1928-05-09.pdf - DigiFind-It


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Transcript of 1928-05-09.pdf - DigiFind-It

WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 -----·----�------�·-- --�--- ----�----




.,.,, and Fo•r Co•ncilmen To lk Nominatttl --U.S. St11ator, GoHrnor and Fretltoltltr Canfliflatt•

A"• To Be &lecttfl

Westfield and Plainfield Or- ROADHOUSES TB£1£ ganizationa Unite In Cele­bration of Mwic Week Mountainaide Group Plana Or­

dinance to Restrict

Musical Group& Combine Benefit Performance

Next Week


Boandarie� of ExcarJatifHI Staittl O.t Thia Jforaiar F•r Nttw Holfltt 0• Ac•tlt•1 Plac:tt. Silt

Of OIJ Lintoln Scltool ThP outstanding feature of the ob- Inn• Favorite selections from the works

OCJtL MEN SEEK RE 0 servance of Music Week will be the uf Victor Herbert, groups of songs rr11CRAL L E.LECll N COMMITTEES NAMED by Mi$8 Helen Ga ubis, noted coneert iJ1j J L • joint band conr.ert which will be given artist, and piano selections by Miss DISTINGUISTED GUESTS AT CEREMONIES

large vote is anticipated next.-.--- in the auditorium of the Roosevelt Some effort should he made to t•eg- Priscilla Bradstreet Whipple o£ Cran- --------- ------1 Work on the new Maaonle TeM• �ay when. the vote� will nomi:(MEMORIAL DAY COMM. Junior High School this evening, The ulate road-houses in Mountainside, ford, and rongs by the West.fi�ld Glee BURGLARS LOOT pl.,., which wiU hou�e Atlaa Lodp, ,.te their vanoua candulates for % TO MEET MON NIGHT Westfield Bar.d and the Liberty Band was the opinion expressed by Coun- Club will feature the first JOint ��n-OFFICE SAFE No. IZo, }'. & A. M. IUid Ita ai!Uiated

tee· For the past few weeks can • ' of Plainfield will unite, under the cilman Daniel J. Dono\'an, Jr., at the cert of the Westfield g{�phonrv �- bodies, was begun this mornlnc wbtk

w,es h�ve toured the State andd a A meetin of�neral Memorial direction of William N. Bartow for adjourned meeting of the Borough chestrn, the M usical u of

be� · a gruup of lo�al Masons, headed bj' ,.ther hvely campaf«n baa e nsue · D .g g this concert. The program which ap- Council held last night in the Bot· field and the Westtleld Glee Clu ' 0 Durglurs entered the oll\ce of Be<·k· the Building Committee, otaked oil\ One of the prineip!t.l contests of the M.

ay d

commltt�e �a\hbe� ca�led [or pea red in these columns last week ough Hull. Councilman Donovan be held Muy 15 In Roosevelt Audi- er's c<;al and hnnbn yard in Pkton lht> lwundaries of the excavation 011

Primary Election·wiU be the choice gi

�� t�·�J.enlnf '"M � ���Mea!' I�- ha> been carefully selected and con- stated that at present t here was no tnrium for the J�e

nefit of the Chil· lust night nnd looh•d the Slife of its A<·ademy place. Tomorrow morntnc !� nomination of a United States Kn uff 1Gmg 1Y Cha!or an

Rcls · tains numbers which have appeared ordinance whereby road-houses could dren's Country ome. f d' d ut 7:45 o'clock the fil'l!t spade full of ., fi R bli an a enera Birman epre- be prev"n!t•<l fronl beJ·ng es'"blo'shed Tho •••lections f1·om the wm·ks o enlirc contents, nee,,. mg to wor ,1,.1•1 Wl'l\ be renloved by Lynn D. Senator· �here are ve epu e

sentati�es of ever or anizati'o which on progran.'s of many leading musl· ' . "" t\ ll)ldidates m the field, Jo&eph S. Fre


will �art' . t .Y thg

b 11 f cal orgamzahons throughout the within tht• bol'ough limits and it wns Vidor lft'rb.,rt were l(iven reeen Y r·t•r<'ind in l ocal pol ire h<•aulquart�rs Styles, Master ot Ailas Lodge, In tile · Lllilan Fickert, Edwar " . "'1Jl'l � '" e 0 servance 0 country. up to the Council to create some sort by the Westfield Sy mphony Orchestrr� curly lhi• morning. pres•ncc of a distinguished company, !illlf h�Y:;n,

Edward W. Stokes and Memorml Day IS requested to be pres- Westfi ld . . 1 d f t t t of procedure to keep our undesir· ul its final •eusonal concert nnd will Th<• burglars foreed an entranre to inl'luding Howard Gay, Hlch Prl..t

• r 'F K Edward I Ed e nt and all sub-committees are asked . e IS In< ee or una e o abies. He felt thnt if properly regu- be repeated by request.

f of Corinthian Chapter, No. 67, R. Ji,, Jllmilton • eanD. 1 h

. · - to have their reports ready to present be able to present John Dolan, cornet The prol(rnm, nnnoum·rd lust night, til<' piact' and unable to open the sa e W .., B .

W h !lh--·-'sis agai.n the emocr�t c e Olce. to the meeting.

• soloist of Sousa's Ban<!. Mr. Dolan Ia ted a revenue from licensing these ,·".' "K ft>ll<>ws·. Par·t. !-Three Danees b h bl I l\t,; lltrs. • "' ' ntten, ort Y _.. d d t ppear 1 the eon places could be turned into the bor- " " rnke oft' t " eom 11111 011• tron, Atla� ChaJlter, Order of tiN Four can 1 a .es •. f


· • Accord1'ng to M aJ·,,r Knauff the will play "LeThiere" with band ac- fron1 llenry \'Ill (a) Monis Danc e PI h f ('l k B t ernor ough treasury. The sentiments ex- ' ' Conotable un• nus� o 'ar l'nstern Star; Judge Walter L. liD· .... for the nomma .10n or ov • plan3 are shapr'ng up 1·n a tn .: sat- comJ1nniment. This is a difficult se- (b) Shephrt4tl•' '}&llC" (c) Torch 1 1 11\ •-..,. I D J " 0•• - pressed by the Councilm an met with "• " > �, 'r<lwnshit• wl1<> ives nea� t 1a o ec, nell, secretary of the Muonlc -TheY are: Corne IUW'll�rem�s,D'li isfactory manner and he is of the lection a�d the •kill of the musician approval of all present and at the Dance,- Westfield Symphony Orrhea- snw the plaee lighted up and wunt to cia tlon Tru8tceB, a11d Chilrlee B• . 1114 Rebert . carey . 1 I&;' L. 1 opinion that this year the observance is called mto play,

conclusion of his remarks 11 ripple of trn. Songs, (a) "The Dlind Plough- investigate. His approach apparent. Weslt>rvelt, prealdent of the MU11 .... -He!U'l' D

Harnsontic �::ee

' arson will be celebrated in a most fitting A notber exeellent program will be applause ran through the audience. Robert C. Clark, (b l "Donn Ye Cry, ly frightened tl1o burglars, who ••· Club. Thu exerdses attendlnc tlliffl·: 18 the emocra ' t d manner, given by the Lion's Club orchestra Mayor Lou is S. Robbins appointed Afn Honey," Albert Noll, (c) "Swing

cntJt•d along the railroad trl\cks, ccremon" will be brief and of a_,.,/ An interesting contest Ia expec e tinder th� direction of F. Grover C 'I Ch I L V h R Along," Will l\1. Cook, th<> Westflel<l or lrt•• t'ntor�-• ndtu•e, "-··• ·- ...... c,.· Jotally in the selection of Freehold- S£11018 CELEBRATE Smith at the regular dinner meeting

ounc• men ares . oor ces, Joy Glee Club. Piano !!electiOJis, (a) v n"" - ' .,... �� ._.fi"'""' ···

Th Republican• James G h Mulford and Daniel J. Donovan, r., ·�tu<l", D flat, Ll••t, (b) "IInrk, llnrk, 1100£1 SUSFE"T bumte program Ia belna prapantl --;:,: en. ree

.. Afll k d Fr d of t e club in the Elm Tree Inn on to confer with the Borough Attorney " ' •• h 1'1 '" t.he corner stone oxerciHA, wblelt wiW'"� CI.!•Y Charles ,.. , ec an e Friday night. d d II I tho Lark," Schubert-Uszt, (c) Sc et•. HELD WITHOUT BAJL t••k" J•laco proba!Jly In the et-''1 ...... •;-8. Sl�ter are contt!llt.llnt8. William CLASS DAY fRIDAY an raw up un or< nancc cover ng Z<l C •harp minol', Chopin, Miss Pris· u " ·-Blank is the only Democratic candi· Music Week opened with a musical the points brought out. dllot B. Whipple. Selections, (n) In- OccuJ!ylng the entire frontap 011 tlate in the field. service in the Congregational Church During the opening part of the

terlllono, "ln 11 Monastery Garden," the south side of Aeademy plaee, be-ll S Ni h 1 f W tfield is Seniors of the Westfield High on Sunduy afternoon. The cholu of meeting it almost seemPd as though Ketelbey, (b) Czal·dns, "Danse Sty- Leon Ua\1, colored of Cacc lnla twecl\ Summit avenue and the Boule-

• Rca



�o�:ress, e�pposing School will give their Class Da� pro- the lo rn! churches united and under there was to be some fireworks, but rienne," M ichiels, (c) Characterist ic ph1ce, charged with the mu rder of vard, formerly the site of Llncolll · ' the direction of Miss Grace Leeds the t empest subsided and the Coun- h" M ldl th 617 School, tho new Maaonlc Temple wUI '. Ernest R. Ackerman, Republican. duction at 8:30 o'clock Friday eve- Darnell presented a fine program. cil continued on an cvel\ keel through- Sket, "Down Sout ' Y< eton, e Mrs. Bruce Rhoades, aged 36, hnvc one of tho llnellt and moat eo• •-Fboeunromc?:�����ec;��!aryte�l:� nlng in the High School audit�rium. T he auditorium wns filled to capacity out the balance of the meeting, To W';!'tile i�II S:,r?tphony( �r�h�str�•· tl nlpley place, alao colored, waa a rro:t mandhtg locations of an

� 11-Jile' "' "The Lost Pleiad," a poetic fantasy for the occasion. be sure, there was a certain nmount art


�gll t �. Gn ro �c t:i �:�:·\�����!� ����.i��\ro:n'!i wa� building In the entire Stattr; 'I'M. U.n. The office of :Mayor Ia a lao to In two acts will be followed by "An On Monday af ternoon a program of argunients on rnnny queotlons that "Uomeo an< u eT h

o�o ,• D f R plnnH call for n lodge room oll-&llt". "filled at this time. Republican can- Eighteenth Century Fantssy" written was presented to the pupils of the came up for discussion but there was "Skongs M

Ay �lo

.�hLer n a

hug t "op,.

r";· given II formal heaNrlne

h be ore l

ei Hf<,.>n<l Boor with a seatlntr ea,..tw:; "dates have been sell!cted but the by members of the clas' under the dl- tt t t ttl th hi I'u , (c) l'JR " o emc, ucc m, co1·der Augustus c. a• In a spec a •"--11 • McKinley S<·hool. M.iss Adele Be- no a em p 0 scu e 0 " P or by Miss IIelcn Gaubls, accompanied sesRlon of Pollre Court. He pleaded uf 600, 1\ largo pipe orpn arut -· Pemocrsts have not announced any rectlon of Miss D olores Bordner. The attys was in charge and several songs blow up the magazine. If tho con· by Mi•• Flm·<•nce McClintock Ayres. "Not Guilty" and was held without mo<t modern equipment of IOJltle fwt­alate. first part will be introduced with Ruth composed by her were sung. Mrs. census of opinion could be gathered Song•, (n) "lltor·nlng," SpeakA-Bnld- bull. He was taken to tho County nlturc. An up-to-dnte ventiJathl• ,,.... The ca ndidacy of Councibns.n Burr Sleben-Morgen as speaker of th� Pro- Dona ld P�nrsull an d Mr•. Harold no doubt it would be agreed "That win, (h) "Lullaby," Johanes Brahms, jnll. at Elizabeth, Saturday mornlnK. tem will Insure puro air a& all tl••• !. Tow!, Republican, as Mayor seems Iogue, and the second part with Gene Welch also sang on this program. The a good thnc was had by all."

(c) "Annie J..nul·le," I,ndy Scott, nr- According to tho pollee, llnll and while the heating Qlltem wlll 1111 ��opposed and Indications poi nt to Messersmith as speaker. interest shown by the pupils was Shortly after M ayor RobbinR l'llP• rnngemcnt of Adoun Geibel, •md with Mrs. Rhoades had had an altcrcl\tlon stenm ,furnished by •n approved t:nt kil receiving unanimous support in The lost Pleiad presents In an orlg- most enthusiastic. The sponsors of ped for orde r w. R. Rich asked that Incidental solo by Albert E. Miller, nn Thuradny night. rt Is said that nf Curnace and oil burner. Ill Wards. inn! mannel" the myth of t he Plelad tho program feel amply repaid !or New Providence road be made a light by the Westfield Glee Club. Selec· t'he woman wanted to attend a dance On the flrot, or ground floor wilt

I ti. f Cl 1 d h h t 1 trnffic thoroughfare and hcnvy trucks •t Jlr. Tow! • a na ve o eve an • w o came to eart to marry a mora· the praparution that had been made <Cun!lnuod on f'nO'e 01 lion of Vlclor Herbert favot'I es, nnd ltall hn<l objected. It Is believed be located the rooma ot the Jl-•kl Ohlo, and receiv ed his early educa- Excellent humor i• provided in the In behalf of tho children. Keen in- "lllarch of the Toys," "Absinthe that Hall hnd sla.oho'd tho wotnan's Club, 1m auditorium, the kitchen, rail · &II In that city. Later he attended ehl\rMters of the Fisherman, Isidore, terest In music is being shown by tho co•STRUCTION OF "Y" Frappe," "Because You're You," throat nnd had lntt!cted a wound over ronmA, tho library and olllu • . I'M!- ·. tile Brooklyn Inotitute of Techno!- the toy v ender, and the three Watch· school children. 11 "When Y<>u're Awsy," "I Cnn't Do her eye lng Academy place the bulltllnc;wtltr�. IP• I!T&duating In 1890. For sev- men, played respectively b�· Howard Thoi!c who listened to the Atwater BUILDING rROGIESSES the Sum," "l'm Fulling In I.ovo With Earl; l•t·iday morning tho local po- have an entranco of di«nlf\ed.beaiat;. 1ft} rears he was a88iatant manager Curlett. Joseph Hinds, Morris Silver- Kent hour of music which was broad- Someone," "Gypsy Love Song," "Ita!- lice received word that a woman bad flanked on either aide by ..._.,. · .' ft tlle Tax Departme11t of· the Stan- stine, James Robottom and William cast from WEAF and aoociated ata- ian �treet �ong," "Kiss Me Again" been seen t hrown from 11 ear, driven window� and eolUIII!_lA,. U. ....... ...._ ilrd. Oil Company throuchoutSI)e Lln<lSIIY· . The charmln1r Plelad .who tlona·acree tlnlt tt Willi the gala con- The favorable weather of the paat and The lrtsh Hllve a Great Day To- by a negro on Central avenue and lng construtced of hollow tile, atueeo (TalWI States. For the paat eight chose earth as her heaven is played cert of the season. Eminent singers week hao been of great nsslstanco to night," by the We•tflehl Symphony that he bad pie ked her up ond driven and lime&tone and therefiiN ""'*"' ­c,_.., b y has resided I n Westfield, by Joan Hennell, Plelone, her moth- were on the program and the selec- the contractors o n the new v . M . c . Orchestra . . of!' towunl Elizabeth. Pol ice Sergeant cally fireproof, John F. Jaeltttom, tlilt � p reviously lived In Cranford. er, by Ruth Bender and Diana the lions chosen were those melodies that A. build ing and It Is now hoped that The Westfield Glee Club lVIII b� Hat·ry Deter eallod the Elizabeth Gen. archlted, Ia widely !mown u a· de­Pirinr his residence there he served huntre's by Helen Smi th. The Ki ng are dear to nmsic lovers. During the Foil will see the long anticipated �hnd��tc�

ttf 1 RSbert hG. Do�c;� ��\ m·al Hospital nnd was told thnt a algno1· of public buildlnp, a,_d l1 e..eP'I-11• member of the Board of Educa- of Corinth, hi• friend [,eo nte s, and hour c. M. Tremaine, secretary of I building ready fol' occupancy. e ca e ( r�p ;hny

I \\ �� '. negro had brought II woml\n to the cla�lly )Jromlnent In w�atfleld ·rc� tlon, bein g elected president of that Tolmid who plot• to be King make the National Committee, spo�e brief- Possibly the two features which 7,.!i!11�c T������,'mt�cc � ':&a; � "�r in>titutlon and had stntcd thnt be itccturnl circles throul'h hl� worli 011 IM!dy. n most interesting group. These Jy on the purpose of mUSIC week. hove attracted most attention from 1 1 drnWI fr m t�c or hnd plckad her up on the Lincoln the !tlothodlst Church and the Y. �· He is serving his second term ns a roles are ably nsumed by Owen Sow· The idea of a National Music Week I passers-by hllvc been lhu swimming I arrt;ng::men "·v�n , th: •n�ccrt ''"'j highway At Linden. The woman died G. A., both of which he deai1J11ed. ,Tb'Q

llember of the Town Council and at erwine, Jack Rinckhotf. and Harold originated with �r. Tremaine and thl; pool, which may be seen directly thru ��{j0�8:0�0��rulll Chnlr�Hlll, /... M. within n half hour after her Bdmlt- contract for the new temple haa._bee11 the present time Is chairman of the Colyer. iden hn• grown mto one of the most the big windows on the Ferris place Falrinllll resident of the Westfield lance to the hospital. Tho uegro hnd nwnrded to tho Wllrf;on A .Aullott loads, Water, Sewer and Sidewalk The enchanting Neredis and sun popular observances of tho year. side of the buildin�r and the gym· I Gl , Cl b·'' n 1 Robert C Tnylor Dr disa)l)lcarcd, leaving the sedun ln C orp.oratlon of Plnlnfield, at an ap- ' Committee. Maidens will be interpreted in love- Every �tate in the Union holds some rmsium at the rear of the structure. C "�1 ; T•'nc; llfrs IIn;·ry A Knif: which he was riding ut the hClspital. !II'OXIIllnte coAt of $180,000 and th�:r

Winfield C. Brower, Republican Jy dances by Edith Searle, Muriel sort of a celebration during Music These two rooms have caught the 11;,, Chn�lo�lf fl. se;frled, Mt�. Paul The pollee wero given the num- expcc•t· to havu it ready for occupan�:r

eandidate for the Council from the Block, Grace Weed. Betty Ross, Ruth Week. eye of many prospective member• Peckham, Mrs. !'nul n. Scnrff, c. H. bcr of the car and Sergeant Det�r hy December 1 next, \Continued o• Page 6) Wilson and Dorothy Wilson. Betty Music Week commences 011 the first who have been following the con· Westerberg, John 0. Gnge, Uobert G. checked It with �he number of Hnll s


Thirty-three tables will be filled at the card party which is to be held in the home of Mrs. Robert G. Griswold of Highland avenue under the aus· Pices of the Westfield Chapter, D. A. l, this afternoon.

Those who have reserved tables are: Mrs. Frederick Waldron, Mrs. Rutledg• T omlin, . Mrs. Frederick Ftambach, Mrs. Charles Dobbrow, Kra. Elliott Mason, Mrs. Frederick 8. Tipson, Mr3. Rutherford 0. Pier· 10n, Mrs. Robert G. Gris wold, Mrs. Flank Settlemayer, Mrs. George D. B!&tt)'B, Mrs. Guy H. Buchanan, Mrs. lltnry C. Card, Mrs. William Malt­�!,Mrs. C. V. Steh:hart, Mrs. Foster 'i,KYnes, Mrs. Elbert 0. Sowerwine,

·Frank W. Smith, Mrs. Oliver H. �II, Mrs. Charles M. Lawrence, Mra. leolm H. Panton, Mrs. Theodore � Wichern, lltrs. Salter Clark, Mrs. 'F. Albro, Mrs. Howard Batt, Mrs. �ward Clark, Mrs. William M. Boyd, II. H. Henry, Mrs. :A. E. Case, Mrs. Frederick A. Kinch, Miss Harriet �e, Mhs Annie Miller and Miss e.,n Richards.

Bunnell wHI accompnr.y at the plano, Sunday of May in each �'ear. sb·uction of the building from the Dolll'rty nnd Mr•. J>rnnk Hnr.eltine. machine. He qurckly sent out a (l'cn-"An Eighteenth Century Fantasy" time the first lond of dirt wns hau led cml nlnrrn, hu� no trace was !ound

will present the wit and reason of GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS aw•y rrom the property. DEDICATE FIREPLACE or nau. the Class of 1928. In this grouP will The steel structure and the exter- !'he Linden r>olice were nloo on appear the notable figures of Fanny ATTEND STAT£ MEETING ior brick work are almost completed. ON TUESDAY NIGHT the lookout but they t oo, tnllcd to Burney, Alexander Pope, John Dry- The Finance Committee is pleased find the mnn wnntcd. den, James Boswell, Edmun d Burke Among those from the Westfield with tho response to the tlfth cnll for 'l'hc dedication of the Me morial '!'he locnl pollee hnd no tangible and Lady Jllary Wortley Montnguc Gorden Club who attended the an- paymen ts on the pledges . Already n l�irepince, which hns b•e n instnlleJI in clues to work on and Chio! John C. who will be impersonated by Jean nun! meeting of the State Federn- considerable number of subscribers Rosecrans IISS!gncd Captain Edward Clark, W nrd Ran doll, And•2w Me- tion of Garden Clubs. held in Mor- hnve anticipated their payments In the Amerknn Legion building , wlil be Nelson, Lieutenant John J. Somer s Whiney, Elwyn Britten, Mark Short ristown yesterday were: full ns they l'cnlize the heavy cash held on Tucsdny night . Arrnngc- and Olllcer Louis Pflrrmnn to the coRe. and Betty Ross. These brilliant sptr. lltrs. Josiah T. Tubby, llrst vice installments th11t must be paid to the ments for the occasion have been Tho three oll\cern cheeked Ull on some it> will divulge the history, prophesy president of the State Federation, contractor monthly nA the work pro· completed nnd a full nttendnncc of of Hnll'R friends and learn�d that he and will of the Class of 1928 and will Mrs. Guy H. NQble, MrM. C. T. Re· gresses.

h members of W csttlcld Chnpter, D. A. had little money. present each member with an appro- vere, president of the Westfield Gar- There are some •uh�cribc

hrs w 0f

R., the Woman 's Auxiliary of the Lieutenant Somers trolled tWIJ

. t 'ft d CJ b d M G E A t for one reason or nnot er, ave no Ameri can J,egion and Martin Wnll- women to Newark Friday afternoon prra e gi · en u • nn ra. · · rms rong, brought their payments up to date. and Ahortly after his arrlvnl there,

This pro d uction has giv en unusual Mrs. }[. G. Atwater, Mrs. Alexander Because of this nnd the pressing need berg Po st, No. 3, is urged. arre•ted Unll. opportunity to the Arts department Blair, Mrs. Stephen J. Cox, Mrs. Ed- for money to meet the payments to The dedication of the fireplace will Hall, it wns aaid, has 11 police rec-


Donuld R. Belcher will broadelllt 1111 organ recital tl1rough W JZ on­Sunday evening nt 7 o'clodr, Day­light Timo from Aeolian Hall, New York City, This scrios of organ rQ­cital• Is one ot the Nutlonal Broa<l­cnsting Com(lany's Sunday evening feat ures and many mMters of th� or· gn� hnvo be on heard ·In concert,

Mr. . Bole her has brcndcuated on several occaBlons, �is laftt appearance "II tho air being fu ·• �ho "Or-gun Maaters' Rccltat .;: lront wgAI". to design and execute n project of ward A. Colson, Mrs. P. G. Crugen, teontlnued on Page 5) be conducted by tho D. A. R. by ord nnd only recently was released rare beauty. The stage setting. de- Mrs. Walter L. Dny, Mrs. John Den

1• 'l'lll� WJ�A'l'lll�ll whose request the ftrcplnce was in- from the County jnil where he hnd l!l.lll•l IUIIIION huller Ill bost 111

signed and directed by Miss Harriet man of Cra nford ; llfrs. C. M. F. Ege, Todayr Jne,.nolnlf IJioudl••••· atnllcd. been serving a sentenc<J. Hla •en- •Jillill<y--heallhlulnc•• {(n<l ll<wor.-Ad. Howard, has been painted by mcm- Mrs. \ViJJiam B� Elliott, Mrs. W. I. ��'::r�of:r:!!��· 1�k·�i�hrH"'c:�:�;�tl A progrnm of entertainment con� tcncc hnd been ahortened bccaullo ol n••�nJna- turn, .. II•• n,.,., Ma7 jl, bers of. the class. The costumes have Freeman, Mrs. B. M, Prugh, Mrs. 10 worry nhout yo11r rootl If ao, why sistlng of selections by the Lions Club Ill It ld \ "' .lohn H. llnvtu• l:lotn1ng S!oro, been designed an d executed in Cloth- 'l'homas Gregory, Mrs. Wesley M. not Jot u• lnBIIPd H now. our lnRpec- orchestra, motion pictures of the Le· ncaa wua 1!8 • l'lnlnfielli.-Adv. ing Classes under the supervision of Graff, Mrs. Theodore R. Harvey, Mrs. ��·�;, ";i�1o:J"=�,i��· ��!/J'�:f;. ��.,.�¥' e���� gion Convention In Paris nnd other · · ----- ------ -- - - --- - -- ·- - ----------- -M.i ss C elin M. Dickefison. The dra- A. H. Manson, Mrs. Roswell S. ������:::.';;�r'�"�rr,,::,:'•,t�Y ���11 'b'!1 �:�:;. entertainment will be given. mntic work was coached by Miss Nichols, Mr.. Robert E. Perry, M.rs. J. If the future lifo M )'Our roof I• ot<ort Agnes Allnrdicc and the music pre- Champlain Pierce, Mrs. Stephen Van ;;.·.t�:!ti'."'t��i�' ���.��':.�Jfy���f p":;���� Pared by Ml-,5 K. E lizabeth Ingalls. Housen of Fanwood, Mrs. W illiam E. b k Mo thly /itymenlo arranged ... 'I?J�mit• or �rtte 0 ���n I{oonnp; Co., 41� Sophomore girl• in charge of Miss Ransom, Mrs. Ill. E. Ramsey nnd Mrs. 49 Pierce Rt., Nuwark. Tel. Terraee Alice Pelton, Senior Advisor, will ush· France• D. Snnborn . 881 1.-Adv. er.

Our Prompt a.nd Uella.bli> C, 0. D. Servtce ia ur�exce!Jed. Jt you have no ���o���!in t��e����e vii� s)��e'"r '"'�::, t;�� preaa, Somerville, l'llltnneld, Now York.

New Ma•onic Temple Now Under Way

"Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust."

0, W. tlOLMilS



B'Y .1rranging a financial trust you relieve your heirs of' the problems, risks and responsibilities that come with the pos­session of money.

8,000 feet of frontag.e on Carleton Road between Grove Street

and Clifton Street has been fully i mproved ; 21 houses erected In falllteen months ; 41 beautiful lots, 27 already so.ld ; 4 Ideal plots, 12 feet front, nmong trees; 10 plots, 6lix160, still unsold.

WHICH ONE DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR HOME? One of the highest locations in Westfield with n mountain View.


214 East Broad St. {Day-168

Tel. Night-1037 '' -91-W

HERBERT B. WELCH, President --

Let us suggest a form of trust suited to the purpose

you have in view.

The Westfield Trust Company WESTFIELD, N. J.

Night DepotltorJ>.

THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9:_1_��8 ·· ····· _ _ . P&&e Two . . . . . • . •

. ... . . d w .Carney of the Health Depart-! worth League of the First M. E. Loai'Ue Quartet -"�ich �: PERCY GRAINGER TO . . Fit d��Y ;;,;�s�n. "1:,:-,,�Ior�cl, ��h+tGO-GETTER" IS I wh<;:: �·/::


u��uses visited by i:e�a;"�hr�e:$�:Z��dwn:��� tco

o�� I ���u��t ���� �=a�;�o�:�.�� �= ::'v�: �!�� �;�:-�s.G���;;�i";n �ob� NFIELD I wa.- fined $20 fur dJHturbmg the ' TOO AMBITIOUS I K"· . h d a yclluw card lacked to f h I tbes he was . ' M th " bantone; Alfred 1\i arshall, �---...., APPEAR IN PLAI pcac.,, but she made so many ohservn-, : u,:'�n.:t dour, and l>'"t right in P_o- fur fumi�:ation o t e c o

. I ' ' � is:r.Mae Bloomer will be the, It is anticipat<'d that th;:"'·


-- ! !tuns and Ruggestwns to th� l cohurtl . I J ' . , Court he ""id he did not read Jt. wearing. I . h . g and will gTI'e t_ o _whteh e_ vei·yunc i.< lllo"' � Pern Grainger, the famous J\.ua-1 aftt•r being told to h<·p quw, t u Samuel Katz of 1 J 117 W<"ot 20t.h' �� � ; · · n a

burn·. he

said. The card I ,.peaker ol t e evenm . •• � •-a.lia.n•t\i·•ni!-:t Und t•ontposf'r, wlH bp ! R•��_·order N.::

.u;.h, nfte_ r several warn-. fltret•t, Bayvnne, dl.!l·idcd upuu � <.:an-�1 .e.l wl�i�-

, ' • ff'xed·b, .. the town Health EPWORTH LEAGUE NOTES i u talk :fitting fol' the o(.�caswn. Spe- ·lnVlte?, Wlll be !JJJ(:' of the lltott. . "" � � I 0 l fl ed were . It Jau u«n a I .• I cial music for Mother's Day will be , terestmg_ the. LPag-ue ha; had Ia. the ceotral Hgur� in one of the mo•t, ingo. lined her . t wrs m • t $1 0 : vaRs yesterday of Westhe < ltlsur- Department and was marked "Diph- • S d -

Ma<• 13 w·hl',.h ,· •. i render••d bv :Mis� Betty Goodrich, so- The �t>rvwe will}- . 1et.

interestirg tnugin\1 <•vents of this sea� l Alt�xandt•r Tuyh)r� Brond xtret.� � ' ance prof\prets. Hl' did twt H���k. a ·� th ia." • Next.

un ay, ' ' ' ' 'D ' n · b ritone. and the o'do�k. "'ltJn J>rotnPIIy at ; son in Plairth ... ld un Mond.ay t•Vening, l! Ray Cunningham, Pronpe�l h

:-;. trc�;· permit to <�unva��. ulthoug-h �'cJhcc e: . h .. . gt � ted by An- Moth('-r's Duy ,the servi('{' of the Ep� II pnmo; on lXor:. a • s.ptear aa gu<•,(. c-undu�tor of the St<'ddt•ll, $:l f'?r pat•kn,g, ��t�ou� _

. . .

. - .. �

Ma 1 4. On that occa"k•n he will $:l for parking withou� hg U\; · HH:ea � d


�· r�





r:u�sJ �"':<'l

�.,�tr�·,·�t·t� -


r �Il :•· J�-�� �� g


e�"�" �' .!'_:e

e::�=- .::J.==.:...:�:_=:.__:.__ ______________ -============ ----,.,..,..._ Plainfield SymJ•hon)' �lo<·idy in ita last , light.>; Sa mud Kat�, 1 67 We•l. 20t f concert of the )'Cal'. The program 'str�et. Bayonne, $�0 !or . breacb 0

will be made up lar·gl·ly of his own / quur�nti.ne; .tqdwurd Ge:tt1�, �1 :or compositif)ng, und Jw wilt preface the I overtunP pnrkmg; Alexandtr St.evc.ns concert with a talk on "Mel<>dic and I of !>ast South, avenu_e, $ 1 0 for reck-

Han Y� Voieed M u.-ti<�·" l I(!B.K driving; Industrutl .Sales Co.� of l . d 1 Ncwarl< $� for overtune parkmg; A numb�r of extra p!ayerH, mdu ·.Frank

'M<'Gal!, We•tfield. $8 for ing Mr. Donald !Je!rhcr and Mr. llo_n·) k'

•'th t l"ghts aid Pe•rsall of W <'Htfield, wt!l "·'"'"t j )Jar mg "1 · ou ·--� ____:.:._ __ the orchcstrl.l, in addition Lo a gt·uup OR BEA. RO SPEAKS of soloists, whom Mr. Grainger will j MAY bring. 1 AT C. D. OF A. DINNER

Mr. Graing ... ·r·� fu.sdnat..ing }}\'l"t�un- I __ ality is vivid ly n·memuered Ly all J<'iftv nwmher·• and friends attend-who heard his t•Pmal'kable piano Jlluy- 1 ed the. !<·nth mmual banquet of Court ing at u Mu�knl Club l'onect"t m ; TJ'ir; itv. Cat.holic D.aughters of Arner­Westtield <Heru! year� ago.

. When 1 ka whit'h was ht'ld in .the Hansen_ Inn be conduetJ twrforruanu·� �,r hJ� uw _n

on Ea:-t Broad street, Monday n1ght. music, his. stl'ik.ing indJvJdu�h�y 1�

Muvor Hnd Mrs. William M· Bcat·d, ev�n nlore JIJ l'VHJC>IH'l' tht•n \\ht n he ne\'. 'n(•nry J . Wut.terson, rector of plays. . . " . , , Holy Trinity parish and Rev. Me-A new compostLton, _Ht·ldu.l S_ong, VPigh, u�sist.unt to t.he rP(•tor, were which he has just tlntshed, �Ill be gul';ts of the Gout1.. played for the first time ut thts C<lll·

' " I d R J J, Wat· em. It is scor<•d for full "ymphony ' !hayor vear<ddarnss

"ev. llf·, .••

Mary d b th · n l-(•rsun g'U\'e H e. p.,. t!�hh:t;;/::;'��;:�011f:1111r•;.�;a 8,:'j;; Kumu;e, Grand Regent of the Court

harmonium, euphonium and flute wa� toa.stma�t


m·. parts in this piece wil h<• played by _Rtute Monttor, �Irs: �.l�ry· l!llln­Kr Belcher Mr Pt•nrsnll and Mr. null und G rund Kmght, !tank Flan­Roirers of W�stfic.Jd. 11igan of Wt'sltleld Council, No. 1711, The low pri<·es chllt'gcd f<Ir tit·kets Knights of Columbus, were among let i;be concerts of the l'luintield _Sym- the gtH•sts of ho

.nor. . •

flhony Societ}'· make thitl ot:l'ttSHH\ u Jo�eph Henmsy. c�tm�atner, R:1ta rare rhnnec to !W(� und hent· one of �Jum{'s .toe-dun{'er, re�ttatwns by Ele .. � most famuu.< and iutcresting mu· anor Ortl<•b and ""IlKS by Harold tlcl�ns in tht• world in a three-fold GINtson fonned the prngrnn_1. eqlression of his genius us lcclurer, The tnblt•• W<•re drupcd 111 purple c�oser tind conductor. und gold, thl\ Cout·t eolors, nnd. at ·

each pla(·e there wns a favor, (•onslst-TE, b fiNED AT ing of an u<•roplnne, tietl wit h put·ple "' nnd gold ribbon. COURT SESSION 'rlw committee in charge was com-• 1 1 1' po�c·d of 1\fi.gH 1\fadeline Kaufman, tii,li:les ngvcgnting · $82 we•·e hn- 1\frs. Nellie Miller, Mr.. Elizabeth 'I . · p r · C t b KrotMr, Miss 1\fnr.v Ortleb, Miss ·��. last night In' o 'Vc our

y 1\fnrie Gottlick and 1\fiss Mary Kan-.ecorder A. c. Nash upon ten per-llll.�f· A fln� of ijllO was imposed nne. 1q1pn Beatrice Bingham, color�d, for �<Jerly conduct in court. The -Patronize LlMDER Advertisers-·WO�an, .m�de a comr;htint a�inst they nre rellnble. ::::Z::SZ--·-1 .. , ..... _ � .


.. �,\�·' .. ... ) , < I · I .. , ! i r I l


] : j l !

1 , ' '


�other's Day Sunday. � -. ,.- ,. May 13th

AMONG all the many words

we say, what two express thoughts so closely linked as Mother and Flowers. Sunday is her day. /

Doerrer & Sons 167 Elm Strm


--·· ·�. _:-�-()· ·.u T ......,..,.,

A�l: I�VITI:() To Visit and. Find Inspiration in

Tti iJ MU()�l?� tiUM-�

IF YOU ARE A WOMAN whose heart is in her home • • a scWient of ·in· terior decorating .. a June bride or a bride of the future . . this .is YOUR home. For you it was designed, in the moditied English style so popular in suburban America· today .. For you it. was built, accessible for frequent visits in the heart of this great store .. For you it was furnished, with furniture and accessories that prove again that at Hahne's good taste and economy go hand in hand • . For you it is staffed, with friendly, competent stylists who wil� gladly go out of -their way to help and advise you on any home decQrating problem of ·your own • .

When You W a• 1.\{"f P�m�isbi•gs Don't Toacla Yo.U. Capit.JI

. . Lww Yo11r Sa�m,r · ;, 1M &rri an .

· ··a.,.. •• the llallae CluJ. Plaal Pa7 a .reuonallle amounr down P.l• allirlllJ,koowa(INitolltNIIWI)�s � end your f'urolaare wiD be de; Unaw� . . � I!IOothly amounts aua��pd tc» nit your builget. ( You have your furniture.

Your bank account is drawing lnrerett. You have been �ble to buy better far. Dlture than when purchruiog out of capital. ,�o 1horr, a Club Account is merely a nvlags account turned around.

Instead of saving to buy • • You pay for �be furniture

ns you enjoy its use. Open a Hahne Club .tccouot next dmt you think of furniture I

Write U. HowTLI• Modera-Hoae Helpa Yoa aad Wia a Pn.el ·

Since tbe. modem home is dtsigned and built lortlat1. ·r:,y2;,:,··, women of New Jersey, we. are intereste4 in �earniaa how it is most helpful attd where its' helpfulness caD1 .'��, , be exten�ed. The following prizes.will ·be ·awarded··· .. ,.,.·"-· ,, to those who write the ' most interatiaslcttcn oo\ . .. ;.>il

ideas and inspirations found here.

I'IRST PRIZE .100 Ia f....ttan of,...., •el..tl.a

FOUR PRIZEs . $al ia f...aitare of yoar •eleetloa

The contest is open to all .registered visitors. Yo11 may choo11 ,.,. own subject : • Furniture groupings • • wall • treatments • • window hangings • • decorative fabrics . • .floor covcnogs . • Send )'Our lcrtet in before May 26 addressed to the Hostess, Modern Home • • Prize letters wiU be selected before June Ist by a board of impanial.judp to be announced later.


i SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL NEW:� =-" "L d .. th' k Writ�rs for the ea 7 e: . IS Wt�t' . . elude : Andrew Me 'I\ hmey, Betty 1D Cvnstance Houghton, Jame� RoSS, Be\'erly Meigs. Betty Mooney, )loore, . . 1 . b WiUtelmtna Ml �·


Dlttinguisbed Honor Grou.p Juniors--Edna Ten Eyck.

Honor Group

Seniors--Ward Randall, Ruth Sie-oen-Morgen. . Juniors-Janet Du!lbar, Jack Gill , w· m Gordon, Sh1rley Lawrence, �n Reid, Eleanor Searle, Arthur

ft.anor. · H b W ' l S homore;-Edtth arcorn e, 1 -. oppublico"er, :Fay Randall, Min-

]18m • El ' y lfie Stracuzzi, � oung. W H. s. GRADUATE '27 WINS '


Joon �'rye, a student at Pratt In­

stitute. and a graduate of Westfield !I' b School 1 Y27, entered a dress­m�ing contest, using Borden's ?ot·

ton Fabrics, purchased at Bloonung­

dale's, New York �ity.

t h<.>rt> huve Lt"t'n more anglt•rs uf late. h .. was estimated that in l �:ltl, tPn nu� lwn }H.'Ullle went fh;hiug. S(•('r""­tary Hoorer shows no indinatihn tu disarm this army of fisht:rm(>n. In­stead, he has been very !:'ympathetic toward t�em, for ht� bt'lif'vcs f L-hing tu b� an l lllportart factor in natural tratlqui J i ty. Congress b£'lie\"l's the sanH.' and hen<·e forty hatdwrier: hu.v� been ronst1·ucted by the Federal Go,·­t'rnuwnt ahJne. Many more hase ben built by States and CountiPs.

De!:'.f:rting fish and Jll'ose, the Jll'o­gram took a sudden turn to poetrr. Perhaps 1t was not sudder., howe\'(•r, PPrhaps poetry is as "'itul r. part of Spring as fishing is.

At any rate, Evelyn Brunner · zs rectted a very clever l ittle poem call. ed HJn l'oetrl'·," one part of which was:

" 'Oh will ynu be my wife' he said That's how tht.'y woo in poetry. 'My sw�thear's {)\\ the �N).' shl' f.Uicl They always are in poetry."

Virginia Ryan '2B recited m:t• of Robert t'rost's poems " What W ,. Hhould h£' Vt·r�('{l in CHuntry Thing . .,." One thousar.d gtrls, fro.m all over

the country �ntered thts . ront�>t. WESTFIELD WINS COMMERCIAL After elintinatwn, only th trty-nme HONORS contestants remained. . Sometinw during th<• wintt•r ttll•

OUT IN THE CREAT OPEN SPACES Sprina Comes to Atble-tju , lt is ust•l(.·:s� to �.�ude.U\'ut· tu k�:t.•p '

U\l \\·ith the Spring SJ.Hirt;:;, W ith four i t'um.s whipipng t.ht:mst>Jvcli into shapt>, 1 ha \· Jng m'-'\'ts. phlJ·ing games, and so ' f1)rth. a romp}{·te survey looks super� hmmu:.

Th(• bajeball ht•avcrs huve ht·en hav:ng fair Jut}<.. On A pril 30, they ' 'utfercd defeat at the hands of Ro­,eJlr, and on the n�xt day they Callle bat·k with a 1 1 -9 win oVt.1r the bors from H ills ide. The trarkstrrs made their debut at the l'cnn Relays on April 28 ; when • J . Muon•, ll!. Short. W. Paulin and \ J. llyrd rart·ied the baton into third I pla{'e agair�st seven opponents from '"""by •chools. Wedne•day, the op- l ponen\:s of n icotin e and the social ! lions a�.-llnJNI new roles as track n1en I at th,• lntet"-Class fracas. The Class of '2!l won thP meet by elevel\ points. 1 1'ht• s.u<.·(•eeding day the winners of I phH'('s in. i nter-das.s and other track ""'" hdpvd the Blue and White co· hort� trun the speed�ters frttm Ru� �t>lh• Park. I '1\·nni;-; is a(,·i\v{'\y in �wing us rack� 1 ct <"llllllidnlt•s fight for suprenwcy and j H con•h•ti positiun on the team in the intrurst·holnstic tournaments.

Ttu• t' l u h-swingers un� making theil' " Birdil':.:.'' and Hholt.•s-in-ot�e" on the l!'rt•ens of uur w�sttidd <.�ourses, in pntpal'ation for futurt� tournnmcnts with ot ht•r sl'hooll'.

One wond�rs if there are any lads 1l'ft unbusr, i n u sdwol with �uch ac­tivities fol' ltmusement.


There were t�o first, two sero�ul i stenography classes look a test made and twn third prtzes awardt>d. Mtss I out by lllr. L. A. H1ee from th•· State Frye rereived the . first. first pr1z�, Department of Public lnstru<"liou. which was twenty-five ds>!lar�· . Thts The retu�·n s of �he test huve ju>t pri�e was gi"en for sUttabth!y of been receiVed. \\ cstfield won fourth material to pattern, appropriate trim- J>lace out of the twenty-nine schools ming for de;ign, and good workman- of the State whirh competed. Jn ollt' of Uw busi�.-:.t and most

work�n·nmmed WPP)i..s in the historY STATE HIGH SCHOOL CONFER- 1 of the elnss, '28 is complctir.g plan's ENCE ATTENDED BY WEST· I to make ChtSB Night on Friday the


Mil. NEUBAUER VISITS MORE COLLEGES FlELD TEACHERS : 1 1 th, ns much of a sut•eess as it has

Between April 30 and May 3, Mr.

Neubauer visited four Pennsylvania Franklin and Marshall at

GettysbuJ"g at Gettys­burg; Wilson at Chambersburg, and Dickinson at Carlyle, 'l'he purpose of these visits is for Mr. Neubauer to oblain first hand information, in or­

to nd"ise the students in their

of collece.

.lJNU:SUJI,L COPY OF "SKYWARD" IN LIBRARY Shortly after Commander Byrd'g

here, Miss Bible, with some proceeds of the lecture, bought library a copy of a special of Byrd's book "Skyward."

has been limited to five numbered copies, each auto­by Commander Byrd. In

covers of these copies at•e pieces fabric covering of the North plane, the "Josephine Ford." is bound d{fferently :from the

edition. It io printed on a paper, and has se"eral and sketches that are

the other edition. ,number 426, will not be

.]l<l'lloittoed to go into circulation, but kept in the library to be ex­or read by anyone who wish·

this, we have two or­copies for circulation.



Gn Muy 4 o��nd o the Annu al New \ been in previ()U< years. Jersey State High School ConferrlH"<' j M iss Allardir<• has been hard at was held at the State Univer.<ity. A work drilling tlw mst of "The Lost considerable number of We"tticlJ Plcind," which will IJc presented thut High School teachers attended the n ight. A rnnunith•o has bene work­conference. ing after school, nights, Saturday

NEW WEATHER VANE OUT! The Weather V une came out Jlluy 1 as usual. It is a large Spring issue

full of interesting stories, humor, nnd snappy sport right-ups. There is a new section this time called the "Book and Theatre Review." Consult this section for good mutinN." suggestiuns!

mornings and even Sunday after­noon•, drmvit:j! up the class will and hiHtory, and writing thu prophecy. • This prvphccy is all written in heroic couplets, and as there are 86 Seniors, one <'an ensily imngine what sort of a task it is. Th� K\\0cks Committee hns nlso every night, phlllltit:g the knocks, 1\nd I t·evr�· night, planning the knocks, and

"ANNUAL" PICTURES COM· buying l ittlt• "gadgets" to delight the PLETED little honrt; of the Seniol'S on Fridnv

Lust Thut·sday the remaining pic- night, ·

tures for the "Weather Vane" An- Tho ta•k of these preparations is mull were taken. The followln�r pic· mudc doubly hnr<l by the fact that ture" were taken : lluy.;' Basket!Jnll our able Mr. Paulin bas fallen lll, Varsity, Boys' Basketball, Girls' llrst and we are forc�d to go ahead and teams in Basketball, Boys' Tennis, 1 build the elaborate scenery for the Boys' Interclass Track' Debute Club l lllay with volunteprs, without his cap-Teams, J3oys' Golf Team•. ublu aid nnd direction.

Spring is here, and so is fishing! 1 High pupils talked about it I May 4. William Sortor

the program by saying pro- j ;•'The advance of our civil- 1

depends not so much on what do when we work as on what we with our spare time. Of all the

provided, those that take are the mo5t now. Of these fishing is most popular." I

nuunmunv, Henry Hansen '28 feet nnd delivered a talk on "The American

' America is 11 well water· and automobiles mnke it

people to· go \vith ease water-hole they wi.;h to visit. tackle, too, hna became 11 fear­wonderful affair quite in con-

to the willow stick ar.d grocery Now !Jroducts from the far of the earth go into the mnk·

of fishing. tackle. Nevertheless, American men and boys derive

enjoyment from this whole-as did their father>.

Wilcox, '29 talked on the of Fishing'." It hns, he increasingly evident that Is too long a t ime between bltes

other words, there nrc not fish. Probably this ;, because

Time to Send Your Golf Togs Get your golf knickers and sweater out !JOW­-you'll play the game all the better If you

know your togs are clean, sweet, respectable.

We'll send them back to you looking so fresh and n�w-like, that you'll be itching to take a

few practice "swings."

Golf Suita $1.75, Golf Knickers of

Cloth 7Sc, Linen Knickera $1.00

MRS. G. 0. KELLER, Inc. "The Original Keller"


'Phone Plainfield 1 00



'P f al Idealist'-' An Engineer Trained in Solution of Big State r::bl��s'-'Works Rather Than Talks'-'ls Needed i� Tren· ton t Confnue as Governor Work He Began as Senator - Has Reco:d of S;ven Years of Splendid Service in State Senate' .-From Comments in State Newspapers.



·, .


. r -

��� . . . : · , : :

\ '

Park Fifty suits have won the high regard of well-dressed men. They represent excellent

Styled and tailored at Fashion Park

: •

value. '50 OTHER F..+.sHION PAR"- Su1n tto ro t1'-_ . .&. DIRECT CONN�C'rlON 1208-NO CJ!A.RGE

TEPPER _BROS.J "A S•f• Pl.-e to Shop;, PLAINFI ELD, N. J.

NEw! "EIJTE" Red Enamel Jacketed Boilers

In luormony wlt!t tlte modem deolre lor rnoro llvobl• c•llau-ltere I• a l>eatlns plant thai will unfo!llnalt deliver heat when you want II, anrl nl n low (uel comu111� tion f'ORl. 11in181wd in llcautifnl Red l:nomd whb lllatk ennm11l trim. Alotlerotc ln priee and llVailaLie for eve11 tbo mo't n•ode1t dwelling. Scn•l for our lree Book •bowing 6 woyo or w.oldoa W. eellar nJore attractive,


Xever a road too long for


Wherever you may IJO. From MPine t o Cnll­fomba. J<rorn Canada to tlw Gulf. The length 11)1(1 brcutlth of thiB great Anwrkun mntinen t • • • ntlVcr n roud too long fur the AIJ-Amcril'an Six. For, nl10vc nll else, lt'e rellnl•le. ll'• sturdy • , , built to cnclurc , • • J>rt>Ycd by J>ililll8ll tCIItlng on Ccnc.-al 1\lotor11 l'rovlnp; Ground. There'& lung lifll in every UI!Hcmhly , , , in every vllnl Jlll rl. In its big 11elf-adjustiug, &rlf-v.,ntiluting ,,Jutl'h • , • i lH omoolh­ablfllng l!·unHmiHHiun • • • its IJerfcctly mlltdu·<l t•unntT lins rod usHembllca • , • ita dct'I'• ru(.(getl frame. When yuu Hd out in llu AII-Am.,rkun , , , po mnl lt•r hnw fnr or how fnllt yuu muy drive , , . JOU t)UU lw Hun' uf ntwhing your dc�<tlnu tion • • • in Muft�ly, iu •�-oaufort, on thuel


,, :� '

3941 St. Francia Sl,, Nework, N. J, 431 North Avenue Weetfield, N. J. New York--21 Weat 44th Sl. Ct.icago-·3·11 No. Clark St. THATCHER BOILERS·FURN'ACES·RAN� ..... "'·�

--·- '

Telephone 2680





.. ......... ..... .. ....



who are not candidates for re-election for

there is going to be a special session of the

State Legislature in any event and it is cer­tain there will be some reconsideration of sev­

eral of the bills that have been passed and

appro\'ed by th e Governor. As a rule special

ses�ions ought to be awided but the one that

will be hel d this year may be of com;iderable

benefit to t'he State if the legi�lators do their

fu ll duty.



BOROUGH OF GARWOOD (Alternate Years)

Entered at the Post Ofl'iee at Westfield, N. 1., u Second Cl8.88 .Matter.

T•rm•t .Z.OO a Y-r I• Aol•a•ce Advertia{na- Rates Furnilbed Upon ApplicatloDJ

== &ti�� . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407 lob Prlntlnr Dept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .


l•rnr c ....... p,-,.u,,.. New JOtt-i:llluro-PI>iladtl-"�

A l arge number of voters in New Jersey

do not understand how some bills have been

permitted to pass and more than one com­

mittee chairman has found il difficult to

explain approval and support of bills that

should have been smothered by the com­mittee. ... .. •

Who Pays TLe Expenses ? There ean be few things more absurd than

the pretense that j,; being made in Congress

coneerning an imestigation of the election

expenses of the seekers aftet· the Presidential nomination. Does anybody expe('t to learn

the real facts? Every politician ha:; found

ways to evade disd osures about exp enditures

of that kind and it is not im probable that most of the seekers after thnt nomination have scrupulously avoided Rpending money for any

purpose that might be call ed questionnble.

The public knows that money Is being

· · WEDNESDAy MAy 9 1928 spent in be


.of every one of �he �en who ' ' I has a l'residentlal bee buzzing m h1s bonnet

·--- but it is realized at the same time that few Mother's Day of the candidates �or President have ?een men

Opposition to the celebration of more I who were financially ab le to provide large

"days" and "weeks" than there are in our amounts of money for campaign funds. And

calendar in observance of this and that, melts throughout the history of this country few away with the thought of Mother's Day. very wealthy men have so ught the nom ination

The debt to the Mothers of the world f�r t?ut h ig? office but large sums have been

draws eternal interest, for a Mother's care, a d i�tributed m almost every one of the cam­

Mother's unreserved sacrifices, her inspiration paigns.

and comfortings can never be repaid. Every investigation of expenses in National

In all ways make "Mother's Day" one that campaigns has disclosed the fact that corpor­

wlll be full of pl easure for those Mothers who ations and wealthy individuals who were not

are here to help us and console us when all candidates have been the most liberal among

others are indifferent. the contributors. It is recognized that several

IIlii 'IIIII ,_ candidates in campaigns have been selected

l•ember The Primary It is the duty of every voter to partie!-

,, pate in the Primary Election next Tuesday

.and it will be the last opportunity to express

a preference in the selection of the party can­.dldatea. In view of the exceptional lmpor­_tance of the Primary this year the voters owe it.to the taxpayers of the State to go to the polls and use their very best j udgement in

.marking the ticket. There Is little doubt that New Jersey will

be found in the Hoover column when the Na­tional Republican Convention assembles and it is certain that the State will be ready to roll up its substantial majority in favor of that

· admirable member of the Coolidge cabinet. There are several among the aspirants to the Presidential nomination in that party who will never be able to gain the support from thou­sands of the independent voters in this and other States that are likely to approve the nomination of Mr. Hoover.

The Republicans of New Jersey have sev­eral excellent candidates for the highest oft'ice in the State and in making the selection the voter must make his own appraisal of the man who he believes will give the best service for "'e public good. It will be a d istinct advan­tage if some one among those who seek the nomination for Governor can be given an over­whelming majority

·in the Primary that will

indicate outstanding strength in the NovE!mber election.

by groups of wealthy men and representatives of corporations that were interested in the way in which the activities of the President might be directed and it was important that the occupant of th e White House should be in sympathy with some plans of these indi-·viduals and corporations. ·

It has not been unusual fo1· some of the richest among the corporations to contribute to the campaign funds of both of the great political parties ; it was formerly considered good business policy to make every effort to acquire the friendship of the political leaders. There is nothing that warms the heart of the political boss so completely as the provision of a liberal amount for campaign expenses. It has been asserted that a considerable por­tion of some big campaign funds remained in the itching palms of the leaders.

It is probable that severa l of the most con­spiduous candidates for the Presidency have little or no actual knowledge of the source of the campaign funds that are being spent to bring about th eir nomination. It is not im­possible that some among the aspirants have been careful to avoid asking any questions that would supply information concerning the �ource of the funds but it is certain that few, If any, o�ers o� cash have been refused by the comm1ttees m charge of campaign head­quarters. - ... ...

�e�dy For Summer Camp Life

We now have definite information that the


COKE will remain the same a1 April prices

durine the month of May but WILL BE IN·


Take advantage of this extension of "lowest in the

year" Coal and Coke prices.

'Phone 1492 or mail a "Tuttle Bros. Convenience Card" Today, telling us to take care of you by filling

your bin this month.


Hardware �Paint•

Coal Lumber • • • •

Mason Material•

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Investment Securities Stock• •• · Bonda

Reoldent Partner

R. W. TUCKER W ESTFI E L D Br,.noh Man•••r


'Pb<me Weatfteld ZU6--It11 4S7 North Avenue

"--��·---- - ·· ----- -·-------------- - - - - --�-----------


D. C. FORCE, Jr. Tel. Weat.&elcl 1272-W

never reached in the days of

early American development.

Life in most of th ese Sum­

mer camps is less expensive

than any other form of recre-

DOUBLE GARAGE $445 18xl8 Ft. Concrete Floor and Foundation. Shina-le Roof.



'Phone We•tfield 203·J ber suggested that the nSI!oclntion apply !or use of the Town Hall in which to hold their meetings. Mayor William Ill. Beard stnted that no re· fu.;ul had been given to any orgnn­izution to meet in the Town Hall. One of the delcgntion said that the

ation and there is just enough association meetings were private nnd left of the prim itive with the he felt the Town Hall could not be

· f bl used for that reason. It may be accepted as a distinct advantage for the Republican vote in Westfield that there is .no indication of any rift in the local ranks and there has been cordial acceptance of the candidates that have been selected to repre­sent the party organization. In a year when ttJ,ere is more or less lack of harmony about the choice of State and Federal candidates it is best that the minor party differences should be put aside and the voters given ample op­portunity to concentrate on the best available candidate.

It Is likely that the number of Americans who will spend a considerable portion of the next four months in camp will be larger than eve1· and the yearning for life in the open is increasing conspicuously. It is a healthy sign and indicates that the realization of the b"ene­fits derived from that kind of existence is be­coming more general th an ever.

necessity or a re�sonu e ex-Amid laughter, n member of. the

penditure of physical labor to Board suggested that the TaxpayoTS' give zest and increase an appe- Association might consider it to the

tite for simple but substantial b_er.oflt of Westfield t_o unseat the en-

• • t tre Board of Educntwn. The defeat

The muddying of the watem i n the con­test for tl1e nomination for U11ited States Sen­ator hns been an unfortunate development but the party must be prcplli'ed to mnke its strong­est fight for the nominee 1111d give the support that is going to be essential to insure the suc­CCJ:lB of the party. � �-ll

Where Do They Stand There Hrt\ very few days left to IIH]< can­

didntos for office where they Atnnd on some important Stat<! p roblems but the opportunity should .not

.be neglcr.h�tl t.o put ever�· 1 1�piranl

for legmlative honors on l'Peord about the A l t ­m a n 'foil Hoad Law nnd the Hegulntion of Automohile Trnffic. Scvt>rnl of t h e cmnlidntPR for Govm·nor havG not been as clcni' IIH they might have been in the reply they have mnd.e to some of tho qtHmtlona thnl hH\'e bN�n Rtlh-� mltted to thorn.

· l The inquiries must not be confined to thost•

It wns not many years ago when the Summer camps for boys were a novelty and th e n um­bor of recreation spots of that sort was lim­ited. 'l'hroughout the h eulthy sections of the entire country camps for boys and camps for girl s have been built and the vast accommo­dation� for the Boy Scouts are likely to be in­sufficient everywhere to meet the demands of the young;glers for space to raise their tents. The yo ung men are flocking to the train­ing ca m ps and they are zealous advocates of the plan which was regarded ns an cxperi­m<mt less than twenty years ugo. The old­fashioned Summer hotel and I'csort is vanish­ing ra pidly for the Jll'csent generation does not find its pl,•asm·es in the conventionalities and t lw forrmllity that ruled in the bi� hostelries a l Na n·.,ganHetl and at nHin�· points in the m o untains and along the sea and lnlce shores .

Th!' great National parl<s are being made :n·ai lab le for campers and in every Stnto there iH ]ll'<J\'ision in the forest rescrvnt.lons for those who want to live out in the open. The auto­mobile has mnde so many sections nvuilabk lhat wore •·emote from rnilronds and the bus It� }lt\net1·nting regions where tho stage conch

food. Camp hfe IS well worth of Arthur E. Church, regular carl­while for everyon e who feels didnte, by Robert Jenkins at the

the inclination to get away sc�ool election in Februnr�, was at-trtbutcd generally, at the ttmc to the

from skyscrapers and subways efforts of the Dorian Rond Assoein­and uvoid the noise nnd clamor tion. No direct allusion to Church's of the town .

· defeat was made last night.

Announcement wns made thut the new Columbus School Is fully in.

CIVIC GROUP REFUSED surcd. Supervising Principal Charlco

Low CHARGE FOR SCHOOL A. Philhower discussed .Music Week activities. success in Westfield with

Robert Jones, 1". H. Winter nnd C. M. Montgomery, representing the

Fourth Wnl'd Taxpayers' As3ociation, npe]mrcd before tho Board of Educa­

tion nt the regular meeting held in the Roosevelt School last night nsk­in� for thc usc o[ the McJ<inlcy School liS a lllncc of mect!nl{. The delcgntion asked the Board fm• the IH'ivilcge of using the school und !lnv­ing $!1.00 for its .usc. After soml' di<ru -sion tho Bonrd voted to allow t.Jw 11R�udntion the USC of tht• �H.•huol on the JlllY<'lll of $10.00 to cover the l'OHt of l ight , hmtt und jan itor fwrv­il'l• . Hohel't J<>r: kina n memb�r of tlm Huard liviug in the Fourth Wtud op· tHHH1d lhh-1 rc,cotnmcndutton but n11 mp;tllllt•nls fnilcd to chmtgo tlw OI>In­ion of lhu remuining nwmhel'K of tlw llonrd. It wn� !Jrought out In the tliRl'\1'­siou lhnt tho association hns a mom­h<·r�hit• nf nhout 100. A Ilmml mom-

spccinl <·lnssc3 of children nnd the Schiel< test. The cnlcndar was ndopt. ed for 1 0 2 8-29, when school opens Septemhe1• 0, 1 928 and closes June 2 1 . 1 !129. Resignations and nppolnt­nwnt!'\ were read, inelufliug the res­ignution of Mls• llluy A pgar, who hns taught :J5 yearR. Her resign ation wns neceptrd with "extreme l't1gret." Walter Jo\mson was nppointed bnsc­hall couch. Arrnngements for ntteu­dnncc nt the County l'ieid Dny, 1\Iuy 1 R WPl'l.' ndoptf'd.


T/w n•gulnr mrctlng of the Cum. lwrlnrul Cluh wtu hdtl Rnl ut·dny <'\'t�· nln�-: nt tho rcsidl'lH'C of �h·. nnd Mrs B. Jl. Mnrtin. 1'ho prrHicleut, W. I', H! l'tll•rnngp), Jlrl'sidt�tl ntH I the ntitt ulcw wen' rend by Uw Ul't'l'tltnry, B. 1�. lllnrtln. 1'ho lllomhrrs looked fOJ·· wnrd with gt•ont ir:t<•rosl to tho ovonl l\!1 tlw nwn. were to lmV<J entire chnrgt•



It is well said that : "Democracy is achieved not only by making the rich p oor, but the poor, rich ."

An account with this bank will give

you great satisfaction in climbing the l adder to _fin�n�ial · "uccess.

4o/o Interet\ l"aid on Savlnaa Accounts. ' ' � 1. I \', I j , . ·,•,

Invest Your Funds In Securities

Whim Do Not Fluctuate and Always Pay 5¥2 per cent











Our ruaraatoM Mortcaca Partlol,oo t1oa Cai.tUicatee are lecal la .......... for oaylaco bako aad trutt f .. uader the lawt of tba State tf llw JorH,.; kc•••• the, are rapr ... ., , , ,l�'?o : �Ilia. , :

' 5 � % ;.,...... .. ..... , ... , ... ..,. able •••17 ... aaaatha .. " .. larlr .. cl��elr work, will be found •"" -oatlafacta..,. tlaaa eomo Mrlaor ro1o, the pa,.meat of which dope ... oa • coatiauaace of rood buala.,., ... the j11drmaat of tome oaa lot ..... 1,. raapoael"• to rou, and t•• aWikr

·of the obllror to pa,..

W a alto raaraalee litlet lo 1'011 eetate, . , Till• lnturaace it •• ..,.. tlal to prude11t manaremont u .. lnauran.ee.


66 Elm Street

of the program.

. . .

The games were unu&ual • and caused mucb merriment. Very de­licious refre•hments were served and the socinl committee were most amus­ing.



NOT boaatin• of tlae accom• pliahmenh, but atatl111 with

great pride, that It h a pleu. ure to have 1erved our patron• 10 lonr and ao faithfully.

MANY famlllea know

S W A I N ' S A R T S T O R E

lor ita prompt aervicts in all requirement.. Know it for the Quality and moderate price.




317 West Front Street PLAINFIELD, N. J,

Phone 1707

Westfield, N. J .

For Comfort ,Cantilever �hoe forn·•• \J a...(-

AN eYer.deJ>"ndahle ahot Itt the pureal comfort, 1•111)111

arch •apport and aure•t corrtt" tioa of foot trouble•.

Thia oxford take• houri t1 tho worlcinl" day, and .,.� one' a feet entirely o« f 0i� Mind. It ia made in �0 t II kid.lda. and in white hneD. is aeveuely plain but tbe -der aboo for day.lonr clu11· .

Every Cantilever SLoe : made with a flexible •htDir. lei that the important fool mutt ,.. ean gain atrength throuah e141 c.i1e, thu• correcting ot Pktd:.. lng weak arch•• and • .,.11 m.. a,. keepiog th.• fo•t

it to balanced and perm• thor •1,... (unction naturally, C•nU llf Shoea enable you to JO I' through a hu•y clay. h r Theu• ohoeo 61 tho heelt 1 J. hug the ankle; they fit thi ar tb; and they pro'Vide room or toea, Jlul il

They give you " beaut

-and a comfortabl., fool. Come and tee t1•em·

']htu Ars�ult\ UOUJ) SIIUI-1� - IIO,Jirt:J\Y J,.,I\JUIO:�" t�J.tlVl<..!J 1 27 E. F'RONT sT.

PLAINFIELD, N. J. it'l'ht" tleatrfi' {lr .:::lnr;w• ctattt' '

� - - - - �- - - - THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 192&


p ... f'iftt


(Contmued from Pap 1) i M M ha ao•DBOUSES r•rar I "'ard ha" been a resident of , Mrs ��h&rtT HT. Hu:uoa ll DL L ' First " i' d • f

a · anson, w1fe of 1 \\'estneld for some •me an 18 a- George W. Hanson died suddenly >n ---D)lliat <V�th town alfa1rs. , the home of her Bon, Wdharn L Han- I ContJ n ued Croa1 Pa�e 1 I lie was bon� m �e.st�eldd N. tiy ' i son, 233 M1dwood place, on Monday I be barred from usmg It The ques­d rece1ved hls aca em�\: �

ao� j' mornmg • : t1on aros• as to whether the Counctl w \Ve .• tncld Ac>'demy an h

le . r� � She was born m Ohw and had 18• could take thts st•p and Councilman ) d gtrattons busme�s sc 00 s ;.n � ' I ••ded '" Westfield for about a vear Dono, an stated that the Borough At· falo !l.e served hls appr�n lees 1p I and a half. • torn e) had gtven h18 opnnon that the

.. 1 p1pe fitter and later ecame a I Be>�des her husband she 1s survtved I Counc t l could do as 1t deemed advls­.,..ter at the trade. . I by one son, Wilhlllll L. Hanson of 1 ab le tn th'" respect. During the dis-

In 1887 he entered the service of Westfield, and two daughters Mrs ' cusston tt was brought out that the tbe Stsndsrd 011 Company of New Maude Pettit of Phlladelph•�. and Woodland avenue property owners

}'ork at 1ts Atlas Works m Buffalo. Mrs M ay H. Kelly of Los Angeles [ W lShed the same regulatlons on that Jle took up the study o� con�truc�1on Cahf ' 1 street, and on motion It was left m 1 englDeerm;( and draftmg m mgt'ht Funeral servtccs wlll be held m the the hands of the Road Committee 1 ..,boo!, to •uch a good effect that In late, residence tomor1ow afternoon at and the Borou�rh EngmecL It was 1891 he was put tn charge of these 3 o clock, Rev. Wm. K. McKmney, I recommended that an ordinance be depart.ments m the refinery. I past?r of the Presbytenan Church, 1 drawn up regulatmg the t1 atf1c on

ln 1905 Mr. Brower entered the off1c1atmg. Interment will be made 1 these streets, and Counc1Jman Dono-JorellD ser<�ce of the company Wl.th m Fa1rv1ew Cem etery. ' van <uggested that the Borough At-lielldquarters at Bucharast, Rllmama. ' torney be consulted on the drawing ln 190& he was made general man- John W•rr•• Slae""0041 I of th1s ordmance. lief of the company Romano An;er- John Warren Sherwood, aged 72, I The questwn of acceptmg streets 1cana. He returned .to the Umted d 1ed Ill the home of his daughter, was diScussed and Councilman Arthur Slllte& m 1 9 1 2. becom1tg supermten- Mrs. A. V. Luebbers, 646 Kimball J. Ayers stated thut profiles should dmt of the Vacuum 01! Compllny's avenue, on Saturday, followmg a b•· filed w1th Ins comnnttee before work! in Rochester. brief til ness. acceptance. ·

In 19 19 he was transferred to the He was born m Southport, Conn., Counc1lnum Ayers reported that he t.<adquarters of the company in New and had lived 111 Westfield for about had mvesttguted the durnpmg of dirt York as the general manager of the �ve years. He was an insurance ad- on H!l lstde avenue, and from what he newly formed crude oil department. JUstor m New York Ctty. cou ld 11:•ther he had been told lhat Mf, Brower wtll succeed Council- Two daughters, Mrs. Leubbers, the con tractor m du<rge of Improve-

man Edward s F. Randolph whose Wtth who.m he resided, and Mrs. Rob· n�ents thet e had been �wen perm is­term expires in December. ert Jenmngs, also of Westfield, sur· ••on to place the dtrt on the street. c. Wesley Collins, Republican, ts VIve . him. Three grandchildren also Counc1l man Ayres will atten1pt to dis-

E11eats of tlae Mentla Ma:r 7-19

ExhJbitwn. Members West­field Art A SBocJatwn L1brar>.

Ma, 8--A.fteraoon Card Party. D. A. R.

H ttrhland Avenue. -o--

May 9-Even•nr


Band Concert Roose\'elt 8chool

-o--Ma:r 11-Eveniaa

Annual Hmner M en's Tri-angle Class, of Pre•brterian Church. Old Par1•h Ho�se

.......,_ May 1 5

Pnmary Day. -o-

Moy 1 5--Eveoinl Joint Recttal. Mustcal Or· gamzations Roosewlt SchooL

-o-Mo:r 21-E ... ai•r

Concert. P!ldcrewski at Roo· sevelt School.

-o-Mar 24-Eveni•l· Dmner. College Men's Club. --o­

May 211 Plays. Mask and M mw Club

Renior High School. --o-

Mo:r 29-Evenlnr Smoker. Masonic Club , Paul's Parish House


- - - - ------ -- --jlmiEST SIOWN 1ft fADEREWSII


jl l CONSTIUCTIOI OF "Y" \l::::ll =====» ! JUILDINfl fiOfiiESSES

Corcoraa-Armotroq I (Contmued from Page 1) �h.. Harriet Huntmgton Arm· l th• contractor and i n order that the The appearance of l'ad<'l t•wskl on atrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs directors may not be forced to bar­

Monday e\ cn mg, lllay 2 1 , places 1-'amuel Armstrong, and Dav1d Merle I row money, the dms10n managel'!l, Westfield among the !orcmo�t must- Corwran, son of Mr. and Mre. Tho" <"aptsm" and qutte a number of the cal locahons m the Un tt<'d Stales. 1'. Corcoran of l'awtucket, R. 1., were teum men havtJ 'V<Jiurtteerednr at-

I t is the pre8entatwn of not only , mal l a•d at noon, Saturday, in t.he s1stanre to VISit those wh01 e In the greatest of puuu �t.t-. but the fure� 1 honw of the brtde's parents The al l t'urs for ont- o r mor{' �· terly most statesman uf " orld rent>Wil and ,.,,, emony was performed by the Rev payment., that they present tht need former Premler ot Poland. Thls 18 J unws A 8nuth, reC'tor of St Paul'ti of mcwttng tla1 qua1 terly p•ymenta thP first small to\\n tn wh ieh he has 1 Epl><npal Church promptly, It '" expe<led that there evPr appeared. !\It" Catherme Hornung, a cousm "•II be a good r.•spon•e to the visit..

Padcrewoki ha• bt•n revNcd by ull of the l>1 1de, was nuud of honor and nf theRe mt•n " h o are gh•ing tbeiJ'

th ld f h 1 1 fi ·d I the only attendant Howard Cor· hme to assist Ill this work that the e wudl . or

thiS "wo > e

ld,aWtTI <esPlur- t·m·,.n, a broth er of.

the groom who Board of Directors may not be handl· mg an smce e or ar ar� 1 -. '

d · d f d I mg ht< beloved Poland fii"Nt he set 1 '" a Semor Ill Prmeeton University, cappe m regar to un s. t wu aOJde his career as >lamst an'd at the was best mun. The bride was given thought. befitt111g that this elf.ort to

h 1 f I' 1 d' 11't 1 1 t l m mJHI'Iag<• by her htber 11:11ther Ill the over-due aubscnptlona e m o o an s po 1 1ra rnsls PI o · 1 · •hould r d th 1 i f th

ed them safely through Tlw lmde wore blege lace and car- P eee � , e .ay ng 0 6 cor-ned II bouquet of lavender orchids ner •ton•, whl<h Will occur on Sun-1�, Hl l 7 he bud closed h1s (Hano and The couple left Saturday nill'ht f�r

day a{ternoon, May 2?. Full.detalla

platul hts fortune and sen tee• at the dd t l1 h th C d' about the (>rogram Will be g1ven In di"posul of In• country "I shall 111, "c"k llllt fti"IP hl�ou


tl 8 :1a1na 18t11 The J.eader next week. 1 M 1 d \.O teM, " cr w 1c u�y w1. go 0

never P ay agam. '

UBit' IS a c ose San �'t anc•sco v. here they will sail The forty-elrhth meetlnr of tilt chapter of my hfe,' he det'larcd at r01 Jupnn, vt.: Honolulu. They Will \"nun��: Men's Christian Aaaociatlonl the time. I n 1920, wh en the last rt••J<le 1 11 Kobe, Japan, when• the of New JNsey will be held at Camp \\l>rds had be<•n spoken at tho Ver. !(t oom W ill I tJjneHent the firm of Wnwayu ndn on Satm·day, May 19. !l>lllles Peace . Conferenr:, he found lludg<' & Seymou r, expm ters, of New The con fe1·enro theme wtll be "lnte-.. hnn•elf Jn·arlm>lly pen ntles•. York. Tht• gmotn is a member of nutwnal and Intcrradal GoodwfU." He was fn1 cNl to re-open the book the Tower Club and 18 8 gradunt<• ll<'legnt.•s from f01 ty-ftve assoclatloiU! of mu01c and t<'<�llne his concert work. of l'rmceton, Cla•s of '26. II<• also of tlw Stat!' will be present and a

The world was glad to receive him ul l enth•d the Ihu vnrd Sehoul of llus- st l"nng program has been arranged. again, but to l'uderewski it was real- 1 ness Administrat ion graduati ng Jn l lr. Mordecai Johnson, president of ly a tragt•dy. II•• had said, "I shall 1 !127 ' Boward University, will be the peat nev�r play ngain" nnd he had to go of tho conference und will give two back to his plnymg. l'adercwskl re- Blackmoa-Sioae 11ddressos. Many of tho delegates

the Counrtlmanic candidate from the surv1ve him. cover the. •ourr<· of the g11mtlliK of s.cond Ward. Mr. Collins was born Funeral �erv1ces were held . fn the the pen�us,wn. -o-

n Brooklyn but spent h1s early life home pf h1s daughter last mght at Counc timan Ayers predicted that Mar 30 solved t hen to banish from his vot•ab- Miss V ivian A. Stone, dnughtcr of will plan to go to the ramp on J'rJ. ulary tlw wouls "never" und "til· Mr. II!HI Mrs Clal cncc Stone of li'6 tiny night and fQllll\111 otter Sunday.

:n Westfield. He wao educated 111 the 8 :30 o'clock, Rev. James A. Rrnith, \\lthm the next few years a great Mel\1orial 1)1\y, 1\estfield school system and gradu· rector of St Paul's Church, otftciat· development would take place in the '---------------J wuy�." Walnut st1 eet, Ellzabeth, and George 'l'ho guest hou•o und the cottapo

"Will b k t It' ?" · C. 13llltkmun, son of Mrs Sully Black· furnish splendid accommodation lor l'�U go ar o pol '"". '" mun of Broad street, Wt>Btfteld, were sudJ " conference al,ld "'e botlilq, attd from the local High School . �ng . . Interment was made this morn- lwrough and he WaH of the opinion

D ing hts school days be won dis- mg m Greenwood Cemetery, Brook- that nuprovements shou ld be consid-

t•��tion both on the gridiron and o n lyn, N. Y. ereTdhe

by Ctho c.o, unde'tl

d · d d · h thl · ounct 1scusse at some the ?uamon an m ot er a etlc

MEETINGS Of INTEREST length th� laying of n sidcw11lk on

acUvtttes. New Providence road. It appeared He a�tended Renssaleer Polyte�h- that property ownel'l! 011 that •treet n•c ln,btute,at Troy, N. Y., of wh1ch WOMAN'S CLUB had requested the Counc il to lay a he I� a graduate, class of 19�1. The regular anr.ual meeting of the �1dewa!k but actton }1nd been de-Since then he has been actively ell· Woman's Club will be held Monday ferred. Councilman Donovan stated agged in his profession as a Civil En· afternoon . May 14. A luncheon at that he was of the opmion thnt if gmeer. He served as Town Engineer one o'clock will precede the nt<>eting the properly owners wanted the side­of Westfield and resigned because his Reservations for lhts luncheon should walk und \\ere willing to puy !or Its outalde work became so great he ' be made not later than 1\!ay 1 construction the Counci l should not found It impossible to take care of Election of officers will be held and stand in the way. The mutter was both the town work and his private the polls will be open from 2 to 3 :30. held ovm unt1l the next regular meet· practice. The reports of the acllv1t1es of the mg and m the meantime the Side-

At various ti mes he has done con- several departmer.ts of the club for l \Hllk Comm!ltee and the Borough At-11derable work for Un ion County. He the pust Year will be made and the torney would consult on the mutter bas also been retained by several delegates to the annual convention and submit their find ings. large corporations to survey land for of the New Jersey Federation of Mayor Robbins named five cttizens them. He is the Borough Engineer Woman's Clubs held at Atlantic Ctty '" addi tions to the Water and Gas oi Mountainside. w1ll give their 1 cports. Committee, as follows : Chnrlcs 1!. Mr. Collm• was named to succeed Murphy, Wi l llam L. Winkler, Harry Councilman T. B. Reynolds whose Waahinrton p,.T. A. Moeh Tueaday Dliwise, Donald Maxwell and Harold term expires in December. The annual a1 d final meeting of Godby.

Bert G. Oldford, Republican can- the season of the Washington Purent- A petitton was rece1ved from prop-dulate for re-election from the Fourth Teacher Association which is to be erty owners on Locust avenue asking Ward ill the your.geat member of the h eld on Tuesday afternoon, May 1 5, for improvements and lights on that Town Council. He wao appointed to promises to be of unusual intere3t. �treet. This was referred to the ftU the unexpired term of former Miss Cordua, the school nurse "ill Road Committee Cou�cilman Charles H. Van Doren, be present and will g1ve a short talk It was recommended that an ordin­

!lliped. on he1· work in �afeguardlng th e "��· be dr

awn up stating what con-

Mr. Oldford was born in Newfound- health of the school children and she <hl10•11 stre.cts that were torn up for

land and he spent his early days in will explain the new project• of the the mstnlhng of improvements were the Maritime Province, where he was pre-school cl inic and "summer round- to be left \1\, educated in the schools there. up " No further busn!ess uppeurw.g, the

He came to We;t1\eld in 1 9 1 0 and Dr. Leggitt wtll al;o be present und �ouncll stood. adJoUrned 1lnt1l the "" lived here for the past eighteen explain the campaign for the preven- llrst Tuesday 111 June. Yeats, exeeptmg the t1rne he served tton of diphtherin and will answer In the army during the World War. 01 y questiOn 111 regard to tl1e Schick D�ring the war, Mr. Oldford was sta- Test. B11ef reports Will be read t1oned at Kelley Field, Texas, where showing tht! splendid results of the he was an instructor in the woodwork yen1 '� work of thr ltssocintion nnd department in the construction of Mr• Harold Welch will entertnin aeroplanes. At the close of the war with several vocal selct'tions.


he was sent to MeXICO in the employ All mothers ,lfe cvrdiolly IJ\V!led •I the General Petroleum Company tu bo J>reKcnt.

Music Week wns observed at the regular lun<•heon meeting of the Ro­tary C lub of Westfield hold 111 tht• ��lm Tre<· Inn yesterdny. An ex<·el­lent progrum of vwhn selectiOns was of California, where he was in charge of general con,truct!on work. He re­turned to W est1leld and has lived here e\'er since,

H� learned the building trade, startmg as an apprentice and has worked himself up in a most credit· able manner. Many of the fine resi­dences In Westfiel d arc of his build­Ing and it hus ever been his idea to llllprove the town. He has earned lhe reputatiOn of bu ilding good hom•• •fin

d he is considered one of W cst­eld's leading builders. ART GROUP EXHIBIT


ART ASSOCIATION plnyed by F.ugen� Otto. Otto piny. The Westfield Art A"�oeintion wil l ed two l(roups. The l>rol(ram wa•

holtl a r£>gular tn(•etmg tomorrow eve- under the diret·ttotl of RobC!rt W. nmg ut 8 o'clock i n the association's I Hnrdc-n, vice preRid(lnt of 'rhl' \\' (l�t­r<mms in the Pubhc Ltbrary building. field Trust Compuny.

Mr. Otlu pre,ented the following GRANT SCHOOL P.-T. A. i �'ro!!'mm :

ELECTS OFFICERS Group l-11. Mmuett, Mozart; b.

Bourcc, Hm1 del Group 2-a Chant ( Negro Spiritual } "Nobody Knows

The Grant School I' -T. A held 1ts the Trouble l'vt• Seen," Clnrenec 1\fuy meeting in the school auditor- Cameron White ; b l'oli•h Dunce, iu n; on Mondo)' of this week, Mrs. S<•hnr\\enku ; c . Vnlsetto, Felix Bo­Pau l G ilbert, president, calling the rowskt meet ing to order. After a few re- Robert I.. DeCamp spul<e of what ports, Mrs. Gilbert gave 11 brief out- the Westfield Baseball Assoc1at1on IS

l ine of her report from the Central tryl!lg to do und following the meet­Council meeting at Plainfield. ing several members purchlbed sea-

hThe fifth an�xhibition under 1\!is• Risser's third grnde was the son tickets to all home gumes. �,•. a�spices of the Westfield Art A•· winner of the tlnlt for the coming Rotnriuns from Perth Amboy and •1at10n during tho current season month. Plainfield were present and President

Twas open�d. to tbe ,Public on Monday. The following chu�rrnen of com· Fred R. Docrrer directed the mect-


asko�l of lllnl frt•quentl)'• Invm.l.u�ly muried in the Third l'rosbytorlan tennis court•, basobnll lleld, etc,, fur· �· gtves the following nnswor. I ol· Church, �illznbelh, on April 28. The niah IIlii ]lie ojlportunlty for l'tCrta• lti< R have taught me one thmg, If ceremony was ' performed by Rev. lion.

nnthlllg else-namely to bunlsh the Alexand-.· Cairns, D.D., pastor of the Dr. C. M. F. Egcl of Elm street, words 'never' and 'nlways.' I 4'm a church.

has announced that he is a candidate tlnn be!it•vcr Ill God and d<'sllny, und for alternate delegate from the fifth the ways of destiny, whi<'h God 1\li•• l l ur.el N. Steele of Roselle

Congressional district to th e National slm(�t•• for u•, nre inscrutable." Pmk, Wl\s muid of honor, and Mrs.

Republican ConventiOn which will be Duling his . <ureer Pnderew,ki'• Lout• W<•nz of Roselle Park, and

held in Kansas City next month, For wt•nllh wns <••hmuted nt two mllhon M1ss Miria m Denniston of •:IIzabeth,

fourteen ycurs Dr. I�, gel ha• been II dolhn s, every c.·cnt of which ht• ex· were bridesmaids. Fred Blackman, " <I 1 f 1 brother of the groom, wua hest man

s�:���miit;�•el'W��;�ccl� �:xecu- 1 �������·�y :�� lez.:"�,.;� ;:���� �! �:: Following t ho ceremony n rocep·

He was horn in Bound Br�ok and •turving comltlltr10ts He tlld it gh>d-lion wna held h1 tho homo of the

received his educotioll in the •chools ly, joyfully, lllllli'Y to be of service hrldc's parents, which wus attended

" ll 1 I by more ll111n ono hund1 cd guest•. of that town. After completing his to l\' htn< '"' ovetl so well. He lliiR The groom is employed in 1'he high school course, llr, tjgel entered "" ro�rets for huving done so and hu• Westfield Trust Company and Is well the University of l'enn.ylvanlu, grad· never ? 'ked the now firmly c•tnhllsh- known In Westfield. Upon their re· uating in J B !I!J. The sumt• yeur he ed l'oh•h Gnvemment fol tepuymcnt turn tiw couplt> will l'�shlo on J>:Jm opened Ius office Ill Westfield nnd nf tll\' Hu m he "" ll:<'JI\'rously exjwnd· !ltl'ect. hus resided here since that tlmt•. ed �01 the rl'storutlon of Poland.

Por four years he served us 11 mem- I ndei'OWHki will present nn ull her of the St11le Bonrd of Dental Chopin pt·ogrnm which will be us fol· }ixnminers, having been appointed by low• : Governor Walter F.. Edge, Ho uhm Fnntnsiu. Op. 4H, J''our l'rt1ludes, served one year as rhnncellor of the NoH 1 5, 1 6, 2 1 , 2 4, Two Nocturnes American Dental Frutcmity. He was Op. 1 5, Sonuta Op. :!5, Gruvc dopplo n member o! the Board of Education movimcnto s<'herzo, I•'unernl Murch, for six ycurs nnd served as JII"Csidont. l'leRto l•'inule ; Bnllade, �· Minor,

Dr. Egel ls 11 member of the Board Three Etude•. Nos, 12, 7, 3, Op. 10,

of Managers of the Children's Coun- Scherzo C Sharp Minor, Op. 50 PolonaiHt' A Major, Op 40, V11lRo: Op, 42.


Mu� oJ• W i ll iam 111. Deard has been udd,•d to the list of hn ttortunt speak­eta who Will ndd1 ess the members of Westfield Council, No. 1 7 1 1 , Knights of Columbus, ut thc1r nnnunl Com. IIIUJJinn hre11kfust to bo held Sunday

Chapman-Bell MisH Loui•o C. Hell, dnughlor of

M r. und Mro. Puul Strubln of 118 Hun is on avenue, und A. llowul'd Chupmun of Greenville, 1 •• I., were imll"rled on Saturday noon in the chUJtel of tho Church of the 'l'l'ans­figumtion In New York.

'l'he bride wns givon in marringe by lw1 mother. Her only attendant wu• Ml•• llelcn Bell, a sister of tho

, bride, who wus maid of honor, Frnnklln Yeager of Now York, wa�

heot man. Upon their J•olurn from u •hort wedding trip the couple will take u p their reRidence in llomJ>steml, !,, I.


morning at the llnnaen Inn on EaRt 'l'he nnnunl Sprtng I•'luwer Show IIJ"otul st1cct The members of tho o l' tlw Weslileld C:nrd••n Club will be council with thujr ft icndH wtll receive Jwld on 'ruesduy) Jum.! 5, necol'ding Cummu llinn nt tho 8 : 1 0 o'clock muss to an llnt'<Hmc«.mlcnt mudc u.t. the

I in the Holy 'rlinity C'hw·ch, We•tflcld meeting h<'ld i n the home of Mrs. n\en�e ant) I•'arHl �tJcet, on �unduy San bm·n of I•;ust Dudley uvonuc, Mon .. moJ nlng, nftm which they will pro· day afternunn. Mrs. Frunk W. Smith C( t•ti to the llunscn Inn, I hn-; IH•cn Jlllllled genl•rul chutrmun of llonot ablc .loNOJ1h F. S. F1tzpat- I the <•wnt und she will bo usslstcd r1ck, twcretnry I)[ tho Stntc of New bv n lnrge committcP J<'l·scy, und Colonel Arthur F. Foran, · . , · comptroller of customs for the Port Henry �Jidc "� (,rc<•nwkh, Conn., of New York will also bo heard I gave 1111 llltcrt•Htllll( talk on "Color Grund Kn ight i.,lnnngnn who iB work: Gomhlnutiow� tn the Garden," bo­Jng w 1th Chairman McCnrthy of the glll !l l llg with the .eu�l iest blosKom• of

ln cukfuHt committee, hus severn\ oth- 1 •prmg und contmumg through the Dr. c. M. F. Ecel cr interesti ng features plnnnerl fot Klllnnwr a n ri full. He uiBo gnvt• Homo

try Homo and IB ch11irmun of the Fm· the affair. . <'Xcc l lent i <lc!IR II< to size and colorH

nnce Committee. He is vice prcs1- At tho regulur meotin��: of West. to eombme At the concluaion of dent of the Westfield Building and field counci l held last 'l'hursduy In hi• lulk, lll r. Wilde llnHweJcd 'lues­Loan Aasodation !Inti !for several the uud1torium of the Holy Trinity tiuns reluth e to gnrdenH. yenJ's hn• been a director of that or- H igh School, !•'rank Seiler wus elected M1·s. Jum<'K Whit<•IICm! showed Nome gnnization. He is ulso a member of record ing secretary to succeed Put- of the plnn• which huH he<•n Huhnnt· th e Ucpublicun County Committee, rick O'Ne•ll, who re•igned the posi- t<•d for tho pla nting of perennials

During hi• reei<l•·ncc in Westfield tion because of pressure of businesH. Ial'ntmd the Watchung Gn< HtutiotL Dr. f:gel hns becorno 11 well known At a special meeting lust Friduy eve- Among tho<e sho displuyed won that l!gure not only i n polit1cnl circl es but ning eleven candidntoa recei ved thu of Mr•. Guy Noblo of Wc<ttlold, who in every movement that hns been for fh HI und Hecond degrees of the order. WllH uwnrdcil the prize for th<• be•t


Candidate for GoYer•o• Ara11aea Paw. oralole Co••••t .Aft .. T..._

Deelar•• F'or Le .. Tasea The ndminlatratlon of afYaira In New Jersey �hould be conducttd

nlong conatJ uctlve tmd bualncaa·llke methods, was tho declaration of Hon• oruh le Cornelius Doremus before a luncheon meeting hold In tho Elm Tree Inn on Monday. Judge Dott· muR in his remarks pointed out that !or Reveral years the over-head In connection with running the St.t. wnH largo and on tho increase. He rompured the Statu to a business cor· poratlon and doclurod !.hat this lm· munoo over-hon<l could be curtailed. In the event of his belnr elected GOV· ernor he stated that It would be his duty to the people of New Jersey to ol lmlnuto all unnccoaaary expend!· turcs In running tho buslnesa of the State.

The Hll\H\ke� nlso pointed out that an nttempt b bolng made to do away with the existing Primary election. Thla Ia a direct attempt to deprive the \oter of tho liberty of solectlnlf the candidate of hi• choice for office, Under the convention eystem It usually was the boss's selection of candidates that wore named 11nd no usplmnt could get an opportunity o1: bccotning u cnndldnte au now Ia the CUHC.

Tho Rpuuket· 'wus introduced by Alun Il1 ucc Conlin, who Rtnted that ow ing to Illness Judge Doremua wu unublc to attend the luncheon on Th urRduy. Mr. Conl in stated that Judge Do1·emus was one of four cnn­d idutes for the otflce of G overnor nnd polnlod out thut the cnmpaign hoing con<tueted WIIR ono of dignity In keeping with the o!Tico for whlch the Judge asplrcd. Tho Judge pomted out thut ut pres­ent there nro many so-called "soft jobs" cxi•tmg In the administration of Stute nfTah·s, nldlng materially In lhe increasing over-head. It was part of tho Governor's work, Judge Dore­mu• slutcd, to curtai l expense wher­ever it could h(l done without mntcr· 1ui ly humpering the ntrnlrs of the State

lie mudt• !i tt!� 1 cforenc•• to •the othc1 contenders for tho candidacy hut omphntically stated that he could prom ise the voters that where "clean­Ufi<" WIH� neccHHIJrY they WOUld be taken Cat'(• of,

dhe exh1b1t consists of paintings, 'mittccs were culled upon for yearly i ng. '"'lngs, etch ings and jewelry by outlmcs of their work: Mrs. William

members of the association. There E. Plumer, publicity ; Mrs. l'hilip El­ate .eighty-three exhibits in the col- mer, treasurer nnd membership; Mn1 lect1on H 1'. Brown, hosp1tnhty, and Mrs.

the upbui ldmg nnd advancement of I piun submJttcd. the to\\n. SCHOOL PUPILS TO HEAR Th i rty-fi ve membe1s were pre•cnt

LOCAAr}oi%V��t�J �8RCE He�b�r�11�11��v�:lau�nc� 8������e:ti�{ LINCOLN IMPERSONATOR , ;�::�tt:;�· ( ', T. Rever<' directed the

nominee. , .-. -- . . I Tlw comnutlce whwh w il l hnve

.hulgc Doretnu• was given n rouS-1 11!( wolcmnu aa he entered tho d i n ing room, nn<l when he concluded hlp ro­mnrHH wcrn rcccivccl with y igorouK npphm�t· . Ahtn llrucc Conl in 1\sked nil pres­ent to givtl Judge Do1·emus' election <'llt'uful con•hlerutJon and on l'rlmnry day cnst their bnllot for tho man whom hu heticved to be the cnnd!­dul<• w1th th<• inlere•t of tim people uf Uw Htute u."" lwm·t.

. S�venty-five members of the nsHO· G eorge Smith, program tlthon attended 8 reception in the I 111:�·s J. L. Clnr� . chanmnn of the !tllcry or the asociation in the Pu b· Nommatmg Comm1tlee, then proceed­he L1hrury, Suturda , ni ht ed to read the names of the mem-

Tbe exhibit is opeln e!h

'week day I �tel s chosen for otT1cet" fQr tho com­from 3 to G and from 7 to 9 p. m. � ���� year, 1�nd the folio" utg memhcrt<

A"!ong those who ara exhibiting wen un�mmou•ly chose n : , P•mtmgs are · M · F St . kl Mrs. I nul Gllbert, re-elected I res· Evelyn Watts ·McL�r:,��lin. M. r��rlf�· u!en: ; Mrs John 11. Fr�e, First Vtce Adele deLceuw, John A

'. Brunner' Pres1d�nt ; Mr .. Byron Stunr� •. Sec­Gerald Foste1 , Cateau deLeeuw J: ond V1e<• Prestdent; Mrs. Ph1hp EI-Emtly Y. Pirs H d L H

' t· mel', re-elected Treusurer.

1ngs C son, owar , as Win'· hmlotte c. Wardlaw, Molly BUSINESS MEN SET Bet tams !land, C. 0. Rhys, 1\!nry Jea� �lortcnse Budell, C . .V· Grant, DATE FOR BANQUET Eth 1 aques Pfister, Leshe Crump,

J c Flagg Smith, Dormun A� Smith, I ---n""•h Tubby, Henry s. Eudy, Ada I Acrnrdlllg .to ��� llllliOUn_ccment Udell, Mud,.line M Elliott nml Frcd- l m:uie by tlw hx<'cUliV<' Com nnttc<' of �tick I I , Zucher

' thP Btt•.::inf''-�� :\h n's \ <:. -1 1 1 mtion, which rlr Thooc f•xJubiling etclungs nnd 1 nu•t o 11 'fhunHiny r!lgoht tho annunl rli:\\mg-s 11 1 t • : c. c. Wnldron , Em• .. I h.wqtH t of t hf.' u�soc!nt10n wtll {1rob Rh 0 Yeu�el C erald Foster C 0 l ahl)· ue lwhi "' t ht- L i m Tree Inn on ph �

·s, hhznh�th' Ji\ I�'orHylh n;uJ F E: TlllJ nHlay, l\ln\' :! I nre,, Harold ('. 'I < > \\ n l <'l '" ehmrmun ot

M 1 Nnrrts of the Norris Chevrolet Co., of 12!1-13 North avenue, nn· nounees that Mr. Townsend Pang­burn of Verona has joined his sales force. 1\!r. Pangburn has been con· ne< ted with the llruy-Reed C hevrolet Co o f ll<•ilevdle-Nutley for the past few years. lie 111tends to CRiahli<h h is rc'ideme 11 1 Westfield.

Westfield J e,Hil'cts w11l he [Jlenscd to know that 1\h. Frun k l'ucker w1 1l remain w1th the locnl ag<'ncy, as w ill l\f r. JJobfls •l!-l st. n 11 e hc,uJ

--�- � --� George A. Btlhngs who tH con.,der- c lllu'�.:e f th fl we h f 1 u , cd the grcnleHt living impcrsonutor of I ' w 0 e 0 ·r " t,w IM IHI 0

KJDDJE REVUE PLEASES Abrulutm Li ncoln will apJH'llr in WeRt- " 1\1',· { 'l' I' M AI i n d . I . , H. ) ' • \.Cve r c , ra. uxuru c1

LARGE AUDIENCE lOI under the llUH(>J<•eH of the ,]fill " Bluir 1\lr r A t M' N Club on Friduy, .Juuc 1 . I '1• H. 1' rms rong, 18� U·

--- Th l I h l t till<• I 111rbu n n, !llrH. W. f,, Duy, MrK. Capacity IIU<henee, tilled the Roo- 'th

0 " u 1 , "" mu< ''. 1111 ' c"'h'g";'wt�• 1 0. B Hog<·JH, M1 "· Tubby, lllrH, IV 1 I . . I tl r WJ superVHHllg prirH'IfJU nr l'H • i\1 Gr ff M B M p } u 'I' seve t am ltormm nt "' ' per or- l'hl lhower for Mt. ll"llngH' llppeur· l '

. n ' rs. . • rul( I , .. ,rs. . munc.eK of 1 1 l'!vclyn Miller nnd H�r ance m Ua_• :-;('JIJOJ nrul .Juruor· High 1 (,�togmy, M uc Vuu llo£','Wn, Mr�

K1dd1e Revue:• nn ThurHd�y and I>'ri- � School tlH' Hllllle duy. I l11Hho1: K <•nny, MrH, H. �· Nlc�wla, dny mghls. fh:rty JUVcmle dancers ll!r Hi l li ng• will ·llflfl<'llr before th<' Mrs. H. I I . Vnncc, MI". C. 1\f. Egel,


rnngir g from el�h� to eighteen years Sonio.r botly nt 1 · 10 o'elw k nn.t in M .-. A I I . N<>IiK>Hl , MrR F. 11. fltll�- M cmbe J K of nll brunche< ur the

of uge aJ>\lOIIt<'d on the jlrogr.nm and the Huosevcl t ,J u nio• l l igh School nt horn, 1\lrR . • 1 .1�. �tout, M I H, I I . G . Nt•w Jersey Louguc of Womon Voters •·n<'h numhct· wns greeted w1th sus- nhout 2 ,1 0 I' m. �tw1�te1 , J\1rs. Htl'phcn Cox, Mrs. R. huvc been urged tn nttcnd tho eighth

tained npphw•e Mr Billings 1,iuycd tht· title roil• I·� I <'rry. l\l rs John J )<'bmun , MrA. nnnual convention of tho Stnto or-Will Entertain at Tea ll! t'" Evelyn Miller, daughter of ;,1 the fi l m "Alunlllllll J,mculn" with 1.. IJ. ltnnsom, M rs. M. K Hnnmoy, gnnizutlon, which will lw he ld i n the

/\Irs. Paul l'rclduun 'Nlll tntcrlnm Mr. and 1\JrM. J:dwurd 1\llllcr of Broud f('llJcil lwbl(• �lo l1 11,. hnH emhodiul) M t·� ':'· !': 1,lan�om, MrH. ,I . C. }',• ircu, 1 1�onmn'H Cluh, EuHl Ornnge on

a t 11 tliUHll'Hl tctt t i ll FrlfLl\' aft{'fllOon HtfC('t, WCJII mu r h dPH('fVCcl uppluu ,e HI ll lahlf'UU liOIJW of the moMt ( I r a� M r�-t [ (, ( 1 \Hit I I , �l rH ·' n. W hilt• : l lmr�HIIl\' lJHl l·�titl n \ , 1\lay 2 1 uud at her hom(• Ill M u u u tnm HVl'llll£'. Her and 1\Jyrn \VJtt.ngt'd Rcven , perform· w�lll t.' cv(' n t H HI the l ife of lhe crnan- lw�ul. i\ln;, II IJ 1' t't•ernnn, Mrt�. G . . Hi. Kllt>Sls w d l be M r s [Jnnald J:klcher. t·d 111 a moHt p/en�mg mnnner. c lpntoJ I I . Nohlt•, 'l'lw l llll\'t·n lr o n followH l'lmwly up.

AfrH. I�ul'le H<• l ( her, �frs U r�h. MrH 'fiH' (ICJ'formn ru I' WUH 'J!IV,en u nd(•r I At n :rHJ I J 'elof 1\ t}u• KlutH' f'VDIIIng - ------- till thul l lf the Nntlonnl League nnd

l l inP, Mrs. Fu l l<· l , M i"' Il\lil t \ "· �lr · i lii(• IIIIH(>I l'<'H o r tll f 1-ire mn n s M u tual l\!r. 1\ i l !in;:s W!ll np(lPUI ul the reg- Doremus On WOR Tomorrow It '" h l <'J(•Ht liW to uot(' thnt l h<' N�w Donultl ('cnr s,dl, \tr:-. I f m old \Vtlth, B{• IIPVo l£>rJt AHs(H r tt HHt . u\ar cllllncr llH Pl lug of Ure club whil'h I•�ol lnl t .futl�t.· Cor rwhuH D!Jfl'lll UM, ,h•J "I Y LPn��tl(' I N'(Jrd•l UH HIWHl num

I\I J "'., J\lnlvorn t\yH·�. Ml""' MJI J . . , M rR ,.,, I I I IH• h�·ld m tlw l�lm 'fn·t I nn \ who l K n c•JuHlu\a\l' f o r the llt• puh}j .. he\' n l yt•rtrs n .... t\o�·�� lht• Nationu\ Woodruff, Mr-. l lllld � lli i l h 1 1111 �lrH Can Collide In Cranford ------- <'nn v,u !.etnni <II IUI n<>minnll�>n, will l .t'lllll"'

J fnzdf llH , \VIlli(• t u t ll l ll�� fr u1n GPr te rm in i nv<.'- fJLA.N D I N N ER \ 1 1 1<. nk ft um Blut \OI\ \V O lt t\l (i n'dodt A f1ula l•'lnHlH'P Lunl'\u_,on will }J(I nu(', mto Nut th U \ P/!111', G t n n Cord 1m j lnmot t o w evcnlup;, Muy 10. Hit\ tnHt 1whl on 'l'hm vlav, Mny � l nt 1:.! 'W ·h�h,, h.uul-\Hought jewelry 18 !JeinJr 1 tlw <'<> llllrli lt<•P 111 diii i"IW ."f. tho n f·

I' t;'" bv J.:the! Glugg Smith und l fmr. Those who llll' nHSwtmg nrc : h� cry l lf I OJlJ!l't lustr e und chiii( S(' E . H . Crow, l l of/l( (l .) . 1\Inrlln, .Jr ' ' J ' f l iN.! thowmnd voiUJJH � � � u t ft um ���� h)i i\htgucrito deVoau. Chnrh' -; 1.;, 'ru•p, l l Nl i'Y TownH(•nd, t h t• tlnih·d Sbt l ( :-; , foun thP nuriNtH v d txiHbJts wh tch hnve been l:lfJOII- Chnrl cs Cln1k, l'.nul Brun rwr, Fred of t h e A fu nhun1 L11H olu J . tbrnry Ill ����[> hy th� U!ittocntion nro hPmg wen ) IT. HolmeR nnd u. I•' \V llHJfcldt Bl'll l l O Ju ul ('Z Si lwol, 1\lt•XJ( 0 City.

�t:::cl�·•l th'" •t•nsnn, p1 p�ltl<•nt Jtog-er l A Slit'llker n�d 11 ]II Ogrnm of entor- 'flu• hoo�s hnY<' ht•<•n donutt•d a t <l if·

SuncLly ll!OI II IIIJ.!, f . f'OlJ.!'P U. l\JJII<"r of A \ (' 1 .} dP1 1g-htful dhHu•r unll r>()- \ wi l l he ll(ltl IHlttt kul und Wll l havo p IH t\ i•t oft �aHmn1 t>ntr·t tnlnt'r hna fifiO \VuHhtn"-!l tjfl ltJ (_ e f , 'VC'Hlfichl, t'Ui l trnw wtlh rnuRlC an d <... JH f'dH H 1 l l J f !i · li "JN lt "T1w UnttUt•!\tltlll\'tl lu•t•n ('1 �.\gt•d nn1l n JlJH.IaltPt f1 um Uw who WU!'-1 dr iV IIJI!' ,, ( Il l {J\VlH'd J,y the IH fH•J n� JliarmNI for 1\Iuy J H In' UJI' J'ullll (I I !( Nl'W .Jet Hey." Jm1J.tt' l )urt•- Nat (ilntd r l'Ug'Utt WIU Udd ! t j'-1 1 iw l l l'l town, Wll!'t in a t o l l t • 1o n wrth .an utl to� Woman't-� AsHO( 1.1t ion ()f U11• ( 'ongrt! : tntl'l \\ i l l cl l:il'll<.!!-1 ln•teflv MHin<' uf t hP t•�nl� !-1. n1 1d nwmlwt�

mobile rl r 1vcn hy ,JnmNI Greun of 1 4th 1\gntwnnl Chu rr·h . '11il•kutfl wnv fw Ke� 1 J l l o hiPIIJ}{ which NPw .lt•Hil'Y 1uu,_l i\l t N . Auw hu. B. Muorf\('1tl nntl M11t.

HlJcet, Kenilworth, owned by i;Jun c urul fro1r1 MrH, Cheney , M • " Mnny "" • t HIH! tho opportun1Ue� which tlio A i le<' Wt•l"hmnn of 116 New strut. l 1�11'1 ·�tnlt d. lu1 11Jn(11lt Wtl1 feuhn e Uw lJntH(Uct. r('l l'llL LtmCH, mo�t o f th(JJn by mcrn-'th �- hPrH nf th<• socH•ly •·nlled "F'rienda

e LJ:A IIER-ror News nn<l Facte. 1 (' A W ADS llHJNH RJ•:HllL'I'S! 1 o f M ••xlt•o " l ing llroH of G r n n foHJ. lluth curt:s ar d Mrfi, l+'r u r y. 'l'ho dlr l l ltt will he 1 :-i l .i l {' han to ofl'cr Lu tlw fnn\lutd� N(•\utrl<, Hr(! In <'htti'J!(' of the TN�er� wure darn aged. 111 the JllUiHh ltou�w ut iJ : Hi p m. \ l • � t ,�·nll� lll llfl 01 wnnuw vul imm ftn thtJ ulf.ur.


C-00-IDA;T�E�S��AD��D��R�-E�S�S�--=--""�"'-Gll�!-r:s--�-�F�e;�;k�-�:,-;�;-::c:t���::,.�:-h�n:-,:a-n�;�-�rc:•��"o�n:-s\:fi;:.;-�d�<;�;d;-�n:���--n:-e:e;d�h�is�J:Jr:c:se:•n:c�e�a�.�:�-�i��--�-�-�-�-�--�--�-���-�-�-�---�--�-�-�-�-�-������::������;- �---�-�-�- ������-�-��������������=����;;;'='-�-....; LOCAL AUDIENCE AT why she should be nominated at the olh<·r purl" of the st.ate where he is , primaJ·ic:� and gave her hearers to un- not so W<•IJ kr own. ·

PUBLIC MEETING d�r"tand that •he was for prvhibition and a ury <:andidate. Mrs. Meekens GARDEN CLUB ENDS Membera of Both Partie• Outliae int.roduc<·d George R. Walsh, R. A. CATERPILLAR DRIVE Leahy and Warren F. Gaffney, all i Platform• •t Large Gathering eandidates for t.he Assembly nomina- -- ' lion on the Democratic ticket, The Garden Club announces tbe ! Approximately 200 W estf\eld resi-dents attended the annual <·andi- Mrs. Ross then introduced Judge completion of its ar.nual drive against

d&te•,r·'1neeting held at the High Carey, candidate for Governor. He the tent l'aterpillar. As was the case

School un Friday night under the was the only gub�rnatorial candidate in the two preceding years, the chil­auspi<!le� of the local bram·h of tlw pr·esent. He outhned the h1slory of dren of the schools were urged to col­League of Women Voters. Candi- hr.o !de and declared �hat 1f he w�s led the caterpillar egg masses. A dates ' of both parties W<'re present normr

.ated at the pr1ma1'Y he w11l cash bounty based on the number of

and were given opportunity to ad- work mdustrw�sly to be elected next egg ma,scs collected was offered by dres& the audience. fall and that 1f he was electe.d he the Garden Club. Cash prizes for the

. , would do all that he could to break greatest number collected in each The rne�tmg wa': opened by M'"" ur the Hague Machine to whieh he is school were offered by the Parent-Eleanor Ollver, president of the West- / strongly opposed. Tear her Associations of the several field branch, League of Women . . schools. A grand cash prize for the Voters. Miss Marion Douglas, chair- � MrR. Lo,·ell cand•date for •tale

girl and for t he buy collecting the man of the eommitle


e which arrang.,d comnutteewoman was the �ext speak- J?reatest number in all the schools / the meeting, then read a letter from er. She defined the duttes of the was offered by the Garden Club. Senator Edwards in which he regret- �tate cotnmJtteem�n who are not nom- , . . ted that he was unable to be present I rna ted at the prrmary, but elected. The re,ults were gratlfymg and 1 but that he urged everyone to vot� Joser:h S. Frelin�huysen, who is a inddentally pr_oved th�t the cam· at the coming primary election. cand•dat<• for. Un•t:d State Sena�or pa•gns were bemg effectJve. All the

. . . I on the Hepuhhcan t1cket, was then m- schools reported that the number of I �rs. Meekms, VIce c�aJrman of t�e traduced and he told of the work egg masses on the lr·ees all over town UniOn. County Woman 6 Dcm?crahc which he did while in the Senate six was much less than in previous years. c_Jub, mtroduced t�e Democrat!� can- years ago, and requested the support This meant harder work for the chi!- � d1dates and Mrs. �· !orella Ross mtro- of the voters at the primary election. dren, but J>roved the effectiveness of duced the Republrcans. Cornelius Doremus. candidate for their dfort,. Mr. Roswell Nichols of Westfield Governor on the Republican ticket The Garden Club tha, ks the school

Th the Republican Voters of Westfield: Please let me remind you that the primary elections are to be held next Tuesday,

May 15th. There are three candidates io the field seeking the two Republicaa nominatio111 to be

made in Westfield, for the Board of Chose n Freeholders, and I respectfully uk for one of your votes.

It has been my privilege to have served two terms as Town Councilmaa from 1920 to 1 923. I believe that my experience aad record as councilman together with the fact that I have been a life long resident of Union County and of Westfield for more than twenty-five years fits me to be chosen by Westfield voten to represent them in the county government.

If I am elected to the office, I pledge my self to do everything in my power towards aivinr the county as economical an admioist ration as is in al!'eement with sensible pro­greas.

The poDs wiD be open from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. (Daylirht Savin.- Time.) Very respectfuUy yours,

FRED S. SLA TER Paid for by F. B. Slater. the first speaker to be introduced was unable to atteli d the meeting o� principals and teachers for their is a candidate for Congress, running account of being ill, but had a repre- hearty co-oper·ation and thanks the on the Democratic ticket. He stated sentative present. men's clubs of the town for their

�� b w" nQ�� � � p� •u� � Hnry HMriu� ��� fiun�J nw� ����=���������=���=�=����������=����=��=��==�==��� mary and said that ali voters should date for Governor on the Republican The grand prizes for the greatest

I ' ... - - - · -- � - -


--- ------

· - .. .... ---=

vote. The se cond . speaker was Ken- ticket, was absent on a�count of pre- number collected in any school were netb Hand, Republican Assembly can- vious engagements. won by Marian B. Graff of the Wash-didate. Hamilton !'. Kean, who i; a eandi- ington School and Albert Stiles of

Mrs. �'Iorence Simpson . who is a date for United States Senator, and the Hoosevelt School. I k�����·��tftn\�·····�4ff,������6A66M646666AtJ\Il\6.,tll, lhil&• candidate for state committeewoman, who is a resident of Elizabeth, was 1 � 1 Jl' was then introduced, after which Mrs.· unable to be at the meeting. ll!rs. Hot lunches at noon are served i , ' Ross presented Mt·s. Lillian �'eickert, Ross spoke for him, stating that he in 2,286 schools in the State of New o!!-� · • • fo who is a candidate for United States was campaigning in South Jersey and York, according to a report of the J!,;'t b & c (o Senator on the Republican ticket. felt that his home county and West- State supervisor of nutrition. (�,;,. L B (o

=-�- - ������� ' i . a� _ erger · o . E Save time, energy, money oj ''One of America's (J1'eat St<wes " NewaYk • �

� : -don't market every day. ,1 •

9'our �urs I


It'• such • relief not to hava (o go to . . ; marker every day. Two or thtee times a ' ·" ' , •· -week will do the job-with energy, rime '� '' : ·" · aad money saved-if you have a General

.';.;• '· · ' Electric Refrigerator. For even the smallest model is so de­signed that ir can hold a generous store offoods-sevc:ral days'supply for rhe aver· a,ge family. And irs temperature, of course, is just tight to keep meats w holcsome, milk sweet and salads crispy.

The General Electric Refrigerator actually makes a minimum of floor space yit;'ld a muimum of food space:. That's because

the chilling chamber is incredibly com• pact. The up·on- legs models make it so easy to keep the floor under them clean. You will notice, too, that the General Elec• tric has no belts or fans or drain pipes. Tha.c it has no machinery under the cabinet, in• side-or in the basement. You will be glad that it needs absolutely no oiling. And your bills for electricity will tell you the pleasant story that this perfe" refrigeration acruallf is economical.

Come in today and study the variou. models. And send for a booklet. If yo11 · wish. time payments can be arranged. .

s�:r:o.i:E South Ave.

- ---�------ ---- --- ----- --�-----


B U T T E R Churned from sweet pasteurized cream. Wrapped in quarter-pound blocks for your convenience,

GRADE "A" MILK (Pasteurized )

''Satisfying Service'' PLAINFIELD \ MILK and CREAM co. Tel. 8008-8009 l lZ Watchuna Ave.


RAW MILK ( Tuberculin Tested Cows)

8lre Sale With 'Us I �p I eustom tJ'rfade floats� We are prepared during the summer·to make to individual order, coats of · the utrriost distinction. We will design speciaf models, copy the latest Paris fashions or carry· out: your own ideas. And, as always, this setvice is. backed by the L. Bam­berger & Co. guarantee �f reliability. Prices· for both remodeling or mak­ing to order are substan­tially less during the sum-mer than those that obtain in the season. . i · '

�oM the time our representative Calls for your furs until they are de .. livered to you in the autumn your furs are safe -from tire, theft, dust, moths and heat. Not only are they protected from all injury but our ex.. pert service assures careful handling and packing, and if desired, cleaning, repairing and remodeling. Furs placed in our care during the summer may be removed in .·the autumn upon twenty .. four hgurs notice. A service made·possible because of the fact that fur storage vaults and workrooms are on our ·own. premises. A telephone or . pOstcard will bring our representative. ·

I II I U It I � U 1 I



I • • : •• • • • (o (o • • • • • to • : to E to (o (o : . (o

� Additlonlll New Dire�t Jersey Central Tralns to f. lC! Newark 1\{ake Shopping at Bamberger's Easler. ·.,. .. :3!0 You 1\tay Telephone Your Order Toll ·· I¥ .,... _

Free Bv Callim: Westfield 1 900. Daily package deliveries to all seashore points are now in effect.

4 . . = 3 ' ' . ' . : �····����lf"19&l!f.lf"'"'"'t'lll.,lf�·lflfH··· .. ··"""'lft'lfrf9J"iJt I




�-- �------- --------- - - - --------�- . ·- ·----- -- - -··- -· - -- - --

��:� �-LQP�O�O�MA�L J�M�S

� ��t;:,t;d .. ;�at.:;�:j::"

n�;m�:r:�����:: : I 1 senth>g O¥<-r fift)' �olleges. The an- ' j nual reports showed that the club

l is in a flounshmg r(\n�htion. The 1 foltowin_g officers """" dectt•d for I the commg year : 1 Pre;ident. Mro. A 1) M urray ; vwe I president, Mr>. W. tl. Bowen ; seere­\ tary, Mrs. T. I<:. Kir!( ; corre•l'onding 1: The Town Co until w i l l meet in the Tlw annual meeting of the High • sccretlll')", M iss P1leher ; treasur<>r, ��. Mun, icipal b


.ldin� on Monday nigh


t. Sc•huol P.-T. A. will be held in the I Mrs. C. 0. Sowet·wm•• ; d>reetor, Mrs.

Have You Tried Our Own Make

againat tire -d theft and .afeguard them

from moth• -d other ruinoua peata by ator-jng your garments in





. •ehuul auditorium this afternoon. Re· l Plumer Wheel••r. '· Court Tnmty, C. D. of A. , met 1n ports of the officers will be received i The business tm•eting owr, the us· i the Parochial School Thursday night. and elc•c•tion of officers for the ensu- \ ual pleasant sorial hour followed. • i The ar.n ual meeting of the J u nior in!! year will be held.

-'Phoae 407 when "<>U have some-! Woman's Club will be held on Mon- 1 1 1 \ ' . tw u< ••d in \he we�ks visitors at thing to sell or ne••d household help �

, day. "The (Jalahad," in Point Pleasant, -Our Cent-A-Word Ads. Bring Re-

I·., ; The Westfield Art Assodation will were Mrs. A. H. Clark, M rs. Elfreda ! suits.





m eet in the Public Library tontorrow llansgen, Mrs. S. W. Reese, M r. and 1 :=:::::::===:::=====::=� :, night. 1\lrs. P, J. Windfeldt, Mis.< norothy 1 : Windf<'ldt and Mrs. Gertrud• S. War-

� r, , Mr.and Mrs. J. M. Hutchinson of dt•n of W<>stfidd.

I' �. Pompton Lakes were \'isitors in town i on Sunday . 0. C arpentn of �:;8 Clark stred. \ ', The annual dinn er of the College Westfield, pri ncipal of the evening I school nf the We.,tern J<]loctrie , ' Men's Club Will be held on the eve- Kearn�· Works wns in ,·harge of the i : ning of Thuroday, .May 24. pt·ugram at the graduation exercises ! \ Clark-Jiy"lip Post, No. 645, V. !>', held last night in the Central High I :>il 1 W . . will me<•t in t he Armory on Rah- School aiHiilnrium in N l'wurk. ·

WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY I Mts. W 1lbur Ld Hol' of 1\lc•tuchen �' \I a)' a\'enue <•n Monday night.

Assets Over $5,600,000.00 1 is >\lend in!': " few days w1\h Mrs G.

The M i•sfunury Il<•pattment of the \\'oman's A!:i�ot'iation of the Presby .. terian Churrl> will meet at 3 p. m., Thursduy, May I 0, in t he new parish hoUSl'. llliss June !\lorrow will speak, her topic being ' "A M issionnl'y Trip 0\'t1r Lindh(1rgh'� ntlUte Through Ln\ln America.n

� I A . Hat kw::;.on, of \Va l nut str�et. ';���������E������;����-����;,.;· ����ilm;"';•i<li;u;m<;·��� Tht• r('�uhu· nwt>ting of the West-1 fi<•ld Board of Hraltm·,; will be held · il1 their lwadquartt•rs tomorrow night.



$13.50 $14.00 $13.50 $11.00

$8.00 Diacount : SOc per Ton, 10 Daye. Charge for Carrying : SOc per Ton.


Mrs. Clura 1�. P.:liW of the Town Clerk's ntHct.•, i� n.•t.'HIWrating from

, an OfH'ration for the t(•muval of her tonsils.

Allu" Chapter, 0. E. S., will hold 11 cal'd party in Arrunum lhtll on }4'ri­day night, following \he l'l'I:Uhtr busi­ness mt•cting. The \\,.omen's Sot'it:'tit'S uf t he llup· list Church will hold a rummugc snle on May 1 !1 at llw l'lnzu store on South a<·cnuc.

The Masonic Club will hn\d n smoker and entL•rtainnwnt in St. Pnul's parish houst• on Tu�·sdav t�VP· ning, May 29.


The Fourth Ward 'l'nxpuy�r•' As· sociation will m••et in the offices of Tuttle Bros., on Soutl1 llV<'Il U<', 1'ueR­day night.

••Q§QI#@#®Aig®ij18ND081@ffli@{IKI@Ufti�Dmt��1� THOMAS L. WOOLHOUSE & CO.

The regular meding of the Cath­olic Daught�rs of Ameri<"n will be held in tlw Holy 1'ri nity Hall on Thursduy evening, Mill' I 0. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS.



BUSINESS COUNSELORS Arr•a1emoDla Made With Firma or Individual. Not Emplo,.IDI' Bookkeeper. 128 ELM STREET -:- WESTFIELD, N. J.

DO not wait for the hot Surnrner time, but order your A"AI'l\inga now.

The June !\furrow Guild will m eet. at the home of Mrs, Neill" Vander­hoff, 501 First street on Monday, May 14 nt 8 p. m.

The Wom11n's A uxil iary of Wut­' chung Cnmp, U. S. W. V., will hold

a c•nrd party in the J,cgion building on Saturday, May 20,

Herbert R. Welch mal son, Herbert Jr., of Beechwood place, spent the week-end in Hamilton, N. Y., where they visited Colgate University.


· Th<' J<;x<•cutiv•• Commilt••e of the Woman's Association of the Presby­terian Ch ur<'h Ill'<' fomwlntil•g plnns fnr a ''t'ry artive YPnr of Nf'rvh•t•. The SUCCC3N of fhi�, itH fi1·st rt•m•, shoWS that it fills n twcd in the ehurch life. L('n1lcrs in won1en's work nro com· in�t to see, mor<• litH! mor.,, thut the unillratlon of nil bmn<'h<•s ill one nr­ganizution is n prn,·th·ul, fH'ogr·t•!lsivl• etep, making it possibh• for every I womun to partidpnte in this Mervice.

S]wcial thought is brir:g given to Ua) Young P(•nph1':-: dL\J>nrtnwnts, I Summer ConfvrctH'cs and the 200th et•l ebratlon of the rhur<'h next fall. A ('onnnittce l'Ollsistlng or Mrs. c. c. Sl<l<'Ulll , Mrs. 11. L. Sluek. Mrs. II. 8-Shcffield, Mrs, L. B. Wikox und lllrs. W. V. Shipley an· J>l'cpuring to gnth· cr gifts for the fil l ing of Ch t·istnms IJOxes which will he sent to three needy gt<JU\\S �\f l\\'-{)})h� �n tlliH coun­try,

Tht! Pl'ogrum Committee undel' the able l<•ndcr.<hip of Mrs. N. E. f,oomis have v"ry definite pluns for 11 most worth whil e und IIJl!ll'u\ing progmm.

'l'hll following standing committees h11ve been named :

Social Committee-Mrs. S. H. Vance, chairman ; Mrs. Walter Bur­clay, Mrs, Claude II. Birdsall, Ml". P. 1!. Rimel, 1\frs. I•'. Q. Bowman, Mrs, J, A. Brown, Mrs. w. D. Chapin, Mrs, Charles Clnrk, Mrs. C. D. Cor. nell, lllrs. George Cook, Mrs, J. l,. Crane, Mrs. P. G. Cruden, Mrs. P.

3, 4 and 11-blade Machiaet lo cut wid tho of 1 IS, 17, 19 and

2 1 iache&.

Price•: $7 .911 to $36.95

Gnr<len Wheelbarrows $5.711 to $8.00 Gnrdcn Trowels .. , lll o to $1.10

Shovels $ 1.50 up

Spade Fork< $ 1 .65 to $2.611 Iron Rnkes . . 75c to Sl.711 Hoes . . . 75c to $1.90 25 !t. Lengths of Good

F.luctric Gurdon Ilos� $4,25 50 ft. Lc.ngths of Good

Garden I!oso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50 Grass Shonrs . . ,. . . . . 115c to $1.211 GrnRs Sickles . . . . . 11\Sc to 8\Sc Lnwn Sprinklers $ 1 .7111 to $11.50

Fertilizers. Dono Meal. Sheep Manure. Sulphate of Ammonia. Agricultural Ume.

G rnfl.R Rl�ed.

Til!fLE tBRQS. �H9i��ra Hardware Store

Mayonnaise? Made from freshest eggs and best quality vege- ,, �

table oils and spices.

Deliciou• with your

Warm Day Salada

Windfeldt Combination Market

"Everythin8' for the Table"


'Phones : 402-403-404-405-406



Dalafios of Distinction Gladiolus of Quality BRIGHTEN YOUR GARDEN We Arc Offering For a Limited Time- 'S 12 CHOICE VARIETIES OF DAHLIAS. Pr·Jce . . . . . . .

l�very 'ful.ter Selected und G uarnntced, True to Name. Sold by the



.oo�tuilll!llill«illl<llllllllillllliD>lllllllllmllllllitllllll:llllllllllllllllllD!Ilillilllilllllllllllllral -----·-·--�_....,...-- ----. ··----�-.


The Photogrnphs of Baby we make now wfll be treasured forever through the coming years.

MPt=r--; 11 VI -�� Photographer 13 ELM STREET Phone &69

A special feature is the outside pulley rope guides-prevents tearing and much easier to operate. Top rods keep the awn­

Miss F. Eleanor Wood of Highland avenue who hns been ill for the past week hus resumed her duties as see­retury of the Presbyterian Church.

Miss Dorothy L'!Uurux of Clark street has returned from Southem Pin�•. North Curollnu, where she has been spending the winter.

W. t:ldrldgc, Mrs. K W, Dean, 1\frs, !.:=======:::::::::;::::::;:;:;;:::::::;::::::;;:;;; �����==�����==�========�=====:;� n. C. Do<>rrer, Mrs, F. S. Frumbach, • Mrt{. II. 1-�. Gerhart, l\frs. A. D. HumM - --- - - --· �----

straight. mond, Mr •• A. U. Hastorf, Mrs. F. &ata�li.W l.e& Tel .... aae ••

Large line of latest and best materials.

n. llnzeltlne, Mrs. G. C. l!otrmnn . EDWARD N. BROWN lll rs. A- L. Harbison , Mrs. A. I•', 0. • 8 LMER Let us estimate and advise as to selection.

The annual lunch<•on meetit1g of the Woman's Club of Westfield will be held in the Congregational parish houRe on �londay, at 1 o'clock.

lloln'""' M rs. H. c. Howell, Mrs. E. FUNERAL DIRECTOR-EM A

A. N. LAGGREN AWNING CO. J. Warren Brown, Weatfield Diat. Mgr.


Plainfield 1948--'Phonea-Weatlield 1948







Aa Furrier• excluaively we know bow to car� for your Fur• •�d keep them in proper repairt.

A reception will be tendered Rev. E. R. Schlcuter. pastor of the l''ir,t J\1. E. Chu rch and his family in the chapel Thursday evening, May 17.

A curd part�·, under the uufl)liCl\H of W estfield Chapter, D. A. R .. Is be­ing held in the homQ of Mrs, l�obert Griswohl, of Highlan<l avenue this afternoon.

I Rev. William K. McK inney, pastor of the Presbyterian Church and W. Spencer Bowen uttended tho cont· mencement nt Princeton Theological Seminary yesterday,

The regular meeting of the Moun. tninside P.-T. A. wilt be held in tho school tomorrow afternoon ut a p. m. Election of officers for the com­ing year wil l be held. A cake nn<l pastry Rule will be held in the Quality Mnrket on Saturday, I May HI. It is sponsored by the Vio­let Group of the Women's Aid Soc i­ety of the Jo'irst M. E. Church.

Miss Helen Bench, daughter of Mr.

R. Jarvi•, Mrs A. Jl. Manson, 1\frs. H. L Mnriin, Mi'" Frances McCoy, Mrs. R. S. Ol iver, M rs. C, A. Carring­ton, Mrs. n. S. Pendleton, Mrs. M. E. Rnm•ey. Mrs. L. IJ. Ransom, Mrs. C. F. Silns, !\liM Hl'hu Wunmukcr.

Mcmbcr•hip Committee-Mrs. Clar­ence Smith, chnirmnn; Mrs. A. B. Boyd, Jllro<, W. F. Beyer, Mrs. II. F. Cornwnll, Mrs. I•' . II. Doar.e, Mrs. John !>ilion, M•·•· ,John C. !�vans, Mrs. William D. Vitzer, Mrs. Hobert King, Mrs. John Morrow. Miss Lois Me· JJougul, M iRS Edith VnnAnken. Flower C<Jnuniltee-Miss Currie Fowli•t\ ehuirmu.n; Mis;\ Marguerite Beckley, Mr,. Jo;, V. N. Bissell, Mrs· G. G. Brownell, �Irs. J, II. Bryan, Mrs. D. C. Colcsworthy, Miss Huth Connor, M 1�. 1>. II . • Tohnston, Mrs. W illiam R. Lynd•'. 1\lrs. L. G. New­man, Mrs. E. Norton. Mn William H. Orr.

Publicity Committee-Miss Elizu· beth Br ewer, chuirmun ; Mrs. R. S. llotTman, Mis>< Stiger, Mrs. M. H. Wood.

Property Gommittee-llfrs. C. G. Brunner, chuirman: Mrs. Lawrence Clark, Mrs. Willium IJnrby, Mrs. C. D. Garretson, Jl!rH. U. H. McKel wny, llfiss A nna Wittke�

Buy A Cake for

Mother's Day LAYER CAKES



Our Specialty

VV�01an's Exchange 6 ELM ST., WESTFIELD


NOW We clean. Fura a Furrier• way; preterv-ina t�e �atural luatrt� of the hair and impartial' neW life to the pelt (tktD ude), promo inr ita &tr�nath, eon•equent1y ih life.

Come in aDd conauh ut. Our advico to you i• Free. I

and 1\lrs. H. C. Beach of 027 Dorian road will sail lllny 18 on the Tuscanin for France, where she will visit Paris nr.d other cities of interest.

D. DRYSON & SON 1 The Women's Aid of the Methodist

Committee on Mi.<sionary Educn· tion-Mrs. Charles Philhower, chair· 1---------------J man ; Mrs. C. W. Gross, Mrs. J. A. ,--------------­

1 Church will hold a rumage sale Fri-Drushel, Mrs. Duvid Hill, Mrs. G. E. Ludlow.

S day afternoon nnd evening and all MASTER FURRIER

day soturdny of this week on South Progrum Committee-Mrs. N. E.

18 PROSPECT ST. avenue, opposite the l'ln?.R. 'Pho•• 1078; Reoldence 1 397-J. A card party, under the auspices

Loomis, chairman ; Mrs. Walter Dun· r.ell, Mrs. Duncan Cameron, Mrs. Jas. E. Faw, 1\lr.;, l!nrry L. Kniffin, Miss Jnnc Morrow, Mrs. S. W. Wnlkor. ���������������������:������� of the Sunshine Ln<lie"' Club of Moun-

tainside, will he held in the home of Mrs. Henry W cber of Central ave· ! nuc, :Mountainside on Friday eve .. ning,

Cornmittnn nn A l·rangemonts--Mra. Hurry L. Knillin. <'hnirmnn ; Mrs. M. B . Dutcher, Mrs. 1' . A. Egerton, Mrs.






C. M. F. Egel, Mrs. William Darby, Mrs. James IJ. Finley, Mrs. c. 0. The 1\!ountuinsidc 1'--T. A. will Johns, Mrs. !•;, !.. LaCrosse, Mrs. hold their regular m onthly meeting Churlc< �fcUougul, 1\lrs. Arthur Pier·

Thur.;clny, Tllny 10 in the school build· 1 son, lllrs. A. 1\!ci.. Rowland, Mrs. K. ing nt :J o'clock. A l l nre requested ; s. Warner. to be present us election of officers 1 -------·-� will tnke plnc<'.

A joint meeting of the Missionary Society nnd the Woman's As•ociutlon of the First Baptist Church wus held


on Thursday, Mny 3, ut tho church 'I'he College Woman's Club held it. pnrsorage. Annuol reports !rom ali i lust meeting oC the season at the the departments were !(ivcn and show· home of Mrs. N. 1·:. Loomis on Mon· cd good progre�s hnd been mndc d u r- day evening, 1\!ny 7. After the �eg­ing the past year. There wns elec· ular monthly huslnes• meeting the tion of otllcer. and the ofllccrs !or the annual meeting was held at which post year were rc.electcd. A social reports were rend by all the ofilcers hour followed and refreshments were nnd committee chairmen. Tho Mom­served by the hostess, lllrs. Briggs, bcrshlp Chnfrman. Mrs. Pierson,

HJ!lJJ Jlnow!!R-& BEAUTY SHOPPE 84- Elm. St Wesffield. NJ Phone 1746





S .6..'-T.&. G E WAS11 1o:n � •"'- & ouv�o.:n SAVAGE IRONER






!' 00 \ CARRIAGES •ts.\ ) \ CRIBS . $9.oo



.. oa R&NT-'Iwo turnlshOO rooms for two gentlemen or couple t6 week Oaa und electric free Licltoneteln'.rs 189 J"� Droad St

II'OR RENT - Large well rurnlaned f?'4� •• ';���� �W���lft';1lrl br•m�u

roa RENT--Furnished room sultabl� for bustneu couple convent�nt to 1tatlon Pl lVR;(O !amity 670 l!ummlt Ave 6 2·2t

POK RIC.N1-Comtortable rooms tor �':,�u�rr.e,r, be�l�,te Av���;ronph•o\�� tu.w 4·ll·tf

roa &ICR'I' - IJ•bt alrr roo• 1a l.AIL<Ior BUildlllllo auttablo ror olrl .. or alloP lnqulro JAWor OIIIU·I·tf -=====-------------APARTMENTS FOR RENT

GARAlill:8 TO LlllT�n north and SoUth .aide of tow n , wlt bln one block of t-own center 'Phone 2161 GARAGI!l ll'Oii'JiiNT-313 ParkBt Tel Weatfleld 12H C J Nlok•rsun


'�AN'IEU TO 1'\!RCIIAS.� - Girl s 3· Wheel blclclc la.wn swing, lnwn !r3d';.:�,. P��'ith


�0 gL��d��n��,�� WANTED'roftu\-S {)r 1 room Col onll\1 home ln goO<l n(\lghho1 hoo.d �r��; ���=t ���a�cJ���tll�\lt�d fi�eftl�

c:H A B C , Bux 19 care Lender Otrlce

MILl{ BUSINESS WANT.ii"i"Hc-;.i p a-;:: Uculare H fietnhnrt Lf!ttdcr Oftlcc W'i..NTiiiTOiilJl-::-l'"nrd Scdnrl j;I good condition Hl .. t> >r tu1 r nroa­sonnble Call \V• Hltl l l l J L J , -

R A T E S : O n e-Cen t - A - Word Mtmmum Charge 25c

"Ads ' Accepted by Phone


U f< M l Jl JJA IJ, N J -A t on e to BU{t t:VCf J uUt:J Ul &Limo•t COISl pril;e 6 !lou� s f, r Aale I est ' uy In town uuder construction 6 and 8 rooma hot water J oat onu with t ile rt t l90��· }� f��tco8ric�e�antg��Kta1�Jr� lwuse 6 rooms bat!J and nreplalo o n ea�.:h. tlu lt' t.l-eu.m hea� tlle ruot prJco IU 000 term• .v·our brick vetw�eti.nl �cern} bungalows 6 room1 �!�h M::��g: at;�JcJ!�a,t1 8t��� roo6n:'17

��3m �;;:-:,Bon���ro0onr:i '.��f .. ,.-:�f:att� 2 car garage 19 UOO 01 e 6 ruonA h JUse with lBe 1 ool_ hol water heat, ���1ee c��ag:;a�:Ttce ddress �Sx212�i

1 UK NA J,B-Hcv�n 1 oom house locau d on the cOIIHH o! ( hestnut Ht und Ht Mu.rks Ave contains Uletl vcatl l.Jule t l l fd k l lchen und tlled hath stcnm hent lnHturltaneous hot water :!������Korl;���e 2P��e ���afo� ���h Nonw.ble term!l hfght room houBe, o f l H lei( vent'(' I an-d frame l<H:'I\te� nl lJrudtord Ave ( \VoHtflcld Oarclcns �.mctlon) t ontaln�t til ed V(BtlhUlf' t l lell k itchen and tiled buth hea.utltul Hh ruUbery uncl two ... cur garu.gc Jll tee f.18 tiOO reasonablo terms House or Ae:'1(i\,e!iA':Jd bu;��� .. �!1ctf��)tl���d ta.lns a<wen rooms ti led velltlbule tiled kitchen und two t i led hath11 2: cu.r gtuage and UeauUtul shr uh �)::rbs 1'r�&-����00ho���Y a��g�rniJ�� yean oM �me block from the Hht tlon situate-d In u very gootl lnca Uon price 18 700 reasonable terms can ho arrnnge11 Rus1nus pr •l•erty 147 tt on South Ave fa.c\ng: lJqvmer :�n11�f�tJ�)�\�e c�[�Ae"t���!t "�������:�� J'ror erty 426 tt frontJng on Stute ( �Fc1kw:iie ��n:rdff�u)fn�0�o1�uc�lr tfce at a very reasonabl e JJrJco li'or tur1hcr informaUon Hee J A M I R T McGALL 13 9 East Broad Bt l'hotH OITicc 2t.l2tJ fleHldcnco 2228

Jo.,OR HAl E-ln the Ourdens-NQW Col .. onfnl house B rooma contl r hul l sun t\nrlnr � opon porch2

3 baths tJ Jo Mc�3;121 ""r.'ho��"1Go.i:�nr 1'f'2"5"tt J,OuK-RcmJ bungn low In llno condi..

��:�n �UYa!ar:�rc":ri�nsn:l{Ol����fn�1sg 1ar�o lot Onrngo NJco nolp;:hbo1 �o(JL f?uff: ·f"�,t �g1;no I t togother

REAL ESTATE ana general brokerage, first an<'l second mortgage11 a1'rnnMed, hunda o! nll l<lnd11 placed Hobart N �•yltf1,���:'1�7�tnln Ave W•:��:�tf

\\ 11)0\\ \\: IIJJ, SACIUFH Jil G room Colol1fnl llOUHe Onk floors stetttn h(la\ firer•! ace, b1 enktnst nook tuJJ �eolft.nht c��A}:lfu��rco�scai1��hr:,o1f :�d N:�\\��n •:i�oo\V I��tfi�� n:{�o TuJta


F''h'!a"u·U;�J 1Ltrfc�n:;:l111t1r [���?�\ vi�J1:;te In excellent location Has t ile kH elu n ttl\ IHLths toilet and lavatory on first floor br1 nktnst nook sun ... parlor !out hedrootns on Bccond floor 1 ot 76 ft trcrl t nn I about 160

Wa��l>rf" 1 ... 1 1l1<'����� u�:t w���tt! 16A�0e0

T< l 2763

FOil Nt\J J,..-A reul buy In n 6 room Colnnlul hum�J ln Gra.nt Sehoul sec ... Uou J Jna H1HlJHl l lor stenm h1 ut tlrc­p1n.co uuk 11onr H tllo kltch£ln nnd tlla hntl1 thruo bedrooms on R�cond floor lo1 o t 1 d nn Jot 60 tt hv 160 fl l's lco $1 .. 000 Tel nu1 arranged Har­old 1.� Ueckm 331 H IUth Ave , Phnno 2763 ----FOR 8..\LIC-Parchment paper Batik

Imported pnrer In many lovely �•­ligna tor lamp shades shades made to order to match Interiors Homtt �ervlce co 'J"'hone 1 976 1·1 1 tf

A.ds � ���rH0!'ldrtw11!YR������dge ln \ stltut<:d 11 Wetttfit'ld Jn June An) bOd) wlshJng to become a Charter M t ! l �r �o i l ! t:.ontcr w i th one o f lbt:l comrnJtt-ee COlfr...!.TlE� Church !v rs Rex: OJford

llrs F G De Long L 0 Wells Chairman Tel 1334 W�sttleld

Nl' -\SIIUKI:. IGXI•KI.i;88 - Weekl)" trfps Hui.Uc to shura points Special trJps to any point lJest, of service at rea H{'f:���u \J�!iJ'ietd ��[�int 8 E"f�2 .. 8ft

uum ·IIAKI'D HHI<;AD AND { AKEM­\ hw <h lldous pte a on order, a.t the \Vumans l..xeba»Ke 6 J�lm St 1: e l � 1 0 1 A hw dtcor ate l bJ J thday cakc6

ORin R YOVR KEROSENE !rom F ll Mcl>owell w bolesale u.ud retaJ I 1 ser vice and quality guaranteed Phone \\ est field 833· W 4 18 If

�''t'.�?,;�N!1e�r. \'{,t.LIJ:,;;j,�1Mo�J<"I��= ���;rJ�lfi 1:o1 the


e ��� aim to satisfy our customeu

TilE WESTFIELD LEADER PREIII­l�xperlenced Printers In Orat clan work Give ue a. trial 60 Elm Bt Tel f07

T1me Lmnt of Acceptance Tuesdays at 6 p. m.

Telephone 407

I(.£PAIRUtG, ETC. 8JlU.EK �E"Jl\iG JIACIIJNE!i and all

other makes repaired Orders taken Cor ne \'t machines Phone '\¥oman B 1 xchan.c;e 2104 West field Oil need 1t:s be l t.s etc


'l'o MAniA C.ANTI!JY -H)! virtue ot an order ot the Court of Chan em y of New Jersey, made on tho Hh <lay of Aprll A. D 1928 In a certain cause wherein \VillJam D

rt!�:�t:�t isyg�tl �lro�teieQ.���elo

fo a£pp�:; and plead an.IJWer or demur to psU tioner a J}eUUon on or before the &th day at June next or In default thereof such decree will be taken against you a.a the Chancellor ahall thlnk equitable and just The obJect pt said suit Ia to obtain a. decree of divorce di&aolvlng the mar­riage between You and the petitioner Dnte<l \pr11Jf�'3Jf9�8 KARKUI!

Solicitor !or and of Counsel with Petitioner 2��r��t.t�:���·i; J f·ll•Gt

5·9·6t MlJJ'���·�:;:els�I�!�w7en1�a�r:'G��flar�� �,",t�l 11��t\ro�m�a��t�r�f�mJJ:��a.��� ��� United Stnte�o� of America dcte.ndants lt''l fa for Rate of mortgaged premlaoa Jh virtue {}f the n.bove atatcd wrlt ot llerl tncla� to me d i rected I shall expoae Cor sale b:,; public vendue at the Sheriff s ofTJco In the Court Jlouse h1 \l1p ( IB of I llzabet ll N J on 11 JJDNb�Wi.-Ii "XHfi s·m8DAY OF n.t two o clock Jn the afternoon o! said dt l (Dnyllght Saving Time) \II that certain )llece or parcel of land n.nd tJrem isel'f hereinafter partJcu ... l���o������:d t ti����nth:r:c��gt

ns�ru:li lying and being in the Town ot Weat­

��l�f\1\� t1h0�8�ounty ot Unlon, and St(\te.

IH GINNINCf l\t a Dolnt .on the north .. cnstl!fl) sl<le or Carleton Place or Road dlstunt o n e hun{)retl ( 100) teet south easterly n.tong said side ot Carleton I lace o1 Road from Its Intersection wkt'n \) c southeasterly ai de of Ross Plnce thence along lands now or for rn�rly or H M Vn.n Wngnen north Rev­�nu one ( 1 1 "' ) degrees fortY-nine (49') w��ur�C:t ��3

t e?:lity����d���-��gd:�n�; of n foot ( 1 4ti 86) to lands now or tor­nH rly belonging to <me Runt or A DeCamp thence n.long the Jnat men tloned ll\l\tls north fort y two (.42°) de­grees torts el�ht ( 48') m inutes west ���s�y,�n o�eit {���� �p:


oroe c��e�u�r lnnd11 now or formerly of South Side

�t����! ��CI��a

"ftist()r m�Uo�edNe,erf�Sa north n i n eteen ( 19°) degrees thirty .. three ( 33') minutes \\ est one hundred and t \\ Pnt\! -flve teet n.nd ���hh -one one hundredths of a root (135 81) to

-The annual , , • n 1 the Methodist Men B 0 �<ot!; the First M E ( hurc�<>tll� place last mght " • ' Whicl

beefsteak dtnner n M threcedecl � About seventy men sated 8ll<illl llt dmner and 1t Inu,t hav •lln to oughly enJoyed "!nee th.ee :e- � three cheers for the co Its l1t!o popular meals In 8 ° B;.:O��nt dmer The "a1t•rs wer llllt the Brotherhood and t

� 1111'111ber.tl served excellentl> • llieaJ 111

The rettnng pre>Hdent A. hng, pres1ded, and at � h l' w1th h>m were the pastor Reeaa R Schleueter, and me�� Brotherhood cab met, treu.uv of Nanz and secretary W G F ll I

Charles F Gnodrtch led � mg of popular songs and Do r!:.'t. played the Plano accorn n �..,. The follow1ng 0tr1cers ,.:n-­unammously, the ticket bein( � ed by Robert C Webster "'­of the nommat1ng comrn�� tdent, Henry A \\ 1eland !'!rat� President, J C Jones, SeeOid Vi Prestdent, Fred S Tlpson Third� President, A B Da"s Folllil '* Pres1dent, Alex1s p Darlillf s!: tary, W G Fe1ck , Treasur� T Nanz, Chaplam, Morey T T� .. ! The address of the evem """' made by Pastor Schlueter llf '-PRESBYTERIAN MFJ

TO CELEBRATE FDll Fr1day May 1 1 ut 7 p m the

of the Presbyterian Church •i•-= mterested m the Tr1angle Bible � wJII hold the1r E1ghth Annul] Diut Each year thts e�ent has rr<llrll i enthusiasm and numbers and time Wlll probably see the 1araw crowd ever assembled for thiJ happy event The cla•s ha, bad remarkable season m many IIIIJ. Iit attendance on F�bruary 26 n.iW the h1gh water mark of 72

In hne w1th the prOCI'ell Ill growth of the class IS the � 1111 of speaker secured for tb1s OCCUift, none other than the Rev Willill Hu am Foulkes D D pa.tor of lit Old Ftrst Church of Newark, 1 .,... er of great charm and power who Iii bring an unusual message AI 11 chestra Will augment the mull� )lilt of the program and under the l!llltr sh1p of Howard Wade Klllllff tit smg�ng Will be a worthy eoutrl\illft to the spmt of Mus1c Week.

Mr E. A Benson 1s eha!nw � the Dinner Committee The ela�U. been under the leadership for � years of Mr A E Meder ud tit officers nre Rowland Mather ,)IIi. dent: Wilham T Conner, VIce pni. dent: J. H Scott, secretary and ne. Witt Weed, Jr , treasurer TM io ner wlll be served m the old }l6lil house at G 45 p. m


HOME You need not be a plutocrat to OWN YOUR OWN HOME

Think of the ultimate satisfaction m having a home built JUST FOR YOU.

Built J Ust the way you want it with all the minor deta1ls conformmg to yo�r own ideas

SA VOYE BROTHERS Owners and Builders


---------- - - - - THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 r ... . ._ .



This uitcrnoon a bridge party un­der the au;pices of t�e IJ_aug�ters


the American RevolutiOn IS bemg giv­en at the home of Mrs. Rob�rt Gris­wold on Highland avenue.

Last Saturday night at the Ten­ni& Club there was a festive and gala •P•n house held under the auspkes •f the dub. A goodly rrowd was present nr.d the party may go down in the annals of the club as one of the best. The p�eceding night the club wa; used by the Iota Mu Sigma 85 the scene of a dance given by them. A lthough we don't qualify to nt\cnd the dances of the younger crowd we understand that this too wus a plenty gorgeous affah·.

On Saturday last Miss Harriet Arm­

strong was married to Mr. David Merle Coreorun at the home of her parents. ll!r. and Mrs. Samuel Arm· strong. The bride had a• her only attendant her cousin, Miss Catharine Hornung. The wedd ing was a very small one and Rev. J. A. Smith of­ficiated. On Sunday Hat m>d Dnve lei\ for a trip across the Continent and on !lluy 10 they sail from San Francisco on the S. S. Maiolo of the Matson Line for Honolulu and from

MrCall Pri11ted Pattern 5ts8

Tunic Frock Dimity or lawn, two of the featured cottons for

summer wear would be so smart for this tunic frock. A deep V neck with a roll collar ending in a bow is Ycry flattering and pleats in t h e tunic give this lr<>ek a very good line.

.Vow!-Every 011e

'"PLAINFIELD'S .M ETUOl'OLlTAN STOHg" l-Voman or Jliss Afay Add To Het· �·ardr(}be Of These lnexpensi7.'e High Gra4e

D r e s C o a t s r . .. l i: .. • ! /o �-1, 0. ·· A I

, I . . , " r "'- 1 i


Prices rn11ge /wm $29.50 to $79.50

ot 20% oO

Never llt>fort• lul\'t· wt• otret'i.'d hi�h g: t·tH_h· dn·:tt:-; \'\)n ti\ ul �lll'h nn outstuntliug r<'<llll ' lion �o <•ady in !.lo: • st'<t· Ron. But tl ut• to t ilt · l l l l l i ntl'lv \l"t• u l h l't', nntl n t l <' Xt ra l:trge stoek \H' n rt• for,•\•tt to' n11'f'r i hPsP g-nrnu•nt� i n tlu\ \\'nlllf'll n l' PIH i llfil'ltl H tltf sll l'l'OlltHl i l l g- s••c•f ions n t 20t,�; ofT 1 JI , • i r t'l'!.!' tdHI' IHn rkt>d Jll' i l·�·�.

' t- i t i s is 1 1'111.1" I II <' 1 110�1 t'OtliJII"l' !t<•n�in� 1:\dl\etion O{ h i�:h �l'lld1• <'ou ts to h,• f\lllll•l wit hin quite II radius Of t lds st o l"t'. l lt•J·e nl't' fur l rim"utPtl or plniuly tnilored v:ll' ll l t 'llls ,qll< l\1" 1\ in the 0\l(st l\11\lillJ.( style 11\lCOOSS\lS ,,r t i ll• "''"'"'!. !.onl1 t l n·o u gh om• 'lot•ltH, select tho <'oil I .'.'" ' w n n l , dt•dn••t :!O•;; uwl t hn t !11 the prlec you pn�·-

Rl•gultw tuul Extra Sizt>s Mr. and MrR. Henry Rost of Stan­

ley 0\·al an• lt•aving shortly fur A t­lantie City to a ttend the llnnk<•rs ConVt•ntion. Ai rs. !Jougln• Smyth and .Miss Eslhrt• Ni('hols Uf{� }Pav'

ing Wt••tficld fnr Atlalltic City next Mon. day. They arc attending the Amer­ican Booksellers Convention anrl l\:o\ it is their tir�t convention tht>Y nro awaiting it with thril ls nn d tremors.

Nolt' : "f.mi,:IPigh" ToJl· couts Art• Not lncltult•tl In

Thi�o� 2w:;1 H(•dm•tion

Tht•n WP ('OIIH' to t h� books that l\lr. Lyman C11lk ins Dou�:las of ll l"t' pu hli,ht•d loy tht• Gurdt•n City

Lawrence uvrnue, \VesUield, has been l'uhli"hinK Cnmpany. Ttwir list does awarded tlw fellowship in urchit.t•c- rnt in..Iud ,• l idion. Biogruphies, turc in the American Sehoul of Class- books ou :;dl'IH'l' a nd othPr �erious leu} stl1dieR at Ath Pns, {irceC>e. l\f.r. wor)o; fill Uwir Kl'nUJl. Douglns is now .attt• nding Columbia Tht•ir hook� inel ud<> the l ike of and is to lit� <'ongoratulnh•d on this Mi rTor�; of \Vashington, ]l,abrc's !\[a-honor whh·h he has won. I'OH B('(.!S, \Vi i i nny udmircrs of

--- ) Fnbr·<· kirully �·(lt\ll'l\\1\�kntt� with u�'? Mr. and Mrs. Hm·old Gt'iff<• n of Go};h, lw i� ab&olutely mut'VC'lous. \\'l'st Dudley o.vcJHl(' cnt.crtainetl n Two booh:-� of Opl•ra-., Curl Akelcy'R numbe r of t.ht'ir ft·ictHis at their lwmL• lJrightc•st A frirn, l f<'Ili'Y Gc>orgc's ln�t �ulurtlny even ing. Progrt•:-\s und l'uvt'tt�· , Cllrhett's Runr RALLY. uf the Ct·o\nl, Christopht'l" Morlcy'8

collet·tion of t•ssays, Shnn dygall'. Ben­


Commamler Rit'hurd E. Byrd i H to give hi-< lecture "The A tlantic and Other Flights" in the Plainfield High Srhool on Thur:-:dny evening, 1\luy J 7 nt 8 ::!0. Wlwr ll)'rd was in West­field in March the house Wt\B sold out the wcc.•k h�ful't' ill' t'ame nnd those in charg"e hnd to r<>fusc many rc� quest; fOI" tirl<rls. For this reason arrangements havP been mnde to

I hnfe a l imited number of tickets on sale in W t•slfh·ld for the Plainfield

I lecture- These may be obtained from 1 M iss Bible at the Senior Iligh School.


John Worth of Westfield wus this , week elc�ctcd vice prc.-dU<•nt of ' Queeu's Players, the dramatic so­ciety of Rutgers University. The so­ciety, which jg on(l of the most in­fluential on the campus, admits to

' membership only those studer. ts who ' hnvc showu :-:(wcial proficiency in dra­matics and who have tul<en part in 1 undergraduate Jlroductions. I "Go-Gct.\ers"-Lcader Cent-a-Words.

? •

v c n u t. o Cellini's autol>lography, Trnmpi ng on Life by Hurry Kemp, Thomus B eer' .< biogrnphy or Stephen Crane, n splendid gm·dcn book cnll­cd Nnture'a Garden and W igguns New Ilcealogue of Science.

There we have )ticked iht> cream of the lists according lo our l ight.

Now to som(.l real work. Two good mysler!(•s Jtav<.� l!Oille bt.lfore our fad­ing �y<•s thho� week. �url Derr Dig­gt>l'H hus, re>peated the 1-lUCC'tlSii he hnd with 'l'ht> Chir. (•tw Pn rrot. in his new hook, ll<·hind thnt Curtain. Ont·� more Mr. Ch«n of the Philippine I.­lund police, who b in this country on n hol iday, doe�"� u� the poRtman whn wallc-.. on his Vit('n.lion, It will kt•cp you gl!C!i.·ing and, us it contains a ddighlful love story, will keep you Wt!ll ntnUl'll'd.

ThP \V onH•n ir'thc Case Uy LouiH �rrn('�' is a hook that sent our clcctrit light bill way up. It's one of these that you ju�t tan't a1fort1 to put down

Westfield Girl

Scouts t ',\ 1"'1'�\ J N !i

'l'roop 1 Ulouw U••rnh• .. Uan.rrf"JU(Jfld 'l'rODJJ :1 lin . . \rthur Uret•nht"1'1.c

bt�fnre it is tinis}wd. �� ith cr you will "r". lh•r1:�:��r'�ei!mnlzrh•tl t :mtft�r nightmarPH or· will neglect l l---------------....: yoUI' work us Yhll \\'onder whni the

Troup 2, Girl ScoutN of America, fute of tlw hL•ru and hi:\ two nmus-und<.�r Cttptuin Greenberg, held {t:i in� friendH und his �'�l'eth(•nrt und meeting in the Epi�ropul pnriAh house that doubled dyed Vllhan, .Juan de 1 Friday, May .J. M I"s- !•'rank Sm i th Bragnuz.n , will bt•. . • .�.rave un intcrNiling talk Hhout pos-Plnusiblc, plcasar:l and 1:alpttntmg tcrB. nfteJ· which she nw.frded the -these two my�tcrieg qunltfy. prize fo•· tht· be•\ rosebush poster. You t'an (lbtmn

.. these books Ht the

Annn AdPh• Condit received thiH Dunk Shop , 1 4 4 hast Broad Mtrect. pri•c· Troup 1 ur.dcr Captain Dan--==============::.==--;-: g-rcmund vi�ilcd Troop 2, in place of -hultling its rf.:'gulnr tnl'Cting,

BOY SCOUTS of America

Troop 3 of l\lountain.<idc held Its meeting April �4 in the Borough Hall, Mountainside. The following coming cveutK wen• discussed : the

J.A.Jazz &Son�m. .206-208 WesT Pii.om -Snm:e:r

Pb\INFJ:eLD .N . d .

An Invitation-to a new, enchanting land where every woman may :revel to her heart's content among the most allllr'ing of Summer fashions­fashions that will be a credit to

-Let lhc LEADER ads. put the i fr��ng�






� There can be no question

about DECORATING one


Memorial Day pnmde, fro which the Gold Stnr Dearers were selected; the June rally program nnd camp. Three new girls joined t he troop.

your good lUte u weJI u oun. • • • Our :new modes are euy to look upon, eu7 to ..-... a.cl

Ml."t!' tbe-m. "Gifu• Thnt Please"

C)l!.e ALICE PRICE 0!1=-T SHOP ll9Parlr 5t Phone 11 WESTFIELD, N.J.

room or your whole house.

Call Fanwood 7200-W and state your problem to

Bertha Clark Interior Decorator

' I --

r::D FURNITURE It is the occnsionul piece o!

furn iture thnt lends character

nnd charm to your home.

Here we hnve odd chests, occn-

�ionnl ehnirs, early American lamps nnd shades thnt give that

long sought for individuality.

THE LITTLE BROWN HOUSE 10)3 Harrison Avenue

Westfield 2727

Reporter, Ja• k Lindberr The meeting w�·- opened informal­ly lust Friday night. Most of the time wus spent in discussing and prac­ticing parts of the coming "rally." Talks were given by Scoutmaster Dennis and Troop Committeeman Barley.

The fellows a l l joined in an t>xcit­ing game of "Capture the Flag," last­ing about hulf an hour. Mr. Young, who is ln be with the troop from now on, led the Scouts in the regular closing.

TROOP I Mountainside The Scouts of Troop One held their mccHng nt tht� Mountainr.it\e Union

Chapel on May 3, nnd us it was very wa rm we held the meetitlg outside. \Ve hnd plenty of room for mnrching, KO we took advnntagoc of it. Scout­maHter Smnltzl"icdt gllVP UH nU the munouvcrs he could tl• i nk of. Mr. Smnltzriedt oml Otto Eitel took some of the ScoutK on their Scout Puce. The re.lt were tnlten uvcr by Itnlph Greene who taught ua n signnll ing gnnu•. When �lr. Smul\zricdt nnd Otto Eitel came buck we played 1 1\Vch nnd DrvH" for the remaining fiftcc� minute

's. The meeting wus

th&n adjourned. "Go-Getters"-Lcad!'r Cent-n-Worda.

The importnr. t alfair before all the troops nt tht• present time is the rose­bush sale which is now going on. The proct>ed.< from this snlc nrc for the benefit of the whol<• Girl Scout Asso­ciation, henct• t'Vttry effort ia being made on \h£> pnrt of the council and each Scout to mnke it n success. Nearly eight hundred bushes have been so ld ulrpady nttd orders nre com .. ing in eonstnr.tly. The hushes wi ll be delivered Friday nnrl Saturday of th is week. Ordl'r< will be taken by any Girl Scout Ill' will he filled if telephoned to W<!'lfield 1!122. It is sincm·ely hoped that the flower lovers of Westfield will tnke ndvantage of this opportunity.

The fol lowing is n list of the vnri­ctics: Mnt<�hc\}(P. Prmnier Butterfly. pink ; W. H. Jliprnon, red ; Clnudis Pcrnct.

St. Paul'a to Have Auiatant

Rev. John it. Morgan of Charles­ton, S. C., lwH accepted a call to come to St. !'nul's l>piRcnl•nl Church us as­sistant to the rl!clor, Itev. James A. Smith. He also will have chnrgc of St. Murk's Episcopal Chur.-h, Gnr­wood. It ii expected that lt!!V. Mr. Morgan will arrive nbout Jun" 1 .

·�G�-Gcttl!rs"-Lcndcr Cent-a-Words. I

eaay to bar• . ��!::. -_ COATS REDUCED 25o/o to 331Jao/o

'PHONE CALL 2 6 0 4


Paae Ten THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 192�-- - ---� � - � -� �- - � ------

--�� �������������=-::;:,.---7r;=--4 �-=--�-=---=- �-,..._,.,.- =-=--=- --=- ---=--�"'7--=-;=,�.N=-s"""m"""'E=., �.NF�o-RMATION uBRARYREPo-Rr-suows ���;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�=========n �RANK 0


Ch h N t 1 sons who ha\ c joined t-he thurch smce Can <lnly fru1ts and tomatoes by ___ 1 � Jl'J • . 4.H\J''J�Lo_. N.ll;\\-- .JJ<_;JtsEl' urc 0 es : lao( July IS being planra·d and Will the wa(<·r-bath method ; UHO the pr�•- The circu lati•w of books at the ANKlJI.'NClc!l A l'lumbu.g.and Httm., ' tak<> plaee sonwtnne 111 .June•. .

Hure canner f\lr the. nun-aCid >eg<:- Jubhc hbrary during the first four FREE LECTUR"' ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE loi>J.i.,. E'roO:>.ptiJ Att •• _ , Th<• oUU)<'ct' fol the sermon� Jvr table.,, for meats, fish, t•hJ<ken, or I th f th's Year exceeded that of ""

•- Tt I S d M"" 1 3 1 , t f th f d mon s 0 1 • · · ·· �·J�'LD HIGH SCHOOL UL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH th� nt.•xt t JreP : u n a.�.-·1-l are : " .. . ,, : miX ure� tJ {'Se oo s. the ( orreRponditJg pt•riod in 1 9 2 7 by '1'0 o•1 J)J<;LJ\"J<�RJ<�lJ �� 'I•H I'J PL.t'l lu· .... . ST� PA . _ R et.or

''C'hrt�t. and Sub bath ObsPr\ .tJH � , --Q- re thun 6 OOO ac<•ordtrg to the re- IUh strt"et and AJ"lingiua -" '·r-.ame Rev. James A. Sn�t?0 e M · M a \' 20. "ChiiMi and the l'hunsees" ; To kN'I' lhe undet crust of your ""'

t f Miss'Vir�inia Gale Librarian EVENING MAY 1 1 1928 Services Sun<I:

Jl)'- 1 :,l A . ., l l and on Mav 27, "Amer.ra 's MoFt / Thubarb I'"' fr<>m hecomcmg soggy. I


?tt d ,· the Bo·trd o'f Trustee; FRIDAY ' ' A M and 7 ·45 ' M. · . .. 1 b 1 t · d 1. t 1 . . 1 1· su m1 e .o ' A'r s:IG o•cLot:K . ., , : 1� ·45 A . 1\L Sun . Pn•( JuUt> Poi'ses::;wns. pre- ake Jt ur:1J l h e ll'� t. Y lO � at the rt'gular rneutwg held on Thurs-Church Schoo � · ored, but nut brov. n, lwforc ; ou put dav ni ht day morning. ADDITIONAL FOREIGN in the filli ng. lf you have a glass or , · g · .

d t th t th t E <'arthenware pie plate vou ('all sen d I It was pomte ou a 0 pi·�•en

There wil l he a ('Ul'porate Ctolll· CIRCUIT CONTEMPLAT D th<· pie in it to the tab!;. r building is inadequate as there �· an wunion of all Guild.- and o11ga n iza- _0_ 1 increasing use of 1ts fac1l1t1e�. I Inns Lions of the <·hun: I-t at thv 7 :!JO St'l'V· A t.rut·i of lur.d eomprLdng about VVh(•n fitting a garnH·n t, tl'.Y the for the proposed flew bu ild inS: were ice on �unday morning. 4 50 1H:rt·s ha8 Lt.>t·n u.;.;;.�emhkd by pur- :;eams i n d itft:rent }J.ositions) especial- d_it>l' U ='tied at lergth but no defimte ac ..


Mt!wb�r of the Doartl uf 1.-t>etUr'ealllp of tile Mother Cllurela

'l'b.e Ftr•t ('llUrt'k ot Chrlat, Scltentl•t, In Boatoa, lla ...


The Vt.>stry will il:){'Ct. in the r·i•ctory thar.L' and \eaf.e in thf' Northwestern Jy tho.se of the shouldPr. St�dy t�e twn was taken. I this evenirg at (i :45 o'doek. , Jmrl of 1ht' RlBl� of Nt.•w Jcnw·y f\,1' figure to find tht' po\-;iti()ll wh1eh wil l ' T� ro�� m�t i � cl � Ma l n· furl�r �� w� rod� W��� em��- � �d h�� a� �-��




�t:h:e�,����������������������=��=���� field District, \\o.ornatJ's Auxil i.ury will

Lh.•\'l•l(tpnwnl. It i::. plann�d tu el:'>t.ab- ceal those which arc not so good. It Bing in advertisi ng. ! be held in Hul.r lnn(H'cllb:i Chul'i'h, ln.:h in Ow 1 ear future. u short wave j_..: }J('ttt>r to put the attention on the Dunellen on Friduy of thb w<•t'k at ,.,., c n m g •tatiun, whidi together with titti11g of the figure, rather · than on (i 2 :30 o't•lock . , t-he• S<'!Hling stat ion at Deal Heach, N. kcPpi ng th<• lines of the pattern - 11 The little gids of Mrs. Quu•n � J. HIHI :.imilur installatior:s in Gn•ut -o�

class wiH hold H home-made t'lllie �11.d Britain will Jlt'uvide a11 additional cir- !'-lJH'in"' onions can be served on ,

i)ie sale in Seha£>fer'.s Htore on hhn I <.'Uit for tru.n�o�aUautk t:alts. Addi· 'lt)a:-.l 1n th� Sl:lnw w»)' as asparagus. 1· �treet, �atul'day morn_ir.g. The )):·��- filJJUt! (H'o}wt·ty l 1 11s b<'Pil secured.

to A ll ow :;ix vr seven fingt'r�sized onions ceeds Wlll b� sent to Bn�hop Mutlht \\� provide for possildc future e.xtensJOJl. for t•ad1 pl'rson . Trim oft' the green for his �n·e;�\z"'��t1; Guild will mc•ot The �met is lotuted in the Sc_hooley lop>', and <'<)(>k the onions in lightly , The • t, . ,


. rn w after- Mountum range at an clevutton �Jf sulh·d builing water until tender, in In the (>UrJ•h Jt•u,e toJ1\0 ' about 1 1 50 feet, about oJJe nule an un<·ovrrcd veosel. They should b e l\OOn a t 3 :30 o'cl<wk. I I h n ortheast froin l•'landcro and thre<' "'"'ked telldcr in about 20 minutes.

M l ·,n� prllvl'r In t \<' (' lUf{' on • l 'ih It d '· t on e 30 " , I k 1 mil£•;;; dictuut from Nt•kong. fJruin, an< �cason WJ me c lJU � J"riday at � : o <' oc · . . dd' te

_r, salt un<l pepper. Have the toast I ' The G irls' l<riendly Sudety Wil l i' It is vlanned tn. lll'<.lVIde an a 1-

: • t'n lt.. ... nat'\sh hom�e on Monday tionul l�uropean cn'<'Uit to <"are for l'£)adv and serve at once. 1"'""' "� ,. l th · h In. ordPr io make the first few

' t 8 o'clock. 1 thC <·ontin�(ll gt:ow m t e usage !l of this serVIce whtch hus b�en shan•IY btrawh<·rries ·go a long way, cream to- i a{.c"l"ratcd b v. the re<•ent rate 1'<'· g:..tlwr a third of a eup of butter,

. BAPTIST CHURCH d iJ<•ti;,n of Marclt 4. Dur· ing the th ree-fourths of a cup of powdered I •1" Rev. Frederic F. Briggs, D. Il., d 'ghth t spoon of month of April, the number of calls sugar. an one·el ea

.,ra:::;��inw Worah l�-1 1 A. M. compl eted over the prPsent long wave salt. When thorohughly mixed, add

d b ,. channel between A meriea and l'urope I he stiiHy beaten w itc of an egg an I i Bible School-lJ :45 A. M. rept·esentcd nnd intreus of 5 5 % over on e cup of fresh crushed strawber-

; Evening Service at 8 :00 J>. M. · 'fh 'd't f th b · causes : Yourg People's meeting at 7 1'. M. the preceding months and 650 % .,,·or :·�es. e n�l I y o t

e errJehat bnt , Mid-week Prayer Meeting-Wed- April, 11127·

thfs "��:eve"o���:��= ��m�;rmi�g it , pesday, 8 P . . M. The locution <>f the •hurt wave re-slightly over hot water and stirring

t•eiviug station was Uctcnnined after until Rnwoth. Serve ut once on cup extensive tests for the !lurpose of cnk<•s or cottnge pudding, or chill to J'RESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Wm. K. McKinney, Ph .

rastor. D., aat•Qrtu i n iug the possible IWccssity for make thi<•ker.

good Mhort wave J'el't:'Jltion and ��et•­dom from int�rference. In add1twn, it wns desired to loeutt• lhP station ' Bible School-9 :45 A. M ·

' Morning Worship--11 A. M . Evening Worship--S P. M. The regulllr mid-week prayer serv­

Jce will be held in the parish house tbla evening at 8 o'clock.

ns nearly us practicable to New York City keeping these factor.; into <IC· count.

Constru<•tion will be started at an curly date un th� neces5at"y antenae syMtem for re<'eiving short wave tele-

The Leader Pre11 Would be Pleated to Give You a l Good Job of Priatiar Aay 1 Time-At a Fair Price. !

Grays 1fistory of lDastfi�ld and tlw Stat� of lt�tv J�r.&�lJ

JHE Baker Tract, mentione� · laat week, waa named after

Baker, a man who waa an in·

terpreter among the l)ndiana,

and who aided in the Eliza·

beth Town purchaae.

Before Baker took charge of

New Jersey he either accepted

this from the Indians as a

-token of their esteem, or quiet­

ly purchased it from them on

July 16th, 1 684.

M odt>rn The limouaine type

funel:'al cu ia admitted to he the lateat thing for funeral directora who wiah to have their equipment truly mod· ern.

We have, - of course, auch roUina- stock in• eluded in our equip· ment.

l45 EA�T BROAD ST Westfi., ld . N. J Tel 2248-W , �I I HENRY P. TOWN-;; I MOVING A SPECIALTy


MODERATE Pll!CEg Cradnt-Pacldni'...:SblpP!IIf

Offic:-Houae Pho��e 1111 Calls Taken Day or Night 24-HOUR SERVICE.

224 ELMER STREET Weot&eld, N. J, Steam Cinders for Sale.

-- ---- -�

DUNGEE &: BRAXTON nealers In ICE aad WOOD Wholesal� and Retail Spectal Grade o1

B104:kwood 1111 Soutb An801 WESTFI ELD, N, J

Phone: · · The Missionary Department of the :'�\'oman's Association will meet in the hew parish house tomorrow afternoon. lilt S o'clock. Miss Jane Morrow will � the speaker and her topic will be. ,;A Miooionary Trip Over Lindbergh's lloute Through Latin America."

phone messages together with the as- -Let the LEADER ads. put the j�����§§§§�§�� sociaicd equipment which will be sing in advertising. housed in several small buildings. ,_.:,==.,.......,.,;;.,..,,_..., ==·--"'· ="'--"'-=="'-=·-"-'-"'-"'-"'-==·,....,.==,...,--,=,-,--,.,..,.=--,--===-=-:-...,..,,-,-=====,....,.....,============= Wire line connections will be made

\V e•t field 1882

>·, 'l'he eighth annual dinner of the ••n'a Trl8ngle Bible Class will be lleld In the parish house on Friday · lit "( o'clock. Rev. William Hiram 'oulkes, D. D., pastor of the Old ;Jrat Chruch at Newark will be the "!Pf41ker, ' · -The B1>ard of Trustees will meet ln the office of the Manse on Monday illfht. ' · 'Jin. C. S. Norton's class will meet in · the parish house on Tuesday at !l:t5 o'clock.


' I Sunday School-9 :4� A. M:. Public Wol'Bhip--1 1 A. M. l · Teatlmonlal meeting-Wednesday,

. 8 P. ll. Readinc room open week-days from 2:00 to 4 :00 P. M·

FIRST ... E. CHURCH , Rev. E. R. Schleutcr, Putor.

Sunday servlces-1 1 A. M., 8 P. M. Church School-9 :45 A. M. Epworth Le8j111e-7 P. M. The regular mld·week prayer serv­Ice will be beld in the churcb this evening. Tbe topic for dlscui!Sion will be "A

Live Church." · "The Christian Home" is the tuple on which the pastor will speak on Sunday morning, "Mother's Day." In the evening the pastor will speak on "The Protestant View of the Virgin Mary."

The Rose Group of the Woman's Aid Society will hold a rummage sale on Friday and Saturday. Any one having articles they wish to contri­bute should call Mrs. John 0. Gage of 164 Lincoln road, telephone 764-J.

The Epworth League will meet at 7, p. m. Sunday.

.\_ EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN ·- Prospect street, near Broad.

· � Opposite Munici(>UI Building. Rev. Wm. C. Breda, Pastor. , Sunday School-10 :30 A. M. ' Morning WorshiP-11 :30 A. I\1.


Masses-7 :15, 8 :15, 9 :1 & and 10 :-30 A. M.

Holy Days-6, 7, 8, 9, A. M.

to New York, using n section of the New York-Chicago trunlc cable via Morristown, N. J.


High spots of the "Gt•een wich Vil­lage Follies," now playing at the Win­ter Garden, New York City, will be presented by the stars of the produc­tion from the NBC New York stud­ios in a special broadcast version which will be heard through stations associated with the National Broad­casting Company, Friday evening, at 7 :00 o'clock, Eastern Daylight Sav­ing time.

Dr. Rockwell, who has made human ills! not only famous but funny; Florence Misgen, formerly of the Chi­cago Civic Opera Company; Grace La Rue, international song interpre­ter; Blossom Seeley and Benny Fields singers of jazz tunes; Bobby Watson, leading man in a number of Broad­way musical comedies, and Grace Brinkley and Laura Lee, two more singers, are among those who will take time off to face the microphone In place of the footlights.

Mortimer Stewart, director of the "Stardom of Broadway" series, points out that the "Greenwich Village Fol­lies" is the first musical revue pre­sented in the current series. Out­standing moments have been prepared especially for presentation in a broad­casting studio so that none of the flavor of the stage version will be lost.

Stations associated with the NBC Blue Network through which this pro­gram will be heard include WJZ, New York, and WRC, Washington.


Residents of W cstfield nre warned against permitting a young man, pos­ing as a "telephone company repair­man" to enter their homes to adjust telephone trouble. The fake "repair­man" has been successfully ransack­ing homes in New Jersey and Penn­sylvania, escaping each time with loot valued nt thousands of doJinrs.

The New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, co-operating with police in CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH nn effort to trap the thief, warns tele. Rev. Don Ivan Pntch, Pastor. pl10ne subscribers that nil New Jcr-Sunday School-9 :4& A. M. sey Bell Telephone Compnny repair-Public \VorshiP-11 A. M. men nrc cquip!Jed with company

Rev. and Mrs. Don Ivnn Pntch mtd identifJCntion budges which will glad-Mrs. Harvey Burr.urd urc represent. !y be shown upon rcqucc.t, and H. B. ing the Westfield church ut the Mid- Wnndcrcr manager for tho company dlo Atlantic conference of the Con- nt Plainfield hna nskcd subscribers gregationul Church in Washington. suspecting unyone with n badge to Reports of tho sessions will be given telc)>hone the cornpany'N business of­at the regular mid-week prayer r.erv- flee in order to verify the fn·�t thut ice on Wedne>dny, May 16. the man is a New Jer.;ey Bell Tole-

The Emunon Club will meet in the phone Com!Jnny employee. home of Mrs. Frnnlc Alden of !l50 'rhc fnke "rcpnirmnr," is nbout 5 Highland avenue tomorrow night. icct 7 incheR tnl\, weigl1s about loD

Rev. Sumuel Pearson of Houston, . )JoundR, htts brown hnir anti is smooth Texas, will lend the regular mid- I shnvcn. He usunlly curries n l1nsh­weelc prayer service which will oo light, screw driver, steel tape nvd n held in tl�e parish house this evening rad io head set in;tcad of n telephone nt 8 o'clock. l hend set "" tools. After tampering Ticketa nrc now on anlc for tho with the telephone bell box he gcn­dlnnor wiJich Is to be glven under the l ernlly visits several rooms, measures n�plces of the Woman's As3ocintion walls and wires nncl if given the op­ln the pnrlsh hou!e on Friday, Mny portunity, goes through dresser drnw-1 en and other hiding places for val­

Club will hold n cov. uublcs. In tho komo of Mrs.

Blair on Thursday, May "Go-Gctlcrs"-Lcadcr Ccnt-n-Worda.

No wringing to do • • • No water to li �t

E A § YwAS HER does it all You owe yourself a FREE demon­. stration of this wonderful machine


DON'T fall to see this marvel in action. The lnew Easy takes all the drudgery

· and toil from washday. It does this with new improvements and wonderful inventions.

For example, you don't have to lift and empty heavy pails of water or fuss with bother.

some valves. An ingenious little pump does aU the worlc. There's no wringing to do. Easy washes and dampdries at the same time. Thus woolens aren't stretched out of shape. Buttons aren't broken.

See the new Easy yourself. See the wonders it works- how beautiful it is- and how easy it is to own one with our convenient payment plan. You can have a personal demonstration in your own home withQut obligatiw1. Just phone us. Or stop in at our store,


Telephone We11tfield 381 for a Free Demonstration


tts QUIMBY STREET, Near Elm Street TELEPHONE 381

.I 1

Earl Townsend BAGGAGE, EXPRESS 111

MOVING Mocler•te Prie01 Prompt Atteatlot C•ner•l fro�ki•1

CINDERS FOR SALE. W .. loiJ-T ripo. To-'fh.., ....

251 W. North A"' !el. 233!1 Weatr�'

Quality in Construction

•• Our motto, in email or 1arp


The workm .. nahlp and mallriU employed are of the be.t, lllllfo fng you against the eoatlJ ft' paira of a cheaper built �oaa ·N." obligation on your pm IG rull and let us convince 7011. ,

Daval· & Steffea 401 WASHINGTON Sf, Phooe Weotfleld lit

Niqara Weather Strip C.. of Plainfield Speclali•inr Ia


and WORKMANSHIP 112 NORTH AV£NVE Plala&eltl, N. J.

'Phone 252 and 4901 JOHN K.. !>I<LI!ISI{Ef �-t\VII•f n•e srn W�t !tc-r-rStt ludrflpltriT"


Jobbln11 of All Klodt Eotlmatea Furniahed

418 W. DUDLEY AV£.




321 We•t Front St., Plaia We Bur and Sell Aatiq•;;.,

Eotobli•hed 1898 Te� . ·;s. l! l

Of course sdvertlsJr g pn onte!llf dld not tho largest business c pd !It ln the world would no.t s::cb 1ur Immense sums for publicity that they do.

� -·------- THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY. MAY 9 1928 CONVENTiONS TO [ CIVIL SERVICE I OoTUpat ion;�-- th<•ra·r:-.: �iJ,., -(at·\� \' , . ·. B · · -


GET EXTRA LONG Tt 1_' . P�SJ�IONS OPEN 1 ;:: : :: ; ,:,m'f'���� .�-;�':::� ,':�.��,.,.::"��"\�" .· , . ,;: '

�;:::\'n•�:::;a�t��::�·i��ls $�h���g�,; ��,�� �R � ��HN] C H:_ • ll llt·d Slab.:� Ci\'i] SH·\·in- t·ran . ..:. ' .Bur1:., l d· . .-. .. i- 1't g\� . l · \ . � :.... . - � l '\J �1 )'l'ar w it h . ·ut ulhnvaw.· �.·�. \'l' .

ISTANCE LIN . . ;·m·�""'''" _has rt'a nnoull< ed t he- , . . , . "u"'''· at ·;1 :,,,;; "�:� �·.��\H:·· . . n •.'-"J � 1 . 2t'o to $ J .�t>o a ""''r with ''"'u- . � STORES CO l'ljriJ�IlriJZil�Z��iJ!Q;,I 0 ES �;;:•n,\tt> •n i <>J· ass!>;\ant ]'ruhil>it i u n ; Th,. ,\ u t io·> " ; a ,.,.,,·;,1 :;. ·uln;:n;.:·:'.· \ In> . • ub,ist <•Tll'l', and laundn: . 1 hl' n- ·. • 1

_ i ; h,·::n�:\�.':\.� f�r perm;,.,;, c• Wr•rk fur : iHg tn•atlllc!lt by ; ; , :, u n � ;,f th• �:.; � 1 t ran< 'e salary within th<' �·;n,ge. statt•d

' f . Juwkitt·

. . d\ �; �Oll..t /Hli.• r:·�,Jdt'fln· . i <lJH1. n'<l ft:-;, t r-ad t!� and indu::.trit·�. t •r Jr d. f •HHiHI� upnn the quuhfi<.·atwn� nf - - - �·- � =====-

T lephone Crews Already on Job l �l'\\ .J et:, :md P'"1 o l.tt•t• andn-.s, :r : a!'n,·u ! t un , heepinl! " daily ro'<'OI'd of ' ' "'' . "l'f'< ' i tlll'l' and t h·· Jut,- t<J whkh Formerly the United States Corp., of N. J. e • , • t•Ji jJJ](>..:. , ? : 1J\�ll\g" t� .H l"-ht•l"l<.;J!\"' o f : 1.ht' Wnrk and }lTOg'l't.'!i!� t.lf (IUd\ (llid \ .t�:-.:l!.[l�:·.d. .

Provldmg St. LOUIS and 1 1 h � f ' 1 "1 the })OSlt lf)Jl . ll�l.lll�·d in i i'\'l'l'Y pat il'r t cuming u nder th d ' i A ��I:->tant llH.'dtcal i•flkt.·t', assodnh• . Houston Circuits I t

i: J oUrt l }H'\>hibit i\Jn d i;..;t r i ct with l rt.•etiun atlti in:-:t

.ruetion and m·\ · 1- l mt•d it a l nrlit't-'1", HH-'dit·:t.l llffiCL'T und :

• 1 w;.} lj Uart(.•r::. ut Newark. the rPquin�d n•ports of' occup· t ... tn� 1 �'<t.' l l iPr lllt'dit·a l otlkt•r. yarhm:; bt:nr ,:h-

-- \ ·· ·• . ,

It' cnt ratH'v salary w1H lw bdwet.•n t acti\· \ t it':' , � a tonu. / t>s t• f th,· t't• r·vir�. 1'h<•rt,> L,- need fur

1 $ . . . . ,! 1(l uud �4 800 a \' 1· I 'P<'ciulist · · t · 1J 11 b ln autklJHl l ion of the fortbcomJug ; A t�pli< ' · t � ' .. 11 , · t_•ar. . . 1 Ju ll i lll' nll'dit·al t'ftker ( inte .1 ·) I r . 1: .'� m pnw ll'a Y 8 ranches

bl' ·an !\ational Convention t l an ::-- \\1 !.nt he n,qu u·pd t o ! . l 1c • {I Dll l h HlP and surg(•ry.

Repu !C . a j tt.·p.ort �t any plau• ft·l' n \\Tit t {�n t'X- 1' . KaDsas ('Jty a nd the Democratic Na· \ � m�n� t ton but will ht..· n:t\t;;>d. ��n 1 h�..:ir tlonal ConYcution at li�stou, Tex . . ! trcu.r:mgt :xperit::nce. and ntnc:-.:::. Ex­

taJet)honf workers began iu Februan I ��enence ll.l Pt'()hlbition Pnfort't'nwnt j tb.e task of rearranging and eonst rut't· � �s n ot l't'.quned; any €XJwriene<> whi('h, 1 tng add1tiunaJ Long Distance lf..'le Ill t �� J Ud.Killl'nt <lf the t.·owm1i�:-:;j1ln. \ phone circuits in order to handle the quahfH·� t�l�· up.plicant ft)f the duties I tnereascd \·o1un1e of calls whieh these i of \h�: .. JHl� JtJo

.n i.-; a;�n.·p.tahlt'.

tllnveutions will ereate. j 1 el . 011�� 1 1 11' P!:'ttKatwn� \lf appli� I The Kan'"'as City Cou\·�nuon wm ·1 n.ult> '�·hich llluy include oral int.el'�

require upproumately thirty new cir· t' ' .,. � .mt o, t H.� t�xamma-. I \'H.:�\\ :.:. form 'l. 1 • t .�· 1 . cu.its tu provide sufficient talking fa.· .�; n. f J ngt'rtJrl nts will b{_• made tn I clHtie.s for touveutiou deleg�tt es. SUI. , c. '-.>c·k t lw ;H'('til'i.lt·y of' Htt..' appl inmr� new l'in'uils h(�tween St. Loui� and \ l'tat<• m e J


. a� to atTl'�t. indk-tnh.•nt

Kansas (' i l y will he ready for use bv 1 or t·ound Hill ftll' tTi nw D l' misdt•mt·� June 1. Other circuits wil1 he <llle�· 1 a n

;�r. . . .

ated from Kunt:las CJty to \VichHa. i u]l 1111 nrn�atJon may h? obtuiu-.�d 'M.inneat,oUs, JJes Motues, Chtc'ago and I �rom thP .LTru ted Stab•t:� C'h·il �erv­

New York, also to Oklahoma City ! tee Comll\Jf;�iotl, Wa:::hir,gton, H. c.

Wasllington and Omaha. A ucat·rfer'; (:�}hl· H·�·t·t:t ury o_f tlw )(l('a) hoard ot� telephone system wJJl be placed in l.l\ 11 .H'f\'H't> PX<.llll l tH'f'3 at t ht• post of­use between St. Louis and Denver. hee In a1•1Y l'ity in New Jer�wy. I<'or�

Jo arranging tor the Democratj(' m�) �pphcutions ll1URt l'Ntdl t h(l l'OJH­Convention Jn Houston, other carrier

nns�wn at \:ashington by .Tu n t• H. telephone systems will couuect St.

'l hP eonnm�s�on furthl'r annoulll'cd

IAuis \\•i th tltat city by \\'flY nf Little O}H�·n compt.•t Jtl\'l' ('XU11Iinution� us

Rook and Texarkaua. There wlll be foll'�"'" ' I sii new drcuJts in operation between � · DnedoJ·. of ugricuhure, Indi�n

SL Louis and Houston, Including the I held S<'rVTce for du ty iu Oldahorna,

�rat direct wire clrcutt between the Ro•:th Dnkot�. N•·w M_exiro. Mo 11tana ,

two cities wltlclt wlll be 805 miles In Nm thern Arrzona ntH! Southern Ari­lengtb. �·rom Houston se1•enteen au· zona, ut $2,700 u year, l<'H< $:!00 11 dltlonal drcults wlll ho strung to San year for <lUnrters, fuel 1111d l ight . Antonio, Au stin , Galvestou, neaumont Dietitian, Public HeuJth Se1·vk(1 and Dallas, Ulld an addlllonaJ circuit an<� \' eterun.,' BU!'eiiU thmughout. the w1ll likewise be provldrd to Chicago Untt<•d States. Rtu<h·nt dietitians ar� and to St. Louis. New Orleans, also Jwed<>d ill th� l'ublk l!oalth Serv­Sbreve�ort and New York will also tee. receive nddillonal t�otme ctSotls wlth �l�·l�duate nursl', gradunt(' n urse Houstuu. <;1�1�11\g duty ) , nnd graduate nur�e

Houston nud Kansas City will bo I (Jtmwr �rude), various brnnclws of oonnerted with chuin broadcasting the serv1ce tlmmghont the U n ited stations while the conventions are In Stall'S. progress, making uecessnry a further Ph�·siothuraJw nide uncJ JlhyHiothe· use of additional telephone dl'cults to rapy pupil nide, Fit•ld Ser\'irt• "f the trans011t the brondcaatlug prugram. Veteran�' Hur�nu und Publk Hca1lh It ls expected tbnt While thcso two Service, The dutio• will <'onsist of big conventions are In Jlrogrcss, Long administering \)hy,io\1\Prapy in it s

DJstance telephone cn11R will t·adinle sc\'�Jl'al llrnnchc�-mnsstl�{.\, t'lt't'lro­o,ut of the conve n t ion ci t y to c\'€1')' tht:l'llllY, mt.•t·hanotlwraJl�·� t hl'rmoUw­ttale in tho nation, while ntldltionn.l l rnpy ; ncth·l', pags\\'t', rl.'sh:;tivl·, and press '"lrc.s w

.IJI carry h mHiretis or R!!fli:;.tin· CX('l'�i"l'f'. lHHI rt•metlial gym­

tbousamts or \lords that will IJe sent nast trR ; keeptn!\' daily r<•rortl of the out durfug the scH.sfon s to the news. 1 work and prugt'('SR nf t'ach and evcrv l&pers or the natlnn. I pati<•nt enmin� .nndt•r dh·ertion an;\

trQntnH'n t ; mukmg- the rcquirt•d n•�

Gu 'RO ports of the activities of tht� recon ..

A lNG SAFETY OF strurtiun \1 or·k i n t•hysiothcrapy, The physiotherapy pupil aides nrc und�r

TElEPHONE LINEMEN the SU [ll'I'Vision and instrudiotl of the rhiPf aide in nil Uw work ubove n1en· tioncd.

J. !', Naylou , ploueer eampa lguer against accidents ln tho , telephone business In Ne\V JHsey Js telling Harry Uel1, u lineman or the Now Jer­aell Dell Telephone Company, to I watch the cln'p of his sa fety belt lock tnslcad of mrrrly l istening; lor thf'

AlWays . . a square USED CAR deal from the 1JuickDealer click " . 1 1 • ''") "" Is Employment Super· \'or lor the :-\ew Jet·sey Hell Tole· � one ComrHtny an<l one of the ftrst men to vigorously promote accident �

.rentlou work In New Jersey Indus·

Belle has heen in the employ oC the 11 SYst f!nt lor thlrtY·tlvo vcars aud �\lrted as a l ineman In tho tiara when e lot or the telephouo llne�mn was 11\lartlcnlnrly hnzaruona one. Soma ij lh• II · bu.! 1 llllgs he saw happen to his ¢ "CY� nut on tlJo llno mndo an Jm· lte&Bion wlllt:h took the form of action and agitation when he t·eachcu a &U• l>ervtsory pooltlon. Famous Old Vane IJo The grusshu1Jper f!ll Faneull hnll In • ston Is rrttttl<• of sheet copper, which s:B llanml<•t·rl] by hand by Dencon ho em Orowue In 1742. The grnso·

th PPer was t h rown to the ground In e uutumn nf 17fJri ns tho result ot :1••rt\lt)unl,e. One leg was broken, 11

rh wn� suppiiPll by Drowne's son, b Pnssed thmngh the IJre of 1701 with 1�1 little <lnnHige, but ognln tell In lharch. l�S\1, on the unnlversnry of �!v!�nruaUun or the city, It wnH re­•hl

Bt!\f21'1.t l thn�s tor repntrs, In <'h .. �ns •ttt•I•il�d first by l!l. Vinal

WI lSiJ •• wlwn \t was stu\\'1'<1 wtth

Ugh: O!tll IIII IWI'H, which cnme to �hen �tHing the rcjln\rs of 1889, ey hnuk A. \\'m·thly surptied new " � horn" ttnd two new Ceet. I t ,;.s "'In<>I'Pt\ ugu ln In \8118, during r>!pnrhulltlln�. AI this time It wns In tetl nud rep11u·NI. In the follow· g Yenr lt wus r<·r.:llded.

th -Patronlzo Lender Advortlaer&­�y are reliable.

The Buick deale,'!' is in business to stay. His future reputation depends upon his treating used car buyers fairly. He wants to please used car purchasers because he knows that satisfied used car customers are pros­pective new Buick buyers.

The man who buys a good used car-honestly rep• resented -at a fair price-receives splendid value in transportation.

In his enthusiasm for the car he has bought, and the value he has received, it is only natural for him to look upon the dealer as his friend.

The Buick dealer has many such friends because he represents the true condition of the used cars he offers for sale.

And that is good bwiness-for the Buick dealer, as well as the used car buyer.

Gold Seal B11iclu Arc G11aranteed

Used Buicks



Phone 1277 We•tfield, N. J. RA.HWA.Y


'' C'.· A ·d ' ' r h r rrst 1 s 'or t e Spring Clean- Up !

Homekt>eper� t�wrywhere are getting r{)ady for the usual Sprin� RenovatinR' and Cleaning. We have listed helow many Cleamng Nt•eds t hat will help to make the task a pleasure instead of :t- trial.


Reg. 53c High Grade Parlor Brooms each 43c 1\IudP . from t'h ()h't• broom �·m·n. two at th1s unuRtwlly low pl'h't\ 20-MUL£ TEAM


pkg. Sc, lSe SUN BRITE CLEANSER 4 can� 1 5c


SCO AMMONIA (Extra Strength) qt h,;l 25� HLORIDE OF LIME . 1 · ; . 1 0 ASCO WASHING coDA. .

. . . !1!': ran c

c1 E ., h1g pkg JOe


25 O'CEDAR t'U RNITURE POLI SH .. ho�: 25� A . J METAL POLISH <'1111 5o IOc Uc FELS NAPTHA SOA P . . . .. 4 �nk.,; 21c P. It G. NAPHTHA SOAP 5 • k . BABBITT'S LYE

"' <'R 1 9c SCRUB BRUSHES . · · ·· · · enn 1 2 l' �

I V R Y rnch JOe, 1 4�, 1 7c

GA<t VA�OilE


. . B. ·u· CK .. £ . . T.

. . . 3 mod, <·nk"" 20e S ouch 23e

II tOe Value DUST PANS caeh Sc

It will l'liY you to buy

\1 CHIPSO Big pkg. 21c 3 small pkgs. 26c

READ-BUY-SAVE I R�lf. 1 5c ASCO JELLIES 2 tumblers 2Sc ASCO SLICED PEACHES . . . . . 2 trul enns 2Sc CHOICE HOME GROWN RICE . . .. . . . .. lb Sc BROKEN SLICES PIN EAPPLE . big ran ltc ASCO GOLDEN SYRUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . van 10.. ASCO TOMATO CATSUP . . . 2 hots, lie ASCO .SOUR KROUT . . 2 big cnns lie ASCO GOlDEN PUMPK IN . 2 big cans lie QUALITY TOILET PAPER .. rolls lie ASCO NOODLES . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . pkg. lie •• ASCO SANDWICH SPREAD . . J•u• '20. HOM-DE-LITE MAYONNAISE . . . ar IOc RITTER'S SPAGHETTI 3 cans lie

If You Are !! __ -!udge of Qu'!�i.IJ'_ and l.l_(l_��_!!__Try Tlaeae/ �-I Butter

lb. 53c carton Gold Seal EGGS

carton of twelve 40c

The Plek of the Neola I Taate It l

A IKu rutrlu•tl In 'A. lh. prtntM C1w yulu· ��onV\IH hllH'I'. Tub Butter lb. Slc Freah Egga • doz. 36c.

Valley Brand California


· big cnns SOc ASCO or

Paradiae leland



Rei• 22c Fancy Californl• APRICOTS 3 blg cans SOc

IBe�t Pure Lard 2 Ibs.25c l Our coffee• �tre maldna Thouaand•

upon Thou1ande of friend• every day-and keeplnr them I

Cloverdale Pancake FLOUR 3 pkgs. 2Sc

ASCO Coffee 39c �:::::;�y Preserves ,jars 29e lb. __ .. _,_ · - -.. · ···--·· ----�-

�� Wheat tereal pka lSc ------------·--···--�- -.·�-.. . _ �




lb tin 49c ASCO B dC b pkll Toasted rea rum S Sc

I ASCO Toasted Corn Flakes 3 pkga 1 7c l


Joan of Arc

KIDNEY BEANS pkg. 7c 2 pkgs. ISc can JOc Reg. Sc Value, Double Tip 2 Cakes Kirkman's

BORAX SOAP and 1 pkg. Kirkman's

SOAP CHIPS Matches 3 b��ea t Oe Special. for End of the Week in Our Meat Markets /

. Fancy Soft-Meated �ilk-Fed b 39 Stewing Chickens � · C





lb 3Gc I lb 2Gc lb 28c



H A M S lb 22c (Whole or Half)

Slices HAMS of These ASCO Dainty Meats Vitalac Cream Cheese


. BACON It> 28c

Mild Cure. (Whole or HAlf)


H A M S lb 25c

(Whole or Half) lb

42c Cooked Corn Beef Y2 lb, 15c ( \'rr)' 'J'n•fy fur l'nrkJ"a: l.unrhNI)

j111' 23c I ASCO Boneleu Pigs Feet . jar 20c lb ZOe American Loaf Cheese % tb 23c

Produce Dept. Spec_�als _ [o! End of the Week�. N EW BEETS

7c \ NEW 3 !bet 25e N EW PEAS IS bunch . . . . CABBAGE tb . .. . .


� Tbeoc Prleeo Effect(,.., In Out Storco an . Meat Markell Ill North Jerae and Vicinll •

Pqe TweJve

(:=S=P=O=R=TI=NG=N=EW=======:=::=S OF LOCAL INTEREST Hr'GH SC'UOOL E' A S1r' }' D,J::'£'1:' A rrs ! ROSELLE PARK TAKES

IWILLIAMS AND FOSTER ��:����� k;��e�f"::�rk;c�Z��e�n�:rn

I ' n' .II I.. Ll" Lit. I • HIGH SCHOOL GAME IN P. G. A. TOURNEY ��i���;�!��?r1�;;�r"��;:zfn�:·Jcal de-

ROSELLE PI ARK l'll TRACK MEETILocalo Looe 1 0-8 in County Lea&"u• l Playing wel l , bu� �ot well enough It Jf J J Game Saturday to ww. Danny Wt1ham9 and C. F.

--- --- Foster were fifth in the first profes· Loul Students Sw&mp Viaitora in

; JUNIORS AMASS The Wes\.field High School nine / sioral and amateur �ournament o! thP Firat Dual Meet. Take All ! lost a disappointing game on Satur- New Jersey Profe�swnal

. Golfers As; Richard H. Sampson of Westfield

Plaeea io Quarter Mile. i HEAVY SCORE IN da�· afternoon to the Roselle Park sociation, at the Glen Rtdge C ou ntr) is among the ,tudents of the Univer-


--- r· INTER CLASS MEET I outfit in a match played here, by two Club Monday. . si\ of Pennsylvania whose election

The Westfield High School track runs. During the _fracas, We�t.tield J ohnny Golden and Paul Dtmkel of i to �h• mana-ging board of the Pe':n-team opened the season on Thursday I . ---1 W fi ld rounded up eleven htts, to the v>sttors N<ll'th Jersey won best ball honors Ivan ian the undergraduate da1ly

afternoon in a whirlwind of speed, 1'he Jumor class of he est e seYen . Six of the locals hits were with a 67. W illiams and Foster fin- sy . pe� of the Uriversity has just easily takirg the honor� of the day High School earned off first Rplace I garnered in the third inning, when ished with 73. �

e� sp:nnounced. Sampson 'has been 1 from Roselle Pat·k High School with j in the in.ter-<"la':"' ;eet

d held �; erre- ,

for a while, the local team tightened Bru<'e Headley and Clay Friedrichs :�:c�ed to the position of business ! a score o� 52-20. The �eet was held a.ti<�> . Fte��j � ;�"'"oi�l�s. a ;;�o�;,;; up and brought in seven runs. of Echo Lake turned in a 76. manager of the paper. an the Lmcoln School field and was vnt a to a o p , This game, incider.tally, returned

- . h son of Mr and Mrs. the first dual meet for both teams. grade 0� the Roo.sevelt School nose.d I the Roselle Parkers to the top of the AMAZING CONDITIONS OF Samp,on 1� tme

son 307.

Prospect With a squad that had only two var- along With 5\l pomts to capture sec- Union County League standings. PHYSICAL DEFECTIVENESS �lbe�\. Rd · . aa !:,em,ber of the Jun-sity lettermen to work with, Coach ".!!2 pluce . . A probable record breaking clout --- • �o�e�la:Sr of ��he Universty in the col-Howard Batten seems to have brought The Sophomore aggregatiOn collect-

was offered in the third inning when An appalling n umber of young 1 . h he is pursuing the pre-around a real team. t•d 31 points in the Class A. e


Co�rad a stellar player for the vis- people are prevented from finding eg�l � :��rse He is active in stu-In the quarter mile event West- thereby winnin� fi�st placed

�� .us� i�ors c�nnected with one and sank it their rightful places in the world on ;;'e

t caffairs and during the past year field finished in 1-2-3 order, Paulin e�ents. The F r

ies t�e�l ar, B. :;�o�., deep' into center field for a circuit. account of physical . <lefects or weak- ! h�� been t"Bsistant business manager hitting the tape first and followed by tled �or _second. n d e h ' a]" . n � Roselle Park got off to a good start, n esses traceable to madequate home- of the student paper. Sampson is a

took six. first places out of _e•ght by one po>�t.

. . ning and three in the. thir� . . · �>th lt. has only been ,recently that ternity and is assistant manager of


Between SOMERVILLE and

N E W A R K via



ceat!:-r:.�·t�e�!;��d.cq:,:"�;·:a�·E�!�Il•�';!Q!':�� at Muu • ......_ P. M�Ea��DMf.-t:«�. 7.'�� fa}ff· A�n�. Every Half Hour untu 11,11

SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYB-7:40, 8 : 10 A. M. and Ev"r> Hall Hour untll 1 ao A. M. Lea,·e Mouutalnafde Ce-nter lor '\VeatAeJdr '\\reek<lays-6:!& t·U 'l :OO and Every Haif llour until 11 ;00 P. M.; alao 1 1 : 4 0 P. M. and ti·d !nttf' tt�:foni�Y�.�na�s���f�6�YP,���'t8::g2 :nd�2:6�d A�lf.ry Halt lio'ur

Naw De Luxe Coa�heo May Be Chartered for Special Trt,..

Short and Martm. The local t�nm the F re•h�en noBe t e umors ou getting four runs in the second !n- care. member of Alpha Tau Omega Fra- �

events s1x seconds and four thtrds. F•nal PolDI Scor•nll'

I Westfield's seven runs m thts •nmng, these unwelcome filets have been t . Byrd ran excellently in the 880 '28 '29 ·�o

'31 things stood still until the fifth. when demonstrated in a manner as un- enm.•·

t .· th U . "t f and the mile, winning both events Class A 19 3 1 12 1 9 Roselle Park crashed through again. equivocal as they are startling lhru Pnorl to ?" e�mg e �;ve�stdyt� �J���������������������������� handily. Paulin of the local squad Class B 0 39 1 1 40 The score : a survey conducted among prospec- l'enns_y van>? , ampson a en e e

showed up well in the 220, the 440 The summaries: Rooelle Park tive employees of nineteen of the Westfield l-hgh School, where he was and the broad jump. Clau A Evento R H E great department stores of New York a memuer of the �ootbal! team. cap-

Apply Main Olfiee, 13811 Spria.fiold A ... aue, lrvin1toa.

The summary : 1 00 Yurd Dash-Short '2B ; Martin Durrow. cf. 0 1 o City. loin of the debatmg team for two

100 Yard Dash-1. Lane, Ros. l'k., '30 ; Burr '30. Time 1 1 1-5 spconds. Hesse, p., If. . .1 2 0 It was found that about lO % of years and editor-in-chief of the school

2. Short, W. H. S. ; 3. Martin , W . H. 220 Yard Dash-Paulin '31 ; Moore Doyle, l b. . J 0 0 the young men and young women paper. d '2!1 ; Welch '29. Time 2 3-5 seconds. C d lf . . . . . 3 2 0 applying fot· positions in these stores . . . IJ. Time 10 3-5 secon a. 440 Yard Dash-Paulin '3 1 ; Moore onra ' ., l'· . . . 1 0 0 al"e rejected t'mmediately for physical Phystcal educatton, ?'htc� usual�y 220 Yard Dash-1 . Lane, Ros. Pk. ; Glowka, c · 1 d h lth d t p bl c d '29 ; Martin '30. Time 58 4-5 sec- Tomasulo, · ••· . . . . 2 1 2 defects. mc u es. ea . e uca >on, !n � 1 2. Paulin, W. H. S. ; 3. Snow on, 1

I h ols 1s requ1red by law m thlrty-Dos Pk Time 24 seconds onds. Stupak rf . . . . . 0 0 0 As high as 9 0 % of new emp oyees, sc o

S t St t I .. .t4o Vard Dash-1. Pnuiin, w. H. 880 Yard Run-Bad row '2G i Dim- Czapak: ab • · . . . 1 0 1 found physically deficient, are dis- five States: even een � es emp oy · rnick '28 ; Salisbury '2R. Time 2 min- Go''"bschlck, 2b. . . . . 1 1 0 charged within three months after ". Stute dltector of phystcal educa-S. ; 2. Short, W. H. S. ; 3. Martm, W. '" t H. S. Time 57 4-5 seconds. utes, 22 2-5 seconds. Woods, 3b. .. .0 0 0 beginning work. In one store, on a I ton.

880 Yard Dash-1 Byrd, w. H. Mile Run:-Dimmick '28; Britten ·� __ - ------·---'30 ; Bellerjeuu '29. Time 6 min- 1 1 0 7 3 S. ; 2. Badrow, W. H. S. ; 3. Boyd,

utes, 35 seconds. Totn s · ' Ros. Pk. Time 2 minutes 1 5 1-5 sec-1 2 0 Yard Low Hurdles-Welch Weotfield

R H E ond•:1 R l B d W H S 2 '29 ; O'Hara '3 1 ; Merry '30. Time Short, 2b. . . . 1 2 0 Mt e uwn-

H. S

yr ' ,.. · 1 · ·� · 1 7 3-5 seconds. s tt f . . . 1 2 0 Oimmick, · • .; 3· ,-rag er, 08' 1 2 Th . Shot-Davis '28 ; Lusardi co , r . Pk. Time 4 minutes, 45 2-li seconds. Severino, as. . . 0 1 1 Hljrh Jump-1. Whiton, w. H. S. ; '30 ; Gordon '29. IJistance 34 feet Britten, c., p. . . . 1 1 1

a. Beam, Ros. Pk· : 3. Britten, W. H. 1 0 1-2 inches. Crane, cf. . . . 2 2 0 S. Height 5 feet, 6 inches. High Jump-Whiton '29; O'Hara Gallagher, 1 b. . . . .. . 1 1 0 Broad Jump-1. Paulin, W. H. S. ; '3 1 ; Welch '2 9. Height 5 feet, 7

Blank, p. . . . 0 0 0 2. Short, W. H. S . ; 3. Zelley, Ros. inches. Kenny, 3b. . . . 1 2 0 ft, Distance 17 feet, 4 inches. ,

Broad . JuJ�p-Mo�ro ' 2 9 ; Paulin Gerhart, If. . . . 1 0 0 12lt! Shot-1. Daniels, W. H. S. ;

53 � ; :h lton 29. Dtstance 17 feet, Harcombe, c. . . . 0 0 0 t. Beam, Ros. Pk. ; 3. B�itten, W. H. 1 me es.

Clau B Event. 8• Distance 3� feet, � mches. 7" Yard Dash-Fuhrmann '29 · Totals

.. o483020111oo-120 Potat Scor••• u , ' Roselle Park

100 Yard Dash 4 5 Huth '31 ; Scott '20· Tm>O 8 3-5 sec- We�tfleld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007000100- 8 220 Yard Dash . . . 3 6 onds. Two base hits-Kenny, Tomasulo, 440 Yard Dash . . . 9 0 220 Yard Dnsh-Fuhrman '2 9 ; Crane. Home run-Conrad. Sacrl-880 Y d D b 8 1 Green '31 ; Down '29. Time 25 2-5 fice hit---Stupak. Srtuc.k out--By ar as . . . . seconds. Mile Run .. . . . 8 1

, 4 0 Yard Dash-Jackson , 3 1 ,· Col- He>se 6, by Blank 2, by Britten 5. HI""' Jump 6 3 � Bases on balls--Off Hesse 2, otf "" .. . . . . son '31 ·, Hallenbeck '30. Time 6 0 Broad Jump . . . 8 1 3_6 seconds. Blank 2, off Britten 3. Sacrifice :fly Ult! Shot . . . . . . . 6 3

880 Yard Ru n-Brynt"ldsen 'ZO,· -Glowka. Double plays, Golubchick to Tomasulo to Doyle. Wild pitch­Williamson '3 1 ; Griswold '29. Time Blank. Stolen bases--Conrad 2, Totala . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 20


The St. Mary's nine of South Am­boy had little difficulty in disposing of the Holy Trinity· baseball team on la1t Friday afternoon at Recreation Field, giving them a sound drubbing b) a score of 14 to 3. The Westfielders gave n very poor exhibition of ball playing, having no less than nine errors being chalked up against them, while the adversaries played a good snappy game, having only one miscue charged to their third baseman Jankowski.

2 mir.utes 33 3-5 seconds. Glowkn 2, Tomasulo, Doyle, Scott, Mile Run-Colson '31 ; Griswold

Short. Passed ball-Giowka. Um· '211 ; Knight '30. Time 5 minutes, pire-Keppler. 47 3-5 seconds. -------

1 20 Yard Low Hurdles--Powers ANNO. UNCES '29 ; Jackson •,;11 ; Huth '31. Time CLUB t6 4-5 seconds. TENNIS SCHEDULE

8 lb . Shot-Ingram '29 ; Lott '29 ; Buckard '31 . Distance 39 feet. The following schedule of tourna-High Jump-Greaves '30; Horner ments has been arranged and ap­'31, Wright '3 1 . tied. Height 4 feet proved by the Board of Governors 0 1-4 inches. of the Westfield Tennis Club for the Broad Jump-Horner '31 ; Down current season : '29 ; Powers '29. Distance 1 G feet,

May 5, Ranking Tournament be-1 0 1 ·2 inches, Pole Vault--Wright '31. Ross '30,

tied ; Brynildsen '20. Height 8 feet 2 1-2 inches.


gins. • May 30, Mixed Progres3ive Doub­

les. June 1 1 , Junior (boys) Singles. New Jeracy State Championehipa

June 1 8-Women's Singles. June 20-Women's Doubles. June 23-Mixed Doubles.

Bob Garren and Eitzgerald led the homcsters with their stick work, get­ting two safeties apiece, while Grimes and Jankowski for the visitors collected two hits each. The Westfield Baseball Association

will open its season in the County League on Saturday. The game is E with Linden and will be played on 0 the Linden field beginning at 3 :30. 0 Unfortunately, the Westfield High 0 School is playing a game here on the 0 same afternoon and it is therefore

1 i mpossihle for the opening game to 0 be played 'n town.

The scores : St. Mary.'• H Cleary, rf. . . .. . .. . . 1

Zdanewlez, ss. . . . . . . . . . 1 Grimes ,ef. . . . . 2 Ryan, c . . . . . . :. . . .. . . . . . 0 Jnr. kowski, 3b . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Doukas, lb. . . . . . . 1 Carroll, 2b. . .0

R 1 1 2 0 3 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 0


June 30, Club Doubles (men). Northern New Jeracy Cbampionahipa July 2 8-Singl es. July 20-Doubles.

September 1, Club Singles (men) . September 1 4 , "Blind" Doubles. September 30, Ranking Tourna-

ment closes.

ROSELLE PARK TOPS COUNTY LEAGUE Lpgoda, If. .. . .. . . . . . 1

V10na, p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Switzer, rf. . . . . . . 1 McGonigle 2b. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Papowski, If. . . . . 1 Quinlan, p. . . .0

Total . ... 10 Holy Trinity

Garron. 3b. . . . . . . .2 C. Callahan, lb . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 G. Miller, sJ. . . . . .1 W. Callahan, p. . . .0 Shcelin, rf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 *Keppler, II. . .2 Fitzgerald, cf. . . .0 Noonan, 2b. . . 0 *Zipprich, c . . .0 Donnelly, rf. 1 Kilbride, p. . . . 0

1 4

1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 On Sunday a game which J>romises 0 to be n humdinger is scheduled with 0 Pluirfield ,the winr1erd of the cup last 0 yeur. The game will be pluyed nt 0 Greenbrook Park, Plainfield ut 3 0 o'clock. It is hoped thnt a large dele-

gation of local rooters will be on hand to cheer the local outfit in these games.

0 At u meet ing of the association 0 held recently it was an nounce<! that 0 the suits had been ordered and should 0 be here before Saturday. Season 0 tickets have been selling slowly and 1 the locul as3ociation bus decided to 1 push the sule of them through per-1 sonal llppronch. 5 0 0

Total . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 9 • Keppler substituted for Zill!'l"ich.

In 11 practice gnme held last Sun­dny with Irvington nt Cedarbrook Purk, Plainfield, the W cstfleldcrs cumc out two runs behind their O)lpo­nents. The score wns 1 0-8. Sortor unci Clements sho\Ved son\{! dm�:;:v form in the field. The �lugl(ers o.f the tcnm were Severino, Vun Doren nn<l lllelgs, who got two hits Ulliecc, and Cleme nts nnd Thorne who gath­('tl"d one.


Both tcnmR Fihowed need of �om(l Holid pl'ncticc and bcttL•r tenm work.

The summury: U U E Irvington 12 1 0 4 Westliehl . 8 8 5

l1rnctirt• hu.1 lJt•en t•nlled for tmnor­rnw night nt Uu(·rcntion Pield and tnlet' ngnin• ull nrc u rg-cd to appcnr.

Followirg is the standing of the teams in the Union County Interschol­astic League :

w L PO Roselle Park . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 750 Roselle 2 1 667 Rahway .. 2 1 667 Hillside . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 500 Linden . . . . . 1 2 333 1 We!tlield . . 1 2 333 j Summit . . . . . 1 3 250 HIGH SCHOOL MEETS


The Westfield High Scho ol baseball team meets the Rahway H igh School o\ltflt this afternoon at Recreation I<'icld at 3 :45. On Saturday the loco! schm,l team will meet Summit. This �Mnc }t;. nhm u home gnme.


The· Cranford Dixie Giant• open­ed their busebull seuson with the crack Elizabeth A. A. Sunday. The Dixies outplayed the visitors, gcttii.g more hits ond bett<>r tcnm work, but having a little hurd luck in the second Inning. With bases louded, their nee pitcher, Crowder, wulked two men. Dickerson went in to pitch in his stead and the visitors scored two runs off him.

Nel<t Su nday afternoon at the B. and 0, Oval at Cran ford the Dixk•s

stack up against the Paterson another fast tenm.

O n Friday, May 4, the Roosevelt "ehool tm\m met Scotch Plains. Wrn­inK opened the gnmc, pit,ching for Westlield nnd struck the v •. ,iting team out in the first inr. ing. Wc·tfleld in the same inning brought in eight runR. Thf' gnme contlnued on und Scotch Plnins lied the score at 13-1 :l. Tho game was culled in the sev­enth inning bt•c!luse of lateness with the finn! score of 14-1ll in fnvor of A lilm librnry of 10,000 slides, one the Roosevelt outfit. of the most extensive in the country, Tod11y the Roosevelt truck team

of the most extensive in the country meets Linden in n tmck meet at for pllrely Nh>entionnl use, is mnln- Westfield. nrc played every Sunday ut 8 :30 p. m.

Hion of the New York St.nte Depart- -Let the LEADER nds. put tho tnined by the visual education dlvi- � -------

ment of Educnlion. sing in advertising.

American History Puzzle Picture

Tho battle of Manila, May 1, 1898. ,.arly In the mornma the American fleet entered Manila b•y lind by nonn had defeated tile Spanish fleet Find • aallor,

· cSave by wearing F L O R S H E I M




$10.00 to $12.00



M O S T S T Y I. £ 5 T E N D O L L A R S



Front, Light, Airy Room in the Street'• Buaieat Block

Wa lte r J. Lee 50 Elm Street 'Phone, Four·O..SeYea

MORTGAGE LOANS · '· ' For ·,.olar· codvenieace we ma•e



In any amount to · meet your requirement...

Loana are euily arranaed for ancl ;rou are relitf ..

of many detail •• OUR ADVICE AT YOUR SERVICE.


P l a i n f i e l d T i t l e a n d .Mortgage Guaranty Company

2 1 4 PARK AVENUE TEL. 5685 Plainfield, N. J.

Capital and Surplus, $55(),()00.00


Are you ready to do your SJM!•I plantinK? Have you got the "b'' plement you need ? The hoe, I� rake, the •pade, the trowel, t barrow? IE not ju.t 'phone your order, Plain&;ld S or 6, and we'll do I� re•t. Or if you can can, JOI 11 rt,. find aome hi• bargain• here.



"Jutt Around the Corner" Plain6eld'o Newe1t Hardware Storj 24-34 SOMERSET STREET • PLAINFIELD, N. '

Telephones 5 and 6

-------- -- -- - --- -- --------- -- -�

HOWARD E. REUSCH E l e c t r i c i a n

3 1 0 First Street Westfield, N. J,

NOW that Spring· cleaning time is here, why not have

those base receptacles installed that you have IonS' wanted to complete the lighting effect of your rooms.


Telephone 2710-W

- ----------- -�--- ---�

We m ust insist that all advertising copY be at the [eader office no later than Tuesday noon of each week. J=· L=-E=r =r=·uE=-· ·=LEA=- =oE=R=P='"'"""'-ru�N=r lr

---------------- THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928

:::.:,.=h h PI d PI I ���� �:a���ti�r�"'Vi.,I��Yi:mt�� t:i: �-:o!�:.

ru�;���� ��:id!��t bj,���,"! -f�� ture y�t made."

�ny-�ar �ie- �---- .. Wl't t e ays an ayers I per is the fettered and reoiles. " ife metropolitan engagemenc Stlclmeys Norma Shearer essar• the role of 'I I of th• }'rench Ambassador. the other I Cirque Petite present their ;tars of \ -and blonde-feminine figure with animaldom. go-get-'em sulc�\\'oman in Monda>''s 1 whom the young attache becomes ! On the sneen Dorothy Mackaill o.nd Tuesday's f<>11ture whkh is call- 1-...IIJ-..-,;I .. P'iJ-�fll"'l""'•

New and Old EveDta Now Being Preaented -::::===== at Varioua Playhou&es =====

l \\\\\\.)r.ous\y invl)hed. Ilenry Stephe11.- ; and J uck Mulhall. in "Ladi�li' Night in t:-d "'Thu Latt•"'t From I\ari8.�· Gcorgl' 1 •or. " featured as the un>U peeling I a Tur�ish !lath" by Charlton Andrews Sidney is also featun•d and with Mi•• i husband who fur France Issues the �· and Avery Hopwood. Shearer provides lots of laughs. In \ t•omm.and to love. il. ...., il living up to her motto as a. f.ah .. sWl\tl"l·

\ � _:::. -1< 1 , Rere•t:-El_iaabetb . 1 an " Ever�>things F_air in LoH and l.--::=::::::::==============;-==============,.JJ Empt.re Newark , Lon ( haney In hts latest Vtlhldc. ! Business'' NPrmtt wtll c:nrry olle PI\ a I , . I Heretofore the Empire Plarcrs ! "Tht• Big City." sen.ationai romal\ce · tour of love al\d laughs. I , ores

, fell to Con��nce Colher "Whu l have ton� ned the1r activities to the 1 of .\\•w Y Prk underworld 1ift', is com· . 1 " -;- • ma�e the Duches."e de Surel\nes a \ presentation of stage plavs that have ' ing Sundav May 1 3 to \lw Regent On Ma� 1 8 and l .l, l)\lugla� I alr-p�rfe('t g�m uf .. nuddle-ag�d sll.line�s . . Reured SUC('es -ful1y at their original I Th{'att'P. · ' banks in "The li-audw" is th<• aUrae-Little Madge bvans played '.ne In- 1 Broadway showing, later to be adopt- lie plays u gangster lt•ader, using a tion. genue

. �mer1�an Sister dH\":nHr gly ; i ed by motion picture produ cers and cabarl..'t as a doak to l1i� �in bter ac- • <fl • and

. L1ll!a� Kemble Cool!er m�de a ( adapted to t he scre<•n. This week, \ tivities, his "moll," opNating 11 dear- NEWARK HOUSES ver� soothmg, pleasant p•cture m an 1 howen•r, the Players have augmented ' ing houst• for stolen goods, hiding . OPEN TO MAY 30 I men wen•. all splendidly c:ast and at:t� 1 a dramu devised from the .startlingly tumr shop. ln this srtting is intro· Dt>termu�ed t.o gJv�· playgo ltlg _Ne.w�

THREE SHOWS DAILY-3.00, ,7.00 a"d IUlO SAT. MAT.-2.11 P . .. TODAY-WED.


May 9--10

-·-- " -·-CARL DANE and GEO. K. ARTHUR 'fi Funnier, Better Than Their "R�le .. ,; ·�

" BABY MINE " Comedy, "Girl• From Everywhere

SONGS OF ITALY NEWS other Wl�e he'"'·'" h:;;;schold. The I their cast and present "Underworld," I this undt•r the guise � a l itt le <"os- : . • · ed well w>lb honors pretty even ly d._. ,I successful photoplay of the same durl'd a little shopgirl, iuno<'t'nt of arkers and �heir neJghbors as vaned

I trlbuted, r ame, and so n ew that it has not yet the true naturt> of the pair, tu h(;'r a.nd mtcn•f!tJ,ng .<'ntcrtam�e

.nt. as pos·

FRI i< • -1< , I reached any llf the New York drama- they are go<Id friend; and her belid ••ble by_con tmum!t the legillnltll<' �ea· • �hubert-Newark I tic ·house5. in thf.lJH prt:�d}Jitate a clitnax at�- amaz. son \Ultll Ht.�«:orahon Uay ut. the Shu�


"The Patent Leather Kid" " She ::ltoops to Conquer" in a nota Coincidently ther have gone to ing as it is hear·t-gripping. bscrthl a�d Br'?a.db

Stkr�et thedtre�� M. Sf I ble al1_-s\ar revival · under the ban ne� r the nHI\"ies fo; their leading lady liS It is a ?cli�·nte rmnan<"l' tohl in " ,he �·•m.ger '"1. 00 ml

g t'"�� ,"t '�""th0 t o ''Orge �· Tyler L; at the Shubt•rt \I t' • R \ I n g secure oan Lowe I, w o

1. ht · h l l . d I" b t ure tl'l(ulnr mid-se<loon attrnctions. ! Theatre th1s week with mat inees to- Will be remembt'r<d for her excellent 11!" s, . 0 ' ups, an )'" IC� a t es . . . . day and Saturdar. work with Charles Chaplin in "The wo�en mto . an nmazmg blend of Newark IS one of �he. few r!t1es 1 11


SAT. May 1 1 --12

Kraay Kat ; ''P-. .. in• the Hat" So11o1 Slide• &. Solo FIRST RUN FOX NEWS WEEKLY

t�X'I'JlA - M \1'\'1\U.\.", 4 1•. M. - K�'l'ft..\

Dy"ftamite the D1)•• .. Ho�nd• o( S;.lver Cra•k'* f G · \ . 11 h .· d J 1 · h settmg u! 111ght dubs and bn

�llt t e fi1wst qua 1\y atH o c Kln a The cast that 1\fr. Tyler a"embled Gold Rush.'' Miss Lowell plays the thnlls, s�rpnse> a.nd rom11!1ee. tl1e <'OUI�t�y where tt �· posSible to

for the Gol dsm it h c )ll\ed : ·1 "'. ' part of " l't•alhers" M<·Cov. and is !llat:celm e . Day IS churmmg as th<' h�ve lt•gitunatc attrartwns that mt.e MON again d�monstrated th�t he \, � ·�� I supported by Russell Hardie, Barbara shop-gtrl. wh1le James Murray ns the w1th the flnest �n. Broadway, and It ts

master in the art of lavish . ·tin Gray and others who need no intro- j you1!g gangs!N who reforms through �ue to. t he untmng eff?rts. of . M . S. • LACQUELIN LOGAN-AllAN HALE ia " THE LEOPARD LADY " Fay Jlaintet· Glenn Hunter M< �S

Leg: duction to New York and Newark her '.ntl�en<·c to bee<Hl!<' h�r lo\"er. is Sehle<wgcr to keep

_ t!ns c1ty m the And

lie Carter ' Patricia Collin � !, •8 devotee,; of the drama. ronvJncmgly nat ur'.'l m Ius .1u�rt. foreground. At tills tnne of the. y

�r TUES. H d" 'd 0 p I' · g< , 1 � 11 1 -t� i< -1< Detty Compson IS an art1st1e SU<·- throughout tlw country. the moJonty

far Infg tahr

f · · •eggle are! o n Y . 1•1 ON THE SCREEN cess an d also " treut to the cw as the of lt•githllfite tlwatres Hre beginning ew o e amou3 names w 10 WI h k · I . · -take a part in "She Stoops to Con- bogus • 01' -�<'P'L . .. (Contmued on Page J U )

quer." . Wett Po1nt

. At the rise of the curtain �li•s Rit<-Eli••beth Ch<'errng erow<h-the tlmll of the I «s· --· . Th- N.. .

. ·k- Sh- ---·,;· !'au line Lord will spe11k the prologue The program ut the Ritz Theatre g•:�nt Ann):·Nav� , fo,�tha!J g�nne- , --�� --- "�" __ _ f)���- - _ _ CJ_�! _

written by David Garrick, F.sq. for Thursday, Frid"y ant! Saturday is <h ess parnde at \\ t st 1 omt, w1th the

._ ., headed b�, Healy and C1·oss showing t·adC't ('Orps m 8pectulnr nw.nuvers, �-., the latt•st ard snmrt<•st styles in the rullUlntic old b!lttlernentg of the 5" u 0 J:R ... Broad-Newark songs. Therl' aro fashions in songs gTL•at �chon) for Unl'le Sum's tlftie(lrs � �1. '1Thc Command to Love," dirt.�ct. a-s well as gownJ� m· any othe�· com· llS a bn<'kgt·numl f()r n l'tHnt\H{'t\ as 1!. Or\DP •fAA &I:nlll ti from an all season engugement on nHHtities. Healy nntl Crol.i Are dem· sweet as 11 Zl•phyt·-thest.' Ul"<' so1ue ����f,..,1.<�� t_ ' ""'"*'1iilllt-Broadway and prior to its presenta. onstrntor.; of the new st)•les in so11 gs. of tht• ingredients for "West Point" _ Thia Week _ tion on the Pacific Coast . is at the Monn (� rt•y Lne \'UI't�\'oiced enter .. lllaying at the. Regent Tlwntre May ..... ,. llltlnt .. r, tilf'nn uuut .... r, Mrtt.. ���a

yd J!�he

, tn!�i�


ae11kd, ���� t11iner is als


ton t

1�is hili . MisR



J'Y 17.

• .., .., :;·���i��··r.W; .. !i!n .�.�r,\"!�· 1'_'.;,!'; was an ou s mH tng sutct'ss a 1e rNw" u�ur,.n)·, w nrrcod ,. ......... , let Kemble Coo)Jer. A Viennese ver- Royal Command l>erformnnce and Rialto-Weallield lllarh• , ...... n. no .. ••• Rrolt••· sion of international diplomacy it is comes dit·t�t·t from the Londnn Col ise� Toduy und Thursday, Cnl'l Unnc (.: .. urflP 'l'an·•lt", Jo•n lh.•)·t�tuu ... the last word-or kiss-or asterisk um ur d Alhnmbru Tht1tttres. Mis� and George K. Arthur in 1 1 [•'unnh.•r '1'11""· \i:!:!,J ··�:�:;.!�:-'�1 .. 1m,. .. ,. •• in sophisticated comedr. A young Greys voir<• is uniqu�. It is both and Better Thun Their Rookies" o i , J V I•:H \llll,IHlMI'I' I Itl en�mPY and handsome attache to the French soprano and contralto, b<' ing truined llaby llfine conwdy "Girls !<rom "She Stoope to Conquer" Embassy In Madrid is eonunauded to in both d irections for operatic work. l�verywhere" ; "011gs of Ituly; news, M A1'r N r•mR w1m. ANn SA1'. love a beautiful and vivacious Span- But she can also imitate the mascu· l•'riday nnd Sllturduy, llichnrd liar- 1�v•�n\' MI!N. CON'I', VA !JIJ, i.lh scr. ora-ali because her husband's line tones of tenor nnd baritone, and thlemt•ss in "The l'nt<•nl Leather 2�•--1111-.;_•'·-·T;.;�;.;�--=,.,.,. approval is needed for u pending ean give the uullll'ntic colout· and Kid"; Kratty Krut "l'as.<il:g tht' lint," - - -·· - --FI·anco-Spanish treaty. Mary Nash range of any instm mcnt in the or- song slides and solo, llrat run Fox Duran" plays the bright and sinning senora rhestra. Her <•hi ld voice is 11crfect News weekl y ; Saturday, "Hounds 11f who is wooed over tea-cups and won 11s children in the nudienn• are quick Silver Creek" extm 4 Jl. m. "Dyna­in flaming red pajamas. Basi l Rath- to perceive. ll<•r mimh'I·y , howevt•r, mite the Dog" ; Monda)• und Tucs­bone, who won stardom by his fine extend• b•yond mere sounds. !"or day Jacquellne Lol!"nn and Allan Ilule work in "The Captive." plays his first ns u character actrt>Ss with or with· in "The J,eopard Lady" ; ee11wdy, high comedy role as the philandering out makeup a11d rostume she people� "Loves Lan�euld Lor�." fir<t run J•'ox Marquis who extritates himself from the stage with living JH'fNOnulitics. News weekly. Tueadny nitc, Livir.g­


Theatrical far"e is v�ry slim this week in the way of new and. juicy hito. Chief interest centers Ill t�o annual Little Theatre Tournament m which twenty small �hcatro �roups are contesting for pnzes up m the litile Frolic Theatre. . ... ... Empire-"The Happy Huaband"

"The llnppy Husband" a new com-1 by Harrison Owen, is a.t �he �Ill-pin Theatre with a very d1stmgursh· ed cast headed by Billie Burke, A. E. Matthews. George Grossmith ar,d

Walter Connolly. Gilbert Miller is the producer. . ... ...

•sth-"The Walt• of the Doga" "The Waltz of the Dogs" the An­dreyev play recently put on at the Cherry Lane Theatre. has moved up· town and is playing at the 48th Street Theatre.

liberly-"Biackblrda of 1928" Right acro;s the street "Keep Shuf­fting'' has n rival or rather, will have when "Blackbirds of 1928," the new low Leslie n<.'gro revue opens at the Liberty ton ight. The cast of "The Blackbirds" is headed by Adelaide Hal� Aida W11rd, Tim Moore and the Black Bird Beauty chorus. Jimmy YcHugh nr d Dorothy Fields wrote the music <md lyrics respectively.

... ... ... Cntmopolitan-"lntttrferenccu

"Interference," the English play which made a grent succc>s down tG'IIn earlier in the season when pre­ented by G i lbert 1\filler is to be the fint play of the new repertory corn· pany establ ished up at the Cosmopol·

liar. The plays selected are to be lllodern successes only and will run !,0�. one w�ek at popular pric�_:\, �<ghtstick," with William Boyd m th1• lead, i, the rumored second play 0 this new company. -!< i< • Henry Miller'•-''Our Bettera" We did not see "Our Betters," the �rnersct Maugham play when it was

:Sl Presented here in 1 9 1 7 . But we did see it the otller night and iound �to .he more or less typical Engll�h





50 G R EAT ACTS A GRAND FREE EXHIBITION On the Show Grounds at 1 O'clock. •.wmg room com edy-a form m �h1eh Pinero, and the more recent fi 1.chnel Arlen seem to be more pro· t•nt than was Mr. Mnughnm when

' wrote "Our Better." The plot UNDER OUR MllM ·�•!ers round 11 group of those bored, TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY RAil OR SHINE, '

REMEMBER THE �AY AN� DA�-�meal, <ler atured Americans who IIDTH WATER-PROOF TEIITS-AFTERNODJII AT 2 P. M. t• .become "more English than the


ston's Burrel of �·un. ... ... ...

New Cranford ·rwo fpnturtlfo! c·otnJH'i!IP lhe hilJ ut

the Nt1W c.·anfm·d for toduy and Thur.<day. "The W I·ed< uf the lll!S· perm>�,'1 Longfellow'� gt'l'Ut ba11ud lms been pil'turized into o n t• of the Rt.m· sonta outfltnndin g N('U Rt()ries. The rompunion feature sll1r• l�•tlwr R\\1-atou in "The Spotlight" with Neil Humilton. This i• the •lory o f n girl who thought •he had Broadway at hm• feel un til lhc spotlight of fame sh ifted.

l'"ridny's nud Saturduy'1:1 ntlrnctitm brings Hiduml llurthcll mcss hock to motinn pit·ture prominence with. n bung. In "The Patent Leather Kid." th i• stnr portrays his most powerful ro((� �it>cf.l "'r'o1ahle DuvitJ.'" Tht-! pi<·lllr£' il" big in eVl•ry reaped. nnd n� the Nmv York "\Vorld" says of

- Thia Week ­Mary o .. n Violet K.

NASH RATHBONE COOPER � - Jn • -"The Command to Love" n·lth I I I•:N il\' �'l'l;11'1lla!tiMUN.

Ulnt•f rrohl ,\11 Npa•un ltun In Nrw \'u,k. l\1,\ T I N N I•:H \\'1•: 1 1. & RA'l'. \V I•;I•:l\ 1\I A \" . HI h.:..:.: - -­

h'J'III•; UIU.L\'1' N I•}CI(IaRu

E M P I R E THEATRE \\'••hhtt(loa&Mar�'"-����.:�.Newa��

Thia Week 'l'lu• 1•1:tU• I IlJ<J t•J,\ l'J•111N l'rt•lilrr•t

'I'll.- ldlh••t uud firt•ntt•llf Unman, " U N D E R W 0 R L D '' "' lth ,Jnltn J,n,H•II, JlUIIIRt"ll llartU.-,

Jlnrl•arn t;ru)· It lUll 111'tVll)' f}a"t,

J\ $ 1 . Hl fO\V JiY)Jt :!fit!. lo f l .

THREE SHOWS DAILY-3>00, '7 ,oo, 9•00. SAT. MAT.-z,au




Pdtent Kidq ((lmous story by Rupert Hughes SfAR.RING RICHARD BARTHELMESS_

d:�hsh." Their lives are alwny> bor· 10 " ' ' :ar:"g,\",���������;!::��nedlg;v�� ·t����: W E S T F I E L D [ 1!!1 '· The�t IPa1ler-the brill iant . un -i:ru�uloue Lntly Grnyston , nwrried -rat tr�rlhoUJ] to a non-nppcnrir g nnd . i lo thi>crd. Almost too great speed- 1 HI= 1 1::::: ..> f.i{ llto thy Wtngs lfi\Ud1b1e to n10st ,- - �'.,;_ 'f W"l r/-11".... _, . ouru ,. M.'ss Claire has always been - -

Comedy, "love'• Lan�uid Lore" FIRST RUN FOX NEWS WEEKLY.

May 14--15 TUES. NITE : Livingaton'• Barrel of Funl --���--� .. �------�-------- -----

ELIZlBETH'S STANLEY-FABIAN THEATRES l:l'ft1!ii Continuoua 1 to 11 p,·M.

Chanse of Pro1ram. Sunday and Thuradar

--- - - ·� --THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY-MAY 10, l l , 12



LON CHANEY in "THE BIG CITY" Another Triumph For "Th.., Man of a Thou••n" Face•"!




..... In ......





MEMORIES A Satire on

Jly-G pne Duysl





DoRoTHY MacKAILL JAcK MULHALL . • ... In .... "��g�E.i IN A TURKISH BATH:: ]



== (.

Eddie's Beauty Parlor Winner First Prize Inlel'l1ntionnl

Permanent Wave Cont�st. 130 PARK AVENUE Tel. 56Zt

One Flight U p .


Eve�ything New EKpert Attention La teat



?JoaCAN be more l>eautiful . t�t1�����1���··�����::J���:{����r:: S A T U R D A Y \1 1: rt ir lA'r�r �fi;"����r.��������.\\�� �h���",\�ift��i M A y 1 2 \ . �· ' /:," DQ•AA IJA DJ-<"

<ha lnvol'lt.e comedienne-her grncc, LARRY SEMON - A J.RO - SOON ! TI:IE :��;S:�;Sf;:�:j�=�i. i�:tADMfSSJON 2 5 & 50c :m.in.·Wil·o.u��M·M·IEIDiil\llsmll"··����llil����·mm;����·:lll!����(llfll·�·illll:ll11.�;����:����ml·" ••• l llllciiiiiiA•u•c•H•o•··· •· READ THE LEADER FOR REAL NEWS



TELEPHONES IN STATE NEARED 600,000 MARK IN 1 9 2 7, UP 40r000 I n honor of h i � cumpl"tiou of fHly

Years c>f st:rvlu• ftll' the Central Ruil­�oad t•f l'\{'W Jt.:n.(•y. hi� a�sociate� of tht> Centrnl FY�tem at1d vfli:�..·i<J] � of d\.iH.�r ra\\roar\·."- i \'l)d\'lTd a \.l-'-t-tlmon­iat'ilinner to \\ri1Jiam (' , HflJH', Pas­senger Traflic Mar.c.•i!('t. hn·:.t W<·t'k at the Hottl Riviera., O r e hu ndt'l·d hHl.

First Report of Statewide Com­Pany Shows Almost 2,300,-000 Calls Daily.

cials Wl-'re pn•l'wnt. Mr. Hope answen�d tlJt: c·ongratu- Growth of !'\rw .J(�I'/WY last yf•ar wns lator:v adtlrel:'� of his hn:,t.� Ly remin- n:tft<cted in O\"(·r ·JO.(J(IO more tele·

iseing on the early days of the Cen· phont's for the ,'\'pw Jersey Bell Tele· tra.l. Bis grand father and fathl:'r phone Corupany tn :-;erve thau tu 1926, Wert umong the pioneer el11J)loyees 1hiJ am!llal 1·epnrr I he Directors have

the road, he said. Hi::; fathPr was made to I he 1 �tdlllJallY stockholders first u.ppoint{'d ag(:nt for the Cl�ntrul di�dnsPs. ,\ bont �.2G2,1WO te lephone whPn JHlSEH_'ngers \\'i'nt by fl•rry frorn t.:aJls a day WHt' hl'iug made at thP New York to I•:lizabdhtowr., and I dosn of l h(.! Yval·. from there i<1 Srqnc-rville by train. 1 'fhe t'ei\<Ht t'OVI'I'� op(�ra t iotJS dur. H<' told of t he t'Xt.l'nsiun ( If the rail· I iug- the til'!>t. utne tllontbs u.s the Dela road frum Somer\'il le tn PhUlip�1)Urg. : warf.� and At lamt( ' 1\� te-graph and Tele-

'J'he Hope furnily. he Haid, has been phonn Company Kcrving southern

represc>utt•d in the tram,Jlortation New Jersey awl HhH•f! (ktober 1 as field i11 New Jer.·wv fvr the Just one the }}resent ('om pany S('rYint; the hundred :.-·l'ars. Iiif' father, he aaid State us a �\' lioJ('. The llllm!JP.r or operatPd .a n (IXJ)Tc�-:� lirw from Eliza� <'ails giveu 18 for t he terl'itol'y the bethtuwn tu Somerville in the '40s. CoroPany now f:I'ITell. The actual

\Vhtm h e Wl'lJt to work f<JJ' t he Cf'Jl� gain iu th e tel<•p!Jom•s waH 40,7)8, and tral as a ckrk in t he Pa•FengPr De- Involve(] lnstallil lir 1 19,7�2 instru-partmcnt .Mn • 1 1 878 he received a menta and dist·ouu(:cting i 9,02t. At ' � ' ' the dose of t hf-' �·eaJ' lht:> (•ompany s�lar� of $20.00 a mont�- He traced

served a tot• I or ·5S0,95G tel�pt10nes, hiS chmb to the succcsslve �ffices of the r£>port st::tt<lN, t'(HlJJeeted by 2,846,­se�gm· Agent, an� Genenll J aHRenger 154 milt�s or wtn, and operated bJ' Ch1ef Clerk, As.ilst ant General Pas- 13,000 New JPl'l:lM' uwn nnd woJilcn Agent. lie became Passenger Traffic lfvfug tu tlle sta 1t!. ancl, as far as pos· Manager of the Rystem, Jl!arrh l, slblo, workh1g i11 t he communities 1 920. He "'"" touched at the prcscn- where they Jive. tatlon e:lTiicr in the day, of � gol_tl The !ltocltholdno .,.., told why the watch from the ('ll11J}oyees lil lms New Jer:;ey Dell T<•!C'phnne Company office. waa brought i n t o hdng, because ot R. B. White, !'resident of the Cen- the sfze of the , .,,,! ing telephone sys­tre.\, af. Toastmaster, introduced C. terns Jn the stn l l ' a m1 the eXIJectancy E. Miller, General Coun sel for the ot their coni iJJIIPd rapid growth. Qn •. t'oad, \Vho n1ude the presentutiou of der tfwlie coudir louR, tile report 11 lamp to Mr. Hope, nnd Mr. B. D. states, It "st•enu•d d eslrablo to create Branch, Gen"ral l'aS>enger Agent a single statowhl" organization with presented !ifty A merican Beauty a s!nglo munag<•riJellt which could roses to Mrs . Hope. devote Hs cntln• efforts to the In· All of the speakers recalled inci- creaslngly contJ>I< x problems of pro· dents of Mr. Uope's recent activities, vldlng telephon� service for the but few, his earlier days of service. people of our Cor!' nronwealtll." 'Among the sptl\kera were W, G. Dna- Oulstandtug et•cnts of the year In· ier, Chairman of the Board, C. B. cludell tho purrhnso ot teleJJhone In­Stein, A&s\stant to tho President, J. struments by tlw <"<>mpany fl'Om the W. Meridith, General Superintendent, American 'feleJliJOue and Telegraph

Arthur Hamilton, Vice-President, Com!lnny, aa n r'<>Ault or which !he

and J. A. Taylor Comptroller ; all of cMrge made bv tho American Com­the Central; James Maybury, Jr., pauy fm· r·eseard>, engineering, ftnan·

Chief Engineer o! the l'ulllic Utili- cia! an<! 0the\' ·�•·vices Including

. ties Commission : Colonel Walter V. rental nnd mnlnte"auco o! the lnstrn·

Shipley, G eneral Passenger Agent, ments, was ro:l�u:etl !rom tour per Baltimore and Ohio in New York cent to two pel cent of gross rev·

C. d p enues. Tho !Htrt'haHo became effoc· tty, an E. D. Osterhout, �·seng�r tlva at the Olltl or 1027. Mention Is Tram; M11'.'ager 0� the Readmg Rall- also made of the reducl!on in long road tn Phtladelphla. ulstnnce rates laB\ December, making For th'l last %1\Ventllen :rears, Mr. possible callln�; tho most remote


has been Secretary,

of the point In the Unl i t tl States from New Amertcnn Association of 1 rlSsenger Jersey tor $9 on " statlon-to·sto.Uon Traffic Officers. In this capacity, he day rate basis, I > : Hl or the establish· went to Europe to represent thll nsst>- lng or transallm: lie telephone com· ciation 11 few years ago during the munlcntlon betwr· ·n this country and foreign meeting of Pa!!Senger Traffic 1 gngland, Sco1lan1l rmll Wales during .Managers. He has been very active the year.

, In pa.;senger railroad matters thru- The nnanclnl Nl ttement attached to · out the country. Ute report show• that at the end ot , . For many years, he was President 1927 the Compan:• had assets worth of the Union County Mosquito Ex- U4G,275,143.5:J. 1. hese lncluued land termir.ation Commission. He is one am! lm!ldlngs val• ml at $11.984,725.37 ; of the founders of the Roselle Build- telephone plant " rd equipment, $121,­lng & Loan Association, and at the 660,424.23; gener,, 1 equipment, $2,582,· present time it's President. He 211.19 ; investmon·. secnr!lles $225,299 is an Elder of the First Presbyter- and mlscellnnem�>· luv<>stmeuts, $10S,· , ian Church of Roselle. He al�o is a GOO.Ol. Cash on tll<ttl and In banks, ' Past President of the Traffic Club U,238,575.60; blll 1 receivable, $511; of New York. NEW DEVICE TESTS


accounts receivable, $3,325,4 04.60; mn· f.t;rla.ls l\\ld Bl\l'PIIes, lGill,2li7 .95; nc· crued Income not- tlue, ·;13,524.10, and Payments for luture operations, $634,· 710.

Gross revemu.�� tncret\�e�\ about ten To test fuel economy accurately Per cent, the directors reported . An and graphically, distributors and Increase Jn expenses othot ahout tour

dealers of the Hud;on Motor Car and a half per cent o( tlto gain, lenV· Co. In various parts of tho country lng a not gain of about fivn a.nd a are now opemtlng nn interesting de- half 11er cent. Net Income after pay­vice on the dash of the car. This al- ment of everything except dividends lows the driver or prospective buyer amountell to $1,746,617.59. Tho dlvl· of a Hudson or Essex car to sec the dends paid on $80,305,200 par value actual rate of j!'!\Soline flow ns he comon stoclt outstanding amounted. to drives. $1,891,614 and left e. deficit of $144,·

Report; to the Hudson factroy are 996.41 whlch was charged to corportlte that average results of from 15 to 18 1 smptus.

miles a gullon nrc being obtained With the H�dson Super-Six, with_ the

ENGINEERS STUDY EsseJt showmg from 18 to 25 mtlcs. An interesting fact is that these aver-ages vary with different driver•, op- AERIAL TELEPHONE erating the sume car:; over the 8llnlc routes. De!!lers report thut driving

FOR USE OF FliERS skill is almost as important n fnctor as varying road or traffic condiitons. j

"The high compression motors now used in both Hudson and E'Sex " said 9· J. ghmling, Hudson-E,.ex dealer,

hns brought to them the highest standards of fuel economy they ever have known. Both motol'S tire design­ed to wring the lnst drop of effective· ness !rom their fuel '"l'l'l:.'. Fo:r ib slzo nnd power the liuibon is now Particularly light in its dclnands for more g'asolinc. "Real economy comes ill freedom from repairs nnd in the ens('. with which Hudson-Essex ccrs nrc serviced. B?t owners are intl!r£�sled ill gusolir.e nulengc, n minor fnrtor though it is, and fortunately it is a quality of our cars which cun be visually proved to nny owner or prospective l>U)'er." LOCAL MAN GETS PATENT

A patent was recently granted to Henry W. Plcistcr of W estlicld on n drivc.;c�cw expansion and method, according to informntion furnished by Munn nnd Co,

This inver.tion further relates to nn expansion shield formorl by bc11dillf': dlfl'ercnt stnrnds of wire upon them­selves, nnd then twisting the strands to obtain ll chenJl und Bimplc expan­sion shield, n111l onc which ia nduptcd to be expanded by a drive screw. llf1-. . P!a\.,tor aS>lgns his patent to ll<mry B Newhall Corporation,

-Let the LEADER ads. put tho @: ln ndvertlslng.

Safety for Aeroplanes Engaged in Commercial Aviation in

Bad Weather Sought. Euglneor·a o! the Amorlcan Tele­

pboue nnd Telegraph Company con­ducted, during 1927, n comt>roltenslve sur\·cy of comnwrcl•\1 avlaUon, w\tb a vlow to dovclotlif\g oqttlpmcnt and m£ltods of comtnuntrntlnn ns nn nld to tho sn(ety or 1\\<n·�. S11�11 sn!ety IS eonsllt IH\l"'ticuhH\y aga\ust m1vorse wunther eondltion8, coHlslons nnd faulty nnvl�atlon. This joroblom will hu ln rtlror stlf!Ued during 1928 in tho llell 1'cluphooo Labo1'U.tortos iu Nt�w York, tl suhst-nn­Unl nmount hnvtn�: !teen Hot nsfdo to bo dovotcd to tho t\llvnnrcment ot safety In nvlnllon through tlto nppll· cnUon of o1cctrh-al communication, both wire !lnll rnrl!o. Now nppn.rntus hna llcon d cslguod, o.a W<ll\ as \lm ctl\\1\>ment, to extend communlcnlton s�rvlco to airways and avlntor� whou t'OIIUirlld. Wllb •uclt nn olcctrlcnl conm1uniclltlou system dl· rect with ll>e niTJllttne, tho rellnblllty ot tralfSJlortnUou und sntoty or pas­sengers will bo grontly lncrcnsod bY mlnhul.tng lht1 lmznrds of wcatltllT ot tho risk of losing one's course u\onl! nn airway,

"Go-Gettcra"-Lcndcr Cent-a-Words.


�;;;;;;;.�;;;;.;,;;;�--.;..--.... � --- - ------------- -- ------- -----..,- -1---- -- -- -----­

\ I J. S. IRVING CO. work to l..e as nearly f)(•rfed a.s posa1b]C', whkh means abao· Jute Fll-llf5!ac tlon t o

Delllera in

).'1)\l. Lumber and Coal, Builder's Supplies

Office rand Y,-d,: Central Ave., near R. R. Cro .. inc II Phone t 9r W eatfield n

I Believe • I BeUeve

in the sound, patriotic and progressive Coolidge poUcies and if elected I pledge myseH to bend every effort to per· petuate our President's ideals which have done so much for the prosperity and happiness of the American people.

I BeUeve in a continuance of the protective tariff because it means decent wages and livable conditions for our working men and women.

I BeUeve that the country can't do too much In

·carint for and rebablUtatlng our dla­$\bled war 'Yeterana.

I BeUeve In honest law enforcentellt-tlnd I al110 believe in tbe ri&ht of the people to make and unmake their own laws. I was one of the first in New .Jersey to l\dvocate a referendum on the Volstead .Act and U elected 1 will vote for modi· flcatlon of this act, provtdlnll the people of the state do not in the meantime make known their poeltion on this lmportattt question.

I BeUeve in tUvin& the farmer atid home-owner adequate protection. I favor such laws as the one creating a. Cooperative Bureau in the �partment of Com· merce, which helpe the fanner without subsidy.

I BeUeve In the buUdini of air porta near nery larll,e center of population. I was one of the pioneers in pubUcly advocatlnj air ports in New Jersey.

I BeUeve that preparedness means national secu­rity. 1 do not believe in mllltaris�1 but I do believe in maintaining at au times military and naval forces ade­quate to protect out c:oUDtr)' and Ita outlyina territory.

I BeUeve that national teaislation to aid in flood control should be extended to New Jersey, where the flood menace is con­stBntly imminent.

I BeUeve in a first class, up-to-date, American owned and operated merchant marine. Prop� encoura�t.ement of private ownership should restore acthU.y to New Jersey's shipyards.

I BeUeve In equality for the Netto and that tbe forces of law and order should and must devise eftectlve mean& to stop lynchings.

I BeUeve in the enactment of national letlsla­tion to stop the pollution of our riven, harbors and oeea11 fronts.

· • BeUeve that America, in her new �ltlon ae tbe Jlloney center of the world, must use the utmost care in our foreign re· lations so as to maintain the frlend­eblp of all nations without sacrlficint

our independence. I believe In inter­national reciprocity, but I am always for "America FirSt." Thu 11 my Platform anti ora thu natemettt 0/ 111)1 bdie.fs 1 mit the wter• oj the .llepublJcM Party for their jrondliu.

Republicans KEEN for KEAN Nominate HAMILTON P.

for V. S . SENATOR on Primary El ection Day Tuesday, May 15 , 1928

Oatmeat Makea Better Chiekeaa And oatmeal - pure, 1 .. cl�an oat111eal-is the� · th�s famous gr<>w\ng lllaalt. W1th the oatrnealareCOdr meal,_ molasses in dry r: ,_ protems and mineraJa � everything that's needed� bui_ld big, strongbones,lo� · Whtte meat, and good bea!tl!, -

Quaker l'tJL•O•PD GROWING IIAII Costs y�u.. �ess than ether · methodstflt sresultsyou're '

after. Allready to use without work or bother. We have it P. TRAYNOR & SON! -,

Westfield, N. J. WOODBRIDGE FEED 4l COAL -. Succet:�:�sd�� • .i'.;; .. �·N�r;,w•tv '



CONTRACTING Motor and FaetDrJ Maintena.nee Work.

310 FIRST STREET WESTFIELD, N. J, 'Phone 2710..W

BENJ. F. ELLENBEIGEI I Painter and Decorator PAPER·HANGING ... d


Eatlmoteo• Furni•h>M Phone 1580


Notary Public L E. TANTUM

Leader Office, 'Phone 407 50 Elm St.

1111 North Avenue, Wtot Phone 1674-W Weatfield, N. J,



WeJ16eld, N. J. ----------------- .


Steam HPt Wate• and Bot I '

Air Henting · '� : Tin Rooting, Ett. 1

ESTIMATES l'URN!SH&D � Telephone 278 11

28 Proapeel St., Weatlleld, N. J. ; . ' ___ ,

� ' ,........-=�==--=---=�-"'"'- -'""'--=-- '


oF ouR i Peggy-Annet the t HERE JUNE 1 : _ !HILA TELIST :� Decorator �� : Today Spa,·k, C'ireu• •lands f<•r

-------- ----�---- �&-------------- �-:� "t�\�ryth\n).! A 1\o, 1 ln the a111Uf..Pn1C'tlt A M No. 19, Atlanta-New

' ! B 0 - tnd. 1t bas been called the "C'ir<·us : t. · ·. . t hand all of them i T Y OROTHY DOUGLAS I Hc,aut ifu!" b;· mi!!iuns of amu,ement : rk, cover:- are a ' t , � 'n 9- �mall catchet, rectangul�r U-+-+--+-.-::�i-+-+--+-+-:; tO\'('l':-; in the \1nited StatrE! a.t�d Cant- ' oWl g depicting an aeroplane m n::�,\l�n�U\.\ d�t. BI."'RUtt{u1 h�\·au:-;e no\hmg (>Vt•r sha�kew York-Atlanta Routfl, j'. lH!"\ t 't H ' l ' T )\ F \' 1 . . . . � hl'( �l iHt..' anttquated Ill its eqmprneut,

��ail s(·n·ke Fin.t Flight, (Name th� ti.l" t·nt; � .. :.1 �., \\ a�s .P':J��H·f* ! a:-; It g-ot.•:- f<lrth season after seasl-m �City) , _May ' 1 , 1 928�'' either in u lot nt�._�·e l hlH; �i�� d��u�����. :�·,����01! ; nl·\\:l r . hu ilt. and fn•f>hh pai.�1t.ed. with 'otet or carmine, and �1nston�Sa�em thn•t- mun\ll� of hot (.'ro\ .. 'dt?t.J ,11.:�t '� (:"'. \\��rdroO�::, tl.('W H•ntmllana\ a('t�, � d a carmine and v1olet combma- wht�u t i le ,.111 ire wnrll1 of llol'

· . : � i r_ ,

t \\ :\ , ld atumal f�atures a�d new Ptl C. A. M. No. 23, New Orleans Rt>Pkf•rs f'.l..'t.'m\'d to swunu ovtr l c . t _\ ; Furpn�c�. By carefully l'{.'adlng the onu

nta t;ear the same fornl of l;(•H(·h HIHI ('luhhuu · the i sen.satJ�Iflal i('atureg offered beloW .. �� �ith the exception of ·�At- u� li!;l'd ttl �it l�\'\he \ t} ·lul l . i yvu wdl n''tl' that the }ltogranune ' '

New Orleans Route, taking loun;.:e with u � t•ru.\_·hliu�u tir� 11; 11;�l:�� ! has lH·t·n vnt in• l y ehangt�d from for­

Ln"Jace of the first-named route ; ur11J tmre l hl\ ex a�·� <:hui 1 e IH· , } ... :-; ( mer !'t'a!'ull�. and otft>rs for your ap­�:bfte, A la . . covets �re d_istinctive U1p ex:H't uu:,.dP nn<l in �h� ex��:.: 1

111)' pro�·al �ueh ft.•ature acts as :

. th the �pecial rnark1ng, In green, (.'lJ ! ion he til\•d. l\1 �U<'Hhua " dtt' llra·t.Hiu.n sen :.a.tion, �nS-ugural Fli�ht, Air �ail, C. A. M . On t id::; purttrutar llH.JrHing lw

t hi!.

w·.;·u·� mot't. daring high wire S, MaY 1, 1 9,.28, Mo���e, AlK:., ':Ala- st rpttfJed his loi�J.!: lt>gs luxurhn.1�lv , art '

.""tt· ; Thl' Holhti Riding At·t. fea­arna's Only Seaport, , and IndJcat· tuw

.a r·d t he t·rudd iug logs and wus , t uym�. l�l' lH' .Mccz:cl", Ameri<:a's pre­

�g Mobile on a tnap of Alabama. selhsh enoug:h to twpt> Hun 110 \me n:a·r J 1 d 1 nr l'Oinc<ha.n ; 'l'he Al�x.ander •iWS postmarked New Orleans, La., would <•Ill PI· 1o ln lerrupt tl<e dtnrm 1 1,roupe. 1 h e Mank1<·h i Jap. In the

1 1 1 P· m., are backstamped New of the !Jour. f.quJnt• dt•partment "'" tindthe world's .8:k, N. Y., May 2, 10 �30 a. m. Bur some \)lit:' did er1t er. ::;orue one · mnt<t da1·ing rid.(•r�. including Lora�n 0 • • • I sta.:;�a�rlu,g tu111t' 1· H wf..·i�hr ut C're- [ <'a:-:t cPl . . Et�(' l Lcwi� . . Edith Mack,

The Netherlands Olympian Game8 IOiliH! so t h a t olli!' u puir of fpf'! 'llld r l:ollr \\ utkn.l8, Betty Swalley, Alice

·cturizes athletes in ditfert.>nt thH top of u �tiii i JJ head were .. -I::;U,Jt>. i' l• astt•r, J uumta Gtl•Y, Dt•lla Bonhom­et �· l 'ih t.' green (rowing) , 2 �e Court uPy \ntd Ho <·mufortubly sl u nk 1

mt•, Ed i t h Hoyt, Piulwy Hollis Rene ··�� ·(fem·in g ) , �c gt·een (runner) , Into t ile <l<>J•Ihs of his t•hair l lin l the M<'l'n·t· . and Bert Mayo wit h his 110 e

ale blue ( boating) , 7 lh: c orange girl wus UIHI \\':Irc of 'a prPseiH'e tn g_roup of �ixtt•t•n rotutio11 hor,.;es. AU

�pt t) J \lr red (sprinter ) , 1 5c the lounge. ndt•rs and hors<•s with reputations 1 ° p(�o;H•hac·k rider) , 30c brown �he UI'OJ))lPtl lwr tlugt� fluff or t'l't\- frl•lll H•• ... t o n a uti r\t•w York horse ���r). The lute:.-st commemoratives tonne In the nmiiliP of t he room 1wd �h ow .... .

1 being ..,·h�wed by the newer gener- then Courtnt'�' \\'atdwd }Jt.>r st rug, l 1 1 t hl· \\' ild Bt·a�t dt•pnrtmcnt, �on of t•nllectors who look with gllng mustt•rflll t .l· with u lar�:<' llow· Spark,; "Cir<'Us H<•n u l i ful" otf•rs John �vor on issues of celebratory kind. erec.l sHp {'0\'''1' whit-h �he tmt nu oue G u ilfoyll', 1 1Thl• Man of Iron." and ,;hen Greece issued its Olympic of the WOl'H £of11s. hi� furt':-;t-brt•tl fighting lion� j I''ranz � es set in 1806 it established a Next she tnd\l{·d u �rt.�nt nruwha i r. \\' O.!-ik\•':-; Ht>ngal t igt�l·s, illaiuring �amctdent that has not been ignored Courtney \\'OHtl�·rNt hnw u11ymw ('ould HPr·inn•�'. famuu� Prii:N•ton Univer­r:terly but it. is interesting to re- forflsPe wllu t u t rt>nwntlons tHil't�rPuee �it,v t igt•r nw.srot; Harriette Guil-­lembe� that this popular set was n bft of color eould nmke tn u glnnmy foyll''t' l ndinn leopards, .and Ji'ranz's nned when it appeared by the old room, trni1wd Pular hvurs. Other animal

iety the alliterative Society for Ue stlrrPrl l l lltl l lw g:il'i lll ll'J'<'d s displays int•hJtl P : I.lmnus, zcbru•,

e Suppression of Speculative cry of nhlrm. Spurk'�'� �;rnUJJ of Jn�rforming seals, ps. ''Oh, I'm 8o snrr·�·." �h� suld swift· tlw Hlbh Counlr ph�l-l, und Spark's • • ly. "I bud no l1lt•u 1 wus dlstm·hl ng Cirt.·u� (�lPphnnt h<�rds ('xhibit(ld by The curt·£�nt 0 pence, Malta, has anyone. I I IPHI;.!hf u l l the �UC'sts had J anunh� tiruvcM u n d Alice F'ostcr, en aureharged "Air Mail," for use gone tor tl•e �""""'·" dai nty y�t nervy handliltJC these mas-,_yment of aerial postage on a "You 're llol hn l ht>t'ing me ln the sivtl be-a�t.s as they \\.·ould a kitten. 1e that bas been established from least," said c ·, .,,.l ll<')'. •·In fnt'l, It 1"

alta on the Egypt-Iraq mail ser- undoubted!,\' I w "" llu vc <list urhptl

· e maintained by the postal ad mi n- you. If you 11on'r t·ont i n ue whnt you ration of the United Kingdom. are doing I will "'"'."·" • • • "No, no !" t•sr \u ! IIW\i l't��gy·Aillll'.



�a e -��-���� � ��.� . �� -'$ � � � ����-g,��� ����-� �:���'$l� �� ����-� ���-��· �·$·.� ��- � � ... � . Your old tires will further cut � low prices. Never before have quality h� bee-n offered at mere. altracuve pnces - aU built by Firestone and shipped here dtrect from the nearest F1restone warehouse. eliminating the middleman'e profit. That's why our prices are lower, on tires recognized all over 1he world for fine workman­ship, high quality and long mileage. Trade-in your old tires now on a new set, and you can forget .ubout tires fur months to come, except for periodical calls at our service station for tire . inspection. ,We provide this service to jnsure the extra milt.�s built�in to these wonderful tire-s M.t frrestone Factones. Start TIQW to cut your motoring expense. Come in toda;y.

31x 5.25/21 $1495

30x3% Regular 30 x 31!2 Regular

$5 95 $4� 29 x4.40/21 $6�


A. D. WASHBURN BROS.. Inc. 223·225 NORTH AVENUE, EAST 'Phone Weattield 1454

VULCANIZING BATTERIES COMPLETE LUBRICATION From Cuba we note that in eom- "!'lease uolf 't-l 11 1 1 1 II'OI'k n s <JII If• l l \ )lance with Presidential Decree 020, u s a rnous:P. �1.\· und1•, w h o i s mun:;. 1 dies used for printing the po•tage ger of l l;e l'iulo. l11ts �J \·en 1m• this

Tomorrow evening \iw ollicer• of I pust Yt:'tll'l-1 will u.guin hold their own. Enrh ycur Firt'side Coundl aets aside , __ ,.. . ....,.,_,..,..=_,=...,-----------,---.,---:--=,---------,.--.-...,.,----....,,-.,.,==-.,=--_,

some meeting night in their honor I ps commemorating the Sixth Pan room lo liPcui'Ht<•, 1 tu1 I tt• �111<1 I IIIUHI merican Conference were destroyed not disturb 1111.1 ol l ilt• I[UPSls. I a111

y means of strong acids, on March hoping It will l11· n l l i'J i<'ll•·e tn-• , by a committee, and the dies be- "By Jow l I tli<lu't think those

g tbueafter .thro0wn

.into the seu. wbntebnmujlgH ) . .. ,,. ,.,. putting on

�ould make s1wh 11 Po11Jp1C�to clJn ngfl, It's greut. l wh.h 111y old rooms lu town woulll n��pnllfl tn treutment llke this."

The letter "B" is found overprint­upon various stampil of the Straits

ttl•ments, 1md denotes that they ere used at the British postoffice &intained at Bangkok, the capitu! ! Silllll, from 1882 until l B86.

• • • Definite 65e adhesives for New Cal­onia, Oubnngui, Reunion, St. Pierre d Miquelou, Senegal, Soudan, Up­r Volta, Tchad, and Wallis and Fu­

una have been place.d on sale at the nch Colonial Agency, 80 Rue du aubourg, Saint-Denls, Paris. • • • The Kelly Bill, which relates to

e Air Mail Service, is very likely receive Congressional approval; if does, the Bill will, no doubt, re-

eive the signature of the President, nd a new 5c air mail stamp and uc � mail envelope will appear in shott rder.

• • • From Great Britain comes the in­ormation that their lOd stamp will ot be re-issued when the present t>tlu are exhausted ; already many f \he larger post office• are without his value. • Whit!\eld, Xing & Co. chronicle the oU�wing Navarino ( Greece) stamps : �r 601, olive, view of Bay o f N ava-•; 4dr, blue, naval battle; four lllieti�s of odr, one in brown and laek with the likeness of Sir Edward

odrington, another in a trifle dark­thode of brown with the name "Sir rington," one in red and black

ealuring V un Der Heyden, · and the !her in blue and black carrying the ttrait of De Rigney.

. The air mail time between Lima d lquitos, Peru, is four days, hereas the ordinary route would

' twenty-one days. This servke •r be used by letters posted in the mted States, states a recent Postal ulletin; the air mail fee for such

•mission is 60c for the first half nnce and 25c for every add itional

ounce, in uddition to the rcgu­postage of 2c an ounce ; both the �g� and air mail fee must be pre­With United States stumps.

. . . Baton Houge, La., is philatelically :mous from the fact that in 1 8 61 1 lhen Postmaster, J. McCormick, ued three stamps to facilitate the 1 epaytnent of postage und these con­

lnled in usc u ntil they were re­aced by the general issue for the onfederatc States. • • • The U-12 electroplate style of pre­ncf'' is tu.ted from Butler, Mo., �rt an;l. N. Y., Batavia, N. Y., Dev­{ Il•lls, Cal., Norwalk, 0., Ncw­n! �· Portland, Me., Portland, Ore., ·,0 ur�am, N. C., and the U.13 ,1m Pnmesville, 0., Snnlu Monic!\, ., and Greenville, N. C. . . .

ar�iln\el ic errors are always popu­ndlnvcrted centers are usually rare, P ?ouble centers nre rarer still,

at ��•ally when made by the more 11°1 munnfncturers. Errors in en­y ".;g or printing on stamps mnde

eld aterlow or Perkins, Bacon are

�·tn •een, yet n copy of the 4c ,. :.

Rica official, No. 450, w!th cen­nce, uble, recently made its appear-

wrhcy wouhl,'' th:('lart."d Peggy. Anne, nnd tlwu hlu�hl't1 ut her own temerity. SltP '""' 11nt been sull\clcnt-Jy long In tlJP '""'"rating bu�iness to have acqul retl llt<ll <mtwnrd e:s.pres· slon or eonlltl�n<'<' In herself. In· wnrdly she knew 1 1 . Xlw knew that niJ ugly rooms eould he 11111de beautl· tul. •'It's jusl 11 nJtt t l t•r of tnto�te,t' she nd<led. And n moiiH'lll Iuter she was climbing u Jndtlt•r· lwsldu the big win. dows and dl'll,:�ln� up wl l II her great lengths or tlw Jlll\\'!'l'!'ll cretonne.

Courtnry sut g11zlng s[l<•llbonnd. Never hlld lie suppo:.wll HUciJ n tratls· formatloo pos�lhll'. The old room suddenly "''<'1111'<1 I I �e a garden of cho1cest nower�-:>.

uTbey'll nen•r :.;t•l HH! out or " this room QgU)n," hi• t}peJHred, 11l'fll ftl· ways the \us1 ot n\(� SPusoo's Unger·

crs nml now I Rup)u,se 1 wUl he hop­ping out of h""' uhout the llrst or February. Thi� •·onm mnkes homo seem u. wful." Ant\ Cnurtney vlaual­tze<l his gt·ern-du<l t·hnlrs and tl�e butT wal ls nntl the llnrl; cnrpct and th.e hen\'Y brow!! hun�lngs nt tbe windows uuu shtttlder<>U..

He came ow�t· to w llere Peggy-Anne was percher! on In(! of tlw ladder. ar­ranging soft folds of cretonne over the poles und lool;ed up nt her.

"I say-yon know If sou were to bP

nice to n1e I i'nnld get you hundr£1ds of jobs l ike tills l':rery fellow I know who Is lh'ln;.: In lmt�:Jngs would Jump nt a <"hune� to twn� the place ch�red

up. I could reull.'· he a great help to you-Jt you wnnrt•d me to.'' And Courtney lool;Pd 111nst wlstfull.v up and lnto PegJ::�'-,\nue's bright eyes.

"But wfw t exnl'tly do you mean by 'being nlc11'r' sliP fJIIPstfoned:

11\Yell-1 don't .tu:-f e-:tnetJy know­tor tbe mornem-l>ut llrst of nil I wouldn't want .rou ralllng for any ot tbe men I will !nt rmluce you to. Tlmy•re u Jll'el l ,\' line lot, t"lo."

•'If tlle>'re nil 'tll'h u line lot I cnn't see wh�· .'·nn sllnuld worry, Be· slt1£>s, when 1 mu hH�S nt my dt�or.nt· tng a mun mlj!il\ ]11'-'t ns wen be a sofi\ cus\Jim\ fm Ill\ t11e n<Jt!ce I take of htm." And ( '(•g!!�·.Anne went on with the \'UIUti('C

At tit" fnor of r l it• lllllder courtney pondered.

"If 1 get yttt1 lWPIH (.'ontru(·ts With­

In n we(•J\ will .rnu prornfsc not to tall

In love w l l h nns of your eJJents?'' ••Oh, mCisf certufn l,\', I \\'Ill," Jn ughed

Peggy·J\ nnr und In her eyes was a flpnrkle t hnt "'us uo l NltlreJy due ro the wonderful ... n�·t't•ss she wns step· pin::; Into.

At the fool uf tl1e Jutlder Courtney wntdif'd hls dJ:Iflt'P. t l lf'fl g"Pntly shook

the lndder aJHI \\ nHPll sure ennu.ct. l"h(' 1 umb1ed o.nd

strnight inlo his '"'""

ue hnd lJ'�l'll l'Prl a l u of Ills sueeess, 11therwisf' he Wt�uld ru_•,·t•r have risked this vredous �.":"trl'� �llf\·ts.

uyuu t·cnli·t.t•. \1{ l 'H\\\'�{'," he SU\d, JU! slw lool;cd lntiJ.dd !J!!Iy hnl'k ut him, "that I will nut r,,. amon�; the Urst twelve.''

11Then thlrtt'PI\ I!<- yqur lucky num. bcr. Is l t 1" I(UesllonPd I 'P:.t�Y·Anne.

• 11lt's golnJ,! to til' In t il ls t·use.'' atftld Courtney, !llld '""''I thnf their home some duy would hl• ('\'l'fl os lo\•ely oa the old dnhhnuse lounge.

Go.Gett<>.:;;--Lcader C. A. W. ADS BRING RESULTS! - · · Cent-a-Words.

and it is C{Uite r<•mnrknble how well the <tntion" urc managed uy those Phone nut of m·live otlicc for many years. I 407 when you have something to aell or need

household help---Our Cent· A· Word Ada: Bring Results I l i< dl.'sircd by the present of- ' lic�r« that u large membershir be present to encourage the old timer• I in their work.

An Invitation t o . ,. , \\

Fille Car Buyers , ..

We believe you will find in Graham-Paige models 619 and 629 those features of beauty, comfort, and performance to which you have been accustomed-plus the delightfully new experience of driving with four speeds forward� standard gear shift.

Five chassis-sixes and eights-prices begmnmg at $860. Car illustrated is Mode1 629. five-passenger Sedan, with 4--speed transmission, (standard gear shift). $1985. Six wire wheels $60 extra. All prices f. o. b. Detroit.

�� If. �QAu_/ � -t.�QAn/ �

Lambert Garage

-;,,. ,

, J

: \ .....


204 Central Ave. Phone 509 Westfield, N. J.

G A A A A M - P A i f::r & 007 ...

For Difficult CleaninB At la•t 1--a waah.iaa pow4er that takea tbt> drudaery out of houaehold c:leaninr. Don't judge DIF ht •ay aoap you haYo ewer uted-it ia new -DIFFERENT. It makea the dilficuh ioba eaoy-makea the eaty ooes eat.ier .

Try DlF fo't" �oome of tbe•o1 Cleo.oin1 dlrtf woodwork, tar• Pithed ailver, 1rea1y fryiD.a pan•, bardened paiat brv.abes.

It io the difficult Job that ,a.kea your atrencth-leeve• J0\1 weny at the ead of the d"l'· PIF wao made for tho dilficodt jobo. Turn them over to thl1 marie washina powder. Aad •• for diohwaohiac aad dotheo .. uLinc, PIF l� aotblac obort of a bleuior Ia di•rviM. Get a pad<atre of DIF from your arocer.

DIP The DlFFEREiNT Washing Powder "Cuta Dl•hpan Time In Halt " •

Tbere'3 on£> picture 1 no artist,cdrt J pain�

"Thlo Ia the way a •-lr from Scudder'• loolu wbea It'• broiled Juot lo a turn ttr a 1ood c:ook I''

The Scudder Market

9 ELM STREET Weatlield, N. J. Telephone 536

• . '

IIM...ii�:'ifjflj'lliilillrlll If your fOrd llteds jult "' a mlnonrpalt: We r4J perfect work. .. !/I)/tot tfllC414d he/OW•

r.1o rotd rcl?llir ' u.Jjob is too la'1{c or too small to te­cctvc the urmost <:.ate In our Authotiz.. ccJ Snvice Dc!!llttmcnL S/;t!lfd !Ord·lmim'd lnr· clwm'cs kii0/11 evety 1111/tlllr/ b(J/1 Oil IJ.OII/' car lltev !mOll! 1ulm·e toJoohfbr fro11hle and !ww to repair it. \bur cal' should be te-l)oircc.l by us. It costs less and thc)ob is done better I& /ltallllailt specin I lOrd repair 1/lacltillery jus/ rot !iJu. •


Weotliold, N. J. Tel. 1038


CLEANED & SCOURED Window Shades, Lino­leum• and Braaa Roda.

J. A. GREENE Tel. Plainfield 199S 1061 ROSE STREET PLAINFIELD, N. J.

�ry;,,,- r<lrliel ·to tulvcrtlilu-tlifa woek7 Well don't forget It next wuck.



Ripple Undulation



IS IT A CRIME? "Still govern thou my song,

Urania, and fit audience find, though few." -Milton

For dear to goda and men is sacred aong. -Homer

THIS accusation ha�. been hurled at us :. "You are .too poetical in your advertisements. We confess the wtsh to be gutlty. Could we really

write as we feel we would be winging our way to the Empyrean ; but we know our limitations and must sorrowfully confess could never soar that high. How­ever, we make the best of the material we command.

Now, is it really a crime to clothe one's thoughts in poetic Iorin? Give play to one's fancy ? We could no more write a skeletonic, matter of fact an­nouncement of the kind of work we d o than to make.that same work barren and disappointing in its results .

After all, what is poetry;> Is it not the search o f the highest expression of the lofty and beautiful? And since we seek to concretize on the most expressive part of the human body, the hair-which even after that same body becomes cold, expressionless and rigid, retains its warmth, expressive­ness and flexibility--our conception of the beautiful, we simply cannot refrain frqm pouring in the informative story the same elevation and absorption of mind that we pour in our work.

There are those who will call the efforts rhapsody, but what of it? Some of the best works of art were born of a fevered imagination, and we are so carried away by our art that we cann ot repress the impulse to communicate in exalted, though sometimes disjointed , language our feelings and sentiments.

For instance, as you glance again a t the pictures gracing this page you realize that they are not mere stock cu ts, dull and lifeless, reproduced from drawings, which adorn ordinary advertisements of permanent waves and bobs, oh no ! They are the genuine c reations of Di Lonardo's Hair Studio­few of thousands, excelling each other. And in those pictu�es you do not see permanent waves "with the marcel effect" which tyros, and some grown old, but ever remaining tyros in the ad, emphasize as the acme of the desir­able, No! No! We will none of the stiff rigid grooves of the iron, so obviously artificial. You see there, instead, waves soft and caressing as the wandering breath of June; radiant in the sim plicity of their elegance and studied negligence.


Spiral Wave


Serpentine Wave


Stock cuts, as a rule, are accompanied by a stock and banal phra8eology, but ours, Our Own I You see in the molding of those waves the dancing fingers of the consummate artists. Such waves deserve to be cha�ited like a hymn to nature ; in rambling words like those over·

flown from the heart of a timid lover to his inamorata ; for in them you see translated, in all its diatonic rhythm, the same mind throbs that go in the composition of a symphonic poem.

After this is it not almost a desecration to mention cost? Reluctantly we do it. These Permanent Waves A re

Twenty Dollars

Di Lonardo's Hair Studio 223 E .. BROAD ST.

"Art and Hygiene ' ' Tel. 2316 Appointment WESTFIELD, N. J.

THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 -�- --�--------- - --� ---� -- - � -- -- - ---�- - - - -�--- �-- ���- -

sUNDAY, MAY 13, ia the one day of the entire year that h-. been dedicated to the Mothera of thia land. It ia a day on

which to abow our devotion and love in a apecial way, to eig· r,e.lize our affection with gifta worthy of the recipient and of the occasion.

THE MERCHANTS whoae advertieementa appear on thia

page have provided many �&etiv• rifte - .. _ ., the day-11 epecially priced-to make it eaay for you to aelect juat the thlnga that your Mother would like to have.

a 8 0 0 K for MOTHER

With a Suitable Greeting Card



Tel. 1669


MOTHER'S DAY ' , _.,., , , let of, Course

F L 0 W E R-�S THEIRS is the language of Rweetness and beauty. Mother will be deli�hted . to be re· membered in this lovely fashion wtth flowers from Miss Lent's store or greenhouses.

THE PANSY GERANIUM (for thoughll:!) Special, SOc and up

Also large assortment of other p lants, made­·up baskets and cut flowers.

Flower• Telegraphed Anywhere.



Creenhouees : 766 PROSPECT ST., 'Phone. 896 Store : 52 ELM ST., 'Phone 2275

Gifts Rare and Lovely--

Marlette Gift Shop FOR Mother you'll want the most disti�ctive gift you

can find something unique and beautiful, not neces­

sarily costly: Here are lovely obj ects g.athered [[D{:: ap parts of the world for just such occasions as o er s

Day. Many specially attractive values for you to select


Tel. 2281-W " Select lt Here "

A Dinner to Mother! DON'T let her fu�s and worry over a Sunday dinner

on Mother's Day. Let the whole family honor her With a dinner here instead. Delightful special menu.

Elm Tree Restaurant Formerly The Realtors



The Card for Mother �ay, of course, be found


THE LANTERN 221 East Brood Street




That Will Be Appreciated.

The Economy Dry Goods Store The Big Store With the Big Variety of Merchan dbe From Infancy to Old Age.

147 BROAD. STREET 'Phone 484-W WEeTFIELD, N. J.

The Home of Forest Mills Underwear and Gordon Hosiery.


Mother's Day Candies A Complete Line of Attrnctive MOTHER'S DAY PACKAGES






The W estfieM Leader 50 ELM ST. WESTFIELD

'Phone 407

TASTY . CANDY For Mother

Next Sunday M OTHER will be mighty tickled when Sonny

gives her that box of W estftcld Candy Kitchen

Candies on her especial Day. The whole fam­

ily will enjoy the delicious a1110rtment of



Westfield Candy Kitchen 171 EAST BROAD STREET WESTFIELD, N. J.

'Phone 765

The Sweetest Gift For Mother--Candy


saying, but it never had a sweeter application

than when accompanying 1\ gift of candy on

Mother's Dny.

Special Mother'a

Day 2-lb Box . .

All of our candy is made in model sanitary

kitchens from the purest ingredients. Mother

knows that. So she'l l specially appreciate a

gift :from this store.

We Will Deliver on Mother'• Da, Morning


As gueots of tl>e Union Coulliy ' Park Commi•sion. member• of the Woman'.; Ctub ('njo�,.\�u a V(•ry pleas­aut afternoon last Wednesday in­specting Ute County park!;. They were aC'-Cotn];anied Ly Mr. F. .F'. Mathewson. Superint-endent. of Rec� reation and '"'carted by thre<o' of th� Park Polic<>. The itinerary covered over fifty tuil(.•H of travel and em­braced u in<• of 1 h� ten parh in the system. F�ew r�uJ h.e the beauty and ad­vantage that thiJ; <·Xtenisve >.ystem of parks will add to the pre.,ent and fu­ture of Uniou Cour:ty. 'J'hc trend of population from t.he great metrop_ulin of New York is toward the beaut•ful rifls and hills nf New Jersey and ' none are more attraetin• thau tho .... e of Union County. ·

The parks visited included the Rah-way River I'arkway whi<·h extend" along thi• h<'auliful stream. In Rah-

, way where the river crosses the Lin­coln Highway, one of the largest ar­tificial lake� ha• been created and covers a11 area otherwise not in use.

The John Hu�"ell Whe1•ler Park in Linden is another beautiful spot situated in a well populated district. Warinnnco Park, 8ituated in Eliza� beth and Roselle, is th" largest of the formal park> in the system. Here I Is the stadium and athletic tield used ; by many organizations, including the public sdwr.ls, throughout the C:oun­

. ty for thci•· annuul field day. Galloping Hill Park whe�·e a golf ; course and club house ure now in , construction is �;ituutcd on u very . •lghtly elevation. Nomahegan Park . Jn Cranford, whkh adjoins the. Rah­way River Purkwuy, will consist of

: islands, one of which will be devoted '· to a bird sanctuary. Echo Lake Park . was traversed the entire length.

•• 1 t ' The Watchung Reservation which ' ill four and one-quarter miles In ; length, comprising 1900 acres in Bum­' mit, Springfield, Mountainside, New ; Frovider.cc and Scotch Plains, is the 'l'he long •loping lines of the roof groups. Rymetri.cally placed. Most ing variety to the exterior in the con-' large�t unit in tho system. Situated give this Jwuse u pleasing charnctet•, striking is the group of five large tmst of both colo•· and texture the i &li lt u �mong �he beautif�l Watchung and with the

hood that extends windows in the first •tory that center pluin wall affords in relation to the ' Mountams, thts park Wlll afford a . . h r . .

h h. I . b I : variety of attrnctiv<> fe"turcs. Na- nero•• the front, just above the first m t e lVI:lg room, opposite t e fire· s mg e walls nnd roof n ove. . : ttve white pine and hemlock groves, story windows, a strong horizontal Jllncc, glvmg II most unusual wall On the second floor are three good . numerous trees, shrubs and wild flow- effect is obtained that tends to lower treatment and making the room •ize hed rooms and a hath. Closet

1 ere abound. L11ke Surpri,•e l• 11 beau- the appearance of the House and at bright and attractive. A flower bol space is not lacking. All of the bed ' tlful body of water a m1le in length ext nd 'h f 11 l•ngth d th' h 1 d th t 'v ! and entirely surrounded by hilly the same time to increase the appar- c s " ". u ' . un er IS rooms ave group w n ows a gJ e I : 'W'Oodland. At one end of the lake ent length. group of wmdows olfermg It tempt- Jllenty of nir and sunshiQe. ) there at·e facilities for bathing and Th' . f t f d ing setting for ger1miums and hang- This house measures 40 feet u- 1 j. • u; gtves a ron o goo propor.. . . . tsmpmg. . tions that is not stilted and tn no 111g v111es where they wtll show to the cross the fro11t and should have a \ The Two parks m Pla.lnlleld, name- . best advantage, both from within lot frontage of not less than 55 feet. 1 ! ly Green Brook Park and Cedar wny suggestive ?f the four-wall-and- and without. Cost about $9,100. I \ .Brook Park were of unusual beauty, roof "box" that 1s so often chat·acter-

Complete working plans and speci- I


' 'I Ca n 't Pos s i b ly Pu t -Pr ices In Th is A d ''

Says-Mr. Seelin 41No I It's impoisible ! Things are being sold too fast for that since I've taken over the entire stock of the Union Furniture Co. I'm

actuaRy afraid that whatever I'd describe here would be sold before the newspaper is published. Then, you might be disappointed­and I certainly don't want that f I know that there are a number of fine living room suites here now that I've taned $65.00, $85.00, $1 1 0.00 and $135.00 ! Up on the second floor there are some dining .. room suites at $65.00 and $85.00, and a number of floor sample suites at $1 10.00 and $ 135.00 ! I can't guarantee how long they'll be Lere. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they were aold early tomorrow morning. The tame thing is true of bedroom suites (which are $85.00 and so forth) . In fad, right throurb the five­floor building, from chair� to tables, from ruga to linoleum, I've marked everythinr far below cost, and e.verythinr is seUing like bot-cakes.

"Now I know that this it spring. · Most of your are thinking about clothes! But, furniture ia more important, and when you can buy birh·rrade furniture like this for LESS THAN COST, forget about clothes and come in and get it. If you min this chance, you'll be sorry for yeara to come."

Open Evenings-Bring The Family

Union Furniture Co. 327-329 W. Front St. Plainfield, N. J. f' . The commiAAlon plana to have all lstic uf small two-story houses. 'fhc first story walls nre of stucco

.. parks developed not only In bcauti· . . . . ficntions of this house may be obtain-lh- �� bd � �· lli� � � � fu�H �� ��• MMro�� m h�- w� ��� a m� d�tin � � a w�� nm fum �e Bd� �· �·-••••••••••••••••••••••••·�-------� lulled for recreation aa we!!. ' effect the windows are arranged in backgJ'ound for planting und lend- ing Editor. Refer to Ho�>se H-A-63. ��,�����-�-�--���-�-�---�-�-�--�-=���-�--�-�-��-�-�--�---�--�--�-�--�- -�-�-�- �=�--=��--=--=- -�- -�-�--==�--�- �����--���--�-=-�-�--�-�--=--=--�����=��-=��-�-����������������-��-��-�-�--=��------

l �l�������-��- ---§-�· ��-- ���������


1 · . l

Served Exclusively at our Delicious ! pQ�!:!t\1) ICE· CREAl\\

Otd .. fashioned Home .. made Ice Cream for Everybodv

Fountain Tempting !

all its enticing forms and flavors •







· 54 Elm St. ·


R U B B E R G O O D S W . tf• ld N J T O I L E T A R T I C L E S I es 1e , • • ,I! Phone - Westfield 1 354 ����g§���--�---��-�-��§������-��


H E THOMPSON ' INFORM - - -- - . .. . -- . . 1 . · ·- - ···· · . . . . . .... . · . Pap NU......

. . HEADS CONGO CLUB I A TION REGARDING THE : :;:r��nt�.a�f '\��ll:n,.����J':,lin��(�; ��: I With tile flays and flayers ((-=========�====;;;;:;;;' =·· iii -

Gl"1NG OF Ji(JXlN ANTJTO ; fa,·t> vf d Jphtherta pre\'entwn are ( Continu<•d from Pal"• 1 3 )

0 !{ . E f ;:on::�� c:':be�f

c�� �:�= ,. . - J ' J ' XJN �l��c� ,�·:off• t�<·m by Jlh) sidatH. tu < loac and , ... II it a 'ca•vn. aud the 1dent o e h t h

, t H t u cers an nurses. t:ontra�>· Is hllp{H.'ntng hL•re. greg�tivnal C�urc a a\ e annual U/l. S

L /J B . . . . 11 ·· I urn t•onvinced that by t•oncel't.ed '•She Stoops to Couqul•r" with tht' "'eetmg held m the


hr sh h�use, ! ""0 nOll e Grrltll Toxm-Antdoxtn is ExplaifteJ--S _ vffor

_t we ean entire!�· wipe out the great<·st nrray of �tar• .,,.� b<•fnr� Wedne£dar m�ht. � er OfflCers l

{ T UC . l'C>nt uries old scourge diphtlwria. JJ asst'mbh•d w om.�_ <.'\ltu}Hmy, lS to bt"' elected were : Vwe Pre�1�ent, Merton I CfSS 0 rtatmtnt is Shown i A H 4. • ·• followed b)' a big Nt•w York hit und

Sarg<nt ; Secretary, W!lllam A. Daw- • ! · • RR! M?O.RE, . then a. ret.urn :·ngagement of Enrl

n · Treasurer, Frank F. Webster; All ehilJren between the a . . . 1 , . Guvernm . Carroll s � amtws wtth Mor·an nnd E . th·e Committee, Elbert 0. So- 1 6 months and 12 . h ld ges of the use of toXIn antHuxiu con t!'i- Stgned, November 1 6, 11127. Mark. "The ('om mand to Love• with xec


te A. W. Taylor and W. Hany <eive the pr li . ) e�rt s


T not re- butt•.d to lh<• reduction of d iphtheria Mary. Nash, Basil Rathbone and Vio-

weT\I ll ,' j should b � . ;nmtah

ry ·h

e ll .. est .but m 1:\ew .Tersey during the last thn•e , INfORMATION GIVEN let K e'?lble Cooper at the Broad

Thompson. . . . e !!_IV en . · e l: ree 1n;ecllons years. 1 Street IS to be followed by "The prior to the meeting the annual �f loltln anh-toxm. Snc months after T ' CONCERNING MEASLES Great Necker" a new romedy with banquet of the club was held, at the . date•. of the last injection of toxin he following letters of D. C. Bow- ! Taylor Holmes, Marjorie Gate;un,

which Col. John . T. �xton, Chaplain "?!Hoxm, the Schick Test >hou ld l>e en, Director of Health, State of New i Nat Car�, lrt>ne Pursell, and sever':-! at the State Umvers1ty, at Rutgers, giVen to >nake sure that the child has

J<•rsey and Governor Moore show Uw l Men;;les is_ a very dangerous and other w11l-knowu stars. Jed Ha,rr>s was the speaker. Col. Axtan spoke been immuni zed against diphtheria.

seutm•ont in New Jersey. ! contagtous dtsease. The first sig:ns :;Ill !•r_csent hi� ,!'ewe�t .mnsterp•ere th topic "The World In a State After 1 2 vears of age r . "Diphtheria l'an be l'Otttro!l d b y

j ''f mea.,l<'s ore "?eeting, running at The F ront Page an >nolde story vf on e ' ,. d · h' k S h ' k T · a pre umnary

the gerern[ use of toxin anti�t . the nose u r d a shght <'ough, the eyes r eWSJ>ilper life with Lee TraC)' for-of Expectancy, an . m .1� remar s " 1�' •• e�t should be given before mixtut·e. But dt'phth rt' 'll

b oxm_

look red and wat<ry and the light mer star of "Broadway" and Pbylis said that the worl? IS wa;tmg to _be ad mnmtermg toxin anti-toxit>. • a Wl e con I hurts them l'o\·al. Mr. Harris ha; lo his eredit saved from certam. o.f Its detimte Method of Procedure

tn•ll<·u throughout the length and .

those notable surceases "Broadway,"

problems and �an IS mchned to be The campaign now on is not bein broadth uf New Jersey only when The school nur•e in co-operation "Coquette" ar d "The Royal Family." somewhat placid. <·onduc·tcd bv \he school or ·h

� prai'lieiug physicians, public health wtth the Board of Health, wcJ·e able Th� story of "The �'ront Page" was . Regarding national security,, Col. physicians b�t is bein advoc " tS"i oo, otlidals, and volunteer h•alth work- I to ke<'p the i�fection confined to the wrttten \>Y .Ben Hecht. . i t,st<Jn declared that we are a btt to

o the Medic 1 S . t

gth B

" ,d b� .rs unite in bringing this message of lower grades m one �t·bool for a pe- Negotiations are pendmg for a re-

lacent A military force is nee- E . a Ocle y, e oard of hup� t<> tht• utt(•ntion of the Pllrents l '''.o�l of about "''".en weeks. but con- turn engagement of Jane Cowl tn comP, to '

protect our country he d�tatJ�n and the Board of Health of this State. rlrttons uver whlt'h tlw Board of Robert ��mmet Sherwood's satirical

Our Phone Will Bring The Garden

To Your Door yo GET the freshest

vegetables at lowest prices, just 'phone YOIIJ' order to us. We'll de­liver promptly.


1 25 QUIMBY STREET e�n 1 • •- 1p� 8Ye bN•n sent to every ehild "Each purent mu::3l bl• l'onvinced ]�ealth had no contl'ol <.'aused the rornto'dy "The Road to Uome.n Mlss � R d · � � �H � d m .� i. �� � �u� �� �� �u��� �� �-� �� �- �r�t

d. Phn�N� � � r·���·���w�n�l�a�l�s�o�o�ff�•�




�a;t;��·;·�I�������������E���������������E�� The �: \ u n r the wi s f been asked to signify their willing- t_ ox in . i> th_e only method_ of lll'otect- f>eucrtsed'.' ,.. own ave become Ill· of "Francesea da Rlm 1."

Ernest . ars on� wte 'eh G


o ness to hu\·� their f�mily physician h · ------ �----·-- ----the contest agamsb • e reens. ne given the toxin anti-toxin . The<e

l llg IS dnldt·en from tht" dread dis-hundred ten mem ers were present, I' th b . · · east• and each parent should be In- Measles is extn•mely e<>ntagious d 't

.. tated tbat this is the big- s IPS are. en ���g turned over tu formed thnt tht• pro,•ellure is harm- during thut }Wri<>d of three to four an J Js. s h I b h h ld the fannly physH·tan by the srhool. I l tl t 't '· I doya when the chi

ld Dp}>ears to huve gest affair t e c u as ever e . A •P_•c.iul price is bein " �ive n ltv the """ ""' ta I causes vUt • ight dis- . � � , comfort. Knowin� these facts, the n cold. That IS the reason why the

phys1c1ans of Westfield <luring the responsibi l ity lies solely with the par- Board of Health has trie d to have month of May. <•ntR of New Jersey. Surely they will 1 mothers keep their children at home Succen of U•e of Toxin Anti�Tox.in t;ot ri8k the awful l't'lltor�e of the loss j llnd �e.at•hers t� �end them home when


John Ferguson of Detroit will be­gin a series of addresses tonight at 106 Prospect street, the main suhjert being, "The Tabernacle of Mt. Sinai,"

illustrated with pictures showing its tYJJical character. These meetings ore free to all and are designed as a

reply to mauy attacks agnimt the Bible and the deity of Christ, Every night except Saturday at eight p. m.

In New Jersey toxin anti-toxin has of a ehild needlessly sacrificed by sus)>H'lOll of tlus aort appears. been used successfully to prevent their >wglN·t. What to Do--As soon as your child diphtheria since 1 9 1 4 . Only during "If this nwssagc is driv"n home sneezes, t·oughs, or its eyes are the last three or four years , however, diphtheria will 110 longer be one of �vater)·, keep the child out of school, , have enough children been given the the preventable ,.1111808 of illness and m doo" and way from other ehil­immunizing treatment so that 8 no- death in New Jt•rse)'. The State De- then. ticeable effect might be expected in lllll'lll!t•nt of Hea lth heartily endorses Second : Ca.ll t?c doctor without the number of case< nnd deaths from the State-wide cnm��aign to bring

delay. lie wtll giVe your child the this disease. It is estimated that 1 30 . about this much-to-be-desired end " prollcr tl'eatment. 000 ehildren hnv� th\l" far been i�- D. c. BOWEN,

· � Dan•erouo Tim�-lle particular-

REAL EST &T£ TR UISFERS muniz�d or have been shown b y Din•ctor of Health, 1 �y tareful o f the rhtld ":hen recovor-lfl 1\11 means of the Schick test to be nat- State of New Jersey mg from measles. It >• a danger-urally immune to diphtheria. A hope- Trenton New Jer;ey ous time because of Uw rhild'• weak-

The following transfers of real ful sign of the reduc.tion of diphthe- l:itnle llous� · cned condition. The nfter

effects nrc estate have been recorded in the ria in this State will be foulld in 8 Tre nton, New Jersey often S<'l'ious . . Your child �ay de- � ol!'ice of the record"r of deeds i 11 the comparison of the cases und deaths "Believing "" 1 do thut the boys ve)O)J pncu monm and otlwt' dtseases. Court House at Elizabeth : from diphtheria for the years 1924, and girls · of Nt•w Jer•ey are its most The kulneys may also be up>el aud

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Zimmer- 1 925 and 1926 with those of earlicl' valunbl� asoet, and their health, safe- t�ay dc,velop chronic <liseascs in later man to Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Ander- years.. Reported eases nnd deaths ty und welfare of su11reme impor. hfe. 1 he <•yes and ears moy become son, premises at the corner of Sum- from diphtheria In New Jersey is as tnnce lo the State, I welcome lhe op- inllamed, somcti!ncs resulting In Joss mit avenue and Everson place, West- follows : portun ity of en,!orsing the present of sight or hearmg,

field. Av. N•'· of cnmpaign t" !lrcvent diphtheria by Protect Your . Children-Although · John S. Turn and Alice Johnson, Cases Deaths the safe, simple nnd painless proced- most 1"'0111'' behcve ntt•aslcs Is less

guardian, to Annie R. Reynolds, the Per Per urc of immunization. dangerous than scarlet fever, rec· premises in Westfield avenue, 382. 1 3 Year Year "No goVt•rrunent can d o liner work ords sl�ow n larger pro1Jortion of feet from Park street, Westfield. 1 9 1 1- 1 9 1 5 7 4 1 0 5 5 0 than t o encourage the saving of hu- de�ths 1D measles than scnl'let fever.

New Home Building Company, Im., 1 9 1 6- 1 920 5 9 1 4 503 man lives, and when these are the It 18 not necessary for your children to William Martin, premises in Drake 1 921-1 923 7201 6511 very little ones, the tots of our house- to have measles. If you hcp them I place, 206.21 feet from Scotch Plains 1 924-1926 . . . . 4 1 74 :J27 holds, then the effort becomes a ver- nway from t•hildren who hnve the di•-avenue, Westfield, This reduction is more significant itable crusade. cases or who have the first symJJtoms, ,

Roswell S. Nichols, Jr., to lllr. and when it is realized that the popula- "A great writ<�r hils snid 'the In- you Wtll save much worry and trouble Mrs. Fred L. Pomeroy, premises in timt of New Jer•eY has increased over stinct mo>t to be treasured in men is und may even. snvc your child's life. I Sylvania place, 175 feet from Law· n million (from 2 ,637,1 67 to 3,570,· the willingness to slave, to starve, If �our ehtlrl •hows nny of the renee avenue, Westfield . 1 4 1 ) between 1 9 1 0 and 1927. and even to ann ihilate oneself for tlrst slgns of measles, you should nt Arnfelth E. Bcrentsen, lots 276 and dren and you should Immediately

Norris Chevrolet Co. \ S I 429-431 NORTH AVE. S • ,

8 eS WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY emce 'Phone Connection


New Deairn - New Color - Many New Feat��n�



Chevro,et In Westfield Under New Management Mr. and Mrs. John H. Deremer to I There is reason for belief that one's children.' It is this spirit I uncc keep it awny from other chll-

277, block 1 3, Section 1, map of send for the doctor and obey his or- I 5���� A P A R T M E N T S :<��·���·���������������-�-�-�·�-�-��-�-�-�-����-�-��������-�-�-�-�·�-�-�-�-�·�-��������-�-�-�--�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-�-��-�-��� · Mr. and 1\!r.. Henry Thole to Mat'· • � -----------. .. ·---tha Frowery, lots 228 and 229, block 82, Section 1, map of property of New York Suburban Lund Company situate at Garwood-Westfield, Gar­wood. Mr. and 1\lrs. Charles Daval nnd others to Mr. and MrB. Kenneth H. Van Valkenberg, premises in Chest­nut street, 250 feet from W inyak avenue, Westfield.

Mr. nnd 1\trs. B. Marvel O'Harra to Thomas J. Griffin, premises in Dorian court, 24 3 feet from Dorian road, ond 1 tract in rear l ine of property conveyed by Ethel Irene Albertz and August H. Albertz to B. Marvel O 'Hnrra, Westfield. Renrietta M. Van Wagner and Thon>ns J. Van Wagner, her husband, to Percy W. Coombes, premises in Oak avenue, 498 feet from Pitte street, Westfield.

Ethel L. Elmen dorf and George 0.

TO LEASE 4 Rooma-Tile Batha--Showera...,.Heat-Hot Water-

. Janitor Service Fumiahed Awninga Screen•





"Westfield's Modern Apartment Building" Elmendorf, her husband, to 1\lr. and Mrs, Reuben R. Copp, premises sit-uate 103 feet from Eaglecroft road !�riillffil@j�·�=il!�lllllDi�illllllD!�:=t!ll��U<�DI�llii�M�-��:::�=::::���::::::� and Coleman place, Westfield. Louise A. Peddie and others to Theodore B. Reynolds and others, Premises in East Broad street, 100 feet from Chestnut street, Westfield.

Mr. and Mrs, Albert L. T. Schligen to Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Dayment, Premises in Columbus avenue, 200 feet from Center street, Westfield. I

Robert L. Evans to 1-il'. and Mrs. Joseph 8. Kindregan, Jr., lot 40, map of Cedar Knoll, W cstfield.

Beatrice Snlomons and others to Robert Salomons, plot 14, block 5, map of building lots situate in Onk­land, between Cranford and West­field, West field.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred L, Pomeroy to Roswell S. Nichols, Jr., premises in Sylvania 11luce, 175 feet from Law­rence nvmme, Westfield.

Mr. nnd 1\lrs. Henry Webb and oth­tro to Puul Pctching, lots 246 and 248, block 70, may of Section 1, Property of the New York Suburban La1 nd Company, situate at Garwood· l'estfield, Westfield. Mr. and Mrs, Michael V. Kerwin

to Adolph Sigfrid Johnson, lots 3 1 and 33, map of property owned by estate of A lbert Wilcox, W cstfield. G

Mr. nntl Mrs. Walter S. Edge to •org., S. Hiley premises in Ilnzel \���nue, '12G feet from First street, HstHold.

1 Mr. and MrB. George 11. Riley to . fr, uutl J\lrs. G. Everett Pierson, Premises in Ilnzol uven Je, 42G feet !rom l'itxt street, Wesltield.

F Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Eido to !<:milia ��BW(!ll , }H'l'rnises in Chestnut street, \lr 0 !c�ct from Snundcrs nvcnuc, '••tficld. <I Mr. nnd Mrs, Ji:dwurd S. I•'. Rnn· Ituipll to M t·. nn<l M.-. ,lo�eph A. .,:ld, 1Jr<.•mi�e'1 in Drndford n.venue, ·wO fet\t from .l\fountnin nvcnue, estflelol .

How expensive is Mahogany ?

" • • less than 5o< ror a wlwb table," I r :\ h' I' 1 w 1ispersL ; ' IS J t t : e cn n .

A STO:'ol l 'l l i i -.,; G -t i> : t i l i l lie can! Spread j-\_ i t ; c · H i t C I I lS O V l' l' I I >:-! COIIHllOIICS! �dud of wn11d-swtn·bnx fllll'-', k1tchen-tahlc l11::kory, nnythiug you ) ;kc. Then- right bdore Y!l lll' eyes is u marvel·

ous chan � ·. :\ l :tho!(J1ny! In the true Iones of

th..: hurd \Yond i tsel f ! Devoe l\lirmlac Varnish Stain is t h e won· dcr-wnrker, It docs two thing ot once-it

varnishes, i t stuins. ,\ nd i t suvcs you three thin!!s ut once - time, materiul, money

Before you thro w uway that old toblc or chuir-comc in uml talk to us,

THE PAINT SHOP WELCH BROS., Inc. 214 E. Broad St. Tel. We•t6eld \68


CANDIDATE for the Republican nomination

u. s . ·SENATOR • . .


An able and representative business man who stands strictly for the policies of CALVIN COOLIDGE


TUESDAY, MAY 1 5, 1 928 Polls Open 8 A. M. to 9 P. M.

(Daylight Saving Time)

Paid for by JOHN H. SCOTT, Cumpnlgn Manager !or llamlltlon I•', Kcun.

Pap Tweaty THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 19Z.8 ---�·-·-�-----------��;-:.ill be difficult to select from this

1 number, fifty of the type desired for I State Police service. I ! THE TONIC OF GARWOOD NEWS �============� : GOOD HUMOR


A sttd�eyed man once paid a visit to a great English doctor.

"M edidne will do you no good/1 dt•elarcd the doctor, after he had

Following d iscussiun on several or- given hi� patient a comple�e exam ... , dinances for street improvements in i in"lion. "What you need 18 laugh­the Borou11:h. the Co\Ondl i>llBScd on j ter. M ix with people who are good I llnal reading, ordinanr.e; authorizing 1 story tellers. Try to find the funny the work to be done. 1 •idt• of life. Go and see the great

The ordinanr"" call for ("()ncrcte I comedian, Chevalier: lie will make paving, 22 feet in width in Fourth I you laugh ti�l your s1des .ache . Then,

avenue for its whole length, and in , my �;wd fnend, you Will be a new Beech street, from Center Htreet to ! '"";iw nwlunrholy patient seemed the Westfield !me. I sadd<!· still at this advice.

. An ordinant.�l� to improvt_:a a. �or- 1 '1A lns, my case iH indeed a hope-

tlOn of Hemlock �venue was .mtro� 1� h·�tl one,' ' he said, "for I am Cheva­duced a11d was I:ud over unbl tl;o , Jier, the comedian of whom you next meeting. A request to rep:'ur , •peak."


South avenue was r�nd, but actwn i B u t the doctor, nevertheles�. had was delayel until tt ,IS seen wheth�r given his patient good advice. The f:lsie Janis, swccl-or not the County w1ll take over th1s world over knows it is true that "a !wa1·t of the A.E.F. len street this year. All were in act•.ord good laugh doeth good l ike a medi- years ago, Is st!Jl lend-however, that the street needed at- cine." Jug- ht·r smUe and intcr­e•t !or the weUare o! tention. A n eminent medical authority has llor thousands of dough-

Following the report of Rtreet said that if you pull down the cor- bov fr!,nde. She !s Commissioner Kelly, the Borough ncrs of your mouth and keep th em ah;1wn here with Catr Clerk was instructed to write the down, you will become in time as ta ln H. B. Handy, jr., Central Railroad Company advising glum as you look. If you make them "" : io11ul chairman of them of a stoppage in the culvert on stay up, you will smile internally as I he 1!128 Buddy Povpy

ita property near the crossing at Cen- well as outwardly. diRtrlbutlon by the Vet·

•ar street. The wearing away processes of •·runs or l'orelgn Wars .., h of lhe U. S. Captain An application was received from life .are. rnore potent often � an we Jlandy, adjutant gell-St. Paul's Church for a light near realize. And, ad de� to t�1"• c�me Na I In charge ot on· the church. This request was grant- the shoc

.ks of �motton-dlsappomt- t ioual ll e a d q u a rters,

ed. An apttlication to hold a dance ment, grJef,,

annety, fear, anger and Knn•a• City, Kanaaa, 0 Ma 26 for the benefit of the cou�tless minor expenen�es. All are PX1 ended ta :Miss Janis 0 • - Y . 1 taktng toll of our bodtes and our the privilege of buying strJk�n� soft coal mmers was a so

minds, We need the shock absorber of the flnt 182& Buddy jp"an e · . , . . of comedy relief. We should seek _,_,;1':;.0P�P::;:Y.:,·=--,.,.._,..,.,.,.-,_,...-=,.,========...., ..... ==..,.,:.,., An apphcat10n for a ctrcus permit laughter as we seek sunshine and tor one aftern<><>n and evening 'Was ll owers.-Thrift Magazine, read, no date being fixed.

Permit to install an oil fuel tank vnder the sidewalk at 107 Center ltreet, was granted.


John Orosky of Cedar street, com-plained that his next door neighbor J?r. �aniel Plooij, �rofessor at th& yaa building a big garage and an I U mvcrs1ty of Amste1 dam an�

.mem· Qartment house on the line of his ber of the Royal Academy of Se1ence, .�operty and wanted to know wheth- will speak I� the

, Kirkpatrick C�apel, v the Zoning law would not pre· I Rutgers Umvers1ty, at 4 :30 o clock

vent thiJ, The matter was referred 1 on Tuesday_., May 15.

to th11 Attorney, Building Inspector I · J?r. PlooJJ, �ho has come to the &nd Police Committee. Umted States m order to Participate The fire report by Chl�f Green in the tercennary celebration of the allowed 5 grass fires and 2 property Dutch Refol'llled Church, will give .a Ire• with damage about •zoo. The cour.se of lectures at �ew Y�rk Um·

· .Jection of two new members was re- verstty and other mstitutlons ot ported and this was cont\rmed learning. Ifis nddrel!ll at Rutgers

Permit was granted the Ho� Com- will be on "Dut�h Influence Up,?n the

PIIRJ' to hold a Carnival in August or Leader of t�e Pilgrim Fath:r�.

September. , Dr. PloolJ '."as the orgamzmg gen· Pnuddent Green with regard to In- JUS. of the P1lgrim Tercentenary In

ilarance rating stated that consider· Lmden and Amsterdam in J920. He .ble Improvement had been made in hn� . done ll great deal to reveal �he !ltBfVIce maina since the laat teport ot splrlt of Holland to English-sReakmg tiM· Bureau and suggested that the people, and is the author of Lelden lureau be aaked to make another In· Docume�ts �ela�lng to the Pllgrlm

IPC'Ction and rating. This was or- Fathers, whl.ch '" considered

, one

. of

d d the most slgmflcant works of 1ts kmd

Investment Securities POST & FLAGG

790 BROAD STREET NEW ARK, :N. J. Auuo l. DenNUI, Rc!s/Jmc Partntr


· ere • ever published, That G�<>od has moro sign boards It Is expected that many people in �;::::::�::::::��:;:::::::::�:::: : '\loq the hJ�hways than is good for this vicinity, as well as in New -----' the Borough JS the belief of the Coun-Brunswick, will take the opportunity ' eJl,thla �einl' demon.rtrated when a of hearing the noted Dutch scholar JH!rmiC. to a blllboard concern ca�e at the State University. ' i· up. A letter was ordered sent thts

' eoncern asking that application be Withdrawn. , Residents of Brookside Place com­i · 1,1lalned that water stands along the : l'!ladslde after rains. This was re­. ' ffrred to the street committee. ' Enrlneer Churchlll was directed to : advertise :for bids for screenings and : tarvla to be applied on macadam rond I!Qrfacea.


Fire in a house ownecl by T. K. Smith of Brooklyn, located at Engle. croft road and Coleman place caused $200 damages on Thursday night. The house was unoccupied at the time nnd painters and decorators had been at work in the building.

TOWN TOPICS The lire was diocovcred by neigh­bors, who sent in the al arm. When The Ladles' Aid Society of the the fire department arrived they

Garwood Presbyterian Church held found thltt the blnze was chiefly con­: • meeting on Wednesday afternoon tined to the fireplace and had spread In the church. to a pile of pnper and point car.. in

The Men's Club of St. Michael's the middle or the room . The blaze Church met on Wednesday evening was quickly extinguished with the aid 1 fn the church hall. of chemicals b efore much damage

The Girl's Friendly Society of St. wos done. llark's Church will hold a donee on Matty of tho firemen were attend, I Kay 26. ing the "Evelyn 'Miller Kidd\1> R�· Clasa 8-B of the Junior High School vue" in the Roosevelt auditorium and

bad the best attendance record for when the alarm was sent out they the month of April, quietly withdrew nnd the mnjo�ity of

Mr. and 1\frs. Walter Boehlmer of the audience did not realize that there 1\forrisvllle, Pn., spent tho week-end Wlls a fire. "'lth Mrs. Boehlmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Brewer, of Spruce THISTLE LODGE HOLDS avenue, REGULAR MEETING •

Joseph Bruun of Baltimore, Md., foTmerly of Spruce nvenuo, visited One hundred members attended the Qarwood over the week-end. I P11st Chief Daughters

. night, held by

Thistle Lodge, Daughters of Scotia POSITIONS OPEN in Arcanum Jlull on Thursday night.

WITH STATE POUCE Lnrge delegations fro� Balmorcl Lodge of Kearney, White Heather

As a first step toward increasing the Department of State Police in eonformlty with tlte law ,nn exnminn­Uon of applicants will be held nt the State House, Trenton, on Mny 14 nnd 1.5, It was announced by Colonel Schwarzkopf lnst Snturdny.

Lodge of Elizabeth and Craighlea Lodge of Plainfield were also present. Three candidutcs were initi11ted, the work being done by tho degree tenm of White Heather Lodge,

Fo1Iowing the business meeting a soda! hour wns held. The meeting was directed by Chic! Daughter, MrR. Suruh Cumpbell. Fifty of the applicunts passing this I!XIlmlnntlon will be nppointed to the

training school un Juno 16 to under- RAHWAY MAN HEADS fi'O a three months course of training. COUNTY TAX BOARD The lnw increasing the department authorlzna a totnl pcrsomlt'l of 280 Francis V. Dobbins of Rahway wns and under the Jll'esent sysb>m of """ clcl'lctl president of the Un ion Coun­lectlng and trniniug rncn for the •erv- ty Borll'd of Taxation nt n meeting leo It Is estimated that ubout three held In El lznboth , Thursday, He sue­years will be required to rcnclt the ccods Lloyd Thomtlson of Westfield new atrc!lgth. Lat•k of funlls nmy who was Jlrcsidcr.t !rt"t ycnr, axtond tho ptocc;s over n longllr PC· Jolm J. Collins of Eliznht'lh is the rllld. other member of tho Bonn!.

According" to the hl\v, nppl\eants for tho Stntn Poll,•o mu•t he dtizens Fm·met·" in \he Jcn•t. South an<! Qf the Unitod Slntc•s, )treferably res\- parts or the Cent ral Stn!<•s wl.'o nrr dents of tho Rtnlo of New Jersey be- lnlct'<'Bted in iloen•n•in�: yit!lll , by the tween tho ug<•s of twenty-ona and IIJlJlli<>ntlon of l i n11• tn the 110j] mny forty YNlrn. Appllrntluns must l>o olltt\ill li"t•!nl nntl up-to-dnt<' infnt­lllod with tho Sujtcrintendcnt of State mnlion on this snhjcct from Jo'nrm­' Pollee nnd thn applicants will bo rc· ers' llullctlu ��� 1 -!>', "Tiw Principles

��· l!Dl'Clln& to Smto Pulice nuthorltlo., ton, D. C.

B - 1 - G •

Monster Carnival

Garwood NOW OPEN

Under Auspices Of Garwood Republican Club


Many Attractions Furnished by ZARRA'S '

' . Manhattan Mid-Way Shows q�lrod to report nt tht\ Stnto Jlonso of the Umlull or !loih," published for ab 11 :00 a, m. nn Moy 14. About 21i0 free cli"ttlhullon by t.he United States I . llpp\lcatlons have been rocolved. Ac- Dt•Jmrtmonl or Agdcult1no, Washlng­

t �-----------------J

Sentiment Will Not Win

You Must VOTE


STOKES TboUMJldl of Penon• Over a Period of a Year Urged

F orJDer Governor Stoke• to Become a Candidate for United States Senator

He reaponded to your c:all aa he haa alwaya rqponded to evel'y -n of duty. If hia lifetime of splendid llei'V •

ic:e to hia atate and your atate haa won your admira. tio11 and eateem abow it by votiA�r for him



Paltl For 'by .ro•• E. Gill, Ma•••er

Protect Your Investment

in Your Model T Ford THE Ford Motor Company is making a new car, but it is stiR proud of the Model T. It wants every owner of one of these cars to run it as long as possible at a minimum of expense.

Because of this policy and because of the investment that millions of motorists have in Model T cars, the Ford Motor Company will continue to make parts until, as Henry Ford himself says, .,the last Model T is off the road."

More than eight million Model T Fords are still in active service, and many of them can be driven for two, three and five years and even longer.

So that you may get the greatest use over the longest period of time at the lowest cost, we suggest that you take your Model T Ford to the nearest Ford dealer and have him give you an estimate on the cost of any replacement parts that may be necessary.

You will find this the economical thing to do because a small expenditure may enable you to maintain or increase the value of the car and give you thousands of miles of additional service.

No matter where you live you can get these Ford parts at the same low prices as formerly and know they are made in the same way and of the same materials as those from which your car was originally assembled.

Labor cost is reasonable and a standard rate is charged for each operation so that you may know in advance exactly how much the complete job will cost.


Detroit, Michigan

""--=--=-========-""-==-""-""-""-,..-=-=--=-==-==-==:e-=--=-=--=-=-""-===""-"'-"'-====="'-"""""'""··-,.,.. __ ...,�,.._,. -=-

We must insist that all advert ising copy be in The Leader office not later than Tues· day Noon of each week.


12 N. J. C. COMPLETES be beautifully garnished and attrac- � alterations and .additio. rs t.o the serv­

ANNJVERSARY PLANS t!vely arranged on the table. icr department han• already been ___ . Tht.> r<'freshmt:>nts \\-ldch are much made by Mr. Norris.

Nut to the wo�ds of transatlantic I What is beli�ve.d to be one of the , lr the nature of after':on te� should The latest models in Chevrolets

now a days lD every yo�ngste�s 1 most PI<turesque exhibiti f • 1 be_ "'"'Pl�. In selectmg d1she .' for have Lt•,•n put on the floor mduding ' ·•e those .that the cJTcus IS . ed drill ard folk d· . ons 0 mass- th1s fc>rm of hospitality the illWll- the twwcst addition to the line the - d b b ancmg <·ver h<·ld ,. . f .

' b . l •r • Galla posters sprea on are y a , ... �.mH.·n·8 col lege - th

l! . e�h.:ncc {) trymg to use a knife ca r1u et. he agency is nvw uper� bii]boardo announce that States Will be aiv n t m e mted , whrle balancing a plat� on one's lap uting und�r the na>ne of the Norris

. -ld i � e omorruw aftt.>.t t ' l . "} • · big thr�c::_ rtng WI an- : noon� wh{ln one thou�and studt•nt.;.

1 " ; l:r \�- u c standmg should be t•onsider- C wvrult•t Co.

will exh1bzt two perf or- i th.,. New Jersey Col!eg� for W n ' ' f ed, and only •uch foo�< offered a.; car. ------

here on May 12. The young i Will partidpate in a S k l d men he <•atcn wrth a f•,rk ' '}won. "Go-G<'tt<•rs"-Le"der Cent-d·Words.

h ld 1 • O V (;)tllunst r.ll- - p

old and t e � young. · : h�n at.

the _collt•ge athldk fidd in Tht•re should be of rou_rse. a maid _____ _,.,...,_,., __ ,__.,.._.,.. =,._-::_:-,_,-__ :::_,.,_�-=-=···= Bro�. c1rcus this season has · New Bt un�w1tk. or lwlpt>r to n•move soiled plutcs.,


twice its. former The Sokol, which will be in•n i . '-.'ups .and E:ih�er and to rt•pleni�h tht·

now carnes three rmgs and enn neetion with the tenth a.n:fversur'� 1 sup ph£� . . If 1ces are served, they are

elevated stage and many of the founding of the «.•lh· " i < .l 1 bruu!'ht m_ aftN the guest ' have had non•l fe

.atu�e3 h�ve been 1 <•harge uf MiR'::I Zdit"luva Prot'�a�k;IV�n \ tulle to e�J.�\)' t hP- first co

_urse. The Dowm.e

.czrcu� ts :>ne of , a native Cze<'ho-Sfovakian anrl i

u, j A dt• l H·Ious but eas1ly �repa.red

shows that still m•nntam that structor in physieal ,, 1 . t' T�l- men_u could be as follows : Chwken in


IT-was right and therefor give first half of the pr r' ""1 '-rt' . " A"P'" Salad wtih lle"l J<'oods Mayon-of mov(>mc r t 14 in di

1;fe;e�t �� (·on;'l�t 'lai!"t', Ht�t Clnv�r Leaf Rolls with

the intt�rpret�tion f d 'lf empo nnd N.ut•na, l·..,anlling's Bl'<'Ud ard Butter

street parade daily. As the noon approaches on circus day. Then will be the usual free ex­

the show grounds at one doors of the afternoon .n:orrn•an<'e will open at one ,thirty

evening performance at

Matsui, the second of the student• who are racing the world in opposite direc­will arrive in New York on Fri­on the Aquatnnia. Aft­on Mayor Walker and the

and meeting a rep­of the Associated Press, I will be hurried by auto­Hadley Airport, whero he

a National Air Transport continuing his journey West Coast over the air mail

On Sunday he will sail on the "President Cleveland" for

Matsui nnd his competitor, Arakai, were the successful out of three hundred liP­anxious to enter thls race being •Ponsored by the Tokio

Jiji Shimpo. The purpose as announced is "to show ttexter•�uslv men can take full

advanced means of •'"P0:rtat,inn of 1928 in niaking a of the world." . The winner receive �.ooo ymr ($1 .600) and lecond 2,000 yen $ 1.000) and '

contestant is supplied with am­for traveling expenses. Both

attempting to lower the made in 1926 by Lin­

who circled the globe in 26 14 hours, using all modern of transportation. Wells' trip, was carefully planned and by a preliminary trip hav·

on which all nece3sary wns gathered. Matsui

"'" tnnking the trip ns travelers and the conditions they usc only those means of ' •""PQ:rtnt;nn which are available to traveler, The air mail

selected to carry them . N"rth American continel:t, 1 l�e faste•t transportation i nvarlahle in this country. I


nf t h e Doys' Squnrc Club · M. C. A. accompanied by Seeret.ary A. D. Murray,

nn nb!-H.>rvntion trip to New Sntu_rdny. They visited the In tho morning, giving

liner n minute ln•pcction. they attended Roxy's

l. u 1 ert'nt Pmn- PH·kl , . 1 . · l ' Sl L' JOns; the :;econd half f C· ·h ; :-;, t t>-s m · atwy \Q}W 3, 1· ro�-Slov

_akian folk dan<·es. Sp�cial·��-••�'h

ted 1 � a Cakes and Coffee. musJc

. has been reproduced for lht� occaswn on Vic-trola and DuoMArt records, and will be broadcast from the chapel to the field by means <•f


amphfiers. Original costumes irn. Hog<'r Norris, fortn<'rly of the

ported from Czeeho-Sio\'akia will lw �.·rands Chevrolet Co. of lr\'ingt on, worn by the students.

"'" pur rhas<•d 'he Chevrolet Agency,

-the invention of Mr. Jancovhu. Sr. The tlr�l process t hrough

���1!��h <'i���l� w1�t�-5s w1:,��8hr�� W a !4 l i i Vt• n t Ptl b}' i\fr. Gtw. J anett\·lus { ho hu.s vatent� t'li o t h t•r pro<:t'Sitt>R, too). 'l'h is ma.l' h l n e I!! 11 wond1..1r .. ful J oo�t'IH'J' o( t h e h H rd� t'llt••l ,.: J· f t uud -<iUt-�l which t i�U:t l i ) < ' U t � t lH � I"UK'S n a p I f not t hnJ·nu�.:hly l'lt•unt•d lH'riodkuHy, The Sokol demonstration ;, th<• • l l- � '>caled on North avenue. Extensive �ect result of a visit la�t �umnJt•r to -------------

48 J••ro in hlloiaau1 zec!w-Siovakia by Dean Afalwl H.

Douglass who mad� the trip for th<' l • ( C. H 0 express pur�)osc of. :;tudying tht> sy::- 1 tc-m of physJcul trmn ing in thut t·OUJl� J try. , b Mrs. Douglass hu� anmm nrl·tl that I . ecause of the widespread interost. Jn the New Jersey Collt>gt� amoHg \ the women of thtl Sta tt.•, arran�('· ments have been llladf! tu admit to j the Sokol demonstration all person" I connected with civic and edut•utinnul organizations. metnlwrH nf wonH·n's clubs and local school teachers. .


I By Mutha Adam• .

The �ay of elaborate refr·p:-.hrnent:> JA happtly at an end, WllflthPJ' OJH' woman alone is . presiding as ho�tl\ss ' �o a gr�>UP of frtends or u t•ommittcp �s appomted to take charge of rat(•!'· lr;g f?� a . large number of guests. Snnphclty IS the present krl•note nntl the b�tfet tabl� offers a weicome and practtcal :-�oJutwn of eJltcrtuining a group larger than can be eomfoJ·t­ably seated in the dining room.

McColl Pri11ted Potter�� 5189


Jancovius �Son 112·120 ARLI N GTON ST . Nr!warii, N.J. /1ttche/I /Jtdl5 �P£sr AND �,,.,racsr CANI'£r L <<e•Nwo "'""""''••mer ..:...J

Second Mortgages

\laar people lind that the moneJ obtained r r • m llr•t mort. lla&e II lnsulflclent to meet theft llnllllclal re. qulrementa. TbJI< llOIIIJ.anJ ..... ur, fl'lllllaed ro prot'lde �­<IIUonal rumS. on !lee· nnd mortll(age llllCarltr. \' ou .re cordlaiiJ tn. ttPd to ronenl!.

At the four corners of the tnblc, where they can be easily l'l'nehl'd by j the guests, ar·range low stuck" of ul­tcrnate plates an d folded napkins. At one end of the coffee service should be placed, with two truye for pusslng the filled cups, sugar und crenll\. Along the sides put rows of forks und spo

_ons. The color of the centerpiece, wh1ch mny be some graceful arrange­

ment of the season's flowers or fruits, may be repeated more or less in the color scheme of the food which must

Simple and pleating lines endear this dress to the home dressmaker-it is ao easy to make and 10 channing when wom. Fashioned of chiffon with loose floating Aleevea and a double how on the aide which fonns a drape etfect.


C.ACE CO. l ltt W•at Front Str .. a

PLAINFIELD, N. J. ••••o•e•r 4:171-t278

STUDEBAKER, Tile Onal lad........,..

A New Record for stock cars under $1400

i. .'J.

.;< . •

'Ihe Dictator $ll9S to $139S .. .. .. • .a c T • a v

B:y traveling 5,000 mUes in 4,751 COU• secutive minutes, the Studebaker

Dictator bas established a record un� equaled by any stock car under $1400-

comparable to the existing world record of 5,000 miles in 4,559 minutes made by Tho Studebaker Commander last fall.

And not one, but two Dictator Road­

sters, fully equipped, each travele<! 5,000 miles in less than that number of nunutes. The run was made at the Atlantic City Speedway, Apr:il 20·23, under the super­vision of the Contett Board of the Amer·

ican Automobile Association. Before and after the run, the cars were checked by the Technical Committee and were pro­nounced strictly stock models.

CLAIM S 'Ys. FACTS Automobile advertising is full of extrav· agent claims of performance. But Stude· baker offers you definite FACTS supported by the certificate of the highest motoring

authority. Under A. A. A. supervision

The Commander h .. Dlllde a record never approached by any other car on earth (25,000 miles in lCA than 23,000 minutes). The Erakine and Tho Dictator have made records unequaled by any other stock cara at or near their pricea. The high quality of materials, the pre­

cision workmanship, the rigid inspections and the engineerina aenius in the Stude­baker Dictator are proved not only by ita ability to travel 5,000 miles in lese than 4,800 consecutive minutes, but also by tho fact that any Dictator can be driven 40 miles per hour as soon as lt leaves the' assembly line at the factory.

Backed by Studebaker's '76-year repu­tation for quality and value, The Dictator offers champion performance at a low One-Profit price.

Values in Four Price Fields Pre,ident Bight, -1985 to $2485& TI1e Commander, $1435 to $1625; The Dictator, $1 195 to $1395a The E ... kine Sis, $795 to 4'965. All priuo f. o. b. factory. .

E J JARVIS Representing • • SHOLES MOTOR CO.

609 NORTH AVE."On the Plaza " Tel. 1392,Westfield

I I J '3 . . , = -= -- PLAINFIELD'S NEW SHOE STORE --•:r: Can you afford to ha Vl! your cllildren wear cheap shoes ?

j\1others! Ill-fitting and poorly made

ahoes .are the causes of weak

arches and all kinds of foot


Your children can avoid all

these kindred foot ailments

by wearing Arch T r a i n e r Shoes-the Combination Last

Shoe with Semi-Flexible Soles

-Senaible Broad Toes-the Narrow Arch and Heel.

Our Ample Sto.:ka in AU

Sizes and in A to D Widths, insure a Perfect Fitting Shoe,

Children's, Misses' and Youth's Sizes up to 2

Widths A to D

s3.oo to s6.oo

Young Ladies' or Growinr Boys', Sizea-ZY2 to 8

Widtha A to D

s6.oo and sS.oo

1\rrq IDraiutr &qnts EDWARD W. SAUER, Inc.

249 WEST FRONT ST. Near Madi8on Avenue PLAINFJELD, N. J.


... .. , . ... � ...................................................... .a ..... ,

We Offer You





W B giv� special attention to

mortgage money loans on single and 2 family homes. On build­ings not more than 3 years old, we offer an amortization rate of

2� % semi-annually, payments

not :beginning until the end of

the third year. Thus payments

can be made on the second mort· gage before the first. Other loans made on residential

and business properties.

Existing Insurance Policies Need Not Be Cancelled.

Titles Guaranteed !Jy New Yorll 'J'tile mtd Mortgage .Co.

UNioN BoND & MoRTGAGE Co. &xecuttue e!Jices: MORRISTOW N


' P h o n 1• l • :m .. nw u :12:12: I Q \VBH'l' O H A N f J K't'H f·� l•!'r

III'lNRY S. WALDMAN ' f • futrlfl Nnwrtwll 01'7!: �Hil Nl >. lHH ,1\ I } H'l\


Page Twenty-two THE WESTFIELD LEADEJ:t, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 19Z8 ___ _

---·· --- -VE THEIR DAY and 734 male. This wru; the larg-est

�! -;;-;;;-;;;-=-=-==-·==============-=-;;���

Ring• of Many Kind• Figure at W edding•


A Wf•d,Urj:.: ri11..:. l:-;: J!HT alw1.1yro. a finger rlu.:;r. TIJI·I ' • · 11 • 1 " "rl'''' n r•· l(• bruted, llut L1�1 .'· . f'j l.i .1! \\ i ' l i l l ln;: wtwn n ,�nrt : l i n r; 1 ,::. .... ( · JTHI I IH· fliJI"· pose. At .8. LutPl"!l d , 1 . p·} J J lu� l > 1·j t ) , • groom lmd h·ft l \ •1· ri11:.:. ;d l tnll lf'_ I11Jt a re;.;uurt.:t>f\11 hrid•·:-:n.:� ; , l t ·u1 ' •l'f n lOt.·��h{' h!'idtfj<: �·�id,·ll I J J J i r. )1hdwd it l iJ. a tiUg, anci \ !w ('l'rt"J10il.\" W H \'0 cowpJeted.

At 'n fu�llfcHWIJie Wt•dd ill� iH a Lao­e.nshh·e dmrd1 wlt4•n tltt� bridt>J!I'oom lost tJ•e ring t1 \\'f•t!lling ;,;.w_•t-t tnok the


Th� McKlnh�y Pan•nt-Tcaeher A'ri­

:-:� .ciution mt•l (ill last Thursday e\'t�­n inK Tht• m�eting WUl"> <•pt'n{'d b:.· :-.. ine:: nq?· u. P.-T. A . oPng. fullowE>.d by

n·p(Jl1. � ()f th<: officer.!.< and {'Ommit.,.. tt�(':-;. The Budgt•t rommitt.ee pre­s(•nf (·d a hudgt•t fnr next year which

wa:-, acn·vt("d. The \�lay�-! and Meum; ( :omm iHt·t' r£>porh .. d that the ladies , , f the Methodi.<t Chureh had invited Lht· P.�T. A . t!J n•peat, in thtir chun·h�

t he play whieh waR .Ho suceessfuJJy gin·u Ht tht- scho<JI a few w<�cks agfJ goJd�rhnnwd mowwle frnm lds t�).'f', , and it was dccidPd to presen t this brok� out the glue;...::, handl'd tbe frnme , lht\' ut t.hP Mi·Uwdist Chunh on !\fay

to the brJdegi'UOIIl nnd t he WPdfHng I! , · went on. A �otnPWIHlf �JdfllP"'R p1·int� · �2-er puwned the ri11g the duy )l('fore the 1 The r<)l l ('al l sho\n•d the JargeH

wedrJJng, and the india rubber rJng ; n_umber (Jf parl'nt� pn.·st.·nt from the

from an umhrf'Jia Jwd to s••rve ; after · sixth gradP and the Lanner was uc� tbe knot wus tlmJ t he kimJ!y drrsc:r· ; eordingly givt·n over to th is class for

man lent him the mo11ey to rede"m t he following' month. !be golrl tok<m. It was voted to M'n d $1 2.00 to the

" ring of h•a lh<•r cut froll1 tile lll'lde- Mountain Park Institute of North groom's glove nnt�e sen'Pd us a Rnh. 1 Cul'u l i na und to muke th is same gift stJtute. It Wtls u n £·1opl!ruent and the \ mniUulJy for five years which gives baras���� lover had olltnin<•tl a ll r•PIJ8e, I the McKinley J' .. T. A. one share in hnd the minls;h"r in rmldim• ... s An d a : thl· work of this t:�chuol f,Jr the poor

Rev. Wheeler Boggeso, D. D., will be the prea<:her at tl1e nwrn ing t;erv­ic<• of next Sunday. Dr. BoggeHs has h{·t" n for many years u mis3ionary

in IndiH and no ()De is better inform­£!d thttn ht• of ('Uilditions there. The attention r,f the }Jltblic has been fo­eused upon India be(�ause of a re­cent ho()k by Katharine M9.yo, which

has been received with widely diver·

g{>nt vie\.\.'8· You will be jntt•rested in heuring Dr. Boggess at 1 1 o'clock. In the (>vening at 8 o'clock, the

Jnu;tor will give the last of the aerie3

of ••.rmono on "The Hand of God in

History.'' the special topic being: "The Hand vf God as Seen in the

Rdormation of the Sixteenth Cu•­tury .t' A c.·t.rdial invitation to aU.

On W cdrw�day evPn ing at 8 o'clock the pastor wil1 give . a stereopticon

lecture <>n "The Celebration of Eas­ter in Modern Jerusalem" illustrated

I oy 52 beautiful slid""· This is very int(•restinJ!: and instru(.'tive as it shows

how Eatst<�r i:!- observed in the land and the c ity where Jesus Jived and toiled. Do not miss it.

cab walling, . hut hall r."."�'�ll"u t.lle whites o� that distric�. 1 SUPREME COURT ring. Ue look up his pot l.t tknlfe, <.Ut Mr. Jim man explamed the ourvey I one from his �love und was duly mnr- IJl'ing made by the Board of Health , DISMISSES APPEAL rled. The sklptler or a tug was un- relative to diphtheria prevention. able to prodw·e the gotd"u elrdet at It was decided to hold the annual t11e proper llliJJJleol, though be had It teachers' Jlarty on .June 7 with the In his h and wl leo l1e stood before the usual <·ntcrtainment, cards and danc­mlniFter. llelng a \'ery lmHbful man ing. he hofl, In hfs emharrm;sm('nt, put the The following officers were u nani + ring In his rwml h nnd •wallowed ft. mously elected to serve for the com­One of his frl<'nds was dispatched to ing vear : president. Mrs. C. A. Huf. the tug, Wlllch wns lying nt a nearby •art ; first vice J>resident, Mr. S. T. wbart, to see If nny of the crew bad Hinman: s�eond vice president, Mrs. a ring to lend for the ot•cnslun ; 88 p, 11. Pierce ; treasurer, Mrs. G. s. none of them P"""""sed such no ar·tlcle

Tremaine' secretary, Mrs. H. w. :� �=��f::l ,;��1�1-;11',',;"1;;�1.:�egll�J��r���� ��


h� ; ��f�=:�onding secretary, Mrs.

and the knot wns duly t le<I.-New 'l'h k f tl ·

York •rtm 8 e spea er o te cvenrng was e '

Mr. W. V. Singer, Supervisor of the

Cullom Wouldn't Wor• in Civilized Circl••

Department of Observation and Prac­tice of the Newark State Nonnul School : his subject was "Some Moral Phases of Child Life." A splendid musical program was furnished by Mrs. Otto and her sons, Ernest nnd Eugene, with piano, violin und cello. The meeting was followed by n social hour with refreshments.

'J'h� verdit-t of "guilty" returned by a jury against H. L. Decker in poJkc c.:ourt in January was sustain­"d by th<' Supreme Court last week.

Veckcr was charged with violat­ing the Building Code nnd was ar­raigned in police court on January 23 and according to the testimony of Bui ldin g Inspector Frank Moffett, he had attempted to change a one-family house to a two-family dwelling. It was stated that the plans filed in the Building Inspector's otHce were not ('1\l"ried out.

The jury returned u verdict of "guilty" and Decker was fined $50 by Recorder Augustus C. Nash.

'!'he cnBc wn• appealed to the Su­preme Court by Decker's attorney, K A. Merrill and Town Attorney Paul Q. Ol iver conducted the prose· cution. l'he Supreme Court dismiss­ed the appeal.

NatfvP.R of t11e Gilbert lslnnds In the South seas hove tried the common ownel'llblp port of communism for many yeors. lis workings nre ll!us­tnted In the 1·ecent cn�e or a native wbo returnPd home from a prosper.. 0111 aeoson of work on t11e plantations of the Mnrshull l:l'oup, bringing Wltb him a hlcyrle. As be wheeled It otr tbe whnrt another nutlve touched It, crylnl, ••nu-oba-get>." Immediately he be<:ame half owner or the machine. The HrBt notlvt>, knowing protest was Ul{>less, bided his time. This new shareholder In the bicycle was a clever boat builder and when b" launched the nest line catamaran of �wood, out rushed his partner In bicycle ownership yelling, "Bn-nbn­cee I" lind at touch became half OWD· er In the new croft. Travelers IBY the ca&tom Ia aeldom abused.

-Let the LEADER ads. put the The LEADER-for News and Facts. sing in advc1·tising.

Formation ol l'etrol•um The geological survey soya that the

orpalc theory of the origin of pe­troleum Is most generally actoepted. Crude petroleum or parumn balM! Is be­lieved to be rornwd of •egetable de­brill and petroleum of nspbaltlc b111e Ia bellevell to be rormed or organic matter contalulng u large proportion or aolmal mntter. SnbstuntlollJ' !be .. me products ore obtained from pe­troleum of either bn•e, except asphalt, wblcb Is �btlllnetl from asphaltic pe· troleum only, and l'"''li!Un wax, whlcb Ia obtained from llnrntllnu�eous petro­leum. Parafllnnceous petroleum .-on. taloa a !urger proportion of kerosene, psolloe and other lllgh-grnvl!,)' prod­nell than asphaltic petroleum,

Plant Calorie• Ju�S's mother Is ultramodern and

the yo,,ng lnd Is onltc familiar wltb the lore ot calories.

The �oo was uccompanylng his motl:�t on a shop11lng tour to the city, As they were making prepn l'll­tlons to leu••e horne. mnther said : "Jack, don't let me forget the plimt food tOilny. Our ll(JUSe plant& are looking like splmlleshnnks."

The bus wns. rwurl ng the business section of the city. '!'he depentlable lad spied a seed store and auld : "Mother, we better ger off here. There Is o plnrc where you eon get your cnlorles fo� llle bouse pl ants." -Iodlnnnpolls News.

Supreme Sale•man•hip The trnveler In educnllooal books approad1ed n business mnn.

"So you wnnt to sell rne some books, do you ?''

"Y�s." snld the houl< traveler. "\VL'II," suld tile 1nun of buslneSB,

'1 have no words In whlrh to extll't'SB m1' <'()otelllJlt for n 1 1 1nn who hua noth .. log better to do 11 1 1 1 1 1 truvel In hOnks."

•Pftwo/' rcplf(•t] the trn',•eler, 11UJ .. low me to Hell you one or our •Uc­tlonorles. It rnn1111us fotl,IKHJ wnrds In wh,rh you C'Hn ��S'fH'Psa your eun­tel/IPL "-�lleglun J.cntler,

Made a Bad Trade '1'bc- poet l leiule'" """'" of 11Umor lllWJI have been 11 �1'1•111 ht•UU tO hltn through all hie dl"" lll'"hltmenta and Ill heulth. Arlt•r l f iOilths or parulysl• and bllndneSA. he "nl<l nne dny to a v1sl tur, reenrdR Lf!\\'ls Druwue ln "Tbur Mun ll<•lnle" :

uAh, you tln1l 1

11e nnw uttcri' stu­pid !''

.. Ill, you uwuu." the uttwr suggeRted, "No stllilitl," llw lnvnlhl lnslRied. "You see, A l (•JmHll'e W<•IIJ wus just

here, nnt1 we eXPhuJl�C'tl lchme I''

The Onu Harmed Molt Nobody n fh•r u l l t'"'er dwuts nny. body but hhuH<!IC.-Amerlcun &!BEll·


"Go-Gettera"-Lnader Ccnt-n-Worda. �-i;


rn!'fi��W�tf"S:Z����&:,:..�:C;.:;·,:,�.l;· 1 14 Elm Street

Our Specialty




Phone 288

A NNO UNCING The Opening of The

Paramount Meat Market

Cumberland St. cor. South A ve.

Wednesday, May 9th With a Complete Line of


At Prices Conaiatent of Quality,


Free Delivery to All Parte of Weatfield.


'Phone 2828

DOGS HA regietration ever recorded in West-

field . The dog• of Westfield have th eir

innings between May 1 5 and May 3 1 , when

� owners will present them wrth

new neckpiece-�;. The new licenses, which must be procured before J une J, under a Town ordinance, will be

sold on those d•ys.

Owner�; who do not seeure the necM essary hcense fur their dog will be

liable to u fine, n.ccording to the proM visium; of the ordina.nce covering this


One thousand twenty-five dogs were licensed during the present year here, of which number 291 were female

-'Phoae 401 when you have some­

thing to sell or need household help

--Our Cent-A-Word Ads. Bring Re­


Remember Mother With a New


or a CORSAG E BOUQUET Hats In Large Headsizes.





.He•brr of' ll.lle lluard or J�ctal"e•ltlp ot 'r._e Jfot•er VIlardi.

ft� Ffr•t Ckurl'b of t:ltriNt. 8efe-atl•t. Ia Bo•t._, M•u.


SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 12th, 1928 A'l' 8tll< O'CJ.<Wioi: DAYLIGII'I' !U.VI\110 TIME


DON'T FORGET MOTHER ! Send Her a Card for

Sunday, May 13th. We Have Them.




Hupmobile Sales /or first 4 montlu o/ 1928 show a tid increase of 56% over cor• respondirt� �iod in 1927.

3618 CARS 2749 CARS J 4106 . CARS


80).4 CARS 8082 CARS

�I 1927 1918 ' JANUARY 1927 19%8 PEBRUARY 1927 19%8 MARCH 1921 19ZB APRIL : Folf' Jfti.Sueees•i•e Mottth.Ail

Hup:m.oLile Reeords Broken 8082 Car• Sold in April

S.la of the new Hupmobile Century Six

and Eight again reached a new all-time high level in April with shipments of 8082 cars. , In this great influx of buy• · log orders, liupmobile recognizes a tri• bute not only to a brilliant new type of beauty, but alao to a new type of finer performance created for the Hupmobile Century Six and Eight, �� You can be assured that the Century Hupmohile you buy today embodies all the sound good· ness and brilliant, reliable performance which are the Hupmob i le tradition.

5011andard and c•mom·c</lli/>l>c<l moclds onrltre• diiJerenl wheelbases - the Sb: nl the Century, tJ.e Century EIRhl ancl the Ccntury IH El1ht.

ONTOU &._V \e' S IX &.. E I GHT .._l

. .i


Imported and

j Late Spring


Summer PlutiJt Domestic Rhododendrons a.nd A&ale.. 1-10 ft.

Evergreens and Blue Spruce - 1-30 ft.

HARDY PERENNIALS I N MANY VARIE11£s Treea and Flowerin.- Shna"--.11 aizea

A Fine Lot Of

-California Privet and Barberry Viait Our Nurse.,. and See .Our Ditplay of lilt

Beautiful FLAME AZALEA-1-S ft. dia.


Never Too Late to Plant With Our Tranaplanfe4 ..._


Tel. 1439 Fanwood


O I L H E A T I N G Bec:auae That Ia the Only Poaaible Way to C.t ,_,.

Heatinl' Results Without Work or Dirt In Yollf c.a.,

BERG GREN OIL BURNERS are Installed in



Coat of operation ia never 111ore than coal and often much le... Installation coat ia rea·

aonable and a •r-t inveatment.

Let us examine your heating

for the new home or building.

us up or write.

equipment or the P'­We can help you. Call


Dry-Cleaning & Who Does It Well?

DRY CLEANING is not merely our business but our profession.

We specialize in all the branches of the dry cleanmg industry - doing our own �11 cleaning, using our own methods, producmg work unexcelled in Quality.

We have the most up-to-date plant in this territory, and our personnel consists of men ex· perienced i n this line.

We clean thoroughly, press correctly, and

deliver promptly.

We make all efforts, spare no expense, use all known means to satisfy and please you.

We do not claim to do the impossible, but if there is anything in the dry cleaning line we can do it-and do it welt

Let us solve the dry cleaning problem for you-

Let dry e!enners with their own plant, in

your own home town, serve you-Let us assume the responsibility of takhin� care of your garments and rest assured t a

we will exercise the ubt{ost care, and treat tbeDI as you would yourself.

Call Westfield 643 or 2762 and our service

man will be at your door for we call and de-

liver. '


136 E. BROAD ST.

THE WESTFIELD LEADER, WEDNESDAY, MAY 9, 1928 ish Capital Haa FREUNGHUYSEN TAW--,�···-; ___ ._- _-_-=.::__·�-� -_-_-_· ·-�---·-----------Long Been Royal City TO BUSINESS GROUP i I f,tf nbur.:h i.- ri; . .!:l � l l y proud llf lU

' '1 . . 1•1;.\ hut H would be <liflit-ul t Senato1· Jusc·ph S. Frelinuohu'i.'b(• n i 11 n•• U.:< • • tl � I c �If r:..<ll ' I J .\ wlwn tlwt hlt:tor·y he �ng lE:• .o p�akrr ut a lundwon ll1l'l't-'flw {'U�i lt• ruck doHI1tlt!8B t'OUl· lnj!' of fi.fty local bu!jiTIPt'S nH•n ht:Id : .l n.drtl i l'"'' · ! ! ;�....: n dt'!:"lruU.h.� lWft·u�iv� l��t Thursday h: the E1m TreE' Inn. 1 t :�rion ru t J1 �' p;.lr!y ��titnns, nnd une � hl" me<:ting of the Thursday Noon 1

. rnter I I Jdlf l u w1tle Held of t�un- Club was prpsided OH"r bs Clart>tH'e , �·:�ure ;L" to w/1,r t hey �ave It Its fir�t H. Smith. pre�ident of the \V(·�tth.•1d · llll1� of �tru,\ d _\ :..;H(1d ; s:i�,mff.ring t he Board <1f R�altors. M r. Smith in- '

lntr{l ! l l1'\1 1 11L'' in what must huve �rofhWl'd Alan BrU('(' Con1in, who is : k'l.II J di ll1 lllld u1i�ty past evf'n to tlle ntN'('Btc•d in the l''relinghU\'81.:'n t'arn- l �arls.

wllo la t er Clltlstened it Dune· paign in thi.� County, wh� sPl)ke brief- ] in. ly that there were live eandidates in

Tb• o!d"st !urm of Its present name t he field ar d that he would lik; tn i Rl' t;d,\ i lw�l·lil'�h. ns it Is recof(1l'd mt roduet! the Senator by t>liminatin..,. ]

tlu� fumHhfioJJ dmrter of Holyl'ood tll e othl'r four t·a ndidute's but that h; n t1:!8. und nu t lw_ulic hi.!:ltory prior to <'OUid nut dn �o bN·au;.;e thC' St.�nator

t,at iillt e L"' !.11 J;111;;, aceording: (() a had forbiddl�n i t - Mr. Conlin n:­

rlter in l l w \\'�·Pl\ly St·u1smun. Ac· f\:'rrt'"d t o the �port:-;manlikt.• attitude rdlrt!!: to :--il llPPn nf hurht.Jtu tlH� w_ith which_ t lw Senator is conducting

u!ldlnJ!S oo d1f.' tdll in f lHJ. Niutl : CPU· his eampa1gu and regu.rdlt>�s of the tl!'f· 81wrt from the castle. rons-li- vicious attacks ihut h�\\'f' hPen muJe u!i'd (l{l!y u snHdl rillnge ; .nnd It WRs : on the Senator, Ill' suid thHt the Sen­o l tiH 1\l!l:� \\ lwu, <\n t h e df.\Hth of aior has_ concluded hi . .;: nunpaign in a alrflhl ('p,lnmnr, H hN'U IIJC the- p1n<-e : way wht('h hus won the t:stet'tn of

1 rPfUg(l t�f QuPrn Ma rgo ret thut 1 the- pPo}Jle.

Jnbur�J, enwr-�t·d fr·t�.llf nlJscurlty. 1 St:-n.ut ur Freling-huys{'ll spokP on

In SU\'f"{'<><l ing_ l't'llt nt'lt'::; lts l::'t ratP�ie 1 thp- re�ourct>l" of the greut State of sltitm arnf it:;; l'o.\"al fti';�odutions In· Ni!w .h•rsey and although une �)f t ht.• ft'&sN lis iHlpm·lanee, und Dn\"fd I smuH£�:--t st�ttcs in thr Union New Jer­teri'Pd tfl I I u o;: "lllPn htr r·go de l<�d- t sey ha:-; contributed largeh' in lllllrt\' !fi{'Sburgh," hut II wnso In 1320 t hat field�, parti<"u1ar1r thut of indu -trJ.: .

was ronmill_\. '·unslitute-d a royal No othe1· State, J\fr. Frelinghuysen rgb by a •·hnrl <'r of Hobert tl>e 1 <'Onti n u ed, Pould buust of lhe recor·d uce. · thut New Jersey has tnad(.l aJoHg- lint•s of con;-;tru d i vl' pro!-("rc·��. lit• ::-;poke

Beauty Seen · ��r th•: wealtl• th�t is ""'"'<•ntrateu , 111 out St.utP, �tattn.l{ that Nt•w Jer­

lnRuence ; sey stoud fifth '"' the list oj Hinte.< It Is wunuu•'• t.usllwss !c. be beau· i industrially, th1• cslimHIPd wealth be- I tot lle


r oll! WII I'JI homut)· h• the IO· I ing �welv� billion _dol!ats. liP spoko 1'

en and �rm!illf nf u ll tl!Uf mnk()s lffp / of Jus adJvtty wlu k• a �tall• SC'ratur orth li\'ing ; und, Jf her Inner Helt 1 nlong inclustt"ial, l\grirultuml nnd t•d­ltould belie lwr t·� t e t·lvrt �he Hils Hu�n •1 Ut•utionul lilws und Htnle<l that the

tb tJDid�!\1, H·IHh•rs tht•m Ueree Ulltl j t.•dueationaJ l'tHnm ittet• of w hie h lw rut•l and tll'in•s them to despulr. ) '""'UR a uwmher intrndw•t.•tl sonw 22 The bellnt.r of wormm Is a trPmen- i �ehool bill ."" whil'h havt• bt'lln eopietl onslr pn•n·rlnl llltiU('nce, un<l. lll;e : Ill most of the other Stutes und to­ll �JUt fon't·�. It muy f'£•r\'e b1tse or f duy New J ersey stutuls st>cond i n Nl� oble purpose>'. The mischief Is thut I u rational msults acrordint: to the Rus- � blo crent ln ll uPnt'c Is gh·en to young 1 sell Sage survey. It is estimated that olllfll at an "�" wlwn they cunnot 1 " l"''urd; of •ix humln'd u r d fifty deratond lis l'"'""r nnd grnvlty of i t housand rh i!dre11 arc now being ed-e mpon•ihl!! t y that �:ot>s with It, ! ul'ated. in tho• sehonl system of New Woman In t.:<'JJ<'rll l will u l wnys ex- � Jersey whieh is so widespread that

se as much uf hers<!lf us the taste ad<'qu af e facilitiC's are nvailablt• for 1 meo will tK'rml ! lwr to do. ThHe the proper education of e\'cry cihld in no harm iu thi�. But beware le�..,t I New Jt:-r�ey between the.• agrs of fivt•

l}U mnke �·oun•Plf u mnrtyr ln the ) and 1 n without cu�t. rred enuRe of wuruu11'8 fr·eedom, . . . i The Scnutor t�•)lUkl' on his uctivitie . .; mmooesty <'on"i'l.' In �oln� a little ' on behulf of the f>�rmer and of his yond th� CUSWIU. I f i t is CU8lomury sponsoring the )cgi.!:dution pcrtn in ing eQOSe thi'N� lndiPS tlo not expose to the <� lim inution of tuberculosis l. 1f lt Is (:nstol!Ja i'Y to expose YOJr among cattle, purific,\lion of mi1k,

boulder blutl<'s l!o not expose the the pure food law, the marketing of �II ol your huek.-l>'rom "Churucter prmh1ce und the gcncrnl development d the Conduct 11f Life," by l'ror. of the farming industry throughout 'l!llam MeDougn! !, the Stat••.

Cold Light Wb�n tho cun·t>Ht of u Hulunkort ductlon ootl Is passed tbrough o aoa tube lo a nocuurn the lube lows wllll 11 brlllhwr light, This Js

llghl Of tJre future. Elltherto It aot been pos.•lhle to (lrodnee ll�ht lhoul produdn� heat. But ro•centlv

a Improved form or the Geissler tub� been prodol'cll which has It Is lllm!4, orerrouJe this utnlculty. 'I'lw

1bt of the futurt• wilt glow throu�h ug trv,nS}Htr�nl I nlirs ot nll Sizes flllll llbtis, able to l u l;p the mosr vnri!Hl rrctlons lllld In r·un horizontally, !rally or nhllclllel�·. fot•mln� Rl<ll·s

liM, sptrnh<. tl l'ahesqu�s. ell-. The tubes nHll n t o n dll'l'use<l glow m end lo end. The en·ect Is n splen­� lulense lur.nr ll�ht.

'l'h� Scnntor amwurH·cd himself rc­sporc Riblc for th<• l icense tag legisln­tion which today bring> the Stale over twelve million dollars annually, I maki ng po .. ible the maintainnnce of splendid highways of the Stutc.

He reviewed his uctivities while n member of the United Stutes Senate, having served as u rucmber of the Mil ltar.\' Affairs Committee nnd of the Intcrstute Commerce Committee. Ht• nh�o served on the F'inntoce Com­mitl<•c of the Senate, Upon Senator Pcnro.;;e's dcuth the Senator took over the duties unci re<ponsibilities of the

Chairman of the Finance Committee. He worked hurd in aiding the budget­ing of the Government finnnccs which hn• saved mill ions of dollars for the I taxpny<•rs. He supported the ��ich· Cumming>� Act which t·estored to the rnilrnnds their property after the war·.

Du.t Fadel the Slry He referred to the United Stntee

Tbe sks Is h•slng It" blue �olor In Senntc u� the cleurin� house between me parts of !Ill' world, according to the State anol tl1c Fedcml Govern­

! Napier Slluw, un r'ngllslr meteor- nwnt und said tll!lt u mun fumiliur

olisl, due, h<' believes, to the pres- with eondition• should he sent to the ce ot cheml<·al nr moisture particles United States Senate in order that

nnlng 88 n re:--nlt uf some volcnnlc N(•W Jer�ey might maintain her posi ... ptlon. 'l'lJero• Is n marked clfect tiun nnd obtain her share of nppro­

lhe clhunw in I"'Oine areas, lle de· priatiom;, Inasmuch u!-J there nrc con ... 1fS. ID 101�. lh t• weather was un· sidernhle water way; to be deepened

1!11 C<Jtd fllll! ruin�· In many sec· and �ridged this can only he <lone by i and an o•rnJll ion or Moun t Kat- � the I• edernl Government . I t 'fVrut nccompu n fed by on nvcruge Tht• Senator tourhed u pon the mer- ! 11 Of lempcr'"i ll l'c of three-quarters chnr:t marine nnd stated that he be- l

I degree, lu !!!();; and 1004, shut· lievcd tlmt this should be developed changes oc<'ll l' l'<•d with the nppear- to the highest degree. lie advocated tt of n wh!!l'l' ·skr.-Popular Afe- adequate military and nawrl protec-

!ts Maguzlnr. tion in order thnt we may nmintain

Horticulture Important The products or Amerlcnn hortl­lore, lno!udlu;,; frulls, nuts nod gt!lbles, but t>Xclush·e of ornn­lals, hnve uu annual vnluutlon of totlmntely $�.Uti(I,()(JU,OOO. All rrults

vaJue11 ut !$iuo,tttJ(I,UUll, nuts $ao ... ,000, nnu ul l vegPtlibles, lndudlog me garuens, $1 .:!;0,000.000. The to-larm vulue nr nil n�t'II'Uiturnl Of Uw countt•:r� exee11t timber, 11 durin(! favurni•le years rcncb �OOO.lXI(J,I)(�I. 'rhus It nppeurs IIJUt' nlue nf lmrtlculturnl crops Is nt one-slxl l • nf the totnl v�tlue or f1111n erops,

our po!-;ition among other nations. He

urged legiswtion '�hich would aid

comm crciu] uvintion. Sustained up]lluusc greeted the con­

clusion of the Scnntor's remarks and it wa.< quite evident thnt those pres­ent were impressed by him.

Alun Bruc,-. f_;onlin �poke briefly of the cnnd i dt: .y of J u dge Cornelius Doremus and suoted that because of

illness the Judge could not be present. COL. DEMPSEY IS


Col. W niter A. Dempsey of W cst­

t1Plcl wwl re�elected u member of the Ne• C council of thP. New Jersey .Uef'er.ve •er ompletelu Frozen th N " Officcrt-�' Association, togPther WI 1 one Of U1e lh'e Ureut lnkcs ever other nwmbcrs ut a meeting of the ze o�e-r �'fllllplPtely, although ex- nssoclntion held on S11turtlny in Trcn-fl!tve shnllow rl1J,tions nlong the- t' tl ixtl 11n or!'! 8 ton. The mec mg wus 1e s 1 - 1 re fi'P'lllt>IHI\' covercU with Ice. · t' Jellm4:ls t i le kt• 'extcntls for mnn:r nual onP of tlw urgnnrza ton. ! �1� townr.I t l�t• In I Prior of ! lw ln l;c�. Col. J. H. Biglc�· of gljznbeth was

,. gutlon nn llH' lul\eS, n£.•cord lng to rhot�cn president of the oRsocintion ' Unheol Sln i <•s �eologlcnt SUI'I'ey, to succeed Mn!· G. Bartram Wood­ltt')Jfl{ld r,,r tJu·ee ur four months . ru!L nl:�o of Elizabeth. th WltJtPr llf'<'IHI!-Ie of tee In nnil n(_)nr f CoL ]1;tlwnrd .i\. RhuttJcworth, U.

e har·IJo,., <II l hP ,.1111" or llw Ink•••. s. A . , elt it'f ol staff of the Scvcnty­��n th�l . l'llllll llt<ls collnedln� thf'lll. ! Eighth nivi!-dnn, ntfdressetJ tl1e de]e .. n\!t'r �l ll t!IIF:ilt�•. ; gale�.

B • 1 A Hurvc.v of method.� m�cd in the 0�•• of Happine1a b • 1 lloppin•·' · tru i n ing of nppn•nlicce in lg Jn< u<· ln�d 1 ' 1' " "'"'" of m11111 '11 ' tries of the F.n•l hns been lnnugu-'J thnnl-!hH-l t 11 n t Qf'P ri!IJ inlt • l l I ruled by the (�TlJdllePrlnf.{ �xtenRion rt� e" lth!n rltlhl'l flln n �XJlf'l'il'llf'(''-1 I dopnrtnumt or Pt.•nnHylvnnin State Dt•" 0�'::;. r

.r . . ,, 11 II I JOUI. lti'HI '"'" I College. lt l• expected thnt the flUr­

&.!t\'lt�t: fttll ' I� IHH-1..('{, prtllll\1'!1� vey wm cnnl)lc • tlw coll('g'P to J� ..

I!Hd '"<Tlllee.- Grll. prove ltfl cducutronnl service to Ill· duRtriul employee<, which nt (II'eRent

A. W. AUR Bl\iNG R�:SUL'l'S I IR n•nehing nearly l O,OHO '''"l>ioyN•A,

� l.n ow ez� 6e a � vui&tJ to JIOU in oLfain• • i ng a.fiut mortgage loan

Experience y1·:.\HROI' I·:XJ•Et�IE\r 'E hpw tau.'"ht us.t l tat :t Pnrefi.I I [t naly-

�•s of the ha�Je \'a h1<•s l h t l Hl l<l<·rh·· t he gr; l l l l lllg , , j· <t mortga;�e !nan is :t het ler g1 1 irlP, hoi h fut· �·mt It !Ill fm· us, !han hastv, unsou tl<! i t l<h!;Hll'lll. l >aM·d on a ol!'s i re fo t' i H-en•a sed h t;sillPss.


The most compl<'!l' l i t h• plant. in :\••w ,f<•rsl'y, an t'"\pcrt or·ganizal ion :mol a eapital n n d smpl t t� t l r a t is u gt!ill'a l ! l t·<� of Sl a hi) j ly Il l Hi in ((•gri ly , l'l la hi<• ItS I ll•Jllat't' a \'ll hi:' ! ion Oil ,YOllr prnpPrly that is bot I t IH'l'll l':J I< ' mul fu i t·.

Come in antl iPt u s di.�<·n�� t h e :uh-:u t i H f!:<'S of obta ining- t\ f h·sl. mortgnge loan from i his {'ol l lpn u,,· - · ! bert' i.� 110 obli­gntinn.


Duo�o 11 1 1 1 .\ N K ,"!frrcl JX_J;JI"A I l K · JI./J!w .fi'I'SI'!/ 101 Jllain Strtet �Ill N. firoad St,

Hot·kensact N • • T. Eli-.L.th, N. J, Capital aud Surplus Over $5,000,000

IJNTIIfl eoN TINT I COI'YIIIIOI-fTID, P', U. T , to M . G . CO •• , ...

::X C :::::ar


NO MATTER what time of the year you buy the genuine Koppers

SEABOARD COKE you save money. But, if you buy now,

while the spring price is in effect, you will save even more money than

at any other time. If this means anything to you, we urge you to act promptly- before

the price goes up.

Thi• Ccmpany Jtand• sq•ar<ly bt· hi"d r>rry pound of tht gn1uin. Koppers SEABOARD COKS- no ,tJtter a·bo Jdi-nn it, or where it iJ JdiYe7ed.

Our authorh,rd JiJtrib111or•1 vh�r­ner located, are srltcteJ btcause of thtir high 1/anding in tht di•­tridi 'Which llfry' Jl'n'r.

SEABOARD BY-PRoDUCT CoKE Co. Jersey City New Jersey

i I

Montgomery 4120 Pho11es ;

Kearny 1041 Mitchell 6760 I G:J2,

Per Net Ton Delivered Discount for Cash-50c per net ton


Wait D O N O T -BE­

DECEIVED Wait The Only "Class A"

- C I R C U S-Coming to WESTFIELD

or vicinity this season Will Not Be Here Until

Friday, June 1 It's the one you know to be the BEST

Known to every man, woman and child in Westfield and Vicinity as the BEST

- I T ' s -

Not an overland show · but traveling by all steel

S P E C I A L T R A I N ·

AND ABOVE ALL IT'S CLEAN l �:=================================�



�· i I

'De II�W�Iest Perfo,..,,.. ewr •ltl unJer $/,000 Don't miss the experience of driving thJa remarkable new Six by Dodge Brothers! And set your hopes HIGH-for here Is the fastest and finest performer in the world •ellina: for less than a thousand dollars. With the flllitest acceleration AT ALL SPEEDS! And the most astounding power on hills You've ever ex· perienced.

1 horsepower to every 47 pounds - nn engine that in al l modcrntion Clln be c�tllcd SI<:NSA­TIONAL With thc rug­gedcst . Dotl gc chassis ever built; und Midland Steeldraulic four-wheel

• hra kt"i to control the c.•r's fla!. ll illll action.

C.Door SHon '895 Ca�Jrlo/#1 1945

t. o. b. tl«tro/1 'l'nn�'> h1 un \\'N,\ II ... f«�r tltniK• Urulb"'"' lladlo t• r tt t( r tt ln C" V f" r )' 'l'hur•drtr nhcht at H �u NJ!IO l h ru W I•!,\ If' .... N IH ' llf'd Nf'twurk,


j . . I 1.

JENNINGS MOTOR CAR COMPANY 603 W. NORTH AVE. Tel. Westfield 2542. WESTFIELD, N. J. Aloo Tt.o VIctory Slx $ 1 0411 to $ 1 1 70 and TLo Sonlor Silt $ 1 870 lo $11'70



Cape May Captain FraiJcis Holmes j privilege, to endorse your candidacy'

dropped his watch over the side of and to devote my every energy to the buat. A few m�nr1ents later, 20 l )'our nl1mi.nation.u the story runs, he hooked a four-

JEREMIADS by c. J, b. P?und fi:.;h in

. wh(_m�. body he f�und j Ptwple somctjtn(•!:! wonder if the

hl:-1 watd1, still tn:kmg. AB right, / rirgs seen at times near the s�n and go ahead and tA.!\1 your 1;tory now. 1 moon signify any dl3ngc 111 the

The moral. if any, of the Judg-e An opera manager at Paterson. Fn:ch alienation trial ut Flf.'minl(i,on jail('d for non-payment of his ali­i,,:, vr Hhuuld be: �'Don't wriit�-tele� muny is p�rmittcd to coach a chorus (Cum'rlt<:" ht .. l

H EH fnthpr·!) t'.' es WPrt' dark \-rlib ' of prisur.ers ''provided be doesn't an-puin us l1e hJt)hed itt her in l1N phone !

noy the nun-singing JltiE.o-nors too llosp!\ul cl:a!r. "llut, J i l l , coul<lu't Jf all thus fus• and !>other about ' m uch. ' ' It seems priooner� a�e tbe JOU just wunt to liv<..__fqr my suk�l" airportR <·nntinues muHi of us wlll only onc8

_protected from t..h1s klnd of

Sbe gnz.(•(j ut him with eompnssiun, �.·<,on rcf£>r to them a:s hot air!H>rh;. 11 VOC'Ul pum�hmcnt. but ber \"olee wu!:' firm. "Dud, I bnn� - - - ------autrer·pd so-] ,1us1 don't cure ; and * • • 1

PJERSON ENDORSES J'OU kuow wllut l i<wtor �'ergusnn told "Soticty Matron Loses in Suit," roe 1\'hen I tw";.<<•d l<lm to be hmwst says a hc;.<lline in tl:e Newark Eve- f . KEAN FOR SENATOR with me-tlutt ·

I eun wulk onl�· \\'lt h ning News. Next t1me she'll wear crutches-the refit of my du ys." that aft{•ruo()n fru�k. Senator Arthur N. Pierson of He rumlJied wil h Ills lwt. "You t'niou Countv is the latest well�known

know you run htnf• e\ efl' \\il-·h-'' That judge in Orange who recently Jerseyman t�> come out with B.� of� "Except w11ut J \\UIH t ilt� most " I th�t·reNI that flowers are n ot vege- ficial endorl'ltllll"nt of the cundtdacy WhPD he hnd ll'ft the ruow. gnlng tdble� also kn,J"Ws that the Oranges nf former H.(•publltan �

.,ational Corn�

Jp wiJut sfJe klle'� "as ut ter lh�!-1puJ r an .. • not frmt mitteeman Jlumilton F · Kean for t11at no longt•r toudJt>d lier hrolwn ! 11nmiration for United States Sena� IJ>frH1 t;lu� JooJ;!'d our of t he wfruJnw Candidate:; for Couneilman in ' tor. The endor �eml:'nt is in ihe form beside whid1 llle llUiSe l1tHJ wlwt•h_•d Kc&t.rr..cy hav(� 38 an is1:me the reten· of a pel'fW?al Jetter � Mr. Kean a�1d her. I<"rmu her rnom in fl1e prl rut(> tion of a football field in the com- de<:lares hun to be the best eQUip- � bospl\ul she could see tiJe htll'k of munity. Maybe it's the pol itical foot- / pcd among the candidates." The let-

a row of upurtmeut IHJU1-1es und tJH:ofr ball field. ter says : bneli: porches. 'rl1en s)l{� saw some· * • • I "I wish to add my word of endorse-thing thut mnde ln�r rntse her tll'lld A former Westfield woman Wa!-i rncnt of ynur nomination for the of-fur u better ,·\ew. grunted .u divoree because her hus- fire of U11ih•ti States Senator. For

Onto the J>�>reh "' one of the UJl&rl· band didn 't give her a Christmas pres- the J>ast twenty years we have fought ments u wan In 8 dlalr shnllur 10 h�rs ent in 1 924. Maybe he bet on John toge ther to ucferd and promote Re-had be<'ll w heele<l. 'I'he dlstant•e W. Davis. publicanism. I recall your loyalty to e.cruss. Ute hostlttoJ grounds wus too • Jlarty principles, und the courage with far to see his f<!at ures dearly, !JUt A cor�·espondent of the Newark which you fought the party's battles she Doted !bat hi� hulr wus dark and

�;vening News wants a good fisher- in tho'e discouraging days from 1910 his face evenly forrned, that they mun to be our next Governor. Why to Ul 1 6 , wherl the Democrats were brought books to him, and thut a llt·

t h St t f h ., in power, both at Trenton and at 'tie girl hung about him uuorlngly. no ave n ' "

.""'�an • or u c angc . Washington. 1 S h e watched him with dull utten· "Dill to Be Speaker Defore Bible "Your u nselfish devotion to the

tlob that afternoon, but after thut Class," sn.vs a headline. Suggested cause thnt we were both pledged to Wlt11 Interest. �'!Jc stray cuts that

walked the fence haek of tile upurt· text : "And, behold, here cometh a in those tryirg days was, I believe, ment house were of!en blown otT by chariot of men, with a couple of largely instrumental in bringing back the jnnltor who slole out of tile lJnse· horsemen. And he nnswered nnd the Republican party to its proper ment with Ills ho�<!. The young man said, Babylon i• fallen, is fallen ; and plurc in this normally Republican In the choir, 0 few duys Iuter evl· nll the gi'Uven images of her gods state.

dently dlsrovered the sl tun!lon, tor hath broken unto the ground." "i'or this reason, and because of with bits ot food cost from his tray Isaiah 21 :9. your life-long training in the field of be lured the hungry cats within rencb finance, and from the fact that I

of the Irate janitor's etrenru of angry Frank L. Sample of Teaneck wus know you to have alway.; been a care-water. interrupted while making a political ful student of public affairs. l believe

"Be bus n streak of rulschlef In nddress the other duy when a calf beyond question that you are not 111m, and bow t110t youtlgster loves was born to his prize-winning Jersey only entitled to the consideration of 111m 1 Wonder wbo lie lo?" sl10 asked cow. l'erhaps Mr. Sample's opponent your party, but as well the best equip-llei'Jelf ; and the ne�t day surprl•ed culled the stunt u lot of bull. pod among the can didates for tho her father by urging bhn to bring • • • high ofiice of United Stutes Senator. her opera-glasses. While fishing the other duy ncar I consider it nn honor, as well as n

\\'h�n alone, she used tne g\nsse• , and smiled to herself, "I just knew that btnck hend of his wns curly," •he told herself. "lie's su!l'ered, too, bllt he bas n l!ne f11ce ju,t tbe same I"

Tbe next afternoon, ns she lay W'&tchlng 111m, her glasses In her lnJl, be auddenly looked up. Iter heart quickened a bent. Ue waved his lm!ll\ -and t�he waved hers. Then she saw he W'll motioning with Ills bands-the dear and dumb olphnbet. "Bello I" he spelled, und she an· nered with her flngers. Then he sent the JOUngster tor 8· pair of glasses ;

· IDd the conversation plcl<ed up.





For the Home Beautilul !


weatlwr. These rings tlre observed only when there is u thin veil of cloud

in the sky and usually-abDut three ur four tim<!S out of five-rain or snow will occur within 24 hours. The

dip, or tipping, of the moon, contrary to popular belief, has no weather sig­njficance whai�vur ; this h simply an a . .;trvnomka1 occurren('c that can be forecast accurately hundreds of years ahead.


GLORIOUS FEELJNG!" When you place in your safe·

d�posit box a fire insurunce policy FULLY covering your bome, you will experience a rare degree of satisfaction.

And, of a windy Spring eve­ning, when someone remarks, "A terrible night for a fire!" that feeling of satisfaction will deepen into one of comfortable security.

Let us help you protect your property and your peace of mind with sound insurance of the kind best adapted to your own needs. W. J. LEE 50 Elm St., Weatfield

Re11reaent1ng Ute IN8UitA.NCii1 eOMI,ANY OF NIIR'I'H A IIIF.RWA

Ji'QUJU}ed 1'10::

N'JCX1' 8UNDA V •nd Hay 27, Jane 10. !M L£'avc Plainfield 8 :34 A. M. H.et u r n · lng leave l'hllac.h:lphla 7:00 P.M. A d d One Uour lor IJA)'IIa'llt Tl•e.

'J'khta t-' en.IJ .n •P•d•llr•in d•t• J.,. wfdr), l;.....i


LAKE MAHO�AC, N. Y. Wlthl• u·alkiRJl' •ll•tance rrom t"e MnhOJiftt! Golf (;Jlllh In ft

altadfll knuUJ �eoutl rJ.-v.ntlon, JJewf:r rtufft. a w•:te Coloar••­type Ju•u•e ultll JU!H�n room111. � nJAMCerfll Rl�Jth'Jr: J'OUmM, � Juttb•, and •en•ant• fJUArtt>r""· Th.,re ar.., t'l"'o a't�rNI of gro11nd t•h•nrt"d hut not la.ntlwcap�d.. 'l'lt.t" :.:-(tftr I(IU'-.. .,,,e IN at-aellt>tl. A I'CJIUitlrt .. , de­llath1ful !hunhtf'r bOIDt>. ('an be lJOUI(Itil -ver)· rt..:�tconably.


Weat6eld 2727



Direct Primaries.

Civil Service. Liberal Support for Public Schools and Institutions. Giving Governor Power to Remove State Officials for Cause.

Reorganization of State Departments and Finan• cing on Efficiency Basis. Municipal Home Rule. A State Water Policy,

Uniform Traffic Regula· tions and an Enforceable Auto Speed Law.


Bossism Regardless of the Party Label it Wean. Private Toil Road Grabe.

Ripper Legislation. Compulsory Annexation or Consolidation of


Money Control of Primaries and Electiou

A Political ]udiciarv. Super Government by

Selfish. or Class lnteresta.

HARRISON Exposed the Altman Toll Roads grab and was Firet to1 Demand a Special t..ep..

lative Session for its repeal. Refused to use his Influence to aid passageofCivilService Ripper Billin exchange

for Political support. .

Brought about reorganization of State Banking and Insurance Department under which State revenues have increased a quarter of a million dollars a year.

Gave New Jersey the Permanent Registration System which will save tax payers large sums of money and discourage eleCtion frauds.

ls lighting for the right of New Jersey municipalities to secure adequate and permanent water supplies.


The Man Who Fits the Job -.(Paid (or b;t ZaNAS G. CRAN•, Cam{l<l.ign Manager ....

"What Is your nome?" he naked. "Jill." she nnswercd, using the pet

Dame her ta tber go ve her. "And J001'8?"

"Joek," he replied. ''I broke my erown, you remember,.,

''Yes, J tumbled ntter,''· ehe added. It was many minute� later tllat

her nurse came In to •poll the fun, for fun It was. She giggled at bls C!Omments, ntlmlred through her aluses the play of his capable Do· lel'll, and let her eyes Unger on bls

Window Shades and Awnings ]Juy with Confidence/

fa�. . . lD the precious nftnrneona that 1ol· loWed they became a<lept at their &I· lent speech. Her fnt11er wns puzzled over the cbnnge In her. hut she kept her secret to nersfllf.

Sl1e learned more about him. "Stay. log with my sister-bless her !" be laid once. One afternoon while she looked on with a strange brenthlest�-nesa, she saw him try some crutches. and his message struck to her very IIOUI : "Got to wolk on theRe to the end o� my days-nobody now will have the nerve to nsk me to run er. rands, anyway I" Tbnt · wee!< she asked to try crutches. She lnug1led as she saw the tenl'll of llopplnesa In her fnthPr'a eyes, and she mnuc the crutches serve her.

"I'll trim you In n race the next time we meet," lu.• told her. "Pooh !" she retorted,

Tbnt night she lny awoke many hours. Did hl� crutches menn fnre-W'CII? would he go out of her l ife!

"Fnther," she sold tlu:. next day, "do something lor n1e." She told him Of Jack, "l WilDt to go to the COUO· tey place. nrtng 11lrn out If he will come. r-1 cnn't bcnr to lose him tor good.''

So It came nbout thnt ns she wnlted one gorgeous orternoou on the ter· rare or the benu!lful estate. !'lhl' II!!Ord the sound or crotrhes. and sh• turned to see hlm-

You are assured of all th... polnta when we are cnlled upon. Our e�timatiDr lel'Vio• are free to aU. .Just give us a phone ea1l tor 7011r new or old work ; 1\'0 will answer prompt)f.

AMERICAN SHADE I AWNING CO. , l•c. F. l'�N & SON, l'rops.

Telephone Plainfl.eld 7M U..U WASHINGTON A VK� PLAINFIELD, :N. J,

Re•, 261) Weot Graad St. Ellnbeth, N. J.

Tel. Emerson 9246 H. A. KJELDSEN

Painter and Decorator 225 EL MORA AVENUE

ELIZABETH, N. J. Tel. Emerson 0320

41 NORTH AVENUE CRANFORD, N. J. Tel. Cranford 1022-W

WHY BE UNHAPPY? If real happiness is not blessing your home today,

lf tnstead your rnarital Ufo lB fu11 of bitterness; whether you are silently �urrttrlng Jn nn unhappy home or contamplntlng dlvorco do not despntr-, o matter how hopeless a remedy mn.y seem to you the means to bring real and lnatlng sunshine Into your homo ngaln Is nearer at hand than you Imagine. 1\fnny nppn.ren t ty hopeless cases of odomeatlc dlscord havo been turned Into hnplJY homes thru m)· etrectlve method ot hone.at sensible mediation.

For further lntormntfon address; "IJow tall he wns I" wna her ftl'8t thought. HI• cyrs 6he knew W('ll, hut ber glosses hnrl nol told her how J. KOENIG

deep nnd tentll'r they could he, 'o;:::::::::::;:::::::::�l:::::B::R�O;A::D�S:::T::::R:E:E:T:,=E=L=l�Z=A.=Il::;E�T=H=,=N;;;;. �J::. ::::;::;;:;:::::::::::::;;:;;;! "Bello, Jill I" he l:l'eeled her. nod "- � ------� � �-�·� -·-� --bl• yoJre wns mw musiC" to her. ----------.. ---- ------

"Hello, Jnrk l" she answered. strug­&llng to lteep her voloe nhovc o whls· per.

He settled himself comfortably be· side her. "You must ho my good 00. rei. I Ul't!ePied nn otTer to mnnngo this "state. and 1 found the otfer eame from your rnther-nnd now 1 lind roo her() I"

''Are--are you gln<ll" she mnnn�ed to ask. He stnrted to &llellk, then Ills dnrk.

curly bend h('llf to hu1· hnnd, nnd on It she felt his lips ; and the kfRB sent n thrill lhruuglt every Inch of her he­log, She ln ld h<!f lips ngulnet a <·uri ou the r1n rk lu•nd hpelrle her. Lire nt lost wna sweet. nnd the future wllh· oul abnrlnw. ''Gc-Gctters"-Leadcr Cent-a-Words.

Pelnloaa Extractioa

b:r tLo "AIR" Mothod




Our Dentistry is G OOD.

Our Dentistry is Pninless.

Our PricP.s at·e MODERATE

and within reach of the ordin-ary wage onrne:r.


9 A.M ... & P. M. Mon., Wed, and F•l. tlll 8 P. M ..

During the last ninety days more new Chev• rolet cars were delivered in this community

. than in anv simllar period in Chevrolet history -and most of these new car sales involved the trade-in of the purchaser's previous car. As a result, we have at this time a wide selection of used. cars that have been thoroughly recon .. ditioned-and which may be identified by the Red "0. K. that counts'' tag. !Come in and make your selection while our used car· stocks ·are complete.

A few of our exceptional Used Car values

"with an OK that · counts " CHEVROLET '24 ROADSTER Elxceptiont\1 condition ; over-size tires · nil g d A buy at $90.00. • 00 •

WITH AN 0. K. THAT COUNTS Norris Chevrolet Co., · Inc.

429-431 NORTH AVE. 'Phone Conn. WESTFIELD, N. J, Dependability, Satisfaction and Honest Value