段數37A Paragraph 37A 議案Motions - 立法會


Transcript of 段數37A Paragraph 37A 議案Motions - 立法會

法會圖書館 Legislative Council Library





議案 37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決




案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。 (FCR(2007-08)33; FC168/17-18)

段數 37A 議案

段數 財務委員會

會議日期 附件

37A 2007.11.02 1, 2



3, 4, 5


# 發出日期

附件 委員會 立法會文件編號 文件 會議日期

1 FCFCR(2007-08)33 檢討財務委員會及其轄下小組委員會的會議程


2 FC FC27/07-08 財務委員會會議紀要的節錄 2007.11.02

3 FC FC131/17-18 (請參

閱特別會議議程)財務委員會特別會議議程的附錄I及附錄II 2018.03.01

4 FC FC157/17-18 財務委員會特別會議辯論及表決安排 2018.03.015 FC FC283/17-18 財務委員會特別會議紀要的節錄 2018.03.01

6 FCFC168/17-18 財務委員會及其轄下小組委員會會議程序的修




FC = 財務委員會 ; # 發出日期



2007年 11月 2日


目的 本文件概述立法會秘書處 (下稱 "秘書處 ")就財務委員會 (下稱 "財委會 ")及其轄下兩個小組委員會 (即人事編制小組委員會及工務小組

委員會 )的會議程序所進行的檢討結果。謹請委員批准根據檢討結果對


小組委員會會議程序》提出的擬議修訂。 背景 2. 《工務小組委員會會議程序》、《人事編制小組委員會會議

程序》及《財務委員會會議程序》 (下稱 "《會議程序》 ")分別於財委會

1994年 3月 11日、5月 13日及 7月 8日的會議上,因應秘書處 (於 1994年 4月成立 )從政府接手處理該等委員會/小組委員會的秘書職務作出討論時






排。 3. 自 1994年起,秘書處不時修改《會議程序》,以確立沿用已




委員會的項目的提問等。 4. 在 2006-2007年度會期臨近結束時,財委會及其轄下兩個小組












5. 人事編制小組委員會在 2007年 6月 13日會議上考慮一項議程













6. 《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 25段訂明: "除立法會議


可自行決定本身的行事方式及程序 [議事規則第 71(13)條 ]。"。把《立法

會議事規則》 (下稱 "《議事規則》 ")第 71(13)條納入第 25段,表示該段

的內容是以該款條文為依據。該款訂明: "除本議事規則另有規定外,

委員會 (即財委會 )及其轄下小組委員會 (即人事編制小組委員會及工務

小組委員會 )的行事方式及程序,由委員會自行決定 "。

7. 《議事規則》顯然曾深入考慮到,財委會及其轄下小組委員






須 予 處 理 的 事 宜 , 小 組 委 員 會 的 會 議 便 須 戛 然 而 止 , 這 不 可 能 是

第 71(13)條背後的用意。換言之,第 71(13)條的意思不在於把決定人事


委會。 8. 《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 25段清楚訂明人事編制





9. 關 於 人 事 編 制 小 組 委 員 在 2007年 6月 13日 會 議 上 採 用 的 程





10. 在 2007年 7月 6日,財委會同樣採用同一程序,處理在沒有作





關程序的擬議修訂載於附錄 I。 處理就根據《公共財政條例》 (第 2章 )作出決定的事宜而動議的議案的

程序 11. 現行的《會議程序》訂明處理議案的程序 (例如《財務委員會

會議程序》第 37段 ),目的是為處理由一位委員動議並合資格成為會議


實質議案,包括修訂程序的議案及對根據第 2章第 8(3)條或基本工程儲

備基金決議 (第 2章附屬法例 A)或資本投資基金決議 (第 2章附屬法例 B)轉授財政司司長的權力施加條件、例外情況及限制的議案等。至於該


目下的基本工程儲備基金項目施加條件的議案,則不可能在 6整天前就


是 6整天的時間。現行的《會議程序》訂明,如主席另有指示,可給予



須給予不少於 2整天較短時間的預告。擬議修訂載於附錄 II。

會議紀錄 12. 財委會、人事編制小組委員會及工務小組委員會的會議紀錄



附錄 III修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 7段。如適用的話,《人事編制


的修訂。 要求官員列席財委會會議的預告 13. 根據現行做法,所有經人事編制小組委員會/工務小組委員





排。現建議按照附錄 IV的建議修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 17段,

正式訂明此做法。 有關中止某項議程文件的討論或現即休會的議案 14. 《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段訂明,委員可無須經預告而




序。該項程序由《議事規則》第 40條改寫而成,但《財務委員會會議

程序》第 39段並沒有訂明動議議案、就議案進行辯論及表決的程序。


議程序》第 39段,以及《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》及《工務小

組委員會會議程序》的相關段落。 延長會議時間 15. 現時在財委會、人事編制小組委員會及工務小組委員會會議中未



法將其會議的時段訂為兩小時,與財委會在 2006年 3月 24日決定其會議

限於 2小時內的安排看齊。由於越來越有需要延長人事編制小組委員









延長不多於 15分鐘。在無人提出異議的情況下,小組委員會可把會議



目。有關各會議程序的擬議修訂載於附錄VI。 徵詢意見 16. 請委員考慮上文第 5至 15段所載的建議,並通過附錄 I至 VI所載有

關各會議程序的擬議修訂。 立法會秘書處 議會事務部 1 2007年 10月 26日

附錄 I



議案 37. 除根據委員會不時作出的決定外,議事規則第 29至 35條經適

應化後,應用於委員會處理議案的會議程序。 37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議




式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案 (如有的話 )發言。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》 議案

31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議




式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案 (如有的話 )發言。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》 議案

32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議




式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案 (如有的話 )發言。

附錄 II

有關處理就根據《公共財政條例》 (第 2章 )作出決定的事宜而動議的議


《財務委員會會議程序》 議程文件

21. 作為香港特別行政區政府根據《基本法》第六十二 (六 )條委派


任秘書長 (庫務 )或財經事務及庫務局副秘書長 (庫務 ),或任何委員,可

就擬列入財務委員會會議議程內的事項,向秘書作出預告 [議事規則第

9(2)條 ]。有關議程項目的預告應在有關的委員會會議行最少 6整天前


據《公共財政條例》 (第 2章 )作出決定的事宜而動議的議案,其預告時

間不得少於 2整天。擬提出的議案應以書面形式提交。

附錄 III


《財務委員會會議程序》 財務委員會秘書

7. 秘書須列席委員會會議,製備委員會會議紀錄,以及把紀錄






附錄 IV


《財務委員會會議程序》 官員及其他人士列席會議

17. 主席或委員會可邀請任何官員,或預算總目下有關的非政府



紀錄或文件邀請其他人士提供協助 [議事規則第 71(12)條 ]。委員如欲要


行前的工作日下午 5時之前送達秘書。秘書會在議程內說明獲邀參與




《財務委員會會議程序》 發言規則 39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而


席須提出該中止待續議案的待議議題 [議事規則第 40條 ]。委員就該議題

發言時,其發言不得多於一次 [議事規則第 38條 ],發言的時間亦不得超

過委員會所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會


該議題發言 [議事規則第 33條 ]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》 押後議事程序 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議


席須提出該中止待續議案的待議議題 [議事規則第 40條 ]。委員就該議題

發言時,其發言不得多於一次 [議事規則第 38條 ],發言的時間亦不得超


超過 3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小


員不得就該議題發言 [議事規則第 33條 ]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》 押後議事程序

33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議


席須提出該中止待續議案的待議議題 [議事規則第 40條 ]。委員就該議題

發言時,其發言不得多於一次 [議事規則第 38條 ],發言的時間亦不得超


超過 3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小


員不得就該議題發言 [議事規則第 33條 ]。



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》 會議

10A 小組委員會可將指定的會議結束時間延長,惟 (a)在建議延長

的會議時間內,有會議場地可供使用;及 (b)如同日將行立法會會議,

經延長的會議時間不會與該立法會會議的時間有衝突 (先決條件 )。除非


會議結束時間延長不多於 15分鐘。小組委員會可將會議進一步延長至





《工務小組委員會會議程序》 會議

11A 小組委員會可將指定的會議結束時間延長,惟 (a)在建議延長

的會議時間內,有會議場地可供使用;及 (b)如同日將行立法會會議,

經延長的會議時間不會與該立法會會議的開會時間有衝突 (先 決 條

件 )。除非小組委員會另有決定,否則主席可在指定時間內宣布,會議

由指定的會議結束時間延長不多於 15分鐘。小組委員會可將會議進一





立法會 FC27/07-08號文件 (此份會議紀要業經政府當局審閱 )

2007年 11月 2日財務委員會會議紀要的節錄

X X X X X X 項目 3 FCR(2007-08)33 檢討財務委員會及其轄下小組委員會會議程序的討論


26. 主席邀請委員通過對財委會及其轄下兩個小組委員會 (即人事編制小組委員及工務小組委員會 )的會議程序提出的修訂,該等修訂載於討論文件。 27. 劉慧卿議員詢問處理就根據《公共財政條例》(第 2章 )作出決定的事宜而動議的議案的程序,秘書回應時解釋,

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37段處理的是由一位委員動議並合資格成為會議上討論的議程項目的議案。這些議案





工程儲備基金項目施加條件的議案,則不可能在 6整天前就議案發出預告,因為就基本工程儲備基金的項目發出

預告的規定亦只是 6整天的時間。現行的《會議程序》訂明,如主席另有指示,可給予較短時間的預告。為使委



下,須給予不少於 2整天較短時間的預告。法律顧問表示,根據《公共財政條例》(第 2章 )動議的議案一旦獲得通過,便具有法律效力。 28. 主席把項目付諸表決。委員會批准這項建議。 29. 會議於下午 4時 20分結束。 立法會秘書處 2008年 1月 10日


日 期: 2018年3月1日(星期四) 時 間: 上午9時至11時及

下午2時至8時 地 點: 立法會綜合大樓會議室1


I. 委員根據《議事規則》第 71(13)條提出修訂《財務委員會會議

程序》、《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》及 /或《工務小組委員會會議程序》的議案

1. 廖長江議員動議下列議案(第1項議案):





2. 廖長江議員動議下列議案(第2項議案): 議決修訂《財務委員會會議程序》、《人事編制小組委員會會議




(第 1項及第 2項議案的預告已於 2017年 10月 20日隨立法會FC22/17-18(01)號文件發出。)


立法會秘書處 議會事務部1 2018年2月7日

動議修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39 段、 《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該


[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會


題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會


題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註:廖長江議員議案所提的修訂以粗斜字體或刪除線標示。

附錄 1 廖長江議員

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一


屆時主席須提出該中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不

得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


案。屆時主席須提出該中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提

出後,委員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


案。屆時主席須提出該中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提

出後,委員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註 : 陳志全議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

陳志全議員 附錄 1的附件 第 1組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段、 《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一



該中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該


[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中



提出該中止待續議案的待議議題 [議事規則第 40 條 ]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不

得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中



提出該中止待續議案的待議議題 [議事規則第 40 條 ]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不

得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註 : 陳志全議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

陳志全議員 附錄 1的附件 第 2組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 35 分鐘或委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該


[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 35 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不得就該議

題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 35 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不得就該議

題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註 : 陳志全議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。



附錄 1的附件 第 3組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39 段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 7 3 分鐘或委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該


[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 7 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不得就該議

題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 7 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不得就該議

題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註:楊岳橋議員所提的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

楊岳橋議員 附錄 1的附件 第 4組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39 段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 310 分鐘或委員會主席在諮詢出席的委員後所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委

員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 310 分鐘或小組委員會主席在諮詢出席的委員後所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提

出後,委員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 310 分鐘或小組委員會主席在諮詢出席的委員後所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提

出後,委員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註:胡志偉議員所提的修訂案以下加單橫線標示。

胡志偉議員 附錄 1的附件 第 5組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39 段、 《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該


[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會


題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會


題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註:楊岳橋議員所提的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

楊岳橋議員 附錄 1的附件 第 6組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或委員會委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過3分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不得就該議題發

言[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員

不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會小組委員會主席所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員

不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註 : 陳志全議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。


附錄 1的附件 第 7組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段、 《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或委員會主席經委員會同意後所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不得

就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席經小組委員會同意後所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出

後,委員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席經小組委員會同意後所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出

後,委員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。


附錄 1的附件 第 8組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或委員會主席經副主席同意後所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不得

就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席經副主席同意後所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,

委員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席經副主席同意後所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,

委員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。


附錄 1的附件 第 9組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 39段

39. 在委員會會議上,委員就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或委員會主席及委員會所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委員不得就該議

題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段 32. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席及小組委員會所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委

員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段 33. 委員在小組委員會就一項建議發言時,可無須經預告而動議一項中


中止待續議案的待議議題[議事規則第 40 條]。委員就該議題發言時,其發言不得多於一次[議事規則第 38 條],發言的時間亦不得超過 3 分鐘或小組委員會主席及小組委員會所決定的任何時限,或在未有這方面決定的情況下不得超過 3 分鐘。倘若沒有或再無委員示意就該議題發言,主席須隨即向小組委員會提出該議案的待決議題,付諸表決。有關議題經提出後,委

員不得就該議題發言[議事規則第 33條]。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。


附錄 1的附件 第 10組修正案

動議修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、 《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段 37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註:廖長江議員議案所提的修訂以粗斜字體或刪除線標示。

附錄 2


動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案 (如有的話 )發言。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案 (如有的話 )發言。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。

《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案 (如有的話 )發言。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註 : 陳志全議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

陳志全議員 附錄 2的附件 第 1組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

張超雄議員 附錄 2的附件 第 2組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一十項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

張超雄議員 附錄 2的附件 第 3組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一十項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

張超雄議員 附錄 2的附件 第 4組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一十項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

張超雄議員 附錄 2的附件 第 5組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註 : 陳志全議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

陳志全議員 附錄 2的附件 第 6組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員動議修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一十五項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的會議時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註:胡志偉議員所提的修訂案以下加單橫線標示。

胡志偉議員 附錄 2的附件 第 7組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一十項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

張超雄議員 附錄 2的附件 第 8組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註 : 陳志全議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

陳志全議員 附錄 2的附件 第 9組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在會議上讀出,並在主席指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註:楊岳橋議員所提的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

楊岳橋議員 附錄 2的附件 第 10組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前在會議上以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註:楊岳橋議員所提的修正案以下加單橫線標示。


附錄 2的附件 第 11組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明的時間前立即以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

張超雄議員 附錄 2的附件 第 12組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、

《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席小組委員會指明的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

張超雄議員 附錄 2的附件 第 13組修正案

動議下列修正案以修訂廖長江議員修訂《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段、 《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段及 《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段的議案

《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段

37A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段 31A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案



《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段 32A. 在審議某議程項目期間,委員可在有關該議程項目的待決議題付諸表決前,無須經預告而動議一項議案,就該議程項目表達意見;惟該議案


理。無須就委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。每名委員可建議不超過一項此種議案,此種議案亦不可予以修訂,任何擬提出的議案或該議案的修正案,應須在主席指明及小組委員會同意的時間前以書面形式提交。委員可在合併辯論中就該議案及該議案的修正案(如有的話)發言。 註: 張超雄議員的修正案以下加單橫線標示。

張超雄議員 附錄 2的附件 第 14組修正案

立法會 Legislative Council

立法會 FC157/17-18 號文件

檔 號:CB1/F/1/1(B) 電 話: 3919 3129 日 期: 2018 年 2 月 23 日 發文者:財務委員會秘書 受文者:財務委員會委員


2018 年 3 月 1 日的特別會議

委 員 已 藉 由 2018 年 2 月 7 日 發 出 的 立 法 會

FC131/17-18 號文件獲告知,財務委員會 ("財委會 ")將於2018 年 3 月 1 日 (星期四 )上午 9 時至 11 時及下午 2 時至晚上8 時在立法會綜合大樓會議室 1 舉行特別會議,以便財委會處理廖長江議員提出兩項修訂《財務委員會會議程序》、《人事


的議案,以及 4 名委員 (即陳志全議員、楊岳橋議員、胡志偉議員和張超雄議員 )就廖議員該兩項議案所提出共 24 組修正案。本通函載述該等議案和修正案的辯論及表決安排。 2. 經參考立法會處理擬具立法效力的議案 (包括議員就修訂《議事規則》而提出的議案 )的程序及慣例,主席將會命令就兩項議案和 24 組修正案進行合併辯論。主席並已指示,該等議案和修正案會按照以下程序進行辯論及表決,主席屆時將會:

(a) 請廖長江議員發言及動議他的第 1 項議案,但廖議員在此階段不得動議他的第 2 項議案;

(b) 就廖議員動議的第 1 項議案提出待議議題; (c) 請修正案動議人 (陳志全議員、楊岳橋議員、胡志

偉議員和張超雄議員 )發言,但他們在此階段不得動議他們的修正案;

(d) 邀請其他委員發言; (e) 請廖議員就修正案發言;

- 2 -

(f) 請廖議員發言答辯,然後結束辯論; (g) 請委員 (陳議員、楊議員、胡議員和張議員 )動議他

們為修正廖議員的第 1 項議案而提出的各組修正案,並隨即就他們的各組修正案逐一提出待議及待

決議題,付諸表決; (h) 就廖議員的第 1 項議案或經修正的議案,提出待決

議題,付諸表決; (i) 請廖議員動議他的第 2 項議案; (j) 就廖議員動議的第 2 項議案提出待議議題; (k) 請委員 (陳議員、張議員、胡議員和楊議員 )動議他

們為修正廖議員的第 2 項議案而提出的各組修正案,並隨即就他們的各組修正案逐一提出待議及待

決議題,付諸表決;及 (l) 就廖議員的第 2 項議案或經修正的議案,提出待決


3. 委員請注意,在這項合併辯論中,每名委員只可發言一

次,發言限時 10 分鐘,但廖議員作為兩項議案的動議人可就針對其議案而提出的修正案發言一次 (限時 10 分鐘 ),並可在合併辯論結束時就其議案再發言一次作答辯 (限時 10 分鐘 )。 4. 主席已指示楊岳橋議員就第 2 項議案提出的第 11 組修正案的中文本須作出修改,以更正當中的文書錯誤,而張超

雄議員就第 2 項議案提出的第 12 及第 13 組修正案的次序已根據《議事規則》第 34(5)條對調。隨文附上有關的替換頁。 5. 委員如對本通告有任何問題,請聯絡總議會秘書 (1)5羅英偉先生 (電話號碼:3919 3105)或高級議會秘書 (1)7 劉玉儀女士 (電話號碼: 3919 3114)。


(薛鳳鳴 ) 連附件

立法會 FC283/17-18 號文件 (此份會議紀要業經主席核正 )

2018年 3月 1日財務委員會特別會議紀要的節錄


項目 1 委員根據《議事規則》第 71(13)條提出


會會議程序》及 /或《工務小組委員會會議程序》的議案

會議安排 主席表示,財務委員會 ("財委會 ")今天安排了合共 8小時的特別會議,處理議程上的議案和修正案。特別會議在早上 11時暫停,以便財委會在 11時至下午1 時舉行另一個會議,以聽取財政司司長就財政預算案的簡報,然後在下午 2時正繼續舉行。 2. 主席表示,廖長江議員已作出預告,動議兩

項議案:第 1項議案關乎《財務委員會會議程序》("《財委會會議程序》")第 39段及轄下兩個小組委員會會議程序的相應條文;第 2項議案則關乎《財務委員會會議程序》第 37A段及轄下兩個小組委員會會議程序的相應條文。陳志全議員、楊岳橋議員、胡志偉議員及張超雄


出 24組修正案。財委會先就該兩項議案及 24組修正案進行合併辯論,然後進行表決。主席提醒委員,各項


於立法會FC131/17-18及FC157/17-18號文件內。 3. 主席指示,首先由廖長江議員發言及動議第

1 項議案,但他在現階段不可動議第 2項議案,隨後由修正案的動議人發言,但他們在現階段不可動議修


- 2 -

廖長江議員動議議案 4. 廖長江議員動議他的第 1項議案。廖議員表示,近年來財委會及轄下的兩個小組委員會審議撥款

項目的進度嚴重地受 "拉布 "阻礙。財委會在 2012-2013至 2015-2016的 4個立法年度審議撥款建議,每項平均只需 1.8個小時完成,但在2016-2017年度,卻平均要花 4.2個小時才能完成。就2017-2018立法年度而言,截至 2018年 1月,財委會完成處理的 12個工程計劃,均為上個立法年度未及處理的項目。目前有多項基建工程無法展



間取得合理平衡。 5. 廖長江議員表示,他的第1項議案是修訂《財委會會議程序》第 39段,及相應的《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 32段和《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 33段。根據現行規定,委員可無須經預告而動議中止論討某項議程項目或動議委員會 /小組委員會現即休會。這些程序是取材於《議事規則》第 40條。《議事規則》第 40(4)條委員會現即休會待續議案是中止全體委員會會議的程序;如果議案獲得通過,全體委員



議案,卻是立刻腰斬整個會議。財委會於 1996年 11月29日的會議上討論中止待續程序時同意容許委員提出中止討論項目或現即休會的議案,而並非兩者均可以


止待續程序被濫用,有違當初財委會同意的原則。 廖議員表示,他的修訂建議訂明委員就一項建議發言



發言時間則不得超過 3分鐘,或主席所決定的任何時限。 6. 廖長江議員表示,他的第 2項議案是關於修訂《財委會會議程序》第37A段、《人事編制小組委員會會議程序》第 31A段以及《工務小組委員會會議程序》第 32A段。廖議員指出,第37A段議案程序於2007-2008年度訂立,以便讓委員會就撥款建議向政府當局表達


- 3 -

甚至數以萬計的第 37A段議案來進行 "拉布 ",明顯違背了此程序的原來目的。廖議員表示,他的修訂建議訂




委員是否同意應立即予以處理進行辯論。 7. 廖長江議員強調,他的兩項修訂建議並不會



焦審批撥款建議。 8. 主席提出廖長江議員動議的第 1項議案,予以通過的待議議題。 委員對主席應否主持會議的質疑 9. 朱凱廸議員以主席在 2017年 7至 8月期間不斷鼓吹修改財委會會議程序為由,要求主席說明他主持

是次會議是否恰當。陳志全議員、梁繼昌議員、 胡志偉議員及許智峯議員指主席倡議修改會議程序的









冊》並強調,主席應公正無私地履行職責。 10. 廖長江議員表示,會議已進入合併辯論議案


否主持會議的質疑。盧偉國議員、何俊賢議員及 謝偉俊議員認為主席不應容許委員發表偏離是次議程

項目的言論,浪費會議時間。姚思榮議員、陳克勤 議員及何君堯議員表示,立法會的傳統只要求立法會




- 4 -





序實在無可厚非。 11. 主席回應指他察悉以往財委會處理同類情況






項目,會產生任何利益或角色衝突問題。 12. 就有委員指他對修改會議程序有既定立場,






議程序》第 13段中有關主席不能就某一項目主持會議並非針對上述情況。根據財委會以往做法,第 13段應只適用於指稱主席在議程項目中有金錢利益的情況。 13. 主席舉例指,他主持 2017年 2月 10日的財委會會議審議 "政治委任官員的現金薪酬調整 "的財務建議時,曾有委員指他公開地在電台節目中以財委會主席






員替代他主持會議的訴求。當時委員接受他的決定。 14. 主席進一步指出,他在 2016-2017年度結束時,基於財委會未能及時通過議程上多個有關民生的






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一職的人不可能獨斷獨行。 動議修正案的委員發言 15. 主席逐一邀請動議修正案的陳志全議員、 楊岳橋議員、胡志偉議員及張超雄議員發言,並指示

每人發言一次,限時 10分鐘。

16. 陳志全議員表示反對廖長江議員的兩項議

案。他質疑廖議員指有委員提出過萬項第 37A段議案的說法。他指在 2017-2018年度迄今為止沒有任何基建項目因委員 "拉布 "而無法開展。近年財委會委員提出的第 37A段議案的數目已明顯減少,主席亦不時行使權力要求委員揀選或合併他們擬提出第37A段議案。由此可見,委員提出 37A段議案是就項目表達意見,不應被視作為 "拉布 "。他認為財委會平均用上 3至 4小時處理一個涉及數以十億元的撥款項目並非無理。陳議員籲請

委員支持他就第 1項議案提出的第 2組修正案。該修正案建議保留委員可動議委員會現即休會的條文,惟不

得在同一議程項目下動議多於一次現即休會議案。 17. 楊岳橋議員認為廖長江議員對會議程序的修









為讓主席自行決定接收第 37A段議案的時間及委員的發言時間,形同財委會的監察功能盡歸主席一人,這






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遞交第 37A段議案。 18. 胡志偉議員表示,自從《議事規則》的相關


至的 "拉布 "效果已不復存在。 2017-2018年度迄今,財委會審議撥款建議平均只用 1至 2小時便可完成。委員向官員追問資料是理所當然,但建制派議員卻視之為





故現在藉修改會議程序進一步施加限制實屬不智。 胡議員闡述他提出對廖議員第 1項議案的第 5組修訂時表示,主席應先諮詢出席會議的委員才就委員發言時

間設限。此舉可避免主席濫權,並符合程序公義。 19. 張超雄議員表示,是次對會議程序的修訂是












大量第 37A段議案阻延財委會審議撥款項目以致無法通過項目的事例絶無僅有,把每名委員可就項目提出

第 37A段議案的數目限制為一項並不合理。委員提出現即休會的議案可逼使政府當局正視委員對某些項目的

關注,從而對撥款建議作出委員要求的修訂。 其他委員發言 20. 主席邀請其他委員發言,並指示每人發言一

次,限時 10分鐘。

- 7 -

21. 盧偉國議員、梁美芬議員、何君堯議員、 蔣麗芸議員、郭偉强議員、周浩鼎議員、邵家輝議員、


項議案表示支持。 22. 會議在上午 10時 52分暫停,以便進行財政司司長就 2018-2019年度政府財政預算案作出簡報。會議在下午 2時 03分恢復。 23. 盧偉國議員列舉會議統計數字以表達對財委


指,在 2016-2017年度工務小組委員會的會議時數由原來編定的 34小時增加至 70多個小時,惟完成審議項目涉及的撥款只佔政府當局計劃提交項目的總撥款額的

一半。至於財委會,則只通過583億元工務工程撥款,2017-2018年度迄今批准的部分是上一個立法年度積壓待批的項目。工務小組委員會在2017-2018年度審議了12個涉及金額共 230億元的項目。盧議員指出財委會在2014-2015、2015-2016及 2016-2017的 3個年度審議每項撥款建議平均耗用的會議時間分別為 2小時 47分鐘、 2小時 1分鐘及 4小時 14分鐘。在2016-2017年度財委會共舉行 64次合共近 123小時會議而只批准了 29項撥款建議 。 工 務 小 組 委 員 會 在 2014-2015 、 2015-2016 及2016-2017的 3個年度審議的項目分別為53分鐘、 1小時31分鐘及 3小時 52分鐘。而人事編制小組委員會在2014-2015、 2015-2016及 2016-2017的 3個年度審議的項目分別為 1小時 40分鐘、 1小時 38分鐘及 2小時 29分鐘。在 2017-2018年度迄今,工務小組委員會審議每項建議平均耗用 2小時 06分鐘,而人事編制小組委員會的則為 2小時 14分鐘。 24. 梁美芬議員不認同泛民議員指是次修訂會議









- 8 -



表達意見,而不是動輒訴諸 "拉布 "手段,令市民生厭。即使把每名委員可提出第 37A段議案的數目限定為一項,20多名泛民議員合共可提出 20多項第 37A段議案。只要委員的辯論和質詢具質素,實無損議員議事的空

間。 25. 何君堯議員認為,現時的會議程序容許委員









26. 蔣麗芸議員表示,一些民生項目的審批進度

確受 "拉布 "阻延。蔣議員引用毛孟靜議員曾在財委會會議上詢問官員砷和山埃的分別、公頃和平方米的轉換





員卻在會議上反覆提出不少幾近吹毛求疵的問題。 蔣議員認為,出席會議是委員的責任,會議程序實無


的第 37A段議案顯然是濫用程序。 27. 郭偉强議員認為現時財委會審議撥款項目的










- 9 -

論調是轉移視線以掩飾他們的真正目的是在會議上 "拉布 ",阻延財委會審議撥款項目的進度。郭議員認為,現時廖長江議員提出對會議程序的修訂,目的都


範圍恰當而且力度温和。 28. 周浩鼎議員表示認同議員有責任監察政府施



法及時通過。就第 37A 段議案而言,即使主席可運用酌情權限制委員可提出議案的數目,過往亦有事例顯



理。周議員認為即使把每名委員可提出第 37A 段議案數目限定為一項,只要委員是在深思熟慮後才提出議




給予支持。 29. 邵家輝議員表示,他曾因財委會審議進度受











程。對於廖議員提出對《財委會會議程序》第 37A段議案的修訂,把每名委員可提出議案的數目定為 1項, 邵議員認為委員提出意見的權利並不會因此而被剝

奪。 30. 梁志祥議員對廖長江議員的修訂表示支持,

並認為以往有個別委員濫用程序提出大量第 37A 段議案拖延審議撥款進度,導致社會付出龐大代價,工程


員藉反覆提問、提出第 37A 段議案、動議中止討論議

- 10 -

程項目後又旋即動議現即休會等種種 "拉布 "的情況,仍未見有收斂。梁議員指委員應以其論點爭取市民的支

持而非動輒 "拉布 "阻延會議進度。梁議員認為,第 37A段議案的原意在讓委員就撥款建議表達意見,從而促

請政府優化其撥款建議。第 39 段中止討論或現即休會的議案旨在讓議會及政府當局有更多時間說服對方。


具,故實在有修改的必要。 31. 黃定光議員表示,前立法局或立法會議員在



政府施政,企圖藉 "拉布 "癱瘓政府運作。他以審批一個項目有時需要兩個多小時,但有時卻花不到 1 分鐘為例,指泛民主派議員在實際上完全操縱審批時間長

短。黃議員認為委員提出大量第 37A 段議案顯然是濫用程序,而並非為表達反對意見。對於過去財委會會


議的行為,黃議員認為極不妥當。 32. 莫乃光議員、梁繼昌議員、郭家麒議員、 毛孟靜議員、朱凱廸議員、林卓廷議員、涂謹申議員


的議案。 33. 莫乃光議員表示,現時財委會平均花 1至 2小時可完成審議一個撥款項目。2017-2018年度迄今,委員提出中止討論項目或現即休會議案的次數不多,較



情況下,委員會均否決處理第 37A段議案,得以獲委員會討論的第 37A段議案幾乎絶無僅有。莫議員質疑建制派說泛民議員在議會 " 拉布 "是無中生有和亂扣帽子。他認為是次修改《財委會會議程序》形同立法會自我





- 11 -

34. 梁繼昌議員質疑財委會處理議程項目的效率




第 37A段議案的數目、委員發言時間等作出限制。他認為主席只要按照會議程序的精神和條文,亦可參考法





目各樣細節提出問題但卻被扣上 "拉布 "的帽子,梁議員認為並不公平。 35. 毛孟靜議員對建制派議員藉修改會議程序削



在議會內 "拉布 "無非是為了扳倒或阻延當局差劣的政策和惡法,是迫不得已的手段而已。 36. 郭家麒議員認為議員有責任監察政府施政。

即使在 2017年 12月《議事規則》被修改前,立法會議員的權力已極為有限,例如議員不可提出導致公帑開











會會議上為所欲為,完全主宰投票結果。 37. 朱凱廸議員指支持修改會議程序的建制派議





按照廖議員對第 37A段議案的修訂,主席將獲賦權決定

- 12 -

委員提出第 37A段議案的時間。這將令委員無法在吸納項目討論過程中出現的觀點後才提出其第 37A段議案。 朱議員指出,主席現時可運用其權力限制委員可提出

的第 37A段議案的數目或要求委員把多項議案合併為三數項。主席藉這種做法已能有效地控制會議審議進


文,增加主席對委員發言時限的酌情權,是毫無必要。 38. 林卓廷議員承認民主黨議員過去曾因為對某


部分在財委會的 "拉布 "行動。議員在會議上的提問往往能揭示一些政府未曾向公眾解釋而又重要的問題。立






就項目提出第 37A段議案表達意見亦是會議程序賦予委員的權利。每名委員對項目的多個不同方面均可能

有意見而欲藉第37A段議案表達,因此把每名委員可提出議案的數目限制為一項並不合理。林議員認為,以 "拉布 "見稱的議員之所以獲選進入議會顯示社會上有不少市民認同這些議員的 "拉布 "行為。故此,這些市民的看法應予尊重。 39. 涂謹申議員表示,議會的爭議和對立現象主






外乎 10 多名,而他們提出的問題往往極具質素。 涂議員認為,議員用多一點時間審議小數引起社會極




議程序的規定採用 "拉布 "手段,令他們認為不妥當的建議無法獲得議會通過。可是,現在修改會議程序的建


- 13 -

40. 郭榮鏗議員表示,立法會通過 83項佔超過90%的法案及所有 200多項附屬法例,而超過 90%提交財委會的撥款建議最後均獲通過。郭議員以為擴建香

港迪士尼樂園的注資,及廣深港高速鐵路 200多億元超支的撥款申請為例,指財委會實在有責任阻止通過該



民生的項目,便可解決項目積壓或委員 "拉布 "的問題。郭議員認為廖議員提出對會議程序的修訂所能節省的




富爭議的項目納入議程。 廖長江議員就修正案發言及答辯 41. 主席邀請廖長江議員就修正案發言。廖議員

表示,中止待續程序源自《議事規則》第 40條,原意並非是中止整個會議。他指泛民議員在修正案中加回

刪去的 "委員會現即休會 ",擴闊中止待續程序的含


難自圓其說,因為源自《議事規則》第 40(4)條的中止待續程序不包含中止整個立法會會議,遑論可提出的


42. 廖長江議員指出,就中止某項議程文件的議

案辯論發言時限,有委員的修正案分別建議 5 分鐘、

7分鐘或10分鐘作為發言時限,但卻沒有提供任何合理理據。廖議員指,他的議案採納不超過 3分鐘的發言時限,反映該段原本設定的發言時限,並給予主席酌情





43. 廖長江議員指修正案建議對主席決定中止待





- 14 -






44. 廖長江議員表示,他的第 2項議案如獲通過,財委會委員仍可提出不超過一項第37A段議案,委員會完全有渠道就政府撥款表達其綜合意見。財委會的討


於一些修正案建議每名委員可提出不超過 10項或 15項第 37A段議案,並保留第 37A段議案可予修訂的機制,

廖議員認為是為濫用程序 "拉布 "製造空間。就 4名議員對提交第 37A段議案方式提出的修訂,廖議員表示,當中有建議委員只須在會議上讀出議案,令提交的議案




45. 廖長江議員指他的兩項議案,旨在提升議會


程序或 "拉布 "措施。

46. 主席隨即邀請廖長江議員發言答辯。廖議員

表示,現時本港的經濟及民生建設被立法會 "拉布 "拖累,嚴重滯後。建制派議員是次提出對會議程序修訂,

藉適切削減 "拉布 "而令財委會及其轄下的兩個小組委員會的運作回復正常,在監察政府的同時保障整體社


是重複搬出所謂 "議會發言權、監察權 "等口號,他對

該等委員漠視 "拉布 "犧牲社會整體利益的惡果表示遺憾。

47. 廖長江議員表示,在 2016-2017年度,財委會為處理現即休會或中止討論的議案,耗用約 16小時,佔整體會議時間的 13%;工務小組委員會就用超過 11小時,佔超過 15%會議時間;另外,為處理議員第 37A段議案,財委會就虛耗了 12小時,佔 10%會議時間,而工務小組委員會為處理同類議案亦虛耗逾 5小時,佔7%會議時間。人事編制小組委員會的情況亦因為上述兩

項程序 "拉布 "問題而損失逾 8%會議時間。若計及處理

- 15 -



廖議員認為支持 "拉布 "的議員無視這高達四成的會議時間用作處理無實質內容、與撥款項目無關的程序,



48. 廖長江議員亦指,過去6年的建築造價累積上升了六成,工程撥款被 "拉布 "拖延難免會令工程造價上漲,浪費公帑。近年工程界因連續 8個月沒有新工程展開,工程量大幅波動, 1.2萬名前線工人開工不足,以及畢業生起薪點亦下跌,打擊新人入行的意欲和影響





香港段的撥款時藉 "拉布 "反映民意,廖議員認為主流民意是支持這些項目。他認為議員和整個議會須要向整



49. 廖長江議員指長年累月的 "拉布 "已經令社會大眾感到十分厭倦及疲累。他的修訂建議是對失控的

"拉布 "情況稍加限制,騰出更多空間讓各位議員認真審議撥款項目細節。廖議員強調,他的修訂建議既沒有




表決議案及修正案 50. 下午 4時17分,主席宣布進入表決程序,並邀請陳志全議員、楊岳橋議員、胡志偉議員及張超雄

議員逐一動議他們就廖長江議員的第 1項議案而提出的第 1至10組修正案,並隨即就每組修正案逐一提出待議及待決議題,並付諸表決。應委員要求,主席就每

組修正案均命令進行點名表決。 51. 在主席宣布委員會否決第 1項議案的第 1組修正案後,有委員根據《財委會會議程序》第 47段動議,於其後就相同的議程項目下的任何議案進行點名表決

- 16 -




表決見附件。財委會其後繼續表決第 2至第 10組修正案。委員就廖長江議員的第 1項議案動議的第 1至 10組修正案的表決結果如下

動議議員 修正案編號 投票結果

陳志全議員 第 1組修正案 否決 陳志全議員 第 2組修正案 否決 陳志全議員 第 3組修正案 否決 楊岳橋議員 第 4組修正案 否決 胡志偉議員 第 5組修正案 否決 楊岳橋議員 第 6組修正案 否決 陳志全議員 第 7組修正案 否決 張超雄議員 第 8組修正案 否決 張超雄議員 第 9組修正案 否決 張超雄議員 第 10組修正案 否決

就第 1 項議案進行表決 52. 下午 4 時 43 分,主席把廖長江議員的第 1 項議案付諸表決。應委員要求,主席命令進行點名表決,

點名表決鐘鳴響 1 分鐘。主席宣布, 32 名委員贊成,20 名委員反對議案。個別委員的表決如下

贊成: 石禮謙議員 林健鋒議員 黃定光議員 李慧琼議員 陳克勤議員 梁美芬議員 黃國健議員 葉劉淑儀議員 謝偉俊議員 何俊賢議員 易志明議員 姚思榮議員 梁志祥議員 麥美娟議員 郭偉强議員 張華峰議員 葛珮帆議員 廖長江議員 潘兆平議員 蔣麗芸議員 盧偉國議員 吳永嘉議員 何啟明議員 周浩鼎議員

邵家輝議員 柯創盛議員

- 17 -

容海恩議員 陳振英議員

張國鈞議員 陸頌雄議員

劉國勳議員 劉業強議員

(32名委員 )

反對: 涂謹申議員 李國麟議員

毛孟靜議員 胡志偉議員

莫乃光議員 陳志全議員 梁繼昌議員 郭家麒議員 郭榮鏗議員 張超雄議員 黃碧雲議員 葉建源議員 楊岳橋議員 尹兆堅議員

朱凱廸議員 林卓廷議員

邵家臻議員 鄭松泰議員

鄺俊宇議員 譚文豪議員


53. 主席宣布,廖長江議員動議的第 1項議案獲得通過。 54. 下午 4時42分,主席邀請廖長江議員動議他的第 2項議案。廖議員動議他的第 2項議案。主席就 廖議員動議的第 2項議案提出待議議題,並請陳志全


議他們就廖長江議員的第 2項議案而提出的第 1至 14組修正案,並隨即就每組修正案逐一提出待議及待決議


令進行點名表決。 55. 委員就廖長江議員的第 2項議案動議的第 1至14組修正案的表決結果如下

動議議員 修正案編號 投票結果

陳志全議員 第 1組修正案 否決 張超雄議員 第 2組修正案 否決 張超雄議員 第 3組修正案 否決 張超雄議員 第 4組修正案 否決 張超雄議員 第 5組修正案 否決 陳志全議員 第 6組修正案 否決 胡志偉議員 第 7組修正案 否決

- 18 -

張超雄議員 第 8組修正案 否決 陳志全議員 第 9組修正案 否決 楊岳橋議員 第 10組修正案 否決 楊岳橋議員 第 11組修正案 否決 張超雄議員 第 12組修正案 否決 張超雄議員 第 13組修正案 否決 張超雄議員 第 14組修正案 否決

就第 2 項議案進行表決 56. 下午 5 時 04 分,主席把廖長江議員的第 2 項議案付諸表決。應委員要求,主席命令進行點名表決,

點名表決鐘鳴響 1 分鐘。主席宣布, 33 名委員贊成,17 名委員反對議案。個別委員的表決如下

贊成: 石禮謙議員 林健鋒議員

黃定光議員 李慧琼議員 陳克勤議員 梁美芬議員 黃國健議員 葉劉淑儀議員 謝偉俊議員 何俊賢議員 易志明議員 姚思榮議員 馬逢國議員 梁志祥議員 麥美娟議員 郭偉强議員 張華峰議員 葛珮帆議員 廖長江議員 潘兆平議員 蔣麗芸議員 盧偉國議員 吳永嘉議員 何啟明議員

周浩鼎議員 邵家輝議員

柯創盛議員 容海恩議員

陳振英議員 張國鈞議員

陸頌雄議員 劉國勳議員


(33名委員 )

反對: 涂謹申議員 毛孟靜議員

莫乃光議員 陳志全議員 梁繼昌議員 郭家麒議員 郭榮鏗議員 張超雄議員 葉建源議員 楊岳橋議員

- 19 -

尹兆堅議員 朱凱廸議員

林卓廷議員 邵家臻議員

鄭松泰議員 鄺俊宇議員 譚文豪議員


57. 主席宣布,廖長江議員動議的第2項議案獲得通過。 58. 下午 5時03分,主席宣布會議結束。 立法會秘書處 2018 年 6 月 8 日



Passed by the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on 2 November 2007.

Motions 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman.

(FCR(2007-08)33; FC168/17-18)

Paragraph 37A Motions

Paragraph Finance Committee

Meeting date Encl.

37A 2007.11.02 1, 2



3, 4, 5


# Issue date

Encl. Committee LC Paper No. Document Meetingdate

1 FCFCR(2007-08)33 Review of the Procedures of the Finance

Committee and its subcommittees2007.11.02

2 FCFC27/07-08 Extract of the minutes of the Finance

Committee meeting2007.11.02

3 FC

FC131/17-18(Please see theagenda for thespecial meeting)

Appendix I & Appendix II of agenda for thespecial meeting of the Finance Committee


4 FCFC157/17-18 Special meeting of Finance Committee debate

and voting arrangements2018.03.01

5 FCFC283/17-18 Extract of the minutes of the Special meeting

of Finance Committee2018.03.01

6 FCFC168/17-18 Amendments to the Procedures for Finance

Committee and its subcommittees2018.03.02#

Paragraph 37AMotions

Paragraph 37A

FC = Finance Committee; # Issue date

For discussion FCR(2007-08)33 on 2 November 2007


Review of the Procedures of the Finance Committee and its subcommittees

Purpose This paper outlines the outcome of a review conducted by the Legislative Council Secretariat (LegCo Secretariat) on the Procedures of the Finance Committee and its two subcommittees, namely the Establishment Subcommittee (ESC) and the Public Works Subcommittee (PWSC). Members are invited to approve the proposed amendments to the Procedures of FC, ESC and PWSC which are based on the recommendations made as a result of the review. Background 2. The Procedures of PWSC, ESC and FC (the Procedures) were endorsed by FC at its meetings on 11 March, 13 May and 8 July 1994 respectively in connection with the taking-over of the clerkship duties from the Government by the LegCo Secretariat which was established in April 1994. The Procedures were drafted by the LegCo Secretariat based on the Government’s User’s Guide to the workings of FC for use by Branch Secretaries, Heads of Departments and officers in the Finance Branch. The Administration was consulted throughout the drafting process. One of the major changes in the new Procedures was the inclusion of arrangements for electing non-official Members of the Legislative Council to be the chairmen and deputy chairmen of FC and its two subcommittees. 3. Since 1994, changes were made to the Procedures from time to time to formalize practices adopted over time or to bring in improvements to existing practice and procedures. These included election arrangements for the FC Chairman and Deputy Chairman, duration of division bell, duration of FC meetings, invitation of public officers to respond to questions on ESC/PWSC items at FC meetings, etc.

4. Towards the end of the 2006-2007 session, a number of financial


proposals involving controversial issues were considered and had led to extensive discussions with the Administration during meetings on matters which caused wide public concern. As a result, some procedural issues over the conduct of meetings were raised, e.g. the chairman’s discretion to decide on speaking time, duration of ESC/PWSC meetings, motions to adjourn discussion of agenda items, motions to express a view, etc. A review of the Procedures in the light of the latest developments has recently been conducted by the Clerks and the Legal Adviser to FC, ESC and PWSC. The outcome of the review is set out below. Review of the Procedures and recommendations Subcommittees’ authority to determine practice and procedure for dealing with motions moved without notice 5. At ESC’s meeting held on 13 June 2007, the chairman of ESC made reference to the procedures adopted by other LegCo committees in dealing with motions moved without notice at meetings upon a member’s indication that he intended to move a motion without notice in the course of ESC’s consideration of an agenda item. The motion was to express a certain request to be made of the Administration. It was not intended to have any substantive effect on the recommendation in the ESC agenda item. The chairman considered that the proposed motion was relevant to the agenda item and asked members to indicate whether it should be proceeded with at the meeting. Following an indication of support by a majority of members present for the motion to be dealt with immediately, the chairman allowed the motion to be moved. Thereupon the motion was proposed, debated and put to a vote at the meeting. The motion was passed and was incorporated as part of ESC’s recommendations to the FC. The issue for consideration is whether it is in order for ESC to determine its own practice and procedure for dealing with a motion sought to be moved without notice at a meeting during ESC’s consideration of a submission from the Administration. 6. Paragraph 25 of the ESC Procedure provides: “Subject to the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council and the procedure endorsed by the FC, the ESC determines its own practice and procedure [Rule 71(13)].”. Rule 71(13) of the Rules of Procedure of the Legislative Council (RoP) is included in Paragraph 25 to indicate that it is that subrule on which the paragraph is based. That subrule provides: “Subject to these Rules of Procedure, the practice and procedure of the committee (i.e. FC) and its subcommittees (i.e. ESC and PWSC) shall be determined by the committee”.

7. It is clear that RoP contemplate that FC and its subcommittees will have to decide how to deal with matters not provided for in RoP in the course of transacting business. In the Legal Adviser’s view, there is nothing in RoP


to suggest that it was the intention of the Legislative Council to impose a procedural restriction on subcommittees to the extent that the only procedures available to them for transacting business are those that had been pre-determined for them by their parent committees. Had there been such intention, it would give rise to the absurd situation that proceedings in a subcommittee would have to be brought to a grinding halt if the pre-determined procedures do not contain provisions to deal with a matter before it. That cannot be the intention underlying Rule 71(13). In other words, Rule 71(13) does not have the effect of giving the power to determine practice and procedure of ESC and PWSC exclusively to FC. 8. Paragraph 25 of the ESC Procedure makes it clear that ESC has the authority to determine its own practice and procedure as a power which is reasonably incidental to the performance of its functions, but subject to the limitation that such power can only be exercised where the practice and procedure so determined by ESC have not already been provided in RoP or determined by FC.

9. In relation to the procedure adopted by ESC at its meeting on 13 June 2007, ESC was faced with a procedural situation for which no provision was made in RoP or the ESC Procedure has made provision for. There is nothing to suggest that the procedure it determined at the meeting was not in order. 10. On 6 July 2007, FC similarly adopted the same procedure in dealing with two motions moved without notice in respect of two agenda items for its consideration. As it appears that there may be more moving of motions without notice in future, it is proposed that a procedure be included in the FC, ESC and PWSC Procedures to ensure procedural consistency. The proposed amendment to put in place the procedure is in Appendix I. Procedure for dealing with motions moved for deciding on matters under the Public Finance Ordinance (Cap. 2) 11. The procedure for dealing with motions in the current Procedures, e.g. Paragraph 37 of the FC Procedure, aims to deal with motions that are moved by a member and are qualified as an agenda item for discussion at a meeting. These motions are substantive motions on matters that are within the powers of FC to decide. They include motions amending procedures, and motions imposing conditions, exceptions or limitations on the Financial Secretary's power delegated to him under section 8(3) of Cap. 2 or under the Capital Works Reserve Fund Resolution (Cap. 2 sub. leg. A) or the Capital Investment Fund Resolution (Cap. 2 sub. leg. B). For those motions which are dependent on other agenda items of the same meeting, e.g. a motion to impose conditions in respect of a Capital Works Reserve Fund (CWRF) item on the agenda of an FC meeting, it is not likely that a notice of six clear days for the motion can be given, as the notice requirement for a CWRF item is only six clear days. The


current Procedure has provided that shorter notice may be given if the Chairman so directs. In order that members and the Administration have adequate time before the meeting to consider proposed conditions, exceptions or limitations specified in a motion, it is proposed that the shorter notice for these circumstances be set at not less than two clear days. The proposed amendment is in Appendix II. Record of proceedings 12. The records of the proceedings of FC, ESC and PWSC are kept in the form of minutes. However, where considered necessary, the Committee/Subcommittees may consider keeping a verbatim record of the whole or any part of a meeting. It is proposed that Paragraph 7 of the FC Procedure be amended as in Appendix III. If considered appropriate, similar amendments may also be made to the ESC and PWSC Procedures. Notice to require attendance of public officers at FC meetings 13. Under the current practice, all items endorsed by ESC/PWSC are usually included under one composite paper and submitted to FC for approval. Members are entitled to speak on and request separate voting on any of the items in the paper. If members consider it necessary for Government officials in charge of a specific item to attend a FC meeting to answer questions on it, they are requested to inform the Clerk to FC one day before the date of the relevant FC meeting so that arrangements can be made. To formalize this practice, it is recommended that Paragraph 17 of the FC Procedure be amended as proposed in Appendix IV. Motion to adjourn discussion on an item or further proceedings 14. Paragraph 39 of FC Procedure provides for a member to move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings be adjourned. The same procedure has also been provided in the ESC and PWSC Procedures. This procedure is adapted from Rule 40 of RoP, but the procedure for moving, debating and voting on the motion has not been set out in Paragraph 39. It is proposed that for clarity and consistency, Paragraph 39 of FC Procedure, as well as relevant paragraphs in the ESC and PWSC Procedures, be amended as in Appendix V. Extension of meeting time 15. At present, agenda items not dealt with at a meeting of FC, ESC and PWSC are carried over to the next meeting or, if the Chairman so decides, to a special meeting. For ESC and PWSC, the present practice of providing a two-hour meeting slot for their meetings is to keep it in line with a decision of FC on 24 March 2006 to limit its meetings to two hours for each meeting. As


there is a growing need to extend the meeting time of ESC/PWSC so that items on the agenda can be concluded and its recommendations can be put forward to FC as scheduled, it is proposed that flexibility be provided in the ESC and PWSC Procedures to allow the Subcommittees to extend their meeting time when necessary. As the meetings of ESC and PWSC are usually held on Wednesdays before a Council meeting, one of the preconditions to be satisfied should be that such extended meeting time should not clash with the meeting time of the Council. Another precondition should be that the meeting venue is available. It is proposed that a meeting may be extended by not more than 15 minutes by an announcement made by the Chairman before the appointed ending time, unless the Subcommittee decides otherwise. The Subcommittee may further extend a meeting for a specified period of time subject to no dissenting voice. No new motion should be proposed during the period of extension decided by the Subcommittee unless the motion is in relation to an item on the agenda which is raised for discussion during the extension period. The proposed amendments to the Procedures are in Appendix VI. Advice Sought 16. Members are invited to consider the recommendations set out in paragraphs 5 to 15 above and to endorse the proposed amendments to the Procedures as set out in Appendices I to VI. Council Business Division 1 Legislative Council Secretariat 26 October 2007

Appendix I

Proposed amendments in relation to practice and procedures for dealing

with motions moved without notice

Finance Committee Procedure

Motions 37. Subject to the decisions of the Committee made from time to time, Rules 29 to 35 of the Rules of Procedure shall apply, with necessary modifications, to the proceedings of the Committee in dealing with motions. 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented in written form. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

Motions 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented in written form. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Motions 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented in written form. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Appendix II

Proposed amendments in relation to procedure for dealing with motions moved for deciding on matters under

the Public Finance Ordinance (Cap. 2)

Finance Committee Procedure

Agenda Item 21. The Financial Secretary, the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, the Permanent Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury) or a Deputy Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury), each being a public officer designated by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under Article 62(6) of the Basic Law, or any member may give notice to the Clerk of the items of business to be included in the agenda of the Finance Committee [Rule 9(2)]. The notice of agenda items should reach the Clerk at least six clear days before the meeting concerned, but shorter notice may be given if the Chairman so directs, provided that it shall not be shorter than two clear days for motions moved by members for deciding on matters under the Public Finance Ordinance (Cap. 2). The proposed motions should be presented in written form.

Appendix III

Proposed amendment in relation to record of proceedings

Finance Committee Procedure Clerk to the Finance Committee 7. The Clerk shall attend the meetings of the Committee, keep a record of the proceedings of the Committee, and distribute a copy thereof to each member. The record is kept in the form of minutes, recording the members attending, the gist of proceedings and the decisions taken. Where the Chairman, with the agreement of the Committee, determines that a verbatim record is necessary for the whole or any part of a meeting, the Clerk shall make arrangements for the production of such a record. The Clerk will not normally clear the records of proceedings with the Administration or other persons except in respect of such part of a record which relates to statements made by the Administration or such other persons.

Appendix IV

Proposed amendments in relation to notice to require attendance of public officers and other persons at Finance Committee meetings

Finance Committee Procedure

Attendance of Public Officers and Other Persons 17. The Chairman or the Committee may invite any public officer, or, in the case of a head of the Estimates relating to a non-government body or organization, any member or employee of that body or organization to give information or any explanation or to produce any records or documents which the Committee may require in the performance of its duties; and the Committee may also invite any other person to assist the Committee in relation to any such information, explanation, records or documents [Rule 71(12)]. Should a member wish to request that a public officer or other person be invited to attend a meeting of the Committee, such request should reach the Clerk by 5:00 pm on the working day before the meeting concerned. The Clerk will state in the agenda the office of the public officers and other persons invited for discussion of the particular items.

Appendix V

Proposed amendment in relation to motion to adjourn discussion on an item or further proceedings

Finance Committee Procedure

Rules of Speaking 39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for longer than any time period as decided by the Committee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

Adjournment of Proceedings 32 A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for longer than any time period as decided by the Subcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Adjournment of Proceedings 33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for longer than any time period as decided by the Subcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Appendix VI

Proposed amendments in relation to extension of meeting time

Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

Meetings 10A. The Subcommittee may extend a meeting beyond the appointed ending time where (a) the meeting venue is available during a proposed extension of meeting time; and (b) the meeting time so extended does not clash with the meeting time of the Council if that Council's meeting is going to be held on the same day (preconditions). Unless the Subcommittee decides otherwise, the Chairman may announce during the appointed time that the meeting is extended for not more than 15 minutes beyond the appointed ending time of the meeting. The Subcommittee may further extend a meeting for a specified period of time where the same preconditions as set out above are satisfied, and where there is no dissenting voice when deciding such a further extension. No new motion should be proposed during the period of extension decided by the Subcommittee unless the motion is in relation to an item on the agenda which is raised for discussion during the extension period.

Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Meetings 11A. The Subcommittee may extend a meeting beyond the appointed ending time where (a) the meeting venue is available during a proposed extension of meeting time; and (b) the meeting time so extended does not clash with the meeting time of the Council if that Council's meeting is going to be held on the same day (preconditions). Unless the Subcommittee decides otherwise, the Chairman may announce during the appointed time that the meeting is extended for not more than 15 minutes beyond the appointed ending time of the meeting. The Subcommittee may further extend a meeting for a specified period of time where the same preconditions as set out above are satisfied, and where there is no dissenting voice when deciding such a further extension. No new motion should be proposed during the period of extension decided by the Subcommittee unless the motion is in relation to an item on the agenda which is raised for discussion during the extension period.

LC Paper No. FC27/07-08 (These minutes have been seen by the Administration)

Extract of the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting on 2 November 2007

X X X X X X Item No. 3 - FCR(2007-08)33 Discussion paper on the review of the procedures of the Finance Committee and its subcommittees 26. The Chairman said that members were invited to endorse amendments to the Procedures of the Finance Committee and its two subcommittees, namely the Establishment Subcommittee and the Public Works Subcommittee, as set out in the discussion paper. 27. In response to Ms Emily LAU's question on the procedure for dealing with motions moved for deciding on maters under the Public Finance Ordinance (Cap 2), the Clerk explained that paragraph 37 of the FC Procedure dealt with motions that were moved by a member and were qualified as an agenda item for discussion at a meeting. These motions were substantive motions on matters that were within the powers of FC to decide. They included motions amending procedures, and motions imposing conditions, exceptions or limitations on the Financial Secretary's power delegated to him. For those motions which were dependent on other agenda items of the same meeting, e.g. a motion to impose conditions in respect of a Capital Works Reserve Fund (CWRF) item on the agenda of a FC meeting, it was not likely that a notice of six clear days for the motion could be given, as the notice requirement for a CWRF item was only six clear days. The current Procedure had provided that shorter notice might be given if the Chairman so directed. In order that members and the Administration had adequate time before the meeting to consider the proposed conditions, exceptions or limitations specified in a motion, it was proposed that the shorter notice for these circumstances be set at not less than two clear days. The Legal Adviser said that the motions moved under the Ordinance (Cap. 2) would have legal effect once they were passed. 28. The Chairman put the item to vote. The Committee approved the proposal. 29. The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 pm. Legislative Council Secretariat 10 January 2008

Finance Committee

Special meeting on Thursday, 1 March 2018,

from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex


I. Members' motions to amend the Finance Committee Procedure, the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and/or the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure under Rule 71(13) of the Rules of Procedure

1. Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to move the following motion (1st Motion): Resolved that the Finance Committee Procedure, the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure be amended as set out in Appendix 1.

Hon CHAN Chi-chuen, Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon WU Chi-wai and Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung to move amendments to the 1st Motion in Annex (10 sets of amendments in total).

2. Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to move the following motion (2nd Motion): Resolved that the Finance Committee Procedure, the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure be amended as set out in Appendix 2.

Hon CHAN Chi-chuen, Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung, Hon WU Chi-wai and Hon Alvin YEUNG to move amendments to the 2nd Motion in Annex (14 sets of amendments in total).

(The notice of the 1st and 2nd Motions was issued to members on 20 October 2017 under LC Paper No. FC22/17-18(01).) (The debate and voting arrangements for the above motions and amendments are set out in LC Paper No. FC157/17-18.) Council Business Division 1 Legislative Council Secretariat 7 February 2018

Motion to amend paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanCommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33]. Note: Amendments proposed under Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong's motion are marked in bold

and italic type or deletion line.

Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong Appendix 1

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure,

paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanCommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33]. Note: Hon CHAN Chi-chuen's amendments to the motion are marked with single


Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Annex to Appendix 1 1st set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned, and the motion of further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned may not be moved more than once under the same item. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanCommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommitteeor further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned, and the motion of further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned may not be moved more than once under the same item. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned, and the motion of further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned may not be moved more than once under the same item. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33]. Note: Hon CHAN Chi-chuen's amendments to the motion are marked with single


Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Annex to Appendix 1

2nd set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure,

paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than threefive minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanCommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than threefive minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than threefive minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33]. Note: Hon CHAN Chi-chuen's amendments to the motion are marked with single


Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Annex to Appendix 1

3rd set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure,

paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than seventhree minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanCommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than seventhree minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than seventhree minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33]. Note: Hon Alvin YEUNG’s amendments to the motion are marked with single underline.

Hon Alvin YEUNG

Annex to Appendix 1 4th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure,

paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than threeten minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman after consulting the members present Committee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than threeten minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman after consulting the members present Subcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than threeten minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman after consulting the members present Subcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33]. Note: Hon Wu Chi Wai's amendments to the motion are marked with single underline.

Hon Wu Chi Wai

Annex to Appendix 1 5th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend

paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanCommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33]. Note: Hon Alvin YEUNG’s amendments to the motion are marked with single


Hon Alvin YEUNG Annex to Appendix 1 6th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanCommitteeCommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommitteeSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the ChairmanSubcommitteeSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33]. Note: Hon CHAN Chi-chuen's amendments to the motion are marked with single


Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Annex to Appendix 1 7th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman, where the decision has been agreed by the CommitteeCommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman, where the decision has been agreed by the Subcommittee Subcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman, where the decision has been agreed by the Subcommittee Subcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33]. Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked with

single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Annex to Appendix 1 8th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman, where the decision has been agreed by the Deputy ChairmanCommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman, where the decision has been agreed by the Deputy Chairman Subcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman, where the decision has been agreed by the Deputy Chairman Subcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33]. Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked with

single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung

Annex to Appendix 1 9th set of amendments


Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure,

paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure

39. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Committee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Committee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman and the CommitteeCommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Committee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 32 of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure

32. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman and the SubcommitteeSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Paragraph 33 of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

33. A member when speaking on a proposal in the Subcommittee may move without notice that discussion on an item or further proceedings of the Subcommittee be now adjourned. Thereupon the Chairman shall propose the question on the motion to adjourn [Rule 40]. A member, when speaking on the question, may not speak more than once [Rule 38] and shall not make a speech for more than three minutes or longer than any time period as decided by the Chairman and the SubcommitteeSubcommittee, or where no such decision has been made, for more than three minutes. When no or no more member indicates his intention to speak on the question, the Chairman shall forthwith put the question on the motion to the Subcommittee for its decision. No member may speak on the question after it has been put [Rule 33].

Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked with single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Annex to Appendix 1

10th set of amendments

Motion to amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Amendments proposed under Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong's motion are marked in bold

and italic type or deletion line.

Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong Appendix 2

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure,

paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure

37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented or amendment to the motion has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented or amendment to the motion has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented or amendment to the motion has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon CHAN Chi-chuen's amendments to the motion are marked with single


Hon CHAN Chi-chuen

Annex to Appendix 2 1st set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure,

paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure

37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. DebateNo debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. Debate No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. Debate No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked with

single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Annex to Appendix 2

2nd set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. DebateNo debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. Debate No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. Debate No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked with

single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Annex to Appendix 2

3rd set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. DebateNo debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. Debate No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. Debate No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked with

single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Annex to Appendix 2 4th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked with

single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Annex to Appendix 2 5th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon CHAN Chi-chuen's amendments to the motion are marked with single


Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Annex to Appendix 2 6th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend

paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion fifteen motions, which is are not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a meeting time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion fifteen motions, which is are not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a meeting time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion fifteen motions, which is are not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a meeting time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Wu Chi Wai's amendments to the motion are marked with single underline.

Hon Wu Chi Wai Annex to Appendix 2 7th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than tenone such motionsmotion, which areis not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked with

single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung

Annex to Appendix 2 8th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon CHAN Chi-chuen's amendments to the motion are marked with single


Hon CHAN Chi-chuen Annex to Appendix 2 9th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure,

paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure

37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and be read aloud at the meetingpresented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and be read aloud at the meetingpresented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and be read aloud at the meetingpresented by a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Alvin YEUNG’s amendments to the motion are marked with single


Hon Alvin YEUNG

Annex to Appendix 2 10th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend

paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented at the meetingby a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented at the meetingby a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented at the meetingby a time specified by the Chairman. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Alvin YEUNG’s amendments to the motion are marked with single


Hon Alvin YEUNG Annex to Appendix 2

11th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman immediately. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman immediately. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman immediately. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked with

single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Annex to Appendix 2

12th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the ChairmanCommittee. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the ChairmanSubommittee. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the ChairmanSubcommittee. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked with

single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung

Annex to Appendix 2 13th set of amendments

Amendments to motion to be moved by Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to

amend paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure, paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and

paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure

Paragraph 37A of the Finance Committee Procedure 37A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman and agreed by the Committee. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 31A of the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure 31A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman and agreed by the Subcommittee. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate.

Paragraph 32A of the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure 32A. During the deliberation of an agenda item, prior to the question on it being put to vote, a member may move a motion without notice to express a view or views on the agenda item if the motion is considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and if agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith. No debate shall take place to ascertain if members will so agree. Each member may propose no more than one such motion, which is not amendable. Any proposed motion or amendment to the motion should be presented has to be in written form and presented by a time specified by the Chairman and agreed by the Subcommittee. Members may speak on the motion and amendment to the motion, if any, in a joint debate. Note: Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung's amendments to the motion are marked

with single underline.

Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Annex to Appendix 2

14th set of amendments

立法會 Legislative Council

LC Paper No. FC157/17-18

Ref : CB1/F/1/1(B) Tel : 3919 3129 Date : 23 February 2018 From : Clerk to the Finance Committee To : Members of the Finance Committee ______________________________________________________________________________________

Finance Committee

Special meeting on 1 March 2018

Members have been notified vide LC Paper No. FC131/17-18 issued on 7 February 2018 that the Finance Committee ("FC") will hold a special meeting on 1 March 2018 (Thursday) from 9:00 am to 11:00 am and from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm in Conference Room 1 of the Legislative Council Complex for FC to deal with the two motions of Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to amend the Finance Committee Procedure, the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure, and a total of 24 sets of amendments to Mr LIAO's two motions submitted by four members, namely Hon CHAN Chi-chuen, Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon WU Chi-wai and Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung. This circular sets out the debate and voting arrangements for the motions and amendments.

2. Having made reference to the procedure and practice of the Council when dealing with motions which are intended to have legislative effect including motions proposed by Members to amend the Rules of Procedure, the Chairman will order a joint debate on the two motions and the 24 sets of amendments, and has directed that they be debated and voted upon in accordance with the following procedure under which the Chairman will:

(a) call upon Hon Martin LIAO Cheung-kong to speak and move his 1st motion, but Mr LIAO may not move his 2nd motion at this stage;

(b) propose the question on Mr LIAO's 1st motion; (c) call upon movers of amendments (Hon CHAN Chi-chuen,

Hon Alvin YEUNG, Hon WU Chi-wai and Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung) to speak, but they may not move their amendments at this stage;

(d) invite other members to speak; (e) invite Mr LIAO to speak on the amendments;

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(f) call upon Mr LIAO to reply, and then close the debate; (g) invite members (Mr CHAN, Mr YEUNG, Mr WU and

Dr CHEUNG) to move their sets of amendments which seek to amend Mr LIAO's 1st motion and forthwith propose and put to vote the questions on their sets of amendments one by one;

(h) put to vote the question on Mr LIAO's 1st motion or the motion

as amended; (i) call upon Mr LIAO to move his 2nd motion; (j) propose the question on Mr LIAO's 2nd motion; (k) invite members (Mr CHAN, Dr CHEUNG, Mr WU and

Mr YEUNG) to move their sets of amendments which seek to amend Mr LIAO's 2nd motion and forthwith propose and put to vote the questions on their sets of amendments one by one; and

(l) put to vote the question on Mr LIAO's 2nd motion or the

motion as amended.

3. Members are invited to note that each member may only speak once in the joint debate and the time limit is 10 minutes, but Mr LIAO, being the mover of the two motions, may also speak once on the amendments to his motions (for not more than 10 minutes), and may speak once again on his motions in reply at the end of the joint debate (for not more than 10 minutes). 4. The Chairman has directed that the Chinese version of the 11th set of amendments to the 2nd motion submitted by Hon Alvin YEUNG be altered to correct a typographical error. The sequence of the 12th and 13th sets of amendments to the 2nd motion submitted by Dr Hon Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung has been swapped pursuant to Rule 34(5) of the Rules of Procedure. Relevant replacement sheets are attached. 5. Members who have any questions on the circular are requested to contact Mr Derek LO, Chief Council Secretary (1)5 (telephone no. 3919 3105) or Ms Ada LAU, Senior Council Secretary (1)7 (telephone no. 3919 3114).

(Anita SIT) Clerk to the Finance Committee


LC Paper No. FC283/17-18 (These minutes have been cleared with the Chairman)

Extract of the minutes of the Finance Committee special meeting on 1 March 2018


Item 1 ― Members' motions to amend the Finance Committee

Procedure, the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure and/or the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure under Rule 71(13) of the Rules of Procedure

Meeting arrangement 1. The Chairman advised that the Finance Committee ("FC") had scheduled a total of eight hours of special meeting today to deal with the motions and their amendments as set out in the agenda. The special meeting would be suspended at 11:00 am to make way for FC to hold another meeting from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm, where members would receive a briefing by the Financial Secretary on the Budget. The special meeting would then be resumed at 2:00 pm. 2. The Chairman said that Mr Martin LIAO had given notice to move two motions, with the first one relating to paragraph 39 of the Finance Committee Procedure ("FCP") as well as the corresponding provisions in the procedures of the two subcommittees of FC, and the second one relating to FCP 37A as well as the corresponding provisions in the procedures of the two subcommittees of FC. Mr CHAN Chi-chuen, Mr Alvin YEUNG, Mr WU Chi-wai and Dr Fernando CHEUNG had also given notices to move a total of 24 sets of amendments to Mr Martin LIAO's two motions. FC would hold a joint debate on the two motions and 24 sets of amendments before putting them to vote. The Chairman reminded members that the wording of those motions and their amendments, as well as the debate and voting arrangements therefor had already been set out in detail in LC Paper Nos. FC131/17-18 and FC157/17-18. 3. The Chairman instructed that Mr Martin LIAO would first speak and move his 1st motion, but he might not move his 2nd motion at this stage. Movers of amendments would then take turn to speak, but they might not move their amendments at this stage.

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Motion moved by Mr Martin LIAO 4. Mr Martin LIAO moved his 1st motion. Mr LIAO said that in recent years, the scrutiny progress of FC and its two subcommittees on financial proposals had been seriously hampered by filibustering. In the four legislative sessions between 2012-2013 and 2015-2016, it took FC an average of only 1.8 hours to scrutinize one financial proposal, whereas in the 2016-2017 legislative session, it took an average of 4.2 hours for FC to scrutinize one financial proposal. In the 2017-2018 legislative session, as at January 2018, FC had only dealt with 12 public works projects, and they were all items carried forward from the previous legislative session. Meanwhile, many infrastructure projects could not be commenced, resulting in serious uncertainties for people working in the construction industry as well as substantial increases in the construction costs. FC must strike a reasonable balance between monitoring public spending and maintaining the efficiency of its deliberation. 5. Mr Martin LIAO said that his 1st motion sought to amend FCP 39, as well as the corresponding provisions of paragraph 32 in the Establishment Subcommittee Procedure ("ESCP") and paragraph 33 in the Public Works Subcommittee Procedure ("PWSCP") (FCP, ESCP and PWSCP collectively referred to as "the Procedures"). Under the current rules, members could move a motion without notice to adjourn the discussion on a particular agenda item or further proceedings of FC/the subcommittees, and the said procedure was adapted from Rule 40 of the Rules of Procedure ("RoP"). When a motion was moved under RoP 40(4) that further proceedings of the committee be now adjourned, the purpose was to adjourn the proceeding of the Committee of the whole Council. If the motion was agreed to, the Council shall resume and proceed to deal with the next item on the agenda of the meeting of the Legislative Council ("LegCo"). But in the case of FC or its subcommittees, if a motion for the adjournment of further proceedings was agreed to, it would mean bringing the relevant meeting to an abrupt end. When the adjournment procedure was discussed by FC at its meeting on 29 November 1996, members agreed that a member could move to adjourn the discussion on an agenda item or further proceedings of the meeting, but not both, or back-to-back. Mr LIAO opined that contrary to FC's original intent, the adjournment procedure had been abused in recent years. Mr LIAO said that according to his proposed amendment, a member when speaking on a proposal might move without notice that discussion on an item, but not further proceedings of FC, be now adjourned, while the speaking time of each member would be not more than three minutes or any time period as decided by the Chairman.

- 3 -

6. Mr Martin LIAO went on to say that his 2nd motion sought to amend FCP 37A, ESCP 31A and PWSCP 32A. Mr LIAO pointed out that the procedure of FCP 37A motions was made in the 2007-2008 legislative session, so that FC could put consolidated views to the Administration on its financial proposals. That said, some members had on occasions in recent years moved hundreds or even tens of thousands of FCP 37A motions for the sake of filibustering, which clearly violated the original intent of such a procedure. Mr LIAO stated that as specified under his proposed amendment, a member might propose no more than one FCP 37A motion, which was not amendable, and any proposed motion must be presented by a time specified by the Chairman. The same as under the current practice, such a motion must be considered by the Chairman as directly related to the agenda item and agreed by a majority of members that it should be proceeded forthwith, although it was provided under his proposed amendment that no debate shall take place to ascertain if members would so agree. 7. Mr Martin LIAO stressed that his two amendment proposals would not undermine FC's functions in monitoring the Government; instead, they served to strike a reasonable balance between monitoring public spending and maintaining the efficiency of the legislature, so that FC could scrutinize funding proposals in a more focused manner. 8. The Chairman proposed the question on Mr Martin LIAO's 1st motion. Members' questions on whether the Chairman should preside over the meeting 9. Citing the Chairman's repeated moves to promote the amendment of FCP in July and August 2017, Mr CHU Hoi-dick demanded an explanation from the Chairman as to whether it was appropriate for him to preside over the meeting. Mr CHAN Chi-chuen, Mr Kenneth LEUNG, Mr WU Chi-wai and Mr HUI Chi-fung considered that given the Chairman's stance on amending FCP, a conflict of interests would arise if he was to preside over a meeting for FC to consider amendments to FCP. Citing the case where the LegCo President had never spoken publicly about amendments to RoP, the FC Chairman should also refrain from casually making public his views about amending FCP or FC's scrutiny on the funding proposals. Those members opined that as the Chairman must from time to time make rulings about the number and speaking time limit of speeches to be made by members during the meetings, he should strive to maintain neutrality both inside and outside FC. If the Chairman often gave his personal

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views in a bid of steering the direction of FC's discussion, it would give rise to the impression that he was not impartial. Citing the Handbook for Chairmen of Bills Committees, Dr Fernando CHEUNG stressed that the Chairman should conduct himself with impartiality in discharging his responsibilities. 10. Mr Martin LIAO said that as the meeting had already proceeded to the joint debate on the motions and the amendments, individual members should not raise any questions at this juncture on whether it was appropriate for the Chairman to preside over the meeting. Ir Dr LO Wai-kwok, Mr Steven HO and Mr Paul TSE considered that the Chairman should not allow any member to digress from the agenda item and waste meeting time. Mr YIU Si-wing, Mr CHAN Hak-kan and Dr Junius HO said that while it was LegCo's convention for the LegCo President to refrain from expressing his views, the chairmen of other committees should, given their role as a LegCo Member, be able to express views on behalf of their voters or the sectors they represented. Also, LegCo Members would take up the role of chairmen of different LegCo committees and often express views on various matters. So long as Members could chair the meetings impartially in their capacity as chairmen of committees, it would be acceptable for them to express their own views. Dr CHIANG Lai-wan considered that if the Chairman's attention was brought to the fact that FCP had become a tool of stalling FC's deliberation due to inadequacies in its procedures, it was natural for him to express a view on amending the same. 11. In response, the Chairman said that as he noted from previous occasions when similar situations were handled by FC, the FC Chairman would only agree to deal with a member motion for the Chairman not to preside over a meeting when detailed facts or justifications had been submitted alleging that the Chairman had pecuniary interests in a particular funding proposal. Regarding the motions presently handled by FC to amend FCP, ESCP and PWSCP, he neither had any pecuniary interests nor considered himself chairing the meeting for the item would give rise to any conflicts of interests or roles. 12. Regarding some members' claim that given his pre-set position on amending the Procedures, he could not chair the meeting in a fair and impartial manner, the Chairman considered that there was no conflict between him expressing personal views on amending the Procedures as a Member and chairing the meeting as the Chairman. If a Member was not allowed to chair a meeting simply because he had personal views on a particular matter, possibly no Member could qualify to chair the meeting in that sense and hence, the meeting might have to be aborted ultimately. He

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opined that the rule under FCP 13 about the Chairman being unable to chair a meeting for a particular item was not intended for the above situation. In accordance with FC's past practices, FCP 13 should only apply when the Chairman was alleged to have pecuniary interests in a particular agenda item. 13. Citing the example about him chairing the FC meeting on 10 February 2017 to consider the proposed increase in cash remuneration for politically-appointed officials, the Chairman pointed out that there were also members claiming that it was neither impartial nor appropriate for him to make public remarks on the agenda item in a radio programme in the capacity of the FC Chairman. Those members requested that the Deputy Chairman or another member should chair the meeting for that item. The Chairman said that having consulted the Counsel to FC, he came to the view that unless members could specifically point out that he was unfit to chair the meeting because he had pecuniary interests in the said agenda item, he would not deal with members' request for the Deputy Chairman or another member to chair the meeting on his behalf. At that time, members accepted his decision. 14. The Chairman further stated that he had indeed made public his views on the need to amend FCP for the sake of enhancing the efficiency of its deliberation after the end of the 2016-2017 legislative session because FC had failed to timely approve a number of items related to people's livelihood, not to mention his deep personal feelings about the matter given his experience of chairing FC meetings for two years. The Chairman pointed out that when standing for the FC Chairman election this legislative session, a number of members also questioned whether he was fit to be the Chairman given his position on the matter. After he responded to those questions and having the matter debated by members, he was eventually elected as the Chairman. Moreover, he had not made any comments about amending FCP after he got elected. The Chairman said that he had all along heeded the views of the Counsel to FC and the Clerk to FC. Hence, no member who acted as the Chairman could take actions on his own initiative. Speeches made by movers of amendments 15. The Chairman called upon movers of amendments, i.e. Mr CHAN Chi-chuen, Mr Alvin YEUNG, Mr WU Chi-wai and Dr Fernando CHEUNG, to take turn to speak. He directed that each member might speak once for not more than 10 minutes. 16. Mr CHAN Chi-chuen opposed the two motions proposed by

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Mr Martin LIAO and queried the accuracy of Mr LIAO's remark about tens of thousands of FCP 37A motions being moved by members. He pointed out that in the 2017-2018 session, no infrastructure project had so far been prevented from commencement due to members' filibustering. In recent years, there was a remarkable reduction in the number of FCP 37A motions moved in FC, and the Chairman had also exercised his powers from time to time asking members to select or combine their proposed FCP 37A motions. It was thus clear that the moving of FCP 37A motions by members was for expressing views on the item concerned and should not be regarded as filibustering. He considered that it was not unreasonable for FC to spend three to four hours on average to scrutinize a financial proposal involving billions of dollars. Mr CHAN called on members to support the 2nd set of amendments he proposed on the 1st motion. The said amendments proposed to retain the provision which allowed members to move that further proceedings of FC be now adjourned, but such a motion might not be moved more than once under the same item. 17. Mr Alvin YEUNG opined that Mr Martin LIAO's amendments to the Procedures were aimed at substantially curtailing Members' powers, while strengthening the Chairman's powers. If his motions were passed, it would be difficult for LegCo to monitor the Government effectively. Members had to put questions to the public officers repeatedly during the deliberation of an agenda item because they could not answer members' questions satisfactorily. Members hoped that by making use of FC's proceedings, such as the moving of adjournment motions, they could force the Government into giving a satisfactory answer. Efficiency should not be the only benchmark for evaluating FC's work. Mr YEUNG stated that his proposed amendments to Mr LIAO's motions were intended to prevent excessive restriction on Members' functions and powers in monitoring the Government. He considered that by allowing the Chairman sole discretion to specify the time of receiving FCP 37A motions and to decide the speaking time limit of members, it was tantamount to vesting all FC's functions onto the Chairman alone, which was a very dangerous move. In reality, members would also exercise self-constraint and refrain from obstructing the meetings indiscriminately because it might otherwise invite disastrous political consequences for themselves should their voters turn away. Regarding his amendments, Mr YEUNG said that members' speaking time limit should be clearly specified in the Procedures in order to avoid abuse of power by the Chairman. Separately, it was natural for members to see the need for expressing views on an agenda item at a later stage of the scrutiny process as they identified problems with the relevant financial proposal. Thus the Chairman should allow members to submit FCP 37A motions anytime during the meetings.

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18. Mr WU Chi-wai said that since the amendment of the relevant RoP provisions, it was no longer possible for members to achieve the effect of filibustering by moving motions for the adjournment of further proceedings of FC. In the 2017-2018 session so far, it took FC only one to two hours on average to complete the scrutiny of a financial proposal. While it was natural for members to ask public officers questions repeatedly to seek information, pro-establishment Members regarded such a move as obstructing FC's deliberation, blatantly ignoring the fact that the Government had evaded the questions from members in the first place. Mr WU opined that it was natural for Members to have different views on the financial proposals, not to mention that discussion on the policies concerned in the relevant Panels was invariably constrained by inadequate time. The Chairman had all along been vested with the power to decide whether the speeches made by members were repetitive, irrelevant or tedious. Hence it was indeed unwise to impose additional restrictions through amending the Procedures presently. When elaborating his 5th set of amendments to Mr LIAO's 1st motion, Mr WU said that the Chairman should first consult the attending members before setting the speaking time limit. Such an approach could avoid the abuse of power by the Chairman and was in compliance with procedural justice. 19. Dr Fernando CHEUNG said that the amendments presently proposed to be made to the Procedures had restricted the exercise of powers by LegCo Members in FC. Dr CHEUNG held that while modern societies should develop towards the direction of maintaining checks and balances, Hong Kong was now moving backwards. The powers of LegCo Members had already been restricted by Article 74 of the Basic Law ("BL") to the effect that Members could not propose any bills or amendments which related to public expenditure, while the written consent of the Chief Executive shall be required before bills relating to government policies were introduced. When examining the Budget, Members were not allowed to propose the creation of new heads of expenditure. Instead, they could only reduce the sums or additional provisions as proposed by the Government. By raising rounds of questions to the Administration on its financial proposals, FC members could highlight the pros and cons of the relevant items or the details of hidden irregularities in the use of public funds, so as to ensure public monitoring as well as better use and allocation of public resources. Dr CHEUNG opined that it was only in rare occasions previously that items could not be passed due to a voluminous number of FCP 37A motions moved by members to obstruct FC's scrutiny and hence, it was unreasonable to provide that each member could only move one FCP 37A motion for individual items. Moving members' motions for the adjournment of further proceedings of FC could force the Administration to pay heed to the concerns raised by members, so that the

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relevant funding proposals could be revised accordingly as per members' requests. Speeches made by other members 20. The Chairman invited other members to speak. He directed that each member might speak once for not than 10 minutes. 21. Ir Dr LO Wai-kwok, Dr Priscilla LEUNG, Dr Junius HO, Dr CHIANG Lai-wan, Mr KWOK Wai-keung, Mr Holden CHOW, Mr SHIU Ka-fai, Mr LEUNG Che-cheung and Mr WONG Ting-kwong expressed support for the two motions proposed by Mr LIAO to amend the Procedures. 22. The meeting was suspended at 10:52 am to make way for the briefing by the Financial Secretary on the 2018-2019 Budget. The meeting resumed at 2:03 pm. 23. Ir Dr LO Wai-kwok cited meeting statistics to illustrate his concerns about the scrutiny progress of FC and its two subcommittees on the financial proposals. Ir Dr LO pointed out that in the 2016-2017 session, the meeting time of the Public Works Subcommittee ("PWSC") had been increased from the originally scheduled 34 hours to 70-odd hours, yet the amount of funding provisions under the approved items was only half of the total funding provisions sought under the Administration's plan. As for FC, only $58.3 billion had been approved so far in the 2017-2018 session for public works projects, with all the relevant items being those brought forward from the last session. In the 2017-2018 session, PWSC had considered 12 projects with a total cost of $23 billion. Ir Dr LO pointed out that in the three legislative sessions of 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, the average time spent by FC on each financial proposal was respectively 2 hours 47 minutes, 2 hours 1 minute and 4 hours 14 minutes. In the 2016-2017 session, 64 meetings of FC had been held with a total meeting time of close to 123 hours, yet only 29 financial proposals had been approved. In the three legislative sessions of 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, the average time spent by PWSC on each item was respectively 53 minutes, 1 hour 31 minutes and 3 hours 52 minutes. In the three legislative sessions of 2014-2015, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017, the average time spent by the Establishment Subcommittee ("ESC") on each item was respectively 1 hour 40 minutes, 1 hour 38 minutes and 2 hours 29 minutes. In the 2017-2018 session, the average time spent by PWSC on each proposal so far was 2 hours 6 minutes, while that by ESC was 2 hours 14 minutes.

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24. Dr Priscilla LEUNG did not agree with pan-democratic Members' view that the present exercise to amend the Procedures was aimed at curtailing Members' powers in monitoring the Government, while increasing the Chairman's discretion in chairing the meetings. She pointed out that in the past, members did have different understanding on whether members could only move one or a large number of motions under FCP 37A. There was also a previous case where more than 10 000 motions had been proposed by Mr WONG Yuk-man. Dr LEUNG considered that RoP and FCP should not be revised casually had they been operating smoothly. As an example, Dr LEUNG said that previously some items with community support could not be passed before the end of the session due to the slow progress of FC's scrutiny. Some members of the public thus came to the view that the Procedures might need to be revised. She did not agree that Members' scope and right of discussion would be curtailed under the present exercise to amend the Procedures. The FC Chairman should be allowed to exercise discretion. Pan-democratic Members should make their cases through quality speeches, rather than resorting to filibustering indiscriminately because it had already become tiresome to the public. Even if each member could only move one FCP 37A motion for individual items, 20-odd FCP 37A motions could be moved by the 20-odd Members of the pan-democratic camp. So long as members could maintain the quality of their speeches and questions, the scope of Members' discussion would not be undermined. 25. Dr Junius HO considered that the provisions under the existing Procedures where members could move a motion for the adjournment of further proceedings immediately after a motion for the adjournment of discussion on an agenda item had been vetoed were neither reasonable nor in line with the principle of optimizing the use of meeting time for the discussion on agenda items. Dr HO was of the view that the present arrangement where members of FC or its subcommittees took turn to speak and less speaking time was allowed for each additional round of speech was orderly and effective. Moreover, the Chairmen would always exercise their discretion to allow members or public officers to finish their speeches. Dr HO held that at present, members already had enough time to express their views, and the moving of a voluminous number of FCP 37A motions by members could not increase the time for discussing the financial proposals. Instead, it would only stall the voting on the relevant agenda items by FC or its subcommittees. 26. Dr CHIANG Lai-wan said that the progress of scrutinizing certain livelihood items had indeed been stalled by filibustering. Citing the examples about Ms Claudia MO asking public officers for the difference between arsenic and cyanide or the conversion method between hectare and

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square metre in FC meetings, as well as Mr CHU Hoi-dick moving a motion to adjourn further proceedings of FC because he was dissatisfied that the Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs who was in charge of a project for the West Kowloon Cultural District under discussion was not present at the meeting, Dr CHIANG said that while she agreed that Members were duty-bound to raise questions to the Government, it was clear from the above examples that many of the questions repeatedly raised by some members at the meetings were niggling ones. Dr CHIANG held that as it was Members' duty to attend the meetings, there was really no need to provide for the moving of members' motions to adjourn further proceedings in the Procedures. It was obviously an abuse of procedure should members move hundreds of FCP 37A motions. 27. Mr KWOK Wai-keung considered that FC was still making slow progress in terms of scrutinizing the financial proposals. To show their participation in the scrutiny process, pan-democratic Members would raise niggling questions even for uncontroversial items. Thus a considerable amount of time had to be spent on the scrutiny of such items needlessly, resulting in a huge backlog of funding proposals awaiting consideration by FC. Notwithstanding, pan-democratic Members still moved adjournment motions time and again or even requested to speak and discuss motions to shorten the duration of the division bell, merely for the sake of further wasting a substantial amount of FC's meeting time. Regarding the point raised by pan-democratic Members that they must ask questions repeatedly or even move motions for the adjournment of discussion because the Administration had failed to answer their questions satisfactorily, Mr KWOK opined that such a theory was only meant to divert attention and cover up their real intention of filibustering and obstructing FC's progress in scrutinizing the funding proposals. Mr KWOK held that the aim of the present amendments to the Procedures as proposed by Mr Martin LIAO was to ensure the smooth conduct of meetings of the legislature, so that it could discharge its functions properly. To this end, the proposed amendments were appropriate in scope and mild in intensity. 28. Mr Holden CHOW said that while he agreed that it was Members' duty to monitor the Government's administration, it should not become an excuse for stalling FC's scrutiny on the Government's funding proposals, so much so that the Government could hardly maintain effective operation or even preventing the timely approval of certain funding applications related to people's livelihood. As far as FCP 37A motions were concerned, even if the Chairman could exercise his discretion and limit the number of motions to be moved by members, there were also past cases where violent debate among members or even scuffles had arisen from the Chairman's decision. In the end, FC must spend a fair amount of meeting time to deal

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with those situations. Mr CHOW considered that even if each member could only move one FCP 37A motion, members would not be deprived of the opportunity to move meaningful motions so long as the motions were proposed after careful consideration. Mr CHOW pointed out that if the requests of pan-democratic Members were pragmatic and feasible, and they were willing to compromise and forge a consensus, they could always lobby support from pro-establishment Members. 29. Mr SHIU Ka-fai said that there were occasions when he would rather give up on asking questions to avoid the worsening of FC's backlog because the progress of FC's scrutiny had been hampered by the questions raised by some members. Mr SHIU agreed that while Members were duty-bound to monitor the Government, they should avoid creating adverse impact on the Government's funding allocations and operation, such that the development of society was also affected. Mr SHIU stated that the engineering sector was perturbed by the uncertainty arising from the delays in securing funding approval for public works projects as they could hardly make effective planning for the allocation of resources. Workers in the engineering sector likewise were gravely concerned about their employment prospects. Mr SHIU opined that as extensive and in-depth discussion had already been held on the funding proposals recommended by the subcommittees for FC's approval, they should not be discussed in FC again endlessly. Disagreeing with pan-democratic Members' view that some public works projects were white elephant projects, Mr SHIU said that those projects were conducive to Hong Kong's development. Regarding Mr LIAO's amendments to FCP 37A to the effect that each member could only move one motion for individual items, Mr SHIU considered that the right of members to express their views had not been undermined. 30. Expressing support for Mr Martin LIAO's amendments, Mr LEUNG Che-cheung considered that society was made to pay a high price when some members previously proposed a voluminous number of FCP 37A motions to stall the scrutiny progress of funding proposals. As a result, the engineering sector could not proceed with the works projects, and the workers' livelihood had been adversely impacted. According to his observation, some members were unchecked in terms of their filibustering as they were still asking questions repeatedly, moving FCP 37A motions or moving motions for the adjournment of further proceedings immediately after motions for the adjournment of discussion on agenda items. Mr LEUNG pointed out that members should win the public's support through sound arguments, rather than filibustering indiscriminately to stall the progress of meetings. Mr LEUNG opined that FCP 37A motions were originally intended to allow members to express

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views, and in turn, urge the Government to refine the funding proposals, while motions for the adjournment of discussion on an item or further proceedings of FC under FCP 39 were intended to allow time for LegCo and the Administration to convince each other. Notwithstanding, the two provisions had now been abused seriously and become a tool for stalling the scrutiny progress of funding proposals. Thus it was indeed necessary to amend the same. 31. Mr WONG Ting-kwong said that the provisions in RoP were strictly observed by Members of both the former LegCo and LegCo before and after Hong Kong's unification. But in recent years, a handful of Members tried to paralyze the Government and obstruct its administration through filibustering under the pretext of democratic monitoring of the Government. Citing that the time taken for the scrutiny of funding proposals could vary from more than two hours to less than one minute in some cases, he pointed out that pan-democratic Members were effectively and completely controlling the duration of the scrutiny period. Mr WONG considered that members who proposed a voluminous number of FCP 37A motions were obviously abusing the procedure rather than expressing dissenting views. Referring to previous cases when a handful of members had besieged the Chairman's podium in protest and disrupted the Chairman's chairing of meetings, Mr WONG held that such acts were extremely inappropriate. 32. Mr Charles Peter MOK, Mr Kenneth LEUNG, Dr KWOK Ka-ki, Ms Claudia MO, Mr CHU Hoi-dick, Mr LAM Cheuk-ting, Mr James TO and Mr Dennis KWOK opposed the motions proposed by Mr Martin LIAO to amend the Procedures. 33. Mr Charles Peter MOK said that at present, FC could on average complete the scrutiny of a financial proposal in about one or two hours. In the 2017-2018 session, only a limited number of motions had so far been moved by members to adjourn the discussion on an item or further proceedings of FC, which were significantly fewer than those in the past two sessions. Mr MOK pointed out that at present, the Chairman already had the power to request members to combine their FCP 37A motions or even rule certain motions to be out of order on the grounds that they were unrelated to the item under discussion. In most cases, FC would decide against handling the FCP 37A motions and hence, FCP 37A motions could rarely be put to discussion in FC. Mr MOK queried that the claim made by the pro-establishment camp about pan-democratic Members filibustering in FC meetings was nothing but fabrication and stigmatization. He opined that the present exercise of amending FCP was tantamount to LegCo undermining its own powers to monitor the Government as the

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room for discussion allowed for the pro-democracy camp in monitoring the Government had been tightened. By asking all sorts of questions about the financial proposals, Members could help improve the Administration's governance, and it would be against the public's expectation if Members just passed the financial proposals hastily without any questions. 34. Mr Kenneth LEUNG queried whether FC's efficiency in handling the agenda items should be benchmarked against the amount of approved funding provisions. He also pointed out that there was no direct relationship between the time of discussion and the amount of approved funding provisions. The FC Chairman could chair the meetings and impose restrictions on the number of FCP 37A motions proposed by members, their speaking time, and so on, pursuant to the powers conferred by FCP. He held that the Chairman could decide for himself how to exercise his powers so long as he was guided by the spirit and letters of the Procedures, and if necessary, reference could also be made to the relevant court judgments concerning the Chairman's powers in chairing the meetings. Mr LEUNG held that FC Members were duty-bound to consider the funding proposals for various public works projects from the perspectives of proper use of public funds and improving people's livelihood before giving approval. Mr LEUNG considered it unfair that while pan-democratic Members were dutifully asking all sorts of detailed questions on the funding proposals, they were being stigmatized as filibustering. 35. Ms Claudia MO expressed dissatisfaction about pro-establishment Members seeking to undermine Members' powers in monitoring the use of public funds by the Government through amending the Procedures. Given that pro-democracy Members did not hold a majority of seats in Council and hence, failing to maintain their power of veto, they had no choice but resort to filibustering in the hope of sabotaging or stalling the Administration's abhorrent policies or draconian laws. 36. Dr KWOK Ka-ki considered that Members were duty-bound to monitor the Government's administration. Even before RoP was amended in December 2017, LegCo Members only had very limited powers. For instance, they could not introduce motions incurring public expenditure or amendments to the Budget to increase the provisions for benefitting people's livelihood. FC and its two subcommittees thus became the only venue for Members to give full play to their already very limited powers in monitoring the Government. The views expressed by Members when considering public works items could help the Government refine the details of the relevant projects, improve its administration and rectify any irregularities. Dr KWOK opined that many works projects approved by

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FC, such as the construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, were white elephant projects passed hastily by the pro-establishment camp to protect the interests of major consortia. For projects involving substantial funding provisions, FC's gate-keeping role had become all the more important as there was invariably inadequate discussion in the relevant Panels. Yet with the present amendments to the Procedures, the control over members' deliberation power had been tightened further. Dr KWOK considered that after the disqualification of six LegCo Members, pro-establishment Members could dictate the game and have full control over the voting results in FC meetings. 37. Mr CHU Hoi-dick pointed out that for pro-establishment Members who supported the amendments to the Procedures, FC was like a factory producing goods according to the owner's demands. But FC was vested with the power and responsibility to actively and properly discharge its functions under BL in monitoring the Government's public expenditure. Through deeply probing the items under discussion, members were putting pressures on the Government to ensure that its policies would not deviate from public opinion. Mr CHU pointed out that under Mr LIAO's proposed amendments to FCP 37A, the Chairman would be vested with the power to decide the timing for members to propose FCP 37A motions. In this way, members could no longer propose their FCP 37A motions after consolidating the views which emerged in the course of discussion. Mr CHU pointed out that at present, the Chairman could already exercise his powers to limit the number of FCP 37A motions that could be moved by members or require members to consolidate a large number of motions into several motions. Through such an approach, the Chairman should be able to effectively control the progress of scrutiny. Mr CHU also considered that Mr LIAO's proposed amendments to the provisions on moving the adjournment of further proceedings and increasing the Chairman's discretion over the speaking time of members were unwarranted. 38. Mr LAM Cheuk-ting admitted that Members of the Democratic Party had taken part in some filibusters previously because they had doubts about the relevant funding proposals and did not want to see their passage. Questions asked by Members in the meetings could invariably reveal certain important questions yet to be accounted for by the Government. While LegCo only had very few powers in checking against the Government's administration, the time available for Members to ask questions at Panel meetings was also quite limited. As such, pro-establishment Members should attach importance to the quality of FC's scrutiny on the financial proposals. It would be against the public's expectation if dubious funding applications were passed lightly. Mr LAM

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considered that repeated questions were asked by members because the Administration had failed to answer them satisfactorily, while the moving of FCP 37A motions for the expression of views was also a power conferred to members by the Procedures. As each member might have views on different aspects of a funding proposal which they wanted to express through FCP 37A motions, it was unreasonable to limit that only one such motion could be moved by each member. Mr LAM held that Members known for filibustering were elected into LegCo because their filibustering was endorsed by many members of the public. As such, the view of those members of the public should also be respected. 39. Mr James TO said that disputes and confrontation started emerging in LegCo primarily after the previous term of Government came into office. As the new Chief Executive assumed office, the atmosphere of confrontation in society had become less intense. Yet pro-establishment Members still sought to impose even more stringent restrictions on FC's scrutiny process, so much so that they even considered the average discussion time of two hours for each financial proposal too long and wanted to cut it down further. Of all the FC members, there were only about 10-odd Members who asked questions actively, and their questions were always of a high quality. Mr TO considered that it was nothing unusual in any free and democratic society for Members to spend a little more time on the scrutiny of a handful of seriously controversial items. Mr TO pointed out that the essence of "one country, two systems" was the representation of opposition Members in Hong Kong's legislature. The opposition camp could disapprove bills or funding applications by filibustering allowed under the Council's rules and procedures as a means to prevent the passage of any proposals which they considered to be not in order. However, the amendments presently proposed to the Procedures might defeat the original intent of "one country, two systems". 40. Mr Dennis KWOK said that 83 bills (or more than 90%) and all the 200-odd items of subsidiary legislation had been passed by LegCo. For FC, more than 90% of the items submitted for approval were eventually passed. Illustrating his point with examples, Mr KWOK said that FC was indeed duty-bound to block the approval of certain items such as the making of capital injection for the expansion of the Hong Kong Disneyland and the $20-odd billion additional provisions to cover the cost overrun of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link ("XRL"). Mr KWOK considered that the backlog of funding proposals or the so-called filibustering of members could easily be resolved if the Chairman reshuffled the order of agenda items by deferring those which were controversial or advancing those which were uncontroversial or related to people's livelihood. Mr KWOK held that Mr LIAO's proposed

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amendments to the Procedures could only achieve a minimal saving of meeting time and failed to prevent members from blocking or stalling FC's scrutiny on gravely controversial items through other means. Mr KWOK called on members and the Administration to hold discussions on how to improve the relationship between the Executive and the Legislature, so as to avoid the inclusion of controversial items into the agenda. Mr Martin LIAO speaking on the amendments and in reply 41. The Chairman called upon Mr Martin LIAO to speak on the amendments. Mr LIAO said that the adjournment procedure was adapted from RoP 40, and the intention was not to adjourn the entire meeting. He pointed out that it was unreasonable for pan-democratic Members to propose amendments to the effect that the expression "or further proceedings of the Committee" deleted by his motion was reinstated to expand the meaning of the adjournment procedure. Regarding the 2nd set of amendments which provided that the motion of further proceedings of FC be now adjourned might not be moved more than once under the same item, Mr LIAO opined that it was unjustified because even the procedure for the adjournment of further proceedings under RoP 40(4) had not provided for the adjournment of the entire LegCo meeting, not to mention the number of such adjournment motions to be moved. 42. Regarding members' speaking time limit during debates on motions to adjourn discussion on particular agenda items, Mr Martin LIAO pointed out that the amendments proposed by members respectively suggested a time limit of 5, 7 or 10 minutes, but no plausible justifications had been given. Mr LIAO pointed out that in his motion, the speaking time limit of three minutes was adopted to reflect the original speaking time limit specified in the provision, while allowing the Chairman discretion to decide on the speaking time limit as a balance. Mr LIAO held that adjournment motions were to be moved under urgent circumstances with proper justifications and hence, members' speeches on such motions should be clear and concise. The amendments proposed by pan-democratic Members to extend the speaking time limit for adjournment motions were totally unjustified. 43. Mr Martin LIAO pointed out that the amendments also sought to impose various restrictions on the Chairman's power to decide the speaking time limit for adjournment motions; for instance, such decisions could only be made after consulting the members present or with the agreement of the committee or the Deputy Chairman. Mr LIAO considered that the powers and functions of LegCo President to preside over meetings and to decide on the agenda, and so on, had already been provided under BL 72. The principle, which had already been given effect in RoP, should also be

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extended to apply to FC meetings. The FC Chairman could only chair the meetings effectively if he was vested with the discretion to decide members' speaking time limit. Mr LIAO opined that the FC Chairman had all along handled the unreasonable requests made by some opposition members with a conciliatory attitude, and the proposals to check against the Chairman's powers under the amendments were unreasonable. 44. Mr Martin LIAO said that if his 2nd motion was passed, each FC member could still propose no more than one FCP 37A motion, and FC would still have all the means to express consolidated views on the Government's funding proposals. FC's discussion could then become more focused, while FC could discharge its constitutional and social responsibilities more effectively. Regarding the amendments to the effect that each member could propose no more than 10 or 15 FCP 37A motions or such motions could still be amendable, Mr LIAO considered them tools to create room for filibustering and abuses of the procedure. Regarding the amendments proposed by four Members on the way of presenting FCP 37A motions, Mr LIAO said that there was a suggestion for such motions to only be read aloud at the meetings. In that case, the wording of the relevant motions might become unclear. Separately, regarding the suggestions that such motions could be presented at the meetings or immediately, he said that in the former case, members would be deprived of the opportunity to take note of such motions and make preparations before the meeting, while practical and operational difficulties would be created in the latter case. 45. Mr Martin LIAO pointed out that the two motions he proposed were intended to increase FC's efficiency in its deliberation, facilitate the discharge of its constitutional and social responsibilities and curtail certain common abuses of procedure or filibustering tactics. 46. The Chairman then called upon Mr Martin LIAO to speak in reply. Mr LIAO said that at present, the development of Hong Kong's economy and the improvement of people's livelihood were lagging seriously behind as a result of filibustering in LegCo. The present move made by pro-establishment Members to amend the Procedures was aimed at restoring the normal operation of FC and its two subcommittees by suitably curtailing filibustering, so that FC could monitor the Government on the one hand and safeguard the overall interests of society on the other hand. Mr LIAO pointed out that when speaking in the debate, some members only reiterated slogans about safeguarding the so-called Members' rights to speak and monitor the Government. He expressed regret about those members ignoring the adverse impact of filibustering on the overall interests of society.

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47. Mr Martin LIAO said that in the 2016-2017 session, FC spent about 16 hours or 13% of its total meeting time on the handling of motions for the adjournment of further proceedings of FC or discussion on an agenda item. In the case of PWSC, the time spent on such proceedings was over 11 hours or more than 15% of its meeting time. Separately, the time spent by FC on the handling of FCP 37A motions moved by Members amounted to 12 hours or 10% of its meeting time, while in the case of PWSC, over 5 hours or 7% of its meeting time was spent on the handling of the same kind of motions. Similarly, ESC spent over 8% of its meeting time on the handling of the above two filibustering procedures. If counting together the time spent on the handling of points of order raised by Members and their misconduct, as well as the proceedings on motions to shorten the duration of division bell, FC had lost almost 40% of its meeting time. Mr LIAO considered that Members who supported filibustering had ignored the fact that as much as 40% of FC's meeting time was spent on proceedings which had no substantive content and were unrelated to the financial proposals, and such a substantial amount of time could have been used for asking questions on the substantive content of the financial proposals. 48. Mr Martin LIAO also pointed out that construction costs had increased by 60% over the past six years. As a result of delays in granting approval for public works projects due to filibustering, project costs had been driven up invariably, leading to a waste of public money. In recent years, the engineering sector had been impacted seriously by the drastic fluctuations of the construction output, with no new projects commencing for eight months in a roll at one point. As a result, there was insufficient work for the 12 000 frontline workers in the industry, while the starting salaries for graduates had also dropped. This might, in turn, undermine the willingness of new entrants to join the industry and affect its sustainable development. Regarding the point raised by some non-establishment Members that the Government should advance the order of livelihood items on the agenda, Mr LIAO considered that such a view reflected their mindset of regarding livelihood items as political bargaining chips. Regarding some Members' claim that they had filibustered when considering the funding proposals concerning the advance works of the Northeast New Territories New Development Areas and the Hong Kong section of XRL in order to reflect public opinion, Mr LIAO considered that those projects were supported by mainstream public opinion. He held that Members and the entire legislature must be accountable to society as a whole, and individual Members should not opt for total destruction and abuse the system.

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49. Mr Martin LIAO pointed out that the general public already found the protracted filibustering loathsome and tiring. His proposed amendments were meant to slightly rein in the filibustering which had gone haywire, so as to give Members more space to seriously consider the details of the financial proposals. Mr LIAO stressed that his proposed amendments were mild in nature and not intended to target specific persons or political parties. The amendments were only intended to bring the meetings back to smooth operation and increase efficiency, so that LegCo could properly perform its gate-keeping role in approving public expenditure and duly discharge its constitutional and social responsibilities. Voting on the motions and amendments 50. At 4:17 pm, the Chairman declared that FC would proceed to voting on the motions and amendments. He invited Mr CHAN Chi-chuen, Mr Alvin YEUNG, Mr WU Chi-wai and Dr Fernando CHEUNG to move respectively the 1st to 10th sets of amendments which sought to amend Mr Martin LIAO's 1st motion and forthwith proposed and put to vote the questions on their amendments set by set. At the request of members, the Chairman ordered a division on each set of amendments. 51. After the Chairman declared that the 1st set of amendments to the 1st motion was negatived, a motion was moved under FCP 47 that in the event of any divisions being claimed in respect of any motions under the same agenda item, FC should proceed to each of such divisions immediately after the division bell had been rung for one minute. The Chairman put the motion to vote. At the request of members, the Chairman ordered a division, and the motion was carried. The votes of individual members were set out in the Annex. FC then proceeded to vote on the 2nd to 10th sets of amendments. The votes of members on the 1st to 10th sets of amendments to Mr Martin LIAO's 1st motion were as follows

Moved by Serial number of amendment

Voting result

Mr CHAN Chi-chuen 1st set of amendments Rejected Mr CHAN Chi-chuen 2nd set of amendments Rejected Mr CHAN Chi-chuen 3rd set of amendments Rejected Mr Alvin YEUNG 4th set of amendments Rejected Mr WU Chi-wai 5th set of amendments Rejected Mr Alvin YEUNG 6th set of amendments Rejected Mr CHAN Chi-chuen 7th set of amendments Rejected Dr Fernando CHEUNG 8th set of amendments Rejected

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Dr Fernando CHEUNG 9th set of amendments Rejected Dr Fernando CHEUNG 10th set of amendments Rejected

Voting on the 1st motion 52. At 4:43 pm, the Chairman put Mr Martin LIAO's 1st motion to vote. At the request of members, the Chairman ordered a division, and the division bell had been rung for one minute. The Chairman declared that 32 members voted in favour of and 20 members voted against the motion. The votes of individual members were as follows

For: Mr Abraham SHEK Lai-him Mr Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung Mr WONG Ting-kwong Ms Starry LEE Wai-king Mr CHAN Hak-kan Dr Priscilla LEUNG Mei-fun Mr WONG Kwok-kin Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yee Mr Paul TSE Wai-chun Mr Steven HO Chun-yin Mr Frankie YICK Chi-ming Mr YIU Si-wing Mr LEUNG Che-cheung Ms Alice MAK Mei-kuen Mr KWOK Wai-keung Mr Christopher CHEUNG Wah-fung Dr Elizabeth QUAT Mr Martin LIAO Cheung-kong Mr POON Siu-ping Dr CHIANG Lai-wan Ir Dr LO Wai-kwok Mr Jimmy NG Wing-ka Mr HO Kai-ming Mr Holden CHOW Ho-ding Mr SHIU Ka-fai Mr Wilson OR Chong-shing Ms YUNG Hoi-yan Mr CHAN Chun-ying Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwan Mr LUK Chung-hung Mr LAU Kwok-fan Mr Kenneth LAU Ip-keung (32 members)

Against: Mr James TO Kun-sun Prof Joseph LEE Kok-long Ms Claudia MO Mr WU Chi-wai Mr Charles Peter MOK Mr CHAN Chi-chuen Mr Kenneth LEUNG Dr KWOK Ka-ki Mr Dennis KWOK Wing-hang Dr Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Dr Helena WONG Pik-wan Mr IP Kin-yuen Mr Alvin YEUNG Mr Andrew WAN Siu-kin Mr CHU Hoi-dick Mr LAM Cheuk-ting Mr SHIU Ka-chun Dr CHENG Chung-tai Mr KWONG Chun-yu Mr Jeremy TAM Man-ho (20 members)

53. The Chairman declared that Mr Martin LIAO's 1st motion was

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carried. 54. At 4:42 pm, the Chairman called upon Mr Martin LIAO to move his 2nd motion. Mr LIAO moved his 2nd motion. The Chairman proposed the question on Mr LIAO's 2nd motion and called upon Mr CHAN Chi-chuen, Mr Alvin YEUNG, Mr WU Chi-wai and Dr Fernando CHEUNG to move respectively the 1st to 14th sets of amendments which sought to amend Mr Martin LIAO's 2nd motion and forthwith proposed and put to vote the questions on their amendments set by set. At the request of members, the Chairman ordered a division on each set of amendments. 55. The votes of members on the 1st to 14th sets of amendments to Mr Martin LIAO's 2nd motion were as follows

Moved by Serial number of amendment

Voting result

Mr CHAN Chi-chuen 1st set of amendments Rejected Dr Fernando CHEUNG 2nd set of amendments Rejected Dr Fernando CHEUNG 3rd set of amendments Rejected Dr Fernando CHEUNG 4th set of amendments Rejected Dr Fernando CHEUNG 5th set of amendments Rejected Mr CHAN Chi-chuen 6th set of amendments Rejected Mr WU Chi-wai 7th set of amendments Rejected Dr Fernando CHEUNG 8th set of amendments Rejected Mr CHAN Chi-chuen 9th set of amendments Rejected Mr Alvin YEUNG 10th set of amendments Rejected Mr Alvin YEUNG 11th set of amendments Rejected Dr Fernando CHEUNG 12th set of amendments Rejected Dr Fernando CHEUNG 13th set of amendments Rejected Dr Fernando CHEUNG 14th set of amendments Rejected

Voting on the 2nd motion 56. At 5:04 pm, the Chairman put Mr Martin LIAO's 2nd motion to vote. At the request of members, the Chairman ordered a division, and the division bell had been rung for one minute. The Chairman declared that 33 members voted in favour of and 17 members voted against the motion. The votes of individual members were as follows

For: Mr Abraham SHEK Lai-him Mr Jeffrey LAM Kin-fung Mr WONG Ting-kwong Ms Starry LEE Wai-king

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Mr CHAN Hak-kan Dr Priscilla LEUNG Mei-fun Mr WONG Kwok-kin Mrs Regina IP LAU Suk-yee Mr Paul TSE Wai-chun Mr Steven HO Chun-yin Mr Frankie YICK Chi-ming Mr YIU Si-wing Mr MA Fung-kwok Mr LEUNG Che-cheung Ms Alice MAK Mei-kuen Mr KWOK Wai-keung Mr Christopher CHEUNG Wah-fung Dr Elizabeth QUAT Mr Martin LIAO Cheung-kong Mr POON Siu-ping Dr CHIANG Lai-wan Ir Dr LO Wai-kwok Mr Jimmy NG Wing-ka Mr HO Kai-ming Mr Holden CHOW Ho-ding Mr SHIU Ka-fai Mr Wilson OR Chong-shing Ms YUNG Hoi-yan Mr CHAN Chun-ying Mr CHEUNG Kwok-kwan Mr LUK Chung-hung Mr LAU Kwok-fan Mr Kenneth LAU Ip-keung (33 members)

Against: Mr James TO Kun-sun Ms Claudia MO Mr Charles Peter MOK Mr CHAN Chi-chuen Mr Kenneth LEUNG Dr KWOK Ka-ki Mr Dennis KWOK Wing-hang Dr Fernando CHEUNG Chiu-hung Mr IP Kin-yuen Mr Alvin YEUNG Mr Andrew WAN Siu-kin Mr CHU Hoi-dick Mr LAM Cheuk-ting Mr SHIU Ka-chun Dr CHENG Chung-tai Mr KWONG Chun-yu Mr Jeremy TAM Man-ho (17 members)

57. The Chairman declared that Mr Martin LIAO's 2nd motion was carried. 58. At 5:03 pm, the Chairman declared the meeting closed. Legislative Council Secretariat 8 June 2018