Antony and Cleopatra, Lecture6

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Junior Drama, 2 nd Semester Teacher Rami- 1 Damascus University, Daraa Campus, Drama, Third Year, Teacher Rami Abu Zarad- Monday, March 31 st 2014. Lecture, 6. ____________________________________________________________________ Treatment of Act 1, Scenes 2+3 We left Antony on the stage, and he was in control of his emotions. Now, I must from this enchanting queen (1) break off. Enchanting = charming, in the sense of magic. “She cast a charm on me. I must break away, escape from this situation.” Remember when we called Cleopatra: femme fatale. For Rome, Antony is now destroyed: he is damaged goods, of sorts. He says, “I must free myself from her .” Add number one. Ten thousand harms, more than the ills I know, My idleness doth hatch. “Ten thousand evils will plague me if I stay here.” The evil news he received was about his wife attacking his brother, and then joining him to fight his fellow triumvir, and then Labienus seizing lands, for the Roman, these losses are evil. For Antony [the Roman now], if he stays frozen in the world of Egypt, more evil is going to befall him/Rome. Idleness = laziness: “I’m here doing nothing.” He is contrasting his idle state in Egypt with what he could, and should do, when he is in Rome. Inaction in Egypt VS. Action in Rome. ENOBARBUS. What's your pleasure, sir? ANTONY. I must with haste from hence. ENOBARBUS. Why, then we kill all our women. Enobarbus has not yet realized the gravity of the situation back home. He is answering Antony in a light manner. “We’ll kill our lovers; if they have to go through the experience of us leaving them, death is what awaits them.” He is joking. He means emotional death. Enobarbus is part of the Egyptian camp now. He is using the Egyptian kind of love language. ANTONY. I must be gone.

Transcript of Antony and Cleopatra, Lecture6



Junior Drama, 2nd Semester Teacher Rami-


Damascus University, Daraa Campus,Drama, Third Year, Teacher Rami Abu Zarad-Monday, March 31st 2014. Lecture, 6.____________________________________________________________________

Treatment of Act 1, Scenes 2+3

We left Antony on the stage, and he was in control of his emotions.

Now, I must from this enchanting queen (1) break off.

Enchanting = charming, in the sense of magic. “She cast a charm on me. I must break away,

escape from this situation.”

Remember when we called Cleopatra: femme fatale.

For Rome, Antony is now destroyed: he is damaged goods, of sorts.

He says, “I must free myself from her.” Add number one.

Ten thousand harms, more than the ills I know,My idleness doth hatch.

“Ten thousand evils will plague me if I stay here.”

The evil news he received was about his wife attacking his brother, and then joining him to fight

his fellow triumvir, and then Labienus seizing lands, for the Roman, these losses are evil.

For Antony [the Roman now], if he stays frozen in the world of Egypt, more evil is going to

befall him/Rome.

Idleness = laziness: “I’m here doing nothing.” He is contrasting his idle state in Egypt with what

he could, and should do, when he is in Rome.

Inaction in Egypt VS. Action in Rome.

ENOBARBUS. What's your pleasure, sir?ANTONY. I must with haste from hence.ENOBARBUS. Why, then we kill all our women.

Enobarbus has not yet realized the gravity of the situation back home.

He is answering Antony in a light manner.

“We’ll kill our lovers; if they have to go through the experience of us leaving them, death is

what awaits them.” He is joking. He means emotional death.

Enobarbus is part of the Egyptian camp now. He is using the Egyptian kind of love language.

ANTONY. I must be gone.



Junior Drama, 2nd Semester Teacher Rami-


“I must go.”

The short utterances by Antony show you the urgency of the situation.

ENOBARBUS. Under a compelling occasion, let women die. Itwere pity to cast them away for nothing,

He shifted quickly.

“It would be a shame to leave for something not important, but obviously there is something

serious, so let them die!”

though between them and a greatcause they should be esteemed nothing.

“If we have to choose between our women and a great cause, our women = nothing.”

And then he thinks of Cleopatra,

Cleopatra, catching butthe least noise of this, dies instantly;

The use of “death,” is funny. In the Roman camp, death is death. In the Egyptian camp, death

happens on the emotional level when a lover misses his/her lover so much.

I have seen her dietwenty times upon far poorer moment. I do think there is mettlein death, which commits some loving act upon her, she hathsuch a celerity in dying.

She looks beautiful when she dies.

This is ironically biting because she will die and Caesar is going to say that she looks beautiful


Enobarbus is famous for his insightful and predicting remarks. He expects things which will

happen later. Enobarbus is Shakespeare’s reference in the play.

ANTONY. She (2) is cunning past man's thought.

Cunning = manipulative. She has the ability to manipulate the men she loves because of her

infinite cunning.

ENOBARBUS. Alack, sir, no! Her passions are made of nothingbut the finest part of pure love.

Enoboarbus as a judge of character. He is viewing her in a positive light.

Antony under the influence of the news of what happened in Rome is now blind to the fact that

Cleopatra loves him so much which is why she plays games to win his heart.



Junior Drama, 2nd Semester Teacher Rami-


Enobarbus is somehow the voice of reason: “Yes, we should mind our Roman business, but still

Cleopatra loves you dearly. And whatever games she plays, she does that out of her pure love of

you. She does not mean ill.”

Enobarbus is defending Cleopatra, yes. And oh, this Shakespeare talking, not Enobarbus!

The theme of redeeming the lovers is forever present in the play.

The historical narrative condemns the lovers; and presents them in a negative light. The artist is

trying his best to balance things out.

Of course, in the end of the play you will not be led to believe that Antony is an angel or

Cleopatra is angel: that is not what the artist is after.

But he will present to you a balanced version of what happened.

Depending on the historical narrative alone, you will end up glorifying Caesar because he won.

Enobarbus is a dramatic tool used by Shakespeare, and now he is defending Cleopatra not just to

Antony, but for us as well.

ANTONY. Would I had never seen her (3)!

“I wish I had never met her.”

He is in distress and is discomforted by the things happening in Rome. Under the weight of this

moment, Antony starts saying things he may not mean.

Now Enobarbus is trying to wake Antony up to the fact that he will never be able leave


ENOBARBUS. O Sir, you had then left unseen a wonderfulpiece of work…

“You would’ve missed a wonderful piece of art.” He is referring to Cleopatra as a beautiful

human being.

ANTONY. Fulvia is dead.ENOBARBUS. Sir?ANTONY. Fulvia is dead.ENOBARBUS. Fulvia?ANTONY. Dead.

He does not change the words. He repeats himself. This is the reality now.

Enobarbus mistakes Antony’s reaction. He thinks he is happy.

ENOBARBUS. Why, sir, give the gods a thankful sacrifice.



Junior Drama, 2nd Semester Teacher Rami-


When it pleaseth their deities to take the wife of a man from him, itshows to man the tailors of the earth; comforting therein thatwhen old robes are worn out there are members to make new.

So he says, “you got rid of her” using the image of robes: she was an old robe, she is gone, you

can get a new one.

Antony does not answer.

ANTONY. The business she hath broached in the stateCannot endure my absence.

“The things she did do not allow me to be absent anymore.”

Absence is a relative concept. He was stationed in Alexandria because he commands the Eastern

part of the Roman Empire. It was his official duty to be there, so we cannot say he was absent

from Rome in this way. However, when he neglects his duties and loses himself in pleasure, he

is seen as absent from Rome.

Right now, this is the Roman mentality talking,

Enobarbus answers,

And the business you have broach'd here cannotBe without you; especially that of Cleopatra's, which whollyDepends on your abode.

When Antony uses the word business, he means the wars his wife started, and how he’s going to

deal with them now. However, when Enobarbus answers him he uses the word business to love

Business in the Roman camp = war. Business in Egypt = love.

Antony is sick of all this,

No more light answers.

“Shut up, Enobarbus! Enough with these witty answers.”

Let our officersHave notice what we purpose.

A military order.

I shall breakThe cause of our expedience to the Queen, (4)

And get her leave to part.“I will talk to the Queen and ask for her permission to leave.”

He does not need her permission. In a sense, Egypt is under the rule of Rome/Antony.



Junior Drama, 2nd Semester Teacher Rami-


*Now, the numbers: throughout this scene, Antony does not mention Cleopatra by her name

because he is being Roman. Remember earlier in the play, when he was with her, and Roman

thought came upon him? That ruined his mood, and spoiled the moment of pleasure. Now, he is

over here in the Roman mood, and mentioning her by the name will be like a reminder to him of

the “great” thing which the Egyptian world offers, and may spoil the military moment.

*He tells Enobarbus about the reality of the situation.

Sextus PompeiusHath given the dare to Caesar, and commandsThe empire of the sea;

Pompey is challenging Caesar and he has military superiority ON the sea.

our slippery people,Whose love is never link'd to the deserverTill his deserts are past, begin to throwPompey the Great and all his dignitiesUpon his son;

Pompey the Great is the father of the current Pompey. He was killed in battle against Julius


Slippery people = their loyalty switches quickly. They only support the one who is strong.

They give their allegiances to people who do not deserve it. Their loyalties are shaky.

They do not have deep loyalties.

So, Rome and the Roman people are not as what history tell us. Over here, we get the

observation and insight from a Roman general [Antony] about the nature of the Roman people.


Cleopatra discusses her love relationship with Antony.

Charmian is saying to Cleopatra is that she is not treating Antony right with all these games.

CLEOPATRA. Thou teachest like a fool- the way to lose him.

Cleopatra says, “you teach like a fool! you talk like a fool.”

She has her own ideas about love and the strategies of winning a lover and keeping a lover.

She wouldn’t listen to anyone’s advice about how to deal with her man.

Enter ANTONYBut here comes Antony.



Junior Drama, 2nd Semester Teacher Rami-


CLEOPATRA. I am sick and sullen.“I am sick and in a bad mood.”

ANTONY. I am sorry to give breathing to my purpose-

He does not pick up where she left off. He chooses NOT to pay attention to what she said.

He goes right to the point; “I am here for the reason.” He hears what she said, but does not

consider it. He is now acting as the military man he is by not allowing her tricks to work on him

at this moment.

CLEOPATRA. Nay, pray you seek no colour for your going,

But bid farewell, and go.

“Don’t try to make up excuse. Just say good-bye and leave.”

Or thou, the greatest soldier of the world,Art turn'd the greatest liar.

“You are the greatest soldier in the world, but have turned into a liar!” This is ouch!

ANTONY. How now, lady!

“Excuse me, ma’am.”

He wants to talk, she interrupts him.

ANTONY. Hear me, queen:

He is using her political title.

The strong necessity of time commandsOur services awhile

“The gravity of the situation requires me to leave immediately.”

but my full heart Remains in use with you.

“I’m leaving my heart here with you.”

Our Italy Shines o'er with civil swords:

There is the danger of a civil war breaking out back home.

My more particular,And that which most with you should safe my going,Is Fulvia's death.

“My most personal reason for leaving is that my wife’s dead. So, that should assure you.”

Does that convince her? No.

Now I see, I see,



Junior Drama, 2nd Semester Teacher Rami-


In Fulvia's death how mine receiv'd shall be.You cannot win with this woman!

She takes his cold reaction to Fulvia’s death to say that she now knows how her death will be

received by him! She is playing a game, but this is not working on Antony.

ANTONY. Quarrel no more

“Do not argue anymore. I am not in the mood. The occasion does not allow this kind of


By the fireThat quickens Nilus' slime, I go from henceThy soldier, servant, making peace or warAs thou affects.

“I swear by the creatures that live on the Nile that I will always be yours.

“Whatever I’m going to do in Rome, I will remain faithful and loyal to you.

Whatever, I do: war or peace, I’m all yours.

Cleopatra. But let it be; I am quickly ill and well-So Antony loves.

“I am ill as Antony loves.”

ANTONY. My precious queen, forbear,And give true evidence to his love, which standsAn honourable trial.

“My dearest Queen, enough. Take into consideration that your humble servant’s love will stand

the test. When it is put to the test, it will stand the test, and prove to you how much I love you.”

She keeps pushing him until…

ANTONY. I'll leave you, lady.

“Alright, that’s it. I’m done. I’m going.” Cleopatra realizes he is drifting away, so she changes

her language and her attitude quickly,

CLEOPATRA. Courteous lord, one word.

“My honourable lord, my noble sir: can I have a word?”

O, my oblivion is a very Antony,

“If I ever forget you, that very forgetfulness will be you.”

حّتى النسیان.. سیانحّتى الن is going to be: you.

This is the artist Shakespeare and his magic.



Junior Drama, 2nd Semester Teacher Rami-


Cleopatra now realizes the seriousness of the moment, so in a flash of a second, she stops her

playfulness and gets serious with Antony. However, he receives the beautiful lines as a Roman,

so she justifies herself,

But, sir, forgive me;Since my becomings kill me when they do notEye well to you.

“My graces kill me when you do not like them. Anything I do which you do not like, it kills me.

All the good things in me, everything good me about becomes a curse when you do not receive

it well.”

Your honour calls you hence;Therefore be deaf to my unpitied folly,And all the gods go with you!

“Your duty is calling, your responsibilities require your attention, so be deaf to what I am

saying.” And he is deaf to what she is saying, to the games she is playing.

ANTONY. Let us go. Come.Our separation so abides and fliesThat thou, residing here, goes yet with me,And I, hence fleeting, here remain with thee.

“Yes, I’m going in body, but I’m staying here in heart and mind.”

*Razan asks if we see now a balanced version of Antony.

Yes, we do. He is fulfilling his Roman military duty by leaving Egypt, and at the same time he is

fulfilling his Egyptian romantic duty by remaining there in mind and in heart.
