A dictionary of the Malay tongue, as spoken in the Peninsula ...


Transcript of A dictionary of the Malay tongue, as spoken in the Peninsula ...

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L O N D O -V.

Printed at the Arabic and Persian Press, ly S. Rousseau, li'lKd Street, Spa Fields:







jcVS to the utility of the prefent pnbhcation no objeclion can be juflly

offered. Before our late extenfive conquefts of the Dutch fettlcments on

the Malay illands our trade to the call of Hindooftan was very confined,

but fince our ellablilhment at (Pulo Pinais^g) Prince of Wales's Island,.

it has become of liich confequencc as to render every means of facilitating

a communication between us and the ^lalays, an object vt national im-

portance. Since our conqueft of thefe, how much more that has become

a defideratum muft be felf evident.

In this view of its utility we confine ourfelves to Britain alone : but

when it is conlidered, that we are offering to the public a Grammar and

Dictionary of a language which has become the Lingua Franca of a por-

tion of the globe more extenfive than that of any other tongue in the

world, we hope, we are in fome meafure clearing the "vvay for the future

labours of the philofopher, the na's'igator, and the merchant of every


Untill now the only allillance to be obtained by the Malay fcholar was

through the medium of Bowrey's Grammar, printed a century ago *, a

work of great induftry and merit, that diftant period confidcred, and to

which in the prefent volume we acknowledge our many obligations.

* In the year 1701, with a dedication to the then direftors ofboth companies, before they were

united, in which the names of each are printed at full length. No account can be traced of Mr.

BowRET or his book in the prefent Remembrancer's Office, fo as to do him the credit due to his

n?.emory, or fbrefight, which the publiiher is defirous of doing, who, though engaged in an ex-

tenfive bufinefs ever fince May 1752, never could fee more thaii three copies, aotwithPva:Kling Lis

frequent enquiries.


Its great fcarcity, independent of the errors and drllds confeqiicnt U>

itii being the firft attempt to form an Enghlh and Allatic Grammar *, wt^

Tjelicve, ever made, retiders the pR.'lcnt work jiot i^^is jieceflary.

In giving the Mah'.y words in the Arabic cliaradler wc have followed the

excellent example of Richardson and Gilchrist in their Perfian and Hin-

dooftanee Diclionaries ; and it is, in fad, the character nfed by the Mxilays

themfelves. In languages where all the letters arc founded as in tlie Ara-

bic, Perfian, Hindoortanee, and INIalay, a knowledge of the character, «hich

of either may be learned in twenty-four hours, is alone iieceflary to enable

the fcholar to pronounce, with the utmofl: precifion, any word that may

oome before him, whereas if the words M'cre given in tlie Roman only, as

is the cafe in Hadley and Bowrey, A\e fliould fcldom fmd a word pro-

nounced exadtty in the fame way by two dilFcrent perfons.

In our grammatical department it may be objeded that wc have forced

the inflexions of our nouns and verbs into jo. refemblance to thofe of Eu-

ropean languages, beyond what the fimplicity of the IMalay will admit of:

we mull, however, iniill:, that although we have made ufc of words as

auxdiaries, which grammarians might not confidcr as liriiRly fuch, ftill a

ten years' acquaintance with the ]Malays and their language authorize us in

adopting the words and arrangements, \\hich, -wc arc certain, will be un-

dcrliood and are ufed by them.

J. IIowisoN.

* Siiicf! wliich Arabic, Pcrfic, Hiudooftanpr, Aroorilli, Bftigalec, Sliaiifcrit, and feveral others

have made great progrcfs. By tlie late conqueft in the Myfore, of which coimtry the Tamoul is

the current language, it likewife appears probable, that a Cirammaraud Dictionary of this tongue

would be very fcrvlceable to the Company's fervants employed within its exteiilivc regions : .and

even this dialetfl is not entirely unknown at Madras and Bombuy.


J. HE peninfula beyond the river Ganges, which llretches down to

Johor, the extreme fouthern point, (indeed it is the moll fouthern point

of land on the continent of Afia,) is generally known by the name of

Malacca, or the Country of the Malays ; and that appellation is very

properly retained, lince Malay is the true mother tongue of that country.

It is likewife the chief language of Junkfelon, Pulo Ladda, Pulo Pinang,

Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Bava, Lombock, Cumbava, Flores, Timor, Ti-

morlaut, Celebes, Ceram, The Molucca Illands, and innumerable others;

it is, in fadl, as obferved in our Advertifement, the Lingua Franca, or

Trading Language of a great part of the Eallem world : Again, it is the

more neceflary for Englifh voyagers to become acquainted with this lan-

guage, fince the European inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope (which

important place now belongs to this nation) have always accuftomed

themfelves to fpeak to their fersants in the Malay tongue. In fome of

the iflands, however, particularly Borneo, the largeft ifland in the world

except New Holland, it being about eighteen hundred miles in circum-

ference, there are feveral kingdoms, each of which has a dialed: peculiar

to itfelf : with feveral of thefe, Mr. Bowrev fays, he converfcd. But that

a more general idea may be formed of the extent of country oa er which

the Malay is fpoken, we Ihall refer to the accurate Map, engraved

by Arrowsmith, and prefixed to this volume ; by which it appears, that



ihc INIalay is the principal vernacular tongue ufed by the people who in-

habit that vafl region and chain of illands comprehended between ninety-

three and one hundred and thirty-five degrees of Ealt longitude, a fpace

of about two thoufand t\A o hundred and t\\ enty miles ; and extending

from foiu-teen degrees North to eleven degrees of South latitude, com-

prehending twenty-five degrees, about one thoufand fcven hundred and

forty miles.

The inhabitants of this immenfe group of illands are fuppofed to have

proceeded originally from the peninfula of ISIalacca ; and of this there

can be little doubt ; fince it is the neareft continent, from which the

iflands proceed in a regular and conftant progrefiion, all over the fouth-

ern and eaftern feas, as far as New Guinea.

With regard to the religion of the Malays, they are now INIohammc-

dans, although they feem formerly to have been mere Pagans, for there

is not to be found in their language any word m hich fignifics God, or

An"-cls, or Prophet, or Church, or Devil, except what has been bor-

rowed from the Arabic, whence they received many other words. Hence

it is, namely, from the Korau^j, that they received their alphabet, ex-

cepting a few peculiar founds which the Arabs had no charader to deli-

neate. Exclufive of the words borrowed from the Arabic, there are fe-

veral from the Perfian and Hindooftanee ; as, for Wheat, Bread, &c.

articles not growing or made in their own country, they received the

name, together with the article, from the diftrid whence it came.

Mr. BowREY acquaints his readers, that by nineteen years' continuance

in the Eaft Indies, and that time wholly fpent in navigation and trading

in mofl: places in thofe countries, and much of that time in the Malay

countries, Sumatra, Borneo, Bantam, Batavia, and other parts of Java,

by his converfation and trading with the inhabitants of \a hich places he

•icquired fo much of the jMala}' language as enabled him to negociate his

bufinefs, and converfe with the natiA-es without the afiiftance of a preva-


ricating interpreter. And indeed it was well if the native interpreter,

who has fi'equentlj been employed as negociator and broker in mercan-

tile tranlaclions, did not agree Avith the native m.erchant to cozen the

ftranger, and divide the profits between them.

The Eall India Company have long, and not without reatbn, com-

plained of the defective manner in which fome of their concerns have

been conducted ; and this has arofe from A^ant of Ikill in the native

dialects. This want of knowledge among European gentlemen has been

even known to pro^e prejudicial to the Company's interefts in a political

point of A'iew. In lliort, the neceflity of a knowledge of this language

to gentlemen aaIio go to INIalacca, or any of the iflands above mentioned,

for trade or any other purpofe, mufl be obA-ious ; fmce, if an inhabitant

of France, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, or Ruffia, were to vifit the coalt

of England, with an intention to improve his fortune, he would, doubt-

lefs, deem it a matter of the liigheft importance to become acquainted

witli the language of this country, that he might not be under the dila-

greeable compullion of confiding in. an interpreter.

But to return. We mufl no"w give the reader fome reafcns for the

orthography ufed in the following ^vork. In writing any of the Eall-

ern languages in an European character,, fome fmall variation in found

will be fometimes difcoverable ; but a little practice will correct a trifling

error of this kind. The belt method that can be ufed is to fpell every

word in fuch a manner, m Englifli letters, fince this work is principally

intended for the ufe of our own countrymen, that an indifferent perfon

might, upon infpection, give it the fame, or very nearly the fame found

that a native of Malacca would give it when he read it in the character

adopted by his own countrjmen. If this method Iiad been generally

obl'erved by Englifli gentlemen "\^ ho have travelled in various parts of

the Eaft, fo great a diverfity in the orthography of the names of places

would not have appeared ; and the perfon \\"ho reads only foe amuli;-


ment would be no longer difgufted with the trouble he is obliged to take

to reconcile the different modes of orthography, that he might fully

comprehend the name of the place defcribed by the author. But that

we may not fall into the fame error oui'felves which we complain of in

others, and that the reader may be the better able to give the Malay

tongue its exad; pronunciation, we mull requeft he will pay particular

attention to the following rules




In general we have endeavoured to exprefs the Malay words agreea-

bly to the Englifli orthography, by giving the vowels and confonants the

fame founds which we obferve in reading and writing the Englifh tongue,

without the leaft regard to any other language.

2. Where (a) has no accentual mark it is to be founded as in

man, can.



But where (a) is to be founded broader, as in raba, bapa, awa, it is

then marked with an accute accent, and is to be founded like (a) in

Ihall, fall.

4. The (e) is to be founded as in Englifh words, and where marked,

the accent is to be laid on that fyllable, as in {6\6moot, the fyllables (fc, U)

are to be founded long as (re) in regard, require.

5. The (e) final, or at the end of any word, is not to be founded, but

ferves as in Englifli words to draw out the fyllable longer, as in pohonc,

mohono, which words confift of two and not three fyllables, as po-hone,

mo-hone, and the laft fyllable, hone, is founded as we pronounce the mock

Irifli lamentation O hone O hone.

6. AVhen any words end with double (c) or (ee) as in jarree, nantee,

which coniifting of two fyUables, as jar-ree, nan-tee, the accent lies on

the laft (e) and the laft fyllables, ree, tec, muft be founded as in Englifti

me, fee.

7. When the (i) is accented as in titah, ti'ang, it is then to be founded

as (y) and the fyllable refts on that letter, as in title ; in all other cafes,

like the Englilh Ihort (i) in thing.


8. The fingle (o) Is founded as weufually do, as in fobat, hobat, the

firft fjllable (lo) has the fame found as the Englilh nionofjllablc fo : but

where the double (o) or (oo) is ufed, which is very frequent in this hin-

guage, they are founded full, hke the Englifli words foot, good, tooth, &c.

Thus in the word oojong, the firft fyliable (oo) has the fame found as

we give it in the above words.

g. The (n) has the fame found as in all Englifli words, as in jurce,

which the Malays pronounce juft as we do the Englifli word, jury.

10. The (v) confonant has its own proper found as in Englifli,

1 1


The (y) is always founded like a confonant, as ban yak, min yak,

like yawn, your. If (y) be founded at the end of a word, as in moolay,

toonay, it mufl: not be founded like (e) as is ufual in many Englifli

words ending with (y), but is to be founded broad, as in the Englifli

words, lay,^ pay. Where (y) is accented, as in ayer, ay am, the fylla-

ble refls on the (y), and is to be pronounced as the (y) in the Englifli

word, ay.

12. When two vowels come together, as in main, lain, they are to

be pronounced md-in, la-in, and where fuch acute accent is found over

any letter, the found of the fyllable is to refl: on that letter, as ing'in,

tang an, are to be read ing-in, tang -an.

13. The diphthongs every where ought to be pronounced according to

their true Englifli foimd, and to avoid confuflon, we have omitted all im-

proper ones, and as much as poflible all thofe which might feem doubtful.

14. Awn is ufetl at the end of many words, as cafleawn, mood-

awn, and is to be pronounced as in the Englifli words, lawn, fawn.

15. (Ch) is always to be founded as in the Englifli words, child, chip.

16. The fingle letters (c) and (k) being of the fame found, perhaps

may be often ufed indifferently.

17- (G) is always founded hard as in the Englifli words, gJjther, get,

girl, but never fgft, as in gentle, ginger, for in all fuch founds wc have



adopted tlic (j) confonant, fo that the word pegce, is l)y no meanrv to Lc

pronounccil pojcc, hut pcgee, giving to the (g) a Jiard Ibund.

18. TI)c vowels in thole words which feem to have in them iniproper

diphthongs are all founded diltinclly ; thus, nian'galcat, is four lyllahlcs

man -ga-lc-at, and lb of the rell.

IQ. When any words end with, more, dore, as timmore, tcdore,

whieh confill: only of two fyllablcs, as fim-more, te-dore, then tlic laft

fvllable is to be pronoiuiced as the Englifli words, more, fore.

By following thefe diredions the reader will be able to pronounce the

langtiage with its tiiie accent ; which, as it is not difficult to be attained,

lb it is perhaps more eafy to the Englifli than to other nations, there be-

ing no founds in it, but what will very well fuit an Englifli mouth.

AMiereever a fmall capital (a) occurs, in a Nabbce, it fliews that

the Mord to which it is affixed is Arabic, many of which are ufed by the

Malays fmce the Mohammedan faith has been the eftablilhed perfuafion of

thole countries.

Sliould the reader feck a INIalay Mord anfwering to any Englifli one,

tJie true force of the word, in feveral places, will be better undcrftood

by turning to the Malay word in the Second Part, anfwering to the En-

glifli word. As for example, if I would know the Malay word for

large, to that I find anfwering in the Englifli Part, bcfarr, then turn-

ing to the INIalay Part, and anfwering to befarr, I find large, great,

big, greatnefs ; and fo on the contrary, the true meaning of the Englifli

word anfwering to a Malay word is fometimes betfer to be underllood, by

turning to that M^ord in the Englifli part.

The following rule is obferved in the Second Part of this work, viz.

look for the word negree, the next line under it is printed attas

ang'in, with a long ftroke before it, but is to be read, negree attas ang'in^

and in like manner the initial Word is to be added in all places where


there is fuch u long llroke fet before the word or feutence, but where no

fuch ftroke is ufed, there the initial word is not to be inferted.

The above rules are laid down in as plain, liniple, and coneite a

manner as poffible, that the learner might not have the leaft caule to

complain of obfcurity on tlie one hand, or of remifTnels on the other.

And we are very certain, from our ov>n experience, that a moderate por-

tion of time allotted to the fludy of this moft foft, elegant, and eafy

language, will prove to the ftudent that the ditliculty of attaining it is

not real but imaginary.



xVS it is fuppofed that the Reader is already acquainted with the ge-

neral terms of grammar, it was deemed unneceflary to infeit them in the

following eflay ; therefore thofe parts which are in common with other Ian-»-

guages have, for the moft part, been fupprefled.

The Malays have not any proper national character, except that which .

has been introduced by the Mohammedan priefts, who have from time to

time fettled on the peninfula of Malacca and the adjacent iflands ; therefore

it refembles the Arabic Nilhki alphabet, excepting fome flight alteration to

exprcfs a found which the Arabians had no chara<!ller to delineate. In con-

formity then with the principal of the Eaftern nations, Arabians, Turks,

Perfians, Sec. they read fronj the right hand to the left.

The following page contains an alphabetical arrangemeiit of the Mcllay

Alphabet, fhcwing the Names, Forms, and Powers of the Letters:





IV. III. ' II. I.

Fix\Ls. Medials and Initials.

ConneSicd. UnconneSieJ. Coiinecled. UnconncSled.

Name. Form. Power.





11 L I A in tf//, u<i//.

Be ^-^ ^j >. J B

Tc o^ ci> A y T

Jcem ^ ^ s: :i^ J \njar.

Hhc -^ T 3= =^ Hh ftrong arpiratc.

Khet t

:s =L Kh guttural.

Dal <A ci A <i DRe

^ ^ ^ ^ R

^.; J i ^ ^

Sin QM. {^ *w. >w S

Shin ^jiu ^ji **». *^ ""

Gain ^ tx c A very llender.

Fe ^—<• ^ A 3 F

Klaf OT «wT jC ^ C or K foftcr than S

Kof Ot O' X 3 K

Gaf J: J^ sr r GLaum (J- J X J L

r rISun ^;. o


Vau J J J JOo, o

He A 8 o V ^ ^ ^ ^'S^^ afpirate.V

Che'i r.

- =? =^ C\i\n cherry.

Nge \ t* ^ Ngin/w«^.

Luum-aulif J; ^^ s^l :i;^ La


In the above alphabetical arrangement the fecond and fourth columns

from the right hand are ufcd only when they are connedled with a preceding

letter ; as, hanyak /_vy^ many. Every letter Ihould be connected w Ith that

which follows it, except thefe five ; I aullf, Ov dal, j re, J ze, and 5 vau ;

neither of which can poffibly be joined to the following letter; as kcoUttce;

r ^ZJ*J5 to fkin ; jure lata ajU 1^.:^. a fpeaker.

Here let it be obferved, once for all, that in the various provinces over

the vaft extent of country in which the Malay language is fpoken, there mull

be feme difference of pronunciation ; and the word which is here pronounced

hanyak is by others called banya. This is likewife the cafe with fcvcral other

words> which it may be unncceflary to enumerate, fincc cuftom will render

them familiar.


Nouns arc either Subftantive or Adjedive ; and, in conformity with the

Pcrfic and many other Eaftern languages, the Malays place the Adjedivc

after the Subftantive ; as,

* O'rang ^jj a man ; O'rang deal J^f dj^jl a wife man.Cooda TiCijJ a horfc ; Cooda gaja az^LT j^i»/ a ftrong horfc.

i?oowa A^ «; .a houfe

; Rooma kechecl A.^zsz'^'^ &^t, a little

' houfe.

Pohone {^jJ, a tree; Pohone thigee (^^_^iXi ^^u a tall tree.


The Plural Number is frequently expreffed by repcating,the word in the

Singular ; as,

O'rang ^jj] a man, or human O'rang o'rang d i^l qjj] men, or humanperfon; perfons.

* [Oh/erve, the acute aa\'?!f, th;is ( ') is akvays ufed to marl a very long

Jowid of the vowel over which it is placed \ hut when injerted after a conjonant it

Jhews that thejyllahlc ends with ;/,]


Cooda 5(3*/ a horfe


Cooda cooda ^dji' ^C^jf horfes.

Bdtoo ylt a ftone ;Bdtoo hdtoo y\^jS'Lt ftones.

When a Numeral Adjcftlve is made ufe of, tlie Subftantive is for

the moft part not repeated ; as,

Cooda jOu/ a horfe; Coodafapooho ecor jjS^i^jiy)^ 8^^ ten horfeaj

Cooda banjak <Jiy^ s^ji' many horfes.

Bdtoo t^jl} a ftone ;Bdtoo dua pooloo hdtoo y[j j^jj gjO^'b twenty


Bdtoofcdcl'it CaJuJ^o^^'Ij a few ftones.


This language admits of no variety of termination, either in Nouns or in

Verbs, therefore all the Parts of Speech in the Malay may be faid to be

indeclinable ; and the Cafes of its Nouns are expreffcd by certain Particles pre.

fixed ; as in the following example :

Singular Number.' Plural Number,.

T6hone ^y_ a tree; Pohone pShone ^jj^ ^jj, trees.

Derree pShone ' ^jJi^. ^jC^ of a tree ; Derreep6honepdhone ^jj, (j.$>jj, iSj"^

of trees.

A'canpohone ^^jJ ^i'l to a tree ; A'can p6hone pSlione ^jj^^^jj ^^\to trees.

Eangpohom ^yl ^i the tree ;E'ang p6hone p6hone ^^_^. ^_^. ^j

the trees.

HeypShone ^jJ ^_^ O tree; Hey p6hone p6hone ^_^. ,^_^. (^=*^

' - O trees.

DdlampShone ^^jj ^lC^ in a tree ; Dalam p6hone pvhone ^^^^. ^^ ^ilci

in trees.

Prepofitipns ferving to the Ablative Cafe will be found in the Vocabulary

«nder their proper heads : the principal, however, are, Dung-an ^^yt^fdma

UU whh ; dung-an ^tC^ alfo lignifics by: De O, pada j^., derree c^^ci,

derree pada j^ C^;^, from : Ddlam ^\C,, de C, in : Pada jO.. &^A &^ hy.



In the Malay there are, like as in Englifli, feparate words to mark the

Mafculine and Feminine Genders ; for the Malays have no Neuters, ualcft

ftones and inanimate things may be reckoned among that clafs. Thus,

O'rang c^ «I fignifies a human perfon.

O'rang lakkee ij^ ci.! a male human perfon, or a man.

O'rang parampoan ^^-v>->e,J Cm I a female human perfon, or a woman.

Cooda fC^*,^ fignifies the genus of horfes.

Coodajanlan. ^jUj'-i». gO»^ a malchorfe, or- a ftone-horfe.

Cooda betina <w.>!>u gt^/ a female horfc, or a mare.

A/am J.j\ fignifies the genus of poultry.

Ay'amjantan \^\JJ^ ^bl a cock.

Ay'am betina &jX^i j,L;l a hen.

Anj'mg Ac^^\ fignifies the genus of dogs.

A^jing jnutnn ^JlAjl^ A^"*' ^ nidXt dog, or dog.

A?!jing betina AaaZo ,s-::s:-'I a female dog, or bitch.

Obferve, that Mice /3'^ is a word of excellence peculiar to exprcfs the

male of human perfons, 'i% parampoan ^ a>-^tJ is ufcd in the fame manner

for the female, and arc never applied to a bird, or a bcaft. As, on the con-

trary, the words jantav ^UJl^and betina &aa.aaj, arc words of inferiority,

and ufed to exprcfs the male and female of all other creatures except man, fmce

they are not eflecmed fufficiently elevated or polite enough to be applied to

the human fpecies ; and therefore to fay orang janian ^jUjla^ cmI for a male

human perlbn, or a man, would be extremely improper : and it would be

equally fo to fay cooda lakkee /Ji^ eti*/ for a ftone-horfe. This excellent

rule is, however, fometimes dilregardcd, and they fay ayaw lakkee (J^^ /•'vj

a cock, cooda lakkee lakkee i^^ t«^-^ n'^^ horfes, &c. &c.

It has been already obfervcd, that they have no dcclcnfion of Nouns, or

conjugation of Verbs: and as to the comparifons of Adjedives, they are thus

cxpreiTed :

] . The pofitive by the word itfclf ; as,

Teggar S3 hard. Moora ^j^ cheap.

Loomboot <::jyy^»^ foft. Galap i_jjlj" dark.

Pootee (^y>. white. Kcccheel ,J^csr^-> little.

E'iam JJij black. Tooah gUj' old.



2. The Comparative Degree is formed by the word lehbee t^ which

fignlfics more ; as,

Lehbee teggar -Xj'(«-J more hard, or harder.

Lebhee homhoot cuaa^J / ^J more foft, or fofter.

Lehbee pootee iJ'^.i^ more white, or whiter.

Lebhee etam X'Jij , ^ more black, or blacker.

Lebhee moora sjyo (" <-s' more cheap, or cheaper.

Lebhee galap i—'-XJ /^^J more dark, or darker.

^Lehbee keechecl (Js./.s::V /^Lebhee looah g I «J' i^,-^ older.


3. The Superlative Degree is cxpreffed cither by the word ier J which

fignifics wo/?, the circumlocution ot Derreepadafimoa I^Ln 5<Aj cX»*^ which

{'\grn^<:'i moji of all, or terlaloo^^J exceedhig, very*; as,

Teggar Sj hard.

Terteggar Sji^i hardcft; ox teggar dcrree pada p'lmoa 1*^1^ juXj (^jC> S^hardefl of all.

Balk /'^-i^-i good.

Lebhee hidk ^^jJ^-i i^ better, eras if one Hiould fay, more good.

Ter hdik ,'l)\.> J beft, or raoft good'; or elfc, Bdik derree padajdmoa

I^Lj a<Aj \S)'^ i3-^- ^^^ °^ ^'

Loomhoot <L}y^^ fott.

Lehbee loomhoot u:j*>^4J r_5^ fofter, or more foft.

Ter loomhoot cj^v^p ^ ibfteft, or moft foft; or elfe, loomhoot derree

padajdmoa I^Lj gcXj CX'*^ ^-^y^y^ fofteft of all.

Ter pootee , j'.j J whiteft ; ot pootee derree padafimoa 5O0 Cijti t^^JI *^lxN whitelY'of all.

Ter etam ^'Ju J blackcft; or etam derreepadafamoa I^Lw jOo C^^^ (.Lv.

blackeftof all. '

Ter moora ^^jyo J cheapcft ; or moora derree padafdmoa jcXj C_0^ ^J>J^

l*.<<'->w cheapeft of all.

Ter galap l_'JU^J darkeft; ox galap derree padafanioa jOo cO^ Sr-'-^^

I ^L*i darkeft of all.

Ter ^^eecheel f^j^^^i^ J leaft ; ox keecheel derree padafamoa (^^ti JocstV

L/«Ln b<Aj leaft of all.

Tertooah jly J' oldeft; or /ooa/; derree padafdmoa |^Lm rvAj Cj^<^ 5<Aj


* In thefiraits of Malacca the Superlative is almojl conjiantly exprejfed by the-

word banya ^^vW ^^ banyak Ouilj a great many, a7id is in more general nft

ihan any of the above mentioned.




Singular. Plural.

A'ko^\ or Sa'ia aj'-^ ^- Cdmee /^-«1/ or Saia o'rang d i *f AjLm we.

Joo 4.::^. or Z/oo tJ thou» Cdmoo «i^iy or Loo-o'rang d j «I ii ye.

Di?a <5uti he or Ihe. Deo'rang cj «ljO> they *.

There are feveral words to exprefs the fecond perfon by, accordhig to the

quality of the perfon fpoken to ; as, to a perfon of quality or fuperior rank, it

is proper to fay tuan ;^U-V thou or you ; to an equal joo k>>. thou or you ; to

a fervant or inferior, pakdnerajj ^Ulj thou or you.V* " -


Pofleffive Pronouns are fuch as relate to pofleffion or property.

Kittajtndirree (^-jcX-*-<*i UC-o I myfelf.

Kttta poonea AaJjj UCo my, mine.

Tuan poonea a>J»j (m \yi thy, thine.

Cdmee poonea AaJ+j / ^U^ or Sa'ia poonea «XaJaj AjLw ours.

Cdmoo poonea &.J.J Ki »^/ ox Lioo poonea du3^ tj) yours.

J^eo'rang poonea AaJ^j cj«'_|ti theirs, &c.


Thefe relate to fome word or plirafe going before, or which has been prc-

\ ioufly mentioned ; as,

Seappau «LjLyw who.

Julian i^^y^ whofe.

Nang mannee /JLo xj Seappau AjLk^m which.

Appau »Ljl whaL

F^too ^ that.

^nee i^^, this.

* Mr. Mar/den very jnjily remarh, that the Perfonai Pronouns differ muchIn different countries. Thus, Saia &Am theJign of the firjiperfonJingidar, andloo^J ofthefecond, are niore generally in nfe at Malacca, than ako aj( and joo

are always nfed; Deo'rang ijj^,<^ literallyJghifies thy people.



Verbs may be confulercd either as adlve or paflivc ; and fmcc they want

terminations, as before obferved, it will appear, that the Voices, Moods, and

Tcnfcs, are diftlnguillicd by particular particles, cxprefllve of either the Voice,

the Mood, or the Tcnfc : thus the Verb iu the Adive Voice is only cxprclTcd

'n the Paffive, the iignilicatiou is intimated as fiich by the Particle bci-j or

/a xi ; as for example


Adivc. Paffive.

Ako kojfec i^*M «i'l I love. A'kofooda her hijfee i^^_^^ f.? «3ami_^"1 I am loved.

A'ko'ijar j>l 4^1 I teach. Ako fooda her e'ljar .s*! v> s»^"^^' I am taught.

Ahjooda ta kajjh \^j^^ •>J e<3 v^^l I am loved.


The Tenfcs arc comprehended in tUefe three, viz. the Prefent, the

Prctcr, and the Future.


As to Moods, they arc cxprcflcd by fignificant words : but that I may

the better explain the whole, I fliall fct down an example in both the A dive

and Paffive Voices, throughout all the Moods and Tcnfes that this language

is capable of, as follows



Poocool J^Aj to beat.

Indicative Mood. Prefent Tcnfc.

Singular. Plural.

Ako poocool Jy'v. ••j' I do beat. Cdmec poocool JyjhJ (__5^l^wc do beat.

Joo poocool Jv'*-» us», thou bcateft. Cdmoo poocool JyV)jl«l/ye do beat.

Dea poocool J»?*j ajO» he or (he doth Deorang poocool S/ji tfjh"^*^^^^ ^°

beat. beat.

Preter Tcnfe.


Akofoodn poocool Jy^ gti.>^_^l Idiabeat, or I have beaten.

Joofooda poocooJ\^JJ,iCij^j^ thcu didft beat, or thou hall beaten.

Dea Jooda poocool Jy^. i^j»^ «V.^ ^^ ^^^^''^^ did beat, or hath beaten.



Ca'meefooda poocool (Jy%J 5<3«»j i^'o^ w^c did beat, or we have beaten.,

Ca'mooJooda poocool ^%^JJ; ^djj*, a^'-T ye did beat, or ye have beaten.

Deo'rangfooda poocool jJj/aj gtiy*. c^ijUti they did beat, or they have beaten.

Future Tenfe.


A\o viaoo poocool J ^/«.j »juo *jl I will beat.

Joo maw poocool J »/«j a.jL-e jji.. thou wilt beat.

"Dea niaoo poocool J^^j yue ^xjC» he or fhe will beat.


Camee maoo poocool ^ »,{ i ^31^ i^-^ we will beat.

Qavioo maoo poocool ^J^^j «juc A^t-/ ye will beat.

Deorang maoo poocool J »/'«.j ji^ d »Ijc3 they will beat.

Imperative Mood.


'Poocool lajoo t:^ xJ (Jj^J beat thou.

Bear dea poocool i\^y^. <V.<-^ T^.-i l^t him or her beat.

Plural. '

Bear la camte poocool <J^^V» (<«'"^^ ^^^- ^^^ ^^ beat.

Poocool la camoo ^\S xJ ^J^/'^ beat ye, or do ye beat.

Bear deo'rang poocool ^^ «/«j c^ .lj<3 -xaj let them beat.


The Optative Mood is generally cxpreflcd by prefixing fbme words cf

•wifhing to the Infinitives ; as,

De bree can Allahfc^ja poocool Jj/'*J ^S*** ^^ ^^ ^ji ^ ^ "vvifh, or Godgrant I beat,



Potential Mood.


Ah ho'lee poocool J»^ Csl^^J^' ^ ™^^ ^^ ^^" ^^^^'

J&o ho'lee poocool JjAj c^j^^JJ^ *^''^" mavcfl: or ca;ift beat.

Dea bo'lee poocool (jy%J. - .J^ «V.*^ ^^ "^"^y <^^ '^^^^ beat.

* ^ ' ' Plural.

Ca'jvre bo'kc p'-ocool J «/o tc-U^ Cs"*''^^'*'^ ^"^^ ""^ ^^" b'-at.

Ca'nwo ho'lee poocool Jy'v» i •-•!> ^'^ y^ "^-^y "^' <^'^" ^'^'^'^•

Deo rang bo'lee poocool JjS",j ^ J y-; cjj jCi they mdj' or Cun Lcat-

PiCi:cr Tcufc.


Ako fooda bJlec poocool <_3^/«j L_^^\ t'^^>*^ ^-^ I mip'h'-, could, wouM, or

fhould bear, or have bcarcn.

JooJ'ooda ho'lee pooiool ^\ «/V» i^^j^, s<^'*^ ^ thou mightcft, couldt-ft. wouldefl,

or fhouldclt beat, or have beaten.

D(a fooda ho'lee poocool i}'^»^ i_Jj'. s*-^*^ ^..*^ he might, could, would, or

iliould beat, or have beaten.


Ca'mcefooda ho'lee poocool Jy^'J (^_5^J^ b<^'-«j /^'y we might, could, would,

or fliould beat, or have beaten.

Ca'moofooda ho'lee poocool Jji^jJ LjS^J^ tC>j^j^^/ yc might, could, would, or

{honld beat, or h.ave beaicn.

De'orangjooda ho'leepoocool J «/-j (J «j j<3«.>>. cj «L>«^ they might, could, would,

or Ciould beat,or havebeaten.

Future Tcnfe.


Ako maoo ho'leepoocool J«.<^*j iJ «j «'_« JI I will have beat.

Joo maoo bo Ice poocool .U/^-» . J*-» •'-« *.^ thou wilt have beat.

Dea maoo ho'lee poocool , W/»j " Jn »t^ x:Ci he vNill have beat.


Ca'uee maoo ho'leepooedol ,]*/*j , '^> •'_« . ^'«'^ we will have beat.

Ca'inno mnor) ho'lee poocool A ^" tj / .J*J «Le v'— ye will have beat.

Oeo rang maoo bdleepoocool J^a/aj' J*j ^Le ij^^J-^ they will have beat.


The iNFiNiTrVEMooD.

Poocooi dean \^yf\ J j.<V» To beat.

Preter Tcnfc. "j

To have beaten.|

Future Tcnfe. j""°^ P^°P^'"^>' e^P^-e^ed.

To beat hereafter.J

There are neither Genders nor Supines in the language of Malacca.

Participle of the Prefent Tenfe.

Ba poocooi i)y^ AJ beating.

Preter Tenfc,

Ber poocooi Jy'^J tJ beaten. . .;

The Passive Voice.

Indicative Mood. Prefent Tcnfc.


A'iofooda hcrpoocool J */Vj^ 8'^^**' jj' I ^^^ beaten.

Joojooda berpoocool ^J^tj^ jcWw^rs». thou art beaten.

Deajooda berpoocool JyV'jJ 8<^j^ «V.*^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ *^ beaten.


Ca'meefooda herpoocool^J «JV»^ 5<^ v*> / <«'-^ ^^ ^^^ beaten.

Ca'moojooda berpoocool J«J«.j^ -^dyn \^\S ye are beaten.

Deo rangjboda berpoocool J^/^j < 5<J>*«j d;.(j<^ they are beaten.

Preter Tenfc.


A'kofoodajaddee berpoocool J »J *j^ (^^ti'.^». ^CSyn y>\ I was or have been beaten.

Joojoodajaddee berpoocool ^]yf».j^ (^'i^'^ bO*>*i «^ thou v\ail or hail Leen


Deafoodajaddee berpoocool Jy'^jj ^tiliik ^<^^ &j<3 he or ihe was or hath been




Ca'ittecfoodujadJceherpoocGol JyVr? <^*^'"^ sti^ (^_^l/wewerGorhaYebcen


Qa'moofoodajaddee herpoocool ^jSjj^i (_^<3'-2». gtWj (^_^l/yc were or have been


Deo rangfoodajaddee herpoocool i^j^jJj-} iS^^^ 5iV>*j d; «bti they were or hav&

been beaten.

Future Tenfc,


A'ko addn jaddee berpoocooJ Jt/«.j_j (Ci3^>. ctil^'I I fliall be beaten.

Joo adda jaddee herpoocool Ja/ajj (_^<^l:s». ctil^i», thou fhalt be beaten.

Dea addajaddee herpoocool J^jJ-J C^*^^^ ^^' *V.*^ ^^ ^^ ^^"^ ^^^1 be beaten.


Cdmee addajaddee herpoocool Jj/*j j (^c!>ls». cO>! /^l/ we fliall be bcatenv

Ca'moo adda jaddee hercoopool jUi^-j (^til^ ci^l r^-c'-/ ye fliall be beaten.

Deo'ran addajaddee herpoocool J */*JrJ C^<-^'-^ ^«^' P^jj'-H*^ ^^^y ^^^11 be beaten.

Imperative MooDf.


Jaddee la joo herpoocool ^)ji\j j «^ xj (^dls:^ be thou beaten.


Bear la deajaddee herpoocool Jj/jj j (^oLsw ^ti »J ^xj let him be beaten.


Bear la ca'meejaddee herpoocool ^}jijj j (_^titi». ^^^l/^ «>u let us be beaten.

Jaddee la ca'moo herpoocool ^^{^^y^ *J (_^«ibs. be ye beaten.

Bear deo'rang jaddee herpoocool Jj^^ <-^*^^ PJJ^"^-)^^ l^t them be beaten,-

Optative Mood,

De Iree can Allahfa'ya jaddee herpoocool d^^M CJ^<^^* ^*^ ^^^ (Sri ^God srant I am beaten.



Prefent Tenfe.

Sdya ho'lee jaddce hcrpoocool c)*(j-JtJ C^ti^>- (5-^*^ ^^\^ I mav or can be


And in like manner the other Tenfes of this Mood.


Dee poocool Jk^V» &J^ ^° t)e beaten.

There is no need to multiply examples ; for, by a curfory obfervation on

the mode of conjugating this Verb, if the above may be called a conjugation,

which docs not admit of any difference in termination, any other Verb may be

cafily formed ; as.

Active Voice.

Indicative Mood.

Prefent Tenfe.

Ako ha'cha X^U ^if I read, or do read.

A'kojboda ha'cha ^^'-J 80i*>*j ji\ I did or have read.

A'ko maoo ha'clia x^{j j3L^^'i\ I will read.

Imperative Mood.

Ba'cka lajooy:^ xj Jts^L) read thou.

And fo of the reft.


By placing the Participle c'a before any Verb, it becomes a Participle of

the Prefent Tcnfe ; as,

Ba'cJin ^2^'-/ to read; Ba ha'cha x=a.'^ reading.

Dunbar iti to hear-; Bu dungar ^Aj hearing,

Kt'na U-o to apply


Ba kiiia UXaj applying.


The Particle her ^i or fa xji placed before the Verb, turns it into a Par-

ticiple of the Prefcnt Tciife ; asj

Kcra 5-0 to think ; Ber hera syf^ j! or Ta Icra ^jKs *J thovight, or did


KiJIip u^Aj to bind, as a book. Bcr kill'ip (»-^ .j or Ta kilJip (.^^ ^ bound,

as a book.

Coompool Jvv^j/ to gather ; Bcr coompool cWy*^ jJ or Tacoompool J^.^-^y'^githered.

And here obfcrve, that all Paflive Verbs arc made up of Participles of the

Preter Tenfc, in the fame manner as they are in Eugiifli , as,

A'ko fooda ta poocooJ <Jy%J| Xi s^v-w ^J"' I ai"" beating.

A'kojhoda ber poocool Jj/^j jJ BO*i*j *j'I I am beaten.

From the above imperfed: fketch of this very elegant, but flmplc, lan-

guage, many perfons may be led to hifpcit that it is exceedingly barren ;

but herein they are greatly miftakcn, for the Auxiliary Verbs may be formed

as regularly in the Malay as in the Latin, or any other European tongue,

which the following example will fufficiently evince :

8«Ac To be.

Indicative Mood.

Prefcnt Tenfe.


Gooa ada jtXc 5 j-' I am.

Looee cida xJvc tC v* thou art.

T>ca ada gOvC Ajp he, Ihe, or it is.


Kecta ada gcXc UCo we are.

C.moo ada ^O^ ytW ^eare.

Deo'raiig ada g^Ac ^^J^^ they arc.


Perfect AND Imperfect Tenses.


Gooafooda ada pcXC -i^yu 5j-^ I was, or ha^^e been.

Looeefooda ada gcXc 8<3^ ^^^ thou waft, or haft been.

DenfooJa ada gtXc ^dy** AJti he, ftie, or it was, or has been.


Keetafooda ada gcAc sdyu U>o we were, or have been.

Qdmoojooda ada aJ^ gcSy*» a^I/ ye were, or have been.

DcQ rangjboda ada gO^ jcWn d mLjO they were, or have been.

Firft Future Tenfe.


Gooa maoo jnddee (^Ci\=s^y)i^ ^y>\ will be.

Ltooce maoojaddee t^C^\:^^x^ ^^ thou wilt be.

"Dea maoo jaddee (__^ciU^ jjue iJyci he, flie, or it will be.


Keeta moojaddee (_Ctit:i»jJUo ^^ we will be.

Cdmoo maoo jaddee (^C^{^^x^y^W ye will be.

V)co rang maoo jaddee (^til^^jue f^J^^A ^^^Y ^'•'^^^ ^^'

Second Future Tenfe.


Gooa naniee jaddee (^til^L5^-''~' P-^^^ ^^^^ '^^ ^"^^'^ ^^"

Looee nanteejaddee (j^eili». /*,^>uLi (^ J thou ftialt be.

Dm nanteejaddee c^'tils^ /JCJU »)u|<3 he, Ihe, or it ftiall be.


Keeta nanteejaddee (^iil^».C_s^'-'

'-^ '^'^ iha.\\ or will be.

Cdmoo nanteejaddee (^c^Lsw / JO'U 4^'-/ ye ftiall or will be.

Deo rang nantee jaddee (^OkLi! /^ijlj CMljti they ftiall or will be.


Potential Mood.

Prefent Tcnfe.


Gooa holee ada gcAc {^y. 9^ ^ "^''7 o^ ^an be.

Looee bokeada ^(Ac (^^y. iSj^ ^^^^'^ mayeflor canft be.

Dea bolee ada b<-X£ (Jyi ^.^ ^^*^' ^'^^> or it may or can be.


Kecta bolee ada 5«Ac L^y. '-^ '^'^ "^^y °^ ^^" ^^*

Ciit/ioo bolee ada gtXc rj^ *^l/ ye may or can be.

Deo rang bolee ada BtXi* rjy ^J^^S^ they may or can be.

Perfect and Imperfect Tenses.


Gooafooda bolee ada gJ^ (_^J^ 5<^_y*' PJ-^^ might, could, would, or fliould

be, or have been.

Looeefooda bolee ada gcXr f^y b<^>*^ (S^ thou mlghteft, couldeft, wouldeft,

or fhouldeft be, or have been.

Dea/ooda bolee ada ^tXc (^y Ti'^y* ^A ^^^> ^'^^> or it might, could, would, or

fhould be, or have been.


Keetafooda botee ada 5 Js.<i (^y 8<^>*' '-^ we might, could, would, or fhould

be, or have been.

Ci'mioofooda bolee ada joVc (^y s^^^j^l/ ye might, could, would, or Ihould

be, or have been.

Deo'rang fooda holee ada jcXc /^ *J zCiy*i P^mWP they might, could, would,

or &ould be, or have been.

Firft Future.


Gooa maoo boleejaddee ^C>\.2^ ^^jjjji^ c.jJ I fhall have been.

Looee maoo bolee jaddee (^dl:^ C^J-^J^^ ^'•' ^'^"" ^''^^^ ^^^^ been.

Dfa maoo boleejaddee C^Ols». \J^^yj^^ 'H'^ ^*-'» ^^> ^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ been.



Keeta maoo huke jaddee (__^s3l>^ tsl^^ J-*^ ^~^ ^^ ^M have been.

Ccimoo maoo holee jaddee (^tils». ^^^ u ksl^ *^l/' ye ihall have been.

Deo'rang maoo bo'leejaddee (__^«3'^ c_5l^•^^*^ A'^'^*^^'^^'^^ ^"^'^ '^*^*^ been.

Second Future Teiife.


Gooa ttantee bolee jaddee (^til^ / ^*j /Jill'J Pj-' ^ ^i^'^ have been.

Looee nantee holeejaddee {^Ci\::^ i'-J^ Cs^'-* ^V thou Ihalt have been.

Dea nantee bo'lee jaddee (^CJ^ CJyi cLs^'^'^'^ ^^' ^^' ^''^ ^^ ^*^^^ ^^^^



Keeta nantee hokejaddee (^til.:^». , J»j (^J^*^" '-^ "^^ ^^^^ have been.

G/woo «^1«/^^ holee jaddee (^til^'^D*J [JuU^^'y ye ftiall have been.

Deo'rang nantee holee jaddee (jQCi\j:i^'(^y"(^^\j ^J^-i^ ^^^Y ^*'^ have been.

Imperative Mood.


Ada lajoo y:^ xj gtXc be thou.

Bear dea ada giAc <!u<3 Ji-o let him or her be.


Bear la cdmee ada gcX£ L<<^ P^ 7*^ ^^ 7^'

y^^rt /a fTiiWoo 4^1/ aJ jO^ be ye.

£t\jr deorang ada b<Ac P^j'v.*^ rV^^ ^^^ them be.


Ada gOsi or ^Jrt ^c^« f^^j/\ blXc to be.




Prefcnt Tcnfc.

Ba ada ^O^ Xj being.

Prctcr Tcnfc.

Bcr ada jiAc ~j been.

As to Adverbs, Conjunctions, Prepositions, and Interjec-

tions, I think, fays Mr. Bowrcy, that in the Latin Grammar, they rather

perplex than Inform the learner ; little notice therefore need be taken of them

in this place, but the reader may be left to look them out in the Vocabulary.

PrepofitionS by the Malays are placed before the Noun, as they are in

Englifh ; thus,

Dung'an gaja j^jT i^\^Ci with force.

Dung'an tang'anfind'irrce (^^wXJLw (^tiJ' (^^<-i with his own hand.

A'koJ'oodapegcc fdnia dea Ajti a^Ln ^^JCaj ^d^yu ji\ I went with him.

Derreefdblafdlatan i^'^Lj C'X>^ iSj^ ^lo^^^ ^he fouth part.

Derree padnfdcaran ^\\S\^.> biAj (^j<-^ from henceforth.

Derree mana aJLo (^jc^ from whence, where, ^\ hi'ch, what place.

Derree adddpan ^^\Cks. iSjCi from before.

Derree pada nioohynea AxajiJ*^ biAj (^jC> from the beginning.

Df'dam roonm a^»j JIti in the houfe.

Bin/nag addu la de langit \::^^ <3 «J b<A^ z*-*^-*-:"the ftars'are in the fky.

De adda de negreeJulatan (^'JLw (^Aaj ti ^cXc <J^ he is in the fouth countr^^

Ddlam ootan {^^ J '«^ in the woods.

De pddang cciLi ti in the fields.

Dii}tg\m ndma Allah aUI a^U ijLc<3 in the name of God.

Padafeangarree{_C,j\ cIaan gvAj by day light.

Bree la etoopada kojs BtX»^' ^ iSji gi^'^ *^^^ *° "^^*



Bree dean dea Ajti \^\ (Sj-! &^^ ^^ ^^ him.

PuJa hi'irang -jvactoo A.'^if a c^L» 5O0 at any time.

Padr, kotika etoo ^jLj AJijVj gcXj at the fame time.

DiiuJoo derree pdda ivactoo etoo^Li^^jS^ 8<_\j (__^^ti »Jlti before that time.

Datiloo derree pada macaii ^jJ^Lc b<Aj (^j<3 *.J'<3 before you eat.

Dauloo derree pada doonea jaddce (^<3ba. AaJj<3 5«-X_» (^jd ^\<^ before the

world was.

Dehava dean deattas (j^'\yu<S ^^J~>~J,'^ 5^'-:!<^ below and above.

Defahraiig hook'it c^j-J c^jj ti beyond or over the hill.

UcIdbrangfoongcy i^^^y**f- y^ «^ beyond or over the river

Defubratig laoot ki^jjf-^'^ '^ beyond fea.

This may be fufRcicnt to fhcw the ufc of the prepofitions in regimine.


The addition of the Particle awn (^1 to the end of any Verb will make a

Noun, exprcffing the adlion of that Verb ; as,

Sooca 4.\/v*j to be glad; Soocawn i^^i^'y^ gladnefs.

Mdbooc Oj-jLc to be drunk ; Mdboocawn j^l/^jl^ drunkennefs.

The Particle 7«;r^ C^-^' placed before a Verb, turns it into a Nominal,

exprcffing the performer of the ad:ion which the Verb relates to ; as,

CooUttee (Jii!i^S to fls.in;

Jurce coolitiee ^JiW^ (^-^ aflcinncr.

Bajfo k>mju to wafh ,Juree hajfo »>wjL> (^y> a wafher.

Larree i^j^ to run ; Jurcc larrce <Sj^ <Sj^ ^ runner.

Cdfu ^j[/ to fpcak;

Juree cata AJl/ (^-i^. a fpcakcr.

The Particles pern ^, pen ^^j, pcni (^^^ peng i.j, are oftentimes ufed

to the fame purpofe ; as,

Chooree (^;j=^ to fteal ;. Pencliooree (^^^^rsr'S; a thicfl

2?/rt' ^CJ to give; Pembree {^.^^ a given

Soorat vo/*^*, to write,- Penioorat u;_);?aaj. a writer»

B'bor -Aj to comfort


Pcngebor ^-saju a comforter.


Thcfc Particles have not only all of them the fame fiprnification, but- arc

alfo indeed the fame word, and only varied according as the Verb begins cUher

with a vowel or a confonant, vvith a harflicr orelfe a loftcr letter ; and accord-

ing to the initial letter the Particle pern »j, pen i^, pJnl tsA>o, or pcrtg Ju,

is adapted to give a fmoothnefi to the language ; as fur example,

Macan ^JyLo to cat


Pemtnacdn t^^-^J, an cater.

Doo/ia A>»iMJjci to lie ; Pendoofla Aa>w «-\a.> a liar.

Where it is eafy to obfcr\'e, that the Particle is fitted to the initial letter

of the Verb, in order to prevent a hiatus in the pronunciation, and a harflinefs

in the found, for had pen ^^ been fet before the Veib mdcan ^j/Lc, and fo

been penmdcan ^^L^ ; or pern *j before doo/ia a^ «t3, and fo pcmdoojla

Aa>*. .<_Xyj ; both the one and the other had loft that foftnefs on the car and ea-

(inels in pronunciation, which they now retain.

Peng xj is generally, if not always, ufcd before fuch Verbs as begin

with Vowels, or with the letter G j^; as,

Artee (Jij\ to underftand;

Pcn/artee /^];Lij an undcrftandcr.

E'cot -dSj to follow;

Pi ngccot cv^jC S^ a follower.

Irrop ^__; I to fip;

Peng'trrop v_j^>.j a fipper.

Oocoor^j^t to meafure;

Pen^oocoor j^^i.y a meafurcr.

Gdlee (_^u to dig ; Penggalec , JIXxj a digger.

In Verbs beginning with the letters S ^j^ or T ci>, the 5 q*, or T c:j i»

omitted, for the fake of a more eafy and foft pronunciation ; in thofe that be-

gin with S VM peni / ^Jyu is ufed, and in thofe with T <u pen ^^ ; as,

Soorat K::jjtrM to write ;Penioorat k:dj^ a writer.

Tarrick ^.Jiu-ju" to hawl


Penarrick v^ij-xi..» a hawler.

Pent j»j is generally ufed with Verbs beginning with the letters h i«_>, ;« .,

aspen ^^ is with the Verbs which begin with c /, d C^, g J , k s ; as,

B'hoong 6^^ to cheat, deceive


PcmbC/ioong c.^^y^ a deceiver.

M'can ,^j/^^ to cat


Penmu'nan ^^y^L^J an eater.

Ciita Ajl/ to fpeak; Penciita aVLCj a fpeaker.

Pfonjia .xaj*,jci a lie; Ptndoojia aa^jJvJu a liar.

Gelimr ^^^,XfJ^ to roW; Pengijlii/g *^L>JJ^i a roller.

Kail (J^li to angle for fiih ; Penkdll jJCoo an angler.


Me ., mem ^, meng k^, mini (J..^^, are expletives frequently fet be-

fore Verbs, and feem to give an elegance to the word, rather than any addi-

tion to its fignification ; as,

La'oo jJJ to depart; or MJ/dloo J.)K^ to depart.

Mi'Jboc O^swU} to enter;

or MJmnfooc '\S^m^V^^ to enter.

Bi'igee acan ^^\ , S\.j to divide; or Mcmbiigeedcan ^^jYI ^^^'I,a.^ to divide.

Duptit Cioiti found; or Maiddpat c>jI<_Xx^ found.

Aco^{\ to acknowledge


ox Mcniaco^{.^Xk^ to acknowledge.

In Verbs beginning with Vowels, the Particle meng i-o is ufed ; as,

Ampoon ijj^A^I to forgive; or Mcn^ampoo7t (^«>y«bL« to forgive.

Ecal JvXj to curl


or Meng'ecal J^XoU to curl.

IJfee (^y*u to fill


' or Men^ijfee ^^^sskajU to fill.

Oohatlce(^_5^j to apply falve to


or Meng" oohattee /JujjU» to apply

fajve to.

But in Verbs beginning with 6" ^j^ or Tci>, the S (j^jor T CJ are omitted


mcni ,J>u^ is ufed with thofe- that begin with -S* /j^ ; and mem ^ with

thofe which begin with T ci; ; as,

SJpoo^[mj to fv.eep ; or MJnia'poo «jIaaa^ to fweep.

Tingal ^ySJJ leave behind ; or Memingal <Jk_CLj^ leave behind.

as,In Verbs beginning with p ^_j the /> l_j is dropped, and mem ^ is ufed

Patigil iJJ<Ju to call


or MemangU ^^SX.^ to call,

Paudaug ^<^Lj to Hare on; or Memaudang dtiL,-s> to ftare on.

Verbs that begin with h i_j, haA'C mem -^ always fet before them ; as,

BJfar can ^^ f^^^.to magnify ; or Mem hefar can i^^ ,^w^ -..c to magnifv.

Bvfee can j^^/^^j to trim ; or Mem h\fce can (^^^/ /^m*aj w<, to trim.

There are fome other compofitions of the like nature both in Nouns and

Verbs, which the ftudious in this language will loon difcover ; we fliall there-

fore take notice of but one particle more, which is often joined to Verbs in

the xA.d;ive Voice, and then proceed ; that is the particle dean / y^l or


fometimcs can ^^ ; the word fignlfics /o ; as, acmi Sran^^ c mI t^/l io a nicui


but it is often added to Verbs, one m ould think needlcflly, yet it gives a pecu-

liar elegance in this language ; as,

Mdcan ;m>5^Ui to cat; A'ko maoo mdcan acan rootce eloo (^y^Lc ^y^ y^yj (Ji^j (j^l I will cat that bread.

Mhinoom ^^X^ to drink ; A'ko maoo nnunoom can migoor ctoo ^y^ ^jl^ i:\

^ ) *il t^»y I will drink that wine.

If it be ufed in the Imperative Mood, la %J, which is the Imperative

note, is put between the Verb and 'ican f^j/\ ; as,

Mt'ican la acan angoor etoo y^j^tX ^^\ %} {^^^^ eat that bread.

M'mnoom la dean angoor ctoo^jj^\ ,^^^1 xJ *y^ drink that wine.


Adverbs of time ending in /y arc exprciTed by tiop tiop ^-J«>J Sr'vy fct

before the Novm ; as,

Jam >=». an hour;

Tiop ttopjam ^ ^j-f^ Sr*^ hourly.

Arree (^j\ a day;

Tiop tiop arree (^j\ <-}j^ '^J^ daily.

Boolon (^jJ J a month;

Tiop tiop boolon (mJj.j SrH^y ^y^ monthly.

Tawon i^t^ a year;

Tiop tiop taivon (^«L»" Sr^'tV Sr^^tV y^^jly.

Adjedives of diminution in refpedl of quality are exprcffed by the word

y?^c/;J/V c^oucXamj ; as,

Pootee / J*j white ; Pooteefedekit oJocJU»*» L^H whitifli, or a little white.

E'tam iiXj black;

E'tamfedckit c:aXjcXa>jj *aj blackifh, or little black.

The young of any living creature whatfoever is expreffed by adding the

viOX^L anak /'aj\ to the Noun that exprcfles the kind of creature that is men-

tioned ; as,

O'rang c; .! a human perfon ;Anak orang 6ij\ OijI a child, or the

young of a human perfon.

Cooda gt3«/ a horfe ;Anak cooda gO^ /jj\ a colt.

Doomba iXA.^*Oy a fheep;

Anak doomba .iuycjt^ ^1 a lamb.

Aiijing ^s^\ a dog


Anak anjing ^isr'l ^jI a puppy.



There arc fome things pccuUar to this tongue, both a^ to their naming

and reckoning of things ; as.
















1. Sat00^[^ or Sa Iwj

2. Dua ^^d

3. Tcga aXaj

4. Ampat Ci^x^l

5. LiCVia A.^5. A'aw ^' or annam JJ\

/. Toojoo A'^^^J

8. Dch(pan ^juJijti

0- Savihclan (^5^1aa.j_nw

. "S";? pooloo *J »j Lmj

3. Tega b!as (j>*Xj «X-Xaj'

4. Ampat bias (j*jXj 0.a^\

La?!a hlasU^'Xj a^

6. Nai7i bias rj^J *j or annam bias r^^J >.

/. Toojoo bias (jmXj ^:^j'J

8. DL-Lfpan bias (J^Aj i^-Xj<3

0. Sambt'lan bias (vw.^ i^-^^-r^

t^« 20. Dua pooko «J«_) 5«ti

)j| 21. Dua poolooJatoo ^'j[m. ^ 6,J s^'^

YY 22. Dua pooloo dua j «<3 J*j 8«<^

l-'f*- 23. Dua pooloo tega aXaj' J^j j «O

(j<^ 24. Dua pooloo ampat 'J>^^\ ^} tJ f tC^

YX3 25. Dua pooloo lema d^^.)j^^_^»C^

26. Dua pooko nam ^Ij v'»J sj<-^

2/. Dua pooloo toojoo ^:^tj •Jtj pjti

28. Dua pooloo delapati ^j^^jJIjO JvJ js*<3






29. Dua poolooJhmbelan

3 . Ti-ga pooloo *J^ aXaJ

^AAA.yWJ 5J ^ a e<.->i^J


^, 40. Ampat pooloo *J»j vjx^^l

D( 50. Licma pooloo ^yi d^jkS

^( Oo. l^am pooho J) ^i jj ox aimam pooloo ^ t^ ^JUl

V< /0. Toojoo pooloo JjJ *^0A» 80. DeUpan pooloo Jj.j (^JL/ti

<j ( QO. Snmhelan pooloo J^ ^J_JJ.A>^w

)/( 100. RUoos f^y\j orfa rdtoos (j^*^\j\j*,

yii 200. Diia nitoos (j^^yj\j IS 'i'^

ill! 1000. Rehooy^j orJti reboo^j^Jj L*i

j^M» 2000. Dua rehoo yKjj -^ ^Ci

\"i 1


3000. T(?^a reboo ^j.jj &.S^'i

\ 1 1 1


10000. Laxa AmjX) orj'a laxa JuwJCJ Lm

|(i((( 100000. Kectee iJk>3, orfa kcetee i^^,^ '-«-

Fraftions cf numbers, or thofe common parts of integers, which arc

moft familiar to us, are exprcfled thus,

Safoocoo^{ Ln a quarter.

Sa thig'a &JiX> Lm half.

Tegafoocoo^t.M aXaJ' three quarters.

Satoofafoocoo »/^m Ln «jLm one and a quarter.

Dua tegafoocoo ^y** aXIj' 5 5<^ two and three quarters.

But then they fay,

Teng'a dua 5 «ti &juJ one and a half.

Teng'a tega aXaJ' ajUj" 2\, and fo on ; which is as if they fhould fliy 2-\,

3-'-; for though the word lefs is not exprclled, yet it is underftood ; but in all

other broken numbers they reckon as we do.

In numbering of things they have exprcfs words for the feveral kinds of

things fo numbered, which they always repeat after the number ; as for ex-

ample :

O'rang dj.l fignifics human kind ; Crangfa oraug c^ *l Ln c uI one human


O'rang lakkee {Ji^ pj"^ ^ man, or male human perfon ; Crang lakkeefa orang

c^jl Ln <_^ ^mI one man.


O'rang parampoan (^^-C^A-e^j c^ «( a woman ; orang parampoan dna orang

dul B «O ^^^;.C4,-ye^ C)«t two women.

O'rang anak ^"y.s. cji*l a child ; orang anak tega orang c^.l aXaj /^ 'IaC c.j«I

three children.

Where it is to be obferved, that the word orang cijl is flill repeated

after the nixmber.

To denominate all other living creatures they uic the word ecor ^ «JCj ; as,

Cooda «1^4/ a horfe ; Cooda ampat ecor i*Jo CX*.,^ b"-^»/ four horles.

Doomba a^^CS a fhccp ; Doomha Unia ecor x^Si) a.^ aa^jc^ four fheep.

B'mnaiang ajUj a bead;

Btnnata?ig nam ecor^yS^ Aj xJ'Lo fix bcaft.

J^oroong cl»;«j a bird ; i3(55roo7/^ /i^a cror i»jG AJyJ'dji*j fevcn birds.

£V(j« jj^jJO a filh;

^'can deliipdn ecorj^Xj ;^Jlj«3 ^JJy. eight filhes.

Where it is to be obferved, that the word ecorj^S^ is ftill repeated after

the number as before.

Obfcrve the word /a Lw in numbering is ufed both for one and alfb for

the particle a, as the note of the fubilantive ; as,

Gaja dc^ an elephant; Gajafa ecor j^Xj Lm &:^ one elephant, or an


To exprcfs a natural entire folid body they add the word hatoo. aJ'U after

the number ; as,

Biltoo^'lj a ftonc


Buioofa hdtoo t^i) Lj »j'U one flone, or a ftone.

Giggee ,JsS-&. tooth ; G'iggeefa pooloo bdioo ii\jj}jj Lm f^^.> ten teeth.

To exprefs artificial things, which are compofed of folid materials, they

add the word booa ^ ^j after the number ; as,

K'''ta &:>y) a caftlc; Koto dun pooho hooa ^jjjjj jjO Aj*jj 20 caftles.

Rooma &^y a houfe ; Rooina tigapooloo booa ^y^^yt «sJyO' &^^j 30 houfcs.

Kdpal tJ-J.U' afhip; Kdpal ampat pooloo hooa afJ^^J ^-^.s-^Js^'-' *^^ Ihips..



To cxprcfs vegetables they add the word biJic rj:^CKJ after the num-

ber ; as,

Po'hone \^j^y a tree ; Po'hoTie letfia pooho Ftdjre jJvj &^ 'O^J^.-

, ^a». Aj fifty trees.

Rooi/ipoot hodooree ^j 4<3b d> vs^j; Rconipoot hddooree turnpooho bid^ee ui> ^/w» ^j

a brier ; l^s^-J^^- r^ ^Jj'^^- ^^^^^ briers.

But to all fruits they prefix the word hooa sj> which flgnlfics fruits ; as,

Pefang A>**aj a plantain ;Booapsfinig toojoopoi-oo I'tdjei' y^jj a.^**^} ^yj

/ ^Ju J*J fcNcnt'- plantains.

Deh'ma A.^jSjCi or hooa delema Booa d^h'tiia dJIupan pooloo o'ldjee w.^>X/tN ^aj

«s^aJuo 84J a pomegranate; /^(_>o J4J ^j!\iCi eighty pomcgniuates.

To cxprefs any thing that grows naturally tliin, they add the particle ley

, J after the number ; as,

Dawon ;j^'»^ a leaf; DawonfatnheJart pooho leyj}^ ^l^^^:VS-**' O^'*^, J ninety leaves.

Coolit ^^y a fkin, or fliell ; CooUt"ja rdtoos ky ^J !j*-jj'^j Uw c^»/ one

hundred fkins.


Artificial things that are thin have the word kJp'nig xj^ fct after the

number ; as,

CjrrrJj /wvJjJ' paper ;Cartas dua rdtoos h'ping ^>^-o (j^j^^j 5 «ti U*^-/two hundred fheets of ])apcr.

Pt'dang ctX>J a fword ; Pedang tega rdtoos kcphig x^(J^-J^b <*-^^ ^'-'\y

three hundred fwords.

Thus they fay—I have one houfe, one wife, one child, one forvant, one

horfe, one leaf, one fword; adda la pada ko rooma fa booii, heetiee Ja ornng,

anakfa orang, ambafa drang, cooda fa ecor, dawon Ja ley, pidinig fd kJphig;



The weights, are the

hiiJiar Mdldyc, pccool, cat-

tee, booncal, mja?», which

they reckon thus


lO Mlams 1 Booncal.

20 Boo?ical 1 Cattee.

100 Cattee 1 Pecool.

2 Pecool 1 BaharMa-


The haluir contains of

EngUjJiAvoirdupoirjcelgh t,

I. oz. dw. gr.

396 11 00 14

The booncal contains

of Trey iveig/it,

oz. dzv. gr.

1 8 23

The aforefaid are the

Mi'lay weights, but they

alfo ufe the C//z«a weights,

which they reckon thus :

Coonderht, mas, tial,

cattee, pecool, btihar.

1 Coonderin 1 Mas.

10 Mas 1 Tial.

10 Tial 1 Cattee.


Bdloo timhanggan ea,

' heiliar Mdldyo,pecool, cattee,

booncool, 7/iiam, ea?!g de bi-

lang buggetoo.

Namhhis Miamfa Booncal.


Sa rutoos Cattee fa Pecool.

Dua PecoolJa Bahar MaIdyo.

pj'ang bahar bratgantee

batoo timbanggan en'grees

namanea. Avoirdupois,

tega ratoos Jambelan pooloo

nam pounds,yai/«jounccs,

ampat bias, grains.

E'angbooncal bratgantee

biitoo timba?iggan en'gres

Troy, fa ounce, deUpan

penny-weight, dua pooloo

tega grains.

pj'ang dauloofooda ber-

ciita, etoo la batoo timbang-

gauMalayo, tetiipee deorang

Idgeepakee Chena maoo ber-

timbang brat, eang dc

bclang buggetoo.

Coonderin, mas, tial, cat-

tec, pecool, bdliar.

Sa pooloo coonderin fa mas.

Sa pooloo mas fa tial.

Nam bias tialja cattee.

(^jjJL^ti QwJ «( Lw (^ «J1 .?.• _..*\ (••/*...•

!^A^ A-^^^L^'"^- ^^js-^


(j'.-<sj Lw. i^^Ue «J 4..I Um


100 Caltee 1 Pccool.

3 Pccool 1 Buhar


The CJi'tna pecooJ, con-

tains of EjHgl'iJh Avoirdu-

pois weight, 1. oz. dw.

131 13 12

The lial contains of

Troy weight, oz. dw. gr.

1 4 1

Sii riitoos cattcefa pccool. j_)j-Co Lw ij>i^^^ij\j Lw

Tega pccool fa habar Mu-


E'a/!g pccool Chena brat

ganicc hiitoQ iimhanggan

K7i'grees Avoirdupois, Ja

y^^ 'j.r


C^vXJ^Jy^.J /jj.^

Rice, oil, butter, and

fonie other merchand

is fold by a mcafure c

a hamboo.

r'Uoos tcga pooloo Jatoo

pounds, tega bias ounces,

dua bias penny-vcight.

E'ang lial brat gontee

hitoo tivibanggan Troy, fa

ounce, ampat penny-

weight, fa'too grain.

Brafs, niinyai, miifyak

dize, fappce, dang'an ha'rang cf> ^Liti

ailed >'«« dagafiggan lain de y ,..\S^i


1j 3 «O

* aJI.>«AAAJ

u•;U U

jevoa'l ba foocatan, nama

nea bamboo.

Eang bamboo de mooat c:^ -J-O >^ £'^gantee foocatan an'goor \jyXj\ (^I/^aw , .JCij'

En'greestcng'aampat pints.

Qocooraivu eang de pa'-

keefence la'gee de tanipat

U-^AA^I \S.XjJ

The o^wioo contains of

Englfli wine mcafurc S^-


The longmeafiircwhich

is ufcd here, and in all

places of the South Seas '/«'/'/«(J^ cv/ bava ang'in ea\\^j ..^\ g ,'lj ^v/ '^»^1

is the cubit, which con-



tains eighteen inches Eii-

afta, etoo la de jnooat dcld- 0\i;^^

/.z« W^j ib'oojarree tang'an ^J^y^ ^l, o^.^.ti








lebar clia'ra En'grces.

THE DAYS OF THE WEEK.Ahad or Harrec ahad





Joomaat •



U**:^r^'' JSjI-^j^-J ^^_jJU

A->.! iSf^ or <Jc^(





The more enlightened Arabians having made war with Mohammed and his

followers, in the year of Chrift 022, Mohammed was forced to fly from Meccaand go to Medina, hut he afterwards prevailing, fettled his Epocha from

the time of his flight from Mecca, and named it Hegira, which fignifies

aji'tght or departure. The year he made confift of twelve moons, and began

with the moon named by the Arabians Mooharam ^f^'* in the faid year of

Chrifl: 622, July lOth, being Friday.

The Malays having received the Mohammedan faith, did (as all other na-

tions have done, who have imbibed the opinions of Mohammed) receive

therevvith their Epocha, and likewife their method of computating time as

abovementioned ; of which the following is an enumeration :

The Malay Months or

Moons, their Names,

(taken from the Arabic).

Mcildyo pGon'ia Boo/on Na-




Rdbee ool awal

Rdbee ool t'lkir

Jx)omad ool awal

Joomad ool dkir



RamaJuH or Ramadan





(^foLc; or i^LjU;

Their moons or months begin when the new moon is firfl feen, the day af-

ter being accounted the firll day of the moon or month, but if the weather becloudy, they then compute 29 or 30 days from the preceding moon, to be-



j;in tlic next, by which mean the firft day of every moon or month of the

Mohammedans falls out about 1 1 day? foouer every year then it \% as the preced-

ing folar year, and fo confcquently their lunar year begins about 1 1 days

Iboncr than in the preceding folar year.

By obferving this mode of computation for every year, and allowing 1


days to one )car in if), which is the fame as our epaS^f, the time of each

moon or month of the Mohammedans may at any time be found.

This method of computation is ufed in Turkey, Egypt, Morocco. Ara-

bia, India, all over the South-Sea Iflands, and Malay countries, and in gene-

ral in all Mohammedan countries.


A Letter concerning


I received your letter



Soorat hrrimawn hena a.kk3


Kiitajooda tdrcmafno

by the fhip 'Dolphin, to- rat kirrtmn'jcn moo pada AjI/ ^^


lO^ V*! <'S-:'j'-' B<-^ V*" A>0

gcther with a thoufandj

c^rpfl/ naimnca Dolph'm,

dollars, and by reafon it j^tna dung an fa rchoo

would be fome months , kcall, Ictapcc febah adda

before any fhip could re- | hdrang hoolon, dauloo cala

turn to Surat, I delivered capal holee poolavg ca Su-

the money to Mailer

Songo, the China mer-

chant, to be allowed fix

per Cent, per annum inte-

reft, for the time he had

it, which is five months,

fo that now I have one

thouland and twenty-five Icma hoolon, mukafiicdran

dollars. fnoda de tang an lojd reboo

dua pooloo h'ma rcall.

rat, Carna etoo k'lttajooda

fdrdcan vwodaJ capi'ula In-

che Songo drang foodagar

Chcna, dgar dca bree pada

fa rdtoos boongan nea, nam

pada Ja ta'xvon, fUhna de

tang an nea etoo Jr. fooda ea

I \ • • "-^''

^\^ *-Vl B ^c3


The Malay lanccuagc, although uncommonly foft, is not poflcflcd of

that ftrength of metaphor, for which moft of the languages of the Eall are

fo juftly famed.

It is indeed, as Mr. Marfdcn properly obfcrves, often extremely difficult

to trace in their poetry the connexion between the figuiative and litteral


The following fliort piece or pantoon, as it is called by the Malays, whichhas been quoted by that gentleman in his Hiflory oi Sumatra, may be confi-

dcrcd as an exception to this remark :

What fignifies attempting to light a lamp.

If the wick be wanted }

What fignifies making love with the eyes,

If nothing be intended ?

Apo goono paJfa7igpaleeto,

Calla tecdah danganfooniboon'ta


Apo goono herm'uie matto,

Calla teedah danganfoongoonia P

«Xaj *-*-« *wj CVJ^'^ 5^V ^^

<^AJ*.£ ti xti^" '^^

As illuftrative of the fimplicity of the Malay manners, and dcfcriptive ot

a cuftom, which generally prevails in that country, of the young men attend-

ing the young women while bathing ; we infert the following ftanza


Go bathe my fair, near the bank of the river,

I will guard, I will attend you.

Inchy piggy maiuU, d'lkat mulo fungy.

Seta moiv bc-jago, Je'ta mow he-nanty.


How far the beauties of Engllfh poetry are capable of being transferred

into Malay, thofe acquainted with this language will have an opportunity of

judging from the following tranflation of three fhanzas of


Father of all, in every age.

In every clime ador'd;

By faint, by favage, and by fagc,

Jehovah, Jove, or Lord.

Bapa deJomon'ia, defomon'ta dun'ia,

T)efomonia nwgnfiijud;

Dery Ciijian, dery Cafer, dery H'indoo, deryfalam,

Allah, Jehovah, tuan Allah.

^J^U cX^tS jOO* (Sj^^ f^^ (Sj"^ (^jJ^/ (Sj^

aJJI (^I^i' b^ aJJI

This day be bread and peace my lot^

All clfc beneath the fun.

Thou knovv'ft if beft beftow'd or not


And let thy will be done.

CaJJeeJtah harree-ko makanan dangan rijk'tmo,

Somo}im lain apa apa,

Tuan lozv calla he cajfee calla tida,

Tua?i alia piiniaftika.


Teach me to feci another's woe.

To hide the faults I fee :

That mercy I to others ihcw,

That mercy 'flicw to me.

Adjarfahfyang atee lam orangpuma chelciha,

Adjarjiah tiittip rnatta lain orangpimiajallay

Bugjnianojiah ampongJamah lain orang^

CaJJi-e ampQongJajnahJiaJu







Ability, power, (^'ji^l.'o ciwafaawn.

fabolee bolcc


xV or one (the article) Lw fa, *j'Lw fdtoo

Abandon (J^X-o" tin'gal, ^J.XIJL^e me-

nin'gal—Divorce «^ ij^' toolak

Abafe B^Aj^i renda, ^^l/ljjj rendacan

Abafcd bcXJ; a<3*jsw fooda renda

To Abafli, make afliamcd, «JLo C^t-"

bree maloo

Abafhed J'^ maloo

To Aba^c, Icflcn, ^nIXci*J coorang'can

AlTTwage (>i-'*J povvwas

Abated, Icllcned, i-j^r> bercoorang

Abbot «^i*-Cu pen'gooroo, Aaj\j pertapa

Abbey ^^JJ^.J^i^ pcrtapaawn.

To Abet cj.Uj' tooloong— in war v*^/


Abhor i^^'^- binchec, t^LXls:rN^ bin-

cheecan, ^l^iy tobat— I did abhor : About, round about, iJLJ ^i* cooleeling

5ti.*xw */l A'koI

About, in number, cju barang—Con->

30—^To abhor or cernins, A>Lo kena

Abyls (>^U-' Iowa

To Abjure Lv«j^ /JL; balik foompa

Able or ftrong ^^ «,i cooat, Aii^Ugaja

Abode, h.abitation, ,V«(^.<3 doodooc,

cxa^ tampat

Abolilli ^v^a.A.^1 ampoos

Abominate ^^'L^ haram

Abominated ^^^Tt» berharam

Abomination ^I'cs». hiiram


ijj'»_5 CJul anak googoor

Above, ^s^'l attas, ^y^'lti dcattas ,

To Abound /'y>S..> bau'jak, ^O' lakoo,

_jK^\^ mamoor—To caufe to abound

, "v^Aj^j berban'yak

that yij ^_jU>^is:'^:'

fooda bincheccan ctoo

loath (meat) »,^««.i>. joomoo

Abide, or remain, ^Lsjj' tin'gal

Abjecl lJL*ifc hina

Abraham >.>J>!,j1 Ibrahim

Abroach ^b..«.Jt:2i._i berchaboot^ • : J-

Abroad, witjiout, «J.jo dolooar

A C ( 40 ) A C

To Abfcond ^^jXsj<A>XyonacIindoong'-


Abfent, far off, «l^ jaoo

To Abfolve (^ v^^l ampoon

Abfolution ^-.JOuc maaf

To Abftain or iiidure (^j^Li" talian

from vid;uals xXXj pantang


Abftemious *Jv^ modoo

Abftinence ;^I «(Jc* niodooawn, xX^\S\.^jc^ pantang jeraat

Abftrufc /Jaa^jw fcmboonee

Abfurd J^L> babal

Abundance AA^^AJobanianca, . *L«Js.jban'-

yak, /JlX*. lixcalcc, i»^Lo mamoor

Abundant c^oLm fang'at

To Abufe or rail (_Ju> makkce

Acaden^y «x>*j;I(_)JL^ mendarfa

To Accelerate ^jLCj'Iju bang'atcan

According as (^yix^jci demeken—Ac-cording to c5^j>^A>*< fcpertee, cij ^xy

t;ooroot " \

To Account,^^ reckon, g^' 5^ kera

kcra—nunibtr >iXo bclang

Account ,^l^vs5 kcraawn

\ccounts, a book of, ^^Lcwo j l_jUo ki-

tab pcrkcraavvn

Accumulate J *,>r*^ coompoot

Accurate c^Njlcrv chapat

To Accufe ItilXjLe mcn'giidau, I «lo» da^-

wa, jtitL todoh, Bti«-Lc menodoh

To Accufe falfly c. »^t^ 5 0» 4L3 todoh-

bohoong, i^l/Ls^l:^ chchikucan.

Accufation (^l^iiUXc men'gadauavvni^.

Accent or found ^y- boonce

To Accept &~fj,j^tarema

Acceptable, pleafing,. ^_j(Xy*j fedtip

Acceptation j^Lx^.iLj taiemaawn

Accefs ^^Sy*X^ inafooc, /^*.^j^ L^J^-bolee fampec, i^k.^>*4 OoIs^ ddpat


Accident jLsrJo ijs:-'o koonjong



Acclamation ^jyu faorak, >^berfoorak

To Accompany ujja-Ci ccot, cu4XAi-«

meng'ecot, c^jL« mcng'irring

To Accomplilh ^,l/LwJV. pootofacan,

(^l/Lwjl ab'ifacan

Accomplifliment ,^j.jJ3J lancapan

To Accord i_^Ci dammce

O l^»0u.i3 todohavvn

Vccufcd ItilXi^ men'gadau, 2j'<3_!


Accufcr ItilXL^e djj' orang meu'giidau>.

IO>UJUs (^^1 *:;>. jur« men'gadau.

Accuffcomed js^^Ij bea^

Ache, pain, c:-l5Lj fakit—Smart AJlib-


To Achieve ^l/^.^ lakoocan,.

(^l/*iJ'l>y« mclakoocan

Acknowledge^! aco, tJ U>Ls> meniaco.

Acknowledgement (^1 y^U>Le meniaco


To Acquamt .b" (^.j bree tabo'

Acquaintance ,m^I>Co kenalan.

Acquainted' ^UUi'_j berkenal, Jj taoo

To Acquire or gain, /^'«^aj bcrolee—gather together ^}JX^J coompool

To Acquit or let go (vaaaJ Icpas

Acquaintance (>**a>J *-^mj«m foorat lepas

A(5l or Deed i-rJ'^ booatan, (mJUj^/'


bcrbooataa— decree aJUj

To Ad, do, w:j(^j booat

Adled ui^Uj-J berbooat

Aftion (^'Uj booatan

j^clive (vwJCaj pantas

Ador c J!<^ ddlang

Adam ^ti I Adam

( 41 ) ADTo Adore AA,eA>*j foomba

To Adorn ' qI/Ln aS Lj bagoollican,

(^I/Iawj^ byYccacan

Adorned Qjvtj'U bagoos, , ")J^t-> bcrta-

tak, /g>wjk.j J berby'fec—with jew-

els AJ"U^ o'-^*^ c'P^T^bertatak

dung'an permata

To Add, incrcafe, aa^j tamba—to add!Adornments (^Lw^U^lj pariahfan

To Advance on high, over head,

c«:s:-'^ joonjoong — in place

^jiy-wj^Aj bclarcan, q'_No*JuL»^


Advantage 9-j^^ oontoong, &S^ laba

Advantageous aJ«J\j bergoona

To Adventure, try, C^^'^:=5> charce,

&j*Ci. choba,—for gain d^j «V^^choba oontoong, c^-^j (-^>^ char-

ree oontoong


«.Xiye melawan, ^AjUgJ fabla

Adverfary i^ I «^U^ (^-:i:.jurc melawan,

aXjLj- c^J orang fabla—or enemy,.

«JLwj fatroo— -oroppofitc cvL>Lw cmI

together / ^JU^:;^ joomelahee

Added «xa^j j bertamba

To Addidt to a bufincfs (^lXiUwj.juo

(^^0> mcng'oofahcan dirree

Addled <.J\mjj boofooc

To Adhere to ci.' • t«.j tooroot

Adjacent ,a^! ampir


^AJ' tabec, ^U.>J tin'gal

To Adjourn ^_JLlJ»lA^ lambatcan

Adjudged by law ^o^ O*^*^ C^r^bree dung'an hookoom

To Adjure <^yyc*>*o bafoompa

To Adminiiter (^.j bree

Adminiftration, office, ^jbi:i.._5o pa-


Admiral ju'-^jjj/^ laxemana, a.j.aXcIj

pang'lema, c «J'L«tj toommagoong

To Admire ,^l-x::a. herawn

Admirable /JlX^ /'h>\-^ baick facalee

f^ lah—I'noft admirable / JI..a^^

herawnce, (^l->o:»J tcrherawn

Admit, fuffer, aa/:^^ jcka, i^-^J bree,

Iaj boar

Admonifh r ajar. •,l/.O I'ljarcan,

,:sk'jt^ mcngajar

Admonition ^^1^1 ajarawn,


Adopt ckXj) an'cat


orang fabla

Adverlity ^^Iji/^j*, foocaran

Advertife -j'y iS^-^ ^^^^ cabar, C^->«Ij bree taoo

Advice, counff.l, 5.rsc;S^ c:a,s)1=^ jamat

bcchara---to alk advice CXol^ Aaa-»

miutajamat—bad advice aJLn 3 jS::^^

bechara fiila---deccitfjl advice 8 j:s:t^^

Aj!<3 bechara daya, aj\\^ day a

To Adviie, counfel,. (^'/i;lis^:' btcha-

racan— -to advife together ij.:^:^^

A^t>*, .\,<Lj- bechara fama fama

Advifedly .Jo ^'iO dung'an fikK„

1 ^Jo''l (^'-i^*^ dung'an deal

A P A G( 43 )

Acivifcr iij\js:^i (X,-> <3 cL» <5ang de brccrAffraid e^jylj tacoot, klj^\/^ terca-

bcchara I joot—as wlien alone *Xjl aSJ^J

To Adulterate j^-«'^ champoor

Adulterer a/^Ij c^jI orang bamooca

Adultcrefs a/^U ^^ [«•>'«' rj.parampoan


Adulterous a/^Ij bamooca

Adultery a/^Ij bamooca, ^j^l»/^L<

bamoocaawn, a/Vc^j bermooca

Advocate a.j1/Ij (__^ 2*. jure bacata—at

law ^1 «.Xj baggoam

Affable in behaviour jj^jsi>. choombo,

tcrmangoo angoo—to make afraid

/ ^V't-J tacoottee

Afrcfli, again aJ*j poola

Aliront , J»'I OaajUw lakit attce

^J\ cxajLv c^,>-^ mem-L^



CJ*J*^-/ _^M ruincc—m fpcech CJ^/Lj^l^ mooloot mauis ^^j^^L^jV


Affair J '.^ haul—work Aiszr'^i'J'careeja

To Aftcd, dcfire, ^^jJu^ ing'i", is/^


Affeftcd, proud, /j'-^'j' kachak—or

inclined to love buXj a/^w fooca pa

da, a/^m. iJ<-\>. (_y^*^ caflee pada


Affedlion t^lx/ys, foocaawn, ij^Ukm/

OUu" caflccawn tilhk

To Affiance, betroth, i.jjj toonang

Affianced ,^yf bctroonang

Affinity iSj\j} I/ calooarga

To Affirm (Sj^ tantooee, jtXJ.j bcr-


.\ffix »J^J bobo

To Afflid AjLo! u:j4j booat anyaya

Afflifter a,w.jCa>*Jj panfixa

Afflidion .^l-ajtu' anvayaawn, i.,>'./«j*j


Afford, fell, jUt^jew'al

Afore ^JlJI alow'wan

To alFroiir

brcc fakit attec

After, back part, (^UOIj blacan—in

courfe^LiciLc*/co'madean—in time

^^' laloo, A-Ly' telah, (ua^aJ 16pas

—or following ij:}^ mafling—what manner aJ'.^^J *j buggcmana

—when aJUJo" tatcala, aJ'J'U'^

mauacala, aJ^jIj*j fatelah—according

to ".«i^ty^jlj' tatoorool, Kjjajy tooroot

—after that Juj gcXj ijCjd ^jbt^Lcy'

comadcan dcrree pada etoo—after

how long time 5 Aj» iSj^ o'-^'^'^'^

A.<^ *V.'t^ comadcan derreepada bra-

pa lama—after a while t^^ ,JC>uLm

labantar lagee—after he is come

,tJ'!<3 ajO> aAaJ'.^ fatelah dea datang

—alter he has read aj«3 aJI/U'_^

Aj^b 5<3 4>w maniicala dea fooda Lacha

—after he has done (w^m I Ajti aJ UCO'

tatcaladea abis, ^j*-ajI Aj<3 aJLaJ" tc-

lah dea abis—to drag after tvJUifc

c:-i.>^***j hcla foompat—one after

another i.AK,Lo «.>^L«maffingmaffing

—after part of a Ihip, llcrn, ^jLj <^


Afternoon (^^^^ Aij' . waaJ lepasteng'a

harrce '

Afterward ;^b<3L«*/ comadcan

Again aJ 4J /J U-«*/ combalee poola

AG (4—bring again ^jUlJU..*»/combale-

can—come again AX>JU^»/comba-

Icla—begin again iJy) ^^yc moo-

lay poola—again and again Vi^tc»^

c.^« mong'oolang oulang

Againft, oppofite, (^jt-j'til addapan

contrary to i^l*^ lawan—or to

ftrike againft any thing JOU' tdgal

—againft the law A>yu' »cXa/ (^I »^'

lavvan capada titah—ftrlke againft

the tree (^^ «.j JO^U J^Arl poocool

tagal pdhone—who is againft me/^l/^jl»^ «".-!'rV^ ftappa lawan ca-

iriec—to go againft the ftrcam

L_r«3 »^ moodic

Age _j*^^ oomoor, gLj" tooah—old

age cbs:'^. »5^4 oomoor panjang

age, period, (jUil^s-jamawn, ^^^jzcmawn

Aged jjij' tooah

Agent, faclor, <_^o!4wakll

Ages \^^~^j zcmawn—ages paft (^L^J

aJ I<3 zcmawn dawloo

Aghaft oj-i-u bing'on, q«jLo».J ter-


Aglla-wood, llgnum-aloes, A^^^'l/ca-


Agility (j**^ pantas

To Agitate ^l/l-j-j bergracan

Ago (j>*>-J lepas—two days ago rj^^jj

(C,yj> 8 \Ci lepas dua harree

Agony >>:u^ i^^j^J\m foocaran bir'at,

(^ ^jtAj bing'on

To Agravate js^'-sx^ Li^Uof an'cat be-


To x\grcc in opinion (^IjiL/carooan

3 ) A L

to agree together as friends (^ ^ 4J"r?

bertooian—bargain , ^sr'lj:». janjee

—aflcnt to (ji*^^v« m6hone—in a

difcourfe aj'I/Lw facata—be of one

opinion Ajl/L*. facata—make friends

/^lti_; bcrdammec

Agreeable ^jj^.jlrr». haroos, ejtswcjU'


Agreed (^^^sr'l^-j berjanjee, b^v**/^r^JLiL fooda janjee—agreed, con-

dcfcended to, <J«jl/cabool

Agreement (^^s:^!^^ janjee, ^Usyls^ijanjeawn

Ague [^^J:i^f'K^.^

demam dlng'in

Ah, ah fie, (^^^». chee

Ah mcjjiX} r^ hey padako, / 5^^«^'

*j"Ju adohee padako

Aid in war «xaj bantoo—aid, help,

^j^jj tooloong, ^jXcJaj' tooloong-


^Ider i^jXtjijj Q.jJ orang tooloonggan

To.Aim v-.A>^ timbak, JOyo mitar

Air of the face d/^ _il ay'cr mooca

the air,, {ky, cxi^ lang'it—to air

O^j oorak, ^\^jLo mcng'oorak

Aired <^j»^ ber'oorak. . . .r^^


Ainng <^_>j t oorak

Alabafter ^^Uj^U batoo pooalam

Alarm ^UbjLcl ing'ar bang'ar

Alas /^«tii adohee

To AUedge t_>^ jow'ab, ^^^>^L.fax'ee

Alien / ^--> ,2^ horcrav

To Alienate ^£jbs;-^ mcnjaoowc

Alienated (^^^<^^,j berhorgay

To Alight, defcend, (^, tjy tooroon

A L t^4 )

. perch as a bird i.>JuLqa. chanking

Alike a^Um fama, ajji;'~nw a-<Um fama


Alive u_>»<_Xj edop

All, in quantity, 8^1>ai famoa, AaJj^Lw

fdmonea—in nvimber Lw fa, jJsOCxwj

. fcgalla—all things pa^Lm ajJ A;'-V

barang appa iiinioa—every Lw fa

all times aIXjOwo*) fedecala—all but


two arc done oLmj

/jwul 8«^^'*' han'ya dua lamoa fboda

ab'is—all things have their fcafon

AaJL^Lc 5 til sa^Um aA qjIj biirang

appa fiimoa adda mailinca—it is all

one, it is no matter, aj! gOyu" tcda

appa, «x-^4* A«eUw fama jooga—all

alike dJj^ a^Lj fama jooga

To Allay, abate, ^Jl^ti dchaga

Alley, lane, c yj} loorong

Allowance, Ihare, j^Lj^o moofara,

, _> b bagee—of vid:uals .J law'oo

Allom fj>.jJ towas, (^^. i^^j^Jf^^"

ronfcc pootce

To Alloy_^?vyc^. champoor

To Allure uJ»4S^*.j boqjok—with the

eyes jLJjLs.^ mcng'arling, -_,lXi>J^J'

AJ'U goolingcan mata

Allurement cuJ3j::^jj boojoknea

Ally, confederate, i^^jJ toolan—friend

O.Jy»j fobat

Almighty a^jIjI/J tercawafa

Almond ojjj^ lawzan—a bitter al-

mond o^=^j< mazcjon

Almoner ;jjl^'ti dermawan

Almoft vyel ampir—almoft all .a^I

gj^U» ampir famoa

Alms AXjcXy*! A^jti derma fcdcca

Alms-houfe^Lj a^*^ rooma piatoo

Aloes, aloe, q^jU-U oolowaton

Aloft (j^vJbti deattas

Alone, fmgle, (^jOJ^ fmdirree^

(^jOJ^ kindirree—only /'L^a.*/'

cochoalce—in fecrct i^i»,'^ foonce

Along, to lie along, cjCj baring—^by

the way (^^1^ acXj pada jalan

Aloud cjlxj niaring

Already gtWw fooda

Alfo AJy^ jooga, (^_^^ lagee, (^j>poon—^yoiir will is alfo my will

^^y^ AJjIJ^wCikU *-.< V—>(_X,ij^lj ka-

hendak moo kiihendakko jooga

Altar /^X^A^Lw c:^Aocb' tampat fam-


To Alter ^jU.Aj^ Idincan, ^L^ filia

—as the moon ^(jtiU:^ peraada-

rawn—the voice g^.l^*. ^jLXIj^ lain-»

can fooara—fhift t^^, pinda

change aj»jL« aj « oobah meng'oobah

Altered i^Lm_> berfalin, i^S^ jcWam.

fooda lain tj Ui^ii». jckaloo

Although i^yo^ lamoon

Altitude ^J^Lou' ting'cawn

Altogether a^Lj A/«I.>*j av«'-^ famoa fa-

ma fama

Always, daily, (^ji^ (^j[^\^ faharrcc

harrec—all times AJiXj<_XA>^ fedecala

continually »j.iAa>« fedooto

Am »til adda, Btij.>*( fooda—I am here

(^^^A^^AN 0> xJ 3tilj^l ako adda la de

l<:nce—am not a<:kU teadda, (m*/'*j


Amazed ^^_jX;L^lJ" tachang'an

AM (45Amazement (^UU:t:^lj' tachang anan

Ambaflador cJ^'N wakcel, ^'^^^'

) A N-

ootoofaiio:, «i*>*ili fiifboroo

AmbafTage ij^ 4p' « ootoofang

Amber _a^1 ambar

Ambiguous / _ fcmboonee

./Ambitious A>J«.2a. choonka

To amble (j^vLXaJ likas, ^jj^LAaAa^ me' likas—ambling horfe «tj gc]u/

/j^UClLyc cooda cang melilias

Ambufh / J^Jo intec—To lie in ambufli

/ ^Xj intee, (JJ<jJl^ meng'intee

Aro'el (^ti^il.l j^ lazawardi

Amend , -ajIj baikkee, ^JiA^^racm-baikket;

To Amerce (__^Ic>JO> dcndaee

Anchored «.j^_» berliibo

Anchoring place \^ tJ^A laboawn

Ancient, old, g «j" tooah—a fhip's an-f

cient (j^-^J/jJ ti ^)JJy" X)on'gal de


Ancle (Js'LT AJ'U mata cakkce

And (^^t^ dacn, <s/L« maca

Angel cuJOJ-U^ melaicat—of darkncfs

(j>aaAjI iblis, «JC^ii hantoo—angels

c:^jJ^-o CxXjJL^.^ melaicat me-laicat

Anger i^j^t^ goofiiran—wrath of a

fupcrior ^jy< moorka—refrain

yourfelf from anger (^jC^ ^JJ^lJyyo

(^;Lki«J gcXji menahan dirrce pada


Amifs aJLm fala, lUa/jj'-^w faiat—out ofAngry^ljjj*J goofar^quarrclfome c^Qw«j..j. prang proos—to make angry

pagawee, (_jyilj,.g^i^goofarcan

order in matter «xLu bela

Ammunition ^v.uL^^y>SSi\:i kdlancapan— of war; Angle-rod JoUs kail, Joli' ^^^o^ joo-

Vc -J

I. vjJCjJU kdlancapan prana:, i^

c J lerba prang

Among gjUj! antara, js^lAJUti deantara

Amongft iJCid deteng'a, aju' teng'a

Amorous / .-^'-J blrrahec

ran kail—to angle JoU^U menkail

—angle, the infide of an angle, *iU>*.

fckoo—outfide or point of an angle

(^jUJaa^xw fembooncawn

Angler c_X::LiLo pcnkail, J.jlju^ c;j|


OAnsuifli , \ »X*,>*4 foogool—diftrefs

orang menkail

h J*-^AW^—^Uw fcifak

Amount, fu'm total, / ^y toonay— to

amount to ^^^^Ln Tampec, (__^0>l:i^


Ample, large, (j^' J low'as

Anccftor AJv* moyang, %J^^ "•—^-Vy

iicnek moyang

Anchor «Lw faoo—to anchor «Lm 4A'! manis

labo faoo, ^^L> balalx)—to anchor Annals cjLiIxX^ hekay'at

or ftop in the port ,Xi^ lang'gar

to weigh anchor A,*, Jo«j boonkar


Anifeed ^^^jl^ ^^ jcra manis, (u/t3'

/jjvJLb adis manis

Anifccd-oil (j^'U (j^Oil jf dyer adis

To Annihilate ^^l/JOkU>Uo maniadda-


Annihilation ^jLcO'a-v* maniaddaawn


A P ( 46 ) A P

To Annoy ajUjI anydya, ajUjU mc-


To Annul {j*^^^^ ampoos

To Anoint . JsLa^ min'yakkee, cUjjjj!Ap

gone apart «*Jj1j>j a/ 6*3^ Ajii dca

fooda ca fabla—apart by itfclf «jU^



ber'oobat,' ^'LyL* ;^li<3 vjU*< fapoo' Apology ^jl^jow'ab

dung'an min'yak, ,^I/LjLj« oobatacan Apoftle (J.>C3;:J| injill, J^l; rafool

Apothecary ^^^jti dookonAnointed ber'oobat, Ou-Lb!7^


Anon, by and by, jAajLn fabantar—he

will come anon _aajL« (5^^ <V.*^

ijiti dea laggee fabantar datang

Another (^^' lain—one more 1^^yiLn lagee fatoo—another man's

<Xaj*j (m»j^ P-^)' orang lain poonca

To Anatomize, cut up, .Xaj bela

Anfwcr uuijl-kw faoot, ^jJ'*1>-va^ menia

ootan — To anfwer ^^:ja ^tV^y* menia'

oot—defend, excufc, <^\y:p'^ men-

jovv'ab, vU^ jow'ab—a letter

CJ; ft>*j cy^y^J balas foorat—not to be

anfvvered, unanfwerable o-olo ytXy

( iLrs», C^jJ «3 tcda dapat de bree

jow'ab—a prepofterous anfwerer

ryjy.^j oJv* mooloot rampoos

Ant, pifmire, vot^-o*) femoot

Antidote jjULj panawar

Antipathy ^^^s:-*-/ binchee

Antiquity Ji/ J «ti dauloo cala.

Anvil ^^LwitjJj lindofan

Any d;b barang—any one Aj',asw pjlf

barang fiappa—any thing «Jul"^ '

barang appa—any where

barang tampat, aJL» <5jL«3 deniana


Apace, quick, '•J^^j bang'at

Apart, afide, «U-jU*^^ cafabla—he is

Apparent ^XjJ tantoo—manifcft AJ'Lj

niata—moft apparent aj'LJ J' terniata

^it is apparent to all the world

AAJjti ^(JLf^jM 2(Aj ajUj niata pada

fcgalla doonea—Apparently true

*AAJ' (^v>-Eti AJ'UJJ" terniata dung'an


Apparel ^jLoLi pakeean—becoming for

men gcXJLe minda—becoming for

women / JOos. chantee—to pull off

apparel (J~fJ Lj J^Xvu tin'gal pakeean

To Appear before ^—jtiljLc meng'addap

—to appear by rifmg, as vegetables,

as the fun JU-s*-'' timbool—to appear

unexped;ed ^ *1a^ «jLmJ' tafaroompak

Appeared ^J <^*.^"_j bertimbool, ^_)t3 bL*


To Appeafe /_>J'J tatappee—anger

^Ln faber, (^U^Iti dammecan

To Appertain to »xaj*j poonea, aaJaa^!"


Appertaining &Xks kena

Appetite (^^ju ing'in—mind to Aaa:^^

cheta, 5<-Xj; rindoo

To Applaud -.^4j poojce

Apple (M «LsLt' tafaon

Pine-Apple (j^UI ananas

Application, requeft, <sJCa^ minta

To Apply to ^^xl/Ux/kenacari


To Appoint, agree, (^^^s:^'^ pnjcc—ordain *j±jm fooroo

Appointed v.:i^L*.'J-j' terfafat, ^^^^jI:5».Ij


To Apprehend, arrcft, \„^^J0J tancap

—underftand / ^^bLc meng'artee

ToApproach (^b'jA^I ampircan, ,-y<'-j»^

maampir, (^'/ >ye'-»^ meng'ampir-

can—Approach to him (^l/^yel^

Ajti meng'ampircan dea

To Appropriate, attribute to one's felf,

&/Jyy^,\ cjli AJ'l/ cata barang am-


To Approve, encourage, «^'-s^. haroo

Apron for a girl i.jl:i=. chaping—for a

boy (^^Uj peleran

Apt ^~ijj\ arif—he is apt to learn ajc2>

::i.Li^ I ^j^l dea arif meng'ajar

handy cuj'.:^» chdpat—ready to learn

work t^OJa pandee

C 47 ) AR

Arched p^iii^.j bcrlangkoong

Archer ^^-JL<^^ penimback, d i.l

aJL^a^ orang memanoArdent A::^^j rajing

Are, or is paft, gtiy^ fooda—or Is 5<A£

adda—are not xOoiaj' tcadda, (-,*/•-»


To Argue s-^"^ bechara, eCikj banta

Argument ^Lx>JL»b babantaawn—of

ftrife s-jiAa^ chidera

To Arife, from fleep, \j^xXj benkit,

(j,*j«.j bang'oon—as the fun OvajJterbit

Arithmetic ^^ Lcj>o keraawn, *^ I elmoo,

<5jL5l i^J^ catawan anka

Ark, Tent, aj'I J' trata

Arm (^jJIaJ ling'an—ofa tree ;m«a>-'<s^<^

i^^tJ daha-ling'an pohone—of the

fea i._y^LLu' telooc—ofa river 0~«-yjw


Aqua fbrtis qj**^ ^rsr*'.^ ^1 ay'er Armed cap-a-pee AJls-'^^jwCti u-rXj^

meng'an'choor mas, .

ay'er fow'am fow'am

negree bararabArabia V't''?^

Arable land cloJL» bcndang

To Arbitrate g^lJu'^j bcr'antara

Arbitrator s^UuL/ 6jJ orang ber'antara

Arbour p.OJuj rindang, j,oLc4>*. fo-

mayamArch c^ity langkoong, c>j*/coobat


lancap dung'an finjata—with falfe

fpurs, as a cock /^i»,ljlj batajee

Armour iul:^/^-' finjata

Armour-bearer «sJCjIj^ maralka, cj.l

.xl'lrs:'^^ a ^La.^ orang membava.


Armoury .xiLs:-''**' d «t^iJ godoong fm-

jata, dJ'^ss/'^ ^-^^^-VSp tampat fmjata

Arm-pit i^'UJJaj kc'tiak

—in building, the infide of an arch Arm-ring cJLj galang. .. iM 1 ':*- *i,« 1- „r _ i--:j a ^.^/-i c0«^J lang'it—the arch of a bridge

(j^"Ia^^ d^' c y lang koong jamba-

tan—arcn, witty, (^<S^ boodle

arch, cunning, v_iLjcA.;^Oi. cheredik

Arch-angcl OvXj.iU^j pangmelaicat

Arms, utenfils of war, Ajbp^ fmjata

cf^J iSj^SXj pagawee prang—arms>

cognilance, _j^Ljgalar

Army 5.!^ d)*l i^K^ cawan orang

prang, 5ij^Aj }L» balatantra—of rebels

A 11 (

^jJ'LXjI an'cataii

Arrack ^'^l arruk—^ftrong ^! ^—Vl^l

arrak appce

Arraign loLCU mcn'gddau

Array, order, ^*j'l utor

Arrears ij'. ootang, iJJJJ .i-j cang

tin'gal, ,*^j.J (J-XXj" tln'gal bcroo-


To Arreft, feizc, ^~fJ^' tancap

Arrcftcd l-^XJUL^ mcn'ancap—They

arrefted htm, and put him in prifon

until the next day, tor it was then

evening AaJIcXj u-nXo" 5t3*>*j c^^L><3

48 ) A R

Article (c;-^ bagce, (jIaJ'Lj bagcan,

j<;lj5-J pcrkara

Artifice of wifdom (_^ti*j boodee—of

deceit <^»:^»j boojok

Artificial ^^i>Jj( pandce, JUbcr'alim

Artifl (_CJ«JL> pandee, C^cXJu di*l

orang pandee

As, like as, a^Lw ^ fama—even as

tsoLfjS tj bugee'mana— like unto

^'_A^wg fcpertce—as long as ^>*cUw

iampce—as foon as «sXyLw liitclah,


i^y>^ A-V^J 5<^J''*>i-V)./ A>Jjjjal_dc6-

/ ^A^L^w cL>*A.j ti «,j

Aj'/" "ferta

Afcend, go up, ^-JoU naik—fpring up

i}y<f^ timbool—go high up u:jlrs=^


rang fooda tancap padanca dacn tarooAfccndcd jj*^»^^' j bertimbool

: / .--ye^ fampcc—touch at a

de paflang fampce harree effonea

carna fooda pctang harree

To Arrive

place aX>wj fin'gah

Arrived ecWg ^>y«Lw fampee-foodah

Arrogant ,»*kaj /\J)\ uttee befar', aaJ»::^

choonka, CJi.~=.'J5 kachak, i^**-»

bing'on—rude (J^ 'jL) paralcntee

—in fpccch Oi^li" ejJ«>« mooloot


Arrow ajU * KjI anak pana—with fea-

thers J 4j,j AJb OiJl anak pana ber--> ^ V

Aftiamcd *JLo nialoo— afliamc (CjJLe brec maloo

Allies ajl aboo

Afidc aIjI-/^ fabla—ftand afide, 2;o out

of the way, *JJ laloo

Afidue i;>wtil addas

Aik 'A-olj tanea—demand as a debt

*>J«J' toontoo

Alked A>J'-J'b batanea

Afkcw a.Ju.jberiko, u:j«,j croot, c«,>.*w


Afking 4.Vaj'J axj'JIj batanea tanea

booloo—ihot with an arrow aJL»-j Afpeft ui^LyLij pangleat

berpana, AJL^>yc mcmana

Arfc u:jUJ'-j pantat

Arfcnick i^iS-j» wrong'on

Art, fcience, A^i\ clmoo, (C<-Xxj pan

dee, (m! jUCcL' pang'catawan

Arteries of the body (^cjU cj;» oorat


To Afperfe o^aAaj bankit, lOJLi*)


Afquint ij «J AJ'Uj mata gooling

Afs (_^O^i/ cailcdcc

Affafoctida «XJi an'goo

To Ail'ay, try, a„i«2s« choba—touch, a?

metal on a {lone, , ^Ci.* oojcc



To Affault, S^'^ langgar,


ToAlTcmble Jjtvycj/coompool, i^yr^campoon—We aflemble here to pre-

fent ourfelves to you i^yyj'^ (_sv-^

irj^yi * »titjL« (M^l( 5-*>:V*'

'^ camee

bercampoon de fence acan meng'-

addap tuan

Aflemhled i^y^^ bercampoon

AiTcmbly i^GjuA^campoonan, \^y^c.j»\ campoon orang

Aliemblics (^lj*A-y/ ^ ax^ campoon


To Affent a/^ fooca

To Affign ^^^.^'j pafan

Affift p-^_y tooloong, cJ»a^ men'-

ooloong—in war «JCaj bantoo

40 ) AV

At <Jk/ ca, bcXj pada, <3 de—at any

time jXsj c;lj 5<A.J pada barucig

waktoo—at die fame time aaj^' jcXj

til» pada ko'tika ctoo—at home Ois^tj dc rooma—at prcfcnt (^^yLw

facaran—at once /J lytJ fdcalee

at hand jAA.,jt^ maampir—at Icifure

«s^ycl ampa.

To Atchieve (^^y^'JLy* mehikoocan,

Athelft il/cafir, i3l<jC^ dooraka

Atlas, a fort of filk, ajL^ kimka

Atonement ^--'U:^ Jow'ab

Atop, above, (j*aJ'I attas

To Attack, JiiiLyc mclanggar

To Attain Cio'^ dapat, (^j^^f^ bero-

lec, /^yoUw fampee

Attained, gained, ijjr^ bcrolee

AfTiftance ^^jX^Jjj^jJ^ bantoo too-|To Attaint, accufe, 'itiLC^ men'gadau

To Attempt^ij-^


To Attend, wait, (JoU nantee^-ferve

/ ^b^ la.) anee

Attending , ^J'-J^^ lalayanee

Attention (^^Liti dung'aran, (^yLicX>L^


Attentive OvXcl inggat, ^^\j rajing

To Attell / ^sm/'.^ fax'ee, (^yf

t ,,->*»/Lw bree fax'ee

Attire (^LoL) pakeean—To Attire,

clothe, (^JjLj pakee, ^^\..^j^ mem-akee

To Attribute to one's felf c^U «sjVA^Jvyo' cata barang ampoonea

Attribute of God <!lUI jJo«i faci allah


To Alfociate t,^j~^'j^_ bertummun

Affurance d^jtyn foongoonea

To Affure (^ ixAj' tantooee

To Affuage, as hunger, /j^ «^ powvvas

—grief i_^'lj' tatap

To Aftoniih a^^j»/U.a^ menacootee

Aflonilhed ,^^bs.lj' tachang'an—They

which heard this were aftonilhed

^jsiL^U orang eang fooda dung'ar

etoo dco'rang fooda tachang'an

Aftonilhment ^b'^l^'j tachang'anan

Aftray c:-u*jI/*j fafat

Aftride, to fit aftride, c^^rs^ joolang

Aftrologer j.zs:-' najam

Aftrology j:sl-' 4^1 elmoo najam

Afundcr is Lw fakoo }

Attorney at law ^UXj baggoam

To Avail, profit, S-y^^ untong, «vJo



AW ^ 50 )

Avarice (^'>.*Ai> kik'irawn

Avitricious ^i^ c>«i oranp; kik'ir

Audlon for goods ^.^KjJ neelam

To Avenge ^j-'ij:::^ hookoom

4BI Avcrfc to the mind aaj piah

Avcrfc, loathing, v<*i*. joomoo—Hehas an averfion to me ^^Ij^j::^^ «!y<3

ajLn dca joomoo acan fa^a

Avger c^d^jS ^oordee

To Augment, increafe, t^y toomho

Augmentation ^^Lxa^j tambaawn

Aukward cxjl;^. etXy' teda chiipat

Aunt »!wU) mama, gOj^Ui mamooda

» ii

-great aunt 5 «I owa

To Avoid J^ laloo—ward off, as a

blow, (wJUJ tankis

Avoided iSj^y laloocc

To Avouch /^wj/l>^ i^jj bree fax'ec

Aufterc (j^^sr^^. binjls, (j*^^/(^^ ''^ttce

eras—Auftcre look,.*.U ^^fJ'< mooca


Author, inventor, c:^jIJv.j pendapat

—-caufe (m-^»t' po'hone—he is the

author (jj^j-?. p 'v. «V.*^ ^*^^ ^^"S P*^''

hone—Author of books i^^iaa-Ujp

l_>Ia/ pcnioorat kitab—Author of

a difcourfe AjLCo pencata

Authority, grcatnefs, (m^**ajIj kabe-

faran—power tu»-! «'/ cawafa

Authorifed J^'j vvakeel

Autumn >AK)A*e »3l aklr moofim, */j *

5 ».j C^ »-Xj 4j waktoo poongoot booa

Awake a/VJ^P^' «O'V . berjaga—to

awake r;^^ bang'oon—av\ ake from

llecp_^ijcX^J' gJy C^/'^ ^ OJ*^bang'oon la dcrrcc pada tcdore

Away! be gone! (^^^. p<5gcc, jJil

laloo—abfent ji^l 'JcXaJ tcda adda

Awl cJj^ kirac

Awning (^^>-yyl,^ l-^I attap farambec

Awry j.iU.j bcnko, ijjfy^ feroong, ^«w»


Ax ^j'-i kapak, <5uy^ campa

Axle-tree xxSj L*^l/ cay'oo malintang^

/y IcXaj_^ fc^ifc »j «jI/ cay'oo boo joor


Azure Civi^ «jAj biroo lang'it

15ABE 8«^*^ v-Jul anak mooda,

^JsA^s:;^ ^—i.jl anak kechecl

To Babble, tattle, »JiJj gan'goo, 'jjjUbaleter

Babbler iJJS <:DiJ ^^ mooloot gan'goo,

i:^^ ^jj giXsJ Ic'da pan jang, 3^'«:>

chora, ^Li-. chala, Ai^^^r^wl i'ljooia,

/v^4A<<; rampoos

Babbling qLc»,Co' gan'gooawn

Baby, child's toy, ^j;~t)j\ q.j^\ o'rang


Bachelor c^:i>.*J 6j*\ orang boojo'ng

Back ^j_^jIj blacan—of a knife (^^J^»j

AWJ.AJ poonggon . pefoo—put back

_^*O^JJ oondoor—look back xXj

^ULJ palling capala—back again

/ jl>v^ combalce

To backbite cxa.-«*j;./^ mcn'goompat,

JUJLw falonkar


Backbitlnjr cwJCaj fcte'naOBackbiter o^^^tXX^ cU c»*!

eang men goompat

Back-bone ,^yOL» c J>' *j toolang blacan

(Backflidcr \Xi'».^ moortad

B A (51Backwards f^j/^y (3 de blacan—to go

backwards^ «cXj « oondoor

) B A.

Bacon cJJ t^^*-> bobbee kirring.

Bad c:Ai;lj5>. jahat

Badge c:-v^^l alamat

Mat-bag 1^ , I'y caroon—money-bag

(__^t>J»j poondee

Baggage for travelling ^j-^ls^ Ajy*i fer-

ba jalan

Bail, fecurity, (^^OyU" gadee

Bailiff c *Xx-elJ' tamanggoong

To Bait, ftop at a place aXXwj fui'gah,

vye^ lampoo—bait, travelling-meal,

ij^'L» banian—for a fifh (^j->y««

oompan, ^Jy^Jo i^j^^j oompan kail

Baited (^^_^j^*jL« meng'oompan

Baker / J> ^JC^cAJu c i.I orang pandee


Balance, fcales, A:^IjLj naracha—large

^JJoU^j timbanggan

Balcony, c *ijLj nang'long

Bald <J?yy botok—pie-bald c^Lj pa-

lang—to make bald iwV*J'U^ mem-botok

Bale Aawaj bufta, cjcAJLT gundoong,

<\JUu'_> bantala

Balk of timber ^~J? ».^\j rafok

Ball 5 «.J booa—of wicker, made by the

Malayo's for a foot-ball, ,xJ^(il*j

yak oobat

Band, company, (jLl/caw'an—of fol-

diers p'jJ ijj' tjU'i' caw'an orang

prang—cord fjj tallce, ^.^.^js^.


Bamboo «x^ bamboo, a fort of cane ;

alfo the name of a concave-meafure,

ufed at Achee on Sumatra

Bandy-ftick fjijjl:^ chatoke—to play

at bandy /^JjyUi» chatoke, / ^^L,,^mcmatoke"

To Bang Jyj-J poocool, JLi paloo

To Banifli c\aj booang

Banifhed c l*J b' talooang, c f *aj<3 dcboo-

ang, c:^:^::^. pechat

Bank, foot-way raifed, ^Ji/.'^^la-pik cakkee—dam (j**Jjij tarbis—Tobank in land ,^jXi^j[j tarbifcan

fand-banks, over-falls in the water,

-jl-jj lo'bak—fand, Ihoal in the fea,

iAAj beting

^y\ alam, (^_5sr*^. panjec,

^J^XJaJ' toongal

Banquetj-^Li^ jamoo, (^I^Ua^jamoo-

awn—To banquet *^Ls:'*-<' menja-


To Banter ^<A>Lw lindir

Bantering, cnfnaring difcourfc, Aa^j:^

-'j>i^ champa jcirat


booariiga—fire-ball ^^jus^jUmarchoniTo Baptife, dip, -JUam fclam, (^OJL*—ball, as of thread, ^J^>yo»J' goom- '—mandee

pal—of the eye ^u'U {^^^^^ bidjec Bapti/xd ^ityL^ mcniclam, c_^u\jU.j

mata—of the foot- /Ji/ , 'ijlj' tapak



Baptizer (^"JuU (^ -injure mandccBallaft of a fliip jjLj L-T ^'aj toolac bara Barbarous (j>.Uj bow 'as

Balfam j>jj oobat, c^jj , «"'.aa^ m in'- Barber^ «/»>o pen'oocoor


B A (

Bare, uncovered, <.-?-?^' talanjang»

/JuJUy tclelee—To make bare

^^XJOJLO' telelccan— bare-headed

(JLxJUj' aJ bj/ capala telelee

To Bargain ,^^^-^jinjee, ^jUs:-^

jinjeeawn—to make a bargain u:-»!*-»

j^s:^^ booat jinjee

Bargained (^sii'S^-jj berjinjee,

^ ^^^^L) bajiiijee

Bargaining /^s-^Lj bajinjee, (^^s::'^


Barge «O praw

Bark c:.J«ycoolit—of a tree c^^j^jji^ coolit po'hone—^To bark as a

dog iwV^Uw fdlak, v.JJ^Lf'galak

To bark, peel, (^^j^ coolittee,

f)>^y^ coopas

Barked as a dog uJ» JLy-v« menialak

Barker ^^[XXj pen'galak

Barn i.j|^)|«^ jookipang

Barr, crofs-barr, OoLo fakat—^boom

acrofs a river iJ'U batang—iron-bolt

izEc^ kanching

Barrel c «J" toong

Barren, as a woman or beaft, JjtXv<

mandool, «xa^' ampa—as any vege-

table ajJjJ B<->^ ^^'^^ berbooa

To Barter JjJ toocar, /y^ men'oocar

Bafe, common, as people, ^^XJI^Upa-

ralentec, -wjIj ^__^^^j\^^ paralentee


Bafliful^^JU maloo

Balkct A^-''/' cranjong, Jj/L» bacool

—a canon-bafket to fill earth in

ej^-i-*'j^4x^l amboon amboon

Bafon JJ'U batil, ,^yi,*^y co'miftan

52 ) BE—to wafti hands 'm^ij3^ bookoor

To Bafte, as meat (JifJ^ min'yakkce

Baftard Oyl^y haramzada. (^


gtil^^iL:^ anak haramzada, ^'ij\

fJoJytj anak foondal, isr^ -• 'ii

anak kindling, Xa^ .'ij( anak


Batavia g JUjl^jakatra

Bath, hot bath, (j^ju' tang'aS'

To Bathe (_^t>JLe mandee

Bathed (j**ij' j bertang'as

Bathing-tub <!ubi,U bachana— place

(^JjL« Ciy^Y-' tampat mandee—Tobathe the body *j^' ^^_jJij*,lju" tang'-

afcan tooboo

Batt (^L^lj kaliiwan, p.J^^ kaloong,

^«J^li kalalowar

To Batter^J^ rooboo

Battle c Uprang, ^^^^l-jUbapranggan,

(^^jXaj (^jS^\-/^ papranggan kdlihee

-^place of battle c.l_j qIcXa^ midan

prang—battle array cIjoOo ecat

prang— bloody battle ^Jo'^^ cl-»

prang fabil—to loofe a battle aJJ I

e I _j <s:s:^. alia pecha prang—front of

battle . 'i^::^yi^ choochook—flank

c<AU gading—body »jy' tooboo

rear '^jjy tootoop

Battlements, flat on the top of a for-

tification, oJixi tingkat

Bay O^Xy" telooc—bay, ruflet colour

ij«j gyy* mera koning

Be, to be, gj»^ adda, (^til:^^ jaddee,.

«J la—be watchful »J <xX~^^ ber-

jaga la—be it fojXj^ d^J^. bear

la bugetoo—be come (^^iLi^ 5<3_^

B E ( 53 ) B E

foodajaddee—be not (mjjL^u. jang'on

—be not troubled i^^ 05'*~5^

O'Lw «; jang'on attce roolak

Being, cxiftencc, ^Lco\;i addaawn,

(^'-CcXcLi kaaddaawn.

Beads rVV^ bootir, i^->* i^* ooby

ooby, v^.aJv« mon'ik^of glafs

Ari^U ^&j bootir cacha.

Beak, bill of a bird, 5 «^b paroh

Beakur. v^u tallam

Beam of a houfe -J^L/ galagar,

, V *>^I;

rafok—of a ballance ^^2_J-^=i.l <^


Beams, rays of the fun, ^'Jlj panar,

_^Uaaw finar, (^j^ AJLc_^r-AA^ finar

mata harree

Beans ir^^U' kachang, j^l/b^ cacara

Bear c I «^ brovv'ang

To bear, carry, 5«L> bava, jJ*X>o

pecool—bear up from the water,

or ground, i-^MJ^/^^ fmgfing-

bcar, as a tault, P__»-*J tang-

oong—bear with, to luffer, (jj^::^'-"

tahan—bear, go by a name, / ^bpakec—It is neceffary to bear a ht-

tlc with old men (j_j>:i^lji' <::Jjj[j_

^AJ p.jt^ 5<Aj (^^it2> oJijdKAM patoot

tiihan fcdckit derre pada orang tooah

Bearing Ji ^JCaj ^] *S^}-> bapecool pe-


Beard u^AJGL^^jan'goot—on the upper

lip, whifkers, fy^^tii koomis—beard

wild beaft^UJ XJ^Xo binnatang li'ar

—four-footed beaft Ova^' >JUUjiU^ bi


oicorn^.iAJlj aJ »_i booloo gan'doom

i>.-j berjan'gootBearded ul.'«_\JI

Bcaft ijUxj binnatang—tame beafi:

iJ'U>o binnatang jenak

(^^ umnatang ampat cakkee

herdofbeafts ^Uaj ^^cXA/ candan


Beaftly XjUaj ^^'^^.x-iy*, fepertee binna-

tang (j^as-' 'hejis

To Beat J »/^ poocool—the breaft

jOiIti jj tfj..: poocool dada—as a

fmith with a great hammer , "ixJCo"

tetick—in a round, as fmiths, . 'l^ClKi^ •• ••

^ *i>yCvjL« tetick manetick

Beaten, worfted, aI'I alia

To Beautify ^^[^jSij bagoofacan.


Beautiful as the face ^U bparas baick, /JjIj Aj »j roopa baick

—or well fhaped ^^Ju^ flkap—

beautiful woman ^j*,jIj o'^^^'r'.v_^Ij parampoan paras baick

beautiful as a houfe, or any thing

which has not life, ^j^r^U m^-jelis, OCJ*^ molec

Beauty ^^U (j^jIj paras baick

Becaufe ^bjj^ fubab, ^UJ^S carna,

i_yS\J tagal—Becaufe of you men do

defpife me i-h^UIa^ cj! Jii^ AJjy^i'lOu 5<3 4-< carna angkav/ 6/ang

melc'at mooda padako

To Beckon cijjbs:**' fcharat

Become, come to paf?, (__^tilz!»

(__^<^l2^'*-< jaddee menjaddce—Tobecome, be fuitable, /Ij^ lavak

He is become, or turned Moham-medan, ^^L.1 C^<^1:>. etW- A ti

dea fooda jaddec IlTalam—His cloths


BE (54do not become him jcXaj' «xaJUjsL)

AAJl<Jo "jU^ pakeannca teda Idyak


Becoming . «L>^ layak—or proper to

do c^^yi'Lj patoot—proper or becom-

ords, t\J)i cU /.,LxJ'l/cataawnmg woras ^uis ^ V. Oeang layak

Bed ijtXo' cxycLi" tampat tedor, a^I/

cama, i*^l/ cafoor—in a garden

cOJLj bcndang

Bedfellow i*<_Xju' (^^j>^' tummun te-


Bedltead ^jU^jcAaj'^ pcrtedorcan,

iSj^J garee, jjd>^ aaaj ketta tedor

—or canopy 4>>^^t/ calambo

Bee «<3L« maddoo

Bee-hive jtiU» 9-\}}^ faroong maddoo

Beef (_gj'-^ i^Jt*-^''^ dag'in fappee,

/ _)Ln fappee

Beef Qfcjlis» jatoon

Beetle, wooden maul, Jjj o*. chopool

Beetle-leaf (^_aj^w feeree

Beetle-nut is eaten with the leaf

penang—beetle-box, falver.



To befall, happen, (__^<3Li». jaddec

Before, in courfe, ^jjltXc addapan,

&^Lj_> partama—in time JIti dau-

loo—in diftance ^j_,l*A£ alow'an

firft time aJI/ Jl<:i dauloo cala—be-

fore that time 4>o. 5>Aj c_^jO JI<3

^yj dauloo derree pada waktoo etoo

—before you cat gOu ^Sjd JIti

j^^jLc dauloo derree pada macan

before the world was 5OU (^jti J Iti

C^OUfc «^VM*^ dauloo derree pada

) BEdoonea jaddec— before the face

^^\J\s. addapan, <\/»^<3 dcmooca

before, a little before in walking,

A/*^ti demooca— before, on th&

fore part of the body, (^ltiLw^

deaddapan — wear that jewel before

^jjJcXc ti yj ^'^j^. Cs^'^pakee

permata etoo de addapan—before

your face «^ ^/k^ ;^ltX£ addapan

mooca moo—before the king (^l<_Xc

ic^j addapan raja—to bring before

^jsJutibL-e meng'addapcan, sjb

U^c^bLo bava meng'addap—before

the wind ^j-^.ix ^—jOIjLc meng'addap


Began (^^y^ moolay

Begat V tjl^ ber'anak

To Beget ;^^JoO>L:i>. jaddccan

To Beg <s.A>^ minta

To Beg alms d^jd AaJL^ minta derma-

—for God's falte &X}\ aJ;1/ aJC^

minta cama Allah

Beggar O^^^'tI ^JJ^orang pamm-

taawn—a Mohammedan religious

beggar ytSi fakeer

Beggars bag . "y^^ fitak

Beggarly, poor, ajL» papa, ^jJi**M»


To Begin (^')Lye moolay—begin to tell

an old tale (^^U-e moolay, c^Iaj

J I «^Lx2^ bclang haalawal—to begin

again «sj*^ t^^^iyc moolay poola



lay, (^lj^ AAO moolayawn, ^UciLs:^

kajaddeawn of the world




pcgee la,

ber'anak — firft begot


child c«_'»>*j ^ «J I

To Beguile *,aaj'^



Begone %J


Begot ^-Juf^' anak foolong

bertipoo, . V*i:».tj


aJLaj kena tipoo

Behaviour (^j pree, »/^ lacoo

good behaviour *A^«:^ choombo

To Behead «sJU'^ A^pH panchang ca-

pala, aJULJ (JLxj pang'al capala

Beheaded A^y^Ul/' isr-S? ti de pan-

chang capalanca

Beheld Li;L»J.yycmelcat, i.iljUw<men'an-


Behind (^^_ blacan-—behind all,

hindermoil: i_J^ ^ tj^-^^ <^ A'^

blacan fa calee—leave behind (Jj<JJ

i^yjlj ti tin'gal de blacan—one

behind another ^iA^ws^ /^V*^-^maffing


Behold *j cjLJ leat la, sLXjU nantang,

"iJJU^ men'antang— ftare upon

ccX>J! pandang

Behoveth ^j^ .^'-^r^. haroos—or is proper

to do <.::jyL( patoot—or is neceflarj'


Being, confiftent, ^LcO>U kaaddaawn

—To give being to ^/I^JibLo meng'-


Bcir Oijj ootak

To Beleagure J^^.bU meng'apoong

Bclief^Lxjlrs:^^- pechayaawn, (^ (juI=^_j

perchayaawn—eafy of belief g^*^

( 55 )^

AjIs^S^. moora pechaya

To Believe djl::^jj perchaya, «jyls^.

pechaya—I believe you AjI^jJ Aj'-^

»^iAj faya perchaya padamoo

BeUeved ajI^-j^j bcrperchaya

Believer /^l_»bs:^. pechayanec,

ajLsc^.J' terpechaya, u:^LJjj c^.l

orang berneat

Belciving sJ}c^^.~i berpechaya «syLs:^.


Bell AJOL^ ginta—ofChina d »,S goong

—to ring a bell «sJOLy ^.JkjJ'G tarik


To Bellow, as any beaft when caught,

«XajLj batan'go—or cry out


Bellows (pairof) (^js>*i*x<Iamboofan—to

blow with bellows (j^ vycbLo meng'-


Belly 1.::^«^ prot, *-^«mj. poorot—ake


_^^ >»^\>oun fakit prot — muchtwiching gripes ej.-j c:-J:(; rang'at

prot—twifting of the guts ^^^ y^i

molas—paunch bclTy j>*jwO ci^^jJ prot

befar—burften belly c:j «^ «j booroot

Belonging to- «x^^J^J poonea, aaj


Beloved , ,^IXcaiTee—a beloved man


/^Mji.^Aj kecaflee, / v ,1/

orang keaflee—of God , "Aii ^"^^

&JU I kena tillik Allah

Below 5 *ljc^ debava—below and above

(jjAJbti (^y^^d sjljti debava dacn


Belt, girdle ijAJL» C-OCj ecat pinding

Belt (fvvord) xjOJL*. fanding

50 ) B I

\^\ can coobong

Bed OuIjJ tcrbAick,

eang tcrbaick

To Beflow (__^-j brec

BE (

To Be-lie ^jyU«j «O^j bcrdooftacan

Bench aajj reba

To Bend i^j/j^^ baw'oorcan—or bow

the body jcXJiJ" toondoo, oJJoai

finglt—as a bow c «.iti^^ye melang-iTo Bethink ^jui fik'ir


AS Tix)n or wood v^»»JCaj To Betide (J^«3b».jaddce

b-intok—as the branch of a tree

that will come to its place again

p.j06js>. choondong

Benefador iS^j-} ^—^:?^' ^^'^ boodee

Benefit aj^' fiy^J oontoong laba

Benevolence, alms, A^jd derma—or

kindnefs i^»\jCi^ ^^-^\-! t)aik boo-


V..-JIJU^y i^-


Benjamin ^^ys^-'^y' cominjan

Bent, crooked, ^aaj benko,


Benumbed Ajlj kakoo

To Bequeath (^.j brec

To Bereave (j**a^|; rampas

Bcrrv ^ *,j booa

Befeech aaJU minta, ^j/Ul^ mlntacan

To Bcfet -XlJW mclanggar—fur-

round ^^^J3^^J/ coolcelingcan

Befctting ^^^jJjiX^jf cooleelinggan

Bcfides, over and above, (<*^ Icbbec,

iiJ pOib cX'<^ dcrrcc pada etoo

bcfides that -MJ^Liitys meluincan,

/ J^jz^y cochoalce

To Befiege c jU kapoong

Beficgcd p_^.'-i^ meng'apoong

To Befmear, dawb, '^j^^ loomoor-

can—or anoint (^LX« minyakkee

To Befpeak ^>*\i. pafan

Bcfprinkle, as herbs, c .j^-m firang^a

garden c ^j»/ ^^^I^aAa^ mcnirang-

Betlc, an infeft, (j>v>-J Upas

To Betoken jvAaj tanda

To Betray ^^^.^j^ fcmoocan, y^^'^a.

hifmoo—or fell JUa». jew'al

Betrayed «.^j^k^s^-j bcrhifmoo

To Betroth, for marriage, iuy toonang

Betrothed iJ»J'^bcrtoouang—one that

is betrothed ^^^Jou*J' toonanggan

To Bctt, lay, «^lUi' taroo

Better *wJtjU r^ Icbbee baik—It is

better, or I had rather, nJjl ancor

—to make better 7 ^JuIj baikkee

better to die than do that i_^

Icbbcc baik matce derfcc pada ca-

reeja etoo

Between Ajuti dcteng'a, e^'UoI antara

Betwixt <\JuAjLJ\3 deteng'a-teng'a

Bewail (j^^ tang'is, (j^^Ju^^ me-


Beware, t-akc heed, *iv»' toong'oo

To Bewitch toLii:^^ icj



jj:i^ ^..-)jj<^ membooat

^c:j 1-1*2». A>Lo kena hobat


Beyond, over, ^t^'-'*' fabrang—fea

v:i;«^' c ^jLsNti delabraus; laoot

Bczoar aJCJ •_> golega—monkey be-

zoar A>Jj^ 4xXa.Lj golega mooniet

To Bib, fip, *^«_; irrop

B I( )

a L

UJUl Alkitab, dJjl ^mUj fer- anak—biith-day «

«L*!_j ^Jt harreeBible

mawn Allah

To Bid or command, as a kina;, ...smj

pafan, (-jyi^AjL* manitacan—a price

_j[*^-j taw'ar

Big ,j*»>j bcfar—with young }LfSJj.j

boonting—or flat iwj» t^»J gomook

Bill, chopping-knifc, c^U parang, .'ijU

kiipak— or bond ^^jJ^\J* ^"v**' foorat ootanggan—of a bird 5*;Ij


Billet of wood ajLT cay'oo

Bind c:aXj ecat—To bind or tie,.


L> Bifliop j^jlXLl nfkafan, <jJuJvu pan-


BiflvCt A-»ta]> /5J V rootee kirring

Bit, of a bridle', claU ui;^'*^ niooloot

kakang—a fmall piece ^J^Ji:bLw fa-

pangal, e^yUw facrat, i-^^^ fiike-


Bitch A.^xAj ji^-'l anjing betina

To Bite (^^Xa-T giggcc—Bite ^^^CLTL.

fagiggce—Bite otf (j^jJjJ' {,^J^giggee pootoos—to bite, as mullard.

ecatcan — or conjure by an oath &c. to the tafte, ^j^c^Lj padas

^^^jCe'^bb. haramcan— by an oath Biting dog, J,'':^U' ^jsr-M anjing galak

cXa»C A/-S* L» bafoompa, =^j ber- —tiger(^^j^^^l machan bow as

janjee, ^^Lx>yet»j ;J^^ dung'an'Bitten ^^^^XjOv^ men'giggee, (^_^X^O

foompaawn—to bind aboiit c^X;' bergiggee

iJLA_'^ ecat cooleeling— as a book'Bitter OoL» pait—very bitter c:^bj

>Xi killip—up, as the hair J*XjLwfan'gool—together, or bundle -_:

A-eLw A^Lw ecat fama fama, c *j


Binder of books L_>lJo^ i>_^ljuj penkillip

kitab—of bales, &c. ^jJ^jCcij peng'c-


Binding .jJ^'Aj ccatan

Binn aJ \j raga

Birdc «2*J—fcabird ijcXAjtic «j«jboo-

roongdingding—bird netij^Lrv^iaring

—bird fnare . 'i^v^^l; I'^'^^ik—bird-

watcher , "f^i^j ^^jJt^Ujlj * ocantahan


Birdlime c:^/^ perkat, ^bU" gatah

Birth, commencing, AAjbtil^^ jaddenea

—bringing forth young /V'tJ ticr'-


Jy'Bitternefs ^jJOU paitan

1 Blab-tongue jLJU balctcr '

mooloot, aXjU gan'goo



Blabber ^^2^. >^j

Black Ju ctacn

Blacking dJ> ^'l^ jaldga

Bladder of any creature (^A (^\\

arrec arree

Blade, of a fpcar or arrow, Ooy^U.

fampak—of mace aJUaJaj boonga-

pala, /J Uj fa ley—of grafs ujL-

i.:ij «>yc «3 fayoor roompoot—or ftalk

,.>«'i'-^ farawan

Blade-bone t^^Vi c^'^ toolang bahoo,

C^O^L» c^*J' toolang balecat

Blain, bliftcr, AjCaj bintil

B L ^ 58

Blame aJ Lm fala

To Blame one aJUj <^'«i*J poongoot

lala, (^^pjXow cheldkacan

Blamclefs aJL*. «^^J^. 8<->^ 5<-^ ^^^^

adda poonea fala

Blame-worthy jJt*. c»JoUa^ Qw«;l:i.

haroos meiian'goong fala

To Blanch i^j^. (Sr! ^^^^ pootee

ToBlafphemeci\:s>^:i^h6jat, |^^U-^^hojatacan, ^^^LiJU::a. cheldkacan-

revile (Jii^ makkee

Blafphcmcr of God ^^^^jli'^Los:^'* dbaJJ I caug mencheldkacan Allah

Blafphemy dJJ\ ^^iX^y:^ hojatacan

Allah, aDI ^J^:i^^ hojatan Allah

) I) t.

)Lm ,1 aJ

Blafted 8^^ howa

Blaze aJL^ mennldla/

>LjvVJ teriak

L5-" <^^-^ 5^j' ^-' iO^J^(^Uijjy i^^U (^titk. Aajs^L» moo-

min la orang Idyang attce carna pa-

danca jaddee balas caiTcawn

Bleffing (^'U^'Uk. fuldmattec, c:J .!(3



Bleffing, fuccefs, (^^jC.Si^0\j\3 kabidje-

can, c:o_> berkat

Blue j-Aj biroo—pale blue s<^j^ a^-kj

biroo mooda—deep blue ajjjj:^ bi-

roo tooah—or azure c:Ai:J «^^^ biroo


Blind AJ boota—To blind ^j^lj"«j

blind with looking ajV»

Uvy teriak

To Blaze, publilh, ^.AAiAiAj telelecan

To Bleach (yV. iSri ^^^^ pootee

Blemifli, mark, i^—<iJCAj intik

Blear-eyed ajU, ci^U' carnyt mata

To Bleat as a flieep

Bleating of Ihcep aa^ «ti


To Bleed Bjli^jJ berdara, ^JC:^ c.\jj

booang dara

To Blefs, honour, c:-^^l^ ^r! ^^'^^

hormat—or willi well c:-u«JL*i fdld-

mat—or take care of gjLJ L» paleara

—or increafe one's ftore o^JjIti dau-

lut—or give falvation (^/*v« moomin

BleiTed o^jj^jJ berhormat, c:JjI<^-.'

berdaulut, i^j-xy« s<^»>^ fooda

moomin—with profit c *>;J «j ber'-

oontoong—Bleffed are the merciful,

for to them Ihall be requited mercy,


^j:^jJJ:[j ;j-i<^ boota dung'an pang'-

leat—born blind s<^^. iSj*^ ^yiA>Jsj<A:^ boota derree pada jaddcnea

—blind-eye &jyi ajLs mdta boota

purblind (w*jI/ cdboos

Blindnefs ajV boota

Blindfold i^<^^J toodong

Blifter c^/;«jlj rafloong, <J<>JCJuu bintil

Bhth, brifk, AS^y*» fooca

Block, pulley, (^jUi karce—of a tree

that is dry J^Xjlj' tan'gool—that is

green (^^J«JtjU tabanggan—to block

up the way with logs, or crofs-bars,

OJLs». c:oLw fakat jdlan

Blockhead, blockllli, JbU babal, aSY


Block-houfe AJji kota

Blockifh, dull of underflanding, JbUbdbal, Lj~lti^ bddoc, (^OjaJT


Blood jj^Iti dara—to let blood g;!<^ P-Wi

booang dara—by cupping Jou be-

B 1/ ( 50 ) B O

kam—to filed blood g^fti aa^jJ' toom-

pa dara—to ftanch blood / Jl:i*U>*

B^l<3 menahannee dara—full ofblood

Bjlti-j berdara—clodded-blood gilci

i_yjyc^ jj dara bergoompal—circula-

tion of the blood ^^Iti ^Lxsj meng'-

aleh dara—^ftoppage of the blood

^j\<^ c 4>w «.J boofoong dara—waterifh

blood fi:'.^ js;l<^ dara jernch

Blooded sj^U-> berdara

Bloody ^j\C>[^jS-CSjy;>^} loomoordung'an

dara—flux i^-y^j rajan

Bloflom of fruit AjU, mayang—or bud

of a flower ^ >As:J*i^ coonchoop,

^y<^ cootoom—full blown xa^cambang, Ai:«.j boong'a

To Bloffom, fpring out, /v«Jij toonas

Bloflbmed Ai*jb baboonga

Blot ^jy^ choring

To Blot i^jJou )j.2a. choringcan—out,

erafe out, ;^_jJojj*-iy«l ampoofcan,

fcj^ boono

Blotch, boil, J 4>*jwO bifol

Blow ^j^iV». poocoolan—with the fift

y^^^ gocho—lofl: blow (^^/VjAxmj AAisw poocoolan fia lia

To Blow, as the nofe, ^^yu c Lw fang

ing'oos—with bellows i^y^\ am-

boos — the fire with bellows

/^I (jjv4>-<L)Lo meng'amboos appec

-—a horn O^cAaj StH^ ^'*-'Ptandoc

•—out, quench, ^tib padam—out a

candle (^3UJ ^O^bpadamlilan, ^<^b

^jbti (M-/padam can dian—asthe wind

v_> «^J tiop—wi th the mouth i > *^' tiop

—as a flower X>-<et/ cambang, <xc^j

boonga—The wind doth blow hard

Qwiy i_j^AJ' 0> (^j^' ang'in de tiop

eras—He canblov/ atrumpet ab' <xjt^

(^-Ai.^ji>_j«AJdea taootiopnamfyrree

Biowed I »»>JCaj hetiop

Blown, as a flower, ix^b' cambang

—away with the wind (^^^JoL» J' ti

^j_j.>jil 5 lib C_^j<3 de terbangcan der-

ree pada ang'in, (^^'«3 (^k/ ^-Uaj' ci

^^_5^1 gcib de tiop can derree pada


Blunt, as a knife, ^J *>-«^J toompool

To make blunt (^jUv*.^«j' toom-


To blufli a/^ -jI ^^is! meng'oobah

ay'er mooca

To Blufter, blow a fl:orm, ^^t,j^j i.j ber-


Bluftcring wind ^:1^4>o; (^r^' ang'in


Boar i^'*u^ Ls^y^ babbee jantan

Board (jsjLj papan—thin board cjJbuw

fclat—a copy-board, (wherein is

ftrewed dry fand, in which children

learn to write with a p.:ncll or bod-

kin,) ufed in many parts of India

(^b ^J loh papan

To Board, as a fhip, (a fea phrafe)

_Xi>^lA^ melanggar—to go on board

a fliip Jul/ r*^1^ x\u\i capal—to

come from on board a fliip rj^*-'

^Jvjl/ gO» u C^j<3 tooroon derree pada


To Boafl: ^—<-^b' cachak, d>AJye t\^V'

-*M,>o booca mooloot bcfar

Boafler ^'i^jsiy cul orang cachak

u o ( 60 ) B O

Boat .U praw—of a. (liip^^^^s,^ fam-i ^Itib iSj) d 5<:w>^ aaJ cartas lap-

pan— boat's-crevv, boat-man, ci»

«I J ji«! orang awa praw

Boatl wain AJ'lxj.i». jurcbatoo

Bobins jJ^'b'' cdlapir, jJ^I/ »_^ booa


BodkinO^^ larac—with an eye ^ «^1:5


Body v'v tooboo—trunk of the body

c.'«.Slj badang—a fick body cL» «.'«.j

^^ •• . 1 -" ./"'1*. /" 1 1

pec nca fooda dc brcc padako—for

debt AJ«tJ '^)«wj iborat bcr'ootang

—or contraft /-s-S^ '^^J^'*'foorat


Bondage ,\^y lafcar, (^l4J'lj batuan

Bondman _Xj*i^ cj*! orang lafcar, aa^I

amba—To free abondman (^jyUuO^j^

mardcfkacan—to redeem a bondman

ry^AjAj tooboos

OoUki tooboo eang lliklt—fome body Bone 5-^Uj toolang—a dead bone c.'^ii

dul cl;'-J barang orang—no body

Q.j»\ pOyu' tcda orang—crooked in

body v^' A^sp^ canchook—body of a

growing-tree cbLi' tabang—body of

a dry-tree J «.XXj' tan'gool—body of

an army «j^j' tooboo—body and foul

«IaJ niavva^ "

Boll J*>*KAJ bifol, cyi^lj raftoong

that is corrupted a/Lj 4i»j pooroo

biica—To boil /i^Lc mafak—gently

(^OuO diddee, (^tXjt>>U mendid-

dce—orftcw q*^I^ raboos—up or'Bonnct A>j»/c6pea

/ *j^,j toolang bankee—jaw-bone

/^XTvi?. J^j toolang glggee—^thigh-

bone cV^b 5-^J toolang paha—fliin-

bone (j^aj c^aJ»' toolang betis,

Xj^ c ^ »j' toolane klrrlncf—bone of

a fifli, ^JCi t^y toolang ccan—Tobreak a bone c^y j^L^a-^ mcmiltah


Bonetto, a fifh, ^v^l 4>ycl amboo am-

boo, *A<<t A-ycl (^j-^ ecan amboo

amboo, /«^^^^ 4/ coomoolmas

oyer, aa water or any thing in a pot,

l/^LxX* men'galcigaw

Boiled, ftcwcd fleOi, (j*^jj^j i^jJ^O

dagin raboos

Bold, daring, (^l_jbrance—courage-

ous (^j^'bfclJ paluilawan

Boldncfs, t^UJ'rJ braneawn

Bolt, of a door, /V3c^ kanching—Tobolt ^^Olac^ kanchingcan

Bon«no jj''-^j^, ^^**>^. Pcfang, an In-

dian fruit

Bond ^^M»«v*i ij^'y>' cartas fapfee

He gave nie his bond ^_^>*yy*.- CT^'/

U/Book ^[X/ kitab—of accounts

(^Lc^'_> perkeraawn

Bookbinder, t-_»Liy <w--dAJu;.j c.i«f

o'rang pcnkillip kltab— bookfcller

<—>[X^ (_)l*^-j d i«l o'rang berjew'al

kitab— compolcr of a book cjJ

L_>Uy p--X^ o'rang men'garang

kltab—one book x *-• 1-«j 'w.'Uy kitab

fa booa

Boom ij\.j batang

Booncal booncal J^Jo^ a weight

for gold, ufcd at Achce, on Suma-

tra, equal to loz. 8dw. 12gr. Troy

BO (

Booth C^<-X>o kedce, C^ti'J kadcc

Boaty, plunder, i^LmIa^j rampafan

at fea ^ U^ «j roompac

Borax (^jj[j patcrree

Border, of land, (^UMc3 ddratan—or

edge / AAJ" tepee—or frontier i^^(Sr^ tepee ncgrce—To border

upon, or be near, v^^^' ampir

To Bore I 'j<^ gorek, ^.v'J^" killim


>o^ berkillim—bored

with a gimblet, or auger, .V-^CLc

(^c^iA-T (^'-ieS men'gorek dung'an

goordee—Borer, drill, j^aLo killim

—or auger Q_£Cij*S goordee

Born v-Joljj ber'anak, ^ti'^ jaddce

he was born ^^-JLjLj (^ti'-s». ^u^^ dea

jaddee ber'anak—a new born child

^t^Li». «jlj cb ^ «.J I anak eang ba-

roo jaddee— laft born, youngeft,

or drill . V

with a drill ->Xo

Ol ) BO

Bottle, of glafs, Ar^^LT^ cacha, (^jjboolee, A=^'/ L_Jj^

boolee cacha

with a long neck (__^<Aa/ cundec,

/ ^'jyj^ foonihee

Bottom, or ball, (J.jy<j.J goompal—ot

thread cU/j (J^^jjL*^ fa gompal

benang—bottom, or under part of

any thing, uuUCu pantat—of a fliip

jjol/' i,:i;UCu pantat capal—or foun-

dation , Jj'y cakkce—to found the

bottom or depth a/U loga—to ftrikc

bottom A:i>.«::i^ jooja.

Bottomlefs yAjy tobir, <^ c:-i^ij<^ i^^(__^IJV) teda dapat de logaec

Bough cUL=*. chabang—arm of a tree

A^lti daha—end or tip of a bough

cUA>Lr glntas— to lop a bough

cbUx-c menabang

Bought ^^Aaa.^ membillee, (Ju blec

Boulter, iieve, , «LjI ayak, >j:-i>yC)j

jboongfoo—inwhat countrywas ^ «c>vij\»*J »j rfgitt pooloor gen'doom

you born (^JtjJ (CjCi (^di^ Uil [To Bounce, boaft, / "i^'J kachak, SJ^Aj'-o angkaw jaddee derree negrce

mana—of a genteel family ^^1 *l>jjxLi

bangfawan—or carried ^ tS^ pecool

To Borrow goV» iSjC^ /f^^^i pinjam

derree pada

Bofom tiCL» panco, jO^Iti dada

Bofs, knob, jj*xi«j boongkool

To Botch ^A^',j bertampal, ^^,'JCJL*^J


Botch, piece, Jy^-^V tampal

Botcher ^Ly<i'JL^ c mI <3rang men'ampal

Both 5 «<^l/ cadva, juJl.ti'y cadvanca

—fides ^SJ 3 »ci'y cadva bla—toge-

ther <!t<l>*j JuoUOi^y cadvanea fama


Bound, border, j.jJ tepee — Tobound, border on, / ._aju" ,>y«( ampir

tepee— To be bound, fubjedted,

1^ I *j'lj batuan—for another «/1^^^,

(^J cj.l rJ^XJ meniaco gantec

orang lain—^by the hands (^ ^^Lm

famoon—or tied oJCj^j ber'ecat..J.

Bounty . j( lijyo moora attce

Bountiful 5jt*e qLxj' tang'an moora

Bountifulnefs (^Lci«^lj' kamooraawn,

/ J\ 5 1*^ ^J_)'-Xi».J/ carjaawn moora


Bow ajU pana—crofs-bow^«vjj*j boo-


BR ( 62 ) BRfoor—bo\v-ftring_^ *wj«j /JUtallee Bramble (j£j»i^ doorec

boofoor, «sjb i^^ tallec pana—fid-

dle-bow, ftickj ^>;>i^,AjiXj penkiflil

To firing a bow gcXj (J^ ^o^ ^"^i»*>.*j kena can tallee pada boofoor

—To bow, bend, ^jUCi\-j erootcan,

vj^j^^ baw'oorcan—To let off a

ho^NJyMJJ ^jUC**aJ lepafcan boofoor

To bow, ftoop, 4<Ajjj" toondoo

bow-legged ^VjL^ chapik

Bowed »>^^jr! ^root

Bowels '^jjJ (5>*J^ iffcc prot, t^^i.LJ*p> talec pfot

Bowl j<*».Aj *X;L-s manco befar, j^^bookoor — bowl, round ball, g o

'-^^fj booa boolat

Bowfprlt of a fbip AjjOJLyjyj^ cLy tTang


Box, chcft, (5AXJ pittec—of metal,

or any fmall box, as tobacco, or fnuff-

box, ^jjlj tallap, JuA^«.=ai. clioom-

bool—for beetle ajI,=s^ charana—on

the car -a^ tampar

Boy V'ti^J boodak

Bracelet c ^'u galang

BrackifhAjb paya

To. Bragg /'i^^-b kachak, ^L^ lawar,

-XaJ gantar—of riches ^O^ ^iXxJ^

meng'adda adda

Braggadocia, that is, a coward, v «Uj

/ .,:^l.jb etek batiijee

Braid, knit, c^«,jv^"feroot—asb^fket

Bran , Vti(^ dudduk

Branch cLiUu. chabang—to make 9

branch take root by binding earth

about it, and then cutting it off to

plant, jju:^,. chanko—To branch out

c.Ul:^-j bcr'chabang

Branched dUli».^ bcr'chabang

Brand of fire /^1 c*Ju*j poontoon^


To Brand ifli, as a iword,. (mvS:<3 i^t«c ItJKAj main dung'an pedang

Brandy, any ftrong fpirit, O'Lj tow'ac,

/^1 «I;! arrak appee

Brais XJjJ' .x/U^' tambaga konlng

Brave, courageous, i^^yJ brauec

Bravely done g^ lah"

To Brawl, quarrel, j^j »j\Ji haroo

biroo—or caufc a tumult

ing'ar bang'ar

Braw Icr^XLT cijj^ mooloot gan'goa

Brawn of the thigh or arm &^[j pahai

To Bray, pound, ^^ycy toombo—as a

beaft . VL!;>y teriak

Brazen-faced i^L» &Sy* mooca papan

Breach i^^ lapang—breach ofpromifc

^^xw^ j^. oobah janjec

Bread i^ *j rootee, >.jl apam—ftalc


work>jam—the brains v O',wiul anyaiii—uic uirtiiib v_x^ «

ootak, JLpI/ /'iJ"* ootak capala

cawl of the brains /y^ cjjjJUn fa-

lapoot ootak

ciNA>u( c-* • ' rootee bantat- -leavened

-*w^ i^jj rootee maffam—unlea-

vened '^Y^j^ i<' *JJ'ootce manis

Breadth .aaJ lebai-

To Break in pieces Azs^ pecha—in

pieces with a fall 0\>c o roomoc,.

Ojj«^ roboc—off, as an end of

thread, cj^j^^. pootoos—off, or nip

B R ( 63

ofF a tip or end, i^jJi^^^XXS gintafcan

—in bits or crumbs ^yXJ^^ berpan'-

gal, ajI; rapeh—down, demolifli, «.j ^j

rooboo—fnap in two, as a flick, a

bone, jLjL» patah—the back gljU

iSjKKj patah pinggang—pound, as

in a mortar,y^y toombo—through,

as a wall, / Jj «^vti goroke—as a peace,

a bargain, a promife, jjUj oobah,

5L1yi.Ni meng'oobah—as a religious

faft «suwlo &/jj booca poafa

Breakfall c_^;l^ f_^ (j 1^^ mdcan

pagee harrce

Brcaft, pap, *.wj4j*) foofoo—Stomach

jjcSlci dada—bofom «jCy panco

Breaft-plate gtilO «juL^^*'^ fmjata dada

Breath tv*ilj nafas, g»:^ haw a—of a

) B R

man q»*3L; a^o^j cijl orang poonca

nafas—(linking 0\jjj»j v^^^^ hawa

boofooc—the laft breath a «UJ ,^ »^\j

pootoos niawa—to flop, draw in the

breath, (>w>iU ^^/ 0\j.>*jLyA«> me-

memafooc can nafas—out of breath

Qwi Lj / JjLt matec nafas

To Breathe qjvJU-j ber'nafas—out

/v*oU 1^^ (j**^-*^ lepas can nafas

Breathlefs, tiixd, axaJ leteh

Breeches 1^ *wj folwar,^ij izar, Jjjwj


To Breed, with young, ^^yJ boon-


ting, <!UAJ babya— teeth

(^^J^ tcrbit giggce

Breeding, civility, (^:M*w

y^jr^ choombo

Brethren -ijldy^i foodara, j^lo*^

j^lcWi foodara foodara — of one

birth, twijis, (j^eil^ Lw ^JCSy*i foo-

dara fa jaddee

BribcL-)! v*j fow'ab—Tobribe^_»f »Lyv>o«

meniow'ab—to take a bribe (m-^Xc

C_>ly*i macan fow'ab

Brick y\^ batoo—wall *J'b ijOJuti

dinding batoo

Bride, betrothed only, ^y toonang

—when married ^y^\,j ^\^j^^mampelee parampoan

Bridegroom, betrothed, «J*j—when

married {J^^ Ls^-^ Cs^^SSr-e i^^-'"-

pelec lakkee lakkee

Bridge (^'U.^^ jambatan—board laid

acrofs (J^ tittce, ^^ '-fy^' 1 J^tittee tittean—that is built of ftone

and arched .c^xc^^ cLj ^MljU^^^

jambatan cang berlangkoong— To'

draw, a draw-bridge, cxiuVis. cr^AJ"»:-».

(jjJL*J*.:^joonkat joonkatjoonkutan,

{^IXj\ ^j Ij'U^S:^. jambatan an'catan.

Bridle ^Jlt^y' coodalee, iaLikakang

—a ifing bridle .A^i' tampar—Tobridle a horfe gOo; (_^ '«^j/ (j^-^U-o

a (3a/ kenacan coodalee pada cooda,

iC>ji^ (^^^_£xjlj kakangcan cooda

To bridle, refrain, {jJ^li tahan,

(M-^U.A^ mcniihan

Brief, fhort, ^-J>JJ.j pendck—brief,

letter of requefl, ^^LsiJCLo c^'!4>*.

foorat mintaawa

Brier (^jjCi\j ^^^y^i tj roompoot ba-


Bright <!u^ chaya — Ihining iXj'.^a.

chaya—as a coal of fire ylj^ chayir

—poUiflied ,jUifc chayir ^MfBrightnefs ^J_)liL|t:bi. chayaawn

Brim, edge, .aj«.j ping'eer—of a cup

-AAAj bibbir

Brimftone dj^Aj blerang

Brine ^Ij_j( aj-'er garam

Bring g .l> bava—bring, lead, jXJl an-

tar—Bring thofe things^ c.Xj g •(_>

bava barang etoo—Bring him here

/^Aaam ti &jCi (^"^Jjl antarcan dea

d'e fenee—bring hither (Jyyw 9*i>

bava fence— bring out (^ ^[Ji^calooar can—bring before ^jjolcil

addapcan, (^^^jOtiLsL* meng'addapcan

—bring again ;^_,jCJU^combalecan

—bring \ip, nourilh, jjUj peara

bring low, humble, ^^|<JJ; rcnda-

can—bring to pafs (^**JLy« mcld-

koocan, i^jS>*jjjj.^j<^ memootoofcan

—bring through ^j>^^^^ gjU bava

menooroos—bring into (wT^L^a^memafooc—bring forth fruit 5«.j j

berbooa—bring forth young ^—XjI-j

bcr'anak—He did bring himfelf into

trouble (^ ^j>^l.^^^ eti^>*j <^jCi

qI^IT^ ^y\C^ ^j"^ ^^^ fooda me-mafooc can dirree dalam foocaran

Brink of any thing / _aju" tepee

Brilk /jjjJCo pantiis'

Briftlc of a hog i^^-'j-^j'! booloo bab-


Brittle fjj\j rapoh

Broad ^jj lebar, (^ti( addy—an inch

broad AjJ (^j[=^y^ Uj faiboojar-

ree lebar—and flat aaxj pepeh—Tofprcad abroad ji*^^\ amboor—fpa

) B «

cious (j*j(J lovv'as— way (j^ta».

Qj>jl«J jalan low'as

Broke As^^. pccha, A=sp*^. jii^ fooda

tjj roomooc

Broker d^lj' taiang, c^{j cjjl <5rang


Brokcry , /:^u talangee

To Broil xXju panggang—or fcorch on

coals cJL) garing

Brook, running into a river, /Ij(

/-c*>w anak foong'cy—or rcfcrva-

tory of ftanding water, -jl ^^jSjLk^j*»

fimpanggan ay'er

Broom 4j'-KW fapoo

Broth ^^Ali koha

Brother( J>-^ JJ'OJ*

—eldeil ijl j!j\Ciy

—fecond ^oU> xM

foodara lakkcc

foodara abang

foodara kaka

youngeft v^'ol g^lti^>*) foodara adek.

M. loodara boonsrfbo

by one father and mother j^ilt^iu*»

O *j(ij Lwj L:^^ foodara lakkcc fa


poopooan, Lwl ajLj Lm (Ji^ »^'lti*>*j

4AJ foodara lakkee fa bapa fa ib'oo

—in law, half brother, g.fti

(^.AJ" iJi^ foodora lakkee tirree

in law, lifter's hufband, / ^y/ _j} J ipar lakkee lakkee -^ foftcr-

brother (^, Ia>*j*>*jLw fafoofooan —Brothers-in-law, that are married to

two fifters i_^J L_s^^ (J^''^ biras

lakkee lakkee

Brought B *Lj bava, ejU^-* membava

—brought forth, born, , 'U I _j ber'a-

nak—fhc brought it to her mother

<3i>J*>.j jOLjI/ *-0 j «La.^-^ ajO dca

B U (

mcmbava etoo capada iboonea

Brow," of the eye, X>-o kcning—of a

hill c *J*-^C4:i».« oojoonggoonoon

— hair of the eye-brow Xaaj *-Uj

booloo kening— to knit the eye-

brow X>^ ^l^^^ ^--'W^ ken'yit

dung'an kening

Brown /j*^'l^ JO etam manis—tawny

c-*j perang—as paper <x}^^ pala

Brownifli d -o oJijiA>«**j fcdekit perang

To Bruife, diflblve, itcy*! anchoor

Bruifed j^jjlj rapoh, j*2s:-'U brari

choor, a/jJjJ berlooca

Brufh c:aAxwj sikat— whilk J tx^^

jambool— To brufli (j^ti jU*.

c:-ji-y*i fapoo dung'an Ukat—Brufh

one thing againll another tj^j^*^


Bruflied againft y^M^Xiij takiffil

To Bubble, rain, iij^^KSJ^^ men'ga

lamboong as boiling water

. U'JLCl^ men'galagaw

Buck A>*j*j roofa—roe-buck Jcsr^kanchcl—To buck L-T^OJ'-iLs men'-


Bucket, to draw water, _jl aa^' ^vas'--'

bakas timba ay'er

Buckler, fhield, that is round, / ^yj,prifee—that is long cajjJLm fliloo-


Bud^^\j kootom—flower AC;«.jboonga

65 ) B u

Buffalo jj^ curbo

coonchoop—To bud out ijy^j tim-


Budded i\i4jlj baboono-a

Budget /y^-^ sitak, (^OJ^ kcndce

Buffetj=^y ;6cho

Buffoonery iOJ^^ flmda, jj^X.^^ fc-


Bug, chinck, (^1^^. Ci^ssz-f:^. pcjad pejad

To Build, edify, J^| dmal, (^«Jtoo-can—make i!cs::!_y'carecja, ^^l*^,^


jilding ^1jj J berbooatan—This is a

curious building->*j^ ^^L> ^O I tj.


berbooatan cnee byfee

lilds ,Lj(^><j-^membooat—Who builds

this fhip f^^ Jul/ ^-^Ua^t^ <V.Vr"^

siappa membooat capal enee

Bull (^XJL::^ ^^S-' Icmboo jantan,

i^AJl.:^». (^_^.L*i fappcc jantan

Bullet j^>j^, peloroo, jjj^^ 5 *j booa


Bulwark aj\j kota

^"'^P O^J^' bochak, (JjjJitjj boong-


Bunch, knob, JjJtc^j boongkool—onon the back cjcAJLT candoong

clufter^__^j rankcc — of grapes

ji^^^ ijr> {^_^j rankce booa an'goor

—of any fruit, or an ear, as of corn,

(^^^j rankee— fvvclling O'^xCijboongkook—of fruit, corn with the

ftalk pj!_;Lm farawan

Bundle (j^^Xjjj booncoos,__^ «Xi ecoor

of flowers, nofegay, i^joc-»*/

that is blown into leaves iw;*^:-^/' coonchoop—tru/s, as of wood, corn.

^j/*5-jbcrka5—To bundle ^v^-Lw O^X»iX-cl>*' ccat fania fama. ^JJJC*l*Xi»_»

booncoofcan, c«j»jLe men;j;'oobono-

Bung-hole djj' u:-'«J»<< mooloot toong

R^ '

B U ( 00 ) B U

c v» '-^^'^>^. pantat toong

Buoy aJU nana

Burden, burthen, ^^^SCkj pccoolan,

f^\yo mooatan

To Burii -/L» baccar,ry^^i^l ang'oos

fct fire to j/U^^ mcmbaccar,

^^y^LyL-e mennialacan— the fkhi

<>^»jOLyo melatop, -afc>)Lycniclajor

to allies (v-4^1 (j*^^' ab'is ang'oos

with dcfire ajJ loba

Burned Yb (j*»^' ab'is baccar, (>»*ajI

^ywiil ab'is ang'oos

Burning / cjUv ber'appce

To Burnim (^O goopan

Burns -/b ti dc baccar, aJLj_j bcrni-

ala—the fire burns, flames, /jI

aJIaJ^ appce bcrniala— the ho'ufc

burns ^Aj ti '*-««) rooma de baccar

Bvirnt up {Vj (j^ajI ab'is baccar, (vw>ul

*w-*il ab'is ang'oos, (>**>yl J^b bac-

car ab'is, /jjy^AjI (j>v*i:l ang'oos ab'is

—aUve ./b ti (^Jbs matce dc baccar

Burrow Arsi^^Jgolia, ij^ loobang

To Burft, fplit, tvLv.» bcla—out as wa-

ter CX\jJ»" tcrbit

Burthen, load, ^JUi-o Lw fapccool, Lm

^m^'aXaj fa pccoolan, ^jj!*^ I^jg fa

mooatan—that is licavy ui;jUn farat,


(^>^Xaj pecoolan bir'at

Burthcnfomc (>ijUj bir'at— to make

burthenfome {^jSj\~) bir'atcan

To Bury *jb' tanam, y^^^S-^i'S tanam-

can—adead-man iJi^ fjjf ^j-S^'U

tanamcan orang matce

Buried jJlJ' j bertanam

Bufli ^^«L^jw famak, (^j^C^ doorct (Butterfly" ij»/ koopang

Bulhy %j^ cambang

Bulhy hair s.


^-^y^j ramboot cam-

Bufmefs isssi^.S careeja, ^Jbcs» haal

Bufy Ars^j/ 5<Ac adda careeja—hand-

ed J Xju tang'an gan'gooOBufy body ajI«3 *a>J tipoo daya, c ijl

Aa>*i Aaj*) orana fia fia

But, more than, 4^-^-^:iw han'ya—ne-

verthelefs / ^Uaj' tetapce— with,


not without, (^«i%J boocon—but

once / ^b^ Lw tw.:»». han'ya fa calcc

—if AJLv^ / -.''-^ tctapee jcka

if this comes to pafs axa:^ / •^'.'-'•^y

(_^«^Ls» «JO tetapee jcka etoo jaddce

—there is no more but five ^CA^

A^^ 'S'^^Cs"' "^ teadda lagee han'ya

Icma—Man's life in this world is but

fcventy years i^jJ AawjajLo 614!

•"^»3' A<yj5fc <!uu'«Oi ^j^'ti (^^«(-Xj

(M .b 4'Uj orang manoofia poonca

edopan dalam doonca han'ya toojoo

pooloo taw'on

Butcher ^U^ (5^^ A^j'orang ban-

tee binnatang

Butchery, flcfh market, ^JL

^^_JJ^titampat jew'aldog'-n, ^jL.


Butler OU eang


mcmcgang mmnomawnButt, cafk, c AJ' toong—To butt, as a

ram, a/^G balaga, ,^j/*OJJ tandoc-

can—to meet full butt aa^j2». j ber-


Butter /<r!^ *^—V^-*--» min'yak fappce


Civ*Uj pantat.Buttocks


Button ^i-sr^ kanching, «> a»j booa

( 67 ) CA

^jXjjj pan-cake of eggs jjXfJjCi\C^ dadar


Calamity ^m^I/j.»*) foocaran

roo—hole «I j^j A^-' loobang booaj Calamus aromaticus «^jjti dirlngo

Calf ^j-Sr''•—*-*' anak lemboo, v ijf

jLs:^ ^ berkanching



To Buy ^ZL) blee, t^^ billec—For

how much did you buy that ti ajI-i

Aji> i^jJi^J<j<J brapa de billccan etoo

' By gtXj pada, jb bah—by, with ^^t^

dung'an— by day light Xaam jOo

(C/l^ pada fcang harrce—by thou-

fands (j*^y^j t^ bah reboos—by

ftrength ujl»/ {^j^<^ dung'an cooat

—^by chance ioJ^dl:^ jaddenea

by what means dJl^^Xj buggemana,

&.A'}\j bootapa—by and by, prefently,

JCajUw fabantar, ^^ J ^JuVjLm fa-

kotika lagee—by this way 5<_Xj iSjd

, Jo rj^^^ derrce pada jalan enec

I" entered by the door ^C^»^ «il

yCo 5u\j (Sj^ 0_«^U« ako fooda

mafooc dcrrec pada pintoo

Buzzing noife i>*i!c>vj badaffing

OaBIN f^jjy coorong—a great ca-

bin B(L>J'*j booranda

Cabinet j^j^..v. I cfcrctore

Cable .1*. /^ii' tallce faoo

Cacha (^j'4» 5-^ terra japan, ^^b^cache


To Cackle, as a hen, j^j^ coco

Cage (^*^«^i*/ cooroongon

Cake of doagh^Oklti dadar, jtil .1^ ja-

wada—cake of bread -j! apam—pan-

cake c*AxJ'_^iO>l(^ dadar tepoong

i^}-*^ anak fappee—of the leg a^(^_^i/paha cakkee, ^^^^x/^j^Ji^ beti?


To Call ^yXXj pan'gil—name (^^v^fcboot—ill names (Ju makkee

aloud iSJJ tantang — together

" i^ljj^'' campoonacau— for help

c »J «J' &XJ<^ minta tooloong—to re-

membrance OiXxj inggat—within

call, orfo far diftantas a man can call,

^j^jj^S Lg fa garooha—call in, or

ftop, »_ijCL*i fm'gak

Called (Jj^UjU bapan'gil — you are

called^ cM-V. «^ de pan'gil bo

Calling (^XCL; pan'gilan

Calm aa^I ampa—{till ,^*>^ foonec

—weather ^ ,Oou' tedoh—fca <^< »^'

V CKaj laoot tedoh

To Calumniate ^JyliiU^ chelakacan,

«^Jyylo fctenah

Came >J'lti datang—he came on the

day appointed cX''-* 3<-V. ^^<^ aj-^

(^_5=F'^tV P 't^tlca datang pada har-

ree eang bcrjanjec

Camel aXJ* oonta

Camelion v^'LjL^ minneak, c.Ujubangkarang

Camlet ^j^ {off

Camp in the open field


5 -^'^ '.J

^mcXa/< n:idan

of an army in a march

^j tampat

C A ( 68 ) C A

J I/ calambobcrhentee baUitantra—camp of an ar-]Canopy^^A-«

my jjAxj'li^Lj ^.j^[j tampat balA-


Campagne, plain, cci'-J padang

Camphir ^.il/ caphoor—fine or bor

neo (j>. *^ib baroos, or ^j*, ^jLt jjj\/

caphoor baroos— courle of Japan

(^jAZi^tJ tohoorce, (^jy^*j jiji^/

caphoor tohooree

Can /^' «.jbolee—can be(__^tiU». i_J^bolee jaddee—can, is poflible, /Vj-?bolee, c:-ijl<3 dapat—to do what one

can (3J4J '->*' «V.'r^ ^-^U^ t)ooat brapa

fa bolee—Can you make a king 4->el/

A^j (jjJoiiljsA-* / Jaj camoo bolee

menjaddecan raja—if fo be, I can do

that, aXj ^.^i^Uj *-^.'«^ ^}-*^ ''*-VV>

jcka faya dapat booat etoo

Can, drinking vefTcl, (_^<_Xa/ eundee

Canal, cut river, d»^L> parit, ,^j^Xj^

feloran, _»! ^^jXju^-^mj fimpanggan


To Cancel (vw^*^! ampoos, (^Xmj^a^I

ampoofcan—rafe out {j^ji}-^ §o"s

Candle (/jt-J^i dian— candle of wax

^,JLJ ^;(jO> dian lelin—put out the

candle (^>L;<3 (^^^-C^tX) padamcan dian

Candlcftick (^L>0 rJi^ cakkee dian

Cane yw*-o LT^V rotan befar

Canker, ruft:, ijjI^U caratan— fore

<sjljA2». cheiana, c:^i^^i. «^^ pooroo

jahat—canker worm /w^^aJ' gigas

Cannon ^ljwy« mirriam—cannon bafkct

(^*A<«I o^A^I amboon amboon

Cannot i^^J b<->^ teda bolee—can

not be c:-oJ«^ s<-^ teda dapat

Can^-as ^^ cj^'S^ cay'in layer

Cap A>u»/ copea— cap of the Java

fafhion i^^j^. ^-^Ji boolan boolan

Capable 0;I arif

Capacity i^j\ arifan

Cape p.y:sz:^ tanjoong—cape that is

fliarp pointed c *i^ oojong—the

moft extreme cape or point fj^ji.ynsz'^ oojong tanjoong—cape ot a

cToak t:u 4.j.jJu>*i a-s^ Ichea felemot

Capon (_^ -*^ ^1 ay'am cambirree

Capital money (Jtbv« nioodal

Capricious (jJCxst^:^ panchinggan

Captain jJ 5^. pang'ooloo—captain in

chief, or general at fca, a^aXxj P^"S'"

lema — and fuper-cargo jointly

sti*/UI iinacooda

Captious (j>'*tJ 9^tJ prang proos

To Captivate (^_jvC'J taw'an

Captivated in war rj^djl/ cataw'an

Captive of war (^xljl/ c;«l orang cata-

w'an, (^;_jxlj' taw'an—captive, flavc,

aa-<I amba

Capftan (^tj'*-» pootaran, c:^:i>.K riihat

Captivity (^iXcLj' taw'anan

Caravances X':^: kachang

Carbuncle yujL« miineekam

Carcafc that is dead i^iXi bankec

To Card, comb, ^^ oJi>y*j sikat can

Cards Lo kiaw, /v^ljyj' cartas—a pack

of cards Lo ly^tSjy Lm fa booncoos


ki'aw—to fhuffle cards

champoor kiaw

Cardamoms «xXJbli' kapalaga

Care, fear, aXJo». chinta— trouble.

c A ( 6q

jum«mj foofa, jl/^>*i foocar—diligent

care &XX=^ chinta, «XaJ^L» parcntah

To have a care, look to, ^JJ»J

toon'goo—^To take care, thought,

&XJo^ chinta, ci^lXcl inggat, (^jiUcalooee—To take care of, attend,

( J«vilj padoolee— I do not care

a"o , J «OiU sAaj' teda fadoolee


Careful, diligent, a«jj oofah, i^^jrajing—He is careful over his chil-

dren <!uyuul i_^*^ ^"^^-j-! *V.'^ ^^^

berchinta attas anaknea

Carefulnefs (^jliU/o^ chintaawn

Carelefs, forgetful, Aaa^ jsO>Uj' tcadda

chinta, aaaJI alepa, c^'Xaj ^ciUj'

teadda inggat, aj^ loopa—flothful

/ vnJUo malas—To caft off care cI*j

A>J^:ifc booang chinta

To Carefs v-JLi-.j boojok, i^'*,'*^ (C-J

^jjj^jU» bree mooloot manis, J^A-e=i.

choombo—flatter k ic-^^j boojok

complement »a^*^ choombo

Carcth /^ «ciU fadoolee

Carnal knowledge Ao«,>ye1 ampoot

Carp j;I.A^lj' tambara, tsJU^ cala

Carpet, any coverlid for a table, (^^iLy«l

8<3«,/ amparan cooda—of tapeftry

/ ^!<Aa^_) permedanee, *—ijtXJI


Carpenter jly' (j!^_y toocan cay'oo

To Carreen c:^ajL^ fmg'it—Ihlp .-ixoLsw

^J_>'-/fmg'it capal

Carriage, meln, aji^j roopa, j/J lacoo,

(^^ pree—By his carriage he is like

one v/ho does not underftand 5<A->

) c A

gcV-j 9-Jy I ^ t'*-.^.**^ ^r'.^ ^^^~} ^J

/^jjljLo pada roopanea dca fepertee

orang tcda meng'artec—or Chalfc

dais carata

Carnage-money i^jSJ,/^ tampanggan

Carrier, porter, c.*^*ju peng'oofoong

—of letters, oj!Ai*i g.'-A.^ c)«!

orang membava foorat

To Carry J *-^^. pecool—away^J ^Xo

Carried^J «-'CajU bapecool

Carrion v-^Aj^iaj , <^^\ bankce boofooc

CarryingJj.iS.jJ ^^XoiUbapecoolpecool,

t^^j\ aXo pecool pegec—aburthen

c «jjs, « oofoong—between two, on

the fiioulders dj-Aw < oofong, Ly^^x^—burthen on the back JiX^Aj pecool

—aflrldcon the Ihouldcr c.J«ji=.joo'

lang—in the arms i^^C^ doocon

in the hand ^x-yo pepang—on the

head, holding up on high, c ^rs-**^

joonjoong — by compulfion g^L»

(^^ivU^A^ bava men'gajahee—in a

bag c «<AA/ aj 5 »U bava ba candoong

—over c -j'vAA^ 5 »'_> bava menabrang

—about, up and down, *XJ./'g4(j

bava cooleeling—about the city jjU(^.XaJ «XJ«i^ bava cooleeling ne-

gree—or bear, as a fault, c »XaJ' tan'-

goong—or bear as a name / •L>


Cart (_j1;A-o pedatee, aj'N rata

To Carve, engrave, .j* ookir—cut

(j^^ irris—meat JUa^" / -J U bagee

tambool—images (^j «j' toot'cc

Carved (j>.,ajI.^ meng'lrris, -5«-j bcr'-

O.-ir — O '^Jookirawn.


Carved image ,>s^^gambar

Carver ^j*^j^_^'0 9jj^ orang meng'lrrls;

,j*JLo pcnookir—of images cjjl

,^j^ej|»jj orang bcrbooat gambar

—talter ot meat (j_jjUJ>ugg «S-:'*^?- pjjorang choba fantapan

Carving (^maj_> irrifan, (^l^Jj ookir-


Calc, condition, (^-j pree— matter

70 ) c A

Carting out (jJ^!*j booanggan—caft-

ing-net aJL^ jala

Caftlc i5J\j kota, v^*/ goorct, c:va^'

js-AAJ'^'U tampat balatantra

To Caftrate _L*.j|l^p-J^J-^

potoong boo-

apeler, ^^jyiiAAwj fedacan

Caftrated jscXy*. b*-^^*" fi^da fl'da,

(^jAx^ cambirree

Caliial (^(^l^i. jaddee, jjLx.itiLs^ jad-


Jlrii^haal—in good cafe i^JijU baick Cat ^^^j^i^ cochin—mufk-cat dj'AJL»


cJUovJ' tangalong—pole-cat i>^4^

moofang—foa-cat «Ju«.>jj foontong,

iAJ*xKi' {^X/. ecan foontong

To Catch, hold, xXaj pegang—in the

hand u:j*Xj*j poongoot—arreft, fur-

prife, u^AJ' tancap—overtake Ovjiti

dapat—fifli (M-\! ^—-^-^^ tancap ecan

—birds si «J *J ^_-aAaj' tancap boo-

fifli with nets i -^-

-A Cafe «i J;'-^w faroong—of bottles

^J:^[J^l J aj c*iLn fiiroona; boolee


Cafement o-vJuxj' tingkap

To Cafhier, difband, Ov:s::t^. pechat

Caffia lignum ^jj-JU «jL) cay'oomanis

Cafk c tJ toong

Cailbck *:^lj baju

.To Caft, fling, t>s-'^ mellmpar——away, caft from, cUj booang

dice c^j'j 5_j.J c-Uj booang booa

parrce— off, to, (j*^^ gampas,

(j>^a^Va/s) men'gampas— tofs J>ijj}

loontar, XJjXj^ meloontar — lots

(_^^b J.j*Aa^ meloontar parree—upuito the air. as a ball, p*^^^ 1am-

boong—down to the ground ^jw>-«I

^u'Lj'l/ ampas catana—into the water

^^Sj^A::^ chdboorcan—off, let go,

as a rope, iJ 4 ooloor—^untimely as

. the young, as leaves, ijJ^Jgoogoor—accouHt c *Xj etong, d-Xo belang

away, abominable, -«^l-^». haram

out, pour out, cLj' tow'ang—found,

as guns, c.'*j' tow'ang

roong—riUi witn nets c:-o^.J>-^5 mc-

moocat—birds with nets /.^J^i^i^.

jaringcan, ij:^ i^j-^^ ^-.aJJu' tancap


Catched k_-OJj' j bertancap—the horfe

is catched ^.XCb' j gt^wg stV/ cooda

fooda bertancap


j1/ catee, is a weight, 100

make a pcool

Caterer^Lwlj (^jj::^^ jxxrce paffar

Cat-ftick 'yil:^ chiitoke

Cattle ^'U>u binnatang—that are tame

t^U^ji». haywan, OL^a:^». i^lJLu bin-

natang jcnak

Cave Acs^^goha, (^^ili^cooranggan

lUji loobang

CE (71Caught wojti dapat, i^^^^^X^" j bertancap

To Cavil «_AJ «il::». h:iroobiroo

Caul, thin Ikin, ^.o»j!)iLN falapoot—01

the guts ^^^»^^_ CJjj^Lw lalapoot

proot—net-caul to bind on the hair

O'^ 4J (j^ «J boolan boolan

Cauldron, great pan, i^^^ tache

To Caulk tJ>/U pacal

)C H

Cement iJUSj perkat

Uenlor (^ «J « oocoopan, v_

bdkas ber'alTap

Cenfurer, corrector, <sj'l--<i mata


Centipcd ^Ot^: Hpan

Center CivMj »-> poofat

Centinel c jjJU,' Iclaboong, / J>'aj cijl

orang intee

Caufe jjjljj-j perkara—matter J b:^ haal Centurion rj^t.j\j\^ iy^^ J«i:*j

— original (^_jJ^fj pohone— rcafon poong'ooloo attas faratcos

t_)L>-yjvi febab—For that caufe I came

^«J'IcXa^ A>o «^j L_'L>^Aw fubab etoo

kitta mendatang

Ceremony v^'It^Iaddat, (m-J"^^ ^^'^.j*^

tooroot toorootan

Certain, fure, «/lij' tantoo

Certainly *XJ^*Xj*>^ foon'goo foon'-To Caufe, mirth, ^

«Um • oofik— anger '

i^» «.^».1 ajok--tobe(^J'5(Axji^incng'-

addacan, ^j,Xjti'_s;'^ menjaddecan Certainty (j^Lc^'aj' tantooawn, q^Uaj


without caulc

-to do


koonjong koonjong

Cawfey xj LT galong

fooroo mcm-

C KS^'y

To Caution «XJ^' toon'goo, /j_jjCi>l>u


Certificate ^wjJ'Un UI^Ijj/j. iborat fax'ee

To Certify (^'VXJ «.>.>yyc mcnioon'goo-


Cerufe /_jJV>. ^VV tenia pootec

pantangcan caution, forcfight, Cefs, tax, jAJti denda

aJLnn OI^^^ bejacfana—togive cau-

tion l_jLa^j C^jA.^ membree febab

Cautious, that has fome foreknow-

ledge <xJLw iwXsr^^ bejac fana

To Ceafe, forbear, / _X>Oi.-j bcrhentee

Ciflern ajL^^L» bachana

Chaff *Jyy*) fccam

To Chafe, rub in. f^^tS gdfcke,

'^"iJ'^Jooroot— fret yjLs) marah —

heat, as the body, ^ia.«>^ fohoo

let alone lXj'^ latac—from (^_jji>.IJi Chain ij*^j rantee

oi gold


Ceafmg ;^_jjtAAA:i^-j berhenteawn

Cedar ;^^,y' arzon

To Celebrate ^jj^LJ*^ mooliacan,

(^yyLJ^.,jye memooliacan

Celerity ujIjLj bangat, (j^JCo pantas

Cellar jtA^' tambor—falt-cellar (j^'Ij

^^JU*" rantee mas

To Chain j^^CyJ ) rantecan—unchain

Ls^-L) <J^.^J3 ooreycan rantee

Chained /^JojU barantee

(^_g>^«y croofee—of ftate djif

r^U' bakas garam



To Challenge to fight, ^^j:^^^ J-^.pan'gil kclihec, %X^ taiitang, %.'jiXJ<^



Chalice oj*^ chawan

Chalk (j^S-'j^_jyiy capoor en'grcc

Chamber v.JiuA-^.j billik — an inner

chamber ^Jl^i d >>—KaIaj billik de

dalam—bed chamber i ^cX/J' c:^^^}

tampat tedore, ^j]jjiAaJt:! P^rtedore-

an, ^J(Jt^I,J peradowan — bride

chamber / \^.^ «^_a>Jsaj billik

mampclec—^council chamber ^ KjS^i

TiJ^j:sz^A billik bechara—chamber-fel-

low^ijswu' t^j^jJ tummun tedore

Chamberlain v *-^^^ ^^^ C£j5^^jurce toon'goo billik

Chamber-pot {^y^^^ {j^^. bakas kin-


To Champ, fqueeze, ^-i^ ;j4 ooroot

Champaign, plain, as land, ij\j rata

Champion c JljJ » ooloobalang

Chance, lot, (^jb parree—To Chance,

happen, (_^cit^jaddee—by chance

without caufe, cj.:s;^^ c».2s:jj.5

koonjong koonjong — good chance

c *X»* 5t^'-J pada oontoong

Chancellor i_>U=. ^j^.^^ clj

mcmcgang chap

To Change, transform, (^^Lw falin

exchange^ ijtoocar—money i«_j«^ ^j

goorop — remove stXUj pinda,

^jOv-^-A-^ meminda — place gcAJuu

c:^j pinda tampat—as the mind,

tafte, Imcll, colour, aj» oobah.

^\jj^ mcng'oobah—pervert OlaJL-

ballk—come in the room of , ^XXj'

gantee—He did change his "mind

•^v'j^ IIj^ iO^ Aj^i^ AjiS dea


2 ) C H

meng'oobah can kera keranea

Changeable as the moon (^l^!tiU-Aj

pcrcadarawn—as colours c^L^ la-'

lang, c^Lwjj ber'falang

Changed"";^' Cl._j bcr'falin, /^JU» men'- \


Changer t^a«c c i«I orang men'oocar

Changing ^\jzSjX^ mcn'oocarawn

Channel, gutter, i^ tJu^w fel6ran—be-

tween two banks ^-^'-J parit

To chap, crack, a? the dry ground,

aLo^. chela

Chappel yXiJ^ langgar


bagec, Jl^wJCS fatfal,

(^Ijla.aa::->. J bcrhenteawn

Character, letter, ^^»j^ hooroof

Charcoal cjl arang, j^b bara, yjL»


Charge, expence, AsrJ^'b balanja —coft J«j'Ubacool—duty ^^jXc^ijJ

tan'goonggan—command cWj titah

To charge, forbid, pji Idrang

in a book U^*>w foorat—fet upon

jXciCyo mclanggar—conjure . ^l^

haram—accufc 8 «ti*J todoh—as a

gun e:jlv« mooat—commandi^^ iiiuuaL—coiiimaiiu a ia>jj

fooroo, ^wjU pafan—To take charge

Q^jX/J tan'goong, c yXjlk^ men'an'-

goong— I take that charge on meaJuwJI *>!) c aXJu' AjIwj faya tan'goong

ctoo atafko

Charged .(^^ ti de fooroo

Charger c-o pering

Charitable ci^A^j^J^irattccloomboot

Charity ^^LL^icS dcrmawan, ,mIju.^,^


C H ( 73 ) C H

Charm ^^0«.=;» hobatan, cCjlj takana

To Charm (^^ybtj *=:>.-j bcr'hobatacan

—charm free c ajLjIs:^ injapayoong

Charmer (^Lj^csk cj«l orang hobatan

Chart, Map, AJwu peta

To Chafe, hunt, «^i*j booroo,


Chafed 4c^^^ raembooroo

Chafte /^a:;». choochec.&1

I .J


meng oorang

To Cliaflife jJIj baloer, i^jjl,^^

fix'acan—according tolaw ^^^A^^pazsi.

hookoomcan—rebuke^ aJjJ" togor.

To Chatter, prate, JOJlj baleter, bj*^

chora— as the teeth Oo'^'LiJUs

(^Xa-T men'galatok giggee, ul>^


Cheap 5_^'4^ moora, (^lij^il <!l/TI arga


To Cheapen^ I e\.'j ta\v'ar,^il .l-Ue mcn'a

w'ar—I did cheapen that 5j3«>*i ajLw

«.Aj il «Ly taw'ar ctoo

Cheapener ^(«ly ^L» c^»l orang eang


Cheaper 5 >*^ / ^J lebbee moora

Chear up aJ <i/«^ iLy bear fooca la

Chearful, merry, , ^j1 «sJaj^^ fooca at-

tee, aaa:^». a/^nw fooca cheta

Cheat / _j'a>.>,'I^ malepootee

To Cheat, deceive, t^^^i tipoo, j^aaA-s:

manipoo, «Julti daya—in play CijJiAJi»'

helat, O-'^ choran — defraud

^»:ii^' Lci» jaloojoor

To Check, tavmt, iA.=i.^*.:i>. ioolaioor >

Checker-board ^J./.'A-lUvA.l! i-^aa-'J api-

tan apitiipitan

Cheek / ^^ pvpec, (^aaj pepee

bone i^KKi p-^yi todlang pypee

Cheefe (^t^vici dadee

To Chcrilh, nourilh, 3 iIaj pcara

Chefs board ^^aajI apitan—man 54J

(^aajI booa apitan—To plav at chels

'S.^Ki\ (m-jU) main apit

Chefnut \;yt-}^_^ barang'an—tree <^^^_{^j~t/[j pohonc barang'an — colour

c y\j perang

Cheft / JCo pittee—ched of the fto-

mach B<^l<3 dada

To Chew, as viftuals, a^L« mamah

and chew AjLu fapah

Chicken ^'.j( >• Jul anak ay'am—The

hen gathers her chickens together

aaaJu! >.

ij\ {^-jS" (^v4A^ iy^ JjI

ayani meng campoon c?.n anak


To Chide, rebuke, jAJ^'toaior

Chief, head, »\,lljU' capala—main p«J !

agoong — principal caufe, (jj-^tj

jyli'-j pohone pcrkara—Head of the

people <j:^jU ^O^j (^j<^ ^^)^ moolia

dcrree pada nivat—moft in efleem

A^jjj partama—in degree, ftation,

O pang—priert ^L^j «_» pang imiim

Child ^ SijI anak—of a lirlt marriage

(_C^J' ^ 'ol anak tirree—with child

5iXJ «.J boonting—to go with child

\^j\ ^«cXa/ candoong anak

Children^w-t-j! ^ijl. anak anak

Child's clouts i.>yc^ lamping

Child's play v_Jul '—^'1 i^U main

anak anak

'Ciiill, cold, .t.jLiOj ding'in



Chimera (j^'-^IjAJ" kcraawn

Chymill: ^^a/^jC^ pcn'coocoos

Chin «J I0> diigoo

China ^Ua::^ C^-W ncgrcc chcna-

root A>.x2a. ^-»^=> chob chenaj

Chinch ocs:-^.^. penjitj

Chink, clctt, A>U=i. chelaj

Chincfe aJIa=^ c^jI orang chcna

Chip Jo"lJ" ttital, A^s:'^ chinchang

fplinter (^m<3 dooree, jA^ L£jj^

dooree cay'oo

To Chip Ju'lj'^J bertatal, («JjUa^ me-


Chiromancy i^jju x,'^}. cj^'-^ fang'al

pada tang'an

Chilel c:o^U piihat

To Choak (jt*^ Icmas

Ir-i )

/ J_> (^-j bree pillce

Cholen i^y tcrpillcc—that is cho-

fcn (^vLs^\Aj pillcawn, (^Ajti dcpillec

Chrift ^>*>>J efa, Anj^ i^ nabbcc cla

Chrillian L^-ji nalTardncc

Chrillmas-day x>*)^(;__^tiU». (__C^.lJtharrcc

jaddcc cfa, ^cX-'U maulcdon

Chronicle (^^cil^ ^dXi cU <^j^cz-oli'Ls». Soorat cang tclah jaddcc


Chriftal (^-vJU *j'lj batoo palumban

Church /J.AAJ bctulc, (_^l>^«jjj «s^*^-

rooiiia foombay ang, L:iei.l>^>*^

c:-vXkw v< i^iolkit — cliaptl

-Xi^ langgar—the whole people of

one church or religion ^jj^^.^^,.-»



Choaked (v-v^ L •r*''^mitee lemas—.Churlilh, covetous, juo kik'ir

for a fmall time, as by forcing any

thins down the throat, «j'l:^ chako

—by any thing fticking in the throat

1^^ IJLXj \/ ciibangkalan

Choice ^^LxA^jpilleawn—a good choice

«^JuL» ^j'js^X» pillcawn baik

Choler v^V.-.U^'gahak

Cholerick r^^^, plfJ pvang proos

To Chop, hack, cl:s:^ chinchang,

UoLj—mince (j>v^ irris—off, to

hack to pieces, j3i^. pan'gal—off,

difmembcr, ij^j^ coodong, A^sr^v


Chopping knife i:j{j parang

Chop fticks ufed to eat with c:-yy«^


Chopped, minced, (yvjJ irris

To Choofe (J^. pillce—to let choofc

Ceiling, upper part ofthe infidc, cXiil^


Cinnamon (jjvJLc *a/ cay'oo manis,.

(^,4,^bIJ^^/ camcamoon

Circle ^^^^^J boolat, ,JtAj beker

Circuit ^ L^AaJ </ cooleeling'an

To Circulate JU galir, aaJI aleh

Circulation JLCLe men'galir aJbLe


To Circumicife i.-.'^^/'ei^y crat coo-

loop, u:^aj*>*) foonoot

Circumcifcd ^^u^yu^ berfoonoot

Circumcifion i^jjj»*^ foonootan

Circumfpedl OcstV:' bejac

Circumftance Jl:^ haal, (_^ j prce,

(-)LjLA/ calakooan

Citation, call, ^jJ.aX>Lj pan'gilan

Clter ^ysXf^^ C.J «I orang memaa^gil

c L ( ;

CiLron i.tj^ ij"« a:^ jcrooc curbo

Cittern to play on / jI:s:^ kecliapee

City, walled, aj^ kota—of trade

_j(cAaj bundar—fca port town^lcXLi

bundar—town (^ J^aj negrec—from

city to city y>L*p (^.XaJ gOo (^^t^

(^.^ C_^-Xaj b<^U/ dcrrce pada nc-

gree fatoo capada ncgrcc lain

Citizen ^!cXo ijj\ orang bundar,

(^ SS.j c tj! orang negree

Civet c:^A::i^jebat—cat c *.' Lij" tang-


Civil, genteel, (^^^foopan, cWjU.Lj

taoo bafa

Civil war (j^j^aj a^Lw c_j prang fa


Civility (^«.jjj foopan, j.A^:i^clioombo

Clammy _;(_XaJ Under

Clamour AAy-' g'^™?^» y*-! r»r! mg^r


To Clap hands ;j_j,ij JU paloo tang'an

(^jij' ^X>**jlj' tapifcan tang'an—the

wings ^-^JLw (^AmjjLj' tapifcan fayap

Clapper of a bell aa^LT ^—«Ll! anak ginta

To Clarify /^:^:^^ choochcc

To Clafp, embrace, '^J^j poolok,

i^^Aj<3 dckap— Button ^_JJOU.^_Mg


Ixj )lju ing'ar ban^'


Clattering noife;_^uaj_jlju mg ar bang ar

araClaufe 5 j'-j perk

Claw of a fowl, beafl:, yij.'i kookoo

To claw, with the nails, ^—J^yf carap

—hard ijilti




,' choochcc

,i'l:^ chakar

}t^ bodugoor—as a cat

Clay lXa^^ Ajlj' tana lambec, Ajl'j

cuUJ tana liat, _^)4<^,««J loompoor

To Clean ^v/'U;^*:^^ choocheucan

Cleannefs ,-)bo..:i^,v:^ choocheawn

To Cleanfe ^^''[^^y^ choocheacan,

ajLw llipoo

Clcanfed /~a^:i^^ bcr'choochee

Cleanfmg (^.mj-ajL»' tapifan, ^jLctj!_NM


Clear, fliining, ^l^^. chayir—tranfpa-

rent dl j" trang— as the weather

^SJ^\ .1=^ chawacha—as liquor aj.^^

jerneh — poliflied /^kCsz.V lechin,

^^J goopan—day a:^LL^ C^J^harrce chawacha—asthe voice ^-"jUJ

niaring—in fpeech, plain, ^^y^^ I .J^/

calawafan— manifcft tX^ tantoo.

AJ'Uj niata—as the fight *::^b' tajam


^::Jj ajL« mata tajam

—To clear, difband, c:^:srS; pechat

payoff infull (^^j»j"^UL. bdyartoonay

Clcarly^jJC^' (^^li ^-^^ niata dung'an


To Cleave aLu bela—cleave that woodj1L)jAj> ^j^^aLo bela can cay'oo etoo

Cleaving to CUjCJ OvX-^^'L. balccat


Cleft, opening, a-Uj bc'Ia

Clemency <:^^j rahmat

Clerk (j**^_y ^;^ juree toolis,

CL>;*A>^> pcnioorat — of accounts

1 M »-i ' *i koorkon

Client J^Jli nagow'am

Clitt, rock, c.(-/carang

To Climb 'wi-iU naik, Li^cp^; panjat

—as on a ladder, ^^i^\ oJiaj^j ber-

pankat pankut

C L (

'To Clinch /vv&A^y taniboos

To Cling, i'ilck to, ooOJ Iccai

To Clip ^^CxAAygoontingcan. pu^^S


o'S i^ k> ^ iuJiyi gooiit-

ing pootoos—prune Xajj ranting

Clipped «.Ajty J ber'goonting

Cliver cljU parang

Cloak, veft, u:j4.^^.lvK)g felenioot—-To

wear a cloak u:^ t.^^\>^( 5^ t'


lelemoot, u:j4.j^Lwj j bcr' feiemoot

To Cloathe (Jib pakee, /^sIjIj ba-

pakee, i^K..^^ memakeeCloathed "^^i^^ y berpakee, (^''-J

v_-->.XJ^' pakee lancap

Cloathes (^xaJjU pakeean—that is lined

(J^- >' L^*^'•^ pakeean ber'lapis

Genteel in cloathes, as a man, -^Ckk^

minda—Genteel in cloathes, as a

woman, , _X-'o!w chantec—of com-mon wear , ,ji»L*jl/^:i».u*jU (^jtxiU pakee-

ee— grave-cloathes (^vli/an


Cloathing, wrapping for a

cJ' lamping


6r*-Clock .=». ajLj jisrJy db (_^jU U

;6 ) c L

Clofe let, as trees, as bars of a window,

as threads in cloth clofc wove, '^^Jcrap—touching C-oj; rapat, Ci\jl^lj

barapat—near _a^I ampir—^To fit

clofc \S^^\J^ L_r»«^ *<3 doodooc ber'-

rapat—to fit clofc, twoonly, kS *<Jl>'«ti

jJcXJwj ,j doodooc berfindil — Toclofc ^~'*-'«-J' tootoop

Clofcd, ihut, ^_j*y«j' J tertootoop

Clofct, withdrawing room of plcafure,

-jLc*aw fomayam—chamber *—*-^biilik

Cloth, of linnen, ^jjI/ cay'in—to

cover the privitie of a man, corn-

• ing between the legs, ^,::jljl2i. cha-

wat—table-cloth jtW' ^j^J^\ am-

pdran cooda

Clothier, weaver, «j4.j d ijl orang too-


Clotted, congealed, ^jb bakoo

Cloud dl«l awang—cloudy day (^)^

f>'^^\^harrec calam—dark cloud dUI

i_j^U', awang galap, y,^\{ dijl

awang calam—To drive,' fly as the

clouds OdwJslAj pan'gcifac

Cloudy di^'jJ ber'awang


^LT AJiJAJj kotika galap

weatherpagawee eang toonjoo brapa jam

Clod Jou^^goompal—of earth L.

iXJb (Joy<v> f'l goompal tana—Tomake clod ^fy^K^t^ goompalcan

Clodded (J^^*/^ bergoompal

Clog »iJ loong'oo— To clog, glut, clout «^i-^js^jamboo—fvvaddling-clout

i>y<iJ lamping, ,jj^Xj*j (jsjl/cayin


Cloves , »Aa:^ chankee

Cloven A^LoJ terbela

Clout (^j'-/ cj.>v-* t''^'Tip^l cay'in—diOi-

e^«:::>. loomoo

Cloifter ,^lx.jb^ pertapaavvn— Tocloifter up, keep women clofe, as

the Indians do, (^lvy<.j c:-ou ping'it


Clown o^j ^jy orans ootan

Clovvnilh, in actions, g «ji>o pankoh

in fpcech »S'^J catroo—bawdv-talk



chabool, ^iJl/jj I ^'.J^t-aJ te^

adda ber'fanoonoo

Cloyed ±^ ^:ikjoomoo

Club 4jiy iVU batang cay'oo

Cluftcr / jlaj tankce

Coach Aj'h rata—Put the horfcs to the

coach «xjl; 5(_X-! si}is^ (jWlk^'i kcna-

can cooda pada rata

Coal of wood burnhig y.j para—quenched c^l arang— fea-coal cjl

aa^.aj arang pen'ampa

JCu pantce—fca-coaft /J>iy^Coall

ciJaJ pantee laoot— Edge of* the

land (mJi'I;'<^ daratan

Coat .^:i>.U baju—of mail /^w^j j^L»baju bcffce—of leather Oi^,'*/ *.ii.L'

baju cool it

Coax iwV^:^^ boojook, >w^:2x*a^^


To Cobble, botch,^J^^^j'.j bertampal

Coblcr ^jjvjU <J^.^yo ^jj^ oran!'

mcn'ampal caoos

Cobweb ajJ aj^


Cock (^XAii». ^b! ay'am jantan—of the

game xJ^U ^Uf ay'am balalang

comb <: Jlj baloong—with a comb

77 )CO

pang'apar—cockle aj'j- capah, ,c «_>

crong—cock-roach (jwaJ lipas

Cocoanut, young, tj>J nior—oldiJu^M/'

calapa—lliell aj-^'I/ c«.«-*^' tam-

pooroong calapa—meat _^5> J / ^"^ilfee nior—milk iJ^X^ fantang


Cod, of a male, J^j» u_««j^Uj falapoot

pcler, Aaj jfcj UL'*j^lj*. iiilapoot

booa peler—llone of a male JUj j*j

booa pc'ler—as of peafc c:^.' 4/ coolit

—ot a net aJI:^ c:^/.'JLif pantat jala

cod-piece -Xo 5 «^ a< «; rooma booa


Coffer /_5>u pittee

Coffee 5 «I/ cawa

Coffin c^ lang, /_jJu pittee

Cogitation (^Ic.aJ keraavvn

dy'Hiroong laba

To Coil 0_,jj' torac, cx'U balit

coiled c:JG,j berbdlit

Coin ,x^J gambar—To coin ^«-^X^

men'gambar — Coin that filver

^yi> ^j^. i,:j^^'^-r^^-^ men'gambar-

can perac etoo

Cold (^joiji^ ding'in— extreme cold

^^iJ<3 (jvjiy crafs ding'in—ftiffwith

cold t3[3 cakoo—to catch cold aJLaj

i^^jJuCi kcna ding in

c JLjU ^b( ay'am babaloong—gillsjCollar c.oJ.«j fandang, jSitV OuC^ju

.AJcX> gidebir—fpurs a>*j*am foofoo, peng'ecat leher

•b I «.wj *.>w foofoo ay'am—armed wdth To Colled;

gamlets' /^'JLj ^UI ay'am batajee

—heap, as of hay,i^, «-Sr^'


—of hay cjjj u:jtyy<«^i (^n*a^j'.am

i^J^y coompool,

(^jyy A*^^ coompoolacan

CoUedcd ^•.A<.c*/'b bacoompool

CoIle(5lion j^^^^ t/U bacoompoolan

fatamboon roompoot kirring— tap College &j^j\l>J^ mendarfa

Li^l^li,. charrat — -weather-cock

^jjLc (Jj^jjj toon'gal ang'in, ~>Ixj

(j*^ tyf^jJ. prangproosColleric

Column, fide, j^^y lajoor


CO {78Colour AJ)1 4 warna— natural colour

j3*Zo <sJ;U Nvarna betool—pale or

wan colour c:^^^j aJ;!j warna poo-

chat, *y^ ^J^J warna cootoom

pale in colour of any kind a «3«^

mooda, n^y« ^^J^ warna mooda

deep in colour of any kind ^y &jj\ *

warna tooah—lively colour c L» «-y^'U

uuUXxj sOo "wJijLj warna eang baik

pada pangleat—durable colour «sj»! *

j_y^' wama togo, ^OJ cU iJjK

AJ4.-J warna eang teda berrooboo

) CO

(__^<^'-s:.-'»^ jaddce mcnjaddce, J »j ^.joopool—from far «li^ iSj^ iJ\(^

datang derrec jaoo—is come slWmijltifooda datang—'^^'"hen they were

come out of the water, they went

home, '^jU s<^i*, ^JJ^^ «Ol/UU»

AaJUjj a/ ^ji'Ls:^ ti _;l (^jC^ ma-

nacala deorang fooda naik derrec

ay'cr de bcjalan ca roomanea—firft

Ay*0'j; ij'iti datang partama—forth

faded colour »t yy^^_VH* >J'Jwarna

iDyy tooroon— often dj ^JJ^

berrooboo fooda—fading colour AJjIj

«J • It-» warna berrooboo—changeable,

mixed colour, c JLn falang—colours,

feveral colours, ajt;!» ^^'U warna

warna—flags ,jjj*j" toon'gal, ^Xcalam

Colt ^ ijl anak—of a horfc g'-W''^


anak cooda—of an afs (^OyJ LT ^—«Ji

anak caledcc

Colwort iXJ*-) ^j^ l^ha loba

Comb. / .-*»*>y-^ fcfcc—for hemp c:JiAj*j

fikat -— curree-comb jjii*/ «^IXaj

penggaroo cooda— To comb on

fpikcs, as hemp, ^^jS'aJL^^ fikatcan

To Combat c^jLj baprang—man to

man fingle / Jj keli

To Combine ui;jImj.a^ mcfaurat

Come (_^^L«niarrec—here /^^^ (^J^marrec fence—hither (^^L*a/ C_^^U-

marrcc ca marree—in '^.S^mL^ ma^

looc—over «xLi-jLw fabrangla—out

aJ^IJLj^ Ctilooarla—up * suU niiik

to paf3 < j^S^ fa#r>pcc, (jC»^bs^

ijlti ber'oolang oolang datang—in.

the place of (__^XO gantee—again

«xj fJLK.^-f combalee la— almofl

come ij'tti j:^>^l ampir datang—he

is come ij'iti ^dt^j du(^ dca fooda

datang—the time is come 5ii*>*. yii t

/^A^wj wakto fooda fampcc—off the

hbrfe bcW/^j^j^AIc L£j^ o • t^ tooron

derree attas cooda—The letter is not

yet come to me ^jijJ i^lx^'i c^K*>w

^| vAj /^.^_mj foorat kirrimawn boo-

loom fampce padako

Comedian c Jiti dalang

Comedy *jL way'ang

Comet iw-vswl_j .i>Cij bintang bcr'aflap,.

«Xj_j ^S>ikj bintans; ber'ccor

Comfits (^jojskA>»^ manilan

Comfort ivlcj^Aj cbooravvn—To com-\^ ^^ . ..

fort ,^i^^J cboorcan, jy^jJ bcr'e-

boor. r!y berrchat—a letter of

comfort i^_;ij»AJ *.:i^|i*j*j foorat eboor-


Comforted ijajj bcr'cboor, a/a*w •

ber'fooca—be comforted aj a/***j j

ber'fooca la

CO ( ;

Comforter ^^y^^xj (j^j^jutce cboor-

can, jt,yJu peng'cboor

Comfortlefs, dcfpairing, AwjI »j>j«j\j

pootoos afli

Coming ij'lt^ datang, ij'lci (^-^^

lagee datang, «j'1 JOUi mendatang

Conrely ^ ioL» (v-;L'. paras balk

Command .of God, written, 5<_Xaan

labda—of a fupcrlor axaj titah,

aXj<X^ manifah—a verbal command

4 lAjM fooroo, «; lAJyu peniooroo,

^jo^iL» paflm

Commanded «»j.w. 5ti*wg fboda fooroo

Commander, officer of a king, c I «^ a>^

foorooang, J*iv|. poong'ooloo,

li^f; «)*NK,L5 fafooroo raja, Li^^j; aj'U

mata raja

Commandment (^Cc^iaa^^ penioo-


To Commence C^^ ^vr^e mcmoolay

Commencing AAJt^l^jaddenea

To Commend /^i^poojee

Commendation i^bt^ii^^j poojeeawn

To Commiferate ^^jSJ13u<>mS cafle-

awncan, ^^jsJCjuLw fayangcan

Commiflcration ^^^JLK>^i' caflcavvn,

CXyTi.^ rahmat, ^_JXiJLN fayanggan

Commiffion AaaJ' ^-^jj^ foorat tftah

To Commit, do, i-^l^ booat—to ones

charge, deliver, (^J/I^.Lw faracan

Commodity ^^jXiSlC:^ daganggan-

Commodious ui^lj piitoot

Common, unclean, ^j^-^^- luiram,

/ -^jl:5». harammcc— vulgar «^*-^


moongo moongo—people


J^yC ^•'^'^'j^^ ...V.W..J^ L_-xj|_;

xJCU'O'Lj balat-.mtra

9 ) CO

—as the faith «xJLyw*y« moosi

Commonly ctiLi' ctili kadang kudang

To Commune jy^'J tootoor, ^)jJ'«.jIj


To Communicate, make known,

/^LfSjJ telelee

Communication ^^Ijcr^jV»' tootoorawn

Compadl, agreement, / ,^sr*^ janjce

Companion ,^^j tummunCompany i^lj'J taw'an — affcmbly

(j^Xc^>^ campoonggan—ofwoment^^y^-^z^jj perhimponan—of foldiers

sJIajJLj (^jl/ caw'an balatantra

crew 5 tc awa—flaip's crewJul/ j »j:

awa capal—boat's crcw*l_r ^^ awapraw—To join company (^^' >j ber-

tummun—To join company at play,

c^il» warang

To Compare (^^UUj famacarr

Compared a^Lm-j ber'fama

Comparing ci^jl; c:->jI~j barapat rapat

Comparifon (^Lxaj' axxm fcper'tcawn

To Compafs in, inclofe, c*jIjL^

mang'apoong— To compafs about

ilxJ*/-' bcrcoolceling, ^^jJocU-UiT

cooleelingcan—fca compals /j>^«tAj

puddomaii—pair of compaffcs «xXoi;

janca^—To mcafure with compaflcs

^^^yiX)^ jancacaa

Companion ^^ la-yjg/ cafTecavvn,

(^^Ai-iL. fayanggan,<^^.:^l> rahmat

CompaffiGiaatc u_j^a.^ / a£ attcc

loomboot, ij'->*j fayang,(

Ji':: ijL-g

fuyang attcc

To Compel, force, a^^LVa^ mcn'gaja

Cd ( 80 ) C

CompctiWr a>^2^ A-cUw dt» cang fdniaJTo Conceive, vvkh chi Id «^>jIj bahya

To Complain, cry, /vksajw' tang'is,

i_^jlj r;itap

Complacency i-c«j^ clKiombo, (m^j*»^


Complaint <^'^j ratap

Complcat, finiftied, v_-OCj^ lancap

as a piece df worlc c>vJu^-> genap

itltire ^f^JyO' gcnap, l_?*5«^ choo-


Compleatcd, done, Q**jl:i». babes—fi-

nished i_-OJ^Lj balancap, i,_aJCj^J'


Complement 4>ye^-=». choomboo—That

is general to all occufions and perfons

i^' tabbcc

Coiiiplemental *a^4:^ »b' cljeang taoo


Complexion ai'v* ^a^ ayer moocca

Compofcd in mind ccXamj / JCc attee


Compofitor, fetter or joiner of letters,

". 9 « u::s^ cjLX-o pen'gdrang hooroof

To Compound, mix,^ivSr^ champoor

To Comprehend, conceive, cJ;^-*^


Comprefled Ouw'Lw fafak

Compulfion AmSj pax'a, &^Jj gaja.

Comrade, at gaming, d,l« warang-

companion ^^^ tummunConcave *U^ lakaw

To Conceal c tOjXk^ melindoong

hide (^ «(A>Jjsr« mangandon, ,^j/[j\.<


Conceited, proud, ^-JL^li* kachak

Concern, bufincfs, ^-yj/ JLi^ haal

careeja—To concern, intermeddle,

/JjtNlj fddoolee—What docs that

concern you, j>J v« -W^ a>se appa

chinta moo etoo

Concerned /^Ltili fiidoolcc, aaJoi^j

berchinta, 'iVn,*>*j^ ber'foofa

To Conclude (j^*j<vj pootoos

Conclufion i^LclcSiMj foodaawa

To Concod, digeil, lSIkjjj:s^ an'-

choor beac

Concord / ^\Cs dammccConcubine v—tjj>,j.j goondik

To Condemn i.^X^*s^ hookoomcan,

^jjCe^bi. haramcan — to die

«Jjj ti ^^^^o^ hookoomcan dc


.1 bcrhookoomCondemned ^o,—


Condemner .»«*i». (^.:^ juree hoo-


To Condcfccnd, agree to, Jol/cabool-

Condition, cafe, jJU:^. haal—How is

the condition of the bufinefs in the

city C^jiiy ^^(ti Jl=i. iSji ajL^jS^

buggcmana prce haal dalam negree

good conditioned v—iuU C^jJ pree

btiik—ill conditioned, crofs, (j^yJ

c:^:^!^ prce jahat

Conditions, terms, s^ljj^ perkara

To Conduce, lead, JiX:z antar, (m^J>1aX

antarcan—by the hand jL*^ pimping

ConducHior, guide, J Us malim

Confection ,^;^j**aJU) manifan

Confederate, ally, i^^jj toolan

Confederated ^jj^j-j bertoolan

CO( c o

To Confer g,^^'^ bcchara

Conference ^jU:,2s:^ bccharaawnTo Confcfs a/U^L*^ meniaco

Confeired i/UvL-yo s^^f*" fooda meniaco


I,:^*/Iaaak> mcniacoawn

To Confide i^i'^i^ harap—rely on

8c\j cjJuU gantoong pada—I can

confide in him Sr^'-^^ L_< *^ <V.^«suyltXj faya bole harap padanea—


did confide on him ^d*.^ ^-^.^

aajIcXj cjJO'U" faya fooda gantoong


Confidence, boldnefs. L^y branee

Confident, fecure, i.^ij tatap

Confine, border, (^_OJ / ,_aaj' tepee

ncgree—To confine uJumLw fafak,

^>'«.*^l-^ fafakoan—as beaft, bird,

or fifli, in a pound, cage, or trunk,

(M^j-cV** l^'roocan

Confined Ou^Lw fafak

To Confirm tJjj togo, ,^j/^\j togo-

81 )

famoocacan, *_.-<3lx^ nieng'addap

To Confufe, intermix, _^a^ cham-poor, ^ «jlj bawoor

Con fufed, out of order, J*.LAjbaga-wool — My work is all confufed

(JjjL) Lj dXXjMi ^jicszJj^ carijako fc-

galla bagawool

Confufion, d(.itrud;ion, i^^juSj[Xa.j bin-


To Confute V*'*^ C^t^ ^^"^^ jow'ab

To Congeal, as any liquid, a31j bakoo,

-Xaaw feg'ar—as oii 5»i<u poongooh

Congealed^ L) (_^<^ljiw jaddce bakoo

Congregation ^j^Cv»-^ campoongan

To Conjecture jJwn fanca, j^" j_o

kera kera

can, (^^^jy^j'^AAj ncnogocan

Confirmation a>J«J



Confirmed Ij^j'^ bertogo

Comfirming tJV»' *jy U batogo togo

To Confilcate (yt*j^\j rampas

Confifcatcd ^j^aa^I-^ merampas —iroods Q>wiA^I^ «sjjl arta merampas

Confifcation (j_j.jw.>y-l; rampafan

Conflia (^jS^^^ kelihee

To Conform c:j«^«j' tooroot

Conformable, alike, &j tj «Xj*. a^Ln fa

ma fa roopa

To Confound <junUJu binnafa

Conjuration (^lj^ hobatan

To Conjure, bind by an oath, aa^*>w#

menioompa, ^^\.yyc^**^ foompaean—

bind by a curfe ^^jXic/-:^ haramcan

—do witchcraft c:-o »^ ui^I ^ booat

hobat—raife a fpirit (J>J^ I Aa-* *>yyi-«

nicnioompa iblis

Conjured, bewitched, ^^y^ a^LG" ke'-

na hdbat

Conjurer ^Ij^ cjj\ orang hobatan

To Conquer xX^ mcnang, aJUUL»meng'alla

Conquered aL'U' taalla, aJJ! i" teralla

Conquered land aJJU c^Cy ncgree


Conqueror (^iLyc i<j\ orang me-nanggan, ^.ib^U r,.^ jow'an


Conquelt ^^jXxX^ menangganTo Confront, as witneiTes, jj^l/^U Confcience ^yfattee, ^_^| (j'-juUj

c o

niataawn attce, ,J}\ ,^>ljuUj!/ ca

niataawn attec, /lit <3un(; /Ji'l attee

rafd attce—That be on your con-

fcience *^ »^ Ls-'' O"^' atta's attee

moo etoo

Confcious (J)] Jo*jL*i fafal attee

To Confecfate, an idol, i^kJow^I^j


To Confent, be willing, «is/y*. fooca

with one confent /J>IUeUKi fama-

attec, AJl/Lw facata

To Confider, rsmember, oJsjL» inggat

—think Jii fik'ir, jjAj 5-0 kera

kera—take heed *ijj toongoo—rea-

I'on g^lzs:^ bcchara — Confider of

that ^Xj ^dKj i^^jS-XSJu inggatcan

pada etoo

Considerate p-xi' z^-^^y! berkera kera

(mIcI,^::^:' becharaawn,

-without coniideration


Aa>>^ chinta


Confidercd oJJL»^ ber'inggat

Confiftence, fubftance, ^Mlcltil adda-

awn, ^jlcltS'o kaaddaawn

Confolation ^^\<:Jy^ eboorawn—This

only is my confolation AjLw ^jLciaaj

«!i.:^Ij*i «xJ / .-Aj eboorawn faya enee

la faja

Confonant, alike, <\^Lwg fama

Confort, at play, c;ljwarang, P^'jU*.


Confortcd \;j^j> bertummun, cjU


Confpiracy cVjIci*.,-Ajjj femoodaya

To Confpire t\i[;«ti dooraka, <!u!<34,,>>*j

femoodaya— together a^Un <\i''i*0>

( 82 ) CO

A^Lw dooraka fama fima, «.,-y**

«JueLw A-^Lw Ajiti femoo daya fama


Conftant, always, ^j^UjUmj fanatias

Conftantinoplc ^ «^ room

Conftantly, always, q,,UjU>*i fanatias,

aJLJucXawj fedecala

Conftitution, law, -.jJ^s^ hookoom—of body *jy (j^jj pree tooboo

To Conftrain, perfuade, ^^^jjCC^wLyLw

meniafatcan, c:^>*,UwJ feafat— by

force AiwU' gaja, a>wJo pax'a

Conflraint / ^^Li>.Lrgajahee, 0\>*iUj*j

feafat—He did that by conflraint

o^wjLyjg i^j^Ci 4AJ a:^;:?^/ AJti dca

careeja etoo dung'an feafat

Conful (J-AJsL wakil

To Confult v-fsp^. bechara, (,::j;Lwjyo

mefaurat — together a^Lm 5.3^a^Ln bechara fama fama

Confultation, (•j\s.jssf^ becharaawn

To Confume, fpoil, ,^^\mXjJ^ binnafa-


Confumption /JLy^Jb C^^i'Lw fakit


Contagious, infeftious, .x-e^' lampar

To Contain aJ*j pola,(j^^-Sr**" *---V.'<-^

dapat limpan — as a vcffel ci^l *^

mooat—How much doth that veflcl

contain aj I _j ui,'l«.^AAj Qj^'b bakas

etoo mooat brapa

To Contemn gOo ^(^yc oUX>yc mele-

at mooda pada, ^jj''U-cs*^ meng'-


Contemptible aJIcs:-*^ meng'hina

To Contend, rcfift, (^l«^ lawan»

c o

(^,l«JA.>y« melawan


Contending ;^l*JLy« melawan

Content, fccure in mind, Ci^j'b' tatap

To Content, fatisfy, (^JCajU' ta-

tapcan, (^|»jG::».ltXj padahcan^

(M«Xi».lciLy>ye memadahcan—I can-

not content him t_Jj^. 5<-\^^ ^\^ajti /jjCi^lcX» faya teda bolee padah-

can dea

Contented, agreed to, J^l/ cabool

fatisfied, as the ftomach, q*^L^powwas

Contention, flrife, 5_>iAa^ chidera,

AaJu banta—quarrelling «_aj «jt^^

haroo biroo

83 ) . CO

AajUw fatia — To contracl:, clofc,

(^_j_Cufwy« mrapatcan

Contracted ^js-^L» bdjanjee

Contracting ^Lxycs:'*^ janjeeawn

To Contradid (^UiU^ melawan,

«xjU' (^'j^ lawan cata, / ~i.'JJ

bantahee, &ju<j^ berbanta, "/wm^'L»

J LT-(--'Li^ balas jow'ab

Contradiding ^^1^;^ ,^l^iU^ melawanlawan

Contrary (^\j^ lawan—contrary wind

o'jj-^ Cj$;^(^l ang'in derree alo-

"w'an—not fo [^j^aj boocon, (^^{aj

^LS^ boocon buggCtoo—fide dw'-^w


Contentious manj xjj^U». cj^l orang Contrariety, loathing, 4^*21^ Joomooharoo biroo, 3_ijC».2i (^jl^». cU c 1*!

""" "

orang cang charree chidera

Contentment /^j'l «w^'U tdtap attee,

(^lx5i.(cXj> padahawn, v__;vAamj fcdap,

_^y>\i*> iaboor

Contents /^w*^ ^^^^—fccret contents

1^ boonee—of a lettercsi^^

uljf*,»w boonee foorat

To Conteft «>JCo banta

Continually /j^Uj'Uj^m fanatias, *j' «tAA>*j


To Continue (J«-.C>J tin'gal

Continued ^_)Oou"-j bcrtin'gal—He con-

tinued there three years 1^ »j Ajt^

dca poon fooda bertin'gal de fana te-

ga taw'on

Contract /^:s:'^~» janjee — written

/js:**^ ^^^jyii foorat j anj ee—in mar.

riage %3ii toonang— in fricndfhip

To Contribute ( C^ bree

Contribution (^_5V^j oopetec—undercontribution A-U li»' taalla

Controverfy s^j^Aa:^ chidera, «wjUbabanta

To Conveigh, lead, JCll antar

Convenient O'bJ layak, l:X>I<3 dapat

Converiation \oJyy tootooran,

(jjlc;^"«jlj batootoorawn

To Convert, turn, OL"U balik

Converted ^_i.'L.lj babdlik

To Convict Aaa^ menangTo Convince, by reafon, \^SC^3 \S^

meng'ar tecan, (^jJ.:,Xf^ me'nan-

toocan, i^jS »,t.t.^XK^ meni'oonc^oocan

—by teftimony ^C^ ^^<^i^x^^_^^>*>/'^ mcmoongoocan dung'an


To Convoke ^m^a,,_^jLo mcng'campoon,

^J^X^V pan'gil

c o

Convulllon JCaj pdtam

(^ony, hare, ^jOJ^Ij palandok

Cook \..JiX^j (^jj2^juicchctiik, (j^jy:^

itjlti juree dapoor—^To cook, drcfs,

t^JLwU» mafak—cook that vi6luals

enough ^aj (^j'I/Lo v-JLwlrc iSj^

V kj[j ^ ii.jLj brce mafak macanan

too baik baik

Cooked v^Awl^-ye mcmafak

Cookroom j*jj<3 dapoor, >.

^'aj betak

Cool^^t^"' fejoo

7'o Cool, rcfrclli, (^'^2::^*' fcjoocan

Coohng, rcfrefliing, *:s::V*' ftjoo

Coop c «^iLw faroong

Cooper cV»" \^jj' toocan toong

Copartner dJyS-^m fccoota

Copious r>»-U J lowwas

Copper Aj'lx^' tambaga, j^ AJl>^J

( 84 ) CO

Corn, of any gnun, i^iXj bidjcc—of

fait, any artificial thing, j)^y, boo-

coor—of pepper, any fniall round

t hing, -jjj bootir—in the foot (^C^, -jl^ dag'in matcc — corn-field

ciAaj bendang—To corn with fait

/ ^N-T garrammee— make mto

corns i^v-Oy^ boocoorcan

Corner c 5^9 oojong—infidcofa corner

yiAwg fckoo—outfideofacornerJ I *Ax>ji

pcniooroo, (jJJLa^/*. fimpanggan

.of a folicf (^^Um faji—of a llreet,


tambaga mera

Copperas / wj^^Li'taroofee

Copper-fm'ith »0'U^' C^^Aaj pandee


Copulation e:^>vycl ampoot

Copy (^Jl>^ ei^^wj foorat falin—for

children gJ loh

To Copy u:-'j^ ^piw- falin foorat,

^^Lw t^^AAA^ menioorat falin,

^ \C^ (Sj^ ^^JJ^y-^ menioorat der-

jree dalam

Coral, red, -^I*j poalam, i^y^y* mar-

b Jl^u s] akar bahar

X'J tallec


Cord ^Cordlar_^!jLilj panawar

Corge, fcore, (^Cui" coodec

Coriander-feed /_<*^ mety, -aJaJ'U


road, ( • XjL/^j ^A^wj

,^^AjU^>ij fimpanggan—of a houfe

/ji^'^ faji, f^^^L^.j perfaji—of the

eye «xjL* ^JixiJ^ fckoo msita—of cloth

c «r^v panchong—in a corner ^^'Iti

^juo^ dalam fckoo — cornerwifc

o-ouLw fangkap—To put corner

ways (^^^jCJCski fangkapcan

Cornered, made with corners,

(^^Lwju-i ber'pclaji, (^a^Lw^ per-

laji, c.^:^tyj beroojong—^four corner-

ed, a folid, / ^i^Lw-j O^A^I ampat

pcr'faji—four cornered, a flat, cxyd

^j^jjy^ ampat pcniooroo

Corpfe, dead, (gJ^V bankee

Corpulent u-Jjy^^J gomook

To Corred, mend, ^^_^L> baikkce.

JuLv^ membaikkee-JU

Cofredter, overfcer, ajU, mata

To Corrupt, deftroy, «jun La>o bmnafa

Corrupted a^mULo^ bcrbinnafa—cor-

rupted, putrificd, (w>*>*j*J boofooc •

Corruptible Jv/l/jJyu' cU cang tcda


c o ( 85 ) CO

Corruption, matter, AJ',j nanah t i^jf <iy-iS^ {j^ t^' arnpar can

Coft A^^J^i^lj balanja — bought for cay'in cooda—face over \ «ijlj' tatak

^jJ^aXj billecan, / J.j billec—Howmuch coft that ^Xj (^^XUj ti AjLj

brapa de billccan ctoo—It coft me a

dollar J Uj Aam (j~^^ t J^, «s^^" tit.

ta billec dung'an ia rcall"'

Coftive tVcUij^LA. fiK-fama, CioL>.

Cohered, veiled, c ««^jJyJ bertoodoong

Covering, roof of a houfc, (-^iiff attap

—veft cjA^A^Lyjg felcmoot

Coverlid, cjuilt, d<_)JJ.>^ felindang

for a table 5<JS^' ^^_,iLa^I amparan


a^'j*ajJLn sakitfalcfiima, , '«.j s<_X>u' To Covet ,>Xo kik'ir

jAw,A.j -xc c ! kj tcda bolce booang Covetous .aJLo kik'ir—a covetous manay'er bcfar

Coftly, dear, «iZ/jJ ber'arga, Jkj^L*


Coftus indicus »^^j poocho

Cottage jjvxzs:^ &^y rooma kecheel,

^4/«« 1«^ jooroomoom

Cotton (v^l/ capas

Couch i_C/J garee

Covenant / ,js:-*'t^ ianiee, ,.,Lx>^:^-*^



janjee, ^\

J berjanjee

Cover, lid, v iuJl/' cdloopak—Veil

^«3*j' toodong, (^j^itiij' toodong-

gan, _j'J tabir—that laps over th^

edges, as paper tied over, c «_sw »x,l/

calboofoong—Shutter ,^yt,'i too-

toopan—of a pot ^^«.jV'' tootoo-

pan—of a book u-^ kiilip—fmall

pieces of plate worn to cover the pri-

vities of a boy (^>(j::,Lo pclcrawn

ditto, for a girl, Xjb> chaping

fhut «wjjjjj' tootoop—Cover the pot

with its cover or lid ^*-» ^-_>«.j\j

«Xx-oa.j'v i^;_j-C(^ tootoop b6\ang

dung'an tootoopannea— the tabic

rf^i^ ^j*\ orang kik'ir

Covetoufnefs (j^Lz^aJco kik'irawn

Covetoufly (^_;,Ju ^J-cti dung'an ing'in

—greedily aj J i^^<^ dung'an loba

To Cough^^'b batoor, v—'jj'b batok,

Cj«;U garoot

Could CX)'<^ dapat, / ^ o bolee

Coulter of a plough *^U mijam

jCouncel, advice, '^:^jy*> faurat, Ov^bs,

jamat, 5 _s:^^ bcchara, (^Izjspf^he-


ToCounfcl, advife,^jy[;Ls:fVS-^ mem-bccharacan

Council-houfe, court, jjl^rr^J A^^tj

rooma bechara— council of ftate

cC-i^A-e mantrce— a fmall council

jjl.^^ bechara

Counfcllor of ftate C^->^ cjjl orarig

mantree—of a fmall council cj«f

B^Ls:^ oraug bechara—advifer pUs^i'js:^^:' C^-J 0> cang dc brce bccliara

To Count, number, c,^\j<j bclang

t:reckon 5 >o kcra, ^ *aj etong

Counted x^jo^ berkcra

Countenance, face, jo *-* mooca—fea-

tures of the face aj aj roopa, 5/^Y

CO (80lacoo- -air of the face «x/^^ ,j} ay'er


To Counterfeit, feign, jj 4J poora, bj^j

poora—rcfemblc in form aj«;Ij ba-

roopa, /jyU«-*e nicroopacan—voice

/vw Jl fj\*Mj fooara aloes

To Countermand ^^^t<AxAJL« mani-


Counterpoifon^ *Uu panawar

Country C^jCj negree, 55^J bcnoa

that is manured (j^^wj^ti doofoon,

cJOL» bendang — Native country

ajIj (_^jXvj ncgrce biipa— that is

conquered &}s.l'J (^.X-fJ negree

taalla—windward country, as '^^jy*^

Surat, aJ Lij^j Bengala ; and the coaft

jJOJ-*;*2?. Chormandell ; is fo called

by the Malay's, (^^\ (j^c (j^jX^

negree attas ang'in—leeward coun

try, as all the lands to the Eaftward

of Aclice to the MoUucas is call

ed by the Malay's, ,^i:l ^jLj (^A^'ncgrcc bava ang'in— man cjJ

i^^td orang doolbn—of the fame

country (^^-XajLj fancgree—To go

from one country to another cOJu-j

(^-X/J berpinda negree

Couple ».J goo, tj' L» fii goo—male and

female ^ Lw fa goo—two g.ti

— To couple i^jriV^ goocan —The Coupling of male and female

y-y^jS goocan

Courage ^^^1 j branee, (^IjlajI^j bra

ncawn, /J>lc,j bcr'attec, / JL^'L»

palawilnce — To take courage

(^-jO> [^^jSi^\^r^ mcmbranecan


) CO

dirrcc—To lofe courage / ^a^

elong attec, ^l^ chabar—He~didovercome by his great courage Ajti

dea fooda alia derrcc pada fang'at


Courageous iJ>^,^, branec, (^ ^'^ilrylj


Courageoufly (^^^jLj ^^'^ (^tidung'-

an attee bnihce

Coarfe, as cloth, >*\i cafar, xjI/ ca-

bang—as in grains d^Ay/'combongCourfc, race, tjbtj;iUj pelarreawn

—of the fun and moon ^^'J^^

_iry. LH'*^ ^)^ ^^ pcrjalanan

mata harree daen booloo, (MLc;«^ljvy

percadarawn — water-courfe that

runs down j( -<Loi.hilir ay'er—pre-

paration of victuals / ~>.Lg SHJce,

^jLx-Vt^U, sajeawn—turn ^\j^^S


berganteawn—by courfe , J^JLTj

^^aa/ bergantee gantee—they comehereby courfe (__yyy*j xjlti c^.l o^^^A-LT /^A/jO'de orang datang f6-

nce bergantee gantee

Court, palace, AJUuwf aftana — Thewhole court men and buildings

QwJ>A:i^Le majelis — council-houfe

Bjlrs:^ A^ «^ rooma bcchara—a court

yard (m<_Xa^ midan, ^l^Jlc alamaan

—court yard before ^^IaJJ^aj pclan-

taran—of guard c «^Ij baleroong

ot law ^y, 4L=ii. «-^.A.^' tampat hookooni

—The court, the men who conxpofc

the court of juflicc, ^«j».^», 5 ibs::^:'

bochara hookoom—To call a court

C R ( 87 ) C R

5j'.:sr^:! cj^. pang'll bechara—The

court is ended, (j^ijjj ^<^t^,

jjLs:'^ fooda pootoos bechara

Courteous «./.-«trii. choombo, i^,j^

.foopan, (jvwjLo manis— courteous

rricin (jj. «-aij c^'*' orang foopan

Courtefy, manners, »>..-c*=x choombo,

(^ 4>*j foopan

Courtezan JcXj4>jj foondal

Coufm, firft coufm, ^j «.jLw fapoopoo.

—with the teeth Jk^j*^ goonjil

break open, as a nut, t^^iS toombo-fnap, as wood, rope, (j_jJu!; rdntan

—as m the fire ^yyj latok

"f-y^choochoo— fecond


CowaaaXaj iA^J lemboo betina, / ^.Lw


Coward .jU>. cj »I orang chabar, d i«!

i^j t/b' 6rang tacoot

Cowardice t^\s.j)\s:^ chabarawn, ij^Jo^s:':^ attec kechecl

Cowardly ^j-c<3 ^J^^cs^V/^^ attee kc

cheel dung'an, ^J.a2s::;V ij^ attee

kecheel, (gj'y 5<-^ tcdabranec

cowardly bully A^^Lw S^J cjjl

orang gantar faja

Cowhcard aJ Ia^ combala

To Cozen, cheat, «!yl<3 day a, 4aaj


Coyan (/rJ^^> coyan ^^^j*/', a concave

meafure ufed, or accounted in many

places of India.

Crab {^^^ catan, ij\3 katang, iJCul/


Crabbed, lour, w»jjLt maflam

Crack ^vXa:^ chela, ji.A».j bcia—To crack,

Iplit, ^j^^Iaj bekican— with the

nail, as a loufe, rj^OJo tindas

Cracked jS^J terbcla, /^aam iepy

broke in fmall pieces 5^ I; rapoh

Cradle (^Uj boway'an—To rock a

cradle (jol«_» (^[vj boway boway'an

Craft, trade, ^^Iji^yLi pacarjaawn,

(^<Aaj pandce

Craftinefs ui.'JIa^^ mofielaat—crafts-

man C^>Xo cj^I orang pandce,

{_l^^ toocan

Crafty OutAj^^^ chercdik—crafty

knave Ajfci »,axj' tipoo daya

Craggcd L;-^«3^ga{^ap

To Cram /^>w,AjLe mang'iflee

Cramp ;^js>^(;bV cacarafan

Crane, a fowl fo called, (^ij c-^'l;^

halang ingin ^^'J^ pootaran—neck

of a crane, c:^,*^^^ foombat—Block

of the crane cX''-' J^^ree—rope / \J

(m;Ij^j pootaran — To crane up

OJ^yx:J^^ O-'^r!;'^ k^reccan dung'an


To Crafli, grind, as the teeth, (J*U!amettee

Cratch, fpacc between the thighs,

aAa:^^ chela, a::^Lj aIa^ chela paha

To Crave aX)^ minta

Craw of a bird (^^s^-U^^j tiunbooloo-


To Crawl (^jJo.^ merancan—as a

fnake AJ'JLy* mclata—Creep private-

ly as a thief ^Id (Sj_y^ C£/V?^fnap, as the fingers, Oi.AJ^ lantik' menchoorec chooree datan


orang tans

CR (88Cream ytj^ Ouyvo mln'} ak foolbo

Create 5jl>y« miira, i^jJ^iJcs::'^ menjaddecan

Created (__^t>>,s:'*"« mcnjaddcc

Creation (jj LxjiA:;^'j" kajaddeawn

Creator g^ilx^ C^i^ juree miara,

(^j-XjiJcsi'^-o cang mcnjaddccan

Creature, living, g «UJ-j berniawa

Credence (J^l« wakll— A letter of

credence <3-ajI« c^t^wj foorat wakii

To Credit, believe, ajI:^^,-» perchaya

Creditor ^rs;-^ cU 6\*\ 6


Credulous Ajl;i»._i g;».^ moora perchaya

Creek O" «.x>^ lerooc, O^A^J' tclooc

—of the fea i.::^ .i' ^jAji>..,jjj fim-

panggan laoot

Creeks (^j/t.^^ L-T ^-ajsw ferooc feroo-

can—To creep, as a beaft going flow,

(^Xijjyt merancan

Creeper, any creature that goes flow,

^Xj-a^ merancan

Creeping creatures AJ'JLy* cb xJ'Uvu

blnnatang cang melata, cL; ^jUaj

^iLxAA^ blnnatang cang menioolar

Crew 5*^ awa—of a fliip (J^\S g^c

awa capal—of a boat »1j g^c awa


Cricket, an Infed:, <wJ»,'JiJL=a. chlnkdrek

Crime <xj Lw fala—^deferving death tO Lw

«J4j (J^f**^j=^

fiiki hookoom de boo-


Criple Xa-P' Cm I orang tlmpang

C^rifped, curled, (JJu ckal

To Croak, as a frog, v_Jij''j(^^•J boo-

nee katak

) c u



rafok, -/^uiralagar

Crocodile AjUj boaya

Crooked JUj benko—as wood

biiwoor, iwJ» *A^j bantook—as a let;

^^—O.'-T?'chaplk—as a path (^jJoi.A.^>*i

fimpanggan — To walk crooked

v—Jisr*^ (jj^'L^sl;^-^ bejalan canchook

Crop of a bird JJvA>yel ampedal—Tocrop, nip the end, i^jJ^'^ikJ gintaf-

can—the hair, cut fliort, o^/y ra-


Crofs ;i.XX) bcntang—bow_j4«j4j boo-

0<3 Ln fakat—beam ^—•*an[;

trouble <!Un*>jv.

foofa—crofs, ill-conditioned, (^->

c:Ai».l2!^ pree jahat—thwart j^^i^

boojoor—legged, as taylors fit, it is

the common way of fitting in India,

3iXXi llntang, «JC-UL»' talintang,

jiJCJL» malintang—fit crofs-legged

*JOJ [j O^ti «ti doodooc talintang

—one thing crofs another xX^lJ

talintang—To lay one thing crofs

another (^jSJuiXi lintangcan— Tocrofs over, as a river, PyjLwj fabrang

—a river /£^ f^-!^-"sabrang

foongey—the"fea i>^" tampang

To Crouch lJ «OJ*J' toondooc

Crow iS^S c t.\yi booroong goga—Tocrow «/«i C(')co, «/^/Lt bacoco

The cock did crow «/j/Li ati*>w ^}ayam fooda bacoco— as a child 5^1*2=^


Crowd (MjL^ caw'an— prefs Ovxac

(^AAAi; apit apitan — To crowd

through /»J.-^^ mclapang,


(^AAijjlAAA/>e meni'afatcan

CR ( 8Q ) C V

Crown Ijs^lj^Uuwci diflar rdja, «JuVsLo

makota—Crown ot" the head (mL»«

(^Jb « ooban oobanan, &J Uiy (j^^Lw^j

poofaran capala

To Crown ;^^Ly*Ju» makotdcan

Crows feet, irons ftrewed on the ground

to wound an enemy's feet ^:s:^J


To Crucify (^XixJu bentangcan

Crucified iSiiXj'S tcrbentang

Crude A>.'>L« niantah

Cruel (J^ U^'y' ^^^^ attce, /)j^as:'\'

binJis, fjjj^As:'^ Ls^ attee binj is

—cruel looks, jJUs &/yc mooca

carnafor (jn^^JtS^ Ajt^ Axs: tU'-T

appa dea mcnang'is

Cryed (j*a>oLaa^ menang'is—as goods


jjuhjJ 43lLO' telah berfaroo

/ryer, proclaimex, ^Uj^L) (^i^jurecbateria, ji^Lw v'-^t-^ ^JJ^ orang ber-

faroo faroo

Crying r tang'ifcan, ^^n^xjnang'ifan

Cub Ou! anak

Cubebs <xjCa~».

Qw^AJ«^5 komoonkoos, O a^^/


Cubit aXm ! afla

Ajy^ cu'ba chena.

mara—hearted ^J<i^ zj^ niara attee Cucumber (^^.^ timmoon, vj^f^'Cruelty ^j**as:'^^ binj is

Crumb of bread ij>jj (^>**^. i^ee roo-

tec—cumb ajIJ Lw fa rapeh, Lw

fa pan'gal, /^s^cXj bidjee—


jLjLj timmoon batang

Cudgel CiviuA> toonkat

To Cuff *2j»*Ji' gocho

To Cull / g-L[ pillee

crumbs «xjI; ajI^ rapeh rapeh, JkXy Cullender \_Jiu I ay'ak

^JjCAj pan'gal pan'gal, ^^^^Ju

/ ^^iAj bidjee bidjee

To " Crumble (^^jCspll; rapchcan,

j^^jQjCu pan'galcan, 4>>-«jJ toombo,

^^pLcswcAj bidjccan—very fine (^^C>wi «J bree loomat

Crump-handed v—^V.'-r^ chapik

Crufc ij^J boyang

To Crufh jij:s:'*^ an'choor, ^^y'l i^rs-'»^


Cruft of bread rJ>*j oJ «/ coolit roo-


Crutches »wJ»'LyU]5 c^Juii" toonkat ke-


To Cry, weep, ^j*juouLA-e menang'is,

fjM^Ju tang'is—What does he cry

Culpable ^sJlu^ <3u*o kena fala, «xJUm



Cummin-feed (^_jJ»L\^ jintan

Cunning, wife, ^jyi deal—cunning

knave aj!<3 4xaj* /^jaaaJUs malepoo-

tee ti'poo daya

Pudendum muliebris tji^, pookee

Cup {^j^ chawan, Cj^ crong—of

China ^^XU manco—cann (^J^cundee—To cup, bleed, JLo bckam

CurdjpU *«j*w. -j\ ay'£r foofoo bdkoo

To Curej^j. foomboo

Cured A-c v*i foomboo

Curious, ingenious, as work, /5«-»

permec—curious work t^jJ (j^J'^J

booatan permec


c u (

Curl, ringlet of hair, <JJC^. plntal

To Curl Jou ekal—braid >>jl an'yam

Curled (JoUjj ber'ekal—hair 'Cjy^j

(Jk.Ju-j ramboot ber'ekal

Current, paffable, yi^ lakoo, ^^^'jJ

bcrlakoo—money aj ^.j c L» as:-*^ Ubalanja cang bcrlakoo — goods

j^^j» c^J. ^j^iCx/lc^ daganggan eang

berlakoo—Current, ftream, rvw«;'

aroos—'that runs down ^1 y*i:^ hil'-

ir ay'cr, -xX^i. _»! ay'cr hil'ir

Curry-comb gci*/ v'-^. P^ngg^'iroo

cooda—To curry *j\j garoo

To Curfc Ci^2k^fc^. hojat

tok, C>j »j' tobat


»*j*i> koo-

Curfed OvJjjLi bdtobat, /^ljl^». ha-

rarnmce, / ajJVs li do kootokkee

00 )

inwards, / ^3*::^. chookce—outwards

c:->a».lj karajat—A receiver of cuf-

tomAAjj cj *l 6rangr^ba,<J.A.,jLe5.Ml

/ Js a2>. orang meng'ambil chookce

Cuftomed <JUwIaj bcafa—that has paid

cuftom , Js^=^.j bcrchookec

Cuftom-hoiife njjji foorza— officer

, Js^ cjJ orang chookee—officer

iii chief_^OJa A>ij Iha bendar

To Cut u:jIy crat, PjJV» potoong

off (j>j4JV> ui^L/ crat pootoos—


mince ^^.j irris—through ^*;j irris

—hack in bits p. ^sr*^ chinchong

pare with a l^nifc, as the nails, as

a quill, Pj^^j ranchoong — the

throat of a bcaft dCYOiitly, after the

AjI^z'^ aA-o kena bcnchana

Curft, as a wild beaft, (j*^^jJ bow'as

Curtain, pavilion to draw round a

bed, y<^^\y calambo—window or

any drawing curtain, C^ji^J' tirrec

Draw the curtain (_C_aj'aJ

; fangkap la tirrce

Cuihion (JJl^^ bantal

Curtody jJuLiJ' ^y\i^ dalam tang'anko

Cuftom, manner, (^^ pree—ufc AawLu

beafa — faftiion «.:i;!(J^ addat,

UL>lt>oiAAM*j efteaddat, g^Us» chara

pra(R.ice^^"«^\::j «t*jtooroottooroo-

tan—of a country (__^-Xaj uuIiAc ad-


dat negrce—law **j

law of a country (^,XaJ ^j=^ boo-

koom ncgrec—according to cuftom

u^ttAc ( J'_A_Viw fepertee addat—toll

in land, (J^.M oopcttee—from fea

Mahometan way, /^)^..,^*» fambillcc

chop to peaces i^^jXXXXj pan'galcan

- —off, (iifmembcr, (jS^tjC^ji' coo-

dongcan—up, divide as a beaft

^j/,Xxj belacan—notch, as a tally,

(^^jJCCa^j*! fimbatcan—corn ^t/ ca-

tam—make fharp pointed Ciolj pa-

pat, (jii'-J parafli—prune iSJj rant-

ing—with a fword (,_^lj' tatac—crofs

c 4y>y*i ci^l J^ crat ferong—the fingers

(_^jl2k p^jJiri. potong jarrce—chop

with a bill ij^-f^ memarang—flafh'

with the point to mark on the fkin,

on wood (j*y^*J gooris, (^j^S garis

—as a knife (^^Lc macan—lliis knife

will not cut »Le BtAAJ»' / ^JL» *.***AJ

j^^Lt pcfoo cnee tcda maoa miican

Cutlas ,A>Ak^_sw famfcer

Cutler, of fwords, ccX-o Azs:r!y iSOJ^J

pandcc careeja piidang

DA (

Cypher, figure, ajul anka—To cypher

AJul p-Aj gvo kcra kcra anka

Cymbol 5jjjj tu6ra

Dagger ^j^^ creis

To Daggle ^^^Ai; »^ choringcan

Dainty j-y^V?^- penjcjam—-dainty vic-

tuals ^_;(_X>y*j (j^jl/Uo macanan fedap

—To eat daintily, well, ^j/U'wJiAaam macan fedap

Dale &p^ lemba

To Dally-jjjS gooroo, jj^-} bergoo-


Dam, mother, d^ ijia—dam, for wa-

ter, (j**^r> tarbis-^-To dam up

(j**jjj CL>Ux^ membooat tarbis

Damage, lofs, t^j^jj roojee ,

Damafk, filk, /_ijij'4:clokee, jjLyj-yc

moffayer—as a fword (^j^ koree

damaik^ed fword (^jjj _> P<A>u pc-

dang ber koree

Dame, miftrefs, (^Uj ncay—familiar-

ly ojjl awan—in a higher degree

/^rsrJj*! awanchee

To Damn i^^yyi kootokee


Damned^yy kootok

'^yy kootookkee, ^•l:s>.r/

j,»5^~».,j berhookoom

To Damnify / =1.«^ roojee

Damnified /^i>^-A^ meroojce

Damp tyj{£j) langas, (_)<>-«• oombal

damp, vapour, ^Lj' S^^' ;I ovv'ap tana

Damfcl B^Iti ^ «Li I anak dara

Dance c^jU-yo mcnarree, (^jU tar-

rec—To dance (^^>Li narree, (^^iUa^

meaarrcc— leader up of a dance

91 ) DA(_^^tU« jijtjj poong'ooloo menar-

ree—To take a partner out to dance

C^yU^ Ov-^jl ancat mcnarrce

Danced (^^UL^ menarrec

Dancing (j^Lx-yU^^ menarreawn

dancing- mafter C^jUa^ (Sjy^ j^"

ree menarrce

To Dandle Xaaj pepang

Dandled Xaaj-j berpcpang

Dandrif 'wVj^^iJ^gorak, (^1ti daki

Danger (^^^.i^L' tajanggan

Dangerous JJL^ mifkill, ^\J ta-

Dapper (j^Xij pantas

To Dare, be bold, (^'L» branee—Dare he appear before me i^\^ Ajti

^lOui «s/^ i-_>!tiU dca branee ber-

addap mooca padako

Daring (J'^,J branee

Dark y^^l-Tgalap—dark, mifl, ^•\y

calam—fcntcnce i^y<^ ^{j6^Scataawn femboone

To Darken (^^J^L/'galapcan—fha-

dow tD^JhAaJ' tedoohanDarkened l_>J(JC bcrgalap

Darling, bcft beloved child, v^Juf

(^yn anak foopan

To Darn C^^v^^^il^i.jaroomat

Dart ^>^^ lambing—To caft a dart

X-yc-^ dj-yc^ lamboong lambing

To dart, as a porcupine, JJiJA^yU^mcnioonkill

To Dadi, as water ^—i=i.^ perchik

Dafliing (^IxjZiAAwlj' tafoontoawn

Dates A-civ::»^ choorma

Date-tree A-c^j*:^ 'O^y. P"hone choorma

D A (

To Daub » »jJ laboor

Daubc(l_;«jJ^ berlaboor

Daugiitcr (^Ua^jU >>—JtJl anak param-

poan—daughter-in-'law, the daugh-

ter of a wife by a former hufband or

of a hufband by a former wife, v.Ju'

j^Ivve;U C^j>y" anak tirrc param

poan—daughter-in-law, fon's wife,

ijl*>ye^iL) ixxLILx^ mcnantoo param-

poan—grand daughter yia^y^^ v,-JiJ

jj.l4jy«;lj anak choochoo parampoan


a king

raja parampoan a maiden

anak daradaughter 5^1 1 <^ ^^O

David 0>«l«3 daood

Daunted {J^^ i-^. clang attee

Dawning of the day ys^lj fsyer, -XfoM


Day c^^l* harrcc— of judgement

CX^Co^^^U» harree kiamat—before

day cU>*j iS}^ 5"^. C^<^ J^j'"^

dauloo derree pada harree feeang

growing day dU>w ^«^1^ jaddee

I'cang — break of day J^^>*» sinar,

->LyAj_^ bersmar, -s^li tajer—light,

broad day, cLy*. feang—by day light

(Sj^ ^^.^ B'-V. P^^^ fcang harree

—high day /^Ju" <-^;^ ^^ mata

harree ting'cc — noon-day aaj'

{S)\^ teng'a harrcc—To day, this

day, / Ju iS}-^ harree enee—on

that day^^ <Sj^-^' »'-'V. P^*^'^harree

ctoo—on a good day cU (^J^ b<->V

v-JuIj pada harrcc cang baik—To

defer from day to day aaaJ Icna

ftar 5^^*« .A^-V

02 ) DE '

the promifcd day cU C^»'-^ »<-^

^As». J pada harree eang berjanjec

—holy day, feaft day, ajI; C^Ufc har-

ree raya—dark mifty day ^^'l/ (JT^I^

harree calam—inthedaytimecLyNgtAj

(__^^L^ pada fcang harree—A day's

journey ^jJUs^^ iSj^ ^ ^^ Xvxc-

rce bcjalan—day before yefterday

Jlti C^T^^t^ Ciilarnarrce dauloo

the next day AaJ^jj^jsj L^''^ harree

effonea—next day after to-morrow

A»*)*J loofa—three days ago (j**a-J

(Cjl^ ».\X>0' Icpas tcga harree—three

days hence c:^ *j" toolat—a day and

(^j^ «jti iJCi teng'a duahalf

bintang fcang—on'

harree—the laft day .ajI iSj^ l^ar-

ree akir

Daily C^'-=^ Sr'^ VL^ ^^°P *'°P

harree—continually aJLXj[cX>*n fcde-

cala—day after day tw^*i*u ^y*tjj}

ber'cfook efook

Dazzled iUL»-> berpanar

Dazzling of the eyes^ljlj panar, «.Xaj**


Dead /^'-^ matcc, 5 i)Lu ^jjv«JV» poo-

toos iiiawa—by fickncfs (^j^ Ljs^''^

(^^JoLw y<Aj matce dcrrce pada faki-

tan—born «wjt^ss. gOu iSjd {^^^matee derree pada jaddcnca—^be is

dead (^cJl-o 8t^_ji*i <!yti dca fooda

matee-^of hunger jju iSjC^ ( «r''-*

J)L matee derree pada lapar—as wine

-A^l ^ ! ^ Lj" tawar ambar—Dead jnan

/^'Lc cj *l urang matee—Carry the

dead to the grave &S (J»^ (^tS.^^.^

)4j *l/ mcmecool bamliee ca caoboor^-z-. J'


He was dead /J>'U> jJ 8<^^

fooda ber matee—dead wilfully, vo-

luntarily, «3uyci».Lw ivj.iti yJ>^ rna-

tee dung'an fajanea

Deadly <Jot*) fabill, gbb payah

Deadnefs, numbnefs, 8*>y«J loompoh,

slyjj lemah

Deaf (J^" toolcy—hard of hearing

^JJCaj ban'gal—become deaf (_^<^l:5w

. J^" jaddee toolee—To make deaf

j^»JLaJ*j toolecan, i^jJ^jX^ menoo


To Deal, diftribute, (^/U/Ij bageea-

can, /^/Ij^ berbagee—a great deal

v«Juaj ban'yak

Dealing t/UJuj veniago

Dear J^^^'-s» mahal—To make dear

/jjCbi.'^ mahalcan, ^^_^XL=*.L,-s^m-

mahalcan grown dear <J.^Si.Lc (^<A Li».

jaddee mahal—This is a great .deal

too dear <ij /^5-0 c:-w( (_)oi.Le mahal

am'at enee la—My dear /JCsw^/l

kecafleeko.agooftee, *Juy**Xo

•2 1 *1>J niawako

Dearth _»J AamU» mafa lapar

Death UL> «Le maoot—pangs of death

«!um«jU baiifa—To put to death *j»^

boonoo, ^^^Jou'L^jy* memdtecan

ToDebafe ^^^!<JJ,i rendacan, ^^\^y^-^^

To Debate g^ilsr^V bechara— debate

^-)lcl^l3:^ bccharaawn

To Debauch Oub (^_) AwjUaj bin-

nafa pree balk

Debt *j* ootang—the whole debt

(__^lj*j' toonay—To demand a debt

( 03 ) DE

Ajti dea iJj \:L>y3y toontoot ootang—To

pay a debt jij',^blj bayar ootang

indebted >*j'^,J ber'ootang

Debtor AJ'jjJ P^ 5I orang ber'ootang

To Decay, in quantity, i4:s:-' I anchoor

Decaying man in eftate (^ '^)y^^ 9-J^

orang catooroonan

To D^eceafe (^5^1^ matee

Deceafed, dead, (J»t< matee, ^jtjyjj

5»I»J niawa—he is deceafed &j(S

5 »I.AJ {j^y^i 5t3*A.j dea foodapootoos


Deceit vuo' tipoo, 4,>*w fcmoo, ajJ*^

daya, 9-y^y, bohoong, *.,j.w.a2». hif-

moo, (MLcLiLsr*"^ benchanaawn,

/ c;^5V boojee

Deceitful Ajiti daya, Ajlti.j berdaya,

/ ^»,Aj baboojee—advice ij::s^.

&jlt^ becharadaya

To Deceive {^^C^tj bodoce, 0\^^boojok, ^^^».A^"Lc manipoocan, u:jUj

/ ^*J booat boojee, «.^j^^Ai^, hif-


Decieved aaaJ" aJUj kena tipoo—I amdeceived aJLm gtWw «j! ako fooda


Deceiver *>.AJ'J ci.l orang bertipoo

Deceiveth aJLts^ benchana,

(MyL.,_w*A:i». hifmooacan

Decent, becoming, v—i.j^ layak

To Decide, end, ^^^jJCIkiaJo pootoofcan

To Deck, adorn, (^'Ln o'U bagoofa-

(^jJC<w.*-o by'feecan—deck, as of a

fliip, (Jo I/ «.aJU baleew capal, c:%jiju'

(JuLT tingkap capal

Decked, adorned, ^^m*aj-j berbj'fec,

A a

D E (

- qw^/Lj bagoos

Decking, ornaments, ^JM^a».lJ^lJ pari-

ah fan

To Declare, publifli, (^jCOLaIaj' tele-




P4 ) D E

To Defeat ^^^/U! alldcan,


To Defend, aflift, ^ J*j tooloongj

Declared jJO ^_j ber'chcritra,


Declaration ^Jlx*j*•j' tootoorawn

Decoy, hole made in the ground, and

flightly covered with baits laid to

catch wild beafts, (^Lctv^'Lj kala-


Decree AaaJ' titah

To Decree, purpofe,*jJ-j. P%oo

To Dedicate (^^^jsAaJj-^-^* memooliacan

—offer «Sa^ «mj foomba

Dedication, offering, (^LcLyey*) foom-


To Dedudl sOiLi {SjC^ cj^^! ambil

dcrree pada

Deeds (^Vj bootan, (m*j'Uj-J berboo-

aton—His words are like his deeds

aaJLjjj (^j-s^<-i a^Um AxjLjl/ catane'a

fama dung'an bootannca

To Deem aXLw fanca

Deep ^^!ti dalam—^The great deep

«i>yL~e^'l«^J' terdalamnea—as water

~}^ t6bir—How deep is the water

«jlaJ ^^I0> aj1-j 5^ J\ ayer ^too bra-

pa dalam nea

To Deepen ^jjC«^l«^ dalamcan

Deer, buck, a>«jj roofah, Q^Ly^v*meneangon—doe xs:;^ kejang —hunted deer j^ li cU <w> «; roofa

»J»-Lo men'ooloong — Defend us

from e\il C^^ti (__^'/ <^\j\.jX^

c:^'^l> gt^U memledracan camce

derree padajahat

To Defer «wJ lena, Ca>-«^ lambat :

Deficient, weak in argument, ««JCJ


To Defile i^^is.lj bachoomoor,

(^^Nj-^».2i. choomooracan


ang de booroo

To DefaceJt?^


_ b bachoomoor

To Define (^^^jjCu^lis) meng'artecan

To Deflower, a virgin, cWijjJ per'oo-

gool—a woman i^\j\J^ meng'-


Deformed Ooa.l2>. aj«; roopa jahat

Deformednefs (-)LcU^2:>.hinaawn, aj»j

CUi>.l^ roopa jahat

To Defraud, cheat, 9-j^^y, bohoong,

^ *>I*J bi». jaloojoor

To Defray ats^J^Ij .jIj bayar balanja

To Degenerate ^j aJu (^jCs pj^coorang derree pada ib'oo

To Degrade ^^J Laas:-*^ meng'hinacan

Degree, ftep, ciJiaj pankat, Oxxjij'

tingkat—order of men ciaAaj pankat

—by degrees, gradually, oJiJL»^

C-Juj bcrpankat pankat—by de-

grees, flowly, ^^^cu^lj ^j.2b.Jlj pala-

han palahan—of confanguinity *jopoopoo—ofhonour AaJ*^ c:Juj pan-

kat moolia

Dejeded {^^^ oCkjj rcnda atte,f-jy«


D E ( 05 ) D E

To Demand as a debt c1j*.Xj*j' toon-* * ••• - , -^ ^toot, cua^o*^»^ men oontoot

Demanded a>J'JIj batanea

Dimcnfion, fize, aaJ^*^ befarnea

To Demolifh -i^aS ^' o toolak ca.ybava, i^^y.^'J rooboocan

Demoliflied *J«Tjyo merooboo

To Demonftrate by words (^^jCajjLsL*

meng'artecan, ^jJu'UAa^ meniatd-

To Deify aJLII^ ber'allah

Deity aJUI^j ber'allah

Dclatory q*j^'Ui malas

Dclatorinefs ^^/>.^''«<^ malafan

To Delay aaaJ Icna—delay (^^^X*^^


Delayed c>k>^^'-j berlambat

Delayer ^^^^JCx^i'^ cj .1 orang berlam-


Delaying / aJU / xaJ nantee nantee

Delegable \_Jiaj enak enak

Deliberate ,juj fik'ir

Delicate, gkafant, ^(iAawj iedap

Delicious c:a^Iaj neamat—place cxayjITo Denounce (^s^U pafan

CX«Ly tampat nealmat,^^-ys»-''

To Deny J^X/wj fan'cal

(^l^'Jj>*j tampat foocaawn Denial ^J^UCA^ML> ballincalan

Delight (^lriy^ foocaawn, iSjM Denied ^<^^Lj bafan'cal

(_2>lc fooca attee Dcnieth (JUJLj*ib bafan'cal

To Delight in (^Ij'jj berkanan—pleafei Depart *J^ laloo—begone aJ ^^ laioo


Den A2»^J goha, ^^^^l^J cooranggan

Denomination, name, a-oU namaDent_^<lj bawoor, c*jljbakoomig

<s/^Mj fooca

Delighted in (^*li'_j berkanan, aJ^j^n


Delightful, picafant in converfation,

/ -el; ramce

To Deliver (^yi^LM faracan—up to

juftice sjIOsAM fandara—deliver us

from evil ^cXj (^j^ /^L> (^.XImvaaJ

0^2^.1.2^. cb Icpafcan' camec derrec

pada eang jahat

Delivered ^^^jljLw faracan

Deliverer ^^yX>*ij<j^ (^j ai^^ jurec Icpaf-

can—redeemer c/vj-MJ C^J5^j^ree


Deluge gU jjI ay'er bah

Demand, qucftion, aajLj' tanea, jJU^w

fovv'al, i^LjtAJlj' taneaawn

la—from a haven ^^ IJ J b' im « >*j'

tooroon calaloan, ^^L*^ hil'ir

Departed ^l^ laloo, ^>^Lye meUloo—He is departed to another place

^^.^ c:^j<yj «x/\j^ B<3^ «3yti dea

fooda laloo ca tampat lain

Departing (^Lc^^ labooawn

Departs *j^ laboo

To Depend, confide on, v__;ljb>. harap

To Dcpofe, put away, cl^ booang

humble ^^yioJ; rcndacan

Depth A-yUo^ltiU" cadalamnea

Deputy Cj^' ^koee, gjy^j bertanda

To Deride, laugh at, ^^IjUU tata-


Derifion ^jlc« iaJ'Ij bagoorooawn

To Derive (J^ols:^^ C^^W» jaddee

D E (


Uefart aj^^ irimba

Delartcd, loll ia a delart, aa^j^j bcr-


To Defccnd^J « uj' toorooii, ^<jyjj)y


Dcfcended c^io'Ij batooroon

Dclcending ov^ 0^)^^- ^^tooroon


Dcfccnt, race, (Jv»jl aflUl—general de-

Iccnt Amjj«.j bangfa

ToDcfcribe, write, orpourtray, (jwJ*J'

toolis—by words ^^jXKi\\S^ mcng'


Dcfcribed (jjaxJ oJ tertoolis

Defcricd u:^LjX« meleat

To Deferve, merit, /yw «;liw haroos

Dcfert, merit, (jw«^L^ haroos—Pu-

nifli him according to his defert

fix'Scan dca dung'an haroofnea

Delerter (^yj<:^jj cb eang bercheree

Deferving, valuable, ^j^jJ ber'arga

To Defign *Le maoo

Defigned c:A>gv,li J' tcrfafat

Delirc, will, (^^.


, Xc V i»l<AJcs».lj kiihcndak attee

To Dcfire, hope, ^^U^heakin—What

do you defire ^ v-J>jtXoi.lj Aax;

appa kahcndak moo

Defircd ^J^Ju^ ber'ing'in—They dcfired

him to go out of the city c^.bti

(^J^J deorang fooda minta agar dea

ciilooar dcrrce negree

To Dcfifl v^'U^ latak, qw^J Icpas

go ) DE

Dcfk, for writing, ^^JJ^^^JJ ^JCu pit-

tee toolifan

_J I cJsaJ candatee


Defolate (^jj«j foonee

Delpair a**- I (j*»4JV> pootoos ifa

Defperado, one that kills all he can,

_Va^ ammookDefpcrate a*wI (j*-*jjj pootoos afa

Defpifeable Aaas:». hina

To Defpilc tH^X-fp:^ hina, (^_^UasoI^


Dcfpifed A^:^ j bcrhina

Dcftiny p^vCJ • oontoong

Dcftitutc Aa^I ampa

Diftradion qw.s:'*'^ binjis, aajJU/Qw.A.si'V gelanea binjis

To Deflroy, demolifh, «.jo rooboo,

A^Jlcp*-* menjalomo

Deftroycd c"L*,Lyo_» berbinnafa, «j«,j

berooboo, v-J'Uj*; roofak

Defhroyer a^Uaj (^ i^^^juree kinnafa

Dcftrudion (^LcLkjIaaj binnafaawn,

(j_jj!Lmjj roofakan

To Detain, from, ^^s^Lj' tahan

Determine, purpofe, *jIj payoo cxm^Ls


Determination, will, /J'lc>J/ canda-


Dcterrnined C>,/*i(iJ tcrfafat

To Deteft, defpife, Aaa:s;*^ meng'hina

Dcteftabic aA-cs^ hina

To Detradl, defame, / JS Lc makee

Detriment, lofs, / c^^»-}^ ^°^j<^^

Device, deceit, <^j:^^ boojok,

(Ji tC^ bddookc—Invention ^^j'ti

" dapatan



(07Devil (j*j^Xj\ iblis, (^:i».jcn,, (jU^ii


To Dcvife, make, ^^iuwX^j pandccan

Devotion (^LyjCj badtcan

To Devour, cat up, (j*aj1 ^j~/'-o ma-

can a'bis— greedily ^j^l « «J bocas

Devoured (j^j\ c J'J ta

) D I

lang ab is

Devour C^'one that ftudics the law

Xj bailee—Devout man,

of God,

«X^Lvr: ijJ orang agitma—A man

man given to worlhip God, cij!

i^^.y^y^ orang foomba\'ang

Dew (^, »j . oobon

Diadem AJ'«iLe makota

Dial ^li:»,j:si-^j (Sj-^ W. P^'igawce toon-

joo jam

Diale(!:l, manner of fpccch, A/<Lj « oo-


Dialogue i^[^jajj.j tootooravvn,

A-*Lw t!ue'-NN ^jl^^i*j4J' tootooravvn

fama fama, cVcLw cVcLm j».j^jb ba-

tootoor flma ftma

Diamond (^^^j in'tan

Diaphragma,flvirt in the bodyjUi-ijj^^LM

, ^Aa«, cl>»^ faliipoot proot fenee

Dice (^^L) 5jJ booa parree—To play at

/ —I'U rnatee—Like to die

AjU fakit payah

Die-dapper ajs::^^ cbecha,

Diet -^'.Tl^ macinan

A3::^^ booroong chccha

To Ditfer (jj jl lain

Difference v_9,i furk

Different i^^ lain, r^ U , <


Lj b;5gee

Difficult j/V*" foocar—to do ^J>J..4


DifHculty (^vJULw^ miilvillan

Diffident ajL:=._) c < a/ cooranc: per\ha-


dice (^^c!)^:^. joodcc

To Dilate ^ '\3\.<>jub mengcatacan.

(j^/lj'-^ catacan

Diftlonary tU^U SjLiCo kitab bafa

Did ujLj^ berbooat, ui^l^j s<3jj*i

iboda booat—not (^t/4j boocon,

jiAaj" teda—He did that himfelf iUti

»^ cjLj-j (^jJwm dea findirree

berbooat etoo

To Die 8jUj (j^'yj^. pootoos niawa

Digged /L'LCU men'gaice

To Digell i^JTaj^i «s-" I an'choor bcac

Digeftcd^sJf^" teran'choor ^— as a

wound AjlJ-j berninah

Digging /JLvJL* men'gaice

Dignification^^b' galar

Dignity {^^'-/^'^ bcfarau

To Digrcls, wander, c:^>v.L., fafat

Diligence {^jXjt^^j rajinggan

Diligent, ready, X=^^j I'^ji"»'

Dim light /_^J>i Ovi^ lang'it dcnce

Dim-fighted Q^^jiy caboos .

Dimenfion (j^^^ low'as

To Diminifh ^JJ^ji bercoorang,

(^j-xtj^/ coorangcan

Diminiflied ci*/,,^ bercoorans

Dinner (^^ aaj' (^U:L.«^ joomaawii

teng'a arree

To Dip L_j*AAA>yo mcniclop

Dipped L_>^AAA>y« mcnielop

To Direft, flaew, 43:-' *j toonjoo


DI ( 08 ) »1

DlreAlon, jurlfdidion, a^^i'-j parcntajDifclofed c\/^jIj' tabooca

—That city is under his direcflion

Axjjb A>yl*:'. 'V,'^,^^:^ C^>-^J ncgrec

ctoo dca poonea pdrcnta

Dirt, mire, i*/y«J loompoor—of the

flreet dcs±' lecha—fwcepmgs «^a.,>^


Dirted, foiled,^i^^=».j berchoomoor

Dirty jv«^=?. choomoor|

To Difiible ^^L^ ^jjCi^^j/'coorangcan


To Difagree, wrangle, gjtXv:^^ bcr-


Difasrreement x,jcAx=i. chidcra

To Difannul ;^/'!;^'-oLc nwniadddcan

To Difappoint ^^^si-*^ ^^ dj>^ oobah

can janjee

Difconrolatc (^^^i^aj li Ojiti gtXO't^

da dilpat de eboorcan

Dilcontent a/.i^ dooca—trouble d^^^^M^ -''

/^'^ foola attce—forrow ^^aX^foogool

Difcoutcnted (^_^^ «W^ Aij(3 dooca

chcta attce—^troubled &Skm bvAaJ

teda fooca

^To Dilarm ajIis^ JLCj' tin'gal fmjata Difcourfc ^,lju LT cataawn,

Difaftcr Aj^Ussi. chc'liika

To Difband ejlr^^^ pcchat

Difburfc i^jyts-'^U bulanjacan

To Difccrn '<::j\.jS.k^ melcat—under-

hand / _J,iIjL* mcng'artcc, ^ij.l,:^».


To Difchargc (j^/y^J Icpas

pay ^U bayar—pay off in full ^U(^U*jbayar toonay


{boDilchargc, receipt,

rat maaf

Dilcharged as from an ofEce l-




Difciple, follower, ^^y^ moorit

learner >:s>.>*^ cj «I orang beldjar

Difciples CJi*-« ^ivc moorit moorit

To Difciplinc ,^^C*,Lo bcdfacan

To Difclofe (.kXa-UA^" telelccaa^^ •• *• •*

Difcord jj^tAA^a. chidera

To Difcover, difclofe, (^^JyJ^JLu tcl;^-


DifcoYcred «5/«.j'J tabooca, cJ^. bcr-


To Difcouragc ^^Otcsr*^ men'chabar-


Difcouraged rj^ fj^. ^^^o^S attec


To Difcourfc i«J «.J tootoor, AJ'l/' ciita

To Difcrcdit (^'Ua:s:A^ mcng'hina-


Difcreet, cautious, O^Ls::^:? hcjac —\\\ic\^C3,jj^ berboodec, J^U ber'-


Difcrcctly (Jj^Lj beracal

ToDifdain 3(^4^ v:ijUAa-< melcat moo-da—He did difdain ejLXye AjQ

J^jil^3J 5<^vs> dea melcat mooda pa-


Difeafe ^^'aj'Ikw fdkitan, OoUJLaj pc=


Difeafed c:^L*i fakit

To Difeftcem ^j/UUii. hinacan

To Disfigure; rafe out, ^j>>^\ am-poos

D I ( 00 ) D I

To Dlfgracs ^2^/Uasu liinacarijDilobedlent Aj'^iiti dooraka, ^O^j itr

^Myi>v^:s:-''^iTieng'htnacan,;^^J^!ii^ _^i'j:<AJUe jlj' eang teda taoo men-nioodaecan dung'ar

To Difguifc, mafk, ijy tooping—in.To Dilbrdcr Jjij'j gawool, (jj3 tJSwords iU^' «J^ mooning tooping gawoolcan—in dilordcr J ^ «'_rU ba-

Difguilcd ij^-j bertooping gawool

Difguftcd aJ'^^m v.::.^^^j ponggoot fala|Difordcrcd, confufed, J , .'.TIj bertha-

Difli _^Uwaj ^j-Xij pi"gg^"^ be far,I


^JJli:lJy idang'an—of China <i^ pe-|Dirorderly, mdc, (Ji^U[j paralente©

ring—alarge difh^JUtallam—a flat;To Ddpair a*^I (j^y^j pootoos afa,

difti cJ.ii doolang—a fruit dilh,|, j»! s_JLv.^ roofak attee

large, oliM- powwan—of meatTo" Difpatch ^.^'^ laloocan.

^,L3tA^UM fdjcawn—To Difh, fcrvc

up viftuals^ / ^ci^Lw li'ijee

D ifli-clout vSr^ j amboo

Diilied, as meat, /^ii.Lw scJWwj fboda

fi'yee, /^Lw-j berfajee

I>ifhcveled, loofc, as hair, (^;«'j' taoo-


Dinioneft, falfc, c »:i..iJ bohoong

To Difhonour, fhame, Jl^^ bcrmaloo,

(^^js/JLc nialoocan

To Difmhcrlt a/Lwaj b\\» C^j«3 cLj

booang dcrrcc pada poofaca

Difmhcritcd ^CKj iSj^ fi'^J «^ S-b

A^Lw*j eang dc booang derrec pada


To Diflikc, loath, <y^j.i:^ joomoo-

DifloyaV Asljfvi docraka

To Difm^embcr c.«<3«.J coodong,

{^S>s. «Oi*-? coodongcaa

To Diiinifs, difcharge, c>Js::^:J pcchat

To Difmount \D^jyi tooroon—from

an horfc ^C^jf jcAj C^^j^- \j,*:^-

tooroon derree pada cooda

i^-yS,} JX>^ mclalooca

To Dlfperfe iSj^ choree

Difpcrfcd (Sj^ ^j'^r^ chcree mcrccDifplaced 5<->^.jJ berpinda

T6 Diiplacc ^\iXXj pindacaa

To Difplay, as a flag, a/o booca

fprcad^i^>^l amboorTo Difpleafe ^^,jj^ (^^ brec foofa:

Difpleafed, dilgufted, aJU ^»i:»j.

poongoct fala—not plcafed TjC^-

dS^M tcda fooca

Difpofition (^.j prec—Conftitution ofthe bodyjL^y ^^ prec tooboo

To Diipraife ^^UA:sw hlnacany

(^y^l^^cs::-*-* mcngliinacan

To Difputc .wj banta, 4.wj jbcrBanta;

Difpiite ^jLx^ bantaawn

Difputing ijjJ ub^^ mclaware


Difquiet «slwj^ foofjn'

Dlircfpeft &^~f^ champah

To Diflcmblc, ih aftions, ^j^- ^jaJ^

pooro: poora.

T» VL (

Diilci-nblcr 5 »U><.:i^joomawa

To Diircnt in opinion 5viU.j bcada

Dillcntion, ftril'e, y^icAA^s. chi'dera

Dillimulatiou / -J) (>«^^2». choolas


To DifTolvc i^sr'l an'choor

Dillblute , jjj \jL} paralcntee

Diflance .1^ jaoo—Ipace between two

100 ) DOTo Drive tjjy^>\ ampoh

Divers, fcvcral forts, ^y^X^c^ jcnis—


colours AJ. 1 4 (j^j^AAjii. jenis warna,

Aj^LiJsJ;!» Avarna warna

Divcrlion ^^ajL^ pamaiyan

To Divide, Iharc,

Divided , ^J Ij.j berbagee

o--'^ bagcc»

tilings xj^ Idpang—as far as caniDivJdend'QLc-*jlj bagcawn

hc^a;' a man 4!Ci^«^iU'Lg fa garoo— Divider ^^^jIa,^ Cijjv* jurcc mcm-fpacc of tlnie *!ue^' lama

Diftant *b

To DiiWl' J





coocoos— as fweat, Dividing

-The water diftills



/_^J l>s^ mcmbagce

(^^->'b ^^^<L)JJ berbagce

tears, Oojj

from his eyes <^^»ti -:?'«-'*-' i-^JyJ <^,ToDivine,forctcl], ^«Jb'.j bcrtanoong,

AaJIjUi iC\j dc tcrbit la ay'er dcrrcci <_^CL,j fan'gall

pada matanca

Diftillatlon ,.^>^»/«Jcoocoofan

Diftillcr rww»J »Aaj pcncoocoos

Dillincl oLa*j f'lkoo

j Divine, holy, ^<Ac adil

Divinity ^o*:1



Dlvifion, Urifc, -<^o\a2

Diftincflly j^juaiI «^'L/ calawafan—fpeak To Divorce ^.Ai=>chcrce

diftindly ^^^>*iI.^L) AJ'li^ cata cala ~'

clmoo clhoo-



DiftincTiion (jjIxltiUj beadaawn

To Dillinguifh ati'-Aj beada

Diilradcd jJui^gcla

Diftrefs (j^^I/awj foocaran

To Diftrlbutc i^^XjSXj bagcacan

round about xX^kS /g/U^-s mem-bagee coolleeling

To Difturb, move, 2tJ<^ bcgra,

(^jYI-Xaj begracan

Dillurbancc «v^ j^lss^ haroobi'roo

Difturbed mind Ouw«^ /jl attee


Ditch u:j^Ij piirit

Divorced, feparatcd, (^ r^==^-J ber'-


Divorcement c C,x>Xj bachcrec

To Divulge jjlJyJ bcrcabar

Dizzy with ficknefs ^*JUj pcning, «Obi/

/tAAj capala pening — with eating

any drug, with eating beetle (Joa.bs»


Dying ^jljiAJLelJcamateawn

Dying-man ^biAJ'UL5 c^l 6rang ca-


Docile ^jI«)*XXj cj*I drang pen'goo-


Do£lor v*»-» boomo, ^_-^AJb tabcib

JDoctrine ^jIsj:^! ajarawn .

DO ( 101

To Do toltj booat, cI*.a.,^ mcm-

booat, dj^:-?.J' carccia — Do notA:s:r!-^ carccja — Do[^^sc^ jang'on, gcXy' tcda—do fo

AjifSj '-^\^J booat buggctoo—do not

fo »jiUJ^j cuUj ^j^^:i. jang'on booat

buffffcto—do amlfs a,'L^ '-:_jI*a^-<

mcmbooat fala—Do not fay more of

that Ju gcAj '.C \CsI^^'ajU^,-, ^ii».

jang'on cata lagce dcrrcc pada ctoo

—Do not call upon the name of God

in vain aAJ! a-oL» '<ut,.Kj<^ *:=» (•v4jL:i>.

Aa>jj Aajjj jang'on joo icboot ndma

allah fia iia—To do what one can

/^' *j / 5-' 4J Ajw c.^''j I.::.'' «.j booat

barang lii bolce bolce

Wi not forget

) DO

Dolphin fy^iis.i\ aboonufc

Domes-dity o^Lo <Sj^ harree kia-


To Domineer (^jyiii.l--cs) merajacan

Dominion 0\>[; rajat—To hold do-

minion c:^:^}; aXaj pegang rajat

Done (jwi abis—made ^tJcs:''^ men-

jaddee—endedf )*jO'*j pcotons

. away cl tjlj' tdbooang—is do!ic jsji*.,.-;

iy*-s\ Iboda ab'is—deflroycd, g< n:,

any thing ot'fubftance (j-wol ab'is

That wood is done away by burning

(jj-*^l (jj^j' s0>4.*4j 4AJ «j'-^ cay'o'-

etoo fooda ab'is ang'ooi^—well done

5^' lah—quite done tj^- &j*. (y^^

that 4AJ Aj^' ^lx::^ jang'on loopa; /JL> ab'is fa calce calee

ttoo—I have fomcwhat more to do'Door *aaj pintoo—fore door ti ^^^^ •• - I

-^ " . , ,-^ •

(^ljs^ pintoo dc addapan—back.


AIS::';'./' C.;Ij j^X-^ B<->^ <^J'-^^' ^^^'^

adda lagce barang carecja

Boe, female deer, x:^-^ kejan

Docs t::j!»>.y-« membooat

Dog A^?^-*' ^^iji^g— '^o hunt ijsz'

(J^t^jKj-i anjlng perboorooawn—for

the water _jI L-T^Lo >^-'I anjing

mafooc ay'cr—that watches As:-'

^V anjing jaga

To Doge u_>ItX>y in'dap

Dogs i3=J| /is:-'! anjing anging—dogs

fcent i.-^-* I . »b ^^a. chooni baw'oo


Doing ^jjUj booatan, (^Lj j bcrboo-


Doleful «jJCok a/ji3 dooca chcta

Doleful fong <^\j i^Csj bidjee ratap

Doller Jlj_; reall

Dolour AwvXw fix'a, c:^iLw fakit

door (^^yji^j Oy »a>.j pintoo de bkicau

—crofs piece over a doorway i «J-'Ok

darnce—Side poft *.a>u dUV "tiang

pintoo—Door-fiU ^i^^^ lambang

Knocker of a door *a>u^>*ja*n Ibofoo

pintoo—Door-keeper 4a>u (^.i^c»>i.j

j:)en'oongoowee pintoo—Shut the

door 4AAJ i__J*Jo tootoop pintoo

Lock the door ^^aJu ^^ Ls^ *^

coonchee can pintoo—Open the door

*AAJ <s/\j booca pintoo— within

door ^ICi dalam — without door

iI^Ajti delooar

Doorean (^U^)«c3, doorcan (jLjmO, a

fruit in India

Doorcd fciUj-j berpintoo

Dotard ^^j1>a^ c^mI orang merabaii

To Dote (Sy^jJ bodoee—love with

Cc '

DO ( i02 ) DR


„^:i.I,A-' birrahce down, i^yy' tooroon—go dowa

^j kjy tooroon—The fun goes down.

O Vy C^-/'' ^^ mata arree tooroon

—To keep down, under, (^J\Xj

tlndee—To go down by water j>Aa2»».


To Double in value, profit, jlXaJ gan-

da, aiJU/Cj bcrganda—rnake two

8*(^.j berdua—Double gain aj^

jJ^JL/ labaganda—double tax gcXJti

juXA/^dendaganda—double tongued

gcXxJ 5»<^dualeda—Double mindcdjDowns, plains, cciLj padang

5«ti (Jji^ attec dua, ^j"^ C_5^^'^'^".Dowry q»'-/ (^_5>^J. iflcc caw'in

Draft, map, aX'aj pcta

To Drag «x^Aia. hcla—after CXa.^j*j fam»

i^'^juo menffint

tee duii—double meaning ^jC^ (^j\

artee dua

To Double, fold, ;jj*j^ lapis, i^jJ^^i pat,

Idpifican—How many double aj I .'j Dragon jO'U_;^'j oolar naga

jj^j^ brapa lapis—Thefe words arc^ Dragons blood c^J^jernong, c»>ujs».

/-'q rlonVilf mrnninf Ax>^i'ii / _JLjajLj larinonff

To Drain (^Xx.<^a- kirringcan

Drake (^aa:^». >^ iXj etcck jantan

To Drap «.jJ laboo—anchor *Lki *ji^

itiboo faoo

Draught of drink \^jj\j togook,

^jJjjLn fatogook

Draughts, to play, (jj-vJ apitan,

(^^jIajI apitapitan — To play at

draughts {j^j} Ool (j^L© maia

apit apltan

To Draw, hawl, aX.^^ hela—up Ax^"'

timba—up water, ^1 a^^j' timba

ay'er—deferIbc ^^j ^jtoolis—pull off

of a double meaning aaAaI'];! ^^^j ajL»

otC:> pata cnee artenea dua

Doubled (j^.^jJ berlapis—That cloth

is doubled /jjjlJ^^ 5i}>*/A< *aj (^sjI;

cay'in ctoo fooda berlapis

To Doubt, waver, (^^^^ sjOvJ^ygoonda


Doubtful, fufpicious, ^OJji'goonda

doubtful man ^^^^s: jOJ^J d;j'

orang goonda attec

Dove,, turtle- dove, __jiy^Lj' i^jj^ boo-

roong tacoocoor, ^jLjI-a^ merapa-

tce—wild dove, pigeon, (^jJ po-

Lil^-yo ^ji/'-wj iaroongnay—houfc (__y-^.'j


Dough ^^\Jriigc^y ^Jiy tjpoong

Dowager' 5C-XA C> dayandii

Down of birds aJ«.j booloo

Down bjLj bava,jjj'->s-I^


down 5 »L c\/ _Av-^;y« mcilimpaT ca

bava—Throw down forcibly to the

ground / <^y.^ (^Aaw>>>,Aa/< men'-

ganipafcaix ca boomi—let, lower

^j5«.aJu bantoon—otF a horfc ^,aa,'aj

bOa'X (j>va^ C^^«^ bantoon dcrree

attas cooda—\vith a jerk v«Jua>^ fin-

tak—tap uij^L^ c'laboot—tooth

, ^v,aJ ci.'»jl2a. chciboot giggec,

/' J^ (^XIXaj' tin'galcan giggee^

as a plaifter «w^-j^j ifap, (v*Jj oopas

—fuck ^-r^jstj-j ifap—near -a^ILc ma-

ampir, (^/.A^Lx* meng'ampkcaii:—


D E. E» K( 103 )

{iretchi^jUtarrik—in, as the breath, | drili through O' 4=..*:^^ choochook

kS i,M^^x^ mcmafooc—the brcathlDrink (•,ljt,3«.>Lwi minnoomawn—ftronr?

(j^lj ^-^jl'S tarrik natlis—luck, a

inioak, i_^vm»j; ifap—fcopc up with

the hand ^jJ^icXAJia. chedoocan

clofc, as a purfc, ci-ol; C-Vili" tarrik

rapat—out, as a fwordj-j^AJtOonoos

e:j4A^ chaboot—as a curtain ^-JuLn

fangkap—tlic fhapc*of f^fljtj roo-

pacan—as a bridge o^XJl an'cat

hit up one end vj:AAj4.:i^joonkat

Draw-bridge ^^'Ixj^r^ jooukataa

Drawed ^iXjCi^J terhela

Drawer v_J)Uj pen'arrik

Draws iaAj*. folw^r, _^it>cj izar

Drawn / wJ tSf tcrtooUs

Dread *,::j »=^.1/ cajoot

Dreadful '^::j<\:^\/J tcrcaioot

Dream ^jIx^va^^ mimpecawri

To Dream , ^a-»-^ mimpee

Dreamed /^>,^^ bermimpec

Dreggs ^I'j tai, »j\3 karoo

To Drench i^ito the throat «jjlc^. chiiko

To Drcfs, cook,^^

/Lmj li^jec, v—«j^U:

mal'ak, v_JiLw'^ C^-r ^^^<^ niafak,

mcmaiiik—clothe , jU^^—^ij-fc. '-^.^^^

makepakec, / ^L^:a-« mcmakec

fine (^^jJCXkw^j byfcccan, (^.VvVwjaa^,-^

mennbyfcecan—as a wound / j'U.


DrelTed / r^^l^^ bcrfi'ijcc

Drift /^\aaX any'ote, / V iaJLj ter'-

any'bte—The fliip is "a drift J^jI/

/^j*A^ aO*t*/j cipal fooda any'ote

DniU to bore, ^d.j* jaj pootarwcla.

Aa3 kelimj (_^0>_i*y"goordce—To

druik (j*^y i_jL3Uo<

eras—To drink ^^^

*>*-< nimnoomawn


off ^j>v.j f . v^-e niinnoom ab'is, vs:-< A>*>

foomjam—to one ^jX^ c^jOI an'cat

minnoom — drunk <S t.A^ ^tX^

muinoom mabooc

Drinking ^^Ijue^^ mrnnoomawn —drinking-cup (j,lx^jX^ ^»^^ cha-

wan minnoomawnTo Drive, make depart, (^JJLu»

niclaloocan—as a beaft «.Lc alow,

jJ\.:k^ meng'alow— To hunt «.^^

booroo— as the clouds L_L^IjLo

pan'gafac—out of a hole, as a naii,

f^-jJjJLjj::^ choonkillcan—out of a

houfc c Uj booang, ^^jljjiy caloo-

arcan—back «Wj^ ^Jvj C^;0> i^« J>;toolak derrce pada rooma—in, as anail, v_t.AJi' lantak, 'wiujvX^^ me-larntak—in the water /y*jJcz any'-

ote—perfecute ^^wj ooiir

Driven^ lo 'J tabcoang, ^J^-ly^ mcla-JOO

Driver of beafts, a flicphcrd, a-'U**/cojnbala

To Droop, hang' the head, croL*, fuig'it

Drop ^iX^J tctik—To drop \^%.X^'

tetik—as rain Oi:^^^ perchik—leak

apace «x-UAa^ mclclch — let fall

(^jJjJ'b^-jiitootan—let foil on c-^yj


Droppeth ^-Jirb.^l::'taperchik


bcrtttik— apace.

leaking, ;ju»*j j tirrifan—droppiir

•C}'es (j^aXaJ ajLo mata nllas

Dropfy ^1 c:-J>lA>g Idkit ay'er

Drols (^«lO» dawey

Drove ^^^Jlycaw'an

Drowfy (wT^jl antooc, L-Ta-XjLjLc

meng'antooc, O *aJ!J tec'antooc

I am drov^'ly L-TIaj',^ ^.'-**' ^^'^

•.ncng'antooc—eyes L_r«.Aj'.jL» AiU:

mata mene'antooc— very drovvfy

O4JJIJ tcr'antooc

To Drown, fmk, .i'l-k>Lj tlngalam

Icmas dalam ay'cr

Drudge, one to do drudgery, a.'Uaj


Drugs c:^'« oobat—poifonous S-yr?-^j


Drum c.JUy'gandang, c_;iXL> gan-

dcranglittlc drum^Lilj rabana,i__'ti L

radap—To driun c^cXa/^aJU paloo

1 04 ) T> TT

mata arree—in the fmoak gOu (J^u--v«j! lalay pada aflap— Dry jand

CjjIO darat—To haul a fliip dry

cJ-jl/ ^^ iSji bree kring capal

Dryed iifli _j^.,c^ ^^p^S ecan joomoor,

c .j> (^ipv!ccan kring

Duck k_ijlj ^Aj ctik batik—Toduck ^X^.,^ Iclam, ^JU>U^ mc-nielam

Due, right, ^wJ-'lj^haak,

ma tee


Duel j^_^-sr^-^ kclihcc

Duelled / _sr

Du?! bakclihec

_ 4/jg»^ k-oluo—th It is round 4^ v*<

~nJ*j foofuo boontar

Duke ^ji^iLvJu pan'garan

Dull, flow, c:^>.^J lambat, /^J^'lalcc

Dumb jxK>.Aj byibo

To Dun CL-uXiftJ' toontoot— for a debt

Xj t, uij»>;j»j toontoot ootana;

Dunce J.jO bibal, \J ^^i bodoc, .jij

Drunk L_r*jLo mabooc—dizzy-headed <^^goo


^^y^S ^^j-^. poofmg capala— with

eating any drug <Jy:i>.lis. chaja!

Drunkard l-.^^(_X>u pendcmab, /^stjLc


Drunkennefs^J^l.^«JUl maboocawn

Dry c J kring—^To dry ^^^jCt^ kring-

can—Dry, thirfty, {jn^\ aoos, l^/fti

dagha—dry pit O'lss»*/ cdchak

dry place in the fea, a Ihallow,

t^-jSs.^ kringgan—The fliip is on the

Ihallow (jp^y a/ jii^ ck'.l^ capal

fooda ca kringgan—To dry, in the

air, jy^L^^ joomoor—in the fun

4_^jl AjL^ jOo j*..o^ joomoor pada

Dung (^{j tai—of fiiccp c-u^jti ^jjbootir doomba—for land A2».Ij baja

—To dung (^/Liwlj bajacan

Durable ^^^,^«.j«j_j gcXxJ' tcda berpoo-


Durable colour jSjS ajm w^arna togo,

_^j-j ^(JsX) c.lj aJjA warna eang teda


Dufk of the evening (_^j! ij^ixj petang

arree—twilight (^ .1*. fawan

Duft, fine, ^I aboo—fweepings Aa^wj

fampa — flower, very fine duft,

c^v^jJ loomat, Ca/^^I aboo loo-


EA- (

To Dull, wipe off duft, ^j *jtw fapoo


Dufty e^j^jj be/aboo

Duty, change, i^jXt»,S^' tanggoong-

gan—office c>Ji>j pankat, (^La^'Jl)


Dutiful i^^j^ foopan

To Dwell Ojtifti doodooc, «J^^


Dwelled O »t^«<i,j bcrdoodooc

Dwelling (^ix».iv« moonooawn,



To Dye, colours, i_j*^l-Oi. chelop

Dyed ^w_) 4Aa:=s^-j berchclup

Dyer i>_,'*^Lo^ C^<->^J. pander chelop

XliACH Aa». a>« la fa—man &^ Awc_;»I fa fa orang—diftinA man him-

lelf (__^,j(3.^ d I J Ajvn AkN fa fa orang'


Eager, T^villing, i=».l_; rajing

Eagle ts'l« «s-ii.!^ raja walee, d « MJ

, J !_«' booroong walee, / J 1 4 wiilee

Ear aXILO" telin'ga—of corn /_gJu,i

rankee, (j;^[;'->*j farawan, ajU mata

—of a pot «wjjwj foofoo—flap of the

ear iSS/X^ ^J^J ^<^j°"S telin'ga

box on the car -a^* tampar

Ear-ring «Jul anting—put in" a large

hole made in the ear, the ring is

hollowed for the flap of the ear to lie

in, ^y*t foobang—Put on your

ear-rings gJo v* A-ul «Jul ^^[X^.

iS^SjJ kenacan anting anting moo

pada telin'ga—Ear-flowers ijy«^

OS ) E A

foomplng, i.Xiv.w foonting—Ear"

picker aX^Lu' (JJlcj^ cIioont;;kin.

telin'ga—noife in the ear c^AJci'-»

badan'goong—finging noife «.,j,ltib


Eased, as corn, (^_^>>Aj-; berbidjee

Early, in a morning, {^)\ , ^'[j pa-

gee arree—in a fcafon Jjl awal, J .!

wjji^ awal mooiim

To Earn aj^j fcerlaba, /. >yU m'canEarneft, diligent, is:^lf rajing-^penny

^'-Xos. chincram, (^<j:^U''gndee

I gave hii*; earneft c C^ rC^*^ <Vo

AajiAj ^!_Coi. kitta fooda brce chin-

cram padanea—m earneft *i:»v,j

foongoo, i^lt sOyu' teda main

Earnel^.ly OjJ^^^ fan'gat

Earth, the whole earth, • .^*.< boorni

—earth, ground, aJLj' tuna

Earthqu.^ike ^s'**^ aaa«o' goompaboomi

Eafe, from lickucfs, aXo betah—con-

tent /Ji\ i^cAaam fedap attee

Eaft )i^AJ' timmore—wards aJULm

j»^r^ fabla timmore—wind ^^^\

j»yxj' ang'in timmore—fea clu.)'

_jfc.^laeot timmore—parts ^—t^<^^ fihak timmore — country

jj^ (Sj^ ncgree timmore—Heis gone eaftward aXjI^w a^jO»^ A)<^

_j^t^ dea fooda ca fabla timmore

Eafter-day q_*s:::V' ajI; (Sj^ harrce

rava fichon

Eafier fjj^^ (^ lebbce moora

Eafdy ^jye ni'oora

Eaf}-, as to belieye, 5^«^ moora—ToDd

E F ( toS ) E L

believe Ajl=a._) -ijyii moora pcrchdya

to do k.*^ giimpang,, (jsJJ^l ar-


Eat ^js^Lo ni:ican— daintily (j_)/Uc

^jJs>y*, macon fcdap—meanly ^^jX*

lancap—kappily ^jJjj^Ly< meta-

koocan—of no cffc(^l i\J».J'^ ^O^jJ-

teda bcrgoonaV

Effeduallv o^'.j bcrlakoo

Effeminate u:^ja,«J loomboot

ccjyy*. macan Icdang— greedily Effeminated ^J(^x<c';'J C>j^O'-is. jaddcft.

/sw' 4.J ij^t-e macan bow'as—refrcfh

by eating i^^-vaawj fantap—up i^jSl^

(j^l miican ab'is—^To cat as acanker,

ruff,. (^jv/Lc macan—give to cat

tj^'-« L^rS-'* nicmbrc miican

Eatable (^jJ^Ue O CX»lti cb eang dapat

dc macan

Eatable .«^ lawoo-

To Ebb i^D « i*w. fooroot


Effeminate voice OO*'j^V^J^ fooara.

Kbbuig water ui^«i«>wj

Ebony c;I ol/ cay bo arang

I a\''cr fooroot

Echo L^J^ LT yL> balas boonec.

Q)>^>V O^W

c ii'cXJ badani>;oon2!;

Eclipfe ^JLc[;U' garaawn—of the fun

(^j\ Ai1/« (-jis-ljlj 2araa\vn mata

arrcc—of the moongiiraawn boolon

Eddy -«J «J ,jl ay'cr pooiar

Edge AJLo mata, c^:s>.« oojong—of

knife *,iw.Aj AJ'Lcmata peifX)—border

/^x>u tepee — brim .ajL» ping'eer,,


(^y^U macan dua

bla, aXj 3jO AJ"U mata dua bla

To Edify,Jrotect, caufe to be built,

^J.^1amal—build ^^j/^j toocaa

Edifying, profitable,-' ^ubue mcng'appa

Eel J 4 i^-jSj ecau oolar, c^Xaj bc-


To Effect, finifti, (j^jLsu habes, l-aXL'


Efft d ilXij bangkarang

Egg_^i«iAJ' telorc—yolk^^^)U-AJ' 5jA^ me» ^ra tclore—whitest ^A-O , jV» pootec

telore—tread jjX^ c:a>*j*j poofat

telore—fhell y^^'J k::^ ^j> coolit te-

lore—with ege i vUj'Li bdtclorc—To^ ^-^ ..

fet eggs to brood j^y^Aj' Ajl^ men'- '

garam telore—To lay an egg t ^JLo' vbert'jlore—rotten egg lJ*>w *j^i»Xaj"

telore booiboc

Egypt Cijfs) niizri, ^Sj^ (^vXli nc-grcc mizn

Two Edccd aX" a »ti

To Ejed c'Lj booang

Either y>"Uw Awg c^iU barang fa fatoo.

Elbow • koOj *aawj fekoo —To ICan-

on the elbow (^>XU^ melindcc

Elder, firft born, 9-j^y^ ^-Jul anak

foolong—Elder jLj' d i.l orangtooah

—Elder, okkr, jUj ^J lebbee

tooah—When the judge came to the

place of jv.dgmcnt, and they that

were with him, they did take coun-

fel with the elders of the city A-'l/(j.l^

<:j- dS s'-'VC

V bs:^ sdi

raanaciila jurcc

E 5t ( 107 ) EXhookoom looda datang ca tampat! Emptied aa^I (^ti'sfc, jaddee ampaliookoom dung'au oraug (^ang addaj Emulation / ^"b^ irnattee

dung'an dca dcorang iboda becharaiTo Enamel v_JuU,j bertatak

dungan negrce poonca orang tooah


El deft / Jl/ tUK, i\jJ tooah fa calce

brother ij! jjiijw. Ibodara iibang

Elccl, cholen, i_^.-^ terplUec'—Toclccl /^^, pillec"

Eledcd / 5^tJ' terpillcc

Eleclion ^,buJu plUcawn

Elegancy Q>-jLa aj'I/ cata manis

Elegant iSJ'yb C^«->J>-' pandec bacata

Errgv, mournful fong, * u"lj,, ^s^cX.'

bidjec ratapL^'

Endd^« oojong—farther end c «=». «^j

ter'oojong—of a difcourfe ^Titi^j*!

ii)odaawn—point ^a^^ oojong

tip (j^LaaJ gintas—of the M-orld

tuJ.ti oLcOi-wj fcodaawn doonea•• ^ v^ ^

To end, finifh, (woul ab'is /^4J'«.j poo-

toos—To what end, purpofe, ajI

4.\JaJ appa goona—For what end,

purpofe, ^ul «w>jg fcbah appa

To Endeavoiir <\j*:s.. choba—fruitlefi

ji-Aj*! iWw ^^:'.y carccja-cndeavour

sia sia, A:ii.l.j*j fi'ija.

Element a^V^I o ^^ b aaj »j AaJ « tij

Ended /wv *j' *j.b tapootoos

doonea poonca.bagean partama

Elephant cVri.U' gaja—trunk (J^jj

Endkfs (^j>j*,4J"«_j 5<^Ly' teadda poo=


Enemy «jLw fatroo—To death «jLw

CJ«l-c aX-^=^1>*j fatroo fthin'ira maoot

Enemies « jLw ».jLm fatroo fatroo

Engine (^«Ub pagawec

England /j^JJl C^Jy^j Negree En'-

grecs, Qwj-Sjl txJLJ' Tana En'grecs

Englilh man /j*u,AJ'! c;«! orang Eii-


Ac^S boolalee gaja—tooth g.tilj'

A=i.U gading gaja.

To Elevate c»s:-'j^ joonjooag,

(^^Uju- ting'eacan

Eli-queut AJ'U b (^<-X>J pandee baCata

Elfe (M-J^ l-'^''^' C>'^-^^'* ni<^l'-^iiicau

—where (^sJ^ ^-^^P tampat lain

Embers j^ib para

Emerald tS^jx^'j zam^oorood, AJ'Uy Enmity ^mL::*JImj fatrooawn

«.i^I pcrmata<cju. „,

Eminent «Xx.' 4^ moolia.

Emperor ,Ml-iiA»^ fooltawn, t^

^Ijsz^^ fooitawn chcjalana

Empty tW(' ampa—To empty ^jj"

ampdcan—That eaik istwelve inche?

empty (__^yj^ «.Aj /vw^bUti aZ; c *j

A>y«l toong dtoo duablas ib'ao jarrec

ampa—as a bag iwJ*.<*i ioQ.

Enouirh B<i ^XM fooda

cnJ a«^fA^. fuoda la

It is enough'

Eufrgn, flag, <J^Xj ii toon'gal—To carry

in the hand / ._;s:V. panjcc—^bearer

^^^3:^r! .ii.Uj ij^ orang p<-'gMig.


Enter «r.


entered O


^^-o inJ-Tiulfooc—rie is

(3 *xu A. ti dcvt.


«..v^ r.-^ S.<

(E Q

fooda mcmifooc

Entering U *«-Ue 0^a..U>Ij bamiifooc

mifooc, ^^^t^i^ mifoocan

Entorprife ^^LJ-J perbooatan—To en-

tcrprife, try, ^Jj:^ choba

To Entertain, receive, <^^A.^m fam-


Entertained cu^a^^ famboot—I have

entertained the truth sO**^ ajL^

(m;'J>aj dU uiJ*>^>*, fiiya Iboda fam-

boot cang bcnuran

Entrails '^zj*^ i ^w^j ilfce proot

Entrance ^^/tAwLs) nii'doocan '

Entry, porch, - >^_^il.j^ farambec

Envy,^ back-bite.7 civA-«^j goompat

emulation / ^Lj^j irriattee

Envious ^Ck^CS-j bcrdamdam—cnvi-

ous man c^y^jSJu pen goompat,

ciJiAAwj-j berlcdoot, lJ*wjo / -J'

attec booloac

Epicure i»-^jt>ju pen'd^mab

Epiphany-day Q»>Ui>.Llk. Aj[; (Sj^harrcc taya dhinon

Epiftle to fend ^Jb^.J->o c^>j*>*j foorat


Equal, alike, a^I^j fama, «x^Um Jv^aj" <VoLk) bctool fama fama

To Equip, rig, (_-OCj^' lancap

Equipage j^aX)^ lancapan, ^Js>JCJ^L•

kalancapan—of a Ihip (^aJCJ^Ij

^Jul/ kalancapan capal, <Ju[L> aj.mj

fcrba capal, J^.l/c^l-J'l-j pagawee


Equipped ^.-JCj^L» balancap

Eq\uty (jj^Uaj benaran

To Equivocate A>yyJ;! sjO ;^^<3 AjV

108 ) nscata dung'an dua artdnca

Equivocator ^^ti/ -j"1 c^^l orang attcc


Equivocation ^ «<3 / ^j I attcc dua, , Jl

5«(^ attcc dua

To Erecfl f^jX)j<^[j badirrecan

To Err «OLn iilla, aJL». 43Jyo kcjia fala

Erred jiJLu^ be riala

Erring <5JL-lj bai^la

Error .xJLw <ala, ^j'jJLw falatuvn

Efaias /j*.bLg.x:;s. Jcfaias

T'o Efcapc, run av<ay, , .-5vJo C_$ li'

larree pcgec—To let efcapc ^jj'lJ^lalooacan, /«^/./J Icpas

Efcapc (mI-*-'3' lalaoawii

Efcaped /j^^^J Icpas—out of danger

«!uw4^ ^cXj C_^^iO ()**>^ Icpas derrce

pada foofa

Efcaping i_-j[^jj^ lalooawn


To Efpie v-Li^lxXyyc mcleat

To Elpoufe i.j^j-j bcrtoonang

To Effay, try, AjAi». choba, / ^^^-a


EfTay, tefl of metal, / j^< oojec

Eflence, being, ^J,lcI^3lLj kaaddaawn

Effential gO^Iadda

To Eftablilh <i,SjJ togo, {j^^JjJ to-


Eftabliflicd ^j'y[j batogo

Eftablifliing 4-^'j.J'» J'L> batogo togo

Eftabhfhmeut (j^Lc»/1jIj batogoawn,

AaJjJ^" togonea

Eftate, riches, (^LcL»U' ciyaawn—fub-

ftancc ^"b bakal, djjl arta—in land

aJ \ju taalla

E V ( 109 ) E X

To Eflecm, magnity, (^j/jj>w-o befarcan

—raife ones lelf (j^J>^ (jj*j\S^

iSj*^ iO^ meng'attas attas can dirrce

—of little efleemA>U:i^ hina, u:^IaAjuci

9(3a^ meleat mooda—To Etleem

little (^^^jlti 4^ moodaecan

Efleemable j-j^U berlakoo

Eftimation<J-^J^ 9j^_

To Eftrange (^^jQ «I3;

kera keraawn

/^ menjaooecan

(Jv/l/ cdcal—lite (^Ij.<A_.Eternal

(Jj^[/ edopawn cacal

Eternity <jyi/ cacal, J^j^l/-j' tercacal

—from all eternity (jyi/' gcXj (^jC^

derrec pada cacal—To all eternity

<Jj'L (^^K^ fampec cacal

EvangeliftjJ.^cs;-'' l:j,i«aa>u penioorat


Evaporate jL>J terbang .

To Evaporate ^^JSJuJ terbangcan

Even, plain, ij\j rata—he aj *:=». <Xni

dea jooga—fo k^^^'S^ buggetoo—as

many (^^«ajjLw lakien—in number

iw-vLxJ'^genap—odd (Jo^wO'^v-^'^AAJ^ge-

nap gafal—to make even ^^jJXilj ra-


Evening (^j^ /*-^. petang harrec

dufk of the evening ^*JCo ti^^. P^"

hone petang

Event ^jjljutibi^jaddeawn

EverJ^ri/cacal—for ever ^i'i/,^^^.^

fampee ciical—to all ages <!k>*j / <^-r^

»yej fampee fa oomoor—Can thatl aawn

ever come to pafs / ^*j liy^i^Lw'Examined AawJ -jpU baprix'a

^Xj (^i^i.:^ faoomoor bolec jaddec


Everlalling Jo^'LO tercacal

Ever Unce 5 Jsj (^j<^ derrce pada

Every, each, <Sj*i Am, fa fa—man a>*w a^

/^3^ t_5^^ fjj^ ^^ ^* orang iakkcc

lakkee—all ixiX^^ fegalla — way^j^l.:^* «OlXAAwfegallajalan—manner

y;li'.j «5JlXA^N fegalla perkara—where

c:^A^' aJIXanm jcXj pada fegalla tam-

pat, •>

K^ <sJL5La^j fegalla fihak

^^y (Sj^-^ (Sj^^ ''^ ^^ harree harrec

—ofthemfelves (^jl\X^ ^ja] AamAam

fa fa orang findirree—where aJLo *A

AJUc de mana mana

Eves of a houfe <5u««^ OoL*. fmg'it


Evil c:^».',^!^ jahat, ^^^J^ji».ti^ jahatan,

(JjXj nacal—He is an evil man «x.j6

c:oi.l:ik cijJ dea orang jahat

Evidence /J*J0*. fax'cc

Evident ^aJJ tantoo, ajLJ niata—It is

evident, AJ'Lu Bti*>*j fooda niata

Eunuch sCK/y*i Bi-\:V*i feda feda, (^,a^cambirree

Ewe aaa/!aj <!u^(^ doomba betina

Exadl, right, J*aaj betool

To Exalt, elevate, CAS:-|^i>. joonjoong

—on high ^^Uju" tingeacan—lift

up c:OCjI an'cat

Exalted c:^Jul J bcr'an'cat

To Examine «jJ^Jj prix'a

Exammation, enquiry, ^^lx>**J^ prix'-

Example, form, (^d^^LJ tcladan

comparifon a^U « oopama

,To Exafperate (^^«;lii. haroocan,


EX (

'_J»yi».l ajok—be;iit >«—^**=a» *^—'«l=^

chok chok

To Exceed, abound, ^i*-«Ui mamoor

in goodnefs ajJ lakoo—in quantity

/ ,-aJIa/* melebbee—His riches does

abound j^Ui AaJ ^jlcUl/ cayaawn

n<.'a mamoor

Excccdinff in quantity CU^I am'at,

J oSXjm fang'at ter—in goodnefs

AiJJ tcrlakoo—heavy cj-aj " '

no ) EXExclamation, fcreaming, ^^Jify^' tam-

am'at bir'at—in high degree c:a^Lj'

teram'at, cxSJa*iJ terfang'at

Exceedingly cx-Ww fang'at

To Excell_^"^ lakoo

Excellency jj^' lakoo

Excellent ji^ lakoo—mofl excellent

^^' Jterlakoo

Excellently done aJ la

Except, if fo be, ajLc^ jcka—if Ijl

attau—He wants nothing, except all,

Av>o^ AAJ'^. F^JJ^ »<^ ^*^^^ coorang

padanea ban'} a, g^Lw famoa—Ex-

cept he will do that, I will not go,

^Xj As::-!.^ aaj «Ui Aj<3 ^j^AaaIa^

mclaincan dea maoo carecja etoo,

i^^J jU i'->^ A^ i^itta tcda maoo


Excefs o»^l v'-^'jj' terlaloo am'at,


To Exclude cLj booang

Excrement (^ Ij' tai

To Excufe ^^Xilx^ maafacan

To Execute, kill, ^J^ boonoo—per-

form (^^yLzi^^carjacan

Execution j^'^j^ boonooawn—Place

of execution (^ Lco «j Oy^^j tampat


Executioner 5j-4>^j pemboonoo

To Exempt, quit, (vwjv-J le'pas

Exercifc as::^_> careeja

To Exercifc, accuftom, f^j/i^X^j bea-

facan—as foldiers (^s-CmjIj barifcan,

Q*/jtj .J berbaris

Exhalation ^1«! ow'ap-

(jjLcJ^J terlalooawn

To Exchange .Sy toocar— money

Exchanger ^^^^CLe(^>>juree men'-


Exchanging ^tjjSX^ men'gooroop

Excife 8<AJ<3 denda

Excite %Xkj tantang

-of the eartli

AjLj' S->ljl ow'ap tana

To Exhort -:ik.l ajar

Exhortation ^^Ix.a».! ajarawn

Exhorted ,2^1,j bcr'ajar

Exhorting ^f y>U ber'ajar ajar

To Exile c Lj booang, CXSi^. pechat

Exiled d U-J^J tabooang

Exiftcnce (-jLctilxJJ kaaddaawn—Togive cxiftence, being, {•jS\iXx^


To Expedl, wait for, /J^ nantee

Expectation, with defire, ^OJj rin'doo,

OJti dendam

Expedled ^^^^U>y« menantee

Expedient " u:-uJb patoot—^becoming

Ou^ lilyak

To Expel, drive away, J I alow—poi-

fon__^i«U'.j panawar

E X ( 111 ) E 3t

4XS:- ^'UExpence asz-'^.aj bclanja,


Expended iSj^-^JLyLi babelanja

To Experience a."*^ choba

Experienced »lj' taoo—tried 5«^^ cU«XJOa. eang fooda choba

creatures , wk^>-t.^^j' toompas

To Extol, praiic, (^5=?^. poojcc

To Extort, take violently from, /j^j^j^^^j


Extorted ^j^jla^I-a^ merampas

Extortion ^^jsXw*Ay^[; rampafcan

Experiment 1^ Lxj^ij. chobaawn, AJutijExtortioncr (jj^^a^I a^ c;J orang medina

To Experiment, «xj^s». choba, C-jIaj

A>ijO booat dina, ajasv. Asrriy ca-

reeja choba

Expert at work (^lA-o pandee

To Expire bj'-aJ (j^ aj\j pootoos niawa

Expired, dead, / J'U> mattee, gcWw


Extraordinary (^l/^^^l/ a>*, fa calee

calee—great .^k^ ^'-/'(^^^'I/'aj*.

fa calee calee befar^n eftimation

y Xj' terlaloo, c:^^! j ter'am'at—in

quantit}-,cx«l j.J^Ji""terlaloo amat

angryy^j^'^l J J terlaloo goofar

5jIaJ f^yj^ fobda pootoos niawa— [Extreme, abundant, OoLw fang'at, JThe time is expired uj»ji=^ b^^j-**"

tXs « fooda chookoop waktoo

To Explain (^^aJ)Ls^ meng'artecan,

i^kJu'IaJLs} menniatacan

Exploits (^Lj-j pcrbooatan

Expofe hSkj booca

Expound, open, ajV| booca

Expounded a/*jLj' tabooca

To Expulfe i.\y booang, ^^^\^]\fci-


Exquifite /J 1/Lm (Jv-'aj betool facalee

Extacy &>^j ribbea

To Extend, open, jLs».u cajang—the

hand ^^ (^Xi:^'-/ cajangcan

tang'an—Extend the net i^\ a/V>

c^li*, booca acanjaring

Extent i^\ «J low'as

Extinguifli ^tiL» padam—defire (;j~jv


To Extirpate cLj booang, f^y^\ am-

poos— wholly dcftroy any hving

tcr—bitter ciajU J ter pait

£.xtremity, end, A>j oojong

Eye AJ'U mata—brow ^v>^>J( alnis, d^ «^

xXXiyy rooma booloo kening

ball of the eye aj'U /_^u>u bidjee

mata—lid «xj'Lo v_Ju^Li kaloopak

mata—lafhes «xJ'Lo Oij JlH J »j boo-

loo kaloopak mata—white of the eye

ioLcf^Jjj pootee mata—The hollow

under the eye-brow x>yo kening

Hair of the eye-brow, i.>Ui' J4Jbooloo kening—waterifli fore ej-e

(j**X^J aJU mata nilas—To wink,

make a fign with the eye, aj'Lc C^,jbrce mata, e^^ls:'*' (^^ brce fchdrat

—to wink, fliut one eye, ^^JXiu Jl/aAjLw AJ'Lo caloopakcan mata i'abla

—rolling eye ,^UijJ ajU mata ber-

main—quick eye *>lj' AJ'L* matatajam—To knit the eye-brow c:^>J /Xaaj* ^jXti carny'it dung'an ke'ning

To fquint AiU (j-^J-^^goolingcan

mata—blemifh in the eye dJ'LcjJ^I/

ajUi calabo mata—To cafl an eye

AJ'Lo (-J*i».*jLM fakojof mata—twinkling eye l^ ^ «sjLe mata carlip

To leer, look -wanton, ij_> ajL*

mata carling—To caft an eye on,

behold, ccXaj pandang—of a needle

^a^li:», Xj J loobang jaroom, oSXj

^«jls». pantat jaroom—fmall hole in

any hollow thing Q.y^^ toombong

—of a cocoa-nut aj^Utoombong calapa


Fable, taie,

Face «jlTI-o mooca— face


to face

i^k/u^^Lmj famoocacan—brazen face

/jjL» a/^ mooca papan—pale face

I &J^ mooca ay'er poo

face over, cover,


112 ) PA.

doo—don't fail 5 Jv.aj" {jy^ j«ng'o«


Failing, infirmity, AJ'JU,=i. chelaka

human failing aa>*i»jLo AiJLei. cW-laka manoofia

Fain, would, iSy*^ fooca

To Faint away (^>*j.jij pang'fan

Faint-hearted S^F"-'' i^^ at^ee ke-

cheel, ^^1 jL:^ chabar attee, / ^1OLn «_^ attcc roofak

Faint-heartcdnefs ^^UjLjI^j. chabarawn

Fair, comely, (^_^^*i~.f:J byYee—as the

weather «3^1.1:^ chawacha — dry

weather (^^L^LTciimaran—God give

me a little fair weather aAJI C^^j ti

Ci\JOcX-o*j (M^LflU' de brce Allah ca-

maran fedckit



Faced OCjIj-j bertatak

Fa(5l ^'^y. booatan

Fa<flion C-oLAjjg fifat

Fadlious yf^S gampar

Fador Ool. J^.^l/'cabitmaal wakit

To Fade, as leaves, (j*^^jy. booroos,

»j^ lay00—as colours, y>^j rooboo,

^yi^ cootoom—decay «WiUj bin-


Faded (jtjjjy booroos, *j «^_j berroo-


Fading *.j*jIj barooboo—fading colour

«.J «^Lt Ajj* warna barrooboo

Fagot «jLT^wjo J berkas cay'00

To Fail, mifs, aJUj fala, «<-Xjyc mid

_>wsilj pafiar

Faith (jjljijLia.-j perchayaawn

Faithful /-JLcLjUss.-» perchayaanee

Faithful, juft, <J(Ac adil

Faithful man ^ I *UjLm fatiawan—that

can be confided in 0> Oolti cL 6jt\

v-j;U>. orang eang dapat de harap

Faithfulnefs ^LxajLm fatiaawn,

(^LcL!L=a.-j perchayaawn

Faithlefs ijjS' 'V.'^j^. perchaya coorang

Faithlefs man *y<V*^ PJJ^ orang femoo,

AjI<^ q.ja\ orang daya

To Fall *.j Li» jatoo—down a «b ci yLsw

jatoo de bava_flat «_» «; rooboo—upon

^O^ j-jlss^ jatoo pada— headlong

j^J^y googoor—as a tree i-^ytoombang—into ^^\Ci 4J'l> jatoo

dalam—by degrees Ovk>,L*( fafat—pro-

flratc ujjs:^ fejoot—out, quarrel.


5 plcX^i». chidera—out, come to pafs,

(^tibi^jaddee—out, to end with a

man, «sati (^jS-i^ &J t<^y*i fooda la

dung'an dea—To let fall, drop,

^^i^jjj' 'googoor—To let fall upon,

llrike upon, A-Sr'^ timpa,—ready to

fall «.J'Li^ «Lb (j^ y lagee maoo jatoo

— Fall of the leafj i*J loora—untime-

ly (a.\\jy}^ googoor—untimely fall

of fruit 5*j i^^^J' googoor booa

Falling y\s^ *j"bi.lj bajatoo jatoo


Lc *J 'j^ jatooawn—ficknefs

/ ^jy J<^, petam bobbee

Falfe-heartcdg.l..*^joomawa, (j*^}y^

choolas, «vJ*^ daya

Falfenefs, lying, (^lji^4<3

( H3 )

To Famifh (^^^Xc^ melaparcan

Famiflied^^ (5-''-^ matee Lipar

Famous jJ^jJ bercabar, ^ 4:3='**-^ mif-

Famous city jJ^J C^jXy

Falfehood py^y> bohoong, &j}(S daya

To Falfify Aj*jL« meng'oobah

Fame Aajj breta—of fame i^^jJ^iJlxj'y

cabclanggan— man of lame c >

^jJ^iJUjU drang cabclanggan


ncgrce tercabar

Fanj,^ niroo—fly-flap ^j^j^ kipas

To fan f^jj\t^ nfrooacan, i^,>SX^mengirey—winnow by toffing up

(c:^ tampee

To Fancy, think, 5^' ^ a3 kcra kera

Fanned .>uLj baniroo

Fantaflical (^^^Jocs'V. panchinggan

FarjU».jaoo—how far »1^ ajIj brapa


Fardlc /v*.»JJ*j boon coos, 1^ ecordooltaawn^ t^

-^„^'.. -^-^ ^

Famed V^J^f.berfooiira

Familiar friend, CXjy*» fobat, [;j^^_y

toolan—To be familiar ci\j«MgLj bd-

fobat—Familiar, evil fpirit, ...iLo»,


Familiarity, fricndfliip,(^'b t^j fobatan

To Fare well, eat well, v-jJvxa

macan fedap

Farewell, good bye, ^^yc:a«<JLn falamat,

(jjsX>.s».cXjli' kabidjccan

To Farm, hire, 5 ou^, fcwa




Farmer, countryman, iMVJv«ti ci«!

orang dooloon—renter 5_^a>w <£;,!

drang fewa

Fart (.ii^^JuaJ" coontoot

Farther ,^^^'^ «Is», jaoo lagee

Fartheft ^i/ a^^jL^^ jaoo fa ciilec

Family, kindred, ^Jw^l ^»1/ cawum Faflaion cjtil s^ls*. chara addat

afal, aJjIJu calooarga, (Jo*il alalTo Fafliion, form, i^yS{j*j roopacan

—houlehold .x^»^Cs'*''

^^^^ rooma

—of one family, 1*,^^ i.'Uw fa ca-

wuni, ^y^\ »lwj fa il<al—gcntccl fa-

ic)^y toolan

mily AmJu (J^akiI aial bangfa

Famine ,uj>aj jJ lapar bcfar, ^^ tUwtJ

...J.. r ' ^..

mala lapar

-What fafliion is this

(^_^, chara appa enee


Fafliionabic, of a good fliapc, «viLjcWifcdcrana

Faft, apace, i^Uj beng'at

iTo Faft, religiouflv, iS^l.j poafa—TheF f


" *

FA ( n 1

time of a religious tait, (^ :l^j rama


fam-To Faften, clafp, bolt, ^^jSX^.

batcan—tie C^jC ccat

Falling ;mIcLwIv» poalaawu—as in a

inorning (^j^L* ^*J ^j booloom macan

Fat ^—«-^aJ lemak—tallow _jl:^ ^—ii^A,'

Icmak chair—big of body v-J»t^*j'

-To crow fat (j^t^lji^gomook- grow

^«.^ jaddce gomook—To grow

fat as a bcall ^ ^j Jj^

Fat, tun, iy*^lj bakas


Favour, kinducfs of profit, p ^J»jl artoo-

To Favour, profit, (^^Lj^jl anoogra-

caii—well favoured v_ijlj aj « i roo-

pa baik—ill favoured « lobooroo

Favourite /^A.>o kecalTee, i

iXi «."sJLo

kcna tillik, ^

iX.j «xXaj cU cansj,c

kena tillik, (JL».a>w/ d '«I orang


To Fawn \^'«:i>.t>..^ mcmboojok

bertam boon'Fawn Awj*j lJ^JI anak roofa


Fear ui^^/b' tacoot, c_'«:^'y ceijoot,

To Fatten, as a man, ^jIaj peara—as' ^^jLxJAi^'Jtacootawn—To fcarC'*/Lj

a beaft

tamboonCi?^-»-' ^J^^ji bcrtamboon' tacoot—do not fear cj-sJLj .m-vjL:^

I. , .

-' ^-' •


jang'on tacoot

Father ajU biipa—to a king voSJO Lj'Fcaredt.:i>«J Lj'_j bcrtacoot, aJCJos^^j bcr-

biiginda—in luw, mother's hufband

i^-^' •v.'-'bapa tirree — in law,

wife's father, hufband's father, a'A^CiL^

(Ji^ C_5^^''^''"'tooah lakkee lakkcc

grandfather , Jj^ , ^yJfakkcc lakkee— great grandfather


Fearful i^j «.r^^ i/lj' tacoojoot,

tercoojoot, /^'1 «i *Aj elong attec.

Cs-_»«_rij* tacottee

-rJL>J ncnek Fearing ej«j'lj' i^:jcJ \J^ bertdcoot ta-


.i;^ . .5^ ncnek m6-|Fearlefs i^^~i brauee

yang lakkee lakkee — forcfathersiFeaft ^jlcLc*^^. joomaawn, ^^^Ic

ij*^ 1^

CL\J nenek moyang—god-

father /^l-wJj /^XL fax'ec naf-


Fathom AAJti dcpa

To Fathom (^jyLuti depacan

Faucet ejjl:^. charrat ^Fault <JLn fala, (^Lc^'l»^ filaawn

It IS not my fault aj'^'Io*) ;^*/«.j boo

con liilako

Faulty aJLw-j berfala

Favour, love, ^jLxA>w/caffcawn, i^^**^

caflee—atFetilion \^iXi tillik

jiimooawn—day aj'; (^ il^ harrce


3 Fcaft^Ls:^^ mcnjamoo, *-<l:=».^

berjamoo—marriage fcaft (mLcLo*:^»

joomaawn, /Iaji^j^ mampclec

funeral feaft a^*,» il=:». hdrooha—Thefeaft ofepiphany ^J^^«>Loa.^3 AjI; C^;'J^

harree raya dhinon—of Palm-funday

>--->..>j.A>*j„' I AjK (^j\^ harree raya el-

fabaub—of Pentccoft ajI; C^jl-^

Ajyy*x.,js:-^ I harree raya elechamfhia

of t;ibernacles ajLj .y'j (J^j^^ hiirrcc

rava trata


-of" Ealter aj! i

( ii:; )

^Ma:s:- ! harrcc r;i\"a bufcha—at

chrittening akikat

To Fcalt, gluttonizc, u-a^-i-A^ mcu-


Fcailer di»I ^^'js:-^^ cL» eang menja-

moo orang

Fcafting (^:i.L^ (^j^^-^U *:i^» joomahan

mahan—place ^j».=i,l-«o*2»i *~^>-r^tam-

pat joomahan

Feather .Jj.j booloo—of an arrow ^.' t-f

iViU ^ <.jl booloo anak pana—plume

of feathers sj kj ,^{S.\ ccatan boo-

loo—To pluck feathers ^-Uj ^-i:-» «jI^

chaboot booloo

Feathered ^J ^ j bcrbooloo

Feature /^^'Ij paras—of the face (^ja/vs) prec mooca, qw^'Li pdras, ^Jlacoo—and lliape ^/^ lacoo

Fed, full, A:si'^ kinjang

Fee V'*V-" ft)\v'ab

Feeble «xJCj letah, <^^j Icmah,

u_>! a/ teedda cooat


mcncharrcc roupa—ni actions ^jil

5 t«j poora poora— in heart ^j^J.'*:^^


Feigned g^i^j ^j^ poora poora—ficknefs

«Xaxm c:-6L*j faklt fia

Feircencfs ry^^*J, pow'as

Fell «j'li^jatoo—down gjU 0> jj^-^

jatoo de bava

To Fell, lop, sJU^ menabang—ftrlkc

down any living creature <^ ban-


Fcllon (^jy^-^ c»»I orang menchorec

Fellow, companion, i^»-^'tummun

To Fellow, pair, (^' *j^goocan

Fellows(U-r' Kiy*

J tummun tixmmun


Fccblencfs c^Uj '.::j*>c<*J loomboot


To Feed, graze cattle, tOL^>o>.b ba-

jan'gala—give to eat ^^\^ iS'^

Lree mucan

To Feel, touch, c^vjI=^

Fcllowlhip, fociety, ^J4>v^-j per-


Fcllowlhip, in common, t\>.Axw*-< moo-

" sina

jUbatummunFellowfliip, company, ^jv^.

Felt Civjl2».,j bcrjabat—as cold


Female <!u.x>ysJ b'i^tina, (^fvy«;L» pa-


Fence ^[j pag'ar

To Fence in ^^ I jf^.j^ bcrpag'ar acan

—fortify aj*j u:jI *-• booat kota

up a way C^ofj rabat, OoLw fakat

jabat—FeeljFencer ry^jUJ aj cm' orang batankis

this / g>v. i^'J ^-^j'-^ jabat la enee Fencing mafter (j_j.cO tj-jU «i^-^

AJ'L:s:-*>^ gooroo main dung'an fmjata

To Fend, ward off, q^JuJ' tankis

Feeling '^^Iji^K rafaawn

Feet / Jb^ cakkee—To ftand with the

feet "joined together i^JO (__^^0>L>

"oljU badirrec cakkee barcipat— To Ferry over Crjt-w^ liibrang, c..-'V \J\

Fennel /v^(3x adis

menabrancrclofc V—sj'li Oyye«,J loompat kdtak

To Feign, outwardly, aj«j (__^^ l:^:-^-^' Ferry-boat ^m-a^-kn fampan


F I ( HFerry -hire j^^jL^J' tampanggan

Fertile-land ^ob Julj' tana baik

Fervency (jjb ing in, AJOo». chcta,

«AJi rindoo

Fervent deiire *c\j; rindoo

Fervent, willing, ^i^\j rajing

To Fefter U'^.^j boolboc

To Fetch 5jU bava

FettersjAjyijbaloon'goo, JUJ lopn'-

goo, B^ls:-V. panjara

Fettered (^^jXjJIj baloon'gooee

Fever ^^C^ dcmamFcvcrifli c^JuLXxi*. /»v^.^tJ bcrdemam

fedekit—I am feveriih t^^ ^c^iajcXaaw >^ti I ako food bcrde-

mam icdeklt

Few c:AJuciA>^ fedekit

Fcwcl /b 0> cjb barang de baccar

Fickle i^ bimbang, J J Idlim

Fiddle l^L nibab—ftick J^.


Fiddler oorabab

k.w*AJu pcn-

oj; jJs>*o cijl orang kiffil

Fidelity i^jUju benaran, AaJ[^ fatla

Fie /_5^ chee

Field; corn-field, cIJUj bendang—ofbattle f^jSl^L tj^Oyye mfdan pa-


Fierce (j*i>Aaj p<^dis—as a dog O'^Ugalak—hearted (j^^jj ^^'\ attc

bow'as—fierce dog u-j'^'lj^ is:-'

anjing galak

Fifth ^aJ ix/ c b cang ca I^ma

Fifteen (j^Xj L^I Icma bias

Fifthly A^ ^^^ /^l/caleeeangca


) I' I

Fifty J 4J A-fjJ Icma pooloc

Fig tJ f-> booaara, A^^wJcaflcma

tree jjl ^^jj^^^ pcShonc lira—dry fig

c,>o 5^)1 5 aj booa ara kirring

Fight, battle, (^jAi^b papranggan

duel . ^aXo kelihec—To fight, in

numbers, c^ pr^"g> P^-'W bdprang

—man to man / ^Aaj kelihee.

42>>i>ob bakelihee"

Figiire, cypher, AJul anka—of any liv-

ing creature j^S gambar

File -AAJj kekir, i^[s.Ju3 kckirawn

^>jj.Aj*) sifbo—of men in an army

jti^ /wj^ib biiris boojoor, (>wjb

ixAJL* baris malintang

Filed Juaa^ men'kekir, *i*ijy*j-j berfi-


Filings JUi (^Ij tal kckir, u-? o.*w fcr-


To Fill, pour into, c'y tow'ang

mcafure (mj>^-'^^"^^^°"—'^"X ^cflcl

/^Mjsj ifi*ce, (^^U**aj ifiTcacan,

,ly>\jj^ poonooacan— the belly

jLs:'^ kinjang_in number ^jJ'blvLo''


Filled 4^^)^ berpoonoo, i:s-*^.j bcr_


Fillet ct^Awj fandang

Fillip c:^A2^ jintit, v«_AJ^j plctik

Film, on the eye, (j^jL/ caboos

Filthy, mire, iaa^J loompoor

Filth, in fin, (j^:sz-*:-' ncjis

Fin ot a fifli ^'v^«j sirep, '-—.'.a>^ fy'rcp

—prickly fin ^^Sl^ (_C, «ti dooree ccan

Finally Aaj.i'l jlXj pada akirnea



(117Find y«^->r-> bertdmoo, C^olt^ dapat,

c>j!cX>Ue mendapat—To find the

way (^^L:^". ^-^jti dapatjalan

Finder c:^j'ti cb ejjl orang eang dapat

Finding o^\ ^Jl anak an'cat, v-^"

«.A.^j^anak gampang

Fine as cloth (j^ J ! aloos—as a voice

, ^-ivx**- fcnec

Fined(^ltAjti jj berdendaee, jijjti AaaJJ

) F I

kcna denda

Finger j^^j"


(_^jl:i. jarree tang'an

fore ^sJ^j (^jls». jarree toonjoo—

middle <5Ju' (^^l:^ jarree teng'a—

fourth, ring-finger, (j^L* C^_;'-^

jarree minis—little ^jJlxJLj (,.^l:s

jarree kalingkin—thumb (^^jL^i. «.aj

(•jJu ib'oo jarree tang'an—fpace be-

tween the fingers C^'^ 5-^^^^ ^be-

lah jarree—To fuck the finger ^J J(^ iLci. looloom jarree— To fnap,

play with the finger, (__^^Li». Ai'J'

terka jarree—To rap thefinger^ iijl/

(^jlifc catok jarree—light fingered

jXXj t^jJu tang'an gan'goo

To Finifhj perfect, L-^XiJ lancap,

^_-JoJIa^ melancap—end (^/Iaw.jI

ab'ifacan, ^jJ'Lja.yj.j pootoofacan

Finifhcd ^,,^jy,j bcrlancap, (y*j\ ab'Js

Finiflier v_^XiJ (^ i^zi. jurree lancap

Fimfliing ^^^S^y lancapan, (^.ku^^j

pootoofan, v._OL;^ u-^Xj^U balancap


Fire ^^1 appee—coal jjlj bara—brand

/^j| P^V-JfJ poontoong appcc—flame (^J aJLu niall appee—works

/_j! «.v\.JtJ boonga appee


(J^jiAj CXi • bermain oobat budded— ball

(-,J:^».,^ marjon — arrow

u:jI« (^ chorowat—arms 3i3;IXaa*m

ftingarda—work like rockers with

irons <^j\j rabak—fly Xj«j Jtjji

koonang koonang

Fired f_^)y} ber'appce, /^1 J tcr'appce

Fire fork / ^1 i—tj» oopak appee

Firm *J'4.j togo

Firmament cxiJ lang'it—(larry firma-

ment iC^AjLj (^iJ lang'm babintang

Firmnefs (^Lj^/y* togoawn

Firft iS^j^ moolay, (^^j^-j bermoo-

lay—foremoft J}!»^ dauloo—born

d^wj foolong, P^-U-'*! fjlong

Fifgig i.A^I;l^ firampang

Fifli i^jJ^J ecan— Fifli, fuppofed by the

Mahometans to be under ground,

and caufes earthquakes, ^^j (-jXj


/^Cfwj (•^AJ

ecan non—of the fea ul»

ecan laoot—of a river

ecan foong'cy—that is "tranfparent

(^-^^jAi*. (j^-0 ecan chcremeen

falt-fifli y^ljlj' f^Xj ecan garam-

raee—pickled filh .<3#j ^j-Cj ecan

bodoo—dried fifh c^jj ^jJ^j ecan

kirring—fifli-baflvct ^J-^iji/ banglok

—To catch fifli i^X) u^jClj' tancap

ecan—To catch fifli with hooks

^J^ji^^ menkail—To fifli with hooks

(JvaAa^ menkail—with a cafl:ing-net

aJIis:'''^ menjala—with a hoop-net

«JUl/w-y* mcnango — with a fa) n

c:-iy*,j.A^ memaoocat—with a purfe-

nct « AA^ys menicroo

Fiflierman, that fiflics with hooks


ly^jiXj, penkail, J-aa^ ^Jj' <^rang

mcnkail— that fifties with a fayn

c:^<^ *->>.-« Pj«' orang. mcmoocat__^ *•• '^-'v

Fiihery i^jJ^, (j-^-^^ tancapan ecan

Fifh-hook J^' *!u'U, mata kail

Fiftiing with a fayn Cii/j.^-ye m(?moocat

Fift doubled ^ii" ^^^'L5^ calang'an

tang'an—^To ftrike with the fift


Fiftula Ooi.'.2w ^jAj pooroojahat

To Fit, prepare for ufc, i^^->*^ ^^jce

/j/l^^Lsw fajcacan—fit," in bignefs,

^j^'-^i^ chookoop—Thofc cloaths

are fit for him >^

Kj^ jXj qUjUiu.jltib pakecan ctoo layak padanea

Fits, falling ficknefs, /^jJ *aaj petam

bobee—by fits, fometimcs, j.iilj"

c<^(-5 kadangkadang,

Fitch, bean, Xi?.lj kachang

Fitted v_-OUJLj balancap

Five &^ Ic'nia

To Fix, rate, ^j^jlijj pootoos

Fixed^ ^" togo

Fizzle AJ'Uc^j boomata

( 118 ) FL

Flank c*>.^l loombong—of an army'

cXaj'^U cO>l/gading balatautra

Flap c •rsrV. panchong— of the car

«sXiLLy' ^^^jJ, p6honc tclin'ga, c *:s^ «

<!lXJLLu' oojong tclin'ga— for flics

/vw>>jo kfpas—^To flap, as the wings,

(j^jjlj tapis—the wings i^j/ ^j^lj

^«-oLw (^_^ti tapis can dung'an fayap

Flailv /Ci.! 1^ foorahee, (^OJJ^ cun-

dee—thin glafs bottle c^'L» balang

Flat, level land, ctiL» padang—even

«!ul; rata—low <!U-yu pepeh, (^ajkcpee—nofed (__5a-o ^j<^. cdong

kepee—as liquor, dead, ^1 ambar

-^1 ijlj' tawar ambar

Flat, flioal, (^^Jii-o kirringgan—difii

i^jji^ pckan—To make flat (^j/^>o bree kcpec

'J^ji boojok, (Sj^jJ


Flag (JSJaj toon'gal—water grafs

'^^Lj^y carjoot—ftaff ^JJlj^J' ij'U

batang toon'gal, (J<XJt^ c.l.fJ tiang


To Flag, droop, c:^jL*» finglt

Flagon (_^JOiJ^cundee

Flame «xJUj niala—of fire /^1 aJUJ

ni^la appec—water, as on "a fword,

iSj^i korec

To Flame aJUa^ menniala

Flamed {^jy^j berkorec

To Flatter


Flattered *^*^:s>^a^^ mcmboojokFlatterer v.-J*.:ii.^x^ pcmboojok

Flattering tj^y^ boojec, (wJt2ii.y

<-?^^y} "boojok boojok — words

(^^2*.^ ^^LcLj'l/U bacataawn boojee

Flattery Vw^i>^ boojok

Flax /_5-«[; rammee

Flea Jts:-'l^'*j' kootoo anjing

To Flea ^^^_y' coolittee, (j**j 4/ coa-

pas, (j*!Ij*Jl/caloopas

Plead (j**J J I/ caloopas

Fleamc v-Jiswl/ giihak

Fledged j-^^jJ bcrbooloo, ^\jj^xmen'gorak—not fledged u-vAa^ hingap


F L ( no )F t,

Fleet, of {hips, J.jl/ (^j'Uo !an'catan


Flefli (jfJ^^C^ dag'iii—that is hunted

^^\s:jjijJ^j i^^\Ci dag'iu perbooroo-

awn—falted (^^^iljb' (^i^i dag'in

giirammec—tender ui^UJ (^-f^l*^ da-

g'in h'at—{luffed (j^-ojj" e>>''<^'^''^-

g'in toomis—lu{l of the flc{h ji^Xi

t^lCi nafsoo dag'in

flexible, tender, <<:^lfJ hat—as metal

lX>^^ lambec

To put to Flight ;^Jo;Xye melarrecan,

i^j/ij^h^ melaloocan, Ars:^ pccha

To Fling JGJ loontar, .^k^ limpar

away cUj booang

Flinged ,x,Xyc melimpar

Flint-{lone i^j}^^. batoo appec

To Float, drive, c:\ajI any'otc—drive

down JLo» hil'ir—drive up aXaXa^

meleleh—Float, raft, Ool^rakit

Flock M^Liycaw'an—herd ^tXO can-


Flocked (^'jt^^jJ bercaw'an

Flocks (jULJ ^jLl/b bacaw'an caw'an

Flood, flowing water, ;i-M.lj -jI ay'cr

pafang—flood, inundation, aj ,j\

ay'cr bah, -x^i jjI ay'cr limpar

Floor, ground-floor, «s^^^ bj-j booa

rooma—of boards, deck, *^lj balcew

an upper floor c:-Ju>JO' titinkat

To Flourifh, encreafc, a-^jj toombo

To Flout, mock, jjaS gooroo—joke

on jcXawj fanda—jell on ^js/LsUxi^

jenakacan—Icorn i^jSIa.^ champa-

To Flow, as the tide, ^! Aw^b pufang


Flower a-VAj boonga—with the flalk

^«.".i^Iaw aXja.j boonga fakootoom

that is blown i^v-^^ ^^yi boonga

ba cambang, x.a^/amj aXj*j boonga

fa cambang—bunch of flowers, nofe-

gay, ^_jA:sr^' Amj iXXAj boonga fa

koonchop—garland of flowers aXj^To wearXcjU Lw boonga facarrang-

behind the ear ijijy^ foonting

Flower, meal, ^ytrt? tepoong, Ov«*J

loomat—Monthly courfes (Menfes)

(^\-fjy«t^ choomoor cay'in, Jo».

(|,l4>^lj hill parampoan—{ine flow-

er Ov<iJ »jI aboo loomat—grind to

flower c:^-^ (^«^Ijs:'^ ->*o kiflar

mcnjaddee loomat—To flower, as

fdk, [^\^jy> koreeacan

Flowered, as filk, ^ M^W berkdree

Flowing water ^«-b ^jI ayer pafang

Flowing {Iream t\X<Xye jjI ay'cr meleleh

Flown, as a bird, XjtJtJ beterbang

Fluent in talk ajLTLj C^cX>u pandec


Flung A,jXy* melimpar

To Flutter, as birds, Ouw-Jli^ men'-


Flute, pipe, / >*kjij bangfi—To play

on the flute i^**^_ ^-VH pctik


Fluxu:^-x2b.chcrit—of bloodj^I^^uij-A.


chcrlt dara—bloody flux i^-^\j rajan,

^^^2ai.(jOoLw fakit rajan, Ui^4,J c:-oLw

jsjiolj fakit proot badara

FO (120Fly OiJ!^ lalad—gnat O^^UJI iliamoc

—horle-fly (Sj^. C^J^ barrce barrcc

—butter-fly ^jji koopoo, d^\j rama

—fire-fly xJjs puji konang koon-

ang—fly-flap q»aa>o kipas—To catch

flies S^^ i.,;.vXyo tancap lalad—To fly

i^i) terbang—as the clouds Oo*itXL|


Flying, as a bird, ^jJiSuJ terbanggan

—as a flag iOyAli tabooca

Foal Oijl anak

Foam of the mouth (^ *^ mooe—froth

To Foam (^^*^Uo mamooe

Foamed (^J^-^bermooe

Foaming (^ v<o iSy«^ mamooe mooe

Fodder ajUj ^jJl/Up macanan binna-


) po

Followed LiiJtjCoLc mcng'ccot

Follower cijOCoLo (^jy::^]\\rcc n\CT\^-

dcot, i^:j. i*j" (_^ )«2fc juree tooroot,

C-uXoij pcng'ccot, C^jAju pcng'ir-

ring—to a funeral (^U C-m! p- jf^.

peng'irring orang matec

FoUoweth O UtiUy comadcan,

\J tatooroot

Foe «jJUj fatroo

Fog rjA^A oombon

Foggy weather qw4,jI/ «>!J5* waktoo ca-


Foil /3=*. chce

To Foift AJLe*j boomata

To Fold, double, (j*^.^ lapis, ^^^JUku^

Idpisacan—fold of cloth cZaaaJ li'pat

—Fold that cloth »Xj (m-jI/m^JCaa-J

lipatcan cay'in etoo

Folded c:-vA-J.j berlipat

Folk A;^' P^m' orang orang—ordinary

Cioljrayat, «xJU bala

To Follow c J irring, ir^i-* meng'-

irring—Put on your cloaths, and fol-

low me, i^fOy 4^ o'-:^'-^ ^ L'S^^•j'!<Aj "-^^Xj pakce la pakeean rnooj

daen ecot padako

CLJt^AjLo mcng'ccot

Following UL>* i»j' cj^jAJ'

tooroot, ^j.jiX^ ccotan, e:^«jAJ_>

ci^J4J' bertooroot tooroot—Three

times following ^^jjjj^ ^^I/aXo'^^kj^Ki tega calee bertooroot tooroot

Folly AA<UjtWj bodocnca

To Foment ^^^^jj^^li». haroocan, 'wij*


Fond, longing for, jcXJ; rindoo

Font, place for holy water, aJLs.U ba-

chana, i,jU,e^ jjI C'v-vP' tampat

ay'cr foombayang

Food ^^l/Le macanan, ^.^ lawoo

Fool «xLo^gela

Foolifli, ignorant, J^L» babal

Fooliflinefs AaJX>.j' gelanea

The Foot , ^'l/ cakkee—fole OuU/^'LT tapak cakkee — ftump-foot

Oub^ chapik—ftecp, print of the

foot, {J>^ '—-V.'-J tapik cakkee, jscX>ly

/^•LT tanda cakkee—to go on foot

C_5LTU ^^Jl:i^ jalan bacakkce— to

llamp with the foot ^-Ji:s-^^ injak

to {lamp under foot v^J» ^ irrik—to

fet the foot firm on the ground

Jiis)Lye melanggar- -to go dancing

and ftamping with the hinder foot

v.^*>.A>*j sipak—to trip \xXm\j tafan-

FO (121ka—for a pillar to {land on v«Ju^'

cLu' lapiktiang

Foot-ftool iJi^ ^*-V.-^ lapik cakkee

/ ^LT (w-^'I alas cakkee—for a pillar

Ou^ lapik

Por ^^jJ\ acan—God's fake <jJJ( aJ./

carna allah

To Forbear, fufFer, (^^p».U.>yo i^j^^^-^ ta-

han mcnahan

Forbearance j^jUw faboor

To Forbid, change, cjJ larang—hinder

(jJ^ \J tagahcan

) F O

^1 ^jj! orang affing, (Sj^^ ^JJ^

orang jaoovvec

To Foreknow c»jli*_» bertanoong

Foremaft Aj^ ?^ Ly' tiang t6pang

Foremoft, chief, <JUclj'^ partama

Forepart of a fhip, a houfc, q! «*J I

alowan—before AJ^^ti dcmooca

of the body (^1Jv^ addapan

Forerunner (jjU M*« foordan

Fore-fail ^*J yJ^' layer topang

Forefight, caution, <jJLaj OCirtV^ bcjac

fana, ^^LsrfS^ bcchara

Forbidden, on a religious account, Foreikin yjJy^cooloop

jjliSfc haram—in licknefs, as meat,

xXXj pantang—That flefh is forbid-

den to me *j!cXj ^j^s^ yiJ \^jJ>\Ci

dag'in ctoo haram padako

Force, Itrcngth, v-:jIjJ cooat—Toforce «XmjvXj pax'a

Forcible Asm I ^\J cawafa

Ford (^JJ^ landee, (^(AJ^ ^-^v-*

tampat landee — to ford-over

<^*JL'tXJ^ landecan, gcXj c_j'J.x^

(^JO^ ^-^iS-* menabrang pada tam-

pat landee

To Forccaft, think, j^'kcra

Forccaftle of a fhip Jo I/ i^U ! alowan


Forc-fathcr ij^^iwJuUJ nenek moyarig

Fore-finger^:s:J^' (^^^ils^ jarree toonjoo

Forehead (ys-l<^ dahce, ajIo daya

Forehead- cloth _X**j<Ji diftar, vj^_^

,^ »j boolan boolan

{^jy^ horgay, ^*Forcisn affing.

(^«41=^ jaoowee

Foreigner i^y^ 9-}^ orang horgay,

Foretell, prefage, 9-^^^ tanoong,

d^'Li'j batanoong, cLj ^^li'-yow

(j^UiiL**/' meniatacan eang coma-


Foretop ^^Sk.lti KDy^Sj ramboot dahce

Foretop-maft gvjlxLi AJj.j' 5^Uj" tiang

topang pengapoh

Foretop-fail 5 >^\S^ ^,y •^^ layer to-

pang pengapoh

Forever ^j^j &^ Cs^S^ fampee fa


To Forge, hammer, AA.,.y timpa

miths-forge [^y ^v'»^ dapoor

toocan — iron-liniths-forge jv»'t3

/ ^i**j ^^^^y^J' dapoor toocan beffce

Forged aa^'_j bertimpa

To Forget aj »J loopa

Forgetful OaXju c i»j coorang inggat

Forgetfulnefs aj »} loopa

Forgotten aj J loopa—He has forgotten

Ajy 5<3vv-

Forgive ^j 4.*^' ampoon

To Forgive, pardon, (^>*a^I (^^j brec

II h

juti dea fooda loopa


I o ( 122 ) «•©

ampaon—a debt iJ » ^^ (^•'^ ^^~

pas can ootang

Forgiven -^"vye' ampoonee

Forglvenefs' (m*aw>I ampoon, i^jjj^l

ampoonan— afk forgivenefs «w-*

(^i>ycl minta ampoon—to receive

forgivenefs (Mvy«l JjjtV^ bcrole am-


Forgiving ^^ »j^\ o>!ycl ampoon am-


Fork <^t(^tj rodokc—with feveral

teeth ;L*^jlt*i farampang

Form, Ihape, ^u^^ roopa—pattern

. (.^<JSJA.AJ teladan—order i^l' ator

, manner ^-^a oopama — ftool

l^v/«ti*<^U cadoodoocan—laft, as for

Ihoos, (jj a'-ss'I achawan

.To Form, make the form of, (-j/Ij^ hj

To Fortify aj»-) u:jUj booat k6ta, Ci^jCr

AJ' ^i' ccat kota

Fortitude (^j^L::i.L) piihaliiwan

Fortune p^^*^^ oontoong—good ?>^I iuLj oontoong baik—bad c^aJj

aj^Lo^ oontoong chclaka—bad in

trade / c^iJ roojee—bad at play

cJUmalangTo tell Fortunes (JvxLk, fan'gol

Forty J *j cxyol ampat pooloo

Forward,. before, ^jl

^JJl<^'y caaddapan

Forwardnefs ^^jXx:^\j rajinggan

roopacan, ^^^L»«wyc meroopacan

Formed, made, c:jI*JjJ berbooat

Formed, firft, (^j^f.bcrmoolay

Formerly (jLJ'Jjjl»^ dauloo calce

Forming (^j'^ booatan

Fornication jJJvJaj*)_> bcrfoondal.

jlJI alowanj

Foftcr father *>*»'ju pangafo—brother

(^l»./..<^L.j faloofooan

Fought /• ^LoU bakelihcc

Foul, unclean, on a religious account

or a toul difeafe v «ul/ capik

Foulnefs o.!>t^ choomooran


(^^!<-XJ«j*i foondalan

Fornicator ^JvJ^U c.;*l orang ba-


Forrcft aa^ rimba

To Forfuke, leave, ^r_^JJJs>J' tin'galcan

To Forfwcar i.y::^t,j no^yu foompa

bohong, A>y«^ ^ JiJL» balik foompa

Fort AJ\3 kota, ui>^iaJ' goorett

Forth out^ltj looar, _^I»Aj«3 dclooar

Fortification ajo kota—the out-works

^lj;-Xju pelarrean, aJa-j (^^' te-

pee kota

Found, incountercd, *^lj'_j bertamoo

Foundation /^'U^cakkec— of flonc

O'Ij I^'l/cakkee batoo, /^Jj^ «JiU

batoo moolay—heel c-v.«y' toomit

Fountain, fpring head, .j| ajLb mata

ay'er — pipe that fprings ui^L^.


Four c:aa-«I ampat— fquare Or-yei

. /^Lj-j ampat perfaji—ways Ci\A^|

^£)^l2!^ ampat jalan—manner c:aa^!

pjlj_» ampat pcrkara

Fourteen ty*^-» Ck<ycl ampat bias

Fourth, quarter, c:-i>y<U per'ampat.


CUa^I a/ eang ca ampat

(j'^ji^ C^^'^j^rrec maius

fourth c Li


r R(

Fourthly c:-ijk.^l aJ dL» / ''y chIcc

cang ca ampat

Fowl p-^jyJ booroong—fca-fowl pjj^clJut^ booroong dindang

Fowls, cocks and hens, wj>l ay'am

Fox (^ci^ jcrdec, L--«A>oa. chclab

Foy, parting fcaft, Ci-k-c^Lw tVlCUe «-«U^

jamoo minta falamat, A:s^jLi», ha-

rooha — To give a foy (^^^dSfcjjlsk. membree harooha

Fragment <u»ax>*j sifa, (J<XXj pan'gal

Fragments iJSJ<j_ cM^. pan'gal pan'-


Fragrant /^s^f « wanjee

Frame d «jUm faroong— of a table

jti*/ / ^'u cakkcc cooda

123 ) KR

Freight, carriage money, t^Xx^-^'J


To Freight ^^Xs..^^' tampangcan,

(^^_GLa.,J.a-o mcn'ampangcan— fhip

that is to be freighted ^J.Xxx^ Jub''

cdpal tampanggan

Frenchman ^j^j^^^swJlJ c i»! orang Fran--


French pox /^2a.^ JJJ^ pooroo kochec

Frequent ^J[S^dSJ^ i'e'decala

Frefh, as water, ^ *lj* tawar—water _»!

ijLj' ay'er tawar

To Fret ^*y:ijSj^ mcng'ajok

FridayooL^^joomat, cxjc<4.iw (^j^harreejoomaat

iend ij^^y^ fobat

Friendly c:aa«.>^-.j bcrfobat


bohoong, Ajfti

To Frame, make, ^^^.j^xL) pandecan^

cjIaj booat Friendfliip ^^'b*^ l^Sbatan

FranceQwy*JtJ (^.XAjuegrccFrancees Frigafle (j^^\j rabooos

Frank, free without referve, (^j^-^L^l^iTo Frighten /^j' */Ua^ mcnacoottee


Fraud, deceit, c «-^^J

daya, vs^j' tipoo

Freckle ti^'j ^U taf lalad

Freckled S^^ (S^'r! ^"^^' ^^^'•^^

Free, from flavcry, AJijti-^ mardeka

Frcc-man ^SjC^-^ ^/j' orang mardeka

To Free, from flavcry, ^^^Uuti.^

mardckacan—To let go (j^axaJ lepas

To fpcak free without referve, ajI/

^jswj! «^U" cata Crtlawcifan

Free-will (Jj\J\X> candatce,

v_J»I>AA:s:i.l/kahendak, ^^^.1^,, fdja

Freedom (^L:.Uuti^ mardckaawn

Freely a^U*. (Jj'b' tilgal faja

To Freeze ajU bakoo

_» *^lj' J bcrkaroot

Frightened ^^u^^Jc_>*Jii.*/Lj' tacoojoot

Frightful, as when alone, *Xjl tijL^lj'

tam'an'goo an'goo

Fritter, of flower, d^AAJ" itiiti dadrr



Frivolous aJaJO b<-KaJ' tcda bergoona

Frock i.S'V. Aia.lj baju panjang

Frog »^<3j/ codook, —^(j Icatak

croaking of a frog iwijlj / _i «.j boo-

nee katak

Frolickfomc «xJ«lACi.t/4*w foocacheta,

/^l^) rumce

From ti de, gOu pada, i^J'^ dcrrec,

B<-^^. l£ '^ derrce pada—henceforth


FR ( 124

(Mjl/Lwj jjw\j (^j<^ dcrrce pada faca-

ran—whence aJLc (^ «3 derrec mana

—who <?uU>*i bc-Xj c^j<3 dcrrce pada

fiappa—before ^^^Itil C^^i<^ derrec

addapan — the beginning iSj^«s>aO'*<* 5«Aj dcrrce pada moolaynea

—one to the other a/ «jU** jcXj C^^<^

,^^' cL) b<Aj derree pada latoo ca

pada eang lain—above, to below,

5 «U a/ (j**jl (L^J*^ derree attas ca

bava—near a^( gJo (^^ti derree

pada ampir

Front 1^' Jl alowan

Frontier of a couutry C^JCaJ (^jAaj'

tepee ncgrce, b_^aaj (_5A>y' tepee


Froth, fcum, (^»jj hoxi—of water «^


To Froth j^'-i-e meng'aroo

Frothy (^jjj^^ berbovi

Froward, quarrelfomc, fyjt^^ pr^ng-


To Frown »>*)L« Ji/yc mooca mafTam

Frozen jj'U j^«3l2», jaddee bakoo

Frugal cii^t^^jemat

Fruit 5^ booa

Fruitful z,Aj\.J babooa

Fruition, enjoyment, (^LxaJ ^.j bero-


Fruitlefs endeavour, A:i>.Lw faja, assz^y

aa>m «^a>*) careeja fia fia, aJaJ\j gtXo'

teda bcrgoona

Fruits B^ 5 ^j booa booa, ,^,lcl*j booa

booaawn—Firft fruits in a feafon

<***!?'« c)j'"» V ^*^^ aw'al moofim

To Fry^

Ajl .1 randung

) F V

Frying-pan of iron c^Jljl/ cawallec,

(^i>.lj tachec—of earth aJU <xJj^'Ij

balanga tana

Copularc, to have carnal knowledge

ui^*>yel ampoot—a male to know the

female *>^Lk. fatooboo—a female to

know the male t^jX!ci^j) bcrjantan

(jXi^ssz'*^ menjantan

Fugitive AJUx/ gaibana

Full *J *J poonoo—of victuals fatiated

is:^ kinjang, jcs^y berkinjang

—up to the mouth «5jCA2i.LN 4j\»

C^«Jv« poonoo fahinga mooloot

To fill full oV»Cs>**j!

^^^^ poonoo

Fuller, waftier, jt*S^J pcmbaflb

To Fulfil ^^jJ]jSaj poonooacan

Fulfilled *j*j J berpoanoo—it is ful-

filled dj sCiy*i fooda la

Full grown, at maturity, as mankind,

*JLi baleng

Fulncfs (^lirjj»j poonooawn, «xaJoaj


Full-tide o'aj _»I ay'er ponoo

Fully, complete, ^_^UUj^genap,i_j^jo>


Fume, vapour, i--jIjI ow'ap—To fume,

fret, ^»j^goofar

Fundament ^y^y toombong

Funeral C-oL» JCJijue meng'antar mait,

Jlj -J bertanam—fong ^~^\j ^^:i^O<j

bidjcc ratap—fcaft Ai».« il^i. harooha

Funnel ^^jj^^j^yj tamboofan

Furious (MiXvj bingon

To Furnilh, garnifh, / i^uLx^ mcng-

ay'afTec, u-^O^ lanciip—Furnifh th$

G A.

houfc with its utenfili

( 125

ajJ^^m (j>i<^ A^^j mcngay'aflcc

rooma dunsr'an fcrbanea

Furalfhcd i_AAJ^-jberliin'cap, /^>w.jLx^


Furnilhing l-aJIIJ u^^JCjO'Ij balancap


Furniture, utcnfils, aj^wj ferba—orna-

ments (Ms>*N2J jL» pariahfan—ot a

houfc &^^j ^!t'^ Icrba rooma—orna-

ments of a houfe A^jj j^I_jo>*^j^iIj pa-

riahfan rooma—of a fliip ijul/ aj,>*j

ferba capal—riggingof a fliip^^ljCj^'

(JjJ/ lan'capan capal—inftrumcnts

^«LTLi pagaw'ce—of war (^.LTUcl_> pagawee prang

Fur, fkin, j^jJj> cxJ*/ coolit berboo-


Furrow., in a field, cf(_XAji^U parit

bendang, )»:i=.^lwj faldjor

Further «Lii.^^^^' lagecjaoo

To Further bufmefs ^}^ (^/^' «loVUe

mendauloocan haal

Furthcft (J^ Awj .l> jaoo fa culee

Fury g^iLc fiiiirah

Fufe ^x^«.>jj foombo

Future |^L)(^Lo*/c6madcan

Fy (^c^^ chce

ijrAG Jys,.>^ fampal

; G A

toong, ,J *_<u bcrolee—I gained

thereon only ten dollars A>^^ 'V.'-***

berliiba attas ctoo fapooloo rcall laja

To Gainfay AaJu banta, ^U^ lawan

Gainfaying {^\s.^->i>,j^k^ coocoo^oo-


Gallant, fine, / ^aw,aj byfee


Gale of wind ^j^l ^^^' <!Uj fa tiop

<---vi'J' tar»

angmGall «Aaa^I ampcdo—nut /^(olrsn.L*


Gallery 9-j^^ nanglong — covered

/-A^lwg farambce

Galiingal 5 *JCjJ lancooa

To Gallop, as a horfe,(J Xl « oongool

Gallopped ^JaXJia^ men'oongool

Gallows, auy other thing to hang things

on, ^jJCci^Aj^gantoonggan

Galley i^IiaJ goorak

To Gambol, play tumbling tricks,

c wjiAA^ menioofoong

To Game (^.Le main

Gamed j^U>.j bermiiin

Gameftcr i^Ls (__^_,i*2k jurce main,

(S'^J^ O^. P^" j codec, ^;jl

(__^<JS*:^-j orang bcrjoodcc

Gamman iSci-lj paha

Gander i^-yJ^ Anj-c! angTajantan

Gain, profit, c^>u« oontoong, a.»^' laba Gangreen c:^^^'^ j i*j pooroojahat

To Gain, prevail, %Xj^ mcnang—Hedid gain all men's hearts jti*;*» d^^d

g^Lw c>jl /^j'l ^JsA^'-jL* dcafooda

meng'ambill attce orang famoa

Gained aj^,j berliiba, c*XJ«_i bcr'oon-;'f'

Ganja, gn intoxicating herb in India,

a:s^ ganja

Ganton, concave meafure nfed in many

parts of India, (^,^,'Cv>' ganton

Gap JLj^ lapang

GK ( 126

To Gupe '.::jt.lye jSjO gan'ga mooloot

Gaping «xXLTU tagan'ga

Garavances A=?.lj' kachang, 8^'-/U

cacara—flat / ^>.^ /*-=^'-^ kachang


Garbage ui^«^_ Cs^. ^^^^ proot

) GE

To Garble ^^:^\:^ choochec

Garden si^Jv^ coobong—of pleafure

^^ls.[S^^*^ &/ cy^J coobong ca foo-

caawn—well planted Jl)' cvy';^,L3t-«lJlJ' coobong tanam tanamavvn

Gardener c «.J */ (__^j »Xi «-o pen'oon-

goowcc coobong, p-y>»i^ ^JJ^^jurec coobong, ij^-^ c^'*l orang


To Gargle \^^jj^^i t*-e ks koomoor


Garland of flowers y^j^ A>*, Aio*.j

boonga fa carrang

Garlick t_J>'^. ^ '?'-:' bavang pootee

Garment,"' veil, «Ju([/ cdpa

To Garniili ^^jSj^t^*^ byfeecan

Garniture ^jo*i^jjU pariahfan

poonggah—fruit, ^ j u:.uXmj poon-

goot booa—The hen doth gather

her chickens ^^l (^*j^[j »jI

AaJLXj'I ^ Jul a\'am bacampoon dean

anak anaknea

Gathered l:jO<-»*j.j bcrpoongoot,

J «>y«y^.j bcrcoompool, q^a^Ubacampoon

Gathering ^^l^^Xj^Ij bapoongoot

/^**j_ji priicc

Garret ^s^jl ti C-JuLj tingkat de attas

Garrifon, fort, «xj'ti kota cramp


Jb c:a^j tampat balatantra

/^o cIoJ./^ fandang cakkce

To Galh, Scanty, (j^^^S garis

Gafp «i^Lw fddcjo

To Gafp for life a»*>-JLj balifah—the

laft gafp J I cb .C>Lm fadoo cans


Gate jXXj pintoo—in walking, (^ j^^L:i.preejalan—keeper (_^.-ij4Uj

jiXo pen'oongoowee pintoo

To Gather u:,'<vJU*j poongoot, aXco


Gay, fine, ' /y»*:^. byTee

To Gaze ccX>u pandang

To Geld, caftratc, Aaj gtj ^ajaj p6-

toong booa peler, j^^lAAi*, fcdacan

—bead, to cut off the cod ^^yj^y^cambirrecan

Gelded man, eunuch, pJ^A**) b<Aa>*i

—beaft (^-A^ cambirree

Gelding, gelded horfe, iS-"^ »^*-^

cooda cambirree

Gem AJ'l^J pcrmata

To Gender ^^j^^ ampoot—the male

with the female ^jjL*. fatooboo

the female with the male (^JCas».j.


Genealogy JumI iifal

General, at land, ^j^.j^j^jJ poong'oo-

loo prang, cx^l^^Uio poong'ooloo

rayat, A^xlij panglema—at fea

«JuLjAAf*/^ Idxemana

General, common, aJLa^j^ moosmaGrenerally, often, ctiU ctilj"

kadang, V^aj'V^ tiop tiop

Generation <j!^l afal, aj^ poopoo

Genius C^,> pree

Genitals of a male, Xu pe'lcr, ^Vj


GI (

bootoo—of a female («J"^ pookee

Genteel, noble, Am^-xj b'angfa

Gentility ^ .'.>wju bangfawan

Gentle, flow, ^^^.s^^'L» palahan



Gcilures, merry, &jj rca

(^j'vwJu c;jl orang bang-

127 ) «I.

Give (^^ brec, a) iS-> ^rcc la—the

hand ^^^jju Ciob^ jabat tang'an,

i^jju' A^-** oonjoo tang'an

Given to, addidcd to, jciL» a/\^ foo-

ca pada—by law ^^^j=^ {j^*^ Lfji

brec dung'an hookooni

Giver (^.a^ pembrec

To Get, obtain, / J «^ berolce—Get Giveth c^^a^^ membree

a good name ^.JLAj LcU iJ «vu be- Giving i^>*^ ,^tiJ\j bacaflce caflce

rolee nama baik

Giant A-^ly di«I orang gaja

Gibbet (j^jsXi «.^-O" gantoonggan

Giddy, with turning round, or with

drink, Aj*>^. poofmg, ^jLn^j AJLj'y

capala poofing

Gift, grant of profit, 5,Jj.j' anoogra

To Gild, walh over, ».\^*J looma—with

gold, (j**^ (.j-^*^ ^^j^ looma dung'an

Gizzard of a fowl JOyyyd ampcdal

fooca, / -j'l CfJ KM foocaL5^'


Gills of a cock, fowl, ^«Aa/ gidebir

—of a fifh Xwi-<i^ hcfang

Glad ^L5\i.


Gladnefs (.,IcI/*«j Ibocaawn, ii/twg

AAA=a. fooca chcta

To Glance by <^.<sz-^ linjap

To Glaze, varnifh, (j^.^; ran'gas,

(vwAJyy* meran'gas

Glafs A:^l/ cacha—glals to drink in

As^t/ ^^vl«t=». chawan cacha—pro-

fpcct glafs c.*j«J ter'oopoong

To Glide away, vanifh, u-cs-^ li^j'^P

To Glimmer i),A^o gomclansrGimlet (_30»^t*ygoordec

Gin, fnare for birds, v_

jabak rachik—for beafts i.::-'j-o>. jrat

Ginned v—Ji^l; iJ<^i kena rachik

Ginger AaJ 1 alia

To Gird up c:^Caa^ mcng'ccat

Girdle A.Xxj c:aXj ecat plnggang,jGloomy ^J^ll/calam

(__^JJJ' tindcy—belt ^cWw landang Glory 4X-J*^ moolia

—to ftick in the girdle ^^_jjCy*kA>w


Girl Q'vy<L''^. ''—*jl anak parampoan,

(^, I vy*[,'t-J ^l<3tj boodak param-


Girt cOJ^ fandan^

^'j ''—V'^ Glitter i-k^f gelang, iXf^jJ gomc-


Globe, ball, c_;^^ >j*j booa boolat

The globe of the world, thought by

the Malayo's to be a flat round,

iSuJiti cj^'«j boolat doonca

Glorify ^_^MJ'Le;42afc hormatacan,

(^^Iazs^aj poojcacan, ^jjXJ*^_»

bermoolidcan, (^^yi^^j^ bcrpoojc''


Glorified vjx^iys».J berhormat,, sw^jj

bcrpoojee, aaJ v«-j bcrmoolia

GO (

Glorious, as a building, ^j^vX^Lc ma-

jclis, UCJj^ molcc

Glove ^^xi' c «^iLw iaroong tang'an

(Jlowing, red hot, g a^ ^.a^ mcra mora

Glowing iron t.^ s-rV* i^*^ bcllce

mera nicra

Glue Ooj pcrkat, AJ'U^ giitah—To

glue i^X=J'l-^ gatahcan

Glutted^<<, *:5i. joomoo

128 )

God) lead aJI'I


Godlcfs man .«j



L> caiir

Godly man aX,M (^jX^c^J\j\3 di»! orang

kabidjccan allah, ^}o^ cul orang



Godly (^-^AJI allahhee

Godlinc'is (^'-mJo badean

God's penny ^r-^^ chimcram

Glutton J^l ^Ic macan am'at,^^^'^

^^'°''^.."P (^:^^^^^- ^oo"i%ang

c-^yjAaj pcndcmab,

gow, (^j/lyXj pemacan


To Gluttonize ,^^Lo a/a>*j-j LJjjt3jti

doodooc berfooca macan

Ghittony u-v^ti dcmab, ^j'jCi.42».L>j


To Gnalli ^ly garat, /^a-c' amettee

-the teeth / JixSL^ L5'.>w>0l amettee


Gnaflied, grated, ei.MU.>Le men'garat

Gnafliing (^"[^LT giiratan, tj^^ araet


Gnat U-Vv^Lo niamokc, 0"*-*^.'! ili-


To Gnaw e(_)JJ candang

Goat XA^ cambing

Goblet Joy«0 goompal

God AiJ I Allah—an idol god jJJU bcr'-

allah—I begin in the name of God

tf'i 1 (^^^>yc cvU I A^U (,^<^ dung'an

nama Allah nicmoolay iiko

Goddefs (^l*A-c|^tj ixAJLj bcr'allah pa-


•Godfather /J'_Mj'Jb . ^-mjJTaw fax'cc


To Go (^^Aaj pcgee—go to the mar-

ket yshuiy /^Aj pegcc capaflar

Gold ^J*J^^ mas—fine / ^s^ns^ (j**^ ^^s

choochee, ^y ^j^^ mas tooah

courfc ^Ciyo (jj^-^s mas mocda—ore,

rock gold, <_}.AA5 /wv« mas kcpall

duft iS^ij (j^r^ mas oorey, ^j ^j^^mas palTir— tells, touches to try

gold by, (jM^ Ls^J oojcc mas

touchftone (j,^^ L5t>-J J^^ batoo

oojce mas

Gold-fmith (jMy^ C^<-^ pandce mas

Gone J^ Btiiwj fooda laloo, ytiowj

^Vaj fooda pcgcc

Good 1^

«.Aj baik—Aery good ^ Jub

ii_ilj baik biiik, '^ «L/U Ci^-^l am'at

baik—To do good /^aXj C'Ua^-o

mcmbooat baftec—-for' nothing jcXaj'

i!u4/jj tcda bcrgoona—in a good

time V—Cib cUj^a/, s^Ajli' capadu

wacloo cang baik—Good men have

two lives, one is the life in this

world, the fecond life is after death,

and his name lives in this world,

becaufc all the virtuous, will name

liis name with refpcft OuL> ci.l

o o C 120 ) G R


. c:.w j*=i. (j^ti orang baik dua oo-

moornea adda fatoo eang ca edopawn

dalam doonea ca dua oomoor tatcala

ea matec daen iiamanea edop dalam

doonea, carna fegalla kabidjecan mcniebootcan namanea dung'an hormat

Goodncfs ^^buti*j ^

«CjLj baik boode


Goods, fubftance, ajjI arta

Goong, China bell^ c.^S goong

Goofc AMj.i.1 angfa

Gore, long guffct, ^-Ju^aj pefak


>M.AJ byfec

To Gormandize j5Aii.Lj.Aj pemajoh

o^^jJcAa-* mendeniab

Gofpel J^s:^.' injil

Goffip JCJLj oU<y«L'^ parampoanba-


Got c:^.'^ dapat, (J *j^J bcrolee

that may be got c:Ajlti (c-'j-Jf^^.

eang bolcc diipat

Government, jurifdi<R:ion, aAIj^iIj pa-

renta—^Whofe government is this

illand / aj «.Jaj AaJjU «^aj»j «su'-:^"^

fiappa poonca piirenta pooloo cnee

To Govern AaJ;Ij ^*-^aj pcgang parcnta

Governor (J^JyJ ».J«.i:*j poong'ooloo

ncgrcc, (__^-XaJ aJ UU' capala ncgrec,

(__-^^ji^ ^-^- ^iy^ jurec pcgang


Gourd / ju;A-yo*^commedckcy

Gout, pains in the limbs, J>.X>W( fau'-


Gown i:uj^X^'m felcmoot, i^-*^ *:^U

baju panjang—with a tail j,=Jj

c;:^:sz^ijj baju berpanchong

Grace Qljuy*»/ caileawn

Gradually CiJoL» CxJub.j berpankat


To Graft, make a branch take root, by

binding earth about it, and then to

cut it off, «Aa:^ chanko

Grafted into ^><«/ cambar

Grain ^c^^cXj bidjce—grain of any ar-

tificial thing jij bootir

To Grain i^Jy bootircan

Grains .jaj ,j*j bootir bootir

Granado ^y^^ marchon, (MO>-j-e


Granary Jtj^L:^^.joolapang

Grand .m^aj befar

Grandchild / jsr^ chechee

Grandfather( J:^' '—'i-^.J ne'nek lakkec

—great grandfather Xj*-* >wJlaaJ

/J»^ C_5^^ ncnck moyang -lakkec


Grandmother {^\yk.^}\j '—'^^" nenek


To Grant, give, (j^J^It-^ brccan—grant

permiffion, (m^^ mohonc, ri'-^j

fermawn, J*b'^ cawool

Grape_^«Xjl 5«j i^^<jyj Xm fa bidjee

booa an'goor—^'time of gathering

grapes )*Xj1 f 6.J ciJiitj AwjUc mafa

poongoot booa an'goor

Grapcs^mJj! jaj booa an'goor

To Grapple, hold, xXaj pcgang


C R (l-'f>

) G U

G'lixfp wC.j A*w ill gaii'gam—To grafpiGretitncfs ^M^^.>w^ bcfarran, (m_^U*».aj^

in the hand ^^X^XlS gan'gamcan bcrbefarran

Greedy, victuals, »«.:^Lo majok—as a

woman with child that longs

^cXajLo mcng'cdam

Greedy fellow 5 t^l^Aj pemiijoh

Greedily Ajyi {^j~tC> dung'an loba

Green y^- eju—pale ^d^^ysz^. eju

mooda—deep ^y^^. cju tooah

unripe ^SJ^ mantah—green, graiTy

place, ejot,<»^lj c:^^^' tampat ba-


To Greet, falute an equal, /^J^ tab-

bee—fuperior A>-e^ foomb'a—Greet

him in my name, fpeak my falutes

to him, A>JlcXj'y *j &j<^yn (^^^Lj'l/

catacan foomba ko capadanca

Greeting aa^^aw foomba, ^^^Ju^y,4


Gridiron ^^jSXSJu panggangan

Grief, forrow, ^^lAiJti doocaawn.

Grafs ui) «.»-<• 1 roompoot

Grafs-hopper «^^.iJuLi. chingkarek

Grate, Icttice, /g>*»>o /^*m.-o kcfce

kcfee—^To grate, rafp,' jj^j^ 1^<J


Grater \^^jyji kokoorawn

Grateful a^.J^ (j^-^L* ^^'^^^ tarema

Grateful man ^j^ JIjjIj' dU eang taoo


To Gratify, fuffice, ^^.J^ltilj padah-


Grave, wife, (J</\deal—grave jjJj^


To Gra\ c, carve, 'i* ooklr

Gravel «w^Lwyj karfik

Graver, chifel, c:^Ij pahat

Gravity, majefty, (^j^ doolce

Gray *xj L^-"-?.po'^tcc etam—as hair

(j-Ja ooban—hair i^j »-i^a^I^ ram-

boot ooban

To Graze, look to cattle at Grafs,

i^^'U.*^combalacan, AXX>Ji».jan-

gala, AAXi=».,J berjangala

Grcafc ^-Ji-f-^i lemak—^l^o Grcalc j>jL^

^v^- i^y^^ fapoo dung'an Icmak,

^^Ji^aJ *j«j bobo Icmak

Great ^,^aj befarr—with young ^^j^boonting

Great man .>ak>u i;j\ orang bcfarr—ho-

nourable man <>^-^j-<> ^-jj^ orang


Greater >..^ (^_^ Icbbec befarr

Grcateft jsj-o^ »<-V. (Sj^ j'*^ befarr

derree pada famoa, jan-aj-j terbe far

<Vaa2>. A/jti dooca cheta

To Grieve, torment, (^jJ1mjJC>^ lix'acan

Grieved AJCA=i._j berchinta, -jjliiyj ber-

dabar, &/tC:>^ berdooca, Amj.jCw-j


Griffon v<^j^J goorda

Grim i^j'lXAX/'gillcgatan


AAJTo Grind, mill, >w*-o


Grinded ,>wjLj bakiffar

Grinding {^j^^-*^ kiffaran

Grind-ftone jj<_XJitJ'^goorinda

Grinning ^^\)\J garatan

To Gripe with the hand ^CXv« men'-


G V 131 ) GVHieUcr c «u\aAav^ melindoong

Guardcr, IcntincI, ^jjJijJ leliiboong

Gripe ^XXS tUw fa gangara

Gripes, pains, '^ujXSj ran'g<jot

Griping of the guts e^ j *^j^i^y gn-jGuardian(^_^^\j wake, bjUj; cU can

rokc proot —Griillc ui^A^J c^*j" toolang loom-


To Groan ».lAA-e menicio

Groaned *1aJL<i menielo

Groom ot^/ (^O^A-v. penoongoowcc


To Grope, feci for, aj[; raba

Groping <s.j() Ajl;tj' taraba raba

Grofs, fat, ^j^^y gomook

Groveling ^jl^ tiarap

Ground aJLj' tana

Groundfd of a door



To Guefs tvX^jj fanca— I ^uefs it is

four o'clock ,1^ OvA^I ^y^ j^i ajL.faya kera kdra ampatjam

Gueffing ijU:_.-o 5.a5 kdtakt-'raawn

Gueft LJjCijCijj C.JJ I orang bcrdoo-


Guide 'U malim—To Guide, direA,



JLc-j bermalim

Guile 4.

foundation. L^ly

4AAJ tipOO

Guilty tOLg^ bcrfala

Guincy hen ^j ^jf ay'am ootan

jXXj '^j^ laplk'Gulf («.TiiAy t<flooc

Gullet ^Xjj.'i^J^U^ korong koon'gau

Gully, v.-atcr-fall, (^^^yJ tooroolan

To Gulp, fwallow, t-JjS gogowGum^l/AJ'ly'gatah cay'oo

Gummed AJtylj bergatah

Gums ^^^JLaJ" (jj'iti dag'in giggee

Gun, fii-elock, a<^.xJJi^\ aftinsjarda—

gun, great gun, Ju<^jj buddeel

cannori -.L»,-* mirriam, Aj^^ Ju<3«jbuddeel mirriam— middling gunCi\>y«I ajI/vj ^'-Jj><i mirriam fapirampat

—To load a gun J^jC^jj c_'L^ moo-at buddeel—To prime a gun 4/.^ ^^i_y-[Ci&j foombo buddeel—To levd,

point a gun, J^C^^yi^ mitai bud-deel—To fire a gun J^jc^ i^^^^Lj

paffang budded—To fhoot at a mark.

^—Va^J timbak, <^Aa^>U> menimbakGunnel of a Ihip J.jl/ ,x^ bibbir

Ground work,


To Grow, encreafc, y^j^ toombo

grow, to maturity, as mankind, ^Jj^l

sLlLi acalbaleng

Growth, encreafe, f^lsiy^y toombo-


To Grub in the earth, as hogs, j *xA>jo

foonkor—To grub up, as weeds,

'-^J «i^gooreyt

To Grudge / ^J<^ dankce

To Grumble, mutter, ^Jt/^iJ^i^coo-

loom cooloom, cj^i^j^^i foongoot

To Grunt cjlj' tiirang—as a hog i*/^*/


Guard, life gvxard, Oa^U» mahat— of

of the night JjU' kaw'al—room

ct-JU balcroorg

To Guard, ward off, ij^xXi tankis— ! cdpal

HA ( 132 )

Gunner ^/Im. CSj'^^ juiee rriitar,

<^Jij<.^ pen'imbak

Gurgulct, a bottle for water, ufcd ir,

India, /.^[;*^ foorahec, (_^<_>JJ


To Guih out aLaXa-c mclcleh

Gullet *—4j**Aj pciak, *AJ<Lo k-dcew

Guts uij »)«.j pooroot, u:j«^«.j , m*j Iflec

pooroot, i^ tallec— fmall guts

^.:i^4 i*j / k'} tallce pooroot

Gutter (^ J v'v^j fcloran—fpout i^j «js^-V.


To Guzzle »jl=a. charo

iriABIT, garb, ^jt-xilj pakean—cuf-

tom (^y}_ prce—of body fcj«.y C^,j

prce tooboo

Habitable O ^<-^j<^ ^-^J'^ *^^j' orang


Habitation, dwelling, i^*.j^^ moo-

n A

noonan — dwelling place

iwJ'«eS«ei tarnpat doodooc

To Hack Xzsr^T?' chinchans:


gC^JWJ fooda—notHad gcAi adda,

5<AJtAJ" tcadda

Haft J » ooloo

Hail «.jU A^} oojang batoo, .j'

y^*^j ay'er ramboon

Hailed ^y^\,i berramboon

Hair of mankind, long hair, ui.'*>-,ol)

r'amboot—of beafts, fhort hair, aJ «.j

booloo—of the privities t^^Csj»^

toondoon, \jj,«c\JAJ' ^:l3^/^\j ramboot

loopak mata—on the brcaft c^'Ij bd-

lang, c^lj ui?4.>^l; ramboot bdlang

—lock of hair c «.AJcsTt^chcenintongj

—an artificial curled lock («_V<JJ^

landik, v—.«'c\>j gandik—hair lace

d «Xa.:^:^^ / Aj' tallee chcchintong

—lank hair tj^ ^^uy^»,j room-

boot tang'ly, i i^^LT cajor—curle4

hair (JO0_; ^zjy^\j ramboot ber'c-

cal—hair a little curled Ly\.iyu t,>^\j

ramboot bakoong— that is plaited

Z^ Lj ,j '<:jy^\j ramboot berbah't

that is thin V — Yr^ J ramboot

toondon—of the eve-brows ^Lijyo booloo kcning—of the eye-

laflies Aj'>^ <Jij^\J^j}t,j booloo ca-

jarang—that is thick, buflicy, ci^*a^I^

«.A^ ramboot cambang—that is

coarfe / kjlj" m>4>-<'i ramboot tabbal

—To tie up the hair ^jLit^^j cS*^fangool ramboot—To rowl up the

hair ul»«a^I_; ^j,/U>UJb balitacan ram-

boot—without hair, bald, ^wVaJ'aj

botok—grcv hair i.^.«« u:^»/^!, rani-

boot ooban— loofe hair cjaa^I^

(_C mL»' ramboot taoorey— flaring

hair, hair ftanding upright, lo*-«c'^

^j\.K,j ramboot faram—younghair Jaj

booloo—hair cloth , JU^cambalec

Hairy on the body c^'L» balang,

ui.'<a-<'iIj banimboot

Halberd Xa^-^ lambing

Halberdier b<-XJ« «ti'-i badowanda

To Hale, call to, «j>Uj' tantan^

Half, in quantity, «\ju' teng'a—in num-

ber ._;IjLm fapiiro—one half dJu l.>^

fa teng'a—one and a half » «ti iyjG

teng'a dua—done {j>^\ c\ju teng'a


II A ( 133 ) HAHall (-yjU'jJb palantaran

To Hollow, call out >«_V)4>wJ berfoorak^!j^y


Hallowed, fandified , J>iSi^,-) berfadlec

Halt, limping X:^J pinchang

Halter ( ji^-'JCLw-

tallee Icher

hook c*j» oobonji:—down c «OuL:^

fantajce, ^^ (<'-'

Ham litL) paha

Hammer J»yL<U pimoocool

To Hammer Aa^j timpa

Hamper AJ \j raga

chindong qw.ji ^ bovv'at

To Hang up f^y^ gantoong

ftrangle (cj*^^.»/ coojoot—as on a

c*j« oobong

derree attas—droop ooum fmg'it-.

on one fide, as the hcad*c-^o mirring

over, as a fat belly o^^^ fmg'it—

to2;cthcr, ftick ciJUJ Iccat

Hanged c «jiU-T-J bergantoong— as a

man ^ t^j^ «^ t JJ^-^ matee dctr cy'-Hand ^^yCi tang'an—right ^jL/ ^^^'j gantoong ^^^ e<^. (^^

tang'an canam—left i^^ ^^jJu tang'-' pada gantoong


an kirree—ball ofthe hand ^^^jijjJ LT^. Hanger^^A***^>*. famfeer, OjJjJ^golok

(^y pergaloongan tang'on— palm Hangings ^OJti dinding

v-Jub' (^^' tang'an tapak — back Hangman jj*^. pcmboonoo

«i.UA^J' tampeling— Hand breadth,Good Hap ^j^j bcXj pada oontoong

v_jtA^j tampoop,(_jtA^'->^fatampoop Hap koonjong koonjong c*:s:-^

—at hand _a^I ampir—writing >ui>ij.>*, ^ -^J^'

^ju- foorat tang'an—withered hand To Happen c^c30l^ jaddee, JaJ.*=^*J'J jJu tang'an kakoo—fhaking or chopool

thehand^^yUo gomittar tang'an Happened ^C^C^l:^ mcnjaddeeone-handed ^tyj/coodoong, ^^• To Live happily ^.y^A^ fcmpoorna

Ai.l tang'an fabla

Handful ^LOLT' U» fa gan'gam


cXj ^l fapoo tdong

Happy, bleffed (-j^yc moominHappinefs, peace cJaALu*. fantoza

Harbour, O^ AXi telooc

c. «cAj *j.Lm i^vX cay'in fipoo edonglTo Harbour lodge a man «Jl^ filing

(^jju'^Uw fapoo tang'an

Handle, helve J. ooloo

To Handle, hold xXaj pcgang


'O^-^ Jiabatan

VwJOUHandfomc, beautiful

paras baik

Handy, ready handed v^'-j^j^

Handicraft C^^OJLj pandec

Handicraft-man (^Aaj c^»I

pan lee

Hard, ftiff, rj^ ^ eras, ^jJ tabbal

To Harden, (^\j<.j tcggaracan —as iron a^jL^ fipoh, ^J^jj teg-


/swju Hardened,



,Xj^ bertcg*ar —as iron, tj^\^ fapoh—body or char-

med body to be fliot arid cut free, a?

is faid to be done by the MalAyos

(Juli kab'al

Hardly, fcarce enough ( UJ^^^ scXxi


HA ( 134 ) II i:

tcda chookoop |

rnooloot caj)al

Hardlv, couragious (mLJO pahiilavvan:Hatchcs or covers on a fliip's dei.-k

HarejJwb plando,


'«tXA,"-J piilan- ^wJuJb caloopak

iHatchct V—Sijl/ kiipak, A^^campa

To Harkcn to ^d diing'ar, ±<J.k^:To Ilatc (^=s:^ binchcc, (^/U:


Harlot JuXJ^Aw foondal

Harm c:^i!l.^i. jahat


Hated, hateful /^c

Hath B(Ac adda'

-AJ7^ berbinchec

Harncfs for horfcs gt^/ / Jj' tallee Hatred, enmity, (^IjJLw fatrooawn

H fooda — I hav(cooda

Harp , ^as:^-* kcchappce

Harping iron cja^CLn Hmg'oot

Harrow cl-'^IXxj pang'garat

To Harrow ^^IS garat

Harfh to the taftc Q^-t^b padas

Kart, deer a>*j * i roofa

Harveft ,>*j >J ^«jLc mafa irris, j,m^^

moofim charroot, cjIj ^^.IaAj Hauk i^\ * ^^^ J ^^"^ wali, c « i«.J

ave 5t\c adda, gtit^j looua — i nave

eaten i^-jY^^ v^y*^ *^ ^o fooda


Haven, bay (^kLkj tclooe—anchoring

place qUj^' liiboan

Haughtily^_i:i.lj,^_j^ti dung'ankachak,

td dungan attec

be farr


plawan baring

Has 5(JWj.n fooda, jcA^ adda

Hafte, fpecd o^i.j bang'at, gjCy^i'Hay c-/ c:j*>y«.j roompoot kirring

(^^1 » AiwI; boorong raja wali

To Haul ^J tarrik

/vwJCJ fegra Iccas—make halle ciaJu

jj bang'at la, «jj jJOwj fegra la

To Haften' ^

(^^ cxxj bang'at can,

^^jJCmjXJ,-» berlccafcan

Haftcning /vj^XJ ^^XaJ^j bcrlccas


Hafty, unadvifcd o^>.J bang'at

Hat Axjj/copea, c.(«3«5^y^ kokodang,

~4^iAjJ tcrandok— offtraw «Xacs.

jA-A^i. chclo chelo

To Hatch eggs ^AaJ' /^^j_;LCL* men-

garrammec tclore-^the hen has

hatched Jj[XX^ ^dtM -jl ay'am

fooda mcn'^arram

Hatch-ways of a Ihip Jol/ ui^J*»*

cock ui.'^A« «^ CL^S-^ '"**' fatamboon


Hazard ^JmjjLm fangfara—an apparent

hazard /^JKU.;Lys mcniarrilec

He Ajti dea

Head AJbUcapala—to turn the head

aJUI/ xkj palling capala —to hang

the head, droop aJ'-jU cxi**.—to

hang the head on one fide aJLjU' c^mirring capala — to bow the

head to the ground ^j^-ey^ foomjam

to Ihakc the head aJUI/ (^\ J^gracan capala—to flrike the head

againft any thing <xJljl/ OArsz'^'i

—to cut ofi' the head a-'LjI/^JUaj


pau'gal ciipala, «^JLl'J' c*^^- pan.

chong capala—of a fliip^i«Jij.t=:.jooii-


Head-piece, helmet cj.j»jL/ catoo-

poong—of a pillar xXi ixJUU' capala

ti'ang—of an arrow OCa.»-^ fampak

Head-land c »,3:-*-' tanjoong

Headlongj^yl>' googoor

To Heal *A-o4J*> foomboo, i^l»^^


Healed a.-s^xw

sm jaddee foomboo

C 135 )

Heaved 1;




Heaven Uj*>*j foorga

Heavenly iJi^Sj^,*, foorgance

Heavens, Itarrv firmament, c^v£^'

xJCajLj laiig'it babintang

Heavy v:_>l^.i bir'at—hearted c:jI ,ai

/-il attcc bir at

Hebrew .aa:^».




c^.l orang heber

Hedge -Xj pag'ar—of thorns (^)\Ci

-Xj pag'ar dorree

.J berfoomboo, ^(3L:sv|To Hedge yj,j berpag'ar

Hedge-hog <3c>3^ landak

Heed «XjkJ toongoo

Heel c:-v^«.y toomit

To Heel, as a fhip c^oLm fing'lt

Heifer 5<3«.a8 Aa>vV J-S-'l^rnboo betina


Healins: (mI«>-««.«j foombooawn

foomboo—he is in

AA/^fcwg «i-Jti dea

foomboo lagec

Heap^ y^ty coompoolan

To Heap f^».j^j^j bcrtamboon—as! Height i^LoL»' ting'ceawn, ^^^^'ting'ee

corn on a meallire i^^*^ moombong Heir jO L»*jj iSjy^ jurec poofaca, ,v/

. —gather together J4a^*/ coompool ^/Lwo (^j_j:^J cang berolee poofaca

Heaps (^ aa^j^^^J'S»-''

Lj ba tamboon


Hear jli<3 dung'ar

Hearer ij ^I'-iiAA-o ang mendung'ar

Hearing ^j ;Lct3 dung'aran—thick of

hearing J^aj bang'ol

Heart iJ..•.a:^^ jantong

Hell a/jU narca, tViliU naraca-

fire dS\j\J r ^}\ appee naraca

Helmet CAjyU catoopoong

Help c «..'j.j tooloong, ^j-X2: J *j too-


To Help, at work «.a^^j toompo

Helped c *J «J',j bertoolaong

To Hearten, comfort jy-J.^ bercboor Helper ^^KXi*-|y^lj! orangtooloonggan

Heartened u_)Ui^ (^.JSLi^ jaddee cooat \^^J^y^, pcn'ooloonggan

Hearth g.j 5^ ^-^^v-* tampat para para

Heat, that is artificial c:^0! an'gat

of the fun, natural heat (j*jJIj panas

—of the body, chafing,^i^v*, fohoo

To Heat (^^CaXJI an'gatcan

To Heave, flingj^Srrs' linipar

Helve ^} « ooloo

Hem iXi kcUim

To Hem, call one that's pall *=i»o


Hemp / ^^ rammce—rope (_,•«,' i^^tallce rammec—feed ^U'l ay'am,

li I (

jiJySja J-j) ay'am bctina—Guinea

hen i^'jj X)\ ay'am ootan

Hence /y^ fence

Her ajS dea

Herbs i4jlj*i fayoor

Herd imJOJ^ candan, ^jljl/ cawan

Here / 5'*-A/*. fence, /^a>w ti de Icnee

130 ) n I

derree pada famoa

Hereditary fickncls '

a_>'Ij cxjUaajTo Hinder glju' tagah

Hiil c:^»,.} bookit—mountain 9-^Jj-i


Hilt J<|Ooloo—of a fword c.<_Xaj Jjooloopcdang

Him «xjii dca—fclf c^icAaam ajO> dea


peniakit baca

Hercfic ^J^^:>lJ badingon

Hinder part {^jj-> booritan, (mvOIj

blacan—of a fliip <J^jI/ i^^j'^J

booritan capal

Hindrance, trouble q^)1/*wj foocaran,

A/tK.si fooca

Hermit, any one living reclufe ajIj',j

pertapa, ajU^. djjl orang pertapa

Hermitage ^^i:LJLJ.J pertapaawn

Hermaphrodite A:^;^^ «Jroobeha, l^jL) Hindermoft (J^ d.^ (^^_ ^9-^.

Heroick man ^L^L^b pahaliiwan ' j»ui.',^-a„ r„ ^.'.i„„ ^ i . t.\i <•

,^UJ . ooloobalan

Heron J*aJo 9-yj^. booroong koon


Hers Aaj\j AJti dea poonea

To Hew ^_ijU tatak

Hickup ««^Lm ladoo

To Hickup «tiUw-j bersiidoo

Hid (^J^^ fembooncc, L^y^^fterfemboonce

To Hide ^^lf^3y.^M fcmbooneacan

(^\a^.«o JJLaJ tin'gi

Hide cxJo^ coulit

eang dc blacan fa calec,c. U (^UtiLo^J

jAj c^^k^ eang comadean dcrrcc


Hinge wvJSAj kokot

Hypocrite 5iAJ«wa>J»j' golefoonda

Hipocrifv I / vw^J^-:^ choolas atteccy U

Hidden c^>!;> terboonce

Hip L^Lj palia, i^tSJ:it,j poonggon

To Hire U>y*a fewa

Hire, wages aj * oopa—freight of a

(hip ^jJjU^' tampanggan—youj.

hire ^ aj « oopa mootin'j!;al fembooncc Hired j^^^^^j berfcwa aj.,j ber'oopa

Hireling aj4|_j c mI orang ber'oopa

^jIj« c;.I orang oopaawn

His A>JtJ Ajti dea poonea, aajaj

poonea, aaJ nca

Hiftory, annals ^.:i>Ij'.A25* hekiiyat

To Hit, touch aJUjs kena

Hither (^C.Y/camarrce, (J^^d de-

fence, , ^Aj^ fence

Hive p. tj\.^, faroong

Higheft BA^Uw g<Aj CjC;<^ C_5-^ting'ee[Ho ^^^^ hey



Hideous i^ljj^XJ^J terchlngonan

Hi^h / ^J6j' tmir'cc

/JG" Uw ting'ee


prieft jlw*>J ^'^ imam bcfarr,


vcrv hia:h

fa calce-^on

dcattas — High-

H O ( 137 ) H O

Hoarfe, as a voice IjlS garaw—wltJilHome <3uo4^ rooma

cold yXmj ferak—to be hoarfe

i* A*w (__^tili>. jaddee ferak

Hoarfe voice I^LT sj^yt^ fooara garaw

.Amj ferakHoarfiiefs

To Hobble isrSl pinchang

Hoc /JLXju panggalce

Hog ("^J^ bobbee—wild (^j i^-f^

bobbee ootan—of the fea, porpus

c.L>«<3 doyang

To Hoifc, hankar ^^jXjlf karecan

anchor »Lw jLjlc*j boongkar faoo

Hold u^LeJ4.J5 kolmooat, y^iXf^

petak, *-^5tJ proot—of a fhip i^:j«-j

(J^jl/ proot capal

To Hold iXxj pegang

Holding to, {ticking to cx-Cv^' j ber-

lecat—opinion (j^C>JJIj batindis

Hole to let in light ijU natang—in cloth >wV->^U pafok —to dig a hole i.jJ



Holland 500^4^». (^,Xaj negree h6-

landa, ocXJJ^ «sju' tana holanda

Hollander b^Aj^:^.. c;«I orang ho-


Hollow, empty, A>,-^el ampa, <Xj*oL«


To Hollow Aia.«^iLr garooha

Holy /^i^^^ choochee

Holy man AX*j c ijl orang facflec^

(5^=r^r^ ^Ji' orang choochee

o'-'^-^*^ choocheaw^n,

XjuSXm faftcawn

Homely, ugly, jjjJ booroo

Hone /^jljs:'*^ «jLj batoo menchance-

Honeft '^jZfu betool

Honefty ;^^Uxj benaran, (J(jJcX£ adil-


Honey jc^L« ^jI ay'er maddoo—comb

•<3L« c tjL^j faroong maddoo

Honour AaJ «^ moolia. .J«lti daulut

To Honour (jj LJ^.^^ mdmooliacan

—Title of honour ^-)^L^'galan

Honourable cU-<i4.=^-j berhormat

Honoured c:^-* ip^ j berhormat

To Hoodwink ,^j/\j^ bootacan





Holy-water ijUj^-ev^j^l ay'er foomba-


Hook to hang any thing on c:^j(j' kait

Hooked, hanged on a hook, c^oUuuo


Hoop /^A^/jg limpee

To Hoop for joy «wJ» )^>*i '<—Vi^ ^j ber-

foorak foorak

To Hop aaa>*) sipah

To Hope ^-J^l^». harap

Hopelefs AwjX (j^a'j'jj pootoos afa

To Hord ^^y.^j/' coompool—hord

iM^ «.vy* «Z coompoolan

Horizon a>j *i3 '^^j-! boolat doonea

Horn^ aOJJ tandoc—of a rhinoceros

(-_VtiL» jJ L^ chala biidak—To butt

with the horn (^ *c>JJ^ menandoc

—To tofs the horns, as a beaft,

(J 4A.j aaJU^ mcnioongool — llruck

with a horn v^TfltXAA-c mcn'undoc

Horned lJ^cXaj-i bertandcc

Horrible y Ia.».::^. hay'banoo

Horror ej^Si^U' cajoot


HO (138

Horfe j(3«/cooda—flonc-horfc gc^*/

,. vXI;^. cooda jantan— mare tC^j/

]xXaSUj cooda betina — To ride a


i1l\>o candaran—draught

Jiorfe >wV;Uj otSy' cooda pcn'arik

tamed horfe ^

kXac^/^ cL» gti^

cooda cang menjenak— horfe-fly

(^iL> (SM barree barree—^To fpur

a horfe '^CS^ (^^iji^ mcng'artccan

cooda— pack-horfe «O^Lj^ eti^

cooda bcrpalala — To un-horfc

;<3^/ 6(Aj (Sj^ ^'-^y^i bantok

derree pada cooda

Horfe-man ^C^^^j, ijj' orang bacooda

Horfes gc^/'seW-) cooda cooda

Horfe-leech a^ Hntah Humbled bu\J;L> barcrida

Horfler, groom, vCij/ ^JJr^jH P^^'-jHumbleft 5<AJJ' terrenda

) H tr•

JLi^^ joo^apang — markct-houfc

(^LJ-jL» bablean

Houfcd <)ue.^_j berrooma

How AjL,.>Oo buggemana

To Howl, as a dog, ci I «^iLo marawang

Huckle-bone q^Xc4J i^y toolang.


Hue, colour, «!u;U warna

To Hug iwVJij poolok

Huge ^*KAJ befarr

Humane AA>*4*jt« manoofia

Humanity, love, ,^Lxx>^ cafleawn

Humble, meek, s^AJ; renda

To Humble ,^I(JJ; rcndacan,.

^^/l(jJ_A^ merendacan

oonsoowee cooda

Hofe (J\y^^j\^ faroong cakkee

Hofpital c:oL. ij^\ ^jj rooma orang Humming ^jti^\j badangoong

Humility i^lxIcAJ; rendaawn, /^j!

Aji attee renda

fakit—for orphans ^jUj «^J^^°°

ma piatoo

Hoft, army, gyj;^'^^ bdlatantra

Hoftagc, pawn, C^^U gadec—fecuri-

ty e^ti'-^ i}J)^orang gadee

Hoftile j^'Ujj berfatroo

Hot (j^JL) P^n^s

Hot-houfe, humum, ^j^Xb' tan'gas

Hound ^;^ ^:?:-'' anjing barrak,

^Lcj^^j^. isz-»' anjing pcrbooroo-

awaHour ,^jam

Boufe A^*j rooma— fummcr-houfc

Jb bailee— fummcr-houfe over

the water ^y^jS^ C_5^^bailee

goombong — ftore-hoiifc, granary

Humour, conftitution, (^,j pree—ha-

bit of body »j*j' C^jJ pree tooboo

good humour i^^j ramee—ill-hu-

mour (_/vJtJ PjJ prang proos

Humourous ^JJCJLs^. panchinggan

Humum, hot bath, ^j^Xaj tan'gas

Hundred ^j^ylj ratoos—one hundred

iy^ijj]j Uw fa ratoos—by hundreds

iy^^\j (^y[j ^ ^^ ratoos ratoos

hundred tho\ifand a>^^ J aj ^u^ fa~y J.-

pooloo lax'a, / -a-o A>*g fa kectee

Hunger ^^b-)) lapar, (^^b^ laparan

To fufFet hunger j\S)L ^^y^^ tiihan

lapar, ^ib^ (^^j,ri>.L\A^ menahan lapar

—To afluage hunger ^bJ (j*^U«j

powvras lapar

J A ( 139

HimgercdjUJU^ menlaplr

Hungry^^'-j^ lapar, ^b^jJ berlipar

To Hunt tj)j.j booroo

Hunted *jjA^-* membooroo—liim'

bcaft qI ^jy^-fipemboorooan

) JE






Hurly burly -a^/ gampar

Hurricane (^Lx3«J' t6fawn, J *^ (^i

cUJlj ang'in pootar baliang

Hurt, harm, Ci^::s.li>. jahat—To hurt

c:-oLm C^tJ brec fakit, /^3Lm la.'


Hufband /^LLm fawdmcc, (^^lakkee—man [•jy*iy^ cjjl orang

doofoon, c:j;I»3 cj«! orang darat

Jacal (_^0>^ cherdie, (^Oji^ jerdce

Jack, fruit in India, «xjCu nanca—jack,

to turn, ^J^|'-j'J. pootaran

Jacket t:i^lj baju

Jacob '^aS^xj Yacob

To Jag c >;;>: * '> chinchong

Jail f^j**Xj paffong, cjls^. panjara

Jailor c ^wjIj »XJ»J" (^jj^ juree toon'-

goo paffong, c*>*iL» (__^«i^. pen,-

oongoowee paubng

Jambs of a door *JCaj p^Ly tiang plntoo

To Jangle s^cXac-. chidcra

Jar xAji^ topayang—lit tie jar fJjJ


Javelin A-a-<^ lambing—To caft a ja-

velin XA^^ ?-y^^ lamboong lam-


Hufbandry, country hufbandry, (M4>wjti^Jaundice xjtjj c^oIaw fakit kotiing

doofoon, ctX/0(jj'.Jt:s::!-J careejaawn Jaw i^^_ pypee—bone /Jcl/";;^^'

toolang glggee

Ice »iLj jf ay'er bakoo

Idiom of fpeech ixjl/ &^^^ oopama


Idiot (^_)«(.Wj bodoc

Idle A>y«l ampa

lMy^«ii qIjcs::^-/ careejaawn doo-


jti diemr'-^


Hufk ^c:J»/' coolit—To hufk ^jwJ^i^


HutAJljj'trata, ^^.;^^ jooroomoom

Hymn ^UlaJLJ nianeawn

Hypocrify gjU^ joomawa,

5iAJyw>>J«-> golefoonda

Hypocrite jjU*:^ c^jl orangjoomawa,

80sj\m*aJj->' c «jI orang golefoonda

A &!k> bctta, AjUn faya, Aaaj kitta,

4j| ako, A/ycl amba—myfclf aLo

jcXaj*p kitta fmdivrec—too iuLw

, ^T^ fay'a lagce—am here ti aJ ^1

- ^>Ly»g ako la do fence


Idol «\JJI_j ber'allah

Idolater aAJ I -^ c.^5 1 orang ber'allah, c^«f

aAJI_; 5<Aj a>^<w^aa/^ «iU orang eang

mcnioomba pada ber'allah

Idolatry &X]\yi gcAj ;^Lx.*-c*>*j foom-

i baawn pada ber'allah, c^'^l/ cafirat

Jealous c «^*x^:i. chlmboroang, aJlc*j


Jealoufy (^Xcj^^x^j^j. chimb6r6anggan

To Jeer, flout, jOJo^t fmdir

Jeered j(lXamj fmdir, ^kAa*m_j berflndir

I'm (

Jering in Tport {^^jjj->'' goorooawn

Jehovah aJLsu' aUI Allah taallah

Jelly «xJoo pankah, (__^JOJ linde

Jeopardy gjLwJUM fangfara

To Jerk, pull with a jerk, *


fintak, sirs-'^finjoh, i^j^jj roon


To Jeft *jO' gooroo—in jeft (j^^U

(^Lc main main, ^jjUc^j bcrmain

To bejelled on « i*<IawjjJ berfcloroo,

B<JJw.jj berfanda

Jefter^cXJl / .^aaj » i*Xx»w^ ^/J°

berfeloroo pcnf indir

Jefus / ^**o ETa, / ^»*kj / ^aJ nabbee


140 ) • i M

To Imagine, conceive, aXLw fanca

Imagination jSXm fanca

To Imbale ^jJ^jcAaJ gundongcan

To Imbark ^ «uU naik

To Imbellifh ^JJC^>*JA,J byTccan

Imbelliflimcnts (^^jj*jj>».IjjIj pariahfan

To Imbofs (j:^t^ foojee

To Imboldch - Jl C^^J bree attcc,

(mJC«JI-*^-o membrancan

To Imbrace iwJ»»Jij poolok, ^Jv? polo

To Imbroil (^^«^aj j^l^^ haroo biroo-


ETaL5" L5-

To Jet, to walk mimically, «sJuij

AAji/J tinka lacoonea

Jew (^^tiyssi cj.l o'rang jehoodee

Jewel AJ"Le-j permSta—for the ear

Xj»^*> foobang

Jeweller «s^'U^. J*Asr*^ c^( o'rang

menjewal permata

Jews-harp ci ^sr^T*- jenjoong

If«Jl/caloo, ^j^j poon, ajla::». jcka

he comes ijl<3 «Xjti AJiAi». jeka dea

datang—you will ^^y^^ lamoon

Ignoble (^ ^Uw

fawan—of a mean extrad; <Xaa:±>. hina

Ignominy (^IcJLo malooawn

Ignorance (^C^aj c i^/coorang boodee,

AajJ^J' gclanea, JoU babal

Ignorant, unwife, (^<3*j p.j^i' coo-

rang boodcc—dull (JoIj babal

111 c:-o».l2»,jahat

To Imbroider, with fdk, ^^!U>*» foo-

1am, ^Jvvvy* menloolam—with fU-

ver or gold ^^aw^ foojee

Imbroidered, work, ^^[Juc^y^^ foojc-


Imbroidering needle ^-^^aw ^»j\s:^ ja-

room foolam—filk *-^ v*i St^jV" ^°°"

tra foolam

Imbroidcrcr /^:ii>»>Lj pen'oojee

To Imbroil (^^jj-xj «jls^ haroo biroo-


To Imitate (^Lit..^ meroopacan,

-AyJ' ^"^Uj booat gambar

Immediately AjUCg-U naftaya, -aJLjLw

Immortal ^-ljjI^ ^^^^ s'-Nv ^^^'^ kena


Immutability j^jjy togonea

Immutable tj'*j' togo

To Impair, deface, ^

i'^tij roofak

To Impart ^Li' (^jJ bree taoo

To Impale, fct on a ftake, ^^j/y^m


Td Illuminate /,i»..^vv^ iTienioolahee Impatience, ill-humour, /vwj^.j

Image (jO^li' teladan, .x^j^gambar I prangproos

teadda bang

I M ( 141 ) IM

Impudent (j^l), &S *^ mooca papan,

C.AJ dJyo mooca pcrang, Ajl/tOk


Impure, tbul, i<v^*:^ choomoor

To Impute (^^.^ membree

*i'!ti ti de dalam, <J> de—withinn

To Impeach B«c^*,y todoli, jjc^iaa^

menodoh, ^^t^LX/.^ mengadan

Impcachedo«'(^.jbcrda\va, i^^^^S^Xk^


Impeachment (Mli;«<3*j' to'doawn

Impediment -J«j^ ibocar

Imperfedl «j^ jcXaj tcda lakoo, jOiIaj'

(_^tibi. teadda jaddee

Imperfe<flIon «xj'sXa:^ chclaka

Impious man ui^/Li' «'J jcXaj" dL» c;«l

aU I 5<_>vJ o'rang cang tcda taoo ta-

coot pada allah

Im.placable /ovjs^ ,J\ attee binj

To Implore <0X« mirita

Imploy As::^_) (_^-j brce careeja

Imployed &^ij( scX^ adda careeja

Important xiyj^j bcrgoona

Importunate d^» cJ^i-8 meng'oolang Inccil «^..-c^ fombang

Inch (__^jLL. *aj ib'oojarree

To Inchant j Aj ciA.ii^b^ci.'! v booat

ho'bat pada, «xJliL»' takana

Inchanted Oj t^^. «xaaj kena ho'bat


^^'!<3 dalam, ^^'lcX;ti dcdalam

come in &J lJ^ ««jl^ mafooc la

Inacceffible /^>y«Lw Ool0> stXxJ' tcda

dilpat fampec

Inadvertency / J^' lalec

To Incamp, reil, (Jkas^-> bcrhentee

Inceifant / ^^JV' co'tallee

To Incenfe',* provoke, v^*«:s:^'jue meng'-


Incendiary / ^1 Ou « c^.' o'rang oopak



Impofiible Oolti / J *j jcXxJ' tcda bo'-

lee dapat, (^Uj s'-^j ^^'^*^ bo'Iee,

c:ol<3 5<A>J teda dapat

Impofthumc a/Ij « i*j pooroo baca,

(Jy**.jkJ bifol

Impoftor, liar, cot.*j cul o'rang bo'-


tcdaImpotent, weak, cj!4-> ir^\y


To Impoverifli, make poor, i^^jAa^Lj^


Impowered (Jo'f- wukil

Impreflion, lea!, ^ >l^», chap

To Imprifon ^^_^^Ls^^ penjdracan

Improper <>::-"tJ'l-> s Axj' teda patoot

Imprudent CT ^0> 4j bo'doc, Jub babal,

OxJotJ c -j/ coorang inggat

To incite to mirth v—^ . oofik

Inclination, afFedlion, ^^btJJwg ibo.


To Incline, addi<5V to, as bufuiefs, <!unj

oofah, Aj*.^jI< meng'oofah

Inclined to scXj a/v*) Iboca pada

To Inclofc, fence, Jij ^.::jKj booat

pag'ar— furround c «j'jL-e mcnga-

poong, a_Vj a,Vj pegga pcgga

Inclofure, tcnce, .Xj pag'ar

Incomparable ,^^-5 ..wLm, es rcXxAj tead-

da de lilma can

Incompaf?, furround, ^^vXi^lxJ^/coo-



IN ( 142 ) IN

IncompalTing (jjJ^i.icJ4/coolcclinggan ban—not indurable «3 cr^j'ti »cAaJ"

Incomprchcaliblc r^j^ ^ Vj 'ti siAxJ

^Jv>i tc'da dapat kcra kcra

Inconfulcrate, vviltul, AaJL:^:^!.-^. [j^^

dung'an fajanca

Inconilant, not firm, *J_y' 8^-\^J ^^^'^


To Incorporatc^«.jl«j fatooboo

Incorruptible AwjUj e«AAJ tcda binnafa

To Incountcrj-^by bcrtamoo

Incountering (j\s.j^\JjJ bcrtamooawn

lacourage (^pUJ-*.^ mcmbranccan

To Incrcafe ^-^j^ toombo

Increafc of the moon (^tilji». i^jijJ

yj^j boolonjaddcc befarr

Incrcafed y^^yy bcrtoombo, *^'[^JtJ

( 'i^i uultj bcrbooat booat ban'yakjlnfclicity

Incredible ixA^^.^ ^-^:'.'<^ otAxJ' tcda da-

pat pcrchaya

Incrcdidous Ajliw^j cj)/ coorang per


To Incroach .i^jlLyc mclanggar

To Incum-ber ;^Xj\aa>*i fancotcan

Incumbrance, hindrance, uij^aa*w fan


^J_^^lj' tt'da dapat de tahan

Indurcd, fufFered. (^,2k.Uoi.^ mcnahan

Induring (^LxAwh rafaawn

Induflry, care, (^IxAArsa» chintaawn

Ineftlmablc «ujlj^l C>»jlti 8<-^' tcda

dapat arganca

Inexorable ^LcAa/* olXaJ tcda mcn-


Infallible, fure, ».Xa.j' tantoo

Infamous CX:^1^ A^Lj nama jdhat,

AA-ciu huia

Infant ^01 anak

To Infc6l yA.^!)' lampar, _a.^ fampar

Infe6led, poiTefled, ciAJtA^^jankit

Infedions, as ficknefs, -a^J lampar

s il/twj foocaran

Infidelity <:^^\J cafirat

Infidel jLTcafir

Infinite ^{\/ ciical

Infirmity, paflions of man, JuLs d»»!

facl c'rang

Inflamed with anger Aij^ moorka,

_jj«j' i>::jIjLw fiing'at goofar

Indebted iJ' »^-j ber'ootang

Indeed tiij*. foongoo

Indefatigable giUJ bcAaV tcda lelah

India *o\a^ aJ'J tiina Hindoo, C^j-^J

^cXa^ ncgrce Hindoo

Indian .!_Uiii c;jt o'rang Hindoo

Inditfcrent dtXy^ fcdang

Indifcrcet (^c^j-J ^^ coorang boodec

To Induce,' fuffer, (j.==-b' tahan,

^j.i^U.A/0 menahan

Indurable ;j.i^U 0> C^o'^ dapat dc ta

To Inflift isuL^ mooat

To Inform, teach, ji^l ajar

Informer A^^ I cj»l o'rang ajooja

Infortunate AiJ\a2v cliclaka

To Infufc, inlpirc, (j,jji,lA^ menoo-


To Ingendcr «.J ».jUm fatooboo

Ingenious, wife, (^CSy-i berboodce,

Jl_> ber'ahm

ingenious, work, /^^j (^Uj booa-

taa permce—workman (^tXL> dj J

o'rang pandec


To Ingraft ^^ cambar

Ingrafted (^.x^ cambarrce

Ingratitude (j^i^b .Ij g^X-u' tc'da taoo


To Inliabit (^*vj\^ inoonoon, a-c^jIj

barooma O «ti »t^ doodooc

Inhabitant (^, «.j^-^ c.^«I orang moonoon

To Inhancc a price aJ^' ^ '^}^ n^^ik


To Inherit tx/Lw*j Cs-'jt/^J berolec

poofaca, a/1>jj^j poo/aca

Inheritance (^Lx/Lw aj poofacaawn

143 ) IN

i\J Lm teadda filla

Innumerable cilxj (<;J4J scXaJ' tt-da

bulec be'lang

To Inquire, allc, »xJo'J" tiinca, A/w.J^


Inquire diligently v_ioU ^^ iijU Aw*/^

prix'a baik baik

Inquiry (^buw./!) prix'aawn

Inquifitive, given to inquire, jilc^'U'


Inraged aLo'' c^O»'.:^^ jaddee gela,.

U>V binc'on

InhcritedA/L^j»j-jbcrpoolaca, a0^lwj*jj' Infatiablc Xisc'^ L<^y. s'-'^^J tcda bo-


Inheritcr a/Ln *j (__^ ij.:a. juree poofaca

Injoymcnt (^IjlaJ^-aj beroleawn

To Injoyn «j**.j. pcn'ooroo

Iniquity (^^l/lJ nacalan

Injundlion (^l^«^)^^ pen'oorooawn

To Injvirc, defame, gcAj a>Laa/J ui,'(«.j

booat fetena pada—hurt c:<5Lw (^j-»

bree fakit

Injury, defamation, AaxaaS fetena



Iti B cAxJ"

Injuftice >^ «i-JLijJ' /^^^^^ hookoom ter-


Inkcilvi dawat, ^jijjlt^ _il ay'erdawat

Ink-holder ^^>csL^y^ foonjat, (vwjU

CL>«lti ^A bakas ay'er dawat

Inlander Otw*j d i .( orang paflak

Inlands v^a^^ paifak

To Inlarge ^^XIm» J low'afcan

To Inlay j ij/^cora

Inlayed sm-^jJ bcrcora

Inn /JCa:^.j <v-c*^ rooma berhentee

Inner /Ju Aam ^Jlti dalam fa calee

Innocent ^^^s^ys^ choochee, bcXxaj

lee kinjang, ^Jtrs:'^ ti

teda dapat de kinjang

To Infcribc .^(ti '^ v^ foorat dalani

Infcription 5 J loh

Infenfible Ajjgf^A^ -i'^-t^ t^iAdi. merafa

Infeparable ci"vy=v c3 ^^'<^ ^O^i tcda

dapat de chcrec

To Infmuate, flatter, v^'a^«.j boojok

Infnarcd, trapped, CJ-A:i^L> biijcrat

Infnaring difcourfc ^-^j^^ 'Vy^ cham-

pa jc'rat

Iniblcnt aJu a2s. choonka

To Infpirc ;^j^jj^>l^ mcn'oorooncan,

(^ t,jy tooroon—incite ^^^1 achom

Inftant, carncft, -«.::iw[; rajing

Inftantly iJi^. (_;^yl/l.«j faciiran cncc

Inllcad of /

' JS^S gantce

To Inftigate 4^1^.. haroo

To Inftitutc « ilj tiiroo

Inftitution, cufrom, i^Ox^ addat

To Inftruc!:! ,^1 ajar—him eod t^ ^\ajar can dca

Inftrudlcd ,i*Lj ber'ajar

! M ( 144 )lit

parg'ajor—mailet 4 ijXaj pen'gooroo

Inftruding s».! ^\^ ber'ajar ajar

Inflrudion ^jlx^=ii.l ajarawii

Inftrumcnt, tool, (^^LAj pag'iwee

Infurrc6tion «sJV^ goga, jK^S dS^Sgoga gampar, g^lr^..^^ ooroohara

To latangle, as thread, KZi^t^i kooloot

Intangled ci^uj*. *_%•<> raeng'oolbot

Integrity' ^j'^^Xc ad;^a^Yn

Intcmpcrancy l-..«_^'A>o pendcfmab

To Intend .Le maoo, «xXLn ianca

Intended l::a,>*,L5 J terfafat

Intent, purpofe, a"s>Um Taja

To Interceed ^_t| 42^ (^^ breejow'ab

To Intercept u-aXaj tancap

Interceffor ^ *jo baggoam

Intcrceflion (.,Lxa^«.>J.j^ menioomba-


Intcrell, ufury, (^^j-^j^j boon'gan

Interim of time c:-i.ii.Ljj iahat

To Interline, t^j^-> ^^ ^ ^-HM^'*'^

menioorat dc tcng'a baris

To Intermeddle / J^tiU fadoolee,

i»a.^j:^Ij bachampoor

Intermiilion, from ilcknefs, Aaaj betah

To Intermit, rcil, ijij^=^^ berhentec

Intermixed )».a.,j:^Ij bachampoor

To Interpofc, flicker, c «OJUa^o me-


To Interpret, make clear, ^jJIjIaJ


Interpretation /^Jjl artec, ^jlxlj'l»J


Interpreter ^JLmj (^jk^ juree falin.

A«A/ C^^j^^jurcebafa

o Inter ^\3 tanam

To Interrupt ,^j*^>y«l; rampoos

Interval .^'lOtl/ ciidalam

To Inticc, "^^Ki boojok,


Inticing v_J»a=».*.j c_5j,:s^j boojok boo-

jok, , 5>^J (3^- ^*-*"J^^boojcc

To Intimate, by "a lign or nod, u_j;Ls:*^



yIntire, in number, l_-^>ykJ genap—not

broke <X2C^:! ^f)yi booloom pccha,

&J».j boola

Into ^^Itiii de ddlam, ^Jltil/cadalam

Intolerable ,^^jii.Uyyc , J »j o<A<iu' tdda

bolec menahan

To Intomb_^ji»j*J' ,Jyi s^-^V ^^^^ ^^*

lee menahan

To IntombjA.iiv/^i'!ti_jj^b6bodaIani


Intoxicated, with any drug, ^J^L^.


Intrails ^,lj «_» , ,*w,j ilTce proot

To Intrap (wJuGs:-'-* menjabak

Intreat aXv^ minta, <sJ»[-o pinta

Intrcaty^j^LsJCAjpintaawn, ^^ Ijia-« ^aaa^


Intricate ^Juiw*^ mifkill

To Introduce ^^^4:s:-'^j toonjoccan

To Intrude <J> «At.Ls mafooc

To Intruft, confide in, uj^lrs». harap

To Invade .Xc^ langgar, .XiJ^Lyc rn*-


In-vain, for nothing, «JL-y*» Aaaw fia fia

To Inveigh, backbvte, a^^*:^^! ujocja

JO ( nTo Invent, by handicraft, ,^jSj<JJu


Invention (^_jjul<3 dapatan

Inveteracy ^^^.l achoom

Inveterate .«^^1 achoom

Inveterated .a^H^ meng'achom

Invincible, as a man, (^JUJ. ooloo-


Inviolable aj4j sOyy' teda ber'oobah

To Inviron dAjbL* meng'apoong

Invifible (^"CJ L> sOyy' teda calcatan

To Invite to a feaft, (J*.X^. pan'gill,

(^jJoOi.^LN falahican

Invulnerable 5 *Xo beetooah, Ool/kabat

Inundation aj -jI ay'er bah

To Invocate, pray to, aa-^jj*. foomba

<\>^^AAA^ menfoomba

Inured AwjUj bedfa

) J IT

Jyis:^ ^JJJ ooroof

Inwards ^JI<J> aAjLw fabla dilam, ti Ifaac

Jot, tittle,


Journey ^^'Jl^ . perjalanan

Journey-man (^U* ci*l orangoopaawnJoy c:^J^^ daulut, a^Cos. <!Sj>m fooca

cheta, ^jljjjT^wj foocaavvn

Joyful A^U^i. a/v- fooca cheta

Joyfulnefs ^^Lx/^ foocaawn

Irkfome J\^ fooca r

Iron /^w*j befTce—mine{

5***j ^L»^

marreaw^ beflee—work"

(^**j perboatan beflce

Irreiblute ^_^il r^ bimbang attec

^Itilj badabar

Irrevocable t^jfljj «3 s^^' teda dc


Is jtXc adda, b<3^ fooda, aJ la,

(_^(_X:i^ jaddce, Xj ea

»Lj.j Ifaak


^^Ici de dalam—more inwards /^-J Illand Jaj pooloo' M I , 1 1 1 J /


••I /1 J ( • I

.^Iti lebbee dalam

Job ^jj_ Yob

Jocund Aa/.:^^ a/^mj fooca cheta

To Jog c *sr\/ goonchong

Joice -*-J'*J poti"S

To Join together ^Xyij^^>*i fambatcan

Joined c:'^^.,^ fambat

Joint of the body C^Jww C^>-\y*i

fedee fedee, ^*-»* oobong—of reed

cane, ftraw, (j^l «^1 rowas—pain in

the joints <Joi>VKw fan'gal

Joift (^ «LiLxj bangkawan

To Joke • i*j'^ bergooroo, aa^^champa

Jofeph V—t^*j Yoofoof

To Joftle ^>*)jij' takiflcl

Iflandcr Jij q.jj\ orang pooloo

Ifraelite ^Jo'^^j-j cj «I orang ifrael

Iflue CL>_A;i. cherit

It aj<3 dca,* aJ la, 51^^ fooda

Itch Jv.jU'^gatal

To Itch (JjL) gatal, ^JoU ^ bergatal

Judge *A=^ C^j^ jurree hookooni,

/ JuUI alfaki

To Judge, think, aXa>*. fanca—^givc

fentcnce ^^i^J'*:^^ hookoomcan

J bcrhookoom


Judgment, fentence, *-5*^s>. q^J^ t-'d-

taawn hookoom—feat j'y:^^^^ «.J

croofcc hookoom

Judicial, wife, J^U bcr'acal

Oo ^

Judi^cd ./i^—.,

Judgment i^^-^i

K E ( 1-16 )

Jug <^CkXJ' cundee—of flone jXji.


To Juggle, Ihew tricks, '-^j'*^ foolap

Juggler ^j'*' ijj\ orang foolap

Juice ^1 ay'cr

To Jump OiA^J loompat

Jumping ^^JXf^Ji loompatan

J\imping pole aJLT gala

Juncture of time euLxw faat

To Junket k.^X>*i fantap

Ivory ctilj' gading

Jurifdi<flion «5JCJ;L> parenta, ^1 alam

Jurifdidlion, to hold, AxJjb ^^-^^. P^"

gang parenta

Juft, vertuous, <J<A£ ddil

Juftice, judgment, /^3^^ hookoom,

/^:i:.«3*/ codjec

Juftificatlon (m^<Ac adilawn

To Juftlfy (^/^<Ac.j ber udildcan

Juftified jACjj bcr'adil

Juftly, rcafonable, (^ «^'.j^ haroos

Juftnefs ^^^<Jx adilawn

To Jut out, as a corner, d^«-j ber'-


Ja.EEL cIaaJo pantat—of a flilp c:aXo

(Jk^l/ pantat capal

Keen, fliarp, ir'^^ tajam

To Keep, take care of, ^itj" toongoo

Keeper (^gjXtjki penoonggowee—oi

cattle aJIa^/ combala

Kept «I'.vLyo mendrco

Kernel -j«.j bootir, / m.j iflee, j«^jnior

Kcttk <-^y}^j prlok

Key . rsz^.J Oijl anak coonchee

To Kick djiAJy' toondong, *^**>wL


j^;^!tAjiwglj' tafoontoawn



Kid ^*.>-y/ '^—Xj\ anak cambing

Kidney (J^ gelee

To Kill *jj,j boonoo

Killed 4J*JjJ berboonoo, /Jos.^jm^


Kiln for lime j^jW -Xj c:aa^" tampat

baccar capoor

Kind, fort, fj*AAASk. jcnis

To Kindle Xi*>^ pafTang

Kindncfs (^bcWj >-Jtjlj baik boode-

awn, ui^vycJ /-j'l attee loomboot

Kindred, family, ^J^mjI ^*\J cawum.

afal, (J^i*il afal

King &:^]j raja

Kingdom c:^::?^'; rajat, ^jLso,. Ij rajaawn.

Kingly, majcfty, / J «O doolee

To Kifs ^^S^t^yf berchoomacan,

». choomacan

choomKifs .«j>i.o v

Kifled >^^tJ bcrchoom

Kitchen ijjlti dapoor, «wJ>IXu bctak

Kitten (^_j^*/ Oul anak c6chin

Knave /Ji^aaJ l^ malcpootee, iJiiXijij

paralentee, Ajici ^aaj' tipoo daya

To Knead, as dough, q**^Ij ramas

Knee i-^^'jJ lootoot

To Kneel ^^j^^ tcloot

Knew jUtaooKnife AWJvO pefoo

To Knit cu «^aaw fcroot

Knob, bump, <wV*.jLcaj boongkook

To Knock, ftrike, Jv^'jJ poocool

Knocker of a door »^Xj ^m^m fooiboJ'pintoo



( 147

To Knot (^^jJO «.-Sr***^impoolcati

To Know any thing .Ij" taoo, 'wK-U.i

kcnak—I do not knoWiLj' g^^^ •W'-'

kitta teda taoo

Knowledge of a perfon (^IJLo kenalan

—wifdom jj./l acal, C^tWj boodec,

(j^jLyjti^ boodemawn

Known, apparent, aj'L>J niata

Knuckle (^c\a>*j (__^Jwn fedec fcdee

) L K

/ABOUR, work. A=s:: '.jLr careejj

^J 1^ u

Labourer ^jIaj « .c^ m' orang oopaawn

Lace sC>J<j]j rainda

Lace /^:swUjLn fantajee

To Lace /j^^UJUm ^j^ti c:-iXj ecat

dung'an iantajce

To Lack tjyJ coorang

Lackey /JjUw fakee

Lacking c^a/L»' tacoorang

Lad gcS vo e- t^l orang mooda, 0»lti^j


Ladder aJoLi' tan'ga

To Lade k::j\j^ mooat

Laden cL-I^Ij bamooat, ^j^y^ ber-


Lading (^|_^^ mooatan

Lady^'l; ratoo

Lake v_Ji,^w.j c:^J laoot taffik

Lamb &jy<,^Ci ^—j^'anak doomba

Lame ^-^^ timpang

To Lame ^^Xi^^' timpangcan

(^jjij<3^_> coodongcan

Lamenefs ^^jSjju^ timpanggan

To Lament ^-^^j ratap, AJl;Le mariita

Lamentation (^I;Ui mardtaawn

Lamp AaaJL) palita, ^^ )L^ lamaran

ancc Xa^J lambing

To Lanch jX^p^ hil'ir

Land i^i'tb dajat

To Land -XiJ langgar,

naik darat

Lane p-jjJ loorong

Language dUKiU bafa

To Languifh, faint, &^ lmahLank, as the hair, ^^_^kia tangly, jj::^l^


Lantern «Xo^jjJ tangeling

Lap, fold, (jmJ_^ lapis, cxxaJ lipat

Lappet c ^-'b panchong

Larboard c^J kirree

Large, big, jm*aj befarr

Lafcivious ^cXj edam, ^tXou© meng'e-


To Lafh Jb paloo, v—Aaa/ getik

Lafs fjlCi 'wijl anak dara

Laft ^jjUtiLe*/ comadean

To Laft, endure, a/Lj baca, iJ^XJ


Laft, form, (^Ijl^l achawan

Late c:A-yc^ lambat

Lattice K-^-AjiXj tinkap

Laundrefs ^(«-ye^b y*>^-cipembaffo


To Laugh B «bb tatawa

Laughter ^jljb'b tdtawaawi?

Law of God scAjUm fabda, A^sil/'agama

Law book cj )b <—>[X^ kitab taurit

Lawful, needful, ^j*^ il^ haroos

Lawn, muflin, «Sj**^/' cafta

Lawrel (j^OJj randcn

Lawyer ^[^JA^'j'

To Lav down «ib taroo

roang baggoam

L E (

Lazy /ywJLo malas

Lazyncls (^^Ld malafan

Lead JO A.^' tema etam

To Lead ^^b:. <-^:^. ecatjalan

Leader in a fong -»v«t« mamoomLeaf

^j jici dawon

League^ gowTo Leak, run quick, iXjXf^ mclcleh

Lean LTJ>/•croos

To Lean upon ^<JJl.>*i fandar

To Leap CXyeJ loompat, c:A>y«^Lye


Leap c^yyssJ Lm fa loompat

To Learn js».! ajar, ^^^LaLe meng'ajar

Learner ,:^sXj C^;^' 6rang belajar

Learning J\ j bcr'alim

Leather c:aJj/ coolit

Leave, permiffion, ^^y:^^ mohone,

/ jlJJL5 candatec, iwiJItXi^». hen-


Leaved, as a tree, (^jlti^ berdawon

Leavened bread ^{^ i_s'*J rootee


Leaves ;jij'ti dawon

Lecherous ^(_XajL« mcng'edam

Lechery ^eXj cdam

Led, conduced, JvjL." bcr'antar

Leech Oi.2sr-V! patchet, aAIjJ Untah

To Leer jL'yAJ'Lc mata carhng

Lees /J»' tai, Jjlj karoo

Leeward (^j-cl 5 «U bava ang'in

Left C_^y>o kirrce—hand (^yo (^Ju

tan'jr'an kirree—fide cC^ iSj\Mi fa-

bla kirree

Left, remained, (^JLXi tin'gal, (JJ^aj'^

bertin'gal, J<XU^ men'in'gal, 5*3

148 ) LE

(Jjju' fooda tin'gal

Leg (j*jXu betis, /Ji/cakkec—crook-

ed leg Oul:i» chapik, Cj.^j ( .Jo'

cakkee eroot

Leg of any flefli a^L» paha—of mutton

Aa^ «i3 A^Li piiha doomba

Legacy by will o**J)' j warits

Legate iwjjjj ootoofang

Legerdemain <—J^^t^^ foolap

Legion AJ't:^ joota

Lcgiflator <wJ iSr'^r^ P ^. «^ang mera-

brec ti'tah, ^yiysr^ fchcringon

Legitimate Jj-aaj '^JI anak betool

Leifure <vy*' ampa

Leifurely (^^_jj5jLj palahan

Lemon 0^-A,i»,jerooc, (j**^ lJ" «jXi»

jerooc tepis

Lemon juice i^«-A:i^ .j! ay'er jerooc

ToLend gcXj »s:'V/ pinjam pada, *s:'^^


Lender »3r*-< cL» dt.! drang eang


Length /ts:^. panjang — of time

uzjAip^J loonjoot, d^y lama

To Lengthen (^^jcsrV. panjangcan

time ^^JCjVsiJJ loonjootcan,

(jjjCji::^.. «Ly« meloojootcan

Lent, time of a religious feaft,

i^lciLcl^ ramazawn ^LxJU',; rama-


Leopard _il (^^«^-=«». harfman akar

Leper ^}Ci[f cadel

Lcpcrous ^\<^[/^ bercad^l

Leprofy ^}^^\y C-oL*. lakit cadel

Lefs Q.)Ayc^/coorang, ^^(5-!^ Icbbcc

coorang—not Icfs nor inorc jcX-m"

1. I ( 140 ) tt

( J nCxjJ ijtrS tcda coorang tedaJLifcIers ^JaOo gAjuu' tcadda edop


To Lcflen Ljyf^ bercoorang

Leffcr ^as::^CjS'S'

lebbee kcchecl

LefTon (^LxA:i».ljou pcnggajeawn

Lethargy l_>J Lw falop

Let, fufter, ^Lo bear—let it be fo _^Lu

yjfS.i aJ bear la buggetoo

Letter, character.'•Jr-


Level, even, ajI; rata—land c «3U pa-


To Level ^^^Jul-yo meratacan—a gun,

aim, jA«ye mitar, ^

^a.^' timbak

ToLevyJ v^-*A/coompool, ^'^y^^coopoolacan—an army ^^JU vy« */

c^ d; »1 coompoolcan 6rang prang

Lewd perfon iS^\j\j paralcntee

Liar aa>*j *<_X>j pendoofta

Libel, that is fcurrilous, jcX>Lm '«i^' 4>ai

foorat lindir


Lift ^_jXi! an'cat

Lifted czaJCj'^ bcr'an'cat

Light, of the day, 5:U>*i fiang—clear

clj trang — bright light AjI:^

u_> «lXj^ bcr'cdop—ciuU light ^^ULi»

lawan—^Twilight J^m si'nar

To Lighten, happen, ^J*:'.^^?'choo-

pool, (^<J!iL^jaddce

Lightened, as the day, cLv-sw-j bcr'fe-

ang—as fire /«-wj^J.r? berpaflang

Lightening uiDIajJ kekt

Lightnefs in weight j^'ji;! aring'anan

V^' * ) .L»

6\y^ {^jJLi tang an moora,

jjij^ / -j'l attcc moora

Liberality 5 1^ (^Lxjsir!^ carecjaawn

moora, (^Lci**«iy camooraawn

Liberty f^yn^KfJ lepafan—freedom from

flavery ^^ (juuO-^ mardekaawn

Licenfed, lawful, /^«^li» haroos

To Lick c:jJA^/Oi. jelat, ^j^Xa^k jelap

Licking ^^JLo». jeliipan

Lid i^ajaj tootoopan

Lie <Ww «<^ doofta

To Lie, cheat, p-K'^^J bohoong

Lieutenant 8<^v* *-^*-^^. poong'oo

loo mooda, b<3*-« aJLiU' capala


Life uj^cXj cdop, (^LxjjJsj cdopawn

Lights }^tL<»J poparoo,

baurew baurew

Lignum aloes aa/^^I/ calamba,

v-JCa^-^' I/ calambak

Like, alike, &^\mi fama—in like man^

ner ^^jju^ti demeken

To Liken A<<eLwjjJ berfama, (^j^l^lwyj

bcrfumdcan, ^^X^J-K.K>^ fcpertecan

Likenefs ;^Lx>y" AAwj fcpertcawn—form

Aj «Jroopa

Like wife 1^^ laggce, (j*j poon,

A/^joogaLilly 9 ^J'Li bakoong— of the water

^1 pj^^ bakoong ay'er

Limb AJjU-jl angauta, ^jy &j\[Xi\

angauta tooboo

Limbek i^^^-wj»/*/ coocoofan

Limber, foft, e_«v*-<J loomboot

faint AJiJ letch

Lime jjl/ capoor—a fruit O «^^^ je-

rooc—birdlime c:<j,.> pcrkat

Limit, border,< ^-aaJ' tcpec

To Limp X^^- pinchang

L I (

LlnCj cord, /^ tallcc

To Line, ciel with thin boards

^J.XyJlx;JJ felatcan—as with cloth

,^jj<»^y lapifcan

To Linger, ia bulincfs, a-\aJ Icna

Linguift «Sj*iLj C^^t4=>. juree bafa

Lining qmjJ lapis

I, o

chichah, cjIajo bank-


L5^^ AJLc mata

Load (^NJi^jLMfapecoolan, (M^f^y^UK.


To Load l:-»I**c mooat

Loadftone (^U-!j^^ batoo branec

Loaf of bread ,cyj^ rootec

Link of a chain


Linncn cloth [^}S cay'in

Linfccd /^[} (5^^^ bidjee rammce

Lintel of a door '^^JCaj cLu' ti'ang pintoo

Lion b<^LnI aflada, AjLwfinga

Lips <uJy« rjy^ bibbir mooloot

Liquid ^lia. cha}'er

Liquor _j| ay'er

To Lifp ^i^J^ gakap, jjLJI) juU

cata batclorc

To Loath, as meat, 4-s)4.2». joomoo,

(JL^ mow'al

Loathfome, dirty, *J^ cj *is. choring


iceLock /^^sJj/coonchc

To Lock ^s/LcsJ^i^ cooncheacan,

(^j/Us-' t/-) bercoonchcacan

Locuft c y,Aj billalang

To Lodge, by night, ^^UsU bamalanr»

Lodger aXIwIj c; »! orang bafm'gah

Loft, garret, Cioiij' tingkat

Lift of cloth >Jlj kcllim—as you lift,Lofty i^^J' ting'ce

*^ , J\ O^X'os^U' cahendak atteelLog, dry, <J^jj toongul — green


To Liften ^^^. intee, ^^^^XIoU meng

intcc—give ear _ccXa^" mendung'ar

Little, in quantity, crAJijcXvwj fcdck

—in magnitude ^J.ats:^-' kccheel

by little, ilovvly, (^^^^^b ^2;.:ii.^lj

p'llahan piil^han

To Live L-jjcAjedop—again dJjj}-jjiXj

^dop poolu

Livelihood |^ljtAJ*-AJ bcrolcawn

Liver aa^ limpa, ^^1 autee, (^j'aootce

Liver colour Aa^ duji warna limpa

Living u_»*<-XjJ ter'cdop, *^jJ\j(^^''J

Idgee cdop. <s_j«cXj_^ bcr'cdop.

>iUj^ berniawa

^^_jXxjlJ tabanggan

Lonefome /_J*j«m foonee

Long isf:^. panjang

To Long, wifli for, i^jJu ing'in, jOJ/


Long-pepper 1^^ tabee, /^Lcs. chi-

/^j1 attee pan-




Look, fee, uzjUJ leat

Look, caft of the fight, aj'Ls '^«=^oLw.


Looking-glafs {^A^vOi.ehcrcmcen

Loolc, not faft, c C 1«J tcr'oorev

To Loofc, let go, ^S.mj^ Icpafcan^

untie (jJO_,i « oorcycan

L O ( 151

To Lop, as a tree, «.jUU/^ menabang

Lopped x.ajU berranting

Lopping-knitc ixJl^ pcrrantin

>w_,*tiLM fddap

Lord, name of God, aXJ Lsu' taallah

God dJJ \ju aAJ I Allah taallah, ^j (^i

isJUl tuan Allah — nobleman


^,^L;«J« ooloobalan—rich man cj»

<!uLy6ranff cava—mafter ri'»J tuan

) M A

Loyns c «.a-c^J loombong—;rein3 xXju


Luck c «,>J « oontoong

To Lug AjCoi. hcla

Lukewarm dcX-y*. C^vcl ang'at fedang

To Lull V—i**) « oofik

Lump <J<>y«*J goompal—To make

into a lump ^^^jCLye»-)' goompalcan

Lunatic (•< Jcj 0»jsl-j*. lakit boolon

Lungs « )L «_^'-j piiroo paroo

To Lurk d acAa.' Li bulindon2;

ujj roojcawn, Luft, dcfire, ^^^Ju nafsoo—To lud af-

ter A>U2:>. chcta 4OJ; rlndoo

Luftrc cJLo' gelangj di^A.**/ gomc-


orang caya—mafter ^^

To Lord over ijjl*J'^ pertua

To Lofe, mlflay, pjXj clong

Lofs in trade ^^

Loft, qjXj n^yn fooda elong, f^*Ajv


Lot, chance, (^^b puree

Loth to do ,^^1 ang'an

Loud, fee, Ci^ lovvd

Love / ,->*k/ caftee, ^^btAw*/ cafteawniTo Lye, reft, »»(_Xaj" tcdore

—^T6 be in Love /^1 .aj birrahec

Love fong AA-e<^ damping

Lovely, beautiful, OoU (j^j^. paras Mace C-Ju ^j' toonkat

Lufb, defires, 4>wJiJ *wJu nafsoo nafsoo

Lufty in healthj.>-^^ foomboo

Lute /^Ls:-^' kcchiipcc

IVlACE aJ L» Ai: «-> boonga pala

balk, AaamjI;Ij parafeta

Louie:jjj3 kootoo

Low g »Ij bava

To Low, as a cow, ^jUjIj batan'go

Lowd, clear voice, djLo niaring

Lower, in ftation, (^j^ ^ cK^^-kecheel lagec

Mad (j*^::^^ «^^r^-^ S,^^ binjis, aXf-S


Low eft, undermoft, tJ^debava fa calee


Lowly, meek, aOJ; renda, s'AJ, /^''

attee renda

Loyal, trufty, cuJL*^ futia

Loyalty ^jUoo'Uw fatiaawn, ;^jt\AJ bc-


Madam (^Uj ncay

Made (^til^ jaddee, (^abs^^ mcn-

jaddce, l_;I«>.^--o membooat

Madnefs (vj^csz-V binj is, ^^ip^! AaJJUj'gclanea binjis

jMagazinc jJo*oL> bangTal

Maggot ui>^' « oolat, X=^L^ chaching

Magician ^^L>*:i^ d;jl orang hubatan

Magic i^b*.^ hobataa

Maa:iftrate c C-aa^ d 1 «I oransr mantrcc,

Y*t^ d ' *l orang bcfarr

Ma>iniiiccncv i-'bu»-' »-<b^ camooliaawn

M4 (

To Magnify (j**J^ (j**j1jI«» i^^y*^^:

beiarrcan mcng'atta.s attas

Mahomrned cX^jsr* MahumudMahommedan -.^U**j. »i^^lam— Ma-

hommedxu religion ^•^'Lmj <5-«U I

agama ifliilam

Maid Bjiti «.JijI anak dara

Majeily , Jjtidoolcc—the title 5<-Xj,«j


To Maim (^^c^iiiJ coodoongcan

Main, principal, p.jfi agoong—body

of an army c.^Kjy tooboo prang^

bJCajJIj *j^' tooboo balutantra

152 ) MA.

Management, government, 4sJu,)U pa-


Mandate aXaj" titali

Mandrake CiOi.li»J loofahhat

Mane of a horfe c *>--»o kombong

Mange, fcab, (j^ci*/ coodis

Manger ajUj (-jfL* ^•^^r-' '^"ip^t ma-

can binnatang

To Mangle, hack, c * >. '^' chinchong

Mango, fruit in India, *xL« ^)-y«l

ampullum mango

Mangoftan, fruit in India, ^jX^^SJ^


land1 f**^ <xjlj* tana bcfarr—maft

cjj'l cLy" tiang agoong

To^Maintain, affirm, bJvj.j bcrinda

Maintenance a-^-'JU balanja

Make, do, c_>l*jbooat, «jj ujUj boo-

at la, CLjIi^-^ mcmbooat

Mangy /^O./.j bercoodis

Manicles (C*ijJlj baloongoowee

Manifcft, plain, jXXi tantoo

To Manifeft ^jj Lc j trang'acan,

(^^l/«.j boocdcan

Manifcftcd «x/^jIj' tabooca

Maker A^rr'J^

(^jy^ juree carreeja'Manifefting (^LjjJ^ boocaawn

/giuU (X)).^ juree baikkee

Maiiidy ^jJCoLw fdkitan

Male, of mankind, (^^ lakkec, c^'

/ Jj^ orang lakkec

Mjlodidtion, curfe, ^J^y^ kootok

Malefactor &JLw d i»l orang fila

Malice, fccret, ^<X«c3 damdam

Malleable C^U^' ti c:^Jl<3 p U eang da-

pat de timpacc

Mallet J */^YtS! pemoocool

Mammocks JUKk>j*i sifa

Man ^;jl orang, ^i^ ?>|^l o'rang

lakkec, aawjjj'^ lindnoofia—fervant

ij>^ fakce

To Manage, govern, ^j.AxJ^iL» paren-




Manifcftly yj3 tantoo

Manifold (^>La=s. jenis

Mankind Aa^*jL« manoofia

Manner, cuilom, uuiAc c_5^'addat, ui,'<A5; addat

Manners, civility, ^jjy*i foopan

Mantle ej^.yjyLyw fclcmoot

To Manure, plough, ^>^\j6^ mcn-


Manured land Qy*i.ti doofoon

Many '^JlaJu ban'yak

Map a>Uj; peta

Marble ^ ,* marmar, -Jl »j aj'Ij batoo


March^ journey, i^^yl b^.^ perjaldnan

To March (^^l:^ jalan

MA ( 1

Marches of a country (C-CaJ (^^vy' te-

pee negree

Mare aaa.aaj st-W/ cooda betina

Margin /^axj" tepee

Manner (Jul/ 5«! awa capal, cmI

/^^^LT orang callafee

Mark, Impreffion, l-»!^ chap

ToMark ^^yicAJu'tandacan, ^0\^^jybobo tanda

Marked ^^(<_>Jj tandaee, (^IOvAA>y«


Marked 3c>JLy.j bertanda

Marketplace .«^Libaflar, (j^UIjU ba-


To Marr, fpoll, v-Juw *^ roofak

Marriage ^^^y^^^/ cawinan

Marriageable xJLj ^y.i'\ acal baleng

Marrow .j^m^^m foomfoom, OtJ'«

c^y ootak toolang

To Marry (^ *U^cawin

Marfli tSjs:-*'^ bancha

Marftiall, one that direfts a war, c^ J

c-j c:-iXoLe cL) orang eang meng'e-

cat prang

herawnMarvelled qLc^.

Marvellous /Jlr^oi^ herawnnee

Mary *J;Lc marcam

Mas, a weight for gold ufed in manyparts of India, ly^^ nias

Mafk XJy tooping

Mafon «jL> 7^ '-v. penookir batoo,

*J"Lj (^^ toocan batoo

Mafquerade AxXi tlnka, «jOsU^ri.jenaka

MafTy, folid, Ju^i kepall

Maft cLo tfang, .^^ cUj' tiang layer

»3 ) MA—topmaft ajLXLi dUi' tiang pen'ga-


Mafted dUj^j bertiang

Mafler q[^j" tuan— in complement,

highly, f^\jj tuan— in complement,

familiarly, /^:sr*^ inchec—teacher

j^^Lxj peng'ajar—owner ^jUJV» per-

tuan, Axji-yel ampoonca, ^{j

Aaj*a><I eangampoonca—head AJb'y

capala, ^Wt^j poong'ooloo—of a

houfc, owner, A'oj » AaJ^v*' oLvtuan ampoonea rooma

Mafter-piece of work ^jt\ ^jjLj^

(_^cXaj pcrbooatan orang pandee

Mat jXy' tccur

Mdtabooroong, a fmall red pea ufed in

many parts of India, for a gold

weight, c «^«.jlJ'Le matabooroong

To Match, pair, i^jS^ gooczn.—fit,

equal, (^^LoLm famacau

Mate, fellow, ^m^' tummunMaterial, needful, t^*>^ oofee, / ^^«j


Material, confiftence, ^^L£til5 kaadda-


Matrimony (^^JLj «l/ cawinan

Matter, confident, ^Lci^li" kaddaawn

—corruption, ajU nanahMattras (J*-'* metty, i^LT ciifoor

Maul, of iron, ^^yJ godam

Maw / JjJ^j *j tarn b/ysy^j *j tarn boolookec,

c «y.^ faroong

Maxim, way, <!ueLj« oopama

May, can, CX)I<^ dapat, ijy, bolee

be (__^(^li». (^yi bolee jaddee—not

iJy{ AcXxJ" teda bolee, o5*t*Q q "

M K ( 154 ) M r.

moojang'on—you may *^ /J*j bolec I To Meet together (^*>k^'lj bacampoou

Meet, convenient, c:^L) piitoot

Meeting, encountering, ^^\^'C^^lhct-


Melancholy A/jti dooca

Mayor, of a town, AJuii.-^ «iJUl/ ca-

pala mardcka

Me ajLj fayah, aXaj kitta, ^1 ako^

aa^I amba, Aaj bctta

Meadow land diib padang

Meal, flower, Civ«J loomat, i-^*r>^J


Meal, ofviduals, «s^^b*. htirooha

Mean, poor, ^^^Xw-* miflcin, ajIj papa

Mean, riches, ^j\ arta

Meaneft, of no value, ijLc;ly tcr'-


Meaning ^JJj^ artee, aaaaj^I artcne^

Means, ways, vj^iy}. perkara

Mcafels (^I^A^ylJ ciitoombooawn

Mcafurc, concave, c>v/*.wj foocat, C^-wj

fat, (^, ^.X^ ganton—^long, about a

yard, jiy gaz

To Mca(urc, as clotli, j»,{a oocoor,

(^^yij/^ oocoorcan—by a line

'j:^xA^-j bcrsi'pat (..^.JCaaa^j fipatcan

Mcafurlng line c:aaamv slpat

Mcafure,. by long mcafurc j*J»>.j


Meat, viftuals, ^j^jL)''Le macaiian

To Mediate xi'.aJI.j bcr'antara

Mediator g^lijl ^ qjA of.ang bcr'antara,

/^-cfcXAj pcndammec

Melon, water, /^->^jtA>Ls) mandekce

mufk r_5ilj5 jj^ labo frangee

Melow, ripe, Oiw^U mafak

To Melt t^-yJl an'choor

Melted ij3^JI

jj' ter'an'choor

Member, of the body, o^' AjL£jI

angauta tooboo

Memorable, wonderful, ^OJu eJOL;.

indah indah

Memorandum C^JoIj jOvsJ" tanda


Memorial ^jJoCij inggatan,

c:\Xji.j tonda inggat

Memory ^^_^\.JtJ inggatan

Men cj^l pyil orang orang

Medix.-nie ^>j oobat

To Meditate, think, Jo fik'ir

Mean, carriage, c^j; prec, «ij) Idcoo

Meek CL.'«A-cJ loomboot, gOJ^i renda

Mcckucfs j^' -*-<>J loombootan, scXJ;

.J)! renda attce

s Xij*

To Menace i.-Jt:i»,! ajok

To Mend /-JuLj baikkee

Menial fervant a>-<I amba

To Mention, relate, (^f\J.^^^ chcri-

tracan, •*)'*!»' tootoor

Alcrchandize f^jJ<yt.S\C^ daganggan

Merchant i_> Iti diigang, ij lei dulorang diigang

Mercy XjIw- fajang jj^AjLiUj fayang-

gan Ck^\j ramand

Merciful (^S\ AjLw ft) ang attce

Mercilcfs I^U mara

Merit, defert, y^^^^l^ haroos

Merry <xX^=^ «-O *«j fooca cheta, dJ'y^


MelTage (^^'-^J.JJ kirrimawn

Mi ( 1^5 ) M I

Meflcngcr tji^^j,^ fifooroo, (^!>^rj^


Mlniller *w>Axa pandtita

To Mlniftcr ^^JU])) layaace

MciTmate ^^U ^js^j tummun mican Minillration ^a>^ jabbatan

Method, means, cjlj^perkara

Miam, a weight fo-r gald, ufcd at Achec

on Sumatra, J-*^ mi'am

Middle iUu' tcng'a



indifFercnt, cOyy^i fedang

Midnight ^^L« &jl> teng'a malam-

Midwife (^<Aaj bedan

Might, power, a^IjI/ cawafa

Mighty ^jfj tcrcooat, Am\j.[/ j tcr-


Mild, meek, cj*>.^i loomboot

Milk v^*M foofoo, *.j^>jg -J I ay'cr


To Milk v>j *>*j 5 ,J pra foofoo-


.Voj;Mill tj^r^^lj' tahoonoo, j-^L^j'

rooma kiffar'an

Miller Q;Lw>i c mI orang killar'an

Million AJ't^joota, AJ' «ji». a>j«i fajoota

(VM.j'—o ?;^^^ jera manis

Mint Asz-^U A^IXUmeng'ambar balanja

Mire_^)»>^j loompoor

Mirth. See Merry

Mifbecoming <-Kj^ j^^XfJ tcda layak

Mifcarriage, abortion, •«J'o \_i[jl

anak googoor

Mifchance JUj bcla

Mifchicf (^A'=:^b>, jahatan

Mifchicf-maker ^j! v-JL'j oopak appee

Mifconftrue Aj;lJU aJU. fala meng'-


MifdccdAJU fala

Miferable ^^xxri^ hina

To make mlfcrablc ^jj LLA^a-t.^


Mifery f^jl/^^ foocaraa

Milt c»^^:. Aa^J limpajantoong, AA^JjMisfortune, to the body,, affairs

J^xsifV' limpa ktchecl I JLo bela

Mimick AJuJ" cjjl orang tinka, c^*ljTo Miflead

orang foolap


/-" antar fafat

To Mince (w^,-' irris

Ci\wjL>j -Aj'I jj ber'antar fitfat

To Millike, loath, 4^ <vra. jamoo

Mind, thought, aXa^ fanca^ 5^' kra,iToMifs a.'Ln fala, Civ*iLw fafat, j-AxJ'

/ y| attee ^'-SV'tcda kcna

To 'Mind, hear, ^iL£<_XJU> mcndnng'ar Mift d!.I awang, J I/ calana» •• 1,-1 1-v . ri • TV;r-/^_l^_ II /-'1


Mindful, diligcn-t, Aj*i* oofah, Aw.*a^


Mine Ijj'-^ maiTcaw

To Mine, dig, ^^^' l/'gdlcc, Cjt' ^^""-V


Miner / 'LVaj pengulce

Mingle )«.>Srr^champoor

MiftakcA,'L>*^ fiila

Millrefs C_^l.^' neay—dame, comple-

ments ^l^j^^ljLj (^l»j tuan param-

poan—complement, to a familiar,

a\van (_j!«!

Miftrcfs (^"IaJ neay, (mIa-a^IiLj ^M'*J

tuan paran:ipoan

M O ( 150

To Miftruft (Sj^^ cdlooec

Mite cJ. ooiat

Mitre pjC.j tiara

To Mitigate, alTwage, (j*.l^pow'as

To MixJ^^.^::^


Mixed ifcA-j-i^Lj bachampoor

Mizen maft cjjvvs^J /ixJ dang


To Mizzle, <JUoJ p-:^^ ooj^^'g looma

To Moan, grieve in ficknefs, c^lXX^


Moat C->^U par'it

Mob ->**j i^-^[j^ paralentee paflar

To Mock, jeer, « t^J^gooroo

Model (^Ijb?.! achavvan, ^J<3Xy tela


Moderate d<AA>*i fedang

Modeft P<Aa>w fedang

Modcfty ^Jj^cXAwJ fe'danggan, (mJ v^fbopan

Moiety jjIj}-^ faparo, aju" Lw fa teng'a

Moift ;^^>wjCiJ langis, (J^a^j oombal^


) M O


To Moiften ^^^SmjSSS^ me'langafcan

i^jSXycj oombalcan, t^\>**^^ baflo-


Molaflcs J.J *J yj( ay'cr toboo

Mole in the body >^—"^J *>*• foopak

beaft, vermin, v-J»jiAjj^ moondok

»*(_Xj«^ i^^jmi^J^aJ te'coos moon.

dok—hill ^jOoy* (^jA^j tamboon


To Molefl jA>w C-^T^ ^^^^ foocar,

A>*j*>ij C^T^ ^^^^ loofa

Moleftation ^j\{^m foocaran

To Mollify [^jXSy^^k^ me'loom-

bootcan, ^^K^J^X.^ me'lc'macan

Moment C>.2^U. fahat, ijCiy kotika

Momentary, vanifhing, ^_-^3:'*-^ llnjap

Monarch ^J^LL2-LKl fooltawii

Monday ^^^A.^ finneen, (^>a>*( C^jli^

Money *:i-l^ci draham, A^^?^U balanja,

i^Ciy^, moodul

Monk, rcclufe liver, aj'JjJ pertapa,

«3uly_j ^J^, orang pertapa

Monkey c^vaJ*^ mooniet

To Monopolize p-^j^ bawVong

Monfter, deformed, Aaa^^ aj« i roopa


Monftrous j^jic^J terchingon

Month ^*J*J booloon—and a half

qJaj B»ti Aij teng'a dua booloon

Monument jcXJu" tanda

Moon ^^ »J^j booloon

Morality ^TyJ^jc^^yAi kabidje'can

Morafs ajL> piiya, ajL» «sJLj' tana paya

More, in number i^^ laggce

Moreover ^^^ poon, a/^ jooga, ^^^^Aj giiU (j^ ;<^ lebbee derree pada


Morning (^j^ i^ U pagee haree

Morrow^, to-morrow, ^^t**^ e'fook

Morfel <JJoL> pang'al, JOCIjLj

fapan'gal, AjI^ rapeh, ajJ^Lj fara-


Mortal, deadly, Jv.jLw fabill

Mortality cl» «Le maoot

Mortar -».>j*>J le'fong

Mortar, lime, c:-o-j perkat

Mortify AJ«J pt'ting

Mofes AmjIJ«^ moofa

Mofquito, gnat, v_J'\^Uj niamoke^

MU ( 157 ) M V

J»*/«6'-J yamook, lJ"»^! (_<^ il'-


Mofs cir^^J loomot

Moft /pJ lebbec

Mote ifi the eye «w«Lw fampa

Moth /jjj.XaJ' g<^gas, c:aJ_^ oolat

Moth-eaten C-^J «-j ber'oolat

Mother, vulgarly, U ma—in a higher

degree iAj ibioo—of a king 5<AJj.j

boonda—in law, hufband's wife's

mother (Sjf^ ^ "^'^ tirrce—in law

father's wife (-)!».x^jJ sI^Xa,-* mintoo-

ah parampoan

Motion (Sji^ lalooee

Motionlefs, ililF with cold, or ficknefs,

AJjU kakoo

Motled 3i.JLw_ iJl/jg_» bcrfalang falang

To Move 5 J^ gra, zjS^-! bergra

Mouldinefs^J lapo, /y^Ubafee

Mould, to caft into I^'^aAJ calboot

^^Llci-I achawan

To Mould, fafhion, /^/*^j proefcc

To Moulder, decay, »3:-' I an'choor

To Mount CX:s:-V. panjat

Mountain i^^*tS goonoong

To Mourn, lament, u-0"I; ratap l-^'Lx^


Mournful, fad, a>Co^ dJ^d dooca chcta Mufic jy^j reboor


Muck, for land, <^:i».lj baja

Mudj^A^J loom poor

Mulberry i^j-'^'j-' tootoon

Mul6l, fine, s'-XJO denda

To Mul(5l (__^I(L>J(A>U} mendcndaee

To Multiply aa^' tamba


Multiplication (^fjL>^" tambaawn

(^IjtA^Ls katambaawn

Multitude (^ULj hawan

To Mumble, difguifc the voice, ijiy

tooping, M-Jy« mooning

To Mump, chew A^l^ mamaMurder jjjj boonoo, {J^jJ boo-




^Mt*-»v^•^J pemboonooawn,

ammookMurdering ^j LAj boonooawn

To Murmur jjjjj/J^ coocoorooboo

Murmuring (^Uj o »/j^ coocooroo-


Mufcle XJAi' coopang, q>a^|; ramis

Ihell »^»,f^^jf coolit coopang

of the body iS^^ PJJ^°°'"''^^ nadee

To Mufe -jii fik'ir

Muficlan, that plays with a bow,

orang kiffil(S**^ ^1

Moufe QwiXO' tccoos

Mouth ui^J*^ mooloot

Mouth of a river (^j>*^ <*-'


Mow u:j « )l:5». charroot

Much uJi^yj ban'yak—more

, ^ lebbee ban'yak—how much

ajU brapa

Mulk caftoorec — cat

indon^ caftoorec

Jljli kawala Mufkct Ju>i(AJ budded

Muflin 4W»/ cafla

Muft, is needful, (j^«;l-i>. haroos

Muftachos (^_5=s:^^ mcchcc, (j**-e^


Muftard c<.Li.U fafavce — fee

R r


y A (158(^^.LwLm / »;>-'^-:' bidjee lufavce

To Muftcr, number, ^Aaj bulang

Mufty, mouldy, /u'^b biUapo, /^>*,ljl.


Muftinefs c_^^ bafce, ajJ lapo

Mute 4,*j^j bvfoo

Muteablc, vanifhing, L;^^3:•^ liry^P

Mutiny j>s-^ gampar

Mutineer .x.^ ^J^T^ F^J^orang

bcrboot gampar, -k-^XXj pen'gam


To Mutter, grumble, ^j-^ fJ^J^cooloom cooloom

Mutton AA^jti eP''«^ dagin doomba

To Muzzle '-^'j-'^j-e ^-^vV tootoop

N E)

sdrak—confined cXa^aan foompit

Narrow path c:^x^*xn ^i^i:?» jalan

foompit—To make narrow (. vXiU^ »»1


Nafty, dirty, jyc^^ choomoor

Nation (Jo^l -.jU' cawum afal, J^*,!

afal, 4J 4J poopoo

Native, country, ajLj (^_XaJ ngree

biipa—language C^,Xaj AwjU bafa

negree—a native C^jXaJ ^wij I anak


Nativity >--iJl^ ber'anak

Natural, true, ,\,'

Nature (Juli fael

Navel Cio*i*j poofat, c:^.^^

tenda pooroot




My »j ko, «jM ako, Axj betta, AaJ 4jiNaught c^o^l^i-jahat

tW poonea betta, <1aj<u» «^J^.'s kitt'^ Nazarite ^^^JKLkkJ naflarance


jN AIL, of the body, ii'^i kookoo

ofiron iL» pakoo—fpikc i^j labang

—tack I i^wt-J pafak

Naked isrJ^lJ' talanjang—To make


jCi:s:-'^ Lj' lalanjangcan

Nakednefs ^K.-^-'Jlj" t-alanjangan

Name A^ij nama—his name AajLcU

niimanea—To name &^\J c^_> brce

niima, , ^Iaa^ ^^^jyLc'.Jj bcrnama-

can mcnamacc—What is your name

«^ j^U d.A appa nama moo

Named A-cU_>bcrnama

Nape of the neck^J^* tenko

Napkin (-jju Ki\t*i sapo tang'an

chcritraawnNarration .-vLca-'jf^

Narrow -aaj" tabbcer—ftreight ^^—JLwL^

Neap tide '^J^rsrV> y I aycr keecheel

Near, in diltance, c^jCj<JS dccat

Nearer c-^Joti C,^^' lct)bee decat, / ^-Ax^l lebbec ampir

Neareft ^1 (^aJ cU eanglebbce am-pir

Neat, fafhionable, '«—^ «Xj elok, J ^ja^


Neceffary, needful, t\j ^S^ bergoona,.

ajjS goona

Neceflaries, utenfils, aj-kn fcrba

Neceffity ^^tJ^ coorangan

Neck _^ Icher

Neck-lace (j^j ootas, f-jj^ aOiti

dada booroona;

Neck-cloth .^^j:^S.a3u pcng'ecatk'her

Need, want, citJ'coorang

Needful ^'OaXj bergoona

Needle ^* lU



( 1^9 ) N I

needle ^.«jb

Nicr^ard ,x/3 c i *' 6ran£f klk'ir

Niggardly, frugal, o^^-o». jemat

Niffh cxXjti dccat, ,a^I ampir

Night JLe malam

Nimble (j*^,XJu pantas

Nine (^JIaa^xw fambelan

Nineteen ^vw3lxJiUA.^j*, fambelan bias

Ninety (j^J^ ^JJ^>..,J*. fambelan


Ninth Q JCcv.^.»*, a/ c U eang ca fam-


Ninthly ^jJUa^j a/'^Ij /giLT'calce

eang ca fambelan

Neighbour 4.>u',>>j^l amsaya—townfmanTo Nip, with the fingers, ci-csl'V. pechit

-To thread a

'*;::>. «.:::i. choochook


Ncedlcfs (_5JvK.« 3<-Xaj teda oofee

Needy, poor, (^.Jiw^^ mifkin

Needy man ^j-c]j_^-5^ ^jj^ orang coor-


To Negledt t^y lalee, A>-<c aiepa

Negligent, carelcfs, aaa:> sO^xJ' teda


Niece ^^\y^\^ =?•»=??• choochoo pa-


To Neigh, as a horfe, uJ>bv<J" tetiakJ

i^KA^a.^ c.;»l orang fa campoon

Neither (^ ncn—this nor that (^4.AJ 1^ (__5^:^

'^^" '^"^^ "^" ^to<^

with the nails c:-o »J^ coobit—with

nippers ^^JXXJ}.u^ sapitcan, c:^1_aaa^


Nephew, by a brother, (j_,4^4jc6mon Nippers, a pair, C:-uLw fapit

•by a fifter «.jU^aw fopiiyang—cofin Nipple At^j^ (Jj-*^. P'^tul fbofoo.

i-i^ ^^^:^ choochoo lakkce

Nest iLn, saroona:

yMtfj^ a.-^ j oojong foofoo

Nit ^\'i I aLiJ telorc kootoo^jj^ &

Net, fayn, dragnet, ci^^o poocat— Nitre g «<_Xanm fandawa

net-work (^"«^y*, fcrootan No bcXaj tcda—matter ajIsLc 3^\y te-

Never jcXO' (^«j/JI/awj fa calee da meng'appa

poon teda

Neverthelefs / ^ij'J" tertapec, cmJ'^^


New » lU biiroo—new comer tjU cj«f

«rang baroo

Newly /5^ *j^J baroo enee

Newree," a parrot of the Molucas,

(_^^J loorec, iSiyJ newree

News <L) cabarT-

Next ij(t3 cU eang datang

Nib, of a bird, B«^Uparoh

To Nickname /Jii^ makkee

Noble Aw>ju bangfa

Nobleman f^^ljJt ooloobdlan, ^j;bu


Nod, fign, UL-'j^s;^ fcharat—To nod

aJLiI/u^,:^:'*'^ berfcharat capala

Noifc , <-^^J boonce, (^(jiaj«_»Li baboo-


To Noife abroad, difcovcr, ^ .AaXaJ


Noifed / ^J^jb baboonee

Noifome, rotten, i^j^jj boofooc

To Nominate / .^oUa^ mcnamae

N O (

Nominated cj^>.>u*i-j tcrfcboot

None, in number, jcX-O^M|^^l^M fa-

too peon teda

NonfenfejS'.jy^^ AJ"L/ cata cham-

1^ nen, -jj «j booloom

poor baw'oor

Nook, infidc of an angle, corner, »Juy*.


Noon (Sj^ ^^ teng'a harrcc—fore-noon iSj^Ji&Ju j}\Ci dauloo teng'a



North gjUj ootara

Nofe sijcXj cdong

Nortril ji^OupLy' Hang dongNot (^^^jcsk jang'on, b^Aaj" teda—that

J^. KJ^y. boocon etoo—it is not

KD^y boocon

Notwithrtanding ^'^j wellakin

Notable (^Lsu'Ujl/caniataawn

Notch, crack, aIaj bela—To notch,

chop, UoLj' tatac

Note, mark, gcjjj" tanda—To note,

mark, ,^^\oJJ tandacan, (M^^ltXiJ'^


Nothing ajI d iL> gtXxxJ' tcadda barang

appa, stX-y' i^»J, AjI; a>*i fa rapeh

poon teda, ^jU«*/ coomaan

To Notify ,^\J\>Xk^ menlatacan

Notorious, public, »!u''^' niata, jXXJ


Notorloufnefs ;^lju'lj'.>y niataawn

Notwithftandlng / ^l^' tctapee,

^^^• wellakin

Novice jjIj CI* I o'rangbaroo

To Nourifh 5jto pedra

Nourilher gjUX^ dL» cang memlcara

IGO ) NONouriflimcnt, food, ^^l/U macanan,

/Juijp; rczckee

Now ;^;1/Lm fi'icaran—juft now (^<Xi

taddce, C^Ai' j^U baroo taddce,

, ^Aj «jLi baroo enec

Number ^J,JiJ'.XAJ belanggan— Tonumber c-Xaj belang

Numberlefs cJUj ci Oolci stXy' teda

dapat de b^ang

Nun, any woman living reclufc,

Ajlj,j (^(«.A^U parampoan pertapa

Nunnery ^bulj'j pcrtapaawn

Nurfe, wet, (^^jju peng'oofooce

dry ^«O^ mindom

Nutmeg aJ Ij 5 *J booa pala

yj t^ hey, /^jcAc adohee—manc^i»l (^5^ hey'o'rang

Oak /_5-«^ jattee—oak tree (m-^j

/ Ji!i>. po'hone jattee

Oar c «jlti dayoong

Oath (^IjuctAM foompaawn—^To fwcar

an oath qLx^-^aj*) ^>.>^y^^ foompa

foompaawn—a falfe oath (^ljt>y«»>*,

^ A^^ foompaawn bo'hoong

Oats (J^^Lsi. charthal

Obedience ^jl-^L^ habarawn, ^j^LcOwL^


Obedient, humble, gv>Ji rcnda

To Obey, hearken to, ^lxOwL<« mcn-


To Objed iWJ banta—objecl (^LJl/


Objefted &xXj^ berbanta

Objedlion i^IxXXj bantaawn

Oblation ijLy«»wj foombayang

o r ( 161 ) O L

Obligation, covenant, / :s:-^t^ LL^*^

foorat janjce—bond ^^^a*^ /yjJ


cartas fapfee

To Oblige, perfuadc, cx>^La.>*j feafat

Obliging, civil, (^5>*i foopan

Oblique d «->^am fcrong

To Obliterate (^^Imj-a^I ampoofcan

Obfcene <!ul/«c^ do'cana

Obfcure, dark, ^j^'U galap, ^^l/ca-


Obferve, fee, ui.'UJ leat

Obitacle c:aJla»j fankot

Obftinate (^J (J>\ attee eras, «sJUU

Q>v_5^capala eras

To obftrufl, incumber, c:^J!J rabat

Obftrudion, ftoppage, iwi^>L*i fafak

To Obtain, get, C^ofOy dapat

To Offend, anger, (^^yLoU^O» dhinkc-


Occafion for, need of, ; ^^j^ oofee,

/ Jl/ calcc—how often aj I -J

Oh me y IcXj L5=hey padako,

/ ^*i «.Aj ber'oofce—no occafion for

/ "^XKJ^ 5>-Xi s'Aaj teda adda oofee

Occupation, trade, (^cXJu pandec

ToOccupy land aJIXI>L^ men'an'gala

Ocean ^m>.j cl»«^ laoot befarr

Odd jLl/gdral

Odor, perfume, AJ«ti doopa—fmell Oil L^tA,Uc minyak—To oil Ola^^^j

^^j^l bermin'jak dean— oil fruit


Ointment c:^j« oobat—fvvect c:-u

( C 4 ^^--''-J oobat babawooce

Offended aJI>*j,j ber'fala, ^JiA^ti-^


To Offer, prefent, a-«-<»ja) foomba

AA-^ej-AN.^ berfoomba ;

Offered A>w^tx>vj berfoomba

Offering ^JLs.A.~Jt^w foombaawn,

(^.'jiA^i-jj-j perfoombaawn

Office, place, As::'.J^carecja, (^Ijcsr'j'

eareejaawn, (^'Ts-r^'.yb pacareeja-

awn, oJUj pankat, (^/!>^jabbatan

Officer, of a king, a;:^!; C^jI-^L) P^-giiwee raja, Aq^I^ AJ'Lo mata raja,

4X,2».J^ «^(j^Lj fafooroo raja—bailiff

d «.JoL^y tamanggoong— meffenger

(^(«j»j*j foorooan—in chief of a

cullom-houfe I JvLjU"; fliabendar

Offspring, race, ^J<^\ afal, ^y.^^ ^ Of

anak afal


/^Jlj"brapa calcc

Oh "i „~». hev

«xjLn / -^^til adohee fava

JJU bawoo

Odoriferous, /^ij wangee, «.Ij ^^jLj

baik bawoo"

Of ^L eang, oO>j pada, (^;<^ derree..

5<-V. - i ^*^ derree pada

Oft, in funder, qjj,.*V».j pootoos

Offal t^-AM.AwJ sifa

Offence aJ (.«J lala, ^,Lc^Lm falaawn

offence, caufc of anger, ^^ laAJoLstt^



Old jaj tooah—age^iv«« oomoor—


old, man, j^j' d_i«l orang tooah

coat \^^ i^2a.U bain lama

Older 5 <u' , ^ Icbbce tooah

Ollbanvim i^^bJ lubaun

Olive, oil fruit, v^>yw 5 «.j booa min'-i


o n O V

yak, ^AA^.. jcton

Omen o,^y\ dlamat

To Omit qj>-^aaJ Icpas

Omnipotent AwjI .1/ cawafa, «v^gljl/j


On «x/ ca, ti dc, aJ la, oJy. pada—fay

on ^J AJLTcata la

One Aaw fa, jjL^j fatoo

Onion 5 a^ djb Mvang mera

Only, alone, , J! «.=>.»/' cochoalec, as^Lm


Open A/4J booca, a/*jIj' tubooca,

a/».-' -J tcrbooca—To open (^_jyb''4J


Opened, gap, aA>.2si. chela, i^^ lapang

Opium (^*^il dpheon

Opinion, religion, c:-i,Ji.x^ sifat

Opportunity, proper time, J^/Iaj^aJj

waftoo betool

Oppofcd ^»JIa^ mcliiwan

Oppofmg i^N*^' ;^,«JA.>.^ melawan lawan

Oppofitc, in ftation, c:aa^i^ dampit

Oppofition, contradl6lion, i^jj^ ^'^-

( lf>2 )

iXJU C^cXaj pandee cata, c.j.(

AJ'l/ C^OJ..» orang pandee cata

Oratory, place of prayer, Jl2; ^ langgar

Orchard, plantation, (j_j-^JLj' tanaman


wanan, (^ ije^Aj bantaawn

1^^To Opprefs, alBidl, aj.'-:^'


Oppreflcd ajIaJLj teranyaya,


Opprefl'or AjUJI

eang bcrboat anyaya

Opprcifion ^jIjijIaJI inyayaawn

Or tsj ca

To Ordain «^«ak, fooroo, aJ ^ m

roo la

Order, command, aAIaj' tita—degree of

men c:aaJu pankat—order, uniformi-

ty, jA.j\ iitor—To order, bid, 5 u>«

fooroo—order )«,jl,j ber'ator-'-7 J-

Orderly, one after another, i-w*-e X**j^

mailing maffing

Ordinance, of God, a-oIJ I agama

Ordinary, common, *i^ti*^ moong-

00 moongoo—people aJU bala

Ordure (^Ij tai

Ore, unwrought metal, (Jyyo kcpall

gold ore, rock gold, (J-aaj (j**^ mas


Orcans, mufic '^>3 kltar

Orient ]iJ timmorc

Original (^jJ^hj pohone

Ornament ^JL*JfcL»-j pariahfan

Ornamental (^>*j>dbU^ j berpariahfan

booat Orphan AJ'Uj 1. «ul anak piatoo

Ollrich (M^*J naamoon—feather «J *>

t_j».> J Lkk> xj booloo naamoon

aj^ c'-j CI»! oranc

Orange ^j^Oration j-»Lcaj.a:

y >•O^

LJ «.A2i. jerooc manis


0>'Other ^JJJ lain

Otter iJu*>*j foonting

Oval j^y c:-usw*>w foofat tclore

Oven jjj 1 «3 dapoor, aj,i *i foorna, '^::jyS/

Ui-'J^calboot rootcc


Orator ajI/L» (^j>

Over, too much, c^v«l am'at

Overcaft, as the flcy, PjIjJ bcr awang,

.'til -J berradop radop

jurcc bucata,'To Overcome a)J^ alia, aAJIjL* menii'-

ou ( 103 )

alia, ^s-A^! allacan

To Overflow , AaXj^ melelce


as a

nvcr jA-e^ lampar

Overiirown 1^1 yMJ<J bcfiirr am'at

Over-many v.:x-<l ^—«.>yo ban'yak am'at

Over-much Ovsjl <-^^J ban'yak am'at

Over-paft J^' laloo

Over-plus /^aJ lebbee, c «a^^ moom-


To Over-reach, deceive, ^^^'j.j berti-


To Overfee Ai;«.j toongoo

Ovcrfccr aj'Lc mata, (^tt^^Xj pen-

To Owe sLj'* ootang

Owed Xj'«-j bcr'ootang

Owl «J^i»j poonggo

To Own 4Xaj«-i poonea—my own .sJyo

AaJ»j kitta poonea, aaJ»j (^^cXa^

findirrce poonea

Owner, «!uy».>y«f ampoonea, (j[y~J, per-

tuan—ofafhlp J^jLTaaJv^^I am-

poonea cdpal

Ox tx^J lemboo

Oyfter ^jj tirram—fhcll j,jJ oJ*/coolit tirram, ^

j" /^*j.>y*, fcfce


congoowee, «nJJiL» xX>u cIj tang'

pcgang parcnta, ^iy (^^^ia. juree IT ACE, ftep, aXx^i^ janca, aXo^ Aj*.

fa jancatoongoo

Overfight, error, tv''osw fala

Over-fprcad jjjI^ tcboor

Overtake, furprifc, c^va^>*j fumpat

To Overthrow fj«^ bcrrooboo

To Overturn ^

i} Lj balik

To Over-whclm v-_^^j bantok

Ought CL.'jjLi patoot

Our A-y *J / ^-«'i^ camee poonea, Aaajs

*u.J4j kitta poonea, 4XaJ«j aaj betta

poonea, (^^'^ camee

Out^I J looar, jKL)}^ dclooar

Out-cry, to fell goods, cJIaJ Iclang

Outermoft / JUamj il*-ljti dclooar

fa Ciilcc

Outlaiidifh i^jjl affing

Out-layer to a fmall boat kjo robing

Outrageous jjLc mara

Outward_^l<J c_^j<^ derree looar

To Out-wit ^ vjvt>JJ" tmdis, *A>iJ,.J bcr-


To Pace, as a horfc, f^y^S^ Iigas,

f^yjS^hX^ mcligas

To Pacify /^tibbadammec, / ^OJL»

(^ mendammec can

Pack, bundle, i^^xjtj booncoos—ToPack (^jJLwj*xJij booncoofcan

Packer c *<J^>o c:OCoij peng'ecat gun-


Paddle, fmall oar, cajIju pang;iyoong

Padlock / s:-'^/ coonchcc

Page, a boy, *-J'(.Wj boodak—of a book


Pail, to draw u}> water, jjl <\A.yJ' (v^'b

bakas timba ay'cr

Pain, ficknefs, c:-vi'Lw fakit, (j^AjLsw

flkitan—fmart ajAj padiii

Pains, trouble, (^,^1/^*^ foocaran

Painful, troublelbme, J^k>m foocar

Paint i\Ji • Avarna—To paint, landfcapc^

J».j toolis, - -jwj'*-' lookis


radilc, garden of plcallirc, aJ S^^Jj^

(^yiy*»j coobong ca foocaran—bird of

p'liadifc (^. o.*M 9- ^jyi booroong foo-

pan, aj l^ti Cj MJ booroong dcwata

])).To Paraph rafe, expound, jm-X^JsJL^


To Parboil aJOUo >~—iL»*iLe miifakmantah

Parcel /w^tXJjj booncoos

To Parch ,^^ c^ klrring can

Parchment ^0)vy^ c^J^' coolit mc-


Pardon ^—oo© maaf, ^^^J^a^I ampoo-

nan—To pardon ^—«Lx-c ;^«-^-e' '^"^'

poon maaf—To alk pardon &.'k^

Qj-y«l niinta ampoon—To receive

pardon ^—«ijuc i <J ^'^. berolee maaf

To Pare with a knife cj^^-y ranchong

Parent Xjv^» '^—>^-^' nenek moyang

PA ( iGl

Painter (j>a.I^j pcnoolis—of landfcapc

/ ijj^J^j CI «I 6ran2 berlookis

Pair, couple, »/ goo, «./'.^ fagoo

To pair i^j/«J' goocan

Palate of the mouth uu^Jvs» ^->i

lang'it mooioot— next the throat

9<A>J v_Jul inak leda

Pale, wan in body, Ov:^*j poochat

To Pale in ;jJ^L».yJ bcrpagar

Palace aJIJLv^I allana, (j>JwOs.U> maje-

lis—king's palace a:^..'; ajLaam! aitana


Palm, fpan, <J^.Xa.:s» jancal—palm of

the hand ^jju' > «ub' tapak tang'an

Palm-funday L--\j*>.Ai*J I ajI; C^^l^ har-

ree raya elfabafib

Palmiftry civXjli faicat, pcXj J»XLn(^ij' fangol pada tang'an

Pahy 5«A<«*J loompoh, gvyc^J c:oL^ Parifh ^kA^ campoan

Pan, of iron, /^'«u cawallcc—of Park ccJjJj kcudang

earth aXj^^Ij bilanga Parrot of the Moluccas i^jJ looree

Pancake d«.AAJ'_^ti!(^ dadar tcpcong, Parricide ajU »j4x^ pemboonoo bapa

Parfnips aIXmjJ'/ jj oobi cartella

To Part, Iharc, divide, t^^jJl^SLf bagca-

can—feparate ^^J,sLn fakoocan

Partaker iM-r-"tiunmun, i^j^j^ batum-

mun, AaJ Ujt Lj bageavvnnea

Parting (__^jA:i..(__^->v:5i.lj bacherce chcrce

Partition, cOJei dinding, aju <3 c(_)J«3

gtil.l awada

Pander ^—^<JJS cundak

Pangs,ofdcath,A>*>^ljbalifa, a>**-JIXLc


Pannier, hamper, aSlj raga

To Pant (jjvj^L^ harroos

Panther fj^^jjLi^ hariman

Pantry (^'yUo (^_jrS-'*' ^--V^J tampat

iimpan macanan

Pap, of Flower, J *.Juy' coontool

Paper q»*-''-^ car'tas

Paps, brcaft, jvk^4j*i foofoo

Parable A^ . oopama, (__^cXjI andee

Paradiic, Heaven, ^^Jjj^ foorga—pa-

dindiiig de tcng'a

Partner ,^^j^ tummun— in trade

aj\Xa>*. fccoota

Partridge^ ,.^ c «jaj boorong fofo

Parts, fharcs, j^^J'b i_^ b biigee ba-


To Pafs by a place *<v«^ lampoo


awav, by, *J^ laloo

Paffage, voyage to fea, (^jSJu^ tam-

panggan—way Q^'b^jalan

Paflion, ralhncfs, 5*j*-> gopoh

Paflionate, rafli, g 4J c/lgopoh

Paffions, of man, c^«( ^JoU lacl orang

Paflport (vk*A>J ui^jAJ*» Iborat lepas,

Q«di^ i^i^ foorat mo'hone

Part, gone, ^J ^ laloo, ^y*J^ Icpas

Pailc, glue, &jU gatah—dough t^^^tepoong—To pafte i^yS^\3^ gatah-

can—-join together <ivi oobong,

^yjAJt^ meng'oobong

Paftime ^jJjL* mainan

Pallor «V.' [>..,_) combdia

Pafture, ground, ctiL» padang

To Pafture, graze, (^J^'U^J comba-

IO5 ) PE

(^j«J»A^j tamboolookec—paunch-

belly jM*Aj <^AyJ, proot bcfarr

To Paufe, rell, /JCLii^.j bcrhentec

Paw (JU cakkce

To Paw, as a beaft, Jjlrs» chakar

Pawn (^^tiU^gadee

To Pawn i^^JotiLXi,^ mcn'gadccan

Pay, wages, aj* oopa, ^Lxj. oopaawn


To Pay yj[j bavar

Pay-mafler (^ )l<A>o bandarree

Peace (^^^^d dammec, jj^Lstx^vi^ ber-

damriieawn — To make peace

(_^ti (j^poi^iljsr*^ menjaddeccan


Peaceable, at peace, /^i3_; bcrdam-


Peaceably, without noife, ^d *JtiU

badiem diem

Peace-maker /^tilj (_^_;ci».juree bit-Patch J^^tampal—To patch ^^jSX^'j

tampalcan, ^jJCLs^"-j bertampalcan dammeePatcher tJ>.A..^J«-« djjl o'rang men'ampali Peacock v—V;'-s> marak

Patent aXO' ^cj^i^ foorat dtah, J» ly Peahen a^LmIj lJ^^U marak bctina

:s:-'*j poonchakcaw'ool

Path ^^^'Ux jalan, c:-uoy*g sipat

Patience / J>"l -jl^chabar attce, i*jUw


Patient, meek,



Patrimony a/Lk)*j poofaca

Patron, defender, , ^«cXLU^ melin

UIJ^Aa*>**y C_5^'attee

»-cjLi bathrik


Pattern (^<^J^/


tcladan—form jj«


Pavillion >k^^'U^ calambo-* •

Paunch u-»*^ / c*>*j ilTee proot;

Peak, of land.


Pearl g^Lj»^ mootiara — mother of

pear sjLu'^ cjJCu indong moo-


Peafant (-,«.*« «t3 doofbon

Peafe ^i^li kachang

To Peck as a bird i.:i>o b pagoot

Pecool <J *JCo a Malay weight contain-

ing igsl. 5oz, pdw. logr. Avoidu-


Peculiar, of one onlv, a^! ala

Pede-ftal ^^ lapik

Pedigree ^y^n\ afal

' T t


Pccl, rind, (j^Jj- '-^


To Peel i^^j^ coolittec, ^^jS ^^{coopafcaa

To Peep i^J^, intce

Pecvifli ^^P^jLs*^. pangchlnggan

Peg of wood "^ii^jj tarboot, OuvU pa


Pellet ^^i*iAJ peloroo

Pen ;»Ai kullum—pound for beafts

ccAXs kcndang

Pendant JkXJ*J' toon'gal—pendant,

ear-ring, *ajI anting

To Penetrate, bore, v-J»j o^gorck

Penrknife >-Ij ^ t,::s:h jt^jo pefoo ran-

choonii kullum

( 160 )

/ coolit coo-'To Perform, make, e^Lj booat— a

promifc /^3=^t^ (^«jjj pootoos


Performed tol^^x.^ mcmbooat

Perfume ^^ ilis. harom—bv fmoak aj «ti

doopa, SrM^^ oocoop—perfume pot

(j_^j^/. oocoopan

To Perfume ^^y^L>«(3 doopacan,

(^^JCj»/» oocoopcan

PerhapsjU ajUaw fiappa taoo

Peril, difficulty, ^jJlJiw*^ mifkilan

Perilous jj.juw^ mifkil

Period ijL^JJ zemawn— of youth

jcW^ o'-rr^J zemawn mooda—of

age gl*j t^^^j zemawn tooah—end

^jjLi:«3»Mj ibodaawn

Pent-houfc ^^^ye^Lw farambec

Penury ^^^i ^3 coorangan

People AJij 'Uo mara&a— multitude

c:ajI 1 ravat

-w hite (^y. »oO'

Pcnfive, dcjedcd, ^ 'sjy* moorong,To Perifli Awg Uj binnafu, i_JLj*; roo-

a/*(^ dooca fak

Perifhablc AnwUj cIj cang binnafa

pcrifliable aj'L» baca

Perjured AJCwajti A>y«j.*w cU eang foom-

pa doofta

Pcijury AXsM.ti s^xj^^y*) foompaawn

doofta, c «.^J ;j_)ljL>yc*>*i foompaawn

bohoong, QLxvyejAM as:^. pecha


Periwinkle «LsurV^ kechaw

To Permit I Uj bear

Permiffion, liberty, q»^^^ mohonc

permiffion, grant, J , .1/ caw'ool

(^Le^J fermawn

Perpetual ^Jo'^lJ^ciical

To Perpetuate (^;JvAAXl<«mcncacalcart

To Perplex, torment, ^^\.M<C^^ fix'-


Perplexity, torment, Asw-C« ilx'a

Pepper -iSi lada

lada pootcc

Peradvrntxire, perhaps, «'J AjUwj siap-

pa taoo

To Perceive, fee, ^.ii^UJ Icat, '>,::jLALy«


To Perch, as a bird, ^tx^^s. chan'king

Perdition ;^lji>w«j roofakawn — de-

ftrutltion, (^,L3L,Uj biunafaawn

Perfc6l ^^^-vXJ^ lancap

To Pcrfed: ^jjC>XjJ lancapcan— pcr-

icdi, viprlght man, 5 A:i>.lwj fijatra

Perfection ^jUXiJ lancapawn

Perfidious t'vjl^«ii dooraka



P H (

Perquifites (zy^y- (Lf-J-i^'oongan


To Perfecutc, afflict, AjLy! ui/f *j booat

(^LatjUjI anyayaawn

[^ ! -aaw « oofirawn

Perlecutor ,-*jai « (__^^<i».jurcc oolir, cj«l

Ajltyl '^'*^T^ '^'v."rang cang bcr-

booat anyaya

To Perfevere, remain firm, «J^ togo

Perfia /j^j^Lj (_^_.Co negree parfce

To PcrdkjJ^-J togo

Perfon cj » ( cjrang

Pcrfonable aJ! -jcXxwj fcdcrana

To Pcrfwade, intrcat, \^^^{a^ muhonc

Perfwaded j^lj«-o meng'iijar

Perfwalion, opinion, c^ajL^wj sii'dt

Pert, nimble, (jjvJCaj pantas

Pertinent '^:ijjj[j patoo'., ^^

ij^ kiyak.

Pcrverfe ^j^^rs;-^ binjis

Pcrverfion J^ lalim

Pervert '^j pootar—To pervert the

fenfe of a word JJ lalim

Pcrverter J J c;jl orang lalim

To Pefter l::JL^ fankot

167 ) PI

Philofopher ^«,»5>*j ^Xaj philofoof, ^jd»


Philofopliy ^jC^A^ii.l/j'cargaja hakim

Phylician l^ajIJ tubcib

Phyfic cUj « oobat

Phyllognomy &j ,^i roopa

To Pick out, as of a hole, i^jjjj p-^r^

choong kilcan—To pick, a> bird-,

ejO L» pagoot, v__Ju'L> patok—and

choofe / Aj pillce

Pick-axe /^JliUj pan'giilce

Picker ^JijLi.*r:v.choongkil

Pickle ^^L> _jl ay'cr garam—Tu pickle

Peftilence >.,>w fampar, >-yc^ OoLwfakit lampar

Pcftle J( aloo, c^xKyJ_yi aloo Icfong

Petition ^IxXX^j^^'jj^ fooratpcmin-


Pctees, fmall coin, />j^>Juu petecs

Petty-coat (^^J tappcc

Pharifcc ,m«^ ili Pharifoii

Phenix uiJ^.tiU nadirat

Philiftinc ^J4A^yLJi''j falAsathion

«tijj bodoo

Pitlurc, landfcape, (ms>*>jJ*.j toolifan,

^^jjjjwojJ iookifan— of men -jXr-^


Piece, bit, (JOJo pan'gal, dj^j rapcli,

<La-o kcping— To piece, patch,

i^jJ^^LvyJ' tampalcan

Pic-bald ^ V.>^ P^ '-^ balang foopak

Piety (M^<3l adilawn

Pigeon / JuL-<mcrapattec, ji4ti _p «uj-v. -ij^- —

Lg lilroong mcra-

booroong dura—wild /g-'v'. pt>nay-

Cs"^.y ^^J'houfe


Pike v-_iA-o*J' toombak—man c^»I

M,UUuJ'^ orang pertekiimawn

Pile ^j 5-s-J' tamboon—To pile, heap,

(^jJJ«Ay> tambooncan



To Pilfer, Ileal, {^jy^^ menchoorec

Pilgrim ^^«Ai^hodjee, i«j( d^l orang


Pilgrimage (^_^i^t>i^ *—•V'-'

'^'''^^ hodjee

,.,«.A^y,j bcrtamboon, (C^yXi,.i

PI ( lG8 )

Pill 4 i^JUu pcloroo, Jy_ bootir

Pillage i^y^^^^j rampalan, <Ji.>^jj


Pillar cLy'tiang

Pillory^JUjj^iy Ij «biiloongoo tcnko

Pillow JJiUj bantal

Pillowbler J^^j c ii^Iaw faroong bantal

Pilot ^U» malim

Pimple ijJi^tj raftoong, ^(S^ iS**^'^^

bilbl lada

Pin «JLjiy J ^.^b».jaroom bercapala

To pin ^jjCcj^Li^jaroomcan

Pinacle ^^y±.^/^tj boomboongan

Pinchers, pair of, c:-oIkm fipit

To Pinch, with pinchers, ^^^CjUm ft-


To Pine after «OJ i rindoo,-• —



Pine-apple qwJUI anfinas

To Pinion a man ^S^j «3 (^jJu" c:-iXj

ccat tang'an de blacan

Pioneer v_>jy^. pcnggorek

Pious Jt^l adil

Pipe, mufical pipe, ^^^^^m^SX) banx'i—

for tobacco .vV=b. chillirfi, ^jJjiiUjL»

pamadootan, ui^jti^i*j poongoodoot

—gutter, for water, ^^JlJ=s^. pen-


Piper (^_^mjJL;.j d;^I orang banx'i, 6jj]

,^>wX»wJ v_' 4-0' orang tiop banx'i

Pipkin ^jJjJ pr^ok

Piracy i^/Ola,^_; roompak can

Pirate Ou-«« 1 c;jl o'rang roompak-

fhip "wJLy« «^ Jk»L> capal roompak


P L'

ay'er fence—To pifs Xs:-^ kinching

i^j^j^ jj} i[^j booang ay'or fence

Pit, hole, i,jj} loobang

Pitch, raw, «.jL» ^^Iti damar batoo

^> 77.

boiled aJU aJU' g^la gala

To Pitch AJLrAJL/'i^c^3_^>*J^ laboor

dung'an gala g.lla

To Pitch, fct up, CxXj ccat—houfc

«3uo«j CXSG ecat rooma

Pitcher ij^ boyang

Pit- fall, to catch wild beads, (^^^^'U


Pith of a tree jJaj pooloor

Pittance, fliare, ^jU/Lj bagcawn

To Pity )LiXj*> fayang, ^js/LxjLkn f'l-

yangacan, «A^^l; rahmad

Aaa:^* Place t-^A^J tampat—office (^jSj^:^^


To Place, fct, »j[j taroo—before, be-

tween IiUJLj «itj' taroo ber'antaray ; ^

Pifmlre cj^yX»w

in order _^jtj!-j ^j\j taroo ber'ator

Place, inftead of, / Jlj gantce

Plague j\j<^] lampar, ^Ia^ (^xxi'L*.

liikitan lampar, ajI-a^ chcrana

Plain, fmooth, d3\j rata

Plainncfs, in garb, j^^tXyw fcdangan

Plaiftcr, falvc, cxjj oobat

Plalftcr ^^Kit^ cJ^-S-'t'^rnpal bcr'oo-


Plaifter, as a wall, ^ajJ laboor

Plane, tool, ^Jl.^Blj'U' catamawn

;^L:^U pahat, ^j^j^Aj nejis

To Plane, as a board, ,^jjC«UV catam-

can, ^JJo*».3:t^•' ncjifcan

Planet c,;;'-:^». jarat

Pifs «^*^Tj'^y''^'^

kinching, /5-*-*^ rjj Plank (joL» papan

P o ( if'O ) P o

Plant ^jL^lj' tanamawn

To Plant *JlJ' tanam, ^^-«•ry* men-

anam—trees Q*^^. *J^ tanam p6


Plaintain, fruit, X>j*aj pefang

Plantation (^I^Li' tanamawn

Planter »j1.aa^ orang meniinam

^"u (Sj^ jurce tanam

To Plait, braid, cxto belit—mat,

,Xu' CxAaj belit tccurJ .. ...

Plate, of any metal, jA-o^ chcper

To Plate, cover over, * Ci'^J tatak

Play, merry fport, ^^.Lc main, ^^jJoLelj

pamalnan—gaming (^City^ joodec

To Play, make fport, ^^L* main—ftage play Xj'j wayang, ^jJji/JLjo^

{•j^}^ r> mcnantanggan bcrmaln

Player ,^L»-j (^.i». jurce bermain jPlummct ijul anting— to found the

Play-fcUow ^jjUi tj>v^'tummun mainl depth <xj 4J 4J'Lj batoo 16ga

To Plead, in law, ^'*--V baggoam , Plump, round, ^l-*J«j boontar

<5ueL>*j fcmoo daya fama fama, «xilit^^

a^Um a^Uj dooraka fama fama '

Plotter &j]Cij.^,*, cj»l orang femoo


Plow ^J[xXJ tangala, ^j*.^>y«l empu«,

(JjAAia. changool —• Ihare *>Ij

najam —tail «JUjj nangali—manaJIXUj pen'an'gala, Qw^-ye' PJ^'

6rang empus

To Plow dj LXa-v« men'an'gala, /^>y«l ,j

ber'empus, /JL-T galee

Pluck, pull, *—*J^lJ' tarik—off cjy^'i

bantoon — up, out, ui^L:^ cha-


Plum aJ 4J boolo, QwJ «^Lp >Uj boolo


Plum antmgcan

Pleader, at law, -«U^V ^^' '^^^"g


Pleafant, good humoured, / ^^j; rimee

Pleafantncfs, good humoiir, (5-«'^ To Plunge, walh, (^<jj^ mandee

Plunder i^^Mj.j^\j rampafan, ^•HaAjbonlaco

To Plunder (j**.k^[j rampas


ToPleafe, fatisfy, J^jb'' ciibool

Pleafing, grateful, «.^..^aj pcnoojoo

acceptable ^^-Jy^^ fcdap

Plcafure, will, /'j\l>J>/ candatee,

v-J»lcXA2fc hcndak

Pledge (^0>'-> gadcc

Pledget, for a wound iOj) ;^/I^a-c*>x

foomboo iican looca

Plentiful *^A<o ban'yak

Pliant CJ»-j.-oJ luoniboot

To Plot, rebellion, *yXkn c\^L*. 4."u!(3

Pocket c^Jvj *^J poondec

Pod, as of pcal'e, ci^UJ^ coolit

Poem (MvCib pantoon

Poet (^^b,J dt«l orang berpantoon

Point, end, c*.:^.-* oojong — tittle

cVo*j nockta—of the compafs (w-^L»

(j^l 4:s:-'*j biiris toonjoo ang'in, ajUo


To Point, fhew, 4^j ^" toonjoo

To Poifc, weigh, A>^' timbang

Poifon, of any dreg, 9-j=^^j rachoong

—of a fnake, any creature, venom»

P o ( 170 ) P o

<>uijjo bifa

To Poilbn ^j^^J C)^^^ (SjJ*. ^^'^^

macan rachoong — countcr-poifon

jK^Xj^ panuwar

Poifoncd dagger «."UwwAJ (j**J.j^ crcis bifa

To Poke out f^jjlxtj:::^ choongkilcan

Poker JJii^ choongkil

Pole, fpar, aJLT gala — ftaff cxiu^'

toonkat, Saj t6cam—ofthe heavens

jCiU nadir — cat ^^j-« moofang

Policy jyi acal

Politic J^U ber'acal

To Polifh tjjJ^ goopan, ^j^s^J lechin

To Pollute ^^ !^-t*^choomooracan


.jj' It^ *^'-' biichoomooracan

Pomegranate ..v^^djOy 5 ^j booa delema

Pommel of a fword u:j JL*. falot

I bane rooma booloo, J «j «x^ • 1 roo-

ma booloo

Pork / 5-^J i:^'^ dagin babbce

Porpus /V!J<^do'yang, «x^-ejJ «S-^-*y

loomba loomba

Port, larboard, ^j klrrec—fca port,

anchoring place, i^^jJ^ labo'an

town^Jjj bundar

Portcullis ;^_j.>JJ-j per'ancapan

Porter, door keeper, ».>li.j _^iy ^ «^jurrec toong'oo pintoo—carrier of

burdens <i**N • cjjl orang oofoong,

C.4WJOU peng'oofoong—letter carrier

<::jj^ 5j'^S-« PJ •' o'rang mcmbava


Porter's cord i^j^OJUw fandangan

L^v''-'*' l^**^t! Port-hole oJiJ. rinkit

-^. I

' •••

Pomp, llatc, i^lJj^i^ camooliawn Portion, Ihare, ^^^juSIj bagcawn

Portmantlc ^jo*i^L> galafanPompous aaJ^I/ ciimoolia

Pond aS^ talaga, Jji kolam' Portugueze ^^XjJ p.j*\ orang fran'gec

c . 1»/ cooroong—fiih pond dj^^^ Pofitive fj**j I O'V»' to'go attas

,^Xj| cooroong tcan

Pond-f.ih ^Ji ^Sj ccan kolani

To Ponder JH fik'ir

Ponderous ojI-j brat

Poniard (j^P'crcis

Poop of a Ihip (Juj/ {^'^Jj-!booritan


Poor cvfj; ^^y^"*^ mifkin papa — lean

(yw»,y croos — poor man 6jj\

(^Jl>«^ orang mifkin

Populous c^i.l vJ^. poonoo orang

Porch / ^j^iLn iarambce, ^,^I-*[JJCaj


Porcupine ^__^sXj-^ landak

Pores of the body Jjj Ah) tj XJ^i loo-

<^j^"J--To Poflefs, enjoy, ts^'-J pakce,


Poflcffion (mIxa.*«-aj bero'lcawn

Poffible c:AjIti dapat, tjy, /J^'-j*.

fabo'lce bo'lee* "


Poft ooij*.j toonkat, cty" tfang—


door port ^Uj c Uu" tiang pintoo

To ride poft J^c*^ menoongool

poft-hafte Ovju • J ^ J' terlaloo bang'at

Pofterity Jo^l afal

Pofture (_<^-j prcc

Pot, a little water pot, i_C,j»J gooree

Potatoe (J^^s::^-' i^^ ooby kcchcel

Potent, powerful, a^I.I/ cawafa,

A^'«l/^ bercawitfa—ftrong, kl}\»,{

P u (

cooat, Aawlj' gaja

Pottage, broth, a^i»^ ko'lia

/ ^^^ proofec prlok,Potter"^Ji ^j--

171 ) P n

iPrecious, coftly, ^j^JT gar'lb, aJj

ber'arga—flonc AJ'Lcj permata

Precipitately SrV'^ charap

To Predeftinate, defign, «jL» puyoo

Preckftinated o-o*(U,j terfafatX

*—-*>!-:! (^<-X^. pandec priok

Pouch (^|^j.«j^lj galdlan

Poverty j^^^Joouw^ niiiTcinan, ajLj papa'Prcfacc qL»-))»^ moolay'awn

Pound weight Englilh (»*jJol , Jl/.To Prefer c^^tJaSw joonjoong

catee en'grces—pound, pen, "« ,a>a)jPregnant ^.iJJ bunting

feroo, ^^y^«_Ajw fcroocan iPrejudice, hindrance, c:-Ji,

To Pour out, as tears, ^10^*^ choo-


Powder, gunpowder, c_)o<-V buddeel

Power, might, «suKiljlJ^cawafa

Powerful A>*il«l/^ bercawafa


Powerful work (j^jIjumI .1/ cuwafaawn


To Premeditate ^ a^ jJ^j fik'ir dauloo

Preparation (^l^tiba. hadirawn

To Prepare, make ready, -JtiLi. hadir#

^^y^jjtiLa*. hadlrcan, ^^^JJCvJCw v*


Prerogative, of a king, Aii.fj (^(ju*)f«b^

Pra<Sice, ufe, a^Uj beafa—To practice,! cawafaawn raja

try, «V»3w. cho'ba

Practitioner tU».^». c^i«l o'rang cho'ba

Pragmatical O'L^li" kachak


Praifcs ^;La^».

To Prate, fooliftily, tjy^ cho'ra

Prater ^j*^ cho'ra, i'y^i s'AaJ leda

panjang—bablerjAaJ" ej J«^ moo-

loot gangoo

Prawn c.«3* oodans;

ics ^jLajsj^ poojeawn

To Prcfagc c *j'J tanoong, <i*jU^ ber-

tanoong, ^J-^-^ fan'gol

In Prefence of (^ItAc adddpan

e;*:^^ hormat, ^^::^^rJ poojee Prefent, offering of refped, ^\ju^^^uperfoombaawn—To prefent &./^k>*,-j

perfoomba, A>-.e«j*i foomba—prefent,

before one's face, ;M-»tcXc addapan

prefent time /J^oLx^g fahat enec,

t^, <!uijy «J ko'tikii enee

Prcfcrvation f^\^Ss.y toon'gooawn

To Pray, worftiip, &j^yt. foomba, Pre ferve, keep fafc, *3o*J' toon'goo

eu^^A^vA^ mcnfoomba

Prayer j »ti doa—a place ofprayer j>-£-^


To Preach g-)0.>e2w chcritra

Preacher aaji-X^j pandcta, .Let im'am

Precaution ,^^V.j5jCo. pantanggan

To Precede, go foremoll, J. I ti i^t:^pegcc dauloo

Precind «.O^Jt'-J parenta

Preferver, keeper fafc, j-^v» (^S ' ^^*'

juree toon'goo

Prefident J^*j poong'ooloo

Prcfs (^jJu! cipitan—To prcfs out ijJCuI

apitcan, OobL* meng'apit

To Prcfume, dare, /^J'-j branee

Prefumptuous , <JUj brducc

Pretence, deceit, «>^'tipoo, 3cXj\>**a.'*J'


PH ( 172 ) e«

To Pretend, diflcmblc, ^j^} 42». choolas pat melindoong

Pretty »-JijU (j*^j^. paras bdik Privy-houfe ^^^2». jamban

To Prevail, gain, >-^V« fnenang

To Prevent, hinder, j^jjj' to'goor

Prey, booty, ^j^Ly*; rampafan

Price &S, hirga


To Proceed, out of, _^IJl/ calooar,


Proceeded (_^til:s^ menjaddce,

J^A^jj bertimbool

To Proclaim, a law, eCUj (j/)\ji[Sji^

meng'calooarcan titah

Proclaimcr jjt*, j^^jf 9-)^ o'rang

berfaroo iaroo

Proclamation, ordinance, «sJCu" '-ii'^*>*j

fborat titah

Procreation (^UbL* meng'anakan

Prodor ^U-V baggoam

Procurator, one empowered, Jo*.j'«/1 • 1


To Prick


Prickle, thorn, (S)^^ dooree

Pride, of mind, «xju*^ choonka

To Pry into, liften, (^^. intee

Prieft<sJ^moola,^C«lim'am, (^'-^chalce

Primitive <!u«lj"^partama, (_^^j^Cj^^5|^

moolay moolay

Prince, fovercign king, &s^j raja

Princefs, (^l»jye;L> dcJ^j v-JLil anak rajaiTo Procure c^ifci dapat

parampoan, (^J"«.j pootrec Prodigal, profufc, ^j^« i*j booroos

Principal, chief, A^Lj'rJ partama, c^j'ljProduce *A-.e^' toombo

agoong 'Profane ^^^-y^ r^'-^haram n^jis

Print, mark, 8cX>.j tanda—To print. To Profane ^^^^l:^^ haramcan

mark, ^ I JsJu" tandacan

Printed j-jU Kipra

Printer i* *


Printing iron ^-»1^

Prifon i.^. paffang, s^l^r^;. panjara

To put in prifon ^j/l^lis-s; pan-


c iIXaj pen'garang hoo-

To Profcfs »/l aco, */U>U) meniaco

Profit, gain, ,c«.aJ* oontoong, dS3 la-

ba—intereft, of money, iv^^*-»

boongan—ad\ antage aJJ goona

Profitable, ncccffary, AJ*/1» bergoona

Profound, intricate, /^JjbCc j/^wg foo-

car mcnsr'artcc

Profufc (>"j '^ booroos

Prifoncr, ofjuftice, s^il^zV. c;jl o'rang, Progeny, race, jj^l lifal

panjara, ^^_j.i^>jjwj ^ t*l o'rang paf-


Privacy ^^'_XAJ *a.,j*. fcmbooncawn

Private / J^^-^j^.j berfemboonee,

. \»^M "femboonce

Privileged place c .cXaAa^ ^-^t^ tam-

To Prognofticate c «Jlj" tanoon, 5: 4J'j.j

bertanoong, jOvo'^ bcrtanda

Prognoflication /jj..£tjljlj batanoong-


Prognofticator ^*jljlj d; «1 orang ba-



Progrcfs (^^Li.jj pcrialanan

To Prohibit i^j^ larang

To Projcd, caufe to be built, J^^amal

To Prolong I

ijv/Lo)''^ berliimacan


Prolongation (^J'^si-^J loonjootan,

(jkJ'U-<J lambatan

To Promife /^si-^^ janjec—Promile

^Lxa:s:^t' janjcawn

Promifcd, bargained, /^rp'^^-j berjan-

jce—in marriage Ajaj toonang

J bertoonana;


Promontory c rs;-'^ janjoong

To Promote, advance, CirsiJiiw joon-


meng'attafcan—increafe Aa^j tamba,

AA^'^ bertamba

To Prompt -:^( ajar

Prong, forked tooth, i^^jKi^ faram-


To Pronounce ajU cata—hard to pro-

nounce AJ'L> >5^»-M- foocar cata



Prophet / ^aJ nabbee

Prophets i^ (5^ "abbee nabbee

Proportion (j_>Uj'L» bagcawn

loonjootJ Proportionable, in fliape, as any hying

creature, i_-oL>wj sikap

To Propofe, defign, «jU payoo

To Profecute 5 «c^jj' todoh

Prolecutor ^^^J^^^JX^^ cU eang meno-dohee—at'law^Lj U baggoam

Profpedl ^^'UJI/caleatan—glafs c*j«Jter'oopoong

To Profper ^^_^Xo4.J^jIj kibidjecan,

*iO'-j berlakoo

Profperity, fafety, aJm-a^^ ^cmpoorna,

CU^^JLm falamat

To Proftrate uijystV^ Icjoot

To Protedl, plead for, ^^ v* mohoncProud in heart ^mju ^jl attee befarr

To Prove, try, &jy^ chuba

Proverb J.^^^-* matiall, (^'(Jjl andec

Proverbs of Solomon ^^1^^,^ JumX«matfall foUmawn — comparifons

(^«Ajl (^(AjI andee andec

Proof i^bu».^ chobaawn—proof, fam-To Provide, prepare, itiLi^ hadir,

pie, JiLwi^ mooftar—touch of metalj ^jJjtbba. hadircan

Lj^^-Joojec Provided_^<^l:i^^ berhadir

Prop Ci\Ju_^' toonkat, jCkXm CiAjij^'Provider -amj (^^i^ jurcc pafTar



;-V. panjang

toonkat fandar

To Prop (j^V>otj y

Proper, tall, irs


To Profane, curfc, c:-<.ivft2». hojat

Prophecy (^-y (^,Lxa/ cataawn nabbee

To Prophecy, ai a prophet, /^,2aaj-j


Providence, of God, a^UI cy^j* oon-

toon^ Allah

Provident aJLv^ <S^-^^. bejac fana

fparing c:^^^^^. jt'niat

Province ^(j caum

Proving i!u.==.Li bachoba

Provifion, llorc, J^ib bak.il, /Ji;'j^i



p tr (

rrovocatlon (m»>^.-J paitan, ^jt^O^ pe-


To Provoke, to anger, jj^ haroo,

(^^y.^l^^haroocan, <_J»a:s>.IjL(( meng'-

ajok, i^^^SjIj psiitacan

Provoked /v^o\aj / J\ attee pedis

i;i ) PU

To Pulverize ^^^JCA^Jloomatcan, kj^kJ


Pumice-ftone ^jj^^j'JU batootimbool

Pump f^jM^j^\ amboofan

To Pump Q>^A^! amboos, (j^y^\J(^


To Prune iXij ranting

Pruned ^v^ji-j berranting

Pruning ,^jj3uijj rantinggan— knife

xaJ,!-» pcrranting, c_>c}>l«j ladap

PJalm / ^s>^j (jjl-Aj nlancc poojee,

Provoked man ^j^cLo /^jl dij' orangjPumpkin^j

attee pedis" P..--1. l iv-

Prudent ^uL*> ^.Xssfr! bejac fi'ina

Prune QigJi;2».<Aj idjats

^ laboo

JJ^U zaboor

Punch (JJiiy^ choongkil

To Punch out (^^iic»:i. choongkllcan

To Punifli (^^1*wJC*. lix'acan

Punifliable, worthy of punifliment,

doM.X>*j d (u^ * jt^::^ haroos dc fix'a

Punifhed o^^a-Cj-j berfix'a

Punifhmcnt •3Uw.A>*j fix'a, g^Lw.>L>u*j fen-

fara—of God aAJ ( jsjjj toolah AHah

Pupil, Icholar, clj;*^ moorit

Publican aaj; c^.I orang reba, c .«I, Puppet ,^^^1 c^ijl orang orangau

, Ji ».:^ orang chookec P"PPy A^"*' *—^' ^"^^' ^"ji"g

PubUcation ,^\jyy tootoorawn, Purblind ,j^^j I/ ciiboos

<jll^'J-'jIj batootoorawn To Purchafc, acquire, Oof^i dapat

buy (3^ billccPublicly ajI>u niata

To Publifli (^^XaXaj' tclciee, ^j.<,IJl/jPure, clean, ^^^2>^:^ choochee

calooarcan," ^jy.jlj ciibarcan—dc-' Purge ,:s^ba. chahar

clarc ;«.j*j' tootoor, 5 JCj^a::^ cheritra

Pudding 5<3t «'-=>.jawada—boiled OLilJ


Puddle ^y^ kolam

Puff", blaft, i_>^>J»Ia^. fatiop—of wind

f^js:] l_jvhL^ fatiop ang'in

To Puff, blow, L_j*Aj ticp

Puffing k^^jJLs batiop

To Pull, haul, OjLi'tarik

Pulley <Sj^ ^.^'^^

Pulpit y^X^ minbar

Pulfe (^"eitJ nadcc—^To feel the pulfe

(j^O)lj Ajjj raba nadee

To Purge ^^^j^yrs^l:^ chaharcan

To Purify (^l^^jz^ choocheacan

Purification (^lA:5i.^is. choochcawn

Purity /.)lo'-^>>^ choocheawn

Purple DjjJf}, poopoora, jX>j oon'goo>

j^Xjj iXJj» warna oon goo

Purpolc, intent, Ai>>Lij faja

Purfe (^iXijj poondee, c:j«til/'cadoct,

a/j^ toca—bag c .oJJ" candoong

To Purfe up ^j_^^cX^candoongcan

Purfer of a fliip (j^y (Sj^^ j^rce

tool is

Purilain, the herb, c JlAj"geyIang


To Purluc, hunt, (>wj jj-J booroos

To Pufli from J «cAj « oondoor

Puflied from ^ '^yV ^^rtoolak

Put, pour in, *J^J bobo—to put, lay,

4^Lj" taroo—on tj\j taroo

Putting ^\ i^JCi tiirooawn

Putrify lJ^*/*i«j booiboC

gs^S:? tw-^A,/^



Quail 5 iAxw falwa

To Quake J!,s^J gomittar—an earth

quake aJL»' a>.^J goompa tana

Quality, condition, C^jJ pree, ^^lakoo—of quality, note, (jJC^XajU


Quarrel, llrifc, j^jcX"^ chfdera

QuarrcHome (j>v«-j ^^ prang proos

quarrclfomc noife Ju .jL» in2;'ar

bangar, ^y^j gampar

Quarry of ftonc «jU «byo marreaw


Quarter cxa.-^I-j pcr'ampat, cxyc!_> tUw

fa pcr'ampat, 4^-wj foocoo—one

quarter 4i%>« A/jj fa foocoo—three

quarters 0\a^I.j «xXaj tega pcr'am-

pat—canton of a city (^n^a^ cam-


Quartcr-ftaff ~^ij.^ chokmar

Queen *jN nltoo, ^J,I A>y{f-j as».Ij raja


To Quench ^OLi padam

Quenched ^c^Ij padam, ^tib jcWmj

fooda padam


Qucfti(-)n, afk, aajLj ttinca

175 ) qt;

Quick, make hafte, {j^^'^ lecas

Quick lailing fliip 5.:>^ Js'.'-^ capal

lajo—with child v^JiLjl sj-Vaj begra

anak—in fight *s^'-j' tajam—fightcd

j^lJ aj'Lb mata tajam

To Quicken, haftcn, ^^jCwJCJ le-


Quickly lyj-Xj.) Ideas

(-,Ls>JlJ' taneaavvn — To

Quickened qjaXJ^ berlecas

Quickening ^j**^i ry^S>J^j berlecas


Quickfilver 0\aj ^jI ay'erpcrac, a^\j


Quiet, ftill, / ^4^w foonee

To Quiet (^X^d dicmcan—be ftill

AX^riti diemla—reft^J (J>iX^,j ber-

hentee la—quiet, harmlefs man,

^.LJj^J c^.l orang loomboot

Quieted wc^Ij badiem

Quietly ».j<3 ,jt2>lj badiem diem

Quill »J J booloo

Quilt ^.i^i^ALy*» fclcmoot, ctJ^JJ^^


To Quik i^x^y «wg foolamcan

Quince ^Js2::>.-jLw fafarjal

To Quit, let go, (j*A>yJ lepas

Quite, totally, , J l/L- facalee, , 'I/-

C_5'Jb facalce ciilee

Quittafol c J^AJ p-iyoong

Quiver AJU ^ «Lil c «jLw faroong anak


To Quiver "L» «y'goyang

Quivering XJ_Ay xj^\j bergoyang


R A ( i;o ) RA

ixABBET»t\j^Lj palandoo, '.^^^«lXjJLj Ram ;^^X^ ^^K^^d doomba jintan


Rabble Ool; rayat, yJ^j}j ^-'}' ^^'ing


Race, place to run in, (^j^ ^^^v*tampat larrce— running (^UjJLu

pclarrean—tribe . -^"'L» p^mjcc

defcent <_^I afal

To Race out ^j^vs-ol ampoos

Race, runner, i^j^lj (^^«.i». juree


To Rack, torment, (^y^LwX*. fix'acan

Radlfh ^—ijJ lobak

Raft (Mty!; rJ^ tittce tittean—float

^^:>3[j rdkit'

Rafter 1.^1/ cafaw, (^^JCJ^ lantec

Rag i^}y <Jy>v-' tanipal cay'in

Rage, anger, «xii^^ moorka

To Rage, be mad, aL^/ (^OU^ jaddce


Ragged, rotten, v_J>«j»j boorook

cloths ^^jjjj i^lXslj pakean boo-

rook—rocks u-AkwU kaflap

To Rail «-Aj j_,tt^:^ haroo bi'roo

Rail^'j'^Lj j-j}y cay'oo pag'ar

Railery, joking, j<_XJi.*« findir

Raiment (^l-olj pakean

Rain X^^ oojang

Rainbow j^^^i^^^lU c^ koong palan-

To Range, in order, )*.jL3Uo mengator

—in a row, ^j.<^l:a^i^ jajarcan

Rank, in I'nicU, v

'kj\ «»U baw'oo

apak, ^ «.J I ilpak—as butter / _jw'


Rank, row, qv^iL» baris, 1O3.4JU'*'^-'^

biiris boojor, j 1=^.1:;». jarjar

To Rank (^jJjL^..l:i^ jaijarcan

To Rankle <^ajm^ (;__^«3l:ii. jaddec


To Ranfack i.OJijLC*2i. choongkilcan

gee, A:^\j /*^;^•:? bcnang

To Raifc, from fleep,



To Rake

^^'jt^jJLe mcnrckloke

Raifms <w-v;''J zabib

"J a

Ranfom (_j.>*j ^j y tooboofan

To Ranfom (j^jjy tooboos, ^^jJij^yi^


To Rap J Li paloo, i^**jt/ catok

Rare, fcldom, c^li* jarang—ftrange

gcXJu gOUj iadah indah

Rafli (J^:^l:ii. j'^^^il

Raflmcfs, paffion, i^^>.} bing'on, 54J ^^J


Rafor »*/l2>. iwj^j pefoo choocor

To Ralp {jja'Sa'^ kokooran

Rafp jyi^ kokoor

Rat q^^JCaJ' tccoos — ground rat

Aj'b' />jv*Aaj' tecoos tiina

Rate, price, a/; I arga

To Rate_^l «UCa.^ mentaw'ar, ^^jj^^^j\j

dSj\ pootoofcan arga



» «(^j ,1 rodoke

^^v-Xxi^OlJJ rodokccan,

ler jfy:.\ angor

Rattan i^J«^ rotan


toba tt'coos

^^S' ^jjj^boorooncc g'^ga

Ravenous (j^U-" bow'as

To Ravifh, take from violently, ^j**>-^L

rampas—force a woman /^^l^lA-L.,

« E ( 1/7 ) R £

(^L.>ye^lj men'gaiahee parampoan

•—maid s^lti *—«Jl i^mJJ^X^ men-

garaflee anak dara

Raw aaa-o mantah—flefli aXv* ^^jS^tS

dag'in mantah

Rays jUUwj sinar — of the fun U-<wg

(^j\ «xJ'Lo sianaa mata arrcc

Reach, of a river, ,^X.j\j rantce

To Reach out the hand ^-i^r-^J' toonjoo

Reaching to /^a^Lm fampee

To Read &^^/ bacha, A-^Uy^ mcm-biicha

Reading a=5.LiIj rajing

Ready, dihgent, V'^V**


Real, trufty,<_)

^>Lu betool, aajLn fatia

Realm c:^^j rajat

To Reap (v^jJ irris, »jV catam—mowuu 4 ;L^ charroot


Reaper ^jtj^/Ji^ ?-J^ orang meng'irris^

Rebuke {;_}j^Sy togoorawn, \^j ».S^ -


To Recal, revoke, ^^^jS\j^ oobahcan^

(^^Ljjj<-s meng'oobahcan

To Recant, gOyJ "wKJU baUk leda,

aJ».:^. «^-"-=?- chala choola

To Receive «s-^jjU tiircma, ^^^L-o

macan—bribe vU*w (^^ macan

fouab — wages «su » ^^V^ macan

oopa, AJ » c-K-^-^'ambil oopa

Receiving J^-ycLi^ ^^1 orang meng'-


Receiving ^^Ix^ iL»' taremaavvn

x^l; rajin"" To Recite, tell, (j^lJ"_A2i. chcritritcan

To Reckon «^ kcra—number ^.J-IajJ" I


Reckoning (j_jlx^" keraawn

To Recognize (JoUj kenal

To Recommend, to ones care, ^jJ^I i'^*»


cij.jlsr^ cm! orang mencharroot Recommendations, ofobedience, Aa-c

Reaping ^j-^wj-» irrifan

Reafon, underftanding, ^Jj^l deal

To Reafon, debate, g^Ls:^^ bechara

—difpute AajU banta —• For what

reafon ajI aJjI/ carna appa

Reafonable, needful, q^j jl^i. haroos

To Rcafumc J ^j ^J^a^LsLo meng'-

ambil pooloo

To Rebate t^^yS.t\j^ coorangcan

Rebel Ail Mti dooraka, ojl^«ti dj.l


To Recompence y>Jlj balas, ,v>^JU.j


Recompence (^>*JLj balafan

To Reconcile ^jjCydti dammecan.

orang dooraka

Rebellion (^bb'jj iti doorakaawn dJT^S

Rebellious aJIOvJUj mendaga

To Rebuke ) O^i togoor

Iti-j berdammecan

Reconciliation , -c'ti dammeecone

Record foorat inggatan

To Recover, regain, aJaj / J«-o

bcrolee poola, aJaj Ciofti ' dapat

poola—health *.j^y*, (^k^\^ jaddee


To Recreate, divert, ^j>jU> ^j^l-^ main


Recreation, play, j^^UU pamainan


R E ( 178 ) R E

—pleafurc (^Lx/»^ foocaavvn

To Rc<5lity /JuuU bdikkcc

Red B^A-* mcra

To Redeem tooboos,

^.5Redeemer /^^j^>a.-9 cu c^»i orang

i-N) tfj 4>^-o meiiooboofec

beang menooboolee,

(J^j^'y (^^*=i.

jurce tooboos

Redemption ^^jj^y^ tooboofan

Redoubt, fmall fort, jtLj pag'ar

To RedrefsL^^--"-

b baikkee

To Reduce ,^_jjCc;4j coorangcan

Reed v_Ju"lj ratik, <Jkj\j J <vj booloo

ratik, ^*j booloo

Reel, to wind on, (j*JLj likas

To Reel, fl;agger,^:s:^li'lj takiilincho,

Recr of an army o-aJoO'Lj ^~u^jy too-

toop balutantra

To Refine, as metal, /^^^.y^ choochec

—as fugar [^JixJ nii'igkan

Rcliccl «Xa.,^ champa

To Refrain, abftain, ^xAJu pantang

Regions of death ic«'-^ «oL> «jU ba-o ^ ^ •• • ' • •

yang bayang maoot

Regiflcr book ^^jXJLxj^ (-_jUJ kitab ing-


To Rchcarfc, relate, x,Xj.ac:!>. cheritra

—repeat p. J ,ji.^ meng'oolang

Rchearfcr c^» ^^*t^ f^^i'o'rang ber'-

oolang oolang

To Reject cUj booang

To Reign tVs»*'^»^ baraja, ^^^/li^l^

merajacan—govern <3Uwl «

gang cawafa

Reins /tXxj pinggang

I t,[J xXaj pc-

To Rejoice a>'j>*i fooca, ,j\aj^fooca attcc, <W:i» a/^>^ fooca chcta

Rejoice, be joyful, aJ <3j ^«j j berfoo-

ca la

Rejoicing, Hiouting, <-^j^ foorak

To Relate jJo-a^ cheritra—tell cXajbclang

Relation, kindred, iO'jUJU^calooarga,

(Jo*^! iil'al

To Relcafc ^vk*>-a.J Icpas, ^jj^^JU^ mc-

To Rcfrelh, cool, ^^\^Lm llijoocanj Icpas—from flavery ^^iJuO^ mar

—the memory ^^^vXxju inggatcan dckacan

Refuge p. «OvaJ b cJaa^' tampat balin-|To Relieve, come in the room of,


To Rcfufe, deny to give, iSjJ b<-\^J

ttda bree—fay no acXO ajU cata


Rcfufal |^]^'l-A>-»>jb bafancalan

To Refute <^\ t^ (^^ bree jow'ab

To Regard ^nJC^ chinta

Regeneration >

*JI-jaJ4j pooloo ber'-


Region iSrXfJ negrcc

^^^^Xo' gantce

Religion c:^ju.M si'fat

Religious A^ljU bcr'agiima. )<J^

adil—religious Mahometan beccar

;> J b fakecr

To Ilclinquifh . >^ooI. tin'gal

To Rclifli, tal^e, <x^\j rafa—feafon

ly^yi^j foomboor

To Rely on ^-J/irs^ harap, gOu v_Jibi.

harap pada

HE ( ] 79 ) li E

Remain JoCo' tin'gal—here aJ JJou' To Repeat, fay again, c jyjt^ mcng'

/ ^>>^>y*» *^ tin'gal la de fence

Remainder a>w.a>w sifa, <ju(*aw,Ij basifa

Remaining ,__}jCutj batingal

Remnant cXAKkAwjU basifa

Remark, note,» (^jS\(J^Xj tandacan

Remarkable, notorious, «sJ'Uj niata,

AJ'LuJ terniata

Remedy, in bufin'efs, «sj'ti daya

To Remember cxCsu ina:gat

Remembrance, memory, ^^Zxjij Ing-


To Remit, forgive, (M*-y«' ampoon

Remnant tX-^jjuw sifa, ^JjLo' cIj cang


Remorfc jl A^^chintaattcc, J<>*,L,,



Repeated 5-^j ^^ «.J ber'oolang oolang

Repeater c "^*f-^J-i ^JJ^ o'rang ber-

oolang oolang

To Repel v-J^Jaj' toolak—fend off

(jjjjiJJ tankis

To Repent ^J^j^pUaa^ mcniufal, c:aJ4J

tobat, / J I J\j toocar attee

Repentance (J^^^Lw ftfal, (_^' (J^>*ilj*i

fafal attee, /J' I q;1/*j toocaran


To Replenifh aJ^j i^^. il^^^e poola

To Reply ej^^UjoU" mcniaoot, (C^


bree fooda


-froHii one

Remote ^bi. iaoo-^ '.

Remove, ftir, b^'jJ bergra-

place to another 9<XXj pinda

Removed jcAJu-j berpinda

To Rend, fplit, aXo bcia

To Render back, reftore, (^jC£^4J


To Renew (^jji «^U baroo acan

Renewed «^Li-j berbaroo

To Renounce ^J<X>wj fancal

Renowned yjl/_i bercabar

To Report ^^LJu-a:^. chentracan

To Repofc, reft, (^'ik:=^.j berhentee

To Reprehend^)*J\j' togoor

To Reprefent (^^U«->y« meroopacan

liken ^^^^yLelAM famacan

Reprefcntative (^ii^ akoee

To Reprieve /^' «.a^'jLo meng'ampoo-


Reproach, difrefped;, aa^^ champa

To Reproach, curfe, cr^^^::* hojat

revile- 1 JL» makkee

Reproof '^[<».J a.'J togoorawn, (m'j^^».'


Rent, fplit, aLo'J tdbcla—rent, crack, IXo Reprove, chide, {^^jJy togoor

&A>o bela—To rent, hire, s^>y,M f^wa ^^^n

To Repair ^^JuU baikkee 'Pq Rcpulfe

Repaft, victuals, f^lXXt*» fantapan

To Repay «sJ^ ^U bayar poola

To Repeal ^^jS-^j» oobahcan, (^jJC^j ^jue




bad reputation


•^«.y toolak, t«(Aj«oon-

L» A^Lj nama baik—

o».l=i. A/«lJ nama

RE ( 180 ) EE

To Rcqucft, aik, &XXk minta iRcft ^j>.as^j bcrhentec

Rcqucft (^I_2JJL^ mintaawn, ij'~x^tjJRcfling f^bSJ<:i^ j berhcntcawn


To Require, charge, ^^.l=s>. haram

Requifitc, nccdtul, AJO ^j bergoona

To Refcue (^^wa-J lepafcan

Refemblance, in form, ^^tiJl-y' tcladan

To Refcmble, make like, t\j«^ Lj ba

roopa—belike &j*j Lw AwiI-nn ^'ima


Refervatory (JvXjLa^j*. flmpanggan

To Rcierve ;^_j>A.r*" ^I'^^P''^"

Refidue Amj>a>*jIj basifa, ^J^Xaj dbeang


Refignatlon (^I/I^Lm fardcanan

To Relign ,^j/\jLij faracan

To Refift, in words, aaaj banta

Refiftancc (-,Lxaaj bantaawn, i^\j)i


Rcfifted (^! «JU^ mclawan

C_5-^j^ tarnpatRcfting place


Rcftlefs, as a fick perfon, Aw*>JlXv«


To Rcftore ^jjLJU^.«*J' combalecan,

j^^^jJoL) 4.J poolangcan

To Reftrain ^j^\J taban

Refiftlng oU^ oLj"^^^lawan


To Refolve, intend, c:AASili fafat

X^vUJ^y to'goa\\ n,^jl^/^y

Rcfolvcd c:^wJU J terfafat



To Refort Jvyoji coompool

To Refound i_c^^ (j*^-^^ balas boonee

hormat acan,;-To Refpea ^1 o^-o

i^yUJ 4^ mooliacan

To Refpire, draw the breath, /vwiU^

bernafas (j>jJL5 <w^_;lj' tarik nafas

Refpiration »0>Um fadoo

Refpitc, reft, /^"as^j berhentee

Rcfplendent ajU^. chaya

Relurreftion (^^Juu.j bankitan, ^^aJLj

bangoonan, i^jJuJ terbang'an

To Retain, hold, A-5sJu pcgang,.•>

, . V, • ^xX.K.^j^ mcmcgang

To Retake aJ*.j (J^a^'jUb mcng'ambil


To Retaliate (w^Lj balas

To Retard ^^JJi'Jiyc^ lambatcan

Retinue, followers, «^tAJu peng'lrring,

C^OCoij peng'ecot

To Retire, from, (^jA-^ cheree—give

back c ^jj poolang, cj* ;y^ fooroot

Retreat, give back, IsILj. i»j*. fooroot

Return s^-^jJ poolang—come again

/JU-e^ ij'li^ datang combalee

Returned, gone back, c J*j jcWmj foo-

da poolang

Returning jJLy«^ ijlJO!^ mendii-

tang combalee

To Reveal I ij*j' tootoor, «sJ^ booca

Revealed jij«j"lj batootoor, ^ajJ ter-


Revealing jyjjjyj'jXj batootoor too-


To Revel ^jlji/^ ^y^j^ LJ^c3«t>

doodooc berfooca foocaawn

^l (

Revelation^ l^ *j*j'tootoorawn, i^ L»/Vboocaawn

Revenge, malice, ^cX«ti damdamof God B^ «J" tooliih

Revenge (^j^anJL» balafan

Revenged /vj^JU.^ membdlas

Revenger /^jv^'U-^wi (^jy^jurec mem-balas

Revengeful /jl ;j^'*j bow'as attee

181 ) «I

tcry ground «O'U gaga—growing on

high ground yjLw fawa—bread v:i;>i*J'

coolat—boiled /^m^J naflee—boiled

in clods V—OLi ninak—boiled to pap

vith the hufk on (^t^U padee

Rich iXjU" caya, ajLTjJ bcrciiya

Rich man ^u}/ rj « I o'rang caya

Riches (^LxjU" cayaawn

Rick, {lack, (m^-^^j' tambooa

Revenue (J^l:^ hafil, j^LJ«-xj bero'- Riddle c-;J|J'\j'juI/Lj pacataawn gd-

^l*2:k ho'rmat.


Reverence, honour,

A>^^>M foomba

To Revile, reproach, / ,Ju< makkee

To Revive, live again, aJ «j l^ «cAj edop


Revived cj<3v>uw,j berfcdap....J. r

Reviving, plcafmg, ^_J(Aaxw fcdap

To Revoke «s.j« oobah, ^.yS^»Ji^


To Revolve, y" fikir

lap, aXmJCs» mitfla, /jItXo pedatee,

/JiltAAj iS^^ L) pigawee pedatee

To Ride [^j\oJS candaran, (^^lOvoLc


Rider |^>'cA>_r c i^! o'rang candaran

Ridge V—<-=s:-'*j poonchak

To Rifle iy**.fy<j rampas

To Rig, prepare, u-v-OJLyo mclancap

Rigging, materials, ^jjLXj^ lancapan,

^^lJCUlJ kalancapan

Rigour ^LxjIaJI inyayaawn

Revolution, turning of the firmament. Right, ftrait,(J «Xo bctool

O^i^ JCo kitar lang'it

Reward, for merit, aA^ pahla, aJ*j"


To Reward ^jyLw^'Ljbalaliican

Rewarded /v^JU^^ membalas

Rewardcr (^^Vi (^_;»2». jurec balas

Right fide Jl/canam—hand wU'i^kJu"

tanjr'an canam

Right forward jJ^Caj ^jjfcit «^ de ad-

dapan bctool, (^'Jl ti dc alowan^due O'Li^haak

To Righten i^ «JCo betoolcan

Rhime i^yiXj pantoon—verfcs of love. Righteous ^tXc adil

-horn iX.'-z V !

i^^j rabcc

Rhinoceros 'wJ't^U badak

>wJ»0>Ij choola badak

Rhume v_^Kri.lj^gahak

Ribs K^y^jj roofok—of a fhip, boat.

Righteous man JtXc d i.l o'rang itdil

Rightcoufncfs ^^^ys. adilawh

Rind of a tree, fruit, c:^'^ coolit

Ring ;t_sr*^ chinching—ring finger

xis:^^ (__^^iLi>. jarrcc chinching—To ring a bell isXXS /*V.»-5^ g"^}'^"S

Rico (jj-'-J brafs—growing in low wa- ginta, a^^*^-^-:S=»-

^^^^^ ginta, «wj•^lJ•

Z z


R O (

jUyL/'tank ginta

Ringing found X>*.Cilj budafllng

Ring-leader q^*J pohonc

To Rinfc, wafh, j,^ bailo, (^_^^j^.


Rioting, feaftlng, ^JLx<c o'~*-t^J'^°

maawn maawn

To Rip ^-J(;L=:» charik, ^—Ju v*j foyak

Ripe OL*jt«mafak—unripe «OIUd man-

tah, OumU* ^J *J booloom mdfak

over ripe j,yj rannom

To Rife, from fleep, c:JUj

(^«jou ban'goon

Rifen (jjS.1j 8«3j^ fooda ban'goon»

182 ) Ro

Rock d;l/ «jU batoo carang, d tU' c5-



_^I,>U cV^Lw c'-j

OouoJ bcrbankit

Rlfing, fpringing up,

OuU naik

Rate, cuftom, i«::j(A£


Rival i^^j^fj^. (^1 L5^'/^ ''^*^ ^cang fiima birrahce acan pararapoan

Ptiver (^j^ foong'ey

Rivulet (jr^.xAM fcrooc, (^^«^ ^-Jij

anak foong'ey

Rivulets, creeks, f^jjj<^ lJj^ fc

rooc feroocan

Road way A^[j o-^^ J^'^" ^'\j'^'

^^Ixsfi'l ahimaan—path CX^-^J>iJ sipat

To Rob, fte:il, (Sj*==^ choorce,

To Rock, as a cradle, c_^ 1 4J (^ I j bo-

w'ay bow'ay

Rocket ,:_;l « lo». churuwat

Rockey d iUj bercarang

Rod uu«A^:i>. chamboot,^^«2». choomo

Roe, of a filh, hard, ^^jSjjAjJ tclore


Roc-buck jjos:^ kanchel

Rogue l::^::».!^ cjjl orang jahat,

/J»V>^Le malepootee, stib} > ilt».

haram zlada

Roguery, deceit, i-j^^^, bohoong, *a^j

tipoo, «."ylti daya

JJ terbit' Roll, wreath about the head, rv)-^'*-»


^' »_> boolan—tuaban J^^ «ti dooftar

addat, 5;Ls=> To Roll ^jjCjLUj""goolingcan, i.}jX^

rncn gooling

Roller, one that rolls, JtJjjJL» pen'goo-

ling—rolling pin iXoCLj pen'gcling

RoUing-ftone iJjXLc yb batoo mcn'-

gooling—eye ^^.UjJ bermain

Rome ^t,) iSj-^J negree room

Roof »_^a1c. attap—ofahoufe a^i» 1 u^JCc

attap rooma — of a porch u-a>j:

C_s^>iLm fiirambcc— roof of the

riiouth c:jJ «^ c>-c^ lang'it moo-


(^ ^^:^^ menchooree—on the highjRoom >^_XXj billik—place cxiv.^' tampat

way (^»^U*. llimoon—break open a Root S\ acor—^To take root /^J«,aj

jttJt,,^^ mcrooboothoufe

Robber, on the highway, (-^^^^^y^

peniumoon—pilferer j^^i^s^^ Lj^\

orang pcnchoorcc

Rol>e, vefl, uijv^vAa^, fclcmoot

Rope I J>3 tallce

J\ berolee acor


tar tallce

Ropy, flimy, _^)OvA.' Under

_JG-'C5"^7^C-'> =c ».! oran? piu-

R U ( 183 ) R U

Role ^«L« mdwar,j^ i>s.Ki boonga



Rofc-watcr^^iLj J\ ayer mawar

Kofiii yU y^\Ci diimar batoo,


To Rot, as cloth, wood, (_^4^ pow-

vvcc—as flcfh, to corrupt, kSk^y^boofooc, ^y*4t,i C^ti'^ jaddce


Rough, as a board, i--~*o kaflap, <_.-s>*jj^


Round, as a ball, JCj^j boontar

To Rout, overcome, ^^\ alliican,

ij^'^^Jt-* mcng'allacan

Row ji>.l:^ jajar—rank ^j«v;lj baris,

,i>.vJ {j*^j^\ baris boojoor—of men

Rue, the herb, a>*jJwj fadfah

Ruffle <^j^lj karoot—To ruffle, wrin-

kle, ^^«^Ij karootcan

To Ruin, demolish, ytj rooboo

ruin, dcftruclion, ^^Ia>*,Uj binnd-

faawn, Ouw*^ roofak

To Ruinate^^^^Ls^ menjalomo

To Rule, hold dominion, c:^:i>-U xiJupegang rajat

Ruler, guide, CXsjwj sipat

Rulers, fupreme council, (^-a^ ^y o».

hookoom mantree

Rumbling noifc C^Xo »Jlo bc'Ioo


^jwjLj baris

To Row 9-y>)^ dayoong, c^jlti^ber-


Rower ^^jlti^j d i«( o'rang berdayoong

Rowing ^y}\Cs\j badayoong

Royalty (J ^'^ doolee

To Rub, one thing againft another,

v-Juw^ go'foke—between the hands

yw;0 kiflar

Rubbifh iSjf.^^^ fampa

llubbing-ftonc »wJUj


Ruby JuuLe manckam

Ruddy 5«^^ 5 wye mera mooda

Rudder, of a fliip, (^li^-^, (^CS^^\J

camoodcc moodec

Rude, dilorderly, /^^[;b paralcntcc

—clownifh, in actions, 5»>lvL> pan


:y«jLj batoo go'-

koh—unmannerly <\/*jIj X' jJwtc-Ua taoo bafii

To Rumble, as the gtits,


Rumour, report, aXj^ brcta

To Rumour ^j/IXj^ bretacan

To Rumple ^X;*jli karootcan

To Run (^j^ larrce

Runnagate aJIajL/ gaibana, ^JJJU.jparalciltee

Runner, racer, q^UJU di.f drang ba-

larrean, (Cjb (X.^\uTce balarree

Runnmg fore AJb^ A/y looca berna-


Rufh ^—ti'lj Jjj booloo ratek—Torufh upon -AjLLys mclanggar

RufTet, bay colour, i.jy j^h» mcrakoning

Rutl ^jjh'-y"canitan

Ruflical, clownilh, a>*jLj .(j aoWtedataoo baft

Rufly c^^b' carat, u:j,i'jO bcrcarat

iron ^>IjO (^^y**J bcffce berc;lrat

s \

Sabbath oll.«^L»Lm harrcc fabad


( 18.1 )

(^jlii To S;i!ly



.ioiJ langgar. .JoiXc* mc-


Saliva i^aJ _jI ayer lior

Salivate m-v ^I ^I ^XT clooar ayer lior

Salt Ay garam—in taftc ^^j^^^ maimSaltpetre 5.(iXA*»j iandawa

To Salt (^^,xX^ men'garammcc


Sabre vw*Y>*. lamfccr, i^jijj go

Sack, bag, ^^^1/ caroon

Sack, wine, ^jmjL«jjSJ\ angoor manis

To Sack, plunder, (j*jj^j rampas

Sacrament cu^^\ aldmat

Sacrifice ^^U^j^^ <^IxX«^j per- Salvation oJj!t3 daulut, ^U,8^moo-

foomcaawn bcr'fambillce

To Sacrifice, cut the throat devoutly,

/ ,-A-v^->*> fambillee— offer juycy*^


Sad, careful, AaJo*. chinta—melancholy

a/«<3 dooca, c «^1 *^ moorong

Saddle aJ^L» palana, ajU Ij cacapa

Sadnefs, carefulncfs, (^ Lsi-il/Lrii. chin-


Safe, fecure, cx^e^'L^. ftlilmat

Safeguard, Iheltcr, /^i:jcX>Xo« mclin-


Safety, profpcrity, cx^^Lw falSmat,

Aji»Ay»*. fempoorna

Saftron q«JLw fafaron, ^o^connyrSagacious ^Jj'l acal

Sago, made in India of the pith of a

tree, ^'L*. fago

Sail -j^ layer—To fail -j^Lj b^lavcr>•• - jr. . .

Sailor i^\^^kj<j ijj\ 6rang pelayeran,

(JoLT 5 .1 d mI orang awa capal

Saint /_5>-'Jo*i c.jj\ o'rang fadee

Salampbre, fort of callico made in In-

dia, (^}y^yi>*i falampooree

Sale, audlion, ^tXJ lelang, JvJ nulam

—place of fale (j^IxXjU bablean

Sallary, wages, ij^'-'h'j oopaawn

Salve OvJ« oobat

Salver cJotji^U can'kall

Salute, by holding the hands to the

forehead, aa^ v*» foomba—^greeting

to an equal /-jLj' tabbcc—to a fupe-

rior .x>-«*^ Ibomba—to give a falutc

<!Lye»AM iSr^ ^^^"^ foomba

Same (^^cX*./*» aj etoo findirree—the

fame <!Oj:Sfc (^^lOJ^ *xj ctoo fin-

dirree jooga— alike Aj'*:;». A*«Lw fama


Sample J!**j*^mooflar—model q<3JUj'


S'and:uary c. «(AaXa^'--^^Vs--'

tampat me-


Sand iSj* oorcy, ^^ paffir—fand,

with deep water round it, iJUj be-

ting—that runs flat from the fliorc,

;:^j>*<*J go'foong

Sandal wood, yellow llmdcrs, ajIoU;^.


Sandal, flipper, A-y»*jL»' taroompah

Sap of a tree -jl ay'er

Sapphire ^..Xy nilara

To Sar\-ci as a rope, a fca plirafe,

^-^'jjj to'rak

Safh p.iJJ-M4 fandang

S A ( 18^ ) 3 C

Satan (^Uyyii fhitan

Satchel (^i^^^LTgaliifan

To Satiate with victuals >^-*-^ kinjang

(^jJix-y^ kinjangcan, ».^:^i.joomoo

Satisfaftlon, oontcnt, fjil L--o'Li' tatap


To Satisfy, to content, sc^U padah,

jjciLpA^ mcmadah, i^jX^dlj padah-

can, ;^^^^<3 Lj^ovo mcmadahcan —make good a damage i^iulj baikkee,

/JCiJ^ gantcc, ^^^^AAj^A^ mcn'gan-


Satisfied «sJjstiLj padahia

Sattin AJuo kinka, qw.JLaJ"I attelas

Saturday v>>a.>*i iaptoo, ^X^^ L£j^harrec faptoo

Savage, wild, ^UJ liar—fierce (h-Uj


Sauce (JjS goolcy, g^j qua

Saucer q..>^ pering^^ '•••III

Saying fpcech, j^'.juU Ciitaawn,

(jjbu'yij p:icataawn, aaJ'J 'y catauea

Scab (j^ti*/ coadis

Scabbard ^JJLu faroong

Saucy "< JCUI;U paralentee,

«JCLT riaooloot gangoo

Save, keep, ^^i^j" toongoo

Saving (mI*^«J toongooawn

Saviour /^MLm falow'anee


Scabby q^l^^O bercoodis

Scaffold p «.AjLj nanglung

To Scald, burn the ikiii, («j^J'^^a^ nic-

lajor, V >aj^Lk^ melatop

Scale, as of a fifh, ^^^m^^^^ fcfec—of a

fifh, i^Su / g>*j>A>*) fcfec ecan—iron

^Laj*i siar — To fcale, as a fifh,

j^|JOywjk--jj fcfccan—fcrape Q^^iuj kc-

kis—wall jXcJLyo melangg:ir

To Scandalize /.-Jiro makkec

Scar, of a >*oui'id, a/J scXxJ' tanda

looca, u:jj^tj piiroot, «x/*j ej*j^'L*

falapoot looca

Scarce, not common, c^l^ jarang

To Scare, frighten, (.l^j/Laa-^ mcna-


Scared c:j^s:»(/J' ter'cajoot, i^j^*i'\J


To Scarify Q^^^U'^garis

Scarlet gLj' 5 a^ mera tooah

To Scatter jaj^\ amboor

Savor, fweet fmell, ««tjlj babawoo. Scattered i^a-^cO ber'amboor—difperfcd

/ ^j:si->t j»[j biiwoo wanjee C^'i^» (^rf^ cheree mcrcc

Savory Aj*)[; 8t>j i-jAaj*» fcdap pada Scent, fmell, ««U bawoo—fcnfe of

fmclling ^j=;^ choom, ^:sr*^ pan-



SaufTagc /ywj J cLdJjjjC-S"^


proot cang bcr'iflcc

Saw c^tiljyglrgadee, (^^-^'-^ g'r-


Sawed (^ciU't/lj bcrgirgadce

To Say AJ'LTcata—nothing ajI/ j(>Aaj'

teda cata

To Scent, make fmell, ^j/"! ««U.^ ber-

bawooacan—fmell *.lj .«.^^ choombiiwoo

Sceptre «\:ikl; Ciouy toonkat raja, AJ'b

^^\j batang raja

Schifmatic j^^iolj badingon

3 A

s c (

Schifm C^it^lj badingat

Scholar ^:^^, ^jj^ o'rang belajar

Schclars ui^^i*^ ^^-'jy* nioorit moorit

School, univerfity, &wj;cXJLe mcndarfa,

, .^bLc Ci^A-P" tampat mengajee

ibr children ,^Uus ^-^^\s-*''tampat


School-fellow j^bLfl ^j.^' tummun

menc ajar

Sciatica &::=^b c:^Lw fakit paha

Science, su-t, ^^1 clmoo, (mj'JIXxj


Sciflars ^«Ju_^/^goonting

To ScofF, joke, « tO' gooroo,, jAA.^


To Scold «^j 3J^ haroo biroo

Scoop, thin fpoon, (^JjeX-ci^ chcdoc

To Scorch c.;Lrgaring, (jm^s3\ an'goos

Score, twenty, (__^cS»^ co'dec

To Scorn jOu-^ uijULycmelcat mooda,

(j^Uas^ hmacan, AA^qai. champa

Scornful words Aa.*^ (^vIju'u cataawn


S.-~ornfully aJU:^^ ij^<^ dung'an hina,

t^A.^.:^ ^:^^'^ dung'an champa

Scorpion ^^xX.^ «xJb pala jinkin,

^J.jLA:i.. jinkin

To Scour, cleanfe, /^n^i. choochee

—rub *v_»*jj^' go'ioke

Scouring ftick for the teeth, much ufed

in India, /^^..«^ 4^1/ cay'oo foojee

ScourcTc c^A^I ambat—whip «jL*) ia-

poo—rod v«*^ choomo

To Scourge jj}^.^ fdfapoo, Ovv^gembat

Scout, fpy, j^j^ loolo

1 sr» ) s E

To Scrape, dig with the nails ^jl}'


Scrapings (^^a*»jJLo kckifan

Scraper /wv.iuoiAj penkckis

To Scratch «jU garoo

Scratched « jlXsLo meng'garoo

To Screak, Scream, *


Screen c.tXJ«3 dinding, ^^JXt^d>JJ lin-

doonggan—hand fcreen aXaw fangah

Screws «iAj-AAjpcler'etek, ^^Ij»j poo-

taran—of a prefs {-fXj} OlajJ>j pe-

Icr'ctck apitan

Scribe, that writes accounts, (^j(j^ «J" juree toolis

Scrivener, writer, ^^maaaaj penioorat

Scripture ^JJI (^Udj fermawn Allah.-til ^ ^


Scrall cj,uj*i foorat

To Scrub iw}»\>*j^j^go'foke

Scrubber ^y*^ysJ^ pcn'go'fokc

To Scruple, miflruft, ^ Jl/calooee

Scull i>..«^ foombing, jj^^Xaj' tencora

Scum (^4 4-1 bovi—^To fcum i^\j^yboviacan, CO^J (^jsij J L> caloorcan


Scummy iS^A-^yJ berbovi

Scurf, of the head, iwi»j^J^ go'rak,

/ -i'lii daki—of the body i»,**^^!/

ciilamoomoor, / ilti dakf

Scurfy ^jtXX^ rrien'go'rak

Scurilous, jeering, jJww findir,iJwN_^


Scuttle, cover, '-^jJ I/ cSloopak—hole,

hatches of a Ihip, (JoU cu^^ moo-loot capal

Sea i,::^*^ laoot—wave «wJu-c » oombak

—fea, rolling wave, -^,jj« fampar

S E ( 187 ) S E

rough fca v-Ju-,ej,j izjj^ laootber'-

oombak—fmooth fea 5 4<Aaj' eL>«0'

laoot tedoh—feaman ,^-jJIaj p.j»

orang pelayeran, JuU 5»! c. i»l orang

awa capal—fowl p.OJCi p. *jkj boo-

roonc dindariH;

Sea-fick ^—i>-<ij lJ^j'>-« mabooc oom-


Sea-lhore llj*^'( J>1v. pantce laoot,

C_»«^ C<^6^ tepcc laoot

Sea-weeds c^l/Ai*j boonga carang

Sea-green ^J^ fcnang, ^j^j^ bi-|sc<5l, religioX A^LTI agamaroo laoot—bay, arm ofthe fca, C^'U-jseaary ^^ciU badingon'^'^ [Secure in mind

Seal, fea dog, p-^J p.~KJ berang berang

—marker <-;--<:=5. chap

To Seal u.-Oi. aj*^ bubo chap

Second ^jtil/cadua, 5 «til/ cU cang


Secondly 5 .«3 dj' cIj i_^^ calee eang

ca dua

Sccrefy ;mUJ*a.,j*i fembooneawn

Secret, myflery, aaa^L^ rhafia, l-o',/

gaip, ^^^J^Ay>*j femboonce—To be

fecret, hid, (^Jia^„kmjJ bcrfemboo-

nec, L--\jl/l> bergaip

Secret place (^Jy*>^-^^-vs-^

tampat foo-


Secretary k::jjajiSuu pcnfoorat

Seam J<i kellim

To Search (^ 1I2». charree, (_^;l^=-*^


(j*j^Xj I an'goos-

an goos

To Sear, fcorch,

mark ^OJJ (^.j (_/-j-v!I

brcc tanda

Seafon, tin.ie, <s.^Uo mafa, 5/.'/^ wafloo

-of the year »wj*-^ moofim—win-

^-jXci jfiMyo moofim

moofim panas


tor feafon

ding'in—fiimmer feafon (v^b

To Seafon, fait,


L<^J X^^ men iraram-

^jjir-^ fooboorcan

Seafonablc time cj^jLj »a/. wadloo


Seafoned («A-eAjgsiL» bafoomboor

Seat, throne, --VaA^ maligc'i, xi\j


t_^Lj' tatap

Security, pledge, c^«3Lj gadee

Sedition ^a^ gampar, -A^lJ^cJ'^go-


To Seduce Oci^i boojok, *<_Jt:^«A^^

memboojok, aJLs:^ benchana

To See cjLJ lat, ^.uLJLa^ mcltat

See, behold, c.<A>L» pandang, ccXa^-a-c

memandang— To let fee, fliew,

f^XfS^kAj tclelccan

Seed, grain, /Ji^tAj bidjee—fcmen

/^ixj cenee, /^^yo menee, / <>SV*

/^>co menee b-inee, j«)J«/ coon-


Seeing, the fenfe of feeing, (mJLaJ le'a-

tan, ^'LJ lycaltatan

To Seek (^jbsw charrec, &Xj^ char-


To Seize «---vXaj' tancap

Seldom cjLi».jarang

To Seled: /5A.J pillce

Self^^ti dirree

S E (

To Sell J L^s», jcw'al

Seller f}\j=^ i.jj\ orangjew'al, 6fj\

Jf «=fc.-j orang bcrjcw'al

Selvage, border, t^*^' tepee

Selves (^jJJ^M Qjt^ 6rang findirrcc,


(^^cXJLw deorang findlrrce

Senate (^ JCic* mantrec

Senator (^ XJ^ cj «I orang mantrec

To Send ^^j3 kirrim—To fend away

(mJu.Lst^ menjaooccan

Senfc C^tJ prcc

Senfiblc, tecling, «!umIju Awjl-y* mcn'i-

fa pang'rdfa

Senlitivc (^btwjl^ rafaawn

Scufual, luft, A*wju nafsoo

Sentence, decree, ^^L^>yy^ hookoo-IScventyjj^^^:;^' toojoo pooloo

188 ) SE

Service, work, (^LxivJ^carjaawn

Servile AajI ania

Sening (.jj^!^ /^U^'U bdlayancc la-


Servitude (^Ixi^^j'carjaawn

Seflions, court ofjuftiee, /^^:^ »j'-^—

bechara hookoom

To Set, lay, ,^lj' taroo—put^*; bobo

—plant .JU tanam—as the fun

O^MgUo mafooc

Seven A'^yi toojoo—feven flats AJ^OJ»


Seventeen (j*a-^Ljy^y toojoo bias

Seventh ^^4J' a/ cG cang ca toojoo

Seventhly j=?-y «w pG (J^ c^iicc

t'ang ca toojoo

mawn, ^o-1


(jjbul/ cataawn hoo-

To Sentence (^^JC< «j"^ hookoomcan

Sentinel ^y^j3 lelabong, ij^, ^jj'

orang intee

To Separate, go from, take from»

(_^v^2». cherec

Sepulchre lij»/ cooboor, i^Ls^jarct

Serious, confidcrate, s-aj 8tAJ\j berke-

ra kera

Scrpent_^^' . oolar

Man Servant (JsUw fakec—maid fer-

vant, that is free, Xj}Ci dayang—flavc

Aa»«! amba—menial fervant«x>-« I am-

ba—fervant of God aAJ ! aa^I amba

Allah—chief fervant jti»^ AjLjUTca-

pala mooda

To Serve, -worfhip, aa^4u*» foomba,

m^t.j'X^^ menioomba• -• • ••


To Sever iSy*f^ cherec

Several /^JIj iJ b bagec bagec

Severe, cruel, ^jtj^y^ binjis, (j*^',/

eras, (j*^^y 1^^ attee eras

Severity rw'^ lJi\ attcc eras, /^.-y^


To Sew v_-csr'^^ munjib, c:^'-:s».jait

Sewct V—«Le^J loomak, ^

«l^aJ lemak

Shabby (bafc) man aJL\:2>.^ « I orang

hjna, ( JC>UliL|paraleutee

Shackles," fetters, ^-cJLj bdloongoo,

^J UijLw fangkala

Shad, fifh, (^-s-' tamban, (j~j<^ (^>^:?

tcan tamban

Shade, fhadow, g «cXaJ' tcdoh, ccXjj

rindang, Xj}.J bayang

To Shadow, fhade, ^^jj3it<XjJ tcdnh-

can, 5 *u\>j' (^-j bree tcdoh, (^^jJCajU


SH ( 1

Shadows, fplrits, ijb ijb bayang


Shaft Ajlj iwJtj I ^ «^L- faroong anak


To Shake a little, jog liquor, c «.zs;-'Jgoonchong

Shall B<Ac adda—not gtXxAJ" tcadda,

^j»/^ boocon—be (^tiLs^^ b<-Xc

adda menjaddee

Shallow /;|Xc_>o kirringgan—Ihelf that

runs from the lliore c *>*iij gofoong

Shallow water 1 «^' thoor

Shame JLe maloo

Shameful J '^ (.m-^*^ dung'an maloo

Shamefulnefs ^j(JL« malooawn

Shamelefs ^Le *lj' b<-XaJ' cb eang tcda

taoo maloo—words J »jli». chabool

Shank, fhin, / Ju) /v*aaaj betis cakkec

Shape, form, "^tXX>u' telddang, aj«^

roopa—ofa living creature y<^Jga.Tn-


Share, part, (_c/^ bagec, (^LjlaJU


To Share ^^U/U bagcacan, (^^l<v<membdgee

Sharer /^> U^^ (^^n:^^ juree mcmba-


Shark, fi(h, «:s^ ^J^JC; ecan joo

Sharp w^kU tajam, ,»^(j' AJ'U» matata-

jam—pointed c»:s>.«-j ber'oojong

fighted *^lj' «JJ'L» mata tajam

To Sharp (^^Lw^l ahfiican, i^jJL^l/

tajamcan — grind (^'li». chance,

/ ^bsT''^ mcnchdnec

Sharper ajI«^ »aaj" tfpoo daya

Sharpncfs j»>b' tajam

89 ) s H

To Shave jd/c*. choocor

She Ajti dea

She, female, aa>JCo bctfna

Sheaf /vhO -J bcrkas

To Shear, clip, (^_jjCx.AjO'^goontlngcan

Shears(pair of) xXj^ goonting

Sheath f-^j^ faroong

To Sheath <^^j^ ^^Iti 0\*«'^ ma-

fooc ddlam faroong

Shcath-maker d «^^l-yL» paniarong

Shed ^--O'ljj , ^a^^Lm larambee ber'-


To Shed, fpill, A>y<4J" toompa—as hair

^_^JgoogoorSheep A>^«ti doomba, (^jAJ bcree

Shecps dung «xa^^c^ J*,j bootir doomba

To Sheer, to and fro, j «>k>*i i-^^^^ fim-

pang fior

Sheet \:d ^.^jJ<^t*) fel<^moot, c.OUXa>*i

felindang—of paper cj**^-/ {j*^J*^

Coras cartas

Shell, of a nut, cj^«>v tampoorong

—of a fifh / ,MK/>.t*i fefcc,

ht—of a fhell-fifh c^l/'


J 4/ coolit


Shcll-fifh <ici»J godang

Granado-fhcU p.y^y^ marchong

To Shell, as pcafe, (j**J.^ coopas

To Shelter, protect, c 4t>>J lindoong,

^ «<JJX^ mclindoong

Shepherd aJLa^*/ combala

Shepherds hut pcXJl^ booranda

To Shew a/»j booca

Shield, target, round, /j*o_» prifee

long c »iJ Lm iiilookoong

To Shift, change, ^jj Um fdlin

tH ( 190 ) & H

Shin /^yJJ (j**^ betis cakkce, ^^.Ox

/ Ji/ addapan cakkee—bone i-^jJ

r._o toolang kirring

To Shine ajU* chaya, ajU.^^ bcrchaya

Shining Ajbi-lj bachaya, «\jU- •^-.-i'^-:'

bcrchaya chaya

Shining ^buls». chayaawn

Ship JoJJ" capal

Ship carpenter Jo'J' ^j/^' toocan


Ship's after part, ftern, ^JuU' (^yij )y.

booritan capal—fore part pi J


Jul/ alow'an capal—head j^S^y^

Jo'/joon'goor capal—bottom, keel,

Job' O^. pantat ciipal—timbers,

knees, J.j'/ ci^ilTgading Capal—

hold c>k^ 4J U kaloomat, Jol/ ul.' «^

proot capal—deck J^jI/ c:JLxj' ting-

kat capal—cabin 5(_>>J,^jbooranda

gvinnel, fide, J^J/jAJ bibbir ca-

pal—Ihip's crew Joj/ gjl awa capal

Shipwreck A^ti dampar, Jal/«wJUjjj

roofak Capal, ^;lj karam, pUjU ka-


Shirt 'l(:ij.>lj baju dalam

To Shite il^' (^_5-^.peegee tambang,

v_?^j bcrak,"-«*Aj .jl iSjJ booang

ay'er befarr

To Shiver J^*/g6mittar

Shoal pJ^^ kirringgan

Shoes /«jjUcaoos, «Joyc^^lj' taroompa,

^vMj'l/ cauts

Shoc-laft oj^-' achawan

Shoe-maker (^^^^ moohy, s-jy

^ N>J"'J "^Vji orangberbooat cauts,

A>yc«^'-j vuIajj c ijl orang bcrbooat


To Shog %^y> goyang

To Shoot JjcXj Xt**^_ paffang buddcel,.

at a mark *—iU^J timbak, iwJiA.^J^


Shooter v,Ju^ pen'imbak

Shop pJuii deccan^ C^OU' kadec^

(^tXxJj kedee—keeper JU^».^ ^j'orang berjew'al

Shore {J>>^, pantee

To Shore, prop, ^^ OvAjo toonkat


Short iwJJcXJu pendek

Short fpace of time o^cLw faat

To Shorten (^^JovAaj pendekcan

Shorteft v^'JUj i^ cL; eang Icbbec

pendek, ^^'JOu' t5'^J lebbee pen-

dck, t^Lw 6Jy CS^vi derrec pada


Shot «j^iAJ peloroo, • i^Lu 50 booa

pcloroo—fmall Ihot ^jy^f^*» fam-


To Shove from OU*J' toolak—forward

1 as:-*^ lan'choor, f-yyt foorong

back_^ 4iAJ « oondoor

Shovel J »JU=^ chankool

Should 5<Ac adda—not Qvstifc jang'on

be (^(^Ls:''-* mcnjaddec

Shoulder »j*Xj bAfoo — blade-bone

c:-OCJIj p^^^' toolang balccat

To Shout for joy ^ij^j^ foorak,

<Jijy^.j ber'foorak

Shouting, as of an army when going to

battle *—JCsP tampik

Show, fight, (^LJlX*j pangcaleatan


—{lage play xj\j wAyang

Shower of rain —iXjj a^ A^J oojang

fa rintik

Shread J^>^ tampal, ^Jo*)>J_> irrifan

To Shread (j*^JjJ irris

Shrill, as % voice, pjlfJ niaring

Shrimp cci* ooUang

To Shrink ui^jjlikarookoot

Shroud, grave cloth, (^-^w/ cafTan,

CioUi (jjjjxjjj i^jy cay'in boon-

koos mait

To Shroud, fhelter, c lAJLLye melln-


Shrub V—«LeLw famak

To Shuffle, mix, ^x^Si. champoor

To Shun, go from, JJ laloo—ward

off («Juu" tankis

To Shut, out, V iLIiJ* toolak— in

^^Ici ^-jjj'^j tootoop dulam—from

the fight, as the women are kept in

India, cxju ping'it

Shutter, to a window, <-^oblJ' tingkap,

(w-vxxj" tAAj pintootingkap

Shuttle (^JUj pekan

Shy, wild, JlJ liar

Sick CioLw fikit—deadly fick cIajLn

ajU fikit payah—love fick , X^m^Li

bilafenec—love fick, as a man,

jj^lA>uq;lj i^^yi O^ 4jl^ mabooc acan


Sickle (j*.yol-o 5**>-u pcfoo meng'irris,

(-(LpU^catamawn, uj. ils:-V. pcn-


Sicknefs, ^jJIsLkw fakitan, CajUJUj pe-


191 ) 51

Side of the body PM-e^ Iambog,n

e^^ labong

To lay Siege to c fjbLc meng'apong

To Sitt ^ Jul ayak, (^^Uul ayakacan,

v-JLibu» meng'ayak

Sifting(^ljlj!ayakawn—bafket' iufSyak

Sigh 5^1 aloh, «.XAi».jeIo

To Sigh 5^ bC* meng'aloh, tLcsr'-*


Sight, fenfe of feeing, (^J'LJ le'atan,

ULiLJju pangleat, a/^ Ai'L« mata


Sight, look, AJ'Lc ^__?*:i»^'LN fakoojoof


Sight, ftage play, ijf* wayang

Sign from heaven c:a^JI alamat

To Sign with the hand writing »yj

{•jSj * "uLj" taroo tapak tang'an

Signet, feal, i—-oj. chap


i artee

To Signify to one, to make underftand,,

(^^^-Xlj^bLc mcng'artecan

Silence ^ti diem

Silent ^(3 di^m, j^Oy berdiem

oolat berfoo-

Silk 5jJ^ footra

Silk-worm ^J^^^^c^,tra, pj»^^ Aj-)'bJ labalaba ber-


Silver O^lo perac

Silverfmith O"^ iS'^^. pandee ptrac

Similitude .-«l»..IM LA.J_A>,MJ feperteawn

Simple ;^ «ti«.j bodoc

Sin 4!Uv ««3 dofa-

Since, fo long as, aw>XA>*j felama

long fmcc 4>ue^' lama

Sincere J*axj betool — unfeigned

«I ( 102 ) S L

j^4ji BjtJ sOyJ tcda poora poora

Sincerity 4X-iyJ*>0u bctoolnea



To Sine (^gj'^-» niancc

Sit O «ti «ci doodooc

Sitter o «ti «ii_j CI.I orang bcrdoo-


Situation prcc

To Singe ^ «Jo I an'goos, y*j tocnooSix »j nam, ^»-iJa nnam

Singer of toolifh fbngs ^jLoL» bu-


Singing (^gJtJ /^LoL>y« menianec ni-

anee, (^Uj'^'niancawn

Single, not double, jmjo|^_j ^Oouu' tc-

adda bcrlapis

Single, unmarried man, c*2».4jboo-

jong—conciition c*:s>.«j <;^yj prce


Singly, man by man, a>*. c_^ijI Amj a»*.

*i Lij fa fa orang fa fdkoo

Sink, gutter, (^^t^Ly*, iel6ran

To Sink ^^Ixii' tin'galam

Sinner <!um«(^-j dul orang berddfa

To Sip uj «_» irrop

Sipped ^_^-ajL« mcng'irrop

Sipper ^»^oL) peng'irrop

Sixth J} iS ^ L» cang ca namSixteen iy*kj w' nam bias

Sixthly J a/^L» (J I/ calcc <?ang ca

namSixty J^ j>J nam pooloo

Size A>J_M*Aj bcfarnea

Skeleton es^:f bankce

Sky cxcS* lang'it

Sky colour cxc^ «,xj biroo lang'it

Skilful, at work, (__C(_X>L> pandee

Skilful, underftanding man,

/J»jbu orang pcng'artce

To Skim (^^.(lX>^ chcdoccan

Skimmer lJ «cXas». chedoc

Skin cx)*J^ coolit

Sir oy tuan

Sirrup aJaJ" _»I ay'ergoola

Sifter jmUa-^jLi sj\C^y^ foodira param

poan—cldeil Ajslj» (^L>^)L) ^y.C^t^

foodara parampoan kaka—^}'oungell

i_J»til (^l«-ye;lj 5^lti*>*j foodiira pa

rampoan adek—in law, halffifter,

iSy^ o'*^1-'^ 8j!0* 4AW foodara pa-

rampoan tirrec—in law, brother's

wife, ^jlvyc^'-J jAj ipar parampoan

—in law, married to two brothers,

^jI^^a^Li {j^^rfiJ biras parampoan


Sifter's hufband

lakkcc lakkce

:i^ i J^CjS-*^;^ ipar

To Skin /JC' «-Tcoolittec

To Skip, leap, k^>^^ loompat

Skirt / -AyfJ tepee

Skirt, in the body, the diaphragm,

/ ^>i-y*. CJ*^ ci>«j^Un falapoot

proot fenee

Skittifli^LJ liar

Slack, as a rope, jJ^ ooloor, ui^^A-cdJ

loomboot—water ^aas». ^I a'yer he-

ninjr—ft ill water x «cXaJ' _,•! ay'crn e^ .. jr. J


To Slacken (u^t'^S oolooracan,

^^^Ju«A-«J loombootcan

Slacknefs, ftowncfs, ^^JC*^^ lambatan

To Slack, afluagc, iyj\ «o powvvas

To Slander, curfe, Ooi^^jSk h6jat


Siander aa-JCaj fctcna

Slandering (^'s^s». hcjatan

Slanting pJjA*** ferong

To Slap A^' tampar

To Slalh (^jSJo:jj rantingean

Slate^jU 5 J loh biitoo


Slave ^X*p^ lafcar, jCsw^ c^ijl drang

lafcar—born in the houfc aa^I amba—prifoncr of war i^'jlj' tuwan,

^jJl^'J tawanan—bought (^^^^ytooboofan

Slavery JC*,^' lafcar

Slaughter ^\jj^j^ pemboonooawnTo Slay «.Jo hoonoo—knock down

/JCa.j ban tee

Slaiii /AAJ_j berbantce

SleepJjtXo tcdorcj

To Sleep quietly Lj^tU>.j i.<A>0' tcdore To Slumber


Sleeping j ««.Xaj'Ij bdt^dore

103 ) SM

Slinger (^^JaLx>.' (J>L>. db cang pakee


To Slip sr^'Ub" tacalinchir, O^^lil

/Ju'' autooc cakkec

Slip, fprig, XjL>. chiibang

Slippers jjwlJ^ cauts, ax^^^iIj" ta-


;>-'l/ c^Iinchir, ^.3CV'Slippery


Slit aJLo bela

To Slit (^_^JIaj b<^ldcan

Slope c ^j>y*) fcrong

Slothful /ww^Le milas

Sloth fulncfs^^_,a*j^U malafan

Slow, lingering, cwJ lena

Slownefs (^_jJC<<^ lambatan

Sluice, dam, (m-^-»' apitan

jtil J ber'adoo,

0«ju! mata antooc

SlumberingO AAJbLeajLo mita mcng'-

Sleeping place ^jbj*t\u'_) pertcdorcanj antooc, lJj>JU^ mcng'anto»c

Sleepy cJ^JsiAi.^" meng'antooc, .u''^^^"'^''^' ^!'.^''' '^-' '^^''

jjcXaj maoo tcdore j^""^'^^ ck^^ kechecl

SlcTve \j^ ling'an—of a coat ^i Small value ^^1 aring'an

4^1-. ling'an baju jSmallcll ^ _Slender ^_^^y lampee, ^J^ fence |

^"^^'^^^^ ^^ ^^^«^^ ^^''^^

' -"• '....••

fSmart, of a wound, jti'.j padih


^Jiy t^U- .w. J.:s-^

Slender ft'ream, as voiding iirinc, / ,_AAwj


Slice cjX\.j paii'gal, (^mjjj irrifan

To Slice (^jwdu^ irrifcan

To Slide ^^-sr^'U' c<iiinchir

To Slight gti^L

Sling ^ij hgang, ^^^XaULl II

To Sling, throw, ^^GJiJ ligangcan,

XXa.'L« nialigang

To Smear, grcafe, / jLyUi min'yakkcc



To Smell to j^^^Lc^j^ choomdcan

Scnfe of fmcliing ^2*. choom, ^«:

panchoom.k-*^ meuat mooda c i. r/L ti •. • f t- i


jSmelt, a filh like it m India, jcjUi..ganggan

japoh , tj *>^J lembooroo

To Smile ^j^'^^ fmjom

To Smite," ftrikc, J^-J^j poocool

3 C

S N ( 191 ) 5 O

Smith I ^>^J vj^*^ toocan bcirce. To Snuff a candle (^-'^Ai ^jJjLX'jo'

( e^ L^<->^ paudee bcffcc—gold- goontingcan dian

Iriilth (j^i^y toocan mas, c^cXaj; Pair of Snuffers ^jbti j^^ViXl aJ goon-

(yj^'O pandce mas

Smoke k_-\«jl aflap

To Smoke, fuck, v--^.>v. '^^'T—tobacco

*/U-e4j syU*».f| iffap toombacoo

Smooth, pUiin, aj\j rata

To Smooth, poUfli, (^o'^goopan

To Smother, fuffocate, rv^^A-' Icmas

Smothered (j**~f^ (5^'^ imtcc Icmas,

,/J icmas

To Smut (.kXc ••:::*. choriniTcaix

Snail ^t oonam

Snake J » oolar

tinagan dian

To Snuffle (^N raban

So, jufh fo, ^^JJ^,fy^C> dcmckcn

To Soak (^.X-ecXJ,! rindamcan

Soaked ^OJ^)'-J biirindam.

Soap (^(ivjLw laboon

To Soar c:^^;'^. panjat

To Sob, \vccp, fjj^iXo mcn'ang'is

Sober, moderate, ^cAawj fcdang

Sobriety, moderation, (^jJij<AA>^ f-


«<JW^ moodooawn

Society, of few, ^^^j.^^" ^;^V tummun-

tummunTo Snap afundcr ^j^aJ; rantan

Snare, trap, ^^-. icrat, r .1:^. iaring.'Soft ^j^-^ji loomboot

OL)L:^jabak, i^r^lj riichik

Snared ^^:^y^ aaajj kena jerat

To Snarl, as a dog, ^y^ *—^V^ chok

To Soi'tcn ^S.'i^.^ji loombootcan

Softly, llowly, (^:s^J'b ^j^^^b pala-

han paluhan

Softncfs ^^_^J»A-«J loombootanchok—Scold -X'aJu balcter, Ai^'v»^ c •^ r 1 j r u •

1 ii>' -

7 •• • -^ • J^ Soil, for land, ,\rs».U baja, /JJiyca-.mcrajoo

To Snec/e (js^jJ berfm

Snipe (jjticAAj' candiddee, ^* \»~>

(^(SCkXS booroong candiddee

To Snore ^jsj[; riiban, ;^I^^ mcraban

To Snort Jo ItiU badagoor

Snot . vwotj Inoi'oos, c *cXj ..vjU nanah


Snout c «<J^j cdong

Snawjcs!i.^ilj' talaja

To Snuff" up, iccnt, ^^^/Lc».:^ choo-


Snuff ol Jiboo—of a candle

aboo di'an



Soil /«-^Vo mooting, ^t-c*J loomoor,.

JJ^J"^ choomoor

To Soil ^Jyl^«:^ clioomoorcan

Sojourner o^J»-* ^j' <5rang moonooii

Sold Jl*i^ s<^>*^ ibodajew'al, Jl»:^ j

berjcvv'al, JLs:'^ menjew'al,.

ii^ atWu fooda lakoo, JL:i>.jc\v'al

Soldier i^^}~i i-j^ 6rang biprang

Sole of tlie foot / Jb' v^jU" tapak ca



/gjO «

«.jU" tapak cak-

*j" toomit cakkec

Sole, only, <s;i».LN faja

Sole fifh 8^\aJ (^^^ ccan Icda

Solemnize (^^UJ «u,-*^ memooliacan

s o

To Solicit c\XX^ minta

Solicitor at hiw Jj^-: baggoam

' «j*i folimaanSo?!man ^J

Solitar}' / ^*>^ I'oonec

105 ) So

Sought (^^Uj. charree

Soul 5«Uj niuwa, 5^:5^jcwa

Some cjU barang

c J «.>vg OijI anak foolong—youngcft

Son / ^i^' V ijlanak lakkcc—£rft born

Sound / Jfcjbooncc—of ^"ind

fjj±.\ booncc ang'in

-J «.J

To Sound a trumpet '(_^ Ai_j.j S^'^aj

tiop namfyrree, ([^C.^ii-^ o^C'^*^booncc can namfyrrec—the depth ot'

water <sJ\i loga

boongfoo-^in law, the Ion of huf-j Sound, in health, ja^aj^ Ibomboo

/ c^ii C_S^ *A«NA^

band or wife, by a former marriage,

'•/ JjJ <-J»^ (CJ Oij! anak tirrcc

lukkee lakkee—my Ion /3^-^ *—^j'

'«'»•> anak lakkee ko—in law, daugh-

1 -ter's liufband,

mcn'antoo Uikkce lakkee

Song mjIaJUj nlaneawn—a love fong

%.x^ damping

v^jl ^ ^^^Jy bidjce ratap

Sonnet ^y^_ pantoon

Soon, quick, u-aJo bang'at—prefently

_\ajU; fiibantar

To Soothe, flutter, ^^iii^j boojok

Soothfayer iy^-^J gjj' orbing berta-


Sop B «•» qua

To Sop, dip in, a:s:<S> checha

Sorcery ;^xj»i». hobatan, ^^|^mjfwangce

Sore OoUj fakit

Sorrow \Jixi'jCi doocaawn

Sorrowful, troubled, J^>w foocar,

, Jl A,*j*>iJ- foofa attee

Sorry for aXJ^jJ berchmta

Sort (j^*;^=>.jcnis, AJj\j warna

Sot» .drunkard, ^^.^j/Aaj pcndcmab

Sovereign prince (^tils:'^*''' fmjaddcc

afleep (_^iAxwj^)«cXaj" tedore fedap

Sounded, the depth, aj J jO*-^ loo-

da loga

Sounding, a noifc, (^l^*viLi baboo-


Sour j,i*kAe maffam, *akiI affam—Tomake four (^X-^^nI afllimcan

mournful fong'Sourifh c^JulXaak, j,>j.,.^ maffam fcdi^kit

Soumefs -j^j.^ maffam

South ^jJ'JLm fiilatan

South-eaft i,::jj^ j»^" timmore laoot,

1^ ajLs) «Xan, (^j^Ln fiildtan fa

mata timmore, g,J^j tan'gara

South-weft ui.;,'L/ ^jjO'Lw lalatan barat,

c^jlj dJ"U «-Wj ;^j'^L« flUatan fa ma-

ta barat, AylO> i-i-^iL' barat di'iya

South- wind i^'J^'t^i (^^il ang'in fala-

tan—fea ^jwjO'Ln u:jj!)' laoot Ullatan

—ftar ,^.>'Lk. ,'tAAj bintang fiUatan

Sow A/LyL^j (c^*^ bobbee bctina

To Sow corn 'i4.jIj' taboor, ^a^I am-


Sowed n^s^l^ bcr'amboor, iaa^LL»

mcn'amboor—^Ixind / •%! 1 *jUj pcn'a-


Sower \y>\^i pen'aboor, ^»*>>^' {^jjuree amboor


ST (

Space, opening, xj^' l;ii>ang

Spade Jl kiJc^ chanl<oul

Spain /SJi^ (S-^ negrce Callella '

Span J._iJb>.jancall

Spaniard aX^>*/ d »jl orang cailella

Spaniel yj lJ^U^s:^^' anjing m;ilooc

->yy tar-

ay er

Spar »>*.Lrcafa\v, dJ\j' gali

Sparing, thrifty, 0\^A:i^jcmat

Spark__^U^ siar

To Sparkle iU.>*<-j bersiar

Sparrow cxy^j p'^pit,

bootoong pcpit

Spawn of a fifii i^X> mAju' tclorc ccan

To Speak Ju'iy ciita

Speaker ajUIj (^ i*.^jurcc bacata



Spice (\y««j roompa

•Spider tU^ Aj^ laba Idba

Snijrot c:aa-c«*m foombat,


Spike ,»i.j^' h'lbang

Spikenard ^j^tijU nardus

To Spill A>y«*J toompa

To Spin, by hand, ^^Xj\ anteh—thread

jij^xj aajI anteh bduang

Spindle, to wind on, c^o*.!; rahat

Spinning-wheel c:o*.tj rahat—wheel

CX/t-o c « KJJ^to wind on ^^j^ijuJ Hkai:in

Spire (__^(JsjUj' ti'andy, '-::jt^»J^c6moot

Spirit, ihadow, xjLi bayang—an evil

fpirit (jwyLl iblis, AU:;». hantoo,


Speaking (^IjVcatawn, <;uyi.j'l/catanca,S{)irit, lonl, pjUj niawa—diftillcd ipi-

Spear, long, i jla^J»

^*>^^ lambing

Speck v_JuLJ; rintik

tambak—Ihort tit ^j^ arrak—double diftillcd fpirit

/^jI s—^jI arrak appec

Spit >—<:^L> pichak

Spcdlacles ajLc (M-A^.j^=i. chcremccn To Spit >wJLi».L,>-« memiichak—to turn

mata, ajLo « |*.^w fooroo muti the fpit OL:i.lj -«-wj^J poofing pachak

Speech, language, t-u^lj baU—talkiSpite, envy, cijjcXaam fedoot, /Jo<JS

O LxJ'lJ cataawn dankec C3 I c^oLn fakit attee

Speech, fernion, (MlAJt/ cataawn,lSpiteful cjj<Aa>*.-j ber'l'tdoot, OoLm


Speechlels aw^ by'foo

Speed Ci^io bang'at, s^Xawj fcgra

Speedy, nimble, fjjJs.'Aj pantas

To SpcU K^Aj<>-. ^JSJf^ men'giirang


To Spend Asr^ L> balanja—waitcfully

jj;l cUj booang arta, jj)l (^.^(y**j'

ab'is can arta

3 «MJ

.-J I Idkit at tec

Spleen tX-*.^ OoLw fakit limpa

To Splice CL.'«_Ajjg ft'root.


Splinter, chip, A>,^**. fampa

To Split aA-o bela

To Spoil ij«^ rooboo, V iLgs,* » roo/Iik

Spoils 4/LaJ*j boniaco

Spoon \^ «lAAwg fandook

Spendthrift as'^Ij clj cang bulanja Sport, pallimc, (^^U m^in, i-jXA^Kj

Spent «!csr^ L> sf^v*" fuodabalanja pamainan

S P(

sporting, jcfting, jjj-^ bagooroo

Spot, natural, ^—JiXJj rintik, ^.^Xj^^

foopak, 4.JL> panoo

To Spot with dirt ^JJ^)J.=5. chorlngcan,

(^jJj«-«*^ chomoorcan

S I"1,97 )

To Spura horlc idjf t^jX^J tajccan

cooda, 5t:W'|^ /J;)L^c nieng'iir-

tee can cooda

To Spurn ^-Jls:^.-^ injak

To Spy, betray, *.,j*>.::a. hirraoo—Spotted jj'ul; bapanoo—with dlrtj hearken ^^j mtec

Spy «.--WJ-ii.d^^rsr^^ mcnchoring

Spotleis / .-r^j-^. choochce

Spout, pipe, i^jjisp^-^. penchoran

To Spout out its;-'^ lan'choor x. ^ .

^ r. 1 -^^, 1 T

W^'^t Iquarc ^;«^s:^ pcnjoorooTo Spread open »!o «.j booca—as a cloth ^ -' •


-^'i Squat, iliort and thick,


^! ampar

Spread, opened, «\/*j'-j" tabooca

Spreading, opening, ^^lJO^*J boocaawn

Spreading tree '^Ji.^j ^j^^j puhone


Sprig ,'L('-^ chabang, (j*jS.i-j ranggas

Spring lealbn (j>4Ju!; riibingon

To Spring, as water, \J>.j^'j tcrbit

Spring of water ^1 AJ'Lo mata ay'cr

To Sprinkle with the hand ^i^:i»A2>


cjj\ orang hlfmoo, c ^-^x^

Iclaboong, Jj^^ Ibolo

S(}uarc (^^>.Lwy Ci^A^I ampat pcrfaji—


flat Iquarc ^ i«:s:-'

fVi tagap

To Squeak, as any creature wliea

caught, jXJJIj batango, «.—Ju^j


To Squeeze, throng, mj oofir

To Squeeze, as any juice, ^^ pra—prcfs

c:-vjbC« mengapit

Squib (^^.' <^^J boonga appce

To Squint Ai'U i^XjJjj' goolingcan



Squirrel L^ii^^j*, foojab>^Sprinkled ^.>oo.^^Ajy^ memrom, ..jj J ber- ^^^'^^ (^^^'•tV* v*i foonipitan


-'«^^*:i>. choo-

^ ^ |To Squirt j^zs:-',)' lanchoor, (^_^;Cye4

Spritlail AjjOJ^>,..^y layer fcman-' ^oompitcan

jj.|^To Stab jtJl/o' tikam, i.

Sprovit, of a tree, rj^xtj ranggas chook—with a lance

To Sprout (v>v>j«j' toonas, Q^vJijU ba- pakcan

toonas—grow big «Ay^y tonmbo 'Stable, firm, jiJ'i.j togo

Sprouts, of trees, ^^,^^J i^vLxa^j tam-;Stablc 6J\^3 kandang

baawn pohone iStack i^*j^.^j tamboon— of hay «s^

>JaJ coolat, Cj'-^ «.\i:«.j| ui;*>ye»^ 0*'^t-' ^'' tamboon room



Spur /^s^l-J tiijcc, 3(3^ ^^M<3 doorec Staff AJb^gala, i.'j[j batang—of a pike


boonga carang

cooda—of a cock j»^l^.Vj>^j- foofoc

ay'am—of any fowl «.j^«j.k. fbofoo

lance, «—<-^v'*' ^^^"^p-^'^j '


toobak—fla'i rtatt , LU«j xj'_. Iv.-

3D ^ ' -^ ' -

sr ( 108 ) ST

tang toon'gal—walking flafF J'y Star-board jjl/canam


Stage, theatre, Pv^* nanglong

Stage player CiSd diilang

Stage play ijL wayang

To Stagger ^y^'goyang

Stain AJA'C mooting

To Stain ^^jSJCit^ mootingcan

Stair, flep, aXaj tan'ga

Stake, poft, CiJu^' toonkat— of a

fence -jLj^jU' cayoo paga—at play

• ilj'b bataroo

Stale, old, a^^ lama

Stalk, of corn, herbs, ;t.jlj batang,

i.jLs» chabang—Hem of fruit, corn,

AJ'Le miita

Stall, (hop, C^cili kadce—in a flable

&Xtj ringga

To Stammer ^U^gakap

To Stamp upon «w>_i irrik

Stamper, pcftlc, jJl aloo

To Stanch, flop, (^*l^U>y* mcnaha- Stay ii'U kakang

Starch ^j^^l/garoos, i^^^^ yj ay'er


To Stare upon doJupandang

Starry «JOjLj babintang

Starry Iky xaajU c^^ lang'it babin-


To Start, for fear, i,::^42».»/lj' tacoojoot

—from flcep c^o».ljl/tj tacarajat

To Starve ^j^ e>^<^ U^Ls^'-^ matocan dung'an lapar

Starved _j^ L_^^ matec lapar,^ ^ L,

-j^ 5cXj C^^ci miitee derrec "pada


Starving -j^ i^^y*. foocaran lapar

State, condition, C^-jpree

Stately, proud, AJu*:^ choonka

Station cXk^' tampat

Statue, image, j-s-^ gambar

Stay, tarry, (^JCiJ nantec

To Stay ^^^Ly.>J nanteacan

nee—blood 5^»l«i'(^l^UA-6 mcna-

hanee dara

To Stand (Sj'^'^. b^'iiiree

Standard, flag flafl', j-iijjj' ciLy' tiang

toon'gal—king's flag (_^-^v panjec

Standing iSj'^ ^)"^^. ^^dirree dirree^

Star «JvUo bintang—the morning ftar

c.La^ %j^> bintang fcang, A^^

, jaj bintana; bobbee—the eveninH;

ftar .^ij ^*->*^ bintang zahar—feven

ftars AJiAJJ kartika— blazing ftar

(.^^-v^l o (iXJu bintang ber'aiTap, il^i

ijjj-j bintang ber'ecor—ftar that

Ihoots ^J!veXaj bintang ber'aleh

Steak, of flefli, ^Js/lt^ /j*>y »!u*j fa irrii


To Steal (^jc^*^. penchooree,

(^jy:^*^ menchoorcc, (^ lis*..


Stealer (^^ i^rs:'*^. penchooree

Stcdfaft *J^' togo ^Stedtaftnefs, firm, qUj^J togoa^vvn

To Steer (^Ciy^S aA!aj pegang ca-


Steer's-man (;_j^ti^-«l/(_^ t^r^^jurec ca-


Steel A2:*lj bajah, f^J^fy' cooloolec,

aAaAa^ / ^M*J beflee melcia

S T ( 199 ) ST

Steel, to fee the face In, Is pollfhcd and

ufed by the Indians, inftcad of a look

ing-glafs, Ari^U ^^^^-A^cheremcen


Steel to ftrikc fire ^^jI / <.mwJ bcffcc


Steeple, tower, (_^cXjLm* tiandy, nj^yt


Stench lJ **>j«.j « *Ij bawoo boofooc

•Step, pace, <sXiL,s». janca— foot-Hep

/ Ji/ ^ 'kAj tapak cakkce

Step by ftep «OCa^!»^ <OUo».^ berjanca


Step- of a ladder, ftair, •C^xXj pankat

Step-mother (^J «W ma tirrcc

To Stifle (SM^ Icmas, (^Xwj.^ Ic-


Stifled (j^^ Cs"''^matec Icmas.

Stile, form, A^tj* oopama, (^rJ pr^C

Stile, idiom of the court, «>l^Lj 4

^jjgJ.:>.Lo oopama majelis

Stile, to go over, cO^j" tanga

Still, calm, y »i_\aJ' tedoh

Still, place, /^' ».>^ «-^^vsp tampat foo-

ncc—to diftill, liq^uor, y^j^^^ coo-


To Still, diftill fplrits, '^j\ ry^^^yiJ I bercoocoos arrak appee

Stilts, crutches, <^'LyLo c:Ju *y toon-

kat kctcak, *J.l/ (_5*-^ cakkee cayoo


Stern, countenance, ^^ a/^^ mooca, Sting that is forked v£»^vj^ fan'goot

maflam To Sting(^^'^sa.*:;». choochookcan.

To Stew, boil, (^0>-\>Lo mcndiddcc

Stew, lewd houfe, ^^^\O^J^^..i^^^J

Tooma pefoondalan

Steward (^jO^j bandarree, (^j

Axj Im LxJCo jurec pcgangartanea

St-cwed (>w«.j|j raboos

To Stitch,! few, CioLci». jait

Stick a^jW cayoo, ^jlj''p«,XJ*.j poon-

toong cayoo—little ftlck ^j}/ i^jl

anak cayoo

To Stick in *>_^:i»*.^ choochook

Sticking to l:x3v.aJ L» balecat

Stiff, numbed with cold, fi,ckncfs, i^lj;


To Stiffen with ftarch K-Xa

mengdroofcan, (^.Cjj UgaroofcanStlffnefs, by cold, fickncfs, »ilj kakoo

—by the eramp (^jv*,f^lil/ cakarafan

To Sting ^S^^::^j:^

i-hj^JJUaa-^ menian'goot

Stinking, rotten, lXjj.s,*^ boofooc

Stinking fmcll C-T^am^j ••!_> bavvoa


Stipend (^Lxj « oopaawn

To StirTi S gra, »j-^Cj bergra

Stock, block of timber, JOJo toongul

Stocks, fetters, ^i^J loongoo, *i^lL>


a/ Pjj'-^xStockings Bj^yo meeza, /

faroong cakkee

Stoker /^jj ^ v. < oopak appee

Stomach', maw, JcJvaa^I ampcdal

Stone, brick, 4lJ'Lj biitoo


Stone-wall ^.i'L» ccXJvi dinding bitoo

Stone ofany fruit /^o\j bidjt

Stone-cutter *j'U -j'^aj ^ rjl orangpen-

ookir batoo

Stone, difeafe, *j'L< cxj',^ fdkit batoo

ST (

To Stone, caft a ftonc at a man, jAJ^'

jlj looatar batoo, j.'j\j w^ limpar


Stoned to death yij -Xiji <^ (^gj'-* nia-

tcc dc loontar batoo

Stones rvJ'U /vj'-j batoo batoo

Stone's throw ^U y^'-«' filixnpar


Stony, rocky, ^j^^-j bcrcarang

Stool ,^^JI alias, f^jC>jCi{J^ cddoo-

doocan—chair (_^Jj^crooree

To go to ftool 8j^J bera, ^jl cl^j

v„ A« booang ay'cr bcfarr

To Stoop, bow, ^^«(Joy toondooc



)S T

To Straddle ijixi kangkang, iJuLj^


To Straggle, go aftray, c^oLm (^'t>

icUan ialat

To Strain, liquor, (j*ijlj" tapis

Strainer ^^^jo^^jIj' taplfan

Straining ^^JM^[J tapifan

Strait (3*>yu bctool

To Straiten i-^jCJ w.j bctoolcan

Strand, fca coaft, /^aaj pantcc, (^^tcpcc

Stranded, caft a (horc, jA^ti dampar

Strange, uncommon, d iL:i>.jarang

Stranger, foreigner, i^jy^ A;j' orang

horgay, iSJ^fj^ orangjaooce,

To Stop,ftaunch,^ylJ>U^-<mcniihanee ^j^ •] '^^^^^ aflmg

Stop, hindrance," c:ou>^ fankot—in^- l--. 1_.... /___:


writing, a point, ^^^-J' tajiamTo Strangle i^i>o>.»^coojoot

Strangled u:^^a/Ij' tacoojoot

oppage of the Stomach •i^\<^ ^«JU,U Stranguary ^^;! ^Uj ^_^^j ^-^,3 CiviUfafak dida (^y^ ^^'^^^ ^'^'^^^ ^'^'^^"'^ booang ay'cr

Stopped ^.::^"*J"lj batootoop fjnce

Strap j.OJLmj fandang, (^Uu ccatan

Stratagem «Xj'<^ daya, «aaj' tipoo

Straw / ^^iL^ jarammec, iiiXj batang

(Straw hat «Xa::^ aA-os. chclo chelo

Stopple CX»^». foombat

Store, trcafure, 8<->^.J bcnda—ftore of

provlfions /Jouj^ rczekec, (J/L>


To Store lip ^^jS}y^tJ coompoolcan

Storm "-cjk-^j reboot

To Storm, as a caftle, S±.^ langgar,

.Xi^U-c melanggar

Story, talc, ^^sLcJOw^^ cherltraawn—of a houfe, upper floor, «Vc «j cr^Juu

tinkat rooma

Stove, to bathe in, iyX>l> tang'as

Stout . ^Lj brance

Stout riian igJ'rJ Pjj' orang branee

Stoutnefs cyy brance

iv' '.AW fala— wanderTo Stray, err,

CawwLm fdfat

Stray flicep c^\/>^Lw cU .\>^ici doomba

eanci; fl'ilat

Streak, hnc, jw^Ubaris

Stream, tide, iyj^j\ iiroos

Street p^ji^i loorong, (^1^ jalan


hyc ftreet (^^OIa^mj fimpanggan

Streight, narrow fpac*:, XjJ iapang

To be Streight, confined, Ovyc***!


ST ( 201 ) su

To Streighten, confine, ^jJC*jI>*j (afa.k-


Strength ^jjcooat, a=».L/ gaja


ftrcngth cjL/ (^j-ici dung'an cooat

Strengthen ^^uWf^^^ brce cooat

Strengthened icj(^^ bcr'cooat

Strong waters f^^^ J\ ay'er coo-

coos, i^\ *«-^l arrak appee

Strong wine (j^i/j^j' an'goor eras

To Strow, fcatter, _^«,jLj' taboor

To Struggle l/lj' tacaUnchat

To Strut, proudly, <sJu 4=a. choonka

To Stretch, lengthen, ^^^^JJcsl^, pan- Stubborn, ftiff, Jj teggar


To Strew )*>-<( amboor

Stridly, diligently, ^^^j r^jing

mightily ci-oLw fang'at

Stride, pace, AjCLs^janca

To Stride, ilcip over, ^^JjUj^ lan-

kawcan, «UusXy* mclankaw

Student /^^Lxjt:b ^.:ij»*^ moont'jy<

eang men'gajec

Studious ji^^Kj -i^l; "''ying belajar

To Study (^^:s^iy"gajee, ^a».lXLt


Stuff, material to work on, jj^IxcXff'j


ajkAjb babanta

To Strike <J jiV» poocool

String 1^ tallee

Strife, contention, j-jcXa^». chidera, To Stuff" into a hole /jwu^*j' toomis

To Stumble g aJujwj foontoh, a»AJ**w(j

tafnontoh, / ^A-T jj*aj*wjIj' tafoontoh


To String, as an inftrument, (^^^'UUi' Sturnbled 5»JCJ*>*j(j' taibontoh

8<Ju / Jo' kcnacan tallee pada—as Stumbling (^l^fcAJuVvwl!»" tufoontohawn

Stump foot V «ubs^ chapik

Sturdy, ftrong, i^^^XS gaja

To Stutter v»^U gagap

To Subdue ijjjlalla, aJJbL« mcng'alla

Subduer Xi>y« cU f^'jl orang eang

beads /swJ'vs-^ meng'ootas

To Strip, peel, (^j>*^.^ coopas, ^J!^^coolittcc

Stripe, blow, i^j^j^. poocoolan

Stripped, naked, jLsz-'J'b-j" tertalan-


To Strive v-JuU tapik

Striving i^U^ o'j~^^^:V*mclawan lawan

Stroke, blow, JLjLm fapaloo

To Stroke <^^j^ ooroot

Strong i>:ul*/ cooat, ^v^/ eras

Strongeft g *y«Lw gcXj (^^«3 cy^-J eras

dcrree pada famoa, c:j(*/ / IaJ leb-

bee cooat

Strongly ^j^J" cr^i, (j**-/ i^C^ dung'an



\j ^jj\ orangSubjed: aJIj bala,


Subjected ^jUjIj batuan

Subjected people aJL*j c^«I orang taalla

Subjeftion aaJI ti'L» batuannea

Subjects in arms, a lawful army,

5-ilJuO'Lj bdlatantra

To Submit, obey, -jLi>. habar—reve-

rence Aj^y*t foomba

To Suborn CiOCbU meng'ancat

3 E

S U ( 202 ) S U

To Subfcribe i.:d;4>uU-« m'-nioorat SufFcrable {^jJiJJ d cx>!<3 ^(j ang da-

Subfidy(^JO A oopctee pat de tahan

To Subfift ^^^JZO^ addaawn To Suffice «0 gtiLi padah la

Subftance, cftate, aj;I arta, J./Ij bacaljSufficcd ^'1 (j*^^jjJ powwas attcc

Subftantial, of a confiftence, ^O^ adda Sufficient, able, v^^l arif

Subilitutc, to aft in another's behalf. To Suffijcate (j**^ lemas

sO.Xjy pcrtanda, b^-^^'jJ P^j' "rang Suffi)catcd ;j^^ (^'^ matee Icmas

Suffrage, vote, t_^l2». chakap

Sugar ^iJaS goola

Sugar-candy ajU «sJ^J goola batoo

Sugar-cane ^aaj' teboo, «jy' toboo

mill, prefs, ^J^' {^j-^} apitan t6boo,

Ajy O-ol apit toboo

Suit of clothes i-^Ci^ o'^'^. P^^*^"^'^


Suitable, convenient, '-njob patoot

Sulphur ^ «.>J-J blcrong

To Sum up Civ-.l.jy«»Sfc joomclat

Sum <Jtio« moodal

Sumatra ^wJ^cXjl andclis, ajUwUUo


pertanda, i^*^ Pjj' orang gantee

To Subtrad '\,0^_ iSj'^ cV-S*' ambil

derree pada

Subtil, crafty, VwJ»w\j-a:s- cheredik,

Ajiti daya

Subtilty, deceit, *axj' tipoo, Ajiti daya

To Subvert^iJ^ rooboo

Suburbs «Nj'ii i*.JUti (mvs»-^' campoon

deloor kota

To Succeed, in place.

in bufmcls AJ'^ lakoo


Succcfs, profit, c «xJ. oontoong

Succefsfully performed^^j berlakoo

Succeffively, in order, iwj-s» ^~m^ mafs-

ing maffing .

Succcffor, in a family, ^21.42». «wijl

anak choochoo

Succour ^jJvi:*J*J tooloonffsran

To Succour c J ^' tooloong

Such / ^A<O^J buggenee

To Suck v_--u*kjifap

To Suckle (^y^jjt^ meng'oofooc,

y^yM C^'^ l^rce foofoo

Sucker, branch, ^v«>l>Li'^gintas

Sudden Ci\jL> bang'at, jJoovw fegra

To Sue jJilA^ mlnta—at law ^1 «.Xj ba<£-


Suet ^ij^jS gomook, ^-Ji^^ lemak

To Suffer, permit,y^ bear

Summer (j^^jLj AawL* mafa panas, »»*i*-«

(jaJL) moofim panas

Summcr-houfe / Aj bailee

To Summon (JJu pang'il

Sumptuous, as buildings, /jjJLo^'*


Sun (^Cjl^ ^ut* mata harrec—beams

iSj^ AjLo JLa>*< sinar mata harree

—fliinc C_^^l^ «xJLc Ajbi. chaya mata

harree, ^jt^ JuU 5-J trang mata


Sunday <A^! uhad, J\ib! (^ tl^ harree

ahad, cXjLw fabad

Sunk ^.^'U-ij' J bcrtin'giilam

s tr (

Sundry, forts, QtJ<.<:^ j^nis—many

OLyL» ban'yak. (Vid. Grammar.)

Supercargo 5<3j/\jl anacooda

Superfluity «x,;y^^y>j ban'yanea

Superfluous / ^aJ J' tcrlcbbec, *J-^jJ

c:^^! terlaloo am'at

203 ) SWTo Surpafs, exceed, r^ /^>i.A^ me-

lebbce lebbce, /^ lebbee

ToSurprifc(_^^^^3=^ ^^^^s-^ Ojiti

dapat menchooree menchooree

To Surrender i^\jL*, faracan

To Surround, go round, ,^jX^xX^jS

coolcelingcanSuperior AJbl/capala

Superfcription (j^l;«>*i Ov^^l alamat Surrounded jLLJaJ gtWw fooda coo-

fboratan Iceling

Supper (^_;l^ /*"^. ij^/Umacan petang Surrounding ^^^JjLLJ»/ cooleelinggan

harree, ^^>.-«»/commegar, ^j^bt-c^

joomaawn, /*-*1aj; petang

Supple ui^ aa.<*J loomboot

To Supply, add to, aa^^' tamba—the

place of / JCLT gantee

Suppliant (^LxJiU^U c jj( orang pa-


To Survey, overfee, ^jj toongoo

To Survive ^JjOo (J^SJo tin'gal edop

To SufpeA <xJi!A:=a. Jis fikir chlnta,

J^Xi*K^ mifgool, (Sj^^ calooee

To Sufpend, for a time, reft, /JC*.^^


Sufpicion 5t>J*X goondah

Support, bare up, (^^/«t^ doocon ISufpicious fjj\ gcXJ^ygoondah attee

Supportable, endurable, ;^jJ^U ti Oo!ti

dapat de tahan

Supporter, prop, oJu^" toonkat

To Suppofe ,jii fikir, aX*j*j fanca

To Supprefs, bow down, (jS..^'*Km


Supreme rulers (_CJi!A^^»/^hookoom


Sure, infallible, «aJu' tantoo

Surety S-»!*:?^ jow'ab

Surfeited 4.-c*^joomoo

Surgeon «^«^ boomo, (^^^i'tti doocon,

t._^\AjlJ tabeib

Surly Bjlxil angkara

To Surmife g-Aj 5^ kcra kcra

To Surmount / ^J /^jXye melcbbec


Surname ,\mJ a^lj nama afal

To Suftain, 'bear, ij^ tang'oong

Suftcnancc, provifion, ^^L):jj rezekee,

(Jj'U bacal

Sutler ^jJUU JI^^'M 6jj] orang

pcnjcw'al macanan

To Swaddle, roll, ;»JaJ gooling

Swaddling clouts i>y«J lamping

Swallow i^y layang

To Swallow d^'U talang, ^J-^Ly t^lan

Swallowed / «^1 c^'L»' talang ab'is

To Swap S^j toocar

Swarm, as bees, J»A-fl4/ coompool,

Jl^S-ey^rJ bcrcoompool

Swarthy (j*jLo *^. ctam manis

To Swear i.vy« ^*» foompa, xa^*mjjJ bcr-



Sweat aAaj pt!o

>'j^ye4AKi foompaawn

T A ( 204 ) T A,

Sweating i^t».Uj piJloawn

To Sweep *jLw fapoo, «jljC\>yo meni-


Sweepings «xa^j*» fampa

Sweet Q.gJLe manis—meats ^ja*t^Uc

maniraii— fccntcd /^^''j ii^r!

(^^^j wanjee


Sweet fmell

Sweetheart (^Awj^-Tl agooftee, ^^**/!/


To Sweeten ^mJCmaJL» miinifcan,

(wjJUc <,::jI*a^^ membooat manis

Swcetncfs ^^^j*j>ajL« manifan

To Swell A-Cu banca, ^-J»*JLi^ boong-


Swelling i^lxX^ bancaawn,


Swift, on the land, (v*a>o pantas

To Swim xj.j bcrnang

Swimming in the head «jjbl/ iJuu. • - .,

••• C •••

pcnuig capala

Tables, to play with, ^-j^La. cha-


Tack, fmall nail, «^JLwIj pafak

Tackling, equipage, ^jjUCj^ lancapan

Tail^i^^JU ecor

Tailor c^v»!^ i^jy:^ jurec jait,

OvjLsrV. penjait

Tainted .aJI anycr

Take ^J^-ycl ambil, <J.a^L3L« mcng'am-


Taken J^A^bue mcng'ambil

Tale, ftory, ^jIc-ajjXs». chcritraawn



Swing<^-.j bobbee

(^jJ>.ij4j coyanggan

Swipe, long pole, placed on a poft, to

draw up water, cijaJ^JL^ fan'goot

Switch, wand, f^-y*^ oJiJ*J" toonkat


To Swoon away (m.j*jJu pang'fan, JiLo

petam, a^LaJjm*>J lefoo Icteh

Sword cOyu pt'dang

Sword-bearer to a king jjUajI


Tabernacle a^ij trata

Tabic, with legs, gti^cooda

To Talk AJ'ir cata—difcourfe


Talk (^LxJ'U cataawn

Talking aj'I/ aju cata cata—dif-

courfing ^y^j'U batootoor

Tall As:-V. panjang

Tallon »jAJ5 kookoo

Tallow jjjs^^^JL^ lemak chair, v-JL^

lemak, (^-y*» v»JiuJUi min'yak fappee

Tally Ci%A^-sN ^l/ cay'oo fimbat

Tamarind ^\ aflam, t^S.)KA^/^


Tame t^^-vxAS». jenab

To Tame (^^jAxJLo*. jtnakcan

Tamed OLLo», (j^tiLsK jaddee jcnak

To Tan leather c:J^/^»til2>. j berha-

dir coolit

Tangled c:^4>*)0 koofoot, (o«am^'_»


To Tangle ^.ljjhjj3 koofoot, t.ij*»j»jL«


Tanner C^'^_^<JSt-i^^ (^jys^ jurec

berhadir coolit

Tap u:j)'^ charrat

T-i (2To Tap, pierce, CJ^jbs» cluiboot

Tapeftry / ^'(«Aa^jJ pcrmidiinec

Tappy, painted callico worn much b;'

the Malays, , ^" tappee

Taprtcr ^^Lc»>LU) J'»::^:-^ pcnjevv'al

minnoomawn, (j_)U*aa^ JL^cjjIorang jcVal minnoomawn

Tardy aJUn A>yo kcna filla

To Tare i^^l:^ charik, aXu bchi—the

tare, ofgoods, (^^*j roojec, ij^*jJ\'J roojce toocar

Tares CJiA^») , cs^cXj bidjee room


blackilli JjJ


05 ) T e

langoolang cata, c^^ ^ji^ i^lxjVcataawn mcng'oolang oolang

Tawny ^^ pcrang

QjjjJl^ etam manis

Tax, tribute, ^J*Lo » oopctee

didragma •'

Tax-gatherer aaj i p_j «' orang reba

Tea A:^ cha

To Teach ,:i.( cyar

Tcaclier =^»1 ^^^:^ jurcc ajar, j^Iju


Teaching (^(^! ajarawn, y^^l ,>'jJ

bcr'ajar ajar

Target, round, /j*kjj priTee—longjTear ajLo jjI ay'cr mata, Amj AjLe «I

c o«~' '>j<*j falooko'ong

Tar '^^j^^ tO U' iX,' Lj gala gala loom-


To Tar 1^1^/-^J 4X.'Lj iX^'U (^_jsiOv^^j!ii Teat of" the breaft <p*)4wg JJ^^u pintui

L_-OL<j ay'cr mata fa tetik—to flied

tears AJ'Le wl ^1 Jl/ calooar ay'cr


laboor dung'an gala gala loomboot foofoo, ^J^ ^J^J oojong foofoo

To Tarry (J^ nantee—all night To Teaze v ii.i>.ljL8 mengajok

JL«lj bamiilam

Tart, fourifh, OxAjcXaaw fcdckit

TalTc (^_jJlc ..ij' tangoonggan

To Talle Ju,gJ^ rafa

Tafted AawLa^ menifa

Tafter ;jj^U>w- aj*:^ cu' orang chuba


Tailing ^^\jtM.\j rafaawn

Taflelefs Am^j gcXjixJ' teadda rafa,_^l .Ij'


To Tattle, inform, JCJU baleter

Tattler, unfcafonabiy, ^X^J ci.'».' t^

mooloot a;an's:oo

Taught j:i».l.x-c meng'ajar, j^^^Lj bcn'ijai

To Taunt, fnap, ajI.^^ jeraka

Tautology aj'I/ c^S ^^«jc* mcng'oo-

Tcdious A^J lena

Teeth /^ygiggecTclae, a fmall red bean, ufcd in India

for a gold weight, (__^JLJ'

Tclcfcopc AJ'Lo «^'*w fooroo mata,

<: *j tyfJ tcroopong

To Tell, make known, «Ij' (__^_( brec

taoo—declare i*y*j' tootoor, j JO-a;^

chcritra—fpeak of AJl/cata

To Temper, as metal, sy^^>^ fepoh

Temperate, frugal, c:^^-^ j'-"niat

Tempeft j^v U *j tofawn

Temple, Mahometan temple, Jk\>m «^

molfeid, c:Ai^Lwj.>^ mefljlt

Temples of the head ,^».>*j.aaaXj pille-


3 F

T H ( 206

Temporal jroods A^j «ti »\J;t arta doonca

To Temporize, turn M'ith the timc<,

c\1aj ^ «tJU biilik belli

To Tempt i\_i*ra. choba

'J'cmptation (^.ljtj«.2b» chobaawn

Tempter a.' «=&. (^ 1 ri^ furee choba

Ton a.'*jLw iiipooloo— fold *-*«j|Lwg

(vwljJ lapooloo lapis—thousand a^cWjJi^J falax'a

Tenant j^awj cU eang fcwa

Tender, loft, ui>4>-<J loomboot

Tent c 4 )L> baroonc, &j\J trata

Tenth, tithe. IciLw fildakat—the

) . T H

/^MjJ^ A^ t\jj tarema cailec

jmJ *\^j \\J tarema(^*Thiinkfulnefs


That yij Ctoo, ,/T agar, ajI^ maka

Thatch / ^l^ u-O'l attap jarammac

To Thaw )«,cs:-'l an'choor

The c U eang, a/ ca

riicatrc c*ijtj nanglong, cJI<^c-v>.^

tampat dalang

Theft ^mIj itac-*-^. pcnchore-awn

riuir Aaj*j c '«'-xi dcorang poonea

Theirs aaJo c^t«L(ti decjrang poonea

Them jij.Uti dcorang, aaJIj<3 deanca

tenth J «jIaw a/ cIj eang ca fapooloo Thcmfelvcs (^^t>J^*i cj «Uti dcorang

Tenthlv «.J *jl.sw t\/ c U ^ ' b^ calee eanc:

ca liipooloo

Term, fpace of time, kX/* \va6loo

Terms, conditions, s^>'i\j pcrkara

Terrible :.,«.jt:i^J tcrchinir'«;n

Terrible fight ^jUjUfc haybanoo

To Terrify /^'^Aj tacootee

Territory 5 ^aaj benoa

Terror ^^uAj tacoot, (.:i.'*:i:^j./coojoot,

^^v>*/LJ» tiicootan

Teft fur gold, any metal, / ^:5>.» oojcc

Teftamcnt, will, /jj*jW( « wafits, ^^*»,U

aV.I /_5'Ia^_^ palan membagee arta

Tefter of a bed t^\S c\A-xmk)o

To Teflify /j*i.Akn fax'cc

Teftifying /l^jC^ /^>*jX,j».j berfax'ee


Tcftlmony ^^UMJ.-C^ fax'can, (^^^jJCv^Lw


Tefty, peevifh, 5^x»J gopoh

To Thank t k^k>h foocor

Thanks A^J^U tarema—give thanks


Then C_^;(^ dcrrcc, otXj iSjC:> dcrrcc


Thence aj'j*) fana, «aa>m fetoo

Theology ^^Ul) I clkalam

There aJLw fiina, t\jLwt!> dcfana,^ aaam.


Therefore *>L» lYSXi tiiaral etoo, k^^x./^^^ • ^ ....

JO febab etoo, *aj aJ y carna ctoo

Thereon aJ>!j ^ vwJ'I attas ctoo-

Thereout «.aj jcXj C^^iei derrec pada


Thereto aJLmJ cafina

Therewith *aj (^-j>iti dung'an etoo

They cj »ljti dcorang, AAJLjti deanca

Thick, as a board, ^_y/J tabbal

To lliicken, as lic|uor, \^ *. ili ka-


Thief (^j,»ps^^. f^ijl orang pcnchoorec

Thieve (_^_^i ^.r». chooree,. (^ i^^sr^. pcn-


Thieving (^U^»2s. choorcawa

xn (

Thigli JiJih paha

Tluniblo C^^b>. c t/^ fiiroong jiirrec

Tliin (v^Aj ricpis

Thine AAJ4J v<b'' cdmoo poonca


207 ) T H

Thoufands fyj «.xj^t rcboos

Thraldom (^Lljl/ catawan

To Thralh <ia< J' toombo

Thread /t.>.A.j benang

c lU barang—ibmcthing c^U'To Thread a needle ^_^j'-^ ^P^ i'*^Ajl barang appa—nothing cjU hXkj benang canjaroom, ^j^'^ "—

' ^^^rs^

ajI tcda barang appa

Things d lb c^Ij barang barang

choochook jaroom^—a needleful ot

thread / ^ a>*j i.>Uj benang fa ley

To Think, confider, ^^ 5^0 kcra Thread-bare, rotten, C^jijJ. powwec

kera To Threaten ^—•'C^IjU nicngVyok, ^jlz

Third ivi^AJ i.i/ cL/ eang ca tega, ^"o''

aXaj ca tc-ga—a third aXaJ'^j a>^ fa

pcrtega, aXm' a_> cU (^^i Q bagee

tang ca tega

Thirdly ^Oi^J a/^Ij /_^-'b cdlee eang

Two-thirds ^IxXxJ"^ a 5<~^ '^"^ perte

tcgaa%\ a

Thirll, to thirll, (j^t^ aoos

Thirfty ij^*^-> ber'aoos, (^ «I aocjs

Thirteen ,^j^^-> '•'^S^J tega bias

Thirty J «^aO^xj tegapooloo

This (^b t^'ncc

Thiftlc ^ijtiU ej«i>y<i.^i roompoot

badoorce, /-::i^U bachy

Thither 4.'uUmJ' calana, Ajl*/jti dcfana

Thitherwards »!ulwjj calan;i

Thorn cC Mti doorce

Thorny (^^»ti-j berdoorec

Thofe cG eang, *JCj etoo

Tho\i *2i.joo, *,sl/ camoo, J loo

Thought (^,Lc;^' kcraawn

Thoughtful 5-AJ5 syAi'j bcrkera kera

Thought» c'-^tAs 3.>o kc'ra keraawn,

aAawj lanca


To Threatcn^-r^ljU mengVyok, ^^bs-


ircatcned ^;l:sr*^' nicngliaran-i

Three AXxi' tega—fold (j*^^ sS^ te-

ga lapis—forts (j**AAi:» «'^-^'^y ^^S'* K~nis—parts , ^/U /OyJ tega bagee

by three and three a,Vaj" aAaju ba-

tega tega

To Threlh »>ye*J' toombo

Thrcfliing "place j^y ^^^v^" tampaf:


Threlhold jX^) ,^^JiS cakkcc pintoo

Thrice /_tU aAaj' tega calce

To Thrive tXA^" taniba, Aa^',> Ijer-


Throat,, fore part of the neck, (^i*J'


Throne »\jU gata,. A^!^' (^_<^'^j/' croo-

fec raja

Throng i^ljbJ' caw'an-

To Throng ,j*i « oofir

Tlironaed OoLj bcrapit,. lOsA^b ba-


To Throttle ,.vJ ^ vw--aJ Icmas can

Through, by, 5<Aj C^_,»ti derree pada

j^j re'boo—one thoufandjTo Throw^Sir^ limpar

, lii rcboo (To Thruft from O'^' *j toolak


Thruft out ^^jjj tcrtoolak, PvjUtaboong

Thumb (^jI-» tAJ ib'oo tang'an, 4aj

(^jij' (^ j[s^ ib'oo jarrce tung'au

To Thump ^} 4/Vj poocool

Thunder -xA/'goontar—rattUng thun-

der JlJ /-,' Lik hiilce hntar

208 ) TO

Tlic Thiafma, a difcafccommonm India,

that caufcs frequent occafiou to go to

{tool with pains and cannot void,

TinderL^JL. c:^il fakit fiilc faraa

» *jn rabok

To Tingle iwj Itilj badafljng

To Tinkle ^^^U>J' gintdcan

Thundcr-ltr'uck ,aaJ (_J'-:^ '^-v^ kcnajTinfcl (j^OsS. addas, jOi'_>prida

halec lintar Tip, end, C)->« oojong

harrcc kum'is

Thwart, awry, ^rf^ fcrong

Thy ^^ mooTial, a weight for gold ufcd in many

parts of India and China, JLu' tial

Tick, vermin, AA^«t^ it.'j\i kootoo


To Tickle ^^\jJ../X>,< gelctikiican

Ticklifh Ot;:AJu/'gclctik

Tide, ftream, (h- jjl aroos

Tidings, news, Ai cabar

To Tic 'Ci-jCj ccat

Tiger i^^^j^ibi. hariman, (^;_^Le ma-


Tile «JOo'^gintlng, ^_^jl aj'Ij batn attap

pan-tile k:jJ^^^ ySJJ> ginting


Timber »jl/ cay'oo^piece of timber

Thurfday <^y^^y kum'is, (j>ww>o(^^Ui Tiptoe ,^_jjs^^ jinjin, ^^sr'S^.J bcr-


To Tire aAjJ Iclah, ^^^jS^i^ letchcan

Tired aIaJ Iclah, AaaJ Icteh

Tithe 0\/(tiLw fadacat

Title, dignification, >JU' galar

Tittle, point in writing, jJuu nockta,

>.—«J>UJ' tctck, .Vj.:^^^ <^« 1« ooroofv_/ .. ... _^<^


Tittle tattle X iA::^. chora, JCa^'U balctcr

To tvJ ca, <^ dc, A.' la, jO-j pada, «lu»

(^^I acan

Toad <!uw.Aj


uLjs katak bifa, c •Juij'

To Toall c^U garing

Tobacco /'U^tj'toombacoo—tobacco-

box »/l>v^*j' \ ^\j talap toombacuo

—to Imoak tobacco t,{\.^^ii ^--^^j-'J

ifap toombacoo

_^l/ i-y^)^ tay'ong cay'oo, ^M XjL> Toe iJO C^^'-^ jarree cakkce—great

batang cay'oo, ^ «.«g Ij rafok—crofs

timber, a beam, .J'^' LT galagar

Time ij>y« wadloo

Times, ages, i^l^.O ^'^"lawn

Timorous, fearful, cua/'Lj tacoot

Tin ^^'U' calaug, (J^ caly, a^; Told, made known, jU (^V atWv/jj«j tcma pootec'

toe (_5-*-^ L£j^^ _fi-^.ib'-oo jarrec


Togetiicr twL^w iS^Lfj fama fdma

jToil, labour, A^rr^-T careeja

Token, fign, c:-v^ V I alamat

)ld, made

fooda brcc taoo

TO ( 209 )

Tolerable, fufferable, ^j^J <3 Ci^jjci

dapat de tahan

To Tolerate jL<j bear

Toll / Juu « oopctee

Tombj fcpulchre, )*j«-^ cooboor

To-morrow '^^>*jji clook

Tongs c:v^>vkM fepit

Tongue s'AaJ leda—language Aw^b

bafa—of a ballance gOyJ i—Jijl

(^^JCi-^p' anak leda timbanggan

Too heavy ^.:i>jAJ Ov*! am'at bir'at

Took J^^^buo mcng'ambil

Tool, inftrumcnt, (^^U'U pagawee

Tooth /^six/ giggee — tooth-ache

/^Cv/ c:oLki fakit giggee

Top, upper part, aJ bl/ capala, &.aJ<^\

attafnca—top, play thing, i^Lj ga-

Topmaft 9*jLCo dLO' tiang pen'gdpoh

Topfall z^AXXj _jJ layer pen'gdpoh

Topfy turvy ijU j»^=». chasipoor baw'-


Torch ^I<3 damar

Torment ^jltt^J^M fenfara, ^uw^Cw fix'a

To Torment ^^U^)JC^M fix'acan

Tormentor a>*>Jo*(wO panfix'a

Torn v»j»j'^jj ber'charik

Tortoife, fea, s^iomj koorkoora

ToTofs^jy lootar

Total aXX^ fi^galla, c:aXa^<^ joome-

lat, (^\.jjj tooridy

Totally "^ I/ A«< fa calcc

To Totter A^j-^^^ oo)ang goyan

To Touch iu\j raba

Touch-hole of a gun <JutXj (^I aa-cankkaj

p^foombooawn buddcel


Touching ^jj'ljl2».jabatan

Touch-flone /^s^» ».jLj batoo ocgce

Touch-wood 'J^U rabok


Tough JCi' teggar

Towards 5Jy pada, bcXjU capadg.

Towel (j^jiJ' *.jl^ fapoo tang'an

Tower, lleeple, iSOJlfJ tiaody, ^/J^moonara

Town, walled t<?w«, Ajii itota—eity

(^jLy negree

Toy, trifle, ^^JijL^' i-^y^J tcxnang tc-


Track (J^ * *jU' tapak cakkee

Tradable t-_5;l arif

To Trade <xj'Uajj veniaga, «sJ'Uj.>

bernlaga—a trade cC<-XJu pandcc,

^jjUl^». jabatan

Trader »sJ'Lyoj p^j' orang veniaga

Tradefman (^JUj cj«I orang pandce

Tradition, ufe, i.LJtil addat, i^LjtiUx^^l


To Traffic AS[yJ^j veniaga, dySijJ-f


Train, retinue, p-yf:^.

CJjJC^ou peng'ecot—Traitor ajI^»<^ dooraka

To Trample upon <-^jJ. irrik.

Trance, cxtafy, axj; ribbea—to be in

a trance j.aaj petam

To Tranfcribe ^JJLw o^ yU» mcn'oorat


To Transfigure ajo OUU-j berbalik

roopa—change ,^1*,^ falin, ^jJLjjJ


peng irrmg,


To Transform aj «^ v.JiL'lj balik roopa,

(^jJw^U-^ raclaikncan


TR ( 210 ) rn

To Tranfgrcfs «O^ middoo—err aJU. Treble, threefold, (ji*j^ aXJJ tcga

lala, «3Jl^w Aaaj k<^na fala



Tranfito y aaj «ti (^jC> derrce doonea

To Tranllate (^Jl;*. falin

To Tranfmit, carry over, ^^jj ^t^^^fabrang can

Tranfparent, as liquor, Aj,i>.jerneh

as glafs c J trang

To Tranfplant cXa.^' jcXj C^jti gcXAj

aaJ pinda derree pada tampat nea

Trap c:AA-eJlj Ui^.x'iii. jcrat baloompat,

.Xj_t per ancap

To Travel , ^J^l^jalancc, C-Oo^ber'-J-

ancat, ^JJ'lii.LJ biljalan

Traveller/ ^Jljii. C)«l orane ialanee

TravellingpJU^JM.baialanjalanT^j^^j^^ ^j^^^j^^^ ^

To Tra\erre to and frojv<«g ^iSr**" ^"^


Tree ,^s4^4.j pohone

To Tremble Jii kittar, -X^kS gomittar

Trench >^-U parit

Trencher vAa:??» cheper, (^'U pakan

To Trcfpafs t"J l.»g «!u-o kcna iSla


Lxj *:??. chobaawn

Triangular (^^=».U>j^ ^^-^' tcga perfaji

Tribe {J^*^. panjee—family J^>^| afal

Tribulation (^vLxjIaJI anyayaawn

Tributary aAju' taalla

Tribute, cuflom, i3y:^ chookee

Trick, knavifli, «.-vxi' tipoo, aj1«3 daya

To Trickle, as liquor, ad^jXj^ mclclch

Trifle ^M jXi-AJ'^^AJ' tcmangtcmanggon

To Trifle in a(;:tions as».Ln (^.L« main

JjlJsAii. ienaka

pang sior

Treacherous perfon Ajiti *.^amj fcmoo

daya, Ajlijti dooiaka

Treacle, molafl"es, *jaj ^I ay'ertoboo

To Tread upon >—J'tJ irrik, v i>yL) en-

yak, aaaj enea—tread of an egg

jAaJ" C-o*! «j poofat tclore

Treafon AJjIi.ti dooraka, Ajiti 4^^femoo ddya—deceit (mU^^c^ hif-

mooawnTreafurc (^IjuU 4\J;I arta cayaawn,

3t>.AJ benda

Treafurer jjIcX^'^ fhabendara

Treafury (m_;IcXaj_| perbenduran, / Jupittee

To Treat, advife, s^ls:^ bechara

as a man, sOsa-o


To Trim, fliavc, iji^is» choocor

To Trip againft axa/aiU tafanka

Trivet ^c*j toongko

To Triumph, rejoice, ^wi'j^ lJmj.wj-j

ber'iborak foorak

Trodden «XaJu enea

Troop (^Ul^ cawan

To Trot, as a horfe, jjiij» oongool

Trouble, vexation, /^j'l a«j»wj foofa

attee, -/y* foocar

Troubled, in mind, ^-Ji,^ .^ /J>t attee


Troubles {^j\S^^ -/y*" foocar foocaran

Troublefomc d^M^y^ foofa, j^\>*> foocar

Trough, fmith's trough, (^UjLn fapoo-


T V ( 211 ) TWTruce i^Xt j ^jUXJb».jj bcrhcntcawn


True, not counterfeit, y\A.J benar—

true-believer ^'«^xw^moofulmavvn

Trumpet (^,-01^ namfyrrcc

To Trumpet (__^_ajl^" ^jjaJCo betiop


Trumpeter (__^^oL^' dj^l "rang nam-

tyrrcc, (^-aJl^ ^j^ P-^. PJj' «rang

eang tiop namfyrree

Truncheon oJiJy toonkat

Trunk, to fhoot with, i^jSuu^^tM^oom-


Trufs, bundle, (j**3^ berkas

To Truft, beheve, aj^-t:! perchaya

Trufty, faithful, ax}"Lmj fatia—trufty

man ^Jl «Uj'Ln fatiawan

Truth (jj^U-o benaran, AxjAi»^ foong-


To Try ^uj^ clioba

Tub CJ.J (j*-J>L> bakas toong—to bathe

in ajI^L» bachana

To Tuck up iig^jLw fmgfmg, ^-JU-awj


Tuefday a>*j)''Lm (_^^l^ «WiJLg falafa

harree falafa

To Tug <!dx2».hela

To Tumble ^J'Li- jatoo

Tumbled, rumpled, Jlj «b _^ be/ga-


Tumour, fweUing, ^jLxXXj bancaawn

Tumult 5jf^ «^1=». haroo biroo, ^^ in|'ar bang'ar, Aj^^goga

Tune ^\j rag;

Turban JC*.0> diflar, AJljl/'i-_>y"»j ,^'i'

cay'in tootoop capala

Turk / 5-^ «J p^ijl orang roomec, d mI

0^^«j' orang toork, jyi toork

Turkey /jw^jl ^1 ay'am en'grees

Turky ^^j (_£S-^ negrec room, aJL»'

^*) tana room

Turmeric cx^^^' coonhet, t^">^


To Turn, from one fide to the other,

OUU balik—turn, due, (^UL^ ja-


Turningi^jJiJUbalikan—turning, corner,

\^yXijfy^>*^ fimpanggan, ^^,Uj*A.,J*J


Turnip V i.jJ lobak

Turpentine j>j^^ jjl ay'er boothooni

Turret on a houfe ^^xLy toongkop

Turtle, fea, ^j^j^ koorkoora, y**^rcfe.r la^nd ^a ll i n;mv'nn • i • i •»aJIj pany'oo, v^^«>ajcefer— land


Turtle-dove^^ tij/(j' tacoocoor, <: 4 i«j

J tf^f\j booroong tacoocoor,

/JLj',,-yo merdpatee


Tuftle-fliell ^^^*J^ ii(c(t

(€{cQ. koor koora

Tutor '

4, i^xL) pen'gooroo—guardian


^J Ij wall

Tunnel ^O^J^'J tamboofan

Twain 5«<3 dua

welve (j*A.L» 5 «ti dua bias

Twenty J «.j 5 «<JS dua pooloo

Twice /^Jl-/ 5^<^ dua calec

Twig ^V"!-^ chabang

Twilight (^jt^Cjs-^!'^

denec harree,

1 q'jImj sawan

To Twinkle u-v-'y^carllp

Twinkling eyes v>-J _/ AjU mata carlip

—as a rtar cXy*^ gomclang

Twins C^c3l:> '\-eC*i clj eang fama

jaddee, (__C<3L:si. .'uw j^ltX^ foodara

ill jaddee

To Twifl, as a rope, Jjj pootar

212 ) VE

To Value -jb* tauer, ,x'J' taw'ar,

iJj^ ^^^j-^^ tJ *J pootoofcan arga

Valued Aj^l,.^ ber'arga

Vane of a -niip ^^^I c_KcjJ" toongal


To Vanifti, difappcar fuddcnly, u-<sr*^


Twifting of the bowels ^j^ m61as Vanity of the world A^.d y*Ju nafsoo

To Twitch, jerk, 5*3^-

v^J^Xaj*» fintak

Two j»ti dua


Tying (^'Ju ecatan

Tympany ^1 c:aJ"L>j fakit ay'er

Type, fimilitude, a^Li* oopiima

ToTyrannize , s>.LikLCL< meu'gajahce

Tyranny (^buCu I anyayaawn

Tyrant .v.UjI ^:_-Uj^ c^.jl 6rangber-|vj,r;anceji j^lc^haroo bJroo

booat anyaya, jic^\S' p.jj\ orang'^^



To Vanquifh ^j-^^'I allacan, X^-^ me-


Vanquifhcd aJju" taalla

Vapour V »!«« ow'ap—of the earth

Aji'J Sr^lj; ow'ap tana

To Vapour, boaft. I/ kachak

Variable *JjJ" et\xAJ' teadda t6go

V ACANT, empty, aa^I aiv.pa

Vacation, refting-tirac, / JiiXs^-j jX/,

Avacloo berhentce

Vagabond ajUaxj' gaibana

Vail, cover, ^^JSxt^^y toodonggan,

^ «tW»' toodong, -jlj' tabir

Vain-glorious Oi^^LiJ kachak, JCXf

Varnifh ;j**J^ ran'gas

To Varnilh (j^XiyK^ meran'gas

To Vary, differ, B«->^*ty bcada

Vallal A-bu' cjJ orang taalla

^ Vault c *juc^ langkoong

To Vault, leap, ^s^yji^J loompat

Udder AMgt>jg foofoo


Vain-glory a>«Uj c Ueang binnafa

Valiant L5^y brance-

! !as>. hormat

valiant manjj_jl «^'L^lj pahaldwan

Valley aa^ lemba

Valuable Ajij'-j bcrtinga, aJoC» aj«J'

goona bergoona

Value, price, a/Tsw harga

Veal (^_AMJ OUl (^^-Mti dag'in anak


To Veer, llacken, j «J « ooloor

Vehement, earneft, ^^^_j rajlng

Vein, of the body, ^-^Vj oorat, ci.m*

g^i'ti oorat dara

Velvet J 4-NJ »yV" \^)^ cay'in footra


Vcndable J(^ ti '^:'*^ dapat dc


Vencry ^t,\j cdam

V E ( 213



Vengeance, judgement, -^Uo.koomawn

Venifon, the flelli of any hunted beaft,

' (^>I t\ «j^ (^«Jlt^ dag'in pcrboorooawn

Venom of a Inakc a>**>u bifix

Venomous fnake a«j^j i^ « oolar bi'Hi-

aj ij roopa


- venomous, drawing as falvc, /wmj


Vent, to give vent, jW-^ C^-J


To Venture, try, «xj*^ chuba

Verdigreale iS>^ fenang

To Verify (^^SXi tantooee. Vigour ejfj/cooat

^^JJ J-*>.Y-<i (jjJ^»itA>\A^ mcnioong. Vigorous cft/'.j be

oocan membc'nar can

Verily *i*>w »J:.y^ foongoo foongoo.


fJ>1 c:-iJ'Ln faklt attec

Ugly « f^ booroo, OOi.L


Vice, infirmity, Ai'^U:^ ehelaka

Viceroy jc^vo ^4?-^ raja moodaVi<5tor (jjsJjLU^ a/

5;_^)«' uraiig ca mc-

nanggan, ^(.^IJtU ^\yi^ jow'an


Victory ^^JJkJu.^^ mcnanggan

Viftualler ^^L<^U J'«^ d>«

jew'al macanan

Viifluals ;^"l/Lc macanan



Vile, evil, c^o^b^jahat

ToVillify ^i^ makkee, (^yli'iU

«.i:*>*>vyjj fefoongoo—yes, verily, aj! chelakacan

*i:tj*i ba foongoo -Village (j^^jti OJ^^-^ campoon doo-

Vermillion ^jLIjoWw

c:^l>.^ canibiiyat

Vermin c:J « oolat

fcdclingam,' foon, ^}^z^tr' (^,Xaj negree kecheel

Villain, rogue, /^^l^L paralecntee^

( ^j «.A.A-' '.^ malcpootcc.

Verfcs, love poetry, t^}j rubee—of o'rangjahat

other matters (mjX^ pantoon

Verfe, paragraph, g^liV perkara

Ver)' «jJiLo maha, c:ajLm fang'at, c>^


Veflel, any hollow vcfltl of ufe, as a

pot, pail, (jj-oLj bakas

Veft v:i^.y^Lyw felemoot

Vefture, coat, 4.>lj baju

Vetches , ^j<^i ^^^ kachang ke'pce

To Vex, 'trouble, Akm*.>^ C^'J bree

fooia, ^J^ c:oLn C^,-^-e mcmbrec

lakit att'ee, ^^\JJ^ chintacan

Vexation, care for,^ (j^jIxaa^s. chinta-

awn—trouble ^Ji!«.\j*j*jyM foofa attee^


Villainy ^"LawU^ jahatan

Vine ^»JLII (^*^^. po'hone an'goor

Vinegar a/*.^ chooca

Vineyard^Jj I c 4J4J coobong aTi'gooj-

Viol, bottle, {Jyt boolce—mufical

inftrument tj 4*j tuora—any mufical

inllrumcnt to be played on with a



Violence ^^y^\j^\ rampiifan

Violet .i« oongoo, *i. Ai*j boon^aJ ^ ^ ^ -J ^ • "-

ooncoo — colour «i» AJ'« warna


Viper 5j .XiJL) calanggara

Virgin sj'O uJuI anak dara

3 Yi

UN ( 2M ) V N

Virginity ^jU-J praw'an, f^^^^j^ ejlij^


Virtue (j,XK:^iX>\j kabldjccan, (j^-,j

iwJLilj cU prcc tang baik

Virtuous, challe, , ^ss^ra* choochee

Vilagc a/\-s! mooca

Vifion ^^'UJUoij pang'calcatan

To ViHt ^jCi[j) fadoolce

Vitriol / ^«jjjIj taroofcc

Ulcer Ovzi^li». «^^j pooroojahat, «^i*j

«x/b pooro baca

Unable (^J^^ 5<-^vy tcda bulce

Unacceptable (j_j-cl ang'an

Unacquainted jj^i' ^«-[*-j booloom


Uliaccuftomcd AxwLu


Unadvifcd, hcedlcfs, / J^ lalcc

^tj^' tcda layak, v_Ji.fi ^' o*-^V "^*^"*

con layak

Unbelief JjAJu cafirat

f-yy. booloom

Unbeliever ^U^ciifir, 5<-X-u' cL> c mI

Ajlis.J orang cang tcda pcrchaya

Unblamcable aJUj sOyy' tcdafala

Uncertain *JCaj .»j ij booloom tantoo,

*.A>o' giAxAJ' tcadda tantoo

Unchaftc i«J»'oJo candak

Uncircumcifcd ujJjJ coolop

Uncircumcifion i^Jji' coolop

Uncivil AanIj »Lj' 5^AaJ' tcda taoo bafa,

«.A^iii. »Lj' s<-^;y ^^"^*^ ^'^^o choombo

Uncle jtW^L) pamooda

Unclean, dirty, _j*^j:^ choomoor

Unclcannefs (m^i*-c ^^^. choomooran

Unclean, as liquor, « ;ljj karoo

To Unclothe (jjUiU (_yj<JJ tln'gal pa-



I—vS;-^-' n^-\jL\j' tcadda lln- kc an, OLo Ij 1 1 *,' ly calooar pak^an

'Uncomely, ugly, c:<i^U>, (j^b paras

Unaniinlty (^^V! ^W. fa attce, p;l:s^J a»j' J^'"at

fa bechara, ^^Jji^I dfaawn, ^'U>^jti Uncommon £^.1:^ jarang


Unanimous a>*j1 afa

Unanfwcrable C_^.J «^ c:^j'ti a<AAJ'

'wj! *:ii. tcda dapat dc brce jow'ab

Unarm Ai'lrs:-'^ jjl>u' tin'gal finjata

Unarmed Ai'ls^^J a<->^>y tcadda bcr-


Unavoidable CX^'-)' <-^ ^-^r".'^ s'-^^V^^''

da dapat de lalooee

Unawares aaJ'^Iwj (^.cc^ 2^-\^J

c «.2s:Jo tysz^ii tcda dung an f;ljanca

koonjong koonjong

Unbecoming, as clothes, not fit, vCkjJ


Unconcerned c«,jljLsrV. injapayoong

Uncondcmncd ^«.iir^jj s^Aaj' tcda bcr-


Unconllant, changeable,


Uncorniptcd L_r\>*JA.j asAA-y' tcadda


Uncover, open, a/*j booca—makebare /^IaJ^' tcKlce—the body

t^) t,'J , . sJ>>A>.A/J' tclClccan tooboo^ •> ^—Uncovered ^UA-O' tclclce

Undeceive (^ t^Xj tantooee

Under a .U bava, 5 «U ti dc hava

V N (

To Undergo, fufFer, ^^».0' tahan,

e>-,:i».lJLA^ mcnahan

5 ) UNUnfaithful, not to be believed, i-ASs^yJ


To Undermine 5 «U ti , JLj' galee de


Undcrmoft g^^lwj b«Li<3 dcbava famoa'Unfeigned

Unfaithful nefs c »i^*J bohoong

Unfeathcrcd, callow, ^^XJ<s:i^ hin'gap


c^-^ rJ'l<3 dalamUnder fentence


To Undcrfct ^j.X)tjJA.A/* melapikcan

Underftand /Ji'_i^ meng'artee

Undcrftanditig, wifdom, (J^l acal,

<;__^<34-'boodee, ^j^jl^jti^jboodcmawn

ToUndcrvalue 5<3»-^ uijIaAa^ mclcat

mooda, ^^j/ [^jJ:-j\ aringan canj

(^jSi^^J gampangcan

Undcfervcdly ^^«jbi.s^-^iV-"

^^'^'^ '"'^"


bi'tool, »i«.j bcXO

5^1 «.J teda poora poora

Unfinilhed fyjAJ*.J ^*-Uj booloom poo-


Unfit, improper, u:jajLj jjcXaj' teda pa-

toot, ^jsj2i^ B'-'Ny tcda chookoop

To Unfold a/ «.J booca

Unfortunate a-'J^^a:^ p «.j * uotoong chc-


c «Ju «,j bcr'oontoona;

Unfrequented, folitary, . j^m foonec

Ungodly (Jvi^U ndcal, ^jl^ haram

Ungrateful (v^^b s<->>:V teda balas

Unguent c:o« oobat, c;aj« v—k.^X^

minyak oobatUndillurbed, quiet, 5; *aaJ' tantoza

To Undo {^j^^:>j) ooreyacan — ruin<^- ^^c.'trr,... 4' }

I• Unhandfome, uely, « i4J booroo

i^Xa^*j roolakcan— Ipoil ..w- l>o! ' ^"^-^binnafa

Undone, ruined, ^—^vUndoubted truth «.AAJ'tantoo

To Undrefs ^^,UjIj (J<->^-^tin'gal pa-


kc'ai—make bare ^^AaaAAaj telelecan

Uneafy, troubled, ^aj^ foocar

Uncufinefs, trouble, t^j\J\,^ foocaran

Unequal A^l>^ 2^\V ^^'^'^ fama

Uneven, rugged, t_-^x^^Jgaf^up, v_-aw^''

kallap, A)[j gcXjtAJ' tcadda rata

Unhandy vjvulp=i. jcXaj tcida chapat

To Unhorfe, ftrike offa horfe, (^ 4./1aj

ot^i/ 5u\j C^^iti bantoon derree pa-

da cooda

Unicorn ^\^Li badak

Uninhabited foonec

To Unite, fticli. togctlicr, .


Unity (^, UjLw fatooawn

Univerfal ci-va^V ooVXa.*-, «.O'



ca fejalhi

Uncvitablc c^yj t:> c:^!^ jcA-u' teda!un|Ye,fjt,. ,^^ ..j,^ .-ncndarfli

dajmt dc Idlooee

Uxexpc(^lcd, without caufe, CAisr-Jij'

cj.^-UJ koonjong koonjong

Unexperienced aj^^^ ^j^/ cc^orang To Unlade aX.c.j poonggah

choba, tJ-AAj; ^j-Kj booloom kenal Unlawful ^.^.1^.. h:iram

Unjuft (j^ tj^,^^:^ 5<-\y '^«^'^ haron-

Unkind ^..k,jJ jcXaj' tiida calVec

Unknowri ^J^-aa)» s'-^^J tcdakcnal

U X ( 210 ) IT S

Unlearned O'^tij.j bJdoc, (J^Ubabal


Unlcfs QV*(j^j'.^ mams^ lamoon

Unlike <soi,j <Xwj ».UcLm scXaj' tcda fama

• Hi roopa

Unlikely Aj'is»,,.» Oui<3 jcXaJ' tcda diipat


To Unlock «x/*j booca

Unlocked for c »s:^i pi:s:-'Ai' koon-

iong koonjong

Unlucky, waggilh in alliens, AiU>os.


Unmarried c «s^^j boojong

Unmerciful gjL« mara, /J' I (Wj/ eras

attec, (j*A:sr*^( «^r"'

attce binjis

UnmindetlBcXj cjIaXa^ 5<-^ tcda me-

leat pada

Unmixed i«.AyS^Lj gJotAJ' tcaddaba-




Unneccffary aJa/j 5>-\v^^*''^'^ ^'-'^"


Unpardonable / .^Jvye' «^ Oj)Ci 5<Aaj

teda dapat de ampoonnee

Unprofitable, not ufeful, Aj4.ylj 5<A^

teda bergoona

Unreafonable c:-v^l «J^J terlaloo


'_^-'^ tV 5 (AxAJ' tcadda ber'-

-.•*j'lj jiAaJ' teda patoot

Unregarded gcJo c:jUU^ s«-^ry" teda

melcat pada, jcXj ^cAa^ s'-^y t'^'^^

mendung'ar pada

Unrighteous J</U nacal

Unrighteoulnels ^J^'^/lJ nacalan

Unripe Oi,«U ^ *j booloom mdfak,

AJtjy^ mantah

Unfatiable i:s:-^" C^jlti bO>>.J tc'da da-

pat kinjang

Unfavory ^Ij tawar, >.^\ ,2.\3 tavvar

am'bar, >^l ambar

To Unfay, recant, ajU' v^lj balik

cata, «s.Us^ aJ bi. ch;ila choola

Unfeafonablct^- r^^ >^ o^^

V—t.j^ boocon pada wadloo cang


Unfcemly, unbecoming, v,J"u^ 5<-\y'

tcda layak, «wij^ Oj(^ boocou


To Unflieath (j*^j oonoos

Unfkilful C^cA/w» 6<AxJ' tcda pandee

Unfpeakablc aJI/ ti Ci^jlti e<-\y t<^^^

dapat de cata, cJIajJ' gcXxxJ' tcadda

terbelang,. (j^jy «^j't-^ (^ *j jOv-y'

tcda bolec cata troos

Unflcady A^^ bimbang, jtLt^Lo


Unfuccefsful ^.i^Hn^ ^OXi tcda ber'-


UnfufFerable (^s-Li' ti c:^j'*3 jcXxj' te-

da dapat de tahan

Unfuitable Ou^ Q^Vv boocon layak

Unfupportable i^-js^JJ iCy ^^J^ oiAaj'

teda dapat da tahan

To Untangle , ^^>J Lm falcfee

Unthankful jlJ^^w (jw^b .Ij* otXy

tcda taoo baJas foocor

Until aXx^Lm fahin'ga, -^a^mj fampee,

aXaj' telah—now ^yl^Lw / ^^v^j*)

fampee fi'icaran, ^Xj aIaj' telah'etoo

Untimely birth^» «jT^J uJij! anak goo-


Unto (^>Sr^ fampee, ocAjL/ capada.

vp ( 21; ) us

fidKi pada, ^^^I iican, AAA:i.LNM fd-jUpon (j^'j\ attas, (j^UOt deattas

hinga, aAaJ" tclah

Untrue c «.ri^j bohoong, J *^a.j jcX^^j

tcda bctool

To Untwift &/"«.> booca

pootar balik

Unwilling a/Vwj »cX>y* teda fooca

Unvviliingnels AAJ*/<o*:i^ joomoonea

^u- jJuJ

upon my word «.jLjU^O'^j'

^^tas ca-


Uppermoft (__5J'J' <5^ (j^^ ti dc attas

fa cake

Upper-part aaJ (j^j' ti de attas nea

Upright J^AAj betool, JcX^ adil

Upriglitly J4AAJ (^J^i•t^ dung'au bctool

Uprightnefs aa-L' «JO^j bc-toolnca

Up-riling ,^*4,Xij,j tcrbanggunan

Uproar jX^'U */ gogAgampar, *jl::=^

«^Aj haroo biroo, .^ _sj ing'ar


Upwards (jw! a/ ca attas

To Urge to mirth * >Oj,j« oofik

To Unwind a/^j booca, 1^ stJlj

h'kas bahk

Unwife (JvjU babal, Otiv bodoc

unvvife man^^SCi^J c ulorang bodoc

Unworthy ^jjs» *^li^ 50W tcda haroos

Vocabulary A/^Lj L-jUj kit'ab bafa

Voluntary AaJI:!».'-^ ^^*^ dung'an fa-

janea, ^^^jl a/^/^ (^;~^«-^ dung'an foo- Urgent, needful, t^^j oofcc, , -wv«jJ


Urine iJ/U>*i ^j' ay'er fence

To Urine ^-3c^^ kmching—floppage of

the urine «s.-<Lij,aJLj filefama

Us /^l/camce, ^ m' «5waj bctta orang,

d)^( c:aj bet orang, c^^l aaj kitta

g—1 o us (5^'-^ i^;^! dean ca-

for us 1^^ jiO^J pada camec

ca attec

Volunteer, in war, (^jj^Lc«!uJL»_^icA>I.«

cw. fmdirrcnea mafooc prang

Voluptuous man ^.LJjjy cU cj»

AAJiwoJu orang eang tooroot naf


Voluptuoufnefs ajj rca, j^Ix/^sn fooca-

awnVoice X il «.wg fooura

A^ moontar

oice 5^i!<.w>i

To Vomit

Vomitinc [•,ljt»J*-<o moontaawnSo'Vote u-<jL^ chakap

To Vouchfafc, permit, /J'ljvv/ can-

datce, ^wVOvAii. hendak"

Vow A>ycy*. foompa, cjUj neat

Vowel OAjNLi». jarakat

Voyage ^^jJ^ju^' tampanggan

Up, above, (j**jl attas

To Upbraid c:Ji>u bankit

To Uphold, fuccour, ^aaj bantoo



—with us '^^y (^*<^ dung'au cd-


Ufc, cuftom, ejtXc addat

ToUfc, enjoy, /^UpakeeL'led, accuftomcd, Aj*jIaj beafa

Ufcful, ncceifary, aJaJ^j bcrgoona

Ufclcfs aaan ax*.m {ia fia

Uihcr in a fchool odye «^«jJj pen'-

g'ooroo mooda

Uiually, Ibmetimes, ptiLspti'J kadang


Ufurer (^y (^"^ jr^s:-^'' c I ' ' '*'

3 I^' -'^

•SV A ( 218 ) W A

orang cang mmjam dun^'an boong'an

Ulury (j^^J boong'an

Utrnfils Aj.xwl"crba

Utmort i^^f terlcbbce

To Utter t\j'L> cata—make known

A.J C^rJ brce taoo

Uttcrabic ajU ti C^j'<^ ddpat dc cata

Vulgar, conamon, ^yft^t^ moongo


W ADE through the water ^xjCsX^


To Wag, fhake, ijjjgoyang, s^/gra

Wallowing \iySS} «.J goolinggan

Wan, pale, ^jl Aj^tj warna ay or

Wand / -A^ c^-vAJ^J' toonkat lampce

To Wander, ftray, c:aan,Um fiifat, aJI/**.

iVila, aJLwj ^_J.Jl:i^ jalan fala

To Want, have need of, cjj/ coorang

—want (jjJJusK^ miflclnan, ^^jXtj^f

cooranggan—in want, poor, ;^jJu»>-e


Wanting du^ coorang

Wanton, iporting, ^)*f/^-i bagooroo

War c jj prang, ^^Xs.^^ pranggan

To make war p-jb baprang

Wager, to lay a wager, ajUIj InitarooTo Ward ©fF, as a blow, ^^aj tankis

Warder (^^*i»ji.j pcnoongooe

Ware (^^vij'ltS daganggan.

Wared ^^jb baprang

Wages aj« oopa

Waggon &j\j rata

Wacgifli 4 i^Xaa», feloroo

To Wail, lament, Ai'jjU marata, ^j^ Warchouic ^jti^J go doong


Wain, of the moon, (^^C^l^^OJ-!>^'

^ ^-gr^ (^«^Ls». boolon jaddec jad-

dee kcchccl

Wainfcot, thin boards, OaAaw- felat


To Wait {J-''>^ nantce

Wiiitcd, ftayed, ^^^^>LUa^ menantee

Waiting ^^,\1aaaaaX-«o menanteengan

To Wake from fleep (^Xj<Ji^Aj ban'-


Wakeful cO li»..j bcrjaga'

To Walk ;_jsJl:ivlj bajalnn, ,^Jliw jalan

Walking ^j^JL:?. i^-^'^^J bajalan jalan

Wall ccXJt:^ dindlng—of a fortification

AJ'o kota

To WaH (^_jJCccXjJsa^ mendindingcan

Wallet ^^^s,Jb'g_ala^an

To Wallow ,iJ o^gocling

Warm uulil angat

To Warm (^jJtyLcI ang'atcan

Warmed cUtiljU babadiang,

cdLcI fooda ang'at

Warn, admonilh, ji^( ajar

Warning -:i».l y^yi ber';ijar ajar

Warped, as a flick, j4«ljbaw'oor

To Warrant, aflure, (XjJC/o' tantooee

Warrior d_jctj I o'rang prang, cj*i

c J «X-m:^ o'rang cho'ba prang

Wart ^-U-"-J baloolang, c>l»/U ka-


Wary, cautious, «xjLw lX^jV:! bcfac


Was 5<3iMj. fooda, (_^<3i^ jaddee, 4aj

«J etoo la—^not ocAjiaj' tcaddaj

(j_j»/«j boocon

To Walh r_^t>vv« mandee

W K (210) WEWafher, ot'cloaths, 4k.j>.-^j pcrabairo,'VVcak ^.Ly' Ictcli

,^is>4.ri.b biichoochec

x )l^v" bcnara

Wafhing ^oViLob bamandcc, 4v*w-jI-j


Wafp (j^nIajIj tabow'an

\\'"aill of the body .*XjIj pinggang,

JCwjti dlftar—the waifl-band ^>Sj

{^yX.i,i ccat piiiggaii

Waiftcoat *.:i>.U bi'ju

To Wafte ^^3oLm »,j roofukcaa

Waftc land bjUj" j aj'J tana bcr'antara

Watch, guard, J '5'^ kaw'al

To Watch, by night, aJ'I^ jaga, A/b^J Ue AJ jaga ba malam

To Weaken(:-!

JCjajJ Ictchcan,

(.kJLJ'v'wnsaJ loombootcan

Wcakncfs , . vj' «.a-^ «J loombootan

Wcakncffcs / ^JV«^v-' v::-'v»-ov' loom-

boot loombobttce

Wealth iX;)( arta, ^JLxJb'' ciiyaawii

Wealthy ajI/ caya

To Wean, as a child, v—JjIan iarak

Weapon of defence AJ'lsc'*^ finjata

To Wear, ufe, / jb pakcc, , ^j'l.j>^


Wearing / aUu bapakee

Wearied aAaJ lelah, ^tX*.j*( fegang

Watchful Aj'b^^

mcnj affa

Watchman Jl «l-i' ^^^ij' "rang kaw'al,

aJIs:» d i«I orangjaga

Water ,jl ay'er

Water-rat _i( ^j^vjXO' tecoos ay'er

Water-fpout ^m m^V. pcnchoran

Waterilli, as land, &.:^^. bencha—


the eyes, fore, (j^.Uj ajU niata


Wave, of the fea, ^—v*.^ oombak

To Wave, fhake, ^aS Xjj ooyang


To Waver ^^^jI hO^jJi goondah attee

Wavering Aji^jLs:-V- penchiiroba

Waves "^—ij^i oombak

Wax (^|_jXJ lelin

Wax-candle ^^jAaJ (^Li«^ di'an Iclin

Way, path, ^jjl^ jalan, (^L| pakan

Ways, means, jj^^tU'^j perkara

We ^-ob camee, i.j^\ edi bctta

o'rang d i^' Aaj kittu o'rang

berjaga, «xjljs:-^ Weather a^^Lo mafa, y-i'\^ wad;oo

fair weather (^,^L«l/ camaran—hot

weather (wv^Jb «XanLc mafa panas

Weather-cock ^Lau pangapar

To Weave {^y^ tcnoon, ^* v toonoo

Weaver »j«.j' d i «' o'rang toonoo

Weaver's beam a>*jw^j pcfa—lliuttlc

(^JLyj pekan—webb c.«**;J:«J loong-


Web, of cloth, c 4i*Ai;J loongfong

fpider's-web &j^ aj^ c. «jLj faroong

laba laba

To Wed (j^»»U' cawin

Wedding /Jaa^^ mamptlee, i^aWcawinan

Wedge /gi».Lj bajee

Wednefday aj^j iSj^ *V*^ rooboo

harree rooboo

Weed (_^^utiU e,'*A^*^i roompoot ba-


Weeder c:aj !4J0w>s c i«I


o rang men -



Week c:j4^A.s^ iooir.oot

Weekly culjt.s;^> Sr^:-* Sr^ *^^^P

tion ii^omaat

To Weep ,^i tanp;'is, ^^^jLU-o me-jTo Wet ^^/^^^j baffocan

( >'20 ) wif

Weft ulj.Ij barat, ^jwj;L» briroo.v

wind uij^cIj ^^I ang'ln barat

nang is

Weeping /^jUIj banang'is—weeping

the adlion, ^^xj nang'ifan

Wecfel /«7*.c^^ moong(jos

Weevil <S~yiy bo'boc

Whale tW^ AJiiwiy'gaja niina,

A-*-^ A:i».0' tcaa gaja minaU-^

Weigh i.Av^' timbang

Weigher ,^3^a^j X-Vaj cIj cang pe

<ran2; timbang2,an

Wharf ^Jw> kandaag

What 4.\jI appa

Wheat ^«Jv^' gendoom

Wheel ' (^^jIOwU ptdatce, ^^'OLU/goolinggan

ttt"- T. . '^^i r ;• •• ... iWhelp i.:s:J| OLlI anakaniing

Weight, to weigh by, ^^jX»^^ .jLj. ' C • ^ ^

batoo timbanggan, (^vJ'I^IjI/ cdbara- ""'


Weighty u:Jj.j brat

To Welcome, receive, i^*.j^m fam-


Welfare, fucccfs, (^_jX^i^O>,jlo kabid-

jecan — welfare you, good bv,

4-e ocAj 'v.-::-v-c^'Lw lalamat pada moo,

Cio.J berkat

Well, good, *~i.jlj biiik—-well / s^,j


Well's mouth ^.^ ^lou bibbec preice

Wen, bump on the body, Amj>j; rifa

Wench, girl, ,^I*.a^j'-j *—«.Jl anak pa

rampoan, ^^\iu^\Vi_

boodak parampoam

Went /c-O^. P^gee, i^J>^. ot^v*' ^^^o-

da pegce, (^l^lj gti».^ iooda ba-


Were /^JjAawj ftpcrtee—if it wxrc

5Js^ «s^^ ji^ka adda—if it were fo

*.i.VXj bO^.21 AJix^ ieka adda bu2-


When i^jl/capan—whilil c J^uk. fc-


Whence, from whence, aJU (^ 'ti

derree mana

Whenfoever a-'I/UU manacala

Where ajU? miina, aJl^Jt^ dcmiina

every where ^-JU-'xJ a.LC^ fcgalla

fihak—any where ajU *^JlyJ<^ dc-

mana mana—no where cxa^j c ib

g<_XAJ' |Mjj barang tampat pbon tcda

Whereas, if that, ajLc maka

Whereby ajU (^ ,i<^ dcrrcc mana

Wherefore, for what, ajI aj^ carna

appa, ajULo manapa

Cs»,i boodak iWherefrom aJI^ (^j<^ derree miina

Whcrcfoevcr ajU, AJi^ <3 de mana ma-

na, aJI,* ajLb «3 c^iU barang de ma-

na mana

Whereto aJL«1/ camana

Wherewith, with what, ajI ^j-iti

dung'an appa, ajLj'*j bootapa

To Whet, Iharpen, (^^Lwl affacan,

;^^Uw.^l ahfacan

w ir

Whct-floue <!u>*IjAJlj biltoo afla, ajL

Ay^l biltoo ahfa

Whey (^tilo pi I ay'er dadee

( 221 ) VIWhitherroever aJL» AjlyJ^ demina


Who Aj'-iV*' fi^ppa> ^b ^'30g

Arsr-*^ pecha—whole, in quantity,

5«^Lm famoa

Wholcfale c «jlj baw'rong

Wholly L^j' gcnap, (__^Jl/ (^J!/.\j^,

fa cdlee calce

Whore JJJ^^k, foondal

Whoredom ,•, J(aJ*j*, foondalan


Which ajUmj fiappa, pU tang, ^u'Ui^^^'oever Ajty^ p^lj barang fiappa

mana, <5jU ^b eang mana, aj! appa Whole ^Jjj boola, ^j}jj booloom,While , at that time, aJLXIj' tatcala

^' "^

while, fpace of time, ^^j wadloo

Whilft, fo long as, <!ue^lA>^ fclama

until ajJJ^Lm fahin'ga

To Whine ryjju tang'is, i_^j'l a.^ m-ratap ,^,, .11

,X7-,. . . ..II r ' VVhom d i«[ ajUwj fiappa orangVVhmmg voice i^-uI^a^* ej\a,M looaral i-^-' • - ^'^ °


Whip u:jaa.^^ chamboot, v_J»4j(.c>..


To Whip i^j/[j\A.^^ chambootacan

Whirlpool y^jj ^\ ay'er poofar

Whirlwind cLJb J4lJ(^|_jxI ang'in poo-

tar bali'ang, dl>JL> XJV». c^^^' ang'in

pooting baliang

WhilTc J vvi>.jambool, (vwiaaj kfpas

To Whilk, fan, ^^JX***.A^ kipafcan

Whifkers, on the upper lip, cy*^^koomis

To Whifper v«Juvkaj bcfik, OoUa-cmenafit

Whifperer c^^iU-A^ d i.l orang menafit

Whiflle/ ^Mjjij bancTi

To Whiflle, pipe, ^>^ij ^-XCo pc-

tik bang'fi—with the mouth Jvy*si'ol, JvV^U basiol

White i^JV". pootee

To Whiten ^^^jj^j^j j berpootccan

Whither aJUU' camiina, aJL^jO dc-


-'(Aa/ candak, ci«(

JOJ^y orang berfoondal, c . *!

^t>JJ orang candak

Whofe i>^».j ajUaw fiappa poonea,

^^jJ P^ij' «^.-!^-M- fiappa orang poonea

Whofoever AjLy* fiappa, AjLy*j c lU

barang fiappa

Why Ajl dJj carna appa, ajUU ma-nappa

Wick of a candlej>...«j>w foombo

Wicked Ocs^Ls. jahat, J^lJ nacalj

Qj^s:^-' ncjis

Wickednefs ^^^jj^ji^b*. jahatan, (j^\/\j

nacalan, ^^JJ!L.:s:^ nejifcan

Wicket, in a gate, j'^ ^"jl anak


Wide -AA.' lobar

To Widen ^jjC*.|y low'afcan

Widow sOJUti dianda, i^^j^jIj/JI»

baloo parampoan

Widower ^i^ J'vj baloo lakkcc

3 K *• ' '



/ 'i^ lakkee baloo, d4i*,4j boo

Wife ^^^^A^^lJ paranipoan, i^j bin-


WUd^U Ifar

Wildernefs ^LK><lJ rimba

Wile, ftratagem, *aaj' tipoo

Will bcAc adds, «Uc maoo—I ^vill

come ;tj'lti gt>>c «jJij kitta adda da-

222 ) w I

Wing L^Uw fayap

Wink, fign with the eye, AJ'Le i^jls:''»'

fcharat mata

To Wink ajLc c^I:s;>**:'jJ brcefchaJat





^^^1 «.xj nirooacan,


To •\vinnow


Winter (M^cti ^4^ moofim ding'in

To Wipe ^jLki llipoo, /^2a.^ia. choochee

To Will ^-IcX^ candatee, v^-cX;:=.l3 k^iped ..lll^ fafapc

kahendak—Towdl, command,^_;_^^|^.i^g^-^f^ ^^^^

Wifdom i^l^Ci^ boodcmawn


fooroo — will, teftamcnt, (vvJ;l a


Willing Aii-Lj faja

Willingly aaJI:^Lw ^^cci dung'an fa-


Willingncfs a^^Lm faja, ^^_JJJi:s^]_^ ra-


To Win, conquer, X-«-yo menang

To Winch, be afraid, i..::^^:^^/ coojoot,

ejA^a^t/lj' tacoojoot—winch ^^t\


Whirlwind c IJ U Jjj ^jxl ang'in poo-

tar baliang

To Wind, ina fkain, ^X^mJCaJ likafcan

Windlafs (mjLj'*j pootaran, ^::*^^!

hat, M'ti dawer

Winding fheet

Wifejo^l acal, J</IjJ ber'acal, (^ci^j_*


IsJ-i/ caffan

Window, light hole, iJU natang

O^..r fj-y

o-^' (jw I O de attas



To Windward


Windy ^_>*AJ'lj ^J^il ang'in batiop

Wine _;jXi!


an goor

Wiib- man orang acal.

(^ti aj J I alim boode^ (_C^ti«.j_j c; J

orang bcrboodee

ToWilb, dcfire, ^^_^ Ing'in, Ai''*«*

<s.AA/,8 iboca minta

Witch (^jJOiSs. cj «I orang hobatan

Witchcraft ^^.aj^ hobatan, , ^1*,^


With i^jS-d dung'an, &^L,j fama

Withdraw, depart, J^ laloo

To Wither j^' layoo

To Withhold O^\J tahan

Within Jlti dalam, ^JlOuti dedalam,


Without^ IJ looar, ^iI*A.j<3 delooar

To Withftand (^^U tagahcan—tef-

timony ^jUj^jJLmj fax'cawn

To Witnefs (^jyt-A^vJCw fax'eacan.

Wit J/l acal

-Wittingly, knowingly, «uJjIJ i^jS-iS

( 223W O

dung'an taoonea, AAjli:*.L

dung'an fajdnea

Witty C^i^OtJ berboodee

Woe Q^L/i>w foocaran

To Wold, forvc, a fca phrafe, ^jytorak, ^jy J bertorak, c:JLj balit

Wolf i^j^j^l::^ hariman, (^j ^^anjing ootan

Woman qUa-c;L) parampoan

Womb (^LiU per'anakan, *;0».t; ra-

him, jf-^Kj}li papoojoo

Wonder Oi-^JI alamat

To Wonder (^1,>j^^ herawn

Wonderful (^L^ia. herawn, /^*I.A::a.


Wont, ufc,. Ai^Uj beafa

Wood^jl/cayoo—wood, defert, &^jrimba—foreft ^jJ'» ootan

Woody i^t,Aj ^\S cayoo cayooarc

Wool *J^j booloo

Woollen cloth c-^LoL*» fakelat

Word Aj'b pata

Words ^jbiJU cataawn

Work (^l^ booatan, i^^S careeja,

As^yU bacareeja, (^Lxs^Y carceja-

• awn, ^^\yyS perbooatan

Workman, labourer, «sjsuyij £»»!

orang bacareeja

Works (^ bcsy-T carecjaawn, j^JUj^j


World, all the elements^ Jl .1 aw'al

Worm '^s^ ^ oolat

Wormwood (^jUlj paparree, jjlj kara

Worn /J"b Bt^*>js. Iboda pakec

Worfe Cazs^U*. /^ lebbeejahat

)W R

Worfliip, adoration, ^^SL^y^ foom»


To Worfhip AA-e_v*i foomba, .xa^axaa^


WorHiippcr i^V^^ p^i «I drang foom-


Worft c:A2i.L^J terjahat

Worth, value, dJj\ arga

Worthy aJj(_> bcr'arga

Woven iJAJ' J bertoonoo, isy toonoo

Would »Le maoo—have «Lo maoo

Wound a/J looca

To Wound ^\StX>^ meloocacan

To Wrangle «^ ^}^^ haroo biroo

Wrangling, diflcntion, ^^iy.^.pJLi ba*


To Wrap iJ^S gooling

Wrapped /»*,j.Xj*jIj babooncoos

Wrapper i^.-^^^Xjjj booncoofan, {^}J'

(j^«.XJ4J cay'in booncoos

Wrath (j>v.s:-V blnjls, d3jj^ moorka,

p^Lel amara

Wreath (^^jj ^^y. boolan boolan

To Wreath cx'ljbdllt

Wrecked vv>e<3 dampar

To Wreft from OLXJ; rantlk

To Wreftle ^VU bautee

To Wring, fqueezc, o-i pra

Wrinkle in cloth ^-^^j^ karoot, ^C\Xj

c:a>jJ tanda li'pat

Wrinkled i.u«il-.j bcrkaroot

To Write lyJyi toohs, ^^Djy/<^ me-


Writer /«Jl^ chalee, (j**iy iSj'i^juree toolis, <uj aaa^. penioorat

Writing f^>^>^JS toolifan, (j^jj*** ^oo-

V E (

ratan, ^-^jy*^ foorat

Wrong, erroneous, aJLw Tdla

To Wrong ^^i 4:1^.0 bohoongcan

opprefs ajIajI u_'I».j booat iinyaya

Wronged, oppreffcd, ju'^U bcr'dnyaya

Wrought, work, w<JI an'yani

WryUL>«^ croot, f^r^ fcrong, xJ-O'lj'


234 ) Z B

the day before ycftcrday (^ji^ ^^'l/

J!ti calam harreed.uloo

Yet f^ ^ Idgec

Yew '«5.A>yJAj <v^ «ti doomba bctlna

Yoke w'ti dannim, aJIXIj' tangala,

(^jXj^XXJ tan'goongaa

To Yoke i^^jSs-t^^'j tan'goongcan

yoke of oxen j/s^i .O'L.-. fagoo lem-

1 AM (^J^ ooby, j>*>.Aj i^J.^ ooby


Yard, mcafure, _jb''gaz, gjLT gaza

ofahoufe, court yard, ^^Lp^l aUi-

maan, ^^ i'JCaLu pclantaran

Yarn, thread, ^xJLaj benang

To Yawn i__) «ly gaw'ap

Yawned ^.j^UXd men'gaw'ap

Yea, yes, Ij ea—truly, f^>*» L< ^''^


Year ,-vaLj" taw'on—and a half* ««3 &Ju

^^ «b' tcng'a dua taw'on

Yearly ^'^J^ ^J^ ^^'^Ptiop, (mjIj'

taw'on, ;^)LJ' i^jlj' Aaw fa taw'on


Yeaft t I la karoo

Yc^^U^ camoo, c^.l ^jUj" tuan orang

To Yell, cry out, ^JsLj.aJ teriak

Yellow Xj 4.3 koning

To Yelp, bark, iwJU Ln falak

Yes U ea

Ycftcrday iS^i^r*^'*"^

caUim harrce

boo, /^jLw i/lxw fagoo fappee

Yolk, of ah egg, j*A-0" 5-^ mcra telore

Yonder aJLw iana, *AA>, fetoo

You, to an unknown pcrfon, *jl ay'o

—to an equal ^L/ camoo, J loo

:;>. 100, 4^ mooYoung gtiv* mooda—of anykhid ^ «ul

anak—young man oti*^ c_^jl orang

mooda — To bring forth young


«uLj ber'anak

Younger i_^^^ z^j^ mooda lagee

Youngeft, laft born, v^i't^I adck, *j^i*j


Your aaJcj (^'v tuanpoonca, j-aJUjIj

i^ «V^J*:!. pakiincra poonea moo—in

the plural number aaAj d '5' j-' loo

orang poonea

Youth 8tWi mooda, (^l^tijo» mooda-


Youthful /^j) giij^ mooda.lagce

l^EAL, longing defire, j<AJ; rindoo^

iuUii. chcta, ^JJV. ing'in

Zealous i «jja^j:^ chimbo'ro'ang


Printed ^y S. Rousseau,fl< /i* Jrahii ar.d Ptrfiar. Prcfs,

IFood Street, Spa Fields,



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