1908-06-03.pdf - The City Record

THE CITY.REcORD. VOL. XXXVI. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1908. NUMBER 10665. THE CITY RECORD. I OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the BOARD OF CITY RECORD. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. FRANCIS K. PENDLETON, CORPORATION COONSEL. HERMAN A. METZ, COMPTROLLaa. May 23, Igo8. DEAR SIR-At a meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, held May 15th, 1908, the Comptroller was authorized to issue Corporate Stock, to the amount of $204,825.18 which was approved by the Mayor ............... ..... . . r90 . I beg to advise you that in accordance with the above authorization, all account has been established upon our records from which all vouchers properly chargeable against this authorization should be drawn, entitled Rapid Transit Construction Fund-Man- hattan-Bronx (Sub-Title 7). (3) The Secretary presented the following communication from the Secretary of the Sinking Fund Commissioners, which was ordered filed PATRICK J. TRACY. Sureavisoa. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; Official Canvass of Votes. to cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Department supplements, to cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section. Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. TABLE OF CONTENTS. -sors, Ituard of- .\ss Notice to Cantracturs ................. 64. 32 Public Notices .................... 6420 I ) (Tic ial Iio'ollgh 1'al,crs............... (Nficial I)ircctln ...................... 6420 ((4L7 Board \lccliut;s ....................... 6420 ltrid);cs, Department of- ( 42 4 IIIticiel I'al,cr. ........................ I'ark<, Department (if- 6429 Proposals ........................ lil0ukIVt(, Borough of- I'rul,osals ........................ 642o l'ropusals ........................ ( 422 t&eiort for the Quarter Ending Public Notice ..................... 6422 \la,cl, .3I, IO 5, Borough of The ('Mange of Grade l)ainage Commission- Dn,ux ....................... 6412 I'111,I le Notice ..................... (420 I', ,IIi,• I)l'I,:l (l Ill Clll-- ('l1ai' t s in l)epartrncnts, etc........... FFund- 6416 1 )ll nrrs \\'anted for Lost t'roucrty. It (orts of Sanitary Company (Boiler (,42u ('utt(nli"iuncrs of Common lands l'rnl,nsals ........................ 6420 Squa(l) for May 22 and 23, Correction, Department of- Iu05 ......................... 6.189 Auction Sale ...................... 6421 Public c'harttien, I)clpaitmcrrt of- 1 'roPosals ........................ 6421 l'n,i ,s,'its ........................ 6422 I)ocks and Fcrries, Ilc(artutent of- Li( (rct for the N'cek I:nding May Proceedings of February 28, 29 curd 23. t 908 ...................... 6414 \larch 2, 191(8 ................ 0.{15 Public Ilcarings Proposals ........................ 6420 Itt' the \t:w „r..................... 6416 Ifdticatiun. I)opeu- tmcnt of- 1,y ('uvunittee 1111 ..ales :utd I.CKis- l'roposals ... ............... .. 64-1 lati,~n. lioard of .\Idcrnuu..... 6416 I•.stim:LLc and .\Ilportiunnleut, Itoard of--- I'ublir Scr •icc Commission fur the First Vlinutcs of Meetings of :slay 1.1 and l)islriet- 22 (I'uhlic Improvement .Aaction Sale of Buildings and .Ap- 2latters) ..................... (390 lIt(rtcll{illcCs Thereto .11 (it' Public Notices .................... 6425 Real I...clate................... 6429 Finance, 1lcllarttncnt of- C;dcnllar of Ilcariogs .............. 6 .185 Interest ((II Itonlls and Stuck of The I'iocecdiii, of May :9, 1908....... 6.38,5 City of New York............ 6424 Sur,•t (leaning. Department (1f Notice of .\sscssmcnts for I)peniuft .\.hen, rte.. for I illita; in Land+... 6429 Strccls and Parks............ 6424 1'rep„sal. ........................ 6429 Notices to I'rol,erty ( )n'ne........... (024 . bI'remr• rii h-t, First I Iepartriic•f1l. Sureties ke0uIre1I 1111 \ griuus Classes .\cquiriuq 'l'itlr to LaullS, etc....... 6429 If (J0tiaCts .................. (,425 SoPicme ('curt. Sc-cool I)rpartmcnt- - . lire I)eParUnent- .\ClIfliritg lltle In Lan,ls. etc, ...... 6430 Sale ............. ..... . .Aaction ('1_. 6o (Ill •Hc ('hurt, both iii.licial Ihstrict__ (;rnera) (lido Relative to Itcqulne- .\elieirnlg Title to 1.0nd5, etc....... 6431 (Cents for I lose ............... (0211 Notices „f .\tgpllcaitillns for the .\p- 1'rupusaln ........................ (42o pointrttent of ('onhmussioners of (Iunicipal Civil service ('1rnHlswlm .\nl'rtiti:J .................... 6431 Poblic Notices ................. (,423 \\'aler Sui't'Iv, I;ac 111111 Electricity. Ile- Nortual College of The City of Ncic i.aiUnelit of- York-- Notice to Taxpayers ............... 6439 Public Notice ..................... 6420 Proposals ........................ 6429 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT, No. 154 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK CITY. CALENDAR OF HEARINGS. The following hearings will be held during the remainder of the week beginning Monday, June I, 1908: Wednesday, June 3-2:30 P. M.-Room 305.-Order No. 459.-1 NTERBO ROu0H RAPID TRANStr Co.-"Escalators at 155th Street and Eighth Avenue."-Com- missioner Eustis. 1 hursday, June 4--2:30 P. M.--Room 310.-Order NO, 209.-NEW YORK CENTRAL & ii (0805 Rr-E RAILROAD Co.-''Overhead' High 'pension System."- John 11. O'Brien, Conunissioner.-Commissioner Eustis. 2 . 30 P. M• .-Room 305.-Order No. 205.-r\ll electric light and power conffpTMies.--"General investigation of rates and contracts."-Commis- sinner '.'hl:tltbie. Friday, June 5-2 P. M.-Chairman Willcox's Room.-Orders Nos. 501 and 502.- M.\NnATrAN W%ILWAY Co.-"Application for permission to issue botl(Is."-Chairman 1•Villcox. Regular meetings of the whole Commission are held on Tuesday and Friday of each week in Room 310, at II :3o o'clock. PROCEEDINGS OF THE PUBLIC SERVICE CO)M- MISSION FOR THE FIRST DISTRICT. FRIDAY, MAN' 29, 1908, TRIBUNE BUII.niN(i, 154 NASSAU STREET, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY of Nr.%v YORK. Present-Chairman William R. Willcox, Commissioners Edward U. Bassett, Milo R. Maltbie. (I) On motion, the record of the proceedings of the Commission for May 22, 1908, as printed in the CITY RECORI1 for May 28, 1908, was approved. (2) The Secretary presented the following notice of issue of corporate stock from N. Taylor Phillips, Deputy Comptroller, Department of Finance, which was ordered filed: DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-"CITY OF NEW YORK. May 25, 1908. J Public Service Commission, 154 Nassau Street, City (:ENTLMEN-If there are any matters you desire the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund to pass on before the summer vacation sets in, it will be necessary for you to make application at once, so that they can be looked into and reported on before the last meeting. Otherwise they will have to go over until Fall. Very truly yours, (Signed) N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, Secretary, Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. (4) 10 77 7- he Secretary presented a communication, dated May 29, 1908, from the Counsel to the Commission, transmitting two proposed forms of resolutions in regard to secur- ing the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for the sale of buildings on land acquired or to be acquired. The following resolution was thereupon moved and drily seconded: 1W hereas, The Public Service Commission for the First District, having deemed it to be necessary and proper that The City of New York should acquire certain par- eels of property situated in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, required for the construction, maintenance and operation of a part of the Brooklyn Loop Lines of the Rapid Transit Railroad to be constructed in part be the Degnon Contracting Company, in pursuance of a contract hearing (late the 9th day of May, 1907, made between it and The City of New York, acting by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Conmmissioners, and in part by the Cranford Company, in pursuance of a contract bearing date May 27, 1g07. made between it and The City of New York, acting by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners, and in part by the Bradley Con- tracting Company, in pursuance of a contract known • s o-0-4, bearing date the 27th day of Jttne, 1907, made between it and The City of New York, acting by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners, and in part by the Bradley Contracting Company, in pursuance of a contract known as 9-o-I, bearing (late June 27, 1907, made between it and The City of New York, acting by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners, which said parcels of property consist of cer- tain lots known as Lot No. 17, Nos. 133, 135, and 137 Centre Street and I12 and I14 White Street; Lot No. 14, Yes. 139, 141 and 143 Centre Street; Lot No. ir, Nos. 145, 147 and 1..9 Centre Street and No, s. io , 107 and too W'4'alker Street: Lot Nos. 26, 27 and 9, Nos. 1;1, I5,3 and 155 Centre Street, \os. io6 and io8 Walker Street and No. 240 Canal Street; Lot No. 6, corner of Centre and LaN-ayette Streets; Lot No. I, \o. 166 Centre Street; Lot No. 19, Nos. i;7, 159, r6[ and 163 Centre Street and No. 239 Canal Street; Lot No. 16, Nos. 193, 195 and 197 Centre Street; Lot No. 14, Nos. 191 and 201 Centre Street and No. 1 Howard Street; Lot No. 9, No. 156 Elizabeth Street; Lot No. 8, No. t;4 Elizabeth Street; Lot No. 3r, Nos. 170 and 1700-; Bowen'; Lot No. 32, No. 168 Bowery: Lot No. 29, No. 174 Bowery; Lot \o. 28, No. 176 Bowery: Lot No. it, No. 162 Elizabeth Street; Lot No. 12, No. 164 Elizabeth Street ; Lot No. 4. Nos. 7, 9 and 1 t Cleveland Place ; Lot No. I, Nos. 3 and 5 Cleve- land Place; Lot No. 43, Nos. t Cleveland Place and 404 Broome Street; Lot No. 42, No. 402 Broome Street; Lot No. 41, Nn. 400 Broonte Street; Lot No. 40, No. 398 Broome Street; Lot No. 39, No. ,396 Broome Street: Lot No. 3, No. 18; Mulberry Street; Lot Nos. ,;I and .;2, Nos. 1.87 and t89 'Mulberr Street; and a certain Plot X, situate on the south side of Delancev Street l?xlen;ion between Cleveland Place and Mulberry Street. And the Conunissiurs having acquired certain of aid parcels of property or ease- nlents- therein at private sale and having. for the purpose of acquiring said other parcels of property, duly made map; or plans and memoranda :.pecifvinf and defining said parcels of property so to be acquired and having duly certified, tiled and trans- mitted the several copies of lht• said maps or plans and having duly directed the Corporation Counsel to take legal prncee(lings to acquire said parcels of property, or certain easements therein, for The Cit of New York, which said easements include the right to tear down the buildings erected thereon or certain parts thereof, and the said Corporation Counsel having thereupon duly taken legal proceedings to acquire said "parcels of property' on said casements therein which said proceedings are now pending; and W'Vhereas, Certain of said property so acquired, or to be acquired as aforesaid, is or will be unnecessary for Rapid Transit purpo,es. to wit, the buildings erected on said parcels of pr( , perty, or certain parts of said buildings, which, in order to con- strttct said Brooklyn Loop 1.11105, must he torn down and the materials thereof removed and for that purpose the Commission desires to sell said buildings, or certain parts thereof, as soorl as all of sa'd parcels of property on which the same are erected shall he acquired, on con(liti.m that the sane• he torn down and the materials thereof removed ; and Whereas, On the 2Cith day of Fay, 1(08. the Commission received front the Conn missioners of the Sinking Fund of The Citt' of New York the following communica- tion, to wit "DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-CITY OF NEW YORK. May 25, 1908. Public Service Commmission, t;4 Nassqu Street. City: GENT1.F.MF.N-If there are any natters you desire the Commissioners of the Sink- ing 1ttn(i to pass on before the summer vacation sets in, it will be necessary for you to make application at once, so that they can he looked into and reported on before the last meeting. Otherwise they will have to go over until Fall. Very truly yours. (Signed) N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS, Secretary, Commissioners of the Sinking Fund." and Whereas, The proposed sale of said buildings, or certain parts thereof, erected on said parcels of property is to he made subject to the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of The City of New York, as required by law, and said parcels of property cannot b acquired and the sale of the buildings or parts thereof erected thereon cannot be had and the request for said approval be made in time to be acted oil by said Commissioners of the Sinking Fund at their last meeting before the sum- mer vacation; and Whereas, To prevent great delay in the completion of the said Brooklyn Loop Lines of the Rapid Transit Railroad it is necessary to have said buildings, or certain parts thereof, sold and torn down as speedily as possible; now, therefore, it is Resolved, That the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of The City of New York for the sale of said buildings, or certain parts thereof, be and the same hefeby is requested, in advance of the sale thereof, on condition that said build- ings be sold at public auction, after public advertisement for a period of fifteen days in the CITY RECORD, the proceeds thereof to be paid to the Comptroller of The City of New York, to be applied as provided by law. Ayes-Commissioners Wilcox, Bassett, Malthie. Nays-None. Carried. , ~.

Transcript of 1908-06-03.pdf - The City Record




Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the



May 23, Igo8. DEAR SIR-At a meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, held May

15th, 1908, the Comptroller was authorized to issue Corporate Stock, to the amount of $204,825.18 which was approved by the Mayor ............... ..... . . r90 .

I beg to advise you that in accordance with the above authorization, all account has been established upon our records from which all vouchers properly chargeable against this authorization should be drawn, entitled Rapid Transit Construction Fund-Man-hattan-Bronx (Sub-Title 7).

(3) The Secretary presented the following communication from the Secretary of the

Sinking Fund Commissioners, which was ordered filed

PATRICK J. TRACY. Sureavisoa.

Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents;

Official Canvass of Votes. to cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance Department supplements, to cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each section.

Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City.

Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City.


-sors, Ituard of- .\ss Notice to Cantracturs ................. 64.32

Public Notices .................... 6420 I ) (Tic ial Iio'ollgh 1'al,crs............... (Nficial I)ircctln ......................

6420 ((4L7 Board \lccliut;s ....................... 6420

ltrid);cs, Department of- ( 424

IIIticiel I'al,cr. ........................ I'ark<, Department (if-


Proposals ........................ lil0ukIVt(, Borough of- I'rul,osals ........................ 642o

l'ropusals ........................ (422 t&eiort for the Quarter Ending

Public Notice ..................... 6422 \la,cl, .3I, IO 5, Borough of The ('Mange of Grade l)ainage Commission- Dn,ux ....................... 6412

I'111,I le

Notice ..................... (420 I', ,IIi,• I)l'I,:l (l Ill Clll--

('l1ai' t s in l)epartrncnts, etc........... FFund-

6416 1 )ll nrrs \\'anted for Lost t'roucrty. It (orts of Sanitary Company (Boiler

(,42u ('utt(nli"iuncrs of Common lands

l'rnl,nsals ........................ 6420 Squa(l) for May 22 and 23,

Correction, Department of- Iu05 ......................... 6.189 Auction Sale ...................... 6421 Public c'harttien, I)clpaitmcrrt of- 1'roPosals ........................ 6421 l'n,i ,s,'its ........................ 6422

I)ocks and Fcrries, Ilc(artutent of- Li( (rct for the N'cek I:nding May Proceedings of February 28, 29 curd 23. t 908 ...................... 6414

\larch 2, 191(8 ................ 0.{15 Public Ilcarings Proposals ........................ 6420 Itt' the \t:w „r..................... 6416

Ifdticatiun. I)opeu-tmcnt of- 1,y ('uvunittee 1111 ..ales :utd I.CKis- l'roposals ... ............... .. 64-1 lati,~n. lioard of .\Idcrnuu..... 6416

I•.stim:LLc and .\Ilportiunnleut, Itoard of--- I'ublir Scr •icc Commission fur the First Vlinutcs of Meetings of :slay 1.1 and l)islriet-

22 (I'uhlic Improvement .Aaction Sale of Buildings and .Ap- 2latters) ..................... (390 lIt(rtcll{illcCs Thereto .11 (it'

Public Notices .................... 6425 Real I...clate................... 6429 Finance, 1lcllarttncnt of- C;dcnllar of Ilcariogs .............. 6.185

Interest ((II Itonlls and Stuck of The I'iocecdiii, of May :9, 1908....... 6.38,5 City of New York............ 6424 Sur,•t (leaning. Department (1f

Notice of .\sscssmcnts for I)peniuft .\.hen, rte.. for I illita; in Land+... 6429 Strccls and Parks............ 6424 1'rep„sal. ........................ 6429

Notices to I'rol,erty ( )n'ne........... (024 . bI'remr• riih-t, First I Iepartriic•f1l. Sureties ke0uIre1I 1111 \ • griuus Classes .\cquiriuq 'l'itlr to LaullS, etc....... 6429

If (J0tiaCts .................. (,425 SoPicme ('curt. Sc-cool I)rpartmcnt- - . lire I)eParUnent- .\ClIfliritg lltle In Lan,ls. etc, ...... 6430

Sale ............. ..... . .Aaction ('1_. 6o (Ill •Hc ('hurt, both iii.licial Ihstrict__ (;rnera) (lido Relative to Itcqulne- .\elieirnlg Title to 1.0nd5, etc....... 6431

(Cents for I lose ............... (0211 Notices „f .\tgpllcaitillns for the .\p- 1'rupusaln ........................ (42o pointrttent of ('onhmussioners of

(Iunicipal Civil service ('1rnHlswlm .\nl'rtiti:J .................... 6431 Poblic Notices ................. (,423 \\'aler Sui't'Iv, I;ac 111111 Electricity. Ile-

Nortual College of The City of Ncic i.aiUnelit of- York-- Notice to Taxpayers ............... 6439

Public Notice ..................... 6420 Proposals ........................ 6429




The following hearings will be held during the remainder of the week beginning Monday, June I, 1908: Wednesday, June 3-2:30 P. M.-Room 305.-Order No. 459.-1 NTERBO ROu0H RAPID

TRANStr Co.-"Escalators at 155th Street and Eighth Avenue."-Com-missioner Eustis.

1 hursday, June 4--2:30 P. M.--Room 310.-Order NO, 209.-NEW YORK CENTRAL & ii (0805 Rr-E RAILROAD Co.-''Overhead' High 'pension System."-John 11. O'Brien, Conunissioner.-Commissioner Eustis.

2 .30 P. M• .-Room 305.-Order No. 205.-r\ll electric light and power conffpTMies.--"General investigation of rates and contracts."-Commis-sinner '.'hl:tltbie.

Friday, June 5-2 P. M.-Chairman Willcox's Room.-Orders Nos. 501 and 502.-M.\NnATrAN W%ILWAY Co.-"Application for permission to issue botl(Is."-Chairman 1•Villcox.

Regular meetings of the whole Commission are held on Tuesday and Friday of each week in Room 310, at II :3o o'clock.


FRIDAY, MAN' 29, 1908,



Present-Chairman William R. Willcox, Commissioners Edward U. Bassett, Milo R. Maltbie.


On motion, the record of the proceedings of the Commission for May 22, 1908, as printed in the CITY RECORI1 for May 28, 1908, was approved.


The Secretary presented the following notice of issue of corporate stock from N. Taylor Phillips, Deputy Comptroller, Department of Finance, which was ordered filed:


Public Service Commission, 154 Nassau Street, City (:ENTLMEN-If there are any matters you desire the Commissioners of the Sinking

Fund to pass on before the summer vacation sets in, it will be necessary for you to make application at once, so that they can be looked into and reported on before the last meeting. Otherwise they will have to go over until Fall.

Very truly yours, (Signed) N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS,

Secretary, Commissioners of the Sinking Fund.

(4) 1077 7-he Secretary presented a communication, dated May 29, 1908, from the Counsel

to the Commission, transmitting two proposed forms of resolutions in regard to secur-ing the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund for the sale of buildings on land acquired or to be acquired. The following resolution was thereupon moved and drily seconded:

1W hereas, The Public Service Commission for the First District, having deemed it to be necessary and proper that The City of New York should acquire certain par-eels of property situated in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, required for the construction, maintenance and operation of a part of the Brooklyn Loop Lines of the Rapid Transit Railroad to be constructed in part be the Degnon Contracting Company, in pursuance of a contract hearing (late the 9th day of May, 1907, made between it and The City of New York, acting by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Conmmissioners, and in part by the Cranford Company, in pursuance of a contract bearing date May 27, 1g07. made between it and The City of New York, acting by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners, and in part by the Bradley Con-tracting Company, in pursuance of a contract known • s o-0-4, bearing date the 27th day of Jttne, 1907, made between it and The City of New York, acting by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners, and in part by the Bradley Contracting Company, in pursuance of a contract known as 9-o-I, bearing (late June 27, 1907, made between it and The City of New York, acting by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Commissioners, which said parcels of property consist of cer-tain lots known as Lot No. 17, Nos. 133, 135, and 137 Centre Street and I12 and I14 White Street; Lot No. 14, Yes. 139, 141 and 143 Centre Street; Lot No. ir, Nos. 145, 147 and 1..9 Centre Street and No,s. io , 107 and too W'4'alker Street: Lot Nos. 26, 27 and 9, Nos. 1;1, I5,3 and 155 Centre Street, \os. io6 and io8 Walker Street and No. 240 Canal Street; Lot No. 6, corner of Centre and LaN-ayette Streets; Lot No. I, \o. 166 Centre Street; Lot No. 19, Nos. i;7, 159, r6[ and 163 Centre Street and No. 239 Canal Street; Lot No. 16, Nos. 193, 195 and 197 Centre Street; Lot No. 14, Nos. 191 and 201 Centre Street and No. 1 Howard Street; Lot No. 9, No. 156 Elizabeth Street; Lot No. 8, No. t;4 Elizabeth Street; Lot No. 3r, Nos. 170 and 1700-; Bowen'; Lot No. 32, No. 168 Bowery: Lot No. 29, No. 174 Bowery; Lot \o. 28, No. 176 Bowery: Lot No. it, No. 162 Elizabeth Street; Lot No. 12, No. 164 Elizabeth Street ; Lot No. 4. Nos. 7, 9 and 1 t Cleveland Place ; Lot No. I, Nos. 3 and 5 Cleve-land Place; Lot No. 43, Nos. t Cleveland Place and 404 Broome Street; Lot No. 42, No. 402 Broome Street; Lot No. 41, Nn. 400 Broonte Street; Lot No. 40, No. 398 Broome Street; Lot No. 39, No. ,396 Broome Street: Lot No. 3, No. 18; Mulberry Street; Lot Nos. ,;I and .;2, Nos. 1.87 and t89 'Mulberr Street; and a certain Plot X, situate on the south side of Delancev Street l?xlen;ion between Cleveland Place and Mulberry Street.

And the Conunissiurs having acquired certain of aid parcels of property or ease-nlents- therein at private sale and having. for the purpose of acquiring said other parcels of property, duly made map; or plans and memoranda :.pecifvinf and defining said parcels of property so to be acquired and having duly certified, tiled and trans-mitted the several copies of lht• said maps or plans and having duly directed the Corporation Counsel to take legal prncee(lings to acquire said parcels of property, or certain easements therein, for The Cit of New York, which said easements include the right to tear down the buildings erected thereon or certain parts thereof, and the said Corporation Counsel having thereupon duly taken legal proceedings to acquire said "parcels of property' on said casements therein which said proceedings are now pending; and

W'Vhereas, Certain of said property so acquired, or to be acquired as aforesaid, is or will be unnecessary for Rapid Transit purpo,es. to wit, the buildings erected on said parcels of pr(,perty, or certain parts of said buildings, which, in order to con- strttct said Brooklyn Loop 1.11105, must he torn down and the materials thereof removed and for that purpose the Commission desires to sell said buildings, or certain parts thereof, as soorl as all of sa'd parcels of property on which the same are erected shall he acquired, on con(liti.m that the sane• he torn down and the materials thereof removed ; and

Whereas, On the 2Cith day of Fay, 1(08. the Commission received front the Conn missioners of the Sinking Fund of The Citt' of New York the following communica-tion, to wit


Public Service Commmission, t;4 Nassqu Street. City: GENT1.F.MF.N-If there are any natters you desire the Commissioners of the Sink-

ing 1ttn(i to pass on before the summer vacation sets in, it will be necessary for you to make application at once, so that they can he looked into and reported on before the last meeting. Otherwise they will have to go over until Fall.

Very truly yours. (Signed) N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS,

Secretary, Commissioners of the Sinking Fund." and

Whereas, The proposed sale of said buildings, or certain parts thereof, erected on said parcels of property is to he made subject to the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of The City of New York, as required by law, and said parcels of property cannot b acquired and the sale of the buildings or parts thereof erected thereon cannot be had and the request for said approval be made in time to be acted oil by said Commissioners of the Sinking Fund at their last meeting before the sum-mer vacation; and

Whereas, To prevent great delay in the completion of the said Brooklyn Loop Lines of the Rapid Transit Railroad it is necessary to have said buildings, or certain parts thereof, sold and torn down as speedily as possible; now, therefore, it is

Resolved, That the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of The City of New York for the sale of said buildings, or certain parts thereof, be and the same hefeby is requested, in advance of the sale thereof, on condition that said build-ings be sold at public auction, after public advertisement for a period of fifteen days in the CITY RECORD, the proceeds thereof to be paid to the Comptroller of The City of New York, to be applied as provided by law.

Ayes-Commissioners Wilcox, Bassett, Malthie. Nays-None. Carried. , ~.


The following resolution was also moved and duly seconded: Whereas, The Public Service Commission for the First District on May 26, Ig08,

duly passed the following resolution, to wit : "Whereas, The Public Service Commission for the First District having deemed

it to be necessary and proper that The City of New York shou'd acquire certain par-eels of property situated in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, required for the construction, maiitenarce and operation of a part of the Brooklyn Loop Lines of the Rpid Transit Railroad to be constructed by the llegnon Contracting Company in pursuance of a contract bearing (late the 9th day of i'\Iay, 1907. niole between it and The C ty of New York, acting by the Board of Rapid Transit Railroad Com-missioners, said parcels of property consisting of certain lots known as Lot No. 3, No. 142 Centre Street; Lot No. 4, No. 144 Centre Street; Lot No. 5, Nos. 146, 148 and 150 Centre Street and Nos. iii, 113 and 115 Walker Street; Lot No. 7, No. 117 Walker Street and Lot Nos. 8 and g, Nos. jig and 121 Walker Street; and the Com-mission having for the purpose of acquiring said parcels of property duly made maps or plans and a memorandum specifying and delining said parcels of property so to be acquired, and havine duly certified, filed and transmitted the several copies of said maps or plans, and having duly directed the Corporation Counsel to take legal pro-ceedings to acquire said parcels of property for The City of New York, and said Corporation Counsel having thereupon duly taken legal proceedings to acquire the same and such proceedings having been duly had that on the T3fh day of April, T9o8, an order was duly made and entered at a Special Term of the Supreme Court, in and for the County of New York, appointing three disinterested freclrolders, residents cf The City of New York, as commissioners of appraisal to ascertain and appraise the compensation to be made to the owners of said parcels of property, and fixing the time and place for the first meeting of the cnmmisstnners, -rid said commissioners hav-ing duly taken and subscribed the oath required by the Twelfth Article of the Con-stitution of the State of Nev Ynrk, and haviiin fi'rllikith filer! the sn'We in the o'1ire of the Clerk of the County of New York, and the City of New York having thereupon become seized and possessed in fee or absolute ownership of all of said parcels of property: and

Whereas. Certain of said property. so acquired as aforesaid, has become unneces-sary for rap;d transit purposes, to wit. the buildings erected on said parcels of prop-erty, which in order to construct said Brooklyn Loop Lines niust be torn clown and the materials thereof removed, and for that purpose the Commission desires to sell siid build~ngs. on condition that the same be torn down and the materials thereof removed ; now therefore, it is

Resolved. That said buildings erected on said parcels of property and the ap-purtenances iii er'to he sold at nnlil!c,i!ictiov. Srlhirct to the rin+rro 'l r, the Cmntnis-sioners of the S'nking Fund of The City of New York; and it is further

Resolved. That notice Of said sale he published in the CITY RECORD daily for a period of fifteen clays, said notice bein¢ in the form hereto annexed, which the Chairman and Secretary are hereby directed to execute." and

Whereas. On the 26th clay of Mav, mob, the Crrmnissioo received from the Com-mssioners of the Sinking Fund of 'file City of New York the following communica-tion, to wit:


Public Service Coutlnission, No. 154 Nassau Street, City: GENTLEMEN—If there are any matters you desire the Commissioners of the Sink-

ing Fund to pass on before the summer vacation sets in, it will be necessary for you to make application at once, so that they can be looked into and reported on before the last meeting. Otherwise they will have to go over until Fall.

Very truly yours, (Signed) N. TAYLOR PHILLIPS,

Secretary, Commissioners of the Sinking Fund." and

Whereas. The proposed sale of said bui'dings directed in said resolution of the Commission is to be made subject to the approval of the Cnmmissirmers of the Sink-ing Fund of The City of New York, and in all probab~lite the '.aid sale cannot be had and the request for said approval he made in time to be acted on by said Com-missioners of the Sirking Fund at their last meet'n; before the summer vacation : and

Whereas, In order to prevent great delay in the completion of the Brooklyn Loop Lines of the Rapid Transit Railroad, it is necessary to have said buildings sold and torn down as speedily as possible;

Now, therefore, it is Resolved, That the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund of The

City of New York for the sale of said buildirgs be and the slime hereby is requested in advance of the sale thereof, on condition that said buildings be sold at public auction after advertisement for a period of fifteen days in the CITY RECORD, the proceeds thereof to he paid to the Comptroller of The City of New York, to be applied as pro-vided by law.

Ayes—Commissioners Willcox, Bassett, Maltbie. Nays—None. Carried.

(5) 2090 The Secretary presented a communication dated May 27th. IgoR, from the Presi-

dent of the Borough of Brooklyn, transmitting a report of R. W. Creti.zhanir, Consult-ing Engineer of Public Works in regard to using the Brooklyn Bridge as a connection between elevated lines in Brooklyn and subway lines in '11anh:ittan. The papers were referred to the Committee on the Manhattan part of the Brooklyn Loop Lines.

(6) 0-536 Commissioner Maltbie presented the following opinion in the matter of the

service upon the Kingsbridge surface line of the Third avenue Railroad Company:


In the Matter of

The Hearing on the Motion of the Com-mission on the Question of Improve-ments in xnd Addition to the Service of the Third Avenue Railroad Company an 1 of Frcd€rick W. Whitridge, as Re-ceivcr of said Company.

Kingsbridge Surface Line. Order for hearing (No. 435).

OPINION. The question of the adequacy of service upon the Kingsbridge surface line has been

before the Commission for some time and several inspections have been made by the Transportation Bureau. When the matter was first taken up it was found that the New York City Railway Company was rising the line for the experimental running of the pay-as-you-enter cars, which were to he used upon the Madison Avenue line. Owing to the lack of adequate facilities at the KinTshridge car barn and the delays due to the breaking in of the p:ty-as-vou-enter cars, the service on the Kingshridge line was very much interrupted, hut in order that the cars should be working smoothly when they were placed upon the Madison Avenue line, it seemed necessary that the motormen should be taught how to handle them and that the cars should be broken in before they were actually put into use. Consequently, no order was issued at that time.

After the pay-as-vote-enter cars were taken off the line, observations were continued and an order for a hearing w-ts issued, hearings duly held and evidence taken. At these hearings residents of this pnrt;on of the city appeared and complained regarding the ir..adequacv of the service at certain hours and the irregularity with which the cars were operated. Evidence was also presented by the inspectors of the Commission.

When our observations were first undertaken the Kinryshrid~ne line extenrjed from 125th Street and Eighth Avenue westerly over T2,th Street, Manhattan Street, Amster-dam Avenue and Broadway to the Harlem Ship Canal. It seemed clear at the very beginning that the service would be greatly improved if the southerly terminus of the line were changed from 125th Street and Eighth Avenue to First Avenue and 125th Street. This change was suggested to the company some time ago, was soon adopted by them and since it has been in operation has been found to work with great satisfac-tion to the public and to the company.

The evidence taken at the hearings shows that the service is adequate most of the time, except that it is very irregular and that upon Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays the number of cars rini is not sttfhcieiitly increased to handle the crowds which go to that section of the city for recreation.

I have directed, theref ire, Ilt•tt ❑ n order ate prepared which shall not require that it uniform schedule he tna iii ta ii: ed tIirnuehnnt the w.ek :ui'l upon Sundays, but that an elastic standard he tixvdF which will allow ilic company to operate few cars when few errs are nccilcd and yet will require the company to operate a larger number when the cicrn:ands tu:ike their operation necessary. 'I lie inspectors hive noted that the times of m:txinittnt cicn:and recur with considerable regularity, and it will be possible for the manager, by using the ordinary means of observation, to anticipate the demands and operate sufiicicnt cars to adequately handle the traffic. As regards regularity, there is opportunity for great improvement.

New York, May 27th, 1908.

FINAL ORDER (No. 536). Thereupon oil motion of Commissioner Maltbie duly seconded, a Final Order

(No. 536) was adopted, ordering atul directing the Third Avenue Railroad Company and Frederick 1V. 1Vhitridge, its Receiver,

( r ) to route cars from t2Sth Street and Fast River to the northerly terminus of said line instead of front I25th Street and Eighth Avenue

(2) to operate daily iliclnilimg 5nii(laYS except hr•twecn the hours of 2 A. M. and 5 A. AI. over every point of said Kingshridirc Line 1rrt v'en 12th Street and East River and the northerly terniinos of the line, a sufficient number of cars in each direc-tion past any paint of observationi to pr 'idle (luring every liftecn minute period of the day and night :I mnnber of seats at ]cast ten per cent. in excess of the number of passengers at that point. ilic n1iiiiilo of cars p;tssiIi g any point to he, however, never less than six (6) in each direction except hctwecn the boors of 2 A. M. and 5 A. M.

(3) to institute said changes, imprnvcmcuts and additions by or before the loth day of June, Tgo8.

(7) 0-537 FINAT. ORDER (No. 5.37).

On motion duly scdmdeel, a Pinal Order (No Sal) was ad,optcd directing ( I ) that the Stathn Tea;Int Rapid Transit Rfiltyay Company remove its freight

business now being conAlietcd ct the freight yard just east of Bay Street and opposite Townsend .Avenue, Clifton, to the yanl located cast r,f B-ty Street and about 150 feet north of Vanrlcrhilt Avcnnc and extending th.•..cfroit north about 575 feet;

(2) that the mrnrment of the loam otives front the locomotive storage yard op-p',site Simonson :Avenue. Clifton, roie, and out of service he discontinued across Bay Streit as far as it mac be pr. Letic,thle to do so, by introclnciug said locomotives into service from the northern end of the yard.

Said nrr)cr to take ('(feet on June ,30, trp4 and to cr,ntinue in force for a period of two years from tile, date of the taking ('Meet of the acne.

(8) 0-538 FINAt. ORDER (No. 5.t8).

On notion by Crnumissinncr Etistis, dilly seconded, a Final Order (No. 538) was adopted, directing the New York Central and Ilttdsnn River Railroad Company to operate on its Narlem Division daily, except Stindays and holidays, at least the follow-ing trains:


At least to the northern boundary of the City of New York, scheduled to leave Grand Central Station within five lPtlu tes of the following hottrs:

(2 :cg A. Al., m:akiou; all stops tvithin the City of New York except at 183rd Street 5 :24 A. A]., making all stops within till • ('ilp r)f New York, except at 183rd Street; 7:02 A. Al., nrtking all stops vuilhin the City of New York; 8:21 A. ?ti., making all stops within the Cite of New York; y:3,5 A :M1., makint* all stops w'thin ;lie City of New York, except Morrisania,

Cl;ircmont Park and 183rd Street; Io:Sr A. \I.. making rill stops within the City of 7".̀ety York; I?::o; 1'. A1., making all stops within the City of New Ynrk; 12:27 P. :AI., Srtnr:l:vs nits, stops A1anus, 'I'rentnnt, I;utrtnic:tl Gardens and all

stations north w ithin the C'ity of Nev York ; I :3fr I' \l., making all stops « ithin the Ciiv of Nev York; 2:36 P. AT., making all cups cvitlrm Ilie City of Ncty York, except Morrisania,

Claremont P:trk, :Ind- lt,3rd Street ; 3:40 1'. AI., making all stops within the City of N York; 1:2o P. Al., stops 'Tremont, botanical G:u-dcns and all stations north, within the

City of New York ; 5:TT P. 1\T., making Al stops Within 11te City of New York 5:18 P. AT., lnrrl:itig all stops within the Cite (if \TC•ty York; 6 :c8 1'. M., making all stt , ps within the City of New York 6:2o P. Al., ni,ikung:ill slots citYin the City of Nrw York; except T83rd Street; 6:37 P. AT., making, all strips within the Cite of New York, except 183rd Street; 6:e8 P. Al., stops at Botaili(-:tl Qlydcus and all stations north, within the City of

New York : 7:30 P. A1., making all stops wilhixa the City of Now York, except 183rd Street; 8:,;5 I'. M., tnsiking all stops within the City of Ncvv York, except t8.3rd Street; (I:3c P. AI., nvik;ngf n11 stops tvifliin the CiIv of New York, except 183rd Street;

10:3_; P. Al., ntakintr all str-ps WiMtil' the City' of Now York, except T83rd Street II :;3i P. Al., nutking all stops within the Cily of New York, except 183rd Street;

Si , ttt/6011ttd.

Scheduled to arrive at Grand C meal Station within five tniuutes of the following hours :

6:34 A. M., staking all stops within the City of New York, except at 183rd Street; 7:0.4 A. M., making all stops within the City of Nev York; 7:27 A. b'l., making all stops to Tremont, except 183rd St.; 7 :58 A. M., tanking all stops to ltotanical (;:!reams: 8:Io A. M., making all stops within the (it )' of New York; 8:13 A. M., making all stops to \Vnmdlawo; 8:43 A. A1., making all stops within the- City of Nev York; 9:23 A. AT., making all stops within the City of Nev York;

1o:o4 A. Al., making ❑1l strips within the City of New York, except at 183rd Street: TI :32 A. 11T., making all stops within the City of New York, except at 183rd Street; 1 :03 P. M., making all stops within the ('ity of Nev York, except at 18,3rd Street ; t :52 P. M., making all stops within the City of New York, except Morrisania,

Claremont Park, and 18.3rd St. 3:04 P. M., making all stops within the City of New York, except at 183rd Street; 4:03 1'. M., making all stops within the City of New York, except at 183rd Street; 5:0-5 P. M., making all stops within the City of New York; 6:04 P. M., making all stops within the City of New York ; 6:3I P. M., making all stops. to 'Tremont, except I ordhaul :u td r8,3rd Street 7:15 P, A1., making all stops within the City of New York, except at 183rd Street: 7:42 P. M.. making :tll stops to Botanical Gardens 8:o:3 1'. i'i., making all stops within the City of New York, except 183rd Street; 9:04 1'.:\1., making all stops within the City of New York, except 18:;rd Street;

to :,3.1 1'. M., tnrlkini; all slops wilhiu the City of New York, except 183rd Street rT :29 P. M., making all stops to Botanical (;ardrnc, in addition Tremont and Mel-

rose; 12:3r P. M., making all stops within the City of Ncw York; except 183rd Street;

Said order tr, take effect when the new schedule t (vs into effect but not later than June 20, Igo8, and to continue in full furry• and effect for a period of one year from and after the (late of its taking effect, unless sooner modifierl or changed by order of the Contntission.

(9) 0-539 COMPLAINT ORDER (NO. 539).

On motion by Commissioner Bassett, duly seconded, a Complaint Order (No. 539) was adopted for satisfaction or answer within ten days by the Nassau Electric Rail-road Company in the natter of the complaint of Tracy Grey with respect to the con-dition of cars and methods of transferring passengers on the Fifth Avenue Surface line.


O- I (IO) 54o E%TENSION ORDER (No. s. o).

On motion by Commissioner Maltbie, duly seconded, an Extension Order (No.

540) was adopted, extending to June t5th the time of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company to file rrports with respect to the number of car motors, car bodies, and car trucks operated by it, in compliance with Order No. 437.

(II) 0-541 COMPLAINT ORDER (No. 541).

On motion by Commissioner Bassett, duly seconded, a Complaint Order (No. 541) was adopted for satisfaction or answer within ten (lays by the Brooklyn Union Elevated Railroad Cone any in the matter of the complaint of A. Zi.gler and I. Baer with respect to the unprotected condition of the Van Siclen Avenue Station of the City Line.

(12) 0-542 DISMISSAL ORDER (No. 542).

On motion by Commissioner Bassett, duly seconded a Dismissal Order (No. 542) was adopted in the matter of the complaint of Leonard Rose against the Coney Island and Brooklyn Railroad Company regarding alleged inadequate service upon Covert Avenue and Stanhope Street lines of said Company.

(13) 0-543 Commissioner Bassett presented the following report in the matter of the hearing

on motion of the Commission on the question of fixing a (late for the completion by the Long Island Electric Railway Company of the construction of an overhead crossing over the tracks of the Long Island Railroad Company at the Jamaica and Hempstead 'Turnpike, Borough of Queens

In the Matter of

The Hearing on the AVlotion of the Commis-sion on the Question of fixing a date for the Completion of the Long Island Elec-tric Raiiway Company for the construc- tion of an overhead crossing on the tracks of the Long Island Railroad Cont-pany at the Jamaica and Ilcnipstead Turnpike, Borough of Queens.

REPORT. In February, 1905, the Long Island Electric Railway Company, a street surface

road, filed with the Board of Railroad Ce,mniis',ioners, touter Section 68 of the Rail-road Law, an application for a determination whether their strc.t surface railroad should cross over or under or at grade of the tracks of the Long Island Railroad Cotn-pany at the Jamaica and Hempstead Turnpike.

In June, 1905, the Board of Railroad Coniniissioncrs approved of a temporary grade crossing, but made no determination as to the ultimate separation of grades. At the end of the year permission was given by the sauu Board for the continuation of the grade crossing to June t, i9o8.

The Long Island Electric Railway Company now asks for further permission to continue the grade crossing for one year, and ('it the hearing amended their applica-tion by asking an extension for two years. After examination of the papers and after testimony taken on the hearing, I ant of the opinion that the proccediug before the Board of Railroad Commissioners was never Iiumuy delcltllilleli, as no final provision was ever made for the grade of the new strLet railroad. 'I hat Board did not say that until June I, 19o8 the tracks should cress ❑ t grade, and after that date should be cle-vated or depressed; but the final grade of the track was left ltudetermined and this application is, by consent of the applicant company, and the consent of the Long Island Railroad Company, whose track is to be crossed, to be con~idcrcd a cuutiuuation of the old application.

]~rotn the testimony of Our own inspcctur, and that of the engineers of the two railroad Companies, it tvoui(] scent that this er,o.in.g is rnt',st c;u\cfcdy protected, and I believe that (until it is possib:e to sel)ar tc the gra(e of the Jamaica and Ileutpstcad Turnpike from the grade of the Lung lskond R;idra;rd, II at ]cast no1ii traffic on that highway is notch heavier th:ut at precut, the Lung Islanol Electric Railway Company should be allowed to remain on the ]iigiisay and cross It grade.

1 therefore subncit herewith an order reciting the e'1ltin11anion of the proceeding and granting, in the tuc:tnwltile, permission to the Company to continue to cross at grade.

FINAL Ot:ur:R (No. 543).

Thereupon on motion of Commissioner Bassett, duly seconded, a Final Order (No. 543) was adopted directing:

(I) That pending a final determination by this Commission as to the ultimate grade of the tracks of the Lone; Ishtnd Eicctric Railway Company at the grade cross-ing of the Jamaica and I Iempstead In rttpt kc with the Long Island Railroad Company, and pending the separation of the grades of the Jatn;tica and 11empstead Turnpike and the tracks 1,t the Long Island Railroad ('oDtp;iny. in the furoui;h i l urn, [Al, ;n nn event to exceed a period of two years from the (late of the making and filing of this order, permission is granted the Long Island Electric Railway Company to maintain its present crossing with the tracks of the Long Island Railroad Company at the Ja- maica and I l.cnritstxcui 'I'ttt trpikc, Ilotoitgh i', lj,.uaos, l try f New A ,rs -

(2) '['hat this permission shall cease and determine upon the separation of the grades of the Jamaica and Ilempstead Turnpike and the Long Island Railroad Com-pany, and that in the event of such separation of grades the tracks of the Long Island Electric Railway Company shall follow the grade of the Jamaica and Hempstead Turn-pike;

(3) That this permission shall cease and determine upon a final determination of the Public Service Connnission for the First District in this proceeding after a hearing duly had, upon tell days' notice to the Long Island Electric Railway Company and to the Long Island Railroad Company on or before June 1st, 1910;

Said order to take effect immediately and to continue in force until June ist, 1910.

(14) 0-544 Commissioner Maltbie presented the following opinion in the matter of the hear-

ing on motion of the Commission nn the question of repairs, improvements and addi-tions to equipment and appliances, including rolling stock, of the New York City Rail-way Company and of Adrian Ii. Joline and Douglas Robinson as Receivers of said Company:

In the Matter of

The Hearing on the Motion of the Com- mission on the Question of Repairs, Im-provements, and Additions to Equipment and Appliances, including Rolling Stock, of the New York City Railway Cotn-pany and of Adrian II. Joline and Doug-las Robinson, as Receivers of said Com-pany, in the particulars hereinafter set forth.

Overhauling Closed Cars, etc., Order for Hearing (No. 466).

OPINION. Several weeks ago the Commission adopted an order directing the Receivers of

the New York City Railway Company to overhaul and repair all of their open cars by the end of this month. At that time no action was taken relative to the closed cars, as it was considered more necessary that the cars to he used during the summer should be put in first class operating condition prior to the opening of the slimmer season when the closed cars would go out of use and the cpen cars come into use. With this work well tinder way the Commission took up the subject of overhauling and repairing the closed cars. At these hearings evidence was presented which showed that Receivers would be able to begin work upon the closed cars on the ist of June

RECORD. 6387 or shortly thereafter and that six (6) long cars and four (4) short cars could be turned out daily upon an average from and after the middle of June. At the rate of tell (to) a day the Receivers will have overhauled and repaired nearly all of the closed cars by the end of the fall. Our utvine rs have endeavored to work out a plan where-by all of titeni would be ready for use by the time open cars must be taken out of ser-vic(., but owing to tae lack of shop facilities, due to loss by fire, and to the impossi-bility of recot sirttcting the shops in time to operate them to their full capacity upon tl-e whole of this wvr rk, it dues not seem possible that the Receivers will be able to very pre; tl in •rease :.Love tell (to), the average number turned out per day. It is Itnssii C that sc uic unforeseen k ircttmstru cc may into rfere w II Ill nl; iii' n: ' ce of ;his average, but the order as drawn allows a certain amount of leeway and if any-thing unforeseen should arise, the Receivers may ask for a rehearing and the order can be modified if necessary.

New York, May 29, 1908. "l'hereupon on motion of Commissioner Maltbie, a Final Order (No. 544) was

adopted directing: ( i ) That the closed cars and closed car equipments of said New York City Rail-

way Company or of said Adrian H. Joline and Douglas Robinson, as Receivers of said Company, receive a thorough inspection, and that said closed cars and closed car equipments be thoroughly overhauled and repaired so that when completed said closed cars and closed car equipments shall be in a first-class operating and substantially new condition, having safe, proper. and adequate car bodies, headlights, pilot fenders, wir-ing, brasses, comniItatcrs, field coils, armature windings, trucks, brakes, controllers, auto*vatic circuit breakers, resistances, axle gear wheels, armature pinions and car wheels;

( 2 1 That sad New York City Railway Company, and its said Receivers, turn out, so overhmiied and repaired, on or before the ist d:ty of July, [908, not fewer than one hundred of said closed cars and closed car equipments, and that thereafter they turn out, so overhauled and repaired, the remaining closed cars and closed car equip-ments at the rate of not fewer than one hundred every ten working days until all of said closed cars and closed car equipments shall have been turned out so overhauled and repaired;

(3) That the New York City Railway Company, or its said Receivers, notify the Commission daily in writing, in a form to be prescribed by the Commission, of the number of said closed cars and closed car equipments so turned out as aforesaid, giv-ing the identification numbers thereof, and stating when and where the same are to be tested.

(15) 0-403 'file Secretary presented a c(Imtinnttnicatiun, elated \l:,y z3, tyo8. fruit the Receivers

of the New York City Railway Company, in regard to Order No. 403 of the Corn-tnissiOlt calling for transcripts of certain "run-in" honks of said Company, together with the reply of the Cumtnission thereto, dated slay 27, 1908, and a further com-municatimt from said Company, dated Nlav 27, lyoti, which were ordered filed and were as follotys:


NEW YORK, May 23rd, i9o8. To the honorable the Public Service Cotumission for //[e First District, No. 154 Nassau

Street, New York City: DEAR SIRS—\V'e notice in one of the newspapers a statement to the effect that at

a meeting of your Board held yesterday your counsel was directed to apply to the Supreme Court for a writ of mandamus cumpellinr obedience to your Order No. 403 ssucd on April 7th, 1908, by the terms of which, among other things, the New York City Railway Conilmny or its kccciscrs were directed to "furnish and forward daily to the Commission :t transcript of the daily entries in the so-called "run-in" book or books, showing, among other things, which of said car, are out of order."

Assuming this statement to be ci,rr, t, we beg to advise you that the content-I lc'.ted proceeding is qtrte uuuecess:nry on your part, as we have not refused, nor is it our intention to refuse the production „i any records or transcripts of records to which you tit:,c be entitled. In c,ur letter of April 13111, tom, acknowledging receipt of said Order No. 4n_;, Volt were adlvc,t 1>c u, that we should he able to fulfill its rctttlircmcnts subject to certain enumerated contingencies.

We ha cc sent no tran'cripts of records covering the subject of "rttu-in" cars for the reason that we have no record precisely ausyverint; the description in your Order. [n view of the fact that there had been some ini„rntal discussion of the subject with rcpresentativcs of yrntr 11 aril we hart a<snmetl (perhaps unwarrantably) that we should hear from yuutt further nn the matter ,n case it was deemed essential. The nearest approach we have to a record answering the description of your Order con-sists of certain sheets or slips signed daily by the motormen at the conclusion of their trips. Transcripts of these will be sent you daily if you wish, although it will involve eonsi,ler;tble clerical Work which seems to us unnecessarily burdensome, and it is only fair to state that such tr;utscript., in our judgment will not accurately give infor-ntatiun of the character which we assume from the context of your order is desired by you.

Yours very truly, (Signed) ADRIAN H. JOLINE, (Signal? DOUGLAS ROBINSON,


May 27th, i9o8.

Mr. ADRIAN H. JoLINE and Mr. DouGL.'s RoBiNsoN, Receivers, New York City Rail-Wily Co., 62[ Broa(lway, New York City:

L)E.AR. S is—I ant directed by tine Commission to reply as follows to your letter of May 23rd:

It is true that upon last Friday the Commission directed counsel to apply to the court for a writ (if niandalills compelling obedience to Order No. 403 of the Commis-,ion, and to proceed to collect penalties for violation. The resolution was as follows:

\%hercas, The New York City Railway Company and its Receivers, Adrian H. Joline and Douglas Robinson, have violated Order Nu. 403 of the Commission in ;, as, ing fa led to furnish transcripts of the daily entries ill their "run-in" books as required by said order; and

\Vllereas, Thirty-[tine days have elapsed between the time when the order took .fiat and the present (late.

Resolved. that the Counsel be authorized and directed to prepare a petition for a mandamus compelling the New York City Railway Company and its Receivers to supply such transcripts, and also

Resolved, 1 hat the Counsel be and hereby is authorized and directed to com-inence an action or actions against the said New York City Railway Company and its Receivers, Adrian H. Joline and Douglas Robinson, to recover all forfeitures and penalties incurred for said violations of said Order No 403 and prosecute the same to final judgment pursuant to the provisions of the Public Service Commissions Law.

'1'11is action was taken in view of the following facts : Upon April 7th the Com-mission adopted an order relating principally to the overhauling and repairing of the open cars operated upon the lines of the New York City Railway Company. One of the sections in this order was:

Ordered, That from and after April 13, t9o8, the said New York City Railway Company, for its said Receivers, furnish and forward daily to the Commission a transcript of the daily entries in the so-called "run-in" book or books, showing, among other things, which of said cars are out of order.

This order was adopted after two hearings had been held, one upon March 24tb and the other upon April 3rd, at which hearings Mr. Oren Root appeared, at the request of Commissioner 3t;tltbic, and testified regarding the matters then being considered. At the last hearing lie was asked by Commissioner Maltbie, who pre-sided, whether he knew of anv reason why "copies of the entres in the 'run-in' book should not be furnished the Connmissio'jll (page 5t of the record). Mr. Root re-plied: "That is a matter which the receivers are considering and I prefer not to answer it while it is tinder consi deration by them," which clearly shows that you were advised of the terms of the proposed order relating to this subject. The discussion between the Commissioner and Mr. Root continued, and it appeared that Mr. Root thought the furnishing of such information to the Commission "would be very detri-mental to the working forces in the car houses," but he was not able to explain to the satisfaction of the Commissioner in what way it would be detrimental. Nowhere


in the evidence does it appear that there was any misunderstanding as to the precise records referred to by the language of the order. Mr. Root specifically stated that he knew of no other reason why transcripts should not be furnished and admitted that the records were kept. Further, when Mr. McLimont was examining your property, "run-in" books were being kept, and the records of the Commission now contain transcripts of these books for the month of October. If you are not now keeping them you must very recently have changed your practice.

Mr. McLimont, the electrical engineer of the Commission, testified that the transcripts from. the "run-in" books would furnish valuable information to the Commission and that by no other means could the Commission so promptly be in-formed as to the operations of the companies and the condition of the equipment as by such daily reports. `Ir. McLimont also testified that lie had operated a number of street railway's, and as an operating man lie knew of no reason why copies of the entries in the "run-in" book should not be furnished to the Commission. At a pre-ceding hearing in another case Mr. Maher, general manager for the receiver of the Third Avenue Railway Company, testified that he knew of no reason why copies of the entries of the '`run-in" books should not be furnished, and in compliance with other orders adopted by the Commission where the precise language is used as adopted in Order No. 403, reports are being made to us daily from several other companies in New York City.

Older No. 403, which has been disobeyed, was adopted April 7th, 1908. No re- quest for :t re-hearing upon this order was received from you, and under date of April 13th. you wrote stating that Order Nn. 403 would be accepted and obeyed, subject to certain contingencies, but not one of these relate apparently to the "run-in'

book or hooks. \L'hether the transcripts of the entt ies in the "run-in" books will give us the in-

formation which we desire can be determined when they have been furnished, and .,f course this is a matter to be decided by the Commission. But the Commission hits tonnei that the transcripts furnished I:y other companies have been of great value. if there is any question as to the form to he used by you, the Commission will gladly <'.i±rua this with you. But when over a month has elapsed, the failure to obey an urmie .scents t. , warrant some definite action. The Commission expects that its orders will he obey eel.

Very truly yours, TRAVIS H. WHITNEY, Secretary.

NE:w YORK CCTV RAILWAY (oa1t'-ANY, LESSEE \lr:rkurI)t.rr.t v Srsr:e'r RAILWAY Svs'fiEM,

621 Biio.iitw.v, I NEW YORI., \lav !8th, 19o8.

To l/' Honorublm' 'lime Public S',',-'ice C utuurissi„n for the I irst District, 154 Nassau Street, New York City :

1?:,vts Stl:s—AV'e Have your letter of the _'7th inst., in reply to our letter to you of miat f ;rd, relative to compliance with your Order No. ao3 under date of April 7th, ,00,S. lour letter has a magisterial tone which it scents to tt, is wholly unwarranted I,v the circunistances. AV'hatever may have he;n said by \Ir, 11 (11 when attending at

e request of ynttr Board at any of your hearings, we do not understand that lie made ;, m sta erncnts incn:nsistent with what we sairl in our later, namely, that no hooks are I pt l,) us tvh'ch technically- answer the (Iescripti(iu of yuur Order No. 403. There Ia.s heen no change since the Rec,ivership in the character of our records regarding ars lisTlhlwi or out (if repairs, and since your \Ir, ),lcl.unont found on the occasion

of his visit in I)ctoher last that "run-in" bunks w'cre kept, it will doubtless lie possible ,( , r hut rea(tac to id_ntifv such of our records as lie deems to answer that description. I i volt will have him call it the place where lie saw such records and point theta out to Our reprc;crnt:ttive we will see that you are furnished with transcripts thereof as de- sired.

\V']tile nm, doubt y' u expect your orders to he obeyed, as you state, these expecta-ti,ms scut hardly 1:i, fulfilled in instances where they affect business involving the keep- ;ng of voluntinut's records, unless those orders are expressed in such clear and definite rem; that there can lie iii ditheii!ty in ascertaining precisely what they require.

Yours very truly, (Signed) AI)RI.AN 11. JOLINE, I Signed) 1)OUGL.\S ROBINSON,


( t6) 0-504 'I lie Secretary presented a communication fn nn J. F. Calderwuud, Vice-President

and General \lanager of the Brooklyn I Ieights Railroad Company, under (late of May 26th, 1908, eoimteiting a Hutihieal ion to the effect that said Company accepts and will nl)cy the ternis of Final Order No. 504 with respect to Service on blaibltsl Avenue Line.

I17) I"tie Secretary stated that the foil uwtng comntunirtttou had been sent by the Chair-

rntan ta. the 1Sr aril of :Aldermen: May 24t11, tyu8.

h,,ifi. FaTxlrt: 1". \li (iiw;s`, /'re).ident, board of .I/ti,•rinem, City I tall, New York: I)E.vu SIR-1n reply to the resolution tumpte l by the Board of Aldermen, request-

mg to e Public Service Commission to order the New York City Railway Company to refrain front storing cars (ti the Lexington Avenue line from 116th Street to i29th .Street, I l,eg to state that the matter has been considered by the Commission.

Iiivestigatiiii his developed the following facts: Within the past year or so the New York City Railway Company has lost, by lire, a number of large car barns, which has grca!ly decreased the capacity of their barns for storing cars. Certain of them are i ow being rebuilt, and because of this re-cimstructiun it is difficult to use any large p' rtion of the site., for storage pturpilses. It has become necessary, therefore, to adopt ether ute;uts and the Commission has made several suggestions, parlieukmrly in the di-r.ctiun i.f the utilization of vacant block,. Ilut owing to the fact that the surface cars cry operated by u title rgruunrl conduit, a large amount of construction work would be t ccessary for the utilization of such vacant lots as storage yards. If the cars were ntcrhead trolleys, this would be a simple and easy matter, but as these cars must be t:sed every day, the vacant lots could not be adequately equipped to handle all of the nrs \cry much before the barns themselves will have been reconstructed.

Furthermore, the Commission has directed the receivers to overhaul and repair emery one of their cars, amounting to upwards of 2,000 in all. This work has requires] th' emmplovmemtt of a large number of men and a great increase in their shop facilities for repairing and painting the car bodies and the overhauling of the electrical equip-ntents. Much of the space in the car houses which ordinarily might lie used for storage has been converted, therefore, into shops.

The Commission has also ordered the companies to operate a larger number of rtrs than they have been running, which has necessitated the storing of the cars during the night where they can be run out when needed in the morning, and makes it im-possible to remove the cars any great distance from the lines upon which they are being used.

The total result of these facts is that it has been necessary for the company to -,ore many of their cars in the streets. We have had this in mind for some time and would gladly have issued an order requiring the adoption of some other method, but it vcercs impossible to repair the cars as rapidly as the public desires, to operate as many cars as we think should be operated to meet the demands of the public—and the num-hc. r is being increased from week to week—without temporarily storing cars in streets.

lie Commission feels positive that when the Board of Aldermen understands the con-Q:;ions, they will agree with the Commission that it is preferable, temporarily, to under-~o the inconvenience due to storing of cars in the streets rather than to interfere with the work of overhauling the cars and to make necessary the operation of a less nurn-her from day to day. I wish to assure you that as soon as it is possible to order the companies to cease using the streets for storage purposes, this will be done.

Very respectfully, (Signed) W. R. WILLCOX, Chairman.

(tfil The Secretary stated that the following communication had been sent by the

Chairman to the Commissioner- of Bridges:

Ntaw Yo](t<, ~1ay z7, 1908.

I\'Ir. J. W. STEVENSON, ( uni missioner, l.)epartu;cmt uj Bridges, Nos. 13 to 21 Park Row, New York City:

DEAR Slu—It scents importact to time Commission that provision should be made in the new Manhattan terminal of the Brooklyn Bridge for eight-car trains or even ten-car trains, if possible. We understand that it will be your endeavor to make room for long trains in this terminal.

Enclosed find copy of a report that was approved by the Commission and filed on May 26th, 1908.

Yours very truly,

( Signed) W. R. W I LLCOX, Chairman.

(19) 1373 The Secretary presented the following conlHiuiicatiott from the Interhorought

Rapid Transit Company with regard to the so-called Steinway Tunnel, which, on motion, was referred to the Conunittee of the Whole:

I xiF.RiioI<ol'Gli RAI'Itl 'KuAxsm"r COMPANY,~ 13-21 PARS Row,

Nt:w Yotsh, NIay 26th, 1908.

BOIL WILLIAM R. 1VmLLCOx, ( /mm iulim+t, !'n!L!ie Service Cimnmis.cion for t/te First District:

DEAR Sin—On February 27th last the Chairman of the I?xcetttivc Committee of this Company wrote you calling your attention to the status of the tunnel railroad of the New York & Long Island Railroad Company extending front 42nd Street and Fourth Avenue in the Borough of Manhattan under .tend Street to the last River, and under the East River and private property to Fourth Street, Long Island City, and under Fourth Street to East Avenue, and making several suggestions as to the method of dealing with that railroad.

The proposition did not receive any practical consideration by your Board hc-cause under the then existing law it was without jurisdicti in in the premises. As the Governor has now signed the so-called "Prawrle'v Bill', amending the Rapid Transit Law by adding a new section, known as 34-f, to the act, empowering your Commission, with the approval of the Board of Estimate tin ml Approrti iii mcut, to purchase such a line of railway and to make contracts with respect to its ntaintenancr and operation, I beg to renew the suggestions crilbo lied in the letter of I ehruary 27th, 1908, above referred to, and to stale that if the general proposition embodied in that letter commends itself to the judgment of your 1)i ,;trd this cumpaesq would be happy to take tip with you the consideration of the details and the Ails of carrying it out.

Yours very respectfully, (Signed) F. P. 13RY:\ N. President.

The letter of February 27 tsill he 1 tutu! in \linutc.,s of Pri,ccedings, mgo:l, page 474.

Rxooxr.vN Lour LiNes—I'rertt.ssrt OF RE:v. Es-rA-rtt.

(20) 2092 The Secretary presented a cornmtuuication ([;tied \far 28th, tr>,8, from the

Counsel to the Contntission, transmitting a proposed resolution in Connection with th, offer of the Rossiter Realty Company to purchase certain real estate on Centre and Walker Streets. 'I'hc following resolution 55s tiereapimu utoved and dttls' seconded:

1\'hereas, On the t8th day of February, tc~8, the Contutission, in behalf of The City of New York, vlul_y entered into a certain contract with the Rossiter Realty Company, the owner i,f certain real property situated on the southwest corner of \V'alker and Centre Streets and known as Nos. 145. 147 and 149 Centre Street and Nos. 105, 107 and 1ct9 1\'alker Strict, Imrough ut slash:ttt:ut, City of New York, for the purchase of said real property in fee simple, suh_iect, however, to certain leases, for the sum n of One hundred and Sevems Thousand Dollars I$17o,cxfo.00), and .

\1'hseeas, It is necessary for the purpose of construction of a part of the Brook- ' lyn Loop Lines that said leases lie cuimcellcd or extinguished, to the end that the building situated on the said property stay he turn down, and

\Vhereas, 1 he said Rossiter Realty Company is willing to purchase said leases and to convey to 'l he City of New York the absolute fee (if said real property free of all enctunbrances, for the further stun of Four Thousand Dour Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($4,470)• nt:tl<ing in all the sutra of One hundred and Seventy-four Thousand Four hundred and Seventy Dollars ($t74,47o.(xt), and

VVhereas, 'I'he Corporation Counsel of 'I'Itc City of New York approves of said additional payment and time plt-ehiis• of said real pruperty free .util clear of all encumbrances for the sum of Unc Ilnndred timid Scvcnty-fuur 'I hottsandl I'our Htttt- dred and Seventy Dollars ($174,470),

Now, thereforc, it is Resolved, That said utter f said Rossitcr Realty Company to purchase said

leases and to convey to The City of New York the absolute fee of said real property free of all enctunbranees, for the further stair of Four "thousand Pour Ilundred and Seventy Dollars ($.).a7o.cxt), ui;rking in all the stint of Onc lhigArel! aril Seventy-four Thousand Four Vnn(Ireml and Seventy Dollars t$I74,47oslo), l,e and the same hereby is accepted, ;girl that th(• (hairntan and Sccrctar'v of the Commission be and they hereby are aallnrizs,l and directed to execute, luulcr the seal of the Commission and in behalf of "I he City of New York, any and all papers in modification of and sttpplemnentary to said contract necessary to carry this resolution into effect.

Ayes—Contmissiurrers Willcox, Bass('tt, %laltbic. Nays—None. Carried. -

(21) 0-384-A Commissioner Bassett sul , ntitted a report of a hearing I ('l(1 under Order No.

384-A, covering service nn the l)cK;tlh ;\venue line of the Currey Island and Brook-`-' lyn Railroad Company, that lie would coni'her the testimony indicated that it would be unreasonable to require the cars of said Company to operate through side streets`. instead of Fulton Strccr and that the operation of open cars now furnished sufficient seating capacity. "I he rcpnrt was approved and ordered filed.

(22) 3357 The Secretary presented a communication dated Nlay (5, tgo8, from Prof.

Franklin W. Hooper, Director of the Brooklyn Instittne of Arts and Sciences, 5o2 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, protesting against the construction (if a subway through Ashland Place at a distance less than ten feet front the foundation walls of the Academy of 1b1usic Building, atxl asking for ;( !tearing in the matter. The wnlgtugi-cation was ordered filed.

(23) 2921 The Secretary presented a communication dated May I,, tc)o8, front Judson G.

Wall, President of Prospect Ileights Citizens Association of Brooklyn, urging the immediate construction of the subway to the \Villink entrance (if Prospect Park, which was ordered filed.

(24) On motion, dilly seconded, it was Resolved, 'I hat during the absence on !cave of Henry B. Seaman, Chief Engineer,

'runt May 28 to July 5, 1908, the CHmulifi,inH hereby designate George S. Rice, Engineer of Subway Construction, to be Acting Chief Engineer with full power to take any action which the Chief Engineer, if present, mum glut be ctupowered to take.

Ayes—Commissioners Willcox, Bassett, Maltbic. - Nays—None. Carried.

(25) The following resolution was move(] and duly seconded: Resolved, That Dr. Cary T. Hutchinson be employed to test the different types

of electric meters used within the district, and to report whether any or all of said types, defining definitely each type, are capable of properly registering current, and if said meters are in the condition in which they are usually set, at a total expense not to exceed $2,000.00.

Ayes—Commissioners Willcox, Bassett, Maltbic. Nays—None. Carried.

Services or Material Amuuul

.Adacrtising iuci'ali„n. Io c nth-(lc'.rs to c.ol- €Irnct 4tt1 \vc. Route, lirookl yn Sections. Na<,.al; to \\ i,hnlghhy Silts. ands Willought y Sir. t,. Ashland Place, ]tills Apr. 6 Ie), Igot.

.\dvr•rlisiug invitatious to contractr~r I(1 cuu-titruct .Ith Ave. Route, ttrouklyll Sections, 7"assan In Willoughby Strts. an,l lush to 27th tit,, Ilills Apr. 6 (2), 19118 ..................

.Advcrti.sing invitations to c,,ntracturs to cun- 'Irucl 4111 :\vr. Route, Rruoklyn Sections, Nassau to H'illoughhy Sts. anti Sackett to mill SO. Il:I Apr. e3 (2), 1uu1..........

Advertising invitatiune to contrlc!o rs ' 1 c in-,Irnet 4th .\ve. Amite, Rn,ukly n Sect i.n \1'i'loughby St. to \shland H. and Fulton to Si ckett St,. Bills May _ I t _ ), I-nls........

Ails o rti;int! invitati mr to c,ultraci Ir; Cu) slruct 4111 Ave. Rollie, Hr Idyll See (11110, Talton to Sackett St', and 17th t I _131,1 Sts. hills .\pr. li (.). 191,8 ............... . .

:\,1, ..•rlising invila'i, ns to c Intracturs 'u c ~u-

let .Ith : live. Route, IIoo,klyn Section., ;t5sau to \V'illutlghby Sis. and Sar•ketl to loth

S:o. Hi Is .\pr. 6 12), Ign6 .................. \Jc •rli;illy' iuvilatiuns t„ c„ntrartlrr' to c.in. 'twct 4111 :\vc. Itolue -- likl} n S' clines, :\ i{lolIglIhe St. to .\tilaawl V. a~ul I0,Ih to 27 111 Ss. Ilills .\pr. n i:), i1( 6............

.63c ,.rrtisilig inuithI lls t„ , III 1,"t"):, to c-~u- 'truet 4th Ave. Rood. -.- MI} n Sections' \\ - illuughhy St. to ,\shlau't 1'1. au.l I'nit.n to SIcivil Si'.. {tills .\pr. ~3 l _ ). 1 ,11,x....... .

.A,Iverti,ing invita'i,ms to e ,luract,n- ill C II- '.Irurt 4th .\ce. 1( 1-----Ilklyn Section,, tiackctt to loth Sts. and Iorih 1„ _7th Sto. Bills .\pr. 6 (2). tyoS ......................

.\TIvcrtising invitation. to coatr'ctie, to c„u- ctruct 4111 Ave. Roll --- lily Sectins, Talton 111 Sackett St.. mill Sackett to Hill Sts. Bill• Apr. 7 (-), 11(1116...........

.\dccrtisinK invitat ions to cnntracturs to c,nt- .truct 4th Ace. Rout, --- Itklyn Sections, Nat,,;... t„ Willoughby St.. and I,~tll to 27th Sts. Lill, :\pr. 6 I:), x1(06 ................

.A,Ivcrtiaing invilaliuns to Cunturxztnr:, ill cun- street 4th Ace. Route -- Itklcn Seeti ,n, \V'ilhlughhy St. to :Ashland H. and 27(h to .(3nl Sts. ]{ills -\pr. 6 (2), 1)1 (6............

.AItvorti-,inh invitation, t„ c lntrael„roc to C:ln- itrllCt .tilt :\\'t'. Route Itklyll Seetiuns, Ssekrt

to loth tilt. ant{ .7111 III 4.111{ Sts.

I1 III .\pr. o. 2y. 19118 .......................

.\ds-erf1s1at iuvilaliun•. to c•IntractIIrs to r m- slruct 4111 Ave. Route --- Blcten SectIlIos, Fulton to Sackett St'. an,1 27th lit .(3rd St,. Itills .\Ilr. 6 (2), 79,18 ......................


1.11313 .311

1,1158. (0


III). 1)11

1,13 2.80

1,087 20




4114. 16

441• t8

Total ............................................................... $12,521.63

The folIn wing payrolls were approved he Ch,lirman VI lllcox : -

1n8') inspectors of !Masonry...... \\'eIk ending \l ay I,,, 190$ .................. 51.361.48

11190 Gas Meter Tester:.......... \Vet Is caddy; May 2 ,, 1915 .................. o

1136 office Staff ................. Uouth calling flay 31, 1y118...........

1137 Law Ueparmneut............ \t.•uth cesling \lay 31, I1)118 .................. 3,1116.66

I I38 Bureau of Statistics and .\c- cutlnts .................. 1[ndh ending \Ia1• 31, 19118 .................. 1,430.1(11

1139 Bureau of Gas and F,lec- tricity ................... 731,11111 ending \lay 31, 19116 .................. 2,1113.33

11411 RU-ell of Franchises....... \1„nth cudiag \tar 31, 19118 .................. 8z$.nn

1141 Chief Engincer's Staff...... .Lath ending 7la\1 31, 1911$ .................. 1,634.99

1142 Transportation Bureau.. , , .. Mouth ending \lay 31, 19116 .................. 7.1 79 • I.5

1143 Bureau If Subway (Illistruc' tion .................... .taint ending 3lac ,11, 19uµ.................. .32,351.47

The following payrolls were approved Ily Commissioner RnSsctt as .\sting Chair man :-

I to6 Inspectors of Masonry....... Week ending :,Iay _,7, 1918 .................. 1 ,387.53

111)7 (.as meter Totters.......... Week coding May 27. 1971$ .................. 73.0

Total............................................................... $57,290.09

To the State Comptroller, approved by Chairman Willcox

1144 Salaries if ('ommissioners, Counsel and Secretary.... Month ending May 31, 19118 .................

Ayes—Conunissioners Willcox, Basset{, 9lalthie. Nays—None. Carried.




pensions: Ilon. THEODORE A. BINGHAM, Police Commissioner:


the fallowing leave of absence, and, clue to lack If work, approves the following sus- May 22, 1908.

On motion, duly seconded, it was Resolved, That this Cwnmissil.n lor.by nlak' the following appointment, approves Sanitary Company (Boiler Squad),

Monthly Salary. Take Effect,

license and location for the same, during the twenty-four hours ending 12 midnight,

under section 312 of chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882 as amended, the following report will show the names of the persons to whom licenses were issued, class of

Sir—In compliance with orders relative to engineers' certificates issued by me

May 22, 1908: First Class. Provisional Appointment:

I Larry V. Schulman, Junior Engineering I )raughtsnion ............ $75.00 Juve 16, 1908

William Kavanagh, No. 195 Broadway. Thomas O'Brien, No. 540 West Fifty-eighth street. Leave of Absence on Account of Illness: \Villiam IvlcAvov, foot East Ilotiston street. S. Shapiro, Tr:ulsit inspector. two weeks, front June lst, 1904 .............. .............

Joseph St. Pierre, No. ) 17 I Ittdson street. Suspensions:

Frederick Scoff, No. { 117 Washington avenue, Brooklyn. Thaddeus A. Judson, Cement Tester, appointed 1)ecember I, 1900............ Jane t, 1908

Otto C. Schilling, Ilenry street R. B., Brooklyn. Beni anlin Maurice, Inspector of Steel, appnin tell August 8, 1902............ June 1, 1908

Second Class. Chit . G. Cunningham, foot Bast One Hundred and Forty-first street. Albert Rushwoocl, No. 35 Great Jones street. Ayes—Comm Willcox, Bassett, ~Ialthic. Joseph Schi lc, No. Soi first av'entie. Nays—None. Jelin Sainobury, No. 265 Central Park West. Carried. -I-honla; Ilopkins, No. 391 Leonard street, Brooklyn. John Short, No. .450 (; reel :p(lint avt•nttc, Brooklyn. (27)

The Secretary presented the folk wind vouchers, the bills of which had hecn

Cltas. Clark, I)ivisiI11 street and Vernon avenue, Brooklyn. duly approved Ly Chairman Willcox, as Committee Iqn .Audit for the month of May, :Ltdrew Fox, Myrtle and \Vyck,)ff avenues, Brooklyn.

John 1la tick , A1}rtle and Wyckoff siventics, Brooklyn. whereupon, on motion, duly seconded, it was C. Jacobson, No. 63 Front street, H to oklyn.

Resolved, That the vouchers enuntc rat ed hell w be apprl,v d by the Coulmission -I-hirll Class. and forwarded to the Comptroller of the Ci'v of New York for payment

i'.103iu .Anstin, No. 1348 Rroa(lway. -- — - -- ----- William Crntliers, No. zoo West I':ighty-sixth street. "1•hunlas (nnll,n, Clifton, St,ltcn Island. Jahn J. I)arct v, No. 1 t 2 \Vest Sweaty-Second street. Joseph Ihterr. No. 226 Frttn•th ❑ venue•. J 10tp11 S. I)rrnn, Her 1,3. North River. \\'illiani Filler', Hight}--ninth street and :'\t enue A. 'I 1:onrls (ileac In, Nil. 203 West i ifty-frlttrth street. Amer C. Iinghcs, Nn, 215 West •I- hirtv--third street. l'Inlcs S. L.nvslm, fo,tcnvillc, Staten Island. ['ctcr W. JnhI:,on, No. ir, Broadway. .A_Its. rt OrLcn, No. (,2o APest "I twatv-liftll street. -raft h M. Paulsen, Nt-w [)orp, Staten Island. I trn,uc Lllcwt'ntnn, No. { tijt fifth avenue. lc,clih "lanniurl. \'o. 5 Si-Ivan place. \\ dI: tin \IcCartll_v, No. ;?9 \Vert One I lunrlrcd and Eleventh street. \\'itti ,1m I I. \IrN:mlarrI. l went\-Fixtil street and Eleventh avenue.

I , I,v-trd .`:IcUnn illl, No. 5 Sylvan place. \icsanller Nvalis, ('ne Iluntlr<-,1 and forty-third street and Brook avenue. ]r (Ill J. SCrIllV. Ont- I Itinllred and 'I hirtii' h street and Twelfth avenue. \,\ illiant I. Stunlfl, No. 5l6 West I•weilty-fifth Street. I'tter I). Vollrhecs, No. 27 Pine street. V'illi -lni AVegetier, font l'aSt One IIondred au ri Fifteenth street. I; ~Irgc Yitantcr, Sc:nnd avcruc and (.)1,c IItutdrer: and Twentc-lifth street. 1:,d w. I'rn:•htic. Flush:t g :11;11 Front streets, Iiroold' ll. I ('I'll Linker, No. Ito %ValI stre t, Ilruol-.Iva. (%wen Ilarri,, Nrl. 407 Ilantiltnu :Ircnul, Rrookl_vt:. I. uis I'ntik. Sixth avenue !lid Ttvclfth Street, llrooklyn. \\'Ili. II. liehekvr, No. 143 Lil>crty street, Broukivn. ( ha-. SL:1lfltek7 No. 11)0 \lu:1tngute street, Brooklyn. l r o'k 1!arth. Ilarrisl,n play,• and Bogart street, Brooklyn. to o h- I I T. Cradhic, N. to:) [ ulton street. Rronkko. i

11111 l' Currie, No. 134 Graham :fVeme. Brl~oklyn.

J. Peter Malt cls. No. 543 Fulton street, Brooklyn. Respectfully sulntittc•d.

HENRY 11R1'.l.N, Liettte•t1iitt-in-Coo0ocind.

II02 The Brooklyn 1 lady Eagle..

Sanitat' Company (Boiler Squad), flat- 23, 1908.

!Ion. 'I IIFOI)ORE A. IIIN(;II,\\I, Police Commissioner:

S:r--In compliance with orders relative to engineers' certificates issued by me at, lcr - c•Clirn: ,312 of chapter Ito of the Laws of 1852 as amended, the following tll,IC trill shots the nvncx of the perootl1 to whlml iiectises were issued, class of ill,., :,ell ICiattil.n f,lr th, - s;Intc. daring the tyvcnty-four hour., ending 12 midnight,

\ I a\ =. 11)05: First Class.

Gcnrgt' Jclassic, No. yo 1\c'ot P,roa(Iw:n-. C. Strain), foot Blackwell street, iirooklvn. \\'illiam \,'rut Btureti, Brighton tieaeIi, Brooklyn. Patrick O'Rottrkc, Ninth aventte and Inroad vav, Brooklyn. Richard .- . Ntvea, No, 33 Turman street, Brooklyn.

Second Class. 'I l0nbas .AIlison, No. 617 West Forty-seventh street. J:tires (.loghlan, Nn. 497 Pearl strict. J( hti J. Goff, No. 257 West Fortieth street. Patrick Mullen, Nn, toy \Vest Fifteenth .otreet. J-(Icph S. Garwood, Twelfth street and (;uvvantis Canal, Brooklyn. Richard Rutter, Seaside and Remsen aventtes, Rockaway Beach. Joseph Lr.gasser, No. {03.} llcan street, Brooklyn. Jnscph 1.. Web;ter, Pleasant as enue anti Long Island Railroad, Brooklyn. Herbert J. IItrtnuan, No. )t-0,; Linden street, Brooklyn. T. W. Jackson, "Twelfth street, and Hamilton avenue, Brooklyn. James Teddford, No. 97 Ilope street, Brooklyn.

Third Class. 'I hootis I)ay, No. 65 West Forty-{ifth street. William A. Fitf•nia, Westchester and Ptigsley avenues. Frederick L. Kinsey, No. 357 West street. George W. 'Mott, No. 197 Greene street. John T. Brown, Pleasant Plains, Staten Island. EMnlotdd lelotcori0rf, No. 84 A'6' ill iam street. henry Pries, No. 6g East Ninety-second street. Franz Schcihcnstock, No. 5 East One Hundred and Thirty-seventh street. John J. Thnt•wood, No. 886 East One hundred and Thirty-fourth street. Duhiel L. \Vhalen, No. 242 \Vest Seventy-fourth street. Louis Hansen, Fifty-second Street and First avenue. Brooklyn. Witt. Brown, No. 24 Broadway, Brooklyn. Will. J. Foley, Room No. Iq Municipal Building, Brooklyn, Michael Costello, No. 94 Lawrence street, Brooklyn. Joseph Miller, No. 240 India street, Brooklyn. Antonio Allegri, Flashing avenue, Brooklyn. Chas. l3anzert, Central avenue and Long Island Railroad, Brooklyn. J. F. McReath, Sheridan walk, Brooklyn. John J. McCarthy, No. 27 Boerffoi place, Brooklyn. Robt. Carlin, foot Sixty-seventh street, Brooklyn. Thomas Mattiniore, No. q5 Columbia street, Brooklyn.

Special. Frank C. Cogan, No. 18(1 New York avenue, Rosebank, Staten Island.

Respectfully submitted. HENRY BREEN, Lieutenant-in-Command.

Voucher No. In Favor of

1092 New York American........

1(93 The New York Herald ('om- llally.....................

I ore; New York Pree. Co. 1.14...

lo95 The Sun ...................

1,96 The New Yurk Times......

1097 The 9rihttue :\Nelxiatinn....

1098 The 6Yurhl ................

1099 The Globe & (onlmercial Alt- vertisel .................

1 too Mail 1; h:xpresv (•n........ .

tour The Evening P ',t........

r lu,t The Brooklyn Citizen.......

1104 Brooklyn IIaily Tintes......

105 •the H1n,(ktVo l'nnuu I.'ublish- ing Cumliany .............

)( I.ICL I)E1—b R'I'\lENT




• Minutes of meeting of Board of Estimate and Apportionment, City of New York, held in Room 16, City Hall, Friday, May 15, ipo8.

The Board met in pursuance of an adjournment.

Present-George B. McClellan, Mayor; Herman A. Metz, Comptroller; Patrick F. McGowan, President, Board of Aldermen; John F. Ahearn, President, Borough of Manhattan; Bird S. Coler, President, Borough of Brooklyn; Louis F, Haffen, President, Borough of The Bronx; Lawrence Grosser, President, Borough of Queens, and George Cromwell, President, Borough of Richmond.

The Mayor, Hon. Geo. B. McClellan, presided.

After considering Franchise and Financial Matters, the Board proceeded to the consideration of the following Public Improvement Matters:



The Comptroller asked unanimous consent for the present consideration of a reso-lution changing the date of vesting title to the lands within the blocks bounded by Chrystie, Forsyth, Canal and Bayard streets, and the 13Owcry, Chrystie, Canal and Bayard streets, Borough of Manhattan, required for the approach to the Manhattan Bridge.

No objection being made, the following resolution was presented Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment, at a meeting held on the

1st day of :\1a3, 1908, adopted a resolution amending the resolution adopted by said Board on October 4, 1907, rclatiug to the vesting of title in The City of New York to the lands required for the Uanhatt::n approach to the Alanhattan Bridge, so as to provide that the title to such portion of said land; as did not vest in 'l he City of New York on the 8th day of October, lyo7, p'1r cant to said rr,olutioil of October 4, 1907, should vest in said City of New York on July i, 19oS, instead of on May 2, 19o8, as provided by the said resolution of October 4, 1907 : and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and apportionment deems it for the public interest that title to that portion of the lands required for the Nlanliattan approach to the Jlanhat'an Bridge which ,lid not vest in The City of New York on the 8th day of October, 1907, pursuant to said resolution of October .1, 1y07, shall vest in The City ,f New York on the 1st day of June, Igo8, instead of the Ist day of July, Içjo8; there-lore be it

Resolved, That the said resolution adopted be the Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment on the 1st day of ilay, Iyofi, be and the saute is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

"Resolved, That the resolution adopted by the 11o;u•d of Estimate and :lppor-tionnlent on October 4, 1b07, vesting title in The City of New York on October 8, 1907, to a portion of the lands required f,r the Alanhatt:u] approach to the Manhat-tan Bridge and providing that title to the rcnlainrler of the 1:111(1 required therefor should vest in The City of New York on .Nlay 2, Ico8, be and the same hereby is amended so as to read as follows:

"Whereas, The L'()ard of Estimate au,_ .Apin,rti,nmcl,t did heretofore, On the 23d day of November, 1906, adopt resolutions authorizing the acrtuisitinn of the fee of the lands selected by the Commissioner of Bridges as an approach to the Manhattan Bridge, lying between Monroe street and the llon'ery, in the Borough of Manhattan, and more particularly shown on the neap filed by the Commissioner of Bridges in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York on the 20th day of February, 1905; and

"Whereas, The Commissioners of L<tinlalc and Appraisal have been appointed by the Supreme Court in proceedings to acquire title to the said property, and the oaths of said Commissioners of Estimate and Appraisal were duly filed, as required by law, on the 26th day of February, 19o7; therefore he it

"Resol%ed, That the Board of Estimate mid Apportiuumcnt of The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of the Greater New York Charter as amended, direct that upon the 8th day of October, 1907, the title to each and every piece or parcel of land shown upon the map filed by the Commissioner of Bridges ill the office of the Register of the County of New York on the 20th day of February, 1905, except so much of said lands and such parcels thereof shown upon said map as are included within the block bounded by Chrystie, Forsyth, Canal and Bayard streets, and excepting that portion of the block bounded by the Lowery, Chrystie, Canal and Bayard streets, known and designated as Lot; Nos. 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, II, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48, in Block 290, section I, on the tax maps of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. shill be vested in The City of New York; and that on the 1st day of June, 1908, title shall vest in The City of New York to so much of said lands and such p:lrctls thereof shown upon said neap as are included within the block bounded by Chrystie, Forsyth, Canal and Bayard streets, and to so much of said lands included within the block bounded by the Bowery, Chrystie, Canal and Bayard streets as are known and designated as Lots Nos. I, 2,

3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, II, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48, in Block 290, section I, on the tax neaps of the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York."

Which was adopted by the following vote:

Affirmative-The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond-i6.



The President of the Borough of Queens, to whom on May 8, 19(-)8, was referred the plans for the superstructure of the viaduct to be built across the "Sunnyside Yard," on the line of Thomson avenue, Borough of Queens, asked unanimous consent for the present consideration of his report in the matter.

No objection being made, the following report was presented and referred to the Chief Engineer.


LONG ISLAND CITY, May 15, 1908. Board of Estimate and Apportionment, City of New York:

GENTLEMEN-In the matter of the plans for the Thomson avenue crossing over the Sunnyside Yard, referred to me at your meeting on Friday last, I have the honor to report: That accompanying please find a general report made by Mr. Erlandsen, the Bridge Engineer, to whom I referred the matter for an expert opinion. I am pleased to say that his report is favorable. The only suggestion made therein which,

to my mind, would warrant making any change is in connection with the arrangement of the structure at this time for the installation of trolley tracks.

I believe the plans should be altered so as to allow the placing of tracks, when the same become necessary, with the least possible interference of the traffic across the structure.

Yours respectfully, LAWRENCE GRESSER,

President of the Borough of Queens.



Hon. LAWRENCE GRESSER, President of the Borough of Queens: DEAR SIR-I submit below the result of my examination of the drawings of the

superstructure of the Thomson Avenue Viaduct. The plans submitted consist of seven (7) sheets. The first one (No. 502) is a

general drawing of the Thomson Avenue Viaduct, and the remaining six sheets (Nos. 503, 504, 505, 517, 544 and 548) show most of the typical details, but not all. Thomson Avenue Viaduct as submitted is an extremely complicated skew strttcture, of which it is almost correct to say that no two pieces are alike. Many sheets in addition to those submitted are therefore required to show the entire structure, and inasmuch as the agreement with the City requires that "all plans be submitted to and approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment before the construction is commenced," it would probably be just as well if the complete set were submitted for approval.

The drawings submitted cover only the steel superstructure and the electric light poles. The masonry plans were submitted and approved almost a year ago, and the masonry itself is almost completed. Any suggestloh involving change of design is therefore out of the question, though it would Seeni front the brief examination that it has been possible to make in the limited time availagyblc, that there is a simpler and more economical design. The protection piers, all concrete, the _paving and the pipes, although shown in a general way, are not intended to be covered by the drawings sub-nlitted, and additional drawings will be submitted later (ill covering them.

'The superstructure as submitted has been very carefully designed, in accordance with the latest edition (tgol) of Cooper's Spceiiicatinl,s for Steel IIighway and Electric Railway Bridges and Viaducts, Class AI, the only change front Cooper's specifications being that the pavement is carried on reinforced concrete instead of being carried on plain concrete and buckle plates. 'I his change is in accordance with the best practice. Mlle material of which the superstructure is to be made is uleditnn steel. This infor-

111:1 1 non should <•tpp, ar on one of the drawings. The structure consists of fourteen deck girder spatis of varying lengths and depths,

supported on coltmins which ire placed in rows generally parallel with the tracks. The girders in spans I, 2, 13 and 14, at the two ends of the struClure, are imbedded in con-crete to protect them from corrosion by the gases fr(,m the steam locunlotives Which will run under these girders. 'file remaining spans are not so protected because it is ex-pected that only electric locomotives will run tinder then spans. ']'Ile question, how-ever, is not very vital, as the steam locomotive is soon likely to be a thing of the past.

Although the structure as submitted has been designed to carry a trolley car on any part of the roadway, no provision has been made for carrying the tracks. This is not in accordance with the practice in this vicinity. 'I he l3lackwylls island Bridge, for example, has been designed to carry four elevated railway tracks and four trolley tracks, and complete provision has been made for these tracks, although no franchise has been granted to any railway company to cross the bridge. It is therefore recom-mended that the plans be altered to provide stringers for two standard gauge trolley tracks placed in the middle of the roadway twelve feet apart, centre to centre of tracks. This change, if Made now, will require chiefly a redistribution of material. But if ma,Ic after the c,mmpleti,m of the structure the change will involve the destruction or rebuilding of a considerahle portion of the structure, under much difficulty and expense Ind It great incn:n eni,~uCe tc, the traveling public.

'these tracks should he designed for a train of two cars, as it is a common occur-reuce for a disabled or dead car to be placed in a train with the next live car.

The information contained in this report, other than that obtainable from the draw jugs submitted, was furnished by Mr. Alfred Noble, who kindly placed a complete set of the plans at Illy disposal.

Respectfully, OSCAR ERLANISEN.

The President of the Board of Aldermen moved that when the Board adjourns, it adjourn to meet on Friday, May 22, 1908, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.

Which motion was adopted.

'l'be Board then adjourned, to meet on Friday, May 22, 1908. JOSI?15fl ITAAG, Secretary.



Minutes of meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, City of New York, held in Room 16, City Hall, Friday, May 22, IOOS.

The Board met in pursuance of an adjournment.

Present-George 13. McClellan, Mayor; Herman A. Metz, Comptroller; Patrick F. McGowan, Presilent of the Board of Aldermen; John F. Ahearn, President of the Borough of Manhattan; Bird S. Color, President of the Borough of Brooklyn; Louis F. Iiaffen, President of the Borough of The Bronx; Lawrence Gresser, Presi-dent of the Borough of Queens, and George Cromwell, President of the Borough of Richmond.

The Mayor, Hon. George B. McClellan, presided.

The minutes of meetings held May I and May 8, 1908, were approved as printed.


In the matter of approving maps showing lands in Ilentpstead, Nassau County, New York, required by The City of New York for the purpose of extending the 72-inch steel pipe line from Clear Stream eastwardly to a point near Wantagh, affidavits of publication were presented showing that the matter had been duly advertised.

Air. Leo Fisllel, representing the Village of Freeport, Long Island, appeared and asked permission to file his objections.

No objection being made, the following was presented and placed on file:

In the Matter of

The hearing before the Board of Esti-mate and Apportionment of The City of New York relative to the taking of certain lands in the County of Nassau for water supply in The City of New York.

To the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York: The Village of Freeport, a municipal corporation in the County of Nassau, New

York, doth hereby protest against the acquiring of lands by The City of New York


for water supply in the said Village of Freeport, and doth further object and protest to the courses and distances for said water supply as shown on the filed maps.

The specific objections by the Village of Freeport are as follows: First-Objects to any land being taken in any part of the Village of Freeport

by tl,c said City of New York. Second-Objects to taking any land in the Village of Freeport south of the Long

Island Railroad tracks. Third-Objects to taking any land in the Village of Freeport unless a binding

agreement be entered into between the Village of Freeport and The City of New York to the effect that the said City of New York shall have no right to place wells or infiltration galleries in any part of said Village of Freeport,

Fourth-Objects to the taking or crossing of any of the streets or highways in the Village of Freeport by the said City of New York.

Fifth-Objects to the interfering by The City of New York in any manner with the water supply of the said Village of Freeport, its municipal water plant, or to any of its inhabitants.

Sixth-Objects tb the taking of any land by The City of New York in any part of the Village of Freeport unless a binding agreement be entered into between the Village of Freeport and The City of New York to the effect that the land to be taken by The City of New York may be used as a street or boulevard and shall be kept open as such.


LEO FISHEL, Attorney for the Village of Freeport. Office and Post Office Ad-dress, No. 29A Railroad Avenue, Freeport, N. Y.

The following was presented and placed on file:

To the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York: We, the undersigned, citizen; and taxpayers of the Village of Rockville Centre,

Nassau County, New York, do respectfully petition your Honorable Board that you modify the map or maps showing the lands between the Merrick road and Morris avenue in the Village of Rockville Centre, New York, proposed to be taken for the purpose of extending the 72-inch steel pipe line from Clear Stream eastwardly, so that the said City of New York shall acquire all of the land so proposed to be taken, subject to an casement for the public for road purpose.,, and so that the whole of said strip of land shall be and remain an open street and avenue forever.

The reason we make this petition is that the strip of land in question passes through the most thickly populated and best hu4~hess section of the Village of Rock-ville Centre, and unless it may be used for a public street it will become a dumping ground, a resort for vagrants, and mar the appearance of the village, while if said strip is used as a public street it may be lighted and policed as the other streets of the village. If this strip may be so used as a public street we do not think the business interest of the village will suffer.


And Twenty-eight Others.

The Comptroller moved that the public hearing be postponed until June 19, 1908. Which motion was adopted by the following vote: Affirmative-The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-

men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, P,rnoklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond-T6.



In the matter of the proposed closing and discontinuing of William street and North William street through that portion of their length crossing the land occupied by the Brooklyn Bridge, Borough of Manhattan, affidavit of publication was pre-sented showing that the matter had been duly advertised.

Nobody appearing in favor of or in Opposition to the proposed changes the hearing was closed.

The following resolutions were then alonted: Resolved, That the resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportion-

ment on July 8, 1907, changing the map or plan of The City of New York by clos-ing and discontinuing portions of William street and North William street, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of Now York, be and the same is hereby rescinded.

Affirmative-The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens. and Richmond-16.

Whereas, At a meeting of this Board, held on the 24th day of April, 1908, resolu-tions were adopted proposing to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as to cl,tse and discontinue that portion of William street and North William street lying within the limits of the land acquired for the Brooklyn Bridge, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, and appointing a hearing at a meeting of this Board to be held on the 22(1 (lay of May, 1908, at 10.30 o'clock a. tit., at which meeting such proposed action would he considered by this Board, and requesting a notice to all persons affected thereby, of the aforesaid time and place at which such proposed action would be considered, to he published in the CITY RECORD for ten days prior to the 22d clay of May, 1908; and

Whereas, It appears from the affidavit of the Supervisor of the City Record that the aforesaid resolutions and notice have been published in the CITY RECORD for ten clays prior to the 22d (lay of Alay, 1908; and

Whereas, At the aforesaid time and place, a public hearing was given to all persons interested in such proposed change who appeared, and such proposed change was duly considered by this Board; now therefore be it

Resolved. That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, deeming it for the public interest to change the map or plan of The City of New York by closing and discontinuing that portion of William street and North William street lying within the limits of the laud acquired for the Brooklyn Bridge, in the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, does hereby favor the same so as to make the aforesaid changes as follows:

William Street.

Beginning at a point on the northerly line of William street distant 341.38 feet westerly from the intersection with the westerly line of Duane street, and running thence southeastwardly along the northeasterly line of the Brooklyn Bridge property to a point on the southerly line of William street, distant 326.72 feet westerly from the intersection with the southwesterly line of Duane street ; thence westerly along the southerly line of William street a distance of 148.09 feet; thence northwestwardly along the southwesterly line of the Brnol,lyn Bridge property to a point on the northerly line of William street distant 147.64 feet westerly from the point of be-ginning; thence eastwardly along the northerly line of William street to the point or place of beginning.

North William Street.

Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of North William street, distant 123.1 feet southwesterly from the intersection with the southwesterly line of Park row, and running thence southeastwardly along the northeasterly line of the Brooklyn Bridge property to a point on the soil illcasterly line of North William street, dis-tant 193.33 feet southwesterly from the intersection with the southerly line of Park row ; thence southwestwardly along the southeasterly line of North William street a distance of 142.01 feet; thence northwestwardly along the southwesterly line of the Brooklyn Bridge property to a point oil the northwesterly line of North William street, distant 141.5 feet from the point of beginning; thence northcastwardly along the northwesterly line of North William street to the point or place of beginning.

Affirmative-The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond-16.





In the matter of the proposed laying out of Broadway terrace, between Fairview avcuue and West One Hundred and Ninety-third street; 'Vest One Hundred and Ninety-third street, between Broadway and Broadway terrace; Wadsworth terrace, between West One Hundred and Eighty-eighth street and Fairview avenue; West One Hundred and Eighty-eighth street, between Wadsworth terrace and Wadsworth avenue; West One Hundred and Ninetieth street, between Wadsworth terrace and Wadsworth avenue; and establishing grades therein, Borough of Manhattan, affidavit of publication was presented showii'g that the matter had been duly advertised.

\Ir. Joltn C. Shaw aim I)C red before the Board and requested all adjournment. The Comptroller mnv'ed that the ]tearing be postponed ttntil June 19, 1908. Which ntotirnt was adopted by the following vote: Affirmative---'I he Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the aboard of Alder-

n1cn and the Presidents of the Boroughs of 1lauhattail, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Richmond-16.




In the matter of the proposed e tabli-hing of grade of Irvine street, between Seneca avenue and Garrison a\cnuc; changing the grade; of Barretto street, between Garrison .venue and Whiticck av'emac; Al:lnirla street. between Lafayette avenue and Garrison avetttte; Ilunts Point road, (di wcen SI-I eca aiUntie and Whitlock avenue; Faile street, between t;:u'rison acennc and 1Vhitl tck tnrn lie ; Garrison avenue, between Barretto street and Faile street, Seneca avel'uc, between Ifunts Point road and Faile street, iborough of "fhe Bronx, affidavit of publication was presented, showing that the matter had Meer, duly advertised.

Nobody appearing in favor of or in opposition to the proposed changes, the hear-inn was closed.

The following resolution was then adopted Whereas, At a meeting of this Board, held on the 2.4th day of April, 19o8, resolu-

tions were adopted proposing to change the flint) or plan of The City of New York so as to establish the grade of Irvine street, between Seneca avenue and Garrison avenue; and change the grades of ii;Lrrctto street, between Garrison avenue and Whit-lock avenue: lfanida street, between Lafayette avenue and Garrison avenue; Hunts Point road, between Seneca avenue and 11'hitlocic avenue: Faile street, between Gar-rison avenue and Whitlock avenue; Garrison avenue. between Barretto street and Faile street; and Seneca avenue, between ITunts Point retch and Faile street, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, and appointin_ a hearing at a meeting of this Board to he held oil the 22d day of May, TQOQ, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which meetiI.g such proposed action would he considered by this Board, and requesting a notice to all persons affected thereby, of the aforcsclicl time and place at which such proposed action would be considered. to be pahlisle l in the Ci'ry RECosn for ten days prior to the 22d day of \fay, T008; and

Whereas, It appears front the affidavit of the Supervisor of the City Record that the aforesaid resolutions and notice have been publi4hed in the CITY RECORD for ten days prior to the 224 day of Man', 1908; and

Whereas, At the aforesaid time and place, a public bearing was given to all per-Sons interested in such proposed chtmg; who appeared, and such proposed change was duly considered by this Board; now, therefore, he it

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, in pttrsttance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, deeming it for the public interest to change the map or plan of The City of New York by establishing- the grade of Irvine street, between Seneca avenue and Garrison avenue; and changut;; the grades of Barretto street, between Garrison ave-nue and Whitlock avenue; Manida street, between Lafayette avenue and Garrison avenue; Iftmtc Point road, between Seneca avenue and Whitlock avenue; Faile street, between Garrison avenue and Whitlock avenue; Garrison avenue. between Barretto street and Faile street; and Seneca avenue, between Hunts Point road and Faile street. in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, does hereby favor the same so as to make the aforesaid changes as follows


Irvine Street.

I. The elevation at Seneca avenue to be 64.5 feet. 2. The elevation at Garrison avenue to be 3.8 feet.


Barretto Street.

I. The elevation at Garrison avenue to be 59.o feet, as heretofore established. 2. The elevation of the bridge over the New York, New Haven and Hartford

Railroad to be 51.04 feet. 3. The elevation at Whitlock avenue to be 43.; feet, as heretofore established.

Manida Street.

I. The elevation at Lafayette avenue to he as heretofore established. 2. The elevation at Garrison avenue to be 62.5 feet.

Flints Point Road.

I. The elevation at Seneca avenue to be 68.o feet, as heretofore established. 2. The elevation opposite the point of tangency in the westerly curb line southerly

from Garrison avenue to be 62.0 feet.


3. The elevation opposite the point of tangency in the building line northwest-

erly from Garrison avenue to be ;9.0 feet. 4. The elevation of the bridge over the New York, New Haven and Hartford

Railroad to be 58.46 feet. 5. The elevation at Whitlock avenue to be 54.0 feet, as heretofore established.

/wile .Street.

I. The elevation at Garrison avenue to he 46.o feet, as heretofore established.

2. The elevation of the bridge over the New York, New Haven and Hartford

Railroad to be 47.9 feet. 3. The elevation at Whitlock avenue to be 48.0 feet, as heretofore established.

Garrisntt .1 enx;•.

i. The elevation at Barretto street to be 59.o feet, as heretofore established.

2. The elevation at Manilla street to he 62.5 feet.

3. The elevation opposite the point of tangency in the building line southwesterly

from Hunts Point road to be 61.o feet 4. The elevation opposite the point of tangency in the building line northeasterly

from Hunts Point road to be 6o.o feet. 5. The elevation at Irvine street to he 53.8 feet.

6. The elevation at Faile street to he 46.o feet, as heretofore established.

.Se,,ec, . iz ent c.

I. The elevation at hunts Point road to be 68.o feet, as heretofore established. 2. The elevation at Irvine street to he 64.5 feet. 3. The elevation at Failc street to be S8.o feet, as hcrctnforc established. All elevations refer to mean high-watr datum as established in the Borough of

The Bronx.

.Affirniative-The Alayor, the Comptroller, the 1'icsiqenE of the Ik and of Alder-men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of \I•mhattall, Br, oklvn, 'I-he Bronx, Queens

and Richmond-16.


TION OF C-SHOT STREET: EsT:11tl.ls II I N1; (,R.\l,!•a I,, C:Vtt,T STIss:ar, BARRY STREET

AND Dr- i'oxT STREET; CHANGING Gl.\ur: ur I?.\;rr:ux iint,E'ABII, LE(;cF:TT A\-Exl'e, GARRISON AVENre .\s''n 'I-~<t x'rox Srr.Fa`r, 'l'tnF: BRONX.

Iii the matter of the proposed change of line of Cabot street at the intersection wirer Leggett avenue, change of line „f Leggett avcmmitc at the intersection \vith C;ehot street; discontinuing a portion of Cabot street cs1:fhIimhing graced; in Cal,ot sired, hetwcen the hulkheael limit' and Leggett avenue: llarry' street. belw_en F;k'slL-m boulevard and Leggett t1VCmc: Dupont street, hetwecn ICasIern 1cailc\ard anal LNtgt'•tt avenue: eilahgih g the grade of Eastern bRalevard. hetvccn Cravemm =trcet and C:Ih, t Greet ; Leggett aceuu•, between Barr\' street and \ViiitII ck IL\'CTIue (;aril,; n ateuue, I \cecIi I,CgL(tt :tV epee and Grinnell pine. ; l ruxtou street. betw'cc1I lit enekrlMl line acme Leggett nv'cntle, Borough of The Bronx, ;Rill;n'it of puheicati, ti v;Ls 1,rc;cntc,l ;hewing that the (natter had 1wen fhtly 2dvc•rtiSell.

Nobody appearing in favor of or in oppusiti mt to the proposed changes, the herring

was closed.

The fo11uwro,g resoltttion «'as then ;tdopted: \\ hereas, .At a meclin!g of this Bard, hc1,I o,,1 the tIII 1lO ' of .1pi'il, I,)l*i, rc'.l,i-

liuus were adopted nropl,sing to cltangc the ln.il, „r likeu f 'I he City of Nev York as to change the line of Cabot street at the i1IteIsecti,,11 with l.L'g eta avenue, and the line of Leggett a\eIlte at the imiticsectiDli with ('alt ,1rcct; di,c~ Irrone it portion of Cabot street ; cst t1,1isll MI Ick5 ill Vaunt street. i 'I \t'e rl the hulkhca l line anal I 'g,gett :t\'enuc; Barry -!rcet, l twlcn (_astern hunlet':;rrl :In,l Lcm.;ctt av(•nuc; I)uloot ,fret, Lct\vecll 1{a;tern liommiccard and Leglgett ave7lic: Ch;lIImc the gr;uIt (If lnlmlerrT hIolc-ard. I t\'ec-n Craven ;trcct :,lief ChLhot street: L.cagctt a\ VIII&, hl•twccrl Barr' slrl•et

mince Whitlock amvuund ; (;arriun ;n'enm•, 1ety en Lrg.grtt :tventtc Nrtl1 ( mumiIII itc• I- ruxton street, betw'ccII the bulkhead line and Leggett a1•cnHe, ill the Itruuz;h of •I he l;ronx, Cit)• of New York, anal alq,oirtting, a hearing, alt :t meeting of this It„ard, Io ha.• held on the 221 day of \Ian'. 1')08, at 10.,;0 ,'clock a. Ill., at which meeting such pr„p'.,erl action would he con;i~ler; d l,v this Board. alld rctlucstilIg it n(,tice II all persons :Iffecied thercl,v of file aforesaid time mind place at which such pro1b cd action w•onlrl be cnn-sidcred, to lie published in the Ct'ry RECORD for ten dos prior to the 22d day of flay, 1908; and

Whereas, It appears fremn the affidavit of the Supervisor of the City Record that the aforesaid nisitlntiit,ns :id ciotkc hnye been In!hli,lleIl ill the Crry Rio inn fill' ten days prior to the 22d Ilan' of slay, If)(-18: Mid

Whereas, At the aforesaid lime null place. ;t pnhfic hearing Iva; given to all tier-sons interested in such proposed change who appeared, :nn4 such prupnsed charge will duly considered Iv this Board now therefore he it

Resolved, That the Board of I?,timate and :lipportionnient of The City of Nevv York, in pursuance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter ;is :upended, deeming it for the public interest to cliallge the map or plan of 'l iii City of New York by changing the line of Cabot street at the iliters ectiun with 1. gnett avenue, and the line of Leggett avenue at the intersect iii with Cabot street; ,4iscnn-tintrng it portion of Cabot street; establishing grade, in Cabnt street, Iwtween the hnikhead line and Leggett avenue; Barry street, between last em boulevard anal Lcggctl .!venue; 1)11pont street, between Eastern boulevard and Lcgt ett atccuuc; changing rile grade of Eastern boulevard. between Craven street and Caine street; Leggett avenue, between Barry street and Whitlock avenue: Garrison avenue, between I.cggctt avenue and Grinnell place; 1'ruxton Street, between the bulkhead line and Leggett avenue, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, doe'. herchv favor the some so as to

snake the afore-aid changes as follows :


Cabot .S'Irret.

The northwesterly line between Leggett avenue anal the angel' point southwesterly Iimerc•fronn is to be Ro feet distant from and parallel with the southeasterly line as here-

tofore laic} out. Leggett .'lvenuc•.

Him •.ovthwesn•rIY line totem \1•'hitlock moo mine and Cabot street is to he Ilmst:ant co fort ern•. b•.vesterly from anll parallel with the northeasterly line a; heretofore

laid out. That porNIn If Cabot street, as at present laid out, lying withrout the lines as herein-

before dcscribtd, is hereby discontinued.


('abot Street.

I. 'Fhe elevation at the bulkhead line of Fast River to be 6.o feet. 2. 'I he elevation at Eastern boulevard to he 13.0 feet.

3, The elevation at a point distant Soo feet northerly from the northerly curb inter-Section at Eastern boulesard to be 17.0 feet.

4. The elevation at file angle point southwesterly from Leggett avenue to be 25,0 feet.

5. The elevation at 1.eggett :n•cuuc to he 29.5 fret.

Barry .Ylrcel.

I. The clevalion at Eastern boulevard to be 12.) feet. 2. 'I he elevation at a point (list ant 650 feet n9rt held y from the northerly curh inter-

section at Eastern boulevard to he 15.5 feet. ,i. The elevation at Leggett avenue to be its hereinafter estahlishcll.

Putout Street.

t. 'l'he clevution at kastern boulevard to be 12.0 feel. 2. The elevation opposite the southeasterly curb mter;ectiuu'near Leggett avenue,

to be i6.6 feet.

3. 'Ihe elevation at Leggett avenue to be as heretofore established.


Eastern Boulevard.

1. hlte elevation at Craven street to he 9.6 feet, as heretofore wlaiblistcd'. 2. The elevation at Truxton street to be 11.0 feet. 3. 'I he elevation at Dupont street to be 12.0 feet. -1. '(he elevation at a pint lnidw- ay between Dupont slrect and Barry street to he

130 feet. 5, The cicvatmn at Barry street to be 12.0 feet. 6. 'fltc cicvation at Cabot street to he t,3.o feet.

1,f )gCtt .Is,,lrrr.

1. The gl•c:ttiun at (lorry street to he tu.7 feet, ;ls heretnf„re r;tahli,hccl. _. 'hue elevation at (;an'ison avennl to hr 2) 5 feet.

3. 'I he eh•vmitiou nLIinsirc the iuter•see1ioi of the northw'csterlv end of the bridge

over the New York, New Ieas'l•n anll I lartfnrll Railroad with the sntbsvcsterlv line, to

bc• 29.5 feet, as heretofore estahlishcri.

Garrison ."l i'evtRr.

t. '1 lie m•I'v;itmu at Lc gctl Arcnnc to he 29.5 feet.

2. 'I he &'IcvAti(,iT 'it IivitucIl place' 1r , he 26.o feet, as kerehiifiire estttthsldl.

'I l'n.r1nl1 Street.

1. I lie dleVl1ut at the ihlkIi',•miel line to Lc I. (cit. ;ls heretofore estab lishe~d.

2. 'I he elc\'atinn at I::lslcrn hunlrt:urn t.. he ii n feet.

3. "I - he elct':ltiun :it l.cC ctt at'ertuc to he 1.3 .11 I'll. a; her •tofore e tablishell.

Note-:\II clb'vmbti mls refer 1~, meat hiCh water (haf1hin as c-tatlished in the Borough

of 'I'll: Bronx.

Afl'irnxltit'c--'I lie \larr. th • CComptroller. time Pi'siIIcnt of the I;uard of .\hcetmdu ;lrtll the President; of the I%Irml1fis of \laluiLmittmni. I;rookkIl, 'l he Bronx, Queens and Richchoud -!(t

(I'i':NImm, AND l':xi':xiiixi; :\vFNI E P. RROhKI.S'N.

In the m:luu' If Tfsml an urea of asme'.sment for life proposed opening mime cXKllJ ng of .\i'ehele N, flint t h Ill ms'•illu to ('ghe)' I,l:1nlI a\'i'uiuc, and front Conte 1,Iand ktuu( to f;c:\rsm-nIl mimlnlir', 1:,)r iu th .,f Rr, niarn, affidavits of publication were I,rc-:cnlrrl, "hnwiilk that till mail'' Ilan 11ri•n dills' ethcet'rtised.

'I he railra~l drtnlcAti(s wcrc Nimes' notified. 1, hr1) aeI ;(chit. ill (mlv r 'If ~r ill nl,l, ,siti, n I„ the ph)ill,se(l mica if a,>:,,nlcnt,

ii' hc:wlei; \a'm- ci 5(1.

'I h' f1d1ow' iii rc,olutiun' (Viii' Ihen ;ldot,ted

It's lt(f!, I'h:~t the I{n;tnl of I•:,tilnatc and :\liIi u'tiunmcnt of The City' of New

Srk, in purse:u c • ui tLc prusisin, of "cl'lII,Ii 1170 Iii the (;rcatcr New York Charter is an1'nJeil, (1i•,'In, it f r th • p'ILlic ilitcre=t that the title, for the uses :tall to the extent Iii e meat ::; III r;•iti ln., ',i ,nr il. II, III, lathe; mull IIIcllli;e; illjiuiu'mrl for the uperling attcl 'x'eilduIlg of '\•revue I', fn,nn Occ•an avenue to Policy IsimlIl l avenuc, ar.d frith Coney Island :n'enue to (;ran -(.114 ;1vl•nnc, in IIt'' Itorough of Brooklyn, City of New York, 'tune l b.• :eciiuiirt'll' h\ 'I he I. Its of New York.

Resolved, 'fh:~t the title t" Iii' ,o acquir~',t is II'rchc- lciernlincll to he a title in tee In such iircuuset.

Resolved, 'I hat Ih e Iglclrfl if I'."1inuuc and :fpPrr'ti hlileut, rici'niiuuK it for the public

ummtenest ", to ill, hl•rlLv al(nete'st-. the Corporation Cnunstl to make Applieaduul to a .Special 'I cif t of the .tiupmum' ( orlT't fur the mil,l,nintn1,'ut of Commissioners of I',stituiit:

soul of lout- ('owniissi n, r of :\si'ssmcIt, awl to take the necessary l)nce'Iing.', in the n:um• .,f Thu ('itv of 'iiw Y„rk, I.. acr(uire title as herein determined, wherever the ,,:tine haS not hciclofi'rc lull :tcquirc'l, f r the Ilse of tile pttl,lir, to the Elul'., teueIIImi.., :utd hererlitalnerlts that ,hall ur Ina'v he rclluireil. for the purpose of ul„ hint; and c:•. tending \whit:• 1. fr'lnt Ucc:ln :lvertuv to ('orx•y lslmlol avenue, amid faun Coney Is!:ln avenue tr, (;I_;tV •slervl :us', nu:•. ill tl' ' I'urutt^h of Itruoklyll, City of Ni'ts' York.

R'solved, 'I hilt tlo ljortion if life cost and expense of slid pwetegiugti, incurred by reason of the prnrin; if title 4, chapter 17 of the (;rc:tter New Y ,rk Charter as :uimmuied, shill he turd(' will paid by 'I he City of New York, but that the whole of such (.lost allot expcn=r, iuucinlling the ezpcnse of the tlnrL'mLn of Street ( )l.ilintms :till of the auvrvwh;, if ;my, fun Ainrute, caused Ira etteluited regulation anal all othet' expertsrs anl1 rlmslllur.sculu'mits autocitee1 l,c wcriliu (5)7 of nail( title, as Otiui,'nlitll, se,r ll he tsSc"wdl uplm the pr.,p'rtY devilled to I,'• h•nelil'•rl ther.'hy; anal

\Viereri, It uiiii1.'ains from the affidavit, Of the Superv;,or of the City lt&'cllrd and the pnlilishers of the corporation new- papers that ilium' notice was given therein that at Ill' title of the adoption if Ihr• rc-oltltirm llircrt'ng the institlttioll if prucee(lings herein to acquire title to the lards required for this ilitptitvcill('ut that the Board of l'siulate anl4 :\pporti mtncu: wvuulil dnh"i(ldt rl prupr,s(' l nrca of nsses.sneeut ;Is therein dcsCr;iicd :(fill would Bice a I,nhPi tracing therein upon the 22d (Ills' l,f '.l:ty. Il)()8; mind

\\'hcrcas, :\t till' m(fitrdsai(e tints and place it ptthlic hearing was given to all persons itmlcre-,refl iu such proposed area .f 'tssi'ssnlcutt whn m(Lp(mlreii, aull ,rich prcipisci area of a'.sessntcrit w'as (Inn}' crm,i,lerc(I by this (;mill.

Resolved, 'I hat the area r,f assessment fur henetit in these proceedings be and is hereby fixed anal determined to be as follows:

L'ounded ill the nortli by n Tine muliway hclwcen Aventu• O anll Avenue P; on the cast by it line Ituipway hetwecn Occ;ln avtnuc and (Cast 'l'wenty-first street ; utt the ,Sruuth II)' a held 11Uiiw: )• lii1 &I'll ; venal ' P a~tll :\venue Q, and mu Ill• west b% a line

midway between li ray esdtd avenue and West street. Resolved., That in the opinion of the Board of EstI01ate and :\pport inn iii ent it is

necessary to carry Avenue P, between Ocean avenue and Currey Island avenue, and


between Coney Island aventic ands Gravesend avenue, across the 1 ruuklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad and the Long Tsltnd Railroad.

Afiirtttativc-The Mayor, he Curtplrullcr, the President of the 1 ,arcl of :\ldertnen and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manh:tttail. Brooklyn, "I I c l;runx. (htccns and


in the Board of Estiulul' and 1pporliuu Iii rnt of 77r' Ci/p of _ ca, I „rl~.

Whereas, The Board of f, slintaie and Apportionment of "File City of N v York,

by a resolution adopted on this the 22d day of May, 1908, initiated pr~cceclings in

the none of "1 he Cily of Nev, York to acquire title for the use of the put is to the

lan(ls, tenements and hercelitaments required fur the purpose of upenii:g _\ venue P,

between tl)cean avenue and Gravesend avenge, ill the norounh of l;rkGk1yo, City of

New York ; and 1Vhereas, the said :1t•e11tte P as proposal to be opened across the tr;te1:, of tile.

Long Island Railroad and of the Brooklyn and ltrighton Beach Railroad; :11111

Vvhlcre:e, In ptn'snancc of section 6[ of the R(lihuatt Law, it notice was served

on the railroatl companies and it ltcaring was had thereon before the Bo:n'tl of Ialintatc

and Apportionment un the aforesaid (late; and

WVhereas, The resolution adopted by the Said Board estaldishr<l a nece~sitV that

the said 11vcnttc 1' sF1all cross the tracks of tile Long 1510101 R:tilrnatl and <;f the

Brooklyn and Brighton Beach Railroad as aforesaid ; allot

Whereas. Section OI of the Railroad Law provides 111:11 application 011:111 Ile glade to the Board t:f Railroad Cuntmissiuncr; to (11111minc whether .A%'('title P shall pass

over or under sail railroads, IT at grade; :tn<l

Whcren:, liv chapter 429 of the Laws of 1907, the Board Of Itailroa<1 Cunnnis-

siuners has Ilcert abolished and all the t,utccrs (111(1 duties of said llotIrli are (II ('I

upon and are to be exercised and perforntc(I I)V• tile 1'ttl,lic Scrcice Cuutttlissiutt;

Rc.,ulve(i 'I- hat The City of New York, acting by 0n<1 through its ISnar<l of

Estimate :uul :Apporlinnntent, and in pursuance of the said (11(1111 CT 429 (,f the 1.atas

of 1907 and section 61 of the Raulniall Law, herelly nlal:c nf,plic:ttiun to III( l' i(hiC

Service Cotnmi: sIIIn of the first District to dctcrflline whether _Avenue 1, X11:01 bass

over III 111de•r or at g'ratic of the Ir(1eh of the will long Isgultil Wadl 1011 toll of the

ItIrookIlIl and 1riglll(l(l Peach ln1itG:tl, Gott aims tile grarL Ill III( suet at the

railroads, :111(1 10(1111 is that the ti:tid P111)1ic Service Cutntilissi<n (If the I ir.,t I)ix.trict

appoint it tithe 111(1 place for it llcarint; ill 1tl(lti„l( 111110111, 011d t11at it 111,11(0 of the

time and place of such hearing Lc 501(1 11 hullo the Secretary of tale Ii,0ard 1,I iati-

tnate (111(1 .\ppllmlonntc tit ; :1111 i e it fttrtla r ReSlNrtl, "I Lot the 111,0rt1 of INStiotatc a1111 _Apportil nntrut nr( nglllllK- to the

Public Service Commission tl(itt tile 1(1(51 (It glade for tile said street 101110111 ll1(c1u:;.'(ci

and that it s1i(lh Irt's 1111111 I' the Melt, (If tile Lung Islam( i:allr,lO(l :111<1 of the Iln,ul:-lyn Mil litif•;htl(n Beach Rails a 1, an<I ads') tlt:tt till c1(n;u11r1in11 of the xr''sing, lie

not ordered until 511c11 time a, till L1ll:n-q of 1?stioiate and .\I(tu1_tiolImc111 SL:tll a11r0(0

that it is nccessart-.

:lffirltt:ftitc-'Bile A1a1(5r, the C,'ntptrileI, the I'rc,i,lc11t of Ilse I; .:ltd of .AIler-

ntc•n and tile 1'tesidtnf; of th ,uroll h, ui \1:nth:ttfaut, 1111(Il1qtn. •tilt. IYrut z0 tjneclls

and IZiclttnunc1-16.

OPENING AND 1;xlt ))INc .\\tcNI'r: 1\, Itruurl'I ,\.

In the matter of fixing all area of 1(0ll(s.nlcnt for tile prr,pur , <I ult: wing 111'1

extending of _\\ tilt 1'., front Uc<;ut 1IlilOiL to 1•.ast SIxtIell II ,trot, er!:llilug.

the land~ ucettltic(l L}• till trOeh0 of till II 1111 Will ISriOh;u(t It:ach KiIitloql :u111

the Long 15101111 lt(lima11. Illll((l(n(tt of ill 1111111, tlIfil1:tti1, If bftl(liC;, Ii, .Il tare Itrc-senlc<1 s1tlls\ml that till ol;tac1 Ictrl l ccn (1111} n lc- crtis. 1.

Nobody :ytpc:trint; ill 6t (:r of (II in uf,pu;iliun to the III' 11(1(5(11 :trot „f ass

tncnt, the bearing was Closed.

The L:lluttin ; resulutiuns tore tl1<tt Ili I1tic, l:

Resolved, 'I hat the livanl of i;stlllhte 01111 :Al,p1, rliuttment of 'Bile City of New York, in pttr,ll:htce of the f1r1(d5i1111, of scrtiun Q7o of the I;rcntcr New lurk Charter,

as amcncl<cl, Ilt(llIs it 110 tile fml,lic, interest that till title, for the nsc; and to the

extent thercuf as her<ill ntcntiuncfl, to tile land; 111(1 !1mg1i..'s l(rluir(Ii for tits 1(1i,1i104

and extending of .\t (nut 1\, fn,nt ( )i :ut fIIIic\:lv 1, I :O,1 Si. tooiit str,cl, cseh(llio,

the lands llcctof'kcl iv the tracks ',f ti(( iSniuillcn :tall III 1(4111(111 lir:lrit Iyailr,OIhl 111(1 tlic

Long island kailrua<I, in the Ci,run(1M Ill ill „layn, City of Ncty '1)1k, 511011111 I)c

acquired by The City of New \'urk.

Resulted, 'l.liat the title to I,c su acttuirccl is lierd)y (ictlrtltinc(i to he a title in

fee in such preutises. itcsuh((t, •I hat the Iluar(l (It N'stioIatc and .AI,II„rtinntucnt, <I<einilig it f„r the

public interest su to tio, hcrrl ,c lah(slS the Curls ratllm Cllhrtsei to Ill Ike application

to it Special term of the Slipprcttle (Iltn-t. for the appoiolincnt of C, , trtnti,,iuncr, of

Lstitn:tte and of one (um1lni0(;itmcr u[ _\sscssutcnt, an<l In take 1110 necessary IT)-

cccchings, in the 11,1111 of The City of New lurk, to acquire title as herein <Ietcrutine 1,

wherever the saute lets not hoelofurl been :tc mire(I, for the Ilse of the l)tlb1ic. to the

lands, tcticn,cnts allot iIcrc9itaur(tnts tit at 'ietll or may be ttyllie(l ft the purtu~.;e of

upenitlg and cXlItttiing Avelino 1', front Ocean p:tdsltilY to 1•:a.;t Sixteenth >trr.t,

excluding the l:ntIl occttl,ic, l Ivy the track., of the Itnluhlyll :tn<I lirighlon L'c:tclt

Railroad and the Long Isl:tn<l itillir0Ot(1, ill Iltc Borough of Iilooklyll, City of New

York. Resolved, 'That 110 portion of the cost and exitcrvc of Said proceeding., incurred

by reason of the provi,inus of title 4, chapter 17, of the Bre let- New York Chartet-as amended, shall Ile borne and paid by The City of New York, }tut that the Whole

of such cost and expense, including the expense of the HtGcow of Street Opening;

and of the awards, if any, for tl:un:fges cattsc[I by intended regulation and all other

expenses and disi(ttrscutcnts Mllhoritt'ti by section 997 of said title, as :uuended, shall

be assessed upon the property (teemed lu is beglfitet thereby; a nd

Whereas, It appears front tltc affidatvit., of the Sapers-isul of the City Record and the publishers of the curpur:ttion ncw:papers that title notice was given therein

that at the lints of tile adoption u[ the resolution directing fife institution of proceedings

herein to acquire title to the lands required for this intpr„vrntent tll;tt the Board of

Estimate and Apportiunuultl would cun;ider It prup „cd :110(1 of assessment as thrreilt

described and would give a public hearing IiterctIll 111.,11 the 2d clay of May, 19014;

and Whereas, At the afot-cs:tid tithe and place It pnhlic ill tying tc:ls giv<n to all persons

interested in such proposed area Of a;sc,;nu tit tt•hu IllIIe(trtd, :uul such proposed area

of assessment was (]illy considered by this i11(:tT(t Resolved, 11101 the area of assessment for benefit in thcsc proceedings be and is

hereby fixed and <letcrIllinc<l to Ile as fulluws: -

Bounded ((It the olsfil it it line tlli(ttely iI('twcm :\Menge J and Avetinc K, nn,l

by the prolongation of the Said line; un the cast I,( it linr midway between Fast

Sixteenth street and Fast SevClltce11t11 street, and by the prolongation of the said line;

011 the south by a line midway 1)ctween Avenue K and Avenue L, and by the pro-

RECORD. 6393

lougation of the sail line, and on the west by a line distant too feet westerly from

and parallel %vith the tr.sterly line of Ocean parkway, till' said distance being tucasured

at right angle; to the line of Occall parkway. Aflirlttativl-i Ile Al:>vur, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alcler-

ntcn :m<l the t'reSi<lents of the Boroughs of 1[an1I:utan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens

and I<ichwond-16.

Orextxu AND I'XIENIIIxc 110011(1I.K Stawe-r, l;t<ooxt-VVN.

In the matter of fixing an area of assesSmcnt for tltc proposal opening and

extending If Ilinrlrix street, front New Lnis aVenue to Fairfield aveime, Borough of llrr,oklyn, :tffi<I:.n its of pul,lic:ttiun tt•crc plo Setlted sltott ing that the matter had been

<htly arlverti,ccl.

Nobody al)po,aring in favor of or in opp, ;,ition to the proposed area of assesstttcnt,

the ilea- udg teas clost ,l. Un nluti,:11 of tile I'resi,lcnt of the L'uruttglt (If lirooklvrl, the ,u:ttter was referred

t o the Chief i'Il inccr of the Board to rcpnrt on the a<Ivi;:<Lility of cnntbiuing this

proceeding with the pr,:eee<ling heretofore authorized f„r acquiring title to Ilendrix

street, front I)unlunt atcntte to New Lots road.

Or't:\lN , .•,xtI I•:0rt:01ut1<, 'ft\tc',rr-Ill Ill A vex t e, L't<ontol.vx

In till ll::ltftr (If fixing an area of assc•ssmcrlt for the proposed opening and

Ixtenliing of 'I aenty '~Iftil :ncnuc, from S6lltt-c•1l avenue to the northerly line of the

land of bll:ir<]t Schrlllllit. Itoruugh (,f l;ruukl}n, afficlacits of l,ublic:ttion were presented

slto\t ink that Ill ,• tn:!tIcr ha<l ball duly allt-crlisc<l.

Nu1>:,40 apllcaTiog in facut- of or ill opposition to the proposed area of assessment,

the lic11rin , \vas dosed.

'I Ile fullutt ing resullltions tare 11111 adupteIL

Resolved, 'I Itat the Board of Estimate :uul :\lIi)„rli(Ininent of "I lie City of New

Yori:, in puru:tucc If the proci:i„ns of sect 11111 1)70 of the Greater New York Charter,

as :tntcn11(11, ri(((ms it for the tInMk. iotIrst that the title, fur the uses and to the

(XtIint thura,f as hcrcin IlltlitiunC(i, tI the lands :tncl 1)r1rniocs required for the opening

.ul<1 exteg0igg If 'I taut}-Iifth itVenllc, Trim 5till55eIt a5ent:e to the northerly line of

tile la114 of I -ii;ll- tp Sci lo1Vt, ill the 1;orouL(ll of 1ta(okvul, City of New Y<,rk, should

he 0I9inie( 1,0 '1 he City of Net% York. Rein\ c 1, 'I lint the title to Uc su leaioitcp is I er<l y ielcrntinecl to 1)e it title in

fee in such 1(lcmiSe;. kc;nlvcrl, 'I 1011 the linar<l Of I:,tintutc :Jld .Alilu)rti„nntcnt, ciccmillg it fur the

1(111)1(0 intcrloh 5u to till, hciclly TLqul'k till Cnrl11,r:ttion Cuunscl to snake application

to it S1leeiai 'font of tite Stll)rcntc Court, for the x11111-lllltlhllt of Cunttnissioncrs of tqJllatO (11111 of one Commissioner of .As.;esStnct.t, and III take the mct50ary pro-

cectlings, ill till n:uttc of 'I he City of Ncsc )'c,rl., to acquire-, title as herein determined,

llvilere•ver tile SiMIC Mils out hoctgfurI( ]cell acquired, fl:r the (ISO of the public, to the

hlGti.s, tlltctegt; anti h<rrlliumtents thatt chap or 1111(0 lie required fur the purpose of

opct5itjl allot c\tcn<lin I le1nts Ilfh 15 111111, frOnl Stiitw•e11 al'crose to the northerly

line of the Loin of t:t(arclt srhmi(it, ill tilt. LIfrInlgi of hr,,,lgl0tt, C ty of N1 Sy Yurk.

IUllif-9Ii, Iir:ft nu I rOillll of tLc cult (111(1 cstfu151 of sOtill prllccetlirlgs, inclITreth

I)y rca;un of the l,rut'i.,il 115 Of title 4, chapter 17, of the (,rcatur New Fork Charter a; alIicncl<<I, „hall be Lome and 10ti11 lev '1 he CitI (If \cw F,oll, Lot iltat the IVII e

of stab co-t an,l t 0pOtm, iutil1ILn4 tile expun>c of the Bureau of Street ()flutings

anti u the (II ((Ills, if :n.y-, II I' dam:tf;lS cau.seli Lc intcn II! r,_IIl1Hon :utd all otl:er

0lIlI1OI5 un ,1i51nn'Sc01cnts :utth:,rize,l hy S,ct.<In 907 , f l:c<1 title, as agtcI(led, shall

lIe :t.ss, ssd1 111,1111 tli,: prlierty dteofc,l to ill bmItideli Ii erda ; tort \V'1Iu•COs, It ah(lIcar.s Emil, the uI1i(l(1v-it0 of Iltc Supervisor Of the City Record

.ut(l the itt !) iatcr; Of the rnrl,or;Iti;m ncn spal)cr; tll:u (hut notice tc:ts giccn therein shat at Ilcc time of the ildlIbItilln of the rc>uluti<,u 0irleling till institution of proceedings

i1errill to acquire title to the 11111115 tequirrcl for this illlprutcllert that the Board of

i"atiolate :11111 _Al(uI(rtiunnternt llotlIll coll6ler a 1)rollu.c<l arra of lsseSStnup as therein

III CMI)((l :111(1 O,llt l gitc it 1IlltIiit' ]tearing thereon 1111111 the 224 day of \[a}, 1908;


\Vhrreas, At till :tfIlrroai<1 tints III' l place a public llcating 55(10 given to all persons

ivkrestt(i ill 5110h pmpo ctl 011(1 of Isse1ncnt \thlr akI(c:ll- tcl, :111(1 5ll01 proposed area

f ;t;:,cr>;ucnt eta; (lttl}- rurtsi,lcrc11 L - tiOs L',rtrIl.

kc>ult <d, 'I hat ha c 11101(1 ui ;u;r,stncnt fur 1)~nrtit ill these proceedings be and is

ilel l i 0 Ilxctl :tn<l c1ctcrIilln1tl to lie :<s 11(11 l:rginninf; at a p1 lilt (Ill the V.1,terl} line ,-f Stilltvcll a5en11e where it is inter-

scrtcll 1v a line miatra} I ct•.crcn 'I v;cnty fl lIrtll at'mur :11111 101lly-fifth avenue, and

run;tinn till Ic (:;t\\ :uilly at right an l<, to tillHofil :tVColle a (ii-t,lne• of 200 fee';

tltcrcc SI hill% dardIS allot 1Iar; 1i1I with tilill\%, 1I in cnuc to the inter ciuutt t\ itlt it line at

right ang'c; tI, S.illncll ;ncnuc an<l pa 'altg, 1111111 0411 it point (III its westerly side tchere

it is illttrgc1rli 111 it line 1111110,00 hr! (call 'I NVeI.Iy-fifth Il ulnae and I tccnty-sixth

mellue; thence wtst,,c:u-tllc at right :oN;les to Stillwell uudIIIe to the fcesterly line of

SIilitucli ill cuuc: fit(rtcc s,nthtceattc:trclly (llullt; the tilIki line lllic1tc:ty 1.lween Tot-lIly--

tiftli a\cnul :11(4 I l\cnty-s1Xtlt al1111;1 to the qrtil.Hv line of tilt' ianci now or late

of I`.li:trit Sci lllilit I tlirttce nurthtvcsttcanllr along tile Said rn,rther1y line of the land nine or Elie of I:Icir<lt Schntil(t 10 tile interscctiun v+ith it linr tulip t;ty I,rtween

l wcttty-fuurtit :tcrnuc an<I 'I WccIlty-lifth IlbInIlc; thence n rtil ;tsttcarJly along the

said link- tllilhw;ty ltetwecn 'i wtllty-ft nrth a\enee and "I \cunt}-fifth a5ettue to the point

or place of beginning. :Aflino;nISc-'1110 .\l1(\ (IT, the t'<nuittrullcr• the I'rcsilmt of the It lard of Aider-

utcrt and the I'rtsideuts of the Mol-Ou lis of \l(Il1il(1tl:u1, I3rl)0khn, The Bronx, Queens

and Ricilultond-16.


III the ot:htcr of 1ixilIg an area of assessment for the proposed opening and ex-

tcndin!, of I-lrc-cnth avenue, from Kotttr I'll ill S.en Lane to Fifty-ninth street; Twelfth

avellue, front Sixty-fifth street to Seventy-third street, and 'l welfth avenue, from West

street to Sixtieth street (excluding the land ill 'I'weldlt avenue, front West street to Sixtieth street, occupied by the tracks of the Prospect Park and Coney- Island Railroad, and the Itrooklyn, Bath and West End Railroad), llorunt h Of Brooklyn, affidavits of

p1111icatito were presented, showing that the loaner h been drily advertised. After hearing \h r. Keyes, rrpre;elltitlg the Weir estate in opposition to the pro-

pusedl :trcu of assessnfent, nobody else appearing, the hearing was closed.

'I - Ic f idiom ing reec.lutiuns were then adopted Rrso!%ed, 'I hat the Board of Estimate and .\pporti(-tltltellt of The City of New

York, in pursuance of the provi;iuns of section 970 of the Greater New York Charter, as luneoded, deems it for the public interest that the title, for the uses and to the ex-tent the•rcof as herein mentioned, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Eleventh avenue, from Kouwenhoven lane to Fifty-ninth street; Twelfth avenue, from Sixty-fifth street to Seventy-third street, and Twelfth avenue,


from West street to Sixtieth street (excluding the land in Twelfth avenue from West street to Sixtieth street occupied by the tracks of the Prospect Park and Coney Island Railroad, and of the Brooklyn, Bath and West 1,'nd Railroad), in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, should be acquired by The City of New York.

Resolved, That the title to be so acquired is hereby determined to be a title in fee in such premises.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, deeming it for the pub-lic interest so to do, hereby requests the Corporation Counsel to make application to a Special Term of the Supreme Court for the appointment of Commissioners of Esti-mate and of one Commissioner of Asses.,mcnt, and to take the necessary proceedings, in the name of The City of New York, to acquire title as herein determined, wherever the same has not heretofore been acquired, for the use of the public, to the lands, tene-ments and hereditauicuts that shall or may be required for the purpose of opening and extending Eleventh avenue, from Iioawenlrovco lane to Fifty-ninth street; Twelfth avenue, from Sixty-fifth street to Seventy-third street, and Twelfth avenue, from West street to Sixtieth street (excluding the land in Twelfth avenue from West street to Sixtieth street occupied by the tracks of the Prospect Park and Coney Island Rail-road, and of the Brooklyn, Bath and West End Railroad), in the Borough of Brook-lyn, City of New York.

Resolved, That no portion of the cost and expense of said proceedings, incurred by reason of the provisions of title _t, chapter I7, of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, shall be borne and paid by The City of New York, but that the whole of such cost and expense, including the expense of the Bureau of Street Openings and of the awards, if any, for damages caus(d by intended regulation and all other expenses and disbursements authorized by section g97 of said title, as amended, shall be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby; and

Whereas, It appears from the affidavits of the Supervisor of the City Record and the publishers of the corporation newspapers that clue notice was given therein that at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings here-in to acquire title to the lands required for this improvement that the Board of Esti-mate and Apportionment would consider a proposed area of assessment as therein de-scribed and would give a pal lie hearing thereon upon the 22d day of May, ipo8; and

\Whereas, At the aforesaid time and place a public hearing was given to all per sons interested in such proposed area of assessment who appeared, and such proposed area of assessment was duly eonuu1crcd by this Board.

Resolved, That the area of c mcnt for benefit in these proceedings be and is hereby fixed and determined to be as follows:

I. Beginning at a point on the Nsc<tcrly line of West street midway between Fort Hamilton avenue and :Minna st~cet, fain running thence eastwardly at right angles to the line of West street to the inters,.ction with a line midway between Gravesend ave-nue and West street; thence soatgwarelly along said line midway bctwen Gravesend avenue and West street to the inNrsectiun with a line at right angles to West street, and passing through a point oil its westerly side midway between Tchanta street and Clara street; thence westwardly along the said line at right angles to West street to its westerly side; thence westwardly along a line midway between Tchatna street and Clara street and the prolongation thereof, to the intersection with a line midway be-tween Twelfth avenue and l'ltirleenth avenue; thence somliwestwardly along the said line midway between '«elEli avenue and Thirteenth avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Sixtieth street and Sixty-first street; thence northwestwardly along the said line midway between Sixtieth street and Sixty-first street to the inter-section with a line midway between Eleventh avenue and Twelfth avenue; thence northcastwardly along the said line midway beta yen E.Iuvcnth avenue and Twelfth avenue to a line midway between Fifty-ninth street and Sixtieth street; thence north-westwardly along the said line midway between Fifty--ninth street and Sixtieth street to the intersection with a line midway between Tenth avenue and Eleventh avenue; thence northeastwcu-dly along the said line midway between Tenth avenue and Elev-enth avenue to the intersection with a line mialway between Fifty-sixth street and Fifty-seventh street; thence suuthcastwardly along the said line midway between Fifty-sixth street and hifty-seventh street to the intersection with a line midway between Eleventh avenue and Twelfth avenue; thence northcastwardly along the said line mid-way between Eleventh avenue and Twelfth avenue, and the prolongation thereof, to the intersection with a line midway between Fort Ilatuilton avenue and Minna street; thence eastwardly :long the said line intuitay between Fort ltauiuiltun avenue and Minna street to the point or place of beginning.

2. Bounded on the northeast by a line midway between Sixty-fourth street and Sixty-fifth street; on the southeast by a line midway between Twelfth avenue and Thir-teenth avenue; on the southwest by a line midway between Seventy-third street and Seventy-fourth street, and on the northwest by a line midway between Eleventh ave-nue and Twelfth avenue.

Affirniative—The :Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond-16.


In the matter of fixing an area of assessment for the proposed opening and ex-tending of Glover street (Grace avenue), from Castle Hill avenue to Westchester ave-nue, and Doris street (or avenue), from Glebe avenue to Westchester avenue, Borough of The Bronx, affidavit of publication was presented, showing that the matter had been duly advertised.

Nobody appearing in favor of or in opposition to the proposed area of assess-ment, the hearing was closed.

The following resolutions were then adopted: Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New

York, in pursuance of the provisions of section 970 of the Greater New York Char-ter, as amended, deems it for the public interest that the title, for the uses and to the extent thereof as herein mentioned, to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Glover street (Grace avenue), from Castle hill avenue to West-chester avenue, and Doris street (or avenue), from Glebe avenue- to Westchester ave-nue, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, should be acquired by The City of New York.

Resolved, That the title to be so acquired is hereby determined to be a title in fee in such premises.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, deeming it for the public interest so to c1o, hereby requests the Corporation Conned l to make application to a Special Term of the Supreme Court for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate and of one Commissioner of Assessment, and to take the necessary proceed-ings, in the name of The City of New York, to acquire title as herein determined, wherever the same has i>r)t heretofore been a' quired, for the use of the public, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments that shall or may be required for the purpose of opening and extending Glover street (Grace avenue), from Castle Hill avenue to

Westchester avenue, and Doris street (or avenue), from Glebe avenue to \Vestchester avenue, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York,

Resolved, That no portion of the cost and expense of said proceedings, incurred by reason of the provisions of title 4, chapter 17, of the Greater New York Charter as amended, shall be borne and paid by The City of New York, but that the whole of such cost and expense, including the expense of the Bureau of Street Openings and of the awards, if any, for damages caused by intended regulation and all oilier expenses and disbursements authorized by section 997 of said title, as amended, shall be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby; and •

Whereas, It appears from the affidavit of the Supervisor of the City Record that due notice was given therein that at the time of the adoption of the resolution direct-ing the institution of proceedings herein to acquire title to the lands required for this improvement that the Board of Estimate and Apportionment would consider a pro-posed area of assessment as therein described and would give a public hearing thereon upon the 22d day of May, 19o8; and

Whereas, At the aforesaid time and place a public hearing was given In all per-sons interested in such proposed area of assessment who appeared, and such propose l area of assessment was duly considered by this Board.

Resolved, That the area of assessment for benefit in these proceedings be and is hereby fixed and determined to be as follows:

Beginning at a point on the northwesterly line of Westchester avenue where it is intersected by the line bisecting the angle formed by the intersection of the prolonga- tions of the centre line of Glebe avenue as laid out southerly from Glover street and the centre line of Doris street, and running thence northwardly along the said bisect-ing line to the intersection with a line distant loo feet southwesterly from and parallel with the southwesterly line of Doris street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Doris street; thence northwestwardly along the said line parallel with Doris street and the prolongation thereof to the intersection with a line distant Too feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Glebe avenue, the said distance being measure(] at right angles to the line of Glebe avenue; thence north-wardly along the said line parallel with Glebe avenue to the intersection with a line distant loo feet southwesterly from and parallel with the southwesterly line of Glover street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of (;lover street; thence northwestwardly along the said line parallel with Glover street to tho intersec-tion with the easterly line of Castle Hill avenue; thence westwardly at right angles to the line of Castle Hill avenue, a distance of 20o feet; thence northwardly ant] parallel with Castle Bill avenue to the intersection with a line at right angles to the line of Castle I1i11 avenue, and passing through a point on its westerly side where it is in-tersected by the prolongation of a line midway between Glover street and I';u•ker street; thence eastwardly along the said line at right angles to Castle hill :n•cutte to its westerly side; thence southcasttvardly along the said line midwav between Glover street and Parker street, and the prolongation thereof, to a point distant loo feet south-easterly from the southeasterly line of Westchester avenue; thence sotitItwe•stwardlv and parallel with Westchester avenue to the intersection with a line at right angles In Westchester avenue, acid passing through the point of beginning; thence northwest- wardly along the said line at right angles to Westchester avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder- men, and the Presidents of the Borotighs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond—i6.

Ort:xtan AMu I?NIENJONG J~.:ssr 'l'o IlUNDR<ED AND St:rr:xrr:r:srn tirrrr:r, 'l iii; l RoNx.

In the matter of fixing ;i n area of assessment for the prtsel >ning ;roil extending of East Two 1 hiiunlreul and Seventeenth street, from While I'laiuus rwol ( avenue') to Oakley street (.avenue), formerly Ash avenue, I rough i of "I he IIronx, affidavit of publication was presented, showing that the matter had been duly vertisesh.

Nobody appearing in favor of or in opposition to the proposed area „f ansess-menl, the hearing was closed.

'I lie following resolutions were then adopted: Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of 'I he City of New

York, in pursuance of the provisions of section 970 of the Greater New V', rk Charter, its alnencictl, deems it for the public interest that the title, for the ttsc'. and to tit'- extent thereof as herein mentioned, to the lands and premises required for the Opening and extending of Fast Two 1-Iundred and Seventeenth street from White Plains road (avenue) to Oakley street (avenue), formerly Ash avenue, ill the Itor- ough of The Bronx, City of New York, should be acquired by The City of New York,

Resolved, That the title to be so acquired is hereby determined to be a title in fee in such premises.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, deeming it for the public interest so to do, hereby requests the Corporation Counsel to make application to a Special Term of the Supreme Court for the appointment of Cuunniissioucr' of Estimate and of one Commissioner of Assessment, and to take the uc•ccssary proceedings, in the more of 'I he City of New York, to acquire title as herein tic tcrmined, wherever the same has not heretofore been acquired, for the use of the public, to the lands, tenements and hereditantents that shall oi' ntay be required for the purpose of opening and extending East Two I hundred and Seventeenth street from White Plains road (avenue) to Oakley street (avenue), formerly Ash avenue, iu the Borough of 'i lie Bronx, City of New York.

Resolved, That no portion of the cost and expense of said proceedings, incurred by reason of the provisions of title 4, chapter 17, of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, shall be borne and paid by The City of New York, but that the whole of such cost and expense, including the expense of the Bttrean of Street Openings and of the awards, if any, for damages caused by intended regulation and all other expenses and disbursements authorized by section 997 of said title, as amended, shall be assessed upon the property deemed to lie benefited thereby; and

Whereas, It appears from the affidavit of the Supervisor of the City Record that clue notice was given therein that at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings herein to acquire title to the lands required for this improvement that the Board of Estimate and Apportionment would consider a proposed area of assessment as therein described and would give a public hearing thereon upon the 22d day of May, 1908; and

Whereas, At the aforesaid time and place a public hearing was given to all persons interested in such proposed area of assessment who appeared, and such proposed area of assessment was duly considered by this board.

Resolved, That the area of assessment for benefit in these proceedings be and is hereby fixed and determined to he as follows:

Bounded on the north by a line always midway between East Two Hundred and Seventeenth street and East Two Ifundred and Eighteenth street, and by the pro-


longation of the said line; on the southeast by a line distant loo feet southeasterly trout and parallel with the southeasterly line of Oakley street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Oakley street; on the south by a line always tnirlway between East Two Ilundrecl and Sixteenth street and East Two Hundred and Seventeenth street, and by the prol0ngatiuns of the said line; and on the west by a line always distant too feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of \Vhitc Plains road, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of White Plains road.

Affirmative—'I ltc Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-men and the Presidents of the f oroughs of MTanhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens :rnrl Kicbntond—r(.



-I he following Contntunication from the President of the Borough of Brooklyn and report of the Chief Enginccr were presented, and, on motion of the President of tltc Borough of Brooklyn, the matter was laid over for two weeks.


BROOKLYN, March 24, 1908. J

Mr. WILLIAM M. LAvVRENCE, Assistant Secrclary, Board of Iistunatc and Apparlion-urc-n1:

I)EnR SIR—You wrote me on February 19 relative to Calendar No. 35 transmitting natters and papers in connection with tltc regulating and paving of Prospect avenue, 1,ctwcell Eleventh and Fort Hamilton avenues. This matter was transmitted by etc fur report to the Chief 1:ngincer of the Bureau of llighways. I semi you herewith the report on this matter addressed to the Commissioner of Public Works on Sep-tcmber 12, 1907, by the Acting Chief Engineer and Snperintcndcut of Highways, and copy of report addressed to me by W. K. Tenney, Assistant Engineer of the Bureau of I lighwnys, cm August 27, 1907.

I approve of the conclusions expressed in the Chief Engineer's report. Yours very truly,

BIRD S. COLER, President of the Borough.



lion. GEORGE: B. MCCLELLAN, iia}nor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor- lion1)rC11t:

SIk At a meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment held on Fel,rtt-are 14 last, the petition of \Villiaut R. Kruomuel and four other; was presented, rc-clttcsting, that relief from assessment Ile granted in the proceedings for regulating, grading and paving Prospect avenue, between Fort U:usoilon avenue and Eleventh ;tniouc, in the fIorough of Brooklyn.

In reiorsio1; upon this application it was shown that the City- 1vonlT1, under the Lrrnvisint's of the resolutions which have been adopted aothnriziiit; the improvements, he called upon to assume 20 per cent, of the cost, and that an additional to per cent. would he borne by the City for the reason that a portion of the property has been assessed more than one-half its valuation as shown upon the books of the 1)c-t,artntent of "faxes and Assessments. It was reerntnoeitded that the petition he denied.

The matter was referred to the President of the Borough of Brooklyn for con-sideratirm, and under dale of \Tareh 21, Too,, he has forwarder) a contmnnication ic-cnuprtnicl liy nnrl conctn'rine' in a report stih twitted for him lhv the Chief Engineer f the• 1livhwri - Bureau. In this report the history of the improvement is reviewed,

tutu 1 the concltt,ioO is reached that the pruperiv Ircnctitcd leas already been treated liberally.

I vvnoi(d, therefore, again recommend (lint the pcliti''n he (ienied. Respect full-,

NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer

R ISI,ni 1 P.o.\r :'\snss11 nxT FOR AOnVlustiNi TITLE. Tn SI't - 1- TEN' Dryvw. Roan, BETWEEN

Srr1..n:N l)t;YVJr. PARKWAv, NE.tt2 SFt'Y'rt.x I)r. VViL DEPOT AND WEST TWO

I YNoRED AND TibrIlvoi S'ritltl:i, 'l- inn; BRONx.

'hue following petitions of Clareucc C. Perris rutd J. J. McKelvey, and report of

Ilse Chief Engineer were presented: CL.vtt:N F: C. FERRIS, 1

A mutNI:v a.Nn CueNsI:r.r.oR sr LAW, \TILt.a 1;t,ILruING. No. ;jj WALL STREET, I

Nrw Ynel., February 28, rpOS.

JOSEIII IIAAG, Escl., Sccrriot', Board of Tsstirnratr and .Ipportion ill eut of The City of .Vr', York, Nn. 277 1lroadttay, New York City

Ihc.vR SiR—herewith T enclose to you for sulmtissiun to the Board the petition of the Spuyten Duyvil Real Estate Cr ntpany and others relative to the assessrttcnt for the opening of Spucten I)uvvil road, in the Borough of The lln,nx.

Yours very respectfully,

CL.ARENCE C. FERRIS. In the 31latler


'I lie application (if the Mayor, Aldermen .utrl Cntrnnu,ualty of "1-he City of Ncw York relative to acquiring title ( wherever the s,rmr h:ts not been heretofore ac-ritlircrl ), to Spuyten I )ut-\ it road, Ii' iii tilt. 5t111 (cn I)nytil parkw:r', nrnr iii' Spuyten I)uvcil Ucpot, to the junction of Itiverd,tic itventte and West Two Tfmt-tired ;inch "Thirtieth street, in the Twenty-fnttrtht Ward of The City of New York,

7•r, lit' floio'lI!ui' the Bnrn'd of Ifstimnrrlr' and .Ipporlinrttu,•nl of The City of New

he petition of the Spniy(esi I)tyt it Real 1'atatc Crmtpany roil others whose names rind pr pertics arc shown on Schedule A, hereto annexed, respectfully shows:

'I hat the above entitled proceeding, for (lie acquiring of title to the lands, etc., re-rinircd for the opening if Spuyten Duyvil road was instituted by the Corporation of The City of New York by application made to the Snprcmc Court for the appoint-I lent of Comntissiou'rs of Estimate and Assessment in June, 1897; that thereupon Ed-ward l;. Whitney, I.nttis F. Scofield and Charles V. I[alley, wcrc appoinledContntis-,inncrs *of I'alitnate and Assessment anti Tully prncec led with their duties with refer-cnce to the taking of the lands required for (lie opening of the Spuyten Duyvil road up to the 2,;d day of June, 1903, when ciCVen special orders were made by the Supreme Court directing the said Commissioners to estimate and award the damages which had accrued to Caroline Weigel and others, the petitioners obtaining said orders, by reason of the abandonment. discont inn aim ce au nl closing of the Old Kingshridge road, 10 which the said Spuyten Duyvil road was contiguous and for which it was substan-tially a substitute street on the map of The City of New York.

On the 18th clay of May, tqo, , the said Commissioncrs Made their report to the Supreme Court, in which they made awards for land taken, also other awards for the closing of Old Kingshridge road and assessed ahnut 2o per cent, of the entire costs and expenses of the proceeding upon the property which they deemed to be benefited,

RECORD. 6395

and left the remaining 8o per cent., approximately, as a deficiency for The City of New York to pay.

The opinion of the said Commissioners upon the question of the amount which they thought they could properly assess for benefit upon the lands in the locality is hereunto annexed, marked "Schedule B," and made a part of this petition. The order appointing the said Commissioners had directed them to assess the total amount of the awards and costs and expenses of the proceeding upon the property benefited.

A motion was made by property owners to conth- m said report in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Blanchard, but was opposed by the City of New York on the ground that the Comntissioncrs had failed to obey the order of the Court direct-ing them to assess the entire exp nsc of the preceedin.g upon the property benefited; and said motion to confirm the report was thereupon denied by Mr. Justice Blanchard, who appointed ]ion. Ernest Hall, John Knoeppel and Pierre G. Carroll, Esqs., Com-Inissioners to make a new report.

On or about the 23d day of January, rgo8, the said last named Commissioners made and filed their preliminary report in the premises, nvhercin they male awards for land taken amounting to $,(9,317.5 r, and awards for closing Old Kiegsbridge road amounting to $42,1. 53.30, making a tntrtl of $81,460.81.

The assessment in the said preliminary report amounts to $IT •5,2S0.52, and is ex-tenricd over the entire territory from Spuyten Duyvil Cock northerly to a line Ioo feet north of Two Hundred and Thirty-sixth street, and from the ITudson River easterly to a line ioo feet cast of the easterly side of Preach',:rv, in Kiunshcridge.

Upon information and liehicf that the surplus in said tentative asscssutent over the awards is necessary to cover other awards and increases of awards which must ncees-sarily or justly be made, also the expenses of the said two Commissions and of the Bureau of Street Openings.

That said total assessment is fu' greater in amnnnt than the total benefit derived from the property within the area of as=essmcut, and that cac11 and every assessment upon your petitioners' property as shown in "Schcrltile :1," hereto annexed, is greater than the Lencfit derived bv any of your petitioners yvillt respect to their said several properties from the said proceedirng.

Chat the portion of the Spuyten Duyvil road aerluired in -aid proceeding starts front the Spuytrn Duyvil station, tuidcr the proposal Iicnry Tludson \Temnrial Bridge, and 11Is1 litmus southherly and then iltrthicnstc•rlt ,wound the souohc•rlc and easterly sides of the Spttyten Duyvil Ilill, f0llmt-ing thrrmghnnt about one-third of its course time Old I' ingsl ridge road, and daring the rc'nittinrlcr of its rnttrs • rims parallel to and on an average of i,o feet westerly from the 'all old road to Kingsbricl e, where it meets Riverdale avetntc and West h' go Tfnnd cc' d and 'IIiriieilt s'reet, sib ich Iast named street is the existing thorottehfare between Spuyten Dnvt it I Jill :nirl the. territory in The City of New York easterly and southerly th refrrnn.

That the Sttpyten Duyvil I l ill l,v the rnnstrttction of the TTcnry I furlsnu licmorial Bridge carrying the Riverside drive acrn:s the Spuyten T)nvvil Creel, will become one of the most important portions of the rite for the purposes of recreation and sightseeing, and the said Spueten T)ttvvil road will b• the principal and casiest means of aIsprrnaelt to the Henry Hudson Mcmnrial Bridge, from the subway station at Broad-tr;p, air dyf'wo Tftmndred ,tnrl Thirtieth street, at'rl front all thrit part of the city which lies to the cant and south of the Spnv(en T)m'vil ditrict.

That fur the al,q ,ve and other reason_ the acTpni;isir 11 of th,• snirl Sphvten 1')itwil rnad is a general public improvement -Incl of general benefit to the entire Citv of New York, noel IlpTm information and belief that appIo'cintntety ST per ecnt. of the ex-pcnse of Sriirl improvemiieult should he assumed by The Citc of Now Yr,r'<.

Wherefore, your petitioners pray thou l it rvcnlutirnl may be pncscd nl'tcing 8 per cent. of the cepcnsc of aegttiriog title to Sptn•tvn Duos-il road from the Sp,1v-tcn Dttvvil parkway to the 1mme1ioti of Riv dale avenhtc and West Two lTttncircr1 aorl Thirtieth street, tiprnt hie City of New York, and that your petit' hers may have <nch further or different relief as tnay he init and proper.

Dates] New York, FIl,Iituy 21, TOOS. CT.AREXCT? C. FERRIS,

.Attoriiev for Beth inucrs, N,1. •;5 x,A":111 strict, Xcw York City.

March T. rgo3.

fin. Gnomu,,r: hi. ATcCr.EJ.r..sie. .11a1'or of -t /t' City of .A-,:e Bit. City hall, New York City:

I)rvR Sir-1 ant forw,u'rlinet hcre'',tth p:titinn etmitic'in "Tit the matter of the ap-Irlicatinn of the ATricor, etc., relative t~, argnirin); title (wherever the :tmc has not hccn rtcclmir'd) to Spt1ttm Duyvil road, etc."

This petition is forwarded for the nurpo'c of Prc=Cotatmn to the Board of Esti-nnate and .'\pporti,,nrocnt, and brill, I trn t, r:'ecivI the c:tr1) e ,n;icic°;anrm of that Board.

'm'ottrs very truly. J. J. McKELVEY.

In the T.1ititter of

The MI)IiC'tli1,n of the i\tnvnr, -~\lileri ico arnrl Cnntmnnrtlty of The' City of New York relatiri' to ucrjtsiring title (wherc-cvcr the same h:IC not he ('11 lie retnfoCe :ic,tnired) to S'InI , 11 Dnv-•ril 'al, from the Spuyten Ilu_tit'il parkway near the Spnvtc'n Dti -v'u1 hip t, to the nucl ei of Riverdale atcnttc and WVcst Tw~I Hundred and Thirtieth street, in the• "1'wenty-fotnrth Ward of The City of New York.

To the Board of Estiutate and Apporfionrnent of The City' of New York:

The petition of tlic Ritatc of T~aac G. john,or. 11111 the (Ither pr,,perty Owners, whose mutes and the dr'signation of tvhose T,rnpertics are snh~crihcd too this petition, respectfully shows:

That the iiroceechimcu chose entitled for the acrluirinct' of tile t. , Sntt}'ten Duyvil marl was institated in J111le, 1807. 'Flint certain Crnnntis;ioncrs of 1{slintatc and As-;c,sntcnt wore appointed and proceeded with the taking of testim, rti relative to the mailers coneerncd in c,, irl procee(iincr. That althnttnit title to said lan~l acquired for the said street w-:r. '.'ectcrl in the City upon the 14th day of Jannarv. rSu)8. the said 1 , roecoliIg; were prolaticed and continued from year to year, until \Lt','. Igo4. at which lint' said Crnnnti;sir iers made their report to the Supreme Court. cosine- forth their awards for the la nd taken and for dvn:tges for the closiniz of a contiggttous ;t reef, and also fix mug the assesctncntc for Benefit.

That by the. :nil report the Cmmtitiscinners assessed only a small propm'tinn. ap-ttroxintately twenty ,cr c'nt. ('n7,), of the total amount require l ii',' the payment f the atvrtrds, dntnctitec and expenses, upon property for benefit received, leaving the

l'alnttce for the City to pay. Tha± upon the Opposition of the City to the terns, of said report the Court re-

fusel to confirm call report and sent the mat 'r bade for reh nrrttg and anpninted for that pnrpoF•e three (.3) Commissioners., cnnsi'tin_ of Eruct I kill, John Knncppcl Ii r d' Pierre G. Carrnll, Fcq. Said Cnntntcicioner; were ❑ tipoititech on or al;nut the 23d (lily of January. i oS. "I'hey proceeded tw:ith their duties, and on or about the 21(l day of January, Ic)o8, filed their preiintinary report, in and by svhkh' they niake awards, amounting in the ag rcrr to to $81,160.81.

That said Commissiouer•: to nrm•ir1c fttncls for time s;ticl ,award.- and for the pav-mcnt of the expenses of the prncce,linn have fixrrl as e cntcnts, anlnumtiniz in the aggregate to $115.250.52. 'The greater proportion of which assc;snients are proposed to be levied upon property in the intmr'dir?e vici'iity of the' a:tirl rn•rd, although nom-nal assessments are Cxtcnd('ul thronmiiottt I'considerably larger cli<trict.

That the subscribers to (hiss petition arc tisCcul to an aggregate amount of $47,601.43,

That the said assessments are, your pet'tinoers submit, collectively and individu-ally, greatly in excess of anv possible benefit w}tich hac or w111 accrue to their prop-erty from time opening of the said Sprtvten T)ttvvil road, and they present to your Board the grounds set forth below as good and sufficient reasons why they should


be relieved from the hardship of incurring assessments of the amount and character ,5,6,400, or approximately 47 per cent. of the total a:;,;r;•:nlcnt. 'I he assessment placed proposed to be fixed. npc.n property vwithin till, li:lcs of tl-at portinil of the ~,Id Iyin,gahridgc road which is to

First-Through no fault of your petitioners these proceedings have been, from be discnutiIntec is $(,430.47, of vwhich ;lmi,unt $,5,070.5t r approximately 4 per cent. their beginning in 1397 (a period of nearly eleven ( i I ) years), delayed, postponed and of the total is charged to the City, it 'idcrhIv point 1lelrl that the fee of the street is strung out to an extent wholly unwarranted and uutiustifiable. here owned Iry tile• public.

This allegation is made without iiccessar lv imputing any personal inattention or The petitions ❑ re 111,1(1" oil Le•baIf of a7 ir t:crt} olvI it \cho live been assessed neglect on the part of any individual Colnm:sfiioner, who has been concerned with a lots! of $64.9o3.1R. Of this number '5 h:,er iii (:;nIcdI ;owal,cl; aggr(gatinl; $57•- this proceeding, but the mere statement of the fact that a proceeding of this character, 275, or nearly So per cent, of the total aluulini to bc• rid. involving as it does awards of only $39,317.51 for land taken and $42,t53.,3o for closing "1 he ;trccl as aol out lUpoo the City lift!) has a vgiftll ranging fror» 5o feet to 70 damages, and covering only fifty- four :separate Mlanlage parcels, as to which testimony feet, and probably ;1ccr;t,gi11g less Ptah 6o feet. I;c• r:•assn rp f this o:il,ro\w width it was receivable, shrntld consume eleven (Ii) years of tine, is sufficient to justify the does not seem reasonable to assuinc that it will c\ r I) iii a high\ca)• of great inl- conclusion that something is so radical:\ wrong in the system or the nleth„cl of carry- portanee, and its elevation and position do wit, in n;V jarI;Wrocnl. \v:lrraIlt the claim ing it out as to inflict unjustifiable hardship upon the properly owners affected, that it vrill be utilized as one of the princilw! nl• a,!; of attltro:tch to the I fu<lsoil 1\Te- and that while such s)-,tenl exists and rertlains a part of our nitiii ipal machinery, atonal hrile. 'I- he exctmillalion wt-hick h:ls lnti marl. (If thi case ind'cates that the for the opening of streets, no single set of 1r pert) owners, vv•ho happc•11 to be greiv- ;ii-ea of benefit vvliicll bas l en lived by the C'Oiilmi='iom has been a liberal one and itl- ously injured by the occurrence of all poSsible (lCl\s in their case, shonlcl he coin- eludes the entire territory in which bene•lit cconld 1>_• c~t:lbli.hcd. pelted to alone stand the exorbitant expense brought about thereby. but that such C.t nder tile conc!ili,.rIs I would rc•c(,n)I11 11(h that both petitions be denied. expense slialild be borne by the City at large. In this case the Ci,mnlissioncrs add Respect fill, $34,000, or nearly one-lialf (I_) of the total award; to cover the expenses of the pro- \I•1,SO\ 1. Ll1:AVIS, Chief Engineer. ceeding. It is neither fair nor just that this h~lulcl be borne by the few property owners whose as;esslnents have been enormously increased, for the illlrl ose of con- AIr. _A. 11. favour, reI)rcacntiIIg- Clarence C. I,crri:,, al,ptarccl before the Board

tinning this proceeding over a period of eleven (11) years. :nlcl t'erlttested an a,ljrnn-nnicii . vv•]lien request vvas (lc-nicd. Second-Title to the lands acquired by this ProcewijnZ was cuvtcd =centcthing The follotviug reuliitioll vw:ts then adopt.-1,1:

over ten (to) years ago, and the street was laid down upon thr neap; the property Resolvrc,. That the Ili ,;,rcl of 1,,"timatc and AppOIIi!onnlult ~~f - I.hc City of e New owners have had no benefit whatevcr front the street during this l,crio~l of tell (tot

years. Development has been arres:crl by the nnccrtainty as to vv-lien the proceeding Y, rrk hercb)- dc•nie, the pctiticmti of Clarence C. Ferri;, baring (late of l~chruary 28,

would be brought to a close and the street nlarle o- aiLtble, and io t only the interests t(y•1R, and Of J. J. .lcKKclvVot-, hearin); hate of \lar:-li 3, lr)oM, fir a rccltictiun of the of the abutting property owners but practically all of those npnn whom the sill)- ssLssm(La f the ac(1llijti'll of title In ;p l}ten 1)11}'cis rul, between SpvVlen

-he stantial r.ssc«nlents fall, hove suffered from sta~.;natinn. 'I l,ro,wth „f the district, Dtlycil 1':lrktva~, near Spnvtcn 1)n ii llcll„l, :tad \V'~st "I - vcn I 111 t'rI and "Thirtieth

trom a real estate st:utdpnint. the intprovemelits tchicit arc Stli,;,c,sc(1 to' fl~11nw 11111 opening of a street, have :ill been -Irre ted and field in :lhccance for a decade. The street, ill the R11rul1i 11 Of . 'I'1he llrunX.

property Owners mulct not nee tile land coneerned in this pi C(iihl11i inr private ,Aftirnl:ttive-"File M'o'or, the Coinptroll,r, the I'rc,ident of the 1~'rtrcl of :Alder- purposes. nor could thC- have had the ruse of it as :t ;trcct. It ha. ;imply stolid dnr-

lllctl aiii! till, Presicicnts of the 1Sc,rcntghs ~,f \Ltnhatiall, Ilrr~c.i;lvn, 'F ile Urnnx, Oueens Ilg all this t;llle as a blll'rlcr brt -eels their l,ropel-t) ❑ n11 ally J)r ogre --. -

Under these ennditi n , to a,l'lle thrill with till' exl,cll<e of the m'nlnn,gi11 of "llri Rlc1,llmnd-16.

these procc:•(lirgs, to the extent ni lead) $~5,0no, nl- alnit :1 tr;trestv• till iu;tice. Th:rd-Tile street in elitc:tiw n, fill- 11Ich of it Lit tit lnrallc;:, nr is Cunt',t ttr)ltS

to an Old street known as Old King11ir1lige rn-Irl. 'I'llis sirc•ct t,rncillccl and l)dtl•jces Cn\\iI t\ l.l\l: or lZit'rtalnt: Ulin'r. Ill, rr:I I \Vr.s'I' O\I: I I:'\uul:u :\gin l`IFr III Ill

to di facilities for travel hock :nil forth throwdi the idciitncl,il cii~.±rict ;crt,e,l b)- till, STRE FT :vNu 1)vcnyl AN S'l-NE I 1-vi INC Ot'I .vv I vII y-IOy cm Rlcr:(film,

proposed ncvv strcct. T v- rca;nl1 of tilt- cNi tcnce of ea;cnl-lit nrlllie(l to the re-pec- llrnl.: ro rills

Ill I -(N AIi jot<t.v1. Iii:inr.r:: .oND 1,.vv 1x.; Or-'r .v 1'1Mt.zc 1'-vlilc tiv•e owners of the property ilinttin_, nn said strict, vcil;ih ii in rte in loan}- cases _ V1nINtx ui•: I)iaytt "I III it II I I- I•:y'rtwc. Cl;yr, YIi. AI'sit.v-I -r.-viy. has a frontage also Oil SIOKtcl1 DtlA-V'il roali. tile satin old <trccl, tduovn as Old K11g"- bridge r() id corm ,)t be clncd, ~o Ni as ha c priv'ato c:l:crrlrnt; ref 1;._jnt-of-ve:ty arc the fnllrnrin l,cIa,ru of ii Chlcf 1:n~inccr vca, I,rr;catccl

Concerned, as tile* apprrtll to v lrirnt: plCc. Of pnij,c rty, eelcnrtints ai01rr prac IZr- r \u. ; { 1.1.

ticaiIy the Font ;re tco.lh of tilt- ni I Kill,_* hri11 ~'c 1 (. 1, i wlct1cAl matter tilU said old street or mad h'ts tech and Will cg,ntian, to lie opcn and i ❑ ii be any nnc WI ii lln.vIZU II I?tirlvt.vrr..v~ i .AI I•nl<rlc,~tll:~'r,

Il,ul,lI „r rill, Ciln'r I:>:nt~ela<, ing to travel thr, 'ull said rli<tric~t :,ors in v•i , vv• ni this c:~nrliti~ , n the r~llcnin(;' of t il e• said netV' trCCt b1'n+l.it <'.tba;tt'tiallt' tln l fA']t'Itta tit- l lh!' pro pertV- :li~ ,tlg -

whicll it piicSe(l, al-id in the case of much art l)rt'tI(- ,-tv. aIi sCcnt1l1t of do. pr(- Roll. UEOi,(; : H. \I. (,i. I(LL.A:1, .i/ Il'r. 1-, (I!itlI I)fall U/ file l?o 11 d of /;.5ti7Atlti' till? - 1Cf'ol --

cipitoiis cheractcr ni the gr uzhl, if ac math r- gnlatc rl anon Erm!r,i. zrould ininre it linllnlc nl: much more than an)- pn:Sihlc hcnefit h)- rca.~~n of the 1.l,)11cnc ;lstinrjag :ill :1(1111- Sia-.At ;t mccti :f Ihr• Ito,1l,cl c , f Ialitn:it Hill \I,pnrti-ynnlcnt hold nil :April tional frnntat e. :As a strcct. thcrefr , re. f 1 el here it. f„r 55'11c11 the c~l r.i oii1d l ,4, lyv8, l,lan.; leek luj11nip" r.j Lc talc l'rri-jr-lll c,f tits• h'- , i li l of .AIulllilLIlail she,vv•. met -•rltirc•lv lit, local a ( n( nt. L)11\ n Ui,ct l rvrI 1 nn fi(annine whateser. i :ill uteri;inn :[Jill cIa [II gc in lisl I the 1:1vcr<Ilk clri;r, 1 tw,-cii \\ it Onc Ilun-

The onl}' Iii lii tinn which III be f„tnld f , ir its r pcnint* i, that it h:l; the ;rc,l :Intl I`iiit'- kith ;Ii ;t11(1 tin Ilut!"Ill AIcni ii ti Itri'l-c, 111' Oiler with acl):lccnt character f a crmiectjoq lint:• birrliii t•,<_, c(11 r d'tTcr,, ut c•I ,,ii of the Cite, or I;u1cls cl'idLutI1 iLt(liLl (1 tEL l,c I (tuned ;, ;I Irtrt of iii (1111)1 vc ILL lit ;Inc] fir till: pro 1(1 11" mean; of aL r thiii ji traffic (rust lo,, I1 1 ii 1„.i1~t of 101 1111 5 nr III ,tcctiuu ni tic clrivL. l i c IL! IL vtrn referral t., pour I•1nLl!ico fill- c.yalninatiun ~,thcr jnlerc-sfs. As Linrh the St'zit1ii Dt~}•vin • rLL:1L1 lvl L -0111 c1 ,1n1 (II cxi,tcllc e, in said rcprt. that it will Fervc to put the lfarIem and Tmsinp<l ,ri,l c VL'ILV +.n+ , : 10mrh nvilh the 'the map cvvcr; lilt area 11:tcinp; :1 1 , u1_td c,f :lb~ntt 3!: miles, including a section Hudson Ricer suet vvith the l,mp' erl lfnrl:, m \T l I 1 I 11 cr ,nncclin, the abbot I) (1 IL ct It l iwrtli of tilt ii ltllcri_c t..Iium;:1 I,f the (11iz1• a11m s, ljui1hag the northern end of \I M(lcettIiI T<iinrl vvitll E•lmtr1 Dii%%;l. 11w II IllIhi, rI iii' I !tad -Oil \Icnl„1- i:tl Itrrrl c. "!he 1'oncl rla:(iii (1 :I, ro-imi it for 11r tcrtinn loduL1es a ses meat f,lr the r,l,c•nin of th treel in~l~l n~ , ' lc ;. L' loeitl) a; line 1,crn vent, Ili( e :u,-;r IuLluLi 4111 the vtc~tcr'\ iIl, t ilit• Arise, and becvV((.It it :Ind ill( done in the 11 Ilit cn=( lint +hr City <h , ulr1 a<-'nn: :, l:tr_t r l) L tl il. ii r,(1t all. of \c•w York C.iiim! :,nc1 Ilttcl:,nn l:iier I.ilr,,aIl. "Ill(: ;I e:t lids :t total itii;th of the ex+,e;Si if till 01)111 11 of tit rr, i i ,I,, lit 12,o;X) Icct. cxtrt~:lillg :tl ,n.4 the cl art• Icn,LIll ~:'i the drive, csccl,til L c,nly Dort

P•,s:ncr ti t r in c L t"n llt)C 11 tl I l.n , c I1 IIrrl ,. N.~~nr I) I1 11 11 rc;lcctl,mi) \V-Dn I'ark an 1 :t tract a(13 IL 11 I)tcl: iii ILL \iaCuilut. pray that N-,,,, r TV rd ' iv L) c '•lrl, „ll,,;r„1 • ,n• n 1 Il •ir•; Lilt nroncr for 'I lie plan for the Rivrl<i lr drive plv'i~tc.; for I,fllnvint-t tilt sh:np :o14lc; at West the pnrnno•. if ti-c 11',yjpe f l,c 11.1' (':Lc l!t ill-'- IL1 i l,t:)ntliL ILL Illy L-lpLl1-e of (inc Jltu:rIrcd :tnLl I fifty-liitll strut sort t\'c;t ()UC Ili,uLl.t- L•,l :uicl iifl}-(- LglLLh street, these prr)crcrlire~. vvMich in Nol,r Ilcl c „ r I Ill Lit -IL ill! be n' 1 I I Lvonls the line of the 'uc.l )(jots (I:•IJcctc'11 at \V 'cat Onc' lh11jure'I :, nII I-iflc tlft'i strcct in tve pL cent. (7;`%) .:-nrl 11i'211t ill <t fi:tl ,!.. I,c ul rc. LI I 1) It y''onr :l,l;ti',ner, Ill y 'Lill :1 wat, ;I to tnc-t the ill line :LILunt 2ou IL t 11 1tll I \Vlast Oil IItnlLlrccl shit have snrh other l,rrl filr•llrr l,l•lir•1 :1; ,nrly he itt=t 'tn11 ,r' IL. Fifty-eighth strc-et. I runs this l,nint ll rtlnv:tnllc- to a point rtl,nnt 500 feat n, Iill of

Dated '-l'cl•,- Ynr1., AT:u-rli .., tqo$ Ulittenrlcn ;tonne Illc• new Street (lit ILL, the Ohl I Li rna its \(L 1(115 sine said in I'T•.TI"I'TO IRS, ;Hi, ,. scezic.p' iIlc1Lilles :1 Ilc ,rt(nn of the Old ;ti-Lct, v%]tile in athcrs it i tenuity urit-

1 y J, J. Aih - lcII.vrv. .Attortio)-. side of it. The plall shntcs th;lt it is ilLtel,de(i 1n include in the Street Illild vcithitl

\\\i T I. ̀i :AT-F I 1',c•I: i.ln~, I (t( \n:, t 'R. IR., the lines of the present Fort A\;.shill ton Park having ;t v. idti ranging frcLnl about

II Iti~~tt~liur I cC :v'. :1tt~,rnc~'~. 70 feet to 'Hu,ut ii. f :roll c\tcnclili tlLrcnl h the entire Icn'th of tile hark. North ref Chittcnd(ii :Ivcnuc Ihr. line :ls dill LIn is e'IIriql over the c,lrl rlrlv•c to

R>rorT O. 5822. ' ' AE Pi,AIto rp I~IAI All AAIl AP1RT71,tiTNT •

tllcet 'r,I1 A a'lllllgt„ll aA't•Ilue :11,(1111 l.ryxl ft•t•1 SrLt1ih of the exlrellie llLirtllr•rlV t•tld

( )i t (LI '1'111( Ii (Li 1'. A'IIi. i-i u i. I: nI the 1 ttcr str("I, ;t 1PEmI„n I which and alms;t all of :tn arljuiniiig hark Lcing

Nf:,y 1, r1)o4.I ilic'1nriCtl L11ln1j( (ILL • '.1,1C StL I' L, 'llie v-(linnet (Eger I)V_clludo Valley is to begin ne:u- the northerly cncl if Furl

Hon. GEORGE B. '\1CCt-rr.1vN, YLv'rl+, ClinaIUL of dill,' B(,(lrr! of I'st11LLLIC allrl ./ippoy \1n tn ;tLI (lie. and Is to have a ten-;I11 of ;tbc,ut 1,(50 feet ; this Vi;Ldurt is tO

tior(hncuz: ll:nc• an cicc;ttiIll of 1(x) feet.

SLR-Nerevvit1 are trlt^cuti1tc-,1 tiL( liI1t(11s of Clarence (7, Ferri, be'rl,iuU date of Not- Ill of till • I1L,LiilCri\• (-Jill ref the viaduct the street ilppc:o- s to be 1ILe:ttcrl (Ill tilt-

February 2R, Ton`?, and (If I. I. \IcT"•1\c%. b II ,1-Ite If \t (I IL ;, Iii L' III ti,r to 5tcd\ I,LIl c of the I111t1Iii hill, told it llwcts the site Lid out f,(I the IIud'ln

the acs( ssmr•lit f ,I II prrl+.r 111 n f t plc to Slog' cn I rn;ill. 1) t\cc,rs :~lntt•tell \ieoas1al llLioIssc, ;it its nthtl c5!,. rat' cr,rnc I it ct 1(1e ii L1r ii III, till' hA111jii to pro

Duyvil T,:lrkw-• v. dear SVu.1ca i II \•ii (II eput, and \\ t 'I lcn I Iii 11 III I 'I -ixn iL 11 i(IL • another comicrti„n iLcerecn the ill (ILL art l I i II SI i\ be ]a,On; It :t street t„

street, in the ItmnLih Of The PrnnX. 'Chc former 11^t 'Ill n 1 (tIll,t, the ol,t,,ptinn of a Ilucv the c;I -tcrly slrg,s Of the Ral•u(LII hill, uLdIuL" the brjl1lse lauds at the south-

resolutinn providing for pi ii 8; per cent. of tl , c I I r,f the proccc•,lilL upon "I"hc• `~sterlc corner oppDTtc• the co,nnectiL•n vwith illc hic.l,s(dc Ilriv".

Cyty of dew fork, while in the 111cr cue rclir•f i a<kcrl fur 1n the cslcvl of ~cr 75 1 'II strut a; ShsLln l;luo;tIIy his a vw•idth of I't feel, hiLlt Is v('irhI ll ccI across

cent. the 1)vL-loo;u7 Kalb-v to it S feet, the• :o'crrtc vvillth Lying 0.m,ol 1lo feet.

1:1-orn AV fit One l im idreel aril liflc I tits su-c r t to A\ 1 St ( In,• I1umIrlit Iii! Fdocee for title to Spn)-fe t ll 1 limit e au ednI)v th )i coi n ; Oil i Irlil M itl(

scribed were authorized by the Rnard r•f Slrcct nt~cnin,; nn 11:lrrh r, l;~)7, lid title ~)ixty-fifth ;trc-ct a coilnm. rci;tl liit;h level sheet li: I s ill II ill Lti , l (tilt, but the

to the land was vested in the City on J: LOU ;try 14, l'-1r)S. ̀ix \'c:n-, after till • C 1111111- "I grades lc \•c IL ,t 11•cn II ;all\ II l. Lis .IiL I i, filo'lvo ;IV l,crpc Iii :III 1 Lot tI ffles

cioners had been anpo;nterl tllev vv-c•re directed by ❑ n r,r (II r I tin • SnIm-inc Court to "Flit for it al,, Ill llruv III ,•LI l,\• till • Ill 1p 11 >55 'ulrmltI((I r,Icl Ill ivc• is also shr,vcn as

include in the proceeding the (11111'tqcs fiuoajmol,l b ot-rs (,f property 11%, rcvsr,11 r,f 1(1 111 It ILed L,ttrceIi iii;, li lilt <.:Inrl gc• ill nIII it a hiplirr cicvatinI I tn talc new

the closing and di contintl:nnce of the 1)1 (1 K111lr;hrirlc,c read iii-IL i lust I,urtion of its ' '•trect. III Ie cic,ts 111 t :L1Il)ear Ill IIc : Il), ncakIna f,,r melt a gcm•rIll, 11(151 11111 of

length where it fell otlt'ide of the lines of the Spily1cl, Unv•v'il read, :t; laid nut up,m `u-ccf ill Ia ;0' '5 1(11111 rr -ills it the :1111 Mrice i; l,c.anoil and the lIe•lv• one provided,

the map. '1 -he report of the Commission IS Mille to tile Court nn \l is t`{• 1rv1T, ;ln,l ;illd iltc rct: III 11 1 all rof th,;e sti t; nnnl i 11111 II very I tit c expense for the

provided for placing 8o per cent of the cost of the prr,cc er1lll upon 'File City of -Nev., c'"astrucIi,.II ref the rc I'LI hILL, vt:,ll=• STlll11 t51 d,1 Lc necrlr l.

York, it being contended th:zt only 20 per cent. of the ii LI It ((1111 11 br• cl r,c•:h Ile L'it (Iii \l'v;t One lIuntlretl and Sixty llfth trvct :tad a point :I1,0ut 5oO feet

against property in the vicinity. The crnlfrtllntinn of this report \\I; obic(l -r 1 ,, iV• ITltci nt• ('Littcncicn accnuc a large hurtj10 ref tllc• 00111th of the old drive is to be ct

the representative of the City- upon the grotin d that Ill entire l,1:p1151• 511Dl,y1 lie ~Iside for Its(. :Is a (IL nIio (II i:ll ;trcm and ❑ t ;Ill c1c v:rtlrin L1 Ii l,rilly hi} her than the

assessed upon the property Ls11(111(1 and as a rc;nit of this , ,I)jcc+iIll ,I new Coombs- "c'`v kivLr;iclr 111151, cynt,tjI, It till (x11(111 IL itilc11) Inrl of this sectiml, where he grade of tilt- cnmnlcrc•I II strc, t is crt1PcIt to I, a5; 111"(Iar till IL 55 Street and to join has reeeetl) he t anal is was appointed. \ preliminary rni tai I I ILI r 15 (

objected to by the p^titirnlcrs, \\•hn cL;im that the ~trcct will Lc r,f f;cncr:ll tt;c• ati r,nc objected the olll Iln\•e. St1(elt it fount\, faro( ;Ili, n,111 Ii 1 illt;trlily. \ II ' in i ii ,lrecIs 1 1 '

of the principal nlcans of approach to the Iii Imii Memorial I3ri1U 1111l •l1nuld there- ;tl-e rcquil c l to form tills 11rcvt, I,nt nfuSt of till • lcen,I Is nIi t LII c 55 11(1 by the City.

fore he made in part a charge LL (11151 the public. I he prr,zt- el(ots 111111 :n'c rt•i'l.c•rtt11. ililcnit.c,l to «•15 a,; pnLlic 11:irl<s and in the "I"hL nlrr,lLlpiuLcinr{ (iI.5rril,finn tbcc Li c„ rl~ <i 'tote rl. =c l•uLrls h:n'r a toldth rangintt

The preliminary report of the Crnunlis;II Ill of I',cio1aze and :Asic;5111 lit re- frrnl sbrnll ifcct 10 I,,nit Grxl feet, :Ill l cc I Ill :tb"ul ;acx> ft . 'I heir inclusion -3o ferred to by the petitioners and «•hicll vvn; tile(! Oil Janna.ry 2.3, trloct, shows the in the inlptu l-iiLr•nt 0(1111(1 onllnniltc(llv :u!cl :pre:ttlt• it) the lIehaty of the drive, but following: \:ould scrilal,i)• rImaat- thr• area nil \chili all a;Sc;Sroonl could b, it tie,l for defraying Awards proposed for property located svilhjii the lines (If SiLuLIc n I)tnvvh the cost of the im+Il,aw mint.

road .... ..... .. ........ ....... .............................. $42,i 32 31) 'l he nlap inrlicalr 5 Hint :h(lul 13c) lI~l.• I :u II 2; fc It ii)- ton f, ct, wnnlcl Ile re- Danlages for closing oil! Kinr=sirEN lc: rr,; r!...........I............I. .1_, ,3 (luircd for the lzittrsillc 11111e•, :lnrl tLat alI•mt l..lar, 11115 wnnld l,c taken fill, 111e ccrrll- Interest and costs ........................................ I ........... ,3J.(J()2 ,32 Inertial sheet; awl for till- rlc\c : Sri -I. "I he :t,;r5; el c:lirl: tirm Of land where it has

- - been stihdivillerl ill tliiS aIroLI\ 11I1II:IS Ill r:Ilit-t 1111111 iik,ilt L.i,o-sI In ;tllntit $5,ocm Assessment on area of bcne.eIt ............................ $fl:).i78 01 1>er lot; lIlSi1uilUti th;ll the a'-lra;, r,c,l lain i; $.low :I II,I, it 5v011111 appear

- 1h:lt the vBlue I,f till- kill, ( to ill aCIILiirI•I' for III I!l i L ti•l ,nI , l be ceInlnz The area of rise-n-rit fi-<r`r1 1,v- 11111 C"m'ni«i1, or- r< : i etjz•.V 11 , 11 the north by a I v'.hilt• that for Ihl- th; wlltptl :i+;-!r(l;alc• if 7r,o,c>YK>, nl'l1iu( a 11ot:11 n«escrd';lilatium

line too feet niOtll of West Two ITnndr^rl s1n'i Tli;ry-ii%Ih trl-I- t, (Ill the (:l1t by a of the land 10-I--led fill, talc iinl),n,v•( Ill ill of $7(ul0l5). It sent; irli:,ill, that tiles(- Fine too feet east of Broa,l -av, rnl tile- solilb by till. SPl1\'z(tl Dii-it CreIk -irvl the (:,lilt-; arc s,Illieltil:lt hi•,li for Ill- l:tn<l h,Iatl, I :(lam_, till-Ill- -1 , sill,(; which are in- Harlem Ship Canal, and on the \vest by the 'New `~ nrl< Central lla;troalt, this area , littlillli in the 11111), but there at rbOIlt ;o LliiIliln;": Whir I1 (5f111;l Irit- e to be pur including about 55o parcels: the asscssnrm en each parcel r;to e from thirteen cents cliwstd and Which have an :I ce• , ;cd 1•;IlLlsIiOn of :1(1111 $1011000. iti aI I believe it prop to $4,276.26. It is proposed to assess the 'abutting property within It distance of from I able that the total cost Ilf sialidrmng till • land 551111111 sppo.xilnate the anilonut indi- about Too feet to Zoo feet on each side of the Spuyten Duyvil road, a total of about III cated as the present assessed valuation.


The lines and grades now proposed for the drive are at many points it decided improvement ever those previously adopted, and if the plan were carried tilt it seculs probable that the drive tt-onld hecoute one of the finest boulevard, of this character ever construetcd. In view, however, of the fact that the old street lots already been acquired and that at least one ch;tnge ha, already been made in its lines at a very great cost, it would scent doubtful if the u'cnmtcnt suggested Miller the present plan could he carried out without Modals :i (ssing property in the vicinity.

I am of the opinion that the desired result could hi', to a very large extent, ac-cotnplished by more closely adhering to the original lines of the street, hat vwild reconnncntl that it public hearing he given on the plan for the I,urpnse of ol,t;tining the views of owners of property in the vicinity, it icing tit olerAood that it very still- stantiql part of the cost of the ill ttc(ucntent v1•((11td be nut by Icuvi1tg an mselsmoot for ben(fit.

Re pectinII N1l.SC)N I'. LI-I'VtIS, Chief l?o1;ittecr.

The following resolutions were then adopted: Resolved, '-hat the Board of Rstiniaic and .Arporli„nnttnt of The City of \civ

York, in ptn'sttaracc of the provisions , )f section _Ise of the Grcatcr Ncty't ork Charter, as amended, (teeming it for the public interest so to dui, proposes to change the malt or plan of 'l' he City of New \ ork. h) ett:11ailig the line of Riverside Drive front \\'(',t One Ifttn(lred and I~ifty-fifth street to a poitlt (li"fant :thuut 2n(1 feel northcrl)v frr,nt Fort \Va~hington avenu1; axtto(liIIg Riverside I)rivc IInrtiterle to the I tcnry I fadsolI Memorial Bridget changing the line of Fort \V'adliligton av cnnc at its northcrly end, laying ottt it contntcrcio.l siruct front West One I lnndred and Sixty-flfllt str: ct to it point about 2,000 feet southerly front Icdmeuui street, and rstal;lishing and adjusting grades for the same; alai laving out a sttcccs~ion of public p;trks adjoining Rivcr,ide Drive and located between \Vest (Inc Ikindred and (Fifty-tifth street and the ITarlew River Ship Canal, ill the Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, more p:u'ticu-

Iarl)" described as follows: Riverside Drive, between One I fundred and Fiftc -fifth s'rect and the i ienry I lud-

son Memorial Bridge, Fort \V'ashingtor :n'cnuc at its norihrrl) end, nvhcre it arlj<,ins the Riverside Drive, the adjoining cnm:n,.rci:d street l,utIvecn AV'c•,t One 1Tundred and Sixty-fifth street and it point about 2.015 feet southerly fn,nt DyCIMMn street, and the grades fur each, I, guthcr with it 5Mcces'irm of public p:lrk .arc 1., be as ,h(nrn (III a mall pr1'tcuccd lay the l'r, sidetil of the Eocnng,i of vhQbatmn. entitled : 'Mat', plan and profile of the exlen<ion of Riverside Drive and the land.' protecting till' same, ;u1s the a(ljtt~ttrtcnt of the line; and gra lcs of llt.' old and rtc drive from ilw 11,iethuitv line of \Vc•I (ant lmn,lteil ;and I iftc-tiolt Street to the land of the 'Itcnry ]lulls m Memorial Itii l c' over the hiurleto Miter, in the TuteIflIi \V:trol, 1Inrongt1

of \lanll^.11111, ('it c (If .\c\\.

Ii_ csolved, That this IS -,ail crm,idcr the Lr"qlosell cl an,ge at a ntc ting of Ills

]l„arrl, t„ 1 11(1d in the City: l hall, L'I'ou:;tt of ,\lemhaltgo, Cit\ of ' ctv )'url<. roll the wilt ,lay of Jmt, I,Y,3. it lo._;n (elk ;t. tit.

I coh1rt, -I bat ilic Scrmtar, of this bo;ird c:tai;c these ri'",lnti , ms an(1 a 11uhi1c

(n all hx•rsItius ❑ ffcrtc•,I tlttr,'R that the I,rnl,,,.eIl ch:line• (till he Collsidoed :It :t nlcct-in t of tits 1Board, to 1,:• held at tt,• air, sail! lime :loll place. In h; lulhilte h in the CCTV lutlijI for I:•n (la)' cmtirtn ,nolt, snrlda).c:In(] legal IMMuiays cxcdtt1th, 1,rinr t'' the Irttit ria) If Juttc, i td'i.

\flirnt;ttitr—I It, \1:,r, ill C'„ntt,lrr,ll r, the Pre i,lcnt of the It,l;Ied of .\Idcr-

ntrn an(I the ErI,iVlQt5 ';f :hi' !l 11'11,1 It f Mf Illltall;trt, I,r„ 'h1<n, 'I hue Bronx, Qnccns

huh locIinl„ ill --I(.

('11 ai(.r: IN L1..u; OF \l \:.t', \I. SIRF-;Ts :\I,Inlxtxc Tau-: \LvxlV.vtf.vx BRIDGE \merit III I,: 0 T Iui,,\uin \\. \l.vxuuB't1vxx.

'II:r („Mowing cnmmtnnic:f'i„n fruit tlu G,mmi;:i„ncr (,f ItiuGgu~ an(1 report of

ti_, Chief I•:ngineer t' .err l,1c",uotg(1: :Ind, „n insrtion, the matter vva, refi'rrcrl to the

t'resirlrnt of thue Ilo1•,,tt;'h of \I:Iu'ha1tan.

(Ira (If- \u-i'r Pnthts t)PPvieT\BxI ur Crtu;r<.~ \o5. 1.j-'r I'\HG Ro,tt- ,

\L;cnh:attan. N. 1'., M;trc t ,, tOc1,tt. J

[i tilt' ll U7'r ,l'Ul,l, /!l,- Ho ,( ,/ 1zsaG1tt/r and . 1pt"11"f!„IiDIr'lIt of "l 11r' (.ill. of ti.<a I urk:

(;r'-rl.t:~tr:N--Ira 1MrmiliMo with the ' It;uacti'n if the ALtn1t;t1lan approach of the ,\hziutha1t:ln llli,i a it i' n,°rr.:al-v :ncln-tc r-main :urct, :11111 Ill (thin ncty "ties b1ut+rm I1tit ltn,:uitt- a\ - and tltc Itmvcrc, nlnr.. ;1,crifienlly a, sbcui1u un mutt 38/62 boruuiilt traMsiltitic(1.

"I"liis matter lltiv- iilg- I,cfurc hccn hronght t' , the attention of innr I IlI11hrane Board, certain rcnoltttinrns :tl,lcart:dninri tIutu to wire aulol,t.•d fly Von nn Anccntht'r '.3. 1(101. Snhsc(Ittcnt to this dale, Mower u, and on \1t, -di ' 2, tOo7, Yoll aAIll' ,cc(I it mitt, or plan which had Ii lit h,rct,;wecl 1,': tll • h'z,t_i11ccc of Str<et OInning: of the I1urroM'hu of Jlan- 1 atuut, pentiltim; for Iha 1111tV (1111 if 1'uai11 marginal slre,ts in the p„rraugi of Manhattan and alflzicclil 1(' the i\IqnIiattan Hhrudge "I his e(Qtlh(hm of .Abcal1 22, 1(y7, ;t; I nn(lcr't and, had the cff'•ct of ul,rr;c, linrr the action taken nn A,vtntkcr tr;nF,, and pent•idc(l tnargitMl streets rn,t r ,alv to tilt north of East Itrx:uiivl , uvlun1 they ate t•clltlisite .uurl 11ccessarV in order to permit till- ennarugy'liun of the tsihge, hut also to the south of I':a<t Ilroarlte;~v, tchc-re, so t111 a; bridge congc11cti„11 is C, m- tinterl, the' :tee neither i't'ihilii'i'Il nor tee:<;;u'y. I ant iriforunc(l th;it as act no rata;, 1111 ltrcn tiled showing the ,langu of the City m'tl, or plan as Itr(ltiIl('I either in the c,ur,ht1ioo of ,\nv1uurltre '3, t(xufl, or in lit, rcsolmirn1 of \laeclf 22, 1(107.

It is vcry uccessary that at this tints till- 'natter l , f potting tutu etfcit Iltr , hgtlg,'. of Ihr City malt or plan, in s., f:n a, the mar innl ;treats t(, till' I("rlh ifii to are concerned, he ,lgioitel: Iixed ;loll rhct''riitiuncd, niIiovvue delay ill rImstrnrtirm (if the bridge n!lproach, contract for which h: s airrad) hecn let, and inc, n\ 1nic•ncu' In h)u1!Ihic Iraflit' ntay t•c"ttlt,

I transmit, tlt,ref'ir,', for ' cur crnt i,!rra:ion, the tn;tlt, 39/62. shntcang 'rich rhans;, < in the City nt;tn or plUm as are nco: s~ay fill- the cnn,1rnrtinn of till' M:1111 ut:ut Itridge.

Respect fill v, J. A1V. S'l'Ii\ Ii S( )Y, (mmuuti,'ioner of Cri,lgc'.

Rl1t'ort'r No. 581)7. IaL\lua IF 1?:I L]I .\Tic .\Nn \t'rIlItLhllN)1ENI', 1

I)i-IIt a lit 'ttl1: Chuuze 1?KlNne(R, flay 18, utu8. j

Ilion. GE,,io;-, l:. Al, Cl.ra.l..'.e. 11av-'r, 17tuhiiuunn1 'f (lr,• Ibsird if tshntql" and .•lj'/'nr-

IIU11 bit 'lit :

St —.\t the uutcr'hi11r; if the Iloald of listittt;tte and .\Itl,ilrti„ntncttl held on March 27, I008, a report was ulmtitit(l 1glld' ' tutt'ntt„n t,, the conditions now existing in connection with lllc tauit'g ,mt :(1111 ;lilltiilttIiti ni street: fin' tit,, Maiuh;tttan ;utproaeh to the Manhattan Itriuu;c'. \ , I (cti,rt teas t:a<~-tl, but Ilic matter was 'dcir,',h to the Comptroller for the rc-;I,„n that the („n(<(' ut'; r led mt 'It (II Ihr rescission (If reso-lutions e1lregcly adopted irooulnt, f,,r the :Iculnit;un of certain lands. "]'Ile Contp-troller srtl ,sequcutly I r,.eiukli the wi~tll,-u to the hi aril, and it wIts then referred to the Corporation Counsel.

I have l,1is1uxsen the sittta1il , n with the ('"atnli„i„ncr "f ltridges, and there ap-pear; to he a hres';iou 11b'deS~sit f',:- ;sot'tMt il I Ii1 It „rder lit-it there tray he no delay in the construction of the Manhattan Bridge apl>n ,;tchr; and the provisions of streets to take the places of those which will noy'.sqrily he close(l. The situation is as follows: '

On November 2,, lgob, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment adopted plaits submitted by the Bridge Commissioner showing the land needed for the bridge ap-

proaches and also certain streets to be closed and other streets to be laid out in place thereof, and oon the 511111 d;tte the Board authorized proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the structural approach, these proceedings being based upon a plan tiled by the Contnti.,si(>uer of Bodges in the office of the Register of New York Counly nn I'd hruary ao, t ,o;, ItIt 1 rltc procee(lings being taken under section 1436 an;l 5uuh5c'qtieuit Sei'tir , t's of the Cl:wter. Thi ,rocecding <lid not include the acquisi- tion of lands needed for streets

On \l arch 22, tg07, the lb„ard approved it plan showing modifications of the street phtn adopted on November 23, tqofi, and including the laying out of marginal streets along the entire bridge r:trtuture as far south as the A11npattao anchorage. The maps for this change tycr.' Meier filed. The eQnstcuctirun of the bridge ap- pn,a'.•hcs is 11ty in t u g' - , ati,l will i1lv•r ,li'•• the obstruction of the streets discon-tluiticul and closed by the 1111p artilttcd on N,,yntbec 23, Iqo6, but no steps have yet peen taken to ac(luirc the nevv-.stict.t., v%hielt are to) be stthotitttterl for those which are dosed. The Commissioner of kcidgeS hay pr1lrired ztoothier plan, which is herewith submitted, showing the streets tshich will hue reilnirc1t as lubstittttes for those closed, but omitiiut;; the nt1r.1i111l streets alongside of the bridge structure between East h3road\eay .uul the: \laulltattan aochii:tgc. 'l'his olli SHuo will, I believe, scent wise to the Boar,l it view of the large expense whirls will be saved.

In ,(.der that die ll-m-cr, hg- : I:. acquire title uitay be begun before the courts adjourn for the sunnier, I beg to ein,ntnt,-nrl that it hearing on the plan now sub-tnitted be fixed for June c, and lit-it tie nc•sv 1)llrn be adr,ptcd, inch also that proceed-iugs to acgture title to these new trect< be anthnrized immediately. If the Board approves of this coarse re'oltttious for the ;tc,lui;it:v,n of tit's will be presented on the (late of the hearing.

Rcspcctfnlly, T? f "SO - P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

I,:\1'I\(; Of"r .\ l'otuiu' ' ii. T(, 1,1:. BOUNDED IV I's,It-[(' STRh:ET, I'.)rtiET-r STREET.

,-\:\Irly SnwP,-r .\\ll Col.t'alrrl.\ S-rl<I:u-:-r, l;t<oot<t.VN.

'I hut fi,lll,tcing i',''oliltion If the I"cal Itoar(l of the I1 ights District, Borough of I;tc,ula)u, and report ill the' Chief I:ngince' were presented ancl, on motion, the tttattct• via: rcfcrrcd to the Pr(-ilY.'hut It tilt- Ifur„ug!t of ItruilLlct::

In tllc l.nr'al I3ocrrd r,( the TTei;lrts District.

\\ hercas, :A petit i,m fir a local intprnt etnent described below has been received ii)- the I'resirlctnt of the I;orrng l of llrr,nlcl)•n ; and

\V-herrrls. I Ic hots appuintcd It tim(w fora meeting of this Local Board not more than lifters , lays after the receipt IT hint of the said petition, at which nleeting the said petition would Ile Solinlitkul I,y hint tr, the said Local hoard. and he has caused it notice t„ I,c t,uubli;ltc,i in the (ii I kri uvn that s;ii(1 petition has been presented to l ilo rind i; on lilt' in Iii, office for in't>('ctirnl, and of the time ichcn and the place where there tt-„till he It mcttipt, f this Lnrtl I;um'rl at tchich the said petition would be sub-milt(-il 1)%' hint to the .:del Itu:trrl, «hirh tulle Ills rn,t ]e's than ten (lays after the pul)-hieatuIu of this notice ::and

\\ Ilcrc;ls, The ;ai'l petition vt- ;a 'lIllv- snhntittcd thereafter to the said Local Board, which did 11111' con ide•r the s:une, tutu I git-e a full hearing thereon; note, therefore, it is

Rcm1vi-,l. ht the T.ncal P(o'd (,f the ITeights I)istrict• IPrsnant to titles 2 and 3 of chuat,ter to of tll, (:rt tc•r \ctv York Charter, That the said petition he and the same herel, i; granted; and it is hercLv

Resolved, 'I it Ilti; Poard floc; Itcrck)- recommend to the Board of Estimate and .AI,h„rtinnnlcilt an alturati'it in tltc tulip or plan of Thy Cit of New York by locating ;Ind laving „tit Ii' It hiohulk' Id:f Il-, an(V the i,1Qytrhy l,rnin,lc(l in C,,lttmhiq street, Pa-rill' 'trrct.:lntil, 'Ili t-:Intl I-:nmtctt street. in the Sixth \V'ard, Borough of Brooklvn, City If Nutt A i -k, rl; -hrnvn r n the accnntp"tny'ingg map :md more particularly de-scril,crl as fill ovr :

Ile innit;C at the intr•rscction of the northern line of Amity street with the eastern line of ('„lumLia i'treel :IS the same :arc laid nut oat tl.c 111.11) of the city;

1. 'I"hc tic(' iulMlherly alum; the eastern lint' of C'r,lttnthi:t street 200.0 feet to the s_lmll1('en line of 1'acilic strc<•II

1'lrcnec ua-.t1i1; along the 5(,trihero line „f Pacific street r9o.o feet to the tvest-crn line of bzQntwii sheet:

3. "1-hcn(-r 'nttth rl ,Iouug the 1ycstc'cti line of t•:annett street 200.0 feet to the ttorth- crn line „f ,\mit - street;

-l. I hence ii c irrlv along the ul(IrtiiItu line of ,\inity street Igo.o feet to the point „f 1„'gintiinr;.

Note "fhc'c dimensions are approximate. \lld it is Ill rcl,_~•

Rcmlved, That :1 Golly (If tilt, reslJnti„ui II,' transmitted forthwith to the Board of I'atint:qtr quid :Apl,nrti,nmcnl fl,r its appl-mal.

\diluted I,v tic I.ni:tl Ithunrl of the I lights l)i'irict on the 12111 city of Decemmber, t'))7, collini'-'-i((ncr Dunne ❑null Ahli-m'utt1rl 1)iloning. T.awlc,r and Wafer voting in favor Viet If

,'\ttest cl1.vxrcz; I ur•.lucr.ut: :An.v'Iis, Secrct1rr.

Rcs(,ltltiol fr~rtr:u',I,,l t„ the P(,:,rd of 1•:<tinr-rte and :Apportionment, without the sigul1hve of the uesidVIlt (,f the through, as a recommendation of the Local Board,

Rer,utr Nn 5817. Ill I till UP Es rI SLATE .AA n .AI'f'ORTIOA A1FNT•

Ot'FL<t•; OP TtI I-: Clt IF T'NCIN@ER, May I, 1903. J

111111. (;FORCE 1b. TiibCr.sr.v , .1l,rt'nr, ('hMieniaut of flt(' Board of 1.cfilnalc' and Ap/'or-fiornnclr(:

Sue --Veccw - itb ii transmitted a resolution of the Local Board of the TTeighis I)icIn ef, ill •onrh of Brooklyn, adopted on l )cec lull ler 12. 11)1)7, reeotnntcndiug a chan;;c ill the City (tali b~' loving out a public pla .;rntlnd in the block bnundccl h_o• 1';,citie street, Ii.ntmetI 'trect, .\mity street :md ('olutiilta street.

No pre,vi:inn is ntrrslc hi' lavv• for the inclusion of plavgroumhluhs upon the City map, lint it is evitlel l thrtt the intent of the re,olution is to prrni(lc for the creation of a public hart(. "I he 111nck descrilic't is reciIonttlau• in shape( having a length of 2110 tilt an(1 a Width of trtn feet. It is located in a section almost su-hollu• built tip and vrre thick!- 1to1mh,ec(1. The a~scsscd Wgluuatino of the tcnhc1't)• is $51,750. of \chiett $',1l75 is rhar,g ell to 11,1111 and the rcuui:uiulitl'g $26,675 to l,uil linfis.

'flue hroh(t is clue to Ile cl(ullnlcn,led, providing- that it is understood that the cost If the int1(irrn clltent yFold he thame ht” the property which would he henetited.

bc1i(-vihg it to lie the pr,licy of the Bmrd not to lav out additinnal public parks unless it is clteAv iuiielidel to have the same parchased at nice and paid for by the pclterlY mvncl-s, I \\onld re:uarutncnd that the resolution he referred hack to the Presi-dcnt of the lb roll,h, to Ile nitlthcld until after it resolution shall have been adopted I,)' the l,,idll Board initi:sting proceedings for the acqutipsitiont of title. In this con-tt,'('tinul it (tight he pertinent to point out that the area of assessment which wotild he lixcd (111th, r the siu,Rs~cstioils heretofore made fu n• the treatment of similar cases would lie ynuutul,kd gllproxitnatelc as follows:

On the ncuelh he a line too feet north of Atlantic av,msc; on file cast h}' it line tnidwa<” between Ilicks street and ITcnr\• street: nn the south by it line midway he-twcen Warren street and Baltic street, and on the west hr a line 400 feet west of t'QIuuntlria street.

Respect folk-, Nlil.SO\ P. T.fACIS, Chief Engineer.

1,t',rxc Out .\N ExtizxshN OF ltuTlltsui z\\'ENt , 51(1,1 ITS PRESENT SO1.TIIERLY

"I •dhi1,tlli's Ill 'rule tut rlacttt.t tiIil)IiE OF P.vun1N fm..\sD, IN JAM\TCA BAY, 1ia Ii) tct.vN.

The f'-llovving rd„]Mt„n (if nut' T.rcal Board of New I.ots District, Borough of Brooklyn, and r:ft„rf ,'f late Chit f Pngiiiccr Were presented:

Ill Ilic Lorin Bi n d of the 'Vcw Lots I7i.c1rir•t.

\\'hereas. A Petition for a local improvement described below has been received II)' the President of the Borough of Brooklyn ; and


Whereas, He has appointed a time for a meeting of this Local Board not more RECORD and the corporation newspapers for ten days continur.usly, Sundays and legal than fifteen days after the receipt by him of the said petition, at which meeting the 1n7li(lays excepted, prior to the 19th day of June. igeS. said petition would be submitted by hint to the said • Local Board, and he has caused • A:hrnl:ttive-The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Aldermen a notice to be published in the CITY RECORD that said petition has been presented to him and is on file in his office for inspection, aid of the time tclien and the place where ,Illcl the Presidents of the Boroughs of \lauhattan, Brooklyn, 'I'hc Btons, Queens and g there would be a sleeting of this Local Board at which the said petition would be sub- Richmond-r6. mittcd by hint to the said Board, which time was not less than ten days after the pub- On motion, the plans were referred to the Commissi n er of Docks and Ferries lication of this notice; and

Whereas, The said petition was duly submitted thereafter to the said Local Board, ror the purpose of having proper bulkhead lines established, and streets omitted where

which did duly consider the same, and give a full hearing thereon; now, therefore, the.̀ : cross navigable waterways.

it is Resolved, by the Local Board of the New Lots District, pursuant to titles 2 and 3 CltaNcE IN LINE OF B,\ILEY AVENUE, BETWEEN \VEST TWO l lt'NDRFU AND T1uRTV-

of chapter io of the Greater New York Charter, That the said petition be and the same 1,(011TtI SrRFET AND VAN CoR'rtnNOT A.\'t:>;rr.; I. \VI c Our l'x \ ..v .\StF:u hereby is granted ; and it is hereby Resolved, 'lilat this Board does hereby recouminend to the Board of I stinlate and .aTRF.FT, BETNVEFN l) SIi.FY AVF:NGI AND .'\T. R.\NY Rn.111, NORTH Ut \'VI•:S1 '11\'o

Apportionment an alteration in the map or plan of The City of New York by locating IIUNDRED AND TIrtiTV-FTCTITx S•rRFt.rt ,vND ENTENIIIX.; C.sxxoN Pr-.SUE, FROM and laying out Flathusli avenue for a width of too feet from its present southern WEST Two TTwNDRED AND Toiwrv-ctr,11I'll STI.I•:ET 'ru P.nr.T:r AVENUE, THE terminus to the southern high-water line of Barren Island. in the Thirt}--second Ward, BRONX. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, as shown nn the accompanying map and more particularly described as follows:

The following communication from the President of the T1rough of The Bronx

The eastern an(1 western lines of Fl;tt}lush a\'cntur, is herewith laid out, are straight ;till report of the Chief Engineer were presented, ancl, on ml,t ion the matter was re- , prolongatious srntthcrly from the eastern prolon;ation of the northern line of Avenue fe ,.re(1 to the President of the 13orottoh of The Brant: V to the southern hi,h-water line of P01 ricu YI1atill ; and it is hereby

Resolved, That it copy of the resolution he transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionmept for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of the New Lots District nn the 30th day of March,

1 tie Curs or + Nr•.w YoRh, I OFFICE" OF TILE PRESIDENT OF TJIE BnitOyf. I I OF T11 E IbRONX, ]

1908, Commissioner Dunne and Aldermen Grimm and Marten voting in favor thereof. NEW Yomc, March 16, Tgn8. )

Attest : CiART.ES FREDERICK Ao.\ars, Secretary.

Resolution forwarded to the Board of Estir not e Null .\npnrtiun iii iit, without the signature of the President of the Borough, as a recommendation of the Local Board.

REPORT No. 58i)8. BOARD OF 7a'ssl.s'm .SN! .ArrrnrrloNSIF:Nr,]

()rFttF nF Ti1F: CIIn v FNWN1•:ILR, \ I:g• 15, Ip08.

Hoi. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, 1i1(r1'ol', Cl7fi1l'7il(Ip if 111,' Board of Es76,itafy and .4j'por-


STR-The acconlpam-iiig resolution adopted h'. the Local Board of the New Lots District, Borough of Broolslvs, nn STarch ,,o, To^it, rccsm Iii wd; a chiange in the map of the City by layin,E' OUt an 0xte11si1)n of 1 11tluI ll :s.Vriwc frl,m its t)resnt southerly terminus to the sotrthcrlv high water line of Barren IS1arlcl, in Janlrtica Bas.

This extension was asked for hr a petition signed he F. 1). Page, E. I. Eldert and T-T. S. Page. As presented, it pr0v'iflec1 for a strect whn;c terminus SVsiild be at a certain vkI iii e point On Barren Btau(l, which would involve a dcOcctirni ill the present lines of Hiafhusl avenue. The plan as suhmittc(7 provides for :I prolongation of the present line, without a deflection. m;tking the strict Too feet in width and externdiiig across the marshes, islands and the sh:niuw \vatcrs of Jamaica flay for a distance of ahnut 14,000 feet. The plan sIibnlittcc1 is little n1 ore tha'l a sketch, as a definite lnca-tion of the street will require careful sdrsveys, Cnrn;imlintz ecnsiclerable tulle. 'fii; project of extending Flathnsh avenue has been referred to in several reports which have already been min7ittecl to the Pinril. It seas also included ill the plans of the hit- Improvement Coislmission. and in c0umttn1irc tlpnn Ihe,e plans in a report to the Board under date of September 26, T0o7, I made the f"i1ocing smtanest:

"Tile report also recommend; the evtcv;ion of l 1altl ,;Il :n•esne from its present tersnintts across the sb:dtow tvpters, the Mcaels'.\vs apll ti e isl'Ilicla of Jamaica Pay to Rvrkasi'nv Point. This gush I upeulve the crcc i-•n of a lOiht bridge across the portion of Jamaica Rae known as Rncka a,' Ti)let, which \\•rn11(1 he an expus5iVc if not difficult tmdertaking. 'F lie street will uuil'ntbtc(lly he cxtruflcr1 at some tine, but it is probable that access to Rnckawav Point will he hv- nicans of n fern_v• service from the end of this street, so that the present ext^ssion1 ntav he eans;i1ercd as rulnnitIg only to the op. ii vv-atcrs of Rockawav Inlet. Both the maic;rit•: :Inrl the minm"ily reports of the Jamaica Bay Improvement Cnslnlicsinli indicate Il ' hlicf that ails extension will be marle, and he m;tiority report in(dicncs a nrnhahle rnhcliv•i-ion 1,v Streets of the nleadows on

Toth sides. The acciuisit'(1 and cnttstructi(ln of 111e street in the lmmeeiiate future will undoubtedly stimulate a farthct' cleveinpment of thcsc mca(lnvvs. The present assessc•(I value of the land regttirc(l for this narpncc. sit fur as it call he Oeieru1inal nn accnnrlt of the lack of snhclivisinn, is only $27000. As 1h•." rlXta7scc is fully three miles. it is quite evident that the assesseri v-1lne is little, if an\ -, guile to the pruli lie cost of acquiring the property nearly all of the Ianlc1 over \\'Lich it is-n7llcl press h!,iig mcar)m\•; and islands not now in use and asscssc!T at a noiiinr7l same, but the cost of which wotllrl he very much ercntcr if the City attempted to -icrfnire it. Am' c>timate of the cost of its acquisition, thcrrfnre, is merely a. rnnr-rh g.'uc=s. T should say tlrtt the expense vv'ul 1 lie not less than g2.,,0.000."

The assessed value• as gcti,mteel h' the "hnpra,graphiir1 1ssim•cr of the Bnrrenish of Brooklyn, is $20.000. I hcln•w. as already stated, that this estcnsdm is mcvitahle, (lint it can he done more economically at the present tittle, rutcl that it will lie of such geserad 1c:e.'t7 benefit that the entire cost 711mil h he ass"sserl.

It has been the practice of this office for 5n1115' time not to present to the Board nlans for the having out of streets unless the\, inclncl...I the est:thlishnlcnt of grades. but, in view of the fact that this prouosed extension of I5lnI1,u:ah avenue is located ttpnn the meadows and marsh hurls of Jamaica Ray. whip' nr, pU:n for int0rscebn, strcets has vet been crnsirdered', it is imprartieal7e to flx graide's at the prs=cut time, and it is believed proper to snake a'1 exception in this -as.o

Ayeotion is also called to the fact lb at 1 nulls he:t'l line, hrive not 1 eo c'stahlished except one line shown upon the (own survey man at the foot of the present Fl;ithas1 avenue. The proposed extens;nn of the street will croas :I iiumlbcr of ss'aterways. some of which are undoubtedly navisgable, and there may he c1 ,nL+ as to the powers if the Board of Ei'ifllflte and Aflportinnttlent to lay out =trccls ❑ muss such i:.vigtalile water-ways. Tt is therefore r"urolnicsi'l^,1 (lint gefire B1111 ;!ohi,1ioui ti'.' n7l•oM he snLn7+nccl to the Commissioner of Dock, and Ferries, n•ith (lie rc•lntc,t tint he (lricrmine who!, if ail", port iins of the proposed street \\- ill cross n:laivalllc \ra' Ic I VS. au l dial he pros •nt to the Crnnn , issioners of the Sinking Fn:id for nilop?mn such 1nlkhc'ad lines w; m"IV 1)c, necessary. with the tmrlcrstnndin* that ;he Ponrrl will c\c1wilc from the proposed plan any flirt ins of the street crossiTg smviPAN)lc ,.cut , rvc- c

It is rcrnmmunded that the Board fix a date fir :, pnblL bca7rica7.

Respectfnlls'. NTiLSON P 1.T:\V1S, Clli:•f T?ngircer.

7- he fnllotv'ing re'soltttions vsI rc lhuern ae7nptec7:

Resnlvccl, That the YtraacG of Istiii1atc :lnf1 .AlJt,nrtic ,n;nrnt of 'I he City of New

York, in pursuance of the provision= of licction -142 of the Greater New York Charter

;;; amended, deeming it for the public intcre t so to (Io, proposes to change the nl«p

in' plan of The City of New York by laving out an I'"t n iii Of HaihH;h avenue, frrnis

it's lire eat sottthcrly lcriuiutis In tlsc mn7herly hig!I \v:Itcr line of Barren Island, in

Jaercic;l l;ay, in (lie Borough of ftcnI,ktyn, City of Ncw Vork, more rnrticnh'7r1y cic-

scrihcli as follows:

'I In' lints of Fhathnsh avenue, 1wt'e('n the bnHldillc:in tin: a•' iaaAi•1i(l L)' the 'lion

Suurve\e Commission 'id the c'nw7holy high \v;nrr line of H;Irrry lSlami au c to h.'

.straight proloa-;atirroe of the ]rocs of Flazhush ;rwesulr ;Is :tt lure•;c'ut laid out north of

the said huinkhuacl lime. Resc,1 'ed. 'I hat this iias'sl cc,nsidcr the proposed change Itt :t meeting of the Board,

to be held in the City Hall, 7i0c0righ Of Manhattan, City of New York, on the 19th

day of June, 1908, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Tumid cause these resolutions and a notice to all person' a(Tected thereby that tile proposed change will he considered at a meeting

of the Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to he published in the CITY

Sir, JosEpsi Hnnc, Sccrctar), Board of Estirnofc and .1('portionmcnf: DEAR Sir.-Referring to \'our communication of PcLruar_v ;. t t T, T tr,utsmit h(11'-

with "flap or plan showing the change of lines rinG iermh 's of II:1ilcv avelina, frrnn 1Vcst •I wo Ilunnd'red and Thirty--eigLtli street to Vrtn Cortlanclt :tt rune'; also connection of stoic with Albany road opposite nsilainec7 So-font strict; anll the wtessio!l of Cannon place, from West 1'wo ITtnndred mid 7 hirty-c'i (Ii 'strc, t to I kink V 0511 tic', in the "l'wenty-fourth Ward, Borough of 'I lie Bronx, City- c,f Ne\v 1-c rk, u1ahll March 13,

On January 31, 1904, the Board of I stint:ttr ❑ n(1 \pllnrtinnnlcnt r, fcrrccl this matter L•;trk to the President of the Borough of 'I lie T;rnnx• to havt, 11J,' nnap anmmgeu1 so ;t; to exclude reference to the stairway, and for the psrle,c' of d,licr oht:tieing Local llo;trd resolutions for acquiring title to the public place or fir ('~eluding it from the map.

The map herewith transmitted is to take the place of the fc,rnl'.'r ship, nvhich was Ikited December 28, 1907, and omits the stairway and ptlL1ic pL•tcc.

Yours truth.

T.C)1'IS P. it \151"1E'N,

President if the Borot rh of The Prunx.

Rr:rnttT No. ;Rqo. BOARD OF EsTJ~TATF AND AN'111rrlox'-M ENT.

OFF•]l-E IF 'rn1; ClIll:F' l' xf,IST R. r '11ay p, Ilf)oi3.

!ion. GEORGE B. i\1cCLEi.t..SN, Mayor, Chairman of the 1;o:u'd of I:.l'timn1C and /lhpot--tiontrnctnt:

Sn<-At a meeting of the i',neuc7 of l sthnw7K :mil :Apportiwn',' :_I L''l:l nn J;dit7:u'y I, JcticS, a nl;tp \v'Is pre cntc(1 by the Prcsl(lrnt of lli L'nruttu,'I ,'i 'I 1!c• I;n,nx pro-

v'illing for e1tlul.i;iug the lines c,f l;:tilc-' dv-dMsc h(Ivei:•n \\c m Is l lwnBr(a1 ainri 'I hirtt-eir;lu7J street and Vain (wrilttsht as 'iii' l : for laying nut :I', c ac ]-inn of Call nun place, hc•tvve'll \Vest Two 1 h7wwlrcd :11111 "i'i7it'tv-cig'ltlu 'ti' , c I ;7711 It :!lcv' a\•: line for lav'ir.'' otit :tn nnnan!ccl sired, lot vv:'~n Ilaiicc ac.'nrs( :hull .1itci''Iy nl;!cl 11''Ith of \V':•-- t 'I'tvu I{tiuidrech and 'I hirtv-ciUhth sire -1 ; for r,.l1itrirn", tlt• v) icltlt of West 'I- vv'n Mnn~hred attd 'I-ltirtc-ei"hth sired, hctyv','0n Caiis•us iii: u.r :ilia l;:ilc v' at'enuc: tutu l fur laving out it Imtelic l,larc at ill(' ill1, 'i'cccti!il of \V'c'ct 'I'v::n Il1mclrcd arnci 'I hirty-e•ig1utp stre(1, Pailcy avenue :till ('ttims,Ii l,lcc, e; ',±c'nl Il.

"Ile cslal change was referred lack in the I'r(<i:lcni :,f tl:, ]ic,n:n'u f,,r rc':nn-sicicr:uinn, with the sn.R"i estinn that the' til71Nr 1,la15 hs antiil'al fr:: a 1h:• till), nuu7css a riscllatirnl was also 7,rc.<cnlccl pre,yicling for its ac(tuisiti',tl .;mil .,- th rvpruse of the prr'perly bc•nc1llccl. It Nv'as al~sn siim',wtcuh Hiatt the mJ.la.wl1 :~:ut5lo tit Ih,' iolcrsc'ction of h'ailcv accrinc with. Cannon lulacc, as e1esutec7, slticu7l 1 ' reiilnVu':l, nncl tl:al so nluch of this area as was of a uliuuleutiinn which would nttil;e it urnsnitnl,lc fen- private i7npruuV cnlcnt should be ilcluilei ill the strict c:(cm,

i-uder date of Nlai'ch t6, 19otI, all amcnchcd slap has been 'nha:itt:•II I._; the f'resi- cicnt of the Ilorcwgl7. 'Ibis neap. low'cvcr, chc,e's nc~t rcnlov( lb li'mn'(, am,1c alrcalhv noted it the intersection of Bailee accnne ;Inch Cru:non I,ii'' It is i'v'i,,c'it that if title to 0ithc,r P:tilcy :n'cnnc nr Cannrnt pie i; n,'cfttirc ll. tli 7110' It' ;tt tai's inter- ectin trill he so seriously rlanta ell that the rn'a of eitl:: r ,,,'- r, c1il!, r:c,nl~l nut ho_

IIppccdabls' increased if it fee to the laru(i vcat: ODiuiuo,1 :!t l'', -:!m: tir»c, I wnnlcl therefore recommend (tint the marl he a :tire rc•f:.rrc l lb to tin • T'rc,i

ilenu7 of the Borough with the sureccli,1n that it sIioitl(l ln• (77it1tgu ;iset'ncictl 1,}• the' n•ntnval of this :Ingle and as p7'evishshy sa g:'stc'(1-


Nl'.i.SON 1'. 1.1C\\'IS, ('lhic f Iluu inccr.

CHANGE IN GRADE OF `'VEST ONE JIUNDRED AND NlMi•ctli"1'ii SI slie', Ili:'I'l1'1S 1{ti ,TP:ROME

AVENUE AND GRAND AVENUE, AND IN Till•: GIu.VIE nF I).\\'tiluN A1'r,xi :, BE-

TWEEN A POINT I00 FEET SOUTH OF VEST ONE. Ill' Nnittal .\N!) Ni tiBsri':rIl

STREET AND WEST ONE 1lu• NDRED AND NiND:'rv-st:c,xti S'r, t: r:cr, 'I iF T:RONx.

7-lie following resolution of the Local Pnard of the Van C urt':t:ult District, )tor-.

uugh of The Bronx, and report of the Chief 1?ngincc•r were 1irciemteN. ;Intl, on nut ,tine,

the platter was referred to the President of the lJoronphi of 'I he Itrurnx:

In tlrc Local Board of Van Cortlattdt, 7'wctity-fifflt District, ltsi'onh of 17J,c 13ruu.r. Whereas, A petition for a local impcoi'cnlent de,criLccl gel„w has been reeciu(•d by

the President of the Borough of The Bronx; and Whereas, lie has appOuuitcd a time for a me(linn of tbi' t.wcah Iii ;bd not noire

thtlui fifteen days after the receipt by him of the said petition, it Sv'1hieh siecbsg (lie said petition would be submitted by him to the said 1,wcrth 1;u:L::I.:hiel he hots c:wn,cd a notice to be published in the CITY Rrn'uRii (lint said pctiiiiun has mu I)rc;cttte(l to hill and is oil file in his office for inspection, an(l of the I rule when ;In:l (lie 7ul:ucc where there would be a meeting of this Local Board ;tt which the .aid I,e1iiinn wnttic7 he sub-mitted by ]tint to the said Board, which time was not hi-s than ten Ilays after the pttb-Iication of this notice ; and

Whereas, The said petition was duly sabsit(cii thereafter I the `;air) Lneal Board, which (lid duly consider the saute and give a full hearing; thereon ; now there- fore it is

Resolved, by the Local Board of Van Curi7;Mdt, "i'wenly-fifth District, Pprnng:t of The Bronx, pursuant to titles 2 'tad 3 of chapter la of the Gr,'atcr ''ew fork Charter, That (lie said petition be and the sawne hcrehy is ,cttutI'c1; a iiul it is herd us'

Resolved, That this Board does hereby initiate pruceedinni for the said local im. pr0t'ci1leut, to wit:

For haying out on the map of 'I'hc City of Nev-, York a change of grade Oil I):tvidson avenue, between West ()roc 1ltm(Ircrl null Nincty-sec, -nrl street ttnll :t paint Jon feet south of West One Mbndi-cd arid Niucrieth street; ills)) on West One IIun-dred and Ninetieth street, between (;rand wvemte and Jerome avenue, as shown on map or plan entitled "Map or plan showing t c dran1gcs of f;ran1cs of Davidson ave-nue, from Fordham road to West One IMsnlrem and Ninety-second street, and West One IJundred and Ninetieth street, from Gr;nlcl avcnuc to Jerome avenue, in the Twenty-fourth Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, dated January 22, 1908," in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution he transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its approval.


Adopted by tltc Lnc:ll l'oard of Van Cortlandt, Twenty-•lifth District, on the 30111 day of January, 190,8, :Al lc ratan Cro iv) cy, Alderman Iioch(lorffcr, Alderman handy :uid the I'rc'id ut of the Mom,n(Il of 7'lic Bronx voting in favor thereof.

Negative—None. Attest:

HENRY A. Gtrtyna.I TON, Secretary to Local Board of Van Cortlandt, Twenty-tiftlt District.

Approved and cerlilied this 31st day of January, 1908. LOUIS F. HAPPEN,

I'resident of the Borough of The Bronx.


f)FFIcE of 'to E C11lEF ENGINEER, \lay I, 1908.

hurt. ;EfIR(,l,: B. 1T( CLta.t..vx, .1lcryor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and -4ppa - tiurrutcn(:

SIR---Herewith i.., trailemilt,•cl a re, Ittti''n if the Local Board of the Van C"rt-l:ntdt District, Itorongh of "I Inc di ix, adopted oil Jaanihry ,;o, 1908, rccotuutcnding a ehaaic in the City map by eil.ul ink the '_rules „f Dnvid', m avenue, between \Vest Onc 1lniictri-el :rill \inrty-secr,n~': Street :mil a point loo fect'.111111 of West One IIull-dred :utd Nin t:011 erect, and it' \Vest I )nc iinnlred and 'Ninetieth street between Grand avenue antil 1irofile avclsc.

The 11011 uiulnitltic!i With t11i5 ce'Otu1ian >Ituws that it is intended It, raise the es tublisLal ;w. is two feet at the ilitcreu-cli,,a of West (Inc I1uidred and Ninetieth .,trect wills I)avidsorn avenue, and 1, ) 1:11(1 1 c-,rrc•;poncling change; required in Ili,, grades Of both if thcsc sin c t;. '1•hi; change Is requested by owners of property frantil_ III—„ \\o•>I I)11 Itn;tclr it .lint! ',io-fkth street, and the papers subuliltc•rt indicate that it wci'uld 1rv1ske III, ettabli>hccl grade conform more closely with the inI-t,roveulcnts t+llirh hue Ledo made ul, n the street. these comprising three dwellings, and woul,l it the same time balance the cuecavatioti and filling required for a grading iii provellieit.

The -r:uie lie-ietol'ore e'labli5hrcl for I)uiviI;nii avctnue conforms more closely with the existing sari:u•c than do those nf,w prop u-cci, Niel iin(lcr the latter a drainage pocket tt0 ,1~1 Ix Ills' 'led in the t.1net; lot writ I aalleia road anti West One Ihundred and Ninetieth street.

All of the 1tif1rting; nn huh Of ihs =trots are alve the present and propose(] grades, and if the change were snack• it i; lit}' hc-lief that it would occasion no damage to any of thc'n.

I \V(,hl(l rcvntunl ncl, IIo% cvcr, that lIt, iiatter he referred back to the President of the ]l,)ronqhI, vrill) the sill m:,lien hut if Ilya t•hoao es arc desired they should be rlO(Iified by removinri' iii,' drain:.t porl,ct 'bassi rnt the plan submitted.


NELSON 1'. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

c1,oeli`e .tNil 1>ISrn. rl\t'rxc, I?I,;r:\\.rrra; ku.\o, Lti-:rtctacai Puh-I - AN\ Srl<el:r :\xu THE Sall' L'.\sls; I1xTENu~t\c Itev.'xr Avr:>;t'E .\Nn CusrlcR Scalars, FRUM I' oa-

w.\uR I'o.\v r' 'rill' Ilrt.lun•:tu LINE, .too Clt:\yt,lx, idle LINES of \\r:xt t:, );:utter. Its tlo.l t Sr;;l:<, -\ I Tnt: Its l.c,1o:\i 1.1 1•:, L'oRol ell ur

'fin•: I;RONX.

The folbeviufg t•csoltttion I Ili,, I.nc:tl It arcl of the tEorrisani:t District, Borough of 'I hu Isc0nh' and rcp' rt of tile ('Lip-f l':n1fnec•r 1.verc ire tinted, and, on motion, the nt:tticr wale r, N rrrd to the Cc,ntnn,siuurr I f Ofeta.,:nsd Ferries :

Jul I.c,ru1 h„Jrcl of .1l"~rrisurcia, I z,.lily-'.,'car(el J)islrict. Whereas., 'I he I.acdel G" aunt of \1„rri-aria, "I'.teb-fourth I)istrict, on August

a, 1900, reconnntct,dcd to tie' f.tr, r'sbbk i' a sick•r2llnn of tile Board of I stimate :tail Ap-purtiotuttcltt tile IXtcil;iI ii t" file bnll.}hc:ul line of L'rciulit Street, l'nilc street, atid Cosier strut; also 1he clo;illg of l.u1,, 'tc;ttcr ar.ul, (ruin C.ostrr street to Brv'aut street, )r ihO Ship Ilion, :t!s11 tilt tci(1clliII", of (o'tur str.ct to too feet, anR It public ptuh vwithin the hntsrid2cies ''I (' ,slur .;tnrl, Vicle ascnuc, Tiffany street and the East River; iii)

\\'1erel>, ('ndcr dale of I)edt,bcr I4, 1)07, the Chief r'ngincer of the Board of 1;stmtat:• :;lull :Appurtioi iii utl r,-1igaeil in 'gencrap on the laying out of public parks aucl aCf!tlirill_; title to tic wale, itilicit rcl,urt nail in part as follu,ws:

'Sbuihi lie h;oui,l condole I„ nhu.s1t the pa,licy KOf lcohus, proceedings for acquir-ing parka ar :t-scs uhil ' upon 11:c pr>ir( rty bcrnclilc.l, it would 1ppertr proper hcfore con- :.icicrillg ,null t,rnt,,,-;it1,nl,, l ccItttilc the t!r,'CIllati.-n "I a Lied hoard resolution pro- vicing f' 1r the Iuurch:tuc an,l ghhnItt 1iuIil:uion :Is ''I the distrihati, ,rn of thi expense. If till. viu-sc i' act, I,1ccl I mull cL-cgmmcncl that ti r Prc,jc•(ts described in the aeconipauy-ing lint be r fcn-c-cl to lb(' I'yc,sidcnt; if th_• itltcrrsted Boroughs, each to be withheld until si i. bloc• as a Local bo,u-cl re-s~iil lin lla; been aclntricd for arcl:tiring it;" and

\\T1ci';eS, :At the umnfle of the Il'au1 u I,siiut;ltt :Iiuui .Appc,rti(lntn:nt held oil the Goth slay of I)eccmbcr, 1c)07, ttic ri'.iei1loa al,;ptcd ley the Local Board of Morrisaaiq 1,11 August 2, 11)01), 111111 lierlillLuL,rc ref -rr,•d to tc:l; referred back to the President of the Iturun:,h of I'Itc• Inn , lx Ililt' 1Ierc(hlr lie it

Resulted, 'I huts the local It' zircl of \lut'risania, I'wenty-second District, does hereby r,c',nitnncnd to thy' htoulcl „f l•:,tinlate and .Appclrtiurntucnt, the closing and dis-coutiutting of hdricwatel x11:1,1, Ir'Tut 'Cili;llsy street to the "Ship Basin; and be it further

Re-;alt ~l, 'I II:,t till; 1, cal (, ;1cel 1, c, ll rrby also rccutntncnd the' c\te-nslnn of Bryant strict, t'aihe street, ( I 1 r sir t •t. .\I;mi~I:t street and RNawin avenue to the bulk-head line of tile East Ritcr; and l,e it further

Resol tell, 'I'll :it the Local 11 oar t l-csoJul)nn adopted on August 2, 1906, be and the same is hereby rescinded.

Resolved, 'I hat a copy if tlni,s rc'.ulutiAn lac tr-snsthlittc(I forthwith to the Board of Eslintalu and .\pportionnttnt f'or its •tt 1ruti(1.

Adopted by the I cal Iturd of ,\lorri;:uli:l, 'I we-uty-se'c(ul l)is1rfct, oil January 16, 190%, \ldcrntan L'rown and the 1'resid.•nt .,f the Borough of "I he Bronx voting in favor thereof.

ti cttativc—None.

Attest HENRY A. Gut.iOLFIroN, Secretary.

Approved and certified this 30th clay of March, igo8.

LOUIS F. HAFFEN, President of the Borough of The Bronx,



lion. GEORGE 13. MCCLELLAN, ,1lntiur, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Ahpor-tiontxent:

SIR—11cccwislt is tr;tn,mittrd a resolution of the Local Board of the Murrisaiia 1)istnet, Borough of 'f he II rum s, adopted on January Ili, 1908, recommending a change in the City map by laying nut extc11,11 Its of Itrvallt ;t\cnlIc, ladle street, Coster street, '.1Ianid:1 street and 11g;1\ta1 acvcllnc to the bulkhead line, :111(1 for closing and discon-tinning Edgcwaler ru:ul, bet 0lull "1'ftt2ll)' stlet and the Ship Basin.

'l • he itcp submittal with Ibis resolution shows that lade street, Manida street and Ryawa avenue hive' already been laid (Jilt to the bulkhead line, and that title to Manida street has been 1ct;;tI1y acclui re' cl. "I he object of the resolution is therefore to provide extensions f, r Itrycult avnHft clad f:1ilc street, having a length of about 250 feet in each case. 'lie atip;altcas If Ryatva avenue is intended tel be changed through the short block be-twrcn 1l:ire'1to street and the East River and the angle heretofore shown at this point is to he out ittcd. Edgewater road, laid out as a marginal street approximately parallel with the bulkhead line, is to be discontinued.

The resolution is accompanied by It number of petitions advising that the water-front in this vicinity is available for commercial purposes only, and that the present

location of Edgewater road is so close to the water-front that it will prevent the con-'I ruction of large warehouses or buildings required for a development alr,ng the lines indicated. The petitioners also call attention to the fact that Edgewater roarl, between

itfany street and the basin, does not form a continuous highway owing to the location of the basin, which intervenes between Bryant avenue and Edgewater road as laid nut cast of the basin, while the street west of Tiffany street has already been removed from the map.

If the petition were to be approved it would result in laying out a block of Bryant avenue, of Paile street and of Coster street, and having a length ranging from 800 feet to 1,100 feet, with an outlet only at one end. In my judgment it would be in-advisable to create cul-de-sacs of this character, but I see no reason why a new align-ment of the Edgewater road through the three blocks between Bryant avenue and Manila street could not be made and in such a way as to leave the water-front avail-able for such development as might be desired. The proposed discontinuance of Edgewater road, between Manila street and "Tiffany street, is unobjectionable, as the street system here proposed affords ample means for circulation.

The ship basin referred to by the petitioners and indicated upon the final maps of the Borough does not appear to have been placed upon the City map by competent authority. The treatment of this basin is an important factor in the development of the street system in this vicinity-, and before any change is made in the map I would recommend that the Dock Commissioner be requested to advise the Board as to whetltcr the construction of this hasiu is included in the plans of his Department. In case a basin is to be located at this point I beg to suggest that his attention also be u-2tIed to the desirability of formally submitting a plan to the Sinking Fund Commis-sioners for approval definitely fixing the lilies to be followed.

Respectfully, NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.


ai'F:, NESS Po T _\VE:NI E .\.`u Cllr: NEW \'litehe, NEW HAVEN ANo HARTFORD RAIL-Ro:\n, '1'IlE BleoNX.

7 he following report of the Chief I`Mgincer was presented:

REPORT NO. ,5889. I ti. ;till OF 11.3rt sit "r1C .AAU A I't'JRTION 51 ENT,

(110 1(1-u uFF TIIE t_,lsIER ENGINEER, May 9, Igo8.

halt. GEORGE B. 1CCls2Ll,.\N, -llay'-r, cmr!rfllau of the Board of Estimate and ,lppor-tiouruc11t:

SIR—llcrewith is presented :t map prepared by the President of the Itorotigh of The Bronx, and bearing (late of April =y, 19c8, 1 u iding for an tunenclntent of the, tell tative snap of that portion of the Ctccter District bounded by Bear Swamp road, Bronx Park liast, Bronx and 1'eib;tnt parkway, I lering avenue, Van Nest avenue', Newport :avenue and the New Y'rhe, New I taven and I larlford Railroad.

Final plans for this section c,f 'I It IIronx halve rout t- et been prepared, and the street system shown tfl,un tIi' ten1aIIve tilt I) a11c,1ited nn \la)' 29, V,03, was antenrled ou March 3, tqo-, at the request of the property a whir,, Since the latter Slate a con-siderable portion of the protxrty has been sul-idts lied and sold, streets have been pracled, and a system of scours is under eonstrrsctinn. In staking these improvements the owners of the land have fimnd it desirable' to depart 5 111•.vuhat from the street lines originally proposed, and the mall now pleSelcq i' intended to legalize the elc111gCS made. These mcltale a nluthili(LtiOu in the a1i0oraent of a number of streets meeting the Itronx and Pe•lhant parknav just west of Willianisbridge roa(I, a reduc-tiun ill the width of Brad,,' anemic : nil Pierce a\entle from So feet to 6o feet, a slight change in the position of Morris Park avenue, and the creation of a marginal street adjoining the New York, New H:n-1-1 and Ilrtrtford llailroad Company's land on the northerly side.

'1-he area is already w'cll'.np~hhfcd with vt- ide streets, artcl I see no objection to the redaction proposed in the teiil'.h of ltra<l': and fierce avenues. The other changes secure more direct connections fi ,t' the IIruuo;u'd streets 1111 are, in my jttclgment, desirafile ones. 'I lie map shox%a a higlm as bridge on the line if Kaotctisf avenue over the tracks of the railroad, and fit hrirl , 5 :tlr,ng the lilies of l';oolning, avenue, I lone avenue, Lurting aVenuc 21141 l l:lip-ht :1m oanc, us hich are not prosided for under the railroad contract. 'I heir inclusion npr'n the 10111 at this time does not appear to be objectionable, althnuCh it should he tterlrr;tn,~d that they would not be built until such time as the (leveln1meut of the territory would warrant the required cxpciidi-ture.

I see no reason mulls the elaUe e cbusld not he made, and would recommend such action after a public hcgrin . \VllI the lunc1crslandiig, however, that tticS- represent the desires of all of the pr pens' interests affected.

Respectfully, NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer

I he following rce('lutii(ns incrc then adopted:

Rc'nlvcd, That the Board of 1,timate and Apportiiinutcnt of The City of New York, in )orswince of tile' prtrvisi'ms of section -14:: of the Greater New York Charter as :mlenilcd, ilccntiag it fur the public interest so to do, proposes to change the leap or plan of 'I he (it - of Nris York, by changing the tentative street systent brnclofu re' . soIi.1tccl IyiIIg withitt the :urra approximately hounded by New York, New ihs,i and Ilau- tfuicct Railroad, I1car Sv.atnp roa(t, Bronx Park East, Bronx and Pelham parkways, Hering 'IcmIlU, Van Nest avenue and Eastchester road, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of Nrty York, more particularly described as follows:

'I lie' tmthiive street sleteilt within the area I,',undwi by New York, New Haven and IbrlfnIll Iyuilro:ul, t1ear Swamp road, 11coux Park Last, Bronx and Pelham parkway, I luring avenue, Van Nest at critic :111(1 1{astchester road, as approved by the Board of Ifstiminute' :Ind .Appurtiiinntcrnl on it] a' 29, 1903, allcl as ntodilied on March 3, 1905, is to be chatq. eel to cunfOrIll with the tculative Street system, shown on a snap prepared by the President of the Borough of 'hue Bronx, and dated April 29, I9o8.

Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed change at a meeting of thee Board, to be livid in the City hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, oil the 19th day of Juuq 19o8, at Io., n o'clock a. tu.

Resolved, 'l'ltat the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affeete(1 thereby that the proposed change will be considered at it meeting of the Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the CITY RECOxu for tell days continuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the Iylh day of June, 1908,

Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens

and RiCMllond--16.


The following resolution of the l.ncal Board of the Newtown District, Borough of Queens, and report of the Chief Engineer were presented, and, on motion, the matter was referred to the Corporation Counsel.

In the Local Board of the Nc,c'town District. Whereas, A petition for a local improvement described below has been received

by the President of the Borough of Queens; and


Whereas, lie has appointed a time for a meeting, of this- Local Board not more than fifteen days after the receipt by hint of the said petition, at which meeting the said petition would be submitted by hill] to the said I.n_al 1loarcl, and Ile has cattserl a notice to he published in the Ci'ry REcota> that said paiti011 has Been presented to him and is on file in his office for inspection, and of the time wheel and tile place where there wuuld be a meeting of this Local Hoard at which the said petition w'otilcl be submitted by him to the said Board, «'Mich time was not less than tell days after the publication of this notice; and

Whereas, The said petition was duly submitted thereafter to the said Local Board, which did duly consider the same, and give ;t full hearing thereon : now therefore it is

Resolved, by the Local Board of the 'Newtown 1)i:trict, por Uant to titles 2 an ,; of chapter to of the Greater New York Charter. I hat the Buhl petition he and tue same hereby is granted; and it is hereby

Resolved, 7 That this Board does hereby initiate pn>cecclings for the said in al int-provcmcnt, to wit :

'Co change that certain portion of the lopugrapltical nt:y>, elated and appr( veil October 3, tyo•;, so as In lay- out, establish and rc-cstaliliat upon Said map all that certain portion of Juniper 5wantll road. running front Juniper aveg'tle 1i' Alum t Olivet avenue, in all easterly and westerly direction, in the Second Ward of the Borough of Queens: and it is hereby further

Resolved. That a copy of the resolution be transinitteif f,,: thwith t , the hoard of Estimate and Appert loll Went for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of the -Newtown 1)istrict em the t,;tlt day of .April, ipo8, Aldermen Quinn. pistescr and Ilallng;Hi. and Lawrence Gressrr, Cotnn>issioner of Public 1Yorks, voting in favor thereof.

Attest : ITERMM.vX Rtxt;e, Secretary.

Approi cd this 13th day of April, 19u,". JOSh:Pll Mgkkfl.,

President of the II, n'r,ugh of Queens.

REPORT No. 5891. 13o.veu OF IslIiMAi c .',Si) :1t'l•OililuNSIENT. 1

011ite-i': ot, rnE C>tier I?xr,1Nm:r:u, ._\fay o, tc uti.

Hun. GEORGE 13. 'lc(lELL_vN, Ma-vor, Cliuirlrtatt of the Board r , j 1:s1inr:rfr• and e'lppor- tion,iie'IIt:

SIR--1-lerewith is transmittcd a resr;ltitiun of the Local I3oartl of tile \cwtown District, Borough of Queens, adopted on .AIn-il 1,3, oohs, rcconimemiclirig shzsi Juniper Swamp road, between Juniper atcnuc an(l Mount Olivet avenue be rc-clIshfi'heil upon the City map.

Juniper Sisaiitp road is shown in 6oiIeci lines upon a tcutative ntap of the AIas-petlt section, which was adopted he the IIiummd of l~stituatc and .1t>1>urtiunnlent un Novctnher 13, I1)03, as crossing the Lutheran Ccnlclety and busing front a point • ,n Mount Olivet avenue just wrest of \ieIrOpolitsll cn cline to a 1101111 on Jiiiiiper an riddle about opposite 1\larion ZI\Cliui' No expl:utatiou appears on this slap as to the tuc:tn- ing of the symbol used for its lines, although I think it would be ttncicrstoocl that it was not intended to include it in the street system. This stop also showed l ;lli 1 avenue as approxitnatelv follohiiig the line between Mount Olitst Ccuteieg\ ;111r1 the Lutheran Cemetery, but at a sumh>scqueiit chtte all uifillion wits received In iii the Corporation Counsel advising that the street hacl turn illegally laid Out across the cemetery lands, and that title to it could trot be as I uirecl.

On June 28, I97, the Huai mat) of Section 2y w;ts I ll"PtCl by the Boald of l=sti-ntate and Apportionsleilt, iuclullillK a sslzih area at the southerly end of the Lutheran Cemetery, which was crossed he the Juniper Swanlp road. 'I lie lilies of the street are not shows on this map, and uo IIr,te appears nil it to clearly indicate that streets not shown were to be discontinued and cluscrl.

The resolution is accompanied 1>v a petition signal by property owners in the vicinity, and calls attention to the fact that certain p ,rtiotts of the Juniper Swamp road had been used as a public hightcay fur nt ire ti au fifty years, and that it was the only street connecting Juniper anemic and Nlottnt Uliv.t avenue fur a distance of about one and a half miles. 1lie resrlltttinn is also acumtt>anied by reports front the Engineer of the Topographical Bureau, showing that the Street is referred to ill conveyances dating as fan hack as 1541, a o l that the rleech under which the Lutiler;H Cetuetecy Corporation acquired title to the ;tdjuining property dill not include the street. This report also indicates that the cemetery aiuhoeities Ii aye erected a fence around their property, shuttim, out the 1ml~lir from tin inc of the strict; that inter-ments have been, or are about to be mule within the Street lines, and that a lnauso-leum has been erected and a larger one is under c (mist nil clic;u, hods encroaching upon the old street.

An examination of the map shr,ws that the area lmll,leel by i\[unnt Olivet avenue, Fresh Pond road, (,rand street, Juniper aveminc and \lc n~tu,lilan avenue, having a length of about One mile, allot a width of nearly Sic halt mile, is iihiilfv occupied by the Mount Olivet and L.utheran eefneterics, vnl, ill ni; juiImr•ni, the eoliplaint made by the petitir,ners that thc;c cemeteries lire ilct,ritc ;ulioilin„ localities front a direct means of connnunicatiun is ;t well fOundt-d one.

Before the change is considered by the Hard. I would recruimend that the Corporation Counsel be rerluested t~> advise whet Inr the effect of the adul,tiun of the maps referred to has been to discontinue and Close this street and to part with the public easement, and if such is the case, whether it is possible t„ again restore the street to the snap and to widen it or improve it.

Respectfully, NELSON I'. ].I'l\VIS, Chief Tingcllver.

FINAL MAPS ur SIf -nnxs t. ', 13, 14, t;, 10. .p.o vxn ,;I, (>i'r.ts;.

The following communication from the I•reshleul of the lturutt It of Queens tool

report of the Chief ingitmeer were presented:

'iiiE Crry or New Yocte, I OFFICE or THE PREStnENT ur 1lIE I;naorcn ur Qt'EENS,

LONG ISLAND CITY, J;lnnary t;, 11)o8. j

Mr. JOSEPH 11AAG, .Sccrctury of the Board of fact 0011 and .Ipport:,,llurrvtt, '`vo. 277 Broadway:

DE.SR Sn<-Ily (lirection of President Bermcl, I transmit hcecuicsi for foal sdnlltinll by the Board of Pstiotatc and !Aph,iirlionnlcnl, Scciil.ns t, 2, 1., 1.1, l5, 3o surf 3r of the final maps of the Borough of Queens; also a list sinw•ing :t llllmber if Iiiitissinmms supplied and cleiations of streets to be estahlishcrl along till, Colntv lint'.

Its establishing these street elevations, \I n. 1Vard, of the '1'upographical Ilnrctu in the Borough of Brooklyn, was consulted, and they have received his approval.

Rcspcctfully y;;ur.r, lII•;RMAN RINGS,

Secretary of the Borough of Queens.



May 19, 19o8.

Hon. GEORGE L. MtCLELLAN, ,iiayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and fl/,por-tionnicnt:

SIR--Herewith is transmitted a communication front the President of the Bor-ough of Queens, through his Sccretary, bearing date of Januare I5, I1)<>8, requesting the adoption of final maps of Sections r, a, 13, 14, 1, 30 and 31 of the Borough of Queens. Since the date of this communication the final flint) of Section 16 has also been pre-senter] for consideration at the same time.

These eight naps comprise the westerly p._rtion of the Mttspeth section of the Borough, for most of which a tentative map was adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on November 13, 1903, and includes an area of about 1,625 acres, bounded approximately as follows: Annable avenue, Calvary Cemetery, Berlin avenue,

the Montauk Branch of the Long Island Railroad, ]llaspetIi avenue, Clcrtuont avenue, Mount Olivet avenue, I1letropolitami avenue, Lee place, the Montauk Branch of the Long IsIand Railroad, i\'[adi iii iii street, 1,resli Pond road, )Myrtle avenue, Cooper avenue, the L'orou ;•h line, - ewtown Creek, and Greettpoint aveutle.

7- Ite tintl ntiips now cubntitted were all approved by the Board on Jim e 28, 1907, tint pri ,visiill wns not made for securing cnnforntity wills the various br,utches of the Long Island Railroad and with one of the Iines of the Brooklyn Rail itl "I• ran iii t Cont- pally vi hich is operated under a steaun railroad franchise. Since this date it study has been III iii le of the changes which slay be properly carried out iu the railroad lines for the purpose of perntaneutiv adjusting their position with reference to the street system, anti the plans now submitted 11111 ltly the results of the investigation.

'Vlinor changes are made in the grades shown for sct'cral of the streets and in a fete cases street sallies have been changed. Advantage is also taken of tltc opportunity to stake a change in the lines of Ralph avenue, and Rlcecken street, at their intcrsec-tiorl witch Forest avenue all (l in accordance with the recrnrtmendatiill previously made by the 13oat•d of Estimate and _Apportionuten! its to the t rent ntent to be givers birth of these streets. "Cite lit' ii maps also show live public places hating aim aggregate area of u.145 acres. 'These comprise small triangular arras located at vtrcet intersections and gsner.b1y of iliiiit'nsiiimis too small to permit If their utilization for Itbfdtllg.

'I. lie most important changes in street riracic dttt' to the retuljtl stilt : lit t inicct the railroads are I lent ctl at flushing' avenue, where the present street grade is to be low-

'ere(l about 6.5 feet, at .lhdrcw,; avenue, where it is to be raised 7.6 fret, at Collins avenue, where it i_. to be lowered about 7 feet tut Tiliot zn'enttc, where it is to be low-erecl . feet, and at Norge street, where it is to be lowered litalrly to feet. With the ex-ception of the one first noted all of the change, 110 iv proposed will apparently secure a street elevation more closely conforming with the topography than was the case under the grades heretofore adopted.

At the present time there arc in use within the limits corcrc'rf by these maps 32 grade crossings, one crossing where the street is carried over the railroad, and three crossings where the street passes tinder the railroad, staking a total of 36 crossings. l nder the plans now proposed 12 grade crossings will be retained, 34 crossings are provided where the street is carried beneath the railroad, and 7 crossings are arranged for where the street is carried over the rtifm l(I, rwalt;ll.g ill a net lain of 17 crossings and a discoutinuancc of 20 grade a•nssillg~. It lltipit be noted that tic' crossings now in use at six streets are to be pc'rt>tamiclitl discrnttinucd, while at seven miter streets the proposed grades are such that the crossing now in (1St' will have to he abanefollcci until such tithe as the railrii;cl ilii1lrrnrrtmcnt is made.

The changes ill the Montauk I)is•isinn of the Lora„ Tsl:uug Railroad affect the entire length of the railroad within the limits of the slap, witl> the exception of ;t very short section in the vicinity of L;utrcl Ilill bnttliv:i'd, shire the t milt' rrnssing now ill use is to be regtlscQ until such time as a high Icvcl bridge shall have been provided across Newtown Creek. lLtwecn I.;utrel Ilill avcnuc and (Dishing aecnnc the mailrr,ad is to be elevated suhficielttl\ to permit of cite tytug it over \laspcth ;venue, Grand atcnue tuul I ftsshcnE etcenttc, Ville snutM of i'iii'itiiiig avenue the r;tilruad is lo be lie- press.cl slFIleiently to pcwiilt r it carr)ill it Miller all of the strrrts ititeest•ctcrl. This bias lrrev nt', '.he ciitistructicm of a crossing b:-tv;crn Laurel ITill huh cv:o-ri and \ltls-iath ;ncnnc, a distance of about ;,000 feet, excepting only (lilt' fur Pent traffic, which is to be carried ill a sideway' to fry p"°ikic(l in I lid-nll avenue The a.ijqccllt area is here iargil nccupiccl 115 1arl;c matntlacttnint, interest, which dl nlcl 1,n ,Lably be seriunsly ci;unagcrl ill cast' the rtra(hcii wcrc to lit changed.

'l he ttrect oracles prolwSecl alnnu the line of the Ai:tnhatt;tn 111';trh Branch of the ],ling Isi:unl I'taihi'oaiil arc hlleiluicel to c'mfoem ii 1111 thin-,c Ilxecl in tlit franchise which Iran alrcaily been gralftcd to the \cw Yurk Cllrmccting 1lltircltii. 'I his profile requires a ]i,wtl• (letatiun for slimy of the sir-•c•1s interseetcd than'tvottltl otherwise be t•ecunt-mcnded, but I believe that these can 1>:• aillusterl at a later clue, tikes the sttiily of the Street st stern alrntt; tilt cntirc line of this morose] lt;is been ccmlphteil. Central avenue inmtc(liatelv l(Ili,ias time line of the Necv 1'-,rk C' muceting Railriiarl on its southeasterly side, semi it is llrub:stile dial a purtinrn of the larnrl iiiqtiiflll within the street as now proposed will be rccetiircd tel permit of the construction of the railroad. The purchase limit' of tLc ri ,mpcmy, h:' nit yet ha-en lhctct•mmiillcci ttl>on, but it h;ts n•0t seemed advisable for this reason to indefinitely del;tc the cr>ntplc•tion of the nt;tlt.

'I_he street grades along the line of the L'nsltwick h;eaIc•il hurt been Gxed with the unclerslarrlirng that the eaiirOsri %hill be t'lwateci through sfllvnt its entire length, and sufficiently to give a tiiillimtlill clearance of abn,ut 17 feet.

The 1iisct'grcctts lit•aischm oozes a large nnntbes• of stnuls its the vicinity of the Borough Ile, atpprrixiumateiy at 1!tc street grade. The present railruarl grade is very stct'Il, and the lino is now' but lilt It' sisal. It discs not scan 1>niL:tl,lc that the cost of dle\litilus iii' dcpressmll this lirc would he warranted, and it » I,rIlpnscif to make the nt•ccssary t'htsurgts in Loth the railroad 1114 stt-cet grade to 1181111 (nvc them su that grad_' crossings are provided ut each; these will be pernc•tttalcrl until either the ahlandountent or trnill>Ittt inll>rut'entent of the line shall have been rleterntillrcl upc,u.

The grade, proposed alolig the line of the Lutheran Cemetery brands are based upon the elevation c>f this road as an cXtt'li;iilli of the clrraltIl Structure within th= limits of the h,dossgc of llrooki}- n and witli which it connects.

'hue railroad 11111115 h:n'c been made after consultation wills the P.ligml'ceitq Dcpart-nlerlt of both of the colliplllies aucitciI, and the plans have been subsittlmtilfly agreed upcm a.s m'cprcfielltinl; tile• ultimate itatmedt of tiler road; ohctt grade crossings are di Wiclatecl.

To tn;eke these k1nns binding ttpoll both the rIhIotud t'llmpan\' and the City the law cunt_nlplatcs that the mall shonlrl be _siiinhtted to the l'tIbfcc Service Commission before approval. .A question has been raised as to the effect of the approval of the plan by the Public Service CommissiOn, it being feared that this might result in forcing the actual c,llstrueelion apses the Cita and the railroad crmtpany prim- to the time iVhlcli it wa.s reaps needed, or at a tiuuc wll('rl money teas rtut I\'allollc to meet the very large expense ivhlcil wyould be nrc,,ii(nc(l. I believe, however', that the rit-sieell result of 't;elllc ldllg grades so lint 1Lca vuotllrl uol have to be changed when the railroad im-procc•mcnt teas nt:vlc, allot ;tt the siantc tints himling the railroad companies lid follow the intended grades when ntttkilig ill?prrnnmcilts, could be brought about by an agree-ntent bd'twi.cli the Board of l stint;itc an d ,Apportionment and each of the cnnipslllcs affected, under which th1 profiles forming the basis of these 1111th; contl(I be ratified by both. 'flit' Board of Estimate and jic1ipnrliunnteut eallinlly could not by any agrt'c-nit'lit divest itself of the power cuuferrcd 11911 it by section 442 of the Charter to change the City trap whenever it slay d ettt pnhlic i;tterest to require such change, and any ngm'('etncmlt entered into tvoulcl have to recognize thi:; power. This could be done by mahil ., the grades binding opens the raill-Oaul elcltupeilBes so long its no changes arc made in the street grades by the BBoard of Estimate and :A1>porlirmnrcnt, unless such changes were 111111 111111/ llgrced ulx,n ctctwees the railroad Company and the City. In fairness to the railroad con 11111ies, however. 1 believe that the agreement would have to be drawn in such ,I way as to Wlil'i(' them from its terns; in east- grades were changed without their eOnsYl)t. The agrtouelit eotlicl also he made to include a stipll-Iation un ter. part of Ilse railroad company n„t to oppose proceedings for acquiring title to strrcis crossing their lincs, with lil t mtd~'rtitanrling that before a crossing were actually c?,nytructcd the provisions of law existing at the time and governing such work should be fully comf,heti with.

T would i'cd'onmiellll the apl-,val of the Midis nriw sainsc1tcd with the ttndcrstand-ing that an informal notice will he sem's-eed nlmh both the the railroad csmtpallics of the proposed action, and I would audi re•commeend that the Corporation (llhllsel he re-rluested to prepare a form of a.grccnunl which nt.iy be entered into between the Board if Estimate and Apportionment ac•tin,,f on behalf of the City, and the Long Island Railroad Company and Ilie Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company which would accomplish the results herein outlined.


NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

'l'hc following resolutions were then ariuptt'l: Rcsol':ecl, 7lt+tt the Hoard of llstiniatc and Apportionment (If 'I'ltc City of New York,

its pursuance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter as

filIctig('d, deeming it for the public intcrest so to rlo, prnpnses t.. change the map or

plan of The City of New York by changing the flues and .ge:iilc.5 of .streets within the

territory to be known as Sections t, 2, 1,3, 1-1, 15, t6, 30 artd 31 of the final maps, in the

Borough of !,ie•Ysii, City of New York, more particularly described as follows:

Lines and grades of streets within the territory :pprllxiinatcly bounded by the line

between the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, Bradley avenge, Grccnpnint avenue,


Harold street, Anable avenue, Addison place, Bushwick and Newtown turnpike, Betts avenue, Newtown avenue, Berlin avenue, Long Island Railroad, Maspeth avenue, Van-cott avenue, Hill street. Pond place, Franklin street, Flushing avenue, Fresh Pond road, Mount Olivet avenue, :1letropolitan avenue, Evans place, Montauk Division of the Long Island Railroad, Linden street. Fresh Pond road, Elm avenue, Grant street, Edsall avenue, Schley street. Myrtle avenue, Epcalon place, Union Field Cemetery and Vermont avenue, are to be as shown lm the mips prepared by the President of the Borough of Queens and designated as Sections I. 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 3o and 31 of the

final maps. Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed change at a meeting of the Board,

to be held in the City Hall, Borough of \Manhattan, City of New York, on the 19th day of June, 1908, at 10.30 o'clock a. in.

Resolved, Chat the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby that the proposed change will he considered at a meeting of the Board, to he held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days continuously, Sundays arlrl legal holidays excepted, prior to the

19th (lay of June, 1908

Affirmative—The 'Mayor, ;lie Comptroller, the President of the Board of Aldermen and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and

Richmond--t6. On motion, the ntatt r was referral to the Corporation Counsel to prepare form of

agreement between lit City and the railroad companies.





The following resOhittiouS of the Local Bounds of the Flathush and Bay Ridge Districts, Borough of Brooklyn, and report of the (Thief Engineer were presented, and, on motion, the matter was referred to the President of the Borough of Brooklyn

In the Locni Board of the Fhrlbnsfz District. Resolved, That the Local Board of the Flatlhttsh District, Borough of Brooklyn,

pursuant to section .125 of thc Greater New 'ii irk Charter. after duly advertised hear-ing, had this 27!h day of June, U)07, hereby initiates proceedings to open East Thirty-eighth street, from Canarsie lame to :\venue K, excepting the land occupied by the tracks of the Long Island Railroad ; and it is he '('1w

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution he transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportimmll('tlt for its approval.

Adopted 1w the Locnl Board of the Flathttsh District on the 27th day of June, 1907, Commissioner 1)unne and AIdermen Wcnt:-, Ellery and II Lull voting in favor thereof.

Attest : CHARLES FR[vslIler ADAMS, Secretary.

Approved this I9tll day of July, 17: BIRD S. COLER,

President of the Borough of Brooklyn.

In the kocal Board of th.' Blrt' Ridt'c' I)is!ric'. Resolved, 'flat the Loral Board of tl c Illy Rid-fie I)is:lrict, Borough of Brooklyn,

pursuant to section 428 of :hl Greater New York Charter. after duly advertised hear- ing. had thi, 31st day of ilor, 11)06, hereby initiate's url'ccc•dings to Open Fifty-first street, from Seventeenth as•c Ill! e to West sires?, exc,'pt tIle land occupied by the tracks of the Long Tsland Railroad ; ;Ind it is herchy

Resolved, That a c' py of this resolution lie transntittell forthwith to the Board of 1'.stinrete and Apportionment for its apprm,ll.

Adopted 1 i the Local Ito trd of the Ray Ridge District on the 31st clay of Octo be', Igo6, Pre illertt Cnler and Alll,,rmcn I.in:h ao, l P11Ier voting in favor thereof,

Attest CHARLES i'Ith:DEHII'h ...\1 , Si CI'cl(l1'l'.

Approv.d this 1 tth day of Deccnlhcr, 1906. BIRD S. COLER,

Presillalt If the lion ugh of Brooklyn.

in the 1.110! Board of the Bay Ridge I)i.ctr•ic't. Resolved, That the Local Board of the Bay Ridge District, Borough of Brooklyn,

pursuant to section 428 of the Greater New York Charter, after duly advertised hear-ing, had this 31st (1a-v of October, Tgob, hereby initiates proceedings to open Fifty- fourth street, from Iditeenth avenue to PWertic'th ru'cnue, except the land occupied by the tracks Of the Long Island Railroad: and it is here•hv

Resolved, That a ci py of this resohition be transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of the Flay Ridge District nn the 31st (lay of Octo-. her, 1906, President Colcr and Aldermclr Linde ant' Potter voting in favor thereof.

Attest : CHARLES FRI•.DESICK ADAMS, Secretary.

Approved this 12111 day of December, I1)o6. BIRD S. COLER,

President of the Borough of Brooklyn.



Hon. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, 3Iayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and App)pr-tionment:

SIR--Herewith are transmitted three resolutions of the Local Boards of the Flatbush and Bay Ridge Districts, Borough of Brooklyn, initiating proceedings for the acquisition of title to the following streets:

East Thirty-eighth street, between Canarsie lane and Avenue K. Fifty-first street, between Sevctrtecnth aventte and West street. Fifty-fourth street, between Fifteenth avenue' and Twentieth avenue. The resolution first referred to was adopted on June 27, 1907, and the other two

on October 31, 1906. Each of these resolutions excludes land occupied by the tracks of the Long

Island Railroad. The grades which have been adopted for the streets at the rail-road intersection are not adapted to the construction of a crossing, but if compara-tively slight changes are made it would be possible to carry the railroad tinder the streets whenever the construction was required. It is assumed that the railroad lands have been omitted for the reason that a crossing is not desired at this time. In my judgment it would be unwise to acquire title to any of these streets with the ex-pectation that they will 'ultimately be carried across the railroad unless grades to permit of the crossing were previously adopted, and in case it is not intended to provide crossings the City map should be changed by discontinuing those hereto-fore laid out.

Under the provisions of chapter 589 of the Laws of i9og the grade of the Long Island Railroad is permanently fixed in connection with the imoroventent of the property which is now being carried out by the Brooklyn Grade Crossing Commis-sion, and where the grade does not permit of a street crossing the latter can only be provided by a change in the street grade.

I would therefore recommend that the resolutions he referred back to the Presi-dent of the Borough, with the suggestion that if it is intended to secure a railroad

crossing the grades should first be changed to permit of carrying the streets over the railroad, and that if a crossing is not desired the opening resolution should be ore-ceded by a map change providing for the omission of the crossings, and in this case should be amended by excluding all of the lands owned by the railroad in addition to that occupied by the tracks.

Respectfully, NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.


'hhe following resolution of the Local Board of the Bay Ridge District, Borough of Brooklyn, and report of the Chief Engineer were presented :

In the Local Board of the Bay Ridge District. Resolved, That the Local Board of the Bay Ridge District, Borough of Brooklyn,

pursuant to section 428 of the Greater New York Charter, after duly advertised hear-ing, had this 17th day of July, 1907, hereby initiates proceedings to open Eighty-first street, from Fourteenth avenue to Stillwell avenue, excepting the land occttpi.td by the tracks of the Brooklyn, Bath and West End Railroad; and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of the Bay Ridge District on the 17th (lay of July, I907, Commissioner Dunne and Aldeman Potter voting in favor thereof.

Attest :


Approved this 31st day of July, 1907. DESMOND DUNNE,

Acting Pre ident of the Borough of Brooklyn.



Ifon. GEORGE B. MCCLEt.LAN, .Ifayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor-tiotnnent:

SIR—Herdwith is transmitted a resolution of the Local Board Of the Bay Ridge District, Bornt;gh of Brooklyn, adopted (Al July- 17, 1907, initiating proceedings fo! acquiring title to Eighty-first street between Fourteenth avrnue• and Stillwell avenue. excepting the land Occupied by the tracks of the Brooklyn, Bath and West End Rai]-road.

This re (Ration affects a length of tee blocks, (II about 8,000 feet of Eighty-fir-.t street, which has been laid out ttpntt the trap of the City to have a width of 6o feet. The street :s not in use in the four blocks between Fourteenth avenue and New Utrecht avenue, but the roadway has been auprnximately graded through a portion, and is in use through all of the remaining distance, where several houses have been erected 1tpon the abutting property on etch sidle.

Eighty-first street is legally open westerly from Fourteenth avenue and Stillwe:! avenue is its easterly terminus.

I see no reason why the resolution should not be approved, and would recom-mend such action. It is also recommended that title to the land he acquired in ice. that all of the cost c f the proceeding, including- the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any damages allowed for intended regulating, be assessed upon the property benefited, and that a district of assessment be laid not to comprise the fol-lowing area:

Beginning at a point out a line midwav between Eightieth street and Eighty-first street distant too feet northwesterly from the northwesterly line ut Fourteenth avenue, and running thence southcastwardly along the said line midway between Eightieth street and Eighty-first street to the intersection with the westerly line of Stillwell avenue; thence eastwardly at right angles to Stillwell avenue a distance of 200 feet' thence southwarcily and parallel with Stillwell avenue to the intersection with a line at right angles to Stillwell avenue, and passing through a point on its easterly side where it is intersected by the proloilgatirnt of a line midway between Eighty-first street and Eighty-second street; thence w•cctw'ardly along the said line at right angles to Stillwell avenue to its easterly side; thence northwestwardly along tile said line midway between Eighty-first street and Eighty-second street and the prolongation of the said line to the intersection with a line parallel with Fourteenth avenue, and pass-ing through the point of beginning; thence northeastwardly and parallel with Four-teenth avenue to the point or place of beginning.

I believe that there are no buildings upon the land to be acquired. Respectfully,

NELSON P. I.EWIS• Chief Engineer

"I he following resolutions were then adopted

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment of "l'he City of New York is considering the advisability- of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Eighty-first street, from Fourteenth avenue to Stillwell avenue, excepting the land occupied by the tracks of the Brooklyn. Bath and \Vest End Railroad, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assessment -for benefit for said proceeding;

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 98o of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benctit in this proceeding:

Beginning at a point on a line midway between Eightieth street and Eighty-first street distant too feet northwesterly from the northwesterly line of Fourteenth avenue, and running thence southeastwardly along the said line midway between Eightieth street and Eighty-first street to the intersection with the westerly line of Stillwell avenue ; thence eastwardly at right angles to Stillwell avenue a distance of 200 feet thence southwardly and parallel with Stillwell avenue to the intersection with a 'line at right angles to Stillwell avenue, and passing through a point on its easterly side where it is intersected by the prolongation of a line midway between Eighty-first street and Eighty-second street; thence westwardly along the said line at right angles to Stillwell avenue to its easterly side; thence northwestwardly along the said line midway between Eighty-first street and Eighty-second street and the prolongation of the said line to the intersection with a line parallel with Fourteenth avenue, and pass-jug through the point of beginning; thence northeastwardly and parallel with Four- teenth avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Resolved, ']'hat this Board consider the proposed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City

I-Iall, on the 19th day of June, igo8, at 10.30 a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, 1 hat the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in the CITY RECORD and the corporation n:wspapers for ten days prior to the 19th day of June, 1908.

Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-tnen and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond-16.




The following resohrtin of the Local •Board of the Flatbush District, Borough of Brooklyn, and report of the Chief Engineer were presented:

lu the Local Board of the Flatbush District. Whereas, A petition for a local improvement described below has been received

by the President of the Borough of Brooklyn; and Whereas, He has appointed a time for a meeting 01 this Local Board not more

than fifteen days after the receiot by him of the said petition, at which meeting the said petition would be submitted by him to the said Local Board, and he has caused a notice to be published in the CITY RECORD that said petition has been presented to him and is on file in his office for inspection. and of the time when and the place where there would be a meeting of this Local Board at which the said petition would be submitted by him to the said Board, which time was not less than ten days after the publication of this notice; and

Whereas, The said petition was duly submitted thereafter to the said Local Board, which did duly consider the same and give a full hearing thereon; now there-fore it is

Resolved, by the Local Board of the Flatbush District, pursuant to titles 2 and 3 of chapter to of the Greater New York Charter, That the said petition be and the same hereby is granted; and it is hereby

Resolved, That the Local Board of the Flatbush District, Borough of Brooklyn, this 27th day of June, 1907, hereby initiates proceedings to open Lenox road, from New York avenue to East N;nety-c;ghtll street: and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of the resolution be transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its 1pproval.

Adopted by the Local Board of the Flatbush District on the 27th day of June, 1907.

Commissioner Dunne and Aldermen Wentz, Ellery and Hann voting in favor thereof.


Approved this 19th day of July, 1907. BIRD S. COLER,

President of the Borough of Brooklyn.



Hon. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment:

SiR—Herewith is transmitted a resolution of the Local Board of the Flatbush Dis-trict, Borough of Brooklyn, adopted on June 27. 1Q07. initiative proceedings for ac-quirin¢ title to Lenox road, from New York avenue to Fist Ninety-eighth street.

This resolution affects a lcnvth of thirty-two short blocks of Lenox road which has been laid out to have a width of 70 feet westerly from Remsen avenue and a width of 8o feet easterly therefrom. West of New York avenue the street has been fully improved and East Ninetv-eielrtll street is its easterly terminus.

The street is in use through the three blocks between New York avenue and Canarsie road, and for about a block on each side of Alhinv avenue, between Fast Forty-fifth street and Schenectady avenue, and between Utica avenue and a point near Fast Fifty-sixth street the roadway has been graded and curbed. A few houses have been erected upon the abutting property.

I would recommend the approval of the resolution. that title to the Land he acquired in fee, that all of the cost of the proceeding, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any damages allrwed for intended reoulatinv. he assessed upon the prooerty benefited; and that a district of assessment he laid nut to comprise the following area:

Beginning at a point on'a line midway helween Cbirksn•i avenue and T.ennx rend distant Too feet westerly from the westerly line of New York avenue, and rnnring thence eastwardly along the said line midway hi tween Clarkson avenue inul Lenrx road to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Clarks~'n avenue and Lenox road as laid out east of Remsen avenue; thence northeastwardly along the said line midway between Clarkson avenue and Lenox road and the pro-longation of the said line to a point distant Too feet northeasterly from the north-easterly line of Fast Ninety-eighth street; thence southeastwardly and parallel with East Ninety-eighth street to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Lenox road and Linden avenue as laid out east of Remsen avenue; thence southwestwardly along the said line midway between Lenox road and Linden avenue and the prolongation of the said line to the intersection with a line midway between Lenox road and Linden avenue as laid out west of Remsen avenue; thence west-wardly along the said line midway between Lenox road and Linden avenue to the intersection with a line parallel with New York avenue, and passing through the point of beginning; thence northwardly along the said line parallel with New York avenue to the point or place of begirning.

I believe that a few small buildings and greenhouses encroach upon the land to be acquired.

Respectfully, NELSON P. LEWIS. Chief Engineer.

The following resolutions were then adopted:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Lenox road, from New York avenue to East Ninety-eighth street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings

to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and de-ermine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 9Eo of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding:

Beginning at a point on a line midway between Clarkson avenue and Lenox road distant Too feet westerly from the westerly line of New York avenue, and running thence eastwardly along the said line midway between Clarkson avenue and Lenox road to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway between Clarkson avenue and Lenox road as laid out east of Remsen avenue; thence northeastwardly along the said line midway between Clarkson avenue and Lenox road and the pro-longation of the said line to a point distant Too feet northeasterly from the northeast-erly line of East Ninety"eighth street; thence southcastwardly and parallel with East Ninety-eighth street to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway beween Lenox road and Linden avenue as laid out cast of Remsen avenue; thence southwestwardly along the said line midway between Lenox road and Linden avenue and theprolongation of the said line to the intersection with a line midway between Lenox road and Linden avenue as laid out west of Remsen avenue; thence west-wardly along the said line midway between Lenox road and Linden avenue to the intersection with a line parallel with New York avenue, and passing through the point of beginning; thence northwardly along the said line parallel with New York avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the

City Hall, on the Igth day of June, 1908, at 10.30 a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in the CiTv- RECORD and the corporation newspapers for ten days prior to the Igth clay of June. Igos.

Affirmative--The \layor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-' men and the Presdcnts of the Boroughs of U:mhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond—Ib.



The following resolution of the Local Board of the Bushwick District, Borough of Brooklyn, and report of the Chief Engineer were presented:

In the Local Board of the Bushwick District. Resolved, That the Local Board of the Bushwick District, Borough of Brooklyn,

pursuant to section 428 of the Greater New York Charter, after duly advertised hear-ing had this 24th day of July, 1907, hereby initiates proceedings to open Atkins avenue, from Pitkin avenue to New Lots avenue; and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution he transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of the Bushwick District on the 24th day of July, 1907,' Commissioner Dunne and Aldermen Rowcroft and Falk voting in favor thereof.

Attest: CHARLES FREDERICK AD.1MS, Secretary.

Approved this 12th day of August, 1907. DESMOND DUNNE,

Acting President of the Borough of Brooklyn. REPORT No. 5807.


April 27, Igo8. Hon. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor.

tionnlent: SIR—Herewith is transmitted a resolution of the Local Board of the Bushwick

District, Borough of Brooklyn, adopted on July 24, 1907. initiating proceedings for acquiring title to Atkins avenue, from Pitkin avenue to New Lots avenue.

This street has been laid out to have a width of (x) feet, and the resolution affects four blocks of its 1-ngth, or about 2.100 feet. A road is in use in the three northerly blocks, and several buildings, including a school house at the southwesterly corner of Belmont avenue, have been erected upon the abutting property. Atkins avenue is fully improved north"rly from Pitkin avenue, and it is not deemed necessary at this time to extend the opening proceedings southwardly from New Lots avenue.

I would recommend the approval of the reso'tttion; that title to the land he acquired in fee; that all of the cost of the proceeding, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any d'tmages allowed for intended regulating, he as-sessed upon the property benefited; and that a district of assessment be laid out to comprise the following area:

Beginning at a point on the prolongation of a line midway between Atkins avenue and Berriman street, as laid out northerly from New Lots avenue, where it intersects the southerly line of New Lots avenue, and running thence northwardly along the said line midway between Atkins avenue and Berriman street to a point distant too feet northerly from the northerly line of Pitkin avenue; thence eastwardly and parallel wi'h Pitkin avenue to the intersection with a line midway h-tween Montauk avenue and Atkins avenue; thence southwardly along the said line midway between Montauk avenue and Atkins avenue to the inters •ction with the northerly line of New Lots avenue; thence southwardly at right antr'es to the hue of New Lets avenue to a point dis`ant ion feet sou'herly from its southerly line: thence westwardly and parallel with New Lots avenue to the intersection with a line at right angles to New Lots aventte and passing through the point of beginning; thence northwardly along the said line a+ right angles to New Lots avenue to the point or place of beginning.

T believe that a small frame building at Dumont avenue encroaches upon the land to be acquired.

Respectfully, NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

The following resolutions were then adopted W'<''hereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York

is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening mug extending of Atkins avenue, from Pitkin avenue to New Lots avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands re(Inired for the foregoing improvement to fix and deter-mine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Fstimatc and Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding:

Beginning at a point on the prolongation of a line midway between Atkins avenue and Berriman street, as laid out northerly from New Lots avenue, where it intersects the southerly line of New Lots. avenue, and running thence northwardly along the said line midway between Atkins avenue and Berriman street to a point distant Too feet northerly from the northerly line of Pitkin avenue; thence eastwardly and parallel with Pitkin avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Montauk avenue and Atkins avenue; thence southwardly along the said line midway between Montauk avenue and Atkins avenue to the intersection with the northerly line of New Lots avenue; thence southwardly at right angles to the line of New Lots avenue to a point distant too feet southerly from its southerly line; thence westwardly and parallel with New Lots avenue to the intersection with a line at right angles to New Lots avenue, and passing through the point of beginning; thence northwardly along the said line at right angles to New Lots avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City Hall. on the 19th clay of June, i908, at 10.30 a. in., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in the CITY RECORD and the corporation newspapers for ten days prior to the 19th clay of June, Igo8.

Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond—i6.



The following resolution of the Local Board of the Bushwick District, Borough of Brooklyn, and report of the Chief Engineer were presented:

In the Local Board of the Bushwick District. Resolved, That the Local Board of the Bushwick District, Borough of Brooklyn,

pursuant to section 426 of the Greater New York. Charter, after duly advertised hear-


ing had this 6th day of June, IS{)6, h(reby initiates proceedings to open Magenta street, from Crescent street to Railroad avenue; and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportiotnucnt for its approval.

Adopted by the Local hoard of the Bushwick District on the 6th day of June, 1906, Commissioner Dunne and Alde•rtn; n Rowcroft voting in favor thereof.


Approved this 15th day of June, Igo6. BIRD S. COLER,

President of the Borough of Brooklyn. REPORT No. 5796.


April '5, I908. I-Ion. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment: SIIt—Herewith is transmitted a resolution of the Local Board of the Bushwick

District, Borough of Brooklyn, adopted on June 6, Igo6, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to Magenta street, between Crescent street and Railroad avenue.

This resolution affects one block, or about 45o feet of Magenta street, which has been laid out to have a width of So feet. The roadway has been approximately graded. all of the subsurface structures seem to have been completed, and several houses have been erected upon the abutting property on each side of the street.

Railroad avenue is the easterly terminus of this section of .\lagenta street, while westerly from Crescent street the roadway has been asphalted.

The evidences of dedication to public use in this block, however, are not suffi-cient, in the opinion of the Corporation Counsel to justify improving the street with-out formal opening proceedings, and I would recommend the approval of the reso lution now presented. I would also recotnmcnrl that title to the land he acquired in fee; that all of the cost of the proceetlinr, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any da iii age s allowed for intended regulating, he ass;•ssed upon the property benefited, and that a district of asscssnwtft be Iaid out to comprise the following area:

Bounded un the north by a line ntidwav between \Veldon street • and 'Magenta street and by the pt•olonaation of the said line; on the cast by a line midway between Railroad avenue and Lincoln av cone ; oil the =oath liv a line midway hctween \iagcnta street and Hill street and by the pinlollg;ftir11 of the said lire, and on the west by a line distant too feet westerly front and parallel with the westerly line of Crescent street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Crescent street.

I believe that there are no boildinvs ttpcm the land to be acquired. Respectfully,

NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer

The following resolutions were tlicn adopts( Whereas, "l1ie Board of 1=stiniate and :\pportirmnfett t,f - I- ltc City of Ncw N'ork

is considering the arlviwhilit}" of instituting procc•rdintts to acquire title to the lanes and premises required for the openin;. anal c:•ar'n~ling of \la;;cnt;t ,trcet, front Crescent street to Railroad avenue, in the Borough of I;retilact. City' if New Vnrk: ;and

Whereas, The Board of I•:stimatc and Apporti(~nntc•nt is ;tuthorizcd and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution dirccting the it,r.tii.tutir,n of pr"cccdings to acquire title to the lands reTfniret1 for thr frregoii.t; inil,rovcmcnt to lix ;anti '1:wr-mine upon an area or are;:s of asst sancta for Lcncli: f, r ,nil ;,rocee, liug.

Resolved, That the linard of Itiin:ct and .Appnrti,iinicnt in h r mtine:, of the provisions of seetirin qtO r,f tilt. (,rcaIir tiro, 1-nrk Charter, ltcrebe gist's notice tint: the following, is the pry l„~ cal arc , f ;t se 'oicitt in bcrt.lit ii: this ln' ceiling:

Bounded on the north hy' ;t line niirltcav Lc'ttrcn \\i•Ition strcct an1l \1;!grnta street and by thr pr,l ngatinn Of tht• s;iid but u:; tits e .t iv ;t line ur- lav;fv lint wee n Railroad avenue and l.iuc in Is cilia , in the south hen line tniclsva}' Le'.v;rcn \l;igena street and }fill street :ld he for prei 1qtga:if,i of the '.;crl line; ;ind Oil tilt• west b,-a line distant loo feet tvestcrly from nub p:ni:il)el Willi the atelanh lion of Cresccn` street, the said distance being mcasurcd ;u right ;tingles It the line of Crescrnt street.

Resolved, That this Board cr,n=iilvr the prOjd ;o-r;, of :c;cssntee't at ;t iiie tine of the Board to be held in 'lilt• City if ih, w A irk, it rough of \l;m1tattan, in for City Hall, on the 19th day r,f Jl:nr, a1;~, at la.• ,o a.. nt., ;old that at tl,e same time and place a public hearing therein will •h. n unit there I Intl.

Resolved, '1 lint tilt' Stcnufarf' ,,f tli:, Iao;nd cm's, tin.',' acs• hittions and a n, tic to all persons affected tiiertiy t<, i,; pub)isi.cd in tie City 1., ;c l ;1111 tic corpt;.tiorn newspapers for tilt dais prir to the huh hue ii June', nts.t'i.

Af)irmativc—Tile .Aiayor, the Coropai,1Ier. the President of the lF and of _A!der-• men and the Presidents of tine It ringhs of Manhattan, Ilr0n,k1Sln, The Bronx, Queens

and Richmond—i6.

OPENING EAST 1'IF'iIiENTlm S'i'la:r:t' (.11AIt1.IIeItOt"GII l2ii.1U), ItET\Ch:l.\ 111'f 1I . _\i:V1r7

AND FOSTER _\\ENi:E, 11Rtr.tu;t, x.

The following resolution of the I.oc-al Marc) r,f tl~c YL:atbusl District, Jloroli.hl of Brooklyn, and report of the Chief Ihigi tune' r were p rest' nte l

In the Loral Board o/ tltt• /tl:itht1sh Ilislrirl. Whereas, A petition for a loc:tl improvcmt-nt dr.tcrib.d below La' been rcecialcd

by the President of the Borough of Ytaukl}'n; :utl Whereas, lie has appniutcd a time' for a meeting of this 1.cc;tl ]Bursa not more

than fifteen days after the receipt by him of the sairl petition, at which nOel iii g tilt' said petition would he submitted by him to the said Local hoard, and Inc has causal a notice to be published in the Cm'ry Remote that said petition has been presented to him and is on file in his office for inspection, and of the time when and the p?:tce where there would be a meeting of this Local Board at aIi ch tine said petition soul)) be submitted by him to the said 1 I ard, which time was not less titan ten days after the publication of this notice ; and

Whereas, The said petition was duly submitted thereafter to the said Local I:oard, which slid duly consider the s•uue and give a fall hearing thereon; flow therefore it is

Resolved, by the Local Board of the 1rIatbu)sil District, pursuant to titles 2 au,l' 3 of chapter io of the Greater New York Charter, That the said petition be and the same hereby is granted ; and it is hereby

Resolved, 'I' hut t this Board does hereby antic nd re's ctlfnion of November I, tqo(. initiating proceedings to open East Fifteenth street (Marlborough road), between Beverley road and Poster avenue, by excluding front the provisions thereof the por-tions of said 1?ast Fifteenth strc•, t (1\iarl bit roog il road) lving lit' twccn Beverley road and Ditmas avenue, life amc•ndc•d resolution to real as follows:

Resolved, That the Ltr;tl )Board of the Platinisit I)istr'ict, Ilorough of Brooklyn, after hearing had this ath day of December, Igo7, hereby initiates proceedings to' open East Fifteenth strict Islarlborough road), be'tw'een Dittos :avenue and Foster avenue. —and it is hereby

Resolved, 'I lint a copy of the rerinlulion he trallsnultcd forthwith to the Board! of Estimate •furl Apportic nntcnt for i!s xpttn0v;al.

Adopted by the Local lio;tovl if the l"hatluriil I;istrict ,n the .nth day of December,. tgo7, Commissioner Dunne an(1 :\Idennue,u Wentz, If.!Icry - and I iaua voting ill favor thereof.


Approved this 30th day of December, tgo7. BIRD S. COLFR,

President of the Borough of Brooklyn,


• OFFICE OF THE 4HIEF ENGINEER, April 27, 1908. 1

H)n. Grcoxcs: B. MCCLELLAN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor- IrOnmelit:

Sn<—lierewitii is tr:utsntitted a reso'.ution of the Local Board of the Platbush Dis-tri t, 1'oro:gh t f Broo h . adopted c,n L:' cc':' b r 4. Igo7 itlitiat;ng pr ccc lings for acttuirini, title to L;:ast fifteenth street (=Marlborough toad), from )),t,..as avenue to Foster avenue.

'l his resolution affects a length of two blocks or about I,000 feet of East Fifteenth street which has been laid out to have a width of 6o feet. Foster avenue is the southerly terminus of this section of the street, and north of Ditmas avenue the Corporation Counsel has advised that the evidences of dedication are sufficient to permit of intprovittg the street. For a distance of about 3.o feet southerly front I)itmas avenue the roadway has been graded and curbed, the flagging has been laid and a few buildings have here been erected on the abutting property; southerly fro!n this point the street is not in use.

The construction of a sewer in this street was authorized on December 22, 1902, easements having been granted for this purpose.

1 would recommend the approval of the resolution. that title to the land he acquired in fee, that all of the cost of the proceeding, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any damages allowed for intended regulating. he assessed open the property benefited; and that a district of assessment•be laid out, to comprise the following area:

Bounded on the north by a line distant uco feet northerly froth and parallel with the northerly line of I)itinas avenue, the said distance being measured at right ii nun l's to the lire of littna.s ;avenue ; ern the cast by a line midway between East F'fteenth street and Fast Sixteenth street :u,d the prolongation of the said line: on the south by a line distant loo feet southerly frrm and parallel with the sr•ttthcrly I tic rf I"ns+er avenue, the said distance heini tonsured at right angles to the lire of Foster a''eniie: an! r. the ,vest 1- a line tri,tn'av between I':tst Fourteenth street and Fast I-iftccnth street ;u- t1 by the prolTnI;atiou of the said line.

I believe that there are no buildings upon the land to be acquired. Respectfully,

NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

'I Ii.' fllwitig rc;nlu?inr,s were then edoptcd: \\ hcrcas, - I - he iic ;:rd of l:'timate' and Apportionment of The Cit,' of New York

is crmsiclerillg the a;lvis;ihility of inslitutiug proceedings to acquire title to the lan'is ;std rcauirid for the Opening and extending of Fast Fifteenth street (i\larl- hornttgit r;'ad). fit iii Ihtntr..:tvenur to foster at•enue, in the 1-inruetugh cf Brooklyn, City of New fork; and

\Vltereas, 'I' hue I'' 1 r of 1%htimate and :\pportionmeTt is authorizer) and requ ire' I at the time of the adoption of the resr'luti,m directing the institution if proceeding; Zip ;',canine title to the lards required for Ilse foregoing improvcntent to fix and de-ittminc glut t!n ar- t n- ;trcas of ;LsXsc,M('at fur h,ncfit fir sail price;iing.

Rr:;:rc t:, I butt

the Ian: rd .f 1':-tintate .uul .\p;ottionno t, in lhnlu•tnec of the' pnea'i.,io'ts (if sect ii if t;8;1 of tilt- (;rcatrr New York Charter, hereby give, notice that the foacw'it g is the proposed area of to sessntent for hrneiit in this proceeding:

lIetntle'd on the north by a line distant loo feet n,~rtherly front acd parallel teitli the n- rtLeric ',i;:t of l:itmns usenet', the said disttu'ce I tint', measured at rigl;t magic:, to tilt' line ', f I'itm;ts ttvcrtnc ; (iii tile c;tst by a line n:i(lw;iy between East i'iftee iul strcot and 1•:;t-t :;istccnth .Streit at::l the prolot14 tti ):t of the said line; tin t1;' siiitit l,v a 'i:e r,i t:,nl ice feet snutlerit fri,nt and )t'ir:lIld with the sutttherl; lice of luster Zn.0 ;', ti;,' Said di :;:n:r being me;u,inca at rigi:t angles to the line , f Pe,-ter :us'el.ttc•. ;tnel ';n tine wet I~t" a line n itlwav h,ruwccn Intel Fnn-teentl street ;!utl l'.'tst l'ifteurtit trcct at-(l I )" thu• tt; atiorl of the sail line',

1"sr,ltcri, I hat thi; Haul crm:idcr the hrOP;Iwi ara if a-Bts;rect at a meeting if tin • 1'~,;trd to bus he'd in 'life Ci:v" r f New A'ork, L'oruugh i f 'l:tnhaltan,'in Iii': Cit.. I !;ill, .m the t+~tlt d;_y , i jars, 191,;~. ;;t to.30 a. nt., anal that at the s intc tints awl place a public htaring the c n %%ill that anti there' tie' had.

I-:csr,lta1, 'I h;;; th^ Scrrctary of this koarti can-c' tile'-',' tc--~i'u i ,:tr: and a notice to rill In. riocs ;itT:-ctcd thrr iv to ;x Intb1itr,l in the Cent' IZtt:'.,t.:n and I!,t• corporation nett" 1,ateTn; fur tut rl :', s prior to the 11)t1 (!ay of June. t9.t8.

;li irsa;.h "c— i hr .\iiTs:T. the C' ml,tr,ilt'r, tilt, Fre,ic:•cnt of the uoird of Aider-

t;; t i the I'--e i lrnts if the' l;., rnnl:, of \lash ttt:e't,. IIrc,ok'v; -fhc Prefix, Queen.

a : Rich oncl 10.

)TEN NO \'t'aR':1. It S;t•,:r.', P,:i'wnEa IIHL aT mur x\vcNu:E A::n NEC LOTS Rat'

'I - he follnt.irqr rcli,lution of tile, Local Board of the' I'>urhwick District, Borough f I; , t;lajn, ;:rt,l :- ern , rt c,f the ll;icf l'nftuic:•" \,err present.'rl:

l,r tlr<• I.'1' l lit'! of !;;r ;hs!z0irl/; !)ism, 1.

Rc,ulrcd, 'I h:tt the' Local 1;.,:u-;I if the kushwick I )i":ri:t, i ,,~r:iugh of Broolly',i. gnr:,ux)t to sCcti(m .42S if the Greater New V'ork Charter, after duly advertise,) hearing had tlti; 15111 clay of :'dat", 1907, hereby initiates proceedings to open Warwick stre(t, frcnl ]daunt aeenuc to New Lots road; and it is hcrebc

Re', ilcetl, 'I butt a c;pv of this resolution he tr;tniuttitr,'d forthwith) to the Board of usmn:ttn and .\ppi - tiunnte'rt fir it. approval.

_Aclupicil he ill(- Local Hard of the llushwick l)i,,trict out the 13tH day of May, 1907, Cutnntis,iuncr hun and Alderman Ii;trtschere' voting in favor thereof.

.\ttest : Ci1.;Rl.rs 1REt,l:Rfcltt ADAMS Secretary.

:Approved this 31st day of May, 1907. BIRD S. COLER,

President of the Borough of Brooklyn,.



Non. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment:

SIR—Herewith is transmitted a resolution of the Local Board of the Bushwick District, Borough of Brooklyn, adopted on May 15, 1907, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to Warwick street, from Belmont avenue to New Lots road.

The resolution affects five blocks, or a length of about 2,300 feet of Warwick street, which has been laid out to have a width of 5o feet. An unshaped roadway is in use through the entire length affected, and the abutting property on the easterly side has been largely improved between Belmont and Sutter avenues and between Blake and Duniont avenues; through the three remaining blocks several houses have been erected or. the abutting property c.n each side. The sewer has been built and the water main has been provided for several blocks.

Northerl from Belmont avenue the street has been fully improved, and it is not deemed desirable at this time to extend the opening proceeding southerly from New Lots avenue.

I would recommend the approval of the resolution; that title to the land he acquired in fee: that all of the cost of the proceeding, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any damages allowed for intended regulating, be assessed upon the property benefited, and that a district of assessment be laid out, to comprise the following area:

Beginning at a point on the northerly line of New Lots road midway between Warwick street and Ashford street, running thence at right angles to the line of New



Lots road a distance of 170 feet; thence westwardly and parallel with New Lots road to the intersection with a line at right angles to New Lots road, and passing through a point on its northerly side midway between Jerome street and Warwick street; thence northwardly along the said line at right angles to New Lots road to its north-erly side; thence northwardly along a line midway between Jerome street and Warwick street to a point distant ioo feet northerly from the northerly line of Belmont avenue; thence eastwardly and parallel with Belmont avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Warwick street and Ashford street; thence southwardly along the said line midway between Warwick street and Ashford street to the point or place of beginning.

I believe that there are no buildings upon the land to be acquired. Respectfully,

NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

The following resolutions were then adopted Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York

is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening ;ind extending of Warwick street, from Belmont avenue to New Lots road, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York; and

1Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and de-termine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding:

Beginning at a point on the north,r'y line of New Lots road midway between Warwick street and Ashford street, and running ther.ee at right angles to the 1i:tc of New Lots road a distance of 170 feet ; thence westwardly and parallel with New Lots road to ihc• intersection with a line at right angles to New Lots road and passing through a point on its northerly side midway between Jerome street and Warwick street; thence r.ot•thwardly along the said line at right angles to New Lots road to its northerly side; thci ce northwardly along a line midway between Jerome street and \Varnick street to a point distant lao feet northerly from the northerly line of Belmont avenue; thence eastwardly and p:.trallcl with Belmont avenue to the inter-section with a line midway bctivecu Warwick street and Ashford street; thence sovthwardly alocg the said iinc midway between Warwick street and Ashford street to the point or place of I:eginniug.

Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Rorougli of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the 19th day of June, 1938, at 10.30 a. m., and that at the sane tittle and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, 1 hat the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected therel;y to be published in the Ctry RECORD and the corporation i'cwspapvrs for tell days prior to the 19th day of Juno, t9t>t{.

Affirmative--"l he Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the hoard of Alder-men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of '1lanhatt:ot, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond—t6.


The following resolution of the Loral Boarcl of the Flatbush District, Borough of Brooklyn. and report of the Chief Engineer were presented:

In the Local Board of the P!atbtrsh District. 11 hereas, .. petition for a local iniprovemet1 described below has been received

by the President if the Borough of l3rooklyn; and Whereas, I I c has appointed a time for a nt.•cting of this Local Board not more

than ffte_n days after the receipt by him of the said petition, at which meeting the said petition would be submitted by hint to the said Local B (ard. an(] lie has caused a notice to be publiShcri ill the Ctry RecoaD that said petition has been presented to him and is on tilt in his office for in sued ti Oil , and of the time when and the place where there would be a mccting ~)f this Laval Board at wvhicii the said petition, would be submitted by him to the said Board tchich time was not less than ten days after the publication of this notice; and

k\-hercas, The said petition sas duly st,hmitted thereafter to the said Local Board, which did duly consider the same, and give a full hcariug thereon; now', therefore, it is

Resolved, By the Local Board of the Flatbush District, pursuant to titles 2 and 3 of chapter to of the Greater New York Charter, That the said petition be :uad the same hereby is granted; and it is hereby

Resolved, That this Board does hereby initiate proceedings for the said local improvement, to wit

To open Canarsic lane ft• m Flatbnsh airmnc to Schenectady avenue; and it is lierebv

Resolved, That a copy of the resolution he transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of the Flatbush District on the 12t11 day of December, 1907, Commissioner Hume and A1cicristcn Wentz and llunn voting in favor thereof.


Approved this 30th day of December, 1907. BIRD S. COLER, President of the Borough of Brooklyn.



May 5, 1908. Hon. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tion rent: SIR--Herewith is transmitted a resolution of the Local Board of the Flatbush

District, Borough of Brooklyn, adopted on December 12, 1907, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to Canarsie lane, from Flatbush avenue to Schenectady avenue.

This reso'ution affects a length of 26 short blocks, or about 6,800 feet, of Canarsie lane which has recently been laid out to have a width of 6o feet ; the limits described comprise the entire length of the street: An approximately graded road is in use through the entire distance, sidewalks have been partly laid, and a number of houses have been erected at intervals upon the abutting property on each side of the street. The street is a very old one and through a portion of its width there is evidently a substantial dedication to public use. Thrc ugh nine blocks near its easterly end, it in-eludes land of the Holy Cross Cemetery, located on the northerly side, and an opinion from the Corporation Counsel was presented at the meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment held on December 14, 1906, advising that this land could properly he taken for highway purposes.

I would recommend the approval of the resolution ; that title to the land be ac-quired in fee; that all of the cost of the proceeding, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any damages allowed for intended regulating, be assessed upon the property benefited; and that a district of assessment be laid out to comprise the following area:

Beginning at a point on the prolongation of a line that is always distant zoo feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Canarsie lane, the said distance being measured at right angles to Canarsie lane, where it is intersected by a line dis-tant Too feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Flatbush avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Flatbush avenue, and run-

t-,-f-PWI-1.41Al. ..A. '... all li• . ,. i ..

ping thence eastwardly along the said line parallel with and always distant too feet from Canarsie lane to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway be- tween Brooklyn avenue and East Thirty-seventh street; thence northwardly along the prolongation of the said line midway between Brooklyn avenue and East Thirty-seventh street to the intersection with a line distant 150 feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Canarsie lane, the said distance being measured a•. right angles to the line of Canarsic lane; thence eastwardly along the said line parallel with and always distant i5o feet from Canarsie lane to the intersection with a line midway between Schenectady avenue and East Forty-eighth street; thence south-wardly along the said line ntidlwav between Schenectady avenue and East Forty-eighth street to the intersection with a line passing through a point on the westerly line of Schenectady avenue midway between Clarendon road and Canarsie lane and a point on the westerly line of East Thirty-seventh street midway between Clarendon road and Canarsie lane; thence westwardly along the line thus fixed to the intersection with a line midway between Brooklyn avenue and East 'thirty-seventh street; thence north-wardly along the said line midway between Brooklyn avenue and East Thirty-seventh street to the intersection with a line always distant loo feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Canarsic lane, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Canarsie lane ; thence westwardly along the said line parallel with and always distant loo feet from Canarsic lane, and along the prolonga-tion of the said line, to the intersection with a line parallel with Flatbush avenue and passing through the point of beginning; thence northwardly along the said line parallel with Flatbttsh avenue to the point or place of beginning.

There are buildings upon the land to be acquired. Respectfully,

NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

The following resolutions were then adopted Whereas, The Board of I stintate and Apportionment of The City of New York

is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Canarsic lane from Flatbush avenue to Schenectady avenue• in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate t!!d Apportionment is authorized and required at thy tithe of the adoption of the rcs.ha1iqh directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and deter-utine upon an area or area of assessment for 1wnef!t for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the I3nartl of Estimate :11 id Apportionment, in pursuance of the provision, of section g8o of the Grcatcr New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of a~scssnunt for benefit in this proceeding:

Beginning at a point on t:ic pro1ongati ni of a line that is always distant ioo feet northerly from ant[ parallel with the iu rt lie thy line of Canarsic lane, the said distance being measured at right angles to Canarsie lane, where it is intersected by a line dis-tant too feet westerly from and parallel with tin' westerly line of Flatbush avenue, the said distance being mca;urcd at riglit angles to the line of I"latbush avenue, and run-ning thence eastwardly along the said line parallel with and always distant too feet from Canarsie lane to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway be-tween Brooklyn avenue and East Thirty-s,wenth street; thence northwardly along the prolongation of the said line midway between Brooklyn avenue and East Thirty-seventh street to the intersection with rt line distant 153 feet northerly from and parallel with the northe:-ly line of Canarsie lane, the said iii sta!iee being measured at right angles to the line of Canarsic lane ; thence eastwardly along the said line parallel with and always distant t,o feet from Canarsic lane to the intersection with a line midway between Schenectady avenue and East l~orty-eighth street; thence south-wardly along the said line midway between Schenectady avenue and East Forty-eight Ii street to the intersection with a line passing through a point on the westerly line of Schenectady avenue midway between Clarendon road and Can arsie lane and a poi n: on the westerly line of East 'Thirty-seventh street midway between Clarendon road and Canarsic lane; thence westwardly alon.q the line thus fixed to the intersection with a line midway between Brooklyn avenue and h asl TI!irty-seventh street; thence north-wardl,; along the said line midway between I;ri klyn aventtc and Last Thirty-seventh street to the inlcrscction with a line alw;[ys distant 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the ;utitben'c tins Of C:narsic lane, the said distance being nicasttred at right angles to the line of Canarsie lane: thence vestwardly along the said line parallel with acid alwats list:nit too feet from Canarsic lane, and along the prolonga-Lion of the said hue, to the intersection with a line parallel with l'latbush avenue and passing through the point of hI(gtanihi; 1 the'IC northwartlly alms„ the said line parallel with I']atbinh uVcrhc to the print nr 1,ha(e of be•Kinuiug.

Resolved, "That this Board consider the p11)pused area of assessment at a meeting of the ]Board to be held in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City Flail, on the 19th day of June, tqo8, at Io.30 a. nM.,. and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be hi ltd.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be puhlishcd in the CITY RECORD and the corporation newspapers for ten days prior to the igthi day of June, 1908.

Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder- nten and the Presidents of the Borough.; of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond-16.



The following communication from the President of the Borough of Brooklyn was presented, and, on motion, the matter was laid over


BROOKLYN, May II, 1908.

To the Honorable the Board of Estimate and Apportionment: GENTLEMEN—I hereby request the exception from the provisions of the resolu-

tion of your Board of November 22, 1907, directing the Corporation Counsel not to advance any street opening proceedings, until otherwise directed by the Board of Estimate, of the proceedings to open Snediker avenue, from Dumont avenue to Fresh Creek Basin.

This request is made because of the delay in a much needed public improvement due to the failure of the Corporation Counsel to proceed in this matter.

Yours very truly, BIRD S. COLER, President of the Borough.



The following communication from the President of the Borough of Brooklyn• was presented, and, on motion, the matter was referred to the Chief Engineer to re-port on the advisability of combining this proceeding with the one to be initiated for the acquisition of title to Hendrix street, from New Lots avenue to Fairfield avenue:


BROOKLYN, May II, 19o8. To the Honorable the Board of Estimate and Apportionment:

GENTLEMEN—I hereby request the exception from the provisions of the resolu-tion of your Board of November 22, 1907, directing the Corporation Counsel not to


advance any street opening proceedings, until otherwise directed by the Board of Estimate, of the proceedings to open Hendrix street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, be-tween Dumont avenue and New Lots road.

This request is made because of the delay in a much needed public improvement due to the failure of the Corporation Counsel to proceed in this matter.

Yours very truly, BIRD S. COLER, President of the Borough.




The following resolutions of the Local Board of the Chester District, Borough of

The Bronx, and report of the Chief Engineer were presented:

In the Local Board of Chester, Tzc'cuty-fifth District, Borough of The Bronx. Whereas, A petition for a local intpruvcnlent described below has been received

by the President of the Borough of The Bronx; and Whereas, lie has appointed a tinge for a meeting of tlti; Local Board not more

than fifteen days after the receipt by hint of the said petition, at which meeting the said petition would be submitted by hint to the said Local Board, and he has caused a notice to be published in the CITY Ri.:coxu that said petition has been presented to hi,u and is un file in his office for :nspectton, and of the time when and the place where there would be It nleetiug of this I,uc:tl Board at which the said petition would be subnitted by ltini to the said Board, which lints as not less than ten days after the publication of this notice; and

Wlureas, The said petition wis drily e,ubmitted thereafter to the said Local Board, which dill rlt:ly consider the same and give a dill hearing thereon; now there-sore it is

Resolved, by the Local Board of Chester Twenty-fifth l)i.;triet, Borough of The Bronx, pursuant to titles 2 and 3 of chapter so of the Greater New York Charter, That the said petition be and the santc lic•rcby is granted; and it is hereby

Res ,lved, That this Board does hercl,y initiate proceedings for the said local im- provctlletlt, to wit:

]cur acquiring title to the hoots nvccssary f o last One hundred and Seventy-sccon(l street, now cnllcd St. Lawrence arcnue, from \\'c;tchc;ter avcnuc to Clasons Point road, in th.: Iloruugh of l'he I;runs, City o'i Nev York; and it is hereby

Rcsulned, '1'hat it cupc of this tc•5nIuti„n be trnn;inittc•ri forthwith to the Board •of Estiulate and Apportionment for its approval.

AfiupteIl by the Local Board of Cite ter, Twenty-tiilh Di,trict, on the Igtl, clay of Noveniber, Ir)ofi, Alderni;iit DinsImilie. Ahrleru:aii \lnlligvtn atilt the President of the Borough of '1'hc Bronx voting ill favor thcre' , f.



Secretary to Local Board of Chester, •fwvcuty-fifth District.

Approved and certified this I<)th (lay of Nsvcml)er, fyo6.

LOUIS F. HAFFEN, President of the fl ,rotigh of The Brrn x.

In the Local Bored of Chester, Twenty-fifth District, Borough of The Bronx. Whereas, A 1>.:tion for a local inipruvcnicnt described below has been received

by the President Ilf the Borough of The Bronx: and \\Iht1(..u, Ile ha; appointed it tune for a meeting of this Local Board not more

than fifteen days after the receipt by Iiim of the ,ail 1,egitioo. at which rncetint the said pclitiun wnelr! Lc .;ulacitted hy hini I, the ;dirt Local !t :trd, amid lie has caused a notice to be published in th rrr 14-JO:D that swirl t)c•titi(rn has been presented to hiul and is r,n file in his uffic for iu;q)UC1iun, and f the tittle when and the place where there wuul;l bc• a ocaiutt of this I. ,rr l If a d :a which the ;aid petition would he suhmitte'l by him n to the Said Bo,;url, which link was not less than tell clays after the piihBedliaqq of this notice; and

\Vhc rc't;, 'I'hc s•ti(1 nctttiou was duly mboitcll Clicrc-iftcr to the said Local Board. which did (fitly c(JIsiGtir the ;tune and gicc :5 full hearing thereon; now there-fore it is

Resolved, hv th,r I-'scai B(>ard of Ch•.tc-. •I•n'(ntv-filth !)i~trict, Borndzh of The Bronx, ixb;o:bt to titles and of chapter to ref do (;r( -iter New York Charter, That the said prtition he rnrl the >:unc beret:) is .ranted: and it is hercl,y

Resohs(d, That this Boar(1 dues hereby iriiti;tte proceeihiig; fur the said local int -provuleil, to) twit:

1'or ac~lUirtng title to the land; oece ;,ry' for l:si (.)ne ilttnclrecl and Seventy-tirst street, now Called C'umm mwxtah accnlav, 1rnum 1kcstcitc;ter dteouc to Clasons point roach, in the Hot ugh of The lr iiN, City ui :\ ew 1' rk; an(1 it is hereby

kcsri]V.(l, That a a ,I)y Ili thi.; tr,-Motif,:; be u'anI11itq.rl f,11micii to the Board a>f 1-dlimatc :ut(I ;Apl>urtin 1111CI;t f„r -I; :111:nf , Is;Il.

1(I(,ptcri by the LucaI I'., ,ar(I (Its-t r, 'I tt-:ntc-fifth Ui<lrirt, nu the 15th day ,of 's-cn>brr, t((,(. -Ald(IfbOU 1)inll , ,, , ,1ic. .\k-rn:vt 11ull i;,tn and the President of the Borough (if Tlie I rnnx voting in ILVU>r thcrcuf.

Negative— None.

Attest: I fE:NRs A. (dUMIIL1:TOON,

Secretary to Local Board Chester, Twenty-h:tlt District. Approval and ccrtiticcl this loth day of Nuvcoiher, t(loti.

L(`UIS F. ll.A1FFEN, ]'resident uf the 1i rrntgh of The Bronx.

In the' Local Board of Clu°sicr, Tz,eenty-fr/tlt District, Borough. of The Bronx. Wherein:, .\ petiurno for it iocal inipru>vemcnt de,crilaad below' has been received

by the President of the Borough of The Brut :x; and Whereas, lie has appointed a tints for it lucet:lig of this Local hoard not more

than fifteen Clays after tltc reccil ,I by hitn of the s:ud petition, at which meeting the said petition would be soI,o+ittcd by hill, to the said Local Board, and lie has caused a notice to he published in Lhe I, Iry Rio-oili that sail petition has been presented to him and is on file in hits olficc for inspection, and of the time when and the place where there would 1>e a meeting of this Local Board at which the said petition would be submitted by hint to the said Board, which !inle was not less than ten clays after the publication of this notice; and

Whereit<, The said petition was (1111) snh:uittcd thereafter to the said Local Board, which 'lid duly consider !h1• same and give .' full hearingg, thereon; now there-fore it is

Resolved, by the Local Board of Che ter, Twenty-fifth District, Borough of The Bronx, pursuant to title; _. and ,; of chanter to of the Greater New York Charter, That the said tutu ii he and the sane hereby is l ranted; and it is hereby

Resolved, That this Board does hereby itt;ti:>tc proceedings for the said local itn--provelllellt. to wit:

For acquiring title to the land, necessary fur Rosedale avenue, front Westchester avenue to Clasons Point road, in the Borough of "1'he Bronx, City of New York; and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy r,f this Iesnlniiomi he tIansnittert iI.rlhwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of Chester, "Twenty fifth I)i<trict, on the 15th day aof Nr>venlbc-t-, Igo(r, AL1ct-htdn I)inwnudir•, \!rlernom \lulli;arn and the President of The Borough of The Bronx voting in favor thereof.


Secretary to Local Board of Chester, 'I-wenty-fifth District.

Approved and certified this tgth day of November, tgo6.

LOUIS F. HAFFEN, President of the Borough of The Bronx.

In the Local Board of Chester, Twenty-fifth District, Borough of The Bronx. Whereas, A petition for a local improvement described below has been received

by the President of the Borough of The Bronx; and

RECORD. 6405

Whereas, He has appointed a time for a meeting of this Local Board not more than fifteen days after the receipt by him of the said petition, at which meeting the said petition would be submitted by him to the said Local Board, and he has caused a notice to be published in the Crry Ri:colD that said petition has been presented to him and is oil file in his office for inspection, and of the time when and the place where ti:cre would be a meeting of this Local Board at which the said petition would be submitted by him to the said Board, which time was not less than tell days after the publication of this notice; and

Whereas, 'Ihe said petition was duly submitted thereafter to the said Local Board, which did duly consider the same and give a full hearing thereon; now there- fUre it Is

Resolved, by the Local Board of Chester. Twenty-fifth District, Borough of The Bronx, pursuant to titles 2 -tncl 3 of chapter to of thr: Greater New York Charter, "I'ltat the said petition he and the same hereby is granted: and it is hereby

Resolved, That dhis Board does hereby initiate proceedings for the said local im-,>rrrve:rent, to wit:

For acquiring title to the lands necessary for Noble avenue, from Westchester ,nentic to Clasons Point r,ad, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of Chester, Twenty-fifth District, on the 15th day of November, 1906, Alderman Dintvoodir, Aldernman ir] tllligan and the President of the Borough of The Bronx voting in favor thercuf.


Secretary to Local Board of Chester, Twcnty-fifth District.

:Approved and certified this 19th clay of Novenihcr, t o6. LOUIS F. HAFFEN,

President of the Borough of The Bronx.

In the Local Board of Chester, T.eeBfy-fifth District, Borough of The Bronx. \V'hcreas, A petition for a local improvement described below has been received

by the President of the Borough of The Br(,t;x: duel \Vhcrcas, IIe has appointed a titne for a meeting of this Local Board not more

than fifteen days after the receipt by him l of the said petitir,n, at which meeting the 'ai(1 petition would be sul;mit+rcl Io hint to the said Local Board, and lie has caused a notice to he published in the '~rrr ki'coao that said petition h:ts been presLuted to hint and is nn file in his office for inspecti,rn, and of the time when and the place where there wnulcl b:: a mcctin;; of this Local Br,ard at which the said petition would he submitted by hint to the said Board, which time was not less than ten days after tic publication of this notice; and

Wherea;, The said petition was duly submitted thereafter to the said Local Board. which did dully consider the sank and give it full hearing thereon; now there-

re it is Resolved, by the Local B:Tarr! of Chester. Twenty-fifth District, Borough of The

Bronx, putrsttaat to titles 2 'ld 3 of chapter 10 c,[ the Greater New York Charter, 'l'hat the said petition be and the sanle hereby is granted: and it is hereby

Resolvetil, That this Board does hereby initiate proceedings for the said local 101-provement, to wit:

For acquiring title to the lands ilecessary for Croes avenue, from Westchester avenue to Clasons Point road, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; :111d it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution he transmitted forthwith to the Board of I'.stinlate and Apportionment for its spprr>vai.

:Ad(,l)tc(1 by the I-nc:tl Board of Chr=ter• Tw~ntt-fifth District, on the 15111 day of Novemhcr, t9oO. Alrherman Dirnvoodic•. :A!drrm.rn AIulligan and the President of 1lie Borough of The Bronx voting in favor thereof.

Negative—None. \ttest:

HENRY A. GUMBLETON, Secretary to Local Board of Chester, Twentyv-fi'th District.

Approved and certified tine loth rlay of November, JOOi.

LOUIS F. H:AFFEN, President of the Bitro ugh of The Bronx._

In //it' Local Board of Chester, T.centy-fiftk District, Borough of '1 lie Brona-, \VtercIi. A petition icr a local miprovehctt described below has been received

Ivy the 1'resiticnt of the Borough of The Bronx; and \'liur, a-, Iie hits appointed a time for a meeting of this Local Board lint more

than fiitccn (toy's after the receipt by hint Of the said petition, at which meeting the sail petition ghuIci be ,ttl;tuittecl tt}' hint to the said Local B rarcl, and he has caused it notice to he hriihli;hitirt in the trrs- RECORD that said petition has been presented t.. hint and is nu ftl in his office for :nspection. and of tilt time v5thcn and the place where titer' wr>ulil lw a tmscting of this l.real Bra d at which the said petition would he 'oluniittil by him to the said Beard, which dine was 11111 less than ten days after the publication of this nutic,:; and

\-Vherc.l;, '1-hrc said petition was (Inl) mhmittccf thereafter to the said Local hoard, which diet duly consider the s:tnce and give a frill hearing, thereon; now there-fore it i.s

R.'s Ivcd, by- time Local Board of Chester, in enty-fifth District, Borough of The fir nix, Irtirsd:iiit to titles 2 and s of chapter to of the Greater New York Charter, That the said petition be and the same hereby is granted; and it is hereby

Resutst-Il, I-hat this Board does hereby initiate proceedings for the said local inl-provenicnt, tr> wit:

for acquiring title to the land, necessary for Fteley avenue, from Westchester avenue to Clasons Point road, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and it is hereby

kco lyri, That a copy ui this te;nlution he transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate acct Apportionment for its approval.

adopted by the Local Board of Chester, Twcnty-filth District, on the tsth day of N, ri•etnbcr, Igoo. Alderman Dihwvrrodit', Alderman \lulligan and the President of die Borough of The Bronx voting in favor thereof.



Secretary to Local Board of Chester, -Twenty-fifth District. :At>pruved and certified this Igth (lay of November, tyo6.

L('UIS F. HAFFEN, President of the 3t -trough of The Bronx.



Ilan. GEORGE 13. MICCLELt.AN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor- tionntent:

SIR—Ilerewith are transmitted six resolutions of the Local Board of the Chester District, Borough of The Bronx, all of which were adopted on November 15, 1906, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to

St. Lawrence avenue, between Westchester avenue and Clasons Point road; Commonwealth avenue, between Westchester avenue and Clasons Point road; Rosedale avenue, between Westchester avenue and Clasons Point road Noble avenue, between Westchester avenue and Clasons Point road Croes avenue, between Westchester avenue and Clasons Point road; Fteley avenue, between Westchester avenue and Clasons Point road.

These streets have all been laid out on Sections 39 and 48 of the final maps of the Borough of The Bronx, the former of which was approved on February 28, 1908, and the latter on April 24, tgo8. Each of the streets described has a width of 6o feet excepting Rosedale avenue, which is 8o feet wide. The lengths affected vary from three blocks, or I,5oo feet, in the case of Fteley avenue, to six blocks, or about 4,2oo. feet, in the case of St. Lawrence avenue.


A narrow roadway is in use through the northerly block of St. Lawrence avenue and a few houses have been erected on the abutting property. With this exception none of the streets are in use at the present time.

The streets are adjoining and parallel, and I see no reason why the resolutions should not be combined and made the subject of one proceeding, such treatment being recommended. It is also recommended that title to the land be acquired in fee; that all of the cost of the proceeding, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any damages allowed for intended regulating, be assessed upon the property benefited; and that a district of assessment he laid Out to comprise the follow- ing area: 1

Bounded on the north by a line distant too feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Westchester avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Westchester avenue ; on the cast by a lin midway between St. Lawrence avenue and Beach avenue; on the southwest by a line distant loo feet south-westerly from and parallel with the southwesterly line of Clasons Point road, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Clasons Point road; and on the west by a line midway between Metcalf avenue and Fteley avenue.

Buildings encroach upon the land to he acquired for St. Lawrence avenue and Fteley avenue.


NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

The following resolutions were then adopted: Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York

is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of St. Lawrence avenue, Common- wealth avenue, Roscda'e avenue, Noble avenue, Croes avenue and Fteley avenue, from Westchester avenue to Clasons Point road, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment is aiuhurized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to IIx and determine upon an area or areas of assessntent for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding:

Bounded on the north by a line distant too feet northerly front and parallel with the northerly line of Westchester avenue. the said distance being mcasnred at right angles to the line of Westchester avenue; on the east by a line midway between St. Lawrence avenue and Beach avenue; on the southwest by a line distant too feet south-westerly from and parallel with the southwesterly line of Clasons Point road, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Clasons Point road; and on the west by a line midway between Metcalf avenue and Ftelcy .n'cutte.

Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, lioruttgh of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the 19th day of June, 19oS, at 10.30 a. in., and that at the same tulle and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this hoard cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to he published in the C(TY REcoRU for ten days prior to the 19th day of June, 1908.

Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder- much and the Presidents of the l;ruttt;l~.s of MatIhatt:Ln, l;ro, ~klyn, "l he Bronx, Queens and Riclnnond-16.



The following resolution of the Local Board of the Chester District, Borough of The Bronx, and report of the Chief Engineer, were presonIed

In Local Board of Chestcr, Twelafy-fifth District, Borough of The Bronx. Whereas, A petition for a local improvvemcrnt described below has hcen received

by the President of the Borough of 1 he Bronx ; and Whereas, He has appointed a time for a wetting of this Local Board not more

than fifteen days after thy, receipt by hint of the said petition, at which meeting the said petition would be submitted by him to the said 1.uc I Ihoard, and he has caused a notice to be published in the CITY P Jt( oteo that said petition has been prescnled to him and is on file in his office for inspection, dull of tlic time wlleu and the place where there would be a meeting of this Local Board at which the said petition would be sub-mitted by him to the said board, which time was not less than ten days after the pub-lication of this notice ; and

Whereas, The said petition was duly submitted thereafter to the said Local Board, which did duly consider the same, and give a full hearing thereon ; now therefore, it is

Resolved, by the Local Board of Chester, 'fweuty-fifth District, Borough of The Bronx, pursuant to titles 2 and 3 of chapter io, of the Greater New York Charter, That the said petition be and the same hereby is granted; and it is hereby

Resolved, That this Board does hereby initiate proceedings for the said local im-provement, to wit:

For acquiring title to the lands necessary for East One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street (Leland avenue), from Westchester avenue to Ludlow avenue, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of Chester, Twenty-fifth District, on the 2d day of August, 1906. Alderman Dinwoodie and the President of the Borough of The Bronx voting in favor thereof. Negative—None.


Secretary of Local Board of Chester, Twenty-fifth District. Approved and certified this 3rd day of August, i906.

LOUIS F. HAFFEN, President of the Borough of The Bronx.



April 27, 1908. lion. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment: SIR—Herewith is transmitted a resolution of the Local Board of the Chester

District, Borough of The.Bronx, adopted on August 2, 1906, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to Leland avenue, from Westchester avenue to Ludlow avenue.

This resolution affects a length of three long blocks, or about 2,400 feet, of Leland avenue, which has been laid out upon the map of the City to have a width of 6o feet. The street is not in use and no buildings have been erected upon the abutting property.

I can see no reason why the resolution should not be approved and would recom-mend such action. It is also recommended that title to the land be acquired in fee; that all of the cost of the proceeding, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any damages allowed for intended regulating be assessed upon the property benefited; and that a district of assessment be laid out to comprise the follow-ing area:

Bounded on the north by a line distant too feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Westchester avenue, the said distance being measured at right

angles to the line of Westchester avenue; on the east by a line midway between Leland avenue and Underhill avenue and the prolongation of the said line; on the south by a line distant too feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Ludlow avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Ludlow avenue; and on the west by a line midway between Theriot avenue and Leland avenue.

Respectfully, NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

The following resolutions were then adopted : Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York

is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Leland avenue, from West-chester avenue to Ludlow avenue, in the Borough of 'Flue Bronx, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and deter-mine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and, Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 98o of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding:

Bounded on the north by a line distant too feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Westchester avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Westchester avenue; on the cast by a line midway between Leland avenue and Underhill avenue and the prolongation of the said line; on the south by a line distant loo feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Ludlow avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Ludlow avenue, and on the west by a line midway between Theriot avenue and Leland avenue.

Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the igth day of June, 1908, at 10.30 a. in., and that at the saute time and place it public hearing thereon will then and there be hall.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days prior to the 19th day of June, 1908.

Affirtnativc--'I he 11Iavor, the Coumptroller, the President of the Board of Aldermen and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond-16.



The following resolution of the Local Board of the Chester District, Borough of The Bronx and report of the Chief Engineer were presented:

In the Local Board of Chester, Twenty-fifth District, Borough of The Bronx. Whereas, A petition for a local improvement described below has been received

by the President of the Borough of The Bronx; and Whereas, Ile has appointed a time for a meeting of this Local Board not more

than fifteen days after the receipt by him of the said petition, at which meeting the said petition would be submitted by him to the said Local Board, and he has caused a notice to be published in the CITY RErORD that said petition has been presented to hint and is oil file in his office for inspection, and of the time when and the place where there would be a utecting of this Local Board at which the said petition would be submitted, by him to the said Board, which time was not less than ten days after the publication of this notice; and , i,.

Whereas, The said petition was duly submitted thereafter to the said Local Board, which did duly consider the same and give a full hearing thereon; now therefore it is

Resolved, by the Local Board of Chester, Twenty-fifth District, Borough of The Bronx, pursuant to titles 2 and 3 of chapter Io of the Greater New York Charter, That the said' petition be and the same hereby is granted; and it is hereby

Resolved, That this Board does hereby initiate proceedings for the said local int-proventent, to wit:

For acquiring title to the lands necessary for Taylor street. from East River to Westchester avcnuc, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted forthwith to the Board of 1[stimate and Apportionment for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of Chester, Twenty-fifth District, on the 30th day of August, Igofi, Alderman Dinwoodie and the President of the Borough of The Bronx voting in favor thereof.

Negative—None. Attest :

I IENRY A. GUMBLETON, Secretary to Local Board of Chester, Twenty-fifth District.

Approved and certified this 1st day of September, 1906. LOUIS F, IIAFIEN,

President of the Borough of The Bronx.



lion. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment:

SIR—herewith is transmitted a resolution of the Local Board of the Chester District, Borough of The Bronx, adopted on March 19, 1908, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to Taylor avenue, from Westchester avenue to the bulkhead line of the East River.

This resolution affects eleven long blocks of Taylor avenue, which has been laid out to have a width of 8o feet in the block between Bronx River avenue and the bulkhead line, and a width of 6o feet through its ioniaioing length. Proceedings for acquiring title to that portion of the street north of Westchester avenue have already been authorized.

A narrow road is in use in the block between Westchester avenue and Gleason avenue, and here a number of houses have been erected upon the abutting property; south of Gleason avenue the street is not in use.

I can see no reason why the resolution should not be approved, and would recom-mend such action. It is also recommended that title to the land be acquired in fee; that all of the cost of the proceeding, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any damages allowed for intended regulating, be assessed upon the property benefited, and that a district of assessment be laid out to comprise the following area:

Beginning at a point on the bulkhead line of the East River where it is inter-sected by a line distant 450 feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Taylor avenue as laid out between Bronx River avenue and the bulkhead line, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Taylor avenue, and running thence northwardly along the said line parallel with Taylor avenue and the prolongation of the said line to a point distant too feet northerly from the north-erly line of Bronx River avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Bronx River avenue; thence eastwardly and always parallel with and distant too feet from the northerly line of Bronx River avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Beach avenue and Taylor avenue; thence northwardly along the said line midway between Beach avenue and Taylor avenue to the inter-section with a line distant too feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line


of Westchester avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Westchester avenue; thence eastwardly along the said line parallel with West-chester avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Taylor avenue and Theriot avenue; thence southwardly along the said line midway between Taylor avenue and Theriot avenue to a point distant Ioo feet northeasterly from the north-easterly line of Bronx River avenue, the said distance bein:r measured at right angles to the line of Bronx River avenue; thence southeastwardly and always distant Too feet from and parallel with the northeasterly line of Bronx River avenue to the intersection with a line bisecting the angle formed by the intersection of the pro-longations of the centre lines of Taylor avenue and Gildersleeve avenue as the said avenues are laid out between Bronx River avenue and the bulkhead line of the East River; thence southwestwardly along the said bisecting line to the said bulkhead line; thence northwcstwardly and westwardly along the said bulkhead line to the point or place of beginning.

Several buildings between Randall avenue and Lafayette avenue encroach upon the land to be acquired.

Respectfully, NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

The following resolutions were then adopted Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York

is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Taylor street (or avenue), from East River to Westchester avenue, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and deter-mine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding:

Beginning at a point on the bulkhead line of the Fast River where it is inter-sected by a line distant 450 feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Taylor avenue as laid out between Bronx River avenue and the bulkhead line. the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Taylor avenue, and running thence northwardly along the said line parallel with Taylor avenue and the prolongation of the said line to a point distant Too feet northerly from the north-erly line of Bronx River avenue, the said dist ance being measttred at right angles

to the line of Bronx River avenue; thence easttvartly and always parallel with and distant too feet from the northerly line of Bronx River avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Beach avenue and Taylor avenue; thence northwardly along the said line midway between Beach avenue and Taylor avenue to the inter-section with a line distant Too feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Westchester avenue, the said distance being Inca sit red at right angles to the line of Westchester avenue; thence eastwardly along the said line parallel with West-chester avenue to the intersection with a line midway between Taylor avenue and Theriot avenue; thence southwardly along the said line midway between Taylor avenue and Theriot avenue to a point distant too feet northeasterly from the no rth-

easterly line of Bronx River avenue, the said distance Ireing measured at right angles to the line of Bronx River avenue; thence southeastwardly and always distant Teo feet from and parallel with the northeasterly line of Bronx River avenue to the intersection with a line bisecting the angle formed by the intersection of the pro-longations of the centre lines of Taylor avenue and Gildersleeve avenue as the stti)l avenues are laid out between It roll x River avenue and the bulkhead line of the last River; thence soutlIwestwardly along the said bisecting line to the slid bulkhead line; thence north westwardly and westwardly- along the said bulkhead line to the paint

or place of beginning. Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed area of assessment at a meeting

of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the 19th day of June, t9o8, at 10.30 a. tn., and that at the sonic time

and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be hall. Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolu tions and a notice

to all persons affected thereby to be published in the CI-ry Rtx0RD for ten days prior

to the 19th (lay of June, 1908. Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Huard of Altler-

men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, "I he Bronx, Queens

and Richmond-16.


"I`he following resolution of the Local Board of the Chester District, Borough of The Bronx, and report of the Chief 1ngineer were presented :

In Local Board of Cheste , T-W(nly-third 1)istric•t, Borough of The liron.1. Whereas, A petition for a local improvement described below has hccn received

by the President of the Borough of The Bronx ; and Whereas, IIc has appointed a tithe for •t meeting of this Loc:1I Board not more

than fifteen (lays after the receipt by him of the said petition, at which meeting the said petition would be submitted by him to the said Local Board, and Its has caused a notice to be published in the CITY Rtteoxo that said petition has hecn presented to him and is on file in his office for inspection, and of the time when and the place where there would be a meeting of this Local Board at which tile said pet itiOIll would he submitted by him to the said Board, which time was not less than ten days after the publication of this notice ; and

Whereas, The said petition was duly submitted thereafter to the said Local Board, which did duly consider the same and give a full hearing thereon; It Iry therefore it is

Resolved, by the Lccal Board of Chester, Twenty-third District, Borough of The Bronx, pursuant to titles 2 and 3 of chapter to of the Greater New York Charter, That the said petition be and the same hereby is granted; and it is hereby

Resolved, That this Board does hereby initiate proceedings for the said local improvement, to wit:

For acquiring title to the lands necessary for opening Matthews avenue, from Burke avenue to the Boston road, as shown on Section thirty-one (31 ) of the final maps of the Borough of The Bronx, in the Borough' of The Bronx, City of New York and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of this resolution he transmitted forthwith to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for its approval.

Adopted by the Local Board of Chester, "twenty-third District, on the gtll day of January, 1908, Alderman Mulligan, Alderman Corbett and the President of the Borough of The Bronx voting in favor thereof.

Negative—None. Attest :

HENRY A. GuMIILFTON, Secretary to Local Board of Chester, Twenty-third District.

Approved and certified this iith day of January, Igo8. LOUIS F. HAFFEN,

President of the Borough of The Bronx.



Hon. GEORGE B. MCCLELI.AN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment:

SIR—Herewith is transmitted a resolution of the Local Board of the Chester District, Borough of The Bronx, adopted on January 9, 1908, initiating proceedings for acquiring title to Matthews avenue, from Burke avenue to Boston road.'

This resolution affects a length of three blocks, or about 2,000 feet of Matthews avenue, which has been laid out to have a width of 6o feet, and comprises all of the street which has as yet been placed upon the City map. The street is not in use and no buildings have been erected upon the abutting property.

I can sec no reason why the resolution should not be approved, and would recom-niend such action. It is also recommended that title to the land be acquired in fee ; that all of the cost of the proceeding, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings and any damages allowed for intended regulating, be assessed upon the property benefited, and that a district of assessment be laid out, to comprise the fol-lowing area :

Bounded on the north by a line distant Too feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Burke avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Burke avenue: on the east by a line midway between Matthews avenue and Bronxwood avenue, and by the prolongation of the said line; on the southeast by a line distant too feet southeasterly from and parallel with the southeasterly litre of Boston road, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Boston road, and on the west by a line midway between Barnes avenue and Matthews ave-nue, and by the prolongation of the said line.

Respectfttlly, NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

the following resolutions were then adopted: Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York

is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Matthews avenue, from Burke avenue to the Boston road, in the Borough of The ]crags, City of New York;


Wihereas, The Board of Estimate and Apportionment is authorized and required at the tune of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and deter-mine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of lstiosate and !ipportiont„chit, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the (;realer New York Charter, hereby- gives notice that the following is the proposal area of rMssessmeot for benefit in this proceeding:

Bounded on the north by a lire distant too feet olIrtherlv from and parallel with the northerly line of Burke avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Burke avenue; on the east by a line midway between Matthews avenue and Bronx wrcal avenue, and be the pr l nl glut ion of the said line; on the southeast by a line distant loo feet sonthcotcrly from and parallel with the southeasterly line of Boston road, the said di<tancc to inl; mcnsured at right angles to the line of Boston road. and on the west by a line midway between Barnes avenue and 'Matthews avenue, and by the prolongation of the said line.

Resolved, That this hoard consoler the proposed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to he held in The City of New York, Borough of \ianhattan, in the City Tfall, on the 19th day of June, 11)08. at 10.30 ❑ . m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there he hall.

Resolved, That the Secretary If this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be pnhlishcd in the CITY RECORD for tell (lays prior to the tr)th day of June, 199,8.

Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of `.fanhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richniond-16.


AND RICltalINO ' II:RRath:. I'tlt:n nllNU.

The following resolution of the Local Board of the Staten Island District, Bor-ough of Richmond, and report of the Chief Engineer were presented:

In the Local Board of the .Staten Island District. Borough of Richmond. Whereas, A petition for a local itnprovcnient de,scribed helot- bay I>cc'n received b-,

the President of the Borough of Richmond; and Whereas, IIe has appointed a time for a meeting of this Local Board not more

than fifteen clays after the receipt by hint of the said petition, at which meeting the said petition would be submitted by hint to the said Local Board, and lie has caused a notice to be nuhlislled in the Cn'v RItCoRD that said petition has been presented to him and is on tile in his office for iu>pection, and of the time when and the place where there would be a meeting of this Local Board at which the said petition would be submitted by him to the said Board, which tittle was not less than ten days after the publication of this notice ; and

Whereas. The said petition was duly submitted thereafter to the said Local Board, which did duly consider the saute and give a full hearing thereon; now therefore it is

Resolved, by the Local Board If the Staten Island District, pursuant to titles 2 and 3 of chapter to of the Greater New York Charter, That the said petition be and the same hereby is granted; and it is hereby

Resolved, lint this Board does hereby initiate prcocedings for the said local int-provement, to wit

TO extend and open Flel)ertohi avenue, from its present northerly terminus as already Opened, to Richmond terrace, in the Third W\'ard, Borough of Richmond, as laid out on the map or plan of The City of New York. and it is hereby

Resolved, That a copy of the resolution be transmitted forthwith to the Board of f,stiutate and Apportinnnlent for its approval.

Adopted by the Local BIlard of the Staten Island District on the 14th day of J:untarv, Igc8, Alderman Collins, Alderman Rendt, Alderman Cole and President Cromwell being present and luting in favor thereof.

Attest: 1fA1'ltrx\' I~t.t:ytrNG. Secretary.

Approved this t~th clay of January, 1908. GEORGE CROMWELL,

President of the Borough of Richmond.



lion. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, .11ayor, Chail'Inan of the Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment:

SIR—Herewith is transmitted a resolution of the Local Board of the Staten Island District, Borough of Richmond, adopted oil January- 14, tgoS, initiating pro-ceed,ngs for acquiring title to Ileberton avenue, from "its pres:nt northerly terminus as already opened" to Richmond terrace.

At a meeting of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. held on March 13 last, a map was adopted fixing the lines of 1-ieherton avenue through the block be-tween Ann street and Richmond terrace. In the report prepared upon the map change it was shown that the street was in us, for a distance of about Iqo feet north of Ann street, that no portion of the street had previously been placed upon the map of the City, and that the change would extend the street to Richmond ter-


race, a distance of about 250 feet. The Borough authorities advise that the portion of Heberton avenue adjacent to Ann street has been wholly dedicated to public use, and that it is the intent of the resolution now presented to provide for the acquisition of title to that portion of the street between a line about 188 fect north of Ann street and Richmond terrace. To avoid any uncertainty as to the scope of the resolution, and to make it a matter of definite record, I would suggest that the form of resolu-tion be changed to apply only to the land which it is now intended to acquire.

The street through the portion affected by the resolution as thus interpreted has a width of 6 feet, and is not in use at the present time. The abutting property is unimproved, but information is presented to show that the owners of the land adjoining Richmond terrace propose to erect buildings within its lines in the near future unless the opening proceeding is begun.

- I see no reason why the resolution should not be approved, and would recom-mend such action., It is also recommended that title to the land be acquired in fee; that all of the cost of the proceeding, including the expenses of the Bureau of Street Openings, and any damages allowed for intended regulating be assessed upon the property benefited; and that a district of assessment be laid out to comprise the -following area :

Beginning at a point on the line midway between Heberton avenue and Broadway as the lines of the said streets are either laid out or commonly recognized, at and adjoining their intersection with Ann street, distant Ial feet southerly from the south-erly line of Ann street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Ann street, and running thence northwardly in a straight course and along the said line midway between Ileberton avenue and Broadway, and the prolongation of the said line. to the intersection with the westerly line of Richmond terrace; thence eastwardly at right angles to the line of Richmond terrace to a point distant too feet easterly from the easterly line of Richmond terrace ; thence southwardly and always distant loo feet from and parallel with the easterly line of Richmond terrace to the intersection with a line bisecting the angle formed by the intersection of the south-easterly line of ileberton avenue, as laid out immediately cast of its intersection with Ann street, with the northerly line of Bennett street as recognized between Heberton avenue and Jewett avenue ; thence sollthWcstWar(t1% along the said bisecting line to the intersection with a line parallel with the line of Ann street as commonly recog-nized between Ileberton avenue and Broadway, and passing through the point of beginning; thense westwardly along the said line parallel with Ann street to tile point or place of beginning.

With the exception of Heberton avenue none of the streets mentioned in the above description have been placed upon the City map, and the references to street lines are intended to apply to those determined by usage and as commonly recog- nized.

I believe that there are no httildings upon the land to be acquired. Respect buy.

NLLSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

The following resoiutions were then adopted: W'Vhereas, 'rhe Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York

is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Hcherton avenue, between a line abort T8S feet north of Ann street and Richmond terrace, in the Borough of

Richmond. City of New York; and Whereas, Tile Board of Estimate and Apportionment is authorized and required

at the time Of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and deter-mine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved. That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of section 98o of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding:

Beginning at a point on the line midway between Ilcherton avenue and Broadway as the lines of the said streets are either laid out or commonly recognized, at and adjoining their intersection with Ann street, distant loo feet southerly from the south-erly line of Ann street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Ann street, and running thrnce northwar(lly in a straight course and along the said line midway between Hchertun avenue and Broadway, and the prolongation of the said line, to the intersection with the westerly line of Richmond terrace; thence eastwardly at right angles to the line of Richmond terrace to a point distant too feet easterly from the easterly line of Richmond terrace; thence southwardly and always distant too feet from and parallel with the easterly line of Richmond terrace to the intersection with a line bisecting the angle formed by the intersection of the south-easterly line of Heberten avenue, as laid out immediately cast of its intersection with Ann street, with the northerly line of Bennett street as recognized between Heberton avenue and Jewett avenue; thence southwestwarclly along the said bisecting line to the intersection with a line parallel with the line of Ann street as commonly recog-nized between Hebertoti avenue and Broadway, and passing through the point of beginning; thence westwardly along the said line parallel with Ann street to the point or place of beginning.

[With the exception of iicberton avenue none of the streets mentioned in the above description have been placed upon the City snap, and the references to street lines are intended to apply to those determiner) by usage and as commonly recognized.]

Resolved, That this Board consider the proposed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in '1 he City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the Toth day Of June, 1()08. at Io.3o a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there he had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days prior to the Igth clay of June, 1908.

Affirmative—The Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder- men and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Richmond-16.


The following communication from the President of the Borough of Queens and report of the Chief Engineer were presented, and, on motion, the matter was referred to the Corporation Cotntsel.


I.ON(: ISLAND CITY, January 27, I908. Hon. GEORGE Ii. MCCLELLAN, .Mayor and Chairman, Board of Estimate and Apportion-

ment: DEAR SIR—The Superintendent (if Sewers in this Borough advises me that

sludge from the Jamaica Disposal Works is overflowing into property of one Milton Bergen, who has served a notice that he intends to use the land in the spring for farming purposes.

In order to provide proper accommodations for the Department, application is respectfully made to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to take such steps as may be necessary to acquire title to additional acreage of 2.447 adjoining the present Jamaica Disposal Plant in the Fourth Ward, Borough of Queens, which property is now owned by Milton Bergen.

I inclose sketch herewith showing size and location of the property in question. Yours respectfully,

JOSEPH BERMEL, President of the Borough of Queens.



April 28, Igo8. i Lion. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Apps,r-

tionment: SIR—Herewith is transmitted a communication from the President of the Borough

of Queens, bearing date of January 27, 1908, requesting the authorization of proceed-ings for the acquisition of title to a parcel of land having an area of 2.409 acres, adjoining on the north, east and south the present Jamaica Sewage Disposal Plant in the Fourth Ward.

The Borough President advises that the sludge pits now in use at the disposal plant are entirely inadequate and that as aresult the sludge overflows upon the adjoining property.' The owner of the land has recently served notice that he intends to at once utilize the property for farming purposes.Unless it is acquired it would therefore appear probable that the City might be obliged to pay substantial damages if the present conditions are continued.

In a recent report from Consulting Pngineer Hering it has been shown that the use of this plant may be continued for some time in the future, but that ultimately it will have to be remodeled and the method of purification changed. In the latter case I believe that the land which it is now proposed to acquire will all be neede(i.

The request is evidently based upon the provisions of section 31)6 of the Charter, which permits of assessing the cost of the proceeding upon the property benefited. The area of benefit in this case would unquestionably include the entire drainage area, this comprising the sections known as Jamaica and Richmond Hill. The assessed valuation of the land to be acquired is $t,5oo and it is evident that the expense which would be required to make up the benefit maps and to collect the assessment would be out of all proportion to the actual amount involved in the improvement. The case is similar to one which has been submitted to the Board for the acquisition of a sewer casement at the head of WallabotIt Canal, where the assessed valttaticn of the land required is only $lo.coo, while the area of benefit comprises the entire drainage area, having a width of about two miles and a length of nearly three miles. Other similar cases are about to be presented to the Board for consideration and where the area of benefit is very large while the probable cost of the land to be purchased is relatively shall.

Iii such cases it would seen) absurd to attempt to assess the cost of the pro-ceeding upon the property benefited.

In the case now reported upon. I would recommend that the City assume the entire expense of the proceeding and that the Corporation Counsel be requested to advise the Board whether it would not be practicable for the Board of Assessors to include in their general assessment for the construction of the sewerage system and the disposal plant an amount equivalent to the cost of the land and the expense involved in the proceeding. If Such a course is not a legal one, I would also suggest that he be requested to advise the Boyd as to whether anv Other procedure could he followed which would permit of assessing all the cost of the proceeding upon the area of benefit and without requiring the prep;iration of special )taps for this purpose.

Respectfully, NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

1 'LA:s Iorn: St uti'rItt ('rt'RE OF THE Luia.ow AVENUE BRIDGE OVER TIDE TRACKS OF THE 1 L\Rla: st Rn!?R .\Nil Poier CtrESTER RAILROAD, ' I'HE BRONx.

• 'I lie following report of the Chief Engineer was presented :


OFFICE of TILE CtitEF ENGINEER, May 18, 1908. J

11on. (;Fx7RCE 11. McCLKLr..vN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor-tinnntc,lt:

SIR—Under date of May 14, 1908, the New York, New Haven and Hartford Rail-road Company, through i\lr. William Greenough. attorney, has submitted to the Board a plan showing the abutments of the bridge which is designed to carry Ludlow ave-nue acre-s the tracks of the IIar'.ent River and Port Chester Railroad, in the Bor-ough of The Bronx.

The general plan for this bridge was approved by the Board at the meeting held on May 8 last, with the uacierstan(iilmg that as details were prepared for the substruc-ture and superstructure they would be submitted. This bridge at Ludlow avenue was snbstitilted for one at Whittier street at the request of the Board of Estimate and .Apportionment, and in accordance with the provisions of the contract of Decem-ber 21, 1904. The plan now presented has been submitted to and approved by the Chief Engineer of the Borough of The Bronx. It conforms in a general way with the plans for the other bridges along the harlem River and Port Chester Railroad, which have already been approved by the Board. Openings are left for water and gas mains.

It is recommended that the plan lie approved as presented, a resolution to that effect being herewith submitted.

Respectfully, NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

'I he following resolution was then adopted: Resolved, That the Board of Est mu ate au Apportionment, of 'l'ime City of New

York, in pursuance of the provisions of section 4 of the agreement between The City of New York and the New York, New 1 haven and Hartford Railroad Company, ref Ilccember 21, Ii)o4, hereby approves the plans submitted for the abutments of the bridge designed to carry Ludlow avenue across the tracks of the Harlem River and fart Cluster Railroad, in the Borough of The Bronx, said plan being submitted by the Attorney of the Company in a communication dated May 14, I9o8, and being entitled

"N. Y., N. 11. & 11. R. R. Co., New York I)iv., Ilarlent River Br. Bridge No. 2.87, Ludlow Ave., 1)ated May 6th, 1908."

Affirmative—'Chu Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Alder-nten land the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens and Ricltnion(I-16.



The following communication from the President of the Borough of Richmond and report .f the Chief Engineer were presented:


Borough hall, New Brighton, March 19, 1908. Board of Estimate and .A/'/lortionment, No. 277 Broadway, New York:

GENTLEMEN—I send you herewith, for consideration and adoption, map or plan showing location, size and grades of a combined :ewer in New York avenue, from Fingerboard toad to Wadsworth avenue, in Sewer District 6B, Fourth Ward.

Yours truly, GEORGE CROMWI LL, President of the Borough.



May 9, i908• Hon. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Mayor, Chairman of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment: SIR—herewith is transmitted a communication from the President of the Borough

of Richmond, bearing date of March Ig, 1908, requesting the adoption of a map show-ing a sewer proposed for New York avenue, between Fingerboard road and Wads-worth avenue, in the Fourth Ward.


RECORD. 640g

Queens ........................................................ 8o9,a97 90 Richmond ....................................................... 645,552 28

$5,832,112 21

For the Period from 1898 to December 31, 1901- AllBoroughs .................................................... 63,468 44

Total..................................................... $5,895,580 65

'These two liabilities of work authorized but not contracted for, and contracted for but not paid for, combined by Boroughs, represents the following amounts of work yet to be done without any added authorization by the Board of Estimate and Appor- tionment:

Aggregate of Work Authorized and Contracts Uncompleted December 31, 1907, by Boroughs, Chargeable Against Street Improvement Fund.

Manhattan ............................................................ $586,196 29 'lime Bronx ............................................................. 5,482,462 05 Brooklyn ............................................................. 2,330,803 69 Queens ............................................................... 9x6,817 90 Richmond ............................................................. 674,252 28 All Boroughs .......................................................... 63,468 44


On September. 16, 1903, a drainage map for the district in which this- sewer is included was adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and at a subse-rluent date the construction of a number of the sewers shown was authorized.

The map now submitted provides for a combined storm water and sanitary sewer having a length of about 1,000 feet, connecting with a sewer heretofore authorized in Fingerboard road. The map also shows that more than 50 per cent, of the drainage area is a part of the Fort Wadsworth Reservation, and is owned by the United States Government. It is evident that the sewer is intended to benefit the Government property, and that a large portion of the assessment would be charged against this land.

I understand that there is no method provided by law tinder which an assessment against Government property could be collected. If this is the case it would seem undesirable to provide drainage for Government lands unless a contract - could be first entered into providing for compensating the City for a fair portion of the expense of the improvement. I would therefore recommend that this matter be referred to the Corporation Counsel, and that he he requested to advise the Board as to the proper procedure whereby the Government could be made to participate in the expense if it desired to benefit by the improvement, and for the preparation of•thc necessary form of agreement.


NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer

The following resolution was then adopted

Resolvcri, By the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, that the nl.fp or plan, dated February 25, 1904, submitted by the President of the Borough of Richnmond, showing the location, size and grades of the combined sewer in New York avenue from Fingerboard road to Wadsworth avenue, in Sewer District 613, in the Furth Ward, Ii rough of Richnlond, be and the same is hereby approved.

\flirnlaiivc I he Afavor, the Ccntptrr.lier, the President of the Board of Alder- much and the 1yeideor, If the Boroughs of '.Punhinttnp, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Queens :ill(] Riclmiunotl-I6.

t)n motirnt the matter oils referred to the Corporation Counsel, with a request that lie advise the 1 oard is In the procedure which may be followed in entering into an sugruemcnt with the Federal Government providing fir reituihriu•5ing the City for the expenditure if the sewer is htlilt as proposed, and to prepare the necessary form of agrc cull elt.

$9,980,532 21

Before proceeding with the general consideration of this fund, I would call your attcr.tiort without continent to two points in crnrocctiron with its administration. Of an amount of $8,227.628.44 of assessment lists rear.ly for confirmation on December 31, 1907, $r,19o,641.ol represented interest added ill said lists for the interval of time between the payments oil account of the work and the preparation of the lists for as-sessntent, an increase of cost to the property bmcfteol above the actual contract and engineering cost of the work of 16.OU per cent., or practically 17 per cent. A dis-tribution of this by Boroughs is as follows

Amount, Per Cent. of Advanced, Tnclu, l- Interest Increase

ing Retained _added. on Amounts Securities, etc. Advanced.

\u%riuust,rttoiu 11 Loc.ti. Iiii'uoVr:l,1JNus IN Tttl•. DIFFERENT l;outov;irs,

'I he follnwill", rcprn't of the Comptroller and communication from the President of the Ilorott h of "i he Bronx were presenter, rn;ri, oil tnotion, ordered printed in the iu1inthtcs and pl recd on File:



May i4, 1908. 7 o the honorable the Board of Estimate and Apportionutc,tt:

GEa rLF•:tn=.N--1n connection with the recominmiudation of the Chief Engineer of Ihr It', trrl if Estiulte and Appnrlionmcnt that hcforc .June 30, 19o8, resolutions for local improv'c•ments, in addition to those •trendy ;~.uthorized, be authorized to the :•nt(,unt f,f y 2,OOO,oOo at the present tittle, which was referred to Joe for consideration ::t th_• I,l't tnetting of this Board, I beg to state as follows:

I melt, to ii, Ii.' in my appreciation of the importance, in the development of the (;rc:ttcr City, c'sl'l'd'iii;ly in the very largely unsettled areas of Queens Borough, of I'he Bronx sold the ei;burls of Brooklyn, n; the extuehlditrtre5 out of the account known as iltc `,trot hnp1oveinent Fund of 'Pile City of New York, but I believe that in this ~nstancc, a, in all ,,her matiers in connectir n with City adnlinistratirul, this Board should have full knowledge of the facts before taking action. if the facts indicate that the further extension of the work tinder this fund is not advisable the responsibility for this condition should be placed where it belongs, and the criticism, if any is :moused by those who stiffer in conscqucnce, should be directed to those who should properly bear it.

It is comparatively easy for the members of this Bard to authorize the use of money, but the responsibility for financing the transactions iu most instances rests with the Conmptroller. If the authorization is granted by this Board and then file Comptroller is unable to finance the improvements put up to him the public immediately blames the linancial head of the City rather than tracing a condition back to its real source.

The Street Improvement Fluid of 'file City of New York is in practice a loan :recount whereby the faith and credit of the City are loaned to the localities for making original street improvements and for building sewers with the implied understanding that the levy of the assessments for these improvcrilents should be made promptly and the payments of these assessments also he promptly made in circler that the loan should be returned within the shortest interval to be used for similar improvements either in the same or sonic other locality of the City. It is an account for the suc-cessful administration of which the Borough Presidents of the five Boroughs are largely responsihl., and if it shall appear that improvements out of this fund cannot freely lie made that responsibility will rest in part with the Borough Presidents, and after the Borough Presidents have done their duty the responsibility rests with tilt property owners upon whose property the assessments are made.

One of the earliest matters to which I gave attention upon assuming office was the operation of the Street Improvement hand. I caused an examination to be made with regard to it, a report of which was made to the Board of Estimate and Apportion-ntcnt. 'l'he result of that investigation was the turning in of a large number of assess-nlcut lists by the Borough Presidents, which lists had been Ion;; in arrears at the time. 'I he exaulination which developed the facts now before me was begun by I'.xannncrs of the Finance 1)epartincut in the latter part of 1907, anti the effect of the agitation has been to ouch more increase the number of assessment lists turned in by the Borough Presidents.

'f he most important fact to he coiusirlered at this time is to what extent this fund is pledged for future improvements.

A report of the Chief Engineer of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment states that improvements already authorized but not contracted for (as of (late of I)ecemher 31, 1907, which situation has not materially changed since that time) amounted to $4,148,420, apportioned among the, I;nronghs as follows: Manhattan .......................................................... $196,7x0 on

'I hue lltonx .......................................................... 2,439,200 00

flrooklyrt ............................................................ 1,386,100 00

Queens .............................................................. 97,720 00

12i(•hntnu~l ........................................................... 28,700 00

Total..................................................... $4,148,420 00

The contract liability register of the Department of Finance shows that as of December 31, 1907, there were liabilities based upon contracts certified against this fund in excess of payments made to contractors to the amount of $5,895,580.65, appor-tioned among the Boroughs as follows: For the Period from January I, 1902, to December 31, 19o7--

Manhattan ......................................................$389,4 29

'Cite Bronx ...................................................... 3,043,262 05

Brooklyn........................................................ 944,703 69

Manhattan ...... ............................... $431,550 51 $t8..3t4 41 .04244

The Bronx ..................................... 2,873.6m9 8, 394.0 t8 88 .13711

Brooklyn ....... ............................... 2.988,304 39 (k5.491 43 .21935

Queens .................. ...................... 556,329 57 89,564 75 . 16099

Richmond ...... ............................... 187,183 r6 .33,251 54 •17764

Total .............................. $7,036,987 43 $1,190,641 or .16gig

Of an amouuttt of $17,394,63,3.64 advance, male r,it account of improvements out of this fund not iticloaled in asscssiiiciit lists c'uiuBrue(l on Decentbc•r 31, 1907, $1,567,-2,37.08 represents amotiuL5 ;ttirie1 for cost of ,'ii alR•vrs, inspectors and other expenses, or an added cost on account of this expsrv.,• :thee,' the contract price of 9 per cent. A distribution of this by Boroughs is as f llowvs:

.A, moot Ad,le l for Cast of Total Per Cent. of

Amount Paid 1•:ngrulcers, Advancer, to Added Gtiuua't a'. Insl cctors and December Expenses to

(litter Services. 31, 19x7. the Total.

Manhattan .................... $878,308 82 $59.591 90 $967,900 72 .09256

The Bronx ..................... 5,136,68 2 18 990,5622 78 5,727,244 96 .10311

Brooklyn ...................... 6,52;,708 87 t8i,98z 66 7,007,691 53 .o6877

Queens ....................... 2,962,07! 39 332,693 48 3.294,764 87 .toog8

Richmond ..................... 334.625 30 72,406 a6 397,031 56 .18237

$15,8.27,396 56 $1,567,237 o8 $,7.394,633 64 .09009

On this basis and nn the expericnce shown by these two statements, the average cost to the property owner on wr•rk administered by the Borough Presidents and paid out of this full([ is 25 per cent. in excess of the contract price.

The responsibility for this tretttcntl ,u,lr large percentage of excess cost over con-tract price rests with the liar, tlgh I're'dt,cmirs. \\'hether it is avoidable or otherwise is a (,tatter to he determined by the ci reilmulstallces in the case of each assessment,

History of the Street Iinprovemcir loud Since Its Iuie,'p1iort in i898 to Decent- fir 31, 19.37.

The total net out la'- 66ir work chargt'tl tt , Street Improvement Mind, work cou-tracted for after Jamttiary I. 18)8, from I$J8 to 1907, aggregated $37,531,454.95; outlay for redemption of bonds, $10,030,OJ0: total disbursements from this account in the said ten-year interval, $47,561,454.05. The fund l)etween said dates was replenished b) collections by the Collector of A'sc;Siulcuts anal Arrears to the amount of $14,214, 097.92; by the collection of interest upon said assessments to the amount of $624,-462.98; by the coilcctiuii of interest on 3esessiuIents ltvicd prior to December 31, 1898 (which I believe are incorrectly paid into this account), to the aurotot of $1,857,026.18: by the proceeds of the sale of bonds to the <unount of $19,034.12,).49; and by premiums received on said bonds to the amount of $21,677.22: total receipts of the fund for the interval, $35,751,393.79.

']'his \vonit1 indicate that disbursements out of this fund in excess of the receipts thereof for the said ten years represented an overdraft of $tt,8io,o6r.ih. This over draft represents advances made to the fund out t,f the gcncral fonds of the City.

The apparent resources of this fund as of December 31, 1007, wire as follows: Uncollected assessments oil the honks of the Collector of Assessments and Arrears, December 31, 1907, $5,5i(m,1q7.85; moneys advanced by The City of New York out of "Street Improvement Fund" for completed and uncompleted street improvements, as-sessments for which were not confirmed on 1)cc'emtber 31, 1907, $17,394,633.64; total, $22,910,831.50.

Several important improvements, part of the cost of which is to be borne by the City at large, have been charged- against this account, incorrectly, as I believe, for it would appear that all disbursements out of this account should be represented by assessnients later levied, and that in any instance where the City at large is charged with a part of the expense, that charge should be represented by an issue of Cor-porate Stock. To the extent that this fund is being incorrectly used in this particular,

Manhattan ...................... $5,351,868 36 .142+ $3,124,361 86 .583+

The Broux ....................... )5,)92,031 01 .404+ 6,361,1go 67 .418+

Brooklyn ........................ 12,726,139 63 •339+ 4,375,165 59 .343-4-

Queens .......................... 3.683,227 22 .098 - 25 2,603 23 .o68+

Richmond ....................... 578,,88 73 .015+ 100,776 57 6+


the amount of $17,394,633.64 disbursements out of it previously referred to, would not be represented by repayments into said fund through the levy and collection of assessments. A notable instance of this is the Grand Boulevard and Concourse in The Bronx, from East One Hundred and Sixty-first street to Mosholu parkway, the estimated cost of which is $1,011,322.50, seventy-five per cent. of which is charged against the City at large, and twenty-five per cent. to the locality. Another instance of this kind is the approach to the Municipal Ferry in the Borough of Richmond, which was authorized on February 9, Igo6, and which provided for a disbursement of $765,3oo, thirty per cent, of which is to be paid by the property deemed to be bene-fited, and seventy per cent. by The City of New York, with the exception of where streets are occupied by street railways, the cost of paving that part of the roadway occupied by the street railroad company and two feet in width outside of its tracks to be paid or repaid to the City by the said railroad company.

A substantial increment to this fund, however, is the addition of interest repre-sented in the assessments as finally levied, previously referred to, so that except for the charging to this account of improvements not wholly paid for out of assessments, the fund would be constantly accumulating an excess of receipts over disbursements represented by this interest charge. Because of this added revenue through interest charges on the money advanced for improvements and included in the assessment roll as levied and the interest charged on arrears of assessments after levy, the fund's resources after deducting improvements for which no assessment can be levied will probably equal the amount noted as the apparent resources of the fund on December 31, 1907, namely, approximately $23,000,000. The liabilities outstanding against these resources as of December 31, 1907, were bonds outstanding properly chargeable against this fund to the amount of $q,004,129.49, plus the cash advance made by the City of $Ir,81o,o61,16, a total of $20,814,590.65. In other words, if the operations of this fund were permitted to cease as of December 31, 1907, and only assessment bonds redeemed out of said account, the proceeds of which had been paid into the fund, said fund, through the levy and collection of assessments, would amortize the assess-ment bonds properly chargeable to it and pay off the City's cash loans of $II,81o,o6i.i6, when all collections of assessments should have been made.

The Problem Confronting the Comptroller.

The problem which has confronted the Comptroller since January i, Igo8, has been to meet the obligations represented by a contract certification of $5,832,112.21 and also to provide funds whereby $4,148,420 of improvements authorized but not contracted for may be contracted for and the work progressed.

The City, as already noted, has advanced in cash to the fund nearly $12,00o,000, an amount which properly should be repaid to the City at once by an issue of assessment bonds, but which issue could not be made without further hampering the City in its borrowing power as the Corporation Counsel has recently held that assessment bonds must count as debt within the meaning of the constitution. The withdrawal of this cash loan by the City at this time would mean the complete paralysis of all original street improvements in all the boroughs.

The collection of assessments payable into this fund has been up to the present time a comparatively slow process, due in the first place to the dilatoriness of the Borough Presidents in turning in their assessment rolls, and in the second place to the fact that owners of property benefited have not always been prompt in meeting their assessment obligations.

The collection of assessments by boroughs, payable into this fund since 1888, and up to March 31, 19o8, have been as follows: Collections Up to December 31, 7907-

Manhattan ........................................ $3,124,361 86 The Bronx ...................................... 6,361,igo 67 Brooklyn .......................................... 4,375,165 59 Queens ......................................... 252,603 23 Richmond ......................................... 100,776 57

Total to December 31, 1907 ................... . .......... $14,214,097 92

Collections, January i to March 31, 1908- Manhattan ........................................ $98,342 56 The Bronx ....................................... 313,032 65 Brooklyn .......................................... 131,637 56 Queens ......................................... 14,578 48 Richmond ........................................ 59,307 20

Total three months of igo8 .............................. 616,898 45

In other words, the amount of assessments levied in the four months and five days of the present year included above amount to only slightly less than one-third of the aggregate of all assessments levied for the nine years previous. This contrast means in part at least delinquency on the part of borough presidents in turning in their assess-ment rolls. Practically the whole of the assessment levied since January i, i9o8, in Brooklyn, is represented by the large trunk sewers in the Fort Hamilton district, which have been some time under construction.

Percentage of Disbursements and Collections for the Period 1898 to December 31, 1907.

The disbursements from the Street Improvement Fund by boroughs to December .31, 1907, the percentage of the whole accorded to each Borough, the collections of assessments for the period for each Borough, and the percentage of collections to dis-bursements, are shown in the following:

Percentage Disbursements Collection of Collec- from January Percentage of Assessments tions to

), )808, to of Total from January ), Total Bor- December 31, by Boroughs. 1898, to De- ough Dis

1907, from Fund, comber 31, 1907. bursements for Period

Total ................ $37,531,454 95 $ 14,214,097 92

It will be noted that The Bronx and Brooklyn obtained the lion's share of the disbursements, The Bronx 4o per cent. and Brooklyn nearly 34 per cent of the whole amount.

The Bronx, in the interval, repaid slightly less than 42 per cent of the money advanced to it, while Brooklyn repaid slightly more than 34 per cent, of the money advanced to it.


In conclusion, therefore, I would recommend First-That Corporate Stock be issued to provide for so much of any improve-

ment paid out of Street Improvement Fund to the extent that the cost of said improvement has been or shall he imposed upon the City at large.

Second-That Corporate Stock be issued • to replenish said fund for all pay-ments therefrom for improvements, the assessments for which have subsequently been reduced or canceled.

Third-That future authorizations of improvements chargeable against said fund shall be made only to the extent that the cash balance in said fund is in excess of the amount necessary to pay for improvements already authorized.

In order that the present improvements shall be promptly completed an issue of assessment bonds to the amount of at least $5,000,000 should be provided for at once.

Until present conditions, as noted in this communication, are substantially modi-fied by increase of the cash resources of this fund, I would recommend that the resolution of the Chief Engineer of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be not approved.

I do not mean by this to estop such new work as the health or absolute needs of a community demands, but that authorizations should now he granted only for what may be properly called works of emergent character.

Respectfully yours, HERMAN A. METZ, Comptroller.

The Total of These Collections by Years Has Been- I899 ...............................................$10,826 71 1900 .............................................. 221,933 24 590! .............................................. 830,399 34 1902 .............................................. 5,485,580 70 1903 .............................................. 1,260,556 48 1904 .............................................. 1,710,207 49

1905 .............................................. 2,815,033 61 1906 .............................................. 2,680,932 29 1907 .... .. .. ............................. 3,198,628 06 Three months of 1908 .............................. 616,898 45

Total ................................................... $14,830,996 37

It will be seen, therefore, that on the basis of the experience of the best year so far, namely, 1907, the replenishment of the fund by collection of assessments during the present year can hardy be expected to exceed $3,000,000 to $3,500,000. This amount will not provide for the completion of work on contracts already certified, not giving any consideration whatever to the improvements already authorized but not contracted for.

Remarkable Increase in Atmount of Assessments Confirmed Since January i, Igo8.

A notable increase in the amount of assessments confirmed has occurred since January I, igo8, promptness in the presentation of which is due in part, I believe, to the investigation into the operations of this account inaugurated by the Comptroller. The assessments levied by boroughs for the nine years previous to December 31, 1907, and for the four months and five days since January i, 1908, are shown in the follow- ing:

Assessments Assessments Total Levied 1899 Levied January Assessments

to December ), 1908, to Levied to 3t, 1907. May 5, 1908. May 5, tgo8.

Manhattan .............................. $4,272,348 21 $317,928 54 $4,590,276 75

The Bronx ............................... 9,264,339 72 1 ,590,465 24 10,854,804 96

Brooklyn ................................ 5,660,878 53 3,576,010 45 9,236,898 98

Queens .................................. 396,351 87 278,642 14 674,994 01i

Richmond ............................... 194,361 tl 299,858 77 494,219 88

TQt41 ........................ $59,788,279 44 $6,062,905 14 $25,851,184 58

DEAR SIR-I beg to criticise that portion of the very able report of Chief Engineer Lewis, dated May 2, 1908, on the subject of the authorization of local improvements in the various boroughs, where lie says:

"I would suggest that the Board request the different Borough Presidents to sub-nut new Local Board resolutions in the place of those which have not been acted upon by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment within three years of their adoption by the said Local Boards."

This recommendation of the Chief Engineer is, I believe, open to serious objec-tion. I question the right of the Borough Presidents to do that which Mr. Lewis recommends. The function of the Borough President ceases in relation to assessable improvements, so far as their initiation is concerned, when the Local Board over which lie presides passes the necessary resolution for the improvement petitioned for. Then the duty of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment begins as provided in section 434 of the intended Greater New York Charter, which requires that:

"Said Board shall promptly consider such resolution and approve of or reject the same."

In this connection it should not be overlooked that these are improvements, the expense of which is to be paid for by assessment on the property benefited, and unless the clear intent of the law be followed, any departure therefrom might open the door to attempts at avoiding the assessments.

The safer course, in my opinion, would be for the Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment to follow strictly the Charter provisions on this subject, and in those cases where they cannot approve a resolution they should reject the same, giving their reason therefor.

I would therefore suggest that the Board of Estimate and Apportionment amend the resolution submitted by Chief Engineer Lewis by striking therefrom the language contained therein as follows and be it further

"Resolved, 7 hat the President of each Borough be requester) to submit new Local Board resolutions in place of those resolutions which have not been or may not he acted upon by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment within three years of the date of their adoption by the Local Boards."

-so that the resolution would then read as follows "Resolved, That the Chief Engineer of the Board be instructed to prepare and

submit to the Board from time to time, before June 30, 1908, reports upon resolutions for local improvements in an amount not exceeding $2,000,000, including such improve-ments already authorized since January 1, 19o8, these improvements to be apportioned among the several Boroughs in the manner suggested in the report of the Chief En-gineer submitted on this date."

Yours truly,

LOUIS F. HAFFEN, President of the Borough of The Bronx.


May 6, 5908. J

Hon. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN, Chairman, Board of Estimate and Apportionment








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Before 1898.

After 2898.



s to


























1 27





4 95




0 00


4 95





3 79

$1 9.034,129 49

$21,677 22


2 14,097 92

$1,857,026 i8




Year 1898 .......................................................................


$23 6,020 58










$236,020 58
























r8 99 ....................................................................................

1,014,293 00

$156 0o


4,1 37 00



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q. 37 00



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2 ,487,350 28


9 67

2 .478,490 61





8,490 6t




421,491 80





221,933 24


759 49

2,799 07


r 19

o1 .
























2 48

to,ot7 13



5 35


2,997, 565 3

5 ..........



94 12






399 34

1 57,556 tz

19,038 66


r 19

o2 .
























4 20

231,193 94

2,872,370 26




2 ,872,3

70 26


1,6 94,436 1





1 ,485,580 70


840 92

40,014 49


r 19

o3 .
























16o,8zo 29

4.907,055 oz






5 02




1,479,730 29



1,2 60,556 48

155,279 21


94 6o

Year 19

04 .























17,956 97


57 5

1 6.



4 6

$;.000.000 ou



99 46


10 ,033,336 76





11 54

1,710,207 49

1 72,35

1 73

111,136 51

Year r9

o5 .
























8 67






5 99




5.691,185 99



. 6, r'



9 49





z, 42 4 95



5, 33 6t




4 24

r 4


.0 0


Year t906 ....................................................................................

5,238 ,329



542 64



6 95

• ..........



6 95



4,75, 69

65o,000 00



2 ,680 ,932 29

83,336 20

rzo,o68 zo

Year 19

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ie,510,766 66



0 00


3 25 73



8 o6

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18 36









32 15


14 41


,864 92


Borough of The Bronx




















4,576 79




2 ,8 3

4,576 79






3,267,638 68


of Brooklyn ......................................................................




4 39



:.9 88,304 39


655,49[ 43

3,6 4

3,795 8z


of Queens .......................................................................





z 6

55 ,77 74


2 -



5n ,i


z 3,

552 83


5 4 75



z 45, 94 3


of Ri


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$187,183 16


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33,251 54

220 ,43

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4,013 52



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3 52

34,998 04




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. ..........

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3,7 2 47








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31, 1907:

Boroughof Ma






















4 83





$1 97,







of The Bronx



















282 ,346 79





346 79

27,818 8t




of Brooklyn .....................................





3,178 72



2,303,178 72

477 40


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of Queens ...

............................ ......







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$654,457 99

$3,690,937 10


,245 58

$3,663,004 42





$1 3







Schedule D-









, De


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, 1907 ..............•...............

313,442 73

2,036,307 86





,760 45





3,7 29,

326 II



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$967,900 72

$5,72 7

,244 96

$7,007,691 53

$3,294,764 87




$17.394,633 64






The following executed agreement between The City of New York and the Hunts Point Realty Company was presented, and on motion, ordered printed in the minutes

and placed on file Agreement made this 1st day of May, 1908, between The City of New York,

party of the first part, and Hunts Point Realty Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, party of the second part.

Whereas, The party of the first part did on or about February 8, 1907, by a reso-lution of its Board of Estimate and Apportionment, cause proceedings to be instituted for the acquiring of title to Edgewater road, between Seneca and Garrison avenues, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York, and said proceedings are now pending, but title has not yet vested in sail] party of the first part, and the party of the first part, under the resolution heretofore duly adopted by the Board of Esti-mate and Apportionment, is required to bear thirteen and one-third per cent. (13%%) of the cost of acquiring title to said Edg.water road between the limits above stated; and

Whereas, The party of the second part is the owner of all of the lands required to be taken by the party of the first part in said proceedings, said land being described in said proceedings as Damage Parcel No. I ; and

Whereas, No building or structure of any kind is erected on any portion of said lands ; and

Whereas, The party of the second part desires that title shall vest in the party of the first part prior to June 12. 1908.

Now therefore this Agreement Witnesscth that for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar by each of the parties hereto to the other in hand paid, the re-ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto have agreed and do hereby agree as follows

The party of the second part hereby agrees that, provided title to said Edgewater road, between Seneca and Garrison avenues, shall vest in the party of the first part prior to June 12, 1908.

I. It, the said party of the second part, will waive all interest on such award as may be made to it in the proceedings above referred to.

2. At the time of the payment to the party of the second part of such award as may be made to it, in the proceedings above referred to, it, the said party of the second part, will pay to the party of the first part such portion of the assessment for the acquiring of title to said Edgewater road, between Seneca and Garrison avenues, as may be levied upon or against the lands now owned by said party of the second part (as shown on the diagram hereto annexed, which said diagram is hereby ex-pressly made a part of this agreement), whether or not said party of the second part shall, at the time said assessment becomes a lieu, be the owner of said lands or any part thereof; and also a stun egllivaleit to eighty-six and two-thirds per cent. (8624%) of the aggregate of the fees of the Commissioners in said proceedings, of the Engineers' fees therein and (,f all amounts required to be disbursed therein, ex-cept the amount of the awards made for the taking of the lands required to be taken by the party of the first part in said procedings.

. Within ten (to) da s after the lIuard of Estimate and Apportionment has adopted a resolution providing that title to said Edgewater road, between Seneca and Garrison avenues, shall vest ill 'I The City of New York on a day certain, the party of the second part will furnish t,) the Cgy-rauptridler a bond in the sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), with a Guaranty or Surety Company duly authorized by law to act as surety, conditioned for the faithful performance by said party of the second part of each and every provision of this age e meat.

In Witness Whereof the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be properly executed the day and year first above written.


P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk. Approved as to form,

G. L. STERLING, Acting Corporation Counsel.

Approved: H. A. \TETZ, Comptroller.


Attest : W. M. WECHSLER, Secretary.

STATE OF NEIV YORK, Coox'ry OF NEW Voai , City of Nitw YORK, SS.; On the 11th day of \lay, ill the year one thousand nine hundred and eight, before

ttte per son ro.tly came I'. J. Scully, frith whom I act personally acquainted, and known to me to be City Clerk of 'I he City of New York, who), being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that lie resides in the I orounh of Manhattan, City of New York; that he is City Clerk of TI e City of Neu lord:, the corporation described in and which ex-ecuted the above rauStdumellu ; that he knew the i:, al of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrurlient was such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by due au-thority of said corporation, :(lid that lie signed his none thereto as City Clerk by like authority.

And further that lie knots and is acquainted with George B. McClellan, and knows him to be the person described in and Who, as Mayor (If 'l lie City of New York, ex-ecuted the said instrument; that he Shnc hi:n subscribe, execute and deliver the same; and tha' lie acl.'.onledgcd to him, the said 1'. J. Scully, that lie executed and delivered the same; and lie, the said 1'. J. Scully, thereupon subscribed his name thereto.

CL LAS. A. GLASER, Commissioner of Deeds.

State of New York, County of New York, ss.: On this 1st day of May, ipo8, before me personally came Robert E. Simon, to me

known, who, being by the duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides in New York City; that lie is the President of hunts Point Realty Company, the corporation described in and which executed the forreoing instrument; that lie knew the corporate seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument was such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order.

GEORGE GOLDSON, Commissioner of Deeds,

New York City.


The following communication from the Secretary was ordered printed in the

minutes and placed on file: . BOARD or EsTiMATE A:v11 A1'POR JONT-OF.NT—CITY OF NEW YORK,

OFFICE of Tt1E SECI0-TARY, NO. 277 BROADWAY. } May 22, 1908. J

To the Board of Estimate and llpportioninent: GENTLEMEN—I beg to inform you that his Honor the Mayor has returned to this

office the following resolutions, adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment May 8, 1908, and approved by him May 14, i9o8, changing the map or plan of The City of New York as follows:

No. 298. By laying out an extension of Haven avenue, from West One Hundred and

Seventieth street to Fort Washington avenue at West One T-hundred an Sixty-eighth street; and an extension of Wrest One Hundred and Sixty-ninth street, from Fort Washington avenue to Haven avenue, and establishing grades therefor, Borough of Manhattan.

No. 299. By laying out Church avenue, from Thirty-sixth street to Ocean parkway, pro-

lon$ing Chester avenue, Fourteenth avenue, Thirty-fifth street and Beverley road to an intersection with Church avenue, discontinuing Story street, between Thirty-sixth street and West street, and Fourteenth avenue, between the angle point near Thirty-fifth street and Fast Second m•treet, and establishing and changing grades therefor, Borough of Brooklyn.

No. 300. By reducing the width of Garfield street, between Morris Park avenue and the

land of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, from 6o feet to o feet, Borough of The Bronx.

Respectfully, JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary.


The Comptroller asked unanimous consent for the present consideration pf a report from the Chief Engincer, to whom this matter was referred on May 15, Ig08.

No objection being made, the following report was presented: REPORT No. 39


May 21, 1908. J flolt. GEORGE B. Itf<Ct.t:Lt-.t N, Mayor, Chairinna of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tion'ment: SIR—At the nicetiug of the hoard of Estimate and Apportionment held on May

8, 19o8, plans were presented for the superstructure of the viaduct to be built across the Sunnyside Yard on the line of Thomson avenue. At the request of the President of the Borough of Queens the plans were referred to him, as he had not been afforded an opportunity to examine thew. At the meeting held on May 15, 19o8, the Borough President presented a communication to the Board submitting a report made to him by Mr. Oscar Erlandsen, and stated that, while the bridge plans appeared entirely satisfactory, it might be wise to make provision at this time for the building of surface railroad tracks on the structure, although there have never been any tracks on Thom-son avenue and no franchise has been granted or applied for. The plans were there-upon referred to the Chief Engineer.

I have taken up this suggestion with the Pennsylvania Tunnel and 'Terminal Rail-road Company and they have agreed to modify the plans by inserting in the central por-tion of the bridge transverse and longitudinal beams to which standard railway tracks can be attached at any time in the future. 'l his would make it possible to lay such tracks with very little disturbance of the existing surface and at trifling expense. The drawings have accordingly been changed, and they are herewith submitted with the modification proposed by the Borough President, and it is reeonimclicic(l that they be approved in their present form.

Respectfully, NELSON P. LEWIS, Chief Engineer.

The following resolution was then adopted: Resolved, That the plans for the superurticture of the bridge to be erected across

the tracks and yard of the Pcunsv lvania Tunnel :n ,I 'f crminal Railroad Company, suc-cessor to the Pennsylvania, Nett Y,,rk arch i.ong Is (1(11 Railroad Coinpany, on the line of Thomson avenue, Long Isl;ind Cits', which plans wire submitted by the company through its Chief Engineer oil April 27. 1908, in accordance with the provisions of Article Xlli. of the agreement made wicker date of June 21, 1907, between the Penn-sylvania, New York and Long Island Railroad Company and the Long Island Railroad Company and The City of New York, said plans consisting of seven sheets, entitled Contract Drawings Nos. 502, 5o,, 504, 505, 517, 5.14 alld 548, b,: and the same hereby are approved.

Affirmative—'the Mayor, the Comptroller, the President of the Board of Aldermen and the Presidents of the Boroughs of Manhattan, Bro klyn. 'l'he Bronx, Queens and Richmond-16.

After considering financial matters, on motion, the Board nl'journed, to mrel on Friday, June 5, 19o8, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon.

JOS1{Pll IfAAG, Secretary.




I-Ion. GEORGE 11. \9cCLELLAN, Mayor of The City of New `i'ork, City Hall, New York City:

Sir—'Herewith is transmitted report I1 the designs for intprotenteut, work ac complished and finances of the Department of Parks, liorottgh of The Bronx, for the three months ending March 31, 1908.

During the past three months work was continued on those contracts which had received the approval of the Comptroller previous to the suspension of work on Bond Account, and which were well under way. However, very little could be done, even on these contracts, owing to the severe weather which usually prevails during the first three months of the year. Practically all other construction and recon-struction work has been at an absolute standstill during the past quarter, the labor-ing force having been cut down to about one-half the usual number, or barely suffi-cient to attend to the maintenance work and such repairs, etc., as were necessary to save the parks from actual damage by neglect.

My report, therefore, for the past three months must necessarily show almost no progress whatever in either construction or reconstruction work, nearly all oper-ations having been suspended since January I, the (late of my last report.

Respectfully, JOSEPH 1. BERRY,

Commissioner of Parks, Borough of The Bronx.

BRONX PARK. Greenhouses—The usual routine work of the greenhouses was carried on during

the last quarter, such as watering, cleaning and weeding plants, propagating, potting and repotting plants, attending to fires and frames, cleaning, cultivating, sorting, sepa-rating and transplanting herbaceous plants and seedlings.

About 30,000 pansy plants were taken from frames and shipped to the various parks to be planted. The frames, when cleared, were dug out, fresh manure placed in them, and were turned into hotbeds, in which will be placed bedding out plants from the stages in the greenhouses, to make room for other plants from the propa-gating bench.

Bronx Shops—In the shops the usual repair and reconstruction work was done, such as repairing and painting road rollers, watering carts and w:tt;ons, repainting old signs and making and painting new ones, placing cresting on fence railings in the different parks and painting about 3,000 feet of railing, and repairing athletic ap-parattts, lawn mowers, tools, harness, automobile, etc.

Dead trees were cut down and split into cordwood for the greenhouses,

Botanical Garden, Bronx Park. Greenhouses, Boiler I-Iouse and Stearn Trench, Kelly & Kelley, Contractors—

This work has progressed very slowly (hiring the last quarter, owing to the severity of the weather. The boiler house will probably be finished about June I. The foundations for the greenhouses are in and the superstructure will be proceeded with at once.

Museum Cases, Abramson-Engessor Company, Contractors—This contract has been completed, and final payment was rendered on January 24, 1908.

Stone Wall—The contract, awarded to Guidone & Galardi in the fall, for the erection of a stone wall surmounted by an iron fence, between the Botanical Garden and St. Johns College property, which was held tip owing to financial conditions, has been approved by the Comptroller, and the contractors were notified to begin work on the same on March 30.


Zoological ['ark, Bronx Park. Concourse and Approaches to Baird Court, John V. Schaefer, Jr., & Co., Con-

tractors—lltis contract i; coutPic1cd, c•,itlt tltc cxccptivn of some trimming on the stone work and rerolling of macadam. This work will be done as soon as the weather settles.

Comfort Station, AV'tn. AVhisicn's Son. Contractor—This contract is proceeding very slowly. The plumbing fixtures are still to be set, the radiators are not yet in place and the waterproo,fiun h:t has to be repaired.

Elephant Ilouse, F. T. Nesbit & Co., Contractors—This work is progressing satis-factorily, and the building will be inclosed within three months. The mason work is tip to the roof; the false work is now being built for the (lonic; and the work which has been somewhat deli\ ctl by the winter weather, will now go ahead muctt more rapidly.

Concourse 1ntrauce, John V. Sci acfcr, Jr., & Co., Contractors—This contract is almost completed. The iron gates are still to be set, and the sidewalk in front of the west side of the roadway will have to be changed, as the joints are un ettisfactory, and the frost has lifted die surface.

Soda I'aviliou, Kelly & Kelley, C,ntractors—This building is entir ly inclosed. The inside lri01 is in place, and is now being stained and fiuishc•d. -'I he cellar floor is laid ; the concrete steps nn the outside are now being built; the painting is being done, and the building will be finished in about a mouth.

V'-AN COR'I LANI i PARK. Path _hung (;iii 1-]ill Road—Nothing whatever has been done on this path since

lily last report v;i, ,ul)11iitted. 'there is, however, only a little touching tip required to finish the path, : nil d is will i.e done early in April.

Colonial (;;it-dcns-- let 1L,• Colonial (; irdens tie herbaceous borders were uncovered, Cleaned, nntl a lu;, ,!I c sih g of rotten m autu'e was placed around the plants and cultivate l in. Walks w e ral:cd and cicaucd, and a number of herbaceous plants and trees, aucl box edging 1 l :r were winter-killed were replaced with plants from the supply grounds in L'roux Park, :utd trees and box from the nursery in Van Cortlandt Park. 'I he fountain anal canal were cleaned and filled with fresh, clean water.

The Nursery--In the uurscry, trees and shrubs were pruned; a number of elm, birch, atih, sugar and Nortccy inaple trees were dug up, the roots pruned, and replantedl, to insure a good growth of fibrous roots and well-developed heads, when used for flailing out in the d,fferent parks.

Between the row.; of trccs anal shrubs, the ground has been ploughed and a cultivator has bceu rttn through to l o ell it up, and the soil has been worked into a mellow condition. A large nntuber r,f stones were turnetl up by the plough, cleared away, and piled along the easterly side of the nursery, forming a good stone wall.

'1 hrce hundred Dutch lindcu, moo reel-twigged linden and too Wheatley elm trees were bought in Europe, to restuck the nursery. A number of tree; an I shrubs were dug tip and shipped log the plantation a!ong the parade grounds, to replace those that were winter-killed. A considerable number of cutting; of various deciduous shrubs from the nursery, and collectc(l ir, tltc• (Ii ff,, rent parks, were placed in cold frames for storage until warns \t r;tthcr, wvltcn the ])('collie callous, and can be separated and planted in other francs, to 1,c r t(l and worked into a condition to plant out in rows in the nursery. "1hc following diffL,rent varieties were propagated: Spircea Van Ilouttci ....................................................... 2,000

Spit.ea Rcvcrsii ........................................................... 2,000 Aralia Japonica ........................................................... 500 Males Nigra ............................................................. 300

Pctcla.. ..................................................... 500 Philadelphus Grandiliura .................................................. 500

Hybrid roses ............................................................. 3,000

Flower beds around the utansi,ui at:cl skate Itou~e, which were cr ye. ed wi h manure and straw, were uncovered and the beds cleaned, the soil loosened up, and the borders edged.

General M tinten:uice—Considerable wood, from dead trees removed, has been split up into cord wuud, and leuiledl to the greenhouses in Bronx Park. Shrubs and trees have been plautcd ar0ulnd the comfort house on tine parade grounds; screenings have been placed on a number of the paths and walks; eighteen new tees have been built on the golf links; and the tennis courts and ball grounds have been put in first-class condition f,,r the coniin;; sensor. During the cold weather, the ice on the lake was kept CkamiC1l of snr,w. and there, were nineteen days of goo I skating. The skate house was kept it dl heated and in good condition for visitors.

Spuyten Duyvil Parkway. Bridle Path—The neces.,ary investigations and surveys have bean made, to ascer-

tain whether the construction of a br;dle path along the southerly side of this parkway would be feasible, as requested by residents in this vicinity; and, as it was found that such a path would be practicable, the work will be proceeded with at once by park labor.

General lmlir0ucmmment—Tlo general imnproycunent of this parkway—resurfacing, laying gutters, etc.--by park labor. is still held in abeyance, awaiting the permission of the Cotsptruller to pr(iceecl e itl, the work. The contract for the retaining wall, which was awarled to Juhn 1.. 0'1icir & Co. ha=t fall, has not yet rccciv.d the approval of the Conlpir, liar, •mud this work is also held up in consequence.

The roadbed and ;;utters are now being repaired wherever necessary, and a small park near the intersection of Riverdale avenue with the parkway has been cleared out and cultivated. "11tc terraces and lawns along the parkway are being repaired.

PEI_l i.A iI RAY PARK. Shelter I'aviliott—Pctni;sioii was i;r oil tc,l by the Board of Estimate and :\ppor-

tionment to proceed with this work, and the building has been completed by park labor and is now ready for the season. The bath houses at Orchard Beach are also being overhauled and put into good condition.

Bridges--On the bridges being built by the New York, New I-haven and Hartford' Railroad Company ill this park the work is proceeding rapidly; the abutments have all been completed and the work on the approaches is nearing completion.

General Improvetucnt—Tlie road leaching 1., City Island was newly .surfaced with screenings. The HIunter Island limn has been IlorougIily overhauled, hut ii inside and outside. A large drain on E:otcrn boulevard, near i\pp!eton road, has been dug up and repaired, and a ditch (Ing for a distance of about 300 feet. \ large number of dead trees were cut down, split into cord wood and hauled to the green houses in Bronx Park. Considerable of the wood was also sold at public auction. ']'hc athletic fields, tennis courts and baseball diautouds have all been put into good condition for the coming season, and work on the golf links has been started.

BRONX AND I.'EL1IAMI PARKWAY. General 1entprovctment—All improvements on this parkway, including the cuustruc -

tion of the new roadway on the southerly boundary, laying gutters, etc., are still held in abeyance, pending the consent of the heard of Estimate and Apportionment to proceed with the work. These improvements are very necessary, and it is earnestly hoped that permission will be speedily granted its to continue them.

.Nl(.1SHOLU PARKWAY. On this parkway a number of loads of telford stone, given to the Department by

contractors making excavations, have been hauled to that part of the road where the old railroad crossed and a temporary plank crossing was erected on it. This part of the road was filled in last fall and the telford surface will be placed on it early in the next quarter.

CROTONA PARK. Improvement of Grounds North of Municipal Building—Guidone & Galardi, Con-

tractors—This work was suspended for a couple of months during the winter but is now going ahead and will prob;tbly be completed by June i. About 3,000 cubic yards of rock have been removed and hoop cubic yards of earth. The steps from One Hundred and Severely-seventh street up to the Tax Department are set; the wall along the sidewalk for almost 300 feet from the cast end is completed and the limestone coping is set from the cast pier tip to the steps.

General Maintenance—the grand stand in the northern part of the park was re-built; paths were resurfaced and gutters repaired wherever necessary; about 75 feet of telford path was built near the band stand; the field in Crotona Park North was

flooded and the ice on both lakes was kept cleared from snow during the skating sea-son. About too feet of blind ditch was built near Wendover and Fulton avenues, to drain a natural spring on park property; also two small drains were built on Third ave-nue to carry water across the sidewalk. The entire drain from One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street and Fulton avenue was dug up and the clogged up tile pipe was cleaned out.

CLAREMONT PARK. Improvement of Clay Avenue Side—Nothing has been done during the last three

months on this work. 'I hc trees and shrubs are on hand for the planting, and tic work will be proceeded with as soon as permission is granted us to continue the im-provement.

General :'laintenance--In this park, 576 feet of top cresting has been placed on the fence built last fall, and the fence has been painted. A new tiling was placed in the vestihulc of the office httilding: the storeroom in the cellar has been enlarged by the addition of the snpplic: from Bronx Park, and hereafter all supplies will be dis-tril)utcd from this office.

ST. JAMES PARK. I"cncc \Nall--I'crntissi>n was granted us to continue the work of erecting thi<

wall, hint too late to take advantage of it before the cold weather set in. The con-Iract has been let for the halance of the cement require(], however, and the work will l,c pushed fut•tc:u'il rapidly by park labor.

\I \C(\II'S 1):A\•I PARK. General .11:tintcn;,nrc---lu thi, park, the athletic fields, tennis courts and baseball

diamonds are being repaired and put into proper condition for the coming season; and cinders and screenings have been placed on paths and walks wherever necessary.

I?NCI N(; SMALL PARKS. - I The contract. awarticil t,, the Ncw Jersey Foundry and Machine Company last

f;tll, for furnishing to,o)o ailditm(illlh feet of railing for fencing, has now been passed I the Comptroller. 'I Ii i. shop work is being proceeded with, and the painting of the existing fences has also been taken imp again and will lie pushed rapidly forward l,y park labor.

STRI:I;T TREES. Complaints of clangeruns tree, have been investigated, and wherever any were

found in such condition thee were removed and cleared away. Two gangs of men are kept working cortit;ualk- in vai ions parts of the Borough pruning trees and re-moving death and dangerous ])ranches and trees. Considering the vast number of trees, and the arca 10 coVe.. sec find it very difficult to attend to the cutnplaints, in addition to the regular immaiut,•mmat:cc work. 'two other gangs are now working from One Hundred and Thirtieth street nr,rth, with scrapers and wire brushes, having scraped and cleaned all the trees from One Ilttndred and Thirtieth street to One I undred and Sixty-first strcel. 'I hr trues, especially in this section of the Borough, have been infested with the 'fu.;s,)k troth eggs anal cocoons, maple borers, elm borers, the army moth, tent caterpillar, ;nil lice of various sorts, to which such trees as (lie-silver maple, linrlen, poplrir, -Norv,:n ;ind sug;:r maple and horse chestnut are sub-ject. The trees have been tliurrnt hle scraped, cleaned, filled with cement and painted with tar, and again painted an(l left for the bark to grow over.

Applications for tree guarmis receiveil during the quarter were investigated, and, wherever found necessary, guarmis were placed around the trees.

7R1?I•; PLANTING CONTRACT. Work on this contract has been progressing fairly well. Trees have been planted

on Hughes avenue, Washington :twine and Prospect avenue. 'lime contractors are now working on Prospect accnuc, f,oring place and One hundred and Eighty-third street, digging, holes and lilting same With top soil. About one-his If of the trees on the contract have been tielicercd ; ),boo of the t.y90 holes have been prepared, and about one-half of the trees for these boles have been planted. The trees have been purchased, and will prol,ably all be planted during this season.

PLANS, SPECIFIC_'TIONS, ETC. In the office, plans, specifications, sketches, etc., have been prepared for the fol-

]owing: Revised plan and elevations for bronze drinking fountain in Rose hill Park. Revised plan and elevations for granite fountain in \1acombs Dani Park. Completing planting plan for Van Cortlandt Park. Completing planting plan for Claremont Park. Plan and elevations for extension of skate and golf house in Van Cortlandt Park. Plan and specifications for concrete wall and electrically welded wire fence on

easterly extension of Bronx Park. Detail and location plans for stone wall ,nrmounted by iron fence, Botanical

Garden. Detail drawings for stone work on contract for improvement of Crotona Park

north of Municipal Building. 'Pest levels and compilations of same a tConcourse and approach to Baird court. Your attention is also respectfully called to the following contract work, under

way ur completed, tiering the last three months; also to the following contracts for supplies:

Contract Work. For furnishing all the labor and materials for the erection and completion of a

southeast entrance gate in the New York Zoological Park, in Bronx Park, in The City of New York—\\'lit. 1-formic Company, contractors. Awarded November 7, 09o5 ; final not rendered.

For furnishing all the labor and Materials for building a concourse and ap-proaches to Baird court, in the New York Zoological Park, in Bronx Park, in The City of New York—John V. Schaefer, Jr., Company, contractors. Awarded Septem-ber 6, igo6; final not rendered.

For furnishing all the labor an;l materials for the erection and completion of a public contort station in the Ne l rk Zoological Park, in Bronx Park, in The City of New York—Win. Whisten's Son, contractor. Awarded January 17, 1907; final not rendered.

For furnishing all the labor rtn,l treater ials for completely erecting and construc-ting a greenhouse, boiler house and steam trench in the Botanical Garden, in Bronx Park, in The City of New York--KeIiy & Kelley (Inc.), contractors. Awarded :\pril 4, r907; final not rendered.

For furnishing all the labor and materials for the erection and completion of ut elephant house in the New \'ork Zoological Park, in Bronx Park, in The City of New York—F. T. Nesbit & Co., contractors. Awarded April 4, 1907; final not rendered.

For furnishing and erecting- museum cases in the museum building, in the Botani-cal Garden, in Bronx Park, in The City of New York—Abramson-Engessor Com-pany, contractors. Awarded May 21t, lr ; ; final, January 24, t908.

For furnishing all the labor and materials for the erection and completion of a soda pavilion in the New York Zoological Park, in Bronx Park, in The City of New York—Kelly & Kelley (Inc.), conlrrtctors .As arded August 1, 1907; final not ren- dered.

For furnishing all the labor and materials for completely erecting and construc-soda pavilion in the New York Zoological Park, in Bronx Park, in The City of New York—Kelly & Kelley (Inc.), c-,ntractors. Awarded August t, 1907; final not ren- dered

For furnishing all time labor and materials for grading and improving grounds north of the Municipal Building, in Crotona Park, in The City of New York—A. L. Guidon(, contractor. Awarded Sel,terobcr 28, 1907; final not rendered.

For furnishing all the labor and materials for completely erecting and construe-ting a stone wall surmitntca by an iron fence, in the New York Botanical Garden, in Bronx Park, in The City of New York—Guidone & Galardi, contractors. Awarded October 3, 1907; final not rendered,

Supply Contracts. For furnishing and delivering ninety thousand (go,000) pounds No. t white

clipped oats, and twenty thousand (20,000) pounds best rye straw (No. t, 1907), tot parks, Borough of The Bronx—Il. Gleason, contractor. Awarded January 17, 1907; final, January 24, 19o8.


For furnishing and delivering seventy-five (75) tons No. I timothy hay (No. t, t9o7), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-AI. Gleason, contractor. Awarded April 18, 1907; final, January 24, i9o8.

For furnishing and delivering vitrified stoneware drain pipe (No. t, 1907), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-J. 1'. Duffy Company, contractors. Awardee July £2, 1907; final, January 24, ipo8.

For furnishing and delivering two hundred (200) barrels Portland cement (No. I, 1907), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-J. P. Duffy Company, contractors. Awarded September ig, 1907; final not rendered.

For furnishing and delivering timber (No. 3, 1907), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-Church R. Gates & Co., contractors. Awarded August 22, 1907; final, March 30, 1908.

For furnishing and delivering tell thousand (io,000) linear feet two-pipe iron fence (No. 1, 1907), for parks, Borough of The lfroiix-New Jersey Foundry & _Machine Company, contractors. Awarded September 26, 1907. Final not rendered.

For furnishing and delivering timber (No. 4, 1907). for parks, Borough of The Bronx-Church F. Gates & Co., contractors. .Awarded September 26, 1907: final not rendered.

For furnishing and dcliveriug tiro hundred (200) tons No. i white ash anthracite coal (No. 4, 1907), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-Geo. J. Kuhn, coutractot. Awarded October 3. 1907: final, January 24. 1908.

For furnishing and delivering thirty thousand (30,000) potlnds No. t white clipped oats (No. 2, i9o7), for parks. Borough of The Bronx- (co. N. Reinhardt, contractor.

Awarded October 24, 1907: final, l ebruary 13, ioo8. For furnishing and delivering one thousand (1,000) cubic yards broken stone of

trap rock, and five thousand (5,000) cultic yards screenings of trap rock (No. 4, 1907), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-Jacob 1?. Conklin, contractor. Awarded October 24, 1907; final, February 13, 1908.

For furnishing and delivering nine hundred and fifty (950) tons white ash No. 2 nut coal (No. i, t9o8), Botanical Garden, for parks, Borough of The Bronx-Gco. J. Kuhn, contractor. Awarded January 23, 1908; final ii' It rendered.

For furnishing and delivering two hundred (200) tons NO. I white ash anthracite coal (No. I, Igo8), for parks, Borough of 'Elie Bronx-Olin J. Stephens, contractor. Awarded January 30, 1908; final not rendered.

For furnishing and delivering forty thousand (40,000) pounds best No. I white clipped oats, twenty (20) tolls timotlty hay, and tell (to) tons best rye straw ;No. 1, 1908), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-Gen. N. Reinhardt, contractor. Awarded January 30, 1908; final not rendered.

For furnishing and delivering hardware, iron and tools (No. 3, 1908), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-Manhattan Supply Company, contractors. Awarded March 5, 1908; filial not rendered.

For furnishing and delivering paints and oil; ( No. 1, 1908), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-1{arry harper, contractor. Awarded March 5, 1908; filial not ren-dered.

For furnishing and delivering timber (No. i, 1908), for parks, Burl ugh of The Bronx-Church F. Gates & Co., contractors. Awarded March 12, 1908. Final not rendered.

For furnishing and delivering fifty (50) waste receptacles (No. 1, 1908), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-Fred \lorney, contractor. Awarded March 19, 1908; final not rendered.

For furnishing and delivering two hundred (eon) barrels Portland cement (No. I, 1908), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-John P. Kane Company, contractors. Awarded March 26, 1908; final not rendered.

For furnishing and delivering one hundred ( too) barrels Portland cement (No. 2, I9o8), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-John P. Kane C' ntpany, contractors. Awarded March 26, ioo8; final not rendered.

For furnishing and delivering five hundred (;oo) cubic yards broken stone of trap rock and one thousand (l,coo) cubic }arils screenings of trap rock (No. 1, 1908), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-Jacob F. Conklin, cuntract,;r. Awarded March 26, 1908; final not rendered.

For furnishing, and delivering vitrified stoneware drain pipe (No. I, I9o8), for parks, Borough of The Bronx-Robinson Clay ['r (hilt Company, contractors. Awarded March 26, 1908; final not rendered.

Statement of Appropriations and Balances, Quarter Endulg March 31, 1908.

Title of Appropriation. Appropriation. Payments. Balance.

General Title. Administration--

Salaries and Wages:

Commissioner's Office, 1908 .................... $12,250 00 $2,962 50 $9,287 50

Superintendent's Office, rgo8 .................. 12,900 on 3,137 93 9.762 07

Engineer's Office, t9o8 ........................ 10,4.50 on 2.274 99 8,1 75 or

Supplies, 1908 ..................................... 500 ao ........ 5oo uo

Contingencies, 1908 ................................ :,uoo uo 269 25 730 75

Telephone, Rental of, 1908 ......................... 750 00 103 99 646 of

Ceneral Title. Maintenance of Parks, Boulevards, Drives. Stonework and Street Trees-

Parks and Boulevards:

i alaries and Wages. 1908 ..................... '290,000 uo 50,980 t 5 239,019 85 Hired Teams and Carts, Road Machines and Rol-

lers, 1908 ................................. 30,000 00 7,005 12 22,994 88

Equipment, Repairs and Renewal Supplies, 1908. 18,000 00 1,844 r4 i6,t55 86

Consumable Supplies, rgo8 ..................... .3,000 ou 1,34 63 13,658 37

Care of Trees in City Streets:

Salaries and Wages, rgoS ...................... 38,000 00 4,613 87 33.386 1 .3

Supplies, 1908 ................................. 2,000 00 ........ 2,000 00

Sundry Appropriations-

Music, 1908 ....................................... 12,000 00 ........ 12,000 00

Maintenance of Institutions-

New York Botanical Garden:

Salaries and Wages, 1908 ...................... 63,800 oo 1o,558 uu 53,242 00

Repairs and Renewals (buildings), igo8........ 1,000 on ........ 1,00o 00

Supplies, 1908 ................................ 10,000 00 4,586 14 5,473 86

Incidental Expenses, igo8 ...................... too 00 ........ 101) 00

Telephone, Rental of, 1908 ..................... too 00 ........ 100 00

New York Zoological Garden:

Salaries and Wages, 1908 ..................... 100,977 00 22,001 67 78,975 33

Repairs and Renewals (buildings), 1908......:.. 11,500 00 85 29 1 1,414 71

Supplies, 1908 ................................ 38,750 00 5,393 33 33,356 67

Incidental Expenses, 1908 ...................... 2,500 00 130 65 2,369 35

Telephone, Rental of, i9o8 ..................... goo 00 ........ goo 00

Total ..................................... $672,477 00 $117,288 65 $555,788 35


From Rents, Privileges, Rent for Lockers, Building Projections, etc..... $2,345 00

Total ...................................................... $47,549 16


Changes ill the Service of the Department of Public Charities During the Week Eudin•, May 23, 1908.

)lay t~-Allen, Isaac \V., salary increased, Hospital Helper, Kings Comity Ilos-pital, $300 to $4,`(0 per annum.

llay t5-:11tt11. John, dropped, I1ospital I lelper, Rand,tlls 1sl:utd, $i8o per arnttnt: -tell request.

lay lo-[;oycc, Katherine J., resigned, Hospital helper, Metropolitan Training School, $300 per annum.

:flay 8-I3ttrke, John, Nu. i, promoted, Clerical Assistant, Metropolitan I- lospital, $240 to $360 per annum.

\lay 20-Cattllicld, tIay V., appointed, Ttos,pit:tl helper, Metropolitan 'training School, $300 per annum ; cerlificd' )lav 20.

May t6-Covlv, John I.., appointed, Ilospital IIehjwr, New York City Farni Colony, $.(8o per annum; certified lay- l6.

.April 30-Coyne, Janten, resigned, Hospital h ]hcir, Kings County hospital, $240 per annum.

May 7-Dillon, Mary, appointed, IIospilal 1lclper, Rand:tlls Island, $240 per an-nttm; certified \L•ty 7.

\Jay Io-Doherty, Alattrice, dismissed, hospital Ilclper, New York City Farm Colony, $480 per annum ; ahscuce without lean e. (Rep<trted under (late of May 18, week ending May 16, its May 12.)

iIay 12-Dunbar, David, promoted, Clerical ssist tint, Aletrupulit:nt hospital, $24o to $,36o. (Reported under (late of May 18, week ending May 16, as $3oo to $,360.

][as' 13-Filan, Nellie, promoted, IIospital Yelper, .ldctropolit:tu "braining School, $I,o to $192 per auu Ill ; certified \Iav t3.

\fay' t--Fleming, 'llI i:is, salary increased, hospital helper, Kings County Hos-pital, $144 to $192 per an:nun; certilied N]ac t.

\l:i ' t5-Duran, "1 hoi1llas ,1., dropped, Stoker. Central Office, Brooklyn ; adininis-tration office of the I)epttty Cotutnissi<mcr, 82 per diem; lack of work.

April 3o-1 ranklin, Sattl. resigned, hospital helper, Kings Cotntty IFospital, $240 per anenns.

[a Tnt y Io-Grav, hoas S., discharged, Ilos.pita h l elper, Kingss Cot111t8, Iluspita1, $300 per aemlm ; absence without leak.

111ay 13-1 leunessy, )Jai'garctte S., (appointed, hospital helper, lIetrupolitau 'I rain-ing School, $300 per annum; certified May 13.

Max' lo-Ilolbrook, Ilerhert W., resigned, Ilospital helper, Kings County Hos-pital, $300 per anutttn.

May L4-Holier, \lax, dismissed, Assistant Cook, City hospital, $540 per annum; for the good of the service.

May 13-Johnson, August, aDpoinled, I IOspit:tl helper, Randalls Island, $240 per annum; certified May 13.

slay 3o-Johnson, Robert, distuissed, Hospital I-helper, Metropolitan Ilospital, $240 per annuut ; intoxication.

it]av 12-Kent, \:u-c .A., appoii.ted, hospital I-ielper, A'Ictropolitan "]raining School, $300 per armor; certified May ta.

. May io-Kenney, Thomas, discharged, Hospital helper, Kings County hospital, $480 per annum: absence without leave.

May 12-Klostnan, henry, promoted, [lospital Ilelper, Randalls Island, $i2o to $i8o per annum • ccrtilicd i fay 12, 1907.

\Iay 13-Larkin, William 11., appointe(h, Ilospital helper, Randalls Island, $240 per annum ; certified May 13.

May 16-)dcAtilitfe, Thomas, resignation accepted in lieu of dismissal, Hospital helper, Bureau Dependent Adults (Morgue), $boo per annum.

&lay ig-AfeCarthy, Charles, dismissed-, hospital helper, Metropolitan 1lospital, $300 per annum ; absence without leave.

May t8-McCarthy, Nora, reappointed, hospital Helper, Randalls Island, $240 per annum.

\Tay 20-Mcl:wcu, Christine, resigned, 1-lospital I lelper, Kings County I luspital, $300 per annum.

May i-McGee, Frank DuBois, appointed, ITospital Helper, steamboats, $240 per annum; certified May I.

May II-It.IcGill, Thomas, promoted, Ilospital I-lelpc•r, Metropolitan hospital, $15o to $240 per annum ; certified :l lay' II,

May t5-McGuire, John, salary incrtased, Hospital Helper, Kings County I lospital, $180 to $240 per annum.

May I--Manzenhach, Martin, salary increased, IIospital I helper, Kings County Hospital, $144 to $240 per annum; certified' May I.

May t8-.\furray, William J., appointed, Pilot, steamboats, $t,400 per annum; certt-fied May 18.

May 18-O'Donovan, Kate, reappointed, I lospital helper, Randalls Island, $2.10 per annum.

May j8-O'Keeffe, 'Thomas, reappointed, I hospital I helper, Randalls Island, $240 per annual.

May 9-Rcinagel, Louise, appointed, Hospital Ilelper, Randalls Island, $240 per Annum; certified May 9.

May 18--Rickaby, Enielic, appointed, hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training School, $300 per annum; certified May 18.

May 15-Roche, Mary A., dropped, Hospital Helper, Metropolitan Training School, $300 per annum ; position abolished.

May 15-Roche, Mary A., reappointed, Hospital I-Ielper, Metropolitan Training School, $300 per annum.

May 15-Schmalkuche, August, reappointed, Assistant Cook, City Hospital, $54o per nntttttn.

May 15-Stewart, William E., reappointed, Hospital Helper, Rand'alls Island, $240 per annum.

May 13-Walsh, Thomas, dismissed, Hospital Helper, Randalls Island, $240 per annum ; insubordination.

May it---White. Charles, resigned, Hospital Helper, Kings County Hospital, $240 per annum.

J. McKEE BORDEN, Secretary.

Expenditures, Bond Accounts (Corporate Stock). New York Zoological Garden Fund .................................... $26,569 96 Botanical Garden in Bronx Park, improving, etc ........................ 2,240 17 Improvement of Parks, Parkways and Drives .......................... 918 00 Improvement and Construction of Parks, Parkways, Playgrounds, Boule- (-ards and Driveways .............................................. 3,451 40

General Title: Improvement and Construction of Parks, Parkways, Playgrounds, Boulevards and Driveways.

Sub-Title- Improvement of One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street side of

Crotona Park, from Third avenue ............................. 1,123 38

Construction of railings and fences around small parks............ 868 62 Construction of Bathhouses and Shelter house at Orchard Beach,

Pelham Bay Park ............................................ 1,833 'o General Title: Department of Parks, Borough of The Bronx.

Sub-Title- Intprovenlent of Bronx and Pelham parkway ........................ 564 04 Improvement of Spuytcn Duyvil parkway .......................... 465 53 Improvement of Claremont Park on the Clay avenue side.......... 524 48

Street Improvement Fund. Work contracted for after January t, 1898 .............................. 9,008 28


Department of Public Charities, Foot of East Twenty-sixth Street,

New York, May 19, 1908. Rev. MALLICK J. FITZPATRICK, Mission of the Immaculate Virgin, Lafayette and

Great Jones Streets, City: Dear Father—Your proposition of May S to give live (5) band concerts, at $100

each, on the following Saturdays: June 6, June 20, July 4, July t8, August t, August 15, August 29 and September 12, the last three to be given gratis, is accepted, as above specified, and you are hereby directed to proceed with the work.

By direction of the Commissioner. Respectfully yours,

J. McKE ,. BORDEN, Secretary.

Department of Public Charities, Foot of East 'Twenty-sixth Street,

Now York, May 19, 1908. Brother HENRY, New York Catholic Protectory (Male Department), Westchester,

New York: Dear Sir—Your proposition of May 17 to give live (5) band concerts on Black-

wells Island, at $too each, to be on alternate Saturdays, beginning June 13—that is, there will be a concert by your band on June 13, June 27, July tt, July 25, August 8, August 22, September 5 and September 19—the last three concerts to be given gratis, is accepted, as above specified, and you are hereby directed to proceed with the work.

By direction of the Commissioner. Respectfully yours,

J. McKEE IBORI)EN, Secretary.

Department of Public Charities, Poot of East Twenty-sixth Street,

New York, May 23, 19o8. Mr. EMIL RODTZ, Concord, S. I.:

Dear Sir—Your proposition of May t9 to repair two top carriages, eight new rubber tires, two new wheels and channels, one new shaft and shaft trimmings, one new front bow in top, fixing curtains and truly overhauling in tirst-class shape for the sum of $6o (no painting), is accepted, as above specified, aril you are hereby di- rected to proceed with the work.

By direction of the Commissioner. Respectfully vi ties,

J. McKEE? llokl)I:N, Secretary.

Department of Public Charities, I Foot of Fast Twenty-sixth Street,

New York, Ma y 21, 1908.

THE KENNEY-RENNER CO\IPANY, 'No. 135 West Twenty-fourth Street, City: Dear Sirs—Your proposition of May 20 to furnish and install the plumbing work

and sanitary floor in the Infirmary for female~ at the \letro polit.ut hospital, Black-wells Island, where directed, as per our spcc•itie•ation of 1\ay 13, IedOM, for the stun of four hundred and ninety-live dollars ($49.5), is accepted, as above specifier], and you are hereby directed to proceed with the work.

There were two other propositions received as follows: Joseph D. Dully ........................................................ $5to 00

T. J. Cummins Pltnnbing ( inpany ..................................... 540 00

13y direction of the Contmissioncr. Respectfully yotu•s,

J. 'McIiEI-; M)RI)I,:N, Secretary

Department of I'nl iii c Charities, Foot of East Twenty-sixth Street,

New York. May 23. ipoS. RUBIN SOLO1lON & SON, Nip. 1)49 Broadway, City:

Dear Sirs—Your proposition of (l;iv 21 to furnish :ill the labor aril matcriai re-gttired to paint the solarium, NIctropolitvt hospital, I lackwc•lls ICI:tnrl, to our entire satisfaction for the sum of $u58, is accepted. as above specified, and vi In arc hercb) directed I proceed with the work.

'There were two other bids received for this work a, follows: lilanchiie Paint Company ...............................................$1,050 00 II. 1. 1harris .......................................................... O o0

Be direction of the Commissioner. Respectfully yours.

J. McKEE BORDEN, Secretary

Morgue, Fool of I:ast 'Twenty-sixth Street,

New York, May lc), Tom. Urscription of unknown than from Thirteenth street, North River--:A,ge, about

4o years; height. ;i feet y inches: weight, about I(x) p nnuls; ci,boi, white; eyes, can't tell ; hair, brown ; inintstache, lit urt n ; good seeds. Clothing: Blue serge sack coat, vest sanie matcri;l. blue serge pants, white shirt, halck stripes; white suspenders, white cotton underwear, purple cotton sucks, laced shoes. Luneliti0n of Lode, had. No. 7(x)1. Coroner IIarhnrger. Geo. 1V. Meeks, Superintendent.

Morgue, 1 Foot of East "Twenty-sixth Street,

New York. May :o, 1)08.

Dcscripliun of unknown woman from Third street, East River—Age, at ii ttt 30 years: height, 5 feet I inch; weight. about t3;; pounds; color, white; eyes, can't tell; hair, brown; good teeth. Clothing: ]disc jacket, blue waist, black skirt, gray petticoat, white cotton cFsmise, (Shill' cotta n ttnrlerwear, black cotton stockings, laced shies. Condition of lx>dy, had. No. 7693. Coroner llrcrhmiri;er. (;co. \1'. \leeks, Super-intendent.


Foot of East "I'wentv-sixth Street, J} New York, May 24, 1908.

Description of unknown man from ()iii' I lundred and 'I hirtieth street, Martens River—Age, about 4(1 years; height, 5 feet 1 inch es; weight, about tr)o pi III nds: color, white ; eyes, can't tell ; hair, brown ; tnot,stache, sandy ; tipper front netts broken off. Clothing: Dark gray mixed goods, sack coat, grit )• vest, gray with black striped pants, hi tic flannel shirt, black cotton socks, low cttt laced shines, white suspenders with blue stripes. Condition of body, had. No. 7695. Cor leer I larhurger. Gen. W. Meeks, Superintendent.

Morgue, ) Foot of Fast Twenty-sixth Street,

New York, May .3, from. I Description of unknown ratan from Nineteenth street, East River—Age, ahuut

45 years; height, 5 feet rt!:: inches: weight, ;clout 170 pinnds; color, white; eyes, can't tell; hair, brown and gray: moustache, s:ntrly; good teeth. Clothing: Gray sack coat, gray and black vest, dark gray pants, brown overalls, black shirt with gray stripes, white cotton ttdershirt. Iwo pairs of brown cotton sucks, Brogan shoes, black foil--in-hand tic. Condition of body. hail . Remark,: Letter 'I' on nrctenhirt. No. 7694. Coroner I larburger. Ge,. 1\•. Meeks, Superintendent.

Morgue, Nu, 25(1 Willottghb) Street.

Borough of Brooklyn, May 23, 1906. f

Description of unknown man from foot of Fifty-first street—:\ge, about i5 years; height, 5 eet 5 inches; weight, about 135 pounds; color, white; eyes, brown; hair, brown; moustache, brown; good teeth. Clothing: Blue serge sack coat, blue serge vest, blue flannel trousers, gray woolen outing shirt, white cotton undershirt, brown cotton drawers, gray woolen socks, black laced vici kid shoes, size 7; black leather belt around waist. Condition of body, had. Remarks : Letters M P. tatooed on left forearm. P. Maguire, Superintendent.


New York, February 28, 1908. The following communications were received, action being taken thereon as noted,

to wit: From the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund (75886)— Returning, in accordance

with Department's request, communication recommending approval of a lease of por-tion of the pier foot of East Ninth street, East River, to John \V. Sullivan, and transmitting certified copies of resolutions adopted hebruary 26, 1908, as follows:

I, Amending resolution adopted February 5, i908, and approving of the execu-tion of a lease to Albert II. l-iastorf of the right to use aml occupy the inshore or most easterly dump on the northerly side of pier foot of West 7 hirtieth street, North River, together with the right to use the ramp or approach thereat for a period of five years, commencing February 15, 11)08, at a rental of $r),2,35 per annttnt ; lessee to make all repairs to dumping board during tern, of lease, and not to interfere in any way with the operation of the remaining outshore dumps on northerly side of pier by Department of Street Cleaning; all repairs to that pnrtion of the ramp or approach extending from the easterly end thereof to the we~terl~' end of the inshore dttntping board shall I>c made I>v the Department of Street CIianing, bttt one-half of the cost thereof, as shown by the books of the Department of Street Cleaning shall be borne by the lessee; the lessee to do such dredging from time to time, during the terns of the lease as may he considered necessary and proper hi' the Commissioner of Docks to a depth of at least 20 feet at mean low water in the basin or slips or water adjacent at the northerly side of said pier, commencing at the bulkhead line and extending outshore to the westerly end of the inshore or most easterly dtmtping board ; the lease to contain the usual conditions contained in leases of wharf property now ill use by this Department, the lessee to furnish a bond in double the amount of the annual rent.

2. Amending resolution adopted March 20, 1907, and approving' of the execti-tiun~of a lease to the United States Transportation Company of the pier foot of \Vest l~urt%'-fourth street, North River, together with bulkhead commencing from a point I 2 feet north of the pier lwtwecn forty-second and Forty-third streets, North River, and extenrlina to the m,rlhrrl% ,irle of the pier foot of West Forty-funtrth street. a distance of abort 220 tel : the ]case to be for a tern] of ten years, commencing March T. 1908, the rental for the said pier and Lnikhcaul to be at the rate of $2,000 per annum, with the privilege of renewal for a further tern of ten years, at an advance of to per cent. (ii) the rental for the first terns ; the United States Transpor-tation Company to receive a permit to he grantee] be the Commissioner of Docks for the erection of a temporary 'hell on the pier and hub khcad, such permit to be no longer than the first term of the lease. namely-, tell years, and to revert to and he-conic the property of the City at the expiration of this first term; the remaining terms and conditions of the lea.e to Le similar to those contained in printed form of lease now in use by this Department.

Filed. From the City Clerk (7;617) —'I'ransinittittg r,Ip}' if resolutiun adopted 1>v the

]?'eard of .Aldermen Jarnttar)- 2t. Icyt,K. and approved I' his I lonor the .Mayor. January 28. tjob, concorriu, in rc(nlutir,n adopted by the Board (if Estimate and Appor-tiimnlent, and fixing the cuntpensatinrn (if the position of lingineman at the rate of $4.50 per (lient. Vu c d.

From the Cnnititrollcr 175843)--1 rnnsmittant; surmiron; and complaint, answer :u:d transcript of judgment (Iuiy- approver] ltv the Corporation Corset, for the sum of $22.35o.r)4. in the matter if A. Cart- Sntith in cnimimc'tiiiui with the preparation of plans for the connt rod tirin of the new ferryboat; for the Staten [slaud ferry, and asking that voucher in the spin of $mS.3oo. the principal c f said judgment, lie prc-p:tred and forwarded to the Finance I)epartment. Filed, the voucher having been prepared and forwarded.

From the 'iItttii(-ip;iI Civil Scrcice Cunlntission-- 1 (758921. :ApprocinL' the rescinding of the discharge of James McDonald, Dock

Laborer. McDonald rcin,tated at 31'. cents per hour, while employed.

2 (75$11-1. 7581)3). Authorizing the rcassignntent of I'crdinand \1.n- x, Dock La-borer, and i1- illianl J<,rilan, No. t, Dockhuilulcr. Both ordered reassigned.

.3 (751)09). Stthtnitting the name of Joseph J. A'user front the preferred list fir l"iurcm:tit if Doc]: Lahnrcrs. Vcscy retustated, at io cents per liour.

4 (i3'toI. Snhtttittin;g fr un> the preferred list persons eligible for rcinnuucntenl as Dock Laborer. The follrnving were reinstated at 31!4 cents per hour:

'I hint:>s J. Age r. Florence A. Lynch. J:nncs Brown. Thomas J. A1cKcnna. \lartiii Burian. Eugene Mahony. Philip Danicls, Geo. F. O'Reilly. 1.,dw. F. I)ecvv. George J. Piepculriug. Daniel Donovan. James 1'. Reilly. Joseph Doyle. James Scales. Villiant Finn. \Vnt. Vog:tn.

Andrew Kane. Janie \Vhelchan. Chas. C. La Lour. Vito Ynlo. Front I). Devine I 75786)--Rcqtuestiilg a reduction its rental for his use it space

on pier foot of West fortieth street, North River. Denied.

from the '\laa-land Steel Company 175730), in rclatiun to the niethod if pro-cedttt•c in erecting freight shells on Piers Go. 61 and (i2, North River. tinder Contract No. toot. hiled.

From the Iiternati mat t - niun cif Steam I_n„inecrs (75(147)—Calling attention to the resoltition adopted h)' the Boarrl of Aldcrmcn J:mnary !t, loo8, fixing the cane Acnsation of I?ruginc•ntcn at the rate „f $4.50 per dims. aril rei[lmcain, that the 1)c- pcu•tntcnt comply thcrc%vith. .\n:wcrcrl that the Department i loss' pacing the rate caller] for ill the n'sciluti,>n.

I roan the henry B. 'l'nrner Coal Company (75742. 74-2931—Requesting lease of 150 feet of the southerly half of the pier foot of last 'Twenty-first street, East River, beginning at a pi ,int 2.35 feet ontsh >rc. Answered that a- the lessee of the inshore

235 feet of the southerly side of the pier has until June I. 1909, an option of an acl-ditimtal too fc.l, the lease cannot he granted; hut, if desired. a permit for the tgo feet of space trill be issued. and, upon the expiration of tltc option referred to, an application for a lease will be given c(insideration.

)~rn the lntcrnaUuttal lcrcantil Marine Ci ml .rny l7a(K7) Subntittin,da ta relative to it, rcctuircntc•nt; f, n- the tncch:otic:tl and electric•:tl equipment for Iltc ncN• pier. it lhr Chelsea section, North River, to he uccupicd lnv the lines of the ciitit-l)aiiY. Comp:iiiy atuhurizeil to pre-emit pl:1115. spscilieatueS' an,I itcmizccl bill of rrta-tcrial and cost for the following :

I. Thrcc 3-demo cargo winches, with a capacity of 2,000 pounds at 250 feet per minute, oft each side of each pier.

2. 'Two _-drum coaling winches on each side of each pier. 3. One are lamp for each t,Soo square feet. The authorization does not include the street lights, the warlring capstans car the

baggage conveyors; it is farther understood that these units mentioned, together with two elevators at each passenger entrance and live tin cacti pier, are intended ti l rep -resrnt till' main cdcets 'If this ntcchaniral installati,m.

I'ri,nt the I•:nginccr-in-1 hicf-- t 175874). Recommending that the Dcpartntu>t of \\ titer Supply, I;as and lace-

ti- icily lie requested to repair lire hych•am near the foot of Twenty-eighth street, Northr River. Request sent as remtntiu'nilid.

2 (75872). Reporting that Contract Nu. 1cx) . for irsilitink cxtutsion to pier he-tween Fifty-first and Fift)-secontl street,. Broulav'n, was commenced February 24, tpoS, by the New York State Construction Company Comptroller notiticri.

James Burke and Thomas Martin (75724) were appointed to the position of Marine Stoker, with compensation at the rate of 433 cents per ]four, while employed.

In accordance with its request (75905), permission was granted the Electric Fire-proofing Company to open asphalt pavement within marginal street area between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, Fast River, upon the usual conditions, for the in-


etallation of a water pipe thereat, work to be done under supervision of Engineer-in-Chief.

Permission was granted Robert J. Wright & Son (75884) to dredge at their dock and bulkhead foot of East One hundred and Fifth street, Harlem River, work to be done under supervision of Engineer-in-Chief.

In accordance with its request (74445), permits were granted the American Ice Company to commence March i t igo8, and to continue during the pleasure of the Commissioner until April 30, i9o8, rental being payable monthly in advance to Cashier, as follows

i. For the use of the bulkhead between Piers 24 and 25, North River, rental at the rate of $1,50o per annum.

2. For the use of the north half of pier foot of Forty-sixth street, North River, rental at the rate of $2,500 per annum.

3. For the use of 25o feet at the inner end of the south side of pier foot of Thirtieth street, East River, rental at the rate of $r,800 per annum.

4. For the use of bulkhead between Ninety-first and Ninety-second streets, East River, rental at the rate of $3,50o per annum.

The privileges are to include the right to maintain the structures used by the company in connection with its ice business at the locations designated. The company was directed to vacate and remove at once all its structures front the Last Ninety-first street pier and from the south half of the pier foot of Forty-sixth street, North River.

In response to his inquiry, the Corporation Counsel was advised that the Depart-nient favors the passage of Assembly Bill Int. No. 804, Printed No. 942, providing for extending the power of the Commissioner of Docks, with reference to setting apart piers for recreation purposes, over such portions of the Greater New York as are not already provided for lie was also advised that the Department is opposed to the passage of Assembly Lill Int. No. 813, Printed No. 951, requiring cities, towns and villages of this State to have all ferry an,l other boats constructed or repaired for such cities, towns or villages, constructed or repaired within the State.

The following Department orders were issued

No. Issued To and For. Price.

23724. Otis Elevator Company, services in connection with operation of elevators at St. George Terminal .......................... $12 20

23725. Mutual Towel Supply Company-, inlet supply fir iMarch, 1908, Ferry Bureau .............................................. 34 75

2372. Thomas Morgan, too days' use of h(r.e, harness alt,l driver, perday ................................................... 3 25

23727. Thomas I~lannigan, too days' use of horse, harness and driver, perday ................................................... 3 25

23728. Superintendent of State Prisons, brooms, etc. (estimated)....... 204 o0 23729. P. IT. Nannery, :,o clays' use of horse, harness and driver,

23730. perclay ...................................................

Peter J. Nilsson, 50 clays' use of horse, harness and driver, 3 25

perclay ..... ......... ................ .. .. ........... 3 25 23737. Babcock & Wilcox Company, brass mountings for boilers........ 70 00

ALLEN N. SPOONI?R, Commissioner.

New York, February 29, 1908.

The Auditor reported that the following were audited and forwarded to the I" inance Department for payment :

i. Payroll of Construction and Repairs force for the week ending February 28, 1908, amounting to $23,890.67;

2. Payroll of .Municipal Ferry force for the week ending February 28, 1908, amounting to $2,388.93;

3. Claims for the week ending February 29, igo8, amounting to $62,239.42; 4. Payroll of the Municipal Ferry force for the month t of February, 19o8,

amounting to $J5,o91.o8; 5. Payroll of the Commissioner's office, Construction horce, Repairs and Mainte-

nance horce and officers and appointees for the month of February, 1908, amounting to $31,391.01.

The Cashier reported: t. 'l'hat moneys were received and deposited for the week ending February 29,

1908, amounting to $41,518.26; 2. That the revenues from the Staten Island ferry privileges for the month of

February, 1908, amounted to $2,71o.62; 3. That the revenues from the Thirty-ninth street (Brooklyn) ferry privileges

for the month of February, tgo8, amounted to $503.74'; 4. That the Staten Island ferry receipts for the month of February, 1908,

amounted to $36,730.45; 5. That the Thirty-ninth street (Brooklyn) ferry receipts for the month of

February, 1908, amount to $9,255.82.

The following Department orders were issued :

No. Issued To and For Price.

23732 . Standard Oil Company, about Zoo gallons of gasolene, per gallon..... $o 20 23733. Peter W. McGlynn, ninety days' use of horse, cart and driver, per day. 3 50

ALLEN N. SPOONER, Commissioner

New York, March 2, ipo8.

The 'following w'ntmtmications were received, action being taken thereon as noted, to wit :

From Mrs. hl. A. Spice (7921)—Requesting permission to construct a crib btilkheadl and fill in in rear of same between First and Third streets, Flushing Bay, College Point, Borough of Queens. Permit granted, work to be done under super-vision of Engineer-in-Chief in accordance with plans submitted as amended.

Fronm the New York Tunnel Company (75822)--Requesting an extension of time within which to remove the trestle erected by the ccmtp:uty at the Battery. Extension granted to and including Mav i t 1908.

hrotn the J. Edward Ogden Company ( 758,31)-- Requesting an extension of time within which to complete the delivery of hardware, etc., under Class 3 of Contract No. to51. Extension granted to and including February 20, T9o8.

From the Sherwin-Williams Company (75924)—Asking whether the paint manu-factured by the company is considered equal to the standards specified in contract for erection of freight sheds at the Chelsea Section, North River, by the Maryland Steel Company. Answered in the affirmative.

From the Saugerties and New York Steamboat Company (75581)—Requesting that the City make repairs to Pier (new) 43, North River, preparatory to the opening of the steamboat season. Answered that under the terms of its lease said company must make all repairs at its own expense.

From the Engineer-in-Chief- I (75938). Submitting plans and specifications for eighty cast steel mooring posts

to be delivered on the Chelsea Section, between Bloonmilcld mid West "lweuty-third streets, North River. Ordered printed as Contract No. i t dt.

2 (75937). Recommending the issuance of orders for repairs and painting, as may be required, to recreation structures located on 1'ic•r (new) 43, North River, pier at West Fiftieth street, pier at West One Ilundred and 7 tttuty-ninth street; Pier (new) 30 and pier at One hundred and Twelfth street, IL•trletu River, and pier foot of North Second street, East River, Ben oklyu. Orders issued to Engineer-in-Chief.

3 (75887). Reporting that John A. I', Molandcr and Cliches P. Herr, recently appointed to the position of lllachinist, are empluvcd in „ iii t r City- I)eparttnents. Appointments in this Department rescinded.

The Commissioner issued the following order (751)2P) : "It is hereby ordered that, beginning on March 4. 1908, Ili,- Superintendent of

Ferries shall have entire charge of the \Innicipal I'crries, a iii . all cuuphuvices now working on the ferries shall b, subject to his orders, cxecpriitg as herein farther specified. This is to include the tuanipulatinn of the fcrrics, air.,, repair; and supplies, 1-lie exceptions are that the T?ngiuccr-in-Chief will have the dire ,•!i,t and .supervision of construction of ferryboats and ferry terminals; rthie re, the I?ngineer-in-Chief will have entire charge of the \Vest Fifty-seventh street y,rrd nod the llusiting property, including all towboats and launches, and all other natters heretc if' ire under charge of Mr. John J. 1-Ierrick, Mechanical Engineer.

"Also, Mr. John J. Ilerrick, D1cch:tnic,d l.n itm er, i, ;ts;i uccl to Air. C. W. Staniford, Engineer-in-Chief, and Mr. George Krug, Sr., AlccIr,inical 1`amgireer, is assigned to Mr. John F. Ambrose, Superintendent If I eyries.

''The supplies for construction work and ferries must b, >ep:,r:ttccl mild kept in different storehouses, and are to be issued only lip ,m orders of ill • respective heads; and when work is neer;nary front ,me' branch it the I)cpartnt'.•mi! Ic, another it must be upon written request front inc head of a Bureau to ;mother. "I hi;, bo vt-ver, is not to be construed to tncmci that in car of e•irergeueies that Iq.p'e ,n•. ec'rrtntttnicalions shall not be accepted and carried out.

"In general, the nt:tnas entent of the ferric.; :moth ccins(rnclic,n ::rc to he entirely separated in every way, both in ntanngcutcnt ttnd :;ec,nnts."

The following Department order was issticcl:

No. Issued To and l'or. Price.

23734. New York Bank Note Comp:nty, ferry tickets ...................... $437 50

In conncctinn with the agreement hetuain the City :mil .1. Arrlii!rmhc Murray for the purchase of certain prcpryty hiclsi`rm'll the smtlierhv line of 'I line-sixth street and the centre' line of 'I wcnti-ei4hth sire-I, Dr lavn, the Cnmptr„!lcr ,mull Corporation Counsel were advised that in victs if tlic I:,ct tint the Iii I, (;iem-:totcc and Trust, Company ,tats that the veucds,'s do u, id r %%, n the landl in 'I went eighth street, the Conrmissinner d,,u not 'see that lie c•:ut grnvru' a svnyr:,iit an,i e,•rlilv :i, to the correct-ness of the amount ante's, the Corporation C~iutlsc•1 al'pyc,vc's tlie li!I.•.

In respontse to it." Cunurnttnticatiun (75910) iii, lmswl-'M - 1 ;tciil ( till otis advised that the property hctwcen Nifty-ninth ruiul S xty first str,•rt=, tiunth lir, i'kltm, is not available fir ynathonse purposes.

The Iinard of .1ldcrntcn tcerc rerltte>t~ , l to- ail"1,1 :t r,titi,u :nuhiniiiiig and empowering the Uc•rcnttuc•nt, ttith''nl a'lccrli-mil Inc I;i'!, nr ill rtclinet for the amt, to d'' ,he' f(dimcin_ sleek iv lb c• fare'. ,f this Ic;cetm,-rnl: k''li:sir, to piers at

W'e'st) ,riletlt strcct, It'a-t 'I ice-cn-Eli .tee, I and l:,i'! (lit, I Itni,',rc ,I :lilt 'I' nIlt trcet, it being un;Icr~tnncl (limit :ill wail: , .i clr, , lin_t ;Ball 1„ lnc lino! :ill ntrilc•ri;tl or slip- plies necessary I'm the I,r ,.cc;ni„n Ili ;ai!l rk -hall be trirch - t-1 In r"ntract, as provided in section 4ly of the (;real , -r Nra 'm 'el.: ('hart,-r.

All opinion (75i)74t suns ecn'ycci imull the (.olp''r,lli(iti l',un-,-I !~- the (Meet that the Comtuti.:i,rd'r cannel lii_tal;v 'Io tt,rlc „f r, beer; c tltc r vise tlian I,t e , ntract, let after advertisement to the wet ilium uluey,' till ;ttu~'iint inrl,' b c~rcr~l; $t,ono on any rile cl,,ck, bier or bull:h , act. I"iI,' !.

11.1.1':A N. 5l'OO\l':l~. ('inmi.sinncr.

PUBLIC HEARINGS. I Il i , t' rnnrni's;ic,nc r La: :cl,p~,int~ ,l Will inn! J. 'foil to lh'-• 1iti"rt iif I-in:mcial

hearing will he held at the Alay-or•s ofticc in the (City (mull, in The City of New 1 c,rl<, ou 'I- hur;dnv, Jttnc 4, 1(flo8, at 9.30

Notice i' Iie'rciiv given that a ptihlic

om'u'F. UP Tin, 31AYOa. Crry or• Nose Yo!ct.,

June 2, lgok. 1

ii I)ia-l: Lahlrmer, cli.,l 11:rr _1. 19o.,. IIis

('I, rl;, f, 'r 'lniy a> 'I ic•kct :\pent in the

mule Ilan tn'.•n ,L',,tsI,-,l front the list of uil,l, c.: i 1 thi-; Ii •j 0rini,•tit.

siuni'.'ilint I crrt c r. i,,. v,ilh tins at the ale ..f `t5'1i li,•r rtcubl iqii!,' ontpl, icl.

'1 it \'o•n:Iiti I 'r((Oily eiitt(l, \c•cl as

('clink in the forcnonn, upon a resolution (t)! i'l' (11 (.I:I:I::\I. sI•'.SSIttNS passed by the Boardf :Aldcrrmer ,tii ,

(' 'till! . i N,5 1„rl;. ,6, lroi, giving conccnt to the Springficicl, ( I.. 1.) (t•metory Association 1i) aCdliiic

I' n !- -'I he Jtt<i.' :c> cif 1114 C''111l of

and set apart I 'iii d for cemetery purposes

(;, ,, is I t' 1's it ;.f Ihi,' I':;arc• in ;,n,l for in thv liliy, inlh of C)nc, ns. !li, t'ntni s „i A:'•r, lj' rl. have ol,1,ointc•d

I, , .wl,lt I'. lh mil t'. •,I N',. -:G2 \1'c.t One (;II(1K(;I': IL yii CIEL,L.\N,

Mayor. lhiuilrl ,f :tucl 'I w.'titc-uindlt slrc l i s Flnr- ~'u„li r l \I:uinkiItoi. tit\. i ' I ."s i, 'u' r1:,

Public notice is hereby given that time .,ti 'ill .\lI,r,'baiu! i,f this (', 'art. I, r the C,,tnmitici• on Laws and Legislation of lo-ul,ntittt:rte• piii~„1 ,i thi:'- uuc'mcBil all the Board of Aldermen will hold a pub- a ,al:n - c ,,f $t,;rri limy :untum. t - i pill c l-fact lic hearing in the Aldertnanic Chamber, iii' !,t ,h;, of Jun,, City hall, Borough of Manhattan, on \Vcdncsda%•, Julie 3, 1908, at n o'clock p. nt., Itl1:1.' \(' ((I, IS('iI,UI V'(;S, on the fr,llotving rrtatter:

L"onlite'Ii ''1 IIu-' 'la n. Proposed ordinance relative to push

111(1,• ! .11,pr,intc'cl I):,nic'l I) nut:,n. N.,. carts. -(Si \\ -c-I Title-(,meth street, Manlmuttaui,

All persons interested in the above mat- :ill iii-icdoi- (it' I ~k smc n , at stn annual tcr are respectfully invited to attend. C , .1111's (i iIinn c,f 8 I lin, thin en Ibi•. dale. 1'. J. SCUI,T.Y,

Iac , ,L inliman, al I,r, su(it nn,li'r Ill' City Clerk mind Clerk of the Board of jtni'dicli'lu f tb,• l),li:(-Iunc.(it „f h•~Aii''a Aldermen. tie. \l::ithnuan as .cry;ncl gail, ('I'•rl<, lilts iii,-ti true;fct'rc•, I ti, :t sinvilm' I,lSi

CHANGES IN DEPARTMENTS, ETC. tiun in I Ii i. Itntr: n :it alt mlriihai i'"rnct,y t:li, It . , t' :^r.ci=,u, Ii, c!:,I'• Irvin Jane !, !()n>i.

I71;PAft"1'111'.Y'l OP U(1CKS \\D I;RRIES. I'I:I'lSll)I' "f I (t!- I III? ltOi O(II Ol

Jtnir i 'I he G,inimissi,mcy ha, u•nn's.

1'i ('I I,\l( )\ I ). ferred l hrnna; thatcher from the pc,Sitlor

Iii, i .\I~fn,;nl„1 iii,' fuPnwiii0 '(5'' 'p-

of Dock laborer to that of Wircntan, with , t, in Ill, I;nn au „f Street Cisiuurg, colli pay at the rate of fifty cents per hour pct -mu i•,u Ic , be nt Ih,• rate of $2 per day, while cmpinyed, to take effect Saturday, Ire e, 'll(lutcn('C from \ oOday, June 8, ttyi8: June 6, 1908. Vir('yw(l (;n rr;t, 1'oe i3; hiqymrncl

The Cunanis'sioucr hit. reinstated Juhii terrace, .New iirigiltrm, N' w York. Began as a Marine Stoker, with pay at

('imwicc, J. Orte, i'h. 3S Fourth street,

the rate of $90 per ntontlt while employed. New Brighton, New York.


DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. June i—The compensation of James Or-

moncl, No. 2004 Amsterdam avenue, New York City, Mechanics' helper, is fixed at $ìç per week, to date from May 31, 1908.

'J he resignation of James Gttye, No, 151 Amsterdam avenue, Laborer, at 28% cents per hour, is hereby accepted to date from June I, ipo8, there being no fault or delinquency on his part.


June r—Deith of John Saul, of No. 951 Rogers place, Rammer in the Bureau of ligltways, on May 22, 1908.


TATEMENT OF THE HOURS DURING which the Public Offices in the City are open

or business and at which the Courts regularly open and adjourn, as well as the places where such offices are kept and such Courts are held, together with the heads of Departments and Courts.


MAYOR'S OFFICE. No. 5 City Hall, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, q

a. m, to 12 M. Telephone, 8o2o Cortlandt. GEORGE B McCLFLLAN, Mayor. Frank M. O'Brien, Secretary. William A. Willis, Executive Secretary. James A. Rierdon, Chief Clerk and Bond and


Room 7, City Hall, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays q a. m. to 12 m.

Telephone, 8020 Cortlandt, Patrick Derry. Chief of Bureau,


q a. m, to 4 p m.- Saturdays, q a. m. to Is m, Telephone, 8020 tortlandt, John P. Corrigan. Chief of Bureau. Principal Office, Room I, City Hall. Gaetano

D'Amato, Deputy Chief, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx.

Branch Office Room 12, Borough Hall Brooklyn. James J. Kinsella, Deputy Chief, Borough of Brook- lyn.

Branch Office, Richmond Borough Hall, Room 23 New Brighton, S. 1. William R. Woelfie, Financial Clerk, Borough of Richmond

Branch Office Hackett Building, Long Island City, Borough of Queens,

AQ,IJEDUCT COMMJSSIONERS. Room 207, No. z8o Broadway, 5th floor, q a. m. to

4 m. Telephone, 1943 Worth. The Mayor the Comptroller, ex-officio, Commis-

sioners John k Cowan (President), William H. Ten Eyck John J. Ryan and John f'. Windolph; Harry W. Vl~alker, Secretary; Walter H. Sears, Chief En-gineer.

ARMORY BOARD. Mayor George B. McClellan, the President of

the Board of Aldermen, Patrick F. McGowan, Brigadier-General George Moore Smith, Brigadier-General Tohn G. Eddy, the President of the Depart-ment of Taxes and Assessments, Lawson Purdy.

Hartle Davis, Secretary, Room 6, Basement, Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre streets.

Office hours, 95. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays, 9 a. m to tam,

Telephone, 3900 Worth,

ART COMMISSION. City Hall, Room III. Telephone call rrgy Cortlandt. Robert W. Ac Forest Trustee Metropolitan

Museum of Art, President; itrank D. Millet, Painter, Vice-President; Howard Mansfield, Secretary; A. Augustus Healy, President of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences' George B. McClellan, Mayor of The City of New %ork; John Higrluw, President of New York Public Library; John J. Hoyle, Sculptor; Arnold W Brunner. Architect; John B. Pine, Charles Howland Russell

John Quincy Adams, Assistant Secretary.

BELLEVUE AND ALIIED HOSPITALS. Office, Bellevue Hospital, Twenty-sixth street and

First avenue. Telephone, 4400 Madison Square. Board of lrusteeee—Dr. John W. Brannan, Presi-

dent; James K. Paulding, Secretary; Arden M. Rob-bins, Samuel Sachs Leopold Stern, John J. Barry, John G. O'Keefte, Robert W. Hebberd ex-odtcio.

General Medical Superintendent, S,'1', Armstrong. M. D.

BOARD OF ALDERMEN, No. it City Hall, 10 a. M. to 4 p, m.; Saturdays.

ro a. m, to is in. Telephone, 7560 Cortlandt. Patrick F. McGowan, President, P. J. Scully, City Clerk.


Office. No. 320 Broadway, q a. m. to 4 p• m.; Sat urdays, is in

Antonio Zucca. Paul Weimann. James H Kennedy. William H. Jasper, Secretary. Telephone, ,q, 3o and 3' Worth,

BOARD OF ELECTIONS. Headquarters, General Office, No.107 West Forty

first street. Commissioners — John T. Doling (President)

Charles B Page (Secretary), Rudolph C. Fuller James Kane.

A. C. Allen, Chief Clerk.


No. Its West Forty-second street, William C. Baxter, Chief Clerk,

The Bronx, One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street and Mott

avenue (Solingen Building) Cornelius A. Bunner, Chief Clerk.

Brooklyn. No. 45 Court street (Temple Bar Building). George Russell, Chief Clerk.

Queens. No. 46 Jackson avenue, Long Island City Carl Voegel, Chief Clerk.

Richmond. Borough Hall New Brighton S. 1, Charles M. Schwalbe, Chief Lllerk, All offices open from q a. m, to 4 P. m.; Saturdays,

9a.In.to lam.


The Mayor, Chairman; the Comptroller. President of the Bnard of Aldermen, President of the Borough of Manhattan. President of the Borough of Brook-tyn, President of the Borough of The Bronx, Presi-dent of the Borough of Queens, President of the Borough of Richmond,


No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406, Telephone, 2280 Worth.

Joseph Haag, Secretary William M. Lawrence Assistant Secretary. Charles V. Adee, Clerk to Board.

OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER. Nelson P. Lewis, Chief Engineer No. 277 Broad

way, Room 1408. Telephone, 2281 Worth. Arthur S. Tuttle, Engineer in charge Division of

Public Improvements, No. 277 Broadway, Room 1408. Telephone, 2281 Worth.

Harry P. Nichols, Engineer in charge Division of Franchises, No. 277 Broadway, Room Sox. Tele-phone, aa8a Worth.

BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Rooms 6027 and 6028 Metropolitan Building, No. I

.Madison avenue, Borough of Manhattan, q E. m. to 4 m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m. to rs m.

Teleohone, 58e Gramercy. Warren A. Conover, Charles Buck, Lewis Hard-

ing, Charles G. Smith, Edward F. Croker, Henry R. Marshall, and George A. Just, Chairman.

Edward V. Barton, Clerk. Board meeting every Tuesday at s p. m.


Office, No. 148 Last Twentieth street, John V. Coggey, Commissioner of Correction,

('resident. \Vin. E. Wyatt, Judge, Special Sessions, First

i )ivision. Robert f . Wilkin, Judge, Special Sessions, Sec-

ond Ilivistun. James J . \Valsh. City Magistrate, First Division. I-.dward J. Donley, City Magistrate, Second l)ivi-

Sion. Samuel 11. hamburger, John C. IIeintz, Dominick

1)i Dario, James F. Bugle, Thonms R. Minnick, Secretary.


Herman A. Metz, Comptroller. Francis K. Pendleton, Corporation Counsel. Lawson Purdy, President of the Department of

Taxes and Assessments Henry J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Finance Depart-

ment, No. s8o Broadway Telephone, raoo Worth

BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY. Office, No. sqq Broadway. John A. Bensel, Charles N. Chadwick,

Charles A. Shaw, Commissioners. Thomas Bassett, Secretary. J. Waldo Smith, Chief Engineer.

COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS. Rooms 114 and 115 Stewart Building, No. 280

Broadway, 9 a. m. to q p m. Telephone, 4315 Worth. John Purroy Mitchel, Ernest Y.Gallaher, Coin



TWENTY-THIRD AND TWENTY-FOURTH WARDS. Office of the Commission, Room 138 No. alto

Broadway (Stewart Building), Borough of Manhat-tan. New York City.

Commissioners—William E. Stillings, George C. Norton, Lewis A Abrams.

Lamont McLoughlin, Clerk. Regular advertised meetings on Monday, Wednes-

day and Friday of each week at a o'clock p. m.


City Hall, Rooms 11, Is; ro a. m, to 4 p, m.; Sat-urdays. to a. in. to is m.

Telephone, 7g6o Cortlandt. P. J. Scully, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of

Aldermen. Joseph F. Prendergast, First Deputy City Clerk. John T. Oakley, thief Clerk of the Board of

Aldermen. Joseph V. Sculley, Clerk, Borough of Brooklyn. Thomas J. McCabe, Deputy City Clerk, Borough

of The Bronx. William R. Zimmerman, Deputy City Clerk, Bor-

on h of Queens Poseph F. O'Grady, Deputy City Clerk, Borough

of Richmond.



Supervisor's Office, Park Row Building, No. as Park Row. Entrance, Room So;, q a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, g a. m. to aim,

Telephone, 1505 and ico6 Cortlandt. Supply Room, No. z City Hall.

Patrick J Tracy, Supervisor; Henry %icMil!e,, Deputy Supervisor: C. MrKemie, Secretary

COMMISSIONER OF LICENSES. Office No. 277 Broadway.

JJohn 1Y Bogart, Commissioner. ames P. Archibald, Deputy Commissioner. ohn J. Caldwell, Secretary. 61ce hours, 9 a. m. to 4p. m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m.

to 12 M. Telephone. shah Worth,

COMMISSIONERS OF SINKING FUND George B. McClellan, Mayor Chairman; Herman

A. Metz, Comptroller; James j. Martin, Chamber-lain; Patrick F. McGowan, President of the Board of Aldermen, and Timothy P. Sullivan, Chairman i Finance Committee Board of Aldermen, Members; N, Taylor Phillips, beputy Co: ptroller, Secretary.

Office of Secretary r Room 12, Stewart Building. Telephone, raoo North.

DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGES. Nos. 13-21 Park Row, James W. Stevenson, Commissioner. John H. Little, Deputy Commission', Edgar F. Schiff, Secretary. Office hours, q a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays, 9 a. m. to to m Telephone, 6080 Cortlan4t.



No. T48 East Twentieth street Office hours from S a. in to 4 p m.; Saturdays, q a. m. to 12 m.

Teleph,.ne. 1047 Gramercy. John V. Coggey. Commissioner. George W Meyer, Deputy Commissioner, John R Fitr¢eraid Ce,-eetare.


Pier " A," N R., Battery place. Telephone, 300 Rector Allen N. Snooper. Commissioner. Denis A. judge, Deputy Commissioner. Joseph W Savage. Secretary. Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m,; Saturdays, Ia M.


BOARD OF EDUCATION. Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of

Manhattan, q a. m. to 5 p. m. (in the month of August, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.!; Saturdays, q a. m, to 12 M.

Telephone, 5580 Plaza. Richard B. Aldcroftt, Jr.; Nicholas J. Barrett,

Charles E. Bruce M.D.; Joseph E. Cosgrove. Frederic R. Cnudert, Francis W. Crowninslield, Francis P. Cunniun, Thomas M. He Laney. Samuel B Dannelly, Horace E. Dresser A. Leo Everett, Alexander Ferris,oseph Nicola Francolini, Gr-orge Freifeld. George J. Gillespie, John Greene, Lewis Haase, Robert L. Harrison. Lc,uis Haupt, M D.: Thomas J. Higgins, Arthur Hollick, Charles H. Ingalls. Nathan S. Jonas. Hugo Kanzler. Max Katzenherg, John C. Kelley. Alrick H Man, Clement March, Mitchell May. Dennis J. McDon-aid, M. D.;'I'homas J. O'Donnhue. Frank H. Part-ridge, George W. Schaedle, Henry H. Sherman Arthur S. Somers, Abraham Stern, M. Samuel Stern, Cornelius J. Sullivan, Michael J. Sullivan. Bernard Suydam, Rupert B. Thomas, John R. Thompson, George A. Vandenhoff, Frank I). Vs'ilsey, George W. 11'ingate, Egerton L. Winthrop, Jr.. members of the Board.

r,gerton L. Winthrop, Jr., President. John Greene. Vice-President. A. Emerson Palmer. Secretary. Fred H. Johnson, Assistant Secretary, C. B. J. Snyder, Superintendent of School Build

nes. Patrick Jones, Superintendent of School Supplies Henry R. M. Cook, Auditor, Thomas A. Dillon, Chief Clerk. Henry M. I.eipziger, Supervisor of Lectures, Claude G. Leland, Superintendent of Libraries


William 11. Maxwell, City Superintendent of Schools, and Andrew \4'. Edson, Clarence F Meleney, Thomas S. O'Brien, Edward B. Shallow, Edward L. Stevens, Gustave Straubenna6iler. I^r', N W lsh, Associate City Superintendents (One vacancy.)


Darwin L. Bardwell1 William A. Campbell, John 1. Chickering, John W. Davis. John Dwyer, aloes M. Edsall, Matthew J. Elgas, 1':dward D. Farrell, Cornelius D. Franklin, John Griffin. M D.: John H. Hasten John L. N. Flunt, Henry W. Jameson, Isoles Lee. Chalies W. Lyon, James J. McCabe, William J. O'Snea, Julia Richman, Alfred T Schauftler, Albert Shiels, Edgar Dubs Shinier, Seth T. Stewart Edward W. Stitt, Grace C. Strachan, Joseph S. Taylor, Evangeline E. Whitney.


William H. Maxwell, City Superintendent of Schools, and James C. Byrnes, Walter L. Hervey, Jerome A. O'Connell, George J. Smith, Examiners.

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway,

9 a. m. to 4 p m.; Saturdays, g a. m. to ra M. 'Telephone, 1200 Worth Herman A. Metz, Comptroller John H. HcCooey and N. Taylor Phillips, Deputy

Comptrollers. Hubert L. Smith, Assistant Deputy Comptroller. Charles H. Murray, Secretary to Comptroller.

MAIN DIVISION, H. J. Storrs, Chief Clerk, Room Ii.

BOOKKEEPING AND AWARDS DIVISION. Frank W. Smith, Chief Accountant and Book-

keeper, Room 8.

STOCK AND BOND DIVISION. James J. Sullivan, Chief Stock and Bond Clerk

Room 85


P. H. Quinn, Chief Auditor of Accounts. Room a7.


Jeremiah T. Mahoney, Auditor of Accounts Room 185


Charles S. Hervey, Supervising Statistician and Examiner, Room ISo

CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS DIVISION, Daniel C. Potter, Chief Examiner of Accounts of

Institutions. Room 38

OFFICE OF THE CITY PAYMASTER. No. Si Chambers street and No. 65 Reade street John H. Timmerman, City Paymaater,

ENGINEERING DIVISION. Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway,

Chandler Withington, Chief Engineer. Room 55.


Thomas F Byrnes, Mortimer J. Brown, Apprais-ers of Real Estate, Room 157.

BUREAU FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAXES. Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building, Room

O. David E. Austen, Receiver of faxes. John J. McDonough and William H. Loughran,

Deputy Receivers tit Taxes Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building,Third

and Tremont avenues. John B. Underhill and Stephen A. Nugent, Dep-

uty Receivers of 'Taxes. Borough of Brooklyn—Municipal Building, Rooms

z-8. James B. Bouck and William Gallagher, Deputy

Receivers of Taxes. Borough ofQueens—Hackett Building, Jackson

avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City. George If. Creed and Mason O. Smedley, Deputy

Receivers of Taxes Borough of Richmond—Borough Hall, St. George,

New Brighton. John De Morgan and F. Wilsey Owen, Deputy

Receivers of Taxes


Borough of Manhattan—Stewart Building, Room dr.

Daniel Moynahan, Collector of Assessments and Arrears.

Richard F. Weldon, Deputy Collector of Assess-ments and Arrears

Borough of The Bronx—Municipal Building, Rooms 1-3 .

James J . Donovan, Jr., Deputy Collector of As-sessments and Arrears.

Borough of Brooklyn—Mechanics' Bank Building, corner I'nurt and Montague Streets

Thomas J. Drennan, Deputy Collector of Assess-ments and Arrears

Borough ofQueens--Hackett Building, Jackson avenue and Fifth street, Long Island City.

Patrick L. Leahy, Deputy Collector of Assess-ments and Arrears.

Borough of tcichmond—St. George, New Brigh-ton.

George Brand, Deputy Collector of Assessments sod Arrears.


Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway, Rouen t q r.

John M. Gray Collector of City Revenue and Superintendent of Markets.

John F. Hobbs, Deputy Superintendent of Markets.

David O'Brien, Deputy Collector of City Revenue.


Frank J. Trial, Chief Examiner. Zoom Iii.


Stewart Building, Chambers street and Broadway Kooru 63 to 67.

James J. Martin, City Chamberlain. John H. Campbell, Deputy Chamberlain. Telephone, 4270 Worth,

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Southwest corner of Fifty-fifth street and Sixth

avenue, Borough of Manhattan, 9 a. m. to am. Burial Permit and Contagious Dis Lase Offices al-

ways open. Telephone. Columbus, Thomas Darlington, M. D., C,Imu'Issioner of

Health and President. Alvah H. Duty, M. D., Theodore A Bingham,

Commissioners. Eugene W. Scheffer. Secretary. Herman M. Bi8Is, MI)., General Medical Officer. an,es McC. Miler, Chief Clerk.

alter Bensel, M D., Sanitary Superintendent. William H. Guilfoy, M. D., Registrar of Records.

Borough of Manhattan. Alonzo Blauvelt, M. D. Assistant Sanitary Su-

erintendent; George A. oberts, Assistant Chief lerk. Charles J. Burke, M. D., Assistant Registrar of


Borough of The Bronx, No. 3735 Third avenue. Alonzo Glauvelt. M. U., Acting Assistant Sani-

tary Simerintendcnt; Ambrose Lee, Jr., Assistant Chief C erk; Arthur J. O'Leary, M. 11., Assistant Registrar of Kecords.

Borough of Brooklyn, Nos. 38 and 40 Clinton street 'Traverse R. Maxtield~ M. D., Assistant Sanitary

Superintendent; Alfred P. Metcalfe, Assistant Chief Clerk; S. J. Byrne, M. D., Assistant Registrar of Records.

Borough of Queens, Nos. 372 and 374 Fulton street, Jamaica.

Alonzo Blauvelt, M. D., Acting Assistant Sani-tary Superintendent; George R. Crowly, Assistant Chief Clerk; Robert Campbell, M. I)., Assistant Registrar of Records.

Borough of Richmond, Nos. 54 and 56 Water street, Stapleton, Staten Island.

John T. Sprague, M. D., Assistant Sanitary Super-intendent Charles E. Buyer, Assistant Chief Clerk-

alter Wcod, M. D., Assistant Registrar of Records.

DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Henry Smith, Commissioner of Parks for the

Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond, and Presi-dent Park Board.

Roswell D. Williams, Secretary. Offices, Arsenal Central Park. Telephone, 201 i laza. Michael J. Kennedy, Commissioner of Parks for

the Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Offices, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, Brook-

15111. Telephone. 2300 South. Joseph 1. Berry, Commissioner of Parks fcr the

Borough of The Bronx. Office, Lbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, Is m. Telephone, s6go Tremont.



Foot of Fast Twenty-sixth street, q a. M. to 4 p. m, Saturdays, 12 m.

Telep I(ne 3350 Madison Square. Robert W Ilebberd Commissioner. Richard C. Baker, First Deputy Commissioner. James J McInerney. Second Deputy Conlmis-

siones fur Rrooklve acct Queens . "• tz+ tr III Schenncrhorn street, Brooklyn. 'Telephone, 5977 r\1air,.

1. McKee Borden Secretary. Plans and Spet ificatiuns, C .ntracts. Proposals and

Estimates for Work and Materials for Building, Re- pairs and Supplies, Bills and Accounts, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, to m.


Bureau of Dependent Adults, foot of East Twenty-sixth street. Office hours, 8.30 a. m. to 4 p. m.

The Children's Bureau, No. 66 Third avenue. Office hours, 8.3o a. m. to 4 p. m.

Jeremiah Connelly, Superintendent for Richmond Borough. Borough Hall. St George, Staten Island.

Telephone, boo Tompkinsville.


Nos. 13 to 21 Park row, 9 a. M. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 3863 Cortlandt. Foster Crowell Commissioner. William H. Edwards, Deputy Commissioner

Borough of Manhattan. Owen J. Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of Brooklyn. Jerome F. Reilly, Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of The Bronx. John J. O'Brien, Chief Clerk.


Hall of Records, corner of Chambers and Centre streets. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, 9a.m.to72m.

Commissioners Lawson Purdy, President; Frank Raymond, James H. Tully1Charles Putzel, Thomas L. Hamilton, Hugh Hastings, Charles J. McCor-mack.


Nos. 13 to 21 Park row, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephones, Manhattan, 8520 Cortlandt; Brook-

lyn 3980 Main; Queens, 439 Greenpoint; Richmond, 94 Tompkinsville; Bronx, 62 Tremont.

John H. O'Brien, Commissioner. M. F. Loughman, Deputy Commissioner. John F. Garvey, Secretary to Department, I. M. de Varona, Chief Engineer. George W. Birdsall, Consulting Hydraulic Engi-

neer. George F. Sever, Consulting Electrical Engineer. Charles F Lacombe. Chief Engineer of Light and

Power. Michael C. Padden, Water Register, Manhattan. William A. Hawley, Secretary to Commissioner. William C. Cozier, Deputy Commissioner Bor-

ough of Brooklyn, Municipal Building, Brooklyn. John W. McKay, Acting Chief Engineer, Brook-

lyn. William R. McGuire, Water Register, Brooklyn. Michael Hecht,' Deputy Commissioner, Borough

of The Bronx, Crotona Park Building, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street and Third avenue.

Thomas M. Lynch, Water Register, The Bronx. Charles C. Wissel, Deputy Commissioner Bor-

ough of Queens, Hackett Building, Long island City.

John E. Bowe, Deputy Commissioner, Borough of Richmond, Municipal Building, St. George.

BUREAU FOR THE RECOVERY OF PENALTIES. No. rig Nassau street, g a. m. to 4 p. m.; Satur-

days 9a. M. to 12 m. Telephone, 4526 Cortlandt. Herman Stiefel, Assistant in charge.


No. 28o Broadway, 5th floor. Office hours for pub-lic ga. m. to qp m.; Saturdays, 9 a, M. to Is M.

fielephonet 4585 Worth. Geo. O'Reilly, Assistant in charge,


No. 44 East Twenty-third street, q a. m. to 4 p. in Saturdays, q a. m. to 12 m.

Telephone 1961 Gramercy. - John P. O'Brien, Assistant in charge.


Office No. 17 Battery place. George H. Soper, Ph. D., I'resident; James H. Fuertes, Secretary; H. de B. Parsons, Charles Sooysmith, Linsly R. Williams, M. D,

Telephone, 1684 Rector.


No. zqq Broadway,q a. m, to 4 p. in. Frank L. Polk, R. Ross Appleton, Arthur J.

O'Keefe. Frank A. Spencer, Secretary. John F. Skelly, Assistant Secretary.

Labor Bureau. No. 66 Lafayette street. Telephone, sun Worth.


Nos. IS9 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Head-quarters Fire Department.

Patrick A. Whitney, Deputy Fire Commissioner and Chairman; William Montgomery, John Sherry, C Andrade, Jr., Abram A. Breneman.

Franz S. Wolf, Secretary, No. 157 East Sixty seventh street.

Stated meeting Friday of each week, at 3 p.m. Telephone, 640 Plaza.


CENTRAL OFFICE. No. 300 Mulberry street, q a. in. to 4 p. W. Telephone, 3100 Spring. Theodore A. BingIiam, Commissioner. William F. Baker, First Deputy Commissioner. Frederick H. Bugher, Second Deputy Commis-

sioner. Bert Hanson, Third Deputy Commissioner. Daniel G. Slattery, Secretary to Commissioner. William H. Kipp, Chief Clerk.

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. The Public Service Commission for the First Dis

trict, Tribune Building, No. 154 Nassau street, Manhattan.

Office hours, 8 a. m. to ii p. in. every day in the year, including holidays and Sundays.

Stated public meetings of the Commission, Tues-days and Fridays at 11.30 a. m. in the Public Hear-ing Room of the Commission, third floor of the Tribune Building, unless otherwise ordered.

Commissioners—William R. Willcox, Chairman; William McCarroll, Edward M. Bassett, Milo R. Maltbie, John E. Eustis. Counsrl, George S. Cole-man. Secretary, Travis H. Whitney.

Telephone, 4150 Beekman,

TENEMENT HOUSE DEPARTMENT. Manhattan Office No 44 East Twenty-third street. Telephone, 5331 dramercy. Edmond J. Butler, Commissioner. Harry G. Darwin. First Deputy Commissioner. Brooklyn Office [Boroughs of Brooklyn, queens

and Richmond), emple Bar Building, o. 44 Court street.

Telephone, 3825 Main. John McKeown, Second Deputy Commissioner. Iironx Office, Nos. 2804, 2806 and 2808 Third Ave-

nue. Telephone, q(, 7 Melrose William B. Calvert, Superintendent.


BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Office of the President, corner Third avenue and

One Hundred and Seventy-seventh street; 9 a. m. to 4p m.; Saturdays,q a. m to is m.

Louis F. Haffen President. Henry A. Gumbieton, Secretary John F. Murray, Commissioner of Public Works. Peter J. Stumpf, Assistant Commissioner of Public


Josiah A. Briggs, Chief Engineer. rederick Greifenberg, Principal Assistant Topo-

graphical Engineer, Charles H. Graham. Engineer of Sewers.

BOROUGH. OF BROOKLYN. President's Office, Nos. 15 and r6 Borough Hall, 9

a, in to q p. m.; Saturdays, q a. m. to is in. Bird S. Coler, President. Charles Frederick Adams, Secretary. John A. lfeffernan, Private Secretary. David F. Moore, Superintendent of Buildings. Thomas R. Farrell, Superintendent of the Bureau

)f Highways. James Dunne, Superintendent of the Bureau of

Sewers. Joseph M. Lawrence, Superintendent of the Bureau

if Public Buildings and Offices.

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Office of the President, Nos. 14, 15 and r6 City

-fall 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, q a. m. to rz m, Join F. Ahearn, President. Bernard Downing, Secretary. John Cloughen, Commissioner of Public Works. James J. Hagan, Assistant Commissioner of Pub-

ic Works. Edward S. Murphy, Superintendent of Buildings. George F. Scannell, Superintendent of Highways. Frank I. Goodwin, Superintendent of Sewers. John R. Voorhis, Superintendent of Buildings

and Offices. Telephone, 6725 Cortlandt.

BOROUGH OF QUEENS. President's Office, Borough Hall, Jackson avenue

and Fifth street, Long Island City; 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays, g a. m to is m.

Lawrence Gresser President. John M. Cragen Secretary. Alfred DP-nt, n. FDmWn..noDnrr of Public Works. Harry Sutphin, Assistant Commissioner of Pub-

lic Works. lames P. Hicks, Superintendent of Highways. Carl Berger. Superintendent of Buildings. John J. Halleran, Superintendent of Sewers. James E. Clonin, Superintendent of Street

Cleaning. Edward F. Kelly, Superintendent of Public

Buildings and Offices, Telephone, t000 Greenpoint.

BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. President's Office, New Brighton, Staten Island. George Cromwell, President. Maybury Fleming, Secretary. Louis Lincoln Tribus, Consulting Engineer and

Acting Commissioner of Public Works. John Seaton Superintendent of Buildings. H. E. Buel §uperintendent of Highways. John T. iretherston, Superintendent of Street

Claning, Ernest H. Seehusen, Superintendent of Sewers. John Timlin, Jr., Superintendent of Public Build-

ings and Offices. tieorge W. Tuttle, Principal Assistant Engineer

Bureau of Engineering—Topographical, Theoaor S. Oxholm, Principal Assistant Engineer,

Bureau of Engineering—Construction. Offices—Borongh Hall, New Brighton, N. Y., q

a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays, 9 a. in. to is in. Telephone, loon Tompkinsville.

CORONERS. Borough of The Bronx—Corner of Third avenue

and Tremont avenue. Telephone, 1250 Tremont and 1402 Tremont.

Robert F. McDonald A. F. Schwannecke. William T. Austin C'hief Clerk Borough of Brooklyn—Office, Rooms i and 3

Municipal Building. Telephone,4004 Main and 4005 Main.

Henry J. Brewer, M. D.l John F. Kennedy Joseph McGuinness, Chief Clerk. Open all hours of the day and night. Borough of Manhattan—Office, Criminal Courts

Building Centre and White streets. Open at all times of the day and night.

Coroners: Julius Harburger, Peter P. Acritelli, George F. Shrady, Jr., Peter Dooley.

Julius Harburger, President Board of Coroners.

Telephones, 1094, 5057, 595i rranxun. Borough of Queens—Office, Borough Hall, Fulton

street, Jamaica, L. I. Samuel D. Nutt Alfred S. Ambler. Martin Mager, J'r., Chief Clerk. Office hours, from a a. m. to ro p. in. Borough of Richmond—No. 44 Second street,

New Brighton. Open for the transaction of busi- ness all hours of the day and night.

Matthew J. Cahill. Telephone, 7 Tompkinsville.



COMMISSIONER OF JURORS, Room 127, Stewart Building, Chambers street and

Broadway, 9 a. m, to 4 p. m. Thomas Allison. Commissioner. Matthew F. Neville, Assistant Commissioner. Frederick P. Simpson, Assistant Commissioner. Frederick O'Byrne, Secretary. Telephone, 241 Worth.

COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS. Office, Hall of Records. William S. Andrews, Commissioner. ]noes O. Farrell, Superintendent, James J. Fleming, Jr., Secretary. Telephone, 3900 Worth.

COUNTY CLERK. Nos. 5, 8, q, to and iI New County Court-house

Office hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Peter j. Dooling, County Clerk. John F Curry, Deputy. Joseph J. Glennen, Secretary. Telephone, 870 Cortlandt.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Building for Criminal Courts, Franklin and Centre

streets. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays,

q a. IV. to I2 m. Wm. Travers Jerome, District Attorney. John A. Henneberry, Chief Clerk. Telephone, 2304 Franklin.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. No. 119 Nassau street ya. in. to f p. in. William M. Hoes, Public Administrator. Telephone, 6376 Cortlandt.

REGISTER. Hall of Records. Office hours from q a. m. to 4

p. m.• Saturdays, q a. m. to 12 m. During the months of July and August the hours are from 9 a. m. to 2 p.m.

Frank Gass, Register. William H. Sinnott, Deputy Register. Telephone, 3900 Worth.

SHERIFF. No. 299 Broadway, 9 a. in. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays, g

a. m. to is m. Thomas F. Foley, Sheriff. John F. Gilchrist Under Sheriff, Telephone, 4984 *orth.

SURROGATES. Hall of Records. Court open from 9 a. m. to 4

P m., except Saturday when it closes at 12 m. During the months of July and August the hours are from 9a.m.toap.in.

Abner C. Thomas and Charles H. Beckett Surro-gates; William V. Leary, Chief Clerk.


COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. County Court-house. acob Brenner, Commissioner.

Jacob A. Livingston Deputy Commissioner. Albert 15. Waldron, ilecretary. Office hours from 9 a. in. to 4 p. in.; Saturdays,

from 9 a. m. to ism. Office hours during July and August, g a, in. to s

p Tefephoune Saturdays,

lt]oini to is m,

COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS. Hall of Records. Office hours, 9 a, m. to 4 p. m., excepting months

of July and August, then g a. in. to z p. in.; Satur-days, 9 a. m. to 12 m.

John K. Neal, Commissioner. U. H. Ralston, Deputy Commissioner. Telephone, 1114 Main, Thomas D. Mosscrop, Superintendent. William J. Beattie, Assistant Superintendent. Telephone. co82 Main.

COUNTY CLERK. Hall of Records, Brooklyn. Office hours, q a. in.

to 4 p. m.; during months of July and August, gain. to z p. m.- Saturdays, 9 a. m. to is in.

Frank Ehlers, County Clerk, Robert A. Sharkey, Deputy County Clerk. John Cooper, Assistant Deputy County Clerk. Telephone call, 4930 Main.

COUNTY COURT, KINGS COUNTY. County Court-house, Brooklyn, Rooms to, rq, r8,

22 and 23. Court opel,s at to a. m. daily and sits until business is completed. Part I., Room No 23; Part II., Room No. ro, Court-house. Clerk's Office, Rooms 17, r8 and 22, open daily from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.; Saturday s, 12 in,

Norman S. Dike and Lewis L. Fawcett, County Judges,

Charles S. Devoy, Chief Clerk, Telephone, 4154 and 4155 Main.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Office, County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn.

Hours, Wa. m. to 5 A. m. John Clarke ictnrt Attorney. Telephone Number, 2955.6-7— Main

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. No. 44 Court street (Temple Bar), Brooklyn.

a m.to5p m. Charles E. Teale Public Administrator. Telephone, 2840 Main.

REGISTER. Hall of Records. Office hours, q a. m. to q . m.,

excepting months of July and August; then from q a. M. to 2 p. m provided for by statute.

William A. rendergast, Register. Frederick H. E. Ebstein, Deputy Register. Telephone, 2830 Main

SHERIFF. County Court-house, Brooklyn, N. Y. g a. m. to y. m.; Saturdays, is in. Alfred T. Hoblev, Sheriff. Lewis M. Swasey, Under Sheriff. Telephone, 6845, 6846, 6847, Main.

SURROGATE. Hall of Records, Brooklyn, N. Y. Herbert T. Ketcham. Surrogate. Edward J. Bergen, Chief Clerk and Clerk of the

Surrogate's Court. Court opens at to a. m. Office hours q a. m. to 4

p. m.- Saturdays, 9 a. M. to IS M. Telephone, 3954 Main.


COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; July and August, 9

a. m. to 2 p. m.; Saturdays q a. m. to 12 m. Queens - County Court-house, Long Island City.

]ohn P. Halbert, l.ommissrouer of Jurors. Rodman Richardson, Assistant Commissioner. Telephone, 455 Greenpoint.

COUNTY CLERK. Jamaica, Fourth Ward, Borough of Queens, City

of Office open, April I to October 1, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m.;

October I to April 1, q a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturdays throughout the year until Is noon.

John Niederstein, County Clerk. Henry Walter, Jr., Deputy County Clerk. Frank C. Klingenbeck, Secretary. Telephone, 151 Jamaica.

COUNTY COURT. Temporary County Court-house, Long Island City, County Court opens at to a. m. Trial Terms begin =.

first Monday of each month, except July, August and September. Special Terms each Saturdayex- cept during August and first Saturday of September,

County Judge's office always open at No. 336 sul-ton street, Jamaica, N. Y.

Burt J. Humphrey, County judge. Telephone, a86 Jamaica.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Office, Queens County Court-house, Long Isladn

City,g a. m.to5 p.m.. Ira G. Darrin, District Attorney. Telephone, 39 Greenpoint,

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. No. 17 Cook avenue Elmhurst. John T. Robinson, 'Public Administrator, County

of Queens, elephone, D5 Newtown.

SHERIFF. County Court-house, Long Island City, q a. m. to

{p m.; Saturdays, 9 a. m to r2 In. Herbert S. Harvey Sheriff. John M. Phillips, 1'Jnder Sheriff. Telephone 43 Greenpoint (office). Henry O. Stchleth, Warden, Queens County Jail, Telephone, 372 Greenpoint,

SURROGATE. Daniel Noble, Surrogate. Office at Jamaica. Except on Sundays, holidays and half holidays,.

the office is open between March 31 and July i, from 8 a. m. to S . m.; on Saturdays, from a a. m. to IS In.; between July i and September I, from q a. m. to {p m.; on Saturdays, from q a. m. to I2 m.

The calendar is called on Tuesday of each week at to a. m., except during the month of August, when no court is held, and the court sits ever y day there-after until all contested cases have been disposed of.

Telephone, 397 Jamaica.



Village Hall, Stapleton. Charles J. Kullman, Commissioner. John J. McCaughey, Assistant Commissioner. Office open from q a. m. until 4 p. m.; Saturdayt,

from q a. M. to la m. Telephone, 8r Tompkinsville.


Bartholomew F. Donohoe President; John J. Moore, Secretary; John. bunn, Treasurer; ex-officio, Horace Loomis and Matthew E. Healy.

Rooms Nos, 14 15 and ,6 Aldrich Building, Nos. 149 and 151 Churc.i street.

Office open during business hours every day in the year (except legal holidays). Examinations are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday after I p. m.


Office hours for all, except where otherwise noted from 9 a. m. to 4 P. m•; Saturdays I2 m.

HEADQUARTERS Nos. 157 and 559 East Sixty-seventh street, Man-

hattan. Telephone, 2230 Plaza, Manhattan; 2356 Main,

Brooklyn. Nicholas J, Hayes, Commissioner. P. A. Whitney, Deputy Commissioner. Charles C. Wise, Deputy Commissioner, Boroughs

of Brooklyn and Queens. William A. Larney, Secretary; Mark Levy,

Secretary to the Commissioner; George F. Dobson, Jr., Secretary to the Deputy Commissioner, Bor-oughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

Edward F. Croker, Chief of Department. Thomas Lally, Deputy Chief of Department in

charge, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens. Joseph L. Burke, Inspector of Combustibles, Nos.

157 and r59 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhattan. Telephone, 640 Plaza.

Franz S. Wolf, Inspector of Combustibles Bor. oughs of Brooklyn and pQueens, Nos. 365 and 367 Jay street, Brooklyn, Telephone g5 20 Main.

Peter Seery, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Manhat-tan. The Bronx and Richmond.

William L. Beers, Fire Marshal, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.

Andrew P. Martin, Chief Inspector in Fire Alarm Telegraph Bureau.

William T. Beggin, Chief of Battalion in charge Bureau of Violations and Auxiliary Fire Appliances, Boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx and Richmond, Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, Manhat-tan. Brooklyn and Queens, Nos. 365 and 367 Jay street, Brooklyn.

Central Office open at all hours.


Hall of Records, Chambers and Centre streets, 6th, 7th and 8th floors, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays 9 a. m. to 12 m.

Telephone, gqoo Worth. Francis K. Pendleton, Corporation Counsel. Assistants—Theodore Connoly, George L. Ster-

ling, Charles D. Olendorf, Franklin Chase Hoyt William P. Burr, R. Percy Chittenden David Rumsey, John L. O'Brien, Terence Farley Cornelius F. Collins, William Beers Crowell John O'Brien, Edwin J Freedman, Louis H. lIahlo, Frank B. Pierce Stephen O'Brien, Charles A. O'Neil, Edward S. Malone, Richard H. Mitchell, John Widdecombe, Edward I. McGoldrick, Thomas F. Byrne, Arthur Sweeny, Curtis A. Peters, George P. Nicholson, Joel J. Squier, George H. Folwell, Alfred W. Booraem, Josiah A. Stover Thomas F. Noonan William H. King, Francis J. Byrne, Charles Mclntyyre, Gabriel Britt, Royal E. T. Riggs, Solon Herrick, ]noes P. O'Connor, I. Towsend Burden,r. Francis X. McQuade, William J. Clarke, John . Goff, Jr. Ricardo M. de Acosta, Leonce Fuller, Charles Miller, Henry S. Johnston, William 11. Doherty, Addison B. ScovilleFrancis Martin, Henry W. Mayo, Philip N. I'arrison, Loring T. Ilildreth, Frank E. Smith.

Secretary to the Corporation Counsel—Edmund

Kirby. Clerk—Andrew T. Campbell.

BROOKLYN OFFICE. Borough Hall, ad floor, 9 a. in. to 4 p. in.; Satur-

days 9 a. M. to Is m. Te'Iephone s'sgg Main. James D. 1I, Assistant in charge.

BUREAU OF STREET OPENINGS. No. go West Broadway, q a. m. to 4 p. in. Satur-

days9a. in. to is m. Telephone, 8190 Cortlandt. John P. Dunn, Assistant in charge.

Mason, Assistant Superintendent of

.eiszler, Superintendent of Highways, H. Liebenau, Superintendent of Public and Offices. as, 66 Tremont.



County Office Building, Richmond, S. I., q a. in. to m.

C. L. Bostwick County Clerk. County Court-house, Kictrmond, 8.1., g a. m. te4

p.m. Telephone, 28 New Dorp


Terms of Court, Richmond County, 1908. County Courts-Stephen 1). Stephens, County

Judge. First Monday of June, Grand and Trial jury. Second Monday of November, Grand and Trial

Jury, Wednesday of January, without a Jury.

Fourth Wednesday of February, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of March, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of April, without a ury, Fourth Wednesday of July, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of September, without a Jury. Fourth Wednesday of October without a Jury. Surrogate's Couit-Stephen 6. Stephens, Surro

g ate. Monday., at the Borough H all, St. George, at 1o.3o

o'clock a. in Tuesdays, at the Borough Hall, St. George, at 10.30

o'clock a. m. Wednesdays, at the Surrogate's Office, Richmond,

at 10.30 o'clock a. in

DISTRICT A'1"1ORRNEY, Corn Exchange Bank Building, St. George, S. I Samuel l l . Evins. Telephone, So Tompkinsville,

SHERIFF. County Court-house, Richmond, S. I Office hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. in Joseph J. Barth.




Court-house, Madison avenue, corner Twenty-fifth street. Court opens at t p. n:.

Edward Patterson, Presiding Justice, George L. Ingraham, Che'ter B. McLaughlin, Frank C. Laughlin, John Proctor C larke, James W. Houghton, Francis M. Scott, Justices; Alfred Wagstaff, Clerk; William Lamb, Deputy Clerk.

Clerk's Office opens at g a. m. Telephone, 3840 Madison Square.


County Court-huusc,Chao,bersstreet. Court open from 10.15 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Special Term, Part 1. (motions), Room No. r6. Special .Term, Part II. (ex-parte business), Room

No. 13. Special 'term, Part III,. Room No. is. Special Term, Part TV. Room No. zo. Special Term, Part V. 'Room No 6. Special Term, Part V?. (Elevated Railroad cases),

Room 3t. Trial Term, Part II., Room No, 34• Trial Term, Part III., Room No. 22. Trial Term, Part IV.. Room No. 21. Trial Term, Part V., Room No. 24. Trial Term, Part VI., Room No. x, Trial Term, Part V II., Room No.-. Trial Term. Part VIll. Room No. 23. Trial Term, Part IX., koom No. 35. Trial Term, Part X , Room No. 26. Trial Term, Part XI., Room No. 27. Trial Term, Part XI I., Room No. -. Trial Term, Part XIII., and Special Term, Part

V11.. Roots No. s6- Trial Tenn, fart NIV., Room No. 28. Trial 'Inn,, Part X V., Ru'm No. 37. 'Trial 'fern, fart X VI., ' om Nn. -. 'Trial Term, fart X VII., I<oum Nu. 20. Trial "Term 1 fart N Viii ., Rourn No. 29. AUpellare lerm Room No. 25, Naturalization blureau, Room No. 38, third floor. Assignment Bureau, room on mezzanine floor,

northeast. Clerks in attendance from io a. m. to 4 p, m. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part I. (motions)

Room No. it. Clerk's Office, Special Term, Part II. (ex-parte

business), ground floor, southeast corner. Clerk's office, Special Tc,m, Calendar, ground

floor, south. Clerk's Office, Trial Tern,, Calendar, room north-

east corner second floor, east. Clerk's office, Appellate Term, room southwest

corner third floor. Trial Term, Part I. (criminal business). Criminal Court-house, Centre street. Justices- Charles II. Truax Charles F. MacLean,

Henry Bischoff, J r., I.eonardA.Giegerich P. Henry Dugro, Henry A. Gildersleeve, James *itzgerald James A. O'Gorman, James A. B Ilanchard, dwar S. Clinch, Samuel Greenbaum, Edward E. McCall. Edward B. Amend, Vernon M. Davis, Victor J Dowling, Joseph Newburger John W. Goff Samuel Seabury, M. Warley Platzel Peter A. li'endrick,

M hn Ford, Charles W. Dayton, John J. Brady, itchell L. Erlanger, Charles L. Guy, James W.

Gerard. Peter ). Dooling Clerk, Supreme Court. Telephone, 4580 ?ortlandt.


Kings County Court-house, Borough of Brooklyn, N. Y.

Court open daily from to o'clock a. in. to 5 o'clock m. Seven iury trial parts. Special Term for

Trials. Special Term for Motions, lames F. McGee General Clerk. Telephone, 5460 ?slain


Building for Criminal Courts, Centre, Elm,White and Franklin streets.

Court opens at 10.30 a m. Peter J. Dooling, Clerk; Edward R. Carroll,

Special I eputy to ti,e Clerk. Clerk's Office open Isom g a. m. to 4 p, tu. Telephone. 606s Franklin.

COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS. Held in the Building for Criminal Courts, Centre

Elm, White and Franklin streets. Court opens at io.3o a. m. Thomas C. T. Crain, Otto A. Rosalsky, Warren

W. Foster, Thomas C. O'Sullivan, Edward Swann, Joseph F. Mulqueen, James T. Malnne udges of the Court of General Seasinna. Edward R. Carroll, Clerk. Telephone, 1201 Franklin.

Clerk's Office open from q a. in. to p. in. During July and August Clerk's Office will close

at s p. in., and on Saturdays at rs m.


No. 3z Chambers street, Brownstone Building, City Hall Park, from to a. m. to 4 p. m.

Part I. Part II. Part III, Part IV. Part V Part VI Part VII, Part VIII. Special Term Chambers will be held from io a. m.

to 4 D. m. Clerk's Office open from q a. m. to 4 p. m. Edward F. O'Dwyer, Chief Justice; Lewis J.

Conlan, Francis B. Delehan4y ioseph I. Green, Alexander Finelite, Thomas F. Donnell John V. McAvoy, Peter Schmuck, Justices. Thomas F. Smith, Clerk.

Telephone, 6142 Cortlandt.


Building for Criminal Courts, Centre street be. tween Franklin and White streets, Borough of Man-ltattan.

Court opens at main. Justices-First Division-John B. McKean Wil-

liam E. Wyatt, Willard H. Olmsted, Josephs M. Deuel, Lorenz Zeller, John B. May o. Charles W. Culkin, Clerk; William M. Fuller. Deouty Clerk,

Clerk's Office open from ga. m. to q p. m. Telephone, 2092 Franklin, Clerk's office. Telephone, 6ot Franklin, Justice's chambers.

Second Division-Trial Days-No. 171 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, Mondays Wednesdays and Fri-days at io o'clock; Town Hall, Jamaica, Borough of

tteens, Tuesday at to o'clock; Town Hall, New Brighton, Borough of Richmond, Thursday at to o'clock.

Justices-Howard J. Forger, Patrick Keady, John Fleming Morgan M. L. Ryan, Robert J. Wiikin, George J. O'Keefe; Joseph L. Kerrigan, Clerk; John J. Dorman, Deputy Clerk Clerk's Office, No. 171 Atlantic avenue, Borough of

Brooklyn, open from g a. m, to 4 p. M.

CHILDREN'S COURT, First Division-No. 66 Third avenue, Manhattan.

Edmund C. Lee, Clerk, Telephone, 5353 Stuyvesant. Second 1)ivision-No. 102 Court street, Brooklyn

William F. Delaney, Clerk. Telephone, 627 Main.


Court opens from 9 a. m. to + p. in. City Magistrates-Robert C. Cornell, Leroy B.

Crane, Peter T. Barlow Matthew P. Breen, Joseph F. Moss James J. Walsh Henry Steinert, Daniel E. Finn, Charles G. F. Wattle, Frederick B. House, Charles N. Harris, Frederic Kernochan, Arthur C Butts, Otto H. Droege, Joseph E. Corrigan, Moses Herrman.

Philip H. Bloch, Secretary, One Hundred and Twenty-first street and Sy lvan place.

First District-Criminal Court Building, Second District-Jefferson Market. Third District-No. 69 Essex street. Fourth District-- No. t g t East Fifty-seventh street. Fifth District-One Hundred and Twenty-first

street, southeastern corner of Sylvan place, Sixth District-One Hundred and Sixty-first street

and Brook avenue. Seventh District-No.314 West Fifty-fourth street, Eighth District-Main street, Westchester.

Second Divielon. Borough of Brooklyn.

City Magistrates-Edward J. Dooley James G. Tighe John Naumer E. G. Higginbothant, Frank E. O'keilly, Henry 1. Furlong, Alfred E. Steers, A. V. 13. Voorhees, JJr., Alexander H. Geismar, John F. Hvlan.

President of the Board, Edward J. Dooley, No, 318 Adams street. Secretary to the Board, Charles J. Flanigan,

Myrtle and Vanderbilt avenues.


First District-No. 318 Adams street. Second District-Court and Butler streets. 'Third District-M yrtle and Vanderbilt avenues. Fourth District- No. 6 Lee avenue. Fifth District-No. 249 Manhattan avenue. Sixth District-No. 495 Gates avenue. Seventh District-No. 31 Snider avenue (Flatbush). Eighth District-West Eighth street (Coney Is-

land Ninth District-Fifth avenue and Twenty-third

street. Tenth District-No. 133 New Jersey avenue.

Borough of Queens. City Magistrates-Matthew J. Smith, Joseph

Fitch, Maurice E. Connolly, Eugene C. Gilroy.

Courts, First District-St. Mary's Lyceum, Long Island

City. Second District-Town Hall, Flushing L. I. Third District-Central avenue, Far Ytockaway,

L. I. Borough of Richmond.

City Magistrates-Joseph B. Handy, Nathaniel Marsh.

Courts. First District-Lafayette place, New Brighton,

Staten Island. Second District-Village Hall, Stapleton, Staten



Borough of Manhattan. First District-The First District embraces the

territory bounded on the south and west by the southerly and westerly boundaries of the said borough, on the north by the centre line of Four-teenth street and the centre line of Fifth street from the Bowery to Second avenue, on the east by the centre lines of Fourth avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifth street Second avenue, Chrystie street, Division street and katharine street.

Wauhope Lynn, William F. Moore, John Moyer Justices.

Thomas O'Connell, Clerk; Francis Mangin, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court-Merchants' Association Build-ing No 54-60 Lafayette street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9a.m.to4p.m.

An additional Part of Court is now held in Tenth street and Sixth avenue.

Telephone, 6030 Franklin.

Second District. The Second District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fifth street from the Bowery to Second avenue and on the south and east by the southerly and easterly boundaries of the said borough, on the north by the centre line of East Fourteenth street, on the west by the centre lines of Fourth avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifth street, Second

avenue, Chrystie street, Division street and Catharine street.

George e. Roesch Benjamin Hoffman, Leon Sanders, Thomas P. I~innean, Justices.

James j. Devlin, Clerk; Michael H. Looney, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court-Nos. 264 and 266 Madison street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.

Telephone, 2596 Orchard,

Third District-The Third District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fourteenth street, on the east by the centre line of Seventh avenue from Fourteenth street to Fifty- ninth street and by the centre line of Central Park West from Fifty-ninth street to Sixty-fifth street, on the north by the centre line of Sixty-fifth street and the centre line of Fifty-ninth street from Seventh to Eighth avenue, on the west by the westerly boundary of the said borou h.

Thomas E. Murray, James W. McLaughlin, Justices.

Michael Skelly, Clerk; Henry Merzbach, Deputy Clerk

Location of Court-No. 314 West Fifty-fourth street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from q a. m. to 4 p. M.

Telephone number, 5450 Columbus.

Fourth District-The Fourth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of East Fourteenth street, on the west by the centre line of Lexington avenue and by the centre line of Irving place, including its projection through Gramercy Park, on the north by the centre line of Fifty-ninth street, on the east by the easterly line of said borough' excluding, however, any portion of Wfoekwell'sTs1and.

Michael F. Blake, William J. Boyhan, Justices. Abram Bernard, Clerk; James Foley, Deputy

Clerk. Location of Court-Part I., No. 407 Second ave-

nue. northwest corner of Second avenue and Twen-tv-third street. Part 11., No. i 5 i East Fifty-seventh street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in.

Telephone, 4570 Gramercy.

Fifth District-'The Fifth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Sixty-fifth street, on the east by the centre line of Central Park West. on the north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the west by the westerly boundary of said borough.

Alfred P. W. Seaman, William Young, Frederick Spiegelberg. Justices.

James V. Gilloon, Clerk; John H. Servis, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court-Broadway and Ninety-sixth street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M.

Telephone, 4006 Riverside.

Sixth District-The Sixth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fifty-ninth street and by the centre line of Ninety-sixth street from Lexington avenue to fifth avenue, on the west by the centre line of Lexington avenue from Fifty-ninth street to Ninety-sixth street and the centre line of Fifth avenue from Ninety-sixth street to One Hundred and Tenth street, on the north by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the east by the easterly boundary of said borough, including, however, all of Black-well's Island and excluding any portion of Ward's Island.

Herman Joseph Jacob Marks, lust,ces. Edward A. McQuade, Clerk; Thomas M. Cam -

bell, Deputy Clerk; John J Dietz, Frederick g. Stroh. Assistant Clerks.

Location of Court--Northwest corner of Third avenue and Eighty-third street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from q a. m. to 4 p. in.

Telephone, 4343 79-St.

Seventh District-The Seventh District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the east by the centre line of Fifth avenue to the northerly terminus thereof, and north of the northerly ter-minus of Fifth avenue, following in a northerly direction the course of the Harlem river on a line conterminous with the easterly boundary of said bor-ough, on the north and west by the northerly and westerly boundaries of said borough.

Phillip J. Sinnott, David L. Weil, John R. Davies, Justices.

Heman B. Wilson, Clerk; Robert Andrews, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court-No.. Manhattan street. Clerk's Office open daily (undays and legal huli-days excepted) from q a. m. to 4 p. m.

Eighth District- The Eighth District embraces the territory bounded on the south by the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the west b the centre line of Fifth avenue, on the north and east by the northerly and easterly boundaries of said borough, including Randall's Island and the whole of Ward's Island.

Joseph P. Fallon, Leopold Prince, Justices. William J. Kennedy, Clerk; Patrick J. Ryan,

Deputy Clerk. Location of Court-Sylvan place and One Hun-

dred and Twenty-first street, near Third avenue. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holi-days excepted) from q a. us, to 4 p. M.

Telephone, 3950 Harlem. Ninth District-The Ninth District embraces the

territory bounded on the south by the centre line of Fourteenth street and by the centre line of Fifty-ninth street from the centre line of Seventh -venue to the centre line of Central Park West, on the east by the centre line of Lexington avenue and by the li centre line of Irving place, including its projection I through Gramercy Park, and by the centre line of Fifth avenue from the centre line of Ninety-sixth street to the centre line of One Hundred and Tenth street, on the north by the centre line of Ninety-sixth street from the centre line of Lexington avenue to the centre line of Fifth avenue and by One Hundred and Tenth street from Fifth avenue to Central Park West, on the west by the centre line of Seventh avenue and Central Park West.

Edgar J. Lauer, Frederick De Witt Wells, Frank D. Sturges, William C. Wilson, Justices.

William J, Chamberlain, Clerk ; Charles Healy, Deputy Clerk.

Location of Court-Southwest corner of Madison avenue and Fifty-ninth street. Clerk's Office open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted) from

rn 9 T ephone, 3873 Plaza.

Borough of The Bronx. First District-All that part of the Twenty-fourth

Ward which was lately annexed to the City and County of New York by chapter 934 of the Laws of 18g5, comprising all of the late Town of Westchester and part of the Towns of Eastchester and Pelham, including the Villages of Wakefield and Williams-bridge. Court-room, Town Hall, Main street, West-chester Village. Court open daily (Sundays and legal nondays excepted) from 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. Trial of causes Tuesday and Iriday of each week.

Peter A. Shell, Iustice. Stephen Collins, Clerk. Office hours from 9 a. M. to 4 p. m.; Saturdays,

Closing at lam. 'Telephone, 457 Westchester. Second District-Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth

Wards, except the territory described in chapter 934 of the Laws of sSgS. Court-room, southeast corner of Washington avenue and One Hundred and Sixty-

second street. Office hours, from 9 a. in. to 4 p. m• Court opens at g a. m.

John M. Tierney, Justice, Thomas A. Maher Clerk.

Telephone, 3043 Melrose,

Borough of Brooklyn.

First District-Comprising First, Second, Third Fourth, Fifth, Sixth Tenth and Twelfth Wards and that portion of the Aleventh Ward beginning at the intersection of the centre lines of Hudson and Myrtle avenues, thence along the centre line of Myrtle avenue to North Portland avenue, thence along the centre line of North Portland avenue to Flushing avenue, thence along the centre line of Flushing avenue to Navy street, thence along the centre line of Navy street to Johnson street thence along the centre line of Johnson street to hiudson avenue, and thence along the centre line of Hudson avenue to the point of beginning, of the Borough of Brooklyn. Court-house, northwest corner State and Court street;.

John,J. Walsh, Justice. Edward Moran, Clerk. Clerk s Office open from g a. m. to 4 p. in.

Second District-Seventh Ward and that portion of the Twenty-first and Twenty-third Wards west of the centre line of Stuyvesant avenue and the centre line of Schenectady avenue, also that portion of the Twentieth Ward beginning at the intersection of the centre lines of North Portland and Myrtle avenues, thence along the centre line of Myrtle avenue to Waverly avenue, thence along the centre line of Waverly avenue to Park avenue, thence along the centre line of Park avenue to Washington avenue, thence along the centre line of Washington avenue to Flushing avenue, thence along the centre line of Flushing avenue to North Portland avenue, and thence along the centre line of North Portland avenue to the point of beginning.

Court-room, No. qq 5 Gates avenue. Gerard B. Van Wart and Edward C. Dowling.

Justices. Franklin B. Van Wart, Clerk. Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. M.

Third District-Embraces the Thirteenth, Four- teenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, Eigh- teenth and Nineteenth Wards, and that portion of the Twenty-seventh Ward lying northwest of the centre line of Starr street between the boundary line of Queens Cotn:ty and the centre line of Central avenue, and northwest of the centre line of Suydam street between the centre Lines of Central and Bush-wick avenues, and northwest of the centre line of Willoughby avenue between the centre lines of Bush-wick avenue and Broadway. Court-house, Nos. 6 and 8 Lee avenue, Brooklyn.

Philip D. Meagher and William J, Bogenshutz, Justices, John W. Carpenter, Clerk.

Clerk's Office open from g a. m. to 4 p. M. Court opens at g a. m,

Fourth District--Embracesthe Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth Wards, that pertion of the Twenty-first and Twenty-third R ards ly-ng east of the centre line of Stuyvesant avenue and -+asi of the centre line of Schenectady avenue, and t iat porti sn of the Twenty- seventh Ward lying southeast of the centre line of Starr street between the boundary line of Queens and the centre line of Central avenue, and southeast of the centre line of Suydam street between the centre lines of Central and Bushwick avenues, and southeast of the centre line of Willoughby avenue between the centre lines of Bushwick avenue and Broadway.

Court-room. No. 14 Howard avenue. Thomas H. Williams, Justice. G. J. Wiederhold,

Clerk. Milton I. Williams, Assistant Clerk. Clerk's Office open from g a. m. to 4 p. m.

Fifth District-Contains the Eighth Thirtieth and Thirty-first Wards, and so much of the Twenty-second Ward as lies south of Prospect avenue. Court-house, northwest corner of Fifty-third street and Third avenue.

Cornelius Furgueson,Justice. Jeremiah J. O'Leary, Clerk.

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. M. to 4 p, m. Telephone, 407 Bay Ridge.

Sixth District-The Sixth District embraces the Ninth and Twenty-ninth Wards and that portion of the Twenty-second \yard north of the centre line of Prospect avenue; also that portion of the Eleventh and the Twentieth Wards beginning at the intersec- tiun of the centre flues of Bridge and Fulton streets; thence along the centre line of Fulton street to Flat- bush avenue; thence along the centre line of Flat- bush avenue to Atlantic avenue; thence along the centre line of Atlantic avenue to Washington avenue; thence along the centre line of Washington avenue to Paric avenue; thence along the centre line of Park avenue to Vsaverly avenue; thence along the centre line ut Waverly avenue to Myrtle avenue; thence along the centre line of ilyrtl. avenue to Hudson avenue; thence along the centre line of Hudson ave- nue to Johnson street; thence along the centre line of Johnson street to Bridge street, and thence along the centre line of Bridge street to the point of begin-ning.

Lucien S. Bayliss and George Fielder, Justices. Charles P. Bible Clerk,

Court-house, INo. 611 Fulton street.

Seventh District-The Seventh District embraces the Twenty-sixth, Twenty-eighth and Thirty-second Wards.

Alexander S. Rosenthal and Edward A. Richards, Justices. Samuel F. Brothers, Clerk

Court-house, corner Pennsylvania avenue and Ful. ton street . No. it Pennsylvania avenue).

Clerk's Office open from q a. In. to 4p. m.; Satur-days, 9 a. m. to 12 m. Trial Days, Tuesdays, Wed-nesdays Thursdays and Fridays.

Jury 1')ays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Telephone, goo East New York.

Borough of Queens.

First District-First Ward(allof Long Island City formerly composing five wards), Court-room St. Mary's Lyceum, Nos. 115 and 117 Fifth street, Long Island City.

Clerk's Office open from 9 a. in. to 4 p. M. each day, excepting Saturdays, closing at ,s m. Trial days, Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. All other business transacted on Tuesdays and Thurs. days.

Thomas C. Kadien, Justice. Thomas F. Kennedy, Clerk.

Telephone, 2376 Greenpoint.

Second District-Second and Third Wards, which include the territory of the late Towns of Newtown and Flushing. Court-room in Court-house of the late Town of Newtown, corner of Broadway and Court street, Elmhurst, New York. P. O. Address, Elmhurst. Queens County, New York.

William Rasqn o, Jr., Justice. Luke I. Connor- ton, Clerk. William Stepper, Assistant Clerk. James B Snediker, Stenographer.

'Trial days, 'Tuesdays and Thursdays; Fridays (fur Jur7 Trials only.)

Clerk s Office open from 9 a. in. to 4 p. In. Telephone, 87 Newtown.

Third District-Fourth and Fifth Wards, com-prising the territory of the former Towns and Vil-lages of Jamaica, Far Rockaway and Rockaway Beach. ]att:es F. McLaughlin, Justice. George W. Damon

Clerk. Court-house, Town Hall, Jamaica. Telephone tfq Jamaica. Clerk's ORice open from a. m. to 4 p.m. Court held on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays


6420 17H E c X is ", `' R..IL"~ C 0 RD. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, Igo8.

Borough of Hichmond.

First District—First and Third Wards (Towns of Castleton and Northfield). Court-room, former Vil-lage Hall, Lafayette avenue and Second street, New Brtghton,

Thomas C. Brown, Justice. Arming S. Frail Clerk.

Clerk's Office open from 8.45 a,m. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 503 Tompkinsville. Second District—second, fourth and Fifth Wards

(Towns of Middletown, Southfield and Westfield). Court-room, former Edgewater Village Hall, Staple-ton.

George W. Stake, Justice. Peter Tiernan, Clerk Clerk's Office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Court opens at q a. m. Calendar called at io a. m.

Court continued until close of business. Trial days, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Telephone. ;ri Tompkinsville.


The Board of Estimate and Apportionment meets in the Old Council Chamber ( Room 16), City Hall, every Friday, at 10-30 o'clock a. in.

JOSEPH H:\ :\G, Secretary.

The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meet in the Old Council Chamber (Room r6), City Hall, at call of the Mayor.

N. TAYLOR 11111.L11S, Deputy Comptroller, Secretary.

The Board of Revision of Assessments meets in the Old Council Chamber (Room 16), City Hall, every Thursday at it a. m., upon notice of the Chief Clerk.

HENRY J. STORKS, Chief Clerk.

The Board of City Record meets in the Old Council Chamber (Rocnu 16), City Hall, at call of the Mayor.

PATRICK J. TRACY, Supervisor, Secretary



P UTISUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF cllal.ter 537 of the Laws of ,N93 and the

Acts amendatory thereof and ;ula,lelncutal C,ere-to, notice is hereby given that mcrtinc;s of tic Commissioners appointed under said :sets will 1 held at the office rIf the Cnnmsic;i. m, Room t.•t8, No. z90 Broadway ( Stow'art Coil ling), 11',r„ugl of 'tlanbattan, ;'sew• \ -ark Coy, o \lnnllays. Wednesdays and l ri'lac= of each week, at 2 o'clock 1,. in., l,U11i1 forth, r notice.

Dated New York City, October t2. 19117


Commissioners, LAUONT McI.oucwLiN,



P,OROUGII OF THE BRONX. "The Bronx Star," •' N,,rth bide News,"

'. Bronx Independent."

BOROUGl1 OF RICA ,D)ND. " Staten Island World," " Richuwnd County



"Long Island Star" (First and -,econd \\'ardsi, ''Flushing Eveuitg J,nrnal' ( I1'llit W all). Island Fanner" (Fourth \\ aid) , "Itckaway News" (Filth Ward).

BOROUGH OF BROORI.Y N. "Brooklyn Eagle," "Brooklyn follies," "1lruuk'

lyn Citizen,'' I. Itro',klyn Standard-Lhu„u," 'I;rouk' lyner f'reie I'resse."

BOROUGII OF MAINIIAT1AN. "Real L -ate Rec.'rd and (,ode" (erier71eI,i Ilia

trict), "Al auhattan and Bronx .6 vocals' l r\ - aoh ington 1leiglrto, Alormngside heights al „I Iiarleul Districts).

Designated by Board of City Record Iune 19, r906. :Amended June 20, took; September 30, to; February 24, 1q05; March 5 and t6, 1908.


Oroirs of TIIE UGP.1ii'rMESI or l'nkICS, :'se51'.x Al. Lulouoo, hii'iii :\t',,u VII AND bt..'re-FOUluu Sixecr, LlcPULii øi' s1AN1mt-rAN, 'iii E CyEY of NEw Yuen.

SLALLD BI1')S OR ES..'1'IM.ATLS WILL BE receit'ed by the Park Board :u the 'ab Svc

office of the Lepartoeut ntuai 3 o'clock p m. on

THUI('JAY, JUNE 11, 19014, Bu rough of The B run x.

FOR PUIt\lrlIIN(; AND DELIVERING 1:161... 1ll.,NDtl(ll (;o.,) 'JON. Ni. t WuI'l'P: AS11 A\'1'IIIt.1CI7'r. COAL. (N 1. 4, t905), Fur, 1'ARteS, SO1tUUGIl OI' f'1lE UR.iN-A,

The time for the delivery oI in, artises, ula-tcrials and supplies and tic performauc- of the contract is betas-n August 15 and December 15, 1908.

'1 he amr,uit of security shall be Fifteen Ilutl-dred Dollars ($i 500).

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sure for each contract.

Blank forms may be obtained at the office of the Department of Parks. Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park, The Bronx.

HENRY SMITH, President;

JOSY'1'if I. BPMrJv, MILlI-\Et. J. KI...NhED1',

Commtssi,ncrs of I'arks. jt,tt

g'--:' See General 1,,str,u'linS to ll/d-de'ree on fill' last forego-, lust eoluurn, of the •'(:Ily Inen•urd."


~ EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL TIE received by the Park Board at the above

office of the Department of Parks until 3 o'clock p. m. on

THURSDAY, JUNE 11., 1fl(IR. Dorousrlit of Rronklyo.


The time allowed for the completion of the contract is within ninety (9o) consecutive work-ing days.

The amount of security required is Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000).


l'll_A1_T 1':AV'EMEN'r ON A CONCRETE FOUNT)_A'rl(ltV 'rlll? RO.Ai)\V.AY OF 1'ROS-I'El"r 1'-6RIC 1'L:6Z,\, III?TWEEN SOLUIERS -ANI) SAILORS' ANCII AND PROSPECT l':AIfK, lnoltOU(;ll UI' I;ROb)l I.1'\.

The time allowed for the completion of the eoutt,act is within sixty (6o) consecutive work-hog clays.

The amount of security required is Twelve Thousand Dollars ($t2,uuo),


The time allowed for the completion of the contract is within thirty (30) consecutive work-ing days.

'1'her anus' o nut If security required is Thirty-five. Tlinii.anil llnllars ($35,1100).

The contracts must be bid for separately. The bids will be compared and the contracts

att'aided at a lump or aggregate suns for each contract.

Rank forms may be obtained at the office of the Department of Parks, Litchfield MUansion, l'ruspcct Park, Ilrol'Idy'n,

IIL''NRV SMITH, President;


Contnlissionci s of Parks. ut25,j I I

a'.' Sl•e (;l•nt•ritl Instruc•tionx to 111.1-,It'rs toil f Ill• 131.1 pltHt'. luNt t'olunrty of floe "('it y l(a•curd."

OFFICE of TitE DErARTMtNT (iF I'nttrs, ARSU,NAL Licit. nlsc, 1`u7'iti :\s'1Ihuni AND Stair-POURTn yiirl:l l'. 11iIIll i'Oil OF MIA N IIAl''i.5 N, THE CITY oe New 1'oRK.

SE.\LEI) L'II)S OR ESTIMATES WILL BE rccciveil by the i'ark Board at the above

'Mice of the Ilepartntent of Parks until 3 o'clock ill. un

'I'll(lt8D:11', JU\Id 4, 19013.

IIor,,ii;.,li of The Bronx.

"Ilk YC- RNISIIINI; I'ULT. SIZE MOI)EL, \I(tLlt, I'll'.( I: )ItlI.hIS, 1-:11:0lt A_ND MA- I'l:hflAb.S .\il) ('ASI'ING ItRONLI': DRINK INC 1'01'\'1'.11\ti Iult 'Pill-" Ul•:F,\It'I'MI•:N"7' of- 1',\IfKS. It( )l<( OP TILE BRONX.

The Otis fir the delivery of the articles, eta tcrials and <upplics aid the performance of the r'mlaq is sixty tt,iil day.

'fhc ann-unt fit security required is Eight Iltm-dn'd U„ll:u's (SS.,.,).

'Pile his will be compared and file contract au are- led at a hunp or aggregate sum.

lF',eh Inns slay b,• ii,taitiut and plans may be sr c'n at the it ice I Of the Department of Parks, hilo;a7:,hi slausi,,n, (larcniccnt Park, 'l'he Bronx.

Ill':NRY 5\11'1'11, President;

Jt)SEPn I. l ElfItY, LICIT,\I?I. I. IU--NNEI)V,

C,i,imissiuncrs of Parks. ut21,j4

T Set• Cenernl lnwtt•uei ions to flu-oil th,• 1:Iwt png:l-, Dist collision, of

,h.• ••l hip ' It aeo rd.•'


Orrin: or 'IIIE 1)c VAR r MENT of I)ocKS ANIt, Ft: r,,i u.0. I'll: rc ''.6,'' h" T oy ItATTP.tiY PLACE Ni,', ti l s ii,, R',R'mcit OF NIANIIATTAN, Pile CITY or New YORK.

~—` I'::A1.1':11 FIU5 OR ESTIMATES WILL BE ,~ Frei iv, ,h by tilt Cutnnti.:-i,,m r of Docks at the abnvc n(tree until t2 u'cl.,ck II. un

MONDAI', JU\IC N, 11)(114.


The time f,,r the'cuntpletion of tl,e work atld the full llnrf,1olti;once r,f the contract is on or tie-fee the c opn7 ,lion of 90 calendar (lays.

'Ills omunrt of security regnira 1 is Four Thutt-sand in liars,

Fillers ntuet stair a price for furnishing and deliceriug all rite niatcriali' as call,'! for in the' sl,r•cifications, by I,hirh price the hills will be lisle-I, and according to which price any award of the rrintrar-t t+'ill be made.

Uclivery wi:l be required to be made at the time awl in ti'te ntanlue7 and in such quantities is may be dh'orir'1.

ltlanli Reims and flnihcr inf,rmation may be obtain-I and the plans and drawings may be seen at the office of the said Department.

AT-LEN N. SPOON ER, Commissioner of Docks.

Dated May 25, iyo8. m26,j 8

a . tier General I,,NtruotbOuiY to huh-on tin' lust •,site•, last coloun,u, of

I lie ''('If Hrt•ord.''



QW\E1RS WAN"h'1-.1) BY TIII'. I'ROPI•:ItTY Clerk of the Pi,lice I)rI,Ii7tntrnt of The

('fly of New York, N,,. )nr, ilul6erry street, trio No. 9, for the f•'IluwiuK )~roperty, now in is atsldy, x'ith'ut ci:lintantsI l3iats, rul,c, iron,

ball, male and female cl„thing, butts, sh"", win(-, blankets, ,liamoods, canned goods, li•l, I,r.a. etc.; also small amours (if money taken fr.,w prisr,ners and found by Talsoin~er of this Its partment.

THI';ODORF. A. Ill 'sI.;1hAV1, Police Cummi,sinner,


OWNERS WANTED ISY THE PROPERTY CIrrk of nit'' I''lice Department of The

ii of New York--Otlice. Nu. enq State street, Br,r0ogh of L'r0,oklyn---for the f0llc,)cing pr„psrty,

low iii his c'tst sly, without chaionancts: floats, rope, iron, lead, male and f,-rtlale clothirtg. boots, dines, wine, blankets, diamonds. canned gnnds, liquors, etc.; also small amount of nosey taken from prisoners and found by Patrolmen of this Department,

THEODORE A. BINGIIAM, Police Commissioner.



EALEI) BIDS Olt ESTIMATES WILL BE IJ ic•Crived by the Connnissiuners of the Corn-Don Lauds Fund of the Late 'town of Gravesend, at the office of thm Mayor, No. 5 City Hall, New York, lint rI o'clock a m, on



The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as Lllluws:

to.uoo cubic yards of enibaukntcttt, The time fur toe completion of the work and

full performance of the contract is sixty (6o) it-id king days,

The am„tutt of security required is Eight I'Iun-dred Ui'llars.

The bidder will state the price per cubic yard for grading, as indicated in the specifications.

I'I,r bi'l, will be cump;u'cd and a contract awarded at a Jump or aggregate sum.

'rite tvr,rlc will be commenced and carried on in the manner directed.

Further information may be obtained and the I1:uls and drawings may be seen at the office of he ('l icf Engiuerr of the Board of I':stintrrte and

. A rt I'm,scut, R'oout 1408, No. 277 Broadway, Now Yi,rk.

Dated \la)' t3, 7908. GEORGE It, \1cCLELLAN,

\layer of The City of New fork;

IIEItMAN .6. MMIETZ, Comptroller of The City of New

York; W. V. It, BENNETT,

Supervisor of the late Town of ((rat' e°cti,l,

Crmntiisi„ncrs of the Common Lands Fund of the Late Town of Gravc';end.


if":' See General Inhtruoionio 11) 111d-derN on tile- lust ftogi, Inert eolu It u, of Iht• ••('i(. lt,'uio,l.”


I I1::\111,11 .11tI'tlirs I,F 'r'iit FIRE DEPARTMENT OF '

It,,: ti', l' OF Nie, Yt1RK, N,ts. 157 AND 159 EAST Six- rs sec ENTU S'rRU:rrr, Poauccn ur 2rInvunT7nN, 'Il1E CITY of Nr:w YORK.

1':AI1:) INDS OR ES'1'I\I:ATI(S \VIT.L BE rrc,•is-el by the Fire Commissioner at file

ah,n'c ,,hire until 10.30 o'clock a. m. oil

Tlll'1tSl:t1, JUNE 11, 18118.

BurouglS of DisinttURIC. The Bronx and ItkLiuruis,l.

\c. I. POIt I F - RNISIIING ANl) I)EI.IVI•:R-IN(; 1':AINTS, t)11.5, I•:'I'l'., Volt '1'IIE SU-ll;t lN"I'I-;\'Itli\'f OI llllll.l)INGS.

The time Lie- the dc-livcry of the articles and -tllIlIlics ail the full pitforinasce of the contract Is Innutlry 1. 19...

'Pile ainutmt of sectu'ity required is fifty per v --c t. (511'.,) of the amount ut the bid or esti-

N". o. 1:UR IL'RNISIIING AND Inul,IVI':R-?t; \.Vtlul S St'I'l'I.11'S FOR 7'111': SU-

t'h.RIN'l I-:—Tli(N'I' OP IIUIL.I)1NGS. 'l'hr time fr the delivery of the articles and

,upl'lirs and ILI full p,'r(urmaucc of the contract is 1aullary 1, I(U9,

'Pile amount of security requited is fifty per out. (So.,) of the amount of the hid or esti-

male. ,. 3. FOR FURNISHING AND T)EI.1\'YR-

\ i I.t'2IIth':k fOR'IIII-' SUPT?RINrLNDEENT III lit'll.111NGS.

'hits time It' the delivery of the articles and •nliplict nn,l the fall perfurntauce of the contract is I(unmry t, Ir)oo.

Tllc amount of security required is fifty per rout. (,,u';,.) of the amount of the bid or c•sti-rnnlc.

\o. 4. 11)11 F1'1tN151II.A(; AND DELIV'I•:It- \r; 1'l.l'\I1.IN(; 31:s"I'1-:ltl:s1,ti 1`0k "rIll';

St l'EItIN''I1 hltI—N'I' OF L'UII,UINGS. 'Ill • titue f..r tllc Inc i ry if the articles, sup-

Ill's and material. and the full performance of I1 - c.u(ract i.; Jnnnary I, 101,9.

'rile amount of Security Iu'it0ired is fifty per r-,-fit. (so'-;') of the a,,wvvlt cd the bid or esti-usrr'

TOR Il'It\7SIIIX(: ANl) DIiLIVEIt-INt; \':\Il.S, St RI(1Yti, 111ItIl1V\Itl., ICI'C., I'ult 'I'Ilt' SULT•;lIlN'l lfNUI•;N"r O1' BUI1.D-INti5.

'I he time fur the dclivcry r,f the articles and ,olqlivs and the full I,c rfu,rIsauer of the er,s17act Is ltmualy' I. tgnq.

'she amunot of security required is fifty per cent. (So';.) of the anIouut of the bid ur esli-male.

'I'llr kfl , Is will s;ate the price of each ilcnt or article ~mtamr,I in tilt .STVCities inns or schedules horoin c„ntaiuod ur ~ucto auurxcd, per pound, inn, d"zrn, ga'Lon, yard fir other unit of measure, !lv u'hirh the Li'l:, ,ei:l h.. tested. l'lte extentirms ulu•t be made and f,u4cd up, as the bids will be 11;111 (rnln tie tuutl f , cr catch class, and awards tcolr In the lowr,t hinder .ill each class, fir the bid, will be- cotti,are'h and lie contract awarded at a luutp or aggrcgatc stn,, fur each cone ract.

), iicc: v trill 6r required to be made at the tittle ;ind in the inauncr and in such quantities as may III- directed.

Rlai,k furuts and further information stay be btained at the office f the Fire Department,

Nos. 157 and 15J East Sixty-seventh street, Man-hattao.

NICHOLAS J. IIAYI':S, Fire Commissioner.

I May 29, 1908, jllr

If. SPe (ieo-l(d 1rslrsctlons to Ititl-dorN on Il,' lost I,lugt•, last column, of h.• ''I 'I 1 ' 1iun•nrai."

I II-:A Il_i'AiaiittS' OF TIIE FIRE DKI'ARi MENT OP I'fly ('fry uF Nr:w Yuac, Nos. I.S7 AND 159 EAST tin xi l'-SLV1lN"i'N Si inter, 8,V11O[1r;[t OP 1SIANIIATTAN, Net' YORK, May 2, 1908,


'I'IIF PROVISIONS OI SPECIAL ORDER No, 4y, Office Chief of 1)elartmnunt,

undr-r date' r,f May 2, 1904, relative to require-n,ruts of thi$ Department for hose, are hereby 1'evr,kl'rl,

In the future the m'eroem ltrents of this Be-artlacnt fur lr,sr•, intended for as'- in connec.

B, n with etm,lt,ijne (lire line) enluipntent, will be t'rtl,la,'.1 'ti ba r, fir c' tO ri ruhher lined hose•,

'Ph', roll"r is not utiedn• t„ disp'a-'e such hose a, has alrrariv b•-en purchasc'I or is now in ser-vice, tinl'ss Stmt is worn out or in unservice-able condition for other reasons

By r,rder of (Signed) NICHOLAS J. HAYES,

Fire Commissioner. ma9,jao


W 1LI.IA\l IT, SMI'r11, ALJC'1'IONE ER, ON hi-hail of the lire I)cparttnent of The

City of New York, Poruughs of Brooklyn and Queens, will oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Hospital and 1'rain- iug Stables, Si, Ed%%ards and Bolivarstreets, IL,rought of L'ruuklyn, un Friday, June 12, 1908, at r o'clock P. ni., the following twelve horses no lit gcr lit for service iu the Department and known as Nos. 255, 260, 425, 448, 521, 528, 564, 722, 81.2, quo, t,,17 and 1142.

NICHOLASJ. II AYES, En rc (:,,ntntis''.iover.


EALED RIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Fire Commissioner at the

above office until tn.31) o'clock a. In. on WFtDNESDAY, JUNE 111, 1D11S.

Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queena. 1"(lit I'UTItNISIIIN('. AND DELI\'EKING


'lice time for the delivery of the articles, mate-riali and snl't'lies and tile 1,crformancc of the contract is sixty ( (to ) days.

'II, aulour,t r,f security required is fifty per ccut. (gu,o) of file amount of the bid or esti- mate.

The i ldct' will state the price of each item or article contained in the specificatirms or sclted- t,les herein enntained or hereto annexed, per pound, ton, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit of nicastn-e, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must he made and footed fill, as the bids will be read from the total for each class and awards made in the lowrst bidder un each class; or the Ili,l-i %kill be compared and the con-tract award'.'d at a lump or aggregate stint,

I)clivery will be tcynired to he made at the time and iu the ntartrter and in such quantities a:; may be ,1i'cctcd.

Blank form, ,in'1 further information may be ,htaiucrl at Tile nllicc of the Fire 1 )epartntent, Nos. 157 and ty9 Last Sixty-scvetrth street, Man. halt:ut,

NICHOLAS J. IIAYES, Fire Cuttttnissii,iter.

Dated May 27, tgol. m25,jIa

I('.' See (.enenhll (n'str0o,i,,uis to Iiid-ders on The last Uag'e, last rpuou,in, of Ilia• ••('ity Ita•ourd.''


NORMAL ('ut.l.r:r,c t,r THE City of NE.w YORK, PARK :\vi,x tIE AND SixTY-EIGiITii STREET.

X,A2nIINA'1'ION IrOIt POSITIONS ON Bile eligible list fill.

T.nl101t.\TO1tV ASSISTANTS in the Itcpertment of N:nural Sciencewill be Leld in the CollegeL'ttilding on

T1IIIIISDAY, JUNE 4, 11)(114, at a a. fit.

- ,11 infnmmatiou may b,- had by applying to f'rufc.,sor I':dwanl S. ISnrgc•~s,

GI(OIt(;ii S. DAVIS, President,



F ('IMI.I(' Nu'1'11E 15 11EItEBY GIVEN TO Iho I,u' ucr ur o)cuca, of all houses and lots,

nc1pruvu'.1 it' unimpru)ed lan,l, affected thereby, hu tl.c roll,,, ing prop,'Scrl ;SsvSsmcitts have

been wtlrp1cto-1 and acre l-lodged in tide ollice of Ih'' It„arvl of -\„cs'..ors for cxautinati„n by all l,c?ens d0Oresicd, viz,:

Itorun5(B of The ltruita-

Li,t r, t, Nu. I. Regulating, grading, curbing, flagging laying t'lJ ,tail.;, rhniux tcnc,s, build- Ing ;1ppn,ariIc5 a 1 1 building dtai,r to Westches- tr'r arcuur, from the Ito,) is River to Main street, W c>tchc-ter.

'I L,' limits w'itlkt wbic!l it i, pr,q),se l to lay the 'lid ti'.i e'sment; iucludc all theseveral houses a nd lots of qr,ttl:rl, vacant lots, pieces and par-silo of hold 'ittmted rtu-

Nu. I, lid,th side, of \\e.tchcstcr avenue from ihr Itrunx ]tiv'r hr ,Alain street, Wcstcltester, ;unl In the extcut of half the block it the inter- or'r'tillg stri et, and IV' I1Uyo.

All Acr,ous whuot' iut,'t'est~ are affected by the lib.,, u-tattIeU prupu>cil a;s:'s=nn fits. vtd who are „pp,>:od to the saint-, or rilhcr of then,, are re-qucstc'll to pmscul 16cir d I jestidts, in writing, to the tidGper)' If the 1ioerorl of Assessor,, No. 320 Itri,adway, New York, nn or before June 3o, Ii)u;t, at II I. fit., at 55hiolt time and place the '-girl objeetirms t ill be heard oil testimony uicIs,, in refc7cncc tilco,'tu.

\NT't,NI(1 1':11'1. WICI\I:\NN, JAsll•:5 I1, KENNEDY,

13„ard of Assessors. WILLIAM 11 JASPER.

Secmlary, .3/i Br adway.

('ity of New York, Buitougb of Manhattan, May zq, tqu8-

1t129,) I o

Y I-IItLIC NOTICE IS I11';ItI:1a' (;1VEN 'rt file owner ur Owners of all huvsc. and lots,

iutpouvrd or unlintlIruvn-,l Iunrls erlIrcted thereby, that the folinveiug pn q,l,,, i1 ria,t:-sments have liken completed and arc lodged in the office of the Board of A'sessnrs for examination by all I c runs iii lerc•steiI. viz.:

Borough of Brooklyn.

list g7q4, No. 2. Paving with asphalt Foster av,'tc,,c. between 1'IatLt,sil it amt East Sev- cntcrnth strut, amt between East Funirtcelttb ,tn•r-I ;uul (Tory Island atcuuc.

list grizu, No, 3. 5cwer in Grafton street, Lrlwrr•u f'itkin and Sutlrr nacilucs, and outlet „•wcr in Sutter avenue, between Grafton street atil l 5erl'ir7iKa •nvciroc.

list C'-i7, No. 4. Sower in Calver strict, be-Iw'eou 11;11, land :Ind Newcil stmoto. and nutlet ,rwtr in Calyer street, between Jewell and Newell ,1 n ct s.

1-i't 91448, No. s. Sewer in Decaturstreet, ft-urn I'inir1,'r6r-rkr•r ercrsue I„ (b,' It,,,,, p1, line of Our,-us, and nutlet sewer in Decatur street, be. twea•n Krrirkrol,r,rker and Ilaiuburg avenues.

I A,t gISo, Ni, 6. tinnier in lCertilern parkway rsirnsiuit, ,Ouibwly side-, front fill in avenue to Degraw street, and Outlet sewer in Degraw street, front Eastern parkway extension to Iloward ave. sue.

List 9852, No, 7 Sewer in Junius street, he- twc•en I'itkin and lilake avenues, and outlet sewer in Blake avenue, between Junius street and Snedi-ker avenue.


List 9854, No. 8. (trading Lot No. 65 of Bluck UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO first street; both sides of Two Hundred and Blank forms and further information may be 918, on the north side of Forty-list street, be- the owner or owners of all uouses and Forty-first street, from Martha to Katonali obtained and the plans and drawings may be twec•n Sixth and Seventh avenues. l:,v'., inlerovcd or uniolpruved lands affected there- ;tvcnuc; southeast corner of Katonau ave seen at the office of the I)epartment of Correc-

List 98.57, No. 9. Sewer in Suffer avenue, In Ihot the fullowiug proposed assessments have one and Two hundred and Forty-first street; ti,n, the Borough of Manhattan, No. 148 East between R.ckatcay avenue and CI et r -Inrt. bleu cumplcirl 'tnd are lodged in the office of north side of Two Ilundred and 'Thirty-fourth, Twentieth street.

List 9800, No. to. Sewer in \Veirfield street, the Board of .\sscssois for examination by all b.,th sides of Two hundred and Thirty -fifth and JOIHN V. COGGEY, between liuickcrlooker avenue and Inc bouu,Ltry persons interested, viz.: south side of '1'vo Ifuodied and Thirty-sixth Commissioner. line hetwccn the L'oruughs of 15iuuklyn ;:ud street!, between Katonali and Kepler avenues; Dated May 22, 19o8. Uticells• lioroiittli of Manlinttan. both sides of Napier avenue, between Two lion- m23,34

List gb66, No. r1. Sewer ba_ in at tile west- died in ,l Thirty-third and "1'w•o llundred and {,, ,y,.,- 1, r.irt•ral Inhtruellonw to Bld- crly cot'ner of Palmer to street and Es'crgrcat • List 9636, No. I. Regulating, grading, curb- Thirty- li fth streets; north side of '1'wo fftue"1red 41,er,t on the lit PIM(, it column! of oven tie. ing and flagging Seaman avenue, from Academy and 'Thirty-third all(] south side of Two hundred teas "Chov It t•eurH,"

Lit 9897, i1O. 12. Sewer in Dean street, from street to Ishaw strcct, constructing masonry and Thirty-fifth streets, between Nallic'r and Saiatnya avenue to the sutulnit cast of Saratoga wall and Masonry culvert. \lount Vernon avenues, including Lots Nus. 1t,

1)I:PARI'MUtiT EAST avellne, with outlet. sewer in Saratoga avenue, I4 anll 65 I,f Block 3,363• OP CORRECTION, No. 148 front Ilcall street to Pacific street. Flotucfjei of Tito l3moc, No. 7. Both sides Of Ulle 1 undrgd and Eighty '!'w'I: NIIETII STREET, BOROUGtt OP MANHATTAN,

List 981)8, N. 1.3. S"'cr ill ErEfard street, first street, from Tiebout avenue to Jerome aye- a

.LfiE ( 1.i Y OF NEW YORK. bettcecn Engt it sheet and Inp5S avenue.

• List 95—, No. z Sewer in Featherbed lane, title, and to the extent of half the block at lit c I::\f.I•I) BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILI. BE

I.i,t yt)n •;, t\u. t-1. Steer ill ! ti a stn•rt. lie! toecu \1aconlbs road and Aqueduct avenue, intersecting streets and avenues. 15 received by the Commissioner of Correc- frob a 1" II about ;3ou feet c:,st of Oakland and in A,tueduct avenue, between Featherbed No. 8, Both sides of • Creston avenue, from Lion at the above office until tl o'clock a. m. street to Provost Street. • lane aid .\lacutltbs road. "Fremont avenue to Burnside avenue, and to the oil

List 0g04, Nu. r5. SCwer iu Jcffctson street, List q5_5, No. 3. Sewer in Albany road, be- extent of half the block at the intersecling streets between Irving and \1'yckof1 aSCnucs. toes i West Two hundred and Thirty-third street and avenues. ", TlihltSllAYJU,IfE 4, 1f1US,

Lit o9ot, INo. 16. Sewer I:a,iu it the sotnh- and West 'Iwo Ilundred and 'Shirty'-first street; No, 9. Both sides of Field place, from Morris Itoruoglt of ManiuUtnn. east comer of Nackl'tt street an,l 'Third ovenuc. in ltailey avenue, front \Vest Two Ilundred and avenue to Ryer avenue, and to the extent of half

I,i,t 9917, INC,. 17. Sewer in I tl:in avenue, 'i'hirty-third street to the summit southerly there- the block at the intcrsccting streets and avenues. P(lR I'URNISIIING AND DELIVERING I I POIt :11:\~iU1:1CTURI?I PUIt- Soutll side, I t',lcert Powell street and Van tile- flow, and iu West Two hundred and 'Thirty-first \c,, lo. Ilnttt suers of Carver street, frolu

dercn nvcnne. 1gql8, No. If;. --ewer based at the south- -it

street, between Broadway and Bailey avenue.

List o, Nu. kc•ulatiu radio Corbin g, g g, g q. 953 b Ne+vtown avenue to Flushing avenue, and to the extent of half the block the jute at streets

"1 Pt1Sl'-~, 1:C. IIle time f the delivery of the articles, ma-

ra.t corner of R:u!msl a%ensic and Mh5cevood and flagging, laying crosswalks, building all- and avenues. teri:115 and su;,plics, soil the performance of the avcuuc. preaches ante erecting fences in Steuben avenue, No. r i. Both sides of Cooper street, from contract is by or before 3o days,

I.i>t go3g, No. 19. Ss ver in .Vbany avenue, tr,nn 1lo.h,:R1 psiencay to Gun hill road. Grand avenue to Newtown avenue, and to the lie ains,att of security required is fifty per bet iii it St. 'larks avenue and Prospect place. List 9531, No. 5. Regulating, grading, curb- extent of half the block at the intersecting streets cent. (5o'.o) Of the amount of the bid or esti-

I.ist 9940, Nu. .u. Sewer basin at the unrtIi. inq and flagging, laying crosswalks erect jug anti avenues, mate. cast cotoer of .\tlantic avenue and Rursc11 (lace. fences and building crosswalks in Longfellow No. t2. hot Ii sides of Fifteenth avenue, from The bidder will state the price of each item or

List yq.11, N. _l. Sv,,et iu Congr,lis street, avelsue, between Westchester avenue and Boston l;r„a, lway to Graham avenue, and to the extent article contained in the specifications or sched- bet+l,SII I lui:bi; stre,t and the I;a-t River. road. of half the block at the intersecting streets and tiles herein contained or hereto annexed, per

List 7n-1=, No. z Scsccr basins at the nuieIi- l.i;t 95;s, No. 6. Receiving basins on the avenues. pemvt, t -,u, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit cast amt II! rtlnvest corners of Irtioluoe avenue suuthlcest corner of Wcllster avenue and McLean No. t3. Bulh sides of Ninth avenue, from 1'f measure, by which the bills will lie tested. and Itunprix strict. arouse (•Iivu Iluudred and Fortieth street) ; lack<„n avenue to fierce avenue, and to the 'flee extensions must be made and footed up, as

l.i,t al).t3, Nu. 2.3. Sewer basins at the nortli. southwest corner of Vireo avenue and East Two extsut of half the block at the intersecting streets the I) Is Will be read from the totals and awards cast and north west corners of Grant a+'cuve and I luudn~ l and "Thirty-ninth street; northwest car- ;ttl ,l avenues. ma(e,• to the lowest bidder on each item. Union ascnuc. ner of Vircu avenue and East Two Ilunlrcl and No. 14. West side of Flushing avenue, from Itelit'cry w- ill be required to be made at the

List np.i.1, Nn. 2.1. Sauccr in JcNci-on street, Tbiriy-fifth street; northwest corner of Vireo \\'ill,tt strret to hillside avenue. time and in the manner and in such quantities

between \\yckotT avenue and St. Nicholas arc- ay.'nae and East Two hundred and Thirty-foe t!I .111 isrsoas whose interests are affected by the as lost' hr directed,

litre. street; so IiIitt st corner of Vireo avenue and above named proposed assessments, and who are 11laI1k foretS and further information may be

List yg53, ' . 25. ̀•t'ter in Eighth street, Ea,t Two hundred and 1'hirty-fourIii street; opposer] to the same, or either of deem, are re- olttint1 at the office of the Department of

bet it ticrond acuune and the exi,,tilIg selves t ti t corner of V-ireo avcIme and last iwo qii t I to ;,resent their objections, in writing, to (('rrec+ffun, the Borough of 1lanhattan, No. 148 rant thereof It nit dicd amt Thirty -tliijd street; northwest cot- file tircretary of the Board of Assessors, No, 3.o I':a;t Twentieth street.

I•i-t q')SO, No. 26. Srvv r in President street, I of V'ireo avenue and East I'lvo I1undred and Ilroartway, Yety York, on nr before little 2.3. [on8, JOIINT V. COCGEY, kvi'v”' ll I. ford and k~,2cr. SVm1ti, and outlet Ebirty-third street; south side of East Two tutu- at r r a. nl., .,it which time and place the said Commissioner. sewer in President street, between Rogers and died aucl Thirty-third street, opposite Vireo ave- oI,ir•etions will be beard and testimony received Dated 11 ay 22, 1908. Nustrand avenues. title; northeast corner of UIaitba avenue and !u i-itcr(neg Ibc•rcto. m23•j4

l.i,t 57oq, Nu. z t'aeiiot trill] atiphalt Tics- least Ttvu hundred and Forty-first street; north- 'AV'f0\IO I..L'CC:A, Y Sa•r Gt•nr•nwl Inwtriie•lionx to Dlii-

cult ])lace, between llcrkimer street and .Ateat tic west confer of 1\lartba avenue and Fast Two I':1f1L WFIAl.AA'N, ,1(-l.a uu !he• 118 t Vut:'t'• lank column, of

8uf.olf ,•. Ilun,lrcd and forty-fir;[ street, southeast corner East •1'wo Ilundred and of \Ia:tila avenue and JAMES I1. KI?.N:NhDY,

• Ii . "('Its' Rt•eord."

The limits within which it is proposed to lay

the sti assessments include all the sty rat boosts Iu!ty-IiSt street, soutme't corner of Martha Board of Assessors. - - ---------------- ---------

and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels al',•nuc amt Last •I'w'o 1luodied and Forty-lnt i \WILLIAM 11. _TASPER, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. of laud situated oft-- etrect; south side of Fast Two 1undred and Secretary,

No. 2. Both sides of Foster avenue, from Flat- T Iliy-stxth street, west of Katonah avenue; north No. ,. zo Broadway. 1 )r I'.1Rr\am: ST or EoL'e:lT1,IN, ('ORNER OF llARK hlttill ;iWermu(. to I t ,et'ehtln111 street, all (I side 1)f J ,t "I't10 Ilundred and Thirty liftil street,

kkap,s East Two scent of if ascouc; south side of City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, May from East Fourteenth street to Coney Island

-3. 1)118, E'aROC'c1r OF I 'I t :,nJ .,Nn 1 1 Y OF OR;_. NF%

;tvmue, and to ii extent (,f all the block at the mtcrscctiog stroels and avenues.

'Thirty Katonah 1einiercd and - Iiftk street, west of arm,ar; audit side of East 7'wo llu,elrcd and IIiift)'fain'Eli Katonah avenue;

Sttett, west of rn23.J4

" \l

}LtxrtVtFli lI or' \ t'. 1

I•:.ALI:Ir Itlleti OIt t .

\l AA'1Lf. It ._--_- •I Nu. 3. I?ast side (, f sdIt street, betoeen

flow- ;,theca eo!nl•i- of Napier arenue and Past Twu o r,•r:icc:! h~ th.• Iotfi rint f of Bch„ul 1111'

Wake and Suttcr avenues; both sides oC hunl!cil Thirty'street; northeast corner and -third DI PA RTMEVT OF CORRECTION. Ilnil , I i:: ;,t ih+ :ILnti ic, ,•f ih.• Ztrlcn't u)ent

and a-into, l;rafton slicer and Barrett street, told west side of Saratoga avenue, from Pitkin „f \ap!er avenue and ISast Two 1Gu1dred and ~ f l'.,lnc:l1i":• n~:;:l c`,~c,•n ,~'cl~•~k a, m.. „n

I)F.PARTMENT OF CORRSCTIIN, No I.I8 EAST ;r'yiiele to lt:ake 11•('eltlV. et,iit)'-ll:lrri :;beet, and S„lllh Side Of last 'Iwo MO\I1.1Y, JUN1'• 1.i, 1Jt)S.

No. 4, Both sides of Calyer street, from Oak- lluo,e!,d anti '1littty-third street, opp sitc Napier e'w'ss'IU:rit STRCF:T, I roiUUci Of MANHATTAN, 1t11ro,..,1'. of Iirooklyn. lapel street II j(,,cIl street; both sides of 1)Ia-

between \le;crole Cal cr stre(t~- Inoud street, and Semitic

I.i:.t !)971, No. 7. Regulating, grading, curbing, \I.1? UP BUYI•:i A\17 GIIF,:\tilt, II tt\ \~,, I. I )Ii 1't (:\!It !I•-• I . 111' \1•,\\ !'l li-

- Nn. 5. 1Sut11 sides of 1)ccat ii street, from ban iu(, laying crosswalks, boil ,tug approaches

Iiif:: (ITY OF 1NLW \(i K.

,S lag', ctc., will take place at tho Central

g- I IIt' ~t'lll ll ll. LL.\la'. L \\\'III (I I:

Ifanlburg avcuue to the borough line of C)ocens: toll meeting fences iu Last Onc IIttidred and .I UfTicc. Nu. 148 1?ast '1'wcutir[h street, \si CI: lit ;I! ~'l l: l'. 11'~, ltttla>t'(;I1 ill

IfRIn11<I,i \. both sides of 1Cit n erbuck,:r avenue, between I':ighty-fir;t street, boot Ii bout avenue to Jerome'

avcuuc FRIDAY, JUNE G, 1905, tlm,• nll~„:o l t. , c ,:nl thr ••, b~~lo work ,l 1 I s Schaeffer and Decatur streets,

No. 6, South side of 1•:astern Parkway Exten- l.i,l 1578, Ni). 8. Hcgufafiog, grayling, curbing, at tl a. nt. •.•il be ou ++~n'kin~ +lad,, :, In,'ricic,l in tl:e rn:lralt.

,ion, from 1'iiEin to 110w'ard avenue. I1ISgin};, laying LIwallis, building approaches 'l he ]„tics, etc., to be accumulate+I by the llc- 'I I amiit „f srctints re~esin 1 is a+ follows:

Nu. 7. Both silt`s of Flake avenue, front and ciceting fences in OgstaiI a,tnue, between lio!u,kie 1,arrmgat durtug lLr year lyo3, at t5

.......... } , 11th 1 ................. soon .,u IS I lil:er avenue to 1'„fvclf street; bath sides of

I ro)m nt avenue all([ avenue. ]-ist it Nu. q. I:egttlating, grading, curb- 7,

.1 a tn.,tt,l wns. More ur 1,s,, t., b: rcctfue,e at aturltu re 11 ,'nl _ ........................... soo uo

Jnniti street, Erato Iaa!:c activuc to I'ilion ass- uuc; both sides of \'au Oil rcu avcttue, frout 1u3;. 11a1.•.SUIg, laying - Cross'i;tlksi building all Tier,

l\ iii Island, nw Ic,., L,au t.,re- tinl,•s t:c.:i.ly, iu a covered wag~.n, to b~ trans-

ci It. to 11 1 :........................... t, ,o II+'n -1 ........................... lSun 1

Wake avenue to Sutter :n, title. 1,ro8eC•_s and erecting tenccs in Field Place, from to and front Blaekuels Island by the

\o. 8. North side of forty-fi rsY. street, he- Vfonts aveuuc to Rycr avenue. Loat sd boats of the llcpartnlent, the Commi,sioner re- -\ >cl,arltc tr, .l•, >;11 most Lc r•.lhnlilted for

twccn Sixth and Scvgoht avenuess, Lot No. 65, IIoraoS b of Queens. ,cl vin the ri ht c freryacut re- fi g to order l li r a It item anal ;iwar I +l ill by madc te!Moa.

” ]ilotk 9t8. n„•lal; of the bones if degu)e,f nrcessary. \;,.•FUR fllli (.1':\IiR.1L CU\tiI12l(- Nu, 9. Both sides of Sutler avenue, from I.i,t 9.137,'No. to. Regulating, grading, curb- j steam bailers to be !citeuiel from Rikcrs !lIIN, !:T('. III .\lII)fI. IU'i 'I(I -\\II

Chester street to Rockaway avenue•. ink, IecunLmg and flagging Carver su'cet, from Isla I D by purchaser. .\I.TI:It\I'II)\-, IN I't'ItI It ClltIIIF No. lo. Both sides of \Veiifield street, he V~. l+tuul ;tccnur io Flu,uiug avenue, hirst \yard. I aotiimuhiIg (1\” '1'lil: \OI:'I . It NII)P: 1)P \ItSl•.l . 1\'IC- •

tween Knickrrbockcr avenge and the borough List y5:3f+, 1\u. I'. Regulating, grading, cuih- I ,l.,ui I.inluus iii e top. \:I'I':, 111{l 1; 1: P:\ I iIItI\II.If :\\1) (;I'EN\'s1':1' line of Queens. lti Cou cr street, between Grand P' zu t,.,ns of bums (2,000 pounds to the ' I:+)Rt1l'1;lI Ulr I•I'iiII I.1'.

No. II. N„rtheast side of Pllshwick avenue, tiL u altq

1~ruuc au ,l clvto+cn avclnlc, First 1\'ard. as

inn). .I h, tin:! ;,l„ul!l t„ c:❑ ;:I,I the ++h„le work from Gatos avenue to l'clmelto street; north • Lirt (ii39, Ni. it. Regulating, grading, curb- to foes of uW icon (z,ouo pounds to the trill Lr _,, ++, rl:in4 ,l:,y'-. a; loos ii1 in the side of Palmetto street, front Bushteick avenue iug and nagging hitteemh avenue, from Broad- t un) • casIitIact. to Evergreen avenue; southwest side of Ever- .a , lu Grthat avenue, I -irst Ward. 8,0„o puuwL of rags. Tllr ii iii „1 security required is Sixty '1'hou- grecn avenue, front Gates avenue to Palmetto l.i,t o55o, t\u, 13. Regulating, trading, curb- lu,uuu pounds of grease •;lm! II„1LIs. street. ink, Ilat;>;ulg and la}iug crusswalks on Ninth Iu„ ba Fri ls (iron bound). O” N+,:, , an:l ' the bids will he go!ohared

No. Iz. Both sides of Saratoga avenue, front ;tt',.Iltl~., tl❑ lacksun avenue to fierce avenue, lug, barrels (keru.cnc). an,l • the tutu t itt tint Ile aa.anlcd in a lamp sum Pacific street to Ucan street; both sides of Dean flat t\ar+l. r„u 1'000ds tea lead. '~ 1'!c ISme. Li.ldrr tin cart contract. street, bcLwegn ";oag,g• and I"upkins)n avenues. I.l,t oiotu, Nu- I.1. Flaggiug westerly side of lead. troa pounds old I rnr: f1)rols, Ilan, owl l,i iii cations It I)c

No. t3. hotel ides of Fvkfaid street, front Ii Iii aceuuc, from Willett street to hillside _A11 ii lilt to I more or less." 1V1 qualm 'inc,l at tII ,•Ill er of the sat trin- I•:n}tert ;tvcnhc to lh'iggs livelov. avruu+', IalurI \Aaid. tics to be •'as are.° All the above (exccIt t+'Inlrnt ::t c_tirnntin. ru,nn, K.inlh 11 Ila'l of

No, 14, 1 th sill's of India street, between 'tile Ii tit w' ill liii which it is I rut osed to lay be received by the turcliver at pier 11” I;~,:u,l „f IC,lu,:ii•,o. 1':ul, at'enuc' ;ul,l Iiflc-

Oakland and Provost stn'cts, the said assc„nlcuts include all the sevn'al houses ,.f 1`-ast 'tAyeti}'-sixth street, ante removed niuta ct, I ru•.ii.. 1)i U ❑ n!cltcu). Nu. 1 Bu;h sitlrs of JLITe -son street, be- 5- anti lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels

her therclr„m imntctliatcly upon bAng notified that

I l;, T. A111 l 'it i twer'u Irving and \Wyckoff avenues; west stile I,f laud sltets1f'd oil— ,sole air ready for delivery \'11','I' lilt ,','~11lll , ~l N,'I'~, ,,, I I:li t;lllll~ . of TruuLnl8n street, between Irvin and W ckoff Y Nu. t. 1Suth sides of Seaman street, fruln I~:Itc,l Ii z, I,1,~. avenues. Islam street to •\cadcmy street, and to the ex• 1'-i I +uccperful btdd wait he require.” to pay ty tt

cc iaicd check 1,1,1

No. t6. South side of Sackett strcct, from teat of half the block at the interxctiux streets. tff '-ficc per cent. iu cash or ur e,timated auluuut of his purchase t,, m~. •~ ~c't' /'r°et'ul In><truc•tiou~ to Hld-

Third to Feu rl l) avenue. No. 2. 1•:ast side of .\qucd ttet avers tic, both dt•rn art till• Iust pag't•. lust co1umu of No. r7. South side of T'itkin avenue, from sides of Nelson avenue and west side of \lacumhs

at Ole tern! sole place of sal,•, and rte bal:,nd Iht• ••eery Krt•o rd.”

Powell street to \'an Soideren avenue, road, bt-lween 1 atherbed lane and the junction to the li at a'aek cM. Island, Sed r ce check _--

No. 18. South side of I:idgewool avenue , of :\queduct avenue ;ul,l \lacunlhs road; hoth iu cats or c Lii It check tig a Ne+v Turk lrty

bank, upom ui the got,ds. 1)~-r:,1::- \,IA;'r (r r OF PARK 1•:nt'e.it ll 'i B from Railroad avenue to Lincoln avenue; east sides oI Featherbed little, from Aqueduct avenue

One llunclrt:d

issi ne 'Ihc Cunlmisiuucr res(~rvr, tuc lit~:ht t.. ordc~ \+r:~: r .v:u I u-ry>:tNru 3rr.re'r, Buaouclt of

side of Railroad aiotie, between Fulton street to \l.i Ifhs road; both sides of Ica1, „f anv goods that shun! NOI Ig.Is It eu .IPIN11.511SN • ('I1Y +'F NEW 1*I,RK.

and Ridgewood at'cuuc and bcle•nty-tutu street, front Nelson avenue to .,Il,n'ed by ibe purchax,'•r within '1'l i\ days after 1:.\l I•:It I:11;,, (II : Ell'I\l.\TE5 WILT, BE

No. lc, West side of Alban avenue, between Y \Iacouilos road; cast stile of \yocoloct accnue, rrccil,,l by tl.c 'ul,.'riutcnd,•ut irf School St. M:arlcs avenue :old Prospoct place. both sides of l'fimpron auenuc, Ncl,un sveuue and tie shall Iiavr been no tified th: f they a.c ready

atul i ❑ case of such rea,e to torfen t tit ti.e Ifui1llillg: at tL,. ab„vr nI I of the Department

~ No, zo. Ist side of I. Issell1 lace, between tilake ypeare avtnue, between Ruscobef avenue and

little, both Jessup avenue, I'r8e1('rb(d and sides of "f the Department of d the 'I\\'T:Nfi- tit a tff ti Atlantic avers tic and flcrkim<•r street; nor[b side 1'1\'I'. I'P, It ll'.1 1'. paid in al the ti,nc and pi:r ~,~ 1[(1V 1)81- J['\1; 15 Il1US. + of Atlantic avenue, front Russell )lace to 1 aclde I front )esetI to Ffarliabii lane.

Ruth sides of albauy road, from 1'wo Nu. tli l

3. of .ale. Gintls at be 'x,, ,it`d at ill ack..ells

l llurnimf'h of '1'lu• Ilronc. place.

No. 21. Both sides of Congress street, be- I[aoceic,i and Thirty-first Street to Is TWO hundred Islal~,l by iut~•uding bidder, tin amp )+cck dly before thr flay of sale. The Cummi.-i, uci re-

: , f i




It n'cL F ;1. m. on

\"• t. 1 (I .\1'TI':tl \'I It IN S, R :11Rti, rucen Colunl6iN street and the last River; west '1'wo and 'l'hirt third street; north side of flan- y` serve.; the right to sell 'he arti;le, ol'cr again.

I I' f('.. .\ I 1'I. - I 1.W Sellul )l," 2, 3, 3, u, l8, 2 ),

side of Cnlunlbia street, berivren Cun •ress and drrd ctrt'1 Thirty-hrst street, trout ]:aitry avenue J OIIY V. l'lo(iliE1i,

_ ,_ •~I "). .l'•. 31, 35. 37. 3 (̀, 3't, 4)• .z. -..

1' Amity streets. to 1Sruarhray; w'cst side of Bai!cy •tccnuc, brtwrru Cuuvnisi„n r.

( \\U Ut) I Illtill 't llOt)l., BOROCGI[

I t


No. 2z. Roth sides of Iicndrix street, from 'Thirty trod Two hi) dreI and -first and Two hut

1)mnuut avenue to Blake aveuur; north side of and Thirty-third streets; cast side of I;ailcy ave mz3 I he ti ,,iic ❑P„we,l to Complete the w'ho'le Work Dumont avenue, front Van Sicklen avenue to - one, between Two llundred and Thirty-third Y . ' tia•t- l:e-nernl Instruetlonn to 1114- „u <• Ill .:I I "+'ill h. s5 working day's, a pro- Schenck avenue. n ti& I and Boston avenue; south side of Two dr-rs on the lit/.t Data lout voluntu, of ti,'„I in Ill t` contract.

No. 23, North side of Havens place (Union m f oadwa ' Ilunt. lie d and "Cherry-first street, fro 1 r } Ili_ '•l'lly it. cord.” I c• ii lit of sr.•uritc required i; a; follows: avenue), betwveu Nichols and Grant avenues; to P;uley as ititi and buth'sides of Albany ave- ........... -----_

both sides of Grant aveutte, bcttrecn ferns strert nut•, frutn L'wo Il und red attd fhtrty-first street 11urARrntENr of G,eRl:crtou, No. t 8 EASr 4 Public ScIi

~ • ~ ~ ~ • • ~ ~ $300 00

1'ubli+• tichnnl 3.......... .... ..... 500 00

alndd Rktlgewood rs'en,le, ann(I cast side of Nichols tC, 118ncy avenue. 'I'WLN'I'tLTII STaLl I', BOROUGHH OF MANHATTAN, 1'tll ,l i,' .el:,,,,I .t ................... Soo i0 avenue, between IIavens lit ace and 1'.ttia Street. N ti, .I, Both sides of Stcuben avenue, front l'ilE CI cv OF I'.sw YORK. 1'tt bl li .S.I,ioI o ................... 1,000 oo

Nu. 2.4. Both sides of Jefferson street, be-

tween \Iyckoff avenue and t. Nicholas avenue Nlos I it Parkway North to Gun hill road, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting

” 1,:ALI.:I) l5]DS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Curren-

l'ii IIi! 5.hn„I 18 .................. loo ou I'ublir 'cIfo,e Soo 00

No. 25. Both sides of Eighth street, between streets and avenues. tiop at the above office until it o'clock a, nt. l'ii6lk School .i.) .................. 700 00 Second and 'l'Iiird avenues. Nu. 5. list Ii sides of Longfellow avenue, from On I'1,1h School i,1no 00

No. 26. Both stiles of President street, be- Westchester avenue to Boston road, and to the THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 190R. Public i i lI ,I a^ ................. 800 0o twvcn Nostrantl avenue and Bedford avenue extent of half the block at the intersecting streets Isorouifh of Muiiltultitit. Public School z8 .................. 1,200 ou

No. z ISoth sides of Prescott lace, from 7• I anti avenues, No. 6. South side of MacLean avenue, f rom FOR 110 RNltillill: 1YU 1)I:I,I\ EItI I I

I'ul,lic n,,,l 2' .................. I.loo 00 I'uLlic ~,•l,,,d Soo 00 ,q.,............,..... Atlantic avenue to llerkimer street, and to the

h alf the block intersecting extent of at the Vireo avenue to Wch,ter avenue; east side of 1ARD'I\':\RI•\ 1':\INTS, IRON, . ̀ \Nf FIT- Public " I,•,,,1 ,t(• • • • • • • • • • •. , .... 1,loo on Vireo avenue, between MacLean avenue and 1'INI:~, l.0\1131?IZ ANll i11SCLLLAN1i0U5 Public ti:hu,d 3; .................. 300 0- streets and avenues,


whose interests are affected by the persons •I'+vn llttndre,l and Thirty-sixth street; West side :\I!'I'ILIr l.N. Public Sch,.nl .................... 1,200 00

-named assrssments, and who are above proposed of Vircu avenue, between Two Ilundred and The time for the delivery of the articles, ma- S'uhlic Sell„ I if .................. 300 00

to the same, or either of them, are re- opposed Thirty-cigl;th an(1 Two hundred and Thirt •-ninth y tenses and applies, and the performance of the 1 nhlic tichu' ,l 3'> .................. 1,000 00

quested slicers; worth side of I llu nilre and I hirty- I I contract is by or before ten days. 'Chc is

amount of security required fifty per full is Sc1~o„1 40 .................. 1,400 00 to present thrir nbj r(fIt iS, in writing, to

gey;btft and south side of Two hundrwi and flinty bid

1'ul:iir tirh , ,l ~-'-•"'••""""" oo 00 tithe ticcrrrary of the Irnto',l of Assessurs, Nn. Szn

Iaew Yurk, m ur before lime 3 n' lit strett;, t,clwet•n Nla,tlia anJ \'iieu as c- cent. (5u ̀ 'b) of the amount of the or esti- \I„rri: high tichool ............... 1,800 00 e

IyoB, at t l a. nl., at which time and mare the lutes; ltortb side of Two liundred and Thirty- f,)tlrth stir thetwern 's irco and Kitunah ave- ,

ate. The bidder will state the )rice of each item or

__-___..._- jo-,p—al nitlsI he submitted fur each

said Objections will be heard and testimony re It west side of Vireo avenue, between Two article contained in the sPecificatoms or sched- '\ .ti,alatc

school an,l awar,l will lie made thereon. ceived in reference thereto, Ilun'Ir°d a'r'I Thirty-f,)urtb and Two Hundred ti les herein contained or hereto annexed, per

ANTONIO ZFTCCA, and •thirty-sixth sheets; north side of Two lino- pound, tun, dozen, gallon, yard or other unit lloroultth of 11nnliattan. l'.\(JT. WICAM.\NN, ,"red soil • T!lirty-liftb street. between Vireo and (, f measure, by which the bids will be tested. N'' 4. Ffll RI:1'\I12" To HEATING AND JAMES I1. KE,NN I DY, Martha avenues; both sides of Vireo avenue, be. .....e extcnsiuns must 1)e made and footed up, as \'F.\ I'lI \TIX(i \I'I'.\R\"1'l'$ Of PUBLIC

Board of Assessors. twecn •I'lvn IIundnil ante Thirty- third and TWO the hills will he read frunl the totals and awards ('lIIX1I is 16. 48, t.t, (17, ul, tae, le, c. , . Wtt.t.IAM II. JASreR, Illntdlc4 and Thirty-fourth streets• north side of made to tile' lowest hidder on each item. The 111(;11 St 1I>101. OF CO\IERCE ANT) DE

Secretary No 32o Ilroadway.

'1- w„ Ilundred and Thirty-thirty and south bills on lumber will be compsred and the eon- \VI.I I (I IN"f('N Ill1.l1 SCHOOL, BOROUGH vide of 'Pwo hundred and Thirty-fourth tract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. '.\I ttl' \NII:VI' f. \N.

City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, streets, between Vireo and Katonah avenues; Delivery will be required to be made at the I hr title allt,weII to cam llete the whole work May 28, tgo8. Northeast corner and southeast corner of time and in the manner and in such quantities on t•acll scho„1 oil lie until August t, 1908, as

ttt58,j9 Martha avenue and Two Hundred and Forty- as may be directed. Provided in the contract.


Borough of Queens. No. 7. FOIL .\LTI",R.\TTONS, REP.\TRS,

ETC.. .A'I' I'COLIC S[llOOT.S 31), 42, 43 AND 44, POl (t -cli (IF Ot EE?NS•

The time allowed to complete the whole work nn inch school vgill be tin lil August 24, 1908, as I'' 'idcil in the contract.

The amount of security required is as fol-lows: Public School 39 .................. $6,000 oo Public Sche,ol 4_ .................. 2,000 00 Public 5chnol 43 .................. 7.000 00 l'ublic School 44 ..................0000 00

:1 separate nrul,o al nntst be Submitted for each school and award will be made thereon.


'Tire lime allow•etl to complete the whole work will be 25o working days. as provided in the cc mtract.

The ammtnt of security required is Ninety Thousand Dollars.

no Contraels Nos. g. 6 and 8, the bids will be compared and the contract will be awarded in a lump smn to the lowest bidder on each contract.

Oil Nns. ,3. 4 and 7 the bi,lders most state the oriev of each i(ent by which the bids will be tested.

Blank fi rms. plans an,l me7iEieatieiiS may be ohtained or crrn at the office of the Superin-tendent at Fstneat, ,i RrnTo. ninth floor, hall of the Poard of EoucaB,io, Park avenue and

ifty-ninth street, Rorout;h of Vlanhattan; also at branch rd'ices. No. 69 hIrnailway, Flushing. iloroneh of Otteens, for work for their respec-tive Buronghs.

C. P. T. SNIDER. Superintendent of School Buildings.

Paled Tune 4, 1908. 53.15

sue` (:1`n,•rnl gistmethniim to 1)id-tl,•t•v on (h,• 1.147 ipawe. 111.4t ccnsi1siii, of the ''(Ily H('eor(i.•• ._.-- --


S F.:AI-1'.I) L'TDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Superintendent of School

Supplies at the above office of the Department of Education until 12 o'clock noon on





Security required is Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000).



Security required is One Thousand Dollars ($i coo).

111e time for the delivery of the coal and sup-plies and the performance of the contract is by or before April 30, 1909.

The bidder will state the price of each item of article contained in the specifications or sched-ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per toil, by which the bids will be tested.

Bidders will be required to specify the mine from which they propose to supply the coal called for.

Bids must be submitted for each Borough. Contracts will be awarded to the lowest bidder. Delivery will be required to be made at the

time or in the manner and in such quantities as may be directed.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Superintendent of School Supplies, Board of Education, the Bor-ough of Manhattan, southwest corner of Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street.

PATRICK JONES, Superint-ndent of School Supplies.

Dated May 27, i9o8 m27J8

q See General Instructions to Bid-der on the Inst tpm1Ie, last eolonan, of the "City Record."


:D BID OR ESTIMATES WILL EOLF S BE S received by the Superintendent of School Buildings at the above office of the Department of Education until ii o'clock a. m. on

MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1908. 'Borough of Brooklyn.


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be i8o working days, as provided in the con- tract.

The amount of security required is Eight Thousand Dollars.


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be So working days, as provided in the con-tract.

The amount of security required is Twenty-six Thousand Dolldrs.


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be until August t5, igo8, as provided in the contract.

The amount of security required is Six Hun-dred Dollars.


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be 275 working days, as provided in the contract.

'fhe amount of security required is One Hun-dred Thousand Dollars.

On Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 the bids will be com-pared and the contract will be awarded in a lump suns to the lowest bidder on each contract.

Blank forms, plans and specifications may be obtained or seen at the office of the Superin-teudent at estimating room, ninth floor, Hall of tl:e Board of Education, Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan.

C.11. J. SNYDER, Superintendent of School Buildings.

Dated May 26, tgoS. m26,j8

g' See General Inlrtruetfonx to B1d-dern on the last page, last column, of the "City Record."



SEALEI) III17S OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Superintendent of School

PuiI din gs at the above office of the Department ,f Education until II o'clock a. nL on

MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1008. Borough of Muuhattnn.



The time allowed to complete the whole work ,n each school will be 55 working days, as pro-vi,l.-,l in the contract.

The amount of security required is as follows: i'nblic School 26 ............... . .... $c,600 00 I'I'blic School 47 ............... • - - . • 1,500 00 \1-a=llingtun Irving high School...... 3,500 00

:A separate proposal nanst be submitted for each sch, •, .1 ao l a'.eaid will be made thereon.



The tine allowed to complete the whole work will be ISO, working days, as provided in the con-

acP. The amount of security required is Forty Thou-

.an'l I)'Uars, N. -. OR R.\ZING OLI) IITILDING ANI)


The time allowed to complete the whole work hill be 55 working day's, as provided in the con-Ii act.

'fhe anrtunt of security required is One Thou-=a.nd Vim.- IIundre•d Dollars.

(Iii Nos. 6 and 7 the bids will be compared and Ilie contract will be aw'ardc l in a lump soul to the lowest bidder in each contract.

Oil No. 5 the bidders must state the price of each item, by which the bids will be tested.

T:lauk forms, plans kind specifications may be ubt:lined or seem m at the office of the Superin- (ii ale it, at Estimating Room, ninth floor, Hall if the hoard of Education, Park avenue and Fifty-ninth street, Borough of Manhattan.

C. B. J. SNYI)ER, Superintendent of School Buildings.

Dated May 26, 1908. mz6,j8

gsi' See General Instructions to Bid-derN on the lost imait'e, lust coluiitn, of flue "City Record."





S IfALEl IBIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL, BE received by the Department of Public

Charities at the above office until 2.30 o'clock P. n1. Oil

MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1908.


The time allowed for doing and completing the entire work and the full performance of each contract is three hundred and sixty-five (365) consecutive calendar days.

The surety required will be Twenty-six Thou. sand Dollars ($26,000) for the Staff House, and for the extension of two Tuberculosis In-firmaries, Sixfy Thousand Dollars ($6o,000),

The bidder will state one aggregate price for each contract described and specified, as each contract is entire and for a complete job.

Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank form prepared by said 1)eparhnent, a copy of which, together with a copy of the contract, including the specifications, in the form approved by the Corporation Coun-sel, can be obtained upon application therefor at the office of Raymond F. Alntirall, Architect, No. 51 Chambers street, The City of New York, where the th-awings, which arc made a part of the spec iticatiOns, can be see[).


The City of New York, Co1908. inner.

Y June 3, 1908. J3,15

See General Instriietioum to Ilid- lie I'S on the last Puq'c, last colision, of the "(h1' lltccord."




.,S EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILT. BE received by the Department of Public

Charities at the above office until 2.30 o'clock p. m. on

THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1908.


The time allowed for the completion of the Seurk and full performance of the contract is one hundred and fifty (1511) calendar days.

The surety required will be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000).

'fhe bidder will state one aggregate price for the whole work described and specified, as the contract is entire and for a complete job.

Iila,.k forms and further information may be ohlaillcd at the otlice of the Architect of file Be. hart nrent, foot of East Twenty-sixth street, The City of New York, where pans and specifications may be seen.

ROBERT 1V, IIEIIBERD, Commissioner.

Dated May 29, 1908. 11,11

aX Srr Gcrtcrnl Iostruetlons to Bid-ders on the lust Ien*'e, Inst colutu+l, of the "('Ity Heeord."



S F.,\I.lI.1l Itlllti OR ES'fl.\I.\'III':. WILL lll'. rccc- ic e,h b} 1Lc 1're~irlrut of the• Itnrough

If It, ikl10 nt the ub,n', III-fire tnrtil l l u' cluck ❑. tIl. ,m

WEDNESDAY, JUN17 17, 1908. llorung'h of Brooklyn.

FOR ll'RNlshllNI; .1\I) I)1L1,l '1':RINI; SIX S'fl':I(1. III..\\I I': '1'I:.\\ I'.I.I\'t; I11':1f- RIt ES \1'1111 \m-;E"I lC.\L 1;.`,QI11.IS1. Ill 1.;"1lNei I•:.1:lmEti.

' 1'he time :lh,a it, l for ii ' rlc•iitcry of s'unc nod full perlenma;iec Iof the eonlrsrt will lie sixty,

'Ihc :tm,nnri of - -'curily rcliuircd v.ill be lour "IT,hs;ml I Ii 'I

The bidder will slat,' the price 0f each it.m ur reticle cuntaiucd ill the specilicaliutr.; or schurl- III — hrn'iu ermL'lirmu'rh or Ile•rel, :enSscrh. The' hits ui11 be cnuwP:u-r,l at,,! tlic c,idiait 1,51ai1rd at .I lump Or :Il(gi--Eadi' hum fir each enntr;Icl.

Pl:ulk forms and fertlh-r inLmsc,tino may l,e "I'taincd anti the [1:01' ;I...I %... of s Ina., be

rn :It file office of the l)c;i,irtms,ll of Scwcrs, the Borough of IlluukMyu, No. .1; AInptapue ci reel.

1:1101 5. lhu1.':11, 1I7csidsnt.

Mail,- ,] tune _, ii)' !S_ II, 17

,f. See (icrrcrril IustruetffoiN to 111*1-drrn on Iii„ lost 1)1*'e, Last column, of the "('it y' Record."

N .\CCORU.\NCI•; 1\'l'I'll'CliIl I'kONltiIUNS of sletll,ii 432 .f the Chador of The City

'If \cw \,,mlc, the fallowing p,tiliun oti file and r(arly for immspeeti,i,i will be c,iiu-.idcrcd by the 11:'i' 1.01'S I)IS71.IC:'1' Local P-ram,!, at '1 mcet-in); to be held in the office of the President of lime llorough, room z, 1luruugh Hall, on

MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1908, at 2.31, p. In.

No. I 1V,urlmatn .\seaoe--'I'll cuustruct a tetu-pr.r:n'y cuuuccti ol wilh 12-inch plpc in 1Vurtnau 15m-iuue, from MlalIa street to New Jersey avvniic, )inning the built main of time 'fwl'llty'-SiXthl Ward scwcn. anel t, l install a swill pumpwg l l i It at the ilitrms.etloim of \N,,rt1m,:id and New J,'t,,y aye-1,1,-s. all in smncctinim with sewers ill 1•:ast Niuely-cIghth strict, hctwccn East New York and Iicgc-mnu avenue., and uutlel sewers in I':ast Ninety' iglnli street, bclw.-cu IIogdan and \ icuua ave-

nue.; in Vicuua acevuc, hetwcel East Ninety' -iphlh street and :\lalta strtet; in Malta street, h,e1wectl Vienna and \Vortnlan awullcn, and in William, ovmoe, bttwceu Vicuna avenue and Presl Creek Basis.

ltIHu S. (:OLER, Yrcsidcot, L'urough of Brooklyn.

('lL1R1.l!S hKI-mm-;KICK ADDAMS, Itoroogh Se-crctary.


SEALEI) BBIl)S OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Presid•-nt of the Borough

of Brooklyn at the above office until tl o'clock I. m, on


Bnroupt-h of Brooklyn.


The following Engineer's preliminary estimate If total cost for the completed work is to be taken is the one hundred per cent. (too%) basis for ,idding. Proposals shall state a single percent-Lge of such one hundred per cent. cost (I. e., such as 95 per cent., too per cent. or 105 per :mt.), for which all material and work called for IT the contract and the invitation to bidders is to We furnished to the City. Such percentage, as Ild, shall apply to all unit items specified in the

Engineer's preliminary estimate, to an amount necessary to complete the work described in the cointract:

305 linear feet of t8-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, includ- ing all incidentals and ap- purtert:luces, per linear font, $2.25 .. .... ..... $686 25

412 linear feet of t5-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, includ- iug all incidentals and ap- purtcnatices, per linear foot, $2 ........ ....... ...... 824 00

217 linear feet of Iz-inch >ipe sewer, laid complete, inelud- ing all incidentals and ap- purtenanccs, per linear foot, $1.7.5 .. ... ..... 379 75

570 liucar feet of 6-inch house comwetion drain, laid com- plete, including all inci- dentals and appurtenances, par linear f,,ot, $1 ......... 570 On

II lla.tllMrtes, complete, ci itlt troll brads and covers, including all incidentals and appurte- nances, per manhole, $55.. 605 00

3 Sew"Lr basin s, c(Inlplete, If either standard design, with iron pans nr gratings, iron basin hood and connecting cuhcrt, including all inci- dentals and appurtenances, per basin, $i6o ........ ... 480 Oo

400 feet. board measure, of sheet- ing and brai-ing, driven in place, complete, including all iucidcnlals and ;I tlpurte- t ances, per thousa 1,l feet, board measure, $30........ I2 00

Total ................. $3,557 oa

The time allowed for the completion of the wyurk and full performance of the contract will be 75 wurkiug days.

The amount of sccuritc required will be Eig:llicc'n Ilundrerl I)ol,ars ($1,800).

The bidder Will slat', the price of each item or article contained in the spa-cificalirms or scl:ed-Ides herein contained or hereto annexed, per linear foot, square foot, ctthir yal~l or other Unit of imi,'aoiur:-, by which time bids will lie tested.

The bids will he compared and the contract awarded at a htiiumiu or aggregate sum for each c' litract.

lllauk forms and further information may be obtained and the plans Tod drawings may be ,cell at the office of the L'ureau of Sewers, No. 215 I0001alue street, Borough of Brooklyn.

IBIRI) S. COLER, President

Dated May 21, i9o8. m22,j I o

;r ,-,'See General Iua(ructionm to Bid-ders on tlae lull pug.-, lust column, of the "Cif y Record."


SE:11.L'U Ill US ()It ESICIMA'FES WILL BE received i l v the t'rt-sirlelrt of the Borough

of Brooklyn at the above office until II o'clock a. nt. ou


No. I. I l'RNIS111.\'G ALL TILE LABOR .1NU \L\91:k1:V. lfl-.eil'IRh•.0 'Lilt CON."IRli('I'IN(; R:.I.;I•:1 S:.:\1EItS .\Nl/ i'l'UR-

'I F:N:;N('Ec IN ('I.:\5SlN AVENUE, I-ROM Ilhb'LEl (11,\.\lbEtt lu I'.1RK AVENUE, I'. I ('., ETC., DlVISI0N I, SECTION 1, MAIN 1.1 NE.

'I he following Eugincer's preliminary estimate of total cost fr.r the erfhiietcd work is to be (a,,-ii as the loo per ',cut• basis for bidding. I'r,p', sat Is shall ,tote a single perccutage of such one bnnetrcd pc; ant. cost (i. c., such as 95 per cent., loo 1, r cent. or 105 per cent.), for which all nstetl:m1 and work cake,l fur in the contract and the i'lvitati'm to bidd,-7s is to be (7Irnmhcd to the ('ity. Such pereco1agc-, as bid, shall apply to all unit iteuc; specified in the Rin;ioce7's prc1inlinary estim:ile, to an amount scceisrlry to complete the work d. scribed in the contract. I. For ,uth-h chatnter, laid crlm-

pletc, including all inci- dentals and appurtenances,

$e6,uoo ................... $26,000 ou 2. 96 linear feet if Iw'in section,

Sewer "A " laid complete including all incidentals and appuit-osiI;c,, per linear

foot, $v-. 4" ................ 8.870 40 o w e 3 . 549 linear fret f tin sctio u,

Sewrr "Ii '' laid complcte, including all incidentals and nkpll r U'ii:lnces, per

linear fu',t, $vv-Su......... 54,625 50 4. 28.3; linear feet of reducer,

laid comply-te. including all inoiileutal, and app.lrte- nauces, per linear tout,

$141.30 ................... 4,003 03 5. 7711 linear feel of cniidrmtt. Sec -

tiun "A," laid complete, in-eluding all incidentalsattd appwae'nances, per linear fit, $11o.zo ................ 61,754 SO

6. 1,115 linear feet rf conduit, Section "Il " with steel re-inforccd floor, laid cotn-plete, including all inci. Ihrvtots and appurtenances,

per linear foot, $97.54 ------ io8,656 75 7. 5o linear feet of siphon con-

duit, lair) complete, includ-iug all incidentals and ap-pulteuances, per linear font, $6 .. ... ...... ...... 300 00

8. 15 liucar fret of special sewer, Section ' L," laid complete including all incidentals and appurtcuanecs, per linear fuuI, $zl.go ................122 50

9. 25 linear feet 'If 40-inrh brick sewer, laid complete, in' eluding all ineide'ntals and apilw'tenauc, s, per linear

foe,t, $12 ................... 300 Oo I0. 270 linearfcct of q6-inch

se'ACr, laid eaiiiplctr, inch ud-iug all iucidcntals and ap-purlcnanccs, pe-r linear foot, $11.25 .. .. .. ...... 3,037 50

11. 56o linear f, et if ,lo-inch sewer, laid complete, luclud-ing all incid, ntabs and ap-nntenance.;, p,rr linear foot, 6. ,o .... ......... ..... 3,640 00

12. 780 linear felt 2.' inch LIthe sewer, laid complete, iuclud-ing all incidentals and ap-urtenances, per linear foot,

$4 .... ..... .. ... ..... x.120 Oil 3. qlo Iincar feet of 18-inch pipe

sewer, laid complete, includ-ing all incidentals and ap-purtenances, per linear foot, $3.25 .................... 1,332 50

The amount of security required is as follows: public School 16 .................. $200 00 Public School 48 .................. 1,000 00 l'ttblic Sclfdol 54 .................. 400 00 Public School 67 .................. 300 00 Public School y3 .................. 300 00 Public School 141 ................. I,00u 00 Public School Io5 ................. 300 00 I'ttbiic Scho.,l 66 ................. 300 00 1-ligh School of Commerce......... Soo 00 1)e \Vitt Clinton high School...... 300 00

A separate proposal luusi be submitted for each school and award will be made thereon.


The tithe allowed to complete the whole work will be 45 working (Iays, as provided in the et ;

tracr. The amount of security required is One Thou-

sand Two hundred Dollars. No. 6. FOR li RNlTC- RE FOR SCHOOL


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be 6o working days, as provided in the contract.

'r o ite amunt of security required is One 'fltott-sand Dollars.


r4. 2,675 linear feet 12-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, includ- ing all incidentals and ap-purtenauces, per linear foot, $2.50 .................... 6,687 5u

I5_ 2,560 linear teet of 12-inch pipe subdrain, laid complete, tncludiug extra excavation and all incidentals and ap- purtenances, per linear foot, $t .. ... ..... 2,560 00

r6. I manhole, Class "A," com-plete, including special iron head and cover, iron steps and all incidentals and ap-purtenances, per manhole, $400 ,. ... , .. .,.. 400 00

17. 41 manholes Class "C," com-plete, with iron heads and covers, including all inci-dentals and appurtenances, per manhole $55.......... 2,255 00

18. 13 manholes, Lass "F," corn-pletc, with iron heads and covers, including all inci- dentals and appurtenances, per manhole, $65,,,,,,,,,, 845 00

19. 1 drop manhole, with iron head and covert granite block in-vert, vitrified brick lining, including special sewer sec-tion "Y," complete, and all incidentals and appurte- nances, $300 .............. 300 00

20. Two siphon manholes, Class "G," including concrete foundation, complete with iron head and cover and all incidentals and appurte- nances, per manhole. $Ito. , 220 00

2I, 1,0$5,000 feet (11. M.) of sheet-ing and bracing, driven in place, complete, including all incidentals and appurte-nances, per thousand feet (II. ivi.), $30 --------------31,650 00

22. z86,000 feet (13. 4I.) of foun-dation planking, laid in place, complete, including all Incidentals and appurte- nances, per thousand feet (B. M.), $35........... . 10,010 00

23- 5 cubic yards of Class "B" concrete, in place, including extra excavation and all in-cidentals and appurtenances, per cubic yard, $7........, 35 00

24. 78,900 linear feet of hearing piles, driven in place, corn-plete, including all inciden-tals and appurtenances, per linear foot, 30 cents........ 23,670 00

25. 87,000 feet (B. 1i.) of yellow pine pile capping, laid in ((lace, complete, including all incidentals and appurte- nances, per thousand feet (13. M.), $4o........ .. „ 3,480 00

26. 450 linear feet of oak fender piles, driven in place, com-plete, including all bolts, nuts, washers, hardware and

• painting, as per spccifica-tinns, and all incidentals and appurtenances, per linear foot, 50 cents ................... 225 00

27. 6o,000 feet, hoard measure, of yellow pine tongued and grooved sheet piling and wales, in place complete, in- eluding spikes, bolts, nuts, washers and all incidentals and appurtenances, per I,000 feet, board measure, $80... 4,800 00

28- 39,000 feet, board measure, of temporary yellow pine tongued and grooved sheet piling and wales, in place, complete, including spikes, bolts, nuts, washers and all incidentals . and appurte- nances, per r,000 feet, hoard measure, $60 ............... 2,340 00

29, 12 sewer basins, reconnected Co.,plete, with basin hoods and connecting culverts, in-eluding all incidentals and appurtenances, per reconnec- tion, $58 ................... 696 00

Total,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $366,135 68

The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of the contract is 400 working days.

The amount of security required will be One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($125,000).


The following Engineer's preliminary estimate of total cost for the work complete is to be taken as the one hundred per cent. (too%u) basis for bidding. Proposals shall state a single percentage of such one hundred per cent, cost (i. e., such as 95%, ioo7o or tors %) for which all material and work called for In the contract and the invitation to bidders is to be furnished to the City. Such percentage as bid shall apply to all unit items specified in the Engineer's pre-Iiminary estimate to an amount necessary to com- plete the work described in the contract. 1. 1,140 linear feet of r86-inch

sewer, " Conduit Section," laid complete, including all incidentals and appurte-nances, per linear foot, $96.50 .. ....... ....... $t10,010 00

2. 2,155 linear feet of 38o-inch sewer, "Conduit Section," laic( complete including all incidentals and appurtenances, per linear foot, $84.15...... 181,343 25

3. t storm water separator, "A," complete, including all in-cidentals and appurtenances (at Skillman street and Myr- tle avenue), $I,180.i5.. I,18o 15

4. 1 storm water separator, " B," complete, including all in- cidentals and appurtenances (at Nustrand avenue and Vernon avenue), $1,733.45- 1,733 45

5. I storm water separator, "U," complete, including all inci-dentals and appurtenances (at Marcy avenue and Ver- non avenue), $863.75....... 863 75

6. 40 linear feet of siphon conduit, laid complete, including all incidentals and appurte- nances, per linear foot, $7.. 280 00

7. 325 linear feet of 24-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, includ- ing all incidentals and appur- tenances. per linear foot, $4, 1,300 00

8. 30 linear feet r8-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, includ-ing all incidentals and appur-tenances, per linear foot, $3.18 ...................... 0? 30

9. 1,o95 linear feet t5-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, includ- ing all incidentals and appur- tenances, per linear foot, $3. 3,285 00

to. 2,710 linear feet 12-inch 3 pipe sewer, laid contplete, includ- ing all incidentals and appur- tenances, per linear foot, $z.50 ...................... 6,775 00

It. 3,300 linear feet tz-inch pipe subdrain, laid complete, in- cluding excavation and all in- cidentals and appurtenances, per linear foot, $I.....,..,. 3,300 00

12. 2 manholes, Class "A," com- plete, including special iron heads and covers, iron steps and all incidentals and appur- tenances, per manhole, $500. 1,000 00

13. 43 manholes, Class "C." com- plete, with iron heads and covers, including all inci- dentals and appurtenances, per manhole, $55........... 2,365 00

14. 8 manholes, Class "F," com- plete, including all inci- dentals and appurtenances, per manitcle, $65. , ........ , 520 00

15. 2 siphon manholes, Class "G," including concrete founda- tion, compete, and all inci- dentals a:,1 appurtenances, per manho.e, $t5o......:... 300 00

t6. 3 sewer basins, complete, of either standard design, with iron pans or gratings, iron basin hoods and connect- ing culverts. including all in- cidentals and appurtenances, per basin, $150 ............. 450 00

37. 14 sewer basins, reconnected, complete, with basin hoods and connecting culverts, in- cluding all incidentals and appm tcnances, per reconnec- tion, $5S ............ ..... 812 00

18. 1,7ou,000 feet (B. M.) of sheet- ing and bracing, driven in place, complete, including all incidentals and appurte- nances, per t,000 feet (B. M.), $3o ........... ... . 51,000 00

19. 400,000 feet (11. M.) of founda- tion planking. laid in place, complete, including all inci- dentals and appurtenances, per I,000 feet (13. M.), $35. 14,000 00

20. 5 cubic yards of concrete, Class "B," in place, including extra excavation and all incidcn- tals and appurtenances. per cubic yard, $7 .............. 35 00

Total ................$380,650 to

The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of the contract will be four hundred (400) working days.

The amount of security required will be One Hundred and Tvrenty-five Thousand Dollars ($125,000).


The following Engineer's preliminary estimate of total cost for the completed work is to be taken as the too per cent. basis for bidding; proposals shall state a single percentage of such too per cent. cost (that is, such as 95 per cent., too per cent. or 105 per cent.), for which all material and work called for in the contract and the invitation to bidders, is to be furnished to the City. Such percentage, as bid, shall ap-ply to all Unit items specified in the Engineer's preliminary estimate. to an antount necessary to complete the work described in the contract: I. 8o5 linear feet of t8o-inch sew-

er, Section "A," laid com-plete, including all inciden-tals and appurtenances. per linear foot, $91.25......... $73,456 25

2, 2,085 linear feet of iSo-inch sewer, Section "13," laid com-plete, including all inciden- tals and appurtenances, per linear foot, $89.75......... 187,128 75

3. 1 connecting drop, Section "A," complete, including all inci-dentals and appurtenances, $1,100 ... ... ..... 1,100 00

4. t connecting drop, Section complete, including all inci-dentals and appurtenances, $4,051.70 ...... .... 4,051 70

5. 52 linear feet of 3o-inch egg- Ohalteul sewer, laid complete including all incidentals and appurtenances, $7.......... 364 00

6. 840 linear feet of 24-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, includ-ing all incidentals and appur- tenances, per linear foot, $4. 3,36. oo

7. 485 linear feet of i8-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, includ-ing all incidentals and ap- ntrtenances, per linear foot, z

8. 1,350 linear feet of 15-inch pipe I'376 ~5 sewer, laid complete, includ-ing all incidentals and appur- tenances, per linear foot, $3. 4,050 00

9. 2,800 linear feet of I2-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, includ- irlg all incidentals and ap- 1,urtcnances, per linear foot. $2.50 .. ..... ..... .... 7,000 00

to. 2,890 linear feet of 12-inch pipe sub-drain, laid complete, in-cluding all incidentals and appurtenances, per linear foot, $1 ................... 2,890 00

II. 25 sewer basins, reconnected complete, with basin hoods and connecting culverts, in. eluding all incidentals and appurtenances, per reconnec. lion, $58 ................... 1,450 00

12. 1 sewer basin rebuilt, complete, of either standard design, with iron pans or gratings, iron basin-hood and connect-ing culvert, including all in. cidentals and appurtenances, per basin, $r9o......... ... ISO 00

13. t manhole, Class "A," complete including special iron head and cover, iron steps and all incidentals and appurte- nances, per manhole $450- • 4S0 00

14• 5g manholes Class "C,' com-plete, with iron heads and covers, including all inciden-tals and appurtenances, per manhole, $55........... • 3,245 00

I5. 2 manholes, Class "I),'' corn. plete, with granite block in- vert, including special iron heads and covers, iron steps and all incidentals and ap- purtenances, per manhole, $Soo ...................... t,600 w

yard, $7 ................... 35 00

Total ................ $354,296 95

The time allowed for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract will he four hundred (oo) working days.

The amount of security required will be One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Dollars,


The following Engineer's preliminary estimate of total cost for the completed work is to be taken as the one hundred per cent. (too%a) basis for bidding. Proposals shall state a single per-centage of such one hundred per cent. cost (i. e., such as 95 per cent., too per cent. or toy per cent.), for which all material and work called for in the contract and the invit Lion to bidders is to be furnished to the City. Such percentage, as hid, shall apply to all unit items specified in the Engineer's preliminary estimate to an amount necessary to complete the work described in the contract: I. 550 linear feet of 154-inch

sewer, Section "A,' laid complete, including all inci-dentals and appurtenances, per linear foot, $17.50...... $9,625 00

2. 360 linear feet of 154-inch sewer, Section 'B,' laid complete, including all inci-dentals and appurtenances, per linear foot, $10.25 • • • • • • 3,690 Oo

3. 555 linear feet 48-inch sewer, Section "A," laid complete, including all incidentals and appurtenances, per linear foot, $ t 6.5o .......... ... 9,157 50

4. 280 linear feet of 48-inch sewer, Section "B," laid complete, including all inci-rientals and appurtenances, per linear foot, $975 ....... 2,730 00

5. 250 linear feet of Iz-inch pipe sewer, laid complete, includ-ing all incidentals and ap-purtetlances, per linear foot, $2.70 .......... ........ 675 00

6. 15 manholes, complete, with iron heads and covers, in- eluding all incidentals and appurtenances, per manhole, $66 ........... ... .. 990 00

7. 4 sewer basins, complete, of either standard design, with iron parts or gratings, iron basin hoods and connecting culverts, including all inci-dentals and appurtenances, per basin, $170............ 68o 00

8. 5 sewer basins, reconnected, complete, with basin hoods and connecting culverts, in-eluding all incidentals and appurtenances, per reconnec- tion, $70 ......... ... .. 350 00

9. 14,000 feet (B. M.) of founda-tion planking, laid in place, complete, including all in-cidentals and appurtenances, per I,000 feet (B. M.), $$o, 420 00

10. 220,000 feet (B. M.) sheeting and bracing, driven in place, complete, including all inci-dentals and appurtenances, per i,000 feet (B. M.), $3o, 6,600 oo

Total ................ $34,917 50

The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of the contract will be one hundred (too) working days.

The amount of security required will be Eight- een Thou.and Dollars ($18,000).

Blank forms and further information may be obtained and the plans and drawings may be ur-c,, at the office of the Bureau of Sewers, the Borough of Brooklyn, No. 215 Montague street, Brooklyn.

BIRD S. COLER, President.

Dated May 6, 1908, m20J3

it T See General Instructions to Did-dens on on the last page, last column, of the "City Record."


EALEI) BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the President of the Borough

o Brooklyn at the above office until it o'clock a, m, on

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1908. Borough of Brooklyn.


The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows: 19,230 square yards asphalt pavement. 2,690 cubic yards concrete. The time for the completion of the work and

the full performance of the contract is forty (40) working days,

The amount of security required is Fifteen Thousand Dollars t Si S,000). No. 2. FOR REGULATING, GRADING



The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

2,240 square yards asphalt pavement. 315 cubic yards concrete. 6o cubic yards earth excavation. So linear feet concrete curb,

2,430 square feet cement sidewalk. '1- he time for the completion of the work and

the full performance of the contract is twenty-five (25) working days.

(tie amount of security required is Two Thou-sand Dollars ($2,uoo).


as follows: 20,940 square feet cement sidewalk. The time for the completion of the work and

the full performance of the contract is forty (40) working days.

The amount of security required is One Thou-sand Five Hundred Dollars ($1.500).


as follows: 3,912 square feet cement sidewalk. The time for the completion of the work and

the full performance of the contract is twenty (2u) working days.

The amount of security required is Two Ilun- dred Itullars ($200).



The Engineer's estimate of the quantity is as follows:

2,312 linear feet fence. The time for the completion of the work and

the full perf„rmance of the contract is thirty (3n) working days.

The amount of security required is Four Hun-dred Dollars ($400).

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained in the specifications or sched-ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per square yard, cubic yard, square font, linear foot or other unit of measure by which the bids will be tested. The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggre-gate sum for each contract.

Blank forms and further information may be nhtaiucrl and the plans and drawings may be seen at the office of the Bureau of Highways, the Borough of Brooklyn, Room 14, Municipal Building.

BIRD S. COLER, President.

Dated May 14, 1908. mI9,)3

30 Fee General Instructions to Bid-derw on the Inst pare, ]lost column, of the c•('Ity Record."



PUBi.IC NOTICE IS I-IEREBY GIVEN that applications for the position of

"WELL DRIVER," Department of Water Supply, Gas and Elec-tricity, will be received on and after

MONDAY, JUNE t_t, 1905.

Applications will be issued and received in the office of the Labor Bureau, ground floor of the new Criminal Court Building, corner of White and Centre streets,

F, A. SPENCER, Secretary.


MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE (_oMMIssION, No. 299BB0anwav, New YORK, May z5, 19u8.

P UL31.IC NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications will be received from

MONDAY, MAY i15, UNTIL 4 P. M. MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1908,

for the position of hTENUGRApIIER AN 1) TYPEWRITER


The examination will be held on Monday, June 29, 1908, at to a, tn.

The subjects and weights of the examination arc as follows; Spelling ............ ............. I Sped (in taking shorthand notes)..,,... 2 .\ceui acs ...... ... .... ........ 3 Sped (in transmitting from plain copy to machine) ...........................2

Letter .. .............................. I :ritltmetic ............... . ............. I

A percentage of 70 will be required. The salary of the second grade is front $600

to $I,usu, and that of the third grade is from $t.zeo to $1,6,0 per annum.

I -he minimum age is r8 years. (NO APt'LICATION RECEIVED AT THE


F. A. SPENCER, Secretary.

m25,J 29


P UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applications will be received from


-for the position of INSPECTOR OF FOODS-




16. 8 manholes, Class "F," com- plete, with iron heads and covers, including all inci- deutals and appurtenances, per nianhole, $66.......... 528 00

17. I manhole, Class "G," com- plete, with iron head and cover, including all inci- dentals and appurtenances, per manhole, $zts......~.... 215 00

18. I overflow manhole, 'H," complete, with iron head and cover, including all inci. dentals and appurtenances, per manhole, $70 .......... 70 00

19. 2 overflow manholes, "J," com- plete, with iron heads and covers, including all inci- dentals and appurtenances, per manhole, $5o........... zoo 00

20. 1,637,400 feet, board measure, of sheeting and bracing, driven in place, complete, in- eluding all incidentals and appurtenances, per thousand feet, board measure, $30.... 49,122 00

21. 353,000 feet, board measure of foundation planking, laid in place, complete, including all incidentals and appurte- nances, per thousand feet, board measure. $35......... 12,355 00

22. 5 cubic yards of concrete, Class "13," in place, com- plete, including extra exca- vation, and all incidentals and appurtenances, per cubic



The examination will be held on Wednesday. June to, 1908, at to a. nt.

The subjects and weights of the examination are as follows: Technical ..............................6 Experience ............................ 3 Arithmetic ............................. I

The percentage required is yg on the technical paper and 70 on all.

There is one vacancy in the position of In Spector of Foods (Fruits).

The salary is $1,200 per annum. The minimum age is 21 years.

F. A. SPENCER, Secretary.



P UBLIC NOTICE WILL BE GIVEN OF all competitive examinations two weeks in

advance of the date upon which the receipt of applications for any scheduled cxawinatiuu will close. Applications will be received for only such exauti uatiuus as are scheduled. No applica-tion will be accepted at the office of the Cum-mission, by marl „r ollterri•isc, after the closing hour for the receipt of same set ford( ill the advertisement.

When all examination is advertised, a person desiring to compete in the same may obtain an application blank upon request made in writing or by personal application at the office of the COnlmissiun, Rosin 1119.

All notices of examinations will be posted to the office of the Cunnuissitnt, and lVINCIticed in the CITY RECORD for two weeks in advance of the date upon which the receipt of applications will close for any stated position.

Public notice twill al-., be given by advertise-ment in most of the City papers.

Wherever an examination is of a technical character, due notice is given by advertisement in the technical journals apperi airing to the par- ticular profession for which the examination is called.

Such notices will be sent to the daily papers as (natters of netts. The scope of the examnta-tion will be stated, but for uture general iufurma-Lion application should be made at the office of the Cununission.

Specimen questions of previous examinations may be Obtained at Room it of.

Unless otherwise specilically stated, the mini-in um age requirement for all pusitious is ai.

PR.p\K L. POLK, 1're,ident;


Commissioners. FRANK A. SFENCER,




S EALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILT. IIl•.' received by the Commissioner of Iiridgcs at

the above office until 2 o'clock p. in. on


FOR TILE ELEC"t'I([CAl 1 (1UIPM1lv'I OF Till; UNl\'FaROI'IY IlLlGII'I'ti I;RIh)d:E:.

The contractor will be required to begin work within five days of the date of certihcatiun of the contract by the Comptroller, and twill be re-quired to complete file entire work to the satis-faction of the Cootmissiuncr and in accordance wide the plans and spccificatiuus within sixty consecutive working days.

`Lhe amount of security to guarantee the faith-ful performance of the work will be Two Thau- sand Dollars I$2,000).

'Pile right is reserved by the Commissioner to reject all the bids should he deem it to the inter- est of the City so to do.

Blank form, and specifications may he obtained at the office of the Department of Ilridges.

J. W. STEVENSON, Commis<iotter of Bridges.

Dated May z5, 1908. m26.jtl

!t~'i See General Instruct bus to lfEd-ders on the lust i,uR'e, lust coin 111u1 of the "City Itctortl.1°


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Bridges

at the above office until s o'clock p. m. on

THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1908.


The time for the delivery of the material and the performance of the contract is six (6) weeks.

The amount of security to guarantee the faith-ful performance of the work will be One Thou-sanrl Dollars ($1,000).

The right is reserved by the Commissioner to reject all the bids sit otdd lie deem it to the fttter-est of the City so to do

Blank forms and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Department of Bridges.

J. W. STEVENSON, Cotntnissioner.

Dated May 25, 1908. m26,j I I

taT See General LiertruettorvY to Bid-ders on the last page, last column, of the "City Record.'


NOTft'I•; TO l'ROI'1'.ltTY OWNI-A,!S.

I't:RS['.\Nf, (' OI' SI':CTIO n N 1t8 OY I N the (;teeter New' York Charter, the Comp-

troller of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, ownersn of prnperty, affected by the fnllnwing as,ess•it'nts for I.00A1. IR1'TRUVEMEN'l'S in the BOROUGH OF 'Till". BRONX:


TIdRD STREET—REGUI-ATING, GRADING, CURBING. I L,\('. .IN(;, LAYING CROSS-WALKS, IIUTL1)1NG APPROACHES ANI) PLACING FENCES, between Jerome avenue and Webster avenue. Area If assessment: Both sides of East One Hundred and Eighty-third street, from Jerome avenue to Webster avenue, and to the extent of half the block at the inter-secting streets and avenues.

E.\ST ONE IHUNOREI) ANI) EIGIITV-NINTH STRl ICl'—SE\YER, between Wastting-tott and .Arthur avenues. :Area of assessment: Loth sides of One I[wnlrcd and Eighty-ninth street, from Washington it c ome to Arthur avenue. —that the ,ante waic c' nlirntcii by the Ii,:ud of

!AsCcsors nn June -, 1008, ;end enteral June = tgo8, iu the Etee trd of Titles of :Assessmcuts, kept in the Bnrcan for the Collection of As-vctsmcnt, and Arrt•;u's of 'Taxes and .Assstintcnts and of \\•ater Rents, and unless the amount as- ~ecsed for benefit ou ally person r.r property shall be paid (titbit sixty days after the date of said t tilt) of the a=,t•Ssnti tit. interest will be collected thuru, nv nt'itruth in section roil) of sail t;rt•itcr Ntis \'ut9c l'hailer.

Said wetia.in ('lunette. ill l•arl, that "If any such •;-s. snlcnt shall rt'ntnin uu!,aid for the period it sixty ,lays rift, e tits little of entry thin of in tile. <airl lee :ml it Till,-s of .\'sr--tnenls, it shall be !ha ,lnty of the uiTicl'r authnri,rd to culled and '('c'ite the ent'-Hut of such :i-sessouint lu charge, cnlllrt an,l rcccite iutcrest nun-ti at the r:ttr of StLct'o ucr coutnnl IlCr aunnnt. lit he calcul;u, ii t., II e (late of t ,aYnvurt film the date when such ti-'i'~,mrnl l,rcnmc n lien, as proeinrd by ,:Ilion I;o of this art.''

Srrtinn ISO of this tel !inoct,1es " " ̀:All a.-c•,tncnt '.hh1 i, c,nnc to lien ttpnu the real at:dc atO -ted (both(' tin t hats after its entry

in the s-ii,l teeny' " * .'. '1'hc a6,:ce ars :=sml tit is pn iebic to the Gutt'etnt

"f .Ass,ssuic'm, anti Arrears at the (mrt•tt( far the ('ohl''tini of .\~.c•c:mcrtry ant! :\went. of 'fix's 'tool .\-sl''--ti'uls ;!n:l of \\'mill Rent>, in the \iuniciiimh 1Nli'tiu,, c. I-ncr of 1)nc Ihilt' d ;till ticronlc-=ceontL st rct t ::nil ' 1hirrl items,'. 1tu......fbt of 'hit' I; ,nix. it I ',ire II i' Iv,ors of t, :t, tit. ;Intl

p. itt.. rind ,:n Satnr:l:!v> fraud t ;t, m, to i2 ITT l rill paymc;tt- to i lt' the'r i, nu or Lf•rr,'

elms, will I,c rs,t~:;:I foam tottyI1. its ❑l,rcc ti'', i,lc,l, null aftt'r that dale will be suhj:•rt t r a charKr of into(',( at the 'alt of sot',n I„ 'r r. t in n , c' ;owtoo it of the :late when the iEh„Vc a,... ..nlrnt- hecamc li:tls t„ Ihl :1011. „f 'a(rte',tt.

I l t: R.\l.\N A. 11 h-'I'Z, ('r

it, ,'t r„l l,' r.

City of View' York, 1)ol-artntcnt of I"tmntcci (nn;lrllcr'; Ofice, Jimmie :, t9os.


Nt)'riCl-_' 'I'O ('12(II'1':!Yrl' f)11'\I•:Itti.

1'LRtif.\\t'1: OI tilt('IIO\ if OF iii ' t;rrntcr Nctt' Yuri: ('h:n't:•r- thr ('mI

tn- : '1. - „f '1- hr ('it 'ii f Nctt' York hci, 6)' pits l',l it r „li' ' tar all t t'n- •:nnv, teener, of ireit..,

:Illritt,l In' Ih,. f,'iI', - tni ;r-t,shis-it for IOt'Vl. I\ I'1l(tI.\Ih..N'l'cS ill II,' IN)R(I['IlII OP

tI - ICI-:AS:

I'lltti'I' \\'.\RI).

II.\\(11.'1O\ S'I'I<ICh:"I' 1'.\\'1N(;, (ruin .11-i' a•;cnnc mirth to Vernon tiwiuot•. .\rca If :r •6le(ot: Ilotl i side. of llamiaen .1Ii'ct, tr„m~, \ 'i ht,' intone ma Ili I„ A's' inn ac-nn'. nl t:, ti' rxt, let of I,nlf the bl-ek at III,

ins , r-rrtit:!; st rcrt, and avrnuc-. t!:rl 1,-c -,ante lean coutirtnoa bit' tltr Ilunrd cf

\.-.,,,::r< bin, ,, !,,,,.S. nu:l ('III it'' „n lung _. lint-. in ti' itlhul of Till,•s if .\.,•"tn tit,, .~I its to, Ilnrt nn fur II' fail list i:,u „f . \,a=. ni lit'. and .\rn-u, if ' his''. :nil .\ ,.,•~•ua td,

rural if AVatcr Kent-, an:! war=, Iltr ntnnunt n,-,•.sl-,l fin Ir(-tutu „n tis' act:,:,n „r j,mlti•tu 'Intl he hail tlithiti slily ,!a” ;titl'r tit,- ,lair ..j ,:Ii,l l'nlrc , :f tic Is•c>-moil, iueae"t will ht• c„'.Icctcll Ib,'rs',,mi, os It'll ci,l, I in ,ccl ism t: lq .,f - ai l t;r, ,t t '! \,o' 1't ik l h.tttor

S u 1 'll„n ! ! - - i,I,-, ill P'ut, till "If tins' ,wit t -.1_s tRill till .l..n:!tn tin' . it f, t I!, tl ri„d 'it sist_t (,.n, ;Ifll t tin v ,heel t,l l nu', I t -f ill the -:ti.l Rl-r,:r:! „ f 'Pitt,, of .A -•.- ,- ttrnt-. it •-huh he Elio. , hills of tLc ott ic•lr :t'. :Utr ,r. in 1 In c:tf we' an,l m'el't vi' lilt- amount of -tint as-(•s,n:e,il it v11:oi., i''Akrl nn,l ac,i\i' Iolctr,l thcrtu ti St the rats- ,:f ..,.•ccn l's r et' Itteunt pat annum. t,i ln- calct!'i ill'' I, to tilt d:UO of i., vu:cut 1 , to tin t- r.:ttt' ti ':v:t .0 h a<-rr-,ntt•nt l.t , .t hir'ii .51 , la in tilt --I hr 't ti i 50 „f this a,'I.”

ti •.•rli , n t - ti -If t i, it - I 1 rut tilt'', ' ' r s,tnctt1 shall L,-mtt is' Si lien 1I'.:,n the it'll

I -I t - :uiatc,l ml it, by t.at tns aflrr it, (lilt)' its lit, ,:,i,l roc,n d.” *

'l Il'thy,' (o'o,simie,it is I at(ebhe In 1ht• ('nl- !rrtur „f .A -st ss!nrnta tint] -Arr,-airs tit till, Ifnr,ao 1„r Ile, l':l'l ct ,u f .\rso..mrtil- tie1 .\r oar, „( 'Ins,', n'ii .Assi.anau(; ttu,l „1 VVona krtt-, it II r I la, I:, tt Ili,i:,hittv. Ni. r I lacks ,n acrntto,

!iii:l fits'. lhtim(b of Itul'rn;, bait,; ct! Ills h,:rr, „f t, :I. I,. tin,[ ,, m., au.l utt Sill,'- hi'- from (r a, tit, until t ut.. :tint :t'l pa,oi'ot_ m:rho thrt„ti .,n ur ht, f„ry :\uuu=I t, ttri`t. (gill


Ie• c.iony Ilanu (ecctu, as xlwvc ii slut!, :unl after Ihit rhalt stilt Lt. sitIjch to a ehalya• of lint's'-1 it ill,, trine of scam I per Golon pit'

tent fn,•n 1L1' ,Iron telt,.., abu; r totem hnoe a hi,',, to III,- ,lane .,f lsuit,


A. \(1:'r -/., Cnrnptr„hhr.

lilt' .:f New 1'nt9<, 1mtiuinint if Iintiucv, I::rtl:trt,lll'rs IliTir(, Jtnn• -, .


N(fI'Id'li OF ,\.SSE`ti1I I.N l'S lUR 0I'1':NlN(: S'rRII;"IS .\NU I'a1RIt5.

'I'LSt'AN('1: (I s1:C'fr1)N too- OI I Ic d iu a It' Ni-v: V- A ('Ire tnr l tit „ Cunq,- It' lit r , f 'I'b:' ('itv „f New 1'iri: hc•rch•; µire, pill hI, n„ti:e of tilt r„!,firm;tl tint by tl!c Supreme l ,:art, :unl 'hr 1, I: rmlg iti till- ISurcau f,,' the (',-Ilccti ii If ,\a,---thtsrils ;nut Am'anrl. of the

nl, fair (II'ICNI.NG .\NU AC()Uli(ING 'I I'I L1? I' ti'' f r l"tcinc-tiao—I ,treel in thc 11Ul2-ul (;11 OI \[ \NI1.\'r'r,'iN:

'I'Vt'h-1,P•I'll \\'.1111), SI•:(''I'ION 7.

\\'I:<T (IXE: M'N1th(1;l, ANI) 'rIIIIt'I'Y'-\I.N'fll ,;TI?Vi.,'I'- I)fIC.\'l\f;, from it point 125 f,-,! s, ' „i ii'i,:u lit, n' to RiscrsiIt' drive, C-itt- fl -- ito-il Nlat(.1, t!. trt,x; cut,rc,l \laty z9, tqut. .Ana of :crr-">!,tcnt in(lft, l., all tit, se. L•utds, tcuc-it,- Its will hc•rctlil:tmcnt, an,[ prtnlisrs situate•, iiinq Still ii 'hilt ill the Ai',,otI of Melyetl:ol, lit '!'hr ('ity' If t%% Turk, w'hictt, taken together, art b,ntn'lvrl n.utl ,L'-rr,b,',l its f, lloww,:

Ii'eqttnitt1,' :,t tit,. I' lint of iuterscctiun of time e:rt, rl lJ, mp:lli,m of the miii(hdh- lint' of the fill r;: brt.(- I','it \\',-.t Otic Muuiihi't-t aura 'l'Iiirty- >'r,nll tl"(.t an.I \I'I'I ( )I,,' IIlot mid and 'I'bir- III I g1lb ctr.ct, (with to lire l,m'st(i,-h tr and dis-tata ,„it feet ca-tt- t Iv of Iii,' ca,tt•rly lie- of Anl-,It'idmil nv. Oily: t!Icng- w,'rtl•riy alone sail pro-Ir•t~kati.:ti and middle hit' to tit,' ca tcrlc side of (iiir>ilo ihIvt: till-mu'' lit 11herly' along said cast' rr!v yid, of Kis- cr.il1,' dris',• tt, its itrtercetinu utitb the well , -bY tste„ngati„n of the mi'd!e liuc „f 11!r lit i, : br•tnet-ti On,' Illmdn'(I •ta,l 'I'hirty-cial,th and (lilt Itrudri-d and 'Thirty- -ninth •utrt,; Ihrnc. vev,lerly along said pruIouf;;niun I , its roll r t',•tiuu tt'ith till- 'nstcely line if the New fork Ct•ntia! and Ilurly m bite Railroad I , ogeo,- '; thoncc uitrll`cr1y along said line of the ;tk,::,I company to its int- rs'•chi,'n with the weslerly prolongation of tilt, middle line of the bl,ck Lc•twccn Otic I luuu,hrs,I -end Thirty-ninth and One llon(hved and hnttirth sire--Is; thence atarly at-fl f;•aid 1,ra1uogeti m to the easterly

line of Riverside drive; theme northerly airing laird easterly line t,f River'i,Ie drive t', its inter-Feetinn will' the middle line of the bt,uci be-tween West One Hundred and Fortieth and One Hundred and Forty-first streets; thence easterly

:rImg said twiddle line to its intersecli.m with a lino parallel to and distant Lo r feet ea' t'rly Irian tilt' castcrlv line of :\nts!crdanl ay. title; It vt!ce suttlherk, and alcmti snid parallel line to !h: hull ur place if beginning.

'fhc rib 'is' arse -<m.-ut wns cut•rrd on till' d;rtc hcrcinbcfurc liii in the Re-or,l of l'illc•t, nI .\ssrtismculs, L'clit in Illy 13'tre.tu for the Cu1 lent iutt of :\ssescmcnls an'1 Arrears of 'faxes and :\s-essmcnts and of \Vatcr Rents. [toles the amrntnt ass(''s,'1 for b-u,-lit on any pruun 'Ii' prop.•rti' .hall It, tail it ithin sixty days ;Iftcr t!te thit, -ii f sli(l cull)' of the assess-nu-tits iutrrc•'l will be collcch'd thercntl, a:• pro-ti,l.',l in =cctiu!t laud, of tlt.^ Greater New York (- I...rlrr.

sail „'vii ,n prncillos that "If :uty melt asst'ss-mcnt >nlutll remain III'le id for the period of sixty tit('', rift.-r 0.c date of entr)- thcrt'uf in the said 1t'' 'h of 'I'itl,-s If A'sc-snitnt. it shall be the , Into of iho Mit,'-t' ' llilloiztJ to culled an,l re-cciec the ann,uut If such osr-sntcnl t , chalk-, culllcl ;tn,l r.rcito till lrr,+l thet'lun at tie rate :of Tern per cl-nlnm pr annu!n, to b(• calculatoi t:, till ,lilt' if P;ntiti'nt from the (lit,• wh,•n stwil a.: lento( bvcamr n lice, ❑ ', profited by section 5't t,f tl:iv Cocoon I;.) of tIi, act poti,1s's * ` ":1n

;I„( -stilt-Ill Aril Ir,•unn• a lira till III the real t-tut,• ;tIT,•ct,,l lb l-rchr ion rlacc after its entry in the said r(•rnn!' ”

'1'Ec ab:,vc ;twcssmont is I•ayab!e to ti,- ('ol-Irct:r of :\rcr'srtbt,lt. ;mil .\rrcnrs at the P.In-oau (:- till- ('t,llc1-1:1.n ,:f .\sic-cnton's an-1 :'inert-, '-1 Tas~•s and :\stie-,'ntms' :ut•l If Water ltcttls, 1:'':to R;. No. _Rte lmattltl', Friogbi of :\T:tn-l':,ttnn. b•tt Vi' n Its,- Lour- ,nf ii a, m. an,l - 1,. in.. a-„1 ,:n Sito-lit-s fl It 0 a. tit. I , t t lii., amt all !,a•..' it( I n!n:lr tLor -'.n nn ,n' hcf„rr lttly 28, I: I. will h,• •xrnmt front tut, .o',t, a; ;tl,l\'i' pro-5hI-,l au:l 11111'!” that talc ,',ill b•- 'cubic't to a _,l :i I,'i' t f intt rt•-t at tilt• rat'' t,f ses'co per ,•coltutu I,t'r ;moon f, ,tu tin' ,I'tt' tchen ahnve a.,nt'-mvnt bceantc a liru to .the ,leer t,f pay-nun It.

Ii ELM \N :1. \lti'I'Z, Cr''tp roller.

dl 5' ,.f Ni-w Yi.t1:. nnnn(co, of finance, ('„tnl,l r, llcr', (hffice', ila)' .' q. Irto.s.


N(l'I l('I': 'I'O 1'1(()1'1{R'I'l' C)\V'NI•:RS,

T 1't'iitiY\N('1( OI SIC("I'll) ; Ilnilt C)P'I'111•: I lrr:nit'r .\l'tt Y, rk ('hart , r. tlic (':nnl,!r, J!l r

if 'Pitt ('i', of Nits' 1"„rl: hurt by 4ires I ,nhlic n, 'lit to a!1 I,l- r•mis. ntcnt rs of prnnlr II' , ;t((rct- ,.,I Ii', t'u f:all„tvint ,'l's s•m, •, II- („r ].(1(' .AT, IA(- I'R't\ - T:\ 1:'NTS in tilt II()i2<It'GII OI tl,\N- I

'r\VVI-l'"I'll \\".\1211, `'I;Cl'ly)\ 7.

\\ - I.1!;T N I \ I-'I'1”-N I \'I'I I ';'I'! I' h''I' --- l:l•:- !'\1KIN(; till[-:\\'.\I,K ill fr„tit .,f N, =. Arrrt if ;1­1 stltm : L.il A, _6 ISI„rk t v, „n Ill' ,,nth 'i,h• of VVeIt 'Nin'lt'-nil,lli titrv_t I. fin f,-tit sit -I of \\'i 'I Foil avcuuc.

'I'\CI-1l5H,tl \1'.\121 I. tit•;("fIt1N 6.

\\'I•a'I' O\I•: III NI)lsl{I) .\NU TIIIl('I'\'-b-it'llfll SItiuCICI--'I'\\'!\(;. l'VitilhNi;.\NI) 1,1,( 1, RIt1.\ . ii, le'rtn PiflIt an, l Lr•nr:',' 'n'c- nm,. .\rtrt of .,. =m ,-nl: Its:lit si,l(•s of \Volt

Inn,' Ilnn•1!(', I and 'Ihilt.-,ichtlt -ti'sct, (I-n, I iflh III bit,:x accnul'. an, l to till• ("It,'rit of Ii ill lit' ltL„ k at litr inttrsrrI lei t its '1,1e a.

h il l till O:m!(• w,-I c"inilnti'll Ito tlu• fl. ,ti of \-. -..r; ,m Jut,' . irI S anal cntt•n .l Innc '. t 1 Y. in ll,r If cu! 1 of Tills of\ '- 1nti

1 I'I tit tit Lnr nn f ,r 1bv l Ill c:i„n f .A -s se men's :111 \maul oflu will \ - 'mwttt :, nil if \Valet R('rl,, rite I trl!Il',< hilt- atreoretlt •- , ,1 f„r btt'lil' I lt ,,n :toy tie ,,n nr pn l.t rlc

,h:~ll be till tt'ilhin =isle' tl:tp-. rtftcr the date Inc .:ti'l -I t, v of Iii,' a. ~,nn tit=, in'.,-rr-t will Ile •.•11 tt„I IL(nnn. :. I,r, rt'i:l-,1 in srlti'lt tu11) of •ni'l Ertel(-r NI-tc fork ('Retell.

said =rcli:, u I,r„ci, l, v_ it, i

I ,art. hin "If any' -lit - it n+s, 5-its tit cLall reman

tim:att[ fur the

I rl ,l ,'f silly ibis v aflrr fill ,1•.tr of curtly „f in tit,- v; i I Its r„nl if 'fields , if :1s=t l's-

ntl•i't,, it ,hall lit' the dote If Ilw ilhltit Iollll'r' in•,l Ill i-mltet awl n-,i'itt ihr emnitt of such :r” n.-;Itii'nt ti, rh rn l', („pli•t null rit ice lit ore( Ii It',, it at ti r rata of st 5'' ii p('r cenlwu per annum, to b, c:ticul:,1,:l It the• (Into of I,:tcntcut from till ,I:nlo when 1l'tilt n:=osstlrnt h~":!mr Si i, n. :t, ptni,ii',1 be teat-it t;q of this :.let,''

I-;t-r'i:Iii i;:t t'f his ❑rt (,rut i,lts ' ' ̀ °.1u :rv,:.>m:-t It ,fall Ito,...... it lien norm the oral , aato tiff,-,.t„1 tbrn•I,c ton ,Iny:s aflvr its entry in ml',- c•ti,l retool”

'file ab':co use n1mTts tire” fasiibllc to the ('nl-Ircl,n' „f \.'-c=-n1t'utt, 0th .\lo'ch's at the Pn-rca,t fur Iltt ('„u Ii' i:n of :As.cssntrntn 11111 Ar -t—il, , f 'rnxes :loll .\,,.,.==nv•nts told „ f \V:ttrr Ib tit;, lg:inn IT. N... _"n lit', 11155515', lit ,ru:lib of 'i!5'tha't:n • brl t,'ctn the h„uov of Ii o, tit. itml 2 , tn.. an! ..n `l:rtnrtltic frt'rlt o :t, rri, to t- in., till all I,:: ctn,•tn. n•arlr ehl'tmtt on nn ure .\ , ten-'l I. tq~.u, Will 1r. ,..'. eo'I0 from int,rv-- t, -ts i,M• , :cc built'11r ii. (mu l ;Ifler Iltal rIto twill he srth- Itrt It, a r l t.it',i- n( iac,•r -t ❑t 1111' rat'' of vi•ccn 1•,-r c, morn I„ r :u:utnn fr„m tit , ' ,Tilt,. when abr,ve S •-•.,' mt nl, In,•:tut. lions to the (late of p:ty-tn, tit.

lH•:R\L\N A. A71?T7., ('omptrol ler.

I it 1' of \e. v Y„rl<. I)mm!aartntent of Finance, ('„n!I,tr:,lh'r'-. Office., June 2, 19u8.

)3,t 6

TN'Pl•:RIC5.1 ON PIiN1)S ,\NIl s'f(ICIt OF '1'111( ('I'IY Ol XI-:\' YORK,

T Hl IN'h-EBT' 11[?E ON T('1.Y I, Leal. ,Ill tl, - Hurl-lrrrtI Kinds amt Shin of

'I nr. (it '''1 New fork will b.• )Till uu tlutt day be tit,' l :t:nn,I-'::llc•r, ;it hi, ,11th',-, loom 85, St(w;nt Iltil, liog, e'n'ur of brnalosy Milt Cltaul-

'Ih elan-for l till ,ks th,renf •,will b , doled [runt !nnc t;. tit„s, I„ Jmy t, lori,

"I'Itc i Ill n-n•,t lie tin J iii v I, tr)o4, ,m the Coupon IS, mds ,-f Ili,• till,' ('its of It rue hUn trill le paid ::n II a1 slat' by the Nat-au Nrttiu,till Lank of lit ''I Nn. '6 ('(,1111 stre,I.

"I - h,- itilx rrIt ,Ito July 1, Igil, on the Coupon I'.-:t: , I, „f ('vI Jtrat it ms in Olivet], and Richmond (-, 0000ic, trill he iccciv,-d ,tit that day for pay-nn•r!t by the ('untl (runt(' tit his ulTirr, Rnutn 85, tirtcul Utimttiug, e„rw r If I;rtiad(tay :utd Cham-brr, I t 'it.

IL :1. \if:'I-z, (hItnt)lrniter.

Illy of Now fork, I)cpaltmr•nt of Pirttmce, ('„tttt,tr .!ii'r'', ((hi II',-, , tune t, tgu`S.



I N I'UItSIiANCE OF SECTION Loig OF the Gru'tter New York Cltartrr, the ('untp-

truller of The City of New Ynrk hereby gives public n„ticv to all tllrIins, Itwili :'s of pnili'rty, affected Iry the following asic'.sruuwIv fill LO('l\1, IN1l'ItOVF\II•:N7'S ill the BOROUGH OF ISROIIkI.YN:

I,TG;hT'uH WARD, SECTION 3. 'I IlIIt"1'V-'1'lsfRt) S'r13EF;r ANI) ~11'Ill

AVENUE--GRADIN(; A LUT on the nurthwcst corner. Area of assessment: Northwest turner of Thirty-third street and Fifth avenue.

FIFT1=7'IIIRI) S-1.'REET—PAVING, between Sixth till([ Seventh avcuucs. Area of assess. snout: P,lth sides of Nifty-third street, between Sixth at Set cuth aveuttes, anti to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.

h=liRl'1'-SIN'1'II STREET--PAVING, between Sixih amt ScventIi avenues. Area of assessment: lfollt sides of Putty-sixth street, between Sixth ;ul,l ticventh avenues, and to the extent of half Ilie block at the intersertittg streets and avenues,


(lcrl!ill and Washington avetlncs. Area of assess- Its' ul: ISutit sides of Douglass street, between Underhill and \(,'ashingtun avenues, and to the cstlni of half the block at the intersecting streets.


.\N I) RIJSS1':I.I. S"1'REET' northeast corner; on NII hi- ',I:AN AA'ENUI•: AND 11IIM ill 1.DT "'I, ith' ('I', northeast comer, on NORMAN .\\'I{NUI: :\N I) uIOUL'I'RIE S'I'ItEICr, north-it-,-t eolucr. Area of assessment: Blocks boIitn(Icd by No ratan accnue, 81cscrule avenue, betel sued'( and Noilh Henry street,

i'Vi'ENT)'-'.NI' 1VARI). S1CCTION q. I I)[t1'lII ti"I'I2l:l.'l'---I'AVIN1;, between Eighth

ar,'m lIe runt 1r-,Ill Cl I.'ark V!Pest. Area of assess- t:irnt: Ilnth sill(•, of i,uwt strct•t, between li.^,hlh avenue and Prospect Park West, and to ht cslent of half the block at the intersecting

rtrct Is.

'f\'1•a"c'1'Y-FOt riTII VA':ARD, SECTION 5, t;R.AI)(N(; LOTS un (PICA AVENUE, west

sill, bctuI'll Itergrn ctr ,-tt tied St. !Hark; ave-!ute, atilt , -n S'r. \I-\ItlS .\\'ICNIIE, north side, hut tc(-io 1'tit'a and 5, hcneela,ly avenues. Area of :Ic=stn hit t I.nls N„'. 56 an,l cu of Block ;;t. , ::.t ii,- w', lh ,,ii'' :,f St \1a-k-; ;moue.

it_•twc(-o 1'licit and Sel,orvc1 ady avenues, and t'i'', I side of I'tica aceuui•, between L'et'gen street an,l St- Niall, ecenue,

'h'W(CN'I''i'-SIN]IT \\'\El), Sl-C'fION g. Iil)W:Vih),'\\IlNUE--1'A\'ING, between

uiiia,-iui lru kwn:• extentii„n and I'itkin avenue, .A -ca of a=scssuio lit : Push chili''. of Itneard ave-nno. bei —tii Idisl ten 3int9ctrty cxtcn•i,m and fill:in av -title, and In the ,-stmt of Intlf the bile!a at the iulels'ctinp streets.

11'\\'IIN"f” SIN -rll \V.\Ill). 51:11- ION 13. ('Ill•:S( 1':X'1' AND HILL S"I'1tPa':"1'S—SEWER

Il.\SI.\. sit the matItcc-sl callow. .\rc•a of a`;scss- ntt-n!: A't -.h =i,lc of ('rr=cent street, front \lact'nta c11(,t to Hill strccl.

rAVI:1'fl'-EI(;II'I'll 1VARI), SEC-1 - l(lN it. I\\'I( hl'Jtl i)('RF:K \\'1•axu1I: AND (;ROVE

ti'l'kl;I:'f--tit{\\'I•.R L'.\SIN nn the sII,,lbiwtse c ru t \tiro if a, e=" torn : S, nth side of hnitic,'li skcr avcnnl, (runt Grucc strcct to Limlcn sheet.

I'N'E:N'I'1' XI\'I'I[ \\'.\RD, Sl:t''EION t6.

Nu-:'i'i'uuIlu .\\'I?\I'h:--I'.\\'ING, between ILU b:-h avt•nnc rtn,l I•: >t ti,vct rl•ulh street. .\rt-;t „C assu,smrnt: hilt sides :f Newkirk ntrrno, fnnu lbitbn'.t( at-(-nett I:! I-:aal SeVell-Icrnth sle,''I, awl to the exlcnt of half the block at tits- inlcrscclittg stn-cl+.

E:.\ti'!' SuX'r l•N:N'i'l[ 5'1121•:1'.'1'—I'.\\'ING, bc- Itr, v'.1 Cl'n-I'll t and I lorcbttsr roads. t\rca of •I'-'i'- - tit: I th lilt , f I:ant Sistccmb street, Irtltt,ln IL'tel y all I), !chls'ler tad-', and to t'i' ,tt tit of half till bl tck ut the intt-rsecting

I:.\tiT T\\EiNT'i'-El(;V'I'II Srltl<I•:T--1'.\V-ING, bl'twccu Avlc[citic -In:l h 'ii "tIr t5olnll•s. Area :.f a,,,•--utI tit: IS„ih '-lily, ::f I•:ast 'I ul•ntty-cighth -In t t, hctw,•cn N, nt:ilk :u..I h,stit' tivctntcs, and In II!c cxtcnt of half tilt- block at the itnostcling

IC:\ti'r T\\'I':\'I'\'-NINTII S'I'iIaRCI'--I'AV- (\'I;, h.•lwccte N, tt1<i ,'k ant1 Fnrter aviooes. Area .:f altl'SIni tit: It,t11 1itic: of East 'I' ll' cut y' Iii nth tnct, fruit Nt'i(•1cilk Ii lit-tc•r avenues, and to

Iho I!r.1('n1 of Lnlf the block at the intersecting


P(1l2`l'!E:"l'1l S'PtetFEY -- I':\\'ING, between I: urt Ilan!illun ant[ E.tu to nth av,'noes. Arc;! of • s. ti,i-nl' Iiuili si,It of Poiti It e strc't, front II II hinmut„rt t,r P"mL_Lnlh avenue', and to the ,•xt, it of half till' block at the int, rsecting -torts.

'l'IITR'ftETIf \V:\RI), SEC'T'ION t8. k11f;IIrY-Mlft? II 5'thliPf -- PAVING

'(V I'll I 1A5111I.11:1', front 'third avcnu:' to a point :,h, lit .11511 f i t w•,-•-t ::f the y1,''Il'tlw lint' of Third

,.stn,. and I'\1'TAG WITH GRANITE 1:11;11'r\-POUR'I- II ST- Ru•:lCr, from it point 400 is rt tvt•sl of the sv -sterls' line of 'rhii(I avenue to

t.ull I avenue. A. of : s'-el,enrut: Ig'th sides ' f i',iliIrtt 'Ii ,urltihr-ct, let,,wI Second and I'Iird :(,•mud's, situ to fit , extent of half the block at h , - iuler,t'rlfitly .streets.

'I'(IIR'I,11?'1,11 \NaIRD, SECTIONS t8 AND 19.

N1.I-A'l[N'1TI :\VEN1'I{--I',\\'IN(;, between Si v,'rrty-ninth eutl lCigb1ict1t Streets, and between I'.ivltiv •l•,•ontl and lnk(bitY-sixth streets, rAtea of ;t,•rs:-nrot: Cant *ides of f.lcv,•ntli av(•nuc, be-ttcron Si-v -nt)it I't 'tad Eighth—ti, streets. and bl ltvrcn I':iglttc no rnntl ;,nil Etgtlte''sixtl1 streets, Ted to the allot if hail the block at the inter-so(•lin!- streets.

1aI,l•A'I.N'T'li AVENUE—PAVING, between l"ii.l,lit.1lt Stull bCighty-st'eniiul streets. Area of as-

•--tutu(: C(,II] 'irlls If l•aIcwuu1uii livi'tnle, between l

i.i•'htietlt amt i-:ipl t•: ;cr ml rrn•cts, and I•' the

, ztt•ut if ! !iii the h11. 'I is at the inlcrsvctiugstreets.

'111110 Ih:•ell \\ 'uRD, Slk("rlON tO. SI•:V14N'I V N I.\'I'1I STIIIfI;'1'-51•:\Vl;lt, from

sisL'riltlt to I(igh,crntlt a,elI,I . :\rca of assess- n!cnt: L,''Ith si,hra If St'smty-ninth street, front Si.s1ri'n1ii to Ilightc'nth avcnuc.

'l'lItlyI'Y-PII1S't' W.\Rlr, SE('I'ION 21. S-rhLL1\'1'1,1. AVENUE--`E\VI'.R, Westerly

sill', bctwet ti \!ant5,1, and N,-Mime avenues. .\era of a'-•(', mcnl: \'i--t side of Sti'lwcll eve tutu, 1,-lit >l ,•nnaid to Ncthuel avenue, --tlrtt the ,ante(' \v,- r(• ellllflrtllt9[ b, the Il'ard of ,A,-;tars 'it a_v z6, TOOT, alt ,l entered May 26, tquR, ill till' it-tiul of 'Titles of RswSsments, kept it, le'• hbrv,'att for lit' CMlertinn ' ,f A-sess-ntrnl. a , t•I .1n'oars of Taxes ttml A:;s: ssntents and of \l'nlcr Rt nls, tinth nnle-s thn amount as-

",I for brnc(i( ,m tiny pers•,n ur property sl!I1 be paid within sixty day, after the dati• of said cnlry if tilt a srscnu•nl irvtere,t will be ,•._Ilr:'tr,l ii (roan, aI to—i-1-il in section 1019 of tlm (;itt,r New fork Charter.

Sill '=(.,ti ,in Is'"i(I, s, in part, that "If any ,aclt ;I, 'gmdlit 5'all rcn1ei*1 tlnp-lid for the l" riorl of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in tilt t',ti,l Record of Titicc of Assess-

it 'fall br tit,- ditty of the offirer author• lit 'I to dhI--i t :utd rcrniv, the a[u,ut(t of such a-•I-•n:,•.t! I - , chru'gr•, r„11,•ct and ret'cive interest lb ii,'-' :tI till rate of seven per centuni per :inntmn l to he calculated to the dale of payment from the date when such assessment became a lien, as provided by section Isg of this act.”


Section 559 of this act provides * • • "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thereby ten days after its entry in the said record.''

The above assessments are payable to the Col- lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, in the Mechanics' (lank Building, Court and Mon-taguc streets, 1birouglt of Brooklyn, b:•twecn the hours of 9 a. m and z p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. In. to 12 nt., and all payments made thereon nn or before July 25, 1908, will be exempt from interest, as above provided, and after that date will be subiict to a charge of interest at the rate of scent per cmtuul per annum from the date when such assessments became liens to the (late of payment.

IIERMAN A. METZ, Comptroller.

City of New York, May 26, rgoS. m28,j r t


I N PURSIJANCE OF SECTION tot8 OF the Greater New York Charter, the Comp-

troller of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affcctcd Iry the following assessment for LOCAL Ui1'Rt)VEViFNI 'I'S in the IBOROUGIT OF \TAN I 1A"rT.\N :


\SI'll.\l:f I'.\v1-;MEN'!' in front of premises known as Nos. 33, 35 and 37, between Fourth and Nladison avenues. Area of assessment: North side of Thirtieth street, between Fourth rinI Nladison avenues, known as Lot No. 27, in Iblock h6o.

The above assessment was certified to the Collector of Assessnicnts and Arrears, under the provisions of section 391 of the Greater New York Chartcr. -that the same was entered on May 23, 1908, in the Record of Titles of Assessments, kept in the llumar for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for beuclit un any person or property sisall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assesu:eirt interest will be collected therein, as provider! in section 1019 of said Itreats r New Vi rlc Charter.

Said section provides, in part, that ^ If any such asscsniient shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the (late of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assess- ntents it shall be the duty of the officer author-ized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per thunm, to he cacnlatcd to the date of payment front the date when such assessment became a lien, as provided by section 15') of this act."

Section tg9 of this art provides ' * * asses-il,cot 'It tll his-csnne a lien upon the real estate affected thorcby ten days after its entry in the said record.'' * * *

'FIte above a--e'snie tt is payable to the Col- lector of .\=.'r=snlc,its and Arrears at the bureau for the ('llrcti.~n of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and As:rsstirems and of Water Rents, Room II, N. 250 Broadway, Borough of Vlan-hattan, bctwcen the hours of 9 a, in. and 2 p. m., and out Saturdays front 9 a. nt, to 12 ni.. and all payments made thereon nn or before July 22, lnnl;. will he exempt from interest, as abuses provided, tint after that elate will be sub-ject In a charge of intr-rest at the rate of seven per cenlunl per aoomo from the (late ,then above asses -silent hcreulc a lien to the date of payment.

11ER\IAN A. i\TETZ, C'onlpt roll Cr.

City of New York, Department of Finance, Comptrrvllcr's Office, May 23, 1908.



IN PURS(t:\N('E OF SEC'PION io18 OP the I; riot er Ncm York Charter. the Corn n,-

tn-Ilcr of 'II ii' Citt- of New York herds' give) public lustier to all person,, owners 01 props rtv, atmcteu1 by the following a'ses-mr•nt for T.O(':AT. I>IIk(1\'I:7iIhN'FS in the BOROUGH OF Till RktINN:


l'.AS'l' ONE 11UNI)RF:1) ANI) TIlIRI'Y-NI NI' II SI'IfI•:1-- T-cF\\'Eit, bctvrccn Walnut avenue and Cyprcn a'- ('lute, Area of assess- situ-ill : Il"th Sides of East One ILmdrel amt T'lirty-ninth street, from 1Valnsut avenue t,I Cy-press as-elue. -1 hat Ilie salve was conlrmed by the Board of Rcci>ion of :\saessmc•uts r'n DTay 21, 19"8, and enteral Nlay 21, 19x18, in the R'-c-lyd of Titles of .\sscssmcuh-. kept ill the Bureau fn tole Collec-tinn oC .Asue;snlcnts and Arrears of Taxes and As-csstncnts and of \V.5tcr Rents, and unlcrs the antuunt asscc.ed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after tlte' date of said entry of the assessment, interest wi:I be crftleeu 1 tifrrenn, as provided in section tole if said Greater New Torts Charter,

Said sect i, sit pros ides, in part, that "If any 'sushi assc,smr•nl shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty clay, after flue (late of entry tlie rcufin the,sairl Record of Title, of A'se,s to nts, it shall be the duty of the officer ant Ins izcd to r,dl,'et and reccivc the atnuunt of such .tscssnlcnt to elm roe, collect and receive interest thereon at the r:slc of seven per ecntu-n per annum, to be calculated to the date of payment from the date when such asse,sment became a lie-u, as provided lty sects-sit t59 of this act."

ticction it of this act prot'illes " • • "A't asses<nlr nt shall become a lion us suit the real estate afTretesl thereby ten its after its entry in the said rrcur(1 ''

'I be above assc.>ntent is payable to the Col. lector of Assessment, and Arrears at the Bureau for the C,:hectiun of Assoc-s!o.•nta and Arrears of Tunes awl Assessincnts atilt of Water Ii, nts, in the MunicipAAl Building, corner of One 11un-dred and Ss'veirtc-'-cveuth steel-! and Third ave nue, Rorough of The Bronx, bchvcon the (tours „f 9 a, nt. and 2 p. us., and r.n Sat urrlayrs front 9 a, nt. to 12 m., and all prlyytent, mad.- thereon nn or hefure July 2u, molt, will be• exempt fn-m interest, as above presided, and after that date will be subject to a charge of interest at the rate ref seven per eeIntumru pun annum from the (late when the above assessment became a lien to the date of payment.

BERMAN A. METZ, Cotnpt roller.

(its of New York, Department of Finance, ('omptrir1Icya OtTire, May 25, 19u8.



I N I'URSUAN('E OFSEC'TION loiS Oh the Greater New York Charter, the Cotnp-

troller of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of pro terty, affected by the following assessments for LOCAL. IMk"ROVIii\'lENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN:


GR:\DING, CURBING AND LAYING CEMENT SIDEWALKS from Neptune avenue to Sheeps-head Bay roati. Area of assessment: Both sides -if West Fifth street, from Neptune avenue to Shcepshead Bay road, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets and avenues.

\VEST FIFTH STRE.ET-PAVING, from Neptune avenue to Shcepshead Bay road. Area of assessment: Both sides of West Fifth street, from Neptune avenue to Sheepshead Bay road, and to the extent of half the block at the inter- secling streets and avenues. -that the same were confirmed by the Board of

i -n .,t ,\ssessmcnts May 2t, 1908, and en-,I \L;ey1 21, rook, in the Record of Titles of ~•s-.n',ents, kept in the Bureau for the Collec-

, f :\-'es-e'mls and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon, as provided in section I010 of the Greater New York Charter. Said section provides, in part, that " If any

such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty clays after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assess-ntents, it shall he the duty of the officer author-ized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated to the date of payment from the elate when such assessment became a lien, as provided h by section t 5o of this act."

Section t59 of this act provides * * * "An asse,snlent shall h,crtme a lien upon the real estate afIrctcd thereby ten days after its entry in the said record." • "

The- above assessments are payable to the Col-lector of Asses:oments and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, in the Mechanics' ]tank Building, Court and \Tonlague streets, Borough of Brooklyn, between the hours of g a. m, and 2 p. m., and on Satur-'laes from 9 a. nt. to ma nt.. and all payments made thereon on or before July zo, 1908, will he exempt from interest as above provided, an,l after that date will be subject to a charge of iutorest at the rate of seven per centnm per annum from the (late when such assessments be-carttc liens to the date of payment.

IIER\IAN A. METZ, Comptroller,

City of New York, May at, 19o8. m22,15


I N I'UIRSUANCE, OF SECTION rot8 OF THE, Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of - file Pity elf New Ynrk hereby give's public police to all persons, owners of property, affect-,-,I by the following assessment for LOCiAL I151-I'R(i\'I.\1F:NTS in the BOROUGH OF MAN-II

'PlVELr'tlt WARD, SECTION 7, S1•:\'P:N'I"IF AVI- NUh- SEWER, west side,

his wreo One 1 hurl n-sI and Forty-fourth and One I lutist ens I and Pty-fifth streets. Area of assess. (mutt : \\s-,t •ills of Seventh avenue, from One IIumlrc,l and P :sly-fourth street to Otte 1ltndred :nnl iroty-ti ft Ii street. -- that the s:mte west, confirmed by the Board of Revir its of As'-rssments oil flay 2t, igo8, and enured Nlay al, Igu8, in the Record of Titles oof :Assc>sncots kept in the Ihtreau for the Col-lectiun o f :At=,'ssnienfs and Arrears of Taxes riuol :Assrssn1esuf- and of Water Rents, and un-Ic=s the amount a'scssecl for benelit on any per-snn ur property shall be paid within sixty dtrys after the (late of said entry of the assessments, ruttiest will be collected thereon, as provided in scctiun 1o19 of said Greater New York Char-ter.

Said section provides, in part, that "If any such assessrnr-nt %hall remain unpaid for the lie rlust l r4 sixty slays after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assess. menu, it shall be the duty of the officer author-Sec•d III collect and receive the amount of sued asswsulent to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per ccnttnn per !Moue, to l,r calculated to the date of payment form the date when such a-sesseem Irecaule a lie n, a, l's dud by section t;9 of this act." hcctinn 159 of this act provides * * * ':An

asses>ment shall his-cu nte a lien uIton the real r-status Aii"reell thereby ten days after its entry in tI's' said record." *

'I'hr above assessment is payable to the Col-lcctor of \~rssntents and Arrears, at the Btr roan file the Collection of Assessmx sits and Ar-rrars „f 'taxes and :\s=c+smcnts and of Water ifcnt:, Room Ii. No. 28o Broadway, Borough of \lanhattau, between the hours of 9 a. m, and a p. nl., and out Saturdays from g a. m. to 12 m., and all payment~ ntashe thereon on or before lulu 20, t9-8. will be exempt from interest, as abr,vc preutirtell, and after that date will lie .nbicvt to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per eentum per annum from the elate when shove assessment became a lien to the ,tale of payment.

HERMAN A. MET7., Comptroller.

City of New York, Department of Finance, Osuit tub ioblur's Office, May 21, 1908,



I N I'URSUAN('E OF SECTION tote OF the Greater New York Charter, the Conlp

in.11or of The City of New York hereby gives I,nhlic m,tice to all person,, owners of

, pro let


aIeru-d by the fJlowi11g'asscssment for LOCAI. I..VPRO\'E\II•:N'P's in the BOROUGH 01 (_I I 't 1•: I•: N S :


.\N I) (1'!:'111 NG, front Jaeksrm avenue t u East avenue. Area of assessment: Both sid.s of Eig!:th street, front Jackson avenue to East ave site, and to the extent of half the block at the i I te mccrhug st reel and avenues. --that the same usas eeoEruoued by the Board of .\s,cssorn May ig, 5908, and entered on May ig. Ign8, in tl,r Record of 'Titles of Assessments, kept in the Bureau for the Colleeti'm of Assess its-its and ,\o men's of Taxes and Assessments and of \\'atcr Rents, and unless the amount a.ssrssed for bcnc lit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the asscssnt.•nt, interest will be collected therein, as {Ircwisled in section tong of said Greater New York Charter.

Said section turns isles, in part, that "If any such assessment -hall remain unpaid for the prri,d „f sixty days after the data of entry theec„f in the said Record of Title, of Assess tents, it shall lie the duty of the officer autiirr- ized to collect and rcccke the amount of such a-sr .ment to charge, collect and receive interest t Let e„n at the rate ui seven per centuni per annum, to hr calculated to the date of payment front the date when such assessment became a lien, as provided by section 159 of this act."

Section 15g of this act provides ' * • "An assessment shall become a lien upon the real estate affected thereby ten days after its entry in the said record."

• • The above assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at the Bit eau fur the Cuiltcctiitl of Asse-smcnt- an- l Anreac- of 'faxes and Ass•csrnents and s , f W:rt-r Rents at the Ilackett Iluilding, Nu. 51 Ja.ksun avenue, Long Ishtutd City, lloruutglt of ()̀ueurns, bet cc-en the horn's of 9 a. nt. and z p. m., and on Satur-days from 9 a. m. until 12 nt., anal all po m. nt, srsuirte them-ins on nr hefr,e Jilts' tts• Ir)o`i, frill h.- exempt from interns', a, ahosr provid 1, and after that d::te '-ill be subtcct to rl cl,a- ge of interest at the rats 'e of seven per CC'S ,turnl per annum from tl-r.c date tlhen abuse a sessmeut become a- lien to the date of payment.

IIER\L\N A. M1:'FZ, C:.mptruller.

City of New York, Department of Pivanee, C'nuptrollet's Office, May 19, t9o8.

ma t,j4


I N PURSUANCE OF SECTION tot8 OF the Greater New York Charter, the Comp-

troller of The City of New York hereby gives public ns,ticc to all persons, merucrs of property, affected by the following assessments for LOC:\ I, IIII'ROVI•:\II:NTS in the lltRUU(hh OP '1111' BRONX.

'\Yi-N'V-'VITRO WARD, s1tCT1(tN lo. ()Ni- HUNDRED AND 'lhl1n"l'1'-I'IY'i'll

S"1'1tla(1'--Rha5 llkl\(; ill)l'\\'`,l l-, un n.,rth side and ONE HUNDRED AND '1'lb1R-fY-SINTll STnitIB"1', south side, from Cy•a'ess ave-nue t , l a ltuiut 95 feet easterly ther,-front; also nn t \'l ifbuiti A\'h\CL, from One Hundred and -Thirty-fifths to One hundred and 'I'hiri,--sixth strcct, and P.REC'fING GUARD It \II.t-i wbcrc r.ecc-nary. Area of assessment: East side of (el-ress accrue, from One llundir"el and 'iii r ty-fifth 1,, (tile hiundrsul and Thirty-sixth street.

REI'.\IIRING S11)EW:\LFS, I•:IfI:("1'IV(; CU.ARI) RAILS _ANI) L:APING I'IAr;(;lNt;, where nccc nary, in FAST UNE !1IINIIIZEI) :1\I1 leORT\'' Nl\"l'll STRIEE'I,, -iristh Mlle, frnn Tinton avenue to Union avenue; in 'i l's l(1N .\\'I{NLJI•:, east side, from Eatt One 11iuolleuI and Furry-ninth street to a I"'int 17; feet south-crly therefrom, anal in ('NIOti ,\1'I•:Nh l-:, wet cirlr, front I•:a,t One Imnshrr-d anal Fnru. y-ninth street to a paint ton feet srrsutlusrly. . Ar,a of rls=cssmcnt: South side of Onc llundn- il and tort)' ointlt strict, floor Tinton to Uniotr -ncnue; ca-t 'rile of 'Tinton avenue, from One Uiir`lro,l and i srtyninth street to a roinr 175 fur.'! smith.

PR\NIiT.IN ,\\'F:NUE--RRt'sMKl\'t; 51111:-\V.Al.Ti, ca-t side, frnt t6o fcct msrth of 'l'llirrl aevune 10 -n feet north of Third avenue, RIt•ck 2657, Lot Nn. 7r, Area of a=.'sr:amcnt: S,,utb-(•alt sidle of Pr:lnklin avenue, frmn a point rho fr-et n'rth of 'flhird arenne to a I;uint 27o feet nurt1t ,f Shirr1 amen❑ c, and known as Lot Nn. ,72 in Block 2607,

T\Vi'.N'1'Y-'1'11II:It WV:\RII, SECTION Ti. l'E!l.1?R \\'I,Shr'1t- SE.\VE R, Iur!'.vccir East

One lfundred and Su'utetuticth street an,l the sum-,,,it suthsolt then'from. Aria of a---cs•evs.t: Il'-th -din's -,f -feller avenue, true the i`Inction of One Ifuirdrenh and Secontieth clrec•t and I' lay avcnnc•, to a finiut about 5t4 first southerly io the existing sewer.

TWI- NTY.FOt- RTIT WV.ARD, SEC-1'ION it. '11111!U \\'l:SI'I?-Ri?I'\II:IXc. SIUl;ll'.\I.li

and I'I..A('IA'G (;l'.Alli I:AIl., %i, -t -Isb•, about '3o t,ct tr It1r of L:r.l O1 - Ilnsderr and Srccnty- ecc, n,l -term- .AIca t if a.;.e-,-lrrcnl: AL'r,t smile of 'third aslnue, z3u.78 feet north of Onc Ilan dred and Si•cs'uite-secund street, and kuuwn as I.ot No, 32 in I;Lrek egro.

'I'\VEN-i'Y-F(tUFflt \\':\R1), SECTION ta, REI':\lRlNG HIE Pl.s\(1G1Ni; AND YL,\C-

IN(; l- - (l-:> at the n„rtlncrarrly cun.c:' of 1't)Ntt I'I.\('I•: AN I) IL.\S'1 ONlt VUNUI0-:U AND NINI-:T\'-Sl:\'KN I'll s1'RPfs'!", essttsnsiirst nums!bdiy urn T, mn place' -n fcct au,l w,-ac-sly uu East One Iliairt re,I avid Nincty-scccntll sere! I2S fur-et. Aria : if a>sc:.:usnt: iAnrlhlrcst corirct of floe hundred and Aindy-sv:vcirlh street aunt Prior1 place, al:,.l known as I"„t Nn. 65 in Illock 329u. -that the carne v:ure C,odlrrnu-d by the Ituarll of :1,<csors

oil liar to. is 5, and cineri'd \I:ly Iii.

stir 6, in line Record of 'titles of Asscx'-mcnts, kc-pt in the hurt anfur the Collection of Assess-nlrnts and :Arectum's of 'Trusts nun 1 .Assesstncnts doll of Vfait,,, Rents, and unless the amount :e-se>+cd fill bcnctit on any person of pn,perty .!,ail lie paid within sissy days after the date d said entry of the ar-cv'.mc•nt-, intere-.t will

be collected thereum, a< p;ucisesl in section into if strict f;mater Nett Yank (irarter.

Said section Irrm-irlrc, in cart, that "If any such a'scs-nlent hall remain unsaid for the pm'ind of sixty days after the date of entry slut-re-of in the said ifs-curt of Titles of As=css-mcuts, it shall be the sluts of the utlicer auth"r-izrd to collect and rcceit-e the amount of such ast-essmcnt to charge, c' duet and receive interest thereon at the rate r-f seven per eetntnn per Anoint, to be calculated to the date of isa)'mcVt feito the date when such assessment bit•caune- a lien, as provided Inc section t59 of this act."

Section t59 of this act try isles ' An asxessttlent 'Ilall h,conlr a lien ap on the real estate aticctel thereby tell days after its entry in the sail record."

The assure assessments are Iravahle to the Cul-lector of .\stcssn:rms and Arrears at the Bureau for the Collection of Asve'stthumts aurI :\rrears ,if Taxes and r s,-e'-',ments anel of Witter Rents, in the Nlunicipal Fiiluliuig, corner of One llun-dre(l anus! Sconiv-su'vcirlh sure! and Third aye' nuc, lb urnumgi if 'I'hc ltr,rnx, hetweet the hour= .f 9 a. in. and a R m., and un Saturday-- from t a, in. t., l2 nt., and all paym,•nts made thereon ,m or hr fore Tttly 18, 19n3, will he exempt from inter"tl, as above Protishd, and after that date will be Subject to a charge of interest at the rate of seven per centnm per anncm from the date ,,,)tell the above assessments became liens to the date r'f payment.

IIF.R\IAN A. METZ, Comptroller.

City of New York, Department of Finance, Coirlptru-lter'- (Iffice, May tg, tso8.



T N PURSUANCE OP SECTION tot8 OF the Greater New York (harter, the Cunlp-

troller of The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, ntiect'ii by the following assessment for LO('AL. l\tl'Itt)\'Ey1lNTS in the BOROUGH OF \IAN1I:\'I"f:\N :


BENvI(n in 'I'lltl'fY-NIN'fll `TRF;ET, between the l lust on River and Eleventh avenue, and new IfUTl.EsY under tier at the foot of TIIIRTY-NIN'f1I S'1'RFE'1. Area of assessment: Both sides of West Thirty-ninth street, from the Hurl' son River to Tenth avenue; east side of Twelfth

avenue, between Thirty-eighth and Fortieth streets; west side of Eleventh avenue, between Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth streets; east side ,,f l;lu•veumtb avenue. between Thirty-eighth and hurtir•tS =tree!,. and wrst side of Tenth avenue, bit t -.t- ecn 'Thirty-eighth and Fortieth streets. -that the same was confirmed by the Board of 'ursessors o» Play 19, t got, and entered May r9, I•tu8, in Ilse Record of '1' ilex of Assessments kept in tllt Ihtrcau for the Collection of Assess-iii ruts and Are..-arc of "faxes and Assessments au 1 of \V'ater Rents, and unless the amount as- 5 (''0- for ben, tlt on any person or property shall he pair) within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessment,, interest will be c,,11,elorl Ihrr,-.'nu, as pruvidrll in section iotg of ,ail] (,r:-;nor Nu, 'v York (:barter.

Said section tsruv.des, in part, that ''If any such rises:-anent slttill remain unpaid for the 1),ri-vl of sixty days after the date of entry thereslf in the sail Record of Titles of Assess' nn iris, it shall he tie d.rty of the officer au thor-izcrl to collect and rrecir-e the amount of such as u stsn ren mt tru charge, collect and receive interest ii Cr at the rate of seven per centum per an no or, to he xcIenrtatcd to the date of payment from the data' tlhcn suich auscssment became a tiro, as peu,blel by tei-tion 159 of this act."

tiectieir t_9 s,f this act provides " "An a'swsnvrirt s!, all hr•c m.e a lien upon the real ,,,late aifcctcd !boobs tcu days after its entry In the aid rren-ri." • • "

The above a.soessnient is payable to the Col-leetsrr of :\tees--meats and .\rrears, at the Bu-ll ;111 for the ('ell, ct inn of Assessments and \rrrars of Taxes and .\=sr<sments and of Water IL•n;s, Rn,-m f1. No. :ye t Broadway, Borough of \i;m.hraItac, hetyrcrn the 1unties of 9 a. m. and 2 I . tir-- -En ,l on 5::arrrys -fr',m 9 a, nt. to 12 m., au , l all n:axle thereon on or before Inly r ~', i nrii s', jib be exempt from interest, as - Ih le revirl-.d, and after that date will be sul,ic•ct to a cli::rge o' interest at the rate of - cI'n I,rr ceirfsuuo per ^normi from the date ,vlcn ah..ve ti,sessmrnt became a lien to the , lute ,:f pacuteist.

IIER\1-\N A. METZ, Comptroller.

('ity s'f New Yurk, Department of Finance, ( s,elram,iier's Office, Zslav ig, tgo8.


11-. P,mOss isa OF FINANCE, (-Try OF New Yoax, i l..('i i, .lit' 14, 1906.

U III. f!'l t ll1:1< N(1TICF: AND UNLESS ssrlerwi,e Slumnocul in any special case

_ , !I s I,ani:a ssi!I he accepted as sufficient I1,--1, r tilt f-,ihw'iirg ountract- to the amounts

-.1 - rt l,'a. s .,f ; ny Description, including Gas and

I{lectricity- l)nc c"'uprusy un a bond up to $50,000. T:gyo co: nular,uuas 1111 a Merl up to $125,000. Phet.e t,atwenics u,n a bond cu t to $200,000.

\.{sb:eit, .\y,lialt Is5, :ck and \\f)..A Block Pave' mrnls-

1 wu r,m1tsumies on a h,rmini up to $5o,000. TI r"- in'ipanies nn a bond up to $125,000,

R(ysa:air•.;;, I irushing, Paving, Sewers, Water 151 rips. Urehenlg, Construction of Parks, I h trkuttays, Etc.-

(155(5 c, ml ,lay un a bond ul, to $25,000. 1'•nu cumpu:.iec nn a In,nu cup to $75,000, 'Fluter cnmisanies on a hand it, to $iso,000. i our e n'-ut•anies on a bun'h up to $z5o,000.

.\ew 1),•cks, fiuildings, Bridges, Aqueducts, Tirmseis, Etc.-

Une sin q,aoy on a bond up to $25,000. 'f.e, nirml.rui'lu s oon a tt a I cl, to x-;.5500. Three conti,anies on a hand up to $t5o,000. F„ur cold 'Susie f on a l.lnd up to $uiso,aoo.

'chire, \'enrtilisfiumy', HratittK. Pluitlbing, Etc.-(hie c,r.l.. Ir nn it hand up to $25,uoo. Two cnnnf,ui'nii•s „n a F,ir,1 np to $75 000, 'Three cm,irst.:snie- on a bond up to $150,000. Pmatr c, mi~ani,-s on a hun,l up to $25o,0oo. Out boon-, regarded as hazardous risks addi-

-irmal osirety will be required as the Comptroller sees `it in ea,'b m-bnec

All binds excee'ktg $2So.000 will by that fact ,lone he c,nsi,len•ui ha-rardr,us risks, no matter .•-hat rho `tature of the w- stk.

H. A. METZ, Comotruders


N I U ]C1t I:' 11ElI•Ei;Y GI\'EN THAT AT ~I tl.c mccnra. ' f the C,,:u-:I of EsInnate and

.Ayr iri-.Iona ut of The City of New York, held on VL,C z_ i 9uSP, in R.;,gym lo, (it_, 11::11, B ruugh of `.lal;hatltin, City of Ness 't'usk, the hearing on I:Ic n.nps stt,swing real c-tate itt the 'rote lisinp of Ile n'.I„t: uiel. ( -,runti• r-f Na--aft and State of New \'rk, to b: acrotriec.l he Tae Coy of Ne-v York, fist this pa 1155s' of rxt,nnhiusg the -z-inch steel I'.i v Iiw o, fr , on Clear Strea, n ea-ttrardly to a pint near VA' c5agl, was postponed until l•riday, June 9, rgu8.

Thum hearing will be bchl in Roost t6, City Hall, C•wusum;h ut Jlanl at .an, lily of New York, at fus;-, s '.iss.l, in time forctwnn.

i pso' c 1 N, 1n 'I 'rk, \1 ay 26, 19o8.

JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

\,.. 2,- Rioedway, Room 1406.

'I, l-. ,,. . -=`u \V,,rtit. m2; ,13, t o,17

P UI1T-IC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a lire tting of the It- and of Estimate

555551 .A 1''siuument, hchl April 24, iqu8, the fol-1, ,wiug Petition was received:

'Jr the I1,:uoroble Board of Estimate and Ap-poriinnmcnt of 77te City of New York:

'l'he pctit ins n of the Hudson and Long Island 1'ractisn Company resiucctfully shows:

it iret --'That your lieu-.oner is a street surface railway c,irpou ill sn, duly organized and exist- ing under she laws of the State of New York, :l

mist IIrupo=es to construct a line of street stir-

Luce railway in the ('aunties of New York and ,)ncens ansl across the Blackw•ells Island Bridge, ncc,ircctiirg the Boroughs of \tanitattan and Oucou: in The City of New Yurk and State of Now York.

S, cony]-Your petitioner now desires to obtain faun your I1emrallc Board and hereby re-spcetfully applies for its consent to a grant ,.f the sigh•, privilege and franchise to eon-struct, maintain and operate a single or double track sheet surface railroad for public use in the cnnceytanee of persons and property for C' ml,cnsatiuns in, upon, along and over the surface of certain streets, avenues, highways,

t:d, and pnhlic places in the Boroughs of 11 an. 1'a'tan and Qncens and across the Blackwells Island Mristge. of which the following is a d urn's ihuti sir:

l'cchirnuinig at a point at, intersection of \\'cr.t Ports-second street wth Twelfth avenue, in the Borrnigh of '.Ilanhattan, City of New York; tannin¢ thence northerly over, upon and along said Twelf:lu avenue to the intersection of said "l'wc1fthi avenue with West Forty-third street; thence extending easterly over, upon and


along said West Forty-third street to the inter- knowledge except as to the matters therein stated section of said West Forty-third street with to be alleged upon information and belief, and

Eleventh avenue; thence exten as t hose ma s

th a e e, e Y extending northerly to those tier he believes it to be true. over, upon and along said Eleventh avenue to F. L. FULLER. the intersection of said Eleventh avenue with Subscribed and sworn to before me tills 21st West Fifty-seventh street; thence extending east- day of April, 19o8. erly upon, over and along said West Fifty-sev- A. G. PEACOCK, Notary Public, Kings enth street to the inters.ction of Fifth avenue County. and \\' St Fifty-seventh street; thence extending Certificate filed in Queens County. easterly and classing said Fift'Li avenue over, and the following resolutins were thereupon upon and along I°.ast I itty-seventh street to ti ad, pted: intersection of said East Fifty-seventh street Whereas, The foregoing petition from the New with Second avenue; thence extending northerly York and Qucens County Railway Company, over, upon and along said Second avenue to a dated April 2t, 1908, was presenter) to the Board point on Second avenue opposite the plaza of „f Estimate and Apportionment at a meeting held the Blackwells Island Bridge; thence extending flay t, 1908, easterly over, upon, along and across said plaza Resolved. That in pursuance of law this Board and upon, along and across said Blackwells Is1- sets Friday, the 12th (lay of June, t9oi, at 10.30 and Bridge, and upon, along and across the o'clock in the forenoon and Room Ili in the City plaza of said bridge in Long Island City, Bur- Hall, Borough of Manhattan, as the tote and ough of Queens, New York City, and crossing place when and where such petition shall be first all avenues or streets intersecting said proposed considered, and a public hearing b t had thereon, route. at which citizens shall be entitled to appear and Third—That said corporation proposes to be heard; and be it further operate said proposed railroad by such motive Resolved, That the Secretary is directed to power as may be lawfully employed. cause such petition and thes_ resolution, to be

Wherefore your petitioner prays that public Published for at feast fourteen (14) days in two notice hereof and of the time and place when tlaily newspapers in The City of New York, to and where this application will be first consid- be designated by the Mayor, and for at least ten ered he given as required by law, and that the (to) days in the CITY RECORD immediately prior desired consent be granted in accordance with to such elate of public hearing: the cxpense of the provisions of the Greater New York Charter. such publication to be borne by the petitioner. Dated April o. tacit. JOSEI'lf IIAAG, [SEAL.] HUDSON AND LONG ISLAND Secretary. TRACTION COMPANY, New York, May t, 1908 By FREDERICK K. MORRIS, jt,rt President. Attest: ARTHUR C. HUME, UBLIC NOTICE IS IIEREI]Y GIVEN

Secretary. P that at a meeting of the Board of Estimate State of New York, County of New York, ss.: and Apportionment, held .\pril 24, tgo8, the fol-

Frederick K. Morris, being duly sworn„ de- lowing petition was received: poses and says: That lie is the President of the To the Honorable the Board of l'sfnuzatE and Hudson and Long Island Traction Company, A orl

honorable of 7ltc City of New fork: the petitioner named in the foregoing petition; ph

that he has read the foregoing petition and knows The petition of the New York and Queens the contents thereof; that the same is true of County Railway Company respectfully shows: his own knowledge, except as to the matters First—That your petitioner is a street surface therein stated to he alleged upon information railway corporation duly organized and existing and belief, and as to those matters lie believes under the laws of the State of New York, anu it to be true. now operating a street surface railway in the

FREDERICK K. 11MORRTS. Borough of Queens. City of New York. and has Sworn to before me this 9th day of April, duly fled, pursuant to section 90 of the Railroad

T908. l.aw, a statement of the cxten=ion of its road and L. is'T, DORLANn, branch thereof hcrcii) ]ltoposed.

Notary Puhl'c. No. 171, Second—That fur the purpose of constructing New York County. and operating a branch or extension of its present

—and at a meeting held May t, r908, the fol- road your petitioner dcsirrs to obtain front your lowing resolutions were adopted: Ilonorahle I tool , and Iereh-v respectfully applies

Whereas. The foregoing petition from the for its consent to and a grant of the right, privi- ITurtson and Long Island Traction Company, I legs and franchise for the csi stritc:ms, ionic- dated April 9, I9oS, was presented ,to the Board i sauce and operation of a street surface railway of Estimate and Apportionment at a meeting for public use in the cunvcyanec of persons amt held April 24, 7908; 1 property for enmlrensatiuu in, upon, along and

Resolved, That, in pursuance of law, this over certain streets, roe tics, highways, bridges, Board sets Friday, the t2th day of Tune, rgo8, v'iadocts and i nitic places in the Boroughs of at I0.30 o'clock in tl'e forenoon, and Room t6, ()ateens and :Manhattan, Counties of Queens and in the City (Tall, Borough of Manhattan, as the New York, City and State of New York, if time and place when and where such petition w'ttncil the foils ing is a description: shall be first considered, and a public hearing Beginning at and connecting with its present he had thereon, at which citizens shall be en- track=_ on Jackson seen iii', iu the Borough and titled to appear and be Ii card and be it further County of Queens, at a point opposite the bridge

Resolved, That the Secretary is directed to Plaza of the L'lac;cwclis Island Itriilge; thence in, cause such petition attrl Ih('se resolutions to be omit along an,l ivtir 'aid I:rldge pla-is and the published for at lea't fnnrtcen (14) days in two approach to said T3lack eel ls Island It ridge; coo- daily newspapers in The City of New York, to tinning thence in, ,:nun, '.long anal over said be designated by the Mayor, and for at least I lack%%clls Island Itrirlge and the appn aeh thereto ten (ro) days in the CITY Recoao, immediately in file Borough of u1 a,, hat tau, County of New prior to such elate of public hearing, the- ex- York, to and in. upon, along and over the ter- pence of such publication to be borne by the toinits thereof in the said Itm-nugh of Manhattan, petitioner. County of New York; crossing such other street,,

JOSEPH TIAAG, avenues, high•,vays. bridges, viaducts and public Secretary. places as ntav he encuuntercd in said route, and

New York, May z, 1908. with such connections, tormnts. switches, cross. jr tI Ovcrs, stands, poles, +tires and erptipntent as may

he necessary for the construction and operation of 1 1 1 1--------I,..,,,

P UBLIC NOTICE IS TTEAERY GIVEN that at a m'-eting of the Board of E•timte

and Appnrti- nment held May I, t908, the fol-lowing p--i tint eras reeeise'1: To the Honorable the lhnard of Estimate and

Apportionment of The City of New For /::

The petition of the New York and Queens County Railway Contlany respc.t ful ly silo,. s:

I: irst—That '.our pct tiunes i- a ~ticet surface railway corpurati -in duly organic. -d and e'i -ting under the Taws of the State of New York. and now r,peratwg a stree l sup face rail+• ap in the Itnrougl of (tu. ens, City of New Yurk, 'tn-1 has duly lied, pursnaut t,, secti .n 9n of t.,e Railroad law, a s:atemcut of t c c•x cnsi it of its road and hrnnch thercnf I.erein pruposcd.

See: rorl—TI at for the ti rposc of constructing and of crating a branch or ex'ensi.m of it pres-ent road your pc t.ti, ner desire' t, obtain fr ,m your IInnnrable Board, and hereby' respe•tfully applies for its consent to and a grant of the right, privilege and franchise for th^ constru -lion, maintenance and ;perati In of a double-tra k street surface railway for public use in the conveyance of persons and property for compensation in, upon, along and over certain streets, avenues, highways, bridg:-s, viaducts and public places in the ];r,ruugh and County of Queens. City and State of New York, of which the following is a description:

Iieui'inise; at and connecting with its present tracks on Jackson avenue at a point opposite thr h'lackwells 1:,land Bridge plaza, where the pro-pose] bridge approach or viaduct conuceting Jack. son avenue with Thomson avenue intersects the said Jackson avenue; thence s'•utltcasterly in. upon, along and over tie said bridge approach or viarluet from said Jackson avenue t Thom-son avenue: thence ca - tens in. up.rn, along and over said 7-honson aeenu•, to it' jun ti a with Hoffman bou'.evard: thrice southca=terly in, upon, along and over the said II , iITo.n boulevard to Fulton street, in tie former Village of Ja-maica, crossing such other stye t;, a,-enoes, high-nays, bridges, viaducts and public places as may be encountered in said route, and with such connections, turnouts, switches, crossovers, sta ds, poles, wires and equipment as may be necessary for the construction and operation of said ralway by the overhead system of electricity, or by any other motive power that may be lawfully em-ployed upon the same.

Third—That your petitioner proposes to operate said extension or branch by the overhead system of electricity, substantially similar to that now in use on its other lines, or by other motive power that may be lawfully employed.

Wherefore your petitioner prays that public notice hereof. and of the timr• and place when and where this application will be first consid- ered, he given as required by law, and that the desired consent be granted in accordance with the provisions of the Greater New York Char- ter.

Dated April 2r, ioo8. [SEAL] NEW YORK AND QUEENS


By P. L. FULLER, President. Attest:

H. M. Fisnaa, Secretary. State of New York, County of Queen,, ss r

F. L. Fuller, being duly sworn, denoses and save: Tt•at he is the Pr-sident of the Nry York and Queens County Railway Company, the peti-tioner named in the foregoing petition; that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof; that the some is true of his own

.aa rat wa} ,y t tc p system of ctvonuty or by any other nitien power that may be law-fulIv enifl overt upon the same.

Third—Tl•at your petitioner proposes to operate said extension or brooch by the overhead sestem of clectririty. substantiatly similar to that now in ti=e on its o'bcr lip+-s, or by other motive power ii at mac he tosufvllv col-'l,~ved.

\\'i-, '1 cnur I,-utioner prays that p,uhlic notice I'er,-,,f. and of the lime and Mace whr-n and erhorc 11iis aunlicatinn will be first cult .-i,lrred ii' gives as rr-nuircrl i.e Lnv, and that the rirsirerl cun'nrtul he gr;lnt'1d in net I:mee with the pro- ci=ionc i f the I renter New York (harter.

I )a•rd \r'• it t4. tn R. [SEAL] NI'.\V \'OItK AND ()1'1?15.NS COUNTY

R \I1.\\':\Y ((Cull' \NV. its F. I.. Ft'I.t.r:a, ('resident.

Attest: It \T. FISHER, Secretary.

State of New Yurk, County u:' Queens, ss.: F. I.. Pnllcr. being ,1.ily sworn. rh-Poses and

Says: That he is the Prc,id'.-,ut of the New York and Onecns County Railwn v Company, tite pcli-lioner named in the furevising letittrm; that lie has read the fori-cuing petition and knee's the contents tl.crenf: that the same is true of his Awn knowledge except as to the matters therein stater) to he alleged upon information and h,-lief, and as to those matters lie believes it to he tote.

P. I.. PTJT.T-ER. Subscribed and sworn to before use this .4th

day of .April, 1908. A. G. PEACu,CK,

Notary Public, Kings County. Certificate filed in ()uecns County.

—and at a meeting held May z, ten8, the ful- Inwing urn s werc adnptcd:

Whereas, The foregoing petition from the New York and Queens County Railway Company, rla'ed April z4. t'oS, was presented to the llnard n. Estimate and Apportionment at a ineeting held April 24. 19r'R.

Resolved, That in pnrsuanoe of law this Board sets Friday, the i2th day of Irene, zpo8, at to.;o o'clock in the forenoon and Room if in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, as the time and place when and where such petition shall he first consirlereph, and a public hearing he had thereon, at which citizens shall be entitled to appear and he heard: and be it further

Resolved, That the Secretary is directed to cause such petition and these resolutions to be published for at least fourteen (z4) days in two daily newspapers in The City of New York, to be designated by the Mayor, and for at least ten (to) days in the CITY RECORD imanediateiv prior to such date of public hearing. The expense of such publication to be borne by the petitioner,

JOSEPH TIAAG, Secretary.

New York, May I. TWo8.

p UBLIC NOTICE IS I-hEREBY GIVEN that at a meeting of the Board of Estimate

and Apportionment held April 24, igo8, the fol-lowing petition was received:

To the 'Honorable Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment of The City of New York:

The petition of the South Shore Traction Com-pany respectfully shows:

First—That your petitioner is a street surface railway corporation, duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and is now constructing its line of street surface rail- way in the counties of Nassau and Suffolk, in the State 'of New York, and has duly filed, pur-

fEC0Y JLb.

suant to section 9D of the Railroad Law, a state. ment of the extension of its road and branch thereof herein proposed.

Second—That for the purpose of constructing and operating a branch or extension of its pres-czzt lizte, your iictitioticr desires to obtain f rom your honorable Board, aid hereby respectfully app'ies for, its consent to a grant of the right, prtcilcge and franchise for construction, tttainte-nance and uperaliun of a single or double track street surface rai:way for public use in the con. veyancc of persons and property for compensa- tics in, ttpon, along and over the surface of cer-tain streets, avenues, highways, bridges, public places and private property in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, of which the follow-ing is a description:

Beginning at the cn-called bridge plazr. of the Blackwells Island ]Bridge; thence over and across Jackson avenue; thence along the so-called ' Bridge Approach " to 'Thompson avenue; thence along Thompson avenue, crossing the intervening streets and tracks of the Long Island Railroad io Rottman boulevard; thence along Iloffman boulevard to and across Hillside avenue and other intervening streets and by private right of way to and across illaple street and Shelton avenue; Ihcnee along Shelton avenue to Union avenue; thence along Union avenue lo, along and across Fulton street to Union Ilall avenue; thence along Union flall avenue and by private right of way to and across Now York avenue to Linden street; thence along Linden street to and across Locust street and by private right of way to Pontine street; thence along Tontine street to South street; thence along South st rent, Crossing the Long Island Railroad, to Earners road; thence along, upon and across harmers road and by private right of tray to Central avenue; thence to a generally easterly direction over, upon and along Central avcuue to where it Isti-rsu'ets the boundary line between 'I'Ite City of New York and the Town of Ilgpsteild, said point beiiig. the western termival point of the Soutlt Shore Traction Company, as designated in its certificate of incor toratzun.

And also crossing such other streets, avenues and higlncays as may intersect sttclt designated routes.

Also for consent au(] parmission to operate the cars of said company along, upon and gen.'s the plaza of the Ulachswvlls I'land Itrilge, in the Borough of Queviis, ('i'v of New York; thence across and user sail iltacicwclls 1eInnrl Fipirluv 'znd along, upon and ac ruin s the plaza of the Said Illackwcl's Island Ttirdge, in the Itwattgh of Dlan-h:ut;tn, City of Nvw Yurk.

'Third—'flat sail corporation proposes to operate said cxtcnsi„n or branch by the over- Its-ash system of electricity or r thin motive power that slay he Iaw fit :Iv n- nurin ycd.

\Vhcrcfore yanr pc'itiuncr prays that pnhlic lice hereof and r,f the tint,' and pi:,ee wilt's au,l where this applicalinn fill be first con=id'red be given, as required by law, 'uul that the rlesirr-d co :saut be grant(-.], iu ace,'b:mce wills the pro-vision of the Greater New fork Charter,

])ated April t , tong. lsr:vt.l sOUTJI STIOIfF 'I'hC\CTION

By Jssncs '1'. Woos, President.

Attest: .As'i- ni.:ut C. Ureic,

Sec retary.

State of New York, Comity of New Ynrk, se.: James T. 1Vood, being duly sworn, Acpr,s~--. and

say's: That lie is the frcnIdest of the South Shnrc Traction Company. the petitioner named in the forcauing petition; that he has rtail the foregoing petition and know'.; the contents thereof; that the same is trite of his own ksmvtcdge, except as to the matter.; thcrcin stated to be al!ciod tt it) n inforniation ;uul hr lief, an,l as to those .natters lie bcIicces it to lie tree.

J,v uiES T. Wool). Sworn to before me this 13th day of April, 19oS.

L. M. 1)oRI.AND, Notary Public No. 17t,

New York County.

—and at a ntcoting held \lay t, t'a8, the fullow-iug resohitiurne were adnptrd:

VV'screas, 'I he frc gving pctitinn front the South Shure Tractinu Company, ilatcd April 13, mu, was prcicmed to the Ii,'anl if F,.tmi:tc an,l Appurtionmcut at a mectiog hold .\pril -,.I, , OOS.

I(,suuirruh, That in pin- -wutc,: of law tins Ircurl sets Friday, the t=1h day of June, t9n8, at Iu 3o ,'clock in the jute iii' and R,intn 16 iu the

(_:it )' ]tall, Iturungh of VI aiihattan, as tltc time arnl p'acc tchcn and where snch pcti:i.rut shall be list eunsid.-n-d, ;tnrl a public herring be had thereon, at whieh eitiaox sh;tll be c-vtI':hetI to al i t-ar and be hoard; and he it ftn'thcr

Rcsolvcrl, That the Secretary in directed to car e,- such pctiti'm and theso rc,nlu1iuns In be publishcd fill' at It-art fourteen (I.t) days in two daily tic—papers in 'Iii, City of new York, to be ule-etgtuate-uI I,y the \layer, and fur at ]east ten (Io) days in the (ltv Huscnut,, iiruttietiat,-Iv prior to such 'late of public healing. 'flip expcnse of such publication to be borne by the pelt l i ter.

JOSL•'1'll 11..\(:, Secretary.

New Yurk, May I, z'o8, lift

P UIILTC NO'T'ICE 15 ]Il•;ItI:RY GIVEN that at it urccttng if lit' hloa -ti of hsli-

niate and :Api, run lioumcnt, hrlrl Vlay zs, t'ui, the following petition was rc, lye,):

7'u the IIurmr„hh- ll, 'it rd Isstiwatc and Appor- r tiurunnel of %7tr City or Now Yorlr:

'l'he pctilien of the Nassau l' lectric Railroltd Company kci,nchfully shnws:

t. Your pctitiom r is a strcr t surfat•c railn,ad corporation rinty nrganizeul rind existing ihuh,-r the law's of the State .,f New York, :tut has rinty marls and filed, lV,,rs,tanl In section run of the Railroad Law', a s.tatuomt of the names nil description of the cut-cds, load, tutu- ii high- ways and ,rivals properly in nr tq,nn which it is lirouOst'rl to cun<truct, maintain and nperatc extcenions ur brsnr-It-s of its railrnnrf, as herein set forth.

2. Vous n tetilinner desires to obtain front 'ri e City of New York, and hereby respccifglly ap- lrlics for its consent to a grant of the fniuuhtse or right to use certain stn-,- Is, road;, av(llm', highways in j,till,' grmtnds within ur b,-hiun;;iirg to The City of New York for lit- cnnsttu,e:I,n and operation in and noun ih,- cut- futcu' thereof extensions or branches of its street snnfacc railroad to consist of a double nr single track surface rail-road (including nr•ces,ary pules, wires, conduits, can licelion., scitcbc•s, 'i,lings, Iurnuuts, rru s.ascrts and Suitable sl:utri', r-wuil,rti,-hit or miler strnt--t,trt-5 tteccs;:us• for the a ii, uunnd:mnn and nprlinn of saiul raiii a'ad by Ihrc uyepheaA r,r niiat system of ciccl ii, ity r,r miler motor ii-.' ct' whirl, may be lawfully u.,cd upon the sane-), It ntiblic use and conveyance of 1.ci>nns and it' i,crly for compensation.

,t. The following is a c,-serildIuun of the -aid certain streets, ruarls, "wt.rmw, highways, chive-' ways or public ground within nr belonging to The City of New York, in, thiu,ngh, ttl~on and along which your petitincter desires to extend its railroad, to wit:

Beginning at the tern. in ti's of its Lresont track on the easterly side of Flathush livens,', between Atlantic avenue and Fourth avenue; thence airing Flathush avenue to Fourth avenue, and running thence in a westerly direction on Flathush avenue


and making a suitable connection therewith to Fourth avenue; thence along Fourth avenue to Atlas is t avcnnq and along Atlantic avenue to l'lathush avenue, and staking a suitable connec-tiun with the tracks ofthe Brooklyn City Rail-nail Cumpauty at the intersection of Flatbuslt avcuuc_and Atlantic avenue.

4. A uw' Ire titiuner proposes to operate the rail-rnarl to be o ,nslrnrtecl upon said streets and ave-nue, by 1Lc ntr-nhtcauh trolley system or by any other motive liver other than steam locomotive I,utccr which play be alutruverl by the Public Scrcice Cotn itis,ion of the First District and cunscntcd to by the owners of nruPerty bounded upon said routes, as provided by late.

V1'hie cfurs yotn- set iii utter prays that public notice herein of the time and place when and w'bere this u,I ,IJcatioI will be first considered be given, as required by the provisions of section o: of the Railroad I.aw and of all other laws al4rkcalle thereto, and that the desired consent ur grant lie cnt!rndied in the forni of a contract with -all the terms and conditions as to com-1 ensatinn and otherwise, in :tceord;mee with the irei,.ious if the Grp-attr New York Charter atnd till. laws of the State.

Dater] at the lIorm,eh of lirooklyn, City of Ncw York, May 4, 19u'.


By JOHN E. IIORNE, President. •

Attest: L. C. Snxroan,

Assistant Secretary.

('its and State of New York, County of Pint's, ss.:

John I•,. Itnrne, h' in;, duly sworn, deposes and 'at•, That he i; Ibc I 'resi,lcni of the Nassau Elcc-tric K:,iIrnad Coe patty, the petitioner panted in the furl fining petition; that lie has read the fore-ghtiny: bkiilii'ii and knows the contents thereof; that Ihr slime is true of his own knowledge ex-crt,l au to the matters th+•rr•in stated to be alleged ,ul,i,n infnnnati,m ai,ui hclicf, and that as to those matlor- hi' Iuu'lkvcs it to be true; that the reason why thi' vcrilicatinn is not mrule by the petitioner i5 Ihot it u a en rPurt': it nun ; that Ilse dept ncnt is an utlicer of the said corporation, to tvlt, its I'tu' mint, and th:lt the grounds of his informa-lion in rc,urd to the matters stated in the fore-4-niog I.ciuti„hi, Si, far a, the .r;unc are not within I' us it u- ina1 knoHtcdRe, air statontents made by I 'II iu,-rs nr niutvnts of the corporation to him as I'rc=i'lcnt thcrcnf.

JOHN E. BORNE, Strnrn to lx-firrc me this glh day of Nlay, 1go8•

J. 11. lir:'NiN(;TuN_ Nut are Public, Kings County,

City rutd Slue of Ncw York, County of Kinc<• - i.

(ln tl:is ,91h d:iv of \lay, in the year one them_:,nil niuo hnn,lrcd and ci>;l,l. before me per-v,nnlly came ],din 1-.. liern. to ins kn,,•,vn, who, herog by true ditty sworn, did rl: pnec and say that Iii- nkt,li-,l ill the Curnneh of Nianhaltall, City Of Ni-is' 1rk; that he is the Presi,lant of the Nassan P.hurl ii- Rail rna,I Cnmtrany, the corpora-lion ulrscrihc,l in and which executed the fore-t!rinR inslrurncnt; that Its fur-nv the seal of said mCt11raHon: that the seal affixrd to r-aid instru-mr,rt seas sncl, c•urnnraIc seal; that it was so af(ixr,l by onto of the L'nard of Uirc•ctors of ,air) e i-i rwinn, and that he signed his name Ih+rctu by like order.

L TT. BE\NTNG'ION, NOfrury Public, Kings County.

Jut p roved as to form: thitr,, 1). VrmttAxs, G. C.

--and the folluwiug resolutions were thereupon it, I', t+-,l:

11'hr ryas, The foregoing prtition fruit the Nas- c;nt I?lrct ri: Railroad Cuuuuip:i,u\', dalurl May 4. tin's, Ii ii': bis-xEuie4 to the Cnar,l of Estimate and .A;' Inn tionnnent at a m,-,'ting held'slav tS, tr)n8.

lie-oh u'- I, 'I h:n, in inpstuuruuc of Inw this Board Si I-. IriI:lr, Iho lath play of tune, tr)„8, at to.3o ,'clack iu do, forenm, n, and Room to in the City la:l, I:ornugh of ,AI;uih;ulall, as this time and

M:er• whop and mu-h „rr such 1'etiti,ni shall be first n ,n=iuh-md, nnrl it In,iltip Imaring he hall thcrcun, al ''11ich citir, ns stroll he cntillcd to aoi c:u' and I,c II ;I,d: :1ru, I Lc it turthcr

htecdsu-i, '.'hat the S(,-rctary is directed to c:.''t.,. such li'Shins and it i-suluhnns to he hutuhusiut-ul fill at lcalt funrtcen (14) days in two daiiv notys zt i's-r.s in The laity of New folic, to Lr d sienalrrd by file \lnv„r. and (ur at least I,n (ant rlav- in the ('r-1v RI (loin nuuuui-uiinrc-ly 1n- i',r to such date of public hearing. The ex-vu-,',e of such publication to be borne by the hut-I 1iuser

JOSEI'tl II.1:1G, Secretary.

Kl.rw York, May 15, t9oR- 3t,II

N '1'1('1{ IS II1:1:BR\' G THAT AT AT (0

rhr ntoc tiny if the Board of ICetintate and .Apponnuunmu rut held on NIay 8, t9u8, the fullow-inl; r,-,,,iuuIi,uius were :uclrituteil:

1\'b,-roa-, 'floc liar I of Estimate and Appor-finn, iii t of 'I h,• l'ity of N-15 )',-k )'sdc is e,tosido-r-lug the Aviarohiitlt' o r in-Ihooang proceedings to •Xrini,, till,- to the lauuls :uirl prcn)i,es required fill' the r liming and r•slcnrlint' if Alton place, (runt, hlahb,ch a+rnuc Io Eaa l ,irtirth strcu•t i in the I:"nnigh of lanuklvu, City of New Yuck; aid

\l'hcrc:ls, 'fl,,' Il,ard of Estimate and Appor-li''nun•ut i- :nilh,,tizcrl and ri_-rlrtiu-,-tl at the tune I'f the :m''luin,0n of till rls, auiiu,,u directing the uutitnniiun of uruurcorhi,rgs to acquire tills to the lall.k Ne,I,irruI fill' the forcg-int imloov,-nest to fix a nd Ju-ttr,itint' upon an area ,n' arm-as of ac~r r-mr nl f''I hen,-ill fur -aid prncm-ding,

t, n l+rd,

That the Board '1 E-timate and Ap- iu' riu' ,,,n nl, iu tuhtpsnfut rr of the I)ruviwuns of vuniu(th q8n of Iliv (;r„ucr New 'ti ode Charter, her, Ly giv,s notice Ihal Ih'• following is the loopo u-uI a c-a of a,sessm+nt fur benefit in this nrncccdiog:

P"nndrd lilt the itnrth,'o1l by a line midway I"tw', nut Fast 14,rti,-th street and East Forty-lirct stoat; nn the s' uthca,t by a line parallel with Alton place, and passing through a point „n the north+-n,lerly tin,- of iclathnsh avenue nii ,hvay hin'ren All , -n place and Overbauglt (dace, and by the prolongati.,n of the said line; ,in III,, sustlnecV by ;t lisp di,l:lot too fret snnth-'cer.tu'rly (At a,,1l Iuaioucl witch III,• suus1ilmsc•sterly '~nc of IilntD:r<h avi•Auv, the sail distance being ern-urn-d at right anelr•s to thv lino of Flathush ',venue, and r o the nurthwcsl by a line midway hr l+s-'-u' th I sililard plarc and Alton place, and by Ilo ttnu,l..motiun of the said line,

it n,,lord, 'flat this Il,'itl-d consider the pro-t.n,o'l are;• of :, ,• smu-nt at a meeting (If the L'•'rtnl to he hoi h in The City of N,-my York, B,, ii'-ii of Tanilaltan. in the City Hall, on the 511, day of Irun', zu)so, at ta.3,, R. in., and that at tlhe 'aec time and place a tntblic (tearing the' , will tl~u n ;ni.1 th,.rc he had.

!L---'.iv •'t. That the Steretary of this Board can"c the<e ranlotioo, and a Anti'(' to all per-ona aflert-1 thereby to in' psbli bird in the CITY

k pr Ant an,l till- corporation newtipaI)ers for ten uha)'s prior to the 5th day F Tun••. tong.

J0SHh'li TTAAG. Secretary,

No. 277 Rrnadwav, Room 1406. Tclsphi,uc. a S,, Worth.



N OTICE IS IIFR•FBY GIVEN TIIAT AT the meeting of the Bard of E.timatr and

\pportionntcnt Irld on 11ay 8, 1908, tee follow-lug rcaolutions ware a,luptcd:

\\ hercas, The L' .anl ,f • I•:,lin•ratc and :\ppnr- tionmunt of The (itv of N+ wv Yq„k is cou,ider-iug the mlvis.ibility of iuslit•.tting prucecd.ngy to acquire title to the lands :unl prcmies required fur the opcniii and extend hg of:

Fast. Forty filth street, fn to I•:ast New York .retitle to Iloly Cross Cemetery;

East Forty-sixth strict. front Fast New York at en tie to Iluly Cross Cemctcry;

Troy avenue. from Crown strc.t to the north-cr11 property hue of tho holy Cross Cemetery. and

Scltcnectadv avcnue, front the former City line to l'acnlegat oven uc, -in file luruugh of 11tooklyn. City of New York: and

\I hcrca h :ii d s, Te ll , of Esi Intate and Appor- tionnient is authorized and rcijnued at the time of the adnptinn of the res:lmti:,m diwc:iig the institution of proceedings to acquire tills to the lands required for the f,.rcgoiug improvement to fix and determine ul,nu anarea or arias of a cv>ntcnt fir liens-fit for said prncerdiug.

Rosulved, That the Kneed if Estimate- ;,nd Ap-portiunmont, in purusancc of the precisions of •ectimn 98o of the Greater New Yi,rk Charter, hereby gives notice that the foil-wing is the proposed arta of assessutcpt for benefit in this pencc-c,liDg:

hit-ginning at a point on the prohm ,gtstion of a line sod tray hut tseen Troy avenue and Albany avenue distant too f,et ,mitheily fn,m the north gins tin perle line of Il,dv Cross Cemetery, to e said di,Lt:utce bring uteaswed at right angles to the sail line of I duly (1-oss Cemetery, and run-oin^ the-nor n..rtLttartliy tilting a line always tnid~.tav bittern - fn,v itormr• and Albany ave-uuc and the litdin1:4nti-in of time said line to a point helm1 ton feet n, titer!, front the north-rrly line of Cr­­ :.tr,•ct: thence s-ant:.asdly and is -alto! with (-rosin sired to tic intersertii+n with a line mid%%av it -bourn SsIiene, iidr avenue ;inrl Utica avcnu^: thennt,• :.,•n[h,rardly along a line altvays midway bet•,ce+-n Sc! - ene.-mgils avenue and litica avcune and the prud~,ncation if the Said line to a point IIi'Vo ll ton f,-et southerly from the south,-rly line of I'm-rdtgal avenue; thence west tv«r+llv and parallel with I'aerilegal avenue to the per-l,mgnrtiurtt of a line midv.av be-tween Science toils- :r:eDuc and Troy avenue: chetsec rocllewarTllv alone I.br sai-1 line midway between Schenectady ar+'nue moil T -ny avenue-aud the Dcsdnngat in if tilt- sail line to tltr in-tescclinn will, a line- parallel with the north-crly pinptm• his of link Cuts. ('cmeterv, and passing Ikirceogh the p-,i0t of Lcpinniiig: thence westwardlv :deadg the said lino p;vRlld with th+-northetly twahelT: line if llole Cross C+-inctery to the point or tharc of 6egn;fny.

Resol sit l, 'flint this I.c-ar+l cunri.ler the pro-pused surest of lISte'-,ni•tit at a nutting of the Board to be hVIB in The ('ite of N: w York, 1lormugb of Manhattan, in the (its I1a11, on the 5111 day of Junr, hush, at to.3o a. tin., aft11 that at the same lime and place a public hearing there'll) will ehco ;1,,,4 111 ,le b,. intl.

Ros,lvc•d, "I-h:n alt., Sorretary if this Board cause these ri suIntiisma •:nd a notice to all per suns affected therehy to be tmhlisho~l in this- CI'ry Ei:cisusui an+l the carp„ratii,n newspapers for ten dad's prior to the Ill,- day of Rini-, tgn8.

JOSEI'lI 11,1 \l;, Secretary,

No. 277 Cruad.uay, Ruow I4o6.

'Telephone, .1280 Worth. m22,J3

NO•rlr E IS Ilraa:ry GIVEN III \T AT the mc-otitis of I'uc II ;,Iof „f 1•:',dfutaut- and

App5srtisitmii55tia hdul ti Alap 8, iqu.4, t,,c tallow in re-sulutiuus urrc a,lu ,tcd: K 1

11'hcrcas. Tito L' aarcl k I{vintRlc ;unl slppnr- tinutncul of 'I it.- Cite of N, -s ltk it, c„u,id•.r-iuK the allvis:il.ility "f iu5litulinr pn,vc-cdu', to acquire till,' to Ih,- 11n,k a.iil I,r, ms,es ru_yehvd for the oLening an+l ry1t-nit it:

Scha,-Ilcr utrr+t, I....0 I<ui, crilt„ckcr arrnnc to the Borough Buie;

J:hlcrt vtmct, front hdisirketIi„oker avl'rtuc to the Ilnrought line;

Cnc. rt strc•, t, from Nuickctb„rkcr avenue to the hl:nmugl liur, --in the I:uruugh of llrooklym, ( ity of New York; and

\1hcrcas, 'rltc It-seal of Ii-:intatr anal r\pp,+r tioumt-ut is auth,,:i,c,l ;mull r,'ml,tir,,l ;u the time of this- ad,iptiun of the tcs,~lutiun directing the institution of prucuciling:; to, acquire tith to the lands rcquirccl 6,r time frvm-gtmIitp improventcnt to fix and ,Ie Let wine upon ao ar.-a nr ar as of asstssrncli+ 6,r hrn.lit for said pn,oet ding.

Bunked, '1 hat the lh,arel +,I I-:,titmate an+l Ap-purtiuuntont, it pnretanec of tltc pro\isi.,ns of section q8u ui Ilie Greater New Yurk Charter, hereby gives m-ince that the fuuhboi-fnl is the prcrpo+t-il ;urea of a:- es-ttncnt fuse hem-Itt in this proceeding:

Itsiuiided an IN- ndrtlfoast by the line between the Boroughs of his, hi-.n and (teems, on the southeast IV, a line tniR-,vl' bit - t-seen helm tier street and Decatur strict; -n the miuibwest Im a line di-font loo fc-t sumtlmsmii',terly Trion and parallel with the suuthncs1criy dims of Kitis:ker- bucker :wenuc, the sail di-since being mc;tsured at right angles to the line of Kmiu'korbot'kcr avenue, :unit on the mrIlswc~t by a line midway between liaise strcrt amt I•adcrt street.

Res~.,lvc, l, That this harsh ron,idcr the pro-pasctl area of as-gicsnrvilt at a ntc.-ting of the Board to be hell in 'I he l its of New York, IIoi'otighu of \bansl,ciitani, in file Cit+ Ilan, on th, .8th day of Jnrn', gii, at In..iu a. m., aunt that at ehe. 'sane- Iiute amt place a pul,lic hearing thereon will lh,-u sius,i Ihcrr be lhadl,

Rcsdoc+l, •Iliad file Secreting sIf lIst. Board rause these ri-s,uln!iuimms and a n-,tire to all per-sons affected thelcity to Inc hmnkhi.,6u•d in the CITY Rt:cuen au+l the Cupolvl inn n0 wepapers for ten days prior to the StIt +lac of dune. toms.

JOSF1'I1 HAA(~, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, R~mnt 1406.

'Telephone, 2280 Worth. mnz,J3

NNO'1'ICF. IS IIF1.u';hv (;IVFN '1'll:\'1' A'1' 1 the mvelinlg of the Itai d of Estimate and Apportionment held ou \l ay 8, mgo8, the follow-ing resolutions were adinngiel:

Whereas, lime It,,;,-,l of Estimate and Appur- tiottntent of 'ITe Cite of New fork is c,vesider ing the advisability if iwtlnlumst urn'-'- longs to acquire title to the land, Karl iii-.titLes e'tjolo i for the of ling and cauu,hiD11 of the p+tblic place at the imersgIion of Mo,h du a,enne and Ilroad-way, in the Bnniugl of The Itn,nx, City of New• York; and

Whereas, The Bu:vd of I'Rtmmmc and Appur-tioument is aulbnrmel artd rngnirvd at the tittle of the ailuttinn of the m:.s'Imti„n diee-ciiDK the institution of l tuctuudIeys to ae,luirc title to the lands required for the foreg„iug itnproeehm'uml to fix and determine upon all area or arras of as-sessment for benefit for said prnceoding.

Resolved, That the hoard of Estimate and Ap-portionment, in pursuance of therovisions of section 980 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro-

THE CITY posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro- cceding:

Beginning at a point on a line midway between Ncwwn avenue and Broadway distant too feet suulhwosicrly from the soutitw estcrly line of Jlushulu avenue, the said ihistausee being Incas-tvcd at right angles to the line of Mosholu ace-mimic-; and running thence tatnhwestwardly and wves.tsssuudhy along a line always too feet distant from and parallel with the southwesterly and southerly lines of ild usbolu avenue to the inter- ectiou with tile prolongation of a line midway hctwgicii Spencer avenue and Huxley avenue; Hience mmnet6waeddy along the said line midway bclwccn Spcuccr avenue and Huxley avenue and the peuLumgatien thereof to a point distant too .eet southerly front the southerly line of West •live hundred and hifly-ninth street; thence east-w;trdly al+,ng a line always distant too feet front and parallel with the southerly line of West Two Hundred and I-ifty-ninth street to tite intersec-tion with a line midway between Newton avenue and llruaduvav; thence oorthwardly along the said line midway bftween Newton avenue and Broad-way to the intersection with a line midway be' twecn West Two Ilundred and I iffy-ninth street and \Vest Two hundred and Sixtieth street; Ihcrvce rxdwaidly along the said line midway be-ttscen West Two ]lunurcd and Fifty-ninth street ;ind West 'rwu hundred and Sixtieth street and the prolongation of the said line to a point dis-t;mt too feet easterly front the easterly line of Ilr nail w sty ; thence sunthwardly and always distant ton feet from and parallel with the easterly line ul h ruodwsy to file intersection with a line at right angles to Ii roadway, and Passing through a Pniltt ou its westerly side distant too feet nortlt-crly flout the northerly line of West TWO Hurt-tire,] at,d Vi fty-=ixl It sheet, (lie said distance be-ing mcasurem at right aneles to the line of West 'rwn Ifundred and Pifty-sixth street; thence west-w:trd'v along the said line at right angles to Iiivadstay to its westerly side; thence westwardly and parallel with West Two llundre-rl and Fifty-sixth ntreet to the intersection with a lice Inid-tray between Newton avc-Due and Broadway; thence u''rthwardly along the said line midway between Newton avenue and htruauhway to the point ur place of beginnini.

Resolved. That this Board consider the pro-no,c,l area of atiScssrauent at a meeting of the 1ivard to be held in The City of New York, Per-ouKh of hlanhatlan, in the City Ilan, on the 5th Inv of June, Igoi, at 1n.3o a. en., sniff that at the saute lists' and place a public hearing thereon will Oct, anal there be had.

The, olh d, That the Secretary of this Board cause Ihcre resolutions and a notice to all persons rIticclu-d thereby to he fulblislterl in the CITY Recolcn for tell days prior to the 5th day of fuflc, l9og.

JOSEPT] IIAAG, Secretary,

Nn. 277 Broadway, Room 1406.

'Teleplmtte, 2280 Worth.


N 0T10E IS HI-:RE]lY GIVEN THAT AT the no, ting of the lho:n' of Estimate and

.lpportio ill ent held oil 1tlay 8, tgo8, the follow-inc resolutions were adnpled:

N%tiIV s, The Board of Estimate and Appor-ti„ntncnl of '11he City of New York is consicler-iu4 the ativi.~alility of instituting proceedings to acquire title, where not already acquired, to the lands and bureinines rcyuired for the opening and cxtcmting of West Two I luunidrcd and Thirty-htst *tnccI, front h'aiIcy ayem-ue to Riverdale ave- une, in the Buruugh of The Iirtutix, City of New 1 nrk; and

1\ lice ate. The Roared of h-stintsite and .lppor-li ,tilitt nit is authorized and required at the lime , f the- atlnpti,un of the re,ohniun directing the nt,clitutinn of ,ioccedincs to acyuirr title to the I:utds required for Ilse f„reguiug improvement to ilx and uls'Iu'rmiDc- I nuIt an ;u-en or areas of as- -d tuend for boosIth fur said pmetceling.

Kin„Ii+it, -hhat file Board of Ea1iDyute and Ap-I,oniotnuent, in pursuance of the provisions of Si mum mn 98u if the Gre+ner New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro-

ri I ;uca of arnesstnetn for ltc-nutd in this pro-cci,Iing:

I;,-Kiuniug at a point on a line bisecting the ;utKlc fnnncd by the Imersecif+fn of the pro-!it+iK:ui''us of the centre line- of \Vc~t Two Ilun-Irecl anJ 'thirty-secuurt street and West Two Itawtrcd and Thirty-funrth ::ugioi, as laid out lwtwcgn Stun -ten I)uytil road and ICingshri+lge avenue distant ton feat westerly Irons the west •rl7 linc of Riverdale avenue, the said distance Leipg mIaauurDd at right angles to the line of lliseemlu avenne, and runmite thence southeast-+rrodly abmg the said bisecting line to the inter. 'rcli„n tcith the prnLmgation of a line midway hctwc+-n Wcst Two Ilundred and Thirty-sccuml =tread and \Vest Two Ilnndred and "Thirty-fourth strict, 1s laid out between Kingshridge avenue and Itrua,ltr tic ; thence sutttheastwardly along the said line midway between (Vest Two hundred and - h -h]ny- secend strut and West Two hundred and 'I'hi rlv - fourth street to the northwesterly line of I:ruunlnay; thence ens twardly in a straight line to a point on the southeasterly line of Broadway where it is intersected by a line hisectiug the sat Kle formed by the intersection of the pro-lougatiuns of the centre lines of West Two Ilun-dred and 'Thirty-third street and West Two Itun-drrd and Thirty-fnen'th street, as laid out be, Ioccn L'roadtvay and Bailey avenue; thence south' c;t,I scat lly along the said bisecting line to a !,oitrt iii- taunt ton feetsonplheasterly from the .uutheastgiely line of I:ailry avenue, the said din lance b, in>.l measured at right angles to the line of hailer avenue: thence sutmhwestnvrshhy and nl ti-Is vs diol:ntl too feel southeaslrrly from and I ~arallcl teith the snotheaslerly line of Bailey ave-nne to the intersection with the prolongation ut a line distant Zoo fcct sott!liscestordy from ant] i+vralld1 uvitlt the snmllovesterly line of West Two hundred and Yhieiiclh street, as laid out between Itailvy avenue and ]troadwav, the said diutance being measured at right angles to the line of West Two hundred and Thirtieth street; thence nsurlllwe,twardly along the said line parallel with West Two Il nit tIecd and 'Thirtieth street and the prolongations of the said line to the intersection with the northwesterly line of Broadway; Ihence northwestwardly in a straight line to a point on the northwesterly line of 7'ibbctt avenue where it is intersected by a line distant 200 feet south-w•rstcrly from and parallel with the southwesterly line of West Two Hundred and Thirtieth street, its Iai,l not between 'ribbett avenue and Spuyten Itnvvil rush ,l: thence northwestwardly along the 'aid line parallel with West Two Hundred and •1'ltitlieth ,trvet to a saint distant too feet nortk-+vrsteely from lite northwesterly line of Spuyten IMtvcil roa+l. Ih+• said distance being measured at riebt angles to Iitc line of Sruvten I)nvvil road; thence nortlto:stwarelhs and alwavc distant ton O ct mmmbyve.ierly from and parallel with the oort I, vesterhe lines of Spuyten Duyvil roan and ifivemitle avenue to the point or place of be-r;itt ,+inK.

Rvsolvcd. That this Board consider the pro-nn-c+1 area tf a ses,ment at a meeting of the linlyd to lie hell in The City of New York. Bnr-,ugh of Alanhaltrm, in the City Hall, on the 5th day of June, rgn8, at io.3o a. m., and that at the saute little and place a public hearing thereon will then and there he had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all persons

RECORD. affected thereby to be published in the CITY RECORD for ten days prior to the 5th day of June, tgo8.

JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. 'Telephone, 2280 Worth.


N O'rICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN THAT TIIE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of

'1'lte City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, prupoa,es to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as to establish the grade of Canarsie lane, between hlatbush avenue and Schenectady avenue, and cluing, the grades in the intersecting strccts af- fected thereby, Borough of Brooklyn, and that a mtcciting of said 13,,ard will be held in the Old Council Chamber, City Ball, Borough of Man-hattan, City of.New York, on June 5, 19o8, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which such proposed change will be considered by said Bard; all of which is more particularly set forth and de- scrihed in the full„wing resolutions adopted by the Board on May 8, t9u8, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolveel, That the L'oard of Estimate and Ap-portionment of The City of New York, in pur-suance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, deeming it for the public is so to do, proposes to change the mail or plan of The City of New York by estahlislting the grade of Canarsie lane, between h5l::tbush avenue and Schenectady ave- ntie, artd changing grades in the intersecting slrvets a(fceIcnl therehy, in the Borough if Brook-hymn. City of New York, more particularly de-scribed as follows:

Canarsie Lane. r. The elevation at Flatbuslt avenue to be

28.44 feet. 2. The elevation opposite a point on the north-

erly line distant 451 feet easterly from the inter-tectitun with the easterly line of Flatbush ave-nue In he 28.6 feel.

3. The elevation at East 'twenty-second street to be 27.9 feet.

4. The elevation at East Twenty-third street to he z6.59 feet.

5. The elevation at Bedford avenue to be 27.85 feet.

6 The elevation at East 'twenty-fifth street to be 25 feet.

7. 'I'lte ede.aaion at Fast Twenty-sixth street to be 25.8 feet.

8. The elevation at Rogers avenue to be 26.6 feet.

I). The elevation at East Twenty-eighth street to be 29.27 feet.

I n. 'flue elccation at East Twenty-ninth street to be 3t-89 feet,

I I. The elevation at Nustrand avenue to be 14.33 feet.

12. The elevatireu at East Thirty-first street to be 33.4 fret

13, the elevation at East Thirty-second street to be 3 1.67 feet.

14. The clevatiun at New York avenue to be 36 fret.

I5. The elevation at East Thirty-fourth street to he .4.58 feet.

16. The elevation at East Thirty-fifth street to be 3589 feet.

t7. The e4cvation at Brooklyn avenue to be 37.26 feet.

18. The rlrvation at Canarsic avenue to be ii.ni feet

tq. l' hue elect' ion at East Thu irty-seventh -trrct to he 37.75 feet.

2o. Th+- e'e atiun at Fast Thirty-eighth street Ioo he 36.6 fret.

- t, rho (I. vati,,n at Ea-.t Tlarty-nin(Ii street t•i hr IS 4R feet.

rs. The elevation at East Fortieth street to t- 34. it f+ et.

23. The elevation at Albany avenue to be i5.6 feet.

•4. -rhe elevation at Fast 1 ortysecot1el street to be 37 for:. z, - The cb eiatumun at Fast Forty-third street

too Ire 3v.ti5 fr et. Co. 'I fie elct alien at Fry avenue to be 3t. t6

feet. 27. The elevation at East Tarty-fifth street to

I,e °9.R1 feet, ❑R. The elevation at East Forty-sixth street

to be z8.7 feet. 24, The elevation at Schenectady avenue to

6e 31.03 feet. Flatbush Avenue.

I. 'rime elcvrnti„n at Clarendon road to be _t. .l fact. as isn't, if re estahlish , 'd

2 "I- he elcvalion at Canarsie lane to he 28,44 feet.

3. The elevation at Cortelyou road to he 29.12 feet.

End r Ttocnty-scrond Street.

t. The elevation at Clarendon road to be z6.u3 ('et, as heretofore established.

2 -I•he elevation at Canarsic lane to be z7.g feet.

3. The elevation at Beverley road to be 28.63 feet, as heretofore established.

Beast Tacenty-third Street.

I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be 2_I, 73 fret, as hrretof„re e,tab ished.

2, The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 26.59 feet.

3. The elevation at Beverley road to be 27.33 feet, as heretofore established.

Beet ford Avenue.

I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be .'.25 feet, as heretofore established.

• The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 27.85 feet.

3. The elevation at Beverley read to be 28,68 feet, as hcret+nfore established.

East Twenty-fifth Street. I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be

_2 felt. as heretofore established. 2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be a5

feet. 3. The elevation at Beverley road to be 27.97

fret, as heretofore established.

Fast Twenty-si.rth Street. I. 'I'Ite elevation at Clarendon road to be

2,1.36 feet, as heretofore established. I The elevation at Canarsie lace to be 25.8

feet. 3, The elevation at Beverley road to be 27.44

feet, as heretofore established.

Rogers Avenue. I. The elevation at ('larendon road to be

_3.6 fc.-t, as Itcretnfure •st: hlislied. 2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 26.6

feet. 3. The elevation at Rever!ey read to he 2`

feel, as ltel'ctofore established.

Fast Treienty-eighth Street.

I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be 26. ,3 feet, as heretofore established.

2, The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 29.27 feet. 3. The elevation at Beverley road to be 35.15

feet, as heretofore established,


East Twenty-ninth Si reef, I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be

27.7 feet, as heretofore established. 2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 31.89

feet. 3. The elevation at Beverley road to be 34.16

feet, as heretofore established.

Nostrand Avenue.

I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be 29. c6 feet, as heretofore established.

2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 34.33 feet.

3. The elevation at Beverley road to be 37.3 feet, as heretofore established.

East Thirty-first Street.

t. The elevation at Clarendon road to be 29.22 feet, as heretofore established.

2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 33.4 feet. 3. The elevation at Beverley road to be 35.95

feet, as heretofore established.

East Thirty-second Street. t. The elevation at Clarendon road to be

30.52 feet as heretofore established. 2. The elevation at Canarsic lane to be 34.67

feet. 3. The elevation at Beverley road to be 37.35

feet, as heretofore established.

New York Avenue. I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be

31.9 feet, as heretofore established. 2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 36

feet. 3. The elevation at Beverley road to be 38.8

feet, as heretofore established.

East Thirty-fourth Street.

t. The elevation at Clarendon road to be -,io.6 feet. as heretofore established.

2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 34.58 feet.

3. -rhe elevation at Beverley road to be 37.45 li feet, as heretofore established.

East Tkirty-fifth Street.

I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be 32.37 felt, as heretofr,re establicl- eel.

2. The elevation at Canarsie late to be 35.89 feet.

3. The elevation at Beverley road to be 38.57 feet, as heretofore established.

Brooklyn Avenue. t, The elevation at Clarendon road to be

34.22 feet, as hercttfnre established. 2. The elevation at Canarrie lane to be 37.26

feet. 3 The elevation ^t Beverley road to he 39.74

feet, as heretofore established.

Canarsie Avenue.

I. The elevati..n at Beverley road to be 38.77 feet, as hcrctofusre estahlisl'ed.

2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to he 38.08 feet.

East Thirty-se e'Itlr Street.

I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be ;2.87 feet, as heretofore estahlishrd.

The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 3775 feat.

East Thin ty-eigtbit Street. The elevation at (!arendt-n road to be

34.17 feet, as heren,fore established. 2. The elrvuti:,n at Canarsi,- lane to be 36.6

feet. East Thirty-ninth Street.

t. The elerati+,n at (larendon road to be 54.03 feet. as h-'rch ,forc established.

2 The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 35.48 feet.

East Fortieth Street. t. The elevation at Clarendon road to be

.3 7t f'et, as heretofore established. 2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 34.3

feet. Albany Avenue.

I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be tq.n8 feu-t, a-: heretof- re e,tablis!'ed.

The elevation at Canarsic lane to be 35.6 feet.

East Forty-second Street. I. The elreatii+n at ( larcoiloo road to be

35-43 f•-et, as heret,'fore e-tab'ished. 2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 37

feet. East Forty-thirri Street.

1. The clrvati„n at (larond'inn road to be I t. t.3 fret, as hedt' , fmre gistahli -hed.

2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 35.65 feet.

Troy Avenue.

t. The elevation at Clarendon road to be -32.78 feet, as heretofore established.

2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 31.16 feet,

East Forty-6/Ni Street. I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be

3t.43 feet, as heretofore established. 2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 29.81

feet. East Forty-si.rth Street.

I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be 3o. 13 feet, as heretofore established.

2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 28.7 feet.

Schenectady Avenue.

I. The elevation at Clarendon road to be .18,78 feet, as heretofore established.

2. The elevation at Canarsie lane to be 31.03 feet.

,q. The elevation at Beverley road to be 33.6t feet, as herelufore established.

.'ill el.•vations refer to mean high-water datum, as established by the Bureau of Highways.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed change at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City hall, Borough of Manhattan, ('its of New York. on the 5th day of June, tgn8, at 10,30 o'clock a. m.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- sons affected thereby that the proposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to he held at the aforesaid time and place. to be published in the CITY Recoao and the corpora• lion newspapers for ten days continuously, Sun' chat's and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 8th day of June, 19o8.

JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.


N ()TICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN TIl,kT THE linard of Estimate and Apportionment

of The City of New York, deeming for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan if The City Af New York so as to change the grade of Kenmore place, between Woodruff avenue and Caton avenue; of East Twenty-first street, between Caton avenue and Church avenue and of Caton avenue, between Ocean avenue anti Flatbush avenue, Borough of Brooklyn; and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old Council Chamber, City Hall. Borough of


Manhattan, City of New York, on June 5, i9o8, at 1o.3o o clock a. in., at which such pro-posed change will be considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolutions adopted by the Board on May 8, loos, notice of the adop-tion of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved. That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment of The City of New York, in pur suance of the provisions of section 44.1, of the Greater New 1 ork Charter, as amended. deem-ing it for the public interest so to dr,, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York, by changing the grade of Kenn are place, between Woodruff avenue and Caton avenue; of East Twenty-first street, between Caton avenue and Church avenue, and of Caton avenue, be- tween Ocean avenue and Flatbush ai_enue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, more particularly described as follows:.

Kenmore Place. Beginning at the intersection of Kenmore place

and Woodruff avenue, the elevation to be 56.78 feet, as heretofore;

Thence southerly to a point distant It 5 feet from the southerly building line of VVnodreIf ave-nue at its intersection with the centre Iine of Kenmore place, the elevation to he 54-90 feet: Thence southerly to the intersection of Caton

avenue, the elevation to be 52.40 feet, as now ill use and improved,

East Twenty-first Street Beginning at the intersection of East Tweuty-

first street and Caton avenue, the elevation to be 52.40 feet, as now in use and improvers; Thence southerly to the intersection of Church

avenue, the elevation to be 47.80 feet, as here- tofore.

Caton Avenue. Beginning at the intersection of Caton avenue

and Ocean avenue, the elevation to be 53.50 feet, as heretofore;

Thence easterly to the intersection of Ken-more place and East Twenty-lirst street, the ele-vation to be 52.40 feet, as now in use and iut- proved;

Thence easterly to the intersectian of Flatbush avenue, the elevation to be 52.39 feet, as here- tofore.

Note—All elevations refer to mean I th eystsi datum, as determined by the Bureau of 1It h ways, Borough of hr,oklvn.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed change at a to ci np of tl;e fl aril, to be held in the City []all, ib rouuh of \la!thattan. City of New York, on the 5th day of June, 19o8, at t0.3o o'clock a. nt.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per-sons affected thereby that the prupo-ed change will be considered at a meeting of the ]Imrd, to be held at the aforc aid time and Tpl-tee, to he publisher) in the Cl7v Recoae and the e unuratonl newspapers for ten days cull innonsly, Sundmys and legal holidays excepted, prire the 5th day of June, tool.

JOSE1'll 11.\AC, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.


N O'l'10E IS 111-:REIN Glv'I_N TbA'r AT the mretinc of the Iillar•I of E-titnate and

Apportionment held un Slav 8, t9o8, the fnllous-jug resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The It'nell :f 1{=:in:ale and ?rpnot= tionment of The ('its- of Ni-.c 1',rk is rm-id•r-ing the advisability of in-ti'uting lurch:cii.- g, tI acquire title to the lanrIe an-1 tic • tai -u-s i, quircd for the opeuinfi and extending of •Scribe T, from Ocean parkway to East SOxte, lull ctrcVt, except-ing the prof-erty occupied ho= for tracks of the Long Island Rail,-, all and of the Cr:o kl n and Brighton Beach Rnilroaul, in the Ib,n ugh of Brooklyn. Cite of Neu' York; ;rtnl

\4hereas, Tbu B,arl r,f I•.-!imatc and Appor-tinnment is auth-,rize,l and rry•:irvl at this tune of the adoption of the re= lotion dircr-tinq the institution of prnccrrliufis to acrluirc- till- to Ih•.• lands required for the Sung--itug impr,cr:-•cat trI fix and determine upon an area .,r ar- as of assessment for Lcnofit for said prier dine.

Res, lved, That the B-- rd of E-timate sold ,1p portionmrml, in p--tr=_ua: , e --f ti e true isi ass of section g8o of the Gwat-r Neu' York I.h.nrtcr. hereby giv•s notice that the follnu-ice i- th, proposed area of asre.,mtrnt f•,r benefit ii, thi- proceeding:

Bounded on the nu'itll by a line mid,cav be-tw'een Avenue I and Avenrte I: (in the last by a line midway between E'a't Si':te,-nlh strc:t ant] East Seventeenth street: nn floe south I,' a lint midway between Avenue I and A:r-now F. am1 on the west by a line mi,lwav hetwcen East Fifth street and O:-can parkway.

Resolve,], That this it''ard chin si<lcr the pro-posed area of ass'cs-Tncot at a me--tins of the Board to be held in The (its' of New Yu'rk, Borough of Manhattan, in tic City Hall, r n the 5th day of June, trout, at ir,.3o a. in., allot that at the same time and place- a public hearing thereon will then ard there 1: harl-

Resulved, That the Sccrrtary r.f this Board cause thee rrsnlutiu,ns and a n• ti -v to all per- sons affected thereby to lie published

in the CITY

Recoao and the curporath-n m:wspa!,crs for ten days prior to the 5th uiay of lam-, t'u8.

JOSEI'il II A:\ (1. Secretary,

No- 277 Broatlw•ay, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.


N OTICE IS 1lElth2CV GIVi-;N TlLVI' Al the meeting of the' 11 rtrd „f Estimate and

Apportionment held on Ala-. 8, 19o8, tl,e 1,11uw-ing reu-olutions were acl:ipt,'I:

Whereas, The B,,arrl of Estimate and Appnr-tionment of 'I-he City of Nu n York is c''nsider-ing the advisability of iiistintti: g proceeding:, to acquire title to the lands +tad prcutises required for the opening and extending of:

East Twenty-second street, freum Flat end, ln road to Beverley road, ;u rh

East Twenty third street, from Flatbush ave-nue to Canarsie lane, —in the Borough of Brnuklyn, City of New York; and

Whereas, The BrIarr] r,f Estimate and Appor-tionment is authorised and rrquirrsI at the tnue of the adoption of the re -olution dirrcling the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the f,:reg'ing improvement too fix and determine upon an•irea or an-as of assessment for benefit for said l,rou-e (tiny,,

Resolved, That the IS-yard o of F tunate and Ap portipnmr-nt, in pursuance of t]e Jtru,Islulis of section q8o of the Greater New Yr rk Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in thi, proceeding:

Beginning at a point on a line midway between Clarendon road and Vanderveer J[lac r- when• it is intersected by the prolongation of a line midway between Flatbush avenue and East Twenty-sec- ond street, and running thence nurthwardly along the said line midway between Flatbush avenue and East Twenty-second street and the prrhlunga- tion thereof to a point distant too feet northerly from the northerly line of Beverley road; thence eastwardly and parallel with Beverley road to

the intersection with a line midway between East 'Twenty-second street and Fast Twenty-third street; thence southwardly along the said line midway between East Twenty-second street and East Twenty-tIurn street to the intersection with a title distant too feet northerly' from and paral-1, l with tie uuhithculs' line of Canarsie lane, the said uiishaitee being measured at right angles to the line of Cutaru-ie lave; thence eastwardly along the said line parallel with Canarsie lane to the intersection with a line midway between East yKhculn-tlard street and Bedford avenue; thence sr tnKsramly along the said line midway between Past Twenty-third street and Bedford avenue amt the prolongation thereof to the intersection frith the pioluoga:ivn of the centre line of New-kirk avenue, as laid out easterly from 1'latbush auruuuc; thence westwardly along the prolongs' tion of the centre line of Newkirk avenue to the irtcrsection with a line distant too feet south-westcrly from and parallel with the southwesterly live of Mnthosi avenue, the said distance being mcasurc,l at right angles to the line of Flatbush avenue: thence northwestw•ardly and parallel with Plafhush avenue to the intersection with the pro-1,.ogation of a line distant too feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of East Twen- 1 -tl,ircl street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of East Twenty-third .1rcct: th cod c nnrthwatills' along the said line t~:n allot with Fast 'I %venty-third street to the in-Icrsection teith a line midway between Clarendon road :u:d 1 an, lerrveer place: thence westwardly aler,g the said line midway between Clarendon marl and \'anderveer place to the point or place ,-f 1;^ginning.

Rr='ulv~d, That this Board consider the pro-i_rll area of assessment at a meeting of the

Itr•anl to be lurid in The City of New York, R"much of ',11anh tub tan, in the City Hall, on the =Ihu day of Junco too3, at i0.3e a. m., and that TI the sauto time and place a public hearing thereon will I1•en and t!tere hi- had.

Rcx,bveid, That the Secretary of this- Board cans' thc-e resolutions and a notice to all per a"nc affected Hiete1uy to be puiu]i'-lhcd in the CITY I' I:cnrn and the core- ration newspapers for ten days prior to the sth day of Tun,, rno8.


No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406, Telcphotzc, 0280 Worth,


IS 'T1 - I ' G1\' EN THAT AT

1T O'I' iv tl L III. tiie F.

V !hc meetine ~f the is"arrL nE Estimate and „I ,, ,rti, mn, nt In ld nn Mar 8, t9o8, the fol-

n¢ -csolrnisons wore aclueutwi: ~•

i1Vhe rcac, The R,'ard of E'timate and Appor


'•f -I'i e City of New York is consider-ng the arlvisr,hil itc of institntine proceedings to ao,luire title tr, the lands and premises required !,n- tic' iupcnine and extending of Fifth-ninth <tru rt, finni F:nuo: unbcven lane to 'iirte"nth 1-else. anil firm Seisniy•cnth avenue to West -tu 4ct, in the Borough of Br0uIetyo, City of New

1y, ,1-1 : au-•.I \V-hrrea-. •Ihr hoard of E'timatr'. and Appor-

ti,,nnient is atuhoriu'd and regnirrd at the time of tho :nlutdi_m of the re=olntion directing the i't4ituti,: n of t,rorr•,-d:nes to acquire title to the lull 'L required for the foregoing improvement to fix and determine union an aria or areas of .:,.i_e-S "le nt for bu'rlrfit f•,r said proceeding.

Rrs,dve'l. T'iiat tho Rr,ard of Estimate and Ap-r„,rti'unmi'nt, in pnr'unnce of the Provisions of ,cti„n oSo of the Crrt•er Nr•w lock Charter,

herchv git-cs notice that thr fr,llc,wine is the pro-n,uscd area of as'essmont for benefit in this orocced hr: p:

1. IS,mndcd ml the northwest by the sountlu-:-a-terlv line of E,•tncenhnv• n lane: on the ':' r'ln:rst I,v a line' midtras- bettveu-n Fifty-eighth trou-t au,l PiIty—niluthh =trot: nn the 'ootheast

'IV a line di-tout too fret snntlicasteily from and t-arallel IIith file s'~•-ttl, :aatcrls• line of Tliirteenth cr our, the sail ,hi-tan,-r heine mrasured at right

nuleles to the liar of 'rhinhu'ent!t avenue, and on the =r, athh,c't by a line nti,lv;ay behreen Fifty-'inth ltdcc-I and Sixti.-th stud.

2 Bee'i lilt ine at a point on a liar midway be- :ccc 11 l-ifty-eit'hth shcct and Fifty ninth street li-:lutut tn,t fret nr,rtlnre-terlc from the north-

,u - u,tu'rly line r,f Suvcuului'ltlu avenue, and run-cir•t t'lcn , o is III l, cs'twnrdle along the raiul line nI1Ncav bu , tv:een I"iftc-citehth street and Fifty-;r-Ih stud-'-1 t', the w'e -Ivrlt line of Wrst street: coce ca• t ,rsnit': at riJ*ht angles to the line of

'a-•,t Nrort a 'bi_tuoee of 1Ru feu-t: thence soutlt- .rdlc an-1 parson-1 with A1'c=t =tr,'et to the inter--•~ jinn oith a lino at rigl't au:isles to AVe'-t street, .t.! pains- uhsmehu a point nn it' , e'tl rlv slid'

.-e it is interseI ir'1 be a line midway between i rty-moth itrceI and Sixtirlh 'trert: tlfencewest ., r•II_v slung the sai -1 line at right angles to West -1.1. t to its v:crtrrlu side; thence northwest-

rrliy al -.np the =huh line midway between Fifty-ill It street and Sixtieth street to thy intersection -ilh a line tia--a11l with Sevcnternlh avenue, and --sing through the point of beginning; thence

.,.rtl;castuardly and parallel wish Seventeenth .11' , :uc tr, the point or place of b--ginning.

Hi u,lvu'd, 'That this JS',ard consider the pro-I, soil area of as'essmenl at a meeting of the Carl tut be hu•Id in 7-he City of New York,

Iu,roneK r f 9lanhattan, in the City Hall, on the =,th slay of _tune, sous, at 10. 30 a. m., and that at t-ic calm' Brit' and place a public hearing '1cu r,m wilt then and there he bar!.

Ite-1, ,l, 'I'I:at the Secretary of this Board rn:sr- the-c resulufiuns and :t notice to all per-

<•,n; a17rctell thereby to lie published in the CITY gi.:c'ail and the cu rpuration newspapers for ten 'ht vs prior to the 5th day of June, ru,n8,

JOSEI'll. IIAAC, Secretary,

Ni,. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.



J N he meeting of the Board of Estimate and \ppnrtiountcnt held on Dl ay 8, 1908, hearing was

pustpuncd until Friday, June 5, 1908, in the mat-icr of acquiring title to the lands and premises rcSuirvrl for the opening and extending of West I?Icsenth street, from hay parkway to Avenue W, anJ 15'r-vt -1-wcl:th street, from Bay parkway to t 0e,-scud Basin, in the Borough of Brooklyn.

The hearing will be held in the City hall, Bor-„ugh of Manhattan, City of New York, on the th slay of Irmo, loos, at 1o.30 o'clock a. m,

[he fnil,uwing is the proposed area of assess-Ill-lit for benefit in this proceeding:

Ill-ginning at a point on the southeasterly line I flay larrway, w'hrre it is intersected by a line

mi'llua9 betwe-t'r, Wei_[ Twelfth street and West -Ilurl^enta s'rert,t an] running thence rtrrrthwest-war,ily at right angles to Bay parkway, a distance of _'uulu fir-t: thence nurtheastwarrlly and parallel

it it hay parkway to the intersection with a line at rie":t anelcs to Ibay parkway, and passing llauugto a point on the southeasterly line of i'.ay paiktvay, shire it is intersected by a line mid-was I,e•tweon \Vest Tenth street and West Elev- entb street; thence southeastwardly along the said line nt right angles to [Say parkway to the south. easterly line of Bay parkway; thence southward)y along the said line midway between West 'feint streetand West Eleventh street and the pr.i- longation thereof to a point distant too feet southerly from the southerly line of Avenue W thence westwardly and parallel with Avenue W to the intersectinn with the prolongation of a line midway between West Eleventh street and West

Twelfth street; thence nortltwardly along the said line midway between West Eleventh street and West Twelfth street and the prolongation thereof to the intersection with the prolongation of a line distant ton feet southerly from and parallel with the northerly bulkhead line of Gravesend Basin, the said distance being measured at right angles to the said bulkhead line; thence westwardly and parallel with the northerly bulkhead line of Gravesend Basin to the intersection with the pro- longation of a line midway between West Twelfth street and West Thirteentlt street; thence north-wardly along the said line midway between West Twelfth street and West Thirteenth street and the prolongation thereof to the point or place of bcgituting.

JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth.


N OTICE IS III;REBY GIVEN THAT TILE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of

The City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York, so as to lay out and fix grades for West Two Hundred and Thirty-first street, where said street crosses the tracks of the New York and Put-nant Railroad, Borough of The Bronx, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old Council Chamber, City Hall, Iiomugh of I1lanhattan, City of New York, on June 5, tgo8, at 10.30 o'clock a. rut,, at which such proposed change will be considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly set forth and descriherl in the following resolutions adopted by the hoard on May 8, tgo8, notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of h•stimatc and Ap-portionrnent of The City of New York, in pur-suance of the provisions of section 442 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, deeming it for the public interest our to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York, by laying out and fixing grades for West Two IIttndred and Thirty-f'rst street, where said street crosses the tracks of the New York and Putnant Railroad, in the Borough of The ISronx, City of New York, more particularly described as follows:

I- The street is to have a width of 8o feet and its lines are to be the prolongation of the lines of the street, as hcretoforc laid out on each side of and adjoining the railroad lands,

2, The grade of the street where it crosses over the railroad is to he n6 feet above mean high water datum, as established for the Borough of The Bronx.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-pused change at a meeting of the Board, to be held in the City hall, 1sorvagh of Slanhattan, City of New York, on the 5th day of June, 19o8, at ro-31) o'clock a. tn.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these ses0hniotis and a notice to all per- sons affected thereby that the prruposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board, to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the CITV Riuucoan for ten clays con-tinuously, Sundays and lrrgal holidays excepted, prior to the 5th day of June, tno8.

JOSE}']I TTAAG, Secretary,

No, 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth,


N ONCE IS IIERI•:BY GIVEN 'r1lA-h' AT the meeting of the hoard of Estimate and

Apportionment held on \lay 8, 19o8, the fuulluw'hng resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The lloard I ,f Estimate and Appor-tiunntent of The City r:f New Yurk is cousi, lcr-ing the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of the unnamed street on the westerly side of the 1[arlem ](iver, between Broadway and Muscuota (1Yest Two hundred and Twenty-fifth) street, and of those Flitiuns of West Two Ilundrrd and Twcuty-sixth street and West Two Ilundred and Twenty-sev-enth street located between the said unnamed street and Broadway, which have nut heretofore been acquired, in the Borough of 11:mhattau, City f New York; and

\Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment is authorized and required at the tune of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and determine upon an area or areas of as-sessment for benefit for said proceeding.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portiunrnent, in pursuance of the provisions of section 980 of the Greater New Y urk Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the proposed area of assessment for benefit in this prr,cee ling:

]Beginning at a point on the prolongation of a line mictway between Dluscoota street and West Two hundred and Twenty-sixth street, as laid out at Broadway, distant too feet northwesterly from the northwesterly line of llroadway, and running thence nurthcastwardly along a hue al-ways parallel with and Lou feet distant from the northwesterly line of Broadway, to the intersec-tion with the prolongation of a line distant too feet northeasterly from and parallel with the northeasterly line of the unnamed street as laid out where it meets Broadway, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of the unnamed street; thence south-eastwardly along the said line parallel with the Olin timed street to the intersection with a line distant too feet easterly fruut and parallel with the easterly line of the unnamed street as laid out immediately south of the angle point south-easterly from ISroadway, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of the un-named street; thence southwardly along a line always distant too feet easterly from anct parallel with the easterly line of the unnamed street, and the prolongation of the said line, to a point dis-tant too feet southerly from the southerly line of Muscnnta street, the said distance being measured at right angles to the lice of Muscoota street; thence westwardly and parallel with Muscoota street to the intersection with the prolongation of a line distant too feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of the unnamed street as laid out north of and adjoining M us-coota street, the said distance being rteaaurrd at right angles to the Iirue of the unnamed street; thence n'urthwarriIy along the said line parallel will, the unnamed street to the intersection with a line midway between Moscnnta street and West Two IInudreel and 'Twenty- sixth street, as laid out immerliatr•ly southeasterly from Broadway; thence nnrthwratwardly along the said line midway be ,weer iii uycuuta strict anr] West Two hundred and 'l'w,'ntv-sixth street and the prolunuati„n thereof, to the point or place of beginning (ex-cepting from the above described area so much of it as is exempt from assess[11Ct11 under the pro-visions of section '392 of the Greater New York Charter as amended).

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-pr~sed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to he held in The City of New York, Bor-ough of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on the 5th day of June, t9o8, at ,0,30 R. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- sons affected thereby to be published in tl-e Crry Recuau for tell days prior to the 5th day of June, 1908,

JOSEPH lIAAG, Secretary,

No, 277 Broadway, Room 1406. Telephone, 2280 Worth-


NT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT IN the meeting of the Board of Estimate and

1h,ortiortmlucuut held on May 8, 19o8, the follow' ing resolutions were adopted:

Wbcreas, 'l'he Board of Estimate and Appor-tionntent of The City of New York is consider' iug the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of West Two ]Inudred and 'Thirty-fifth street, from Spuyten Duyvil parkway to Riverdale avenue; Cambridge :[venue, from West Two IIundred and '1'hirty-lif[It street to West Two 1-ltnndred and Thirty' sixth street; and West Two Ifundred and '1'hirty-sixth street, from Cambridge avenue to Riverdale -tvenue, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-ti, litmcnt is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the ills: itutiun of proceedings to acgnirc title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to lix :,,id determine upon all area or areas of as-scsstnent for benefit for said proceeding,

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portiunntent, in pursuance of the provisions of suction q8o of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro. posed area of assessment for benefit in this pro-ceoding:

Beginning at a point on the line bisecting the angleformed by the intersection of the pro- lunt;ations of the centre lines of West Two Iltm-dred and 'thirty-second street and West Two Ilundred and Thirty-filth street as laid out be. ttceen Arlington avenue and Netherland avenue, distant too feet easterly from the easterly line of Riverdale avenue, the said distance being tneas-ured at right angles to the line of Riverdale aye-Ii lie, and running thence westwardly along the said hicectiug line to the intersection with a line that is al\vays distant ton feet northwesterly from and parallel with The nurtltwcslcrly line of Spuy-ten lluyvil parkway, the said distance being measured at right angles to the line of Spuyten )uyzil uaikss'av: thence northeastwarrlly along

the said line parallel with Spuyten Duyvil park-way to The intersection with a line bisecting the angle forrnerl by the intersection of the pro- lonGatiuns ldf the cenIre lines of West Two Il tin. rlred and 'fhirty-Iifth street and West Two Ifutt-dred nod 'I'hirty-sixth street as laid out between Netherland avenue and Johnson avenue; thence ctistwaclhly along the said bisecting line to the intcrwcts0o vivith ;, line midtray between Oxford avill ie and CamKriilgc avet cue ; thence n8rth-wardly along the sail line midway between 0x' Si avenue and Cambridge avenue to the inter- Suction with the prolongation of a line midway between West Two hundred and 'Thirty-sixth street and West Two Hundred and Thirty-eighth street as the said streets are laid out easterly from Piehlstun road; thence erastwardly along the said line midway between West Two hundred sill 1'hirly sixth ,Ireet and West Two hundred and Thirty-righ1h Street and the prolongation Ihereof to a point di,tant too feet easterly from the easterly line of Fieldston ruarl; thence south-svardly and p:trall,•I with Pielrlstun road and Ilicerdale avenue to the point or place of be-I!inning.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed area rut as;essment at a meeting of the Board to be hclrl in The ('its of New York, Bor-ough of Manhattan, in fire City Hall, on the 5th slay of Jutte, tqu8, at to-3o a. nt., and that at the saute lime and 'lie',' a public hearing thereon will then and there be haul.

Resolved, That file Secretary of this Board cause these resnluutiuuius and a notice to all persons affected thcrchy to be puhlishe,l in the CITY Ilr:cutro for ten days prior to the 5th day of June, lgo8-


No. 277 Broadway, Room 1406. 'Telephone, 2280 Worth,


N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT AT the meeting of ft v Board of Estimate and

\ppdAilmiteot held uu May 8, tgo8, the follow. irtg resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionmcut of The City of New York is consider-ing the advisability of instituting proceedings to acquire title to the lands and premises required for the opening and extending of Baltic street from Metropolitan avenue to the Long Island Railroad, in the Second Ward, in the Borough of Oueens, City of New York; and

Whereas, The hoard of Estimate and Appor-tiunment is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institutionof proceedings to acquire title to the lands required for the foregoing improvement to fix and determine upon an area or areas of aa-sessrrrcnt, for benefit for said prucceding.

Resolved, That the Itnard of Estiumte and Ap-portiunment, in pursuance of the provisions of section g8o of the Greater New York Charter, hereby gives notice that the following is the pro-poserl area of assessment for benefit in this pro- cceding:

Beginning at a point on the southwesterly property line of the Long Island Railroad, where it is intersected by the prolongation of a line midway between William street and Baltic street, as laid out between Zeidler street and Arctic street, and running thence seuthcastwardly smug the said property line to the intersection with a line bisecting the angle formed by the prulonga-tiuns of the southeasterly line of Baltic street and the westerly line of Collins avenue; thence soutlt- wardly ailing the said bisecting line to a point midway between Arctic street and Atlantic street; thence in a straight line lu a point on the south- westerly line of Zeidler street, where it is inter-sected by a line at right angles to the line of 'Metropolitan avenue,passn ig through a point on its northerly side midway between Baltic street and Zeidler street; thence souihwardly along the said line at right angles to M,-ttdipuiiIan avenue to a point distant too feet southerly from its soolIserly side; thence westwardly and parallel with Metropolitan avenue to the intersection with a line at right angles to Metropolitan avenue, and passing through a point on its northerly side where it is mtersecled by the line bisecting Inc angle formed by the intersection of the prolonga-Tinns of the centre lines of William street and Baltic street, as laid out between Metropolitan :venue and 7.ridler street; thence northwardly along the said line at right angles to Metropolitan avenue tel its northerly side; thence northeast-warelly along the said bisecting line to the Inter-section with the prolongation of a line parallel with William street, and passing through the point of beginning; thence northeastwardly along the said line parallel with William street and the prolongation thereof to the point or place of be- ginning.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed area of assessment at a meeting of the

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1908. , H~a CITY RE' CORD. 6429

hoard to he held in The City of New York, lior-riugh of >Vlauhattan, in tie lily Ilall, on the tth day of June, 19n8, at to. ;n a. i'i., '11111 that at tire same time arid place a public horn rig thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolution and a notice to all persons affected thereby to be l,ubiishcd in the Criy RecoRD fir ten days prior to the gth day of June, lyo8.

JOSIP11 TT.\A(;, Secretary,

No. 077 lirr:ni,vrnY, k+g.nt ,.to6. 'Pcicphunc. 208o Worth.

m22,j 3


Morning—"Tbe Sun," "The New York 'Times."

Evening—"The Glob,," "The Evcriirrg Mail."

Weekly—"Democracy," "Tanm::uty Tinirs."


Designated by tire board of City Record, laou

arty 2z, 11)6. .Ninended March i, tou6• Nuvem-ber za, 19116, l'ebruary au, 1907, and i\larch 5, 1908.


I)sl'otcrou;Nr of \\'::u:R Sut'rLY, Gss sari ELite' rRICiIY, Ro:,t.i r5(,, Aus. 13 'n, .ri foal: Ruw,

L'uaouc,tt of \lanttarrns, Crry of \r•.w lu 2 K.

S E.'\I-I';l) BIDS UR ES'I'I\f.\H."'; \b'lii. lit; rca ive,l by the C,mmmi-: i„tier of \\'a:cr

Suplrlc, (;:,, and Electricity at lime abn',e i,It ice until z u',1<,ck Ii, m. on

1'ILID,►Y, JUNE 5, 190+5. Ilorutrgh of itru,,LIy n.


The time for di livery of the articles, materials and supplies and the perfarmanee of the contract is until .\I;rig I, 19119.

The air.nuut of security will be Fifty Thousand Dollars ($,5n,near ).

The biil,lor v. ill state the Iris', Iier miit. of each item of w„rk , r sif1, jilIcs ' :oitain,'d • in the specificatiuus or schedule, by `4111Ch the bids Will be tc,tc.1.

The Lids will be compared nail the c, :i,tract awanlyd for all 111c '' i sI;, articl,' , matrri;r s aril snplilics cintaincd ill tire spr_citiati0ris or schcd- ule •rtf'1d'.d Ihcrcto.

11('1nlr forms mac L, i,b1)iiiirt at the office of the Ile o ,artninrirt cif 'r\ air Sriiy]y, Gas ain't iiec-tricit0, the It rr i ,n_11 11 \1:mbrItnn, N,,, I; In zt Talk row, and at Room z8, dlunicip.il ltuibting, Borough if Brooklyn.

JOh N 11, fnRll;N, Commissioner of VVoter Sul,ply,

(;as and lib-ctricitt. The City of New York, May 2z, 1908.

nt23,js g,; v,',• Ia•uer7J lnMlrn('l ftutn to Itid-

41('rR on 1h.• Invt lo1Igr. Lied rolunr n, of the "1'ily R,-.vr,•d. ,

1)rri'AKmlI:NF ,;r \VATI:R Su err. Y, Gus .AND lRictTY, Ro,o.11 i536, Nos. 13 ru zt 1'.-uct: Ruts', lrrijUIri of NIANIIAl A, , CI-ry or \cw Yol4K.

S L•':\LIit ItIUS OR LS7'l'.i.\l'I:a \\'ll.f. L'1•: rccc ivcd by the l',I i-'inncr of Water

Supl,ly, (;a,. au,l Electricity at the ahovc uiiirr until z o'clock p. m. on

S%'EI)7I'SI).Y, JUIUt 10, 1:IU!i. li+>t•o n;;h of ltroul.I 'ii.

Ni. I. Hilt FURNISIIINI; AND I)FI.1V'- ERIN(; C.\.,'1'-IRUN S''1 Uhf IS(.)\h..i .\N I) CUVP:Rr.

.1 iii lime allowed for the d<liie,y of lime ar-ticles, materials and Sin,tlies au<I the 1,crfunu-anee of the contract will he until Deoenfucr 31. I grid.

The airs r tit of security will be Ten Tb11osaii( Dollars ($tii. u„u).

Nu. _ Pt)R hUK.1tilIINr; AND 1)I?LIV-i;RIN(; 51;1,1'11,\"I'IC OF .\LtbitlN,'r.

'lire time for the dcliv<ry of tire articles, Ina-terials and : uliplics and lire pertorwance of the cuutiact is Iiiccwbcr 31, r9r,8.

The a:n,iunt nil security will he 7su Thousand Dollars t$a. mou).

Ni. 3. l'l)k FURNIsIIING ANTI I)E1.1V-EII1NG TO01_S. (;:A1(UliN I,II'I.l•:AII•:N"fS, F.'1 C.

The time for 1bc delivtry of tire articiec, n:n. lerials and 8npl,lie8 and the perfurmauce of Ire contract is ninety (9o) calendar days.

The aniouut if security shall Inc 'I\vo Thousand Dollars ms),

Nn. ,. I UR II,A(11.1A(; ,\N11 L.A1- f.Nit WATT';1: tI.%INS AND \I't1RThN.\NCES IN 'I'IIE BOROUGII OF hltl)Kl.\'N. Section I. In streets within the boundaries

of I)i8lriet Nu, 3. Section a 1n streets within the buuudarin's

of District Nu. 4, The little allowed for doing and c0nip1etm:g

each section of the above Wink will Inc uini'iy (911) working days. If the contract is awrurdcd to one Linder fur birth soetinn+ the time alluwc,l for doing and completing the whale work will be one bhfdrenl (trnt) working ,lass.

The anuanrt of security will hi': For Section r, NineThrnus:unl Fi,e 1hind in' il 16 ilium ($+).5„n); for Section z. Ten 'I'Innsru..I 1)ull:t's (Stu. nr 111.

Ni. %. 1't)It IIAU1.ING ANI) I,.A1'IN(; W:IT'h:I( \I:\INS ANI) :\I'1'i k II'I•.;\:\Nh ES IN 'IIIE Ik)K0UC1l OF ItMI)(,ICi.I"N.

Scales I. In streets within the boundaries of District Ni, I.

Sec tin z. In streets within the boundaries of Ilislrict Nu. 2.

'rile tints allowed for doius and cnmph•ting each section of the above wnnrk will lie uiucly (9o) working days. If the siui;Yi,o is awoeuhn',I to one I,i,lil,i fur bath s,-ct ons. tine limn- all„f..c.nI for doing and cmrrplctii(t the wh„I, work will be one iorvlrcil (ion) w'nrkine days.

Time amun uit of sccuriiv will be: Fur Scetion I, Bight oFim0ncuu Ficv Ilnndre,l Dollars ($R,.cnu); for Section z, Seven "Thousand Five Ilttndred Dollars ($7,5111,).

Nu. 6 FUIl P1.7RNISI1IN!; AND ill•:LI\'1•:I? IN(; (PIPE, 111'1•: FY'I-i - IN(;So \'AI,\ ES. ItU11.1:12 . flF:5 I:'I'('.

The time for dn•livery nil tilt' articles. np'1lerialS anrl supplies and the per f„rinnrnce of the contract will be one hundred and fifty (I nn) calendar days.

The amount of sr-c iii- ity will be fifty per vent. (50'7,) of the amount of the bid ur estimate.


Class A—Soap, polishing paste, etc. Class B—Electrical supplies. Class C—Hardware.

Class D—Paints, oils, etc. Class E—Engine room supplies. ('lass F—Sheet metals, Class G—Lamps, lanterns, etc. ('lass Il—Rope and calking yarn. Class 1—Rubber hose. (lass J—Glass, Class K—Wire. Class l.—Leather and belting. Class \l-1'lumberti supplies. Class N—Pipe and boiler covering. The tittle for delivery of the articles materials

a.i,l supplies and the performance of the cml- traot is ninety (9o) calendar days.

The amount of security shall be fifty per centum of the amount of the bid or estimate.


'Pile maximum time allowed for the delivery of the articles, materials and supplies and the performance: of the contract is ninety (go) calen- clar days.

1'tie amount of security will be the amount cyual to the aggregate of the sums set opposite each Ilan bid upon, the security for each item being as follows: Srr.mity for' Item r ...............$6o on Security for Ito nt z ............... '8o o0 ti-cu city fur Item 3 .............•. 3rc oo ti<, urily for Per” 4 ............... 20 00 Sn- ur ity for Item 5 ............... 140 00 5•<cnrity for Item 6 ............... 20 00 Srcmity Air Itr•.m 7 ............... .30 00 Ocr•in ity for Item it ............... 20 00 Seca rity fur Itern 9 ............... 450 ou Secitrity for Item to .............. 70 on

The bidder will state the price per unit of caelt item of work or supplies contained in the spceif~cations or schedule, by which the bids will be tested.

'fhc bids will he compared and contracts nw:vded at a lunip or aggregate sum to the Iowest hurl rinr on Nov. r, 2 and 3, and to the I west bidder on each section in Nos. 4 and

(and to the lowest bidders on items for Nos.

, 7 and )n. Itlr,nk Sun iris may be obtainer( at the office of

the I)pomnteot of Water Supply, Gas and Elec-tricity, the ilium tigl of Manhattan, Nos. 13 to zt Park rmv. and at Roams 28 and 25, Municipal Itnildiug, ilnrougb of Brooklyn.

JOHN II. O'BRIEN, Commissioner of Water Supply,

(gas and Electricity. The City of New York, May 2t, 1908.

m 22,j 10

;t-. tit's• General IoNfeuefioii9 to h id-der” 4011 the• Jost Uug'c, lit ,t column, of I I.e "I y Itt•e0id.”-- _ ------- —

i1N'ARTvnINT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC-TRtcirv, 1tanM 153(n, Nos, 13 10 2I PARrc Row, I (otrnU(tr{ of \I AN iLATTAN, Clry uF N6av YORK.

S I•:ALEA) RIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL IIB rcccisemi by the Commissioner of Water

S,tpply, (ias and Electricity, at the above office, until in o'clock p, tit. on

W1:DNI'ISDAY, JUNE 10, 1908. Borough of Illchursoud.


The time allowed for doing amt completing the work <cill he one htntdred and twenty (120) Con--ec

nntivn' w,ukinit days.

'1.1 v security required will be Ninety Thousand I)olla,. (g,,n,n„ nut .

'I'Le bir:ciers wia slate the price per unit of each iient of wu:9: ur s:•q,plies contained in the specifi-rnti„u; or schedule, by which the bids will be t,:.atc, 1.

'I'I,o bits will be compared and the contract arm or,(em fur all tine w+nrk, articles, materials and Sri pplic' contained in the stnn-enincat ions or schedule ittavhed ihcrrto, to the lowest bidder. Ridcleis are regncsted to make their bids or

n'gnlalcs ul'un the blank form prepared by the I)cl•nrl!urut, It copy of which, with the proper , ncrl,l,<• in which to inclose the hid, togetltrr tt'ith a cnpv of the contract, including the spccifi-r;ltinuns, in the form approved by the Corporation ( ,iIn=et, c•an be obtained anon application thr're-fur at the office of the Conmtissioner, and any fmtrthor information cart he obtained at the Office• of the I)rpnAment for the Borough of Richmond, I:ont ary, T'inrough ]fall, where the plans inlay he seen.

JOIN 1T, O'IIRIEN, Comnisimuner of Water Supply,

Gas and Electricity. The City of New York, May 2I, 19o8.


. .i' See 17,'11 'rnl Iustriiet Tons to Bid-therN nu time• last bug's', last eoiunuy of Ii s' "('II' It eco rd.”

ItEFARTDILNT OF WATER SUPPLY, GAS AND ELEC- rrucrrv, Routs 1536, Nos, 13 TO 21 PARK Ru5v, lii ntnll,,n olt iiI, iiATI'AN, CITY OF NEW YORK.

1•:.\1.ITI) RIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE rn'eciccii by the cunmmisoiunrrer of Water

Supply, (;as and Electricity at the above office until z o'clock p. m. on

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 11)0k. Ihirouglan of Miiitattun amid'l'he Bronx.

I alt I'LtRN1S1IINlg, 1)1{1.1VERING AND \S'I.ALI.INn; UN1,' 11AND-UI'h:RA'I'I:1)'l'R.AV-

I-LIN(; ('R:\NI•; IN '1'LIE III(;I1-IRESSURE 1'l'\II'INI; ST:\Tlt)N LOC;''i'1':1) A'l' GANSE-\flOi('I' .\\I) WI-;S-l' ST'B1(I:"l'S, AND PU1:-

IsIIINt;• I)I•:I,1V'lfRING AND INS.I'AE.LIN(; I)NE 1I:\NI)-IM'TgBAi1.bIYR,\V1•a.IN(;Clt:\NI•; IN -1'111? 11IG11 TBl;SSURr; lUNIVIN; S'I'A-'1'ioN LO('.\T'1.it \'I' OLIVER AND SOUTH S I'RICI;'I'S, ItOROlJ[glI OF \IANIIATTAN,

The tittle allowed for completing the work will Ile mm ninety (c)n) w„rking days.

'Fine sccnrity required will be Three Thousand 1)Ilars (S..3 t llln).

The bidders will state the price per unit of etch item of work or supplies contained in the tiprc•itraliuns inc schedule, by which the bids will Inc t,sted.

The bids will he compared and the contract awariniil for all the work, articles, materials and nninphm.s contained in the speriftcations or sched-ule :utachcd tlhereto, to the lowest bidder.

L'ini,icms arc rri1nrn'u,nenl to make their bids or c',liniofvs spun the blank form prepared by the Inrpnrrfm•-ot, a copy of which, with the proper c•nvcl,,pc in which to inclose the bid, together with a copy of the contract. including the spedi-liaati' mis, in the form approved by the Corpora-ii,on i'n,umnin.et, and any further information may he „bloined upon 0inp(ieahon therefor at the office of tie Chief Engineer. Room 922, Nos.

(0 21 Park row, Borough of Manhattan. JOAN II, O'BRIEN,

Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity.

The City of New York, May at, I908. m22,j 10

14°f" See General Instructions to Did-ders on the last page, last column, of the "City Record."



W TER RATES FOR igu8-g WILL BE due and payable

FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1008.

If not paid before August t, r9o8, a penalty of five per cent. will be added, and if not pair before: November t, tgo8, an ad litional penalty of ten per cent. (a total of fifteen per cent.) will be adder(.

Bills for water rates may he obtained on and after May I on personal application.

For the convenience of taxpayers and to facili- tate the business of the Department, it is re-quested that application be made by mail for such bills at once,

Address Charles C. Wissel, Deputy Cununi,-Aioner, Room No, 2, Hackett Building, Long Island City.



'I'IIE S.A1,1•: OF IlUILUlN(;5 :ANI) :A1'I'UR-'I1;N.ANCI•;S 'llll;la i'U ON CITY REAL ESTATE.

b:In.1G NO17CE IS III•:IkI•;TIN, t;tV'1•;N that lire Firt.lic Service Cummi .si•,n for

)i- - e rs v •stcd the First 1 iir tct, by tittuc of tie l,uc c c in it him la's, and subjc<t to the appru,al of the Cummi-simuurs ut the Sinking; 1Fund1, will otler fur =rule at public auction time b11ib(Iflg- now st:ui'l-iug m m m,u c<---lain I,areets of Isintccty owned hy 'hire City of Nc%, lurk, Required for rapid transit iatrposes in '1'hc City of Nc,v 1 ork, L'uruu;•h of \lanh:ntau, bciu., a five-story (:rick l:uildiug standing; un Lnl, known as Lot No. 3, Nu, i.a Centre Strict, said lit hi-jug situate on the east-crly xid-nil Centre Street, an•I its most southerly point on Centre .'utrccl, bci.ug rli,tantul'ln ,,si-mately may feet It inches suav I:rity Frain tie uumt fornwd by tiro inleroecliun of the carter) ide of Centre Strict and the somniiieilv side of

l\a Ike r Street and Lein(; '1I(Iroxitn;nr ly _6 feet 4 inches in front, 26 feet 8 inches- in the rear, in depth on tire a,utlerlv side tog feet is inchc,, and our the mrrthcrly side tn3 feet; a five-stor} brick building standing on lot, known as Lut Nu, 4, No, 144 Ccnlre .gfnef, said lot adjoining, .aid loot Nu. 3 on the uurth and beinc al, Inn xi-nratcly _r, fret 4 lunches iu front, _6 fret 8

I nd ies in the rear, n 0 feet on the southerly i-irle, air,( un the n„dntrly side loo feet 4 ivcL,cs; Ii swcu'mimiy 6mrI:dinm;g standing; on hut, koomm a; Lot No, 5, Nuns, 146, 148 immat r o Centre Street and Nus. t I I, 11 •; and t t g \Volker Street, 'aid lot adjoining said Lot No. 4 nu Coe m.rth and bcinti a pl , roxtrnalcly ;- feet 3 inclwti in fruut un Centre SIrcct, 6G feet s inches un VV'alkcr Street, 8o feet 3 inches on the c:t,teeiy side thrrcof and 7i feet fi inches oti the southerly silo lhercuft a seven-story brick building stand- nun,' err gut, km non' as Lot No, 7, X0. 1 r7 Walker Sweet, said It -t,ljniuing ;aid Lot Nu. _y on the cart and being :yntnruximatclq a5 fm-ct in front, 25 feet in the rc:lr, 80 feet 3 inches nn the westerly side and 82 feet on tiie ca=tcrly side; and a four-story brick building 'taudin,C on lot, known its Lot Nos. R an, l 9, Nos, t r q and t2I Avdice Street, said lot adjoining said Lot No. 7 oil the east and hcirng apl•roxiuiatcly ;o feet inn front, So feet in the rear, ri m feet ,,n the westerly si,le thereof :Old too feet on the crush-riy side, said Parcels nut I•rut•e rt}' hcirg more particularly desc.iLcnI on urn ,'fl naps or plans au,1 a turmoraudum on file in time ,itice of the Rcgi;ter nit the County of Si 'v Yuck, which lure marked Its fulluw,: "i'0lili: Service ('i,rrlmi'nn,iinn for the Pir-i District. Chief I•:n-uinecr's Office, Route o-rrz, Ur'1wmtgNo. Xnncembcr 27, 1907, George S. Rice, Cl,icf Err. grocer."

I'ur,uant t , a rc-sulntlino of tie Public :;crvice ('utnnti-siun for time First liktricl, aclnt:terl „u VInv at,, igc,R, the sal.- of the a, nn-e mIr„ ribl buildings kill be held by o-aid Cunrmnrurn-sron uli tile premise, in in

THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 11)08,

at i t o'clock a, m., upon the fmmllufuing terms and c„mlitinns and subject to the appn,v al of the Gmtntisiollcr,, of tl.e Sinking I mini:

The buildings and apl,urtcnaocrs thereto will be sold to the highc-t bidnlcr, Moo must pay immcdiatcly cash or a cuffed checl: rlrarcn hi the order of the Cuntptruller of 'Time City „l New lurk and must •tiso, at the time of the sale, give a certif ed check or cash in It all Ilse amount of the purcba,e price as security for the faithful perfuiein'1rnee of the terms anal conditions of the sale. AVhere the a;noutrt of the t,urchase price dues not cyual c or exceed tire suit of lifly dollar: the sum of fifty dollars shall he the amount of the security to be dc- posited. 'lliis security may at any time after the •xiiiration if Clio cunlruct l,e•riod he ahPlied by The City of New York to the cost of cont-nlvting ant• of tie w,n9< nilnirenl under the contract, but unfinished at the expiration of the contract peri! id,

All the materials of the buildings, sheds, walks, Structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with their exterior and interior fixtures, appurtenances and finunintnmtimumns of all kinds, except the side-walk and curb in front ml said huiiIl1iogs extend- ing within the ulescritnemi area and down to the hen eh of the cellar buttnm, shall he torn down and rc^norcd from the premises, None of the nil rt, debris or waste Fe-ul(ing from demolition shall he aii nnvcd to remain nn the premises. ex-ce It old mortar or plaster only, which may he left, but not higher at any point than two feet below the curb opposite that point; also the foundation walls of all classes shall be taken amen only to a plane whose clev:tliun shall be the level of the curb in front of the building.

The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw and remove all abandoned water taps and old service mains, an4 in place thereof cause to be inserted a brass ping in the main water pipe in the street, in compliance wit11 the rules and regu-latiims of the Uc marl ntent of Water Supply, Gas -cud 1accteicity, and furnish the Department of Finance with a certificate fflam the Department of Water SuInply. Gas and Electricity that this has been perfurnu'd.

The purchaser at the sale shall also remove all house sewer connections to the main sewer in the street, and the opening of the stain sewer in street shall be properly closed in compliance with the directions of the I(ureai of Sewers, Borough of 1llanhattan, and furnish the Depart-ment of Finance with a certificate from the Bureau of Servers that the work has been properly perforated. '

'The permits for all openings in the street to Inc obtained by and at the expense of the pur-chaser of the building.

Failure to remove said buildings, appurte-nances, or any twrtion thereof, within sixty days from the day of the sale, will work forfeiture of ow-lice ship of such buildings, appurtenances, or portion as shall then be left standing, together

with all moneys paid by said purchaser on ac. count thereof at the time of the sale, and the Lidder,s assent to the shove conditions being understood to be implied by the act of bidding, and the (City of New York will, without notice to the purchaser, cause the same to be removed and the oasts and expense thereof charged against the see nrity above mentioned,

The work of removal must be carried on in every respect in a thorough and workmanlike manner and must be completed within sixty days from the day of sale, and the successful bidder will provide ai rl furnish all materials of labor and macininery necessary thereto, and will place prcprr and sufficient guards and fences and anni'mninmrt signs by day and night for the proven' tinn) of accidents, and will indemnify and save harmless 'Tile City of New York, its officers, agents and servants and each of them, against any and all suits and actions, claims and de-wand; of every uante and descril,ti ,n brought against it, them or any of them, and against a':ul front all damage and cots t n which it, they ,:r anv of them Inc put by reason of iuj'try to the pers,,n nr li ruperty of another, resulting from negligence nr carelessness in the performance of the work, ur in guarding the same, or from any improper or defective materials or macftinery. iunpIcincnts or appliances used in the removal of th` said Ilrti1rlin}*8.

Party walls and fences, when existing against aujaccnt praperty out sold, shall not be taken li n en n. All furein gin, plaster, chimneys, project- ing brick, etc., on time faces of such party walls, are to, be taken down and remuvcd. The walls '-hall be made ire rmanently self-supporti ug, beam holes, etc., bricked up, and the wall pointed and made• to exclude wind and rain and present a clean exterior. The roofs of the adjacent buildings shall be properly flashed and painted and manic water-tight where they have been dis- turbed by the ,pera•ions of the contractor.

,lire I'ubibe Service ('n urn missiun for the First 1)lgtrict reserves the right on the day of sale to with,lmaw from sale any of the buildings, parts of bniildings and machinery included therein, or to rcicct any and all bid•

N<'.v fork, Alay 27, 19118. I'Urr_l(- Tn1•:R\ WE Ct\l,AlISSTON ]"OR

THE FIRST DISTRICT, ity \\'\r. R. \\'ILLC+)x,

Chairman; Ity 1 irons 11. '\'nooiEv,


In z'S.j 18


iiIAIN OFFICE OF THE DEPART \I I'NT OF STREEt CLI-sx:sr., Rnr,hr 1403, Nos. I3 TO 21 PARK Row, I:'ii r, ,;il OF .\IAY7Lsl'

_ T A\, l

.iiE Cm cv OF NEW


EAb_i-lU PIu)S OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the C'ommissi„ner of Street

Cleaning at the above office until I2 o'clock tit. on

TUESDAY, ,TUNE 9, 194)5.

Dot'oii glt of Ilaitbiatlan.

('llN'iJ(.\C'l' FOR FURNISHING AND DE-1,l\'i•;llIN(; 5,onu FEET 2;4-INCII RUBBER IIt)ti1•;.

'I tie time for time delivery of the articles, mate-rial; and supplies and the performance of the c,-irh -act is 35 days.

'Tile atnuut:t of scctn-ity required is fifty per en- ml. (5i',i) of the amount of the bid or esti. mate.

'The bidder will state the price per foot, by ultieti the bids will be tested. The bids will be real and the award made to the lowest bidder.

Itelivery will be rcquirid to be made at the lime and ut the manner and in such quantities as may be directed.

Blank forms and £nether iafurmation may he „I,tain, d at the ()(lice r,f the Department of Street ((caning, the Borough of Manhattan, Nos. t3 to :I Park runs'.

PQS'1'Elt CROAYELL, Connnissinner of Street Cleaning.

Dated May- z6, rgu8. m27,j9

;t Sec• (;ent•ral IiiMtruetionaw to lifQ-dt•tw oil the lust P,ige', lust colui ii, of the "('ii)' Record.”


P ERSONS TI:'AVING L:\NI)S OR PLACES in the vicinity of New York Bay to fill

in can procure material for that purpose—ashes, ' street . weel.ings, cle., collected by the Depart-nteut of Street Cleaning—free of charge by ap-- 1 ying t•.r tae Com tuisn'ionor of Street Cleaning, N's. 13 to a Park row, Borough of Manhattan.

FOS'T'ER CRU\VLI-L, Commissioner of Street Cleaning.



lu IIi,' tnailer of the application of The City of \cu \ark, relative to ac,luiriug title wherever the- satue has not been hcretufore acquired, to the him iris, tcucmcnts and hercditaments required for the opcnin;t and extending of L':\I'ER ti'I'R1;1:'1') AV ENL'1- (although not yet named

by pr<rpvr notkrrit y-), from liaychcsInur avenue O. the City line, in the Twenty-fourth \\'ard, Cun' rig h of 'I'Inn- Bronx, City of New Yurk.

N U'lICI: IS HEREBY GIVEN Tll:v'1' TILE bill of costs, charges and expenses incurred

by reason of the proem'eulimgs in the abut- c entitled niatIcr will be prcsculcd for taxation to one of the iustices of the Ju~,remc Good oC the State , f Ncw' Turk, First Jepaitenacnt, at a Special Tenn Ihereof, fart I., ii he held at the County ( , nrrl house, in the Borough of Manhattan, mum 'Tile t iIy „f Ni'- York, on the 16th day of June, t,p,8, at io,-30 O'clock in f unit' unman of that --day. or as soon time rcaftrr as crntnsel can be heard tltere- nu; and that the =aid bill of costs, charges and cspcnses has horn depn•itod in the office of the Clerk of the ('.county of New York, there to re-maiu for anal Bluing lire space of ten .lays, as ei,goinl l'y tint'. provisions of section oqq of time Greater New York Cl,anter, as anicndwi by chap-lcr anti of the Laws of i, rum t.

Dated I' undo ust of \Ianliattan, New York, June 3. InnN.

\V11.1.Ot -(111R1' B. DOBBS, E('GI:NF :ARCHER, T1iUimh-As F. McGINNIS,

Commissioners, JOHN 1', DUNN,

Clerk. j3,t3



In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, vlier-ever the same has not been heretofore ac-quired for the same purpose, ill fee, to the lands, tencmeu is and ]iereditamen is required for the opening and extending of an exten- sion of :I', .A1C11UL\S 1'altli, from its southerly line near West One hundred and

mrtictlt street to a point nearly opposite to the southerly line of West One Hundred and "t'w'enty-eIghth street, in the 1'we1lth Ward, Borough of 1\fanliattan, city of New York.

N U1'1LE IS HR E11fy ClIVI '' .:N thin, III], bill of costs, charges and expenses iu-

etu'red by reason of the proceedings in the above entitled matter will lie pre e ltcd f , tr tasa-tion to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Dc-partmcnt, at a ticial Term Ihcrrut, Iart I.. to be held at the C:otility Court 'louse in the Ilor-onglt of inanP;ntan in The City of 0\cw York, on the 15th day of Jtmc, 1908, at to.30 o'clock in forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the County of iNecv York, there to remain for and during the space of ten days, as required by the Irvtisiuus of vcctiuu (),n) , t the (hr litre Act•,-York Charter, as amended by chapter 466 of the Laws of 19m.

Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, June 2, 1908.


Cuutnusstoncis. lotto I'. lluNN,

Clerk. 32,I2

111RST l)EI'.11:TUENT.

in the mauler of the aptilicatit'n of The City f New A irk, relative ti., i1c,luni„K title, wierccl r the sonic has not boon herdafire aequucii, to the ]awls, (eneumieuts and hcrelitn,nvta,s re. quireul for the widening of TllIhi) -AVI:NI1: on its easterly side, front \\itlis cutout to East (tne Ilnmlrcd anti hurty-inudf strict, in the 'l\ttrnly-third \Vu-11, Curuugh of Tile Jtrunx, City of Nciv York.

NnTiti: Is IleRE':IIY LIVEN TIT.vT TIl1; 5uiI'luleoien1.ul and additional bill of c -IS,

charges anti exl.cu>cs intone,! by rca.,nu of the proccedrodo in tilt ahuco-ontillcil Hinder wiil be nresclacd for taxation to one of llle Justices if hue bupreme ('curt of the ,,tale it Ncty Yuck, I'lrst 1)chi:hiuui - nt, at a Stucco) 'fern thcrcut, fart I., to be hr-II at the County Court Iluu-c, in the Lioruoulu of Alnnhaltan, ill The City of Ncw fork, on the 13th clay of hint, 19oS, at tu.3u „'cluck in the furcnuun of that thhe, iii' as gu,nI thereafter as ('nunscl can he heard itii- '-i ii; that the said hill of rusts, charge; and czljl-mn1 has liven crDi,oi1i-d in the UhhXe of the Clerk of the Cotfklty if Xtwv Yirk, there to remain for and during the 5I,8cc of tell day:-, a, lc-,lunch by the provisions of section 999 of the Great -n Nuw lurk ('liarter, as a iii cndcd by chapter 4th of tl.e Ls',vs of ion I.

1lated, Borough of Manhattan, New Yuck, June _Z, 1908.

ERNb;5T Il.\LL, lit) Ill'. C. 'I'h-.X EV('K, hLAhile 1'. 1110.A1.1'.

Cunt iii sully r S.

Jutix 1'. 1)1- Clerk.

FIRST llI:t':tR"h'\1ENT,

In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acyuirit,g title, filter cvci the same has not been Iicretufurc acg.iit ed, t, the lands, teuemcuts and hercditamcnt, re-

~n,lin> of nth e tc rluired fur the upcnin}; a b \VEST' ONE 11UNit EIt \NU SE\'ENTY- EiGll111 S'l'ltEET (although urt yet uauned by proper au thug ity), Iv ,nn llruad>,ar t, Ilavcn avenue, in the Iv ci I_tb Ward, 1Ioruugh of Maumitaticum, City of New York.

WE, '1'IIE l'NI)ERSIGNED COMyLIS-stoners of E,tintatu and Assess ueut ill

the above-untitled matter, hereby guru nonce b, all pereuns interested in this procee.ling, auul t, the uw'ner cor owucrs, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and un.umfpruvt:, I lands alI di. tecl thereby, and to all others whom it tray concern, to wit: F T irst-hat we have completed our estimate

and asuess,nunt, and that all per=_,uus ititere-toil in this proceeding, or in any of the lank, tene-ntents anti bertditamcuts and premise, allecti'tl thereby, and having objections thereto, do pre- sent their said objectiwts, in writing, duly veri-tied, to us at our unice, Nos, gu and 9z West Broadway, in the Borough cif Manhattan, in 'flit City of New York, on or hefore the 16to day of June, igo8, and that we, the said Comutissioners, will hear pantics so objecting, and tug ti:at pur-pose will be in attendance at our said office on the 18th day of June, tio8, at 3 o'clock p- In.

Second-That the abstracts of our said esti-mate and assessment, together with our dautage and benefit maps, and also a!1 the affidavits, estimate,, proofs and other documents ii rd by us in snaking the sonic, have bean deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in tl,e law De-parttnent of 'the City of New York, Nus. 90 and 92 West Broadway, in the Borough of Metn-hattau, in said City, there to remain until the 17th day of June, i9uh.

Third- ']'hat the lim>ts of our assessment for benefit include all those lands, ten,ments an, l hereclitaments and premises situate, lying and being in the Borough of tlanhattan, in 'I'hue City of New Yuck, which, taken together, are bounded still described as follows, viz.:

Beginning at a point formed by the intersec- tion of the westerly prolongation of a line paral-lel to and distant uuc hundred (too) feet south-erly front the southerly line of West One Hun. fired anal Seventy-eighth street and a line paral-lel to and distant one hundred (ioo) feet west-erly front the- westerly link. of Burns Vista ave-nue; running thence northerly along said parallel line to Buena Vista avenue to its intense, till with the westerly prolongation of a lino- parall-1 to and distant one hundred (too) feet northerly from the northerly line of West One llunrl ed and Seventy-eighth street; thence easterly along said last-mentioned westerly prulongatiun and parallel line to West One hundred anti Seventy-eighth street to its intersection with a line paral-lel to and distant one hundred (too) feet west-erly front the westerly line of Maven avenue; thence northerly along said parallel line to haven avenue to its intersection with a line parallel to and distant one hundred (too) feet northerly from the northerly line of West One Hundred and Seventy- qinth street; thence easterly along said parallel line to West One Hundred and

THE CITY Seventy-ninth street to its intersection with a hi te Parallel to and distant one hundred (moo) filch eosterIp Iruttt the easterly line of Broadway; ,Itruce >,uuthtrly along said line parallel to Broad- ii ii to it iutersecttun with a line, parall.-1 to and distartt ill' hundred (,ot) feet 1t.-rtu'erly Iruut the northerly into of West (hie lltlHdreth anIt Seven I) -elg!rth st rat; thenc, easterl. along said line parallel to 1Vest Une hundred and See'iuty-eighth street to its intersection with a lute para1Irh to au,l distant oneuuildred (too) fl'-et eai'tcriy from the easterly line of Eleventh ntcouc; thence southerly alung said lint paral-let to Elevc-uth avenue to its inte,scction with a line parallel to and distant one imnclrcd (Lou) feet sillily ii, front the sonti,eily line of West I)tic 11 iii ,lred and Sccenty-eighth street; thence we.tcrly clung said la5t-uuIcui1itucd parallel line to its iolcroecLioa with a line parallel to and ,list<tut one liuutlred (loo) feet easterly from d:e eastcr Ir liuc ii liu uadw ay; thence southerly along ,aid * la; t-uiuntione,l parallel hue to its in-tcrs:rti, n with a line parailet to anti distant one tguuln-cI (Pun) feel southerly from the southerly line of AV' cot I) tie Ilnudral anti Seventy--evehth -I reel; lheumct au-lcrly aLuuG said la,t-ufcnti.,ncd I;urilf'h line to West One Iiurrdred atilt Setettty-,ccrnth Strict to Its intersecti„u wit.i the Built!]-

,rnuhuInkatiuu of 't hue Pnfqlyl to and distant unc hundred (too) feet we-merle from the we-t-crly line of Ilaecn atcnnc; thence northerly al„ng sail last nttntionc,l southerly pr loumga1idH and Pa railcl line to it,, iutcrserti,n with a line I,:g;,Mkl to unit distant nine hundred (too) feet .,,uthcdv Irunt the Southerly line of Wc:t One umuodItth and Sege nty-eighth str,e;; t'ien:e west-rrlc al,mg said last u;ettlmumuh paralkd Title amt iglu wcslurly prulunh:,tnm to ti,u pint ur lilac ,,f 6ggnnuing: exccponq f,00i s-,i-1 area all streets, :,ccuucs anti roams, ur p- urti„ns thinnest, herctu-i,-,r Iryaally upeual, as .,huwn upon our ben.1ii main, dully iled as aft; esai,l_

l olu- th-1'I:at, firuhided there lie no objections iiiooi to eithtr of said suh-tuact-, ,tir lull rel,ot ,cnin will be prc.cnt,d fur cuuutirmati,n t' the M,Pgcuulc (loult of the State' u_ f New York, I-ir=t I)ctimunit, at a tipccial 'fcnu thereof, Part I„ to be held in the County Court ]louse, in 11„• Iforougit of ,\fatlLattall. in '1'I,c City of \cw Yurlc, on the t th d:ty of Septnmbar, igu8, at the upaning of tic Court un that da•.

I- iIli-Ln cade, honvever, ohpicetiuu; are filed to cithcr of sill ab,(racts of estimate and assess -tnciit, the nuticc if ulnotum to eHnlun; our final rcl'nrt herein trill stand atlj,msgncd t u the date to Ile Lcgcsttcr spe~ilicd, and if ov'hiu-h notice mill be given to all tl.u>e who Itacc thutectuuf„rc atl)rbwth in this tins- eeumg, as well a, by puhli-''1111 n ill tilt Clty liecolm, plusu:utt to oentlo,tls ,)51 and 554 of the (;icater Now York Charter, a-, amt-u,lod by rh:,ptr r (,55 of the l.n,rn of igoo.

I la l ed I;uuugl, of %lanhattarr, New York, May =t, tgoS.

\k'I'fIUR 1). TRLIAX, Chairman;

f:\\If-S P. O'CONNUR, JOSEI'II 'f. ll\;\N,

Commissioners, Jultiti P. I)uNSs

Clerk. m25,j 12

---_--- FIRST llla'l\R'131I:NT. -- --_

In the matter of the application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wher. ever the saute has nut Peen heretufure ac- quired, to the lauds, tcnrn,cuts and heredita-mcuts required fir the opening and extending of 1Vf.ST ONE IIUNI)lhEl) AND SIX'fl'-Sl"CU\11 i' I'kla:"I faIlu,svugP nut yet named by prupct' authority), from ltruadway to Riv-crsi<Ic Is r iv e, in tilt 'Finch nth Ward, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York.

W E, 'filE UNULl(Stl;Nl--I) CUyIUIS. stuuci s of I'-sumatc and ,\ssc.,,n cut m

tie ebuca-, uut,ed eta, tot, hereby give notice to .1,l pctnuu5 wtucsted to this liners du ,g, and to tilt UIucr or swoon, occupant ur occupants oI ail h, u,us and 1,utu and tuiprutcc1 and uuiut prucctl lun,l, auccicll tuercby, awl to all others >rn_nm it u;;<>- concern, to wit:

1' Irst- "I hat tic have cuup,lctcd our estimate of as,cs.,ncot fur bcuclil, and Ill-at all tests iu-terestcd ill this Pig cee,liug, or in any of the lauds, tcncrncnts aril hcriulnantcnts and premises :utcctcd h eldby, and having ubjectiuus thereto, cto prcvcut their said ublccu,n,s to writing, duly veruhirth, to us at our , nice, Nus. 9u and 98 \1 e .t l;n,adway, in the Borough of ,\l all hattan, ill 'l he City of t w York, uu or be lure tl,c qth play of Jut -, I'yub, and that sic, the said Cuur u,i>sioll'Is, will bear pa ru s •n ubj,ctulg, and tu,r that purpusc will be ill attendance at our said unite oil the 5th t day of June, i o8, at 12 .,'cluck Ills

Secuud-That the abstract of our said esti-maie of asscssmcut for I>ettrfit, togcihcr with ''Or be Heft maps, and also all the atlidavits, cc-timatcs, proofs at,d other documents used by is in making the same, have been deposited in tl,c IIurcau is t Street (openings in the Law Dc-hattmeut of 'file City of New York, Nos. 9u aun t 92 \V"rst I;raadwii, in the Borough of Menllat-tau, ill said City, flit cc to rcmaiu until the 5th tray of .tune, 19<,s.

Third -'---at the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lands, teucmcuts and hereditanitnts and pretnices situate, lying and being ill the Euruuugl of %lanhatiall, in 'file I ltv of N, w 1'„rl.. ichujibu, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

U'igtnutug at tilt putnt of intersection of a line I>araliel to and dtstaut too feet easterly from the easterly line of I•;dgecumbe road with the easterly Prol,'m;ati,-n of a line parallel to :u>d distant tat feel su,etuhrriy from the suulherly line of West One liuudre<1 and Sixty-second street; running thrice, westerly along said pro-lungation and parallel line to its intersection w it Ii a line parallel to and distant too feet east-crly from the easterly line of liruadway; thence southerly along said parallel line to its inler-cctiun with a hue parallel to and distant too flit southerly front the southerly line of West One Ifu>,dred and Sixty-first street; thence west-erly along said parallel line to its intersection will the middle

t ile ]and of the New York Cen- tral and Iltldsois River Railroad Company; Iheuec northerly along Said mirlrlle line to its nter.;eclmint with the westerly prolongation of a ine parallel to and distant too feet nnrlhcrly Front the northerly line of West One Ilundred tnrl Sixty-third street; ther.re easterly along ;air] prolr~niodiun and parallel line to its inter-,ection with a line parallel to and distant Lou, 'let easterly front the easterly line of llrnad-vay; thence southerly along sail parallel line o its intersection with a line parallel to and listant too feet norther'y from the northerly ine of West One hundred and Sixty-second rtreet; thence easterly tiling said parallel line Ind its easterly pruhu,umgau,,n to its intersection with a line parallel to and distant too feet east-'9y from the easterly line of Edireeomhe rra,l; th<•nce southerly ailing swirl parallel line to the pcinl or place of beginning, as such area is shown on our benefit maps deposited as afore- said.

Fourth-That, provided there be no ob'ee. tions filed to our said abstract, our final laat

RECORD. partial and separate report herein will be pre-tainted for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part 1., to be held in the County Court House, in the Borough of \lanhattan, in The City of New York, on the 16th day of July, 1908, at the opening of the Court oil that day.

Fifth-In case, however, objections are filed our said abstract of estimate of assessment

for benefit, the notice of motion to confirm our final report herein will stand adjourned to the (late to be hereafter specified, and of which notice will be given to all those who have therctutore appeared in this proceeding, as well as by publication in the CITY RECORD, pursuant to sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New fork Charter, as amended by chapter 658 of the l-aws of 1906.

Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, April 30, 1908.


PHILIP F. DONORUl'l, Commissioners,

JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk.




Ill the matter of tilt application of The City of \cw' lurk, relative to acoluiring title wherever the .ante has out been Inre tofore :u•quired, to the lands, tenements :null hcrcditamcnis rcynirell fur the t pcniug and cctcutliumg of IL.\'f l' IEI.l) .AW1•:NII-. (although not yet pailwd by proper ant hind y ), from Nicholas •lVCnut to a pnlumh lull fcct castcrly, whorl' lIaafitId aeottic i-i fully imutpnvcut, Ili the 'h'lh,h \\,ird, Borough of licilmid,, Cily of New' fork.

U"LICI•; is III;:?IiY UIV'ICV '1'11.A1' 'fill?N

final rc tic t of the l'onnicisri n.,•r, of I stimate

:did :Asscssnlcvt ill the above entit1,- I matter will br prcs-uiltth for can lirmation to [hl' Smvoliic Cutn- t of the 51ntr of 11cty Yrlc, Stand I),-Iiarin>ent, at a Special Tcrm thereof, fur the hearing of 1111,1 n±, t v he lit-Ii it tilr (hilly Court iI,uuor, in the lhull ugh ,If Fr,, kIcn, in The ('ity of New Pork, Lilt the ,nth dal' „f Jttr>c, m l ii, at ,'1.3'' o'clock in (O,-rrou of that ,lac; :,lid that the =:,i~l final rnp''t h;t, been d, „wiled in the odie" of the Clrrk of Ihc• County ,>1 1iichumt,iQ, there to rcmaiu Gtr tlncl inuring the space of licc days, 115 en-, 1111 n•,I by law.

Ihitcl lluruugh of Nlanhattan, New York, Julie 3, 19„,9

\Wick. \l. \IUI.I,L''N, \\' \I. T. LIi0A K, I1:'cNlIti. C':\hhI'Ll, FEf.,

Cununissiuncr<. Jonx 1'. DI1NN,

(leek. 1,1,9

SECOND D]l':AR'l'\Il:S'l'.

t of 1' ion of The C t In the matter of tilt app Icat Y New York rIIt)we to ac,liirinyt title to the lands, tenements and hcrcdilatncnts required for tile purpnse of opening and extending l'Ok'L'Y-SI'.\'1':N'I'll SI'RI;I?1', between 1':igh-tccnll, 'nc-due ;did Graves,-iii avenac, in the 'fhirtirth \Vsni t in the h ur ,ugh of I,ru,,klyu, 'lilt l'ity of New Yuck, as the scuuc has been Lotto fuse laid' uul.

N (('FILE; IS III':KI':ISY G1'U'N TII:v't' '1111. hill „f ci .,t,, charges nod expense, in-

aure<l II)' rca,uu of the prucccdiugs ill the above el iticrl n,aticr mill be pu,ente-d fur laxatiun to one of the lu=lices of the Suprcmc Churl , of the Stain. of Acw Ynrk, at a Slwcial 'font therc•nf, hi be hcl'l fur the hc:uiug of mutiuns, at the Ring, ('„wilt ('utn-I ll,uutc, ill the htomtfgh of :ru, dayn, in 'I Iii- l it) if New fork, uu Ihums 17111

Jay of Itnic. ,tux, at 1, 311 O'clock in the furc-n„un of that ,lay, ur :c, s ,uu II, olesifter as C,IlvISIl call be h,:u'ul thrrcnu; and that the -aid bill of cart. hwgcs and ixitomes has built ,Ir-f lit,d to Ill, htcc of the (.Icrl ,f lbe (omrty of ISiu('s, Ihrrc to remain fin' ru..I ,luring the space of tc), ,Illy., as required by the pruvisiuns of set, 'y>') of title 4 of eir;ctulgr 17, of clmplcr 37R of till I.,nvs of t P97, as amcnde,l by chapter .1(16 of tip,- Laws of 1')ur.

I>at'.1 Rnruugh of Ihnuklyn, New York, Juuc .1, Iro9.

'1' I l !(O. 14. G.\'1' ItS, R. 11. .AISI•;kCkl)A III It, .\Itlull( Ii. SI;\V.\It U,

Cumntissinncrs. JASIl:S 1'. (I1:

Clerk. j3,13_

Sl':fl1NII UI{1'.\RT\MENI'.

In the mailer of the Iplulicatiuu of The City of N,-,s- 1'nrk, rrlativr to an tuiriog title to the I:Im,I,, Ium-tncuts find hcrcdittuncots required f„r the (II, rp".,v of thieving and cxtendiug {.ASh '1'1111<IY-I-UI'kfll S'I'kl-.h:l', from l hulcvm stuntt t„ Church m•cooc. in the 'Iii oil - ty-ninth \1':u-,l, in thr l;uruugh. ul Brooklyn, 'I he City of New 't a rk, as the s:une has been heretofore- laid 01It

N '1.1(1'; 15 Ill•;Il l-: II1' GIV1';N 'l'1LVI' '1'111; Obill of c,a,, charges and expense, iu-

rttrrcrl 6y mason '-f the tie cc,ling, ill the ahoy cntitic,l tuatt,i will lie loc"I'l,d fur taxntiun to ,quo of Ihr Imbue, of lh,• Supreme Churl of tbo titatc of Ncx \'nrk, ill a Special 'I'ernt thereof, to be ti n1 for thr Joining of nv,ti:,ns, at tilt kings ( ,,cult, (wort I louse, in the Borough of hr, hllvn, in Tilt' ('ily of New Yurk, un till- ,;th day of Itne, ,qn8, at ic,.3u o',Inik in the Gnrrnnuu of -th:,l IL•ty, ur its soon t!,crtafter ;I ru,nisrl can be hearth thcrenu; anti that time sail bill of ,'„=t;, ch:u'g,-s ',i),1 rxprn.',s has boon lie-15111 in the ,.Iti,c of the Clerk of the County of Icings, thcrc to remain for and during the ,p;o, of tell rla,-., a, rcquirr,l by the provisions of ',gluon uv•, of fille .I of cb;tpter 17, of chapter 3i'1 of file L;,ws „f 11197, as amcn, le,h by chapter 466 ,If tit- Laws of 19nt,

l gat , ,l It,' ugh of Brooklyn, New York, Juue 1, t ,) „x,

'I11t)NI \S 11. TROP, \I.\IIlIF:11' \'. U'B1,l.l?Y, '111UOlAS \l. NU1. AN,

C'otnntissioners. ,l'.><tt:s F. f)t I II.tY,



and Appurtiumncut oil the 2)th day of May, 1 903, in till' l'o,trth, L:iflli and Eleventh \yards, l;, 1ouglt of IInotniyo, City of New fork.

Z A 71:, 1'll1". UNUI:RSIGNI'II, ('OMMIS- N \/ siuucrs of Iniilltete amid Assessment in

the ;ll,tu- el> tilled utattcr, hereby give notice to all persons umt,ertsttd in this proce.udutg, and to tilt , lent r ur utrncrs, occupant or occupauls of all h!nncs and huts and in>provutl and unimproved lauul, aiiected thereby, and lu all others whom it 11,ay cunccrn, to wit:

hirst-7 hat we have coning toil our last partial and SVI)al ne m.stmtalu of daulagc, and that all )icrr, is Iooer,stcd in this proceeding, or in any of Ill, : lands, tenements and herc•ditam,-nt, and I,rtmuses abecte, t ICrcby, and having Objections theret,u, du prescut their said objecti-nuns, to writ-iug, drily vtrnta-ch, to us at our uIfire, No, 166 Vloutaguc sircct, in tilt lion, ugit of Brooklyn, in 'l hue tit, of New Yolk, on or baforc the uIt,l day ut Julie' 1 ,)u8, and that we, the s:u,l Cotnmis-siuucs, will 6car panne:+ so objecting, au'l for that )1urp050 will be ill alb'udance at our said ulfiee bill the 2_d (lay ul Jttue, 19118, at 3.30 ,,'clock t, ut.

Sccuud--That tilt abstract of our said last par-tial and srparal: eul1nn,atc of damage, together with our damacc map;, and also all the affidavits, tulmiivat,s, Inuufs au,l vile lom•nhs used by its in making the wont, lulls-c bean dcp.lsiteul in the Rteeau of Street Up,niog. in the Law Depart-licit of 'I lie Litt' oI New Yurlc, Nn. 166 Iblunta-gue street, in the Borough of Idruuklyn, in said t itv, there to rcnmiu until tl,e 29th day of June, Igo13.

1I,inl--'I'b:tt, pumnihln',l there he no objections filed to snid ab:,lract, nttr final rcpurt herein will be prmsiltu l fur cunl,rmutiun tut the Supreme tut of it,,- titan, ,f ,Ache York, Second Depart. mcut, al a hpccial 'I-, rm lhicreut f-ur ti,e hearing of n,nti„pis, to he hr l,l ill (he ('nunty Court 'louse Ili Ili,, hh,.uugh , of I'Io,,k1Num, in Th,- City of New V'i iii, oil hill. _ -,l has If July, tuw8, it the open- ioO, if the l :hurt nn that <lay.

PnurtI - In ea,-, h,,, e,cr, ,ubjotiuumn are filed lu ',i l abaract of ('liumiafc of chuuagc, the notice of nntu,n, tun e.mfinn urn fmni lepo't herein will gfumumsi a,liotlruc,l to lh,• date to b: keitatttr spcci-Iied, anal of which nuutiro ,',ill be gil'un lu all ehu:.c win have tb,rcu.fut'c cplicagcth in this ro. ccc,lii•.. as well ;t, by Intblirali. u n in t il t CitTY Kit in, ;,u, in the tiigphug;ni, it umc,hs;:apers, pur-,unnt to „oliuus Iltit ;tnul 9'iI uf Cie Greater Nrw 'irk (.'gartcr, as aiu<-ndl'ul by chapter 658 of the Laws of ,yu6.

I1111,11 IferoogP of l;ru, gyklyn, New Yurk, May

.\k7'lll'It C. S:\L\I(IN, ( hairumiatt;

'I'IIi:<<, 1;1' Ill ;\I1'I?It, JU1IN IX. I)E\'O1',

Commissioners. J,tausc I", 1)utom,t-r.

C'lcrk. mz9,j t6


In the matter of acgniriug title by The City of Now Yurk to ecrt;tiu lan ds and prtumuncs sit-u:tted un the snolhtmIy side of WhTlnl';l) ;h' 5, 11thni•'f, Fottcccn l.ec :n, uur and L;, Jfurd avenue, adjoining l'ublic School 71, ill the 1,-,, 111111 n, l;ruulc15n, in 'Pile City of New - \'„rk, uInly mlv,od as a site for school pur-lives, according to law.

I('1•; IS III•;NN;I;l' (;IV'1•;N 'CPI:AT'.:" N UTI ranklin Taylor, (lu'istiau J. Mode attd l)anicl I-.. 1%wald, (uninii,,;tuncrs of ICvtnnatc ins the clunsSI gH1itl'- I tic-r , liuul;, hacc n,a,lc and signed their linal report Perdu, and ubmi \lay 27,' i ,nu.ti, lilcl the '-'line in Ills office of the Board 'I Education of 'fhv bits' of New 1'nrk, at , [':u l: aiu:n u,• and h;Ity-ninth sl rcrt, in the Rug-. uuy'h uf hl:u.hauan, ill 'I he Cily ui N••w V'irk,:

anti „u tilt tiamo day hied a du),licate of said re- I.,,It in tl,c ullicc of the (l,•rk of Kings t:utvtty. in the Ibail of kocur<1,, in thr l:uruuth of Cruuk-ly-n, ill 'f h,• City of Ncw \'irk, and that said re-I„nt will be Prc,cnte'd f,', iuhulhilmatool to the tin Ill' r ('curt at Slut i-tcl 'ferns Gtr the hearing i,f tit tinny, to be hell ill the Cauuty Court Iluose, in ling, Cumny, un hint g, Igo8, at tuns, ,.,'cluck a, nut, ur as soon thereafter as ,:omiscl can Inc b,';uil.

flitted Brooklyn, New Yurk City, May 27, ,9u8.

PR:\N(:IS K. PRNUI.E'TON, Corporation Counsel.



In tl,e matter of a.gniring till, by The City of New Yuck to c, rlain lon,1, anti prcmi-e., situ :tlt'll .... till - N<)li'l ll Y;ililumv SII)I': (II' (~AR-

ItU1.1. ,"IP1;'1•l'h and th, u-U('Yll]?I,tLY SIDb; UI I'h<h;Sh huh'.Nh al Itl(I{'I', bctwccn henry itru-rt :tr'It 11i, us slr.'c t, in the if ,rough of I;.. klcri, in ']'hl' City of New Ynrk, duly '-cl, rtorl as a sit_ for siHu1,I purpo,rs, according to law,

N IS 111.d':I;Y GIv'EN 'Il1A'f Ioa;tc F. Ili,"ell, Juhu \I. Zw'n and Joint

ii. L,rd, Cumuuinssioncr-, of I-; timatt ill the abuve- - lit iile(I prownhcuig, Pace inaih• and signed their i Will rrp,irt h,-iein, au,l nu Nlay 27, lvuS, filed hr stunt in rho , Ilia. of t!,c I;. aril of Education If 'I h,- City of Now %',.Ik, at I'ark avci,nc and ilth iiinll, street, in tilt 1iir',utth of Jlanhattan,

n 'I h<• lute of Ni-se fork, and un the same clay lc,l :t uluillhtclitu of saiul rep'rt in the office of I;-- (lurk of Isii,yu- Cuturty in tat Ilvll of Iterords u the Uoomntlu of Itruul.. hum s in The I ily uf Nety c.. i<, :ui'l that inid roper: will be pres,nt-d for

nllrn>:ni-,n to the Suprc•uu• ('utnt ;tt Special f,-run for the hcarin'; of motions, to hr held in II,' ('omit'. Colon lluu'-r in I''iings County, on tun,• ,,, lyu8, at In. 3u o'rlo,k a. ill., ur as soul] Ih-cosfter ;ts v„misel gnu be maid.

I )aced Itr ,Wkly- n, Ncw Pork City, May 27, I o(,8'.

Pk,\NCIS K. I'EN U1E l'ON, Corporation Counsel



I,i the n,:ttt 'ill f icyuuIumq lithe by The City of N, •e huh I, r,-i•lain lands and pl'eltti.ve. situ-atccl uu 118 St)f "1'l l l':III.Y SIDE OFF I-RON'I' :IILI!I':T, one Pundit-,l an,l s,,stmy fe t and Gtr inch,s wc>t of (orris,,:, street, In the ltor-ough if I;ru,6:1)u, rluly sch:ctc,1 for bridge hum rpusu-s.

_ _ _13,13 ~l)'I'f('G IS I11',RI"IlY CI\EN TIIA7' _

P,tok Inlinn I'rice, Arthur J. Waldron SECONI7 DEPAR'T'MENT. and Edmond D. fisher, C,inunis-iuncrs of Esti-

m;tl,• in tli,• 'thvu'-oulitic,l prnccr,liug, have niade - and signed their final rvpurl herein, and un May

n the matter of the application of The City of 27, t ,l„R, ill rho stmt in tile ullicc u,f the De-New Yurk, relative to acquiring title, wherever iartmternt of IIridg's of The ( 'it v of New York, the same has not been heretofore acquired, to dal Nos. 13 to zt funk row, in the Itorouglt of the lands, tenements and hereditaments re- i;llan lint lan, in The City of New York, and on 1nnrcd for the opening and extending of the M ihc• ,anw Il: -v (1 1(11 n dnpligah• of said report in alpr,acl to MANIIATTAN BRIDGE (Bridge tlir (lfire of the Clerk if Kings Conroy in the No, 3), as laid out by the Board of Estimate Ball of Records in the Borough of Brooklyn, in

RECORD. 6431


'l'he City of New York, and that said report will herein will stand adjourned to the date to be be presented for confirmation to the Supreme hereafter specified, and of which notice will be Court at Special Term for the hearing of ma- given to all those who have theretofore appeared lions, to be held in the County Court House in in this proceeding, as well as by publication in Kings County, on little 9, 1904, at 10.30 o'clock the CITY RECORD, pursuant to sections 981 and a. m., or as soon thereafter as counsel can be 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amend- heard. cc] by chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated Brooklyn, New York City, May 27, Dated Borough of Manhattan, New York, May 1908. 19, 1908.


Corporation Counsel Chairman;

n127,j8 W. L. WOODILL,


In the natter of acquiring title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situ-ated on the easterly line of l'OR-rlsR AVE-NUE, between Ingraham street and 11arrison place, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York. dilly selected as a site for school purposes, according to law.

N OTICE IS ITEREL'Y GIVEN THAT ROS-well 1I. Carpenter, Robert S. Cortelyou

and Harry II. Dale, Commissioners of Estimate in the above entitled proceeding, have made and signed their final report herein, and on May 22, 1908, filed the saute in the office of the Board of Edu-cation of 'file City of New York, at t'ark avenue and Fifty-ninth street, in the Borough of i\tan-liattan, in The City of New York, and on the saute day filed a duplicate of said report in the office of the C'lcrk of Kings County. in the Hail of I(ecords, in the Ilurough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, and that said report will be presented for confnrmatiou to the Supreme Court at Special 'rcrm for the hearing of motions, to be held in tl;c Cutnuy Court Ilouse in Kings County, 1,1 June 4, 191,8, at to.,to o'clock a. m., or as Inuit thereafter as cuiUtsd can be heard.

Dated Brooklyn. New York City, May 22, 1908, FRANCIS K. I'I•:NDLETON,

Corporation Counsel. mz2,j3


In the matter of acquiring title by The City of New York to certain lands and premises situ--dcd o11 the castcrlv silt• of FOUlIIll AVIs-NUI,', front Twvcnty-ninth street to Thirtieth street, in the h'urough of Brooklyn, in 'fhc City of New York, duly scicctrd as a site for school purloses, according to law.

N OTICI: IS 1lERllllY GIVEN THAT Al.- gernm I. Nova, Reuben L. Ila-kell and

Icier I-. 1-) tan, Cornmissi,,uers of Estimate ill the above emitted pricer din.¢, have male and signed their filial report herein, and on :11ay 22, tg,.S, fill tire sine in the olfice of the Board of Kducatiun of The City of New York, at Park avcuuc :, i i Nifty-ninth street, in the Borough of \lanhnllcul. in -1 Ire City of New York, and 1,n the same day fled a duplicate of said report in the office of the Clerk of !',tugs Cunaty, in the halt of gutwnIs, in the PnrrW:h of Brooklyn, in '1'Ic City of New York, and that said report will Inc incItnttd for conlirntaliun to the Suln'emc Court, at Sr ccial 'I crnt for the hearing of trio-tills, I,, be hcl,l i❑ the County Court (louse in lines (luunly on little 4, 0)08, at 10.31, o'clock ;1. m , nr as Sub n thereafter as cuunseI can be [,card.

I)atel! Br, iilyn, New York City, May 22, 1908. FRANCIS K. IENUI-E'I'OV,

Corporation Counsel. m22,j3

SI,CONI) I)I•:I':\iTyIE\T.

In the matter of the application of Tile City of New %,ilk rilativt' it, acquiring title, wherever tit ,amc ),as nut been herctuf1,rc acquired, to the lands end iIcmiscs rcquircd for the up,einy, and t'teOr!irtg of \C:\I)I:\IY S'IIZEE'f (a!th,ni'll, liii lit tenuc,l 6y prnl,cr authority), from Iltnncr acrnuc In ('nand avenue, ill the i.o,t \Tars!, Brie., right of 4)uccns, City of New York.

W I':, TIlIE UNU1.1.'SICNEl) CO\IJIIS-sioncrS if E5tintatc and Assessment in

the ;i!''ivc IuIfl1, 1 wader, lumnoy give notice to all Ki•I•uOs lull ,l ,tell i,, this rucreding, and to file ttn r 1,r , t(iunr,, ooniOsult or occupants of all h,ntas ru,d Lit, and lit, pruvcd and unimProved lauds oil( S- icd tpoelry, an,l to all others whom it iii fly cn uetrn, to wit:

hirsl- ('hat we have completeri our supple mental tool ariiu'nrmc'rI estimate and apse-sOu•nt_ and that all ire r•-„ass interested in this procccding, or Ill ant, of the lands, tenements and hereditamenls arid l,reuii,es ruicrte.l thrrrhv, and haeing nbicc-tiuns thereto, do lucsent their said ohjecliuns, in writing, , !illy, vcrilied, to its al our utlicc, Nu. 25 2 1ack'nit ivi'iluCs in the Borough of Oucens, in 7Ile City of New York, 1,n or bcfure the Ist day of jour', I.),,S, and that see, the said Conn tnissiuners, will hear Parties So uhjccting, and for that purpo,c will he in attendance at our said nlficc nn the ad clay of June, tgo8, at to o'clock a. tit.

S,cund--That the abstracts of our said sttp-plr•nieutal and ailli'iuIrIl estimate and assessment, tH,1lho with or d;un:lt;c and I,eiiebul OiaIls, and also all the Rnid;sits, estimates, proofs and other ducu-utenls list,! toy u, in staking the s:une, have been (le-nusitod ill the Ihtrcau of Street Openings in the Istw 14-palti -lit of The City of New York, No. =.52 lack,on avtnue, in the Borough of Queens, in said City, there to remain until the I2th day of !11111-, t1n8.

''hint --That the limits of our assessment for Itinmi1 incInde all those !snits, tenements and ht rcurt atin nt, and 1~rentises situale, lying and being in th,- through of Ottcens, in The City of New fork, which, taken togethher, are bounded and ,Icsrri11,-d as fotlaws. vie.:

Beginning at a point fornicd by the intersec- lion of [lie northerly line of Ilttnter avenue with the s,nnthwi-,terly prolongation of a line Parallel to and ton feet nurthwcslcrly from the north-westerly line of Academy street; running thence northcastetly along said prolungalion and parallel fine to its ititersertiitn with the southwesterly line of Grand avenue; thence southeasterly along said '.'4tl[,we,teriy line to its iote•rsectims Willi a line ; arallel to and too feet soulhcasterly from tile cunt [,distet!y line of Acrili'iny street; thence suu!hwrtilerly along said parallel line to its inter-

Willi the northerly line of hunter are-nur: t[,mee westerly along said taut lIrerly line to the point mr place of beginning. excepting (runt said area all streets, avcnut-s and roads or Pnrtiinus thereof heretufore legally opened, as such aura is .shown upon our benefit maps de-posited as aforesaid.

Furth--'that, provided thet-c he no objections Ilirrl to either of said abstracts, our final report herein will be presented for ennlirmaliou to the 5opoetlfe Cout't of the State of New York, Second Itelttirlincnt, at a Special 'rrrm thereof for the hearing of tuutinns, to lie held in the County court Iltiunse in the Thorough of BBrooklyn, in The City of New York, on the tit[, (lay of July, 1908, at the opening of the Court on that clay.

hifth—In case, however, objections are filed to any of said abstracts of estimate and assessment, the notice of motion to confirm our final report

WILLIAM E. STEWART, Commissioners.

JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk.

— — mzo,j9





First Separate Report.

In the matter of the application and petition of J. I3dward Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the I-aws Of 1905 and the Acts amendatory there-of, in the City of Yonkers, Westchester Coun-ty N. Y„ for the purpose of pruvidtng an ad-ditional supply of pure and wholcsume water for the use of The City of New York.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT T[TE First Separate Report of Joseph E. Mer-

riam, George von Skal and [,rank E. Russell, who were appointed Commissioners of Appraisal in the above-entitled matter by an order of this Court, made at a Special Tcrm thereof, at White Plains, N. Y., on the 4th day of May, 1907. was filed in the office of the County Clerk of West-chester County on the 26th day of March, t9o8, Said rrpnrt bears date the 24111 d:1y of Mare[,, tong, and affects Parcels Nos. 91, 92, 93, 9i, 97, 98, 99 and its, shown on the map in this pro-cecdirtk.

Purther notice is hereby given that an appli-cation will he made at a Special Term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, to be held in and for the Ninth Judicial District, at the Court Ilnttse in White Plains, Weslchcster (bttnty, N. Y., nun the (th (lay of June, 1908, at to o'clock ill the furennn of that day, or ar soon thereafter as cuunscl can he ]heard, for an order confirming sairi report, and for such otter and further relief as may be just.

Rcserviug to The City of New York the right to Oppose the confirmation of any or all parcels conIa,ueti in said report,

Dated New York, Slay 6, 1908, FRANCIS KEY I'ENT)T.ETON,

Corporation Counsel. hall of Records, Corner of ('hampers 'nrl

(,uon- It nil-, IS„uvo;ih if Ai;tnhaltnn, Nev York City.





First Separate Report.

In the matter of the application and petition of J. I•:dsvard Sintmons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, to anluire rral estate for and on behalf of The City of New Yurk, under chapter 724 of thr Laws of 1905, and the acts amendatory there-of, in the Town of Mount Pleasant, West chcster County, N. Y., for the purpose of pro vidiug an additional supply of pure and wlrnle-sonte water for the use of The City of New York.

P LEASE TAKE NOTICE TIIAT TIII': first separate report of Isaac Bell Brennan,

joint I. Ilruwn and George A. Slater, who were at puititcd Cummissiuners of A i, raisal in the above entitled matter, by an ceder of this Court, made at a Special Term thereof, at White PIains, N. V., on the zoth day of July, 1007, was tiled in the office of the County Clerk of Westchester County On the 30th day of April, 1908; said report hears date the 29th day of April, i o8, and affects Parcels Nos, 2911, 292, 316, 323, 331, 335 and 351, shown on the map in this proceeding.

Further notice is hereby given that an applica-tion will be made at a Special Ternt of the Su-Irene Court of the State of New York, to be held in and for the Ninth Judicial District, at the Court Ilouse in White Plains, Westchester County, N. Y., on the 6th day of June, t9o8, at to o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard, for an order cunfn-ming said report and for such other and fttrtltrr relief as stay be just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirmation of any or all parcels contained in said report.

Dated New York, Slay 6, ign8. FRANCIS KEY l'ENDLETON,

Corporation Counsel. Hall of Records, Corner of Chambers and

Centre Streets,t Borough of Manhattan, New York City.





Second Separate Report.

In the matter of the application anti petition of L ICdnorth Sinununs, C harlcs N. Chadwick and Cwnsm's A. Shaw, constituting the Board of \\'atrr Supply of The City of New York, to argnire real estate for and on behalf of The City of New York, under chapter 724 of the laws of 1905, and the acts amendatory there-of, in the City of Yonkers, Westchester Cnun-ty, N. Y., for the purpose of providing an additional supply of pnrc and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York,

PLE:\S13 TAKE NOTICE THAT THE Second Separate Report of George N. Rig-

by, Janics 1'. Apgar and Ilcmard h. Slant in. who were apl:ointed Commissioners of Appraisal in the above-entitled matter by an outer of this l'onrt made at a Special Term thereof, at White Plains, N, Y., tin the 4th clay of May, 1907, was tiled in the office of the County Clerk of Westchester County on the 30th day of April. roo8, Said report hears date the 21st day of April, tgo8, and affects Parcels Nos, 6, 7, 9, to, Ii, 12, 13, t5, 19, 20, 21, 23, 28, 30, 3) 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41 42, 43, 44, 45 and 46, ohown on the map in thus proceeding.

Further notice is hereby given that an appli-cation will be made at a Special Term of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, to be held in and for the Ninth J udicial District, at the Court !louse in White Plains, Westchester County, N. Y., on the 6th day of June, 1908, at to o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for an order confirming said report, and for such other and further relief as may be just.

Rescrviug to The City of New York the right to 0ppese the cuuhiru,latiou of any or all parcels contained in said report,

Dated New York, \lay 6, t9o8. FRANCIS KEY Pl- NDLETON,

Corporation Counsel. Hall of Records, Cuntcr of Chambers and

Centre Streets, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.

n19, J6 6




Notice of Application for the Appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal.

P UBLTC NOTICE IS HI:RI:IIY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Corporation

Counsel of The City of New York to make al,-plicatiun to the Stq,rcute Court of the State of New York for the appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal, under the Charter of The City of New York and under the provisions of chapter 428 of the Laws of 19o7. Such alit )heat h rn wu, be male to the Supreme Court at a Special lertn tliereuf, to be held in and for the Ninth Judicial District, at the Court llouse in the Village of White Plains, Westchester County, N.Y., on th-- 2oth day of June, t9u8, at ro o'cinck in the fore-noon of that day, or as soon thereafter as coun- cel can he heard. The Object of such ahlicadui is to obtain an onlcr of the Court anuuinting throe disinterested and cnmottent frec•hahlcrs, one-of whom shall reside in the County of New York and one of whom shall reside in the county in tehich the real estate acquirer! or affected is situated, and One of whom shall reside in the county in vim ich the said real estate shall he situated, or in an arljoiniug courtty, as Contmis-sioucis of Appraisal, to ascertain and appraise the comi~ensation to he nta,le to the owners of and persons interested in the real estate laid down on said maps, as imliccd in this, act.

The real estate sought to he taken or affected is situated in the Towns of New Castle and lied- ford, Westchester County and State of Nc,v York.

'Flue following is a description of the real estate to be acquired in fee, togcthrr with a reference to the date and place of filing of th map:

.Vl tluuse certain rIcees or parcels of real es-tate, sittcrterl in the Villaze of Uount Kisco. Cr-linty of Westchester and State of New York. chatvn on a mat, entitled °Department of VVatcr Supply, Gas and 1{L ctri~ ity if p'he City of Ncty Ynrlc, i11ap of lards situated in the Pittaze of \iuunt lsi'c,, towns of Nets' Castle and hedforl, \Vc'tcl,c-ter County, N n w Yurk, to be acquired by The City of Ncty \ -"rk under the prn':ision< of chahtcr 128 of time laws of tgn7, In anthurizc The ('itv t.f \cw V'„rk nt:d the A'ill;tne of \I~ntnt Risen, 1\'estrhe-tcr Cunoty, Nets Yurk, to enter

' into a contract or at:Icotic',t to provide for thr disposal of the srwn>_'e of said village and to allow The City of Now York to aaluire =acts: !pmts no may Ise ncccasn y in and about said vii-lane and to raise fnn'l-, to cowry said contract or agrc-cm'-nt into cfi t-ct,” Which m:t;p was filer! in the uiiicc of the Cnntmiscioncr of 1V'atrr Supply. t,as and Elrciriehy', on till. [.Jilt clay of Veh- -tc;rv, 19118. -mot in the (Tice of the Keeister of \Vc,tchesler C'unnty, nn Mf t'v 6, t9n8: which par. eel, are iioutlJ,it and ,lc=eribcd as follows:

First Piece. Beginning at a point in the easterly line of

Nt. -v road, said Iwiul being the u(n- dlwt-st corner of Parcel No, I, shown in ahuve mentioned real, of lands; and running ti,cnce along the Cash rrly line of New road and the westerly line of Parcel Ni. t, ro,rth 35 dc;;recs 33 minutes east 71.92 fret; thcncc al,~nc the northerly line of said pared, south 5o ch':;rres 9 minutes east 229.45 feet, to a I,uint in the wc>.ICrly line of the rhtlrt of way of the Il:u-Igm I)is- i,ivn of the Aenv York ('c-ninth an,l i1nit-nnu Ricer Railr'ad: thonc,-alurr- said right of tvav line and the ctsterly line Of Isis! pared, s',ulh ,34 dr;recs 19 minutes west 6;.58 fe-t; thcuce stomp the mnlhu-rhy ]in,- of said pare-el, north 51 degrees 42 tnintttcs wrst 230.48 feet to the point or place of begin-ring.

Sccond Pieces

lleginning at a quint in the northerly line of Uh,lf„rd accrue, said point being also the south west corner of Farce! N-,. 5, shown on before ,cou,IuuI ma;,, running thence along the wester-ly lines of sail parcel an,l Parcel Nu. z, north S dt-grces 3, minutes west 8-8.45 feet; thu•uee conlinitio al~,na I'urcel N,,. 2, =oath 8t dtgroc. 28 minutes west, 662.1)3 feet to it paint fu t'n• easterly !ine if the ri~h

't tf way of the Harlem

I)ivi,inn of the New 'hut-k

Ccutral and IIudsun River Railroad, thuice along sail right of way line and I 'it rc,l A _, n,u -Iit ,39 degrees 19 mintnes cast, 74.50 fern; thence along said par-cel north 81 degrees 2S minutes cast, 625.0 feet and mncurth 8 dcgrres 32 minutes west, 435.5 fort to a point ill the Colo':Iatiun line of the Village of \I„unt Disc,,, sail point tieing also the must nurthelly p,~int of I':1,rrl Nu. _; thence along said e,urp„rali, n line and the northt-ds lines of farce!., Nos. 2 and 3, south I 6a degrees I minute 4” , vn'ls c:t,ct, -71.3- feet; thence along ihr errantly III,e of I'arecl No, 3, South 8 degrccc 32 ntnOu(s l :ml, 5=P.0 feet to a point in the ca-ltrly lime of 1':11- mu' I No, 2; thence alou~ the casleriy line of said Parcel, s,ntlh 3m degrees eat, ttq.Sg fcct, south t., degrees 58 minutes cast, t 10.58 feet and south 6 degrees 41 ntinntes east tz&37 fcet to the northwest corner of Par eel Nn. 4; lhcrtee :dung the northerly line of sairi parcel. south 84 det;iees 14 nil iutues cast 63.63 feet to a point in the westerly line of Medford avenne, as Slu„wtl lull before meiliiutled map, thence along the Westerly line of Iledforcl avenue and the castcrly Cline of P,irccl No. 4, south 27 degtecs 41, minutes west, 329.97 feet to a point at the intr•ri_,•, tine of the we'- 1,-thy and northerly lines of lfcilfinrd as time, said point being also the northeast corner of Pared No. 6, thence along the ea.strrly line of said parcel south 9 dcgrccs 18 niimslrI 30 seconds easy 578u feet to a point in the s,ut1wrhy line of llt'lford avenue, sail point being also the northeast c,,,rucr of Parcel N. 8; thence along the ca<lcrly line of sail parcel, snutl, 47 drgr ,'r< 5 vNtn,tc5 west 6t 511 feet, ;tnd sump 29 rlcgrecs 36 minutes 4o ccc„nds west 3R8. t3 feet to the inurthc,'-t corner of faire! No,. to; thence along the easterly line of sail I ,acre!, smith 22 degrees 57 minutes west 3:5.0 feet and =Ruth 5.i dr'grces 11 inmtlitS west 420.,12 feat to a hint in the line of the property of the City of New fork; thence along said City property hue and the southerly line of farce! No. to, north 66 dcgrces 23 minutes west 1,37.47 feet to a point in the centre line of Itranch Brook; thence continuing along said City property line and the southerly line of Parcel NO. rr, north 31 degrees 7 minutes west 63.29 feet, and north 3t degrees 49 minutes west 24.39

feet to the southwest corner of Parcel No, ix; thence along the westerly line of said parcel north 53 degrees 4s minutes to seconds east ,391.66 feet, and north 27 degrees 22 minutes cast 210.11 feet to the southwest corner of Par-ecl Nu. 9; thence along the westerly line of said parcel, north 27 d,-grees 22 minutes east 286.60 feet to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 7; thence along the westerly line of said parcel, math 315 degrees 46 minutes east 479.82 feet and unrth 49 degrees 47 minutes east 302.71 feet to a point in the souttterly line of Bedford ave-:ue. said point being also the southwest corner if Parcel No. Cu; (hence along the westerly line of sail parcel north 55 degrees 4 minutes 50 sccI'rids cast 61.tz feet to the point or place of heginning.

Third Piece. Beginning at the most northerly point of Parcel

So. 19, shown on before mentioned map, at the point of intersection of the westerly line of ,air! Soutlt street with the southerly line of the right of way of the Harlem Ilivision of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, run-ning thence along the westerly line of South street and the easterly line of Parcel No. t9, south 38 degrees 14 minutes east 125.7 feet to the most northerly point of Parcel No, 2o; thence continuing along the westerly line of South street and the easterly line of Parcel \o, so, south 38 degrees 46 minutes east 243.09 feet and south 48 degas to 58 minutes east 51.to feet to a point on the line of the property of fhe C4 'Y of New York thence along said City property line and the southerly line of Parcel N,,_ so, snnth 58 degrees 36 minutes 20 seconds west 15549 feet and south 76 degrees 35 minutes west 78q. t5 feet to the heiore mentioned right of way line; thence along said right of way line and northerly lines of Parcels Nus. 20 and 19, ni,rtii 47 degrees 8 minutes east 862.15 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Fourth Piece. Beginning at the most easterly point of Parcel

No. 49, shown On before mentioned map, at the point of intersection of the westerly line of Lexington avenue with the line of property of The City of New York, and running thence along the westerly line of Lexington avenue and the easterly line of Parcel No. 49, south 24 de- grees 37 minutes 5o seconds west Io5.gr feet to the hurt[,ra=t curner of Parcel No. 48; thence continuing slung the westerly lice of Lexington avenue and the easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 48, 47, 4th 45, 44, 38, 37 ;end 36, south 25 degrees 46 rnnnntes west 488.16 feet to the southeast corner of farce! No. 36; thence along the south-crly lines of said parcel and Parcel No. 37, north 68 degrees to Ininutes west I 5 feet to the Sottlheast corner of Parcel No. 3q; thence along the southcrly line of said parcel, north 73 degrees 54 mintues west 60.72 feet to the south- east -orner of Parcel No. 40; thence along the motherly line of said parcel, north 73 degrees 54 minutes west 17.81 feet and north 85 degrees Io minutes 30 seconds west 34.6 feet to the „ntl,east corner of Parcel No. 41; thence along the southerly title of said parcel, north 85 de-M'c('s to minutes 30 scent ds west 1.4 feet and north 76 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds west 49,71 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel \o. 42; thence along the southerly line of said parcel. north 76 degrees zg minutes 40 seconds '.vrst 50 feet and north 73 degrees 24 minutes

i 'Isecotlds west 27.04 feet to the southeast con-rem of Parcel No, 43; thence slog the southerly line of said parcel, north 74 degrees 33 minutes 511 seconds west 72.45 feet and north 7o degrees 35 minutes west 118.75 feet to the southwest earner of said parcel; thence along the westerly hues of said parcel and Parcels Nos. 44 and 53, it,'rtlt 24 degrees 34 minutes east 302.89 feet to the .;nuthwest corner of Parcel No. 48; thence aping the westerly line of said parcel, north 54 degrees 6 minutes to seconds west 4.62 feet to a point in the before mentioned City property line, said point being also the northwest corner of Parcel No. 49; thence along said City prop-erty line and northerly line of said parcel, north 82 degrees 46 minutes ;o seconds cast 695.11 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Fifth Piece. Beginning at the northwest corner of Par-

crl No. i5, shown urn before mentioned ntap, at Ilse point of intersection of the northerly line of (F=ining road with the centre line of Kisco River, and running thence along the northerly and westcrly lire of Parcel No. 12. the follow' iug courses and distances: North 5z degrees t3 mcontes ca.-mt 193.65 feet, north 45 degrees 16 minute', east 200 feet, north 2t degrees 51 min-utc, east 145.to feet, north it degrees 43 minutes cast 411.65 feet, north q degrees west 71.20 feet, north 44 degrees east 41.oz feet to the most northerlypoint of said parcel; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, South 17 degrees 2 minutes cast 548.16 feet to a point in the north-elly line inf Ossining road; thence along the northerly line of Ossining road and southerly line of said Parcel No. t2, south 88 degrees 56 minutes west 359.42 feet to the northeast corner of Parcel No. 35; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, south 9 degrees 53 minutes west 5I.o5 feet to a point in the southerly line of Ossining road, said point being also the northeast carnet of Parcel No. 13; thence along the cast-city line of said parcel, south 9 degrees 53 mtn-utes Crest 427.22 feet to the northeast corner of Parcel No. t4; thence along the easterly line of said parcel the following courses and distances: tiotnh 9 degrees 53 minutes west 1,383.57 feet, south 38 degrees t4 minutes east 483.17 feet, north 8; dc•grcts 29 minutes east t,t66.t8 feet Iii a point on the we-terly line of the right of sway of the ITarlent Division of the New York Crntral and Tiudsott River Railroad, said point being also the most easterly point of Parcel Ni. 14; thence continuing along the easterly line of said parcel and the westerly line of said right of way. south 46 degrees 55 minutes west $89.91 feet; thence continuing along said Parcel No, t 4, south 8g degrees m minutes west too u.g6 feet and South 7 degrees 40 minutes west 260.15 feet to the northeast corner of Parcel No. t5; thence along the easterly line of said parcel, south 7 de-grees 40 r»inutes west 832.34 feet to a point on the before mentioned right e{ way line; thence along raid right of way line and the southerly line of I'at ccl No. t.5, south 46 degrees west 179.90 feet to the centre lint. of Kisco River; thence along sr,id riv.r and the westerly line , Parcel No. I5 the following courses and dstances: North I t degrees 59 minutes west 174 24 feet, north ,38 degrees 12 minutes east .50.72 feet, north -q degrees I I minutes west 155. 50 feet, south 79 degrees 53 minutes west toq,6o feet, north 6t degree; tG minutes west 83 feet, north 85 ,lrgrecs 37 minutes east 8'.39 feet, north 36 de-t;rtes 5n ttlilinleS east t24.12 feet, north z5 de-tnees 3o uiOm(•I cast 285.21 fort, north 83 degrees 5t minions east 126.02 feet, north 6 ,Iclvrecs 5I minutes east t29.65 feet. north 84 degrees t6 iu1msteI west 74.24 fret, north 27 rleg Icrs r,9 ml iuttes east m , 5.61, fret, south 72 dcgrecs 1 minutes cast in feet to the southwest I: ill of Parcel No. 14; thence continuing along ,Mist Kisco Biter and the westerly line of Parcel Nu- 14 the fnlluwing courses and distances: Ni. chit to rlegrres 4; minutes west 40.29 feet, north 35 degrees z;{ minutes west 85.82 feet, m•rth an degrees 49 minutes east 71,17 feet, north 32 degrees i t minutes west 80. 16 feet, north 27 degrees 40 minutes east 334.77 feet. north 6 degrees 46 minutes west 134.17 feet.


north zo degrees 3 minutes east I04.94 feet, north a3 degrees 58 minutes west 222.71 feet, north 16 degrees 21 minutes east 77.30 feet, north 14 degrees 41 minutes west 122.58 feet, north to degrees 35 minutes east 339.78 feet, north 16 degrees 5 minutes east 391.16 feet, north 25 degrees 34 minutes east 96.78 feet, north 73 degrees 46 minutes east 152.72 feet, north 6 degrees 42 minutes east 200.07 feet, north 20 degrees its minutes west 80.89 feet, south 88 degrees to minutes east to feet to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 13; thence continuing along said Kisco River and the westerly line of Parcel No. 13 north 8 degrees 3t minutes east 227 86 feet and north 17 degrees 25 minutes east 195.63 feet to a point in the southerly line of Ossining road. said point being also the southwest corner of Parcel No. 35; thence north 7 degrees t t minutes east 50.26 feet to the point or place of beginning.

Sixth Piece. Beginning at the northwest corner of Parcel

No. 24, shown on before mentioned map, in the easterly line of Lexington avenue, and running thence along the northerly line of said parcel south 75 degrees 26 minutes east 248.24 feet to the northeast corner of caid parcel; thence along the easterly line of said parcel south 6 degrees t4 minutes east 973.ot feet to a point in the line of the property of The City of New York: thence along said City property line and the southerly lines of Parcels Nos. 24, 33 and 32, north 86 degrees t8 minutes west 246.70 feet to the southwest corner of Parcel No. 32; thence along the westerly lines sf Parcels Nos. 32, g1, 30, 29, .8 and 27 the following courses and dfs-tances: North 6 degrees t minute east 38 feet, north 23 degrees t'4 minutes east 64..19 feet, north 86 degrees 4 minutes west 64 feet. north t de-gree 5e minutes cast toy feet, north 31 minutes 30 seconds west S36 to feet to a point in the southerly line of Parcel No. 25; thence along the southerly line of said parcel north 8.5 degrees 2 tit in utes west 89.61 feet to a point in the easterly line of Lexington avenue, said point being also the euutheast corner of Parcel No. 23; thence along the southerly line of said parcel south 59 degrees 23 minutes west 6o feet to a point in the westerly line of Lexington avenue, said point being also the southeast corner of Parcel No. 22; thence along the southerly line of said parcel north Sc degrees 38 minutes west 128.57 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel No. 2r; thence south 41) degrees 49 mitlutus west 263.12 feet to the northeast corner of Parcel Ni,. 34; thence along the easterly, southerly and westerly lines of said parcel the following courses and dis- lances: South 49 degrees 49 nunutes west t,156.03 feel, north 45 degrees 31 minutes west 576.38 feet. north ii) degrees 32 minutes cast 73o feet to the southtces+. corner of Parcel No. t8; thence alm,g the westerly lines of said parcel north tq degrees 32 mintrtes cast 327.5 feet and north 32 degrees 17 minutes west 763.83 feet to the south- vvest corner if Parcel No. t6; thence along the w•eslerly line of said parcel north 3: degrees 17 mrouttee Crest .396.53 feet to a point in the south-erly line of the right of way ,if the ]-Iarlem Division of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad; thence along said right if way line and the northerly line of Parcel No t6 north 45 degrees 58 mmul rs east 335.85 feet to the most northerly point of said parcel; thence along the Castsry line of said parcel south 29 degrees 21 minutes ca=t 412.79 feet t', the most northerly point of Parcel No. 17; thence along the easterly line of said parcel south an degrees 21 minutes cast 132.07 feet and South 31 degrees 29 minutes east 92.29 feet to the most southerly point of said parcel; thence airing the easterly and northerly lines of Parcel No. 18 the follow-ing courses and distances: South 31 degrees 29 minutes east 61)5.12 feet, south 18 degrees 9 minutes east 316.39 feet, south 54 degrees 40 minutes ca-t 433.60 feet, ninth 63 degrees 42 minutes cast 574.02 feet to a point in the West-erly line of Lexington avenue, said poi it being also the northwest corner of Parcel No. 23; thence along the northerly line of said parcel south 75 degrees 26 minutes ea=t 50.66 feet to the point or place of beginning.

The fee is to he acquired by The City of New York in all the real estate, Parcels Nos. t to 53. both inclusive, contained in the above de-scription.

In case anyreal estate hercinbefore described is used for highway or other public purposes, such use shall continue until such time as The City of New York may acquire the right to close the same.

Dated May 6. 1905. FRANCIS KEY PEND[.ETON,

Corpurati in Counsel. Office and Post Office address, Ilall of

Records, corner of Chambers and Centre streets, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.





First Separate Report.

In the matter of the application and petition of J. Edward Simmons, Charles N. Chadwick and Charles A. Shaw, constituting the Board of Water Supply of The City of New York, to acquire real estate for and on behalf of '1'he City of New York, under chapter 724 of the Laws of 1905, and the acts amendatory there-of, in the Town of North Castle, Westchester County, N. Y., for the purpose of providing an additional supply of pure and wholesome water for the use of The City of New York.

P LEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT TILE first separate report of Burton C. Mcighan,

Willis B. Dowd and Benjamin Howe, who were appointed Commissioners of Appraisalin the above entitled matter, by an order of this Court made at a Special Term thereof, at White Plains. N.Y., on the loth day of July, 1907, was filed in the office of the County Clerk of Westchester County on the 30th day of April, 1908. Said report hears date the zzd day of April, tgoS, and affects Parcels Nos. 121, 124, 130, 132, 156, i58, 163, 171 and 191, shown on the map in this proceeding.

Further notice is hereby given that an applica-tion will he made at a Special Term of the Su- preme Court of the State of New York, to be held in and for the Ninth Judicial District, at the Court Ifnuse in White Plains, Westchester County, N. Y., on the 6th day of June, 1908, at to o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can he heard, for an order confirming said retrort, and for such other and further relief as may be just.

Reserving to The City of New York the right to oppose the confirmation of any or all parcels contained in said report.

Dated New York, May 6 tgo8. FRANCIS KEY PENDLETON,

Corporation Counsel. Hall of Records, Corner of Chambers and

Centre Streets, Borough of Manhattan, New York City.

Notice of Application for the Appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal.

P UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Corporation

Counsel of The City of New 'lurk to 'take ap-plicati.,n to the Supreme Court of the State of .sew York f"r the appointment of Commissioners of- Appraisal under chapter 724 of the Laws of Igo5, as amcuded. Such application will be made to the Supreme Court at a Special Term thereof to he held in and for the Ninth Judicial District at the Court house in the village of White t'iaius, A\ estchcster County, New fork, on the _inth day of June, igo8, at tell o'clock in the f„rcuc,n of 1g111 day or as soon thereafter as

--.n-:,'I can he heard, The object of such appli- cation is to obtain an order of the Court appoint-lug three disinterested and competent freeholders, one of whrnu shall reside in the County of New York and at least one of whom shall reside in the county where the real estate hereinafter de-scribed is situated, to act as Commissioners of Appraisal under said act and discharge all the duties conferred by the said act and the acts amendatory thereof upon such Commissioners of .\;q,raisal, for the purpose of providing an ad- (iitional islihlhily of pure and wholesome water fur The City of New York.

The real estate sought to be taken or affected is situated in the Town of \lount t'Icasant, County of Westchester and Slate of New York.

The following is a description of the real Craate to be required in fee together with a reference to the date and place of filing of the ca;, All those certain pieces or parcels of real estate

situated in the Town of 1lount Pleasant, County of Westchester and State of New York, shown (Ii a trial, entitled "Southern Aqueduct Depart-ment. Section No. 9. Board of Water Supply .If The City of New York. Map of real estate situatad fit the "]-own of Mount Pleasant, County d 1Vestchestcr and State of New York, to be aei)liirc,l by 'fie City of New York under the I roei,iwts of chapter 724 of the Laws of t9o5, as amcnrled, for the construction of Kensico Reservoir and appurtenance:, from Kensieo Lake to Ibarrelt street"--which map was filed in the o::ice of the Regis,to of the County of West-clicster, at While Plains, N. Y., on the 6th clay of April, ions, as Map N. t791; which Parcels are beranded and described as follows:

Ceginuing at the most wcetcrly point of Parcel No. _546 in tI:e northerly line of 'Tarrytown road, 'aid point hieing the n.,,thwe,t corner of Real Estate Seetiun No. 8, Southern Aqueduct De-I,artntcut, the Will of which section was filer) in the office of the lice isler of the Comity of West-cll Isle r, at White I'1uiins, N. Y., on December 3, :9117, and running thence along the westerly and i„ntpi11y lines of said Parcel No. S96 the fol-lowing courses and distances: North 4 degrees eat 1,t07 3 feet, north z degrees t3 minutes west t',,,1 0.7 feet, north 14 degrees q3 minutes oa',t 36,3.1) feet, north 7o degrees 22 minutes cast 83.9 fret, north 68 degrees 21 minters east 69.9 feet, north 72 degrees IS minutes east 59 4 feet, north 73 degrees lu minutes cast 79.4 feet, north Si degrees 17 rninutes east 35.5 feet, south 86 , Icgree's 21 minutes east 144.5 feel, south 87 de-ercos 14 minutes cast 24.8 feet, and n rth 69

e'cgrecs ,54 minutes cast 44.4 feat to the north-ast corner of said parcel; thence partly along

the easterly line of sane and partly along the Ieectcrly line of Adalin,• avenue the following c,,nrses and distance's: South to degrees 52 tnin-t,lr•s ea't 134.8 fe'a, south Iz dcgrec: 48 minutes cast 84 feet, south 7 degrees 37 minutes east 1114.1 feet, south 14 degrees 57 minue.t 57- see-nuds cast 112.8 feet, south 22 rlegre"s 44 min-tills east 52.8 feet, south 5 degrees 37 minutes cast 74 7 feet, south t5 degrees t minute east 3t.3 feet, and - uuth 6 degrees I minute east 58.4 feet to the northwest comer of Parcel

No. 597 at the point of intersection of said westerly line of .\dalinr avenue with the centre line of a street running froth said avenue to („mmerelol avenue, produced; (hence along said crnlr, line and Ibc production thereof, and part-ly' along file northerly line of said Parcel Ni,. 5 97, n:,rtb 78 Ic•t'rccs r minute east 28 .,.7 feet I, the point of intersection of said centre line with the centre line of Commercial avenue; thence along the centre line of said avenue, south I t de-grees 59 minutes east 618.6 feet to the po'iut of irrtor<ection of same with the centre line of flea=ant place; thence along the centre line if rail Pleasant place, north 17 degrees 45 minutes east 136.3 feet to the point of intersec-tion of sonic with the centre line of Barrett street; thence along the centre line of said street, north 78 degrees r minntc east 187.4 feet to the point of intersection of sane with the centre line of Columbus avenue; thence alone the cen- tre line of said avenue, south t degrees 59 minutes cant 250.t feet to the point of intersec-tion of same with the centre line of Morton 'it rcet; thence along the centre line of said street and continuing along the m itilerly line of Par-eel N,,, 597, north 78 degrees t minute east 541.8 feet to the northeast corner of said par-ell; thence partly along the easterly line ii if same along the easterly lines of Parcels Nos. 687, 690, Gtr, 6o3 and 6or, and partly along the• easterly line of Parcel No. Eno, South i r degrees 48 11tiuutes east 8 g fer't, crossing Garfi,•ld, Verona and Lake streets to a point in the line of the property of The City of New York; thence along raid City property line and continuing along the ca-.tcrly line of Parcel No. 600, south 13 degrees 34 minutes east (,o.8 feet to the southeast corner „f sail pare -i; thence along the sotdherly lines f said parcel and Parcel No 594 anni continu-

ing along said City property line, south 78 de-grees 3 minutes west 200.3 feet to the southwest corner of said Parcel No. 594, in the southerly line of before mentioned PaIeel No. 557, in the easterly line of Sedgwick avenue; thence- along --fill easterly line, partly alon{J said southerly line, and continuing along said City property line, suulIi I degrees 58 minutes east 75 feet; thence coutinuinit along said City property line, and running partly along said southerly line of Par-el No. 597, and along the southerly line of

Parcel No. 598, south 78 degree; 2 minutes West 154.4 feet, crossing Sedgwick and Columbus ave-I les to a pniut 1 i the westerly line of Commer-Iial aven'te; thence• along said line, and continu-':g along said City property line, north 5o de- i Tries 43 minutes west 2(4.0 feet and north tz I:grees i minute west 218 feet to the southwest .,rnrr of said avenue and Verona street; thence Jong the southerly line of said street, and con-inuing along said City property hi nn-, south 78 Iegrer-s To minutes west 263.6 feel in the most easterly point of before mentinnnn-rl Parcel No.

in the westerly line of b--fare mentioned \dtdine avenue; thence partly along the easterly ine of said parcel, and continuing along said ;. ity property line, south 98 degrees to minutes west 55 feet and south S degrees g8 minutes west 170.5 feet to the southeast corner of said parcel, at the northeast corner of before mentioned Sec- tion No. 8; thence along the northerly line of

said section and the southerly line of said parcel the following courses and distances: South 85 degrees 2 minutes west 154.2 feet. south 84 dc-grees S8 minutes west 248.7 feet, crossing Yale avenue; south 83 degrees 3q minutes west ,02.7 feet, crossing Harvard avenue; south 83 degrees 22 minutes west too feet, south 83 degrees 46 minutes west 150 feet, crossing MT. tile avenue; south 84 degrees 49 minutes west Sou feet and south 83 degrees 47 minutes west 748.6 feet to a point in the northerly line of before mentioned Tarrytown road; thence along said road lino, and continuing along the southerly line of I'ar eel No. 5q6 and the northerly line of Section No. 8, north 61 degrees r 7 minutes west 130.9 fert, north 77 degrees 44 mi'tt's west 95.6 feel and south 84 degrees west 253.9 feet to toe point or place of beginning.

1'he fee is to be acquired by The City of New York in all file real estate, Parcels Nos. 596 to 64.5, both inclusive, contained in the above de. se rip lion. Reference is hereby made to the said map

filed as aforesaid in the office of the kegister of the County of Westchester, for a utare detailed description of till' real estate to be taken in fee as above described.

1)at,-d Slay 4, 1908.

FRANCIS KEY I'ENI)l.h TON. Corporation Counsel,

OtTice and Post Office addr-ss, Hall of R.c,ntis, corner of Chambers and Centre streets; I ,prougb of Manhattan, New York City.





Notice of Application for the Appointment of Coutntissioncrs of Appraisal.

PUIILIC NOTICE IS IIERICL'Y GIv'HN that it is the intention of the Corporation

Counsel of The City of New York to 'fake uphill. eation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York for the appointment of Commissioners of Appraisal under chapter 724 of the lens's of 39e5, as antended. Such application will be ala(10 to the Supreme Court at a Special 'hero, thereof to be held in and for the Ninth Judicial I)istrict, at the Court ]lntlse in the Village of 1\'hi:e Plains, Westchester County, Nca York, ton II;,. Cot ii day of June, Igofl, at t'n m'cl0ck iu the fore noon of that day or as snun tilcecaLce as counsel can be heard. The mnhnjnct

or such application is

to obtain an order of the Cot ut a ''1tbmg three dismheie•stet and competent freehvlrhrs, nill „f whom shall reside in the Cunnh- of New York; and at least one of whom shah l re,,itle it, the counly where the real e,tatc hercivaNcr de-scribed is situated, to act as Commissioners of Appraisal under said act and discharge all lire' duties conferred by tl:e said 'ct and the acts amendatory thereof upon such Cumnti•si„hers of Appraisal for the purpose of providing an addi-tiunal supply of ptn'e and whnlcc„n,c walcr for the City of New Yi lk. The real estate sought to be taken or affected

is situated in the Town of .'tl tilt 1'icasant, (:uuuty of Westchester and Stale of Ncty Ynrk.

The following is a r1essriptiou of the real estate to he aequired in fee, together with :1 refereurr to the date and place of filing of the map.

All those certain pieces or narecls of real (state situated in the Town of \lunut 1'102 giant, ( uunty of Westchester and State of New Yurk. shown on a map entitl:•d "Suuthcrn :\qucdnct Department. Section No. to. Board of taster Supply of The City of New York. \lap of rcai ('state situated in time 'Town of \fount 1'le-asant, County ofWestehcsi Cr and State i,f Now York, to be acquired by lime City of New York uuJer the provisions of chapter 72.1 of the Laws of roo5, as amended, for the cuustru-lion of Ken-sico Reservoir and al,pttiui,aures, from Ilarrctt street to the vicinity of Iligb strict,” tch!ch map was filed in the office of ti Ilc_„is', r of till C'ouuty of 1Vestrtieeler, at While Plait,-, Ndy York, on the 6th dal, if .\pril, IquS, ;r Slap Ni. 1792, which parcele are b„undrd and de-scrihed as follows:

Ileginuing at the snnthwest a,rm'r of ]'are,-I 1'n. 796 at the point of int(rsm'cthnm of the centre lines of Pleasant placc and Comm,:rcial avonu,-, in the northerly line of rr:d estate' section Ni,. q, Sunthern Aytteduct I)epartmuut, file map of which section was filed ill the otfice of the 12eg-ister of the County of Wc.secptusfo, at \''hire Plains, N. Y., on the 6th day of April, 113.18, and running thence partly along the itmilmirhy lino of said section, aluug the cr~nlrc line tit said Commercial asrntie, and partly along the westerly line of said parcel, north it dey,res 57 minutes west 618.6 feet to the paint of filter-section of said centre line will) the eeutic line of a street running from Cuimnewial .teemte to Adaline avenue; thence along the centre line of said street and the production thereof smith cnn- tinuing along the northerly line of Sect si N. o and the westerly line of Parecl N„- 746, south 78 degrees t tit mule west ::80.7 feet. crux-.i mt Adaline avenue to a point in the westerly lint' thereof; thence along said line, and cuntinning slung the westerly line of Parcel NO 706 and the northerly line of Section No 9, the fnllo•.v-ing courses and distances: North 6 dcgrees r minute west 158.4 feet, north t'5 dcgrves t min-ttte west 3 t.3 feet, north g degrees 37 min etc' west 74.7 feet, north zz degrees 4.) mmntcs west 52.8 feet, north 14 degrees 57 minute- wc,d tr2.8 feet, unrth 7 degrees 37 minutes west 1114.1 feet, north rz degrees 48 mi't'es teed t 84 feet "noel north ro degrees 52 minutes west 88.4 feet, to the most southerly point of Parcel No. 701; thence partly along the westerly line if sail parcel, and continuing along the northerly line of Section No. g, north I dci'recs .52 tmIt1ito•s west 46.4 feet, to the southeast cnrncr ,t if I 'are eel No. 705; theucc along the southerly lint• I-f said parcel, and continuing along the it'll ilicny line of said section, the fnli ,eing collies 211,1 distances: South 6q degrees 34 tn iii utr•s tvv:;t 44.4 feet, south (17 degrees 14 ill inn(CS west 21.8 feet, north 86 degrees 21 ntinu!es west II7.5 f,-,-T. south go degrees 17 minutes west f, t. south 7.3 degrees ru It ir,utes west 71.4 feel, ;lnn4 72 degrees i8 minutes west ,5'1.4 feet, snntb IS degrees 21 minrrtes west 6q.q fcct and Tooth ; degrees 22 minutes west 89.4 feet, In Ilir uurl~ west corner of said section, at the sout1twc;l cur nor of said Parcel No, 705; tllem'e along tle tvoslerly line of aid panel-1, north I.$ keen',-' qR 'ninnies ,'act 29a feet, to the northw,st - ''n'-.t r .'I same; thence along t)te northerly lines of said parcel and Parcel No. 744, north 71-i drptrm- t minute cast c6o feet, to the northeast roomer if said I':mrel No. 704. itt the westci9y line of 1,, fire mentioned Adaline avenue', s au, 1 point bnine also Ilse northwest corner of before mt(mBn....(I Parcel Nu. 71)6; thence partly along the m,rlh-erly line of said Parcel No. 746, north 711 di-gre<•v r minute east so feet, crossing Adaline eveuue, to the northwest corner of Parcel No. 77 r, at the southeast corner of said avenue and High street; thence along the southerlyline of said street and the northerly lines of said parcel and Parcels Nos. 79a, 79T andgo, north 78 degrees I minute east 300 feet, to the northeast corner of I

said Parcel No. 790, at the southwest corner of said street and Columbus avenue; thence along the westerly line of said avenue and the easterly lines of said parcel and Parcels isos, 789, 788, 787, 78b;, 777 aim, 776 suuth 1 t degrees 59 minutes east 450.2 feet, crossing Norwood street, to the southeast corner of said Parcel No. 776, at the northwest corner of said Columbus avenue and Rutledge steed; thence along the westerly line of said avenue pr„ducerl south I degrees 59 'ninnies east 511 fret to the nurtheast corner of I'arcel Ni,. 704, at the stiuf1lac:a comer of said tit reef and acenvm'; tl: et ice along fhe southerly line r,f said street Iroduced north 78 degrees r minute vast 6a feu t to PL,' northwest curner of Parcel Nn. 760, at the s.•urthca<t corner of said strict and tie conut-', Ihcm,- along the southerly line of said street, the northerly lines of said I'arcrl No 760 and Parcels Nos. 761 and 763, part iv along the '”ul holy line of Parcel No. 71''. and along the s,-oiiuohy line of Parcel No. 757, north 78 deg rocs I minute cast 51 t.7 feet, ere—.smog Sedgy: irk aven',mt•. to the northeast cor-ncr of said Parcel No. 754; thence along the easterly lines of said Marcel and Parcels Nos. 7-14• 7-13, 7.42, 703 and 7 2, and partly along the caste hi- hue of l'arrcI N,. 746 south if degrees ,;a nurses cast ..'noel fccl, south t2 degrees 9 minutes cast 800.3 feet, crossing Sandford, Mc-:\dan,, \':u, It1fuuh an,l Ihori•tt streets, and south It Hcgree5 48 minutes cast 225 feet to the south- east corner of sai,i Parcel Nu. 706, at the north. cast earner of bcftre meitinnt'd Section No. 9, in the eehltre of \Iiirt,u street; thence along the eentrte 'file of ealni strict, the southerly line 'it said !oarch and partly along the northerly .ine if said section south ,-8 degrees t tnintte It nit S41.8 fret, crossing bef, -re 'mentioned Sedg-'Sirk ac onus, to the point of i' erse-ctiun of said ecotre line of Sboet,)n street with the centre line f Colten6nc avtunuc: th,-nce along the centre

line of said avenue north I degrees 5q minutes west .15n.l feet to the point of intersection of saute whh the centre line of Barrett street: thence alunc the center liar• of said street south 78 d,•n r,-cs t mint le west 187..4 feel to the point of 'Iof sane with the Centre line of Plea-.not blare: fhcic al„tit; doe contre line of saint I'I•,.tsant I-!air .In,l still cwllinuiog along the snutht'rly line of IrceI `'-- -y6 an,I the north-erh• line „f Si'r -, iii Ni. q, south 17 degrees 4m' minnt, s Slut 136.3 feet In the point or place of hcci nn inl,.

The fee is to be acquin•,l by The City of New York in all file real s=tate, Parcels Nos. 696 to 7nh. ''Iii mihitOsm., cu imfsi'ceI in the above de- tIet'llit;r,Ti.

itt_tcn-'rice is hrn•by made to the said map filed ac aforesaid in line office of the Register of the t't(ttitto Of Wrctchect,•r • for a more detailed de-scriltiun of the real estate to b•• taken in fee, as ab,-t' eltweril.e(l.

Dated Slav t, ron8. FRANCIS 10EY P1 :N f)t.ETON.

Cm uiunratinnn Counsel.

Office and Post Otfirc .1ldre-s, hail of Records, Corrtcr of Chamhvr= anal 1 'cutre Streets, Bor-out;h of \fanbattau, Nrv. forte (' i,y.





1•heperson or pu n- .tis Slaking a bi.I or estimate fur :my sl it ice's, w„rk, III ti;,ls or oitbtphiea for I he ( ity of Nc•w York, or f' any of its t]epart-ments, brut-:nis or 'dice'-., ,hill furnish the same in a sealed envelope, irtd , nse•d •with ILe- title of the Supplies, materials, work „r s,-rt ices for which Ili' bill „r c' 1unntu' is ui ,l,-, , ith his ur their n:,n(Cur nam,s :11,11 the ,!::lc „f (Ire CI to Ile - 1'rosi.lcot or Ii,,ard ,r lu the bead of the Ihl,lmvut at his nr its nitiem' un or before the -hat (ill hour naul.•,I in the adcertisemc•nt for the salon', at e;!, it It tinit, • :a,. I Inee- the estimates roc,-iveul will be iiuhli,-1, eti, m•,1 by the ('resident ur E,,snil to broil -t s.., i.1 1)m y2rtn1cn1 aid read, an,l flu' atrnnl ill th,- c11nt ract ,ua, tc according I I laic as si,un thrrcnft,r as l.r:,;ticablc.

e•h hi,l or el(imatc 51.1ll contain the name i nil Place of rr-i,lr-nr, „f Ili. i,'I.on ,, kinq the am, , ant nnn,cs of all perm's interested with

I,im Ibcrciu, an,l, if u,, ul6cr it', sin he sit inter-cstcil, it shall distinctly slate Ihat tact; also, that it is nttrI,. %%ilb,nt any c:nnit, ti„n witth any other bees„' m:Jcir,g ;ut t ..tmm:nc for the same purpose, :m,l is in all resioa 1, fair an,l wlttNott c„Ilusion ur frnlrl, aunt that no u„•mu, r of the hoard of 1l,ionuen, ht-ail of a ,h-; nrnncot, -Lief of a bnreall. ,Icluty th,-rw,f, ur clerk therein. nr other ,tlicrr of 'file I 1 of New fork is, shall he or

I ,- inc inh,t,stc,i, din•ct ly „I intro-rtly, as con- trartiog lowly, ham- t'eg, stiuc'klinldcr, surely or n0t iu owiso in ur in the ne•rLunnarnc•ew,,f the con-lrait, or Iii tile• 5 t I S i I m's, antic or business to ts-tileh it rclrltc-s, it in any purti,m if th, profits ;hereof. "I'he bill or -,it rte mot:;t be verified by file mill, in writing, if tIi, party or parties mak-ing tl,c rstiwatc 1!,at tllc several matters stated I e Irim ',re in :,II tc=ncr Is tree.

IC:wh bt,i or e-,i ltm:Hc shall be accompanied by the mtosu'tl n in a riling, of two humimsictH11ers or frc,hold rs iu 'I'!:c City of N's' 1'',rk, or of a guaranty nr s,o,ty v„m;,nny dn!y authorized by knv to aiI as sun-lv, ;lint shalt contain the matters set f.u - lit in the blank forms m(•uti,mrti below.

No hid „r c-,tiucrte will be cnttsiilcrod unless, as a eunditir,n pro.(ed(id to the reception or con-sideration of any lIn,er,sal, it be ac0gnl,anf0d by n cetkO l ehrok ul,.n nor f th,• 5fate nr Na- tim:,l bald<s of "l' hi,- (ltv of New Yurk, drawn to the order , f the Cnml,tnller, ur money to the annnmt of fife trey c,ntnm of the atrmuimtt of the bond roe uir,-d, as pn,vidc,l in section 4z0 of the Glc:nor Ira funk I'hartrr.

The cwlifw.l cheek „r angry .,honl,I not be in-cI,'sed in the envelope r„mtiump till- hi,; or esti-ntalc, bill si'„ull h.• either iii, l.isc.l in :t separate• ruvcl pe :ul,lrc>.: ,I t, i eh,. hr:vl If the Depart-mcnt, l'm'lsibrot or it .ani, tr suhmnitl,',l pervinally upon till- prwm'o'tti''1, 0I the bid or tstimate.

I'or 9;111 i,-ul:,rs as to Ih,• gnaul its and quality of the snl,plics, „r Ihr nature and extent of the (Irack, r,-f, mnvc rurrt be ma,ir to the spccifica-ti,ms, eche'lult•s, Ills. ,It'., .ol file io the said ,;Ifire o t the I'rrsi i u, IL,:,i,h IT l)tlr,,rtnivnt.

No hint 'hall inn' om, tnrnl fermi nr enii1raef :nr.nl,'d

to :ui1 prrs,m u'h„ is II :,'r,-:,r-, to lit,-

lily tit New lurk ul,,n I -bt or co'dact, nr whin I-. n drfanitcr, as sinrty nr „ticrayc, 'pun any nuhl c:,ti n to the ('ily.

'I... ..w(end mna be loll fit c,-9s1at,11y. 'I 'in' right is no's, I ),.h ii, ,,lch case to reject

;Jl bills nr cst irnntcs if it is iiietm-d to be fur the int.n,l ..f fI,I. ('itv , ' to do,

ISiiLlers trill w'l il' ,,ill tle- :tntiunl of their hini, .,r t• tiutates it, addition tu, inwrti1,r: the same in fit''''s.

Ibi l 1, rs ac,' rant, sIcd io make their bills or e_tinlalcs ilium, ti,- 61auk G,rnts I,r,l,ared and f1t'Efsil0n1 by thv f iiv. a CI' t' of 'high_ with time tn',q,t•n r nvcl ilic in whieh Iu int Disc the Iii,], to-gcth,r with a color if Ills cnnlract, including the speciGcnti.rn ,. fit the form afp 000rl by the Cor-pnr:tlinn ( mnsel, can be uhlained upon applien-tion therefor at the office of the Department for which the work is to lie done. Plane and draw-ings of construction work may also be seen there.