Bamboo diversity on traditional music instrument at Tenganan Village, Karangasem District, Bali

Bamboo diversity on traditional musie instrument at Tcnganan Yillage, KarangasemDistrict, Bali I.B.K. AnwesAt)and Wawan SuJenwot2) l)"Eka Karya" Bali Botanic Garden, the Indonesian Institute of SciencesOIPI) 2) Debartment of Science, the Unioersity Roma Tre, Italy Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia 82191 e-rnail: wawan. sujarwo@ id BAMBOO JOURNAL No. 29 March 2015 JAPAN BAMBOO FOUNDATION 'JAPAN BAMBOO SOCIEW

Transcript of Bamboo diversity on traditional music instrument at Tenganan Village, Karangasem District, Bali

Bamboo diversity on traditional musie instrument at Tcnganan Yillage,Karangasem District, Bali

I.B.K. AnwesAt) and Wawan SuJenwot2)

l)"Eka Karya" Bali Botanic Garden, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences OIPI)

2) Debartment of Science, the Unioersity Roma Tre, Italy

Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia 82191

e-rnail: wawan. sujarw o@ id

BAMBOO JOURNALNo. 29 March 2015



Bamboo Journal No.29 : 45-54,2015


Bamboo diversity on traditional music instrument at Tenganan Yillage,Karangasem District, Bali

I.B.K. AnrNesAt) and Wawan SuJAnwot''

I) "Eka Karya" Bali Botanic Garden, the Indonesian Institute of Sciences QIPI)

2) Debartment of Science, the Uniaersity Roma Tre, Italy

Candikuning, Baturiti, Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia 82191

e-mail : wawan. suj arw o @


Tenganan village is located at Karangasem District Bali as "Bali. Aga". It refers to the village

which has and depends on custom strongly. Heritage of their culture can be everlasting. There

are twelve kinds of traditional music, which is supported by bamboos as the raw material. The

diversity of bamboo in Tenganan Village revealed high enough, where there were 14 species of

bamboo, and Gigantochloa was the highest genera in population.

Keywords: bamboo diversity, traditional music, Tenganan village, Bali

l. Introduction

Tenganan Village is one of "Bali Aga" villages located approximately 3 km north coast

Candidasa, Manggis Subdistrict, Karangasem District, Bali, Indonesia. The word of "Aga"

means mountain, so that it can be interpreted that Tenganan village is a village located

in the mountains or means indigenous, but understanding of Bali Aga is not limited to its

meaning. Village communities of Bali Aga from eternity when compared to the Balinese Hindu

community of Majabahit are different, characterized by customs and strong culture. However,

as time goes by the customs and culture is influenced by the culture of the Majabahit Hindu

Balinese, western influence. tourism, and development pressures (Rindjin 1976).

Tenganan which clearly have social structures and cultural customs are quite different

with other Bali Aga villages. Located 65 km east of Denpasar (capital city of Bali Island) at

an altitude of 400 m above sea level. The village with an area of 1496 ha consists of 196 ha

of indigenous forest, 253 ha of rice field, 75 ha crop land and 972 ha farm field. Temperature

ranged between 25 - 30 " C, relative humidity ranged between 60-807o and the annual rainfall

reaches 2229 mm (Anonymous 1986).

Social structure, customs, and culture lead Tenganan village is seen as a unique village. The


uniqueness of Tenganan villagers grow thick again when traced from their daily lives which

are not lost with the use of plants. In everyday life, the plants are not only used alone but long

before it was to conserve plants. An area of 196 ha of indigenous forest owned by Tenganan

village is a truly sacred plant conservation area, preserved and maintained (Dharmik a lgg2).

Success in plant conservation was fortified by a strong tradition. As evidence of the success

of plant conservation, the President of the Republic of Indonesia has bestowe d, Kalfataru in

1987, and in 1992 was awarded the Kalfataru Lancana Satya as evidence of success in the

environmental program. Kalpataru is the highest award in the field of environment particularly

plant conservation in Indonesia.

Gambelan (traditional music) is one of the uniqueness of Tenganan villagers in their daily

Iives. No fewer than 18 types of gambelan found in the village. Most equipm ent of gambelan

used the plants as raw material. Interestingly 12 types oI gambelan used bamboo as raw

material. The type of bamboo is involved and is used as a unique constituent of gambelan in

Tenganan village needs to be proven. The proof is conducted by study of ethnobotany.

2. MethodsResearching to understand bamboo diversity which is found in Tenganan vil lage was

conducted by cruising method (Rugayah et a\.2004). Field work covered an area of indigenous

forest, crop land, farm filed and other places in Tenganan village. All bamboo species whichwas met is recorded. Identification was conducted in any places of Botanical Garden Bali such

as bamboo collection at XI.D compartment, Herbarium, and library.

To find out bamboos which are used as gambelan (traditional music) components, conducted

by interview method. Interview was conducted with customary head of Tenganan village and

a number of public figures in gambelan art. The materials which are used to reveal what types

of bamboo are used and their respective functions, inventoried through concerned gambelan.

The research results on the types of bamboo are found and used as a gambelan component inTenganan village, arranged in Table 2.

3. Results and discussions3.1. Bamboo diversity

Conservation or cultivation of bamboo by the people in Tenganan village can be classified into

three areas, namely the indigenous forest, crop lands,/farm field and other places. Indigenous

forest is a forest which should be managed in accordance with awig autig adat (c,a,stomary

laws), and its control under the traditional village. Farm field is dry land or people's gardensplanted with various plants which rely on rainwater irrigation. The definition of other places iscompound, schools, temples, tombs and places used for social activities.

Since centuries ago, the kinds of bamboo that is needed in life with a good Tenganan societyIot gambelan materials, religious ceremonies, building materials and other temples that used to


be common, planted in indigenous forest. In the area of indigenous forest has been conserved

as many as 11 species of bamboo. Gigantochloa afus, Gigantochloa manggong, Gigantochloa

thoii, Gigantochloa atter ar'd Dendrocalamus asper are the most populated types of bamboo,

while Gigantochloa ridleyi, Schizostachyum brachycladum and Bambusa blumeana have lowest

population among others, and Bambusa maculata, Gigantochloa taluh and Schizostachyum

silicatum have medium population. Only three of all kinds of bamboo found in Tenganan

as many as 14 species, is not planted in indigenous forest, those are Bambusa aulgaris,

Gigantochloa atroaiolacea and, Thyrsostachys siamensls (Table l).

Conservation of bamboo is not only carried out in indigenous forest but also in crop land and

farm field. The only one type of bamboo which is not planted frory 14 species is Thyrsostachys

siamensis, because this bamboo is more suitable to be planted as an ornamental plant which is

grown at other places. Gigantochloa thoii, Bambusa maculata, Bambusa aulgaris, Dendrocalamus

asfier, Schizostachyum brachycladum and Gigantochloa apus are the types of bamboo with

dense population, while the population is at least such as Gigantochloa manggong, Gigantochloaqtroaiolacea, Bambusa blumeana and Gigantochloa ridleyi. Other types such as Gigantochloa

taluh, Gigantochloa atter and, Schizostachyum silicatum have moderate population.

The types of bamboo grown in places such as home gardens, schools, temples and other social

places is as many as eight kinds of beautiful bamboo that can be utilized as an ornamental

plant. Those are Bambusa maculuta, Bambasa aulgaris, Gigantochloa atroaiolacea, Schizostachyum

brachycladum and Thyrostachys siamensis. Bambu siam (Thyrsostachys siamensis) is a type of

bamboo recently introduced into Tenganan village, because of the beauty of the culms, leaves

and clumps form.

In Tenganan village, Schizostachyum brachycladum has two varieties of colors, namely yeliow

and green. In the local language, yellow bamboo called tamblang gading, while green bamboo

called tamblang gadang. Gading means yellow and green means gadang (Wiajaja et al. 2008).

There are also two varieties of Bamhuss aulgaris namely yellow bamboo with green strip called

tiying amfel gading, while the green bamboo called tiying amfel gadang (Widjaja 2001a)

Diversity of bamboo in Tenganan village is quite high because until now has 14 species consisting

of five genera (Fig. 1, Arinasa 2006). Among the genera, the highest populated genera are

Gigantochloa with seven types, namely

Gigantochloa artus, Gigantochloa atroaiolacea,

Gigantochloa atter, Gigantochloa manggong,

Gigantochloa ridleyi, Gigantochloa taluh

and, Gigantochloa thoii. Among the types

of Gigantochloa, Gigantochloa apus is the

highest population and its use is mainly for

weaving. The only introduced bamboo

is Thyrsostachys siamensls, which was

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Fig.l Diversity of Tenganan bamboo


originally grown only for ornamental plants.

Planting bamboo in Tenganan village is mostly on river slopes. Only a few proportion of

bamboo grown on a flat area. Planting bamboo in Tenganan village is not only making money

purposes but also conservation of soil and water. The topography of the village is mostly on

hilly and steep slopes in particular near the river. It makes bamboo as a good choice to be

planted, because bamboo keeps the soil from landslide hazards. Inventory of bamboo which is

conducted in indigenous forest, crop land, farm field, and other places in Tenganan village more

detaii can be seen in Table 1.

3.2. Kinds of "Gambelan" (traditional music)

The results of interviews with head of custom and a number of public figures in art, there are

18 types of. gambelan in Tenganan village (Astuti et al. 2000). When compared with other plant

species in the use oI gamhelan equipment, the types of plants from Poaceae family ranks highest

use as many as 18 times, including bamboo (17 times) and rattan (1 time) and successively

followed by Arecaceae (10 times), Sterculiaceae (7 times), Moraceae (4 times), Magnoliaceae(3 times), Fabaceae (2 times), Rutaceae (1 time), Meliaceae (1 time), Malvaceae (1 time),

Nyctaginaceae (1 time), Sapindaceae (1 time) and Bromeliaceae (l time) (Backer and van Den

Brink 1963). Apart made from plants, gambelan components also use other materials such as

iron, bronze, brass and animal's leather especially cows. This shows how important bamboo in

Iife of. Tenganan villagers since ancient till now (n'ig. Z).

Fig.2 Usage composition of plant on traditional music instrument at Tenganan

People in Tenganan village are well aware that everyday life can't be separated from the

bamboo. Ranging from kitchen furniture to specific building like a culture, all requires bamboo.

One of the most prominent cultural needs of bamboo is gambelan. The types of bamboo had

experienced length certain testing so that for many years the main component of gambelan can'

t be replaced with any type of bamboo. For instance, blade or gambelan gqmblang (the main

component that produces a tone of voice), the most suitable material is tiying betung mantong



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(Gigantochloa thoii). When replaced with other types, the quality will be lower. Similarly, the

type of gambelan petih must be made of tiying tutul (Bambusa maculata) .

Flute constituent materials are made from bambu tutul (Bambusa maculata), while rindik /

gerantang besides bambu tutul, the main component can also be made from bambu tamiang

(Schizostachyun silicatum). Petik is kind of. gambelan that all components are from bambu tutul

(Bambusa maculata) either major components $ilah) and supporting components Qelawah).

These three types of gambelan use bamboo culms as a whole and consisting of one to three

internodes, depending on the type of gambelan.

Type of gambelan gambang and marimba as the main material used bamboo that has thick

and strong culms like Gigantochloa thoii (Dransfi,eld and Widjaja 1995). Two types of gambelan

using old bamboo culms according to required size so can be issued a good tone (melody).

Gambang is one of the sacred gambelan for the Hindu community in Bali because the show

should not be arbitrary, only done when there is a bengabenan ceremony (Pitra yadnya). Sound

of gambelan gambang can reliably deliver soul to paradise (Fig. 3).

Anghlung is a type of. gambelan

that al l the components using

bamboo. Bambu lnanggong

(Gigantochloa manggong) and

bambu taluh (Gigantochloa taluh)

selected either because the strains

of melodious sound, durable and

beautiful shape. Y,{hile gambelan

guntang, main components using

bambu gesing (Gigantochloa

blumeana) because it takes a thick-walled bamboo culms. As supporting components, such

as telawah using bambu betang santong (Gigantochloa atter) or bambu selem (Gigantochloa

atroaiolacea) , and prop using bamba fietung (Dendrocalamus asfer) .

Saling gambuh is also known as long flute,

because the material which is used as a raw

material using long culms of both bambu

buluh gading (Schizostachyun brachycladam)

and bambu jajang batu \Gigantochloa ridleyi)

that makes the flute as the longest f lute

among others in Tenganan village. Suling

gambuh is different from the usual f lute

made of bambu tutul (Bambusa maculata).

:::: . /

{Fig.3 Gambang, the sacred "gambelan", believed to accompany

the soul go to paradise

Fig.4 Flute, made of Bambusa maculata

Common flute has shorter culm length, and

the diameter is smaller than suling gambuh.

Suuter, which is a major component and an

integral unity in all kinds of flute, made of

bambu tali (Gigontochloa afus) and palm

leaves (.Borassus flabell ifer). Bombu tali

is also used as a beater stalk of gombelan

gender. Furthermore, bambu tutul (Bombuso

maculata) (Fig. 4) is used as te lawah of

gambelan gender. Bambu tutul has shiny culm

and beautiful mottled brown. besides those.

giving melodious voice strains on gambelan gender

Twelve of 78 gambelatx types in Tenganan village used bamboo as the core components (Fig. 6)

Fig.S Garhbelol gender, telawah made o{Btmbusa maculote

(Widjaja 2001b) tFig. 5).

Figure 6 shows the importance of bamboo

in the culture and daily l i fe of Tenganan

villagers from the past until now, so largely

dominated cul ture. From the evidence of

ethnobotany gambelan, none of their ancestor'

s culture degraded, so people tn Tengonon are

admirable in the field of cultural preservation

as well as in plant conservation. That is why,

the Government of the Republic of Indonesia

awarded Kolpataru two times in 1987 and 1992.

and unwavering determination to preserve the

and environmental preservation.

at Tenganan

This can be achieved, because of the support

indigenous community as a bastion of cultural

4. Conclusionsl. Bamboo diversity in Tenganan village is quite high; there arc L4 species representing five

genera, and Gigantochloa is the highest genera.

2. There are 18 types of traditional music (gambelan) where 12 species of which the main

component and supporting use is bamboo.

3. Poaceae family including bamboo and rattan was the highest usage as many as 18 times

when compared with other plant families on culture of. gambelan in Tenganan village.

Fig.6 Bamboo use of traditional music instruments

5. SuggestionIn support cultural preservation of gambelan based on raw materials

that conservation remains the attention of the whole society and the



of bamboo, suggested

traditional village of

6. AcknowledgementWe would like to thank to Mr. I Nengah Madri as customary head, and Mr. Mangku Widya as

the secretary of the village for their information and research permits.

7. ReferencesAnonymous (1986) Monografi Desa Tenganan Kecamatan Manggis Kabupaten Karangasem


Arinasa IBK (2006) Keanekaragaman dan pemanfaatan bambu di lahan kering Desa Pempatan

Bali. Prosiding seminar sehari konservasi dan pendayagunaan keanekaragaman tumbuhan

daerah kering II, UPT Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Purwodadi - LPL

Astuti IP, Hidayat S, Arinasa IBK (2000) Traditional plant usage in four villages of Baliaga

Tengan, Sepang, Tigawasa and Sembiran, Bali, Indonesia. The John D. and Catherine T.

MacAthur Foundation, Botanical Gardens of Indonesia, Indonesian Institute of Sciences.

Backer CA, van Den Brink B (1963) Flora of Java. N.V.P. Noordhoff, The Netherlands.

Dharmika IB (1992) Awig-awig adat Tenganan Pegringsing dan kelestarian lingkungan (sebuah

kajian tentang tradisi dan perubahan). Program pasca sarjana Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.

Dransfield S, Widjaja EA (1995) Bamboos. Plant Resources of South-East Asia, Prosea

Foundation, Bogor, Indonesia.

Rindjin IK (1976) Sepintas kilas Sembiran membangun. Sembiran, Bali.

Rugayah, Widjaja EA, Praptiwi (2004) Pedoman pengumpulan data keanekaragaman flora.

Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI, Bogor.

Widjaja EA (2001a) Identikit jenis-jenis bambu di Jawa. Herbarium Bogoriense, Pusat

Penelitian Biologi - LIPI, Bogor.

Widjaja EA (2001b) Identikit jenis-jenis bambu di Kepulauan Sunda Kecil. Herbarium

Bogoriense, Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI, Bogor.

Widjaja EA, Astuti IP, Arinasa IBK, Sumantera IW (2005) Identikit bambu di Bali. Herbarium

Bogoriense, Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI, Bogor.



Table I Bamboo diversity in Tenganan village, Karangasem, Bali

Places of grow

Scientific name Local name Indigenous Croplands,/forests farm fields


I Gigantochloa thoii K.M.Wong Tiying petung mantong X,A X,A

2 Bambusa maculata Widjaja Tiying tutul X,RX.A

3 Bambusa oulgaris Schrad,.ex Wendl. Tiying gading X,A x,R

4 Gigantochloa nanggong Widjaia. Tiying jajang X,A x,R

5 Gigantochloa taluh Widjaja & Astuti Tiying taluh X,O X,O

6 Gigantochloa atter (Hassk.) Kurz Tiying petung santong x,A x,o7 Gigantochloa atrooiolacea Widjaja Tiying selem X,RX,R

8 Dendrocalamus asrer (Schult.) Backer ex Heyne Tiying petung X,AX,A

9 Barnbusa blumeana J.A. & J.H. Schult. Tiying gesing X,RX,RX.R

l0 Schi.zostachyurn braehycladum KrlrzBuluh tamblang gading,buluh tamblang gadang X,RX,R X,A

11 Gigantoehha ridleyi Ilolttum Tiying jajang batu X,R X,R

12 Gigantochloa abus \J.A. & J.H. Schult.) Kurz Tiying tali X,RX,A X,A

13 Schizostachyum silicatum Widjaja Buluh tamiang x,o x,o X,R

14 Thyrsostachys sianensis Gamble Tiying siam X,R

Tota.l l l 13

Remarks:1: plantedA: abundant populationO: occasional populationR= rare population

Table 2 Kinds of. gambelan and. its component

Plant which is usedName of gambelan andits component Local name Scientific name/Family

I Congklik (type of wooden xylophone)

telawah Bayur Pterosbermum jaoanicum Jungh. (Sterculiaceae)

Nangka Artoearfius heterofihyllus Lmk. (Moraceae)

Tiing petung mantong Gigantochloa thoii K.M. Wong. (Poaceae)

Klipa Acronychia trifoliata Zoll. (Rutaceae)

tabing Uyung jaka Arenga binnata (Wurmb) Merr. (Arecaceae)

panggal Uyung jaka Arenga finnata (Wurmb) Merr. (Arecaceae)

2 Garnbang (type of wooden xylophone)

telawah Nangka Artocarfius heterohhyllus Lmk. (Moraceae)

Azadirachta indiea LJuss (Meliaceae)

Cempaka Michelia ehamfaca L. (Magnoliaceae)

Tiying petung mantong Gigantochloa thoiiK.M.Wong. (Poaceae)

Cempaka Miehelin eham\aca L. (Magnoliaceae)tabing

Belalu Albizia chinensis (Osb.) Merr. (Fabaceae)

3 Marimba (true of wooden xylophone)

Bayur Pterosbermum jaoanicum Jungh. (Sterculiaceae)

Belaiu Albizia chinensis (Osb.) Merr. (Fabaceae)

bilah Tiying petung mantong Gigantochloa thoii K.M.Wong. (Poaceae)


No. Name of gambelan md

rts component

Plant which is used

Local name Scientific name/Family

4 Petik (Bamboo string drum)

telawah Tiying tutul Bamhusa maculata Widjaja. (Poaceae)

bilah Tiying tutul Bambusa maculata Widjaja. (Poaceae)

5 Ceng-ceng(turtle with small symbols)

telawah Kepelan Manglietia glauca Bl. (Magnoliaceae)

bilah Perunggu bronze (it's not plant)

6 Kemong (frame for gong to sit in)

telawah Nangka Artocarfius heterofhyllus Lmk. (Moraceae)

bilah perunggu bronze (it's not plant)

7 Rindik/Gerantang (Xylophone madefrom bamboo)

telawah Bayur Pterosfermum jaaanicum Jungh. (Sterculiaceae)

bilahTiying tutul Bambusa maculata Widjaja (Poaceae)

Tiyingtamiang SchizostachyumsilicatumWidjaja.(Poaceae)

8 Angklung (small wooden xylophone )

Bilah Tiying jajang Gigantochloa nanggong Widjaja. (Poaceae)

Tiying taluh Gigantochloa taluhWidjasa & Astuti (Poaceae)

9 Guntang (small bamboo drum withbamboo string and shell)

telawahTiying petung santong Gigantochloa after (.Hassk.) Kurz (Poaceae)

Tiying selem Gigantochloa atroaiolacea Widjaja (Poaceae)

Waru Hibiscus tiliaeeus L. (Malvaceae)pelayah

Bayur Ptrosfurmum jaoanicum Jungh. (Sterculiaceae)

gianjelT:,-:-- -^..--- Dendrocalamus asy'er (Schult.) Backer exI lylng Perung Heyne (poaceae)

Uyung jaka Arenga fiinnata (Wurmb) Merr. (Arecaceae)

pengikat Penyalin Calamus sp. (Poaceae)

bilah Tiying gesing Bambusa blumeana I.A. & J.II. Schult. (Poaceae)

l0 Kendang (drum)

telawah Nangka Artocarfius heterofhyllas Lmk. (Moraceae)

talijajat,gelangdanpenabah Kulit sapi Cow shell (it's not plant)

ll Selonding (xylophone with iron keys)

bilah Besi/perunggu lron/bronze (it's not plant)

telawai Bayur Ptrospermum jaaanicum Jungh. (Sterculiaceae)

Nangka Artocarfius heterofhyllus Lmk. (Moraceae)

tabing Uyung jaka Arenga binnata (Wutmb) Merr. (Arecaceae)

panggal Uyung jaka Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr. (Arecaceae)

12 Peting (keyed guitar)

telawah Bayur Ptros\ermum jamnicum Jungh. (Sterculiaceae)

bilah Senar (string)

13 Suling gambuh (long flute)

bilah Tiying buluh Schizostachlum silicatum (Poaceae)

Tiyingjajangbatu GigantochloaridleyiHoltttm (Poaceae)

f3 suwer (hookonendofflute) Don lontar Borassus flabellifer L. (Arecaceae)

Tiying tali Gigantochloa apus (J.A. & J.H. Schult.)Kurz (Poaceae)


., Name of sambelan andI\ O.

rts component

Plant which is used

Local name Scientific name/Family

14 Suling (flute)

bilah Tiying tutul Bambusa ,naculata Widjaja (Poaceae)

Tiying jajang batu Gigantochloa ridleli HoItfim (Poaceae)

suwer (hookonendofflute) Don lontar Borassus flabellifer L. (Arecaceae)

Tiying taliGisantochloa abus (J.A. & J.H. Schult.)Kurz (Poaceae)

15 Angklung, gong (small, medium, andlarge wooden xylophone)

telawah Tiying taliGigantochloa abus (J.A. & J.H. Schult.)Kurz (Poaceae)

bilah Kuningan Brass (it's not plant)

panggul Kusambi Schteicherh oleo sa (Lour.) Oken (Sapindaceae)

katikpanggul Tiying taliGigantochloa a\us 0.A. & J.H. Schult.)Kurz (Poaceae)

tatakantelawah Kayu dagdag Pisonin alba Span. (Nyctaginaceae)

16 Gender

Telawah Tiying tutul Bambusa macalata Widjaja. (Poaceae)

bilah Kuningan Brass (it's not plant)

panggul Kusambi Schleichera oleosa \Lorr.) Oken. (Sapindaceae)

katikpanggul Tiying taliGigantoehloa afus (J.A. & J.H. Schult.)Kurz. (Poaceae)

tatakantelawah Kayu dagdag Pisonia alba Span. (Nyctaginaceae)

17 Genggong (mouth instrument)

pengisian (mouthpieceoutside) Lidin jaka Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr. (Arecaceae)

pelat (mouthpiececentral) Arenga linnata (Wurmb) Merr. (Arecaceae)

katik (stick) Uyung jaka Aretga linnnta (Wurmb) Merr. (Arecaceae)

Fiber of Ananas comosus \L.)oenang tstnngl serat oon nanas Men. (Bromeliaceae)

18 Semar pesulinsan(xylophone with bronze keys)

telawah bayur Pterosbermum jaaanicum. Jungh. (Sterculiaceae)

bilah perunggu Bronze (it's not plant)

Remarks:Telawah: instrument of voice resonance Tali jajat, gelang: String from cow shellBilah: a part producer of voice Penabah: drum material from cow shellTabing side of the bilah Katik panggul: stick of hammerPanggal: support of bilah whole Panggul: hammer/knock upPeiayah: a part which mouth form Pelat mouth piece centralGanjel: something for strengthener Pengisian: mouth piece outsidePengikat string to binding Benang: string