Advertisement n Promotion

Table Content No Content Page 1 Table Content 1 2 Executive Summary 2 3 Introduction 3 4 Assignment Content 4 - 13 5 Conclusion 14 6 Recommendation 15 7 References 16 8 Attachment 17

Transcript of Advertisement n Promotion

Table Content

No Content Page1 Table Content 12 Executive Summary 23 Introduction 34 Assignment Content 4 -

135 Conclusion 146 Recommendation 157 References 168 Attachment 17

Executive Summary

Advertising is an important aspect for any organization to attract

the customer attention to make a purchases or shareholders attention

to invest into the organization thus it is important to develop a

good and attractive advertisement that display our organization

quality. Furthermore aspect of communication process is important in

order to deliver and exchange the information between two parties

due there are lots of interferences that might occur during

transferring the information which might lead the information

deliver might be alter or wrong thus it is important to analyze the

effective methods and structure of communication in order for the

information deliver are correct which include the information of the

structure in advertising and promotion industry. Next is the

important of advertising regulation which in tend to protect the

consumer from the fraud or deceiving advertisement, where the

advertising regulatory display that organization are require to

follow the regulatory. Lastly is the impact of current trend in

advertising and promotion that would might affect the organization

performances where the current trend will display that the changes

in surrounding environment of the organization will bring any large

impact or it does not affect the organization performance at all due

some of the organization prefer the traditional methods compare the

current methods that being used by most of the current organization.


Advertisement is essential factors for any organization in order to

attract customer and shareholders attention to invest into the

organization thus in order to attract their customers and

shareholders attention the organization require to create an

attractive advertisement that able to attract their attention which

in order to create an attractive advertisement the organization can

either hired the advertising and promotion agency or just simply

manage by their own advertisement and promotion employee to create

advertisement for them. Furthermore it also to understand and know

the advertisement regulatory or Advertisement Standard Authourities

where it explain regarding the rule and regulation or terms that

require to be follow by the organization in order to publish the

advertisement where the advertisement should be suitable for all

ages and acceptable by public attention in order to avoid from

sexism, races, religion and other factors that might be a sensitive

issue for group of society thus it important to follow the

Advertisement Standard Authorities code before

1.3 Advertising Regulatory

Advertising Regulatory or it also known as Advertising Standards

Authorities (ASA) which mention in ASA website where ASA known “As

the UK’s independent regulator for advertising across all media, our work includes acting on

complaints and proactively checking the media to take action against misleading, harmful

or offensive advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing.” (, n.d.)

where to display that ASA solely purpose created intended to protect

the consumer rights from being deceive or fraud action that some of

advertising display by certain organization due some of the

organization prefer using illegal method in order to seek for high


Thus it is important every nation including Malaysia also apply and

establish ASA in order to protect the consumer right where in mention that “The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) was established

in 1977 to provide independent scrutiny of the then newly created self-regulatory system set

up by the industry. Its chief tasks are to promote and enforce high ethical standards in

advertisements. To investigate complaints, to identify and resolve problems, to ensure that

the system operates in the public interest and to act as a channel for communications with

those who have an interest in advertising standards.” (,, n.d.)

where it lead that even a private group of organization at Malay has

decided to form Malaysia own ASA which also have the same purpose as

the original ASA which is to protect the Malaysian Consumer rights

from being deceive and fraud by certain organization.

As we can relate to the bakery store Bakeria, that I manage to

interview where they mention that they didn’t aware with the

Advertising Regulatory thus I exchange information with by

explaining to her the important of advertising regulatory where even

in advertisement has its own code that require to be follow by the

organization in order for the advertisement didn’t display any

explicit content or material such as violent, gore, sexism,

materialistic and others towards customer due it may influence minor

age customer due they might believe that if they purchase that the

product it able to bring same effect that display in the

advertisement, furthermore the advertisement regulatory also act to

protect the customer right due some of the organization are aiming

for the high profit thus they would use advertisement as a channel

to deceive the customer to purchase their product such as beauty

product, slimming product, health product and others where this

issue are more focusing on the individual self-appearances such as

the post effect pictures, unclear testimonial, and others.

In order to increase the understanding knowledge about the

advertisement regulatory im using example of Rexona advertising

commercial where the usage image or video of armpit is prohibit to

use due it also display an sexual material and also the post effect

using by mostly of beauty product agency such as Fair n Lovely

advertisement which display after using the product the customer

will look much more brighter and fairly skin which is also prohibit

due the product unable to display an 100% effectiveness of the

product also each of the customer has their own skin sensitivity

thus the product may or might not affect for the customer which to

display that advertising regulatory is able to protect the consumer

itself from being deceive with the organization advertisement


1.4 Current Trends In Advertising and Promotion Industry

Below display the structure of current trends that affecting organization in advertising and promotion industry

Impact of ICT (Internet)

First is the impact of ICT where En.wikibooks website explain that

ICT is “ICTs stand for information and communication technologies

and are defined, for the purposes of this primer, as a “diverse set

of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to

create, disseminate, store, and manage information.” [4] These

technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting

technologies (radio and television), and telephony.” (En.wikibooks,

n.d.) where it display that ICT is modern technology of sending

methods where it is much more easier to deliver the message due the

modern technologies now days able to reduce the difficulty of



Media Clutter

Media Evolutio




delivering those message, however some of the organization might

considered that ICT maybe too difficult to apply for their company

thus they would prefer the traditional methods example with the

bakery store that I would to relate with where Bakeria store apply

the internet back then however the result is not very effective due

the requirement for constantly update regarding the store slow down

the store performances thus the impact of ICT didn’t affect much

towards the store due the store are much more prefer for the

traditional methods.

Impact on Media Clutter

Next is the Media Clutter where AskJim website explain that

“Advertising clutter refers to what most consider to be a constant

multi-media barrage of commercial messages to which modern humans

are subjected” (, n.d.) thus if there are too many

advertisement or commercial would force the consumer to skip over

the advertising and commercial due it would take more time and some

of the user might find it waste of time thus it important to create

and select a good slot for the advertisement such as I interview the

Bakeria owner before where the store once used the advertising

agency before to aid Bakeria store into some of the bakery magazine

and newspaper however the slots for advertise for the store is too

small which appear unable to proactive attract the reader’s

attention due the slots are too small to be advertise and been

overlap by other attractive and big slots of advertisement which

display that the slots and the advertisement itself is really

important in order to attract the consumer attention due by having

an attractive advertisement then consumer would enjoy reading it or

view instead of other advertisement due there too much advertisement

for the consumer to look at it one by one.

Impact on Interactivity

“Interactivity is the communication process that takes place between

humans and computer software. The most constant form of

interactivity is typically found in games, which need a continuous

form of interactivity with the gamer. Database applications and

other financial, engineering and trading applications are also

typically very interactive.” (techopedia, n.d.)

Bakeria are more prefer using the offline methods due it’s much more

easier to manage compare to online methods that they used before it

turn out it is much more complex due to the frequently update

regarding the store menu such as the bread, cakes, cookies, and

other product availability thus the store decided to stop applying


Impact on Media Evolution / New Media

“New Media is a 21st Century catchall term used to define all that

is related to the internet and the interplay between technology,

images and sound. In fact, the definition of new media changes

daily, and will continue to do so. New media evolves and morphs

continuously. What it will be tomorrow is virtually unpredictable

for most of us, but we do know that it will continue to evolve in

fast and furious ways. However, in order to understand an extremely

complex and amorphous concept we need a base line. Since Wikipedia

has become one of the most popular storehouses of knowledge in the

new media age, it would be beneficial to begin there:”

(, n.d.)

Didn’t bring any large impact towards the store due the store itself

are much more prefer for the traditional methods which is the flyers

and more focusing on the viral marketing methods due its low cost

and easy to manage.

Assignment Content

1.1 The communication process


Explain in the business dictionary webpage where communication is a

“Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only

exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share

meaning. In general, communication is a means of connecting people or places. In business,

it is a key function of management--an organization cannot operate without communication

between levels, departments and employees. See also communications.”

(BusinessDictionary, n.d.) it display that communication is a method

of more than 1 parties communicate with each other either verbally,

non-verbally, directly or in-indirect communication which display

that it is important for any organization to understand and analyze

the structure and the communication concept hence that the

information that deliver are accurate due in many occasion there are

possible that even sending a simple information might turn out


Diagram below display the table of communication process that occur

in the worlds of advertising:

Sender Encoding


Media Decoding


Feedback Noise


Taken from Grammar website it explain that sender is “The individual

who initiates a message in the communication process. The sender may

be a speaker, a writer, or someone who merely gestures. The

individual (or the group of individuals) who responds to the sender

is called the receiver.” (Grammar.about, n.d.) where the sender can

be anyone that start up the conversation or intend to deliver and

sharing the information with other people.


Next is encoding where explain by searchnetworking website where

“Encoding is the process of putting a sequence of characters

(letters, numbers, punctuation, and certain symbols) into a

specialized digital format for efficient transmission or transfer.

Decoding is the opposite process -- the conversion of a digital

signal into a sequence of characters.” (searchnetworking, n.d.) in

this process the sender will transform the information into forms of

characters where the characters can either be a number, letters,

symbols or others that some of the receiver might understand the

information been sent.


Then the message where the dictionary.references website explain

message is “a communication containing some information, news,

advice, request, or the like, sent by messenger, telephone, email,

or other means.” (dictionary.reference, n.d.) it where after the

sender finish encoding the information, the compilation of encoding

information changes into a message then the message are ready to be

send through certain channel towards the next parties.


Techopedia website explain that media is “Media refers to the tools

used to store and deliver information or data. The term media can

refer to advertising, digital media, electronic media, hypermedia,

mass media and multimedia, among many others. Digital media is an

electronic medium where data is stored in digital form. It refers to

the technical aspect of the storage and transmission of information,

or to the end product consumed by a user, such as digital video,

digital art or virtual reality.” (techopedia, n.d.) after the

message is ready then the sender require to decide to deliver the

message into which media due there are many media that can be use to

deliver the information such as either online methods by using the

social networks or simply apply the traditional methods through

flyers or mail.


Techopedia also explain that decoding is “Decoding is the process of

converting code into plain text or any format that is useful for

subsequent processes. Decoding is the reverse of encoding. It

converts encoded data communication transmissions and files to their

original states.” (techopedia, n.d.) thus after the sender already

decide sent the message through which media thus the message is

retrieve by the retriever then the retriever will decoding back the

message sent by the sender where this occur after the retriever

receive the message.


Response explain in businessdictionary website is “Reaction to an

event, occurrence, or situation, aimed at its containment or

control.” (BusinessDictionary, n.d.) where after the retriever

finish decoding the message the retriever can either response or

just simply reject the message deliver where the response action can

be control by the receiver.


Feedback explain by Grammar website is “feedback (a response from

the receiver indicating whether a message has been received in its

intended form)” (Grammar.about, n.d.) where the feedback from the

retriever can either be negative or positive which is related to the

message sent by the sender where some occasion the message delivered

can be a different meaning by the retriever due to some of the

information that being is either too complicated or not complete.


BusinessDictionary explain that noise is “Communication: Anything

that interferes with, slows down, or reduces the clarity or accuracy

of a communication. Thus, superfluous data or words in a message are

noise because they detract from its meaning.” (BusinessDictionary,

n.d.) where the noise is usually occur during sending the

information where the noise can either be external factors such as

surrounding environment or other people that communicate with the

sender, or it also can be internal such as self-though or internal

confusion which lead that the message being sent are alter and not


1.2 Structure of Advertisement Industry

Below is structure in advertisement and promotion industry:


As explain in the BusinessDictionary website advertiser is “A person,

organization or company that places advertisements in order to target customers.”

Structure of




Advertising and

Promotion Agency

External Facilitat


Media Organizat


Target Audience

(BusinessDictionary, n.d.) where advertiser can be any person that

willingly and afford to promote their product through various of

channel towards the public where the advertisement should be

suitable and acceptable by all viewers of ages and society.

Advertiser and Promotion Agency

BusinessDictionary explain that Advertiser and Promotion agency is

“Firm that (1) creates new promotional ideas, (2) designs print, radio, television, and internet

advertisements, (3) books advertisement space and time, (4) plans and conducts advertising

campaigns, (5) commissions research and surveys, and (6) provides other such services that

help a client in entering and succeeding in a chosen market. In general, advertising agencies

are not deemed agents of the advertisers, because they act as principals for the services they

buy on behalf of their clients.” (BusinessDictionary, n.d.) where this type of

agency would conduct and create advertisement based on the demand

from the company due this agency been pay to accomplish the task

given and not to create one.

External Facilitator

As explain in the performancedevelopmentservices website where

“External facilitators, by definition, are not involved in the

actual making of decisions other than around their role and the

process of the group.” (Performancedevelopmentservices, n.d.) where

this agency didn’t not involve directly with the advertising however

this agencies intend to aid any complex factor that the other

advertising agency unable to accomplish such as the sound system,

photography, props and others equipment that the advertising agency

unable to acquire it.

Media Organization

Taken from definition.uslegal website it explain that media

organization is “The term "media organization" means “a person or

entity engaged in disseminating information to the general public

through a newspaper, magazine, other publication, radio, television,

cable television, or other medium of mass communication.””

(definition.uslegal, n.d.) which can be consider as a channel that

will display the advertisement where I would to relate with the

bakery store Bakeria, that I discovery where the manager of the

store once hired advertising agency to promote their store through

magazines and newspaper however it turn out not very effective due

the slots given to advertise the store were too small and being

overlap by other attractive advertisement plus the manager require

to pay the advertising agency monthly for the usage of the slots

every months thus the manager decide to stop using the advertising

agency and would prefer the traditional methods.

Target Audience

Dictionary.references website explain that target audience is “the

intended group for which something is performed or marketed; the

specific group to which advertising is directed”

(dictionary.reference, n.d.) where the organization would aim for

certain types of customer to purchase their product through

attractive advertisement that suits that aim types of customer.

Type of advertising agency

Advertiser and Promotion Agency

BusinessDictionary explain that this agency is a “Firm that (1)

creates new promotional ideas, (2) designs print, radio, television,

and internet advertisements, (3) books advertisement space and time,

(4) plans and conducts advertising campaigns, (5) commissions

research and surveys, and (6) provides other such services that help

a client in entering and succeeding in a chosen market. In general,

advertising agencies are not deemed agents of the advertisers,

because they act as principals for the services they buy on behalf

of their clients.” (BusinessDictionary, n.d.) where their task is to

create advertisement for the company that hired them.

Full Services Agencies

Marketing.about website explain that this types of agency is “An agency that handles all aspects of the advertising process, including planning, design, production, and placement. Today, full-service generally suggests that the agency also handles other aspects of marketing communication, such as public relations, sales promotion, Internet and direct marketing.” (Marketing.about, n.d.) where their entitle to handling all the procedure of the advertisement including the planning, creating and even the plottingthe advertisement.

Creative Boutiques

Next where wisegeek website explain that creative boutiques is “A

boutique agency can be a small group that helps writers, actors and

other creative professionals with their careers.” (,

n.d.) where this agency intend to helps others department agencies

other than the advertisement department to advertise their

characteristic through advertisement.

Interactive Agencies

Then the interactive agencies explain by the marketingterms website

where it is “Interactive agencies rose to prominence before the

traditional advertising agencies fully embraced the Internet.

Offering a wide range of services, some of the interactive agencies

grew very rapidly, although some have downsized just as rapidly due

to changing market conditions.” (marketingterms, n.d.) where this

agency will apply an advertisement that the consumer able to react

and interact to the advertisement itself.

In-House Agencies

Lastly advertising.about website explain that in-house agency is “An

in-house advertising agency is owned and operated by its one and

only client: the advertiser. Instead of a company outsourcing its

advertising to an agency, its ad campaigns are mainly handled by its

own in-house agency. Some advertising may still be directed to

outside agencies, usually on a per-project basis.”

(, n.d.) where the company apply and manage

their own company advertising through hiring some experts employee

in advertising for work for the company.


As for conclusion it display that even in advertisement and

promotion also has their own important role for the organization due

in advertisement and promotion industry has solely purpose which is

to create an attractive advertisement or promotion that is suitable

and acceptable by society perspective through some of the experts

and the guide line of advertisement thus it able to attract the

target audience attention to invest or purchase the company product.

Thus it display that the importance and the objective of the ASA in

the advertisement and promotional industry which involving many

parties in order to create an attractive advertisement through

various of media channel where the advertisement will deliver

information that easy to understand, and direct message so that the

information deliver are not alter or misleading information.


As for recommendation in order to improve Bakeria store popularity

where first Bakeria should offer sponsorship in any event in that

area due near Bakeria store full with schools thus it create an

opportunity to sponsor such as cake, bread, or even cookies for

schools event such as Sports Day, National Day, Parents Day, Co-

curriculum day, Unit Uniform day and others where it enable for the

Bakeria to be recognised by the customer more effectively due most

of the customer participate in the big event thus it enable to

increase the public awareness regarding Bakeria. Next is in order to

attract public media attention Bakeria also should participate in

charity program such as Blood Donation, Natural Disaster Donation,

Hunger Donation where to display that Bakeria is caring and took

part for those who need help thus it enable indirectly attract the

public media attention which to display that Bakeria is doing their

responsibility towards socials needs and wants thus it enable to

attract more customer attention to spend and invest in Bakeria which

it able to increase the Bakeria profit. In order to widen Bakeria

market branch, they also can affiliate with international Food

Industry where by joining the international food industry it enable

to further increase the public awareness regarding Bakeria business

which it enable for the Bakeria to make a research or analysis to

improve their company performances through feedbacks, furthermore it

enable to attract international consumer attention towards the

Bakeria itself thus there will be increasing number of people spend

at Bakeria. To furthermore increase Bakeria awareness, Bakeria

should Join in Astro Food Channel Program where with this able to

increase the Bakeria popularity and it enable to ensure that all

ingredient used by the company are healthy and safe to consume thus

it enable to reduce the customer doubt and hesitation and increase

the trust value of Bakeria meals and ingredient. Lastly is Bakeria

also can participate and increase the usage of greenhouse product

such as reduce and recycle the plastic and boxes used to pack the

meal due the usage of excessive of plastic can lower the ozone layer

thus its important for each organization to take responsibility in

maintaining the mother nature thus it display that Bakeria also took

part and responsibility as organization towards environment in the

food industry.

References (n.d.). advertising.about. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). AskJim. Retrieved from

BusinessDictionary. (n.d.). businessdictionary. Retrieved from

definition.uslegal. (n.d.). definition.uslegal. Retrieved from

dictionary.reference. (n.d.). dictionary.reference. Retrieved from

En.wikibooks. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Grammar.about. (n.d.). grammar.about. Retrieved from

Marketing.about. (n.d.). marketing.about. Retrieved from

marketingterms. (n.d.). marketingterms. Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from

Performancedevelopmentservices. (n.d.). Performancedevelopmentservices. Retrieved from

searchnetworking. (n.d.). Retrieved from

techopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from

Interview FormStudent Name : Abdul Rahman Syaufiq Bin Hisam

Student Matrix Number : SHM 12-07-3790

Name of Bakery/ Café : Bakeria

Name of Owner : Hidayah

Date and Time : 6/3/2015

Interview Questions

No Question Answer

1 How long has the store operational?

The store already operate for nearly 26 years

2 Do you know what Yes, I know what is media

media advertising is?Can u provide some example?

advertising where for example newspaper, flyers, internet and others.

3 How do you promote the store through themedia?

We prefer the traditional methods where we hoping on the power of customer to help to promote the store itself and the flyers.

4 Have u hired any advertising agencies before for the store?

Yes, we hired an advertisement andpromotion agencies before however it turn to lack of effective due the monthly payment and the slots for advertisement is too small forthe store.

5 Have u heard about advertisement regulatory before?

No, (ok advertisement regulatory is create to protect the consumer right from the issues of fraud anddeceiving advertisement created bycertain organization.

Student Signature Interviewee’sSignature

………………… ……………………….

( Abdul Rahman Syaufiq Bin Hisam)( Hidayah)

Store Manager of Bakeria

Rubric For Interview


3 2 1 Marks Scored

Creativity Variety of Questions Questions

of Question interestingand creativequestions

were asked.

are somewhatcreative

asked wereplain and



In-depthinformationwas garneredduring theinterview

Informationgarnered wasuseful but


Informationgarnered was


Neatness Questionsand answers


Questionsand answers


Questionsand answers


VisualExample of


Video of theinterview

session wasrecorded andburned intoa CD/DVD andthe video is


Video of theinterview

session wasrecorded andburned intoa CD/DVD butthe video is


Onlypictures of


wereincluded inthe report

Total Marks = ___/12

(Note: To get D2, student must get at least 10 marks)