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Tko Marrto u h I Bom s KislIrMd O S«n ■ F n p a d tla a to P n r M i tk * K*pa«l

of l u O lu r U r-B tllt Bsfora Sals.Mm and l la u a —Waa OsarFjlaa.

■prdtl Dtanatch to the Nltn.Tk k bto k , U aicli 10, — GoTenior

a r m Mnt a tmamnnlotUoD to both lliruaaa UiK Biortlof. with toothtr rrom tht Monii tod Asshz Killnwd ('omianjr tnuouDflai (hat tha rnmpany had aataad to pay tha tUttti I ha tax atHwi try theBoaiYl of tn iws and IW),and to luhmlt alt other ooeatlona in dispute, toaitiltraihHi, mw aibilnlot to be appointed by Ihetoreniur and iheorher by the railroad OoiBpetiy. The (overnor recommenda the edoptloii of thia course, and in dues tha attor. ney lenarsl, who layi that the 8Ute would lasa FriAOdo ir the chatter of the company waa repealed, and that tha adepuon of the oooiae lecDmntndcd would etfe the State pndracied, ooetly ewt Teialtoui lUliatlon, A Joint tesolu- llon piovMliit that uetbod of aatueinent ao- eompanlea the cotunmnlcatiooi.

Tbecomuinnlratlon from OoTeranr Green rilatiretoeaeulcmentof tbedunrulUeewith (he Horns and laeei Hatlrutd Company, waa read In both Ilnurea of the LetUlature, The joliil retoliitlon which be aeni to the Uouaa waa at once put on third readini aod ordered enfmeetd. It will cone up on dnal paaaate to-morrow momlna,

Hr, Cortiln. after cirrlnlly leadtnx tha oom- aunlcatloD, said in rehrenee to It: "The propasUlonof the railroad coupany la In tha nature of e backdown. The Horrla and b a e i mad practically aaya that It will pay laxes Ibr the leeta IMM and laaii, t i thtether roads haet already done, and will eoneent to an arblua- lloo 00 and a payment of the U,000,000 ellefed to he due the Siete In the part by the State Board of Aamraeuti, or anch portion of It at the arbltnlon belleee lobeJuaUydna The road doaa net etree to throw np Ita Iriwpeelable charter, nor doet It ifree to pay tiiea In tht hitutc: but II ii Otlr to ttippaH that It will do the ItUtr. If It do not, we could aftln past this repealer.

“ Tht rtllroadi In the State which were com­pelled to pay t i i e i did not throw Dp Ibelr charlen. The Horrla end Sutx efreea, In fact, to pey, under the tweiity-ninth lection of the Tax lew. which uya that any rtUroad nay Toluntarily pay to tha Slats from year to year inch sums of money as added to the tax now atsenable axalnit such corporation under>ncta allefcd oontraci will be eoual lothe tax areeaaabla ttatnal lucb corporation under this act In respect to the property ao claimed to he exempt, and such Toluotary payment afaall not be conatnied tn any prooednreorsnlt to be a a walrar of such allcx^ contract. In fact the railroad laptel lo pay under protest, but II aareet to pay all the lama,"

SAILIOAU TAXATIOH ANUrDUXIITS.Hr. Hudfpeth'a bill of amendmenH to tha

railroad laiailon laws providing mote clearly Ah equal taxation, according to thedectalon of the Court of Errors and Appeals, cam > np on third irading in the IlnnM Ihla murnlng. Hr. AroiitoDf asked lo hare It laid on ton the ground tiiai he did not onderitand It thoroughly.

Mr. Coibln Bald that the meaanre wu vary simple. It gave the State Board of AasesMYii the power lo cquallrc local and railroad laxea.I f all of tha properly in the city of Newark wu aaaeind for only fsc.iioa nn aod the board thonght It worth 1100,000,000, they were given the power under the bill to value It at the latter aum, and make the tax rate lor both per- Bonil and railroad propeny on the bash thni provided. A her a long and tedious dleeuislon the bill passed the House by a vole of M to 0, Hr. Atmatroug not voilug.

of arms from Iba Uuartermaater General i U- l«nmeol.

Hr. hill lalmduced a bill providing that on public road or hlgh»ij In any city or wwn of this burn shall hemArr be vacated or rkaed wUboul making comprosatioet lo tha owners of p#o|«rty itamagad by luch vacation.

The ComailUee on ITlnting rrportad ad- aanely Hr. Beckwith-a bill to limit the cost GbargeeUa for newsjiapcts lo Iwloa lhair cur- n nt |ihci. It wai Intrnded w a blow at the rniun Newt Com|iany, Tho advtraa report waa Ml auatsdnad.




A Dehato


Over What hai Baeania a Very Im portant Maaaun.

Special Dlipatch lo the Niws,T eento h , March 16,—Mr, Chaee’s

bill providing that the riparian commlaaionen may permit boatmen lo drive woodan piling on nefa and flata between Bobhtn'a Reef and Bedloc'i Iiland for a laa fence " for which they shall pay rent lo the State when they naa the dike fbr a wharf came up again In the Sen­ate yaitaiday lAeruooa. it hia mdduly grown to be one 01 the moat important hllli bw- for* the Legislature. It la lald that tha Stand­ard OU Company opposes It becanae It will In- lerlhra lomewhat with their commeielal Intot- M i, while the rallroid corporatlona ere In Itvor of It. A Bght tn the Leglaletuie between the Btanderd Oil Company and the allied latl- road companfea ought to be rather Inlereailng. Senator Chan laya that the lea fenee, il prop­erly eonatructod, will make such a valnable line of wharvea that the state, ihrongh the Btperlan Cnmmlaalon, will get a revenue ot SCO,000 a year from It, He aw rti that It will Interfere with no cornoratlon, that ample pro- TlHon la made for a full free channel, stnd that there arlll be no impediment to eithu nirlga- Uon or commerce.

When the meaiuie waa taken np In the after­noon, Seuetoi Edwards oQbied an amendment ECquIrlng that the plica be at least ton feet apart. Senator Chase called attention to dta- cullies that such an amendment might came,

. end added that the piling wonld be anbjeet to the rlpeiltn commlnlonera' approve!. The amendment wiBloat. ijenetorEdwardiollhced an amendment thet the owneia of the lea fence he requited to eublet It to all vemala at undtaorlmlnailng rate! lo be approved by the iipirtan coramiaaioneri. Senator Chan latd the dlfflcnliy here presented would be that foreign boetmen might combine end leiae the fencr, eud shut oft thoee for whom It waa In- tended. Senators Edwardi and Orlggi thonghi the fence ought to be leeied to everybody end anybody u they came along. Senator Gard­ner »td such an amendment would destroy the purpoee of the bilL The butlden of thla ftnee undoubtedly want li for the uae of theu own veieeli.

“ Von might as well," said he, "enact that any Wayfarer who cornea along and pays a reeionabla price ihall tumble Into your bed and Doeupy it at night, leaving you to hunt around outside yoor home Ibr shelter.'’

Senator Ed w ^ e oftbred to alter hit emend- Bent ao la to require the inb-letU^ of the fence only to New Jericy boetmen. He laid thet he did not aae how Senator Chase canid oppose this, in view ot hla declaration that the fence waa Intended for the beneSt of the boet. men ot New Jerray. The emendmenl waa toil,• *0 12 An amendment by Stator Idwtrda toit the rtperlao oommiaslonen baveinper- Tiston of the building of the piling, the UghUug MU at night, etc,, waa tccepM by Senator Chase end adopted. Anamendmeut by Senator Gardner limiting the uae of the piling to Jersey- mru was alao adopted. The bill went to third Teadlng.

Ma n y b i l l s p a b s k d .

AcUon Tnkau by the Hennu and theAeeambly.

■pedal Dlipatch to the NXwx.. ^■■b'T'iN, March 16.—Tb* following Mill ww passed in the afternoon by the Seu- ■M; A Seuata bill giving to laboien In the e^lpy of inioiYogj eorportlioiu a Hen upon oBdafot wigea doe beft»t the deteoflneiH-

I Mf- PTah'i bill glTlot iteam heating •JMPOwc' companlei power totaynecOMry Mpea beneath public loada or highwaye; the e^ ile bill appropriauag l*,(Ka to tha State J jJ^ ln lo n o f FfahetlM Wth whlbh to Book S'^ 'IeM ofthaSutaw tthlW xIilie bill pn>- S‘W“"«U»aale of Uqnara la gwcmiT.pWTl. “ on and mercantile atotet; Mr. HUl'iHouie ■to providing that pawnbroken must take out Ji=™»fa»ta eoat ot tlH and give bonds for ell!? ' ^ Senate bill allowing cUlei toelect ameitom for three yaari.

iWntlorFishtotrodnoed a btll which gives « i^ m o n Oonuclla the power to ralw In the

A Bill la Their lu tw o it Pi HuuM -ulhet Leglilmtloa.

Special lilapatcli to the Nxwa.T ekntuk, March 16.—The profeo-

atonallubhytiuputbidtheirfliat bUI through the Hmii# yesierday afternoon. Il wee a meiMira tu Irgallsa gsmbllng and pool Mlllug aiHotiiiimith Park Tha bill Is an old ona, and haa bern before the l.eglatatuFe two or three years. A good many of tharaimben, particularly those from Hiuimoutb and Emex Uounllct, weit honestly In lav « of It, ftsr It u a noturlnus fact that iha old law providing Ah penalllMof hr tvy lines and Impdaonnsent for pool nlling, has ocen openly vlulaled every year, and they bcllcvrd It better to legalIxa a bad practice than to bars on the hooka a tlatute which la belug oonatanily violated. There waa plenty of money end several men of Inllneuce. amongst others E E. Shinley and K. U. Uaddli, of Newark, behind the btU thla year. J, Frank Fait steiued also to ba rather deeply inlereued.

Themeaiura passed the Senate leal weak. Mr. Bsckwith bv ■ aeries of mutiune forced tha bill from fttst to third rcadleg, and djicaker Baud pul II on final paaaaga. Mr. Cothla aod some of tht other opponents of the bill nude motlous lo lay Iba bill over, but Ibe epetker had hla flngars In bis eara and paid no aiten- tioo to them.

When the roll waa called alt of the iHex memberi voted fbr Iha meianre eioept Haatri, Hlll.CoodU and Cndarblll. The two former did not vote at all, and the latter waa not lu Trenton at the lime. Tblrty-alx volai were cast tor tha meeanra end only eight again si It.

Ai It goes 10 Iha governor Uw bill Amply provides that peraoai oonviotad of pool lelltog shell be flned |35 and no more.

The Houh passed also yesterday afternoon the Camden ^uiity bUl to make &e tormi of the city clerki lo flrtl-clim clllee three years Inatnad of one. Them la a clanae In U which TtqnlrMthata two thlid vote of Connell most be cast In the etDnnatiTe baton the provialoha ol the act can be taken advintage of. ruder thla reatriction It could hardly apply to New­ark. Almoat all Iha laaex memberi voted for It.

The Newark membera of the House tried this afternoon to have reoonildctcd tha vote by which the blit to abollah poll taxes waa lost last week. Hr, Bariclt mada a ipeecb cnn- earning the nnjuat working of the lew In Newark. Hr. Corbin continued to oppose tha bill, la did Hr. Goble. Hr. McDermIt, in t humorous eddreis, called Hr. Oolle the mem­ber from “ Oceanlce." The Eaaex memberi succeeded tn having the vole by which the bill was lost reconsidered, but the House eil- Journed Immediately before it could be pat CO Bntl pessage again.

A Traveller Boued for MaUswen HbooSs Hlnaaelf Tbrengfa the flaert,

K«> B a n e , Mnrrh 16.—Them wan » aokida lai the reunsylrtnla liain which w rived hare at SM latl evening. Apamragerof Middle age boarded tha tn ln at Long Branch wMh an exmnlon ticket loHalawtn. Iwued it the Long Branch sUUon oa March A The ticket wea worn aa though II had been carried lu Ihr pocket for aoaaa lima. Whan tha train was creuteg Brostd sueet, half a mile from the Bed Bank Hation, the lu n shot blinilf through the breasi with a amatl revolTtr, and MU over dead.

The lepoii of the pistol startled the paaen ten In the coich and they rushed to hla aaalat aoce. The smoke, aud tha pistol In hla hand told ihoAory Cooducior U. Thorp had tha bodr pul offal tbit atallou. and Utagraphed Coroner Smith to come and taka charga of IL There was fiothiBi OU the deed maa'e perion by which hla name or rendence ouuld be aa- certaliiHl. It :s hair waa dark end ha woes no beard or moustache. UU hands were aaft and white, lie won a ftir cep of Imiiatlim teal- skin. a nearly new buAneai lult of small check brown and black croaabat pattorn, aod low col shoea. He had no money, but In bis pockets ware a silver walcb of the mako of the Hctroiwltlan Welch Cotapany, No. IW.JLS, with a chain aid charm : a pocket knlte with two bledef, 1 queer looking red tobiooo box raiste of some peculiar wood, a ^ v y key three loches tn length, two handkercluelh one while end one red; i ihree-onnc* vial nearly toll of a eolorleai fluid, and bearliif the label of “ E. U. Hirtln A Co., Fhermicy, 1* Broadway, Long Brioch, No. MS,'' HfiMid by Dr Joeeph W. Taylor, of that place.

During the eventng tho texly wu poel'lrely IdecUfled by Towu Henbel Jemoa Norman end e braki-man oo the next irain on the Now Jerecy Central Htllroeil as that of a hotel­keeper, Willlim H. ftonover, of HtUwao, but In toawer lo e teltgraiihtc I oqulry from thwoner Bsniih Hr. Conover gmit word that he wu alive end never fell beitetln hla lift. Thedruggfsfa label wu deled yeatcrdey, end Mr. Martin says that tt wu bron^l to hla place to be ISUed by a ooloiTd man, on a prcecrlpUan of Dr. Taylor for brain troubla, and that the dou waa a taa- ipoonfut avery two hours.




Lebbydat Kennell Mnee Lobbylat Hbll tor SerrloM Bendered.

Special Dispatch to the Niwi,T r in t o k , llATch I S e ^ o b n Ae Hftllg

who wu tho prlT»te iMreta/y of Gorernoc Ocorge &x UcCtOtiin, Md liit wtm«r tho legU- Utlvfl TtpraMoutiYc of the BaUlmoK &od Ohio RtUrotd CotupRoys wri mftd« the defendAntln * »olt for f'JW ellegpd to be due for Rerrtoea to ek'AnemblTiiDt.D John Kesnell^ of Pm h Io CocmiTA The tetl'iH wa« b joaibtla (beTreO' kra Dtnrlct Court before Judge Woodruff. The tuin demuded ii cleaned to bedueeiebeb •see on t oontrtei oiadc by Mr.^Hell with Ur. Kennell fttf IsteiTlewlni membereof ihe Leg> UJkturelut winter. Kziuik U. HcDenoltip’ peered m coqdmI for Ur. KeaoelL The cam wu Jftid over for one week el the reaueit of Mr.UeI!'il*wyer.

The cue hu Greeted e greet Mouilaa. Mr. Kennel! li the repreBestedTe i t Trentoa of the

Vtlley Bellroed Compeny. Re eiyi ibet the mil which he b u begun ii one of three which be will iuitltute on three separate coutncli for« total mm of $Ma. Tt la a i«et case, and If be wlni tt there are four other men wbo will begin ilnllar fulta for sums aggre­gating 12.000. Mr. Kenneil uys that he baa UUeri proving the cr«tract with Ur. Hall and Mk Dowledglng ibat the work w u done by him. The papeti hied by Ur. McDennlt leave It (o the imaginatton to gueas what ^'interviewing meoberi'* tpeana

An Actor Arreated for Rloplog wfib a Patoraoo Man*a Wife.

P atebm in , Mbrch 16.-S a n m « l J .Ryan and lamea E. oUiHn aud llKdi “ llul- doon'a Picnic” ComblntHnn appeared here during last snmmcr and gave performaiicca to fair hnusev. When they left two young ivomen alao disappeared. One of these iru the young and pretty wife of Garrett A. Van Wagoner, a feed dealer. Van Wagoner employed drtec- tiveaand aum uoeiuined thathta irtM wu follow Ing tbs troupe and wu on tnttmits tam i wlih Byan, He and the deuctlvea aur- prised the two together tn a hotel In Albany. Van Wagoner procured a divorce. Shortly afterward Byan married another woman. The troupe returned to Paterson on Monday and opnied ao engagement at the Poople'i Thsatra In “ Huldoou's Picnic."

The house at the matinee perfutmance yea lerday wu crowded—too crowded, In Mel, There was one ruperfluoui person present, end he was the atertff of PuMte County, Jamea W. McEce. He came with a writ of caplu tn hli hud, u d It proved Jusi u effecuve u a free pass.

Byan wi> arrested, after the play, on a luH for JS.iiOO for having aUenaled tha affecUona ol Garrett A. Van Wogoner'a wife. He u held In td.OOO bail.

The shetlir had regained from Interrupting the aftetiioon petformuce, aud be showed the same consideration tu t evening. Byan, though in ouatody, wu p«rmltted to aopear to a very large andlcnce, drawn together by the flagrant aetndal connsetad with hla elopement with Mrs. V u Wagoner,

Sheriff McKee, who faimaelf Is an old pro- fcMlorol, lutendi to let Bytn kMp on ptaylng tbti week, and will accompany him to the theatre tor each performaocc, watobtng him Item behind the ocmaa At tha end ot the week, nnlcm Byan glvu bait or compromises with V u Wsguuer, he will go tojii!.

Hasr tha B ra lh .ra laUssA.owl a Nur A ttraoi 1.11 a . o ireiia .fa«n —Baysrwd.e.

tng^w H M t Wssrka of Art—Prae- U .lag at Thalv O taog. Uuuih



A LoDf-loM Daughser Finds B a r P aran t.Throngh a Dream.

Ne w Y o ek , March 16.—The happiest Ihmity In all Brooklyn may be found at the home of Jacob Fahllnger, a ohoemakcr, at 10 Cnion avente. Twenty-two years ago pretty black-eyed, twelve yetr-old Caroline Feh- Unger started for seboot from bet parenla' bonae on the corner of Elgbah avenna u d Twuly tlgbth street. New York, where they then lived.

Soon the inironndlnga begu to look struge to her, u d she became frightened. T u n atrtamed down her roiy checks, and aha sobbed as though her little heart would break. A btg policeman found her in thla plight, u d took her to the itatinn. She could not telt wtasre ihe tired, and flnally wu lent to Ban- dall'a Island. Altar being there abont Are monthi she wii adopted by a Hr, u d Hra. Brown.

Ihay went West In IBTS, bat the glil >«■ malned Itthlhd and took service with the fam­ily of Geusnl Cut on Clinton avenne, Brook­lyn, afterward going with them to Virginia, where she remained live Tsan. She returned to Brooklyn, set up u a dressmaker, u d mar­ried, Then she dreamed of her parents, and oonsulled irlidy who lived In the honse with her. They made a search together, fonnd them, u d she Is now with the father u d mother wbo ipent I3,IKB, tho sivlngi of e lifetime, tn looking fbr tittle Carrie. She h u left her hnsbenA

Rnnaing Down Use Bald K n obben .S t . Louts, M»rch 16.—Advices from

Chrlatlu County state that exottement Is run­ning very high down there over the recent tiigedy near Sparta, la which Chartos Green and William Eden were called upon In the night end shot down tn cold blood by Bald Knobbers, an otgaolsatton similar to the KuKIux. Every ellbri 1s being made to Ibrrat out Ihe perpeDatori of the brutal u d bloody ontrige, u d ihirteen persons have sUready been arrested u d nine more are expected to be cipiuted M-day. Tbelt iwellmlnary exam­ination will be held in a day or two. They atl proleit their Innocence,

derseysnan Helping Use Asnerlean In- dnstHal Msd Shipping Leogne.

Special to the Evimira Ntwa.W a sh isg to n , March 16.—The an-

nonnoement Is made hen that S. W. Cany, ol Montclair, N. J., has been eleoted vice preat* dent, and lieorge H. Brewer, of Eut Oraoge, oneoftheieeretarteaof the American Indus- trial and Shipping League. Ur. Carey h u also been appointed a member of the National Executive Board. The object of the league ta to restore the merchant marine of tUa country to iu former preailge, u d then ” to promote the devetopmcnl u d diatrlbnUon of the pro­ducts of American labor by tbs exienston of tha merchut marine of the United Statea, u d 10 ntablfth thereby more tntlnuce commorclal Intercouiae with other conntrtea by ftequant u d direct melt service.’'

The declaratlOD of prlndplei la signed on the part of New Jeitey by J . U. Wtocheeter. Among the mottoea of the orguliallun are the fbllowlng: "In shipping all InduiUln are united.” " HUllons rot defence, but not one cent In tribute to loretgn iblpa." " Amerlcu genius has always led the world In bulldliig ihlpa.”

The next oonvention wUlbe held InGceton In September, at which George H. Brewer, of Eait Orange, will olDcUte as secretary, u d Senator Frye, aa prealdent.

E100,0a 0 ,00» IN DIIPHTE,

ihnv a a— -wwauvaw sue pvfrn w rUW 111e ii l * “«“ >>*»«• a ftind to be uied ei-iiijU’ MJ.fc^the Improvemut of water sup-Dll*. A “*® ■mpiWTDWwa* (itbJiaJS! *“ “* * * “ « « « " « fei each in.

In theto T»«ertAy Mr. Bamtt’a WUfctS,7 „M *J’' '* “ “ * o ' **>• To»wUP 0m»-^ e Mlrviogtoin u „ , , dsHgnate aIjMlei of the■M lawkgr.'^. *

deilgiiate _ totryBtleaaeaofbreuhor

wlUm« wpoHlhm, Bo dU —J * 2,™ <>^t«aIaiioflanduiidix lodiwal

Jndga Ledwlth Bm ppolntad,Specdal DUpatch to the News

T benton , March 16.—OoTcrnoT Orem m it the fttst Escti County nomlnailoa to Ihe Senate yesteiday sllernoon. He reappointed HIchael J . LedwHh lay Judge of the Court of Common Fleas. In executive oealon the Sen­ate (rferred Ihe nomlnillon to the Judiciary Cammitiee, according to custom. None of the ether Domloeboni made yesterday were con­firmed last night. II la a custom to lay them over lor twenty-four houre.

Begfnnlng the B ig Snlt Over tha Water Front o f Otalcago.

Chicago, Horcb 16.—Pederal Judge Blodgitt h u informally assumed juriadlctlon of Ike lake front case Involving the claim of the IlUnols Central Railroad to nearly the entire harbor front of Chicago. Huch curloaliy had been felt as to wherhet Judge Blodgett would take such actlnn after the attorneys for tho HIIodIs Ccotril had confened a marked preference lor him u d had pubKoly okjhf fed to Judge Gresham. The'’rallroad was repte- ■entert before Judge Blodgett yetlenlay by ex- Benttor Lyman Trumbull, Benjimto Ayer aud John N, Jewett. A short-bend clerk In the employ of the ciiy cotporailon counsel was the only perion present for the city of Chicago, The Slate of IlUnoli had two aiditinttofUie attorney general in court. Mayor Harrison last night vetoed t resolution of the City Ouuocll which hid In view the employment ot Roecoe Conk ling to louk after tke city’s luter- eou. It II estimated the water front tn dupnte la WOith 1100,000,000.


K a u u Woman FfghUng W Mskey.L ea v en w o bth , March 16.—D aring

tbelait two days ovar 1,000 of the leading women have legtiteted and will vote under the recant law granling municipal 10(1040 to women. Mrs. Helen U, Gauger, of Indlua, la ban at work. Sha la paying ipeclal atten­tion to organialnf oolored women and hat aroused great enthnaium. Heeltnga of the Law and Order party are being held every afternoon and evanlng. The whiskey alllanoe la also folly orgulied u d at work. The spring elecUon will tbetefore bo tsotly con- tatted.

Not Mach o l a JDatelealloiuChicago , March L6 .—A. A. Cowles,

vice prealdent of the Antonia Clock Company, layi that the fliat ttporti of the shortage of Jubn Gledbill, the mutger of the Chicago branch, wart axiggerated. Ba oonld not aUte poalllnly tha real amonnl, but it wirold fall ffcr short of MAOO. It Is ondantood that O M hlllhia written ftoM Canada alaUog that hia itaortage il abofit H.MIfl, andoflbrlnf to cone h « ! sod maka rcaUlnlliia aa fox as In hu powar Ifguarutaod ixununlty ftn a apMHid pnnlihiBiBti

A Brooklyn Han Hordeivd In Hla Honse Early This Movntiig,

N e w Yo r k , March 16.—Early (hie mornina a burglar broke Into the bouee of Lyman S. Weeki, a clerk, at lllJI Da Kalh avoDue, Brooklyn, He anlered tlirough Ibe aide llghta of the tnaement door. Weeks beard the noise, u d got up and. went down Into Gte lower basement, where he must hare confrouted the burglar. .A report waa heard, u d afterward other Inmates fonodWeeks dead with a bullet wound In his tightbretiL

Ibe burglar, wboae entrauito had been heard by marly all tha Inmaiea, escaped without be­ing seen by any of them.' There la no cine to hit identity, but the en- tin force of Hi# Fimrteeath Proctnct police were sent out Immediately to arrest any periou whom for any teaaon they might suppose to he themurdanr.

Hr. Weeks, wbo wu thlrty-eix yean old, had a wife and several chitdren.

OIrla In Boys’ Olothea.Bt . F a di., H v eh 18.— Two children

wudered Into Wlndom, Hlnn., Sunday even­ing and givt ihelr names ai Charlie and Bertie Beyen, of Soebester, N. Y, Yesterday il waa diacovered that they are girts named Ully Davy u d Kale Leaker, aged fourteen u d sixteen year*. They ware bom In Llnd- aay, Onl., and on the death of their porenta wen liken to Rocheater by thetr brother, W. A. Byetv, eg Oolgarry, Nonhweat Tarrilory. Wetrylog of Eastern life, they itarted without money to Join their brother. After aevaral vein attempta to get away they exchanged thetr attire for that of boya. They travoUed on foot or in box can wRb trampa, aoemntendatlimiglna|glildu|tn, u d flnalty wandared into tha W udoa . depot.bMiMHOad.

Their iat|da have

The Qtllort Rrothera, Kobart and W ill­iam. oetebrated circus [lerformcrv u d the ptuneeri to that clas- at performuce* known as the preFemaitnn of ” T he llrliig etatuaa or rrllcaof iba anUipic." art eijctyliig the i(uM and rest nf ilieir pretty llnle hoaie on Oak wood avenui'. Brick Church They hira pee- pared during ih« winter for tbelt return to aertva clreue life, ami hare perfected iheai- •elvvt In new attricilou ol the ttatueA|ue ov- dcr, A Niwa repnriai rblUid their pretiy coi- tige yettoiday afteroixi’i. A good linking yning wumaii. wbuoe featuna rtaamble tbosa of her brolliers, ai.twa.t1 tha sum wont and uihered the reporter Into tha prteene > of the tiblsii-t. Tb* brnthen are Mil u-Uhick set, u d tholi powcrfiil necks aud aatslva llssha stamp thaiu t i rare spsclmens of muscular manbood. Tbe anuoih--hoveu races u( both are ereiiin and good niitire,|.

Rotierl Ullfort, wha Is Ihe manager for hit birahar aud himself, told the reporter emne of thetr hietory. He spoke very raudMtIy uf tbelt long couUuurd and ruiutanl eucoaei.

Tliere are three of Ihe brother-. Rohert and Wmitm, who ire unmarried, and Frank, ’ who la married aud live* lu Sri>llin,l. itllj foUowIng the lame proieeelini. Konnerly the whole three performed logether. Robert it nearly live feet aleveit Inches Mil, Frank Is about the samt ha'ght. and William la hair i-eh taller. Each ot them neighs about joo pouadj.

An iddtlkmal Intereit haialways loan lentto their petformuots bv the loot thu they an real bnthen and niA tthittei wbo matt by chu ce and iMumed tht rolt uf broibart to tneraaae their fluBuctol value.

•BOINNINO lY rLATING CIECUS.They are nativt Amtricui, u d wan born

lo SI. Lonla. From boyhood Ihay evinced a fbodnesa for athletic sporta. u d while mere youngiten had won a reputation by ihelr feau of atreogth u d skill. They would ptsy cto cuf, u d day after day thetr father's bun waa turned Into u amphUhtalre. where hundreds wmhl fiiher to view thcD daring expiiMia of itrengih. The admiration of Ihelr feUows, u d the oft repeated tuggotiloni that they JcHn a circus troupe, made them loog to win gold u d glory In that way. Their parents en­deavored to dissuade them from this purpow, hoi the brothers left home and Jolued Robin son's nrcni. This was In ISM, u d the youth- fol g lu u soon made their mark.

William and Robert each lost tha sight of one eye when boys, through to ecddeul, A birret of lime had been placed hear a kettle of boil- log weter for eome purpoee, and through care- leesneas, the lime aod water came in contact with each other. An explosion followed u d bILuded the hoya For eight Monthi they were unable to see. at-d then etch recovered the Rljfbt of ona oyt,

At the breaking out of the clrH war Robert Jollied fortunes with Ihe iinlon army, and served rour yean In the First Missouri Cavalry. In imd Robert aud WUtlem lelUor Europe, u d during the succeeding twelve years performed Id the countries uf Euioi* u d Africa. They developed ihe cliisleal Idea of antique statuary lu a novel direction, conveytog to sindenta of the flue tito, in u efttcilve mtiioer, a series of ihe beauuftil compositloTis o( Ihe ancient aud modem oculptots, studied from the originals.

HErEgSINTlSO ANCIENT blATUAnY.The fepreseutaltoni wen tniirily nsw, u d

theexhiblilon of such a rtllned uature that thcQi'forti carried everything Ly storm, and appeared t*fore all the crowned heads of Eu rope. There repreecniallooi wen ” The B o « ra " Vallcu, Rome; "The Alhlstes,' Louvre, PaiU; "Olniiators' Combat,” GoIU- seum, name: “ Tha DyingUlaillator"Cain u d Abel," Pltle Gallery, Florence; "The GlidieDuellsti," Museum, Stockholm; "The WiTStler'i Tribnne.” Vflii Palace. Florence ’'Greek u d Rniau Soldier Combat.” Them rapreseoliilons wen Inlenpened with exhibi tloui of itrength. Among the companies with which they appeared while in Europe were : ChlDiellle’s Irajierial Royal Cirque, Koula RenU Circus, Uermsoy ; Royal Notherland Circus; Circus Huomonikl aud (Yrciu Gull- leaurue. Italy; Circus Fouls, Ciclly; Hippo- drome, Paris,

The Irip to Africa wu male by ibe pair on their own reaponilblllly. They performed In Algiers, Tunis, raps Town and other places lu that KCtlon. During thetr travels they learned to converse in Freuch, Germu, Ita llu u d Bpuitta.

While Iravclllng through Great Britain and Ireland they were with ilengler's Clrcui and appeared before the prince of Wales u d the royal family. On that occaslou embroidered silk programmes were prepared for the mem­bers of Ihe royal fkinily. Robert Otltort wu fortunete uougb to secure one of theu, and preserved it u a scuveulr of the event.

ENGAGED BY BAUHCH.In 1S81, while lbs hrothen wen perlbimlDg

In Ihe Hippodrome to Paris, F. T. BafUiUt wu tn intereated sptcMtor. Baroom wu on Ihe lookout for ipeciallsts of this claa, u d had loot to Europe for the purpose of securing men. He sought the Oilforts after the per- formuce sraa over u d engaged them at Ibelr own flgurea. On learning that Ihey were Araeilcau tha proprietor of tha “ Greatest Show on Earth” wu dumbfounded. They hive performed with hla circus efer since Now Ihelr contract with Barnum hu expired, u d they have been engaged by tho sells hnsbect, the Western circus mauagen,

Frank Olifort wu frlghtlully Injured by fell­ing rrom a tight rope fifty feet high InOlaww Since that time Rohert u d William have not mAdt their airlti flights u d light-rope balanc- ing set a part of Ihelr programme. They are too heavy for such work tod the pay la not ooramennirsto with the risk run. Bobert's feat, of lilting with his teeth a barrel of water weighing flOO pounds, 1s performed with com- ptnilveeue whiles 300pound barrelb used as a plaything. A bairel of water weighing ISO pounds ti budled by tho powerful men with u much epparent ease u tu ordinary m u pitohee a quoit. Robert's feat of balucing u ordinary carriage whip by resting the Up on bbuose while lying at full length u d sui. talBlig a posillon two feet from the floor with one h u d aod one fool resting on upright bor- tlev, b simply mtrvellnui. The feat ot keep­ing tour thirty-iwo pound cannon balb paxslng beckward u d forward between thorn b an other remarliaiile petformuce of the hrothen, Robert aba pruces around the stage holding a SO# pound table in bb teeth, while William duces a Jig upon II.

FBIZE riGHTIBP All BTATUIS."W e have made money and make money

aUll,” u id Robert, in answer to a quiry, " u we study to introduce new u d iitrsctlTa f u ­tures. We have no alfloily with prba Bgbitrs wisopou w m odsbofiopstb muaentar hunty.

Their reputation makes main objeeb of tn- tareat, but as siaiue poten they an abort livnd, as you c u let.”

" How busy a weight e u you iUlr” atked Iha reporter.

" I really do not know," was the reply," but we are very etrong. It b not prutfnt to aP- tempt to tut loo much. I tb a simple tssk for me to lift my brother into the ab with out hud u d be weighs 200 pounds.”

'■ Von have a pretty g ^ idea of wliat pre- •ntauons wilt provs aoceptabb, have you not T"

•' Well, yea; our axpcrieuce haa been u ex- tuilTeDne. You will not catch us repnaeot- ing Ajax dsfelng the lightning In three dtOer- ent aiHtudes, as such a Ihtug b ah absurdity."

“ Peopb ftsqnenity question whethar your heavy work b geoulne, 1 suppeae."

" Yas tndoed, and Ititt amnslog to ese how iheat doubting Thomtiea ipring o|it of the way of a otnnon bail which drops through Iheb huds. S v u Baruum doubled the gennlne- neasoftnySOftpound barrel act. In Englud the nobility would advuoe u d feel our Umha, at If they thought we were made of Iron. ”

"Of all the countriea viilted by you, which do you preferT”

“Thb b the only country In the world in Diy*Rlmallon,” tafdUr. Glliort. "Amerlaanx and Engibhmeu treat circus men similarly. They admire their performucei u d will pay well to witneei their feats. Outstde ot that, however, they treat them at Inferior belags u d fell to give them pawtug notice oo the street I bav* fotmed Irbndthlpe u d been on the beat of iaimi srllh people who on Hading that 1 ohde a living by p lu m in g In cliutUM Onl my acqiitlntonnt at oooe.

>' In Euippt, wUh tha exeepdOD ot Englud, howevn, h proftplonal athlete b almost Idol- IritL BM acTiHlalhiaa M gulUrtM j»F ih«

0- biltiy ai: 1 he b the pet of waMy, buthis ]av Is not to tw comparial with the uotofe mein- i . .. :b,- t'ntual Niaiea.

" 1 hart' emiriTuied to ac-pim a kni-wKi Is of Ibe laniutr-- of each couutry I tUi;,-,!, an I only regret that 1 felted lo ieari more. The Ri.-MU liiigutge !• by fht the m:aa<ll#“ i;i. and 11 seems to m- that a peison would be Mbllgtil lo mingle wuh ihs Rumlans fully 1 dosen yean betbre barnlng mqrh”

" Do you Intend to lernsln lu this secthw ’‘ Ytw. wa like the Oranges, u d as oar butl-

nem ctlbut East so ftequonlly we have de elded to locate hure.'

"Have you anythhig nvw in view?"” W, bar;: gtaten out e lUhograph reptaaent-

Ingour present sjarlalllea." sold Hr. (ilifut. "W t have also pn|>ared a tableau antllleil The Famine,' u rppode from the ilega of

Troy, whlcli G jireuy sun to prove aiirecuve. It shows one bnUber In Hie act of killing u otiivr for a loaf of broad, and bier ike deem of tke fratrlcldr. I iliink ibat 11 will ba rvty stroi'g and tSkoUve. '


Ad Aet IB "H am 'aflle" That It Nut on the Fragreinme.

Aim re’a play “ M am 'zrlte,” Is adrama of iiarllln 'MirprlM*!, and iMlolght the iuilkui-e at Itliivr'i IhMtrejroi their mooe^'i worth of athHiMkiDcut. A new feaiurt ft>r which caUhfP iha playwrlKhi nor the aciom were waa adrtt4 ta the perfor”mautv. ibaprt jkrr'x man at the theatre la ibehapfix powmor ul a larita au>l vUittroue jreltow and white cil. TUuioej for Uial U Iba felliH' i raiue, lit grt'iOr lutvrciifl In lh«* (IriiTiB. oncnlhiu’fi ho Ilia]* ba aarn hoTeclOK alwiiUhe rear BQit (he feMaa of thu ktace. U bai noUcwl hy ilia itoorbeepar, wb» l ia m y o1»erUn| men. that Thonaar hai

jtaela l hitarrtt In tilayi of *'Tbn ylilaln aUlt ■; Taiiat1 her ohfer. f.aat nUht he lUrrad lu a little Ql)t a ( diatna of that kind hlmialf.

the aerood actor “ Ifiai'talle " wai In pros r » * . Iha Mata wai aet with • itroai anatia. and tha Impecnnloua m tnt^r, tha jaaloui h»Ter and (ha eonceUad old feotiaman wara makloiriiKirt Ibr tha audiant'a by Uirtniaual (juarrelf over kam ’uIU. Hiiddenly tbora wm a coEonoiion ai tha a p. entranca, and Thomai dtPlied upon the auge, Ua wu raotlTwi wKh a toued of appiaima- He crtMiad tha Maga naar the rikulliKliia and hurrlHIy paaaad Into tha wlijgpi. There waa B lounil of olawiim canTM aud iiatterini faetp and a timid, ahrlnklai rat, Viih Dopkuiuf ayea, darted fWm ttitder iha |trompier*box and ra|iidljr ailvaiirad lo ihe wotre of Iba Mage* She looked pUaotwIy at (he audience, dome men laiijthp<t and wuiiim mcamed, but no hand waaoiilMretche<| 1oJiel|iher. Wllli naiidngeyei ami with tho footllghta'yiareRhlniojithrcoffhi hti whliken Tboniaa darted hack ui«ou (he Mage lu relant* leat pursuit.

Tbe rat, with wit deaperate tKMind, laipad cli ao oTcr Ibe brail of orebaMra LeajJer looul* Ua<‘r and scurried <iown the alila ai laat her (rembMrf llmba would rarry her* Thomaa gathered hfmaair for a iprlna, but Mr. Baer roaa aud nourlibed hli Addle bow lo front of Ibe latige pofiuer. Thoiais nubed to one ilda and the ban dnimtnw ihnok tbe driiniaucka tn hit face. By tbli time the ladlui Id ibu back pnrtof the bouse were atandingon theorchea> tri rfaaln and tbe dnild rat had aacapad. W'lth a glance of dlMpt ointed maUgnity Tbumta ra- (rcaie<j from tho iiage,

loOUh Ba4*r-atik luck in hia v e t “ Foiled, TiHalD, follfd! ' he murmured boiwooo bli clen<'ht-<t tecib. Then iheptay wenton,

Il i" ild that Alnipe*'* manaaer will buy the cat II ha cat] make a«nitra'’( with tha rat.

iC'HflOI. ■ iClCTtNtJi.


Locked I'p All bilght<*AXkOthar Itnport- ant Arreal To>ctiix,

CiiKAOo, Man’h 18. — The four ‘bijortkjra'' arR-atad laat nigbl ware cwqjpellad

to leinMln In etulody all nlghtln iplte of the aflorta of thair many friends to ba?a bell flyad. Judge JamcBOD wa« erouaed fmm ileap at mid­night and bunie<l to the a b e r t f f ' i l i e rehiwfl (n Ax hall iitull ihe Ebato'a attorney or wmeof bliawiiuuMaapptiared uid i(«todlbe Datora ol the Lodtetnaanta. C-arrlagea were dhpalcbcd Id ercry dJrecdoa by Ihe piiaonart* frlendato Aud Mr. QrlnneJI oraomeoDe of bbi muiiy aF^Mamt, but their e6i>rt'i wore Id vain. Not a repriaerihillve of Ihu fUate’i aUoraey oouJdlia foutd, and alter wailing utiill !J:K1 A. M , Jadga Jimison went home. The prli (ineia ware very angry and tafd; “ tJrliiDell wanted i« ne us ia J i i l ; ihut'a why hb'a btddi-ii/'

James T. Connolly, book keeper lor Mcfiarl. glc, wsrili n of Ihe County Hu>pltal. ami one of ihe liKilcteii "bowileti," was arrcsled it Ms home ilih mornltix. Connolly hss Iwen a wit ores before the Graml Jury sml some think bO bainnboaomefl blrawlf lo sn extont Hist ren­dered Ihe offlclslii not very anxious to And him Iasi nlghL

Rumors About Hanning’s Snocastor. Special to the BvtittKa News.

■WISHINOTON, March 16.—Knmnr ban It that iuceesiore to Secretary Uuulng and Troasurec Jordin will be appointed by ibe prsidijeat ihlt afterueon. The prediction 1s made by Treasury oftlclib that Assistant Sec- Wary Fairchild will ba promoted to the full •ecreuryihlp, u d that E. o. Graves, chief of the Bureau ol Engraving and Printing, who was formerly tislstaiii United -■Wapw treararor, will bo promoted to succeed Mr. Jordan. In such on event Jcrseynitn hero still malnlaln thal ei-Uayot John A. O'Neill, of Hoboken, tbe chief engraver of Graves's division, will oa promoted to succeed tbe Itllor. The nime ot Seiialor McPherson Is nol men tinned much now in connection with the Treasury portfolio, bu! 1 kbowing Jersey ofllclal said to the News corresj-ondeiit; "Sllll wafer runs deep."

A Co-regeul for the Kaleev,I-ONDON, March 16,—rh e Vienna

oorreipoudent uf the Niiibiord layi 11 lx re­ported that Emperor William, on hU birthday, will proclaim Crowo Prince Frederick Wlllfim co-regfnt, with the consent nf tho Bundeitalh.


How Ihe Morvia Lanai Rcheme AfleoU Slate a i Well as Newark,

W 'ij^kte of the audacious If orris Cualwater pn-Jectyeuenlsy, It uemls Iiirlberei- poanre for the beoetu of the public. The story ol Uie cu a i Is too well known to need re­hearsal. Il was bought many years .go by the Leh Igli Uallruod to wipe out a eom|ielltor in lu Imslners, siid it owns ihelr largo and valuable dock fruiilogi! at Jursey CUy, wllh which tbe Lehlgli Railroad would be very loath to part, ih i . iict explslnstbe language of the Hihsec. tlon quile-i yesierday, which allows the canal to sell a p.rt of lu properly, which would, of oourte, destroy lu public use, u d whle.b, by the report made lo tiie Secretary of State lost year, fecnii to have been ruii at a losi of (10#,acm, u d yet rotaln the valuable dockjiroperly.

'I he value of this can i1 to the etiy of Newark a lOurre of water sunply from b k e Hopat-

lo the report of Meoars.oong Is summed up __ ......... ........Croes A Howell on page M, where they aiy,It plain that by using' Ihe esnil u a ' chahnel the wafer ol this lake cuuot be brought loNewark.'

The legal dtfliculUea in Hie way of ibe cityBgaiim uxlug ihe cuol for inch a source, evenaro " - - .....■ -- - ----------:erlt had aoinlrrd the rlglil, w> for as ihe Lehigh rood is coucerned, are almoat Insuper­able. U wasincorporated stiietly for the pur.poaeof navluUoD. and his no right to u k e wafen fromT-ake Hopalcon* and Greenwood lAke foraiiyntber purpnae. If |i should sell IIIcanal bed these riih li would of course lapse.- “i l x " --------- - _am U ll water rlgbu from lAko lIopa({V)Dg or elffagrbera woulo lapao aso have u> bo pur- cbaHifanewaiacoiulderableoiwt, TheU&da tleowblch tbeoaoil acqmrtd by oondetaDa- tion woiiifl nvert to the origiDal owocn b t idrfa a n le and apaadoDment of the daaai aa a liighwar.

. he erharter of the canal fiirlher provided that at the end ol uiiiutT'Dlne yean the 8iato ontild ttaelf take U nime paying a Hx^ Fura, bat thaU/ It ahoold fall to do ao, tha I'harter of the Cioal ahould ooutUiue for fifty yean moia, when tbo whole oaaai. with lu appunenancae, beromei tbo vole prowrtrof the Biaie. Thuai the Lehigh Valley road and (he c llj of Newark are uoi tho only people In tertsled lu Fuch purcbaAc, but the rtlate Itaelfil a Demsary party aa tho ramaludermaa to

tK_li to oeme after the^enaatcywhomihljcitaL . ...................... .............for yaaranf the Lebigh ^ilroad Coni>aTiy Id the ciDBl hai peaaed. ThiK nght cannot he cat off pxfFpt by Roecftl oonw-titof rhe Htate luwlf, and th^ county ander the new oonalltutlon o f tha Stole, raunoi be given.

Tbe city ol Newark, tberefora, might flfid Uk H Id the poanion after It bad oome to cbeborder of bankniptriy hr the Iwue of bondi, at ■ ' ■ ‘ ' im------- ------------the iniftlgaUoii of a ■oQtieaf oorporation to rid

Itaelf of BD ezpeviiiye property, of bavlag Id- ourred a w t dvbt In Ibe endearar to acquire a

repert; to which ft eottld get no good Utle,Tee membeis from Eaeex Coantv ihould i........ •to It Uiu this proposod hill stays ''^put" In the

commIUee where II new Is.—Jdii.

OHewVD|la Leaf ishfeoN-AAiii

Hatnilaof lli« Mo*Uagi la TaHaua Town- ships aad IMatrlcta.

Tlie annual aicelinji in Ashland ftchnol liuulrt Ni n . Of last Oraog*, held In Ash' laud-■i bool Halt laat olghl wai very largely tuemkd, Edwanl s. Alwoal prr'blrel. Thu auuuai n jxin of ihe Board of TniMere wst piarenlni and adopted. In U the Irusfeaiti- pTi-SKl IhemrelVM oj highlygratifled tithe cuiHliil.in of the arhooli. LiA Mimmiretreu puplie were graduated, and a large number u vxpseted at ihi .'.jinmg . .immem . mem. The total uuml.r; regl.ured lu ilm Iwo Mh.nliin Uu year was a gitn ol l.’j .wer Ihe pra vloo» year. 1 he iverig.' iliriuit'iee wo. ivsi agtio of MA Tha largeti arirndtime wm durlagOrt' Ur. whirb ihoirt-«1 a loialuf Ti- Tbf •choolt haw befu in axr^lknt toolury OowdtUiMi. Thf top irt referffal lo tbi- rui i NtUy uf pruTidlni; liM'ri iwd aci nuirikiHlallivtni lu (po Huiih Akhiar.d IhMrlei hy linftbliig i»fl tbe up per Mory. Kelerrlnx u> iho •• t at (hv laat Leginlarurr, giving town«blpa the p>iw»r to roi»ai)lMate (ht* •flhK»l ilhirU'U under a Ihiard ol Iducaiion, the (n)iPH'« uid Ihil they rtiuM aeomaLi y advanuiffi tu beilertvid hy coii o]- iiialUai, but expri^Nl (he o]4ui nt lh«i ihe time hill ikM j f i rome for «u> h

The lrik>(et 4MiimateTl that tlia ripvniilttirei for (hr pext ti'hool year wmjld be I Id .47 w -, and tbe reaouirei Ill.Otl.O'Jp tvavlug aoeridi of |k.fi67.«H tt wav rtc'umaieutinUhalli,vi­be ralMd by dmriPt lai Iha vinkliig Tuuii abowrd a luul of IJ7.Jfta.U>>

Mr.fThorep oi-, oDiof iAelm>t«F#. i XpltlDaxl the neauing of (be mh, and « mikUuu wa« •Oopfert derlarhign lob-Inrxp.-i4ou( fur ittr loeciing to laae aiiy aribko tn the maltvr. The (iiiitetM nTumrovadiii thv> apprnpriailoii of H.wo for gpiieral whool pui|V4Pt*ft, ai.ii iv* .m fbr fiDlslitog oft the lot-oDil tiuor uf dviuih lk«b- land hohou]. The mtetiiigorderiil (he appro- prtitluDi iiMte.

Tbvibv. |»f. John Trowell. K. jg Ivong and Rh'hard (kwypiia were miminaied a.i lri4a(ca to fill the place left n c in t by (h« explratUm of Truafaa Joaepb f , TiiompaOD'i terui. A ballot waa iheu lakcn and ^7 vobw werecaat. J>r. ('ruwetl received 110. Ur Isong U and Ur. (IwypM 70. Hr. Cruwell wai Afcltr\A electod anil hla uomlnaUoo wae made uuanliuoua, A vote of ihajtki wai eiicndod to Juaepb K ThonpiOb, the retlrlrig uiittee. gThe meeting lu Kranklln Dlitrld No. W,

Orange, held In the Mebool Hall on In>V1 itrect, wav the mlldoNt affair of iu kln-l bald In aeveral yaarv. j^ral L. Dodd preddvil Diaukt cnerk Ltieitii UeAdam aeieJ u lacra- tiry. The annual report of ilia BoaM of Tru»t«(fwa« read and adopted. The ooat of IhtDfW building waa |iiit iIowd m 19,992.83. The library fuin] had Ijevii Increawnl to IISLOS aniltheapparaiii'i(aMiKlit at f l i l .n , learlnga balance of 929.(V>. Tb>* vinking rund ihiiwed a ijalanceofti.OiO 4®. The truvti'careoonuncQd- e<l that ffiOb be rained by ii)vtrli:i lax to i«y iii> tervfl Ob the moricaga on the nehoid butldiDg and MOO for gmeral ichool purpoPHw ainl re- pain. Tha total recelpta laat yoar, locluiiiag balance oo haud, the Ktate approprlatfua, Buec. kjwuiihli) and dl>trlci Uxoi, ajimunU'd toM.0AS.4t, tud the total dlibupiomenbi wore

leavinga balatineoa band of (leorge Kutchvr wav elected irituea in tha place of Qeorgf K. Nulpheo, whoaa tarm ex* pirad. It wu expeeb-d that w uvual there would be couBli1(iablei*ontaik ovar tbe ofllre, but U) (h« vurprue uf ail no oiber numlaatieu wax mada and Kutcher was unanlmouily elected- Iho ipproprlEtlon offt.OQO reooui- mended iby the tnuiei'Vwat made. Mr. Ifc- Adam brought the i]Uettloii nf roneolniallag theicbooldirtrtcU, but li wa i deemed beat to continue ax Ufore.

The achool metting In Ftvirrn Didtir', ?(o.M, Fail Oranife. wmm in»Mk'rale]y tUi-nflfd. (Jeorge Booth prealdiHl atxl H. c Albert acted ■ 1 eecretary. Burrogale J. I.. Mutin read the annual repoit «f Ihe Hoard of Truvlwa, of which he il a nieinhi r. The report ibowed aa expenditure of IldgMa 91 for geaeral purpoMi aud lirjHS hy the pilncipal at iho ichiKjl, leaving a Wanre on hand of It waieatlmaied lhat the expenaevnexi year would bellO -180 nnd ri'cclnu t7,H0<\ leaving a deficli of which the Irusleea it^imuiended be railed by dlatrk't [ax. The £oi>urt wax adopted and tbe appruprlattoo of |2,$W ordered made, The report of pjjBcipai Davyahownl thal the average attondanco wax 4 1, an increase nf twenty-opo ever latti year. The ciiruliucnt fur •U moaihi wii an Increase of nvcuty. The roial enrolmcut wu Ava, and ft wu ex< prcico that <500 ■ would be exceed^ before •chool Hosed. In all the elaw t iherc were iHJl *J0f) c tw of lar iliieax, and Id one ctaxa nnt a Ur<ly Kholar. licWitt G. backus wu re* elfCted ImstM wKbom ojvpiwUlou. lir. T. R. Chambera brought up the quevilon of forming a dial In Induiirlal drawing, and alter ■ lung dlionulon the lubject wu dropjted wllhout artloD.

The Attendance at (be reboot meeting in DU- trtetNo. WeKit Orange, wu light, t-korgo Shennan prealded and Ueorga K. biagg wax •eoretory. The aoDual report uf tbe Board of Tnuteea wu read uad aJuptod. The tiuateuH rDcoausended that t3,000 be reived by dlatrlct tax Ait general ichool puriKwe*. which reooni' mendation wu adopted. John J. Ketmy, CicorgO C« Preemao and Wax Brodeasor wuro nominated for Truitee, aod the voU) reauUed U folluwa • Kenny, 19; Preemau, 12; Brodeuor, fi; blaok, 1. Kenuy wu dedared eleoted*

In School Ditirtet No. 40. Weat Orange, Prod- erlck W, Wolf presided and Henry T>. OUpliani WM lecrelary. Tho report of the BljaM of Truitee«ihowedthatA5.S0 would be uee<lfy] uj ba rafted by dUtrIct tax, and this amount wu voted. P. W. Wolf wu Te-vlected Iruntcc.

A meeting of Lhe legal voten of School IHv trlct No. 8, of Montclair, wa I held In tbe pub*11c acbooi buildtui lu t night. The report of the diiUlct clerk. Dr. John J. H, Ixove, vtns read and accepted. Truaieex Rdwtu U, UuoddI and Jamea Owen were re eleci«l.

A macting of the Wuhlngton Dlairict of Uonlcltlr, WM held lu t night In ihu ichoob houie, and wai largely attended. Thu roi>ort of dJilrictclvrk, Richard dheildan, w u read.It Khowed Ihti icltuol to ba lu good (luanclal cUeunotancti, havlDga lialauce of •9SQ In the treuury. An Htcilon forone innU'c to wn’ethree yean then took place, It rcsuUorl lu the election nf John N. jloticy.

A large and well atiendo<1 meeting waa held at the Mhoolhouae at Hetti vllie, lu t night, lor the clccifoh of one (riiitee (n place o f C'btrlec Olearman, who&o term bad vxplred. ifevru wlecicd wiOiotit any opprwiUon. An appro*

1 'A itr r ir

How a MUund«r»ia&tliiif Bepwratad Two Llfe-lwuf ffrlepcka-a

Tioftiinr I ’l hteKf, the Hotwken aculp*tor. appeared brf.,ro Ju x i« R,xtor lutnUht h] finer a crnaplalrit igatnit JoKpb Kelaer. a drugiH nn HixiUi (vrange avenue in thla City. The CADN <»l Ute dioculty between the two men wu a dlapute uvar the owaanhtp of “ Mop>," a K(. Iteniani dog and the ofhprfDf ofUiPcHebmed Harry, i»lctur*a of whom have appeared lu atverai Ulaxtrated papen. The uru bad (Ji u rut iricudM, haviDg known ear other vlut i tK»yhiHHl. They flnt laei in the AratieaT of An in Munich. Havtrla. where they haki ruiered a> rtudenia They becani'- cmurac— III UM itiali'ly au>l uiaiiualmsd iheea pk*«aMi teUttiii- iimll left (u folbiwtbk» priifiwiUi, j,i jiiiarraacy. KL'hieler alilipurfeueil h'.i antiiirUetaiul t>M»h uikieuhiture,Tha two IrleinU, hsiwtvHt, l-M alUrtce of i»na aiHriher 6ir inahy |ca'* Uh n r K *hifl«r otma tothlvminlr) a Mr. 1 a bhn, of ihlicUy, m fr c ni Mith hif I f«‘r a Kvi-m nuicmaient fur e gtav#’ tthen b** flulihfii the wurg he ile- rlilnl to make hi* home «>n thh iiite nfthe weter, ami f ,»vtiijg ht-re. opetinl a iiudio in lioboken lie learned, however, that tsalblln had ('ttinmiiU'd HuP iiic. end ihat hawmiUlbe unable any mooey. AUMjuhUUmehalrarn<d ihat hti old fheiid wa* llvlagln (Ulacitj. at d hai(i'ht>i m are him ai»d renew old icqualiiUMfi’i. Ihcir baybh friendship wax rvkiuditii, and many plr^imt bouri were

iu laikiiigover hy touedeyt.Tt i< pmfciaor \m caiur a frvHpifnl rfvftor at

Ihe biHiiriof hli ii|.| rneii.i, and when he went ihere gi'iH-raNy In-k with hlui De Hxrry. .the wu a tuiidMomi* di>M. large and vhaegy, but letille ami g«Mxi mturiHt. Large tuoa of uuMiey had betm offered A>r her, but her owier refmnl u> p.urt wilh her. When Dc Barry dU-l she left fnu« beeullful pupi which (he pr fi ’.ir carfHl for ft»r a abiwi lime, l i l tboiUhs'aim* vl« k, however, aJiilli became Intpoasihle fiw hitn lo l<>wk after them, lie rtfr ewed loaettd rhepupe away until the l*oygot Ijeiwr anil plartMi them under the caiw of lir. hefter. The profoiaor intended that they •bould remain with Mr Keiiwr until hla em hid rfcovetvd, imt live druggtit euppoaed UiU tbe dog* ha<l heeti given to him.

Mr. Helaer told two of the pupc for tJA each, gave one away and maiiiwl ihe other* Ihe jifofpiiof WM Mimewhat lurpriaed lo hear Ihat iht dogs had beeu dt»jM*w‘d of, but aald nothing u lung uone i>f thym had been retained. HU Non having reniurred. the pmftmot teoeutiy lent anoto to Mr. keiii'r uklng hloi to aeml ihc remaining dog twrk ThU noto|wu re* piled (o in a way that made the pn>re«urshiver all over. The writer informed him (hat ft wuiild fte D(t more Irmiblu fur him lo send for (he-log than It wonld be (o bring It to him. The priiP- wir dcihied (a aend hla lioy for ''Miiisi," but when lite boy wturnwl with the luformailon that Mr. Relhcr refUsed to part Wllh the animal, all fevlipg of affection for hU old frltoul deiiartfi! and tie decided to take irgal pnxx'tdiiigt in recovei the dog.

lie liiftwmeil Justice Rodut of hla grlevancea, and Mr Kt'ftir wai retjiiaatwd to preaeat him- atlf beture the court. When Use ilrnggisl ihowed up be avild that be would nol give up the dog, lie declared that It had been given lo hlui togelhcr with the other three.

Justice Hoder atld (hat If he rvAiauii p> giva the dog up a warraut would be Lmued ou uoia* plaint of (he prufesN'»r,

Proft’swr Kt-hieler valiiea ''Mope" very highly and would n>it like to Iomj nlm. The prufrasor liai Iici’M tugag ’-si on many iiii(toriaiit pieces ufwork feliire Ciiml''g lo ihli piMintry,He li eiigsRL'd now on a inimnnient to be

In niK’igo In lonuory of !>ogau, aud Is wuikingoii aniHtierof Kun r. the Low-Ciuroian lioet, alao to be vnciml m Chlcegj.


A Ifaarp CuatooS O tu tka RIaetlaa a f • Schaol Troataa-A a R iF la a a U « Ows.

f a r a la i FrIafJpat Maiwall’a M *. u v s a l M ada-A Hot Dabata.


Data. F la« l thaE H ill riiII tba Narrork Club H all.

Ths ai'liftlulo ol Fsnii-» sh ammj{«'! at tb* niadli-H of Ih* Inirriiitlaual lEi|iiehulJ at Rirhistor, .V. Y. jf-t-ir la j. Is btxhiF grill- felof loihoNcirait Club, TIi« mi-ttin* ran- rinrel wrir In iho it i j. and ih* ichi-tlulo wu iiioptrel ihi-rllp after IJ n'rlocX lut nlfhi. The sehedulo prornlts tJut the flnt chatniMitn- sblp same w iiiIh* j,1aj-*G In EM. oit}-uii April 30, aud Ihi-linon Gi'tjber 1, Inirln - Maj-Ihe Newark i'Inlit- tillli-d to play dxhloeo ohatn- pluukhlp xtuii's lu Ibis d iF ; In June, *l*ren ; in Juljf, Hren; in Aiiipiai, ihlrleen; lu Sep- femlicr. five. Newark will plip at Jersey City In the foroDOou on Decoration Day, anil In the afternoon Jereer ct'y will play on the WrlRlii street (rounds On July I Newark U billed forlwo (am*, al honie, sn-i Lobnr holi­day win flnil Ur- i-julr In ibis clly.

On Eire date flsud for the NatbinsI refalla mi tba Puwle HIvErr, ihe Newark feam will U ibmari, and ihe State Fair week will nol In- ferfero with tbe clull's gemce, u they will be pliyed In New York SUte. Tire Newerke wilt pley In ihli city on ihirtoen Siturdeys In cbemi-looshlp nietclie*, wilh lereral open daiee to be filled lu wlEh clubt of I bu older upoelatluns.

The ftjllnwinK utnpirce were eppolnferl; John Coiiflelly, of .New York; T. J. Curomtnga, EjfTrenton ; tVlLltam Hoover, ofl'bLIaduLphla ; Richard A. Pierre, oi Hnmkiyn, and William Reed, of London, Out, David i'sleord wu ciiooen is sulMiiiule umpire. The coh ol Con- nore, who had ii(ued with both tho Rm:heitor

T h t mtxlinK held at Oolambia Hcbool, NHilh Oronie. last uitht, fife Ibe elstEhMi of oTi.- Im [nlwr ot the nchool Hoard w u oae Ejf the ler*.'! (tth*riu(s of le(ol ruten known la Ihr hl-uiry of the vilike.- It Is r-ilaasiod ihiS MO pE-npl* rrrrr on hand, end the Tofe polled esrei-.Ti-d by seven ihe toul vote e u io U b t n « n l elrrlbm for villexe trustee*. AI few- -liRiit imrrvels duriiii ibe prooeetUnii ureiw beeiil liireil- in.I prolesii uileiled wliiiftoaH till hi.set. The I'hiiinian Ibteafened toceeaa ibe itr<si of any |wrsnn wbo i-erslsled in d * . inrl,tn( the mrc||n(.

Ili-nry i.illy weath* iitiidard bearer -if Uiot cleuH II i W blob ini-iK-ru the ociloa of the prei- eul Irnin.s, while Biiwird F. I’hurch wM mule Ibt tiiampiuu of the peupl* who declared •Foluil tha artloo lahen hy iho IruitceslaB apilDfln deposli'B ITIrielpal Unwell. LUlF wii elected.

Fdwanl Heir was eelected lo preside over the mcEdinp, and Wllllaui A, Urewer, Jr., wm 1 boern lerrrury. Rohort X. Ilel-l-lyand l«wle P. Tiybir were ipiwlmrd lelli-te. ilietrtet Clerk I.illy rct-l his annual repnrl, in which he I reeled the siilijFrt of the reinotai of Mr. Mtiwell at (reel len(ib. and inide on effort lo JuoUiy the icllon of ih* tmuere.

THE MNAHE'IAI. ITATIHEIST.The lineucltl stalemenl (Ivu iha total is-

Cflpu w 117,117.21, and eiprndituret u IIE- Nie.K, Icarlni a tiolaaceof which tuneb ueeilcd to lay loarhan' lolarlei and other oxprniM up to Aiixun II. la it year H.iM wM rabrel. Imt itali year IIAOO isoondderad aoH- oltnl to Di*E-t tlldeinendi ujam the treasury, line teerher hu been eilde-1 to the tu F o f tba H'butil within tlic poet year, making tbe uumbex ol teaoheratwrlre.

in iewi there wen 3#1 puplie eorolied in South Oruge Srbnul, end n at VaIbbuiK. ThbyeaPerepoM ehosrt W i t Sooth Ucanga imH0 u Vailehurg.

When Chairman Selfeallfd for nomlnitloB^J . H. C. Morrow took i leH of ntimlcnpt Iraa bis lusidL- piicket and braml hlinoelf for oo- tlon, when crlf* ot " fill down," " Tiiur ou t of order," and " Are we loing lo llsfen to another brief to-night 7" wire beard throughout thabail.

end Toroqloi’InIx, ctme np hi-fbrothe Boird of Iilrct-Hirs end riufe'd much HI fee ling.

' I am gninx to lie hfird it m trentx." Ihtmrterrd Ur. Morrow

Tbechairnin hemmerrel on the desk until 1 stuihlaiict- of order wu restorud, when ba kboi)t«Nl r

■Mlviuftmvti, Mr. Morrow hMlhafloof*'* KXrLAIHIftU TftK MAXWELL CAfit.

Mr. Morrow (ben went od to review tbg artlim thu cUlaeiu but vprlng, logMlier wltb thatrusteea’ coune- "Thisft do IndigxuUloa muetiiig," laiil hc« “ aiii the misiati will glvf you lull eipranaiionv, as this Ita legal meet* lug, and ft ft our duty to maka atatomeala, t wiA the man whu urged luy culleaguea to in- cri'ate I'rliH lpat MazwelPi wliry, uul latex reftuH'd to iHfllt-va that be was nol tbe rigbt miDln UiertgliL place. An lomtlgatiou d«* vdopud tlie lact (hat everyOilug ooaaecied with (be w<.’hcK]l WM in dlsunkr. HedUiQ and pandrmrmlMin rvigned. Iq tead ofcu-lgellng hill brain fur a uieihoil tu iilK'ipUne refrac(or7 pktpfts, Ui6 iiMier Dicth<Hi uf vxpuLshm waa re* aorte l to, I have had rhi- pufiilv cumo to dm •o often that 1 left Hko a rtrpmulher to tfta chlklren of ihla village,“

"'That It all you are good for,’* shouted a vrice from the liarof tbe ball.

Wlib Iho iiiuney I helped to give hifli»** coDilnued Mr. Uorrow. “ ibt prinf’lpal aeog his own chiidri'n to the Eavt Orange School b> gitn u Uiit extra kuua ledge warto be obtained there." Illisea, gr>aii!i and ihoifti followed [hft and pc-opft clatnured for tbechalrmajt toiuppreu Mr. Morrow.

“ Tbi9 Is Acamlaluus,’' shouted llecry Mtiotti- cT, "and I deiuioil that Morrow boiuippcd. t wnat Iftten lo Uie reading of vueb a docu* meal."

INVITED TO GO HOME,“ Well, why ilon’t you go boraethenT" re-

torte<l Mr, Morrow,“ 1 will Call an uQlcer and put you out,*’ latd

the chalrmaD.

Ihx'hoftcr WM awanlcd the player uu agreeing lo pay I be advance price.

prlaUuDeflMI»ilUmadc to build an addlilon dlnou>i(> Ihe KbbolhouM* The money will be rafted

hy mortgaglug tbe present buildlug. Au ap­propriation of Jl.noOwas madefuT Inddeutal exiieoaei, and liW for a new floor.

Delay In Pwllverlng tbe Mall.There waa a delay ot about two hours

Iblimumlog in reeviving the mift aU'entre Market, tbe letter which are ovuallydclivcreil a (8 o'clocknui being received uuUllO. Ihe wholesale dealers h‘lt the delay conaldurably, at li pm them back In sending out Ihelr onlcnr. The cauve of the delay wt( tho PUinKlmilng of a new man for one who was recently dli* charged* Kt-veral nomplalDts were mado abmit Ihe delay. When the neitdollvery was made, however. Ihe mall wa?) received on (ime. Post* DiMler Fiedler Mid thal a new man could not be expected to gel around ih rapidly as thoae familiar with (he route. He thought iliiogu- lar Ihat comaplalii ft should bo made before tbe carrier had a chance logel famtliar with the rootc* "People," he latd, "are alwtya ready loeomplAluofaDy slighi delay, but when we galL time we never bear a word about that. A man weiubaiitmcd la place of one of the cently discharged carrleii gained forty utlu* titotaod another twenty mlautft."

ffor llAhing Trouble a t a Ball.8p fd a l Officer Heller waa the com

plaloani befbre Justice Roder this morning •galuit Eoariuel Mendel, of 82 New rtr^t, whom he charged with being dnmk anddii* orderly at (be Academy of Music last night while a ball was In progress. Officer Heller •aid ihat be bad been ordered by the mauagen of tbe ball to eject young Mendel, who waa tcllDg la a disorderly maDner. Mendel de* nftd the charge, and he wm trailed to appear f'Or (xammailoD on Monday next.

Montclair Towuablp MaUrirs.Tlie finit of tba newly eleolod

incnjl-crsof ihc Montclair Township C nnmlt- Ue was held lu t cveuing, Thomu Kuaicll WBN airilu cliGicn as chairman lor tbe year. The ebaifineu of the dlirfri.'at romralttecH were apiKiluliH] M follows: Kliiauce, Sftphen W (ftrey ; law, Htephen W. Carey; rmula. Warren 8?. Taylor; iK)ur, A* Kben Van liUaon ; side walks, James Owen ; gas, A. Eben Vsq Olevoa police, JtmeiOwcu ; water supply, Mr. Van (rl«lO[i. The bfjuds of (lie newly elected olb* cere In the lownuhlp wereacr<;pu.‘d hytbe com- mlUec with iln* excc|Xion of that of (ronau* MeCJcorgo T. llunleiri, whh-b was not In ilio proper alispo, and waa laM nrer uoili next meeling. John I*. Hlakc, of Oraiige, who hu rerred as Montclair's tiiwjiRhlpoounsel for Mr- cral yosr^ wai o ain ap;>olnled.

Mr. Crane, nviiiliiig ull Elm strool, appoaretl bcforelhe cuOi miller ami corn plained of the nuttonce caiihfd hv allo>vmg catile (□ nm around (he ?lrottv, He rf<jtie'leij that (he com- roltlec ippulnr poiiMdojasters, ivhlcn was done, resulting In ibe rlmlcr; of JamcH P, Walsh lor the south fiife of ihe lowu, Aaron OarrabraiU andWUlJum Tlchcrof fur the north tide ami Jovet'h curfon fiir cpjH;r .Motiiclair.

A lummuidra'luu wa« received from (ho rer IdenftaluPR FuUcrVm avenue nque>tlug the (■funju|.(ee (0 Isy stffioc ruads along Kullertonavi-fliiP Irom Walnut Jiireet W Oringc road It IsJdOl Ibe lAhlc

tn Trouble About ■ Dreuatpin.Detective McManiu this morniiic anvy

two rramp'Mke Imllrldtiali la Centre Market ityfog lb Mil a gold brcaitplu. ilo sauntered opto them and loqulred how tbay came to

aae tbe artlcTe. Not receiving satlsrac ory ■siwen be took the men to the Piret I’redD^ where they gave ihelr namM u J. G. Hammer of LaecBiter, Fa., and Michael Draary, of Wuterbury, CODn. They were held for ex* aalnatioiL

AldunliJMi Ouunully BtektAldermtn Ja n e e F . Connelly w u gnd-

deuty taken sick yesterday. Ba wM removed (htnebome, wbtrebeBewlifift -

lll(MMii(letd and Miffutoluir*Ellen G atrliy, a aervitat in tho em­

ploy of JamtsNuyei, on Klin street. .Nfuiilrlslr, surted out a few evctiiims ago ro visit friciuli B few blocks away, atji! (u onlor lo reach her dcstlnallnn \>y thi shortcut route, Flatted Bcrosi Ihc luft 1i was very ilsrk* ffutl* (ieii)y the wa beard tu give a pivrdrag scream, which arou«iMl the ncighbore. who run to the (qxdaiid iiiadi'cp ditch fmind the uiifortunato womar] lunaiiliig ai if In great r^ln, and uu- able to walk. Hbe wm picked up and Uken tu the hoiiae of Mr NuycH* who Mat for a phy> slolan, and ft was dftcovored that her right leg had T>ceri broken in two plates by tbo fall. Tbe town authorities havo decided to fill up tbe ditch to prevent any further dftaeleni.

Tbe Wa-'hlDgton Democradc Battery of Mont* dalr has iHirchascd a small lot on the comer uf Elm street am! Bloomtlcid arexiue, upun which the mcinfAen iuloud to erect a uuat bulldltig of their own,

David Layeock, a woll-knoim maclUiitsL who for many years has been In tbe empit^ or Moffbt'a rolling mills In Bloomfleid, died at his resideiu'c, on the Old road, Montclair, lut ovetiing. Tie wta In hft alxty-fim^year and leaves a wife aod suveral grown i-hiMreui

The newly elecletl ofH<*crt of the Muutulair Reform Club wilt be Inslallod to-night.

Saloon*keop«ra' Plana*At the Haloon-keepeta' meetiag in the

Academy of Mutic, yesterday afternoon, flfteea delegates were elected to the State Coaventtou of Ihiuor ilsatenp, which will be held at Trouton on March 24. An awmmentof It wm levied on each member to fonn a defence fund fbr •alooD-keepen who become entaM M l^ the meshvi Of tbe law. There wu dlBCUseioD concerDisg grooen wbo n n liquor. It WM resolved to latroduee a bill ta the LegU- lature to prohibft (he sale of wlneii beer or liquor* lo grocery iWree*

" WHI, call an ofllrer." relumed Mr. MuDth* er. " 1 duti'L care what ymi do. You appear to bo dolug about ax you lltc."

"rihut up. Himtber," bowled Michael O'Don* nelL home aud shut up. Wu will lick you ariyhow."

When Mr Morrow was allowed lo proceed, he said that Hr. Dalts wu a sLrajtger In m ilraugi* land. He came to uiske a reiiutalUm prfall. bainulpgatortus, Intonded lo blast bft ]irie|ie<:ta, were circulated, but when the true* (eea endeavored to brlug lucb storlce humolo tho partlet that wrl uf warfare ended. Mr. Morrow foncluded with an aiipotl on tiehalf of Mr. Lilly.

U. F. Smith asked Mr. Morrow to explala Whether the trusU’w ur ihe priuclpil was to btsiiiu foi the failure’of South Orange lo Uavft higher grades la ichool.

" J duu t kuow," wift tho reply; " but you can rea llly uemaiD by aa InvcsUgatlou, Aa ■IJ events, I know ihat Eul Oraogo galoed Ua npuiitiim thitjugb our own bright wholore.**

A large Uu box wu* used as a reocptacl* for balloft. It required about one houe for all to vote, arid the count showed that Mr Lilly bad received iCpi votes to 1 3 fur Hr, CliUicb. Tho Victoriou.>f fiiction cheered aa long aud ao loudly that (wdcistriins oa thff iurtlicit side of the village were sLartled,

A ri‘sc>iu(|i>ij authurUlng (he trustees to rafta moDcy if iiccvs.taTy wa« (lien psared.

Heath o( Hra. iSidoinon HfRro,Mm. S. Hpiro, wile of Solomon Bptn>

.ill] iiwlli.-rof liOTlil Pjilro, filed at her home, 121 Hank HfCEd, jc.lerfiaY iltonioon, after a lliiKE-fine lllrii-w, In the (my tljlh Fear of her tltr. Hrr Ijuabinii, three i-jna lad ouo fiuti(il(liT .urvlre her.

C I T Y N K W 8 N U T E H ,

Mr. Danirosch will tomiuei tha ro- hearral uf life llaruioDic lfo(.'letj lo-murroir

inlghl.Newnrlc I,oJ fe' «:I, k'. .mil f,. o f H.,

held Hi nia.s-|uernrle ball at the .Ar,idemf ol Mut<lc last evening.

A (Jpfectivt^ flue caused n fire fn th s teuemeut bouH-. :<* Jlrnlgc oiroct, Jsmi evening, th e damage done tuthc hulMiiig sDijuuti ta irjri)

TThc regular iticcfing of Ihe Ijacat t'rearhi-r.H Newark ami vli iaily.wHI bi' btlil lu niorruu cYcLlug at U G n j slrclt, RcHCvinc-

Tlic contraof of Fred Abrrn.n. (lie d ly sr'tviUK r, will c*i.ire<u May L>. Nntblngbsa yet been iloue by Council Ut either reoew ft ur lei'Urc a aucce««k>r.

It is the wl)o are lo do-iisaud PU Inonn.M; of ivtHei on May J, Tbo bricklaycrN and inifiins have a Ki-licdulo ar­ranged for tbe yesf.

At the hnuflc of Meg. Chitrlei E* Weeks, 70 Park place, on Friday night, ait amateur dramallc rierrurmaace will be given for tbs twnefit of (be C'razy Jane Society.;

Williftm Eiple, of 261 Springfield are nuf, formerly an etnnloyoof iheFcRDiylvanla Haliroad, has t>oen missing rinre IPebniary *J6* It ft raiuoied that he left lift family aad wenl to Florida.

Tbe Are engfdet were called ont th i« moniliigtoexiitiiruftb a lira tu tbe carpanter {•hop of Vllet Brothers, In tbo old burying gruiird. Tbe fire wm exiinguUhed befuro very much damage wm douti.

The bearing of the suit o f E d w in t Black against Mrs, Frida Coates, to recover 1-' for Jicrvu es rendered her slepson, RddteCtotee, as counsel during the Maggie Albrecht Inqueac huK ix;en adjourned until next Mnoday.

Tbe ThomoH A. Feabodj Aasoclailoit list night electo<l tbe following ofUcerit rrcsldent, William =CTave: viro-presldcct* Qeorge 8Ude ; secretary. Prank Rmitfa; llaaQ-* cial secrelary* A. Btolt, and (roMuier, ThonoM A. Peabody.

S«Terarnew can have been added to the equipment of th« Eskx Passenger Ralliray Company. As aoon m ib« weather will pemtt, work will be begun od a new branch road from Bowery street, ihrougb Cbapel Arf«| and Aibari iToaue to l^wkwood tu n k



^ m x l (fv fn in g p n w

M I L V , U C C P T B U N D A Y t,

f!£SDit m s p c i m i cokput,At Ho, >44 BROAD (TTREET.

ir« ira r t« Wtle tiw K « 111 A * W • ■ * ■ * * ■ ■ *“ * ’1

CM)v«w hr •I'*otty w h OfWB*. >«• tnd In ttio^ n t of MontcWr, Bloomfiold,M i iN poM i i« Em o i CotMrty.

Mill nbicriptiant, fi» l doUwt t y » r , •r fifty c*n tt 0 month, p o i t i j * fret, iburlo eof>i«t, two contt. O olittrei by Mmw« In Nownrh. tM contt • wooh.

OtilM iy ulfortiMmontt on third md fourth ptffot. ton contt n lino lE it t . •jtocld n t t i for tho fir^ ond locond M oot tnd for oocurod potitioni.

UroTUtotnooli imdor hood* of W inltd, To Lot, fo r W o, Pononol. o tc., ontcont t word i Murltoo H o tiu t, tg cti.; Doith Hodcol, without InviUtion, tg cU.,_ J with InTitalion, go cU.

Chtngot In yotriy tdvorlltomonti to bo Mtdo on Stturday Muit bo hondod in on Ffld»y tftornoon,

ORANGE, N ,J .Wllllun H, Lorton tnd Htrrtion V Allon

^ o n tl,R tt tt (Won tnd idvortltomontt for the

NEWS rtcoirod by oithor of tho tbo«t

Stn tt, Alto ord irt for ctrrior dolirtry lOlt.

BLOOMFIELD, N .J .C. Cocptr, t ( t n t for tdvortiiinir.Ordori for ctrrior dtlirery wty b t Itfi

nt Dtncor't tnd Vought Brot' Ntwt-ilinii'


9 7 , 1 5 0 .Tbe dilly circoUliuo of the Nk\v< far

tbo week m dit| UolurrUyt H tn b I.’. U n , w tt;

, Htreh 7....— .......... -Aty, ¥trrh r

Woinotday, U tn iil...............M w tdjiy , Vurli 10..............VMtbky,;lUr>Ull........ .............M teeileji Vtteb It....................

I«,000 in .t io to ,too 10,100 to .ioolO.IM

Vottl #7,ltO

OtbUITITT BUT HUT QUA.UTT.Btiitbow it h it beeoD* tho cotrert lb log

to b n a t t th t decodoict of tb it couatry In Iho tuUicr of tbippluc. tnd Amtrictut who u o ilmMt wUdly pttriolir on oturr lUtlCD wiU ltdiy tdmlt tbot th t rn ltid StoUo b tt DO n try tnd no meriwaUlt m tiln t. TLmo id iuM oui tnd Itnieuln- tlont, howoTer, m m tdt without rnjtvd to to t ic tu tl ftcti of toe c u t.

l a too yoof MH4 Cenyreit etttbllihid the Boietu of NtTigtolnn, nobody could nadutUnd tu cU y why, but tnybov the bwyetn wtt dtriied, equipped w d pul In werhfnt order. I t fetthwlth beetme tbe duty of the tteulluit coaimifuoner to euu- a o n to u u u tlly t il toe Teoieli of the Vnitod BtoUi, giTiug their ntmee, offlcitl a aab en , ttgutl lelUrt, rig, home port, dite of oonitroidleB, tud to forth, but tonithow ho deet not NOD to bo etiled upon to dt> •cribo tootr cotdltiotg of leowortblDeu. For hit porpote it it lufflcient th tt th t o n ft l i ttlll tSoot, eren if wtUrlocgoil. At a eeuieqTitsot there b tt recently betn pro, dseod 1 true-btuo corcrud officud foport, which Ktt forth Ih tt th en An HLtU bottomi on tbe Onlted Ito tet regiiten. Tbit ImiKitlag Uet in mode up of IB,737 toiling Ttettii, >i6Sl Iteim Tenclitnd S,7tQ unrigged crtlt, I t mty be noted, J u t hero, that cuatl henti, Bitbooti tnd tome limlliur croft of to nnimbitioni n rlc ty i n indnded in the " unrigged ’’ cttcgory.

At ftr u to t Tinited Btotct ntyy It rwO' errued tb t officitl record lets forth that out fin t-n te wooden itn n i veaiet, eievcu oocond-nte, twenty-one th lrd -n te und tlx dmrth-iate dlttoei, make np th t timber de- leneei, tnd there tre Ihirteeu fonrlh rutt IroD-eltdi,making the total number of tea- going Teelelt in terTlceabUt condition Jn il fifty-two. There a n te re n l old huikt needing eiteniive repulri and quite ilong Ual of e n ft employed in Ttriooi bnnebet of tbe QoTcmment lerTice tud in tUt lighter dutita of mlaiiUriDg to tho p1eu> a n or convenience c f deportueulai odl- d tit.

I t it to be hoped that tho next annual report will make a better ihorviog, but anyway. If there la not enough of i war­like and mcrcantlio marine to tcarethe im rllctt of foreign rowert, there it at leait enongh of a record to ibut up crotkart by pandlng ovet ,UUQ hottoma u the reanlt o f the clow Invettigatlou of IheBuniauof Navigation. I t would he intercillog Co knew how many of thete veaielt could witoitatul a auimuer tepliyr nr bo aafriy navigated accoai i duck pond,but anyway, If nunibon btve tny weight the Itaited State! miritime regliter preientt a formU fitb it ippctiance.

naid fooiinrmlablt ,lia, rrliou. hut ht bet*tied up w rcrtl other m nm rei which tt wruld here hrm far wiaer for him to havecithrt il,nnf, or oBlclilIy rori.lemswl, with ■ n , Ijilsualion of bu r<ni-«ma fi-r s.i doiii;!, Air..r>g Ilii,r B.HJ be mrnlioniHl th" bill “ Toprevtnr |l-r . Mijilormcnl of convivt Itlair asd alien laU r upon public Iwild- ii K-aiiil iilL. t puM:r wnrki, arid to regu­late tht t'.n. nernf lellinc nintrarla for roneift libor," Another waa the Mil " I'u pruvide for ll.o ti»,<ly wUUuicntcf ' •»- tn iv in i,, and ditFrr*,n,i’6 Irf-tu.en i ,o. non rttriert engaged in Inter-Siatr and Tcrrilorial tranaportation of property nr pc-j., og; ra,, ud Ihi Ir ■ mployc*," In rach ol tko< 1 K-ta the intUMto of tbe worklng- meu are I'ugeiy invalvrd. U may wuti he that ib the taeuad tnataaco Ibo pmaidenl waa drilroui of having the lotcr-Htale r.ua- luluiuorra feltly at work, and to ha,,- ihur eOAxeiUeba laid iKforr t'ungrtu be- hiTt a nu:i'-nre ofauch rharaclrr aliouid be [at,-,d u|>ou. iVb-thcr or nu lu. uaa right ill piociaalliiatiiir fur lurh a purpoar may tw R TiKHit bnl It will lie -rfe to givelilni till laiii'lil uf til. doubt ou Ihit lUiltot. Thtrr. biiwrvi r, rau be nu doubt that ho niaifi-ai lia il a mild ralitake lu failing tu tlgn the anli-CuuvU't and anti Alien Inlmr bill. Whatever mty be n cr,e.,rv lu ro- gard to th'- rinployru nt of cfjnvirta, it ia pcifeitly clear tb it all luch honoraUlt- labor at lilt rreillon of public huildlnga. ai-'i the rrcitlon of poldir wutka, uuh a, pviliapt, aoiiio |K'nal Inatituinm uJialagoua to the 1‘tvclJiih •'Portland nrralcwahi' •lioulii In ' irird, khi.ulil te iM'rfurnuii by Ihcfri, oiiual clU itnauf tlila ltei>ublic. It Mr. tdrvclaud hua olhcr virwa on tola nil.j. :;t,Tr i, iii'jiortaiit that he thoiihl dia- ilou tbiiu . Till piililii la ulwaya willing to hear argument, if It haa the falntrit Iriu- of riaiou about it, and ia oriiuiailly o|H n to ronviriion.

Il fcrant to bo pretty generally admitted (bat III! keyiiutc of the whole Barupttn litualion ia the ptnonal antipathy of tire Herman rmpemr to boaltiitba nf any kbd , and bia particular prodcUclIoPt in favor of the toil uf hit old friend, too late r it r o f Itnieli. Thit It all very nice, ao fir aa U gota, hut It It an ibaulute ab- luidity (bat th t llret o f thouiwda of luea tnd the romfort of countleaa thoiiranda uf houK'holda ahall hinge upon the mere raprice of one old gray beard, tottering on tlw edge of the grave. That thla old man hap|,tiii to bo of n [wclfie nature iaau occteiou for rongrilulatlon, but tbe fact that tbe condition of bit liver, and the euuw quell t itale uf bia temper, ibould tie t nitltcruf grtve concern to the welfare of all thi F.uropen communitita, ia a alnr 00 the comnum acute reputotioo of thla pitctical age. Individually, th li potent puteptota haa never eontrihnted one iota to tiio wealth or wladom of the world. He la, practically, of 1«m aoconiit in the ayatem of mundane ccononiy than ii the honey bee or the tilk wunu, yet hit wbiioa and hia vlcwa are allowud to away the deatlnlea of pcopicf. Away with all to ll macblDtry of kingly craft and dlphrmatio deception. The United Htatoa, aa a eoa- crele organlaliDn, hat thown the world that hen diiary ruteiahlp it a fiction.

Once more the Bewet Committee of the Cummou Cuunclt It going It atruug in tbo way of expenditure. Chairman Hickey haa callad a holt, and the oommitteo, with more forralght than Wat evinced liy Ite predeceiloT, la going tu take a look around to lee how maltcri tlHud. Newer building in Newark hat been a peculiar proceaa for Mvcralyeara, The wurk goot on whether there la fuudt on hand or nob In tbe [Mt contracti were entered into without a ccut ivallahlo to meet tbe cost, noLwitb- itandiijg the prcacoco of an act which Iniket inch a proceeding a miademeanor. puntahable by tbe courta. I f there ia auy IntclllMcut ijitcm in thla branch of muni- climl cuterpeiae, no one hna yet dlmoverod the plan. Mr. llickey'a now cotuiulUue, which haa exbibllod aigni of proceeding intelligently, and with due regard fur tho wanla of the people and the public trcuaiiry, could do no better thing than to devlae tome Kkome by which amnll eewora wltl diichacgc into larger, and by wbkh tho ireud of all will lio toward lower Icvela and in keeping with tuiDe general plan uf drainage.

P lir rg a n d PAAgBii,The Chicago A'fift, i f a little Im prudent,

la at leait ouUpokcn in regard to the cBbct which certain changca in conacquencoof n oent Congreralonai action wilt have u|ion tome claaaea of alleged Journal lam. It aayt b lontly ; “ I t might ju al u well aa not be nndentoud Aral aa laat, the railruud n en of toe country are not going to get any free pnfia in the newspapera uflot tho Inter-State Commerce btl i gooa into cdcct.’' I t may bo doubted whether any " freo poBli" have ever been accorded, In ropul- able newspapera, to any of tbo railroad fraternity. I t may have happened that conttcaica between men coining in huii- neat contiet have been exchanged. There have alio been rxebangea, o f commutdai valne, between railroad companiea and newepapet pmprictora, Beyond that the relatioua betwei n the rallroada and " re­putable newapuiaira'M for it teema uecea- aarr, in Ihii conner-tion, to empbaaize tho dlatinction) have ticen quite nornnil.

But, aa if to mark the degnulatiou to which the Cliicigo -Vrwa haa hiliierto con- lented to aiuk, it coutinucs: "Ttiorow ill benu genial—Lo, nor liuy cultu rod—gen­tlemen in the raitroau Imsinnas unicaa they pay for thc-lr gpiiialityand culture at regu­lar advertising ratea. .'for will there bu any roloncla in the roilrcad profosiiou on and after March 31- nt least, a<> far ua wo arc concerned; every man now enjoying the title of colonel, by virtue of Ida aliil- ity to luuc a free rail road poea will bo de­graded to the rank u( a plain niiater na toon aa lliia liittr-stidc ( ’.omnn-rcc bill be- comca a living, bri-atliing, acnticnl, deso­lating thing,"

All this would be cxceaaivcly funny jf it had not Use ring uf real retributive wrath, and the Intlmution of vii.loua vlllagdam ou the part of on alleged city journal.

But, after all, the abolition of the free- poa tyitem ii not to he lamented. And aa for tha aboUUon of the “pu F' ayttem, that w it compleUiIy aholiahod in the Nkwb bo- ®Mc the H*wa Waa iturtod. The puffing ■Muuia ia pUyed out.

It ia postUile, thungb it i t not quite pTohtbJe, Ihtt the New York ffrrnfrfi correspondent it the boon companion of King Humbert, Queen Uargaretta, I’upe I.CU, all tbe prinrlpalt nf the I’repHgamta, Caiilinali Utbboni and Tateberetu, and any utiier celebritiet who may happen to lie loafing around the eternal city. Of courte, if one took tha f/rrold’s alltgod diipau-hei at ahaolute voritiet one would have to take thla view of tho caio. It Uappeui, huwever, that in thcie diy i there are few newaptper reodert who cannot de­tect a “ fake "w h en It ii piirodod. The jfmdd'i ipcctil ‘'copyright'' dlapatch from liome. In yeatenlay'a lasue, la the ncareat approach to "law d net Journal jam'' that haa been yet atteniplcd.

N E W A J I K E V E N T K G N E W S y W E D N E S D A Y , M A E C H 1 6 , 1 8 8 7 .


'HiIa is cerUfn'y a grral conotry; U goei ahead of all o lbon in mckrt Ibitifa. KvcD in respect of tho uurober of inurdari in pToporttou to populatioo it pcobablj^ or otbarwite, takes pro-emincDco. Tbs pro pEirtlon stands 820 to sTer; 10,000,000 of popui»liop, Ixlng an increase of 2H7 over tbs uexi bij'host, Spuio, which rountry Einly leorfB &;tii murdorpi to every 10,000,000. If the figures could 1>« oIjUIuihI itwonlil dkiubtleM Ih- prnviHl that the Tnlied States fiili U'liind in reKS^dt to tbe proportion of szectiUoDR to tbs nuudKir of murder coQ' vJ^tions.

ItOT, Dt . F n ltw Hsslffts Hie ]'a»l4inAle lit 1 Ighi CaUuiUE'Un.

l^rv. Dr. JuUin Li. Falioti, paslsr of Iht ( t iitf'iinliil Hip1l»t rhtirrh in AdsIphI

ilrioklyn, lisi suiiminisil tl 'it h>II ifr< tiilrr hi< ihurgu t>i cut4r ijo a

('ruftidF' AfiiriNt < atlmllf lAin, fii* Iritsr uf 4' Mrusiiuu taili IrT prt hrnl<si to i t s

of U.‘ r,‘ ird of Tb''fflslioi-brtW M u Df. FulUmaod Iheioa* jrri ititiD wtr« >irsiiii.d tu tbe ut-uuiSt a liVi iiiHulu*; sfo o u r thf (imiroyrruT lUtut till mnrtl RUniiing of Mi«« IfrssU

who WAP hruunbt luUr uh' pU smaul puhli-risy iasi sutaiocr slier llin cisstb of JcjitBiisb Cstmisllsr, of Newark.

Dr. Kuikn sssd last n lib t: " 1 ata n.|rv( to prearh Rofnantsm, to

pTEafh t'hdpt to tbs Rotiup Tbs 9ii«s Dgimlogtim maUor has bad nothing lodo with m f astioo."

Dr. F qUod Itaa pnparsd hii iH loiof m itju a iio n . T h e IrltAr frtrtn tiegifi- piiiKtovod a dcnuiKUtiuN uf Uome and Kfrinaul^rn. Ttif‘v uru (■iLrait'* frutu i t :

“'I Bfilihi ludiit* i«1 uf thi Slid ruisd bf ilto df'i| •r'Pm "f HiituB tr» <- liirollliiS kUlf auitiuUP of K> LtotirS 1fv« Awi:rl'‘soSa aad tbs w>>rit Ip iist ) f t Ihef duinloAiv tlm pfr«, UUkf rhsffs >r uur f-.fStAl f«< (McupficslK ispuM our beoctifi vi juiUtf, sod art in sl>-' iUio ('ootrol 4if iMims of the isffMt aad ■iu*t rlllesortht- ISD'f.

Wt'b i'aul J Hiu Lu0i|H‘lkil In drdSM that U Jl rn> I'l'iirdAii tu ifivit rof p lru sit >ur inuJL- 'iiCP and I'l linsUruHcd and akiiji> to tuiiidthr eisru. >Tsrrlni ol daii.tr, mid. murh Mill -i<*. prtsL'b ihs (oifWl sUu Ut 111* wi whosri in Roniv.

Tbe third week hiilf way lb ruuKb, nud no Jury yet for'Cleary. Either inudligoneo □uiPt At a low ebb In Now York, or thpl sort oi ortJdo is uut deemed cBscnliui fur tbe purposi'p of JuBtlco.


•' lb s M lnuiilsr" MsRiis a Touch AaUif unlst lu the L'umlih t hstuplona

One af the fii'n• wreillltig IkOutjeTsr HCfi ill tills I'uuutry tE>ok ptscc laitsveain^ iu CUi<a|iu boiwecn tbs friutuui rluuupluai lpcwi«, " 1 bs Hliaualsr,’' tod C.irkook, a Di frly*arrlvHi<'orriiih WT»*NUer,whorlai(ui the rhamplODflhJp of ['ogland.

Both men wi re terribly Ip esruest, sod (Jtukeik surprised evi*u bis most louQdeut Utt k ira tie IS eertsiPly a wrsHtler o fes tratirdinary strength, though rather frees Apd awkward in his morsmentA. Ip the fust buat be lifted TaswIs, feet furutugst, into the air and threw bin to the sU fs wltbaTiolsann that was frightful.

In tbs escood bopt, after ten mipotei of very banl wurk, Ixewis gut s &11 out of Carkoukv I p tbe third bout the msu strug* gkd ail ovts tbs stags for soms tiios. FipalJy (kurksfik pulled hlnssejriogi'ther* and lifting the “ Ktnn|ler" off his feet, (iQTiftrd blfn over tbe rupee preparatory to throwing him into the pit, Uu feet bulow. Lewis uYStI buneelf by idaing the ropsa, and was fivsp tbe }«at by Haferaa Whit­more, by rfisson of (^rkosk't foul ip at* trnipling to throw Lcwli over lbs lopig, Time 6m.g 10a.

Tbs fourth and last boat w u rather douUOilf iHit was given ts Lewis, who tbni won tbs lustcb, tbe gats money and the f !,000 ebaUenge money. At tbeoloeaof theniateb Carkeek made a speech, saying be wooid, within one w«ek, wreetlaLewis or any man in tbs world far any amoant of money and in any style.

I B B ClAR*g

Ml p. dsmes Brown Pnttrr Is to make her ftr i as a profeuional sctrusiioil March 20. Her debut ou^ht to be poitIHJiud juht fluys luH|;rcr.

All cxpodltiun will Imvii to In* Ncut soon to rll'wivcr n little nmotry in E'lropo ciiltcdltuli'nrvi (hst has L.'uu luuntioiiod by eomc uQricDt hititurlans.

Tho rzar'H lifi* Rmm ho a burden to him but be l« mure sucNictuful to HRUfiiiuutlfiH; other ptHipio than he is in getting aeepssi uati'd binisolf.

According textile Luteft reports Dii-('or' opot is Hbi-ul of tbs DauiitItMH. TbL ip Bs It should be—Ibe undaunted dosrrvo to be crowned.


ruderBomb was Actuolly Thrown Ihs Im psrlal €nnrUgeu

The Bttssian embassy in Loudon yester­day idjuitted the discovery of a plot to as saasinate the enar and the arrest of the ringleaders. While the ciar was reluro* ing from tbe requiem Bervicee in the Cnthedisl uf 8t. Veter and dU l*au1, in NL FeUrsburSi a bomb attached to a cord wns Ibrownnnder his carriage. Tbe Iptention was to tighten tbe siring, which wu cmi neoted with tho meubauiim, and thus cgpiode tbe bomb, but before it rould i»e eircoted tbe rrimlBal avd a luspeciod accompllco were Beised. It wss found that they lived together in a lodging bouse in a suburb of tbe clly, Tbo poiioo visited this house, and discovered there a quantity of eiploeives and a numlier oT revoliUumsry pamphlets, Over 200 per- eons have already beep arrested ip con< oection with the affair,ami domiciliary visits are being mado throughout the city.

Tbe buiubwas thrown under tbersAr’s carriige, and l i t wai Hkc nkiook, so that it could he carrlod in tbu liBod without czeUIng suipldoit.

O m uf the six itudeota arreeted In conuertion with tbe plot carrii'd a hollow book containing a bottle lllled with dyna- mite and poisoned hulleti. Tho others had parcels and Itags cootaining bouiU. U is illegi'd that w wuiuan was arrested who lutd a bomb coucealod in her muff.


A f'toitauiiiptivs Taksn from the TonU> Relurtis to Lire,

An extraordinary case of suspended aoi* loatiun oceurred in Boitoo last week. Four brothers namrd Staintoo live In that city. A week ago on Monday a fifth bruLher, who has lived lu the West, died of t unsimiptioD, it w u supposed, at tbe bouse uf one of bis brothers, who was a physl* Han. Dr. StaInton, however, insist^ that ilia brother w u not dead, and (hough a ftmeral service w u held he would not allow the body, which w u cold ami rigid, to iw embalmed or buried.

Hr tltially coBMUted to have the body placed In a tomb, wlfere he visltod It every bU boun. At 0 o'clock ou Fridiy murniug the doctor noticed that his brother bad turned sligbUy. He or iurud the colUa Co be returned to hli home. Three of the brothers piotested, but tbo oldest took suits with the pbysioLsp, and the two un­dressed their broihdr a&d placeLl him in brdv On Saturday tbo eyelids upeniil, but tbe eyes were fixed in s gltny stare. The body continued to grow warm (brougli tbe day, and during tbe afternoon the heart began to boot iligUtiy. On Sunday morn­ing tho limits relaxed, nod Htaiuton ro- lovcrcd cunsduuiuees. He hsK lieen in­formed of nothing wlklch has hap|H'm>d, and has so far recovered that be ii nuw sitting up dressed and in good spirits.

^hkk be Is»ir7tl^e]|r dltjL D il buUsA bir4vr-T«r. (vrryand piereed Ike heartuTii i V, ehu Mastered outlaiuiha)an auii b I i B . i . ibe tniirJcret then tSvJ.

i wa»alrsxl to leave the hgtiMi UllyvHer liaj iiioniti I 11* liieo (t.'iiad (be -teart man m be hi* ntxi neUi-^or, a r-if-.Btabi- iiimM Tlplr-Ti Uli SCC'Fn]illrrMi-i.tlf»d a- au *■> riftfl c.=Mir niBirtl Wratf*r. t. j - nut I- ii (a^umd. HuMto.atoumi olUciai abd kiiU' luan id WraTcr. l«aU:>lmpii'it#d.

Tried to K ill a Uan Id Court- When tbe priwmeni were brought

Into the linrlnDslI.i'ollce Court yC ienlayfor irisi, Vatrlck 8heebau, an ithletlc young man, pprtiig at the lice, Btrucl; Teddy CupTitogbain, ODC of the priNunera, a biow that sent him flag gfrliigiL-roasthe Mom. He then Irledtost'd HimilnKhim with a sltoe knife, but was otvr- lioffvrcti and locked up fbr ftmteaopi of couri. lie declared he would have veti iennco at tho

opportiirPy. (^mtlut{baui vru about tu be tried for havlns lOrfllilr carried frfini the fclreet to his TOoui',on P^grday night lait (be flfrcen year-old sister of Hheehan at ahewi* rcturnlPK from church, and keeping hera prU finer In his room, suhlert tohl** H'-aMilN. until Mandny morning. CuimhiahaKt'N irUl wv pustpanvd.

Bow Armonr tieU Rveu.A m our h Ck»., tb« Chietga beef pAck*

trv, rtMidi) 11 Iliac-aiUiad ot arci«;iJ bvcl ioakiir-i,Oi F i 'F "viiut rea»’0 '‘11-^7 bfckoAHCtb.L>i>rMUiU AlUivur wan mi»riT4 hyihsiorai'altor tblougb Ibr lUiWtlUlf I-IIthe tiarluna-. al biit4'hftf%. very lutk r<f 11 eo«U b« stild and tk; Uianutt wu retumetk ‘ a Afiuouri have ds4dd<<l to slrUs ba^k, arid have authorised ti>Hr Osrsiauil Msut to op«a Avtoraix Klaii meal abopa laAkruoaodto >«]1 (heir i^ la si lower rarei Uuui (boss of tbe rawdMiUleaien, One of (be firmiald yester day : ‘' Wt Uv lo do a wbolMale (rads and gen traUy suL-aed, but If any rttatl' n tkiuk ip«y can fret'Si us rxP of a town they aac inUtaketj vts will k U u iat uuti way or aatitPar."

A fyueheiB Rlowa Her nralue Ont.The dnrbcM d'Otmnte cummUtc«l

>: '«•!’C jeHtriliT la l*ari- by hha n:s h*.. braliM fat wHh a revolHr. Mbf ‘V4 ;ijv ,r wnHiihl irith grlM at ih- r; = (T,tii.>a(h hu»hand. 7hr- rtuHn i* was fi»Niit-rly (Jjv= )Ur- iiru-N Ihrn-Na .^U'dtnrk, and was marrisdlti )STa to(iitMari an.i&Ld ; i- itviCMt/oMHe. wli'i wsMu'Jtny lu the hiUgi nf fbecimuityeariKO Mniiohd cn ttii d»k< d>m at (hr <kaLh uf Jii- tathre, wUu wastUu iNlrdBE>a of Fiiuche. liie CElehralf*'! inlM-u-r of pijli-eof Ka|i<>lt'iiii I. ai‘d iTiula XVNl. H>‘ idm-i (f dliil trill a shoit llitift a - > Tl.i laU-'hichtN* teavfM ai«n, who wu tnini In b 77, and a step- daugUkr.

A IlWfthy Hall I’lwyrrs" Lejigne*The Coluird Nutioaul Ikise JIaII

l.cagii* ciiQiipietL-d lialatMim iii UaliimDro )u«- lei'lay (»y .i-uipilhjj a Fi i.idnle of forty famt tobepliyril UyrieUtjr thr>lzch:* thatbSM drp^^ded a boed SI KuaraDi'- thaiU wlllfiu* kh I ti* 1 hi ubamp1»iiMiip !, , 0 HI Id t-.ic<-:!:n!ent- E*n Miy «, ntun l-iula 1vl;ilit. |.liy. al llaliiuiirfi-, New York at I'ltkbitrs au<! Uu. Urn at IriHihville. Washlnghm and I'Jn -liuiiU bave.lrieuadmltUd un! tbi >riiedule will b4< arransMi for ihem uthey make(heir irind. The dates an* arrtu,-.; >1 >0 a* not tuci’nlilcl wUb (he American A>«iix:iaiiou.

CUrago Bund tars Arrested*The Chldtoo Grand Jorjr j«it«Td«7 r»-

lumtd tndlcuneDUi against fi air uf tbe eonply tieodtara, charginf Un*m with cowspiracy lo liafrtud ( cok County. They are Wardtp Me Gariile, of tbeOouBly IlospUaJ; Warden Var- pcil, of ibeTtikaike Asylum; Bd MeThrutld, eP' gtneer, and K1I Brlsooll, book>kseper of tbe bospltab MuDonald li a brother of Mike Miv Donald, the welbknoww iipoiitaf nun, who lutnlght weut to (he RherlB*! office and gire bail for the (our armied men. Judge Autbony liziDg tbs bends al fiA.MQ eagh.

For e fleeolDiloBJiry PeasloneriA bill was inlrodticed ih tlie HwotiflyL

vania Benate yesterday to incrsaie ihe peoMou of tbe only HsToluUonary pensioosr ta the Bute, Mrs. Fater Bets, She was marrUd to a former diuaner boy of tbe Revotaltop when ahs was Mziea yean ol4 Her faoabaod wu then fifty five years of age. Ttklrty-foar yean •flerwa^ tba Utter died and aloe# then hts widow has bean reaidlag la itUi pUue. Bbe la now slthtj'ilx yu n old, and coulderlui her age U quite rlTadous.

Bow BotbseUld Made Ule FortuBe. From Le Cbrooiqae du Tampa,

Vfbea Itothscbild came to Pariii ia tsta he poBsemeU 130,OOQ. At hti death his private (uriuae smuuatcd to l-U.nxi.Oi'O awl that uf tbe flint (0 okcr ih.UJO.OOQl Hu owed hlituccesi to bb bsppy kuack ol alwaja

tsklof fuitunc al the Hood ’ aad to hlicars* ful observation of all puMtirnleveaui that might (end to make or mar hb pro*'perity. Ooce he was raffertng from Mine corebral complaint aod hid to tmdergo a dllllcuU and dsugwoui Operation, n il inrgeou, Hr. Dupuytren. had strictly furbiddfn all inenUl cxcUemeat as lUsly (0 bavs fatal corpsqucoccs. Rothachild lay hair cuuciuus on bis ted when udipg« wero brought of the usMumalloD of (be duke of tbrry. Thi patlcpt tmmedUtoty Jumpedup, ttiough the bkiod wSs stiaatslng over bit face, tbcliSiiUSi(f having rumo uuduus lathefjtrltcnem. ami, dracRliig reum, ring the t^li vruh great violence.

biiDieir arrow the .. hit violence. "The

ijafee of Hsrrv b ranMiiedf Helt nutl Nell fo u tr hecrittlfriit lo hM slsrmod altemlaati, §s they niabed iuto the room, and then fell tiick !ii a iviruiin. Ily UHn trasaacUuri be aarud cocruk-riMe i uum of muuey.

O rdered T lieui to filieal the IrifthtTlio Eight Hod. A, J . lUHour, i.'hiet

Kccrc'iary fur ItelauJ, ia the lluuM'ori'oium.ms yfNtciday, ridmllled Uu' Ltuth of the lUtcmiJiit that Captain Plnnkitl, os mogiatrate of Ynuplial, hiul *001 au order to IncoumnrKt of Lhu polled there not tu hr^Kale tu order hi« men lo shoot in the event of the p d’*** laee aUscklDR them while engaged tn (ho wurk ufsciN'lrp Father Keller vrith a s iumuns to alUud Luurt and answi-t iulorrogabirjos rikpcetiDR hli nllegr-d uuaioiiyof luiid» under the plan of campaign- Tlie order w« given, Mr. Bslfuur said.onmfonnatlou that n daiigcr ous UEsiilt on itio police was czr'cciod, and he contcndctl lhab CBi»Uia nuukiU htkl douc tight lu bkulug it/

Cwred by « Theriuumster.From Bow BcHs,

Dr, Heddoes, an EngH»<b physician oi great smhviRla.'-m, Imbibed ihe notlun that paUy (ou1d be cured by InbiilLng nlireus oxide gtiN. He requested the celebrated 81r Hnmphmy Divy toadiutnlsterthegas to nns of hiN {>ailents, and Ecnf the man toblmfor (haf pnrpo'ir. 1r Uumphrey pul the bulb of the thsTTnameter under the tongue of Ibe parfilytlc to ascortsln (he temperatare of the body, snthat he might see whether It would be at til affected by the lahklatlon uf the gas. The sick man, filled with faith from Che iFiurancoi of the ardent Dr. Beddocs, aod lup* poeli!|thal tbe tharmometer was the remedy, declared at once that be felt better, Davy, desirous of sectni how much Imairlnatton would do in mobs cbm. then told him that (aoufh had been done for that time, and dtneted him to ( ^ e nail day. Tbs sppUtM- iton uf the thsriDoratter wu made tmm day lo day lu Iho tame way, and In « fortolgbt tbe man wu cured.

T U B P K O P E I l T I U X G .


Fmcrxlda and diamonds ore a combia* atlun Im fiogei ring, now tbpoclxllv In favor.

Block undreeaed kid gloveo arc now tba only kind htld to be “ itrtrilr monnilng."

India Bhowla. t>evnuM tlieg ore acarco, are lo be Ihe eU-pltdder of Ittblon ihU t|)ring.

Heliotrope is proclaimed I'gr and near as the laablontblt spring color in •ImotlevetT- Iking.

Black aatln walking skirta w ith cloth jackets ate enuugli seen lo be regarded m ftib louable.

The mistake Ihe fat woman makes ia going too buv Hi' iul6 drtpexlei mil "wing like" wrtpe.

Men's scarfs have reached a color that will gr. . 'I t sislst lu giving Uie towns btiltlout llliimln.Uon,

Ye morlem swell loariet is bondi- cappe'l with his hat bux, dresi buU oase, cants and utnhrelloti,

Some o f the new £.^ lev cardi are ft>r lKK>k marks and leprttoiU tbs perfection of " bshd'palating."

Kersty cluth [uckels, such m msw’s driving coats are made of, are now worn by (h« tailor-Tuaile wumca.

8trliicd cnbvaA snito for monntain wear are already exhibited In advance u " KSK)usb1c DovelUes."

French heels are said to be emirely out of fsfblon fxp«pt among the tieiloiofthe factory and (he kllcbeu.

Ample dnipeties, doable-breastedTtsti, (CYirculistx, iuu.«ohosquc froutaiid braid iprou and pUMrou arc (liO "featn ro" of tiia u«w >prlug guwtia, acoordiug to high faihlun auihurity.

P E R S O N A L *

U potketing the Blvet and Harbor bill ^ "to len t U«i«Uiad undoubtodly oxot-

In toe Green fields soioo polilldaus will find patluros tare, and otheri v«r; rare putering.

I Even nnder tbe new govornor Beniamin F. Eoemi to have an anehut cast Lee-word.

K illed by t i l . ConVederele,A wealthy old resident ol Lanrens

roiiutj, named I'crry, who was genoiallg ihoughi lo have oionej In his honw. was anoiMid on ktondaf eight by two masked men breaking tnio his bedroom. He grappled with otic uT Ibtiu, and Wu goulng the belter of him when the burglar called ou bis coinjiaiiiou lo

Votuabto T a lu iM Ih a l » - ly MadteU ot UoeUe Csw lUed.

rrrn tb t N f . Hriluid kipn-..Ill a r,Tfiml-storf bu k r—rtii on our- of

tl.i s;ib itteeli down town there la a col­li I tiou of books. Ill* like of which It not lu h found angwheri In to t United SUtoi. licet eru over Ig.o voluntc* in Ih ilr ith laoguige. and over b.IXiO Work* oa inihit'tl 11 ctalning to Ireland and lit people. In a talk bad with tire |iropritt«t gttterday Kieu uittimking ft. U were letnsid aboal the ■ olid lion, which ouoiprltit te n t of tbt rxr>it Irlth beokaintiUMSue. .kuioog thcH ire t let uf tbe pablkationi of the Iriib Archa logicil ftocielj, of twinly-two velniB.-, to t eely te l le Aewrica, In each volume one page it pttotod bn to t Irish Itcguige and lb* other la English. T ht tet it worth fi-tiO and was yubllshtd in 1M2. Not more toM1,H«| -ils Were Isinid, and tut ou ij e ty out it obtained It through the dettb Hi one of the otigintl lubicrlinn. Two very rate loulit litre are nj^u the fauivut lluuuii Towers of Irtlind. (lu* hiHik cl r im the lower, to im of ! orlrin

im of 1‘wran ‘ til. work tilsnii the other to W

I'hflstlriiii. Tho two bot.ki are worth FFI u,d wciu jiulilibhid in Ihdii. Line uf the oldssi book, in tlie rollo tion i t “ (kix's IfistorT 0 ''IrriorHl, ' puUlishtd ia Idtkiaud willteu from the Kngll.h attridpoint, l l 1, worth tl.'i. A very rurlou. volunio it one on Iritli coin*, hy yluiun. Hglvoa* fMC-iitrdlc of ever/ c..1u iisue-l in Ireland and goes la tk into I’sgin tiiuM. It wu pnhh.lird In IblO, and aunir of the plate *}'ew dl-'lin'ctlT the coina of the timet be­fore Ihe I'ontjm a.

When atked rirardlng tbe oldest Irlth wurk lu Atuirica, the propricLur aeld that U was our jirinted in Koine i t the I’ropa- gnnda I'ida ill I(i7tl. I t il in the Irish Itncoage, aud wat pubtisbed fur the use of aiiHiiitmrics coing to Irrlaud. It il a rtlrchbni of 12ma alec, and w u obtained 111ctet from Kutne. I t it held as a great curii.'iity. Among too fitrw dwlrkt In the rolUrlioii II a tel of four Tolnmet of the Dublin IVoag Jaurtml pubUshed in 1H32 aud edited b j to t eelcbnltd Dr. (Flkosia- v tn .*^ lo thi* * a r t ” t h * r 4t S pnk- liihed vertet of the fttmoot Irish poet tllareaoo Musgia. T b t Mt il worth |2IL Anotlwr v t i7 r t r t work U t eop7 of tbe Awtkoligia Hifirniieta msgesins printed la lljOQ, tnd in whkh to t poet Utotw'i l in t vertti w trt pub- Ilihrd. I t it In four volnioet, » d It worth t i l . Among the booki of the eollsetlon tre to t bistoilei of n n rg couatg of Irt- lond. Ont of Uw vtritoLlt cuiiotiUet U a oop7 of ■ book which w u bumtd by tht hangman In tin pnblle square at DnbUn by order of the British Government. I t H entitled “ The Cue of Itelood fttoted.” Iti ■ntoor w u Kobert Uolinaox, who w u im- prisoned far writing It. I t w u poblithed in 17D6. Anototr verjr rare work Is “ A View of the Btote of Ireland u I t W u la the Bclgn of Queen Ellubeth. I t Is b j toe poet Edmund Bpenset, and w u pubtislieii Ib IT63.

In speaking ot Mg pricee paid for Irish liooki the proprietor said that he sold to toe Britieb Mnseum some lime a small UlDio Tolumofor toU. ICwu entitled “ Tha Bleeding Ipbigeuia,” and w u by Dr. french. I l was i sort of paroblt on the history of Ireland, and not another copy w.os to be had. Another rare Irish wutk which recently brought a good Agurt wu "W tre't Aat'quitiee of Ireland," which ht told to tb t Xavier Union of thla city for llOO. Fifty doliart wat rccenllT paid for a volume entitled “ Hihemlca Dominica," by De Butgo, It was a quarto in liie aud wu a history of the Dominican Order in Ireland. I t w u printed In L.'itin. Among some of the books In the collection in tho Irish language was one containing a trans­lation of Hoore's melodlei by Archbishop HcHale.

With referenoe to the enUivation of the Irish lasguigc in ibis country the proprie­tor siild that In nearly every city of the I'aioN there have Iwen clasecs formed to study il. aud that the knowledge^regiid. ing it it greatly iiccrtuary. The charac­ters are like ihoteof both Hebrew and Greek, and it is very ditlicult lo pronounce because of the large number of silent let­ters. lie said tliut II is still tho one lan­guage Sjiokcu among tbe fishermen on tbo mirth tnd Ihe toulhwosl coswti of Ireland, whore It ik nocaitary to have an Inter­preter in the coarta. In regard to libra­ries of Irish books in this roUDiry, Il wu stated tost the Xavier Union of this city is acquiring a large one of rare Irith works etpeclally, aad that a prleit who lives up the Hudson h u tSO,000 worth of books relating to Ireland, The demand for these works is increasing so rapidly in this country, the reporter svos informed, that old hooka In Ireland aro getting more and mure scarce and uhtoining largely in­creased pricoa.

C o l o n e l I n g o r s o l l a a y a h o w i l l d e l i v e r no i i i n t e siitl r r l l g l m i s t e c t u r e a .

C a p t a i n P a u l P o i y t o n s a y s a n y o n e c a n g a l to Ihe North Pule In hia r u b b e r aiilL

hlArsIiaU Field, I he Cblcugo m illion­aire, 1io« Jutt rpini SI.OIM In tlulng up Iris tit Dog louc.t.

A l l e n G . T h n n n a n , w i t h n i l h i s wenlth, baa no horns, as H ti Tlmrmsn Is sOald In ride.

T h e , , l u t e L o r d P e a s , 0 1 I h e R c o l t i s hbench, had u> grcal a liotror of lobacco Ihut he I'cvcr MlkJ lu long a uuuklug man If lio curilrl.

Kx-fjnpreea Kiigenie has applied to tho elly governoLLhi of Naples for pmulasU'ii tu cuter the brnf.Lu.l as a uutne aud cart lor soldiers wounded at bla'sowali.

The Prince Koyat of Greece drAwa hia paysa a .»b llcntriiaiit monthly, like all the other ol!lcer«. Hcceutty he found lilmself "docked’’ nve sbilUoii. tn common with Ihe others, lo pay lor his cumuii-of age ban­quet.

W h e n H e n r y W a r d B e e c h e r a p p l i e d foi a Ufu iDhUftixce in (be Unioia Mutual (hiri? )cpr« tfto bs-vfss a^ed tbo usual quuidUQQ sa to (he hcallb of bli heart. Uis auiwor toad: " BxpcrUnccd s peculiar fvelltig about thu hiacl during tbo days of 107 cuurishlps'*

Rata fla lff on Dress JRalorm*From (bs Chlct|u Ksirs.

" I n m x opinion,'* says K ate Keld, " It ll Impoiiibe to (uKgest any radical chaugs orimpruveouiiit In woman's dreas whila the ereersl »t;i« If at all what It ia now. These Uiltigi csDQul be forced, Tbex must come about ilowl). like ail olber chsDiW, Pcihaps If QuecD Victoria or Hn. CleTclxad were to adopt aradicsiiyouw form of dr«ii tha woman would all foltowg for women are like ibe«|>— they wlU follovraDywhsislfibez havaatoadsf. Itouo few wumen iuvout ur deabnia If (bs; do Btoit inything new the cbauoes are that(hc) have not Uia courage to ttand br I t TIM7 C0U'( Mand public dleappruvaL 1 have K«a every sort of reformed dTBM that has been dfr vbed, ami 1 cuufeul have cover Been an im- pruvciiieut uQ tba present oue—yoiiutkderatand. I moan one that looks at all like tba lArmenti in Toguf. Now, (hu d r ^ 1 woull like to tee women adopt (8 (be dresi of the first eapin. In that (be waist U where It ehould be, Just be­low (he bodum, which lesvea all tbe rittl o gaos irce (0 tbo uprvairlctod laulloD which they ihuulJ have; i( makes straliht, Beemly fiildi: il wsi worn verj thori, aod the limbi were as unfettered u they can bo In a dreu; U wi£ very light, and what weight (beta wai cumc upon (he ishoulders. I have aigMwr ds- elded Uia( w heu my pretient gowns wear out— ODubaMotblukoflbeto (hlngi, you know^I BbaU adopt tliit mamier ot dren fur m j own buuic aud riiOi'ptluiiB.”

o r T f lR CONffRRl^CK.

Very flood Heftson fov Uwato*From the Omaha World.

Omaha Oh, tx^ darling 1 Papgh u suddenly changed bis mind and tayi I « i marry you." Omsbi Youtn—" I bopo yoa ara rul mlstokon." "No, Indeed, I'm not. Yon Mcpaiw has great confidence In (benatural law of inherltancB, and thinks a wlae father muhi tihva wlr>e sodb, and no on. Wall, psiia didn't know anything about your family, but lait even is g these was a mcotlnv oCcUliena, and reBolutioui were offered demmnoing paps ior Foine ufi olat matter or other, and (hey called fera rldng vote, and every one ttoed up sz cepi papa and one ^ l u , and papa aftorward dlicovered (Uat tbe man was your father. He lays ho is the most senilblo man In Omaht, aud he wUhci be ooutd have the honor of hUt acijualtitaiioe. Ju t'tItijd en d id I" "M ydear, wo must get inairled liefaro your fathor and Mjy father meet." '* Mercy! your father rtwfn't firlnk urauythlng, I hope 7" " No, but ho Is a? diiif as a post.”

MeilsefflaS B t fe U tM F re M le tre « to Mewrw B to r b le s -0 * a m lU a « e Apvotototl*

IIMAat D M m b to ibe K iw rTskNTOM, M orel, Hi - U n o B n u i l * * -

ilea of to . New J t m j i '..uf.rencf clowi to tlsT al ii'ion. Her. Klltuii Bclfca was t|ii.>intril pruidlng tk lct ol the Laru4.ii dlurict Ui plriW of Hrv. 1>T. ilu k lll, d e n t f .4 . For tk . New fik u an ltk cbu tt h o t l i . aiipolBtB.DU u « as roUowa; F tn i I hurch. W. K. Whilf i Pttuiaa Ckunk, J . L. Ha44oak i M. J a M . a Ckunh, lohn llttid l.T , In BarllnrUm. E. C. Tlsncock Is tprolnlKl W tho Brood g lK .t (.'hBTCh, and 111Utnord lo Iht I'nlnn i-iivcL la lomlMct- Ttllo, lokn H. Bolw fll will b . th . paihw of to . Hcthodlot ChuKh. (iM n e ■. Wiigbt Wbm i to toauem sfitreet Chisnk. la Tnnw o, f t W. I4 k . to TrUltT. W. K Davli to Central, u d J , B. Hiloi-i to BatalUoo Av.naa W, P, C. Birl.kt.nd foc* to lh« BfOOdwiT Cbnnh, Csuaden. O. C. BU ng.r, l .to of thli (BIt, hi- noaui putor of t o . Oamnnre. Bm et Chnnh to firliintoo, and f - liewttt, ako of ikil cUg, toM to to . F in s ( n u n h lu Ulllvllla. T b rn M no dltoppotatmcut unung to . mlnlitonever tb .lra n .t lii , u all bare received to . mipoint- to toU lb .v qvslivo.

Btfure tb . nunfcrcuce clm d H.v. <l«r(»C. Rtall wu (nnitfcnd to tbe Cobiiabla Hlv.r <‘oiitcr.no. oi il leu.u.fw ria to the ttr-lelK T COntorance,

The ennterco' c b ; ■ tlalug vuto tmuilmoUilT tg R td lo bo ld the next n .'iu o ln th .B ro .d - wiy Church i t Cat.ul.u. It.v, A. ff. Ballard, chilrinan ol ttv cuinmltKw .ptoilnlad topr.- Mnt to lb . of A'a-mnlj the cosilerancprotest eg il '',t tl - bill legalising too sa l. of pools at tact (•■or, rci-it!c1 tost the protMt usd N-cn prtwn'fd, biu Ihe cim roltu. hsd Irarncd wUb it^rct that tlir aominunlctloii w u lUpprwiHi aijil tin- bill puwd lo paie- sg . behit* an opporuii-ItT cuubl h« g lr n to ennverae with m .inbcii regarding 11. The follownif cu 'u u ltir .i oenr siipolntwl; Fx- ■■Inara (orsiluih'lon on trial. Ofvrg. H-Ncal, Jotan WoKi’, 11 1,'rplncott .m l Ib S lu rsrt; flsH nVfir-l ja tr , 4 . H. I l .ln * ', I .m c i Rog.m, J . B. Turpio otol W till.m M. W hIt.; Ctus of ■ceonrl veer. Utlllam VV.ilion. I.. U. H .ochu- ter. Wllll.m T,.bbait aud a. F. HvkUt i clue of third T '. ' i >«’»l doscon.' opitra, W, W. nirlattna I K , F leBlng. C. W, l.lvrlv and C,E. Hill; local preachcra for uldcra’ otdara, C. to. HdalrT. J. 11. Ooawcll, 1. 11. Diierl; oad H.F, Wheeler.


H . i ’roaed lie fVa. n Hen,l-'tora tlm Euroia'im Cotirrlcr.

A }'uuug gentleman ol Marseilles wish' tug to enter ilte army as a volunlccc applied si thi rcglstnir’solllccfur his ccriitlcste of birth, uluihhc wtmll be required to ptodiMse. To bis iinmzciiicnl be louud ihni be had hocn on- tered as belonging lo the female aox. The clerk, a veteran who had grown grav In uUln«, wan Incxoiahlc, and rclbred to grant the c.r- imceie, raying lu reply to the vlgorona prolesto- lloni of tbo applicant: "That's no busUiew of mlttc ; here you are pul down u a female. ^ far oa I am conctmed you area young woman." '' Itui ruprfifq you SCO plainly enough that I'm amiD I " "Tut. tut, tut. If you ara notsatts- ded apply lo thi law ovucla” "So I will, and at once; good morning, Hunsleur.'' “ Had cniolwll., I am your bumble scrvlnt.'' The case b u Just ba«s tried and wtlled In to* young maa'itovor.

% **d BhoflU hoord K .e o r d . M a d e - .n . Bwwilwg Twarwainmt Bndod.

—The New York chunplon ibotfieboord pl.ytr. aod to . Ewux le A uf toll city, met In the final gaoM ot their OSlItontog maleh lut night. Hod It not been fur tbe ntrurdlnety lead whleh the New Yorker, iceuitd to to. fitat half played In New York, to* moteh would oulalnly nav. rcniUtd In a vletoiy for Newirk. Ivary on. uf the Nawvk train playrila faullleu game, and C. Munti defraud to . teknowledged ebtmpion Wtiry by twelv* pototf. The hoaid. at llunay'i Hulbuty mn*t garden w .r. uaed tnd toe match wu wtUMMd by the largnt number of people «ver euti U a thnffiboard oootoeb Tha feUawtng toiows to . renls of to . match with the Indt- Tldnal loeira of l iu evaalng; Find half—New York Its, Newark F7. Ftokl-UonMUy IS, f t Uorris H ; Hanud » , Atohliua a ; WUv Tt, C. lleriti 111 Lavondet >1, Ely 11, Total— N.wuk, W ; New York. » ) .

—John Behin. of to . Inalltote Bool Clnb, who wu defrated in tb . amiteuilliht wdgU chraiplontolp boxing maich by a ^ f n t o a d nxmed Troian, at th . Unirnamuil of the Ifon- hotlon AtolMto CInb of New York, to the Oak] lu d Kink. Jerray City, Uueh 7, bu bran awarded tb . geld medal, and h u olio b ua dtclurcd toe ctaomplon. It h u bua proved ihuTreU nbi* be«i aprofeiHlonaltof along time.

—The aeh.dsled gome, of toe Bewltog leegue ended on Nundoy, wbeo the New Yorks defeated toe Pelmu and bowled tham- nlvea into third place wtto the KuuvUlra. The ElUabelbi bold first place, (he Film u, of Trisey Ciiy, second, with BeKTlUe led th* New York, tied for third pl.ee. Theme cess ot tb . leraue b u been so gratifying Ural tmngemonta or. already being m.d. for a toOriiamcnt, to be held next Winter,

»wnuam Annla, the left fielder of tbe New­ark Club, orri VC d in this etty tu t night.

S T A T E N O T E S .

Under the recent a ct o f Congrra* tx - tendlng tb . free d.llTery podal lyaicni the fbl- lewlng towns wltl receive Its benefits alter Jn ly l: Atoury i-arl, Atlantic Cfity. Morris­town, New Brunswick, Orange, Pltlniield uid But Orange.

The ftinctal o f M air Anderaon tookpile. Italy morning at MuuiitilDlly. Bcorea of .curious penplu yrali r tay visited bar late home, but only a few fnendawcTeiwnnlltcd toarattae remalua. Peak w u yctlcidsy placed to soUttiy confinement.

A jury exam inatloB w m mode yettek- day Into toe cIrcuuaUnee. of the death of Cor Inspecior Christopher V. Reed, who wu killed on Monday on the railroad nru Kecbltog'i Hill. The Jury eenmired to . railroad eompeny for lack ol prec.usloiu ag.lnw Occident.

At the charter election in BnrllsgtoB yesterday tbe Democrata won eTerythingexeept <ne eouncllisan and city treuunt. Albwt Qllpath, Democrat, for Mayor, had 3<K major­ity. <%arlcf H. Vanselver, Democrat, had TB majority for Council to tbe Second Weed.

Jgm te Denuireet, o f Ridgewood, wmi Instantly killed hut night by being ronorei by a helghl train. The Nmv York, L U . Erie and Wetoein Boilcaed recently adopted toe alectrl* bell signal, u the ezoratoga- ■ subHlCnta foe fiegman, and lit- Demorut, being budof heat­ing, bul no warning of hu danger whm crura- tog th . trick on hto way home.

Tbe coBgregktion ol tbe T risity B«p- tM Church, of Camden, h u dralded to build ■ new Church, and the committee having the matter of lubicilptton* to charge busw ur^ pledge, to Ihe emount of lie.gdg of sba WI.OOO required. Commluoa b eve been appointed to vlilt Brooklyn and Cincinnati witliavtisecuring plans of a paittculac church In each city, each ot which la uli" '

BroU iet Ned.Brotoet Nad la home from college And hly head Bo full of knowledge

Ii, that really 'Ug an effoiL to aOJutl his Derbybat.

Full of boating, full of raelng.Full ofbaw ball, iteeplechuing. Boxing, fnotball, bare and hounds,

Fnllirg np to. monstroua bell weighing many many pound',

And all (bat.Ha can leap,And be can tumble j In blaslsep I I . ^k> uf " fomble,"

k Vi iitgg.jg.v

WMb BxFvwm ddt.mnvtlwrQMlMlBlWIm« tb* wu ft Lbiid, IM CfSid Ibe C fttorl* ( WhVD AtbftCftiiii- Mtai, ftlitcluni lu (.MidirUI WbM ftfeftMthUdieci itMibV* ibMiOfiib

MARRIAGES.VANJkYfKLb IM I'lUifcH On MftrVh IA. IffT. ftt

Vr. a*Vwv iOfikK. by IWv William HMI, Mr.

Brooklyo ttnd Cincinnati witfiavlev of trticuUt ebureb la e u ■aid to be a fine model

"HioUback, ' "touebdoivu/' "ca&bloQcawmi,’' "K(a-to,” " guivgout on aulki*.''

*' UmplK'avullDg,** "oven Inalngi, * Kku bllOnnvr liland winolngr,And b t'i followed br a pup

That at any iloae can go afialott id welKbt and dolt up,

ir it Iflte.SuchliNed^My cutlrjred lirolbcf.Coltega brad,Tbara'a utrt none otbar

Can aompele with hjtn in cla&ioi~nich ai wild Ulyoapian ganof.

^a'l A t o t i , bc*t a numery U t'i a abort ilopy ha*t a ilonocry Alwaya leading, never lod.

Is my Kbort'balrcd, noMJtai, earlesa. brohEen* fingered brotbar Ne<L

H« la Pftffla'a.—ChnnAa IFcirM,

Somebudy'a CMtldaBoooebody'a child li dylog—dying with tha

flutb of bop« OQ bia young faea. and nma- body'i mother tblnklDg ol Ibe (Imo when that d«ar faca will bo hldduu where no ray of Uopa van brighUDlt->L«cauw (boro waftnovtuafor coQRumptioD. Reader. If tha child Pe yav naighboi'*, take this fomrortlng woid to (ha mother'i heart before It ii Loo lata. T«U har that coMUQ] ptloD is curable: (hai men an liv<lug today whom ihu jihybiciani pronounoad Incurable, because one lung had been alnuatdeitroycd by tbe U 1X64 0. Dr. Flercc'a"Qoldao Medical DL*«riTcr7'’ haa cured huudiedai car* passes cod IJvci oil. hypophorphltet, and other tnedielDet to cuiing thli dibeaie* Sold by druggists, •••

«H, By lt»v Wl: .. . V‘fthiifftfa.bi.ufTf8MBftaB(,irateMJasJwUw

F Mrudilev. uf t*lftiiin«ld, H. J.

DEATHS,Mftvea IA •< bM laift ra^dawce.

Nft.«iftLeMatrMt. JftMft F.Mxtfta,a«ed alxt}'Kutkwu/iuftarftl MrvftiWr.yaars.

Hwiiu -On Mftreh 14. WULtftoii uuur1, ftfnd ia ywifft. F»-uvfftl servlcf^rnmi Wa let# riwldvivij Nu ^ AUHif Mirevl. on TBiifidftT March If. ftiz o’rierk P. M Haiftllve* and rUrnda arv (nvltnl

Fleftftk 04culiAoftors.KvAi(» On March

44lii yv'ftrof hitl ^ r i CVinarv i

arch lA AucMtus Bvaaa, laacY'. 7un«>iel fwrvkwi mMn LtkMial Onrcti. Itrewd atreM, uti

s.-Ut. SJrari IJ (T.ftil P. u. ____ritiB niiiiiy ar# rvftpwxruujt luvlitki toattaod.

lltkMkAs(uU'riui'iil In Kvargrr^r.ri-tiiiicfj,

..........................^ , if ZadM*itujLv :, kHgUil "Si y«ATi. RVtailTVf and hrleud'UisHuXKV. (>n March iljia ry .w llb

- - . Wfc. Retail_______ ____tfivlted tu (lip fannral frrnn hvr lftt»s9il N.J. ii. ILaveuiUhitfuThiirMU.i

ftlli A. M iiririiiiit. to Kt, JumMi'- rhun-h, at ?* t. A. M.. I’ hrrVft Uftm o# Heyii r'ii, will h** offers-d fiar 4(»a THKiaenr htvBi.ul. fnWriuimtlwttkaOftin' Kwv oi tfic iifiLjr Keiailrhre.

gjk.‘«yi cirr. OnTuMday, March tt, IPW. Adam 74-uf U'liv 4M(Hl X y wfira * uiontha, JS Uaya. Huta' till A ami firlctKii, aN* ItariicftH ;nokcr-r and ilanihrlnu Vr>rHn, ara meal rva(tM*tfti1lr InTtiwl i-> MU'ml Um- liiuerftL fruru itia Watar'a r«fttd»tK«.

kq.r1 r,(Pcli1 ft\NiUP,na F r ltJa j, NUri h is .m f.-M A.M .tu Ht Mnrv'8 Cborvh Inubnoent in tli« 4'-4riii*(»ry uftha Holy Kaiwlchre.

llniMiBA If -Oil MumJay. Manli 14, IcamuBd It. Hvliilw b.ftun of Ihe laic Um iiiAi UelnUtUi, (121*0 40 yiara. S m«iniha ami S ilarr. HnUtivca aixt frlrikrla nf tkr IWrnUy ar* InvlMl (a aitnrMl hH ftt^teralon Thiirwlay. Marrli IT. from H4. Paul'N

(^urrh, cormT of Ukb and Markai alrm *. at irmV. M. lU lalivo;; wili otaK at bM late rMhJrnee, 4S lllgk'RlrfiH.at U4f. tntarm«ut iu Muual llBeR.&ii( (VtBvL^y.

Vaff N m i-On Uarob tl, AM taa ItritkaU, wlP'nruim am J . Van Nrra. In hvr list year. HclaiK.aand frlamla of Uit AkmIlyarereapeeV- fully liivUird (oaUcBfl (be fimeral aervkNiw at the reaMvnee of liftr bother, Mr. John T. ftrlakaU, Na. U«sumM,#f avenue, uli Friday tveuUiK, Marcli 14, at 7;X'>oVli<B. InlermeDi on Haturlay mora- inir in WeUniHKl Cemetery, DvrgM ttounty, at the flsioUy'«C’f>u«)eulendv,

ltoNKtkU.M>n Mareh 1C, rarrl* T., wifit of WlJlUin r.,ltiiuu_elU Jr .aiiddaiiKliter of Waanaland KarabAiin Anili. afc<d ID yeerell inenlba.

[Ht mviMlaof the fcm'' “ml.wfU.„,„.tlM raiddeB _ .

iniam r. FNinneli, No. 1(2 PnnPU

ihmtlr, alan nff1(*era MHubera nf Vk’njUiinctCi) Isodge, Nik SI, Kari'invMed to atteiMbev Al hm. a t i ^ P M.,frotntlM Tin-law, Winiam P. Bunn

KelfkthmatHl Menda and sifi-iubctM nf SVaabi. trfK...March fatherRreaa nUm. liitermem at Mt.•i&Tf.

riyn graMigivi jwik wI, n*b«v funeral un Friday,

- • lenoa oi her

Heurr Clay IsoAye No.« , F . of P. Ifambeva - IHItJlf ............................... - 'are herebr autUlcd (hat the fUiier^ o| the wife of

Broihar W,^. Van Nawi wUI be held at her lawreaUenoe, No. ius hammer avenue, ou Fiiday, klarch l«, as Vdo p. M.

_ „ . BKNJAMIN F. C X A R K JIC .FUANK P. HA)toH ALI,E. o flL M d k V-*

UaaSh ClaisBs FaM to Mawaak *a -d k g Wf H atoapaUtoa U k* la o . Oa.

Prem. AnPfe, ............ 10 ftCCCC

S MC* 1109

Uor.Vraa. aud liariti. sra

W u e M r tB lM B * .BOLLCg t ION,

lV dEBTAEXBS AND EMBAXHlXlg, No. U B R lD O k ^ N W n w B rn Jl g^Sat.

We were the 8 n t to r^ew the ooet ta nweraie bytowcrlDg jwloee In erenr deMWtrenh. ------ TiewaialsOaiddelojtfareBCUIand BMouz

Tell ■rttphene Ko. lifc


trRORBTAXXR. OfflOcandBcafaitnce: M BROAD BT nR ffl]

Kvx( door betow Srenuif Ifewa office. Peteonal Attendauce Pay and Might. TviaphOM M01 iSA

RERKMAKER. Mi WARREN flTKEET; fiUerg ctjliah draper; werfc homa or by


rtobuT clotbiug. M yeq^eM ocfcol and Ueutr oiwr and ■eeond'haEMl clothing

iDuitbeMld. __ _ ___________ _bOBlneea Aw R » 001CHJUU.JC bT., .oaidothlng 4tor« from Brued street. six

a y j on amounto^chanp In' .......... J im

rAOOBLaCQh_________vLIXDBt- _ ___________a«w and aecoodlumd Beafing l^ hin ea

“ g Machin- ---------- “Inda ol BVwliur |CoaUtteirtal Hotel bnlIdfog.

PBALEJtIN AIaL KUfPA ■ . " - - - All

ilDW repaired, M Broad■■ dlni: ton

p A J N T i PAINT] PAINT!On«"ponnd caa Ready-Mixed Paint, any color,

aed a Ilruah, for sue.JOMNBTON'B KAUtOMfNEL

Ready*Mlied QoofPalnt,|h2lagaUoncaii.WILLIAM MCHHAY A 0 0 ,,

V7f ISO Melbenr i t . cor. namllton.

FortigeP ATKNTa-PEAKE A UO. ftoHcKore ol Americaa and

. ________________ tngineerfaad experu.OonsultatiOD fVea. TH and 7» BKOAl) 8TB&ETA tP ^ ln patent oaum b e (^ the tl. ^

nice] and electrical •(Ileatli Building). Take elevator. The oldm eeiablrihed boiiM In Ibe Buta, Twentf^ve yeprV expeiince. Uermaa ipokeo.

■|>lilOl'LE UAVINU FtrilNITCRE AND CAR- .1 pete fnr Rale, or ttore Axturiw, wUt get the moat moMy by oaUlng un WLLLIAU JA RV IS, 279 Market lU I7gTTBEFtrL iNFORMATION-flTOVlEH AND \ J rangee ol rvery deeerlptlon booghL eoM. ex*

c h a n ^ and repaired. PhrriCit LKABVt 14 Mulberry tlreel near Oeotra street depot. Oh

P a r X b I * .

Ctni roa Cbovv.—Uh Ur. Thotuu'i k IiIo Oil urordiiig to dirootloui. It 1, too Oral rota- tdr ful all sudden atucki o( ooldg, pato and lallaamatlua a n d luluriaa—Ada,

16 OflOI t o . k o m r a o f N a w a t k d a U v .

MtiA V a tt n d t

Lo st-A FOCKJKTBOOk OONTAININ,! A ram of money, on Monday ereiUngsUarehU,

> Sraal. towj,^snn] of money, on Monday erenli

in Newark, or gmni Ikem Urove Osaiwe, (o Newark. I t contain^ amoi

s s ^ 'i u ^ A 's S r i i ^ jw i n . t f . S W I S Srrtoro to W I L U ^ HIDES, IB BM h atm!^ York, ot word nut to tdm wko* It

( 'I Hi LD’SLRI H AND SCATTBnS rOBSALB .cbrapstraiH K iU H T. tog

gotng lo otbtf btutnoM, AddraufiBoe.

rsNewa• I g

F OK BALE-A 7t( OCT. NTTW TTPBKJHT __plaao irom llnt<uw New York makeni mr

tsao caab, or payment by the month. eeoQ atdOi BROAD H TKE^. beU No. 1.

Oaa be8Zr

I^OR RALFs-RTRONQ 0 NE-H0 R8B URO* ' eery wagon, run two yearA made to orderX* eery wagon, run two yearA made to ordotg

coot tin , will sou for lu a luqulro 8 0 M£Rr VI Ll E, M Commeroe ati'eeL 0g

noB m a l e - A p a r t y BRJEAXINO VP boneekeeptng would diapoev of parlor and

dfnlng-room furniture at low Aguree. Can beMonatNo. ISBEtWDAVK-tT io R s a l k - a haloon, f i t t e d u p inX flret'Clam stylejpuod stand; new Qxturea;tvmerMMmahie. Inquire oppoefte City Armbtr, H ORANDE BT. 9W



hguae 110 £Uu It rooma, with fl board- , lOT 4474. Alao the tabitH to let to a piod

slOR«ALE-*BUTCHKaFlETOR«i,ALL IN -ood condition and very cheap. Apply to "DEL A L ^ M A N , No. 8 Oommeroe •(. 54g

SrtOn BA XE-2A PCIUC BLOODED W ' leghurn CMkcreLs. cbeau. Aupbr to cN rSf!^ , B^euth slre e tj^ t ^wark.

W HITE F. E. T7g

jlORSALBMlBOCKEKYaTINWARE, CAN-TilOX" dy and totiarco Htorv: a*lll leU cheap. Root 47 ; three routuA Coll 4Sa FIFTEENTH A V E »g


ILL MELLAN EHSON HLBriTlUOPHI. , . tud duvUraUng proa c h a ^ u , u e iz e u ,

(.-RANK, 117 Sommer av, # -

. /S/k HBOOND-HAND HOTBKD S^TrUUsiklngood coodllloii.ot BHAWluaY, urarBouJi Orang

W « n t c f t .

WANTED - A SECOND-HAND RIDINO Raddle and brMle. Addreee, etatlng price, MADDLK, 247 Cbarlton eL etig

S l t t a n c l i i ULOANED ON PBHRONAL mOP*

- ~iud furalture 111 use. No remoreL Call ot aadremUONFlDENrUL, No. 10 Cedar atreec ^


Active flsetaaikme in thi market offer om lUtora h» make money mportnnltlM to


and Fetrolnm. Promnl iv«n_ to orden reodred, by

. lain, Htneju,personal altentl... ........... . .......... ........wire or mail OorreeponUence eoUcil^ Full Id* formntlon about the inarkctR In our Book, which will be fiRManled firee on appUoatlou.

H* D. K Y L E Banker and Broker«Ml Broad and H New Btreeu. New York City.

p r a t t w l a n o l C a r f i S s .'■■PW-<"yS, .*w»,AA.SsAo.-


>*wier la CManoeiT.

CouieeUor’gbTAir,7« BROAD STBEET

Notary Pub Me*

a i a t r v a g t o n c * .A 8 T R O L 0 G Y -D B W n srr REVEALED

^Vfkom birth lo death by the Plaoele d M a^ The only true way to furptelL PROP. C. HAT- F l ti Ll>, aetrulufaf.Tu South Oima9 av.« Newark. ConeultaUon 41 upward* 8M

M BR. BEBGEBg n rd reader, anvi.ftTjLftwu gvaucff, ujjyiau

ehowi plctnre tif fUtdreTHE MOST H E U ^ L reUi Aiture tratAhUJy.az ure huibaBd or win Ire, . . - irea,

ladiee, eO eenu: gentt, 11,00. RE BROAD between Falf aod GreennnetA(,np«ialrt,

wvmunga t CONttUmS RTaHAIQB. ALLEN. THE ASTIIOL yMMaoBdelied h ea ghert time i

geate,|OoeiM4. NBANKR

1 - Brag W aarad," - Brapksgra*, Wautod.- - r ng *n a « * « Far gaka,* - B aanllag,* m**" ,^ M ***" J ” »«Mt*fca4 a t Ooa Caas a word foi aa«k laaarUaa. ' *

. rilw auan /.-r lioi,-har rauraT O s^ui?*.AddreM

BiMdaienKKKW wTwwFii!^*®*** placm tu^pIMd atM nRK raBTw SpT’™ ’

\ yA M T k D --A MAt. WHO THOROtllim v

alTiwa r r h t m ff and par * * ’ “f",',

’■ASTXD-f.IKLH kT)S A l.t K1S 1«1 work ; Ita n iaa , Ir ik , An..r‘------ - •

Ip , Rmall alrU, Apniploj nil t»( Ofikv, Ufi III

W i o r kcolored hel.TiiM M Imp

i. AnierU*i&:i iirf? ■ a\LbsiT■Ughal. Kg

W AOTRD--A rA A 'SU m K s.,; f is K W ill) uiWt-ruand. 1kg work and r u lo

IWrat No. 7S1 IliiiKM.

f w wgrairdMjutrvi 'nimrnddvl, tmu ai no.Tbum^a hclwvii ISa^A

rRf>TFKr4HNT umii^ TV 44 nxfck Rud iaandrtwi aiHl riMmb* ' dib^

amt aa lir™ Adur«- it. V. JT-Nt-* 11* ,-Tr-'AtiTKD A v m m .i (u u i, ,^ ,a

TT Mahi work and to takeoaredrfchUtln.it44* l i l l i l l Mf

W AHTKh A l-RAtTrirAL llAHN^H ib'fti nnd«rs(aad4 jobtHoff UaMriw

nt.nRY KT-, rsft»v#n <Mtver and cbeaiiiuL g^

^ f A N ^ l K OFXRaTDH o n f i n k PANThJ ? /ppiztouiiAtaiiM H. rcH ruL m y ,* :kit ilrcvliooc tier iUtUoad avenua


w r iigjin iMii nnU4''bUHI hBiwt* udMl Ki.t.lai'IIKWEH A PIIILTJPHlioCwTrklr^

ANTKD GOOD BA STKlW AND ONF rreaaeronflnfTfau, atW H p rlu fl^ &vh' 'ir. U I H -F lU f^ prmguawaVH,

SAl'IX FIIASn.^ l^ T O g lg U M a MANDkiYlU,E,

Broao et>

WANTKD-TWOPlIfVAHSKWI. H PI,«sri w1 nl mawj a dksm -A ha aw a •• !nx-a I l kF- A VTW l,Btn V Am nnn. H|>],KVdklcbaecw tor good ntoc, l»CUNTONaU4g

X m i i l B a m m t W a n t a f t .

A ooMPirrwiTWOODMOui-DiNri's-niuo

^ t m c K TDBOira ilAKKRS-likOOD «SM A . ^ ( f 'n iS r F 1'* bad kV applrtog as IM H AH.m

f t I F i J ’i * ? w bH Tgu BY Rnm H jTA f^colpred girl u cook and ennrtraai * Imm i r«F.Addrtw iUWfffe.bo««SSo^^

. . UooMaariam ai bouk-kirlark, ur ral ram u, i n ----------DraUriaa. rraereaca.Haw* M m , ei.

W>Ml S a t a t f t .



LOANS 5 n v o w fo a o I lTl Bread m rtm Newark. N. J ,res rak all IItcia m Ik. 11 > _,ra_,__a..._ ii_.W .b .? ia W lm Dw^ai eivwara, JR. J ,

” *y**'‘P* f“ ‘ uiu«4, b mil and oumpltHg IMI ol p ro ii™ ra all k l ^ for tala and to las. In all pan. af tot city, ParSlM oontomplattoa .railna or rrnUng are Invited to pUc* to e lr^ ^ rtla e oa eu boeka K * charge nolrra n id or raoud. U j

Vor fiat*.

Fo b b a l k o r t o un-.-H O V RE n o , tn HIIih HTHKIDT: ftirnlijiad or nnluv-

alalwl. H .ftJA U itH oJ(.ia)Brotdtt. Tfo

T7 '£Pea

Bonata aad Boosaa log B a st.OB R E IT - OORNIB OF BROAD AND

FeanavlvanlA Railroad cnfice; pnoieMlan Mavl ApplI laJAM BS L- HATS, T i 'S S d A “^ O R BEN T-A STOIUE AND THRSK UX)UHOTBr S t! ' * ” ■ 1” MARKrt


DRRIIUBLE LOFT.Oultral location, Ilglil oa all slilet, well veatilated

power, ftleun h«*t and elevalor.iDqulrektfJnnd 47 Meehan icatreet


To l.I!T-;J1TORE AND S OR 7 HOOMH, IN BvUvville : hen b^n ooculded tor the la«i 21 yfwrRtordrygoodj.

For Hate-- Houae and lot on Colnishla itreM, Houie and lot on Plane street Hm m and lot on Orchard Mre«t*AiAd olhara.

Apply to AARON p. exjyPIT, TO Browd ftreeh

TO LKT-21 ELIZARETR AVENUE, NEAR Cujiton avenue, dntOikt,Blx roomii and bath room; no dark moniR; all Iroprovemento Soid*

vTert rtreel. naar_WaTtf]T ptiro, Mx rooms;» strew, iw _ Wavertymodwaw rwu. lYtnoa stree*, near Waverly

Kant m per month.Third av*noekOuualniQ|%i imnrovemenULfrom B ia y T l qulM J . B. MATHAWAY. m

_______ -iprtlframe bouse, no. 77 it rooiBS. all modern ittT, RentlBf, In- Broad (RMet Ag

ibree roLRTe'lTtOlC APRIL U r, TH REE CR

J°ujnB>w|tob1e fN light houaek^Mi^;Ibree roomA#i4 ; tour rooms.ne'p^ tooBtkT KloD^jtoK(,_netr Rrmto^ r M ^ n v g ly « u dw*w W-V»| **arai, AAaaraau, scaxia rijsm- rai Tra •UUresulrtde Address ROOMS, n W. Kinney i t aig

TO L FT -T R ’O NICE APARTMENTS, OF 4 or A rooms n eb, with baihrooms and all mod­

ern tmpxovfODenta. In il«w brick hmae )oat com­pleted. Bent liH and dg per month. laqaiTs nn prembet, No. Sv UTHAv., near High st.

T O LBT*>TKKEE NEW HOT^BB NCm. M| to N4 RdUiULcr avenue; U room# and batbi

all mixUsrtilinprovvmenta; rent low to good ton*??ldon_ea^tarn^^^^^^ do

ot y. Hi 4HMITH, Ja,, 9741


Tn LST.-BA BN AND 8T A BI,S NO. IM Ettt Klnnor street I room for e eaivugei;

ooachiiraai ettg n it r . 8. B, JACHBDN Jltofinad strera. 7To

n. LET^FIVK NICE BOOMB, WITH ALL I Improvemeatiie inquire aft_________ No. ilflHEBMAN A VEND B.

T O L E T-A P BIL 1. a NICE ROOHa, WITH water, 2d flour, at NO. 48 M lLLEHaTREET,

tent 46. 31fr r ^ li£T-FURN18HED BOOM.X 49g SBOUDINOT WT,


WANTED-TWO OR THiUCB UEJfTLK- mcn pan findplMgantfUmlRhed roomiwlth

tor ___bfa, Newarl

B o u M t, Booma* BUeg W aataff*tlTOUE WANTED FOR DRV AND FANflY f^goods trade. Addrees POODS, News ottcaeag

W o M r f t in g .


m w o YOlft pltaraal

YODNO OKNTLRMEN CAN FIND Aroom, wlUi board, __


suActtim a*t«*.R U C TIO N BALE.



M. J. ffOONNOR, - ABCtloaeet, wUI nU at salearoeoi. UtHARKMT STREET,

ou To-morrow (TfttlllBDAr) Menilit,■ J at l i o'clock.

7-oetave Boeewood Plum, Organ, Parlor Suite lo s i l t and Mohair Plueh, RalrcloUi u d other cov eiingi, Wai. M. T. Chamber Hollii, M. T. Hlde- 'hoard, WardrcDee, ihitenl Folding Bad,P. P. P*cr Mirror, M. T. amt EitsaiJon Tablea, Sewing Machine., Boreaus, WaL and other Bediteads, WaehelMda, Lonngn, Chabra, Rocker., Book- tbrlvee, Ac.. Ac. Bruaaela and Ingrain Oarpeie, Smvrna RugaJOilcluUi. MaUruaeASprlngt, Mir­ror., Plcturee. Aim a Varga quanlllj o( Botch'd Wine, (lee .peotal adv, lu tola paper), 7 eaia at new Harncas, IQ hoxoa of Motoer llubhar)! Soap, u d a varietg ol other gooda

K. R -W Ine .a lea i II A .JL, ahraia________ __

g R g » » iW k l* .

ahapea. N. ii.-8traw hate dyad lo all cotorA i * H a ^ ^ PiraPA T B tC IL ,

J K U lC » U R tt * S i t lbHODBR) AfifcANTlO.CnlY,/. ^

T t f

U S '

|l»**®*S I * '

I '^ la ' 'I

oa* <■ sesei

[iitkk',k «

I forslto

I U fa 'd )sa '

' I t, aarie**I eeaMff


0m tr^sed

^eiUiiwf ^ i fgt ■*


Hi ;


- '

If I ■'li; ' c i ;pS'i''-

hniul\ ii

4nd:hew i'l5 ^*. Il irtffiiiiii

I lUI-vUM [MftIkriivrtU

I'fS-,IM kim IflMCFt ' IfgtoKdii

■tipArt) Kg«l)«4<

I gwided 11K1 w n I KfttCdl

I ibd bin] f MgW tb<

iWthiM gMalMU Mieydft

I iMaiuf i I iMfffuto

MUM [ iMBhiy

W4il be 1 (MKUuI

I Fw«rrt ll I gstornu liMt the I irmdf. i

mm eccu Nntof

1 pft* ttXliI b 4 CochiTirk

thilinwcilDfifnendafeI pMided,: I sanJoed

r Pglf I landi

tn ItMhT U1J ligwhs, gi I 4tdD|00 I k n with



Nolbir I If lutle V( l i r N u i li I kurt Mb' I Id m i UII ttewcvli I tat tbv np1 ktool hi I Tta itllRI tadM t1 MAped SI ifltae toh*

k Qi' iI lAftl TnIwDOflU 1 iifttprio'I Blitaf 111I taod, viitiI moiog S

wUrd, I' I knWDtul I ttalr bo4( [ ffidiktii

|k»r£»ittn —l '

0 of Jt«h(rtadllltaOtlff TlI tad tud Sliaipukli1 Mil, isd

tatai MU


0I b n toe 1

E o m e 1 I M u m : f o r

iBIiiluDi *»M to

I Heu spoil lift. Thf

Aleti u In k then I nductor tkietoeli]In ie iiitiI rateaiiipm oiUlUHlriiiLean find pleaaantfiirnlflhedTooihiwIih ■ juuQq.

AimUv Dfiwo. call a tlt lL A F A Y ^ li ■ Mgg,/,ark .N .J,................ ng ■ ho, ...km. The

™i toon IBM. Ill " « Ilk*

ISffSiii^leep to

t o andpUftilt

MM. bead Man do

Yemen [ Ylikaod

Wtod b lUftwhii Itoraiiiii

K E W A B E E V E N I N G N E W S , W E D N E S D A Y , M A H C H i n , 1887.OU> BCKTIH O U B O P * 0 .

u *• r w * p ^ n tk « 0 « -

li> l * f * * e t f r t f^UH J l ^ l

r ^ l n * »“ >“(TCDlLiit *n the »U f*r

1^' ...u .r td W ■ * l l i« If U>.,4 liic •>»<> *"■

I w hi ll>* l»» •*“* *“ *• ‘•i*^ -® f ih« ernini tnd nl.t4fc«A la Iho

,=uid p.-l luive l « n iiifcl*. i U n n , • * »Dd tk elk e u*** m kta Ik . U M U M of *U eiU jou.

lo lh t « il'J« t.»»d tiu ooiioa w u *“ r i k , r ‘> rwullfil IB the p»™ f» of the lew

Bhich I* lo fune, »na whleli put Id tho »M "«t I think it

* u » 4 e l « « * * f ’ t** l o t h . BUbltclt }'>u JJJjJJuBIHhihe low of l« l* tor their Infor-

H h«M * the ch u aellot In the " rfibre i.ie and under dtrcetlon of the

2 L ,P - B r « l i » itiB Bpi>llcaikn o f loielll- 1 * ^ ic, |,i l»We ciUjeni, two of whuoo arw

p. uti cit|. u d w ib« cou&iel vn tbc t^liikiuu. uid tl*v o i Um p u t of

frill dvuxnlMfMM U ia itll r ifb u **^-.11 l«.r Uit-u W;i-' e Ibl t It dilCtll -f, u i l ? to |kiff-

(b« CU« 0i lu p«;'OaAlUi«X^ L h lt - . • = ‘ * V . i i j i u - ' >r» k ii

iJ 111 \ JfHtI -I U> il.'

sM ir, ; \:-j' ul



««> •

I P , . . ' 1. i ■ i ■, , . . .v * " ,h J t i •' t bt?* lAt.Hfll,

uit- t j - i .til j (\auioti i '■ I nr iO p.i'f I itud

, ,fi ; . •.• llJ? " I ’l !i I'v 'lw . t»UL‘U luri;'ci • »tr«: tlii> pii ’U o< iu.'h

idih \trftr, 1 lie Old IkirylUK erutiiid

i/u« i4i 111 h i i t .ik iiiiih for 10.114 (le iB a ^ u i o . u> i IX H p l." i I'l' bu rriu itiie ^ il It llBlh 10 uGiioiriMl l-)r

„nUoi\ 111. ' » i«-irt!oii rinU* Uud i ri|ln- :! l.'nr'.ln pUIC«tlUl.liUl>;U(BfiiullJ,

triM wij.i' ul to ilio iiin Ll. i desifuuoil b , ^ H U ii ' 1 Ihi’ tllo bui,iiik fruuud, hill IWB it<|Mprt.pd for u h tr purpi^vu, aud jm !vrn 1iM|riifMl lor Itio mO't |Hirt h tien u .. ihiieuii ti|irn»lve li»llcl!nt;<; atul ,b i tti, It haih U w iiitidani that ilw putliaii If ( in iTO'iiii apMii|diiid and uroupUd dlKKi-i inan lor ( burviiioirruund, ihonlo be mwed 10 iho uie fiw n bleh It war orlriaal ir « ipari, and ati i.rillng lo ilte Iruil to wliicD ,0 illered Ole lauio U tuhjeil, which w tU te owtid^ wilt) griat Inoomenimre, RTiil rub- M noof.-!ii i»irrh.*en to (pool penralarr ML ted be of 00 pihho uUlliTr InMoiurhao onocalleu ofiatd , round renden ft Impniper lad loeipcdKnl do mike any further Intaf- Hah ibareln; and wbenir, H la doainblo M tbt mill turytnf ltDUBd, one lOHd oa afotw- ■Uiihaiild bo jnubaltd, u d that the o n u - ■■m of the loctfco Ibareof occupied othorwlae ilaBiiitabuh'lai fryund ihould bo quitted ;S a iu tab u b lOllanofoR

M 11 enacted br the Segal, tnd General IMBibll of Ibo euio of Now Jonay, Thol It ■ill be tbt duty of tbo H uor and Geiwotuq (Mieil of iba city of Newark to protect and pwerti Ibe buryttm iiouiid u now onoloaed, ■•Ibnuid, and the tncloaure. tbareof; and Ikit Uie oecupanli of inch parte of laid pondr. orlflnally alhiUed at afiinaiijd, a t ate Kw occupied for potprwra other than ai a karrltf iroind H afawn l d, thaU t«< Bi> unolaturbod. and that the Uayor Bf romtnao OotMOU of Urn ally of In iik ihall apply auidi pracaida and laati thereof aa they may moeibe to the iMKilci a«d keeptof In rapalr tkobarytn i (waMi afaroutd, and the ooclofurea thereof; imldrd, neir*rtho)eai,<lhal ootblng In tbla aot eaulned ibaii In any mannttadeut Umveatad BkO, If any, of any penon or pertona In the Ml land., ■*------ ‘ U- —■-* -11------------------■

ny, of to y pluiiii, UdowBdeat of th t lald aU ^ed

a: and proTided,that thli act iball not wkT any addltkoal rlftata to any pattoa or imiu, aa to laodi loitta of the town lot bor- mni 00 the aald bnrylnw fiuand. and which

kirt within Iba laat ten yean boon onclneed, approred Harch 1, IMi.

Tbo Sobooi BaatU !■ T ero n a .A (k editor 4f Ua A'cm :

NotbiitK hitaocearred w ithin th e lim it* iftmlc Verona village lu dliiuib the equinim- kyolUa Iuhabti40t> liaca Iba aond fl*M for a ItUri icbnoIlu.nae and a btiu rn hool waa <no, h im. until Ibe prcei ul lliue. During the put m w ctlilh a lauia rwbt ht» lieaanuewod, taitbc opiKuiUiiu lo a tree ichcolandagood wlool baa boon led by k n blneece leaden, Ike gillaut I'apt.tn Ihlly Jaei-bitc, ably ao|. pinrd by hla ilcii.tniLt, DotlaioPi baa inepcd many weary mllct wlibln the Umlta fllbc (Cbi'Ol dbIjicL lu vulily ctideavnrfng to work op All 1 ppo-llton t i Jiirige JuhnMm Car Maol Tintico, on 1 1n op|i wl Uon to r . king the am of lino lu eilurau llll—Uu nuoiber of obll- (ifboflchuci ear III ihc dlurict, Thecaptafn BlihelleutcDsi I, at ibe head of their llitle laod, rtilrml the acbodhome promptly laat mblng at tbe hour a( whkh the meeting w u aiUrd, I'pin the fhcoe i f tt c Ico ler and hla UtownanUoulil l« iced the war mging within Ikalr boeini. From their rigid fiatnrea and tbi dtitiichiAiion lu iiiclr uyea one could i ikit

Thcln' was lo do or alo."The meetlcg oreaM i’d hy ckcilngColonel

Htnai Oonk rhinr'noii utid John Bhyliaek arc- Bttry, rpon ihu llrat ballot l,.r Truatoe jDdp John on received bfly-Llua volea and Wllham J. llairUin recclvidibltly-cIglitvoiQa, Ttecapliln w f iq u u’ideuntrd, hut h]ilien- Punt and n ai y uf hk fulloirera beat a h u iy nbeat A mol Pin wai then made to eaiao 1500 hrthp sopport of aflteearbool For the coming Nu. Jnrlge Johnaon tnade a detailed atatoment dlhaetalofthaaoliaolaia] an aaineit appeal hrlhaaioekin. Othert apoke agaliut raU ng BoaonejandalaoaftiDal Ikee aenoola. Tha aodon being then put reiulted aa follom ; Kuj voted lo rtlae IHO, and only foiiy to rala* I l«a inm. Tha meeting then nnanlrooualy ikuked the board of tniataea for the offinlaiil M bei In which they had looked alter the ■ta lutm tt of the ichool and adjnimed.

____________ __________ V u kitax,

B a r a «b iI W v o .khrfdiioroyuaJreui.'

i n —F laaae allew m n to n u tk d h o o r - ■dan of ytnr •ceount of Um above ault, which•utilrd la the F ln t DtaUrlol yieteaday. The lllbtlir recovered Judgment agalnat William Ul and Benjamin J . Mayo, and the nop-auU ntpanlad In fntw of my rlldnl,Oatharlaa kdl, and not In favor of kfr, Mayo, aa your Kte Hated, Youte very reapecUully,

KnwaRD a B tacx , Attorney of Calbaiino Noll.

Muchl*,lM 7. ____________

Opium foe tbo Opwboyai f i « the Kanau City Tlmea.

Borne tw*Bi7 ‘f lr« o i tU r ty cow boys,"bad; for Tciaa, boarded a Nortfaem PacUlo ^ lb Dakota the other day, and took poawa* jta of ihb emigrant ileeper. Every oiao o f two ipoiied n rm'olvcr and a bottle o f whi^ *0. They reftued to show thecondoctor their wieii and demamlid that he ahould drink "Ik them. A piaaanger mgguted that the Mourtor (hould gut some opium and allp It MQuIibomei. Atjllanarck thabiakamaii •jtieniioa drug itoie for the opium. The •htenaii went Into the car and accepted their ptfooaoirrr lo Imbibe, and, while ptelend- ?• if! iWidii flipped a email quantity o f tbe wHUu drug In each bottle, Qiuat auoii

"here before all had been pandemon- These denlBeni of the wild rowdy We^

m?. *'5? • '«p lnf bounder than tha Catdifl The eiultant conductor rolled them

w Ilka logi, went through their pockeu, mhed ihoit uckM and roUsd them backMi ■Ibciibtilhi.

to p the blood oooi bytakthg Rent’fB o i* " t t and Eanaparllla. Ita aotlon on th * ■ttryi It relicvta ciocBtre twwnllnga, prickly T p to d ache, glddhMai, and all olbat oom- tttaa doe to overheated bload. Try It,

^ *h *n with pale, cotorleaa fkcea, who ft«l wtt u o discouraged, will teoeive both men-

and bodily .i^ot by using Certer'l Iron J t t ^ l c h are made for ihe blood, nervea and


®jprd Iknin cbnnifo ibTibj(ar(«(i, imdet kla- of C. Rlackett Uoblntou, propr.: " I w u

™ y ofl-itcuttlng bllloai headaohoi by 't o j^ B l t a t e r a .- '- A d w .

K A S K I N E(THX NEW Q tllN lIiE ,)

rr^^Mnik S' ? S’S

V ■

- H E N R Y ’ SM N U e SALVE,ff®®ostpowerftim '

o v e r S U g o o T e i u r u .t a l v * « u r M

‘ w ' * * » n * r i

O a r b o U s ■ > !« • s u n H i

l i ^ n i ’a O a r b o l to t a l w e u m

| ' 'y t O a r b o l lB • ■ ^ w h e a l s

_ Ha w n r s - T s t o M e O t h e a .

A f V i I a f c c"se iw m m g B a W lB b e a ,

H. Y. flat* P tolm ot New York Medical Ool- legak wtllea; “ Xaaktne la anperior in quinine In IB tp e ^ c power, and never produces the ulm leat mluty to the hMuing or oonatltutlan,"

Tbouiandt upon Ihounnda write that Kao kine h u cured them aflet all other nedldhoi had failed. Write for book of teiUmauialg.

Kaektae can be taken without anyepeolal medical advice. SLeo per botlle.

Bold bvCHARiaSHQLiiHAIJElkvn Broad atreek, Newark, M. J„ or aeU by mall onreeslpt

^ E ^ B K I H I C O . , H Warren BL, New York.

I CURE FITS!W b6nl m r rare 1 do not mran mendr to ntop

ttivm for a time and thea havo ttkom reiurn attain. 1 mean a radical rare, itiave made UiedimaM •rVJimJBPUiBrHY or F A L U m HIOKNBW a UA-lonf atiidf. f aarrant my remedy to ra n tbe worn caaea fiecauHe oth«a bare foiMd la no roiMB fcff iKAtkOfr nM»^tiii.a o m onraiwAtreauaeaoda F m uottleoi n^m lU '

H Pearl B t, N. Y.


P led fM that Hound Two M eorte T o- (•tlber In tbo O ld oa T Im u .

Pram kba frwclltrs' Weekly.I t w u a pretty eustem, long ap>, for

lovert to cirb an g t riag i. T h e gentlemen did not have to apeud a munth'a inrotae for a pretty tr ilk a t for which be got no return, but be nla-i wurc and cheriahe-l a lOBveulr ftoat b ii iwoethonrk. Chaui-er d eau ibu a heroine u giving h er lover e ring on which were engrevH nitadde love muttoca and receiving a llk<- one In rc- tiu n . Nhaheepean' mekee moru than one alleeion to Ibia cnatuwi. In the "T w o Uentlemea o f Verona ” /Hfi» glvaa fWrfnu a ring, layfng, “ Keep yon thla remein- Irrinca for Iby Jniid’f aak&” T o w blib be rrplleat "W hy, then, we'll n u k e ei< cluBgn 1 here, take you thla."

A " gimmal'' or linked ring w u then In­vented which gave lUU grentw Corcu and aignlUcance to Ib een ite in , I t w t e nude e f a double aed often trip le lin k , which tnm eil upon e pivot I t conld be opened, ihew iag three ring.. A amail hand w u atCaclicd to each outer ring, which, whan floaed, caiiaed th e h inde to c lu p , Incloelag a heart which wm afBied to th eoon tral notched ring. I t w u cuttom ary to break theee ringi asunder in a to lem a manner over the Bible. It w u ilw a y i done In tbe pr> Fence of a witnese, who kept tbe centre ring,the botrutlinl couple reoerviug the two onlalde linkt. W hen tb e marriage contract w u fulflllcd a t tb e altar the three portioiu wen' uullod and thu ring ueed in the ceremony.

A P alace Hold Vary C heap ,Prom lUa rhiladeipbla Teleeiapb,

T h e r to ie n c e In New Y o rk o f th e lata Hn. Mary 8. Morgan, who w u the owner of the peaobWow vau, and w hou magnllkvnt collet tlan of ptintlDga and brie a brae w u .dhpotad of at auollue, w u Hikl recenlty. Over tlfo.ono l . aald lo have b o 'a expended on the leleilot dacortUaua. Tbc parlor floor la flticil with oak, mahogany and rutewuod, handcitvcd. Tha htih room la flnished lo morale and tfcxieea onyx. Tbo >-elllBit and walla ibrcugtaonl are nf polBbcd mabacaoT. and on the acoond floor thla la Inlaid with uuUiar of peuL The houu w u roid lo Devld Bicvaoton, a brewer, lor VKtB.ooo.

C t t t l c t u r s ■ • s M t S i e * . V k t r n n s r s s s l A w r t i B t s * T n n e l t s r d S s S C s n s t t * .

A CHILD'S SKIN, aEgPt in d S e i l p C o v ered with EozS',

n u to u i S c s b g in d S o re s

C ured by O aticu ro ,

51 Y IMUe * n , aged right yvari, h u lean la lllctrd with maraia uf tbc k'aiii, aud at m u a pawl port Ion of ib t body, avaramec he

w u iau v can o ld . 11 began In hla cart, and tilendrd lu tala scalp, which uaeaau cuveird sUL scabs and « iu i, amt fnuu wbhJi a -I'.i ltyfluid poured out. cauilng Inieiwa itcbpig and dli«v«. aud leaving h|, hair maUcl and life L'so. I utlrrurnth then -cabr. the -km was raw, Ukeapiaoeof Loohttak. i.radually tks hair cama out u d w u dettroyod, until hut a suiall patch wee left at Iba i>aek of ihc heed. My frlciiitj III PViUidy know how my lltilc Buy bu iu lirrtd . At night he would seiap h hla

Gurgling Giggle I A Tumultuous Titter I

A Loud Laugh IA Rollicking Roar 1

hfsd udUI his |itiiiuw WB* cuiuriiil wiiii MiKyl. 1 UHd lu tic hU bshdt oishlad him, snd tn mtoT LiiK! Ui prftn lit h it r m u h lu i ; buiitw«sTioase» he waakX ♦rrtt<'h. I Uwt him 10 lh« bosuiiAl tnd U best i>h)^tsii4 lit Posbody wiuuHitsooeem. About iituitiik', some ffli'itili. who htd b ita ru m l by tiw i M’ti

rsilerttlHkl'IRii, UrCTSlU1 b------------- ‘ ‘

usry Iwl,Uietd. 1 b « s u lo use them on ihC' IMh uT .Uu

. Al. in irvru BtitilhieTerY dJ<t«sM* w u rontuved. N gls rjwi us SsaU rr

U|mn toe (n tryIMh <>f ,Un ptriit l« uf

FBOM IdUTE T O D EA THla but a moment lf rbeamatlam or ncur- alglB atrtkn the heart Theee dlwaaea art the mod palnfal and the mow dangeroiu of any to whloh human kind la Uible. They fly from one part to another wlthuut a monent’a wanitng, and tlnlmenu and other otilwatd applloulau ore In ttaam- la lv u daniuooi booanao tbdy a n liable lo drive the diseoae to aoua vital organ and canae toatant death, Rbeum atm and neoralgla are dlieatea of the blood, and can only be retched by a remedy w bkb will drive ftnm Ihe blood tbe danfaraat aolda. Bach a remedy U Alhlophoros, I t h u been ttaoroughlj tceted and il a talk, lure cure.

Sraoci G a u * . Pa., Oct. S, ISSS, In answer to your requeit to know what

your Athlophorca baa dona for me, 1 will my It b u dena wondaclbl work. I have auSeted from rhcomaUiiin for eighteen yean more or leat, and mnetlmoa not able to put my clothea on or cat aloue. 1 took all kluda, doctored with a good many doctor*, but nothing did me any good. I w u gettlog wane Inttead of bel­ter. 1 trad your advertlaemant In tbe Dtmu- cnil and Nntiasl paper* of Loultiowo. I have taken lu all four boule*. I feat no pain. I waa dnw a croaked, but now I am airtight otieeaaatc. Tbauk you fur ihagood 11 dune me. Atblophuroa la ^ e medicine.

F titu r llaanTCB.

Yontmedicina Lucured m eof neuralgia. 1 aalfered with It for Ibtae dayi, and i t gave mo Inetast relief; Wk. F, Ktaca,

PiUiYH*. N. Y„ Aug. 19, IMA I tued one Imttle of Atbinphoroe for neural­

gia aflet being laid up eight necks. The re­m it waa very tailsraetory. H. 8. Eimv.

Every dregglit ahould keep Athlnpfaoros and Athlophom rilli , bnt where they cannot be bought oI the druggtsia the AthlophonuCo., lU Wall sleret. New York, will tend dihor (cartiage paid) on receipt of regular price, wbkb Is tl.m per bottle for AtblMhoroe and Me. for Pills.

For liver and kldiity dlaeatca, dyapepsla, In- dlgwtlon, weaknesi, nervoua deblutr, dUcosoo o f women, consilpatlon. headache, Impure blood, etc.. AUitophoros Pilla are unequallnl.

nialna on bla italp hi tall lha story of l.ls siifl rriog. Ills hair hsarrlurned, iihI la Ihli k sii.l slrona, and hla scalp as eweei and clean u tuy Child s In tbc wiulil. I cannot say rnuueli h- exptesi my ratiUida for ihk wamlirfol ciih' by Ib cO Tin aa HtMMUEs, and wish all -lull- larly aflllcted lo know (hat my Fdatemenl is trua and without eiaggrTsthm.

CllAEI.B-F H, KAY,Get. a, MM, IWalssly. ManI have seen Mr. VrKay’s boy whenbwlly

alfockd wiih Ihe Fi scma, He wii= tpitllu l slgbl to look ah 1 kuow that Ire has tried iiur best phvilclana, and did all a father could ilo lur aiuin-rliif child, but availed mahbig. 1 know Ihat the sutcuLcnie ho hat made you as regards tbc curing of hi-laiy by youri’i'Tn lua KENlL'tia are true in every particular.

w ii . i .ia h J . m k T r t i i y ,U Foatcr 8t., 1‘eahnity. U w .

Sold everywhere. Prlco; (’i n n i u , f. i cents; ( T r i l l '* * Boir. 2t cenls; Cit u t * * HsMU VEiiT, tl.OO. ITi-pared by PoiTga Dti'o sanCHrWKSI.Co., Boston.•rasd fa r « B o w ta Cura Bkla IMtawaas."

™ 11,1(11. Blackbaada, Pkin Mnnlihes. and Biby Rnmort, UM Crvin * * go*r.

~ ^ 6 h e M l i i t n E ,Bbenmatic, Ntuialglc, Bctatla,8ud den, Kbarp aud Nervoua Paint and W cikutu rellevtd lit an a mtniita hy the C ult o u r a A nll-I'aln p l u - ta r . At Pragglati, » cenla. Pot­ter Drug (V>., Button.

W U A l c t t i t t i s

O B A Y ’8 S P E C I F I C M E D I C I N E..... ............. ... Ttix GaaaT Eholish - ..... ......... ... B ihhdy. An u afa iP ................

Ing m m a t Baalnal M____ _ w aak H K flptrm*-................... .. torrhea, impotency, .. ........................... ..... and ail Dtaaaau that

........... - follow as a sequence .................................... . of gaU-AjMM,H Looi .. .................................. -Of llaaanry. u irlver-_.................................. aal Laaaltude, F a i n . ..............

___ In hack, Dlmneaa o f...................................... . Vulon. JTomaturo ..H___________ Old Age. and m any,

other dlaetiea that lead to Insanity or COnaumptlon aud a

• Ftcasalura Grave.dot, whloh

W * d e ^ to KBd fraa by u a lf tofvatyano.dWTha Bp^fle Madieinc la lold by aD Dni|-

.tita at II per paekage, or six pacitgre for fo, or will beaeni ftee by mall on the receipt of tbemoney, by addreatingT H I d llA T M U y fc IN B CO., BuSalo, V.T.

On account Of coantarfalli we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; tbe only genuine.

8oM In Newark by CHARLNROLZUAUER, cor. Market and Bruad etreela.



DR, TH EEL,M W E S T 2 4 tli S T „ N EW Y O R K .

Tbe oolj fSunlDs sdTtrtlsInf nacialiiL la Amerl* CM <wbo mode bis suidles ana«r tbe world re< nowued Frofootors Jotar A Muiisr), prorwl br crrlMdSl# atwited b j tbe Oennsn ra«rt sad signed br tbe American Ainbsnssdor. niiar* entert to cure all pilTsie dtReucfl, Utcluding BUietere* Tfenreus DebllU^, Lcmi of Msnboocfe QigsHM weektieakreMlllng trom Youthful Tin*SrudMira, Blood i\>l»ODs Biotchea Hmplee, Iii-

smmslloa st>d BwellIngR. t*»R8 or Memory etc. Kellel at ODC^acalfCiMeiposttiyelycured ui-4 to lOdeyA Moel dangefopw os— soUcimL Mslbod Dew snd hvratees. Saropesn lluepiUi eiper- leoce. Thoee who hSTc sulfored for yesrt sna spent mooey sad lost sU bqpe, should write for ■^rntbs'^espoeure of Treads abd tbult irlcU to Yldilmlse saBArefS. write or oalL

F o a ra f to HondaystUlL

lEbe O rlfln itl Mid Only Oennlne,Bafo and alwayi reliabte. Beiran of worthlaag ImlttUona I h d li^ tn U t to LADIBB. Aak your Bruxgllt for Chlcbeiter'a lCiifllih,''and Joke no other, or Incloae 4o. (itarapsT to ua for

^ 100101* in taflar by n tu m mtlL NAME K B. C U eh eater CkwnsloM Co,,

m s Hadlaon Bqnare, F h lltda, IM.

T01 I

■ X H A U g n m V IT A U T Y ,EX 8CIENCK OF LIFB ,

the great Medical Work the age on Manhood, Ner-

vona tiM PhyMcal Denltty,Premature D ecline.Eirariai Youth, and the untold mli- erlea conaeqnent iheraon,-*M p a m f lv o . iJSpreictln- tlDni for all diacaaM. Cloth, lull gilt, only 11 .(10, by mall,^ aealed. llliutratlve sample iree to all young and mlddlwagcd men for the daxL W dan. Bend now. Addreee DR. W. H. PARKER,

i BnUUncta St., Bouton, Mam.

C O H S U M P T IO rT have » poeltlTe remedy for the aixree disease i

by Us use ttumsuxUi of oases of the worst kiM aod of long ■faiMlIiiif have been cured. ln d «^ BoMroag Is nay Mth Id Its efllcacy that Ewill send TWO SCPITLEB FBSSa IdfeUier with a VALVABLICTRKATIHEopUiiniseafepto any lufTerer, (Hve e»reHi and poatoSSoe addren. p a T. A. 6 U X .W . lil Pearl Hti. w. Yv

THE BEST *ilitojieiier.

; vertlser, the Hewi i j the

A P O W E R F U L T O N I C .thAl tb t moct deUoau atomteh win baar.

A S P E C I F I C F O R M A L A R I A ,

R H E U M A T I S M . N E R V O U S P R O S T R A T I O N ,

and all Germ DbmaiaaFOR COLDS EABKINE HAS BEEN FOUND to be ALHOfll A BFiSGIFia guperloi to qulaine.

fieuevut HMgUel, N. Yn Univeiwuy luc- cettfuL"

8t.FVanch’tH « w lte l.S .Y . ‘'Everypatient treated with aMviM baa been dltdktrgedcured,''

Bev. Jai. U IlalL Chaplain Albany Fenltcn- ttary, wiUta that Sw klae.hai.«uttd hfo i mier twenty yeei* augbrfngL from malaria am

a * t k t t « t r g .

IT WILL PAY YOUWhan TOQ are ta need of Dental Work,

to g o to th *

C e n tra l D e n t a l P a r lo r sO e r , SR O A D S T .& C E N T R A L A V .

A ll iV ork D ona In t l ia B e e t llAaiieT mi

CA8 GIVEN.D rs. P n llin & M e r r it t ,


D n u i «Dentist,


All work fturazktead i l fipreseotad. Prion iMMAable for toad work*

folyer tod AUoy FUUbga, BOO.A U p ra 01 Lowsr 8M of T ilth , flfoChMPli work U d i iM e O r F iC lH O ia S > ^ A .K g to l F. Ut\% 10

IOPpHa tUiidSiStoM o 10 AdlM M 0>foNP, K ffo lM oO A M g

n u flV BO LlN H O itiO L k w ti eboke«Y, ;eg, fiU l) AjBL'thi'red itmide th tT W of g pnr* {■huef, when sq asxtous Ntwsrk aaerchiat uOFreU h iiQ » Wsloui Bedroom ?utts, marble top. N pii'Ct-A for ISO, reculsr pnee I70 : M A A . Aatliiui Oak and InaBkiiad Sadfwm 8a lu ftam 1 to IKO per suk less than say other bouse

et, u a Md for oar patreaefe (lurlDi tha rom iuf seasoti. TbU naotherlDg ofall«apri»-U'ii«or dpiLftit is u iy wT' ciMry when tu ylB f Roods rou liiow. and ihe pur- Chaser cliuched this greeibarsaU) with a faoe ai fo k mo as an uoderukur.

t i l l tU M I 'L ir t lU h T lT T E il wbkh ihoeh the frame of this Fhitwdr aaperlfDoed buyer w u cRused byihow lni him I'D l*arlor Suits, 7 pleoM. all kinds of frames and cover* tngA my owti niauufseUirr; foimer price SIOQ, reduced to tdS* 'tw a i a rulnoui figujii buUhe purchasir suppressed his bapplneu aoU tob bWd Mite prlee u trave u an owL

The bulk of my Slock h u been purchased under lim llar dlstitssU iflj mirthful clrcutU'

•liAces, ami m f boyer. who ewnaea bark tickled ncsrlf todsaih wUh the bargaibs he hae •rcuft'd, hkU hisuelf free M il uafoMercKt kiuBOork end give WSJ ke uaNwiraiwed jeU ty for a west locotna.

A t o r n LA i UH ihat rw it throach ihe •Lire jfsU rdar sprsog freos the UtHM**! a happy roiUNDcr wiM c'ouhlB't repreM hli rap­ture when we iiucaed him the prleesor Veitrt^, Dudy Briiisels, TsoeMry. ihrto' gad lw«>p4y luirrillt si lo to Jdotiita per ysnl tatAthan any other bon^; in the oUy,

A UO LLICKIN O BO AKsloaU out through my door tiurlTih'huhinc^s tioors, whh'h Is only the happy cliiaor of dcsoM of sur,>rl«hl and delighted cuktomrrA. who dad much to frlmlru and wuoiU'f at m every shtu* The prcMlug demsiidK of ihrewil buyers, who wUh to hMe Ihdr htisrlouH cxuUitloni over my wirpi1«lDg offers, bis led nio toflt up e paddet rv'tlrfog ruom, when they can daDoeamlihout (otbclr •DitresitiArariiun, withoui iUscovery or tojur}' to the&uelvas.


AMOS H. VAN HORN’SLarge Carpet aod Furniture Store,

T V I I O L E S A I . E A N D R E T A I L . C R E D I T I F D E S I R E D .

Goods DeltTored FBEE OF CUABGE to Any Part of the State


W i t * W * * f t t n * .


M a l t W l t i t * k * B .

KeystoneM i l t W hisiiei

A solid snd coBgesled comhluallon.prepsredm lUie Oioit couveident ifonn, for spplIiwUon 'through the nrwtrllji, to reschUeM sCofslI die- [fwees of the sir puasgeA Olit> point Is insertod into esch noHlr!l. n M t snd ; morning, snd iNshwkrbfK] In oontsrt with Uie mu­cous flsndA. No other knows clemeols have

|thliaainU-i jNMNestbifieCHMe. or pj^lDoe Aim*

They sre en- COLD IN TDK UEAD tlrely distinct from sny

snd all IpreDSioties ever beforeCkTkBRHAL

AFFWvnOmk'aaythlJif Inluricnu. Faifooily HaimloaB. Not Cuidaaaaai,

KMlly Appllenl.PB IC B g DA CENTd P E E B O X .

ChaB. B. SmitlJ, Wholesale Afent,_____________ KEWABIC. W. 1._______ J -

I N T H E S T A T E .

A n o t l i c r G r o a t S p e c i a l

BEE HIVE SALE!A M a r c h S t o r m o t

Geimiiie Bargains IC o n i i n e n d i i ^

HONIIAT; niRCH 14A n d c o n t i n u i n g t h r o u g h o u t

t h e w e e k .

W e w an t to begin tb e Spring Seaeon w ith a m h b , tb ere lo rcU u . G reet Spociol S a le . A n d w hen “ T h e B e e H iv e ” Bayi "B p eci.1 S a le ” th e m ere .n n on iiee in eo t U enongb , for tb e people of Kevr Je r s e y b a r e been convinced long ago th a t th e orig inators o f GpecioJe lo N ew ark nre th e lead ers, and m aintained by o ffe iiag only re g u lar, everyday goods, and n o t a lo t ot odds and ends p ick ed op here and th ere lor tb e occasioB, w h ile out p rice i are ra c o t in to th e piofita and cost th a t th ere ie no c a is e lo r w ondering a t th e im m enee throngs th a t we draw to our od abllsh B ieD t o * anob ocoadoni.

And Why Not ?W h en w e advertise a Sp ecial Sole we

h ave a Sp ecia l S a le .W h en w e ad v ertise o u r reg n lat sto ck

we se ll o u r reg o U r stock.W h en w e advertise a e n t in prices we

c o t o u r p rices every tim e.W h en w e advertise an artic le vre have

th a t a r t ic le for sali^ a t price advertised, and in . foIA lU ng o a r promtsea to tha le t te r th e secre t glands revealed w hy wa can co n d u ct a srtoctasfiil sa le, to th e w ond erm ent of th e p rom oten o f ao m any n n snccessfb l attem p ts, ttia t liave ip m n g up in OUT w ak e l ik e m u h to e m i,


See a d v ertisem en t in Sunday C elt.

L. S. PLAUT & CO.7 1 5 , 7 1 7 , ? I B B B O A D S T ,

M E W R U , M. d .

C lo u 6 P . Ml BakaitlAja B ioaptod ,


jo h iT r a y ,HLurarAcmau o r

Piles and Rasps.H A N D - C U T F I L E S .


Special PIlH tsada to order, Fllea and Raop* re-col and watrantod._________________ t lx

IBGHAEL WALSH,Dealer in Foreign and Doaaeixta

WALL PAPERS.Tha DalcM Gototi and Dwfgna In HoUandi aiLd window Bhadea, Oornlcea, Curtain Fdea, Bhade n u o ra * ,e te . Paper U anglaf.lrsm FainU ng.

e o o B R O A D 8 T . 0 0 9

T b s MKW auM B^T ha a o D S B n o U ) ,

.TheELA BnO MOTION and other Sret-claoi^

Sewing machines,*T

A U D O R r S ,B and t CEDAR B T R glT ,

Bold on Ba«r Tanna,

Q o t o B e u E X M o d M O t O hLliswost la u s Is M n ta M fo s s and aU PsotOs

on account of its absolute pur­ity and wonderful nourishing qualities, is bound to crowd out all others. It is produced from pure malt by a peculiar and original process of distill­ation, known only to our­selves, after which it under­goes a alow ripening process for four years, when it is care­fully dmwn from the wooden casks and bottled.

It is pure and healthful.It is the best tonic in the

world.It is nourishing and invig­

orating.It is a gentle stimulant and

wonderful appetizer.Jt promotes digestion.It ts a sure cure f o r f la tU '

lency.It increases nerve force.It is unequalled for Con­

sumption, Wasting Diseases and General DebiUty.

It produces lasting benefits to the weak,

It is a harmless and pleas­ant beverage for the strong and healthy.

It does not cultivate a love for strong drink.

It is sold by all Druggists.

Eeysie M H ey Go.o r n c E i

464 BBOAD ST.Aewark, N. J ,y n p t r M o l r t l i o n * * * *


BLANK BO O K S,^ Miiellaiie, Rubber atsmpB, Eto„

At well u all klnita

M a n i l l a , H o p e , B o fr u N , S t r a w 'W n ip p ln g f P a p e r a n d

T w i n e .


l 0 « u l / U tlM bonie* of HewATk dKlly*

R » g * l M a t t e * * *

TJWffATB o r MARY A. DALY, DRCEAWRD. £yptirsii*nl to llio order of lx. Miitm,HvrttifBte of tbe (yiuaty of tnln dey medn OB eppticeUon of tUe imaenU^ned execulora of Hid 0«ceMOd.»oUoe 111 berrtiy given lo Um crod* horn of aald d Ti<4Uwd toeihibUlothp niibsprlhem, uoder oRth or ofl1rinotfn<i,tho1r dalmnAnd defo tnasds MsloKt Iht’ eeUate ot Hid dtK’Ofuied ivltliln niM jHojithi frpm tblfl diil«, or tb«y will be for- ovec borred from prooiicudiig or rocovoriiid tbo suno ftgmiittl tl>c BuWrlbers.


« y


Friiromi^l. _______itiTATROFHARAK J. nODOii:,l>K('KAJlI;H>.

__jPuroubnt to the order of Joseiib U Uiinu, suf-rof^M of the Courtly uf Rhpv, lnle<faju»adH, on tbeBppHcRilon uf (he underalRnr<1 exw*wtur of Htd decMieil, notloo is herohj ^ven to the credi­tors of eiUd decpJkHd to exhibit to tbo mibenrlbtr under ooth or nfflrmatloj) tholr clnlioi nnd di mAruU«|*lnKitheMitote ot Mlddec«M»w] within QlueiiooBlbsfrum this dote, or they will bo for* e w boned from proiocuULm or rocovorlog u o luue emsdoit tho lOMcrlber,

January 16,1897,rs ALEXANDER M^NEtfa.

i/ rica OF H Krn,ii;M KN T.-ii(«i(}i6 ih berehy gives ifaet tbe urcousui o( ihoeiib*

najiibet. fubralin ofiuhn W1iArE0ti,Alut>Rtk'a will be ladfted And statrd hr the HumiRate anil re­ported for eultlcmeiit to (tic (irpliHiiN* I'niirt of ilio L'oiiniy of i*>Hex, on Uouday, Uic fuurUfuuUi doy of Mercb. BOJci ^


7MiHited jAsumry i l IW.


NOTICBOr INTEWTTON-TOBLM'NOTICE U hereby give.itbaut la the Intention ul the

Common Onundl of the cUy of NeWArtc, imder fc-And by virtue of provbooiM of the Act HnUtletl p'Aii AettoRevMi! And Amend Ih^GbartVir ofUie

City of Nawatkv'’ Approved UATuh llUi, IIV. Mid Ibu supplemnnlK thereto, and the laws ortheHtAte relAtloA toaucb InipruvameniAjo order uid oaum

BM UD BTIllllfr,from Morris aud Eaaex lUilroad to BeilevUle AveoDe; ajtd

B2LLKVIL1E AVENUE., from Broad atreet to Rloosifleld avenue, to b« repaved wlihoblooKirnBlto blocAt, on butii Mldin ofthe borse-car trs^s, wtUktbeeioeptioii of OPO : foot In width on eacli slda of said tnc«*

Rucb peveoM aa mafr otdoct tharota are nv | quaated U) preaeiii lh«lr objactloiui to writing at theRtraeeCtffimiMfoiier'sofocflaOit or hefora the eaplnMUm often dayafeoH Uwaale of tUa Mlloa.

' MjdirecUop of tbo Common OdodciLstreet UonumXvfoncr.

Ndwwkr N. Uarcb U, Ut

C U t tuHHI'VANfK TtJ Hn I'lfl TKK

ii»f*.''*toi*.. [*»bLk »|!i yi iu lilt'. i(j .4 N- ahtfR, afte reia44<.HiHnMfiir wiiaU

V ^jf \ propotf' rt-ia

4teprll> MutbnrDaABy law lie l|ltf«faUUMl by IBA iVuiilUa

ettk of hi*'*«rk.a« fi4I»w-«1- MW iii'r*4>y wiAitt' iW liuiy ol itv

JP.jrjn—' a h. cpl luia

K am>dl uf Uei

Htnm fuittiHwaii.ie»r wImmi OiKturanJ I'XiAvatUM'

a*( ghkiilMlf-IUMi. ul' f >>r iligJ aiLi

IliepaTrtiirrif -'lihe i-arrliig:* •»Aiti .

Rny>e(r>v<,i|ai'« ind alter In lh'*rity -qaS*'nur tmhlir pi

ark, rr«Ma*walV th«e1 d. eirapt Id whi i luL'h ntieMina. e iH i Hina iir llMtrhanni “hail iw- Clrii i)y aulnur*g*<Bi B) laHi.lit ie.|itir«or |Hir ■un I'l fwiriKin* by wiuiM flit beiiavlt aii.irti'uvaii-'U Ilf upvnlai iaUitie aaadu, for auy pur mmb at.MU-tvr. a »t lUula I ’huof luooey aa ahad bv Jev'u,*^ ■ufflk'ii- i

Uw ei(ir)v*« fip the part tiii *trt ot tiiriiiahlpg bof chi

■had» r^ and par all t

Htrei-I pei.material iVvIngauHi wnrk and taklrv "mrW tawaiw aa *hal) tar m,iulre>l ta pmuerly rMHii •rxl ambiai t- ifotuse tbe lOrei'f aiul iMwtoataa K u t, rarband fiugHif iMvaHary (otH'rvrwwiI lliniiiaw4Hi'rva ofiiiMklni;[bn Or dlal<uUaiHT-. whk^

■iwh *'aiul iMwtoataa tiavi'

'y to tH' rvf Uceil«<-«kH]un, opL'tl

Aiii iiamp of aU llahuTfy iuidTlmm* i«Hu<t

Cmon .«■ perwine maklfif tuHi dF-pawei andjay- rtrtPirthe wiwk hefi'la ytrivhleil for aim ra

d uf the htreat I keparinieiiu It i* umlersttx Um daifoiaKaavMe any eimvatUia after IhL'v

■ la f^ Tiy iiM MIreat 1Bi|Mrl . jdaoedmaM-«Arv ttarHllif to

f (h« oto hvW <K ■•aw'illMMl uf th*»

(luIrM) uf the **trra( iieparinieuu It in understuod laal Um dadkiaae avMfiHva baaa onta rtoUi ...................BO'Bl,UipM'1ftfd In 1blaOlVllBaM-«ArV tMTHllif to be i. wrf la repair hy (h« iwm ijr •--'himmI uf I

e'PUiUaa IB frout uf alltali (ba eiiigval.UiU%*'■KertlnnS liVbeMrer any iMkvaoeut. HtOi'waJk.

curb I'f gutter in any •trv^,aTrni)>'.; )>i.u ear allay ehull he taken up for tite ]atir]Ke-eor mek lay AB cxcAvallou or openlim wOdli ver ear-; i tu raani aiMK'lly ■•tib >rlaod hy law, Ualukil Un­duly of ibeHtrLWi UmimiHlonar turevaiatf.- • >. i pa\i-aieni,eideaala.i‘uibur kuU*''' biUa pnne-t i-OAiliUiilt M afli-r M La pfNa. la -ibh'. reitii4riii«i; tbi'iiToiin nr iMTourui br a h-Mii or f-*c whn tile'M - kl t i l l ' l . i renii>veil to depaHt rbe luaierlai mniittwlajillie Miiwiairinii'.re wMhnut hhakina or tnjurlMM tbi*Hme, and In a waimer hli'h aif) pura«ti)ii ine leaet Inconvenia-nru to Ih" puhlic, bi Hd In any en«vathm uuule, and to teax'e ihe miiia- |>ro|wrly pai'kad, raaMtied and pre|iari<i1 hw tie.'n-|iavlng vr ni'la>iBf reuulm.,1. Anal Ui*-h ><I hijri-qii diubilaeiiiner Iierrav autlewtaad (o lalilUh niirh ruli-a and remdan 'o*, ouilcr lln* ill reiliiitii of the Hirefo CoimidliaH', a* will iMdm'meal nerfwwry for ihe ituriHweeif i'HrrylEm mil th>'prie vIstoiMurihIa urdliMte'e

HiH lliin i. I'hal II any tyr-ttwi nr perwmi ataali AkAh p any eimvailoii la any Mr«i-( or nulillc plH'v In thlintT (ir ■liall lak' up or 'iiat'irhau.v save lueiil.i urlietoui' or ttaaiMliitc laid ilier<>a‘n or tst-re in, auliuul nr%t nlita)i>)nf a piTitdl Un'rofor. n* herein |irii\i«li d.and t’->iii|t|yh-u aiiJi tiji'provliLiiiF nf iIilH linlinaiicf, Hiii-iij..‘'rxiitt or fe'>r-Hofie for rvrry eii<'b otTeu:'- slivkll mri> Il nrid ]ny the ruin Ilf dfly dollar*, a lilrh Nhall Ih* fiw aoilM>niM |rd III Ihe nan-i nf the city reJnl for LUUH. and wlirn rerrtvF«d •lisll ik* iiulil into Ih*' treasury of irii: cliy and )>Ui 'it to the crwlli of (be anHiUBU ofrirnpiitaMd hlNhwayn.

Htctiuiil. Ail tUiiuexi m'pivt'd by tha Hirivt ('uiuiuiwiioiia r, for thv iiiirpo--.:.*•nUtUiiiiJ lu UiU ordfiiaho'. Fhuli 1h' dc| i-vltL'et li> the Htni'iruui- mlMbitU'r W'ilh the l^mi>lro1ler and ptaced to ihe rri-alli of Ihe HtriHi‘1 I e larlMlPllt.

herttiiii A .tit nnhuaiH'i'a ami |wrt« aif onH- naheea whlrli .ire nui hi roirpltuiKW whli rlie above are hendry retiaalwil,

flection 4 1‘)j|iiirdinaii<'c nbail (ait'a effoul fm* Biedlah'lv.

Famad Msfebj, tiffPIKUMON a . DODD,

Pri'kldeul ut (vuRDMiii (Viimdl.B. H. rEHItFHTMX,

Cllr OlkrkvApproved ktarebr.IW7-

JtMKCU X. KAYfftsiH.Ms _ hUyiif.

\N OHDINANCK tXl I’RnVIDE ftlR TUK ■ viieUuctlifUurn etrw«r la

nniK N Tiii w-mEPri',frnia HiTiuou Street lo New Ju rse j Raltmad avenue.

fo* U nrdaliMHi bytke IVwaiBuit (>Miid41 of the ciie of Newark, an foilowa i

Hectioii I. A pipe sewer Hhall be nvuatriirtrd in TlrhemirWfeet, rWnB Ifermim afreet (a> New Jer* aey RallrttBd avenue. loc<rtb«r with all bMiPia and oianhulM rifVi«Hry lu com p ita the Hitie. and (ifpiichRltat>a and (luoanahriis aa Um i'-oiuniluee on Hewera aiMl Dsairuifa ahall dfroni

HcvtkMil Thacyv tM BH l la hBrabj dlracted (Arr “ '■ ' - --------- ‘tu a|iply h —. ..

F jw t, fn behalfoflhe Ifarvww’R, in IFell of uia I

ralt ( oari •>! the Oanmy ui . helfa.iirraiidOBniiiKUiCMii-

dty of Nawaik.fuk the aopoint-menl of r<tauatMmieS% and Um aaiil eonualie alunert wliM appo)ut4Mf, ahaU asi^a thi* ooala,daoiai 1 eapetwui Lucurrei] In H n luiprove*tnest (When (he HBie ffiaJI liAVA been duly aaner- (Alsad and dsclared by Um (.luDtniun ikitMorU', up^ ail tbe ownffs of landa and real (MtaMlii Uhl city, |•eral|larlj henefftod thareliy. In pro- purtlon AH m w y aa may ba Ur tbe advanlaae, ew'b aliall Ire dawad tn arqnlra : and in case tne Hid euate, dapudea and eapeuaaa abnll exiiHil (he aniouD( uf aald beaoAta, uach aaroM aliall be ameHed upon and paU hy Uie o R j of Newark.

Herliun 1 datd Improvanieut ahall tie mado and ruaiairri’d under Um aaiierTlaion and direi'- (tuii of (se laty Hurveyoc and etfecl t'ummla- aloncr, arciTdind td the peuvlalujaii uf tba lily llrarter and OirdillAilceak

IW cd Marah4.UffviMKiwoN fi. m m ii,

Pluddaut uf t'ommon ( 'oiiiirlla H, UarmBb.lt'VMV,

City Clurk.Approved Marcb7. K"7.

jf iA B rji l i u a y n f :& iia May'Ayor.

VNORIUNANCE ttl 1‘ROVIDK FDHTUK ouDaUuuUun uf a eewer In

VEdBY aritB Frr.from M( WhorM tra< t ta idwlihj iireai

He It urdaUiHt by tlieCouunuiaroiuirit of U>" city of Newark, m Ajllnwa :

iwtlun t, A litppHPwcr Hhall he rnnrtrur(H| In Vcaiiiy aUaeC friiiu UaWfowtar htresa iW hc alraot, UigaCher with ail bastua and toaunohi

wtiun appnititeil, aImJJ \ I Uie c'liatii, dumadPH

pe<ailUifIy l>eiiafltp<! thereby. In pro|v>riluti iis nearly as may he i<n (be advanin^p, eaub KbuU iiddceoiud to acquire; and In uaec tlie uld nieia, dam a^and ejitH-tiPcn «huli exretfti Lbi'amiMJOt of Mild liHiciLiH, turli vkCfvw ahHl) bi* iuwchs4!i|upon and paid by Ibe city of Newark.

HwitIod 3. HuU ImtiruvemHut ahall be iiiaih'an't ro tsn le led imder th e n 1p9rvlK.ltm an ii illrei*ri'>ii uf Ihe rity HoTvrjor aod str**et ('omrnluaioiM'r, nc- fo rd lo a Ul the pruviHlona u f t l ic ( l i y Chart(*r urid Ordlsairioea.

Daaica Uarch i 1W.pik iim a n g . norm,

Prosid'-Di uKVfniTnotM'iKincIl.a H . A’KMDERTON,

iUty Clerk.Approved Marrh 7. iW.

Jo u ia ’i l £ . nA YN FXWo Mayor.

A NCHIMNANCE TO PHCVniK kVHTri!-: J a-cniuitractloa of a aewer In ftIVKR HTRKErr AND CHKAKY HTREkT fNiiD North i Anal atreu to I*ark ateaat.

BeltordakiiNt by (he OORiuiioo (.kamoU oltb* rtiv uf Newark aa fidlowi;

Konton l, A pipe aewer ahall bemnatmctodln Yttver stm t and Cherry streel. from, KorUi (hnal Yitmt lo Park slfoel. torn w r with all haalns ai^ luauholM necewmry V) onmiileM! the unie, and of snrh ibape bnd dluienslotis as the C'ommItM OD feMnvtra aud IhaliUMta shAll direct

Bectlou 1 1 he City Counael la bureby dlracMl u» apply to the rtreuK Court of the couaty nf nwer. Is nebalfbf Ihe Hayar Aud (Mmaum Coun^l ofthestid rity of Newark, for the aiipolbnncnt of oommiHlonersj and Um aaid romtnuiitoners when appointed, ebafl aewia tb« roala, dMUMcea iwd ra<

Incarred In 1^ Improveineul twbeii ihs abali havn hnn duly aaoertalruMlaud do-___ , ______ _ - --iiy aaoertali

Glared by (ho Comuon Coiindl). upon............owners ot lands and t h I t<^te In Hid cRy, pe-

aU IbecallBrly bessHAled Ibereby.lRproportlnnasnnarly aaiM>‘ be to the advanMipa, eaoh shall be dueniek to aooulfki Abd u> CMS Iho mW o<mU , damageaABd eaptnees ahaill exceed the anumnt nf m M beoefUa, such exosesahaJli be ■assmail epoo aod

tha city of Newark,. . .. ID A Held Impruvemealahall be (nadn end

comuletad under the aupurvUon and directiun uf the CUy Hurveyor and Hueel (XminiUiiloaer, ao cunjise; ku Uie provlMns 0/ Um dty oharler aod unUiiancee.

I'amed March a ihfr.PIBRMON (I. DODD,

prfaldem.ur(>immon l^nncli.M. H. PKMDhJftToN,

(Htytierle.Approved Mifrh 7, IMT.Me E. ilA VNKiAMaynr.

NORDINANl'E TO PROVIDE FCU TIIE Lgredlrtaariil mirbliitfrif

DAKTY' MTURKT,from Tlambnm iilaec to MaKar.ma itreetw

Re It ordained by ibet'uniiiiuu rooudl oi lha jl(y of New ark, aa follows:

HeclUin I. Thkt Darry street, from Tfamburr place to Mogaxliic street, shall be grudiKl utu!curbed.

Kectlou 2. Tha City Counm*! Is herf*by dlre«'te(l toapplytoM ienromlcoofiof the oouniyofFia- H I, fn behHlfuf tbn Mayor andl-'-umiDun Coiiiicll oftneHidrlty of Newark, for the luptioioliDcnt of fonimlMloners, and LheHbl (YiminlHloiLeni when appohiled Shull aaseM (be isiets, damagiwand r i peruies incurred In Hid Uupruvement (wben the Minuslmll have been duly ascerUilnort and ! cJarM by the ( 'uimnon < 'uuiKil 1. njton a) I IJveown- ent of lands and real rebate In sal<l I'lty, uecul larly beneflted thereby, In |irr<|K>rrionuH tn'arly hm may be U) the advaiiiuge each shall bf* deeiiied lu ac­quire ; aud In case the said costs, damajra and ei - penoes shall exiH'ed thesmoum of said beneflls, such costs iliali be awanaed U]>on end paid by (he dty uf Newark.

iteulfuu L Kahl Improvement slialt be made anti completed under (he siipervlslon and diractiun of (be city Hurveyor and .street ConimlHHlohcr, w*- cordibg In tha prorlHlOhs of the City ClMfU-'r auJ OrdlrUMIce

pBsaeu March L1W.iTJUWnN (f DODD,

PrNtldent ul fXiniinuN tVeiDcU.H.1I. I'EMDERDiN,

Cily Glvrk.Approved March 7, lF*t7.

JiMJCI'R E. HAYNF^,94fl Mayur.


Newark. N .J.. March 10, IW.Reolc I proposals will Ik* roreived at llib ulllco

untilFltTllAY, MARCH » , al 4 H. M.,

fnr piloUng Ihe Mayox's Mhm bo , tocather Wllh lb« r«Hirt« ofllieeMy ufUrjemol tlMcity of .New- ark, If. J., lor the year Istrt. Four hundreil mpies tu Ik* iirlQied In tbe EriKllah 1amruu({c. upon iMEs r weighinfllfly pounds 10 lha •‘(min, tMi rapM of whR-h are to V bouihd Jo morricca and U>k hal- ance in pufo-r covers.

Two hundred copias to b« priated in tbocsrinsri latifbage, also upon papur wcbfhlEiir nity pudnds l(j liie reaiDraDu bisinn In paisT coven.

1'fcablda tube Uj by Marohltlth, ami thii tobcprliittd,botiiidahildativtrad by May Mrh, jHd.

Bidders will specify In Uudr esMmatas (be of printing (be entire number of jsi|v(gr covers, aad addlUouHl uoit ol bIfldliiK Ruplw 11 ti pbtg-llsh) m Buirocon.

Parilrti lars aiven at (hla oflSro.Tbe CommEltee on Hrintlhg of the (jummun

Oiumll reoervH (be right reject any or till ljid«,aAtbeynjayde<nzib9iit> for (lib luUroida of the dty.

Ry order uftby ebhiinUfee.b. IL J?EMRERTDbr.

ffV City OlrrlL

1 i 4 » u r * w t * .

The Mutual Benefit

No t ic e ih h k r x h y m vBN t o a l l f e uMRS Itavlog Biade exchange or «»les of real

Mtate within (hscl^limJW stnoc April t, l.TiS, to repartsuoh axchaMfe r*t purchaae at the ofllra of tbefloard of Asweemeataiid Rarlalon 01 Taxes, room Nu.8i lllv Uail, bofore May J. iBWi. in order thatihe prop^y may be UMaaed to thepn^er owner.

OSm beurt from • to U A. U. aod from | to 1 P. M.i Saturdays from I A. K. to i P* M. re ju iiN J . B10UiY,i6ecr6(ary«


A n n UOtM>. P raa iaaa l.Xw la .Maik.q V alu-ij Jan. I. 'gT..Mi,Tjrt,J6l IVl.uM i1ii«(» Farvvat rw rval___ 47,»T(,'«19 j lB'ln'lit-......... ...... ..........ButplUiiN .* Vi.rkwandahtt, . fi.MI.Ua i l

FkllH aa A l.M lu ia lj Nm>-Farl«UsM« A fter lan-Mi* V w .

I ic a a e t J la irc llir l-olh-r la ranllnoaft In ft» « aa loiu oa lu valae will |>av f l r ; ur, If pr(f. m -J. a I'.i.t 1,,. I'uUt/ (ua lU ftiJl valu* * utocil in cirLaiixi',

S'*' re!-™ I T «« , pi'llrlM a n In™ *- ***!* '. , ' a* axaln-q luirntional ( n i i ' l ; kitd all reaificf*ait]» u to ffvklencih travel o f oocupaUoti uw rtHoved.

Cat h Louts are Made lo the eiteat of 10 i« reaai of the loaerve volhet where vtlid aHleu- B i’^ti of tbe PuUhtkM eau be biado u collatvrAl lerumy,

[/wept pgfd iBmMlaWly upon completloa ttHi apipron I of pMohL

IF von WANT ROOMSisven wmut ooluiu .

aiA DtO i

n u H r o a i k f t *

1>l-NNwv, I.VAN I A flMI.UOAD, THUHreai | mrik (,i.;* Mud I'luiMt Mall

lb u(a. (JCi mimI i*f|a-f JatiiP4iy I'=v7, tra-nwl(»wr ***'* '**“ *' Mlrvtt >«'.iork, iw ful-

t.ai A. M. FuM f.lne, daily for llurrUfonrg. l*lKs eureaM Uh; w«'«. skuh DuUiiMn I'iaJoj-h iHr* FAM.Bh Lf CIt -. rU'.'l. 4 t jiMMiHian aiHl ml

iiHjf*. . tn I* M. \\ I ti*-rn LfliTi . .Uiiy fox m*t rkil«or|{ htlehorg atel (In* W.-u.wi|lv Duiimao Pniioe (Mrs (bniiieli wlthim( chstige te Cii(«i> ip« i lsirloiia, ( tfh fi*".n.-u'l«uaU. said VULl.imia

Afll*. M PneDIr Etpreea daily, with llilltnan iM ^’c ( Bf-H ihft'.iab wtthaHJt chance lo l*1tu'H<r»: and cuU'Ogv. and aoUy eiiviyi ^ u n te y for (.‘lev i*- laiiil.

For Italilninre. Woshinctonamt (heWmtth, It 47, A#.S='.ai7 A. M. iliiaKMl K ii ir ^ te.?» A.M.*. LJb*; J^4.M anli6.al^ M. De Hunday. 1147. Att* J 4 ■ • » »*■ UelUiiwri* mily,S.T1 I'. M. daily,

Kur Idrilarteintala, K.iprcM, lliT, A#, 7.U, lid, U7.A3H. fciiirv ii •* a . M.. i.ai,t X a 47,4,y.. >.i:,6.‘,^,aii.li(.w J* vi. Sunday train*. 12 47, h 49. 9 so. 10 S| A. M ; 4.34. AM. AlS.audk;vi J‘ ,M. U.4I A. kl.,A07aBdMs F. M. HuadayOaFor ■rcllt/ n. 114T. 6l», 7r;, T.fcft, SKI. s.VT, •»»,

JO » kipreMi. |(.2j,ajid (| H i . M.;i s . n . T (7. 'i.ir -Biui'loy, 1147. rt.4v, S.'S!, and^i 1.8-*..x«.ar«i ‘.i:a C H

7 tr. aiHl V.t.\ Pand IjUL A,

F1)r Atlanilc ('Mv, l.n F. M. dally, except ’' uq- daj'.elth (hroiicb iMrlor I'oraiub-- 1

F<u Cape Mar. U.ti M. ilally.cxivptiiuaday. . >nHa>=.on1v.iail' M. i-'nr Lmcliranch, Ubevun,iit'Hn(lmve.W|trtnf

Loke.Haa (Urfo Moiiaaqnaii, mini 1‘iesMsnL anti bulptaon (he New Vtirb ainl Iahh UrHUi-H KaiL rn»«l. 9..Q A. IL, kiid llbi.fUW.and ST V. M. dally, eucept Hunday. Du Mmulav. lots A. M. arMlfolr KM . iJkiwid^vetANtMirif Iwik on d u u ^ }

, F oftN K W Y 'lm h.laHVe Market WireetHUllou. Ald.flC.AOa,

I.**, 7 00, LIT. I,* t 7.4*. 42t,|,1U, kMX, s 'A 0^ » .ia iA 4 |e.uu, lUB. lUM, MM, II.UU, ll.il A. U.| llM . jL si.L ltg rM .liO . Iff. 140, L*7. I.«L Ain.tai. Aff,*,Ufol»,Uii, Aid. 17L 1 (6, AM, i S

r. M. ffoBday tralnii,LlAA47.l.ak,H«Jal«.ft,ieKkI. Illaq A *a . iia... ..... _________ * i. . T*111.4sJt.iO A. 'M .; llgo uoun: lAQa' ton tttJ. AM. 7.«. 7,10.7.», t t l i ‘ idD -foKM

l.eavMeatre fttrmHtoUnsi, fo

Iw !i.MjliLUOa hUD

, tttr T.<d.____ - - ___ n. t a r iiA (T.lA7.4(li«.'M. tSAs.*i*X,l<i.ak igJu jun A, M. ll'W. l i i t . U l, 113, lia , ita , 4 B ,4.B.T.14,7.48. and W.u P. M. WDeIrd(tfA

l^ v eA. LtlkjAwi.n ............................... ....... ........ ........c. id. Hiitodof, (u«, U L iae, m it 101.M, ii.a* a . u.-, IiM. l.VI, 146. IM .7.58,1.41. 8*3,7.18,7.B, 0.B, ■ JM a a a n d ii.ffK M .

Leave hLnuueu Btrnrt BULIod, L *t tOL AU AM, 7.40.7.*4. I T*. (L44, MB, i.M, tO M, and TTu A. M.; ItBala^AM. AaAAHatU. 4.17. AK, AM. AIA7 M, 1Mi,A0A«.AA 1A44, oad lUO R. M, hUPday, AUA A*A*'M. I^ r . n.Ai A. M.; lAU noun; i.H IM . m <>l.*<I.M (,TlS,».n ,a.H Lanrtlt,»(l. M.

FJIOM MAIUIITI' HTKKBT HTATKlN.Fn[ KlualwUi Biid iuliwax, 11.47 nlKlil,lja, 7.01,

7.n,7.vj,»-a.a-»,B.M, Idti i l .« a-M j lE ijiI l » , XI*. I It, l.to. 4-», «T . i l l MI, lAn, a 01. aa7, i.i7,aju,A4i.aAft7Ja. aiA la i iI'. M., and 1117 iUal.1. H uitoair^liaai.iuu, om ,iMs.W.ii, ii .B aTSL; i iu , i.sCix<,atT,(j<a.(»^Am7, : V 7 15, M8, A«), laon, lo iI, aud U.IT P, M.

For New Rrnrwwioc. lAt7 nleht, i.4*. 7.bi, 7 *0, A&7,kfiAaDa 11.4* A. .M.j I.JW.Tai, AB.ttu. AiJ7,


end 10SI A. M.; amt v.a P. M.

ami J'erth Aaiboy

Huuday,1-U8. l.il.

and LB P. M., dally, emppi Aitlidny, Fur Flemltnitun, 7.*0ana 11.46 A. i

dally, Bfcepi Huivdav.n e e w ty to ramplcW lhew ne,a»d of tooii i-lHiK'anddtwwtieion Ok Uie OHumUteeotiHewenab'lDrolaac* bUoU direct*

Heciipb A Tb«' CUy O ’Uasel u berehy i i ir c ^ ilu tpjdy lu Uif> Circuit Court or the c<Muity of IN- w'l, luU-luIfof iho Mayor ami Otmuioii i' luu' ll ofU^Mtd rltyef Xewarkpfor Uic aptwilMuaent uf rvmjEniwIuuers, oait the saM '’■iiMiiil'CfluuexHeod esuMteH Rtcorred Id Hid lmprr>vna>en( rwbVQ rnciiraeHhaJl have brwtiduly aaivriahjcai and dw w ra by tbe ( 'oiitaiun CuuncUi, uiMin allthe oa twra of iiujds had rotri seUh* Ui MUl dly.

A iiM :. l» ,tii,7 .» ,a ..-iS .iiii inv, r. m :IX(7, nijchl, *.4*. i.lM,- - -Litf 7 .tt,u a,*.i«l___________

’ Woualbrldfc eml J'erth Aaiboy, AB. A* and 10,4.1 A. M.; H a , And, *J7, AOI ami 6JWI*. M , and lll7 night. On Humlayx, lu.ll A. M., A47 and luauP. M. '

Fur K*et*fiUatuue,T-(a, 11.4* A. M.; AXTand AH F. M. dally, viiepl Humlay,

For MlngsUm and Moffey UHI.rM A. M. and 6.gT I'. M., Aallv, excf'pi Humlay.

For nulliiieburi and IWlvtdere, 7 W, 11.45 A. M* and L47, A4& P. M . daily. except Muudav,

Pur r*ni(wrl\jMe. 7-V>, Il.tt A. M., and AM, A4T,

M-, and A47 P.I-Sir Princeton, 7^4, A&7. U.« A. M.M.Sft, AB,

A07, AS, and TJk iV M , dally, except Htinday.For Rordcntowii, HiirllnKum and ('amilen, 7,A),

»J0,and llulb A. M.; I.4U, AU, Afr.I.S, ami 7. ts I*. M., dally, excejit Huuday, Ou Huuday, lu.U A. W. and A SP . M. ^

For KriV'hold, Ferinlngdale, Manowjiiau aiel SeaOlrAvla Alunniuuth Juudlon, T.-Tuoud it.iS A M ; 4.» uud A S t*. M- week davs.

Fur Rnoton wirhoiit chance, S..V2 F. W. dally. Fruu liKioklyti, N. V. Ail Ihrooult trairisonn-

ncci at Ji‘Tt»y Liiy wilii ImwIh of " Pn.ioklyn .tu­ne*,^ affornfng direct transfer (uund frunr Fulton street, aviddlnk doubfo fl'rrlags and Journey onniH ‘haa'l;'. v ,,„ K NKWAHK.

Fnr Nn« ark - a, fl. a.tp, a*i, 7,7..*). 7.*i,». Id.», V.St, 10.10. M 4II, 11,1V A . M.: I lla t i'l I7.ai ju a .ii: l ,X 'A » , A 131. IbJ, A 4.fiJ, 4.1U, 4.(U, A,.Ul>,A'JU.A.ai, Alu,-kM, 6.1M,e.ai,8.Al,7, 7.W. 7.ih), V&I, i (o.i.-Uui<l 11.4* P. M. and Iil.l midnight. Humlay trains. 6,11, x, V, AU , III, lau i, II A . M.; IT n m iii: 1, 2, 1, L 4.Vi, 9. A in ASS, 7,7.46. a, V, iq, Li l\ M*. and U 1* tuld- olkhA

CHNTIIAT. HAILHOAD OF NEW .IKRHKY.Ferry staUoiii ill xNvw York, foot uf LltJcrCyAt.

Arraiikeirurjit ufTralns,Cdmntem-mM iaii. l.lskTi aNKWa r k a m i KLizAJihrrir n i u N f j j r

q'ruJiiH l«»ve BruodMrcwl {‘itution s.t , 7,ui, 7.4.1* (A?A lillselK'ihpori oiiiv), «,B* aqA tt*B, laiu, lo,»- 11.00 A.M., 12 l.il. zJo- ilO, A4*J, iiW, 4.SAA.ltt, AlO.lW. 7.0A 7.il, A»>, aW li.Ui I* ALHun.loytaAiWollMJA. M , ja.», iWl.kta, fU),7.10, U.IA. tu.iA K M. for Klioabmii aud Auoeliu,

Fui PUiuaeld-'fi.au, 7,(M, 7.4*1 VJR, AUA, iaifi, ll.nd A. M , !.i*. J.at, J.*J, AW, 4.00. lAVJo*. 4,3J, AW, 6JW,7J*1.7.J6.Kagfl.»,ll/iuP. k . ‘

For Koniervini—A30, 7.0*, «.«, IA16, U.m A. M.. .b6^t.fo,A40,A4o, 4*0(1, i t t , Au&,A30. **&(), 6-^. (k:*>

■ Fur Heminglon-T-M, t B A. M., l .» , 4.00,4A6.4.06,4.8(1 j" JL • * t '.mm,TOAA'M. for Main U n eN .J. (!. Ri .* WLlkefo

berre, Cpjwr Ijelilgh, Ki‘ranu»njetr.AS A. M , for Main Lititi N. J. 0. Div., irigh

Bridge ItraBcb, Allentuwo, Hrrankm, Wllitiuii*- porti TaRiUiJUA, Mubuncy ( 'ity,Hutiljiiry, «la

l.lftP. M.,Tuf Main Line N. J , C. IIJv., AUf-ji* tuM'ii, Maucti ('hunk, Wilkcttbarre, etc*

1.30 r . M., Kx pr««4 for Mitlo Una N. J. C. Dtv. A«il' M.,for Main Line N. J. C. Dlv., Mauch

Chuuk, Hi'raiiFML WllllaDiaport, etc.4.ouatj<J 4.4* U.a Way for Main Lma N. J . L*.

Dlv., High Rrfdge Rrmnch.6Au I'. M., fur Mom Uhc N. J. DEv., Allen­

town, Matich t'hnnk, WllhcelMrre, iftc,7.0*arMl 7.46 P- Nf. For FAiM/»n. huntlava, SWA. M.. way fur Huund nrook; IL3I)

r, M., way fur liutu'lleo; l.W P. M.. way for Hotu- ervllle; 4,10 p M-, way for KoniervUln ami Ft«ni- Ingfon; B-B P. M . nir Ifuln Line, Allentown, MauL'b ('hunk. eUb; U.|* V, M*. way fur Huub*rvllie.

Ail traittsaiup at Ferry hL aud KUoabtihiMirt, aud at Knst Ferry « . un signal.

.NEWARK ANDREW YDlllt.Fmin itrno'] and Ferry Biritoi MtalloUA.—At

4,40, 6 6U.A1VA4U, 7.1(1. 7.S. 7JI6, B.l*. ».4U V.Uu.y*2R,Aev, 10 jniA.ii.lA. ll.* j A. U*; ]12B,i.0fi, I.B&.

AIrt, AM, im . 4.M, fl -M, 6.». AM,TJb, 7.40, 4.11, U.ru. Vbl* loAO, ll.ao P. M.; t i f f ulKhfc! HumJays~8b.i,bOO. lOAU* ll.iio A. H., U*uu ii ., J ixi, lO'I, a OI. 4.<J0* in>* 6 UU, 7.IJ>* S.OO, k.uo, 10.UU, 11 .no P.M.

I,7eave New Vurk, fmni font of lAberly Mirect, - At BaUn. .1.40,116,1.4*, 7.1.1. 7.S), kiA. H.1*, s.H B.(», V.iS,«.4&. lu 14, MI.Vi. 1I.I& A .’M., li M., 12,M, i.fo 2.D0, 2.40, 4.1JU,.!»), 4.U>i,4.‘IO. A-liX-VkS.I*, 4.111, fl,i*.6.A», 7.')n,7.ao, S-i.i.«.i»i. bV4, M.1U, ir.i*. i2.<sii* M. Hundays, *.(», V.60, Ib. D. U.(l> A. M., IKiu M,,1 00. 2.00, 3Jjb, 4.UU* 40JU* AJl, y.Ub, V.Ou. 10 OU, IL.nu, 13 1 MF K in il AMBOY. IiONO JIUANCH, OCI-H.N

(JHOVE. i-riv,ForTremlcyandCar(jirer.«.3fl.1I.W A. M.; Hoy

M*. 4,00, A * P. H. Humlay. x,fo ,4, m , KurHewareii. h(* .2*, ir.un A. ,M., I2.no M., ].(

4.00, Lku, I'. M* Huiiflays, H.BU P. M.FurPertb AmtKiy.s^ Ijlu a . M*; 13 M.: i .o(l

4.0(1. tW. AW. AW I'. M. Himdayx, S..fo A. M.For Frrabuld, A'JA A*M*i 13M.; I.U6,U*,LW P.M. For Ixuig Rranch, Dct-iin Orove* etc..s.7A, ll.uu

A. M.. l.u'i, i.uu, 4JS, AA/F* M. BiUMlayi {exceutto OcfUDHruvsi.H.t i A, M.

For Oakwmxt, Tunis Uivor aud Baroenati A'2*,A M.: 1.06, 4.» P. M.

For AUabUcClty* ViDoUod and Brldf«lon, LO* P, M*NEWARK. THEN TO.-fANDPmLADELPIlIA

7.44,kOf», ILtiu A. M.* 1.30,4.UJ.4.34, .I.W.T.to P. M. 13.1'io nlihf. Kundnye. S,90 A. Bf.,4.d* l M-

7.-W, P.M A. M., S.«. 4.0i> P. M., for Hunbury, Lewlsburg and WllllaMtsporl.

IirawlkK Kouni i'arsouall day trains and HInep< )r«(^raouuigUUraliuibclwevu New York and liiUftflelphla*

J , Jl.OIaUACflKN, (Jen. Hiiu‘1.H. F. BALDWIN,(Jen* Poxs. Ag't,

DK1*AWAUK* LACKAWANNA A WWT» flKN liAltaKdAD I Uurrlsvk Kxim’X iRvlsIunl New Yurk*footufUurciayau(U;hrisiujriiernifcvts,

loava Newark ut7AJ A. .M. for Ikvjtituii.Hiicca' Kunna and ('tKwU*r. Aji<l<flV*;r, Newtoo. Braftch- vule. Franklin, Manuuks CTiunlc. Dvfawure, Portland, KtroudHbnrg, Hi*ranton, BiMKhaintoa, Utica,Dwchu. Wavcricy, Kfinlxa, Jtnfllairt. tli've- laiid 1'okdu, JRetroll, Lliiuuilb, HU Lunls aud*^o!4J aT m .-D over, Port Oram, UfCilMviUc,Hucotmuutut Chorte-f*

12;i4 P. M, Eimtuti Es|'r<^ mf Summit, Clmfo ham Modiwn, .MorriAlowjt and all Htallnris wiwt la Kartun, cuuuectlni al Waterloo with HtUkiexJtalixuail.4-)J6 p. M.' T-asbin LxprefM, nmnertlui with Iraliis fur buccusuiina ami ('heater with Hu.wgilallioad ; at M'aHblugton with iroja for Oifurd .MatiunkaL'liiink, l^‘iawar«.FnrllAnd, Water (*ap, Htroudotjurg, Hcrnulou aud fub*rjmiJuitu stoUuuit. Itt^r car for HtlrUng. Mllllugiitn:, Bu.ik1ng Ridge, JUTUardavlIlc and ail xiatlunsmi P. ,ft TI* Bnlncli.

6ml F. M.-Dover expre<js* Rcur cam for lUak'-Hackeitsluwn ei preiw. Rear cars for

RoxklUK iUJgi*. Ik'NiardavIlU- ajiil uU xialluiui on the PHMMlQHiid imluw are KullromL

Pahscugcrs for Hcranbui, nriBhamlon, Utica, Ittchticin firings, Klmlra, Jlurrkln ami poinfo West and North can taks (he s.Vi F.'M. iralti to liohoken wilbuut extra cltar ie and thcru foko 7,14 F .il.tro Ju lor Uie Wc-U ^

NEWARK TO NEW YORK-Aid, 4.23. 7fl«,7.», 7.»f, 7.47, 8.66, V.w, a tl. 8.«, S.«. 9.23, V.V. d.4tt»U).0k, n.3L IKW A. M., llBI, JiM. l.« , 1.4^26, 3.0a, i.}», 14L lOB, LM, 106, 4.4i>, *.4k,A«^7.lD’ tO^AV7, V.lb, io.ta»».afi,iJ*s r . M* Bat*

rdaysuuly, t.47.KKW Y ollK TO N|:WARK-4.30,7*06.710.T.»l

JO-fo. lAU. 11.1A a«U A.M.,11tL?iLio, 11.A. i,tt.a.io* a.»i.Lio, iJ}» A4(L cm.A». 4AO, 4.60* i s , n.S, *.40, iOO, & 10* 6.S, AID, 7.00. too. a s , s.w. IU.00, iLAU r . M. ziaturdaya

M O N T C L A IB -^7.10. 7A1143. lO-Ott ll'0*t AH m aS 7 .4 M .(a » m iiM LWl-. IL

A m u f t t i u f l u i * .

[IN C ft'l THbMBC.

11 MrNM "vi. ftrof-flcl>Htn4 H in iffr .I ju ji l l l - f l u i l ’. ... .....(U*U.g u * i l l ( r r .

Special Matinee St. Pdtrick'a Diy.Kv«I7 Nifiht ind 1 liDH-day oiul SaLiMay MaU

iiiMO, Ihe Pcerfoea ('oiDeciieDua,

MARIE AIMEE.and her Rnclish Cuuicdy UgupAajr* inU prt- XiTl It every performance, except Pa(urUay i-uht, Jt'wup and (iiM> Farcuui UMMdy»

MAM’SELLE/*■A TI HUAV MIUHT, “- - ‘■ ll- 'f itto rtr .

''DIVORCON8 .”NewMBjTaifl Kn*IWi* French an1 Kp»nWi,

Includuif‘M'rMp Ihio Rail,'' "Chteken Fbo,** " I’relty a* a i’U'iure,” At>.

i'ncaa u oMJAl. VaauN iarvM w iibw tailrft rhorife. Teln>boM Call 3U.

hciitt c«Ti Co icctiiwd In advanci w lihou • lira ebaryv at fts lth 'i 6 n t B o n . Orau(% brMifb nckW nAra*

I I , H. JACOBA bUKANl^Or^CIUHOUtC.H. R. .................ManaiBi.

Tt.c |-u.-|c - prj.vf ficqlx iitmlaikB,('h !■( r< tried "calx, 3 i retua. ( im v ath , iMiuLui.' i! K Vimcty. M sfu 14, evam on al 8 O' lib Uaiii.i-ca .1 I', U, kbarji. Msllnaea l‘H la th* ind riiildrcn, TurMay. Wedneoday,

s»id >aiurd*y. ilru'td rx iram ilin e^ HI I'n'puift i»ay i b r (Jrand Kpactacuar Kiv juaniu ^f«^Hltama.

"PASSION'S S LA V E”Fpf euiMwIth a cowTMinv dlraci from Nav (urk I 'li j, uitu re I aud hAiutwmia ■oeuery, ijch .‘ualgmcft and muiic. Hoi oAMOta u fu r 'i ’e of rrrffved .H'»i» fnmi y A. M. i% K' P k . Dlcphime call :c>0. AU perfunm- ni'tTi ov,T (nr iiut.xhifr ir.in*

K r i t t t . f k Ta K IN F R i i M UYr.i'O.

F r e d w a lo m a n n ■ o p e r a h ouae . ^VnEo W .Lunuii., HuMpe,

W *«h O n m n u aclac M O N U A I, M «rab i(L ItiUlnrn Tiireflaf, T h iin lir iBi. l'■lrIct'• Unf>

nnd Buiufljir.


Tcffaiber with lha fulkrwlnirartliu ; iThaNaaT* Kills and Clara Uoora, ^hartdey ami Waak Aimilii vjiteriq Ihs L )dd FamUy, IlaiaUn ana lUmIm. Hnintaiid MuDfoe, Miss Annfo ETarL lletltiv iTid AUod, Frank Vara, Uia Nawtovb T m . AUerpicea by Fraok Vara, aatUIeft ‘HOTROI.I.M,''


Ce 17. ST. PATRIOTS DAT.AltorawHi t i t o . K T M l« t* e - M,

Will ha i^nwDt*,! FilKmor'* Irlih Oi u Wi IbEout Auto.

“ EILEEN O G E ; ”Or, ** Dark'* tha iltkAr Uafoca like Dawa> *

lOr. AnilIMKiUN* M



Wcdjieeiltjr, March 28—" A Trip to Farit*’* I'ilaoa. Fountain, Tomb, fUatnary, wKh EKer oplicon and Lime Lieht. hy II. Aademon, Sail.

Tbuiadav, Uaifb *1—*' A TriptoUadlinriihH** by Rpt . Uaorgai. ILiifflni, New Yotkinty* urandty Heacripilre, Pruvoklaj|l| MirlhCol*

TK'KKTS FOR BOTH, - M CBNTfl. RIN4ll*£, . . . tSCKHTH. Far lalc at Heoara Duguklaa A Kon g, anS

Uoluskl Dfilano'i, Broad Strtet, aud a* Ihn door. I f

y i i k i i a * A n d # r 9 « i t « *


(w7.6.i» BROAD ST.Im aienn itock o( ru n n t nnd Firlnr O rfia i M t i l m ihen, Inclurilii, e r e r j prominent nuaa In Aroi’r ln . fur Cub or on pnjoenta of I t laUd monibl;.

A l» to Id , tud rent tpplled to pnrehiM,

lu ia ln e the oetcbraled ERN tST OA R U It A BUO. BUeul Hetol Aoilon r r u ia

UPRIGHT PIANOS,■oknoerlcdRed the Sm I Hprlght Plano maun* faotured. The non ronpoelUon metal frama (to be lound uiilr lo thoH iilann, ateea them a quality and tmixilbnm nf tone that li luuui- pantd, and fur slaiidlug In luue and lauoiaA duiabUlty they are unequalled.

A I-arfe Aawrtment of


H a * ! X f a t f t t * « n S S M a t u a n c * *


Real Estate.i n b v h a n c b .

Foreijni SI$,'ht Draltg DlrecttXnropcao and Orientel BteanuUp AgeaW

800 BROAD ST. Boom II.M t O i c l u m I *

CURERick iTrad&che and r« llm aU tha troabla# iaci> drnt to a bilioot aute bt tbe ariUm, aach aa t>1*> RiottW. Nauaua, Drowiinnaa, DlvtrcH after catiiv. Fain I u thu Side. ftc. While their moit rufflaj:& alilu aucceM baa baea iLowa la M flnf

SICKIlcaAirhc.yctCarter'iLlUlaLlTBPUliareeqiianjr valnaMf) in UonatlpatloQ caring and prevratlnc ih la BiiDoyIng compUlnt, wkiielbey uao eorren ail diauTdrra of lha atouocb, •Umulata the U«cr aud riiiiiUate Um bowala, X ren il (bey only o re S

HEADAf he thoy would bealmoel prlealiM to thou wb* eiilfrr from tide dlslreieln* complaint; but lortn- liaialy their ffoodneai doea not tad btte, and tb<W who ruico try tbora irill find tbeau HUle piUa vda- able io ID many waya lhal they wiU not be wiLUBf I0 do wtUioal ibtm. £n t aftei all Uck bead

ACHEI , the burn ot lo many Ut . that how Ie w t o * « make out ireat boaat. Iftu plilfl ***• 1* whlhl

” cHrtert“ytUe U t« HUi Tery cwjr to take. ®neor two nlBl They are ■If'c'IJ,purge, but by Ibclr i^U fi actkB pi?***. DM lton. to 'U leatW eenU t • " t o ^ by dragglala eveiy wAai ot ioa* by BaiL j

f lA T O T lI l l t T H E D I C I W B C O . , j N M w Y M k C t t o i


f l lW » K r O « S I I T f » K

rtum fH ff w *rfc a***mi ih# N»*difd.

J o i t ftlWr th e m m alcs o f tbe L V atiU m b id li«r, nw1 U»i i Hk'try inniniwrui ihsl iw 4 f ’*lMr. I»CFrwu4 |»y ih# ft>r In

D*w in in r jiitl-Hi * h tn III#'wUh liln. KJitlti+r iv-hkffffrKih'.l

Ih tt M r P rrrt'm nothlMjttlC fM wb*l WM of l»i* i ■itllrarl

*'1 kftve m IM t ii* nf^|jn«. m M MrH tciry. •* h** f-w “P * ihtJrt of *'•>»mvd viife IffUJt*. ' lor (wa or Uir«»rvo«<'<ir Om i / U mt M (0 ffH •() M loiMiirB|i|«^teUnn for tl>«) r t ir . u I ini>l<*niMn<1 Ite i tlM dMUnnin of tb t Kliiaoof r^jmtiuUM WUMWIO bt MU«Aod«itli IJO.iMSO. Wi- t n sow •petidlAf mcmtij t t Ibo rti^ of ll.fOO « ■maili tad tb« iB«ii are wocMiig oe ibroc- quarter Um% ontj^."

He ibcB read a Maicneal whIrK Pb'vwed tb« lorgUi of brtrk *ew m M dale la V7V,A4 fM ; Ik a lo f p (^ rwweia, M.117 feel, butH Ual jrw , blick, li»M fre l, pljiK;, tt'JiW f«et, rooolrtnf bariPi, l,«aA taiM taM fm u, i&r U j la i ofdl- UBCw tlifkBD »M nPirirat, wUh two atdt- ttonai t|'P’Orr1it'nn« frn« tbf ro'itl'igoni fiifid of tt:i OTO, and tlo.nua Irum newer tap*, laakluf I^T.0M Id tU. Of tbt» aUitit IV.Iktt «Mi|WOl. 1 here hat brai ezpeDapd •2,7‘JOao far thli rear.

" ) 4 t Um Khiaort roDimUlea glva ui wbat tb»«f pioav." aaio Nr Armiiage. “ Wo kara iha eontloivot Aiod to draw Mt."

*’ I tkiiik tbal III' »um rpr IP* niaqlngof tb i pUBplPf tiacioa RtHKitd he made a reparalu lUoi i i i b e t i i oriMqan<'«, ' lald Hr. I>u«en> b e n ;. A t« e bare do oiuni aloof the amount that will Iw nrreMarr. I more that ibe angl Deed otid oifTft cnmmliaioiier prepare a itsia- ■'oni m to ibo kum Ibat w 111 li« required "

*-The itailrw ahuuM be reaiy hy Apdl l.T,'* fold tbo cbaiTBian. " and I f i iv mdioe that f vtU pol rote tot AMthar riteukiou of tJiBi. 1 h«S • rwttgb etUoate iiren me ibat ll would poat f lA.ttCl to tub Ibo iraMon/’

TbOMbUop of Hr. Dgia iibett7 wot ranied. Ho than wored ib it notice ua *«ni to Watta, CaBapboll A to proeord at on re wUk ibe OCtoHon of Ibo ruacbloerx Id order ib ^ ibe •toiloci nay be cuwpJeted oxiUmt. TbU wat Olao noieed.

“ I would like to ktww,*’ aald Hr. Khlara, **|frrwlrai'btfa are iHnwed to d a ju t ta ith e j pleoie Id Ibta etif ■ Tba ib>tjih nrange aviuiuo orwor ll ikh flnlahod jet, and tho ftreel baa boen Id a bornblo ruodttlou loof aftor tbo UBowbeo ibowotk ibouEd bare beoo ooa* pkdfd."

Tho fODtlemon won oMrod Ib it tbowcwk vowM eonpleiod oa aooQ oa Iho fhtiCwM iW l^ Ibe irnMDd. Nntirooof IntonUoii woro ordered Jbr oiwon In Falrmaual aronuo, JaedM Hrort and In e z mraat, OnHum'aa •roro ordered Inlrodtioed fbr lowen Id Nortb PUtb itreet, V roej, Fodde, Tlcboiiof and Hul- b o m bad CberTT Hroott.

** I would llko lo koow wbai bai boon drwo about Ibo poad of wator oo Frodertek otroot/* paid Hr. C iaaej. Ta replj tbo cbalm ao pro­duced the ola eoDtraeiwUb the ntoiralHaU- foad. which ohllfatea tho road to koep the •ever and oulrort In tho olroet In ropalr. Tho ctiy touBOil and Hrtet ootauUklnnef wan ia- otrurtod to h otifj tho oOkoen of tbo road to «Dop)T with Ibo ooDtnob

Mm. BA BH M T l'd POOlTIOIf.

T a lM AUttenowta About Him Mad# s t tb a telooa-koopwro' Hootlov.

T b a Baloon-ltM pen were lo o«cret len- ikm jemtardar afleninoD for oror throe hrmta, t b e j talked o fn aD j ttUnti and amucii otben the Intorrlew of John J. Barrett, fHibhihed in the Bawa The eoauulttco who bad called on Mr. Banolt lo roqnoat hltn to withdraw Irnm tho Law and Urdor Leaguo reported that Hr. Bam U bod rooelred vbcm oourteouilf and ^ xalaed ih e a an aniwor tho n eit dof. The com alttoe then repotted that the loterrlow W)ih Mr. Harretf, a* publfahed latheNawa, wat falac, and Intimated Ib it Mr. Barreu would withdrew from the Law and Order Laaipw.

HeUborof ibn e iloiefnent* la true. K rerj vordofthclGterrlow with Ur. R^retl aa It appeared in the Nawa U oorrecl, and Mr. HtN reit ll willing to le tiif j lo lr« accuiacj. Hr. BnireU haa no InlentlnD of leaving the Tiow and Ordar l ^ u r . Tbli be reaSirmed tb ii Baoroing and denied tho InMniuiuod made at tho met (tug of the atloon keopera je«terdaj that b ii onij object in adhering ui the Law and Order Lciiu o wai for (bo aako of cheap no­toriety.

Tbo Bieinbote of tboeoDioUiee (hot walled ooM r. Baitott knew that bo bad a written answer rtod j for tbem they were nutltled of that Iket, and they never wont near hloi for I t Mr. hanou aotd thla moming that ho hod no dfoiro to Injuvo tbe aaJoon keopon, and that bo wae a mombor of tbo law end Order Loifue in the Intereati of tbo buik> dreOe of oiort clerks In tbU city and to obtoln for them a total orwiation of labor on Ruaday. He cipialned that tbo Ketall Orocen’ AaaedaUdn. with ite tnenbenblp of n o , would not close lu itoroe oi 7 r . u . every day, unlaai the EariyC)o<uug Amociailanouuld accooplUb the closing of oil retail aioret on Eundey, Mr. Barrett then went od to explain how IbU aireoted the grocery clerkiuid othen, atid ranclnded by oajltig that be waaon gen­eral lelifloui prioeiplai oppooed to tbo truu- •ctkm of iMitootf im Sunday.

r o m h t* p A f i i i r i t ’o i r t T .

T h e l'ragrnmni(s aw«l tb * Idn# o f M arch of tho FaraAo.

A laigo Duii)l>er of m iUtarjf atul riv tc arrs>>'*«ti>in’' t w t ' i i |DiHr<I lap ara lc iu

.‘ll M rs lrs-f '- l»ay. The arrru*r lifti.h r ; til- cirlit have U <- Ihv Hue wUI Inrtu «t J T N . Sfid (hr order Ui ttiarch wH]: L xnnii al 1' M. tw* in ibo ivtix. '>i m w]il fiiiiti 0-1 fulJuWk: Kiivt division

I'slii/k M- v>', '<iti>tial; hirhOi^ • han'tPsik ns hi i«»tiug tm Krrpir lArrrI, oHi (q i-iif ItPb (VuivnilliiD iu rarM sg^' A. O. II Slair and • oiiniy nrln-rn In '^arria^r- , Nos a ei'd 4 H+'i n-nd 1 irrgj Iq rarnt^'i V rn-cond l.iifU.u Janx-v (^Jmullug^ m an bal. Vow' I'Jtst Hi ginieDt tkoud Task plarr, right ri '■(tiix im r>uirt rtrrel , 4 0 . II , N>x «. 0, Jl. W and II Third dlvIHoo MAUhew Hrr- ry, m aisbat, Wplwr^sOntountat Hsiid ; 1*srk place, rlifhl rrotlng on East Park »treel; '»tate and dMrIri offloan of iH. Patrick's alllaD<-<i Bi. HIrKaol'i Young Moo's iiatbulic- Awss*la Uon ; R< Mlrhoel'i Bsotvoltni Aswx'iatlim ; Rt i'BiJick'a Alliance, Net. 1, 4 and I oflHMrlct Bti. 1 Fouilb lUvisioti - Kaw Park Itreot. right rtallng oo l ^ k plar*^; rliut.-as in earriagoa

The liDo »( narrh wlilbo on Oentral aronuo to Waablogtoni'trel. ihaUi-.'iuBleocker, whore ibe Right P.ev. lUi hop Wtggor will review tbo parade as It pio«s (ho Cathodrol rosidooco. Kruni Blreiher iii- ot ibo otDCiwsloD wlU maicb through I'lano ilrwoi. tbeu ihruusb Warroa. Wallace, Kan k, Narkatoad Brood Hroota. As Ibe prts-rwluD |>awoo tho tTiy Hail It will bo rvvifcWtd by Miyor llaynr-H and thof-irnnsun ikMiKii. It will then pn.ifeed to Klnnoy wreei. rountermafch up Bruait to Waloat, then through Mniberry and i^ntro Wrecu to the pla^e 4if rormsJioa, where It will be disiul<we<1 by Ibo fraud lasrshal. Tho foliowl' g arc iIm iismao uf the offi ’an of tho doy Michael Niiilck, grand marshal, alda Jaiwe Mailbews Andrt-w ('aativt; chief of srafT, Thnmas Maber; aulf, Jaraoo Rrady, Ibmnas llrsdy. 1 1mmas Hally. Mlobool Hugon. j U .i ' Burns. Terence r>alij. I'atrick FltaNm ; moHM, John I'laricry, ThiKp Puy, (' V. Nurrav i John Hally, John Doran. Daulrl Daily, Hlchaol Hmmaxi, Laurence D st'e j, Kdward Keellofi ThofuuMcEvoj. Palrick J . Hailhewi, JoDn Sarlyand jeaepb Hanlej.

Ibochtefor staff and aids will report to tho grand luarsbal at b004l<tuarten at 1 k1 P. H., and alas lUe bands at lha sane lin e aud plooa. All mlltiaiy or Hvic locleiloa who havo been iDvtied to iwradfl by the Irish C<KiTeiiLloQ and wbo have not ka yet reported to tbe tTand nttr- ahal shoQtit do so aa lonti oa poaalhio.

iMvutoD No. 1, Ancient Order of Hllhemiana will stori from tbo catbollc InaUtQWi to |idn Id tbepitodo. wbilo ibo At, Pairtek’s AliianM Irivliion will form i t Lundy*i Roll at l:N) •■clouk In Ibo aftornoon,

Tbeto will bo ooloBQ Pontifical Uaao|to- morrow xonmlDg ta tho Cathedral at t:00 o*ck<k. Tho poDogyrlc of tho aalnt will bo peoBcbfd by tbo Bov. F. Woodman, ono of tbo Paullu fitheni from Now York. This evoolng, to-mom/w ofUmooo o id oronlng the children will glvo on ebterulnmeDi In tbo hall of tho catholic InsUluto tor ibo boaettl of tbo icboola.

At A o'clock ttHSovrow tnorolDi maaa will bo oelebratod In KC Joho’i K C. Church, HuK berry utrooe, by tbo Bov. Bootur Fatbor otmbOTTlUe, In honor of tbe foam of 84. Patrick. Profesaar Jamei Pbillitio will reodor ootnofliotoo oelocUuna on ibo oolm oiattun- rise, noou and sunset. ____________

About tho Orawffoo.A mornlDff paper m j « th a t GolUleb

Orba of LlriDgatoii, iDdlgnanUy donles tbe charge of cowa^loe, claiming that ho anacked the mob that broke into bii house, blockonad Henncay'i ejea, cut Lynch'* h<wi and Injured Ibeothert. Oohi's iworo toatimony at the ox- amluatiiiD wai that the gaasg entered the bouse end he hid himself In a aide room, foar lug that be would be kiUrl, and did not come out uuUl the ofllcen arrived.

Ad edjotirtird met'diig of tbo Saat Orange TowrshitiCnnmiKMwill lie held (tvnUht to taka uj> the house unmbermg qtieatlun. No •cUoD has as yet bied taken toward rouuTlng (he Ivlcphone poli-soii Park aveoiw.

A small but Tssfonaliie audle' ce ai t-mbled at thii^eslileui^ uf Frank Arnold, M ontni-, last evening, and INieiteiHo readlaga by !Mli< Cuwcll, of New York, ^he read " lo Vlcdv W. W'. Rtovy: "TbeRun D ial'' and Harnuks" by Austin pob-nn; “ T bl Way to Ar rally ” by 11. C. Kui-ucri" Ntjv Y'ork In ITO” by Hri. £. T. Corbett; *' t)e Prufiindla ” by Eliiatietb Rarreil Htowiilng; ' ‘Time's Re­venge*'' and ■' Ilurve Kiel" by Robert Browa* Irg, and Our Charily Fair," a fiiuo written by llenry Bald win inr M iw Oowall.

Tbe Icciure in M. Mark'a (Tiarrh fjCDten cnarse to D Ig ht wH I be delivered by the Rev. J. Banderv Reed, of Newark.

A dlatiict mli-alimary ineeiing will be held In the Flrat H. E. Church, Orange, to night by the Woman's Foreign Ul^lnnnry Society of the church. MtaiCtaraCuihman, of Boston, a re­turned BlMlonary from i'hlDa; Mra El. He- Grew, a rciuroed mUilonary fhnn ludU, and othen will spMk

llenry D. Oliphant, wbo was defeated for tho ofhee of Tax ('oll<c*(ir In West Orange bv twciiiy live maJorUy. hai decided not to apply to the cutirta fur a recount.

TalUnff DURarent Btorleo,A reop ectab lt looking mlddHe-iged

Oonnan wai broogbt before JuatJoe Rodor th ij B o fn lo f to aoiwer a chaise of diaordecly oou* duct prefomd agaloit him by OSleor Tyler. Tbe oCHcer'i venion of tbe ito ^ was thot be Ihund tbe man ileeptog on the pUlfurm of the Market street depot after mldnlihi law uight, that be aitemptod to rouse the man and iodaoo him to put Oil bis iboeo ; that tho man. who wa« Intoxicated, became ugly and refused to p u lo n bliibo ef. andthat Tyler then brought hlxn to Use First ProclDCl Rtatkm. Tbe pris- oner said hH name wai Henry rramfr, and that he wia a cigarotalier and lived i t H3 Rall- TUad avenue, Jersey City. He u ld be came to thla city yesterday to get orders fur clgeri, and that when he Hartod to gu borne he found that he bad mlsaed the lata night traio. He ad- xDlUctl that he had hod a little beer but denied that he w u drunk. He was walling for the 1:10 A. V . train acd had fallen avlecp when Offietr Tyler came along and by the aggrava­ting manner In which he bandied him made him (Yen lied. The pruoner amiii-d Ofllcer Tyler of UkingofT bli shoes and then taklug off his coat. He showed the Justice how the aJeeve* of bis two ih lrti bad been torn c(T, ond also Fhowed toralchci and bruises which he •aid acre fnlilctvd by Ihe ofherr. The prbuiner In came greoliy excUed In telling hU f tory. Ju'tJrv Kodi-r al ouce wrote out a di»cbarge il)p for him.

Captured iti Indlnnnpolla*T he arice l oi the ot m en who

arc act'Uwd of having iiolen tons of lueud from Itaibarh’s (nnt-uieg wofk.'bav been com- pletod by the capLiiTc or Mh liapI Weluer. The latter n artf bu aicapc from Uie city al the llmu shat Bernard Homltln, ilusUve Kberhardt GuFtavc Rrurucr. Michael Ix-Rosa and M irl Van Dnyne were arrmed. He wM'"eli?M?tod of having been the ring leader iq the thefoi, and was roroguweil by the Jutikiuau to whom most o f the metal was sold ai the man who sold H to him under an aiguaiiMl name. Proae- cu torSecn sent Pviecilve Becker to'capture Weiner, The detective wik told by relative of ihe men that he had gone to Burupe, but be followed up his own duel, and tnaced bitnto Ohio and irom there to Indlauapolia, where he VTCstcd himN^tk o'clock on Eunday muroing. By a rcijuUUloii Wdner was taken from the fetolc, and lo charge of Detective Becker ar­rived in this city last nlKbt. tad waa locked up 01 the Recond Preciuci Statlao. The Balboohs aoy that they have been sjntomallcaHy robbed for three years, and that the amount of the IbcfiB rea(?hes many ihouoaiul dollars.

NnHwoni H er* for Heawjs, F a rU Ahont Our Hpoeinl Sales W orth InvoaUgallugl 'Ihertarr three fmi-orunt rralijrr4 lu uur

hiiar UiD week ytai am kindly rvini iuU r;Fsney lio-tiii and alibcnigh ii h pmr

linilarir nivulboird\>i dfiall In u, an* s>M aa low. If D(H l> wer than at aoy 'fUier iton. In this or any rp(hrr Hiatr. You W"-ii4 iiiluk it r c ^ tirangi, indretl, H they a ir f not

Weltavcati o|4-miig o f srifiDg Kurnltu':', f'arpela, Mala, Buga, eU,, ttiroluW I'urm h iDgn and other hirusciif.'-l ne'd*. wUh a l atini'j prable rrdiicij.m .-)f pri> wMi'h U will t»e ii* yuur |••■ uolaQ inicrt-ai tuDivo-tigato.

Wc alwi offer a l kjits'Eal «4le Baby (kw/ }iO*. pria * of a r>- w tvDig '| mAed hen :

4i|K-u sid< . ix>w lop, sU'i'l aale. luiiglr tiiiDLi, round ttr^ wbevU, litduilatersdlnenam- I'lfd Goih : rrg i-rke r . will sell furrroiytt.Jt

IW Hist (‘arrifegia, |u rriiaor ramii*,rnulsr pries tlO. will sell fur only V (k

?iiO Hlal rarrlMea. dnuhle Lined ihruiigh'Mit In fltu' baiired gritNlior rarulr, «'aroel to bottom, tide rilu, lio'ly aud gear beauUfUllf imiuted and ornamruted; rsg. pxkvi l u wdl w-'ll lot ODtyr.kik

taOHeedor Rattaa i'arriagra Dlnmeit in ftgured Boodt patent paraiol lup. tegular prliv lin. will Bell foroBlyl^.^.

7t Fine fteeil or RsUan ( ’arrlagiu, upholster- h1 lu fine Bilk mohair plusn. wuh illesta para sol: repular prb'e 114 , will sell forouly f* it

icO nto- heed or tUUao Carrlagef, upbui*- leisd in flna rilk pluib, with silk or aalln para- loL, reguLar pniY tP'<. will aril fur unjy|ll.!Ai

Ml Flue Krr-1 »r Ka.tan < ai'rlag’«, upiwilx tored iri silk ploah. with »)»'•!• naris-il. regu­lar prlcr t i l , will w*ll hwo'ilv fl I h'

liO rtur. uronslT built K-<-d or Rattan Car rtrges uphulsitrrd Id fancy tlaurei giiolp. with patent par-aul top, ragulsr prics liJ , will sell fur only

1J5 flna Ibwd tw Nat(«Ti * arriasen, uolioU Un-c1 in liJk 14 p'U-k r ji l , (mtont parawltop; res. price Ilk, wi:1 (*-n fiNr <<n y fa M.

/.'lAne Ri-suor lUHin ('ainacr-ri, «|ih hood tojMi, iiphulMi rc't in lisurH nr cretunne: ref. pilrv, |l;. nlG sell inr nnly I7.9D.

Ml hue Rstian ('ifi1agt-«, r>quare, cans wound body, uphr»l*u-re4t In silk Mlk parasol;fra. |trlcf IIV wiU sell frwunly 110 4tf.

Jukt aumiisr sugg^sUtm ; Come m and ana our nfferi, wlicilver yuu want b> iMiroliaao nr not. Maki It a TMitnt to Investigate befiwr you tuir I'haee anTthlng in fau ’y too<it and h'*iwksrp iiigiieedr You will And im o ymir twlvanug# to buy whatever you n * ^ at HahneACo a Kaiau, Bruad, lU W v and Nat* iir<sia

Fetlsnpa lurul d is r * * * haa puaaltHl and baffled tbe mnllnai pniitwspi'i inure than naHieaiarrh, Whil* not imoiediB'siy fatal it Uainoiik tbs tnn«t dbirrasiTig, msuwnjui and duffusilni lllv lha neih L<ih r to .am llherec firniihnw very f*w or no e w s of radictl cur* of chronic catarrh by anv of lha muttUudeof model m treatment until ths tniroduciion of Ely'i <^eau Balm a fe * year* aao The *ur cesa of this preparation has been most graliry Ing and lurprliing.

A C ard,--Ta nil w be nra swffsrlim trosa Ihasnom and iDdlsorsttuna of youth narvoui wrakncai, sv ly doony, loaa of maobood, vto., I wlU an d a reelps that will ours you, frsa of oharga. TbH great rsmedy w u dlaoQVorod bv • mHHrAArv In Bonih Americt. Send a ulf- •ddrsawd envaUpe to the Res. JossjA T, IniBAa. •tatkn D, Now fork d t r

Tbero Is poUiiiig l i i i t Dr* Thomna'aSeclrioOU to quickly curs s cold ur rvUuva boanensa. Wrlttou by Hn. H. J , fellow*, Bun Oak, t t Josm>h (Vv. Mich.

S r u f l * 4i n 6 M f A l c i n t * * a r i i B « « n f t M t S l c l n t * .

I>Mth o f H n . W . J . O llli .T h e Hev. D r. W. J . Q il l i , a promi-

Dtnl Frwbvtfrim cte’tvman, dl>4 ( t the Memorial HuapUsl, Orange, on Monday, o( blood iioifoplni. He wa« taken ill a few wteka ago with a oomphcatloD of dlaease*, which re­sulted In blood pdauQlni, Ha w u taken to the Memorial ITuspual two weeks ago. Dr, Otlla w u born id ^ Ifast, Ireland, tn IRi'V. and ww graduated from guetu'a College, Beirut, tie came to thla country lu i860, and for a time worked with Mr. Moody, He then accepted Ihe putorntn of Dos Moines, la., Prerbytoiian Church, e e be rematoed until called to the i/t'eRlmln» Church, of Ballimorr. Laler he was callru to tbe Trinity Presbyterian Church, of Hrooklyn, and after two years waa calle«l lo takachanire of Uie Pmbyterlau Church at FcbcM ley'a Monntilh), N. J . He never mar­ried. The foneral will be held at hla late church at Rebuoley'i Huuutaliia, at 0 P. M. to- juurrow. _______ _

Hra« Rnitth Held L o d sr H all.T her« were a largo n u m b er of th e

Iriendiand tnenbem of the "l,adioa Kcheut- scu hmid BeDeflclal Roclety'’ In Juatlcc Rodcr’s courtroom last night wheu Mn. Anna Smith was arraigned to answer two charges of iMauIt and battery commuted upon meroben nt the society during its riotmia mealing ou MovuUy ntgbt. The OMupLaln^ta agaJnst Mrs. Emtlh were Jane Be^hler, of I JM Barclay etreet,|snd l£IUtl>etti Wlueli, of IS Lincoln aiivet. Mrs. HinUli wax charged with h-ratob- lug tbe cuniplainanix and aMaultliig them with acst-o'nlne tails. Hhc waivtd an exam- Initton, and gave b<ili to api»car before the GrandJury. Mauyof tbe toemlwrs who were prcseiil in court test night ezpreswxl ihetr In- lentioiis of leaving tbe wcteiy ou account of tbe i>e!iuvtoror wnne women at (bo mt-cilug,

dloodf Dhaap Llvliiff*Bern Family Flour fO.OO par bb l,.,iU rch ,4c,

per lb., good tou ij.'to., roasted i5o.. ricepure nallve wlnaa TAc. tn ll.'Jfiper gai.,

Golden Ryrup A'lc. per gal., California charu' pagno M per case, Tierney A Bro.,<t and 71 Uarket rtraet. •••

T o B sv lsw th s Guardam an.Brifpulicr Opner*l 8 le«le, ooinm ind-

In* Ibe Kim Btlgido Kew Jen e f K .llon .l Gnttd, b o ordered (he Fifth Reijimool to p»- nde et Ibc irrao r j lu Ihli c l t j lu Bute rcgiile- Uon unKotin on Tueedtf eienlog, M.roh 23 ; the Third BeUelloo to perede at Ihe Kark Rink, Oranae. on Tbundir eveuing, Match SI, and the Flrat Regimem u> parade at the A taori' ln th lJflly on Tutadar eTenSn*, April Is. bn Uiew datci the ftuardnnen will be reviewed bv the general cotumtndlng.

Don’t d e l CniightIhliaprlng with jfour blood lUll of imfmrltlek lOur digniion lni])aire<l, your appclltv poor, kidneya aud liver torpid, and whole ay.lviu UAI* to be proatrnled by dlecare ; but mftyuiir. nelf luto good eoudltiou, and ready for the rtan^ n g aod wanner weather, hr taking B ( ^ a DarMparllla. U .Uiid.sunequalled for

, ^ tiry iug the blood, giving an appetlie, and . * « a geaetalaprln* medicine,

In drawing of Beln Brea, * fo .’i pimo Club held yexteioty, the piano waa drewu py J r ' UUdehtaod, Berantou, I'a. .m ‘

A woman who U weak, neiroui and aleeo- and who b u cold hiuda and feet, cannot

Ja l^ a c iU k a a w e U peiaon. Carter'i [tonu *'’* »B>o»* norrona.•••• *■ * flra atiandA aud raal,~Ail*,

S p w c l i k l f l o t l c * * .

Nothing Niicceetta L ik e Ruooeas*Four yi-araagothe well-known rlry goods II rm

ofistac H. lK»tv A Co., of Market tclrt-cl. csisb- tohvd a Car|H-i iH'iiartmout, and their success has gone tx-yond their mint sanguine expects- lions. Iu Tset, they are Duw ihe acknowtolgeit eadcp! ut the carimi trade lu New Jertey, aud,

JudulDg from their which now oo-cufiiea tifp floors, aud the low pnccs which PIVTBII, tbetr |X)sUtori la well luerltcd. Tbls season ihfir tmek of Koysi wiiions, Aimln stor*. Moquelfei Wilton Velvelt, TVxly UrmieU. Tapestry and liigrsiiiv aurpSH 'a any diaplay herctoloro fuade in Nowark, Their nvw spring Imitonitfon of China inaiilngs is alto worthy o f attention M'hcn In search o( oarpeia, of any kind or ilfacrlptloo, wn wnuldi suggeri a cal! on Isaac N. Ixity A Co.. asrin>lri*>surtm''m Is eiLiial to any ihown In New York, and their p ilc« lower. ___________

A €aa« Not Boyond H elp .Dr, N. ir. Hinsdale, Kowanne, 111 , advhei

us of a rcuiarkablo cure of conamupilcHi. He save:A nclghlm r** wife wai atUcked wUh a Violent lung dlBea^e, and pronouncod beyond help from quirk oonsuuiptlion. As a last resort the fainilv waa pernuaded to try Dr. William lU ll’a BalJiatn forthe l.ungi. To the astonish- ment oi all, hy the time shy bad used one half dosen bottles Bhe was aixiut ihe house doltie her own work. I saw her at her wont aud had no Idea the could recover."

** Fairy L am p i» iiae li«a t«r LampSa” Banging, Bludy, Bracket and Vaaa lAampf,

goods ol merit, the larmat Uue, tawoit prices, at Lawrence's Newark China Store, All and eii Broad airaet, oppoelte Trinity Church.

Ntmw H at Fr«aalD f.J. H. KeDnegan, IJ4 Market atrect. all

tbe m'w spring atylea for ladies to have their bau piea-ed tub.___________ 7;if

Tnaoa amd eom fort for tond ar f#at* ^ le a w lth bunions, com*, or Invalided feel find miurn and permanent relief with Peah W i •P«lal abo«a» made expreialy for roch oaaea. tJ g M l a Thar oonvlnoo at flghk, f7 l Broad

I , * W eak Baato with m wmmrr nehincto en ea i over the hlpt. it a klgn of d ls e a ^

xldney euratlve kaown, [ whifih U Burdovll Blood Bttton. '

9 a m A i r *


^ a k i k I*P O W D E RAbttolutely Pure.

Thla powder nevar farlea. A marvel of purity, atrentih and wholewxiiaoa* Mon economical tnan the ardloaiT kind*, and can* noibeaoM In coopetUfon with the multitude of low Im L short weight, alum or phosphate

owdan. Bold m t f #i reus. Rotai, BaxiKa ttwpki Co.. IW Wall Itreet, K. Y,

M e f t t c t n k i U


Brow ns Iron Bitters

A N S W E R E D .11w aa««ta hu snhably b M •AgUbsoaiBdl

BROWR’SIROIIBITTER&St!^hii ai i hi,» M ,a » » **MMUw»leii all a th tr in a ■ a < le lM i a . HRO WN-M IRON BITT R R R e e ia e le ile s a r te s . B M — a iim , TTnakwfu. DyiwAMla, H a lu ta , u d F a a tn ,T tn 4 F a ^ a a .O e a a n l D*hUlty,PalB la lha NMm B u k et L lB h a ,H m 4 u b a N a m l. fla -toa lllh m ailliH aii t n w pnaerihtl Uly.


“ ffS .t-* ** .-*™ * *“ k -Ja h W a :,th » d u n ;iq h M lU v j^ M M h itlu c ih n k i; n iivm iiiilUM m.ni ruuAlnfMl t e u g i n t i iwnm, n«a-

|uri«iA hnvfU.rMaMHi.ktt.The OmmlH hM Tn4a Hxfe u d — r~ - rag Uom

w a n m i . » A ltB NO OTH KIt.

r u i u * '

\ a luill findMi it

CHAS. W . MENK’8Cheapest Patent Medicine Depot

I.\ T I I K H T .V T K .


ThU U not * " t ip rd a l," b u t onr Regular L ift , and tbtaa prtoM are maintained durihn the entire year. Cut thla out and keep tor refennte.

My Rvf.priie, [wire

Esf 's nid Fa«bt< ned Hoq4at d ilt-rh T(Mi)c..................I ,W | Jto

Ayrr'i »i«fMati*rilla................ ,U LOOTT'NMi'i> Xar*a|i4rilla......... . ,W l.OOMvuk'i O.miHAiDd llix lr

Bar»a|NUllla. p(. hottt(*...M -71 —— 'UitohMA Blujd BitUr^........ .. .<4 lOblln^wn'i Iron RIttoia.......... ,M LOOUufetoUef'sdtofaacbBlltoia. .71 LOO

Sdoa. 4.70Ibip Bitter*.................................. ,u LOOBainer'a Hafo Kidury aDd

Liter Cure».......... ....................... RA 1 MVidoa. 1 00

FcbM'ck'a I*u)monlc iym p at i* rt*awv<Hi Intilr. yarh .70 1.00

Hvprt'a Mrtllial iHsrovrry •ml FavciitoFm rripUon,AWfh................................ . .70 LOO

Ja jn r ■ Bx)>^utrii.t....... .01 LOOKt-tufdy'a MrOlcal Dlbcuv-

•by....... I.IS l.MruMiura ht-solvt-ni ."1 l.ouOurbura N-aivr.. ................ .SO(YitiuiraBmptlNC a rake, t

f(4 fAn......... ..... . . — , —F( Ib’W'i Fyru|) of lly(*jpiiu»-

phUta 1 'olnp................................. MlUmlln's Wizard nil, amaU

Mae. : larirr................. .70 l.onWnHiilnn'a HNmimatlc t^ ra .TAAiWri'i H h tn m llr Cur<' .7S l.noKIj-u's hew I*i>-ct>vrfy,..,.. . -7 I.IOila lfsl.iip g KalaaiP . ,1 .TS ,* l. ..to. 1 OnHwlfr-'H IC . . ........ 7ft. A I S I.OQAl 7iGray'll*! ccillr............... .7ft l.OOUoxle Nerve Ktwid,............... Sfto .W

S doaen 7 to ——H liny wH'sJaiiM Hiller Water Hun.i'li bl iM'iiiie fortlie hair -Tft 100Ayer's lia r Vigor......................... iO 1.00Krvlvuhj lur the hair........... .Vi .ftOIJall'a Hair Rrnewrr ........ .00 LOOailrork'a I'oreuR Fiaitvis.... i lJ .7ftBenton's ( ’■tK’Inr I'laftsm .. 1ft .J5Vaneev rff I'w ters. . 10, .IS, SO ——iHiffLsMaUWhLkey.....................Tft 1.00HramJrvih’s Pill*.. .....................V2 .‘Ar»pi»r'sl.m i* Liver l l l l s .............t t .2ftAyer's,Frbenck'iyTuU're'ch -IS J AKadway's, Hrrrick'a, Grae*

fetibera'a, each.................... >!ft MHenneii'i<A»D Cure.......... . *1S -25Indian faaiwa...................................70 l.QQWarnrr'B n iU ...................................IS .HiHuntMirg Drops................. -IS *SQW. Jamrh’aOiL........................ .15 .SOPure Nnrrwpglan rod Uver

Oil, per pint................. M .flO(inart, “

Henk's XiuuUloa of CudIfivtr OU............. ........

Moeller'apurcNurwagitiit^Uver Oil. per j.liit..............

PbiUir*' Ffiatilsloii of Cod Lhvr OH........ .. ...................




Wilbor'i Imulilon of CodU w r Oil.............................. .74 1.00

ilcoti'K KmuUtoB of CodLiver o i l . ........................... .7ft 1.00

(»Uo ('hyto....... ................ ,71 1.00Hyarolvni,..-m................. -re .75 lAOAyeris Cherry PactoraJ. ■ M LOOBradworth'e OM CMintry

Cougb Hyrup..................... AO ABHale's Honey of HorebtMind

and T v ...........................J » . .70, .'JS, .M 1.01Uberi't Tar, Hoiieiet aud

H«««y.......................... -U Mfitaffuril'a Olive Tar..... . -ST ,10Boarhee'l German Hyrup ..............M ,7ftGreen's Atiguat Flijweia..... .. .W .75Hull'a(kMign ty ru n ....... . .12. .IS .35 .ftOPucter's r'ough Halsara....... -X, .37 .34 ,fto.ihakeria Rxtrac> of Roots...H ,4ft .10eeven Hatki........................... . » . «Atwood't B itlen..............................1ft .35Indian o n ................. n .)ftMumphiey'i llcmoepaiblo

fjierlflrr Noa. l to IST ..-.- .17 .3ftHituipbiey'a Hi»ipeopatbto

Hpeciiics, Nos. ift to lu........ .11 JOHumpbrey'i Ilomoepaihle

Hpectfics, Noa. ‘ja. t t U ...............ftt 1.00Tarrant'a Beliwr Aperient.. ,75 1.00Tarrant's Cubeba and Co-

pavta Paste..Lelhli a Extract Beef..................... 10Kent'a Rurdovk aud Raraa-

panlla................ . ........re, .70Parker’s Ginger Tunic................... 74

, I'eud'i Rxiract................................f lHwieraon'a Unlmeut,....................1ftHill’* Hair Dye, black or

i brown......... ...... .re............ .. .37Tull's Hair Dye....................re .7ftGlenn'i HulphurHoap, iftr.; ibneforftOe. Pear a Heap, iftc.; three for ftOc.Melllii a Baby Food............ 15. .ftl «I9,Ely's Cream iialEn................ re .10H aibli’ Liniment........ . . I fr'arteria Iron Pillv........ -ttKeyitotie Malt W... t' "ihWlilar'a BaUain of WiiU

Cherrv. small. 40c.; largere Winlow's 3 yrup, HohmI'i

OoHial, earh......................Menk'a Little Uver PtUi, 40

in ft boUl»...........................reBeven Hlateri' Hair Grower,

n sall, 40c.'. large................Horafonl'i Acid Phoaphatca,

imally K c.; large....,.,,,....reI C iitnria...................................re! Jury's Unlment...................


.75 JO, LOO


.7ft JO, 1.00

.70 .40 LOO




■I'm i u o H .

I honD R-liltll. Fnttdrn .............................. IM. BoTia IlHiwtlevrtlj ptr pound....... .............. .....I*> W (JulnlDe FIIU { ! grain.!, I * ' •<*...................

iju ln liu F ill. 12 grilni), par Ml.................... .,wcAn. In ,, at lowaulprinaa.i . « ;

It I. Imnoiulbla to advcrtlM hue all Fatcnt KndlrliM.. TboHnnt uentlnRe.t In lha aborf lift are Mill al the ratne JiniiKittionate nlucUiin In prim . Alw oouitantly i>n band, at nbea]i*il i.irelW* urlcf*, alt Und. of BuOher (kmd.. lufh aa Bedpan^ Air rq .hlnn. Crtnala (malo and fcmalel. ^ rlnin. of all kind., Rieani Atnulier.. Noft Rnboer Myrlngo. Iron WC. up, Hard Euhlwt Hvrtngea Naaal Ikiui hea. Hot Water I » ('apt, Eyedroppen, Sc.

d o n ' t F O B a rr THE NAMi Aim R a c e N H —Every pu R biu r af artlclea to the ealue of I t or n o n , al ohe time, wUl lecelea froa a

C ik* of Fine Toilet Rr»p. Don't »ir*et tb* tame aud nomber.

f t A r S m i a r m . | S tm r f tn u ir m -

43 43F airb an k ’s Scales.. Agricultural T ools.

D. T. MALLETT,B u i l d e r s ’ H a r d w a r e ,


Mecbanics’ Tools, Cutlery, Iron and Steel Nails. 43 MARKET STREET,

-N K A R O O n iT ROtTPE. N K W A RK , N. J .

S R c D t t t l l A I .

SP EC IA LIST S,ra .u I I I !

F e n i iN > lT a i i I a X e i l i r a l a n d S u r ­

g i c a l I n s t i t a t e ,

1 3 0 0 N O K T I I 1 2 t h 8 T . P l i l l a .


” 413 BROAD STEEEI, ™ BianiM a hewabk.D T I D T I T n i ? Hernia. OT Breach, we l i l i l J U l V l J cure thtHroubleaorae and niTigerouB malady byaatfe and certain pro- ceaa, in RO to 90 nayR, wllbout truvi, cut­ting oratiU'hlng- NqiwniiexperlauccHl, and there j* do dangrn Tlie toitowlng will illut-trate: N M M V K m C S S M *^m V. A. BERTRAU A CO.. Lilhogtapbrn, \ ■ w 4S9 Cbealnut S i , Ftilladelpbli. Fa. f

Thlti cerllflM that I wai trealeil by Ur. Robert A, Woods for a Rupture which i had more than thirty yeare. 1 wai treated on tbu'JvtU of Aiignit, Dw, andallrr six week! I wm rom- pK'toiy wvU. Have worn no truft or handife alm-e. 1 am curftL The doctor treated me only once. I luffered no inconveuteDoe. and continued at tny work wllhoul loalni any time.

BKlNiUKT.. IL-R.I Rworn and fcUMM,*rlbed Dila J2-1 diy of

-"V r, Iftftj, baforc mo, at Phlli- dclpMfti

* . II. B iiL iY , Notary Public.

V i I ) f r i A f f t I ? l V Those wbo'havc var- f .P illP ia Icow veliiv c^ii ob-

taliuu-Bic and ipt'fHiT cure m from 10 to 30 daya Cure perinarent. Men who i Ave bwl tbclr rvxiial pi'iw^riiiid ha%'vK'mlual wrHknvM, CAiuod by yciutuui ludDcretiuoi, wricoccle or hydrooolp, should aviH thcmAolvos of iblR opimrdiiilty lo ne rcMorod. Vcrioocple pro ducca LOSS OK M ANHOOH, falotiiew, HverUou to loclely. and impalre moirory aud vL>u»n. Men who romfrnplai** mtTrDgo should iwtr in tJilDdIhal ecxuajdeflcitiouy Oatisoa much do mritic trouble. «*

D o N o t B u y Y o u r

U n t i l y o u h a v e e x a m i n e d o u r

a n R o r t i u e n t a n d n o t e d o u r

p r i c e s , a s n e v e r b e f e e e i n t b e

h i s t o r y o i ' o u r h o u s e h a v e w e

s h o w n s u c h a n e l e g a n t a s s o r t ­

m e n t , a n d a t s u c h r e m a r k a b l y

L o w P r i c e s .

,lrud|ng.cure<l by palnieva turlho)!.

CHRONIC DISEASES .t?.!Bean. lUood. liraln, Nervi**, Liver, Kltlneyi. TUiddrr, Ftoniach, Dii-i'aiie<> pecuilsno tVninen. Khpumitisni and Neuralgia, for wtiich atmiig drum and polsr tis, such aa Biryclmia.Morphia. Dplum, Bciladoiiua, (luroitie, ato.i are uousUy prescribed, we <"Ure wlihout nti'dlclne, by meauaof Klectricily, Gslraut^in tnd Magnet' lim. Wn uuirantec to care all ca«e tliai. we nadeitakt-

SPEHAL niSEASES?clX';. ;with a degrpe or«v^e«M herHnfore uudlralupd by apvvialUi*. We do not uie wniv-ury. ilm Injures your teeth and boner, or l>alsini:i that ruin your siotnacb. iriMii


UNITED STATES HOTEL, 4 0 3 Broad S t., Newark,

PA RLO Rft 1, 3 «nd 4.


R Y D E R & C O . ’ S

C A R P E T C L E A N I N G W O R K S .

M n o H A M lC S T B E B T ,Elf Telspbone a t . Heftayk. K. 3,

DRY GOODS,C arpets and Upholstery,

I M H iB H T 3T.

V o i t e t & r 11c l * » .


BKELKTON BAMO.(Patent applied tor.)

RewUh, cemlort and beauty oomblnod. Will Doi rlpor Ipttr (no loundAtlon) wIlli my improved ptamli* spring frum |3 upward. Featber-llght wijr«, toU]K*tw. eolffliren, Me.

iiadl4«’ old plnr«« r«novaied. Ihe spring attoebed and niaile enital tn nnw; also laillev old gray hair Bwltcbaa rwRored with my n«w patent proceaa.

BWITCHVS.All long hair tiatormily wavy and straight.

fretlier-Ught, I&.00 aacb, moat to those oonlng ftiiLtoeUwwhere.

B A B Y BAKGS,6U1I (he rage from ftxoo upward.

U t OEAY U A IB D B P O T la known as the largML iltieit and moat reliable, and as to urlceti I oaiinul be uadmotd. Gray hair warranieo genuine or mouey refunded. HA LB taken in EXCHA NOR: foil value allowed. UAtR CTJTTINO AND CTIRLINU on the premliea by bent French aiilila. Hair dyeing and ahampoolitf a specially. Front-pieces created wtole you watt, 3& cents each.

W O RLD RRN OW KBD 3CTGEM1R*S BBORET, O B « 0 . B , » for the compleiton: Iransparent enamel recom­mended by physicians; warranted perfocUy Larmieaa; su^rinr to all oUwr preparallona, Teated and applied fre« of charge; ftf.CO per box.

T H E GENVD4E APBlJRiriN EA TIve wonderful preparattoa for coloring any

shade of hair Uoldau Auburn. Price, fLoe,T H E MONTE ORIBTO

YR LO tJTlN E EACB F O W D E B * niexiBHT MtnATk AwAibito roa 8 *>m

T H E COSM ETIC MASK (P a tm to d ), for bMOtiMng tbe complexion r fttOO complete.

Turkish Kose licarec. Indelible tint, for Qie fooe and lips; exguUlte In color, fine as {be bloah of iberoae,f).(i0aDd|l.S0p^4M»ltte land a complete aaeortmentofbeauUfyiiu ooemeire br the Far- fumerieMonteOltto. ^talognaeiwttleafosWk

B 4 W S S T I4fii S T . , N . Y .

g u t * C u r l o t n * .


ifiiiilieG iM B .WUhoQl doibl the best valaea 'ever p'ared before the ledlea of Newark. BnUrely New Paiiera*, wMse of iheia oar own eicluMva Myli^ at the foHow- tag inw pftcea, which can be heuer ap* praeiaied by a peraoaai iDjpacttoo :

U»T 1. LOT r LOT I.

W«a p air. • i . l f p a ir. B l.ftS pwlr.

IX)T 4. l O '^ . U)T A

Am\ $ pair. i s t o S p e lr .

I. N. DOTY & CO.,D I ? U 3 D ] U 1 ,


U o a t * i t n f t U h o t * .

U e r o r « R e m o v a l t o 3 B P

536 THIRD AVE.,M w a w U t i l u d * « th StraaU ,

N E W Y O R K ,

T h e B a l n u c e o f O u r S t o c k o i

Fine ShoesO f f e r e d a t a

Great Reduction!

JOHN DEANEY,799 Broad St.,

r U IT n iK B W F O W .

W r * « a W o o S a .

I. N.D0TY&C0.’S' MsGoiD:DaHiil.


T e be p la ce d c n s a le T o m o r r o w .

I.O T 1 .Inclddm Cb«ck Bnttlag,, " Caalm en EBecU,"

17c. ptr r a id ; wurth tOc,

U > T »,SO-lucb AlPwonl Srrta*, BpHn( 8hadei, 49c,

per j u d ; Foitli Wc.

LO T S.fti-liieb All-wool “AUm " CloUl, TJc. per p u d ;

wortti 90c.

LO T 4 .Em bncn a Tarietp of HoTeltj Titimnliiti, 7ic.

per paid; wonli f l .

LO T B.40-Iocli Surah CloUu, 8prlii« Bhadei, I9e. per

sard; worthOBo.

LO T a .M InohCaatmere Cbech4^ lateat Importation,

Wc. pir patd ; worth tL U .

L O T T .12-hiob Boirat Clothi, eitra Qae, S9c. per pant j

worth 76c,

UUn SaJenoom tn Raw Janep Ibi



HOWARDLaweat Prlcea. No MUrepreaetiuUoiL i J i

Qooda Qaanaiaed.4 4 J H KnAP R T R B B T f Near M. A B &, I ,


A N D 0 0


CUT RATESto ftll point!

W EST.S eo u M B , f t 0 , r a t e s

o f C u e b e fo r e p u ^

c h a s in g t i c k e t s ,

C. P . CRAIG,G en. E u ta r n Pnia, Agt.


Mew T ork. Via

CUVtO N KACBdCooiMace ThundaT, March 17,

, , 8T. PATBtCE’S d a y ,Abd co&tlmie three of more dayiMob im k ,

weetber pam lltliii. Every variety of raoea wiirbe itven.

H« jA U n UlKIOW AM .jtontur.

• r , « . f t | » n . « » t a n r *

RODH BROS.Special N otice! Special Notice t|

THE LAST WEEK OF OUR SALE!ft Bain of an M lo bo Retailei al Vliott FtIesI


A T H A L F P R I C E .

All oar n .K and t l H Kid (Horat t e TM. A U eu ifl Kidutovaa forkte.Ciihmtre Jereey <iUiv eaall at Ifte.L tlld n n 'i Wonted Uuta xnd Glovciall at Lfte. WklUi (XiaiflrBiutum GUtve*. worth ftftc . for Kir. Ladln’ rag. Batta Plaia and Fancy Huae. ail

at 2ftc.CTiHdrefi'a Htriperi. PUin apd C o l t^ reg • nh^a

How. lie .Oto&Ae. G o re etiiillehcKh't Double Bouel'Anat, worth lt.3B|f0r tOc. J . B. ('onau, tn wblia, cream abd n o , worth

t i for f l.ChlTdrvs'ii Coriet W alitJ for 2te.Tbe Ulanca of our Ferrii i\iraet WaUU, &ftd.No f . I'J. Cfotored latlfl UihlwOp 4c. yard or

60r. itoea.U d W U 'd 'fc

at inp.Ladlea' White H'd'k'fo, flna embroidaradp eoii

ftOt for yAc.Lad%:' White and Oclorcd Unen CoHart at 7o, LadiM' Whit, Tiirkad ChlmlMltM (tor 1)0. Crape I Iw ind Colored Silk Buchlui, ocOddO.

raid, lor » e .AH (mr Pluih and W onud Capa attl.OO.Torrbon lAO* below « * LWhll* lu p t la n Lm **, 6 inohai wide, 10c.

D E A 1 . E R 8 B U P P U K D .

t'O, black and cokirai horden. aU

. Black Franeh Laoaa vorih IV r....^ 1 oot Ira o h n ^ In a al iS if^ r J^ ” *•PoekaiBookt, la|^ a iid l^ r iT i^ .., , ^

. Oanta'Uiwa Cnfk, Ho.: ilaol.' OrlliilaU Oollin, Itc.Hania' Ollahnd CuO. Me. ilaalt' Teck Tiaa at IK.Oania' Huff and HaUo Bnaatan al Me. toapandeta, alleolon, I6e.Uanu' Fane) Satin Bovi 16c.Biijn' Flannal Walita, con tl, h r Mo B on ' ritiin a l Shlna, oew |i, b r He Uoloted (biloo Shlna, with ) oollata fw av Oeota* Scarlat Shlru, worth tl.M, 3(0t ^llenii'Whita Wool Sbliu, worth tirTbr^ iOania and Ladica' Suoiniai Cndatwtar b rel

cioaadouiatonahalfprloa. HuwbaaAA I Clark'a Sp(»l Colton, tjo , doc.; ln b M te .1

KlU. le . dot. ; ^ Spool m r l BniioDi, 6c, do t.; Oottoo f i n o ^ ' I dof. Drew Shlalda. ito p r .; Knlutu t £ l ion, *0 . h a ll ; Coiaal Sbtaldo lie. ^ * ' 1

Drma C aabrle, 4He. r d .; Walit Ualnf. h . pol


RDDH BROS., 693 BROAD STREET.S S h o w c a s e s , 7 C o u n t e r s , O a s F i x t u r e s , L a r g e M i r r o r , l o r

C i o t S I n g . ' I C l o t f l i n g ..ey, , , - .■ / / . -'•//.•/yw ' a-W-e-y - - V >

THE ART OF BUYINGT h e e e l e l t m t e d M r s . T o o t t l o s b o u g h t s r t o o r - p l u t e w i t h t h e n a m o " T h o m p s o n " u p o n I t , g i v i n g UN r e a s o n s f o r t h i s e x t r a o r d l u a r y c o n . t l u e t - » t l r s t , t h a t i t w a s v e r y c h e a p ; a n d s e c - o u d , t h a t s h e m i g h t h a v e a t l a u g l i t a - r s o m e d a y w h o n i l g l i t m a r r y a m a n n a m e d T h o m p s o n , s p e l l e d w i t h a *‘ p . ’ * A n d t h e * < p ” w a s a n I m p o r t a n t p a r t o l t h e a r g u m e n t l u d e f e n c e o t t h e “ b a r g a i n . * '

T h e t r u e a r t o f b u y i n g i s I n v o lv e d i n t h e p i i r e h o s e o f w h a t y o u a r e c e r t a i n t o n e e d s o o t i e r o r l a t e r , w h e n y o u k n o w t l i a t t h e a r t i c l e i s r e a l l y , u n d e n i a b l y c h e a p . I t i s U k e d i s c o u n t , i n g y o u r b i l l s .

N o w w e a r e q u i t e s u r e t h a t o u r q u o t a t i o n s f o r t h e f o l l o w i n g l i n e s o f g o o d s a r e f a r b e l o w t l i e n ' g u l a r t r a d e p r i c e s t M e n ’ s T r o u s e r s , o u r o w n m a k e , s u p e r i o r s t y l e s a n d q u a l i t y , f o r O O , $ 3 . 0 0 , $ L o O ) $ 3 . 0 0 p e r p a i r . A l s oa l u l l a s s o r t m e n t o t C h U d r e n 's S e p a r a t e K n e e B r e e c h e s , 2 0 c . , 2 S c . , 3 0 c . , 3 B c . , 0 0 c . a u d 7 5 c . p e r p a i r . U n d o u b t e d B a r g a i n s . A l s o C h i l d r e n ’ s H i i i t s I n g r e a t v a r i e t y , f o r $ 1 . 5 0 , $ 2 . 0 0 , $ 2 . 5 0 ,$ 3 . 0 0 , $ 3 . 0 0 , $ 4 . 0 0 , $ 0 . 0 0 p e r s u i t .


807, 809 , 811 Broad Street, Newark.]B r n g a a t t f t M I s f t t e t n e a . W r t i g a a u 5 S a e t t i c i n c s .

MARCH, APRIL, MAY,A r e t h e m o n t h s l u w h i c h t o T h e p e c u l i a r p n r i f 3d n g ,re T lT lB | |

P U R I F Y T H E B L O O D , f o r a t

n o o t h e r s e a s o n I s t h e b o d y s o

s u s c e p t i b l e t o b e n e f i t f r o m

m e d i c i n e .

q u a l i t i e s o f C R E S C E N T S A B -|

8 A P A R I L L A a r e j u s t w h a t i

n e e d e d t o e x p e l d i s e a s e a n d tor^

t u y t h e s y s t e m a g a i n s t t b e d ebt!

I t a t i n g e f f e c t s o t m i l d w e a tb e r J

Crescent Sarsaparilla Purifies the Blood100 DOSES FOB 50e.


i s n o t a p a t e n t m e d i c i n e . I t

i s p r e p a r e d fV o m B a r s a p a r l l l a ,

D a n d e l i o n , M a n d r a k e , D o c k ,

G e n t i a n , C h a m i m l l e , e t c .

T b e i n g r e d i e n t s p l a i n l y

p r i n t e d o n e a c h b o t t l e l a b c t ,

HO y o n k n o w J u s t w h a t y o u a r e

t a k i n g .

100 DOSES FOB 50c.


w i l t c a r e B c r o l u l a , B a l t B b e a m ,|

S o r e s , B o l l s , P i m p l e s , a l l H u ­

m o r s , D y s p e p s i a , B ilio u s n e 9 » i|

S i c k H e a d a c h e , I u d l g e s t i 4W,|

G e n e r a l D e b i l i t y , , K l d u e y a n d !

L i v e r C o m p l a i n t s , a n d a l l d h - j

c a s e s a r i s i n g i r o m o n iin p iu « |

c o n d i t i o n o f t h e b l o o d .

T h o i i K a i i d s o f N e w a r k c i t i z e n s e a u a t t e s t t o i t s

W o n d e r f u l M e r i t s .

Crescent Sarsaparilla. 100 Doses 50&IWe piaraatta e n t j ixStle, and if lha SaiupailllA doaa not t lra latbbcllon fbr a n , w w frer we will rohind jo u r monej. Can anjthlns b« falrar than thli 7 W hj pay 11. or e™* I for other Sanaparllta (parUmilarlj when jou are Ignurant o f their tiuredlehtt) when jva | purt beie Crtepenl Saneperllle for 90c. (eeth battlecontalnlnt 100 doMel, end you will UO* t what ihr IntnUlente orCiaMoat SariaparUla are, and If m do not like the SinapulU * 700^ have jou r monej nlnnded.

4 ^ The Public la nolllled that we k U orerjtb Ing tuuaU j kept ta a drag etore, atkilcet. Pmcrlpttoneoompounded and dopensedfrom tbebwdiugeandcheinlcali,ai|Wtower then at any other drug etore in Euex County. You can tavo money by pujchausl your Pruge, Uedlctnei, Toilet Artlolee, ato,, a t the Fhanaacy o f tbe

c r e s c e n t d r u g COM’YJ631 Broad Street,

1 d o o r s h o v e N e w B t . , N E W A R H .

Viinea. • B u m .

Auction Sale o f W ine.P U R E W INE FOR EV ERY BO D Y.

M . J . O ’C O N N O R , A u c t i o n e e r , 1 8 5 M a r k e t S t r e e t , w U l seU

l a r g e I n v o i c e o f C h o i c e W i n e s o n T H U R S D A Y , M A R C H

1 1 o ’ c l o c k . T h e s e W i n e s a r e s o m e o l t h e f i n e s t b r a n d s o t ^

H . B O S C H ’ S p u r e C o n c o r d , C a t a w b a , P o r t , B l a c k b e r r y , B W *

b e r r y , C h e r r y , A c . T h e y w i l l b e s o l d w i t h o u t r o o e r v o .

i a t n l l y o h o n l d h a v e t h e m .

W e t D o r k ’n e n w gNUMJiEK 1,092.



n . Ho itU u d h M i U t i M d fM h n • r n p w lt ie i i t« r n v M l Um B « p m I

of lU O lia r ic r -M ita M c fa n I m .M« M d H M w .-W > r O m f l l M ,

DliiMKb lo Um Hiwi.TKtNTuif, M atch IS . — G o ftn o r

OitM trat a w m B iu ln iio n to M b Uhom (bit «Ub u o tb t r from Uu Korrlaaotl d M i RalltiMd t'ompaajr inaouncbtf tbit Ibo coBipaBjr b id ifn a d to pagr tbf bu t* tbo U i aiMHd b]T tb* Board of A w M in In 1W.I and IIM, and to iuhnli all o ib fr quMtioai la dlinalo. toirUtraltM, otH iib iln to r to ba appcdalad b f tb . aoisinor and tba othar b j tb i railroad eooiponr. Tba (oaanw r raonmnamli iba ado|i(lan of UiU oouraa, aod Kiloaa tba allor- w i lanar.l, «ho n r t that tba 8Uta would lOHtilt,MO II tbacbatiar of tbaoom|jaD]r traa npaoM , aad that Iba adoption of tba ooniaa ttroiaBandad would la r i tba 8iata pivtracM, castlr and ralatlota llUialloo. A Jnlot naolu- tloDptoTldlBt that Bat bod of utuantcot ac- COBianaa Iba eomrauatcatloni.

Tba comiouulcatlon from fJotrm or (inan lalatlar to a aatllament of tba dlOoultlaa with tba Hortu and Sn ax Railroad (loqitMtaiit waa nradln both Ilouit ■ of tba I^iblalura. Tba Joint raiolulinn wblab ba K ut to tba ilouia wai i l onca pul on iblrd raadtni andordarod onfioMad, i t will coma up ou dual paiaaga to-Dorrow momlna.

Hr. Corbin, aflar oarolnlljr raadlna tba ixtH* umnietlloo, raid In rafamnca to I t : " Tba propoiltloo of tba railroad oompanf liln ib a nalnn of a backdown. Tba Morrli and laaix road praaalcallr aayi that it will pap tan a for tba raata 1M6 aad |*M, ai Iba otbar road, bar a alraadr dona, and will conaant to an arbltra

- tioB on and a p tjm ent of tba tl.W8,d00 allafod la ba dna tba Stata In tba paat br tba Stata Board of Aiaaataura, or aucb portion of It aa Iba arbltiaiort bellaaa to ba Juailr dua Tba road doM not atrea to throw up III Irrapaalabla chaitat, nor doaa It a(cwa lo pap ta ia i In Ua Ibliua but It 1a fair to luppoaa that It will do tba laltci. If It do not, wa could aialn p ia tbU npralar.

" Tba rillruadi In iba Slata which w a» com- palled to lap itx a i did not throw np Ibair chaitaia The Horrli and Eaarx a p n i , In fact, to pap. undM tba Iwantr-olnth lactloa of the Tax law, which la ja f ia t auf railroad mar ro ln n u n lr pap to tht Stata from je a r to jaar lucb turn, of monop la addad to tba tax now aneaiibU ifalnat luch oorporaUon vndaranob xllcfcd contract will ba equal to the tax aaieiMbli aiabut aucb corpociUou undot Ihta act In raapaat to tba propart, lo olaimad to ba exempt, and anah Toluntarf pifinant nball not be oooataoed In a n j procedure or tult to b e a a w a lre ro f aucb alletad oontrect In fact the railroad actaei lo pay under protait, h u titt irce i lopay alltha aama."

RalLIOAb TAXATIOM AHElTPHUrn.Hr. Hudapeth’a bill of anaendmenta to the

riilraad taxation lawi prorldlnit more clearly for equal taxailou, aocotdmg to tba dacUou of ibe Conn of Krturi and Appeali, came up on third readlxy in the Houta ihli mominc. Hr. Armtimnf aabed to hare It laid oriron tba fronnd tnai he did not tmdentaod It tborouably,

Mr. Corbm mid that tba m eunta w ii riry Hmpla. It n r a the Buta Board of Aeafarori the power lo tqu illfe local and railroad taiea I f alt of the property in tba city of Newark wii •awwied tor only W'l.OOOOOJ and tba board tbouiht It worth »Hf',000,O00, they were (Iran the power under the bill to » lu e It at the latter eum, and make the tax rale lor both per- Bonal and railroad property on tba bada tb u ptotldad. After a loop end tadloiu dlacuailan the bill pamed the Houae by ayoteofbStuO, Ur. Armatropp not xotlnp.

tbli Btila iball karaaAtrba xacaled or elnead wlthont makiap coapaniatloo lo the owaari of property damapad by aucb ricatlon.

Tba Commlttaa on PrtnUnp rtportad ad- T fn aly H i. Backwitb'iblU lo Umlt Iba asat chtrp tib la for Dawapapera to twice Uialr cur­rant price. It waa Intended i i a blow at Iba I'nion Nawi Gomiwny, Tba adraiN raport w unotautabtad.

The Seuaia tiaaad thia mnminp tba bill ap- propriaUnp lUW.pao for the aniarpamant df the lunalk aayluu at Tarnioo. Hr. Urtpsi op* poaad It on iba protuid that tba BUta bad no laaoay. Ua balloTad that additional aoooinno* dattan waa nacamarr. A lonp fiaaimlao took

Kaaa orar a bill lo rapaal the Loetl Option w In Sjrea at Cbalbaia, Horrli County. It

wai Snalty laid oTar, Tba bill to appropriate IM to d a lray tbaaip auiei of tba Commlttaa •n Baparmta Fim ala Prlaona ilao paamd. Tba Uouia amandmanu to tba bill tor tba election of dty alarka lot tbrae yaaraaiat panted tba Bautla.

The Oamoorattbeld a Joint canena thla alVar- bonn to oontldar tba tdriMblllty of aoapto- mlalnp with tba Rapuhllcana tor a Join! meat lop, A oommlttaa waa appolnlad to oootor with tba ttapuhlicana and arranpa a baali on which aucb a maatlnp could ba bald.

Hr. Condll Iniruducad a bill to remedy Iba dlfflcnlty wbioh ba. frequently artaea in b a e i Ctouuiy of triitafarrlnp Inmna p n a n t from tba Jell lo the a<y1nni. la prorlilat that If any panon cuoSned In iha Jail or panlttnilarr ■ball appear to ba Iniane, tba Judpa of tba Cir­cuit Court of tba county In which tht prtaon la attnatad ahnll lUBiUuW a careful InreaUptUoD, eatl two raapactablt pbyalclant. auuimon wlt- naiara. Me , and If Iha panon examined than ha found to ba m una iheu he or aha may ba committed to tba aa>lum by the uauiipigceaa of law.

Hr. Paxmoii, of Jariey (Tly, Introduced a bill whicb Inleretta Eih x Cuumy. It prorIJea that acouniy purrbitlDf apml ahill ba ap­pointed by the (Trculi Court Judit of each aoubty, wboahall buy all tupplletlot the In- ttllnttoni under Ibe cheraa of the Boirdt of Frocboldari. Uli talary ahall ba M.UO a year.

r O B T B B PO O L P E L L m .

a i th e

TH E F IL IN O W H A R F B l t L .

A D ebate O ear W h at baa Reeum a a Vary Im p o rtan t M aan tw .

Special DIapetch lo the Nxwa T k r n to b , M arch ] « .— U r. Chfwa’i

bill protfdinp thal the tlparlan commlaaiooaia buy permit boatmen to drive wooden plUni; on ref lb ir d flaia between Robbln'i Reef am 1 Badloe’a lauud tor a " t e a tonoe ” tot which they tbtll pay rent to Ibe B u ie when they nae the dika for a wharf carat up apelo in the Sen­ate yaatarday afternoon, It baa inddenly row n to ba one ot tba moil Important bllta be­fore the Uplalatuie. I t it tald tb it tba Stand- ard OU Oompany oppotca It becaora It will In- lerh it aomawhat witb thair oonraerelal Inlets **le, while the railroad corpontloni a n In JtToroflt. A dpbl in the LepaUtuin between tba Standard Oil company and iha allied rail­road companlai aupht to ba rather Intareatlnp. Benatot Chaae aaya that the aaa tonoe, If prop- v ly conalrnetad, will n abe tncta a Talntble Ime of wharrea that tba Stale, tbroupta the R iptrlu CoiDBiiiiioa, will fc t t nrenuc &| w.OOQt^euflromU. He MterU thftt il will ioteriera wUh no cofDonitoD, tbat tap to pro- viAai t ia id « for i full f m cbum el, u d ib ti ih f» will be no impedlmciit to eliber q4tJj 4< nOD 01 eomtnerce.

Whan the maiiure waa taken np In tba aller- noou. Senator Rdwarda oltorail an amendment tequlrlnp that Ibe ptlea ba at Icaat ten feat apart. Bentlor Cbaaa called attanuon to dlffl cultlaa that aucb an amendment ulpht canm and added that the pUtnp would ba tubject to Ibe riparian commlttlanart' approral The amendment w uloat Senator Edwarda olftiad an amebdment that tbe ownera of the tea fence be required to enblat It lo all Teaaala at undlacrlmlnallnp ratal to ba tpprorad by tna riptilxa comnilailonera Senator Cbiae aald toe dllBcully hare preiented would be that torelm boatmen might combine and leaae the fence, and abut oB thoee for whom It wai In- tcrided. Benatora Edwardi and Grippa thonpht toe fence mipbt to be laaacd to aTqrybody aod anybody at they camo alonp. Senator Gird- net Hid inch an amandtnvut would deelroy toi purpomof the bill. The bulldera of toll fence unuoublfdly want It for the uae of their own la m a .

“You inlpbl u w ell,"la id be, “ enact that •ny wayfarer who oomaa along and payi a rea**able price ahill tumble Into your bed and occupy it at night, leaelog yon to hum ■reund oniilde your home for (belter."

Senator Kdwardi offered to tUer bliamend- bwnt to ai to roqnlre the aub-lettlmi of the feecc only to NewJeiaey boatman. He laid “ at he did not aee bow Senator Chaae could •Spot* toll, In view of hie doclarailoQ that lh«

*aa intended tor the beneSt of the boat- or Hew Jerrey. The amendment waa hut,

*n mnendment by Senator Ed waidx Mil toe riparian oominlwlonera bare Ittper- vjttan of Ibe building of tbe piling, tbe llgbltog m It at night, etc., waa accepted by Seoaior

" ’i'! e^optid. An amendment by Senator Bm the uae o( the piling to Jemey-» J . .n « .h o ,A p ta d . The bill wenl to Uilid

■A N T B I L I B rA JM BD.

Action Taken by th e HawaU and th e A ftM m bIr.

Dlipatch to the Nxwi.T sentoh , M andi l S . _ T h i M o w in g

. 1. , S *r* il to the aftamoon by toe Sen- eaiiii™ MU giving to laboren in the

Ploy or Innlvent ootporatlona a lien upon ^ f o r wigai doe beton the dateofliuol-

heaUngM i J t ™ companlee power to lay tieceraary Bm?> Jm**" f"***” ® " htohwayi; the

hUI ipptoptlitliit n , m to the State “ tombdoiiof Fjiberiae with which toiMok IUMu!?Ii“ ‘ '‘* ®tole with flih j the bill pro- tlon^.'Xi*''*"** toinon In grooaiy, provl-

**“ '*•= BlU’tHouie pawnbrokeremuetiakeont

11(100*! *.v® ** “ Il S * " Iwbil* torbm allowing milca lo

• *'** S*“ -h • “ “ which glveitoiibm"!.! to to t*>odietwo.“ r t “* ? * * * to be Hied ex- p]l»ft i l lmprOT4ia«ik of wttor too* kabiialit tox not lo exeeed U for eiob la-

blUte ^ ,* ? ',i"^ Y y « » '« « U iy l* r .B a iT e t t 'i mu toll£,6.Vl* f"todent qf tb f Towntblp Co». J ^ o f lrrington too aoep., to deelguta a

of toe peaat to tty au eeiei of hteaeh a f "lU w m uppoettloK. so did

" U T W a » t o g * im ,f l„ P u n a „ Jndlolal

t o l i ft lS ! • JMnt Maotatlon to loan

p t r t ^ ^ i < » <tnanenntttaiGtDeral’e Dt-

™ oorb% fairpy|aiBi]rqi^pt t t im k r

BID In T h a ir In ta n a t P a t R a n a a .-o tb e r LaglstaUen.

Special DIapatch to tb f Niwi.T renton , March 16.—The profw-

Honf] lobbyMf pubad their Bret bill through the n ou if yaetarder aftarnoon. Il waa a mcaaure lo Irgallia gimbllog and pool felling at Honmouth Park. T bi bill la an olil oua, and baa been betora ibe Leglaialure two oe to n e yean. A good many of to i maraben, particularly Ihoat from Haommito and Bttox Counllei, were boncatly in Uvor of It, tor It It a notortoua fact that tba old law proTllIng for penalUaa of heavy Bnaa and Iraprlionmeat lor pool aelllng, baa been openly vtolited every year, and they believed it better to lepaltra a bad ptvetice than to hare on the bookt a atalnw which la balng oonatimly violalad. There w u plenty of money and laveral men of InSnence, amongit otoen S. F. Bhinley and E. B. Uiddli, of Newark, behind to t bill tola year, J , Frank Port aeeinad alio to be rather deeply fntcreaiod.

T ht meainre ptoed toe Senate liat week. Hr. Beckwith by a lerlea ofmotloDi forced iba bill feom S im to third readleg, and Speaker Baird put It ou Boal paaiage. Hr. Corbin and acme of the other oppontntiof tbe bill made DoUoDi to lay the bill over, but tbe apeaker bad hta flngen In b li ears and paid no alten- tlon to tbim.

When toe roll waa called all of toe Eiaei membere voted tor the meaxuie except Heaati. Hill, Oondll and Underbill. Tbe two former did not vote at all, and toe latter waa not lu Trenton at the time. Tfairty-aix votea were cait tor toe nieaiure and only eight agalnit It,

A ilt goM to the govrmor toe bill almply provldea that peraona oonvlctad of pool aalUog aball be Sued t i j and no more,

Some of the membtra of the Houia wera, or pretended lo be, vary lodlanant tb li momlag becauae they laid tbey had bean mltlutormed wtih reganl to too bill to l^allxa pool aelllng at Houmonto Park. The draft of tbe bill to one o f tbe preuiaai placet of work thla Legto- latora h is leen. No one but a lawyer could ever Snd oat Iwbal It meant. Ft Haply pro­vided! that all pennua convicted under a certain act be hereafter punlihable under toa general gaming act, etc. When to t bill cauia np tooic lo whom It bed been explained limply whlipered to ibelr nelghbota that It waa all right, and to tba vote tor II wea almoit nnanlmoui.

All of Ita candtdatei had been tnatrueled not lo explain it, Ur. Donahue aod Hr, Carroll ciat toelt ballotj for 11, believing, tbey lay, that II bad aomelblng to do with Ibe public achooto o f the State. The bln wu idtghUy •mended In tba Homa Committee and it had toga back to Iha Sanata again tola meralng.A flood Of petition^ a little behind time, ponied Into that body agabut It, and Pnaldent Flab leoelved a copy of toe letolnUona adopted by the Metbodtot Conference oondamslng U

Tbe B o n n puied atoo yetteiday afternoon the Camden County bill to m aketheternuof tbe city cletha In fliai-claai citlea tone yean Inatead of one. There la a clauae In It which requliei that a two Ihbd vote of Council mnit be east in the alBrmatlve before toe provtolani ol toe act can be taken advantage of. Under toll ttatrlollon U conld batdiy apply to New­ark. Almost all toe Hisex memben voted tor It.

The Newark memben of the Bouae triad tbli inemoon to have reoonildeied toa vote by wbtob the bUI lo aboltob poll taica w u loat lu t week. ^ r . Barrett made a ipeech eon- cernlttg the unjust working of tbe law In Newark. Hr. Corbin oontlnued to opiiote too bill, u did Mr. Goble. Hr. HcDermlt, In a humorous addreu, called Hr. Goble the mem­ber bom ''OoeauICA" Tbe Eawi memben aucceeded In baring toe vote by which the bill w u loet reronaidertd. but toe Bouu ad­journed Immediately before it could be pul on final pauage again.


L obbyist R e n n e ll Sues Lobbytal B a ll for Sarrloee B aad ered .

Special Dlapaicb to tbe Nawi.T r e n t o n , M arch 1 6 .—Jo h n A. H all,

who w u toe private aeoieteiy of GYVemor George B. McClellan, and Itat wlnler toa legto- Itlive repreaentatlve of Ihe BalUmonand Ohio Rallrotd Company, waa made toe deftndamlu a ault for PJW alleged to be due for aervloM to ei-Aieembiyinau lohn Kenoell, of Puaaio County. The action w u bioughttn toe Tron- lon IHitrlct Court before Judge Woodruff. The turn demanded la claimed to be doe u a bal­ance on a contract made by Mr.iHall with Hr, Rennell tot Inteivtewlug memben of toe Leg- tolature laat winter. Frank H. HcDermlt ap' peared u oonnaci tot Mr. KennelL Tbe c m w u laid over f-r one week at toe teqneat of Hr. B tll'ilaw y er.

The cu e b u created a great acniatlon. Ur. Kennell lathe repnaontaUre i t Trenton of tbe Lehigh Valley Railroad Company. He u y i that toe ault which he baa begun to out of three which he will Inatltute on three lepaiale conlracte lor a total anm of BOO. It to a leet ctie, and U be wlna It there are four other men who will begin tlisllat inlla tor lunij aggre­gating tl.DOO, Hr. Kennell asys tbat he h u Irtteri proving tba contract with Mr, Util and acknowledging Ibatthe work wudone by him. Thepapera flUd by Sir. UoUermft leave Uio Ibe imagloatton to gueu w het" interviewing membeta" means,

P an ag y lv aala BnllniA d D lxeatort,P h i l a d e l p h u , M i i c h i a . - T h e com-

mlttaa ippolnltd at toe animal itookhoiden’ meeting of toe Penngjlvenla Reilioad Com­pany to ngate a llokel toe d ln cto ti of toe oom- pany met to-day, aud recommended the te- elecikm of toe preaent board, u tollowa - George B, Roberta, Wtotar Horrli, Alexander Biddle, Alexander M, Fox, N. Parker Bhotb ridge, 0 . B. Cammlna, Heuiy D. Welsh, John Price Wctbemi, William L. Elkina, WilUtra Thaw, S. B . Houalon, A. 1. Caatatt, C. A. Grlacom. The election wUl take place Tuea- day next.


r ia n td a g W ark awd M aklag Rattm ataa•f tb a ApptwptlAiaeBa Waegad.

J B it a lU r Um Ritnatea o f tba Saw er CommlUaa bad baen lead laat alghl Chtirmau Bk'key tanooncad that ba otajaoiad to paying M r. Doremna by tba day Sh laying tba floora hi toa naw pump ataUen wbaa toa elty had t m nliact with him. Snglnatr SohaaSkraUted that Hr. Domma would ba paid tot nolhlng txnrpt wbal w u outHda of Ua eootract.

" I hava ealltd tola maetleg," aald Hr. Hickey, u be pickad np a abaai of papar eov- and wllb tlfU RA "lor Iwo at tbnaraaaona. Ona of tbaaa to to gat an tipreailim u lo our approptfatitm tor tba year, w I uDdenUnd that the chairman of toa Flnanaa Oommlttaa wanti aa to ba atUaflad wllb gjO.IOe. Wt tiv now tpendlng money at toa tala o t 11,100 a monto aad toa mao era narking on totaa- quarier ilaee only."

He tocD reed a alitenent which ahowad Iba length of brick aewtn to data la liy.tta torn; tbat o l pipe tawan, M.llT feat; bulll laat year, brick, |,JOO feet; plpa, e.jofl f u t ; raoalvlai baaint, I . l t f ; built laat yaar, U , By tax ardt- nanea |1S,0M w u nceivad, with two adll- Uonal appropriatleni from toa oonlloiant ftind of m.OCO. and tio.OK tnm mwer tape, making m.OOCI In alL Of thu about IK .m w u apeni. There b u been expended E i.m u tor iblayear.

" Lei toe Finanoe Oommlltea give ui what they pteau," nid Hr. ArmlugA " We have Ihe cooUnient fund to draw 00."

" 1 think that toe aum tot ttie rnanlng of tba pumping aiallon abould ba made a aaparata Item In toe Tax ordloanca," tald Hr. Down- beny. " Aa we have ne eiumaia of tba amount that ahll ba necamary, I move tbat toe engl- nrart and alrrot commlaaionet piepare a ttale- menl u to the aum that will be re<iulred."

" Tbe tiailoD abould be ready by april U ,” Mid toe chairman, "and Iglve notice that I will not vote lor inolhtr eileuaton ol Uma I had a rough ettlmata given me that II would COM tie,0M to run Ibe ilatimi.'’

The motioo of Hr. DuMoberry w u earrled. Me iben moved that notice ba aam to Waiia, Campbell A Co. to prorted at ooca wItb tbe arecUon of toa machinery In ovdtr tbat toa etaiion nay ba oompltlad on » " '« This w u flfo paawd.

" I would Ilka lo know," aald Mr. Ehlers,If contractoie ate allowed to do Jual u they

pIrtH in tots city. The South Orange avenue fewer la nol flnkbed yet, and th eatree lh u been In a horrible eonditlon long altar the time whan toe work abould have baen oom< pleted."

Tba gantlemin w u tainted that tba work would be eompieiad u aoon u the feOM wu ont of the grnond, Notlcaa of IntanUoii wen ordered for aeweri In Falrmount avenue, Jacobi itreet and Emei Mtaei. Oidtnancu wera ordered buroduoed Sir uwaie In North Sixth atreet. Vewy, Paelllc, Tlebenoc and Hnl- heiTj and Cherry atreeta.

" I would Ilka to know wbat h u bean done about tbe pood of water on Fndarlck ilroel," •aid Hr. LTiacy. lo laply the ebaim an pro­duced tbe old contract with toa Oanlial Rail­road, which obUgstca the road lo keep toe lewer and culvert lu tbe itreel in repair. T U clly couoael and atraet commladoner ware tn- •Ducted to notify tbe offieeix of toe road to comply with the contricL



YWo S b lp w n o k ad B a llo n Saeeuad, Boston, March 16,—A dispatch from

Orleani, H a n , to ll morning itatat to il toe tug Underwriter, of Boaton, nacned two men who wera leen clinging to toe tontop n u l and bowipilt of toe icboocer I . R. Sella, ubore off NanuU yettarday, and landed tbem u Or- leiat. The leat of toe crow were drowned.

V vaai Aataap to W u h to g ton . Speetal w toe B v u d h i Hiwa.

W a s r in o t d n , M a n h 1 6 .—T he New Jeney vltlion b e lt are i B . la jn e t , ot New­ark i Gearge Tkataber and wUh, of WealSetd, a iid H ia .E ? . Bad bu, M ia BedkeraodtiMey B.Boi,«rat|itH«e«.


A T n v e l la r Baund for M atowan Sboota H Im aalf Ih ro u g h tba H eart.

B i d B a n k , March 16.— T here w m a auldde on toa Pennaylvula train which w rived here at 6:06 lu t evenliig. A pameuger of middle age boarded toe train at Long Branch wHh an excnrtlon ticket to Hatawan, leaned at toe Long Blanch ilaUon on Hatch L The ticket wu worn u though 11 bad beae eurted In toe pocket tor loffia time. When toe train w u cnating Broad alrect, half a mile from toe Red Bank m tloii, the mag ahot hlmxlf torougb toe breaai with a in u ll tevolvar, and fell over dead.

Tbe report of the pUlol itartled tba peaaen gen In toe coach and they ruabed to tala ualat- anca. Tbe imoke, end toe plaiol In hb hand told toa atory. Conduclor R. Thorp had toe body put off at tola atailon, and lategraphed Coroner Smith to coma and taka charge of It. There w u nothing on tbe dead man'a paraoat by which hla name or iceideoce could ba u - ccrtalned, Hla bait wu dark and be wore no beard or mouatache. Uli banda were roll and white. B e wore ■ tor cap of Imitation aeal- akin, 1 nearly new boalnau sultofanull check brown end black croaabat paltarn, aud low o n ahoea. Be had no money, tmt In hla pocketa were a silver walch of toa make of toe Metropolitan Welch Company. No. 106,ai5, with a chain and ch u m : a pocket knife with two blades, a qnear looking red ubacoo box made of aome pecuUu wood, a heavy key torae tnebea In length, two hjLDdkarcbieih, one white and one red; a thne-onoce via! neu ly toll of a colorleu flnid, and beailnf toa label of " E. H, H utln A Co., Phwraicy, 16 Broadway, Long Branch, No, 666," Hgned by Dr. Jotepb W. Taylor, of that place.

During toe evening the body w u poeHlvely tdantUled by Town H tiahtl Jtmea Horntan “ d a btakeman on tbe next train on toe New Jen e y Central Railroad u tost of a hotel- beeper, WUllam H. Conover, of Hatawen, but In inawer toa telegraphic Inquiry from Coroner Smith Mr, Conover sent word thal he w u eilve and navel felt belter In hla life. The drogglat'a libel w u deled yraierdiy, and Hr. Martin aaya lhat It w u brought tobta place to be flUed by a colored man, on a preacrlptloa of Dr. Taylor for brein trouble, and that the doM Wu a Mf- apoontol every two bonn,


Jeraeyroaw H elping tk a A m arleen In -duatrlal aad Skipping L aagaa.

Special lo Ihe E vxnimo Kiw i.,W a s h ih q t o s , M arch 16 .—T h e an-

nonneeroent la made ben that 8, W, Carey, ol Montclair, N. }., b u bean aleotad vice preat- dent, and George H. Brewer, of R u t Orange, one of the lecretarlea of toe American Indns- bfal snd Shipping Ltsgne. Hr. Csxey b u slio been appointed s member of toe Kstlonsl Executive Board, The object of toe league la to reatore toe merchant marine of thla (smotty to lU former prestige, and then " to promote Ibe development end dlatrlbutlon of toe pio- dneta of American labor by toe aitonaloa of toe mercbsnt merlee of Ihe United Btatee, and to establlih thereby more Intimate oommerclsl Intercourse with other countries by frequent ■ud direct mall service."

The declsntlon of principles Is signed on the pert of New Jersey by J . H. Wlncheeler. Among the mottoes of the orgsnlssiloo are ths tollowlEg: " I n shipping all Industrlu a n nnlted." " Millions for defence, bat not one cent In tribute to foreign shlpi." "American genlna h u alwaya led the world In buUdlng

The nexi oonvemlon will be held In Boston In September, at which George H. Brewer, of Jee t .CrMge, will ofllcleto u secretary, uid Senator Kiye, u preildent.

V e P h a n o B H as R la P o rtra it P a la lad . Special to toe E v n u ta Nxwa,

W a bh in o t o n , K tr c h l e . — A lbert Qnerry, a Sonlh Carollei artlat, h u Jnat cot*. pleted a llfe-slae portrait of Senator John E McFhenon, and It le now on eihlbltlan at hu ■Indio In tola city. The New Jeney aenator la repreeented aundbig and tbe bee la aaral- priiflle. The picture la prononnoed to bean exoellent llkeneai II will adorn the walla of b li manalai] on Vermont ivenne. Among thoaa who have celled to aee it were Mrs. Fretident Cleveland and Hn. Foliom. Tbs aitlfthutlaoeom pletod a Ilfe-ilxe poriraU of M n. Cleveland, which le exhibited aide by aide with lhat of toe eanittor.

Ja id g a Ladwtth Baapp olnted .Special Dlipatch to toe Nxwa,

T r e n t o n , H A fch l6 .-O i> v en io iO t«e n •ent toe flirt Eaeei County nomluaiton to the Benata yartenlay alteinoch, Ho reappolutod Michael J . Ledwflh lay judge of Ibe Conn of Comisnn Pleu, In executive setalon toe Sen­ate referred the nomination to tbe Judiciary Committee, acirordlng to enttom. None of the other nomlnetiaiu made yeaietday were con­firmed last night. It la a cuatom to lay them over tor iwonty-fbot boura

)n T ro a b la A b M t a Bceatatfdii, O etectlv g McU u b s thia m o ro ln i i»w

tw olnm p.Jlka Indlvldnala in Centre H uhet trying lb aell a gold brewtolo. He aatulared up to them and Inquired how they came to pomam toe article. Notnoalvlataattaraetory ■nxwen be took the men to Ibe Fliat Prednot w h en tbey gave their naaau u J . G. Bameear o fL ascta ler. P a , and Michael Drnary, of V atarboiy, Conn. They were baht to i tx -

■nlaauaw W aak i fhw i Dewa la to a Baaa-u a a l a f Hla ^ a lA a a a a ky a a Ifa-

k aaw a lia e a a d a e — T b a a —*-yin E a a a p M -T h a W Ifa'a GHaf.

N iw Y ork . arch 1 6 .-B « o k ly i wuataillvd tola momlnf by a cold btoodad muidu crtam llud at daad ot night la the ap- parent ticu iliy of homa and family. Lyoun Wrrkt, aged Ihlrty aH. a haltar tmpluyad la New York, w u kiilad early tola moralug In bu bouae, lOIt Da Kalb avanna, In toa Baatain Dliirtci, a twottory and baaaaaem feama hooM. brlween ttvld avenue and Broadway. Hla murderer K far hU eluded toe vlgUaitot of the puLca and left behind no flue to hla Idamliy, atlbougb toa aulhorUlaa bavt :a tuaplnne which may land to hu capture. Mr. Weeks, who w u a marrlad man and had aeveral chll.tren, tetitad with buwife to their sleeping apartmeuta on tha upper floor at about ll:M last nIthL After tbey got Into bed Mri, Weckt told bar hui- band that ahe thoiigbi aha beard a nolia lo tba idwerpart ot toa houae, which rtl Ible time wu autinly dirk. To u lk fe her Hr. Weeks anjuand aald he would go down and Invve- tlgata, alUiongb ha thought her ala-.m w u iruundleta- Without putting on anything to cover hli night apparel ha pro- oeeded gownatalr*. lighting toa gas In toeh allu h ed tacen d ad . HU white robe and toe bright Ilf hi mada him a good mark tor a burglar'a aim, whl'e toe litter remained In Ibe shadow. Upon reaching the lowaat atape of tha basement ataln Mr. Weaki received t torty-touT calibre bullet In the breaai. Tbe eatureef toe wonud showed that toe Maarwln w uonly aehort distance Irom Ua victim, the bullet psusing entirely torougb hU body and coming out of b it back. Mr. Weeks staggarad a lew stapa and fell dead.

FOCND OCAD Off THE FLOOB.After Mr. Wetka had gone dawnatalnbli

wile Uatened aniletiily , but, nrangt to my, beudno nolaa tioept w bu appeared to her to be ahovelUng of ooel Into the fUrneoe. She called down toe speaking lube to her husband several times, but on receltiug no response opened toe window and began to raise en alarm.

Her acreama lUracltd toe attention of David o f lOtt DeKtIb tTeoDO, nearly op-

poalte,; who had not yM retired to leaL Mr. Neely creired the Hreet end tpoke to Mri Week!, who w u still at Ihe window. At hla request ahe ceme down sUIra end let him in by toe baaement door, which aha fixiud unlkstened. Mr. Neely 111 toe beaement gas- light and found Hr, Weekx’l body on the floor.

Mr. Weeks waa found lylug partly under toe dining-room table. In the fremi baaement. T hen la no spot of blood ou the Brussels carpet In this room, 1 he room la nurow, nol being more Iban nine feet wide. A Beltimore beater extendi into It, and thal. with the table and toe cha'ii, left lllile room lor either Mr, Weeks « toe bulgier to paw. There were ■ tow grains of powder on Mr. Wwkv’a linen, and tfaedeteetlvea u y tb e pistol oojld not have beeh held m'.re than three foci off wlien It w u dUeharged. The bu’tet entered Mr. Weeki'a right breast and ranged through hti body Iraniveriely, so that It camo out on the left aUe of toe aplnal column.

LIAV iAo h is rLUNDCR aCRIIVD.Twenty minutes after toe shooting tbe cap­

tain of toe police precinct, three aergcania and aeveral delecilvea were i t the houae. Every ear paulng about that time w u overtaken, but no man w u lonnd to have boarded any of tbem Id toa neighborhood at toe honr of tha Iregvdy.

It la apparent that the botglar entered the houae aa he left It. by the from baaement door. There la only one aide light Inode tou door, and that la JuM beside tbe lock. A pane offlua and a thin curtain were all there w u to pre­vent tba bnrgiar ]>utllng his hand In aud lumlng th t key, which w u left In Ibe lock of toe door. The gliss le broken and toa door w u toand opea with toa key atlll In It. Whrn ths burglar entered he Is auppoied to have gone Into the front baaement and III the |H, which w u found burning loir when help coma Tba feet thal he Intended to cu ry away plunder was apparent, becauae to t ailver- ware had been collected and placed where It could be cu lly gathered up, not far Irom the plaoe of en- trance. The crlei of Mr*. Weeka had evidently alarmed toe burglar, as none of the allverware w u ramoved from the plaoe he had pot It. Kctolng aaerai lo have been taken by toe burglar, except one of Mr. Weeta'a ooats. But In htl flight tot man threw thla into tbe eeliu of a new bouu tores doora ftutoer down D«- KGb avenue, towud Stuyveeani avenue.

Mr. W eekawuaialH m aii in toe employ of Herbert, Bheehy A Bandford, h u manufsetur- eia, at MO Broadway. Hla emp'oyen and otheta ipeak highly of him. H ew u tolrtyaix yean of age. H ew u ancceetflil in hla butl- neaa, and had porchaaed a new houae on Ma­con Itreel, Into which ha and hu wife were In- fendlng to move next week. IIli wife h u been In ip u m t since eeriy tola morning.


A Dlspata C n n earalag H eikoda a f Coud aetlBg a a AweUoii !lale.

K ail waa brou ght b r Mahlou M. Mil ler toe laeU oeeet, egalBat (lauallel K. Davht- Ixan, a Turl ith tradesmaB, tbit afternrmo In toe Firm Dtitfloiraart.bellinJudgeGllheoley of Klltabeih The B ill w u torSMfbradvat- linr„- ibv sal* of nige owned by DevPHgan, at Ibe rriiuiM of Iha defendant, tor Ihe amouxt paid by the plain tiff for aadstanea i t to# hanging of toe niga end tor eomoabBluu tor toe sale. The sale ocearrad rm Thursday, March I , and waa to hava eon- tlnued on Friday and Saturriay, butouacoounl of toe meiboda adoFtad by Mr, Dtvldlgtn, Hr Hiller decided to abandon itH ule. Hr. Mil ler claimed lhat the defendant gnva him to underttand to ti ih e u la w u to be ■ InaKaln.

" I w u io aell Iha goods free, 'tald Mr. Hil­ler, aad waa 10 gel five percent, c-onmiUdR. Il wu Urielly umlerxlaad ihel I tw u u iM “ open tale. Tbe defendant hnd •freed to piy toe the hall end pftnUng end I wu lo funilih the help. The u le began Thunday evening. Kri. Thomu N. MeUarter bough! one mg, and bar ton In law another. Tbe dvirndani began lu Interfere wllb me. end •firr I eold one of the rues he uld he would not pert wilh || for thatpdie. Then he slid Thai the goods could not be bought rUraper from raeihtn ftiim him. I bad a rtpulailuB at stakt aod eonld not Imptwc upon my pairont Ilka that. Un FiPIty Utf bt I refuted in (.rneecd with tod u !e , and ou Halurdiy did not iUeod.

Tht defendant claimed that he haddrarngemrnte with the e-__AMf about the taleof tba tooda ahont Ibrue weeks ago. Wbeo a pclci had been bid which wu tairsftciory he w u to give a signal bypiitilng bli hand In hla hand In hla pui'kel. The defeu lant Claimed thal he should not bs held rwqtonsible. lu tbe debts lururred by tba ptainttff, as tbe latter had fallad to live up to Ih i Fonirict entered Iritu between them. Tbe court aald toat toa dcfandant’i mclbod of coudurdlug butlnesa w u certainly not perlcctiy houeei, aad Mr. HlUer could nol be blamed lor wrtbdrawlng from any luch pro* cetdlnga. He rendered a verdict In itvor of Ihe plaintiff

H R . B A R R R T in ro S lT tO N .

r a lH H U U u ea ta A bou t Him Made at the Rbloow-keepers* M eeting.

Tbe ihlooE-keejMrt toel in eecret a a - ilou lu to t Academy of Mule ynatetday. Tniy talked of many things and amoag otbers the Interview of John J . Barrett, pohlUhed In the Nsws. Tha oommitiee who had called on Hr. Banett lo requut him to withdraw Imm the Law and Order lAague reported thal Mr, Barrett had received them courteoualy and promised them an aniwer toe nest day. The comBlttee then reported that the interview with Ur. Barrett, u published In tha Naw.-, w u filie, snd Inllmsted thst Mr. Bsrrell would Withdraw from tha Law and Order League.

Neither of throe aluementa la true. Every word of the Interview with Mr. Bsrrelt u It •ppssred lo the Nxwa la correct, and Mr. Bu - rvtt la willing to testify lo lu srTurscy. Mr, Barrett hsi no Intantlou of lesvlog tbe law snd Order- League. This he realllrmed thu morning snd denied the inalnnstloa made si the meeting o f tbe h Ioou- keepers yetierdsy that his only object In adhcrliig to the Uw and Order League w u to secure cheap nuiarlcty.

Tbe tucinbera of tbe commute. IbsL walled on Mr. Barrett knew tbat ba bad a written answer ready for them ; they ware nulllled of tbat fad, and they never went near him for It Mr. Barrett u id this mornlnx that ho had no diiirt to Injure the Mlaaa kee|>eri, ami thal he w u a member o f tba Law and Order Uagua In the interesla of the hun- drtdl cf elota clerks In this city and to obtain fur them a total ceavation of labor on Suaday. He ex plained toat Ibe Krtall Uroctre’ Atacclatiun, with 111 membership of NO, would not etoae Ha stores at 7 p. M. crery day, unless toe Early Ulnaing Aiaoclatlon could accompIBh toe closing of all n ia ll ainrsa on l-unday. Mr. Barrau then want on to explain how Ibis affei-led the grocery eiorki snd olheti, •cd coDcludad by saj log that be wuongon- ersl rsllgluua principles opposad lo toa Irsua- acUou of buslnaaa on Sunday.


An Actor Anwatod lor KIsplug with a P a terso n Man-a W ifs.

P a t sb so n , M nrch 1 6 .-S a m u e l J . Ryan Slid Ja u e i K. ftlbaon snd thclt ".Huh doon'a Picnic" Comhinstlon appeared here durinx tu t amnmer snd gsra performsncaa to IGt houses Wheu they left two young women •lio diasppesrod. One of these wu tha young and pretty wife of Garrett A. Van Wigoner, s feed daslar. Van Wsgoner employed datec- tlvoasnd loon ucertalnad thst hla wife wu foilowhig toe troupe snd w u on Inllmsta tcimi with Ryan. B e snd toe detcctlrea aur- prised toe two logetoer In s hotel In Albany. Van Wagoner procured a dlvotce. Shortly slteiwsid Ryan married another woman. The troupe returned lo Palerxon on Monday and opeaied an cngsgamtnt at the Peopla'e Thuiro In "Muldoon’s ITcDlo."

Tha bouu at toa matinee perforiaance yea terdsy wu crowded—too crowd^. In fact. There wu one auperlluous person preaent, ami be wsi tbe sheriff of Psmilo (hninty, Jsmea W. McKee. He came with a writ of csplu In hla h ud , u d It proved Juat u effective as a free


Ilasu lts o f the M w U of • la V arious to ir a - ahlpa aod IH atiiela.

T b e annual Dieeling in A abltod .School DlJirift Nr. 17, nf Kail Oruge, held in Aah- laudPi'hiMl Hall lu l nlibt was very largely alicndvd, Edward B. Atwoml prr»i.|ml prig aunusi report of lUe Hoard of Trudeei wai prauBled and sdopled In It Ih i t r u ilm e i- pneaed totmaalviv u highly gratified at ton cendUbiB of Iha acboola. L u t auminer aitvn puplla w en gtsduaied. u d a large numbar la eiprrted at toe r uasiug lumom . suii uL Tba total uoubet reglslerad in the tw,. m too year w u BS a gain of i r j over toa pea- vkrus yaar. T ha avarigi- ationdarree was 606-5 again of M.-V The Urgsst atteodariee wu during Ocbiber, which ahuaad i total of 7iV Tba Uualrea recnmiucinled too appiupriation o f 16,600 for geuaial selniol jrurp.i-—. and 6J,0U6 fin finishing off toa H-t nod flour of liiuih aih- lu d School. Thunicatlng onland tba apurie prlaikxia rude.

Tha Rev. Ur. John I'rowcll. U. lo n g u d Rb hanliiwyniia uare iiooilnats-d as trustre to fill Iha place lall v ic u t by toe eiidroiluii ol Trustee Joaeph P. Tbooi peon'a term. A bsiba waa then taken and ‘J67 votes ware cu t. Dr. frowell received IN Ur Ising fc| and Hr. GWynne TO. Dr. Urowtll w ude. iart-.| alecu-J ainl bis riomtiiailon wu made uiiaiiUn.iiia A vulo of t o u t s waa eatendi-d lu Juaepb p. Tbnmpaon, the rellrlDglnittea.

The lu .ftlo f In Franklin D lilriil No, as, F u t Orange, bald Iri tbe Hehai>l Hall ou Is, id Strerl, wai toe mlldett affair of lu kin.l held In MverG yearv. Ural L, Issid pt.-dderL U lsiikt ITert Uicliit Meanam u-ie.! u aeorr. la r j. Tbr amuial ii;s)ri of the Hoard of Irn -letiw a- ru il and adopn-d. The i-..d of Ihe new hiiildini w u put ilown ai ga.F.i.. ilfOTBe Kuiehrr wu elreled IrmiHo m iha place of Giorga K. Sulphen, whose term n - plrcl. It wu eaiwcted lhat ta usual there wiuld l<a coniblrrahla ranteal over tb' 'lire , hut to live autpnaaof a" . — - w ii made and Kutchar was unariTni'iusly tiectoil. Tha appniprlailon ofll.im o recom- mended toy tha iraateeswu made. Ur. He- Adam brtHigbt toe quuilun of pomolldailng the ichool dlatrlcti, but It w u datuied best to contiD uou before.

Tha arhool mceung In Eastern Dlstilcl, So, IS, East Orange, w u modertlely atten'led. (feorga Booth pruldad u d H. r . Albert acie-l u ucrvtary. Hurngnia J . L. Murm reavl toe u n u a l report of Iba Boanl of Tnitteet. of whli b he Is a memlier. The report ibowad an csprndlture of 116,51661 for ganeral pttrpoan “ d lirx iS by tha principal at toe school, Iravlng a baluoeton h an d oftlfl.it. It wu uUmaled lhat tba expcnaeiDcit y u r won Id ba 110, WO and recolpti r,flOo, leaving a deficit of #2,.W, YrhicL Ihe lrujrt«e» rrawmeoilod ralred by dUIrlei la a. Tbe rc|Hjrt w u adnpteit and toe api'ropriallon of IJ.w i ordero'I made. Tha report ot Prloclpal Davy ahowad that the nveraga ittendance w u ts|, au lucraaae of Iwentydine aver lu t year, Tha enrolment for a ll mom ha wu 660, an Increau uf twenty. The total enrolment w u 666, and It w u ax- pected that ftio would be exceeded before arhool cloecd. In alt the claasea ihcre were but -giOcueaof urlluiwi, u d In one cIm U"! n tardy scholar. DeWllt a BukuX w u re­elected trustea witoout oppoatllod. Dr. T, R. Chatnbsiabroiigbi up the queallon of tormiug aclu adu Induatrlal drawlni, and altar a long dlacuaaiou Iha aubjirci wu dropped without action.

A large in '! well attended meeting w u held •I ths arhoolhouae at beihrllle, Iwt night, (or the elecilou iil oua tmaU'c in place of Uharlei Ocarman, » hose term bad expired. H ew u Mlei-U-d wltooni any i'p|a»liluu. An appro- prla!l"nori>,a00waima.ietobulld an addltl'iu Id Ihe eehoolhouse. Tha money will be rained by mortgaging the piesem building, An ap- pruprlaliou of tl.OOdwu made fur Incidental eipeuavi, and tOO lor a new floor


An A ct In ‘

P A K IR D RV a d o g .

n MUtoadaretandinf liepwrated Tsvol.lfa.toi>K F riaad a .

rm lfo tiir JV hlgler, thn lluboknn icn lp- tor. apfieaiTd beflrre Juxttoa Rodar lu t night to enter a Cumplalut agalnal Joaeph Rsl«ir. a druggist on I'-'uUi Orangesvi nuaIn ihlaeltyTba causa u( tba diOleulty between tha two men w u a dlsputa over the ownanhlp of

Hops," a St. Bernard dug, and tha ofliprtug of tha celebrated Da Barry, pictures ut whaiahava appeanrd In several llluuratad papara -----------------Tha men had been fist Irtari.!', having known ■ wi n » . s s s .. . .esai'othersiuocbuihuo'l. T hey first met m the * tb c O ilfu rt B ro th e l*, Robert SR d W illAcademv of Art lu Hunlch. Bavaria, where -------- - — ............*


A Long-lost D angbtar F lad a H er rw a n U T bro og h • D r a u i ,

N e w Y o e n , M arch 1 6 .— T h e b ip p le it family la all Brooklyn guy batonadattba t ^ e of Jacob Fahlingar, a ahoomakcr, at to I ulon iventie. Twenty-two years ago pretty black-eyad, twelve yaar-old Carollus Poh- linger started for school from bar parantg' houae on toe oomar of Eighth avenue u d Twinly alghth itrest. New York, wtiare thov then lived.

Soon tht aurrcundlngs bag u to look attanie lo bar. and ahe became rrlghlsned. Tear* atreamad down her rosy cheoki, and aba ■obbed u though bar llltle heart would break, A big polleetuan found bet In thla plight, u d took her to Ihe station, bha could not tell where ahe lived, u d finally w u lent to R u - dall’a Iiland. Alter being there about five month! aha w u adopted by a Hr. u d Mil. Brown.

They wenl Weal In 1678, but Ihe girl re- mGnad behind and took lervtoa with the fam- U yofO eneiG Cirlon Clinton iTenua, Brook­lyn, afteiwatil gnlng with them to Vlr^nle, wbare aha remained lira yeara. she returned to Brooklyn, act up u a dreiaraiker. and mu- tied. Ih tn she dreamed of her parents, sod consuliM a lady who Uved in tha bouts wito her. They made a aaiich logotoer, founfi them, u d ahe lx now with toe father and mother who spent 13,000, too aavlagi of a llfelltne, m looking tor lllllo Curie, She h u left her husband.


Locked Up A ll Night—A nother Im port­a n t Arroat To-dary,

Ch ic a g o , M arch 16. — T b s /oar " boodlen " a rm led tu t night were compelled to remain In eualody all night In aplle of tha eflorla of thair many friends to hava ball fixed. Judge Jam'son was aroused from sleep at mid- nlgbl u d hurried to toe sheriff's ofllos. Us tclused to fix bail until toe SlrUs’i attorney or tome of hli uslstanla appeared u d ststod tbe nature ol ths Indlctinsnta. Carrlsgei were dispatched in every direction by the prlnnera' trienda to find Mr. Grlnnell or some one of hla

B y u wu arretted, after toe play, on a ault for 15.000 for having alienated toe affecllona of Oancil A. V u Wagoner'a wlfa, Ho u held In K,OODIjall.

Tbe ibstlff bad refrained feotn IntorrupUng tbe afternoon pertonntnes, and he showed thu •ariie coutidarallon lu l evening. R y u , though ID snitudy, wax permitted to ip p u r to a vary liifv audience, drawn logetoer by tba llagrut acudal connaeied with hla elopameui with Mrs, Tan nagbner.

Sheriff McKee, who himself la u old pro- femtonal, luieiidi to let Kyiii keep ou playing thla week, u d will accompuy him to toe tofstrv lor each performance, waicnltig him from behind the acauea. At toe end ol toe week, uulew Byin ndTea ball or compiomlaet vHlh Van Wagoner, he will go tojall.


How th s M orris C an al ficheine AllenU the S ta le aa W ell u Newark,

We spoka of tbe audaeloiis Morris Canal water pn jto l yeaierday. Iinceila lurthsr e i- puiure tor toe benefll o f toe public. The atory or toe canal is too well known to need re- beeixal. it w u bought many y u n ago by the tahigb Railroad to w Ipe out a competitor In iLa iwitieti, and It owns their large and valuable w k fronligs at Jersey City, wUb which the

oega-isalja ev-1.e-w l.i-A.aL- a .- — . . jl4 bifh Railroad would be rerr ioalh to p*ri 7h lj fiQi eip iafni th e Janauage of tba Uib mc twn quulal yeaterdar. which al' loicJla— " allow!the ouial

which would, ofip k rto fit* property, wixm,.,, uipourte, duimy Ua public uae» aud whvnh, h? lUe report tuasie to the SecreUry of fttate \m

at a lo?e ofllw^onn, u d jrti n ta ln the ratuable dockpTOtertyt

, 1 he value of ihia eaoal to the cfly of Newarkataaqurreof water njoply frooi U k e llojitl-

( F* M f a p o r t of Me*wii. Croee & Howell on pa^e 8ft, where they lay. U lip iiliiU iat bTUHint the canal a ia cbianelu ^ cannot be brouxht toI Newark.

The legal dlfficnlUro In too way of toa elly •gaiurt using toe canal for such a aource, oven •her II had acquired th e light, so far ai too Lehigh road la couceraed. a n alraott Inauuer- able. It wu Inoorporatod lUlctly for the pur. pate of navIgstlOD, and B u no right to take

II----------andllreenwoodI f It abould aell Ita

waters from fa k e ifopaicong l i t i d l i i m w ^ Ladle for uyoinerpnrput*. I f li abould aell Ita capal bed ihcM rlahta would uf oouna lapaa

r ail water rlabte t t m laWke Hopatcoot or where would lapae aod have to ba wit*

cbtKd anew u • <-ouildenible coats The laoda•leo “’**'*‘‘ SE.-. • — . . . * 1— m a ._ — W------ia -v wuk TV MW u 4 uoamaaax i aa arav vx Fvs A UC staUm

aa.auxw. ai.raaaaiw oaai. waaMumiA ua mUiASM U45TI UJ AlU I "W WolCh tbeCMQal iCijUlftd by OODdefflUa"B in y aialitauU, but thdr effortt were In ?iEu. I t o ibe original owDera hrSot a repreaenUtlT* o f the siate'i attorney I abaodonment of tbe c u a l aa amnlrthe rhimd .nd .n^.. . . l i r e . ..mil v-sn I Ju e charter ot to" Canal torlher provided..van T. repreaentatfre v, .uu MEiuiucrcould be fbusdg and after waUln; unill Aa H , Judfe JaisuoD went homee The prlt- ooera were very attiry and cald: "Oriunell wanted to k « ui Id Jail t tbat'i why ha'ihfddoD,'*

Jamei T. Connolly, book keeper for McUarl'Sl** ^ County HofpUal, and odo of t me sia<e Thu*, tne ireDiftn vaiiey road andtna Inducted boodlenia" w u arreited at hi* I the city of Newark are not Ihe only people lu

haft been a wR I larrtilco lu ruch purohaee, but the Mate lUetf. _- sh.s__1- 4 - I Sa'm wimrenamtapu Tom rtar AA ktam Vmtaaml aasl Awroamn Aro

^Mani'ielle" th a t la Nut on th e l*rnfraD itua.

Airatfi'fi p l a j " M a m 'ie l le . ’* ix a drama of siartllng lurprlscs, and igvt night toe •udlcuco at Mluer'a IheaiJT got their money's worth of aatonUhmrni. A now feitiira tor which neltlur the jilsywrtgUt nor too aciora were iciponaibls, w u added to the perfor­mance. Ths properly man at tbs iheatre lx ihs happy poaieiaor of a largo and vigorous yellow and while cai. Tliomu, tor Ihai la too felinc'i name. Is greatly luiortiled In toe drama. Oftentliuea he may be loen hoterlog about toe rear anil the al lss ol the stage. U h u been noticed by the stage doorkec|>er, who la a very oUsrvliig man, thst Thomas has apeclil liileretl Di plays of '’ Tbe villain ailH puiaued her " order. Lut night ho itarrert In a Utile one-art drama of that kind himiolf.

T he second act of " Matn’aella " w u In pro- ra s * . The stage w u set wilh a etreet scene, and the impecunloita manager, the Jealous lover and the cooeeltsd old gentleman were making sport for the audience by their usual quarreli over Jfan'sefle. guddenly there w u a commotion at toa o. p. cniranee, and Thoiuu duhed upon toe stage. He w u received with a round of applause. Ho crossed the stage near the foolllghu and hurriedly pasaad Into the wliiga. Thera w u a aound of clawing canvas and palterlag feel, and a tirald, ihrtnhlng ret, with Imploring ejea, darted from under the prompttr'i box aud rapidly advanced lo toe centre of the stage. She looked piieovisly at Ihe aiHllence. Home men laughed aud some women screamed, but nuhan<lwaiuuistn>tche.t to help her. With 11*.'Elng eyes tii'l with the footltfhtft'ftltruihlnln^ tbraujfh hlM wblitaan Thoana darted Ueb u[«oti (ii« itage Ju relcnU le ii piirfuU.

The rat, with ona dwiporati' hound, leaped cleiD over the head of Orcboatra Leader laryiiN Baer and acurried down tbo alale aa jaat av her trenib’lDg limb* would cany her. Thomu gathered liJmaelt for aeprlQg.biu Mr. lUtorVwa and flourtjhed hla flddle bow In fm ntoftho lavage punuer. Thomw ruihed to ona ildo and the baaa dfuiniDer Khook the dnirawickji In hlH faces By tbli Ume the ladJcftia tbe bark iHirl of the house were fttaudiug un the orcheH' Ira chain and the lUnld rat hid Mcai»d. with a glftiice of «llw»p|H)itiUrd malignity Thuuiai

Ibvy had Ytiicrrci «* iiiudci.ta Thvy became c»mire.tiE luiui.-dinifij- eud lualiitaliisMl ihaaa lilraaatii rvkitkni imill Reivt-r Iffl to follow the pmrw Oh o( pr.eraary. Rohtolvr aim imnued bift ankiudhiaand tofil upacutpture The two frit lid', hivk rv. 1i.«ieU incc. nfima apolhrr Pm nmo) Hefufr l- UtelercimeloihliUBHmlry « Mr U .blm . t,i ihUcHy. r.m I f r fn l Willi big for a unmiioient ftw agUY*. WiMU hf fliilNhed Uia wwTk ho dr ddi-d be nia«e hli bome ou ihl^ n.ia ofih* water, ti.ii tv-idnif ji«T6. up«ued a iiudio to ll•»bl>k ‘n. He Jiamud. bowvtir, lhat Utblin had nwnmhlf'd mjUMi*. aLd ibai he would baUDible to rulUk i aoy mopey. About thU lime halvaruid tUai hu olit frieud wai llviua la Ibl^ciiy Mid b«Kten*it io ivw hiiq and rvAiw Old at-uuftltneoi tH. ib p !f beyi*h frlendihlp wu fi’klijiHi'd, end many |i|i>a«Mnt h>korv ware

Hi la king over by loue daj*. pftirpfcnw U r tiuo a frrqiipm vMlur *1

iln* huitfti' uf hi« fneud, and wtiFti be wrni ihiTi |iuor*i]| luirk ttUb him l>t'Uirry, Mhe wft* a iwiudniuu' d-ig. lerxe und ibu n y, bul gfiillu and giHjI naiiired. Large Mim« of hwoey iiui umii uflarv<l for h if, i>ui hot owiar rvhiMM u i>ert with h*fi When l i Harry iHl'1 *h** b-fi four iKanlirul puiw which the pr h'i or . are-l tor to ra ih o n Mine.

>)( e. bi'Wrvcf, and It iMTam-* fuf hitti to look gfU't Ihrttn. Iff dtv

tided in MDd the pupe away unlit the hoy g/Kliatttr and placed thoDi under the care of Mr, Kctaer. The profeiaor luirn'lail lhat they abould remain with Mr. RrUar until bta anu had rrcovare'l. out the druxiltt auppoacd toat Iba dugs had troii given to him

Mr. Reiser sold iwo of tUo pupe for Fjfl each, gave ona away and ntalued the other, Ih a prafcAor wu somewhat siirprlxeil to haar thal Iht dogi had hern dls,sM«(] of. but said nothing •a long U one of them had li« n retaliii d, 11 la »in having racuvered, the profcaaqr tccenlly relit a note to Mr, ReUer uking him to mid th ricD iln ln td og back This nota|vru re­plied told a way thal made the profeiaor shiver all ovrr. Tha wrllir Informed him lhat It would ba no more trouhia fur him to seii'l tor Ihe dog than it would be to bring It to him. The pi'ifeimr dechlad to aejid hts boy for " M0|w,•' bul when tha buy reiiiriinl with the- lutormaitoii tbat Mr. Reiser n-ftised to part wilh the animal, all feeling of affeoilon fur hla oM friend departcl and ha dcelded lo taka legal procccdlnga to rseuvei the dcgi.

Ha Informed Justice Rodcr of hla grlevaniree, and Mr. Krlscr waa re<iuefted to present him- •elf before the courL When tha 'Irugglst •bowed up be aald that he wosihl not give up lilt dog. He declaro'l the! It hs'l been gtveii to him toxciher with the other three.

Justice Roder aald toat If be refuseit to give the dog up a warrant would be laaued on com­plaint of the prnfeuur.

Frofcaior Ki-hteler values "M o p t" very highly and would nut like to lu*e nim. The profrfcir bai lieen uigageit on many Imfsirtant Ptecea of work tinea '■.'mltg to tola country, lie la rngsgrd now on a monument lo be cnrtoil In I'hn-sgo In n'enniry of t.ogsn, aod Is working on another ol Ruler, iha leiw-Uermaii l-oet, also to he ertclcl lu Cblcigj,


Raw Ih * B iwUm i* la tn d a a a A * R aw A ttn w l ton 6q Olraaa-Ca •ca-ROFmAata

iB g ^ a e la a l W a r * , o f A r t-F ta a - U ctac a t TkaAr Rom a,

lam. oalrhrated clrcua parlbrmeix Akd Ih* I'loreeix In that clexa ol pertbrotaBOsi katoafn •a Uic protanlatton of " The llTlng statnm* ac r iih -'if lira antl'iue. are crvluylagtkaqfitalt and rett of iherr pfrity llttla hoaaa aa Oalk- wimhI avenue. Brick Uburofa. Tbey hava paa^ pared during the winter for lhafr rataTa aw a. Dll' r1r.'us life, and hava perfeiled Uiam- wlV'> lu new atUai-thma or the auluwqaa ec- di r 5 Nawi rvimner vbltad Ibelr preaiy eot- tage yeater'Iay afternoun. A goodlooklaff yeina W'uuaii. wbuae traiuraa naamblaItaiaa Of her brotlirri. aiawaral Iha nimaMDi ami uvhrrni the reporter loui tha premaaa of Ih * aihleiei. The brothria are tall en'l (hick itl, aad tlieir puwernu uerki and aiaaitva lliatia stamp them aa rareapaelmeni. of muKuilar manhood. Tbramooih ihavrn faea ol both an amidnx snd guurl nainivul.

Rote-mfiirort, who la the ntaaegerfiw hta hruiher and himself, loid tha reporter aoiH ofthru luitory. He apuke very modestly ot thrlr lung rmithiueil gn'l eonitani auceeas.

Thfreari th r.o od h ii htoihors, R'lbert anrl Vt'DIiam, wlioarn uumartiwl, and Frank, who la ii'inlcd end Uvea In MnlJand, atlll fultairln* Ihe same prnfesel.'ti. Kurmerty the whole Ihree pertoimad logaiher. Robert la nearlyflvi-fret eleven Inehet tail. Frank Is sbc'O " l a

William Is half a-i Ineh

I R E M O IIEIIl'LE B E T r i.E n ,

Icscmied. WUh

Ircaiud froui tha siagc-

home tola raotnlug. Connolly has been a wli

■ iiri'iiaiivi III 1111 uaiiei juiiner proviua-l thal at the end of nliiety.Dlna yean iheBiain cculd Itaelt lake It upon paying a fixcl Him. but that. If II should fell to do ao, the charter af the canal ahonld cunttnue for II fry

' years more, when the whole minal, with Its , appurtenances, becinaes the eola property of ; the Sia’e Thus, the Lehigh Valley rood andI PlittAl6aa<nr MxshawJp w wro. wi j-i> I Km rwaw I w wiai-sosI ja

oewioaew. emi I w aaa-u • a* aoxg, WVIlftIVliJ UME UCEUIRkrMness before the Grand Jury aad aome think he has ucbcaonird hinmeir to an extent that ren­dered the oOclala not very aniioua to End him l i l t nIghL

F ia tliaa o f Uio F ro xid eaea Braruliup, BoriTON, March 16.—Ttwre have been

no Inithcr deaths to-day al the hospital of those who iraia In jo r^ la the Buway Park brldga diaaaiar, aad tha Hat of killed and xronaiM rataalni pfsetleally Ih* aome. Haaily all ot tha la- jiued a n npiutcd u OolnE vG LalU nughtn • aQBbc(Otcaa«iatt/r«roJMarapemtbla,

KIE<16L'S ih> rutau XAIVParoou, vu* kUV CihMqqy IMKklIftaoeceMiary parly M t&e rabalndermta to whcotttblfttftuUl^ to Qome after tha^anintcy fo ry a a n o fi^ Lebtgh Rallnad Company In tbe CBoal hiift c«at»e<i. Thl right cannol Ixi cui ofteiri>p( by kpecitl conBpatof *he Siato Itself,

I and ibt< eoDteni. ondor tha new conilltiitloa of tb«j (‘tale, <mquu( be givoa.

Ib e c iu of Newarkp therefoTe, might And Ibalf Id Ine position after it bad eoma to the bo;den of bankruptcy by tta« Imuo of bonds, al the tamtfaUoD of a aoullr~~ —Itolrof----------- *--------camd


th e lllg NuU Over th e W ater F ro m of ChleagOa

CnicAOf^, Mureh IU.-F e d e ra l Judge Blodgett baa Infn/feally antumed iiirlsdicllon of Ike lake from caie Involving the claim of tha Iltlnola Ccuiral Ha'lruail to nearly the entire harbor front of Chicago. Much curloal,y bad iK'on fall as lo whether Judge Blodgett would take aucb kciloii after the attonicjs for the llllniila Oeiilral had confesseil a markcl preference lor him and hail publicly ohjccied to Judgo Gresham. The railroad was repre- •ented Iietote Judge Blodgett yesterilay by ex Senator Lyman Trumbull, Benjamin Ayer and John N. Jewell. A abort-hand clerk In the employ of thoefty corporation counsel wai the only person present fur the clly of Uhleagu. ThcBlateot Illinois had two aaditantxof ihe ■ttomey general in court. Mayor llarriHon laat night vetoed a ruoliiilon of the City Council which hod Id view Ihe emptoymaut ot Roacoe CoiikllDg to look alter tkeclly 'i lotcr- esu. It 11 entimatad ihc water Irunt In dispute la worth tW.OM.oan,______

R a n siu Women Fighting W hiskey,ItEAVKNWORTH, Match 16 .— During

toe taut two days over 1,000 of the leading women have ngtaierod aud will vote under therceenllaw granilDg municipal aullrigeto women. Hra. Helen M. Uouger, of Indiana, la beta At work. Hhe Ii peylog apeclil itteo- tlon to organising colorui woinan and his •roiucd great snthnalism. Meeilnga of tho Law and Order party are being held every afternoo* aad evening. T ha whiskey alliance la alao ftilly organised and at work. The spring «lcction will toarefora ba hotly con- Ufkd.

Mol Mnoh o f » H etaloaHon.Cnii;AOO, Mnrch 16,—A. A. Coxrloa,

Tice preaMeat of tha Anaonla Clock Company, •ays that tha Ural reports of the ihortiga of John Gledblll, the manager of lbs Chicago branch, were exsggcrsled. Ha could not atato poiltlTSly toe real amount, but II wonld fill far abort of 180,000. It Is noderstood that GlcdhlU has written from Csnsda ilatlog that tall sborltge li ihoot 18.000, and offering to rnme back and make Tcstitulian ai far as in his power If guaranteed InuhuDlty from arrest and puulshnsent

A C o-r*gent for tha Knlaox.L ondon, March 16.—The Vienna

corrcipoudent of toe >Kandanl layi U Is ra- portert toot Emperor WlUlan, on hla birthday, will proclaim (hoxro Prince Frederick WiUlara w-Rttat, wUh Ut ooiiNBt (tf the BuadesrtUu

D au a F iiM l th a t W ill null th e Nawark Club W ell.

T he schedule ol ganiea lui atrangeil attbe mrcili'g of Ihe Itilernatlotial League bald S' R's'hisicr. N, V., ycih-rday. la highly gratl- fjing lo Ihe N'-wiirl fluh, Tlje meeting''on T iijcl early lu ths day, aud Ihe srhedulo waa aduilfd vlujtlly sfier IJ o'clix-k last night. The Bcliadulc pr'ividei that the first chainploii- ihip gs'ne will tw playd fii Dili clly on April hi, aud tbe lisiou (Kt'dier I. [luring .May Iha Newark t'lubti UlUed to pUy clghleeu ctjam. plumblp garai-t lu thli c lly ; in June, eleven; In July, level); In Anguir, ihlrii'en; In Hep. tomlu-r, five. Newark will pliy at Jersey Uity in the forenoon uii Docoraiioii Day, and In the afternorm Jersey Ulty will play on Ihe Wilghi street gromidi On July I Newark Is blIll'll for two gaaica al home, and Ubur holi­day W'll liLd the Hub In this clly. The fullow lug are toe daii‘i at whl'-h the Newark Club will play al home : wito Toronto. May fl. 6. July 8, 6, Augiiit IP, JO; with Hamilton, May 7, J. July fi, 7. August Id, p|; wlUi Buffalo, April IS, Miy I, June i J , J3, August 10, II ; with Rochester, May s, 4, Juno J l , JI, August II, 15; with Byracme, Hay 17, to, Juno 17, to, toptember I, 6 ; With Uiwego. May J|, ja, June Jfl, August 21, J{ , July 4, m orning; with Utica, May 11, IS, June JO, 21, Heptember 7, g ; with Blnghamptim, May 18, JO. Juno J J , An- gull je . J7, July 1. Turoutoo ; with Jersey Clly. May 10, 80, afternoon, Juno 30, July 11, August 6, Octolier I.

On tbe date fixed flir the .Nallonal regatta on toa Faiaata Hiver, toe Newark team will lie abroad, and the Bute Fair week will not In­terfere wlUi toe cinb'i games, aa they wilt lie played In New Vurk diaia. The Nawarks will play lu this I'lty un italrlccn Balunlaya In cbaiDpiouAlii maU'hei, vriili f tr/'ral iqteu d ata to Irtjlllled In with clubs uflliooiilor ifpoclaliouf.

The following umpires were appolnleti: John (tonnelly, of Naw York ; T. J . Cummlnga, ofTrenton; William Hoover, of I'lilladolphia ; llirbacl A. I'len-o, ol Brimklyn, and William Reed, of laindoii, Got. David Calcord waa choiWD as iuhslllute lunpl/o. The case ol Con­nors, who liad Ilgnerl with holli the Rochaitor aud lotomo Cluh».came up lo;fore Ihs Board of IJIrrcujrs aud causid much Ill-feeling. Itochcsier waa awanled the player on agreeiug to pay Ihe advance price.

F or M ah ln i T rou ble ut a H all.B p td al Odlcer H eller w m th e pom-

ptalnanl before Jnsllce Roder this morning IM 'IIII Eusimcl Uuudel, of SJ New rtreel, #lioui he cliaigod with helhgdniuk aud dls- ordi-rly at the 'Ir-idemy of Miulc lost night while a hsll was In pn gr'is, Gfilfer IIoII.t said thst ho f)ad Isn-'n ord'.-rcl by ihe managers of tbe ball to ejeci young Sli'iidid, who was •cilug III a dlsot'l'Tly m'limi r, klandel de- nieii Ihe chare-, and lu- ivai hailed Pi appear for cxaroLLati'in ou .MoinUy next.

Alderinun t;iijiiielly Rich.Aldertiinn Jamwi F . C o fin e llj w(ifi.Hu(F

(ti'i'ly tskcii hii'k yi'YlcnJty. Tlu wax remove*! Co Lift Lome, hu imw IIch.

C I T Y N K W M N O T E a

Newnrt I/nlge K'l, K. nnd L. r>f If., hold Pi mavqnfrade ball at tho Ai-a-lemy ol 1uf!c IftAl eveiftrff.

A defertivo line ran iefl a (Ire In liretaiiviD^til hnuii'. !Pi fttr p-l. list AWi'nititr,1'be datuftgu done lu tho huUdtriK umuuiMfttu•3T0.

I t Is th e ftune*ciitler8 who aro to de nitnrt an lifotvwftp of wagM on Slay 1. Tho brlrklayeiri Rnd mtiojiv have a sclteditle ar­ranged toT tlie year.

At the Loom of Mrft, Cliarlei Ee Wackfl, 70 Park pltfp^ on Krlday nlgbl, au innaiwr dninaltr; f^rfonnanco will beglvuu fur iLv bcuctlt {)( Uiv Crazy Jano Snclety.g

'W illiam Kisl0p of BpriagfleM » ta tiiiv, rurmi'rly an employe of tkie Hennaylvanla KaDioad, bnf- Im'cii mlKHinv zlnce |Kfbruarj ifl. It Ik rtimorcil thtl he lerihlft famity and went to Floilda,

The tire enjpnen wore pftUed out thismorolDK to i?zliuguLih a Uru iu ih/i <*arpeq(er fiLop of Vllct Biylher*, In ibo old burying ground. Tha lira w u aztlugkLiiUed bofure vary much dajnaga w u done.

The Thom u A. Peabody As90ci.ition Uftt sight elected ihc iulluwlng nfhren; Prcildcot, William C'Uva; Tlce prealdeDt, Oeorga 8IWa; secfetary, Frank am ithifinau- c fil weretary, A. 8toil, and trcaiurers Tboinai As Peabody.

Bovernl new cars have bem aJded to the equipmsul of ths Enex I’aascnger Railway Company. Aa aDon aa toa weather will p sm li, work will bo begun on a new branch road from Bowery atm t, through Chapel stresl and Albert aranus to Lockwood itraaL

ChawVligln L » t toI)*M6. - 4 dik

aamr height, and ---------- „la lit r. Each of them weighs about JM pouadt.

BEDINISIIIO * T FLaVIHO rfKrtH.They an uatlve Amerfcoai, end wan born

Id Ft louls. Froro boyhood lh«y avlaoid a toudueia for ith ltllc apurta, and wbUa atan yuuuisitn had won a repuitUoa by thair iy«n of urtugih and skill. They would ploy al»- eui, and ilay after dty their father’s bora win tururd luto au ampbliheilre. where huedt«di would folber to view their daring eapletta of •trcngih. The ailmlntloa of their raUowA and the oft repeattd simgeMlona toot they Joira aclicM linup*, madethem hmg to wlu gold and fhiry In that way, Thdr ponata ea- deavored to dltanode them from tbta putpoa*, bul tba brutoere left hooe and Joluad Rabla- •OD’a a rcu i. Thla was in 1SS6. and the youth­ful ilants aaon mode thair mark.

William and Robert each lotathaalgtiiofoBa aye when bojv, lUrough an accident. A barrel of lima bail hwn placed seat a keltto of boll- Ing water tor aome imrpoae, and through care- Irrenraa, the lime and water etna in luolaci with each othrr. An eiploalou followed aud blinded the boya For eight aonltat tbey were unable to ace, and then each rtoorared th* tight of one eye.

Al Iha breaking out of toe civil war Robort Joined tortuuea with the Union army, and terved lour yaora In the FI rat Mlirourl Cavalry. In lX7d Robert aud WUllam lall for Europe, and during tbe aucoeedlngtvrelra yean performad In the coiimriea of Kuropa aud Afetca. They developed too claialral Idaaof aulique aiatoary lu a novel illrteihiii, conveying to iiudenw of tba eua ails, in an eflkcilTt manner, a tarleaof tba btaiuiful (umpoaUioua ul tba inclant and modern aculpiorv, sludird from thaorlginalx

XFl'ErtSINTING ANCIE.WT aTATUAXY. The rfpfesentattona wera tntirely new, and

Ihe ethihlilon of aiith a raSned nature that the Oiifortx cartled everylhlng by atorii, and appeared before all tha orownad hertoi of Eu­rope, There repreneotaitont wera " Th* Boxen," Vatlean, Roma; "Tha Alhlotoo," Umvrt. Parti; " Gladiators' Doubal," ColU- eeuni, Rome; "T h e Dying Gladiator “ Coin and Allot," ITtia Gallery, FIoiciiim; "T h e Girdle liiiellsta,’’ Uusaigni, Btockhotm ; '■ fh * Wreiller'i Tribune, " Vflil Faloca. Florence ; "Greek ai.d Moioan SoldierCnmbal." Throe repreaeniailons were luierapaned with "ihlb l- tloni of atrength, Aiunug toe aomptnlai with which they appeaml trlitle In Kurope wan ; Cbluialllv’t ImiierIG Royal Cirque, Reiala; Bents (Tieus, Germany ; Rojat Natberliod (Trcni; Clrcua Baionmitakl and Ctroui Gnll- leauroe, Italy; t.Ytcut Fouie, d o lly ; lllppo- diumc, Parlt,

XNuAfirn nv h a in c u .In iflfli. while tho brolheri were nerforniliia

In toe Hlpp .drome lu I’arlJ, 1'. T. BAnium was au Inten-iied spectator. Barnura was on the lookout fur a|«-Haltata of tbta clast, and hkit gtjijo to EuroffC fur Ihc piirt)u*a of satiurtns

He wughi tho fj|lfi>ng lAer tbo per* renaince w aiowr and e&raged them at their own dgurea. Oa Icanilog thal Iber were AmertciQ tha proprietor of the '^UiMleei Show 00 Earth" wa« dumbfoundad. Th#r hava performed with hla clrcua ever ilooa Now iLalrcuDiract with B tm u a haa expired* and i2i«r have kHMjo engaged by iha delta bruihtfi, (he Wtalem drem managan.

Eraiik Gtifurt waa frightlullj Injured by fkll- iDg froBi a tlgbl rope faxj reel high m o i^ o w . 8I11C0 lhat (line Hubert and William have not made ihelrieiiat flixhta and Ught-rupe balaoo- Uig act a part of (heir programme, Thef are two he*ry for lurb work aud tha par ta oot oqmiDeniuriKe with the rtik run. RoberVa faat, of iming with hli teeth a barrel of water w«lghitiRftoupoiijid«p la performed with eos* parailteeaie while a BOd pound Urrei la uaed aaa playlhing. A hairvl of walar welghtAg IfiO itoupda Is handled bjr tbo powerful saea with aa muoli apparen L eaae m an ordtoair nan pltchea a (itioll. Kubert'ft fvat of UUmclng aa ordiuar7 carriage whip by reniug the tip on bit&oM while lying at milleuglh aud iuf« taming a poftitioD IWO from the floor witli one haoil aud oii« f/x/trciting ou upright bot* tlety la ftimpl loarrclluua. 1 ho feat of keep- Uig four thutj'two pound canuoo balla ptaiiag backward ami forward i.»etirwn them I* aa- other retaarkable iterformiinco of the brothen* Robert alfu praiirei aruuud (ho itage holding a aoo potiud utde Ju bijB teeth, while William uauuccii a jig ujHDu it.

J'UIZfi riiJUTEfin Aft ftTATUVe,“ Wehave made money and make money

fttllJ," aald Kobuit. in aniwer to a query, " aa wcitudyto iniroduua new and attraetlTe foa- tuiw. We hava no afllrilty with price iigbian who post afl mhdrlf «)f rup^rb tittiacuiar beauty.

Tbrlr rrputatlon makei Uioio object* of to* tervNt, hnl ai aiatue pooen they are ihurt lived,

you i;aij aup.''"U ow heavyaw elgbl'ciiiyott UA r aiked

the Tuporiuf."1 rvally do not knfjw/’ wju ihe n ply.

we are very Mirnng. It h n«ii pniiirtnl to at tempt to lift uiomucli. IttiH Rim|de (*:«k tor me to 11A my lirniin rlnio ilio ulr nitoonobaad and hi' wcJgh» 2f«) imuiHfj."

"O l alt the roiititruji vl'ltod by you, which do you prefer."'

"T h h hi tli(‘ i.rjiy r.mtitiy Jn Uieworldlo my i Hitimiiioii.''*^aM Mr (iiirnrf "A'n»riPtiia autl Kny jvljineii ircrit 4'lr<’iM mi*ii similarly. Ihi-v adniiri.-ihtj^r |•Hcl■ll iohui'i i uud will pay wj'lUfi vvHfii'SK Ihiir fraii Oiiidde of lhat* liOMcv<T, IhPV IrrHl Un m )uf«>r.or iiel g$ gtid lafi iM hIvi' ilu-ut nf'iift* Ofi lue1 bNVi- r'Drm'‘d iricDiMiip' iii.ilticcn on ihc bett ol h'nti' with |j*>iiiib> -aJhi q i fbi'U ur *hHt I iii*f|i- a living iiy p*‘i In 1‘iirin <*'U uiyu< nuflulHtifv Ml Jill'’**.

"Hn you litU'itiJ toiRUiain in «hl»Bfjclhm?"'" Wf lUe the Ormigi a, mid w aur buii-

mMcalliua Kait to frequeutly wo haro de cMcd to loi'itc hoir."

"Have you ar^ythlii.g new In viewT"" We have gn|fen out a Ilrhograph repre««it-

ingour prepem ipeclatllofl," lald Mr. GDfjrt. "W e have alio prepared a tableau enUtiad ‘The Etttiiliie,' an eplnxle f^om tbo ciego of Tioy, which la prt*iiy Buro to prove attracUvom ft iihuwa one briilhir iu (ho -act of kitling an­other fur a loaf of brear), and later tho doalh of Ihc frairlcide. 1 thiuk tbat It wtl! ba vary Uroi g and eflccllTo.'*

Haloou-keepera* PtanmAt the faloon-kPepo'i's’ the

Acsilemy of Music, yvap-rday afternoon, Aftoen delegntcfl were elected to (he Slate Convenlion tjf iiiiuor dcaten, wb inh wU! be held at Treuloa ou March :(. An'aMdCMiiout of It waa lerled on each raembe;. to form a dufenq© land for tuhtou-keepera'Abo become enlaiiKtcd in the mcishrA of ih'j, There waa comliterablo (llwu'iitou f/jBcemloig grocere who aell liquor.It Wat reto'ived toluiroduce ablJi to the IjaglJh lature u. prohibit Ihe aale of irliie*, boerol llquuw In grocery storBs.

D w tli ol U n . Solomon Spira.Ura* B , SpfrOg w ife o f B o lon m Spiro

■nd mother of David Bpiro. died at her home,IM Bank jeaterday iflerooon* tfUr aHngertng ftloeai, to tha fl/ty-ilxtk year of her age. Her hoMtoad. « nu a«d « •daufth(ar«urriTe^B



M t L V , E X C E P T S U N D A Y S ,

ITHIK ms PCIMI COIPAIfT,« N « i T B f f T ,

MtwmiMt K .

d l w W Ay «*<»•*« • " « ! ! «>•chv. O m n f*. A#w»fk, «nd t» tK i

W BaUcwll*, H a n lcIw .B lo o m fx ld ,• M iN points In Es n s Cousty-

Mkil lubietlptteos. ft** doiisrs t y*»t, m Wty « t« U t nonth , postkg* f r t * , SIk I* co p is i, tnro csnts. Oslivsrsd by t s m e n In N i f f s * . t in cents • week

O n S n s n sd iittiM m tn ts on third tnd fiuM h t in cen ts t Hno s e s t i .Sp ectsl rs tis tor th i tir« u d ssctind M w tl end for itC u tid positions.

Ai rertititnents under h e td t of W snted, T o Let, For 8ele, Pertonel, e t c . , one M M e word ; M srrisje N otices, e j cts ., ie e th H o lk et, without tnritslion, eg cts ., 01^ with InviUtlon, go cts.

C h sn | ii In yesriy tdvertlteinents to be n o d e on ^ tu rd sy must be hendod in on Frtdsy sttem eon.

ORANGE, H .J .WUIItm H. U tto n trtd H irrlion fc Allen,

l ^ n t s .R ite s given tn d tdvertlsem enti for the

HEW S received by ei«(er o f the sto v e

aents. Also orders for cerrier deliverylit),

BLOOM FIELD, H.-J.C Cooper, sgent for sdvertiiln f Orders for csrtier delivery fflsy be le f

» t D eneer's end Vougfit Bror . News-stend'.

W EDNESDAY, M A m il lit, In fl.

9 7 , 1 5 0 .Tbe dsily circolsllon o f the News for

th e srteik endlog Setunley, H errb Vi, 1807, w te !■ e a i M r Men'll TpeeSny, MsrrS S... . S r e M iwIST, HuTb t.. n n n * w > XsiTb U ...M eny.|Nen:h U .......an u n ln y , Kerch I'l....

U .O Mio ,e ioie ,e M1 S ,IS »te .io oIO,tSD

M a t . M.IBO

O tlA N T in B l'T KUT U l'A L lT T .NoBehew It b i t beaoiecUie currect ibing

to Is B c a t the dnsdence of this m nntry In th e D isttri of tbipplus, end A i ji ih iu r w b o en s iD iee t niidly pstriotlc. ou other a a M n i srill eedly id n it Uint th e l 'n l in ) 8tstM h ie no uivy sod no un rcoatile ■ i T 'r r T beie sdmleiloai end lsuH<ale- tioBe, hevrerer, sre m tde wltboot regsrd to the nctnsl fsets of the ceee.

Ib tho y e s i 1M4 Coasreie eetohllihed th e Borosu o f Nsvlgotton, nobody couhl u sd n sU n d e iic t ly why, but suyhoir tlio hoseem w is derlied, equipped end p«t in wisitdng order. I t IbrtbwUh bsoeme tbe duty o f the re n iitu il oomialstloner to eou- steetto in m islly ell the eeM eli o f tbe IhtiU d Stetee, glrlng their nsiuee, ofliclel Dtunben, slgnsl letters, rig, home port, dste e ( eanetractloD, sod so forth, but eoeieboir h t decs net teem to be esiled open to de- ■etlbe their coodlUon o f sesworthinoss. F o r hie purpoee It it> lufflciemt ttast the e n f t Is etill iflost, even If welorlogied. As t cens equence there bse rscently been pre- dsosd s true-blue covered offidsl i ^ r t , which sete forth U ist there n e S 8 ,U t bottome en th e Unltod Stetee legUters. T bis In jpo iln f list is msde up of 10.73? s s illu f veeselt, i,V 3I stosm veeiels end S,T4A ontinced craft. I t n i y be noted, Joet here, tb it a u s i hMts, flstboeU tnd tome slm ilsr craft of sa nneMbiUoue vsrlcly sre Included in th e “ norlgfcd * entegory.

As fS i SI tbe Dnltod Stste i n sry Is con- errned tbs olDclsI record sets forth th st CBS A rst-n te wooden stesm vessel, olevun esoood-nte, twenty-ono Ih in l-n to end e ii fo u itb -n te dittoes, m ike up the tim ber de- tesees, tn d there ire thirteen fourth-rate bon-clsAs, m iking the totsl som ber o f s«e- fo lu f VMSelS in servireshle condition ju s t 8fly-tw o. T here srs teversl old hulks u e d io te ite n iiv o repntri sod quite s lo n g lis t o f craft stupioyed in rtrloo s branches o f th e Ooveinmeut scrvlco sad in tb s lighter duties o f mimisteriBi to tbe plesi- wro or eouveslenee of depsrtmsntsl ofll- c is li.

I t if to be hoped th st the next in n u sl rsport will m ske s better shorring, but in y wsy, i f there is not enough o f s war­lik e snd mermntile marine to sc ire the •msllest o f foreign row ers, there is I t lesft enongb o f i record to sbnt up croskvri by pending over 35,000 bottoms i s tho resnit o f the does lovostiistlon of tb s Bureau of M svlptlon . I t would be IntcrestiU f to know how msny of those vessels could w U h itu d s snuimsr lo p h jr or be sefely M vigsted scross s duck pond, but snitw iy, If nnmfasn bsve sny weight tbe Uulted Ststos msritime register presents s furml- dsblo sppcsrsucc.

fl« 'd eonmer.iUhlc ilU v leoi, Imt be bot- llrd op K f f r»l other tnesvures wbish H would b s ie Iven fsr wiser for him to hsvs , IthiT >i,:iird, or ofllclslly eoadcmisod, wUtli ■ ij rrpIsiislioH o f hU reoHiiit I t doing. At:., Of lliiee u.ay U m calio ied th i bill

Tu p r e n t til, employmi Ut of convirt Isisir si:d slirn labor upoa public lioiid- iugs ktid other puiili,- works, snd to regu- lel*. the iniMcer nf Irltiu ;' lon lrscU for ronvicl Ishor." Another wse the iiiit “ To priTide for Ills ip,-e,ty ssttluinent of ran- U n it rail s sod diffetcueoe l,etWoen oo.a- mon esrrlcrs sogsged i s lntv‘r ''!s te and TeriiU irisl tsw iporM iloo e ( propsrty or p s u u i,c if , snd Ib clr ocoplDym.'' In ssrb

I Ibese casts tlw ia to n s U o f the work tag- men sre Isrgely Involved. I t m ty welt in t in t in the second Inslanrr the president ww drslruwe of hsvliig the In te r tu te weu- m im iouen ft ir ly s i work, snd tii lisv t Ih clr suggestions Isid before t'ongrcsi be- ture s bji wiurr of such e b u s e trr should be lassid Ujmii. W hcllier or no he srae right Id p iw ru tin e tiiig for «urh s purpose msy be s niiMit |v.iut, hut it will he safe tu g if e him th, bell, 51 o f tlie iIuulA nn this )vyiiit. There, how evtr, ran he uo doubt that ho made at least a mild mistake In failing to sign the antl-O onrict snd soli.A lien laihur bill. W hatever muy I * iiecemiiiy lu re­gard ta the amploynirnt o f eonvi. Is, It Is perfectly clear IfasI ill smli hoiiorstdo Ishor as the arecllun o f publir bulUiiogs, snil ths erei'tlsii of piildir wurks. unbws, jv th ip s, some penal institnliun sntlagous to the English " I’urtliMd lln n kw ato r" fliould be started, should be jierforraed by the frw', S4 tusi e it in n s of this Uepubll,'. I f Mr. tlevelsud has other views on this HUlijrct, It is Uuportsnt th st bo ibould dls- elnsethem . T he puhlie is aiwuyi willing to hear sigum cnt, If it bss tho faintest U scc of reason about it, and Is ordinarily o|S'U to riinvlction.

I t serins to be pretty gaaarsliy admitted that tbaA aynoto a f th e whole Ihiropatn sltnttioB ia tb e penonat antipathy of the (ienuan emperor to hoitlllUoa o f any kind, and his p ir t ic v W predalictlona In favor o f tb e eon o f his old M end, the late ra tr of Itusala. T hia Is a ll vary niaa, ao far M it goes, hut it Is an abaoluta sb- surdU j th s t tb e lives o f thousands of men and ths comfort o f countless thousands uf bonwliolds shall hinge ip o n the inere rspric* nf one old gray beard, tottering on Ihe edge o f the grave. T h st thia old man bsppeiif to be uf a pacific nature Is an occasion for congratulation, hut lh„ fact that ths condition o f his liver, and the consoqiienl state o f his temper, should be a m ittc r o r g r s v a caocern to the welfare of all the Earoposn eommunJllos, Is s slur on the common sense repniatlon o f this p n cticsl age. Indlvldiislly, this patent polonUte has nevet coolribotod OM iota to th e wealth «e wisdom of tb e world. He is, pracUcally, of lam account In tlie syUem of luuuilaue eeoaoiuy than Is tho honey hoc or the silk worm, yet bis whims and hia views are allowed to away the destinies o f peoples. A w iy with all this machlDery of kingly cra ft snd diplomatic deception. T he United Htatos, as a con­crete organisation, has shown tb s world that hereditary ru ierih ip Is a fletlou.

Once more the Sew et G onim ittoeaf tbe Common Council Is going i t strong tn tho wsy of cipenditure. Ohtirtnan Hickey has called a halt, snd th e nommlttee, with more fureeight than was evinced hy Its picdrcosior, Is going to take a look srunnil to tee huw m stte n stand. Uewer building !n Newark hts been s pecnlitr process fur tevrrsi years. T b e work goes on whethor them it funds on band or noL lu the post centracts were entered Into without t cent svsilth le to meet tho cosL notwltb- lltn diiig tho prcBonco o f an act which m ikoi such a proceeding a loisdcmeauar, punishable by the courts. I f there is suy iutrUlgent lyitum in th is branch of muui- clpat rntrrprliK', no one haa yet discovered the plan. U r. Jllrk cy 's new commlltoe, which has exhibited signs of prooeodlBg intelligetitly, snd with due regard for the wants of the people snd the public treasury, could do no better thing than to dsvltc some scheme by which in isll sewers will dlschirgc Into larger, tn d by which the tn nd o f alt will lie toward lower luvela and in keeping with sums general p1.ui of drainage,

n ,'» T g AND rANAEA.T he Clncago Anrr, if a little im prudeut,

la at least ontspokcu in regard to tbe effect which certain changes In conseqaence of recent Congrcssioiml action will have upon gome Glssaet of alleged jonnialism . I t ggys bluntly ; “ It might Just as well as s o t be understood firit as last, the railroad men o f the country arc not going to get •ny free pnffs in the newspapers after the Intor-Btate Commerco bill goes into effect." J t may be doubted whether any " free i m W have ever been accorded. In reput­able new spapm, to any of the rallruail Iraternlty . I t may have happened timt oOurteslrE between men coming in bnsl- ueas contact have been exchanged. There b sv e slio been e ic h a iig e s .'y commercial valne, between railroad companiee and newbpaper proprlitots. Beyond tliat the relations between tho railroads and “ re- potable newspapers" ( for It seems neeee- sarv, in this conneetion, to cmphaalso the distinction) have iKicti quite normal,

But, aa i f lo mark lin' deg re lation (n which the Chicago .Vfw.< has iiltlierto con­sented to lin k , it eon tin u i* ; “ There will be no genial—no, nor uuy enltiired—gen­tlemen ill tlie rnilroid budneas unless they pay for their giuUUtyand euluiro at regu- IST advertlsiug talcs. Nor will tliere be ■ny colonels In the n llrosd profcwloa on and sfti’r .Hat.'ll :il at l"ust, su far as wc sre concerned: every man now eiijoyiug ihe liile o f oolonci. l>y virtue of his ahil- ity iu issue a free ruiliuad pans will be de- gtadiid to the tank ut u plain m id cr no icon as this tut, r*.acute t-'tiiiniu-rce hill 1k-- comes a liviue, iiti'alhiiig, seuLieiit, duau- lating thing."

All tills wouhl ho exoi:ciHvely funny if it bad not the ring of real rctriiiutive wrath, and the iniimstinn of vicious vlliagclstn on the part of an alleged city jouraal.

But, after ail, the aliolitiou o f th,' froo- pasa system is not to be lamented. And as for the ajiolltlon of the “puff” system, that was eompletely shollahed In the N rws he- love tk * New s was started, T he puffing bnslnesa Is played out.

I t Is possible, tliough i t is not i|uite probailie, that th e Now York f/m-nWs corTCi|Kindent Is th e boon comp.uiinn of K ing llum borl, Queou Margarotta, Pope l<eo. all tbe princlimls o f the Propaganda, tb rilln sls (llhbons and Taachcroan, and any other colobrities who may liapp«i to bo loafing aronud the ulernal city. Of ronrsc, i f one took the /Ttralil't altogod ditpakhes as sbaulute verities one won id h sToto take this view o f th e esse. I t bsppens, however, th at in these days there ate few Dcwsiwpcr readers who cannot de­tect a “ fa k e " wticn it ia paraded. T h e J/mifiTi special “ cujiyright ” dispatch from Borne, in yesterday’s issne, is the nearest approach to “ sawdust Juuruaiiam" that has been y et attempted.



T his Is certainly t greal co u n try ; It goes ahead of all others in most things. Even In respect o f the nmnbsr o f morders in proportion to populatiun It probably, or otlisrwiae, takes pre-eminence. T h e pro* portion stands H20 to every lO.OOO.OOWof population, being an Inrresse of 3B7 ovov the next highest, 8|iain, which connfcry only leores ."iSS m iirdeiatoevery 10,000,000. I f the figures could lie ohtalned it would donhtlcss lie proved that the United B u tts falls iiehind in regards te tbs proportion uf eieru tlu n slo the iiuiiilior of murder con­victions.

B av . D r. f fu ltw K aslg a i Mie PoatoraU to r t i b l CatooMMM*.

Bev. Dr. Jnvtin D. Pulton, piator of the lin le n i ,ia l lUptist C hunh in Adelphi vlr, rt, ttrenkiyii, lias aunouocad that lie will turrentirr bis charge tu outer ua a ,111 nile arainsL t'alhuliriiio . Jlis le tk r ,)f r, r.qiistjou win 1h' pievented to night at a ii.ieliiig ,jf til, Board of In iitees, The nU thii-s between Dr, Fallon and the ivm- gn-gitloo were etn iu ed to tb cn lso o it a 1, VI no.ulbs ago uvev th e I'uiiLTOveniy about the moral standing of Miss T'ranla Ihioiiiogt, n. who was brought Into iin- phrsiint p iih lH ty last summer after the death nf Jrerin lali f^ n a e tlo r , of Newark.

I>r. Pulton Mid Iasi n ig k t: " 1 am going to preach against Uomsaism, tu p iia ,b i'hriat bo th« EomaB Cotbulira. Tbe MIm D ennlngtoa moUer h si had nothing to do with mv nrtion."

D r. h'BlCon h u preparnd his letter of rasrguilion, T h s U tter Is from hogisi- Bing to find a dcnnnciaticD of Bomo and Itutoanlsm. Thnse are extracts rnun i t :

iTv mllitoiH dtficred by the po-e tnd niled h j Ihe deejunbni nfF-mif are roolrn1|lo| sisiy millions of lo^ftlird frri' Amcrlcini, sud the went Is nm ,e l They domlnaic tor prew,. lata ehsrge nf our p. »isl fsniltllri, oi-cupy rests upon nnr beorbre of )ii»Uce, and are lu •I niliiie control of snme of tbe Itrfvsi and Most innoentlsl rilles of Ihe lend.

Wlib hurl I im cornprllsri hi dec'tre that li ti my losiadeu duly lu Ihstc my plrannt lur- m irdlngt and go unsitend d an l alone to wiurd the Harm, warning or danger, and, as rnoch as in me lie*, prfsch the gospel its.- Ui iboae wfio are in Home,

T he third week half way thrungh, anil no Jury y cl for f ’icsry . EiUu'r intelllgeoioj must be at a low olih in New York, or that s e n of Rrlicle ia not deemed easculliii for the purpuecs o f Justice.

Mrs. .Tomes Brown Po tter Is to make her first ii|i[a‘arancc as a profesilonsl actress 00 blareli Ifurdoiiut ought to bo post* IKincd Juet tiiree days longer.

All cspcdiliim will imve to lie sent soon to dlvouver » tittle eouoLry iri Europe iviltrd Bulgaria thnl haa tavu rnculiuuod by Bonic Kiii-icnt hi-.tiirlans.

Tlie cwir'a lift- nim-L la* a iuirden to him, hut he is more succi-ssfut in assassinating other pt’uple tliisii he is lu getting osanasi- unted himaelf.

In pockating t i e B lvoi and U arbor bill

According to tho latest report* the Cor­onet is ahead of the Danntloiis. Thia ie as it hhould la:—ibe undautttud deserve to be crowned.

v c K v lA V M iE w i m r u N t i .

‘IT h e fUratiglar’' N*Ma ■ Tough AnU g- untsl la the Corulsdi Ckaiiiplusi.

Oun of t b , Serrnst wreoUiog boots ever •sen In tb is country took place last evening in rb icago iietwcco tb e famoQS ehamplon, Istw ii, " T h o S t r a n i le i ," and Park oak, a newly-arTlveil ( 'ornlsh wrnttlur.sfb« claims the rhanpiooibip o f England.

Both men wem terrib ly in etrn eit, and Carkeek snrpHsed even b it most cunlldiut

j . IU u iwrUlnly a wresDcr of e i- traorifinary itraugth, thoogh rtth ar sw**** and twkwaru In h is ■oTutnsnU. In thu fliat boat ha llflad Leirla, h a t foremost, into th e air mtd th m v him to tbe stage with a vtulsnce th at was frigbtfbL

In the Mcond bout, alter ton m inatei o f very bard work, Lswia got ■ foil an t o f (iarksek. In tbe third bout th e men Strag­gled all over th * rtago for loom time. W nally (Jhrkeek pulled him self to g e th ^ ■isd lifting th« “ B tn iig lc r " off his fool, dangled him ovsr tb s rviws p n p an to ry tu Ihrawing him Into th« pit, ton foot below. Lewis saved him self by soixing tb s ropos, and w u given tb e bout hy B ofen e W hit­more, by reatoD o f (bu ktok 's foul iu at- Umptlxg to throw Lewis ovor ahe ropaa. Tim e dm., 10s.

T h s foartb and h a t bant was rather doubtfnl, bpt was given to Lewis, who thus won tb s lustch, th e gate money and tbe AlTlOO cballeoge money. A t the close o f ths match (Jbrkoek made a speech, asyhig be wonM, within one week, wrestle Lewis cr soy m to in the world for any amount of money and la any style.

» h u ,i ,« b k k befmissgkUlyAld. The ballot, however, misted Prity sml pitnsd Ihe boorlofM :,'sc,(uoplire. whu rieggrisd oolliiloU is isrd sud loll-Iced. The miirdersr then :'eJ.

was slrsM to l*ar« Uo hosM till fmbft- dt] morn lug Be ibni found the dead n.i:i lu be l.k n sst nrlshbor, s cmitabla named Ti[-b-n. Ilia s,'-cDiplirc. Identlded s-, so ■-* t i f f , ! miivtrt nauiMt Wrsrrr, h,« uid Ik* n raikim d. Hobto. a county oficlal and kini man uf Vt eater, U sb, Impllcsled.

Mow A m u o r Qela Kvew.A im oiir A Co., tbe Chicago b eef pack-


A B o oib woe A «in ally Thraw n Vodar th * Im pai'lal O an to g *.

Tbe Kustlan embaaay In London yester­day admitted tbe dlscorery nf * plot to as- aasslnsle the esar and th e irreat o f tbe rlnglradcrs. While the csor was return­ing from tho requiem aervlces in tbe Calfardral of 81. Peter and 8t. Psol, in St, Petersburg, s bomb attached to a cord was thrown under bis cu tlsg e . Tbe intention w u to lighten the string , which w u ran- nccted With the meetasnUm, and thus explode tbe bomb, but before It could be eiscuted tbe crim inal and a suspected accomplice w en seised. I t w u found that they lived together in a lodging house In a saliurb o f th e city. T he pullco viaited this boose, and dwcovered th ere* quantity o f eiplbslvea and a number o f revolutionary pamphleU. Over BOO per- fous have already been arrested in con­nection with the affbir, and domiciliary vlails are bi lug mode tbroaghout the «ity.

T he bomb w u thrown nnder tho osar's cairiage, an d^ lt wat shapeil like a book, BO th a t It coatd be carried in tho hand w ilhont exciting suspicion.

One o f tb e six lindents arrested lu connection with th e plot carried a hallow book containing a bottle filled with dyna- m ilo and poUoued bullets. Tho others bad parcels and bags containing bombs. I t is alleged that a woman was arrested who bad a bomb concealed in her muff.

In the firceu fields some poUtlclons will find pastures rare, owl others very rate pasturing.

D EA D w o n A W E B K .

A C oniuniptlv* T ok oa tn in i tiM T om bR«rtuimt to U fta

An fitTRonlinarT c u e o f nwvenilod AU\- lunlion ociorrcd lo Boston U«t wwk. Four brut hors u»iU4tl BUinton livo ia tb st c i t j . A weak ago on Uundar a ftnh brotlior, who baa lived io tho Weft, died of consumption, it was suppotod, at th e booio of one of bis brotbon, who was a p b rs i ' clan. D r, 8Ulnbon, hownvers iaaiatad hia broLber was not dWMl, and th oofh a funeral aervieo w m held be would not allow the body, which was cold aiul rigid, to embalmed or buried*

He dually ooufenUd lo have tlie body placed i u a tomb, where he visited it erery six hours. A t R o'clock on Friday morning the doctor noticed that his brother had turned slightly. H e ordered the cofBu to be returned to h is home. Three of the brothers proUatedp but the oldest took sides with th e physician, and the two UU’ dressed ih d t brother and placed him in ImiI* On fiaturday th e eyeUds opened, but tb e eyes were fixed in a glassy stare* The body continued to grow warm through the day, and during the afternoon the heart tkfgnti to brat slightly. On Sunday morn­ing the limbs relaxed, and Btaiotou re­covered couficluusiuea!'. Ho haa* been in* formed of natbing which has happened, Hud has BO far recovered th at he h now pitting up dresBod and in good spirits.

t r ie d to K ill a H an lb CDm-ta WhoD th e prisooera were brought

Into the I'lnrlnnstl rollee Court yeclsnlayfor irial. Phitlck Bht'i’hU), an sliilettc youuR mm, iprsiig xt the line, siruok Teddy Cuantnghsm, one or the prlioner , s hiow that sent him Rtag* gerltiic ncrouthe room. Be then tried lo itib (TUuiilnshtm wlUi a ^Of kulfe, but was over ]x>werud and locked up fur contempt of nmirt. Be iit'ClsreU hr would hxrc vungvaiico At Ihe ltr»l oppriftniiUy. i\inpknRhtm war nboul l< be Irkud Tor havhiR forrlblr canied fmoi the xtri -L to his room'on SiaUirday night lMl the liiU‘uu‘>cAi"Ol(i puu'r u( tihechan, a# ibewas leturiiinjf rroni diurcb, Rud kueplng berapria oner Ui hU room, fuhject to his SMianiis, until Boiiday mornluf. CuculjkKbaiuk ttlal wai pofipoMCd.

rn , n -fDliy wat a ia/luad o( 0rF«ted beef U) ASh II, O. f i 'f M)Dl reason,’ Uhci ticrauM iliS boyrr-U i n Arnii-nr was enforced hy the local iRlfOr <.ipan1ratlonl4^ Ihruugb fbc hostility mi the part of hH'ti tMiichsni, ury little of It aould U ivld and Uu' balance «•« rauuaed. Tbe Armoun- have drclded to strike back, and havy aalbrirUed thair tMvtiasfd ageai to open five iat six tsiall wsat slkops la JLksaii and tu .sell llwi/ pMxIs si iowrr rairs thaa ikoat of the rcsidabtdaakit. Oncol the tUnsald garter* dey . We uv to <k> a wholesale trade and feo* fisily suacted, but if any retailers Uiuik Uwy naa fn eae u saa io f a sowa they are eaLoakeu. W« wUUeU saeatobawsyaraBuUMr. ’

A D a ch e is lltaw s Har Bralna O at.T h a dnrhdBs d’lMranta co a iD ilte il

Sulcifle }palri<1iy lu l*arls by bl>>elt:E Ilcf b n ln t out with a it-vnlrer. Hlie was ovrr* wirmgbl Kith grlrf at the recrnl dFmth of Iwr hosband. Tbe (1ui-1km « m foFtnsrIy ihe Bai oarti IbaPtMi MHlnsk, tad wti laarrlrd In 1X71 in iiuitavv ArmatJil,tA»tnU' irotraats. who waa rquerry to tho king itf kwtnii-D. TheC'Kinl ayearsBO piicrfcdnt in tbe dnki'diB at ih» death of biB uriicr, wliuwMtbetblnlAonnr fcMichr. the etlrUfslud mlpi'ier of police of Ks|Xi|roii 1. and Hmls X V llj. Us hliuself dh-d but a Pbori time atu. Tbt diichc-iA leavt r a am*, who wai bom In U77, aud e iU|>- dsugbler.

A Dnshy Dali Flayers' Leafw e.T h e Colored N alionai Hage lia ll

leaifuc tompietsd Its labors m beUlnore yc- terisy by adnpUug a schedule (rf forty gemt < to be played liyesch of ths rtx clubs that have deporttri a ksuotl at snaranire UietU wlU fin* i«h iheseta^m. Ih e rhamptnniblp •aaem 1« commi.mii oii W .)'S, wht'n Phllaielpbla pUya at BalUtiMire, New Vurk at hiUburg and H'm too at Louisville. WavhlDgUin end ( ‘iTirfimatl have tven sdmUlrd nnd the wrhcdule will |y‘ enenged fur them aiHoon sitJiey make yH»i Itactrbnud. Ib e dates arc e rra n g ^ a o e i not to oonflict with Ihe Aioer1r«ii AwodsUen,

O rdered th e m to ah*o| the Irish.T lic R ight lio n . A. *1 . Rnlfour,

■rm isry for IrelBnd, Id the R ouvof Ctimmf'n* yttii'rdfty, edmilt 'd Iho truiti oflhe lU'emciU ihAi (.'apiain I'lunltlU, sr uiuglrtrutc i>f YirUhcb&l, had fclI ati utder Ui ihc oH'ieer In epniinHOEl cif (He police IhL-re np| to h n u ite to order bin im'U lo-hooi liirhe event of ihe popn- Iflce aUsckUig ihfin while ciigagcd iu the work of scrviui Father Kellpr wiUi aiumiuoQR tu aiiend court and aoswer lotcrrogiuories rcF-pcciihg hfs allOKHi cusiodv urtuudi under the plan of ramtMilga. The order was giviiu, Mr. Bel four Mid* on InfurmsUonthet adaiurer ous SFFOult on ihc poUcQ WM expertc^i. auJ ]k' rtiiiti'iidsd that Captain Flunkltt bad dpue riiibt In iwuiiif IL

Uevelaad nadoubtadly exes* | P. seciua to haveEven under th e newitovem or Beuiamln

ID anebar cMk L w -w v tf.

K IIIceI by R Ir Confederate*A w ealthy old rt^ident of L aaren s

(Vninly, Cs,, nimcd I'crry, vrhn wasgcuQtally thought to iiave •tnoDey iii hit bouse, wm •routwd on Hooday uigbt fay two masked men breaking imo his bedroom. He grappled with ODe of IbeB , spd wse gelling tbe bttier of faioi whsu thv kMirgiai oaUod on hU coapankm u>

Chlew fo Br>odUn ArraatAd«T il* Chicago Graud duty jtAuims n *

luruid Indictments agsloit four of tba douity boodlerv, charging tketn with cm spirtcy lo defraud COok Couaiy. They aae Warden Uc- Ctrlgle, uf the Cciuity llutpilsl; Warden Var asU, of tliafjMane Asyltim ; Xd MeDonald, en- gim-er, and 1<1 BrlsooU, book*kee|wr uf the hi»pluL KcDonaiil is a brotlisr of kClke Ur Donald, the wcil kiiowa g irtin g man, who last night went lo the Rheriiri olfir* and gave ball fur the fmir armded men, Judge Authoay filing lha LMMDdsatld.OQOeach.

F o r a Ravotnltowary Fenetowar.A b ill waa iDtroduced in th e Paaaay]<

veiila Hcoate yeetsrday to Increaae «iw pension of the only BevolnUunarT pensloiiet in the Hute, VrSv TeterBeU, fihew u married tn a funner drumuer kxiy of ths RcroluUcm when she was siiteea years old. Her husband was then fifty fire years of age. Tblrty-rour yearB afterward Lha latter died and rtaee Uien his widow has been residifii iu this plaoe. Um Is now clghty-six ytsait old, and conxidiriDg kat age is quite vivadooa

B o w B oth ackild H ada Hi§ Fartsm a*Frcna Le Cbronlquc du Temps*

^ b e n Kutbechiid came to Paris in UL3 he possrewd f .UOO. At hli death bis p rlv tli luritiue amcmDled to ttt.OQCi.deo and that o f the flm lo over fb .OXl.OOO. He uwad hit Miecees to hia bsppy knack of always “ takingfurtune aUheftood” aD tUebU nre* fill obrervalloo of all pollUcilneata that mlgbi land to mske or mar hii proRperliy, Ooce hr wai Raftering ftnm soiiie Mrebral fom pltlst end hid to undergo a dlfHrnlt and dangerous opantlon. Hli lorgeoD, Dr. Dupuytran. had strictly forbidden all memat excitement as Ukaly (A have fatal oonwquenoes* Rolhw^hild lay half cometoas on hli bed when tidings were brought ol the anaMinstlon of the duke Of Bctt)*. The psUenl IranMUtely Jumped up* though the bUiod waa Rtreamlng over hti face, (he baiidasc having iKxne undone In the ezclirm rut, and. dragging blmsetf u m « the ruoiD, raug tbe bell with gnat vloieuoe. 'T h e duke uf Serrr is munleiL'dr Uell out! m II out r be cried cut to his alarmed atiendaniR. aa they nufaed Into the room* snd ibeu fell back tu a swoin. Hy this rraoMcUon he varod Cumideratde F>ums of money.

Coired by a Tfaennonaetrir* rroin Bow Bells.

D r. Heddoes, an Knsflisli phyaician ol great enthiwlfc*m. hasimhlbE^ the notion ih sl paBy could be cured by tnbaUng iiiireui uxide gas. ITc rc<|iMstt»il the celebrated Blr Hiuni.hrey Davy to aitnlniilar the gas to one of his paiietits, ami rent the man tohltnfor that purpoi^c. Elr ilunipbrcy put the bulb of the theric^ciietcr uuder ibc luugue o f the paralytic to ascertalu the teoipcratiue of the buly* BO that he might sue whother it would be at all allkctcd by the Inhalation ol the gas. The sink man* filled with faith frum the asturancei of ihc ank’nt Ur. Deddoea, and inp> poilpg that the (hsrmoiiLaitr wm tha remedy, declared at ouoe that he felt better. Davy* desirous of seeing how muck imaginatlou would do lu such a case, then told 1dm that engugh had been dane for that Uine, and directed him to come neat Uay. The appllcs- llou of the tbennometer wis made from diy to day Id the saiDe way, aiul In a forts l ^ t the man waa cured.

T H E F H O P B U T H I N G .

miBII BOOKS IN AXERICAT otu akl* V olam a* T k a l U a l , StmdanU al

(toafo* Coo R oad.r m i (be N T. Moll tnU Eiptss*.

I d * H-eodJ-iUiry bock room on one of tin i.ili Btri eis down town th e rt is * ool- IciTiuu of Looks, Ihe like o f which is nut tu Ik- fuunit so jw bcrv in th e I'n ile fi Htslas, Here a n over .ViO vuluma* lu l l» I r i * h loiiltuiac, and over 5,n00 works on suLjacts pertaining to Ireitn d snd its people. In s lalk had with tki- prupriator pasterdsp some InUreetinfi h> t* were Irarned shout th * eolIrcttoB, whieh oowiprlsa* amae of th * ra r .it Irish hooks io o ils to a ro . ia iu n f thra* sre ■ srt o f tb s p ab lie ttio tii o f tb s l i i ib Archu logical H ocictj, of tw si.t;-tw o volDBas. the oalp sc* la Ataeriso. In a a c h volume one pa„* Is prlatod iu the Irish Isn g n ife snd >lhs a th a i la En|lisb. T he set la worth Won and vras pablished in IhAI. N at B o re than I,MIS ssts w er* Issued, and th s o n lr wsp otic Is ubtaiaail is Uiruu|th the death of otti- o f tho orlitinsl subscribers. Two virp rare tiooks h -i-; are upon the fimous itiiund Towers o f Iceland. Due hook olsiiii* the low ers to ha o f I'acon orisin snd tbe other lo he tn e work of Uhrietians. T b * two lM>oks sre worth 830 ■cd were pubtirhed in 1880, O a e o f tb e oldret books ta the roUection Is “ Cox's Hisiorp u ' Ireland," ptihlisbed la 188u and w.Uteo from th s E o flish standpoint. I t is worth 815. A vor.v curious volume is one on Irish co ioi, bp 8im oo. lt| ;lvo sa bc-ilm lle o f everp culu lasuod lo Irclaud sud sots bnek Into I ’sjrsn lloiea. It was publUlted in IhIO, snd somr o f ih * pistes •how d litim d lj ths ro iiu o f th a tim a* be­fore Ibe Conqucit.

When siked re ssrd in ,' tho oldrat Irlsli work In Am< rlcs. tho proprieiur isld that it w u one ptiiitoil iu Uuiuo at th e Drops' ssnds F ids iu lifftl. I t la in the Irish IsiiHUSHe, sud wu. pub'.Ubed fur the use of inls«lnnsrie» going to Irttlsnd. I t Is s rslrchuni uf 13nto slsc, snd wss obtsiuod direct rioiD Uumc. I t is held as s f r u t < urhattp. Among tho rare works lu (he eollectlun ia s sot o f fw r volumes o f the I . - • . *. V v*-£Sod In 1833and edited b j th s eelebrstod D r. O’Daas* van. In th is s n Utal f in t pob- lishsd verass o f th s fiu ssas Irish post CUreac* kfangin. T h a set Is worth 888, Another v ery rare work Is s copy o f th * A<Uk»Ufia IB te rn ifa a msftssioa printed in 1800, snd in which th * poet Uuote's l i n t v en a* were pub* lishud. I t is lu four volasM s, snd is worth 813. Amoni lb s boaks * f th a ooilaellao a n the hlatorlea o f evevy oonnty o f I n ­land. One of tb e v eriu b le cnrlositle* Is s copy of shook which was bnm ad by the hangman In the puhlie square at Dublin by order o f the British G ovsnim siit. I t Is entitled “ The Case o f In la n d Ststed.’' Its •sthoT was Bobert H o lln sax , who was Im­prisoned for w riting IL I t waa pubiisbad in 1706. Another v u y m s work Is “ A View of ths fitats of Ireland as I t Was in Ibe Beign a f Queen E lisabeth . I t ia by the poet Fdmnnd Spenser, and was published in 1768.

In speaking o f big pcieaa paid for Irish books th s piapriotsf raid t ^ he sold to th e Btilieh Unseam soaie tim e ago a small IBmo volume fur 188. I t w as'entitled "T h e Bloedlug Ipbigenla," and was by Dr. French. I t was a sort o f paiaU e on (he kiftory of Ireland, and not an otb ei copy was to be had. Another rare Irish work which recently brought a good figure was "W are's Antiquities o f IreU u d ," which be •old to the X avier Uoiun o f th is city for flOO. F ifty dollars waa recently paid for a vidome entitled " llib e in Jo o ftomlDica," by De Dntgo. I t w ii a quarto in also and vras a history o f tbe Domlolean Order In Irelsud. I t WIS printed In L atin . Among some of tbe books In th e imlicction in the Irish language waa one coulaioing a trans­lation uf Moore’s melodies by Arch blahup HcHale.

With reference to th e m lU vatlon o f tho Irish language iu this country th e proprie­tor said that in n eatly every city of the Uniou there have ia-en cliuses formed to stud yit, and that th e knuwlctlge regard­ing it is greatly neceu ary . T h e clurac- teia are like those o f both Ile b te ir snd Ore«k, aud it is very difficult to pronounce Iwoause o f the Urge n n u ib e ro f silont let­ters. He Saul th s t i t is still th e one lan­guage spoken among th e fishermen on tho north and tbe southwest coasts o f Ireland, where It is necessary to have an inter­preter in the courts. In regard to libta- rjea of Irish books in tb is eountry, it waa stated that the X av ier Union o f this eity is acquirlog a largo one o f rare Irish works especially, and th a t a priest who lives up the Uodson has $30,000 worth o f fjooks relatlag to Ireland, T h e demand for these works Is incraasing so rapidly in this oonntry, th e reporter was infoTined, that old books iu Ir^ an d are glutting more and mure scarce and obtaining largely in* crcBMd prices.

E n e n tld g and diamonds are a cwmhin* stlon tor finger rings now espoctaliy la favor,

B la c k undressed k id glove* a re now the only kind bald lo b* “ strictly oioamlng."

In d ia shaw ls, beoanae tbay n e ao n ce , are to b* Ihe stspiadder of fHhion this spring.

H eliotrope is proclaimed far an d near as Uie fuhluuable sprlug color in aloioat every- Ihtag. ■ ,

B la o k antin wafltHg sgiHa w ith clo th Jsckeu sre cuoush seen lo be regarded as fash­ion aide.

T b e m istake the fat woman m ak e* ia going too hesvtlj into drapsriie and ''wlug- lik e" wraps.

M en’* Bfftrfii have reached u color th a t win greatly nrilsl in giving the town a brUllsiit lUumiusUun.

Y e m od em swell tonriat i i handi- cappaiw liU hisbM box, dress suit ease, oaocs and uicbreltu.

Borne o f tb e new Easter cards a re for hook mark, sud lepnssent the perfeotlon or “ hsnd'psiiuliig."

K ersey cloth Jsck els , in ch as tn eo ’s driving luwls are made of, aro now wont by the tailor-made women,

Rtriped ranva* salts for m ountain wear are already eihlbllcd lu adrance as “ seasonable novcitlaa"

F ren ch heeU are said to be o nlirely outol fs.blon cirapt among the Oolles of the factory acd the kllcbsn.

A m ple drnperies, donhle-hronstcil vests, Tevfroollsn, loose bas([ue froulaud braid apron and pisatroo ira ths " fa s tiim “ uf ttie new *1180* gowns, aerntding to high foshluu ambotUy.

S a to P laid ua D raa* R alo rm .From ths Chicago News

“ In m y opinion,” eayg K a te F ield , " It Is iMpossIba to suggest any radtcal change or improTsment in womio’s dress while th* gcucrsl style li at all what If Is now. These things rsuiiot b* fiirccd. They must 00m* Shout ilawly, like all othar ebaugss. Farbaps If Queen Victoria or Mrs. Cisvoland -ware lo adopt s tadicilly new form of drsss tbe women would ill follow, for women are Itka tbMp— they will followauywhoroiribeyfaanalsader. hut so fow wnmeii Inveol or deaigD. If they do sltri anything new tbe oban ca ate that they bsve not the conisgs lo stand by it. They csii't stiiiil public disapproval. I bare seen erery suit of lefunied dren that bss been do- Tbed, sud I eonftu I have never seen aa tm- provoiueiil on the pieseut oua—you uudsrtland. J mean one that lookaat all Ilka the garmeuts bi regus- Now, the dreaa I would like to s « women adopt is tbe dram o f ths first emplie. lu that th* waist is where It should be, Juet ba- low the twoD, which lesvos nil the vital or- gaui Irae lo tbe unreatriclcd mutton which tlicy should have ; It makes straight, aeamty fold.; It was worn vary short, sod the Umbs were as unfettsred u they can b* in a dram: it was TCty light, and what weight th «e was came upon the ihouMeta. I have almost de­cided that nbco my present gowns wear out— one h u lo think of these Ihlugs, yon koosr—I shall adopt that manner of d im for my own bL-iisc and rtcrptlona" '

P K I W O X A L g

CoTonel iDgprsoll t aya he w ill deliver uo more BUti rclljtlouBlectuiQP.

Cftpluin P bu I Royton (inyotie can get to Ihc Korth I'olc In IiIk uifabvr lulta

MBrvfa&U Fields ihfi Chicago uiiU ion-siri', liRH juHapCDl 97,COO In ni'.iiig iipfalh su UnR KKim.

a . Thunimti, w ith a ll hU VTitlih, fas.' Ill) n-s Mia, Thiirnisn i*aftBlU lo l1(1C. -idL

T h e la te Lord JVas* oi the R m U n h tvenefa, hsd Ar»fU r ht^rroruf inbacco Lhs( he iii'vcr iBlIcil to hsitj; n KQcklng msu If he couW.

KN-Kmptwyj EuKcnio haa npidicd lo Ihe city govfrmun'.r cr Naplci far perral^jljn toentoMhf^ fa(ii[)UAl «vs Dursc iutl caio (ur Roldicrs wounded ■( HuRowsb.

T h e J^ in ce Royal o f Oreec* draw s hig psySR a mb liouleuant monthly, like all the other olTU'erv. HercuUf be fouiiij hlwwif "dockM t'' five ibllllsxs, I1J tommoTi with the oU'-cre, to pay for his c<janing-ofage bau' qUPt.

■When Itan ry W ard Beecher applied for s lift* In iiTiDCe In the Union Hutvxl Lhlrt j years BXO h^ wu aikcd tbe luasl queftlon u to the hexlih of blR faeut* Hli xnswor r u d : '‘ Ixpefltuw d % peoullxr feollDg about tho ht Art durlot Uie dxyi of my ooucMd^*'^

Very Good B eoM u fo r H M te.From tbe Omsfas, Wotld.

Omaha G irl—“ Oby Bay d arltog \ Pap a hstt rticldcoly changed faU mind sod ssys I esn marry yoa/' Oxnahs Youlb—" 1 hope you sre oolml&taXen." "N o , Inrleed,I'm not. You see papa h u grelt coulldeucs lu ifae utLursl law of Inherilaticei and ifalnkta wlseilsibcf irupthsve wlM io di, and so on* Well, psps (lidii't brtow ani^htnx about your family, but last evnifiix there was a meetlnx of cUinns, ind TCkolutlouR were ofTored denouncing popa for hoine olUilal mailer Of rrtbat. and Uisy called fur s ritilug vote, and every one Mood up exv ceptpspa and oue;m«n, uid pai» aftonrird discovered tfast the man wm your fsther* He Rsyi he Is ibc tnoet seutible man In Omaha, Slid he wlRfaes he could hare the boiior of hli •OfjusliiiaiiiOe. iKu't ItgpJvndld r *'MydMr*

muht get married t^uro your father ami my father mfvt.” " Metoy I yugr father doMu't drlnfi nr anylliliiK, I hoiH) !*' " No, but he Isttldi ut U U "

KND or t h e

■ • th a d lit M tofohtr* V ra M ta M d to Haw Fiw ton l**~ C am itoM to«* AgewUtod.

to a e liin ito -M h lo ih * N*R*>T ngH 'n w , M arch Ifl.—T h * annual **#•

ikm of the New Jersey Conferenotclosstl uulsy SI 0000. Hev. KlUon Hclyes was sptwmMt psasMingakfotoHhoOsMdendisMetlD pls«* of S c f . Dr. (isik lll, dscessed. For ibe Hew Brinswlrk churches the sppoinlmenli srs as follows: First Cborcb, W. K. White; IMLmsn Chutcb, J . C. H aiiilock; tt . James's Chuiuh, John Uandlty. lo Burllsgtoa, %. C. lisacock is sppoiateA to the Broad turret Church, and IU (illocti hi the Uuiua HUich In Laah«r*- vlUe, Juhu U. OoiweU will be ihs pastor uf tbs Keihodlat Clmrch. tieorge B. Wtlghi oaoes to ths Orsan Fovet Cimrrh. In Tmrtca, A W, U k slo T ria tty . W. F. Darts to O eaM , and J . J). IfsiiHs ta llam iltoa Anmos. W. F. c . filrtcklaud gaes to tha Braadway Oburah, Ctmdco. C. C htaoiar, lata of ihis cuy, he- co rn s pastor of tb* Cosamsics SUs*l CbuKh in firtdieluB. sod S Ilswiit, also uf this city,

Sms to the f In t Cbiitcb In H illnils. Than t)« dUappulntiueut axii.ui lbs m lnlsteriom

U ietm h sfo is,sia llb*v ettoclieil th* ippoiali msotaUtey dulred.

hvlute ths col.L.cucs Clwcd Bcv. Hcorg*C. £tsll was UuulLrn'd hi ili (Llumbti Uiv*f t:onliasBoe sail m rsu iJsiicd lu UuHcw Jsrssy CootsrtiM*.

Thsoools'ejicc by t ritiag rota unsuimoutly Sgiecd tu buld the u r n sufiuu In Hi* Uioad- Wsyti'butrh >t Camd.n. It*v. A. I . BilUrd, ohslriiiss III lb ' cuBiuUio* appuimod loprc- •suito ths Huu-i .if Atarmbly ih* uonlsnuco pnM il ogahtn Ihe bill h'gsiisiuf the sals Ol pualtalraiw r..u .us, rrported ibM tb* peutset kid been prtsentsd, but tbs cuuiiniitss had barned with tegict that ihr comaunksUun ■ i* suppressed aud ih i bill passed In pits- Bfs bsfoie au uppiiriuiilty cuuid be givwi to ouBVsne n ttb meoilwis rrgartUag it. Tbi foUowxng ruiuiuitteei were eppoiotad: Ex- smlnrri for sdtnls*lou on irisl. Ueurg* il.Naal, John Wsgg. n. C. Uppiui-utl end t). Stow irt: class of first year, J . t). Usiuas. Jsiuci Kugtit, J . B. Tur,)in and VVUUsni M. W'btte; Class of Mcond yell, WUiiam Waitop, L. O. Kauchei- ter. vruilam TabbuU and 8. F . lissklll; clast of third yea*, local dsscoui’ order*, W. W. ChrUtln*,l'. K. Fhiaiug. C. VV. U t*ly and C. K. H ill: local preachers for sLIrrs' o<d«m, C, W. lielslry, J . H. UoeweU, J . U. Diierty aud ». F. Wheeler.

He Proved l l « ITos a M an.Froni til, Eurupcmi Courrlcr,

A jo u E g g cr.lIcm .tn o l H arvcilles wish Ing to enter rhe srmy aa a volunteer applied at Hie K glstiar'i oineefor his cerilllcaUi of birth, tvlileli he wonld he rerrulred to produce. To hi* muntement be lutind ibai he hid been cn- terfd as helongtng to the female sex, Tho eletb, a veteran who barl grown gray in office, was Inexorable, and refused to grant tho cer* tilicBte, saying in reply lu the vigorous proiesta. tious of the applicant • " That's uo business of mine ; here you are put (lown as a female,(ar as lent concerned you arcayoung woman.' “ But saprfgi, yon *ec plainly enough th u I'm a m au l" “ Tut, mt, tut. If you a n not satis ned apply to tha law courts" ' 'S o l ir l l t , and at ones; good morning, Monstear." “ Had emolselle, I am your hnmble servant." Ths csss has lust beeh tded tad tellkd In lb* young mthts ta n s .

I T B I I l A BU CT BP O R tg.

Ou*d Jh a f lo b o w ik Reeprds fttswllng T a arn am o at I

M a d r-T li*

—T h * New York ch»npiM i ikB a«In *rtlplay*rs snd Ih* X ssn Mam of this otty, » l In Ihe final *ani«s ol lh*(r iltia'lanln* htalob ls*t odthL Had It not b**a fiw th* aatnosdiasty Mad which the Hew Yotk*n stoimd in Ih* first half played In New Ytak, th* maMh wwoM otrUinly nav* iwmbed in a vielcrr for JMwark, Ivery on* o f tha llow srt ( * a a pMyada fonlUemgam*, and C. Monisdihatad th* Mkaowl*df*d ehemgion WIMy hy twMv* pehils Th* hoards st Hunay'a Hulherry ■Met gtiden w si* tistd sad the msleh was wltsieoHd Oy (he largest ouiaOer of peopM *T*t ■icaal a shuBboanl eoniait. TlMfoUowhig toows tha remin o f the maloh with tha Indl- v td n alsoen soflu t «v*oing: F tn t haU-Ntw York us, N*arark tT. F iaal-D om ullr M, M. U ssiM tS; Haimtl fis, Atchlaun I * ; WIMy M, C. Kents I I ; U v ih to r I I , Ely I I , T o la i- M«wark, W ; Ifow York, 1 » .

—John Behan, of th* butUnt* Bool CHh, wh* w*t d(la*t*d tn th* (mawoT light wrtghi chatopMnshlp b tiln g iiatoh by a pralhsfioiial ■Biord T ioMb , a t th* loumiraeat of to* Ksa* battanAthMtMCtsto o f New York, In tbs Oak, Mod Bluk. toisey CMy, Marab T, has b*aD tw iid id tb * goU inidal. aiid h u tlaolMiB dtelaivdib* cbaatplon. It has b«iii pt*w*d that Trolaa ha* been a profhsrtonil to a Mag time.

Tb* sebtdaMd gsinei of the Bowling Teague ended on Uonday, wben the New Yorks defyattrtl tbe Palms* and bowled Lhcm- scItss lato third plaae with the RosevUles. The Ellsillcihs bold first pMc*. Ibe Fslm u, of Js t» y Ll'y, secund. with BosevilM and tbs New Yorks tied for third pMce. Tbe tut orM ni Ihe Mhgvr has been so grsltfylngtbit am nitiaenM arc slresdy being msde tot a lourosBcnt, to be held n n t winter.

r-Willlatn Aonis, toe u-u ueluer of thoKsw- ark Club, arilytd In this city list night.

S T A T E X O T E S .

U n fltr tko recen t a c t o f CongitM e x ­tending the rise delivery poetal syneni the fob lowing towns will receive Ira beneflia alter Jn ly l : Astsury Park, Allan tie City, Uoiris- towD. New Brunswick, Orange, Plainileld and EsSl Orang*.

Tb« fuBer*] o f M ar; Andeisob took place Ibis morn In f at liuuQt flolly. aceret of curious people yrai. r lay vlslud her Mu bome, but only a few rruudsweiepernililed lust* tbe reratlua Pesk was yesterday pMccd In soUtary canfioenieDt.

A ja ty o ifim in a tio n w*« made ;egtor- dsy into the eircumstancet of the desth of Car Inspecior Christopher V. Reed, who was killed Ou Honduy on tbe ratlroad nest Roebbng's Kill. The Jury censured the rail rotd company for lack o( precantlous sgatnat sccldent.

A t th e ch arter election in BniU njiton ytsMiday ths DamoenU won *v*ry thingeieept one connellman and city tratsutai, Albart dUpatb, Democrat, for Mayor, had US iiajar- liy. ChsrltaH. Vanaolvei, PMaocrat, bad335 ntajorlty for Council In tb* iiecond Ward.

J u n e * D em areet, o f Ridgawood, wag lastanlly killed Met night by betog fuuorerby a freight train. Tbe New York, Lake Erie and Westetn Ballraad Koently adopted tb* OlsetiM bell aignala at tbe ctoSiingi, a substlttite for fiagnwD, snd Hr. Demarest, being bard of heat- log, had nu wanlDg of his dinget when o n a - lag the track on bM way bome.

Tho congregation o l th e T rln ltF Bap­tist eburch, or Cimdcn, b u decided lo build a new churcb, and the committee having the matter of subscriptions In charge has secured pledns to tbe amount of nfi,0C0 of the tai.cOdnnshred. CDramllteca btvs been spprifntcd toVisit----- ------------------------------ -■Brooklyn snd Clnctnnsti with s view of seciiilng plans of spartlcnMr church tuescb eity, ttch of which la said to be a fine model.

B ro tb ex Had.Brothat Nad Is bouse irom collegt And his headBo run of knowledge

Is, that tvslly 'tM an effort to adjust bis Derby bat.

Pull o f hosting, full of racing,Full of base ball, stecptecbssUlg. Boxing, footbtll, hare and bounds,

Putllhg np tb s monstroni bcH weighing many many puandt,

And all that.

Wbsa Baby siaa tick, sN gave bar Oaslarta I Wheasbswaaatfiilld.sMcrMd for naatorMt Whsai aha hsraoie lllaasharlujif to twatswtat Whan aba hod childraa ahe gars Ihom (Wssortm

M ARRIAG ES,VA?fHYllki.K Hg I liLiEB Mil VltrCh 1.V ItM?, U

Vi»CJ UWtf4> V|

IfaiV. WtULiA iUlL Mt. rakKvfTVvMMv N r],,io M l^ n lln

F. bi'udili*!, wT N. J .

D CATIO .HaiTCia.'On Hanih lg,>} his laU rvoUsuo*^

liUiiTa -On Morrh 14, Willlftin Kmitfa. •cisd Rl VvEhEB. FvBfiinl Mrvioflt firuai hlR la lt r«RMM«CN. Mo. n AUIm Otmi. on T lu it^ v , WAirli it, al in'llrw-k p H }(#ljt(tv<to atxl frlvtidi jtrt luvlb^l Ui xil^nfl. 1atrrm«>n( In Ualraiuuiit (.'mbOMry. FlMft* «iall Iowan.

frVA]>»-<Mi Mnrrn U. A ifw *w S o M , tnULk vt%[ fifMi uo. ■nrrtnn fttiUQ iliaIb lia CoMT^xnluinAl CharLh, Bronid rtraM, on rrMnyrUart'oTl*nt 1 U. M. flaUtlwnndfrSm lBa ■ tos** ■ wsa * eiu as*tos a * ■ - airoatosa v oastoa as awarawMnMKa Kially nro n<p<rt fiitly fnvMMl LonMood.InlvTniwii lj$ kv«rg/«ri) Oomotar/.

OtrhkiLitv.-Oi lU rrk kl, MuniT. * l f r iSniMi4ir>ru'.lry, njod "U od(]i frlruil'ix***a m-ss V , togg a *ra « Vto s M. **• . * v gsawr* s a *a |m*Nf* HiLltwi I t niiarxlUtp fiiuarnJ friKa Urr L»r.

*■ . sSiJ N. J. H.K.nvfi.ii* fkntlLiiraiEV , - _ . omM, In Ml. jM n*rt (Iwirrli, nt

A. M.. wborf n Mm i ot HMUincu will bet( R A. M. pcomp

for UiF ifugM-gf b«rhvHji. folermi^al U Ui« or tn^ flnlfMF'piilrhr*.

7.nNWT-xiir.-4)fiT>iD<rtnf. Mnr(*fa 15. iRiT, Adnm R tuonihii, dkvA IMw-

iVlaetli. llnriMe»tii*K«|ilTsi Hnroeeatiielcera nn<l[ijgji.hrliiui Vwvlo, nre luoit reeptK'lftiUjr lavltoil tonttarul Uic luiHTal from his ■lator'fl

Tlfi-nflflii M i'n n R tuonihii, dejAilTsi nod ‘ ‘(inn tosrt hininfftald Avoimr, WrViny. Knifh IX, ni RiB) A. M .so Mv Mnry'a 4'bun'h. lm«rm«nL m (hr (> jiK'texx oftba II uijr Mpuirbrn.

|[k.i»iscH OuMuodn/.Mnrcb 14, Sdnaiwl K. Jlfliitas tho InU) ftorhui Ut litiM-h, n(M40 jronrs. 1 eiontlui nnd fl days. KalnUvNi nitd frUmie 4>r Uis fiinalljr nr# lavned to ntcend hiA ftiuiTnlgn 'Ihunidlnjr, MVeb 17, rroin iH. peni s Ki>iet iF|*nl ('Tiurriv. lurorr of Ulnh nod Wnriiat •tri-wiJi, nt '.*XCtP. H. flotntlvM will m%*it nt hU Iniom klcwccsouinliatreat, ntlrtl. iDsamnot lo Mmini I'lMMul URiuetnry.

Vev Njmw- 410 Herob is, Adelina ArlfkaU. wlfDu/WUUnm J. ^'ell Ntes, In hrr 4ls{ ymr-Rslndresnud firinuls oMtk# Ifamlly nwreenort--------------- ---------- ----- --- - ■ nllb**fni l]T iBviUrt to nunnd tb« finkirnl MVTlMn i___rontdanoa oTber (kiber. Mr. JotkoT. HrtekMl, tin.KVHuniiuer nvybuf, un FrlJny Hvpnlng;. Mnruh IB, nt ? Vrn'IocX. Intwinsnt on Hetiirniif morn*inx In Wontwooil Oinati-rjr. berieit Oouatr, nl tbr fiunlljr‘1 ronvf nlDuswi,

KoNifiux-4>n March M, t^rrla T.* wrlfi of Wllheni p, Jr.tnbu dnuclitnr of HniuueleiKl HnroJti Abb Hrai). egwl lu ro an ll lonniJwi* }U*lntlvMiBn4ft-laiidaof ih# flunllv.nlao oftloaranpd Bit iiibani ff# Wnatiiujftoo Ludne, No* u . K. of 1’., nrjp Inylted to nUoM b«r ftHwriel ua Fiidnf.Mnrctt II. nt tX T. M., frotn th» rweldfnc* fnther-lw lsw, Wmtem P. BowthMI. No 14S (.^ * tr«wR AriWL liitonuMU at ML PtoMnut 0ml- etW7-

n « T T n a y Lodju Mo, # , K. of F. Memtwre ero har(*bv noUfioa that lha iuneral ot th* wIM uf

w. J. Van Nmb wlU b* at tor late reiUlpnce. No. i » nummet avanu*, on VVldaj, March 11.04 T il F .lir

FTtAWK 1*.

Dwalh d « l« s * PalM U Itowbcft tvainMtoitoJIiAzi JUi« IBM €• *

Tiraee, Am't.FatoBroph«y,7MII1|rh rt.................... lu llMlaiiabtlh MooiaMu, Valt^Bt____ __ ,IB 111 lunar^borCrao*. Ub Bld(Mr«od avB..* M It laAXaLAJC li. BA nriT.H im L.

Oor. Broad and Market Mb

WnSwrtisfccr*,■. B O ^ A EO N ,' ' ■ '

'NDEIITilineRB AND EHBALHKRS, _H o.tiiR IIIU EIIT R BB T, osar Brawl g « ^We wave toe drat |« raiuos the erat uf AueraMby

lowcrtof prlotB In itf d«oartttMuL OaB and oBfoarBowSlatBOBMIdt^xIbrcathMi*

TMbbIk m Ha. itt.


tT N T sn T A n M ___OfflotaadItaaldMoBS MS fiJfeOAO ffTR U rr)

14«iL 6am Mlo«r iRviaiJii N«wi oAo*.PetBoeal A M Btthw JMf and Nigbia TiitoRboBB N o.m

B n f o t n u f o S l a t i r * * *

D RfiHHlIAKBIl, XI WAitARN STBAtET: snod attor. hLtIuIi draper; work home or hr the Sa^. lof

TMFOBTANT TO Til® FTflUCa-NOW Ifi Jlvonr time tobujr dothtog. H j entire Rtock cl Lartlea and Qseito new and Beroiid-haDd elnthlcto BJUBS be luhl bofttra Mar o* a< X)uiiilo4 chaDU In bualnrat. A. H IJAt'K* a (JUMMUEC® 8T.. firit dotblDxitorefrom Hroaditrcft* v uTAgO®lA.(X>IilfilL|>KALft® IN ALL KLKDQ

r j uw and aecond-hjujd Sawlai ManhlriM Allkhidi ol flrwlni Machlnea repaired.' «M Hro^

i, Ctoatinruial Hoto4 balldH^ tonJA IN T1 PA I5T I PAINT!ODevDODikdrao Ready-Mlxwd Paint, any eolor*

and a Brpiih, for Xc.JOHNtrrON'H KAIAOMINE.

Beady*MUied Hoof PMdt, fL tta falloacan.WILLIAM HURRAY A CO.,

Wf 180 Mulberry i t . oor, Hamliton.

}>AT£NTB.-1)BAH K a CO..^ Ild u iri ol American add F oratfi Patidla,

ti'ya In patent ewasea befora th« 0 . R, Ooarta. Meofianlcisl and electrliBl enRtnaafaand axperla. CouMJtatWHi free. 777 and in BKOAD 8T B E ST (Heath Ruflding). Take elevator, 'n a oldeet eaiaMiRbed hcm» In Ubefttoto. iSrMityvaya esperfence. UtrmaD i|>ok«n.

P I50PLE IIAVINU FV R N IxrilE AND CAB- pets for aa}e,<» rtore diturea* frill net the

moat money by oalUng CD WILLIAM JAKVIIL* S7t Market bL i ffT T 8RPTL fNFORMATION-STOVKS AND IJc a ifR a o l arary d«iicilpUo«i boiicht.enld.ax- cBBMea and mpalrod. PKrrKK T ju ® y * i t M u ^ ^ ry str^ t Dear Centre street dapol, ^

i ior Bihl**.wSaa.AvwkJ s .r.v.a8u' ura<.'..•y-iHILryHCRFRAND H A r f R M FORBALC ^/cbaabatlKH IQH Ba'. mg1 j^ORBAL£.-QBOagBY. MHATAVD VKO&JP WDle market, rfixtureacompTete), doing good NiilDeM; must be sold by April W, as (timer la going In otbar bUilaaM. A ilarauti.kl. V., Nawi


F e n 8AT/K'>A 7W (XT. NKW UPRIGHT pUuio irom finucuMi New York makera for 1^ caab. or payment by tha monti). Can bu

Reeb at 401 BROAD BTBECT, bell No. 1, SSf

F o r b a i e - b tr o n o o n e -h o r r e o r o -eery wagon* run two years* made lo order,

cost 4174, wU] aaU for |10a, lutjalre BOkUSB- \^Llj^ uCommerce itreet. Ig

lOR H A L® -A PARTY BREAKflTO UF boaaek8>eplnf vrould dupeae of parlor and

dinlng'room foroliure at low flaufsa. CMo ba «eena(N o.l8 8EmNpAVPL

n B HAXlt-A HA LOON, FITTED UP IN^ Jrst'^laaa style; good itand i iuhv datoras; toriM Iptiulre opposlle n ty Aftamjy,M UaANQBfrT,

F o r b a l e - t h e p u r n it u iu c o f thehousa HQ Kim atroot, tl rooms, with 9 boaro>

era, for fTTL Alio (he house to Icl to a good pw*y. Tig


KEY, NsvatUhsirML^L Newark. 77gHe etR leap.And Iw fikii Unable i In falfl Ueep Ue lalki gf '* ftimfale,”

'HaU-beck,' ''loucbdoim .’' "euibloii earoDR," "icts4o/ ' going out on Rdlkt*'*

Umpire'sniUag*" "even inhUigR,' Eke fall Coney hlaiid wlnnlngt,And h i 'i follovred by a pup

That Rt toy time can go agalnii Ito weight and do it up,

m i like.Btiofato Ned,My cultured brotber*College fared, lik tre 'i lore none other

Can eompetewUh bim ta clanloi—snah u wild Olympian gamei*

H e'i A boxer, b4% a reoiier*He'i a iborbatop, fae’i a lUumery Always legging, sever led,

I i my ihort-bslred, nonleu, carleu, bjokea- finperrd brother Ned.

Ue Is Fame'A-Omaha Worli.

Bom bbody's CbUd*Romebody'B child It dylng*w<dylng with ibg

flush of hope on h li young fat^, andeons^ body's mother lUlQkiug of the time when Uud dear fkee will bo bidden itfaere do ray of boot fikn brighten it'—bfCAuie ihera w asD ocm ew coniuQipUou. Reader, If the child be yeur neighbor’s, take tbli comrorlUtg word to tb i mother's kviri before It ly too late. Tell her lliet cuuiumpilon cursMc; tligl men are b r­ing to dey whom Ihc phyniclans pronouneed Incur&ble, bcchnne one lung had been almost destroyed by (he diseme. Dr. Plerctfs "Golden MedJcalDlscoveiy''has cured hundred! t sur- pasMicodUveroil, hypopbo»pbUei, and other tnedldnei In curing tbis disease. Bold by druggists. e**

CuRxroA Croup*— Dr. Thumas's Eoleotrld Oil accordlug to dlroctlo&i. 1| is lbs (khL rem­edy for all sudden ittacki of colds, palu and Ipflawmatloa and iplurteiL—Ads.

i6,QfK)%vt * in & T o u n f t .

T (WT- A P1X:lifc1'H<KIK OUHTAINJNU AJ juin or mouvy, uu Mnnd*r ev*nloii, M ircl u ,m Hcwwfcj Ot lulni from (Irov* rtres;, i Wm ocwtVK or Sol__ mn'o , UUHOranp, to Hovrark. J t ronuUnel, amoiiK other

tivw roTX •O smiUUMlIUUar s ^ & A UbwiU reward wlH be said fu he

^ n i to WILLIAM mCKB, IM N a S u 5 5 ^ ^ York, or wotd s o t

■ITIfmBAI.R-CROCKERV.TtNWAilE, CAIf- ^ Sjr aito loMwco. bUmv LY.1!1 JMfit

Ifiree rooms, t i l l SSI FIFTHENTH A V E .**

SilOH SALB-flALDON. FIX T IIB B S, ALSO pumps, bock and Aniit bar,all uoiuptoto, pries

0. tWl at tfo WAKHimiTciN ST.

WilJ'tilA KE*

BRLLAN £mW>N BLEfrrRTCPEN. __ doplleaUng prees cheap* H, BEDELLlANE* L47 Bunuuernv. Mg

A Cifx ***cONn-nAND h o t r k d b a b ii e .«i .Ingood oonditlon.cheap. JOBRFH

BRADBURY, user Mouth Orange. >___ 49f

V Q n n t c f t .

W ANTEIK-HHOBTHAND Pirp iL fl; PRL vatelnrtmorionsliy pracdeal stonorrapbfr. Til BHOA D BTHBirr. rtam lA N*«arkTl<. 1. is)

W A N T E D -A SECOND HAND BITHSO •addle atkd bridle* Addresa, rtatlnx nrico, BADDLEiWChamoBSt. (Hg

ritifoiictssi.X f OKEY LOANED ON PKiWONAL PROP- iT A m y , pianos, organs and forniluxe ta use. No removals OaUoraadreesUONFiDJlirriAL.No, 10 OfMlar Rtf eei.


Active fluctuations In the market oifar o> pOPtonWoe to specalatovs tn make money b (IraUi* Blocks, Bonds and Petooleon. Prompt personal attention given to ordera re« elved by wire or mall. Correspondence solicited. PuUln- foraaiioD abo^ the markets in w r Book* wbloh will be forwarded free no applk^oa.

H. D. K VLH, Bauker and Broker* m Broad and M New Wtreeto. New York OUy.


Ooon»ellor*at-rAW,7*4 BROAD STREET \

Maator tn Qumcary. 1j*a Nolary Pubito*

C l a t m o | | f i i t e * f o^ 8A from birth to death by (he planets and store, p ie only (rue way Lo foretall* PROF. 0. HAT-F i£ L f), aHtrolog«t,7*Boutb Orange a ? .«Newark. Comm](aUoD|l andapward. ^

MBB. BERUER, t h e K 06T BR JjIA BLB card reader* uiiTeUa futore tmthAilly, and

ebowR ptetnre ol future hmband or wlfo tree. Ladiee, to cmdM: gente, 11.00. m BROAD BT.» between Fhfr and HreenstraiirtADpetalra* MgT ^ n a B. c t t ijB h, m p ir it u a l t r a n o m

FliUadi.........................___ , - - , - , _______ Jetohla^lB ihaMW for twoweeks only. Glrclei Wednesday and F r t^ y evemnifl. 1» OONORB0B BT. W

A U aKN. TH® ASmOLOdiaT*JzLfaeooniitnM fora ii» ft OHly* tAiOm,

gentAieoaBii, H i i i i H i a i r M i

fc-ofis *f - B*>» wa.te4,< -W a to f i .- - r . *r o s .f i ,» - F o r f ia l.,* .« B ra L v d l.,.-« ■•■•I,- *U h o n p«biirti*4 a t Oh c . 1 . worfi (or *M h iH oratoa. *

1 i D F ^ ’*(TBt*-U VIN O IN ...IIso/ lh r i8ty to lake oue uf krax^**a^**itre prswiiiil. Aiwwvr «n _yns w(li> eiarxi ^ddrns l»T t'U K M * S a w l u ^ -sw lv ^ u i.

p i H i i s i U M a u r S r t t & r * * ^ >*k

I^AlNTEftP AND RARltwrWkTi us**_^ an . at HYDKBh , HMohrt? w J

Md doik ^ te n a , lea hmif* <hc( — andaMihy

W A M T ^ A m a n w h o DNIrtsfovr. » .V* tfi'oUlBsofinaaJIn,silk***

and * On Is n.iiup«c*iit to toks mOrlftirisnt. A rtJrtoif.W . I-A I'l-K ^ ferN ralS '*’' S ll ln ^ r a fo ^ ^ ito *av*i|M-tnA " * * “Jjy -

w AM Eli 'IR IA Will ..................vork ; o - r - H , litoh.

rotwnl kslp ; tm all'ilrla ' A*i,iv £111!"i.'’’! 'Einploj Qi*ni Offlra, ISI Hiin nI**

-IVAN TRU A UU'NI.lUOo.; un,', und.'ntands ih« w..tk oul ^ n "JS

W nnw cuM . 0,11 at.Nu, Tto Ilm u Thursdai,b*Wri. Uaiifia. "

S A M I ^ D - T ^ MUlTMMT* NT llIHiJi s * ,," * * spS.laiuilrsas aud rhaoitoru^'^

»alD»s,_^Addri«»lt. Y. 7., N n o J iS iV ^

1T S N T llI .- A VOIDStl (lIRt, rilH I '*i rtotrs work and tu ta t* oars nfchlldrat'S su iiiiiu aq-,

W A N T K I l ^ * rHAOTtrAr, HARNmu, V> maker, Ikai uademtandii WihblM sm iTth BkiutV or,’, twtwiS to oSiTliJl. 'i

W ANTED ONFRATOH ON FINE I-AVTi.Arpl/tol'HAHt.M tl. crK T lII s£ m2

k^slriMl. rnnMT lUllnod avwiua s ^

TVVAN'n:i» RI.Al'k-HMlTH lUXl-KlLI- VV none bet flrrt-ctM handu nortl mMTil'

Mk w m * fi F i n u jr t s Do* vfnixa X


V vrMWv«iin>vra*s, at Vu HuHiwIlnWfioor. t'llM .FRA N t^ i .u s .iu jm r ,.



W;'A N I ^ TTfO t'ANVAttoEWI. NFLan- dld flMUM* for fow liii**, foCLlNTONsuH*

T I 7 ^ ™ > - O o q p PAFRH BOX H A K BHTV k l T IIADT,IIBWs*WlwlHal.

■ ^ A iW B D -A m t r m « t rrm H om e. fV work. AsofottOUDUMBIA NT. V%

l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ D ^ L A C m t . A1.JLV

• n i| f i l a | i i n * « t W t s u t f i d *

•f'rt’t DfNtiaTtl k Afifira-WK^q,

f * K Elu; -OOOD KEu 7 - c W ! t 2 vs^ -W iftn * at IIS M A X-

Si'D’A ffO * WANTBD BY RUDlTSI-rAm.*;u *fo ^ |lr] M 00 owl lu N d ra .: bs*. c On

sn>aAddrmMA(iUUC.bux Wi.M*Btoi*lr,MJ.NE■ W A im iD -B T A YOPtfO KAN, A BrTTA y V ifo -M SsfisWMI bouk-kstoW, or sklpMu

d « k , wisaaaqiao, la sax ra n u( o(it i coo 5 * N w J n S w ' ' ' " * ^ ' AfalMTA^I.Its

U m i K f o t i i t f i .

P K. BONO fi o a , ' '


M O . * ” tfiJU-w vuMfoy AN«wa* £ . 4a” 4 hSTf, s( all UmiB, a foil mwI oomnlele llmol

-f* k i n d e r sol* and u 1*1, to J ) partmrf tOs rtn. Pantos enntosnaUilaa tolliiHnr rfiintlnw at. I nwl't.fi ia* *Ni.ah. ------------- *?or n ^ n s tt, Invltoil to plaet thtor * i ;;;r t lto «

oookA Hu charts u n i* , sold or f i n d . -'UjF o r Htoto.

i ^ t . - h o t o e no. m■ HIGH . 8TI^EJCTi_ fornUhed — —

aiahrd. H B* JACEttOK. 800 Broad M.sntor


B oom s E o om s fo r Bontfi'ITIOR R ^ T - W R N E R OF BROAD AND X M arket^, the pboiugrapti x t l l ^ ever Us

RalUoad offl^ : poemertoa May L Apply to JAMP4 L HA Y8. T^^B^Mdsk 4w

T^O^B KFaNT-A bTtJRX AN D THREE BOOMF Ywfc ava inquire m M A R ^


D £8nU BLJB LOl>*rsCentral looaUon, light oe all sldee* well venUlated

|K>wer, Btoaru heat and elevator.tngalre at 46 and 47 Mechanic street.Hi KELLOGa. nOUOLAB dk (10,

T f) LE T-H ipRE AND * OR 7 ROOMB, IN Oeltevlils ; has been occupied for the last H years for drymwds.

For sato-nw se and lot oa C^noBbto sUetL Hmise Slid lot on Plane street. ifoMe and lot on Orchard streei,And ethers.

Apply to AARON P. CX)NDTT, 721 Breed skreek

T O LET-M BLIXABBTH AVKNim, NEAR CliBtonavtftQS, firatHaSsRii rooms and hath

room * no dark rooms; all Improvviueatos Bom- pTRoi itrtfi, near W sverlj place, six rooms i noderate rwiL Prince otre^ near waverly

To LErr-M FLAiTE R T R IST , PRRNCn fl|l,eeelatolseels rpona.1niMN«vsmeDts.iec-

SDd near Oanlnu avemie, aom April i.lent |0 per month. Aleo frame boose, No. 77

ossSlI modern Beet MB. Ii-

BroadMnetv for

stmt ga per month. Aleo frame hot Third avanD«,eOnlatnliig debt rooBia*a UniirpyRgOMifrotn M a jT IMT. Res quire J . D. H ^ U a WAY* m Broad surp O LET.-PROM APRIL 1st , THREE OB ,1 font rooma suRable for llghl beeeefceeplne; t^ee rwuA 111 ; four room dw par psQoth. w. KLoney stre^ near BroadTreforence riveu and reqalrM. Addrens BnOMI^ 71 wT^niwy bL Sg

T O L®Tv-TWO NlOE APARTMHNT8. OF 4 or I rooms eai b. w lib batbroeins and all mod­

ern Ifoprovements, In new brick house lost com-pleted. RenI f li EM Ml per Bsonth. Inqolre on promisee, No. m UTH a v*. Mar High a .

T O LW r-THREE NEW HOUBJBa NOS. at» to BT HamiMT aveiHie: 14 rooms and balb;

all modern Improvemmia; r« it low to good ton- ants; or sold on eaertorma Anpiy on premlNS or F. }f. 81I1TH. Ja .. yre BroerfiiT mm o BE N T -T flR E B BfXUlH AMD LAKiiB JL pantry, on Sd floor, with plenty of ground for

ralnns vegetables If desired. House on UBOV® 8T., Id door novUi of Sooth fBwagear. fot

T O LCT.-BAEN a n d e tA B L E ND IM EaM Kinney street! room fiw 4 oar* ------

Jpartoients ft>r coachman t e4|y wtAar. AUKEONAtoBroad,-------

room fttf Toarriagea;r. ^ B.


r r o l b t -A P R IL i, a n ic e eoo m b . w it h1 water, 2d floor, al NO. 4l M ILLER BTAEET. rem 18. ____ aifr r o LST-FimJNIHHKD ROOM. X «g M BOUDINOT &T.

T .t.ffr-HOUBB,ISH01tTONST. IN«UIltE fi.B .JA nU O N ,M ) Brood I t S'l

WANTED-TWO OB T B B B B aKNTLE- m** coa flpd pIsoMntfhrnlabfld rooniMrHh ■ iirlvalsramUTonwo. OaUatlrtLATAYBTT*

BT., N svock.lt.J. »■■ a u * * , K oonut H to.. W antsfi.

CTOBK w a n t e d f o r DRV AND F A K ^ Oxouda trad*. Addrsw GOODH, Nows ontwvHs

D a r t r f t t t s g .


m w o TOUWn QENTI.SMKR OAN FIND A J pISMiat rooai, with board, „ „*11 At as WARRHN PLAOB,

a u c t i o n a « l f i f o *

^ U e n o M SAUL


WINGS, NSW IIA R N W ,fi« .,*C .

M. J. ffCOHNOR, - AocUonwr,

wUJ scU sc salasraam. i n JIA BIU rT BTHEFf.

on To-monow (TnUEBDAT) Horalni.

T-twtovs IlOMVrood Floau,Ocean, FariW B*U* is BUk and Hohalr Flusb, Ualroioth and otksi' txrv* •rinsa, Wol, H. T. CbomlMr toilU, M. T. Wd* board, Wofdrobto, PatontFolfiln* B*fi,F. P. Ftor lllrrur, M. T. aud Exteaston Toblsa fisvl** Nocblnra, Barcons. Wot, and uUiar Bedstead*, Woshutands, LounoH, tfontn, RoAcr*, RouY* ihclvoi, Ao., fic. Rroaseta aofi Inuratn 0»rp*toi Bmyrn* nogsjfiUolnUi, MottroasH, Bprin**, HIJ-ran, PtotucH. A l« a loni* quantity of B»«b • WloM tssssitoclal odv.ln tills f " i *new Hsrneas, Id boxes of Mother Hubbard Soap, and a variety of olber sood*.

N. B ,- Wlnoaale at 11 A. M„ ehani.

T t n io n s t r a w h a t BLEAOHBRY. ^U d leF old straw nata made o v e rto ilAW hale dyed m ail ootocA ^Shapes. N. Rv-eiraw aau ayeo m an —

tt,, a s t o i f a t b i o k - .

m u c f i l l s m » « t t * *







m l at Utt rrepseijr.f f t a

f ;iR -A tte r r«*diBg tn i r t i c l c in^ DiMr iMt tfc iitn t OB tiM iU»re

tt ofoutwd la BUI Ih ii If th . of lb* BillalB bad b«aa wtll In- u to Uw IBW and fKU tn Iba

* loD. of tbo om in oiid «M akN tn the vfiiM »«* b » « baon a u l a U ofin i

knowlidft o> bmb ttaa law ond Uu faru ^ lUl, wbBB Ik* a tln tlM of all s u ta a i ^ rallid 10 tb« utdool. uid liH aeuon w u

«bl«b rtfulltd is tbo paa*«* of the low J IH«, wbicb 10 OBU IB foio*. BBd wblcA

a part of lha paaMat turn, t lU ak II M id fK- dalo* • awtic* •* tb* Bukllc II ,<wi M id publlih lb* law ^ I 't s fbr tbolr Inhir-ttiUttto

ih« n i« fi brfgn ckinAHtof in Hm l^eoM b#8tiUe «itd tu dtr dlrtrUoa o f Ui« gHQfBfj |os«rtl on ib i ftppUeMioa of loLtm- M t kod mpectabla ctUirnR. iwo of wham oro

Ot tht ct^ri bBd M th(* ruudkil OQ lb«ptftfdtbk opflleiiaio. u d il«o M tbo ^ offU tU i, «1U denbUMMM tbfttkJI ri|htf i r t Mpetlji pii;'tCbWU liUi> a itii: <'b«QG»llurj It

HhU hi pfe-lidlt U>* luduilic iii hctMMuUUei

m d«r«USi«« R i*

|yjuil>1‘ ' '-UV lb' InfMi.kti J:*¥r of lJl(k you oil*live ' ’ i«i Uit* puUaC•ba] {VUlU •* ‘l*V‘ i *■«

A i ( >f<it (Vj.SirA^'f i<iK4bctLidA lin^ f-‘ :

*'.M. la^* OP nrw : t '•tv IMP paur IPIAQ . It*' .'i.-'jiif ibo (jjuiiiMtn

4X-:i lU u iib *'*..; •*: . ur< topritmAUdki*)' In upui' tLti ulit Uirylit^ vriMiua Invia! • Uolt SUliiUUH Ikl- (fU7t kl>oa U •Ui'tH

Vi’ MUd tiai}Ul^ IfsHILil AMRO Al/«idjr Oil Upit.-I.prtK'* l^berc*', T!ii! Oi<J Bufj'lnficrouu-l

if u t cuy ui >Se(U)k 0»tii igr oiiioy | t«n U'titI « P>A k< for Uor|tuj{ih«i

MiO wtk'tejg, U Ilk u 10 Kourrul l>y L dw ut ilBiP, ibir ■ portaOi: or rhe Igml iiiiilc- iliy kiluiUdi lor tj>p fuiriA) i ol i bary'i dr Kruufld, J y i u i r M i l to ih i (m njlaeidftifiiatid h j aorl'-iui* k« Uu* Uid Uui|iuj( Rruuad, h u befu kPVrtiprUwd fur uiUmt pllr)JUll. luul lAi U iu iiai-rjvui fxr Llii' n>oit p*rt hr tieniufr U u i^ii uireii tvi. huihUiir'i iiid «bk.r(!ag, It b iih liirn Uwt the poriiani f n i l ifi^tiiid •pprojimivrl ia<i «MaptL*dktPurwuctbkii for k l u'yiujrfrumul.uoiiifi be URoriO loUii ut lor wht^h It trnn otlRiiiklli Ntkjfttrt, trill tcc-.Tilli;,,’ In tUf truM lo wbicu it takllPiK'd ih« Mtiie li gubjcft, wblch irlll tpt MUiDdta wUb Rr«ttl liiOtturuii>k&««.tD(i tub-iKt iDDorpTU |iur4<i)<'pr« to irreti perMinltry MS. trd b«of bb public uMliir, InumuchM theloettUinoTkiiflirouiHl reniipn R improper ifid iDejpedleot to o t k i t n j further ipter------ ibvflD ; and wbertM. U li dednbta ,

I Mid bwylDC froijud, eocloted u aforae


M E D L B T A I. W B D D ia * M M

ria d g a * ik a t B a u d T w o H aarta ■other ■■ th * O M ea T tu a * .

lha iawcUen' W akijr.I t waa a pretty rattom , long ago, for

loreia to ricb an g * rin gi. T b e fenlleiueo did Bot b a r* to apeud a laaotb 'a is ro B * fo r a protty trinket fbr wblrh be got no retnrn, bat he tlao wor* and ebeiiahed a

I kDUTeBlr from k ii aw eetheart Cbaarei I d eatiib i* a baraina aa g ir l ig h « lo rer a

ring OB which were engrored aaitable tore kiottoee, and rerelvtug a lik e on* in n - lurB. Sb ik n p eate smkea Bwra th aa on» lUualao to tkia ruatoM. l a the "T w o OeatleBien o f V eron a" Ju lu t glee* fV rfru • ring, layiog, " Koep yep thia remeiu- brtneo for thy J a l u ’. m ke.” T o which he n p ilea : "W h y . then, we'll make e * - eb U K e; here, take you tfala.’’

A “ gim m al'' or linked ring win (ben In- tentod whieh g iT * atUl greater foree and tlgnilloinca to the cuatom. U wta made o f a dottblf and often trip le link, whieh turned open B plTot. I t oould be opened, ahowing three ilngt. A •mail band waa attashed to each oular ring, whlob, whan clo ifd , etuird the handi to elaap, tndoalag a heart whieh waa affixed to th e e a n tie l notched ring. I t waa n iilom ary to break tbeeo ring! aaunde, in a aolema maoner o rer the Bible. I t waa alw ayt dona In

' the preiecee o f a w ltn c« , who kept the centre ring, th e betrothed coopt* rewrving the two onlaidr llukt. When the marriage

I eontract w u fulAlted at th e a lu r the three portiona were nBlIed and the ring

id in th e ceremony.

A P a la e * Bold Vwry Cheap.From the I'hiladtlphla Telegraph.

Tho reaidcBf* In New Y ork o f th e lale H n. Mary B. Horgmn, who w u the owner of the paachbiow ru e , and whoee magnlllcent Dollectton of pelnilngi and brlr a brae ww diapeaed of at euclton, wat told recently. Ore I tl.’’C,<)no la wbi to h art tx4n eiiien 'M on the tfiterlor dcconillosr. The perlor door li filled with oak, mihogany and rcaewood, h andru red . Tht hath leoai la fliiMed In moulc and Itexlcan onyx. Tba cetllsga and walla throughont a it of poluhed niahoctny, aod on the aeoond tooe thti la Inlaid wtUi mother or pearl. The houM ww told to Darld BlorenioD, a bnwer, lot tint,Wit.

€ m t t e m r m t a w a B i l t * .

rCHILO’S SKIN,Eiri and t«tlp Coverfd with Ecii-

nutoM Scab* md Sorei Cured by Outiouri.

T«»»’ baa twaaantoMd with k aam eef tbe aealp tod et

titnae a gieti pei tloo of the Iwd r, rear alnce ke » u Iwo yeara nW. It l-egan In hi* ear..Iwo Tea

tided to bla icalp,and

. . . -------------... - t lc B became eoreredw lib aeaheiadUHre. and m w wbleb a MictT Bold pooled out, cau»hig lmen>« itrhtni and dimri w, and Ica iin , hi»halr milled and life- Jew U n d m etth lh tw icab a ih e ik u waaiaw. U k tap leeto f tietfHeak iireduaily the bidr

oiriapd weadeririifed, imltl but a iBiall a le f la i- " ■ 'fetch wta len at the ___

frienda In Heabody know hnwIcrtd

nnltl hta [illtuw waa eorered with blood d lo th 'h li henda tichtnd him, tod In

many waya triad in peaarni kia acaaiGhUiibiu It waa;.......... .............................

back of the head. My uiy liulc bo.. ... ___ >!¥

At night be would icralab hit■ Uhbh

hatiuficrid. head nnltl hI u u d lo th 'h li handa nchhid him,

ikaltba aald burylnt groni ______■Id, ihonld ba proieolea, and that tba o*tu< , •anay of t^pentfun ihcieof occupied otharwia* iku for a PBrytsi ttound ibouid ba nuiawd ■ tkertfoe* '

Ba It aBtcled by tbe Benate and (leneral Iwambly of tb* bttlo of New Jetaey, That Itagiviiiwaj *MV VhMip VP aeaiff wwiauwj , a •«■* a*■ktU be the onty of the Hayer and Ooetmon CcOBctl of llM cuy of (iewBik to protem and pteretye the bniylngground la now anclneiHl^

that the occupania of tneh parte of aald gnitiiide, oilgfoally aUoHed aa Bmeaald, *• art aotr otcuptied ft» purpotat ochar than aa a Poniof gmund aa albraatid, tball re- Btia uneiatorbad, aad tiM tb* and rommon oiu ndl of the city of Kewark ahall apply inch ptuotedt and piollia theteof u they may moelre Vo Uu protecting and keeping In lepali the burying iround tforetald, eud the enclaaaroa theieot; ptorlded, nereitheleat, that nothing In ihla act comtioed tball tn any m annataltcl the re a iu rtihta. If any, of any pervon or p e n ^ In the tiTd landa Independent ol (ha aaM alleged truala: and proridad, that thIa tot A all not rcnftr any additional r] 'pcrioiia. w to Uuxta aouL _________ . . .Oertni on the aald burying gronnd, and which kive within the lait ten yean been encloMd.

Approred Harch A UMA

dUonid rlghta to any peitun or ith nf tba town lot bot-

The Bebool B a tt le in TetrosB.A lAe Adder qf Ua Miaa:

Notbing him oouurrcd w ith in th e lim it* of utile Vccnca rllltge lu dluuib tba cqulnia- Ityof italiiliabitanV* Mere the good Ugotfora betur aebooltioBae and e betti r retool wta won. Is liAl, utUl the pniicbl tUuc. Diimig the peat Irow eekuhc lame figbi hai bieartnowed, but lot opputliou4»rfKa-webool and a gma Kbool bat been led by Icbi aloctie laadcaa Tbe g tlltil I'Kp’.l i i J i .i .j Jcc. bip, ably sup- pcitfd by his 'l.'U'coi t. imiliinp, ha* lMrH|Hd 100' j wcory eitlps ivtihln the Umllt oflhe srhool ulsttSri to ral'iiy •oileerorlng to wort 0[. an opj.'eltioD Pj JiidgeJohiuon for Icbotil Ttosiee, in i In oppoMUoti to rihlng the *U) of tHC to cducew lii^ lh e somber of obit- eren oflebm*! i f f in Itic OP'-let. Tbe oiptain •Odihcltvun noi.t, at the brad of their lltHe band, cDlen-d the sclionlhoioc promptly leal m nlRgit the hnur at tvlitch IJi. meeting wta cilleil. rt-'.t: the f,.cca t f the h oderan'l hit lieu len.lit I'w hi Im tesd the war raging within Ibelr boioto, Itrnra tnrir ilglil f. aturea and tbe eeteiiLlitat.ou In luclrcytb on* could i Uui

" Thein' was to do or ale ”The meetliig nrat.nacd by ctroi log Colonel

Hiram Cook csmruiaii .hit Jolm lilayhack aee- leliry. fpnn the tlrst bnlloi for TrualW Jsdge Jobntou rtectud fifty t lot rolra and WllbamJ, Uarilaiin leeelri'd tlil.'iy.tight rotoa Tie cipuio war atilt nudaur.ted, bnt hl> lieu­tenant and many uf bii lotlowarl baat a hasty letieai. A motion wa> then made to taiie gvk) foribeeqpporlof a fte e n hool for the coming ytar. Judge Jubsam made adatallad atalenawil tfthe coat oftheachool and an earneat appeal far the motloB. OUwca apoko agtiait ralalng any noney and alao agaliiat free aenoait. TTie Botkiu seio i then put leauUod aa foUowi: Billy Toted to lelrn HW, and only hnr la ra te a leia aom. The meeting then unanlmoualy thanked the beard of truaioea Itot tbe effleient nenner in which they had looked alter the halt Interial of the aobool and adlourn^.

______________________ V m x is .

B a m T t. B o n and Mayw.ib the Btilor q f lie Bfrva;

8 i b — P leaae allow tn« to m ake a oor* itctlon of yciu aeoonnt of tbo aborewill, which»ts tried In the Flrit Diairict yetterday. Tbo plaintiff lecorered Judgment agatnat William Hull and Hesjunls J . lla jo , and the uoD-eult w ugrutad In IgTor of my cltent, OMbulno KoU. and not in faror of Mr, Mayo, aa your paper iialed. Yours rery reipecinilty,

Ip w .an B, B u e g , Attorney of Catharine Noli.

March U.IW 7. ____________

Oplaim fur Mw OawlHqra.Fiom the Kantaa CUy Tlmea,

Borne tw d B tj-flre or th irty cowbopa, ' hnsd; for Text*, boented a Northern Paclllo ^ In Dakota tbe olhtt dgy, xBd look pawaa- swa ol the emfgrent sleeper. Brery mia of lien spurted a lerolrer and a botUa of WU*- ksy, They refuted to show tboeonductor their Uehets and denandod that he abould drink eitli them. A ymssengcr suggested that the eneducior should get some opium aud lUp It ilto Ihelr bottlu At Btsmarck (he brtkenan tMieol to I drug store for the optnra. Tbe wetemuD want Into iha oar andaoeaptad their taiioiis offer to Imbibe, and, while pretend- “ I to drink, Hipped i> in iill quantity of tbe awblnt diug In etch bottle. Quiat aDon I?*"<l,wher* before alt had been paiidemon- »»■ These dcDlaene of the wild rowdy Weat

Xton ileeptng sounder tban the OiitllS she exullant conductor rolled them

j™ like toga, went through tbtir pcckeia, f jg * '^ b c i r lloketa and lolled them back ia

W w A lciM d k U

n iU H U r e TO D B tIT Illa but a moment If rbcumatlam or near- alfla a tr iin the heart Theaa dlaeatet are tbe moat painful and tba moat danganua of any to which human kind to Uahla. They By iroan eoa part to another without a momeut'a warnisg, and llotmcnla and other outward ■ppllcailona are in them' •elree dingerooi beciuae they are liable to drire tb* Blattt* to loitc rlla l ergan and ctuae higtent dtaih. Bheumattoax aud neuralgia aia diaaaaaa of the bluod. and can oaly be reeched by a remedy which will drlre Horn the blood tbe dingerona aclda. Such a remmly to Alhlophotoa. Tt haa tsaen Ihorougbly teated and to a talk, aure cute.

B w cci O t lK , Pa.. O ct 8, U » .In answer to yont cequeA to know what

your Athloptioro* haa dune for me, 1 will say It hat done wanderliil work, I bar* aiiftered ftom rheumattom for elghtoati yearamoreor kas,andiODicUipaaiiatabletopm myclothea OB or eat tiuue. I took all kiuda doctored with e good man y doctors, but notbitig did me any good. J was gelilug wucae Initcad of bet­ter. I read your adrcrtlMmcnt In the Demo­crat and s to is ^ pepert o f Lonlatown. I hare taken In all four buttiaa. I Itel no p^u. 1 waa drawn crooked, but now 1 am atralght onoaraon. Thank yon for the good it dune

AUriopborM to lha medkilne.P ttiu r l u a m i a .

Yow m adlctnabtacundm eorw eniatgl*. I auBkied with It fur (hie* slaya. and It gara mo liiauni teller. Wtt, r. Bihca.

Pii.m-KA, N. V., Aug. 19, ISfft I Bsed OBC bottle of Atniophoroe for neural­

gia alter being laid np eight weekt. Tho re- •ull w u rery aalUfactory. K. B, Enur.

Ereiy drugglat abould keep AUUophoroB and Athlophom Pllli, but where they cannot bo bsiught of the druggIstB the AUilophoroe Oo., U I Wall steiei. New York, will aeiid either foartlage paplj on receipt of regular price, which to 11.00 par bottle fbr Athiopboros and He. lUr Pit la.

For llrei and kidney illaeaaea. dyapapsla, Iti- dlgc.stloii, weakoew, nerroua debility, dtocases of women, conailpatlon, beadacbe, Ituptira blood, ate.. AUilophonw Pille are ime<iu*ll^.

. . -s no nee, b* would aoratob. hlm intbahuH 'lialaiidw tb* M pbiaS 'iaiia In Pcaludy wlihuit auuceaa. About Ihta lime, aom* trienda, who bid been cured by the i 111- CL'g. KsKri>ir>, prerailrd ujkhi ma to try then. I U 'laii to Use Ihcm Oft the Ilih of fau muylart. In •even asieulu , i^ry I'sriii It of dl>es-r wu reniured. Not * ap'd or » sl> r snalna on hU iralp tn tall the > lory of hi- - ,it rriag. Hli hair haa m u rn ^ , and la Ihu'h and ttrim |'U illiD w alua*sw ceiandcli'in «i any child a In the wutM. laajiudi saj cimugh to expre* my grtmttde fbr this w.'nderflil cum by IhM t'TiiT B* Hrui o;s--. and who all sltni- larly amlrU'd pi kuuw IhM my staieaienl u trot and without eiaxff raipm

<1- . . . . . i l U K L I s Mi'KAV,Oal, a, lAid. S^aliails', MeatI hart seen Mr. McKay's hoy when ta-lll

tUfcted with the Ecm'ui* . lia wits a riUifiil stfht to litok a t I know that In' k.ra Wail isir best phUH'lans, and (ltd all a father could do forasuBlrrlnx child, bnt arallcd tiothlii.c f know that the statemento ha baa ma>l* you asngirds tbaaniliigaf hlahOT by j im i f i Tii lb*Ragaiaai are true In e r t r r parMrolar.

WII.UAM J . Mi'f'ARTIIV,U Fatter Bt., I-ealssly, Maas

Bold erarywtaera. Prlca: f'CTiti Bs. M cento; C rT n fa . tnup, i i cent*: Ccth tbs Hraoivitrr, ll.OO, Prepared by PoTTkx Dtt'.i AXD CUX1UC4V UOo BoaaoB.HtBil for “ Uww la Cb m UUn O tM ataa."

r a PL]at, Blaakhaaito, Iktn Blemlsbas, and Baby llumort, nte C erm b* Boar.

V t o r n M u t a m t y mt u l K i K « » • t e r y a t m .

A Gurgling Giggle IA Tumultuous Titter I

A Loud Laugh IA Rollicking Roar I

I H O M E M I N U T B ,Khcumatlc, Manralfic.Hatatlc.Bad- * n, Btaarp and Nrrvoui Pain* and

' naaa raliarad In ona mlnnAa I Outlruim Awtt-Pain Plaa- At Druixtsta. 38 canto. Pol-

r Drug ro.,TM)etoii.

U R A Y T S S P E C I F I C M E I I I C I S E**i>a*Msakaa*a>«*Br Tuauahag Bmsuau

UDfktl-..H a l.


. B x m tir . An uD Ing enr* fog lam

......... - W tBkBtA Ipar

..... .. lorthoa, imnotoncy, .______and all fn a m etth a i,......... - follow at a atquuce ~......... . o f ItN-Ahuat l iL a a a ... . . . . . . . . ol Mamory. Unlrer-.,......... . tal Laititude, Pain .

In back, Dlmueaa of., Visloo, PM thtout.

..... ......Old i g t , and many .other dtoaaau that Itad to Inianity or Cooaumptlon andPrekiatur, Urayt.

M n f l l pailirnlaaa In oitr nuanhlat, srhith a dealm 10 aand fn e by naailla tryone.— ■ThttpaciBclItdrcIne la told by ail D

at I t pet package, or t l x -------II bo tent fkae by matt on ly, by addreaalug lO K A V IK B D lb lK IIC account of conoterlelti

gltla at I t per package, or tlx package* c* will bo tent flee by matt on tho receipt of tb* money, by kddreMlugT B K 6 b a v m u i i b i K i i e o . , b u b iIo, n .t .

On icconnt of conoterlelti we htva adoptad the Yellow Wrapper; tho only geniime.

Bold In K ew u lr^ jC 'llA IU -raV cot. Itirkat and Broad ttieeta.



' A tolld and coiwmledc<>tDbinjiiion,|wep*rMlin tba Qioat c!ODv«nt nt form, mr applluatlon Riroucb tbt feditrllJi, in rM o£ih«iw to7all dlH> fuMt of tiw 4ir pM soa*Onepoli*! ki mioe»nh moctril. nlKlit and mortiinf, and Uiiib«i>rbed In coBiAfH with tb^ nm- OMi fUhd»- Ifo oMnr ktumn Mm m qu b»Te lell a » ttlty .powHWa fchwe !uuallum,or prodaor idm* tlax •ffMTta. Tbe)r»re«nf

ict from any IW ever beruK>


COLD IN TUK liEA*Xl.iS«l ADdbU '

CATABBH,^ ■ J oonminAjTtKTIONS, BDrttilnztnJurlouH.

Pcrftcily narmUBt. Not rnpI«MMitr Eully Applied.

F R lC E i S6 CEHTi) P E R &OX.CliaB. B* S m ith , W h o le s a le A g e n t



Tbe oiily iwnntM 4dT«rtlRfns m cuitut In Atd«rl« Ok (Who jm d t hM Rddleii uoder Use world ro- DoWMd ProAoBon J«br A MuUar)» provod by cffUdcato aitralea by lh« llfirmao court and algn*d by tbo American Ambaaudur. Uuar* awloM to OQNk all brivale Atoa—ea. IgelttdJu Ekrinura, Nervoot DoblUty.Xow or Maaboon, oriraDic wealLaiflB.reflulUi4 irom Vmitbfbl Ini-Snid«oce, filood Folnoo. Biotchea. Ptn)pl«e. la-

ainjuaiiuD iekI ttweillDii, Imcw of Remnry otc, R«i£h at onoap acuta oaaei poaittraljconed in 4 to lOdaya Moat datiyeroue cwiw aoildtcd. Method new asd barmlea^ Eurcpcau Iloapitai ex per* lence. Thoae who hAVf MilTbred for yean miio apfQt money and loecall mpe, aboald write tor

eapoiiire rfFiwnrtt and Ibilr trWif to TlctliiiUc iofferen. Write or oaU*

Hoora. > lo M tc >. ftondayi All t

T B B G r B n U JH l e iM « I.B waa (baked, yHi fairly izi&uth*-iwd msldf the veRoC a pur> (liaeer, wbeo an aBaiwu Ikwarh mertbaat ijftred him n Walatii Sed w tiulUk n a rb lt lo p ,p itfeae fo r IVi, rriular prlca (PS: Aah.Alillquo Owh and HuanulM Bedreooi Vuici fr<Hn to to 110 prr iu il IMS than any oibw kjitM U selilofttiew a l . u a bid fur ooi paiNQ«co dortoi tbo comme oaaioo. Tbu m uchrriai nr oil ixpm*if)iip of dll llfbt 1« ?(ry cocnwiry when buflag ymi know, and ihr pur- cLuor cilufhcd thl« grt*ol bargain wUb a fano as fctUmn a ia o updtrtaJusr.

T U R l l 'M L X T V m '^ T IT T E R which ahooh tho rraim- of thR ihrvwd, eipcpirncwd buyer w u Ciuaed Ly showing him l^f]«»r

7 plecoi, til klodi of fraioto ond oovoT' iiiMk, m j own u:amifkie(urv>; ftwiner prloo |lhO. nrduetd Ui |05. ' l u u o ruinous dgure*bul tht purebawr isi|>i<ri*s fd hu happLacM and gob- lilrd the prlM* rx graro aaau owl.

Ih f bulk of my sUo'k hai boeapurohvt4 under Mmllar dMrviitn|]y mirthful eircua-

•tas>oc, anil my buyor, who eonohi hook tl«k tad nrarlT to death with iho baifaliu he haa oorus-Td, frein KiioiaeU trot oesd unflHiarwl to unrtT k and glTO wgy to tMMwRfwiood yoiUly for a week to cvnw,

A L O r u LAPGH ntOg Ikroogh (ho itoro yi-v rdoj n-rAUg t h m tbo thiaai;o4 a happy cuitototr wko oouidn'i raiKom h u nf*- lure when wequohMl him the prh v io f Velrctv Sfldy H'MWoli, Tatwetry, ihroo and iwcvpl> lujrtaln <‘er|H U at lduvV>c«mi per yard Imo thaa any uihor houM* In ih* • liy.

A KOLLICHIN R RttAKatoaUmUthKKvh my door during biiMt>FM hni.r*, w hich li only the happy rlttnorof duurai of turprlacd and dellghitNlruilonirrF, who dnd much to admtro and wonilur at on every sUlc. The pro»*iog deirmitdii of shrewd buyorik who wL«h to bide Ibctr h]UHot)ifxutUUou«wvor B y lu.-pnol&f offers, ha led mo to fll op a pwddwJ i\*Urtoii ruom, where they eiD oaactaod ibout lolbrlr emlrr*tM>riK'Uuu, aitbout dUeovery or Injury tu Ih o B R h ff.

\M utUMRAKUB Tt» «toL’l>RII THr; prvuar ufrireMy.aYeawve^-

nr plATfi kiht tplw}** Hi tier <ity Of Nricar\ an.-j #iiewBitci.*<ur whelereer punMW, Misvm ih i«f UUvrUx eulhorlMd hr !•«.

ItoiiurUaiua* to |M (Awmoa umiicU t f lut ( tIrW N s ss rk .ta llilim

CrcU..ii t. 11 IS UvsUjr niaJ* Iks * t i r ul 111" rtreel rttisuMkiruir w&c»«\er griuiUui a per-i..ti ft»# toof ''*vwvaii..u vrB^’i^ Qt JWtoraaar*oftbepasvwsvtit of the e«rriefiw*wey at any aresw. ■nblk-pleiw end alT^ hi U*ws Hk ..rNs s ark, or MdewaiK Uktwewi. la wmhi wa*/'auch ojiraiaw. exiwveilMi or dM>wtHUbw tduOl be> ilrgctly euUtri-Uml hy U w .b reqiUreof th« p v

r |trr«ik4iffi wburu or fcr «M e« iMuefli aav Jktr euji P'li' ■ueb uiiti

eu(7kn-mttiiF p4/t

• kvWVUkiii or •-■pvaiiia if Uibr asWiL'K-et- wlulivvff. a dppwu ol uf in,srH>y On ShlUl W d«Wfi t* eevtaf wfhI |i«y at) the espMW* of tb# Huaet f^MsTSBatW <»l hsmioHiiM «(wUi tne^U l siistiia frurb « orb aod laktag wioanMwaft M ^ t l ti# riqviW#kliaprnMrlf reeswj-faetieec'irf aaal-'Ft HiakffiO# iKc wnK and HhbnvwU . n>M>L i-urh aud dugiuf nenaanuy ist W repSoiwailUj (Tin#*S| (#«ii'# orutakym "arh ritsvatluo. ini«n lijf nr dlsi'jrton.-s »hi;K d,'isa<t toMl bs s (ull olArbarer nf all IUUIIit aM i4aini enliuW tpr* pi ntka er p#iaM6 luakJtw ew h d#tH ntndna’ meni mr ih# worW pti.vidrwl Ow uuf naulradef Itw w m i DepaciMML It l« u»d.vFUak.k..M u i r KMwpnas ovwr mit ««aa>athHi ftrwrthei have fwii 1.1.."# rf-i'lwwwl Ky B e tMU#e( U' ntais L*a« m bu w t knUttaiK-aAre iMMwfb* k.*fut la frp w b) l b V* tkf v,H\vy«ud i»f ib#SntiJjiUie In f?w4ii of which (be uxiAvaUuB ta

lae#H«>grUt. l Wbenr'fwr any pny«enr*n1. mdewalk

ourtiur ffuUer In m i> Rreet,ai-ts»i<.< iwImTi’ uIm-ior ell#k Bhtoll b(< ImAmi Ills di# i Km im'ingflm> of tlj# Hirpfi . . . .................li*wn;pnt,HdfwaJJr,ei:rbor i'Hlcf mua moi,.,,|,.llal.... ... . ss .s- I.S------.1 . L, _ . ---III#

Ih e Mutual BenefitL IF E IN SURAN CE COM PA N Y,

HIWAJUf, N. J.A l iT i n o t s iv Fiwtiaiwiii.

AtirM 'M arkn ValuMI J ie . 1, 'to .ltoB !* J81 18 I lau iiu*i| l f t t amsi raacrral. , *f.'eT4,*ii9 21

..................... ......................... 3.ati,tia MHi.rpluaihrw Y « k kusstiriri....... VMJ.I-B I t

I 'o lM a * Akaolaialg N *a-V ar(*ihvbla Aftwr ihMww* Ftox .

In rata o f lagio th* I-oIk t to a«al|i)i|«it In lOfiw to loiu, as tit raiuo Witt gag tor; or, tf p i c f t ^ , a FiM (ip a u c g fui III fttU ralu* ia bauf’i In eaohaiiatt,

AfUr UB year, are Inrww*w n tiie . eioopi a» kgalnei Inteatioiuil fraud ; and ail lemrUriuBN u y> fruideuco, u ara l or (Ns^upallut) aro coinuvedt

Cash Li^ iaaM read fio lh e a iu a lo f Iff par I ?” ' ™ w , where t t i t j atatgn- Hcurtiy * " * ** uollatctal

l o m isalA imiiMAlatolg ugon comivUUoii and •I'lutvalarpnafk

1!A n i i t « « t t i * i i l » .


.......FnxH-Itfoi and lU oM tr,tp.iMK L. rLttLi 1 ...........-ti’ting Maciger,

S p e c ia l H t t i u e S t P a t r i c k '* D a jr .Ertry kltd 1 hur-Uey cQil Rab-

fnoor, the Petrlet* ^^>mccf>:jae

MARIE AIMEE,ti;i1 her gr,gliih eorusjjr Cpinpaar, will p « . •ri-l at (rri)' pcrfi-rmaBCc, tio a p l Haturdar uiahi, Jtxtopaud Ulll'a Farolaal Voatadr,

MAM’SELLE.”■ ATI BlIA Y N lU H r, banloa'ipuitoHatr,





tb o

> nhrflMH' Ukefi u|> hif tb# |>>inKjw i • As«v«U*Mi ftp owwUlg atiattivi t exi av. . .

axLivaV.y auiliiieUMl hr kw .U B alt h# u>i- > tL# Htreei t'uiuiiiiHPl-iarr uir# i-irti w.i. ',

. . '•'’:?nt.pld«*'AaJJr,ei:rbor i'HleiMiiifllil.Hi BN *-jii wft4*r M In iirti*l!fahlf r-MmirUiat“ ....... or by ngiM-adior Fst wliisos ‘ss'ii;-

#11 recioved to iWpv*«ii ih## wv

At thpi>iiiiiM+iiij lb# BUFfriUvi’luri ........or itutifUiM tL#«amr, and In a iiuuii^r whirti v nor«4iiiii ihi* liwet Ineaitven pihv- (m the Mbtir, i- tlll In Aliy »-i(Wvsiivu it iufc, aiMt pi lit

I ■/ (MU ktwl, iaittm#d Aijij er«iMr*w( (lir 1‘ilr wt Aipi Ui# wsH


V l n l l r o i i f t B .

SNsiVI.VXNlA KAll.BllAIi, TIIKli .V '* * , , i-* '" '■''"•'I*■' Js'iii*r> Use lasT. tritoiss f l l .s v r U*rSH -M/.tt »U ll.'u ,^ s»rk , fc, (J|.

, •■Ai A. B . a w Uur. daily Bit IlsrrlslHirr. l i l t , l^rx sihI Ihi Wist, sLih llillmait i v .Ilir,,ii,t! 1... i.I.iu l.iM . n .„| T.

I J I N 'J VSISSli.aik

N(w soup tn (n illth , Fri iiult a *d kcaBjah, Iri'ln ilrti "Ciw p fnio (m , ' " C h l p k S n f r l " I 'lr tt j ta a Hlciur*." A". '.rrhwawuHial. Ir iia raaarMd i

charge. Tulebhoa* (toll 1 1 1 * r tu c(u hr tcctirgii la adrnnee wiUsoat

• III* I’birga M iaaith't drag •tor*. Ofano*. bf*ecbu ck tloB e«.

] I R. JACUBk'* URANU ORERA W O U IL I • II. K J s i v i * ............... koto M anatti.

Th< IKU"'" I'll'iw, Maud wi c-n u adatlsOaa. I hi.K,' lu-i'iii-d '(* ( .. n , viito. On# weak, ri'ti i.„ I rli . M'" (Jar. Msfi'h U, rvaiiinp aV ■

kak IlsU hiii 3 I'. U. sharp. Mattn**a (■'I It 'll.I lad I'olhlren, Tiirtdtg, Wadaaadag, I-'I'as- sB'l “tinnier, 'ifand rx lr * maituaa, '( i t ru Sk Itojr. The lirau l KnactacuarRo- 'c i t l r Msl'(dram*,

ths rsiailrw iir rfU>lt'i r--jii WlTrrt (■'■iiiiiiMtUiSr is hsrrliiIT auLhnrtofd I-!


......Ml,!, ,niKi, I nn I r s , , . |


AMOS H. VAN HORN’SLafgeCafpetand Fumitufe Store,

W I I O L E N A L E A N D J U I T A I L . C l t l l D I T I F l ) I C .S I K H D ,

Goods Dellrcred FBEE OF CHABGE to Any Fart ol ihe S t^ .


W i t * W c » S l t a * .


Fancy Goods Housem T H E S T A T E .

c « U t s , . . .T lia Origliial

* l _ . .TEHTOJ

O n lf G tniune.OfWU(illl**l

'ES. Atk llah,"*nd

____ _ . to lit tot. .. hr Riuro mall, N l iU

C U ahaatar C k o n la o i Oo>, m s Madleon Bqnein, F3dl*da.,JPa.

K tcdlaia * t tsftsr'M . “ ■ ■


Iht p eat Medltal Worka age OD Hanhoed, N ^• n u r' ■ ■ *


t e

J: , .....rout tiiU Fhjrilcil DeblUtf.Pramature DecUne.Erronof Yonth, and the untold •niit'* r i« cooatquent ttaeroon.—»Qp*»et,8TO, 138 pm trlp .Ilona lor all dlacttes. Cloth,IdU gilt, Otolf tl.OO, \ij mall. d •e^ed. lUuatrallre aample n t t to all roam and ralddlftfcd man for tba n txt H darto Bend now. AiMrc» DE. W. H. PA RKIB,

* BuIlBnch St,, Bitotoa. Haw

C B M P T l o riTe e pOBttlvw remedy fbr the eboTe'dlMMe IOM tbouBQdfl of OMCfl o rlb e woretklnd if long lUiMllnt have been cured. lodewl obf & myflUth In Iti eOeecy UuK i

Ith b


by Its OMu d ^ loi

ttn l ':^ ’0 B (? rT iJli"F K B *,T e iiVALUABLE 'ITIEATITO OntllltaL___ to ftOJ


T i n ! * D I * Q T r t ’ K BKADtR OB AD- y t u ^ J j l O l : Ttctlaer, tb* Basra I* tht

4jO> Ui( blood 0001 bi taking Itent’tB n fr wtk and i-iintpulllt. By It* aetton on th* ! « ( ( ( H rtllcrea exotaatra asrtaltnp, pitoklr ■ J heidncbt, glddlistat, and all otkex eosa- WMBia duo to orarheaifd blood. T r jl i , • "

Wonwn with pala, oolorlo* faots, who foal *■» aud dbdourigtd, srlll reoelvt both mcn- « ttiu hodtli rtgnr by u<tug Canai't Iron f jy which Ire msde for the blood, neirai and "■Wailim.-Arfr,

Wpixil fnim Omoda ProbUcrl**, iindar tof. W™e of C. Blockrtt Roblnmn, propr.; " I w u

of un-itcurriiig bllloiu b t^ a e b u Iw y o " k Blond B lu tn a "^ *d »

r n i t O i e i t t i k i . ^

HENRY’SSttnue M i v Lg W m o r t P o w e t f d l H e a l i n g ^ a n e n t e v e r D l B o o T e r e d li ^ n r ' s O a r t o l l a t a l i f # « u r M

I jW n iy ’a O a r b o l l# ■ ■ )« • a l l a y s

N & p iS lj* O a r b o i la B a t v a Iw a M

O a r b o l l s B a h a a u r a s

O a r b o l l s B a l v a h o a l t

A P O W E R F U L 'T O K I C .I that the n e tt drlleatt atomach will baar.

1 A S P E C I F I C F O R M A L A R I A ,

R H E U M A T I S M , N E R V O U S P R O S T R A T I O N ,


b* a l m o st A SPECIFIC, Buptrlor to qnlBlnt. I t U tn u HoaplMl, M. T ., " Dnlrailalti alio-

Bt, n tn cla ’a Hoaisltal, tRatod rrltb Kaautweuffid. ■

H .T . "W erfp atient ha* btan tUttmuged

B cr. J ba B, Hall, Chaplain Albany Paniten- VafY, wrlMa Hut K u k to t h u cono hi* vritk. After twtntr ptan sufftring (torn n u lirt* and toerrostdinupilA. Writ* him farM itltalait.

Bt. JcaepS’l Boaptuil, N. Y.: " I t * utt to roiu1d(Rd_ltidtojp*owNi*. I t act* parlkctU-"


M r a t t a t T B .

IT W ILnaYlOi)} ■

When joD i n ta n«*d of Dental Work, to p i to III*

Central Dental ParlorsOOP. BROAD IT . A CENTRAL AV.

A ll V ro ik D on * b i th o B a i t U sin utr M th * L o a n ** S o t t t .

A n o t h e r O r c B t S p « c i n l

BEE HIVE SALE!A M a r c h S t o r m o t

(leunine B argains!C o n t i i i e n c f u g f

HONDAT, HARCH 14A n d c o n t i m i i u i ' t h r m i g 'h o u t

t i t e w e e k .

W e w ktii to begin the Sptiog BeisoD w ith ■ m s h , th erefore Uii* Clretst Bpecinl Shle, A nd wh«n “ T h e B e e H ire ’ ’ gaFS “ Special S a le ” Ih e m e n in n onncem ent it enongb, for th e people ol New Je r s e ? h a re been co n rin red long ago th a t the originators o f Specials in Newark are th e lead ers, and m aintained by offering o n l ; reg n lar , ererT tlay good.*, ahd not a lo t o t odda and ends picked n p h *re and th ere tor t lie o e tu io n , w hile otu prices are so t n t in to (h e p ro lilt and cost th a t there i i no cams* lo r wandering a t th e immenEe throngs th at we draw to o v eatab lleh m en t on anch occasions.

And Why Not ?W hen w e ad rerU se a Bpacia) Bale we

h a re a Sp ecia l S a le .W hen w e a d te r tis e onr regular stock

we se ll onr re u a la r stock.W hen w e odTertise a cu t in price* we

cu t OUT p rio ts e rery tim *.W hen w e ad rerU M an a i i ic l* w* have

th id a r t ic le for sole, a t prioe adrertised, an d in fuM lU ng onr promi8«i to th e JeMer th e sccT ct s tan d * rerealed w hy we can con dn et a snoc**sftil sale, to th e w o n d en atn t ol th e p ro iao ten o f m isan y n n iaccessrn l a ttem p ts, th a t have tp m n g np in onr w ak e lik e m oahroenu.

B E M B X B E B N E X T W E E K !


Bee o d re rlise m e n t in Snnday Call.

L S. PLAUT & CO.7 U . 7 1 7 , n 9 B B 0 1 D 8 T ,

IfE W A B K , R . ff,

Cloae e F . M , B a tr s la F * R itap to d ,

~ ~ B B T A B L ia H iD i s i i ,

jo h iT ray,■AmmcTOBEB or

Files and Rasps.H A N D - C U T F I L E S .

6 ! N . J . B A I L B O A D A V E N U E

M a l l W l h l * k e g .

KeystoneM a l t W hiskey

o n a c c o u n t o ! i t s a b s o l u t e p u r

i t y a n d w o n d e r f u l n o u r i s h i n g

q u a l i t i e s , i s b o u n d t o c r o w d

o u t a l l O l iv e r s . I t i s p r o d u c e d

f r o m p u r e m a l t b y a p e c u l i a r

a n d o r i r i n a l p r o c e s s o r d i s t i l l ­

a t i o n , k n o w n d n l y t o o u r ­

s e l v e s , a f t e r w h i c h I t u n d e r ­

g o e s a s l o w r i p e n i n g p r o c e s s

f o r f o u r y e a r s , w h e n i t i s c a r e ­

f u l l y d r a w n f r o m t h e w o o d e n

c a s k s a n d b o t t l e d .

I t i s p u r e a n d h c a l t h l u l .

I t i s t h e b e s t t o n i c i a t h e

w o r l d .

I t i s n o u r i s h i n g a n d i n v i g ­

o r a t i n g ,

I t i s a g e n t l e s t i m u l a n t a n d

w o n d e r f u l a p p e t i z e r .

I t p r o m o t e s d i g e s t i o n .

I t 13 a s u r e c u r e f o r f l a t u ­

l e n c y .

I t i n c r e a s e s n e r v e f o r c e .

I t i s u n e q u a l l e d f o r C o n ­

s u m p t i o n , W a s t i n g D i s e a s e s

a n d G e n e r a l D e b i l i t y .

I t p r o d u c e s l a s t i n g b e n e f i t s

t o t h e w e a k .

I t i s a h a r m l e s s a n d p l e a s ­

a n t b e v e r a g e f o r t l i e s t r o n g

a n d h e a l t h y .

I t d o e s n o t c u l t i v a t e a l o v e

f o r s t r o n g d r i n k .

I t i s s o l d b y a l l D r u g g i s t s .

KeystoM Moll nof Go.OFFICXi

464 BROAD 8T., Newark, N. f .IV a it ia r W « r * i | a u # e a .


lAltllBb a;ivh ml## Bud rnruUrltmx, hinIfp Ui# TM-tUm uf thf i>-MiM(*#aB*ry for ih# uurpos. qiftYbfrj-jm (ruuh' iir-VUUjIlB t»f LAvIb iardlnBlHf

I. 'fb»l u Bity (Mtwim >i p«r*HHi A aIIl•A4ffiklilWll rnMnyatriMHiir puMIc i»!«s <

In Uilainir nr ilubll ui,k<- ui> nr tllNtitrlj nay piavr- pi(*iiL (’iirMUtn# nr flAi liig iRid ih«n*“n nr lliftv In, WMut"!t MrM olt'rtlii.;.* 4 |>#rmlt MKr T-r, m' OwTHn pr«avW*«1. NndmUhiMitivinipiii|n< with Ui#proVlAirii.a tif IhlK ■■rdlliMIU'#, rttl-'U jA#fviii 'H ta#lsoni ftif #v»ry ■•.rh irTfii-r nIuUI fl>fit’ll wmI dav tbemimcf nn.v dnilRni. wliWii «h»)i Iw ■nnsITn'r

onlJitHAd 111 Ui# nMmv nf Hm ilia annJ Bif lt< tp#. Biid wliru r#crhtMl RiMi] hv |«ls| \ab, tU- tr»’ftsur» i.r Uif ftly rtii.| i>W#d tn Um nrodllnt Lin •rmuiifii nfuLriM ;nbim1 hUhWNv*.

Krtimil. All inimnvi r#->'lMwl tjv Uio HtrvrIX>niHiiiRl<m#r fur th# p irikwH : tu llil**nnlliMHio#. rIjkII l>f i1#pii«|f#i| lijf tJir -‘T-NVlMt(Ml#r WIlIl 1ll#r<(|iipU’i>0l#r«lt<1 pl/v-Ml in (Ui- crrtl!! of thuJtfr*#* Ii jnrlnMmt.

tMN.*Uun .1. All nrdmi4ni*iw itihl (MrU t'f nnl'n»tn«N which irv iHit In iMimuibUh# wlili UuNbovRMrr hi'r#liy r#tbral«1,

>M#rt1'<n 1 T !il*i ordiuauiw chall take i'IT#s't lnviU#JU(*iiy.

llMMt W r h 4* l«7.pfirfiwift fi. Tifirm,

l^Mriilcnt nt <biBiniA!i iVsnndl.H li . l*BUJIMKTO!f.

ApproTtKl AAtfub 7, IM7./UHU AJ & HAYNW.

•5 _ *U/uf.

\K nKIilNANt’K I ni flUiV Ilifc >\Ui lU K eoBMtmrUun nf n «#w«r lu

IK HK.Nult Kl JlKhrr.fTtriu llFrauiii HUMtt t4> Nvw Jvrw.-y H«)Itt)«d4b 1‘tlUC.

Ah il ordidund by Um GoiuBHU} CkxuH'll of Uw d tt i'f N#wirk. BN hillowN i

L A IB4I1 hfOtUWtriuif'it IryTVliHhnr Htre#l. nt>m Ilcrmoii lUtw-L to N#w J«r- rtc> HalOriMbdBbi’iUM, UswUwr w iUi bII bAAlnAaud lUkhUnll# n«4MHMT tu fOfUplttW tU# MIIU<. Bh*l (•fRiKjUiktBiMhnd kflmarMlniM m tbr ikuiuiilit#"

----- * ------- fioildlrort.iiMl lA (wffby dlmNAti

irrull t viuft nt tb# OimrUy .»!dJ nf Um aiid dty of Kt"A »rk, Aw tlM BDiHjlnu- lUFUt of comliiliOmnirrN, ana Um ■bM (‘ounil'# ■l«ii#n wb»n HpiMiinUMl, aImII uwi|,lihn iNMtN,


ia*t^ hUpFiM dally, with Pullin*n***'■'*’*9**'** **'*“‘ • Ui 1‘llUlMltBiu»d lUll) «xcF]A ttatuhlBy fur lia w

For Komiuof#. WBAbltMlonaul UiBRniiUi. 114?, f 2 ' 5 .- ' KupfPW JMJi A. H.'.

•t' W^uday. (14?. (LVhA. ■-.^Miirnl m P. M, l^r BaiUmoi f only,

iilMwlth a rnm|>BTjr dlrca't from Now aa«i hahilR'itae wWMrr*

lUt F. M telly Kur FhlUiLJuhtB. Rinn

U T .t.ll. .ia?9ljN.lt#.l ft.h(B Kinraw. ll#7. A«, 7.to* LU.

- * a, •* am V ftjinnwR), ll.W A. ULh. A * 47.4.M. VBI, Mr,and 1*. If. ftnidikr traltu, A. N., A5U, U4. Wl.

T B ^ Kor1'r«ilnTi 1147, A40, T0 7A0. MB, tAI.M'i.

- w, . iiff 1.12,1’Si , Bitd 0 .p i'. M

W f e f J t l t t V i S : *•Vnr AilHimnUy i.BiF. M .tallf.#ic#pt Hun i

d*y, M iiU Lhrtmith l*BT\tMcar Rrcm'hMt furnip# Mby, Il.w A. ^-dally,Bit. tit^mlay

Cin>t4tur(U»o#b.t.»iF M.^tir liUiisIUBm h, I ltNtuit.i)o«*B(}r(iva,HprlnB

Xm f .Hob Ulrt. UNJinaquaii, iVlat FlHBaoiiL and pwiWnnltk# New York arul l>itM IkKni-rilUIi. -NbdsB.KA U..Bi>diia,4io,aibdlW p lU.diSly

ico^m iatey. <Xi Huuday* Uil A. U. *Bd AV Bund*,,

mad, B.K A U..aitd lia ,4 i» ,axcMO mi KlBv.r , IT > Ho

rr- im -u au n * rnmnanr tc (k f l i ) . tith euif Mi'ti n»|gau'.»ii.t mliflnti um-ir, Bax o t9 «Vi’'.? from r A. M to10 I . to. fFlrpbniir call r . i *11 p«rtoi*|. •iH'r* (iicr liii ouiu.ilnx iraln.

Nl'XI MV, k T *K k !t t KtIM LIFE CO.

F eed walomann ■ opcka Houtt.F * u Wxuma.mi, Mao****.

V * * k Oomnaacliag RU.N UAF, M a r a k U . Ratuiata TuMBay, TbnrwHj' (*1, Patrick'* D aj)

•nA a*IBM *r,

AU STRALIAN N O V ELTY O O M PA N V .M’LliK AtM RB, th« H u n a o P j ' , faerwUb Iba f^ilhiwlBivtl _afld f7im Ifoorv aod Wt|L

teUo ^

o aU lM

T^lber^w U hjba^IJilhiw Ii^vtto C t e M T .AliINllli

Bvilaw And AUoo, f r » k Vorn, tho

A iNilu hUlcii, thf Lido i''i^lfr!^U «aLaHimhii, urunt and nunroF, Mlaa An, ' '

TrUb. Alirrpirte h jHUT ItaUJi.*'

fm n k y « n ,

oil tAewBfb. UteliiiiMB IBII Illrort.Thiii^y Ohiiin '

n atifly to too Ui " ' i'>wi. M Nhairori

AW'ki*. A*k a w * * ^ 'k>ao* m 11 j i J M. AuoiUx lr»liia. 111. s.li. Ai», i*j,iiito .iijju . Ill to, 11.uu A. aa.; i-iiu ium„i . 1 m, to ,. xay

t a h ii5« W ia ’ ■ * ' ' * ’**. . t ' * ? ' ' a n i ja . Loa. T i* :.to j.u a a .p ,x B ,t3 7 ,ii(4 ,i« ii iL(* a . NT; i ^ i t . l a . i.ia. tiA a ll. t l « . i . i „ . iM .A j.a l i » .Jt ja ,) .4 A U i.a M .iu « 7 *u * la u r . M. watk“Troxe rtiwUiot aisMil *i*Uon, IH. AM a 10, AR.

................. ..................... MLri.lluit.llAl,

IILM, ll.M A. ' AH. 7.11, T.ti, aw,

mil IViundDr#Bl aRtaLnln

lUuuAelB and ftpaoBfi Incurrad In iHkld I tuprovito maot T« hen ibo mme sJuUi havo bnen duly a«Mr- Utoad and ilBcUijfvd hy Ite (. OHUimi ‘ upon all Ulf ownm pf landi a u r#

0#naflt^ tterHU ‘

w. damaf*^ wnt oii;Him of Mdd uiHia and Mid loiy ilia

n \ Bald iiBprovwK

;«4 ibiHt oipaoM* uliall oic’inRi NUrJi aa o#Mi NhftJ t bo

UiacttyorNowark. lAprovwiaot BhBlI h# icia<1n

Mjiarvlanii anddirM'-

UtJM and i]iKl«yvd hy ponali Ulf owiHVB of _kid nty. jif’oullMly o#iiaflt^ thornby, In nro-

portlon aa titiBrly m moy bo In tti# MvajitMi-. f«#h Rbali bi'Mi^Hd lo iKApiira; #nd In uan# innaaid oimmji, dam-----th# amfHini aawMHH’il u

h#rtlfinBndr«m|i|#t#duii<1«r tbo ■uj«r Ucm nf Ui# (Bty Hm'Toyor and Hirnd Cnuimh# rtun#r. iMw'iirdite to Um jwnvlaltea uf Lbu City Cbari#r aiirt lyrdmuiKiaa.

ratted Haii^ 4, IHT-rilCIMON Ii. IKKMl,

■kTeWdA'piOi IVkUkBmiil'niHK'il.H. Tt. nCMUi^iinxiN.

a a a, a_ CUyClMk.IpBruvnd March T, IMT.JUOhi'U K- HAVNilB,


\ i i 0|tiilNAI<«;K Tu l'W 'Vn>E n»K TttK. VoQiwtrucilufi. uf A NFWcr in

^ iB B v 5 T B IC li* r , mm MoWiNinar ntite'C lo E*»rEdc i B# h ordBlnad by ^ C nm aioo iXiuiirll of itm

lly r>r New Rtck, M MlOwa:lIuD I, A^^t#wr^||^UaU bF oooaininlBd in

M.; iLtt, 1.30, i n . M i, ^«,M, iu:2fia(Jd u.yr k m .

»’T m rttm w t BiBH<MixLM.«.«LM4i.H W * * *> OM liM A-V.

A x a S , » .ll . l l .k A. g ; llM iwouTl.*; i f f

liIT.B.I7,ML«,4».i.M ,7^ i A r g r r S ? 10,44K 1C., and fllT nlffhU ^ndayJX#?, ■.w.iJO. 8 11.

l« S V ¥ lr ' •I!'** i.fcM il b w jlW. *.ui,• Jfft7 .M .T .jL a .lli,*.0 (L liiyo , lG.«, and II.4t V. U .

For New ftrunaw k «. 1147 ntaht, |,m, 7j|L ijjL J-*7, ».tt, BOfl U.4H A. J f j I.W, l a , t S ’, 4 ,^

iiljiht, 1.48. 8; m. amt l(i.ai a . m ,; i t a , i.w,1 « , b j f ■ :\ iU 2.8.U8 aod I.V r . M ’

I’lrf wiKirmrlt'and W.4I A H


MARCH 17. ST. P A T R IO T S D A T .AtlrrniHin l,SO. H raB ln aa P . ■*,

Will w itotaeultol Falwmor't Irtah Drama, In Four AMI,

“ E I L E E N O G E ; ' *Or, " Uatk'alhr Uuur ILfurt tbe Dtwa. ’

lOc. ADMINMON. *0®. Mf

l^lRANkUN iTIISST C M U R ^ *A : Rout' A T T i u c n v i iTWO tUUiUKABLK TKITO IN FIUJUCf

~ I N B IB U T CHUBo L Mi'ClIitrdar, Htrcb 3 3 -" A Trto to

P ilaw , Fuualala, Tuuiti, Mtatuarr, wUb L oplleon an* l.lmc Llxhl. bp ItTAjidettoitl. L

ThnraOav. Rareh *1—" A Trip to CaHtofnil by Her. Utoryt J, Mlnxtna. Ntw York (Ity . Urawtly Daacripilxa FTOrnklMly M litM iI,

TH.-HRTB FUR BOTH, - H (.1NT8. BI.SlILJt, - - - lOCBNW:Far l i l t *1 Nttira Duarklat to Naapa aa4

b l u k l I)ai*iia’a, Broad gm at, aad at tb * dooL_____________ jto

P l a n p * a in O I D r g # i b » . ^

P I A N O S .uvita' c n I AiiTFR ro

U * - L H U I L I 1 W m

Idf# and l^rtb Amboy, fl.it, 8,t! 17.88, LOi, 1.77, i.01 and O iiF. M ,

. Hinday.Par Klnpum and KneK>I? I*. U..da1W, uxoapt huiidayi Knr l*lJiiJljmbutKaiMl BHvldrva, T30, U.4AA. M-

5.12y.niM,T.50 A.H .and

'lUi Ml bMloi tiiid maipbob-ibortof fbrooi lo rocia<-


ofniiohakiteH* ;t tewara aiul

. . h#f#hy <llr#r*Hit vjurt nf Uie euimv

IU.45 A-M.a atkd 1.17 IH.9T. i i .« A. n .; i.H, x a ,telly, aioonl Huntey.’IIiihIoii ajid Gnmdnn, 730, K tk , l.4T,5,tt, arwJT.:irF.

puli tp lUaOlrcuk ivjurt nf the euuhly rjf k -* acK,la M a i? o f tha Hnyor Mid Gooiiuon 1 guv ll

he Raid rlty o/' Newr"*" " —(irtfiFROId nty of Newark, for th# flf oaiiiaiitedBii#rB, and ihe aanl ontufuj-^miorw whon at^likhM, hIibJI BiMa aioct#»Li,da4tiait«w uid (utVoMM Inrtirred tji N»Jd rrauruvorueiR whim (hn naino »fatiJI hava b#ea duly &'Qr(MuiM md dtnarrd tii Uu* iVimtnon Ooum'tn, utr'iik Ml li#own#ntf]f InfMlN and inbU (Hbifn in Attfil cUv

peMlIarly 4ir|HUll«t Unweiiir, lit pmu'krilon hn narly m uiay >if( tn Ita# BilTBBlafo. Hadt ahall bw

( eomt^ lb iogtiirr; and Ln caan the antd r-oaifi, rianvayfiiitiid • tppuHHe akinil txo .hI nn’Htiioimt iff Mutd iit'nfliix, RUt'h (‘trcte fihuil in* u-tii-iHiYi


danvayfw iuulit Ruld in-r ... . _ ..... .......tuMu and r«iii by (Uuclt}- pf .Nuwark.

N(«Ikm<. Kiiidlimkr(A4iriM-n,l«fiAinH'___ ____fYunjulfti'd undor the 4iip#fFlidfn nnd dlrWillnn of thpj^iy Hllr ■ay(lr oiul Htn-ft l titivmliMniM’r.ai'-

LD7F t. ...... _ ................. . .

andt.47, ».« I*. M . telly, MtTpirtuiicfiy.*-^iliM 5*tt F. Umq flMly, HAuam HuDday.

For KU'iiilufUin. iJkiBi ^................dally, PioFpt Aunday.

For 1‘rtncrt.tD, T.flfi, AST. 11.41 A,i.nr.ftji, and 7.W I', u.ateiir - ■

For Unrdcntowrt, Murllin' lAO, aiidI1.4ftA.M.. I,»», tL ,

dMiy. oacijit Huotey, Ou Aunday, ULti A. M. anil 1.314 F M,Fur FreubnI'l, KariuliiirdHl#, Maan.<Mhitui and

Km Idrl, via .MiwunmMh JanrlJon, 7.So and il.-ia A. M.; 4JuaiMA.lQ F. M. WMk tUva.

Per ih«um arliUnutchaHice, »J3 P. M. daJIr. Frum Itruoklyii, N. V. All thruujfli traliin con-

n#ft ai Jerwey irly with lumt/i of *' Rrooklyn An- MA," afTfU-itliiK direct (raDtAir tn and frum Fultun flirert avuldl ug dutiblu frrrlagnand Juuruivy auroaa tlie city,


IQJ^ lO.W, ll.lu A. M.; riajiil llAi niNin ; f, S.3e, a.IiO, 4, 4.1(1, 4JW, 4.40, s, «J0.-LJ0,4.3u. A.40. •i. p} 8, MO, tL'AdJU, T, T.». T W. 8 lo.ih and ll .« F. M,,anil iMr. iiifdmgtit. Kunday tralna. rt,l8. n. 1 ,a (a tn in -an i i a a* . in . e. » 7 . *

rori^ig tn tba prnvlaioiia uf Ui« Clly Ghiufer iiuil iMgiiLVi, tlUG- U, li A.M.: laobou : 1,2,3. I, 4:Si),A,S.i*i;

7,7.45, B.Ub, 8, .aiul lAU ULld-UniiUiMIO’a

l ‘uflBe<i MiLrrh 4, IKNTI’lKlL^JS il. rHJTifi.

I'TOalduQt gftVkaimnri rmmdl, H-firesiiJKH TthN,

. a a a. GUyilurlt,ApproVivl .March T, IW-

iiAfRPB Dr YlAYNfX.lAo Mayur.

tK^TUAL HAILROAL <JF NEW JE«>il£y.Ttr-‘- .....................Kerry In N«w Vnrk,P’«oiyf MbijftyaL

ArrAnarffiaut nrTfMnfl, m>ii)]Yi#U(*Hi - -4.. NfiWAKK AND K JilZ A iirrii

>cftyaL Jan. 1.1W; KANfllL

A'JTOIlLitNANCfi: TO rnOVlDJC ItFU T lu : nonatrucUoa pfa ««Wfr In 'KH 8 'm x ^ AaNIi C JIB O ar HTIIaKKr.

^ DQttkuioo ilottiioll bl 4from North Cm M Wteel Ui fw li aUteL

JkItuitelAM uy Um ^ cUt of bu w ark aa fuLIowa t

teotintil. A pipe aowor atell bo couaimcfal In Klvar ttnv* vid I'herry oUm L fioia Nooib danal atr«K In i>rk atroM, U i^M r «tib lUi tiMlJta and nnuiholaa uoowary le ouoilMMa fite name, aiM| uf inch ahoiio and dlmaoilofyi aa Wie Doainnlitoe on and Dwinaga ifoiali dlraot

Martlobl IbaO i^ CV>atkB*| lotieratw dlteette to11** Vnok, Cotfaril ur

T O B V t

' B L A N K B O O K S ,Ink, Hnifiiaii, Rabber Stamys, Ete,,

At null t i all kind*

M a n i l i n , I t o p n , I to f f i iH , S t i u i v W 'r B p p i n ) ' P a p e r a u d

T w i n e .

HARRISON & HPAQ,1 6 9 . n d I I I I I A L S K I O T .

16 000 tbe bb(D6*bf Newark d^lr*

K « g « l H a l t e d ^

E STTATE o f MAHV a. IJALV. UKUKAiiRD.Puraiiani hi tba nrdnr uf Joeepb 1*. Mtinn,

HhiTQgM« of tbo Cuiuii}' of Keeox, ilila (Uy tundo,■ ■ n f ...........................on appliceilnii

• t

N E W A E K , J f.

_______ - ____ perfreUf.^Prof. V . f . Boicombei H. D,* H t u t iHb d(.,

Special Fllefl made to order, re-cbt aud warranted.

Flics and lUapam

aUabteft Iclury to the hearlaf or ooDitltutioD*"* ibocflaDai upoo tbotuaudi wriio that Ka»

ktne haa cured tbem after all other nodlclsea had failed* Write tor hook of tertlmontali.

KaaKlHA can be takoa without any apeelal medical advice. fl-flOpcrbotU#.

Bold by CTFAKLIS HOLZHaUEH, 787 Broad ■treet, Newark, N. J*i or lesU by null on leeaifil

^ k S K IN I CO.. 04 Wairen VL, N«w York.

GAS GIVEN. MICHAEL WALSH,D talti In Fotticn tn * Dunaatt*

PaUin & Merritt, WALL PAPERS.

* h « # r| W ltW A 81

Htonry’to-Tffikto B# Otheaf — - 0 # o o m i i — ffM i j n I — I- '

sfilSffiiiS '**** RIPtMBiiS-_______ 1 when c u e d ; aleo varioocele*

I CURE FITS!When 1 n y cure I do not megn merely to atop

them for a luue and then have tbum reiurn ngoin. 1 niMD a radical i-ure. I teVR mode thn dluMAe o r F im £ F I L B I « Y or FAiiLINU motCNlSH a llfrvlong fltudy. I warrant my remedy to cure

remeaaea BecMisoothershaTetoned la no _>n for not now reorivlng a enre. Bend at

bnoe tor a Ueatlee and a firm Bottle of tny Intoi- l^ r a in n v * Orve iSanrw and PoaMHoe* U Qoatfl you notui&i torn irlM,and I wlU cure you. X o d r^ DD hTq . b o o t * i k Fmrl SL, N. Y.

in * t l l« t - •tiv oaae; FfcBT to

p*n *11(1 MO

D E N T I S T S .

DR. r C. HANKS,Dentist,

S i a S M A R K E T S T . , N E W A R K

GAB 1 SPECIALTY.toll m rk loaianteea •* nprweated, FrioM

iiiamiabla for fooi] work,BUrar an* toilax FlUuifa, Mo.to good (till Dpfcxot Lo*M a*l iff Tteth, n a OhaaiMx a n r t U t a M . o m c i BOOU}-4to. H. I* • P. H.; I to

ttff, K. (toirtm-to to to X ML; Ito kM f .I L i M N i t i r T l .

-XU* Lat«al Colora aad Deilgat to HoUaod* lad Window Uudua, Comlcca, Curlaln Folaa, Bhtd* tlxiarea, eld. FaperHinglng.FrttM Painting,

0 0 0 B R O A D 8 T . OO t»

T b a MItW H O lUl,T h * aO VBBUOLD,

| Th e»LA «II0 MOTION and otbar flnt-cUua.

S e w f i t g M a e l i in e s ,' I I

ALSOORF’9,tandlO ED toB gTBBffT,

Bold on IWT T ar-*.

< ] « t o B a n F m n o lto e o a O o L Lwwaat ntoa to laji fMncItai lad all Fatoto

Mdd flecfm*'d, notlcw Ih hpn*by *lv(*n tn Ihti cn lUtoTi of luild ddcciMtiJ kiHxLkbltLotbti aubnorlbAfa, mider oalb ur adlrmation, llivlr eltklia v and dc- mandfl AKatoflt thec.itateof aoUl deduaeud wiUiln nine mont III from UiladaUe. or they will be for* merharrtid from nroHmitiiig or recovorlng t4ke ■acne acabwt Ibv nibicribeni.


Februai^l4,1887. By_^

I flRTATKOr HAllA If J. U0LKJE,PBC'EASRD.Ijlmnmant to Ibeordrr of Jomph f*. Maun, Bor'

rogaleoftlieC^uTily of b>Mex, tfileday mMu.on tbeappIlMtlnn of the umterHlgnud execuUir of aaM aer<Muie<l, notiiN' la beretiy Mlven to the te n of aald decMAedUoPihlhUtu the aubncrlbn' under oei)i oratorniaUun UMrWafma aiu! de- mandaegaLuiltheMitatu of Mid diHmeeil wLihlu nine inbntha from thb date, or tbuy will be tor* rverbnrrMl from proamittng or recOYtrlng tbe

ibacr''“ ■aame agalojit the aui January 15,




No t i c e o f h k tt l fim k n t . - n o t ic b i shereby given that (he acobante of (bnai)b'

acrlbte'. Afiiarahm of John Wluirtnn,aluna((r, wtllbeaudUra and etau.wi hy the Hurruutti and ru* ported tor aptilement to Ine * irpharm'IVi rAjiiniy ofBiflea, ou Monday,

ifi * If pharui'IVjurl of tholUe fgimmuLUtey

Dated January I I lA .( Ifa lUULEK A- WUAHTf>N

teuly to theCIroflt (Jb taaftN o o iaty of Inbebalraf the JUaj'Of aorf Onmiaon Cod _ LbaaaU^iy of Nawuk.fac Uwasp^itmenl of <kromwiOiberi, and Um aatd oommlaakiRerh whiui appoluM, abafl aaeewi (he uoita, damage and ex- pepam (nrarrHl In aaid frnproTeoipntlH'bonUir aam# ahall have been dnly aiir#netned and de­clared by the Oofnnwn OniiarJU, upon all tlio uwjMraol iante and «aU aatate In aaid dty. pn- TUliarly uanedled Uureliy, In pruportkinaa boarly M may p t to (be advantaM, mcii UuiiJ ba dawned to wqulre ; aikd it* cam lha eald ooffta, dADMgi« and expennm ahall tiio»^l tbo amount of aald beneflle, aach exmae nhan be iirniiiil luxiu and p^d by the etty n f Ifw ark.

Seethni l teid Improyement iihaii be mado and tebiRlrted under the aii^vlalou aod direvilun of tbf Gty Hqrveyor uid Ptrml C<NnmUBlQaBr,ao- nordlof to the provJsIbDa uf Uie diy ebartar and

tllV ' K ' f ^ 'S ** StoUimaa), tjij, t.o ,t-UOA.M-i IK K .,105, IJO, 2.fo.X,4l), S.g) fOfj

t.UB, hM, fl-W.Alb, 7.W, 7 il, o>, t.M j/.ii |l 'jg' A_. M,, d ip , LW), ife , l i :

657-659 BROAD 8T,ImBienM itof k Of Pianm and Parlor O r ttu M alt maken, biciudtng evrry promlaent n a M In America, tor Caab tu on p ajm w U fll S W lib momhly*

Alao to ic4, and n n t ipplltd to porchAM.

\Q.X\, 11.03UO, UM,

Qtdliiinctie.raaamMarcli 1, iST-

FIKIW JN U. WJDD. rr«aidvBt.uf I'-wnuum (OimolL

h, i L FiiJ(il£HTX>N,Old' ClciT

Approved March V18S7.aV’ JO-HEPFI R. HATNBS Mayor.

ANOHDINANt.'E 'Dj PKOVIUE FOKTUi: grading and I’urblngof

D/LK<‘V>T!11!:BT,from Hambarg niam to Mugazinii ntrecL

tie [t ordainud bj , ibn comnian I'lmndl of ihe

from ItambiirB bo graded and

r appoiittmum ofiniEtortlonerfl wliun

cUy of Newark, an fi>UoWH;KwtUin !. Tbnl liarcv Bitaet,

piar# to Jtegacbie aueet, nhal] curbed.

Krrtlon S. The City i.SauiiHnl la hereby dtriwtpvl tn apply (o the (ItY-tiiUteJrL of Ibe oouniyofK>i- Bpx. In behalf fif thft Mayor BndCnmmoaiVMiiu'*' of (be mhI cUy of Newark, tor tbr a ronmiPinloneni. and Ibe utd nomnil apprdnttKt HhAli flrtMwa Uu' cnuKm, damagea am! #x peiinen Incurred tn iwhi Improvement iwbeti (bo ■amenhuU have been duly artCiTtalned and de- rlared by the < 'ommon ( '.uunrll«, lijmn all um own- era of landH and r<Al letaU' In Raid cily, puciiilarly beneddd thereby. In pro|>ririiijn aa nearly an may be to the advantage each Rbalt be decmwl to ao- qulre; and In cane (be Mid cualB, daittaave niid ei- ^fuefl HhAl] eircod IlieHinoimt of a ^ bimelitH. flurh nuHta hIiaU l>e owwtiaed upon and itald by the city of Newark.

Hecliiiu S. Kald Improvement «ha|l bn ma<li* and competed aiiib>rthe«ipr>rvliiloi) uod dirarUon of Ibe Qty Surveyor and Hinte OotumlwikKier, ar> iNirdlug (0 Ibe provlblom it( Ibu City ChaHi'r ami OydfiiaiicML

paMOd March 4,1487.PfRIWON U, DODD,

PrcRltentot Cummou Ouiiiirll,M. II. PEMlItWDIN,

. City ^ r k .Approved March T, IU7,



Newark, N, J.. Marrh W,1IM7. Hfkled propooalH will be rereivwi at Ibli oillci'

UllLlIFftlDAY, MAKCII 34, at 4 I'. M ,

lor priaUiig (fan Mayor'! Meneage, togelhvr witliFour luifl(trntcuph<H

Ihe rHporta'of'tbe Sty nftli'erR ark, N. J.. for ibf year H!hr.

,1b, 9./ M. fur tllUa^i-ihTVid*^For MatTlfl#4d—A.Jj, 7.06,14fl fl tt

U%. iatU.AID, AAL 4.W, 4.l»,5uA.' iw , 7.06, 7.i6, IL». F. k . ■

For Kuniervnie-fl.au. T.yfl, a.». iJ.oOA. M..}.(» ^ L i* ,i« ,a .a * 't.« ,l'« , i s l

l i r i s i s i ' r M ! - - ’ - * ' **■y « A. M, tor Main UneN. J. C, i>i» wilkea-

barta, llpimr l«bkjtb. tkiraaton. ato.j-8s A. M , tor Main lane N. J . CL Olv.. liitb

llridge llranrba Allantowu Hcrantofl. WllllauLv port, Taniwiiia, Maljuney nty.Hmihury, etc

l.(?ir.M..Vor Main I.fno N. j . r , iftV., Allon* tua n, Maiicb i liuak, W llke^rre, ale.

i.SU I*. M., Eviirt-art lor Mala IJtie N. J . U Wv. A4uF. M., fur Main IJuu N. j , (!, lAv., Mnui’b

Chmik, Hcraiiton, WiiUHiiieuurt, etc.4.Uuand 4.K P. M., Way for Math Lina N, J. (J.

Wv., High llrldgu Urauch.A5u i'. M., flir Main f.tiiR N. J. (?, Idv.. Alien*

Ujwh, Maiii'h Chimk, W' likafoarre, in ,7.u6and 7JA P. M .-Fur k^lou.Huotej i,».w A. M.. way for JSoimd Brook \ ilto

r. M., way for Imiienen; l.AO P. M., way for tfom- arvlllie; 4.in 1' M., way fur Hoioerville aod FUtn- UigUm; LI5,P. M, tor ^ t i i IJw , Aiieainwn, llaiidi Chunk, (5tc.:8.liP.M., way for BmutorvHlu.

All traJnii Mop at Fvro' M. and EllEabethport. ■nd at luiet FerrykL on eignal.

NKWAltJt ANBNEW YQBK, rrom llruad and l-erry hla'ul HtaUuxuL-AI

4.40.».2U,fiKl gli.fl,l»,T.». 7,», 1,40 ».tW,9.1&. 1I.4U, iO.ltf, loifl 11,06. 11.40 A. H.! ILU l.lA, |.M, 2.UJ, 2.50.1,16, A65, 4.AI, 4A<V 625, 5.65, i.JU,a.^flA6.f . au, » . ' t a . »,io, i js , n i i r . ii.j M T i i KHu(iteyR-8.0i>, 9(in. IO,'i0.ll.(B .V. M.. lli» M.. Tim. 2.U>, kUO, 4.00, 6.(m. IO>. T.OJ, «.<!), O.iAJ. KLMMl.W P. M.

Ix’kve New York, Irom fbolnf Mheriy HtrueL - AlLOO. 5,f^6.l6, S.i5,7.IA. 1.JP, IMG. N.Ui, ifo tfuiJ

lu l l , IS A, si„ Vi M„ 1145 1,152.W), Z.80, i(V,4:m, 6.i«,6.1fl,fl.»),.V4A flP)6,t.1,fl.»i. 7.U0. 7.SU, fl 16. e.uo, e.4fi, IU.3U, IJ.ifl, I'liXi p, i l . WurMlayn, 6.1IU, y.nO, ltU». Il/m a . M.. I'ltJU M .t.oo, rw , 9.0U. io6, 6.00, •$.(». 9.00, b.uu. iiou12 P. M.I'EHTH AMnoY, IJJNH mtANCir. fXEAJM

(MUJVK, K rcFor 'rromlay ami carurK.L25. n.oo A. M.: liuo

M.. 4,W, 6.b>, 6.30 IV ii. Hunday, 150 A- M For Hewaren. ttl9.2V ll.bi a . M., liuo St lo t

f(W.fl.».flaor.M. Hunteyi.AMI’. M,Fur Perth Amhuy fl.», H.cr> a. M.; (2 M.: IM.

4.no, 4.1K. 6.30 F. M. Midiflay*, 8.W A. MFor Fri^huld. A. M 13M.; 1.Q6,4JS, fljo P t f . For l/mg Uranr-b, Oowwi UTOVfl, etc..M.i‘i. n.ou

A. M.. 1.1*. 4.00. 4Jfl fl.*iu P M. RuiiaajrR {ejiceptio OceanHruvei.8.50 A. M. iMoepuDFur Uakwuod, Toma Hivor and BarnegiL A25. A M ' I U6 AKA P M %nror,Fur AUaDUc Lily, Vtoelkod and UfklgaUin* LOI

NEWARK, TUKNTON ANDPHIT*AnEU»|£I A 7.45, M.UA, ll (l> A. M., Lto, (JR, 4,:t|, S.U. 7 M F M

llOOiighL HunOaye.AtoA. M„UlSP. ^7.4e 7 j 5 a . M.. ll.au, too P. M., fur (tonbury.

I*wk« letHirg and H lUlaomport.Drawing Hoorn (Mrii on all day traliu and Sloep-

log Cam on night (raliu beiwboo New York and rblladelphla'bUadi

J. II. OLUAVHEN.Clen. Htiii'f.If. P. BAT.fiWIN,

S w u lo e (be cclehntgd JQtNBST OAQUCR SHRO. Fttoui JIatAl Adiloa F ru M

UPRIGHT PIANOS,BcknowlMgcri lha B « t rtolffht n an o B * t a - fartureq. The new cotafNiilUoa nuuil fiaiaa llo be luuail onli to that* iilaiuiei * l*e * Utom * q(jil]|y ind tBumliuaii uf ion* Uwi l* d* m » piaaed, indfor in tum aoil f t o * ^duratjlIUj Ibe; lie uamuaikxL

to I>*i*e toaottonmt of


R x i« i l J I t o t f t I * a n A Sa *» tt« 4 k M « *to



Real Estate,I N S U R A N C B .

Foreign 8ii;bt Drafts D lre c LXurniKia and Oriamal *■—— >-*r tow n,'

800 B R O A D 8T . Boom I Lt e t O l T i n i i l .

Hen. Paifl. A /t

to be prints in the Ktigliah Unguage. upon imper weighing Any poutidfl to the rm n, 3iKi cuj>Iivi nf which are to tiMxj'iind in luurucco and tn# bal­ance In paper ooveri.which are to t

C i t ) } j \ d u » r t l « c m t i i t * t o

* n t e n t io n - ptj b i . ro NfrnTTBX n U hereby givm tha( It Is (be liiieuauu ol ibu CoDitziOn Ooundt of tbe dty of Newark, under and by virtue of provUnona of ^ e act eniiiled **Aa Act 10 Beriaekod Amead (bo (toarter CUy of Newark,** approval March lllb. I»7, and the ■iipplemenl# Lheivtn, and (he law* of the Htate reUUog tolueta Improvemen^ioorder and oauve

niujAii b t h e e t ,from Mcrrlfl and EveA Uallroad to Bcllovtile avenue i and

BELLBVILLB AVENTTB, from Itrotet NlrM to BiaomAtld avunup, (0 bn repaved with oblong granite blocks, on both ahJee of weburaecRT traciiB, with. Uu uxoiipUiuu of one fbot In wfiltb on u « ^gMd t n p l ^

Hneb perwNU as may oujl^ ibereto are re- qdtetflkl to J^ teen U J^ to v rlU iv atUto or before Om•xpfratlon of ten daya from tlM date of (bla noUoe.

Sbreei; goBUBMatoMras tw v k , » * Ja, ICanb i«7*

a.a 4ri*a« 4B» ,Two tauodred coplea U) be prlnNil I0 the Hermiui

language,alno ujpon peporweighing Arty poEindrt to (bu ream, ami boumf in imiwr covers.

Tba bite to be tn by MarchMUj, and Ui# bunicshi be printed, bound Hud delivcrea by May Fiih, IIW.

Bidden will iperlfy In thefr fw([niab«i tlic co l of prltidng lh cnlirp number uf paper covcru, and iddlUonal ooet ol binding Au oopien Un Kim- Jlsh) tn tnoTooon,

|*artli'utart given at tblM ofricn.Tbip (Jommutot! on PrlntluK of the ('omiuon

C-oupcll rcKirvo the right V) rejurt uu.v nr ull hide, oil they may deem bi.'ei tor tJie intortote uf Ihr city.

By order of (be commKtetvH. If, FiCMBKHION.

47g CHy Ulerk.

NOTK.ICIH IIKBEIIYUIVEN TO ALL PKH* iM>na having made Rxebange or laleti of real

rotate wlUilbUifi city llmite olnoe April I, I’m, to reportsueb teebange or piircbaN at (be ofHra of tba Board or AfliMHmeril and Itevlalon ol Taxen, roiMn Na 9, OUv Hall, before May I, iiM, Laorder that tba propariy may ba amaaflad to the proper owner.

Dflloe boon fron f to ^ A. H. and from S to i P. M. tetufte/i frqju I A^M, to 1_P. M.t e ji from I A. M. to 1 P. it .

JOiJM i , BAH&y.teM Arp*


New Ynrk.fbntuf Harrliiyaud LTirUttupheratrfH’ta.laeOTO Newark at I MA. 6(. Pir Hijoiiion, Kiicca-

flunna oiid itowtcr. Andover. Newton, Rratich* vlito, Franklin. Maaunka Chank, flelaware, Fnriiand, Miroutebiirg, HiTantun, Ulughamton, Utica Owrgi], Wavrrif^, KJmIra, liu1Tkli>4 I'tnyr- Uind. Toledo, Iwroit, L'iikiogo. HL laoula urid^0;43 A- M. Dover, Port Oratu, McCalRivillo, Huctaminiiaand CherU’r.

J2 34 J* M. 'Ka^itiii Kiprew for HumiuH. Chat­ham. Madtoou, Uorrlatowa and all utoUiMii weet to Kafltoii. ooQOi’TLliii at Watucioo with Huoaeic luiiroad.^, „

•17*3 IK M. F-aaion Kxnrowi, counacUag with iruios tor rniiTanHjjm* ami Chivde/. with Buoaex lUllmiitl J ■( Waahliigton with train for OYford. MMm*nka«’tjinik. Delaware. Fortlaud, Watordup. Hlruutehurx, tV-runton aad Iritorniiidlato Matlune. Hi-ar car tor Hurling. MtillagiAia UoNking llhltfe, IhTiiardflvIlli* and all niAilnne on I*. A D/Hranch

bid P. M.'-Ihivor oiprau. IbitLr care for Ouak*ing Hlilge.eU'.

Lu P . M.- Unckeitatown eypfCM. limroinilnr UaHkhiR TfidRe. Ilcmurtevllh’ and all ntatlons on the 1*0011010 and t>elawaru Itallrfiod,

I^oMi-rigeri fur Hcrantun, Hhubamlon, Utica, Hlclincld Hpringn, Elmira. Bijiiuto amt pf lnto Wmtand North can (aka tlie &.40 P. SI. Imln to ilpbokCD without vitrn charge an<l there toko 7.1* P. M. train lor the,Went.

NEWAKK TO NEW YtillK>-fl.lO.«.!i.Tn,7.», 7.87, 7.47, 5,00, &OT, H. 11,9.274 8.49, 9A.1, 0.35, V.au. 3.49, lo.ol io.ir, ia47, 11.51, 11.M A. M..I2.41. ijw, liflTktfl, 5.00, AM, 3.47, 4.na, 1.4fl. IAV fi.M, LA), 5.#, «440. 7JQ, 8.09,8.87, t-10, ULtf, 1UJ8, l i t i P. M. Hat-“ N ® *\ K k K TO SK W A R K -l».7.® ,T .aU J0, LOCL 8.10, LID. 9.80. KklO* i m 11.10, 11.1) A. VT,, li M7ia,I0,11.4, l .» , 110, t » . its , 8.10, 140, 4.«>, 4i», 440,4.80,6.00,13 )48.90,140,1(10, 110, 6.30, LML 7.0D, 8Jfl). 8.^, ^ bA(i|K%l^ bI oOv K u ^DAND MONTCLAlR-^n, A«L

CUREHiek naadaeha «ui! rallPvt tU Iba trosMea liMlff dent to a blilooi itote of Um fTtlem, n c A aa lUte aineti, Naooaa. Urowteiflaf, DlotroM after teUiia, Paia ib tb? Bide, Ac* Wbilo tholr mo|i t«iaarE> able luccoM hti beea ihown la nuUig

SICKri oAdocbr.yet Cortrr'flLlttlfl Ufflr FUlaara MtuHv voloalila lii CouflUpatlon eticlBf gad tMOVootlug Ibia auuoyiQg oorapUiat, wbilTthey alao c o rr ^ all dioordcri of tba gtomacb, ■tlmulate th« Jlvecnull rvguUte tbe bowclj. Xvcalf tb eF O o l/ w te

HEADA eh they would be 11111011 prieelna to tboao irh« •uiTcr frum tble dliir«Mlng oomplainl; but forta Diiely Uielr good&oM doei Mtgod ben , aod IboM wbo opco try tbera will ia a theea 11 Itla pUla vala<* able la eo many wtya that they will not oe wUllaE

owiUoatUivsD. Bat Liter i l l lick hei4lo ilo i

ACHElatbtbtD a of a« iuidt I>T**lbatho< la wbaaa ira make our *ieat boaat. OOf plUa cnaa It arJUl* oUiera do not,

Cartoa'e litiJa Llwr Wilt i » *n 4aery «a»Y to take. Ooa " Iwoyiiff * « * « * » * .TKey are atfiotly TageUUtt, , -p a r n b q llu l| ^ |a^o aelion plf*** t naalbam. In TltI*M W o «l*! *1 * " i—by d n (| M i oxaywlian, or taut by M IL

C A R T B B M B D I C I N H O O . , IN tw T s r k



A Cm iIm I O i . r Ih . * ' •Icfeoal T r* .tM --A a i ; i ,U m Um C«»-

c « n l a « ■ *-■>•••1 Hot [Mlwlo.

r o s • ! . r A t i i i 'M ‘4 i » t r .

T k c MwtiBR bold I t Oalnmhiii Srbool, (M ill O iu if . IH* Dt|hl, rot lb* tlRniOB or

M v b tr of Ibe b. buol Board «>« one ol (M lV |<vl(*lti.riiip o flfio l lo lan bnowii to Ik . bM of, of lb . TUlOf*. It I. iM Iu iM ihu M fn p l * won OD bond, ind tb« toIc pollod f x c t M b , M tm tb* toul ro i. n u * i tb . n o n i .Itotion Ibr t iIim * m utM . i t fit- koiDl MllMtkl. durlni lb* .tnjM illnp wer. hMid thriM . .Dll pnitiwi m lu M * ilb ( r o u tu d b k iw . T h .a h .J iB u ibiHUMd loFuiMUm u m l «r u j fitiiaa who (wtUlMl lb dl. talW b, UM gvtllDi.

H u t , LlUt « u lb . ■Uodtrd buror of thol •Im. m ii which luppurt. ibt aciioo of lb* |ir. ■ Hit irnttM . whil. tlw ird F. Cburch wm ■ id* Ihc ch.Btil.D of Ih . iiroplu who dMlarrd M .) . . t lb . ictloD UkPB br th* tniUMi IHI

iirpiili t I'nnclti.l M .iw ilL I JI I , «M«t*eit<i.

Cdwvd b.ir w .t M kctei to prci-U O ftt lb . M M lB,, .ud Wlllliai A. H rft.r , Jr., w u choHD HCitlWT. Robwt A 11.1 id , u d Iwwlt r , lA flv wMt apu 'n 'rd Irlirra. liliifin Cicrh U ll , rMd h i. .n o q .t rtpon. In wblrh holrM iM lth. uihicrl ot Ibo rrmiit.l nf Ur. H aitrtll M (real i<io|th, and n i . l . *D edort to juriif, Ih . aoilim of th* trutUM.

r a i rtH A w cu t n .T iH R N T .n t i m o c l . l HBinwut f l m th . total rt-

ttlpM H ( IT .i t l .n .u d ripcniiltni.1 *■ tin,- IM.M, ic T lD i. bhluo* of lA.ti: a . wbirb i i ib b B«.d«d tb p v iMcbari' loltrlH and olbtr n pw H aD plo AufoMlt. l u i , t . r D .tU w*. n b N . h«t ihb j t u li.sob l>ciwUd«i*d auffi e tc .l Is BMOt Ml domauda upin lb* ir*.<iiry. Oh l* .rh rr b *i bMii u b M lo lb . aulT of th . Kbool within IhapHt rtar, nahlngln. numbtr •I m eh an iwrlr*.

tn UM Ih tit wait l u puiill. annillwl In th . ■oDih O i u f . Irhool. .nd W .1 Vatlihum. T h b M b t '.t in t t ahowa J t iM houtb i l r u f . iBd M M Vaibhutt. • a

W ^ n Cbadm u ItlfcaUad^jw DOBlaaitow, J .M .C . Motrow took a roll of la.nulcnpi In n h b h iM .H O tM u d hiwwd h lm lf for bo- Ubs, w h n (ilH M ' ' l i t down," "T o a to u t of «M *r," u d “ A n w* |oltif to IM n to u o th tt haMtaabldht r ' v a n hwiid Ihronfhoiit t ^

“ l i M fcd«|to h , hmnl at Ml i m t i , ” thnadand Mr. Unritw.

TM ohMraun liUBinarfd ov th . dn k until i m h l u o t or o f4 « « u nMond, whan ha ahTnlrd:

“ U nU tnnB, H i. Uonow haa tha Hoot."n r u i B i v a t b i k a x t k u c ia x .

KoROv tbav v a s t on to n itaw iba Ktlov t f tha ottiaana Uat aMlot. loitlbar with Ih* InM an' oottm. " Thla b no Isd liu tlon ■ m ttit."aM d bt, “ and tha tmataaa will ( tia ro c mil n p lu a ila iia , u ih b ta a lifM moat- B ( , and It I to o id s t j lo naka atattsaenba I Vaa tho a a n who nitad n , ooUaaiuat to tn- Maaaa rrinclpal H uw ail'i wlar,. u d lalar itihatd to balbra that fat w u not tba rUbI ■ u in tba itfh t plaot. An InTeattialton da- talopad th* (act that erexTlfalDi oonoMted with tha lehool wai In dlunlta. Bwllain u d Mad>MonluianliD*d. lattaad afoiidtalma Ua hiaia hir a nttkod to dlirlplln* nfraotoiT inpUt, tho n t i t i DMihod of aipuhloD v at rt- •oitadlb Ih tT rh ad ih a pupil. i»nu to n t aaoH u that I M l Ilka a atipmolbtf to tba •hUdnaoTlhb Tlllaia."

*' That b MI ,0 0 a n aood Ax," ihouted a ToiMftbtDtiM Raroribo ball

"W ith tho m oo*, t faeipad to t i n him,” CaaUnnnl Hr Hoirov, -‘ in* prlucijiti u n t hit own Dhildn-n to the S .V Oranm ncbi»l to tain whM la ira boo*lad*, wot to fa* obitlnpd th a t ." I lltn t, .M an. and ihniiia milowtd thli tralotic. au l propl. claaiond for tha Ohatman tonippm . Ur. Harrow,

*' Till. II tcaudaloii.," afaoutad llaorr Huotfa- •r, o and I damud that Harrow faa Hopped. I v oat IH iu to tba retdlni of lucb a docu- ■ant."


T h * F r u n m w i* aad Ih * Uwo of H arah •r th * P o n d * .

i la r ir a u m lra r o l m ilila f f and rikio araauiutinotbale farm lofltr-l loparadalo- Dorruw nil r t r .ir lrk 'i Da,. Tha arrm s- intala fur Ibc ( ir u l h at* baan conplatad. The linr will fairiu at J I'. H.. and tb* tirdar to rnarrh wMl br |tran at I 'm I' H. Tfania lo tba piiH ■’Xian will fiiiiN t i followi KinI dlrliina

I'Mrlrk Uriinraar, n a n b a l: Mlchola'a band ,IVib pitrr, rliht rrrtloton Rrrtoratraat; offl rrn at Iruh <'oi>Trnllao la raiilt(>-«: A, 0 . II. Blair and n u o lr offlorn In rtm afea ; Not. 1. 1 aiid I : Rrrrrrnd r ta r ,, in cam t(t>. Breond ilirliiufa-Janin Cummlni*, marabM; Vuia' tii«i Rp.iioriit b u d ; 1'ork piKa, rbrbi itoilnaon O n tra itrrrl ; A. 0 . H . N-a. A, t. a, a. II. l.’ tnd It. Third dirMon -Maufarw Bw- t , . Biarabt! Wabar'antnionnUI B u i : Park plArr, rtdbl m lin fo n la i t Hark tlrm . Blatr and dtitrlct oflloan of At, Patilrk'a A illu cn . St. U k h u r i Yount Han'i cttbolla AMorla tion : tt. H lchul'a B tH ro lu t ABoclatlon : HI Patrirk'a Alllann, Noa I, t and S oriMalrtrt No. a Fourth diataton-KaH Park atrart. rl|ht n it ln itm F iik plai-a , rUlionj In oantam .

Tb* Una ol atarrh *111 ba on (co trtl i r u u a toW tiblnitoa I’ rccl, ihanceioBIrorkar, whan lb* Rltht Htr Ill-bop WlAiar will n rltw tiM pirtdr la II p*H*a lb* (.'tlbadrtl ntldanr*. From Blrrckrr aiii al Ifat pioeraalao will Batch throufh Plaoo (tia*l, than thtuuoh Warno, Wallatw, Bant. HirkM lud Broad HnMt. At Ihr prucaatlon ptuaaa ih* (.'It, Hall It will ba rrvlrnrd b , Hijrnr lla rn n u d Ilia U anmaa Uaiuirll. II wlU thruprucaod to K Innojatm t, roum rm arca u . Broad to WMuot, th u ihroukh H ilborr, and (Icntn atraota to tha plaot a l raraMbm. whan It will be dlti],mi*il b , tha irtad n anbal. Tha killawl’ I i r f Ihr namM of th* olBrett of tb* da, : lflrb a*l HiiUcb. .rand loarahal; aldo, Ja n ra Haitbawi, Aiidr<w P aitir t; cfalof of naff, T h o n u U tb t r : altif, J a n n Brad,, Ib o ia u Bradi. T li» i* a l) t l l , , Mlcbaal tiutao. M .l'. BuiDA Trniic* Dali,. Patrli'k Fitwilin Bona, JoliD Flatter,, Philip Fnji, C. Hurra,. John Dail,. John IVortn, litnlal Ball,. HIchoal Brnroan, Lturriiea tia llr ,, Bilwaol Kaolloi, ThmaaaHi'VTa,. Patrlcb j . Haitbawi, John ■ u l , u d Jooaph ( l u l * , .

T faerh trfo lrta iru d alda will report to tha irand marebM at h u d 'cu rtrri at 1.10 F. H„ and ala* Ibr baiiila at ibt lama iln * and plaot. All n l lP t r ,o r clrlcaocieilH who b a n b**o inTittd 10 parada b , Ibt Irlih Conariillan u d who bar* not aa , * ( raportad to ib* iraod n tr - tfaal ihootd d* to aa antevAAPiiBlbl*.- V - ' - 3 1 Hliwmlana,1Hf . aBowmiltUuMtaJoln liTtb* ph»»w*, Whil* tb* Ht. Patrick'* Alllanc* drltlaai will Firm U lA10d ,'i UMI t t It-W •'clock In tb * afternoon.

T hen will h* Blamn PontlloM K ta| la- morrow mornlnt In tha Caibrdral at • •) o'clock. Tb* panel,rtc of th* *Mnt will h* prHcbrd fa, Ib* E rr. F. Woodmu, on* of th* PauUit ItUicra from Naw York. T hltarm ln f. In-nomnr allaniooo and ekanini tb* chlldnn will tta * u antartMomaol In th* hall o f th* Patbollc InUltnU tor Ih* htaafit of th* Bcbooli.

At I o'clock to morrow mornlnt nuM vlU b* arlrbrtttd In Bt. Jobn'i E, C. Cbarcb, Hal- bctri ilreat, fa, the Eer, Hector Father llemborTlIle, In honor of the ratal of It. F ilrlck . Prorotaor Jam n Pblllipt will nnder tomarhoiBo aetectlona on the chlm aattiun rlM, HOOD u d tunaet.

"W ell, w b, don’t jou ,0 h a m *th u t" re- Inited Hr, Harrow.

" I will call an eflierr u d put ,oti onl," Hid th eeh elrm u ,

“ Well, cell u otBotr," relumed Ur. Hunlb- •r. " t don't ca n what ,uu do. You appear to h* doinf about aa ,ou l l t a "

" Bhnt up, Hnathar," howled HiehttI (FPon- orU. “ O o h o au u d that up. W* wtlT Uok ,on u jb o w .’'

W hn Ur. Uomw w u Mlowed lo prooted, h* m M that Ur. Delta w u a ttratiker In I a u u ieU o d . Ht ctme to B ik a a reputMloo or IhIU Damnlui tlurln. Intended lo blail fall pmpacla. were otrrulated, bat whan the tnu- ICM •ndearored tn biln* lucb 11011** boon lo Ih* perlM* that tort of warfare andad. Ur. Uortnw eoBClodad with tn appeal on btbair ol Ur. L tn ,.

U. P. Bmlth uktd Mr, Morrow lo aipltln wbatber lb* miatraa or the pnnripti wa, lo biknw Rw tha Ikllun of ggnlh O iu ( t to bar* bitbar trtdea In icitoul.

" r don't know," w u the n p l , ; " bnl ,on e u n a d ll, tacertaln b , an Inreatlfttlon. At Ml a m t a 1 know ib tt Eaai OruAe lalnad lit repniatton Ihronib our own briAbt acholari."

A ta il* Un box w u uaed u a reoapucla for bMuM. 11 requited aboot nna hour Ihr Ml lo Tole, u d the oouni itwwad that Hr. L lll, had teoelTad lU rota* to 131 ffar Ur, Cbnicb. The tictoitooi faction ebtered to km i and n londl, that padaatrtua on tba turfbact tide of the Tlllaii* ware itutled.

A retnlnlloD anthortalnA th* troatata to ttita K ona, tf o«eei u t, w » then paaNd.

O aptarad lo In d lau p oU *,I l w •rrest ol tb e gang of men who

art aocuMd of b tr lo f itotaa loni of meUl ftom Btibacb'a im elllnt worki h u ba«o com-

elcled b , the capture of Ulcbtel Wtintr. Tha illar made bli aicape ffom the c it , al tba tlmo

that Bernard Hoinlein, Unatara EberhtnU, GnaUre Siw laer, Utebael DeEcu u d Mark V u D u ,n aw era arrrUed, He wu auiprctad of haTtoA been tba rini leader In ib * Ihtfla, u d wurecosniaad.b, the Junkman lowborn moat o f the mclal w u told u the m u who aold It lo him under an urumed name. Proao- cutor Keen aent D eitrllre Berktt to tciptiire Weiner. The delrctlTe w u told b , talMlTea of the man tfant ha had gone to Europe, but be Ifallowed up b b own duel, u d traced him 10 Ohio u d Irom there to IndlaoipoiU, where ha arrtidrd him at 8 o’clock on Buuda, mamlng. B , a requlililon Weiner wai taken from Urn fatale, amt In chtrga of Deled Ire Becker tr- TtreJ lu Ible e ll, laal nlaht, and waa locfceil up tttb c Bteend I'reciDCl BuUuu. The Btibaoht aa, ib it ib e j hare faeen ar’lcm ttlcall, rohlied for three ream, and that tho aioount of the tfaefta reacbei m u , Ihoucand dollar*.

D e le , In DtUverlog the Moll,T h ere wan a delay ot about two hour*

Ik li rnorntni In rcrelring the mill *1 Pentre Market, the letter! which are uniall, deltierad at a o'clock not being rece1r«l until W. The wboleule dealer, lelt the dela, conHilerafal,, a t 11 pul Ihem back In randlni nut their nrdera. Tba cauae of the d e li, w ii the lubKliiuiiK or a oaw m ih for on* who vru reeanti, dli- Chargnd, Serera! oaiuplilDl.i were made about Iba del*,. Wbao the next deliver, wm made, howefcr. ibe mall w u raceired or time. Poat- muter Pledler u ld that a new man could not be expected to gel around aa riptd l, u thoM famlUar with (be route. He tbnugbt u alnfu- lirthatcouipIMiitKhoiild be madibafora lb* carrier bad a ch u ce lo gel familiar with the roulo. "People," he aaid, " are ilwajn read, to complain of an , ellghi deJiy, bul when wa gMb lime we uever hear a wohl about that A n u j we lubantuied In place of one of tbe re, ce&B, dlacharged carrlera gMncd fbri, min- u leaud auotber twent, mloutei."

To B artew Ihe O oardim en, B r i ^ i e r O eoertl Steele^ commftiid<

ioff tbe FirR Brintde Kew Jerfer Nellonftl Guerd. tiu ordered tbe Plflh Rcglmeot to pa­rade #t 'ho Armory Id th li cUy Id State Vcgula- tLoD UDilortn oq TueKUy ereolag, March 29 ; the Third BatuLlon to parade at tbo.I'ark OraDRe.onThurwlByareniDg, Man'h 3i, tod the FirR Kegimem to parade at the Aimoir'in Ib iic itr OD Tueaday eveiilEi«, April 19. bn thoiedatei the Knard'tnen will be reviewed by the geoeial commaoiJlDg,

Don't Get CaughtIhli opting with 3'our bte od full of impurltle!, your digeKtioB inijiaired, ym r aptwtllc poor, kidneyi and liver torpid and whole eyati*m liable to be prasiraied by dlM isc; but get j our- aelf iBlo good coudltsoD, and ready (or tbe Chaoglug and warmer weather, bv tallug Hood'i'Simiparllla, It taude uneciualled for porif^iDf the hlood, giving aq appetite, and ibr A le s e r i l ipring medicine. «««

Tn drawine of BcfD Broa. A Co,'i Plano Club, held yeateioiy, the piano wu drawn hy J . C. m id em od . Bonnhm, Pa. *m

A Vl ikun who If wehJCg nerroui aad tlMp- Iniii Aod who h u cold hAoda Ahd fhet, cAouot M a a d n etU k a tw R U penon* CArter'i Iron FtUa ittuaiiae the droulUl4ft« m u r e narroufr' iew a ^ f i n Aiength u d n it .—Ade

Aboiai th e OrRRfee.A m oraiD f p*per m t s t h i i OoltUeb

Ocha, of LIvltigNoD, indlfbaully dehlee the charge ofuimardloea del mint that he attacked Uk mob that broke into hH houae, blackened llenzwwy'i eyea, cut Lyneh'e heed and lo)ured tbe o iben Ooba'a awora icetUnoDy at (he ex- kiplQaUoD WM mat the gaof entered (he bouM u d be bid bimaelf In a aide room, Iker- In i that be would be killed, end did not come out until the oflleen errtved.

Ad adjourned JMoUug of the Beat Orange TowLibipCoanilMeewillhe held tiintglit to take up tbe houae noMbftlng iiueeUan. No icUos hat aa yet been leken toward retnoylng ibetelc|iboDepfjlreon Park iTenoe.

A en allbu t fkaionable eudlii<oe M^cmbled attbrSreeldenCe of Frank Arnold, Ifoutroe*, laM eTening. and lUlened to reedingi by Kies Cowell, or New York, hhe read 'MoVtctU*' Wa W. etoey; ' ‘ TbeBun D U r’ and *'Uiie Harqula" by Auitlu Dob(«Qi*'Tbe Way lo Ar oady " by II. C. Buauer; ** New York In lP)d b y U n . K. T. (Corbett; *‘ De ProfuudU’* by Sllubetb Barrett Browning; '’ Tlme'e Ke> Tfogu ” u d ’* H e m Riel by Robert Brown­ing, and Our Charity Pair." a faroe written by Henry Baldwin lor Miw Cowell*.

The lecture tn St. liark 'i Church Ijenteti MMiree to-night will be delivered by (he Rev. J , S u d a n Reed, of Newark.

A dlvtrlot mlvelonary meeUng will be held inthe F lm M. K Church. Oruge, to-night by the W om u’a'ForcigD MMonory Society o f thechurch. l l iw ir ia n C u ib a u .o f Bouton, a re- turoednlaRonary f^om China; Mrt. U, Ho- Grew, a reloroed mlatlonary from India, and othcra wUI vpeak.

Henry D, OUtdkant, who was defeated for the office of Tax Collector In Weit Oraqge by twenty five majority, h u decided not to apply lo the oouTti for a recount.

|>«ntli o t R ot. W . J . tiUUaT h e Rev. D r. W . J . G illi, a prom i­

nent Preebyterien clergyman. dl>d at ihe Hemortai nnepitai* Orange, on Monday, of blood poiaoDlng. He war lakes 111 a few weeki ego with a complication of dlecaee*, wbleb re- fulted In blood poiionlDi. He wae taken to tbeHftnorial Hoepital two weeka ago. Dr. Ollla w ii bom in BelfaR, Ireland, In 1R20, u d wai graduated from Queen'i CkiUege, Delfaet. Becam e Lo thti oounLiy lu IBCd, and for a time worked with Mr, Moody. He then accepted the peRorate of Dee Molnce, la., Preibyteritn Church, where he remained until called to tbe Wemml Of ter Church, of BalriTDore, Later he w u called lo tbe Trinity Preebyteilan Church, of Brooklyn, end afler two yean waa called to take charge of the Frecbyterlaq Chtiirh at Srbooley'iMountains, N. J . He uever mar­ried. TheAineral will be held at Uli late church at Bchooley’i Mouutalui* at t P. U, to­morrow.

lira* Smith Held Under Ball.T h ere were e large nninber of th e

irleudf u d member* of tbe " Ladlee Bcheut- K n Bund Beneaclal Society" In Juedca Roder’e CQurtroom laH nlgbl when Mm. Anna Bmlth wei arraigned to answer two chargee of ei«auU u d battery commlLled upon mombere of the boclety during iti rloioua meeting on Monday ulghl. The complalnuii agaluit Mr*. Smtlh were Jane Bechter, of TiM Barclay street, |and Kliaabcth Wlkaell, of Lincoln ilreeL Mr*. Bmlth w u charg^ with Kralch- Ing the complaiuauiv and aasaiiltlng (hem wUb a cit-o'nlne tain. Khc waived an exam- Inatfuo, and gave bell lo appear before the Grand Jury. Many of the mt-mben who were prcRcnt In court list night expremeil ihelr lu- Iviitloui of leaving the locleLy on account of Ihc UiLavUir of aome women at Ibe meeting.

Good, ChM p L lrtof*Beit Faintly Flour m.OO pot bbl., tlarch 40.

per lb., good toaa 'i5c., roaaiad oudua i!Vc-r Hoe tr.. pure setlve winei 7ko. fo per gal,, yoldcD Syrup 1.^. per gal., Calirorala cham pagne H per caee. T lem ej A Bro., I t aud 71 «arkf>t Rtreei.

■ t t v r l a i l S o t t M H .

MwRiwwa Mare fi»r Raaaye, riM iu Abaul O ur Npecral talae W erib In v u llg a lln c t Ihervere Ihivc Importut feaiitrai In our

beta/ iM« witk yvu arlil kludly remfoiber Fancy Gnodi end Sunsw, although noc par

ILcuJtriy uieutlooed In dcTtU here, are aold just aa iow ,lfoi I luwar LLan al any other itor«> in Lhla or any uihvc rUaU*. Yimi WikiM think livery airangr. Imbted, if ihev were not.

we have ail oi^'Dini ei Hrclng FumUnrt.f arpeia Maia, Buici, etc., Wlnditw Kurnuk ii>|i and rMbsThiurMehold naMs. wHbac>mwd erahle rMhirii'in of prtrs-s. whi' h it will lie toy<Hir pecunlan liilcrfat k> fuseultgim.

We alfct ulfrr ■'.vw mtm.- ui.a* •* »|jc<‘ial MtU ,1.000 Baby CY)*<*ltep prbta of a few beiug <4UaAeii here :

2f> op*‘u aide, bow u^i, etMl aiLe. tingle jfiluu. rournl iired wbeela, uuboiaterwdln enam- el«d ckrth ; reg r'rict 17, will atll for only l l . i t

200 Hlal I amagaa, iitied In rena ov m nue; regular price tio, wlilaali fur only r 4f

HOC =iat rarrlagev. double l ln u ihroughotu tn flue toired giKMlafg ramie, carpet In bouom. Mile fajii, body aud gear braulMullj paLiitad aud ^latuented; reg, price t l i , will aell for onlylT.M.

atOReedor lUuaa f'erfiagei, trimmed In Acured gooda. patenl p artn l i<>a, pegular price |1^ wllfaeil for ouly fb.nu,

7a Flae Retd or R a ttu (‘arriagea, upbolater cd 111 fine fUk muhalr plmh, with irtlaela pam •oU ruular price lU ; will aell for ooty tv 49.

100 n n * Heed or H au u Carrlagea, upbula-Icred In fine MIk pluab, with allk or aaUu para-------- . ................. a. - . !*^L pidst HA wlilerit for only

iO FtneKeM or Rattan, t'artUgf*a, upUole-tered in illk pluah.wUh aeleala paraaol; regu­lar ptfeelH, will ftfll foroiHy i n 19.

1*4 fine, blronglv built Ht'ed (w Hatian Cir rlegea upholaterM ui fancy (liure l giM>1«, wHh paunt par«iK>i u>p; rMNiiUr price I l f , will aell Tor uuly|7.yl.

IJTi Am Reed or Reltea r'eM aaci. uoboU tered ill fciJk trr piu^k rijil, patent parasul top; rM nvlre liA wtd vrll for I ’s w

7S one Keen of Ka"*n rerrier»*»i, with hood tofw, unbotiun'd in fleiirvd goidk or cirtuune; leg. pflce. Il'j, win Mil luf only |7 'J9.

N) flue Ritien f'Brrlagiw, •x uere, caue wwind body, upbolcteted in vllk a'">'1”-silk paraNol; re t pHcftlY. will Mil for imly lie VJ.

JuR another inggHitHin c:om« m andareoar offeri. whether vosi want tn fHin hn*N‘ t»r ti'H Mika H i point to InveMlnte b*forr you purehaae aoytfalci In fancy and b>Kisekc«*p

UlfludlMo yn;iraileaoiage..a II u ... J . YE..-A

Ing nesNlv. Y ou will ___ . , .to buy wheteti f y<ni uchI i l lU h 'K ACo/t B a m , Broad, Halsey and New iir<eta

Muthlog Huocaada Ltk* Suoneaa*Four yean ago the weil-knowu dry goo<li firm

of Uaao N. IKH7 A ro.. of Market aired, eaiab- lUhed a Uarpot Departiuenl, u d their lueceaa ha* gone ^yond tbclr ituni langnlDe expecta- lloDR. In fact, they are miw (bo acknowledged leaden ul ihc c ix m i trade In New Jeriey, and, judging from their large vtoek, which now oc- cuplMlwo floora, auil the low prlcvi which prevail, their poeUion la well merited. Thla aeaaoD their Hock of Rnyal WiRons. axmln iteia* Moquctiea WlUoo Velvet*. Btidy nritmeli, Tapemry and Ingrtlns liirpibRcs any dlaplay herttofore made iu Newark. Their ntw apring tmiwrUlion of Cbiua matllngi Is alao worthy of attemlnD. When la learcb ol rgrpeu, of anv kind or deacrlptfos, we would auggesl a call on laaac N. Doty A Co., astbelravaorimoni lie(|uat lo any ihowu iu New York, and tbeir prlcoB lower. ___________

A C *M Not Unyond ReJpiDr. M. H. lllnadale. Kewanue, III., advlvoi

UB Ufa remarkahio cure of conamupiiOQ. HO aaVb; " A uelghljor'B wife w u attacked with a vlnluut lung diaeue, and prououuced beyond lielp frum oonaumptidn. Ai a last revorf the familv wai persuaded to try Dr. Wllllaoi liall’i Hatum forthe Luugi. TotbeaiionlJiV ment ol all. by the tlmo Bhe had used one hair dozen txAtloa ahe w u abotu the houM doing lit-r own work. J aaw her al her worat aud

jooid reelbad DO Idea vhecouliT recover."** F a iry Lam pa—Boehwaier EjRnipa.'*

Haugiug, Btudy, Bracket and Va»e Lanpi, goodi ot merit, the largeit Line, lowest prices, alLawrcDce'i Newark China Store, eu and 413 Broad slreel, oppoaUe Trinity Church.

Straw H at Preaslug,J . H. Ileuuegau, 124 Market street, h u all

the new f'Prfng atylez for ladios to have their batfe p eB^w Into. 7af

F eao a and nom fort for toRdav ta c t . Ladle* with bimtoDi, oomi, or Imfalldod fsei find instant and permanent relief with Peehine'i Rteclal ihoet, wade expteialy for inch case*. |i Md tL T u y OHiTliio* at MgtU. t n BreadSulBCA

A W eak B a c k , with a w eary aeh in gli^eD eu over tbe hl|W. li a sign or diseased kidney. Gee the beat kidney oajnaUve koown, wtdeh Is Burdock Blood Bitten.

Perhapa no lotmi ui»ewse haa paasledaud bafiled (he medical prii'irw Km morethaa naaalcalanh. Wbil not 1iUBiedlg<eiy fauMt la among the moat rtlfaircwlng, ntuiKm i and diaguillDg fill the fii-ih la h^fr to. aud Ibe ree- onMahow very fewer no e«a«w of radical cure o f chronic catarrh by anv of tha rouHUudeof moduof treatmeut unlll the imruductlon of Kly*i Crram Balm afow yvan a«n, Tb" ■•'a. eeaau^ihUprcoaratlua hat heea fng atid larprfifDg.

A € a rd .—T e all wIm m m i e r i R f trpm tbeerren and ludlecrctloos 04* youth Dervoot weakneu, early decay, fou of maahodd, eie.. 1 will antd a recipe that will ctire you, free of eharge. This great remedy waa dleoovered by a ntWonarr ui South Atuerlca. Bend a aeir. aadrwesd envem to ibe Bev. Joaepfa T, Liuud. tIaViffli D. H«w York tfity.

T h ere la aoth lag lik e D r, Tkem aa** Rksdric Oil to quickly cure a oold or relieve hoartenua. Wrluen by Mr*. kC. J . fellowt. Burr Oat. IL Joseph Cn.. Mich.

W a k i n g p n a i A H r .

H r s iB S w ^ l

^ a k i k i *P O W D E RAbsolutely Pure.

Thla pnader nairar rariaE A maraM ol iniItT , atrcofUi aud wbolaaonaagaa. U qn •oonomlcal ibau th« onllnafT klnda and can- Dot bo aold Is oompMIUoD v llb tb * raoitltudaor tow M L ahoit velib t, Mum or pboapbat* powdan. dwd a i^ a . «ao . Rotal B a iix * POWDta Co,, IW Wall atreat, N, Y.___________

JHtftlctnnLA Q U E S TIO N A B O U T

Brow ns Iron Bitters

A N S W E R E D .a kai DrahaUv kaee aakad thMiaedi

iU, k « * % . M l ft eoa* oweaer dlMse iineltiiU phnidae would peeeeiuiaMOl

FblRWau m ainW Ynn a* Uw baU ruC uMft BgapS kuawit Solh* pniifiaiinw aed leq

ihsMlnl ftrw ‘tSuiBwe neva pr

_ _ _

BROWN'SIRONStnERSSrwSt.^h>idiih i.iaa .nlt. a . i »iiwlo.Hn* *|l*ali*rhww ■ a J J o lM t ih H K O m iT i IBO N B IT T K K fl •wiwaladlaaMlaw. B lUa *** ** * , W eekaaaa, P r f f a r t * . M iilu la , ChUI* u d F * r * n , TIrwd F *M I*(,C 1***n a O aU lltT .FalB I* lb*HM*. Bank « L ta b * . B n U a c b * « d N « * n l .a [l*-a» iB tliaa. illau M Iim 1. jraiirlliiil dMb.


dkappm ; fuMtioBal

lortOM. IlmiMiMmul DntrliU fiiMii. i i i? S **'t b . OwiMh fa« Tnd. H ut « d <

vrappw. T A K B N O O T n B B .

Jirug* «na W*atrln**. •rng* «nk SKtAtrln**.

C H A S. W . M E N K ’SCheapest Patent Medicine Depot

IN T i n : S T A T i : ,


T h li U not a " S p r e ia l ." b n t our B c fa la r I .ia t, and th ta e prio** are tDaiDlaiaBd d u rin g Ib c e n lir * je a r . Cut th i i o n t an d k eep lor refaren n.


Egg'''! Did Fubloned RootBiul lirrb TifDIc..................| ,H

Ayer'i B«r«uperini.........................WHood's Mrauperilla.............. .41Mccik'a i'oniiouDd Blixlr

S«jfa|<trfiUi, pt. l•uUlea . .7Yburdni R HUtvTP....................g|Brnwn'i Iron lUttctL.....................MfloateUci'a Htomeeb Bltieis.. .71

Hdog. 4.29Hop B itten ............................ ,44Wwuer'i Biu'e KlUiwy uud

Uver Osre..................................... Ut , dou. 4 00

Vheiick'i l*ulnoDic Syrup and hrawcrxl Tunic, rurb .70

JlfiCk'a UfslUal Librovery aud KgTc-rlti'FrtacrIptIuu,rurh........ .70

Ja>tira Arji^iorai>t..................... (41Kpbbtily'i Meillrul LHhCor-

•ly..................................... l-l'iOutuurt Hi-wfIvuiu........................ /I(\aiIc uru Milvp.................................48CutIciiralkiapilHc. a c a lc , I

for 50c) . u ■—Ff Uuw's KjTUp of lly pophou-

pblwit'oinp..................Hamllii'l Wiieril o il. auiaU

sue, Ike.: lURC...................WuUairin’i Khnimatle t ’urtaibrrt'i Rbiuinailc Cun-....K liii'ih rw Dlacovery..... ...lla lf i BuUem..... .I",

Reg.price. rod



God.76 1.00



1.0 1

wiiborii icuilMoD efl.lTI f Oil ....................

Hrott’a RmuLMow ofUver O il .. . ............ ........ .

oleo Cbjrl*.....aa.»....................Itydroleiie................................Ayer'i (.lAerry Fettorel........Bred worth'! o ld oouauy

(JMgb dyrup.......................Uefe'j llittay of Uorebound

u i d T u .............................19.38, .70, .34, .401*04['kart'a Ter, Boneaei iuau

llnoe-y........................... .11 , »maffbrd'e o live Tar............... .17 .WH4»rhee't (ierman Hyntp . ■. .60 .76• ireca'a Auguat Kluwaia............... .76BuH‘1 dough Bym p..............19,




. . . .u

.94 IM


rtwirr ■ F. IriT*y’sft| fClHc........Huxle Narve F kmI..

70.U.71 l.OO.76 1,00

.» , .7 6 .» , .60, 100 . iK d i.3 e i .d o d i n

\ dun n l ‘-0HunyeiiriJanoa BitlerWmrrburiieir»<’oi'Blu« for the hair Ayer'u Hair Vignr... .Rcvlviim lor tho h e ir....... .Uall'i Hair Retiewrr...........Allcock’iForouj 1‘luU ta. Benson'S Cl pcliie i'lMtera'^eogty td* Viewers...........IQ, 16. .30

...... ,7!t

J m t - h ' t t s . ,

nfWrHT.IH’F l^ r T tirli.A yer'a.Pf herek’ATuli'Ae'f h lUdway’i, (lerrlck'R* Gra«'

feuberg’A etch ............. .MtDDen'sOoTD Cure.............Indian f Birwa.........................WemcCi ritU ............................lUmliurt lirqpa... W. Jtrob% 01l........Hire Norwegian Ord Uver

Oil, per pint.............. ..........Quart.

Meok'i Fmuliloo of CodUver OH...............................

Mo*llei'ipur«N«rwegitn('odUver (HL Hot...,..........

FbilUpa' fmuUlon of CoA U v ff OH............................ .

Porter'i I'oiigh Balsam . .Hhaker'i K iu eci of RuuuBtevea B a rk s ............................Atwuod's Buters.....................Indian OH...............................Humphrey'* ll>im lepathlo

Bpetldr^. Noe. i to l i . . .......HiiBiphrey'B lluaeopeihla

Speelflca, Noa. H to U Hnmphiry'i jlomoepeibld

HpMUa<H,, Noa. 21.12. 3t............aiTerreuri Belticr Aperient . .76Ttrrent'a Cubebt end Co

pevte P u te ..................... ............. 76L d b ti« E x tn e t Reef..................... 40Kent’s Burdock and barse-

parllle............................ ,70Parker’s Ginger Tonic........... .71Pecid's Kxirect................................17PatenoD'a Uulraeut..................... IIlinra Hair Dye, biiu'k or

brown.............................................R7■ Tull's Hair Dye....... . .761 (Uenn'i Hulphur BMp, 18c.; three for 40c,

iVar a 8oep, l i e , : three for Wr.I MelMna Babf Food...............IV .41

Kly’i dream Belm............ .... .H; Mathis’ U nim ent............ . ,lfl' carter’a Iron P llh ................. .U' KayeUWM MaU WhtNkey ■ •. >76> W litu 'i Balram ol Wild

CbeviV- awHkll, 40c.i kirte..! Wlblow’s 9yrpp, Moa«Pa

C«fdle], each......................Hrnk's LlUlo Uver PUli, 40

Id e bottle........................... ., ievasi Slstera' Hair Grower,

■mall, 40e.; large............I Sorsford't Add Phoephateia

aiaall, t tc .; large.................Caatorit....................*............. .Jury’a LIpImeut....................




.70 .40, 1.00

.11 .31

.1074 .50, 1.00


.00 360.45 1.0 0 ;

.45 t.OO :

DUUGS.I dOKD fieldllia Powdan....... .................... .Ifaxai (puwdarad) par pound......... ................... 1*(Aulnloa P llli |1 aratniL par lOO - ........._JiV!iJulnJii* FUK |2 (raliui. pat K ---------JMc

Ac., Ac., at loveal prloaa.It I* Inpanble lo adrartiN bar* all PatoDt UadIrlMa. Tboae not mnitlaiKd In Ih* abora

Ibit Ufa aolii' al iba ^ain* proporllonala radurlion In prtcoi. A lao oomlantljr dd hand, al cbaapwl pnMfal* prtrri. Ml klod. of Bubfacr Uood., turh u_HfaitpaDjL Air Ciutiloiia^lIrlnMa (lu le andAniM*). Arnnafa. o fa ll kind., Rifaun Atomljan. Kofi Rubber HTHnni.lroin iM.up, Hard Eubbai Rirlmifa*, Najul Dowhea. Hot Water B an , Ic i I'api, Kf edroppm, Ac,

DON'T FU EU rr THE NAME AND PLACEN. B.—I t e r ; purebaHr o f artlclai to Ih* tMih of t l or more, at on* tlaei vUl reoalfa* (r t* a

Cake of Fine Tollei eoap. Don't Rit|M tb* name tod number.

H A r & W A r A , H a r k t t i A r * .

4 3 X 43Fairbank 's Sca les. Agricultural Tools.

D. T. MALLETT,B u i l d e r s ’ H a r d w a r e ,


M ech anics' Tools, Cutlery, I ro n an d S te e l N ails .43 MARKET STREET,

A r H E A B OO UBT B O O B S. r a W A B K , M. J ,


SP E C IA L IST S,r i ( ■ rna

PeniujlTADlA Medical and Sar- gical Institute,

1300 NORTH 12th ST. PhUa,

ARE NOW a t t h e

\m ms493 BBOAD STREET,

K E W A B K ,

D I T i y P T ^ D P Hernia, or Breach. W* T fa l i l 1 U a u euro till, iraublaaoine .ud nanterom inuadT br a aaft aud certain pro- ceai, In from to to H d an , wltbont tnua, cut- tlpf or iilU-hlnt- No pain la axperlanoad. and lUare 1. no danaer. Tn* fallowliif WIU lllui- l i t l e :

V. A. BERTRAM A CO.. LltbOfrapberi. 1 US Cbreinut RL, I’mladtlphlt, F a I

Thli certltlea that 1 w u treaton b j Ht, Robert A. Wood! far a Rupture wbicta I had more than IhIttT jo a ii . I w u t|pated on tha URb of Au^aL lim, and after ilx weaka 1 wM cam- piclejy well, l ia r * worn no tn m or bondeie tlnce. I am cured. Tbe donor treated mo onlr once. 1 inirered no Inconranlasce, and cuntlnuad at m r work without loaliixaiir time.

MARK Rm H A H T.[L. 1.) Bwom and .ubacribed tbU Tfd <1,, or

Norenbar, ibM, before ma, at Pblla- delfablo.

K. D. B m u t , N otuf Public.

VARlCOCEliE.'^”" " ' ”*""^". ____________ __ lc o » veins oau o^Utn a ib Ip Ab(*. tpeeilv cure In from 10 to 80 flail, Care perniabent. Men who have loit Ihrlr Rexu^ pnwer and have itemlaal wpaknoaa,caiued by''i'omhmi luOl'uiteilons. varicocele- ‘ ■ ’ ‘ ■ -le fior hydrocele, kbpuld avail theiDMlves of thli opponuuUy li» ne restored. Verlcooele pro­duces LOllS 0 F M AN HOOD, falQlnow, averRliia lo sodfty. aiitf lin|ia1ri memory and vision. Men who oonicmpiate marrlsge should bear In mliDd that acxual deUcLenoy otuaos much do. meeilc trouble.


n r i Blind, BlDedlng, Itching and Pro- iuU.lvudlng.cureit t»y pilules* method.g g J A JA J* kfa LAia k If i l Y-add |.uau . fa-mw aMfa

'laiula, FlMiim and Uloera apeedtly relleuni and cured.

CHRONIC DISEASES .JHeart, Blood, brain, Nervea Uver, Kldn

of the•UDgS,ilneys.

Bladder, Hlomach, DiKeanv pbcuilarto Women, RfaeumatUm and NcuraLgla. fi>r which strung drugs and pntaoui* tuch m Bi rychDla, Morp itU, Oplim. benaduuDM, Quinine, e t c , are iiRually pmeribed, wa cure withoui medicine, by metni of Klectricily, tlalvantara and Maifnci- liin. We guaratiiee to cure Jrif rasei that wa undertake.

SPECIAIt DlSEASESix'/ilS:;with a degree or*ucoeas haniofore unnlislnnd fay apeciwsu^. We do not use meroury, ihst Irijures your teetn and bouas, ur halunu tbit rum your itox&ach.

/st/icfo r s u c / i T r o u 6 l c . s .

a h o itii Aomc,

^ ^ j q d a ^ .j^ ti uiiW finA



4 0 3 Broad S t ., Newark.FARLOKS 1. 4 and 4.

B ST A B L U H E D 14641.


. I I NMOHAMIO S T K E R ,*9f Talapbon* 4H. Nawark, H. 1.


Do Not Buy Your

Until you have eip mined our a B B o r t m e n t and noted our piiceR, as never before in the history o f our bouse have we shown such an e lc ^ n t assort­ment, and a t such remarkably Low Prices.

DRY GOODS,C arpets and Upholstery,

m i mm st.

V o tltt 9hrtUI*»*

BK BLCTO K BANG.rrgtent applinl for.l

IlMUh, romfort and hMuty combined. Will not rip or tewr f no foundatlimi wUh my Imptov ed elamlo aprlng from t l upward. Kealher-llghtiigit, 1mipfp*i. cuUTurei, eU?.r rtf ■ -------jidlcN'nld plPf?MrDiiovai*cl the sprint attnrbed

_..r1 matli* otpiai to new ; also laditw old icray heir Bwltuhea reatortid with my new pmtuul proceaa.

BW irC H Sk*All long hair naturally wavy and al»ljrht,

rawliB'r-lIjilit, 16.00 eweb, equal Uj thoM euaUug IliLCUelBCwhcre.B A B T BAHGS,

Brill the rage fTom ^oo upward.H T UKAT H A IR D BFO T

la known m (be finut and most rellgne,4tnd as lopricm 1 cannot be undemnld, Oraymlr warrarited genulue nr money refonded, uAlH tnken In KXCHANCiK; foil value allowed. HAIR LT’rriN G AND CUlUilNQ on the premlBea by beat French artlata. Hair dyeing and shAaipooli^ a RperUUy, Fronl-plecee dreewd while you watip 3b ueuU ewch.

W O B U > BKKOW NBD E T O E N IK ^ 8BC R K f» O B **0* B*,**for the rompleilon; transparent enamel recom- nirnded by phyalaans; warranted perfocriy liarnilnw; aii]>er1or lo all ether preparmtlona; TMted and applied Free of charge; If.DO per boa.

T H E GXNUINB ACBUEMlNEaThe wonderful prrparatloa for coforlnf any

----------------------------- -1 Aub-"- ’eliade ofluilr Golden Auburn. Price, ftod.T B E MONTB CBISTO

T E L O V T IK B FA CE PO W D EB* IlioNiWT H muaui AwAMDsn roa 8 amk

T B E 0 0 9 H E T 1 0 MA8K (Patwntwd}* for beaniiMug the complexion; gkoo complete.

Turtlab Roee T.eavea, Indelible tint, for Uie fooe andllpe; eawlaUeln color, fine aa the blndi of lberoae,tl.44a«id|l.fop«b6tti« And a oomptet*onmptet*


S4 WEST 14th ST., N, Y .*^HforroioM ofbwufyfiw « a m « j« far iba'Por- fiunerte Honte OrlKo. Catadoguai mAued th

f a r t C e r la in * .


oliiiliiLiiciiU i.Wltbout ilaubt tb* br«t Tatua*>faar pi.rod balor* tb . hvltc* o f Nawork. lotlraljrNtw I’alirraa, a o a* o f tb«m our owu tieluftfaa alFlf*, at t l * tullow- m i low prto*., which d* b b* batter ap- praCMiail b f a pfnooM Inapactiaii:

LO TI. L O T t. LO TI.

M o . p air. a i . t l p o l r . • ! . * • p *lr .

l iv r 1. I OT a. i/)T A

a B .M p B lr , S a .aB p au -. «» .• ■ pair.

1. N. DOTY & CO.,


Waata antt W h***-

IV 3

llefnre Removal to

536 THIRD AYE.,Ila tw *** U i a aad M t h S m * t a ,


The Balance of Our Stock oi

Fine ShoesOffered at a

Great R edaction!

JOHN DEANEY,799 Broad St.,

r t o m n w m o w .

Wraa* W asha.^ /Ufa / r f . . ■w-w-rfw' . ^y- i FWvs/yw

1. N.D0TY&Ca.’S


To be placed on sale Tomorrow,

L O T * .laelDdM Ctaack SultlD(i, “ C aalinan Efiecti,"

ITc. p a la rd ; wurUi 60c.

LO T B .6Q-mcb A11-W0*! Bart**, Bptfaic Bluiilaa, « c .

par F *n l; worUi fte .

LO T I .6b-Inch in-wool "Alma” Ctotlt, TSo. per jarO ;

worth too.

LO T « ,EmbtaOfaf a rarlatF ofNOTeltY Trlm m liifi, Tie.

par 7t td ; wortb tl,

LO T S .tO-lnch Borah CloUu, Bpiin« ShadM, 4tc. par

pard; worth 66c,

LO T e .M Inch Caaliner* Check., lalaat Importation,

66a. par jard ; worth IL 16,

l o t t.U-lneh Surral Clotbi, a itra flue, 6M. per pant;

worth 76c.

VMatcliea attO Nenaalps.

UMn BMatrooa tn Kaw Jan ap fbr



HOWARDLowaat Pitcai, Ho UlirapraaantttlaiL AH

Ooodf QuanntaaiL4 43 B B O a o S T B a a r . Hear M. A K R, B,




CUT RA TESto aU potnta

W EST.^ n r e B.1A O . rates of fitre ieibre pa^ chasing t k k e t i C. R CRAIG,O rn.Caaui^ii F a i t . Agt.

41B BRO A D tV A T,

lf4W York* Ski

CLIFTON BACKSCoiMDifnce Thundiy, H trch 17.

ST. PATRICK’S Da y ,And eoDtiitue three or more day* iroek,

weather permiUloff,

Hgw63Muer ppiriBilHUg.

s f t t j variety of racea wlU be itven* JAMBS MCUOff AN, U w X A tJ,

• r f W aaia. * n i ffaa«a W««aa.

RODH BROS.Special Notice ! Special Notice 1

THE LAST WEEK OF OUR SALE!tocl[tol»BettilalM(s


AT HALF P R IC E .All our ll .lb atKl ft.ac Etdliktraa for 76c.All out II KM UlOfa** hir oac CuhiDrifa Janap Uinta* all ai lltr.('hlMt.D'1 Wiinlad Milla and (Mute* all at tic. w ait* t'oaflrmallon (llutra, worth 66c., for lOc. lAdln’ tfaw. mad* Plain and Fanep Hcae, all

i l 'J If .CfeiMiati’a Slrtp*d. Plain aad CMond t t i . mad*

U**a. tac.Our 6CC. Coneu at l ieRolh'l Double Boa* t'nriwt, worth 11.76, Ibr 6dC. J. B. CoratU, tu whU*. cream and rad, worth

IT, for It.C hlM rea'irsnrl W aliti Ibr Tin. Tbabalanraufuur Fetrli CotMt Halati. Iiic. Ho. 1 ,17, UiUirad Batin liibbuo, w. pan] ur

>'«, (or lie.All oat KrantiM Fana at bMf eiLT "■ j■oek*1B(»kl■7B*f^ and PortmaibnirnH— f * !? * * ,* ”.'* V M b a,« , ; rU d l* * ' . B c a r M ^ t i u ind d A L L

I l . i0,fo ta 7e. ‘"awata, worthC h lM ^ 'i V *M aad Onwart u hau ,^ 0*. Oaam' U aaa Ootlaii, p™ *Ganta'ldnaii Ca0k.lj&

66r. pteo*.lAdtM'^H'd'k'lk, black uid colored bordcit. Ml

at lie,Ladlei' V h itt H 'd 'k 'a , tlti* ambroldartd, coat

6to, Sir 'fV.Ladik' W klu and Oolorfad Unea Cal lira at 7c. Imdiaa’ While Tiwked Chluilaaitaa for lie. Unp* Uaaa and txtiuted Silk Rscbtn(,oi]at60c.

TIM, tar 36c. All our Iour Pluth and WorMad Capa at 61.66. Torchon Imire below coat.Whit* Bippftan L * « a , 6 luobai wtde, 16c.

(J«Bla’ CtUulold C uuM 1(0.Oanla' Ofallulaid O in t Tic.Uanta' Trek 77at M Itc.Oanla' PaH and BaUa Braaalan M He. Sttopamd^ Ml *olon, iHn.Uentl' Fanap Batin Iowa 16c.Bupa' FUnaal Walua, com II, kw Sle.Bon ' Flannel Bhlrto, coat II, fur (Cc,Oolotod Calico ftblrta wUb 1 oollan, fat |h Oaol*' Brarlet B h l^ worth |l 66, aiic ^ Utnia’ Whit* Wool Ibiru , worth uantl aiid Ladlaa* Bummer Dadarwear lo m

cloaad out at ona bMf artoi. MuaibaaciA Clark'! Spool OoUoo, (3c, do*.. Imbrolilm

Bilk. 6c. do*. ; Bam Spool B U k . l k c . i ^ l*i-;0(M toe Tap., i5nPearl Butloiia lo. dot.

t o . f Droot Rileldtjfto.’ pr!*-"SnluEi ton, s i. b a l l ; Coroat gEiet<w, 6c.

I Dreaa Cambtid, (^ ^ . p d .; WMat U ntai. Ic. pi.


RODH BROS., 693 BROAD STREET.0 Showcases, 7 C onnten, Oaa FU turee, Lartre Mirror, tor Sale,

C l o t l i t n g .

THE ART OF BUYING.The cclehratcd Mrs. Toodles boiiirlit a door­plate with the name “ Thompson ** upon U, irlvlnt; as reasons for this extraordinary con- duct— first, that It was very cheap; and sec- (and, that she might have a daughter some day whn m ight marry a man named Thompson, spelled with a ‘*p.” And the « p " was an im portant part oi the argument In defence oi tlie '* bargain.’*

The true art ol buying is involved In the purchase of what you are certain to need sooner or later, when you know th a t tbe article Is really, undeniably cheap. I t Is like discount­ing your bills.

Now we are quite sure th a t our quotations for the following lines o f goods are tar below the regular trade prices ; Men’s Trousers, our own make, superior styles and quality, for $ 2 . OO, $ 3 .0 0 , $ 4 .0 0 , $ 0 .0 0 per pair. Also a lull assortment ot Chlldreu’s Separate Knee Breeches, 2 0 c ., 20c., 3 0 c ., 3 8 c ., 00c . and 70e. per pair. Undoubted Bargains. Alsu Children’s Suits In great variety, for $ 1 .0 0 , $ 2 .0 0 , $ 2 .0 0 , $ 3 .0 0 , $ 3 .0 0 , $ 4 .0 0 , $ 0 .0 0 per suit.


807, 809 , 811 Broad Street, Newark.S r n g a «n h M eblclnaa. Wrttgn aufi B tah lcin **.

,v-.-Sfa’..*,fa-,«a-a-i eT

MARCH, APRIL, MAY,Are the months In which to

P U R IF Y T H E BLOOD, for a t

no other season is tbe body so

susceptible to b e n e f i t from


The peeullar purUying,reviTinf

qualities ol CRESCENT SAR­SA PA R ILLA are Just what is needed to expel disease and lor- tlfy the system against tbe debil­itating effects ot mUd weather.

Crescent Sarsaparilla Pnrifles the Blood100 BOSES FOB 50c. 100 BOSES FOB &0^


Is not a patent medicine. I t Is prepared from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Gentian, Chamimlle, etc.

The i n g r e d i e n t s plutniy printed on each bottle iobel, so you know Ju st what you are taking.


I will cure Scrofula, Salt Rheum,! Sores, Bolls, Pimples, all Hn-1; mors, Dyspepsia, Biliousnesi,

Sick Headache, Indlgostton,General Debility, Kidney audLiver Complaints, and all dls- 1$eases arising from an ImpiuB condition of tbe blood.

Thousands of Newark citizens can attest to its Wonderful M erits.

Crescent Sarsaparilla. 100 Doses 50aWe gutruitee ev e ij bottle, MDd If tbe B v u p trilU doc* itot liv e utlefMtloa for any ceuf* whi4’ ever we will reftmd jo n r money. Cui ioytblng be fiirer th in tbliT Wby |wy IL. or even 764m for other BkTstpirlllB (piitlenltriy when yoo are Ignortni of ttieir ingtedieDtil when yen cam purch$>e Crctct -t 8iiiMij>*iilla for BOc. (each bcttlecontilnlng 100 do*wi\ Mnd you will know^iri w b it the iDiredient* of Crescent SuMpnrilU nre, god if you do not like U(4 Stnepirllle yea W* bBT! your money retunded.

4SP The FuhHctinoliftedtbKt we Beit everything nfutny kept In m drag itore, Redoe*^jErLcef. I ’rcMriptlonB compounded MUd dltpenud flrom the drug! tudotacqriCKiii Ilower ihin i t kny other drug itore in Kutes County. You can tadtd money by purebmliig your Dnigta UedlclncSp Toilet Articlei, elo., k( the Phtrm icy o f (be

CRESCENT DRUG COMT,631 Broad Street,

1 door nhove New St. NEWARK, N.

M H u m . W tn **.

Auction Sale o f Wine.P U R E W INE FOR EV ER Y BO D Y .

M. J . O’CONNOR, Auctioneer, 185 M arket Street, will • large iurolce o f Choice Wines on TH URSDAY, MARCH IT. •* I I o’clock. These Wines are some ot tho finest brands of O* H. BOSCH’S pure Concord, Catawba, P o rt, Blackberry, Elder­berry, Cherry, &o. They wlU be told without reBOrro.

V Ifamily Bbould IWTO them.


thu«|C0Onl; Dn. r«ti B«ll on tl bM4 puWZtkrilmeii