1985 - Howard University Commencement Program

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Transcript of 1985 - Howard University Commencement Program

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1985 - Howard University Commencement Program 1985 - Howard University Commencement Program

Howard University

Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hugradpro

Recommended Citation Recommended Citation University, Howard, "1985 - Howard University Commencement Program" (1985). Howard University Commencement Programs. 134. https://dh.howard.edu/hugradpro/134

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Howardiana at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Howard University Commencement Programs by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected].

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One cz-fumGelanl c5eventeent{ Convocntimu For the Conferring of Degrees





Dr. David K. Barnes

Dr. James E. Cheek

Dr. William K. Col lins

The Honorable John R. Dellcnback

Dr. Elaine T . Eatman

Dr. Marvin M. Fisk

Dr. Dorothy Fosdick

Dr. Eleanor I . Franklin

The Honorable Frankie M. Freeman

Mr. Harry D. Garber

Dr. Thaddeus Garrett. Jr.

Mr. J . Russell George

Ms. Barbara A. Hines

Dr. John E. Jacob, Vice Chairman

Mrs. Beverly B. Kelch

Mr. Carl W. Klemme

Dr. Jewel S. LaFontant

The Honorable Gabrielle K. McDonald

Dr. Warren F. Miller. Jr.

Dr. Joseph 8 . Morris

Mr. Phillips S. Peter

Mr. John L. Procope

Dr. Terry Sanford

Dr. Thomas B. Shropshire

Dr. Frederick L. S10ne

Dr. James F. Tucker

Dr. Charles D. Walls

Dr. Leroy R. Weekes

Dr. Lawrence B. Wilson

Dr. Geraldine P. Woods, Chairman


Mr. Walte r H. Bieringer

Dr. Lloyd K. Garrison

Mrs . Sophia Yarnal l Jacobs

Dr. Guy B. Johnson

Dr. William J . Kennedy . J r.

Dr. Lorimer D. Milton

Mr. Edward P. Morgan

Mrs. Esther Garland Pollard

Mrs. Mary Clark Rockefeller

Dr. Asa T. Spaulding

Dr. Herman B. We lls


Secrewry of Education


Dr. James E. Check , President

Dr. Carlton P. Alexis , Vice Presidem for flea/th Affairs

Dr. Carl E. Anderson. Vice Presitle111 for Student Ajfhirs

Dr. Roger D. Estep, Vice Preside111 for Deve/opme/11 and Universi1y Relalions

Dr. Caspa L. Harris , J r., Vice President for Business and Fiscal Affairs-Treasurer

Dr. Owen D. Nichols, Vice President for Ad111i11is1ration-Secrewry

Dr. Richard P. Thornell , Vice President for Legal Affairs mid General Counsel

Dr. Michael R. Winston, Vice President for Academic Afft1irs


For T~ e ·onferri, of D gr

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THE CONFERRfNG OF DEGREES, HONORIS CAUSA For the Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters


The Candidate Will Be Presented by Dr. William K. Collins

Member, Board of Trustees

J.C. Hayward, newscaster, investigative reponer and humanitar­ian, has been rated one of the top news people on Washington tele­vision. Som in Montclair, New Jersey on October 23. 1944. she was reared by religious parents and involved in the church at an early age . J .C. went 10 East Orange High School and graduated in 1962. Upon graduation from high school. she attended Nonh Carolina Central College for two years, majoring in music. She continued her education at Howard University and at the Columbia University Graduate School of Joumalism.

She possesses demonstrated skills in music. Spanish. wn11ng, budget analysis, film-editing and of course newscast anchoring. Before coming to the broadcasting field, she worked as a bi-lingual coun­selor. a worke r with the United Planning Organization and a director of training for community action programs in Miami. She came to Washington in 1972 and joined the staff of Channel 9. In that year she produced her firs t one-hour documentary. "'Sahel: The Border of Hell ," a report on the drought in West Africa. along with col• umnist Carl T. Ro wan. She received two Emmy Awards for this work . Jn 1976, she received a special Emmy from the National Academy of Television Ans and Sciences for " Best Newscaster. .. In 1977. she went to Kenya and Uganda and filmed another highly­acclaimed documentary on Ugandan refugees called. " We Shall Return ," and in 1980, she produced the first documentary by an

American film crew on Somali refugees entitled. "Somali: The Snent Tragedy."

Ms. Hayward gives freely of her time to various community organ­iuuions and projects. She was instrumental in helping the Cardozo High School Marching Band raise monc)' to panic,pate in the 1981 Rose Bowl Parade. For the past fou r years, she has served as the Honorary Chairman of the Metropolitan Girl Scout Cookie cam­paign.

Recently, she assumed the pos,11on of Honorary Fund-Raising Chairman of the D.C. Youth Orchestra Progr.un. She has been active with the United Negro College Fund, the D.C. Society for Crippled Children and many others. She also serves on numerous boards . including the Howard University School of Social Work Visiting Committee. Africare. and the United Black Fund. Numerous clubs have cited her for outsta.nding achievements in the field of joumal­ism. Among them are the National Council of Negro Women. the National Business and Professional Women ·s Club and the Ameri• can Cancer Society. Other achievements include a meritorious award for public service from the University of the District of Columbia and the prestigious Whitney M . Young. Jr. Memorial Award from the Washington Urban League. She was also named Washingtonian of the Year in 1982 by T/11· Wa.1hingtm1it1n magazine and is listed in 1hejoumal of"Outstanding Young Women in America." as well as " Who's Who Among Black Americans ...

For the Degree of Doctor of Humane Leuers JACOB A. L AWR ENCE

The Candidate Will be Presented by Dr. Frankie M. Freeman

Member, Board of Trustees

Jacob A. Lawrence, painter. anise and instructor. was bom in Atlantic City, New Jersey on September 7, 1917. At the age of twelve he moved with his family to Harlem where he began to s tudy art at the Utopia Children ·s Center. a settlement house which taught ans and crafts to youngsters after school. There he came under the influence of the late Charles Alston, a well-known Black anist. Alston recognized in him an obvious talent and a unique approach to anistic c reation and encouraged him to develop his talent.

In 1935 he saw his first exhibition of African sculpture and he began to read Black history avidly. From this period on. his life's work was framed . In 1946 he received a Guggenheim Fellowship which allowed him to do a series on John Brown. Frederick Douglas. Harriet Tubman and another on the crafts of Black folk.

In 1949 Fortune magazine sent him to the South 10 paint a series on the effect on ·Blacks of the recent industrialization of that region. A few years later he produced one of his most commanding series. a work consisting of s ixty panels called Struggle: From th e His tory of rlre American People. In 1968, Time magazine commissioned him to pain! two covers: one of Odumegwu Ojukwu, the 01her of Jesse Jackson. He a lso illustrated Langston Hughes· One \Vay Ticket and two brilliant and colorful children's books: Harriet and tire Promised l.ancland Aesop's Fables. The work on Harriet Tubman was chosen

by the New York Times as one of the Best Illustrated Books of the Year.

His phenomenal talent and success brought to him invitations 10

teach or to be anist•in-residence at many of America's most famous schools, among them Black Mountain College in Nonh Carolin(!, New York 's An Studen ts League. Brandeis University. the New School for Social Research. and Pratt Institute. He was aprointed in 1970 Professor of Art and Coord inator of Ans at Pratt , the nation's leading professional an school. Since 1975 , he has taught at the Seattle Art School (University of Washington).

His honors and awards have been numerous. In addition 10 the Rosenwald and Guggenheim fellowships. the Ford Foundatio nsp<>n• sored a retrospect ive show of his work which travelled fortwo years . In 1965, he was elected 10 membership in the National Academy of Design. In 1970, the NAACP awarded him the coveted Spingam Medal. the first artist 10 receive the honor.

H is works are now found in pcrrnancn1 collcccions ln 1hc nation's most prestigious galleries, among them the Museum of Modern An. the Whitney ~useum. Phillips Memorial Museum. Brooklyn Museum. and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Howard University proudly c laims ownership of two of his works: £xplorm io11s and Origi11s. now hanging in the Blackburn Center.

For the Degree of Doctor of Laws STANLEY M EYER

The Candidate Will be Presented by Dr. Thaddeus Garrell. Jr.

Member. Board of Trustees

Stanley Meyer. producer. 61m executive and humanitarian. received the Bachelor of Science degree from Marqucue University and the Doctor of Philosophy degree from Loyola University.

His professional experiences have been varied and spectacular. He has been the producer on such works as Don'r Bother Me, I Can't COpl! (Legitimate Theatre): Dragnet. a Mark VII Production (NBC): Chairman of the Board of Fil master Ltd .. which produced Cunsmoke and Have Cun Will Travel (CBS); responsible for tech­nical and creative program development of Music In The Air, a multiple G-Channel broadcasting of music. comedy. etc .. on all major airlines now in passenger use; and he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Film Corporation and Vice President and General Manager of United Anists Metro­politan Theatre Circuit and Senior Division Manager of Fox Wes t Coast Theatres.

He has served the na tion and the government in several capacities. In World War II he was officer in charge of intelligence dossiers of

military and civilian personnel. Notably. he was the officer in charge of the photography and the official signing of the United Nations Chaner b) President Harry S. Truman. He has received numerous honors and a"'ards from lhe armed forces of lhe United States and most recently scn·ed as official Host for the V,ce Chairman of China for the United States State Depanmcn1.

His work in 1heatre, 1elev1sion and film has brought him mani prestigious professional awards. Among them arc lhe NAACP 1972 Image Award for Best Producer (Don't Bother M,, I Con·, Cope). the Award of Achie,1cmcnt-Champion Producer. 1954-55 from the Motion Piclure Herald in association with Fame; and lhe Sylvania Television Award given for Outstanding Achievement in Creative Television Technique. Drogner, ( 1953).

His humanitarian and communily cffons have been recognized by presentation of numerous honors and awards covering a "ide field ofin1ercst. most notably concerning yout h and education.

For the Degree of Doctor of H11111a11e Lel/ers FRANK M. SNOWDEN. JR.

The Candidate Will be Presented by Dr. David K . Barnes

Me m ber. Board of Trustees

Frank M. Snowden. Jr .. outslanding classical scholar. teacher, academic administrator and cultural ambassador, was born on July 17. 1911 in York City, Virginia. He moved with his family to Boston around lhe time he was ready lO e nter first grade.

He auended elementary and high school in Boston, coniinuing his education at Harvard from which he graduated in 1932 with a Bachelor of Ans degree in c lassics cum /aude. At Harvard he won the prestigious Bowdoin Prize in Greek. The following year he received a Master of Ans degree from Harvard and lhen began his first teaching job a1 Virginia State College.

In 1936 he became an ins lructor in Classics a1 Atlanta University. Between 1938 and 1939. he completed his requirements for the doctorate al Harvard. receiving the degree in 1944.

He began his career at Howard as an instructor in 1940 and moved rapidly up lhe academic ranks. He also held several administrative posls in addition to becoming Dean of lhe College of Liberal Ans in 1956. He currently holds the rank of Professor of Classics Emer­itus.

Dr. Snowden·s career away from Howard has also been illus­trious. He was the first Black American lo hold a major European

diplomatic post, that of Cultural Allache· at the American Embassy in Rorne. while o n leave from Howard 1954--1956. He has Studied Soviet higher education in five Russia n cil ies . He has served a.\ Leader and Specialist Lecturer for the State Depanmcnt in Africa. South America. India and Russ ia. He ha.~ been a member of the United States Delegation lo UNESCO conferences and meetings in Paris and Dubrovnik. Yugoslavia.

His awards. appointments, and hono ra ry positions have been voluminous. A brief listing would include: Fulblight Research Scholar in Italy: a scholar-i n-residence at lhe Rockefeller Foundation's Villa Bellagio at Lake Como. Italy: Fellow of the Woodrow Wilson lnter­nalional Center for Scholars in Washington. D.C.; recipient of feJ. lowshi1>s from the American Council of Learned Societies and lhe National Endowment for the Humanities: and des ignation as a dis­tinguished member of the faculty by both Howard' s College of Liberal Ans and its Graduate School of Ans and Sciences ,

He has publi shed an impressive number of scholarly anicles and three major works. most of which dealt with Blacks in the ancient world .

For the Degree of Doctor of Science BURKE SYPHAX

T he Candidate Wil l be Presented by Dr. Charles D. Watts

Member, Board of Trus tees

Burke Syphax. distinguished surgeon, clinical researcher and teacher. was bom in Washington, D.C. on December 18. 1910. He was educated at the famed Dunbar High School and Howard Uni­versity. earning lhc Bachelor of Science (1932) and the Doclor or Medicine ( 1936) degrees.

After completing medical school. he interned at Freedmen's Hos­pital and subsequently enlered 1he newly-formed surgical residency program. He was the second general surgical resident 10 enter thi s three year program and upon completion, became an assistant in surgery at Freedmen 's.

In 1941-42. he served as a Rockefeller Fellow in Surgery at lhe Strong Memorial Hospilal, University of Rochester. In 1942 he re1urned to Howard as an ins1ruclor in surgery. working wilh the legendary Charles R. Drew. In 1957-58, he was Acting Head of the Depanment of Surgery. then Professor and Head; and since 1970 . he has been the depanment's Senior Professor in Surgery.

Or. Syphax was among lhe first Black surgeons to become certi• tied by the American College of Surgeons a nd he is a 'Fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

He bas published numerous clinical research anicles dealing"' 1th gastrointestinal problems. Because of his cxpcrtii.e in thb area. colleagues and students refer to him as " Mas1erof1he Abdomen ..

He has recei,·cd many highl)'•deservcd honors and awards. am-0ng

As Chief of the Di v1~ion of General Surgery Residency, he was inslrumentaJ in the training of some sixty-one surgeons between t 9.SO and 1974: in fact, over ninety percent of the Black surgeons practicing in the Washington. O.C. area were trained by Or. Syphax. I n his years at Howard he has taught approximately 4.000 medical students. Appreciation for his superb teaching skills has brought him several awards given by the Student Council in the College of Med icine for Excellence in Teaching.

them are the Howard Uni•ersity Alumni Award, Oisttnguishtd Sur• geon's Award. membership in Alpha Omega Alpha Honor J\led1cal Society and the Distinguished Service Award, given on Charles R . • Drew Day in 1974.

For the Degree of Doctor of Laws S!RJANG LAL TANDON

The Candidate Will be Presented by Dr. James F. Tucker

Member, Board of Trustees

Sirjang Lal Tandon is an engineer. innovative manufacturer. bril­liant entrepreneur and president of Tandon Corporation. He was bom in Bamala. Punjab, India on November 23. 1941, the son of a prominent lawyer. Both of Mr. Tandon·s grandfathers were engi­neers and carrying on the family tradition, he came 10 the United States in I 960 to study engineering, receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Howard University in 1962. He also received a Masters degree in Engineering from Kansas State University and a Master of Business Administration degree from Santa Clara University. Mr. Tandon began hi s professional career first with IBM. moving later to Memorex and then 10 Pertex. Along the way he gained expertise in mag11etics and memory s torage devices. and the ability to see to the core of a nagging problem in the computer industry-how to create a mass market by culling costs and increasing quality. He discovered a revolutionary approach to his industry-that of creating a floppy disc for recording heads. The floppy discs served just as well as the rigid discs and could be

produced at a lower cost. Failing to sell his idea 10 Pertex. he dc-cided 10 st.art his own business .

In December of 1975 Mr. Tandon set up shop. first in his home and then in a garage on a personal investment ofS7.000. Leaming a1 this time 1ha1 Control Data Corporation was in the market for recording heads, he made an offer to sell his at a lower price. and as a result. sold close to a million heads. In I 978, he entered I he floppy disc arena in earnest. By 1982. he had secured a S50 million contract with Tandy Corporation (Radio Shack). the world's largest maker of personal computers. and in addition. has plants in India, Singapore and Sri Lanka.

Today, Tandon Corporation's sales arc in the neighborhood of $150 million and still growing. The company has become 1he world's greatest independent producer of "random action disc drives" in 1he personal computer industry. Much of Mr . Tandon·s spectacular success has come from his all-inclusive approach to production: tha1 of manufacturing. assembling and distributing 1he entire inventory.

For the Degree of Doctor of Lellers MAY A A NGELOU

The Candidate Will be Presented by Dr. Geraldine P. Woods

Chairman. Board of Trustees

Maya Angelou, author, poet. dancer. actress . journalist. college professor i11ter <J!ill. was born Marguerite Johnson in St. Louis. Missouri and reared in the small community of Stamps, Arkansas. In 1940, she moved with her family to San Francisco where she finished high school , an event which ended her"formal" education.

In 1952, she received a scholarship to study dance with Pearl Primus in New York . After 1wo years she returned to San Francisco and made her firs1 professional appearance not as a dancer, but as a singer. This led to an offer to join a State Oepanment-sponsored European Touring Company of Porgy and Bess. which performed in twenty-two European and African countries. She subsequently 1augh1 modem dance in Rome and Tel Aviv and entertained in cafes and nightspots in Paris. Stockholm and Berlin.

In the sixties. at the request of Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr .. she became the Northern Coordinator for the Southern Christian Lead• ership Conference.

She has made over 150 television appearances on network and local talk shows . Her renowned autobiographical accounting of her youth./ K1101>• Why the Ct,ged Bird Si11gs. was aired as a two-hour TV special for CBS in 1979. She wrote the 1983 stage play 011 A

Sowhern Journey and served as writer and producer for Sis1ers. Sisters (or 20th Century Fox, her initial full-length film effort . O1her television credits include the mini-series Three W<JyChoiceforCBS. for which she was au1hor and executive producer and Afm•Ameri­can in the Arrs for PBS. for which she received the coveted Golden Eagle Award.

A prolific writer, she has published. in addition 10 numerous articles and short s tories. four volumes of poetry and four autobio­graphical bestsellers. Her articles have appeared in such publica­tions as The New York Times, Redbook and Cosmopolitan. In 1976. she was accorded The Ladies Home Journal award "Woman of the Year in Communications," and was an1ong the magazine's " Top 100 Most Influential Women ...


Her overseas sojourn included a long stay in Africa. During her stay she prepared and produced a TV series for American viewing on African social-cultural tradition surviving in American life. While there she also became associate editor for Cairo's The Aral, Observer. the only English language weekly in the Middle East: she wrote free lance articles for The Ghanaian Times and the Ghanaian Broad• casting Corporation; served as feature editor of The African Review; and before leaving the country became assistant administrator of the University of Ghana's School of Music and Drama.

She has received many honorary degrees. as well as 1he Chubb Fellowship from Yale. In 1981. she was appointed the firs t Reynolds . , Professor of American Studies at Wake Forest University.



THIE MUSIC Scandalize My Name ...... . .......................... ...... . ..... .. ... .• ... ...... . Hall Johnson. arr.

Derek Huntsrman. T1•nor Soloist

The Howarcd Universil)' Choir

THE CONFERRING OIF DEGREES IN COURSE The order of presentation of sclwols (Ind colleges for tire l:onferrinJg of degrees is based on two fact0rs-the ye(lr of estai,lishment of the school or college and tire di.rtinction between graduate and underJ(?raduate programs. Tire first ele,•en sc:lwals 1111d colleges. l,egi1111ing with ,he College of liberal Arts ,md ending with tire College of Al/lied He(l/t/r Sciem:,•s. were establi.,ired Ol'er the years from 1&>8 10

1974. These eleven schools a11d colleges provide basically undergrtadmue programs. Tire next jivt• school., and ,·olleges, /1egi1111ing with the Sdrool of Divinity tmd e11ding with tire School of Soci(II Work . .. -ere established bnween tire years of 1868 and /945 . Tltese schools and colleges offer profes.ri011lll graduate levfl progr(lms. Tire last ssclrool listed. the Grtul11me School of Arts and Sciences, was established in 1934 a11d offers 11r(lduate level progrllms exclu.sively:.

Taofik Adewale Agunbiade Tamu Ramalu Alghali Aris T ce Allen Cletus Onwuasoanya Ashiegbu Kunle Joseph Awesu

summa cum Laude

Olatunde Abdul-Satar Babayale Bayo Badmus Theodore Roosevelt Banks Beverly Lynne Barksdale Franklin Carrol l Bean Terence Anselmo Belgrave Henry Will iam Bishop Loma Angela Blake Charles Frederick Bowman Gerard Heyward Breland

cum laude Jeffrey Brooks Edward Samuel Brown Ill Karen Anita Brown Lora Maria Brown

cum /aude Anita Marie Bryant Michael David Bullock Robert Frederick Burke

Tanya Kim Canady Frederick Earl Carter J acquewyn Frances Chambers Lisa Cynthia Charles Clyde Cheatham Sheila Marie Cheek Yvonne Bernadette Chess Donatus Okoso Chigbo Alec ia Lorraine Clarke Jannie Renell Cobb Angela Germaine Cochran Emmanuel Aryce Coleman Core Sihenette Collon

magna c11m /(lude Christopher Payton Crowder

Mariama Batu Daramy Randolph Anthony David Erick Darrncll Davis Lisa Davis Paula Christine Davis Me lvin Lander Doxie Hilary King Dugger

Serge Dominique Elie Kimberly El izabeth Ellis Clement Mailoya Enaboifo

IN THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS The Candidates will be presented by ROBERT L. OWENS Ul . PHD., DEAN


Okechukwu Camillus Ezirikc Betty Nkechinyere Ezuma

Leslie Marcel Fair Courtney Williani Ferguson Janice Marie Finch Richard Mbah Fomundam Maryse Fontus

m(lg11a c11m laude Albert Donald Ford Jacqueline Constance Foy Daniel MacKinley Freeman

Lance Pon Gaines Joey Russell George

mag,w c11m laude Timothy Nic holas Gi ll Michelle Allison Godette Violet Grant Amy-Lynne Greene Sonia Djaris Grinies Lisa Elaine Grymes

Karen Lisa Hart Karyn Elizabeth Hawkins David Ralph Hayes

summa cum laude Karen Lee Hayman Bruce David Henderson Deirdre Oemetriz Henry Gary Milton Holmes Vincent Korona Hopkins Wanda Christine Howard

Oscar Emenike lko

Patricia Ann Jack Maurice Tokumbor Jagne-Shaw

cum /aude Benjamin Douglas James Ul imont Lenhardt Jamc5, Jr. Sharon Ann Jewell Annie Celes tine Johnson Jeffery Phillips Jones Nathaniel Monroe Jones, Jr.

Sharon Loleria Kearns Shawn Clarice Keith

Nina Amanda Lambert Carol Janet Lane

cum /aude Gary Demorris Lasley Daryle Brayant Lee Alicia Gail Lewis

Lcslyc Lynne Lewis-Page Jennifer Margaret Long

cum laude

Michele N Mann Daniel Ezekiel Martin David Burke11 McGraw, Jr. Lloyd Trevor McGriff Earlington Fitzarthur McLetchie Gilbert Emmanuel McPherson

cum laude Amanda Annelle Mitchell Janet Mamita Mitchell Kevin Spencer Moore

Pamela Gail Noble

Felix Olugbenga Ogunniya Felix Be Ohene-Bediakoh

cum laude Bertrand Onyemaechi Onunkwo Louis Olisa Onyenemezu

summa cum foude Andre Durelle Owens

''Tracey L. Palmer Karlayne Re nae Parker Veronica Kathleen Panon Evelyn Rose Pigford Kevin Anthony Prue

Anne Patricia Rector Jacquilin Reeves Tammie Larae Robinson Lwanda Evellc Rosemond

Oscar Alejandro Salas Cheryl Lo uise Scoll Sheba Lawon Shiver Teresa Marie Cooper Sims faldeep Kaur Singh Gerald Herbert Smith Jacqueline Denise Smith Jonathan Capdevi lle Smith Tyrone C. Smith Peter Winston Snipes Barbara Celeste Sockwell Harold Renard Spann Ceci l Allan St. Jules

c 11111 laude Sydney Denise Stakley Kim berly Yvellc Stephens Amelia Virginia Stewart Julia Doreen Street Denise Laverna Suill

*Awarded Through U11iversi1y Wirhour Walls


Christopher Joseph Tabourne Celeste Renee Thomas Sammie Lee Thomas, Jr. Trudy Cordell Thomas Yonette Felicity Thomas

cum laude

Cheryl Anita Thompson Vanessa Kay Torian Nedda Patrice Townsend Kanei Ezna Tucker Lorna Patricia Tucker

Patrice Eileen Ablack Ajeh Ofuka Abung Twana M' tali Adams Emmanuel Oladipo Adesanya Michael Desa lu Adeyemo Tahereh Aliaskari Clarissa Anderson

mag11a cum laude Horace Nii-Aduan Archampong Jerard Alex Armstrong

Herbert Balfour Warren Amen Banks Edward King Bass Ill Edward Bates

cum /(lude Brian Christopher Beckles Michele Barbara Berkeley Fitzgerald Birmingham

cum /(111de Frances Lucile Bland Catherine Lizeue Boucree

s11111ma c11111 frwde Anthea Verneue Bowen Diane Bradley Robin Christine Brannigan Donna Vinette Brockman Chester Wayne Brown

magna cum laude Joyce Carrington Brown Karlov James Brown Michelle Marie Bryant

Anthony Bernard Campbell Marcia Angela Campbell Anthony Lee Cappelli

cum laude Lavern Valeya Carnegie


••Cheryl Turner Andre Ranard Tyler

Okechukwu Madueke Uzoma Matthew Uzukwu

Wendy Carol Waddell Olivia Be.lie Wallace Clarence Junior Wallerson Byron Leslie Warnbaugh Grant David Ward Barry Bernard Walkins, Jr.


Lois Noel Charles Maislyn Ann Marie Christie

magT1a cum /aude Bruce Harvey Clark Amy Yvette Clemons Miche lle Eyvette Clopton Ivory Gene Cooper Cyril Emanuel Coumarbatch

,·11m la11de Michael Eugene Covington Rembert Alphonso Crawford Edward Pedro Cruzat

Leith Maxine Daley Krist ina Naomi Dallon Gerald Anselm Davidson Curtis Donnan Davis Kenneth Wayne Davis Jan Lynnette Dixon Willyce LaFranc Dixon Darlene Denese Dobbs Sharon Kay Dodd Annie Marie Doggett Rosemarie Logan Duncan

Kim Lorraine Everhardt

Tirdad Fattahi mag11a cum /a11de

Caroline Guinivere Ferguson Frances Elaine Ferguson

cum /aude Robert Benson Ferguson Ted Yoshio Fisher Jolene Rowena Ford Lynette Cheri Fortenberry Clarita Galindo Frazier Dwayne Renard Freeman

9 Mariette Victoria Carson Anthony Barrington Gayle

Marie-Jessie Josephine Celestin Farzad Gerogan

•Awarded Through University Without Walls 0 Awarded Postl111mo11sly

Michelle Capucine Watson Yvette Vonzella Waugh Karen Charlene Webster

mag11a cum laude Angela Kay Weddington Leo Whitaker Henry Archer Williams Sylvester Emmanuel Williams IV Jarnitha Anne Woodson •William H. Wright

Eric Carl Yeager

Natalie Elizabeth Gore Bernadine Alese Graham • Eric Leon Green Sharon Lavon Greenidge Donald Winslow Griffin Natalie Yvette Grimes

Sharon Eastlyn Harper cum laude

Gary Clayton Harrington Ray Anthony Harris Colleen Nadine Hawthorne

mag11a cum laude Alesia La val Ha yes Vincent DcPaul Hayes Lenese Corine Herbert

cum /mule Theresa Ann Herbert William Allison Hercules Vanessa Laverne Hicks Kent Durant Hill Jack Robert Hornsby Geraldine Hudson Tracy Elaine Huff

mag11a cum la11de Dudley Bernard Humphrey Christopher Wayne Hunt

Taufic Ali Ibrahim Chinwe Ogbenyeanu lfejika Herbert Lawrence lsaac, Jr.

Michele Denise Jackson cum laude

Nathalia Tonia JcfTrey Nathan Earl Jernigan Dale Bambi Johnson Fern Marie Johnson

magna cum /aude Lisa Renee Johnson

Robin Annelle Johnson Susan Georgeann Johnson Wayne Anthony Johnson Clyde Robin Jones

magna cum /aude George Kennedy Jones

Judith Ann Kirkland

Joseph Fonky Labule Jacqueline Sue Lawson Ann Kathryn Lee Antionena Rosemarie Lee Jennifer Lewis Gary Maurice Lewis Brenna Lynelle Lindsay

magna cum laude Jacqueline Annette Lindsay

magna cum /aude David Prescoll Lisbon Henri Yves Loe Alison L. Loerke

magna cum /aude Paige Lynette Long Daryl Edwin Lowe

Chida Uba Maduka Ta1.een Malik Gordon Mallory, J r. Ann-Marie Maloney Rosemarie Ann-Fra nces Manhen z Andrea Sercsc Manson Hasetc ts ion Gebre Mariam Will iam Benjamin Markham Doris Maro Miche le Ma11in Donald Kevin Minus Elizabeth Costella Mitchell Zaynah Shehata Mohra n Carolyn Montgomery Vo ncile Danelle Montgomery

cum ltwde Charles Edward Moore Melissa Antonia Moore Edward Monty Morrell Sheri Diane Moses Ericka Consin Mosheshe Paulette Dej oie Murphy


Dawn Marie Neita magna cum /aude

Nichole Yveue Nelson Deirdre Lynne Niblock Brian Stanley Niles

summa cum laude Augustine Banyem Nwabueze Ralph Uchienna Nwaneri

Patrick Onuora Obi Raymond Ndubisi Obiajulu Ambrose Sunday Okonkwo Rosalee D. Ortiz Ava Joanne Ouley

Arthur Luther Pace Deidre Ann Padmore

magna cum la11de Kee B. Park Eve Lynelle Patton Robin Lornice Patterson

mag11a cum /aude Terrence Compton Persaud Gina Cheri Pervall

cum laude Patricia Pame lia Peynado-Boyce

mag11a cum l0tule Cristal Marie Piper Beverly Charlene Pogue Robert Anthony Powell Cynthia Elaine Pree Vanessa Keturah Price John Louis Pro m Tami Joanne Pygall

Bernadeue Radcliff Robert Styles Randolph Norma Jean Ringo Audrey Kelly Robinson Gwe n Shiretle Robinson Lisa Kai Robinson Rhonda-Lee A. Robinson

s11mma cum /a11de Tyra Renee Robinson Cornelius Connie Rogers I II Mary Ca1herine Ross Elisa Rene Roy

• Awarded through University Wi1/ro111 Walls

Leonard Anlhon)' Saunders Howard Lawrence Schouenfeld Gerard Von-Orson Sealey Sberrilyn Yvette Shatteen John Wesley Sims Pamela Lynette Smith Valeria Belinda Spain Dana Elizabeth Starks Arlene S 1ell June Allison St. Louis

summa cum laude Timothy Mark S1cwan Stephen Nicholas Symes

summa cum laude

Harold Austin Tate Zelalem Tesfay •Agegnehu Tesfaye

mag11a cum la11de Ernest E1tah Thompson Richard Anderson Thompson

cum laude Cassandra Lynelle Tribble

cum lm,de Guyler Jason Turner

Anthony Ainswo11h Valenline Wendell Mark Venerable

Allison Lynne Wallace Terri Lynne Walton Jacquel ine Anne Watson Wanda Lucille Walls Dean Anthony Weatherly Austin Oscar Williams

mag11a cum laude Andrea Michelle Will iams Evon Anthony Will iamson Joanne Allison Wiltshire Kare n Denise Wilson Sandra Michele Wilson Sheri Ann Wilson Re nee Cecile Winston Jone tta Angelcu a Winte rs Be nedette Simone-Yvet1e Wright Andrea Aletha Wynter

Shiva Zaghian


Anthony Chukwuemcka Ajegwu Deanna R. Armstrong Vivienne Akwe n Awasum



Charles T . Beard Dukaye Berek Sabina Buadoo

Tsige Chernet Hye Sook Choi Gerard M. Christian


Michael A. Chukwueke Eliza Olivia Coleman

Ahmad G. Eghbali Hossein Ejtemai John W. Emory, Jr.

Manzar Banco Ghorbani Anne Njeri Githi nji Llewellyn A. Gordon

Carlotta Adams Valerie Omega Adegbite Bonita Joyce Aldridge Angela Yvette Arnold

DineHa Terese Barker Reginald Scott Barrino Roderick Rene Boyd


Katherine Irene Griffin McKinley S. Guess. Jr.

Nancy Michelle Howell

Robin Yvelte Langston

Tyra I ncz Mallory Donna Michelle McLaren Patricia Annette Mirec

IN THE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING The Candidates will be presented by


Mark S. Price

Sabita Venita Ramdin

Iris R. Spence Yolanda Michelle Stephens

Marcel C. Uzowihe

Gina Denise Washing1on


Corinne Margot Crcavallc

Anthony Jobe Winoma Ann Johnson

Michael Anthony Lindsey

Hazel-Ann Maynard Dawn Antoineltc Mcl..aurin

Sandra Lenore Parris Alva Claire Powell

Carol Johnson Simms

M arce Ila Rene Turk


Seyed Javida li Amini Nadja Giglio Corrie Marie Pett igrew

Ejike Boniface Anigbo Michael Bernard Gran! Gle nda Patricia Pierce Alvin Emmett Gross. Jr. Steven Douglas Ponder

Mark Wendell Beane Amer Khalilibrahim Salem magna cum /aude Norris Henderson

Tyrone Lorenzo Bland Horacio Ruben Howell Maxine Eli zabeth Sarjeant

Colin Gerard Brooms Lisa Howell Terrance Vernon Springer

Dexter Lemuel Brown mag,w cum /aude

Willia m Howard Jordan. Jr . Michael Tyrone Staggers

Jeffrey Clairmonte Cave Robyn Leonard King Holly Evelyn Storey

Anthony Craig De Silva Christipher Matthews Streeter

Althea Marie Lewis Wendell Rudolph Dumme tt Boysie Emanuel Louis

Judy Evetle Thaxton

Plent is Dupree, Jr. June Evonne Tha.xton

Veronica Elaine Dyer Michael A. Martin Deeta Rose Venson

Emmanuel Lartey Mingle Shari Lynn Fairley Terence Brooks Fisher Erastus John Njage

Angel Yvcue Wade

Sharon Denise Freeman mt1g11a cum laude cum /aude

Leonard Jesse Washington II

George Everell Geathers Vladimir Okyiri Kelly Tancil Will iams

Hossein Ghassemi summa cum laude Gregory Corne lius Wilson


Efiong Okon Akpan Felicia Lynnelle Jones Carla Lindo Pauerson magna cum laude Cynthia Sallr Pitts

Samuel Hassell Black, Jr. Hosseio Hafdani Keshavan James Allen Booker, Jr. Antoinette Marie King

Serita Sanders Kesuith Smilh

Norman Bernard Carter Hardat Mahase Trrone Elzie Stepter David Charlton Irma Louise Martin-McKie

Jarry! Delaney Manin Denzil Alanzo Taffe Michael Allen Greer

Tchako Ngandjui James E. Thomas. Jr.

Roger Jerome Hartman Lisle Daveandrew Oliver Louis Wells


Darian Domonique Avelino Parney Terone Jenkins Kim Denise Newman

Lorenzo Owen Bryant Angela Johnson Mos tafa Norooz Sylvan Clement Jolibois, Jr.

Peter Clauderussell Clunie Brian Keith Parsons

Craig Collins Debra Ann-Marie Lee Danny Stephen Plessy

Jeffrey Couch Tara Miche lle Pope

Peter Crawford Ayodele Melanie McClenncy Carla Antoinette Reid

Millon Lorenzo Evering Abbas Mehdizadeh Sheree Renee Ruffner

Siamak Ghobadian Ernest Cesar Migliazza cum laude

mag11a cum laude Mohammad Soliani -Nia

Ronald Kirklin Haynes Roderick Keith Julian Hosang David AugusLus Nedd *Cheryl Jean West

Ayda Chakarji


Leonard Lee Wilkerson

Pamela Alane Allen

Bruce Anthony Boyd mag11a cum laude

June A. Charles cum laude

Kerry Houston Clark cum laude

Alexria S. Davis William Keith Demmons

Christian Lee Epps

*Cooperative Education Program in Engineering

IN THE COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS The Candidates will be presented by VADA E. BUTCHER, D.F.A. , D EAN


Andrea Victoria Haynes magna cum laude

Harold William Hill

Velma Kim James Tracie Denise Jessup

cum laude Mirma A. Johnson

Robin Bain Lewis

Olamide G Olayinka

Crystal C. Perry

Sheryn Davette Scruggs Inger Susan Segre David Hugh Spicer

cum laude Anne Margaret Stockton

Pat ricia Ann Thomas

Patrice Renee Washington cum laude

Alfred Antonio Arnold

Reginald Bazemore • Reginald V. Bufkin

Harold Paul Carr

Jerris L. Cates Priscilla Ann Coleman

Claudia Helene Gibson-Hunter

Rodney Rernard Cooksy

Glenda Bumeue Akinbinu Deirdre Marie Alexander Robin Cynthia Arnold

Renee Bell Cheryl Lynn Brown

Juliaphine Campbell Adele Lorraine Caner Alfreda Louise Clagett Brenda Lee Clark Kathleen Norris Colden Tylicia Maxine Coleman Michael Lee Covington Laura Danielle Crusor

Barbara Ann Denkins Nancy Douge

cum laude

t Fadwa A. Elhage Marjorie E lie

Monique Arenia Gorham Anthony Lopez Graham


Michael William Eley

Gail Marie Freeman

Gregory Charles Royal


Stephanie Lajeune Ellington


Viola A. Leak


Avis Lynette Balkcom


Sandra Denese Manning

IN THE COLLEGE OF NURSING The Candidates will be presented by


Gucricke Christopher Royal cum laude

Mark E. Tabron

Lamont Deon Vanhook

Darryl Marc Singleton cum laude


Judith Ozelle Gray Suzy Guerrier

Rolda W. Hambl in summa cum ltiude

Natasha Rene Harris Deborah Lynn Harvey Karen Ann Henderson

Gina Ronnie James Karen Lenora Johnson Lynnette Johnson

Celestine Stewart Lara Catrina A vis Lomax

June Lois Marshall Janice Montgomery

cum laude Deborah Ann Moore Audrey Eleanor Morrison

Denise Nicole Neath Mary Njume Ngwafon

Vicki A. Parkes

Robin Alberta Richardson Elsie Mariella Rogers Sheila R. Rosemond Martina Allene Russell

Jacqui Denise Scipio Debbie Smith Anthonia V. St. John

cum /aude

Zenebework Gebeyehu Teklu Arlene Denise Thompson Eugenia Lee Toliver

Jacqueline Marie Walker Serena Ann Warner-Epps Carol Diann Williams Lori Michelle Will iams Sandra Kay Wilson Donna Lisa Woodson

Marco M. Yaphet

Robena Frails Bell 8.S.N. , Medical Co!Jege of

Georgia School of Nursing, 1977 Joan 8. Bowser B.S.N., University of the District of

Columbia, 1980


Carole Emma Davis B.S .N., Howard University. 1980

Vivia L. James B.S.N .. Howard University, 1980

Rosaline Ngwekwi Ndenecho 8 .S.N. , American University , 1983

Paulette Lewis Williams B.S.N .. University of North Carolina .


IN THE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING The Candidares will be presented by

Olufemi Akande-Elemoso

Ekpenyong E<Jim

Raymond George Agnant cum /a,1(/e

Tyrone Ansara Anderson

Carlton Wallace Bassey Robert Louis Beathea , Jr. Reynard Eugene Bullard

Roger Roban Cole

lngo Valantinc Davies

Emmanuel Az.uka Egun Joseph Adoga Ehimika

Herman Edward Goodyear

Kelvin B. Harris Clifford Cecil Holt

Olufemi Akande-Elemoso Ali Akbar Americianaki

Mark Cummins

Ekpenyong Okon Edim

Agbo Folarin

lbraheem Abdullah Al-Nafeez



Paul Mollison

Sabastine N. Offorji


Ubong Sunday lbanga

Mohamed Wurie Jalloh Robert L. Jones

Kuutumbeni Berhard Kathindi Minoo D. Khaghani

Adrian King

Barbara Gail Laurie cum /aude

Mamolepa K. Lcbotsa

Debra Lynn Marshall Najib Mohammed Cesar Augusto Morales Bryan Patrick Morris


Jsmail lro

Ernest James Olawale Agbetuyi-Jegede


Carmen Anneue Parsons

Christognus O. Osuji

Garland Stillwell

Glynn Jaye Moten

Adel Ahmed Nur

Ayokunlc Onafowokan cum laude

Carmen Annette Parsons

Julie Deanne Perkins Dwayne Price

Mascriti Sematlane Mary J . Shea rill Angela Michelle Spriggs Shauna Darlynne Stallworth

Gino Earl Warner Elli s Bruce Wright

Michael S. Lane George W. Lewis

Ali Shoushtarian


Mansour Assadpour Alicia Cecile-Anne Oxley




Charles Nii-Adu Annan Ja mie Foster Eric Neville Rickford

Alkia Malviece Banks Ronald Spencer Furey Alty Norman Rose

mag11a cum laude Denise Marie Holt Bever I y Laurine Ruffin

Jeffrey Wendell Baugham Wendell Augustus Hughes Joscelyn Kassandra Smoots Philippe Alexis Beauboeuf

Bruce Humphries Lawson Shari Santa Spivey

T racey Antonio Bigelow Kevin Brown Kenneth Allen Tucker

lda Michelle Martin John Lewis Cash Deborah Sue Mc Neil Sharon Agatha-Marie Usher

Sylvannis St. Clair Clement RomaUus Olga Murphy, Jr. Alvin Michael Walfall

Ronald Jerome Daily Kimberly Neal Joseph Donnell Walker

Sandra Janice Dixon Philip Ngu Ngundam Keiffer Yve11c Walker

Janine Michelle Dobie Sharon Lynn Williams Bernard Oliver Vernon Edward Williams

Yvonne Marie Ellison Kevin Tyrone Epps Noreen Louise Peltus Renalda Pamela Yeung


Pauline Shiri Achu Derrick Lenny Alfor<l Beverly Denise Alston

Raphael Bobby Bello Anthony Stanley Brady Kelvin Buchanan

Toyami Leverta Clark Rachelle Lee Cowart Donald Stewart Crawford

Sherilyn Renee Dandridge Gayle Cyri lla Daniel Sheikh Batu Oaramy Juanita Lashan Dean James Ray Diggs Andrew Emmel! Rayford Dixon Ill Renee Denise Dry

Lydia A. Farrow Sandra Theodora Griffith Ferguson

cum laude Jeffrey Boyd Fridy

Christophe r Paul Germain Timothy Maurice Graham

Mark Steven Hall

Arlene Johnson

Darryl Anthony Lane Antoine Dino Langley George Antonio Lessane Bernell Antoinettie Lindsay

Deborah LaReacc McKinney Kim Edward Minor

Jacqueline Diane Neal Joyce Ann Nichols

Akinlabi Olasunkanmi

Dcatt ra Dallise Perkins

Anthony Charles Robinson

Christopher Avery Shepherd Daopuye Eniola Simon-Ogan Paul Derrick Sumners

Robert Ewing Taylor Jan Marie Threadgill

Titov Dana Watson Melody Devon Watts Joyce Ann Will iams

cum /mule


Sylvester Bush

Wendy Alyson Charles Robin Denise Coleman

Aigboje Olatanka Higo cum laude

Coleen Althea St. Theresa Mills

Denise Antoincue Neita

Lisa Rae Page Tracy Lynn Posey


Jerry Odell Bens Deena Re nee Jones Randolph Earl Stafford

Todd William Bolden Gaynell Louise Jones c:um laude

Roger Elliott Bradley Karen Dyane Kimbrough

Tracey Lynne Chambers Gawins A Mack II Gloria Lagina Tucker

Glenda Jo Daniels Adegboyega Adejimi Oshinusi Roben Warr. Jr.

Ronald Antonyarliss Francis Andrew Owusu-Aning Caesar Damone Williams, Jr.

Gail Ann Halsey Ruth Paula Parris Robin Denise Williamson Channon Lenora Willis

David Felix Harris Sylvan Deveaux Richards Herbert Leon Wyche

lbe Kalu lbe Richard McNeil Ross cum laude


Dama Akpunonu Willie Roderic Hopkins Carl Burton Roy. Jr.

Robin Ann Avent Donald Vandell Johnson Ha rold Joseph Shields

Patricia Ann Banks Stephanie Yvette Thomas Johnna Christine Lowery

Mellissa Annelle Brathwaite cum laude

Barbara McBride Julian Gregg Thompkins

Tracie Maria Coleman Clinton McLeod Angelo Leon Tocci

Johnbull Akhigbe Eruanga Darren William Toyer

Deborah Lynn Foy Charles Gaimuni Nagbe Brent Christopher Trammell

Karen Joa nn Gascoigne Edward K wao Odame Revella Matisse Ward Karen Denise Williams

Renee Iris Hamilton Michelle Reynolds Michael Kevin Williams

Yvonne Theresa Heyliger Cynthia Ruth Riddick Deborah Wilson


Yve11e Madeline Alexander Jennifer Joy Angel

Karen Ruth Babino Lori Jan Baker Curtis Reid Bowers Oliver Wendell Bridges William Anthony Briggs Timothy Monte! Brown Lynn Michelle Bryson

Jackie Lawrence Chambers

Jeffrey Leroy Daniels Angela Lynn Dawson

Graham Xavier Forte Karl Anthony Fuller

Warren Federico Gonzalez

Kimberly Lynn Hall Andrew Fitz-Nigel-Montclare Harris Olukorede Ademola Hassan Pamela Denise Hauser

Ann Patrice Henry Victor George Hudson

Jennifer Diane Johnson Renee Louise Johnson

Irene Lillian King Karen Victoria Koontz

Cheryl Rene Lewis Jill Meadows Lewis

summa cum /aude Lynda Vicki Lowe

Diane Teresa Martin Laure n Denise McCadney James Alexander McDonald Ill Jul ia Larita McNeil

cum laude Tshaye Meaza Angela Michelle Morehead Lillie Lorrene Morris

cum laude

Chukwuka Nwosu

Mario n Renee Phe lps

Angela Clintona Rawls cum Laude

Rachel Denise Redding Pamela Elena Rice

Odilo Epiphany Self Debra LaVae Solomon Durand Carlton Spruill Calvin Andrew Steele Janet Marie S1evens Dorene Shanel Suggs

Steven Marc Thames Elizabeth Anne Tucker

Robin Gale Whipple Vicki Lynn White Wendy Williams Angela Karen Wynn David Roswell Wynn





Dawne Joanne Adams Terri Diane Hall Abaynesh Ramet cum Laude Karen Renee Harris cum laude

Denise Celestine Allen Tuesday Marcedius Henry Andre Hendricks Ratcliff Nadine Louise Allston

Stewart Jennings Johnson Monica Reed

Jocelyn Altona Anderson cum /aude Tanya Denise Johnson

Rhonda Levette Barnett Rhonda Francine Richardson

Alethia Margaret Barry Dianne Langston Ceasar David Richbow

Jesse A. Batten, Jr. Leroy Latimore William Orlando Robens

Margaret Boateng-Sampong Darryl Joseph Lesesne Kevin Andre Robinson Lori Ann Lewis

Charles Agyeman Bonsu Lucretia Ann Lewis

Toyin Ramoni Salau Carlton Washington Briscoe Kellie Surae Shelton Linda Corrine Brown Kimberly Rochelle Mason Maurice Eric Shorter Rawle Ellis Brown Anthony Mcfee Karla Simmons

cum la11de Tasha Denise McGeachy Anthony Renard Simon Lafleur Camille Browne Sandra Lois Mitchell Charles Edward Sims Susan Lucille Burnett Crystal Ann Myatt Beverly Ann Singleton Emmanuel Eyum Burnley

Jo Lynn Nunally Patrick Solomon

summa cum laude Christine Louise Campbell summa cum laude

Cedric Lydell Spruill Ke ith Cook Nwaogu Peter Nwazuo

Denise Hattiemae Stewart Jacqueline Mary Curtis

Onyelcachi Otis Otih Vincent Lamarr Sumrell summa cum laude

magna cum laude Andrea Jean Walker

Alphonso Delbert Davis Emily Ann Page Allen Washington

mag11a ,·wn laiule cumlaude Jeffrey Leon Washington

Ronald O'Neal Davis Philip Andre Dubois

Mary lgoki Peter-Nkiria Melissa Ann Watson cum laude Audilia Pctrenilla Wedderburn

Juan Carlos Estrada Terri Vernita Phifer Donald Edward Wilder

Joe Nji Fon Cecil Patric k Phillips Deirdre Alicia Williams

mllgna cum /aude Pauline Canute Wiltshire Adeloye Ayanloye Gbadcgcsin Che rise Yvette Polle summa cum laude


Ayanladun Ezekiel Adeoye 8.8.A., Howard University, 1982 M.8 .A., East Texas State Uni versity, 1984

Omolara Olukemi Ajayi B.S .. University o f Massachusetts. 1983

Pamela He le n Al len 8.A .. University of Pennsylvania, 1980

Roxroy Anderson 8 . 8 .A .. University of the District of Columbia. 198 1

Gabrielle Cecile Bebe! B.S., State University College at Buffalo. 198 1

Herma n Adrian Bromfield B.Sc., University o f the West Indies, 1981

Sylvia Frances Clayton 8 .A., Howard University , 198 1

Bella-Marie Grace Ve ntour Cummins B.A .. Brookl yn College, 1979

Raphael Joshua Denbow B.S., University of the District of Columbia, 1979

Tia Renee Freeman 8 .A .. Simmons College, 198 1

Andriennc Lo uise Griffin B.A., Georgetown Universi ty, 1982

Steve Benjamin Hawkins 8 .S., Morgan State University, 1973

Robin Gwendo lyn Jones B.B.A., Howard Universi ty, 1980

Lenwood Dawes Keyes, Jr. B .S., Strayer College, 1977

Wanda Delene Lessane 8 .8.A. , Howard University, 1980 J. 0 .. Howa rd University, 1984

LaJoy Yvette Mosby B.S .. Howard University, 1978

JoAnn Murphy 8.S., University of the District of Columbia. 1978

Vanessa Nora 8.S. , Howard University. 1981

Marcel Chuks Onuorah B.S., State University of New York. 1983

Omobola Popoola 8.S. , Univers ity of lfc , 1980

Denise Alva Robinson 8 .S .. Xavier University, 1974

Michael Hilary Small 8 .A., University of the West Indies. 198 1

Debbie Ann Smith B.A., The Catholic University of America, 1981

Edward Harvey Snyder, Jr. B.S., Universi ty of Notre Dame. 1974


Gregory Allen Spann B.S .• Southern University, 1982

Thaddeus Steele B.B.A .• Howard University. 1982

Antoinette Shercace Amerson 8.A. Mills College, 1981

Mark Anthony Anderson 8 .A. Knoxville College, 1977

Kaushal Chauhan B.S. Howard University, 1979 M.13.A. Howard University, 1983

Ahmed Hassan Dahlan 8.A. King Abdul Aziz University, 1977

Ja nccia Jawn Bibb

Sherri Charisse Dumas

Dorothea Stowers B.S .. University of Cincinnati, 1981

Lynn Elizabeth Taylor B. B.A., Howard University, 1981


Sandra Delores Davis B.S. South Carolina State College, 1977

SLemmuel Boniface Fasi Chukwuneme Ezekwerre B.S . Sophia Unive rsity. 1980

Marian Grant B.S. Nonh Carolina A & T

Uni versity, 1976

TN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION The Candidates will be presented by WILLIE T. H OWARD, Eo.D., D EAN


Mary K. Fitzhugh

Dewayne Gordon Parker

Michael DeLeon Thompson B.A., Lafayene College, 1981 M .P.A . . Howard Universil). 1984

Andrea Mickle B.A. Hampton Institute. 1974

Olabopo. 0. Ogunsina 8.A. Southeastern Unhersity, 19 2

Faye W. Outlaw l:l.A. Bethune-Cookman College, 1982

George Edward Miller 8.A. Howard University. 1950

Michael D. Thompson 8 .A. Lafayeue College, 1981

Linney Christine Smith cum laude

Sharon Mychelle Smith cum laude


James Enoch Clyburn, Jr. 8 .A. , Benedict College, 1969 M. Ed .. South Carolina State College, 1976 C.A.C.S. , Howard University, 1979

Assegedcch Ha ile 8.S. , Howard University. 1974 M.Ed .. Howard Universi ty, 1977

Diane Gilchrist B.A., University of 0 .C., 1972

Abdul Rajah B.A., Bowie State University, 1977 M.A.T. , Howard University. 1980

Mildred Scott-Mendenhall B.A., Howard University . 1975 M. Ed., Howard University, 1982


Karla Grace Harmon B.A., University of Maryland, 1980

Sonia T. Thornton B.A. , Virginia Unio n University, 1974 M.Ed., Howard University, 1984

Antoinette Corrina Tora in B.S., 0.C. Teacher 's Col lege, 1968 M.Ed .. Howard University, 1974

Roderick Taylor. 111 B.A .. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. 1978

• Sylvia M. Belix.ario

B.A., University of Baguio (Philippines) , 1975

Gloria Jean Bellon .B.S., University of the Dis1ric1 of Columbia, 1975

Maureen Avinel Bryan B.A., Howard University, 1981

Jacqueline N. Campbell B.A., Howard University, 1983

James Arthur Carolina, Jr. B.A., Wake Fores! University, 1974

Joan Huff Cepeda B.A., Syracuse University, 1956

Michelene Cole B.A., University of Maryland, 1982

Allyson Jenifer Curtis B.S., Virginia Stale University, l 976

Melvin Davis 8.A .. Washington Bible College. 1982

Donna Denard B.S. Michigan Stale University. 1982

Janel L. DePriesl Davis B.A . . Grinnell College, 1977

Diana Y. Doman B.A., Hampton Institute, 1983

Theresa Ford B.A .. Smith College, 1976

Susan D. King Gani B.S .. Florida Stale University, 1978

Al Grasso 8.A., University of Maryland, 1970

Esther E. Berry


Julia Marie Harleman B.A., Univeri ty of Michigan-Ann Arbor. 1980

Erewariffa PrisJlla Hart B.A., Lagos J niversity. 1979

Marielle TeresaHaywood B.S., Howar1 University . l98J

Colette B. Hill B.A .. Clark c_ollege. 1979

Lynne Denise ~olcomb B.S .• Virgini;Sta1e University, l976

Chandrai Yven J ackson B.S., Univerity of PiltSburgh at Johnstown, 1182

Torrance S. Jat<,son 8.A .. Howarl University. 1973

Claire Winsom< J ohnson 8.A., Univeri ty of London, 1960

Lilian G. Jurao B.S. , Univerity of San Agustin (Philippines),! 970

Sheila JeannineLang B.A .. Soulhen Illinois University.


Cynthia Annett; Mitchell B.A .. Univerily of Southern California, 192

Terri Sue Mitc~J l 8 .S., Univer/ty of Illinois at Urbana-Chanpaign. 1981

Sheila Myers B.S., Slipper· Rock State College.



Walter Mitchell, Jr. 8 .A. , North Carolina Central University, 1982

Gloria June Nichols B.S., Howard University. 1972

Carol Ann North B.A., Fisk University, 1969

Jeannine Reid Oneal B.S .. University of North Carolina. 1981

Olufemi Okunola B.S., Strayer College, 1981

Cathy L. Petway B.S., Howard University, 1981

Shawneequa Scou B.F.A . . Howard University, 1983

Johnnie W. Searcy B.S., Prairie View A&M Universil)', 1968

Willie Ruth Stafford B.S., Bethune-Cookman. 1963

Uba Sulaiman B.A., Ahmadu Bello University (Nigeria), 1976

Edward Toomer B.A .. Spring Hill College. 1968

Doris Chinyere Umenyi B.S., Howard University, 1983

Patricia Faye Wallace B.A., North Carolina Central University, 1981

8.A., Bethune-Cookman College, 1969 M.A . . George Peabody, 1972

"The Effect of Instructional Support on Students' Reading Skills Mastery in the Competency Based Curriculum''

Neil Vincent Adams Mark Christopher Aldridge Patricia Ann Alexander Darrell Dewayne Allen Mark Dacosta Alleyne

magna cum laude David Henry Alston Vicki Renee Anderson Modupe Apassa Olaniyi Olabiyi Areke

summa cum laude •Clements E. Asante Katherine Ellen Atwell

Arthur Conrad Bailey Alise Bernadene Bass Darlene Pearl Baus Natalie Renee Bell Stanley Justin Berkeley Stephanie Gail Bowman Evelyn Theresa Branic George Russell Bright Desmond Patric k Brown Toni Arnell Brown

cum /aude Jan Allyson Buckner

cum laude *William T. Butler

Nathan L. Campbell Barry Carter Michael Evans Carter Chiffon Ann Chambers Karyn Dawn Collins

cum laude Leslie Marie Cope Nicole S. Crawford

Sheila Anitha Davis Renee Kapiolani Dawson Dawn Della Deveaux Kim Michelle Drayton

Robin Theresa Edwards Mcrinda Ellis Lori Jeanine Elskoe Rosemary Okon Etim

Dennis Alan Felton cum laude

Doretha Denise Ferrell cum laude

Earl Douglas Findlater mag11a cum laude

Cynthia Diana Finn

[N T HE SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATIONS The Candidates will be presented by



Shanna LaVette Flowers Cynthia Marie Foreman

magna cum laude Marcia Maree Foster Stacy Marie Fouche

c1mt laude

Rochelle Garner Teri Lynne Gentry Joanne T racey George Laverne Glasgow Michael Charles Glenn Michael Albert Granderson Debra Ann Green

cum lalfde Anthony Lamont Gross

Cynthia Romona Hal l Henry Boyd Hall Julie Marie Hall

cum laude Leonard Alan Hall

cum laude Frederick Vinson Hammond Erika L. Hard ing Phill ip Gregory Harmon Carol Antoinette Harris Joyce Michelle Harris Carla Marie Hart Steven J. Hart Venetia Harvey

cum laude Valerie Diane Hawthorne Shawna Rai Henderson Milton Ree Henderson, J r. Deborah Jean Herman

mag11a cum laude Robin Patricia Hickman Desiree Faith Hicks

magna cum /aude Tracey Desirna i Hicks Denise Michelle H ya1er

Rosaline N. !song

Darlene Rene Jackson Dorothea Renee Jackson Kelsey Jackson Michele Rene Jackson

mag11a cum laude Ramala Hanna Jalloh Michele Michi Jeffries Donnamarie Johns Crystal Renee Johnson

Jason Miccolo Johnson Kimberly Louise Johnson Maria Annette Johnson Michael Johnson Denise Cecile Jones

mag,ra cum /aude

Byron Lee Kell~ •Judith E. Knighl

Emma Louise Ladson Cassandra Kay Lanier Yvonne Olivia Lee

mag11a cum laude Danielle Denise LeFlore Evita Angela Leonard Edward Ricardo Lewis Carlton Emery Lockard Jaye A. Lowe Warren Leroy Lowe

Latifa Fatima Mahdi Wendy Maria Marlow Tammi L. Ma nin Gerald Massengill Aaron Massie

mag11a cum laude DeAndrca Vcrneal McKinney Elaine McCain Gina E. McClain Charles Arnett McDonald Carmen Renee McGinnis Acquaneue Louise McNeely Margaret Jo Milburn Curtis E. Mitchell Debra Jean Montague Lonnie I. Moore Waverly Yarnell Mullins Christina Renee Murray Louis Anlhony Myrie

Valerie Re nee Nicholas cum /a,u/e

Augustina Ola Obioha Kimberly Lynette Oglelrec Mary Monisola Oluwole Ivy E. Oruwari

Yolanda Celeste Parker Rochelle Lynelle Patillo Angela Marie Pauerson Lucretia Andrea Pearce Carla Alesia Phillips Charles Brian Phoenix

• A warded Through University Without Walls

Marion Cornelius Pierce cum laude

Evangeline M. Premdas

• Toni Lynnette Rasberry Sonya Danita Ray LaTonya Rosella Reed Howard Andre Rittenhouse Janise Marie Robinson Timothy Cornell Robinson Odetta Ayo Rogers Tia Sheree Ross Christine Lenora Rucker

Dawn Louise Samuel Rickey Knorr Sanders Wade Joseph Savage Dorman Wilson Simmons Pamela Gaye Singleton

Cathy Lynn Burrow

Sylvia Marie Campbell

Carry! A. Allen Renee Ann-Marie Allong Anthony C. Anyiam

Marilyn Hope Barrett Denise D. Belton Allen C. Biggs Ronald Boone Karla Anita Boot le-Wilson Gregory Burton Nancy Jenerene Butts

Sheryl C. Camper Toni Yvette Conner

Cherisse Tanis Davis Zohreh Dezfuli Cynthia R. Dickerson

Rochelle L. Fair


Michelle Denise Smith Patricia Stancil

cum laude George Ainsley Stewan Gregory Alan Stewan Michael Warren Stewart Troy Antrone Srcwan Valorie Anita Swan

Sophia Greer Talley Alesia Renee Taylor

magna cum /aude Maurice 8. Taylor Sonya Renee Tcnnell Anita Karen Thomas Linda Deliah Thompson Mary Erlene Thompson T heodore E. Thornton


Paris L. Davis Cum Laude

Leslie Annette Demones Stacey Beth Drew

Zafrullah Usama

Cherie Ann Ward Sandra Loretta Ward Tracey Michelle Ward

cum laude Kharen Gladella Warfield

magna cum /aude Mani II Dorce II Wh itc Serene White Thomas Alphonso White Timothy Wayne Williamson Pamela L. Worrell

cum /aude Jason C. Wrenn

cum Laude

Douglas Young

Leslie P. Suite m<igna cum hwde

Sandra Renee Walker

IN THE SCHOOL OF HUMAN ECOLOGY The Candidates will be presented by C ECILE H. EDWARDS, PH.D., DEAN


Shandcll A. Glenn Marjorie Rufaro Goche

Carolyn E. Hacken Patricia Geneva Hamlin Cheryl Yvette Harmon Re vita J . Harringto n John Michael I-Ian Amanda E. Hillman Joan F. Hutchinson

Janice N. Jackson Katrina Lynn Johnson Pamela Johnson Rose E. Johnson Melody 0 . Jones

Elisa J. Landrum Connie Larkins

Timothy Navcro Lee Diva D. Lewis Farah Lolavar

Megan Anne Manswell Edward R. McCain Lami Emily McCharm

cum /aude Steven McNeely Juliana J . Mitchell Dawn A. Moore Jacqueline Elizabeth Mosby

Abbas Niknejad Edith 0. Nwosu

Queketa Payton

Leonie P. Ramsay-Clarke Jua nita Rogers

Kunitaka Sasaki Gwendolyn Anita Smith Shirley Solomon Roben Lewis Spencer Jacqueline Patrice Sterling Cloveta Romel Stewart

Laura Ann Charles cum laude

Wanda Hunter lnyang

Francis Dermott Akpan lne Oanate Amachree

Althea Majorie Cuff cum laude

Robin Elaine Davis

Peggy Mane! Griffiths cum /all{ie

Leonard Baklarz mag11a cum laude

Linda Theresa Benjamin Kenrick Carlyle Boune

cum laude Delmena Gunter Burno Eugene Ray Bulter

Gaynell Cowan Jean Melisande Crowder

cum /all{/e

Maria Elena Espina mag110 cum laude


Naghmeh Tahtolkassaie cum laude

Rosemarie Tenn Kim Bernelle Thomas Gloria A. Thompson Lisa Ann Thompson

Beverly R. Watson Claude ue Welch Alison Marie West Jacqueline Michelle Williams Tonja Rente Williams Karen Antoineue Williamson Rob en Wright II l

IN THE COLLEGE OF ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCES The Candidates will be presented by



Marilyn Helene Levine

Marcia Ajacqueline Roper

Abeba T2eggai cum laude


Michelle Antoinelle Harris Luben Troyer Wanda Elaine Hutchinson CUI/I /o,l(Je

Milton Earl Penn cum laude Linda Robin Watson

Karlene Ro~amund Wilson Michael James Suah magno cum i<wde

Ethiopia Teferra magna cum laude Azita Yazdani


Gilbert Fraizer Apri leona Lawson

Bellye Grant Denise Ann Lyles

Leroy Grant Judith M. Murray

Juan E . Hackley John Moss

Susan C. Isaacs Chantal Taylor Perrier

mag11a cum laude Azcb Telahun

Tamara Jackson cum /aude

Denvia Bianca Johnson Enola Marie Thomas

Karen A. Kendall Lorraine Lizzc11c Whiteman

I Do :an

magna cum laud'

Li.a ari Gra y m na com lcmde

R rid nn G en~ ma •r1a cum I ude

ryl l!JJ Grifl n


H: LO .' O E. PH

t:l m laud ha I K. Jon m . J

pirid n G r e K cum laud

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Leonard Baklarz Juan E. Hackley Denise Ann Lyles Linda Theresa Benjamin

Susan C. Isaac Judi1h M. Murray Kenrick Carlyle Boune Delmena Gunter Burno Denvia Bianca Johnson Chan1al Perrier Eugene Ray Buller Tamara Johnson

Azeb Telahun Jean Melisande Crowder Karen A. Kendall Enola Marie Thomas Maria Elena Espina Aprileona Lawson Lorraine Liu.cue Whi1eman


Christopher George Galloway

Kaye Lelaine Hall

Dwayne Bryan! Lewis

Kimberly L. Panlow

Adriene Veronica Ratcliffe

Terry Ber1r.im Tucker

Charlie S. Wilkerson Raymond Bernard Wynn


Scott Buckner

Harold Algernon Crawford

Margarel While Alston B.S. , Un iversi1y of Maryland, 1975

Pamela June Anderson 8.S., Johns Hopkins University, 1978

James William Bridgeford B.A .. Morgan State College, 1963 M.S.W., Universi1yofMaryland. 1966

Alicia D. Byrd B.A., Wheaton College, 1975 M.A., Sangamon State University, 1977

Tunde Ekundayo Davies B.A .. Morgan State University, 1974 M.Ed., Towson State Universi ty , 1977

Mildred Nero Drinkard B.S. , Miner Teachers College. 1951 M.A., George Washington Universi1y, 1968

Selma D. Hill

Darren L. Johnson

IN THE SCHOOL OF DlV{NITY The Candidates will be presented by LAWRENCE N. JONES, PH.D., DEAN


Frank Ellis Drumwright, Jr. 8.S .. Morehouse College, 1979

Tonna Denise Gibert A.8 .. Princeton University, 1973

Michael Anthony Henson B.A .. Earlham College, 1979

Keiford 0. Jackson B.A. , University of Maryland. 197 1 M.Ed., Salisbury S1ate College. 1982

George William Jones B.S., Coppin State College, 1961 M.Ed . Loyola College, 1975

Daniel 8 . Latiba-Pra11 Cenilicatc of Proficiency in Pastoral Studies, Sierra Leone Theological Hall , 1979

Bernard Scott Lee

Ernest Derwin Lyles B.S. , Southeastern University, 1980

Ri1a M. Moore

William I. Powell

Vashti Murphy McKenzie B.G.S .. University of Maryland. 1978

Evelyn Hale Meachum 8.S.E., Lincoln University. 1956

Charlene Monk B.S .. Coppin State College. 198 I

Anthony S. Montague 8.A .. Norfolk State University, 1981

Derek Keith Ross 8.A .. Marshall University. 1978

Victor Emmanuel Sawyer 8 .B.A .. Howard University, 1974

William Boyd Stroman, Jr. B.A .. Howard Universi ty, 1979

Alvin Clinton Sykes 8 .S .. Norfolk State University. 1978

• Norman A. Tate

8 .A., Washington Bible College, 1977 M.A.R.S., Howard University, 1979

Eddie L . Walters 8.A., Miles College, 1975


Lee Paul Washington 8.S., Unive rsity of Maryland. 1982

Ronald Webb B.A .. Bishop College, 1981

Willie Hen!) Widemon B.S .. Howard University. 1981

Jeremiah G. Williams B.S., Coppin Seate College, 1980

Robert Joaquin Willis B.A .. Howard Universit~. 1972


Carroll Linda Fields B.A .. Hampton Institute, 1971

Cherrie L. Hall B.A., Oakwood College, 1981

Geoffrey V. Guns 8 .S., No rfolk State University, 1972 M.Div., Virginia Union University, 1981

Moses Lester Jackson, Jr. 8.A .. Virginia Union Universi ty, 1958 B.D., Howard Universi1y, 1961

Kwame Osei Akosah Tanya Nayyirah Alim Mohamed Fazal Omar Ally Kathy Diane Alston Bradford Alexis Anderson Kevin Paul Anderson Kimberley Ann Anderson Miguel Antonio Arrieta Joseph Anthony Astaphan

Karen Ann Backman Purcell George Bailey, Jr. Jaikrishna Balkissoon Anne-Battis te Barnwell

• Valerie Jeanne Barnwell Lisa Patrice Battle Rodney Steven Bingham Gary Edgar Brandl Jacquelyn Marie Brewer

Zohmingthanga Rent hlei B.L.A., Spicer Memorial College. 1976


Tracy Aubrey Ma ness B.A ., Wilmingto n College, 1958 M.Div. , Duke Divinity School. 1963 M.S., Long Island Universi1y. 1973

Ellis Nathaniel Porte r B.S., South Carolina State College, 1958 M.Div., Philadelphia Divinity School, 1963

Oliver John Snyder B.Pharm .. Madurai Medical College. 1972, 8.0 .. Seramp0rc College , 1980

Audie Vincc:nt Simon 8 .S .. Livingstone College, 1977 M.Div., Hood Theological Seminary. 1980

IN THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE The Candidates will be presented by



Jacinlh Jones Brooks Naida Kari Brooks Sandra Elane Brooks Michael Anthony Bryan Byron James Burks

Brenda Carr Jennifer C. Carrington Ka1hy Ho-Huei Chang-Lipsen1hal Wilbert Louis Chetty James Coffey Arlene Angela Crawford Nona Michele Cunningham

Michelle Daniels Crystal Faith Darling

Anita Edwards

Lynne Ann Fernandez

Harry Gee Charmaine Maria George Jackie Le roy Gilliard Sco11 B. Glads1onc Garland Willia m Gossett Jennifer Yvonne Greene Gina Lynn Gregory Paul Andre Gutierrez

Alan Edward Harris Michael Harris Carl Eric Hayes Jonathan S. Heard Kimberly Lynne Henderson Cheryl LaNelle Henson-Everson Janine Estelle Hughes

William Benjamin Jackson IJ Janice Arlyn Dawn Jacques

Kevin T. James Edward Leon Johnson Deborah Joann Jones Janet Marie Jones Marvin Michael Jones John Edward Joyner , Jr.

David Anthony Keen Winifred Rene King

Joan Felice Leonard Lee Lipsenthal Raul Estarque Lopez

Janet Linnea Mahan Alvin Reed Mahoney Estelita Marq uez Cynthia La Verne Mauhcws-Betts Loeto Mazhani Anthony Keith Mc Adoo Gregory Leonard McFadden Alice Ann McKnight Lisa Ann Merrill Toni P. Miles Kevin Jeffrey Mitchell

Cordelia N. Akagha

Jocelyn Lamar Adair Steven Leigh Aldred Charles Roy Allen Lawrence Edward Andrews Gemma Marilyn Antoine

Byron Clemon Bai ler Jonathan Arthur Bailey Alan Eugene Barnett Debra Ann Baron Toni Annette Bean Seth Philip Binstock Juliette Linda-Lee Blake Deborah Denjse Boddie Harry Jaudon Bowden Ronald Quinton Brown Suzanne Danielle Brown Lloyd Odom Brown, Jr.


Harold Earl Moore, Jr. Sidney Moragne

Aleta Ethelyn Nesbitt Rosanne Margaret Newell Laura Anne Nickerson Glenford Delacy Nixon Marie-Christjne Nkodo David Livingstone Ogola Nyanjom

Carl Ormond Nicholas Ollivierre

Vabian Lewiu Paden Michael Aaron Paris h Barbara Alene Powell

Bernard Clyde Randolph, Jr. William R. Raymond IV Irene Ina Richardson George Ernest Robinson Mark DeWayne Robinson Gary Steven Rosenbaum

Barba ra Hunter Sanders Carmella Marie Sawyers Herschel Wellington Smith Ill

Paul Jeffrey Sullivan Connie $winer 111

Anthony Tucker

Ferdinand Okechukwu Ukah

Vivian Vega

Mark Victor Wade Stephanie Anne Walton Sherman Washington. Jr. William Alfred Watkins Marilyn Kim Watson-Millet Ronald Steven Watts Douglas Manin Weissman Andrea Lee Wilcox Frank Allen Williams Guy A. Williams Michael Lee Will iams Hiram Justice Williams 111 Christine Amey Winters Vernessa Davis Wood Judson Booker Wood, Jr.

Richard C. Yunginger. J r.


Bal Bahadur Chand Ernest Ebunola Coker

IN THE SCHOOL OF LAW The Candidates will be presented by



Gordon James Brumback cum laude

Paula Rene Bruner Vick i Carol Bryant Eric Spencer Buchanan Samer Wadi Burgan Walter Sherman Burton , Jr. Deborah Kay Butler Curley Clarence Butler, Jr. Deborah Ann Bynum La ura Sallie Byrd

Steven Edwin Campbe ll Beverly Ann Hawkins Carter Ruth Carol Carter Phyllis Marcia Chambers Sharon Michele Chambers Thelma Geneva Chichester

MacAnhur Tugbch Wo lo

Terry Renease Clayton Theodu s Cook, Jr. Randall James Craig, Jr. Stephen Tyrone Crawford Mallorye Gelita Cunningham

David Olandan Davenport Alicia Renee Davis Calvin Orlando Davis

Beverly Aleen Edney Donise Gruselda Edwards Eva Choka Elangwe Janis Christine Ernst

Sherralyn Loreine Faine-Myricks Thomas Richard Falcinelli, Jr. Mary Ines Faria Maria Ciccone Fiorentino

Toni Beatrice Florence Andrea Lynn Freeman

Cherlyn Francis Freeman

Grace Perry Gaiter Geoffrey Arlyss Gaither Donald Jerome Gee Barbara Lee Gibbs Peter Stuan Glassman Charles Hewlett Glover Paul David Grussendorf

Sydney J. Hall Timothy Randolph Handy Julia Mercedes Hansen-Hodge Velyn Faye Hardy Bridgette Mi riam Harris Sharon Nadine Harvey John Theodis Harvey 111 Violet Marie Hawkins

cum laude Wendell Derek Hayes John Thomas Henderson, Jr. Amy Rebecca Heyman

cum /aude Barbara Annelle Hines Eugene Logan Holt Debra Ann Hunter James M. Hunter , Jr.

• O'Dell Edward Jack Vandy Lee Jamison, Jr. Candace Lin Je nkins Jennifer Leonora Jensen Alfred Dwayne Johnson Bertram Lamarr Johnson Wanda Marie Johnson


Lina Dyanne Johnson Claybron W. Jones, Jr. Dolores Arlene Jones Peggy Jones Rodney Brian Jones Ramona Mi.chelle Justice

La1Ty Wayne Knox

Catherine Elizabeth LaMarr Michelle Lanchester

Kate Addo

Chaiyaphat Chinnawongs Sakda Choungrangsi

Kazi Aktar Hamid

Steven Yen-Yi Lee


Eddye LuJeanne .ane Andrew Lee, Ill Charles Thomas lewis Woodrow Lewis,Jr. Ollie Herman Lin:oln Edna Lee Long Richard Emilio L>pez Marc Dion Loud Sandra AntonetteLyn Sue

Nicholas Anthon Majett Karlein Patricia Jfantan Leslie-Ann Marsfall

cum laude Shari Corinne M:uney Brian HumphreyMcClain Wayne E. McDovell Michelle McGritl Robbyn Ren~e M:lntosh Paul Samuel Mc(enzie Lloyd Avery Mciair Ja ne Alexandria \,filler Kerwin Eugene !tille r

cum /oude Richard Zac k M,ore Kwame Osei Moilewa Rose Msinzi Muonye

Leroy Nesbill, J'. cum laude

Loratto ChinyeP Onyenorah

Gregory A. Patt,rson David Anthony 'erkins Marian Emi ly P.rkins Harvey HerbenPcrrill. Jr.

cum laude Robin StephanitPe rry Kathryn Arlita Jierson Stephen Andre 'lass David Zachary 'rince

Patricia Charlert Rattley Leroy Rawls, J1 Dena Colette R.ed Stephanie Lanete Reed Patricia HelenaReynolds

Rhonda Mildred Rhea Ronald Charles Riddick Joann Cecil Riggs Robert Paul Rivers Patricia Ann Robinson Barry Ira Rose Daryl Paul Rush

Karen Elizabeth Sampson Janet Susan Selden Ralda Viola Simmonds Richard I om1an Singleton. Jr. Jennifer Enmurcen Small Debra Annette S01i1h Rudolph Gary Spencer Nicole Marie Stent Michael Tyrone S1rozier

Renee Terr~• Noel Brett Thomas Pa1ricia Eliz.abeth Thomas Cheryl Renee Thompson Sherri Lorine Thornton Wendy Louise Turner

Daren Broderick Waite James George Walker Rober! C. Warren. Jr. Lauri Diane Washington Charles Dewitt Watts, Jr.

cum /aude Rene Yvonne Webb Shelby Webb. Jr. Brian Leroy Wesley Babe11e Deanna Will iams Edna Faye Williams

cum /aude Wayne Rene Williams Yvette Celia Williams Mill icen1 Gabrielle Will is Cynthia Yvonne Wright

Cecilio Warren Young

David Levo Zeiger cum /aude


Piyanuch Manurangsan Khandaker Abdur Rashid

George Reboneng Moffat Thunyanit Sreshthaputra

Anon Neingjumnong M.A. Khalequl Sultan Pravate Suthramchai

Jumpon Phansumrit Pichit Plong-1-Suan Praporn Wongbencharat

Thomas Ackerman Jose lgnacio Aunon

Andrea Marie Barren Gerald Anthony Belgrave Thomas Ellis Benjamin Thomas Kevin Blaik James William Borchers Leonard Charles Breda 111

Arthur William Coleman Michele Marie Coleman Yvette Renee Collins Larrington Rodolph Connell Lauren Ann Cooke-Parker Faith A. Cousins David Fitzherben Cummins

Ernest Lyle DaBreo Sharon Denise Davis-Browne Linda Marie Diggs Duane Ardie Dilwonh Maitine Ellen Dove Anihony Maurice Duncan

Michael W. Edwards Mitchell Brian Evedon

Kathlynn Ann Campbell Lisa Darlene Clark

Angelita Emily Diaz

Monica Rae Henderson

Errol N.B. Reid

Eric Michael Barnes Richard Lee Byrd

Cheryl Yvonne Lee

IN THE COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY The Candidates will be presented by



William Eugene Faulkner Al Jerry Fisher Grady Foster. Jr.

Yetta Louise Galiber William Wayne Gilliam Stanley Charles Greenbaum

Peter David Hadeed Sastri Edward Harnarayan Gregory Jerome Haskin James Anuro Hinesly Spencer Gary Hornstein

Medrina Bernadette Johnson Alison Bert Jones Cynthia Ann Bradley Jones Keith Bernard Judge

Antonio Ernest Lacey

Motshabi Mamotsumi Makhene Colin Joseph Malone Cornell McCullom 111 Larry Fernando McNair

Mark Oberferst


Meg Kalacznik

Anne Monro

Kelly Ann Peterson



Alcitander Chung


Anthony Joseph Parker Gary Wayne Parnes Wendall Peter Poulsen Thomas Herbert Pyne

Joseph Lincoln Radi:( Juanita Elizabeth Rhodes Linda Jayne Ricks Ernest Adrian Robertson Donald Charles Robinson, Jr. Haniel Chyler Rosemond

Peter O. Sabaya Trevor Lenworth Salmon Deirdre Rose Sams Marc Hiroto Shishima Davia Donna Strachan

Denise Angela Taylor Alan B. Teitzman Schavez Labane Tidwell Dwayne Lamar Turner

John B. Veasley

Jeffrey Wechsler Lan·y David White Marvin Eugene Williams Derrick Lynn Williamson

David Earl Yarbrough

Kimberly L. Robertson

Leslie Frances Smithey

Dorleen Dawn Thompson

Donna Rae Williams

Ruth A. Whitworth

Jeffrey William Meeks

Serese S. Myers-Cannon


Elizabeth D. Dungee-Anderson 8 .A .• Virginia Union Universi ty, 1967 M.S. W., Virginia Commonwealth Univers ity, 1976

Shirley A. Bryant B.A .. Hanover College, 196.5 M.S.W., Wayne State University, 1978

Grace E. Allen 8 .A., University of Guelph 1980

Frances 0. Alves 8 .S .. Howard University 1976

Janet M. Barker B.S. W. , University of Dayton 1982

Kirn M. Barnhill B.A., Wittenberg University 1983

Gregory M. Benton B.S. , University of the District of Columbia 1972

Carrie L. Brown 8.S., Bethune Cookman College 1978

Michele Buchanan-Tyler 8.A., Howard University 1980

Avery D. Burson 8.A., Lehigh University 1978

Clarence F. Craig B.A. , Catholic University of America 1980

Kenneth D. Cravey 8 .S. W .. Pacific Union College 1980

Devarda T. Crisp 8.A., The College of St. Catherine 1974

IN THE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK The Candidates will be presented by



Al ice F. Coner 8 .S., Souihern University & A & M College, 1969 M.S.W. , Howard University, 1977


Kimberley R. Douglass 8.S., Southern University 1979

Carla Finney S.S. W., Howard University 1983

Robin D. Fogle B.A., North Carolina Central University 1983

Delano Anthony Foster B.A., Delaware State College 1980

Adrienne V. Gilkey 8.A., California State University 1978

Tracey M. Godel B.S.W., Howard University 1982

Linda F. Graham B.A .. University of Florida 1983

Pamela D. Hill 8.A., University of the District of Columbia 1981

Clara E. Holloway 8.S., Tennessee State University 1970

Marly Jerome B.S .. Fitchburg Slate College 1983

James Kalathas B.A., San Jose State College 1966

Mary H. Pegram B.A., Claflin University, 1957 M.S.W., University of Pennsrhania, 1967

Murray H. Kramer B.A . . The City College of New York 1967

Maria Leach B.A., University of the District of Columbia 1982

Mary Jo Lukowski B.A., Catholic University of America 1982

Ginny C. Miller 8.A. , University of Missouri 1970

Annemarie C. Moskala B.S. W. , California State College 1978

Angela V. McCann B.S. W. , University of the District of Columbia 1983

Robert K. Neely B.S., Morgan State University 1981

Marlene T. Nelson B.S. W., Bowie State College 1982

Vita L. Noble B.S., University of Maryland at College Park 1979

Mary D. Pleasant B.S., Towson State College 1971

Jeanelle Redmond B.A., Wilberforce University 1971

Jerome H. Sc hiele B.A., Hampton Ins titute 1983

Jane Schleicher B.M. , New England Conservatory of Music 1949

Rodney A. Smith B.A. , Oakwood College 1983

Sharon R. Smith S .S . . Bowie State College 1979


Alexis F. Stephens B.A., Univers ity of the District of Columbia 1977

Howard A. Sterling 8 .A., Howard University 1972

Xe mena D. Stroman B.A., University of District of Columbia 1982

Susan L. Taylor 8.A., Fisk Univers ity 1983

Carole M. T horne B.A., Howard University 1982

Sally E. Walther 8 .G.S .. University of Massachusc11s 1977

Beverly J. Wilder t B.A .. Uni versity of the Dis trict of Columbia 1983

Charlene M. Williams B .A .. University of Maryland at Ba ltimo re 1978

Hulon L. Willis, Jr. B.A .. College of Willia m and Mary 1977

Louise Elaine Wilson B.A., Howard University 1965


Barbara Y. Brown

Marie A. Hamberg

Norma M. Allen Tammee Y. Alsup

Michel le D. Barnes Antionellc S . Burrison

magna cum /aude

Sammie J. Harris


Ronald C. DuBrcy

Ti ta D. Jones

Pamela D. Ki rkla nd

Loreen McNair

Francis D. Palliparambil

Damon K. Roberts

Karen J . Sammon Ulysses J . Stonum

IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES Th e Candidates will be presented by


Benedict Ndubisi Akanegbu­Economics B.S. , Alabama A&M University , 1983

Elizabeth Atim Ana-Communication Arts and Sciences S .S., University of Lagos . 1981

Maurice Assuguo- Communicalion Arts and Sciences B.A .. Catholic Univers ity, 1982


Harold Morris Ayiecha- Urban Studies B.A ., Huntingto n College, 1982

Yolande I. Bonnell- Political Science B.A. , Howard University. 1976

James Eric Bozeman- Sociology and Anthropology B.A., Florida State University, 1982

Cheryl Renee Bue ll- Educatio n 8.A. , Ru tgers Uni versi ty. 1980

Stephen R. Cobb-Communication Arts and Sciences 8.A ., Jackson State Uni versity, 1979

Darl ene Colbert- Political Science B.A . . Towson State University, 1980

Adama-Ju ldeh Conteh- History B.A., University of Maryland . 198 1

t Merle Marie H. Davis-English

8.A., Howard University, 1982

Sharon Elizabeth Dent-English B.A .. Howard University, 1980

Ikwo A. Ekpo-African Studies and Research B.A., Catholic University, 197.S

Amina Hussein Nur Elmi-Economics B.A .. State University of New York at New Pallz, 1981

Andrea Denise Ferguson-Communica1ion Arts and Sciences 8.A., University of Maryland, 1983

Carlene Marie Forbes-Romance Languages B.A., Howard University, 1981

Corman Gas ton Franklin- Economics 8.A., Universi ty of Illinois. 1982

Olaide Roselin Gbadegesin­Communication Arts and Sciences B.A., Howard University, 1979

Ali Mohammad Ghejam-Communicaiion Arts and Sciences B.S. , University ofGaryounis, 1969

k Leo Oivs-Communication Arts and ' Sciences

B.A. , Grambling State College, 1983

Betty Jean Greene-Art B.F.A ., Howard University, 1979

Branita Anne Griffin-Communication Arts and Sciences 8 .A., Indiana University, 1983

Margaret 8. Griffith-Sociology ,\nd Anthropology B.A., University of Guyana, 1979

Anthony Haskin- Communication Arts and Sciences 8 .A. , Pace University, 1982

Vincent Michael Hickey JV­Communication Arts and Sciences 8.A., San Francisco State University, 1981

Gail Ahluwalia-Human Ecology B.S., Howard University. 1981

Brenda A. Allen- Psychology B.A., Lincoln University, 1981


Anthony C. lbeh-Communication Art.Sand Sciences B.A. , Rutgers University, 1977

Karen Vanessa Johnson­Communication Arts and Sciences B.A., Morgan State Unjversity. 1978

Lorraine C. Holmcs-Kennedy-Communication Arts and Sciences B.A., University of Delaware, 1975

Harold H. Lake-Communication Arts and Sciences B.A., State University of New York, 1982

Gbolagume Akinsola Laosebikan­Communication Arts and Sciences B.S., University of Ibadan, 1978

Nancy A. Lyall- History 8.S. , State University of New York, 1982

Grey J . Manganda-Communication Arts and Sciences 8.A., Howard University, 1981

Delois Shepherd Mixon-Sociology and Anthropology 8.A ., The University of the District of Columbia, 1974

William R. Morris, Jr.­Communication Arts and Sciences 8.A., Lehigh University, 1980

Samy Abdul-Wahab Musa-African Studies and Research B.A .. Cairo University, 1978

Tri Huu Nguyen- Economics B.S., Tu Kiet College, 1966

Bernard Teghen Ngwa­Communication Arts and Sciences B.A .. Universi ty of Wisconsin, 1983

Ambrose Shola Nnorom-Urban Studies B.A., University of Ottawa, 1979


Shewaye Amde- Human Ecology B.S. , University of Maryland, 1979

James R. Andrade- Psychology B.A., Roger Williams College. 1979

Michael Osita Ogbu-Economics B.S., University of Nigeria at Nsukka. 1979

Emmanuel 0. Ogedengbe-Political Science B.A .. Howard Univers ity. 1980

John Odile Omachonu­Communication Ans and Sciences B.S., Howard University, 1981

Samuel Olutobi Omokhafc-History 8.A., Howard University. 1983

John F. Rankin-Urban Studies B.A .. University of Maryland. 1978

Dennis Maurice Rome-Sociology and Anthrop0logy B.S., Bradley University, 1983

Bamijoko Sylvanus Smith- Polit ical Science B.A., Howard University, 1978

Willis Glenn Smith-Communication Arts and Sciences B.F. A., University of Cinncinatti. 1976

Mehrdad Soleimanloo-Political Science 8.A., The University of 1he Distric t of Columbia. 1980

Elaine Marie Sutherland- Sociology and Anthropology B.S., University of the West Indies. 197.5

Eno Charles Uko- Communication Arts and Sciences B.A. , Columbia College , 1982

Leslie L. Wade-Political Science B.A .. College of the Virgin Islands. 198 1

Gregory Wilson-Economics 8.A .. Jackson State University. 1979

Columbus K. Anonye- Zoology B.S .. Morgan State University, 1981

Valerie Ann Ashton-Human Ecology B.S . . Howard University, 1980


Amha Asscffa-Zoology Phyllis Hyacinth Galloway- Linda G. Lewis-Johnson-

B.S., The Universicy of the Disuict Psychology MathemaLics

ofColumbia, 1980 B.A .. Howard Universicy, 1961 B.S .. Howard Universicy, 1967 • M ichael E. Barnes-Psychology M.A., Howard University, 1962 lfeaghochukwu Nnamdi 0. Madakor-

B.A., University of North Carolina Sally Angela Gbanja-Human Ecology Geolog}'

at Chapel Hill, I 979 S.S., Fourah Bay College, S.S .. Howard Universicy, 1980

Ronald H. Blackmon-Zoology University of Sierra Leone, 1980 Pacricia Veronica Mills-Bocany

B.S., Delaware Stale College, 1980 Waiyigo A. Gikonyo-Human Ecology 8.S., Howard University, 1982

Garland F. Branch, Jr.-B.S . . Morgan State University, 1981 Akon Jimmy Ndoh-Human Ecology

Communication Arts and Sciences Darlene I. Gripper-Communication B.S., Incarnate Word College, 1980

S.S., Bowie State College, 1980 Arts and Sciences Christian Ufo Okolo-Botany

F elicia H. Briggs-Genetics and B.S .. Howard University, 1980 B.S .. Howard University, 1981

Human Genetics Deanne 8 . Hall-Comrnunicacion Ans Merline Parker-Shields-Human B.A., Hampcon lnsticuce, 1981 and Sciences Ecology

Andrew P. Brown Ill-Psychology B.S . . Ham peon lnsci tute. 1983 B.S., Howard University, 1980

B.A., Texas Southern University, Zabra V. Harrell-Communication Don Quedelle Philip-B01any 1981 Arts and Sciences

B.A .. University of Colorado, 1972 S.S .. Central Stale University, 1976

J udith Ellen Brown- Physical M.S., University of Illinois. 1976 Roland J. Roberts-Communication Education B.S., Howard University, 1979 Emily Cordelia Harris-Bot.any

Arts and Sciences B.S .. Howard University. 1983

B.S. , Howard University, 1981 Mary Brown-Communication Arts Lo11is Roger Robinson-Chemistry

and Sciences Zalina Hasmatally-Human Ecology B.S. , Howard Univers ity, 1983 B.S., Howard Univers ity, 1983

B.S .. The University of the Districl of Columbia. 1980

Deborah Lynn Camp-Genetics and Shirleyanne Elizabeth Haye- Joyce Rollox-Chemis try • Human Genetics Chemis1ry B.S. , Oakland College, 1980 8 .S., Howard University. 1982 8.S., Howard University. 1981 B.A., Oakland College, 1981

Mishun Deliesc Childs-Genetics and Leslie Juanita Hill- Psychology Rahel Azmi Samara-Communication Human Genetics B.A., Spelman College. 1981 Arts and Sciences 8 .A., Michigan State University, Jennifer N. Hooker-Communication B.A., Holy Names College, 1981 1982 Arts and Sciences Livingstone Katende Semakula-

Stephen Phillip Coddington-Botany 8.A .. Grambling State University. B.S., Howard University, 1980 1979

Human Ecology 8 .S., Makerere Univers ity, 1971

C lunis Tamara Cowans-Human Frank A. D. Hypolite-Zoology M.S., Howard University. 1977

Ecology 8.S .. Howard University, 1981 Booker T. Spurlock- Chemistry B.S., Howard University, 1982 Godwin£. lheje10-Chemistry B.S., Jackson State University, 1980

Donna-Gay Durham-Botany B.S., The University of the Districl Roben Nii-Tackic Tackey- Botany B.A., Temple University, 1980 of Columbia. 1980 B.S. M.T., Howard University, 1980

Walter Lee Ellis-Human Ecology Jacqueline Gray Jackson-Psychology Albertha Hall Tandy- Human Ecology B.S .. Howard University, 1982 B.M.Ed .. Howard Universi ty, 1978 B.S. in Nursing. Howard Univers ity,

Magdalen Ukachi Emeruwa-Chemical Joan Karen Jappa- Botany 1975

Engineering B.S., Howard Universi ly, 1979 Alma Trinidad- Chemist ry B.S.Ch.E . . Syracuse University, Alfonzo D. Jordan, Jr.-Chemistry B.S., Jarvis Christian College. 1981 1982 8.S., Tufts University. 1981 Muriel Vanessa Walker-Chernis1ry

Alan Norris Evans-Chemistry Faramarz Khayat-Mofid- Botany B.S., Bishop College, 1979 B.S .. Hampton Institute , 1980 8.A., Howard Universi ty. 1981 Charleene Webb-Communication

Lavorgie Finch-Biochemistry Lorna P. Kirlew-Human Ecology Arts & Sciences • B.S., Dickinson College, 1979 B.S., Howard University. 1978 B.A., Toledo University, 1969

Bernice E. Gales- Chemistry Haziel A. Laryea- Human Ecology James Richard Whitfield- Psychology

B.A., Talladega College, 1981 8.S., North Georgia College, 1977 B.S . . Howard University, 1978

Tina Louise Whitfield-Psychology B.A. , MarymounL College, 1981

S. Ananthakrishnan-Mechanical Engineering B.Eng., Coimbatore Institute of Technology, 1981

Arnold Steven Collier-Mechanical Engineering


Antonia G. Wilfred-Botany B.S .. Southern University. 1980


Clyde Loutan-Electrical Engineering B.S., Howard University, 1983

Mostafa Maghzian-Mechanical Engineering B.S.Ch.E., Howard University, 1981

B.S.Ch.E., Howard University. 1982 Anthony Cyril Mbakwe-Civil Engineering

Neville E. Dennis-Electrical Engineering B.S., Universi ty of Pennsylvania, 1981

Darrell R. Durst-Electrical Engineering B.S .. Howard University, 1982

Karen Lynne Giles-Electrical Engineering B.S .. Howard University , 1981

• Ali Riza Gumustas-Electrical Engineering


B.S .. Ankara State Academy, 1975

Raymond Chidi lhcgbe-Civil Engineering B.S.C.E., The University of the District of Columbia. 1982

Michael Craig Johnson-Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E., Howard Univers ity, 1983

Roy Anthony Jones II-Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E., Howard University, 1982

Biji Kurien- Mechanical Engineering B.Eng., Universi ty of Madras, 1982

Yusufu Wakili Lcre-Civil Engineering B.S.C.E., Howard University , 1981

Leon Todius Andrews- Systems and Computer Science B.S.E.E., Howard University, 1975

B.S.C.E., Alabama A&M University, 1981

Juneann Beverly McDonald­Mechanical Engineering B.S.M.E., Howard University, 1982

Abebe Mesfin-Electrical Engineering B.S .. T he University of the District ofColumbia, 1980

DeLester Monk, Jr.-Civil Engineering B.S.C.E., Howard University, 1979

Majid Amini Motlagh-Mechanical Engineering S.S., Lebanon Valley College, 198 I

Devalachcruvu Mohan Murali-Civil Engineering B.S .• Osmania University. 1972 M.S. , Osmania University, 1974 M.S., Osmania University, 1975

Leary O'Brien Alexander Myers­Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E., Howard University, 1982

Victor C. Nicholson-Electrical Engineering 8.S.E.E., Tuskegee Institute, 1982

Frank Robert Niles-Civil Engineering B.S., Richmond College, 1974


Yohannes H. Birre- Systems and Computer Science B.S., The UniversiLy of the District of Columbia, 1980

Carla D. Williams-Psychology B.A,, St. AugUSline 's College. 1981

Olugbemiga Temitayo Odegbile-Civil Engineering B.S., State University of New York. 1981

Olatunji Oladepo Okunola-Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E., Federal City College. 1974 M .S., Howard University. 1979

Bola Yussuf Oyekan-Civil Engineering B.S.C.E., Savannah State College. 1982

Gregory LaRoyal Porter- Electrical Engineering .B.S.E.E., Southern University, 1982

Frederick Alphonso Rose-Civil Engineering B.S.C.E., Howard University. 1979

Howard Small-Electrical Engineering B.S.E.E .. New Jersey Institute of Technology. 1977

Larry Dennis Smith- Electrical Engineering 8.S.E.E., Howard University, 1981

Wei Tong-Mechanical Engineering B.Eng., East China Institute of Textile Science and Technology, 1981

Raphael Onyemaechi Udeogu­Elect rical Engineering B.S.E.E., Howard University, 1982

Daubeny Alexander Weeks­Mechanical Engineering 8.S.E.E., Howard University, 1980

Tesfa G. Bocraye-Systems and Computer Science B.S., University of Oregon, 1977

Marshall A. Brown-Systems and Computer Science


Candy F. Drew-Systems and Computer Science

Olusegun Olow-Systems and Computer Science

B.A., Howard University, 1969 M.A., Howard University, 1974

8.A., Yale University, 1978 B.S .. University of Maryland, 1976 M .A., Morgan State University, 1979

Walter L. Bums-Systems and Computer Science B.S., Tennessee State University, 1968

James Robert Guill- S ystems and Computer Science

Jasmine Olivia Turner-Systems and Computer Science

M .A., Howard University, 1976 8 .A., The University of Virginia, 1978

B.F.A., Howard University, J9!D

Joseph Debra-Systems and Computer Science

Joycelyn Megan Wilson-Systems and Computer Science

8.A., Providence College, 1978 M .B.A., The University of the District of Columbia, 198 I

Rajesh Gupta-Systems and Computer Science

B.S .. Alabama A&M Universit~•. 1976

8.S., Rutgers University , 1982 M.S .. Howard Universi ty. 1980


Molly Abraham Chemistry B.S., Assumption College, 1961 M.S., C.M.S. College, 1963

Surender Ahir Pharmacology 8.S .. George Mason University, 1977

Raymond U. Akwule Communication Arts and Sciences B.A., University of Iowa, 1977 M.A. , University of Iowa, 1979

Andy Odasuo Alali. Jr. Communication Arts and Sciences 8.A., Alabama A&M University, 1980 M.A., Murray State University. 1981

Barbara S. Alexander Pharmacology B.S .. University of the West Indies, 1979

Fatemeh Ali-Nejadfard Economics 8.A., lslamabad University, 1971 M.S., Islamabad University, 1972 M.A. , Howard University, 1977

Uzobeyi Albert Anigboh African Studies and Research B.A., Suffolk University , 1971 M.C.P., Howard University, 1979

.. Isolation and Identification of Natural Products from Cerambycids and Synthesis of Some Compounds Iden tifi ed in Wasps, Chamois and Hyena·•

"Sex Related Differences in Dimcthyl ni­trosaminc Metabolism in lhe Kidney of Ba lb/C Mice"

"Telecommunications in West Africa: An Analysis of Selected Diplomatic Elite Per­ceptions of Regional Cooperalion in the Field of Telecommunications Within the Economic Community of West African States (ECOW AS)"

"Nigerian Participation in [nte lsat: An Analys is of Communications Oevel.op­ment ' '

"Comparative Effects of Thiazide-Digoxin Interaction on Cations"

"The Impact of Trade Protection on the Distribution of Income: Case Study of Ch ilc (I 952-I 973)"

"The Extent to Which Corruption Has Hindered the Effeclive Implementation of Economic Development in Africa: A Case Study of Nigeria from 1970 to 1983"


Mahmoud Bahrami Electrical Engineering 8.S.E.E .. Howard University, 1976 M.Eng., Howard University. 1978

Forrestine Seiferth Barnes English S.S., Tougaloo College, 1961 M .A .. Howard University. 1975

Claudelle E. Bennett Sociology and Anthropology B.S., North Carolina A&T State University, 1975 M.A., University of Chicago. 1978

Anthony V. Butler Education A. B., Morehead State University, 1969 M.Ed .. University of Maryland, 1974

Valencia L. Campbell Sociology and Anthropology 8. A., Virginia State College. 1975 M .A., Howard Uni versity, 1977

Carolyn Chambers Gene tics and Human Gene tics S .S., George Washington Uni versity, 1974 M.S., Howard Univers ity, 1978

Robert L . Copeland , J r. Pharmacology 8 .S., The Ame rican University, 1977

Gerald W. Cummings Che mistry B.S., Savannah State College. 1978 M.S., Howard Uni versity, 1981

Ayodeji Daramola Human Eco logy B.S. , Howard Univers ity, 1978 M.S .. Howa rd University, 1980

Glenda M. Davis Englis h B.A .. North Carolina Centra l Univers ity, 1960 M.A .. North Carolina Cent ral Uni vers ity , 1968

Mofolorunso Adekunle Enigbokan Pharmacology B.S. , Texas Southern University, 1976 M.S. , Texas Southe rn Unive rsit y. 1978

"Topics in Gallium Arsenide Metal Semi­conductor Field Effect Transistor"'

"Tonal Modulations as Related 10 Charac­teriui1ions in Swift"s Poetry··

"The Effect of Minority Group Status on DifTerential Fer1ili1y··

"The Use of Cross-Age Tutoring As A Strategy 10 Influence Locus of Control Orientation"

··Socia l Structure and Sexual Harassing Behavior'"

"Polymorphisms in the Ribosomal RNA Cistrons of Three Hcterotha llic Species of Neurospora"

.. Behavioral a nd Nc urochemical Changes Re levant Lo Physical Dependence Lo Drugs of Abuse··

--one a nd Two Electron Reduc tion of Aromatic Carbonyl Compounds by Chromous Ions''

.. Nutritional a nd Non-Nutritio nal Facto rs Re lated Lo the Nutritional Status of Pri­mary School Children of Ondo State of Nigeria·•

•·on Art in Fiction: A Study of Bulwer­Lytton·s Theory in Practice"

"Charac te ri zation of 5' -Dcoxy-5-Fluo­rouridine Transport"


Solomon Osazenaye Esemeude African Studies and Research B.A., University of Sofia, 1975 M.A .. University of Sofia, 1976

Sheila Flemming-Afejuku History B.A., Bethune-Cookman College, 1971 M.A., Atlanta University, 1972

Dorith B. L. Grant-Wisdom Political Science B.S., University of the West Indies, 1972 M.A., Howard University, 1980

Edith J. Harris Human Ecology B.S., Southern University, 1966 M.S., Howard University. 1973

Sai-Sun Ho Physiology B.A., Loma Linda Unive rsity, 1977

Charlene Hogan Human Ecology B.S., Univers ity of Arkansas, 1964 M.A .. New York University, 1970

Peter W. Houde Anatomy 8.A. , State University of New York, 1979

Cali,ctus ldiong Political Science 8.A., Bowdoin Col lege, 1977 M.A. , Southern University, 1978

Augustine Sunday lnyeseh Ihator Communication Arts and Sciences 8.A., Te,cas Southern University, 1979 M .A. , Texas Southe rn University, 1980

Tayfour Sidahmed Ismai l Psychology 8.A. , Cairo University, 1975 M .A. , The Catholic University of America, 1980

Calvin Bosworth Leander James Microbiology S .S., Howard University, 1978

··Students and National Politics in Nigeria-A Case Study of the National Youth Service Corps Scheme' '

· 'The Impact of Colonial Rule on Women in Nigeria: The llsekeri. Western Ijo and Western Urhobo in Warri Province 1900-1960 ..

··The Impact of the Developing Countries in the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea··

•·An Assessment of Nutrition Education Needs of Low-Income Black Americans by Comparing Food Practices and Diet• Related Problems with the Federal Gov­ernment"s Dietary Guidelines··

"The Roles of Prostaglandins. the Neu­roadrenergic and Renin-Angiotensin Sys­tems in the Renal Responses 10 Acelyl­choline in lndomethacin-Trea1cd Dogs"·

·'Nutrition Knowledge, Altitudes and Lifes1yle Characteristics Affect ing Food Choices of Elementary School Teachers in the District of Columbia··

"Early Tertiary Palcognathus Birds from the Northern Hemisphere"

"The Role of Arab S1ates in lhe Decoloni­zation of Africa, South of the Sahara from 1955 10 1982"

' 'The Impact of the Second World War on Wcs1 African Press and Politics: The Case of Nigeria·•

"Antecedents and Pa11erns of Black Cul­tural Expressions Among Afro-American and African College Students"

"Effects of 17-Beta-Estradiol on Adenovi­rus Type 12 Replicat ion in HEp-2 Cells"


Mike C. John Zoology B.S., Howard University, 1966 M .S., Howard University, 1970

Ramuhalli Krishna Mechanical Engineering B.Eng., University of Mysor. 1973 M.S., Indian Institute of Science, 1977

Robert Langley Chemistry B.S., Lincoln Universi ty. 1980

Vito B. Lara Economics B.A ., Howard Univers ity, 1967 M .A., Howard University. 1969

She ldon Craig Levin Psychology B.S. , University of Maryland , 1973 M.A., Loyola College, 1975

Jo hn S . Marte llo Psychology B.S., Pennsylvania Stale Univers ity, 1974 M .A. , University of Maryland, 1976

Paula lone Whatley Matabane Communication Arts and Sciences B.A. , University of Pennsylva nia, 1971 M.A., Stanford University , 1973

Norma H . E. Miller Political Science B.A., Howard University, 1976 M.A. , Howard University, 1978

Yvonne Latetia Mills Communication Arts and Sciences B.A. , Howard Univers ity , 1968 M.A., George Washington Universi ty, 1973

Masoud Nahavandi Human Ecology B.S., National University , 1974 M.S., Eastern New Mexico University, 1978

Wilson Gur Ndimbie Psychology B.S./B.A. , Fordham University , 1974 M .S. in Education, City University of New York, 1976

·· Inhibition of Genotoxic Activity of Caf. feine by Saccharin"

·· Environmental Effects of the Dynamics and Control of Large Flexible Structures in Orbit"

'"Mechanistic Electron Transfer Studies of Metalloporphyrins and Manganese (111)­Myoglobin"

··Transitory Income and Economic Devel­opment: Trinidad and Tobago: A Case Study"'

"Neuropsychological Test Performance. Ventricular-To-Brain Ra tion and Cort ical Densi ty in BiPolar-Dcpressed Patients··

•· A Developmental Analysis of Internal­External Control of Reinforcement in Hearing Impaired Children"

"The Relationship Between Experience, Television Viewing, and Selected Percep• tions of Social Reality: A S tudy of the Black Audience··

··Female Ci1izen-Pol i1icians: An Explor­a tory Study of Socialization and Recruit ­ment Experiences of Elected and Appointed Women in Five Communities in the Washingto n, D.C. Metropol itan Arca·•

" A Study of Language Dominance Across Domains in Bilingual Children"

"Relationship of Hormones 10 Vitamin A Metabol ism in Ra1 Testes' '

' "The Manifestation of Anxie ty Under Testing Condit ions: The Effects of Locus of Contro l, State Anxiety and Ethnic Group Membership"'


Sunday Ndoh Economics B.S., University of Maryland, 1976 M.A .. Howard University. 1979

Simon Ndombele Romance Languages B.S .. Shaw Universit>' · 1977 M .A .. Howard University. 1979

Henry L. Neal. Jr. Physics B.S., Bethune-Cookman College. 1973 M.S .. University of Florida. 1976

Reginald Nettles Psychology B.S ., Howard University. 1968 M.A. , The New School for Social Research, 1972

Debra Lynn Newman History B.A., Howard University. 1970 M.A .. Boston Univers ity. 1971

Anthony Obinale Nnadili Political Science B.A. , Howard University. 1976 M .A., Howard University, 1977

Mariellen North Psychology B.A .. Towson State College. 1974 M.A., University of Maryland. 1978

Reginald Nwairogbu Pawa Nwankwoala Pharmacology B.S., Oklahoma City University. 1977 M.S., University of Oklahoma, 1978

Mildred Dean HuffOfosu Genetics and Human Genetics S.S., Alcorn State University, 1967 M.S .. Tuskegee Institute. 1969

John Olabode Ayinde Ogunwole Human Ecology B.S., University of Wiscons in, 1979 M.S .. Howard University, 1981

Alamezie A. E. Ojiaku Economics B.A. , San Francisco State University , 1977 M .S .. Oregon State Universi ty. I 980

"The Impact of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on Afri­can Trade"

" Aspects de la politique africaine dans !'oeuvre dramatique d 'Aimt Ccsairc: Une saison au Congo"

.. A Theoretical Study of Chemisorption"

"Situational Factors, Subjec tive Expected Utilities for Consequences, and Assertive Behavioral Intentions"

"The Emergence of Liberian Women in the Nineteenth Century"

"Decision-Making in the United Nation Security Council : A Case Study of the Race Connict in South Africa Resulting From the Policies of Apartheid"

·'Source Effects in Impression Formation and Memory"

"Calmodulin and Antineoplastic Drugs: Interaction of Anthracycline Antibiotics With Calmodulin ' '

"Human Leukocyte Antigens and Specific Antibody Production in Alloimmunized and Autoimmunized Sickle Cell Disease and Vililigo Patients"

"Dietary Modulation of Erythrocyte Insu­lin Receptor lntcraction and the Regula­tion of Adipose Tissue Pyruvatc Dehydro­genase Enzyme Activity in Growing Rats: A Mechanism of Action of Dietary Fiber in Metabolism' '

"Financial Intermediation and Savings Mobilization in a Developing Economy: The Nigerian Experience ( 1960-1983}"


Magdalen Afulumchi Onaga Genetics and Human Genetics 8.A., Glassboro Stale College, 1976 M.S., Howard University, 1981

Ebere Agwu Oriaku African Studies and Research 8.8.A., University of Arkansas. 1976 M .S .. Atlaata Uaiversity, 1978 M.A. in Inter. Law, Antioch University Law School. 1982

Chan Hyo Park Pharmacology B.S .. College of Pharmacy at ScouJ Nat ional University, 1974

Russell Peterson Zoology B.S., University o f North Carolina . 1965 M.S., Howard University, 1967

Mohammad Reza Pourian Chemistry B.S .. Tabriz Univers ity, 1973 M.S .. Illino is Sta te Univers ity, 1980

Terry J . Robbins Pharmacology 8.S .. T uskegee Institute , 1978

Hubert Kelso Rucker, Jr. Physiology 8 .S .. Texas Southern Unive rsity, I 967

lnamul H . She ikh Gene tics and Human Genetics B.S .. Punjab Univers ity, 1965 M.S., Peshawar Univers ity, 1968 M.S .. Howard Univers ity. 1977

Reginald Leigh Simmons Political Science B.A .. Ithaca College, 1975 M.A. , Howard Univers ity, 1980

Edward G . Singleton Psychology 8.S. , Universi ty of Maryland . 1980 M.A .. Loyola College, 1982

Bamijoko S ylvanus Smith Polit ical Science 8.A .. Howard University. 1978 M.A .. Howard Unive rsity . 1985

"Cloning of the cDNA of Rat Neuronal Enolase"

''Evaluation of Large Scale Irrigation and its Linkage to Food Sufficiency in Nigeria"

"Studies on the Mechanisms of Collateral Sprouting in the Cat Spinal Cord Using a Pharmacological Manipulation"

''Early Lymphocytopoiesis in the Chick Embryo' '

"Synthetic. Spectroscopic, Magnetic and Stnictural Studies of Iron (111) and Cobalt (Ill) Complexes with Ligands Derived from Schi fT Bases''

"EfTeet of 5•Fluorouracil and 5'•Deoxy-5•Fluorouridine on the Oncolytic Act ivity and Toxicological Responses of Metho• trexatc"

•· An Electrophysiological Study to Vis• ceral and Somatic Input Onto Spinothal ­amic Tract Neurons in the Cat"

"Cellula r and Genetic Effects and Recov­ery of Heat Damaged Cells of Sacdwro­myces Cerevisiae by Low lntensity Elec• tromagnctic Radiation at 9 15 MNz"

"Tanzanian Socialism: A Critical Assess• ment' '

" Psychobehavio ral Characteris tics Tha t Differentiate Among Male and Female Smokers and Nonsmokers"

" The Political Economy of Third World Indus triali zation''


Paula Strachan Strickland Microbiology B.S., Howard University, 1975

Elaine Marie Sutherland Sociology and Anthropology 8 .S., University of the West Indies, 1975 M.A .. Howard University, 1981

Marcia Elizabeth Sutherland Psychology B.S., Howard University, 1978 M.S., Howard University, 1982

Teresa J. Thompson Pharmacology B.S., Tennessee State University, 1976

Ebenezer C. Ugorji Political Science B.A., Howard University , 1976 M .A. , Howard University, 1978

Joyce Wando Political Science 8.A., Howard University, 1957 M .A., Temple University, 1961 M.S.W., Temple Univers ity, 1965

Vera Berdine Selmore Washington Education B.S., Florida Memorial College, 1960 M.Ed. , Howard University , 1975 Ed. S., Nova University, I 978

Morris Anthony Waugh Chemistry S .S., Pisk Univers ity. 1975 M.A., Fisk University , 1977

Catherine Whiteside Zoology B.S., Benedict College, 1975 M.S. , Ohio State University, 1978

Wendy Wilson African Studies and Research B.F.A., Howard University, 1973 M.A ., Ahmadu Bello University , 1977

Abdulkeni A. Zekeria Mathematics B.S., University of Asmara E ritrea, 197 4 M.A., University of Wyoming, 1977

··Infectibilit} of Large Granular L>·mpho• cytes B)• Herpes Simplex Virus Type-I and Herpes Simplex Virus-Antibody Com­plexes"

··social Background and Mobility Orienta­tions: A Model of the Processes Underly­ing the Formation of Mobility Orien1ations Among Adolescents"

··Emotionally Stressful Imagery. Person­ality Characteristics and Psychophysiolog­ical Responses"

·'The Involvement of Elevated Plasma Catecholamines in the Mechanism of the Digoxin Quinidine Interaction ..

"Public Budgeting, Public Policy ,tnd the Politics of Resource Allocation in Nigeria'"

··Economic Conditions and Political Behavior for Presidential Elections: A Study of the Relat ionship Between Employment and Voter Turnout in The Black Community"

.. Effect of Inconsis tent Verbal-Nonverbal Communication on Student Regard and Perception of the School Psychologist· ·

"Silicon Directed Organic Reaction: A Study of Beckmann Reactions and Syn­thetic Approaches to Macrolides"

" Biochemica l Analysis of Regula tory Mechanisms of Superoxidc Dismutase Expression in Rat and Mouse Tissues· ·

·· Resource Management ;n a Stratified Fulani Community··

"Singularly Perturbed Second Order Dif­ferential Equations with a Discontinuous Coefficien t in a Hilbert Space"


Reared against the eastern sky

Proudly there on hilltop high,

Far above the lake so blue

Stands old Howard firm and true

There she stands for truth and right.

Sending forth her rays of light,

Clad in robes of majesty:

0 Howard, we sing of thee.

Be thou sti ll our guide and stay.

Leading us from day to day;

Make us true and leal and strong,

Ever.bold to baUJc wrong.

When from thee we've gone away.

May we strive for thee each day

As we sa il li fe's rugged sea,

0 Howard. we' ll sing of thee. - Words.J. H. BROOKS. "16



- Mu~ic. F. D. MALONE. "16

War March of the Priest ....... ........................ Felix Mendelssohn Lake , arr.

(The Assembly standing until the Graduates have filed out) FANFARE TO SIGNAL END OF PROCESSIONAL*


RICHARD F. LEE. Co11ducri11g

*Recorded in the Depa11men1 of Music , College of Fine Arts



Raji d Bind J. 1: .D Jufu Kwamc Boa~. ,

DE ·. RT

.D. n .D. hin J .• .D.

L ui · Alfred Bro n, '. D.

h H_ D . B t, M . , . ·fOOk ,, M.D. olem n r ri.~t. D.

D. Da iiva. M.D.

d· m, M.D. M.D.

Humaira Ra. hid 1i, M.D. e Bl k , , LD. .Bu ,M.D.

. C •

a i, M.D. Jame D. Patd n . .D. · nth 1m . inda T D .D.

J r Jd Ri. h rd _ M. ' .

Pr: un _m ~a n na mar n _ni M . .D.

J min r -erri Da]la , LD.

TO , 0 M ITY H

Ccdri P, ku-Dan



.D. 1.D.



ilie _ id, . . Tum,que 1 D.D.


UfricA. · hawn M. H umphr~e .

Rob rt F. Marino M.D. William R. Prima . - -.D.





D PAR .. ME : ~IJI 1 E

m . D. ph ' .

h. . . .I . en, M .D.

od u ene arri~ - · .D. K nnelh Harri .• M. · · . John W. Ho < n. M .. Hugh -icha I H . der, M.D

· . inald Kevi.n J nkin M. . nthon . ·chol.a Kano M.D.

Mak Lot, .. . D. Mt hacl . ·ric Mathieu, M .D.


· Lok Kuma Bha ta• har a


R ma.i n Jun


R t I i·

r · . J r. , D.D. Ruth . .D. ' .

red ri

cran. e . M . J • h lb • .D.

lwz< ,b th R lie, .D. G Ogh: fl . . I . Mi ha IP t~. · .D . · ' ·in


D j r r, M.D. · - eJ ·n t n

d iWb nk , M . .:(h I L - .D.

.nt in P r eU , me · • .D.

Kevin W. Alexander, M.D. Shawne R. Bryant, M.D. Gwendolyn L. Dunmore, M.D.

{)Derwin P. Gray. M.D.

Cheryl G. Cauthen, M.D.

Joye Maureen Carter, M.D. Carol Lynn McMahon, M.D.


Lami A. Jeffrey-Coker, M.D. Paul A . Jones, M.D. Elliot W. Lucas, M. D. Katherine A. Overton, M.D.



Marie-Lydie Pierre-Louis. M. D. Elsie L. Turner, M.D.

Michael S . Ragland, M. D. Cynthia D. Sadler, M. D. Robert M. Treherne. M.O.

Robert Alfred Copeland. Jr., M.D.

Juliet Elizabeth Wynn , M.D.

DEPARTMENT OF PEDJATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH Thomas F. Adams, M.D. Rita W. Asiedu, M.D. Bharati Bandyopadhyay, M.D. Loreua M. Briuon, M.D. Lyle E. Browne, M.D. Jeannine A. Clark, M.D. Crayton ia L . Davis, M.D. Jolan S. Dobson, M.D. Ehimwema A. Eke , M.D. Ogubuike Emejuru, M.D. Adekunlc Fcsobi, M .D. Veronica E. Fitz, M.D. Lorena 8 . Hawkins, M.D.

• . Gossie C. Heath. M.D. Afsaneh Hessamfar, M.D.

Theophilus Arthur-Mensah, M.D.

La Verne D. Ingram, M.D.

Carlton Z. Adams, Jr., M.D. Vincent E. Ajanwachuku. M.D. George Barnes, M.D. Marcus D. Barnett, M .D. John H. Braxton, M.D. Michael E. Brooks, M.D. Edward 0. Bryant , M.D. Susan V. Calhoun , M.D. Maurice D. Cates. M.D.

Jesse Bally, M.D.

Michael A. Holliday, M.D. Ulumenfo A. lmoisi li, M.D. Sudha L. Kumar, M.D. Michael A. Kuyinu, M.O. Asek Makia, M.D. Douglas J . Mari ra , M.D. Angela M. Martin, M.D. Graciela A. Martinez-Gray. M.D. Vickie C. Motley, M.D. Prit i Naycr. M.D. Arlene P. Nichols, M.D. Pe ter-Paul U. Nwokeji. M.D. Bassey U. Omoji , M.D . Brenda K. Pettus-Bellamy, M.D. Susan E. Pinde r-Lighlbourn, M.D.


Mohamed z. Nasr, M.D.


Hasan Nabhani , M.D.


Charles H. Clark. Jr .. M.D. David R. Hunt, M. D. Denise JeJTerson Hunt. M.D. Griselda A. Jones. M.D. Yvonne L. Jones, M.D. Frank P. Lloyd, M .0 . Ha1Ty P. Marshall, M.D. Russell M. Ouley, M.D. Henry Paul. J r., M.D.


Augustine 0 . Mireku-Boateng, M. D.

Rajesh Puri. M.D. Eric S. Quivers, M .D. Chandra M. Robinson. M.D. Flora C. Robinson, M.D. Sharmila S. Saxena. M.D. Patricia L. Sebastian. M. D. Herman W. Smith, M.D. Sawsan A. Talib, M.D. Usha R. Valagapudi. M.D. William S. Vaughn. 111 , M.0. Carolyn A. Woodfork, M.D. Marva J . Woods-Scroggins, M. D. Kevin D. Worrell. M.D.

Manizheh Ansari Sohcil. M.D.

Anil Narang, M.D.

Karen M. Pendle ton. M. D. Lisa C. Perry, M.D. Les lie Pickens, M.D. Sandra J. Reed. M.D. Carlton H . Scroggins, M.D. Terri A. Sears, M.D. Kenneth B. Simon. M.D. Alexander E. J. Ukoh, M.D.

Brian L. Turner B.S .. Morgan Stale

College, 1970

Kevin W. Alexander. M. D. Shawne R. Bryant, M.D. Gwendolyn L. Dunmore, M.D.

- Derwin P. Gray, M.D.

Cheryl G. Cauthen, M.O.

Joye Maureen Carter, M.D. Carol Lynn McMahon. M.D.

Thomas F. Adams, M.O. Rita W. Asiedu, M.D. Bharati Bandyopadhyay, M.D. Loretta M. Britton, M.D. Lyle E. Browne, M.D. Jeannine A. Clark, M.D. Craytonia L. Davis, M.D. Jolan S. Dobson, M.D. Ehjmwema A. Eke, M.D. Ogubuikc Emcjuru, M.D. Adckunlc Fcsobi, M.0. Veronica E. Fitz, M.D. Lorena B. Hawkins, M.D.

Jaossic C. Heath, M.D. Afsanch Hcssamfar, M.D.


Lami A. Jeffrey-Coker. M.D. Paul A. Jones. M.D. Elliot W. Lucas, M.D. Katherine A. Overton. M.D.



Marie-Lydie Pierre-Louis, M.D. Elsie L. Turner. M.D.

Michael S. Ragland. M.D. Cynthia D. Sadler. M.D. Robert M. Treherne, M.D.

Rohen Alfred Copeland. Jr .. M.D.

Juliet Elizabeth Wynn. M.D.


Michael A. Holliday, M.0. Ulumcnfo A. lmoisili. M.D. Sudha L. Kumar, M.0. Michael A. Kuyinu. M.D. Asek Makfa, M.0. Douglas J. Marira, M.D. Angela M. Martin, M.D. Graciela A. Martinez-Gray, M.D Vickie C. Motley, M.D. Priti Nayer. M.D. Arlene P. Nichols . M.D. Peter-Paul U. Nwokeji. M.D. Bassey U. Omoji, M.D. Brenda K. Pettus-Bellamy, M.D. Susan E. Pinder-Lightbourn. M.D.

Rajesh Puri. M.D. Eric S. Quivers. M.D. Chandra M. Robinson. M.D. Flora C. Robinson, M.D. Sharmila S. Saxena. M.O. Patricia L. Sebastian, M.0. Herman W. Smith, M.O. Sawsan A. Talib, M.D. Usha R. Valagapudi. M.D. William S . Vaughn. Ill. M.D. Carolyn A. Woodfork. M.D. Marva J. Woods-Scroggins. M.D. Kevin D. Worrell. M.0.

Theophilus Anhur-Mensah. M.D.


Mohamed Z. Nasr. M.D. Manizheh Ansari Soheil. M.D.

LaVerne D. Ingram. M.D.

Carlton Z. Adams. Jr. , M.D. Vincent E. Ajanwachuku, M.D. George Barnes, M.D. Marcus 0. Barnett, M.D. John H. Braxton, M. D. Michael E. Brooks. M.0. Edward 0. Bryant, M.D. Susan V. Calhoun, M.D. Maurice D. Cates. M. D.

Jesse Bally, M. D.


Hasan Nabhani , M.D.


Charles H. Clark , Jr., M.O. David R. Hunt, M.D. Denise Jeffe rson Hunt . M.D. Griselda A. Jones. M.D. Yvonne L. Jones. M.D. Frank P. Lloyd, M.D. Harry P. Marshall , M.D. Russell M. Ottley, M.D. Henry Paul. Jr . . M.D.


Augus tine 0. Mircku-Boateng, M.D.

Anil Narang. M.D.

Karen M. Pendleton. M.D. Lisa C. Perry. M.D. Leslie Pickens, M.D. Sandra J. Reed , M.D. Carlton H. Scroggins, M.D. Terri A. Sears, M.D. Kenneth B. Simon, M.D. Alexander E. J . Ukoh, M.O.

Brian L. Turner B.S., Morgan State

College. 1970

Cleveland Blunt Mark Brown

Dudley Humphrey

Gregory Johnson

Terry Allbriuon



Carol Lane

Nina Mosley

Irwin Overton

Rochelle Patillo Georgene Phillips

Brenda Torres

Larry We,tbury Rueben X. Williams


•Nicholas Cha rlcs Alfreda Clagett

• -Indicates Regular Army Commissionee

Steven Williams Kelvin Wood


Kwadjo S. Adusei-Poku

Jeffrey W. Baugham

John L. Cash Peter C. R. Clunie Mark G. Cooney

Eduardo Y. Domingo

Ann K . Lee

Victor J. Makela

Patrick E. O'Reilly, Jr.

Paul J . Robertson

Tyrone C. Smith

Gregory A. S1cwan

Theresa M. Takacs

Jorge Velazquez

Ross J. Wilson



The caps, gowns, and hoods worn al college and university functions date back to Lhe Middle Ages. Monks and students used them 10 keep warm in medieval castles and halls of learning. From these practical origins. they have developed into the accepted garb which symbolizes scholarly achievement.

Baccalaureate gowns have a long pleated front with shirring across the shoulders and back. They are primarily dis1inguised by Rowing sleeves, pointed at the fingertips. These gowns may be worn either open or closed.

The masters degree gown is worn open, and the sleeve is cut ~o that the forearm comes through a sli t jusl above the elbow.

Gowns for the doctor's degree are also worn open. They carry broad. velvet panels down the from. and three velvet bars on the full , round sleeves. This velvet trimming may be ei1her black or 1he color dist inctive of the degree.

Mortar boards or caps worn wi1h baccalaureate and master's gowns generally have black tassels. The tassel of the doctoral cap is usually made of gold bullion.

Faculty members and gues1s in today's procession are robed in gowns and hoods which represent the inslitut ions from which they have received degrees.

The hood gives color and real meaning to the academic costume. !Is si lk lining bears lhc colors of Lhe institution conferring the degree. The hood is bordered wi1h velvet of prescribed wid1h and color 10 indicate the field of learning 10 which Lhe degree pertains as follows: medicine. green; music, pink; nursing, apricot: pham1acy. olive green: public adminis1rat ion. peacock blue; science, golden yellow; social work, citron: theology, scarlet; architecture. blue violet: ar1s, letters. and humanities, whi1e; business. drab: dentis try, lilac: educa1ion, light blue; engineering, orange; fine arts. brown; law, purple; philosophy. dark blue.


THE MACE, carried by the University Marshal, Dr. Joseph 8 . Mo1Tis. Chairman. Department of Chernis1ry. is the ceremonial symbol of the University. Its 01igin dates back to 1he Middle Ages. It is used on all occasions of academic ceremony at the Univers ity. At 1oday's Commencement , the entry oflhc Mace heralds the arrival of1he academic procession.


THE BA TONS carried by the Marshals and Assistant Marshals of each school and college arc being used to lead the academic procession of the respective schools and colleges into and out of 1he place of the ceremony. The batons arc made of wood, painted blue. and tied wilh while ribbons denoting lhe colors of Howard University.


The Presidential Chain of Office. worn by President Cheek. was presen1ed to 1he Univers ity on the occasion of the Centennial Celebra1ion in 1967 by Trustee Herman B. Wells and his mother, Mrs. Granville Wells. The chain symbolizes the current and past holders of the Office of President. The basic material of 1he chain is sterling s ilver, plated wi th hard gold. Both the University Seal and the Centennial Seal are appended lo the chain.


1985 Honorary Degree Recipients


Doc1or of I.Lum

JACQUELINE Q.C.) HAYWAJU) Drx1or of Humane I.Lum


Doctor of Humane I.Lum



Doctor of Science fRANg MAllTI!< SNOWOEN, JR.

Drxior of Humane leum

S ll'JANC LAL TANDON Doctor of I.AW$



---- Will not be able to attend the

Commencement Luncheon Saturday, May 11, 19' 5

Commencement Luncheon Saturday, May 11, /985

Ballroom Armour}. Blarkbum Umversuy Center

Please present 1h1s caYd ar the door.

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