Android Home Monitor System for Post Cardiosurgery Patients

Android Home Monitor System for Post Cardiosurgery Patients PROKOPIS PROKOPIOU ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΗΜΙΟ ΚΤΠΡΟΤ ΣΜΗΜΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗ

Transcript of Android Home Monitor System for Post Cardiosurgery Patients

Android Home Monitor

System for Post

Cardiosurgery Patients





Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Overview Narrative ...................................................................................................... 4

1.2 E-Health ....................................................................................................................... 5

1.3 M-Health ...................................................................................................................... 5

1.4 Project Purpose .......................................................................................................... 10

Chapter 2 Theoretical Background ...................................................................................... 14

2.1 Human Heart .............................................................................................................. 14

2.2 Electrocardiography (ECG) ....................................................................................... 15

2.3 Placement of electrodes ............................................................................................. 17

2.4 Characteristics of Norma ECG .................................................................................. 18

2.5 ECG Rhythms ............................................................................................................ 20

Chapter 3 System Requirements .......................................................................................... 26

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 26

3.2 Programming Language and Tools ............................................................................ 26

3.3 Networks and Communications ................................................................................. 27

3.4 Smartphone‘s ............................................................................................................. 29

3.5 Medical Devices ........................................................................................................ 30

3.6 System Operations and Functions.............................................................................. 30

Chapter 4 Analysis of Previous Work ................................................................................. 32

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 32

4.2 Previous Systems ....................................................................................................... 32

4.3 Compare existing systems with proposed system ...................................................... 40

4.4 Development of the existing System ......................................................................... 42

Chapter 5 Analysis and System Specifications .................................................................... 45

5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 45

5.2 System Analysis ......................................................................................................... 45

5.3 Processes Flow Diagram (PFD) ................................................................................. 51

5.4 Database Structure ..................................................................................................... 53

5.5 Design Phase .............................................................................................................. 56

5.6 Class Diagram ............................................................................................................ 60

5.7 Use Case diagram ...................................................................................................... 69

5.8 Sequence Diagram ..................................................................................................... 74

5.9 Doctor and Patient Scenarios ..................................................................................... 76

Chapter 6 Implementation Phase ......................................................................................... 84

6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 84

6.2 Programming Language and Platform ....................................................................... 84

6.3 User Interface ............................................................................................................. 84

6.4 Steps for implementing the application ..................................................................... 85

Chapter 7 System Evaluation Phase .................................................................................... 86

7.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 86

7.2 Testing specification and planning ............................................................................ 86

7.3 Test Scenarios and results .......................................................................................... 87

7.4 Modularity ................................................................................................................. 99

7.5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 100

Chapter 8 Conclusion and Future Work ............................................................................ 101

8.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 101

8.2 External System to be created .................................................................................. 102

8.3 Internal System addition work ................................................................................. 103

Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 106

Appendix I - User Manual ................................................................................................. 108

Appendix II - Installation Phase ........................................................................................ 117

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Overview Narrative

1.2 E-Health

1.3 M-Health

1.4 Project Purpose

1.5 Project Structure

1.1 Overview Narrative

While technology grows it gives the opportunity and to other areas to be evolves. For

example as technology evolves it gives more opportunities to medicine to help patients,

providing them better life. Medical equipment is evolving to provide better and more

accurate diagnosis, better medical pills, etc.

Beside that other categories may grow that with a combination with medicine may provide

a better life for all of us. For example surgeries may be conducted through VoIP

conference between doctors helping each other how to proceed with the surgery.

Furthermore mobile telephones were evolved to Smartphone‘s telephones. This give much

more potentials combine with medicine to provide to patients better life support. Upon this

telemedicine, m-Health was developed.

Telemedicine combine telecommunication with information‘s technologies in order to

provide distance clinical health care. It provides access for communities that do not have

direct access to health care and provide them access through telemedicine. It provides a

communication between patient and doctor and the exchange between them of medical and

health information‘s [24].

Moreover telemedicine it provides access for patients in remote locations in healthcare.

Patient will have a number of monitor devices at home in which the results will be sending

to the corresponding doctor for analysis. It provides vital information‘s of the patient as

long as the equipment is being using. Depends on the patient condition, doctor can check

those vital information‘s on a daily or weekly basis to determine the best treatment.

Telemedicine manage to reduce the cost of healthcare both for hospitals and patients, and

increase efficiency through better management of chronic diseases, shared health

professional staffing, reduce travel time, reduce cost, and fewer or shorter hospital stays


1.2 E-Health

E-health Services

Electronic health records: enabling the communication of patient data between

different healthcare professionals such as GPs, specialists etc.


Consumer health informatics: use of electronic resources on medical topics by

healthy individuals or patients

Health knowledge management: e.g. in an overview of latest medical journals, best

practice guidelines or epidemiological tracking

Virtual healthcare teams: consisting of healthcare professionals who collaborate

and share information on patients through digital equipment

mHealth or m-Health

Medical research using Grids: powerful computing and data management

capabilities to handle large amounts of heterogeneous data.

Healthcare Information Systems: also often refer to software solutions for

appointment scheduling, patient data management, work schedule management and

other administrative tasks surrounding health [26].

1.3 M-Health

M-Health in mobile devices have the appropriate application in order to help the practice

of medicine and public health. It referred to the support of medicine from mobile devices,

tablets and PDAs. M-Health provide to the increase of access to healthcare and health-

related information‘s, also improve the ability to diagnose and track diseases and expanded

access to ongoing medical education and training for heath workers.[25,38]

Two factors motivate the development of m-health. The first one was the many constraints

that exist in healthcare systems of developing nations, such as high population growth, low

health care, limited financial resources to support healthcare, Chronic Disease, etc. The

second motivation promoted on developing m-health, where mobile phones, the rapid raise

of mobile phones to large segments of the healthcare workforce. In any segment of the

country, you have a mobile access with low information and transaction cost in order to

deliver healthcare [39].

Cells phone can be described according their functionalities from basic cell phones to

Smartphone‘s. M-health procedures can work on any type of cell phone or in depending

the type of application to certain types only. Wide range of procedures were developed for

user from the basic cell phones that its functions are voice communication and Short

message service (SMS). Popular health-related functions of SMS include health behaviours

reminders, request for schedule or confirm of an appointment, notifications or laboratory

results, request for data, encouragements or motivations to maintenance a position

behaviour and educational and information resources to improve self-efficiency.

Mobile Phones

Comparing ref. Fig. 1.1 basic cell phone, feature phone, PDA or Smartphone‘s they

provide more advance multimedia applications, specialty applications. Using Smartphone

does provide extra advantage to the user for real time application‘s with two way

communications. Moreover can collect vital information‘s on real time and send them to

their doctor in which doctor can collect the data, analyse them and respond immediately

back to the patient providing medication.

Moreover m-health can improve communication between patients, caregivers and

providers with video conferencing communications that are beginning to emerge and are

built in to these mobile technologies [27].

Reference 1.1: Cell phones types

M-health Applications

Education and awareness

The main concept was providing mass information‘s from source to recipients

through SMS. SMS are sending directly to user phone device to inform them about

several subjects including testing and treatment methods, etc. The main advantage

of SMS is that is distinctive, offering patient confidentiality in societies where

diseases such as HIV and AIDS are taboo. Beside that it provide information‘s to

users that may have limited access to public health care information‘s, health

clinics, etc.

―Project Masiluleke and Text to Change use SMS message campaigns to provide

HIV/AIDS education in South Africa and Uganda, respectively. Project Masiluleke

takes advantage of the 120 spare characters on free ‗please call me‘ SMS messages

to provide HIV/AIDS education and awareness, while Text to Change employs an

SMS-based quiz to test users‘ HIV/AIDS knowledge and encourage testing and

counseling.‖ [28]


Is a phone number that any one may have access to that phone number. It provide

access to range of medical services which include phone consultants, counselling,

service complaints and information‘s about drugs, equipment and available mobile

health clinics.

Diagnostic and treatment support, Communication and training for healthcare


It provides healthcare workers about diagnosis and treatment of patients. It equips

them to a source of information‘s through their mobile phone. This involves

connecting healthcare workers with other health care workers, medical institutions,

ministries of health, or other houses of medical information‘s. This involves using

mobile phones to better organize and target in person training. Beside that it

improves communication projects to increase knowledge transfer among healthcare

workers and improve patient outcomes through such programs.

o Communication and Training for Healthcare Workers

―In the Primary Healthcare Nursing Promotion Program, the National School

for Nurses in Coban, Guatemala used an innovative combination of mobile

phones, landline phones, and tele-writers to train nurses in this rainforest

community.‖ [28]

o Diagnostic and Treatment Support

―Researchers from the University of Melbourne are creating diagnostic and

analytical tools specifically for mobile phones for health workers in

Mozambique. These tools include a built-in calculator for determining drug

dosage and reference materials stored in the phone‘s memory.‖ [28]

Disease and epidemic outbreak tracking, Remote monitoring, Remote data


The main goal is to use mobile functionality in order to collect and transmit data

quickly, cheaply and efficiently. Those vital information‘s according the location

level of specific diseases such as malaria, HIA/AIDS, TB, Avian Flu can provide

help to medical systems, ministries of health‘s or other organizations identify the

source of problem, and provide better target medical resources to areas of greatest

need. That kind of project it would be useful during emergencies in order to

identify where the greatest medical need within the country is.

o Remote Data Collection

―Hundreds of health workers have used PDAs provided by the Ugandan Health

Information Network to collect health data in the field. Not only has this

solution resulted in significant cost savings—25% in the first six months—but

health workers report increased job satisfaction due to the greater efficiency and

flexibility provided by the technology.‖ [28]

o Remote Monitoring

―TB patients in Thailand were given mobile phones so that healthcare

workers (themselves former TB patients) could call these patients on a daily

basis to remind them to take their medication. Medicine compliance rates

reached 90% due to the introduction of this remote monitoring application.‖


o Disease and Epidemic Outbreak Tracking

―Incidents of Japanese Encephalitis were tracked real-time in Andhra

Pradesh, India, via a combination of mobile phones and web-based

technologies. The government used the information to better prioritize

vaccinations based on evidence of clusters of outbreaks.‖ [28]

Treatment support and medication compliance for patients, including chronic


Additional to that remote monitor and treatment support provide better involvement

in medical care of the patients. In countries, areas with limited resources such as

beds or medical clinics, remote monitor provide to workers a better feedback about

patient conditions, medication regimen adherence and follow-up schedule. The use

of remote monitor is being using more in areas if medication adherence of AIDS

and diabetes [26].

M-Health Objectives

increased access to healthcare and health-related information (particularly for hard-

to-reach populations)

improved ability to diagnose and track diseases

timelier, more actionable public health information

expanded access to ongoing medical education and training for health workers

M-Health Advantages

Reduced hospitalizations of patients

Increased patient satisfaction

Reduced costs both for patients, not need to be at the hospital every day and for

hospitals because patients will be less and equipment will be used less

Increased self-management, equipment will be used directly from the patient

Improved health and wellness

Increased quality of life

Reduce the caregiver burden

Increased communication and coordination between patients, clinicians, and


M-Health – To whom it concerns



Nurses - Health Workers



Insurance Companies

1.4 Project Purpose

Heart surgery or other cardio logical diseases that affect patient life, needs to provide them

some solutions that will help them to continue their lives. After a surgery, patients need to

attend on the hospital every day in order the doctor to make the appropriate exams to

ensure that there are no any complications for the patient. That‘s vital information‘s are the

ECG, weight, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation. This exam in order to be done every

day it need a lot of time both from patient and doctor. Some of the patients due to age,

distance or other factors might not be able to be moved every day to the hospital.

Technology gets in our life day by day with its benefits and with disadvantages. Gathering

only the benefits we will provide a system that will support both patient and doctor. It

gives the ability to patient to make the cardiac test from home and for the doctor to exam

the patient without to be face to face with the patient. The patient will be provided with

tools that are necessary in order to measure by its self all the vital information‘s that are

need and then will send them to the doctor. The doctor then will download the data and

check for any arrhythmia on the data.

Population aging is progressing rapidly in many industrialized countries, but those

developing countries whose fertility declines began relatively early also are experiencing

rapid increases in their proportion of elderly people [1].

Needs of older peoples according health are becoming more demanding and more usual.

They have needs for a range of resources that they provide them support in order to be

actively members of the community they leave.

Moreover in middle income and low income countries face a huge problem in their

healthcare system. These countries their main problem is the lack of human and physical

resources and the huge number of diseases. Healthcare access to all reaches of society is

generally low in these countries.

The main goal of this project is to provide a functional application that will handles the

electrocardiogram in distance. The application with a combination with advance medical

devices will provide huge advantage in order to avoid episodes that may set into danger the

patient life. With the certain application we can select the ECG signal, heart rate, oxygen

saturation, blood pressure, weight, plethysmogram in real life time analyze, sending the

information‘s to the appropriate personnel and immediately check them for any arrhythmia

in data. This procedure is vital especially for patients with heart surgery, or chronic

diseases. For those patients is essential to have fast and continuously inspection of the data

in order to prevent any contingency that will harm patient life.

Furthermore the vital information‘s that will be collect, the ECG, oxygen saturation,

patient weight, plethysmogram, heart rate they will be transfer to the appropriate personnel

using a combination of Wi-Fi and web-services, in which in turn the personnel will

download those information‘s either on the portal specify for doctors in which it will

process and will act accordingly to the situation.

The solution that will be providing for both patients and doctors will be two separate

android application portals the ECG application. Patient will login on the patient portal

system, capture all the vitals information‘s that are needed from the appropriate medical

personnel. On the other side the medical personnel will login on the doctor portal system

that in order to download the data the review them.

1.5 Project Structure

The chapter‘s structure is:

Chapter 2 – Theoretical Background:

This chapter will provide some necessary information‘s about ECG, how ECG works and

explain in theoretical for heart, ECG, ECG rhythms.

Chapter 3: - System Requirements

Provides the technologies that are going to be used and devices that are need in order to

implement the application.

Chapter 4: - Analysis of Previous work

In this chapter we will search on previous works that have been implemented according to

our subject. Also we will compare some of those works with our and what it will be

improve depend the other works.

Chapter 5: - Analysis and System specifications

In this chapter is been descript the life cycle of the project the phases that is been follow in

order to analysis, design, and implement the application.

Chapter 6: - Implementation Phase

It provide the programming language that were used in order to implement the application,

and the steps that where followed


Chapter 7: - System Evaluation Phase

It will be describing the tests that were following in order to check the correctness of the

application. Beside that it will discuss the modularity of the system for future upgrades.

Chapter 8: - Installation Phase

Describe the steps that have to be follow in order to install the application in Android

Devices and how the needed files will be copied on the memory card of the device.

Chapter 9: - Conclusion and Future work

This is the last chapter of this thesis. In this chapter will be discuss what have we done and

what can be done in order to implement a better application and what external application

are need in order to help for creating more useful application.

Chapter 2 Theoretical Background

2.1 Human Heart

2.2 Electrocardiography (ECG)

2.3 Placement of electrodes

2.4 Characteristics of Norma ECG

2.5 ECG Rhythms

2.1 Human Heart

Human heart is the main organ of the human body. Its role is to provide continues blood

through the cardiac cycle. Heart is divided into four chambers, two upper chambers and

two lower chambers. The upper chambers are the left and right Atrium and the lower

chambers are the left and right Ventricle. The heart is divided into two with the septum that

is a thick wall in order to separate the right from the left side. Normally with each beat the

right ventricle pumps the same amount of blood into the lungs that the left ventricle pumps

into the body.

Furthermore the heart acts like a double pump. The ride side of the heart is configured in

order to collect the de-oxygenated blood from the body via the right ventricle into the

lungs so that carbon dioxide can be dropped off and oxygen picked up. The left side

collects oxygenated blood from the lungs into the left atrium in which it‘s turn it channel it

to the left ventricle which pumps it out to the body. The lower ventricles on both sides

are thicker and stronger than the upper atria. The muscle wall that surround the left

ventricle is thicker than the wall that surround the right ventricle, this is due to that the

higher force that needed to pump the blood through the systemic circulation [29] ref fig


Reference 2.1.1: Human Heart [29]

2.2 Electrocardiography (ECG)

Electrocardiography (ECG) is a transthoracic (across the thorax or chest) interpretation of

the electrical activity of the heart over a period of Time, as detected by electrodes attached

to the outer surface of the skin and recorded by a device external to the body [2] refer to fig

2.2.1. The ECG it measure the rate and regularity of heartbeats, the size and position of the

chambers, the presence of any damage to the heart, the effects of drugs or devices used to

regulate the heart.

Reference 2.2.1: 12-leads ECG

The ECG device detects the electrical changes that are caused when the heart muscle

depolarizes during each heartbeat. Each heart muscle cell has a negative charge across its

outer wall, increasing this negative charge to zero is the depolarization, in which it

activates the mechanism in the cell that cause it to contract. A healthy heart during the

heartbeat will have an orderly progression of wave of depolarisationthat is triggered by the

cells in the sinoatral node, spreads out through the atrium, passes though intrinsic

conducation pathways and then spreads all over the ventricles. It‘s been explain as a rises

and falls in the voltage between the two electrodes places either side of the heart which is

presented as a wavy line. Delineate the rhythm of the heart and the weaknesses of the heart

[2], ref fig. 2.2.2.

Reference 2.2.2: 12 EKG of a 26-year-old male.

In order to capture an ECG rhythm it usually uses more that 2 electrodes and they

combined into a number of pairs. Those pairs can be defining for the tree pairs as LA+RA,

LA+LL and RA+LL in which the LA-Left Arm, RA-Right Arm and LL-Left Arm. Each

output pair is defined as a leads. Each lead looks the heart from a different angle. The types

of leads are referred to the pairs of electrodes that are recording, ex 3-leads, 5-leads, 12-

leads. The 3 and 5 leads are usually to monitor continuously and to be view only on a

screen of an appropriate monitor device such as on an ambulance during transport or

during an operation. On 12 leads there are 12 different electrical signals that are recorded

the same time and often be used as one-off recording of an ECG and usually are printed

out as a paper copy.

This is the best way to measure and diagnose abnormal rhythms of the heart, particularly

abnormal rhythms caused by damage to the conductive tissue that carries electrical signals

or abnormal rhythms caused by electrolyte imbalances. For example in myocardial

infarction the ECG can identify if we has a heart muscle that is been damaged in specific

areas, even not all heart areas can be covered. Unfortunately, ECG is not reliable for

measure the pumping ability of the heart for which ultrasound-based or nuclear medicine

tests that are used. It might be possible to have cardiac arrest but still have normal ECG,

the known pulseless electrical activity condition [2].

2.3 Placement of electrodes

Ten electrodes are used for a 12-lead ECG. They places on the patient body as below [2],

ref fig. 2.2.1.

RA: On the right arm, avoiding thick muscle.

LA: In the same location that RA was placed, but on the left arm.

RL: On the right leg, lateral calf muscle

LL: In the same location that RL was placed, but on the left leg.

V1: In the fourth intercostal space (between ribs 4 & 5) just to the right of the sternum


V2: In the fourth intercostal space (between ribs 4 & 5) just to the left of the sternum.

V3: Between leads V2 and V4.

V4: In the fifth intercostal space (between ribs 5 & 6) in the mid-clavicular.

V5: Horizontally even with V4, but in the anterior axillary line.

V6: Horizontally even with V4 and V5 in the midaxillary line. The midaxillary line is the

imaginary line that extends down from the middle of the patient's armpit.

Reference 2.3.2: ECG Leads

2.4 Characteristics of Norma ECG

The normal ECG is composed of a P wave, a QRS complex and a T wave. The P wave

represents the electrical impulse travelling across the atria of the heart. Abnormalities of

the P wave, therefore, reflect abnormalities of the right and/or left atrium. The QRS

complex represents the electrical impulse as it travels across the ventricles. Abnormalities

of the QRS are often seen when there has been prior damage to the ventricular muscle,

such as in a prior myocardial infarction (heart attack.) The "T" wave represents the

recovery period of the ventricular muscle after it has been stimulated ref. Fig 2.4.1, ref. Fig

2.4.2 [3].

Reference 2.4.1: Normal ECG

The portion of the ECG between the QRS complex and the T wave is called the ST

segment. Abnormalities of the ST segment and the T waves are often seen when the heart

muscle is ischemic - that is, when it is not getting enough oxygen, usually because there is

a blockage in a coronary artery.

The P – waves starts before the QRS complex.

The P – R Interval is a reflection of the length of time the atrium takes to pump blood from

the atrium to the ventircle. The P – R interval starts with the beginning of the P wave and

ends with the beginning of the QRS complex. Its length varies based on the heart rate and

the function of the AV node. Atrial contraction begins at the peak of the P wave and

continues to the beginning of the QRS complex. At this point the atrioventricular valves

(mitral and tricuspid) close. Blood is trapped in the ventricle with all valves closed. The

pressure rises.

The QRS complex represents depolarization of the ventricle. Ventricular contraction

corresponds to the peak of this complex and continues through the ST segment and the T

wave. Pressure builds in the ventricle until the semilunar valves (aortic and pulmonic)

open. Blood rushes out with the ventricular contraction and the pressure in the ventricle

drops. The aortic and pulmonic valves close. The semilunar valves open at the onset of the

ST segment. The semilunar valves slam shut at the conclusion of the T wave [5].

QT interval is measured from the beginning of the QRS complex to the end of the T wave.

A prolonged QT interval is a risk factor for ventricular tachyarrhythmias and sudden death.

It varies with heart rate and for clinical relevance requires a correction for this [5].

The PR segment connects the P wave and the QRS complex. The impulse vector is from

the AV node to the bundle of His to the bundle branches and then to the Purkinje Fibers.

This electrical activity does not produce a contraction directly and is merely traveling

down towards the ventricles and this shows up flat on the ECG. The PR interval is more

clinically relevant.

The ST segment connects the QRS complex and the T wave. The ST segment represents

the period when the ventricles are depolarized.

Reference 2.4.2: Normal ECG [4]

2.5 ECG Rhythms

Arrhythmia we define every heart rhythm disruption that disorder (eg the appearance of some

emergency cardiac contractions) or heart rate, whether the decrease (bradycardia) or higher

(tachycardia) beyond the normal range. Arrhythmias occur mainly in middle age and the

likelihood increases with age. This does not exclude adolescents or young adults, although the

etiology varies by age group. The cause, however, is not always detectable and certainly an

arrhythmia not always conceals a heart problem.

An arrhythmia may not be felt by the patient, but can be found from a preventive check.

Sometimes it can take the form of "fluttering" or chest accompanied by dyspnea, substernal

pain, dizziness or unconsciousness. Of course there are cases that leads directly into cardiac

arrest and, if not mediate direct effects (cardiopulmonary resuscitation, defibrillation) to death.

As a general principle, however, here is concern that the patient should be commensurate with

the severity of symptoms, taking into account and their medical history.

The electrocardiogram (ECG), if done during the arrhythmia, it can detect and provide us with

sufficient evidence to its nature. However, since the arrhythmia may be transient and not

displayed during the test, they are and other methods such as exercise stress test and 24-hour

heart rhythm in order to check patient heart [7].

2.5.1 Normal Sinus Rhythm (NSR)

In a normal heart rhythm, the sinus node generates an electrical impulse which travels

through the right and left atrial muscles producing electrical changes which is represented

on the electrocardiogram (ECG) by the p-wave. The electrical impulse then continues to

travel through specialized tissue known as the atrioventricular node, which conducts

electricity at a slower pace. This will create a pause (PR interval) before the ventricles are

stimulated. This pause is helpful since it allows blood to be emptied into the ventricles

from the atria prior to ventricular contraction to propel blood out into the body. The

ventricular contraction is represented electrically on the ECG by the QRS complex of

waves. This is followed by the T-wave which represents the electrical changes in the

ventricles as they are relaxing. The cardiac cycle after a short pause repeats itself, and so

on ref. Fig. [6].


Rate: 60-100 per minute

Rhythm: R- R =

P waves: Upright, similar

P-R: 0.12 -0 .20 second & consistent

qRs: 0.04 – 0.10 second

P:qRs: 1P:1qRs

Reference Normal Sinus Rhythm

2.5.2 Fast Heart Rate (Tachycardia)

This means that the impulse generating the heart beats are normal, but they are occurring at

a faster pace than normal. This is termed sinus tachycardia and is seen normally with

exercise, fever, anxiety, hypovemia, hypoxia, myocardial infarction, and responses to

stimulant drugs [5], [6].

Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). In this abnormal heart rhythm the impulse

stimulating the heart is not generated by the sinus node, but instead comes from a

collection of tissue around and involving the atrioventricular (AV) node. These electrical

impulses from this abnormal site are generated at a rapid impulse, which may reach 280

beats per minute ref. Fig. [6].

Reference Supraventricular tachycardia

In this abnormal rapid heart rhythm the abnormal tissue generating the rapid heart rate is

also in the atria, however, the atrioventricular node is not involved. Since the

atrioventricular node is slow conduction tissue and it is not involved in this type of

abnormal heart rhythm the heart rate in this case (atrial flutter) would be faster than that in

supraventricular tachycardia where the atrioventricular node is involved in generating the

abnormal heart rhythm and will cause it to be slower ref.fig. [6].


Rate: > 100

Rhythm: R- R =

P waves: Upright, similar

P-R: 0.12 -0 .20 second & consistent

qRs: 0.04 – 0.10 second

P:qRs: 1P:1qRs

Reference Atrial flutter

2.5.3 Slow Heart Rate (Sinus Bradycardia)

The heart may slow down, yet maintain the normal pattern of rhythm. In this case the heart

rate can be less than 60 beats per minutes. In a case of athletes in some case it might be

normal, but on other cases it may be due to vagal stimulation, sleep, ischemia to the SA

node, beta blockers, digitalis toxicity, increased ICP [5, 6] ref. Fig.


Rate: < 60

Rhythm: R- R =

P waves: Upright; similar

P-R: 0.12 -0 .20 second & consistent

qRs: 0.04 – 0.10 second

P:qRs: 1P:1qRs

Fig Slow Heart Rate

2.5.4 Atrial Flutter

Is an abnormal heart rhythm that occurs in the atria of the heart. When it first occurs, it is

usually associated with a fast heart rate or tachycardia (beats over 100 per minute), and

falls into the category of supra-ventricular tachycardia‘s. While this rhythm occurs most

often in individuals with cardiovascular disease ,Hypoxia, Acute MI, Dig Toxicity, Mitral

or Tricuspid valve disease, Pulmonary embolism [2,5] ref fig


Rate: Atrial rate 250-350 Vent 150 common

Rhythm: Atrial = Regular, Vent = Reg. or irregular

P waves: Not identifiable

F waves: Uniform (sawtooth or picket fence )

PRI: not measurable

qRs: 0.04 – 0.10 second

Reference Atrial Flutter

2.5.5 Atrial Fibrillation

Is the most common cardiac arrhythmia, irregular heart beat. It may cause no symptoms,

but it is often associated with Ischemic heart disease, Hypoxia, Acute MI, Digitalis

toxicity, Mitral or tricuspid disease. Heart rate will be greater than 100 beats per minute.

Blood pressure will be variable, and often difficult to measure as the beat-by-beat

variability causes problems for most digital non-invasive blood pressure monitors. It may

be identified clinically when taking a pulse and the presence of AF can be confirmed with

an electrocardiogram (ECG) which demonstrates the absence of P waves together with an

irregular ventricular rate[2,5] ref fig.


Rate: Atrial: 400-700, Vent. 160-180/minute

Rhythm: Atrial: irregular; ,Vent.: irregular

P waves: No identifiable Ps

f waves: may be seen.

PRI: unable to measure, No identifiable P

Reference Atrial Fibrillation

Chapter 3 System Requirements

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Programming Language and Tools

3.3 Network and Communications

3.4 Smartphone‘s

3.5 Medical Devices

3.6 System Operations and Functions

3.1 Introduction

In this section we will be concentrating to the technologies that we use in order to complete

the thesis. We will concentrate in the programming language that is going to be used, the

communications protocols that were used, and the devices that we use in order to complete

the thesis. Furthermore on the communication between the device application and the main


3.2 Programming Language and Tools

The programming tool that will be used for the implementation of the system both for

patient portal and doctor portal will be eclipse using the Android Development Tools

(ADT) Plugin [30]. Is an open source community that develops open platforms and

products. It includes all the necessary libraries for simple projects. It gives the ability to the

user to create the form and the design of the application. The application will be using

Android Platform 2.3.3 with API Lever 10. For the implementation of the cardiac plot we

will use the Android Plot library in witch is a Java API for creating dynamic and static

charts within an android application. This library is build exclusively for the Android

platform [8].

The system will be developing for Android devices. Android is a software stack for mobile

devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android

SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications on the

Android platform using the Java programming language.

3.3 Networks and Communications

3.3.1 Wi-Fi Network

Wi-Fi is a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly

using radio waves over a computer network, including high-speed Internet connections

[35]. Devices that include Wi-Fi such as a personal computer, Smartphone, etc, can

connect to the internet using a wireless network access point. Connecting the devices with

a Wi-Fi network gives the ability to the user to use several functionalities of the internet if

the device supports those functionalities. Such functionality is the VoIP, it gives the ability

to the user to make telephone calls through internet using some tools.

A Wi-Fi-enabled device can connect to the Internet when within range of a wireless

network connected to the Internet. The coverage of one or more (interconnected) access

points—called hotspots—comprises an area as small as a few rooms or as large as many

square miles. Coverage in the larger area may depend on a group of access points with

overlapping coverage Wi-Fi allows cheaper deployment of local area networks (LANs).

Also spaces where cables cannot be run, such as outdoor areas and historical buildings, can

host wireless LANs. Manufacturers are building wireless network adapters into most

laptops [11].

The main issue with wireless network security is its simplified access to the network

compared to traditional wired networks such as Ethernet. Most business networks protect

sensitive data and systems by attempting to disallow external access [36]. Enabling

wireless connectivity reduces security if the network uses inadequate or no encryption. An

attacker who has gained access to a Wi-Fi network router can initiate a DNS spoofing

attack against any other user of the network by forging a response before the queried DNS

server has a chance to reply [11].

3.3.2 Bluetooth

Bluetooth is a proprietary open wireless technology standard for exchanging data over

short distances (using short-wavelength radio transmissions in the ISM band from 2400-

2480 MHz) from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks (PANs) with

high levels of security. Bluetooth uses a radio unlicensed technology called frequency-

hopping spread spectrum, which chops up the data being sent and transmits chunks of it on

up to 79 bands (1 MHz each; centered from 2402 to 2480 MHz) in the range 2,400-

2,483.5 MHz (allowing for guard bands).

A master Bluetooth device can communicate with a maximum of seven devices in a

piconet an ad-hoc computer network using Bluetooth technology, though not all devices

support this limit. At any given time, data can be transferred between the initial device and

one other device [10].

3.3.3 Web Services

A Web service is a method of communication between two electronic devices over the

web. The W3C defines a "Web service" as "a software system designed to support

interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network". It has an interface

described in a machine-processable format (specifically Web Services Description

Language, known by the acronym WSDL) [12]. Other systems interact with the Web

service in a manner prescribed by its description using SOAP messages or KSOAP for

Android platform, typically conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in

conjunction with other Web-related standards [37] ref fig

Reference [31]

SOAP, originally defined as Simple Object Access Protocol, is a protocol specification for

exchanging structured information in the implementation of Web Services in computer

networks. It relies on Extensible Markup Language (XML) for its message format, and

usually relies on other Application Layer protocols, most notably Hypertext Transfer

Protocol (HTTP) and Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), for message negotiation and

transmission. SOAP can form the foundation layer of a web services protocol stack,

providing a basic messaging framework upon which web services can be built [9] ref fig

3.4 Smartphone’s

A Smartphone is a mobile phone built on a mobile computing platform, with more

advanced computing ability and connectivity than a feature phone. The Android operating

system for Smartphone was released in 2008. Android is an open-source platform backed

by Google, along with major hardware and software developers [13].

The current ECG Application will be develop using HTC Desire. The operating system

that is using is Android OS 2.1 upgraded to Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). The phone uses a

1 GHz ARMv7 "Snapdragon" processor, WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth v2.1 with

A2DP. Display screen type AMOLED or SLCD, 16M colours Size 480 x 800 pixels, 3.7

inches with touch screen [14] ref fig. 3.4.1.

Reference 3.4.1: HTC Desire

3.5 Medical Devices

Dyna-Vision is a high-quality medical device used to collect record and transmit a range of

vital signs. These can be monitored in real-time using software on a computer, tablet PC or

Smartphone. The Dyna-Vision unit is classified as a class IIb medical device and is

allowed for use in intensive care environment. The patient is connected using sensors and

cable wires.

The units are used on patients that need to be monitored in hospitals, at home, while

travelling or during transportation in ambulances.

The device has the ability to collect ECG up to 12 leads (3, 5, 12 leads). Also can record

heart rate, plethysmogram, heart oxygen and record up to 100 samples per second [15] ref.

Fig. 3.5.1.

Reference 3.5.1: Dyna-vision device

3.6 System Operations and Functions

3.6.1 Patient Functionality

Patient will have to gather his/her vital information‘s according to the doctor advice. The

system will be placed on the patient house. That information‘s will be uploading to the

Application Server that is hosting the database. In order to upload the patient data the

system will have built in a function that will work with the web service of the Application

Server. The methods that are being using inside the web service in order to upload the data

to the server are: AddBloodPressure in which is be used in order to send the data of blood

pressure. The AddECGAnalized12Lead, AddECGAnalized3Lead and

AddECGAnalized5Lead in order to send the patient ECG according to the leads that were

selected. AddHeartRate to send patient heart rate. The AddOxygenSaturation for

uploading the Oxygen Saturation, the AddPlethysmogram for sending the patient

Plethysmogram and the AddWeight for patient weight.

Furthermore the user has the functionality of Stand Alone Mode. By selecting this mode

user will be able to collect all the vitals information‘s that are needed, to be view on the

display screen but will not be able to upload the data on the Database server.

3.6.2 Doctor Functionality

On the other side, on the Doctor side, the Doctor has the ability to view the information‘s

of the patient. Using the web service that is located on the Server will download the data

for a certain patient selecting what information‘s will be downloading and then display that

information on the graph of its Smartphone.

The web services functions that are going to be used are: getBatchTimeStamps it will

display all the dates and times that the certain patient upload data on the server database.

The getBloodPressure will download the patient Blood Pressure. getEcgAnalized function

according what the doctor has define on the leads with download the values for the

appropriate leads. The getHeartRate will provide to the doctor the Heart Rate values. The

getOxygenSaturation it download the Oxygen Saturation. Moreover the getPlethysmogram

will download the Plethysmogram values and last the getWeight it download the patient


Chapter 4 Analysis of Previous Work

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Previous Systems

4.3 Compare existing systems with proposed system

4.4 Development of existing system

4.1 Introduction

In this section we will analysis previous jobs upon this subject. A small research about

other systems or papers that strengthen our opinion on mobile ECG for distance medical

care. Beside we will analyze the functionalities of previous systems that take in mind in

order to build the new system and what are the changes that were made in order to increase

the functionalities and to be more useful.

4.2 Previous Systems

4.2.1 AliveCor

AliveCor is an ECG system design explicit for iPhone v4 device. For the capture of the

heart rate of the patient it using an iPhone device and a low power, wireless case of the

iPhone that it clips on it, turning the iPhone to a wireless clinical cardiac recorded device.

The cover contain two electros that are be using by holding your hands on it or by adding

the phone on your chest. Beside that there is and the iCard compatible version for iPhone

v3 [18]. The iCard is not connected with a Bluetooth session but is connected directly to

the iPhone device ref fig

The certain device can be used from anyone in order to record their ECG live. After

recording that information‘s they can be turned into a pdf that can be sent to any doctor

anywhere in the world, in which what cardiac patients need is. Beside that can be used as a

feedback device for people that want to train them self to relax on getting their heart rate


Reference iPhone connected with iCard

4.2.2 Human++ BAN

Dutch researchers have hacked electrocardiogram (ECG) sensors to Android

phone using an ultra-low-power short-range network. The app tracks & displays the Live

readings with a pretty graph of your own heart activity. The graph‘s behaviour is

monitored by the application and the application can take actions when it thinks it the time.

If your heart stops or lags for a bit, the app can immediately contact a doctor, or the

emergency services, via Wi-Fi or 3G.

It aims to achieve highly miniaturized and autonomous sensors systems that enable people

to carry their personal body area network. The body area network will provide medical,

lifestyle, assisted living, sports or entertainment functions. The system is using low

consumption sensors for electrocardiogram. Those sensors monitor the activities of the

organs of the patient and transmit the data to a hub or on the patient device. Furthermore

the results are sending to the doctor and also alarm can sound in order to notify the patient

that something is not well and need to return to the normal health position.

In addition, app can support other sensors that can attach easily with Body Area Network.

With the right straps, electroencephalogram is also made possible, and the app would track

changes in your neurological condition. The app can be extended, as per the authors, to

even support other medical checkups like blood Pressure, sugar levels, etc [19] ref. Fig.

According to the researches the only problem is that is working with Bluetooth

transmission. This is has as a disadvantage to squeeze the battery just in one day. The next

step of the project is to use low power transmitter with a combination with the sensors.

Reference ECG Human++ BAN

4.2.3 Post-Cardiosurgery Home Monitoring System

The Post-Cardiosurgery Home Monitoring System is one of the systems that we will have

in mind in order to develop our system. Some of the functionalities that have been

implementing and implemented on later stages will be used again in our system.

The system collects the vital information‘s that is necessary that the doctor may review

his/her patients. Additionally more information‘s are collected according the patient,

demographic information‘s, medical background, hospitalization information‘s, calls and

visits, questionnaire that is answered before and after the treatment. Additionally to this,

the system includes some typical functionality that makes it more usefulness. Those are the

user management, patient information, and last but not least the patient vital information

report and graph.

Monitoring of the patients is being done through a web site when patient is at home. This is

being done in order to provide better life support for patients that have cardiac surgery.

Those patients need to be monitor for a certain period of time and using this application

gives the ability to the patient not to be moving to the hospital every day.

Despite the facts that is a very useful and a great system it can be used only from doctors.

An external system have to be develop in order to collect the vital information of the

patient, ECG, weight, blood pressure and oxygen saturation and send them automatically

to the doctor [20] ref. Fig.

Reference Patient Portal

4.2.4 PatMon -DocMon PatMon

PatMon application is a widow‘s personal computer application. It can be installing on a

patient personal computer and be used at home without need to be in the hospital every

day. Patient captures the vital information that is needed and uploads them on the

application server. This application is very easy because it help the user step by step what

must be done. It connect with a Bluetooth device on an ECG device, receive the data from

the ECG device and then with a Wi-Fi network it upload all the data to the server.

The application can collect using some advance devices the vital information‘s of the

patient that are necessary for the medical stuff. That vital information‘s are the ECG 3-12

leads, weight, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, plethysmogram, and heart rate.

According to the record time the application will start record and save those information‘s

in order to send them to the doctor.

Despite the advantage of PatMon it lags into one thing. During the upload of the patient

information it makes the analysis of the patient ECG. Upon this, the system slow down and

it takes a long time until it upload the data to the server due to the huge volume of data. It

should be more preferable the analysis to be done on the application server than on the

patient station in order for the patient to save time [21] ref. fig.

Reference PatMon DocMon

DocMon is exclusively doctor application. Is an application only for Windows mobile

devices. The main function of this application is the representation of all biosignalsof the

patient in a centre screen. The doctor through a web-service can download the vital

information‘s of a certain patient and display them on a graph. On the other hand it does

not have the ability to display more than one plot in the graph each time [21] ref. Fig.

Can download all the vital information‘s of the patient according to the need of the doctor

the information‘s that can be seen from the doctor are the ECG 3-12 leads, weight, blood

pressure, oxygen saturation, plethysmogram, and heart rate.

Reference DocMon

4.2.5 Multicenter randomised trial on home-based telemanagement to prevent hospital

readmission of patients with chronic heart failure

The aim of the study was to determine whether a home-based telemanagement (HBT)

programme in CHF patients decreased hospital readmissions and hospital costs in

comparison with the usual care (UC) follow-up programme over a one-year period.

Four hundred-sixty CHF patients (pts), aged 57±10 years were randomised to two

management strategies: 230 pts to HBT programme and 230 pts to UC programme. The

HBT pts received a portable device, transferring, by telephone, a one-lead trace to a

receiving station where a nurse was available for interactive teleconsultation. The UC pts

were referred to their primary care physicians and cardiologists. The primary objective of

the study was one-year hospital readmission for cardiovascular reasons. The rate of hearth

failure-related readmission was 19% (43 pts) in HBT group and 32% (73 pts) in UC group.

After adjusting for clinical and demographic characteristics, the HBT group had a

significantly lower risk of readmission compared with the UC group. This study suggests

that one-year HBT programme reduce hospital readmissions and costs in CHF patients


4.2.6 A new telemonitoring system intended for chronic heart failure patients using mobile

telephone technology — Feasibility study

The main purpose of the study was to propose of a new wireless telemonitoring system via

a mobile network for patients in chronic heart failure. System may help to detect early

signs of cardiac decompensation, allowing optimization of and adherence to treatments in

chronic heart failure. With other studies the telemedical support was online only in office

hours in which were limit efficacy. On the certain study was setup a dedicated telemedical

centre that was provide service 24 h a day 7 days a week.

Patients that were selected have to fill in some criteria‘s. They have to be greater than 18,

they were in New York Heart Association call II or class III with a left ventricular ejection

fraction <=35%. Besides that, they have to have at least one episode of decompensation in

the previous 24 months with hospitalization.

The system that was used was installed on a personal digital assistant (PDA) using wireless

Bluetooth system. In order for the system to function it required mobile phone network

connection. Additional to that three devices are used in order to collect the

electrocardiogram measurements, the blood pressure and the weight. All those three

devices support Bluetooth in order to send the data to the PDA. After a collection of the

information‘s the data where transmit through the mobile phone network where the

measurements are organized and sent to the local servers of the respective telemedical


Support centres where two telemedical centres that provide medical support 24/7 for the

entire period. A structure telephone contact between the telemedical sentre and the patient

was made once a month to discuss disease status, assess symptoms of depression, to

instruct the patient about dealing with emergency situations and to solve any technical

problems. Beside that each patient except from the PDA system was equipped with a

landline-based personal response system for a fast and direct connection between the

patient and the corresponding medical centre.

A clinical event committee blinded to treatment allocation assessed cause of death and

reason for hospitalization. The primary endpoint was total mortality. The first secondary

endpoint was a composite of cardiovascular mortality or hospitalization due to heart

failure. Other secondary endpoints included cardiovascular mortality, all-cause and cause-

specific hospitalizations as well as days lost due to heart failure hospitalization or

cardiovascular death, and changes in quality of life and NYHA class. Overall, 710 CHF

patients were recruited. The mean follow-up was 21.5 ± 7.2 months, with a minimum of 12


4.2.7 LifeLink

National Telehealth Initiative will try to provide to Philippine a telehealth system for

remote consultations. This will done due to that Philippines has problems on medical care

that are the low doctor to patient ration, the concentration of medical specialist in urban

areas and the services of high expertise centres such as poisoning and trauma are difficult

to be replicated in underserved regions due, that are resource intensive and expensive to


The benefits of, after the completion of the project will be affecting positive the medical

benefits, economic benefits and technological benefits. In more details:

Medical benefits:

o toxin or trauma patients in rural test sites maximized by network coverage

of K-Agrinet and MCT service communities

o patients who can benefit from remote access to expert specialists in PGH

o doctors involved in diagnosis because of their access to advanced


Economic benefits:

o government and university via eventual OFW use and Medical Tourism via


o start–up entrepreneurs and biomedical companies (benefiting from domestic

capabilities on ground-up design and construction of biomedical


Technological benefits:

o Philippine academic institutions, academic degrees for research students

from NIP, DEEE and PGH;

o Interdisciplinary research fields ranging from diagnostics to pathology

The project objectives are to develop an application the RxBox that collects health data

from the patients and to establish an emergency care and coordinate service system at the

UP Manila National Telehealth centre.

The RxBox will be used from health centres in which they will collect real-time remote

monitoring data from experts on the centres. The steps on the online diagnostic questions

will be helping the medical stuff in the diagnose of the patient. The RxBox will collect the

ECG, Blood Pressure and Pulse-Ox that will be send using internet or GPRS and will be

sending to the medical centres in order to be integrated on the system. The data will be

displayed in real-time and analysed for the toxicology/trauma specialist. The specialist can

be located either on the TeleCenter or remotely and connected from a Smartphone or a

laptop. Visual inspection inspection could be established from the RxBox camera. Audio

will be used for streamed the voice or sound of heart, lungs or any other abdominal sounds

for more analysis.

Remote health facilities will use an electronic health record system to manage their

patients information‘s and this will be connected to the central operation centre when there

is a need to refer a patient to a higher level facility.

RxBox Objectives

1. To develop the necessary communications protocols for the Rx Box to transmit

data. The test beds shall be situated in rural and urban poor communities from

which health signals (sensor readings, video streaming, consultation and heart/lung

sounds) shall be transmitted via internet, SMS, MMS and GPRS to remote medical

specialists for evaluation.

2. To combine hardware and software protocols to enable multimedia streaming

throught internet for remote video consultation and emergency intervention for the

following servicers.

o Remote real-time monitoring of health and biological signals

o Audio-video remote medical consultation and diagnosis

o Electronic health-information collection, analysis and reporting

o Research and electronic statistical health analysis

o Interoperability and mobility of systems and operations

o Wireless telemicroscopy for microdiagnostics of TB and Dengue

4.3 Compare existing systems with proposed system

The main goal of all the previous systems is to improve the lifestyle of the patient that

suffers from heart problems. All the system that was described previous they invent

applications in order to monitor from distance the patient. They try using technology

devices to reduce admissions times to hospitals. They provide technology to the patient

such as Smartphone, personal computers, sensors, PDA and on doctor site web-services

and systems that analyse cardiac rhythms. According to chapter 4.2.5 using technology for

distance monitor of the patient reduce the cost from both part of patient and hospitals but

more important reduce the readmission of patient to hospitals. Beside that on chapter 4.2.6

remote patient management using PDA and external devices for collecting the

information‘s can help to detect signs of cardiac decompensation, allowing optimization of

and adherence to treatments in chronic heart failure (CHF). They have suggest that

telemedicine in CHF can reduce mortality by 30–35%. The aim of the TIM-HF study was

to investigate the impact of telemedical management on mortality in ambulatory CHF


My goal is to implement an application that will be suitable for remote medical monitor,

which have a cardiac surgery. The system that will be implementing will be upon the

existing system that is discussed on chapter 4.2.4., that was based on system that is discuss

on chapter 4.2.3. The system is using two different devices for monitor distance the

patients. User will be using the PatMon that need a personal computer device and doctor

will be using the DocMon that you need Windows Mobile Smartphone Device. Our goal is

to merge those two systems in one device with the same OS of the device. The OS that the

new system will be implementing is Android. This must be done due to that Windows

Mobiles are being replaced from Android OS which is open source OS. The system that we

have implement is already using advance technologies such as Smartphone‘s, web-

services, ECG devices etc. The difference with others is that does not provide support 24/7

due to that, the patient will collect all the vitals information‘s that are required and using

advance technologies the data will be send to a dedicated server and from there the

appropriate medical personnel using the same application will be able to view the results.

Another advantage that some of the previous systems that do not implemented are the leads

that can support. Some of them could only support only until 3 leads, with the patient

weight and the heart rate, but in our system we can support up to 12 leads, patient weight,

heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation and plethysmogram.

4.4 Development of the existing System

My project is upon the current functionality of an existing system in order to develop it in

for a different OS. The project Post-Cardio surgery Home Monitoring System was

developed in phase 1 from Panagiota Ximonidou, and on phase 2 from Giorgos Matheou.

On this chapter it will be explain what has be done until now and what I will implement.

4.4.1 Overview of existing system

The system will be consisting from the follow systems, the application server, the Patient

Portal the ECG Analysis server and the ECG archive server. The Application server is web

service that is responsible for save all the data on the database of the server or for retrieve

any data. The Patient Portal is web site responsible for the representative of patients ECG

analysis, patient weight, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, plethysmogram and heart rate.

More over it can provide information‘s according the patient, such as medical

information‘s, or personal details, etc. Also can register new patients or doctors on the

system, completion of questionnaire from the patient, etc.

Beside that the PatMon it provides the ability to the patient to record the ECG rhythms.

The application is a windows based application for personal computers. Patient can

connect to the different external devices that are required to, in order to collect the ECG,

heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, weight, and plethysmogram. According to the

selected recorded time the application will start record the data and by the end of that

period will upload the data to the database of the Archive Server. PatMon can record up to

12 leads, function that other application‘s cannot support it.

Furthermore the DocMon application is the corresponding application for doctors and

medical personnel. DocMon is windows mobile application that does not support any other

OS. The medical personnel will be able using the web-service to download the vital

information‘s of the patient for a certain date and time and preview them on the device.

The ECG will be plot on the graph in order for the doctor to make the analysis and provide

to the patient the appropriate feedback.

4.4.2 New System

From the existing system nothing will be change, but upon the existing system the new one

will be create for different platform. The new system must cooperate with the existing

system such as the Application Server and Database Server. Will use the web-services

from the Application in order to add functionalities for saving data and retrieve data from

the Database Server. Furthermore, from the existing system the CardiacPortal will be use

in order to validate that data are upload in the database correct and that, the display of the

data are correct concerning the new application draw and CardiacPortal display. The new

system will have the functionalities of DocMon and PatMon.

PatMon was gathering all the vital information‘s of the patient, patients ECG, weight,

oxygen saturation, blood pressure, plethysmogram and heart rate. In order to collect the

ECG will connect with Bluetooth to a dedicated device and retrieve the information‘s. Our

application has the ability to collect up to 12 leads. Beside that it supports the

reconstruction of plethysmogram. Also due to that the connection between two Bluetooth

devices is configure and set properly will be easy for the future to add other dedicated

devices in order to capture other vital information‘s. Moreover when all the vitals

information‘s are collected the on the main screen the graph will start display the data on

the plot. At the end of the process the data will be upload on the Database Server using the

functions of the web-service.

DocMon was the Doctor portal side. Was able to download and review the vital

information‘s that were sending from the patient to the database server. Doctor just has to

select the desire information‘s that need and retrieve them from the server. Upon this idea

on our application the doctor portal will be working. DocMon could only provide the graph

for one ECG each time. In our application we manage to pass this problem. According the

leads that has select previous from the settings and the other selection can display

simultaneous the same time on the graph 3 leads, 5, or 12 leads, or it can display the heart

rate, the weight , oxygen saturation, or plethysmogram. Additional, doctor would be able to

resume the same graph without needed to download again the data from the server. Also it

can pause the graph and move back or forward on the plot and with the resume button to

start again from the step that was moved.

Besides that, PatMon and DocMon where working on Windows personal computer and

Windows Mobile Device respectively. The new system will be working on Android OS.

This is be done due to that Android is a very promising OS with a dramatically increase of

devices that Android is installed. The application will be function on Android devices such

as Smartphone, tabled, notebooks. Despite that Android is an open source which allows a

lot of programmers to play around and create their own applications, in which iOS and

Microsoft does not provide such functionalities.

Chapter 5 Analysis and System Specifications

5.1 Introduction

5.2 System Analysis

5.3 Processes Flow Diagram

5.4 Database Structure

5.5 Design Phase

5.6 Class Diagram

5.7 Use Case Diagram

5.8 Sequence Diagram

5.9 Doctor and Patient Scenarios

5.1 Introduction

A system requirements specification is a structured collection of information that embodies

the requirements of a system [16]. The document must contain the problem, the system

functionality and the rules that must be applied in order for the system to function normal.

Upon that information the system will be design and implement.

With the implementation of the system we would like to solve the problem of patient with

heart rate problems that need to attend to hospital every day. We will implement a system

for distance monitor. The system must support ECG, heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen

saturation, weight, and plethysmogram.

5.2 System Analysis

5.2.1 System Description

The system will be consisting of 4 different subsystems which are:

ECG Application (Android Device)

Application Server (Web Services)

CardiacPortalDB (MS-SQL Database)

Cardiac Portal (Web site) ECG Application (Android Device)

The system is compatible only with Android devices. It can be used both from doctors and

patient according the privileges that each user has. The system identification is been used

in order to provide to the user the appropriate privileges and redirect them to the

appropriate portal mode, patient portal or doctor portal. Patient Portal

The main goal of patient site system is to collect the vital information‘s of the patient from

the ECG device. The data that will collect are the ECG (3-12 leads), plethysmogram, blood

oxygen, weight, heart rate and oxygen saturation. After the collection of the vital

information‘s those data will be uploading to the CardiacPortalDB Database using the

Application Server web-service. Beside that it include a device manager which it has the

ability to connect to the devices such as Bluetooth Device or Wi-Fi network device.

Moreover during the receiving of the data from the ECG device will have the ability to

view the data on a graph in real time. Patient has the opportunity to set up the ECG device

according to the instructions of the doctor. It can change the leads, heard rate values,

oxygen saturation values, recording time, etc. Beside that patient can select the Stand

Alone Mode that provides all the functionalities that the application can provide except

that cannot send the information‘s to the Database Server. This can be selected from the

user when the patient does not need to send the information‘s or is not able to connect to

the network or a have a personal medical assistance. Doctor Site

On the other hand, due to that user is logged on the Doctor portal and is been authenticated

from the system, user will be able to user the appropriate functionalities of the Doctor

Portal mode. The main purpose of this function is to display the vital information‘s of the

patient in a graph. Doctor will have to provide to the web-service the patient id number and

it will return to the doctor all the date times for the selected patient. Those date times that

will return they are depend from the settings that the doctor select, the leads that need to

preview and if patient has record the selected leads and upload them to the server. After

doctor has select the date time that is required the vital information‘s of the patient are start

to be download on the doctor device. When download has finish it will start loading the

data on the application and on the device screen it starts the plod to be drawn. Doctor has

the ability to setup what information‘s needs to be downloaded. Can select the type of

ECG, if heart rate, plethysmogram, or oxygen saturations are needed. Application Server (web-service)

The application server is a web-service that gives the ability to the doctor and patient to

retrieve and upload data to the server database respectively. The web-service it provides

the authentication of the user (doctor, patient) and then according to the type of the user it

provides access to the appropriate function in order to download or upload data.

The web service it provides the GET services in order for the Doctor to retrieve the data

from the database that have to do with the patient. Also doctor can use the

sendCredintialsToPatient service in order to send the credentials to the patient in order the

application can be used from the patient and can login on the system. Beside that has the

availability of recoverPassword service for receiving a new password for logged on the

application. Doctor Portal mode uses the follow methods:













The ADD methods from the web-service are being using from the Patient Portal mode.

There functionality is in order to provide them the ability to send the data to the Database

of the CardiacPortalDB. Depend from the settings that have been configuring the ECG

device the appropriate methods will be called in order to send the data. If patient does not

select the Stand Alone Mode then the PatientLogin method will be raided in order to

authenticate the patient with the database and allow to continue with the application.









PatientLogin CardiacPortalDB

The subsystem is the main database of the system. The database is divided into several

tables according to the needs. The storage to ECG values is saved into 3 different tables. It

has 1 table for each category of leads 3, 5 and 12 lead. Also there are tables to storage the

patient weight, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, plethysmogram and heart rate. All tables

are identifying by a unique key and the patient id in which it‘s connects to the patient table

according the patient id. The CardiacPortalDB will be using the same from the previous

system without any changes. This is being done due to that all the systems are need to

cooperate. They are systems for different users with the same database. The

CardiacPortalDB was re-designing on phase 2 from Giorgos Matheou and because it

covers our needs nothing will be change. Cardiac Portal

Subsystem Cardiac Portal already exists from previous phase of development of the

system. Was initially developed on phase 1 from Panagiota Ximonidou and on phase 2

from Giorgos Matheou. Cardiac Portal is a web site responsible for display patients vital

information‘s such as ECG leads, weight, blood oxygen, etc. Beside that can display

several statistics base on patient vital information‘s and base on questioners that patient has

answer. Furthermore it can provide the functionality to register new patients or doctors on

the system. Also can displays several personal information‘s of the patient such as

telephone, address, etc. The system in our project is been using in order to compare the

results according the graph plot if is correct or not according the data that are upload on the

Server Database.

5.2.2 Application Interface Users Screens

Screen 1: Initial Screen

This screen is display when the application is been started for both users.

On this screen must select the appropriate user type, patient or doctor in

order to forward them to the appropriate screen for login.

o Patient Portal Mode

Screen 1.1: Initial Screen

In this phase user can select if would like to login on the

system and continue as authenticated patient and be able to

use all the functionalities of the system or if prefer to select

the Stand Alone Mode without be able use full

functionalities such as the upload function.

Screen 1.2: Main Screen

On this screen patient will be able to view the vital

information‘s on the graph, setup the ECG device, and use

the devices.

Screen 1.3: Setup ECG Device

Patient can setup the ECG device according to the needs or

how is been ask from the appropriate medical personnel.

Screen 1.4: Devices

Patient can connect from this screen to a Wi-Fi network or

can connect with a Bluetooth to the ECG device and create a

pair of connection.

Screen 1.5: Send Data

When user is using the full functionality mode, after that

vital information‘s are preview on the screen a menu

appeared asking the user if prefer to send the data to the

application server or not.

o Doctor Portal Mode

Screen 1.1: Initial Screen

In this phase user must add its personal credentials in order to login

on the system and continue as authenticated doctor to be able to use

the system otherwise will not be able to continue

Screen 1.2: Recovery Password

In case that user has forgotten the password with this function can

add the username on the fields. Then a random new password will

be sending on the user email address.

Screen 1.3: Main Screen

On this screen doctor will be able to view the vital

information‘s on the graph, setup the settings for download,

and use the devices.

Screen 1.4: Settings

Doctor in this screen can select what data needs to be

downloading in the device. According the selection the

application will call the appropriate methods from the web-


Screen 1.5: Send Credentials to Patient

Using this screen, doctor fill in the fields with the

corresponding data and after a validation the credentials of

the patient are send to the corresponding email that user add. Hardware Needs

For the needs of the project in order for the application to be functional we need the

following device:

We need an Android OS phone with Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). The phone uses a

1 GHz ARMv7 "Snapdragon" processor, WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g, Bluetooth v2.1

with A2DP. Display screen type AMOLED or SLCD, 16M colours Size 480 x 800

pixels, 3.7 inches with touch screen Communication Needs

For the needs concerning the communications are:

Wi-Fi network


5.2.3 System Limitations


According the memory on the android device, there must be at least 256 MB SD

card. This is necessary due that both patient and doctor are using files that are saved

on the memory disk.


The system needs the entire screen in order to be able for the user to view the data.

Upon this the user will not be able to use any other application of the device.

5.3 Process Flow Diagram (PFD)

A process flow diagram is a diagram commonly used to indicate the general flow of plant

processes and equipment. The PFD displays the relationship between major equipment of a

plant facility and does not show minor details such as piping details and designations ref.

Fig 5.3.1.

Reference 5.3.1

5.3.2 Collect ECG Information‘s

ECG Information‘s are collected using the web-service. The web–service is accessible

from the web, patient portal and doctor portal. Collections of data are sending and retrieve

from the central unit. ECG information‘s are the ECG 3-12 leads, patient weight, blood

pressure, oxygen saturation, plethysmogram and heart rate.

5.3.3 Collect Patient Information‘s

It gathers and uploads the patient details that are need in first entry on the system. The

application is accessible from the web site.

5.3.4 Process Coordination

The main goal of the process is to collects all the information‘s from the patient and

according to the type of each data to storage the data to the appropriate place calling the

appropriate function to make the execution. It collects the ECG, blood pressure, heart rate,

oxygen saturation, plethysmogram and weight.

5.3.5 Display ECG Analysis

After a request from the doctor do the Display ECG Analysis process according to the

filter conditions it retrieve the appropriate data from the database the display them in the


5.3.6 Display Vital Information‘s

When the doctor needs to see the patient vital information‘s it call the Display Vital

Information‘s process with the appropriate filters that are define from the doctor and get

the patient weight, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, plethysmogram and heart rate.

5.3.7 Data Storage

The data that are collected from the different process or the request calls that are made

from the process are passed to the Process Coordination in which the process it decide

accordingly what process to raise in order to add, modify or delete from the data storage


5.4 Database Structure

The database structure ref.fig 5.4.1 represents a part of the database. It represents only the vital

tables needed for the ECG of the patient. The database will be used as is build on until know

from the previous phase of the system.

Reference 5.4.1: Database Structure [21]

5.4.2 Table Patient

This table contain the entire patient personal details. According to unique primary hey the

PatientId it connected to the other tables.

5.4.3 Table Plethysmogram

The table it store the plethysmogram information‘s of the patient according to the unique id

and the patient id. For measuring changes in volume within an organ or whole body

usually resulting from fluctuations in the amount of blood or air it contains.

5.4.4 Table ECG 3, 5, 12 Leads

Those tables save the ECG cardiac of the patient in the appropriate table. Table ECG 3 Leads

The leads that save in the table are for 3 leads. The ECG values for 3 leads are I, II, III. Table ECG 5 Leads

The leads that save in the table are for 5 leads. The ECG values for 5 leads are aVL, aVR

and aVF. Table ECG 12 Leads

The leads that save in the table are for 12 leads. The ECG values for 12 leads are V1, V2I,

V3, V4, V5 and V6.

5.4.5 Table Oxygen Saturation

Oxygen saturation is a relative measure of the amount of oxygen that is dissolved or

carried in a given medium. The Oxygen is saved on the table using the primary key ID

with the Patient ID. Table Blood Pressure

During each heartbeat, BP varies between a maximum systolic and a minimum diastolic

pressure. The two values are saves in the table using the primary key ID with the Patient


5.4.7 Table Weight

The patient weight value is saved in the table using the primary key ID with the Patient


5.5 Design Phase

The purpose of this phase is to create a technical solution that will match the functional

requirements of the system. The design functions and operations are described in detail,

screen layout, process diagrams, rules, and documentation. Using this function will provide

the new system as a collection of modules.

On the design phase we take in mind the inputs, the user requirements in order to define

the system specifications. Upon the system requirements the new system will be design.

5.5.1 Login Control

This function provides the authentication of the user with the database, and redirects the

user to the appropriate portal mode. In detailed user select the portal mode that prefers,

Doctor Portal or Patient Portal. After the user add its credentials on the login window and

if the user is the patient, has the ability to select the Stand Alone Mode. After the user is

ads the credentials they are validate with the database server in order to confirm that are

correct and authenticate the user to use the system. If is authenticated the user then the

application forward the user to the corresponding portal depend the credentials of the user.

On the other way if the credentials are not correct then an error message is send on the user

and inform to try again ref. Fig













Print Error




Stand Alone

Reference Login

User has to select the type of user that is. On the screen will be display two users, the

Patient and the Doctor. Selecting one of them will be forward in the appropriate login form

to fill in the credentials ref. Fig

Reference Second Level User Type

According what previous user has selected will be forwarded on the corresponding form to

fill in the credentials. When the user fill in the fields and submit the form a validation will

be implemented according the type of user. Due to that Patient form has more fields to fill

in, the application make different validations for both users. Doctor is been validated with

username and password, and on the other hand patient is validated with Patient ID, Patient

SID and Patient Name ref. Fig

Reference Second Level Validate Credentials

After the user is authenticate with the corresponding role is forwarded to the appropriate

portal site. If the user is logged as a doctor then it will be forward to the Doctor Portal site

and if is logged as patient to the Patient Portal site ref.fig.




OR Patients






[1.1 Ref]

[1.1 Ref]

[1.1 Ref] OR Patient









[1.3.1 Ref]

[1.3.2 Ref]

[1.3.1 Ref] OR













Reference Second Level Redirect to Portal

5.5.2 Upload Vital Information‘s to Database Server

When the ECG recording is finish patient will upload the vital information‘s on the server.

For that we are using as a unique the patient id combine with the date time stamp. Using

this as unique key the application tries to upload the data to the server. The server it

validates the data to be correct. If the data have any anomaly it report to the user with an

error message otherwise it save the data to the database. On the process for saving the data

it‘s been found any problem then again it report to the patient with an error message

otherwise it save the information‘s and report to the patient a successful message and gives

the possibility to retry sending the data ref fig

Add Patient ID



Patient ID Add Data


Data Validate Data


ORSave Data







Erroer Massage






Reference Save Data to Database

5.5.3 Retrieve Data from Database Server

Doctor needs to download the vital information‘s of the patient in order to preview them.

In order for this doctor has to provide the patient id number and the ECG type that

requires. The system validate if the certain patient id number exists or not. If validated and

correct then it return all the data time stamps that exist on the database and display them to

the doctor. Then the doctor have to decide the certain date time that need and select it in

order for the application to capture the selection and pass it to the server. Upon that

selection with the combination of the patient id and the ECG type the application starts to

download the data into the memory card of the device. If for the certain date time there are

no records in the database then it returns an error message on the Doctor Ref fig

Reference Retrieve Data

For the application to continue and start download the vital information‘s of the patient it

has to verify that the certain patient id exist and its own to someone. It validate with the

database server that the patient id exist and forward the patient to the next step otherwise it

return with an error message to the user ref fig

Add Patient ID

& EGG Type



Patient ID

4.1Patient ID





Print Error




[3.1 Ref]

Reference Validate Patient

5.5.4 Display Doctor Graph

After the process for retrieve the data from the database server and save them on a file in

the memory card the application will try to read them and load them on the application and

start the graph to be display with real values that where send from the patient on the server

ref fig

Reference Display Doctor Graph

Add Patient ID

& EGG Tispe



Patient Time


3.1Time Stamps

Select Time


3.2Patient ID

OR Save



Print Error





Time StampsRetrieve



[5.0 Ref]

Retrieve Data

From File




5.1Data Data




The time that are reading the data and are load on the application, the application makes a

validation of the context of the files. It validates them if they are not empty and if the

values are separated with the ―;‖ sign. After, if the validation is correct it forward the user

to the next step, otherwise it displays an error message on the user ref fig

Reference Second level Validate Load Data

5.5.5 Send Credentials to Patient

Doctor as an administrator can send the credentials to the user. From the appropriate screen

user selects and fill in the field with the appropriate values, the application makes a

validation with a cooperation with the database and if is correct then it send the credentials

to the user otherwise it return with the appropriate error message ref fig

Reference Send Credentials to Patient

5.6 Class Diagram








Print Error




[5.2 Ref]

Fill in Field




Print Error








5.6.1 UserLogin

Reference Login Class

Reference Login Screen

Reference Doctor Login

Reference Patient Login

This class is the first class that is been created when the application start. According to the

selection of the user from Login Screen ref. Fig., it will raise either the LoginUser

function or the LoginDoctor function. When we call those two functions they forward the

user to the appropriate login form according the button that you press ref fig, ref fig and calling the web-service to log the user to the system. Furthermore it contains

the function onDestroy and onStop, when you exit from the system it define some variable

in order to logoff the user from the system and exit them. The function onActivityResult it

waits for a result from the Wi-Fi class. Before forward the user to the appropriate screen to

fill in the credentials it checks for Wi-Fi network and if result is true then it continue to

forward the user to the login screens.

Beside that on the Doctor Login page there is a Forget Password button. Pressing the

button it raised the Recover_Password ref. Fig., ref fig in which it will

connect to the web-service that will reset the password of the user and a new one will be

send back to the user. The user has to add the username and the system will generate a new

random password that will be sending on user email address.

Reference Recover Password

Reference Recover Password Screen

5.6.2 Doctor Portal Class

Reference Doctor Portal Class

Reference Doctor Portal Screen

While the user selects the Doctor Button from ref fig. the system authenticates the

user as a doctor and log in the user. On the doctor portal the draw function that is been

raised when the user select the Start button ref fig Doctor selects the patient id and

batch time in order to start downloads the data from the server data base and draws the data

on the graph. onStop and onDestroy they work the same way as on 5.6.1 section.

ProgressTask function it pop up a progress dialog that display the step that the download

progress is the current moment and at the same time it raised the appropriate class in order

to start and download the information‘s.

Additional after the ProgressTask the vital data that were downloaded to the device they

will be read from the application and will start to draw on the graph. According the setting

that Doctor chooses the plot will start to be draw with the appropriate values. If doctor

decide to display ECG 5 leads with Heart Rate and Oxygen Saturation then on the Doctor

Screen will display on the graph the V1, V2 and V3 values and also will display the heart

rate value and the oxygen saturation.

Furthermore with pause button ref fig. you can ―pause‖ the draw of the graph

without losing the data. With back and forward button you can move insight the data in

order to view again some data and with the resume button you can set the plot to start draw

again from the step you want. If draw reach at the end with the resume button you can start

draw again the same data from the start point.


Last, the setting button ref fig. gives to the doctor the ability to select what type of

data wants to download from the server database, can choose one from the leads, 3, 5 or 12

leads. Can choose if prefer to download the heart rate, oxygen saturations or

Plethysmogram of the patient.

loadSetting functions it work by loading on the application the selections of the doctor

from the Settings Dialog. It loads the values in order to know what type of data will ask

from the web service to download.

5.6.3 Get functions


The GetBatchTimeStamps class waits for the doctor to add patient id number and then the

class raised the getBatchTimeStamps web service passing the patient id number and the

ECG type (3, 5, 12 leads) parameters. The web service return to the application the data

according to the request call and the application load the data into a dialog list, in order the

user to be able to make one selection from the list ref fig

Reference Date Time List

Based on the Date time that the doctor will choose it will start download several data from

the server database through the web-service.

Additional the getECGAnalysed function will try to get the ECG values. First it have to

check from the doctor settings the type of ECG that will like to search (3, 5, 12 leads) ref.

fig. After that according to the selected Date Time stamp and the patient id will

forward those values in order to raise the web-service getEcgAnalized to search the

database and start download the data to the doctor.

Furthermore the getPlethyssmogram, getHeartRate, getOxygenSaturation works with the

same way. All the classes raised the appropriate web-service passing the parameter of

patient id, date time stamp in which it communicate with the database and return the

corresponding data to the doctor.

5.6.4 Patient Portal Class

Reference Patient Portal Class

Reference Patient Portal Screen

Reference Patient Settings

Patient has the functionality not to connect on the application through the database server

in order to use the application. From the login screen ref. Fig. can select the Stand

Alone Mode. Using this functionality patient is able to use the application but cannot send

data to the database server.

On the other side on the patient portal they are several functions that are being using.

Settings button ref fig. it load the settings screen. Patient can configure the ECG

Device according to the instructions of the Doctor. Can select the heart rate values, the

oxygen saturation, the recording time, the leads, etc or just can select to set the defaults

values that are proposed from the Doctor. After setting the device the settings are loaded

on the application and raised the setEcgDeviceParameters and send to the ECG device the

settings that were selected.

Selecting the Devices button the user can setup the Bluetooth device and the Wi-Fi

network device. Patient can select the Wi-Fi network to connect to it in order to have

access on the internet and also can select the Bluetooth device to connect to. In order to

connect to the ECG Bluetooth device you have to select the appropriate device from the

Bluetooth device list.

With the Send button raised the sendMessage function. With the certain function the

application send data, information‘s to the Bluetooth device, such as the GET command in

order to start sending to the Android device the cardiac values.

Selecting the start button on Patient portal screen it will start draw a plot according the

vital information‘s that it receive from the ECG device. The graph is set up to start draw

the cardiac plot. The patient has the ability to view the graph for 3 leads values. It will be a

real plot graph as the doctor will be viewing it.

Another function that patient has is the Upload button. Selecting the button the

ProgressTask function is raised. This function is using some classes that call the

corresponding functions from the web-service in order to upload the information‘s of the

patient to the database of the server ref 5.6.5 section.

5.6.5 Add Functions

Reference Add Functions

The upload function will be raised after the data are display on the user screen and has

finish. It will display a menu that will ask the user if prefer to upload the data or not. The

application through the classes communicates with the web-service in order to upload the

selected data to the server database. For all the function it has to pass the patient id number

and the date time stamp and then according to the settings will upload the values that were

collecting from the ECG device. The settings will define what ECG analysis type will

upload and if the other functions are selected from the setting will be uploading too.

5.7 Use Case diagram

Use case is a list of steps, typically defining interactions between a role and a system, to

achieve a goal. Is a graphical representation of the interaction between the user and the

system. A use case diagram it present the different types of users of the system and the

various ways that they interact with the system [23].

5.7.1 Diagram building blocks

Actor: the actor is describe by the term of ―user‖, but this mean that does not have

to be a human but also can be other external systems. They present outside the

rectangular box that represent the system. Actors will interact with the use case by

means of arrows.

Use Case: Are all the functionality of the system that is contained within a system

boundary. It might be a sequence of actions, including and the subcategories of

them that a system might interact with the actors of the system.

Use Case Relationship:

o Extend: is the relationship between two use cases in which the functionality,

the main concept may be the same but there are some additions depending

the scenario. Is determined with the label <<extend>> between the two use


o Include: is a relation between two use case where there is a chunk of

functionality that are included in several use case and can be abstract into a

separate model in other use cases. Is determined with the label <<include>>

between the two use case.

o Generalize: is where two use cases have the same functionality but on

specific implementation they have some differences. Is descripting with an

arrow and a generalization label [23].

5.7.2 Patient Portal Class Diagram

Reference Patient Portal Class diagram








Patient before to be able to use the application have to login on the system otherwise will

not be able to continue to the procedure. Then it will have to connect with the Bluetooth

ECG device. After that will have to set-up the device according to doctor instructions. It

will receive the vital information‘s and application will start to draw on the graph. When it

finishes receiving data from the ECG Device it will upload the data to the server database. Vital information‘s that will be upload

Heart rate

ECG 3, 5, 12 leads

Oxygen Saturation


Blood Pressure










5.7.3 Application Server – Retrieve Information‘s

Reference Application Server Class Diagram

After a request from the Doctor user the application will start the appropriate methods that

requested from Doctor in order to retrieve the corresponding information‘s from the

database in order to send them to the doctor and download them on the device.

5.7.4 Doctor Portal Class Diagram

3 Leads

5 Leads

12 Leads


Get Batch


Get Weigh



Get Oxygen


Get Heart




























<<include>> <<include>>








Doctor requests for a certain patient the vital information‘s. Add the patient id and return to

doctor the batch times that are saved on the database. Then the doctor select one batch time

from the list and the application starts to download on the doctor device the certain patient

information‘s. The Vital information‘s that will be downloading are according to the set-up

of settings that doctor will figure.

Vital Information‘s:

ECG Type

o 3 Leads

o 5 Leads

o 12 Leads


Blood Pressure

Oxygen Saturation




Vital Info

Display Vital Info









Batch time


Batch Time


Vital Info.




















Heart Rate

5.7.5 Application Server – Save Information‘s

Reference Application Server – Save Information‘s

The application server on this scenario after a request from the patient will save the vital

information‘s on the database. The information‘s will be send from the user to the

Application server and then with its turn will raise the appropriate methods in order to start

saving the information‘s

5.8 Sequence Diagram



Add Oxygen


Add Heart








3 Leads

5 Leads

12 Leads


Add Batch













1. Register

2. Add/Update/Delete


Information‘s 3. ECG

3, 5, 12

Leads 4. Collect


5. Vital

Information‘s 6. Collect



7. Upload



9. Upload



8. ECG Data


10. Vital


Data Storage 11. Request Patient


13. Request

Patient ECG

12. Request Patient

14. Send

Patient ECG 15. Send

Patient ECG

21. Request Patient

ECG & Vital


23. Request

Patient ECG

& Vital


22. Request Patient

ECG & Vital


24. Send

Patient ECG

& Vital


25. Send

Patient ECG

& Vital


16. Request Vital


18. Request



19. Send



20. Send



17. Request Vital








Module Patient Doctor

5.8.1 Sequence diagram Flow

Doctors are register in the system in order to have access on the Cardiac Portal and on the

ECG Application. Then as authorize personnel they can add, modify or delete patients.

After that Patient can receive the ECG leads and the vital information‘s from the ECG

Device through the ECG Application. Then can be uploaded and saved to the Server

Database. When data are uploaded on the server, the doctor can download the certain data.

From the ECG Application can search on the Server database for the certain patient,

request the ECG leads data and the vital information‘s data. The Application server will

search on the Database for the certain data and return them on the ECG application and the

data will start to be display on the Doctor Portal.

Beside that doctor have the ability to view the data from the Cardiac Portal web site. Will

request the data according to the interested patient and the data will be retrieve on the

doctor screen.

5.9 Doctor and Patient Scenarios

5.9.1 Patient Send ECG and Vital Information‘s Send ECG and Vital Information‘s – Successful

1. User Start the Application

2. User Select Patient Login Button ref. Fig

3. User Fill in the form with Patient credentials ref. Fig

4. Application automatically connect device to a Wi-Fi access point

5. User is been forward to Patient Portal Screen ref. Fig

6. User select Devices Button

7. Appeared the screen with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi buttons

8. User select Bluetooth Button

9. Appeared the list with all Bluetooth devices in range

10. Select the appropriate Bluetooth device

11. Android device connect with the selected Bluetooth device

12. Select the start button

13. Device start to record and send to the application the ECG and vital information‘s

14. When it finishes receiving data it start to display the information‘s on the

application screen.

15. After it finish the user is prompt with a menu to upload the data

16. User selects to upload the data and the application sends all the information‘s to the

Application Server Database.

17. Receive a successful message Send ECG and Vital Information‘s – Successful

1. User Start the Application

2. User Select Patient Login Button ref. Fig

3. User Select the Stand Alone Mode ref. Fig

4. Application automatically connect device to a Wi-Fi access point

5. User is been forward to Patient Portal Screen ref. Fig

6. User select Devices Button

7. Appeared the screen with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi buttons

8. User select Bluetooth Button

9. Appeared the list with all Bluetooth devices in range

10. Select the appropriate Bluetooth device

11. Android device connect with the selected Bluetooth device

12. Select the start button

13. Device start to record and send to the application the ECG and vital information‘s

14. When it finishes receiving data it start to display the information‘s on the

application screen. Send ECG and Vital Information‘s – Failure

1. User Start the Application

2. User Select Patient Login Button ref. Fig

3. User Fill in the form with Patient credentials ref. Fig

4. Application could not connect automatically to a Wi-Fi access point

5. Application forward user to the device Wi-Fi network settings

6. Connect to Wi-Fi network

7. User successful login to the application

8. User is been forward to Patient Portal Screen ref. Fig

9. User select Devices Button

10. Appeared the screen with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi buttons

11. User select Bluetooth Button

12. Appeared the list with all Bluetooth devices in range

13. Select the appropriate Bluetooth device

14. Android device connect with the selected Bluetooth device

15. Select the start button

16. Device start to record and send to the application the ECG and vital information‘s

17. When it finishes receiving data in start to display the information‘s on the

application screen.

18. After it finish the user selects the upload button to send all the information‘s to the

Application Server Database.

19. Receive a successful message Send ECG and Vital Information‘s – Failure

1. User Start the Application

2. User Select Patient Login Button ref. Fig

3. User Fill in the form with Patient credentials ref. Fig

4. Application automatically connect device to a Wi-Fi access point

5. User is been forward to Patient Portal Screen ref. Fig

6. User select Devices Button

7. Appeared the screen with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi buttons

8. User select Bluetooth Button

9. Appeared the list with all Bluetooth devices in range

10. Select the appropriate Bluetooth device

11. Android device connect with the selected Bluetooth device

12. Select the start button

13. Device start to record and send to the application the ECG and vital information‘s

14. Device loses Bluetooth connection with ECG device.

15. Message appeared to user

16. User try to reconnect to ECG Device Bluetooth from Devices button

17. When it finishes receiving data in start to display the information‘s on the

application screen.

18. After it finish the user selects the upload button to send all the information‘s to the

Application Server Database.

19. Receive a successful message

Reference Login Screen

Reference User credentials Form

Reference Patient Portal

5.9.2 Doctor Receive ECG and Vital Information‘s Doctor Receive ECG and Vital Information‘s – Successful

1. User Start the Application

2. User Select Doctor Login Button ref. Fig

3. User Fill in the form with Doctor credentials ref. Fig

4. Application automatically connect device to a Wi-Fi access point

5. User is been forward to Doctor Portal Screen ref. Fig.

6. From settings button user select the type of ECG and the vital information‘s that are


7. Select start and a pop-up menu appeared

8. User insert the patient id number ref. fig.

9. Application connect to the Application Server Database

10. Application retrieve Date Times of specific patient

11. Doctor select from the drop down list the appropriate date time ref fig

12. Application start t download ECG and vital information‘s

13. When download completed it start to draw the data on the graph

14. User can pause the application

15. Can move backward with the backward button

16. Can move forward with the forward button

17. Can resume the plot from the step that was pause or move forward or backward

18. Finish draw plot

19. Message appeared that finish draw plot

20. User can resume the same graph from the begin with the resume button Doctor Receive ECG and Vital Information‘s – Failure

1. User Start the Application

2. User Select Doctor Login Button ref. Fig

3. User Fill in the form with Doctor credentials ref. Fig

4. Application could not connect automatically to a Wi-Fi access point

5. Application forward user to the device Wi-Fi network settings

6. Connect to Wi-Fi network

7. User is been forward to Doctor Portal Screen ref. Fig.

8. From settings button user select the type of ECG and the vital information‘s that are


9. Select start and a pop-up menu appeared

10. User insert the patient id number ref. fig.

11. Application connect to the Application Server Database

12. Application retrieve Date Times of specific patient

13. Doctor select from the drop down list the appropriate date time ref fig

14. Application start t download ECG and vital information‘s

15. When download completed it start to draw the data on the graph

16. User can pause the application

17. Can move backward with the backward button

18. Can move forward with the forward button

19. Can resume the plot from the step that was pause or move forward or backward

20. Finish draw plot

21. Message appeared that finish draw plot

22. User can resume the same graph from the begin with the resume button Doctor Receive ECG and Vital Information‘s – Failure

1. User Start the Application

2. User Select Doctor Login Button ref. Fig

3. User Fill in the form with Doctor credentials ref. Fig

4. Application could not connect automatically to a Wi-Fi access point

5. Application forward user to the device Wi-Fi network settings

6. Connect to Wi-Fi network

7. User is been forward to Doctor Portal Screen ref. Fig.

8. From settings button user select the type of ECG and the vital information‘s that are


9. Select start and a pop-up menu appeared

10. User insert the patient id number ref. fig.

11. Application connect to the Application Server Database

12. Application retrieve Date Times of specific patient

13. Doctor select from the drop down list the appropriate date time ref fig

14. Application start t download ECG and vital information‘s

15. Application lose connection with the Wi-Fi access point

16. Application Stop to download

17. User select Devices button

18. Application forward user to the device settings form

19. Select Wi-Fi button

20. Application try to connect to Wi-Fi access point

21. Connect successful to Wi-Fi network

22. When download completed it start to draw the data on the graph

23. User can pause the application

24. Can move backward with the backward button

25. Can move forward with the forward button

26. Can resume the plot from the step that was pause or move forward or backward

27. Finish draw plot

28. Message appeared that finish draw plot

29. User can resume the same graph from the begin with the resume button





Chapter 6 Implementation Phase

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Programming Language and Platform

6.3 User Interface

6.4 Steps for Implementing the Application

6.1 Introduction

The implementation phase includes the preparation of the system into a productive

environment. In this phase the system is implemented with the tools that are selected. In

this chapter we will describe how the application was implemented and what are the steps

that were follow.

6.2 Programming Language and Platform

For implementing programming and design the application for both Patient Portal and

Doctor Portal is going to be used eclipse. Eclipse is an open source platform that gives you

the possibility to include Android Development Tools Plug-in. You can create and design

the application to your needs. The programming will be in java that can work with eclipse

and for implementing Android applications its using C++ libraries. The platform will be

Android 2.3.3 with API Level 10 [30].

For the Cardiac Graph is using the Android Plot library which is Java API for creating

dynamic and statics graphs. The certain library is an open source library that we have

extended the code in order to fulfil our needs. [8]

6.3 User Interface

The user interface will be user-friendly in order that people with low knowledge of

technology will be able to use the application after a small training. The displays are design

in such a way that will be understandable, using buttons with useful names. Drop down

list, radio buttons or static buttons are being using in order to provide better understating

from the user. Appendix I

6.4 Steps for implementing the application

Step 1: Learn and understand how tools and the technologies that are going to be use how

they work.

Step2: The system is going to be build upon an already and working system, we must

understand how is working the system, the database server, the web-services and the

Cardiac Portal web site. The system is going to be implementing using the same

functionalities as the previous system but in a new OS platform.

Step3: Implement the application using eclipse toll with java API. They were used the

android libraries that the most of them are in C++.

Step4: Implement the graph plot of the application using the Android Plot library that is an

open source library in which we change it to fit to our needs.

Step 5: Connect the Patient Portal side with the Application Server and save the data to the

Database server.

Step 6: Connect the Doctor Portal side with the Application Server in order to retrieve data

from the Database server.

Chapter 7 System Evaluation Phase

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Testing Specification and planning

7.3 Test Scenarios and results

7.4 Modularity

7.5 Conclusion

7.1 Introduction

Several tests will be performing the ability of the system to react in real life values. We

will test the connection with the different devices, the values that will be read from the

ECG device, the correctness of upload and download of that information‘s, and time that

need to fill in a process etc.

7.2 Testing specification and planning

7.2.1 Connection Testing

On this section will be tried to test the connections of both portals of the system. On

Patient Portal will check the connection with the ECG Device using the Bluetooth

connection with an RFCOMM connection. After that have to check that internet services

are provided. For both portals will check the Wi-Fi connection if is establish correct

without losing the connection.

7.2.2 Security Testing

Due to the significant and the privacy of the data we must confirm that no data will be

spyware. We must secure that no unauthorized user will have access on the vital

information‘s of the patients.

7.2.3 Acceptance Testing

The application will be test with real-life data in a real-life environment. The application

will be test by users that will test it. Users will use the application some of the as patients

and others as doctors. This will test the application if it can work under some stress of

users that are familiar with technology or not.

7.2.4 Upload - Download Testing

The system will be examined in real time checking if is working efficiently. For the Patient

Portal we will examine if is sending correct the data on the Database of the Application

Server and the time that needs to send them, depend the length of the data. For the Doctor

Portal we will examine the time that needs to be download from the Application server

depends the length of the data.

7.2.7 Graph Test

We must examine both on Patient and Doctor Portals if the data that are display on the

graph are correct without losing any information‘s. This will be done using in parallel with

the Cardiac Portal web site that is already working on the Server.

7.3 Test Scenarios and results

7.3.1 Connection result

Patient Portal site was connected through a Bluetooth with the device successful. The

connection was establish successful because we were able to send and receive data, with an

important fact that no data where lost or defects on the data because on totals of bytes were

the same and on the graph were no changes. Moreover, on the Wi-Fi testing we manage to

send and receive data using the internet with the Patient Portal and Doctor Portal. Data

were send and received respectively without any lost and display on the graphs correct.

7.3.2 Security results

To accomplice the security, users have to login using username and password on both

Patient Portal and Doctor Portal in order to be able to use the application. Transferring the

data to server and back we are using a web-service that it provide Secure Socket Layer in

which is a safe encryption protocol in order to send the data with safety. Beside that when

a new user is register on the system on the database the password of the patient is

encrypted for security.

7.3.3 ECG 3 Leads Download

On this phase the system will be test on upload data on the database and retrieve the data

from the database. The data will be sending from the Android device using the web-


On the two scenarios below we can see the difference when download the data for 3 leads

and also retrieving the heart rate. We can notice, as the packages are increasing it needs

more time in order to retrieve the data from the server.

Packets Time

550 24

785 33

1009 34

1898 116 Table: ECG Analysis matrices

Reference ECG 3 Leads Download

Packets Time

481 17

24 33 34 116

Packets 550 785 1009 1898












Download 3 Leads & Heart Rate

709 20

942 28

1864 60 Table ECG Analysis matrices

Reference ECG 3 Leads Download

7.3.4 ECG 12 Leads Download

On this scenario we manage to retrieve the data for 12 leads ECG and also a combination

with the heart rate data. On this analysis we can notices that even if the data, packets that

we retrieve from the database server the times that needs to download them is enough

good. We have downloaded the 12 leads ECG in two scenarios, the first scenarios was

download them without downloading the heart rate and the second one with the heart rate.

Packets Time

966 44

1406 53

1869 68

3712 150 Table ECG Upload matrices

17 20 28 60

Packets 481 709 942 1864












Download 3 Leads ECG Download 12 Leads

Packets Time

1003 50

1466 71

1931 73

3767 172 Table ECG Upload matrices

Reference ECG Download 12 Leads

7.3.5 ECG and Vital Information‘s Upload

44 53 68 150

Packets 966 1406 1869 3712










Download 12 Leads

50 71 73 172

Packets 1003 1466 1931 3767










Download 12 Leads & Heart Rate

On this step we will make a combination of information‘s. We will try to send as many

data as we can in order to check the availability of the application and the server and the

time that needs in order to send and receive the data.

We use two scenarios in order to check the ability of the application to upload data on the

server. The first one was to upload the ECG 3 leads with the heart rate and the second one

was the upload of ECG 12 leads with heart rate. Both of them where test with difference

sizes of files.

Packets Time

94 9

127 11

166 13

321 22 Table ECG Download matrices

Reference ECG 3 Leads Upload

Packets Time

167 8

250 11

299 13

550 24 Table ECG Download matrices

9 11 13 22

Packets 94 127 166 321









Upload 3 Leads

Reference ECG 3 Leads Upload

7.3.6 Graph

The plot graph must be validating with the plot graph of the Cardiac Portal web site. When

receiving the data from the ECG Device for the Patient Portal must be confirm that when

they will be upload to the Database Server of the Application server will be the same graph

and also must be the same and with the Doctor Portal graph.

Reference ECG I

8 11 13 24

Packets 167 250 299 550








Upload 12 Leads

Reference ECG II

Reference ECG III

Reference ECG on Doctor Portal

Reference ECG on Patient Portal

Reference Plethysmogram

Reference Plethysmogram on Doctor Portal

As we can notice on the graph up, the plots are the same. On the Cardiac Portal the range

that is been using for the graph is from -3000 to 3000. In our application is in between -

5000 to 5000. If we take in mind the ECG I, II, III that we have retrieve from the Cardiac

Portal the respectively from our application the fluctuation of the plots are the same. It

might be minor difference between them but this is due to the scale that is been using.

Beside that we can notice that on the Plethysmogram from the Cardiac Portal and from the

Doctor portal, the graph does not have any differences, they are the same.

Using those review we can conclude that the data that are presented on both graphs are

correct due to the fact that are exactly the same with the Cardiac Portal in which was tested

and is working perfect.

7.3.7 Patient Portal Evaluation

Reference Patient Login Screen

Reference Patient Main Screen

Reference Setup ECG Settings

Reference Connect Devices

To the screens up are be display the main screens of the application for the Patient Portal.

On screen we can see that is the login screen. In this phase the patient can choose to

login on the system by providing it‘s credentials ids or selecting the stand alone mode in

order to continue to the application without full access on the system. In screen is

the main screen of the application. The buttons devices and setting will be explained later.

On the screen we can view the graph. On the graph will display the different vitals

information‘s of the patient such as ECG I, II, III or V1 etc. The settings button will

forward as on the screen. On this screen user will be able to set up the ECG Device

according to the proposed directions of the doctor. Furthermore with the start button the

application will start to load from the files the values of the vitals information‘s and start to

display them on the screen. Last with the Devices button will be forward on screen.

On this screen user will be able to connect with the Bluetooth ECG device by selecting the

corresponding button. It will display a list of all Bluetooth devices and user has to select

the correct one. The application is very easy to be used because user can execute the

functions that would like without need to navigate to several screens in order to complete


7.3.8 Doctor Portal Evaluation

Reference Doctor Login Screen

Reference Doctor Main Screen

Reference Settings

Reference Recovery Password

Reference Send Credentials to Patient

To the previous screens are shown the screens of the Doctor Portal site. In screen

we can see that in order for the doctor to use the application has to login first by providing

its credentials. In screen the main screen of the Doctor Portal. We can notice that

they are several buttons and the graph plot. First of all, user has to select the setting buttons

in order to setup what information‘s needs to be download from the server ref fig

After user select the settings can press the Start button ref fig The application will

start ask from the user some information‘s corresponding the patient in order to start

download the data. When the download is finish will start to display the plot graph. The

buttons Resume, Back, Forward and Pause are in order to help the user to move inside the

graph. Send Credentials buttons will provide the user to the screen that will fill in

the fields in order to send the credentials to the appropriate patient email address. The

screen is been used from the user when has forget its credentials in order to send a

new random password that is produce from the application server.

7.4 Modularity

Modularity in programming is defining the style that it breaks down the programs

functions into modules. Those modules are in order to accomplishes one function and

include all the programming code and the all the needed variables in order to work.

Modularity is a solution from very small programs to huge applications that in that

modularity is necessary and compulsory. The program is spit into several functions in

which each function is perform some action, can easily debug and determine the errors

more easily

Modularity provides the ability to separate jobs and responsibilities between software

developers, teams etc. This it help teams to work and cooperate for large projects. Beside

that after defining an interface, a module can be change later without affecting users of the

module in which this advantage it improves maintainability. Furthermore, is much easier to

reuse code. Into a system multiple code segments may use a single module, providing the

advance for not re-write the required function in each subsystem but include the existing

function. Additional to that modularity helps programmers to be concentrate to their own

part. Such as security team can independently create or maintenance a security module,

without any interference from the development of the user interface module.

The application provides such modularity. In order to be flexible to any changes and easy

readable is been develop upon modularity. Each function of the application is been develop

within its own module in which others programmers can easily get the programming code

and change whatever is necessary. The application is been develop for two users, the

patient and the doctor. For each one of those two users there is one main function in which

all the modules are connected and are being using from the mains modules. The main

functions they only display the data on the screen, receive and send data between the

modules. They are like channels of communication between the other modules.

Modules are named in such a way that can be easily understood from a third person. Such

as the Add methods the AddECGAnalized12Lead , AddECGAnalized3Lead,

AddECGAnalized5Lead are the modules that are configure in order to send the data on the

Database Server. They are easily understandable what their main purposes are. Beside

those all the modules are named in according that for better understanding.

Furthermore the programming code of the application of each module is been divided into

subclasses. Each module consists of several functions inside the module. Each function is

design for one purpose with a readable programming code. Any programmer can read the

code and understand what each function is doing and makes any changes that are needed.

7.5 Conclusion

During the evaluation of the application it documented that all ECG and other vitals

information‘s are sending on the database correct with no losses. Upon this which is the

main purpose of the system we can conclude that the system is working with success.

Furthermore, during the compare of the same data between the patients, the doctor and the

Cardiac Portal there was no different between the graphs. Even though a larger scale was

used from our application the presentation of the graph was correct and we can notice the

fluctuation of the plot.

Moreover on the times that are needed in order to send and retrieve the ECG information‘s

on the server we are very satisfied. Compare the results, patients will not need at all much

time in order to upload the data due to the fact that the transfer was very fast, in which on

the other hand the download of the data, the time was not dissuasive for using the

application. The matrices that were gathered where made upon the several sizes of files.

Actually where made upon the functions that user is able to use in order to select the time

of data that needs for downloading the according data from the application server.

Chapter 8 Conclusion and Future Work

8.1 Conclusion

8.2 External System to be created

8.3 Internal System to be created

8.1 Conclusion

The rapid technological developments of the 21st century is a powerful tool for improving

quality of life of every human and extend the capabilities with purpose to facilitation of his

life. The jumps of technology contributed to the development and progress of every type of


It is remarkable the fact that the strengthening of multidisciplinary of the information

technology and the connection with other sciences like medicine, physics, has led to a high

level of knowledge‘s with purpose to improve the contemporary life of modern human.

Situations, ideas that in the past they were imagine as scenarios of science fiction, due to

the development of information technology, in our days we can fulfill those ideas with

very positive results.

The main purpose of this project was to implement an application in Android device that

would contribute to the distance medical support of patients. More specific would help

patient that submitted to heart surgery to provide them an environment in order to be more

smoothly the period of rehabilitation. This application would help them from unnecessary

movements to the hospitals that may sometimes to worsen the situation of the patient.

Beside that it will reduce the cost for patient from the movements to and from the hospital

and also will reduce the cost for hospitals, due to that the doctor will cherish other patient,

the time that medical stuff need for each patient, the beds, etc.

In modern technological society we can find in anywhere Wi-Fi hot spots with high

speeds. Cafes, hot spots from Wi-Fi provide, or even in our house we can find a Wi-Fi

network. All the vital information‘s from the Android application will be send using a Wi-

Fi network. It will be no fear of losing any data due to the high quality that all providers

support. It was proposed to be used the 3G network for sending and receiving of the data

but due to the mass data that would be transfer each time it would be no economic for the

user. In Cyprus the 3G network is still expensive. For example 1 GB mobile internet will

be cost € 18.30 and each additional MB that is been used, will be cost extra.

I believe that we implement the application in a very stable and helpful stage, that will

provide to the user a more easy way to control its cardiac arrhythmias and for the doctor to

control the patients that need support. The application is easy to be control from home

from the patients of any age and send the information‘s to the appropriate medical stuff.

8.2 External System to be created

An ECG device must be buying in order to be provided to the patient. The existing

device could not be use due to that Android Devices have some bugs on the

Bluetooth settings we could not configure the application to send and receive the

data, we have manage to setup a connection. The ECG device that will be got must

have in mind to work with Android devices. The device must be able to collect the

minimum until 12 leads vital information‘s and the power autonomy that will has.

The analyses of the ECG could not be done on the Android device. In order to

make analyses of the information‘s it will cost to the device CPU and time. If the

analysis is being done on the upload time it will delay until the information‘s would

uploaded on the server taking too much time to be done. The analyses can be done

on the server, the moment that the data are uploaded on the server and saved on a

temporary table a service could fire up a task in order to make the analysis and save

the data in the main ECG table.

The system could not be only to be use from people with cardiac arrhythmias but

also can be used from home user to check there ECG, blood pressure, etc. For

example on ambulance they only check until 5 leads. The application can be setup

to display with standard settings with no need to change them. When a tablet device

exist it will be easy for the ambulance medical personnel to use it combine with an

ECG Device.

The methods AddBloodPressure, getOxygenSaturation and getBloodPressure from

the web-service could not be establish due to that are using pointers and could not

find a way to pass that problem in order to download and that values. Even thought

on the application the fields and text values are ready and the connection with the

web-service for future solution.

8.3 Internal System addition work

The blood pressure device was not connected on the application due to there was no

device that would support the system. It will be easy to be setup on the future the

moment that the Bluetooth connection is already working and the transfer of data

between two devices are working without losing any data.

The application was implementing using an Android Smartphone device. The

screen of the device is 3.7 inches touch screen in which is a small screen. It could

get a tabled with a bigger screen in order to view better the graphs that are display

and will be more usable.

Proposed Tablets


Operating System: Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)

Memory: 16GB

Touch Screen: TFT 10.1" με ανάλυση 1280 x 800 HD

CPU: NVIDIA Tegra 2 1 GHz, Dual Core ARM cortex

Connections: Bluetooth, Wi-Fi 802.11 (a/b/g/n)

o Tablet ARCHOS 101 G9 Turbo 101 G9

Operating System: Android 3.2 Honeycomb

Memory: 16GB

Touch Screen: 10.1" LCD capacitive

CPU: OMAP 4 ARM CORTEX smart multi-core A9 1.2 GHz

Connection: USB, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR,

The proposed tablets they fulfil the minimum technical characteristics in order for

the application to be compatible with the tablets. The Archos has a newer Operating

system than the Samsung in which is not a problem because can be updated, beside

that the CPU of the Samsung is much better that this of Archos. According the

other characteristics are the same so there is no problem which one to chose. The

only that characteristic that we should take in mind is the CPU and my opinion is to

get the SAMSUNG that has better CPU and update the Operating System from the

manufacturer support web site.

When the doctor downloads the data, it has to download all the data and then it start

to display them on the graph. A smart and difficult, but efficient way to be done, it

to use buffer. It can start download until a point and then to start display the data

but in the same time to continue downloading the rest of the data.

Could incorporate a function in the application in order when the patient don‘t fill

well or there is a problem with the analysis will send a message to the medical

center in order to provides help to the patient.

Furthermore in order to minimize the time for send and receive the data it could be

used a compress method. Before the data would be send or receive to be compress

with an algorithm, this can be done in upload the phase that patient is receiving the

vital information‘s, those data to be compress in order not to be needed when it will

be upload them in order to reduce the time that is needed to upload them. Also on

the doctor when it tries to download them from the Application server to compress

them, in order the phase to takes for less time.

Video-Conference can be developed on the existing application for better

communication between the patient, the assistance and the remote medical stuff.

Could provide the ability to the doctor to examine the patient remotely, to inspect

the patient for any beatings, injuries, rashes on patient body that could affect the

current illness of the patient

Photo-snapshot could be used in order to provide an extra help on the doctor in

cases that cannot carried a video conference. Beside that photo snapshot could be

kept for history in the patient file for future use.


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Appendix I - User Manual

1. Start applications

When the user start the application has to choose between the two types of the

users. Must be selected the Patient or Doctor Portal side, in order to be forward to

the corresponding Login Site ref fig I-1.

Reference I-1

2. Patient Portal Side

2.1 Login Site

The user can select between two modes of the Patient Portal site. Can choose

either to add the credentials to continue as an authenticated user with full access

on the application or can select the Stand Alone Mode ref fig I-2.1.1.

Reference I-2.1.1

2.2 Connect ECG Devices

User select from the menu to connect to devices. Select the Bluetooth Connect

button and display a list to the user with all paired and not paired Bluetooth

devices on the range of the application device. Then selecting the correct ECG

devices from the list, the application will try to connect to the corresponding

Bluetooth device ref fig I-2.2.1, ref fig I-2.2.2.


Reference I-2.2.1

Reference I-2.2.2

2.3 Setup ECG Device

Selecting from the menu the Settings button will display to the user the form in

order to set up the ECG Device. From this form can select the leads, the heart

rate etc. Or can select the Default Values and save the selections ref fig I-2.3.1.

Reference I-2.3.1

2.4 Start Recording

When user connects with the ECG Device can select the start button from the main

screen. When is pressed will start to reading the data and display them on the

screen ref I-2.4.1; ref fig I-2.4.2. When it finishes the preview of the data a pop up

question will be appeared in order to confirm with the user, is willing to send the

information‘s on the server.

Reference I-2.4.1

Reference I-2.4.2

3. Doctor Portal Site

3.1 Login Site

User has to login on the system, providing its credentials username and

password in and will login button will send the credentials to the server in order

to confirm them and authenticate the user. If user is authenticated then it

forwards them to the main form of the Doctor Portal site ref fig I-3.1.1.

Reference I-3.1.1

3.2 Password Recovery

In case that user forgets its password can choose the Forget Password button in

order to forward him in the appropriate form to fill in his username. When user

fill in the username, will press the Submit button and the system will send to

them the new random password to the user email address ref. Fig I-3.2.1

Reference I-3.2.1

3.3 Select Vital Information‘s

Before start download the data of the specific patient user has to set up and

select what data would like to download. Can choose the type of ECG and other

vital information‘s or just select the default button I-3.3.1.

Reference I-3.3.1

3.4 Send Credentials

When a user needs to send the credentials of a patient needs to follow the next

steps. From the main screen select the button Send Credentials that will take as

in the screen I-3.4.1. Next user has to fill in all the fields and then with the send

button will be send the credentials to the patient email address.

Reference I-3.4.1

3.5 Main Screen

When user has set up the setting can select the Start button. When it selects it a

pop up box is appeared ref. Fig. I-3.5.1. User adds the patient id on the box and

a pop up drop down list is appeared ref. Fig. I-3.5.2. On the drop down list it

appeared all the date time stamps for the certain patient for the certain setting

that were chosen before. If other ECG type was chosen then it might be other

data time stamps. User select one from the data time stamps and the application

call the web-service with the appropriate methods and start download the

information‘s of the patient ref. Fig. I-3.5.3. After it finish downloading it start

loading on the graph the data ref. Fig. I-3.5.5.

Using the button Pause, Resume, Back, Forward can move inside the data ref.

Fig. I-3.5.4. If the Pause button pressed then it can move Back on the data and

with the Resume button can start again display the data from the step that it was

move. When it finishes display the data with the Resume button can display

again the same data without need to download again the information‘s.

Reference I-3.5.1

Reference I-3.5.2

Reference I-3.5.3

Reference I-3.5.4

Reference I-3.5.5

Appendix II - Installation Phase

1. System Installation Method

The application will be able to be installing on Android Devices. In order this do be done

an .apk file is been created. The certain .apk file in order to install it on the device the

following method must be follow.

1.1 Copy the APK file to the root directory of your memory card.

1.2 Download an application called Apps Installer or any File Manager from the

Android Market. Install it and start the application.

1.3 In the Apps Installer application, you will see a list of the APK files stored in

the root directory of your memory card.

1.4 Select the APK you want to install and you are done. You can now access the

application from the menu.

2 Files Installation

The application in order to be working it needs some files. Those files are been created

automatically for the first time that the application is been started. Beside that each time

that the application start it makes a check on the memory card if the certain folders and

files exist. If some of them are deleted then it creates them.