AG Training and Together In Prayer - Assemblies of God ...

A Bi-monthly publication of Assemblies of God, Singapore ISSUE 024 Mar - Apr 2016 KS: To Be or Not To Be - Pg 18 Hua Hi Kopitiam - Pg 12 The #Jubilee50K Challenge - Pg 20 AG TIMES AG TIMES MCI (P) 031/08/2015 AG Training and Together In Prayer

Transcript of AG Training and Together In Prayer - Assemblies of God ...

ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES • Mar - Apr 1

A Bi-monthly publication of Assemblies of God, Singapore

ISSUE 024Mar - Apr 2016

KS: To Be or Not To Be - Pg 18Hua Hi Kopitiam - Pg 12 The #Jubilee50K Challenge - Pg 20


AG Training and Together In Prayer

Mar - Apr 2016 • ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES

ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES • Mar - Apr 3


Experiencing Breakthroughs in our Lives

Some of us devour messages and sermons, moving from podcast to podcast, service to service, and conference to conference. However, this is just listening to the Word of God from various speakers, and may not bring breakthroughs in our spiritual resolutions.

What does it take to truly experience a breakthrough?

In one of my recent ministries, I had the opportunity to prophesy a Word. A businessman in that meeting took the Word in faith and received it. Within 24 hours, he closed a contract for S$15 million. In another meeting, I prophesied about someone who was about to end his or her life – a lady knew that Word was for her, decided she was not going to remain where she was and stepped forward to receive prayer for a breakthrough from her current circumstance.

The Bible tells us in James 1:23-25 “Anyone who listens to the Word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.”

How can we look intently and continue in the Word so that we will receive the promises and breakthrough envisioned? To be able to do so, we need to identify what would hinder us in our vision to move forward.

1. An impacted faith – When we have negative experiences in our faith journeys, it is a normal reaction to pull back. Instead of growing our faith to match what God reveals to us, we downsize our vision to match our bruised faith. Choose to stretch and grow your faith anew.

2. A doubting company – Most of us have a Doubting

General Superintendent’s Message

Thomas in our life. They are the people who are able to find the negative in everything. “Are you sure?” they ask. “I don’t think it’s possible,” they respond.

If we are going to have a breakthrough in our faith, we need to stay around people who will speak faith, affirm and encourage you. Choose to find meaningful relationships.

3. Distractions – Distractions come in all shapes and sizes: a job, relationships, a hobby / sport, social media, etc. They are great time wasters. Distractions have the ability to cause us to go on detours, leading us away from what God has in store for us.

God has a destination for each of us and a path that will lead us there. Choose to stay focused and pursue the things of God.

4. Lack of conviction – Although we may say ‘yes’ to the Lord, we often lack the conviction to press on in what the Lord lays upon our hearts. We need to move from a mindset that says, “I know it’s what God has called me to do,” to a place where we declare that, “I will do what God has called me to do.” We need to recognize it is God who has knocked on our hearts and that He will point the way forward. Choose to do what it takes to move forward.

5. Broken dreams – When our dreams do not come true, it is easy to allow discouragement to set in and be depressed. Proverbs 13:12 tells us “hope deferred makes the heart sick but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.”

God wants us to turn our sick hearts to seeking hearts – hearts that will trust and seek Him as the One who will meet our needs and fulfill our desires. Choose to trust and seek God above all.

Irrespective of how 2016 has been for you thus far, it’s time to put aside all that hinders us in moving forward in the Lord. If God has told us to go, let us move forward with great conviction and faith. May we be like the sons of Issachar in 1 Chronicles 12:32 who understood the times and knew what to do.

Together as the Assemblies of God of Singapore, let us arise to step into all that God has in store for us as a Christian witness in our communities and nation.






1. 一个受损的信心 – 当我们在信心旅程中碰到了负面的经历,我们的自然反应是退缩。我们不但不增强我们的信心来符合神所彰显给我们的异象,反而还反其道而行之,把我们的异象缩小,来配合我们受损的信心。今天就选择伸展你的信心,让你的信心重新成长。

2. 充满疑惑的同伴 – 我们大多数人都有一个“疑惑的多马”在我们的生命中。他们能够在每一件事情中找到负面的东西。他们会问:“你确定吗?”他们会回答说:“我认为那不可能。”


3. 分心的事 – 分心的事形形色色:工作、人际关系、爱好/体育、社交媒体。这些都是浪费时间的极品。分心的事能够导致我们走上冤枉路,使我们远离神为我们预备的一切。


4. 缺乏信念 – 我们或许会对主说“是的”,但我们常缺乏信念,无法把主放在我们心中的事坚持下去。我们必须从“我知道这是神呼召我做的事”的既定思想转移到我们会宣告“我会执行神呼召我做的事”的一个地步。我们必须意识到是神在敲着我们的心房,而且祂会指引前方的道路。今天就选择往前走的道路。

5. 破碎的梦 – 当我们的梦想无法实现时,我们很容易沮丧消沉。箴言13:12告诉我们“所盼望的迟延未得,令人心忧;所愿意的临到,却是生命树。”




Mar - Apr 2016 • ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES

ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES • Mar - Apr 5

togetherness - AG Community

Becoming A Light That Leads


Royal Rangers equips and empowers youths to develop their potential and become servant leaders.Raising servant leaders is one of the key purposes of Royal Rangers (RR). Leadership comes in different shapes and forms, and servant leadership calls for a very different path of training, experiences and perspective. From the early age of five, RR exposes children to the importance, structure and position of being leaders with strong role models, the patrol system, as well as service and outreach opportunities. RR is an operating authority of the National Youth Achievement Award, an internationally-recognized award. Using this award, RR is able to effectively mentor and track the progression of leadership in youths.

Most recently, Commander Abigail Moi, 23 years old, from Bethel AG (Outpost #01), received the NYAA (Gold) award. She had been on this journey, making new paths for others to follow, with her leaders who mentored her for over a decade.

Abigail was homeschooled from the age of 10. One of the challenges of being homeschooled was the lack of social interaction with peers and schoolmates. Around this time, Abigail’s parents were helping their church to find an engaging children and youth program; this was when they stumbled upon RR. RR was a great outlet for Abigail to get the social interaction she needed with children of her age and also to be in the company of godly men and women to mentor her. Her leadership skills came in useful when she volunteered as a peer leader to other homeschooled girls in the annual Homeschool Conference. Hence, she has helped lead other homeschoolers in seeing the value of the RR program to develop leadership skills.

A requirement of the NYAA (Gold) award is to initiate and complete a service project. Abigail teamed up with several other young RR leaders from other churches (Emmanuel AG, Outpost #7; Potter’s Place Community Services Society, Outpost #12 & Zion Full Gospel

Royal Rangers Singapore is an operating authority for the National Youth Achievement Award, which aims to help youth develop qualities of self-reliance, perseverance and a sense of responsibility to themselves, to society, and to the nation. Youths and young leaders aged 14 to 25 years old can participate and complete their NYAA through Royal Rangers Activities.

For more information, visit


Commander Abigail receiving the National Youth Achievement Award (Gold), from His Excellency Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam, the President of the Republic

of Singapore in a ceremony held at Singapore Polytechnic on October 19, 2015.

Abigail was blessed with a multitude of mentors and support. From her parents, siblings, local church (outpost) leaders, regional and national RR staff

members, each one modeling what servant leadership looks like in reality.

The village children eagerly await to enter the newly built learning shelters. The RR youths share songs,

skits and stories while they waited.

With a conducive place for learning, the village parents are excited for the opportunity to send their

children to the learning shelters, and entrust the foundation with their children’s mental development.

Playing is also an important part of learning and socializing. A playground was built by Abigail and her team with the lashing skills they learned in RR.

Church, Outpost #21) to build learning shelters for village children in Batam. This community service and missions project was in partnership with the Yayasan Torch Light Nation Foundation. Her compassion for this project was driven by seeing the lack of facilities available for the village children to learn and the desires of the villagers to give the opportunity for their children to learn. Between January and June 2015, her team took a total of six days to build three learning shelters and a playground. The learning shelters were well-received by the local community, and plans to expand one of them is under way. Abigail continues to lead the other RR youths to work on this project.

As Abigail gained more leadership skills, her leaders also developed in-depth experience and refined their ability to mentor more youths in the future. RR adult leaders come

from all walks of life and they each have unique skills to share. What’s most important in a RR leader is the call and desire to serve God by offering their time and effort to mentor youths. Through structured modular learnings and experiential training camps, RR leaders are trained by experienced leaders who impart the true spirit of mentoring and being role models to future generations of leaders in RR and for the Kingdom of God.

Mar - Apr 2016 • ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES

togetherness - AG Community

AG Training and Together In Prayer It is imperative for us to look forward so we can move forward! Hebrews 11:10More than 200 AG ministers packed the hall for our very first AG Ministers’ prayer meeting on January 7 at Trinity Christian Centre. The hall was filled with vibrancy and excitement as the meeting started off with a time of worship and praise to our God! Our General Superintendent, Rev Dominic Yeo began his sharing by leading us on a journey to look forward at the start of year 2016. Quoting from Hebrews 11:10, “For he (Abraham) was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God”, he shared three key points from this faith passage: 1) Faith looks forward 2) Faith looks at fulfillment 3) Faith looks at the foundation.

He emphasized that as AG pastors, ministers, evangelists, bible school lecturers, itinerant or apostolic ministers, it is imperative for us to look forward so that we can move forward. While doubt, unbelief, fear and pride causes us to look backwards, faith makes sure we are always advancing forward! The Assemblies of God is going to move forward in this next season. He encouraged those present not to allow fear to stop them but instead, take up the challenge to be the next superintendent or be in the AG executive committee should the Lord speak to them.


Rev Dominic also gave the AG ministers a strong challenge: to forgive and forbear so they could work together to do greater things for the kingdom of God! It is his desire to see the Assemblies of God a vibrant community: a place full of life and encouragement to help feed one another to be strong in the Spirit. Conferences like Fresh Fire conference and Greater Faith conference saw tremendous blessing and synergy of different churches working together. Such partnerships are needed for the future, such as at the World AG Congress 2017 for greater vibrancy and cohesion amongst the AG churches.

Faith will see its accomplishment in the end. Rev Dominic believes God has a promise for every church in the Assemblies of God. We need to see what God has for us. Abraham was looking forward to the city even when it wasn’t one yet. Let’s not allow an affected faith, a doubting company, distractions, a lack of conviction or broken dreams to stop us from seeing the fulfillment for our church.

The vision for the Assemblies of God remains: Togetherness, Training and Transformation. Togetherness has its place as Jesus too, prayed for the unity of the church (John 17:20-23). Rev Dominic reiterated the importance of corporate unity as he envisaged the Assemblies of God to be the leading voice in the coalition of charismatic churches. We must stand united to lead the coalition. He also sees the Assemblies of God being a breakthrough community, breaking through in missions and everything to bring blessing to other churches, communities and nations. Abraham stepped out from his father’s homeland and the prosperity of his home city to bring blessings to others (Genesis 12: 1-3).

Faith must look at the foundation whose architect and builder is God. God has the design for our lives (Jeremiah 29:11) and knows the plan for our lives, our ministry and the Assemblies of God. We must not forget that He is the One who will build the Assemblies of God and we are His workforce. Therefore, it is important for us to look to Him so we can work with Him.

In line with what Rev Dominic shared, Rev Gerald then led us into a time of prayer as he challenged us to enter into God’s inheritance for us with faith. What a timely word of encouragement we all need as we pray not only for God’s purpose in our lives in 2016 but also for the Assemblies of God and Singapore!

ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES • Mar - Apr 7

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Mar - Apr 2016 • ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES

November:November was a difficult month for France. The terrorist attacks of November 13 was a tremendously difficult event for all the churches, especially for the future of foreigners based in France or Europe.

Testimony: The Sunday after the terrorist attacks of November 2015, we received many new and old friends in the church services. I thank God for speaking to hearts and reviving us, in spite of the sad nature of this event.

In reflecting about the November events, we were grateful for God’s protection over the churches in France. We are extremely grateful that God protected Paris during the time of revival conference, as otherwise the whole event would have been cancelled for security reasons.

December: Elim Paris organized a concert for the Prison of Fresnes on December 8, 2015. We ministered to a hall with 80 percent of the participants being of another faith during the concert, and sang the Christmas carol ‘Silent Night’ with all present. What a joy to sing and celebrate Christmas with prisoners from different religious backgrounds!

A Praise Report from Elim Paris


togetherness - AG Community

Dear friends,

As I pen this update for the beginning of 2016, many things are happening in this part of the world. God is opening doors for the church and for us through the church in Paris.

First of all, Rebecca and I had a good time back in Singapore with the family and with our home church, Elim Singapore, as well as with churches praying for France. We have been blessed by everyone’s friendship and prayers.

september 2015: God began to speak to us about a new vision to establish disciples in Paris, to build people up to: love God, love others, and to make disciples for Jesus in Paris!

With all the leaders in Elim Paris, we began to pray and seek the face of the Lord, and to allow everyone to sense this Godly direction together. The Lord began to speak to us all, and so we begin the month of August with a series of preaching on becoming a discipleship church in Paris.

We started an English service at Tolbiac in September 2015 in the Paris 13 district, and we now have a committed team to support this work. God spoke to me to form new ‘funnels’, to allow the living water of the Spirit of God to flow through different languages, to touch and reach the lost!

October: We were able to hold a revival conference in Paris at the end of October with all Chinese churches open to the Holy Spirit for a thousand people – a real blessing for Europe. Elim Paris was invited to lead one of the worship sessions, as well as the translation services of the conference. We are glad to see people coming to the Lord and touched by the power of the Holy Spirit in Paris.

Our first English service

Conference Réveil 2015Prison Ministry team

Altar call

The translation team

intention for all is His love and perfect plan, for those who come to understand this truth. We thank God for such a wonderful time to lift up the name of Jesus before people who don’t go to church.

January 2016 - New beginnings: During the month of September, John felt led to ask for an authorization to minister to refugees in France who were receiving medical help in the hospitals. It was with joy that the request was granted on January 6, 2016, after an audience with the commission for the Protestant Hospital services on the January 5, 2016, and he was engaged to minister to foreigners in the hospitals who understood Mandarin and English. Please continue to pray for us as we labor in this land.

Prayer walk at Bataclan - where 128 people were killed

A place for hospital ministry

Love France

Standing with Paris

Following the terrorist attacks, Elim Paris organized a worship and prayer walk at the ‘Place de la République’, a place symbolic of the French Republic. We sang French and Mandarin worship songs at the place, which attracted passers-by. We then explained God’s love for the nation of France, and how God’s

Prayer requests:• For God’s strength and help for Rebecca and I,

to continue to serve God in Paris among French, Mandarin and English speakers.

• For God to touch France, the French government, the churches and ministers in France.

• For God’s continued guidance upon Elim Paris, the council and ministry committee, as well as the three ministry interns.

• For God’s direction and wisdom upon the leaders with launching of connection groups in 2016 for: French, Mandarin, Youth, Teen, Worship, etc.

• For God’s help and guidance for me in my new area of ministry to the foreigners in hospitals, as well as my continued ministry in the French prisons.

John and RebeccaFor friends who are interested to follow my blog, please bookmark

ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES • Mar - Apr 9


togetherness - AG Churches

New senior Pastor for The harvest forceA new season begins. The Harvest Force began their 2015 WatchNite service with the installation of Bernadette Loh as their new Senior Pastor. Bernadette joined the church shortly after it was planted in 1996. She was instrumental in starting the church’s children’s ministry and became their first children’s pastor. The ministry grew to become a Royal Rangers outpost. Besides children’s ministry, Bernadette also preaches regularly in the adult services as well as leads a small adult group. In 2013, the then Senior Pastor, Rev Dr Loh Hung Chey expressed the need for him to step aside and allow a younger person to lead the church. Bernadette was the Board’s choice of successor.

Before introducing Rev Dominic Yeo, General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God of Singapore to preside over the installation, Dr Loh told the congregation, “In the last two years after Bernadette was chosen, I have personally observed her function in her role as Senior Pastor Designate. I found her to be a servant leader who has modeled what it means to serve

God out of a spirit of love for Him and His people. She is a person of integrity – one you can trust. She is not only a visionary but is careful in ensuring all details are taken care of. I have no doubt that the Harvest Force will do well under her leadership.”

Rev Yeo said that God in His wisdom has chosen men and women of caliber to lead groups of men and women to fulfill the Great Commission. Through the Board of the church, God has divinely chosen Bernadette to lead the Harvest Force in the years to come. Rev Yeo then charged Bernadette and her husband, Lionel, to give themselves fully to the task that God has called them to. The congregation also pledged to give their full support to their new Senior Pastor so the mandate God has given the church would be fulfilled. Rev Yeo then led the congregation to pray for Bernadette and Lionel. This was followed by prayers for Dr Loh and his wife, Maggie, as they embark on a new chapter of ministry in their lives. To show their support to their new Senior Pastor, the congregation presented to Bernadette pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that individuals of the church had personally signed with their pledge of support to her.

Mar - Apr 2016 • ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES

Moving forward in Prayer –first Prayer Meeting of 2016During Watchnight Service, Pastor Dominic called on the church to build on the spiritual discipline of prayer. At the first prayer meeting of the year, on January 8, 2016, Trinitarians came together to commit the new year to the Lord. Rachel king reflects.When I texted my carecell to join me for the First Prayer Meeting of 2016, one of my members asked what we would be doing in prayer meeting. My response: “Praying!” In my heart, I knew that the First Prayer Meeting was more than just about praying. It’s a time of dedication, proclamation, confession, and repentance.

In the midst of praise and worship, Pastor Dominic had Richard Lim share about a miracle from God he had experienced that week. Richard testified that he wasn’t supposed to be with us. Earlier in the week, he suffered intense chest pains. Because of his history of heart problems, he spent the night at the hospital for observation. His family and carecell covered him in prayer and the next day, the doctors let him go home, as they could find nothing wrong with his heart! Indeed, we serve an awesome God!

Read about Richard’s real-life miracle by scanning the QR Code below!


togetherness - AG Churches

Pastor Dominic also shared a prophetic revelation regarding the Year of Jubilee. The #Jubilee50K

Challenge had another nine months to go, the same amount of time a woman would go through pregnancy. At the end of these nine months, Trinity would experience a birthing of something new! However, were we ready to move forward to receive the new things we would receive from God in nine months?

As a continuation of his Watchnight Service, Pastor Dominic shared some ways we would be hindered from moving forward, both individually and as a church.

Individually1. Unbelief (Hebrews 3:12) – Doubt that God has

something new/good in store for us

2. Apathy (Revelation 3:15-16) – A lukewarm Christian, one that lacks passion for God

3. Lack of da’at ( תַעַּד) (Hosea 4:6) – Lack of knowledge of God and the Word of God

Pastor Dominic challenged each of us to turn unbelief into faith, apathy into passion, and ignorance and laziness of da’at to a place where we would understand, meditate, and memorize the Word.

These words forced me to search my heart that night; to see where I really was in da’at. Other Trinitarians were also convicted by what was shared during the First Prayer Meeting. Ann Loh (West District) said, “I was blessed by what Pastor Dominic shared. It reiterated what God was speaking to me in this season.” Shermaine Toh (Campus) shared how God moved in her heart, “I came wanting to know and pray for what is important for the church and whatever focus the church has. Instead, God showed me what it means to pray for individuals and corporately for the covering of the people. I am especially going to pray for my family’s salvation this year!”

Pastor Dominic also called for the church to “…make

every effort to keep the unity of peace” (Ephesians 4:3), sharing the three things that would hinder our corporate (church) unity: disunity, distrust, and deception.

As the congregation prayed for the lay leaders and the church, Pastor Dominic encouraged and released prophetic words for specific groups of people.

Church, let’s continue to move forward in prayer this year!

ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES • Mar - Apr 11

togetherness - AG Churches

Greater Is Our GodAs we celebrate our 18th anniversary, we are thankful to God for His faithfulness and looking forward to the greater things He has in store for us. New Destiny Fellowship International (NDFI) celebrated her 18th anniversary with much gratitude and joy on October 24, 2015. Rev Glen Lim, Senior Pastor of Elim Church kindly graced our celebrations to speak on this occasion.

Though it has been a journey not without challenges, the Lord through His greatness and goodness has been faithful. This year’s theme, Greater is Our God, perfectly encompassed the year 2015 for the church. By the grace of the Lord, today NDFI has ministries among the nations – multiple congregations in Singapore, the Philippines and all the way to Kuwait. Truly, God’s mercy has no limit.

The programme commenced with an inspiring and transforming worship. This was followed by a video clip that highlighted major events in 2015. Among these was the church moving out of its original premises in Tai Seng. It was a difficult decision to move out, but through audacious leadership and the Lord’s blessing, the church council was able to find a new location –


the ‘God’ building at 60D Kallang Pudding Road. This came as a blessing for the church as it has given us a sense of ‘coming home.’

Pastor Glen’s message was focused on Ephesians 3:20 “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.” He challenged all to recognize and embrace our LORD as “God is great… greater… greatest”. He also shared his personal testimony of

• Choosing to follow the Lord Jesus despite objections from his family. His father came to receive Christ as a result of his living testimony of following Christ

• Obeying the Lord Jesus as his Master by leaving a promising career to go to the Philippines during the Marcos revolution

• Experiencing God’s provision by living by faith

Rev Glen concluded his message by challenging us not to limit God or doubt Him. (Luke18:27 Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”)

For the past eighteen years, NDFI has experienced breakthroughs in reaching out to the less fortunate. One example is our partnership with SOS (Sahabat

Appreciation of members

Decication of IPEC

Altar Ministry

Ministry time

Fellowship time

Blessing our Senior Pastor

Orang Sakit – Friends of the Sick) ministry, which was started by our Indonesian congregation. Through this partnership, we minister to the sick through healing prayers, visitation and pastoral care. The church continues to touch lives abroad as well. Our missions partnership with Siloan Xperience for the Cambodia mission is one such example. Through these partnership missions, we not only train and equip pastors and leaders but also invest long-term into the lives of youth – spiritually as well as in education. The December 2015 trip also included:

• Teaching English to the youth

• Organizing a sports carnival with an evangelistic thrust

• Equipping pastors and leaders, as well as their spouses

The celebration ended with Pastor Stefanus sharing his vision from the Lord concerning NDFI – the word ‘international’. He encouraged the church to believe that the Lord will bring in different nationalities, especially people from Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and China. Praise the Lord and all glory to His name!

Mar - Apr 2016 • ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES

A united effort by the Bethelites for this production brought forth fruits. This Golden Jubilee, Bethel Assembly of God, Singapore ushered in the Christmas holiday season to her oikos and the Aljunied community by staging a magnificent production – the one and only Hua Hi Kopitiam! Over two days and three extraordinary shows, Mr Dwayne Lau’s direction to the cast portrayed a remarkable adaptation of five heartwarming stories of real individuals, converging upon a single place in time. And what a success the show was. A total of 1,891 people came to see it, amongst which there were over 900 newcomers and guests, and 29 salvations!

Producer Ms Sherry Teo was delighted and grateful for what the show turned out to be, echoing the sentiment of many in the audience, “Praise God for the many salvations received over the three shows, and how all Bethelites came together as one family – from the cast, the production team, and to the ushers, as well as the props/decoration team, and people who brought friends and family. I pray we will never forget God’s goodness, grace and providence throughout this project and that this will be something to launch each individual into greater things they can do for God across all generations.”


togetherness - AG Churches

hua hi kopitiam – Bethel’s Christmas Production

The show wasn’t just visually entertaining, it was also thought-provoking and soul-searching. Through the five stories, Hua Hi Kopitiam showed its audience how each individual can have a newly “renovated” life with Jesus.

A mistreated employee wondered, “Why should I believe that justice exists, when my compassion for others has only backfired?” A bride-to-be who had a gambling addiction sorrowed, “I have lost everything that matters, your trust, the future which we hoped to have together.” The son who dreamed of being a professional dancer inquired, “Can you accept me for who I am, even if I’m not exactly who you want me to be?” The university student who’d been unfaithful to his girlfriend lamented, “I wish I never had that moment of weakness, I need a miracle for a new tomorrow.” The ageing grandmother grieved, “It’s not true that pain lessens with time, how can it be when you were my best thing?” The show pointed these five lost and hurting hearts to the person of Jesus Christ. May He be a radiant lamp to light up our paths, an armored shield to deter negative forces, a sharp sword to charge when we are attacked, sweet honey to fill the taste in our mouths, and a dependable guide for direction along life’s pilgrim journey. Most of all, may

we develop a love for the Lover of our souls that will take us higher, draw us closer but at the same time, stretch us further in the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Ms Sherry Teo provided holistic direction and oversight, and also drew applause to all the heads, hearts, and hands of the cast, crew and Bethelites who made the performance a success, “I loved how every generation played a part in making our church’s first ever high-key, big-scale production a success! It was a grueling six-month project, but it was worth it for the fresh experiences, new friendships, and the raw talent discovered and unleashed. I’m thankful to both God and everyone who put their hands to the plow.” Truly, Hua Hi Kopitiam was a season, place, and time of celebration, camaraderie, and Christ-likeness as Bethel Assembly collectedly looked backward in reflection, inward in examination, forward in anticipation but most importantly, upward in glorification. As a church united, we thank God for who He has been, and for all the great and mighty things He has done and will do! Indeed, to the only God our Savior be all the glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore!

I could relate to my character, so I believe it wasn’t a coincidence that I got this role. One of my last lines ministered to me, where I said “before I didn’t understand why I had to go through certain things in my life, and I still don’t. But I know it was God who brought about

the change”. Honestly, I still don’t understand why I went through certain circumstances in my personal life, but I know that God is the ruler of my life and He is leading me to greater things.

- Sharon Ellesia, who played Clara.

Prior to the production, I was going through something personal and was struggling with finding a breakthrough. However, I received inner healing and breakthrough when I was given the opportunity to serve in this Christmas production. My character required me to proclaim His goodness and love. Unknowingly, I was healed through this. To me it was acting, but God did the healing as I confessed His Word!

- Tracy Ong, who played Swee Soh.

ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES • Mar - Apr 13

Christmas In The heartlandsTo many around the world, Christmas is a time for festive food, gifts and parties – rather than a celebration of the salvation that Jesus brought to Earth over two millennia ago.So for Christmas 2015, Calvary decided to bring the real reason for the season out of our four walls to the Bedok North community.

Over two months, a team of about 50 Calvarites, both young and old, came together for weekly caroling practice, even as three separate teams visited the residential blocks to spread word about the event.

December 20, 2015 was D-Day. The carolers spent the late afternoon spreading the message of Christmas through song to 25 households, while other Calvarites joined hands to prepare the event grounds for the evening finale.

Rev Gerald Tan, Senior Pastor of Calvary also shared a short message about the peace of Christmas, and encouraged attendees to take time to remember the people who are important to them.

Just two months ago, one of the Bedok North residents committed her life to Christ and has also cleared her house of the idols she once worshipped. In the days to come, we look forward to welcoming more of these neighbors into our family.


togetherness - AG Churches

At about 7pm, 100 residents joined Calvarites at the community clock tower for some fun and games. The carolers also performed songs that spoke of the joy, hope, love and peace of Christmas. Additionally, a youth missions team from Unified… Church from Hawaii in the US greeted attendees with a song item – Mele Kalikimaka, which is Hawaiian for “Merry Christmas”.

Mar - Apr 2016 • ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES

hark The New horizon Angels sing

Most Christians know that Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ but not all may be aware of the life-giving message of the season. In Singapore, the good news of Christmas is in full display in shopping malls, hotel lobbies and along the whole stretch of Orchard Road, reaching out to mostly middle and upper income masses. Unfortunately this misses out people from the lower income group, who may not have experienced the wonders of Christmas or heard carols being sung, much less attended a Christmas service in church.

Enter New Horizon Church (NHC). Located at the entrance of Geylang Lorong 8, an area known to be less than savory, and where foreign workers live in dormitories and hostels, the church believes that Christmas provides a unique opportunity for outreach to these people in our community.

Under the banner of the Missions Ministry, a Christmas caroling committee was formed to undertake this outreach project. Preparation for the outreach began in mid-October. These included: registering the carolers, applying for a caroling permit, scouting possible spots and seeking permission from owners to sing at or outside their premises. The team also purchased and wrapped Christmas gifts as well as inserted a message into each one, compiled caroling booklets after service rehearsals, printed a caroling banner to be displayed at each location, prepared short messages for each

togetherness - AG Churches


caroling event, coordinated refreshments and assigned duties. A total of 62 members participated in this caroling outreach.

On the morning of Christmas Eve, the sky darkened and it started pouring. The church had prayed for good weather for this event, so we knew God was in control. It was a miracle that by late afternoon, the sky began to clear. The carolers assembled in church at 6.45pm for a final run-through of the songs they were to sing. The hall was buzzing with excitement as this was the first time NHC was going out to bring the Christmas message to the streets of Geylang. Our brothers were dressed in their caroling attire of a green top, while the sisters wore red, and everyone put on a Christmas hat.

Three coffee shops served as the caroling locations for the evening – one at Geylang Lorong 6 and the other two at each end of Lorong 8. We also sang outside the premises of three brothels along Lorong 8. At each location, a brief introduction was given before our choir director led the carolers in song. Before the end of each session, one of the carolers would share a brief Christmas message and expressed our desire for the people to experience the love of God and His salvation. As we sang our final song, we distributed gifts to the people and wished them a Merry Christmas.

Caroling outside the premises of the brothel was a very touching experience. The ladies were not allowed to come outdoors to listen, but they could hear us through the open main door. They were all of different nationalities and might not have understood what we

were singing or sharing, but we knew that God was at work through His Holy Spirit, touching their lives through the love that we displayed in accepting them in spite of their profession.

After caroling ended, we went back to the church for refreshments. Some of our carolers expressed that this was a meaningful experience for them, especially at Christmas time. Indeed, it was a fulfilling evening and God’s presence was with us throughout the event. The weather was wonderful, the people were receptive to our caroling, the love of God was shared through our songs and message, and the name of Jesus was proclaimed.

Senior Pastor Lawrence Koo commented, “Jesus was among us because He would be found in a place like Geylang as He came for the downtrodden and society’s outcasts.”

To God be the glory!

ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES • Mar - Apr 15



50 Reasons why I Don’t Drink

Pastor Jaimie Morgan lists 50 reasons why she doesn’t drink. I am a Christian and I don’t drink. I am also a pastor and ex-alcoholic. I need to make that disclaimer right up front. Although it makes me biased, it also makes me an expert on this hotly debated issue.

Some of the worst “shudder moments” of my life have been under the influence, and as a pastor, some of the worst “shudder moments” I have witnessed in the lives of others have been because of alcohol. You have come too late to tell me it’s God’s best for a Christian to drink.

We are living in a church age where drinking has become “hipster” for some. Christian young adults post pictures of their signature drink on Facebook. Middle-aged Christian women name drop their favorite brand of Pinot Grigio to impress their wine snob friends. Churches send direct-mail postcards that read, “Give our church a shot!” featuring an edgy shot glass graphic. Even some pastors drink. Not this one.

I stopped drinking when I became a Christian 26 years ago. No one told me to abstain. I just knew it would be contradictory and self-defeating to my relationship with Christ. I had given my life to follow Jesus and nothing was going to hinder my walk. For me, it was a no-brainer.

This article is not a theological defense on the topic of Christians and alcohol (another article for another time), but it is a heartfelt plea. I humbly ask you to table any knee jerk, pro-alcohol, fight-for-my-right-to-drink arguments that you have ever heard, or made, and prayerfully consider this list.

50 reasons why I don’t drink:1. I can’t be sober-minded if I’m not sober.

2. Alcohol has an assignment: destruction.

3. Alcohol is a depressant. Anything that depresses should be avoided at all costs.

4. I don’t want to make my brother or sister stumble in the name of exercising my “Christian liberties.” My choice to drink could lead to someone’s demise.

5. Alcohol skews my judgment.

6. Alcohol leaves me worse, not better.

7. What I do in moderation, my children will do in excess.

8. Even the unsaved know I shouldn’t drink. Bible in one hand, beer in the other—any lost person could point this out as a confusing contradiction.

9. Alcohol doesn’t bring others closer to the Lord when they see me drinking, but further away.

10. Alcohol doesn’t bring me closer to the Lord when I drink, but further away.

11. I want to be fully awake and ready for the return of Christ, not drowsy, sluggish and fuzzy.

12. Show me a family for whom alcohol has made a positive difference in their lives. You won’t be able to.

13. I have never heard anyone say, “Wow, that gin and tonic made me feel so Christlike!”

14. I want to avoid all appearances of evil.

15. Alcohol makes it much harder for me to practice the fruit of self-control.

16. Alcohol causes me to lose my filter.

17. Alcohol is a legal mind-altering drug.

18. Alcohol is addictive.

19. Alcohol is a numbing agent for pain and sorrow only Jesus can heal.

20. Many regrets are associated with alcohol. (I can give you a whole bunch!)

21. No one has ever said, “If only I had taken a drink, things wouldn’t have gotten out of control.”

22. Alcohol causes me to act in ways I normally wouldn’t.

23. Alcohol kills brain cells.

24. Alcohol is a counterfeit and provides a false peace.

25. The Bible says that no drunkards will enter the kingdom of God. Being drunk starts with one drink. I don’t want to see how far outside the lines I can color when eternity is at stake.

26. Alcohol is a waster—money, gifts and talents, destinies and so on.

27. Alcohol leads to really bad behavior. It is a factor in 50 percent of violent crimes.

28. Alcohol distracts and derails you from living the victorious life for which Christ died.

29. Wisdom is the principle thing that I need to pursue at all cost; alcohol makes me stupid.

30. Alcohol has ruined many, many marriages.

31. The only influence I should be “under” is God’s.

32. The Bible tells me to be alert; alcohol delays my reaction time.

33. If I don’t start drinking, I’ll never have to stop.

34. Alcohol severely tarnishes my testimony.

35. Don’t want your teenagers to drink? Yep, same reasons apply to you.

36. God is holy; alcohol is not.

37. Alcohol and prayer don’t mix.

38. Alcohol and Bible study don’t mix.

39. Alcohol lowers my resolve to resist temptation.

40. Alcohol = Brokenness (broken lives, health, dreams and so on)

41. When the world sees us drinking, it sends the message that Jesus isn’t enough.

42. Moderate drinking? How about moderate pornography or moderate heroin use or moderate lying or moderate adultery?

43. Christians are called to live a life of total surrender and separation from the world.

44. Alcohol makes me forget. It can make me forget that I am married, that I am saved and so on.

45. “I don’t get drunk. I only have one or two drinks.” If they didn’t affect you, you would drink soda.

46. I should never look to the glass or bottle for joy, which can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ.

47. Alcohol fills my mind with impure thoughts.

48. If it could hinder my faith walk or love walk or dishonor the lordship of Jesus Christ, I need to forsake it.

49. Alcohol doesn’t help me run the race that Jesus has marked before me to finish with more accuracy. It does the polar opposite.

50. For any argument that tries to justify Christian drinking, there are at least 50 other reasons not to. The writing is on the wall. It’s not God’s best for Christians to drink.

Reprinted with permission

Jamie Morgan is pastor of Life Church (Assemblies of God) and the Life House of Prayer (24/7 prayer). She graduated with her Master of Arts in Practical Theology from ORU and is pursuing her D.Min. at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary.

Mar - Apr 2016 • ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES

step Out of a Gambling Addiction

Are you or do you know someone entangled in a gambling addiction? Luke Tan discusses how to get out of it. I was contemplating the topic of gambling when a headline in The Straits Times caught my attention: “Record $1.9 billion prize spark rush in US for lottery tickets”. The photo accompanying the article showed people waiting in line to purchase tickets for the Powerball lottery in San Bernardino, California.

The odds of winning are just one in 292 million. Nevertheless many Americans, even those who normally shun lotteries joined the queue at retail stores across the country.

Another headline in the Chinese newspaper Lianhe Wanbao reported that the Chinese New Year Toto draw would take place on February 19. Singapore Pools has raised the prize money from $10 million to $12 million for this ‘Hong Bao’ Toto Draw. This huge prize is a motivation for many to pit their chances against millions of punters.

The desire of man to become instant millionaires and retire wealthy exists in every society. In a typical week in Singapore, one can indulge in some form of gambling. With the establishment of casinos and online betting, gambling has become normalized and glamorized in our society.

I am part of a WhatsApp chat group comprising old friends from my army days. One of the common subjects is lottery. Someone would usually suggest pooling of resources and randomly put a few numbers together. There is never any lack of investors. The investment is small and the return is high, though elusive. Ironically the one who advocates this venture professes to be a Christian. His mantra is: “No buy, No chance; Got buy, Got chance”. He would talk people into joining by talking of the possibility of a good life – unceasing



vacations and retirement. Their venture always comes to nothing.

People indulge in gambling because of the perception that it is the quickest way to acquire wealth. Nothing can be further from the truth. Gambling is a dangerous activity.

A clear sign of a gambling addict is greed. Greed encourages incalculable risk-taking. It robs us of productivity and cultivates negative addictive behaviors.

The way to overcome greed is contentment, to be happy with what we have. God’s Word reminds us that godliness with contentment is great gain.

The best form of prevention is abstinence. Stay away from the desire to pursuit any get-rich-quick schemes. The proverbial saying, “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is” deserves our careful attention. Do not be lured by exaggerated profits and ludicrous returns without effort. Heed the warning and stay away from temptation.

Greed elevates oneself towards the love of money. There is the perpetual feeling that whatever you have is not enough and you’ll need to seek more. The warning from Scripture is clear. “Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” (1 Timothy 6:9-10)

Do you know of someone addicted to this insatiable habit, even if it’s something as simple as buying lottery? How can you identify and help them to be free from this blazing fire that never says ‘enough’? (Proverbs 30:15-16)

ACkNOwLEDGEThe first thing the addict needs to do is to acknowledge that he has a problem. Once a person has indulged in gambling, it is hard to walk away. It is especially so when his losses mount up and he feels compelled to recoup his lost investment.

Addictive gambling will affect your quality of life. It leads one down a path of destruction, such as borrowing, pawning and selling their possessions, or even stealing and robbing when situation become desperate. It is a spiral ride down a hellhole.

Pride keeps people from acknowledging their problems. A proud person is like a person who has bad breath. Everyone around him knows it except himself. Do not be in denial. Be humble and seek help if you are addicted to gambling.

ACTIONBe willing to make all the necessary adjustments. Speak to someone, your spouse, a family member, a friend or

call the helpline of a centre that provides counseling.

Initiate a self-exclusion order to the casino. Discipline yourself to avoid places of temptation.

Overcoming addiction is spiritual warfare. Pray and submit yourself to the Lordship of Jesus. “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew (26:41)

Your part in this spiritual battle is to yield yourself to God and resist the enemy whose mission is to steal, to kill and to destroy. “Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)

ACQuIRE Habit is hard to kick. Remove the ‘H’, you have ‘ABIT’. Remove the ‘A’, you have ‘BIT’. Remove the ‘B’, there is still ‘IT’. You become an overcomer when you persevere till the very end. Acquire and develop meaningful activities to enrich your life. Build a relationship with God through prayer and His Word. (Psalm 119:9-11)

The power of God can set you free. A lady was set free from gambling addiction. There was not a day where she did not patronize betting outlets. She lost lots of money and the habit took a toll on her marriage. In desperation, she let go and let God take control. Miraculously the chain that bound her for years was broken instantaneously. She was set free and no longer possesses an urge to gamble. You can experience the freedom too, if you believe.

“If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36)

Luke Tan is the Interim Executive Director of Teen Challenge. He has been a volunteer with TC since 2002 and conducts religious programme in prison and DARE Centre. Luke attends and serves at His Sanctuary Church.

ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES • Mar - Apr 17


Tattoos and piercings today—is it right, or is it my right?How should Christians address this issue in a progressive manner without distastefully shoving parental or biblical authority in someone’s face? Ps Joey Asher Tan deliberates this issue. If you have been a teenager, you have experienced your own cultural revolution.

I’ve been there. I used to wear baggy jeans (!), don obnoxious Hawaiian shirts (!!), and part my hair through the center (!!!). But more significantly, I recall getting my ears pierced multiple times. It was a rite of passage, a symbol of liberation as I graduated from secondary school to tertiary education. If I had been more ill-advised, I would have gotten a scriptural tattoo too!

Those decisions might have taken place half a life ago but the motivations behind getting a body part pierced or tattooed probably remains unchanged today. The difference is that these expressions that were frowned upon 10 years ago are now widely accepted and even regarded as fashionable. Consider this: for the first time in 50 years, even Barbie has a tattoo!

The preference for tattoos and body piercings is more prevalent in Western countries than in Singapore. One must recognize this subculture’s undying imprint and growing penetration among the younger generation. Getting a tattoo is no longer as frowned upon now as it was in the ‘80s and ‘90s. With a burgeoning number of tattoo parlors, it is practically impossible to prevent someone from getting one. The only difference is whether he or she does it secretly or openly.

The social stigma of tattoos and piercings have shifted; to most in the modern society, the conventional stereotype of ‘gangster to be avoided’ has progressed into ‘hipster to be admired’. Everyone has a different reason for getting inked and pierced, and most are able to articulate a motivation that will always feel right to them. Therefore, the question people ask in the consideration phase is no longer, “Is this right?” but “Is this my right?”—an accurate depiction of the postmodern generation.

How then should Christians address this issue in a progressive manner without distastefully shoving parental or biblical authority in someone’s face? How should believers approach someone who has or is considering a tattoo or piercing? I may not be able to change your mind in 1,000 words but I hope to make you ponder over your conviction on this subculture.

As a youth pastor, I believe that the next generation isn’t lacking personality or individuality, but in guidance and wisdom. One of the biggest challenges I face in discipling the next generation is to help them realize that they actually need the guidance and wisdom that they lack.


The desire to get inked or pierced isn’t just about maximizing one’s freedom of expression but an innate need to be seen, heard and stand out. It is no longer just about rebellion or association with gangs but the perpetuation of the You Only Live Once (YOLO) mindset—that my life is about me. And since life is about me, I will find a way to compartmentalize parts of the Bible that seem jarring to the way I desire to live, so long as I still get by with an overall God-pleasing lifestyle.

Is it meaningful to debate the relevance of Leviticus 19:28 since the intrinsic symbolism of tattoos and piercings have evolved? Motivations behind getting a tattoo today are far more complex compared to yesteryear. A difference between biblical and modern times, and between older and younger generations, is that those from the older generation got tattoos to associate themselves with a pagan god, slaveowner or gang, while today’s youth do so simply because of self-expression. Some also do it for cosmetic reasons (e.g. concealing a scar), convenience (e.g. permanent eyeliner), or to commemorate a loved one.

Is it dangerous to use Isaiah 44:5 to justify your decision to ink yourself because you want to express faithfulness and loyalty to God? For those on the fence, they could easily convince themselves to use physical fashions to express spiritual faithfulness, in the same way partaking of the Lord’s Supper or getting water-baptized symbolize a spiritual reality through a physical action.

The truth is, if you want to get a tattoo, nobody can stop you. Conversely, you cannot stop anybody from secretly judging or publicly ostracizing you. If any of the youth I look after wish to get a tattoo, my responsibility as their pastor is to help them understand the implications of its physical permanence and complications of its societal perception, and to challenge their position on it.

There is greater maturity when we realize that our lives are not about our lives. Therefore, may I invite you to understand decision-making from a bigger perspective—His.

I am addressing believers who consider themselves disciples of Christ and are considering tattoos or piercings, to move beyond “Is this right?” or “Is this my right?” to:• “Does this make me anymore like, or draw me closer

to Christ?”• “Does this encourage and edify fellow believers in

my social circle?”• “Does this cause me to be more effective as a

testimony to non-believers?”• “Does this truly make me any more special to God

and His people?”• “Is this really about expressing my individuality or an

exhibition of my insecurity?”• “Should I consult wise and trusted spiritual mentors

before I make such a decision?”

I am addressing fellow pastors and leaders of the next generation who consider themselves disciple-makers for Christ. It is imperative for you to be able to articulate your personal convictions on this subculture and be able to communicate that in a loving manner in one-on-one settings, small group discussions or over the pulpit. If your congregation does not hear from you, they will find answers through the media, their peers and in their own cultural revolution.

The Greek word for tattoo is ‘stigmata’ and it appears in Galatians 6:17, where Paul beseeched the church to examine the ‘marks’ on his body—what he received for suffering for the Gospel. Paul would be a lunatic if he asked for these painful lashings without anyone’s prompting, pressure or persecution. Is it not absurd for anyone to volunteer to be flogged, scarred or ‘marked’ to demonstrate commitment to their faith? Paul received his ‘stigmata’ as an inevitable result of his commitment to Christ, not a whimsical request to associate himself to Him.

Let us remember that we are letters from Christ (2 Corinthians 3:3). If His commitment to us is written on our hearts by the Holy Spirit, then surely it is better for us to reciprocate our commitment to Him with truly changed lives rather than through superficial inking or piercing of our skin. Looking good and standing out through body art and piercings are meaningless if they are just skin-deep obsessions. Holiness cannot be tattooed on our lives or put on like an accessory, but can be made permanent through a wholehearted pursuit of Christ. There is a far better and more long-lasting way to make faith, hope and love irreversible in our lives.

Let us be set apart and marked for God in that way instead.

Pastor Joey Asher Tan is the deputy head of the next-generation ministry and youth pastor of Grace Assembly of God. He leads three congregations with 450 young people across two campuses. As a teenager, Joey pierced his ear six times and now he wonders if his firstborn would surpass him in being hol(e)y. He had considered getting a tattoo a decade ago but at the same time, (to the relief of his wife) he also discovered a crippling phobia of blood, needles and pain.

Mar - Apr 2016 • ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES

How has ‘kiasuism’ influenced Christians and can we overcome the ‘kiasu’ syndrome? Pastor Bernadette Loh discusses this topic from a pastoral perspective. how has the kiasu attitude impacted Christian living? To determine if the kiasu attitude or kiasuism has influenced Christian and godly living, let us first consider how this attitude has seeped into daily lives.

The term kiasu, translating directly from Chinese dialect to mean the fear of losing out, has become well known (or infamous) and widely used. When the iconic local comic character, Mr Kiasu, popularized the concept in the 90’s, we used the term to describe ungracious behavior and excessive competitiveness. These include calculating and self-centered attitudes that show up in queue-jumping, hoarding and scurrying for freebies.

Besides the brusque behavior that is often criticized as a social malaise, kiasuism has also shown up in corporate and educational settings. The fear of losing out on promotions and performance bonuses propagates kiasu behavior at work. Hence, rather than promoting interdependence that contribute to team success, self-centered and kiasu actions have surfaced. It is not uncommon to encounter those who resort to insensitive backstabbing to garner favor from bosses. Furthermore, instead of sharing information, kiasuism withholds knowledge for selfish ends. Such practices disrupt collaborative teamwork and generate division.

The rise of student enrolment in educational agencies also highlights, to some extent, the growing kiasu attitudes of parents towards the demand for exceptional academic grades. It is likely that the fear of losing out on a good academic future has led to the emphases on grades and admission to elite schools. High parental expectations and competitive attitudes inculcated in children can lead to self-centered behaviors that generate unwarranted rivalry and affect friendships. Additionally, some children may also find difficulty keeping up with such high expectations and experience major challenges to study, play and even socialize. Consequently, kiasuism impacts lives in adverse ways and spoils relations.

Interestingly, being kiasu has also taken on a neutral-to-positive meaning to justify the desire to cover all bases, doing everything necessary to be sure of success and safety. I have had conversations with believers who are convinced they need to be a little kiasu to ensure their gears turn continually so that they do not lag behind!

how should Christians overcome the kiasu attitude in our daily lives? The kiasu attitude sheds light on a person’s basic


ks: To Be or Not To Betraining

outlook in life and reflect a dissatisfaction of desire. To overcome this attitude, we shall consider three basic truths for application in our lives.

firstly, our identity is found in God alone.

Knowing our identity in God is a vital part of living the life He has set ahead for us. We were created to reflect the glory of God. God’s aim in creating and governing the world is so He will be glorified. We are defined by God, who has set His seal of ownership on us and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit (2 Corinthians 1:22). As we are now identified with Christ, we have the Holy Spirit working within us to enable us to align our lives with God’s eternal goal.

If the main goal in seeking an identity outside of Christ is to bring glory to ourselves, we soon realize that it is futile to find lasting fulfillment apart from Christ. Neither will the approval of others or achieving success satisfy us completely and perpetually. However, when we seek to find our identity in Christ alone, our desires are channeled towards setting our minds on things above and not on earthly things (Colossians 3:2). Our identity and confidence, rightly placed in the kingdom of God, enables us to overcome the lure of worldly success, not be bitterly crushed when others do better than us, and triumph over the fear of not being in first place.

secondly, our needs are met in God alone. Our security as children of God derives from the confidence that through Christ, we have direct access to our Heavenly Father. God is sovereign over every moment of our life and we can trust that He will provide us with everything else that we need in this life according to His will. Christians ought to guard their hearts against the desire to make comparisons with others, so as not to fall prey to the envy and dissatisfaction that fuels the kiasu behaviour.

In Philippians 4:6, the Apostle Paul says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests

to God.” Afterward, he shares the uplifting promise that “my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). When we model ourselves on Paul in his attitude of complete trust and confidence in the Lord, we are liberated from the endless craving to compare possessions, status and achievements. We live by faith in the promise that God will supply our every need. More importantly, the understanding of God’s faithful provision will yield greater contentment as we learn to relinquish control and the desire to determine the results of our endeavours.

Christians can make a big difference when it comes to our relationship with the Lord. Instead of craving for what others have in life, we can lead others to desire what we have in Christ alone. Our lives lived faithfully in Christ has the potential to invite others to desire the same freedom from the emptiness of continuous striving and pursuit.

The final point is to let our actions be motivated by love. Of the many important instructions Jesus gave, the two greatest commandments given were: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul and with all your mind”. This is the first and the greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’” (Matthew 22:37-38). Jesus says everything else hangs on these commands of love. However, try as we may, we realise that the commandments display our human inadequacies to love completely. Of ourselves, we are unable to fulfil the commandments entirely since our love is usually conditional and based upon how other people behave toward us. This realization ultimately compels us to consider what God has done for us out of His love.

Divine love is the motive in which God sent His Son to the saving and transforming work that sets us free to live a life of faith and love. Love opens our heart to God and enables the Holy Spirit to renew us. When we love God, we learn to look away from ourselves and focus on Him. Our love for God helps us lay our self-centered ways aside, and focus on God’s will and how He wants us to relate to other people. Expressing this love through our life means that love must be the underlying motive for every word and action in our life. Practically, this means that we act in ways that draw people to God with the hope that they will seek God and be reconciled to Him.

As we persevere in living according to the daily instruction of the Holy Spirit within us, He enables us to take on God’s character. In accordance with God’s character, we shall seek to consider the needs of others rather than to compete, and to practice generosity rather than to hoard. May the Lord fulfil in us Paul’s word in 1 Corinthians 16:14 to “do everything in love”.

Pastor Bernadette Loh is the Senior Pastor of The Harvest Force.

ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES • Mar - Apr 19

God’s Abundant Provision No Lack After Learning To Tithe

Our amazing God never fails me. Ever since I received Jesus into my life, I have experienced countless blessings from Him in terms of provision for my physical and financial needs. My sister and I manage a coffee stall in an industrial park. Over the years we were informed twice that the premises would be torn down and we would need to either relocate or close our business.

Each time I received the notice, I would be anxious and worry about my future livelihood. I brought the matter to the Lord in prayer. Amazingly over the years the Lord sustained me and the lease to my stall was extended twice.

Early this year, we were informed that the premise would not be torn down. Instead the canteen would be renovated – an eight-month process that would last until the end of the year. We also had been selected as the only drinks operator with a bigger operating space. Praise be to God who knows all our needs. He has never failed to supply mine. He is also a God of perfect timing. He knew I needed rest after many years of hard work with long hours. These past months I was able to rest and fulfill all my heart’s

There is no lack when we honor God in our tithing.My husband has been a Christian for over 30 years but has never tithed. About four years ago, we started attending the Hokkien service in Church of Praise. I mentioned to our Sectional Leader about my concern and she explained to him the concept of tithing using Malachi 3:8. My husband took a step of faith and then started to tithe. Since then, he has promptly and willingly given his tithes and offering each month. Previous questions on why churches are always raising funds just disappeared. After he started tithing, he saw God’s financial blessing in our lives. Both of us are retirees but we are not lacking financially. We didn’t even have to pay a cent when I was undergoing cancer treatment – my company’s insurance undertook the majority of the costs, with the rest of the amount covered by my Medisave account. God is faithful and I wish to thank Him for His provision and protection.





desires like travelling and taking keyboard lessons. Praise the Lord Jesus!



我和姐姐在亚逸拉惹的工业区经营一个卖咖啡的生意。这些年来,政府曾两次通知我们该处将被拆除,而我们必须搬迁或结束营业。每当我收到通知,我的内心就很焦虑,担心往后的生计。我常为这事情祷告, 神奇的是,过去这些年来上帝持续两次延长我的摊位租期。

今年初,我们收到通知那工厂不会拆除,而食堂将会进行八个月的大规模翻新,直到年底。最重要的是管理层选择了我们的咖啡和饮料摊位,并在新的食堂经营更大的摊位。感谢上帝,祂知道我们所有的需要,而且祂的供应从不延迟。祂也是一位提供最佳时机的神。祂知道许多年来我长时间的努力工作而需要休息,在过去几个月我最大的心愿,就是身体得休息、去度假并上弹诗琴的课程,这些都能够实现了!赞 美上帝!

Mar - Apr 2016 • ISSUE 024 • AG TIMES

Mar - Apr 2016

Chief Editor: Rev Simon Ang

Asst. Editors: Rev David Lim Rev Winnie Wong Stephanie Siow

Coordinator: Carol Lim

Design: InfinitePrintSolutions Publisher: TheAssembliesofGodofSingapore 8Lorong27AGeylang #02-08GuilinBuilding Singapore 388106

Printer: SingaporePressHoldingsLtd


The #Jubilee50k Challenge

Siblings Tenessa and Josthan Chua may be young but God allowed them to impact their world in a very big way through the #Jubilee50K Challenge.

Tenessa One day, during recess time, I saw a classmate fall down while she was running. Even though she was taller and bigger than me, I immediately went to help her. She had hurt her knee and it was bleeding badly. I helped her up and accompanied her to the General Office. She thanked me for my help and now we are even closer friends.

Through the #Jubilee50K Challenge, I’ve learned that we should always help when we see others in need. I’ve also learned that no matter how big or small we are, we can always bless others. We just need to be willing to help.

JosthanEarlier this year, after finding out that my granduncle had a stroke and could not walk or talk, I made a card for him. In the card, I wrote a short prayer of healing and a reminder that God loves him.



When I visited him at the hospital, I gave him the card and asked him if I could pray for him. He nodded in agreement. As I prayed for God to touch and heal him, he started to grip my hand very tightly. I felt something warm stir inside me; it’s a feeling that’s really hard to explain but I know it was a touch from God. I believe my granduncle was also touched by God because he started to tear during the prayer.

Today, granduncle can walk normally and talk a bit. I believe God will heal him completely and that he will accept Jesus into his heart soon.

what is the #Jubilee50k Challenge?

The #Jubilee50k Challenge is about transforming our world

through blessing and proclaiming these acts

on social media.

Find out more at

Bless and Proclaim, Transform our World!

Through the #Jubilee50K Challenge, I’ve learned to take every opportunity to bless someone in need. We can be a channel for God’s power and healing.