruidoso Soccer Association swnmer youth league Friday and Saturday at Ruidoso Public Library.

guardians and proof of age. AU new and retumlng players mll$t register.

Jeff Brown made it to the HCODd ·round of the elimlnatlons of the modified class before losing hls engine. Steve Mallett was ellmlnated. in the first round of the ellmlnatlons of the dragster class.

Sunday's racing will be shown at 6!3Q p.m. Friday on cable TV channel 11. The next race competiUon win be at Hobbs Sunday7 April 10.

The Friday signup will be from G p.m. to 9 p.m., and the Saturday registration will last from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The firstsignup was last Friday,

RUIDOSO WARRIORS There will be a $12 entrY. fee.

Players must bring their parelts or

.. , -J /·F -\.


SIIEILA-$HElTON JAMES· HERRERA m Lo -·-· WEATHER RIPORT lllareb •• ..., 20 tr tr

. caurte11y of Mar<h .. 61 31 :.01 0 March 25 WI .. .. 31 l.,

Ruidoso Airport and March. 2il ;a " ... 1" Mareb'll 52 20 0 • MarelUII .. 1!0 • • C & L LBR. ·Marcb;29 li8 . 2il. 0 0 J?teclpitatioo. thiS month- ..

&SUPPLY Preclpttation tbls year ..... 4.1:t311

SnoW thiS )'Mt'."'"7' 2011

' '

We ao.i· s.ttlf'doVAfttmoon . "We Don't Want All The 8t~tlnoll - Just Valli's" PHO. 378·44aa - 011 fiiGIIWAY 70 - IIOLLYWOOJI






.. ..

' ' .. •

Dlm(IAH ROSINE STOUT points out that a balanced diet In­cludeS choices from the fo.ur basic fOod groups: milk, meat, fruit and vegetable, and grain. ·

Motorola expanding locally BUI Keck or Roswell, radio com­

munications representative for Motorola Commwiications .and Elec-

tronics. announced that the -business is expanding its Rtttaoso operation.

"it's • growing area and we see potential her.e.'' said Keck. He said the Compat9' hBs invested about $3

ft!illion in SOQth8rn New Mexico in the past two years.

He offers sales, servh:e and -engine9rlng backup of two-way radio

l'!QUipment direct froin Motorola. ."Junel, he said, the co_mpany plans to

offer automatic te1ephone intercon­nect for mobile telephones~

It s~ms the once exalted ''fatof the land" has · t&Qn residence ·around America's swelling "Va~tline ... , · ·

. And it poses • growing national health problem, acco..qing to a spokesperSon for the Southelstem New MeXico District Dietetic Association. . . · Rosine Stoutt Alto ~tered dleti­cllin and Jnibllc ret'atioru$ chairman for tbe a~ organizatioQ1 says her groUp is 'Qamp8igning tor better eating habits ~ N•tlonal Nutri­tion Month. acttVJUes throughout March, . . . . .

"We hope tb help, tbe pJJbUc help tb,emselves in learning the beJ:aefits of proper dtet1

1r the nutriUon consultant -&ncf exercise instructor said •.

She 'said pro(esalooal dieticiaM are empbarslzilig that obesity stemming from poor eating habits is re$p00Sible

· (or the development of numerous related-health woes. .

"Many .southeast New Mexicans, through Years ot improper diet and in­activitY, ar~ 20 to .40 pounds overweight by middle age," Stout said.

She said those wishing to improve diets often have to overcome family

. •

BILL IIECK Keck can be reached JocaJJy at


.The RUIDOSO NEWS has· Aluminum Sheets Available. • -•

They are 23 1{16" X 35''

Good for ·roofing

',·siding ~chicken coops . · · ·1 001 other uses


351f·each· •


- ......•.. k._



,_. '·

. _:· ~ .... (. .. ,'

' .I,'

'&···e. ·tt .. ·· ·a·····.·.,···"·::.h<,:;e, ... ··a·· ·:It··.·· ·h.-.:· .~-· ... ' _· .. - .··. :· ___ .. :' ' : .. · · .• ··._.;

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- . '- ' ' ' - . . .. , -- ' -'. ',' -·

economic hati(ts and ·their _own ~onceptlons abOut n1,1tr1Ucni and weigh~ loss. . · ·· · . .,

"Hidden fats" Are a m"a,jor foe ·In at"ea. citizens' bBttle with the batbrooriJ.-'scalea," ac:cordlng to Stout.

11Most peOple In tbls country are . · oyerqourU,bed due . to ·high ccmspm.P' tlon of fatty food&," she Said. ' ·.

Stout pointed- .out . that although most families attempt; to plan for and . purchase nutntional· grocerY. items, tbe habitual addition of items like · p()tato chips and i® cream spells diotaey lrollble. · ·· ·

"It really isn"t more expensive to eat propery," she said. -~.'The problem lies In the purchase of JOOds we have tradlttonany lOOmed to favor - those high In fats and ref"med $Ug&rs. ''

Stout said low Income families can have nUtJ:Itlous balanced di"'ts ~ugh food purchase planning, and the-substitution bf fruit for sweets and ujunk items" like potato chips, She also suggests' planting small gardens to supplement carbohydrate lntake with fresh vegetables.

"Education Js the key," the dieti­cian Said, "FamUles must learn to

what are the wqblems'l Stout a poor ~et, comJ;Itned with ten

·-.:-: .

Hospital adjusts ER prices In a time when spiraling hospital The hospital must charg13: -higher

costs have been leading the ·infia· prices to the.paying patients to make tlonary cycle, RuidoSo-Hondo Valley up lor the uricollec:t~ fees, said Hosplta~ Is countering that treJ)d by Moore. lowering, its prices. · - The requirement of payment at u,e .

stroke, overdoseS, convulsions, acute c:oronary, possible heart attack, hemorrl;lage, coma, severe epistaxis (nosebleed) and acute hysterfa,"

II!~~~~~~~!~~; emergency ~~ir'Mi'VJCR;· visits, which do · not neceuarlly re- • quire the ,presenc:e of a physician, wW remain at $15. .

In respcmoe to feedback fiiljn the Ume of the tteotlnent !bt·. non- · cmmji\bllty, the hospltal'wiD~luuie ~· 'caieo "11"'.Uf' .rtllr\''iO less for villlts to .the emetgenCy' room reduc::e the bad debts, he added. Other beginning April!, announced hospital arrangements for treatment will be adm.fnfstrafOr Ken Moore. made for those non-emergency pa·

At the same UmeJ t!te hospital will · tients who c:annot pay at the time of require payment Defore treatment appearanc:e at 'the emergency room, from patients with non.emtn"genoy said Moore. medical cases who come to the emergency room for treatment.

Moore said the move is an effort "to be J'E!SPOnslve to the needs of the coin· munlty." He explained that he has heard numerous complaints about the hfgb charges £or emergency room lrealmenL

M(!Ore noted that many peo~e come Into the emergency room wdh naggl,ng colds, ln need of routine allergy shots or under other non• em~ey c:onditions. These people wiD be required to pay at lbe time ol

Brief visits, re~:: a brief history and Hmlted p lc:Sl examina­tion or dlscusslon of gs and/or treatment, wm be reduced. from $40to $25. Intermediate visits, requlrlllg x-ray or laboratory tests, will cost $45 down from $85. Intermediate vtsfts ~ the most common, · said. ·

'l'he reduced charges will be financ-­ed by a reduction in uncollected bills, said Moore. At this point, the hospital writes off $10,000 worth of bad debts for outpatients eac:h month~ said business office manager Jbn Jmllan. Unpaid emergency room bUts make Up the bulk of this loss.

treatment. ;-The hospital stall will use a

Medicare defini.Uon of a medical emergency-"a condiUon which develops une>q>eetedly and requires Immediate medical attention to pre­vent the death or serious lmpalnnent of the health of the individual, "~ ol -lble medical ·

em ·are: asthmatic attack,

Moore. . Extended visits l'f!Q\1Irtng such ao­

uons as cast appUc:atlons ·and multi­ple layer lac:eratlons wl11 be reduced from $90 to $85.

'tra:uma vlslts lilvolvJng. majdr ·trauma or c:ardlac:. arrest Wll1 remain at$120.

MOO"' emphasized the towete<l charges-are experimental and can be raised if the new PDl1ctes do not reduce the unpaid bills. "



::::;::;:·· ::::::==::==:;s··INEXI'ENSIYE10 .. · ._...u!!_BUOJ:~§ ~~~mm~r&m:'"'-l'* .. ,,., '""' ...... mn;mw,

. We Have A Good: Selection Of JIEEP WAGONEER LIMI'I'EDS·

· · ·. · ·lnSiockl. ·

I .

Wagoaeor Ll•l .. ill •• ·••r Hyonill lirilllnary lltllOI'f tan.· I ••

1, - < ..... ·'

r .. .. '


"-~~·~~--r~~----~-~-~-~--~-r·~~r-~--·ft . . . ;, :. . . . . ., . ,' ., .

' .-: ... •'- ..... •:

Mtltef,~c()n~ersion ·fttrtll~r~co'lllvli~ated:~ ·

' - ' . . . .:,-1· b).-PA.VID~AiiP · ~PI ~lte ~Wn·-.-~d-·flre.~--

·. ·- ·- · ·S1affWriter · · ~g"'IJhers for each· ·untt; .~k ar~. ·. , ' . ....~oro. "'! ohlmn., ~~ ·-os tl1o . ~ <levol~J!l011' of tbe Ai•u•lle· b\llfll)l of . 111o cb!D>neyo, oe""!'•ltcy . ·

VUll!lge motel. --~-Qre asklQg the loadjl.-. ot· the cabins; and fire--· . l<u- Plonlllog' IUid Zoning Com· resls....,oraUngs of eoterior waDs. .· m.lUlon <PO). to apptQ.Ve"COJWersion . . AliO:. on the llBt aro ln'OViaioJ1$·Jrom: of.tbe --mtO·-... . . :the -- tegal'dlng .quare footage . . · •· ClommiSaion wW · coniri.der· the -minimu~uil foio rn\UtHpnalJy umts and. a:equest at its rUulU meeting 1\ton- ·distQ:~e of.·ac~a drives- from each day, atanmg at 1J:30 a,m; at- vtllage building, · . . llell .. · · " · · · . · -•dtas tbo n,'OVIIIIOD$, CU~· · The -Ptotel ·is located on· Meebem dy .111alcl he: told _the owners •·:thoSe

Drive' BcrOilS- frobl .:eennews Su~ itejos sbould bf ~~ tmmediate­.IIUU'~. Developers propose··to .eon.- ly" ·whetl:w~L or not ~-e -~ PI tbe ·~t)og cabiQ buildings •t'.Ute niotel' cabln$ cluplges, · ... · . · ·.- . -Into . -· _ ·. . • ~tins to t~ noD.e(Jmf'Ormtty qn • . 'l'be oonvers).on ·,.......t bell twice t11o <blDUJOY llolgbts <ind tbe ablienee · 11$1 t\lmeddowilby tbe eommloslon. · of - ai'!;ostora, smoke deQ­When· it Was· fli'st Jt:rO_po~Jet;l Jh and~~~.CU!idYsald;tbQ l982, vWap ftre· -offlcl._ts ,:::abirii uow pose-~ danpr tO: all)' ·QC-:-polnteclouUecqncbu'YttreexitsWould cuPQnts.· . - · . bJtW; kt be ·enlilrgli'd ln eacb of' _the CUddy Bald he a~ked the owners to cabins to eooform with the ·vniform tbe:J#JJ)rOVemeQ.~, but that he l"h'e Cud~), . . · did not -ten obaraes -« p...,....

In addlti0n1 the OOIQJnts&fqn denied tkuus are not l1Ulde. .;. , · thCreq_uestbecauseofiiOPCOnformity •.. ODe of Qie ~rs eonQlcted at the· with parking requirements-for multi- ·~et:retwsed tO comment. about the faJI!ily hoUSing.:. tuue, ' ~ . ._, ·

The conversion aiafn was turned Mitcltell Jndlcate\1 .,me· does not dqW-nin·FebniarybecaUse"theeablru! know. the position of the proposed were not. tn compUance, "The developers· in light of the ~ddttlon'al ~oper bad ~ to brini tPe safety ptovisioDs, which were releas-. cabins ·up to code; b1,1t- wanted a ed 14<mday, · . __ _ · guarantee the_ conversion would Also on Monday._ P&Z agepda are: Sl.lbsefiueJltlY be approved. · · · -Pub~ic bearing on · rezoning

The commission irnlicated it ·could several lots ~long JWrth Mechem not give t::bnditional.· approval wbicb. Drive frOnt co~al to· light -cona­essentialb' relied on fUture townhome UlefClal. l'lle;. lots, belng re;Eoped owner, to mftke required im- ~der •dndnl&tratlve review of ·com­provements on the cabins. . merclal property, are in Forest

Attor-ney S'barob Ml~chell, Heigh~ subdiVision, ..Alto CrestJ the representing ·the ptopoSed developers Airport West subdivisi011,11 and the out -of San Angelc;, ~. ·tndlcated Blau.grwu;l Traets. ·· · thiS week her elients' position has not -PubUc hearing on rezoning prO. clumged, · · . PerlY on the northwest- corner ol.

Mitchell sal,d the developers do not HighwaY 70 ami Mescaleto Drive wan_t to il1vest a lot of money iJJ,to the from commercial to light commer­projec:t without ·sOme assurance the 'l'be site Js known as the ~ot

~ converaion Will pass~ Mountain Tracts 1, 2, 3 and 4. 11As far as I know, they don't intend -Request for side lot line variance

to ~ Wlless they can convert Itt'' on PQrl of Lots 18 and 19,· Block 7, in Mltcliell said, . · Palmer Gateway for LesteT Eubank,

Mitchell added..the developerS want -Request for front and back lot Une a specific idea of whilt would be re- · variances on Lot 12, Block t6, tnTown qulred for the conversion. · and Country North Units 1 and 2 for

Fire prevention officer Ollie CUddy Bradley Wllllams. and buUdiDglnspector Don Hendricks -Reqqest for side and front tot line htspected qcb of the cabins last variances on Lot 10, Block 4; in month pnd drafte<l a llst of 11 lm~ Plnecliff for Betty Dunn-llartnup-, provements needed to bliug then:Unto · -Request for aide lot line variance compllBDce with the unlfonn fire and on-Lot 3, Block 3, in White Mountain bulldiDg codes. · Unit 4 for- James Larkin,

The list was sent to P&Z cbatnnan -Request for side lot line variance John SchuUer and Mttcbell early this on Lot 9, Stock 1, In Lookout Estates-week. 'fOr Raymond Reeves.

In addition to the previoua re- . -ReptatofTractJ?_,_3FdAdd1Uonto qulrements, the inSpectors addressed Airpc)rt West !or wmte Mountain several item$ needed not onlY for the Develop'IQ-t ro..onngnv olOI;ei'SiOW,'flut ··-~""""ieDt ... i.f'· ' mror·t:;·~. ,j'. ....n.J:' tlifle'ab'ini:' VI :-;wr-- . rePJ~tlLock 1~~:0~m~de«fPi8t r_,

tacluded on the llk't of requirements· orPabner Gateway for Merle ,Miller.

RobertoPrudenclo · Services were held Wednesday;

March thirty at St. Jude's CathoUc Church :tn· San Patric1o, aqd at the lloodo Cemetery tor RobertO Pruden­cia~ who was called Home by Our Lord on March twenty..efgbt.

Services were under the direcllon of Father Barnard Bissonette.

Acolorguardandf'uingsquadgave mtlltary 6onors, .In whiCh members from three local Amerlelin Legion Posls joined. Th ... In tbe mWtary ceremony were: Vietor Randall, Mescalero; Romeo KleJn, Merrell J. Peet, Lemuel Clark and Ruben Salazar, Ruidoso; and .Tranqullino Silva and Margarito 'l'rujlllo~ CUpltan. .

The Silver Uning


. . -' : carrizozo, which Is always pleasant, especially enjoyable.

The new building was crowded with-. good folks from near and distant places, all beaming with pride at the· new building, and renewing old ac­quaiotall(!es and maklng new friends.

The building beside being bunt for the computer age, bas a pleasing efa rect upon you the minute you walk !n.

Tbls Is an In keeping with tbe folks who represent us at the courthouse­always pleasant and helpful,

Tbere is one tblng that came out clearly at this dedication: we In all Lincoln County are in good bands over there-at C:,.rrlzozo.

Among the many visitors was -that cbarliling ":Princess of Pie!acbo,"­Mary Skeen, wife of our ~ IJncoln Cotulty Boy,. Joe Skeen.

_ Pall -bearers were; Max Sanche:!:, Ben Sanchez, Rlcllerd PorUllo, Pete Salcido, Sam Montoya ap.d Frank ·Ybarra. • . The Valley Begins

-ROberto was bom In San Patricio Ita Easter Parade Jwte seven, 1901. He was a veteran Ol As you journey up from_ belOW :R:on-Wortd~War 1. do, you ean see· tbat the blDsBOJn

· lie spent aU his ll!e in his native San. parade ot Eastertide P"Jmises to be Palrlclo outside ot W:. time in the ar- one of the most coio~ and frBJ(l'ant JIU'~ He was of a very friendly and In many years. helpful llatlire. and h8d many· good The apricots are in full bloom, while frlencls thmugboutldncobr<:®n\1. tbe ..,....,.hill! of tbe.plum Is spllrkl·

H• Is IIUI'VIved .by a dllugbtor, mg In tbe SUDJjght wlili:h llgbls up tbe l!'elt<!lta Bar.ara of Roswell; - . tooele. new s.een leeveo of tbe SQM Damacio and Onemacto of Chinese Elni ·and SarJy WilloW and RosWell;_ and. Raymond of :Hondo. Weeping Wutow~ The pear ta:ees are Also' a brntb .. , ....,Unel lourl<en jllst beiJinnlng to open tbetr buds gtandchildten and f:itteen great which will soon make ~e -al&lit g.andCbllolnm. · trees .....,ble flowing fOIUltabis of our hearts. go oUt. to the loved ones plii'e white toam. ' and friends of Roberto, and we rejoictt' Here and there ac~ the winding . tbel our good friend lnafeaadbappy v·~ your .... Is doi•llbli!!l by lbkt wltft our Lord in Jleaven. magte touch to tbe blossom picture;

- 'NI'.IW'llalkllng ne&C.tlon_ . the ~tepfnk: ot lbe peae!h bloom, In a. V~ Well Altenctad clasa by ita<M In Ita nl ... age of Spr-

'l'he <ledleeHoa or tlie new .l:Jiu:oln las'• jOyful weleeme. . · County ceurthouse Administration So Motb.,. Ea~ Is joining witb •• Bulld!Dg tast SUnday OflernOOD w .. a as our Jteerls a aklnl with rejoicing lleppy OOeeslon Tbua•Jy Spring dlly . at tbe c<IebraU o!tbe :ltesur<eetlon

.. was perfect, tnGklng tbe dri .. """!'to · of <>ur t.o..dand sa....,.. • ;l

Hunter: safety class. set n~xt week. · ·y- h;..;.;;:,; oihootd takuloieol $1, and ~,..;,.. sbOI'Id ti<iDI a:·

tbe t~ bwller "'!letY clast~ APril peo•U. · . . . . 4,S,GandTatW&lteMOUiltala;M'iildle. Youths 10 and Wlcleo- must be""' Seliool Jlbtlltf, eenduotect by Gilnte oomparllrd by" pa,...t, SaedovalsU&' end Flslt -·- ofiiOOt 1i1rtrie !lOili )iouths tako uclsanloge of tbls S.rtdOVol. · · · · · · · eerly Claso rather tben Wailing Ulltil

'l'l>ecluo, whiCbl'IIIIO""""~ ln;bllng ... ,... ilrll\1111 nearer. There &:80 or 10, eeoh ~. 'I& re. Ia ·no pte.reylstrli.llOft-partlclpants q<llted lor allY youth 11 or.~ to alleuld attowup Apttl4; 1101 a llenth!ll UceillfO. or lui~ a . · For lntormaUonoolltltact l!ancloval llo'elirm Ill""" in Mew MOldco. Cli<lt Is at lf1t.IIS$(. · · · .

••• '

. - .

• . .


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PUFFS ~ ......... Mple stu.

2 .... FOR JOO


.DEODORANT 1.5 ............ -- .. . ......... ....... MICE.


• ~ . . NOOfiJI..JONS

:'Ruidoso- Va;ll~ NQOII Liotu; .Club meets "QCb Weclnesday. 12 noo.n to 1 p.m .. at Wbis~ng Plne·J\elltaurant

.In UOP$r eany(>D ot Ruidoso. VIsiting

LWMaMwti •.

LIONS . ·LJI)DS SUpper· every Tuesday night­at the Lions Hut· in Skyl&nd, 1k bioelc: pff. Suddf;trth Drive, beblnd ~ytag

WuMterm ..•

ROTARY CLUB. Ruidoso Hondo Valley Rotary Club

meets each Tuesday· ~llday bm.

. .

'· ;' .

· the of


A-MARANTH . Ponderosa Court No, 6, Qriler of the

AmBranth, Inc., meets 4tb Tuesday of every montrb, 7:30 p.m. in Eastern . Star Buil-ding.

. •

" .. . . . •·. ..~:.::.':>;:;.~~~:;~~*::-.:~;:::~~~m:;;:;:;::::;-.:::::::~.:i::.-:;xW.M~'*'**.*:::~~:::;:::i..~:x:::~;<-».:-~::o;;:-:-:.~~::;..::;~.:::;::_ Club Cal .. · · · · ·· · · -'' ·


' '·'


' --TOPS

<To~• ott ~-ds Sensibly) . - 'M.eets 'l'b~s, . 7 p.m., : vn-,t Cbri!IUanCI>..-.b. C.U-fi>r ln­f.......,\lon. • - · ·

· ' . ClVlLAIRPATII()L . p.m., · Meets oacl! llrs!.TueodaY night of

- · th_e month, .7t30 at ·aty Hall. · · -· .. --- .

• ""'--Ru·,· dosoGAJ\Gan~~.L. cLCUlullb meets the ,RtJlDOSIUhDG.-sils$Qtf·A"01'! ... ~ l"Uell · .. Meetlt eacb $GCODd 'l'Ues~, :a ,;JU;, ·

RUioPsQ$HiUr{B CLUB third Tuesda)r of~ mOnth at liSO the ~~t_the U~aey., " -: Meeb! o0 the- .4th Wednesday of the. p.m. at the library in the multi- ~aJ.l _ AJ.Cf>tlOLICS AN(,)NYMOVS

month,_ Phone 257-486!,or. 257"7422 f. or pOJ;POSe fOOD'l· V~itors Rlld· ·guestS .. R. UI00"'QA.tlD GRO~ · - weleome, ~- · · q Chrl " the curreht meeting plac,, ' . _;"DAR : Meets every _, TUes<laY&, 8100 p.m.-lN.r&t Swan

JlOBE"-T J.llA.GEE.POST 19. 'l'be Daugh~ ot the American montb at 2:"oo p.m. ctu.irch AA & AlaQon-& Ala. teen ~eet A.MEJ;liCAN --.JWION_ Revoiuilon meet' til~ secoh.d Tu.esda:y tian Cburdt. · ...... I!Qratel)'. · · · - • Fi · t Cm.ts..

The: Robert J; Hagee AmeriQan . of $Very ln91ltb at 12 noOn . .t\nyon.e _ For_ inlonrtation ~11 ·Jan HUey · SiltUrdaYJ, ·s:oo- p.m.· rs . Legton Post 79 meets e~ry third eligible and -Interested, . please call 257·5963. tiari. Church J!)lnt meeUng, . , · Wedn~,tin:ieandplacetobean;. 2677186. · m~ . -~~-~ nouoced. · UNITEDMETHOi>IS"rWOMEN ADULT RECREATION · Dupllc,.leBlidge. : .

··.· RUIDOSO VALLEY Meets eacb·litst"Wednesday of the PROGRAM Thu.-.4ay,~rll14;: to-Noon-.New. CHAI'dBEROF"COI\fMERCE month at 7:3Ci'p.m., place W be ari- Mexlco L:Qw'lilcori:le ~bate f~ Ute


eetsthirdWednesdayhtPhamberber ·nounced. ·. · VI~LAGEOFRUIDOSO Eklerlyi 2-11 p.m . ..- Exercycle; a.-a 0 1Ceon$udderth.May-8eptem -7 · WOMEN'SWORKDAYAT _ forages1Baadover p.m.-Pool; 6:31lp.m. -~· p.m.;· QCtOber·Apri1 12 ·noon.- CllURCHOFCHRlST -Llbrary$eldOr'cea-rComplu I»shDinnerandGames. Meetings open to public. .lil the Gpteway .ilrea every flfst Sc:hoo1housePaJ1t. Friday; April IS~ 10-N~on ·-

RUIDOS()BOYSCOUTS -Wednesday of the month at the BetteROtnalli;Dlreetor Arts/Crafts; 1(lolla.m.;~rcycle; Troop 59, meets at. 7 p.m. every church. • Post Office Drawerl:MO · 1·.5 p,ni. -:Ga_m~.

Wednesday at the Pres,yteria~ f.A,MAZEPREPARED Ruidose;NewMexlcossM& Monday, AprU 18: JQ.U a.m.--RAINBOW GIRLS ASSEMBLY -Church. Rudy Flack, ScOutmaster. CHILDBIRTH CLASSES MembenhiP Colitri.biiUon-Fee: .5.00 mood Pressure and Weight Check;.ll

M~Jets each second and fourth Mon- For membership in!o/mation call · · Six-week Sessions •Call center for Traiulporla.Uon a.m. - Outreach; 1-&..p.m.- G8nies~ · day;-7 p.m., ln o.E.S. Hail in Palmer _257-545!1. Tuesday evenings ·from 7·9 p.m. . OF. FI25CE7-<


URS. •• .. - TQesday.4prU 18: to-Noon-~ Gateway. lfainbow Advisory-. Board Boy Scout Troop 107, meets at &:30 ·ean257-5189 for more information. SecuritY; Sll4)pptng/Escort1Trans..

·meets each secon4 Monday of the p.m. Wednesdays at Ruidoso High . ~ARFE ta,.m.;.u90ftandl:00-5:30P.m. portaUon. ·For inforiJlaUon call month, same place. SchoOl. . tJncoln Coulity Chapter 1379, of the Friday;'·· Aprli 1t tO-=Noon - · 257-4565;. 2-3 p.m.-~. . ·

RUIDOSo·cuBSCOUTS National AsSociation of Retired Att$/Crafts; to-Noon - Excu-cyc)e; Wednesday, Aprl~ 20: 9:30·a.m.-· Pack 59, meets at 7 p.m. the first" ·Federal Employees, meets at 10:00 1·5p,m.-Games, Bowling - IJoUday bOwl; u·

.•• -... Monday of each month at the Elks' a.m., thefirstTu.esdayof·eachmonth, · Monday, Ap.r:ll 4: 10-11 a.m. - ,a.m.~Noon - Blood Press~ and ..... Lodge, Jim Dickinson, Cubmaster. · at the new First Christian Church pn BI®d Pressure and Wejght ~beck;. Weight Check; Noon- Golden Age

ean·m--7294 for· membership infor.- Hull Road. tO-Noon - OUtreach; .Hi .p,IJl, - Luncheon Meeting; 1·5 p.m. ~ -- O matlon. REPUBLICAN WOMEN Games. . ,Game~Jj 7:80 p.m .. - l)uplicate·

RUIDOSOB.P.O.E.N ,2086 Pack 95 meets the last Monday _of Lincoln County Federation of Tuesday. ;\prll5; 10-NOOn·-Social Bridge. Meets·each 1St and ard Thursday at JAY. CEES every mcmth at 1 p.m., at the First RepubUcan women meets the third Secur_lty; Shopplng/Esc;:ort/Traps-_ 'lhuraclay, Aprll.Zt: to-Noon- NQW

Elks ClUb bulldltal· on Hl~way 70 Christian t:hurch's Fellowship Hall, Tuesday of eVei:-y month -at dirferei1t portation. For information eall Mexico_ Low Income Rebate far the west. 8 p.m. summer; 7:30 w nter, Tbe Ruidoso Jaycees meet these- on Hull Road and Gavilan Canyon. locations ·in Lincoln Count,y Cplaee to 257-4S65i 11-Noon - Letter WrltlDg, Eld8rly;" 2-3 p.m. - Exei'o;ycle; 2.-3

· ·•· cond_and fourth Tuesday at 7:30p.m., CUl:master, Jimmy Goodwin. For in· be announced.-) For further informa- etc.; 2-3 .,._m. - Exercif!e Clas&;. p.m. - Pool; ?;QO _p.nt. - Birthday at The Deck How;e. fonnatton call 257·9551 or 257·9006.- Uon, call Dorothy D. Smith at 354-2499 Wednesday, Jl,prll 6: 9:30 a.m. - Party and Dance. . : -e· ~~~~~~~~ or Dorotb~~a~~A;:t:~8. ·=n~~~dOOW!ielttN~; .~}~lts;~~:~a~:.:..:rc~:;

. Monday-to:Ooa.m.to7:00p.m. LEGJONOFMARY Noon - Golden Age LUncheon l:..Sp,m.-Game=;s. ~gg Tuesday, W~esday & Thursday MeeUng on every third Wednesday Meeting; 1-5 p.m. - Games; 7:30 .Mimday, April U: lG-U ·a.m. -

M IS !i.P~d · d4.thThursda -to:ooa.m.to7:00p.m. of every month at '7:30p.m. in the p.m.-DupUcateBridge. llloodPressureandWelghtCheck;ll t? ee ea lnElksaHn High ys SERTOMACLUB Friday-to:ooa.m. to 4:00p.m. church hall·, unless otherwise stated Thul."8day, AprD 7: 10-Noon- New a.m.-Noon- OUtreach; 1-5 p.m. -

a :30 p.m. ome on way Saturda 10 00 to 1 oo 114-~- Low 1p Rebate • lh · Ga 70 Se"rloma meeUngS every Wednes· Y- : a.m. : p.m. in the church bulletin. All ~o come .. or e mes. .

' • c1a t t ~s b' RUIDOSO HONDO VALLEY parishioners are invited to attend. Elderly; 2-3: p.m. - Pool, Tueaday, AprU 26: 10-Noon- Social FULLGOSPELBUSINESSMEN•S ya noonan- 0 s. EXTENSJONCLUB ST.ANNE'SOUILD Friday, APril 8: 10·Noon ,..- Security; Shopplng/Eseort/Trans· FELLOWSHIP INTERNATIONAL WHITE MOUNTAIN Meets 4th Wednesday of every Meets the fourth Thursday of each Arts/Crafts; i0-11 a.m. - Exerc)icle; pOrtaUon. For information call Dinner meeting~ Tuesday,:;so SEARCH&RESCUE mbnth, 11:30 a.m. Covered dish tun~ month in the Parish Hall or the 1-5 p.m.- Games. 257-4565; 2-Sp.m.- Exercise Class.

p.m .• at tbe Rui Inn. P ne MeetsattheRuldosaCareCenter. cheon.Placetobeannouitced. E_plscopalChurc:hoftheHolYMount; Monday, AprU 11: 1o-11 a.m.- Wedoesday,AprUU: 9:30t:.m.-251-50llor2S7-4438. third Tuesday at 7:30p.m. Dave · GOLDENAGECLUB Holy~ommunlonl2noonfollowedby Blood Pressure and Weight· Cheek; BoWJing-HolidayBoWli l.·Noon-

LINCOLN COUNTY . Travis, president; Howard Puckett, Meets first and third Wedni!sdays lunch and the meeting. 11-Noon - Outreach: 1-5 p.m. - Coffee for BoWlers: J1•Nbon- Blood HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION seeretary. at noon for covered dish lunehes 11nd COUNSELING SERVICE Ga_mes. . Pressure and Weight Check; 2-3 p.m. Meets fir:st Tuesday of eaeh month, RUIDOSO GUN CLUB games at the library. Visitors are Personal, famUy, couples, counsel· Tuesday, AprU 12: 10-Noon- Social -Arts/Crafts; 7:30p.m.-Dupllcate

7 p.m., at Cree Meadows Country Ruidoso Gun Club, meeting third we1come. ing through Counseling Center, serv- Security; Shopplng/Escortl!rr.anll· J.rldge_ _:~-; ..... !t.- •-Club. Tb\U'Sday ot each month, 1:30 p.m. at RUIDOSO DOWNS log Llnc:oln·Coupty, ortces at Sierra porta.Uo_n; Fort Information C~ll · 'ftuinday. AprU 28: l~,....·New

BETA SIGM~_Plll d d tbe Ubrary. Call 378-4603. LADIES• AUXILfARY Profisilotiii Center, R doso.~HOni · a&'l~:· 2-3 P.JIIt -Exercise. MElexid ~~ ~ lncomePoolRebate! f~ .,ttte Four ebapters meeuug secon an Ruidoso Downs Ladles' Auxiliary 257-5038. In Carrizozo, at County Wednesday. AprU 13: 9:30a.m.- er.,-,; N'Qp.m.- •

fourth Mondays, 7:30 p.m., In AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY · meets the first Monday night of eaeh Health Office. Courthouse Annex, call Bowling - HoUday Bowl; 11-Noon- . Friday.!. April 21: tO~Nqon .... members bomes. Phone 251-5368 or Meets every 4th Thursday at noon. month at 7:30 p.m. at the Ruidoso 648~2412. 24~hour HELP.llne, Blood Pressure and Weight Cbeck; Arts/Cralts;' to-n a.m. -Exercycte; 257-4651 for lnfonnatlon. at Ruidoso-Hondo Vall~y Hospital. Downs Village HaD CouncU Room. 1-257-5038. _ ~ _p.!..m. -Arts/Crafts; 7:30p.m. - 1-5 p.m.- Games.

:-:w.««-;-.:w...:«-m»»-~<1-"-""· &. ""-""""""-""""""'""""""'"""""'· ;,. __ , ~~*~..-..:--.«®»:.:«--.-»»>:W.*-W.-**'*~:=::::::~-::::::~««-:-»>.::::"«'«~W.·Y..W.-~~~:=:::-":::~


Gavnan Canyon and Hun Roads Rev. Ken Cote Sunday School-9:30a.m. Morning Worship- 10:45 a.m. Earl)' Wor:sblp Service.- 8:30a.m.. Wednesday Night Bible Study - B p.m. -


R. Winston Presnall, Pastor Residence phone: 251·2970 or 251-2220 Church School -9:30a.m. Morning Worship -11:00 a.m.

NOGAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Richard Schlater -Interim SUnday Worship -11:00 a.m.


Carl Parsons, Minister


CATHOl.JC PARISH EPISCOPAL CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH C8nizqzo, N.M. Kingdom Hall.- Capitan Ruidoso Glencoe, N.M. Just off Hwy. 70, Hondo, N.M. In Christian ScieneeLibrary Bldg. · -Presiding Overseer. Kenneth stone

P.O. Drawer "S10 R.ector: Rev. Burdette Stampley Cal West, Pastor 12th Street . Sunday PUbllc Talk-10:00 a.m. 140 Junction Road- Phone: 257-2330 Holy COmmunion- 2nd Sunday- 8:30 Momlng Worship- 10:00 a.m. Phone648-2844 orG48-2322 SUnday Watchtower Study .- 10:50 Fr. Bernard <Bameyl Bissonnette. a.m. Evening Service- 6:00 p.m. Services: a.m. Parish PrieSt -Administrator 4th Sunday-s: 15 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study- 7:00 p.m. Sundays - 11:00 a.m. ' Thursday Ministry School - 7:30 Coqfessions: Saturday-7:00p.m. to FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Wednesday-7:30p.m. p.m. 7:50p.m. ST,MAT111[AS 'Thursday Service Meeting - 8:30 AnUcipated SUnday Mass- Saturday EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF RUIDOSO RUIDOSO GROUP p.m. Etening, 8:00p.m. Sixtband"E'"Streets 300~==ve CHRISTI::;_:~ENTJSTS "nlesday Group Bible Study- 7:30 SUnday Muses: 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 carrizozo, New Mexico Rev. Wylie Cartwright, Pastor -Services; SUnday_ ll:OO p.m. a.m. Phone648-3875 SUnday School-9:45a.m., At the Methodist.Church, second JEHOVAH'SWITNESSES Dally Masses: "nlesday thru Friday Rev, BW'dette Stampley, Vicar Worablp Hour - 11 a.m. building behind Sanetuary. l:fighway S7 -1 Block into at 5:15 p.m. Holy 1st and 3rd Sunday Sunday Night Worship 6 F'orestHeigbta SUbdivision

ST. JUDE THADDEUS _ 6 p,tn, . p.m..winter);7 p.m. ( summer) FlJLL GOSPCRURELCHHOLINESS Dohan Russell, Presiding Mtnlster CATHOLIC MISSION Office of Ev .... t .... Pra.,....- 2nd and P ne258-440S

SabPatrlcio 4thsunday.:'7!P,m. ~- FIRST~~~· OnEntraneeRoadinRuldosoDoWIUl SundayPUblic-Talk-lO:OOa.m. ServicedbySt.Eieanor Pastor,CleveKer'-• , SUndpy-10:oo .. a.m. · Sunday Watchtower Study- 10:50

Catholic Parish Ruidoso EPISCOPAL CHURCH .,, Morning Worship -11:00 a.m. am · Confessions - SattiJ'd8y, 4:00p.m. to OF' THE HOLY MOtlNT Services: SUnday Evening Service- 7:30 a.m. Tb~t Ministry School - 7:30

. Sunday School- 9:45a.m. Wedn ............ Ev-:- Service 7•30 Bible Study- 9!30 a:m. Worship and Communion -a.m.

4:50p.m. 121 MescateroTraU, Ruidoso W rahl ~ ~ - • p.m .. 10:30 AnticlpatedSundayMass-Saturday Pbone257.-2356 ° P- 11:ooa.m. p.m. Thursday Service Meeting- 8:30

at 5~00 p.m. Qlurch Ttalning- G:30 p.m. TRINITY UNITED p.m. Sunday- Evening Worship...:.... 6:00 p.nt. Wednesday Prayer Meeting ~ 7:00 p.m. Ladies' Bible ClaBs --9:30 a.m.-Wed.

ClllJRCii: ()F CllR.JST ltigbway4B

Capifatl, N.M. Rex Lane, Minister Bible Study- Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Worship Serviee - Sunday, 11:00 a."'-. . E-wming'Worship Service- Sunday, o:OOp.m. Wednesday, Bible Stuc:l)l'·-1:00 }).m.

SUnday afternoon Mass - 12:30 p,m, Rector: ReV. Burdette Stampley . Evening W~p -7:16p.m. METHODIST CHURCH Tuesday Group Bible Study' - '7:.30 Office hours in San l=i'atriclo- Satuf.. Sunday: Holy Euc~st 8 and iO:aO RUIDOSO BAPTlSTCiluftCil -1000 ]), Avenue p.m. cia~ '-• ppofntm ts 1 00 to a.m. No 8 a.m. serVIce on 2nd Sunday alm ~-~-- N • " u:~ a en • : p.m. of the month. p erGateway .....,.-""uuzo.; ;M. 7TH bAY ADVENIJ'JSTCHURCH .f:OO p.m,'call belore hand, 257-2330; Church School (grades 1-6) g:oo Rev. WayOOJoyce, Pa~;~tor Phtme648-2893 AguaFtlaEstates

sANTA RITA lO SUnda)' School- 9:45 a.m. Reverend Harry Riser, ,Pastor (near RuidQIIoDO,WII.ll) CA'i'HOLIC CHURCH ~~ :(~:Smci-3) Parish Jiall 1o:aO . :Morning' Worship'- 10:45 a.m. Sqoday Sehool -10:00 a.m. li'loyd Ramsey. Pastdr

.... ~~avid~. Betgs, Pastor, phone· ~J:'~v .. ~lghgrs7.!t~'1tu.t~!!t;"~ ~;.t!~~). ~ li:oo a.m. PhoneJ. c.'u~~ •• ..2. .... 96 ,.._., Youth Gl'OU])--- Parish Hall " U:1 w-- · .ncu.-~-..., .,,IJ'"t<l

Saturday Masses:. GISO b1 p.m. . ._..esday Cho1r- B:31)~m, Saturday: Sabbath School - 1:30 at45p.m.~Sacred.Heart,Ft.Stan~ Wedneltt'ay': Prayer Group_ t2:00 FIRSRuiTJIAPTlD STCRNURCH Fo

1urtb Wednesday Wors 'p Service ti.m:. · · ..

ton noonSail.Ctuar:y · dOso owns. .M. ~ :oop.m, · Church-3:oop.m. 5-p.m ...... Sacredlleart,Capilan Hol)'E eharist 30 DaleW.McCleskey,Pastor Wednesday Pra)'er Meettng:- 8:SO 7 p.m._-Santa.Rita,.Catriutzo. . U ....... 5: p.m. SUnda-)I'S!=bool ..... 9:45.a.m. CQMMUNITYO~lJ · p.m.. . -

SU"lday Masses-: Rt)liJOSO WORD Worship Service-. 11:00 a.m. METII~~~t!'wC:. CJ1 - ,CHURCH OF JEStJSCHIUS'tL,l:J.S, B:io a.m. -San Juan, Lincoln MtNISTRIES. INC. ~Veotng Wprshlp- G:OO p.m. Rev •. Cbarles'SpoOner, Miblster Ruidoso Wqman•s Club .

GATEWAY ASSEMBLY 9.:30 a.m.~ Sacn!d Helli't, Capitan tntetDemoninational "\Yedne:SdaY- 7,:00 p.m.. _.__ __ ., · .,.A ... -i.:.... ..... -'1 -~FGO-DCHlJRCH 1 Sa taRita Ca , FullGos....,.'Church . Sunday·s~ ..... 9:S.Oa .. m. - . Wytnam~-.uu .. v~.~&~•• v 1 a.m..... n i rt'izozo t-- ex! FIRSTBAP'l'JSTCHURCH Worship ~--•--- 8',80 a.m., 10:30 Priesthood, lteliel SGct....,•, li'rlmaft• PafmerGateWay,RUidoso · Ruid<tsO.NewM co · ....... _t NM. ~-vu.:e .... .:a -- ... ...,. •;;,

... d •-•-1 - SIIEPliERDOFmEHrLLS Pastor! E:Bi'l samuel Wal.den "'w.IUe; • · a:m.: · OfU'&YoungWDDiett-.10;00a,m.·

.....,n ay ~lUll ...... B:30 a.m. LUTH. ERAN CHURCH Bnt JoliBS; PilStbr .UNliJ'.Eb MEmODIST ClltJRCII SUn..t .... sebbOJ-.,..... 11HMJ a.ll'r. · Sunday ser\rlces - lo:so a.m. _ 258-6495 s ••·• School g•45; a m ucy t ··~•-• •• oo sunday Evening SeNiees ..... e:oo p.m. ~le& tnlniam. Vtc:ar Placet RuidoSo Inn, t.a. Patlt.OO:rn un"""-7 - • · • ·OF CAPITAN' S&cramen ~ ... ...,.w. .. a .....,.. ,...: ·p.m. Wednesday- Adulteholr--·.11::30 p.m. ltuldoso1 N.M. . .· SUftday •. 9:SO_ a.m • ..:.- Bible Study WorsliiiRSTP Servl

8ce -TISll'l'aCH.~·..,,..... Thlrd St. &hd WldteOaks CJlmtCH OF J"J!:SUS CJiiUSCHTL-,D.-8.

Wednesda 1 Held at Firat Presbyterhi.ll Cbur~h, SUnday, 10:80 ........ Wqrsblp Sar- . F AP u~n CllpitaJI,New:MexlCO MESOALERO:SRAN ~~~~~~:!£·:·p.m. llli:Jb MOl . \llCe and MinlStery : C&pitan,:N.M. Rev. ltarcy L_, lllser, Putor Ray CAvanaugh

4 - Wonhip sertrtcs- 8 a.m. d g • .-t-"" W: rshf G 30 Jtev, Uan C8J;1er Sunday \W.rship_sewlces.- fHO a1ni• Pl:kme 6'11-4'131

Saturday-~ Christ Ambaisadors SUndaY$ehoolabdAdultBlbleCIU:ss ~- ay •"''D.l.l5 o- p--- : ·p.m. SUnday·School-9:45-a.m.. SundaYSchoQl-tO:SOa.m. ' PtiesU)ood:-B.::30&.m. ·Youth uz..SG.yrs.) 7:00p.m·. 30 Worship Service -11.:00-~.m. sunday Schoot-: 10:110 a.m. __

. . APACHE INDIAN ._ 9: a.m • · CltURtlt OF'l11E NAZARENE E'letiing Wot;shlp- 6:00 p.m. MISSION li'otJNTAJN" Ott Sacrament Meetmg ':'""" 1lf30_&,m, · ABSEMBLYO>'GOi> i\IESCALERO . Atthei>lotrlctCOnterof • · 1\lESCALEROIIAPTIS"rMISSION LlVINGWATER

M'et&Calero R£FOllMED CHVRCH 'rbeChUrcb oftbe: Nazarene, Angus James Huset Piistot " ·FULL GOSPEL '()LD LiNCOLN CHt)acit Merlin cr.·neely, Pastor Miidster: Clareni:!e Van Heukelom Phone !1384&18 . SilhdaY- Srihool ..... io:oo· a·,tn:~ &iraPBtrido _ . PhOne 663-4893 -11'11-4596 ChiJteh $ebo01- 9:30a.m. · x.-Ut o. Frey, P .. tor MorulngW<>rship -11:00 a.m. l,loy. DI>Jijamln Chavez . · How ilurdetteStampley .. SUnday Scllool- 10:00 a.m. Woreblp Servle•- 10:30 a.m. SUnday School- 10 a.m. . Tr•lnlng Unlott- s:so p;rn. Services: Sund,.y school-to:ooa.m. Ev;JJni li'royer - 1:00 p.m. 4tlt lll..,.lng Worship -11:00 a.m. .,.HA'I>'AlTH Morulng W""'hlP- 11:00 a.m,. . . Ev .. lng W:<>rship- 7:!S p.m. ·• SUnday Night-' 7:30. Thursdiiyof eaol> mnnlh. . SUnclayEvenlngServlees-7:00p.m. Meeting In homes of m•mberil. Ev<>DingWOl'Sblp-6:3&p.m. WodneoidaJ> Prayer SerVIce- B:30 Tuescl8y-7:311p.m; ·· Hol,CnmmUPtoJI-2PdThurodayol Wednesday Servte• ~ 7:()()p.m. Phone 251-47112. . W......,..tFellows~- s:ao p.m. p.m. ltriday -7:311 ~·"'· eao~> lh. . · . -

~4*'kW~~ Clnlrclt ,_.,.,.P•••IItt.·ltich.WO..k · i ·'

Yllla1• H .. nlwan . Ruidoso News . ~uldoso St9_~, to lank • ....., ........ - ,. ... 251-141o ,..._ 25ro400r . ,.. .... , ;!l.r.c. .


..,. .. ' ~ -. ............... 'L +• ... ~ ... _.,,_ '"' " -- •• .,.. -~ _,, ~ .... _; ----------·· ~-- ..., . .., ..... ··~ ..,_, ,.__ ........ .,_ . . .,. ··- . ·-· .... ·- ...

··' ' ·; ., ., .

Atbuquerqu~ .· annonnces eomtletition for ·~tists.

··-~~~·;:·: ... ,.:- . .--~_,_.•,, _.,; : ... -.

.. ,

llavit.S YOil 'l:o Come In And-Try Tlleir N-. . . .



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.- ··- < .- "'

' .



Sunland. ·Park.Hott~beats• '·-·· '

'byMAJtkG0QD0N'' Sam F, Hetiderson of Odeua, Te'«ls. '.f'RAINER ci..lFFOim LAMBERT N~ 'l'HEWj:ND'~ J(I,T~~NS As a, '1-l~agerWg favorite, Draconlc SAUDLEDtwo\rinn~ ~Baturday'I!J ~ _8$ch ~-~_than '100· Sbip retUrned $3.4Q to wln. , program,-ma.rldpg tbe time this to-win while ~p~ ra~eJI ovet·the . OAKLAWN 'ii'ARK JNV ~Eilt l\118$ seaSor;a tlle .. Yetel;a'n_' Cqnditioii.IU' })aS weekend.- New The; W~ septed, ·a .MAltY LU, wb() W!»l two raees ~t accllmplii!ibeil tbe .. feat, He ·won the neCll; ~tc;D'Y in SaturdaY's fift;b race . IIIJI'lng at SUQ}and Park; ,returned to seventh Witb Royal Family ($:4.80) tor

. and paid $}.56.20; ~·highest win· thewest·EJPas_otr~.,~dcaptureda owner-~-·~ -Jr; of.S~, . l*:t:of4' tbis . Be&$0P. · That ljnapped bead vi~tory tn . Friday'• teatQred Texas, tt.nd ~ C8ntur¢d the twelfth 1.0.~~~ • Win payW't of·· race under an •sW.te ride by veteran . with Wi,Dds_Qf;-..,_.,l!l~t. (~.BO)J)vbom $1U.80, _..... las~_~ -one day.. jockey Joe ~rttnez. The 'our-yeal"' ·, be owps. $oil ea~· ·t.ambert- rode .New The. Wind was.rtdde'n by Larry _old Golden Ruler fUly·.was In ·(font both Vlctors. · · · UrlosW, for tx:_,net Kenneth M. tiU'OUihout the five and one-llalf ~ . GrlsbMl_-and' owners Terry ·p, and. .fUrlong allowBnce daJih .. as 1\lartlhez BORN TO WAD SNAPPED a Marsba L. _stowe of Po:rtales. bung clOSE; to the ran .and rated-bet' seasonal fastest .tim~ whjle winning· Ki~ns Tum. who taUled a Iron- perfectly· so she had just enough left. !lis third •consecuUve rBce during ~ two and Olle-balf lenltb vic- at tbe eitd to withstand a closing bid Saturd~'s 11th event. Tile five-year­tory in Friday's seVenth ra~e, was by Northerit Martini. After she left , _old tdr. Leader horlie meed tQ a rapid riddenbyRuben~fortrginel!'. SU:nland.P!lrklast_Mfl.y;sherantbree 1:88 cl01$ing while winning a mUe. Barbara J. :May aDd owner Harold W. times at Louisiana DOwDs in :Bos,&ler . event for aUowad,ce horses. That was ,and Patsy' D. Bea"'orcl of-Sarita Rosa. City, t..ouisia~, and· then competed 2!5 secondS better than the previous .. THE WELL-BR8DMY ANNA LEE .twice this spring at OQklawn Park In 'Standard this-season of 1:38 2/5 set by roaredtoaneasywinbyabnosUour Hot Springs, Arkansu. The· Draconlc's Lady aDd Fabulous Too.

.. lengthstnSa~'sf~rac~.The Kentu<!ky-bridrunnerisl:rainedbyL.-'- · · two-)'ear-oldfillyl&lll'J.O.TobiD,an -Caly Dlssler for oWner John· M. · The lllew Je'rsey·bred horse started

outstanding runner who-coin~ in Dlssler of Rocksprings~ trexas. hi.J liikeak by- Winning a mtle

holds the dlstiDction of banding SeAt- · #11- arc . January 15 and then drew clear for a

oasey·Latnber:t toi-·f.J1liner Clitlord c. Llilmbert and owner Leroy Spires (J(-. Snyder,- Texas, ~M-. ·a ·1·5 wagBJ"hlg -ravorttl;h- -W~tful Eye patd :44.-80 to ·win. · ;

. ST/I.ekS 8LU~li:'l; .SET • A SEASONAL fastest Ume while wlnn· -ing her l:hird · straight Til~ during 'Sat~Jt!~'JJ West ,:~s Futurity co:n. : IIOiatlon over 330 Y~!l'ds. Aided )ly ·a ~sk ~allwtnd, th~ Easy Jet. filly· . zoomW to a.l6.69 clocking, ·e~lipsing the 16.81 set by Windy Cl.ty Queen while winning her tr:ia1 race on March. -11. Rlddeil by Larry' Chav~. Stacks Blujet ~ .a balf.IE;ngth Win over Honeymoon Sul.te. The fUly broke 11er maiden on Fe~ry 13 at SUnland J'~k, . \heli wbn ' trial ,.-ace on March -n befo~ Saturday's viCtory Which was WQl'tl:J $7,097.98. 'fhe New Mexico-bred dasher Is ti'alned by ·Ito~ j!lsqulbel lot A>lCl<>l >:arms of . East'J.anstng, Mlchlgafi.-.As J:h8 3-2. .wagering favorite, Stac~ Bluejet ~turned $5.00.

tbetnld19'10Batcallforniatracks~d· MABKHARPERw··s ~·EM bL allowance at SuniBJld Park on

tleSlewtheOrst&etbackofhlscareer recipient of tbe Barn~f· e-Montfi two-length win tn~the El-PaSo Time when be'won the SWtips Stakes in ttm award Pr:e&ented -each month by the . Handicap at one n;aUe o~ March 6. He TRAINER FRANK· CAPPELLUc­at Hollywood Park My .Anita u,e a Horsewomen Unlted;Trle blanket was bas won three a.( hi$ Jastfourraces for Ct ~ddled twQ! winners on -sunday'--s Kentueky·bred,wa~rlddenby~ ~ted by the Sunset Acres of El owner-traiiaei'AlJ.McCiainofBoone, card .. He 3tarted with· Ne'ver Love Summerow for his first victory after Paso. . Colorado'. Louie Gomez rode him to ($8.60) in the ninth and tben won tb~ being sidelined sinee last summer at APPRENTICE RID~R DALE his ill'St win in the streak and Richard · twelfth with Duke Of Balsamo ($5.80). RuidOsoDowDs.She'&tralnedbyJose. CORDOVA suffered .. an 1nj,ured arm -Bickel bas beeD aboard for the last Bothhorsesa.-eq,wnedbyWBrrenN .• J.~ Domblguea: tor owner Thomas B. as tfe result of ~ SP:ill dW'illg Satur-:- two. Moore of , Wagon Mound and both BadgeU of Fort Lauderdale. Texas day ~ghtb race. Cordova was. riding . HEAT WAVE JR AND RYDERS weie ri~en by Larq B;rers·.

THE HlGJiLY REGARDE'o Bbouit Sovereign, who broke· down ROYALE'M' returned the sea-son's WINNING POS.T POSITIONS:' No. DIJACONIC SHIP made hi&. racing a t the thl'etHrlghtbs pole, tln"owing ~ debut a winDing one when he Cordova to the ground. He was fore~ highest qui~Ua payoff when they ran 1>:- $2~No. 2, No. ~-107, No.-~­scampered to a nve--lpngtb victory in to take off the remainder of. his one-two m Sunday's third race at 350 88, -No. fi...;.. 96, No; 6 .... 89, No.7 -78, Frl<la.y's

0__.., .... race. The twO"year- mounts on Saturday as~well as his-en· Yards. HeatWaveJr, ridden by LeroY No. 8-52, Ho. 8-;-620No.10- 54, No.

ldl>r ~ tire riding au:ents on Sunday Coombs,·retUl'Jl!i!(I$4!UOtowtnasa .11-9,N0.12.-:-"".'T. ;1 ·

o acontc gelding was timed in :46 Cord • $21.80·1 outsider while Ryders rea111 ...... heralD recent yea" rs and 4o ... t at Sunland Park, ~oldin.g fourth place Royalett, ridden-by Victor EsWbar as · .n.Gl!lRlN QUIPl,u:.NT . 4/5, one of the fastest four-fUrlong ova ha,s oyed a fme meeting TII~W.. G E .t-.. one';;nd off the track. record or"~ in the rider standin~. a 25-1 risk rq.n. seeortd .. The 2-8 com- was. r "ally . bumm::.L_ aver the 4/5 set by TanU'an~a Jet more than 15 - SUNLAND PARK WELCOMED blnaUon pald $1,lS9.60. The season's ~,t84,249~~e w~- a ~1n ~r~lf: Yeats ..... 0. Ri"'"'- bv Larry Byers, BRUCE BRINKLEY back to the- previous biggest quinella was a 'f' tiC' - ..._ " $702.40 return On Jay Em Jay ·and percent over the same· three-day the New MexiCo--bred sl»eedster is stewards' ~&tand. on Frida'y. The Bugsaway on MarCh 13. weekend a year ago (wblch was also Ira~ by -Clifton Dt?Qn for owner popular official had missed several the weekend of tbe West Texas

weeks of work due to an apparent WISTFUL ,EYE SCOOTED to a FutUrity) •. The blg weelttmd pushed ~rt attack. Fonner official J())m . three-length victory in Sunday's the seasonal dally average up to Phillips bad served for Btinkley in fourth race at four furlong&. 'lhe $342,245 and kept the '82-83 season on his absence. Br:lnkley· ts ·a fonner · Scout Leader fillY was eloc:ked in :45 cOurse toward anothitr record year.

· atandQut rider· wbo competed s~c· . 4/5, just one second off the At this point a year ago, tbe average eessfully at Ruidoso Downs and record. Making her· first was· $334,0$0, The current figure is a SUnland }?ark. I)eal'ance, Wistful Eye was pin of 2_.of& pereent •

• ;.,, •'" • ~'I"·"• •••' :,-,,.

ComeJolli Al.itude Adjustment Hour

EVERYDAY l!nwlnd From 5:30 p.m.~6:30 p.m.

:In Our Lo~by Baa' In Front Of Oar Roadng Fireplace And E!Qoy

· Margadtas - $1.50 HotDdnkOfTheDay- $1.5!)

Compllmental'Y Hors d'oeawes· •••

· Enjoy Teddi Sullivan

Playing N•ghtly In The Lobby 5:00 p.m • .;8:30 p.m.

Dance To


In-Ada Lounge Daiadng Nightly·

Beglaaing at8:30 No Cover Chartle

.-1M· +I··~· . .

._ .. ,;•1>• ·: '·

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" I .. I.


l ' I ' . I

; :1 '

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i I I if Iff I .. ' .< ':·! " .





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. ART· DINING· AND . . . . I . . . . . . . . . ·1N·M· . NT.. . g· . ·.· ·. ·lo·· ·e·· ..

. · ·· ..•. ·.· .. ·E· .. · ._.· .. • .•. _·. u-··. •· · ··· .. _ .. -·.: . . -: -. .. . - :-·· - . ', -. - ' : -- -• -...

. ..

Easily A Twe~ve-kayos her foes ~ ,·, A Tw"' del' · d .. ,,.. · ~c. me," he. sa,· d. "I ·wa· ·,.·•t worried at ... as y · II;Jil(e ~vere a. _,..., ,, , . . ~:o""" blow ·m the final half of &m Moons L$dy ~evi aet.uE!Jiy. hlt . t:he Bll iu Uiis race. I kmm we had it all dP)''s-W~t TeXas Fqtunty_at SunlJlil~ finish in sixth placeo' but waa d;is- the way." · ~k and roD

1 ed to ~ PQWe~fuJ: t;:.nB and qualified. .QJ\ti placed.-, eighth. ~ Trainer Farris put in: . "'l'bts js th.f:!!

(lbe.fourth ength·mtory. . weretwoSCI=atclies: ~ltCharJsbu~ 'fira:t bors' l've 'raised and won a · '""' lilly plcked up her !bird (alSo OWI!ed'by the Farrls-l<eitb part· futurity wltb; It's ·a -t I..UUg. It ~ight Win against liO ·~ts and .hiipl fnd Really And. Truly. E:ach was als.o a gr~t feeling to quaUfying enriched her 111911ey Une ~Y .$821809, · eauoned $8,162, ~ · • three --hOn;e~i fqr the . West ·',l'exQ . ~The ease (tf ·the trlQmph stamped EasUy. A Twelve, Who Went into the·· Futurlt)r. But it wa&; something Qf .a EQUy A Twdve as one tp watch In West ~s finale with the eighth best · prbb:Iem- I didn't know wbicb one to the Triple Crown rae~-- at RUidOSo qgalifyjng tiine of 17 ,G'7 seconc:ta, im~ root for. Elaslly A Twelve broke J:loWqs dllfing _the suntrQer. PfOV~ on tlaat clockigg consl~e,bly perfectly, illthotigh she- drifted out· a .~A Twe!vet a'f'illy by Easy inthe(inale,Shii)Wastilqec:linl6.7l,.t\ bit.'~

Dozen out of Mayshego, is owned by taU wiild \W.S blowing, Fa_rris_ indlcated th~ filly's next tbe ~hlp of Don Fe,rris of - Warm Thoughts broke on top and engagem.eot would come at Ruidoso SUnland Park and Don E. Keith of . ~ldy snared a short lead. Easily A Downs in the trials for the $750,000 BalcorSfield, C.Ufornia. Farris is the TWelve Immediately settled in 11econd (estlmeted) Kansas .F'utudty, the U'ainer, Jerry NicOdemUS does· the place. Soui.~where around the mid-· first.IegoftheTrlpleCrown. dc:ling, . _ . ~y point, Easily A Twelve shifted in~ llere's the Waf they qualified: -Win­

TlMI 8fOS:S ~ of the West Texas Futw;ity (including the ·COnsOlation) was f23&,B99. The amount disbursed in th4J finale alone was $a021056.

(. Easily .A !I'welw w~ COUpled in the wagering .with Jest Real Easy (who finished flftb) and banded out mutuel payoft's of $9.60, $9.00 and $2.20. The lilly wlis.' a poun_d overweight and packed 121. . .

Wann Thoughts, rlddEm by Jacky , ·llrfarttn for Jon F." Brannon of Choc• taw, Oklahoma, finished second in a game try and -earned $87,855. The payoffs: ,P.80, $2.40. Warm ThGughts car:r:ied odds of nearly s--1.

to oVen:4iv~and literally took Off·, The _dy City Queen, 16.8\; J'ets Joy Deck, filly wa~ piilltag away with over~ 16.96; Warm Thougbts, 1Ci.9'7; Call It PQWerlng strid~ In the .final portions Charisma, 16,98; .Like A Haint, 17.01; oHbfi di:lsh. · · Jest Real Easy, 1'7.01; J;teally And

Windy City QUeen broke a bit sJug~ Tnlly_, 17.rt7; Easil:; A·Twelve, 17.r¥1; gishly, found herself in fifth place-, ·Moons Lady Levi, 17.08; Feature G~ and remai.ned-out of striking distance ing, 17.08. . the rest of the way. . The West Texas Futurity · tradi·

The fUly went into the finale with - Uonally stiinulates on' of the-largest the top qualifying time and a spotless handles of t:l:le sea!JQn, ThJs · edition -record of two-for.two. . was no exception, as -s,758 fans

In the _post-race interview, Jockey wagered $469,1'77, which was the Nlcodemus was· high lri his praise of second-best handle Of the season and E.asUy A Twelve. "This tilly Is jUSt as a gain of nearly-10 pereerit over the good as anything I've ever ridden as a handle on West Texas Futurity day two-.year-old, at this state of the last year. ·

Ruidoso Downs 1983 '1'llfil · ocld~Hln favorite,· Windy City

Queen, had t9 ra~y out of filth place in order to salvage third, The filly was never In posttlon to threaten the two Ie,aderS. She was a half.Jength behind Warm. Tboughts at the wire.

Windy City Queen was piloted by Gary Sumoter (at 122 pounds) for the partnershfp 9f Wllllam Gahlberg and James Kelly of Oak Brook. llllnois. Tblrd place was worth $19,-tnl. The show' payoff was $2.10.

. media guide available EASILY A WINNER. Easily A Twelve crosses the finish line with on easy win In Sunday's West .

Texas Futurity over'330 yards at Su~land Park. Jerry Nicodemus rode the filly. . ·

Here's the ~y the rest of the field cbeeked ib, With purse money .earn· eel: 4th- Jets Joy Deck, $10,173; 5th - Jest Real ~Y. $9,22'1; 6th ~ Feature Goblg, $8,990; .7th - l.ike A Halnt, $8,'154; 8th- Moons Lady Levi,

The 1983 Ruidoso . Downs Media Guide Is scheduled to be- off the presses arotmd April 15, and once again wlll be offered to the public.

The Media Gut de Is 81h: by 11 inches, covers 48 pages, atJd · includes numerous details, photos, profiles and facts ort the 1983 season and the history of Ruidoso Downs race track,

Also included. are the past perfor-

Welcomes you to Ruidoso I CONDOlnt ............ c6., .... rhtd COncept ......... hi'fllitfng, .... •11allfwll ••· ftiJ·hmb1!t4 caJM!IDMW ... fDI' nnt 11r tiN-~ fiJi ••.tor .... _..·r.cllltllt ...... nn,a.c.. caltlt tv,- walter/drylr ... All .. ....,. .CC.IIIIIe .. tH atOtfttllln WltWI .. ttflr IIJitCbCMtf

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OuhfState 1·800-545-9017 Toll Free • NEW AND EXCmNG THINGS


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2 for 1 On WeU Drinks $2 - CaU Drinks

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2 fo.. 1 DoDiestic:: Beer·. 7 1:30 -

. mance charts of each running of the All-American FutUrity and All· American Derby,

Fans- wishing to obtain a copy should send $6 to Media Guide, RuJdoso Downs Race Track. Box 449, Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico 88346.

Hello Miss Mary. Lu, ·goodbye others The 1983 Ruidoso Downs season

begins Friday, May 6, and eonJJnues lhiougb Labor Day (Septembe.:. 6). The meeUng covers 74 race days, culminating wUh the $2,530,000 AU­American Futurity.

Miss Mary Lu nmnlng as a 3-5 favorite, had to dig in at the end for a· head victory 1n FrJday's headliner at SUnland Park. .

' 'rbe m1y was in command most· of the _way, but she was put to severe

. pressure in the rllll!ll strides by the 7·1




Have A Great Getaway Evening At The Mon Jeau Lounge

In The Ruidoso Inn!


LONG JOHN HUNTER. uabc:k Aucl RoU Legend of The S~athw•t"

. (p1ayecl' With 8 8 ICing) .

2 Shows Nfabtlv PJaylng E-*!f Tuesday aad:W8dnesdav

through Mlllrch 30. Guttar Aerobatis/lioc:k Dance lieviV'al>' . . . .

Ruidoso Inn at the--y., ;o;nd US Hwy 70 in Ru1do!;o N M

For resf':rvations anG mformat1on call· .l'fB-4\l':: 1 Op~raled by Ruidoso Inns, Inc. Under license

outsider, Northern MarUnl. · Miss Mary Lu had enough In

reserve to Mid off the ehaJienge, covering t&e ~five- and one·hatr furlongs in 1:081/5 se<:onds and refun· -dbJg mubutl payoffs of -$3.60, $3.SQ and $2.60.

The winner Ja owne4 by John Dlssler Df Rocksprings, Texas. Joe Martinez was up.

Norlliem 1\fartlnl, bandied by o. A.

Martinez Jr., returned $S.BOand$4.20. All The Reasons. got Jn third under Pedro Benitez 8lld paid $4.80. .

' ......... ' . , ••

Shop Classified

·for a good Bargain . '

Ruidoso News


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' • . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . >1, ( ......,.·il~n t e t tt •• , ,. t· tst t.t ft·dintt&'f"'b t hdtbt tt··trht:ftJikut itt ik,S' faR f?drb*'t t'tlb 7:: t··#'t-#rtsettt:_ft fl b itth;ffl'cac~·tt'~,:id· 17ft n· l'·s±tte·ea·n-> '&' a W ¥w·8·h ** 'wioh&'W '•* e • .,,~ ..... _ ..

' ' '' '

~ .,

. Stacks· Blujet West Texas . . . .

Futurity Consolation winner Stacks lllujet, part of a three-horse

eoley ownea by Anool Farms or East Laming, Michigan, poundecl out a balf·length win In !be March .. Ccm­:solatlon otthe West Texas Futurity at Sunland Park. .

The330-yanlclueloff0redaputaeol· otlt.t,543 and awarded $7 ,0!11 to the win-¥;;, . . ·>-Sunlalid patrons made the ·tiJree.

hpl'le combine of Stacks: Blujet. Dashes Eagle and Cash Stub a 3-2 wuerinlrcholce In the to-head Refd. . C811hS1ubalsoheld uphlserulofthe

deal, f'lllishfng In a deadbeat for third aDd eollectlng $3,666. stacks BIUjet was ridden by Larry Chavez whHe Cash Stub w.. directed by ~erry Nleocfemus.

The Ancol entry Is trained by· Robert Esquibel.

The wlnn1ng Ume- aided by 4 etflr bYlwind - was 16.611 semnds. wblch establlabed. a new seasonal record. The previous seasonal mark oll&.Bl was set by Windy City Queeri whlle emerging .. the lop qUallfiOI' r .. the



. DONUTSHOP 2930 SUDDERTH DRIVE "A~Fnan!IJNidoso~tOffl~"

7.A.M..-12 3:0oP.M,...,:OOP.M.


lengthS on top. But her advantage was trimmed

Stacks IDUjet broke just off the quleJcly In the final steps by Honey- SATURDAY,MARCII ..

!lna1e ol !be West Texas Fulurlty.

paee, 'then assumed comtnand with moon Suite, a IZ-1 shot who deUvered t 1ur Off •-d o-m-considerable authority~ At the mid- plenty of closing attack. StW Stacks 18 - 6 ' ~ nuu.wl 2$.20, way polnt. the daughter of Easy Jet IIJUjet was a halt~length in frOnt on ~!:d ~l ~ ~c:a~nd 2,80~ 2.40; (out of Stack's Blula~ was two the l_ast abide. 2nd - s%: iV. FouY Scout 21'-40,

Plaza D'Oros sets openflt:O>~,.. .. ,. i1f~~:.·~~~~~.z ...... ao:aeq: 6 · · QtdneUa-$97.20

PlazaD'Oros, a mall housing three Charlotte's Interiors, offering · Dau.r~uble-$290.480 businesses-~ wfU celebrate Us grand draperies and accessories and des~ 8rd- 350 J,_• Tommy T ars 4.60, Openlbg with a ribbon-cutting . service; and Fasblons at D'Oros, 3.80, 2.40; Co~ Wars .4·.&o, ~.00; ceremony at 12:15 p.m. Saturday,· featuring ladles' wear and ac· Bunny CJJarger.?;~; != 17:68. April 2. Mayor George White Of cessorles. Qulae ... RUidoso is~ted tobeonhand. Plaza n•oros Is owned by Mi. and 4th-4(ur. My Anua.Leea.eo,s.oo,

The three businesses located within Mrs.· R. :F. Haynsworth. Business 5.80; Dallas Annie 15.60, 12.80; Classy Plaza D'Oros ar-e D'Oros Galeiia, a hours are$'a.m. to.5 p.m. daily and 9 Sash 18.00: T: 46:3. · . fine art and sculpture gaUery; a.m.. to 2 p.m. Sunday. Qulnella-$52.60


RLdctoao'•Ofde•t& M08tPopul•r 2118·3111111


..Jerrv Dale's

Ruidoso's Largest & Liveliest. NightClUb 2118•311117

country- & Weatem Music


Bring the whale fami!Y to our the mountains for an

elll!;Jant Easter buffet food is as beautiful as the

do all the dishes.

. bE! served SUnd~ April 3. from . until tO p.m. The prite is $14.95 for and $7.95 far Children 12 anct

Come. Cefel:)rate · Easter at one cif the·

. ..

.. '4..., __ .... """'.,., .... ,."""'-..ooii:"""'.-.------------·..JIII!-- ........ -5! ~ .;.l4.;o ~ ... "''"" ~ ~ ... ~ ~ __ ... ~ .... .,"'


61h_: 400yds. Now:rhe Wmtt 156.20, -40;()0,. -,~2(1; .GQ]la:qt: ;Red "Wlnl 4.40, 3.20; Nq lllfrMt:loo 2~·. ~: 19;'17, · Qulnella·.-$307~at ~ ..... • ..-. -~ DGQ a1.20, a.eo.

7.01); C;lueroQ0:,60,_3,60;·Mt. E:anadlan

B~ e,ao; ~t....:.seAD .:. 7!h - 1110 yds. 11oya1 Fomlly 4.80,

$.00, $.20; Handy .J.:t.Gmiy 6.40, 4.80; • Sruile POI;lb 3,20,_ Tt .fG:.._ •

' ' . <laiDella-.... 00. ' tma- &~.fur. _Knight O' Love 4.7.20,

1$.QO.. 7~ Hope, 4,00; Head B . _ r 5,80, T.; 1;06,1.

TrUeeta.--. $1100.80.. · · •lh-•~ur;Deo- crow •.so. 2.20.

2,10; Czar's First. 2.80, 2.20; J!i~t Fligbt 2.20. T: 1:11,3, .,s.oo, 3.60; :FOOlish Tan &.20, 3.10; ~t SPMCI 2.80. T: 1; 19.1, · ·.

~en.- .,_.!0 -7th - 870 yds; Roa_m Oo· 4.80, 3.00,

2.00; -Little Bar Bet 5.110,; Orator _High 4.20. T: 48;39,

'Q.,meUa-133,20 .

Qubaella.-tzl.ZO lOth - 330 yds. stilcla5 Blujet 5.00,

·s.SQ, 2.:.~i Honeymoon $ulte·7.~ 5:.40; C8sh l::iWD s.oo, 3,60~ 2.t$0; _Walkln Oil Water s.oo. T: 141:1:19.

9th - • fur. Pt!PPY's Pan<ly .12.110, 4.80, s.oo; Heza~re a.BQ, a.oo;

.. JJmlnlze 6,00. T: 1:12.1~ •


Qulnella ...... -~ Trif'll;da -fZ,


. . , ,;; April Fool's Da••~ And Barn Blow Out -

. Carrtzo Crazy Contest . MuslcBy

. PLAYIN' STRAIT A Versatile Countiy w .. tern

. Or Rock Band Music Baglna At' 8:30

Locotecl on Carrizo Canyon Road nearThelnnofTM Mountain~

PHONE: 257.2375 pr 257-7931

Celebrate Easter at our

.,{ .... .

Gala Easter Buffet .on Sunday.

At The Ruidoso Inn 11 a.m.-10 p~m.•

. '

Assor.ted Spring 5alads ,.... Relishes ,.... Crisp Fresh Vegetoles ,.... Seasonal •

Fresh Fruih · Ham6 Turkey, Beef

· And Cheese Pllfters

Aft · abuadance of tnMiltlonid holiday •••••• palfrln, •••••111-'llllilch, 111Rh .._,


CampltnteDtaly GlaM of .ChiiiiJIIIIJne ·

Adults - $9.95 Children.{12andunder)- $5.95

Have i Happy Easter! . . . ~

·Ruidoso Inn· · At the ''Y" .... U.$. ttwy. 70 In--~~ ll;iil~

.. . . . ' 378·4051 .. · .. · · .. i

> ,. '

. ''

,, . '






.. ~. E~A"'!"ST~E~;;y: ..













93 4 .



: . '. I ; :~,1 . • • .


$597. 750Ml



PRmiER 2Yz oz.

. - .. . . .



.. . BEE~ BELTS -.· ..



COWBOY HAT $·]89 ..

. ·. . 1 LB. . PACK

. ··$··.1. 2:9. . . LB • .





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,~l:oside T~e Capitol·· ' ·~ ,:·

by Fred McCaffrey. '· ~· . ·----~ , ...

- -- '· SA;N'fA . FE :.,:.,.. it' You ltke · soap law ~ Glenn bat:! taken steps ~' · )'<B~'ll love ~e Cprporatlon ~rd inJUtutiag -a sult .RgalriSt his CoJDiniSilon;_ : . · '- - fellow Comm.lsi!lloneis in th8 matter.

That· <Duld be . 0 pew buniP,., Gls' of IIHo whole problem ""'>U)d sticker, ln lisbt c of __ the latest 111eem. to be that Glenn -~t Serna · deve~ts in tllat age,nq, . . was l91ng to vote fOJ" ~ rais& to Con~

RWouldbeaklrutOfo!own-sboW'ilil tlneatal 'l'el .. hona.lle proswned tho , weren~~ t10 ~. · : · . - ·wkt would ~-upanJmous,

. i.ates__t_. ~ there, after .a . m~.i:'.= 5!:!_ =--=:'·~ ~es:.'f'" previous wandetlngs from other.way •. helrledtogetofi'thehook cmnmon sense over a variety of "-•-·-'" --

THE RUIDOSO NEWS . . - . . ' . . ~. / \

. . liSPS No .• 7280 • . P~lhJbect eich Mohday. . .and Thursday J;ay Ruld_oso Nt!~; Inc,; J.

Kermeth a·reer., J?'rt:sldent: W•Jter L,. Green, Vic.!!' !»resident;. at--104 Pa!'ft Av.enue: .and entered ~s second· ~Ia~ mattQr~at the Post Offlce at' IW•<IoSo1 N.l\1. 88345. · . . . Ken anp Mary Green ... , ........... · .....•.... , .•• , .. , , .. , .Publishers R611and Ramos ••....•••....•......•..........• -:· ..•..• Busine$8 Mgr, Tim: Palm~H •.. ,., ........... ,:: ........ , .... ; ............. .".:E:ditqr Canneil Edwafds. , .. ; ............ , ...•• , .... : . ••. Advertising Mgt. Jqyce Woodard,.;., ..•• -....... ,._:; •.... · ......... _ .... Compostpg Mgr.

Yours and. Ours . ..


l)lstrlct J11dge Jock. Love e>f Albuq11erq111>. has . receivl>d a lat e>f attention for his pl9n to p11t "elec=trorilc ·hc;-r.1dc~ffs'# ·qn proba'tl~nGi'e_. ·

Having tested the device himself, h1> wei~· all set to try it out 011 an offender, but the state Supreme Coilrt directed him to hold off until Its iustices know mOr• aboi.Jt-the prQgi'am.

When ·one ·conside~s the ramlficotlons of "alec.-" trQnic · tiandc;:uffs," it Is clear the c:ourt was 1ustifled in. wanting more lnformatioh.

. ' . causes, bas to do with who .siglled · ..... ..,._,_,

- What ~r. • • Ulifortunately, ~is rio provision ·1n.a C&lile o( qpe of the.state"s .forthatiniaw,soGiennhadtogoUJ,,

tel8J)hon. companles; wblch was trouble-niaking route- one w~ he gran~ a 63 percent rate lncreaae, ~ seems to love unduly. CommiSeiOn -Chalnnan Eric Serna Wbat we hrnre now is an order tbat 8J!-d Commjssj.oner Jolm Elliott claim was signed only by EWott,. and henee the·voteontl;aematterwaatwotoone, JS •doubtful validity Cit ·takes two. with Elllott "and COmmissioner Jlm-. Commiss~totango), a:disagree­mk! Glenn for J:be raise, and Serna ment w~ is being played up ln. all agalustlt.- · · the media~ and a ·po'teritlal laW$Ult

·. SUBSCRIPTJONI!t:ATES.IN APVAf\ICE . Single cqpy: 25~; Single cop)': by Jyl8il, 60c:; 6 months out of Couniy;­

$20; within Cpunty. 'liJ~ 1 year ant of County~ $22; within Co~ty, $ZOi

Minlature·radio ·transmitters. strapped to a pro­bationer send a. signal aver phone line~ to a computer, .The computer records the.tlmes the

"probatlone.r leaves the lmm,...late .vicinity of his phone, so a probation !>fflc•r con monitor whether term• of the probation are being met.

between. three f.:': menwhoareex-. :~~t.:'he ~~t vote lia the mat-. ere=: qt:ie~~ le to _setUe lbelr pfo.

~Serna and: Elliott cl&tm he voted by · It's as if one of the SUpreme CcMfrt proxy, with his vote cast by Commis- jusUces fUed sui~ against tbe other slon attori.eyWayileShidey. members of that body..

Tbat seems to be litearly r8flected Thel'e'• no· way anybody can win in thO record - but from tbep -on this- one. nothlllg much else .Is dear. • . · Already the Commission has been

Plainly.!'. Glenn wasn•t at the J:Mde to rook· embarrassingly erude JDeettng • .t:U' Is not noted f~ hiS IQYal Bnd cUwnsy. attendanc8. If he is at 10 ~t of wayl.eShlrteybasresJgnedhlspost the .average b~, that's aboQt his with them, to mQVe over to the At-. 11011DalleYel. torney General's offlc9.;

Olema. claiina be bases his decisioi:S And J'oe M~, soft-spoken n;um of "; <m a close. perUSal of th~ rec:<~rd -- peace, who bas a!parently- been wblch would be more plauslble If the Selected to be Gleun s attorney, may tranacrl~ of the hearlugB were rue the day he agreed to take that delivered .before tbe declslons are case. · made. '!'bey seldom are. When men choose to ac:t like

·Now we have Sblrley,_ who may or c:hlldren, not much good wUl.come of ma;y not have voted in Gl~'s place, it. sa)'IDihedida'tdothat.:llem8ygeta It's no wonder citizens lose con­chance to awtw" to that In a court of fldence in some parts of government.

Where: to contact your la~makets ..

U •. S. SENATORS RUIDOSO COUNCIL Peter V. Oomentci, R - .US9 George P. White. mayor. Address:

Dirksen Senate Office Butldlng, Box 2896 HS, Ruidoso, N.M. telephone Washington, D.C., 20510, telephone 2537-1322. A. ;'AI" Jnnoe, trustee .. Address·. (202) 224-6621. Roswell office, Cour& -ao thouse, telephone 623-6170. Drawer 2244, Ruidoso, N.M.

Jett Bingaman, D - S02 Hart telephone 257-7615. Building,· Washington, D.C., 20510, . Frank Sayner, trustee. Address: telephone (202) 224-5521. Roswell ot- Box 2569, Ruidoso, N.M. Business flee, Federal Building, telephone " telephone 25'1-4851; residence 622--7113. 257·7%18. U. S. REPRESENTATIVES Benny Coulston, trustee. Address::

Manuel Lujan Jr.$ R-Dist-. 1- 1323 Box. 2108, Ruidoso, N.M. lli.lslness Longworth House Office Building, telephone· 257-5185i residence Washington, D.C., 20515, telephone 257-4865.. (202) 255-11316. District office, Room . Don Dale, trustee. Address:· Box 10001, Dennis Chavez Federal 2260 1 Ruidoso, N.M. Business BuDding. Albuquerque, .N.M., 87103., telephone 257-5168; residence telephone 76&-2538. 257-5367.

Joe Skeen, R--Dist. 2 - 1007 _Longworth House Office Buildin& Washington, l>.C., 20515, telephone (202) 225-2365. Las Cruces office: A-206 Federal BuDding, Las Cruces, N.M. 88001, telephone (505) 523-8245.

BW Riebardson, D-Dist. 3 - 1610 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20515, telephone (202) 225-8190. m Sandoval Suite 201, Santa Fe, W".M., · 87501-, telephone 9BH1T1. GOVERNOR

Toney Anaya, State capitol, Santa Fe, :N.M •• 87503, telephone 827-2221.. STATE SEN.ATOR

Charlie Lee - state capitol; Santa Fe, N.M. 8'1503, tetepholie 983-4371, -.t. 104; Bolt 149, Al;artiogbrdo, N.M.; 87901• telephone 431~1(1011, 963-2505. 'STATE REPRESENTATIVF!

Marvib B. ..Mlck~~" Mc(fulre, D-Dist. 58 ..... 115 W. Buena.Vista, San· ta Fe, M.M., 87501, telephone 983--6933, m-s1s1, eXt. 212; BoX 3158· asl

·Ruidoso, N.M., 88345; telephone 3'111'4161.


RUIDOSO DOWNS TRUSTEES J. C. Day Jr •• mayor. Address: Box

3002 HS. RUidoso, N.M. telephone 378-4195.

Bob Power, trustee. Address: Box 4126 HS. Ruidoso, N.M. telephone 3'111'4194.

Harrold Mansell, trustee. Address: Box 890, Ruidoso Downs, N.M. telephone 378-4"114. _

Jake Harris, trustee. Address: Box 747, l\uJ:douo Downs, N.M. telephone 378--4396. • •

Laverne Cole, trustee. Address: Box 3600 HS, Ruldmib, N.M. ~lephone 3'111'4350.

COUNTY' COMMISSIONERS John Alien Hlgbtower-Ancho

'Route; Carrizozo. N.M;. 88301. Phone 848--2439. '

Bill E:ltiott'-box 305, RU\doso, N.M. 8834$.-Phone ~. . -·

Kenneth Nosker-Star RoUte, G-len~ coe, N'·¥·· 883241 Phone ~.


Home Dellyecy", $2.59 per month.·. . The Ruidoso News reserves tbe right to reject advertising and· edit

Copy that it ~~msiders objectionable .. Llability: for any error in ·adver­tbdng shall Qbt ~ceed the ~hie Of the actual !ilpaee in which'the error oc:curs ancl shall be :satls.fled by correction in the next is~Jl!e. Call 267-4001 for Q:oine Delivery.

• . • ..

Sense&Nonsense . .

One of the more seritms problems fa$g our state is Ul*l drug­gllog aCl"'SS our southeJ11, border.

Our mUes upon mUes of lsolated desert tn S-Outhern New Mexico pro-a vide a baven for low-(lytng planes ear.ry1ng narcotics to sweep into our. country uadetected. .

The problem ls certainlY not llmlted to New Mexico. Tbe enUre southern tier of states from canromta to Florida is experienelng this dangerous menace. It seems as tbOtigh the minute one smuggling area is closed ott, another Is opened. in an adjoining state.

That Is why I have joined with Senator Dennis D-econeini (D&Arhona) to form tbe Senate Border Enforcement caucus.

Just as a coordination of drug and other law enfotcemebt activities is Deeded in our executive branch. a bipartisan coaliUon DfiSenlltors from the southern border states holding key committee posltllms can help coordinate the legislative and budget ClOBts of tackling this buge problem tbat exists on our llOUthern borders.

Tbls caucus wll1 be able to form a truly bipartisan forum for problems of law eDforcement that know no par-­ty lines. It wm· be able to review ad­ministration and congressional Jn.. itiatlves to imt)I'OVe border law en­forcement and focus national atten-­tiOil on the continuing war on drug smuggling.

There are several issues the Senate

· U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici

Border Enforcement Caucus h_opes to addre:ss when it meets sometlme after Easter. The flrat is bow the mllitary eao aulst boNer laW eo-f()f'Cmllent efforts. .

Our mUltary'e aoohlstlcated radar oystems would be Of Immense aid lo the Umlted resources of the Drug En· forcement Administration, the U. S. Customs Service and ll>e FBI. Being able to Ue In to one or more of the

· miUtary's tracklag systems ""'>11ld make those cutreDt Umlledresources go a long way toward reducing the now of tp.egal drugs and contraband.

Another area we must address ls the type of legislation needed to im· prove border taw enforcement ef· forts. ·

FiDal1y, we must address all these needs on the basts of what we can reaUstreally pay for tn our- na .. t1ona1 budget. While we want to stGp the Dow of Ulegal drugs and contra­band, we must come up:- with pro­grams that work and are cost­effective and I:IOt just throw money at tbe·p~blem.

Senator DeConclnl and myself have invited aU southern border state Senators to join us in this bipartisan caucus to help find solutions to this ever--growing national problem. United iD its gOat. the Senate Border Enforcement caucus wU1 be a strong force supporting cttrreetive legisla· tlon 8Jldlitltlatives to plug the holes through which smugglers gain access to our country.

letters to the Editor DEAR Ei>ITORo . .

OUr recently completed Altrusa ~·career Awareness Dayu at Ruidoso

· High SCbool was an outstanding sue~ ..... A special thanks to the ·line bU:shieB$ people Wbo gaVEl of themselves and their time «» apead a . daY with tho studellls of Ruidoso lligh School. Fifteen eheel'$ tor the Altrusa Club; thetrpresldimt, Connie" Foster; their edooitlonal -·... I,lnda Skellel; • and Ruidoso 111gb's Sandy Gladden fot a job well dOne.

These" kinds ot actlvltiea are tbe kinds of utivltles which RUidoso the greiltest place on eartb to u... . sinCerely,

W.o. uou&n wli.,t.IAI\-JS

naslum and recreational facllity that we hope to use for the manY various needa Of our young ~e of Ruidoso.

We would like to invite the people of Ruidoso to a special dedication of this :faelllty April 3, 2:30 p.m. Then on Aprll 8th at 1 PM c~>i;lle and see the movie 10SandcasUes" with us.

"Sandeastles" is just one ot ·the many quality movies we shall be Yiewittg ln. the. yea_r ahead.

· Sincerely . . ~ WYLiE CAtL'rWRIGll~

.News' policy on letters to editor

The ·rtuidoso -·News welcomes "''Letter$ to 1i':dltor, .. arid will publish them on the Opinion- Page, with an letters

· being subject to edltlng tor length.

· The nal'rii! of the writer must be pth:l;ted. A" telephone numbel' must be iticlUded with the letter lot Vttl'lllcation of tbe wrlter'sldel'tity, . . .

Cost of the eleetronlc monitoring would be about $14 a day (pajd by th!' probationer) as .opposed to the $$5 a doy cost of detention In the county 1011 (paid by the toxpayers).

It mokes sense to apply technology In this orea . . of the Justice syiotem, especial!~ as It

costS ·more to keep an inmate 'In ~.penitentiary than to send !" student to Harvard • .

But could "electronic handcuffs"' lead to video monitors In the home, or the potential for use of suc:h devices on non .. criminal · cftlzen$? Shades of' Big Brother?

Judge Love n>ay one day be regarded as a pioneer. But the questions r!lised by his device merit a thorough public dialogue, .as well as consideration by the·courts.-TP

Reporter's Round by' . . .

Billy Allstetter · Clark Ca~ter, owner of Dan Dee

Cabins ond president or the Ruidoso Lodgers AssOclaUon (BLA). has long been famous in this town for his sup­port or a ski vacation package. He believes that ,_ convenient and

. economically attracUve package of hotel rooms, lift Uekets and ski ren­tals could attract more .skiers to Ruidoso, especially· dllling the slow mid-Week period.

In Hght of bls well-knoWn stance on thls Jssue and ~presidency of the RLA,I was especlally surprlsedathis lack of support for a ton-free. central reservations service recently propos­ed by Chamber of Commerce ex· ecutive director Ed Jungbluth.

Jungbluth attended the most recent RLA meeting March 8 to explain 8Jl opportunity to obtain a toll-free telephone n} for a central reser­vation sel'Vlce.

Ray-Heid, who has owned Ruidoso Reservation Service for a number of years, has decided to give up the toll­free number and the service. lteidap­proached Jungbluth to see If he was_ intere&ted_ln plcking up the number ior the Chamber to use.

Jungbluth was interested and came to the lodgers to seek their input. He said he was interested in cteattns a central reservation service coor­dinated by the Chamber of Com­merce, but wanted support frOm a majority of tbe lodgers-before work· lng On the Idea• · .

Carpenter. said . the RLA board :mem6ers had yoted not to support a central -reservation service. General members at the meetin& however, expresSed interest. · . It was declded that .'Jungbluth would try to- reserve the number to allow the lodgers_ to- further diSCUSS .the subject. He· contacted Carpenter two weeks later to see· what the lodgers wanted to do about the number. · .

Carpenter said nothlllg had been done rind Bd"""-1 Jungbluth not to - •lt. According to Jungbluth,

~·carpenter sal~ efforts to 0J1e1i a cen­tral re&ervatloM number woiJ.Id only

· invite crltlclsm and· was a thankless job, Without support of the lodgeJ:'S, Jlingblutb bU gtven up thel_dea arid tt bas died cmce agatn.

t ilnt 'V6r1 ~ed ._t Carperi~lll­aCtlOil$. A centriil reservation servree seems ctuclal to an effectlve ski package, forwhteh he ~as been such a vocal aupporlet'. ·

. Jofur A6earrt1 who ~t to«etber ski pa<ltag .. al steamboat Springs ODd other reijot'tS; belle~ a. centrs.l reserv•tldn terVIce-ls ctUClal to such ari. effort. He- 8ald Stetunboat ts eur-­rently honking In e>ccess of so percent of its skier dayS through a ·Clmtra1


reservation system. Even more impressive is the faet

that moat of those using the central reservation number are new to the resort. The use of a central reserva· tlon service by tourists new- to the area could be important with or without a ski package. .

The toU-free number has long been associated with Ruidoso, noted .Jungbluth. Before Held owned the number, it was used by the Chamber when It coordinated a ski package in the mid 1708.

"If we all wanted it to work, I think It could work.,. said Jungbluth of a central reservation service.

I guess "all" Is the key word. Get-­ting all the lodgers to agree on an Issue, be it central reservations or where the sun rises, seems a near im­possibility. It's too bad.

I don"t really know why they have such dlfftculty agreeing. I have not been here )ODg enough to know all the· ins and outs ·of their dJsagreements.

Butttseems to this recentarrivalln town that they all have the same goals: attraeUng more tourists to Ruidoso and reducing operating costs.

Members who attend the meetings of tbe Ruidoso Lo(lgers Association discuss ilmUes that atfect aU the lodgeni_and the town as a whole. They have diseuued thot'OUgh lodgers' t(lx collections, Ski packages, the recently pa888d tourist development bUl, Use of the Ruidoso Downs Race Track by the 1\lule Skinners, the Golden Years JObUee, better lodging dlreclorles and coOperative purchasing of Unens and paper goods.

But no one -pElyB inuch aUention ·to the RUidoso t.Odgets Assockltlon. 'lbeY are tiot a fOrce bi. the pollticil or Ruidoso.

Only about two-thirds Of tho lodg ... belong. to the association attd, Of ~em. 20 at most attend the meetfugli. With this lack Of ..,nd suppn:t peoPle do not take the lodgers sert.O\isly.

1 have heard Complaints that some lodgerS do not belong to the •ssoots· tion because they do not like the way it is tun. Is withdrawing lrom the. aSsoda.Uon the waY to cM.nge that?

If all the 1o:dgers were- meinbeni ot ttu; assoclatlon and -attemled- the meetinp, it cauld ~a mueh atronaer­assoclation that could· hatv·e stm\ethlng to do wilh the direction of Ruidoso. They' represent a la~~ IH!C­Uon bi·tbe local economy and seem to me to hB.'Ve slinltar ~Is.

I guess no one really '"'peots tho lodgers \o unite eftecttvely. C&tpenter•s lack' 6f lltterest lit pro.

· tooting_ otte 'Ot hls fa'VOri~ ISSues makes me WOnder if he has S:i9ett up. oD uniUng_ them •.



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. 1Jou au C!ovftat(I.J £lnulted

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. ' . . .., ... _ '· ••

..... .·-.


RU ID9~9:.9f'l;iJ:;~b'-R-. FlREPLACE . . ' · · Presents · . .

"Children of the Pueblo"

Local artlsty Mimi .Jungbluth Is en)OJrlng e , la$t grovvlng national reputation and her ~orks are skJrrocketlng In value and recognition •

. ••children of the Pueblo," the flrai: matched numbered •et of· Collector plates ever Issued by Coulton International, will be released this sr.rlng ta commamotate the history of the Pueblo lnd ana. · .

ThEI set repr'es&nta both the fl.-.t colleotot"e l'·latea to ever deplot·the P,rlvate world of the qochltl Pueblo ohlldten and the nrat to feature the palntlnge of Mimi Jungbluth, award·wlnnlng Western ai1:1st. . . ~ · .

Sketchtng and tapa recorders are banne~ from the khrae and. freQuehtly rasttlctecl from the tr'lbal aer.emonlee and other FJatta· ot the. pueblos because Qf yeara Of Hollywood Bte,..otypi!Ji11 Ill·

· . tears tha~·Outaldeir'ii may undermine the

calla par­

the tlret

etudvot ........ d.

aet of llmlnod

pthoe )Will be . . . . . Oue to .fhe' haa~ty demand. for this verv limited edition

· lluldoso Gift & Fireplace wlll.flll all orders In priority of teservc:lltlon. · ' · · · . .--~- ·.·: : · · - :

• We urge oui' clistomenr to piC.<e' vour order. now •• t,he edition will prcibably be compllttely" sold out . befote the plates t~re even Issued•


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,• ' ' .

PEPPERMINT mCK GUARDS (from left) Raena. ·.Easter elf Shane Bun~Y watches. The action was Winscatt, Ka!le Graham and Jaime·Ordariea are all taking place In the Easter play presented by .·

. about to turn Jumpy Bunny Gena Burghoff, Chris Farrington's class at Nob Hill Elementary Grumpy Bunny Jacob Funston ond Bumpy Bunny Scho~J losf week. · · . · . Gail Floyd Into chocolate bunnies for Easter os

AN APRIL FOOL'S JOKE backfires on. the Hooper family in the play, "April Fool Boomerang.:• performed last week by students in Kay Milton s class at White Mountain Elementary School.

Hooper family members include (from left) Erica Kirchner as the joke-playing daughter, Brent Scott as the son, Jennifer Gonzales as Mom Hooper and Jesse Guatdiola as Dad -Aooper.

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py Bunny Gall Floyd refuse to porticiP.ate in the ~aster festivities during the Nob Hill School Easter play' performed by Chris Farrington's c.lass last week. ·

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-. ~---· ..• -- ~ -· - ~ •.• -~ ~ . ·. -- • -· .... -- ... c - • o ·~ ·~ • ~ , ... --, -,., -,. •• •;:.....•"! . ... ...,.~""':"''""" .... " ... ~"' ~~ ... , •• -· •• -.... ;"• :'" ... •'I'! ,. ................ ,., ''J' .,.., .... ,,.,. -~ .. ,. ..,., T~ ~ • .,.. ":"" .,_.,.,..,:""""• ..... ......

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Poge 4 -. Ruido•o (1\j,M.)'NeWll Thl.ltsdoy, Mon:;l\ 31,' 19Us WMmANTliD\;:1/lP$ 01<-W:'i*'AA~%"f~S: UDII No. 4<1.0! Tllo.Ptnei>JiffProJcct, l'liU"rtiUellartii!Oil to !.c<olle 1),

. Offict"al Reco..... . ·14=~:::~,..;... Cor- D!Jnlop all!! Dad- It DuJ1!!111, Lot . . Ull:lt · t>OraiiOiltO . OelflU<Iulfoancii,uj>ll4 'Ill, Blool<.l!, S!n~!i'!SJilnettf•l>dl)'l-,

. WMI!tANT11 DllllllD · . . . Vai'SO$ de flU<Iulfo, unit Wee!< No.Jn, "';)•l.l'1"'= ::lf.:r.':f-· · · DM T)'Oer to Gl'ohain 1< l\liOclat<io,,. ~~l.:loJ~ ~= G~l/!!' ~ IQ' Vllial'tiO! &.;, x.of.': '

Inc,, a 'l'oxN c..,.....Uon. Lol. »r ·N' 'iil\.odiio . . . · .. ........,, ]jJOcli :a,.·T<iwn an<t.(lolmtw ,J!al4tcs, -~:___,...;;:_:::..:_.:J;,:_::_:.:;_c:,..:_.-.:.:_:_;__.:;:~:_,:.,.:::,.:;::,:.:::;:.:.;::;_,.:.:_~:--_:..--"':"":;.;,_;;.;'-".;,.. ~tJ:!;~7c'k'::!.v~~":'·t.!•l··• ~.~if co,j110ity, me., a "=<:"g~:~~I'Y L;.~ • · ~ • · · • ·, ·. Now lllextco COl'POI'allon to lllmoot 1!. p•. Olffer .~.~Oiul T,•w!U14. ·-~••·. · . ..,ut~M · · · • .· ·- Burg ... ant! Patricia G'<lle B..-gess, '' w ·~ """'

. '

. . . 2 = \.: ~~.:=~ ~ ·.~,ouo, !\110<1» Park Subdivision, Lin• ~.~ ~~~·N4sJ:: . Tra,crt &, 'MIRII$iil. HQm~ SubdiY:i--- eoln Cc)Unty,,New l4exleo! · . . 'dl}'bdon, · ~P--~i ~Ow Me1C-:._


,sion,IJn~.,_ci)Wity,New_M~c(' .. ·,~ .:RLddoso_Rblty ~pa~, Inc., a leo. __ .. , · .... __ . _ . . CORRECTION. • , . New MexiCO Cort>!iroiiOil, to l!rneot Jol!l> T. Blone¥ 011!1 Gweodolyri Gull . QVITCLAIMD!IllllP ' .... E, 'l!Uff,OSS- and "'Pa{ricla Gale Blo"")' lo CG4y WUIIallit and Glenda,

Ruth HOlder to·Mam!e ·:P,ayton.'.aud · · :J!Utgeiia,.~ 9, AJ:Hlche Par~ SubdlVi- WUU$U..t ~ 4, :a~oct. l3~- Town and Ruth·Hol~. i.ot-3,- m_oek-s, V~ey st;;n.~:'~::'3&r:::ew. Cu\tnlrf Nnl:th, u~u. lJIJColQ emu.-. View SUbdJ:mton,. of 'n'act 6, ~o~ ~ Doffer, t.ot 6, lllock l:a, -. ty, New Me~Cb;o, .

. taJn Ho~es ~bdivl!!l~n, LlQ.~ Unlt:2, l),lnecUff SUbdiVleiOn, UncOin GJaJB M .. &era and M8i'teal ~ . Cow.ty, New-~cq.. . · CoUnty. New Mexico · and Allen Land and Cattle, lnc.,- a. • WAIUIA'NTY QEEDS · . . .,..~.....!.- a - .. _.~' .N' R to.· New • :MexiCo ~tlon, ij/b/a

W.T. Par~~ and J.era P~ker·t~ ~5'1"--~ue - ora ue, . li'orestJi..:..-'ht$tc;I"RoberU •• -DQty_and Vidd McCabe Love Lot 15. Block 6 SOrglo· G. Guerrero all!! Juaoa G..,.. ~-· ft'-"k - 1 White .... ountalnEs•!.t.uniuv·un: ~. LQt Ui,·:·Block o,_ unn a. Palo Allce:K. ,LQt'l,~- 21,_ ....... ~-coin C:U.ty, New M~. ~· .. ' v~ ~- Ltncoln_ ~nty, New ::lgb(s; Lr 'CountY~'l"Jew,~~-

SilJvatore LaFata and Phtrirla · 1'4t;)Xlc:o.. SP.ECIAI,.. . ftobert:L,.Doty«mdAUceJ{.·Dotyto LaFata and Ribbl~ ~ -•nd-· W4RR~NTYDEED . Helen J, Bennett and· Joyc:e W, Cox~_ Nona Betb HoDGman tO-.-~ ... h:t. -;n: '·. Tl»e vtUB&e Of RuidoSo A Muri.icipal· . Lot··&:. 'Bioclf 2i, Forest .H~ts. SUb:­Sinlth aiulGeraldlqeF, Smitb,LotG7, · Corpor_a.Uon, to M.F.-Emb"'y, Lot$D,_ ,division; Lil1coln County, ~ew"-~ex- _ Block 7,-UDit2,ofH1ghMesa~bdtvl-' 'QloCkt. Forest Lawn'CQmetery

1 L~ leo. · : .

. sion, Lincoln, CountY, New 1\leXleo.:· - cQin County, New Mexic-o; -. · Robert L. Doty and .Allee K, _Doty to Raymond G. Held and FrauliJka l)oug B~ss and Ardeen P. Bass to Hden J-.. J.JenneU 8nd JoyCe W. «)Jx,

Reid to -Katherine A. Dean, Lot ~. l)oug. BRas and AssPciates, Inc., ·a Lot 7, Block 21, FQreSt Heights ·SUJ>. B~k4, ofUnlt I, of AitoLil~es Golf. .ft. .N~ P.lexiCQ Corpor;itiD!l, Lc;it 1~ In· division, 'LinColn County, New MQ:-CcituJtry Clu~ ·SUbdivision, Lincoln nsbrook Village, Lincoln COQnty, New ico, · CGunty, }'qew Mexico, ' . Mexico. · · · Helen J. Dille· f/kla Helen J .. aen. · AI~ White and J..oulse White to Steve l!:~ qmptQan to. Wiiuam Dorf- . nett,· Charles A. Oill,ie and Jwce w. Albert White and Loullii!i! White !Uld · !nels* and LOretta.A. J)orfmeister, Cox· and Kenneth Cox to Mlchael­StevenGiennWhite;Lots.._Block,$of LQt 21,- Block ·1, White Mountain· 'Stnlth,LQt&,Biock21,ForestH~ts-Sierra. BlinCa Subdivision,. Unit 3, E;states, Unit 4, Lincoln Coimty, NeW Subdivision, Liricoln Cou!Jty, New.· Lincolil €ounly,- !~Jew M;exlco. Mexico, EEDOF. Mexico. ' .

QUITCLAIM DEED D . 'Helen J. Dille, f/k/~ Helen J. Ben~ ArthurP."JentzeD.andLyla·L.,Tent- DISTlliBltTlON · nett, Charles A. Dille. a~d Joyce W.


zen to Lawrer;tce Day and Alta Day, .Dorothy M. M~hy to D;oroth}r M. -eox and Kenneth Cox to' MJcbael Lot 10 C.E. Webb Tl'act, lJncoln- · -ldurphy • Lot2B. ~Joe~~· Umt 2• Sterra SJnith, Lot 7, lUbck 21, Forest_ Heights Letal ,_. 1t 131 *'-County, New Mexico, · Blanca Subdlvls•on, Lincoln County, Subjllvisiou, Lincoln County, New LEGAL NOTICE

. WARRANTY DEEl>S IIJew=MdoexlcoDeve, lo·•~ent Corpora.,.-- Mexico. . · . LG.M. Enterprises, Inc., a New 8 r-•· · -~.A~-~,, SPECIALWARRANTYDEUI

J'rl'eXicO Corpof&tion to Greg J, to etblt.Seales,~12,Biock8, Truly. Clark apd ASsociates, a

Lli&aJ of267(1·1t. csi st

. LEGAL NOTICE WHit. _ _,;~). management and tiali-llng.tedmlques, we can

· maktil you a top soles =: -. oss~fc.te. ,~

Fi:W- a personal a11d con- * flden-t1dl Interview, c;all (Jill :t;

-WIIIIIS qt Per-teat-Parks & ,._ AssOciates. Inc.. :

. 257.7373 ,.. MobleyandSonya·l(.Mob}ey,atract ·. HighWOI)(l Inc. ~bdiVISlon, Lincoln general partnership to WUliam ~. STATEOF'NEWMEXICO of land in Section 4, Township 11 CoUnty, New Mextco. · · Glenn and Marva Sue Glenn, a lr@ct·of C:OUNTYOFLINCOLN South, Range IS EaSt. NMPM, I.Jq- Dorado Development Corporation, land In section 30, ·T9S, R14E, co1,n County, New Mexico. 0a N~-~ex:iarlcod coF rporMa~~ _!~wardln N.M.P .M., LincolD_Couq_ty, New Mex~ NCI. P8-a:J.l2:


· h PERTEET,PAAKS >t-. Wl~"'!band1biSI51bdaJotMarc .I~ & ASSOCIATES. INC.==

' ::7:.:~::.::. . . . ·. • w. ~~ ! Frarices B. Standerwick, WJIUam • .o-~Y aye --..._, •uue • tco: . G Stnaerwick and Zanetta B Cart- tervals 1 &nd 25, Lot 117, IDDsbrook · QUITCLAIM DEED wrigbt and .Frances B. St:anderWfck to. Village, Lincoln Col,lDty, New Mexico.- .GUberto Carbajal Lopez to Aurora IN'I'HEMA'ITEROFTHE ESTATE Tommy R. Beatty and Teresa k. Beat- Matthew-.J. Gaddy, to Jodie L. Torres Trejo, BuDding 6, Apt. 2, Iil.ter-- OF2LMERL. G~,atkla

·ty,LotloftbereplatorLoU, Blocks, Bpgbtman, Lot '26, Block 3 of Agua val 13, 14 and 31, Pinecliff Con- ELMEflLI!iEGREBN,~. First Addition To Cree Meadows Fria Subdivision, Lincoln County, dominium Prpj~t. IJnc;=oln County_, ~t•JnLO<AT1D'N Heights Llncoln County New ·l\fex· New Mexico, New M~co. leo. ' ' . Tes ln_vestment, Inc., to John .H. WARRANTY DEEDS

QUITCLAIM DEED BPlley and Shirley Bailey, Lot '1 Alejandro QrtiJ to Decor Arts and-La Mission Development Co., a Phase I or Vista Del Lago, Lincoln Crafts, Inc., a Texas Corporation,


~ !;~r;~~~=.i ·~•· ~:1: or-257-58?'1. s.&f-t:fc * DRAWI!Ril"utiJOilo,~ ...~~~!!.;;::::;-.::;::;;--;:::f;~· ~ t;tf~ MDICO UUIJ

SCHOOL - Seml·lnlck and heaVy ····-· ******* equipment operatprs training - • *** avaUable. Accredited N.H.S.C. ~w=o=cR=K=w=-A""N=m="'p~ ~~try:Me;!~ .... C:O~Ja~ ~s.!~~ Co.:styin~=~=.c~~c.-, tO Salvador Lots 10 and 11, Block 8, Town and

·-- M·. Vela, Jr. and -H-'""--ia Vela, Lot - Country Estates, Llncoln County, tion of New Mexico, a New Mexico ua .....,.., New Mexico. corporation; The Springs, a con· 4, Pbase I of VIsta Del Lago, Lincoln East Lakeside Corporation, 8 New dOminium project, lJncoln County, County, New Mexico. . Mexico Corporation to Harry Klepko, New Mexico. ' Tes Investment, Inc., to J.A. Card~ Jr., Curtis D. Jobnson and Randall

WARRANTY DEEDS wen and Evonne Cardwell, Lot 6, Crane, Lot·19, Block 10, Unit 2, High Kenneth P. Seales to Calvin A. Phase I or Vista Del Lago, Lincoln MesA Subdivision, Lincoln County,

Meissner and Gereta Meissner, Lot County, New Mexico. New Mexico. HearWgoqtbePeUtloqfiledb)'lheundmlsned 12, Block 8, of u;..-hwood Addition, . WARRANTY DEED D-b I c N ••~- Co"""Pa Penon61ReprelentaUve,ae«<~forth:

·-· TJME SHARING UNIT •w • n •• a ew u.........,.,., ·..--- • ly proba Lincoln County, New Mexico. Inns brook ot Ru.idoso Inc., to tlon to Perry Stockard and Pamela J. wa-i ~~ te~rmlll tills lbe

catvin A Meissner and Gereta · Stockard, Lot 29, Block 12, of Alto B. Enter an order delennlnlnllhe belts at the Meissner to Franklin Ebeling and Dolpbus E. Fleming and Helen D. Lakes~-" d Country Club Subdlvl """""'" •

Fleming, Time Invervals 6 and 21 or · 1 U~nll·a·n Lin-'- Co ty N - c. -Tbat 1be UlldenJgned Petltloaec tMrtconnally AngeliDe Ebeling, Lot 12, Block 6-of Lot'116 Innsbrook Village Lincoln son, • '"WI' un • ew a~tedulhel'er'scoMJ.RepreRAIIIItve,wllhcMit Highwood ~lion, Lincoln County, 1 'N Mext ' Mexico. bOnd,lnanUMupervlled.aclrillnllttattCin. New Mexico. _ Cotm y, ew co, Harry . Klepko, Jr. and Ellzabeth D. TbatLI!tll!rii;Testamentar;y beW!d.toPI!tl·

Benoy c. Coulston and Diane R. · lnnsbrook of Ruidoso, Inc •• to Jobtt. ;..,Klepkp ~ D e~·Jlf\t\·Q4nf. u_.. • ..... : ~u. ..- .-. ~ Coulston toWUliam G. Carey, Lot 15, P. Ford, Jr. and Rosemary Fordt i"'..da1fl.:/era..e and · L~CJ'IIllllJ'!t! ~ Pllr::X~._~n .. ~ rW!!t_aa~fGJ; Bloclt 2 or Wblte Mountain Estates, Time Interval26, Lot us. lnnsbroo£.'-~Jalb!JSE: I..ii"'Cf Lot"'ls ootttr. JUg& ~-~~'t!Owa'"il'~.$"""' Unlt n1. Llncoln county, New Mex- VUiage,LtncolnCounty,NewMexico. Mesa S~bdi~ion tfmt -2 Lincoln ~N,-MI!ldeo.cmlhetsthdayQl:April,t11183. I ~car Lozano MD and Maria E ' • atU.ohcJocli,.A.M. . eo. ._ • • • • County, New Mexico. Punn&.nt te~ Sec:U~~n 45-t-401, N.M.B.A .. 1m Dulcie Sultemeier to Ernest Lozano to John P. Moody, M.D., Lots ZebriaF Boeluns to Raymond San- Ccmp.,I!Cillceotlhetlmeandplaeoorhearfn&on

Sultemeler, all of Section 25, Zl. 28, 29, 30, 31,-32, 33, 34, 35, and 36, ebez and Barbara Sanchez LOts 28, said PellUm 11 bl!reby SfVC!D you b)' p~~tmeauon. Township 2 South, Range 14 East, Block 32 of Ponderosa Heights SUI). 29, so, 31 and 82, Block 78', Capitan CJMe~cK!=::r::"JS:JitCc.urt. Seetlons 30 and 31 Township 2 South, divlslon, Unit V, Lincoln County, New . Lincoln County New Mexico DATED lhlltGthday 111 Mard:t, tte3. Range 15 East, A rract of land Section Mexico. ~ rt._ Chris A. Fquson to D~ton R. ~~c:~~~eJ 6, Seetlon 4, Section 5, aU in Township Plnecllff SUbdivfslon, a Texas \.oUP Callaway and Peggy L. CaUaway, Lot SEAL BY: 111 Joyl.esllo 3 South, Range 15 East, N.M.P.M., porationtoEmllloBanda(So~)and s, Block 4, Glen Grove-SUbdivision. Deput.YCierlt

. Lincoln County, New Mexico. Concepcion SUva de Banda, BuUding Lincoln County, New Mexico. '~C3Ci1~s":-~ikiHK!r Consuelo E. Love to Floyd C I, Apartment No. 1, Untt Week Nos., QUITCLAIM DEEDS BY: /a/ il'. RANDOLPH BURROUGHS

Chandler, Lot 11, ·Block 20 of 12, 31. & 51 Of 'l'be Pinectuf Project, William G. Shrecengost, -'k/a P.O.DnwerN Ponderosa Heights Subdivision, Unit Lincoln County, New Mexico. W.G. Shrecengost and Margaret E. ~r~~U= 11, Lincoln County, New Mexico. John D. Stone and Marilyn K. Stone SbrecengD$t to Jete· voss Lot 102 Legal -*3 ·2t. 13, 24, at

Plneclif'f Corporation, a Texas Cor- to Melvin L. Lovorn, Lot 7 of Sun SecUon 15 T9S RJ.5E N :M p M ~ poratfon to Arvid R. Andel'S9n and Valley First Addition, Lincoln Coun- tract ot Ja~d in Sectton •29 TeS Ri&!: Flora I. Anderson, Building 2 and s. tyM~~nM~~oril and Adele a. ~.M.P.M.,LincolnCountY.NeWMex! Apartment No. 1 and 7, Unit Week Lovom to William E. Bullock and teo. V d p V I Nos. 16 and 40 of Ute Pine<=li£f Con- Loe•-F Bullock Lot 7 FlraiAddiU Jete oss an . atsy oss o


NO'rJCE OFPEND£NCYOFACTION domlnlwn Project. Lincoln County, · .... · _ • _ • . 00 Margaret E. Shrecengost. Lot 102, Now1 Mextlff coCorpo. Sunty J~~~~Vision, Lincoln Coun- Section 15, 'n:JS, R':5E. N.M.P .M •• a F~~~~ 3J.M":f1' o~~iGwA=

.p ncl ration. a Texas Cor- • QUITCLAIM DEEDS tract of land inSecfion 29, T9S, R16E, DEFENDANTS: poration to V. Herman Wheatley Jr. J- Stewart to Stewart M. P'-'"-- N.M.P .M., Lincoln County, New Mex-andBarbaraY. Wheatley,Buildlng6, u,_..- teo ApartmentNo.I.UDilNo.32,0fTbe ton,. Jr., Lots·u:·and 13, Block 2 of · Plnecllff Project, L;ncoln County, Camelot Subdivision, t.!nit One LEGAL NOTICE New Mexico. Amended, Lincoln County, New Mex-

Plneclltf Corporation, a Texas Cor- · leo. · · poration to Humberto Diaz and H. P. McC18naban, to Stewart M. Guadalupe Garza de Dfaz, Building 5, . Pinkerton, Jr., Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, Apartment No.7, Unit Week No. 31, of Camelot Subdivision, Unit One Of The Plnecliff Condominium Pro- Amended, Lincoln County, New Mex-ject1 Lincoln County, New Mexico. ico. ·

Pinecllff Corporation, a Texas Cor- Vicente Singh to Stewart M. Pinker· pora,Uon to Jo AnnW. Roberts. Unit . ton, l.ots 12 and 13, Block 2, of Week No. 26-, Apartment No. 6, Camelot Subdivision, Unit One Buildiilg 1, Of Tbe Pinecliff Con-· Amended, Uncoln County, New Mex-doinitUum Project, Lincon County, leo. . . 1 New Mexico. Benjamin G. GarCia to Stewart M.

Pln.ecliff Corporation, a Texas cor- Pinkerton, Lots 12 and 13, Block 2, ot poration to Albino Ramirez Madera Camelot Subdivisions, Unit One and ·Alma Sancbezde Ramirez, Unit Amet~ded, Lincoln County, New Mex-Week Nos. 2, %11 40, Apartment N'o. 5, ico. - ·

· Buil~g 1, Of The Pinecliff Con· . _ WARRANTY DEEDS dominium Project, Lincoln County, Vaughn Martin and ltelen Martin, LEGAL NOTICE


New MeXIco. l.ot 13, lnnsbrook V'tuage, Lincoln •n Corpor · ·eounty New· M-~..... IN'I'HEbJSTRICTCouRToF Pinechu - 8Uonl 8 Texas Cor- • ~""'· TJiE1'WELFruJUDICIALD1STRtt"r.

pOratlon to Dwayne Walters Billie Randy L. StufOebeam and Debra_ -s1'ATEloFNEWM~x1co. Jean Walters, Unit Week Nos.-1. 17, StufOeDeam to Jack Bl. johnson arid ·- WlTHINANDt'ORTHE f;l, Apartment- No. 11 BUilding 2 ()f Marguerite J. JOlnl&OIJ. Lot_11, Block - -· · CQUNTYOP'LINOOLN 'the Piileclfff Condominium Project, 7, of MoUiitain SUbdivisiOn, Capitan, Shawr~Mushall

nerentflint 1 LincPin Cotinty, lllew Mexie(J, ldricoln County, New Mf:'Xli:!o, _ -v•

·l'inecllfr Corporation a 'texas Cot- Lakeside Corporation, a New Mex• AllenMarsh,adl J)OJ'IItion toLic.PedrodU,_BuJJding3, leo- Corpo'ratlon, to Stallley F. Rae- Pa.t-WI3 Apartment No. 4, Unlt Week No. 5 of Z)'IJ$ki and Patricia C. ~czynskl.-, -Tbe Ptnedift Project, LincOln Coun- Alto Village beer Park Woods SUMMo~ tyf Hew Mexico. . Townhomes, Units l through 17; Lhr ThestateCJtllltnvMdb

Plneclitr Corpofafioh, a Tekas Cor· coln County, New Mexico. -'re~: Att .. Marshall poration to VIctor Manuel Pena San White Mountain :Pev-elopment COrn· tot So, BW:hannan EmeterloiltldAdela Ghac::ondePena, -- _paiiy;.lrw., a New Mexico Corpora• iWwotth,JU. Unit Week Nos. 11, 11h 32.~ Ar>artment tion,. to Gralit Et Glat and ~atrick GltEie'l'INo: 1'1~.$-,.bulldlng 1 Of TheJ>Qtecliff C<ln-- lvan- Lootnis, Lot ~.·Block 3, S.Cond You Ill'<!: het-e'&y directed to serve-a plftdfr!Ui' dom. fnium. Pro1"eet, Lincoln.County, Addition to. Ati'J)Ort West, Lincoln ll!llll~~nlni'~iolhecMJ)Ialntwlthhr:R!.dia)'lt N Co ty "ew M lc aneriii!I'YH:eDitblaatDnll'lons,al)ddl~~~~ll1l!.lillliJ ew Mexico, . · - un , ••' ex o. _ _ pnwkled by'"'· _

Pinecliff C"oi:-Poration, a Texas COr- . Grant E. dist .and _cyrsta1 K. _Gist YoU ate lllltliJed tl!ltl, tlllless you M -=rve and pOt-ation, Lie. ·Pedro- GU, Btdlding .5., ··arid Patrick lvail Lo!;imls tp Leta lila • reBpo,;iM! p!eadllll fn' motiCIII. -the plafntlff

. A••~-en-tNo. 4, Unit Week No. 1-1 Of J..ewis, Lot t, Block-3, o(Secopd Addl- <wlllappli l6dte ~ te~t the relief d..niitlided In ~~.. ' W I Ll I Count ..,....,,.., _lrit. . The PlnecltfC l'rofect; Lincoln Coun· liOn tOi AirpOrt es , nco n Y,.

't N M. ext< · New :MexiCO; · Attol'n81or.At~ror<J>Ialt!lln: y, ew o. - -· - - h-OL.·-~·- Shawn M flllullll Pro-~~e ' Plnec1ir(Cotporatlon, a Tc~s: car.. · · _1.-. _J, -w~er and_ A_,~e"'",J' .. J. box21'- • • -

porat1011 to Guillermo ftico··GranUio WaggotJer-10 ChriS" -If. li'et~n, Lot RtlfdOI!b Dcnvni..NM'_ ~-and Yoland :Beltran Del ltfo de- Ric:o, .3, Bk:lck '-4 of Gi19'1. Grove Subdivlsl~n, wtrHESS oN! KoN. Gilo. ·-w Zfiniiiermait l>litrlct Unit Week N"o. a, Apartment. No. 1. tJnco1n COUnty-!_ New Mexieo.. · • JU:d'aur tbe'l'weiRh .JIIilltii-t-filstr~tt ·r.oun 11rth~ SUildlrtg 6 Ot The Pirteclltl Project~ _ QU'JTCL.AIM DEED · • Blat~! ol New Mexleo, :aikf· lhl!'seld ot ihe. Dllitrlcl. Uneoln County New Mexico. . . W:iUiaR~,_ W~ Dean, to ,fdary Courfoi_-URc~JlirCQumt: tbrs_tlltbdayorJ.,IIar.~o·.

PJneclUf corPoration, a Texas Cor-- ~ttietlheDean,Lois 12 &hid l~,_Block A-~-· ~883• /Wor:ttil'f,fnil~.rtoft'k. pol'lltlon ta WJlllam...lli AIM! k~ to;~arm .. Gatoway !lubd vtsll>n,I.Jn• · . · . . . ·· . stmte .. BolldJng"&;-Apattittthk·fq-0 ;--ii: •.. '1--_,:&lb counw-. N~ Mu.tco . .- Leplddftlltl~l a.1o,tt.u.~r. .

... . . . .


• You ilnd eac:b Clf )'1111 Are hereby ncoUfied that THURMAN R. BENst.EY, oi'OAN cntovoGEu,· TOMMY R. HENSLEY aao;t CAilOLtE A.­HENSLEY, Plaintiff•, have flW an •ctloo la 1be Dir;tric:t Court Cll Llnc:Gln Cwnty N- M'ozleo, Cause Na. CV-13-71, Dl~ ~ J'CIII are named or designated 1111 nfll and Wbe:reiD the uld PlafutWs &eek io abWn Clllllllnlctlve-.. \'Ice I)( proceA ~ )'911. Tbe~llbjectDt.aldactiDDiillhaestablbh­

rnent 01' the lnteri:sts Clltbo Plalntlfl'llln ree almDle In and lCI ibo prqll!tl;)' desc:rlbed ln the Compjalnt In utd eause agalnlit the advene elalm1 ill the Deiendai:tta, ana each or tbenl, lind evertone daiiDlna by, ~.or Under them, and lllllit the befendiinjj, arid eaeb Clfthl!m and Mr)'11111! c:lillm-­lng b)', Uu'Otlgb, or under them, .be barred and lCil'eYI!t 1tc:lpped hn! ha'llnl Cll' claiming any lien Upcl!\,oranytlsht. tldeot lnterelllln Ol'"tcJ tJieNid rea~ ettate adfti'H to the lnteresllll.or the Plaln­IIU .. ond that lbe' Utle or the Plabitlfh: theretG In tee sftnple bo fm-ever allleled. and Mit at rest. ~aid )Of'Cip!l'l)'· being the cerialn land altuate In LI!Jciolli CC!Unty,-NI!W Maxlclt, 6atcrtbed aa fe~Ucnt.'l:

' ..

..... ... '"

rinaneial aid and job plae~t ¥sistance available. Superior Training Services, 450 West Picacho Ill, Las Cruces, NM 88005; 1-524-1488. S-8244tp

ABORTION - early appointments available for first trimester abor­tion. Albuquerque, (505)

.242-'1512. A-89-1Btp


. on allwrv1ce work with this coupon

OPEN MON,. SAT. .....

Ruidoso At the




GodS..el Christian Boolrs:.. Music

Gifts - Imprinting · 1507Sudderth 257-2111

MATURE, RELIABLE LADY -looking for general o£fice or similar- work. Efficlent, pleasant aadadaptabte. 257-4907. M-91-4tp

MURRAY'S CLEANING SERVICJ!l - ho:D.e, commercial cleaning, Carpet eare. window · cleaning, light baullng, security" checks. Lfcensed,lnsured. 258-5024G-7o-Uc .


CONTRACTOR • Lic.ll14164

FREE ESTIMATES ·AU Work Guaranterd ·

Comnterclal, Ri!sidendal ·& llemodellng


:-:.;~;.~~;;;~;II CUSTOM HOMES . .

I Over 25 Years Experience I I MORGAN cONSTRU(;TJON.I

I COMPANY I · Ucensacl & aondecl ·

· I 257-51'l'll or~1i'5468 . I L---~--~.,;,J.-----.1 - . . . . . _, ,.. . ~- ~ -

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.. ".' '

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-· '. ._' ·:

_ .. -

~ ' '

'' MOUNTAIN MEADOWS'',. •· . . . . . . . . , .

' "A Very _Nice Address" . ·.

A Sec11red Subdivision · .. . . . . - .. , ., .. ···· · · .. -- ----~ .. •·s.·ng· ,l·e·F-a-!1y··.···L· --ot. s .... ·· · - · · .. ;. -· , .... :.·· .. :-. . •· :I:•• .~ >~<~~;•·~•., ,!';:.,. ..... ~·-~• ... ~- · .-. -• . ---'-8·.' .:•:• '. -: · •" .,· .. ·• ,,.; .: .. . -·: .::·: -"'~~··.··~~ .... ,.,,.,._iot -~_-ro.f•

- '

• •

. .- ·••· ....• ·- .. •


. .

$I6,soo to $37,ooo . . •rrownhouse Lots·

•24 Hour Security Guard · · · At Entrance·

•Views. . . . . .

•Tennis Courts· . . - .

to he completed by -·~.~ - - . . .

·. · -:Novelftoor.lS~ 1983 -

•.. ··.·TERMS • • • I

·White Mount~ip~:n-~velopment Co. . . ... - _ .. _ .. "--,, ····,· .·. ·.

CALL 505-258 .. 5050. .. BOX ·55, RtJIDOSO,.N.M. 88345 . . . . .

· '105l Mechem (ffighway 37 Across From Airstrip) . . . . '

• • · .. _·:··OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK . ..·· '· . . ' ' ' . ' .

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c.,u Clcoude Tax & 8a11kkeeplng

Ser.vlce ·Small ;r Large Tax

· Returtas 30 Years Experle~ce


T. General -Contractor . COIIIIOOrcial- Resideirtial · Repairs-Metal Buildings

· . ..-.o. BoJ~t'Z91 R11ldoso, N. M. 88345

'~7~24o:J .

New 24HOUR


257~012 Lic.#20055

$800 Include• materlalurnd labor.·

call nowforthespeclal. 258-3413

Lie. #12415

TELEPHONES Soles,lnstaUatlort & rtcj:palr

Lincoln County Phcirie Co .. Dlv, Builder. Lighting


. •

BOOTS - •79.95 lANE'S WESTERN WEAR . ' .


TWo. large display tiered ~JaDds~

One 'S:Iass display case~

Tract Ughthlg all new.

IJJ.formation can '378-8573.


QpaUtyboatdiDg aDdgroo~

19'18 TRAVEL TRA1LER-8x34, new carpet, ue at Green Act'eS. lot NlO before 3:00 or eaU S1B:fJ565 after 3:00p.m. • T--91-8tp

FIRliMOODIFUELWOOD feiiC8 posts, posts, beams; dimensiortal lumber, aspen tongue artd groove. ~ustom millliig, sandblasting. can Puma Woodworking. ..,.......f25&.3245, F.OHitp

:'~~~i~~~D~eoksf!; !P•alreld Lie. #M·2•4BB ·

Company Orive


BACKHOE SERVICE . We specialize ln. · drhteways. Culvf!lriS

Lot• C!le· at8411. or

Savings Sale!

FM Mobile Radios darting at $275

til\ M07"10'ROLA 'C.Y ~ .... --·-,.,..Me.


Shop Wom WRANGlERs

flO pair·~. (111lun to IZS)



. · 'the ltacqu!ilt Club' Is. now taking applications for full member$hlps. The facilities ore still· under <:anstructlan. but due to b• finished

· · · . om aunt of memberships a·r•· n<>vv. Coi1t·act Rick. Scog•

'"~ .. - •.' :


. .'l:r.·-\·" -~· , ..... t; • .- • - -.- . ~ .-. . . .

COMMERCIAl. BUlLDl~G - lor ... - .. · . rent, Riwoy n, ball block ••rlh Mb:lit Mart, corner- lot, 'Street ·three_

·sides, eight' rooms w/a~rtmEJnt dowostalrs.l-354-2997. -ll-78-tfe

Nl'TRACTIVE · MODEIIN tw• bec:lroom furnished •p.attmen,t,

· good locaUon, No pets, pl(!B841l. CQII 257-2MB. . A~•tfe


; 0.,; bedroom. 1- hath unfur-l nlah.d, with hot tub and ca,.. port. n.2oo dtORth + 111111 .•

Two b•droom, 1 both fuml•h· , H, 1ft midtown • .._.. •.So month + bllll.

A:llo areGI, 2 blldroom, 1% I bath. new. unfurnl•hH.- t4SD

+ 111111. Avlol~ble May 1.

. lnmbi'(H)k, unfuml•htHI, huge . · 3 ••droom, 214 llath 1

townho-. u.ooa month + bll(l:.



~ b•droom• t bath matllle.r furnl•heel•\nlo• -IODaUOn, ... nl monthiW Or tort~ .... mnMJr.

Thr•• ttedroom, 11oft bath rnobl .. 11'1 "RUidiHID Dow~.·

Horn- tor .. ,... tor th• 18Ummer. CaM ... u you ne~ a ~ntal ar hav• • proapertJf that vau w .. ., ta..-nt.

Will trade p,ro~rty ln AlbuqueJio que tor Ruidoso property: My home: wKb 1,650 plus double garage and a duplex with garage, Each ublt l'ented, good Jncobie. Constder mobile home& •r rent proJttrty. Realtor/owner. .Jack Mlze, Pinon P.-rk Real E:slate. 2$8-4129; home, 2584391'.


20 tnlnutes to central Ruidoso, 30 minutes to 'rack, 30 minutes to ski area. 5.7 acres tree covered hilltop with 360• views of Sierra Blanca Peak, Capitans and valleys. Underground water, electric, phone and T.V. Irrigation well In place. Just off newly paved Fort Stanton Road. Priced to sell by owner. 257-2692.



SERVING RUIDOSO SINCE 1947 . CHOICE COMMERCIAL LOCATION ON . SUD· • DERTHDRIVE-Hil!ll traffic area and level loca­tion make this one o1 the best locations fw just about any business you can think of. $200,000, possl· ble terms.

IT'S NOT LO,NG TILL TilE PONIES RUN- Ao4. where _Will you_ho.-.emen stay? On 2~ aeres we have a "!ell-built home with 2 bedrooms (master . sllite Is e>llra large) and two baths. TWo car · garage, niee kltcben with pantry, rustic decor with . th& best of today•s conveniences. Grand fireplace · lq llvfn~rea~ Large feneed e.-rral for your favorite

' filly! .

PltiCE llE UCED FROM $225,000 to $195,000! I -E.:ceptlonally well•ballt bome enjoYfl spectacular views from nearly eve:ey room .. Large deck faces the mountain too. Large countrY kltcben, 4 bedroom•, ;I baths, gamer<iom; Not fo mention the jacuzot off the master snite. · · ·

'SPEAKING OF A.VIEW OF 'l'im MOUN'l'il.lN- tt would be- hard to beat the view yOit eould enlO)' lrom Ibis beal!tifnl lot tn Country Club Estates. What a .Place to build that special home oryourst

· LOT IN :SLACK FOREsT- EnJoys two ver:v. 'good bnUdtng sites, tal!e _your _pick to suit yonr neeCI!l. On pavln., with lets of g- ol' pine treell. '15,000: .

MO'I'EL Foit f18o,uoo-Pusslble owner flnlutclllgt . Excellent locatloo on Mechem l)rive, ,large llvbig · ql'arters and,r®m fw expansl~ll·

1,200 sq. ft. h.ome,. th,•• bttdroom,. 1 Ya bath, flr•pklw. two decks, high ~mn,. Close to downtown. You .may mov. In tmrnedllotely.

ONLY $46.000


MAKE THIS HOUSE 'tOUII _ HOMII thiN• bedroom. on• bath1 ofil~ cinll 2 · •t SICirage, 1a,.ct l~t ttmcH. Owner flnancln• wiJio •ID,DIJO to $15,000 claWrtt ••2:,JOO. EGG-ZAj:li.Y FOil YOUII ....... -. 2 11ath .... , ... ...... u.-,e .. tanvonr .hal '' 1•r••, one .. car .......... _ .. vi-­•• ,.,D(JO, • . .. cOMroiiT FOR SAUlt NIC. 2 ..... ,_. 2 beth•. -•••• h-onlllot.tll .· .... dy (a~ ,... ...,., ..... .. .... •••• DIJO • ... n, ... ..-, . ·.

Ruc.ll•lu.._u U7-5877 2,7.9171

. • U.EAL ESTATE '.·


'-... .lUST \ISYED - UPPIR CANYON 3 lt.draom, 2 bath, d•n~ utlllty room, tully fumlah•d, b•a-Ytlful location, Own .. r fiMndno. tO,OOO.

Dtmtl$$ ~~"!i· ~UUft,lt 1 V-f. ~,...._ !Odroom, 2 i.~~ath fully fu!"~'!'ecl Wl!lt. Mountain Estcllt•• Un1f.lf 1~:.-.:~. oc• ha~~ .. n..~"!+Jt4i ~qer J"'!'! gC»IowerJ ~

nn~ 26 lOOM MOTEL and restaurant (money mak•r) ne:1tled In "Smokey lleclr'' country. Owner will finance. •f not for health teaaons. you coulcln't got thlsl Call offlr;a for further d•toll·lh· .

OWNER FINANCIM:G available on this naat and clean ~ ltetlroom,. 1 Y2 IH:Ith older -cabin with big: view from olau.d In porch. laatr acceu. Priced at 537,500 fur'nlshed.

NOW OPIN MOUNTAIN VIEW SUBDIVISION 1!3. Locat•d luot out af Capitan. Chol.:. Ya acre lots with an utilities. 10% down,. 10 year monthly payments at 12% Interest. "'lew , ..... with view, vi•W, vl•w• Mobtles are allowed.

C)WNER NEEDS AN OFFER on thll n•wly palnt•d 3 lledroom, 2 Hth hortHt. MOi:f wanted features for mountain Uvlng. ·plreplace,. 1111ird•n room. garage,. and • fantastic vlaw Of ntGuntalnl with 1H1JY acetin. So~qe terms avalfabfe.

C)WNER WlLL niADi this 2 tleclroom, 2 bath cabin In th• pines fOr small place In cloudcroft aNa. Prtcecl at •s9.5~ ..

CHOICE COMMERCIAL t~ropariy on Hyfy. 70. 30 llV •pace. Just 'Oitlpfeted. Call tor cllittalls. .

LARRfot tiLLMAN 258-4CJ89



PRICE liiDUCED - on• of tluhloao's botter t~rlced home..- Hue• ptna .tNeli and super niCe. S, 100 -... ft. fodr bHtOOins,. ~tea· baths Wlfh an _office area.. Close to town -ntca view.· •199 .• 000 .... u ... d to U69,IIDO. · .

JUST LIStED - nice 2 bedroom, 1 cablli · ha•aJip-d b..,rlf ..,., • •no•• partly furrol•hed, tMI cute· ln•tda-, It'• · &l ... n •. N•ad •own. · Prlc•d .C.t ·ue.(!9D .


. DeanLancl &Cattle Co.

, .. -

R•ldoso MLS Specializing In ~anch properties . Reshlentl•l - Commercial

1\tths!\kp-2511'3619 Raldoao

FINISH THIS HOUSE YOURSELF and save "'· Three bedr(toma iD good at~. '1&;000 flnfahetl, or make an offer as ia. Owtier- flnanclrlg.

TIRED OF PAYING RENTf 139,500 will buy you a lurnl.shed eo-ep •part­~nt iJl ~ Uppe·r CaPyon. Fireplace and super terms •

ACREAGE CLOS& TO TULAROSA. Prime nut and grape......,_tng are•. 10 aeret~, $12,000. tJtUilles available.

RANCH. 2500 Acres ss mUes east or Albuquerque .Excellent gante coWl­try, ·could be sold $15 tracts! neii~'~way •. $$00,000.' ... ·;· ~ •·. • · : ·

> ,,., •• • ••""' .,, 1 Jo,·•.'"'"l>''




We ·hawt--y moclela ami slzea. ftom whlc:h to choose, rqngrng In stu from 795 to ~.812 sqoilre ... , and _rang .. Ifill ·In prim -from $24.08 to •28.80 ·pet squat. foot6 OR, we will build fro• your own floOr plc.n. All. prlm•.lnclucl• MU,;ery to RuidosO • . Mclny a,;tlons are eiValfalife. but here aiW tfle •tandard quellltV feoturea• _- · · · ·~ably Cal'fHI.ImQ · oe .... porllotllli! CclDiet R'o~,~gr..,,; · •ND•waw V101-l . •u S. do;¥et Waiet Pipe $vsloii'TI •WIIShet/Dty.!t HQOkup In Ullity FIDdn\ •Copper RdtnB~ $1eclrk:a1Syslam •f11Rclt1t:al Rough·ll'l Dl9hWa9her ~Forced~ll' Furnace< •&111-01~1 Flough-JII lor Oartuoge l:lltpostil •sm~el' OioWclor . •li'ree·lllt"'idlfiO Flange · •AUracliYe_LIQtll F1xbnes •2·Sp&tid Power Range HdOit •f'otch Light;,. .. •W;.~et Haok..p lor l'lelrll;leriiiCr. •lrisulatud Pa~o Slider {If ..Jia\om Jn ~lliiMI •Posl·tomied Kllal'leri'CQorltar 'lop ·~Ull'd!'IUfrtWJnrklw" wun 'Thetmc>pane •om.-•pleCe Plberi;JJiiS$' 'tJJb •A- t:2 ti'I$UI.illonill Wtil!i •Shower 11'1 ¥liSter EiBih •A·!Ii:llnsulaflOri fr'l t.:elllilg •C::111'C!tnCt f>llmblrvl'lxt, •l<lo-dried Framing Malerlal., o.:! Mll'fOred Med!CNi CSbiMelli •EhOiih!!eted !'tool Tl\l!IUS ~.ol0.Q'IIoklr1 Gla&!il·~tl W~ter Hertler •Se.rf·s~l;nu A!IPhlUI ShlnCjlas •,"&&S Fll;uolk;r ~alct SysiC!I'TI • •H1irdboatd S.dilti



LONG SlEEVE SHIRTS . Ylfth Sntpt t9, 99



·see o proof on 1o0ppeor

OR REAL Copy .inu$1

Into our offic~









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.. .'

. .... , .. '. i' .1 ~



With 3,640 sq. f1., 6 bedrooms,-3 ~a"ths, de.,, k·lt-· chen· wfth all built-In gp. pllances;~y-:oom · .a.nd rl!tfrTgerated air-. -.,Ralich has:· 34.9 acres, completely·. fenced. wJth quality fencJrig for 'horses or cattle and has. large •tock. tank, Five raqm­rental (2 bedroom)' also·· IQC~)~ on prc>PIItrty., v.(ltb new c carpet, cclbl'nets,. -paheling and~''l, lgrge meted building, completely . InSulated With bath- · whh:h 'may. be used. for horses or for Jorge workshop Is cUsa Includ­ed. 1 'A hours from Dallas, lh hour' from _resort area,

. ' 51.000 ..... . "'••..-1;10Q .;ow ,.. l-::;~::~~;~:::;~:=~ . ..,.,. lhllfket. Also· 140 acre • rea_l

. .,.._ow·ptirce •. The'oW..II!tf 1f#G'Ifl~ an-. NEEOTHATSMAiUII. aff"nla,laranchf.• h•valt. 27.

tnll_ .. .outh of Carlsbad; 4CNJ ~ •• '650,1)00. ·Gopd WCitall" Cllld -lmpr'ovemantil. 56Q acre• · d8etfed, ta • .., stat• laCI,e,_ ~.aao pi-Jvqte· ••••~ 2.000 iiiJIII.

.A nice ranch. 23.000 DEiDiiD · ACfiEi 15. mll~ll .. oifth Of. Cqplta~. -~ · Ca!IJ sell all or. part; •• i ALSO HAVI :111 600 cow_·rancb '•t·IPo•hu'C1'1 with 20.000 aw .. dMiled and. :lci;ooo··~tat. lease. _Th., owner sap make an Off&t. ao:yaiQ'S financing. . . .


. P,ftE THOMPSON: ·.

This lmmac1,1lata . SPjlNISH STYLE HOME with .year around acCeu·

- hu 3 bedrooms, 2 bath•" 'ormcil dll'l,ng ~oom, •un .-oqm and t• located-In a larg.- lot wlth ••aUtlful

.landKaplng ··In an ax­l=luslve af8CI at an t:~HOr­dCIIIiUt price. a look-

W.B~ or Shlrle_y Turner at 915-943-4491

.. 5.257-9386 S"''U'r"'"S ~ £>:J~®@ll/i~I'!P!Jil~

or write: · PaO. Box 1376

llllonclhans. Texas 7t;J756

.......... L'rOR. 4004 CARLISLI NE SUITE C

N,M, 87107~(505)88$..0201 ccill

HAPPY EASTER From Karon Petl)i.

at .fouC,SeaSOJtS RPAI.E..C\TI\TE


THE PERFECT PLACE for your dream home on this 1+ acre lot with· Sierra Blanca vieW· in prestldous.. Rancho Ruidoso VHiage. Let Barbara show yo~ this lot. $22,000. MOUNTAIN CABIN OR PERMANENT HOME. Excellent view of Sierra Blanca. Three bedroom. $59,500. CaD Tootle.

PRICE REDUCED. Owner moved out of town and anxious to sell .. Year around access, fenced backya.,rd. Three bedrOom, 2 bath with large living area· ·and corner rJ.J"eplace. All city utilities. $77,9110. Call J.'f. . BEAUTIFUL TREE COVERED LOT in Alto Lakes Golf and Country Club with full membership. C~ll Jim. CEDAR HOME in nice area - Jess than 1 year old. All city utilities. Double car garage with electric opener. Year around access._ Chain link fence in back yard. Unfurnish­ed. All a_ppliances stay except microwave. Three bedroom. 2 bath. '102,000, Call Barbara.

. GREAT BUILDING SITE for the home of- your dreams in Alto Lakes Golf and Country Club. Call Bob for more details on this choice lot.

1.98 ACRES COMMERCIAL!! Located on Ruidoso River, ~wy 37 ap,d ~ block off Sudderth.· Now a mobile home park. Great potential. Call tor an appointment.

and s'hop. Ftve aCres~ Sierra LET'S GO COUNTRY~·:'~l·T~I!~rae;e.r.~:~:•!!~~:~~,;~~: highway. Livestoek, $75,000. Call Barbara.

SURROUNDED BY TALL pines is the perfect setting for this very att.-active three bedroom, 2 bath home, double carport In a quiet neighborhood. Large chain link fence surrounds the huge back yard. Has Jiice view of Sierra Blanca. Very accessible. Call Bob for more details on this beautiful home.

TRIPLE A~FRAME in the pines. Quiet area, big deck and workshop acre. GooG terms. $94,900. can E.J.

OWNER NOW OFFERS great terms on this completely furnished condominium located on cree Meadows Golf Course. Has Country Club membership. Priced at. a low $72,500. Call JJ~ George for more Information •

EL DORADO HEIGHTS- two beautiful wooded lots. All city utilities. Nice location. Call .Jane for more informa-tion. -

NEW LISTING in Apache Park. Nice tree covered lot, suitable for cabin or home. *14,000. Call .Jane.

NEAR AIRPORT. Large 4 bedroom, 2% bath home. Two fireplaces, wet bar, can be purchased furnished or unfurnished. Owner flexible oft terms and ·will The

257-7313 -Box 284-Mechem Drive

OUT A WAYS but what a nice set-up on this 2 bedroom, 2'bath, complete­,ly furnished mobile home. Im­maculate! $42,000 with vety good terms. Call .Jane.

price Is right Jim George on this

....--~.f?~n·· P.O. Box 966 .:... Ruidoso Downs, N.M 88346

REAL ESTATE .---..... 1 Mil• ·Ead of the dlaparral on Hlghwily 70 .


,.EW HOME. ·Tw .. o bad roOms, 1 -blflth, exceilant v1ew.- $57.000. MOBilE itOMI ONL \'. TW'o ly~..Htms. I' bath. fully furnished, ••· . fro cl-n. $2,000 d~n, . 4'r;.r flnancfrlfJ•· · . - . ·

' iHVILOPMI_Nf ~nNfiAL. 229 ·ac~ with frontap·ori H.ghway NIAR "IGHWAY '10. DeVelop yOur owri 26 ·actel or build your 37. treh. 'VIews •nd owner financing. homtt_ln privacy, yet 0111~ mfnutH from. tow:n. Would ·consider

~lllng fmaller tract. OW.iillr ffnontlng. · UNCMIS. W• havo ._,·.,al ranch .. w. t.•l a111 among- tt..bftt In th.-.atate of New Mlt.~lco, H yo1,11 a ... In the market. . IN Till FC)RUT. We ,_,.listed 6o acre1 that are I.-. Hllih tountry

that have ll!rlvate ~. llitetrtclty. wUI btl aV.IIa~le. Game • A .. ICE HOME. threa biajii'CJOnit, 1% 'baths~ fa...-• back yard, privacy. t.-... Cllnd a. view of Sl•rro Blanca. Owner finanCing ', a· ... garage, f}teptac.-, ~ao· stoves •. O~fy t7S,OOO :-- compare available. - . . · ~

-\\ Vcifue.t .~ , . . . · - . · · ...i:ISftOI ifOMI. This IIi .... -comfortaitfe home 1J nHr fo"!n.- yet · '·~· . OM ntE aJV'iA. ApptOX.flilately 5 IIIIC1'81 with fruit t ..... , tlver . 1lvea one the prlvilqt tlley -woulci •xped to flncl· In the maun ..

frontage. 2+ ac,.. of water rights. •-.onablil ifown payml!l!nt, taln•. LOts Of piUStH. M ... t ~~ 'w appolntm•••· . owner financing on !balance~ · . .HOitSIMAN'$ SPICIAL- 'lery lilocletri cabin~ .1 ~r_oom •. 1 ltlltl1~ MOll, AdD saLLIR. Owaer ik.. 'redu.d prlctt Olf foUr_ acres in Wood.burrlfl'ltf lfove ... real .. ,...If at •=-o.~. •, · G Hondo Valley, ..,_ lladroom, 1 bath b-• with extra WHITI MOUNf.jt.J.., 1(, jt.PIItOxlmat•ly 1.611o "''• ft ••. 3 ltory'

- buUcUnp.- frulf ...._ anci wot•r rlfhts. . · · ·· • :; with 5 beclroon\s, 1% laaths, "r•tila'- and tasf!WfuUy. . A H . HI MOu··rA· IN8 thl II comfo I -·1 cabin .. ..... Lei .... cOrner lot ,,. ....... -- mar•••c vre.w of st.,ra-. U ;:::':.,.\ ..!.r Mo~ ~;,., ~k .. .,; .. :r.,._ a .~.,: ..... ~few. 11o-. No. th-·• ... hf,.. wro"'l With th.• prlee at •us.-.. .. tte..- yet, Itt• priced at anl-v t2a,OOO .. · · · ! lt'slnf:a .:Ood ·~.. · , - • · .

Y BILL IIPPJN, Jrolilr/Realtar 1;. IIA YMOND REEVlS. $olet Aoot. ltils;: 3$4111 , Rea,: 257·2779·

WI T H T H E I U Y-· .... ~..-· .. ..__378-401 '

. '

R~NCHIF;S .~LAND RUIPoSO llREA R'llliCHP - . .. :. : i

w;. ..... ~- .. uq~l:t.r·,.. ............ f.ha ··~· .. ~ c. .... for.IIClla .. SCHlie ~ld!il:ll;lke fine ho,.a '-cUitt¥•·· . - . . . LINCO~_N ~UA ...:! : . "' .. ~. ·. . ~ , • . ~ . .-:;1.-

W•hcl,_l~ U•,.ctflle t~c;bFal!l&l(nafr~-.._,to 1J2 ·~ c,cr.. ·tmntedtajely .Gcl]ace11t ··• l!,ea.-,lful. ht.tOrlc l,ln'coln. Estate. development Or comm•r.clal poten .. tlol.-- ....... - ~

jt.PpROY'D SUBOIYISION ""'· . . . ~ .... ·A! Lincoln, nevel' ·marketed and ,,.._ill~y t_., ·~•11.:·

> • ·.' • ·- ~-.1 ' ' •

WHITE MOUNJAIN II '- •" 'The' most scenic lot avallaltle 'ofl the ridge In, R:uldas;o, with vfa'!H in a_ll diNctlon•.

HONDO v .iiLLIIY· -TWo 3 acra fract• on both Std .. of Highway 70.

IIUIDOSO DOwNS ZONED COMMERCIAL -.- 1QO !!· tt.·hGme on two lots. •65,000.


R ... (505).257·7048 ..... (505) 257-2225 Buo, (505) 257·9095


. _tiD M.-1..-o Trail e P,O, ao. 520 • Ruidoso, New 4YI••Ico AMS

Plnetree Square

WHITE bAKS AREA -State hl•tarlcalmanuntent~ 26 acres with th,... bulldlilfl•· Call our office for an ap· polntment.

ALSO IN THE WHilE OAKS ARIA - We have ,. lovely tract wlth.vlew of JnOuntalns and southern expoaure. Well with water at 60 feet. Will consider all offeq.

IXCELLENT RENTAL PROPERTY - Cal:tlns are partially furnished. Two ·cabin• at $325. one cabin cit •350, one efficiency cabin cit -$175 and o.,. main hou .. at t475• Good rental hl•tory, all plu• utllltl ... ·o.erlook river. Call our office for an appointment. ·

FOX RUN - Th- acreage tracft: will make •xcellent home sit .. n .. tleclln this exclusive quiet mountain .. ttlng ciOM to town. A~l tracta offer good vi.W. and' bulldlnsi re•trlctlona. PropertJe•. will hav• underground t•lephon• and electrl~ •.

Denys McCoy Associate

Harvey Foster-

NKWNATURALLOGHO,_. Three bedroom, 1 '% b•the In Bl•ok Fo,...t. end eome owner tlnenolng. .

TIM••HAR.SAVAILAaLil We hllive tlmeahare• evallable from s 1,500 •nd up. Cell to• dey tor •n lnapectlon of th••• fine ~cpndoa.

PR-TIG·HO-­TaatetuUy rurnfah•d 1 five bedroom •• nv. bathe, apprax­fmetely 3,700. aq, tt. with dou­ble oar garage, •II wood In· t•rlor and extarlor. thi••· ftrapla~. An exoeiJent vl•w In White Mountain oall !or apf)olntment. ·

MILUON DOLLAR VlllliW Buy th• VIew tor 5'18,:1500 •nd owner Will CliVe • a bedroom. 2 b.-th fl.lrfileh•d hoM• ·1'reei With lerQe deok, paved atreet. 'proi)an• tank, l!lleti now,· .

-...zoOAIOYON-1• wh•,.. tOi ftnd thle lov•IY lot - larv•. levef and Wooded, Call and mek• •n otter.

V8:11i!YNIC. Tw~ bedroom, 2 bath, iurnlah~ ed ~of:llfe home In GiiVIIen ca .. . nyon. a4e,ooo. -,

ADYNAMn.VUIW .UII'i'IPu'L..,..ait • J ot Slerl'lll Bl•no• Olin be youN W• ha~ 1 ao ·~ .... eouth qr

rot only $7'0 ooo can and tlnd Nogel that borif•ra haUortal oiJt ell th•·e;t .. ~ .... ·.,l•.•do ... bl•· ro ... et. on WMto P'enOIMI with

u-. w.u and wlr.dmlll. ·call tor ex. naw moun•ln home ha•to ofo- _..,..:1 · · lion · fer. ,_ .. ooa . • .

·Better ~~·., . -~

........... ---~-----::::::~ ...

' . " . . < .. ~ .. - .. -...JJlr:...~..,.,.~.,~w-II·'M~·II·ill~li'-Wbllll!!tli'll'.lllfelilbWbiOibliWM'tlil#llolbiobbolh•·•w"hhiW"'hhl·•hlioi&IOiit.o.teU:J.~.,.. **"**"''toatol!t ... hliirhilh•hWh•r ... ·•o.e ... IIIOii•lieMe•·o.·••.,· il!tt"'te.,.hwr ... •~· .,...,._ .. ..,..., •• ,.., ....... ~ ..... ...;:.41io...,:""-___ _. .... _.._ ___ ""'= ..;.'Iii._.,. ... --·~-...... ~ .... ---"' ....... ..,_,""' .... , " .. ·· .

. . .. ., '• '• ., • • . '

• • . . · . . ' . ..

• ' . . • ' • .

• • • •

• • ' '

. . . • ' • • ' . • ' " ' •• • • .. • • ' . '

i I i

I 1

I '




-,' -, ,.;· ;·, .. '

. i z .


... ~· . '

J •.•

',, ' ;. . ' '

. . _ ..

- .··- .. .' ' . ·-.. ,_

BEAUTIFUL TUDC)FI STYLE HOME· In Black f.'a;..;.t with .goQd •ooep, 3 b!edrooma, 21/a bath~.-arid a2eo eql,ulre · fee1:~ Oth~r featurea!-hlmlly roqm, formal dlnli'lg room· PI~• dining area In kltf?h•n, ·double:_ car aar.-ge aod a

... et:one fl,.pl•o• In, the llv:lng room-.· Susan or Ray at 2157·7373,·3.88·4:J!s3 or 2157-9891. · ·

Miocha.,. OHic~ R"lclanca PhonM

T~~ls 217-2053

Darlene Hart

IS THIS FOFI YQU? Beautiful. large hom.e with gueSt house In preatlgfoue l!agle

·- Creek Acree. Lovely"" 8 Bicre tract. two-Dar.. garage, IOta of .atol-age area, two e:x:Ct!lllent Walla. Property Ill fully renced and horeell •1'• a,llowed.i Gragg a_t 2IS7·7373 or. 338-4318; .


257·4a22 Su .. nMIIIer 336-5$

GroggParteat 336-18

' ·'Ray.,.. .. Ccirpentar . 257,.,8.,1

Gretchctn EmO,..on . 258-3643

. EXTFIEMEL Y NICE HOME overlooking El~nlta River &fld v_allay. Thi'Gf!l b~rQo_m, 1 bath, 1 acre of land, large ba~ement,. year round aoceaa. and possible awner flnanc• lng. Gray qaughron at 257·407.3 or 37S·81198. . . . . ' .

Nli!W 3 BEDFIOOM,·2 bath hom.a ready to -move Into. Haa a great view of Sierra Bien• ca. Th'a horne le located on • ·quiet cul•de• eao .. Prloed at only sea,ooo. Tom Davie, 215?·7373 or 2157'·20118. ·

A new one-Jewel home with many extras; laval ac~ In Deer Pa.;k Woods. Alt appiiC.ncas ore lnclucl­ad. Thraa· bedrooms, . two bc!ltiU and b-utlful vi-. Calli

120 ft •. r~var "frontage on Rio RuJd.-o. Four bedroom• provide plenty' of room. for .family and gu .. h .. Large deck ovarloob- roll­Ing Rio Rulcloao. Pure sar8nlty that you d ... rva. ... __ ,

. Suddarth OHice Ralcfenca Phon ..

ESTABLISHED BUSINESS In downtown Ruldoeo with owner financing available. For additional Information call- R•v Carpenter at 2117·7373 or 2117·9891.

Everything We. Touch Ti.rrns to Sold . . . Teresa Bates

257-7121 Ga!rj Causihran

378-85.,8 Danny McGuire

251--1 Wancfa Harmon

257-75.,1 DonHanfton


SUPEFI VIEW BUILDINQ LOT. Sierra Vlata on Ski Run Road. Fantastic vlew-gently eloping lot, 120 ·x 1 82. erectrlalty on pro .. party line. Only $7 ,ooo. ·call Danny McQuire at 257·4073 or 258·4001.

BEAUTIFUL HAL .. ·ACFIE, well tread .lot. Cloile to the main vlll•sre · pf Alto. Unbeatable view and social memberehlp. Priced •t only • with poeelble owner financing. A muet to •eel Tereaa

. Beteaat2117·7373or2117·7121. ~ •qD -~-lUI 6.JUV, _, ;,:.l ~ M ...... ~·-j '" '•·· ... ·-·~ .- ., '

_ J • •• .oe-~-o-=-a""l"'l'• e-: ~1 •h I• . .. ~

For All Your Insurance & Real Estate

' Needs, See ....



Two cabins are n.arlng corn· pl•flan In c.dar c:r..k. Praeo tical two bedroom, two bath -.lg-. Cedi for lnforma.. tlon. •so. and low $6011.

•a3,SOO New thr•• b•droom,..· 2 bath wl'h private rtMtSter •II•· Hie. view from coveNCII ded.c.

Owner flna'\clng with .t25,DOD down. Thr•• r..droom, 1% IHith home In Town ami Country North.

Un~~M~~~:~I floor plan.- lara• gr•at roam, cu•tom whirlpool. Two l•v•l• of dHkfng with view of Eagle er.ek ski area Gncl Sierra •Janca. ·A beautiful Alta VIUi:lge hom.. '132,000.

On a at .... t of dlatlngull; ham••· Thr•• b•llroom•• th.-.. .,. .... ott.rlng a Sierra •lanca view from -cb room. Fllwplaces In Jiving room, family room an.- ma•ter b•droom. Al•o •P• and sauna~ •

ALTOJ.OTS . "' . ~

S14o500 Lara-lot· with pod vl•w.

S22,000 1.13 •«fl• full ~·m••••hlp. De•l' P•rk w ......

t46,1100 OVer 1 acre with matchleA view of capltana - -11 as Sl•rra Blc111C1i. ..


•11,500 IAiv•l% acre, h.awl· ly woa4.tll, .u~r t•rma· ·~n· chcln ... forest. ·

$2,500 Down paym•nt Alpine VII .... Iota. Only •

•21,000- S ocr.a: In l.omll

a .. an•• •••••••• o_ood ....trtdiCHJ.

1'wo .. rgecommei'CI•IIotson Hl.hway 37. $1IS.DDD • ·-· SAOO ..... ft. r.ulkltng + 2 lof* on HI~ 37.

• assoc., tnc. MLS

located In The Northwest Comer Of lnnsbrook Villase - Hishway 37 2290,. Ruidoso, N. M. - Bienvenldost aqul se habla esjpaln"!


Jeff Chapman .... 12!17 .. 290 hggyoowdy .... 1257-4731 K-lntfay"

.... t2S7-9181

Sam Richardson .... 1257·53!19 Ed Rocll;·lgu.z

.... t 217-49118 David Harding .... t2S7-9883 •Ill Hldehf•ld

Property Manag•-nt/Sal .. ... :217.-.4$15

t.e.MIIton ..... :257-5386

Ja.Zogon. a ... :ea-4242 ... ty Lou Ryan .... 1336-8277

Shlri•Y McCormtdc • ... 125-.3461

(505) 257-4073 (505)257-7373

Doug Bass- Broker · · Brad Johrison- Gen. Mgr., Res .. : 257-4775 BUI Happel - Sales Mgr ., Res.: 267-6209

NEW H0Mi IN PRESTIGIOUS WHITI MOUN• TAIN ESTATES. 'Features . a: lloclrOom,, · 3 batha; 2 -firapiCicaii# 2 car gotago. Indoor Jacunl,. w•t bar. aitdar lntor10r flntah ·ancf much more. Spectacular vlow of -Sierra •lan­ca can be· ... n from ovar l,bOO sq. ft. of cleck. Contact Potitr. ' _ ctiOICE ~MMIRCIAL PROPEIITY ~ has good flxer-uatper hou" ori It '"':"' that ia If you· rGal­

bi'dt! -JUST LISTID -. HouM under construction In secluded orea but still close to downtown. Owner ,.,.nt complete hou• for '$95.000 or 1110lca an offer as Ia and finish It yourself. Call Ray far ~or_e, details. '

. SPRINGTIME iS- BUit.DING TIME •nd we hava the Hat lot In Yihlte Mountain Unit Ill •. NO JOKEI Call Martin. t27 ,·soo~

. ly Uko a -challengell o•harwt .. you could •--~- 1uat clo• It doWfl and sta_rt _frain scratch. • TRAiti YOUR ALto VILLAGE LOT for equity

Good lmteatm•nt opportllinlty ,and priced at In a new condo wlfh bast rentcil anll · onl)t ·•47.500. Ju•t ask 'for Novel. , m~nilgeitiel'lli pi'Ogram. Ideal iax lha.tar.

CaiU»ttter .. :_ NOGAL C~NY.ON. ·2.2 acr .. ~i"de:.-ed by Un..­. coin FOi'eat ... A goo place-to build ·EASY ACCISS_TO 1H. -li:ACI TR4CK fi'OI'II this that h"ntlilg lodge. $2,2150JI Call Ron. Plllacllff. hom.. Thr- .. drooms. 2 IKitM t• · · · ·· - · · coZy Int ... wlntar-Oncl hal. a~undar-t deck .. EASY 10 iiU'Y.VIITH FULL OWMEii FINANCINO. lnli for 1Rilhn1ei' entettalnlng. :the. carpo.-t Is tWO illfory. tilg and cfosa: to the alrpo.,.;Raal• a borlua ·a• wall as Iota of iltoraga. Call •ra~ ly -11 furnlohed, Asklnllt. prlco · s 1 59,00il. today •.

I HA\11: A FINE VIEW: LOT .ON. WAGLE DRIVI-at Ctae M.-dows Golf eou...- wtth a $2Vi.soo prlcai and all utllltt... It"• a sound Invest­ment. Call Ron ..

JUS't LISTED - th•• 3 bedroom. 1% bath In chOice Wingfield Homestead. Spectacular view, Iorge terraced lot g~ atreet to atreet. Double garage, oil cltyutllltlaa. easy access. All thla ancl mora far only $110.000. tall Neva. to iHie this one. ·

CALL liON FOR THAT IIACl SEASON RENT ALII have cOndos ancl cabin• from ·•'i'50 to $ 'i .eoa p&r month. Also nightly and waeldy rentala •

TRUI MOUNTAIN CAIIN IN OLD 'UPPIII CA· r.YON - owmir · neacla an oflttrl two

. ltedrOorns, loft room and 2 bathe". •• CCIII Martin.

CciU Mattht.- · · . · . _ _ _ .. ..,. HOMIS •CABINS •CONDOS BY THE DAY, WEEk OR MONTH CALL - PROP.ERTY MI'•NI~GiiR

.. •· ' • . -·-4~~~w-•-~~~-~4~~4~~-•~4~~~


Pran N•vlnll •rolc•r

.... 13'78-1121!1 Pet..-liroHI .... :316 ....

Martin-!loa· .... :25~143 H.-....... .... :316 ••• ,.

tldAifonl ltft.t2Sa-4120 -......-.hi .... 1217-7266 ·NeWIItoche­.... 1257-'1"103

.. ·

I • L


(:OM.PLITI!LY. REMbDELElt four biidr.oom, 2"4 ·ul,l•th hoRJ& In nice "elghborh~-:-New. carpet and a_p. plla~J~cr.a • ..-ut ran fepca, landscaped. Submit offer for financing. ___ trCide. "30,0JICI. LIKE t'IW MOBILE h0111te ~ al~t

· one. "ere. Nice arect, woOded. with new ., .... le-panli wlnd,.,-ws. O'Utslde -.

_-doOr•,. r&d wood· clockj.. Tf;tee beclroonaa. 1% baths, completely fur.­nlsh8d. ••9,5J)O.




·NINE· AQIEs fenced- fbr hOrses W_rth ·tour b•drOOm, t"ff llath ho..-... Runn· lne .,,. • .,, 4llty WQ.ta.;, t•rdell area, CM.It-l:tul.dlngil.- E1;11y acce .. , hlghwoy fron.tct8•· . Ov!fnal' will help fl_noJicG _ and loon Is anu.-nabl~t. ·

' LIPICOLN · AR!A, 8e73. a ell".-. two baclroom. two bath' homa with _don,· fl~piCIIce .. Newly painted ·lnsld~~t -,,.d out~ new barn and· stqdto, Fe.,ced. lt:~"tlacap841 wlth ,._etabla .va·ri:l ... , fFult· t~. well. Deta11s, survey_ In office. An excellent buy ~t '15!1.-· PIYE MILES f.i'oin- Nopl on HltitiwOy 37 • ten acre• _priced ·a~ $4,000 p~r . a~ with owner fln.nclng !"'' make offer for.•.mille~ pcill'C81.

t:WO TEN ·.ACRE tract•. (u•t ouf.tdG. village 11111ilt• with taU ph1u, Sierra BlanCCII vle¥11•· "or•a• panwtltt•dt oWner flnariclng. ·

·-· ..... . . ~

"VIRY HIIC.I. Y.- decq"rofacl ~two ·bed~, -1%, bath - ..,oblhJ hoina

._ ..;lth· ma•cnu·y 'flrepl91c•~ New carpetf"SII• lovOiy lev&l lot In nita ar~. -ea•y. occe-. •.

. SHELL JIOMES:· to. be cO~structed on your JOt or -buUcle.-.:llxferlors c:o"'"

. plate. Rni.P. tnterfor younatf. PJCIIin• for frame .tyla IPF log ~abln style In .. (lffiCfl .. Pc-1Ce~. from '32..500 ln.clu~lng lot, ••ptlc tcink. wc:.t_ar mater.-

258-3306 MlS

. ,_·-~~TOBY ~-nt.WJ~ ~tu,IJ, ~ lfit-·.Uilt.y-~~ II~. -M~ q •. fl.t eovuH dedl, tree·eov..-e«· ~vt~ LJstedi "' •11,&®.

---J~INS ~.4-Tl~N.U FOilES,...;. v~·.n~ J,AoB.,. (t. ~e OP "l~ott:-_lf.ll.actre Jeri;, 3~ms, 21ia:U.!III, -.niJtgroo ... aear.-llJe.larP"-vl•ll room wllh·tlrfnda~ .. Lta..,d •t .flOS,OO!). . - ..

. .. ' ' . . .. ' '-· ' -HANDYM'Al\1:· RP.EiCLAL ~ 742 ,q_, n. •i!Qr J'OOf- 3 ~iQ•, 1 bath 'Otdet- ~biD~.LPseJ ~-~i IN'"ecl atJ-eet. Y~ ••~ ~· mae.•• _pf ~~·· f39,500. . . ... : . '·' ' . ' ·.

coMPLETJUJY ~u~ .. om.;._.. Town'.~n4 ~WY ••ea~ ... Tliree ~drGOma, .Z ~a ~r garage, to'x;t4' •tor41~ au _on a nat IDt wlt_Ja_ gQQd ·aee•-. Lia~w ·~ ftoo,eoo. · INCoME fttop~RTY- twO 1Jlp8rtmentll (1 upst.alr• and l-_dOwn). Gt)8d reatal history- rentable as & but e4nlld uae ~me T.L.C. U~ a*~~-~ · . .> •••

GR~EN MEAD()Ws .....:OVC;I-" %,Goo sq. ft. ol eomforta1)1e home DJl a wen laad&capetl Jot;, Three bed~PIB, 2 ·bat••· 2. car garap- plus stpre room; ~n~ baek y,.rd. Usted at tu~ooe. . : .

·coUNTRV CLUB ESTATES- small bome On a goo4 ~e~ lot. 'rw4t bedrooms, 1 '-:t.ll, teneed ~ackyartl. List~ at $8~000. .

coNQo-1;'-lnon Park~ 'lli~e b~rooms, :SIN. baths, 2 flreplaeea, -3 wet hPI'II, -.uallty ftit1dture~ z,~OO sq~ ft. of lux~ Ji~, f134-,&QD,

REALTOR 1 Mom~e be!lroom.-1 bath, s'X35'. rurnlahed, paved street, water. 'aewer and eleCtricitY,,soo. ..

-lnnsbraak Village Real Estate · .


Office Located in Model Home Behind Red and White Rag

Highway 37 North


· Floyd-Buckley, Res.: 257--410& · George MarUn, .1\es.: · %58-5072



BUCKMEYEII! . llllOK~ RU.1336 4903 ASSOCIATES Dla.ncr Mey•t

.... t336-4903 Mclnt•Wad•

.... ,2,'7..6923

& fmwrtllll't'. lm•. 257-46.'J.'f


-,. aay, or Month

257-5064 00

1.,, .. 5137 (OUTSI!Df NoM.)

9 HOLE GOLF COURSE New Sales Associate ·for

lnnsbraok Village Real Estate· PHONE 1·354·2308

•Ill Strautl 257·5064

..lladcl• Durio

. Secr•tary lB. MLS . SWIMMING POOL



Otv Invites all his frle'nds In Lincoln County to drop by the soles office.


CAPITAN COMMERCIAL PROP~RTY l"cludju 1140 "'1/f, •teet bulldln., with half bath. Four lot• mecnure $0'x200' with all village utftltle•. S42,SDO. . 1,48 ACR~S RUIDOSO COMM~RCIA1; WitH 25 SPACI RENIALS/2 CABINS ha• 461' frontage-and all village utlllft ... Ovlner's b•alth neceultat .. IICIIe. but p .....

..... ~t .matt:a.a•r wJJI•t~y- on. 'oo"- cG•!a flow. !!!'J,~· : C ·'CfWna,. ffnanclng. -- · · , · .~it!'n

CONDOMINIUM BARGAIN descrlltes thl1'1amplataly ' furnl•hecl 3 bedroom.- 2% bath Lookout E•tat .. unit with great v1•W and rental potential. 1.367 sq/ft for •• 1,500. . PREMIUM RUIDOSO MOIULE LOT hat! vlaw ... elusion, freef. and prestigious location~ Only 4 blocks oH Mecham Dr. on Mu•tang Dr. Owner will flnallce. ·Maka offer.;. NEW PINECLIFF CABIN IN MID .. $50. has view and­catMdral L.R. celllnd• Two bedroom, bath and thr .... t:jluartan plan In 864 M~/ft. Near forHt. BEAUTIFUL. LEYIL ALTO TWO ACRES I• cornpl•taly useable with big Sierra •ranca view and southem ax­posura. 725' paved frontage. •27,000. Tilrm.. BIG COUNJRY MOBILE LOT WITH 1.15 ACRIS AND HORSE ALLOWED hca lntero•tlng view of Sacramed­tOII and great price of $7,500. 0UALITY•BUILT LAII!G~ HOM~ WITH SUPERB VIEW descrlb .. thll wonderf.,l 5 bdrm •• 3-bath, 2,543 sq/ft home with cloulale garage artd office .. S139,500 fur­nl•hH with S39,'SOO down and balance 15 11% ($1,136.60/manth).


1-505-257-7377 llox 7113 - 304 M~CHEM Dll.




p,o, box 1442- (505) 257-5111

307 mecham drlva

ruidoso, naw mexico 88345

Jahit V .. Ha1J, OIIRiilf,tq .... et~IIH-qa7 O.ryLyncfi,Ciwn41r.•M-....... , :i16o42_U

.J.O .... Ma•hri.AMOC••••~·~ .tciaCt' Joa~ ........ AiHcf•t•. tft4nf·

Oai-yJillc$wlin•,_AIIIIOd• .. , ~S't.Sf.t~ Vcd,.._ Han. A..oclaW, 354o222'i .. ttyo6M, ANodat•, -»7 .. ~

0 AlliPOR'f WEST I" Ti-lE EXCELLENT i.OCA'riON ·'for thl• wU:IJ .. maintained- moil If a home with

· three bedroom•. two baths. cl1n­-lngl ·room. Spec1GI featuroe 1nc1utle garden tult. COVeted deck, fur­nl•hlngiS.- Edsy y'eC.r around acta••· $41,soo ..

· THE PERFEct SKI AND SUMMER CA•IN Just may bt!i this mouritaln chari!11•i" with :tWO lbadroOins, bafh. . flr•plCrcO,. ctrtcf mo•t fUr~ nt•lllngs .. fooM.-000. · ·.

GOQI);.i.OOKING. tiOMI- tn aaclud• eel location fs newly ~onstrutfacl and ofl..,.. ....... --· ..... bath•• ·wall-conwlvad llvlbg area. ·•1r7,· l_tllco·, decks, n!c• vl•w. ~hU ren•• playho-... aN' ·tun. a ,_ Of the .. Itt ............ ,.... ''"' delightful hom•· $6JI,soo.

WOP.KING WITH YOU AND FOP. YOU APPEALING CONDOMINIUM In. aood location _proV'lcl•• two hadrOoml, two baflg, •l .. plng loft, flraplace. aft- aiipltC.n$il. Af­forcle~bly priced at.Ju•t. ~78,500.

JUST . LI$TiO IS THIS A·FRAME CABIN .. on two lot•~ ._,y llvtniJ floor .plan provides two beclroomt, bath. Nice deck>- Ben -.ranklln stove. Goocl&.cceu tron1 Highway 37. One Jot· I• commiilrdal. 1lvli'lr. ·

. fhl• pro~t,..rty excellent potentfa • $72;ooo. · ·

IIEAUTIPUL LOT WITH GII!!AT VIEW. •• ••••v --·~·; hci~ wood t .... cover. two .hor... allowed . .lay . ra•ttlctft>n•·· _\Yater, ,.t.ctrlcfty -llabl•~ $10.-.

HANDSOMI HOMI ON ONE GORG'EdUS. "ACRE -~r• throe badraoms,~ 1 ~.. baihs; good­looking flntplaC., five car oarage. Paved driveway. AU cippllcinw In• eluded: $110,000. ·

NICIJ..Y MAINTAINED MOIIILI HOME -.Iff. on a quiet; t.u• ea•lly acce,..ble, plnle-cOvenMI lot.- 1Wo­bedroom•." '1% .a.ath•• cieck. carpeting. drapert.... Purnl•hecl. $32,500.

· .ALTO VILLAGE IS THE pj,~S11GIOUS SlniNG lot thlo IJOOd•!aokl"&

· ho.n'l• with- fhtee .._,droOJMi. fwo bath•, d®itle car·· garaB•• dedca, flrioplace, abel top.Of..the.flne OJI· piJont••~ · Sltuat~ on a .t•;;-•1 V. oc:,. lot, It'• • IUpetb buy' at ,1:!15,000 •.

PREnY MOBILI !tOM~ LOT hoa. good p'n• cover;- ni~ locatleirli. Septtc -•Y•tem already ln•t~lled~ $7,600~ -

ATTRACTIVE ADOBE HOM~ ON MORE TitAN 1WO ACRIS Offen thr•• lhlclr~oniil, ·two IIIith•, •••Vroom,.. garage, flrttplac•. Jacuzzi. A m.artd•rjng cnek aclcb to thl• tDOd·loalclng propertY'•· a-.eal .. ·••o•.ooo, CHOICE CONIMEiiC:IAL ACR~AGE orl Hlgh-y 87 .,. loceted within city llilltto I" heavy orOWth artiCI. Good tlmb'e-r, $60·•- vl•\111', 100% buildable olop... Onio · Of 'h• ta...,..t commerctaly :.;Cined prO• pettfes ~ the llhlrket· ._at thiiJ · tlmt;. Plhte caU for further details, ...

·SJIC WISHES ·YOU .AU. A .iOYOilf EAsfiRI · . · . ... . -

' -. . . . . ' - . : :•" ..

sierra~ developme.nt.:compa·ny~- inc._ ..

II' "'-~-·--!---·'!·--~· ~~-~.,...·~-·~-·~--~·'\"-'~.;.. 11<-- ~ ~-- ... ·-~--"" .... ,.._ ~




.. . . •

. . . . . White Mountain 2: SATURDAY-SUNDAY .

The Real Estate co. Jerry llroker

. DISTRESS SALIU PRICE REDUCEDII On thls.larga 4 badro!>m. 4· bath mc>Untaln· hii>II'IG ln. Cree Mead~~>ws Heights. Owner will trade fer R•ddii>SII> pre>perty ~~>r carey with vary l~~>w d...wn payment. 'Will c~~>n• alder aU oHarsll .· . · ·

· BEST BUY IN WHITE MOUNTAIN ESTATESJI Only $165,000 ;.,111 buy . this lovely 3 bedroom, 3 ,bath IJioUnta11.1. home In Rul.._'• prefer. . red area. This custom built home featuraa ash cabinets and woad work, vaulted cellh!g, and quality throughout. · ' ·

I . .

PRICE REDUCEDII From 11!180,000 ta $149,000 on this 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2,600 sq. ft., new home In White Mountain Unit 4. Could be

. the "D:EAL" you•ve been loOking for •• ~ -. .

CpMMERc;IAL PROPERTY . . ·ATTENTION DEVELOPERS/INVESTORSII We have a beautiful 102 acre tr11ct of undaval!>pad acreage adlolnlng the Ruldaso village limits, lu't aauth af the prapasad $16 mllll11>n Ruldoaa Royce ttotell Excellent awner financing passlblel Priced at $1.5 mUllan.

AUTONIOJIVE REPAIR SHOPII equipped automotive feclllty. Established buslnoss at a prime location. Three ny

. building has exc!'llent lease. Prlcod .at only $24,500.


.• hpusaJ~ o very desirable ~mmerclal location. Great for a small lrouslnaas, retail a{lop or offlca.l>.rlced at -$95,000 wl.._ a .. dawn payment. ·'·· ~- ·r · .

.JUST EAST OF THE PIZZA HUTII A prima .'f acre commercial site with 150' of frontage on Sudderth Drive. Faeturaa ono of the hlghost traHic counts In RuJdoso. Price $162,000 with terms.



.258-4~71 OTIS SPEARS





'-'-ai·DQld."' . !~!l'li· ..... ~. "'1.··

A Dlv. of AJpon Aeal Eltate Setviees




•••n •ocm. Locate.t -.era. .....,....

_,., ' '

Noisy "Wii:lter. l.c:idga, - · _can ••tore ·· a:3o ........ .,.... aher6

4-PLUS ACRES· - In P.ciradhse CanYQn,•

· i"nerclallot or acr~age near · Ruidoso. .

51XJIAYCAR WASH.:_ In El Paso, for rentC.I property 111 Ruldo$o area. VIDEO GAME ROOM .­and snac;k bor located In new- ShopPing cente"r In Ef . Paso, for cabin or rental property In Ruidoso area .. EXTRA NICE MOBILE - on chOice lot In Del Norte Ad­dition, will trade for ·hous41!

. In L~,~bbock, Texas.

Holiday Home Soles· 1 107 Mochem Hwy. 37 R_ufdaso. New Mexico


bedroom•.- 2 b.-th•, flre:rlace, large front

. an rear ·deck• .. Beaut&htl view of Slerra Blanca, all utllltle• and cable tv .. Locotetl at MoontaJn· Vl•w SubdlvJ .. •lon · b•tween Capitan ancl Ruidoso .. No polnb, owner financing at 12%. ALSO A NEW CAMEO manufactured home, 2 bedroon:-•. 2 bath•, fireplace. furnltur•-18'x24' deck with 2 cat carport un~erneath lo<ick deck. City utllltl .. hooked up, ready to move ln. ANOTH!R 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath, almllar to above. THIS SUBDIVISION IS SEUINGIII A vary few Jot• left at Mountah1 VIew 1 and 2. So wo a ... now oHarlng a · mora beautiful . NUMBER 3111 10% down. 10 yetlr payout at 12%1 Buy % ocre and build later .... ,..frictions you will ap .. preclate.


SUBDIVISION Betwa"an Capitan

and Ruidoso 10 Miles to Ski Tum oH


. --· ' -';' •.:> 1 .

New11 ~ PR!IG 11

• .".'t-."' sa_., sao.- Oloee In wtth b~g deol< ·on Jll!rile

111oa. owner rli'lil!nolng/no qualifYing. · •ores_ -1th a bedroom. m~bll•· $rnan.

P"o.,d below oomparabta propeT-

ROUNDUP JtEA.LTY. Tlo..T • ..,

"Cotne T9The,WindmUI On ,!i!liddertli'· .Fttr M.l Y(ilir·ne.l Elt:li\te Needs"

633 Sudderth Driv~Ruldoso, New Mexico 8834-5 505-257-5093

lot - AFFORDABLE - Is just one of the alee thiDgs about this 10'1<60' Z bediaoin fllmlshed mobile home. Owner Will ftnance with only fa,OOO down. Located In mobile home park. RR - BRAND NEW HOME, never lived ln . Waiting·for·that ''fint fam.Uy.'' QualitY and efflcen~ ey · buUt in everyw-.ei-e. Loaded with extras •. Features 3 ·be.drooms, ~ baths. Large eov~d deek and garage wilh loiS of storage area. Priced below Comparable houses at '82,500. RR - YOUR FRIENDS WI~ BE ENVIOUS when you move Into Ibis beaullflll 3 bedroom fur­nished home on Cree· Meadows Golf Course. Has ·. full . membershiP. In Country club.· Professionally decorated. and landscaped and priced for quick sale at '109,000. Have a look at this bargain today • RR- COUNTRY HOME- ANXIOUS OWNER. makes tbi& 19'1814'x1W 3 bedroom, 2 bath mobile on Z;65 acres a real buy at $33,750. Goocl terms avaUable toOt Let cme of· ow: sates people show you this goocl buy now. · RR - 1978 14'x72 TEMPCO ..... located In Cherokee VIUage that bas ·a bedrooms, 1% baths and furnished nicely, OWJier has priced this home at ouly'f19,950 alid Will corry the mortgage hinl8ellf'­with only f8,500 down. Home Is clean and ready tO move Into, so come look today. RR- ALMOST NEW AND ~RICED OLD I Is this home -almost one year old that features 3 bedropf\ls., .~ b.pths, ~ lar_g~~ good view. Priced at olily consider some financing -or goocl financing avaUable at local savfdgs and loan. Home ·shows well and would be available for occupancy almost lmmedlnteJy. RR - BRING· YOUR HAMMER .... and paint brush and look at this 4 bedroom cabin located within minutes of downtown. Needs some T.L.C •. hill could be fixed up just darling. ExceUent terms available! Owner would do' some trading tool RR- AS TIME GOES ON ..... you Will be paying more rent. Why nul purchase tbi& 2 bedroom, 1 bath furnished home that has a $Z7,000 8¥..% loan that can be assumett. Located .on 2 large loiS. New fur­niture, corner fireplace. deck make this a very Hvable cabin. Owner would carry second mortgage witb $10,000 down.

Homes • Cabins • Acreage • Condos • Farms Ranches • Commercial Properties

Edsel Young, Asaoe. Real;.: 318-¥58

BobJohnsoa. AlaOc. RetM 257·2118

Mel Glenn. Broker Rea.: 211-soft

j.L. Schooler. Afaoe. Bel.: 37J.8342

Bonnie mean. AUoc. Hell~: 25f-5011


. • . MAX CALlJ\WAY ·. SAtES ASSOCIATE---'378-4577

' ·"'



. .. '


·ferguson ~c~ ..

.. I \

. ,._.,.. off of Hlw•V ·.37 at Cf.e Tli•ad•""l.-.1 l.olll1e ""-to Bra•v Ca•

2912 S~dderth:Dr •. ,

· _ ~· Dr •.• FolloW CU Y'do~~~t IV­.,_., >N.t" >


ONLY SIX UNITS -AVAI.LABLE on ·prestigious Cree Meadows Golf And. C~untry Club. These: units are in a quiet, secluded wooded area, each overlooki-ng the 14th green. •2 and 3 bedrooms, 2 and 2'A: baths, 11320 sq. ft. to 1,620 sq. ft., ma~ter bedroom downstairs, Iorge redwood decks front and bock, lofts, beams fireplaces, skylights, fl.Jll appliance package. Rental management gvallable.

•Full Me..,bershlp To· Cree Meadows 18-Hole Golf And Country Club




MLS 257-4228

COUNTRY LlVING- on8 beautiful acre on Nogal Mesa, 2 bedroom, 2 bath fully fur­nl•hed mobile, :~leaping porch, excellent wall, lot• of , ....... $37,500 with ownar tarmsa

HO.SEMAN'S SPECIAL - lovely home In River Park with • hone :staff•, tack room, feed room. all In pipe and chain link, hou.. I• 2 bedrooms, 2 · bath• · with fireplace, CCII'pOrl, landscaped. Reduced from $125,000 to $99,500 w1th a11umabla ·loan.

2% ACRIS - beautiful· land, Alto area. $27,500 with 20% down. 10 yean •t 12% lntereJiit.

AL'I'O "VILLAGE - larue pine (OVered lot with vlaw of lake, tOClai membership. •16,!5001 owner Is anxlolil t~ .. u.

JOHN WHIROCK ......... : 3_36-4'70•

ANITA BEDINGFIELD -····= 2h-32.9

RIVER l.OT - 168 feet Qn O.rrlzo Creek, ct .. ty watar, -•Y a_cceu, laval. $.13,000.

COMMERCIAL LOI- 50'x140' commercial on Highway 70 In tluldo•o Downs. A auper lnvostrnent at •22.5«$.

UNDER 100 - lov•ly 3 bedroom. 2 bath home, 2 car garage, Iorge fireplace, patio. fully Jand•capad, all dty utilities, yaar around lotatiOna All for only $98,500 ..

NOTHING DOWN - • ~ 147' cabin lot In Apache Hill•• Nr • Jlll'lta\). ~wn, 5 years at 12% lntar .. t .. "-;~.

$2:5,000 BUY$ - thl• niCe 2 a,adtoom, 1 bath m.obUa hom& situated on. latte plna cqvered ·lot, fully futnl:~hacl, tlo1e In yet .. cludada owner· term ••

WAYNI WHIYLOCK -RO.:at .257~61 JACKIE COVINGTON -a.o .• 258·~·

I BlAT·· IISTIB.N II&LTY, INC. ... o. sOX tacr At.:ro, ~EW MEXICO 88312 OFFICI!: PHONE: 505--336-078

Wll.t\T ·cAN· 'VOtJ BOY In . Ruidoso r-.. f:nt,D007 We Jlav'r: ·

: it. Two bedn)GD.l, line · ba;th · single wide wl~b . Jtdtl~u~ • Covered deck·. Try lunm thl$ one:' . . . , lpVELY FUltNISHEP; twt> ·bedroom, tw~ . bath p~Orre,.; "ionqJiy det:orl\~ed condo · ln AltO Alp$. The price is rlght1

. RUSSET ANDWAIWS ·-'l'h~ coWn P:ailk~ tbi• "llHMI square feet llorne! 'in White MOootaln Sl!!em JIJr,e ho~e; Three bedrooms, loft, two lind on'e hatr·baths, lots of decks tO relax on and vtew·o~r-lovely moun~ ln.


Two ~e~m. tw~ bath single wide· wlth large:: . add~on·1 ~ d~ This hobte ts · looated on large Oat hea.vUy wooded lot. Access can't be ·heat,

' VIEW LOVERS You can see the alrp·ort an'd

,,Sien-a Bh!nea lrom ,the fnmt' ·covered deck: Three

bedrooms, two baths, lm~ maculate and shows beaptlful~ ly". The owners are motivated •. SUPER LOTS in 'Forest Heights, reasonably levcil witb big open views. · FLAT LOT IN ALTO VILLAGE :With full ·golf membership. WT IN ALTO VILLAGE on Broadmoor Drive. Full golf metnbership.


Realty, Inc.


1983 CAMEO .:.. 3. bedroom, 2 both, com .. position shingle roof, complotoly furnished. s22,aoo. 19113 TOWN AND COUN· TRY - 2· badroom, 1% bath, c:ompO.ffe ahfngle · roof, con'!phitely ;fur· nlahed. $26,000. 1983 WAYSIDE - 2 bedroom, 2 bath, fur. nlahed or unfurnlshad.­Only 519,500.

USID MOBILE HOMIS 1982 CAMEO - 3 bedroom, 1% hath, un­fUrnished,. completely a.ot up til Cherokee VIUaga. $24,000, or &est oftar. 1976 COBRA RV - 5th WhtiaJ, 8 1 X301, 1 bedroom, completely ~elf ~ontalned. $7 ,:zoo. 19111 MOBILE VIUA RV - · 5th wheal, 2 bedroom, a'x:40'• nfady furnlahed. 0Vttn81" Is motfv•tad and must ..... Holiday Home Sal,..

_tRiulclcMhl. :o8,che!il_ Hwy • 37 New Mexico

ALTO.AtPS RESORT·CONoOMINIUMS . SUNVAUI!Y" · ,..,. ...... anct . ...-mul ·ue~n.,, elth..- VCICtltlod *' pel'b'tcB· neni. 'You alv;auld cheCk with Ai.TO ~LPs COHDO$. We haV• . 2, 3 and 4 b.droom c.O;t'ildc»s for yoilt chotceO SOme for resal• with gooclloww rnte .... t, aAUmalllle loan.

ALTO VIU.AGI HOME TWO biNfroom, 2 Iiiith. to~npl ... ly futnllh••• ld .. lloutlo11., CHi 15th ~lrw8}t 1Wfth fuJI go!lln• ........-..... ..,. •

. .

Two •tory retfwtPOd and •to.,. hoill•• 2,600 Mtua .. -fMt, • ~tedriutmt:, a llaths, U•lne room •nd Clan, Hch. ha• 'lata• fi.-.IPifllc.. Do.-ill.f·garaa• with -•lactrf~t op•net. LOCCited· on Y acre w-.od•d ton~, Ori ·.r-d •Rdl :~treilti Jdtlal fol" la...­~mlly. Ail aj:ip.Uilnt\eli lltay .. Goad owtt•r flnpr'llcln •• • •

. <:HOICIAI:RI!AGES . .U acr.ti· Hautlfit• ..,unta,l;t ~nHcldYd ·oftil wood•• wlth' wide open vi~ of ·OLE MLbV ... riiecl rtght, wh& oDoct ~financing~ . · ·

~- tile..... ._.vUy · wocHiiici lrftou:ntaln land,· teady · ~·l~rnenfl.:_ .Qood locattOtt, prlatd &"lght, With ' ·-·c•

owner fi*'Hiqclna.. . · ·

Re•·• aa-.s7 . ..... 16'11-4597

•• ·" ..

MIPTOWN .a bedroom, 2 ttath ho"'•• zorit.fll oomrn•ro•••· Oniv ~i:f4-~ISOQ, , .... · :' 1 •• ··.. . .

GREAT L,OCATION. tor .boQktc:••.PJng,. beauty tihop, ar'· bual.,••lll plua ·nvlns quarter-. In btlol(, 1,fiOO aq •. ~on lit ttuay at~. •••umable lpart! $15tiMIOQ, · · -:-. . . ONJ$ AQAE Qorhmti~O:,Ial tronwa• Hwv. 7(), ,ae,QQo.

(.- ._.·, I . ·: 4

NEAT AND NE;W' ll;)n 't;he market, 2 ~droom, 2 .,_th, Ia,... gamerpqm, clo- to town a.mudM. ·*H,eoo. · ·

4 .

BEAT THE TRAFi=JC to thi. track thJa aummar fratn thl• NI!W S, Z bath, furnlehed mobile In PaJo Verde 819.,.•· $89,590,- ;• -

MOBIL:E HOME lot. Se,SOO.: .. . . PFUiiFERft:Eb -AIRPORT WEST LOCATION. S~aoloU• 2 bedroom, 2"bath, ruml_ehed mobile, fl~place, cova,.d deck•, owner flnanclnQ. $58,000. ' . ~ .. B41LDE~I Owner ••v• · Oubmlt .-n offer• on thle ,.,. aoril ~lew lot n-r town. $8,000. ·

ALPINE_ VILLAGE! lot., h9_rllee •llowed. $11 1000.

TEN ACRE "trae~!t,~lth ·a bedroQm·houee bo~e~ ri\c;e ~rack and rlver,great terme or trade. 5400,000. .~ '

'\'~;r.~v:,~;:''i.''~::~~;- Bent, N.M. Juet mlnutea frOm Auldoao• e aelobe hou- ·with ·owner. tln•nolna.

World Real Eatate,lae. 257-9126

P.O. isOX 3606 R'-ldo.o, N,M.IISMS .


HARRYRAV.BROKER GEORGEMIZE Res.: 258-4284 Rcs.~ZS7-437:1

OVELLA ESTES .JO S'I'EELE Res.! 258-5284 Ru.: 331-fl75


NEED TO SELL FAST - paving and close-In location area a few of the pluues for this super clean one bedroom cabin. Recently re"'odafed cind In excellent condition, there'$ a new dack out the front door to .odd to your enfoyment. Highly motivated seller; make an appolnt..,ent today. This would make a fine rental house. $32,500. YEAR AROUND CREEK IN THE BACK YARD­Easy access and Cedar Creek out hi back. What more could you ask? Knotty pine Jn. terlor, fully furnished one bedroo"' house Is very livable. If you want a cabin In Ruidoso big enough for you to r-lly eitfoy, but (sorry) not big enough for too .much co..,pany this Is fust the onell Assumable financing with very reasonable "'onthly payments. need cash to loan. $37,500. ONE OF THE BEST MAINTAINED PLACES IN AIRPORT WEST - Veal's of pride and many hours of work In the yard certainly show In this fine "'oblle home. Corner location, paved driveway,.. lots of storage and 14'x17' master bedroom are soma of 'the nlca pointS to this property. Covered per• ches, front c:Uid &ack and •asy, easy a<eeu no matter what the weather. OwiHtl'$ are ready to. move now so let•s not .keep them waltlngll $62,500. · $35,000 - OLDER 3 badroo"' ho"'e lh Ruidoso Pine Lodge may be lust wl)01t you are looking for. You can not beat the price! CHAMPAGNE TASTE? - Look no more, we have got lust the thing for you lh White Mountain Eofat,.. Unit 2. Tliree level home Is tastefully decorated, and enJoys views of Sierra 81anca from nearly eV'ary roam .. Well appOirlt•d kitchen/living room and dining area oil flow together beautifully, • creathig the perfect arrange..,ent for .. either family or entertaining purpouia, Add the.gameroo"' co..,plata wrth wat loar and fireplace, four spacious loadrooms. and you have the place of your dr ... ..,s. · FULL GOL.INO MEMBERSHIP AT . ALTO VILt~GE-Coes with this fine bufldlna """ In HJ'gh Mil""• Deflllltely priced right, check

. thl~ solar lotatlon before some6n• else .. · yau tart.· .

500 C::OMPLETELY FORNISHliD -Mo>dlfle•d home has 3 loedtoc!M•

of decb ami view 4f·


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as vve swing.

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.. • • . • .

spring •••

~ .• ).,, ·• ._..


. . . ' . . .

~·s.that time of year agaln,'when the tresh'mountaln air of Rulc;loao holds · the promise of beautiful spring and summer days and evenings to coma.

The air 1s alllo alive With the anflolpaHon of that season we l~:>ok forward to all year long-when the horses run, when balls rebound from softbaN ball! and golf clubs al!ld.tennls racquets, .When old frlel!ldshlps are renew-ed and new ones are tnede. . . . .

JI\Qaln this year, seasonal'vtsltors Will notice that our commun~ Ia conti­nuing to<lhanoe and.grow. New bUSinesaes have opened, of!erlt'lg new

• . products end services. · · . . Many· Of· these are liSted In thEIEie pages, along with many of the .

established flri'I'IEI you have oome to 11\Jet and relY on for your needs while hare. . · . .

our bualnEIEis oornrnun~ blda YCIU welcome once again, t¥1 we all. share . the promise of ah exciting season. ahead, · . . .

. ·-·. ,·



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~ ..... ~'

Easter ·Buffet

. .

Cortllallj ... ~~as Y" To .. 0... •-• .. At 'l'lle

CltltniOi.M"t.JliL RES'I'AUiiANT

Pre .. ntly •-·•--O.r EAS'I'ER BUFFE'I'.

Uye .....,• hlo7'•d Six.,. ..... A ..... ,. 0..

MON ~EAU LOUNGE We Hope You•ll .loin Usl

'0 -, ... qv--.,. '"T •

.. ·•'

E·Z'TV$1nd A.ppllancee

Ben -Franklin Family d&partrnent. · ~- . of s'prlng wearables In Stock Center, located In the. Plazet: Framing service also Is~ 'for sizes 7 through 14. Center, Is a complete dis· provided at the store· by A ·full line 101 fishing sup· _count department store Marilyn Patterson.· Custom plies, Including reds and handling a fUll line of general out mats, glass and reels,lsavallablelnthespor­merohandlse.- dustcovers are free with tlng goods department. ·

Ben Franklin carries ar- purchase of supplies. Business hours are 9 a.m. lists' supplies, Including a The Ladles.' .wear depart• to 7 p.m; Monday through selection of brushes and ment, managed by Ola Friday, Saturday from 9 toe canvases and a full oil paint _ Robnet, has a full selection and Sunday from 11 to 5.

!C a

; .

. . . . . I''

... _.


J.W. Pearson and Associates


0 .




deals In of real.

has· real estate 1976 •.

It #.~f-.,. .. · ........ ..,,., ~'"'.;'",1<1':.-~; •• 505/257-7515

P.O. Box 2507 • 220& Sudderth • Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345

Spulalld .... tuq~~oiH aU a&huJ ... Iry



• Fine .Indian Jewelry


• Concho Belts

elndian Potte111

• NavaJo Rugs




m --·

• •

AND AS~;a~~F=d wishes you a

HAPPY EASTER! 200 Sudderth P.O. Box 3493



• .,


SUMMER RENTALS Homes, Condos, Townhouses -enjoy a home away from home In­stead of a motel fpr s comparable price. We have nightly, weekly and monthly rentals. Nightly rentals starting at $60.00. Summer leases available. ·


We have homes, condos, cabins and land listings available. We are a full service real estate office and a member of Multiple Listing.

605·257-5001 .

Better Homee and Gan:teMs ... the Real Estate Service that gtew oiJt of one of America's most trusted publications.


AFARI TRAVEL INC. Airline Tickets . Amtrak nckets (:ruises Toill's Hotels

Monday thru Friday 9~00 a.m.- 6:.00 p.m. Open Saturday 9:30a.m •. ::... 2:00p.m. ·

613 Sudderth (ChGrleston $4Juare) · .· · · Ruldaso-257·90.26 · .·.


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·Four s•••one · FJe111·Ee~a~e · FoLir $ea<~t>n!l Reiiil 11:$te. . arid baak;!;.tlir Q<m!>l'ate their Is now.·looated AI ~11; Sl.ld-- own .lnqornes." ·He added derth Otlv!Un the brMd-new. ·thiiit the '<lUstQ!Tl$r benefits

· Charleston'·. Sq1.1are > com- . be<:lause. the <!B!Iaolate · In plex·, In the ()ne Year since. Its ·.this envlronmt;!nt tends to be E!Stablll!hment, · ·.Fo1.1r . prof!Osslonal and op.10rate on· SeAsons has expanded a !!ll;llec!lv<i>. t1!1als. · · · fr'btn- a· staff of fo!Jr to '13- HWe'r$ here·to serve our sal$8 Elii$POia!es, giving It PIIE!nts' • t)e!H Interest,'.' thE! 1.-gl!st fl.lii-Ume general. I-arkey· nc:>ted. ''W<i> refy. on real -te t1rQkerage staff seasonE!d Prc:>feSOlfonala.'' . · In RIJidoso, · aocc:>rdlng .to Offloe · lic:>l.lrs· ·at Fo1.1r l\lllke l..arkay, employing sea.onaare B a.m. tc;>fi p.m .

. brc:>ker Of the firm. Three Of . dally, and L,arkey Invites · the assocla_t&$ QPerate· frQJ'n · ~arlo~ .Property eearohers

lh<i>fleldofllce near camelot •. to.stop '?Y any ~me, .· . · Tl:')i:t !:lustnese OperaW& -

• under a QQnoef)t which prq. . vldas Its !l$80clatee. with .!I ... 1.00 perae.,t :Commission on

.• · .s .. IE!s r;>y having !her:() pay a . · · monthly deSk fee. . . ., · "I lhll:lk l~s a very ,adlia!)-

tageous •nvlronrnent fOr · some of the associates to · work In,'' Larkey ~ld, ''lf-thB !''>••·'''''~"'"""''"~ a~pCiates ~re.lnd~pendent

·.· Decora~lng 'oen A l.lnlque odnoE!pt In horn-;.

and bUsh"leiSa decorating ·services hAs been brought to. R1.1ldoso by Jo<aren VVhar· ton, local franchise ownE!r Of Decorating ·Den. The grand opening· of this new business waS Val&nUne's Day 'this· yeBJ', end It Is the only Decoi"atlng · Den franchise

. opE;tratlon-ln ~ew Mexico.

Wharton offers complete residential and oommercla_l decorating services In the home ·or office-her· travtil· lng Colorvan Is equipped with 3,000 samples of Qarpeting, Wall coverings, blinds, t1edspreads and 1.1pholstery to relieve the

customer of the· hassle of · store-to-store shoppl_ng.­Decoratlng Can also .affotds customers the opportunity to match samples with their currant home or business fl.lrnlshlngs.

" •




\Jr. r ; . ' , I ' c I I \..i i..

·~~ · ......

SAtuRDAY: 9-6

Decorating Den sp~cta­llzes In the three sur­face . areas-floors, .walls and windows. Wharton's goal Is to de~orate within the custOmer's budget an~ lifestyle. .

She has an Associate of Arts degree In Interior decorating. and _design .and Js happy to offer a no:. . obligation oohsultatlon on decorating problems and Idea. Appointments can be made by calling 2fiB·441 B.

M .. DAY-FRIDAY: 9-7

.~urn!;® . ~ - .






Security Bank ''Our prime Jntere$t rs yoU.

We're Investing ln the futlore 'of our oOrrirriuntty, ''·said Pat Jameao.n, oashler at Securi-ty B!lnl< Of Rl!ldoso. · · Sec1.1rlty Bank -was

IOStabflshed 11:1 1970 and Is a member of -the .Bank· S~curltl&$ tnoorporate~ family and• FDIC. According • to Jameson. current assets are around $?1. million. .

Checl<.lng accourns, sav .. lngs acOQI.lnts, banking by mall, drlve-1.1p t1anklng, safe deposit boxes, loans. cer .. tlflcates Qf deposit and IRA and NOW. Bccour"!ts are ot­fE!red by Sec"rlty Bank. The , b"nk hes 24 employees to provide quick, CO\Jrteous .nd ~fflclent service. · .

Security Bani< has two looB.tiOns to serve reslde'nts of Ruidoso. The main office · Is In the Gateway "rea at 401 Sl.ldderth Drive, on the cor­ner at Thomas Street. The branch office Is. located at the top of the traffic circle by the post office. .

• Banking hours arB· 9 a.m.

to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday, and .9 a.m. to noon qn Saturdays. The drlve·up window Is open until 5 p.m., Monday thro1.1gh Friday. Call Secl.lrltyBankat2fi7-4B11 to sse how the bMk may help you, suggests Jameson.

.. "

Send 11 c:elebratio~ of spring. _ ..

s.u..rq, ApJ!l3.

·31e1enom. •IN TOWN DAILY



Rul.-o•o Flowed. Eaat of the Hollpwood

Po.tOfflce Hlshwav7G


SUIIDAY 1 11·5

14 oz.



• · MA!ICSAI!ET C>A!>!>Y · . . N!lfW- brOker 011 thlit RUidQIO ace"*• but mo·re ... thUJI .. tlc than anyQil!lil. ~t ... r tall.~- "W~y RUidotof""

.. LARRY Tl~LMAN .. · ••II•,•• ·tnYastme.nta and pure

r.te.;.u.-.. calli be combined. H. raol .. y 11 ~or L_~ND man. lllik ~~ ...

Ol'lythlngU . , · · · ' . .,

' . . RUCI!LLE CARPI!NTIR RUSSELL · · Hard working. eff'ctant pi from

w .. t Taxa. You ~Ill come · saY 11HowdY'' and talk 11r&al asfll!lta;,'.'- ;:.

RICHARI> QUIJANO Keeps :.Camelot on our minds. Give hlni' a1 chance to taka yoU around hili apoclal 'POt-Richard knows. It Ilk• "the b1111ck of hla h•ncl.

SONJA HAR1'1t0Nn A broker. a co·ntr"aCtor and can aha explain rental lnVa.tmanta, that"s why aha's our property manager. SonJa puts the accent on It alii

MIKELARKEY. Our broker, thinks .. rvlcals the way to go and Insists that wa all work hard to provide aamo. If you naa·d him try Jim's oHica.




Anawar.s ,._ phone, types our lat. tan, fll... doH our accounting, dusts, pays Our b111s, mak .. tho cof .. f-. takes out the tralh and think• wa all hava tha right to vota.


ROSE PEEBLES A nat(~~ faca In our office but ·not naw ·to the bualnaa.- Ro•- walcamH old and Hw friends to drop by soon, and

· the 1100nar the baHar.

LINDA FLACK A former motel owner, Linda really knows what makes Ruidoso tick. Ask har: about commercial property. In­cidentally, Linda doHn't 1lng Ilk• Roberta.

RUDYFLACK • Still water r\IM deep howaver Rudy's navai" still. Rudy ha• a auper background for hla Work,; ask h•m every-thing; . 1oo

SANDY LUMi.EY Sw-t talking lady fro"' HoustOn would love to have you· tour her con­dos In Camelot. S.ndy has a right to

. ~~~ proud Cllf Tiara dal Sol ..

615 Suddert!l Drive 257·9171


i. YNN LUEDERS Works hand In hl:ind with -Sandy, b~th ·nawcaman to Rulcl_p,lo blit e•­cltN about our n•k ·of the woocls .. Lynn aruf Sandy can 'be found at our field office neat to· th• Cc:rmalot •n­ttiince on H1way 70. ·

Box 29e2, ·Ruidoso Charleston . Square .



I . i

I . '

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"' " • • ,_ - -.. > •• ' • . .~ ., . -.. , .. ,, ,. .,... "'--... ....... , .. ~·""'"·~_____....~ .... -.... -..... -....... ~ , .. --. ... -... ---. ~ ........ -.. ~ - -~ .. -· ., . .. _ '~ ~ -..: ""'""'' . ' . ' I , .

Page 4 -. R~>ldOIIo {N,M.). Nitw11. Th~>rsday, Milrc;h 31, 19S3

. Sierra SlanQa ·,.a.tara ' .

~1m Carpenter and .. Assocla.tes

. tirl'!ight' riwll' nt~w flH!It!,.. · tQ t11<t local l"<!ai'&l>tata ·pro-feaalon. . ·. • .. ·

. --.: "Wa· tiliva. the !;letter.' Horns" <Ill!! Giordani! fran- .. ohlse," C<lr.pantar llalcl, · nollng the naUon'IJ assoola· lion has bean one Qf th!t 1tw1

. In recent· r:.ara to· il-'" In · mambsr'llh p, . . . · Jim Oarpenter offer$ ~ny !18tv10es,: InclUding a

. a proteOIIQO lnsiJrance · plan which lnsur&l> ·tha naw. b\.IYer fOr Ql1e year Eig!lln.;t breakdOWn of apPliances,

· h-til'!g. · -IBYSlar:n, . plumbing· · and o!har-houp ltema.

.The firm also has an Inter· city reloeauon'- !l&rvlce and many. o!her programs that .any assootata Will be glad to expl<lln, satd carpenter.

The flrrr) .Is divided Into · · · · ' · diviSions. With . a separate ·

Jim. , 'Carpenter and property management clivi· ... Assoc!IU8$·· r88J .. estate·, _slon that· ~;t~so handiH· ren_­

Jocated at 663 Sudderth, •tals• lind a.developme(1tand has been ~rvlng Ruidoso commercial diVIsion. · . for three )laBrS, seld owner- .. :Jim carp!>.nter··lnvltes broker· Jim Carpenter. · anyone to sto "'' nc1· ... lk

.. · "--enter· ,·- Rul~-~- re·s' I· • P -• a ~ ~... - u~ .with the fr1endly staff about dent for 32 years who has any of firm's prOgrams. The.

_been ·In the buslniess fOr:- 11. telephone number Is "

·Buck .Meyer • Real Estate

White Mountain Development

·. Buck Meyer Real Estate, owned- by BUck and Diana Meyer, Is Jo.cated at 304

· · MeCh~m Drive. Jt Is ~pen for business a a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and by apFJOint­ment On weekends. Sum­mer hours. will be a a.m. to 6

. White Mountain Develop·. ment Cc;xt'!Pany, owned by Bill and Lucille · McCarty, Ladd McBride and Bula Han· son, has been In business since the early 1 Q40S. ·

The company offices are at 1051 Maohem Drive (Highway 37 north), There ·are four employees ..

Whlta Mountain Develop· ment Is presentJY develop­Ing White Mountain MeadOWS, ·a controlled eo­cess security subdivisiOn. Town home rots and single family resldenUal lots are available.

Office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MOnday through Saturday, but will change to 9 to 5 seven days a week lh the summer season.

The business also offers commercial proj:)erHes.

p.m. seven daYs a ·we8k. · ·The business specializes

In condor'nlnlum sales, but also deals In _other !Yi>ea 01 real estate, such as lots, cab.lns, houses. and com-· merclal. properties;

. Buck Invites summer frlelids to stop by and visit, and suggests that visitors take advantage .of the. good · buys available.

years, sat!! his business has' · 2157-6001. · ' '

c.&s~ Distributors, Inc.

. Texaco~du~ Wholesale/BetaU •

Get Acquainted Spectal Through April 30th •

Oil, ·on niter. and lube. for $14.95. . . Petroleum products,· tires, baUeries-~tD sold wholesale. Conrad and Shirley Buchanan

· 412 Hlway 70 East P.O.Box3178H.S.

Raidoso •. N-Mexico 88345 505-378-8315 378-4510

, ...


50$1257-7361 P .D. Box 2496 . · · Ruldo••• Now Mexico 88345-2496

' '




Completo r ... ol S.rylco Worfclwklo -...s.nlcoatNo-CootloYou





D'Oros. .

Galeria. . Fine Art And Sculpture Gallery




A Prestigious Mall


Interiors .

Emphasizing Quality And Service









at D'Oros Ladles E~cluslve Apparel






SATURDAY, APRIL 2 . ' ~-~ . . -~ - . . H18hap7.0

·.' ·1111'•t···.·.·· . ' . .


I I ,, i ' '·

.. :-'. ,·.

Mc·~ary·'studl\:»s . :_.- ''

•. Mc;~~ary Studi<!S. ll:xpres· : · stone CliiSt IIi 6(onze, open-. ·

· ed. a gallery at 2808 Sud- . derth thl!l mor>th. The

.MQGary Studios FOUhdry Is. .located on Highway 37 on the. road to N~al. ·.. .


I i

. · ... Dave and ·susan MoGary ·own tha foundry and ganerr,· ···The g!lllery offers peop e

ttl<! c;~hance to vlfi>w and. buy brbnZiil$ designed and pro· M9Gary .foundry.. · dttc_$d by artl$t · Dave · Tour$ are being arranged Mcc;;ary • · · .:··

. ·. ·. on exhibit . are bronzes ll:e 1'\.~~n~~~-P'w~~n v~~~~~ ' .

·from meny ediUQn$ ptodup.. the ifo•mdry, guests have. a· Th" Aspen Tree Gift Shop ec:l :QV~r-ttie pa$tJour. y$SrS; beautiful- -vie-w of -Lema and Book Store, looateQ. at The award-wlnnlnQ "Death Grande Mountain 'and the 2;340 Sudderth, has peen In _fVlask'~-.and the recent ' 1Llttle · Car:tltan. Mountains.· · business for a.lmost 11

. Peopl&~~ .8re1- "arr\ong .thf!' ·P~ve McGary was· born y~ars. ·~'''''J''':.~c;'.;!,.~;:~~;t~~ · brcmze$ on··exhlbl~. Also on · ah~:Lratsed In Cady, vyyom~ • 1 - ~-, ,.; . e,;hlblt are. lli'dlt~n'. artifacts . lng. He learned hi$ "rtwhile- • .and photograpl!s . of all 'VIforklng with noted bron>:e· bron::rea · prnduoEtd ;hy the ·sCulptor HarrY JS.okson. _

.. b()n's Pharmacy

• • 'I:,'

,con's · Pr'escrJptlon P.har~ macy, located at ~38 Sud· ·derth Drtve~ f!;l owned and _operated . by. Don Swalander, assls~ed by ''the best, most- dynamic sales force In Ruidoso •• swatanc;:ler said. · . ' · Den's Is "rea:uy a unique

· gift shoP. Which just happens· to have a -pharmacy In the back of the· $tore," said Swalander,

·. Among the ma·ny gift Items available at Den's are stationery, .. ~;tlass gifts, anti· _que outdQor thermometers,

· Wood duck decoys, decorative wood Items· ar'i.d glaasware. .

Also featured In the store are Eliza-beth Arden cosm!3tlcs, hair products by P.antene .. and Allercreme. and Nina Ricci products.

. Don 's also stocks Russell Stover candles. VIllage Bath products,·. greeting cards, le.ather bags, b_aokgammon

. games, picture frames, bridge ao·oessorles, Vltabath products and many brands of cologhes, In· eluding the popular White Shoulders fragrance.

Business hours are "8:56 a.m. to 6:01 p.m.". Monday Ulrough Friday and 9 a.m. to· noon Saturday.


.. " .. "' ., . '•

' -. .. ,

-·' . •• ._,

also selfs · fiiiBUonery, goods and




... ~-~ ?WJP~Yrro·me:asr.z~t uo aU .. a.t . ~ _,;-

h ' •· •• - -· ~ •••• , ••• " •.•.• ""-- ~- "' ~ .......... -4 -4 •· -~ '.

Wortltev Hotel.-·



~ ... ~ .... .... . ..

HoirShop .

•Terry Wireman •Waynett Hagbery_ •Lynda Townley •Melissa Lee


Your Kind fB · ! . 0 . You've probably ~eard

that our new bank llmlding is nearing completion. We're proud of our staff

. and new building. · . . ·

Come by and. have a cup of coffee and visit with our friendly staff. · ·


First City National serves your banking needs whenever they occur. Our Joan officers and

· tellers are ,on auty from 8 am to 6 prrt, Monday through Friday-and from 9 am to noon on Satur­day. And, for .even more converrience, our Easy Money automated teller machine is open 7 days a week-from 5 am to 11 pm I · ·

Whether you want abanker who's there to have a cup of coffee and answer your q\lestions-or an .Easy Money machine to handl,e yollf banking at odd hourS-OJ;" both~stop by First City NationaL We're your kmd of banlt. . . . ·

.· f · 1141 Mechein Drive•258-ssoo

FitstCityNationaiBank · :0.1\•mh~·r !'f. ITt:

i I

\ '




P!!ge6_- Rutdo•o (N.M.) N11w,. · Thursd!!y,Morch 31, 1983 -, ._,. .. ,.,._.,


Mlnlt Mart, located on Highway 37, · has b<;!en. in busine~s under Its· new owners: Slnoe -January 1 of thlsye...,.. • ·

BQb -and Cat:"ol HicksOn are the oWn"Eirs .. Their daughter an·d son .. fn-layv,: Karen ~nd Terry- Patterson, are· the managers-. There are 1 o ·employees. -Th~ . store qfferir' a- wide

var:lety. of fast foods, groceries, gas, non-food · Items and a IS.undry ... The . st_ore and 1$UOdry ar:_e open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven daysaweek. . · The telephone number tor thfa store- and the laundry Is 257·2307. . . . ..

:~ .

Wortley Hotel & Dining Room

Lin~oln, New Mexico

"Fine Food And Spirits"

PHONE 1-653-4381

"CONDOS: . FULLY FURNISHED - 2 bedroom, 2 beth, •t Lookout M•nor on Hwy 37. S59,500. Owner ·Will conalder trade for houee In Ruldoao.

PINON PARK - unfurnlahed 2 bed_room, 1 1/.a bath, fireplace, good for rentala. 582,800, ·priced ~low ap­pralaal.

CABINS: CLOSE TO TOWN - 103 Weet; 3 bedroome, 2 bathe, only two yeara YOI,Ing. 559,500, large aaeumable loan. ·

IN THE PINES - eecluaiOn, 2 . bedrooma·, 1 bath, rlreptaoe, new tully tumlahed. S47 ,eoo with owner nnanolng.

CEDAR CREEK - cabin with tlraplaca, two bedrooms, 1 bath, on Va. acre lot. S4ei,OOO. Super hideaway In the plnea.

FIXER UPPER - right In dOwntoWn, one block off Sudderth. Three bedraoma, 2 baJ;ha, ·zoned commer­cial. 534,800 with owner financing.

ACREAGES AND LOTS: TEN ACRES - a~Jacent to Ruldoao sunland racetrack, on .river, 3 bedroom houae,· al:)pla orchard, flahlng pond, prima for training fa!=lllty or townhouae development. Owner· · financing, Sol$00,000; or owner will trade for Texaa property, ·

-THREE· MILES FROM ,.RACK - 142 feet Hwy 70 frontage, one acre ror $35,000 or buy the adfolnlhg 3 aci'ea with river frontage, All Utlll~lea · In­cluding aewer. Call Ann.

SO ACRES - ranchette fl.let 21. from Aufdoao. l!iaautlfut .private oa~. nyon. Foreat on three aldaa. Spring;, 3 wella, adobe houae, red batn, pear or'• chard, perfect broodmara Operation. pot.ntlal or for.Moth.,r Sarth "type aalf­euffiCiency hum. S230,0oO ilnd OWner wlil finance. '

BUILD voUFi DREAM HOME- on thle & ... cl"e traOt at pteetlgloUe Ra'ncho fiuldoa.o equestrian eil.tafea; . All underground utllltlae;, a very e:X• Clu•lve" place for' ttfe Very~­dlecrlmlnatlng p8raori •. $981800. ·

LOTs- beaUUfUIIota In ·Alpine VUI&ge ranging irom '1. to '*/.. acree. Horaaa· allowed, community w•te,.. sa,ooo­·S11,00o. "' ·. .

$HAUNA KX>WN$ I!B'i'ATES - S·.IS· ~ore tractli )Uet two miiH north of Alto VIllage •. Horaaa·anow.CI, owner flnan­OiriS". call for yt~ur .priVate tour". :J:'dcea e~rtat·$23,000. ·

H A p p y

E A s T E R

PINECUFF BEAUT'¥' - a lavale With terrific view of Sierra Blanoa. Three bedroOms. 3 b8the oniwo levele, plue efficiency apartment on lower level. Totally returbllilhed. Call Ann on thle one.

RESIDENCI!S: . BRADY CANYON - level lot, 2 lavale,

large gameroom and bedroom/bath. 1,800 aq. ft, tor only 5815,000.

'PONDEROSA HEIGHTS - new 2 bedroom, 2 bath, almoat completed fer ses,eoo. -· .. ' ALTO VIL.l..AGE;: - 1, 728 eq. ft. with 1,000 eq. ft. daoka, a bedroome, 2 bathe, gameroom, Iota of atoraga, double· garage, circular drive, golf membership, Immaculata and ready for your family. $110,000 With large aaeumablil loan.

241 .JUNcTION ROAD - 1 block ftom '!library. walk to Saf•way. ·TwO bedroom. 1 bath plua ettlclancy lipart­ment. $$8,1500 With aa.aumable roan .. ·MINUTES PROM AIRPORT - Ia thle 3,800 !!lq• tt; quallty home on over an acre of land. P:our bedrooms. a bathao dan·, formal living area, 2 flraj:llaoe•·

MOBIL.E HOMESI Ali=IPORT ·WEST - lal'gil corner-lot, 2

· bedrooma, 2 bathe, fuliy furnlahed tor only IJ!BB,OOO.

R!ETIREMSNT $PECIAt - thla mobile. • ie •••o In· Airport W~at ·and has. 2 bedrooma, 2 batha1 llind Iota of o~~c;:ld• br'la0 IarS• tlvlng room with rock fl,, •u.n room, dOuble garagti. ahop. great tot hobbyl•te. YOu have to •- thl~· one,

,fMOTHEFi AIRPoRT WEST MOB.Li! -2 bec~n;:.ome, 2 bath•• $15e .. ooo. ··

BAA.ND NEW ~ mobil.;.. hom• li1 'Palo Verde Stopea Juat mlnutee. from the ·rac•ttaaw~ Thtee bedroomit., 2.bath•, fully turniliiitiCI for ·~n1y SSIMSOb, A ••••••

-_- 'World 257-9126 aeat .. tate. 1-.e. , · -. . . ·


·.: ....

custom Draperies 30%0FF . All In Stock Filbrlcs

... .,.,. ..,,._..,... ..... ...,. ........ ,. ............... .

.Eulnga Wallpaper All Book& 30%0FF

. .

All . In StOck Ready To

Hang Draperies 30%.0FF

150%0FF 'In Stock

woven Woods And·




Valle.y Plumbing "'"~"~·Heating

'>,~\\~~t\ilfG ALBERT "TUU'' SHAW Valley Plumbing · and

Heating hSs b.een open In Ruidoso sln9e 1964, owned by Albert "Tutt" !>haw. The business IS ·now located iat 114 Runway Road; near Cousins".

Complete plumbing and LP and natural gas heating servJce and contracting are available, plus a sheet metal shop.

The ·business emplOys nine people.

Shaw said ha.would like to "welcome all our ·summer people and customerS back,'' and. asks them to take note· of the new loca­tion and phone nuniber. Customers can Valley

and at

All lnStook Drapery

. Hardware · l<lrah & Graber


·Toea And Floor

·. r=omowa . $2.00 to $8.00 ·


• •

:.... ... .al.._ .................... liiol .. """""" ........................................................................................................................... ~~ ........................ """ .j. .......... ,.. -·-· ................ "''"' ... ~ ........ ~.,.'~ .............. ~ .,...., .... ·- ." -· .. . ~ ~.-

. . ....

. ~· . . -.. ). . . , •.. Thursday, ,Me~rch 31; 1983 Ruidoso (1\l.M.) NeW$ -1'<198' 7

God·Spef· .. ··• ... ·.Ruidoso . ···. . .,an. ~-:e··k- .. . ~- ··_.

• <t Ruld"'!Q .$«.te ~k 11$$· · ·b!>lilti·.servlhcl Ruld0$o .. and

, UriQ.<:~lttoa.l.ifrtY f<!r'OO ilea..S. ·A®crdlng 10 1><\nkprE~eldent )'lloi'Uilrd . .P .. ''BW!:'' f!rcwnlng · :lhe l;>lol1k'a-ets excE!l>deCI.

. $75 million at tha end Qf


.. ,

1,9132;· ·. . . . . . . · · Ruldoeo State Bank I$ ~In- ·

cc;>tn · Cqunty'ot 1$rgeat bank . w!lh•flve Qff!oes.'s . main ·QIIIce 111 .lcc•\ed ·-·at 171 a sudderlh and serves as headquS.rten:; for·_ the . ~ · esarcw department and the · . Thf!' bank 1!1 expanding this t),ookl(eeprno and ao:coun-- · Ye:~r.. with a new branch o1~.


tin9 departments. . flqi! In the Safeway shopplr\g · · center ...P.n. MechBri1 Drive sottedui!!ld. for ·o;:;enlng April

.. 15. -<:i!ThEi new branoh- Qffloe

Ruidos~ Inn · ' ..

Th$ RuidosO Inn, formerly the Holiday Inn, was recently purchased by the Red-. dlngton Corpcretlon of El Paso, Texas1· Yiihloh has ar-

. rived wHh '<ia whole lot of

'Will be the ·headquarters of the consurn$r· lo$n d$partM

"'ment. e· said business hours ··Jn the new branch will be from 7 to 7,

.Monday through Saturday. All br$noh . offices offer. a

Wide Variety of banking ser­''flees;,. from checking and saVI~ accounts to auto,· hom~- S.grtculturar~ commer­cial andiriterJm construction loans.

Other Offices· ar_e located In,_ Gateway, Cspltan and. Cai'Ji~~- Bt,Jslness hOurS · vary_trqm branch to branch .

Ruidoso State Bank Is .a · '"¢ new lc;lea.~~t· said sales

dlreptor Elena Rush. major_ L.Jnooln County 'JO'...,...,_,,__.,......,._.~,_-._;....,_.._;...,.,.....,,....,..~ employer.wllh more than 76 er'nplby:ees on the payroll.

Ttie new owner.s have In· · stalls~ another' wet bar and extended the patio facUlties o~tslde, nearly d!>ubllng the qapaclty of the poolslde area. This will make their pooJSide cocktail and dinner parties ' bfgger than ever, sal~ Rush. . . ·.

The staff of the Ruidoso Inn gladly welcomes con­ventions;. banquets and m~etlngs.

The-.l . .a Paz Room can· host up to 11 a people ror a ban­quet and 140 for a meeting. The. PapooSe Room Is available for smalli!!ir parties ·of. up to 55 people, and there are n~merous suites for private parties of up to 20 people.

Ruldo~o Travel .

RUidoso Travel, located at · Plnetree Square, Is owned by Sue Snidow. It offers all travel services-cruise, air, train; accommodations, tOur packages, International travel, and tlokets to spor­ting events.

The business has been . The MonjBau L.ounge has open slnoe July 1981 and ·nve entertalnment·slx nights has six employees. There Is a week till 2 a.m~ The no cost to customers for Chisolm TrQII. RestaUrant Is . .Rulctoso Travel~aervloes. ~.,. •. ~pen seven aays a week for They Invite ydu to "oome breakfast, lunch .and dinner. by and let us help you with

The Ruldoso Inn Is located your travel plans. Telephone on Highway 70 west. 257·7361.

Jllta.r H1llmlfk

. Csrd & Cilf Shows . Budgie and Janet Green ·

.... _. C.t41 & lllflt., Dlltlooll .. ............. , .... to .... tlotiOiy .......

. . We have the widest selection of Easter Cards in

the area, Com$ in and browsi thru our complete gift line which include• a veiy . nice ~election of brass items, Gatfield, Hello Kitty and S11oow. Also illclu4ed is a · selection· ol . ~ewtet .fig11res mt1de exliluswerv lo'0!_olfmark. . . • ·.

2550 &idderth Hour•: 10 ~.111. i57-906t

. ·: . • • • . • . : . . . . • . • • : . . : . ' • • • . : • • • • • ! : • :· • : • • • • • . : : : : • :

KIVA . .

GIFTS Gifts Unusual

e Selective Indian Jewelry in G~>ld and Silver · e Authentic Indian Arts And Crofts Including . · The Mescalero Apache .

• P~>ttery by AI Potter · e Indian Moccasins and Rugs

e Nom be' Wale e Shapes of Cloy e . Calico Chino e Copperwore

Baskets, Greeting Cards and Other Interesting Gifts ·

Open Late In The Evening '2'536 sudtler'th · · · ·. .phone 257·7771

owner: margie adam~ .


~ttnrtt±nts ~hWia Oilers 15 years of professional

service fro..- start to finish.

•Our own measuring and advice.

. •01urc•wn supervised workroom.

•Our own installation •.

•Quick service •

We Specialize In Window Treat•ents


,._. 257-7928

Jackie & Shirley Smith .

9:011-5:00 Mon.-Sat.



"' l<lnlh' lftlllll\ ............ , · ...

• . . . : : : : . ' . • : : i i . ' :·

. ' • • • : : . ·i • • • i • : : : .· :


BEN O'NEALL 258·3030 BOB NEILSON 257-4792 258-3344

OFFICE HOURS: Monday~~.;Hurday - 9-5 Sundcov - 10-4

PHONE 257-5184

., ..



. '

' •'

J . ·'!< ·-


Pi1!J!' !1- R11idos.i> (I\I.M,) News .• Thurs<!Qy, Morch 31, \983 . . .

The Wild Snail

·The Wild Snail, lop~ted fn. .midtown Ruidoso, h~ been. owned· bY the present owners sine• MaY 1982~

janet· and Sudgle· ·Green are the pre~ent owners. The· shop has N•d lhe same name for three years·. and !he building Itself has been standing slr.~ce the late 1 E120s. It's one of lhe ol<leSt

. buildings ln-. downtown Ruidoso and Is Part of th.:t vlll'age'S colorful hlstory.

Hallmark cards and gifts, unique bronz$, ki~chen_ Items. ·Garfield !he cat Items and Hello Kitty glft.ltems are among the many types of merchandise sold In . -the-store, .

The store Is' open from 10 a.m. to e p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 11 a.m. ·_to 4 p.m. Sunday. The telephone number Is

.257-9061 ..

The Dally Plant~lt.. . . ,

The Dally Plia~-tt, i~taG ·In the Allll> and Frlands ~>om· · •plex. on Hl~ll'\l\lay 37. hi!IB been 1r1 · buslnelll!l !Or five. ·

year. at It$ p~·

"It'• wortlltlle drlv• ....... "'"···

. .

Inlaid ltcillan desks! Cloisonne from C:hlnaJ

Amber from all over the worldl Coral necklacesl

Madonna Bav!Cirlan plates! 35 dTHerent music boxes!

Dazzling rhinestone head wraps and earrings from Austria!

Full length embroidered capes! Antique jewalry!

The .Serbian Peasant Rn Import Jhop,

IIOii flhio Hlamogordo


let this Easter be a time for joy and celebration and thoughtful contem· plc:dion of the true meaning of this spedal holi'day. May peace, lovtt and hcpPiness be yours today.


.. ...


' •

·McGaqr Stadlo.. Expre••lo ... In BroDZe, PI'Owll!l aa­aoa,ace Ia Apdl the. Opeabig of a pUitl'lf JC.C.ted at 2608 Saddedh Dl'hie for the viewing ••d •ale of bi'oaz .. ,.S..ISPled and producecl by loc:alartlat, Dave

'McGUJI. ·. . .

On qblblt wiD be bronzu fro• lliaayedltlo,.. prodae­ed over tbe p••t foar-vea•, lncla.dlaa the awanlwllni­IDB '4D .. th Ma•k" and tbe 1110.t recent edtdo~ "Little People"" ... Also on dleplav wtll be Jadlau adlfactll aacl. ph_J' ... of aU b•oazea produced by the McGUJI fouactrv. Toun wiU be auaaged to the loaatby ••d pat qaarterw, affordfag tile coU'ector a val-ble la•lght aad ...... ojlp~altv to 'CTiew the b.rom:e­IDilklog ·p~• flret llaad. The plca. .... que ••ttlaa of the foa....,. 'trith he view of Loma Grande Moaqtala to

. ._ --.._ .. ,.. .. tic Capitan MoaatiiJ,ili"iD tlii­~ • _ ............ worth the .... lt. fOR l'llll'niJ!gf,l90i!Q>. :';

'RON CALL 354-2402 .

26DIS...W.rth .,,nn • & ALPINE~~!:\.~£,

·'" ':; .

' ~· .... ' . ~ "'...;-~ .. ~ ... ··~·-- ~.

:• .. ,


' ....



S.JJLock . ·. • ~ .i¥41U'JU • ~· ~ ,. ""' l' n . .._ .. , .. ,,""'!.,. .... -~ -~

"ifP•• .

SJS Look & Safe opened last fall at 2915 Sudderth, near the post office. The business Is owned and operated by Steve and Jean Stillman, who prevlousll( owned a look and safe· business In El Paso, Te)4as, for 10 years. ·

SJS feature"' a complete line of safes, look sew and keys, and provides service for all typss of safe and look work, Including auto, residential and commercial. customers can get 24·hour emergency service on look problems from SJS, and fasmr service Is made possl· ble through redlo ' dlspat· chlng.

Engraving services are also offered, With one·day engraving available.

.. If we don't haVe- It, we can g&t it,'' guarantees Jean Stillman. SJS Lock and Safe oan be reached by calling 257·4412.

'="· ·. ' •. ; $''."



''·· ~··. -~~-". t>o _.;.,.,_~ •. c '

·# Keep us

.. . ' ,•

. '··,-~..; - "

I(E'Ep ' o.n opfd mind-·-~ '•.

G ,_/ )

\_Q~ ~((b

Lar.ner's HoMe . .

In min•

Malnl'enance •Maid Service •Yard Service

•Minor Auto Repair •Home Care Products Call Ginnie, Un, or.Tcid

(505) 258-3419 Before 8 A.M. or After 5 P.M.

Box 1743 Ruidoso, N.M. . .

The New Linen Look In A Complete coordinated Group

A Wide Selection Of Colors, Styles ond SIZes

• NATUIW. e o·P.CHlD




·s1ZES4 THP.U 14

26~o-SuddiMh Acto~ f'tem Sonny's B.;llbt!c:toe · %-motKWtl::lf-'i'e!Ophoi\e-COMPdi'IY

PlENtY OFOI'F. Stk!EtPAki<ING . !i,IIO

.... ~ ... -~.,. .. , ..... .


.. .. •'

··-· ..


' .. •

. The Direc~or's of Servlct~~ :Contractors, Inc. want to. show our appreclatlon.tq 011r fine employees far tha·work~anshlp. an!l dedication that they hava shown this past yecir; 1982 •

. .. -,- ·-·'

.. l.;:.:;.....:,,- .. i'~;:;;i:".-:i:....~-: .. ' .






Wayne Dacy_ .. Pfesldent Sandy Dacy -Secretary-Treasurer Paul Dacv- VIce President

Sandy Docy .. ~ka- Manager Susan 'tarn•• - RecaptlonJst-PayroU Ann e. Garner • Sac:rata_ry .. aookk-per· George finley - Computer-Accountant J~E. Fraemt;lln .: VIce President


Ray G. Gamer • Manager Ray Montoya Arch1a Kingston BobGarmes

Joht~ R.uuall Clayton Stalling• .I.E. Frtteman

Ed Guthrie Joo Baldonado


PauiDacy Stave Day Ray Hodge


John Baxter oG..Y Simpson


Skeat Cateii ~wfght Swanner Curtli;. McCrohan

Bony ...... , ..... JohnHumm IIIII Frank Jua-n Urctnga GUa Uranga Oean .Preclaklnd. Phillip Dipaolo Perry~1111n $at.. Townloy C:ha-t1uN:ew

· GUilart Mar1-lnez Darrell 8r0ckweli

-GENERAL­Bobby Angei:mlll•r Gary Don HIHI Jltlf Emory tfa:t~har· JlmGrtmm Dcon Ell•rd

. Donftre- Schafe_r Charles Pl'lberg John Achen­Mdrk ••n FI'CII'ilt BOrgeU

WO'rcl Sulll,an Rlchc.rd Cot.

w~e. W'alt..-. Albert Tellez

· Oe,.e -farvar

carl Saylor Mlk•bolan llatry 8raadhurat William Inman .... ..-_ •.... AciC1111 PruHnt::lo­Rodcy Cl'anford . Jim stone Raitdy Wynn """lcar~w

·~. Service Contractors, ·Inc.

. . .

J,. 0. Jlox 38l9H.S., Ruidoso, Jllew Mo;dco . .

Phone 505·378-4423

·" ~~

.,, >


. '

~· f· • ~-~ ... ~ .......... ;.. .... :!1-.:. ..... rl :t ;,.;,_.,.d.-,"'* • dd •·<«c·«,..•• ···edd«dd«stc<«drtt'-tt-ttt-.t'ffidtt·ttuc-cn6t·t<rtrttct·ttdda .. c-rdtf·t'fd"ft<.-(:..~-.~-·.-....,.~-j.-·--·

e·&s Page 10- R~ld<l~~ (N,/ol!;) .,ew• · Th~rs~Qy; MQrch $1,

S~lctt contractor•, Inc .. · . . ~ ' ··. PlstriP..,.l;QI · ~rvloe Oorilractors · will do plumbing, heating; eleo­trloal an~ aJr c:on~llk>nlflg 111· · Ertallatlon, as . wen as· all general oontraotlng, Oaoy added. . ·

The . oonstructlon . firm pressntty employs abO\Jt ~. employee$, with the number ln~>reaslng to nearly 80 dur- . lng bJJsy periods. · ·

·service. contractors; In• . Bandy Dao)l 111 secretsry-· oorporated; has b·een serv.. tre&$Urer and paul· Ol;ltiy and lng the RuldOIIO area In all J. E. ·Freeman are vloe areas of. oonstrucllon for 1 1 presidents. Servloe ·con- · · years, said president tractor'$ .Is an equetl oppor .. Wayne Dacy. .. · .tunJty.ertlplcyBr., · ··

' 'We'te primarily e11g~;~ged Thel headq ... i'ter$ of ·the In Qommerolat contr~Q'I;Ing flrrn are lbo$.ted next to Glb· and we also ~o some s~n's · ~t thet ··y••, The resldent1al work,'' Daoy- telephone: number. J.s said. ' . '378-4423. . ' .

• • :J> '

. ' bJ _). ,) ..

The , Inn of the •• MoJJ.italn Go~s.· located on the Mes!>a19ro · Apache ·Indian Re~;~e.rvl!ltlon, I'! making many 9hangfla for the up­coming.:. sum_mer season·, $&Jd <!$1e& <end marKeting dlrectdii Totnmy Morel. ·

:The In-Ada Loung&ls mov­Ing doWnstal~ to provide· more room fQr the· overflow Cf'OWd$.. .

. "That Will more than dou­ble' the capacity,... sal <I M9r~l."" . _.'?A 24~hour coffeoe shop wiU

tske the place of the loul)ge <Jpstslts •. The Apache Tee Room • .the main dining room · an<l Dar Blergartsn .are the other -restautants at ttle Inn that provide a fine variety of fo.od and ~rink. .

The ·lobby Is also being totally redecorated In time

. for the summer crowd$.

. at .41 2 East 70 In Ruidoso · the puslnel;l'!

four. people, The open seven d~ys a

7:3q· a.m. to 8


' '

The 240-room resort hots! offers almOst ·limitless op­portuinltes for recreation. Horseback riding, Indoor alid outdoor tennis, swimm­Ing. and trap ·, and skeet facilities are all available at the Inn.


. . '

· C & R Buslnes$ Machlntt~;t

NOW IN STOCK! Yamaha PortaSound


Compact, Portable Fun

Perfect for mobUe homes~ apartments, etc.

Spring Time Is Music Time


306 Sudderth

The 1B .. hote cham­pionship -golf oourse has become regionallY renown­ed, said Morel.

The 148-aore lake, fed by natural sPrings, offers fishing, canoeing and selling.


. - Featuring .,-. •Just Minutes from P.Oce Track

c & R Buslne~ Machines, located at 2915 su~derth D.rlve, sells and services typewnte·rsi calculators and copy mach hes.. -

owner Del Carmona ls a certified IBM selectric repair­man with 12 yE;tars ex­perience, knd he ·can ser­vice - ~ost popular brand

•OWner Anandng ·. . •1 :25 Ac:(es onEagle Creek •3450 sq. ft., 5 lledroom Home •Two lloms • 2040 sq. ft. --·J· •Restricted Areo 3600_sq, ft. •Plcttlresque Setting •Six Stons ~BreathtaklngVIew ofSJerro Blonca •Groom's Quarters

· • Automatic Water

dou bQss 6 associates -Hiwoya7·.

niachtnes. · · He has JoanSr , . typewriters aVaUable 'WhEin you brl~g yours In for ser-:­vloe or repair.

Carmona has beein . In buslne!iiS In Ruldceo since January. C & Fils open from 9:30 a.m; to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday an~ g;30 a.m·, uuntll bUS1ness ~lOW$ down... Saturdays. The phone number at C & R Buslnetls Machines Is 257·2813.


Round-up Rttalty ·

Round-up Realty, located at637 Sudderth, has been In buslne!iiS for three year~;~.

Mel Glenn Is the broker and ha has six associates.

The firm deals with all· types of general real estate. i The offla~IJ .. flrr!Pj'n1rQrt;IJI_. a.m. · tO 5' • 1\llell'!tfl.7

·through Frida •

The firm offices can be reached at 257·60!J3.


OrtlemY'our Gun .... Howl

SPECIAL Large- Reg. $1,,17.00

Now $1,213.60

Small- Reg. $t,460.00


2.91& ...... lrlli ............ Offk.

...... ,. ...... ......... 2.1' ... 12.


Full Line GMC: Cars AIMI lncks • C.UIIac: · • POnllae' • Ol .. •oltlle

· • Iuick • .IHii • Chltwoltt ·' · · . ARD SUIARUS · · ·


FAST.& EUIC:IENf SlliVd DlltARfMEIQ. ·. Wll.l. SfOCKID I'AilfS DIPAil1MINf:


· Pliont 257 -401i'i

. . . -.

. '

. . . . . J . ' . , ~· ~-"" ......... _,. _ _.., ,.,._ -- ~ .. , ... I,. --4. ..;,.._ ..... ----~ .......... ~- - j ..


' '

·Mannie's Toge•IY ·,. '' ' '• ..

' '


Burgers Yes·! BUT MUCH MORE

1'RY OUR DINNERS · Stealcji.ngers Chicken Strips

Enchiladas . Chicken Fried Steak

Salad Bar

Phone257·7843 · 340Saddenh DriVe

.WE CAN MAKE . .. .

•. 11:, . THE . DIFP.EilENC£1··

llow'l By · good, old"fashioned personal attention! Whether you're a· buyer or a sel~el', we pl'lde ourseJ)IeS on gettmg t~e very bellt match-up for you. 111

· the Ruidoso area. can· or come by and let us show you how we CAN make the difference. · . . ' . .

' liiU Sil'adti,Aas ... $7-$Gt14(Ker.l



.. Thunday, Mar~h 91, 1989 • . . . ' . .

Ruidoso (I'I.M.) tileWs .,.,- Poge i1 . . · ..... ,

Hous$of· sho~···o

Ho4s11. Qf Sh!>Bs, l<>oai$Cl · In ctha , Plaza Center, has b4!¥en Jri · business. striae . Maroh'19BO.:. •· ·

. . ..

" The .. Artisan's Shop and Gallery a range of ~rt and do Qustom-framlng.. .

They als\? feature .a lot of work by looal artists. Gary

· Morton Js one local artist wtJo has Some of his wo"rk

for sal$ In the gallery.

Rocky Mountain .Builder Supply

The store Is open fro~ 9:30 e..m. to· 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday Elt present. It wiiiJ;>robably be open from ,9:30 a.m. to 5:30. p.m. star­ting In May tor th!! summer season. The telephone nurribt=tr of the business Is 257•2626.

Rooky Mountain. Builder available. Rocky Mountain. Supply Is 'Ideated at 1140 Builder Supply also features MechemDrtveandlsowned a coniplete pre·hanglng by Nick Griffin. The business. ,· sh9p for Interior and exterior was opened In tt1e summer ··!doors. · · . . · Qf 1982. · "' Griffin employs eight peo-Hardware~ hand tools, nail pie at the business, and he

guns ·and nans, kerosene said he would _like "to Invite heaters, · fireplaces, ap- everyone to come out an~ P-~lanoes, doors and wtn- see our new faolllttes.'' He "dow$~· Btl ·kindS of glass and. also owns New Mexico mlrror Unes, natura\ rock, Glass Company, located In flagston!! and rainbow stone the sama building. are among the merchandise Sustness hours are B a.m.



Bunny ·For

Easter Dinner •••

OelfDious white cake with golls 111tde marshmallow Icing tnd aovered with long shredded coconut: Makes at least

8 generous servings - •4.00 We hue lreth, appetizing HOT CROSS BUNS - llldiV!duali)>or

by fiN pack of 8 - 1llc & •t.SO pkg. EASI'ER COOK1e8-IIAND CIIT SUGAR COOKIES-•t.44 doz. 1'308 SU4~•rtlt ·

~ ·. - ,'

Money can't .n11v

our decorating advice.·

258·4416 .• .'



to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday .and 9 a.m. to. noon Saturday.


Cecil's HAIR CARE RomeJ:'!> Hairstyles

JSKu lllcufHalt Pieces Framesi® . Colors And Perms

.Jeanie Bub Massage Vibrators


W•leiJmes you lJ•ek and -nts yo" to •nJoy

*SAILING , dD pkta.,.qlie take M•caluo * HOliSEBACk RIOJNG . oa •cetalc -._ou~tala tralle

*FISHING iOI' •Pectac:aJiar MlahbW trout

*GOl.FIHG Oil On of the ltaest. moa.aula. ~- In the cotaatrv

*SKEETOII , .. TRAP SH0011HG Oli Ci1W )Mgt!~ •keid Dnlie (1• ..... - -liable)

*OINlHG ~ 1a-o .. ..-.... Ka d'"'"" .... -

. oo Apache 1'ee Jleata""""* (...,_ii!l 'Apdll.) .

*TEHHIS ·-6 o"tdoot" ~Gouda, Z lnclool' c01U'ta

'*OANCIHG · to Uvft mule Ia tb.a ·l•aa- .




41Ek£ ld 444WS&£ 24 9l&W QQW$_1444¥44444 424 q 4444444444444Q41.424W4414'!14444;q1Qq.; A44GIA 4 44£A4cqqqqw¥4 '45CWW4$"'1"'f'l441144!111;;:;:""'""'"'" ·"·"""" ..,..,..,. ,...,...,.,.. . . ' . - ' . . ' . .



Page 12- Ruldo~!' .. ll':!•ll!'c) New• Thul'l!dray, March :n; .1983

The Shop of the Bh,1e Gem and Art Gallery .. . '· ' ·. ._ .• . " . . ' ~- . '

. _sUver and . tUrqu ols$ ·. ThEi Blue • Gem Gallery bra:oalet;a, rings far man and fe$turil'll oriQinfll · work bY women, and bote ties. Mlohael. o. · Mccuuougto,

Patte~ .0a~ted bY tha Paula Mallams, Gtilrv G~. • • - • ¥ RobM Draper and Justin

llh9P lnoludEI!I WQrK bY the Wfllls, Sill wall as limited edl- . · late renown'iid San ldelfonso lion prints by auoh outstari'­pctter, Marla, . plus oth"r ding .artlo;ota es Olaf .· beautiful work • by Mary Wlagl1cl'll\, NancY l.ouvl<!r Sniall. Anita Swl;z:o and · 4>nd numerous other

. Mad .. llne Tafoya. · · American _ Indian · and Soull:)west af)lsts. . ·

(, . . The bron;z:es of l.lnooln ,. . . Fox !>nd Jim Thomas woulcl Tlie Blue G<!in oan spar<~

enha.noe · any· home. dfflCe you th$ h~U~SI$ arid fn,.istra··;· or business. The Blue Gem . tiO.n of mailing anct shipping . -has bronze pleo~ In several , ya, puroh.e$ across, the

~.. sizes.· · . · ·.. state or ·.nation. Operated .. The s.ttop ¢.the Blue. Geifl Other indian. arts and year-round, the "'hipping

anct . Art GallerY does nOt craftS at ·the shop Include service has proven· vecy · :have any E;aster egg8, bill Kachlna dolls and authentic:> popular with tOurls11;1. Pat and Pat Smith and Lisa Pherrl$ hend-woven NavaJo ·rugs. Lisa will carefully wrap and ·are oertalnly ready to help Thashoj>carr!esaglftUneto shlpyourpoi'Sesstons. the E;aster Bunny fill all h.l/!· lnclud<! ·: Tesa and baskets with a-Wide range Of Chrlstiballs, · coffee _ muga, -turqUoise, coraL an(! sliver feather anct rattlesnake hat

. gOOdies. · · bends, pewter ·miniatures. The shop ha_s a fine seleo- Incense burners and In­

don of concha belts, tradt- cen:se and hand-carved tiOnal squash blossoms. table fetlshSs. ·

Valley ·Plumbing And-_Heating Company


Welcomes'You Back! And Announces Our New Location And

New. Phone Number 114 Runway Road


Complete Plumbing And Heating Service, Contracting And Repair

In Business Since 1964 N. M. License No. 20093

Choorlo~ l1111rafl ·-· .... 257-5522 - -

Tutt Shaw ,

.. . For a teal taste of Ruidoso

hosplteiJtY. stop by--the Shop of the Blue Gem at 2206 Sudderth Orlve. Th,.·shop·IS open Mc;>nday through Satur­day, 10 a.m. to 5 p~m ..

You've Got II





l -~-


A Place· hi The sun •· ~-, - . - Ruidoso's own-. fashion· . .. The store Is owiied by

He,len . Gable-ReeVtts. caronri~ Her-son an~ Trlnna E<lllott are employees... :

· A Place In the Sun prides

'ttself on unique ololhas lor the fashion-conscious woman.- tt can oompletaly outfit a ·womEID· from ac­ce~orle&.- to· ''$hQeS, plus beautiful ·taos lingerie for · daytime.. and evenJng.--

· bautiq~.,JB;· a Place In thG SUn, Is located at 2610 SUdderth In ·the Vlotorran mau've_R '?~lorad bulldln~. .

Polliwogs &. Pigtails Children's Specialty Shop ··

' A Place In the Sun hils just acquired J, H. Colleotibles, a longtime fav.orlte -of Ruidoso·~ ladles. Other favorite · Jines are Prop~eoy, lntultiQn. VIllager·.,. Ker:..r, Howard Wolf, Kather.lne Conover and LIZ Claiborne dresses. ·

Come In . For Your

Nevi Spring Wardrobe

Bays' Sires Infant thru 4T

- - OPEN 10 G.m: TIL S p.m. 2809A Sudderth

Girls' Sires Infant thru 14 ... -Phone 2S7-9S48

Bandlllno, V:an Ell, Jscque ·Cohen· and Unison are a few of the shoe Hnes the siore carri<!S· . ·

Tt)ere Is alWays someone friendly and willing to help a shopp_er at_the store.





& FAN SHOP (11011) 2117•&034



• • ARTHUR &"MERRIJON NEWTON 11500 Sudderth (Sivaga Building)


.. Discount can be a4:1Jueted for any

size cablnlll!tJob or •nY.prlce tari. · .-

' ! •· -

WITH "''HIB 4i:ll . . . .

• . -·: .. Th~rsday, Mar~h :n, 1.983 R~tdaso (N.M.) Nt»Ys- Page i3 · ·

Cecil's Hair Care Cecil'!! l'lofflar Hair Care Is

f<>Qa,.d at 323 East · $ud-. derth' Drive, OWner Cecil Davis, runs a fUll aanllce salon for men and women.

. · •.•If .it. pertains to hair, I do It," P$VIS said. .. · -

Davis has bElen In the heir -cere buslneQS fer over 30 yeara and has extensive training In a®lltlcn .to his ex-

TheVIIIager,lccated In the parlance In the field. _new A&lnbow Ceni:er ·just · · ~·r -continually-· go to· north· of. Couslna • on workshops to keep up with

· Highway 37, want Into the ' the latest In h11olr cere of all real estate business last oo- -· ty~es," he- said. . tober, · . . . · avis also offera a fi.Jll line . .

Peggy .Jordan Is the of Roffler hair care products, · .· CECIL DAVIS Of CICIL'S ROf, brOker. Her hUf!lband P'aulls whfol:l he said are "among .. FUR HAIR CARE ·an asscclate, as are Mary Woodard, Wayne ·Town-· send, Allee Van Tusaan­broek, .Janet LeBreoqoe and .Jack .Jordan: Town­send, celled by ttle staff uour favOrite beal"decf VIllager,"' was .net available for the staff picture.

·Almost every type of real estate ·Is dealt with by the .. VIllager staff. Townhouses, } lots. acreage, condos and


rentals are among the types of real e11tate offered. · ·~we•re the exclusive l

agent .tor 'the Alto Valley ""'---~-..;.;....,a Townhouses," Peggy .Jor· . • ,... dan said. "We're also the ~ · i;,. exotu•lve agent tor ·a J number of other real estate 1 ·-developments. \ " · · · ~

"We feel that we offer a 1.. ·· • · _..., wide vartety of talent among I · "

• •

. Afarl Travel Afarl Travel, located at

Charleston Square, Is a full service travel ag.enoy bandl· lng wo,rldwlde toura and

. cruises, airline tickets, hotEl! reservationS and oar rentals. __j![anch manager Jodie Brightman says -the lnoreas· lngly popular Mexican toura are now available at very low prices. ·

"We do our best to ftnd tf1e 1$ast expensive fares to destlnatfor\ required. We're ·familiar With many different . fares and we use them to find the best rates," Brlghtnian said. ·

The Vlnal!l!r •offlbe houra ' · " - • • • · ·' · out agents... f. · ... · . ...~,· .... ' -. The agency Is affiliated

with Atarl Travel 'In AlamoQordo. Houl'$. are · 9 a.m. to B p.m. Monday through Friday .and 9 a.m to 2 p.m. ·Saturdays. Afarl Is open through the lunch hour.

:;:s-.!h~::r~e~o~t~·:a~~ ." ~~:.~ ~ , " ed · by telephone at L.::':'_:_____ · ·" 258,4040. !,ALE .SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALE SALS, ~ ,. ~ . <)o-'(1-t..~ l :;

. ~ 1\~'-'~ot>- ~m • 257·2849 ~- ·-Z>r rsPRI~ CLEANING~ a (~ SliUf1J ~) . ~ ~ Caprl-Pcrtable Whirlpool Spas ......•.. 2195.00 J: oC 8' Octagon Spa Demo .....•.••.......• 2096.00 :; IIJ 8'8" ootagcn Spa Demo .•.•....... , •.. 2495.00

111 32"xBO" Whirlpool Baths •..•... , .... , ..• 896.00 111 = All Accessories on Sale E

1 QO/o to 15% off All Bath Fixtures bn Sale

Even Special Orders ~· . 10% off r! - ~ iii Financing Available 111


. '

SHAVER TIRE & AUTO Now In Our New Location


•Computer Engine Analyals •Alignment Service •Brake Service •tune u,. •Custom Exhaust System•

•Custom & Original Equipment Wheel•




•Complete Electrical System Repair


Saturday 8-12 378·4077

Monday~Frii!Qy 8-6

~-........ ~~~~~~~~~~~----OPENHO'USE . - .. '

' '


Friday, Saturday. Sunday from ·noon to 5 P.M.


Big T Restaurant

Big T Restaurant en Sud­derth Drive .. opposite Ruidoso High, own· ad by Den Bartlett and Dan­ny Mahaffey, and -managed by oon arooks,.

Houra of business are 10: a.m. to a p.m. Monday· through Tl:luraday end 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday. · .

Menu Items lnolud~ homemade . steakflngers,

· chicken strip,., enchllad.a. plates,. ohloken-frled steak and a salad bar.

. . Big T, whloh . .been

open five year$ nbw. has 12 · employees.


<Jilr. 9....&r..~ oDutf<t 4/•,. de.<J.4fru.'t. Ja~lng at tfucowt.t fo-..t.aA..

'11'.£ &au.£ 1./:z. 1¥._"9 'U.n.Wltal Jons wll:l:. t/U C!l~lt::t..

• dVe.w lttu o( !PI'dtl/ (a&.i.t:ln.£-JioU anJ. ~.,.. •. elltt JW.J •• ..,ft&J, ,_.&uJ.

• ~ulgn..e:t. ~tVU. • dpo'Ll£w-.e:4'l.

•!Bo&G_., .!BU~o.C-. eoo.~tJ.. • ..,$wlm.4ulhs.

• !Pant:£ anJ lr:ifu. ln. an

o{ .:£p:dn.g c.olou. .

Ag .. stota Four Age Groap•

PRIZEs FOR BEST DECOBATED.EGGS ~ .......................... _ .. _

, ·' Ealia .-t Ita _.., .. lty 2 P•••· OD Mlm:hlll. . . . .

iladai-.110111 ........ .,. ....,_2:ll0aa­tll S:liO ...,.....,_..un.eaailo-.1 at that tlllle. Jl<lkeahlllenta wQibe •-· -"' . . . . . ~. ' - - . ~· .


' J

' .

I '

' . . .· .. ' . ' . . . .

• "'; H u ... _, ..... • ........ - ...... uniu·;. •• ;. ddt:;.,. "d Wdddcdd ttU 1;, ric c/'#cct"111 cu~.:¢111 711U11 tttttstttst 1 on I ,jLd

cca;u: C¥1 u JE i1!i a ZQ-444< 4 a 4 :g c -« 414-4.44144 qqa.qe; YM a cc < 44 <J<tc::¢. q.c q;q;q_q;a < w *"• AY*'* -••• '""'J4'.4M¥wtl!i\ii....,""""'t"''"'"' ................... "''" .,.... --. .. ,....,.:'"""",.........---.,_. ~:~· -· '""'"'""~.,... ..... -:"" ...... ,..,., .. _.,_~ .... <_"T_""""""'"'":·.,........,. - - ' . . - ' - • ' _. .·- ' ·. ·. ' . - - ' ' ' .... ' . • . ' ' ... • .: .

. _ ....


"", .. · '


SP:ort$w••r, dr.:;t$ses, ~~~~~:;;,811:,':,""~ ~ . 101~ D'OrQS, en HlghwEIY ces$orllts. ara offer!!d- 70westnexnotheFIUldcso

'' Inn, Is a .mall tioustng three ~ry's carries bra,nd names Thert:t .,re three fuii-U111e buslnesse$. . · . -such liS Bill Bl~, Anne and. two part:trme D"OrQS Galerla Is a flne·art Klsln, Breckenridge, COl· employees. !lt Mary's. 911· E!nd sci,Jipture · gaHE!ry With leglan, .Jones New York,- street· P!lrklng Is available, anUques:lndl!ln arUiaots·and Kcret, Dana Point, Chr113Uan !lnd there·ls E!lteraUon · ser· gifts. · . . . ·. Olor and manY oth~., · v ~Ice and '£~ gift wrapping. •· ~rtotl$'s lnteriQrs .Offers

. draperies, wall. an!i · IIQOr · coverln~;us, furniture, !lo· " "

L~rner's Home M. · alntenance ceeecr:ee !lnd oommerc:a; ana residential <;Hoatgn ser-

. Lerner'S "Home-. MBinten-

1'~- . . ·- ._ ·vices. · .:.. -The_ business Is owned _ · Fashions at D'Oros carries

anaeperate<;lbyl.lnandGI!1· ladles' apparel, Including nreLamer~and_theyrunltollt .·.sports and lounge ·w.,ar, of U,elr home. swE;taters. leather,· h~nd:-o

. The l.amers Will perform. maid serviC$, yard service, ·minor automobile repatr and almost any type of generaf ar9und-the-hotTle work.

bags · and gifts aF1d ao· oessortes·o · . :...

Plaza D'Oros, owned by Mr. an<j Mrs. ,-'fl. F. Hayni3Worth, will have Its grand opening Saturday April 2, with Mayor George White expected lor the ribbon-cutting at 12:15 p.m.

. ! . •• '

Ruidoso. Music -~ . . -•' . ' . ',

~~]~~E~~M~u~s;lo, located at Crate arnpllfl8rs:· Sunn ~ound next to the . equipment . and l.udwlg· Is . owned drume.. C¢!e Is · !liSO a Ftoger Co- Yam!lha Port!lSou~d dealer.

. Thl;!lre .Is also a large seleQ­_sncp ucn of sheet music, strings

and other aooeS$orles.

,, .. .

store~ ·His- -number Is 257-4913.

ance. located at 114 Sky. They 0'11') be reE!ohed at· L.and Off Mechem Flosd nesr 258-341 e before a a.m. and Cousins•, has be'I!Stn In Qp8ra- after 5 _p.m. Their sOn Tad tlon for about a year. . also answers the- phone.. '· ·

HourS -ot business are 9 a.m. to .5 p;m. dally .and g . a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday,

.· SchOol b!ln!i lnsu.;ments ~Y -be rented- at the store~ COble. a former professional musician, makes Instrument · repalns as well. · . Cobia Invites locals ·and

summer visitors alike to the cards, books,. ciasslcal·taipes·

Q muc::orel.

•,. -.:-he Attic

0 the aspen tree

The Attic, located at 1031 Mechem In the Attic ana Friends complex, hae been In business for eight years.


P.ange Branding

GAP.Y MOP.TOH .24"'x30"'.



....................... ., .y_. ......... lrftf ............... ................ ..... 399 SALE $299

WASH•R ............ •¥ ............. ..,... ..... ........ SALE $429.

..... 819


•••• •T ... Ainlll ... ,.a



Phone 257-2626

DRYER •1a_llt.•••d•• ............. ··-..... :199

......... SALE $339

17CU.FOOT REFRIO.RATOR ........................ ....... ~fee. . .......... , ............ ....... .......... ,... ............... ..


•lhfp._,. •. . ...... -Y., ...... ,,. ..... .. _ ... . ....,_ .

. .............. ••llfo•AIMMIJ .. lllVIce . . ............ .

For Yo11r Gift Giving Treasure

And Roadlnlil Pleasuro

Mltlte- R•1ircfs'cf'""'""' 257-4011

ROUNDUP REALTY, INC. "ComeToTtie WJndrnW On Sudderth

Fot A1l1rollr Real Eatate Needs" 633 Sudderth Drive

Ruidoso, New Mexico 88345


505-257-5093 HAPPY EASTER!

We Invite You To Come By Or Call One Of OUr

Friendly, Competent Associates · If You Are Interested In Buying

· OrSeUing Homes • CabiDs • Acreage

• Condos • Farms Ranches • Commercial-Properties

Mel Glean, Broker Res.~ 2i7-5G97

' 1 _I . ~ .. ~ - ~ _ .. _ " ----· .. "- -- . . . 'i - ..

It was originally located en Sudderth In midtown Fluldosc but moved to lts new Jo.oatfon In May of last -year.

The store Is owned by Michael and Susan Fluch and they have five employees.

The Attic offers men's and ladles' clothing plus ac­cessories ana gifts. There Is a distinct SoUthwestern Jlavor. !2 the cl9tl!!rllh. . -women's accessories

also Include laurel earrings and antique Jewelry. ·

The buslnees le open seven days a·waek. Hours are 10a.m. to5 p.m. SUnday through Thun!day and .10 a.m. to a piM. lfrld!lY ana saturday. · •.

The store's telephone number Is 258·5338.

r~~~--.. ,,. -"'' ! Shop

I Classified

fora good


·auidoso News



' . ~


' " '.,' . . ..



~ . . . . Gibson's has 35 other ~ddlllons lri the 1i!st

year ·ara ·the U·srown..eag-lt stora atld M &·s Uquc;irs. · employ.ea. The store will,

bB open th1"9UQh the sum' . · Other :proc!Uota fe~tureCI mer .frOm. Iii a.m. to 9. p.M.

at · Glb'son's · · lnolude Monday through Satui"clay. WranglerJeana.sndweatem. and from 1o.a.m. to 7 p.m.'· shirts arrfvlng regularly, as sundays; The telephone well as oth~;~r name brahd· numberts267·7341. . · . . ' -~ ..

· , Polliwogs. and Plgtalle '

Polll~gs and · Plgta.lls. .Children s. Speolalty Shop,

· located·· at 2BOB . SUdderth, has been In buslnt!lls more than two years.

and the overall seleCtions ~ the store have·atso been eX- · panded. · · ··

. tWa. can· 4!!1SP outfit tHat . someone special for any special ocoasJon from warm-ups to partY clothes,,,.

' tt ts ownl'd by VIrgil and

Shavers said." · Setty Turner, and thetr ctaughter, Nsnoy Shavers, Is the manager. Thana Clarke . and Elaine Gateley are

. employees, . · The store slso tiEIS a fine

swlmwear section· fOr children. Girts' sizes ·go frOm Infant to 14, and boys' Bias range frOm Infant to toddler­four.

laYette ao:ld nursery lte!Tll' are O'ffered~: as . are ohlldren's jewelery and gift

: ·A wide range of ohll<fran's olothln·g Is sold. Says' olothlng up to the four· toddler sta (generally three or tour years old) snd glr1s.' clothing up to siZe 14 ara on sale. ·

. ·The girls' seven-14 size · section has ·been expahded

Inns brook. Vlhage lrinsbrook VIllage Real · Service · snd the· Board Ol

Estate, located In lnnsbrook Realtors, Invites Ruidoso VIllage on lnnsbrook Dr1ve, Is residents end visitors• to

Items. . .·

The store. Is open from 1 o a.m. to s p.m. Monday through Saturday, The telephone ·number Is 267-Q648.

· OWlled by Jack Stahl. . drop by and talk real estate. Pat. it


Th8 bUsiness deets' In all types· of .real ~;~state ~. reslclenUal, mobile homes, acreage. Jots and townhornlils. There are tour emploYees .•

'l~n~b~oo\ ~·-villag~ Real·~ · Estate, which has been In business 4 years and Is a member of Multiple Listing

Hickson· Mlnit Mart

Hlghway37 . .

Open 7:00-11:00 Seven Days A Week

Locally OWned And Operated eFastFoods

• Fresh D.onuts, Coffee.& Hot ~hoeolate Eveq, Morning

· . • Laundry and · Saae Day Laundry Service


•• ID



Advertise • In





·wHITE. ···. . . ..


White Mountuin Meadows · . •• A Very Nice Ad.dressn .

· ~Single Famtlv tots (16.500 to $:17,000) ·•Townhouse Lots . · ~24 Hour SecuritY Guard.'at Entra*ace •TenmLCo~rts ... · ~ . ·. · ...... . : .... . ~.• . · 1'o Be c-tJ&eted J1v Nowemb•145, It$$

catt •Tenns 505·258-5o5o .. ' - ... ' '

. . . . . Box~ .

. RuldOtJo. Jll ;)I •

Fant~Y lslana · · . · Fantasy laland~ located at

, 1 714 Suddarth, Is . ownad . ao:ld Operated by ·Ken a.o:ld · Jeannie Whipple. ·June .. l.eonard ·Is a f\lll•tlme emptoye!IJI~· · ·

Fantasy Island &paclaltZes · In sates, ·servtoe l!lnc;llns1;811a· lion of whlrlt>ODI spas, bathS, hot tubs and saunas.

Thera 'are many models snd styl9!1 to cheiOse from, · Including · KOpler, Kl(nstock and Amer1can Stendard In bath fiXtures lind 'fa(joets • The Whlpples offer both acrylic and fiberglass Whlr1pocl SpaS and bathS, · .

Fsntaev tstsnd Is looking forward to the grand opan· (rig of a new store $11d shoWroom located just north

. of the Attic and Friends en Meohl>m Drive. The move Is scheduled for approximate­tv mid-May.

Hours are trorn.9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Fr1day and saturdays tr:orn 9 to 3 •.

laUILDERS·SUPPl..Y AQd New Mexico Gla••

lntrod•ces Two llew Lines

·-·- .... -............ ..... 1 ...................... .: ...... , •• ....,. .... ... .... -. ... .,. ............. _.....,. __ _ .... _. ......... ~·-··••• .......... .... -·~·~~~· ........................ bh.ll, ....... . ....... u ............................... ...

...... _. __ .. Dit_for __ ... .. - .... WI alae, Hlk.._1 .. nO. W•u' .. ..... ...... ..... .... _.-... wmotnltp •

. '

• ........... - ..... -Sioip hal•olftll_.,. ... exlftltir pn .... liMn.

AI" a_,._ ..... .., '!"lth ... - •lrnr , ....

Big Mac®, Regular Size Fry And A·Size Soft Drink.

·. All for •....•.•• · ••. $1.99 (plus tax:) ·.

Offer Go~d Now thru May U, 19.83

On Sudderth at the "Y"



. . '

PQge 16-.. R"idoso {N .• M.) News . Thursdoy, March 31, ·1983

. ' .\i

. I


, .

l; 1


, .

. .,,

• I

v I: