1960 - Kasson Public Library


Transcript of 1960 - Kasson Public Library


Editor ---------- - ------- James Parkin A istant Editor - - ------ Sandra Hegna General A istant ____ Katherine Rhode: Bu ines Manager ______ Charle Skarit Advisor __ ________ Mrs. Betty Ze ige1



OF K-- M





May the people and the places and the things in

this book liue in the SHADOWS of your memories.


R 0 L A N D C. J A K 0 B E R 1921- 1959

In memory of Mr. Jakober, who lived for uch a short time among u yet will live so long in our memorie , we gi atefully dedicate this an­nual.



'uperintendent Earl Vitalis

Prmc1pal Harold Haugo


Mi Beverly axton

Mr . Naomi Bush

Mr . Ann Oliphant


Mar hall Bjorklund

Wally Sundet

Jame Sand

Ml"'. Joy Engelstad

William Ze iger

Mi Anita Mrozek

David Kirby

harles Harmon

Edward Leuthner

Jame. Thorn Mrs. E ther Bartel

Ern ~t Knud. on

Mrg. Betty Ze iger

Eugene Bartz

COOKS C c karie, Helen Ruport.

Nellie Peter .. on.

Alfr d Peter n and Kenny Ruport ecretarie L la Martin, Mary Lou McClamroch


Office helpers Linda Peterson, Ellen Bonne , Sandra Hanson, Cleo Gulbranson, Marc Dickson, Norma Fiksen and Sandra Hegna take a well deserved rest.

Larry Anderson Cleo Gulbransen CLA 0 '80

LARRY A DE 0 T: Student Council 1, 2, 3, 4; tuden t uncil Pre ·dent 4; Cl~ Play 3, 4; B ketball 1, 2; las Officer 3; cience lub 3, 4 · Ba eball 1. CLEO G LBR ~ E : horu 4; Stu-dent Council 4; lru Pr ident 4; 1 Play 3, 4; Paper talff 2, 3, 4; Bu ine Manager 4: ffic ~ ecr tary 3, 4.

Dean Anderson

Barton Berg

Ellen Bonnes

DJ.~A 0 : lndu trial Arts Awa1·d. J TET ·nE : P p lub 2; Annual 'taff 4; Library 2, 4; G.A.A. 3; la s Play 3, 4; Paper taff 1, 2, 3, 4; Photo lub l, 2, 4.B RT BERG: Photo

lub 4; o High chool, eo: Wiscon-·in.. TA LEY B TTl: Band 1, 2, 3, 4; En mble 1, 4 · L tterm n' lub 2, 3; Basketball Manager 2; la Play 3; Science lub 3, 4; Ba eball 3.

ELLE BO E : Declamation 1, 2, 3, 4; Choru 2; G.A.A. 2; Paper taff 3, 4;

ffice ecr tary 4; Harmony High School, Harmony, Minne ta. ALD BUEHLER: Hot Lunch 3, 4; F. F. A. 2. CHARLE ALHOU : Wre tling 2, 3; Football 2; F.F.A. 2, 4; Hot Lunch 1, 2, 3; Pine L.!and High School, Pine I land, Min­nesota.

Donald Buehler

Janet Anderson

Stanley Blatti

Charles Calhoun

Caryl Carney

Larry Dahle

Gary Edgar

C A R Y L ARNEY. CHARLOTrl CORNWELL: Annual Staff 4; Band 3. 4; Choru 3, 4; En emble 4; olo 3, 4; Dorian Vocal F tival 4; All- tar Choru 4; Photo Club 4; Class Play 3, 4; Paper Staff 3 4; Co-Editor 4; We Conrord High School. LARRY DAHLE: Letter­men' lub 1, 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Captain 4; Track 4; Cl Play 4; Wr t­ling 1, 2, 3. MAR ELENE DICK.SO : Cla Officer 3 4; G.A.A. 3; Cia Play 3, 4; Paper taff 1, 2, 3, 4: Pep lub 4; Annual Staff 4; Office ecretary 3, 4; Benedict High Sch ol, Benedict, N ebra.s­ka. GARY E DRGAR : F.F.A. 2, 3, 4· Chor­us 1; Basketball 1. ROLLA D E GLE: Football 2; F. F. A. 2 4 · Hot Lunch 2, 3. DAVID ERATH.

Rolland Engle

Charlotte Cornwell

Marcelene Dickson

David Erath

Daniel Erickson

Ronald Fuchs

Roberta Gladden

DA IEL ERI 0 . : horu 4; En-emble 4 · All- tar horu · 4; Lettermen' lub 3, 4; Football 2, 3, 4 ;. Ba. k tballl, 2,

3, 4; Track 3, 4; la Play 3, 4; H RO FJER T D: Annual taff 4; Library Club 1, 2; G.A.A. 3; Pep lub 1, 2; Cl Play 3, 4 ; tudent DirecU>r 3; Paper

taff 1, 2, 3, 4; Office ecretary 4; Photo Club 1. RO . LD F : Lettermen' Club 1, 2, 3, 4 · horu 4; All- tar Chorus 4; \V1 tling -, 3, 4; Regional ham pion 4; Di trict ham pion 4; OR I FUHRMA : Track 3, 4; Lettermen's Club 3, 4; Ba.ketball 1, 2, 3 4 · Clas Play 3, 4; ROBERT LAD DE : Annual Staff 4; Library Club 2; G. A. A. 3; Paper ta.ff 3 4; la Play 3, 4; Photo Club 3, 4. A DR HA 0 : Annual Staff 4; Library lub 2; Paper taff 2, 3, 4; ffice ecretary 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; ROBERT HE. D: Choru 4; Letter­men' 1ub 3, 4; tudent Council 3; Foot­ball 3, 4; Ba ketball 1, 2 3; Ba eball 1, 2, 3; Track 3.

andra Hanson

Sharon Fjerstad

Norman Fuhrman

Robert Head

Sandra Hegna

Ronald Johnson

Larry Klement

James Iverson

SA DRA REG A: Annual, A i tant Editor 4; tudent uncil ] 2, 3, 4; Lib­rary Club 2; G.A.A. 3· Paper taff 2, 3, 4; Office Secretary 4; Girl' tate Alter­nate 3; lass Play 3, 4; Student Director 4. JAMES IVERSO : Paper Staff 2; JEROME JE E : Chorus 4: RO ALD JOHNSO : Class Play 4; Photo Club 4; Science Club 4; Pipesrone High School, Pipestone, Minnesota. JA E KIRK­WOOD: Annual Staff 4; Declamation 1, 2, 3, 4; State Alternate 3; Queen Attend­ant 2 4; Pep Club 3; Cla Play 3; Paper Staff 3, 4; French Club 3, 4. LARRY KLEMENT: Cia Play 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Lehigh High School, Lehigh, Iowa. DE LORI KOPERSKI: Hot Lunch 4; Class Play 4; Library Club 2, 3; Paper Staff 3, 4; Betty Crocker Homemaker Award.


Jerome Jensen

.Jane Kirkwood

Deloris Koperski

Dianne Koperski

Eloise Lien

Charles McFadden

Jo Ann Laudon

DIANNE KOPERSKI: Hot Lunch 4; Class Play 4; Library lub 3; Paper taff 4. JOA LAUDO : Annual Staff 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; All-Star Band 4; Choru' 2; Declamation 1, 2 3, 4; Di trict Winner 3; Library 4; French lub 3, 4; G.A.A. ·3; Girl' tate 3. JOY E LE Z: Annual

taff 4; Declamation 3; library Club 2, 4; ELOISE LIE : Annual taff 4; Declama­tion 2, 3, 4; heerleader 3; G.A.A. 2, 3; P p Club 2, 3; Clas Play 3, 4; Paper

taff 1, 2, 3, 4; Photo lub 1, 2; Chorus 1 2, 4; En emble 1, 2, 4; Solos 4; All-

tar Choru 4; Dorian Vocal Fe ti-val 4; BARBARA LIE AU: Chorus 4; Library Club 2; la Play 3; Hot Lunch 4. CHARLE MCFADDE : Lettermen' Club 2, 3, 4; Football 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2 3, 4; Captain 4 · Base­ball 1, 2, 3, 4; Track 3, 4. CAROL MOE: Annual Staff 4; Library Club 2; Queen Attendant 3; Paper Staff 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Play 3, 4.


Joyce Lenz

Barbara Lienau

Carol Moe

Ronald Musolf Albert Nelson

James Parkin Carol Patten

Robert Patterson Katherine Rhodes

Mary Nes

Sterling Ness RO ALD M OLF: Class Play 4; Letter­men' Club 4; Chorus 4; Football 4; Wre tling 3; ALB RT ELSO : Band J, 2, 3· horu 4; All -Star Chorus 4 · Ensemble 4; Lettermen' Club 2, 3, 4; Football 3, 4; Captain 2; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Cla Play 3, 4; Track 3, 4; Paper

taff 4; MARY : Chorus 3, 4; Annual; En emble 4; All - Star Chor­u 4; Declamation 1; Photo Club 2;

I Officer 1, 2, 3 4 ; Cl Play 3, 4; Paper taff 2, 3, 4; Queen At­tendant 4; Cheerleader 1. 2 3, 4; G. A.A. 3; Pep Club 2, 3, 4. TERLI G NESS : Lettermen' lub 2 3 4 · Football 2 3 4;

aptain 4; Track 3, 4; Wr ling 2, 3, 4 ; la Play 4. J A fE P ARKI : Annual taff 3, 4; Editor 4 · cience Club 3, 4 · Ia Play 3, 4; Golf 3, 4; Photo Club 4. _ ROL P TTE :Annual Staff 4; Band

1, 2, 3, 4· II- tar Band 4; lo 3 4; horu 1, 2; En .. mble 2; Declamation

1, 2, 3 · Library lub 4; a Plav 3 · Pa er taff 2. 3. 4. R BE RT P TfE~

0 : Band 1, 2 3, 4· Foo ball 3 4; THERI E RH E : nnual taff horu 3. 4: Cla Play 3 4 · Hot Lunch

AJioe Ries

ALI E RIES: Choru 2, 4. DAVID A DE 0: horu 1, 4; All-Star Chor­

u~ 4; Ensemble 4; Dorian Vocal Fe tival 4; Football 1, 2, 3 4; aptain 4; Letter­men' Club 2 3, 4; la Play 3, 4; Basket­ball!, 2; ROBERT SA VOlE: Paper Staff 2 ; peech 2 ; Choru 4 ; la Play 3, 4. G RY ELL: Cla Play 4; Wre tling 3, 4; Hot Lunch 3, 4; Track 4; Chorus 4; F. F.A. 2, 3, 4. THOMA ELL: Hot Lunch 3, 4; Ba ketball 1, 2 3, 4; F.F.A. 2, 3 4. MI H EL HIPMA : Student Council 4; Cia Play 4; Paper Staff 3, 4; Co-Editor 4; Ow o High Schoo~ Owo o, Michigan. CHARLE KARlE: Annual Staff 4; Busin Manager; Chor­u 4; All- tar Choru 4 · Football 1, 2, 3, 4; &. ketball 1, 2; Science Club 3, 4; Cia Play 3, 4; French Club 3, 4; Boy's State 3; KARE TE R D: Band 1, 2, 3. 4; En emble 1, 2, 3, 4; All-Star Band 4; horu 2, 4; En embl 1, 2, 3, 4; Cia Officer 1, 2, 3, 4; heerleader 2, 4; G.A.A. 3 Pep Club 2, 3, 4; Class Play 3, 4; Paper Staff 1, 2, 3, 4.

Michael Shipman

David Sandeno Robert Savoie

Gary Sell Thomas Sell

Charles Skarie Karen Stensrud

Janice tover William Strothman Carol TePoel

avid Thomp n andra Thorn Denni Tucker

andra eath I


JUNIORS ROW 1: D. Alrick, G. Andrist, B. Baker, C. Bartel, P. Blood, N. Boyum, L. Brad­ford, M. Brakke; ROW 2: W. Brekke, S. Brewer, J. Carlson, B. Colburn, K. Cur­rier, R. Dimler, N. Fiksen, L. Forland; ROW 3: J. Fox, R. Fryer, D. Glawe, R. Han on, T. Harri L. Hi1.li.ard, D. Hors­man; ROW 4: K. Johnson L. Johnson, S. Johnson, B. Kellar, B. Kracht, E. Kramer, L. Larson, B. Leth; ROW 5: S. Loquai, S. McKean, B. Mielke, W. Mien­ert. E. Mittelstadt, J. Mittelstadt; ROW 6: K.. Paulson, M. Peterson, R. Powers, R. Reynolds; ROW 7: T. Riede~ G. Rubin, M. Ruport, N. Sandeno; ROW 8: M. Sell, S. iem, D. Spilman, K.. Spurbeek; ROW 9: M. Stucky, J. Thrap, D. Troflf; ROW 10: K. Tryg tad, W. Walker.

ROW 1: N. Albertson, W. Alrick, D. And­rist, S. Beckman, J. Berg, J. Blaisdell, J. Boyum, M. Buehler; ROW 2: P. Burdick, D. Burgess, M. Derby, G. Dimler, R. Erd­man, D. Evans, J. Faulhaber, I. Fineid; ROW 3: A. Fjerstad, P. Fjerstad, W. Fox, S. Gladden, S. Hanson, J. Hannon, V. Harris, S. Himle; ROW 4: D. Holtan, R. Horner, J. Horman, J. Jensen, N. John­son, C. Kittleson, W. Kleeberger, C. Kracht; ROW 5: K. Larson, T. Loqu.ai, L. Luikart, D. Lundquist, K. Marti, J. Miller, A. Moen, R. Morris; ROW 6: K. Murphy, J. Nelson, R. Nelson, J. Olson, W. Papp~ A. Parkin, G. Peterson, J. Pietrzak; ROW 7: K. Posey, C. Prescher, J. Ramer, M. Rew, J. Rhodes; ROW 8 J. Schroeder, H. Seewang, D. Spilman, L. Stark on; ROW 9: J. Thompson, D. Thorn, G. Threinen, P. Thronson, C. Tuck­er, H. TePoel; ROW 10: K. Tucker, G. Tvedt B. Wilcox, G. Wyatt, B. Zelinski



ROW 1: R. Alberts, R. Anderson, J. Ar­g-et inger, J. Argetsinger, R. Blaine, M. Bohlander, D. Bornholdt; ROW 2: K. Boyum, P. Brown, S. Brown, J. Oarlon, D. C<>lburn. S. Cunier, R Denny, R. Dick on; ROW 3: C. Dresen, L. Edgar, W. Eng-el tad, L. Erdman, L. Green, D. Head, L. Head; ROW 4: L. Himle, M. Horsman, R. Houghton, J. Houseman, K. Kellar, S. Kleeberger, L. Lamp land, M. Laudon; ROW 5: M. Lenz, R. Lewis, S. Lostegaard,

. Lowrie, G. Mielke, M. N-elson, T. Ness, D. Nord; ROW 6: S. Nord, H. O'Malley, J. Patterson, L. Peterson, M. Quimby, B. Ramer, J. Reynolds, J. Saxton; ROW 7: D. Schandorff, B. Schuck, M. Shelstad, N.

picer, S. Starkson; ROW 8: K. Steven­son, K. TePoel, L. Terpstra, C. Terrey; ROW 9: G. Threinen, J. Tietje, R Trapp, N. Tripp; ROW 10: N. Tvedt, H. Unger, V. Van trom, M. Wagner, G. Yennie.

.ROW 1: W. Aar void, R. Albert , R. Alrick, W. Andri t, J. Ar ~·t~ inger, S. Baker, G Barte~ L. Bartel. ROW 2: C. Beaver, . Blai dell, M. Boruff, J. Brakke, B. Brown, '.Buchholz, . Buehler, J. Bz kie. ROW 3: J. Calhoun,

V. alhoun, T, Currier, B. Dibble, S. Edmond, C. Elias, . Engl , J. Fiegel, ROW 4: M. Fik en, D. Fjerstad,

M. Fjer tad T. Forland, W. Grant, J. Green, J. Hanson, S. Hannon, ROW 5: J. Harri P. Harris, J. Hockens, D. HoP.hn, M. Hogle, C. Holtz, M. Hrtanek, B. Johnson, ROW 6: T. Johnson, B. Klement, E. Klo ner, J. Kron­schnable, J. Kujath, B. Leth, J. Maminga, D. Martin. ROW 7: A. Miller, T. Miller, R. ~eLon, M. O'Brien, J. Olive, P. Olive. ROW 8: R. 0::-.:m, C. Omeara, M. Otto, J. Po.ey. ROW 9: C. P(,v.-e: M. Rhoten, P. Robertson, K. Sackett. ROW 10: B. Schroeder, H. Seiber, . Sell, B. Siem, D. Skarie, R. Southworth, D. Spilman.



ROW 1: B. Suhr. M. Suhr, G. Thronson, R Tryg-stad, L. Tryg tad, B. Tvedt, E. TT 'gPr, J. Vangne . ROW 2: T. Walker, R. W enz. M. Whalen, L. Wiborg, B. Wil­cox, G. Wright.

Row l : L. Aar void, D. Affeldt, D. Ander-on, R. Baier, S. Baker, A. Blanchard, C.

Blatti, B. Blood; ROW 2: J. Boruff, J. Boyum, M. Boyum, R. Bradford, R. Brown, S. Brown, J. Burdick, K. Burg ; ROW 3: J. Capretz, S. Castner, C. Caswell, T. Dimler, D. Edgar, P. Engl~, D. Engel­stad, S. Erath; ROW 4: M. Erickson, M. Evans, T. Ferry, D. Fiege~ M. Folkestad, D. Forland, N. Green, J. Gulbransen; ROW 5: B. Hanson, D. Hanson, F. Haugo, A. Hissam; ROW 6: S. Hoehn, M. Hogle, P. Hogle, T. Holtz; ROW 7: M. Horner, L. Iverson, C. Johnson, G. Johnson.


ROW 1: T. Kleeberger, M. Klement, T. Kohout, D. Larso~ J. Leth, B. L<>hrbacb, R. L<>quai, M. Mue ke; ROW 2: T. Mur­phy, G. N e th, R. Northway, B. Nyfeler, P. Olson, P. ·Pappas, J. Parkin, L Pratt; ROW 3: M. Pratt, L. Ranvek, R Redfern, .J. Rosecke, N. Rud, S. Scharberg, T. Schu­bert, M. Shelstad; ROW 4: M. Smalley, A. Spicer, J. Stucky, J. Suhr, G. Sullivan, R. walla, K. wenson, R. TePoel; ROW 5: J. Terrey, C. Tietje, M. Tucker, S. Tucker, S. Tuttle, B. V ai~ L. Waits, D. Zweifel.

Janie to r rul over Homecoming '59 after he wa crowned queen by foot­baH co- aptain ~ Dav and no and Larry Dahle at the coronation-bonfire on Oct­ober th.

In Friday aft rnoon parade the Eighth grade \\on fir t prize on their float with the .:logan " lean-Em up with Komet". The Komet football , quad added to the fe tiviti . by downing the Kenyon Vik­ing· 13-0 in the Friday night game. Following- the game, :tude,lt and alumni danced to the mu. ic of lem LaBarre and hi~ orche tra.

Bob Head

Janice tover


Ann Parkin, Jane Kirkwood, Janice Sto­ver, Mary Ne , Shelly Johnson, Linda Erdman.


Mary I e ~, Karen ten&­rud, Marlys Ruport, Bonnie Baker, and Barb Kellar, A t am che rleader , watch the ba k t hopefully.

B team cheerleader:s Pat Burdick, Julie Tietje, Linda Erdman, Sharon Gladden, and Li e Fineid practice with KoMet Shaker:s.

Yellin for the Junior High ar team cheer­leader Beeky Loquai, San­dy \V ebber, hri Blaisdell, Pam Rober n and Bar­bara Klement.



The main project of th cheerleaders thi year wa to .::ponsor th annual cheer-1 ading- clinic with Lawr nc H l'kimer a clinician. \bout 310 girl cam ft·om !5 chool: in Region I.

Two vacancie will b left thi year by graduating nior Mary 1 and Karen ten ~rud. Mary ha b en a cheerleader

for four y r and Karen fur two years.



Lisa Fineid

0 R


T E 8

The Ka son - 1antorville High School . Iajorette t. ~:: alway tepping high \ hi ... performing at half-time dur­ing the football game a Hi Homecoming and .1emorial Da~· parade~. They march al­so a •ariou parades during the ummer. Bonnie Baker i h ad majorc e thi year.

usan Loquai Judy arlon

Pat Burdick

Bonnie Baker

B A D Back row: • 1 el on, W. Ent?;l tad, C. TeP l L. Jr.. 1. on, •. Fik ·en. Row 2: R. Albert., L. Bartel, R. 'outhworth, H. .John n, P. Burdick, K. ten rud, C. Blai. dell, H. ·wright, G. Wyatt. Row 3: B. Kl ment. L. Himl , R. Trapp, B. Patt r-


. n, .. •. 'latti, T. L quai. M. Laudon, D. Alb r :. Row 4: B. Wil x. J. liv , P. Rob rt~on, J. O!i\· , , . Lo. tegaard, J. Hou. man, W. Mien rt. Row 5: N picer, P. Brown, J. HaiTi . . Harmon. C. Pat­ten, . Tuck r. . Rro\\n. Row :B. Baker C. Krach , T. Riedel. L R w. Edmond, B. L th, J. Laudon, B. Brekke. Row 7: C. Dart 1, D. Lu'lclrtubt. B. L th, .J. Harmon,

. ell, P. HaiTi', ,J. Brakke, Front row: L. Erdman, J. arion, D. Glaw , . orn­wcll, T. Harri '. L .. ell, , . Loquai.


Th fir t band, an e · ·ential part of our '<:huol life, ha b en acuve in ooth sports event. and concert p lformance thi year. Th y p rformed in the annual Homec min> event · and played for. all hom football and ba ·k lball game. as w II a . at the tournament ·

v nt n band m mb r: participated in the Hiawatha Valley League All-Star Band thi fall at Zumbt·ota on ovember 23. The entir band t ok part in our Hiawatha Valley L a u' 'linic at 'annon Fallr on February 1.

Amon the , loi ' L' who took part in the di trict cont ' t, \ hich \Va. held at K-M on March 30, w r Carolin Bart l, tan Blatti, D Ann Glaw ., u:an Loquai, and

arol Patt n. Th bra· en: mb1 , flute trio, clarin t quartet, and drum du t al play d at th cont t. The band went to Plaim·iew on April for the band and choru · conte t . Th y w re g-raded on a , ight-r ading- number ru well a two rehear cl numb r.:-.

Half of th hrL tma, C'onc rt. a Pop oncert, and a pring oncert: wer pre­

.. ent d by the band thi year. The band al o took part in the annual

Memorial Day parad . The cond band members who are pre­

paring for entrance into fir. t band. , pend mo t of their tim on technique. One day of ach w k L also pent on mu. ic theory.

Row 4: haron Erath, Rue Jean Bro\vn, Rita Bradford, Robert W enz, Ronnie 01 on, Lorrie Wiborg, Jo Ann Calhoun, Dan Affeldt. Row 3: Glenn Neseth, Tom Ferry, Bruce Vail, Bradley Lohrbach, Kirk Swenson, Terrance John on, Gerald Bartel, Barry Dibble, Tom Walker, Fred Haugo. Row 2: Kathryn ackett, Jane Boruff, Ann Loui ·e Miller, ora lie Beaver, Mary Beth

mall y, Pat 01 on, tanl y Br wn, Judy Hanson, John Parkin, Mary Fik .. en, h ryl Blatti. Row 1: Diane Han on, Nancy Rud, Marcia Klement, Micheale Hogle, Mary Folke tad, Jean Leth, Carolyn Buchholz.

CHORUS Mixed 'horu , directed by Waldemar Sundet, .:ent ixteen member to the Hi­awatha Valley All-Star Conce1·t in Zum­br ta four member to the Dorian Fe -tival in D corah, Iowa, and t\ o extet , on mix d quartet and four· soloi L to the olo and en emble conte t held at Ka. son-Mantorville on March 0. Public appearanc: " of the ch ru were a c>om­bined ch l'U"' and band concert at hrist­man and a pring Concert in May.




J . TI R HIGH HORUS Back row: S. Currier, J. Tietje, L. Terp-tra, . T rrey, M. Nelson, J. Arget inger,

M. L nz, . Andri t . Lo tegaard. Front row: M. Bohlander, D. Bornholdt, D. Nord, M. h L tad. K. Kellar, J. arion, L. Erdman.

'H. HI H CHORU ROW 4: ... r or man andeno, Jerome Jensen, Ronni 1\Iu"'olf, huck McFadd n, Ronnie Fuch~. arJ- 11, Dan Erick on, Bob Sav­oie, Don Holt n, am Brewer, Bill Klee­b r er, Alb rt N 1 on, David Sandeno,

harle, • karie, Denni Tucker; ROW 3: Marie Brakke, anclra Andri t Linda Hilliard, Julie Tietj . Bonnie Mielke, Lon­nie Terp .... tra, harlott ornwell, Faye Vanderhyde, Maril~·n Bu hler, Jean Thomp on, andra Thorn, Alice Ries; ROW 2: Mary N e . Kathy Kellar, Betty Wilcox, leo Gulbran. n, Marly Ruport, Eloi e L in, Linda Forland, Katherine Rhode . Ruth Zwemke, Kay Currier, San­dra B ckman, Karen ten rud, Karen Lar n; ROW 1: Pat Blood, Shirley Han-on, Carol TePoel, J eanean Carlson, Dor­

othy Alrick, .Janet Rhodes. Barbara Lienau. Naomi John on, Bonnie Baker, Janice Boyum, Janice Stover.


Standing: Chuck karie, Gary ell itting: Carol TePoel, Charlott ornwell

Standing: Julie Tietje, Karen Sten rud, Mary Ness Sitting: Eloi e Lien harlotte Cornwell , ::Sandra Thorn

Back row: Caroline Bartel, Marilyn Sell, Norma Fiksen, Judy Fuchs

Front row: Barbara Kellar, Laurie Larson

Karen Lar on nnie Pre cher, andra Beckman


y Row 1: J. Thrap, M. ell, K. Currier, M.

'tucky, S. Thorn, C. Patten Row 2: . John~on, N. Fiksen, J. Ander­

, on, J. Laudon, T. Han; , E. Mittel­tadt, M. Otto, M. Ruport

How 3: . Ca tner, N. Tvedt, S. Tucker, ,J. Lenz, J. Ar et inger, J. Carlon, R. Blaine, 1\1. Fik en

Row 4: P. Hogle, B. Siem, J. Hansoa, B. Tvedt, M. Lenz, T. Murphy

Library lub ha .- t up many project , both individual and ·oup, which enable th m mb 1" to erve the chool a well a.· to l arn for them elve . Member hip includ . both library a i ·tant and any oth r ~ ud nt , from rad even through tw lve.

~i . ted by Mr ·. Bu h, the Library Club thi y ar pon or d a Homecoming Float, th Library Bull tin, and a t a among other group activitie!';. To bring attention to Book W k, th membe attended th ir cla.' dre · · d a: famou character in fiction.



now 1: A. P] n, . karie, . Blatti Row 2: R. ,John n, J. Peitzrak, L. Ander­

m. J. Parkin. P. Thron n


The cience Club, under the dir ction of Mr. Bartz, wa allowed to u · any of the equipment in the science room to work on any proj ct or experiment that they wi h J. The Science Club al o had a ba ketball team.

Row 1: Ronnie John on, Jim Parkin, Charles Skarie, Barton Berg. Row 2: Janet Andel on. Roberta Glad­den, Charlotte Corm ell, Eloi e Lien, Walter Pappas.

The Photo lub i a elf upporting organization led by the advisor~ Mr. Bartz and Mr. Kirby. The members

re allowed to u the darkroom to develop, print and nlarge their own pictures.


Front Row: J. Boyum, A. Parkin, M. tucky, L. Ander on

Tietje, B. Brekke, M. Peterson, G. Pet­r on, M. hipman, S. Hegna, R. Alberts

Back Row: K Kellar, C. Gulbransen, J.

T C u 0

u D

The main proj ct of the tud nt Coun-·il thi year wa to mak pr liminary ar­ran emen~ to ponsor a foreign tudent. It \'.·a their re pon ibility to rai the n c sary mon y and to cure a home tor th :tud nt.

gain thi year th y had char e of the Hom Fair Talent how in Ma1·ch. They al , cur 1 hall m nitor to help control th t1·affic in th hall .




tanding: Jo Ann Laudon, Ellen Bonn ·, Eloi ·e Lien, am Brewer, Mike hipman, Myrna 'tucky. Sitting:

Mi s Mrozek.

'ix peaker and the one act play ca t from K-M qualified to participate in the Di trict 3 peech Conte t. .-\.ft r receiving Superior rating at that event, Sam Brewer and Mike Shipman advanced to the Regional 1 ,·el where they earned Excellent rating .

s p E A K E R

tan din : Barbar, K liar. J o Ann Laudon, Billi Fuchs. itting: Lauri Lar~on. Myrna tucky, Naomi John .. on.

Row 1: . karie, J. Parkin W. Walker, B. Br kke, . Blatti

Ro\'.' 2: J. Ande n, J. Lenz, K. Rhode .J K · ,·kw d; M. Dick n, K. Stensrud, - T. r e,

P. C' \\ ;~ Han ... on, . Moe, T. Ham , . Fi r~ tad, E. Mittie tadt, J. Laudon, E. I ien

Rn\\ 4 · ._. Herrna, . rnwell. B. Kellar, I. , tu ky, . Thorn, C. Patten, R. Glad­


Bu 'ine~: ~lana er harl Skarie and Assistant Ed­itor andra He ·~a get a preview of Editor Parkin'& plan·.

Pictur ~. pa te, and pa e flew as tw nty-one junior and enior" worked tog th r to put out the large t annual in K-M' hi~tory. For the econd year the Komet . pon red the Honor Roll Bawl honorin "A" anrl ' B" honor roll mem­ber~ at the nd of the fir t erne ter.

Annual were di tributed at a emi­~ormal autograph party in Augu t.



Row 1: M. tucky, . Thorn, C. Patten, J. Thomp on, D. Burge , M. Shipman, N. John n, D. Lundqui t, K. Marti, E. Lien

Row 2: C. ornwell, S. Hanson, C. Moe, E. Bonne , . Gulbran n, S. Fjer tad,

K m te r -editor, Mike hipman and harlott (' rnwell plan for deadline .


0 E. Mittl .:tarlt, J . Laudon, C. TePoel, J.

tover Ro\\ 3 : .T. Ander. on, K. Rhode, , D. Koper­

ki. D. r op 1· ki. T. HarrL, K. Currier, .J. Kirkw od, M. Dick. on, K. Stensrud, . 1 N r , :--, H. Gladrlen


rrh Kom te ' r, K-... 1' .. t udent publica­tion wa co-edit d thi~ year by Charlott

ornw 11 and Mik hipman. Formerly mim ograph 'd, thi .. i th fir t year of a printed pap 1· with adverti ing. It i~ puhli ·h r1 ery three week'.

A,' a memb r of th • ational ciety of Publication A · ciation and Minne -ota High chool Pre , ociation, the !)ap r will enter in tate-wid competi­tion.

Thi · extra-curricular club c ntain ab ut thirty memb r . Award are given on th ba i of participation.

Row 3: Paul Thronson, Norman Albert­~on, H rbert Se wang, Don Holton, John Harmon, Doug Bm·ges Pat Burdick, .J an Thompson. Ro\\' 2: ar le Kracht, Phyllis Fjerstad, Ka. Marti, Naomi John on, Diane Lund-

J 0 U R

qui t, Connie Prescher. Row 1: Karen Lar on Karen Tucker, Shirley Rhod ·, Betty Wilcox

harlotte Cornwell.

Janice Boyum, Hansen, Janet Myrna Stucky,



A new cl velopment thi year in the sophomore cl wa th K-M Journali m lub, or K-M New Service. Ading a pr :-- a ociation .flor the ·chool, the club had 6 column inche. print d in the Ka n and Roche t.er n w pap r. . N xt year it will edit every i ue of the Kom t er and ha alr ady publi hed two i ues thi year.

Several member of the club received journalism award . For having the mo t column inches publi hed, Doug Burge was cited with the Dodge County Inde­pendent Award. Awards were al o given to Kay Marti for be t coverage of activitie and to Myrna Stucky for the be t community feature.


Row 1: Dan Erick n, Ronnie Fuch , Ronnie Mu lf, huck McFadden. Row 2: Bob Fryer, Dour Burgts ,

Rocky Erdman, Gary Threinen, Donnie Evan , Joe Blai dell, Norman Fuhrman. Row 3: Bob Dimler, Don­nie pilman, Benn tt Krach , Gary Peter on, Tom Loquai, Norm Alb rt on, Bob Patter on. Row 4: Tom

ell, Wally Walker, • terling Ne , Gaylen Threinen, Le t r John 'on, David Thomp ·on. Row 5: Bill Brekk , Marlin Peter on, Gary ell, Dave andeno, Albert Nel on, Stan Blatti, Lee Lampland.


FA Row 1: Gar~· Eel. rar, Gary 11, B nnett Kracht, Ilill t! othman, Tom ell, Dick Pow 1", G n ld 'Vyatt. R W 2: Dan chandodf. r nncth • t Y n. n, Dave

Thomp on. Harv y Te1 oel, Gary Tvedt Jim 01. on, ouo· Thorn, R \V 3: Dale Edgar. Gary Mielke. Ed Krame1·, Ray Trapp, Dic::k D n~·. Gary Thr in n, Nor­lyn Boyum. K n Pau ::;on, R \V 4: Ir. KnucL n, Rolland ngle. had , alhoun, Dal Hor ma . Neil Tripp. D nni. Tuck­er, Jim N el on. Clarenc Kittle on. Keith Po.ey.

This i th third y ar the Ka on-Mantorville FFA ha been under the uidance of Mr. Erne t Knudson. The chapt r ha done well thi year in all events partici­pated in. The K-M team placed fir t in the District Dairy Jud ing Conte t after which they advanced to the ate contest in May. Member of the winning team wer Bill Strothman, Tom Sell, Gary Edgar, and Ken Paul. n. AI o upon entering the pring Barrow .'how at Au tin, Bill Strothman received a fir t place in individual divi ion.

The chapter ha managed four Suffolk sheep and a Holstein cow during the pa t year.

Officer, for the year were: Pre' ident, Tom Sell; Vice­Pre ident, Dick Power ; ecr tary Bill trothman; Trea urer, B nnett Kracht; Repor er, Gary ell.

Ayn Rand's "The Night of January 16th", a three act murder my tery, was presented by the senior class under the direction of Mi Anita Mrozek. The play wa actually a murder trial, with the jury elected from the audience to determine the final verdict. The ca t was compo ed of: Marc Dickson, Eloise Lien, Michael Shipman, Larry Anderson, Charlotte Cornwell, Carol TePoel, Bob Savoie, Karen ten rud, Sterling N , Albert N el on, Larry Klement, David Sandeno, JoAnn Laudon, Larry Dahle, Mary Ne , Ron Musolf, Jim Parkin, and Gary ell.








The junior cla.... play "Girl Crazy'', ba ed on the original mu ical comedy bring life to the Old \Vest, via a rich New York playboy and hi , crazy taxi driver who tum a de rted old inheritance into a buzzing dude ranch. It wa a fa t-moving three ac , rich with comedy. Mr. David Kirby wa director.

OOTBALL For the 'first" lime since the schoolR

consoliuauon, the Hiawatha v a! 1 e y Champ1on hlp was won oy Coach Leuth­ner s tootbali team, led by tri-captams, ~terhng N e , Larry Dahle, ami .Uave Sandeno, with .flour wins and one tie.

The four top cor r for the Komets thi ea on were Hob Head with 2 points, Bill Brekke with 24 points, Dave Ban­deno with 13 point , and Larry Dahle also with 13 point .

enior who will be lo t next season are Sterling Ne Larry Dahl€, Dave

andeno, huck McFadden, Bob Head, Al­bert N el on, Ron M u If, Ron Fuchs, Dan Erick on, and Bob Patterson.

K-M 7 We oncord 0 7 tewartville 13

13 Zumbrota 7 7 Farmington 7

13 Kenyon 0 19 Lake City 16 24 Cannon Falls 0

D dge Center 7

ROW 3: Bob Patter n, Tom Loquai, Bob Denny, huck McFadden, Dan Erick­•. on, Ronnie Fuch , Wally Walker, Bob Diml r; ROW 2: Doug Burge , Richard Lewis, Vance Harri Bill Brekke, Norman Al­bert on, Bennett Kracht, Norman San­deno, Le ter John n; ROW 1: Albert N ei on, Bob Head, Ster­ling . , Da e andeno, Larry Dahle, Ronnie Mu olf, Donnie Spilman, Gary Thr in n.

Tl"i-captain terling N e , Dave Sandeno, and Larry Dahle led the Komet to the 1959 Hiawatha Valley hampion hip.


Bob Head and oach Leuthner

Bill Brekke and Bob Dimler

Back rr.w: J. Patt r 'on, . Brown, M. Laudon, D. Al­berts, R. Denny, W. Engelstad· T. , G. Threinen, R. Lewi , D. Head; R. II. . orland, R. W enz, R. Olson, T. urrier, B. Dibble, B. '\ orden, J. Harri , G. Bartel, J. Green, K. wenson: R. 1: B. Vail, R. walla, J. Par­kin, . Green, . Brown, B. Lohrbach, J. Burdick, D. Engelstad.

Larry Dahle


L ft to right: S. McKean, M. Peter on. H. Reynold , W. Walk r, D. Erick on. N. Fuhrman, T. Sell, C. Mc­

Fadden, G. Peter on, W. Mi net·t.



Back row: Coach Ed Leuthner, D. Andri t, V. Harri , B. Denny, N. Albertson,

H. eewang, J. Harmon, Manager Rocky Erdman.

Front row: D. Morris, W. Alrick, L. Lampland, J. Blai ell, G. Threinen, H. Wright, K. Po ey.

c T E A

Komet eager put in a hard ea on with a final tally of fourteen lo e to four win up to the ubdi trict tournament where they won over Byr n but lo t to Dodge enter in the emi-final . tarting enior Dan Erick­~ on~ orm Fuhrman, Tom ell, and Chuck McFadden will be lo t to Coach Hu e.

Back row: R. Olson, J. Bartel, G. Mielke, J. Harri , R. Wenz, M. Laudon, W. Eng­

le tad, T. Currier, S. Brown, J. Fiegel, Coach Dale Timm .

.B'ront row: M. Quimby, D. Martin, R. Houghton, L. Himle M. Horseman, V. Van-

trom, J. Patterson.



Row 2: D. Head, N. Sandeno, R. Fuchs, R. Dimler, G. Sell, S. Ness.

The K-M wrestling team closed out last years season with a 6 won and 5 loss record The individual standout was Captain Ronnie Fox who won the Conference, District ill, and Region I cham­pionships, which allowed him to become the first K-M wrestler to earn a berth in the State Tournament. He ended his four year prep career with a dual meet record of 36 wins and 1 1 . Also winning conference cham­pion hips were Don Spilman and Bill Brekke. They went on to qualify for the Regional Tournament by placing second in the District ill competition. Only three seniors, Ronnie Fox, Gary Sell, and Sterling Ness, will be lost through graduation which should leave a good nucleus for next years team. Next year wrestling will be added to the Hiawatha League with five teams competing.

.J. Blai, ll, L. Lampland, R. Lewis,

J.Harmon. Coach Dale 'fimm, C. Kittleson, M. Hor man, A t. Coach Ed Leuthner.



Front row: R. Lewis, C. Kittleson, D. Spil:nan, J. Blaisdell, D. Burge , M. Ho~an, L. Lampland

Back row: B. Brekke, B. Fryer, B. Dimler, . McKean, M. Peterson, G. Peterson, C. McFadden,

J. Berg, J. Harmon

Back row: R. 01 on, J. Bartel, R. Wenz, H. Unger, L. Lampland, R. Trapp, R. Denny, . Brown, R. Dickson, D. Head, G. Thr in en, f. Laudon. Row 3: D. ffeldt D.

wallow, I. \Vhal n, J. Kron hab L T. urrier, D. Hoehn, J. Harri, B. Johnson, R. Quam, M. Boruff, D.

Harlyn n er, aylen Threinen Robert Denny, teve Brown

Forland, P. Pappa . Ko\ 2: T. Murphy, K. wenson, M. helstad, P. Ho le, 1. Erick~on, F. Haugo, J. Bur­dick, B. Lohrba k, M. Pratt, D. Edgar, W. Wilcox, L. Ranvik, T. Kohout, J. Parkin. Front row: T. Ferry,

. Brown, D. Enge tad, I. Pratt, B. Vail, M. trothman.

Thi year' track t am compo ed entirely of Junior high tudent placed high in Junior high competion . Ou tanding performers were the two relay team pictured below. Mr. H u e i track coach.

David Ho hn, Richard Quam, Jay Harri , Jerry Bartel

J a·nic tover and Terry Harri

Jane Kirkwood

Dave andeno and nn Parkin


King Dan and Queen Jane

One hundred forty tudent , ~u , and teacher danced in a Pacific Paradi e at the Junior- enior Prom, May 13. huck Hazelton' Band played for the three hour dance which preceded a midnight dinner at the Hubbell Hou e. King Dan Eric on and Queen Jane Kirkwood reign d over the gala evening which began with the grand march.

During the int rm · ion Ma ter of eremonies Bob Dimler introduced the various numbe of the program which included the I Will and 1 Prophecy, a

lo by Charlotte ornwell and a hort talk by Dr. L. B. verance.

Terry Harri , Larry Bradford, Judy Fox, and Bonnie Colburn


.JoAnn Laudon

CHIC GO, HI 0: < ifty enior and chaperone David Kirby, Mr . Glady arl on, and r . Katherine Klinepier entrain from Win na for a thre day trip to the big city during Ea ter vacaton. Fun, trange food, Fun, aching feet, Fun, . nap hot , Fun, yawn , and mor Fun filled the trip and convinc d the traveler that a cia trip i worth all the back breaking money rai ing it take .

Bill trothman and orrn Fuhrman

orm Fuhrman, haron Fjer tad, Jim Iver on, and Jerome Jensen

Carol Moe and andra Ha on

Larry Ande on

Mr. Kirby


andra Hegna

Karen tensrud and leo Gulbrannsen


On Sunday, June 5, at 8:00p.m., tfiifty-nine seniors

heard the Baccalaureate sermon given by Reverend

Cedi Arget inger. Father Vernon Schaefer presented

the invocation and benediction. The high school chorus

ang accompanied by Mrs. Dale Timm.

The climax came at the commencement exercises

held Monday, June 6, when the excited seniors received

their diploma from Paul Pappas, Pre ident of the

School Board. The gue t peaker was Dr. Edward

Rynear on of the Mayo Clinic at Roche ter, Minne ta.

Reverend Gabriel Tweet presented the scripture read­

ing and benediction. Carol TePoel ang "Green Pas­

tur ~"

A 10 A

HO 0

8hown ' ith th Roch ter chapt r during the initia­ti n · r mony are ' nior Jam · Parkin, Larry An-d r ·on, ' tanl y Blatti, Bill ' trothman, 'harl karie,

' harlotte Corn\ ell, Jo nn Laudon, Janet nderson, Carol 1'ePoel, and Junior Barbara Kellar, Robert Dimler and Bill Br kke.


In May, 12 K­ci ty at an impr chapt r.

tudent were cho en charter n1 1nb r o ih ational Honor o-ive tapping ceremony c nduct d by th Ro h t r high hool

Qualifi ation f r memb r hip are fourfold. ir t and ba ic i scholar hip. In order to be con ider d a junior or nior mu t hav mantain d a av ra throu h hi enior high chool year . L ader hip, the ond quality, mu t h vident in both

curricular and tra curricular a ti iti . haract r d not l: a g od chool citizen and rvice elfl . ne and co p ration in all area ' of c 1 ol lif .

The ational Honor i ty wa fir t or aniz d in 1921 anrl n w ha affiliate chap-ter in over 60 0 high hool in th nit d .. tat . It i on of the thr national high . rho I honor ieti r ogniz d by merican coil ge .

n evening ff hon ring- the mem r and th ir par nt. wa, held in the hoo] library W dn day ev ning, June 1.




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BOY D IR COUNTY In a ·chool-wide election ponsored by the Ameritan Legion th following junior were elected to the various county office . Front row - left to right - Norlyn Boy­um, Bonnie Baker, Pat Blood. Bill Brekke, Bob Fryer, St v Gr en; back row - left to right - Sam Brewer, Judy Fox. Wally Walker, Norman Sandeno, and Marlin Pd<'rson.




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