Boycott keeps 50 percent out of HIS - DigiFind-It

H1 GHTSRH E J i/ tL D Two sections, 30 pages Phone 448-3005 Thursday, January 22, 1976 Second dass postage paid at Hightstown \ J 08520 $4/yr 15 cents/copy A H :1 if intermediate school Students was all that hoarded this normally full bus Monday afternoon There were offk ially 284 students absem Mifel Dot nelly : h Lights, camera HIS makes the tube by Gate Scott Staff Vt riler Tlx* boycott of the Hightstown In 'ermediate School made the Channel i ■v e r t i n g news Monday night Acting on a ftp from a resident who happens to be an NBC employee WNBC vent correspondent Jim Collis and a three-person camera crew to do a one minute spot or. the local problem Accordingly at 11:30 am Monday the crew arrived at the home of Johanna Sehnittman, one of the boycott organizers where they filmed and in terviewed Ms Sehnittman. Cha na Heffner and newly announced school txiarri candidate Raymond Miller The filming took less than a half hour Then the crew went on to the in- termediate school Since they had been denied permission to enter the school during school hours Mr Collis was limited to filming assistant supertn tendent Barbara Anderson outside the school, who gave them the ad ministration's position on safety con ditions Six said hazards were being corrected and :hai 'he superintendent's own child - i- r he building attending school that day M- Anderson said the administration tiad refused the crew permission to enter die building because to do so would be disruptive She claimed that reporters were never allowed in the schools when they are in session After filming Ms Anderson the crew waited on the lawn, cameras rolling Let v mst see w hat happens, said Mr "ills What happened w as that borough WNBC CORRESPONDENT Jim Collis interviews parents latest entry into the townsnip race tor two school board Johanna Sehnittman, center and Chana Heffner The seats Andrew Miller is at right (Mike Donnetfy photoi Police Chief Lawrence Archer came out and told the crew to get off of school property 'The principal wants you off, he said Mr i 'ollts did manage to get inside to talk to principal Joe Chibbarro When he ante out again he said “ He wants us out of the way in case there's a fire drill the kids safety right’ That's what this ail about right'1' Once lhe crew w as off the grass, Chief Archer took a friendlier approach 'I think I've seen you guys before he said weren't you down here for that cross-burning we had'1 They weren't After waiting anot her 30 minutes or so in hopes of getting pictures of some kids 1 they had to settle for two waving from a window Mr Collis did an introduction and a closing After taking off a hat he wears when he is not on camera and whipping a comb through his short graying hair Mr Collis took the mike and intoned the lead which viewers of the evening news in the greater metropolitan area would hear that night “On an ordinary day here at the Hightstown intermediate school over 600 children would be inside this hutldmg But this is not an ordinary day Nearly half the children are being kept home by their parents in protest The crew, which gave the impression of bei ng a a css fee) group seemed quite content with the administration s refusal to let them inside the school Why didn't they just go in anyway 'For what" said the cameraman “we do that sometimes but here it's better if they don't let us in it makes it look like they've got something to hide One school board member said that the coverage was not gtxxi for the school, the board or the future of the iown The board member said it was bad for the town's image, because t would undermine the work txnng done by the township to get more industry as well as possibly affecting real estate value Further she said it would only serve to divide the board, many members of which were now feeling alienated by the tactics used in calling the boycott and seeking publicity Hellquist resigns school board seat by Gale Scott Staff W riter East Windsor Regional school board vice-president Charles Hellquist is resigning his township seat "by Feb 9 at the latest earlier if the board accepts Mr Hellquist's decision was based on family and financial considerations particularly the fact (hat he "was putting in an average of 20 hours a week on board activities 'I'm not happ\ about leaving but it's a thankless job he said It's a burden on the family and it gets to the point where they see you taking a lot of abuse and they say what are you doing this for’?" Further said Mr Hellquist, it’s not fair that hoard members do not get any pay as do council members and other part-time elected representatives Even a nominal amount would help not only ck> you give 14) income you could be making you have to Dut out money, he said I had to buy file cabinets to keep all my board stuff in ! had to get an extra phone. 1 had to have shut-off keys pul on the phones so people wouidn • ,i! on mid night But it was nol all tad memories he said I think the board brought a conservative influence to thedistrict on the years 1w as on it he said we were able to halt some changes school superintendent Jack Hunt thrives on change and we were able to stop him from turning the schools upside down ' Mr Helliquist says tie plans to remain active in school affairs 'on an advisory level only Since Mr Hellquist did not make his decision to resign the required 60 days before the election, hjs term will be filled by someone appointed by the board “ I won't nave any say in who gets it he said “but I would back either of the incumbents Lynn Friedman or Bob Abrams since it will be such a new inexperienced; board Three more hats in school race by Gale Scott •Staff Writer Three more candidates have filed petitions to run for the East Windsor regional school board Eltssa Karn and Raymond Miller have filed in the township and Richard Royce in thp borough Since Michael Hogenmiller withdrew his petition for the towrmhip race this week that leaves five contaxiers for two seats in the township and three for two seats in the borough Township candidates are Lynn Friedman and Robert Abrams both incumbents and Barbara Swan, Mr Miller and Mrs Karn Borough can didates are Eugene Sarafin Barbara Stout and Mr Royce Mrs Karn 43 Woodland Drive has lived here for six years and has two children the older of whom will enter kindergarten this year She ts on the Trenton State faculty as a teacher of special education She has tad three years teaching experience in Philadelphia and has a BA from Bucknel] a masters in .special education and has nearly completed her Ph.D in (•See HATS, Page I 6) Boycott keeps 50 percent out of HIS by (.ale Scott staff W riter Concerned intermediate school parents carried out their threatened one-day school boycott Monday and about half the schools 600 students were absent. 51 per cent 1 n the Grubb uni t and 48 per cent in the Henderson unit There are at least 50 of us who will keep our kids home until the school is closed down, said Johanna Sehnittman of Iverson Place, one of the boycott’s organizers 'But she changed her mind Tuesday and sent her son to school Ms Sehnittman said the parents tad asked for a meeting with the East Windsor regional school txiard before Monday but that the board refused They won’t meet with us until Jan 26 she said That ts not soon enough for the parents group, which feels that the long list of safety hazards given the school board by the architect whom the txiard commissioned todoa safety study is a mandate for emergence measures The parents met with administration off teals and unit leaders last Wednesday to “discuss alternatives We talked about double sessions moving kids to the Drew School loidling at t the Henderson ! n 1 the newer and safer part ot the school but they pul off any decision uni: they gel the stale report 1said Ms Sehnittman Howard Holcomb of the state department of education s bureau of Iacililies planning visited the school last Wednesday He made a very thorough inspection, said intermediate school principal Joe Chibbarro, 1mean he looked at everything Board president Lynn Friedman termed the request for a meeting an ultimatum' and said the board stood by ts decision to w ait until the state report was completed We polled the board and it was unanimous, she said, “ to a woman, they voted to wait Mrs Friedman said that the board had not hoard from the state inspector, tmt would have the report by the weekend, as well as an update on the architect s report The safety of the school is the responsibility of the board and the state and not of I he borough Nonetheless. Hightstown Mayor Krnesl Turp and the txirougn engineer also visited the school Monday afternoon It s just a cook's tour ' said Mr Turp as the engineer scrutinized the rooms taking notes and measurements. Mayor Turp would make no further comment on his inspection The school ould be closed by either the .superin tendent Ihe school board or by t be state Board members tear however, that once the school was closed it could not tie reopened without being completely renovated Meanwhile, inside the school itself... by Gale Scott Staff W riter How did it fee! to be inside the Hightstown Intermediate School Monday on a day when half the student body was absent because their parents said they feared for their kids lives'1 My parents think the whole thing is stupid, said trie young man, 'This school is fine Another student w ho appeared to be about 12 said her parents thought the kids should be allowed to finish the year here I want to stay she said, “ I don't like the other schools and if they send us anywhere else we ll all be smooshed together Her friend agreed. We don't want to lie on half session either, and i feel safe here, it's a ruce school Teachers said they felt the protest was unnecessary If something were going to happen it wetdtd taavi already hap pened said one T m sitting here aren't I?-' Another said he thought the school should be repaired but questioned whether closing it was necessarv Most of that stuff could be taken care of in a few weeks, he said One clerical worker who described herself as being 'Tight in the middle 'if this mess said she felt no sense of danger I figure if your number's up sour number's up If you gotta go you gotta go. she said Principal JoeC’hibbarrosaid the school maintenance crew had already orrected many of the hazards listed in the architect's report which brought about the boycott • The deadbolted doors ones which could only be opened from the outside or witha key once they were locked had all been unlocked • The rooms at the tops of the stairwells were no longer in use . A partition blocking exit from the auditorium had been taken down • F.xil signs tad been changed from narrative form to diagrams « Hand-lettered signs had been posted in all auditorium doors saying that no more than 100 people were allowed inside at a time • Fire ext inguishers tad been installed on the first floor However a band room which the report said had an inadequate fire exit was still in use, as was a classroom on the second floor at the end of a blind corridor The flammable ceiling tile was still in place as was the carpeting with the undetermined flame spread rating And in the science room they were still using the flammable school lamps and inside... I H F. GIRLS an taking to thp ire. N*c Pane - X O! l.> 1P ) VS about tin- intermediate M*ho«»l * problems that need t<» be answered Sec Page 1\ * ’ ! * tile edit • hti * ► . ini Pan* I N \ LAU s and programs to combat child abuse arc at work in Mercer Count\ See Page u \ arts <Xle inure classified editorial life*tv le < ibituaries social notes sports IB-2B IB MB . 4A . . . 6 A HA (M

Transcript of Boycott keeps 50 percent out of HIS - DigiFind-It

H1G H T SRH E J i/ t L DTwo sections, 30 pages Phone 448-3005 Thursday, January 22, 1976 Second dass postage paid at Hightstown \ J 08520 $4/yr 15 cents/copy

A H :1 • if intermediate school Students was all that hoarded this normally full bus Monday afternoon T here were offk ially 284 students absem Mifel Dot nelly : h

Lights, camera — HIS makes the tubeby Gate Scott S t a f f Vt r i l e r

Tlx* boycott of the Hightstown In 'ermediate School made the Channel i ■ v e r t i n g news Monday night

Acting on a ftp from a resident who happens to be an NBC employee WNBC vent correspondent Jim Collis and a three-person camera crew to do a one minute spot or. the local problem

Accordingly at 11:30 am Monday the crew arrived at the home of Johanna Sehnittman, one of the boycott

organizers where they filmed and in terviewed Ms Sehnittman. Cha na Heffner and newly announced school txiarri candidate Raymond Miller

The filming took less than a half hour Then the crew went on to the in­termediate school Since they had been denied permission to enter the school during school hours Mr Collis was limited to filming assistant supertn tendent Barbara Anderson outside the school, who gave them the ad ministration's position on safety con ditions

Six said hazards were being corrected and :hai 'he superintendent's own child - i- r he building attending school that

dayM- Anderson said the administration

tiad refused the crew permission to enter die building because to do so would be disruptive She claimed that reporters were never allowed in the schools when they are in session

After filming Ms Anderson the crew waited on the lawn, cameras rolling

Let v mst see w hat happens, said Mr "ills What happened w as that borough

W NBC CORRESPONDENT Jim Collis interviews parents latest entry into the townsnip race tor two school boardJohanna Sehnittman, center and Chana Heffner The seats Andrew Miller is at right (Mike Donnetfy photoi

Police Chief Lawrence Archer came out and told the crew to get off of school property 'The principal wants you off, he said

Mr i 'ollts did manage to get inside to talk to principal Joe Chibbarro When he • ante out again he said “ He wants us out of the way in case there's a fire drill the kids safety right’ That's what this ail about right'1'

Once lhe crew w as off the grass, Chief Archer took a friendlier approach 'I think I've seen you guys before he said weren't you down here for that cross-burning we had'1 They weren't

After waiting anot her 30 minutes or so in hopes of getting pictures of some kids 1 they had to settle for two waving from a window Mr Collis did an introduction and a closing

After taking off a hat he wears when he is not on camera and whipping a comb through his short graying hair Mr Collis took the mike and intoned the lead which viewers of the evening news in the greater metropolitan area would hear that night

“ On an ordinary day here at the

Hightstown intermediate school over 600 children would be inside this hutldmg But this is not an ordinary day Nearly half the children are being kept home by their parents in protest

The crew, which gave the impression of bei ng a a css fee) group seemed quite content with the administration s refusal to let them inside the school

Why didn't they just go in anyway 'For what" said the cameraman

“ we do that sometimes but here it's better if they don't let us in it makes it look like they've got something to hide

One school board member said that the coverage was not gtxxi for the school, the board or the future of the iown The board member said it was bad for the town's image, because t would undermine the work txnng done by the township to get more industry as well as possibly affecting real estate value

Further she said it would only serve to divide the board, many members of which were now feeling alienated by the tactics used in calling the boycott and seeking publicity

Hellquist resigns school board seat

by Gale Scott Staff W rite r

East Windsor Regional school board vice-president Charles Hellquist is resigning his township seat "by Feb 9 at the latest earlier if the board accepts

Mr Hellquist's decision was based onfamily and financial considerations

particularly the fact (hat he "was putting in an average of 20 hours a week on board activities

'I'm not happ\ about leaving but it's a thankless job he said It's a burden on the family and it gets to the point where they see you taking a lot of abuse and they say what are you doing this for’ ?"

Further said Mr Hellquist, it’s not fair that hoard members do not get any pay as do council members and other part-time elected representatives

Even a nominal amount would help not only ck> you give 14) income you could be making you have to Dut out

money, he said I had to buy file cabinets to keep all my board stuff in ! had to get an extra phone. 1 had to have shut-off keys pul on the phones so people wouidn • ,i! on midnight

But it was nol all tad memories he said I think the board brought a conservative influence to thedistrict on the years 1 w as on it he said we were able to halt some changes school superintendent Jack Hunt thrives on change and we were able to stop him from turning the schools upside down '

Mr Helliquist says tie plans to remain active in school affairs 'on an advisory level only

Since Mr Hellquist did not make his decision to resign the required 60 days before the election, hjs term will be filled by someone appointed by the board

“ I won't nave any say in who gets it he said “but I would back either of the incumbents Lynn Friedman or Bob Abrams since it will be such a new inexperienced; board

Three more hats in school race

by Gale Scott •Staff Writer

Three more candidates have filed petitions to run for the East Windsor regional school board

Eltssa Karn and Raymond Miller have filed in the township and Richard Royce in thp borough

Since Michael Hogenmiller withdrew his petition for the towrmhip race this week that leaves five contaxiers for two seats in the township and three for two seats in the borough

Township candidates are Lynn Friedman and Robert Abrams both

incumbents and Barbara Swan, Mr Miller and Mrs Karn Borough can didates are Eugene Sarafin Barbara Stout and Mr Royce

Mrs Karn 43 Woodland Drive has lived here for six years and has two children the older of whom will enter kindergarten this year She ts on the Trenton State faculty as a teacher of special education She has tad three years teaching experience in Philadelphia and has a BA from Bucknel] a masters in .special education and has nearly completed her Ph.D in

(•See HATS, Page I 6)

Boycott keeps 50 percent out of HIS

by (.ale Scott staff W riter

Concerned intermediate school parents carried out their threatened one-day school boycott Monday and about half the schools 600 students were absent. 51 per cent 1 n the Grubb uni t and 48 per cent in the Henderson unit

There are at least 50 of us who will keep our kids home until the school is closed down, said Johanna Sehnittman of Iverson Place, one of the boycott’s organizers 'But she changed her mind Tuesday and sent her son to school

Ms Sehnittman said the parents tad asked for a meeting with the East Windsor regional school txiard before Monday but that the board refused

They won’t meet with us until Jan 26 she said That ts not soon enough for the parents group, which feels that the long list of safety hazards given the school board by the architect whom the txiard commissioned todoa safety study is a mandate for emergence measures

The parents met with administration off teals and unit leaders last Wednesday to “discuss alternatives

We talked about double sessions moving kids to the Drew School loidling at t the Henderson ! n 1 the newer and safer part ot the school but they pul off any decision uni: they gel the stale report 1 said Ms Sehnittman

Howard Holcomb of the state

department of education s bureau of Iacililies planning visited the school last Wednesday He made a very thorough inspection, said intermediate school principal Joe Chibbarro, 1 mean he looked at everything

Board president Lynn Friedman termed the request for a meeting an ultimatum' and said the board stood by ts decision to w ait until the state report

was completed We polled the board and it was unanimous, she said, “ to a woman, they voted to wait

Mrs Friedman said that the board had not hoard from the state inspector, tmt would have the report by the weekend, as well as an update on the architect s report

The safety of the school is the responsibility of the board and the state and not of I he borough Nonetheless. Hightstown Mayor Krnesl Turp and the txirougn engineer also visited the school Monday afternoon

It s just a cook's tour ' said Mr Turp as the engineer scrutinized the rooms taking notes and measurements. Mayor Turp would make no further comment on his inspection The school ould be closed by either the .superin

tendent I he school board or by t be state Board members tear however, that

once the school was closed it could not tie reopened without being completely renovated

Meanwhile, inside the school itself...

by Gale Scott S t a f f W r i t e r

How did it fee! to be inside the Hightstown Intermediate School Monday on a day when half the student body was absent because their parents said they feared for their kids lives'1

My parents think the whole thing is stupid, said trie young man, 'This school is fine

Another student w ho appeared to be about 12 said her parents thought the kids should be allowed to finish the year here I want to stay she said, “ I don't like the other schools and if they send us anywhere else we ll all be smooshed together

Her friend agreed. We don't want to lie on half session either, and i feel safe here, it's a ruce school

Teachers said they felt the protest was unnecessary If something were going to happen it wetdtd taavi already hap pened said one T m sitting here aren't I?-'

Another said he thought the school should be repaired but questioned whether closing it was necessarv Most of that stuff could be taken care of in a few weeks, he said

One clerical worker who described herself as being 'Tight in the middle 'if this mess said she felt no sense of

danger I figure if your number's up sour number's up If you gotta go you gotta go. she said

Principal JoeC’hibbarrosaid the school maintenance crew had already ■ orrected many of the hazards listed in the architect's report which brought about the boycott

• The deadbolted doors ones which could only be opened from the outside or witha key once they were locked had all been unlocked• The rooms at the tops of the stairwells were no longer in use. A partition blocking exit from the auditorium had been taken down• F.xil signs tad been changed from narrative form to diagrams« Hand-lettered signs had been posted in all auditorium doors saying that no more than 100 people were allowed inside at a time• Fire ext inguishers tad been installed on the first floor

However a band room which the report said had an inadequate fire exit was still in use, as was a classroom on the second floor at the end of a blind corridor The flammable ceiling tile was still in place as was the carpeting with the undetermined flame spread rating

And in the science room they were still using the flammable school lamps

and in s id e ...I H F. GIRLS an taking to thp ire. N*c Pane - X

O! l.> 1 P ) VS about tin- intermediate M*ho«»l * problems that need t<» be answered Sec Page 1\

* ’ ! * tile edit • hti ■ * ► . ini Pan* I

N \ LAU s and programs to combat child abuse arc at work in Mercer Count\ See Page u \

arts <X le inure classified e d it o r ia l l i fe * t v le < ib itu a r ie s s o c ia l n o te s sports


. 4 A. . . 6 A


A (VISDSOR-HIGHTS HERALD Thursday Januar\ 22. 1Q7h

I errs Mr in

L ife m o b ile g e ts lo ca l h e lp

Jerry Stan an East Wind sor resident has been ap pointed coordinator for the Mercer County Lifemobile Project cooperative effort by the five Mercer County hospitals to tiring advanced emergency medical treatment to the area

Mr Stem is a graduate of C W Post College in Long Island with a degree in speech and hearing He taught at theMidland School in North Branch and prior to joining the lifemobile project was with the New Jersey department of institutions and agencies

Mr Stein is also a member of the East W mdsor Rescue Squad and has had experience in rescue ambulance work with the New York City health and hospital corporation


H p


1 7 3 1 N O T T I N G H A M W A Y T r e n to n , N .J

P H O N E : r>8(. 3 3 4 4



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443-3411Michael's l>laza. MercerSt. liin'htstoun

ON THE.ATTACK lone Maddoi k flips the puc» over the stick of -.aoch Nanny Cook ir goal while Tracy Barton skates in for the rebound The girls were a rking out Monday night at the Mercer County >.■• ng w tw • W.-y /•. ■■

cisoi They are members of a brand new all girls hockey program being started up under the guidance of Hopewell Towr St : • tent Penny • eft el I

'Stuari Crump photo)

Feminist skaters take to iceby Gloria Halpem \smsianl F diu>r

Last Monday evening 23 enthusiastic girls turned .*ji for the first practice of u firs! lime over ice hockey program for girls The action takes place at the Mercer County skating center on South Post Road West Windsor and the girls, sixth seventh and eighth graders, are coached by six members of the Princeton University Women s Hockey Team

The program was pioneered by Penny Sheffield of Hopewell Township who backed into it via another lirsi hme-ever in Hopewell soccer program for girls

Cancer Care offers family fun

The East Windsor Chapter of Cancer Care will hold a F ant. ) F tin 1ta> Ekinda .25. at 2 p m at the American I .eg ion hall. Route I tu

Besides honored guests Mickey and Minnie Mouse there w ill fie .i magii show and a chance for members of the family to make their own sundaes

Tickets are $1 per person and $1.50 at the ctoor For tickets contact Joan at 443-6184 or Cherxl at 443-6936


William Murphy of 22 Sterling Court reported $2fH> worth of his possessions in eluding a 22 caliber rifle and a 12 gauge shotgun were stolen from his home between 4 .30 p m and 6 45 p m Thursday Jan ;o according East Windsor police

Ms Sheffield was pretty inn yed ast tall when the Hopewell-Penningion “ Y put out a call for boys in third hrough sixth grade to join a

wK'cer program The- bulletin also requested lathers who might be interested in "aching in ign up Mothers

w ire invited to provide "Okies anu soft drinks That did itAbetted by several neigh

tors who had girls who were interested in playing soccer. Ms Sheffield just went out and irganized a program for them Four couples, men and ■■.omen volunteered to coach

The girls soccer program as a thrilling experience tor

-as Ms Sheffield it■ k end a >» season i a .e- m ><

-ure whether the girls had enjoyed it more, or their parents who began coming to all the games

The only complaint I can recall was Pom one fifth grader who came up to me and said This is so much fun, why must we stop" 1 can rememer 'elling her that soccer is

11 I tonsil) a seasons I gan i s ha1 iht houid begin ioing looking around for a aim-

parable winter sport, sav perhaps ice hockey

And suddenly 1 thought why not"'

1 ’k Princetoi YWCA vm■ gtilis: It Ms Shu!' eld -

-uggestion, to sponsor the program and the new Mercer county rink had some prime ice time available

The coaches, who also provide pretty good non-sexist models for girls include I.Hii is Elizabeth English ■u &aBdtei ilay Mills C

English and Nancy Cook Since I ’ve embarked on

these two programs, says MsSheffield, I've■ been asked thei'(• I observeseveral times. whether I ’m a whrit a heelk ofhockey player or w«is I a ■ best boy > arcsoccer ijl a y er amt are my thein, w'hv IS it■la light ers involved in the are having thisprogra mis The answer to both 1 am gra

year my older sor. would enjov participating in the program

‘While yyc were standing 1 two things lot of fun all having ind

ifuestions is No 1 have never played ice hockey or soccer and. since I have no daughters they obviously cannot be involved m either program

"My interest in and com­mitment lo both of these programs is strictly for feminist reasons M exposure to the game of soccer prior m the girls program Iasi year was one soccer game being played by voung boys in Hopewell township I had taken my two sons to watch this game with the thought in mind that perhaps the next

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A o u t* 1 » t m N .Jl « » l «

immediately raising has

f onsciousness had its verv

only Ixn"

1 to the Women s Movement and to the consciousness raising it has thought about Five or six vears ago had I walked out on that field I would have thought to myself Mv w hat a heck ot a lot of fun these kids are hay ing, and the thought of only boys participating in the program and concern about what the other 30 per cent of ■«r \oung population might tie doing on these Saturday mornings would not Icome to mind so readily Twu years ago when I walked out on that field these thoughts and concerns were 'here

decided effects on my life, and obviously has affected the lives of a 1 i of us in differentways "

The hockey group draws its players from Princeton Might vi Lawi m e n i lie l ast Windsor and Hopewell

a * I ; Practice a-s:... are every Monday from 6 15 to T 15 pm and girls can still sign up at the YWCA


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Thursday , Jannar\ 22. 1976 WINDSOR HIGHTS HERALD 3 - A

A P A W se e k s hom e for Dal & Puddin'

Two dogs who have lived with the same owner for five years are seeking a new home

1 >ne 'he clogs, a mixed beagle-labrador retriever named Puddin . found a temporary home with the Animal Placement Agency of the W indsors APAW She s a neutered female

The other dog. a male named Dal Is a mixed dalmation labradorretriever He is on APAW's waiting list and is currentlv m a private kennel because his owners have moved

W'e have no runs available for Dal a! the present time APAW spokesman BettyRichardson said Because we don't destroy animals we have long watting lists and Dal was cn the bottom of the list

"W e ’re trying to solve his problem W'e dnn I a ,in' u Bee an animal put down for no good reason but we have limited space MrsRichardson said

She added that unless APAW can find a new owner for him soon his owners will have to have him destroyed because they cannot afford to pay ihe kennel costs indefinitely

"Animals like Dal are not

problem animals, but they nave a desperate plight Mrs Richardson said They can" be kepi alive unless someone will help us

The dogs owners are hoping to find a single home where both animals can remain together she said

'They would make excellent watchdogs the A P A W spokesman said ‘Their owners guarantee that they will hark at hut not bite anyone they don't know

Mrs Richardson also reported that a story- and photograph m last week's newspaper seeking a new owner for a cock-a-poo named Tv resulted in almost AO phone calls

We found a very sensible grandmother and grandfather couple just down-to-earth common sense people to adopt Ty Mrs Richardson said 'They were exactly what we were looking for The couple asked not to be iden­tified. she said

APAW is a non-profit, privately funded organization with headquarters on South Post Road near Village Road West in West Windsor It s phone number is 799-1263

Dog owners take noteNorm Pullen. East Wind

sor's animal control officer since October, is getting tired

Police charge shoplifting

Ellen Vansco. 28. of 356 Iverson Plan a a- barged Wednesday Jan 14. with shoplifting $27 59 in clothing from the Jamesway Depart ment store.

Ptl Charles Henry made the arrest cn a complain' frost George Quinones store security manager alleging Ms. Vansco took two nightgowns nine parities and two bras

She is free on her own recognizance pending a hearing in municipal court March 11

____ a


The East Windsor Chapter of Cancer Care is holding its open meeting on Thursday Jan 22. at 8:30 p.m

The guest speaker for the evening wall be Vivian May a psvchic who will talk about astronomical signs, read fortunes and answer questions anyone might have Refresh ments wall be served

of asking for license and registration

He'd like every dog owner in the township and Hightstown which contracts for his ser vices to take note of three laws They specify that all dogs must be licensed and wear a registration tag, no (log can be allowed to run at large and when in public dogs must be securely controlled on a leash not more than six feet long and accompanied by someone over 12 years old

The three laws are the most frequently violated, according to Mr Pullen, and bring a $10 fine with the first conviction The second infraction brings a mandatory cour1 appearance and the judge can fine up to $500


MacArthur Jones 30. of New Brunswick, is free on $1,450 tell after East Windsor Ptl Ronald Barov, ski charged him with possession of 40 grams of marijuana and driving while on the revoked list Mondav An appearance in municipal court is scheduled for Feb 19

SCREEN needs some volunteers

The East Windsor Regional school (listnet is looking for volunteers for a new programcalled SCREEN School and Community RepresentativesE va lua t in g Educational Needs

Volunteers will work a minimum of two mornings a week working on learningskills with children in gradesK-2.

The program came into being through the efforts of the Learning Action Group LAG a group of parents who

felt the district was not doing enough to find out what in d i v i d u a l c h i l d r e n s weaknesses might be

The school will do the actual screening according to Marian Liebowitz. chair person Parent volunteers will work on a one-to-one basis with the kids helping them with whatever skills the teacher m charge says need m provingExamples, according to

Mrs Leibowitz might be identifying letters of the alphabet copvmg geometric forms, learning letter sounds Mrs Liebow itz hopes to have 25 to 30 volunteers working in the six K-2 units

S C R E E N c o m m it t e e members are Mrs Liebowitz. Michael Manduca, Harold Cox Richard Dougherty, Bea Baker Jerri Barclav Amelia

Yurgel. Linda Best and Karen Lilly

Mrs Leibowitz will be conducting training sessions starting Feb. 5 at the Kreps School The sessions wil] be held for three more con secutive Thursday mornings from 9 a m to 11 30 a m To volunteer or request further information call Mrs Lilly at 448-7451 or write SCREEN 370 Bolton Road East Windsor

W in a $ 2 5 .0 0 b o n d !Tell what freedom means to you.


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A native of Haddonfield. Mr Adams earned a BA degree in accounting at Drexel t ini versify

Mr and Mrs Adams and their two sons live m East Windsor

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town forum4 Windsor-Hlghts Herald Thursday Januar> 22, 1976

e d i t o r i a l

HIS safety problem s

['here's ii lot of smoke being generated over the conditions at the Hightstown Intermediate School. Fhe basic question that needs to be answered, however, is whether there is a real fire causing it.

That answer is no.Parents, who staged a 50 per

cent effective boycott of classes Mondav. are legitimately con cerned ot1 • • r reading the S3,(XX) safety report turned in by the school board architectural firm. J Robert Hillier, There are real safety problems at HIS.

Rut any home handyman looking at the specifics cited in the rcpoM immediately knows that there is nothing so major that it couldn't be fixed easily and without the costly step of hiring outsiders to do the job.

flic estimate of $188,590 to make needed repairs can be pared significantly if they are done by existing maintenance personnel Indeed, many of the items on the list have already been taken care of in the 10 days since the report was turned in.

Should maintenance man­power i urn out to be too limited to make the repairs as quickly as they should be. the school system's Instructional Service Center, its much praised vocational educational program, could serve well, as it has in the past.

Then there is the time honored parents' committee strategy winch the school system has so oiler used to save monev in the pasi Simply gather some civic minded, hands -with-their-hands parents together on a weekend and much of the trouble will be g m e by M o n d a y m o r n i n g 'Hopefully there will be an elec­trician in the group.)

Now that we have solved most ot the intermediate schools' problems, the next question to be answered is how did the building ac imimulate sc mans safety h a z a r d s w i t h o u t a n y o n e noiicitig ' Has the administration been remiss in its duties? Or has the school board, until recently, been pushing the HIS condition i ui of sight for some unknown reason Or have safety standards toi schooi buildings suddenly and iiramaticalh increased since Sep (em ber?

We doubt that last one and think whichever of the first two is appropriate needs an explanation as to why. Someone hasn't been doing his job. fhe public needs some answers and Monday night when the school board convenes to discuss the situation is a good time to start.

. \ '76/' IS Hl-RJU.l)

4nil f ,im Windsor

\ JPacket. Inc


M’ki'tVnnc Managing Editor\ W i. Advertising Manager

OtTici Manager

s o r ates iu , ear S-4 1 Sri o, >! state) I• <’ s if I Hre-e scars >8 Newsstand price 1 5 centsper cops

Se\ ruf cias' postage paid at Hightstown N J

rtf P R IM M O N p.u K M !M Publisher

o , ,M iv, a >4 i _■>44

tttra. offtsa pr>Hluc';on plant and corporate ■vadquarUTs Mx' W t her spoon Si Princeton. N Ji.H n4< ■

K , I WEdward P Burke !-dwo W luckcr

Gener;Edward F CarrollRobert Hutchinson Rosls n Denanf William Bennett

Board Chat rm a n Editor A General Mgr Associate Editor A w Mgr A: Business Mgr

Executive Editor duel i Hi® ft ac-

Advertising Director irculation Manager

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >

r e c r e a t i o n r a p u p

N_____________________________________ ._____________________________

by Faith sarafin and Fileen l rown

Recreation Directors

RKMINDF.R.S Friday Jan 23 bus leaves borough hall at 6 p.m for Same Time Nexi Year Sunday Jan 25. family skating at Peddle rink 7-9 p m Families only $2 75 and ndividuals $1 25 monthly recreation meeting Jan 28 at 8 p.m in the recreation office

WHAT'S \FV\ for a long time theparents have been expressing a desire to have some recreatlonai activities for pre-schoolers but our problem has been facilities because the schools aren't available all day We are ready to make

start with a pre-schoolers gymnastics and tumbling program one afternoon a

w eek for ei tftt weeks at the Twin Rivers Library The program w ill run Feb 20 toApril 9 from 2 to 3 on Friday afternoon

The nominal fee for this program is S3 per child w ith a limit of 25 m the group Registration will begin Friday morning Jan 23 at. 9 a m Call 443-3707 or come into the recreation office old Acme bui ich ng Open to pre-schoolers who have reached their fourth birthday

STI 1,1 AVAILABLE: Tickets for the Knicks vs the 76ers at the Spectrum Feb 15 are moving right along Game time is 1 35 pm for this contest bet w e e n two local rivals with Knicks star Spencer Haywood and 76ers Ace George McGuinness. Tickets are $6 Bus leaves borough hall at noon Call 443-3707 to reserve tickets

/----------- N

s e n i o r l e i s u r e

V,________ y

Because there were so many disap- pointed senior citizens who could not purchase tickets for the January trip to Radio City the joint recreation and parks commission decided to give firs; chance for the Mummers tickets to those who did not go to Radio City

TtlF MUMMERS show will be a 2p.m matinee on Feb 21 at the Philadelphia Civic Center The color and excitement of the Mummers needs no introduction to those who have watched the Philadelphia parade every year as a herald of the new year Tickets are $3

letters to the editorAppalled

Editor, The Herald

As a parent ot -hildren u the East Windsor regional school district, I am appalled how this board ' hose !e handle the report from J Robert Hillier Ar chi tects

To spend \ ■■'<> ' rep ■ - greputable firm and not to act on their recommendations immediately is ludicrous Once again vou provided yourselves w ith ways to stall and pacify the public without action

1 know election time is here and tins hoard does no' wan’ - rock the boat " When wil' this board make a decision because it is right and not because it is most popular

Naomi Stelson W3 Twin Rivers Drive N

Put in perspectiveEditor The Herald

Unless we are prepared to sacrifice the lawful rights ot over Joe of our local children to an education we must place the recently dramatized safety problems at the Hightstown In termediate School in their proper perspective

Having hear : lh< preser il or mo read the report of the school fvoard's architect i agree that there are problems with the safety of this school that must be treated as ser ous and tha1 should be corrected i u s ! a s quicklv as possible

■ rspoi ■ shat pened tnd odified problems that 1 have seen in walking through the school in recent months this report has laid out for all to see a number of defects that I have suspected during 31. years as the parent of an intermediate school child

Jeffrey Moore went to school as usua: t Monday Ian 1 It’s not that I don't

care about Ins safety I do It s no! that 1 don't demand that the safety problems a t ! he school be corredted and corrected quickly I do

At home there arc extension cords in use We don'1 have an emergency gas shutoff near the kitchen door There are areas that have only one regular means of access to the outdoors We dor, t have properly inspected Ere extinguishers in every hall, lit exit signs emergenev lighting fire exit diagrams in every room locked switch panels I do not know the fire spread rating of our carpeting And so on down the list

I must conclude that Jeff is about as safe at the intermediate school as he is at home He ought to be a lot safer a school ought to be a lot safer than the average home There are a lot of children in a school We can afford to make our schools a lot safer than our homes one fire extinguisher lor each fir people doesn't cost as much as one extinguisher for six Nevertheless as things stand today sending him to school is as safe as leaving ham home and he can proceed with his education it he goes

We all owe a debt of thanks to those parents whose persistent concern for the ntermediate school and its problems

■ -e vinced the school board to have this tudv made Those of us with children ' he ntermediate school have much ore to do. We must continue to show

>ut uncern until these safety problems ■ not only studied, but corrected We

■ us' press until the intermediate school hi >ught up to standard in ad 1 other

respects as welli lor one am deeply distressed by the

les' than equal treatment given the ntermediate. Drew and McKnight

schooN in 'he staffing actions passed by trie board last fall

Mi-anwhile, my son has the right to be educated and if the choice is the tn termediate schooi or home, this parent h lost- school The safety problems are

ser oas indeed, but not so grave that I .- deny him that right

William H Moore47 I Garden view Terrace

Remove our children

Editor The Herald

Since moving to East Windsor in September and enrolling, my son in the ntermediate school 1 have tried vainly

have rectified the appalling con ditions at this school

I have attended every board of education meeting I have attended •■verv budget workshop I have joined Ex- Grubb Steerring Committee i have alked with administration and board members with the hope of affecting an mprnvement in the physical plant My

grievance is not with the education father it is with the conditions our children must cope with

i >n Jan 12 the board's own architect reported ’hat the school was clearly unsafe and requires immediate rehabilitation Frankly I am not gloating From this verification of my c n feehngs Instead of telling everyone

ou see ! was right 1 am concerned •m about the safety of our children

I eke all the other parents seek only c- have our children housed in a safe environment

Whether the school should be renovated or a new school built is a decision that must be based on economics and practicality But before we face that decision let us remove our •hi idren from the dangers they face and be thankful that we have done it before tragedy struck

Johanna Schnittman Grubb Steering Committee

Close the schoolEditor The Herald

After reading vour front page storyconcerning fire hazards in the in termediate school. 1 was reminded of a tragedy involving a school fire which took place about 15 years ago inChicago

Entire classes were trapped in their rooms The shock on the faces of those who survived and the weeping of mothers as thev searched the dead little bodies for thpir children, can never be

completely erased from my mind Please don't let it happen here Please

make it safe for our children tc go to school Please close the school until it is safe

K W B r o w n e JO ’A o o d la n d D r i v e

A few empty drums

Editor. The Herald

It is indeed unlortunate that the ar chitectural firms, the slate board of education and the local officials that designed, constructed and approved the Stockton Street schooi buildings and additions did not have the construction expertise of 'he parents and politicians now critically inspecting (he best constructed school building now available in the East Windsor School District

The leaking tin warehouses and fhe dirty merry-go-round recently con structed will probably last as long as the plywood boxes that we are now forced to buy as homes that will not outlive the mortgages

All the items listed as being unsafe and hazardous can be found m vour home and only adequate maintenance is required to keep , good building in goodcondition.

Instead of letting a few empty drums make all this noise why don t we make these vandals parents responsible for the damage thev do. and enforce good housekeeping and proper maintenance to a building tha' has endured several generations of older children before your little angels took over

Joseph B Shekiro Monmouth Street

Correction in order

Editor. The Herald

One correction is in order in the in­termediate school story by Ms Scott who did her otherwise usual competent job of reporting

The statement that the architect s report placed the school the board and the community in the position of beingcriminally liable in the event of a

subsequent injury was wrongly at tnbuted to me This is an accurate quotation, but of remarks of the speaker who followed me Eugene Sarafin

I like to be forceful not inflammatory In appearing before the board of education 1 sought to improve, not worsen, a serious situation Nothing was .said by me of guilt or blame I spoke solelv within the framework of where are w e, where do we w ant to be and how can we get from here to there

Otherwise it would have been irresistible to wonder aloud how such a sound building has been allowed to deteriorate so much in recent years by whom and wh\

Ja\ j Newman

Time to resolve

Editor. The Herald

II the situation in the intermediate school is as serious as stated 'and I believe it is due to my many visits there this community lias no recourse except to close the school until corrective ac tion can be taken and safe facilities made available

If on the other hand, this is just passed off as another episode in our schooi system diary I hope people realize we have reached a point where we are speaking of lives notphilosophies

In correction of the multitude of problems which exist would be of limited duration at best. and I for one would be w illing, much to mv dismav to vote for any issue to correct this situation on a permanent basis in eluding a reasonable addition to or construction of additional school facilities

Although construction is usually a lengthy solution, in the long run it is probably the most economical if we car avoid Taj Mahals and build safe adequate and proper facilities

In the interim, there are quite a few safe clean and adequate facilities which the school board and superintendent could possibly rent or lease to provide proper facilities for the children, either in or near our community

While this may cause some in convenience to some families split sessions it is certainly better than the ioss of one child's life

f have no child attending the in­termediate school, nor will I have in the iuture But the situation as currently exists, is the responsibility of this entire community and affects hundreds of our residents and their children The ■hildren in this schoo, are not there by

choice and it could as easily be your child or mine and it would be a first if it happened forge! the controversy over Dr Hunt forget the feuding on the school txaard forget the sniping done at Dr Hunt and school board members from certain self-appointed community spokesmen and forget which section or community of this township you represent

Whether your fads go to McKnight, Keeps Black high school etc, put -ourself in the shoes of intermediate

(Continued on Page 5)

Registration for any one who did not go 'o Radio City wail be taken by phone if you have a numbered senior citizenregistration card or in person on Friday, Jan 23. from 9 a.m to 4 30 p m and on Monday Jan 26

Those who went on the trip to Radio City can call or come in on Tuesday. Jan 27. at 9a.m to register if there are any remaining seats. Call 443-3707 Bus leaves Twin Rivers 12:20 ana St An thony s at 12 30 on Feb 21

COMF1 TO AN Old FashionedValentine Party at the Daffodil Room liehind the recreation office Tuesday. Keh 10. at 1:30 pm The recreation office is going to provide all the trim mings to make this the biggest social event since the Halloween Party

There will be an old-fashioned Valentine box on our counter by Feb 1 to drop valentines in for your friends or vou can bring them the day of the party The will be distributed at the party Another treat will fie a serenade by Jessica Hughes on the guitar and Peggy Romanow who promise to play old tavoribes appropriate for the occasion

! I l f n THF dancing will begin with East Windsor Police Chief Joseph Michmsky and East Windsor Patrolman John Fiore ready to trip the iight fan t as tic with the ladies to old tunes The afternoon wont be complete before refreshments are served Limited to 50 Call 443-3707

Faith Sarafin Eileen Crown

Hightstown as it used to be.Tiiis float honored Betsy Ross, in the history parudt one of five consecutive parades held to commemorate Hightstown < bicentennial in

1921. accord ing A Iphaeus Albert.

to H ightstown histor ian

< i

I hursdas January 22, 1975 WINDSOR HIGH TS HERALD>-A

(Continued from Page 4) school parents and let s. just for once, see this communiU act like a com munity and not a group of warring factions

This is not the time to express our dissatisfaction with the school svstem, but the time to resolve what could become a catastrophe

Bob Browne iib Woodland Drive

Nothing decidedEditor. The Herald

As Henderson Unit parent representative to the administrative committee to develop recommendations to meet the serious safety problems at Hightstown Intermediate School, I would like to clarify just what has been decided thus far

N ot hi ngThis committee was charged w

with exploring all the possible sdter natives to the conditions now existing at the intermediate school The results of these explorations will be presented to the school board which will then act upon the approach they feel will best deal with these problems

Any rumors now circulating con cerning what w ill happen to the children attending the intermediate school are simply that, rumors Certain sectors of the community are using these suggested alternatives to stir up public furor against the p iposals they per­sonally dislike

No matter what decision the school board reaches, it will not satisfy everyone The only thing gained by malicious distortion of t h i s ideas is to even more seriously disturb and confuse parents who arc already concerned with the safety of their children

1 would urge each parent to convey to the school board members their feelings about the conditions at the intermediate school Remember that no decisions have been made thus far, but these are the people who will decide the fate of Hightstown intermediate school Let them know vour thoughts concerning this mqst serious problem facing our community

Linda Moore 47-1 Gardenview Terr

Please accept..Editor, The Herald

1 have just sent this letter to the board of education and wish to thank the

»ter it East Windsor for ha\ ng me the opportunity to serve them for two years

Please accept my resignation as vice- president of the East Windsor regional school board effective as of board ac ceptance but no later than Feb 9

For the past two years 1 have been g iv e r 'h e o p p o rtu n ity it. g ervt community and the children of our school district and have deeply enjoyed and found it rewarding to assist in improving the direction of education in our school system As a volunteer community servant a school board member spends perhaps more time and must make more critical decisions than any other in (hie community

I regret having to resign at this time but for ihe next year the amount of time that 1 must spend in my full-time position dictates lhat I would not be able to participate fully on the board which would be a disservice to the children we serve and an added burden on other members of the board

Although board members ma\ disagree on certain issues, you all have my respect and appreciation for your support and the dedication that you have given toward serving the children in our schools We have been able to start a course of action that provides meaningful alternatives in educational structure which if successful is one of (he most meaningful contributions that a board of education can achieve

Our district has a concerned and talented staff which under proper direction is able to provide superior education to the district's children It is

the board's responsibility to provide these guidelines as it did this year and to continue the planning process in each successive year Our administration has implemented our basic objectives during this year and is to be commended for its leadership The board must however always monitor the ad­ministration to ensure that educational philosophy remains a right of the people and not subservient to the ideas of only the educational professionals

Although I cannot participate on an extended basis during the next year in communal!;, action and volunteer programs 1 would be willing to assist 'he board m special committees that may be needed

M -oh eresl best wishes to the board tor ts continued efforts in guiding ouri ...... • educational policies and m\idmiration to it for its long hours of hardwork

With all our struggles among our selves and with the administration, upon

ection of these two years my fondest■ " ■ ee ore of what we achieved and

the pride and happiness on eighth grader-- faces as they received their diplomas last year 1 hope that when each of you leaves the board, your memories will be as positive as mine of what vou accomplished and what vour individual talents have contributed to the hildren of our district

Charles E Hellquist 110 Cypress Drive

A m 1


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If you received the Short Form for filing your taxes, our preparers are specially trained to determine if it’s best for you If it is well complete it at a very low price because the simpler the return, the less we charge


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triday '* dOa.m.lob (HI p.m • Sat 4 do a.m tod .10 p.m.

C ra f t s p e o p le so u g h t fo r fa ir

The Junior Friday Club of Hightstown will hol’d an arts and crafts fair at St Anthony's Church Hail. M axwell Avenue, on Saturday Feb 28

They are looking for craft­speople to participate Anei Rht foot table may be reserved for a fee of $10 Facilities for those who wish to demonstrate as well as display will be made available

Proceeds from the fair will be donated to the Institute for Medical Research and other Junior Fridav Club charities Reservations are due Feb 1. For further information and reservations, call Mrs J. Hicks 609 448-2572 or MrsS L Bencze 609 448 HB93

i f t *l O *« TENNIS

t>eft (or im prove your gameI for on ly pennies more than

Group lessons S C 0 0now forming v

per hour

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Our beautiful Spring Fabrics are ready for your inspection.

WARREN PLAZA WESTRoute 13 ■ ■ Me • R I Earn A r N * 44Q 1389* M . ,

FR EE C lasses Sew ing Tips Tues 10 30 • Knitting Thurs 8 b Sat 10 30 • Craft Fri 1 30

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If you don’t buy our stote-wide clearance stock now,it s never.

Out with the old In with the new.New furniture, new displays, new everything.

But first we have to clear out the old.. One-of a-kind old, slightly distressed old, discontinued old.

A il famous name iiim iture you would have loved a year ago at our regular pnees, now even more loveable at our clearance pnees.

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Herman SpiegelT o e a c h h i s o w n f u r n i t u r e .

Ah Route 1 and Allen Lane Trenton. New Jersey (609) 882 3400 r iiD t r - r ir fe c 10 A M to 9 P M 'Saturday 10 A M to 5 P M /Cosed Sunday D IR EC TIO N S South ot New Brunswick G rde on Ah U S 1 between Princeton ancnceton and Trenton

Vi indsor-Hights Herald Thursday . January 22. 1976

Child abuse:New taw, program help in battle

Had Bush si uff VV riter

' all her Susan She may be an infant r 17, possiby the child of well to do ■ i le m people or trom a prat .arn 11s Hie ■iff'.pring of an\ combination 1 sex'iulijjJic.ii variables But -he arid several thousand other

hildren in Mercer County were the K'tim nt some-form of child abuse ‘■gleet rn abandonment last year

. het " abou OCX i her cases of child abuse are being andled by tin Mercer founty district (fice ol the 'ate Division of Youth and amily Sei ices Cases range in eriousness from diaper rash to miicideI'lie reported incidence of child abuse increasing at an alarming rate

bruugbntii the slate and in the count\ as ell•\i • ' i ding ' ngures released by the ale IJY f-S director James Kagen. the ■uc » r o! protective service cases in

New Jersey rose by 11'9 per cent in iiscai year 1974 and by anolher 8! per cent last year in Mercer County alone the caseload of severely abused and r®§ eeted hildrei m p o I p cent from 1978 to last year

UJTMOfUTSES IR E N I whether the phenomenon of abuse is objectively on the rise as sharply as the ngures seem n suggesi .,r whether t is simply ix-ing reported more frequently No one s dispuhng that the files in t county district office are burgeoning

The causes of child abuse are myriad and complex although there are 'classic syndromes stated James

Arnone supervisor of the state protective services agency

The battered child syndrome is the most wide!) recognized among case workers he said It involves the child who was brought up accustomed to physical abuse from Ins parents

'It's a cyclical process The child grows up and repeats the practice

Invariably when a problem comes up with his kid the most accessible resolution of the problem is the wav helearned as a child That cyclical pattern continues therefore Irom generation to generation he explained

w oTH ER (1 vssit example which we see. nearly every day is the case of the 16-year-old child who has a baby

ause she w as never loved She wants i have a child because she was not

oved as a child, and she wants someone■ love her and ail babies love their

parents This is the mythAnd when all of a sudden tins child

>r this 16-year-old mother has done everything she can. has fed the baby and capered it and burbed it and the baby Mil I ries, the mother s self-concept is challenged i am a no good person and even this person doesn't love me.' she rccis The frustration is so great that the mother just strikes out at the child

Must of the cases we see involve neglect where the apathetic parent does h i know how to be a parent he said Another factor involved in the

spiralling growth of protective service cases is the economic situation today noted Hugh Adams, supervisor of operations in the stale protective ser vice agency

There's more strain on the fathers because there's no work and it's not their fault, but they Ihtnk it's their fault And the result again is frequently child abuse he sa id

V (,HO\\l\(, PROPORTION >f child neglect cases, agreed both men. is emerging from upper and middle class families

Although the children in such cases have sonic of their physical needs met they are being emotionally neglected and being left alone stated Mr Ar none

The increase in reports of child abuse■ Hat« et Coui - n [steading a in i

even fie an encouraging symptom according to Thomas Frase district office supervisor of the county DYFS agency

He explained lhat the rise in reported incidents may be due more to a greater publu awareness of the problem and a greater willingness to report incidents than to any real increase of abuses

( think people are reporting it more now than they did. say 10 o r 15 years ago he said Attitudes are changing towar : ttie disciplining of children The idea of the sanctity of the fani is changing

ltd ore people regarded parents beating their children within some normal range of behavior and now it's not that way

It was common 50years ago and you still find it today where people figured lhal in order to be a good parent > ou had ft- beat the heck out of your kid and neighbors expected this Today most p e o p le t ii- t e ^ i i in i ig to -v-r b its a s a problem

Were also getting more cases

because we re getting more referrals Our agency is doing a better job Peopleare more aware that we can help

THE AGENCY HAS been greatlyhelped, be noted, by a recent state law wind) became effective last January which broadens the authority of protective service units to step in im mediately and take action It also provides greater protection to people reporting instances of child abuse

Under the law any person police officer, doctor or employe of the county probation department or of the DYFS may under certain conditions, remove n hi Id from his guardians or home w uhout a prior court order and in some cases without parental consent if ' immediate removal is necessary to protect the child from immediate or imminent danger

At the same time the statute providesgreater immunity from any civil criminal liability for testimony given oi assistance delivered in child abusecases

VVIIAT THE DODD law gives theagency is the ability to remove children on an emergency basis without a court order said Mr Frase. Before, if we walked into a situation and it was bad, if we couldn't gei the cooperation of the parents we would then have to wait and get a court order

l rider the new law if we walk in and ■ md the situa lion is bad and if it's eleven

luck at night and the courts aren’t pei we can lake a step to remove the

child and then petition the court to review the case

The law removed the day's delay in (’learning a court order he said, enough time for the parents to pick up

'he kid and disappearAnother, more recent, tool in handling

pi itective service cases was unveiled ast month in Trenton by commissioner Anr Klein ui the state Department of Ir -i tut ion and Agencies She announced that tlx Metier DYFS office had been mreeled for a federally funded program "f contracting private social service agt ciev to assist I he county office's caseworkers

\l Rf \DY t NDf- HH \Y the halfnullum dollar program involves five -oi il service agencies which are under

m uci lo pp nie various kinds of day ■ vcrvicc- dunseimg homemaker

training, inf.ait care and intensive -a ■ ork wPl -hildren in foster homes rite prog! .nti said Ms Klein, is ex

peeled to provide service for an estimated 88b abused and neglected children in approximately 400 families

The so-called purchase of service' program is a relatively new concept in the state and throughout the country s-ud Mr Arnone

We ve seen that the traditional means of dealing with cases of child abuse which has been the traditional casew orker c I ■ cut relationship, just !<ic- ■ t work

NOT ALL CHILD abuse cases are the results of beatings or other violence These twins wound up in a hospital in another state when authorities discovered them suffering

from malnutrition They were found in a roach infested shack along with five brothers and sisters

(AP photo)

You need to tie in all of the available community resources to get things moving and get help for the client You need various kinds of programs to meet various specialized needs The Mercer County program is exactly that kind of concept he said

It's a far better system of dealing with cases than the oid caseworker client relationship agreed Mr Frase

It fills many of the gaps and plugs a lot of the holes in services previously of fered It does things we could not do just because of the sire of our caseload fie said

RELUCTANCE TO sjtEPDHT incidents of child abuse it Y as generally agreed, is still prevalent and remains a major obstacle in the way of reaching many children who need protectiveservices

But again, progress is being made Doctors in w hom state agencies rely to repiort suspicious injuries are more frequently asking tough questions and generally probing deeper into questionable injuries Some are beginning to come around to the practice of taking body X-rays of children who come m with implausible bruises or fractures, said Mr Arnone

The X-rays often reveal other injuries past and present in other pwrts of the child's body, he said

Although there is still a strong disinclination among neighbors and private citizens to report abuse that too is gradually dissolving stated Mr Frase

The state office of Child Abuse Control maintains an emergency toll-free hotline number 800-^2-8610 which provides immediate action in cases in which the child is reported in imminent danger Callers are guaranteed anonymity if they request it

!NE " i ’. t J SCALDED, another beaten, both victims o' Juki iPhet<» o H icsy of St Pete'S Hospital New Brunswick.

County director examines trends

Youth of parents, stress can be factorsAr interview with the director of the

Mercer < ount> 'list net office of the state lmsion of youth and family sen wes. Thomas Frast helpied lend some reality

he hi id abuse cases which his count y ! f " < fie-handled recently Excerpts of mi interview are presented here

: h me give some rough statistics - n > in t-akriuw n on what child abuse is

f 1 say that in Mercer County there uc about three deaths a year resulting trom child abuse

We deal w ith about 25 families a year r which there is a child where the injury

he child is serious I'm talking about skull fracture, a broken bone severe

burns where the chid lias to be hospitalized

There are probably another 50 cases where the abuse is manifested in ■ ' uises abrasions cuts where the kid s seen by a local doctor or on an out patient basis in which ibe kid don-n t have to be hospitalized

There are also about 25 cases of abandonment where a neighbor will report at three o'clock in the morning and hear kids crying and police will go and find the kids unattended

We also get about 50 cases a year in sexual abuse

There are vet another 200 families in which we're talking about neglect that tiorders on being venous kids with chronic diaper rash or medical needs that haven! been attended to a situation where there is r>o food in the house or the living conditions are such that they re not conducive to a healthy (*tn ■ moment

'To break down the cases into common characteristics there are two major groups

A lot of the cases we deal with are with very \oung parents who are emotionally immature who haven't ome from the most ideal backgrounds 1 lx are still in their late teens or early

id's parents of one, two or three kids And as I heir jx-rsonal frustrations build up they strike out at 'he child

We are into a lot of situations where i will be the mother's boyfriend who

does the injuring You know the mother and hoy-friend arc fighting I should include in that category the father - and -lx- male partner is getting back at the w itc by hitting the kids

Sometimes the abuse is more base -ban that Sometimes the toddler will interfere with them They may be in the ttedroom and the k id is banging on the floor and out of fit of frustration the guy

>11 eel up open the door and kick the kid

THE Nh XT BIGGEST group isparents whose stresses are so great that they have gone into a psychotic state and the-. re under a lot of pressure and they have maintained themselves and have not taken it out on the chiktoen until one das they have a p*ycotic nreakdoun which requires their hospitalization We had one mother who hreatened to cut 'he throats of her three

children On one child she began to ihere were slight cuts or the neck of one of them but she was beginning to carry out her threats

Sometimes parents will ask their

children to do bizarre things, like walk barefoot in the snow because walking in the snow w ill somehow chase out the evil spi ri ts

So that's another group and there is another very small percentage of cases where the parents are very sadistic and do sadistic things to their children

'fine case I can think of was one in which a kid was making a lot of noise and the father told him to quiet down The four-year-old continued like four year-old kids would, so the father took the mother's iron and applied it to the kid's hands not just one hand but both hands The hospxlal records had shown 'hat the kid had turned up before with burns cxi his hands

YO l CAN T BLAME it on anything There's just no rational process that you can rely on to say this is why the man abused the kid

There's a lot of accidental abuse also because parents don't know how to discipline their children A child for example is not listening to his father so the father goes over and slaps the kid across the face the child falls backward and fractures his skull on the edge of a coffee table

Now the guy ditto T irtend to have the kid fracture his skull But he obviously needs help in controlling his own emotions m stressful situations

In the category of accidental abuse there is also the problem of a family in which it is accepted and pressire is on you to use corpioral punishment Sometimes it gets excessive Y ou might find that in Spanish families or recent

immigrants from Europe You know the kind of thinking that it's good to beat kids if I beat my kids I'm a good parent

But the biggest category again is kids having kids kids who aren't grownup yet, who are not fully matured for parent hood

IS CHILD ABUSE a class phenomenon ’’

It is my persona) experience thatthere is as muc h ph ysical abuse of children in working class and middleclass families as there is in lower class families

I'm not sure of what percentage of upper-middle class and upper class people there were, but it was not un­common for us to have college professors or a doctor a physician a medical man heating his chilttoen

You know the kind of pressure and the lack of maturity in relating to children cuts across all class lines

But I think the cliche is true that the rich can protect themselves and go to

private agencies whereas the poor have to rely or state agencies So I think the figures are sometimes asked because we usually deal with lower or working and middle class pieople

INCIDENTALLY, ONE of the other experiaices we've had talking about uPPer and middle class families, is that now and then we encounter emotional dwarfs, where there may be no physical abuse but the piarent has so rejected the child that the child is physically ard physiologically affected' It stops growing and maturing That's another kind of abuse Two or three vears will pass and the kid will not have grown an mch or have gained any wejght or develop emotionally or socially

The one kid I can think of is one who was pjut in foster care and within a year he had grown six inches and began to develop again

Maybe we get one or two cases like that in a year although some arer t sosevere "

T he state O ffice o f C h ild Abuse C o ntro l m aintains an emergence toll-free hotline - 800 792-8610 - to call for im m ediate action when a child is reported to be in im m inent danger

» i

Thursday , januarv 22. l ()7b WINDSOR HIGHTS HERJfLD 7 -A

B usiness w om en learn how to re lax

The B usiness and Professional Women s Club of Hightslown will meet at the Coach and Four RestaurantRoute 33 H ightstow n, on Tuesday Jan 27

Ann T Henderson will speak on Transcendental Meditation and how it reduces tension and improves physical health

Ms Henderson has been a full tim e teacher of Tran scendental Meditation for the last year and a half Prior to attending a three month training course to become qualified to teach TM she served for three years as the special assistant to the New •lersey Commissioner ofFducatinn and

Washington, DC at the office of economic opportinity and the justice department She is a Trent on native and holds a Ba from Oberlin College and an MA from Rutgers University

All working women in this area are invited to the meeting which will begin with dinner served at 6 15 pm Keser vations can be made by calling Kmma Harder at 448 779fj


Constance J Wellnitz. daughter of Mr and Mrs Wellnitz. of R D »1 Cranbury has been named to tbr I)ean s List for the fall semestw of the 1975 78 academic year at


V ea l C o rd o n Bleu with M adiera S a u ce

8.00Filet Mignon B ro ch ette

8.25V ea l A L a O s c a r

8.00A ll en trees s e rv ed w ith salad and vour ch o ice of p o ta to and vege tab les



S e l ect i on in clu d e i car coats f ake f u r s f u r t r i m m e d ski j a c k e t s cloth and f ur . Each is at l eas t i 3 o H Missy junior h a l f s ixes






6 0 9 - 4 4 3 3600

10 TO 910 TO 511 TO 5

Mr and Mrs Dante! M. Berrv III

Princeton theologians wed in local rites

Lydia Elaine Jenkins was married to Daniel M Berrv III. of Meridian Miss at a service of worship and praise on Jan 3. by the Rev Dr Robert Lloyd Sullivan m the sanctuary of the First P r e s b y t e r i a n Church Hightstown

I hi hi t i* vorea whiti gown with panels of white lace over blue satin She carried a corsage of white roses and blue and white mums Mrs Carolyn J Johnson of Plano, Texas sister of the bride matron of honor wore a light blue gown with a corsage of white and blue mums and red roses The mothers of the unde and groom respectively wore royal blue and coral pink gowns each with a white corsage

The groom chose his father, Dan M Berry Jr of Nash­ville Tenn as best man James L Shaw of Atlanta, Ga cousin of the* groom and the Rev Robert P Eickeiberg, of Maryland, friend of the groom served as ushers

Following the wedding a short reception lor the bride and groom was held in Fellowship Hall Miss Barbara Jenkins, sister oi the brick*, and Ms Cindy Blanton cousin of the groom were in at- tendanee at the refreshment table

The bride is ’he daughter of

Mr and Mrs Ralph WJenkins of Hightstown and the granddaughter of Ibe late Mr and Mrs B M Greene ofRobertson, Wy and of the late Mr and Mrs T R Jenkins of Fort Bridger Wy She is a graduate of Heneger's Business College Salt Lake City Utah, and earned her BS degree from Davis and Elkins College Elkins 'A Va She didpost graduate study atP r in c e t o n T h e o l o g i c a l Seminary in Princeton

The groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Dan M Berry Jr of Nashville Tenn and the grandson tit 'hi- lifts Mr and Mrs Douglas F Heuer of Mephis, Tenn , and of the late 11 M Berrv of Memphis and of Mrs Miriam L Berry of College Park, Ga A graduate of Peabody Demonstration School, he earned his BS from Davidson College Davidson. N ( and a masters of divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary

The newlyweds are at home at 917 55th Avenue M erid ian Miss 39301 where the Rev Mr Berry is serving as pastor of a Presbyterian church

Chorale for newThe East Windsor

Hightstown Chorale will beginrehearsals for its spring season on Monday Jan 26

The group composed of 40 men and women rehearses weekly in room 208 of the Kreps School in East Windsor from 8 to 10 p m

Since this is the bicentennial year all music performed by the Chorale will be American

Mr. Josephson , M iss Lewis plan to wedMr and Mrs Julius D

Lewis of Binghamton N Y announce the engagement of their daughter Helen Andrea to Howards Josephson son of Mr and Mrs Norman Josephson of Silver Spring Mr! formerly of Hightstown

Miss i,ewis graduated from Bingha mton Central High School and Syracuse University She is attending t pstate Medical Cento- School of Nursing

Mr Josephson graduated from Hightstown H itfi School and Juniata College Hun iington. Pa He is now at­tending Oklahoma City University law school

A summer wedding is planned

Helen I ewis

RICH ! TO l If f

The Mercer County Right to lull organization will meet at 8 pm Jan 28 at the Mercer Countv Adm in istra t ion



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Some as is

in tune seasonincluding selections from

T h e M u s k M an P org y and Bess Twentianna a medley of songs from the 1920 s, songs by Henry Mancim and more

The focus of the season will tie a concert with the Central New Jersey Orchestra featuring works by con temporary American com posers, especially those by New Jerseyans,

Funded in part by the Mercer Count\ Cultural and Heritage Commission the project w ill be presented several times during the summer to Mercer County audiences

Singers are welcome to the first Monday ni gh! rehearsalor call chorale coordinator Annette Cleaves at 448-5382 Instrumentalists interested in the project are asked to call orchester conductor Paul Hofreiter at 737 1855 lor details-____________ ____________.

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8-A WINDSOR HIGHTS HERALD Thursday. January 22. 1976

social notesPatriotic pom-poms flags completed at Applegarth

£otnpiled byMrs Ri ihert S Turlon Jr

UK _><*) 7

Henry Sc•hairer. 15]Prospect Driv e owner andmanager of Kconomy Extirmina ting. recent iy completed a <•ourse* ■ n pcs! ronf rolat Rutgers In iversity

Mr anrl Mrs Carlin lU’imar i'4 Kvanslon Drive, ■ ■eletirated their 19th wedding anniversary Tuesday .Jan 20 Congratulations ’

I <*>king ahead, tin Beth ElCouples Club will meet Saturday evening, Feb 14 They are planning an icebating [XI f • and w til returnto the tern])J e f <>r refreshments An yo rx interested inlurt her informali on. pleaserail 443 6774

BurgeTtand the scenelor birtl:itia> part if•s f 01 theseehildre n J hna ps 4.Jenni fe r Miarrow SethKami re-kv 5, 1Beth Ann3. a!kei 6 Mattheia Schreier

Mr and Mrs John S V Croendyke will be married 60 • ears on Jan 26 They will

etirale with a farm's parts at their home on Sunday Jan 25 Congratulations and may 1 ax‘ !>less this dear couple

Steven M Iverson of East Windsor has been named director of personnel and elected to the management board of Johnson and Johnson Dental products Company mr Iverson formerly was personnel manager of the dental company

East Windsor Chapter Women's American CRT as par! of its American affairs program is collecting ap pliances both large and small broken or in working con dilion for the Mercer County Vocational and Technical School The appliances will be fixed by the students as part ■>f their vocational education Anyone having appliances to donate please call 443-4216

Petersburg Fla They enjoyed getting aroad to see things

and ,h ” >■ St 1 hsnev World

Beth El Sisterhood will meet Thursdav evening, Jan 29 at 8 p rr. at the Beth Ei Synagogue on Franklin Street Toba Stulls ail! use as her topi« ’Organic Gardening for People Plants will be on sale also vouchers for Foodtown and ShopRite will be sold The gift shoppe will be open

Mr and Mrs Charles Jorgenson and Mr and Mrs Nate Rouchelle enjoyed a seurprise visit Tom William Everett Jr or Monday Bill was formerly of Windsor They had not seen him in 20 years since he moved to Whitter Calif He is visiting other (riends in the area also

6, Scot t Samantha

:h lenvar, a Block 6. Michael

dumper! , Hi,idles Good a seth Goldstein > Julie Fuchs ■ Alison Maund. 3

Mr and Mrs David Gold- leiri and daughter Marion

have returned after a pleasant vacation visiting with Mr Goldstein s brother Maurice and sister-in-law Edith in St and 17

Mrs Leroy Pullen and Mrs israr B Hernwall attended

lhe sessions of the board of managers of American ■ lapt W ■■ ,i New Jersey it thi Baptist n l erence Center at Lebanon on Jan 16

o b itu a r ie sGeorge Van Deusen

George Van Deusen, 70, of Half Acre Road. Cranburv, died Sundav in Princeton Medical Center

Born in upstate New York lie resided in Monroe Town diipmnst of his life He retired i) December 197.T from the

Monroe Township Road Department, after 25 years as ■ in equipment operator

Husband ,rf the late Irma Austie \ an Deusen he is survived by one cousin, Charles Rader ol Pittsburgh, Pa., ami several nieces andIlCIihiHi s

I'iiiu ra 1 services were held Wednesday from the A S. Cole I uneral Home Tlx* Rev Fred Quigley officiated Burial and graveside services wehe held in Hillside Cemetery oxford The Rev Henry Wilson of­ficiated < out11Indians mav

lx- made to Central Monroe Eire Cn Schoolhouse Iti . RD Jamesburg

John D. HorneJohn D Horne. 68, of 2*26

tfutchinson St dial Sunday t Princeton Medical Center

Burn in England, he resided ■n the Hightstown area for the last 35 years He was a retired machinist, and an Army veteran of World War II

He is survived by his wife Ardis Horne two brothers

Horne of Pecon *( ity Mu and .aw son Horne I Engleton, England, and one- sister Betty Horne of Engleton. England

Private funeral services will be held from the Heyer Funeral Home 202 Stockton St . Hightstown, at the con venience of the family Memorial contributions mav

Come on over to our house for the Ethan Allen

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F ree Deer .ratur Service * Terms Available Daily 12 Noon to 9 P M . Saturday 10 A.M. to 5 P M

Mr and Mrs Sigmund J Lawrence 10 Yorkahire Drive happily announce the birth of a daughter Mary Aleksandra 7lbs 9>.(2 ae on Jan 17 at Princeton Medical Center The new baby has a sister Joan who will be two an Jan 24 The grandparents are Rev and Mrs Glenn Asquith of Cherrv Hill .

The Hightstown Area Mimsterium held its January luncheon and meeting on the 13th at St Paul s Ixitheran Church in East Windsor Guest speakers were the area funerai director Mr Glackin of the William F Glackin Funeral Home Ernest Payne of the Heyer Funeral Home and Mahlon Thompson of the Cole Funeral Home of Cranbury The F'eb 10

meeting will be held at noon at Beth El Synagogue on Franklin Street

Miss Ann Tucker who resides with her sister Mrs GA Bennett, is improving nicely at Princeton MedicalCenter

Your items concerning birthdays. birth an nouncements. vacations hospitaJstays special company and other items of interest are welcome for this freie column Call me earlv



This Land Is our Land will be the theme of the bicentennial celebration Jan 25 at the Applegarth Care Center

For the past month the residents have been making nearly 3.000 red white and blue pom-poms which will he assembled to make three bicentennial flags

One of the flags will be presented to Council president Michael D iP ierro for the Monroe Township where the facility is located to be displayed in the municipal building in commemoration of the nation s 300th birthdav

The second w ill be presented to tx)uis Guinta principal of the Applegarth School for the students who have adopted the residents of the Applegarth Care Center over the past year and a half The youngsters have visited, entertained and invited the residents to their

school The third will go to Barclay Brook School

As part of the celebration the Happy Apples the center s band will present their musical rendition of w hat the flag stands for The band is directed bv Elsa Reisenfefd


Colonial First National Bank Red Bank has an n-ounced the promotion of Kathrvn M Applegate to assistant cashier Mrs Ap­plegate was employed by The First National Bank of Hightstown prior to its merger w ith Colonial She is manager of the Fas! Windsor Office and resides in East Windsor with her husband Kenneth

P ro faM tona l P iercing• Private Offices• Earrings Available• 24-hr A nsw ering Service


1 f S $»r**9Ssywaj p,*wr i4» 4 p«f*t»t Smc» i%b

be made to the Hightstown Rescue Squad

Peter PellegriniFuneral services for Peter

G Pelligrini. 53. of Center St , Trenton who died Friday at his home were held Wed­nesday from the Rogers Funeral Home

Born in Ttrenton. he resided in the area all of his life He was a Marine veteran of World War II and a member of Ironworkers Union Local 68

He is survived by three sisters Mrs Helen Grubbs of Trenton Mrs Rose Sivo of Hightstown and Mrs Janet Kasa of Levi Row n one Irrother James Pelligriru of Trenton, and several nieces ,md nephews

Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery Memorial con tributions may be made to the Deborah Hospital

Th« East Windsor Regional Adult School and tho International Moditation Socioty will sponsor a



Program as taught bv Maharishi Mahesh Y ogi

Wodnosdoy. January 28 8 pm

Hightstown High School Room 108 Loshin Lon* Hightstown

For m o rt inform ation coll 924-41 55

Dining sets from COLUMBIA

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Dramatic dining tables and chairs of Light South Am erican Paulas wood.See the unusual group of tables today.

furniture clearance centerOpen Sat 9-4 30 Mon.- Fn. 10- 3:30

When Betty wanted to enter M IT to study architecture First M erchants made it possible Now by banking at First M erchants Betty s helping other young people get a better education When a local school is built, or an old school is expanded or modernized, First M erchants w illb eustngp art of her savings in the financing While Betty's money is earning interest for her it's also doing something very special for your kids

When you bank at First M erchants we see that your money does something spe­cial for you too Because we try to invest mainly in the areas we serve we 'll be putting it to work where it helps you the most in the local com m unities of Monmouth County and nearby Mercer

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Mam Office 60 Neptune Blvd Neptune N JCAST W IN D S ™ ” '” ' ' * " Federa' ReMrVe SVS,em Fet’ era ' DeD° s,t lnsu'rance C orp

___ Dutch N e c k R o a d Corner Route 130

• : t a s b u o y • a v o n w p j u N t c ,t y • b " iells • « « . . FAlR H4VEN.UK AN • M ANASQUAN • M ARLBORO • M ILLSTONE • MONMOUTH M ALL • OCEAN GROVE • RFD BANK • UPPER FR FEH 0 L0


Thursday . January 22, 1976 WINDSOR H/GHTS HERALD 0 - A

S to ry h o u rs b o g in M o n d a yEast Windsor Library will

hold sign-up for Storv telling on Monday Jan 26, begirdingat 10 am The sessions will begin the week of Feb 16 and end the week of May 1) Inaddition to story-teHir*; the groups will learn simple songs, finger games, and


Children registering in the program must be three to five years old Sign is first (tome first-served The sire of each group is limited to 20 For further information call the library at 448 1330



TW IN R IV ER S TOWN CENTER East W in d s o r , IM.J (609I 443 311

$ Dollar Sale $ Save $1

w ith the purchase of any tw o chery

Beth Chaim officers installedThe installation of officers of

Congregation Beth Chaim will take place at sabbath servicesFriday Jan 23 at 8 30 p m at St Paul s Lutheran Church One Mile Hoad Extension

Rabbi Mark Ixteb will of­ficiate at services and install Esther Goldstein president

Shep Massar first vice president Ron Sherry second vice-president Jerry Nevina third vice president Lois Concovoy sec retar v Robert Rich treasurer Richard Druckman Jack Moskowitz Herbert Kohen Helaine Gurgoid and Edward

Wedroff trustees Continuing in office on the board are trustees Richard Dickson. Richard Bobeck Michael Wolff and Barry Cutler and past president Saul Rigler

For information about Beth Chaim call 443-3711

any twoor a 4x5, 5x5 or 5x7 frame with kit

Come see for yourself what creative fun you can have with these fantastic new designs thta / arrived, .and what a bargain

Hour* Ctosad Mon

10 to 4 Tu m -Sat 7 to 9 Thurs. ava.

Sale ends Jan. 31

M usical celebrates local historyMolly Pitcher and her friend the militia man dispatch a few Redcoats in a scene from Dear George an original bicen

tennial musical to be presented at Hightstown High School Feb 6, 7 and 8

Librarians knows the bicen score

W IN T E R CLEARANCE1L A off original prices





Where will the Battle of Monmouth be re-enacted'' What Bicentennial activities are planned bv Amarillo, Texas'7

The Bicentennial visitors and information center at the Hightstown Memorial Branch of the Mercer County Library will try to answer these and other questions about local and national celebrations throughout 1976 Interested persons can come by in person or call 448 1474 with their

B e e f e a t e r s to b a c k b a n d

A roast beef dinner will be held Sunday Jan 25 from 1 tc 6 p m at the Hightstown Fire House by the Hightstown E ire Company to benefit the Hightstown High School bend

The dinner wall be served family style and will be an all you can eat affair Adults tickets will be $4 95 and may be purchased from band members of at the door Children under 12 are S3 50 Take-out orders will be avialable

A cake sale will also be featured at the dinner with home made cakes baked by the parents and friends of the fxind members and sponsored by the Hightstown High School Music Boosters Association



1M I

2 O r ^ c u n ^ u C L ^ e y s

3 ^ L n a t o n l a / n j ^ a a ^ Q u > u p

A w ni - peumte xhxtt&s

<Juld b i£ n ourni cuLuJU a

inquiriesChristine Hill, head

librarian reports that the library receives the American Revolution B icen tenn ia l A s s o c ia t i o n 's n a t io n a l calendar as well as the datelist of the Mercer County Cultural and Heritage Com mission

The New Jersey Historical and Bicentennial Com missions' newsletters are collected in addition to those of Princeton and Washington

Township Tips of planning events are also available to groups scheduling their ownactivities

Heritage Trails of Mercer County an illustrated map and guide for auto tours of local historic sites published by the cultural and heritage commission, is available free as are booklists of bicentennial reading for children and adults Copies of guidebooks for walking tours of old Hightstown can be purchased

for 10 cents each First in a series of

educationa l b icentenn ia l programs at the library in the coming year will lie 'Might stown in the American Revolution an informal talk by Robert Craig and Clark Hutchinson locai historians whose intensive research into early settlement of the area has yielded several new discoveries The talk will be held on Tuesday, Jan 27 at 8 p.m and the public is invited

Marriage annulment is St. Anthony's topic

Miss Deborah Marcols

M iss M arcols to wed David A le rMr and Mrs Robert

Marcols of Monmouth June 'ion Road Dayton announce the engagement of their daughter Miss Deborah Ann Marcols to David Aier son of Mr and Mrs Harold Aier of Ridge Road Monmouth Junction

The bride-elect was graduated in 1972 from South Brunswick, High School and Wilfred Academy of Hair and Beauty Culture in Trenton She is now employed by Corinthian Hair Styling ('enter Hightstown

Her fiance was graduated from New Brunswick Vocational School in 1967 He served in the United States Army from 1967 to 1966 and is now employed by the South Brunswick Department of Public Works

A June wedding is planned

The Rev David I Fulton will speak on marriage legislation in the con temporary church on Thur sday Jan 29 at 8 pm at the St Anthony of Padua Parish Center Maxwell Ave

Rev Fulton Is a member of the marriage tribunal and the assistant chancellor of the Diocese of Trenton

In his talk Mr Fulton will highlight the theology of marriage and development of the canon law on marriage in the history of the church He will then explain the declarations of nullity and

discuss the grounds for marriage annulment in the

T w o b e c o m e B o r M itz v a h e dCongegation Beth Chaim

has announced the Bar Mitz- vahs of Michael Singer of Hightstown and Mark Sobelman of Princeton June t ion

L nder the guidance of Rabbi Mark l.oeb, the boys led the congregation In Weaning* and recited portion* of the Hav Torah

The congregation the mens club and rsterhood of Beth Chaim honored Mark and Michael w ith a presentation of books

Eric Boher Bar Mitzvah January 24Eric EL Boher of 687 Ithica

Place will be Bar Mitzvahed at Beth El Synagogue on Saturday jan 24

A luncheon w ill follow at the Hilton Inn There will be an Oneg Shabbat P’ ndav evening Jan 23

Erie is an eighth grade honor student at the Hight stown Intermediate School In his spare time he enjoys participating in all sports

church today All are welcome to

at no cost A quest answer period will after a coffee break

this talk ion and be held


C « i t * * C i r l * c S K I4 m ’ - - v

HIGHTSTOW N 448-6080Rt 130 &-Princeton-Hightstown Rd (Next to A&P 8-Grants)

HOURS Mor T ues b Wed 9AM 5PM Thurs &• Fri 9 A.M 9 P M * Sat 8 30 5 P M * Sun 10 4 P M

T u e s d a y is a'Day A p a rt 'Dr Lee Hastings Bristol

past president of Westminster Choir College will speak at a Day Apart at Cranbury

Presbyterian Church Jan 29

Dr Bristol has a background as Lay preacher in the Episcopal church author composer editor and business

executiveActivities begin with a

coffee hour at 9 30 a m m the library lecture in the sanc­tuary from 10 to noon and an afternoon program 011x11131100. and prayer

Participants are asked bring lunch coffee and nurser\ will be provided

rA Prestigious


English Period Eurniture, Porcelains and Georgian Silver

Will purchase single pieces or entire collections

< all Ni»rri« McKrr at 12 I 21 3" 1 -1 790 or write P O Bo. 35. F D R Station \ Y N Y 10022




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SCHWARTZ "Carrol ”





Henredon • Heritage • Drexel • Kittinger Baker • Pennsylvania House • Stiffel • Founders

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SCHWARTZ FURNITURE CO.74 Carroll Place. New Brunswick


Store Hours: Dailv 9 to 5. Thursday 9 to 9 Take R oute 1 to 18 ^ est to New Street Overpass to Carroll Place

Free Parking — Morris Street Uot

Phone 545*6385


10-A WINDSOR MIGHTS HERALD T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y 2 2 . 1QT()

'Rutgers connection’benefits medical center patientsThe house physicians at

the Medical Center ai Pnn ceton are associated with Rutgers Medical School which provides increased benefits for patient care, according to hospital officials

‘It simply makes for a •shole different caliber of care

it always does when you have your house and attending staffs involved in a learning environment, explained Dr

Charles B Ream, chairman of the department of medicine for the medical center

Attending physicians are I hose area doctors about 200 in number, who treat patients

'he medical center House' physicians are

resident doctors in internal medicine and surgery

The dozen residents on staff nom ir« ..-sociated with Rutgers Medical School of the

Sam Says Bargains galore up at the store

Come see come save

Country '3a-

Mon thru Sat 10 to 6 Fn, eves til 9 "NEVER ON SUNDAY

N ?

Clothes6 0 2 S to c k to n St H ig h ts to w n N .J .



(Some Sl ight I rreg




Fabric fYlillRT 27 & 518

Princeton, N. J 201 297-6090

Mon Sat 10 6 Thurs ft Frt 10 9:30

N J College of Medicine andDentistry The medical center is the largest of three hospitals with formal Rutgers medical resiency programs

Rutgers grants faculty rank as clinical teachers, to the attending staff in rnedicime and surgery Physicians requesting privileges at the medical center m a t meet j o i r t t p r o f e s s i o n a l requirements of both the medical center and Rutgers The residents work closely with the attending staffs and a full-time clinical staff

The resident physicians hold BS M.D and in some cases PhD degrees Dr Ream stated adding They arc students only in the sense ’hat every doctor is a student for his entire life Additionally ■he Rutgers connection not

only ensures the caliber of patient care it is insurance against changes in future medical educational policy

In July the American Medical Association declared 'hat no free-standing hospital

those without residency programs could trai n interns any longer For many hospitals that means a loss of nouse staff coverage In the future, we expect non university-affiliated hospitals to iose residency training programs, he said

The advantages to the community of the university- affiliation are enormous Dr Ream pointed out It means a well-qualified house staff coverage In the future, we expect non uni versify affiliated hospitals to lose r e s i d e n c y t r a i n i n g

relig ious serv icesTMf RUST BAPTtffT CHURCH a- Am«mc.n Qapt«»t Churchi 129 Main StHighttiown *48 0103 «#guiar Sunday eerwcm Morning W o 10 a mNura.PT and Church S-choo< Through Grad. 2 10 am noon Church Schoo* ’O' Ai ag.s Each.* Chap#- 1 * m 8yF Each*a Chap* 7pm

FtftffT um rto MKTHOOWT CHURCH '87 Stockton St Hightaiown R#vJohn R Bowanng paator *48 00* «*gu*ar Sunday *#<v*cat Morning WorShip 9 30 'am Holy Communion on first Sunday Junior «nd Sartor UMYF7pm*T PAUl t LUTHBIIARI CHUHCH, Qoa M4a Road E**r Wmdao' Rav A.dan i Krych paator *48 9003 Ragutar Sunday aarvtcaa Church Schoo* 9 30 a m Adutt Forum 9 30 * m Morning Worship wrth Hoh Communon firstSunday, 11am

UWTID BHFTHOOWTT CMUHCH Of CRANRURY 21 Host* Man StraaiCranbury R*v Rot*'" E Van Oaaf paator 396 1737 Raguia' Sunday tarvtcasChurch School for a« *ga* 9*5 am Worah«p (nuraary), 11 am YouthFellowship 6 30 p rr

RUST FRIMYTVRUN CMUHCH South Mar Sum*W QuigMv mtnara 396-0*7 Ragutar Sunday aarvica* agas 9 30 a m Sarvice o* Worship 9 30 ' a >n first Sunday of rha month

Crandury Rav Frad Church School '‘or a»i

Communion at both *aKv*c#»

TM* «W«T m t tm iM A N CHimCH J2C N M... Si Hghiuowi Of flob*r . Su*v.r [imw MB U0S6 «.gul*f Sunday mtvicm Coni.mpof.rYService 9 30 • rr 'nuiwi ooinW , Choice School Tr»<*iion4t S*onc. a m no.-wor provd l Mofruo« WofUm •' Md Jov. L»k*. Audnonum 1 ’a m

RUST HtllfTTlRIAN CHURCH Of DUTCH MKOC '54 S MC Rd atVillage Rd Princeton Junction' Bev Jarrai S Waavar paator 79S-0 1. Regular Sunday aarvtcaa Morning Worship 9 DO i ‘ a m Church School 9 30a m , Junto' Santo' High FaAowaFwp 7 p m

CMUHCH Of OOO. Bo* 87 Yort Road East Wmdaoi pastor *48 9*2* Raguiar Sunday aarwcaa Sunday Schoo* Worship am Evanmg Sannce 6pm. Tuaadav 7 30 p m adias eon Aery ie«i Monday aach month

R#v Vink L (vay 9 46 a m Mo'nng

Rraya» maatmg and FTH

»T DAVID S fHKOfAL CMUHCH The Radd* Schoo* Chap* Lauren ce 0 Fiah Sr mcar *48 *6 ' Ragutar Sunday earvcae Moty Euchanat 8am Hofy Eucharist morning prays* on tmsT Sunday 10 a m Church Schoo* and n u ra a ry 10 * m Maado** Lakas Hofy Euchanat on la* Sunday 7pm

BETH EL SYNAGOGUE nservattva Frank • r mRoy H Abraroovrtz 443 *454 Sabbath services Friday, 8 30 p m Saturday9 30 a rr Weekday services Monday through Thursday 745 pm

H ig htstow ' Rev9:15. 10 30 11 45

Sam ,5 20 pm Confessions Saturday

ST ANTHOMY Of PADUA CHURCH 251 Frankim S?Russel* E .o u g h m a r paator Regular Su nd ay 8a m Saturday 6 30 p m Weekdays3 30 to 5 p rr and 7 X) to 8 30 P-msw o u i cMMfTiAM muLom m m 120 h m~n. st Hometown mF-.umar .nd Dr Rohan L SuHrvar paa*o<s 44BTJ066 Rag 4ar Sunday v-ces Smgias Serve. 2pm co*ae ooor 3pm aooal. 3-30 p.m

B FTH AMT QOtfll MBBCSt Highratown Rev Rohan vc es B»ba rr iwi g. '30pm

m CMAFBl non danommationat 146 Stockton'urton !H paator 44B-4606 Ragota* Sunday *a*

WMBDOO* URMT1D MCTMOMT CMUHCH, Church Streat Wmdaot Bruce E Qu iay peator 448-0*12 Ragu** Sunday earwea. Church School 9 30 a m Worahc) Saev*:.e. 11 • m

C A L V A M Y O O C T f l A H M IO t t C M A f t l non <Wnom.n.i"on4i '6 ChufchS- W.nfHo n«". Rob.rt Tunof III a«it» *48-4387 Sund*vOfft»ned Mofnms WcKAivp »'mo" »r>d Surx)4v School 'o' •« »9*»hilOf.r iC «fW 10 s h

WI*T CHUttCH 08 900, And*r*or **ovwn*Of B.v tot*- AcAl*. O4«o< **88A2' *48 2386» rr. 4hO 0 p.m M«T.'.’«4» rhe e m fl 44 4ooouoC4d

IHW W em Sl Hqhtm o**'' 04go*4f SoO«J4> WW 4«

•t JAMtl AIM CHUMCM *13 Sommii Si 8#v Moa.,0, *48 7868 R«ool»< Sun<J*> i«v-^i SurKl*v Schoo" 10 • mWorship 11 s m

rha knttmret et KM temt


Sal It 14 1VISIT OU« UIOWIOOM <>• CALC : *•* S47 1 —

*■ Ol M i l INMOMI HTlMtTi

a r i s t o c r a tkitchens & baths

Q U A K E R M A I D52 State Highway 33 Trenton N J U’ear Mercerville Shopping Centerl

programs, be saidThe advantages to the

community at the university affiliation are enormous Dr Ream pointed out "It means a well-qualified house staff backed ig> by a specialized attending staff on dutv day and night to handle any problem which occurs

On unusual problem cases the Rutgers faculty consulting staff is also available for c o n s u l t a t i o n T h e s e specialists most of whom are involved in less-common ‘ tertiary treatments not

found in general hospitals routinely make 'teaching rounds with the residents and consider difficult problems Such ‘rounding adds no cost to the patient s bi 11

This environment of lear ning, concern and extra care stimulated by the Rutgers aff'S'ition extends to all areas

AeseweiY 08 eoo CXUWCH. 840. sod Meowucs St» M^mow *K)c G Um . p4 4 to- 4484740 «4gu«4. Suhdr, w v e a Sund4r Schoo" lo< 4* ig M n u iw h 9 *6 • m ix jm o g M . m 4v4n*v>Q w w c < 7 p mW .004W 14. 8*44 «n<J 0OV4I 8 4h g ^ i 7 p m Thor^Joy Youth 8*44Study . 1 V4 00U* holh4* 1 p "I" Youth Actfvm o . S p m S4turd4v P f.Y4" M44t*riQ 7 p m

LUTMtAAK CMCmCM 08 THS M M U H S4444c Str44l 4nd C4d4- L4n« PnncBton A*.- * G ru a Mfo" 82* 3842 A^uW. Suo<J*Y frwewt Wo" •fup 8 30 .n d ’ ■ m H o t, C o m m u n o r 8 * ■ m I n ^Vl HWfd S u n d o v . pi Th.month l I » m *4COhd .h d iourrh S u n d .v *

HOW* IATT8T CMC ACM Uouw ,vtg. M*rc.< Srr*.' *4.^ S M.nh.p*sio **3 1*97 e.gui.i Suml*. u"r ■ .* Bfb*. School .nd Adu" C1.M9 5 .j m M ointrifl VVocihip Serv ,. . '0 30 . m WocW«p .n d Comnunc Service 6pm "YMnwO." er.v.f .nd F’M* FettowWlC" Xo*hOh". Yputh re'"G"er.h"p 7 p m F v yi S u n d .v ol " h . m onth M *n t F W j w i Iy c B r^ e1.SI 8 t ' Man of God Shnnar 9am

of the medical staff including 'he nurses and paramedical personnel

i t 's a learn approach and through i! we ail are able to upgrade our skills and attract the best of both staffs fie said

A good deal of that upgrading comes from the well-qualified attending andfull-time staff, be said

Most of our physicians have extensive teaching ex perience from major university teaching hospitals throughout the country The medical center offers some of the most outstanding care to its patients of any medical center in the countrv and it's made possible by everyone from the maintenance staff to the administrators doctors and nurses.' Dr Ream said.

In addition lo augmenting

and upgrading our staff and producimg better patien! care at a savings the Rutgers connection has one other benefit Patients who needed extremely specialized treat men! ma\ transfer to the Rutgers teritarv facility. Raritan Valiev Hospital often avoiding costly admission to New York or Philadelphia hospitals

Most importantly, it means a lot when a patient can be kept within the community Dr Ream said Not only can family visit easily but the family physician and our own specialists al the medical center can continue their personal care

S A L ES a t . , J a n . 10 -3 1

50% O F F A L LStock Froma. Frowt*

Ptctorw. Mvmori l««*nf

Dn l Metal Stitiom 0»ah Pf*a» Post***Do n rounett supptm unclMd»i»| HP** *“ •*'

Custom Framing Prtcos as Usual

The Q u een sto w n ShopO l d M i l l S q u a r e

151 W D e la w a re A v e • P e n n in f lto n * 737-1676


Mon Thru Sri 10-5 30

Looking for a job?Try the Classified pages.

■ _ ■ _

The stuff you love is now on sale.

off practically everything.e , vo % s

This is o partial listing from our Nou 24 1975 inventory So get here eorw.The stuff will go fast

BUFFETS15 teak buffets 22 elm buffets

5 oak buffets

TABLES26 square dining tables 72 parquet dining table* M butcher block tables 67 c ocktail tables

256 rosewood tables16 bunching glass tables

CABINETSdrop front cabinet sliding door c abiru

i file cabinets

530 arm chairs 164 desk chairs 9^ beech spoke cha 91 pine benches 47 bentwood rockeT

BEDS37 pine bunkbeds

SOFAS3 r (>sew< >od s< >f a s

65 butcher block sofas ; 44 balouf sofa sectionals 1 12 rodeo sofa sectionals 55 loveseats15 loveseats in hot fudge

DESKS*> i white iacqueren desk'-

7 teak writing tables •5 rwo drawer teak desks

teak bookcnses i bnght color planters ) n-ntertainmen! c enters

N1 U .It KM N■> . stau Rv Rf« " * Printed u- "•« v~,:rV 60R n;'4 '**yv

Ft NNSYLVANIA• l aRnv'V'.iV' S<4

PhUa 19103. 7 kV: ‘J '

GRADUATE INTERN at PMC Dr Samuei J Potolicchio monitors a sperometer test n the cardio pulmonary laboratory

L Ev»n*MoYntng

Expert speaks on Mid East

The men s club of Temple Beth H: Frank!" S t r « i will hold its regular monthly meeting Sunday morning Jan 25. at 10a m in the social hall

The guest speaker will be James Cheek deputy director of the office of regional affairs Bureau of Near East and South Asian Affairs His topic will be "American Foreign Policy in the Middle Fast

All member's of the men's club are invited They are invited to bring down prospective new members Bagels and Lox will be served


James A Kutch. son of Mr and Mrs John A Kutch of Cranbury has been named to the dean's list for the fall term oi the 1975 76 school vear at Rider College He is a member of the sophomore class at Rider, and is majoring in account tng


$1195 & $H35

[Yen Monday 4 til 8 30 p M


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SIT o. SLEEP DREAM SALE!Sleeper sofa

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by O H E I 6 - K D I CCONTOUR CHAIRM»gn stylad dasigna- luxury and comfon a' a low low price QuraCne decorator fabric and nand»ome 'aiiormg >oo* custom mad* Saa 1 be GammA today

488 SO*< Of* Ifo r i WT o D «

S L E E P 2LUXURY SOFA-BEDSc on ■? 0y day Com© «s

' down into QuRTi-ii/e bad' Or zip ii mto two comfy single Baautifui dutify Garruni si##p sofa has award-winning Thara- pad»c mamas* for firm support* p art #cf for eying room guaat room family room dan or sum­mer home



llaapar Iota A *219 »ot» ecsit awrciieaad taaorottiY

Sl l » i r S«tC AtWYt SI**Cawtoyr CHoie Abava vlt

m vtm

LAWKIMCI U I * 00*9 1 «1 f OmtrrnM L*»» »ri I7>« HAMIL TOff AM U Ir*M S» . Qoroor 9* “ tftiQ Ay*

M i R lM r C w w M f C*

04IM 04.LY .. *.M T1LL . 4 M . „ „ *.M TH IBM


Thursday. January 2 2 . 1 97 6

S a n d p ro je c t s ta u g h t to 1 2wiU*be w,il ^ Prov)decl at cost TheBlasczyn from tte* w S n r W1" **’ hm,ted t0 12


Blasczyn from the Windsor Plant Mali at the East Wind sor Library or Monday Feb 2, at 7 30 pm

Each participant should brmK a glass container Sand


A signup sheet is no» available at the library For further information call -MK 1330

R E A D F O R LESSQ U A L I T Y u s e d b o o k s


Cranbury N J 08512 655 1063

OPEN 11 5 Mon Sat • Thurs t>H8p.m

NORWOOD MANOR REST HOMEGracious home style living for the aged

No Discrimination State Approved

Norma I. StadmckProprietress


Corner of Aleunder Road and Route 1 , Princeton

J a y c e e s meet January 27The Hightstown East

Windsor Jaycees will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday Jan 27. at Jaycees State Headquarters in Twin Rivers

The jaycees who recently completed their annual charity Christmas tree sale invites all men between the

ages of 18 and 35 to this meet inR

The local Jaycees are a community oriented service organization whose projectsaid various charities in this area For more information call l^arry Gaines at 448 832! or Jim laeone at 443 3522.

She,ll be charmed.

T H R EF ‘■’ED D IE students get pie led dorm itory S ix ty

an early m an on moving in to the recently com prep school students and four teachers wen-

scheduled to take uf residence u the $900,000 strut turn yesterdayStuart C imp photo

irith a delightful sterling pendant. All come suspended with 15 inch sterling chains.rhe perfect valentine gift for that someone special.

Leaving Wilson Hall a moving experience rings**nY) ffiin



announces the schedule of entrance tests for students entering grades kindergarten through 1V in Sept 1976

Entering G r a d * IV 9 a m February 7 Entering G ra d e * 1-111 9 a m February 21

K indergarten applicants will b* in t * r v i* w * d by prior appointm ent w e e k d a y a f t e r n o o n s th ro u g h o u t February

All applicants for Grades 1 1V must visit the school 1 ■ pan of a day, and application forms and fees must be submitted prior to that visit Call 924 6700 for ap pointments and information.



Princeton Day Schoo l adm its students <jt any- raci- color and national or ethnic origin

Yesterday was moving da> ior t><i Peddle School students after contractors pui finishing 'ouches Hr new $900,000 dormitory

Sixty boys and four faculty members have moved into the dormitory from their present rooms m 107 year-old Wilson Hall directly ttehind 'he new 'Tick and cast stone building

Under construction since last March the dormitory was built in large part with a donation from former Am bassador to Great Bn lam Walter H Annenberg. a Peddie alumnus of f Ik- ( lass of 1927

Mr Annenbeg's suggestion that the new dormitory be named Kerr Dormitory in honor of the school s present headmaster way unanimously approver! by the board of trustees m October

For some of the 60

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w a y to pierce earsnow at

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sophomore students, changing quarters in mid-year will involve moving mainly bed ding and clothing The Kerr Dormitory is completely equipped with new beds, bureaus chairs desks cur tains wall-to-wall carpeting and a student lounge on each uf the two floors

For others among the 15-to 18 year olds the move, although not unexpected will be a larger operation They have had a free hand in fur ntshtng and decorating their rooms in the old building some of them comparatively huge with all the parapher nalia leenagers can co! lect i n a four month period

Like Peddie students before them they say they have grown fond of the scars and dents from previous generations in the rambling fi ve -st or y 265 foot 1 ang W i Ison Hall

The new dormitory is the first visible result of Peddie's

Square dance profits benefit scholarship fund

Tire East Windsor Chapterof Women's American ORT Organization for Re habt Illation Through Tran mg will hold a square dance Saturday, Jan 24, at 8 pm at the Perry L.Drew School

There will be a chicken dinner Donation is $12 per couple Profit will go for CRT's scholarship for teachers' training project For ticket information call 443- 4187.

L o ca l c h ild re n le a r n h o o k in g

East Windsor Library wall present a rug hooking workshop for children nine to12 years old on Friday, Feb13, at 2 p.m a day off from school

The library is at Dutch Neck and Hickory Corner Road The class is limited io 12 and there is a sign up sheet at theihrary

in w r w iN im o it y WERGENf > t M l



f e i e e / e t j



W* or* tha only full »9r- vico Jawelry Slort in »♦»• or»o All regain 4on9 on pr9ml«ot W9 •mpioy 9 ful1 tim9 |9w9*9f w#4thmok9f fol4tmttfc 9n4 9f*fr9»9f 1819 tp*ci*lli9 to Ofamon4 l9 m o u n l ln | T lm 9»*909ln On4 Aggr9l»9t|

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12 Windsor Mights Herald Thursday January 22 1 976

Rams scalp Indians, but not Mikesby Kill Applegate

sports Editor

To Mightstown High basketball coach Cliff Brautigan his club's performances to date have become all too predictable

‘We beat the teams we’re supposed to beat and lose to Ihe teams we aren t supposed to beat he said

Take the case of HHS’s two contests last week for instance After handling an inferior 3-6 Jamesburg club 74-56 on Wednesday. Jan 14 at the Indians archaic gym. the Rams reverted to form by dropping a 76-63 decision to powerful 9-2 St. Anthony's on Friday at the

Might st own court

Tilt t ATTER game brings outBrautigan's point as his club had as

much talent as the Iron MLkes but still could not reverse its ‘lose to the better team image One thing to be said in the Rams' favor was thai 'hey were playing short handed with regulars Tyrone Riles and Kevin Doyle unavailable since they were in Bermuda on the senior class trip

Even so. a few key plays and a little belter foul shooting could have turned !hings around for the locals Basically we had more turnovers than we could afford stated Brautigan But we did what we wanted to offensively We just didn't get the key basket when we had to have it ”

TRAILING 60-53 with 7 18 left in the game Hightstown went stone cold when it could least afford to. St Anthony s

which had built a seemingly com fortable 16-point lead 54-3B midway hrough the third quarter only to see the

home club come roaring back into contention took advantage of the HHS dry spell with a 10-pomt spree to put the game out of reach

Bullish forward Walt Davis ignited the SA outburst with two straight junpers .:»nd a fast break bucket Teammate Bob Jachetti then connected a jump shot before 6-4 center Joe Puhalski canned a pair of free throws to cap off the rally

EARLIER the Rams had assumed small leads at the beginning of the opening period before the invaders took charge Snapping an I l - l i stalemate with 3 16 to go m the initial stanza St Anthony’s then outscored the home club

21-6 over the next six minutes of play behind the efforts of David six points and Puhalski five markers

The winners placed four pfavers m double figures with Davis 22 and Jachetti leading the was Puhalski 140 and backcourt ace F red DeAngehs 10 also the victors for the Iron Mikes which shot a cool 35 for 68 51 per cent from the field

HIGHTSTOWN GOT a superb perforniance from 6-3 junior Dave Malloy who broke out of a slump with 21 points and 12 rebounds and hit on all five of his second half field goal attempts

Me was joined in the spotlight by 6-4 senior Rick Jeffers who continued his fine play with an 18 point, 17-rebound effort and senior guard Bennie Ran

dolph 10 assists

AGAINST JAMESBERG the Rams now 6-5 overall, raised their Delaware Valley League record to 3-2 with the relatively easy triumph Hightstown coasted out to a 14-6 lead after one period and never looked back

Senior John Martini fired in 24 points, including six consecutive markers early in the first quarter that got the winners off and running, to pace the Rams point parade He got plenty of scoring help from Jeffers <181 and Riles 15

H ightstow n s schedule contest at i^awrence High Tuesday evening w'as postponed due to snow and will be made up at a later date Tentatively, the game will now be played on either Monday Jan 26, or Saturday. Jan 3).

FALCON HIGH jumper Steve Caputo grimaces as he clears the bar His 5'8" eff * was second omv to teammate Mike Price s 5’10" Mark Czaikowslo pboto!

Peddie bests Rams in quadrangular meetbv Bill Vpplegate

Sports Editor

There was a quadrangular track meet at Peddle s marvelous indoor facility or, Saturday night but. for the most part fan interest was centered around the competition between host Peddle and neighborhood rival Hightstown High

If a dual meet had heen held between (he two local schools, ihe Falcons would have eked out a 51 44 triumph As it was however, Georgetown Prep of Marvland took home first place with a total of 41 points followed by Peddie 39 and

Hightstown and Landon School (also from Maryland which tied with 26 points each

THF TOP effort of the rught was turned in by Hightstown swift sprinter Dana Shelton w ho blazed home in a 5 5 clocking in the 50-yard dash to tie the Peddie fieldhouse record

Meanwhile. Peddie s talented trackster Mike Price had the best all around showing by winning the high jump i5-10), the long jump 20-8 G and the 440 <33.3) while also anchoring the Falcon's mile-relay team with a 51 0

time which established a new fieldhouse mark

ACT VALLA THE whole evening boiled down to the final event the mile relay since Peddie and Georgetown Prep were tied 36-36 before that and the Falcons led Hightstown by a slim 46-44 margin in their head-to-head battle <Georgetown flashed home in 3:46.2 to op the top prize while Peddie was

second in 3:48 and Hightstown third in 3:54 3

In head-to-head competition Hightstown got firsts from Val Glickman

880 and Marty Egal mile and two mile to go along with Shelton's win in the 50-yard dash Peddie had first place efforts from Bob Komlo 'hi eh hurdles Steve Caputo pole vault and Mike Mrlik shot put

OA'ERAl 1 PEDDIE got points from Price < firs! in the hi Kh jump, long jump and 440 Steve Caputo second in the pole vault and high jump). Tim Huggenberg third in the pole vault < Jack Poling second in the long jump and 50-vard dash Komlo third in the high hurdles . Doug Stuart 'third in the

K80 and the team of Jeff Cartv Bruce < oil ms Pol mg and Pnce second in themile relay -

For Hightstown. thev got their points from Shelton first in 50. and third in the long jump Scott Jenkins fourth in the pole vault!. Marty Egal fourth in the mile and two-mile Rob Nash third in the 50 and 440 Mike Ayres fourth in the 50< Glickman second in the 880 and the team of Nash Jenkins, Rich Reeves and Glickman third in the mile relay)

Falcons fly by Larries 84-70 for 5th winb\ Bill Applegate

Sports Editor

After knocking off arch-rival Lawrenceville 84-70 on Saturdav at" ternoon. for its fifth consecutive win Peddie's once-beaten varsity basketball squad not only stamped itself as the team to beat for Class A honors this year but also had local fans comparing the team to the 197 2-73 Falcon gang that went 24-1

Maybe the latter judgment is a bit premature, but it is an interesting comparison Despite a lackluster performance, Peddie, now 8-1. had a fairly easy time disposing of the smaller Larries 6-2 w’ho appear to be the only reai challenge in the path of coach AI

Lozier s club toward the 1976 prep crown

FOLLOWING Ttlt big victory ac com pi Ished with a combination of outstanding rebounding and brilliant shooting in spurts winning mentor Lozier stated I'll take it the win let s put it that way

I'm satisfied he went on we played poorlv and still won Anytime vou play the way we did against vour arch-rival and still win it s a good win

t SING THF leaping ability of 6-4 renter Dave Hill 24 rebounds along with the board work of 5-5 forward B j Adams <12 caroms the Falcons overcame a 15-14 first period deficit to outscore the im aders 22 L2 in the second quarter to take control T think we

overpowered them with our size, agreed Lozier

Peddie's size advantage allowed the home club to hold Lawrenceville to only one shot on mo6t of its offensive possessions and the Lames went ice cold in the second stanza when they notched only four field goals We figured they wouldr t get any second and third shots noted Ixxier

H ILL ’S EIGHT markers led the second quarter spree and put coach Ed Megna s club in the hole 36-27 by in- lermission The Falcons then blew hirms open w ith a 10 2 burst at the start

of the third period with Hill contributing eight more tallies in that stretch

Lawrenceville ditfri t die however and answered hack with 10 straight points to shave the margin to seven 46

» with 3 37 to go in the quarter But Peddie retaliated immediately with an 11-2 spurt for a 57-41 lead and the Larries got no closer than nine points the rest of the u ay

ADAMS HAD his finest game m a Falcon uniform with a 25 points to show the way offensively while Hill wasn t far behind with 21 markers and of course, his 24 rebounds That duo was complimented by 6-3 F rank Ochman 16 points

For lawrenceville 6-1 senior Jim Sw eenev w ho had to jump center as the tarries tallest player turned in a fine effort by tallying 23 points eenev played a nice hall game for em praised Iwwier He kept them ir, the game Teammates Tom Tram 17

and Pat Ehret 1,3) also excelled

K ARI.IER LAST week Peddie used abalanced scoring attack to defeat the Hill School <2-5! 65-51 in Pottstown Pa rxi Jan 14 The winners broke away in the third quarter after leading 28-11 at halftime by outsconng the home club 20- 6 to assume a comfortable 48 27 margin heading into the final canto

Hill 14 slick j$jard Carl Osborne 13 . Ochman 10) and Trey Slough to

ail hit double figures for the Falcons Hill also hauled down 20 rebounds to lead the winners in that department as well.

The home dub got a game-high 17 markers from Bob Silar Teammates Bill Putnam 12) and Tim McCann 10weren't far behind

the outdoor scone

Tips on howto break the ice

by Gerald E. Wolfe Outdoor W riter

In my last column we took a basic look atsome of the problems fish have to face in winter We also used a hypothetical lake and described where some off the better spots toplace your tip-ups could be found

F or each person reading this the best tip I can give is to follmv the same patterns of fishing you do in summer That is, if you have a favorite and productive lake that you are very tamiliar with and it produces fish for you during open water season then stick with it Chances are your knowledge of its layout and underwater contours can also lead you to pin-pointing the good fish holding areas of winter If your lake has a good supply of oxygen throughout these spots may well be exactly the same as in summer

BI T ICE fishing is not the kind of sport that lends itself to ‘wild goose chasing Ex plonng new bodies of water each week ismore often than not a waste of time Stick to the familiar The ice isn't with us that long

Before getting into methods and techniques a word about equipment is in order After all, the more proper gear you have and the more you know about a sport the better you will fare. The equipment you use is the key to whether your day is suc­cessful or just a cold disappointment

ONE THING I have found as the key to success is the way you make the holes As unimportant at this may seem itcan make all the difference in the world Years ago a spud tee chisei or an ex w as used But this took

considerable time and more importantly made a lot of noise Fish could be put down for up to half an hour with all the pounding and setting of tip-ups

By the time they were on their feed again the impatient and disgusted fisherman had pulled up stakes and moved to a new location thinking nothing was biting There the procedure was repeated Believe me when I tell you that this can make for a totally frustrating and fishless day

( h o p PI N<; 25 to 30 holes through five to 12inches of ice with no results can only lead to one thing Sore muscles

The proper piece of equipment to use is an ice auger They cost between $10 and $20 and there are several varieties Any good sporting goods store carries them and with proper care they will Iasi a lifetime With a good ice auger a man can cut through 12 inches of ice in less than a minute and mo6t importantly with a minimian of noise

TV\o MEN working as a team can cut to holes and set their tip-ups in less than 15 minutes On some outings I have had flags up on the first or second tip-up before the sixth or seventh hole was cut This speaks well for the use of an auger

In Jersey five tip ups or rod and line combinations may be used per fisherman Regardless of what some say the store bought tip-ups that sell for about a buckand a hail are excellent as long as the triggering device works smoothly and the spool b a good free running one

DURING ICE fishing season thev are heaped together in large quantities on the counters and some get bent so I check every one I buy carefully and make sure it functions properly before purchasing it

A good bait bucket preferably of styrofoam is necessary Styrofoam insulates against cold as well as heat and this will keep the minnows from freezing A small minnow dip-net is a real necessity because in cold, freezing weather no one wants to dip min­nows out of the bucket with their bare hands

ONE SMALL piece of equipment that can blow the whole trip is a dipper-strainer for getting the slush out of the holes after they are cut Nothing can be more frustrating than forgetting this little item, for without it the Up-ups cannot be properhy set nor will thev work properly

To make the whole operation a lot easier asmall child type sled should be acquired They have a back and sides on them and can be modified even further to suit your own tastes Although there isn’t an abundance of equipment what there is is large and bulky Trekking around on the ice can be a Bttie difficult without some way of carryir^ it

ONE OF these sleds can carry your tip-urn rods bait bucket, ice auger, thermos, heater and other small items of equipment you will w antt o Lake to make your outing a little morepleasant

The ice has been bolding well so far and next week we'll drill a few holes, set out a few tipnips and explore a few methods and techmcgjes for getting some fiA topside

Thursday . January 22. 1976 WINDSOR HIGH TS HERJL D 13-A

Tbursda \. Jan 22

HHS Basketball Varsity & JV vs Vitre Dame, 3:30 p m H

rack Varsity vs Princeton•5 » p rn a

Peddie Basketball Frosh vsAllentown High. 3:30 p,m H

Frida* Jan

Frosh vs HopewellHHS Basketbal Valley . 3:45 pm A

HHS Girls Basketball Varsity & J\ vs Princeton, 345pm H and Frosh vs Lawrence. 3:45 p.m i H

Peddie Girls Basketball Varsity vs Allentown High JV, 3:30 p.m A

f eddie 1 rack \ arsitv vs Highland P v r k J 30 P m H

saturday, Jan. 24

Peddie Basketball Varsity & JV vs Blair Academy, 2 p.m H and Frosh vs Blair Academy l p m H

Peddie Girls Basketball Yarsit) vs Blair Academy, 12 noon H

Peddie Ice Hockey JV vs Lawren- ceville juniors, 1 30 pm Hi

Peddie W rest ling V ,irs is yg Academy of New Church Wyoming Seminary & LaSalle, 3'30 pm A

Hub PAL Girls Basketball Cadettes C bristine's Salon vs Meijyshon Concrete 12 30 pm and National 'Car Rental vs Hub PAL l:30p m Jumors-His & Hers Salon vs Dip n Strip 2 30 p m and NJ National Bank vs J&J Builders 3:30 p.m all games at Hightstown In­termediate School

Sun da \ Jan 25

Junior Wrestling Hub PAL vs Vineland, 12 30 p m eat H-EW V

Hub PAL Boys Basketball Cadets Hub PAL vs Jim's Country Diner ! p m Nebbia Chevrolet vs Burgerland. 2p.m . Potter & Hillman vs Richardson •Realty 3 p m , Beth FI vs Carduner's, 4 pm i all games at Melvin Kreps School Teleg Transportation vs After Six 1 p m Hageman Realty vs Buster Brown, 2 p m and Stackhouse Agencv vs Cottrell's Mens Shop. 3 pm ail games at HHS Annex Jumors-T.R Merchants Asso vs Clack in's Funeral Home, 1 p.m . PBA Local 191 vs Hub PAL 2 p.m Golden Coach Diner vs East Winds Travel Agency. 3 pm Septak Carpentry vs EW Sporting Goods, 4 p.m and HEW Printing vs IH>n Marut's Sunoco, 5 p m all games at Hightstown Intermediate School'

Vlonda \ Jan 26

Peddie Basketball Varsity & JV vs Hun School, 3:30 p.m H

Peddie Ice Hockey JV vs PnncetonDay School. 4:30 p.m A:

Tuesday, Jan 27

HHS Basketball Varsity & JV vs Allentown. 6 30 p m iA >. and Frosh vs Grice Jr High 3:45 pm H

HHS Girls Basketball Varsity & JV vs Ewing, 3:30 p.m A and Frosh vs Grice Jr High. 3:45 pm H

W ednesdai, Jan 28

Peddie Basketball Varsity vs New ark Academy. 3:15 p m A JV vs Pennington Prep, 3 pm >A

Peddie Ice Hockey Varsity vs Lawrenceville JV 2:30 p.m (H

Peddie Wrestling Varsity vs Pingry School. 3:30 pm H

Peddie Track Varsity vs Lawren ceville, 2:30 p.m H

Peddie Swimming Bovs JV and Girls Varsity vs Bayonne High School, 3 p.m i H ).

--------------------------- >

sportsca lendar

------------------- --------------------------------

Mikes squeak by jayvee squad

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------s

Hockey happenings<-----------------

After evening its record at 4 teammates Shawn Cordon 4 with a 65-56 triumph over *3 Santiago Velasquez H With two HUB PAL Sabres The victory which avenges assist Steve Romanou also

varsity basketball team fell below the 500 mark again on Jan 16 when visiting Si V thony s squeaked past the bos! Rams 52-50

Trailing 27-23 at halftime against jamesburg High! stown exploded in the third quarter to outscore the Indians 24-10 as Josh Adams led the spree with eight markers

Adams took game scoring honors with !8 tallies while

11 markersalso excelled and Ken Davis led the losers with 12 tallies

St Anthony s leading scorerKevin Farley (16) eooly pumped in an eight-foot lumper with just eight seconds left in the game to hand the iron Mikes (g-i (heir hard- earned victory Gene Lam bert s foul shot with 15 seconds 1 go had tied it for HHS which

was led by Velasquez' 20-point performance

Irish defense holds RamettesHeld to just seven field goals

in the gas e by a si qgj No) i . Dame defense. Hightstown High s girls basketball team 4-3 fell to the host Irish i ll-i

by a 49-27 count on Frida\ night

After trailing by a slim 11-8 spread at the end of the first quarter coach Ray ('larks HHS quintet fell apar> m the second stanza as Notre Dame outscored them 17 6 to take control Irish whiz Diane Olech tallied 12 of her game high total 19 points m the first half to pace the winner's at­tack

Hightstown got into earl) foul trouble to compound matters and eventually lint starter Jackie Serinese early m the third period via that route

The Ramettes leading point producer Carrie Baleomb stuffed in 19 markers to match Olech s output, but 'he rest of ’ be Hightstown club managed

but one field goal and eight points Joining Olech m the spotlight for Notre Dame wasCaren Castaldo ic andDonna Dovgala 10

C a rd fro sh d e a l B a b y R a m s

Boli Ksanznak poured in 10 ”f his game-high 18 points in the opening period as lawrence Highs freshman age squad zoomed out to a 21

10 lead on i ts w ay to an easy 56- 40 tnumph over Hightstown on Friday afternoon in Lawrence.

The winners 2-4 t eventually built a 25-point lead by half- time when they led 38-13

Daman Vigiano, who topped the HHS offense with 14 markers scored 12 points in the final quarter when the Baby Rams 1-5 outscored 'be home duh 17 7 ! o make the final score respectable





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third period Tom Jones broke up a Liberty Bell Ice Palace power play and scored a short banded goal to give the Sabres a 4-3 win

Before Jones turned the manpower disadvantage to the Sabres advantage his team was trying to kill the two penalties and preserve a come-from behind tie Jones became an opportunist when he stole a Bel I pass and scored on a breakaway with less than ’wo minutes remaining in the game

Earlier Ken Holdway, assisted bv John Nelson. Rich McFarland assisted by Holdway on a power play and Kevin Crown, assisted by Tim Neil, had scored for the Sabres Besides scoring a goal McFarland played an aiert defensive game by back checking the Bell to distrac­tion

gives the Sabres a record of 3-5-2.

Pee W ee/B an tam

Paul Margolis and Scott Olah each scored three goal hat tncks while Marc Mc­Donald registered two goals as the H-EW Jaycees Black Hawks routed the Windsor Clock North Stars 9-3 The three also picked up assists while Wayne Karnas was credited with two David Schatz scored twice and assisted on Jerry Watlmgton's goal for the North Stars. Ed Rosenberger and Randv Hicks set up Schatz scores

Goalie Robin Sennetl recorded a shutout as the Lane Volvo Islanders took the North Stars 5-0 Glen Noble scored twice for the Islanders and Billy Nelson and Mike Jones each recorded a goal and an

Sq u irts

Scott Weitzxnan scored tw'o goals and Bertrand Me Cary John Alexander and Scott Polo assisted by Mark

Brezezinsk: scored one goaleach as the PBA Local 191 Flyers defeated the Carrier Bruins5-2 Dannv Jefferys and Kevin Breckenridge scored for the Brums

In a goalies battle the DiDonato Realtor Rangers were bed by the undefeated Stackhouse Agency Canadiens l-l Darren McGirk scored a short handed goal for the Rangers while Ira Goldstine countered for the Canadiens Goalie Howard Dressier and David Chaiken were out­standing for the Rangers w hile Danny Richter, Glen Cohen and goalie Phillip Nadrich starred for the Canadiens

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14-A WINDSOR MIGHTS HERALD Thursday. January 22, 1976

the sports sceneby Hill Vpplrgnlr

SporU Editor

For those a( you laris out there anxiously awaiting warmer weather and the spring sports season, here’s something that indicates you haven't long to wait now

At last week s monthly East Windsor regional school board meeting the spring coaching jobs for Hightstown High were approved And for loyal HHS followers the appointments made appear io do nothing but strengthen the Rams spring sports outlook

Returning to the head baseball job after a three-year lapse is veteran mentor Charlie Pesce, who previously guided the HHS varsity from 1970-1972 before leaving to take an administrative position in the school system In his previous three year tenure, Pesce compiled a 42-25

mark will! reapeeiivi* *ea»ori record* o( 13-7, 12-11 and 17-7

I 'm glad to he back smiled Pesce in a recent in terview Anybody who knows me knows that I ’m looking forward to the upcoming season, there s no doubt about that Lf everything works out. it could be an interesting year, he revealed

Pesce, who skippered the HHS frosh squad the past two years to 11-5 and 9-8 marks noted that he hopes to build this year's club around what he hopes to be an outstanding pitching staff

Headed by vet nghty Mike (tadics who Pesce thinks has the tools to be the best pitcher in Mercer County this season Hightstown also has fine potential in hurlers Dave Malloy John Martini Bob Spearman and Tim Wright

We II just have to wait and see continued Pesce, w'ho









tia» never had a loving •muon since he guided the HHS fir»t ever fro*h nine to a 9 2 1 markin I9B9 Adding quickly about the fast approaching ca m paign Tm anxious

Hightstown s head coach of the past three years, Sam Turner will return to the jayvee job he held previously while Ray Clark drops from the jayvee ranks down to the freshman level vacated bv Pesce

Other appointments ap proved were that of Bob Parker as expected to the head track job along with his assistant Rich Lawrence head soft bell coach Gwen Atwell and her assistants. Claudia Bloom and Nick Chomicki and head golf coach Stan Czems One vacancy still remains since there was no appointment made to fill Ihe job of girls' tennis coach that was held last year by Bonnie 8onfilio

Four former Peddie

ha kebab UandouU all have » good shot At making their respectively college vanity squads this spring according •i Falcon skipper l *w Watt*

The quartet which helpedPeddie compile a lusty 13-3 mark last year consists of two pitchers, a first baseman and a short stop They are Mike Pus lay Marty White John Boyko and Hightstown’s Scott Carduner AO four boys played fall baseball in 1975

Local star Carduner is at Cornell where the former shortstop has been changed into a second baseman Miami Dade Junior College has the talents of Boyko who hit .321 for Peddie last spring Meanwhile, standout hurler Pustay who posted a 5- 2 mark for the Falcons m '75, seems the most likely to succeed at Jacksonville University in Florida And White. Pustay s mound mate last year when be chalked up a perfect 5-0 record, appears headed for stardom at Franklin & Marshall

HIS dow ns Kreps in last m inute play


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16001 700-3818

A three-point play with 19 seconds remaining in the contest carried the Might stown Intermediate School basketball team to a thrilling 43-40 victory over visiting Melvin Kreps School iast Friday.

Richie Gunnell 13 and Hilary Spady 12 led the Kreps Cougars in scoring

Previously the Kreps cagers. now 3-2, recorded a convincing 78-40 decision over visiting Cranbury School on Wednesday Jan 14 In that contest Jeff Williams 16 Tom Arrambide 14, Gunnell 13 and Dave Zydorski 12'

showed the way for the win­ners. who vaulted out to an insurmountable 23-6 lead after just one quarter

In jayvee action. Kreps 4-1 turned the tables on HIS with a 31-28 triumph as Joe Goceljak

Turnpike driver survival rate hightest ever

The New Jersey Turnpike drivers ended 1975 with the best safety record since the turnpike opened in 1951 24 years ago

The fatality rate is down to 1 and the overall accident rate 63 8

Although 1954 had a low'er accident rate 59 2). its rate of fatalities was 2 47 more than twice the 1975 rate of one

13 points led the way Before hit. Goceljak 10 and Nick

Martini 'e igh t ' paced a balanced attack for Kreps in a resounding 41-5 win over the Cranbury TV's

Meanwhile, the Kreps girls varsity court squad 3-1 thumped Sharon School 37 2 on Jan 12. and then bombed the HIS girls 35-9 and on

14 Debtn e Gisse eight and Kathy Howe seven were the top scorers

against Sharon School while Nancy Morris eigh 11 and Cheryl Chew seven led the way over HIS

Also. Jackie Streit six points led the Kreps JY girls club'2-D to a 23-0 shutout over the HIS jayvees on Jan 14



S«o»on Court Sign Up 1976 77 Season Lottery Draw

Feb. 25th • 10:00 A.M.County Adm inistration Building

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LORI STRE!* drives in tor a layup shot against His and Hers NJ National Bank finally took the w" when Cheryl Hoffman broke a 16-16 tie with a minute to go

Mark Crajkowsk; pho to l

PAL girls' basketball.1 umors

League leading and un beaten Dip n Strip 5-0' .-..I aped iron - possible upset on Saturday when it just got by Ion . J&J Builders 4 IB-16

in this loop s only game of Lbe week

For the front runners. Nancy Morris and Polly Katsaros led the way of­fensively with seven and five points respectively Defen-

5%interest on your

Christmas Club.That’s saving...

Cranbury Bank style!At Th e C ranb u ry B a n k we put more interest into our C h ris tm as C lu b s 1 Jo in today and earn a big 5% interest on your stashed-up C h ris tm as cash H ere 's how it all adds up:

sively Vicki Olah and Lon Henning grabbed the spotlight tor the winners

Cade ties

Hub PAL 2-4' pulled off the upset of the season in (Jus division with a stunning 11-9 overtime win over previously undefeated Mershon Concrete Products 5-1 1

Meanwhile, second place Christine's Salon 4-2j moved to within one game of the top spot bv edging National 1 ar Rental i-5 9-7

Two foul shots in overtime by Lisa Byrne were the dH ference for Hub PAL in its surprise victory Lori Lewis. Patty House and Lori Veigle also starred for the winners while Lor: Riecardi s seven points took game scoring honors for Mershon1 s

Eight markers by Rhonda Albert paced Christine s Salon to its important triumph For NCR. Kellye Johnson seven points • and Debbie Hyman outstanding defense 1 starred


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aw ay

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I hursday, January 22, 1976 WINDSOR-MIGHTS HERALD 15-A

HEW'S MARK l eade' mes m van to block Johann S( hneider s shot1 Mark Czaikowski ;>^ .11


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by I isa Ulmendinger Special \\ riler

Continuing on the winning trail the varsity swim team easily overtook a strong Hill School squad 10H-64 in dual meet competition

Hill never managed even to lie the score The one bright spot the Hill team did have was an excellent diving squad which gained the first and third ribbons

Peddie opened the meet w ith an impressive sweep of the first four events which set the stage for Billy Erickson s record breaking 500 yard treestyle performance topping Hills best by 10 seconds Peddie walked away with its (bird win without a loss in its march to a National Prep School title

Varsity hockey didn't fair as well ending the week with two losses and a tie

A 3-3 knotting with Mercer County Skating Club began

p u b l i c n o t ic e\«*t u t


with an early Peddie goal by ICC ( 'ushing in the first per:id Ixjt the Mercer County dub pulled ahead 2-1 at the end of the opening period

In the second period Tim Ding tied up the score and again the Mercer team went ahead at the buzzer In the final period Peddie fought hard for the tying goal as John Boross ' ipped l'au Day es slap shot in the final 3 3 score

V. issahichon played a dif ferent game against the Peddie skaters and came out a 7 2 victor without the Falcon s even coming close

In its final game of the week Peddie tell 9-4 to Beacon Hill Skating 1 Tub Despite the poor outdoor conditions and below freezing temperatures the Peddie squad gave it all it nuld and were literally frozen

into a lossFine goal tending was

exhibited by net man Doug Fleming throughout all three games and though he was credited with the losses he should be commended for a job well done

PAL boys' basketballJunton

Tuning up for a key battle this Sunday unbeaten HEWPrinting 6-0 stormed past winless Golden Coach Diner 16-5 39-14 to remain in firstplace in the National Con ference at this division

Meanwhile equally un defeated East Winds Travel Agency >5-0) kept pace with the loop leader by polishing off A&C Tuneup 3-3 > 23 12 and Don Marut's Sunoco 5 -i1 stayed in contention with a 25 22 comeback triumph over PBA Local 19! 3-2)

Nine separate players hit the scoring column for HEW with the principle scorers being Nick Martini to- Rich Fulmer 6; and Craig Falk <6) GCD got fine efforts from Jeff Rebh 6 and Brett Pasher against the Printers *ho meet Marut s Sunoco this weekend

Billy Dunmgan 8’ and Jeff Williams i7 led the balanced East Winds offensive to offsetthe play of A&C's Dave Zydorski 7. Paced by Roland Rummer's 14 points and Gary Berman's six tallies Marut s Sunoco overcame an 18-8 halftime deficit to defeat PBA 19i which had David Hvman Mar both offensively 15 points and defensively

Elsewhere in the league. T “ -----------------------------------\

Tw in R i v e r s bowling league


W L19th Hole 12 2Twin Rivers Getty 11 3-Hilton Inn 11 3Vi-J Pizza 9 5• iolden Coach 8 6D&-. M Garage 8 6\ dlage Hobby Shop 7 7Vigue s Exxon 7 7Steele Rosloff & Smith 7 7

... -i Ktv.-rs She! 1 7 7Shoe Box 6 8East Coast Ins 5 9>ver the Bridge Inn 5 9

Jamesway 4 10Speedway Bike 3 11• Id Yorke Inn 2 12

High game for week DannyK mger '257 High game w thhandicap for week Klinger 294



The Millstone Valley amera Club will meet on

Tuesday. Jan 27. at the Walter Black School room 201, 7 30

pm The program will be a PSA Slide Show Double feature T Hate .Judges1' by1 Dr Martin Bruce and

Assignment Signs" by Rudy Rubin Anyone interested is welcome



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R Merchants Association 2 4 drubbed EW Sporting Goods 1-5) 36-16 and Hub PAL 3-2

dusted Glackin s 40-17 Dave Shea (7). Gary Suskin 6 and George Warshany 5 led the way for T R Merchants and Lou Pescatore poured in 11 points for EWSG

Spearheaded by Matt Mahon s 15 markers and Joe Goceljak s 11 points Hub PAL moved into a first place tie with PBA 191 in the American Conference Jim Boulger played a fine game for Glackin s by tallying 10 points


Burgerland 6-0), the only

undefeated team left in this division used the excellent rebounding of Ear! Owens to help carry it to an easy 17-5 victory over After Six Building Services 3-3) Steve Men­del son was the losers leading player in the game

,.Staying hot on the heels of the loop leaders Richardson Realty (5-1 waltzed to a 30-5 triumph ai the expense of Cottrell's Men s Shop 3-3 A sparkling 11-point per formance by John Drake was the guiding force for the winners while Mike Spinak starred for Cottrell's

Teleg Transportation 5-1 also remained in the National

< (inference flag race with a 9-5 decision over Jim s Country rimer 0-5 £S Trea we Gordon showed Ihe way with five points Dan Jeffreys excelled in del eat for JCD

Over in the American Conference. Hub PAL ■ 5-1 and Carduner s 5-1. are still lied for the lop spot in that circuit The PAL club was led by Gavin O'Connor in its 22-6 verdict over Beth El 2-4 n, which was paced by Mark Persih And Mike Wallace's seven points helped carry i arduner s past Busier Brown •1-4 17-8. despite the play of the loser s Kevin Kayhart ;6'

Rounding out league play, Hageman Realty 1-5 copped

its first win of the season by nipping Stackhouse Agency 2 4 14-13 and Potter & Hillman3-31 won an 18-14 overtime

decision over Nebbia Chevrolet 0-6 Starring for ihe winners in Hageman s inumph w as Robbie Waszazak

while Charles Darling's six points led P&H to victory Mickey McFadden and Scott Johnson six points highlighted play for losing learns Stackhouse Agency and Nebbia Chevrolet respec tivelv


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JEFF REBH whose six markers led this lean ■ van eHor ■ >aiunia-. hustling

Mark Czaiko




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1 (> -A WINDSOR HIGHTS HERALD Thursday. January 22, 1976

Townhouses topic again

The East Windsor planning hoard will discuss the proposed 92 townhouses proposed for the Twin Rivers high rise apartment site at a public work session Tuesday night

No action is expected to be taken at the meeting scheduled to start after the board concludes its regular monthly public meeting W R Grace Properties the P l rD developer is asking the board

to okay She townhouses on the 15-acre tract instead of a high rise building which it says is economically not feasible

Also up for discussion are drainage conditions in the Quad I industrial section

The board will hear a minor sub division application at its public meeting that, if it is okayed, would divide a property next to the Route 130 state police barracks to allow for commercial development on the high way

Early economic impactWhen Bamberger s one of the anchor department stores in the mammoth Quakerbndge mal on Route 1 advertised 'several hundred openings they u several hundred |ob applicants more than 500 of them outside the dr- ■ at

nelpM ndav the store scheduled for a March 18 opening, still needs more

’Stuart Crump photo1

Community response split over Hunt


DIAMONDS : Et SILVER ::u.s. coin s ;;

by 'tike 1 RjnnrlI\'I .inaging Editur

P it proved anylhing the rpsujisnf the Herald i oupon survey on school................ fir John Hunt show (he" " '■ " i ' " ' ■ |ko)ty evenly spill and

■ ' 1 o’ ■ n l o o a U f on|j ,ro

)' i|/liO i'ii of llw 1)1)0 ’ a) a j/i y If i oi),-■ » ” o i ril i ‘ i v nl of keeping 11»

oil ’ i; ilp< I i IH t‘f if ft.' lit , 11 ill I*■( i up.mi- ini answered cryptically Wlx know • It personal against


Till- ( (U P O N asked if the school district would be better off without Dr Hunt and why Those who thought so were asked how the feat should be ac­complished. in light of the superin­tendents tenure

Responses ranged from the brief and -traightforward to lengthy and bitter

lit S \\ effective leader works hard i> Inmost and fair one supporter said ‘He i td< rude and obnoxious

••cgai the lengthy opinon i a detra Dr Hunt's detractors had no

monopoly on epithets however Any legradatier in tin qua t) if educa m Enel W indsor s >1ik ent rely 'fa gnor afire ,md r udenes-. <rf ■

pr (Widen! ; , iin } ■ mrlii , ’ >< ' • a i mi i i | * a ’' tef ’ - 1 u h, (

111 } 11 ii a lid< If ■; i i ■(l icit) ;ug I a* f iriiii 1 Hue s

I III It) HpCCVhl II. :•>urvi y aid i us I » f sbur pi . * dl hireaction ti> a similar one in - ernewspaper The Pr n c or Packi-' I'hai survey drew a rough I \ resporiMagainst Princeton s counterpart ti hr Hunt Philip Eby McPherson It dsi drew strong protests and a boycott Iron Dr McPherson's supporters

The Herald wasn't immune (rum criticism, however i ine resident called and strongly protested that the questions showed a strong bias against Dr Hunt and a respondent wfx would like to gel rid ot the superintendent suggested that the Herald w rk tor him Be sure that I am suspicious nl

& Princeton Bagelsa n t f P a s t r y S h « p

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he Herald in regard to this so-called survey 1 be said

llliisi- vsiki would like another men nl enrtcnl offered nothing new in

■lie - reasoning Perhaps the mostirfehensi vi ligiwosihe m* (hie said

VI v K 111 c e i fa t a a f h e r ft nII ’ Uti l I SI I f f M / ll r! t f l i l l g e I

' e.i 111 n u n I>" el I if i n! at l i l t ell eli

» fOgte a e ’ fill (a; pula / ileurpulal or iin tinov al mn lit

oroihtcnlly ignores) the majorit ’•it ' ‘ills who ask for no more than a good

‘ imventional education for their children, one response said He in -ism on experimenting with them He iocs not accept the fact that our pockets are empty trying to pay for him and his innovations His charisma stops with

'he school board

m o s t on the superintendent s side ■ it her berated the school board, such as 'tie response cited above appealed for 1' end i<> the bickering or both, although berating was slightly more popular

It is a ign of an outstanding ad

nnnislrator ’ one answer read 1 hat he can get the job done while being con stantly tierated by certain small min ded. petty and unscrupulous board members If these school board” em bers were as nferesleri r ‘ hef i he 11 me oj mir phi Mr m an l)t Hunt -ff ■/ fnii/l ;()’ !#f h<aier ft I VI nt t M

Unfit] Lifii i 7 miiili f i f a i i r yf ic M It >

tH t -■ i l fO '■ ay fe I ttffi in Mill fH t it t i h 0t f-riofUin j / | i 1 ubhOrt a lit1 t i i i ttf out

W life * hi Ull «n w o u i n i t i - 1 v i a hi'i l tii

Hun I r d i j f t i l l U h l i t ? p i iM f t h e f i t uin(f iOt i

y of '< hool ixjf ct n i r i i c m i M is nol .}<rht i i i u n s

Hats ■ ini [in tied from Page I Inf

that fieldM rs Karri - a \ - (he is running because

s h e deplores government by crisis and would like to see "more , if >fi na n he board’s ac ltea

Mr Miller 607 Greenwich Court, a eg * n rketinj Sirectos for tw1

Dallas based automotive firms, has lived here for ' w o rears He has two hi hirer m the ntermediate school and ay - 'ha' 'he recent crisis there was the ■ aiai•>st which made him enter the

race1 h o p e to take ari a political moderate

he said 'This board has spent „ personalities and

e politico vertoae* Mi Miller ha- a BA in math and economics in.n, ' 'id Dominion ( allege in Virginia

p. It nigh ’ and:'tate Richard Royce 59 Hagemount Av<- says he is running ‘to help the kids and because he is tired of

i. board k aste its time w personality issues like trying to railroad its superintendent

sup........ ' Sm Public Sen lotFleetru and Das as well as a parent of t w i ntermediate school children he said he was ‘very concerned about unsafe conditions at HIS and just have to .■.■■Oder about maintenance and how it

was ever allowed to get that ted Mr Royce has lived here for two and a

half years He says he has attended chool board meetings regularly and is

active in the Pop Warner football league

Mrs Stout a resident for 17 years has ' hiid in ihe high school and one in the intermediate school Running on a promise to get back tobasics" she says the schools overall rating has deteriorated considerably from what it was 10o r y e a r s a g < M r stout works in the inventory control department of MelUer Instruments Her phone, which she w ishes published since it is unlisted, is -148-1499


John Sams of East Brunswick will go before the East Windsor zoning board Monday night for the go-ahead on renovations he plans for the former Big Eddie s dinner on Route 130 across from 'he Jamesway shopping center

NuNl- lit- ihe 'Upenntendere - detractors came up with any miraculous ways of replacing him Some suggested buying him off Malm h n an bt can t refuse' said one

Others suggested making life miserable in a variety of ways And another response was Has anyone tried asking him to resign"

Still another said that We should all go and pray that if questionnaires like this don't spoil his chances he will manage to get another jot

Storytelling at boro library

Registration for ’ he spring senes of story hours at the Hightstown Branch of the Mercer i ounty i,ibrar\ is now i upon

Parents of children aged three to five can call or drop by to register their boys and girls for 13 weeks of stors telling, arts and crafts, films and special events


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I hurv las . Jam 11 f T 6 1-B

arts Sr leisure

Jazz star at schoolHIGHTSTOWN Lyle "Dusty Dednck, one of the nation's top jazz trumpet players will perform in a program with the concert jazz hands <>t the Manhattan School <>< Music at The Peddie School on South Main Street here on Wednesday Jan 28 a' 7 30 pra in Geiger Knew-. Hal] Hie cOJICeri !' ’ r>‘>- .inn open to tl>- public The performance is par(of Peddie s "Survey of Jazz course one of three such

courses in secondary schools in the state

Puppet variety for allFRANKLIN The Magic Union a 90- minute puppet variety show for all ages will be staged in the Franklin High School auditorium on Saturdac, Jan 24 at 2 p.m The N J chapter of the National Tay-Sachs and Allied Disease Assn is sponsoring the show and w ill benefit from the proceeds Call 201 846-9117 nr an 828-8271 lor • icket information

Time to RunKKNDALl. PARK Time to Run a film designed for family viewing and for stimulating thought about personal relationships will be shown at the Twin County Baptist Church here on Sunday Jan S at 7 p m

Bluegrass for kidsKNGIJSHToWN A childrens bluegrass music-supper festival will be held on iaturda !4 at the Ertglishtown Musii

I Wall fnm • p,u Ola Belli Heed will enii ee the bluegrass musical tour .irrompanted by her husband and son Also on the program are mandolinist Buck White and family arid New Jerseyans Matty Levine u and guitar wizard Steve Kauf nuinn Hoi suppers and snacks w ill be served from 4 p m Admission is $2 for all except children under six For details phone 201-446 9400 or 446 7118 Group seating can be arranged

Dance demo and showKDSSON The Murray Louis Dance Com pans will present a lecture-demonstration of contemporary dance principles and aims at Middlesex < oummunity College on Monday .Jan 26 The company also will perform in the new theater of the performing arts center on the campus at H p m For information on the demonstration and performance call the college s community services office at 201 .">48-6000 On Jan 23 and 24. the company will beat the State Theater on Livingston Avenue in New Brunswick at 8:30 pm Tickets are available at the door or b\ phoning 201-932 7511,

Soprano in concertPRINCKTc.N Soprano Lois Laverty will present a recital of songs by Maurice Ravel at Westminster Choir College. Hamilton Avenue at Walnut Lane on Tuesday Feb 10 •it 8 p m m the playhouse on the campus The recital m free and open to the public f ormer ! iculty member David Agler will accompany <>n the piano Cellist Elizabeth l^imb and flutist Mary Louise Reed will also assist

Bicent film seriesBKANCHBLRG Milestone films in the American film mdustrx will tx- shown in a bicentennial series beginning Thursday Jan 22 at Somerset County College here The series opener is The General", a 1926 vehicle starring Buster Keaton to be screened at 7 30 p m in the planetarium theater room E 105 Next in the 12-ftlm series ls director John Ford s Cheyenne Autumn Admission to each show is $1 and 70 cents for students

Paintings in bankHIGHTSTOWN The paintings of Anne Bezan arc on display at the Hightsiown office ■ ■ Nations t o | u Mercer Street

here The artist is Mercer County Com mum';, i ullege student and a member of the Hightsiown East Windsor Ar'ists Workshop

Harpists in duo concertPRINCETON Well-known harpists Raymond Pool and Beth Schwartz will present a concert of music lor two harps on Sunday Jan 25 at 8pm at All Saints Church on All Saints Road off Van Dyke Road They will repeal a program which drew capacityilidte!..... I New A ork recent'’. Music wiiitx’ from the 18th through 20th centuries The concert is tree and open to the public

Symphony at ridgeB A S IN G RIDGE Somerset Hills Spa phony s second concert of the season will be on Sunday Jan 25 at 5 p m in !he auditorium of Ridge High School here The program includes Grieg s Sigurd Jorsalfar suite, Honegger's Symphony No 4 and the Beethoven Emica"

Prisoner opens FridayEDISON Edison Valley Playhouse opens its season Friday Jan 23 with Neil Simon s Prisoner of Second Avenue It will play

weekends through Feb 15. Friday and Saturday at 8:30 p m and Sunday at 7:30 p m The 110-seat theater is at 21% Oak Tree Road

P t d d ie , G e o r g e e x c h a n g e a rt

HIGHTSTOWN An art exchange between the Peddie School here and the George School in Newtown, Pa has the work of John Sears on exhibit this month in the Peddie library and the water colors of Mrs Bairhara Watts displayed on the Pennsylvania campus

ARCHAEOLOGYThe American Revolution

Bicentennial Administration has a new booklet that tells how to go about Above Ground Archaeology and you can gei a eopv by sending 80 cents to Consumer In formation Center Dept 80, INieblo, Colorado 81009

i O ■ ■ , ■ \ A . AM ’Oils, watercolours, Graphics Sculpture and Photographs

’I ARTLEASE ft Soles Gallery

1776R E H E A R S A L S )"■ 1 progress for the 16th annual PJ&B

Diursdav Jan. 29 at the McCarter Theatre ong is the Bicentennial musical "1776" with

Herb Hunsberger as Thomas Jefferson Roben J Pauius as Benjamin Franklin and Kan Light as John Adams Milton i von is again directing

'American Life'opens on SundayPKINt'ETON 'fragments

of American Life a hicen termini exhibition of paintings by seven American artists, opens a' Hx- art museum of Princeton University on Jan 25 and lontinues through March '&>

The artists represented in the exhibition are Romare Bearden. Joseph Delaney Rex Goreleigh. Lois Mailou Jones, Jaunt l .aw rent <■ Hughie Lee- "smith and Hale Woodruff all of whom art distinguished living Afro American .irtists who were associated with Man Locke the lather of the H a r l e m R e n a i s s a n c e movement of the 1920 and !930s and whose works were nourished b\ the energetic era of the WPA

Sixty six works have been selectixi tor the exhibition by Professor John Ralph Willis honorary secretary of the Alain Locke Society of Prin­ceton University The pain tings are being loaned by private collectors museums, galleries and the artists themselves Dating from 1928 through 1975. the works reflect fragments of America s urban and rural life

Migrant workers, children of city streets jazz musicians country roads the aesthetu experience abroad are some of the images projected • gts Pht paintings represent the wide spectrum of the American experience hv artists who

FIRST HRF,f 7.1 Of St MMI- K

The First Breeze of Summer Leslie Lee's moving portrait of a middle class black family caught between memories of the past and hopes tor the future is the

Theater In Am erica” presentation Saturday Jan 31 at to p m on Channels 23. 50 . 52 and 58


have been painting lor more than fifty years

1 he exhibition is supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and

• he Alain Locke Society of Princeton University

The art museum is open Tuesday through Saturday

from 10 am to 4 p m Sun days from 1 to 7 pm The museum is closed M ■ vnda \ - and major holidays




Cultural Cenier We-,: Siaie S-*epi Tremon N j ig09 294 5310 Parking available in the State lot on weekends


Children's Supper Festival Sat Jan 24 4 PM

F • o t u r ln gMountain (konto-Ptcfc ing Song»tr*«i

OLA DELLE REEDP lu s F r o m N a s h v i l l e

BUCK WHITE 4 THE D O W N HO M E FO LKSAlso 13 v» aW Many Lihwvs on Dour, st«H> guitar and fiddler?, ,*nd

S 2 odmunon odultx t children S u p p e r s f r o m S I 5 0

Englishtown Music Holi 24 Wottf Str*«t

E n g i i s h t o w n2C1 446 9400 or 446 7118

Alf s ARTOriginal Paintings


Custom and Stock Frames


Needlepoint rewel * Gifts

Count on me...Kenneth Grav as Dracula and Rosaly Randolph as Mina work on a scene from Count Dracula" at the George Street Playhouse m New Brunswick Thursday through Saturday at 8 30 p m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m through Feb 14

.... ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................h i ........ n u

= 3| Single-Separate-W idow ed-Divorced §

Meet Som eone New This Year At §

The Single Setf An Adult Social Group 1i Meets Friday at the I

§ Treadw ay Inn, Rt l P rin ce to n , N .J . I1 and Every Tuesday at 1

| Chez Odettes, N e w Hope, Pa. || Live Band I1 Guests Wetcome || Fonnfo call'215)862-9286 or (2151 862-5889 1

| for Free Brochure write: The Single Set || P .0 Box 24, Lafayette Hill. Pa. 19444 §


Now Open For Business

2946 U S Route 1 (next lo Mrs G > 883 2401

gay peopleprncerormj.S1 50 !()• IMF \V>r * . fM ff T NCS HELD A ' JNU ASIAN CMUtCH THORS * 00 P M

January 22 Speaker Karla Joy

Co-Editor of After You re Out

(609) 256F

Course irt ClayA workshop stressing ban dbuJding and throwing techniques decorating with clay slips & tools ex ploratton of the cbemical composition of glazes ap plication of glaze to bisque explanation of the firing process Classes are Jmrted to eight students fifteen week courses beginning Feb 2 Three hour sessions Register now"

t»rth*i intornution36on» 80S 464 904JJ

Princeton's Gallery of the UnusualPointings Graphics Sculptor• Framing

Books Jewelry Gibs Tiles Crabs

Our New Stock is Arriving! Our Old Stock Must G o !

Every Item in t h e Gallery Reduced


OFF REGULAR PRICESHoars:Tm s . S * .114

32 Mm St. Kington. JU.


M cCa r t e r t h e a t r eMiCHAEL KAHN Prcx3uctr>g Director

Skews Daily 7 4 9 pm Sat l Sea 1. 3, 7 t 9 pm

T h tL M tu M IT tw fO t


%" SHOWS 7i9pe>

Sat 1 San 1. 3 .7 1 9 pm

wn2£ns wan

D A N C E C L A S S E SL D R E N a T E E N A G E R S * A D U L T S

B A L L E T a M O D E R N JAZZRegister N o w 1

' A ' J : - ■ s - t B a l lm association 1 J J \ ' I

withC arolyn C lark D ire c to r

44 Mam S' ORANGE 67 7 045 35M,vxpt MORRISTOWN 540 0466 •90 W Ma ■ SOMERVILLE I 26 2334

From McCarter for the Bicentennial The 16th Annual P J& B Musical

1776Winner of Tony & Dromo Critics Awards

Music & Lyrics by SHERMAN EDWARDS


Four Performances Only • Tickets No •

THURSDAY JAN. 29 at 7 :30 p.m FRI S SAT JAN 30 S 31 at 8 30 p m

SAT MAT JAN 31 at 2:30 p mBy Popular Demand

Additonol PoHormanc Sunday Matin*# Fab 2 30 PM

TICKETS Thurs Eve. Sat & Sun. Mat Orch $5.00 b 4 50 Bale $4,50 & 2 50: Fn b Sat Eves, Orch. $5.50 b 5 00, Bale. $5.00 & 3 00 GROUP RATES 609 921-8588

BOX 526 • P R IN C E T O N N J C8--10

P H O N E O R D E R S 921 8 7 0 0 (6 0 9 )


for 11776-77 seasonW

P l e a s e s u b m i t r e s u m e a n d l i st o f f i v& p la ys you a re i n t e r e s t e d in d i r e c t i n g by M a r c h3 I st to

P O T P O U R R I P L A Y E R Sof Lasl mdsor-Hightstow n

v o (,. Wokoun. 15 M eadow brook llr..

East Windsor, Y J. 0B520

For Further in fo rm a t io n p le a s e ca ll 609 440 9353

From Piano to Tuba You Can Study It In the PrepArtist faculty for all ages e lementary school through adult, and for all levels of adv ancement, including beginnerspiAH0 n stee Btrchfteld utst * • • t ■ »Mia - ■'r Alpert Let - • • ■ jdium, Kent Mart hm

- - - ed v* * . . . ot€AN VirginiaVOICE' V:,"“ -y VI0UK: Nad • *7 uoetv Rustig . sa irons 73

e ■ viola eor? fi g. Ida Bieit CEtiO a ette CLASSICAL GUITAR 8afrt V • sner etCOfDfR Htldegarcf ; 3birr flUTE Kim tire Racamat R se« fe J ge ClAAiKET 2iX)rp. tonesonot Rutt ihtke MSSOOM Rano Han land ittVWO ft -



CALL 609-921-7104Westminster Choir College Preparatory Division



. i

yiattOtsnBy^ V' J> ’ < • ' ' •T'~

MICKET'S ALL STAR CARTOON PARADE' hrotifh IhunAai Snow Rhiir . M3 i JO r»f Life 1 45 S.75 9 10* ScwtfwsJ Man 3

MERCER MAUc i n e m a i n m

4 5 2 * 2 8 6 8RT. IS PROVINCE LINE ROAD



Thursday. January 22. IdTb2 -B

a TO ILER SKATING , "P3RTY ^... 3sS BS2ESt ■■


b ir th d a y PARTY JSUGGESTION!

HO M U SS H O f U S S L E A V E F V f « r T M i N & TO US

Price IncludesCot* • S«<°

rfy Ma»* *Shoe S«o

6 rthdoy UN Cn

A U f O * S2500

Met auditions in Princeton SaturdayPR INCETO N Two

baritones five tenors and 14 sopranos will compete in the Metropolitan Opera Com pany s district auditions to be held in the Westminster Choir College playhouse or. Satur day, Jan 24

Judges will be Joan Dor

for a Group 1

| 2 50 Add for Each Add>t<<



KENDALL PARK ROLLER RINK3 5 5 0 Rt 3 7 S O B R U N S W IC K , N J 3 9 7 - 3 0 0 3

A d v e n tu re s of the W ild e rn e ss F a m ily


Single - Separated - Widowed- Divorced

The Single SetAnnounces The Grand Opening of its First Disco

Monday January 26th

BROTHERS LTD.Mercervtlle and Whitehorse Rd

Mercerville. N J.F e a t u r i n g : S a l T e e 9 P M

Free to all Members - Guests Welcomefo r Info 215 862 5899


JANUARY 26 THROUGH MARCH 29 one 2-hour session per week

TEN WEEKSMonday 1 0:00 -12:00 Noon

Recommended for beginning or advanced students

Emphasis on individual proiects Instructor: Habibollah M Moghanaki

Tuesday 10:30 12:30 P.M Tuesday 8:00 10:00 P.M

Recommended for beginning students Emphasis on the human head

Instructor H Kempton Hastings

Thursday 8:00 10:00 P.M.Recommended for beginning or

advanced students Emphasis on development of each

person's concept leading to a finished piece of work

Instructor. Sami Mohamed

F E E : $ 5 0 .0 0M o d e/ F e e a n d M a t e r i a l s N o t I n c l u d e d

For E n r o llm e n t C a ll


621 Alexander Road (Route 1 &t Alexander Road' Princeton, N J . 08540

•603 799 2522


C l L T U K A L P R O G R A M S



Jan. 24, 1976 8:30 pm

"one of (he greatest In mg pianists

N e ws w ee k

FINK ARTS TH l A THEFiokets $6.00

FOR TICKETS OR FI RTHER I \ FORMATIONS CALL (6 0 9 ) 896-0800, ex t , 625

• y/ / t r / ( r ( { / / r a

/ ' f t / . g - ( a / r t / / * »

nemann assistant conductor at the Met and Theodor Uppmann and RussellChristopher Met baritones

The entrants includeDeborah Blue Melvin WhiteCarole Zelley William

aulfield Susan MacGregor Lvnn Dolce. Gloria Thurmond Gerardine Luongo Dennis Rockett. Ashley Putnam Wayne Behr Jeame Bowers, Cheryl Markham Carol Wuschieben. Gio Rosata

Linda Barnshaw Diane Taylor Michele LaLoude Denise Seutter Art Nino and Melvin Noviek

Mrs Gerald A B ram well heads the committee in charge of the New Jersey auditions Her committee includes Mrs Kenneth B Keating Mrs Prank Tapi in Mr- Samuel M Hamill Mrs Lewis B Cuvier Mrs George F Kennan Mrs Lewis L Hamilton and Mrs Peter G Cook

Kids take role in history showWEST WINDSOR The

Yankee Doodle Players will give one performance of drama dialogue and fun for students at Dutch Neck School, Village Road Pnn




ceton Junction, at 1 30 p m Thursday Jan 22

The performances, part of an interconnected series of arts experiences are spon sored jointly by Young Audiences of Central New Jersev recipient of a grant from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts m con junction with the National Endowment for the Arts and Gerard A Schaller and the West Windsor Plainsboro PTA

Am erica is a sketch1776 and all That an exhibit at McCarter Theater - Pnn

ceton portraying America in cartoons and drawings is the Princeton Art Association s contribution to the bicentennial observance Elizabeth Monath. PAA exhibits chairman collector Todd Zapolsk: and artists John Huehnergant and

Hen-v Martin share a chuckle over a Martin New Vorfcer i ar - 3 <• if MV s opening reception The show which Us-

, tes Jrewings by Bube Goldberg Jeff McNellv. Drper - and Princetonians Michael Ramus, Saul Lambert and Arnold 'Oth ontinues through March 1


Friday A Saturday 8 30 PM Jan 23rd A Jan 24th Tick Arts: $6 00 A 5 00

Children A Students $2 00

STATE THEATRELivingston Av« N#w Brunswick

For information 932-751 1 Bo* oHic* 43 Min* St

Naw Brunswick


KUMQUAT HOUSERr 18 Shopping ( D E Brunswick



music by SKEETS

-aii *or reservations 201 254 91 ‘4 91Showtime* 7 fa '0 PM No Cover 1 harge


C S Hwy U ‘ h■ Adams Sm c,' •>*■* 201 297 9180

Gingerbread N.Y. Daily Newsrun extended M cCarter's halls

decks with praise

Letters to the Editor always make good reading

PRINCETON The pnn ceton Community Players production of Neil Simons Gingerbread\ will be

run beyond the originally announced dates to ac comodatt ticket demand and the loss <4 one performance due to illness

The added show s will be on Sunday Jan 25 at 7 30 p.m and Saturday Jan :tt at 8 :«> p.m in lhe players theater. 171 Broadmead

Phone 609 924 5976 af ternoons or 609-924 0971 evenings for ticket reser vat ions


Over tt\e bridgecOn.

Our D in ing Hoom — features —

• T h e F i n e s t mDining h. legs net

• T h e M e n uu Gourmet s Delight

• 7 he E x c i t i n g S o u n d s! o f t h eI

* Nick Stella I rio ! Wed.-Fri.-Sat.

9 until

Prospect Plains iK Vppleirarth |{,| Hightstown. Y J

448-."*090 H A R P }HOI. H

[ t a i ls 3 : 10-t) : 10

Dei-h I tlm hr- ,ii.\ M >■ I 'M

Nick Stel la at the o r g a n Sundays

I talk I unrbeon*

I i ill A VI 01) I ’ VI

1 if *'•(! j/* v •; ter vt ■X Mm'1 .mo I * -4iUe, S

1 i I tP ' c n \ y > k

I hntter■ HD PM nn \| iflffif/It



Mercer St. Hanuhon S« AThe ieitfoon- r, th»

With ell Btf

Sal Benny SnvOe Sun Eddie Shaw Sun 8 1 1 P M

Coats 4 Ties

PRINCETON The 1975 New Jersey 'healre awards.

inferred b® the New York Daily News, rite the work of McCarter Theatre

Daily News critic Bruce Chadwick said tte awards reflect the explosiveemergence of Princeton's Mc< arter Theater as not only the premier playhouse in the --lati hut also as one of the In-si in the country

M art® Company won bes* pl;n Mother Courage inn Her Children by Bertholt......... best ■■ reel ex M ichaelKahi h Mol bei < oursge’ ’ ami Ins other productions i best ictress Eileen Heckart lor M other Courage" and lx*si -iaging Romeo and Julie' by WilliamShakespeare staged by MichaH Kahn

Nominated runners-up lor awards included best actor Richard Backus in Romeo

and Juliet" best actress Maria Tucct in Romeo and

Juliet and Rosemary Harris in '! he Km ai K an, ;I\ best

T H E f 0 R 6 ' 0 0 £ M C ' I V*n„ Hr -a JAMES Y JUNGAmerican Chinese 4 Polynesian Cuisine f>09 397 3405‘ake Outs m Banquet: . Cocktails . Wi-ddmgs



J ' feh 8% itl

Route 179 LamBertvilleSPECiAi iUNCHEONS Si 50 atoM - ------H*MuiicClrc

Friday 1 SltarN) Down Und, - Soon. 4 ■ 30 p.m. lo 3


a m

I M M t l t M U D M M N I D U V I l tTh# Con n olphobwt - a a*



sen s i h c s ’ s

i r te i N L E L B L t A D

I U 'Directed bv Kimothy Cruse


/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- \

B etty Reeves KlankHt'i rnl nhutehn* it m l witlrrt nlur*

Jan tears 21 through I eitruary 28



JA C K H lC H O C otTW o rn n o i^ m

Lkwkad Rrtwtt HW0 RCttfTlfl

LUCKY LADYPLAYHOUSE **•" IDIttO I » im I m k Than 1

ixuaM t m e)4 ow ei fn k • 10 i 10 lb, Sm I i l i t ( 10 15l?Jg g !y 1 i » ; i i i i i m Mssuiaxnio

Fri & Sat January 23 24 31 (ffTJO p m fieSunday, Jan 25 7 30 p m. tickets: $2 50

at the P C P Theater 171 Broadmead, PrincetonFor tick** rtt*rv«tion« »of*pHon* t24-5f74 (oft*moont

f24-A 71 (ovooiiigti




a universal PircuRf

« ■ ■ ■ ■ « ) » _ ■ - F„. t SA. 1. 5:45. 11 It-H. s « 1 n ««. t 44 5 45 I i 16 15 6Q PASSES ACCEPTED

supporting actor Richard Lenz in Section Nine George Grizzard in The Royal Fam ily . and Tom Poston in Mother Courage" best supporting actress Eva LeGallienne in The Royal Fam ily" and Deborah Offner in A Grave Undertaking" best staging The Royal Family" and "M other Courage

M s. A len ik o ff w ill instruct dance c la sses

Frances Alenikoff noted lancer, choreographer multi­

media artist and director of the Frances \ienikof! Dance Theater of New York, joins the Dance Co-op of Princeton as guest instructor for a 12-week course which begins Monday, Ian 26 Registration is open now tor the intermediate-to- .chanced classes to be held on Mondays from 7 :}<Jto9pm at the Dance Co-op's studios in the Parish House of the W i t h e r s p o o n S t r e e t P r e s b y t e r i a n Church V\ ! therspoon and Quarry Streets. Princeton For in formation call 609 924-9390

B R O O KBound Biook 356 5858

N o w thru Tues . Ian 27Barbra Streisand Robed Red ford


i ves 4 Sat 7 4 9 p w • Sun 4 30 6 40 4 9 pm

%p0tlal ¥atlnw»4ft t Wo im U 1 IS

1 tt*

ftfu tw 6l¥mi6)AGAaAA i A||<|A>A4

A A n n , , l u " | I for I v i r y e n *

SfimNtf Im 7ltARobert Redford Faye OunawayCliff Robertson

(n3 DAYS OF THE CONDOR (REves 4 Sat T 4 9 pm • Sun4 30. 6 40 4 9 pm


antiques+ SHOW

]an 24 thru Feh 1WEEKDAYS


The urnn vm.nd annual and ialr amiQu. -

from (hr m llfi u,,m of dm ingim hed itralcrs

Set ruth Regiment Armory Park Atenue at (57th Street

Neu- York City

A d mission

I o r the benefit of

^EnsI Side H o m e SettlementM


the pr jn c e to h p a c k e t

Hie I aw ren ce I iid g e r

Seven For Central JerseyTHE CENTRAL POST


Hiur>*d*\ January 22, 197b

BusinessOpportunitiesNEED 2nd [NCOME Build personal or family income Irom your own home 1m mediate profit V investment S300 $1000 per month Cal!609-924-3359 for a promt mem

■SALES Excellentprofessional opportunity for salesman experienced in in tangibles Status arid prestigf business Sales training and management deve! opm ent programs ta l l foi ap pointrnent Mr Kirk 609-924 2040

WANTED to purchase or !ease small landscape con­tracting firm lawn main tenance company garden store etc in central Jersey area Kepis Box *0.3322. ' >■ Princeton Packet

CONCESSIONAIRE private swim dub So Bruns Twp requires exp'd reliable, operator for refreshment concession summer months equipped facility prov Jed Kepl\ Box i57 The < entral Post Kendall Park N J 08824

PR IN C E TO N BOROUGH Taxi and Livery licenses for sale Inquire at 609 924 1105

Classified Advertising‘HILLSBOROUGH BEACOP(

The Mdnville News

The Franklin NEWS RECORD3-B

Business .. ,Opportunities H* ‘P Wontod Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

TAVERN & PACKAGE LIQUOR Neighborhood location New Bruns Prin­cipals Reply Box !53 c/o Central Post Kend Pk

FOR SALE B\ OWNER unusual A- attractive gift shop n good location Respond to

Box “03286 - - Princeton Packet

FOR SALK PRINTING Bi si \ESS w ANTEDpersons having printing background that desire to own hi owt shoo Com olet e modern printing business in tiigh trailic Trenton N J area Good credit essential S u b s ta n t ia l m o r t g a g e available 609-396-4285

H elp W a n te d, INI NOWHERE in 197s

AGAIN" Were looking for people interested in their future Training salary plus bonus available in p r o f e s s i o n a l s a l e s organization All company benefits We are an equal opportunity employer Call Mr Allen for appointment 201 722-1098

FULL TIME SALES POSITIONWITH A DIFFERENCE .....I W I sail ■ - H f lof women who specialize in service and fashion awareness Would you like to develop vour talents in our specialty store atmosphere' An opportunity awaits such a creative person

Good salary, no night hours 37 U- hour employee benefits Experience helpful

week liberal

Call Mrs Paoltjs at bt)9 924 3221 to a terview

NOTICEW i t h t h e r e c e n t d e c i s i o n o f t h e N e w J e r s e y

S u p r e m e C o u r t a l l n e w s p a p e r s i n t h e i t a t e a r e b a r r e d f r o m r u n n i n g a n y h e l p w a n t e d a d i t h a t d 11 c r i m i n at e b e t w e e n s e x e s

T h i s b a n ' n c l u d e s t h e w o r d i n g o f t h e a d v e r i i s e m e n f a l o n g w i t h c o l u m n h e a d i n g s S u c h t i t l e s os s a l e s m a n G i r l F r i d a y m a i n t e n a n c e m a n a r e a g a i n s t t h e l a w A d s s e e k i n g a

s a l e s p e r s o n o r s a I e s m a n w o m a n , o r G i r l - G u y

Fr iday a r e s u g g e s t e d a s a l t e r n a t i v e sW e r e q u e s t t h e co o p e ra t io n o f o u r a d

v e r i f i e r s in a d h e r i n g to t h i s d e c i s i o n o f t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t T h e a d v e r t i s e r is a l s o l i a b l e f or a n y v i o l a t i o n s

Tht Princeton Pocket N t w ip o p f M South Som»rt»t N tw io p « r t 300 W liherxpaon St P rinceton P O Box )46 Som erville N.J

6 0 9 ) 9 2 4 3 2 4 4 ( 2 0 1 ) 72 5 3 3 0 0

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FORM1. . ..............2.............. 3

4. . ..............5............. 6

7 8 9

10. . ..............1 1 .......... 1 2


3 In se r t io n ! no chang e*W hen Pa id in A d v a n c e If b i l led odd 50


S 3 00

$4 50



Al! C l a r i f i e d A d v e r t i s i n g o p p e o r s in a ll s e v e n n e w s p a p e r s T h e P r i n c e t o n P a c k e t Th e L a w r e n c e l e d g e r . Th e C e n t r a l Post W in d s o r Mights H e r a ld Th e M o n v i l l e N e w s T h e F r a n k l i n N e w s R e c o r d a n d H i l l s b o r o u g h B e a c o n A d s m a y b e m o i l e d in or t e l e p h o n e d D e a d l i n e for n e w ad s is 5 p m M o n d a y if t h e y a r e to b e p r o p e r l y c l a s s i f i e d A d s m u st be can c e l l e d by 5 p m M o n d a y

R A T E S a r e S3 00 for fo u r l in e s or l e s s for o n e i s s u e or if o r i g i n a l l y o r d e r e d in a d v a n c e $1 50 a d d i t io n a l for t w o c o n s e c u t i v e w e e k s or i s s u e s a n d the th ird in s e c t io n is F R E E T h e r e a f t e r e a c h c o n s e c u t i v e i s s u e o n ly c o s t s S i . N e x t i n c r e m e n t of up to fo u r l in e s 50 c e n ts a n d t h e s o m e t h e r e a f t e r A d s m a y b e d i s p l a y e d w ith w h i t e s p a c e m a r g i n s a n d or od d itko n a i c a p i ta l l e t te r s at S 3 50 p e r inch S p e c io l d i s c o u n t ro te of S3 0 0 p e r i n ch is a v a i l a b l e fo a d v e r t i s e r s r u n n in g t h e s o m e c l a s s i f i e d d i s p l a y od fo r 13 c o n s e c u t i v e w e e k s or d i f f e r e n t c l a s s i f i e d d i s p la y a d s t o t a l i n g 20 or m o r e i n c h e s p e r m o n th o n d w h o a r r a n g e *o b e b i l le d m o n th ly b o x n u m b e r s a r e o n e d o l la r e x t r a

T E R M S SO c e n t b i l l in g c h a r g e if od is not p a id m ad v o n c e 2 p e r c e n t c a s h d i s c o u n t on c l a s s i f i e d d i s p la y a d s if bi ll is p a id by th e 20 th of th e f o l l o w i n g m o n th S i t u a t i o n s W a n t e d o d s o r d out of a r e a o d s a r e p a y a b l e w i th o r d e r T h e n u w t p a p e r is not r e s p o n s i b l e for e r r o r s n ot c o r r e c t e d by t h e o d v e r t i s e r i m m e d i a t e l y f o l l o w i n g t h e f i r s t p u b l i c a t i o n of t h e ad

WANTEI LIVE i n HOUSE­K E E P E R for Iwo people Planning ordering cooking and serving simple meals 2‘~. hrs off every afternoon Thurs 4 every other Sun off after breakfast Other help em­ployed Older person preferred Musi be able to drive and have recent reference* Wages can be discussed 1 ail m 924 2ht-

WANTED PART-T IM E executive secretar> Medical background helrfui but not necessary Bookkeeping refs required Reph 10 Box *03329 - 0 Princeton Packet

F I B E R C O N T A I N E R MANl k A T1 R ING plant looking for main tenance machinist v. some elec exp Diversified duties Fur interview a 609-65 5 2800

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR for community alcoholism agenc> in centra! N J Previous exp in field highilv desirable Salary 1 egt I abh Send resume to The Rev Omar Lantz. Somerset Hosp Somerville N J

FREE LANCE COPY EDITOR for educational publisher Must be exp Send resume loBox 2321 Princeton

SALESPERSON full-time, Mon-Fn Apply I .ggetl Kexall Drug. LawrenceviiTe Shopping Center, 609-882-2804


Professional and Techmcai Skilled and Unskiller

N#W J«rfS4»y State Training t Employment Swrvtcw

Suburban Office at Rtes 33 b 130 at Woodside Rd

Robbins ville N JPhon« 609 686-4034

609-446 1063No Fee Charged______


• Do you sew"• Would you like to help others who sew ?• Are you interested in selling sewing items"

If you answer "yes to these questions. Jo-Ann Fabrics needs you We are opening a new store located in Lawrenceville New Jersev W e will Labor a work schedule for you Housewives, students, those currently employed and retirees are encouraged to apply F or interview contact Henry von dem Bach or Monday. January 26 from 10:00 to 5 00 at Jo Ann Fabric Shop 161 Mercer Mall, Lawrenceville, New Jersev

D ENTAL ASSISTANT hair side assistant needed for

dental office in E Windsor Experienced only 609 448 8787

LOOKING FOR LEAD GUITAR sax A keyboard for Oldies rock group 609-466 I 887 or 466 3434

NURSES LPN ex penenced reorganization of nursing staff nas created opportunities for experienced RN s A 1PN s to join 2 year old skilled nursing facility All shifts availab le pleasant working conditions tienefiLs Apply in person between 9- 3pm. contact Mrs. L or Mr A Franklin Convalescent Center Rte 27 Franklin Park N J. An Equal Opportunity Em plover

DENTAL ASSISTANT in Hillsboro full time, dav eve. Sat experienced in Vfice A chair side procedures, preferred Salarv open Send resumes toP.O 6ox 215. Belle Mead. N.J . 08502

STUDENTS EARN EXTRA MONEY Pick your own hours General housework in Princeton household Must have own transportation and local references Reply Box *03319. c/o Princeton Packet


For mature woman or married couple Companion light housekeeping marketing b cooking for gracious elderly iady now sem invalid Nursing experience helpful 3 pm tc 7 a m daily L PN on during day Bedroom, private bad study garage All meals Compensation depending qualifications Paid vacation. Lovely Hopewell lownhouse Excellent references essennai Fee Paid


201 782-2929V.t r -

The NEW H ahn* s ot the

Q u a k erb rid g * Mall has exce llent

lob opportunitiestor you

e Selling and Non-Selling Positions # Full or Pan Timee Previous Experience Not N ecessary e We will orovide Comprehensive Training

Apply in person at the Princeton Country Club,

Wheeler Way. Princeton (off Rte. 1 South

at the Treadway Inn) Monday thru Friday

10:00 a m until 5 00 p.m

Monday Eve and Saturday

by appointment only call 799 9500

Students interested in part time work should

apply after February 1st

A- Equai Opportunity Employer

TEXAS OIL COMPANY needs mature person M /F for short tnp6 sur ounding Fhnncetor Contact customers We train Write T W Dick PresSouthwestern Petroleum Ft Worth Tx E O E

LOVING CARE — Exp woman needed to care for 2 chikk-en age 3 in nursery school 1/2 day A 7 m<* old Also light housework 10-14 hrs per week Pnnceton Jet area Exc salary, own trans necessary Recent refs 609 799 1052

GROUNDS PERSON needed at the Pennington School Call 609-737 1844 or 737-1839

DOMESTIC Housecleaningneeded in Princetm. 3 hours, twice a week Own tran sportation necessarv 609-9B46157.

CLERK TYPIST High school graduate good typing skills office experience nelpful butnot necessary

ACCOUNTING COLLECTION CLERK Applicants must he perserverant accurate with detail and able to type approx 40 wpm Office collection or accounting experience helpful but not manaatory Respon sibilities include considerable customer contact by phone and letter and research on accounts receivable problems A l inside work no travel

Call Jane Schopf Applied Data Research Princeton N J 609 921-8550An equal opportunity em plover

RN wanted for office of medical specialist Pleasant surroundings Pension plan Please state experience and qualifications Send resume to Box *03331. c o Princeton Packet

SEC RETARY TO PRES management coasultant firm Diversified duties Gd tvping A shorthand 35 hr wk $140 plus full benefits Attractive office in New Bruns In terview 201-246-3600 9 AM-2 PM


S E C R ET A R YA growing ’eemerch b conwufnng firm iocatpG >n the Princeton ares « swkmg a mature b o>penned tn dtvKJua1 w»th et>*t\ to typa 45-60 wpm M usi Da ab*e to unbaestand protect activities sufficiently well m order to make appropriate drstnbutio'■ b fikog of materials bwork wit' -W > SupervisionFor appointm ent for in terview please call Carol Hanawa-h at

(80S) 7SS-2S00, ex t 373An inM*et Opponw'-TY tn.pko


Must have experience on !BW Mag Card plus m in im um of 1 year yenera! office experience

W ill be required to perform typing and clerica l work of som e com plexity Must be accurate with figures and detail m inded

iffet 8€$u wkaw isvs'/p g paid hosp italisation life insurance and maio- m edical Regular salary review s retirem ent programCali Barbara S ca ran o 60S 4522111


Eq ua l O p p on m ny E m p loyer M F



LOOKIN G FORM***x»m*T«-« * *»*«H kn<iW' n M ' <b UKVHjk «rig firrr WSCAIWO " ' D* **•» •w ; h At m o t io n June no n is *#•*-• ng-rubht b lark tro*m bmh '1 ***o?k • ' an »•

on ce * r>M*« Tf>rs i» an u no *u*f Op ponumiY Iqi too*# ***«»- #v»«iaf)i» *n« who trmd o' Dx wirit rovnn« »n<3w ould orkfox » verm ty < ' and* Cnarvee to » * ’ r »onr>* extra n c o m t

sounds 'Kjm !o' you • 'o ' ’ id h e- '- fo rm a to r


609 799 2600 Ext 373

M A T H E M A T I C A I N CR O l a x I J 9 ! P n a c e N * H teieo

a. a»d

U fa im u ro n c x S a la t C o ro a rt

rr- ’n« wo no bac«uM *w> are tr>* co-mpanv wren BIG DIFFERENCE 1976 ce n be you' *aa* o' m# BIG DIFFERENCE <t you nave +ft\m a f -e lookm g lo t Q ueiifm d paop« would be fra* to travel o-wr c»r arete* mt#\ rrterrtec and over 25 M m

wheh#< acanaad o< not p f —efor *uN a e m co im x rvama ad

d r**s and t«taphon« n iim b e i m orOe* to *ar up an apoom rm ant >n y o u ' **wa B ro ke** rxaad not apofy

C Graan P.O Sox 4122

Albany N Y 12204

SALES — Full time ex penenced for our fine china and silver department Knowledge in handling bridal registry 5 days one evening Apply m person far interview l l a m 3pm H a m ilt o n Jewelers Rt *1 and Texas Ave

MATURE B AB YSITTER needed in my home 2-3 days a week East Windsor Own trans 609-448-1511

FULL TIME sales person Experience is necessary Appl y in person Landau's. 114 Nassau St FYinceton

COUNTER ATTEND AN T-sm cafeteria in Kendall Pk area Lite grill & sandwich preparation Mon to Fri 9 am go to 2 30 pm 201 254-4645

LXGAL SECRETARY CALL 609-448-0132 BARD BOGATZ 6 SHORE, 102 Main St , Hightstown NJ 08S2D

DRIVER W ANTED for Princeton firm Must have gd driving ability & license Please ca 11 609-924 3805

A S S IS TA N T TO W N S H IP ENGINEER for 55 Sq Mi central NJ municipality Min qualifications self-starter BSCE FIT (NJ or equal 4 years municipal general CE experience 2 yr Project Engineer level roads, drainage and or subdivision design high ethical stan­dards personality suited to team effort and good public relations Survey and or construction exp er ien ce desirable Comprehensive benefits Salary negotiable Send confidential resume including references, to G R Gessner PE/LS. Township Municipal Building Amwefl Road Neshanic. NJ 08853

JANITORS ex per eves Princeton area 215-638 4040

NIGHT AUDITOR fulltime 11-7 pm Holiday Inn Pnn cetori 609-452-9100 Will train applicant with desire to team & work with people

HOUSEMOTHER - Live-m position to supervise housekeeping in small pleasant maternity home Ability to work with young girls, sense of humor ana driver s license essential 609 685 8579 wkdvs before 4 30 Wkndx and a/ter 6prr, 215 493 3581

SINGING P IAN IST 4 DRUMMER need guitar and bass elertnc or acoustic' with some singing a must to complete rock rag campy swing club act Practice Pnnceton area 609 443-4174

AVON Want a great vacation I his v t ’ ’ Start saving now Excellent earnings Call quickly' 609-466 '2236

WANTED HELPER to takecare of autistic teenager From 4 to 7, five days a week Call 924-5800 evenings

NURSES AIDES M/F Full time, all shifts, experience preferred Reorganization of nursing staff has created openings on all shifts for nurses aides Modern skilled nursing facility. Pleasant conditions benefits Apply in person between 9-5 pm. eon tact Mrs L An Equal Op­portunity Employer Franklin Convalescent Center Rte 27 FYanklin F’ ark N J

ME DIC A L TR A NSCR IB ER we have openings for qualifiedpersonnel to transcribe discharge summaries and operative reports in the comfort of vour own home Must have extensive knowledge of medical ter rmnologv Excellent earning potential 301 238-0187 Tues- Sat after 12 noon


W a s p a c i a l i z a in s a c r a t a r i a s a t t h e e x e c u t iv e le v e l

1 9 5 N a s s a u S t re e t 6 0 9 - 9 2 4 3 7 1 6

\i»rjorie W Haltiday 7


AGENCYS p e c ia liz in g in

T e m p o ra ry He lpPrrmanoni Placements in

Secretarial. Clerical. Executive. E D P and

Technical352 Nassau St Prmtslor

609 924 9134


WHY NOT WORK IN A MODERN, FULLY EQUIPPED MEMBER FIRM OF THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE IN PRINCETON N.J.All of our clients are insured for a total of $300,000 W e provide a constant supply of up-to-date reserach material Our com mission schedule is very competitive•First 950 000 S P C $250,000 AETNA Company

Call or write

FITTIN, CUNNINGHAM & LAUZON, INCMember New York Slock Exchange, inr

833 Belmar Plaza Belmar, N.J, 07719

20 U 681 4880



Opportunities exist in our Programming Area W e are seeking


Design, develop b improve programs b MARK IV reports2-3 years COBOL, 1-2 years M A R K IV p rogram m ing 370 OS. J C l knowledge

PROGRAMMER TRAINEESStrong written b verbal com munication skills, good analytical ability, previous D P experience preferred

Sand rtiumi including salary raqulrumanfs to

McGrxw HHI IncP n n c e to n Road Hightstown N08520

REGIN A THUNHORST P a rso n n a l D a p a rtm a n t

PARENTS would your 4th gr ade child like to earn some money-’ Pnnceton University Developmental Studies Group will pay 12 00 for their par ticipation in a brief study 989 452-4455 Thurs or Fri morn lu 30 1 2 30

PENSION TE CH NIC IAN expanding pension dept needs experienced techmaan in plan installation Send resume PO Box 2197 Pnnceton NJ 08540

AFTER SCHOOL HELP every week day, 2 30 5 30 totie here when the children get home and to start dinner 609 896-0374 a/ter 5:30

ST A T IS T 1C A L ~ C 0 0 R DINATOR Pnnceton firm desires self-m otivated in dividual Good math background, ability to type Diversified responsibilities, paid benefits, hours 9-5 pm salary commensurate wun experience Send resume to J3ox 265, Pnnceton Jet 08550


Private Duty cases home or hospital Choice of days shifts, area Excellent pav no fee

HOME MAKERS/UPJOHN 520 Raritan A\ Highland Pk30)-572-5900

HOUSEKEEPER Mon taomery near 206 & 518 Sat plus one other dav Must haveown trans Call eves or vseekends 609 9216145

CAREER POSITION for 2 people with a 0-owiryz 78 vr old insurance co Service established policy holders Average earnings from $12,500 to $15,000 higher earnings commensurate with ability Group hospital major medical & car insurance Free group life pension plan profit shanng A many other benefits No exp necessary. We train Call Mr McKee days 8:30 to 4 00 . 609-695-5477 Eves 7-9 , 609-799-3290

SW ITCHBC *AR D OP E RATX> R Part time For some

evenings, davs and orweekends and holidays per arrangements Experience preferred Call or apply. Personnel Dept THE CARRIER CLINIC, Belle Mead NJ 20 1 359-3101, AnEqual opportunity Employer M/V

WANTED Babysitter in Woods Road School area 2 children Call 201-359-2979

DENTAL ASSISTANT needed in orthodontic office. Hightstown area Full lime Experience preferred Will train Send resume to Box = 03321. c o Princeton Packet

1L DAYS PER WEEK General house cleaning and romng References preferred

Call eves 609-924-1406

Looking tor a jo b7fry the


CENTERProfessional Technical

Clerical Skilled Unskilled 353 Nassau Street

Pnnceton. N . J Phone: 609-921 624*



Quaker Bridge

LAWRENCEVILLEW e ore ;r>fa** v t f vvii'C »-■ 'K,. , A ,

tc $'CM 'MMf [ t'A 7 J • if - . , ,i H t. bf y ( p (

WE SEEKE x a c u t iv a S a c ra ta ry to M an ag e r

* In te rio r D e co ra to r* P a rt-tim e P e rso n n e l C le r ic a l” S ecu rity D ept D e te c t iv e * 8 G u a rd s

wonfle-hj' o p f f ty U * -,f. - . 1 ( tE, • ' ....m ■ - • -

rjCXXJ Stor'm g VJ»ar>ffS .f.e em p ' , e * •.*-• •-tXJte - tWe v r ' w -he ,[,*■• r-q » , m..

A pp ly A T JNf. 1 to th e e f fip io y m e n o i l ,

Q u a k e r B rid g e Em p lo ym en t O ff ic e Rt 1 L a w re n c e v ille

i Ooocy I j c,.iy l motor* ■

Tha NEW H ahn* s at th*

Q u akerb rid ge Mall has excellent

job opportunitiesfor you

• Ready-to-Wear Dept. Mgrs.• Home Furnishings Dept Mgrs.• Men's Dept. Manager• Alterations Dept. Mgr• Fine Jew elry Dept. Mgr.• Head of Stock & Store Cleaning• Home Furnishings Selling Decorator• Display Manager

Apply in person at the Princeton Country Club.

1 Wheeler Way, Pnnceton (off Rte 1 South

at the Treadway Inn:

Monday thru Friday 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m

Monday Eve. and Saturday by appointment only

call 799 9500

A n Equal O p p o riu n ity Em ployer



I >»■ I awrprwx I ix jg e r


Seven For Central Jersey

4 - B

Classified Advertising^HILLSBOROUGH BEACO fif

fhe Mdnville NewsIhf Ffinklin N{WS RJCORD

I'hursdav. January 22. I 07b

Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Jobs Wanted Announcements Personals Bargain Mart Bargain MartR ELIAB LE PERSON for general housework. 2 days per week Martinsville area Own transportation Call 201 356- 01 &o

M vn RE WOM IN wan edbabysit 1 kindergarten age y oungsl ci every 1 h- 4 pn'Mlil' Mon 609-448-8595

WANTED GIRL to pump gas Hours 7 3. 5 days a week Conic to Blawenburg B P across from Dairy Queen, between 3 8 pm

1£G \l 'k 1 1! EJ ARY Real E-tate experience typing and shorthand a must for Princeton office Salary commensurate with experience All replies held strictly confidential Send personal info and salary requirements to Box *03313 < 1 Princeton Packet

Permanent career ■ 1 - - managemei | UK plus [xt \ear Fringe benefits Appointment only Mr Eeldnuin 201-722-0272 local

HOST HOSTESS Need to supplement your salary" Evenings Apply in persoi - a ni Saltiry negotiable E x ­perience not necessary but helpful Alchemist A- Barrister Restaurant, 28 Witherspoon St Princeton

LIVE IN HOMEMAKER Position now available to live in Must have at least 1 yr ex per 1 cnee car nee animal lover For information call 609 iyt; Mino Homemakers Upjohn 28 West State St Trenton \ ,1

TRAVEL CONSU.TANT experience preferred Full tunc and part t unc available Crowing agency Post Office I'.ox 0101 Trenton N J OR648

El ; riME/PART IMf Dei 1 stant post tint e a for ' xperienced nr Certified DA Reply Box >*13320 Princeton Packet

P A R I PLAN .MANAGERS NEEDED l.isa Jewelry I ompany Salary plus com i! ission Call (briny t>09 882 4483

ADVERTISING SALES pul her need pt sonnt telephone sales work in Prnx cion area Previews sales exp a must Flexible hrs & high . on.mission Call 609-799 3880

SECRF/I AH 5 loreducational publisher Must be gocxi organizer & self-starter Musi have gocxi typing skills Expei lence preferred Send resume loBox 2321 Princeton. N .1

! i RSI IN A VNTS housekeeping cooking & child super \ ision Mon W ed & Fri 1 8PM Must hr * - wi I ra ns Reis required t all eves or

.- k1 nci- rex. ay.; 059 .

DPI- HATING ENGINEER REPAIRER requires black seal. 4e hr work week, civil service benefits, paid vacation & sick time pleasant surroundings Starling salary 5- 9 25 annua lly Call Mr Budden Training School im B ■ 809 466 2200

SUCRE I ARA GA1. 'GEY EKIDA'r Exp person wiih pie, personalitytelephone contact a red stafl & clients and EXCKUJ-AT typing skills needed for sm consulting ofhee right here in down low 1 Princeton VERA 1 > I \ E RSI FI ED V\ 11K K Call 809 924 9050 tor appointment

1- XK.n T1VE SEt KF/I ARA Experienced m business

contacts, needed lull time by Pri neet on -based consumer organization Some typing but on sleno Salary open Mr Pc \d 809 924 0338

SA I.ESP ERSt 1N I.eading swimming pool Co looking

■ 1 ipm 8 c 1 Sales I *n M ustIre aggressive sales minded and also self starter Full time omplnv n-.ent yt-ai rpHBd withmany fringe. benefits Previous sales experience a must preferably in direct consumer sales Excellent opportunity with long established firm to make high income For appointment call 201 +46-9322

E X P E R IE N C E D HOI sf KEEPER wanteddays a wk 1 working adults, no’ children at home need someone to keep house in excellent condition No cooking or heavv work but all regular household chores Must have own transportation & references Call after fi p m. 609 +88 1626


TEACHEH Day nursery to work with 4 year olds 1pm 6pm Experience and or training n early childhood necessary 809 124 4214

ASSOt IA1 E DIREt TOR Small day camp in Princeton area Minimum experience, years Write giving experience and salary requirements P O Box 2008. Princeton, N J 08540

I \ RT TIME C A F E T E R IA worker Industrial firm, Cranbury area To handle cash at lunch also work in kit Hrs 10-J ia • - a i» eek v .%

For ini a v ev all 800-5999003

SAIES PER « )N V, ANTEI) part time Sat 4 Sun to sell puppy -upplies 609 452 9291

PART TIME DAYS Floor waxing office cleaning Manvifle areas Experience preferred but not necessarv 2011 526-2857

INSTRt MI- V I PERSON lor Survey Party Familiar with Properl v survev Call 609-448- t!478

PART TIME POSITIONS available with " F A Y

a \f F 1 )RD < 1RIG1CNAJLS Introduce an assortment of i.lilies handbags and ac­cessories the customer e l« 'ts tin color style and

fabric These custom-made items are beautiful yet reasonably priced Call for further information 201 725- 3246

CLERKS Tvpists &Secretaries needed for tem­porary jobs Princeton Hightstown area Call Pat. at

1 809 8tc ■> Hor 609 586 :>H9K

DENTAL ASSISTANT 1 ti.iir'-ide assistant needed for ix’W ■-iiMirb.,- 1! f ice Spec laity practice 4 day week no nights Repi-, Box MI3332. c o Princeton Packet

REAL ESTATE MANAGER for young, energetic office

m Fas’ Windsor Must show a Track Historv Must be

eager broker or have nuninmn 2 years experience and required schooling In­formation held in strictest conlidence Write P O Box 4i it. l rent on N J 086iu

lit U SE W< >RK & child care small group retarded children, pvt country home, live-in, furnish own transportation 609 466 .'ll,:

R ELI.ABIE WORKER for 3 lav in laundry & 2 davs in Ihiusekeeping Sat &. Sun Hoi me im hided Princeton am 1 ill hh 921 8900 Ask lor Mrs Miller

CLERK TYPIST, must be good with figures all paidbenefits r? n w* Call 201 329 2333 for appi

FULLT IM E So Bruns plan! needs trimmers for rubber products hours 8-4 * 609-4522680 lor appt

BPS DRIVER. license required Part time 201 297 6066 or 201-29 7 9144






GRtXlMS EoR STABLE weekends 7 12 noon. 2 30 6pm. or weekdays, mornings or l iter!. 00 n s E xper ien ce■ equirixi 609 466 l:t83

RECEPTIONIST SW IT ( HRuAKl) Prime!on area Pleasant personality and good - pi m kill required F - mge bei el its 1 all 609 934 8700 ea I 20

VV ANTED Part time ad­ministrative assistant for 3 liours [x-r day at- prestigious local research company Applicant must be able lo type well and handle projects wihtout supervision Call 609 -124 961 Hi ext 19 or 15

COUNTER PERSON for cafeteria in Mightstown area in prepare sanefw iches and do light grill cooking ■ day week. 7 In ,1 m to 2 30 p m 201-254 4945

SE CUR IT A GUARD part time pav rate S2 90 per hr

■ fra n - irntshed Da} I * Cranbury area 201 329-4071 ask for Sergeant Powell

SECRETARY with good typing skills needed in ihe Pennington area This a 6- month temporary assignment Come in immediately for interviewTop Pay No Fee

.1 & J TEMPORARIES 2936 Rt *1 Eiw renceville

609 883-5572

PART TIME FULL TIME telephone sales from our Kingston office Telephone & or sales ex per helpful Davtime & eves Mr King 609-924-7270


201-549-2210MED It A.L PERSONNEL


Assignments near -our home

Nt RSES 41158 S


America's leading national temporary nursing service offers opportunities to qualified aides with at least 1 vr prior experience in hospital or nursing home and references we can check Your choice of full or part time and days you w ant to work on short or long term assignments in your area to help families in need Excel lent pa;- and fringe benefits lo our employees who never pay a fee

201 549-2210ML DICAI PE R 9 NNB I


WANTED student to do genera housecleaning $25 pet day one cia\ per week near Princeton 609-466 1152 eves


mature, prefer exp but will tram people oriented. X-ray license and or lab skills a plus Gd salary to right person Reply Box *03324 . o PrincetonPacket

A D V E R T I S I N G COPY WRITE:R exper a must for gi ns - ng -, rea igeot Familiarity with layouts helpful Send resume salary requirements lo P 0 Box 277. Princeton Jet N J 08550

W ANTED physicaltherapist for a ‘ ew hours each da\ for male quadrapiegic t all 2)1 297 1585

GOOD PAY Babysitterneeded lor to month old baby weekdays 8-4. in cxir borne Lawrence- U p ) 1 all 609-695

09:18 after 4 30pm

B ABYS ITTER lighthousekeeping <4 full days North Brunswick Tran sportation and experience required 201 29" 2238

M A N A I v i N I SULTANT firm seeks in dividuals to conduct 1 day workshop, full or pari time Send resume to Box 250 Princeton Jet \J O8550

WOMAN WANTED man with children, ages It & 14 needs

woman as homemaker hrs 3 pm p.i it bus m Riverside area ( onsider live

m • - tfta | -■

REAL- ESTATE SALES - 2 openings in pleasant professional Princeton Jet office Exper not necessarv 609 799-0288

RECEPTIO N IST dental office,exper required Typing & office skills 5 davs 609-9245111

RESEARCH D IRECTOR Exp required in directing Ig scale survey or federal program evaluation studies Basic knowledge of m u lt iva r ia te s ta t is t ica l analysis Gd writing skills Please forward resume 4 salary historv in confidence to;

John Las lev 1 pinion Research Corp

N Harrison SI Princeton NJ 08540

An equal opportunity em ­ployer M F

ATTENTION REAL ESTATE SALES PEOPLE Part lime •ull time if you are licensed ire about to be or would like in be. w e are 1 merest ed in vou f vou are trulv interested in real estate We have openings available now for those dedicated men and women who enjoy providing real

. tale services ia a professional environment "all The Chase Agency 609- 737-1330 and come in to talk to is about tiecoming part of our professional real estate ser

* organization We are located in the heart of Pen inglon at the Pennington

Professional Center

PART TIME JOB early retired woman from fashion field light work in shops no housework 909-924 3239

TELEPHONE SOLICITOR to work at home for clothing drive - at: 201 446 4041

FREE RENT and other benefits lor couple to manage 74 unit Trenton apartment Job involves rent collection .nd maintenance supervision Reply Box *03300 Princeton Packet

WOMAN to help active, partially disabled woman in 30's in’ exchange for room, board plus iso weekly Pleasant surroundings 20! 249-6360 eves bet ween 7 9 p m

toP O Box 122 1)3873

Somerset NJ

CHILD CAKE In my home Reasonable rates Located in Hightstown Call 609-448 7293


BABYSITTING In my home Reliable mother -Any age Hot lunch LawreacevilJe §59-882 3817

NEED HELP’’ CALL Y E S . the i>awrence T wp Youth Employment Service Mon davFndav 1-4 pm 609-896 9400

Ba b y s i t t e r well known &exceptionally reliable Hot lunch naps. complete p la y g ro u n d f a c i l i t i e s Reasonsbii 1 ales ! all 609- 924 2837

RELIABLE mature woman wishes position as companion to elderlv person, days only Good references Reply Box*03318. c i) Princeton Packet

PLANTSITTER yes, that's right' Going awav’ " Eli care for any plant from an asparagus to a zebra Will also perform transplants Call Janet at 609 924 9132

RUMMAGE SALE Early Bird evening Tues . Feb 3. 7- 10 pm allaav Wed Feb 4 9 am 3 p m plus evening 7 10 p m also Thurs .F eb 5 .9 am 3 p m Sponsored by Temple Beth El Sisterhood. 67 Route 206 South Hillsborough near Dukes Parkway

NI RSE WANTED RN r LPN 11pm to Tam partJime. small nursing home Lor in­terview call 609-395-0641 Sunnyfield Nursing Home, Oranburv N.J

HI .ML M AKERS AA ANTEII Free information. Send -tamped addressed envelope ■ AVMPl. L N 'IT. RP RISES

BOOKKEEPER experie need desired for real estate & insurance agents Insurance background helpful Per manent part time Ynte Box • i'322l o Princeton Packet

H AI i ENG IN G < ■ P P O f iT U N IT Y for career nnoded individual interested in advancement w rapidly growing publishing co Must nave go telephone ability gd appearance 4 kits of initiative Typing heipfui no exp nec VAdi tram the nght person Contact Jera Gloss at 609-921 3092

PICTURE L RAMER fully exp needed for full lime position Jot) includes designing selling 4 all framing skills Please respond to Box *0 3 3 25 c 0 Princeton Packet

GUARDS Uniforms fur­nished Work in Princeton Lawrenceville area For appt call '201 329-6021 An equal opportunity employer

ADA AN< L COMMISSIONS mailing circulars Completr Beginners Kil $1.00 relun risible Send stamped ad

e ope foi m formation WMP1. En­terprises P <) Box 122. S'.m.-i - el N J .68"

WAITER WAITRESS davs and evenings part or full I ime Experienced only Apply in person. 9-11 a m -Alchemist & Barrister Restaurant 28 V..therspoon St Princeton

ResumesRE PIT Resume Editing s ibject ively Personalized 684 Whitehead Rd 4 US; i awrence Township. NJ UP' 609-895 2505

Jobs Wanted•.A A II.a b l e : the honest Mr

& Mrs house cleaners 4 son Princeton area only 5-7 rmx. $2.5 including lunch No win­dow s1 VA e go any w here for the price 1 all Ted 4 Wanda 609 924 6471

‘ ARABLE SCOTSWOMAN requires live in position 201 - 254-4675

i WANT TO LEARN SCULPTURE some ex penence, hard worker -eeks full time work with professional sculptor Salarv needed 32 vr old male will relocate 201 780-0229

PRIAER 4 A AN available sat 4 Sun Reasonable rates20 1 297 944.3

RELIABLE Babysitter with references in my Twin Rivers home Call 609-448 * 2!

CHILD ( ARE in my home for working mothers Ex penenced References Twin Rivers area 609 448 4593

i- XPERIENCED - hi id cate in m\ home by the day or weekly Located in Hopewell Ixiroygh 609 466 1864

EXEC! TIVI SECRETARY Past exp w ith legal, computer 4 other sales, educational firms sleno 90 wpm typing 60 wpm editing telephone 4 in person contact with clients 4 co-workers seek temporary assignment s of one to two wits’ duration $4 per hour 896- 0207

LADY WANTS 7 days light house cleaning with teenage children $3 50 per hr Call after pm 609-695-8790, Thurs & wknds Mrs Robinson

DEAF MAN young reliable, . a pa ble needs » or k w I i i consider any job c/fer Call 609-799-3047 after 6 p m

PE T HOCK SITTING A A AI LAB IE. Lull or parttime Best of care Call Roxann 609 466 2357

DO YOU NEED an ex p -■ en< ed person lo - lean by dav" Gall evenings 609-771- 1168

BA BYS1TTE R AVAILABLE age 21 experienced, after 5,

Mon Sat $2 25 per hr. Gall Bo bill Russo (+19 924 7101

i- XPERIENCED DENTALHygienist would like part-time employment Gall 609 7 37 1517

E X P E R I E N C E D L e g a l secretary desires part time position Box <*>3313 c o Prin­ceton Packet

FOR FAM IL IE S WITHYOUNG CHILDREN The Hightstown Church of God offers a Parent s Day Out program. 6 30 a m to 5:30 p.m . M E The program offers a Christian environment for the nurture of pre-school and kindergarteners Carefully trained supervision Marriageand family counselingavailable Donations to total church ministry requested For information andregistration call 609-448-9424

MONTESSOR1 SCHOOL OFE Windsor High!Mow. has 1 opening for a 2U lo 3'. vr old cnild in the afternoon Also, openings m Sept for 2U to 3-. 4 some 4-5 vr olds Observers welcome Gall 609-448-6348 or, Tues or Thurs

LPN S A NEW LOCAL DIVISION of the Licensed Practical Nurse Association is now forming Become a charter member I^earn about continuing education credits, workshop seminars nursing legislation 4 more For fur iher information 4 or ap plication call 201-297 4698 or write LPN.ANJ RED *1 Box 1.770. Monmouth Jc! . NJ '«K52

HIGHTKTOAA N CRANBURY. E AST W indsor. West Windsor Program available for Clubs and Organizations No charge Call Nutrition Center 609-448 4885 You'11 learn that nutrition is a lot more than the food vou eat. just as automobile maintenance is a lot more than the gasoline you use

NEED YOUR CAR DRIVEN WEST' Responsible student heading out in late Januarycan do it for vou If nterested 609-92)-845J

ALCOHOLICS -a n o n y m o u s HELP AND INFORMATION CAIJ. 609-924 7592


Sponsored byMonmouth Presbytery of the United Presbyterian Cnurch

All SinglesAll Denominations

Meei atFirst Presbyterian Church

320 North Main St Hightstown

Sundays2:00 p.m Worship Service 3 00 pm Social Events

Wednesday7 30 p.m Group Sharing

F ridays8 :io p m Singles Fellowhsip

For additional information 609-448-0055

s e m i n a r by handwritingexpert Renee Martin. President of Handwriting Consultants Inc Author of 3 books on handwriting Jan 25 1976. 7pm 57 N Main St . -Allentown. N J Sponsored by Universal Law & Science Founda turn

LOOK LOOK LOOK. There is parking at Princeton Station Rates 50 cents per day $] 00 for overnight by (he week $3 00 by me month $8 The only overnight parking in Princeton 609-924-0876

C REATIVE CHILD CARE HOME with a unique ac­credited nursery school at filiation has openings for 2 or 3 more pre-schoolers Con venienl to Rt 287 in Somerset 201 359-3516

THE Princeton Cooperative Nursery School at Nassau 4 Cedar l^ine has a limited number of openings Tor its 3 sod ' da> program Please call Susan Gall 609-924-8748 or Kris Sheehan 609 92 ! 8049

S O M E R S E T C O U N T Y RESIDENTS Need child care' Willing t< provide child care in your home" Join the Family Day Care Home Referral System NO FEE INVOLVED Call Mobilization of Resources :» Grove St Somerville 201 526-3717

U N IVERSITY NOW Day Nurserv has opening for Sep* 1976 Four classes 22 mo6 thru kindergarten full day onlv 1 >pen bet 8 AM 106 PM Vr round program w sum mer mos optional Tuition $196 per 010 Some (manna) assistance avail Early ad mission application deadline for new families Feb 1 1976 Call 609-924 4214

USED FUR OUTLET nearly new RE AL FUR coats jackets, stoles Designer styles at fantastic savings Fur Real 91 Jackson St So River NJ 201 S 7 5444 Thurs 12-8. Fri. 12-5. Sat 10-5 Lay away plan Master Charge

DEN FURNITURE couch. 2 chairs, stereo stand bar 4 2 stools Good eond 201 297 6844

SNOW FENCE teed, very good cond 50' rolls. $10 609 896-1916


See our collection of California cruise and resort wear

Open daily Tues thru Sat 10 30 to 5pm


201 359-3305Please call first if weather isbad



St , Allentown 7812

N .) 609-259

JOIN US Princeton Single Parents. Chapter 387 PWP Con vi via lit y a wareness. children's activities, etc 609 448-4092 . 921 7820 eves

UA ING DECOR Plant Party Demonstration

-AGreat Happening in "Greenery'

Liberal Party Plan Basic Houseplant Care

Phone Pori A-Plant Mrs Bea 609-298 7143

y ILL YOUR FREEZER with apple pies 4 applesauce Utility apples are on sale at Terhune Orchards. $2 50 per basket Wed Sun Perfect for vour favorite recipes Our freshly pressed cider is still available 330 Cold Soil Rd 609-924-2310

DREXE1 French Provincial bedroom set complete with Simmons king size bed Break front-hutch mahogany with built-in secretary Gfc refrigerator-freezer and GE electric range both yellow 36 round kitchen table with 4 chairs 2 leaves, formica top 609 +48-0986

FIREWOOD $60 per cord Delivered 4 stacked Seasoned hardwood 609-448-8657

8 HP SIMPLICITY tractor 2 vrs okt. electric start Exc cond 201-359-3241

S E A S O N E D M I X E D FIREWOOD $35 1/2 cord delivered Call 609-799 2097

PEA WOOD SHEATH ING ext new 4x8. 3/8 $4 88 V$5 88. 5/8" $7 58. V 19 58. Kiln dried lumber 1x3x8 39 cents. 2x3 x 8 88 cents, 2x4x8 95 cents Andersen windows. 25% off 15% off textured i l l plvwood siding 5/R' 4x8 $11 60 sht Can deliver Call collect 215-276- 0632

IJANUE > 1 1 OP of Pn re *0 on OPEN -AUDITIONS lor per forming co Sat Jan U 12 to p.m Parish House Wither spoon St Presbyterian Cnurch Further info call 201 297 3042 or 609-921-3461

ATTENTION PARENTS Irene's Day Nursery has openings for your child Loving care. 20 year ex penence Large playroom 4 vard Licensed any race, income lax deductible f- rom fi wkstofiyrs Recommended by children (Jail for appt 609-924 0219

PLAY GROUP Weekdays morning and or afternoon sessions Arts and crafts, planned activity (un and games Snacks provided Phone 609 +48 8033

Wo m a n SEEKING , days VASSAI <x»P NURSERY work in housekeeping M19 *♦+ m h o O! Walnut Lain 1009 Princeton, has an opening in

tiie 9 i program Gall Jane Felder 609 88 2 6272 >r IngridAnnouncements v ki "-18051

BAR Laminated top cane sides 44 x 20 Best offer. Call 201-297 2411

ONSGNMEN1 CLOTHING for the entire family at low low prices Open Tues Sat 10- 4 30 SECOND T IM E AROUND. 14 N Main St . Pennington

GAY SWITCHBOARD in­formation center Call 609-921 2565 Best hours 7-10 p m

THE MUSICIANS Good danceabie music for all ages at reasonable prices Wed dings our specialty 201-359- 15(H)

' ’V EKE ATE iiS ANONYMOUS meets Thursday evenings. 1st

P r e s b v t e r i a n Church . Hightstown For information call 609 448-2481 or -143 5749

: i- LLI H S SILEN1 WON DERSHOW magic & pan tomine for Adults or Children •Available !rom $40 lo $100 Telephone 609-397 343-6

-ASTROLOGY SHOP AMrological charts, classes is* mingy Ixwks cccult txioks '■xiH-c;men! al dating service 1 (peri 17 ip n Mon I hru Sat closed Wed 134 Nassau Si Princeton nr < all Tobv at 609924-5)79

PERSON W ANTED for existing car pool from East Windsor Twp to center citv : ■■ ladel phia afta 7 i n 609 +48-4819 or +48 3561

H1GHTSTUW N PA RE NTHOOD Monday evenings 3439

PLANNED CLINIC i 'all 09 -+4K

the rWIN PINE adet -.squadron is holding ts annua! recruiting drive for seniirs & cadets (• or imormaiion. wrue to P.0 Box 125 Pennington N j 1)6534. nr call 609 7!J 067' after 6 p.m except Thurs

SHOW DANCING A new course first time presented in Princeton Technique si vie and repertoire from the American musical theatre and Broadway shows Aparri School celebrates the Bicentennial1 Registration Mondays & Wednesdays at 7 30 Aparri School of Dance. 217 Nassau St Te) 609-924- 1822. or 799 2341 evenings All classes in classical ballet continue as usual

vIEJN WANTED to sing in a barbershop chorus Meet Tuesdavs 8 pm For mfor 609-882 +647

PersonalsRIDE: NEEDED Princeton '<> Hightstown week days and Sa! morning Will pav Gall Cathy 609-92! 2875 after : p m

i A1.1 BIRTHRIGHT lor re q throughout pregnancy

lest - .i abh imi iclen! ial ni i '(■(■- 1 all 609

924 7343

SEEK T t ) JOIN carpool Somerset to Englewood Cliffs 9-5 pm )oli Mon Kr; 201-873- 2904

7 COMPANION CRYPTS in Franklin Memorial Park laside the chapel mausoleum perpetual rare me I Total price $3,800 2)1-297-6293

MAGICIAN Struts Parties. Banquets etc Girl cut in half by electric saw plus Houdim lock escape Gordx 215-968 3733

LEARNING DISABILITIES program needs donations of Climbers for sm children, especially indoor climbers such as Marx CUmb-A-Roo. old fur coats. Marx plastic play tires scooter txiaras sets of ball bearing casters preferably chose manuf by

Acme rattan hanging chair plastic or rubber cones mmber for shelving rope elastic & other Please cal)

609-466 2989 alter I P M

LIFE G ETTING YOU DOW N"’ Problems Try Adventures & Attitudes Community Education Program 609-448 4783 or 301 548-6444

CONVERSATION If you have a problem, or jus! want t< talk, maybe ! can help

FREEZER BEET a limited quantity of finished Angus & Herford steers are for sale, alive & on the hoof at $ 50 per lb Custom slaughtering can tie arranged through Joseph Riordan of Hightstown Wa! ter-Gordon Farms. 609- 799-1234 dais 799-0825 even] ngs

BEDROOM PIECES triple dresser w mirror, men's ar mom-, queen size bead txiard 4: frame Dark oak finish very gd cond Asking $400 Also mnlwood commode end table $50 609-443-3541

TH O M AS V IL L E SOLID CHERRY triple dresser, mirror 4 poster dble bed. new mattress ft box spring $395 Call 609 466-3064 after 6 PM

2 PC Mediterranean sofa blue tapestry print Can be used separately or together as at > sofa Wood frame, fruit wood finish Evenings 609 443-6561

ITALIAN BEDROOM SET like new '. pcs with 2 lamps $450 More 20 1 329-2862

FIREWOOD we cut and split cur own hardwood Beat Ihe luel shortage and use vour fireplace Exc quality reasonable price n J Beagle Club Hollow Rd Skillman NJ 609-466 384! wknds only

M: GAS TAPPAN RANGE$311 1.18X1 < ond 20! '297 9262

ERNE BOOTS Good selec­tion The Leather Artisan. 39 Mine St Fleming!on 201-782-2261

BRASS TABLE LAMPS FOR KAPPA SHELL Mother of Pearl shades are now being made at the "OUTLET So heavy Rudyard needs a chain hoist and fork lift truck to get them out of the building Largest collection east of the r o c k i e s W E E K L Y BARGAIN 28 Inch Tall Table Hurricane Lamp, hand rubbed pine with opal glass Tam O Shanter shade Retail Elsewhere $39 99 Everyday Micro Dot Pricing $25 00 RUDYARD’S RIP-OFF $14 00 FURLONG LAM P FACTORY OUTLET largest for a 99 mile radius 9 miles north of Hat boro on Rt 263 Furlong Pa OPEN 7 DAYS FRI til 8 SUNDAN 11 4 ALL OTHERS 10-5 MICRO DOT PRICING 215-794-7444 5/6

RIKT BABY SEAT $6 Kids Merry go Round $20 7 speedixiys 20 bike $25, typewriter $50 i outside pool lander $29 609 443 1683

TIKES 7 Sears Michel in IJ-iTK 15 40,000 mi radials used

000 were $82 ea asking $50 ea 609-448-9536

CAP for 8' pick-up bed In sulated paneled & slidingwindows 609-924-0793

PROFESSIONAL oil pasteis iieautifuJ set of 60 different

oil pastels adds that professional touch to portraits, landscapes and still-lifes Dustless and non4oxu they c an be blended with no mess They possess the radiance and color depth of costly oil paints but are as simple to use as pastels $4 75 postpaid from Nassau Specialty Shop Box 102. Princeton Jet N j 08S50 please, no C O D i

SIDE BY SIDE 3 dr West inghouse Continental Freezer refrigerator w/ice maker cooling dept ID vrs old Harvest Gold $385 Call 2- ipni or early eves or wknds 609-896-2026 (corrected phone no )

2 SETS SNOW TIRES like new 78 x 13 , 78 x 14 609-896 0374 after 5 30

WEIGHT L IF T IN G SET cheap H O trains and race car set Good condition Civil war foot off icers sword, bayonet spur and coffee cup Call 201 821 7282

AAA FACTO RY OUTLET Mirror, mirror on the wall who has the largest selection of you anyone ever saw0 The Roosters'Coup Largestlamp shade & fixture operation for a 'OO mile radius Kernel Size Pricing On Rt 29 2 miles south of Lambertville, N J 609 - 397-0027 Visit our

Georgian House Annex 50 steps away featuring The King's Korner with fireplace equipment, hearth & wall decor chime clocks & more 609-397-205 5 The Benjamin Room with wood Brass Pewter & tinware Candles wall decor & more 609-397 2877 Open 7 days. Wed & En til 8 Sun 11 4 pm

m available <.r basis

an hourly

Excellent references

i iNVF.RSATlON 609-921-8466

SI AS!) NED FIREWOOD $35 a truck load delivered & stacked 609-798-0804 or 799- 1672

ROSSIGNOL SKIS 180 cm Tvrolia bindings used 5 times Like new 609-921 1699

GIRL'S - MV, INN 10 spd bicycle not much used hut not much rare Best offer over$60 609-466-1383 ask forNancy

HOOVER D IA L -A — MATIC 8 mos old $60 Avon bo!ties grey mink fiat i collar Call 609-448-0511

MINK JACKET white. 3 v t s old size SO. over $1700 new Reduced asking $325 609 921 1229

2 END TABLES spin level in dark wood $35 baby carnage *26 folding pi a v pen $ij portable safety gate $6 all in very good condition 809-443-noow


$30 609-799

RANCH M INK coat & hat . size 12. dress length exc cond beautiful pelts Must sell, moved to Fiordia 609-924-77719 after 6 p m

COLOR ZENITH 25 TV mahogany console gd con dition $150 Call bet 5 & 9 pm 609-921-9179

FALSE FIREPLACE light colored brick with elec logs so w by 44 h bv 20 Best offer over $75 609-924 5497

MAGNAVCJX a col<r j y

S CBb'net: portable wood(H uL tube ex(client condition $200 After 6 pm 809-921 -«B5

— RAW — unwashed suitable for spinning Best tffer Call 809-924-515?

4 Ii +>

THE PRJHCETOH PACKET I V I aw ren re I /sdgpr


Thursday Januan. 22 1976

Seven For Central Jersey

Bargain Mart Bargain Mart BaSK1 Hr K n> Lange Phantom ' ; . mpn s, used i week Asking $9<l 2t)\ 828-9361


c o c k t a i l t a b l e *10 call609-448-2175 after 6 PM

w OOL FLOOR LENGTH 1 A IT Calvin Klein monks « s i g n Worn once, originally $160 asking *75 Call after 6pn; 609 :f97 8022

BRIDAL GOWN Priscilla of Boston Spring, summer worn' ‘ SIZ,“ 7 $200 now $50 now•(96-1951


f o a m r u b b e rAND POLY

< ushions bolster wedges mats yoga mats, pillows inclines, tumbling mats, shredded foam dacron filled & styrofoam pellets Covers for all of the above


We manufacture any size box spring mattresses, also for antique beds, captains beds platform beds sofa beds swing beds, hassock beds murphy beds, hide a beds, bunk beds loft beds water beds


We manufacture sofa and sofa beds, pillow furniture, cam paign furniture, contemporary A ultra modern originals or copies, kitchen nooks, custom cabinets, floor pillows harem pillows


Reupholstery. refinishing A redesigning wood ana cloth draperies, bedspreads, slip covers Thousands of designer fabrics to choose from

All work done in the Old World Tradition

Dixie Bed A L ua m116 North Main St Hightstown. N J

609 442-4846

Open to the public Wednesday to Saturday

12 noon to 7 p rn

BICYCLE PARTS & FRAMES over SO new A used frames,

nearly 1 (K) wheels & mans assorted parts Best offer over *100 201-329-6497

2 SETS of metal txjnk beds twin beds ISO set 201-526- 2204

FINEST SELECTION of (toll house furniture and ac cessories THE CALICO DOLL HOUSE Rt 130 & Quarry Lme. North Brun -wick N J Behind Middlesex Cly Branch hank 201 297 4545

SPANISH CHANDELIER [icrfect cond Looks great over dining room table New S25n asking $100 609 44 i 4828. eves

120 GACGE Fox l*e $173, 12(1 gang' Pride ol Spain f]I D Required * all after 6 pm 201-329-2165.

TENT 2 MAN w flysheet a down mummy hag All rip- -top n\ Ion w plastic ztps Vera gd cond $150 or *80 each 609-924 3962

TABLETS 2 walnut, parquet top 28 x 56. I drawer ea $55 Mahogany hi-fi cabinet $30 Round cork top cocktail table *35 Mat hoards 32 x 40 assorted colors, 5 for $7 50. also cardboards single A double 609-924-8712

O C TA G O N A1 W ALK ' Game dirung table leaf 4 regal design captain chairs $225 Trip le gold drapes 144x96 $3(i Gold Iw eed chair

$75 H) s,pd Schw inn bike Like new Cost $135 make offer 36' tractor lawn spreader $10 301 - 359-4251

ZENITH console stereo with AM A EM stereo $60 Minolta 16mm camera with flash A access $35 Girl's 24' hike $15. 2 Andirons $15. 2 lennis rackets $7 50 ea Black A Decker hedge trimmer $17 50. professional color photographs A oil painting A prints 10 bottle wine rack *5 201 359 5241

SN ( At 11R ES 2H78 15 Sea rs Dvnaglass studded, Chevy rims, white walls *45 201-359 3625

E X E C U T I Y E D E S K CRED ENZA A CHAIR practically new top of the line Drexel furniture Call 609-921 7880 If no an.- 921-2110

Classified, Jtdvertisingrgain Mari Bargain Mart Bargain Mart

«=HILLSBOROUGH BEACOt{ The Mdnville News

The franklin NEWS RECORD5-B

MOVING SAL£ kitchen set $60, 2 Ivg rm ehrs beige $20 studio couch needs repair *20 138 x 4 round pool with filter *200 1 Medit consolestereo *150. 120 base Mareschi accordion 160 Audoharp *40 Magnavox hi-fi for parts. *15. living rm lamp amber crystal with access . triple width gold damask drapes with liner $50 Call after 3 pm 201 359-3764

BICYCLE FAIJ'ON REYN OLDS. 531, 24 1 frame, exc 201-873-2292

SPORTING GOODS Baseball and football -pikes hockey skates all sizes 9-9 . ankle weights H O racing equip men! STX lacrosse stick nylon ski pouch. Have a Hart trap, bike baskets Call 609- 921-8451

PIONEER ( ASSF.TTE DECK GT9191 Brand new $350 Pioneer turntable $KX) 609 924 7349

LOVE GARAGE SALES'5 We have something better and here is just a sample 4 cap tains cnairs. chi Ids desk snack tables mirrors, bric-a brae, for collectors old et chine of Lincoln & clothing for the entire family New A better than nev, F A B l ' L O l ' . S F I N D S THRIFTIQUK located on Rt 130 in Cranbury just 4 mi north of Jamesway -hopping center Open Tues thru Sat 10-4. 609-655 1320

FURS, diamonds have ap praisals. spinet piano mahag Baldwin Aerosoine Furalyle pattern Regal, service for 8 plus -i" ■ ng piei e* * ha - anlitjue Lennox Colonnade A antique dinner set Hi Boy Drexel niahog (Till after i p m 215 968-2393

BEAUTIFIT. professional ali formica wet oar Excellent condition with all accessories including 4 stools -ink and r e f r i g e r a t o r m i r r o r . Fluorescent lighting Owner must sell $700 609 799-9189

TAPE t)E< K AKA1 4000 DS three-head reei-to-reel $175 Also two home made floor model speaker- Heathkil components. $5u for tlx- pair 609)921 3028

WELL WORTH THE TRIP Manufacturer of CUSTOM MADE BEDDING A CON V FRTiuui- SOI hS t»m «pei fn the public

THE S LE E P FACTORY specializes in ODD size and ORTHOPKDR Iype bedding Hi Riser Bunk Reds. Bed Fram&. Head Boards and Tiler related sleep items




217 Somerset St New Brunsw ick, N j

2 blocks irom Middlesex Hospital

201-828-1121Monday through Saturday

TRACTOR MOWER 1 vr old 36 " eut exc cond $750 60979935567

SNOW T1 RES on wheels E70-14 Exc cond $-4(1 pr 609 .'99 *65

CAR SEAT Unb-side ex tensions canvas carriage. Hilt Rite carriage carnage- stroller accessories Very good condition best offer 609 448 6902

W ILL i N i l WI wand, 6 ft. fret* standing Mediterraman style unit, with mirrored and lit bar Electric logs andirons $2,200 new asking $1200 or best offer 609-448 2971

GROW LITE A Bench setup Ideal tor piam nuts 10 fixtures v. bulbs 609 443-3646

DINETTE SET Formica table top. 2 leaves 4 chairs 2 Living room Barrel back chairs blue damask excellent condition 609-443-3646

GUNS STOGER SINGLE trap 12 ga Krasi dble 33 ga Rossi 22 repeater Berrelta single 10 aa All as new 201 297 3923

"NUSUAI. BEDROOM SET Circa 1930 exc cond Chest w doors rate table dressing table w triple mirror A bench Beautiful able bed w large headboard A unusual foot board *300 Call 609 466 2404

2 SNOW TIRES G70 x 15. 609 448 3030

SEARS KEN MORI- washer A electric dryer Pert Con dition Rt asonebl: K© 4435127

SNOW TIRES 2 Goodyear Suburbanites 685 15. like new $50 pr 609-921-8712


Tw in mattress A spring *79 95 Student desk $49 95 Berliner *89 96Herculon convertible sofa, $199 95( 'olonia 1 sofa $179 95 Wall school dock $79 95

piece pine bedroom $!7r, 95

( AS H A ( \ R R A


Somerv 11 te 201 526-8882


i trie of the finest selections of previously nwned better quality family clothing at Pin Money Prices


Hopewell. N J 609-466-2810

Consignment Re-Sale open daily 10-4 p m

ALTERNATIVES G l'AR- rE i that our

advanced design heated waterbed will be the most comfortable bed you have ever tepl - n be fix udgi g ta ' rial 609924 % al our free brochure

K l BR1 It S3 vtofx School or College address Homt busines t od« Rubber stamps of all kinds and sizes made to \our order at;

IIINKSON - 82 Nassau St

T ICKETS 1976 Olympics Innsbruck Austria 4 eacn for Feb 7, Feb 10, Feb 11 Moving cannot attend < ost »M Wtll sell $65 or ties! offer Will not sell separately Call 201 359 5690

FIREWOOD Seasonedhardwood spin Lehvered & stacked bv the cord or half cord 609-737-0791

MOVING SALE must sell everything furniture in spd take stereo sewing machine A more 609 882 1924

Blt’Yt IT REPAIRS We Buy and Sell

rit.ER U TOS TORES 24 26 W itherspoon Street

.|C. 324 r

INDIAN II WEI B • Squash - isson - v* i or i turquoise Asking $200 609 799 1168eveni ng-

FIREWOOP split, stacked. A delivered $4e dump truck load Call 609-448-4913 or 609- 443-5338

Cl STUM made drapes to fit Twin Rivers bay window White w burnt orange Ir n 3d 536-3965

! TV's 2 25’ Console b « l Zenith A i 19' b w portable Excellent condition Cheap 609 -448-492!

Sl HI KHAN HI T< HI Rs 262 S Main st Ylanville

Quality Meats ButcherService Freezer OrdersCustom Cut A Frozen

201 722-777!

CABINET DISPLAYS must be sold to make room for r>pw displays Aristocrat Kitchens . Route 33 Mercery,ile

BEAUTIFUL FRENCH lace single bedspread like new ladies coats and reversible jackets Imported, men's suede lambs lined hoots like new size It 201 297 9448

LIONEL AMERICAN FLYER TRAINS wanted by collector Will pay up to BOO a set or$2500 for vour collection Please call 609 585 S! 18 after 5p.m

is YOUR CLUB OR ORGANIZATION LOOKING tor a high profit, very useful FUND RAISER'5 Fra free samples A details write WHH *1176 Box 146 Hightstown

30 SHEETS of corrugated aluminum 6' long $2 25 per sheet Self-contained kitchen abinet with stove A sink $125

609-799- i 199

NORITAK LENS — 1 4 240mm telephoto 1 4 55mm wide ingle Call 609-799-1679 after 5

SKI BOOTS Humanic size 11, $30 Cal! 609 799 1168evenings

LOSE WEIGHT with new shape tablets and Hydrexwater pills at Siegel s Franklin Park Pharmacy

SOLID MAPLE dinette set Table and 4 chairs Very good cond $75 Voice of Music' portable stereo Very good cond $4(1 609-882 0233 after 5 p m

2 VW SNOW TIRES w rims15X753 $10 ea 2 tires w rims 4x735 B ea 2 tires w rims ; 3x700 $5 ea AutomaticW ASHER *40 609-448-4074

AM STARTING AN EGG ROUTE in Hillsborough town center vicinity Guaranteed farm fresh eggs, any size delivered to your door Con 'act Mrs Roehm, 20 1 3694757

FLOOR W AXER A SCRUBBER commercial A industry. 14” used once, extras 201 329-6068 eves

MAGNAVOX ASTRO-SONIC stereo 82 channels UH- F VHr 22 T V cherr- £61 (26-6068

DIVIDING HEAD, vernier nukes, other tools Want it) Atlas lathe* for parts 201-329 6817

imm SLR CAMERA Olympus OM-l MD with fl 8 leas $262 or with 1 4 lens, $302 Brand new. full world wide warranty Includes case 60# 924 7079 n .rrungs tie1 ween 7-10

E L E C T R I C T R A I N S REPAIRED I buy and sell new A used trains Jay’s Tram Repair 301-828-0763

CULTl RED MARBLE vanity, top*. Factory outlet Seconds, odd colors Save 20-40% Alteg Polv-Marble 73 Second St Somerville N J 201-526-2777

Wanted To BuyWANTED TO BIN Scrap copper brass leacu aluminum stainless steel, sterling silver etc solids or turnings. Industrial business 'X private Correct market price, cash paid S Klein Metals Co . Inc 2156 ( amplain Rd Somerville, N j 08876 Phone 201 722-2288

STRING HASS WANTED to buy Call 609-921-2783 after 6 p.m

( 'OMIC BOOKS Old or new Good prices paid 201 297-9856

COLLECTOR purchase ail US coins collections Top Prices At home appraisals 201-297 5573

U S COINS Paying current prices Silver gold, copper singles or collections Call 201 359-6402

WANTED: MISSION OAKFU R N ITU R E from the Gustav Stickiey "Craftsman Company 466-2112

TABLE SAW or radial arm saw Will consider trade tor light weigh! chain saw 609- 737 1459

CORNER CUPBOARDS je l ly cupboards blanketchests. 1 drawer stand, chest of drawers. Oak china closets, oak desks and other antique furniture Also antiqueAmerican clocks 201-297-0914

Hi YING old sleek cer t if i cates bonds car. RR, circus mining others 201-297 2561

LIONEL TRAINS American Fivers A others Paid up to $1,000 per set or odd pieces 609 394 7453

W ANTED VW LUGGAGE RACK F( >R 197' VW BUS 609 448 7958

Musical Instruments

JANSSEN SPINET PIANO Excellent condition Includes storage bench 609-799-1296

Antiques Pets & Animals Pets & Animals

SEA WEED Liquified or granular The ideal plant vitamin At Peterson's Nur sery Lawrenceville Road. Princeton

KITCHEN CABINETS Birch, oak pine, cherry walnut 1 ountertops low prices C Paul 609-448-8414

SE am (NED FIR EWOt (I l mixed hardwoods, sold in 3 4 on pickup loads Also halt loads Cali 609 448 2133 or 609 896-9555

FIREPLACE WOOD Gat A split All hardwood, choice seasoned oak seasoned 1 yr or longer Delivered & stocked $4o a truckload 609 448-4253, if no answer 609 261 3032

TYPEWRITERS Electric, manual, portable office models New reconditioned ADDERS CALCULATORS Name brands Rentals. Hepairs Trade ins CENTER BUSINESS MACHINES 104 Nassau St 609 924 2243

Used F l RNITURE of every description largest collection in Bucks County Daily til 5 dosed Sunday Edison Fur niture Do vies town. Pa

BICYCLES overhauled and rebuilt Deliveries available in certain areas Ask for Bill 201 359-4236

SINGER Sf W ING MACHINE WITH CABINET Excellent condition 609 448 3158

S C M PHOTO COPY M ACH IN ES M ode I s 33 & 88Must sell Call evenings 609 448-4071

STEEL DRUMS The President lifted OIL. Ceiling Get them now 1 Plastic coated Steel Drums,- inc spigot 30Gal $7 55 Gal $10 Call 609 448-0413 after 12 noon

FREEZER BEEF excellent quality fed on pasture hav and grain, no Steroitte Halves cut to order packed, labelled and flash frozen Will deliver 609-466-2937


Home grown natiraily fed steers Cut to your own specification wrapped and frozen Kaufman Farm 609 4660773 Master C l* avail

GIBSON SG STD Hohner electric piano *200 ea ab­solutely must sell Call Bob, 609-799X1342.

ARIA GUITAR with case Like new condition New steel strings *90 Call 609-883-4502 after 5:15

TKA BEFORE you buy Rent a piano w ith opt ion to buy

Rent money applied to purchase Call Miss Brook. 609-392-7133 Mifflin Dan- § ( trgan Ct 234 E Stall S Trenton, N J Open am. eve by appointment

GI IT a R is'! : (OKING for (dub band as soon as possible exp A own equip 201 329-6289 or 2514

TRUMPET & clarinet, both like new 609-443-1539 609-443- 1539 Oboe A Bute like new. lies! offer 609-443-1539

BALDWIN GRAND PIANO DISTRESS SALE U ebony with bench Onto months old Magnificent piano First fair offer accepted Serious inquiries only S Newman. 201-247-5703 eves

HAME.1t (N BA! ■ R INI In Baldwin I owner Beautiful S Amer mahogany case A I ond Fine instrument A salon

showpiece $2800 609-924-8118

t w i n CARR IAG E AND WANTED) COLLECTIONS & STROLLER. 3-pieces, used Avons accumulated by former two years $100 negotiable -ales representatives 201 521 201 329-6181 2573

STANDING T IM BER wanted Oak ash poplar A w alnut Also will buy dead or dying trees, damaged by gypsy moth 201-995-4590

DONATE your used books Charitx- Itooks sale Will pick up 20L238-0355 or 20! 238- it50

WANTED: YOUR COMICS old A new best prices paid Cali 201-297-2144 after 3 pm

N E E D E D IM M E DIA TE L 5' Baby turn in gd condition Dressers, cribs hi-chairs, etc 609-393-1717

EXCEPTIONAL FORMAL dining room turn in exc cond wanted for private home Call 609-896-1748

WANTED Stamp Collections Mini A used Cali after 6 p m 909-448-0336

P IA N O W,ANTEDreasonable small for young boy 609-587-9288


ELECTRONIC SALE Sony AM EM tuner *35 Lafavette amp *25 Zenith multidiand Trans Oceanic *40 Fender Super Reverb $100 Call 201 359-4987

ANNUAL JAN clearance of pianos & organs Good selection new A used Save 20 25% 14 grand pianos in stock Gerard's Music. N Older A Parkside Ave Ewing Twnsp Trenton 609-882 111?

HI 1 1 POST ANTIQUESCollectibles Furniture A

Oil LampsMany interesting items



Just west erf 206, Dutchtown Harlingen Rd Belle MeadN J ________________

CORNER CUPBOARDS Jelly ( upboards blanket chests. : drawer stand, chest of drawers. Oak china closets, >ak ttosks and other antique furniture Also antique Amer at t o t e 39! 297-0914

AMERICAN EMPIRE sofa Circa 1840 pale blue velvet 84 Elegant $350 201-7828170

ANTIQ1 ES I.arge selection antique furniture in excel cond 609-924 7349

MOHAIR SOFA 1930's,burgundy color down cushions very good iswfitkn .Asking $500 Call after 6 p m 609-397-8022


\ntiques A Crafts ( (ilonial Farms Village

Middlebush Tues Sun ,114

201) 873-3804

VICTORIAN SMALL marble ' | an ; abh $109 609-924- 0719

POODLES pockets, toys or small minis most colors * 100- *500 1 toy female. 5 mos black A silver *65 IJiasa Apsos gorgeous pups *150 I female 1 yr *75 Shih-tzu black A white female 1 vrs *75 201- 359-8436

HORSES, PONIES. TACK bought A sold Stalls for rent Great trails '20 1 369-3819 311 Am well Rd Neshanic

D E L A W A RE V A L L E Y KENNEL CLUB is offeringobedience Classes in the So Bruns Area, on Wed m ghts A 10-wk course will begin Jan 28 Ken Britton trainer To register call 201-297-1847

LHASA APSO PUPPIES Beautiful registered puppies Irom champion blood lines 9 weeks old 3 females and 2 males $200 < all 609 397-2405

GRETSCH CHAMPAGNE SPARKLE 4 pc drum set w fiber board cases Top d the line Hi-hat stand w pr 13 Zildjian cymbals A 16 Zildjian Also matching seat w cover $300 firm good deal good cond Call 4 pm 9 pm 609 448 8941

\ It (LiNS VK (LAS l F LLOS ALL R FLAIRS 609-448-260:' Roosevelt N J

Garage SalesGARAGE SALE Moving Furniture clothing bikes. He vc & Sm 1st 34 k 2 M Svmmes Ct ('ranburr


Sai Nile Jan 24th. 6 (tip n Inspection from 2 p rr


62 No Second Ave Raritan. N J

Nr SomervilleCir \rn iques & persona gt q- rt of Mr A Mrs H Coxhead formerly of Plainfield N J Contents of I his fine home removed to our gallery for auction

F U R N ITU R E Kranirh & Bach Kaby grand piano 18th | Jam cupboard. 18th > Pa Dower ( hest Revolving spindle back piano chair (uno cabinets Louis XV style settee Ixxns XV style bed. Wing chair. Chests much more 1D.RGE Qt \NITTY OF BRIC-A-BRAC CHINA, CUT A PATTERN GLASS, Including 65 Pc Limoges dinner service Limoges dessert set Stemw are Jugs A crocks Brass jelly pans Pr ornate andirons Royal Doulion collectibles books Many interesting accessories etc Painting A Prints Port of Lady sgnd John Naegle, 19 LhC American Harbor scene sgnd Geo v\ Drewy Landscape Sgnd. Ernest V\ ads worth Long fe l low Rocky Mtn Scene sgnd Sy ivestei ■ lakes Lar^ I ii iitho Steamship Iroquis ( 1890 Mi Kenney A Hall titbos Indians, etc Clocks Birge A Fuller 8 day triple decker Jerome 30 hr i )(. New Haven inlay case wall, other wall A shelf clocks \ntique Oriental rugs Flower arranging supplies accessories A books Mrs Coxhead was well known as a garden dub judge and flower arranger TERMS ( ash or travelers checks No personal checks unless you are know n to the auctioneers ( atalog available al sale Adults only please Directions 1 es:s than 9 miles Irom Flemmgton area From SomenvlleCir Rt 202 so : : mi to Raritan exit then follow auction signs

GERALD STERLING Auctioneer Appraiser

Member Appraiser .Assoc of A merica N JSSA A N A A

201 -725-9640 or 464 4047

AntiquesBILLS ANTIQUES Wespecialize m locating items of ■nterest to you. 510 Pleasant view Road Hillsborough. I mi west of 206 left off 5)4 Am well Kri Neshanic N j 08853 We Buy A Sell Con

signments Welcome Call 201 359-6402

THE LANTERN A VT1QUES Copper A Brass cleaning S Main St Next to Hagerty Florist Cranburv N J 609 »5 -0762

Pets & AnimalsPrinceton

Soul, Animal Rescue League

REGISTER F D CHINESE PUGS Born Thanksgiving 2 females $200 each 2 males $250 each 201 725-5922

OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG, male. 1 yr old. forced to sell, call after i d m 609-737-3596.

POMERANIAN PUPPIES for xale. 3 male and ! female I oag m Iky hair For info call 609 586-4947

OCR TWO DOGS have given us five years of love and devot ion but we re moving to a place where the landlord does not share our feelings and must find new homes for them Medium size male Lab- Dalmation mix and smallish neutered female Lab-Bassett mix Prefer some place they ■an run around 609 587 4850 or

921 2227

FREE 10 mo pariShepherd R e ln ever Good with children housebroken must have fenced in yard ■ kxxi home 809 655-0085



Female mos old Husky Shepherd pup all shots Male xoung median sized reddish brown spaniel type dog

Male .( vrs old, pure bred Norwegian F.lkhound. very affectionateFemale 3 mos old, poodle Shepherd semi-long haired (togTwo 8 w ks old. Collie Shepherd male A femalepupsMale vr old. short haired mixed breed buck A brown good watch dog & com pa m enableMale A female pure bred beagle pupsMale young Seller dog. picked up on River Rd Male 9 mos old German Shepherd dog picked up at Princeton InnMale large 1 vr old IrishSetter■ me i femsb spa j **•-Collie type dogFemale 6 yr old pure bredStandard SchnauzerFemale Beagle-cocker pupsMale & iemale beagle typepupsMalt short haired hound 'vpedogBeagle Collie tvpe pup. male 1ft wks old short haired, beige color

Call as about our young cats

Call Mrs Graves for an ap point mem 609 921-6122 Hours N pm Sat 10-12

ReooiI -is' and (band pets within 24 hr period and call 'be police if y o u find an injuredpet

HIDEWAY FARM offers the ones! facilities lor the care A (warding of your horse with 'he largest area indoor nng A lounge Only a short scenic drive Most reasonable rates Instruction, beginner, hunt -eat and western Lindbergh Rd Hopewell 609-466-3426

DOBERMANS AKC REG black A rust 5 females left Ready to go at 6 wks For lurther information 609-882 7567.

DOG BEHAVIOR PRO- ,1- V ■ soh ed :>}

prufe-sional psychologist in your home 609-466-2013 or 448 9391

Y O R K S H IR E T E R R IE R F5! PS for sale with papers 609 393-6704

PI ps WANTED In litter iots tor resale as pets Phone 609 452-8903 before noon

LABRADOR RETRIEVER puppies Yellow AKC reg. 5 wks old -'hamp lines 215 2958630

MINI POODLE forapricot i mos AKC shot771 3726 or 451.' 8052 Best

AIK iRABli: PUPfto'( Shepherd. («nal924-8271




PR F IN V E N TO R Y "sow thru Jan 24 at

FOR SALE miniature chocolate brown poodle 6 mos old AKC reg will include new dog carrier $125 609 89(52189

Ttir School o( Equitation

Sunset Road. Skdiman. N J

Instruction in Riding and Horsemanship

Special low series rates for beginners and


Horses Boarded and Trained

By appointment only 201-359-1060 609-964-2343

Feeds and Grams for atl animals at

ROSED \l 8 Mil US274 Alexander St

Princeton 609-924-0134

MUST RELUCTANTLY par! with 2 affectionate cats 609- 44 3 3692

PULI STUD - needed urgently 609 466-0732

POODUKS toy AKc male. 2 black. 1 silver, guaranteed, 20 1 446-4029 . 521-0653

Lost & FoundLOST CAT Female black with white spot under neck Inst see n be ginning J an North Ave Manville Reward Please call 201-722- 4981_____________

LOST Grey Black small POODLE, 'P ierre" Higbl- stnwn Reward 809-448-2602

Vu«' REWARD for returi elnickel slot machine taken from mv home tm Jan 8 Call 609-924-5157

to ivj SMALL old I beaglt wearing flea collar near Cranbury Station Family pet call 609 395-1824

GOLDEN K F T R IE V E R - jxippy AK< reg 609-737-9317 after 5pm

BOXERS Brindleand fawn, malt and female show and pet, 6 months champion line 609-466 3977

BOX STALL AVAILABLE in private (stall horse barn Excellent facilities and bes! personal care Instruction available nearby 609-924-2366 after 6 p m

tdorable part Husky tud Shepherd Has shots Call 201 ’.59-1276

PLEASE SAVE I S ’ We re 2 spayed house eats who ean'l move west Please give us a purr-feet home 201 359-3612

5 VR OLD part Apaloosa mare Experienced rtoer 14 3 hands Moving must sacrifice Asking $25(i Includes western saddle 609 7(7 1153 eves 639- 4337 da vs

ooLDEN RETRIEVER 7 mos ' very lovable, needs gd family AKC $125 609-799 2100 davs 799-2479 eves

BE AGUE PI PS FOR SALE 7 weeks 5 male 2 female. Call after 6 pm 609-448-8115

ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniel puppies AKC sired by ties! m-show champion Ex reilent temperament and ((information 609 292-1775 (Hiring day ask lor Bud 609 896-1842 after 5 p m

LHASO APSO PUPS 8 wks, AKC. shots 215-794-8266 215- 348 4945

CHESTNUT G 12 TB 17 2 h 7 vrs Exp field hunter open lumps prospect, exc mover 201 297-9505


S A S SADDLERY Lamiugton Road Bedminster N J

Spectacular savings in every dept New store nrs Mon Sat 9 am 6 p m Frt 9 a m

9 p m Master Uhg Bank Am ericard 201 234-0111A I R K D A L E T E R R I E R PUPPIES AKC championbloodlines Sire A dam on premises 201 297-3029

Auto Supplies850 FIAT ENGINE A Tran­smission many of her Fiat parts Also lute model Porsche seats 609-448-8314

AUTO PARTS 4 15" MumMAGS w tires Brand new $200 2 - 15' Chevy MAGS $35 201 521-1964 titter 5

Autos WantedWF Bl' 5'


$25 $35 [xiid

201-469-61318am 8pm 7 days a week

W F HI to clean VW or other imports Princeton VW Rt 206 Princeton N .1 609 921

W A N TE D Mint cond i lion Volvo 122S Will pay tip dollar 609 448-7282 eves




JUNK CARS W ANTED » $20- $1 (Ml 311-548-6582

ALL JI NK ( ARS and trucks wanted Free lowing $15 and up Scarpati Auto wrecking 609 396-7040

Autos For Sale72 PLYMOUTH FURA Gran

sedan auto a c. ps . am/fm radio new battery & ! rans . many extras 609- 443 4597

1970 OLDS n TI.ASS 2 dr hard top a < 4 new tiresradio Clean, exc cond Best offer 201 (59-8753 after (. 30

( HEVROLET V EGA 1973 GT hatchback, a c auto AM FM radio exc cond $1,300 Davs 921 7059 nites 924 2497

1969 CHEVto IMPALA Green 4 dr p S $500 SOS-443-1984

73 PONUAC Catalina a c, whitewalls. 30.000 mi in mint cond $2500 or best offer 609 448-6319

1967 SAAB % Excel, shape 25mpg $395 609-466-2064 after 6pm wkdys. all day wknds

1968 VW Fastback radialtires. 609-448 2043 after 6



I’hf-1 awrp,nr/*, I /xlger


6-BClassified Advertising T h e M d n v i l l e ^^e,w s

Thr Franklin NEWS RECORD

Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Autos For Sale Trucks Boats InstructionThursday, January 22. l Q"h_____________ _____________ ________ __

Financial Home Repairs Home Services Services

197: BUICK ELE CTS AExcellent condition Full Faded Asking $2000 >0! 521964 liter 7

1970 ’ HEV tv IL I : IME 4LA 2-door hardtop Newly

painted and tuned, automatic. Ft H air cond power steering | : ( akes 1 • s ite hitd km ■■■ tires $H95 609-896--0734

64 BUCK SKYLARK Hdtop luctorv air. auto good 2nd car Best offer 201 297 1525

’65 PONT! A 1 i S P 1 autom trans , good run cond $200 .Ml £29 201';

\m KEVY IMPA ■ - 2■v_>im1 1 1 r In-- 1 nl ter W19 14 ; H82

JF.F.P WAGONEEK Custom i I la< t ISO 2-b Quad i a

Tr.u radials, A( AT PS R&H. roof rack, power tailgate v indow log fight - a oqo mi 7 ' cond $:j 90o 609-466-0798

77 YW Bt S 7000 nnles. new oudilion Asking $5txxi 1 all

201 279 8470

i97o BMW Taxi 4 dr sedan auto, pb & ps a c, am fm vci . gfKxi Kind throughout i>09 159,7 1722

9t SAAB 96 r si e hap mj)g $995 609 466 12064 after 6 p m & all day wknds

1974 MAZDA RX2 4-door sedan auti mat 7 M l- M jxiwcr disc brkt's, recliningRockets radials excellent i undilion t; non miles $2150609 44 i 7747

141.7 PONTIAC FIREBIRD front end damage but repairable Was m excellent condition A C, p b. p s a Ill [ ,ii i 11 $2.70 004 97 ! 702 ■

after 6 p m

1968 CHEVELLE MALIBI ( mod condition Must sell (a ll after 0 p 111 14)9 794 2222

1408 CHRYSLER Station

$6 609 * '■ ■

1970 CHEVY 1 MPA 1 A ■ tin vert , factory a.i elect win (lows & wats. 11It w heel am Irn radio girnd tires, low mileage garage kept $t()75 609 47 2 1422

...a c radio autn leaving area \'' ci p^i i a i 609 882 '224s

72 Ml' KCt RY Cougar XR7 & HI 1CK FIST ATE WAGON Beth have auto trans

ps pb. a c radials orig , ■ . , 12 ■ end 609 424 2294

72 ( ’APR I V 6 auto air am tm 12,000 mi Clean \skmu <277n 21.7 29.7 4077

72 \ \\ St PER BEETLE convertible 33.000 miles super ciiiidltion $2177 1419 749 2718 after 7 to p m

I I AT 124 SPUR r c o t PE 71 beaut car. exc per

! orni.ance $18tXl ei lies! offer Hk) 924

1972 F I AT 124S converttm In ap f.. $2.20!p m 609 780 1965

1977 ('HEVY sedan excellent 1 audition $2700 Call 609 452 1294 after 7 pm

1470 C< )1 GAR $149.7 a c. all | « »e r steel radials trig

v nei 1 'i f. ■ 9 - 61 ext j924 5712

'P K \K MAN N G 111 A hard i mt cond body & superb

mech order am fm radio, under 77.000 orig miles Garage kept A classic Asking $17oo Mter > pm 609-921-3218

*71 MERt t R Y Monterey Custom 2 door hardtop power windows A C one owner excellent condition. 00 ixio n 1 -1 1 14 44,: 477H$1200

'C VF G Y Hatchback t7.00omiles automatic tran-in ssi"1. \M ladio $!75u or • k'--i offer vis 799- 1744

i v w Fair eonditien $30060 9 4 4 K 7 7 I (,

(.4 PONTIAC LEM A NS W ve t1 ' 000 miles auto

'op Engine needs work Best "Iter 609 924 2509

.9(i.7 DODGE 4 di sedan fair cond good transportation SPH! 1414 448-4464

966 MALUM ( HEVY coax Runs good. $300 or best offer 609 896-0086

1968 \A$ FASTBACK Exc onditka $**'.. ®08 IB

0420 after 7

At D! oMil.s 1970 White delux 1 nt A < AM TM very good -me. $1750. In is '■os 47


|«73 MUSTANG Mach l average mileage nice cond A

lassi( n< eager produced 609-799-3416 after 6 p m

MAZDA 77 RX2 Wagon 29,(XXi mi. 19 mpg. excel cond Call 609 717 3650 eves

73 VOLV<) 164 F a m fmradials a ■ auln 1 rails 58,007

M ils! sc: I < al WO 448 196,7 nr 799-0640 alter 7pm

1973 lO Y o T A CORONA station wagon auto, am fm Must sacrifice Best offer over $2PHi 1409 466-2822

66 CHEVY Impala SS 6mb I - ’ $250 609 44?

0196 after 6pm

74 A l '1)1 FOX air R&H28,000 101 excel cond . un fortunately must sell Asking $3750 609 737 2344 eves &w knds

BFKTLE 68 Body excellent condition Engine needs work $4,7n :legi>! abb * 809-921 2044

\ rSI N 1973 .4" Z lut air. excellent cond 201 S J 998 " 21 s. I 7049

197(1 JAGl'AR XKE good 1 nidi hoi $3300 201 ad 2889

'73 t ADDY COl PE dark blue, white leather interior loaded 1-k 1112 Same 609-448 5733.

HONDA 1 AR 74 30 mpg Hatchback, AM radio, rsp 4 cvl, 9 500 mi new tires Like new 609 448 9:190 after 4 30

UDSMOBILI Vista Cruiser Station wagon, ac sun roof radials. lull. equip! 609 44 7 19in after ■ p m

71 VEGA low mileage ex eel lent condition auto trans - < ladiaF ' all 609 44 8 737.

70 PLYM O U TH Gran Coupe V8. a c loaded, new brakes, muffler tailpipe & tires (it) 125 no recent insp excelli nt ondit $ :1 k ><*< 448-4536 after 5

I960 NOVA St'PEKSPORT good condition $750 ( all after

(4X1 448 ,3.7f,

PLY MOl I II 70 Cuda 383 4-speed, 4-Cragars, G-50's Best reasonable offer 201 554

971 , vv BEET] Emileage gri cond 20! 359-8819 after 6 p m

189 SEDA! kY ille Full power Stereo AM EM radio Excellent condition Extra set of rims with new snow tires Reasonably priced to move at $187 609 83 '481 after 5p m

1967 CHE A Y EL CAMINO pick-up 1968 V8 engine fiberglass topper shell auto a , 609-44 3 5 291

1932 Bt 1CK 4 (lr sedan, fl'odel )“S, dual mounts Fine orig $.5.ixmi 201 232 272.3

86 VOLVO 122S New paintnew stee ad ais \ M F Mlapi 92.000 nnles new valveM l Kan shocks Mix ! -aw ned excellent condition Best over $900 609-89)9349

67 CHEVY CAPRICE p s ■ x $6GS ■ be

offer Call 201 - 559 0742after i, p m

PLY MOUTH 1971 Fury tirand Custom. 4 dr HT air cond full power new tires new brakes like new 2oi :529 24 25 alter 7 pm $1495

68 DODGE WINDOW VAN Si,! trails $850 609-443 4508eves

FORD GALAXY 1970 auto,77.000 mi passed ins pec Clean Gd running cond $1 ««( 809 448 3314 after pr

OLDSMOBILF ( utlass 68 P S I’ B 83.000 miles «55( 809 448-64:58

74 75 FLEET ami executive ars Tremendous savings 74

Imperia, brown 37.000 m> $3900 74 Imperial black 49.000 mi $3900 75 Catalina. 25.000mi $3350 '75 Ventura 25 M m: $3 100 72 Monticarlo58.000 n . $1956 Cal 609 448 6504 or 448 2963

197! PEUGEOT m4 blue luxury sedan 4 spd trans am fm sunroof new radials78.000 miles well maintained $1859 1 all Ken eves 609-883 4041

1973 AUDI 100 IN Must sell 609 799 1066

71 FIAT 124 sports coupe Kxc cond well maintained AM FM stereo ski rack $ 1500 609 7 17 92 19

SHOW ROOM ' ND1TION 1968 Pontiac 2-door HT P S P H auti air till wheel rear defroster 22.000 orig miles garaged Must see Interested buyers only $2995 firm 301 249-3252 between 11 am 6 pm

JAGl AR LAND ROVER Authorized dealer T & T Motors 210 Woodbridge Act- Highland Park N J $81

70 BUICK G S autom P S tdi< red pt>ed ond

Asking I 19 2i Ml OK aftei11 am

71 FORI) TORINO 2 dr HT small motor, auto, air cond 39 OKI n tires like new, vinyl top [exceptionally clean Asking $1 577 Greenbrook 201 773 2444

70 TOYOTA COROLLA, Auto to mpg radio snow hr,-- new paint, exceptionally ieai -lepcndatile inspection

July 77 Asking $1000 201752 2444 or 828 4117 Green brook

MUSTANG '74 <Ghia, v-6,auto P S stereo. vinvl roof,

; non n is Asking $275i' willaccept , if for 201 75 2 2444 orAt, Hi - Greenbrook

MAVERICK 71 Grabber G 2 dr 6 cyl auto P S factory air 4 new 'ires. 39.(XX) mis A^kung $17(8i 201 752-2444 or556 :53 1 5 Greenbrook

s\\B Authorized

Sales-Service-Parts st \ »t [ U roSALES

Route 12 Baptistown. N J

201-996 2137

Bt 1CK 72 (.rand Snort air p S P B new F 70 tires 6ti IXXI li ■ Y'king $1600 201772 2444 m 556 i317 Green tircxik

PONDAC VENTURA 1972 2 dr sun r(K)f auto ps. pb, radial" vine! am fm 8 track 4 channel'' stereo '\steni 60y 44 8 8948 e\ enlngs

;974 FORD RANCHERO GT 400 engine 2 barrel A/C. P'S P B tinted glass AM FM stereo radio, custom paint mags $3200 firm Call betw 4 30 7 30 p m 201 362 3873

1971 FORD Pick-up F100 Excellent condition 609 4434340

1975 FORD CREW cab F250 pick-up exc cond camper attachment $4 700 609 924 45354after 7 pin

76 (> Ml TRUCKS

We leave over 75 new pickups vans. 4-wheel drives, camper trucks. Suburbans mediumand H D models & i*ed trucks available for immediate iehvery at competitive prices Also some left overs

COl O M A l MOTORSt s Rt. 22, West

North Branch201 722-2700


W • id Built Body Compnay Distributor

Nt N St T At TO S AI T sRoute 1.2

Baptistown \ J 201-996-2137

FORD TRUCK F600. 1967 16 insulated body rebuilt engine ood tires Reasonabls priced NTER N AT IO N AL Dump

Truck 1955. Best offer 609-448 9222____________________

(.ROVE ROLL-BACK bodiesnew & used trucks in stockwith bodies mounted 201247-7491

1957 JEEP TRUCK 4 whJ drive 6 cyl rebuilt engine $450 201 369-4583 . 6-8 pm

1971 FORD PICK UP F250, 6 cvl, 4 spd $1500 or best offer ( all 8-5 609-921-8510

MotorcyclesSUZUKI 400 M ot or cross never raced, exc panning ondi lion $400 Also Yamaha

OK) LT2 201-359-4283

-h N I NOW MIDWINTER Ki-k‘i Main!enance Course

Free- uneOee Conn Ml

MIPE R SCY CUE RAM H 866 Route 33 Hamilton Square

Call "609) 587-6354

YAMAHA Harr Brothers - Motorcycle Sales Service Parts 1805 N Okten Ave , Trenton 609-393-7550

73 HONDA. SL70 exc cond 4)0 mi selling for larger bike$325 201 297-4102.

HONDA OR 125 Elsinore Fxc condition Manx extras 609 448-7548

18 WOOD LAPSTRAKE w cabin Two 35 hp Johnson elec start outboards tanks & controls Complete w trailer & extras Asking $325 20 1 8732031 or 873-2340

BICENTENNIAL BOAT 14 Starcraft aluminum bull with deck & beautiful stars & stripes paint job $485 609-737 2424

InstructionThe School o( Equitation

Sunset Road Ski 11 man N J

Instruction in Riding and Horsemanship Spec ial low series rates

for beginners andintermediates

Horses Boarded and Trained

By appointment only 201-359 1060 609-924-2343


,7 Livingston Ave New Brunswick N.J

i nmplete Secretarial and Accounting Courses

Day and Night Courses Telephone 20! 249-0347

STUDY THE FLUTE with experienced teacher ot children and adults Lessoas available at your home ormine all levels accepted Beginners are welcome Limited openings Call Paul Taub 609-924-5315

BLUEGRASS BANJO in­structions beginner to ad vanced Call 809-883 5204

ART CLASSES at the Art Barn. Ridge Kd Monmouth Jet 201-329-2210

ORGAN PIANO & Accordion lessons Fxp d Kendall Park teacher 201-297-2637

MATH & SCIENCE T! TURING college grad entering medical school in fall 609 883-6219 after 5

PIANO LESSONS former Juilliard prep Cmv of Mich graduate Call Sieve 609-921- 1812

ART & CRAFT CLASSES are being held in the loft of the Art Barn, for children adults Call 201 329-2210 for info on con tinuing classes


T l TORLicensed Math Teacher 201 - 329-6413

NEEDLE WORK CLASSES crewel beginning & in t e r m e d i a t e b a r g e 11 o . needlepoint Small classes $15 for 8 wks 609 799 2805


Specializing in various types ot reading and writing disabilities

Programs specially designed to fit your child's needs

Mr Friedland 609 443 5538 Mornings


Technique Tone Interpretation

Richard S. Winthrop 609-924-5790

CONCERT P IAN IST & TEACHER ATCM NJ Cert PA accepting a limited number of students Beginners to advanced Call 609-655-4346




Camera Ready Mechanicals or negatives only

Press capacity 40 tab, 20 standard

Call R Hutchinson, 609-924 3244

MARY A GUNTHER Secretarial Services 60 N Mam St . Cranbury Personalcon f iden t ia l assistance Typing letters, manuscripts, theses reports, etc. Tran script ion of tape cassettes Bookkeeping services Call 609-655-0551

SIGN P A IN T IN G ALL TYPES of signs Trucklettering our specialty Available 7 days weekly Call John 609-396-0229 anytime

TY 1*1 NX. DONE IN PR IN( ’ETON \RE.A by an ex perienced secretary working from home All w'ork com pleted on Selectric IT type-writer Cal! 609-921 3398


TY'PEWRITER REPAIR General cleaning and repair" Free estimates Call Ed Radigan. 609-448-6443

TYPIST AVAILABLE for student business and per sonal typing Will pick up & deliver Fast accurate, professional work cal '! 606-298w ri

TYPING IN MY HOME Verv reasonable rates Con tact’ Rhea McCoy 20 1 297 3509

1963 ( Al ULLAC Ambulance... . - good

hit ion good tires best offer $801 Mark 5j

, 11 tiny 931 2634

MOTORS & TRANSMIS.SH i NS ford. V-8& 6 cvl

taster. 225,< $auto trails Datsun 1200 510. 610 motors and trans 1975 Toyota 1606 engine & trans , 69 & Yu, g n i n o n &

tra; l eveland &trans (ireenbrook 201' 752- 2444

MOD!FIFO STOCK CAR *71 including man; spare parts engine & ’ )(viors < all lerrv Ilustak 609 397 429: or Bol)Mli-jin 1419 587 '652

1974 VOLVO 14.’ Automatic, an nndition:ng • ad ■ $t (XX)609 il ■ ftei

66 FAIRLYNK FORD Good running condition 97 000 mi orig owner Call after 6 pm 609 448-4077

147 MERCURY MONTIGU MX Brougham white w white \m\ top ps pi a >. options X) (MXi M list '-ei i 609 44 iHX>5

47 fo R D i.TI i Broughan9 )3f n ka exci

ill eai $285 s<169 2 ,[ ',i K46 46

72 f o R I 1 LTD green w vinyl top 2-dr a c whitewall's w cond ®00 Ix-v ollet 609 448 Si 19

7: 1 dJ)s (T Tl.ASS Supreme auto ., i am fm tinted

, as radial $9 k 2087! 80Jf lici pit

73 OLDS 88 Royale 4 dr sedan an fn -'-rt-s, rsdio &

., i C ixx- :i Asking $2 9hC 609 448 804 7

1968 HONDA CT 90 red. good cond $150 firm Moving must sell Call '201 1359-5690

1973 HONDA 250 street & dirt original 370 miles Brand new lx"s( offer Call after 6 pm 609 587-0419

1974 KAWASAKI 250 g(xx|' ond $700 609 890-0446 after 6 p m

HELMETS Bell. Star 120. 6- 7 8 Profit XL Accessories also 1 rail Scott 20 1 297-4583


RENTAL 24 motor home, sleeps 8. self-contained airconditioned $250 week or $50 dav plus 10 cents a mile 201 356-1380

' OACHMHN 24 Coventry fully self-contained Lois of extras Reese hitch with ante "way Must sell Asking $4 too but no reasonable offer ret used 609-737-1210

73 JAY’CO tent trailer sleeps 8 complete kitchenmans extras $1750 609-259 2270

:y, - 28 ' AKK.AK.iF traveltrailer Cost new $7500 Did not travel more than 300 nnles Sleeps 6 With equalizing hitch Priced for quick sale ( all after 4 30 pm 201 329 6748

FOR KENT 1975 new Win nebago Motor .>ome model D- 21 Sleeps 8 Fully self eon tamed living facilities Weekly rental $275 pius 8 cents per mile ( all after 5 p m 609 586 3669

JAZZ PIANO from pianist composer Learn to play what you hear and feel Call anytime 609-448-5533



\dults&< hildrrn THE I f YRNING

EXCHYNGE!57 S Main St Hightstown


CONCERT PIANIST recently M oscow C o n s e r v a t o r y Professor, now accepting students all levels beginners & advanced 609-466-2587

Beginning Classes in

Exercise and Meditation


609-924 3962 after 5 p m

POPULAR GUITAR and Classical Piano Lessons B A music composition Cat! Nick 609-259-9106

MAKE BREAD IN 76 small classes in my home start early Feb Learn whitewholewheat french pum permckle egg braid sour dough & others Four 3-hr lessons & samples for $25 Babv sitting avail 609-921 1036'

PIANO LESSONS from pianist-composer All levels Call anytime 609 448 5533

I NEVER MET a Tax Return I Didn't Like Years of ex perience doing what s best for VOI 609-448 2971

PUT YOUR PLAN'S ON PAPER Professional drafting at reasonable rates Paul E Mitchell 201 359-8435


MAASOON Will visit your home or place of business to complete your income lax return where all of your records are Management And Accounting Service Con sultants Maaseon is a year round service specializing in helping small businesses with their problems Cal) MAASCON s business office during regular working hours at 609 883 8 288 During evenings and weekends you may call a home number 883 2997

Roeiand Van Dommelen President


Tax Returns PreparedPrivacy of your home or mine

Form 1O40A $10 Firm 1040. etc $15/120 & 14)

NY C & Slate returas prepared Vincent Parker Higjitstown

609-443-3482 after 6pm


1 (iSGROVf lax service read1- for business m Princeton 'tall Dianne Rankin 201 782-9601

FEDERAL INCOME TAX City and state. $5 per schedule Experienced ac oountant Call for an ap pointment 609-883 4794

Win or lose, it's fun to read about it

in the Sports pages weekly.

INSTRUCT PIANO TUNING FREE ESTIMATES alsopiano lessons popular & classical E D Hatrak Jr 609 882 1233


ACCOUNTANT TAX CON SULTANT Federal N Y & N J State tax returns prepared Individual, small bus 609-665-0107

CateringCATERING Intimatedinner parties to large receptions Varietv of menus Call 609-655-0968

M A KI CA S C A T E R IN G Finger Food specialists General catering No party loo small or too large Be a guestat your own party For in formation call 217, 295-6895

W E D D I N G M U S I C PROVIDERS dance combo tree brochure 609 585-5203


DIP \ STRIP what does it mean" It means no trips to the store, no dangerous flamable paint removers, no dirty mess and no hours of trying, no T started tO strip it off but couldn’ t get it off and best of all i took tt to DIP N STREP and it | ready to refirush and reasonable, too Call us at 609-924 5668 or bring your furniture to DIP N STRlf ’ 49 Main St . Kingston N J We'll do the dirty work for you We have furniture for sale We do : amng and rushing and if you need refinishing we'll do that too Thank vou. not us DIP N STRIP 49 Main St Kingston, N.J 609-924-5668 Open Mon Sat . 9-5.

PLANN ING ON R E F IN IS KING that old piece1’ Find out complete refinishing not necessary We can repair scratches knicks. cigarette burns dog chewed furniture etc All types furniture repaired Call Arvin Service ! o 609-443-5258

ANTIQUES RESTORED repairing refinishing & custom furniture ROBERT W H ITLE Y Father to son since 1880 Near New Hope Pa 215 297-8452

H KNIT! RE REPAIRED Parts & pieces reglued or replaced like new Shat; chairs tables or what have vou Refinishing also done ( all 201 359-5206 eves

'.ENUINE RUSH & CANING 609-397 0245

HAIRS CANED RUSHED reglued tightened Furniture reft rushed Years experience Free pick-up and delivery 609-896-0057


Regulating RepairingROKFRT H It Y ll It 7

RegisteredMember Piano Techmcians

Guild. Inc 609-921-7242

In Medio Slat Virtus PIANO TUNING




PIANO TUN ING & REPAIRS reasonable rates all work guaranteed Call 201 8286494

Home RepairsERIC RANKIN carpenter home repairs alterations, free estimates no job too small 201-782 9601


Fireplaces stone brickwork, steps patios. concrete waterproofing etc


Carpentry, int & Ext Painting "Minor Plumbing &Electrical Repairs

609-448 3538

ALL CARPENTRY and for mica and panel work No job too big. no job too small 609 896 2028

SEAMLESS ALU M INU M GUTTERS Victor Diamond. R R 2. Box 219. Bridgepoint Rd Belle Mead N J 08502 201-359-3641 night 609-924 1643 day

P H MBING & HEATING Residential specialist repairs & alternations no job too small free estimates 20 ) 2382532 Lie * 4993

A L T E R A T I O N S . A D ­DITIONS. BASEMENTS Excellent workmanship Free estimates Insured 20 1 431 5905 or 201-431-3118




FREE ESTIMATES 609-443-3110

24 Hmir Service Chip Septak SalOvillino




From a dripping faucetto a complete plumbing installation



Formica ( ounlerTops Formica Refacing Kitchen Cabirets

Ray mond Sakow sky 25 vrs exp 609-259-7628

GARAGE DOORS IN ­STALLED Kendall Park area Reasonable Free Estimates 2til 297 3797

PLl MBING Lie “4621 Need a plumber free estimates all t\pes of plumbing Call Mike anvtime da\ or night Phone 609 586-0266

( A K P E N T R Y R E PA IR S PAINTING AND ROOFING 609-466-0926 or 466-1166

C A R PE N TE R TOMWILEY' 14 yxs experience in all phases of carpentry in­cluding roofing 609-799-0999

C A R P E N T R Y A LTE R A H INS ADDITIONS No job loo large or too small Doug Renk Builders 609-655 1221

CARPENTRY' REPAIRS and small alterations Call 201-359- 7571 after 5 30 pm

CUSTOM GUTTER WORK Aluminum, copper New work & repairs All work guaran­teed Special Winter Rates 609-259-2896

Nl I J< ® TOO m A l l , we are experienced in Carpentry. Plumbing Repairs and Small Alterations free estimates 609 443-4328 after 5 p m

('USTOM WOODWORK Additions Alterations Paul Schoenfeld 609 466 '2614

CARPENTRY Additions, paneling ret rooms, concrete No job too small Free estimates 609-587 8173 or 448 6160

Home ServicesA & W FORMICA SERVICE Formica counter lops kitchen cabinets & remodeling 609259-7527

(, YRY s | | ()() ( ( R\ |i |

Sanding & finishing Quality work reasonable prices. Call anytime for free estimate 201 359-2870 automatic

phone answerer

ADI SHAKT1 Domestic s e r v i c e s , g e n e r a lhousekeeping. 609 92 4 3962 Francine & Sin Sham

CERAMIC TILE WORK For estimate phone 609-259-2615


ReupholstenngRefinishingNew upholstered furniture DraperiesCornice & Valances BedspreadsWoven wood drapes & shades

We can use any color com bination vou wish to screen print your draperies in any of our original designs on any of our fine fabrics


FLOOR SANDING hardwood floors sanded and finished Phone 609 585-8235

THE Bl ( KET & MOP' Professional Floor Cleaning And WaxingMr Tom Hye 20 1 868-4722

ODD JOBS cellars attics & yards cleaned, moving & hauling 609 448-4913 or 609-44353(58

LA M P SHADES Lamp mount mg and repairs NassauInteriors. 162 Nassau St Princeton

GARAGE DOORS installed & serviced Sliding glass doors installed For free estimatecall 609 443 4155

ROGERS UPHOLSTERY Consumer Bureau No 5412 609-799-2807

BATHTUB & TILE RESURFACING Done in vour home Save cost of removal Modernize with color Guaranteed Free estimates Alteg 201-526-2777



7 Trucks No Waiting

Rt xxl- I l HFII ) CO

20 Y ears Experience301-8442534 201-356-5800

BETSY ROSS was an upholsterer Today you can call another woman upholsterer 1 have shop at home service which includes tips on decoraitng & fabric w ea ra b i l i ty Consumer Bureau *5412 609 799-2807


Rt 130 & Half Acre Rd Cranbury, N J


Home and Industry ■ urbage. Trash Rubbish

RemovedHauling of all Types

SAFE SH ATTER PROOF acrylic plastic window glazing for replacement of storm floors & windows. Cut to size Call after 4 p m daily 609-448 6224

D R A PE R IE S f- SLIP 1 OV FIRS Reasonable prices Also free lance drapers in­stalling Ed Walker 20!" 3694361






IN TE R IO R DECORATOR FROM N Y for a personal i n t e g r a t e d d e c o r a t in g scheme Interiors by Nikki 609-443-6791

Special ServicesCUT & TAILORED to your figure gowns dresses pent suits No patterns needed Call Maruja 609-466 2804


609 799-3818

MASONRY repairsplastered walls ceilings repaired 466 3437 FldwardGudat, RiJevville Road FI ope well


F LOOR WAXING Rugs professionally cleaned in vour home Dry within one hour Guaranteed no shrinkage F'ree estimates Call 609 448-0120

SEAMSTRESS available to teach you to sew your own garments Also will do sewir^. ’ adoring or alterations to your specifications 609-921 3531

SL P COVERS Draperiesr ' n°wS P,c cus,«n made ( all Mary Kemmerer 201 4627494

HOME HUNTER’S GUIDEThursday, Jli^uan, 22, 107b :- b

•/ V#/. $•/ «•;. V#y;.v#>EUSUiiUV7'

E d h u n d

* O O M P A N YEST 1193

R E A L T O R S|1>U Street. Princeton. New Jersey 08740

609-924-0322\ t:t)v ip i i i i h h vi ks i w h o r g \ \ i/\ n n \

Lorraine R< m • Sheila ( ■ «»k Fed I )a\ id hd Dobkowski Bet<ev Ha relink % an Hui • • k Ruth K*>rman Rita Martmh- jnun yuarkenbiiHf Ken Rend all Ralph Sn\ der K a v U . -


At a time when Maidenhead < Lawrenceville) was fast maturing; complete with special-interest groups and bureaucratic squabbles, the first known settler tn Prin­ceton was D r Henry Greenland who had a plan­tation of some 200 acres in vGiat is now the easterly end of P rinceton township.

Growth wa» merel\ a matter of time VX hiie the 1690 C o lon ia l popu la t ion of 210,000 was only one-tenth of one percent of where it stands today , it did represent a considerable in crease from the figure of 2,)0 hardy Colonists in It) 10. Although far less so than now, of course, there was a certain amount of desire for mobility among the citxenry

Flic land through the T ren ­ton - Lawrence - Princeton area was high ground in the Philadelphia to New 3 ork arter\ and, like the Indians, the Colonists set their roads along this terrain. The In ­dian route, I he Assanpink Irtow Vssunpinkl I rail, was only a footpath as late as 1079, but by the end of the centun it had become, in a manner of shaking, a road. Basicalh , road construction consisted of cutting down trees and occas iona lly removing the stumps. In low sjkh-. logs were laid or stones were thrown in. but roads became axle deep in wet weather. I’he stretch front I renion 0 New Brun­swick had a variety of names, including "O ld Dut­ch Hoad", 'The Great Road, . The High Road and the King's Highwat In the nineteenth century it would take the name of

I incoln Highway

immaculate Sherbrooke Lstaies Colonial with 1 bedrooms. 2 ■/; baths, fireplace and centra) air N> convenient € 111

Nift\ t-bedroom ranch house m Princeton [own ship has a bundle of features and a most appealing lot....................................................... $7 7,00(1

A lovely neighborhood in Hopewell township a quiet street; a beautiful treed lot. and a new ranch house Owner will consider holding second mortgage or renting vs ith option ti buy part of rent to be applied to mortgage). $84 0u

An excellent buy today and one which will be even more appreciated when summer comes. It offers '■ rooms. 2 C baths. 2-car garage, plus an in-gn>urid pool surrounded by mature landscaping fluiel street in a convenient ^ est Windsor neigh borhood.

Superlative ranch house in the shads Rr<>ok area of Princeton Township has a host of desirabU features. Four bedroom-. 2 baths, modern > - a t ii kitchen, family room with fireplaei eiitral air conditioning, finished basement, 2s ar garag* ue o ‘ I -acre l o t ........................................ $98,500.

Gracious Colonial on a Princeton township ii de-sac. Classic center hall design with beautiful ap­pointments. A delightful combination of charm and convenience designed for low maintenarn <...................................................................... 1127.500

Princeton mansion and a full Borough block >ffer- a great deal of potent ia i \ vail able for -a It or rent.

Raised ranch in W est 9i indsor s popular Bir ehwood F.states has 2 fireplaces, screened porch, and swimming pool for four seasons fun $ 1,1

Handsome Colonial on a quiet street m a fine near by South Brunswick neighborhood. Both the house and the neighborhood w ill provide much to enjov

................................................................ $74,500

A particularlv g<x>d floor plan is one of the highlight- of this 10-room. 2 C-bath f.olomai in U est \X indsor Among the others are a fireplace central air and finished basement, $78,H<)u



Each w ith Liquor License

One: Outskirts of Princeton in Montgomery Township. Seats 200 people Bar and lounge area 2 V i acres of parking. An on-going business 6% assumable mortgage

T w o : Hopewell Township. Princeton side Outstanding personalized restaurant saloon Comfortable atmosphere, seats 8.7 tw< bar- lounge. acre of parking Some financing available. \ reai going operation

JOHN TCHENDERSONRE AL TOR S *" *353 Nassau St.Princeton. N.J

Telephone Anytime 92 I -2 ~ 7f>


f WAS I£B B ____OWE t B e G a I I e r y o f H o m e s


M i Pond estates or- nicturesque Mill Pond Road m Histone Montgomery Township is ar ideal locatior You and your family will enjoy fine schools, cultural and recreational activities, plus the convenience of being minutes away from the heart of Princeton, 50 miles to New York and just 45 to Philadelphia

A new development of 47 homes with models available for quick occupancy Price range starring in the low S70's Excellent financing for qualified buyers Call us for an inspection o* these fine homes Select a choice lot for the model of your choice Con struction bv R&S Colonial Builders Walter B Howe. Inc. Exclusive Sales Agents

C O M E O U T TO S E E T H IS N EW H O U S E IN M IL L P O N D E S T A T E S has b row nvcling white shutters and trim Three large bedrooms • a master suite. 2 . baths fi'qe living room family room with floor to ceiling buck fireplace formal dining ro-om,iundf - krtchi with! reakfaat area and full basement 2400 set ft on an acta


I M P R E S S I V E Q U A L I T Y - !<■ stately pillars ■: ts setting amidst trees and stream, ou' hornr n lawrenr e offers eleganr e witt> a - Featuring 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, family room with fireplace and a baiconv extending across the rear of the master bedroom,

ng and dining rooms make this home THE ONE TO SEE Cal! 799 1 100 *99.900.

Y O U W O N T E V E R L O O K A W A Y ,-e seen this elegant 4 bedroom. 2 ' bathColonial in Washington Twp This home offers you a family room with fireplace beamed filing also with an adjoining Florida room large kitchen, formal living and

..............■ va - va irpeting entra »w f basam...... ar mage,*79,900.

PENNINGTON b v 737 3301

WF ST WINDSOR b/.r 799-11OC

F L E M I N G TON 782 4606

MLS W&P HOW EMM poopto *»K« 1—5r*stt<K* n*wf«r*

Special Services Special Services

PAINTING & '■ M E 1HANGING Frank Jandi 2S2 i lilts 1 N« k Rd 009 448-3578

PAINTINt ■ u terior & Exterior reasonable rates Free estimates 609-448 2642 ■ >r 201-826-0316 ask lor Dave


Reasonable QualityRates PaintExpertise in Workmanship Year round business

No WaitingFree 609-924-396:Estimates after , p m



4 Bdrm. Colonials, 3 Bdrm. Split-Levels 2 Car OaragesW here endurmq quality in w o r k m a n s h ip and m ater ia ls is combined with a sense ot t ranqui l & cultural a tm osphere

Models from $ 4 6 ,4 9 0 .T e rra ce Q reen

EXPERT .ALTERATIONS 4 repairs, reasonable prices. 609-799-3727


PHOTOGRAPHER unique candid photos, families, children special occasions Reasonable fee includes or igina I & nega live Call Peter 60s 448-4716

FA IALS SK INCA RE AND BODY MASSAGE with the most modern equipment andtechniques Treat yourself to our special pampering i omfor! and beauty You'll love it

L A D I E S C U S T O M TAILORING coats, suits, dresses, gowns, skirts, etc made to order Hillside Studio, 609- 737-0090

D R E S S M A K I N G A N D ALTERATIONS Janice Wolfe Call 909-448-2125

D R E S S M A K I N G & ALTERATIONS Claire Tobin Gall 909-448-5614

BIOS TREE SERVICE all types tree work, reasonable rates Lot clearing topping and removing Call collect Fully insured 609-758-7242

Ask about our FEET' special, with pedicure.

P RETTY leg w axing


Princeton 609-924-4875

MAGIC SUPREME for parties, banquets. etc Guillotine, juggling others Cal! Ed. 201-359-2847


Magic comedy 4 baiioon animals Available for school shows, birthday parties grand openings 4 all special events For further information call 20! 249-5509

FINE DRESSMAKING by former N Y designer MrsKaplan 609-921 3461

ICE SKATES SHARPENED 39 N Mam St. Cranbur\ 609- 395-1750

NEEDLEPOINT PILLOW | backed stretched and stuffed Lydia's Stitchen Allentown N .1 609 259-2312

COPPER POTS Tinning polishing and repairing cf copper and brass pots Call 609-397-2259

ALTERATIONS ckess 4 suits Custom designed forwomens clothing by exp dressmaker 609 799-2945

LAWN MOWER REPAIR Tune-ups and repairs 609 448 1802.

P a in t in g & P a p e rh a n g in g

PA IN T IN G Interor exterior Exp Quality

Reasonable Rob 201-297 2796 da vs or 609-443 3171 nights

THE FLAKY PAINT Co Experienced tail lea# e» pensive Pain! • hi a wholesale prices Don't let things go too tar Call 609-883- 6785 after 3 p.m

PAINTING by experienced professionals all work guaranteed, very good prices ask for Sieve Burk 609-737 2264

P \Pf R H \N(,1N(.SCR \PING

Prompt personal service All types of wall covering

Free Estimates Dan Rudenstan


PAINTING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Top quality work Free Estimates Reasonable Rates Fully Insured Capitol Painting 609-883-1537

PAINTING by an experienced college student Interior or exterior Top quality work at a ver% reasonable price Free estimates and references ... Greg 609-921 2167

GENERAL MAINTENANCE Painting interior, exterior

odd jobs, furniture r e f im s b in g 609-466-3544

ROOMS PAINTED free estimates reasonable rates, clean work Call 609-799-1462

WALLPAPER RANGER reasonable rates Quality work Free estimates Cali Tim 609-448-7847

An average of 42 7T, of our readers keep their copy of this newspaper in their homes until the new issue arrives

D IR E C T IO N S : : r n ' — - • to M arcarvilla Shopping CenterTurn t eft at next mterse .nor T irn right on Edinburg Rd ' Rt 535' Proceed 1

nitle rr T er>nr /> Green sign then turn ught on Weslayan Dr to modelsM O B I L P H O N E : l * 0 « ) 5 8 6 - 0 3 5 0

CRAN BURY 1830T o w n h o u s e , 3 bedrooms, 2 > tile baths, family room, study

$59 675 .

CRANBURYColonial Split, 2 7 baths liv ing room w ith fireplace, family room, 2 car garage $6 1,900

PLA IN SBO RO 4bedrooms, brick ranch. 2 baths, family room with firep lace , heated sun room, 2 car garage. 16x32 Sv lva" poo1 many extras $76 500

FOR RENT Yanbury 5 bedroom house $550.


Itoftor 6 1 N Mom StOonbury N.J

655-3372 o- AAb 2477

ElectriciansELECTRICAL WORK job too big or too small Work manship guaranteed Free estimates 201-29 7 5047 or 297 2805

ELECTRIC1AN LICENSEI) Quality w ork for all --our electncal needs A11 work f ully guaranteed to meet with your satisfaction Free estimates 609-44 3 5268


4 bedroom nome set on a beautifully -reed lot with brook is a home the entire family will enjoy It of­fers a vmg room with fireplace eat-in kitchen, lining n fu baths full basemen' 2 car jarag« entra air >nd'rtioning A spectacular in nr « itl I ref s e att sd fa nc r e o -

wood paneJing and a magnificent view T e fourth bedroom has been planned 'or guest room bath and separate entrance (Ideal tor boarder or in- law si wnei ■ beet trar ierred and anxious to set A sking $72.900

1.2 A C R E S wooded Hoiiow Rd MontgomeryTown ship $17 000

2 .46 a c r e s Jed Pir >ak Rd M ontgom ery TtJUmship $16,000

22 ACRES wooded Black P o w -M c tgomery Rd .Hiiisrx: ’ ' wnship 2 wner wi give liberal termstc a j a i fied buyer $150C per acre

B q i e M i ^ d eLknmE RNI IIUM BroMor

MaelfMMfY---- - /~~j Mo m Mi* w»*<- * J

( ^ T m e r i C / J Call *nT!im* M l 3555191


E d w a rd M C ra w lo c d jB in n « M MillEK John F A lla n

l SkillmanBernard L Datt#r


i-xp<*rt electricial work for ill your residential needs All work fully guaranteed, reasonable rates, free

11mates 609-448-6379

ElectriciansN \L M AUL & SON

U S Hw\ 130 & Griggs Drive 201-329-4656

Repair Service Electrical Power 4

Lighting Installationsindustrial Maintenance


HOME HUNTER’S GUIDEThursday Jarman. 22, IQ. 6

HILTONE X C E L L E N T TH R EE B E D R O O M C A P E C O D Mated on a one acre treed lot Interior recently com pletely remodeled. $41 000

TWO FAMILY DUPLEX on treed lot with four car garage $45 500

S P A C IO U S F O U R B E D R O O M H O M E ,cated in Hopewell Borough on a quiet street $48 500

FOUR B E D R O O M H O M E IN P R IN C E T O N J U N CTION. Fireplace in family room aluminum siding Choose your colors, cabinets, floor covering and paints. Convenient location for entire family .............................. ........... $6 2 500

E X C E L L E N T L O C A T I O N F O R THE N E W Y O R KC O M M U T E R id dose to scho F ve year old four bedroom Colonial $67 5 0 0 .

T W O S T O R Y C O L O N I A L O N A Q U IE T S T R E E T .Four bedrooms, aluminum siding, fireplace

............................................................................ $71 500

A C U S T O M BUILT SPL IT L E V E L f • : ' c . 2Cx20 foot family room is an outstanding feature. Many extra1 $71 900

TH IS F O U R B E D R O O M C O L O N I A L im icspace for comfortable living Mamienance free aluminum siding S 7 2 5 0 0 .



AN EXCEPTIONAL HOUSE FOR THE EXECUTIVEwho commutes to New York and wants to live within minutes of the train station and in an area with a good school system The second floor has three bedrooms with two full baths plus a very arge master bedroom suite Many, many extras.

$139 000


FOUR BEDROOM C O LO N IA L available February 1for one or two years. Fine condition

$500 par month plu* utillti#«


$500 par month p lu i utilities

OFFICE OR LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AND STO RAGE SPACE Ample parking Excellent location inHamilton Township on Whitehead Road. 1600 square feet $2.50 net net or 3000 square feet S3.80 net, net


D U P L E X E S A P A R T M E N T S A N D O F F I C E BU ILD IN G S' me small 1 ;3rge investor Starting at $45 500

IX i|]iani N I..... .. '12 I >!’ »<H a r \ r \ B u d t . 201

Mien i) \r>->.Ja c k Str\ k d ,J2 I -n . J

O p *n 7 D oy i

1 14 Nassau Streets*- Hilioc Butklir.* • fui f i,„., •

92 1 ViUfill Elevator St»r

HOUSE OF THE WEEK1 ou II lost1 tH i- one

r i r r .

T E R K M 1 i l l 1)1 I M l >. dii~ immaculate split level commands an khllii view .if ih, Hi\er. Perched high above the \alle\. reached !>\ i lury-ii nun aclam driveway il is an excellent 3 bedroom. 2 bath home for the buyer with an appreciation lor quality construction. I he familx room with it' flagstone Boor and marble fir-'ii|,n 'ilam. ' • -s i- a deliirht. Offered at $63,300.

J< H I N I


R I A I T O R SPrinceton 3 > > Na^aii Strcci Princeton. New Je rx ’s M»0M| 62 1 -27 76

HopewellHopewell House Square HofMWNcIi New JerxpN 08 7i MHO 4oo-2">70


PrincetonfefuCIvf EastBELLE28 vrs

\M.M V U M H O H N .1

l)i >tincii\eb designed prestigious homes within the cultural atmosphere nf Princeton l niver- -it\ Continental shopping and transportation center are all nearby PRICE CHANGE

# / M O R T G A G E S C O M IN G FEB 7I ’ R K T I ) f R O M

8 '/ , %

63,490WITH 20% DOWN


I ’ H O N E : o o o T R K 2 3 4 8D IR E ( I IONS from North m >>ulh Jer-ew take1 the New Jerxo I urnpike 1" f vit 8 Proceed on Hi 33 ^ e M l Hi >71 Remain on R i >71 ^ esi to South Mill Rd Make a left ■>n South Mill Rd ’ M dels on the right




MEAD ROOFING - ui business Free

estimates on all type roofing and leaders and gutters and chimney flashing ( al any I une. 609-924-2040 or 201 359-5992 local call from Princeton ■

Why im i i mill ihe roof leaks Elan ahead for vour roofing needsNEW ROOFS REPAIRS

( OOPERA M HAKER63 Moran Pn nee ton


ROOF REPAIRS23 yrs experienceLeak fixing companyMost leak-- repaired for under$50Workmanship guaranleed( ’all collect 201 S21 <K78

ALLIED ROOFING New and old roofs of ail tvpes repaired Homes remodeled inside and out All work guaranteed No job too small 609-448-5707

JOHN R Custom

PODOLSK! Bui idi ng

ROOK SUING IKS JOHNS M A N V IL LF, R l ’ BERDID BFRD 240 lbs stick tab This minth onl y $16 75 per sq Raritan Lumber Co 201 - 257-6300

Moving & Hauling

ATTIC BASEMEN! garages cleaned out Light hauling & moving Snow plowing 609 882 9659

AMBITIOUS VETERAN to rto light hauling and moving Alsu <>ad jobs cleaning cellar- attics painting etc Free ■ stin ate reasenabh rate Cali 609 443-4968 ask for Ial rrv

WILL CLEAN attics garages cellars Will do light hauling Reasonable rates ("all 201-29" 5352.

A T T IC S B A S E M E N T S , garages cleaned out Ligh' hauling & moving 20 1 359-6402

WILL HAUL IT - Cellars attics an d g a r a g e s c le a n e d Cal! 609 799 1680 Consumer Bureau- R e g is te re d


homes. additions garages, driveways, roofing custom masonry fireplaces, swimming pools and patios. Full line of aluminum prod tic is


Serving Princeton area for to years Financing arranged




609-924 2880 MIRRORS


N E E D R E P A I R S R E M O D E L I N G CON SIR; ! n o v Well do just about anything No job too small Robertson A Son 609 737-2260

From Henderson..Some Beautiful Bicentennial Buys

HOPFU l 11

Professional man or authentic colonial buff. here1 - vour op­portunity Almost untouched detailing save 1 L( 4 bedroom i bath colonial with fire placed Inin*; room, famih room and dining room. Enclosed ide porch Detached 7-ear garage with separate heat and second floor studio. 2-story barn All or beautifully landscaped three-quarters of an acre and sitting high above th* Kingston Hopewell Hoad in the Borough of Hopewell 1 all u-

h u i i u bpmfntnlIK >l’ f Mi l . ’ VI \ s iH P

n n i t

i n n

Large custom colonial on 2.0 acres Horsts arc < >K her,- lot and itV brand new ' Center hall. 14x22 foot living r«K»m. IGJo|,„,i lamib rixini with fireplace, formal dining room, laundry powder nKiras plus a greal deck off the famiU room S* ha- '2x18 master bedroom with tile bath and walk-m l<>-<-t other double bedrooms and hall bath on the second floor i v»o-, ic garage and a walk-out has,1 men I t h a s is huge Priced right a

and nd floor

IN \ ! AND WHERE I \ UK t T i f ING E l K f Us ON I I I !M ARK! I FOR (>\ ER $10(1.000. HERE 1' A '1 PER Bl V\. eon Ri o- R ad Hoj.....H Township R D r™erton adir. - o all-brick rancher thn* bcdrsoin*. WO baths living roon Rraplaci dining noon modern kitchen. breeseway and full basement Centrally air conditioned Nied} landscaped acre and a half Vsking ....... p ''’ 00

-A COMFORTABLE COLONIAl IN PR INCETON FARMS just a few years young and just about broken in A perfect farnilv layout with foyer, living room, dining room, eat-in kitchen, laun drv room, powder room and family room on the first floor. Slate Boors are featured in the foyer and utility area There s t arpeting every where and most of the appliances are yours for the asking* 1. pat airs features a master bedroom and bath and three ■thrr bedrooms and a whole bath. The landscaping out front i1* in

vit mg, the fireplace in the family n>om will be great in the winter, and the basement has potential for a recreation area. 2-cara o” §61 904

BRAND NEVl 1 1 > I*! N (, IN 1 Hi SOI BRANDS! • acn- of woods, and a 1-year old 2-story Salt Box (Colonial. laving room with log-burning stone fireplace, formal timing room, large cat-in kitchen, famih room, powder room. Master bedroom. Idx24 with bath and dressing mom. • other bedrooms and bath, al ap pliancea are included. Unbelievable! ${).>,

\ vke|| . a red for three bednaim 2 bath Pennington Borough ran ( her on almost an acre Living room with fireplace, dining room farnilv room, cat- m kitchen and a studv I nil drv basement - ar garage F>rofessionally landsi apf i 2 ! \ brick ;>ati- I ihfinished basement with recreation room and workshop $ ! ,IM

SPECTACl I.AH CONTEMPORARY with oioma mo..-:(dathedral foyer with striking circular staircase and baiconv Three bedrooms and bath upstairs Large sunken living room with log-burning fireplace, informal airv dining room Stunning and unusual kitchen opens to adjoining farnilv room with fan­tastic walk-in fireplact Master bedroom -uite vsith privat* ic k f>orch. dressing room and bath, f.ntertainmg baiconv m - -- tin rear overlooking approximately five acres <? the e\t iusiw- 1dm Ridge area. Ontral air. full walks>ut bas«*nient. 2-< ar garage, lovely landscaping ,t | 37 7op

Ht dd W i l l i < N H I I I 1

1 r i i - i

Within walking distam > >f Pennington Boro A large 4 bedroom. 2 storv colonial with 2 bath- Great country kitchen, formal living and dining rooms, iaundrv. 2-car garage, full basement, even a treed lot and bridg*- >\cr the brook $H8. >00

NE W I.A I IS I I 1 • TW < Bl DR< K >\1 ( VIM- on 1 wooded acres in thr S iu rland s Mudf'rn kitchen, fiath. ticn, lixintt m ern, tvs,, bedrixims. Immediate nccupanrx $41,900.

I'rmeei.iii l arni- -nmr .uni fr.inu n.liiniiil nnls fixe V '.ir' x<mrur ,,n . Ilf an acre with Us sew n ' Entrance fuser, [Kiwder room.

................ lit nj ■ ■ ■■ ■' it 1 - !l,'n- 1:111,1th cc burning firaplat »■ Master

bedroom, full bath and ssalk-m c IomU. three other bedroom- and hall bath l.arac rear pans patio I’ll is home is immaculate and w - ■ i an offer \ o i im i mediate ih cu panes Ask ini! 1

11 \ RB< >1 H I ' iN VH f. \

and a half 1 oss'n.shift

A fise-bedn«>m t’An-bath cusiom-buih story home on 10 high rolling acres in Hopesve Large living room with log burning fireplace, grand d in in groom 1 I 'H I 31, eat-in kitchen over.... . yotU ossn -pring-foigtot k< ■ ■■ nt I ■' bedrooms end bath >n the first andthrei and hath on the second. Build a recreation room around the brick fireplace in the basement. ( fversiz.ed tsso car detached garage Fhe house xsa- built to last forever ssith thi finest materials and construction techniques There s skating on the pond now and lazy summer swim­ming just around the corner................................... $ 1 (to,000 .

J< >H N T


i \ (

M e m b e r s ofM LSP r in c e t o n Real E s t a t e G r o u p

Hopewell House Sq.. | {< >f>ewell. \ J 1609 i 466-27)30

Call Vnvtime

A r e a R e p r e s e n t a t i v e F o r

In t e r - C i t y REL ® R e lo c a t ion

Se rvice

p O T E R E H o m e P u r c h o s e P la n

Alterations Redwood porches fireplaces patios sinew atks Also trucking 201 52! 3449

SEPTICS REPAIRED N.n* sepfics installed tanks and laterals repaired Backhoe A crawler loader rentals Stone A fill dirt delivered Truck rentals Lots A buildings cleared Call 20i 356-6786 or201 873-3788



J K HI ItIMNt. A s l l \ IN(234 Nassau SI

Princeton 600-924-0166


.36 Princeton Ave Hopewell. N J

609-466-1178Additions alterations con struct ton. eft




609-259-7940 Peter Wikoff


ANNOUNCEMENT John formerly of S B A H Builders is now iterating under the name of John Secoohsli Builder specializing in custom f«.j111 homes additions and repairs < tver 20 \rs exp

m am o -Princeton Ave Hopewell

FIREPLACES ran $1 - Stone hearth, wood mantel Call La rrv Jr 20] 354-1177

PLANES . 1 INCH wert benches shelving boards pumpkin pine flooring old doors 201 247 107]

F IR I PI .a 1 IEv Fran $] sotStone hearth wood mantel 1 ad Larrj Jt m f.4 : ; — after 5 A wk ends 297-5303

Gardening & Landscaping

UR \II . \I<I>1 \ M \lt K I T IM , i \<

landscape*I Jesigner and Con! ractor

Alexander St Princeton


TREES of all sizes, trim­mer: or removed Call 609-44:3- 4897 after 6 pm

’ u k i - RS A3 >\ El • mait tamed and carted for Residential and limited commercial land and lot

m i ng a si .i table fat ight hauling odd related jobs

etc Reliability honesty and 'tard work are what 'his small

i - ■ - ■ ,: u P lea st evenings 609 445 43411


' 1 ■s ’- ........kk g Bmtmm• ' ................. >*. it . i- , svrart . trie ■

' em mgavctlsbtt

O FFICE REN TA LSPeer - jton P 'o fessional Centet distinctive and unusual office rentals. Estate setting, quiet elegant at mosphere yet one block from center of town bank, post office and stores Ample parking Available in single offices suites or separate buildings Close pn,virility tr 95 Port ptr.ri raurpads and airprts

New homes remodeling

CU STO M H O M ES ft BUILD IN Galterations additions and kitchen

William W. Augustine 924-9012 or 924-2346

HOME HUNTER’S GUIDEThursday. January 22. IdTh

I .A N N h l ) l Ni l DF.Y E LO P M E N I - All conveniences and recreation are purchased with this superb 3 bedroom townhouse w,th finished basement. . A per cent assumable mortgage available L< >U FORTIES

^ ^ ^ INDSOR R A N C H on sweeping corner lot. Lntr\ hall, largeeat-m itchen. formal dining room 3 bedrooms, and 2 full baths. A steal on today s market at F IF T Y -T H R E E FIVE

FIRS I O F F E R IN G ■ Hickory Acres split in mint condition. Four spacious bedrooms, 2 \A baths. 2-car garage, central air and electronic air filter, plus earjieting and excellent landscaping Make this the home to see' or . . . F IFTY -S IX N IN E

BEDROOMS, 3 V2 BA I HS on a landscaped and fenced half-acreI his 8-year-old home is loaded with potential for the large family thatneeds a mansion in the M I D I I FT 1 F


W IN D S O R ’S F IN E S T Su(>cr 7 bedroom, 2'/ bath, cedar and brick sided home on a lovely stockade-fenced half-acre lot. Gallery-sized slate entry finer, panelled famih room with floor to ceiling used brick fireplace, bright formal living and dining r o o m - with plush wall-to-wall carpeting, natural wood eabineted kitchen with ceramic backaplash and eating area overlooking private rear yard An excellent opportunity t< move up to a great home and neighborhood. SI X I 3 E IGH I N|N|

HT. 130, EAST WINDSOR 009-448-6200


Interior X Exterior Color Photos


o un 1 r y S p e c i u I i * 1 *

S v

C O M P LE T E is the best word to describe this L-shaped ranch on a quiet secluded street Complete privacy is achieved in the separate 3 bedroom 2 bath wing Completely practical is the large center hall leading to all areas of the house Completely charming is the panelled and beamed ceiling family room complete with custom built-ms Completing this pic tun i« (he large living room formal dining room, ultra modem kitchen and full basement. Completely yours if vour price range is in the


l N( HA.VI ING COLONLA1 quietly reclused under heavily branched trees offers 3 large bedrooms. 1 V4 charming baths, wood burning stone fireplace, formal dining room, modern kitchen with new dishwasher, panelled den, maple hardwood floors, wide staircases basement, garage, and deep beautiful hack yard. Spotless throughout FOR I IF.S

I \NG TR FT VI F! S’I hour bedroom, 2 */> hath Colonial featuring apanelled family room with sliding glass doors leading onto private patio large formal dining room with built-in buffet, ultra modern kitchen with new dishwasher, counter top range with wall oven and cheerful breakfast area There is a basement and a two car garage on an immense lot

................................. ............................FIFTIES

D R IA L O TRACT custom rancher 21/ years old with large insiting foyer, b large rooms. 2 full bath- with expansion for 2 more and another bath I he master suite with 11- own hath is secluded from hying area and other bedrooms l Itra modern kitchen with a happy breakfast corner, for­mal dining room with a picture window with a panoramic y lew Ylint con­dition throughout. Full basement, attached garage on a large lot with country atmosphere in Hamilton Twp ..................... S IX T IE S

1 Vx l FIOl SF at 147 i prices in a successful development in Lawreri revilie > large bedrooms. 2 1 well appointed bathe ultra modern G.F kitchen with dinette plus an immense formal dining room I he spacious family room ha- a log burning fireplace There - a 2 -car garage and a full poured concrete basement Brick and aluminum exterior


2681 MAIN ST. IRT. 206) LAWHENCEVILLE 609-896-1000

8 Offices to Serve You


2 S TOR3 C O LO N IA L 7 big rooms, including 3 nice sized bedrooms, a new bath large entrance foyer living room and formal dining rexim. bigeat-m kitchen, full basement. I 70' deep lot. T H IR T Y -F O E R , F IVE

I HI I I V FT C O L O N ! A l F.a*v living in this 8 room home, featuring brick fireplace in family room, central air and vacuum system, ultra modem kitchen, basement, 2 ar -ide entrance garage, nice size lot.


S P A R K L IN G HR IG H ! Picture perfect Colonial Ca[>e offering a lovely fireplace in living room 4 large bedrooms. 2 full baths, intercomthroughout. 4 most impressive and well kept home that must be seen


C O t N TR Y AND PR I \ A T Eset on a little knoll. Vt all to

Pretty 3 bedroom custom built Rancher stone fireplace in living r«x>m. ultra

mdern kitchen, dining area, full basement, plus 1. vilFi drwooded area at rear of property Jl ST S I X T Y F IVE

2 6 6 3 N O T T I N G H A M W A Y . M E R C E R Y I E E E . N . J .

6 0 9 - 5 8 6 - 14 0 0



International Relocation Service


ANTICIPATE excitem ent when you see this town colonial Fam ily room dec fireplace. 3 bedrooms, 1'■> baths, 1 car garage large lot $63 900


o n e w o rth l o o k in g at AttractIVttji^Ikfcnms laundry - io n b aths . n ta i - a n tra l a *

” $65 900

SEVENTY FIV£ ACRE HORSE FARM tloma n :a 1710 2 fireplaces 4 bedrooms. 2 full baths barn silo and other out buildings, privacy $270 000

ATTRACTIVE WITH COUNTRY SETTING ja m b re l family room wrth fireplace 4 bedrooms, 2 baths 2 car garage 3 acres

$79 900

NO PAINT BRUSHES needed for this aluminum sided rancher New kitchen family room w ith fireplace 3 bedrooms tile bate central air. 2 car garage $57 500

WOODED SETTING wrth Rancher, fam ily room wrth fireplace. 3 bedrooms. 1 - baths, 2 car garage $57 000

COME ON UP and see this attractive rancher w ith family room 3 bedrooms. 1 Vs baths. 2 car garage, central air. large lot

$55 900

WEST AMWEU TOWNSHIPFOR THE ASTUTE INVESTOR Old Colonial w ith 5 apartm ents Also stone cottage and outbuildings plus 2 t i acres $ ! 25,000

LAWRENCE TOWNSHIPRELAX AND ENJOY LIFE in this Co ionia’ on a quiet tree coed ■n k firep lace famm room four bedrooms, 2 CMf

U S $00garage

READY TO BREAK GROUND on this Spanish style 2 -story on 6 5 acres 2 flnpiacaa 4 bedrooms 3 baths . m garage Blueprints available $151,500.

EWING TOWNSHIPLOOKING FOR THE UNUSUAL? Contem porary, 2 family rooms fireplace 5 bedrooms 5 baths c e n ra i air m ground poot

S \ 64 500m any extras, privacy

BUY LAND THEY DON T MAKE IT ANYMOtE3.02 ACRES Hopewell Tow nsh ip $24 000

1.37 ACRES Hopewell Tow nsh ip $25 000

77 ACRES - half wooded w ith stream . Hopewell Tow nsh ip , ex celfent road frontage *3 P * r ° * r*

2 LOTS - Hopewell Tw p 100 front, over 200 deep on Pen nington Washington Crossing Road $ ' ' 500 »«ch

300 * 435 Hamilton Tow nsh ip zoned PRO $300 OOC

Van Hise RealtyRealtors

Pennington. N .J

T e l . ( 6 0 9 1 7 3 7 - 3 6 1 5

(60 9 1 8 8 3 -2 1 1 0

Garding & Landscaping


Landscape Desistingand

Cor trac ting 609-924 1221


wants 1 or 2 bedroorri country cottage w privacy in New Brunswick Pnncetor area call 20 1 238-5806

LANDSCAPING lawn ser vice tree work rototillmg Call Brothers Services 60© 448 4913 or 609-443 5338

EDWARD MOORE & SON S LANDSCAPING all types of garden work done Odd iotas 809-896-1426

An average of 3.2 people read each copy of this newspaper

Wanted To RentSTL DIO OR 1 bdr apt fur nished or unfurnished. Feb Ocl within 15 min drive center of Princeton Mature couple & small dog Call weekday eves 609-924 S663

PROF COl'PLF w 2 childrendesires to rent 3-4 bdrrn hse in VS Windsor school district for 2 vrs beg July 1 Please rail 609-799-0256 after 6 pm

Going awav for the summer'' Mature couple no children with well-mannered cat need one bedroom apartment, preferably furnished while on temporary assignment East Windsor area preferred June through Sept dates flexible 609-448-6346

OFFICE DESK SPACE 2 rooms in house or bldg in Hightstown, E VS Windsor or(ranbury areas Reasonable rant mo to mo or short termlease. Call 609-443-4862 9 am to 2 pm

TW OGIR IS mid 20's seek 2 bdr apartment in Princeton- Kingston or Rockv Hill area Cali Vickie at 81*4924 5383

COUPLE SEEKING apt in private house 201-521-1746 or 609-924-4889

YOUNG working couple seeks to rent centrally located apt. or house beginning Feb or March Please call collect after : PM 201 235-0681

3BDKM HOUSE in country by Feb 1 st Titusville, Fen rungton or Lambertville $300 maximum Call 609-298-6694 or .586-2299

PROFESSIONAL COUPLE seeking to rent large apt or 2 bedroom house m Princeton Hopewell area $260 rent m a x i m u m H i g h e s t references Call 608-921 1577 or 896 1248

BACHELOR ENGINEER - wants small home with space for garden within 10 mites of Princeton Bv Feb I 809-443 4615 anytime

G EN ERA L S7 CLAIR Wa$hington Cro$$ing

EXECUTIVE HOME -overlooking lagoon An archrtect designed our exciting wood and glass contemporary to take full advantage of lot and location The interior design tends itself to entertaining First floor has 7 rooms. 2 baths, 2 fireplaces and screened patio. Second floor boasts a guest room plus a one-of-a-kind Master bedroom suite of 3 rooms sundeck. bath and fireplace The N acre yard is landscaped foi privacy Only 5 minutes to I 95


(215) 943-7500

Housesitting Apts/Houses To share

B A C H E LO R Record ing Engineer Musician mid 20's seeks large cheerful apt or bouse to share or alone in Princeton around $165 with utilities Bill 20 1 84 2 7240

PROF WOMAN mid 20-s seeks 1 bdr cottage or apt w ith privacy m Pnncetor area Call mornings after 10 a m 201 842-7240

REFINED widow needs quiet 3-rm apt with modern con veniences beg Apr $250 300 mo Write LHS 1967 Pennington Rd Trenton NJ

An average of 53 3% of our readers r «e r to this paper 2 or more times after the initial reading

HOUSE SITTER available June 14 to Aug 27 Responsible 20 year old college female xeeks jobs in Princeton Write Ann Martin 100 Dodds Lane Princeton

Apts/Houses To Share

WITHERSPOON ST — 5 room apt to share male or female $125 per mo plus sec-uri tv 809 924 1938

ONE ROOM available for single person in Princeton Share nouse with 3 otner people Rent $106 25 plus utilities Cali 808-924 2144 or 609-924-2276

MODERN HOUSE luxuriously fum w respon sibie neat young prof or grad student Verv reas 443 .3857

HOUSE TO SHARE in Princeton thru June near University 609-921-2320

HOUSE TO SHARE with 2 other ladies, parking space References Available now609-921-1053

WANTED - 2 females toshare 7 room house in Allentown Own room Eves 609 259-3753

ROOMMATE WANTED Business professionalwoman or graduate student to share furnished 2 bedroom townhouse in Twin Rivers East Windsor $150 mo 609 448-7775

A PA R T M E N T withinwalking distance of campus and town to share with non smoking female $153 in­cludes beat Call 609-924-5616 after 6 p m


N 0 R T H G A T E A P A R T M E N T S

O n* M il* Roadand Princoton-Hightstown Rd.

opposite M cGraw Hill)Eoit Windsor N.J

1 and 2 Bedrooms from $210 per month




Win or lose, read about it in the Sports pages weekly.

HOUSE HUNTING?Let us be your guide to this super 3 bedroom, 2 bath R ancher Th is house is loaded with extras, 2 fireplaces, study large cedar closet 1st floor laundry, and many m aore $ 4 5 ,0 0 0 .

Many m or* homes ovoilabt* throughout tho aroaCall us - 466-2444

M AY AGENCYRealtor- Insuror

Serving the entire Princeton area

Rt. 518. Blawenburg




HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE10-B Thursday. January 22. 1976

B E A U T IFU L 01 TSIDE- \ A C A N T INS ID EShe's just sitting there waiting for you This lovely colonial ha' many ad­mirable features throughout the H rooms, 2 V$ baths, a bric k fireplac e central air conditioning wall to wall carpeting, full basement and 2 c ar garage, loaded with value for F IFTY-S IX T H O l S A M )

B ()RDERS ON A T R O U T STR E AMI )/> acres with towering trees and a babbling brook create the setting for this new 9 room colonial with 2 V: baths and a centrally located famib room with large exposed beams and a full wall raised hearth fireplac > Full basement and 2 car garage. Located in an area where values are growing in leaps and bounds but its only SF.\ EN I A - FH R L I h [ \ I

n c r y S p e c i a l i s t

FR> FHIS FOR SIZEUiur bedrooms. 2 baths, large family room, living room, dining room, lull basement. 2 car attached garage superbly located JUST M IN U T E S from the H E A R T of P R IN C E T O N and situated on approximately T ^ O ACRES LOW -EIGHTIES

NO MORE T IM E LO O K IN G FOR T H E H OM E OF YOURD R E A M SIf you call us first about thi- spectacular B IRCHW OOD ESTATES olonial. It s, in move-in condition and is now \acant and ready for new

owners. JI ST R E D U C E D ! ! ! ! ! .................................. SEVENTIES

WEST A M W E L L T W P 1 bedroom Cape on a nicely landscaped lot. Expandable attic. Full basement. I-car garage FORTY-SIX , FI VE

W E.s I AMU ELL FW P .] bedroom Ranch on a wooded lot Stone fireplace in living room Finished basement FO R T A -N IN E FIVE

S I A I El.A OLD TRE ESSurround this handsome old colonial set back on I i 1 acre- in the (juaini old town of Ml. Airy I approx 20 min. to Princeton 1. 8 rooms including 4 bedrooms and a den. modern family size kitchen, detached car garage with loft, plus a 20x40 in-ground pool l nbelievable for

..........................................................................FIFTY-SIX, FIAT

K IC K UP YO l R HULLS< )n y our own mini-estate in Hopewell I wfi. 3 acres of land protected on 2 sides by Washington Crossing Park, with large stocked pond, heated Sylvan [tool and cabana A beautiful !> bedroom expanded ranch that features 32’ living room with stone fireplace, music room, formal dining room, finished basement and 3 car garage \ fantastic property m the


DON I L E T T H E GOOD L IF I PASS YOU BY( ome see our Brand New Listing in exclusive VI( )N T G ()M E R A T( > W N ' 'U IP featuring four big corner bedrooms, a super sunny kitchen, panelled fannK room with fireplace and a little more than an acre of rich '■anh. I hi- N I W CONS I R l C I ION is a once in a life!ime opportunity

................................................................................... S IX T IE S

REVERSE I'HE ROLE OF T E N A N T and L A N D L O R DArid look at the opportunity you 'll find in this 2-familv propert y just north

1 1( Princeton . M ID -FO R TIE S

VIU LAG I ATM OSPHERESurrounds thi- immaculate three bedroom. I 1/- bath Ranch. With its maintenance free aluminum siding, -parkhng white shutters and mature shrub! >rry it now includes I IFA A \ A financing to a qualified buyerDon t miss this one it has just a famt ev ery thing! ’ T H I R T I F.S

B()R (t ( )I F L E M IN G IO N Next to Turntable Junction - OlderI .o Ionia I witfi 6 rooms Zoned for small business. G. K HI investment at


W ESI W 1 N DSOR - Jefferson Park Brick and frame colonial. 8 nainis. 4 bedrooms, 21/; baths. 2- ar garage Panelled family room with brick fireplace. Central air ............................S IX T Y -E IG H T , F IVE

MON FGOM ERY IW P Brick Ranch. 7 room- 3 bedrooms, I (A baths. Family room with brick fireplace on a 4 acre lot. New horse barn with 5 -H.y -lulls. Ask ing................................SEA I V I A -FOI R. N IN i ;

ROUTE 31, PENNINGTON, N.J609-737-1300 609-832-3804

Interior & Exterior Color Photos



8 Offices to Serve You


ROUTE 202. FLEMING ION. N.J. 201-782-0100 609-466-1744

International Relocation 'sen tee


Not the Conventional but the Distinctive Classical Design...


NEW JERSEY S SHOWPLACE OVERLOOKING THE DELAWARE RIVER!The incredible hom es at Delaw are R ise Up to over 3.000 sq 6 of living area brick fronts 4 and 5 bedroom s 2 . baths and 2 car garage 6 x 3 of insulation m aft houses C r y water erty sew ers w a lks and curb s are all included W ooded tots availab le Hilly acre lots wrth 125 ft frontage

30 Y E A R M O R T G A G E SS *v «r o l V *ry Liberal M o r tg o g » t with 2 0 '. Down

A v o ilo b l* to Q u o lifi*d B u y*n

6 M odelsF rom :


* 4 8 , 4 9 0DELAWARE

H U E1 1 1 4 River ltd fw n j Twp N J

D*8f C t*OMi F 'om N t I He tmy t afc • T rpk W *• f iH f I' ' to I F1 So - M> e*** Vmh t*,»p Sta C*«***wv« IbH ! Eh HP* limb*rtrill«

Tmkm »$**• F«rb [ti H N liN r H tl**H •• Mm M . Pr**m Pm P'«S Atrom* Ww«M*t >e lilt HN !»H «h }«<J »>**•*• M*4«li ’ rot* Pi IfN >«A» ***** P* my **w*rd W•»>>tfir«r*4y •« «*a4»‘t *'o«« Pm+m* Imkm Ri I** M So o»- m%

Op«n 6 Days a W **k 10 a.m. 5 P.M MODEL PHONE: (609) 883-5603

Dining out tonight7 Try one of the restaurants

on our Arts page.


A L mque Park Like .Setting in Millstone Twp

Custom buift homes on minimum of 1 acre heavily wooded lots Individual home sites also available for purchase Located on Millstone Rd 1 'A miles south of Route 33

Datralopart and Iw t byLiving Systems, Inc.

Call 12011 4<>4-i>676 between 0 a.m. <1 5 p.m

* O O M P A W YEST 893

R E M I 'O R sI ’ "i Nil—.hi Nreel. Priru .•tun. Nrw Ji-r-cv 083 in

609-924-0322A COMPI f Rf \| 1ST M I ORG\M/AIIO,\

F xcellent commercial property in the Service (h-2l /on.' . if Prim Hi >i ! iw nship Building ha- 4.001) xjuare feet phi- unfinished half storv. Lot -I7.e 100 \ PH) with double frontage allows ample op- port unity foi exp&nmom tm r condition throughout $150,000.

Ft>R R E N TPrime office space Nassau Street location. Elevator service parking, air conditioning. 1200to 4400 square feet.

bS U E U B U I U B U I U S U I \9/ \9j » v#/ vjRr v#v;, \9, v#/ $•>

Apts/House To share

HOt sf- SH AREw single person nearKingston Lg house w th central air 4 swimming pool S12S per mo 20 1 329-2432

ROOMM ATE W ANTE 11 ultra-modern 2 bdr apt Own room & bath full use of tat chert 4 api No security no lease $125 really nice located in E M ndsor This is a great deal for someone wanting to save money Hurry Female preferred 609 443-5870 after 5 p m Call Bob

Apts/Houses To share

SHARE country house, 20 minutes from Princeton. Call Marv 201-873-3733

For Rent - RoomsFURNISHED ROOM for gentleman on quiet street. 2Blocks off Main Street, Manville Call days. 201)722 0070, or eves, <2011722-5524

ROOMS and semi-efficiencies at weekly rates Princeton Manor Motor Hotel. U.S #1, Monmouth Jet 201-329-4555

DESIRABLE ROOM for rent near campus Parking Refs required 609-924-4474

ROOM FOR RENT m Law renceville Complete house privileges yard and parking 609-896 9467

SPACIOUS ROOM with refrigerator Nicely furnished Professional man only Call after 5 pm 609 921-6242

ROOM FOR RENT with kitchen privileges E Windsor $35 wldy Student preferredEves 201-359-3059

LA W RE NCE VILLE $125 Won't last Large lovely rooms HOME LOCATE RS $30 609-394-5900

H<|< IMS FOR RENT Houses,! Hc.c 448-13*1

FURNISHED ROOMS for gentleman all utilities in­cluded Manville 201 7255667

For Rent - Roomsf 1 RNiSHEIJ ROOM for rent m Hightstown Call after 4pn 609 448 8407

FREf ROOM for companion in exchange for once a week cleaning Working female only 609-921-1053

F E M A LE RO< M V a ! 1 w anted to share hdr house n Hopewell Fireplace 4 piano 609-466-3104

LJ V ING ROOM bedroom, eat in kitchen 4 bath hack porch small yard parking All utilities included $175 per mo pi us security 609-393-2760

NEW BRUNSWICK Fur rushed room, working person private home References201 '247.2552

NEW HOPE PA 18th centmanor hse on 5 acres their own pnv bdrms roomers Have their own E R w fireplace, kit din fact! u nreplace hath priv ent Pool priv Attractively furnished Ml util pd inc! mamt ground $35 per wk Cal) 215 862-5330 after 6



PLEASANT ROOM in village of l4iwrenceville kit 4 laund priv $110 per mo 609-896 0465

MANVILLE Furnished room for gentleman private home private entrance Inquire after

pm 706 Washington Ave201 <722 1031

ROOM FOR RENT in private home near RCA Laboratories

Oentleman only, ample parking please call 609-452 212S eves or wknds



$270■\l! a p a rtm rn ts w ith w all to w all ca rp etin g , drafkes or blindh ap p lian ce? and C e n ­tral air con d ition in g

Immediate I >cru()anr\

•Vn ideal location close to shopping and m ajo r tran- bponatio©



M M 4 4 I1 !

For Rent - RoomsROOM WITH BATH in private home Kitchen privileges Female onlv. $130/mo 301-297-6811 after *6p.m.

LARGE ATTRACTIVE room with bath beautiful surroundings walk to Palmer Square & University Minimum kitchen privileges 609-924 1 723

DOUBLE ROOM adjaceni hath no kitchen small refrig parking Call after 6 pm 609 921-3816

ONE ROOM efficiency, furnished, all util 2 mi from Princeton S on US 41 Call 809 924-5792

For Rent - Apts.ONE BEDROOM apart men! furnished located in Princeton area Very at­tractive. spacious with ail modern conveniences Heat and bo! water provided $300 monthly call after 6 p m 609- 452-8271

ROOM FOR RENT in downtown Princeton Fur nished parking available 609 924 7034

ONE 4 TWO BEDROOM APTS for immediate oc aipancv at W indsor Castle F. Windsor Twp From Pnnceton take 57] to Old Trenton Rd make a right then proceed to the first left beyond a couple hundred feet from Old Trenton Road 609-448 5995



Thm s "ghL A n rmm acurate. freshly pacrnwO charmer yvrth 18' dining room, eat-m krtchen 4 -bay bam wtTh futtv floored loh LoveFy r««r vafCj And on a quiet street rn a convenient location CaN us for details

BURQdORffR E A L T O R S 647-20015 ' Mount Bethel Road W arren N J 07060


HOME HUNTER’S GUIDEITturvIas. Januarv 22. 1076 11-B


'r? .{


CUSTOM BUILT ONE-STORY C O L O N IA L ON 2 LO VELY ACRES. H Ufit- l iving riHim with larim brick fireplace, dining room with built-ins, attractive airv kitchen i large bedroom - - bath- Expandable attic Angle-bav w indow s airy porch Oversize garage

Another super Henderson listing Additional acreage available$7 L.TMi

k f

T H E B A K ER HOUSE IN B E L L E M EADHere - a enturv old farmhouse with every modem convenience and a newer wing with all the luxuries It boast* » lx bedrooms, a 34 living r<x>m. librarv with man\ built-in*, magnificent fannlv room iibrarv fireplace* 24 dining room large music room Beautiful grounds with a swimming pool and mature plantings The list goes •n and on. 'ITiis is trulv a verv special home for special people ll is -ur newest listing and just 8 mile* from Princeton t ! 50,000.

O U T S T A N D I N G A AI l I IN NT \H B i M O N T G O M E R Y .justa tee shot awav from the Pike Brook Country Club is our lovely listing on an acre with a barn and kennel Spacious Colonial tv- level with mature plantings and professional landscaping lour bedrooms, three full baths, front and hack stairs, iiv mg room, dining room and much, much more, including a spacious famiiv room • can show this property any linn- so please call for an appointmentw ith us I $63,.>00

H I H I * A HOUSE W IT H P R IV A C Y , P E A C E A N D A SU N S ! I \ IE VI I wo-story colonial on 2.38 acre*, three bedrooms and har dh lived in, onlv two years old large living room, dining room beautiful family room facing the sunset with fireplace and glass sliding doors Full basement Master bedroom with full hath Custom built with elaborate, expensive wiring equipment antenna -vstem outlets in most rooms, amplifiers and much, much more Professional sodding, beautifully trees! with fruit trees, wild (lowers ett * 68.000.

Home of the ProfessionalsJO H N I

H<)[H*v HIHop«*v><•!! SquareHofx*wHl. Ni*vs jersrv nH ,2■ f »t M M !()<,- 2 "»')( »


REALTORS( )pen . da\ s a week

Princeton 353 Nassau Street Princeton. jerw»N 08 .">40 i 000 I 021 -2776

Experience Princeton MeadowsI)i-:tme.■,c one ami tm< bedr n apart mart - Mi nuts i fin n ’rinceton Untvs rnitj The I rain *

N Y < 7 tint) Phila is ju - ! •> ' ik< ride hvvhv

f t V



from $49,990 Flexible Financing

Op#n everyday From noon for Inspection

r> r i ( iaO, ffD/flolts }f, li/d (tjt U(jH. j M i l fifJC( . i tU #f Holes J I 4 i i t u S i m , , u M u / i l e i e s a y a j{,a I/Its ! h>>

mi n i f y h fjfho fc cuts at3* *// ’ HO O P 0 i. its t if .f ! ai>f ! CJ V fcs ? ' I l l tj Qi CiiJtJt

u iR f r x T I O N S H i JOt u i i « ' .m -w a - > n h cICfMdtB : 95 &OUtl only d few minutes to St O! ' H : * 'Drive acro&s Scotch Rd to Nursary Rh and ont • ''< ■■ n odels Mountain View Golf on left moefftth r

Dove Out Today1

M o d # l P h o n a 6 0 9 8 8 2 6 0 4 7 E x c l u s i v e S a l a t A g « n t i d e a l R # o l t y 2 0 1 2 8 3 2 6 0 0

For Rent * Apts. For Rent - Apts.■aiDf b'lamsbO-c Fid

att Me on- • • ’ ake ug-Hat'rJ'F* and fo’ *o* Pia-n*bo'c- ■ • ■ I ■ - ‘0M 1 m e to PiamsDoro Rd * "•>$ ?0 Pr-.e

Need a new car7 Check the Classified pages

READY TO GOIf you have the perfect house plans we have the per feet lot to build on A 6 acre heavily wooded lot on the south slope of the Sourland Mountains What a view The perk tests have been approved Come see it now

$30 000

DEVELOPERS - INVESTORS49 acres in the most exclusive section of Montgomery Township next to the Bedens Brook Country Club An area of S150 000 plus homes Ask us about available utilities Very good terms to qualified buyer

O th a r b u ild ing lots and a c ra a g a s a v a ila b le

C ali us - 46G-2444

M A Y A G E N C Y□R<mMyo'

Realtor Lnstiror .Sen mg the entire Princeton sren

Rt 518. B law en bu rg

m u ltipleL IS T IN GS E R V IC E


For Rent - Apts.APT FOR RENT near Princeton Untv large old fashioned 4 rms $255 609-924 7034

3RD FLOOR of ideal Western Boro home Huge studio room large bdrm. built-in cabinets & drawers in both complete bath, fully carpeted w refrtg $230 a mo includes electricity 1 4 mile from campus 609-924 H891 eves Day, 924 9900 ext 280

FOR RENT 1 bedroom apt Fox Run Platnsboro $236 $20 below going rate 609-799-3530 eves or weekends

SUBLEASE 2 baths 2 bdr api $220 per mo March 1 to Mav 30 Call 2840

a il tie* 9-4 609-452

2 BDR APT within walking distance of the University Rent approx $300 609-921 7239days or after 7 p m 921 2347

APT in 2 family house Lawrencevilie 3 B R kit chen L R D R den full bath 1st floor quiet street $375 909 924 -5266 or 921 7200

SUBLEASE ! bdrm apt in Fox Run Call after 5 pm 609 799 9548

SUBLET Fox Run 1 bdr apt Gas heat, water cooking included 609 452 8B51 or 7991761

2 BEDROOM CON DOMINIUM Roesmoor 48 k over Reasonable 609-665 3489

ULTRA MODERN 1 BDRM den air heat paid. $230 Home Locators $30 699-394-5900

SUBLET 2 BR Apt. 1 4 bath for 2 mos or 1 yr lease $227 mo Security 609-448-3126 after 6pm

,y V -'x U | j



O V ER S IZ ED APTSStarting at $250 par Month

M tvW M iy ttnlraAirf Hoot « 9 •!r cendHtening

A$unB<nt ( l t l « t i »RW9 •ft i wttfi w«rik-ta

200S an ill* perk twtmmim ft fanrUscourts will bo rsiMtrvcts^ on lit*

Rent includes Heet and Hot W ate r!!!DIR *rw0m Rrsw-o— n B Tr«n«an Ner»i Rr JOB to A«*x<««R $4 (Rt SI 4

ttife i«9t ceatrua lor IV] mi «o war Lina Usm rt^it Mart*INK at nmut rip9»t «o Am R« b W war Qmr+mm « r i ifHt

FRORS Ri i i n ■ i R t S1 4 txm R t 704 ’ Vi m. ta laakMen Lana wmt»*m iMtadliNly it nan r»y9*t N> •*•»» Am«v«B Rd taakwar GsiAani mr

rtgRt FRO*R N a nark A *•« Jtrwy Rt 27 Weei to Rt 704 law e ■> Aaaat N fRt 51 n*#tt3 t Kte corbnus »or 1*0 m. to I aak " tarAsm r^Ar twrr> ■ c t s a d i a a t ri^Kt to A R d l i duaaeOar

fJ o

For Rent * Apts. For Rent - Apts.

CRANBURY 2nd floorimmediate occupancy no pets. no children Living room, dining room kit 2 bedrooms bath, garage $225 per mo Reply Box *03330 cp c Princeton Packet

HO USEKEEPING BACH ELOR SUITE 3 rooms attractively furnished in­cluding equipped kitchen and utilities Garage space available For reliable non smoking business or p ro fess ion a l gen tlem an Security rental \ early lease preferable Phone 1 30 2:30or eves 7 30 8 30 609-924-2478

ONE ROOM A PT in rural setting — 2 mi from center of Princeton in exchange for babysitting 2 to 3 eves a week & some wEnd time Call 609 924 1837 or 452 3055

M BEDROOM APT Living room kitchen with diningarea bedroom & bathLocated at 261 John St S195 fall between ll 12 am or 7-8 pm 609-924-0746

APT TO SUBLET bedroom, no yearly leas*1 Fox Run al Princeton Meadows Call 799-3155 after 6pm

UNFURNISHED NEW LUX URY APTS : & 2 bedrooms, $270 and up Meadow Lane Apts, 5 minutes from Prin­ceton Jet fa ll 609 462-8220

East Windsor

CHESTNUT WILLOW ULTRA modern 1 & 2 bedroom apts Air conditioned A car peled 2 bedroom apts have 2 baths yt least I ran $21* 216 Dorchester Dr 609-448 6960

BROOK WOOD GARDENS Modern i & 2 bedroom apts A 1 rcondt 11 oned. carpeted Swim club on grounds Located on Hickorv Corner R t f n e a r R | m I r o n $204 fa ll 609 44 8 5521

W YNBROOK WESTI II ra n< *h-rn 4 .' twririmn.Mi condiIitnied carijoied 20 Imlcimv ip’ Swini Hub n grminiK I’-'ic \ \ l ‘V wit1 till' f i 11 / 1 If/'JII ft ! *I ( 1,1. t litu it*t Ml' nil

:l |A 10 I*.)• 111 fy * a i [it 1 r til l (iXil ■* - 1 p (J f 11111-f 11ierseclmn iH If acrosfe f ron1 \irpnrt I mu '259 'M49


I u\ ur\ Vpartments

md . bedroon End iduslly controlled heat. 2 air con­ditioners Individual Bal conies 12 ru it Refrigerator Venetian Blinds Large walk in closets Private entrances Laundry room with washers and dryers Wall to wall carpeting in 2nd floor apart­ments Superintendent on site Rents start at $200 up

Model apartment Telephone 609-448-4801 Open daily from 12:30 pm to I pm except Sunday Directions from Pr inceton Pr inceton Hightstown Road, turn right on Old Trenlon Road . mile turn left and follow signs

B E A U T IFU L large 1 bedroom furnished apartment in private Princeton Twp home close to Nassau St Walk m fireplace pullman kitchen lath, large bedroom abundant closet space television, maid service Pr ivate entrance through patio Fantastic for professional gentleman $315 per month Send replv will-, references to Box * 03323. < ■ Princeton Packet

F R A N K L I N C O R N E R (, A KDENS Law reneevi Ile - most spacious garden apart ments centrally located of! R *1. only minutes from Pnn eton 4 & 5 rooms from $245

and up Plent ; of closet sp,< c heat and hot water included 161 Franklin < timer Rd 89636491

PRINCETON Only $165 All utilities paid Lovely 1 bedroom Completely fur mshed Has air and carpets too HOME 1,(X7ATFRS $30 609 194-5900

MANVILLK North S'de 'lownslails apt I rms & liail 'll) I ' l i I1R44

f R |N f I t 1 ) s l i 1 tilth -ipf• I r rl-ll • Illl i I, >|g ' i 10:1

- et vl Im f j£ ' t i i n, -- ! ’ 1, ( i m 1J 1* 1 <tU i mu ih 1 m

A h M : k i i i f u It !• 1 i ho1 m l 1 11ft «'|l« k y . i t i pi it, Hfrti4 1 *<111 tilthtic til ttd in! 1 4 l l , tn

I.* /j 1/ P i • 1 i ■ K*

R o b b in s v l i t .Aim 1 'a l l 609 K f T If IK N (N

ro o m w it h *1 k it c h e n w i t h

A P T c e p i rig(ii m ng

I vinka r e a a re a

UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom api to sublease thru Nov 76 Princeton Meadows. Fox Rur. section in Plains boro $2R6/mo includes gas and water Call 609-9E1 -8550 ext 342 or after 6 pm 799 2283

UNFURNISHED APT m an old Colonial home near Palmer Sq Walking ciist to R R & Unjv Lg Kit. walk in pantrv two sun porches living k d r High ceilings 2 bdrms. 2 baths All on ground fl Rent $455 to $495 per mo Avail immed Lx>ng lease preferred Suitable for elderfv adults Call 609-924-0024

EFFICIENCY APT for professional gentleman Quiet com fo rta b le bed s itting room kitchenette, bath private entrance $170 plus security references Box •03326 c o Pnnoetor Packet

bathroom with tub no shower Ijocaled at rear ol Leigh Avem» Apts Suitable ’or -.ingle male occupant $ - Call between 11-12 am or 7 8, pm 609 924-0746

HILLSBOROUGH Modern and spacious garden apart ment complex with pool on site In media 11 act a pa ncj for 1 & 2 Pedroon apts ft a $2211 mi 201-359 2693




Large apartments complete with carpets draper and air < ondiboning

Unbelievable hilltop view of New Hope and Bucks County forests and fields

Out door pools plus full size tennis courts plus, saunas and more, all included at no extra charge

Rental agents on premises noon 5 30 p.m Move-in allowance in effect til Feb 1 Call 215 862-5232



Station Square Route 206 Belle Mead

( 201)

Route 206 State Rd Princeton

< «09 ) 924-7575

CO VERED ENTRY STRIKING LOCATION4 bedroom with entry foyer, bright living room, formal dining room panelled family room, kitchen with breakfasi area: Central air basement, 2 car garage, paved dnv- Back yard enclosed in landscaping $70 900

STAUNCH BOROER OF WHITE BIRCHenhance this 2 story in a cul de sac location with a clea- view of rolling hills io one side the other an established neighborhood Balconied foyer. 4 bedrooms. 2 b baths panelled family with raised hearth brick fireplace and built ir bookcases formal dining room, full basement, 2 car garage, paved drive $76 000

SET HIGH VIE A IS ONE OF THE most striking in the total area' Bock and Cedar 2 story with brick fireplace m nant'llnd family room slate foyer, front to back living Min’ fun ia (fining r rum 4 5 bedrooms, tuil basement. 2 car garage, belyium block curbing, underground utilities $99 500

Two Im m edior* and Vary Raaxonabl* Situation!

2 STORY DESIGN with foyer brick fireplace with per .onah/ed mantel master bedroom with walk in and full bath 3 ’'bin bedrooms panelled family room with boxsen e effing w det p n tet entrel an newly


EXPANDED RANCH with covered entry, foyer sunken rvinq loon, forma- dining room, dinette in kitchen, dishwasher recessed lights. 5 bedrooms, 3 c baths, basement esi pragi antral sir $59,900.

as- i' is i* you - an top this home


7 room corner o ffice suite, 1238 sqaure feet glass enclosed reception area, overlooking Nassau and Cha mbers streets. Available Ju n e 1, $790

Also available Single or double oHice suites, sun ny w indow s overlooking campus some withfireplaces, from $85 to $135

A ir c o n d it io n e d ja n ito r ia l s e rv ic e s in c lu d e d parking available

Call 609-452-2662


HOME HUNTER’S GUIDE12 B Thursday, January 22, IQ'

SPACIOUS COLONIAL , acre come' 5 bedrooms ea' - kitchen family room, 2 . baths full basement toyei patio, carpeting, central air $ 5 2 900

R ichardson jR e a l t o r s M




A DREAM OF A HOMEm Allentown rps.riP'" ,i, area npresaivi antra • yer leading to family room with fireplace inri opei i earn ceiling Moden aet m kitchen dining room, living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths fully carpeted throughout1 car garage patio f t * . 8X1 IS $49 900

DESIREABIE AREA OF TOWN2 story house living room with fireplace dining roomkitchen with range and dishwasher 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, full basement, nicely landscaped Being sold as IS R oducod to $ 4 4 9 0 0TWIN RIVERS1 % years old 2 bedtoom townho ............... ent mdftion. Living room, dining room fully equipped kit chen, 1 i baths Completely panelled basement with bar Central air and wall to wail carpet Stone patio

Reduced $36 900DEVONSHIREImmaculate Chesterfield Colonial situated or professionally landscaped corner lot 4 large bedrooms 2h bath, living room format dining room, kitchen utility room Brick fireplace in family roorr Ful, basement 2 car gorap antral a" w w , arpeting plus lots more ........Jt,2 500

ALSO. Horne Available MO MONEY DOWN to qualifier! buyer with VA mortgage

Cathtniw CJuntw Ho«»m StrAufiEttJH Cr»t C4b*n

44* 2121 44* 1954 759 9405m 11*3


TwHn - Unique and veryspecial spin-level town house in Quad II 24 living room wrth 12 ceiling and huge picture win dow formal dining one level up overtook s the living room, 17 H krtchen wrth snack bar frost free re frig and self c lear oven 4 bedrooms 2 ceram ic tile foyer

throughout, central vac. beeement area plus

baths carpeted

large storagef — — — — K w

V and more Assumable VA 7% mortgage M 7 Jt0 .

(40$) 443 ) 332

£ 5 l' 6 niaN fW LISTING

' P os'- o'- ir ■ ■Ena oooostfe the en ira” _ev ocwoiooe Pork on thebeautiful sc cl ton o ’ Be tfvu f a ,? noe we otter >r>t$ ex t cut --r colon to hovmg o a^oe erM^on-ce roorr- 'o-m-o . ff5© * ••o o t ' neo' tr for ma1 amiog roorr w-'n t>ul! ’ r, chino close’ s super ,Tlod f ' r k,rerun K Oo»li-r$ DO''1' ,4 bedrooms new e rom ic file ooth waft n cecto cio$ei po$e m«*ni laundry with washer & cJrve cJooO-e gorogv with eiec,ron < overhead doer Many fine tealores tike gooc *oii io wai corse's kj-o* fenceo >o' ooer DO'Ch oujmimjtm Sforms h le t te rs Pr.cecS fo se*i C?t S3 <KX

t n - 4 1 1 3




CO N DO : 2 bedroom, 2 full ba th s, centra, m appliances 10% down to qualified buyer $27 500

TOWNHOUSE: 2 bedroom, 1 baths patio partiallyfinished basement, central air $33 500

TOW NH OUSE : 3 bedrooms 2\ Paths finished basemen: central air, ail appliances, patio. Available to Qualified FHA& VA buyers $39 500

SPLIT-LEVEL: townhouse, 3 bedrooms, 254 baths, central air, appliances. 7 ’6 % assim -ih" IA - rtgsga $42,500.

TOWNHOUSE 4 bedrooms 2 baths all appliancespatio, excellent condrtion. $45 500

SPLIT-LEVEL: townhouse 4 Dedrooms. 2'-; baths, ceramic foyer, central air, central vacuum, frost free ref rig s c oven, 7% assumable VA. super shape muen more



Watch for the Talking House each week W e hope you will

enjoy h!T | N4. . Fo-Jnc ThI

Tc WSV Tv4« (»AS


ADULT COMMUNITIES -earbrook and Rossmoor Condo Resales Security, maintenance, golf swimming, ap pltances clubhouse m sales starting at $32 500.

ALLEN TO W N Ra n c h bedrooms 1 Y baths, central airpatio ful! basement, excellent condition $37 500.

HIOHTSTOW N TRI LEVEL : 4 bedrooms. 2 . baths modernkitchen family room utility room, foyer, basement, 2 car garage central aif near High School $49 900

W A SH IN G TO N TWP : Split level A. acre-partially wooded,4 bedrooms eat in kitchen, family room with fireplace, car­peting screened porch, 2 car garage $5*.500.


family room basemem immediate or rupancy

at re 5 bedrooms, 3 54 oaths 2 ar garage, excellent condition

$59 500

WOODED COl ONI AL i v fully wooded superior con drtion 4 bedrooms 2 baths family room central airfireplace, patio, garage much more $60 900

CONTEMPORARY 2-STORY 75 x 398 wooded lot. beamed piling uvmg room fireplace formal dining, library den 3

bedrooms. 2 baths patio fencing appliances. 2 car garage $66 500

MINI ESTATE: Custom Colonial. 1 % acres wooded in Washington Twp periei t shape and quality throughout 4 or 5 bedrooms 2 fireplaces 2 zone central air. huge patio spiral stau use , "u modern kitchen much, much non- must be Seei $99 500

C O N T E M P O R A R Y e x CELLE NOE if you re art individual who looks until you find the u. ay of life vou want look no further The con temporary architecture of AMERICAN WAY reflects a life style with a spmt of in­dividuality S creates a per sonaiized mode of living

( ome 4 sec liy by taking the N J Turnpike to exit 8 and following the signs 1 mi to Twin Rivers & turning left at • lie traffic light to AMERICAN WAY 609-443-680(1

MANVDLLE 4 rm apt k lichen li ving room 2bedroom attic Applyu! 49 No 11th Ave ManviBe

HAR R E V ! ;t-6 months to aged 48 or over 2 bedroom ap! completely furnished in«ts si vei el $330/n al 609 65 a

PR INCETO N C O N T E M P ­ORARY Furnished Very special very private, on 2 beautiful wooded acres in one of the northwestern township's p e tt ies t circles This 4 bedroom 2 , hath cos temporary house is beautifully and artistically furnished to the last detail The extras are numerous Built-in greenhouse off the dining room a dark room huge windows and skylights Fireplaces in living room, dining room and master bedroom There are French doors leading to the patio and the kitchen is geared to gourmet cooking The surrounding woods are magnificent !-ocated only 3 miles from Palmer Square Rent $800 mo



3 ROOM APT 3rd fir ur turn central suitable for a business girl Give resume Write Box *03327 r> Princeton Packel

LAWRENCE TWP All utilities pd Onh S2(io Yard for kids HUM!- i ('WATERS $30 609-394 5900

FOR RENT Apt half of farmhouse Pern ngtor area $275 no m utilities 609-7T 0610

LAMBERTYILLE on horse farm Only $200 Lots of land for am mals HOME LOCATERS $30 600-394-5900

MANYILLE room & bath apt heat & hot u a ter included Security 201 526-8075

iflGHTSTOH \ 3BR dupi f ull basement Acfuapt


only no pets Call 609-448-2725

MODERN K1 KJMSand bath *195 2 rms 4 beth $155 38 L e ig h Ave 924-0746

For Rent-HousesACREAGF IN ROCKY HILL 3 bdrm garage, $350 HOMELOCATORS, $30 609 » 4 5900

UnfurnishedFirst floor apartment within walking distance of town 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, 2 sun porches. 2 f ireplaces 1m mediate occupancy heat included 5455

An attractive split-level with swimming pool in Shady Brook 4 bedrooms. 3E baths, all appliances Immediate occupancy. Long term desired $600

Large arr) beautiful older Nassau Street Colonial g ■K'drooms r paths Ground care included $750

Furnished2 nice rooms and hath in a lovely old stucco and umber Western Section house, within walking distance of town Utilities and parking space included $160

Short term, small one-story house in the Borough's Western Section Available April or May til Fall $750

Several parking places available two blocks from Nassau $15 per mo

S T O C K T O N R E A L E S T A T E Anne S Stockton

Broker 609-924-1416

HOUSE FOR RENT - Un­furnished 4 bedroom far mhouse or 4 acres in Mon tgomery Twp Short term $400 plus utilities Call 201 359-843* evem ngs

ft rrm tyeP a tr ic ia Be l!

Ruth Bly R E A L ESTATEAdele Dexter

Vivian MacPherson

COLONIAL ON TREED LOT may be iust what you've beer looking for, Va cant and ready to move right in. This floor plan is ideal for the family and includes panelled family room off kitchen, lovely master bedroom and private bath 3 more bedrooms plus garage and basement A: fo- 67.000

REASONABLE RANCH Darimq and immaculate is this 2 bedroom, com pact home with many extras, including al appliances aluminum ding and new roof Must be seen to be appreciated 36 OOOPackage deal with adjoining 1 ot commercial 46 000

COZY CAPE COD - Renovated and ready to occupy 2-3 bedrooms, 1 bath, modem kitchen Ideal location within walking distance to Penn Central RR

48 00c

SPLENDID SPLIT LEVEL on erne of West Windsor's charming old streets Mature trees make Th 1 s 3 bedroo'' 2 bath home comfortable and picturesque all year round 62,600

BUY-A-Bi LEVEL for a lot of house for the io ar 4 bedrooms 2 bath; family room, garage all on a quiet street 46,900

NEW HOMES IN PRINCETON JUNCTION Close • ■ - V. ' .hoppmq,commuting 4 bedrooms 2’ bath Colonial with fireplace alum num siding 72.500. 4 bedroom, 2’ : bath Bi Levei with fireplace 62 500

ZONED COMMERCIAL and PROFESSIONAL LOTS AVAILABLE intened buyers call our office for more informal cv

SORRY1 Our Delightful Dutch Colonial has been SOLD

799 818150 Prmcaton-Hightstown Road P' nceton Junction



For Rent-HousesDl PLEX HOUSE - central location Living room with fireplace dining room modern kitchen 3 bedrooms, garage Close to schools and shopping $400 - utilities 609 924 5612

6 ROOM HOUSE l . baths, exe location avail 1m mediately Box *03316 c/o Princeton Packel

448-5001Route 130

East Windsor, N.J

For Rent - Apts. For Rent-Houses

FIVE BEDROOM count ry farm house for rent privacy & seclusion is yours only 10 minutes awav from Princeton $575 per mo Call Thompson Land Co Realtor 609-921-7655

P I N K C O M P L E T E L Y FURNISHED Ig Boro house central location near University, beautiful grounds Avail immed 609 .'{96-9442 evenings

SOUTH BRUNSWICK Rt 27, 1 mi north of Kingston, very secluded 1 bdrm, some fur mture Avail E'eb 1st $325 201 -82S-9330

BRAND NEW HOME - on Great Rd 2 storv Colonial. 4 bdrm 2 W baths For ap point men! call 609-924-0370 References $675 per mo

ROOSEVELT 2 or 3 bdrms, plus lg 1 r kit & gar Well located in a quiet suburban com muni tv on over .: acre lot avail for rental

F*'t 1st $31! per mo Will lease w option to buy Call Suss man Realtors 609 896- 9300

ROOSEVELT 2BR & den 2 story house near school & shopping garage $250 mo ■20! 364 3489 (64 4856

EAST WINDSOR 3 bedroom Ranch on landscaped ; acre lot in lovely community Conveniently focated to grade school Available Jan 1 $375 plus utilities 1 year lease 1 - months security required Air conditioning. 2 baths, full basement carpeted 609-448 4081 weekdays for ap pointmeni

L O V E L Y P R I N C E T O N HOME $250 mo 2 bedroom basement yard for kids and pros to plav in HOME LOCATE RS $30 609-394-5900

$265 MO 3 bedrooms Large families welcome Basement yard. garage HOME LOCATERS, $30 606-394-5900

LITTLE ROCKY HILL Hwy 27 3 bdrm 2 car gar. Conv to all buses 201 297 3462 after$350 per mo

SOUTH BRUNSWICK private home 2 bdrm apt Country setting Heat hot «a ier Couple $240 201 2466038

LA WR EN C EV I LLE -3 bedrooms den carpet fenced yard heat paid under $400POME LOCATORS $30 609394 5900

SM A1X COTTAGE - for one person or couple Call 20 1 329 6*63

KENDALL PARK 4 bdrm Ranch 2 baths new kitchen on Ig lot $425 mo 201-297 131 or 201-521-0880

Everything clicks at Colony Oaks

You 'll toast your good luck when you live at Colony Oaks the mosf chic new place in the Brunswicks Contemporary 1 and 2 bedroom apartments in a beautiful setting Includes heat hot water: balcony or patio air conditioner and more Com plete recreational facilities now being planned tor the site f rom $275 to $375

Directions Route 1 nor j* 'dgm M/r

No Brunswick ieft onFinnegans cane approx ^ ~’4 mile to models OR

Route 27 north to Finnegans Lane. No Brun _ ^swick, then left tomodels

GokkPhone (2 0 1 1 297 5222Located just off Route . on finneg ns L ne North ufTSwicg N


VERMONTSKI SI’GAR BUSH Wi .ire enlarging our ski house facilities in Sugarbush and offer memberships for $95 for the rest of the ski season This gives you accommoda tions near the Sugarbush Glen Ellen, or Mad River ski runs We fly private air planes to Vermont most week ends and will give you a ride if you will share the expense Ground transport between airport ski house, and slopes is also laid on If you want low cost skiing at this high class ski area this is the deal for vou For details call 609-921 -1285 or 461, '2566

S P R IN G W I ) s i M M K R TIM F TO G E T \V\ \> FR O M IT M lWe can help by offering you property in Nova Scotia Perfect for a vacation retreat The first is a 4'4 acre wooded lot with 260' of lake frontage Also we have a larger tract between 7-8 acres complete with a sizable lodge, a swimming pool and tennis court If we nave stirred vour imagination please give us a call for further details

609 466-2X06M \3 \ G E N ( Y

Realtors Insurors Serving

Entire Princeton Area Rt 518-Blawenburg


SK! HOUSE FOR RENT Viidk to Mad River lifts short drive to Sugarbush and Glen Ellen Four double bedrooms two three-cot bunk rooms loft with four cots three baths 609-924-2024


'• W pid '' Npow putce 'nu r houses Tv. o or four bedrooms Private balcony f urnished for style and comfort Trained staff 'Cook and Housekeeper Situated on famous West < oastbeach Renting .tanuarv througf201 -277 1086 for photographs

b\ week April Call

details and

Pot'oNOS 4 seasons resort; TangJewood Skiing nearby Brand new 4 bdrm, con temporary over-looking brook, golf course Skatingtoboguiing Aval by mk 609-924-4074



\ IRG1N ISLANDS Private 3 bedroom home with car on Hater Island Available Jan 16 for season 20! -329-6309

POCONOS Bargain Hooded home site 80x125 Recreational facilities 215-865-1929

BEACH FRONT APT on beautiful Sapphire Bay St Thomas Ground floor, sleeping-living room, large bedroom equipped kitchen 2 baths air conditioned Ac­commodates up io f persons Maid and linen service provided Tennis courts swimming pool, water sports, restaurant on premises Reasonable Call 609-924-2620

SKI CHALET New in 75 Elk Mountain Pa Better than Poconos' 2U hr ride families only $500 mo. $150 wk. $30 night 20 1 846- 0815

Business Real Estate For Rent'FEJCE SUITES Immediate

•iccupancy one to four room iff ices newly decorated S95 to

P 25 per month including Lillies Clarksville Rd , H

Windsor Twp one jnile WestI Route 5?i Princeton-

Hightstown Rd Quiet oeation, convenient



WILDWOOD AREA Double wide mobile home for vacation of retirement 3 bedrooms, in large park with swimming pool many extras 609 4654932

Princeton and Trenton ample parking Call '609 799 2828 9 a m to 5 p m

AVAIL FEB 1st approx t ,000 so feet in lower level ul off Nassau St on Hither spoon Suitable for shop of­fice etc 609-924-4070

WAREHOUSE SPACE for rent up to 40.000 sq feet R R siding ideal distribution point, near shopping centers. High wai 31 Pennington Cali 609 737 3538


There ore hundred* of properties In M ercer County for ta le ond here ore to m e tom ple*. Let u* help you m ake o write CHOICE

A FINE 3 BEDNOOM starter house with closed porch parquet floors, central air conditioning, garage large tot90'x 250'for only . $37,000

A NEW 4 BEDROOM custom built home on a quiet street with super kitchen, 2 ful! c/t baths baseboard hot water heat for extra comfort, formal dining room family room, garage Atking $43 900

A SECLUDED LOCATION for the smaller family, with many mature trees and shrubs are |ust some of the features here A 10 minute drive to Princeton and agreat commuter location to New York make this worth investigating at $43 S00

Do*t it havo a f iroplaco? Dooi it hovo a tro*d lot?It it in a good location? Doot it havo 3 bodroomt?It it f a i r l y p r i c o d ? ? YES!

YES 1 Y E S 1 YES! Y E S 1

$44 500

A COZY CAPE with 3 or 4 bedrooms on a lovely residen tial dead end street in town. There are two full baths newly decorated throughout and a huge screened por ch off the den A dishwasher fng and electric range complete the package of $37 000

$62 000 WILL BUY THIS 13 plus acres and a house that needs major renovations but what tremendous poten tiai for the country loving family - East Windsor Call usnow

WANT TO BUILD YOUR OWN CASTLE? We have 10 plus ac res m East Windsor Excellent location $42 000

A TTEN TIO N VETERANS If you qualify for a V A loan we have ;wo properties for your consideration in the mid thirties Give us a call


Main S/.. Hightstown. V,/

609 -448 -0112C a l l a n y Day any H our

MVr*>ber Multiple Listing Service

(Che fctatfefioust glgtncpINSURANCE


CB1 38 South Moin St H ighttow n N .J

(609) 446-1089J" Acre horse farm with 40 stalls and much more bldg.. mile track i new I plus a lovek ranch home 2 !,_ miles from Freehold Raeewa\. Pricedto sell,

Hightstown split on good street near W alter C. Black school, 3 bedrooms. Ideal for growingfamih .

J l > I REDUCED: 4 bedroom, 2 bath Bi-level oncul-de-sac Home close to school, shopping and bus Manx extras included Now offered at

*44,000.Hirkorx Acre 4 bedroom Colonial on wooded lot in Easi W indsor I wp. 4 bedrooms, 2*4 baths on ex­tra wide and average depth lot. Central air. dish­washer <$ refrigerator stay, $5 - qqq

Expanded Cape in Whitehorse area near schools and shopping. 3 rooms, modern hath and l car garage, A good buy at 1 3 4 ppp

FOR RE N T(fffice space for rent in center of Hightstown - 8 8 8s q . f i . heated * 200. mo.

H Ighway location 3,500 sq. ft. office and store.

We ha\e more listings in our office - call us for prices and details.


All Ptia*** of Building

C RA N SU R Y N .J609 65S 2330 Of 201 32*-40!3

HOME HUNTER’S GUIDEI hursdav, Januarv 22. 1 <>Tf, 13-B

NEW 4 BEDROOM 2 STORY Lo- <>••• : tW Iresidential area of Hightstown this home offers a large living room w brick fireplace, formal dining room, large Kitchen with eating area n e r ■- slide ; \last I r! tri.c » y arc a bodt om> . bet hi l m nent u ->■***•4 garage V! , •>- .. ■ I <• ■ ... ■ ■ . ■ . - .hoiise Immediate • ; si . $ 5 3 *00

EAST WINDSOR TOWNSHIP‘ tamed rancherarea, kitche;n 2 bedroomsiorch w jalous«e windowsnelled recre<-itton room andoom or den One acre lot

$ 4 4 500

n o r th m a in street c o lo n ia l colonial in Hightstown is offered at a reasonable price so that minor remodeling can be achieved bv its new loving historically minded owner The seven room house contains a living room with Marble mantel, dining room with wood mantel, kitchen, laundry room three bedrooms and ceramic tile bath Must see to ap pm ••• $32 900

mV A,


Office 609 448 4250

1 60 S t o c k t o n S t r e e t H i q h t s t o w n N J


3 b e d r o o m Ranch attached garage, full basement with r ecr eat i on room, patio, gas hoi air heat 60 x 100 lot

$44 900


58 acres. Approximately 1450 ft road frontage Near city watei and sewers. Zoned residential Terms available

$4200 per acre.


Approximately 27 acres near Turnpike zoned residential 1 4 5 0 road frontage, partially wooded, neai develop m e n t S 3 4 0 0 per acre Other land Irom 1 to 100 acres available


6 room Ranch, full basement 1! baths, gas hot water heat dishwasher new self-cleaning oven 70‘ t 165 lot

$36 900


2 bedrooms each apartment, 2 car garage, oil steam heat a l u m i n u m siding aluminum storms 8 screens City ut i l i t i es. 73’ j 1 0 0 lot $ 4 3 500


2 1 2 South M a i n St M a n v i l l e N J 20 1 -725 1 995

E v e s C a l l 201 359-3245M E M B E R MULTIPLE L ISTING SERVICE






OW E*er vmg people im c f 18«5realtors insurers


T I 1 I aONE G R EA T BUY s our East Windsor Split A well Kept 4 bedroom home featuring central air, family room with fireplace large kitchen formal living and dining rooms •64JOO

V ER Y C O M F O R T A B L E 4 bedroom Colonial with an area for everyone It has a nice private yard and is ideally located for small children Call for details

• M JO O

w f ■ m n c s o p *• W 7991100

09 mis

f L f M VC TON 78? 4606

. & • , O w e%•’ vmg pvopl* since 1M5


f t / ? * / ? • XStation Square Route 206 Route 206 State Rd.

Belle Mead p|(201) 359-6222


(609) 924 7575

SENSE OF SPACEThis home permits a two, three or four bedroom arrangement An A< orn Design built to accommodate the growing family The three exterior roof profiles make sloping ceilings inside and provide a cozy corners and also a sense of surpriseFireplace in living room, 2 full baths, deck enioyable cn.set space treed lot This Acorn house now built on a treed lot can be purchased at $69 900

|J i 11 11 ’1 r*


Near the milage of Three Bridges in Hillsborough Township is this 3 bedroom country residence with 4th bedroom or den, rec room with fireplace and beamed ceiling formal dining room, eat in kit

' 15x23 living room 2 V baths 2 car garageLot of trees and great views plus 12x20 barn with toft Reduced by builder to $72,500 Also same house on 5.6 acres reduced to $77,500. Call '201 359 7500 for information

Business Real Business Real Estate For Rent Estate For Rent

MODCRN available 1 Jet locat phone an services 1 arial rece available conference the many 799-9695

O F F IC E S n prime Princeton ion Central a/c ssermg Janitorial ncluded secret ptionist services

reception area, room, just fev, of

1‘Xtras Phone 609

A A R K E N P LA ZA VS EST R t --130 E. .AST WIN DSC R ST() R E SPACE FOR RENT900 sq ft 950 sq f t 1000 sq f t 2000 sq ft plus taxes Kxistfyig 20 piaza Fulls

$250 mo $300 mo $350 mo. $700 mo

utilities shopping

MICHAELS PLAZA ‘Orth a less leit Vers buss shoppingenter on Mercer St or Kt 33

in Hightstown Locate or relocate sour business in this vers desirable locale Ex­cellent for offices and professionals as well For information call 609-448-4800 til 10 p.m

EAST WINDSOR store for lease Retail or professional 1200 or 1500 sq ft off street parking 609-448-3197 12 to 2 or after 6 pm

WAH.ARIJ- NOW new Isdecorated 3 or 4 room office spect center of PrincetonIk* oj-i 3744


i ’ , , v . V : W

kANf m ’ wt i ■A f M ,*,'►« ■' k[f-Bf t>R< ;• >\* '» . h A ’ • • li iWM’ i A f i sf f ’ k A s $'.*■*■■■

MMBU^OON f ■■ ^ • a N ' T f lW B B u T BDWMSB A T H S f ■ i ; . A . ; f l R { PI A ( f N fAV <K*CENTWA1 A C ' f N WAv'AC OvfWSi/F PATfU (Hi ( .As f . V ; . f»«CF l> RIGHT A * $ •*? *')•»


$ 4 T 9»H)

So* « V r . A o rnodpi o v r. ! a b i

Jon 7 4*r and * n

* ♦ o q u on a n t < nq n • ■ o d

b u y <r*f s s ♦ a y ♦ ■ n q * o m$2 3 son CALI NOvV FORa ppo in tm en t

DiDONATO REALTORSP'*n(oton Hightstown Rd

EostVVmdso' N J . 609 448-6555

W H A T M O RE C O U LD YO U A SK FO RT Immaculate 4 bedroom 2 '6 bath Colonial Centra' Air, fireplace patio, professional ian dscaping are just some of the extras Th is is a great neigh borhood and very convenient to the tram station Priced at


JUST RED U CED Lovely 4 bedroom 2 ’ bath home m West W indsor Living room with fireplace large panelled family room dining room, dream of a kitchen central vac system 2 car garage for S 6 7 500

^ ^ —1 — — n— — _ — _ -


PRINCETON HUNTSpacious Exciting 4 bedroom 2 '. bath Colonials 2 M O D ELS fro m $44 900 E * c » li« n t F in an c in g

O PEN SAT g SUN 11 to 5From Hightstown Take 571 west Right on C'anbury Rd for uu k ■ !'»• Fron Prin st w taitei l P1 a im Prw vto

Je t Bridge Immediate left after bridge Cranburv Rd for ap prox 1 mile tt) models

Pric# in c r*o »# com ing »oon

BEAUTIFUL HOME edge w >air conditioned. 4 bedrooms, 2 . baths large iivmg room separate dining roon panelled family room with fuh waifireplace im m aculate' S48 900

c o u n t r y l i v i n g w price 3 bedroononly needs decorating to be your dream home u.arge lot with good landscaping All a ty utilities W alking distance to schoo

S36 000

LOVEl ’partially finished with 2 panelled r d it toned b m aintenance free

Fuli basement itrally air con

S 44 000


bedroom ranch is convenient to the Turnpike but surrounded by woods and farm s feels like deep country L iving room dining area, kitchen 1 vy baths family room with sliding glass doors and a 2 car garage Can be purchased with less than

$ 4 2 9 0 0

OUTSTAN DIN G PROPERTY FOR PROFESSIO NAL OR COMMERC I At USE 44 Nfeet condition strategically located n Montgomery Township Please call for details

mu. y j htown approx 1200sq ft

NVESTMENT PROPERTYtgomery Tow nship Tw o apaitm ents are presently rented for over $500 per mo Plus an available store which an also be used as an office Valuable corner property A good buy at

$ 6 2 ,5 0 0

4dlerm aru Click & Co.r*i 192 7

R e a l to r * — Insu ro rs

9 2 4 0401 < - 586 1020

Business Real , _ ,x x c c«i« Land For Sale Estate For Sale

Business Real Estate For Rent

OF PICK SPACE sub-let from professions firm Approx 338 q.fl il Palme Square

Frmc’etnn N J ('all 609-924-

OFFICE RENTAL in P ro fe s s io n a l Bldg Highs stosvn Princeton Rd Ample

space *0180, WHH Box 146 Hightstown

parking PO B

and storeair conditione

acoustic ceiling recessed lighting paneled walis tile floor Excellent location on State Hwy «130. q m i south of the Princeton Hightstown Rd 2 st lease with option Ideal for bakers outlet florist, children's clothing music store or unisex clothing childrens dance studio and others Call 609-448 4024 week days for appointment

DENTAL OFFICE East Windsor, in prestige suburban 30 store plaza 3 chair location fulls equipped with all utilities partitions <*c Ex cellent opportunity to start own practice Financial assistance availab le Call weekdays 609 448 4081

EAST WINDSOR >!■'!• ICE SPA! >: Ft >R RENT \\ \RREN PLAZA WEST Rt 130 & Dutch Neck Rd

2 room suite $240 mo net, net office furniture available

Attractive prestige building with ample parking in ex eel lent location Paneled ssalls carpeting accoustical ceilings central air con ditioning, 1 or 2 year lease with option Available im­mediately Call 609-448 4024 weekdays

Business Real Estate For SaleTHRIVING JEWELRV shop located in Princeton for sa le Specializing in Amer Indian antique & contemporary jewefrs For nformation c a ll H09 924-0320 1 i to Tt*e* Sat

FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP offHwv 27. 2 mi north ofKingston 6 7“ acres 729 ft frontage on old Rd Asking $25,000 Realtor N.J Manni Realty Inc 201-297-25 1 6

LAW RENCE TOW NSHIP 3907Brunswick Pike offering a 7 rm office bldg that mas be used as offices & residence Imrned occup Call Sussman Realtors 609 896-9300

Land For SaleHOPEWELL TOWNSHIP 38 acres on Van Dyke Rd Beautifully wooded nice stream deep well, old barn with pegged beams Extensive frontage Priced to sell, ex cellent terms to qualified buyer Garden State Land Co 20 Nassau St Princeton. N J 08540 609-924-6056

HILLSBOROUGH Neshamc. 40 - 100 acres, view frontage Farm assessed $2500 $3500per acre Box 492. Neshamc Station \ J 06853.

IL ACRE jLOT - Princeton Townhsip sewer permit 609 924-9798 after 6 pm

BUILD IN PE N N IN G TO N BOROUGH Lots available Half acre lots, underground electric and gas, finished street land mortgage con struct ion mortgage and final mortgage all available to elig ib le buyer Call The Lombardo Agent s 609 996 7892 eves HR2 334"

765 ACRES HOPEWELL & WEST AM WELL TOWN SHIP'- $1200 per acre 55 miles NYC 40 miles Philadelphia 15 miles Prin­ceton 400 acres tillable, balance woods Good road rootage i houses Rent pays ill taxes 50 200 acre parcels can be cut off


195 N a s sa u s t . P r i n c e ton609-921 -7655

ROLLING HILLS Ap­proximately io acre high ground lot on Pennington Rocks Hill Rd near Bayberrs Rd surrounded b\ geographic beauts Call The Lombardo Agency 609-.!%-7692. eves 882 3347

HALF ACRE OF SPLENDOR in the trees midst custom homes 314 Oak Lane Windsor Tsvnsp 215-295-0557

EXl LUSIVE LOTS in Eta Ridge Park C acres. $20,000 up Princeton prestige area Harold A Pearson 609-737 2203

S C E N IC BUILDING LOT ; 09 acres Bedens Brook Rd Montgomery Twp complete with all necessary permits reads to go' $213,700 Brokers protected Call 609 799 2828for further information

VERMONT 5 acresvicinity Brandon $8 000 superti green mountain views near sk areas (9)9 "A19 0245

*3MOO.A mini-dream home Completely remodeled 2 bedroom ranch featuring a fully carpeted living room, eat-in kitchen with new appliances full basement and large garaqe all on a iush % acre in southern Hunterdon Co Taxes under $750 Why rent?

BRIGHT AND NEW!New 4 bedroom beauty waiting for your finishing touches Family room with fireplace, spacious living room, sunny kitchen 2 yi baths basement 2 car garage, stain trim and even some parquet flooring1 Expansive 1.7 acre grounds with country views m lovely and convenient East Amweli Twp -



COUNTRY CLUB LIVINGimmaculate 4 bedroom, center hall Colonial on 1.25 acres just off the fairway1 Formal and gracious living room, 22' country kitchen with an abundance of cabinets, family room with full wall bf . fireplace, formal dating room masterbedroom suite and 3 other large bedrooms. 2 V? baths, full basement 2 car garage Taxes under $1300 *74,900.

Great 4 bedroom home, stone fireplace in living room 26' family room, dining room. 2 full baths, tarpeting, 2 car garage 13 treed acres Taxes Si 053 *59,900

M agnificent Flemmgton Victorian with 3 4 bedrooms, library huge dining room, kitchen with pantry carpeted living room porches, (even a deck off 2nd floor bedroom) huge attic, flagstone patio large treed lot *59,900.

• ine front ranch, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths livingroorr with stone fireplace, full basement 7.1 acresW»tf tr»8........ $88 and plenty of room for horses1


THE PARKER AGENCY, INC.M ain St.. Flem ington. N .J . f" 20 1 -782-321 2

V r i iru i ‘Scenic H u in ru Hunterdon ( ouni\ Since 1014

EAST A M W E ll TO W N SH IP3 7 acres wooded $1 5 0 0 0

- J


Custom built, 12 year-old duplex featuring two 4 room apartments with full basement. Separate utilities Attached 2-car garage on a landscaped 80' x 100 lot $65 900


Custom-built 5-room ranch featuring a nice sized ivmg room country-style kitchen with cabinets galore 3 bedrooms, full bath full basement with rec room, attached Tear garage with a macadam driveway A corner 60 x 100 lot $44 900

M A N V ILLE B U ILD IN G LOTSWill build to suit Call us and bring your plans

CHARNESKI & BONGIORNOR e a lto rs t In su ro rs

42 S. Main St., Manville 201-722-0070

Even ing H o ur* on We<J Thur* g Frtlot# Eve* 201 722 5524

Land For SaleEAST WINDSOR 5 acres rommercia; 10 plus acres residential ( ’heap 201-236- 6654 any time

EAST WINDSOR Building Ixit cor York Rd & Airport Rd Asking $16,000 609-4481490

Real Estate Wanted

WANTED - Townhouse to rent with option to bus Pleasecontact 201 -679-3053 "

Real Estate For Sale

TWIN RIVERS Quad II. 2 BR Split level Lake vtev fully cptd, finished basement 6 patio Manv extras $40,500 all evening* 609 443-3794

k l l . H l o t i >11

l\u.linc D

f>h \ V / V C T O - N

The rrewh opened community of

truin id mil home* bring* together the finest of

Traditional and ('xm temporary

architecture in the wooded estates of

( .ha r lest on Ruling II

b urrushed Model

Open 11-S Wed.. Fn.. Sat.. Sun.

Or Ih Appointment

60V-737-.2UI or J H I I

-•*. *.• re 7

! I it I S I I t I \ / / m



Real Estate For Sale

* T t ' .H O M E S

MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP Very attractive split-level in njrai setting Living room dining room and kitchen 3 bedrooms recreation room, laundry and 1 liaths Many nice features including red wood deck and patio Oil liasehoard hot w ater heat 7 ]() >>f an acre lot nicely land­scaped $45,000

HIGHTSTOWN RANCHER This one year old home offers you comfortable living at a moderate price Living room tilling room, kitchen 3 bedrooms and hath and a half Wall to wall carpeting throughout Gas baseboard hot v' ater heat and gas range A nice buy at $37,500

ROOM FOR (INK OR TWO i AMfLIES Looking to house ,a large family, two families.

r just a good investment ’’ The possibilities tor this Allentown nome are unlimited The first level offers a living room (iming room, new modern kitchen, three bedrooms and two baths There are steps down to a beautiful panelled family room with built in liar and fireplace and a newly finished den The second story has living room big kitchen 2 tiedrooms. and bath Twelve rooms and 3 baths in all


NOW BUILDING New colonials, ranchers, and Bi- levels with all utilities. 2. 2'. and 3 baths available All homes have spacious family looms and two car garages Nicely located and convenient to shopping, schools, and recreation areas Prices range worn SS 1.900 t o $55,900

SECLUD ED B I L E V E L Sided with natural cedar hakes this lovely home lends right in with its unrounding,s Insick the so »)! house is a 20'Qmng room, age IH1 tool kitchen large irmly room play room four * drowns 2 baths. laundr\11 it \ room and two car

urage it is located on a one a re country lot in Millstone 'ownshtp of Monmouth ounty $57,000

rWIN R IVERS Lows - bedroom townhouse B dodel t- nil basement cen­tral air cond self cleaning -•ic range, all shades and rods humidifier mi furnace gas barbecue $40 5(X)

H IG H TSTO W N OFFICE Id 1!.111NG OffiCl consist mg 3 12.10 s«| It with reception room office area lounge and ■rest rooms office consisting a! 507 s<j ft with reception area, office space and rest : Hill! I Storag! : * .iri'timiM area of 1425 sq ft Ample parking all utilities air conditioned excellent con lit i (Hi $75.(Xk)

EAST WINDSOR TOWN SHIP i » ited * beautiful Iclfri", Lane in East Windsor he at tract iv e honn of split

level design oilers a large living room with picture window dining room eat in kitchen, family room four bedrooms 2'. baths.

isemert and two «ar garage other features include central

ng aandseaped half acre lot

Soli 900n

/a n

l I i d- d i l

j z n c u

F? F A i T ) F-? F

6 0 9 l U i 4 2 5 0

Alter hour K Turp R Van H im Ii an 1


Sunday ( a I448 2151 448 8042148 1178


i ent an plus extras. 1 2acre , nu Irom Exit 8 Reasonable 2(11 350-4006

i WIN RIVERS QUAD HI b e d r o o m t o w n h o u s e assumable 1% mortgage v lux w w carpeting 4 all ippliances Redwood patio ‘ alt\ landscaped & gas grill V.4 500 009-443 4576

E VST WINDSOR Twin Rivers 2 bedroom end unit tow n h ou se F i n i s h e d basement. all available op lions and extras Assume 7",'. mortgage 009-443-6396

Real Estate For Sale


is just as quaint as it sounds a winding little by way in Hamilton Twp out near Allentown, it passes some fields crosses a brook and ends up in a patch of woods about half a mile away Very rural The house is just over Ihe stream. up high surrounded by the woods Unfinished it has all the ninkings of a modern Manor House The design French Provincial sizable 3800 sq it on 1 floor lot about 2 acres A grand entrance terrace, designed for 4 bedrooms. 2*. baths needs interior par titiomng and appliances Large terrain terrace overlooking the woods faces south just the pi ace for a winter tan There will be a lot of luxurious living here. $95,750. as is

W S BORDENMember of

Multiple Listing ServiceRealtor 609 883 1900Eve' Wknds 609-882-1440

SPLIT LEVEl In Cranbury in. > ■ x>n with 11nepiar •

dining area eat-in kitchen, ret room 3 bedrooms, u- tvaths garage


RANCH H< IMS » l-a/4 merest i i r.mbury Township having

4th bedroom and bath, pi i at cl 11k alixi in addition t.■ i ai garage w i Ih loft

$79 000

1 1,1- M! H K< K)K E xpanded eustonn/.ed master lodge study fireplace and many extras Call lor details


INVESTOR disposing of his rental properties Ranch 3 bedrooms $30,800 | ape< ikI, 4 bedrooms $31,900 Ranch ! bedrooms $34,100 Ranch ! bedrooms $.362)00 Ranch i bedrooms garage

$36 900■ hi \ home garage $49 500


barm Ranch ! rp! bsmt. cent air 2 car gar 6 mo least $3502 Harm apt $275Efficient's with utilities $175

firalta (Hu.“Pof Multiple

TWIN RIVERS 2 bdr split titushed basement many

extras exc kx-ation $38,500 609-443-4673

Membefof Multi;! i*tinn Service

N Main St . Cranburv 609 305-0444

JAMKSBURG 3 bdr white brick iron! split-level in a charming area Formal dining room eat-in kitchen large living rm beautiful recreation room overlooking backyard Partially finished basement Possible 8 .cy, EHA assump­tion $47,500 All terms to qualified buyers Sentry Broker 201-521 1611. eves 201 521-1172.

Real Estate For Sale

("f i/y CAPE: Must see thisivwh. renovated 3 bdrm ( ape to appreciate gentle living in a quiet residential area of W Windsor Home features a new modern kit 3 redecorated bedrooms, full high 4 drv basement all new alum siding 4 storm windows Prof landscaped 4 much more Asking $47,000 Call 609-799 3399

TWIN R IVERS Move anytime now to Spring Contemporary 3BR split level Negotiable price Assumable 7 mortgage Goodlocation Many extras By owner 009-448-2606

u WINDSOR NEWLISTING You can have a 3 RK rancher with a dwarf orchard garden and a vineyard too' This home boasts plaster walls and hardwood floors a fireplace and patio and is not a development house $57 SOT

BUCKS CO . PA 1976 is a perfect year to buy a rare home iron 'he pas' an 18th century Pa stone manor house with electric, plumbing and heating redone Just recently papered and painted inside Fifteen rooms Good commute to N Y and close to 1-95

I-, VMWELL T W P IIprivacy and little grass cutting are what you want, come see our lovely contemporary on 7 plus wooded acres with a brook Much road frontage on Iml h sides of the road $82,500

HOPEWELL BORO A very mil old home for the family who l i k e s in live in the Boro Structurally very sound this home lias piaster walls and beautiful oak woodwork throughout $58,500

HOPEWELL BORO - It is possible >obuv a 4 BR House in Ihe Bori' for less ihan $50,000

Ml • six GW ( OZJ < Mpe with carpel ing throughout $42,000

HOPEWELL BORO Ex irernely well cared for home with 8 rooms and 2 baths

lost -hopping churches and school $56,001!

If I : v ! V 1 SEEKER 1 - war Hobtotnsville in m re' industrially zoned and 26 acres residentially zoned in Yardley Pa


JoanS Kroesen Realtor

2 \\ Broad Street. Hopewell 609-46®-1224

Member of MLS i ii cased in N .1 and Pa

IDEALLY LOCATED Lg 4 Bdrm center hall custom Colonial 3/4 acre, exc cond extras 80"s Owner 609-799- 3567

FOR SALE BY OWNER , BUILDER 4 bedroom, 2 story home in Hightstown Ready to oceupv Asking $50,000 Phone201 446-7192

MONROE TWP Exit 8A Tpke 3 bdr prestigious ranch lot size 155 x 200. inground pool Must see $75,000 Sentrx Broker 201-521- 161 i eves 201-521 2185

BY OWNER BDRM 2 .baths, basement, workshop, lg eat-in kit. cent air car pet ing beautifully landscaped with patios & fir trees Lawrence Twp Priced for quick sale B\ appointment onlv 609-883-4156 after fi p m

TWIN RIVERS TOWNHOUSE 3 bedrooms. 2R baths, air

conditioning siucco and wood beamed finished basement 8 ft L shaped wet bar no w ax kitchen central vacuuming humidifier storms and screens, gas gril l TV antenna 200 amp electric service Priced to soil 609-443-1906


acre Owned lot in a lovely voung community 4 bedroom1 2 Lnhs panelled family room lull basement. 2 car garage. fully air conditioned, gas heated, storm windows extra insulations city and underground ser vices Full range of home appliances 2 cars and some furniture available Priced at $67,500 for quick sale to principals only 201 ,359-2112

LA WHEN! EV ILLK 21 -tor home m vi Huge 4 bdr ms and playroom 2' baths Living rm dining rm I ibi a i \ 11 rep! 1 argc mod kitchen garage air cond Mature landscaping Aery pi at< Low $8" - Salt I $ >w ner 609 896- ! 35!


LANMNGAN DR Cen trally air conditioned very spacious rancher Entrance foyer 3 bedrooms 2 baths, paneled re reatioi room liv ing i ooit lining room eal m kill he- lu1 ’ lavement

I HI- It A! 1 I TT \H t AI IV ' I A] ' ■ ! (SOT-88 >522

TWIN RIVERS 3 BR Split, end unit, finished basement all extras Assume 7% mart priced to sell 609 448 2159

TWIN RIVERS gt AD II 3 BR iwnhse - wall paper eti Mint condition Must -acr i! a • $39 900 609 44 i 1753

1 ASH WINDSOR love)) 2 bdrm Twin Rivers Town House washer/dryer, new refrig walk to ’ school swimming 4- tennis facil 7% assumable niort Call 609-443- 3027

ISA IN RIVERS Quad I 4 hdrm iwnhse walk NYC bus 'ores ncreaDor Air cond

appliances extras 7 ■% assun mtge $4. *«■ 60S 448 7014

JAMESBURG -Tpke Exit 8A area of Eorsgale 3 bdr ranch full high dry basemenl 1 ba te dining room garage, large landscaped lot $44 900 Sentrv Broker 201521-1611, eves 201-251-5816

ROHDE VR i AA \ TOW NSHIP Exceptionally nice randier 3 bedrooms, very modern kit­chen finished basement living room w fireplace In ground pool Priced in the low $40's Emerv A Craft Real Estate 609 298-0660 evenings 298-3044

TWIN RIVERS 4 bdrm Iwnhse Quad 4. 2L bath, storm & serns humidifier a c landscaped panelled FR tennis pool 4 more Bi* 11 NYC 1 block 212-584 3719 or •509-448 3848 after 7 pm 4 wkends Mid 40's

Real Estate For Sale

RANCH STYLE House being sold by owner 3 bedrooms living bath laundry rooms enclosed patio, fenced-in rear yard with 18 circular pool m established stable Hamilton Square residential neigh borhood Needs some work but in good condition overall $36,000 Principals onlv 609 587-4850 or 921 2227

KENDALL PARK SALE by owner Hrm spacious ranch, 3 bdrm 2 bath, lg kitchen 20 ft paneled family rm. car peted liv rm 4 bdrms Covered flagstone patio. Garage 4 ig storage shed Beautifully landscaped 100 x 200 ■ trees. 1 block fromn A express bus 4 snopping Asking $44,900 Call 201-297 1656 No brokers

1 W IN RIA'ERS 3 bedroom end unit townhouse on lake Quad IA Upgraded carpel central vac, many extras 609 -443-3227

ROSS MOOR Jamesburg. N.J Maine unit. Old Nassau Road $33,500 609-655-3843

BUCKS COUNTY on Pa canal Insulated picture windows

overlook 2 acres of land scaping old shade 4 water 70' stone from , 5 bdrms. 2* baths mod kit w fam dining serves formal d area fam rm jiatio 4 screened porch Stone fireplace wall open beams in 28' I r Sewers 4 city water, near Penn central Reading 4 195 Asking less than $100,000 or may lease Call ow ner 215- 295-574 9 or 493-1595.

JUST REDUCED Twin Rivers Townhouse 2 bedrooms, living room dining room kitchen. I 1, baths, family room in basemenl. wall wall carpeting central air. storms and screens Many ■ xtrat Priced ti sell quickly at $32,500 Call after 6 pm weekdays, anytime weekends 609 418 4742

Real Estate For Sale

Real Estate For Sate

JAMESBURG beendreaming about your vine covered cottage, well we have i f It's immaculate 3 hdrs living rm w fireplace, dining rm large eat-in kitchen full basement inground pool Just $45,000 Possible mtge assurop Sentn Broker 205- 525-161 1 eves 201-521 1172

SFOTSWOOD Middlesex County new Colonial with 3 enormous bdrs living rm formal dining rm eat-in kitchen garage 1- baths, hot water baseboard 2 zone gas heat $41,990 Sentn Broker 201 521 1611 eves 201 - 828- 5552

TWIN RIVERS guad III. 3bdr twnhse. premium 1 oca 11 ore storms 4 screens humidifier, a c. w/w carpt 2- baths, paneled tarn rm Near new school $39,500 609 448 3967

ALLENTOWN Priced to sell 4 BR Colonial on 1 3 acre

wooded lot. 2 bath, fireplace cent a c. oversized patio w gas grill 5 min from NJTpk 7A 4 195 Immediate occupancv Just reduced to $59,900 609-259-7541

CONDOMINIUM QUAD 1 11rnd f! 2 BR. 2 bath end unii. tOf> location Uhildren OK Principals only 609 448-866,3

NEW HOPE VICINITY remodeled Him farmhousi 1 historic Soleburv Twp surrounded by of ri sugar mapleshade 4 In 2 bath, fireplace. 2 br barn apt room for more apts Many shrubs 4 trees ail on 10 acres with a beautiful view $149,000 215 297 5153 or 215 794-7551

HOUSE FOR SAIF New Ranch by builder owner Large wooded lot i bdrms

Liih.s paneled fam room w fireplace full hajemenl kii w built in appliances fuliv carpeted, wood deck car gar Near commuting and good schools Hopewell Twp Qualifies for $2,000 tax crediil $79,900 609-466-0309 after ;pro

M< iNROE TOWNSHIPliedroom executive Cedar and aluminum 2 story beauty Aery large landscaper! lot Fireplace in rn room mans extras $64 900 Sentry Broker 20! 521 1611

TWIN RIVERS 3 bedroom. 2 bath townhouse Storms screens and storm door Wall papered throughout Tiled entrs paneled family room, newly painted 7U% assumable mortgage Pnn • 1 pais only 609-448-5052

TWIN RIVERS CONDO $25,900 draperies inci Financing available Spacious bdrm 4 den living dine rm bathrm. fuliv equip GE kit­chen, carpeted patio 4 lots of extras 609-443-1006 after 7 pm Sal-Sun appt

MONTGOMERY TWP 1 yr old 4 bdrm Dutch Colonial on nicely landscaped 1 . acre lotwith trees large kitchen with breakfast area 4 beamed ceiiing slate foyer rec room with fireplace living rm w fireplace full basement oversized 2 car garage Manv extras including c/a central vacuum storms 4 screens redwood deck Mtge available $79,900 Call OWNER 609-466-3796

TWIN RIVERS New Listing 2 BR B Model twxnhouse New finished basement Manv extras Mint condition 609 443-3696

TWIN RIVERS Lovely 2 tidrm townhouse. end unit, deluxe carpeting, central air, all appliances included Finishedpatio w gas grill 609 448 5426

EAST WINDSOR 1 2 acre. 5 BR ex pa nded Ranch 31 baths panelled, carpeted lam rm lg eat-in kit w no wax fi. formal Ir 4 dr w parquet fis 2 car gar Better than new cond Asking 156,500 609-448-0245

COLONIAL WITH (HARM 1 us tom built located on a hi 11 with a beautiful setting large

i plus acres with many trees inground pool with pooihouse large patio and many many exciting extras, ncluding a Princeton address

A must see Only $89,900

MID JERSEY REALTY Route 206 Belle Mead. N.J.

201-359-3444Realtors 2M L.S.

TWIN RIVERS Condominiums, townhouses and single family resales Com piete information availableCentral air, appliancestennis, swimming 4 more

120's to too s

HIGHTSTOW N BI LEA El11. years, 4 bedrooms 2 baths modern kitchen family room, patio central air carpeting garage $46,900

COIOMAl, CHARM 5 2 acre E Windsor, central hall. 4 or 5 bedrooms formal dining modern kitchen, centrjyUair patio. 2U- baths, famrfy room laundry , full tiasement. 2 car garage $59,900

PRINT ETON FARMS 1 acre plus. 2 vear old colonial in Hopewell Twp, modern eat-in kitchen family room with fireplace 4 bedrooms 2‘ . laths aluminium siding patio deck, screened-in porch, 2 car garage $74,500

ROCKY HIM i . story 5 bedroom bam ranch, modern kitchen, family room, 3 bedrooms, basement. 2 car garage patio. cent rai air


MINI ESTATE Custom Colonial. 1 3/4 acre wooded lot in VAashington Twp perfect shape, ana qua my mruugnuui 4 or 5 bedrooms. 2 fireplaces. 2 zone central air huge patio, spiral staircase, ultra modern kitchen, much much more, must be see $99,506

HI 1LDERS CLOSEOUT $4 sun Contemporar) Ranch horn* fot mmediate oc- upancy Includes cathedral

ceilings fireplace garage family room deck and more Beautiful lake front property fixated less than 1 mile from 7A interchange of the \ J Turnpike Qualifies for up to $2000 TAX REBATE 10% down mortgage available Greenfield Park Homes 609- 587 7979

( N D O M I N I I M PINEHURST N ( will sell bn nislied nr uni urmshed 609 166 S804

MINUTES FROM PRfN ( ETON near Mercer(ounty College, in Hamilton Sq Magnificent custom brick

bdrm rancher 2 full tile baths fireplace central air. huge recreation room, garage heated outdoor swimming jxkjI, radiating with "Love 4 1 are Call 609-396-5700

id TCH NECK sprawling lanchcr spacious room.s 2‘ . ba 1 In ’ ar at tached garage Owner trans Immed oc eupanev $57,000 ('all today 443-6200

ELEGANT COLONIAL 3 to 5 bdrms 2 full baths family rm Kitchen w pantrv zoned beat & zoned central air Adjacent to Sharon Golf curse Call 443-6200

IN THE COUNTRY with a ii-w of the farmlands in West

5 : ! - w e ] | L e v e l v 3 l i f l r m rancher v surrounded by many matured trees $39,900 Call 737 92(8i

P S C rW lO -N A I LOCATION 6 r oom house on 1 acre near

Pennington circle Call 737- 9200

FHA .-APPROVED 8 rooms 5 txirms 4 bath $33,500

OPEN GREEN ESTATES new Colonials ranchers bi levels w . 5 txirms OPEN i-'i >K INSPECTION every Fri, 'xi! 4 Sun I 5 p m Become a proud home owner at Open Green Estates now taking orders for spring delivery Models avail for immediate occupancy Directions Ri 526 JUKI east of Rt 130 less han 1 3 mi on Robbinsville Allentown Rd in Wash Twp Oniv minutes from Pnnceton - all 443-62(8! models 259-9292

SUNDAY OPEN HOUSE 2-5 p m at 534 Dutch Neck Rd Come 4 see thus beautiful 4 txirm rancher with plush carpeting 4 its manv extras Directions from Pnnceton Rt 571 to 130 turn right on 130. go to next traffic light 4 turn nght on Dutch Neck Road about 1 mi to our sign


609- 737-9200 M.VK20O

BUCKS COUNTY PRICE REDUCTION Famouspiaywriter says SELL Fabulous contemporary on 8 secluded acres. 4Bedrooms 4 baths 2 fireplaces House is 4 vears old 5 minutes north of New Hope $149,500 More acreage available < all for ar appointment • ountrv Home- Real Estate 215 862 9116

EAST AM WELL HORSE & Hound Area Umcjue 2 yr Medit manor house Firfck main! free fines! const un believably beautiful interior 100 s specialties 4+ acres park like hi on knoll $250K F Mesanko. Real 806-393-8899 9- 4 OR 201-782-0376 7-9 p m


Tucked away on a quiet G n ggs to w n - ul dr-sac Professionally and*< ape ;Prime i-ondition

$44,800 201-359-8817

Principals onlv


Three years old 4 bedrooms 2' baths eat m kitchen f»a nelled x-r will, fireplnre ceniral air electronic air purifier- 2-car garage patio Walking distance to schools shopping 4 bus lines Asking $78,000 Call 609-921 2882

M AN V ILLE Prim e area. AAeston. 3 tiedroom ranch, 2 lull lime baths, vimll-to-wail carpeting finished carpeted basement All aluminum, low maintenance Fenced in pool 12' x 24 Many more extras Must be seen $55 9(8) Pnn eipals only 201 722-9031

BUILDERS MODEL HOME ©8.900 For sale or rent with

option to buy Beautiful 3 bedroom Ranch home 1 mile from I 195 and the 7A in­terchange of the N J Turn­pike A must see Qualifies for up to $20(8) TAX REBATE 10% (down mortgage available Greenfield Park Hornes 609 387 7979

2 yr old B! LEA'fcJL on quiet cul-de-sac street. 5 mi from Hightstown Features slate foyer, formal chirm, 4 BR 1 , baths panelled fmrm iaundrv area 2 car att gar Im maculate cond $48 000 In terested Principals call 609 443-3291

LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP country living in town, 3 bdrm custom built home in beautiful garden setting of 1 acre Manv desirable features $67,500 Cali 609-883-6237

Real Estate For Sale

SOUTH BRUNSWICK on Hwv t next to lnfo-Med 5 rm Ranch 96 x 281 t « bus or residential Asking low toll's AfaM* offer Realtor N J Manni Realty Inc 201-297 2516

ROBB MOOR CONDOMINIUM 48 plus years 2 bedroom 2

bath, all appliances, golf, club house pool NYC bus car pet ing and drapes Ow ner 609 655 3208

TATE offering jjj acre v fronting un ELM

iUlXi E K( ) AD Hemewel I T wp Princeton address and

telephone Magnificent trees two streams on gently sloping land Prewar four bedroom 21 baths, colonial style home slate rool copper gutters

exem p li fy construction pu 1 S '»>e Print pal m 1V 'pleas** > all 201 359 H435

JAMESBl RG 2 story colonial txdongs in House Beautiful 3 bdrs living roorr. formal dining room Dine eat-in kitchen, den. lull basement 7% mortgage assump avan $38,900 Sentrv Broker 201-521 1611. after 7 pm 201-521-2269

E AST AM WELL T< VA NSHIP Hunterdon Countv Mountain Road Brand new Listing Just surveyed 19 360 acres If -ou are looking for a wooded, secluded location tobuild your home and keep your horses this could be the spot you have in mind Just give us a call and look it over Asking price $2500 per acre

OS< AR WOLFE RE, M.TY609 397-2138

TWIN R IVERS 3 Bn Townhouse Assume 7 .% Mortgage Mam extras 609- 443-4499

Real Estate For Sale

MANVIU.E This home has all you expect at u 3 tiedroom colonial PLUS 2-zone heat 2- sone air conditioning electronic filter system lovely fireplace, cabinet finishing or doors and woodwork A REAL GEM Margaret Guerin Realtor 201 526-4107

TWIN RIA’ERS Quad I i^akefront. 3 RR Twnhse Puli ftn bsmt. brick patio, 4 other extras Priced to sell 609-4431238

TWIN RIVERS QUAD IV 4 bdr end twnhse up-graded appl central vacuum, gas grill, manv extras Must sell 609 443-3592

TOWNHOUSE 3 BR 2>- baths extras $®(K) down 4 assume 7;--% Loan OWNER MUST SELL' 609-448-7451

TWIN RIA'ERS Detached 3. bdrm House, ideal location on street w light traffic 4 iiack facing farm for privacy Assumable 7% mort House features lg eal-in kit frost ireerefrig self-cleaning oven, shag carpet & manv others For sale bv owner 609-448-7116


Beautiful In -level 4 bedrooms baths eat-in kitchet

formal dining room wall wall carpeting, paneled family room patio, central air 1 2 acre Good condition $49 900 .After 6 p.m weekdays, anytime weekends 609-443 3445

CONDOMINIUM ROSS MOOR Sun filled 2 bdrm, 2 bath tr dr Enclosed patio priced to sell M6 500 609-655- 3734

SO U TH B R U N S W IC K KINGSTON area 7 room stucco. 2 story fireplace drv basement 3 car garage acre 16 x 32 in-ground pool $54 900 Realtor N J Manni Realty Inc 20 1 29 7 25 1 6

MONROE TW P Exit HA TPK Magnificent txlr sm -k 4 cedar -hake : denial baths fireplace in familv room (enter island in ultra modern kit c a. carpet profesisonai landscaped, inground Grecian pool Many more elegant extras offered at $97 .500 Sentrv Broker 201 521 1611 eves 20*1-521-1172.

EAST WINDSOR CON DOMINIUM large living room dining room corn lunation ea t u k 11 rher: withappliances (ten bedroon enclosed porch Exce lled commut i ng s e r v i c e • n labk 900 608 m is weekends & eves

JAMESBURG park line setting ! txlr ranch, forma; liming room, 2 baths c a lull basement garage Just $46 mo Sentrv Broker 20) 52! 1611

LA WHENCE TWP t»uy fron bu lei

rooms ul charrn & < omforl an- offered bv this brick front 1 olomai Features a flagstone lover enormous living nxm formal dining room, ultra modern kitchen, panelled familv room with stone fireplace, 5 spacious tjedrooms. 2 haths laundry roon & . ar ga*age Asking $72 lX>o i al i after a p n

s/II \(.v | lilin S KO» ,Ht, 11606

Too Late To Classify

Too Late To Classify

SOFA 2 pc sectional tan foam cushion, good cond then $40 609-448-6540

68 PLYMOUTH ETRY ill 4 dr hardtop a/c. $550 609-448- 7240 after 6 pm

Pa. PropertiesYRDLEY PENNA

Lxx-ate just minutes away iron Princeton area If vou want an immaculate rancher that features living room w fireplace, formal dining room, very modern kitchen iamilv room 3 cozv tiedrooms and 2 baths, then call for an appointment to see this custom-built home Extras include brick 4 cedar shake construction, attached 2-car garage, 11 x 20 ft screened porch w sliding glass doors from family room, basement Verv well landscaped lot a f­fords vou country atmosphere Excellent school system Shown by appoint meni only Lowell Real Estate. 609-396 08(8)

re N MS A W >NE* rt I )WNi )URT


( olomai H rooms. 4 tiedrooms 2 baths fireplace i-G

acres Bucks County Soleburv area $68 000 ! all 215-794-7783 lor an appointment after 4 p m on week days

WHAT'S HE. APER THAN A VACATION and gives a lift ihai lasts longer'1 Come to Arthur and find oul We can n akt pur -jhrite hmi i with our ire wail m erings and custom window treat monts plus, .i free home decorating service Arthur s Rte Lawrence Twp 609- KK3 2056

WEDDING <j()WN designed bv Eianci white giana with beaded neckline 4 matching headpiece Exc condition, worn -me time asking $195 201-873-2658

•v v V!T • teller • helper to ll ' •" ■ a -a l I [ , a n d-issi ' ) w i Hi an aft erschooi pnigr a n - -- - hi Idren w ithiiehav n |a obleni'- Hours 2 30

i to p • ne day per week Pay Si- jxt itour Princefoo ’hiId Development Institute


FI UMTURI- FOR SALE wairni: nmsh desk in excellent end iimn S7n M odermst ic

hut lei mahogany finish upermr - 'inditioo $50 Both

mere' , vt i» a ul v ’ o whatever non ihey find themselves in n al VSiggms Street

during 'tavlime


In an old Colonial on Nassau St charming 3 bdr house w ii h living room, dining room, kitchen $38(i per month in- iuriing heat & all utilities

( H A HI ) S II UR M M ( (,166 Nassau SI

Princeton N J ti09 924 4 !5I|

Rutgers selling new pepper plant seeds for just $1

‘Oritani a new sweet bell pepper variety, is readv io make its debut in home gar dens in New Jersey and -ither states according to G David Lewis, a plant pathologist at Cook College. Rutgers University

Named in honor of Ortlan an Indian chief who once lived in what is now Bergen County the new pepper is the resull of research Dr Lewis has con ducted at Rutgers since 1963

Oritaru plants are vigorous with heavy, dark green foliage The fruits are targe blocky and uniform in shape They are thick-walled and npen to a rich, dark red without the shades of orange sometimes produced by other varieties

Developed Io be resistant to labacco mosaic virus a common and serious plant disease. Oritani is a late season pepper in the same class as Yolo Wonder and Keystone Resistant Giant which are w-ell known to commercial pepper grow ers in South Jersey

Rutgers is the only source of Oritani seed, so those in­terested in buying a packet should send a stamped, self addressed envelope and a $f check or money order payable to Rutgers University to Dr Iwuis in the Department of Plant Biology Cook College P O Box 231. Rutgers University New Brunswick N J U8903

REBEI I -m -edun gixxf cond engine excellent w snows auto 70(88 •- $625 609 448-8107

MERCEDES 2(8i Diesel runs ■ »dj good Radiate

-.v - v -■ ( 20 m 5268

1 187! . (K-fii i-xf i U - t r g, i - mileage asking

$7.30 609 448 5.344

1 B E R N AR D puppyen .................. - ild p it jaw.non-sfikibering breed 609-737-3051

U Itl 1973 100GL. 4 dr fulivequipped auto trans. a/c, -leei tielied radials. am fm |cr«- 1 -ill 20! (59-6294

LADY . (HIKING for domestic work Experienced and referem <•- Please frail 609-396 6848

77 ItATSUN 1200-auto, bucket iea:- radio, extra set tires 4 wheels 20,000 miles After 6 pm 201 725-5150

HAND ( ARVED - Oriental Teakwixid tea table chairs desks barrel chest 201-3596101

N e w booklet focuses on credit rights

Loan sharks, credit coun­seling wage garnishment and credit bureaus are all -xamined and explained in a new publication available free from the New Jersey Cooperative Extension Ser

h i- ul ! .-Kik College Rutgers ( Diversity

Your Credit Rights and Responsibilities is the latest m the ’Money Matters series prepared by Denise M Matejic. Extension Service family resource management specialist at the State University

The publication offers some suggestions on how to dlear up existing credit woes and to reduce the chances of getting involved in credit difficulties in t hr future

Included in the 16-page leaflet are a sample credii report a look at new legislation, a review of Federal Trade Commission rules and other information

For a copy of Your Credii flights and Responsibilities contact vour county office ei the Extension Service or write lo the Publications Distribution t enter Cook ( filb-ge P () Box 231 Rutger'I ill •/>•••■ : i \ New Brunswick I *903

Assigned risk coverage upped

Since Jan l, drivers who must get their auto insurant 'hrough the assigned risk pinr have been entitled to receive mmediate coverageA change in the plan's rules

provides that coverage mav become effective at the timt application is made to an agent or broker

Elimination of the waiting period after application ha- been made will assure assigned risk drivers of ihe rame treatment alreadv forded drivers who get their insurance in the standard market

s t a t e : E IS4 Al PROBLEMS

The current fiscal problem lacing New Jersey will be th- opic of an in-depth discussioi

on New Jersey News Specia Report" which will tx colorcast Thursday Jan 29 a 8 P m t*1 channels 23 50 . 5: and 58